AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER ~ / AND COMPILATION OF ORDINANCES ————Nos. 361-545— PASSED SINCE DECEMBER 24, 1900 CITY OF SANTA BARBARA STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA, APRIL 1, 1906 COMPILED AND INDEXED BY HENLEY C. BOOTH, Crry Arrorney ————— PRINTED AT THE OFFICE The Morning Press — SANTA BARBARA, C 2h, SS O- ee rt | f.,./ \so01t-66 OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA 1906-1907 Mayor—Thomas D. Wood. President of the Council—N. D. Smith. Councilmen: First Ward—wW. T. McKnight. Second Ward—N. D. Smith. Third Ward—Wm. Raffour. Fourth Ward—kE. G. Dodge. Fifth Ward—J. Will Smith. Sixth Ward—Peter Poole. Seventh Ward—J. C. Hassinger. City Clerk, Auditor and Assessor—Alfred Davis. City Treasurer and Tax Collector—wWilliam R. Kearney. City Attorney—Henley C. Booth. Police Judge—tT. B. Curley. City Engineer—A. W. Dozier. City Superintendent of Streets—James S. Bodie. Chief of Police—James Ross. Captain of Police—Joseph Wylie. Health Officer—David Conrad, M. D. City Plumbing Inspector—John Lane. City Boiler Inspector—B. R. Rodman. City Electrician—kE. P. Bradbury, Jr. Water Department: Commissioners—G. F. Trenwith, President; J. N. Hiller, Secretary; George S. Edwards. Book-keeper, F. L. Kellogg; Superintendent, Victor E. Trace; Engineer, Lee M. Hyde. Fire Department: Commissioners—Thomas D. Wood, President; Alfred Davis, Secretary; N. D. Smith, John R. Dugan. Chief, John R. Dugan; Assistant Chief, V. E. Trace; Lieutenant, H. L. Lawn; Captain, HB. C. Miller; Driver, Leon De la Guerra. BE. A. Gilbert, President; C. H. Frink, Secretary; Joseph J. Perkins, A. B. Doremus. Public Library: Trustees—C. A. Edwards, Henry P. Starbuck, B. A. Goodridge, C. F. Carrier, H. F. Maguire. Educational Department: Board of Education—E. W. Hayward, President; Clio L. Lloyd, Secretary; M. B. McDuffie, A. A. Poole, W. S. Coleman. City Superintendent of Schools—Henry A. Adrian. This book embraces the Amendments to the Charter of the City of Santa Barbara, ratified and approved by the Legislature of California at its Session of 1905, and also Ordinances Nos. 861 to 545 inclusive, those of general interest being printed in full and the remaining ones being referred to and indexed. x The arrangement of this compilation is the same as that o: the compilation of Ordinances Nos. 1 to 360 inclusive, published November 20, 1900, namely: Chapter I. Miscellaneous General Ordinances. Chapter II. Municipal Licenses. Chapter III. Streets and Plazas. Subd. 1. Street Grades. Subd. 2. Sidewalks. Subd. 8. Vacation, Opening and Use of Certain Streets and Sidewalks. Subd. 4. Regulations for Street, Sidewalk and Sewer Construction. Subd. 5. Penal Ordinances Relating to Streets, Side- walks, Sewers and Plazas. Chapter IV. Police Department. Chapter V. Waterworks Department. Chapter VI. tire Department. Chapter VII. Prevention of Fire. Chapter VIII. Public Health. Chapter IX. Park Commission. Chapter X. Miscellaneous Penal Ordinances. Chapter XI. Ordinances Granting Franchises. Chapter XII. Ordinances Repealed by Other Ordinances. Chapter XIII. Ordinances Expired by Limitation. Chapter XIV. Ordinances Relating to Bond Issues and Calling Elections. In addition to numerical and topical indices arranged as in the former publication, there has been added an index of the ordinances in the series from No. 1 to No. 360 inclusive, which have been amended, superseded or repealed since the publication of the former compilation. HENLEY C. BOOTH, City Attorney. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER CITY OF SANTA BARBARA AS AMENDED BY CHARTER AMENDMENTS RATIFIED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF CALIFORNIA, OF 1905 TOOK EFFECT FEBRUARY 6&8, 1905 PRINTED IN STATUTES OF CALIFORNIA, SESSION 1905, PAGE 929 CHAPTER XIV. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. -5—Approving ten amendments to the charter of the City of Santa Barbara, a municipal corporation in the county of Santa Barbara, State of California, which said ten amendments were submitted to vote of, and ratified by, the qualified elec- tors of said city at a general municipal election at which the same were duly submitted, and said election being held on December first, 19038. Be it Resolved: That there has been presented by the City of Santa Barbara, a municipal corporation of the State of California, a certificate of its Mayor,—who is its chief executive officer,—and its City Clerk,—who is the ex-officio Clerk of the Common Council of said city,— their signatures being authenticated by the official seal of said city;—-which certificate is in the words and figures following, to wit: CERTIFICATE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND CLERK OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA. As to the adoption of certain amendments to the charter of said city, submitted to the qualified electors of said city December ist, 19038. PREAMBLE. Be it Known: That, Whereas, The City of Santa Barbara, in the County of Santa Barbara, State of California, has at all times men- tioned herein been, and now is, a municipal corporation of said State containing a population of more than three thou- sand five hundred inhabitants, and is now and has been ever since the first Monday in January, A. D. 1900, or- ganized and acting under a freeholder’s charter adopted under and by virtue of Section 8 of Article XI of the Con- stitution of the State of California,—which charter was duly ratified by the qualified electors of said city at an election held for that purpose on the 20th day of Septem- ber, 1898, and approved by the Legislature of the State of California on the 20th day of February, 1899, (Statutes 8 of’1899, pages 448 to 489, inclusive, and which said charter has never been amended; and, Whereas, The legislative authority of said City of Santa Barbara, to wit: the Council of said city, did by a resolu- tion by it passed on the 24th day of September, 1903, and approved by George S. Edwards, the Mayor and chief ex- ecutive of said city on the 24th day of September, 1903, and pursuant to Section 8, Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California, duly proposed to the qualified electors of said city eleven certain amendments to said charter of said City of Santa Barbara; and, Whereas, Said resolution containing said eleven pro- posed amendments to said charter was duly published for twenty days after its passage and approval, in The Daily News, a daily newspaper printed, published and generally circulated in the City of Santa Barbara aforesaid; and, Whereas, A general municipal election was held in said City of Santa Barbara on the first day of December, A. D. 1903,—-which date was more than forty days after said proposed amendments had been published for twenty days as aforesaid; and, Whereas, In and by said resolution so passed, approved and published as aforesaid, said eleven proposed charter amendments were submitted to the qualified electors of said city at said general municipal election, and said quali- fied electors were notified that they might at said general municipal election vote upon any One or more or all of said proposals to so amend said charter; and, Whereas, On the seventh day of December, 1903, at a meeting of said Council of said City of Santa Barbara, duly convened in accordance with law and with the provisions of said charter of said city,—said Mayor and Council of said City of Santa Barbara did duly and regularly canvass the returns of said general municipal election so held on the first day of December, 1903, and did find therefrom that of said proposed amendments to said charter, amend- ments numbers one to ten, inclusive, were duly ratified by the majority of electors voting thereon; and number eleven of said proposed amendments was not ratified by such electors, said Amendment No. 11 having received less than a majority of the electors voting thereon; and, Whereas, Said Mayor and said Council after canvassing , said returns, and at said meeting so held as aforesaid for said canvass, did duly find and declare that numbers one to ten, inclusive, of said proposed charter amendments had been ratified by a majority of the electors voting thereon, and that number eleven of said proposed amendments had received less than a majority of the electors voting thereon; and, Whereas, Said amendments numbers one to ten, in- clusive, so ratified by the electors of said City of Santa Barbara at said general municipal election of December 1st, 1908, are now submitted to the Legislature of the State of California for approval or rejection as a whole without power of alteration or amendment, in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 Article XI of the Constitu- tion of the State of California; Now, therefore, the undersigned, George S. Edwards, Mayor and Chief Executive of said City of Santa Barbara, and Alfred Davis, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Council of said city, authenticating their signatures with the official seal of said city, Do hereby certify that the said ten amendments to said charter of said city so ratified by a majority of the electors voting thereon at said general municipal election of De- cember ist, 1903, were submitted to said electors and rati- fied by said electors in the words and figures as follows, and are and shall if so approved by said Legislature be, in the words and figures following, to wit: CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE (1) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 8 of said charter, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following as and for Section 8 of said charter: Section 8. The non-elective officers of said city shall consist of a chief of police, a city engineer and a superin- tendent of streets. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO (2) TO THE ' CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 14 of said charter, and by substituting in 10 lieu thereof the following as and for Section 14 of said charter: Section 14. In establishing election precincts, the Coun- cil shall make them correspond with the wards into which the city is divided; provided, however, that the Council may divide any ward into two or more precincts; and pro- vided, further, that at any special municipal election, the Council may consolidate any number of precincts or wards into one special election precinct. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE (3) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by inserting therein, after Section 17 of said charter and before Article III of said charter, a new section to be numbered Section 17 (a), and to be as follows, to wit: — Section 17 (a). The term of office of an appointive officer shall expire with the term of office of the officer by whom he is appointed, excepting where the ordinance authoriz- ing such appointment, or this charter, prescribes a dif- ferent term, provided, however, that in all cases the term of office of a deputy of any officer shall expire not later than the expiration of the term of office of his principal. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR (4) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 19 of said charter, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following as and for Section 19 of said charter: Section 19. The other officers and employes of the city shall receive compensation as follows: City clerk, and as auditor, one hundred dollars per month and for his compensation as assessor, seventy-five dollars per month for four months each year, commencing with the month of March. City engineer, twelve hundred dollars per annum. Chief of police, twelve hundred dollars per annum. Superintendent of streets, one thousand dollars per an- num. City attorney, twelve hundred dollars per annum. 11 - Police judge, one thousand doilars per annum. Treasurer, five hundred dollars per annum, and an ad- ditional compensation as tax collector of three hundred dollars per annum, and five per cent on all license taxes collected. ; School trustees, and trustees of the free public library, shall receive no compensation whatever for their services as such trustees; provided, that the secretary of the board of education may receive a compensation for his services as such secretary, to be fixed by said board at not exceed- ing twenty dollars per month; provided, further, that nothing in this charter contained shall preclude the Coun- cil of said city, by ordinance, from authorizing any deputy city officer or officers and fixing his or their compensation; and provided, further, that no term of office of any deputy city officer shall be created to extend beyond the term of the officer for whom he is a deputy. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER SIX (6) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by inserting imme- diately after Section 23 of said charter, a new section to be Known and numbered as Section 23 (a), and to be in the words and figures following: Section 23 (a). Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of this charter, the superintendent of streets shall give a bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER SIX (6) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 43 of said charter and by substituting in lieu thereof the following new section to be numbered as Section 43, and to be as follows: Section 43. The Council shall have power: ‘1. To establish or alter the widths and grades of, and to open, lay out, alter, extend, close, straighten, and other- wise regulate streets, avenues, alleys, lanes and sidewalks and crosswalks upon the same, and in or over any plaza, park or grounds belonging to or under the control of the city, and to provide for acceptance of the ‘streets when 12 constructed and completed in accordance with such regu- lations as the Council may adopt. 2. To regulate or prohibit traffic and sales in streets, highways and public places, and to regulate the use there- of by persons, associations and corporations, to prevent encroachment upon or obstructions to the same, and re- quire the removal of such obstructions, and to regulate the construction of entrances to cellars and basements from sidewalks. 3. To establish and maintain a pole line system or sys- tem of underground conduits in the. city; to compel all telegraph, telephone, electric light and other companies corporations, firms, associations, or persons using wires to place and maintain their wires thereon, or therein, and to regulate the use and to fix the rental thereof, and to pro- vide for the collection of the same from all corporations, companies, firms, associations or persons using the same. 4. To regulate the naming of streets, avenues, public places, and thoroughfares, and the numbering of houses thereon. 5. To establish a general system of sewers, conduits and storm drains in the city and to regulate the building and repairing thereof, and conections therewith. 6. To provide for and regulate street pavements, cross- walks, curbstones, grades, gutters, sewers, and cleaning and watering of streets. 7. To regulate dispensaries, hospitals, markets and other public institutions. 8. To provide for the construction, maintenance, regu- lation and repair of bridges and public places. 9. To fix and regulate toils and wharfage. 10. To make regulations for preventing and extinguish- ing fires, establishing fire districts, and determining the character of buildings that may be erected therein, and the nature of the materials to be used in the construction, alteration or repair of such buildings, or in the repair or alteration of existing buildings within or moved within or to within such limits and for restricting the height of buildings or structures. 11. To abate and remove nuisances. 12. To provide and maintain a morgue. 13 13. To provide for conducting elections, establishing or changing election precincts, and appointing the necessary officers. 14. To try and for cause remove from office appointees against whom charges have been preferred. 15. To regulate or prohibit the sale, keeping, storage and use of powder, fireworks, dynamite, nitro-glycerine, and other explosive materials, and substances, and the places of their manufacture, or storage, and their trans- portation; and to regulate the storage of hay, straw and other inflammable materials, and the use of steam boilers. 16. To regulate, restrict and supervise, and for the pur- pose of such regulation, restriction and supervision, to spe- cially tax the storage, manufacture and sale of explosives, acids, poisons, or inflammable materials; the manufacture of products giving rise to noxious odors or gases; the sale or furnishing of intoxicating liquors; the keeping or slaughtering of animals. 17. To regulate the keeping and use of animals, to pre- vent or regulate the running at large of any animals; to establish a pound; to authorize the impounding of animals found running at large, and to authorize the sale, disposi- tion or destruction thereof. 18. To provide for the public printing. 19. To provide suitable rooms and buildings for the courts, boards and officers of the city, and such furniture, fuel, light, books, stationery and other supplies of any kind as are or may be necessary for the convenient transaction of public business. 20. To regulate the construction, repair, aud use of sew- ers, sinks, gutters, wells, cesspools and vaults; to compel the connection, cleaning or emptying of the same, and to designate the time and manner in which the work shall be done; to provide for the removal of all rubbish, garb- age, refuse matter, and all material detrimental to the public health, and at such times as it will be best for the public good. 21. To license any and all vehicles used for hire, and to reg- ulate their stands and rates of fare, and to license, regulate or suppress runners for railroads, steamboats, taverns or hotels, and to regulate and license the business of peddlers and auctioneers, and to regulate and license the sale and 14 furnishing, or sale or furnishing, of intoxicating liquors, and to regulate the conduct, keeping open and arrange- ment of places where intoxicating liquors are sold or fur- nished; and to license and reguiate all shows and exhibi- tions of lawful games and to license either for the purpose of revenue or regulation, or for both such purposes, any or all business or occupations in said city; and to fix the rate and provide for and effect the collection, enforcement, sus- pension, limitation or revocation, of any or all of the li- censes authorized by this charter. 22. To regulate the entrance to and exits from, theaters, lecture rooms, public halls, churches, and public buildings of every kind, and the manner and construction of such en- trances and exits, and to prohibit the placing of chairs, stools, benches and other obstacles in the halls, aisles or open places therein. 23. To establish, maintain and regulate a fire alarm, po- lice telégraph, and police telephone. 24. To provide general regulations as to the quality, capacity, and location of water and gas pipes, mains, and fire plugs, and to provide for and regulate the construction and repair of hydrants, fire plugs, cisterns, pumps, and such other appliances as may be requisite to utilize the distribution of water and gas in the streets, public places and public buildings. 25. To require every person, firm or corporation own- ing, operating or maintaining a track or tracks, upon any street or streets, or portion of street of said city, where cars or engines of any kind are drawn or propelled by me- chanical or other means, to keep the portion of said street or streets which lies between such tracks, or between the rails thereof, and between any switch or switches, or turn- out or turn-outs, and for two feet upon each side of the ex- terior rails of such tracks, switches or turn-out or turn- outs, in repair with the same material, and in the same manner as the portion of the street so occupied; and to provide, by ordinance, regulations for the erection and maintenance of gates and guards on any or all grade crossings in said city; provided, however, that such regu- lations may apply to any one, or more, or all classes of transportation companies, cars, or engines. 26. To provide for the lighting of streets, alleys, public buildings and public grounds, and to construct, purchase, 15 lease, own, control, maintain and operate a system of lighting by artificial means of illumination. 27. To determine and impose fines, forfeitures, and penalties for the violation of any ordinance or any of the provisions of this charter, and to appropriate the same. 28. To make all needful rules to govern the official con- duct and duties of all omcers of the city whose duties are not defined by this charter; and to fix and regulate the charges and fees of all such officers, where the charges, fees and duties are not otherwise fixed, and to compel the payment of all such charges into the city treasury. 29. To create, control, regulate, abolish, or prohibit cemeteries; to sell or lease lots in those created; to control and regulate interments within the city limits, and to pro- vide for removing human remains from the city. 30. To provide and maintain a city prison, and to pro- vide for the care, custody, feeding and clothing of city prisoners. 31. To provide for the proper employment upon any public work, or for the benefit of the city, of all persons convicted of crimes, vagrancy, or other misdemeanors. 32. To prevent and restrain any riot, or riotous assem- blage, or disorderly conduct within the city. 33. To provide for supplying the city and its inhabitants with water, and to construct, develop, purchase, lease, own, control, maintain and operate its own water supply. 34. To regulate the use and sale of gas and electric lights, and other illuminants, and fix and de- termine the price of gas and electric lights, and other illuminants, and the rent of gas and_ elec- tric light meters within the city, and regulate the inspec- tion thereof; and to regulate telephone service and the use of telephones within the city, and to fix and determine the charges for telephones, and telephone service and con- nections; and the removal and placing underground of any and all wires or telegraph, telephone, or electric light wires, or upon the pole line, or in the underground con- duits established by the city. 35. To grant or extend for a _ period not exceeding twenty-five years, franchises for street railways, to the bidder therefor, of the greatest percentage of the gross receipts, payable monthly; bidders for such franchises 16 may bid percentages to increase progressively with the lapse of time, and such increases may be made contingent. on increase in the population of the city; and to fix the rate of fare, not exceeding five cents for each passage, on such railways, conditional that the rate of fare so fixed. shall provide, when desired by the person paying such fare, a continuous passage in one general direction through the whole territory of the municipality, by the requisite trans- fers with connecting lines, where such exist operated under franchises similarly conditioned; provided, however, that should the Council, by resolution, determine that the pub- lic necessity or convenience so requires, they may grant or let a franchise or franchises for any public service, un- der the provisions of the general law which may exist at the time when such resolution is passed, without reference to, or compliance with the foregoing provisions of this sub- division, excepting the provisions fixing the rate of fare. 36. To provide and maintain all public buildings, parks or squares, necessary or proper, for the use of the city, and to acquire lands therefor, and for other public uses, within or without the city. 37. To provide for the execution of all trusts confided to the city. 38. To levy and collect taxes and assessments on all property within the city, both real and personal, made taxable by law for state and county purposes. 39. To regulate the custody, leasing, and sale of all the property of the municiplity, and such lost, stolen or un- claimed property as may be in the possession of the police or other officers of the city. 40. To regulate all parades and processions, and public asemblages upon the streets, and to determine what pa- rades, processions and public assemblages thereon shall not be lawful, and to declare the same a nuisance. 41. To maintain and regulate, subject to the provisions of this charter, the fire, health and police departments hereby established. 42. To make or pass all ordinances, by-laws, resolu- tions, rules and regulations necessary and proper for carry- ing out or into execution the powers herein given, and all other powers vested by this charter, or by general law, in said city. 17 43. To make and enforce all such local, police, sanitary and other regulations as are not in conflict with general laws or provisions of this charter. 44, The Council shall have power by ordinance, and it shall be its duty to fix and determine annually the rates of compensation to be collected by any person, firm or cor- poration in the city for the use of the water supplied to the city, or the inhabitants thereof; also to fix and regu- late annually the tolls and wharfage to be charged for the use of any wharf within the city limits, and to prescribe penalties for the violation of all ordinances passed in ref- erence to matters contained in this subdivision. 45. The Council shall have power to provide music for public entertainment. 46. The Council shall have power to provide for said city a public telephone system, and other means for the transmission of sounds, signals, conversation and intelli- gence by electricity or otherwise; and to construct, pur- chase, lease, own, control, maintain, operate and collect tolls, or chrges for the use of any such system or systems. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER SEVEN (7) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 123 of said charter, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following new section to be known and numbered as Section 123, and to be as follows, to wit: Section 123. The city engineer shall be a citizen and a resident and qualified elector of the city at the time of his appoinment, and shall continue as such during his term of Office. In addition to the other duties imposed upon him by this charter, or by ordinances of the Council, the city en- gineer shall: 1. Make all surveys, inspections and estimates required by the Council. . 2. He shall examine all public work done under con- tract, and report thereon in writing to the Council. 3. He shall, on application of any person owning or in- ~ 13 terested in real property in said city for a survey or plat of such property, make and deliver the same upon the pay- ment of his fees therefor. 4. He shall be the custodian of and responsible for all maps, plats, profiles, field notes and other records and memoranda belonging to the city pertaining to his office and the work thereof; all of which he shall keep in proper order and condition, with a full index thereof, and all of which he shall turn over to his successor. 5. All maps, plats, profiles, field notes, estimates and other memoranda or surveys, and other professional work, made or done by him, or under his direction or control, during his term of office, for the city, shall be the property of the city. 6. He shall examine the work done under, and mate- rials used in the construction of all buildings or improve- ments done by or under the authority of said city, and shall at once report to the Council in writing all deviation from contracts, and the use of any improper material, or any bad workmanship in such works. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHT (8) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 124 of said charter, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following new section to be known and numbered as Section 124, and to be as follows: Section 124. The superintendent of streets shall, at the time of his appointment, be a citizen, resident, and quali- fied elector of said city, and shall continue as such during his term of office. He shall have the general care of and frequently inspect the streets of said city, and shall see that all traveled streets are kept in good repair. He shall receive and investigate all complaints as to their condition, and shall have charge of the enforcement of all ordinances pertaining to street obstruction. He shall super- intend all public works pertaining to street improvements, while the same are in course of construction, whether done 19 under contract or otherwise; and shall at once report to the Council, in writing, all deviation from contracts, and the use of any improper material and bad workmanship in such works, and shall have power, pending investigation, to stop all work thereon. He shall perform such other duties as are herein else- where prescribed or imposed by ordinance. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER NINE (9) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 164 of said charter, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following new section to be known and numbered as Section 164, and to be as follows: Section 164. No-office shall be created in addition to those provided for by this charter, unless by ordinance regularly adopted by the Council. Whenever in the judg- ment of the Council no necessity exists for the continua- tion of any appointive office created or provided for by this charter, said Council by an ordinance for that purpose, “may discontinue such office; provided, however, the Coun- cil shall not have power to abolish or discontinue the office of chief of police, or the office of city engineer, or the of- fice of superintendent of streets. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER TEN (10) TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. That said charter shall be amended by striking out therefrom Section 165 of said charter, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following new section to be known and numbered as Section 165, and to be as follows: Section 165. All officers, deputies, clerks, and assistants of the city, and of the several departments thereof, must be citizens of the United States, and during their respective term of office or employment must reside in the city, and where not otherwise provided for must, with the exception of the city engineer, the city superintendent of schools and teachers of the public schools, have been residents of the city one year next preceding their election or appointment. 20 They and each of them shall perform such duties as may be required of them, respectively, by law, ordinance, or this charter, and shall only receive such compensation as may have been previously provided, and such compensa- tion shall not be increased during the term of their re- spective office or employment, except as in this charter pro- vided. And that said George §8. Edwards, as Mayor and Chief Executive of said city, and Alfred Davis, as Clerk of said city and ex-officio Clerk of the Council thereof, do hereby further certify that they have this day carefully compared the forgoing proposed and ratified amendments numbers one to ten, inclusive, to the charter of said city of Santa Barbara, with the original resolution proposing said amendments and submitting them to the qualified electors of said city at a general municipal election held in said city on the first day of December, 1903, and with the proceedings of the Council of said city on file in the office of said City Clerk subsequent to the passage of said reso- lution and relating to the adoption of said amendments, and from such comparison and examination we find, and hereby certify, that the foregoing contains a full, exact, true and correct copy of said charter amendments numbers one to ten, inclusive, to the charter of said city. And we further hereby certify that the facts set forth in the preamble preceding said amendments to said charter are, and each of them is, true. And for and on behalf of said city,—we being thereunto duly authorized,—do hereby request the Legislature of the State of California to adopt and approve said amendments numbers one to ten, inclusive, to said charter, as a whole; and to take such other and further steps and proceedings as may be necessary to perfect such approval. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and caused our signatures to be authenticated by the Of- ficial Seal of said City of Santa Barbara, on this the thir- tieth day of December, 1904. GEO. S. EDWARDS, [Seal] Mayor and Chief Executive of the City of Santa Barbara, California. Attest: ALFRED DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Santa Barbara, California, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council thereof. P| Now, therefore, be it hereby Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate of said State concurring (and a majority of all the members elected to each house voting for and concurring therein). That the foregoing amendments numbers one to ten, inclusive, to the charter of the City of Santa Barbara. California, as proposed to, and adopted and ratified by, the qualified electors of said city, be, and the same are and each of them is hereby, approved as a whole, without amendment or alteration for, and as amendments to, and as part of, the charter of said City of Santa Barbara afore- said. FRANK C. PRESCOTT, Speaker of the Assembly. EDWARD J. WOLFE, President pro tem of the Senate. Attest: Cee. CURRY: Secretary of State. ENDORSED: Filed in the office of the SECRETARY OF STATE, the 8th day of February, A. D. 1905. Cc. F. CURRY, Secretary of State. By J. HOESCH, Deputy. -s i Loe a CHAPTER | Miscellaneous General Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. 361. To Purchase High School Building Site in City Block No. 109. ORDINANCE NO. 362. To Purchase Mercedes Gutierrez Property in City Block 192. ORDINANCE NO. 367. An Ordinance to Require the Santa Barbara Consolidated Electric Company to Repair Certain Portions of State Street. ORDINANCE NO. 405. To Purchase City Block No. 204 for a City Dumping Ground. 24 ORDINANCE NO. 409. An Ordinance to Require and Regulate the Issuance of Building Permits in the City of Santa Barbara. The Council of the City of Santa Barbara do ordain as follows: Section 1. Before commencing the erection, construction, alteration or repairs exceeding $100.00 in cost (restoration of plastering, papering or painting excepted) of any build- ing in said city, other than buildings erected by said city, the County of santa Barbara, the United States or the State of California, the owner, architect or builder, shall procure from the City Assessor a permit to make such construction, alteration or repair. Section 2. Said permit shall be issued on written appli- cation signed by the owner, architect or builder or the own- er’s agent, giving the location of the proposed building or alteration, by block number and lot number according to the official city block book; the number and height of stories, the names of the owner, architect and builder, an estimate of the cost, and a statement of the purpose for which the building is required or used. Section 3. The City Assessor shall collect a fee of $1.00 for each permit granted. Section 4. No permit shall be issued for a building, alteration or repair in which plumbing and drainage is used or to be used, unless the application for such permit is accompanied by a certificate of the Inspector of Plumbing that he has examined the plans for said proposed building or alteration, or (if the application is for an alteration) that he has examined the building proposed to be altered, and that the sanitary arrangements of the proposed building or alteration comply with all ordinances relating to plumb- ing, sanitation and drainage in force at the date of said inspector’s certificate. Section 5. No permit or certificate issued under the pro- visions of this act shall authorize the violation of all or any of the provisions of any ordinances of this city relating to the construction of buildings or the limits within which 25 certain kinds of buildings may be constructed, nor shall any such permit or certificate be available as a defense to any action, civil or criminal, for the violation of the provisions of any ordinance of this city other than this one. Section 6. All applications and certificates made hereun- der shall remain on file with the City Clerk, and upon each application shall be endorsed by him a permit to build in accordance with such application, if the same be made pur- suant to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 7. This ordinance after its passage and approval shall be published once in the Morning Press, a daily news- paper of general circulation printed and published in said city and shall take effect immediately after its passage, ap- proval and first publication. Section 8. Every person who as principal, agent, or em- ployee violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be punishable by a fine of not less than $20, nor more than $100, or imprisonment not less than one nor more than ten days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. T hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance passed its first, second and final readings before the Council of the City of Santa Barbara, and was finally passed _ this 24th day of July, 1902, by the following vote on roll call: Ayes—Councilmen N. D. Smith, C. E. Lataillade, Wm. Ealand, J. Will Smith, Geo. Rutherford, Jr., F. F. Pierce. Noes—None. Absent—Councilman C. O. Garretson. It is -hereby presented to the Mayor of said city for his approval on this 25th day of July, 1902. ALFRED DAVIS, City Clerk of said City. Received by me this 25th day of July, 1902. GEO. S. EDWARDS, Mayor of said City. The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this 25th day of July 1902. GEO. 8. EDWARDS, Mayor of said City. 26 ORDINANCE NO. 452. tt i (Amended by No. 527.) An Ordinance to Regulate the Removal and Displacement of Electrical Wires for Persons, Firms and Corporations Within the City of Santa Barbara Engaged in Removing a Building or Structure, and to Punish the Violation Hereof. The Council of the City of Santa Barbara do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the city limits of the City of Santa Barbara and engaged in moving any building or structure, to remove or displace any overhead electrical wires, until after the expiration of notice in writing, given by the per- son, firm or corporation proposing to remove any such build- ing or structure to the person or company owning or oper- ating such electrical wires or appurtenaces. Section 2. That upon the receipt of any such notice, the person, firm or corporation owning or operating such elec- trical wires or appurtenances shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, furnish the person, firm or corporation propos- ing such removal an estimate showing the cost of removal and displacement of such wires; and said wires shall be removed and replaced in such manner as the person or cor- poration owning or operating them shall determine to be necessary for the safety of the public; and the entire expense of such removal and replacement shall be borne and paid by the person, firm or corporation requiring said wire or wires removed. Section 3. Any person removing or displacing any over- head electrical wires in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, whether as principal, agent, servant or employe, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, or by imprison- ment in the city jail not exceeding ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 27 Section 4. This Ordinace, after its passage and approval, shall be published once in the Independent, a daily news- paper of general circulation printed, published and circu- lated in said City, and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as aforesaid. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance passed its first, second and final readings before the Council of the City of Santa Barbara, and was finally passed this 15th day of October, 1903, by the following vote on roll call: Ayes—Councilmen C. O. Garretson, N. D. Smith, C. E. Lataillade, Wm. Ealand, J. W. Smith, H. L. Stambach, F. F. Pierce. Noes—wnone. Absent—None. It is hereby presented to the Mayor of said city for his approval on this 16th day of October, 1908. ALFRED DAVIS, City Clerk of said City. Received by me this 16tn day of October, 1903. GEO. S. EDWARDS, Mayor of said City. The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this 16th day of October, 19038. GEO. S. EDWARDS, Mayor of said City. ORDINANCE NO. 454. An Ordinance to Add Certain New Territory Regularly An- nexed to and Incorporated in the City of Santa Barbara Since the Adoption of Its Charter, Which Took Effect on the First Monday in January, 1900, to the Respective ‘Wards of Said City. ) The Council of the City of Santa Barbara, California, do ordain as follows: 28 Section 1. Whereas, since the taking effect of the charter of said city on the first Monday in January, 1900, there has been regularly added to and incorporated in said city pur- suant to the provisions of Section 1 of said charter and the general law of said State, certain territory, being a parcel of inhabited land situated in the County of Santa Barbara, State of California, and adjoining the north, east and west boundaries of said city and being a continuous strip or parcel of land, which said parcel of land is bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point from which the point of intersection of the southwesterly line of Robbins street with ordinary mean high tide of the Pacific ocean bears N. 42 degrees E. 7.80 chains and running thence N. 52 degrees W. 25.90 chains to the middle of the so-called Mesa road; thence N. 48 degrees 30 minutes W. parallel to the southwesterly line of Robbins street to its intersection with the north- westerly line (prolonged) of Neal’s Addition to the City of Santa Barbara; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line (prolonged) of said Neal’s Addition to the west bank of Mission Creek; thence northeasterly along the west bank of said Mission Creek to its intersection with the westerly line (prolonged) of the Mission lands; thence south along the said west line (prolonged) of the said Mission lands to its intersection with the northeasterly line of Constance avenue; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said Constance avenue to its intersection with the northwesterly line of Second avenue (prolonged) of the Mission Addition to the City of Santa Barbara, thence along the said north- westerly line (prolonged) of said Second avenue, in a north- easterly direction, to its intersection with the southwesterly line of the road leading to the Santa Barbara Mission; thence along the southwesterly line of said _ road, in a northwesterly direction, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and_ <... «oslo Bere ele. 6 WuRE eee eee 90 SO EMIVEON ce mothe Glass ele oie W egn, sy Nee ail ele te een ne 90 Sizn ‘advertiser :<.¥ 06606. 8S cr eee PAS EO Ae 91 Skating TINK we LS Oe ie aie 90 Soliciting orders... .. 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