4h gna ety th? roe ; cot tei EASE a yk : pS Sent if ery ua 7 asd We Se saa ie ~ ~ ere tom a a laren he a4 ‘aia oD iy! ef we bon, | fe Eta MANUAL OF weit ee RU Cc. - I 0 N.S. , # 0 R MS A ND 8 0H & Dou eee tor use Gin ‘the Er Oren CAL EWG INE ER RIA G Des BOR AnT-0 GY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Prepared by Wm, S. Aldrich, ME. W. HH. Browne, dJr.,; ‘A.Be ee ee ee es ee UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. jes ORS 7, - - “oa 3%, AEN wen ‘ ~€ 'e ea na dept . Department of Eleaetrical Engineering. ends University. of Illinois. ALim PLAN OF THE WORK, This Manuel has been prepared to serve ans an outline and a suide for. the students taking one: om more..o?.the fellowine courses fi in the Electrical Ineinecering Laboratory of the University of I11- IMOAks. Bede lel, Bey Gay Oty Boy Soe The respattive Fields cov= ored br these courses will be found outlined on pages, ii - v. The experiments are not arrangrod in any fix -d order for the given courses much of the clenentary, work,1s..2aken by all of tharstudoentsy Selec- tions are Hace from the more advanced lines of work to meet the re- aif srs or each course assicned to the different classes: of stux ct ey: Ps The experinental work in the laboratory courses is co-ordinated + ioesible with the lectures and the text-book studies of r the othor electrigal ensinsering courses of, inetructiony Actual practice by the student is regularly precedcd or supplemented by. illustrated lectures and exverinental demonstrations bearin® woon- the subject in hana. The work of the student is not necessarily limited by the sehedule, but is extended, as may be directed, while mnodirications of these experiments till sugrest themselves. Every student has an opportunity severais tines in each course to have respoisible charge of work, as the respective classes are divided into sections, of about six nembors each, with a different member in (i) ee eee wis aif eats, th ‘ ; f 4 Ce I ; | / | or spenc, ever) qn. eae RMR ee a teee Reortore’ oS enor oti tupone oo wees o Tew cake ower a Sosbowarnay aneEes of, nga? ou ens Sowbooaas ojgazen Wa, STATIOw eghudwe Wwe gi ODEs petay gh eoadteity o er pone oy ago gosta #0 ee worTEL Tour] Sad on, fee oxbonewanya axst- atl eee silasaotaade BASE Sheng poy ph exw! eorogore* ite: 8 exposing" gu keh pe Grecegeg* soa fe asp ost TH ‘pata ae none ie $6 aprypate ‘Te Yoo wese resis TA” a Tapes Tee poke a eapengTOUsey, GunoNarass you! pone sea! " eae ; il bash nisi nm ae x acaeuaeel sareniaderh sabbrauon ded 1 Sieh Fi ‘e lag aa eagh oe sch -sommeo gaara poe 621.3 : AL Zr Department of Electrical ER a a University of Illinois COURSES OF INSTRUCTION IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY.~Sheotl. Course 21.- For students in other courses of enginecring. Electrical measurements of direct and alternating currents. Direct current dynamos and motors: Study, inspection, operation and performance. Direct current dynamos: external charactoristics aun compounding. Direct current dynamos: coupling in series,parallel and 8-vire syster Alternating current machinery: operation and performance of transforn- ers. o.- Dynamos, synchronous and Ineuet.. Movers, synchronous converter Alternators: varallel working, synchronizing, single and polyphase, Power measurements and officiency tests: dynanos,motors, transformers. Blectrical transmission and distribution: : Inspection, management and testing of circuits and systems. Photometry: elements of photometric measurcnents of electric lamps. Course 22.- For junior clectrical engineering students. Direct current dynanos and motors: Study, inspection, operation and performance. Mechanical and electrical neasurenents and data. Direct current motors: special working,rerulation, Ward-Leonard syste! Direct current dynamos and motors: Distribution of potential ard magnetization curve Magnetic determinations, waste flux, leakage ercidsentes Direct current dynatos Electrical characteristics: internal external, armature, etc. Compounding and regulation. Coupling; in series, parallel and 3-tire systems. Equalizing compound dynamos. Stray power and efficiency determinations od dvnamos and motors. Motor—generator tests, dynamometer measurements, power and efficiency (ii) SP ee HOPOM-KoveLe you gous’ qavewowe per mecumeneipa’ Roxen wry eLeyoreue BfLGA Honch Riigt SLL ISTOvGs YSpoLmyuepyoue ec Garver £ SOF MELOmet = 2) Wane tyAFue conhoaung GAucHOR* | an eS gonbyrve: iY ReLTes" heheyTet aug grt vitae i: SrmomusTAy, ag evry eprom 3 ee ; | EISOPLTOS) Cyonvepontester: “Tugs bares OXLsLUET? & copra opoe DTR988 Sie f Gi uso: - One’. umepe tia? fours Bey) hla as had ba ‘Bis cxthartoa ox, he UETey. Fag wotuas re pick Sdn SMLAGB inlaid GISLeNy Ganewor guu- iMafoOLe s - a prnese ‘ohtamose moron: ebegre'y none rt ne okerey PS PEE BAB PUE “Noongurcst aug eTeapures wT wWevambere re ae ddee* o.. SEGR* TwEades +} ci DMI STI . lates : PERL OR IBS Siieiie + nama. saad CHLEOUE GiusrIOT SOT NORORE hayha 7 we a ead conKe0 mae 208. vega oreagsyoey ougwow ae epnyouees ae | Bia - 4 j E am, pec tees : “ spopauopa: eTemoy ra ra npopouersze esormusenpe % ore LIS Tey Fae Ss ane i ae Fyre. ae ‘Yuebss ron’ wWweLEetaneL ong poorrut Ot GTRet ee ou hae wreoesrosp Faguenqenzou. sug. GPREL TENE TON: Dn ‘estanpcaouga sg ouLreTCuon. benea, eaasHoit io on ia ade ° =A rice ae or Zour shires: const aa aos z00"paness0r os omoue wavogs exeoauer orsmaes : araaoe Departnent of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY.-Sheet:. Course 23.- For senior electrical engincerings students. Alternating current measurements: Inductance, canacity and power factor; mutual induction. Indnetanes. or capacity, in series and in. parallek, Inductance and canacity, in series and in pa werk, noutrali- Zation. Power measurements; high potential tests of insulation. Calibration of direct and alternating current instruvents. Transformers, - study, inspection, operation and performance. Potential, current and phase transformation: sineie, polyphase. $ Transformer testing: efficiency, losses, reculetion,. neavine ,Aveing, ft a Alternating current regulators, auto-transforners, reactance coils. Study, operation and performance. Alter NeORE - study and neasurcnents, mechanical and electrical data. Inductance of alternator arnatures. Alternators, - inspection, operation and worformance.. Aiternators, ~ exploring fields; magnetization and Enf. curves. Alternators, -— electrical characteristics, internal, external, regu= lation, ete. Alternators,— parallel working, synchroniumne. single and polyphase. Synchronous motors and synchronous (rotary) converters: operation, performance. Induction motors; operation, starting characteristics, performance. Stray power aid efficiency determinations: Alt. Cur. machinery. (iii) Tapes ee a a ee | ¥reek tra) Png eFaen hones, sug ettroguuen Yep uyne fOr? Tee SER" sdopyeny* ¢ qugwepron wo peret webeLepron” ett Irena Toa? jas posanua0'y Resromwuneg? ae a ee ahusopnouys 2 WOSOhe oye uvemnouoie thogosh) ouuaeone obex snes’ ee S erg hetabyggs* ie oe y a “ane voponigeonu oe Seerye} egies i"; Seas aioe aga a a ‘= syeagnroos ipezconeapesred® qyessaey -expmaiee et va rosssone" * oxDTORTBE. Sietea? wake pT egroU oe BoaaoH® i . vrrvaungoxat ud ore ‘a Opn peot ore aspoge ‘ong ohtnag* ane ‘ennage. 98 SIF: Sich and Bsceiradcgti oon ly bie ou" xe Department of: Electrical Enrineering, University of Illinois, COURSES OF INSTRUCTION IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY, Sheet 4 Course «30.- Photcnatry,fonr .meniera in electritak enrinxzcring, sensibility of the eye, Comparison of photometric standards, Candle, Methven screen and Hef NG? isp. y Charactorisgtics of incandescent lamps, constant potentinil and serie Varietion of luminous intensity about incandescent lamps, effect of Filament shape. Variation of luminous intensity of-.are jams with the inclination OpoMnm and. encdosed.Awand.Del, ; Mean spherical.candlie pover of ineandesecant and are lamps, Use of lenses. Optical erficiency of an incandescent lamp, Inspecting Incandescent; Lamps-Vaquum, Test and target diagram. (v) ht sri fae GEE | i sube-A96 | i ook + ife ft . € * ears fQGR $= Ps a peered ~ td ree re ess ; ban Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS, TABLE OF CONTENTS. L.-INSTRUCTIONS. Peat ruct Lone Lor SSS CLONG, Sear Sseeea Seer Oye Saatian Londere? Report eee recess 0458 Instructions for Conduct of Work,Plant Tests 0.538 " z bo OF NOLS BOCke, -o----= 0.54 a " Reduction of Observations, 0.56 : " Use of Voltneters,Ammetors, 0.61 y " Use of Indicating Wattmcters).62 " " i " Integrating " 0.68 ' x " Cradlc Dynanometer a A 11.- FORMS and DATA SHELTS. Forms, Requirements of Work and Report, ---- A,B Form, Operation of Blectrical Data, --9--=-= c " Suamery OF -ELCCtrite® Data, ---ssS-e sr D u Distrioupion of Potential =“——+—-— tastes toume ® cinerea = cP ing h ican eed & € “ti COMDITUR HYRGCL ORONS PAUSWOE ~~ ni mmweniion om ran EISCELPOST CVG rclYagTos Gr plwesog —...0 ° WeEVoLTS siti aa hel aceeae! .ateae. Tis 2 oheLsproy of pAuawoe sug pros rons a a WSSVHLeusuyf Of PAiermoe gud yates era $ yecurneians of VEUENRG YeRTAPGHOSE mn 7 TA‘= Cnn SUT DINOS GABREMS mow” QSTTphLsesyou oy piecgtyesy trepumuen a wee Oe e obchyeTOu OL pracpuresy] pyour aug WeyryTeuocs: org TI;MBELILTON. Gud pjewiowerreproy esbdane eiinighidh. OS - Weedeopton* ez yeoprusxa sug ybDTrsuces —-.~ o°8 tiem o EToepuyesy ween sug whbrTsucee. mem O*Y “str BEEPININVEA, 2cugparEa* ” ek ‘ETecgute Byoue* psps ‘ecnegtyo an 7 BIESLRTC LOAGL ETSUE LOOPA -w-aneneme Y * eer OL PSOPSUT CET Dats ete mtneettiomenen BL ee erik ‘sonen wg ELLIOToUGA. aeacaeatedeatamerned & 8 PES Ten ton OF, bOPOUET IT a---a-nmmne a OL HISCPLICST NIP eee mnnen Y “potas? soettten OL HICCeATSST pesg? —-nan uw rt Lois * Pe oasis Of HOLE wuG wabone praeen - ¥'R = aouma eae DRLY. eimnne* i ae 4 a «, 286 OL IugreseTye. gegguoponed eg. y- et Hee Of pore poore*- 4° 9 GRSGTS DAveMOMoses _ O*AT 9% ene e a TUSoEnopTuE 4 0°03 g ee Of AoTpicreLe* pe sens? oun » BeduerTou op ophoiassTouR’ He ee es ie eo rtasnatieis. Lon QOUMic’ OL BOM ET SUES gouee. a eS pee eee rgyoy roogeng £ ‘pebors asaieae alalaeretenetanerete ened 4 the silane rs CEOPFOLE" ; eeitsiteereis. steons. o°eT. Bs a oe eee ice Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. TABLE OF CONTLNTS. No. Pages. | CPironiiins Machined ese eee He 8 firey Power determinations Seer eet eeH se y FPPicisncy-DeterminavLon sys SScers neta 10 ieiews? Generator -TetiL sees re Sr Ses 1a. Avo. Lamp Study. and Measurements, -e-sserr cat 12 Mipetrie Power BMransmieolen. —- 4-4 218 Rotary Converter VoOrking <-<<--—-———=--- “a 220 Composite Transmission (D.C. and A.C.same Bal 48 48a, 48b 49 Plate Reference io Bt a 46-48 49 (vii) - ers. Bt & . : a i si io Tue } . SOMNHGeT po Lumen adiron CC® dhe Seeten ny “ay HOFUXA CovAcases PORK WE -—~-~csnmenionue Ae Tune fT OR: HOLroy HOEY UR iat da sa ies see ly Se A Sin SSS HA egal mca ~$TS a ¢ 4 BAHCULO: ore HOROS AORIET HS eet snaieerinmeneenments FI cory Tye Vreeavegone’ Basie TEOBTETUE aoe ee THQHofeHoS cag: pebse*' TU Gentes warty bat" yoy Tugnepsyes o& osbsor ea! ‘72 aenTen sug Ty Bin" g09 Reveriowens Ot gebwsrea oan ata acct SOB ee | ~RoweL My. ZoacE RaGeon oy yEEY Oren gs =e 80H | quunpemce of ly ccunielia: Vaues PAE - seen calgog " HOSantomene OF, Tugs poucee ~ eins y San * At-VraRMVoTHS OniEMs ROBY | “DrspeIpnerow ot Bogousrey ~eeian a tonincelh P “oTRenss Rone i etic or x Brecess 6: 20nen ELeweyaaroR Se oT ~ Te eshaiaal Bergh ~*~ eee Sic oe ‘eee a OAR OFH00 eTe% eo Se i ve ements Sak ie, =e ae" v r =! aor Ban . pe ; ee i ia Sta or “Pag see Stas sal eet -. 3 2 a Department of Hlectrical Engzinecring. University of Illinois. TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Pages. Plate. Roference Vi.-PHOTOMETRY. Sensibiliivy of Eye ~---~---------~--~-~------~-~- S01 Lag hn 50 Explanaticn.of Table of Light’ Ratios. Standardising Methven Sereen ---------~------- B08 Wo, te Characteristics of 50-volt Incandescent Lamp303 toe 7G 51 Standardizing Herner Lamp ~------~-~-~---~--~--- S04 Tt, 78 hxample and application of Least Sq. Characteristics of Incandescent Lamp ------~ 305 79,80 51,52 Distribution of Candle Pover about an In= candescent Lamy --------------~~~-- eeRSOS OI 81, Ba 51 Charactoriatics of Series Incandescent Lamp 307 83 Ba llenn Spherical Candie Power -+----+----+-+-- 208 84,85 Use of Lenses ------~-----+-------~~++-+-~----~309 86 Optical Efficiency of an Incandescent Lamp —-310 87 Mean Spherical Candlc Power of a Direct Current Open Are Lamp ---------~--~+-~-+ ——811 88 Variation of Lurninous Inte nsity of Enclosed Direct Current Are Lamp with Inclina t- LON ~---------------- Fe 89 Variation of Luminous Intens itv of Alternate Cle AVG Tp With Tnclinatign —- 3 sibvin one Syren si } Bets | a , SARPTE Tea GOMDoL as EOS TI 823 to. yovo.cce, pao-bygges. ae no 5 eam rss eae SEL G ei Shy as. re Gvobesrucregrs cman ee ipa 2 6 ary ee Te : ner ‘errouio oud ahttopmomirse” pac ‘stout Seven MATE, aman “SAVENLOUTSTUL’ PopoLszend commuegzou ; en e Teerardrens Rifcyrouys ut TGSET cou vy b — & ry a Department of Electrical Engineerins. | we" University of Illinois. WALLS S ; INSTRUCTIONS for S@éctions in Electrical Fneineering Laboratory. (1) t « Memoranda: (1) The Class will be divided into sections of about 6 members, each, arranged alphabetically. (2) Sections Leaders will follow ¢a&ch other in the same order of rotation. (3) All othermembers of the section follov each other in sane alphabetical order, for assigned duties, as follows: One Recorder. Two Switchboard Attendants. Two Dynamo Tenders. General Instructions for all Members of Sections: X21) Obtain copies of all Schedules and Forms, note details of seme, and assigmnents , as posted for Riven day. (2) Bécome familiar with all features of schedule, (3) Study “all references to Laboratory Manuals, etc, ‘4) Hach member is to-hand 4n report on all the work, done by his section, according to assigned Form. Instructions for SECTION LEADERS: (1) Become familiar with the apparatus to be used, (2) Prepare wiring diagrams of all connections reauireds, (3) Preliminary run: Ascertain best Operating conditions. (4) Determine upon and assign observation pointe. (5) Give signal when obserYations are to be taken. =. (6) Leave everything cleaned up, ready for next Section. (7) Hand in Section Leader's Report, beforeleavine. (\} HSUa Im egecsyou Pesgen,2 yebour*? peporeyterque: (¢} Tes..c eaeLAfpye eyTreweq nb? Lesqa LOI. vexf geerqoN* (2) GTas 2yousy spew opecnass Towe SLE £0 PG feKou’ 4%) pefenmine abor sug geerteu opeshagr¢ron Bborure: (2) BLOTIWINSLA Low: yeceLtsaTy peer obetesfuk conqiryous* {Ss} pLsdshe ATRIWE qieRaswe OL STS couusecslou2 LednTueg* (J) RecoMe TsMTT TS nigy. gpe sbbsnegne fo ps need’ serene “ @BCLION THVDERe : pA jrTe wales foun? sccoLg me co seeqlueg RoLw (¥) ESeY ses as ye £0 peng IN LGbOLS aN. STT fye AOL? goue (2) ernga ett hepenence £0 Pspouss on; jeuncye* eee" (S} RECCc LOUWITISL ATER ‘77 Lesenice OL ecpogqnite: eee * suq eeozhumenpe* g2 poeres TOK Gyaeu qeX” AT) Oper cobjee of STyT gopegnye2 gxuq _Ohme’> NOPE qefsTTe OL © (GGUGLST [UEPLicploue LOL ST] jjempehe of, gec¢yove: LAO pAvewo TEeuqeL2* LAo enTecpposhg yrrenqsure: Que pecougel.” se teggr gre onge gor. seaylueg qneye2* sa yoyyore: Lope 7ou, (5) geesjoue PesqeLe walyTT salah asp OLPok IU LPG esuS ORGEL.' Of esep* siuswieg eqbpspesyoey yA. as sea (T) aye grsee AQTT pe gyarged ae eecproxe of speng | e “aotpene! ‘TugauNCUTONY LOL aRceToNe wr BCeeLIOCT wMCIuCOMINE PepoUssOEA (7) | AuTacnergA OL ‘TTTWoSyTs* re os 7 val 2 ES ‘ | . : pebenrmese aad UToops.qeey untgwest rn *j ra 48¢ 7 j 2 - : a Pe ro ne ik Bik ode ° Sa ee - a. a Department of Flectrical Pneineering.L ScheduleO -ol University of Illinois. Sheet 2. INSTRUCTIOUS for Sections in Electrical Engineering Laboratory, (2) Instructions for RECORDERS: See Instructions for vse of Electrica mngineering Laboratory Note Books. (1) Prepare schedule of headings for tabulation of readings. (2) Make wiring diagrams of connections, as used. (3} Keep the log: record readings and note conditions. (4) Dictate the log to othermembers of section, at the close. Instructions for SWITCHBOARD ATTRIDANTS: See Instructions for the use of Instruments. (1) Obtain all instruments of proper capacity. (2) Connect instruments to external circuits, ready for use. (5) Take all readinss, from these instruments. (1) Operate controlling and power-absorbing devices. (5) Stand by for any emergencies. (6) Disconnect, clean and return instruments. instructions for DYNAMO TENDFPS: See Instructions for Opcration,- Schedule 0.4; and Arts. A; B, C, of Schedule 4, (3.) Attend to ell work about apparatus used. (2) Get everything ready for operation. (3) Connect all Wiring to and from their apparatus. (4) Obtain measuring instruments for use a& apparatus. ch) Dake.a1) readings of instruments at apparatus. (6) Secure satisfactory operation during experiment. (7) Clean up, and leave in satisfactory working order. (3) qyeeu ah? UG TesAao TH ageyTeLscfoLh WKIWS Oger: (¢) Dec.8e eceTalscfoLaA ObenefsIon qniuyggk exbe.swere- (>) LYKS ST] Lesqyxrte OL alent 3 sf sbbunerne . (i) opes tu Wese 2NL TIE 78 FLMTGN LS Lo 126 3% sbbhe.epnee (2} Goniece STT ATRTUE £0 sug Se fpeTL Dietetic cide (Ss) der eaoniey ryt Logg TOL obexge you" | (7) Wefesd fo eTT AOLE spons sbbenepie neeq SSROTHTS OG? Soy Kee Ne B? G* OL gepemnye jueeLfce Taye LoL. DAHVIIO LEUDLY ie 260 Iwerwice Tove ‘401. obenog Ton (e) Bea hindagrcteei de cyesu sug eens TweE .n WSU Ee * (2) 8 agoug ‘pa Lor. enh ‘cmexfeve Tou (4) obsisre cougno Ty 7H sug bonci-speonp que qeazcen: (2) LIKS CyT moog quce? {Lam epere quepLamcyee : (3) pousece qweciinseuee £0 sxpeLuey eTRenyT ee? Lesga LOL wees (T) operys STI tat nsec OL buoben esbscrga epe ane OL qapersmusne 2° sbi quepmnce zone qos auILGHBOVED VELMUDVIR ¢ ges Tweessos Tone Lon (4) Diessee ‘gue joe £0 oF poLmemper.e ou gece Tom? ef fue cToes* 433 yooh gye rot: 1.6001. Lesg que ae wore couqre tone | AS). ueKe ariTut qretscwe (8 counece yore * se wees: Be, shebene Ropegnye ox pedgrute yor sepnrser Tou ay Losgintes Rebeiest pepeuns oad nose aie | whe awid Khoa ake Pt ek oy ol Warsnce TOUR a Hee oO Krsestqecy cunubhire Ve esa pe ae awh is ee Gece x see % oe cota “ovraesa, ot srw ‘apecr as ng University of Illinois, — . . <>) Section Leader's Report: to be handed in, properly filled out, immediate- iy after completing the work of the day. Mo, of Hxperiment---- Dete ne Condition of apparetus when work was completed --- INSERITE § used (give name an@ Laboratory Catalogue No.) -- Cenlition of Instrument when put awav--- OUTLITE of work accomplished ---- Combinations, made as per schedule--- Special combinations or work---- DIFFICULTINS encounteréd--- PRECAUTIOUS observed ----- POSSIBLE Sources of Brrors ---- EHeH. Covrse Wo, ---: . Signed---- Class----- Section--- 1 ee e- Tecehy £O pc PTeCeg TH JOASL Ltpp pany ‘Coven? ETTfey’ Ty the Ose VkG2 SUG pORgeL 0 po queny yu Arey tron PIVee yruex't HOTUSS OF OpBeLassyou: Go uoy GLbm dGhoue pyese popige* _ PVG FU oc EST Ghtav’ Pepacsu CTLCTOS OL. Ofsveh gonyTivuproun of: (o> - ier yu h8o. OUTA INgTs Jue? Gey fe ofiae GP LINGT opuctagsyou boyy wor pukewg? BeETH oMbAS op wrsras ob uoxo horug OF Opuonatprow* po oy ia 40 oan. OAGLA borups® pl apreypeye. ox, Gibavg TIVe* DEEA & Lert CHaAC? BX Sa ce We £ og". ayoke HeeouuHtnr® | fae OUTA RPGR. PRG Bap Nes NEAL TE gasnzuee at < eLeng eyten (00)}:. o. ‘ORES eeu ertrithen {2 3} one wop ee hemga® ¢: “30 qugTeope Boquze oy GTLLSnuLe Gibaee feo avey T eyketeo* az ‘Gite (9) Bowery Sor SOrr* yor boyuge" oe ‘opsoiacg’ qu ann oh : geutes enonTy pe oueTyA Lev 5 sug yupenborvpar* $ -geToor an pepre eesToa fo pryise ony t Meee gentea ge ves pmen" a "SRE ‘ot Leboze apocpu* | eS | * §8o ONTA fHu. Teas ‘Bress Of aeunguse etasneg oie , weyge*® ;. coLbene Lomntee aren anys Pi: pou ph fitgon.A on “sda oxtour= . Rae UL a fH sornesTOUR prone" i ‘oowbToye aug Liver ‘papte ot ‘Booey, : : THIUGT QPsvELeG Goro Te .1s% $0 | eal bspay use" eth sche Pe... deer ‘ ane ya 99 sa, 720 Bo bi Pres eile ou Ap re t Departiient of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. | INSTRUCTIONS POR REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS. Lab. Sezedule 0.55 Sheet 1. METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. Referencos:+-Carpenter, R.C.; Experinental Enpinseying, poe I-15. pees ay Me; The Method or Least Squares. Holman, S.W.; Diseussion of Precision or Mcasiurenonts. GoW and Be ave OF SEAL LL) +OGy--lkepores 2n Tostine?® r An Sepordinniel rosult whose reliability is unknown 13 nearly worthless. Tne grade or accuracy of a-meensurenent mist bo ad= apted to the purpose for which the result 2g ieciged. The nee eacery accuracy rist be secured vith the least possible ex- penditure of labor,.. and hence with judicious distribution jof evtort anone the various parte of the work". -— Holman. a Classification of Errors: (1) Systeratic or constant Grrors, Which affect the seme quanti- ties ir . foreseen nor pre- yorns.ed Mee if many observations are made tho occurrence of these moreg can be predicted by the lat or SeOCRD AS aan and the nee yaiue of these errors cormuted by the Method Ga. Least Squares. Elimination of Lrrors: From tho:rernlts of a series of observations on a presvmably constant quantity, all taken under the sane conditions, de- tormine the value of the syvstonatia errors and eliminate when, The renaindng errors, whith cannot be accoiwnted for bY tiqperfectiongs of see cael ants or peculiar habits of the. ob- server may then be subjected to the nethod of least squares ror deterrnining their bvobapie value. Axions relating to the Probability of Errors. (1) Small errors will bo nore frequent than larg. ones. (2) Errors of excess and doficiensy (shat is, results creater or L688 tTHOanO-THSe Trae value) are eynally proebebac and will bs equally nunmoro''s. (3) Large orrors, bevond a cortain marritude do not ocour., ~That is; the probability of a verv largo error is gcro. tot ? Errors or Siipie Observations. (1) The tiost probable value of a serics ov observations nace on the gene quantity is the arithmetical meen. (3) If-the observations were infinite in mumber the moan value vould be the true valuc. (83) The residual is the difforence between any observation and the mean of all of the observations. 5h Sew eM VS et ay PNY. ChoOOLATEYoO (@} dve Bonyjqnsy Tu foe gThL- OUST PCIE ONT? pe fo eRe slo AS THE * | Ree (3) Tk €he ope@sraspTousaeie THLTUT PY TH DRI! Shu Wee ara oe Goria. anaes 7% fe eid Sane PT 287 Nery one = rate SepcLay: a Foite* snd | Ta? Sue baopapiiseh, Gt. o ana TUEEG CLLOL to Sone? ue £9} PSake ODLOLS" Howie F Goheory egunTence. wé UOe SUCHE? gyey @dHsTTA univene..a* POUL USN pw gig apie) Sh odnorTa bnops Spr3 uy aTry 3s 3) PLBOLU OF, GKORR. £uYy yoLTeyoueaA (ores 76? MOLT EE CLey pen oe 2) @IeTy ULLobe ayy pe URIs LiLediews sud FStes ouces ae ~ GU SVA OPSebAgEeToOU oye YXTorE ReToeTs. go spd pEopt “OTT Tok ob ri LOL Gepemirysye sroets. pLopepte ASTiItG* QGLAGL WHA £PEN.pe auplesgag fo fwo ues SUOY OT, pouns irene PA FiebeL.zucrTore of: THapuMmielee ot, bocsT ToL HINTS OF Fo op SHOU" . 138 Lareyugeh oiLore*. spruu coumos ps vecgeil egy 10% agUe fe ANTTHS OF Pic SARPSENBETS vRBoLs wig. RITED Tee SOtorsi) deouersa’. szy. fUYOU AVYCL gy atue Goudy sTount ges LEON fic Lowitfa ot # GuLTOU OF cute Gh setae. ©} fou o%8 FLeoLe: power edtigicu? FUG DLepypTs Avie of, fue IG giLeLe oiaa ray $29 } Hepyod ek fNGaS OLLOLN cu pe bLoyrereg pA pe Yau gi, Sacberett ie wn AGULST Hug TL wsUA OMSULASLTONR SLE NSGe fo. escAbiouse oT (3) Yooyqourey GiInoLe* ayove biesuce GONDOPS Ps Lohetucy ie bie< “fFTuoy. pa coma aan SL @pakadfeTore* OLLOLR* une fo PI's onaghaed. 2 WIPTS gpg ‘wognege Clif. TPOGhe - _» SUTEphusTou O% ehecT9y werpege OL tGlnepeeye! ip) bonsasey - Sp FOG Pose eos eat (8) TWworghmcupet olivine’ yoracpay ph co AB SAareupery,:< Ob COURS AE CBROLG? aprci gRy og #8 ace Wien GHuLs- wous spe AgETonE bonge eo ¢ a es oo womous sie : we oy. TEpsn’** gy ast ireto yopLrptigzen 0 arg v4, én te ee ee i eee te Departnent of Hinetrical Ing rine PP Alif: University of Illinois. Lot (n) oyual the ranber of observatic: 5. . Bs el as bi (S) " t sun oeithe sqerte iof “tho residuals. eae t res wa sf es Then? Moon orzor of wreatinigko obvemvawioiecy ‘Nidan 4a Probabio error of a single observa ation: 0.6748\| A - il (2) PSOnpenO Error OF the rereit: x ee as S (4) i (n Rejection of Dovwbtrul Opservatiors: (1) If a mistake has ocevrred aid cannot be corrected with certain ty, the observations: should be rejecter, (2) Aftor making Qilovances for all comrstant. orrors, no results axe ee those which aro ungu estionably Mistakes should be rejected CS) Phen panaian: Jissrepancics Wiad VHEN Fall uncer. the head of te eee o> ace A6ntin Orrors, CL) Dress neacwronients, lado eunods ane inetruments whose indi- caoulans give directly the quantity sourht. (2) Indirnet ne sa alge ag bob aie saree the quantity deteruined is not civen directly py me Nts taken, bit imist be calcnulatec Crow thei. (a) In this case all of tho quantiticre ueasured are et a to cOrrecvion; but 1% 1s necessary to correct by abstrusejdit= ficult of lengthened caiculations, for Saha onbaa which MAakG lous difference than the least POSSLbLO uni. to be eevernine,, by observation. (bd) The accuracy of the result denen ipa Laces in the reault, but in the observations Apenselvon « (oc) The peenit aan to oe earried out to one wiore plnee than the nas rot on tho mumber of dec- on the least errars nade = Srrors 0: Observation vousd indicate ace accupate? the last dagane PLaco showin make no pretensions to accuracy; the ona brecooAing should be quite ncourate.s (a) Er eOre: oc Hethod may be inherent, remiite foiling to be core recs hovever accurnte the cormononts ney be, ag in stray power method, in which it is assuried that the stray power is the sane, ernpty or loaded, certain conditions being Frulfille? To obtain most accurate results and «ot clue to constant or- ror, Indepenacnt resid ould be obtained by an nianvy difr- aA the erent methods as nossible; and the scveral resulte compared. jo ica Q 7 @ ay RaASLST Cpe ue sSVOGe Ba wud rote! Sie Lp TERI T ON or es, og*. BOR" ih abandulsy sa Bi5 1776 RBOATE te oprsTyey fis €2 1 CFE ie QOS oyk LIgaLS SIBLE Sohd F212 tp @ RY. nee She. £O coves “are tine e VITEELS Te bets Bar ards : £3 BHLier.: eile N. et FOG Oy Micha ond GOUTTSTONG pep. LPL Pye ey} , vv3 ype ey oe ny Ups wt cof A rhe. ee" a ire NOMS eros’ Ty ayy ey Rb Gillie five fYe aio. Done me a oe tine —~ Se apn My ay” 4 ae. ee Se i HOGS HOAGAS maa {iis £PG GO; ibou: i) Pio tie - 2 ed ees; ria at Oe ry ne Ca} gn a GL WMagyog: ia. “pe PUP ORGY y ; *. muarege LUTTITUS 2. Boe Coes . fs. Vie DLseuuy, TUE QE ANT?” .. f Mik Aste Py Sioa fue ge are OIF Woops Discs apads Gg. WaEG YO Bauvevuayoun fo soornrens » s - Ons 93.2 2 or, , OF on. Gy; AS Fa § 2 aor: : ae Ty GSLs aid ee: <3. Est iss P thy (6) po pose re. Tu go bo St GLLEOU one 26 ode “Ohu. bt. cd fel OMe 7 ae Mis OpRes. BUPTONY Pra yal wie lt ies ’ ‘i a ' . eg Dysowe TU Lye pee | c* Otic OU Cho TOT: SROGLe Date. 18 {5} pe, Pochnwesn oy oe LOUNT LE Qobynss LOL Ge ii MITA} Gh Gt, .GOoe. * Ge GRIT ey; ay Spe OLAE To” or ae hovarn to MOF? - 19 He Oe MMO Toul yFLLGhenve. Voy. pee Tous: ie: ie Th aineubes LV PSY “Tone E OF PUNE pPeL 1et esTonyupToue® fs AD Foso'd BSrTou!l. PAP. To Te NOCEURTIA fo ConTacl aoe PHLgeG7O8 Gra ey $5: eNTe, og fae ST7. OL fitu GyousTsT ot: ieselibey whe np {eGs #2 Baars fers Te ‘ Syaow UTKaoy TA. Pa Hogan Te payeu’. pun Naor D6 espanyopey ig} quefeucs. LWeRinuwige? JW ayyey. geo Geos ph Goposr wheeg Te Bog is “everone TpAg pe be fie e MET IA senLye* Rien ee Oo. sis FUCPLAMCHSS AiQbs TeGTe ( kg DILIGE, GS OAT Hat) TIRE ros TWiesas Ta RTTS a ee ee j a Wh heen 2 “Srletetss: Os tt Tdo3US me oF OBLOLC ; (3) Leae RawSTUT ES 472 senonuoyar eee “pox LETT “Ame pte yous of Shs: gece TCE Be frdsious TovepTA MYRLSKBS eens fae 26160200 (3) urge ‘BMETUC Oy STIouMeva, Lol wTT cOLapeny or20be? vo LaehT 2a ous ge fi OPadaagfToue oMoryy AG Lejosfey* . iy: ( igs Si hol he Pee Rootehoy lates GHHVOL Ps ao. tud voy pTeE Patty pA Lee Ox oda 80 oo seen re GLLOE o Be ROURTE > Kote e2nos 0%. Co oe AS | " phopepty oBnOn. 6L-¢ equSye opaunaup ron: itl i ae urow: Saeed AGRI oy % wrusee onousageron: 1S fet os oe oer ee ahs oy fye Ssheewh ot gh Por (wv) edisy fPs Lipaee ea RHRSEANEZS, 3" fepé eeroyaye “von” ae SmmBKoD Os PRved a0nvEre* ts ee al Co a en eee a a \ Booue Dts Electrical Engincering Department. University of Illinois. METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES. Lab. Schedule 0.55 Shect 3. Mean Errors: The mean error is the arithmotical mean (average) of the differ- ences betvreen the mean (average) result and the single obser- vations. : If the systematic or constant errors have variod during the experinent, the observations and each partial result should be soparately corrected before calculating tne mean. The relative meon error serves as a basis for discussing tests: Relative tlear Lrror =— .mean error _-BeTSsTAC FOC Pain. © ‘ges Ge xeTspTae wer otz0% eerace ao ‘i peuye Lon qracit are peapar. pie o CeoTA GOLLeoPfey peLone | SSTONToeTUR gue lWegue exbenqniens? fpe OPRGLAT PT ONE, suy eocy beLpyesy neunyre avontg: be. T% fRe. op Aaa! OL corepeue GLLOLe Puno SOK! ost ee - ovesya aes git NesH (aeuste ) honnts aug F cyte eons @bLOL Te fHG Ne asad i oni woo (gi “weaator OL PEVas. ‘eénvine* “Paps pT ss o"e2 ies igacs tid ot Iytme 7 EIeosnTosy PMT GGL =... SS — a a ee oe INSTRUCTION SH&ET.- Use of Portatle Voltmeters. : er an RN em tn i saa wa et aw ns Sno en etine we aa - L. Schedule 9:61 1.+ Handling.’ Avoid all shocks and jarring actions.: e.- Setting up. Flace on firm and level suprort, at least six feet away from masses of iron, the machine fields or heavy currents.’ 3.- Connecting.’ Use flexible cord, as furnished for this rurvose.: Cn double scale instruments, connect terminals for higher scale, first, and rake precautionary reading. Plus to vlus.: 4,> Voltmeter key to be released at once, on reading.: E.+ Voltmeter hiultipliers always to te connected in series with the instrument. Note, carefully, multiplying factor. é.= short Circuits on voltmeters must ke absolutely avoided, .- Low-reading Voltmeters must not be connected to circuits with voltages beyond the limits of their scale readings, LP LN OA AE OES GS ae I oO le lt a gerty Dc eae mb cm aD ce INSTRUCTION SHEET.- Use of Portable ammeters, 1.-Handling.: Same cafe as in voltmeters. : 2.-Setting up. Same care as in voltmeters.- S.-Connecting.’ Sane, as.in voltmeters, : 4,-oeries ammeters nay be left in circuit.: Shunt amméeters, must be connected’ up only for reading. S.-Ammeter shunts to Le in series HY the circuit, and ammeter in shunt with the same, by connections provided for the curcose. €.-hachines must not be short circuited through an ammeter.: val i ?,-Use ammeters on circuits only within scale readings. _NOTn:-1- Obtain end return instruments pogs* Storekeeper. : 2.- avoid wiuing glass over instrument before reading. &.+ Read all mirror instruments, tibrmally.: 4,- Never remove instrument coverst Report faults and return,: h.- Return instrument clean and in good condition. ° 0 i a) oe WOL?: Tr” ‘“~ HOLNLY TuepLaweuy cTSeee . weg ri) 800g couqrprour. ~ YGAGL LOA TuRPLamene coast a} Hebors | Lenyie sug Lege ~ KOFI ST] BTLLOL Fwesimmeupe’ ee ~ YAOTO MIPTOR Spaee cast ‘ruepumbeye pepo.e Leogy ue: - OPS SIV SUG LefnLy TuerLawevse FpLronéip croLsveeber: | PAE AO ie TA ne ane NO a NAN. Smk® be mains CA 8 <4 a s > i bug * i amt ci coraeda denials eames areata \'=Ne8e ou merehe ou CrLcnr¢e ovyh: MESPTE. COSTO. Levqruke c’~oOpTuEe uNss vor ps BpoLs oTLenreeg sptLon® p wu awwerer’. Tu epnus wigp fpe esme* pr couueps ove bLoargeg LoL ppe Snubose o'-YMWeseL emule fo pe ru eeLree apepy pps ornonry" sua FORE L St. Cpnus wemerGLe’ wHes Pe GoUMSscred nb ODTA to. Leyirye Y'-P6kTex smmeree wor fe Jet Tu erLonrs: | . S*-qowuecfyue* oste’ wa ‘ty AOTPUereLe’ S'-2effTuR abe cogwe cate ge TU i007 PMEPELE’ | f° ~Howgy Ty%" . pone GSES -se TH soy sMEPeRay. IWBEBNCLION SHEEI'= pas"b, Lourupye. wmepens: teases Se Ne ae - a sie lh i i ee seninn Sha a AS ee Ye SS oe ae Se Ra a ns ei ih Bi ATL aopraeen™ parong fps FIwT Fe, Be Her soaje Lesqrute” ~ [Omu-Lesgrpk porsussere mner UO $6 compecteg ro orktnrg¢e a + pone olncaréé on’ “soy swepere RABE. 6. epeoynpeyh enlihiaaaes pe Twepumeig: yore® Gok SE OPT te BALLOT AT ME Escpon" . > AeTemerer., poqpttytene aT MB REE LO pe couusopag TW veLres ergy ee AOT SUES Sh. ren £0 pe Le] sgeene 8 Quce’ ov Leagrue: ee Ps ‘Bosys* lynep? stq Lore brewanprovena Lesqr ue’ pyne fo bynes: OU gonpye eoayc roepinmenge® counecy PeLEYUsy @ ‘fOn prépen: 3°> Coupecrrum! pee iyexspye cong” ve emarepey ton spre. ‘Emunoee* CikLeupe’.. eee OMBA i10w veenee sot oe fye useprve qreyqe OL pesaa S°= pergru® nb: BT #08 on oper ong yeney -enbboxs’ sf yeep eTx ee T= HONGTTOR. “wadrg BPY epoope svg JeLnTUe soproud 2” oe aaiiaaeeidteaetaarememmeeraer eae r: oe ee QO: @ ;. INSLEACLION 2HEEL* = Nas oy mre 2 soyewepene’. Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. INSTRUCTION SHEET.- Use of Indicating Wattmeters. Lab. Sheet 0.62. 1.- 6e~ ta 8.- 9o=- Readings of indicating wattmeters are in true watts or kilowatts; regardless of power factor of circuit. Handling.~ Avoid all shocks and jarring actions. Setting up.- Plaée on a firm and level support at least six feet away from machine fields or heavy currents. Connecting.- See Sheet of "Diagrams of Connections for Laboratory Instruments". Connect current coils with special connectors fur- nished with instrument. Connect pressure coil with flexible cord. Current coils are to be connected in series in one side of the cir- cuit. Presure coils are connected across circuit. On double scale instruments, connect pressure terminals to higher scale first, and take precautionary reading. Release key at once after taking every reading. Multipliers are to be connected in series with presure coil and in position shown on Diagram, NEGLECT OF THIS WILL BURN OUT INSTRUMENT Note, carefully, multiplying factor. 10.- Use instruments only in circuits within scalo readings. 11l.- Injury from large initial currents must be guarded against, as when starting induction motors under load, by temporarily short circuiting the terminals of the current coils tiljnormal or steady conditions are assured. CONGIL IONS Gis Geeneg: CTLOHFETHE Pps souwineye of cys cntLewe cere f7Pvouwy on epeogh Apsir Sebas yet annatten: mosses smgen yorq’ pk pewbpuenrya epois ST°- TYoua trom sorte serpaey cowenge mer pe Eneuged vlerzen’. ¢ FO? > nee qWefLnnouS OfTh. TR epenyee ATEPIN eceyo weerpete- fore? ceLepayyh’ mnreybyapet yecpox- Boszeyon epomy off pystLem? wea rKe Ob SHI@ AITT. peas Od, INES ORS e*+ Wiyeibyye.e gle so pe conmecpeg 7 Renyes. aITy buewine cory wove ye Q?* wegtoyrs KGA @f ONGe FES eee R. exeia nesg ye: eowye xineet Yug cone bLoowac roueRA nemyrut: “A"~ OH gonpye eceye qe exmmaees. coupecs buseenne fexmgurye go srtven er potas wi had wsemnieet Sorowe cynen ye a pts Qneons CO7Te she eo pe cormactcg oe Seizes Ww one vIge Ob tye cyte © urapeq aey reg ssimmoie commece butdenne cory Azep tYsxiars eoke® ee seagate , Saar SS L.EaaG Said ae ebecrsy conneer Oe bese: t> comiecen: - “-" gee Bese of pyetnes be seamadcs: 1on Toponseass a tod Lom aweyeNe ecaeh vetoes onuLenges fee © za : 7 Beer? 72 f s 4 3 | 4 Ee So Wes on joe =a weer. . | 7 epee 29 ge ee ean oe nt eet et ; 4 . ca To tae meee ou ernst a Mi 4 2 \ f 4 A f - +i = ~ ar on i * oi dad . Pe NGS ee tr tm i" ao ne ™ - 4 _ = ie = — —— -- "| y= = =) _ Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. INSTRUCTION SHERT.- Use of Integrating Wattmeters. Lab. Sheet 0.65. l.o~ Readings of integrating wattmeters are in true watthours or kilo~ watt hours regardless of power factor. 2.- Handlin::;. Avoid all shocks and jarring actions. Som yey up.- Suspend or place in a perfectly level position, away from “active fields or hm-avy currents. 4.—~ Connecting.~- See Sheet of "Diargrams of Connections of Laboratory Instruments’. Connect main teminals in seriés an one side of ‘cire cuit. Connect potential terminal across to other side of circuit. 5o- If no constant is given the instrument rei.ds directly in watt-hours. If constant is given, multiply by it to reduce to watt~hours. | 6e~ If case is opened be very careful that no dirt gets on commutator or rotary disk. 7.- When properly connected meter disk will always rotate in direction indicated by arrow on disk or other revolving part. 8e0- Use instruments only in circuits within specified limits as noted on name plate. Nios Syseer: - pee ne aise he ary eae - % Hee Juetiumeyse ovyA zw orsenyyge “atowty ehecteteg ‘Feaeee ge | _THESSLOT PA ACRE gIER Oy. epvED sexogAg Ings afr auer 2 REE SOR IE Ae nets Locsee I q -— FE S088 steve pe a0: noun we worse Salo 3 ML sousceus 78 Liaew' amyerbyA pa r¢ go rogues go a: Leen BE. comcem x Grxe0 e¥e rertmeue Menge cThaceTh au a su kas , ak rh lester tae University of Illinois. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF GRADLE DYNAMOMETER, Leab.Schedule 0.71 Sneot Ls Flathor, J.J.- bynamonoters and the Measurenent Lr ae pp .98+103. Nicho dls, IT.L.- Laboratory Manual Vol.II., pp. ara lieler, &. Uv. Diseuseion oO: te PLOcCLSLON oF ie 1ents:pp.130-36 General Observatiovs and. arrange: onts: The pover delivercd or absorbed by any nachine (motor or dynemo) is neoasured by sipportine 1% on a rae YDlatform, suspended fron knife edecs, and thence determinirg the torque or turning moment py weiehins “on a Scale pean, the tonderey of the HashtRe driving Holt to rotate the nachine, or the to2ndoney of the mechine to rote ate throuch the marnetic reactions bo EgoRn tne srmature and fReles General Conditions to be PUSS Leas ) The horizontal knife edes mst be exactiy in Aare, ) The axis of rotasion of one arnature mist be in line vith the axis or OnoUtLerLon or theveradia?: that is, in thn Tine whicn masses throurch the Enife ath Pes ; (2) The ce tre of gravity of the system, including the iachine, cradle ane all aittac hmenss, rust be very slightly pelow the axis of ofeillation, that th: sysven ay nave. she nova sary a CEPT Oe OLN ae sitiveness, like a balance 7 _ &, Precautions ty vi ODmurvod. (2) ALLE rasteni all el 2) Belt shovid - marie. ta eavnt uned in mounting: the machine on th? eradle, and rmuct ba’ Pir and: secure. y be run vertically, unless provision is itn Side pull, if Pmt otherwise. = 5 3 2 Proliminery adjustrienss: machine at reoat. (Ll) AG JUBt With utieest canto; Aaa: of munckine te: line*or Knigco 20ers (2) Adjust the eonter of eravit for tho desired sensitivoness, py rateink or-loraring the ah aint vweifits, on vertical stan— dards, When proporiv adjusted, che BY STON Should slowly and nsitively oscillate like a balanee; a weight of [2 ib, at end of scale beaa, moving the index res on the index scale throuch one division, would indicate that the index error of this scale would bo noglible (93) Balance the dynamoneter and the nachine, at rost, with belt off, and the wetehts av g2ero. Operating adjustnents: (1) Operate the machine as a motor, without belt, to determine if tho dynanonctoer remains balanced; if not, srek for cause and ronedy this defect. (32 : Adfust Belt ito wpull ae Virhtiy as poenibie. C4 » ge. ov r (8) Voges perg so Days oe rele sh as HoOwUPp Te. i as : LUNGGA LES Gayeng*: | wa Mas Carga < | ' $Bo-Grarenorres 7% BOUITEA PUI SCY? FF - West. sok EO euheo mug (7) Oheates 270 sooty ons aygen? nr euo: ase aa ae | 6 = ah, aed, A> POP THOT E £Qg g SEVAIING mp BGEIETIS CY epic PS: omy fie vavrees ueee Fo Bene" te re 3 ben inh e AS ae (2) Beyouce ora y! AISTIORO §03, aig). Bre: awpTUe" Ue eRe’ Srey pepe we £UT 2... £34 ogy so «J saa “pee ites e JOR sypro* : ‘ EHSONUE Quy bb Ses Toi * or, at TyYyTeuee | ‘Spot SEG TNGOX ehiLot OE | | Gud OF tects | seus NOaTHC g's pugex bOTUSUs, Oy) YG Fayox ame | BOUTS TAsTA oxcr Tiere Tire 5 peysuee: » weyers oo, Fy Th? oe GILG” yey Hbiebor hk SPT ape? oS GA RPh: anonty ae Rie, BUTOLLE OL vPOwGLTUE tye SEE T Te, garttge* OW ABN ISTOST. ope (3) ¥ Vodice f/O_ GIUfoL Of Enoarcact ion: bbe Jaarney: Guneres iano’ $ ~ AED Valites ape sprioge ouu0 SETS. OY, 103} eIve fo True 0g eurns agit .. ‘eran: MUCH Tyo: 9g Dang* 7 St | . ayy? £9 CUApUBHCL 7 Toe orus BAT s* 7%, amr OfPoLuyTee™ Tf OFOKT Deujwsoork pe say Gee TEST @) ee % on SE PwON hs ce 4 Liteg Bo CyB wy: a7 ¥ alae pA i / aes fic TH MONETTE oe wae ou avo ae ag . Sapa . owe : Taseas* Ties s pererog*. 4 ee os at . t TOU" PPSS Pe.» Bkmpub, UA ong 3 res ee Say “GLegTS sont: opevapmeure* eter pa ere a S) OG: — ot. CREAT pa ob fhe Rane STi Ts Pook PULORL aaa ee howd hearer roe : TiegTou ¢ outes gap Ge Lofoeto et fe onuaiese way ee. Ere 9: 62 sng PU OxXIoETA Ty Undiwraned * aig ar i il dg a 4 Jig co it lg: INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF CRADLE >; DYNAMOMETLR. Leb. Schedule 0.71 (ee Mame De, speGg Vv sie ota? wThen.all these (adjustnoents ) are attended to 1% ie dowstrui shosher measurements of Sarat accurate to one Per CRs Can po obtaine:", ~- Holman. AlL locds on the machine mist be -epplicd Voryrire IAUOLLY s + giiaine ~aiehts till balance is. obtained >in EMAAR VOLNSer at word. Observations while runnins: Pena eaten (1) Note tine or nuribor om tha obserratio C2) Revolwi2z0na poe minute, by peek ae (8) Load, by posivion 01 aaients Of erin. Noto: In motor testing, friction of bocrings, hveterocsis, or fouc currents, cannot arfest the daynanoneter reading. Bnerey eonmmes in overcorninc these lostes An whe Meare Ghee olectrical enerry and soar not sap .t0 tip tie: BvYBGeis lanee in indicatee by scale ari in Hori Sal. yositton and ALG As In dynano eoubine., mechanical encerey roquired to ovoraorc these lowson is supplied by the driving belt amd noacured by the dAynanoneter in she usa... Way. Calibration of Cradle Dynauoneton. —_—- The Leboratory cratic aynanonotor has sonle bom) eracuated Tank wot se por 17000 revolutions. Henea. Suv procoods: ‘~ iputruetions heve ben cormlic! “FLOR : Tan White ea ees \,' (Seale roadinc ). EUW Fk Where (L) is inches thet the welgnt (W) is moved on ari: to nroduce exuilibrinn when 440 Tacrine: 2 tions and Derionstrations: 1) Show how the above equations ere derived? ) Use then to detormine if tho eiven dynanoneter is rover Ly ereiucted, Tor the WEeLShts ws8c; for tho craduations of the scale? (%) What is the coavacivy or .ohe eivon Vrar.oriote (4) Find veight at erd Os) } equivalent to one Pin division? (5) Explain why the geros are Hlaced where they ars? (G) Explain and illustrate action “hon torque is reversoc. Ci) When motor on aynanometor runs with its belt off, why iocs tO r, if vaights are corr raeu the dynamonetor tip while speed is changing, althouch palanc= ed Lor consent apeed? (8) Tilustrace alt nossiblo charactoristics by using a Rotary Fiore ld Te Se Tan cee ta, eee EPTO CpeLSC pus Teron PA SayUE go pops. ey LoL GOvalsis Da taey & Shy slike GAUSVOLE SUL pyh. aLTye Oe Fk ovaitug? “TEMONCE pope (4) apoy WOLGy OW “hirer ign MOP I LAE ny eye i#@ pers OLE” past, pO (9) EXPT arg TI TM LI LS FELT pew PORTIS re LOAGRRUY* Pee, Bhs Lu TT HL pst 54 A £PO BOLO TRE QTISGG if fUGA tio ; Ce) a7HG : Aerers PF Gig Os oh ods: TatyToeyy " Oue TlEGo Gta Tuyory: (so) Apap TR £30 SCVICT AR @. 2576 “Ts MOY Ga JOP OLD OUT 3 wee 2g CRSP TOME Of se ICITGY Se. icpey* pox fSU Metra Hagict 93? % Gertiien ne. Sots Uap s)} fe PGI fo Gor vEWTHG +E. Pe GPAGH GRIP IONE ESE TS SOD OL TA | )} pHou Boa flies pond GOs: SPTIVG Che Yosyauas Ihe. Gilg Hou OURPRURT Orie | Clie apt C5 bLoynce ant repay) Ayer fu MeULTIG Pe Bey < ai AVGLO (Pp) ye TUGUGS py ARS mere 7 th) 73 sage ow okt: co a eS 5 0. iso ™ ae ht be dapat . “aggen = sou ; - (Basrgo moeupye |: ponee* ps bhocvoyg: f -yeieans pyoug VAI pews east Spay: aOCG arr eu Dus. Todo SHAOTHETOME® : oa “2Be Tepourean Che ‘Ske i tee ae auuye pets Chay Hittgug $0 - \ we TS sorgenneers TY fhe mory~ nas : FORGE Ta eAbbryeq pA. gc GeTaTUe pers sy JOToRe” ph ene TY GAuiio soapris ‘oeptzuny ries ition “A aseeasg "ros Pre. eTocpuresy CRGTCA og wou! Hos: rz GONBILBS TH VAGL ato Mi chehoid Jones CNSLeupa* -oginyo. et oR aaa seal Rigi Sl ee Department of Electrical Engineerin,. University of Illinois. Form A. Requirements of Laboratory Work and Report. Write « Reppwt on the assigned work, as performed under the several items of the given Schedule, referring to the same, by the designated nurbers or letters, and treat in the following order: Le Object of the work, in brief. Le Kethods of conducting the work, and reasons for the sane. “ae Sketch diagrams of electric circuits and of connections used. SS ee Se am aie Se See eee eee Sis wee a ee me ee es Ss es ow FOR?’ B. Write a Report on the assigned work, as performed under the several items of the given Schedule, referring to the same, by the designated aumbers or letters, and treat in the following order: i. Object of the work, in brief. ee Methods of conducting the work anf reasons for the same, Os Sketch diagrams of electriczl circuits and connections used. te State precautions observed in conducting the work: (a) In connecting the several circuits. (b) In handling and in using the instruments. (c) In connecting the instruments for observations. (d) In use of the electrical energy. (e) In operating or other work with machine or applience. (f) In taking observa‘ions and making measurements. 5. Explain the possible sources of error: : (a) In the electrical circuits and connections. (b) In the use of the electric enerry. (c} In the use of. the instruments. 6. State the conclusions. te be drawn from the observations and from the results obtained. ee erie, at seers ee IN oF) We fies eT oe ors @* geses spe come pre rome: #8 pe ams thom ¢pe' epweLase rome omy 8) qv spe see OL Fyre, THecuamenge- (P) IM pe mee of fye ereess.70 ementA> ee (#7) 2 che eJSceLjowy ayLcnyre euq couvece rove: a : 7 2 ' uxbyerw ¢ye bosejpye eonucer Oo, @1.02: “ee = Pek (LZ) Is fsKIve opachag toe CH WIKINR merenLewen ss ° ; oe {s) IN obeneg que on osyver. AOLE MILY misep Tae On Man 1% | - Sey | (4) IB mae Of spe eTecrRresy scaepaheet ane na ORs he a {¢}) Is commece que abe Tuefhmerpee pox. opsenasez one: , ‘ (p). qu prugqy que eng qu neqoR tpe qwepiawenge> : (8) om commece que oye 2easney ‘epeentmes - BEoee biecsns you opening TH eongans gt tre abt a anes GreRnome of eyecenrory exnenyee omg comveoes aun: - 5 x igatess ot FNS ae a 88! Bus wage om-eeme: woos sum son eon em apology Losezice, Peed Ok gus asapome 1 aga ‘ 8, saperserexe fo pe qian ie Pens erie 3 . SUMMARY or Electrical Data. OD Ot ees ter atts oOo 7m = 10 G@ nw [o> an) ‘Ttens, “Type of Machine, - = = =. “No. of Poles, - =f 5 -e Capacity: K-N. or‘ H:P.-- = epeed, Fyn, = = = .< = oe Volts, normal excitation,- Gurrent, normal load, - - 4RMATURE: 'Résistanée, cold,F.~ = + “Analysis of “Dynaitos and Motors. Sym. ‘Forinulae, B hot, F- - - - Current,normal Emf.no load s Pl. © Ld Rxt, Or. Aa alee 0 ee my ey A = Volts,normal,no load = - Peed ert ir bk "lost in Armature ~ " tOtal full icady Phaeton aac total,cold, +-- | ++ Temp. Cyl. Surf.no load.- t : "full load "End surface,no load- nom Cee rite, " Commutator,no load - y Bi ea hoe Temp. of Arm. conductors, Calce;: from Res. Measi: =< — " at-no load, “-"="- "at full load,- == SHUNT Fields: Resistance, cold Fs .— = a Shots. F. ee Temp., by’ Therm no Lds= " Wo a ORES: Lay Temp..Calc.: from Res. “ Measurements: at no load " FL. . fiachines. 11-12 u — 3 OIG = i an { ; ae nf a! Be ° - f , ; ; € ‘f Patel ot ow es? . % f > ae Ah f Ag eS ea es - Goo calaaa 6 y Ois ae » ~ wathares op GRRE begs “J Cis Giy Ca) SUMMARY Of Blectrical Date. Analysis of Items. sym. Formulae. Res.’ of Rheostat, total ,cold Current,normal fmf. ,no Ld. " " Fl, . at Sketch of Field Spool, Net ginensions of the WLOGINE spaceri- to. . 2. Radiating surface, one Spooi,net winding space, - SERIES Coils: Resistance, cold, F, ~ — _ DOU, Poa me te hes. Series shunt, Sect.1 - " ! " " cL Ase Current, full load, - = - Kind of Compounding- - — - COMMUT ATOR: No. Seg. trush lead, 1/4 Ld, 1 " Y Ui 1/2 Ld. {t tT " W e/4 id. tt " " tt Fl. ‘Ld. Pall é" Over Ld, Material of trushes of Con. area of brush contagt, od. ln, “pPush contae aot, et 14° Toad, wATTS lost, in Armature: Copper losses, full load, Stray Pow, Loss,-Hysteresis, Core losses. Total watts lost in ara, " in @ of output, actual: tt 't vs i] " allow= WATTS lost in Fields: Shunt field,full load: - - " in%or output, actual. MEG Ly Dynamos and kotors, : liachines, 12-18 te 7) teh = r fa wi, Ue es Fang 2 Meee ose at ns vse AID, a a f . er ts oy 1 ‘—= SUMMARY or Blectrical Data. No. zt elt, Shunt in % output, allow - - Series field,full load: -~ - ts in % of output, actual: > a Soi 2 allow: TOtel hatte lost ~ .o . (Note: if series coil over- aps Bout or vate ity es tot watts, for field osses. RADIATING SURFACES: Kind: cylindrical,sg.in, - -- in.- - total Rad. Surface - — ~- natts per Sq.in, Rad. Surf.-: - end surf‘aces sq. t ! in armature, actual Ms allow: ehupt, actual. ~- - allow: - + — in series, actual ,- allow: - = + RATICS of Resistances: onunhk tO Armature: -...- . Shunt to Rheostat(total) — - Shunt to series: - --—— — arm, to Start.- Box: (total) arm. to Series (long Shunt) Serise tovitse Shunt: =... — VEE ADLMON, UP BLOUlhiCal BNOINBERING, : Sym, FORK D.- Sheet 2, : analysis of Lynemos and kotors. Form, Machines, aS) rite eety: pop Fre oprpe: ~ e ~ 4: ob Yee £5 sevitios (Foo® opRiz-). a a8 MER §O SPUN Ses | ( fOf0]). - : ak GHGS S65 G8 rée: <6 ~ eww At SWS co Kyensterrcorepy +” | 23; SPHaY O° Yasapone: . : os waie'r rei signe din ae a af SPT wn or or | w V9 NORE me cae ne Np Sg We) Secs a> | Sete ten ot awyag omy; a Reus ERR upeee =~ < Seeger i> Department of Electrical Enginsering, c 2 University of dilinois, Form Es; Requirements of Laboratory Work and Revort in Determination of the Distribution of Potential, Write report of work according to prescribed Porm, Plot following Curves, on Standard Squared Paper:- A. - Distribution of Potential by Mordey's Method:- 1, Keesansular diagrem, no load. &. Rectangular diagram, full load, So Polar diagram, no load, . POLer Gdiacrean, full joa. o 9 B. —- Distribution of Potential by Thomoson!s Method: 1. Rectangular diagram, no load, 4. Rectangular diagram, full load, 3.e Polar diagram, no load. 4; Polar diagranjgrfull. Load, C. —- Integrated Curves of Distribution of Potential, from the Daa given by Thompson's Method: i. Rectangular diagran, ao POlar dilapran, 1S” S$” boys greizemwe ar a a i weoreutorss, qrvGiem an! a ae ae rete OR, fpe DORs, SyseU PA LNOWbeon,e2 Nepvogs =a: ae a % . en mee ar? ag id " Ehvetagos ¢ Ginaea % DFVSSTpreyou. o% popuu wares! nd Res ‘ ae 7 =e ee Ee - > Seti oe rah te as : ball worse area" ahs 798g" : at oat tors erecae tor roag* + : EB, caine Peis po Department of Mlectrical Engineering, Univereaity fot livinois. FORM G, sheetl. ns se ee ee ee Requirements of Laboratory Work and Report in Sib and Efficiency. ~M wes 305 Ne - ect ox Siuvay Power Write report of work, uccording to prescribed form:- Plot designated curves, of the following list, on Btanderd squared paper: on base line oF watts, or of per cent full load (proportional part of full ag oe road) =~ of cutput, if dynamo, and of input, if motor is boing tested:- 1. Loss curves, showing individuel (separated) log ss08, and the aggregate (total) loss, in watts, at various loads. di. Power or Load Curves, showing:- (a) total: true watts; (b) total apparent watts. lil. idie Watts Curve, for alternating current work, iV. Power Factor Curves, for alternating cvrrent work:- (a) Without Condenser: (b) with Condenser, in circuit VV. Efficiency Curvest+ (a) Electrical Efficiency: (b) True Commercial Efficiency. (ec) Avoarent Cemmercial Efficiency, (V1). Volts drop at the machine. Vili. Starting Current Curves. Vllil. Speed’ Characteristics: (a) Shunt motor; (b) Series motor, ix. For Induction motor, plot curve of ver cent slip in speed. X. Acceleration characteristic. Xl. Retardation charactsristic. All, Torque curve for motors. (6 yee Wy eee te (a a at > xgT* de 24 = om ‘powen ASSPOX craase* tox ST pemITp HE Ste woe : - 7 a acer omiae* LoL sreosse a0, Oiias ONE aon” aa <0 d Are! “AoToe GLOb sg tHe nseytTue* ee i er - is at LO~Gie GNhas Lot mosoia’ HOPTLQGIFSTON SpeLsoreLTerre®* VOoeyex~efrou cpoLsorestarra: BOG TugHop7ON Wofon’ Lyog. amag of Des soup eTTh yy vbeeg* (%) apimig woron! (Pp) 20nTeR Wopon- abeeq. guobsope.Tapter: | a BfSLETOR GaLneny ONLAGS* (a. PP OWE g ue steOTET PRETOTSIICN ils hfe WRLTOTELOA: (p) Lite SRR OTRE 5 aoe roy at esiomy gongenecs: (p) aren congenaen we of We =e I aL ais soar mF ga0 assret \p) gogas sobsxcie i a . ia Cree ae | Department of Blectrical Engineering. University of TLllinois. FORM G, sheet §. Requirements of Laboratory Work and Calculations in Determinahfon of Stpey rower and Erricitency. 1, ~— Stray Power Losses, equal sum of watts lost in armature necessary rh overcome mechanical friction, and hysteresis and eddy cur- rent. Losses, 2. - Total Losses, equal sum of watts lost in stray power and watts lost in ating, arnature conductors and watts lost in field wind- Ings « 2. - Gross Output, equals sum of watts available in external circuit and watts lost in heating armeture conductors and watts lost in fields: equals Gross Input leas the Stray Power Losses. 4, — Gross Input, equals Gross Onput and Stray Power Losses: equals Total Loss (watts) and watts available in the external GLE Cu. we 5. - Gross Efficiency, equals Efficiency of Conversion, equals Gross Output divided by Gross Input. G. - Electrical Btficiency (Economic Coefficient}; equals Available Outpnt in external circuit divided by (Gross Input Less the Stray Power Loss.) v«.= Commercial or Net Efficiency, equals Available Output in external circuit divided by Gross Input. NOTE:—- Make use of data on Form D.. and insert losses on same. * r MoaR:— REX@ 980 0% Geps on LOL D* gg TueeLs ToReea Ou B@auG* CTRONTS qGyazTeq pA caeue rubApe | | e a GOMMISLOT sy. On Hee ELLTSTeveA* ‘eduaye VASTISpTo ompbire yu oxpuLouy ** -@¢R0A Bower Posen) oe : - eae “ongbas Tu oxpoLugy orsongp oraraeg (pA (onoee tube Tees $V (> @ = rrecgstosr wa xeronc: (Heovonzo. goszsrozonp)” dane + ETrObre . ‘ + ouenae seera0r PA gsoue qubnpe. ‘in a Re call uk - = see, sabes oh * edireye, muAroTaLe! OL counosoen" aint cnone , a So ae ie sy eee he” ae 28 ave amg 7% At tes ? Vrite items Department of Flectrical Fnj-ineering. Universit:’ of Illinois. FORT He Requirements of Laboratory Work and Report. & report on the assigned work, as performed under the several of the given Schedule, referring to the same by the designated numbers or letters, and treat in the following oredr order: le Lic Se Tabulate the observed readings in the order specified. Reduce the observations, whereever required, giving formulae used and illustrate calculations involved. Apply Method of Least Squares, to specified sets of observations of single variables. State the conelusions to be drawn from the observations and frist the results obtained. Plot curves, as specified, showing the relations between any two assigned variables; and note on same sheet what operating conditions were maintained constant. ~) "\ > 2 - - > = ne. vbiya MSeHog OL reseg. adnenee? po gbecitieg vere (OL opeenareroue . ee ITTseEssc6 esyontsrroue. qwaopaedq: eos. Sy | vegans eye opeenags toxe? “AVGLESAGL nediqneg? eyazat Loum me cf ee iepatsce fue opeenacg: nevgiuee 7M. gPe onger seh higl opel ob Jersere’ sig cess ie fHe LoTTOaqwe oxeqn ongen: ane | me Of. ye. ‘Graew Bopeqnte? LOLeLE IVE. “#0 fe esue pr eve ae : Teo . vaboxe fu 4 ay of . 7 7 His ‘ 2 . aS : - , , & Re a ee ee ee ie om ota pow £ a ee tj as Pais are: On - a = = ° . > . . Oo MO Yo oO B® W wD a mw ~™ AD et ( Ww oe es 8 ny = DEPARTMENT OF S&L&SCTRICAL BNGINeoRING.. University of Illinois.: Items.’ Manufecturer - -------- Manufacturer's number ---- -.- - Type of Machine ~ - --~- - - Ree OL eFOl es <= = a= + = Capacity: K. w. (Dyn,); HP. (hot. ) Speed, Rpm., -- 7-2-7 -- - Frequency, cycles per second - Volts, normal excitation - - - Curgpent, normal load - - - - - Mechanical Data. ‘Shaft: material - ------- Dia,.’ core portion -.- " collector portion " journal bearing - "pulley fit - - - - bearings: kind -------- : length of, ----- Pulley: Diam. over crown - - - d face width, ------ i size keyway - - - - - ~ Belt: material, -------- " thickness, single or double y in inches, - - Width of, -------- lineal speed, ft. ner min. per cent slip, normal ~ - capacity, allowable - - - ly actual, - - - - working tension, full Ld. ARWATURE. windings; IB POT JOP Mati sel at T tyce of ring, shuttle’ forn, Lar, “Coil, lap, wave, chord, - Coils, open or closed - - - - - method of connection - - number of, ---- 3; -- length of, over all, - - width of, ------ - Kachtnes., ° vata Form.. hee J rs t vf THU Py et? ese: 7 eu | : am ¢ ‘ : i ah ‘ * = = ~ 4“, Pes } ox 4 Loy 7? me at Cc = 3 2 a) han a Sa Weg ee te m g OoLNyUR Pepeyou" {ayy Pq" ae ~~. fa . acy a1 sh : iY - . . ‘B68 e0 reo Syjcosepys = = = 4 ‘BSL Gove syzh! tictesy ~ = 2 Tiveey tc i?* ber vie of ae as lS ais fpr op iiiee sila bo. foarys Wefen7 i ses... aTee ae : “ 7 Wigs Sees. et oe haar baad oe = zat - - — . t co Mm = O ° . . “ OF 2) 00x O) oo ° fas) Se DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL #SNGINBEBRING. | University of Illinois. cate Fore;: sheet & Items. ° Machines. Coils, aperture of, ----- " ee widtk - - * No.;per pole ----- ‘, turns per coil --- - " not of wire ------ Conductors: bare, diameter - - : , width, depth " area cross-section 2 length of active - Insulation of conductors, kind 4 thickness cf, - - - Smooth Core Armature.’ Diam,’ over all - - - - - --- . of core, external, - - -.- . a internal - - - Length over all ------ - : of core, effective- - - Laminae, thickness of, - - - - " insulation tetw. (total) Ventilating ducts, No. of - - cs width of each,- - - Toothed armature.’ Diam. over teeth - - - - - - - "at tottom of slots - - - "of core, internal - - - Length, over all ------- : of core, effective - - Laminae, thickness of, -- - " insulation Letw. (total) Detail] dimensioned sketch of Stamping of tooth and slot - - sketch arrangement of conductors in slots, No.: of teeth - - - - -- ee Ventilating ducts, Noi of, - - 4 width of each, - Commut ator. : _# Diam., external - ---- - - "internal - - ----- ‘. bw) . = {> ‘ , , aie ee ie cfooatery Fes Ta s s . a i ou : . 7 : Uf Pony rn 4 < Soe" fh7 a ie reky ea © = : , | Ww > Cc o ¢ @ . + oleae = : De on =P) ca GAGE - aa 4 7 hd gate a. Sy - : yuh ees a3 t tite maa . be i : 5 ‘ cr 4 2 yee aed 7 . ie evop*~ oe ‘ as ” . *= ~~ - os fina DGGE ae -= ; aa a a rarest bee co - se) Me = co 8 3 Oo TO ©O ii@) OO . ee ee ee DEPARTMENT OF gLeCTRICAL SNGINGSRINGE. « . University of Illinois.:~ - Data Form. Sheet 3. Items. so) Machines, Length, over all ------- a fee, E active -------- Insulation, thickness Letw. ses: peyments, No. of --=- == - ws " No,’ of per slot - + Insulation, width of, at face, COLLECTOR - S1iB Rings.at root, Nomber of, = «2 - sm = as uee Diam., external, i 4 & Fi =—_— = = ok id inetrnal -~ esse s width of, Ses ae Re tats rik Yee Cam akin ae Thicsness of - - ----+ +445 Distance, centre to centre « - = BRUSHES. | Type of brush,-tangent, radial - Material of brushes «= « « - = «. Number of sets of brushes «= - = No.of Lrushes, one set - -~ + = = Length, of each brush = «= =< + % width, of each brush « « « <> “x Thickness of each brush - - = - area af contact, one brush « =a 4 " " set brushes FleLb wINDINGS, Type: shunt, series, compound, - sketch field coil ar spoo], showing section, par ing section, parallel to its axis, Net winding erea «=. = = @ « = Insulation, thickness flanges, - . "of bobbin Ing Turns, per spool, shunt - -~ - - - . series - - ~ - wt. of wire, on fields, per spoo] Ks of shunt 2 4 " series Field conductors, bare dian., - " " width x depth te a4, i’ 4 # t ‘, ey ut iy r ‘ * on” io >s wos Noe * ate oe + “e * 3 <- 4H te “ : 3 na ca, _ vata Form,’ sheet 4, -—_ caaamanl ca mmanncamcelaat aiaiaae Se ne 10&.Field conduotors bare, diam. series ac, |" width x depth, series - 10f, Radiating surfaces: cylindrical,sa.in.: 10é,: " " ends, sq.:in., eae " total, sq,in,= per spool, FIELD FRAME- Poles.- 108, Sketch pole: faces, horns, profile MEVGSCIMENBIODS, mo ae ee 109,Pitch, mean dis." betwn.pole centres 110.Pole arc: angle subtended - ~ —- oe " circumferential length - Sn Ae IR ERIN LGR St Rate atm ce Lig,Ratio of pole are divided by pitch 114, Dian. of polar bore = =. ~ —. 115,Depth of air gap, single =... 11é. Dist. betwm, adjacent tips, = =< 117, Mean length Mag.Circ.of pole- -- MAGNET CORg, - 118. Sketch and dimension,cross section: 1i9.Net area magnet core, ----— — iC, Length of core, betw. coil flanges, or,length of magnetic circuit PEACE OUC Cre A = ate a, ke YOKE 121, Sketch cross-section, and dimension, 122, Dist. betw. centre lines of cores- 1<é, ean length of Mag.Cire. of Yoke - 4 Go q oo hime a Mae T Oey se | med Ww eS mt ri } Ge. i t lee by tw aed f a - CT a at ee), 7 ey rr af aa er 7 ' i : af re Oe. fh ae ; ee ayy fa Se he ' é ’ , . owe ‘ ‘ eg fon Seem ele : F a : ere, See orig eS oF lot the +? re fe 5 = I ' 1% hot “ Sila e Felon Dd ofr ‘ i. . : ,N 07% ae hy Eeny Pen. © Pre rimeess Sa * “« c ta ee i Cae eee pe C5 oe us | ” - » orm rm tae ye pew wt fe hoe uals aE) Maries Fae : ? vii ; . ve hy AN gs hi 3 £50 EG a ran 5 ‘ FS SARI ie es chins er a wi : P94 & fo ive 7o) pe . J fw " . er . wm ghd ete Hos: i x . ct . TE aan. db UTS oe ’ . 2 Boe a got i 78% i at Ler as fe SPOTL PMB ae a ae Pe Om eM bee se ee Sr ne Ue eer tt De eee ows r y . ; ? Seley db ood, oa 7" PG" * Liane! ar —y ae mepene «ee 18 are & ys ‘gyunye Wey TUES Fy ra)? ois pe BRPOLG FOC OG nwa err ee ETN pi a a te ws nt tee ee Hoos 2 PUTED Ts ~ mms ee nam nen te mere ee “Reres otealethedineteaiaenenhaneivenminemetad 1 ee RT PS Smee tt dime — BB PSS epes.7- FO hesg Beger yorwy’’ Tera KTR ddd Wwe .puEs. y a oe a a Bay x0 pase ana o% Borys Vows —~ eho a oat a a et eae - —_ ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS. Department of Electrical Engineering. Universitv of Illinois. Data Schsdvie. Si TO Ta a © EN gmt ence mmanerrec nose average, during test, ---~-~ cylinder: diamever RU LONG reas OL aie eta AGG seg enter cag i section, men oe never entero Pre weight, (approximated). Method of Driving ------------------- Belt Pulley: dianeter, pent we . . face width, ins, anaes Driving Generators, ~----~-------- ee by ihmbe re) « GENERATORS No. of Poles —--—-———-~...___.__.._..— Capacity, KeW. --------~----------- average during tost ----—-. per cent,. full load, -~--~ speed, normal, RpM., mete x average during test, ~----- Bee RT CITC Ye ee recent nec Voltage, normal ---~---~----~-~-~-~-~ a Form P. .sheet2 ~~ 2: ae ee = eae ee nee eee WONG FU 4s <————— ASYGLse wropcs. —-- Wisc, RD Ogee Gomme CRYIEHY LOH -{ pacy cecil BA MBL’) WRTATUS Gate. cponat: =--+ es. “ ry tyce arory’ Bere BSIToA: Greticres* tocar - | MeGOG OF pesATUR -~-———--- 5 Borers’ - abuoxyr pin; } ri averten" \- Sas eee = ee Byard '< ee: ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS. Data. 45 A8 items. Current, norma Voltare average, during test ----— Current, normal ---~-----~-~-------- " average, during test. --- How driven,( belted or direct con)-— Belt Pulley: diameter, ins,, --~-~ si _ face width, ins., --~- Belt: width x thickness, ins. ELECTRIC SUPPLY: 55 Ineardescent Lamps, normal, Ne.--- 56 Are Lamps, normal Ne ~-----~—-~-~-—-— 57% Motor service, K.W. -------------- 58 Street Cars, normal, No, --------- RESULTS OF TRST: | 59 Volts, Generator Panel, mean —----- uy GO Amperes, ! : meg oe 61 K.W. per hour, Volt—Anip. averagos. Ge shals< see integ. Wattmeter —— OS We Ch i ane Hem TI? O11 Te eter ecto ee oc oo 64 Feed Water, Lbs per hovr ---~- ---- 65 riean Temp. Fahr ~---—--—~ GG Steam Press., average, gauge, ---- 67 Total Heat in One Lb. Steam from 68 69 Feed water Tem. to Steam Temp. ~— PLANT RATINGS: K.W.~hours per 1,000 Lbs aloe M 1,000,000 BoT.U. ".Supplied to the system, —-~--~-~----_ Feea Water - Department of Blectrical Enginecring. UlLvoretey Cf LL LinoLoe. Form P, Sheet 32° a ee ee OS ee ee Py Sew ee Se ee eel Clee 3 ; " welt y — 4 sang Srobyy ha ly “ + hig Balk g Peu ees ; eon > = = a . a» vt P 2 y y ’ Of a) ew oT hee eae ¢ 6 a le Bry Menor Aaey Ty — % P Ss i \ i od i (visi 4 ’ / Roun gig eq Apoyo ’ ~ TS Y ry ms r a 7 CA Ueeel nese 4 Pp". gpeiny. ELat os ° * 4 * - a CC. 4e2sse tierce adhere “Gante® -—-.n [ Ly ; 7 7A. _ ‘ rent frre! roe 7 1 ? G2 - Ligt ue a pte DOF * il eerie ¥ “ee | 1,034 LAs: on" pre hes pars. pa A | es Sepa das ies Synge os Hinds 2h - yA" ; “ rupees he pewores ~— **ne bee tors" ACT CY" racisoa- ‘3 2601 --—- forea Gevesseos. pene?” meow fs. He ees = @ wiious cuen* worms O° cic npenggipliate | spate: yen" ee A Oe TY BUDE" WOE YO -— mmm im waveus pede! missy Hem Tah eed pecs 79 rt a 0 YY. a e T.° = of Ury.: Set edule-0. 4 1.-Examine, thoroughly, the assizned apparatus, appliance, device, or object of study. 2.+Take apart, disconnect, and note details of construction, &.-Reassemble, set un, or connect, as originally assizned.: 4,-Sketch circuits, arrangements, details, as follows: (a) «ll electrical Circuits, - (tb) all kKagnetic Circuits.: (c) General arrangements and such details as may ve spec- ified; showing olan, elevation, and section, if pos- Sitle, (d) vimensioned sketches of strucutral parts, details as scecified.- f&.-veasurements and digensions of structural tarts, as scecified.,- é.+Report on the work done, giving a written account of the same, des- criting the object assigned for Study and explain the uses and functions of its several parte. ae = ( 3a : = aa. eae ae {ae ep i> =’ , : a % *e: a’ bas a ; es a : “ ¢ hy i 4 1 a4 . ¢ 3 7 : on =< ; ’ —= : “ee = 7 ‘ ’ kai a 4 nh Br a euq tawerrave o% ‘ype eBaersy ‘air ay OR: ape Speer serene Gah erngh sve ons ene spe ome " gorsevamanours aug qreeverbie of epincenney carga? a anes me = a eRTETeg. 44) ‘pprerarousg mreapee of apuneaet ot ouLre qererya 4 sa rte 49) Qenet yy? ieiatilitars sug eAGp qorsrye ae wa 06 eDeo- Py my Fetnepre Grenyge er - ~ 4%) “IT Syecrnreey crucarie’. | Seed ee mee. we etuangeet ouaitkewoure* aerssse cornet: II.+INSPECTION, Schedule--0. 2 (1)-Inspect, thoroughly, the assigned apparatus, appliance, device or other object set apart for such work.: (2)-Take apart, disconnect; re-assemble, set up, or connect as may be necessary for thorough inspection. : (3)-Nechanical Inspection:-Inspect following features and details, in all instances to which they apply: . {2} eneral appearance nag cleanliness. . reed on nok MB of mechanical, electrical, or mag- Character” fe) aatu ustments, necessary to Bae eG ihe rmatures: clea ance; Lala og - sta ynamic,- E ing etio for operation,-shafts, ce fhe, etc. rica : tral *eBtments for operation: belt slip, etc.: f g) Fina (4)-Blectrical Inspection: chiefly ty use of magneto and voltmeter. (a) Imperfect and loose joints and connections. (b) Open circuits.’ (c) Crosses in circuits.: (a) Grounds,-circuits, armatures, fields, etc.° fists (5)-Magnetic INspection:- chiefly by compas needle.: (a) For magnetization of field, or mechanism. : (t) For direction of magnetic polarity. (c) For magnetic balance, as in armatures: radial, longitudinal (@)-Note: For Primary Cells and Storage Batteries; Inspect for ) bendst ion of fl ctrol yte,, quantity, quality. fh) ondition of g ectro state and condition o charge of storage Latteries.: (7)-Note: For Dynamo-electric machinery, in particular, as follows: General: - Sparking at brushes... : E eating: eae ; field coils; bearings... 01s yotor: i mpeg: E ils °F oe rindi recticnherotats i D star irection of ro on. Dynamo: — F bynamo $a s to generate. atc see a LEB, ~Vol. xI. -1894, Parkhurst's "piseases of Dynamos. " 266 WT se * -A0T* ¥i"=jead* BeLK per ,2 TT eersea of HAngno ‘ ngewe: > ; ht DA SO $a378 £O ite ¢ lh = ; it~ : On 2: @z7 BPOLEo° a PTO OF Lererrvsee — es BU SSg: STE 6%, iOm~ : 1 sd . 4 WOT Bs" : ; SSM, rug GLP Las Te Coy eg: - Pernt re s- CSUSLST: - Es poebarat Be pLaapea’ yaTST TOOT} . : (S)-Here: fox pawemo-epecgnro WEGETHSLA* TH bALETGA}eL' ve LoTToRe: weg cOugTeYoLR ot SpURRC OF apoiuBe parperreg’. (S)-WOLe: EOL ELTHSLA QeTyTe aug croLete perrertee! rwebacy pox (G}) OL weivepre perssee’ e2 yu siweroyse: Legray’ routreaaee (F) Bob gTheorroy of Mefvesre bergtrrn: (3) $05 wahs BSeTSapTOU Ok ETeya” op SeOPeLy eH. cop-wetuesre yyebecrrou:~ ouret ya pA Gombwe veeq}¢' ) a ee rine h) gabe oa a: ; r = Byony Cheeat pe | a a (9) CRONIES SF LGHT SB” wLaur nes’ ,reftge’ ere. a = : fG) Choeeee ru eT Lenyre ce ae ; (P} Ober orLonyee". | a" {#9} twhetrece sug. yoose Joture ex somuecprove, : oa eaten; Twebechyou: spregyA ch ate Of wstuego BEY AOT pwE per a= fepmeut ¢ tot obsLerroy: bey ‘yy? ere". aca ES hg atfs mene ‘nepepere! sesseegs Ss BERETS. 70042087 on wate a ruepsvese sO mprop pyeh vbby ah: 7 nn “Gh Roopsur08 Iwabeortou: ~Tuebeag joysoatye qeopmes ave gererye” w UeeeeeveA Lon ppononip ruebecsreu’. ’ a _ (snusre hangs 5 qrecounsor: Se wer ‘tte OL couveas 8 wea ne : _ Of pes opjece Ber abst yoh ivnop worge: = Farris — betcha sf oayee ah i or _ University of Illinois. = Schedule-0.2 Sheet 2. Ii. INSPHCTION. Memoranda on Hlectrical Inspection of Dynanos and Motoi's Hiectrical Inspection, by Magnet@. is- Fiegid Frame, simple. grounds. 2em Yield Coils, each, individually, (a) open circuits; (b) erounds. Se Armatures: (a} closed coil type, inspect for: (a,) open circuit. (5) grounds. (bj) open coil type, inspect for: (by } an open coil. (bo) crosses between coils. (bs) grounds. Hlectrical Inspection, by Voltmeter: ice- Inspect for short circuits By millivoltmeter: {a} in each field coil. BS (dD) in armature windings. ao , ‘ i @: Cs ) ate bad contacts by millivoltmeter. Yo~ Suspect for gualatv oer insulation: {a} for injured or faulty insulation. (0) for approximate insulation resistance. ic} for Leakage of currentsundcr rnorwal conditions. Fose: Voltastersys sed. to be of nigh resistance, 7000 to 20,000 ores, and ada vied. to machine circuits, except as- not ed. lus pect nr (foresgis ont Wirewtt 40 wemetus "Ee windings + Wsth Tields sxcite Ao MG Snes} ‘rotate: armature. slowly, “by hand; mark: sit.i6n, (wheke. toiqie ga ddenly— incre ken) to right and left; the shar, 4% Pou ibeh-eait As Sborerinately in centre. of this, oe poet : ees aes « oy veep i9,eaurle cs spre. ashe? FH Rah lpi ry ze eoenty fuonestee)* 20. xe che aug woRa Tse MG ay ps Ages ii ae ange | : sberwaiercxe » eon ia. ‘pe ‘petiq: Woke: Pe Sh alte 78 Fie sie ‘Brveinte fotn ; Lan ii ri ; ot enn ps -wroptie tyres? ektiebs. ge: ‘bogey: if PS ane SERPS B 238 #0. 9@ oy wat. Leeze reves? TR" 000. Fo go" 000; = (ey 06 jouxgte’ ot: ontneut gang Lowes Louate town: {p)} On sboLox pas ee questse tos nee yepsuce: {7} LOL Tu }aneq on xenon qwentsei@n- « a ge. Gerda Cw syanaeh oO THONTNE TOD > aa > or i ‘ 5 x2 : s*~ Tocs rg. ax coupecse pa maTITACT REE gE | ae 2s ES ru ThA! ELE aqagwee (5) Bi seep gzere coy] aes wanees oe nye oem = Uy TTACS sii: gu° aphy: Exeauge: | (p>) Lovage peeneons ‘eorge (pT) su oben cezy° (P) Oem eon? chbe* Borge! ae a ely saa beans Wil ee TREY Ea 5 (sy sT08eg: COIs: acti aceite oe : £. | s*+ 5 LT8Tg genre? eoep* ——— sds obeu Wrtomieet (ey cx ies BIST. asa Bambye Ruomwans 8 | | Vapaneens, ov apdopmioey aseheceron oO {panos ‘sug joer III, : ILLUSTRATION and DEMONSTRATION. schedule--C. 1=- Illustration of Electrical and Magnetic Phenomena, singly and in combination. : (a) El éctro-Chemical fields, generation, electrolysis, storage, etc. (b) slectro-Thermal work,-heating effects of currents, calorimetry.’ | lighting by are and incandescence, electric furnace, etc. c) ‘tlectro-Dynamic effects , “adduction, motion, fields of force, etc.’ (d) Magnetic phenomena,- fields of force, distribution, strength of . fields, useful and waste flux, leakage, magnetization, etc.: (e) Slectro-lagnetic phenomena,- induction experiments, estatlish-_ ment of nmf., magnetizing force and ampere turns, elements of dynamo and motor, of various types and windings, ete. &.- Effects of combinations and limits within which chenomena are 3 available for practical utilization, etc. c.- Use of instruments,(a) Mechanical; (b) Blectrical; (c) Magnetic, 4.- Precautions to be observed: (a) In handling instruments, - See Instruction Sheets. (b) In taking observations. : (c) In taking measurements, and use of constants. (d) In connecting up the work for measurements. (e) In operating apparatus, machine, etc.: 2.+ Possible Sources of Errors. : ©. fa) l dn handling the instruments. - (b) In conncections, etc.- (¢) In machine or apparatus used.: (d) In nature of motive power, force, or current used, - , (e) In constants used, given or derived. €.- The Reduction of ocservations,- use of Least Squares, craphical and analytical methods of stating results, deriving formulae, law ‘constants, etc. See Carpenter's axp. ang'g. page @, etc. oe Illustration of fundamental principles, laws, etc.; corrotorations., 8.- Illustrat operation of apparatus, machine, etc. (See Operation Sheet) 9.~ Characteristics of Performance, constants, etc. i0.- Testing Methods, illustrated by typical examples of tests.: 11, = How results are discussed and conclusions drawn. Rad Ty'= HOM Leanyse 916 gpeonersy BUY coYGTHeToOve GLeAy' to’ = _geerres neryoga’ ry yoerusfeq oA fAnTcsy exembyea of fasre’. ow BS ns (8) sye@pLo-petverro bpevomeus'- reqnorrou exbenrweuse’ eapopyyap- (8). Bigeeno-qpemzosy, Erezge* vonage eyecpLoy here’ eronciis E chanboaidid of ‘ereostronr We netusere bpevoreus? suerte ww CPILESLELTelTSe Of petlLoLmevGe* couagsure” sfc* 3 TyVyMerLsy obenapTos of gnuaLeene" WOSL TIE? 6s" (266 ObSLuPION a) TT]MScLsProw of gmuqswenrsy birwvarbyes y9a2" nae GOLLOYS OLSSTONS -govepauga’ epe” “ees OwLbeupen a Gb’ wpe |B bete g*. efor: EMBTALICaT wegpoge of afsrrys sane ee: GeLTarwe LoLwayss* pom [pe wWeqnesrToy of oeseLAssyoue’- Nae cl fTesep -I7eLee' FLoopres, Sia | (6) TM couepeupge NEG” Braeb ot cer aeq : (q). is YSPNLS Of worTAS bones* ,on.ss’ Ch onbLee naeq* (SG) tw weoproe OL schvLapda meq’: 3 (f) {PR cOpscecgroue” spc’ “¢@), Eu. Povey Tye ppe Fuarhowguse” Roeerpye SONLGSE OF CL LOL". (8) [v obenwpry® shbsrapme’ weoprve* src-. ast. (4) TU Sombecp¢TVE nb pps aouy [OL PouRNLenepry" el aa re (¢) Iu feRTUh tesenteweurs* sug hae Of GouePreuPe’ . ake: ag tsi -orobby rat wg qrecouveag yur aug craunne -lt iy’ =coapy7UR* moLRTUe TE baLeTyet.” Res at fowssi® ey eceuroeq ya’ SLi roreuonk* ecouoNs* Ob orpeL peurmus #2 Wer pe Ledatnes ry obersprollt 4 yo" “Reber raw pay] qerekmy ne Feue obsuorrue cowqreToue’ [0% prépeer Sle at- oxeuzue DeLTOLEAISS OF ‘Hooprue efot sa fo woking serou" sonpLey* ont ge exouyue [nvepyousyT Mone IDA of enn on ‘sbbeweene? yon aepeegee Lee YWOLS tO% phusnoe spq poroLe® 306 eoear 9} OneuveroR- 868 nopegnie’ A’ Opens sb BeOPTUG OL geporagse’ ve nh ps yecaeestA’. nt? a8 Of wecprie’ ‘oh oryen Fru oF bie] resuen. ober sprou" Th an g'- - poyepeser.’ "aumepen’ brier rire’ ero fo pe need” fo NSSOT paryarue | eLa yneagox of ponenous yeceLeuULA {0% BNGSeeel A] obenarrou o'= Haase 8Tf enrsoper oben" onp-onee Lnaeg* opepuncerowe oyeuteq’ ba! ora orpen bueyrpyuenh sqtnerneure ee awh pe LednTLeq ph rps HOLM “a += ‘wqyag* y7He abs sr8prew peyee fo OLGTUBLA revayous” ong are ooh ae ia ort onbe svg Tuenue goog ynprosezon" Wists yu? fees ac 9 e+ 2 sxeur ve [OL enh jooss benge* wresroket couuect yous? sonene? ere fi ch as ace inna saxon ener own wee: ce bbe Leas Ene ineearing . ELLAINGLSG ¢ fa N oe Department of Flostr URLVOYSLtY 6 {ENTS AND APPARATUS. LabsSchedule 025 Shoct x ° CALIBRATION OF ELECTRICAL INSTRU! Nicnols,: Eeb.; “bevers..cvory Manual, Vole Lie, DP 658-63; Ye. LOG B00, Anan, SeWer Deseusiion of TO dovorine consvarts, sompootions, coerfi To “standaraige anv eivor KPVAPAAIG OA a THO Posnanes May be use’ wider sinile> -cenditi v GLenett TO Dae plane. vor, whav ite pore ons, so measure 4% yverfrornancs or ai-y.atvher machine. INnGLUONtALLV -to de tem, ino best conditions or most accurate meth- od8 for UH ef instigionts. ClaSCllica.on GP Geitbricidn. Vook: Ly papa a finden tine he otho Nestle wt. n n Se Ey uncer tna geno ol i die 1s mado 39 ‘shirt ‘fror-a Pivon position, by oa i baa) hea instruments: Nichols pp. 61-G6a. o ym SCuIS yoint ob the Ce ¢ a0 Y cy a HIMber ot Aire anol combinations, “oaeh - Biiae vr" 2 showld ro~ turn to the sain roedine cach tite tne Circuit 15 Pros tore. tO the orisinal core tat oe Of ~hat which roaulted in tra Savon Ait Val ireacinp: einige to do so, there Fill then oe BOVern: VoludG Lor the sake inicicl receding, ° Thich nay be YOutad: by the method az ory Squares, “v8 find tao provapie v Orrer OL -a single observation. (3) Constaney of Zoro: Anylvy preceedire nethod,zero an initial read- Lis (3) Comparison with Standards; or Instruments used as stantards: These nay oe primary or secondary, and ar: likely to have in- herent sorrees of e-rors, noted Solow unde: inetrwuontal Orrors « Comparisons nav be made vith auxiliary apyaratus, as in use of stand ordizged multiplier tO 'to8t% ancirgaey of hi¢cher scales or a voltnetor, or vice versa; and thease of shunts for anperse rendings on "ndlli-voltne iter, testing either the shunt or the instrument, according to which has previously boen standard- E265 : (4) Deternination of Constents, as of inlitiplie:s and shunts: C$) posemuTVepTon of. Goxorcuy aw on Of INT STRITe: B Sy apaune! Peay Eig Soe een gs = OSMMWeNP? GCCOLYTLE 0" apron vee isvanirore yh piew apaugetig< BwqQrvers. ow wreTtT<-.0trisnes? Iheheh Shh VTITOR frs BNOS Oh Le res AOTETGROL" OL ATOR AGLAT!. Guy fhe wfye ot QIULa LOL. tibee: npviue BeTecy LT ETOFIOS 0. Seay PsGARGCA oF pYbiien » BCeTee Me Qoubonrusye La Be nian id “ay gy Sue Te, CROGLY ese" Bo £129 * 2LBOLR" -. . a a (> Pubes Roteor ot GC. tone* uo £ay peyon iyo. re puutioagsy - ; LBeac ae Fae me DeRWIEA, Oz. neocougina’ ij Shi: “PFROT ne Rig Be ‘WUAQ Tu te) Qorhen yao nten. as Sota le OL TUGIWRIGUER fitug oO Be Cu 4 anuiae ; ‘ Vos ieee ‘ ag ko* =. | ” . re {3} Qouas Gis oy Sez: RENT PROC UIT! i= ue Hoy" sen0. oi FRI PPeF aii a ee 2 oe eet obies. of 4 atyt Te oprozavs yd’ ; PSOrP.ay PA Fe reryey Of PaCiNe ediienon? ba. rig. gta: ag: GOkeeT eo five Lok fd aged “Tey ster secgTat* apres ita 96 Se Twrets ‘J BecqTper Berrie so Gd vot pyeiw’ aryy7 wey nah og $8 gu. ony! LFSy comer eToy? om “Oneg apy op Bousreay Ty £EG . = HSS. $6. sa usw Losgruy ovep syrto sue arent: Te TA : te pes OL GILLS OH Oi, ppuegroie GON PTHGh 4 Backs SMOROG: He pale 18 Beye fo. OPTES Lhe og Braow do Hs = | is Sq. ‘FO OGer syle? wee. eu Bie eyucPeayooy } ar Bee ae. Dare % Tes UGoy}S LITT soe fo Sse laste. hore: a 3”. bei tached poured o%, ‘eee cine Th mpegs: alas me ej ogy Lon fou ot qntabionen” i be A> Ps ig Bie eee a 3 . ‘TwoyquligsT Th £0 SGP ay NPTNG | peré SoncTe oy Ob poe ocerma pe De tars phe Oy 2 Chyen-meenyuE + 5 Ten Loc wet Pe Lee, mugen - TNT Tes congtezeita' we Yes a piano sai ta BTAou chpsnugna* goog wept Shee i it GorariTHe covusm.ge! conoc pToL te’. gooELTeTeue ie bad bes - GOLOCD TRO BTA wp adoge TUB PEATE ERPs oe . = DeETouH of Tsu oa Rotyyeto. magn ogee Ah cosy st 08 sae _ BP sonme FEO SPREE OX, ” a “Ry aeu Toesiaicug? mh oe ane i cee aa Department of Electrical Ingineering. bel University of Illinois. CALIBRATION OF ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS. Lab.Schedule 0.5" Sheet ve (5) Determination of Coefficients, as temperature cocrricients. In many cases, fron the nature of the matoricl or appliance investigatad,. such coefficients cannot have a constant value, oven if no ervor be made in the work. In such cases it is necessary to determine the lav and cause of such variation; such as calibration of D'Arsonval galvanonoter for yotontial, in which a megnetizging current is used, in which case calibrat ion curves should be obtainec for different magnetizing curret (G) Determination of Corrections: to be made under conditions suited to annlication or set or conditions determined by yractice. (7) Standardization of Apparatus, as an electric motor: The detoriination of suen performance, as of efriciency, for 9 standare comparison roquires unusual care and the observan- ce of all conditions inposed by calibration tork, in reneral nnd as noted below, Ordinarily, such determinations are to be jade under as nearly as possible the sane conditions as in actual proctice and application. Units ard Standards; Instrunonts «s Standards: These require checking or calibration, frrori tine to time. Witi known constants, corrections and coefficients, it cannot be assumed, without experimental proof, that even the dest instri ments will renain long without some changes. This is espec= jally truce of that class of instrunents and standaris in. -whiel pernanent magnets are omproyed. Noto instrvmontal errors, pelow. (1) Errors in assumptions, such as that in any instrument or a re- sistance used in oxperinental work there is neglible self-in- duction because so considored in ordinary practical use or the sane: sich an assiwiption vould not be allowed in the Mnost accurate work. (8) Errors in Conditions, such as not maintaining corstant temper- i093 sere: ature of the roon, or cornpartment where calibration is done. (3) Errors in variable nature of electrical supply used, as in al- rost all -ealibration Work, it is necessary to keep notential or current consvGnts Secure careful rerulation by. known de- Viees. Aloo, OfPors due to variable pover in Alt. Cur. Calt- brations. - (4) Errors in cloctrical circuits or connections, which, tnough correct for the york, nay be very poorly mado; or being well v made may be carelessiy handles, for all of which there is no @XCUBC » aXChus * regu WIN peers =, (=) ELLOLo , 7 PLOY TOM Mi AToSsa* pal Oot ei wo" + geenEE SS: fpo eee? Se : aw Pa be cates Si GPA youd feo 3°. "dou, sty oy ANT GH. ey ius F2-HNe oad ate SHU LOL} ie vp dehdh 176 “ACK DOOL rh se a On Ps a eT FT G]UCLwT< Sey OTLeEHTha o% couviecsTove*~ apron SORE Bae ey % Pia os < ee VIOS’ -GaRene Gre fo AMLTOPIe Doucet tu yTe* Che gag 0 aly guuus fe sng? ie ecg ONES al L137 meh ve Limit sour To dA CuO if tee i ack akg Pou - Hse Ff a ru Yee GeNCT £0 KGGD iO peue Tey rey j ave SOT o) Tupac tL ey: oeesesp u sdgo} th feoy* eo Pee) a3 pio “oot de" oor Deke. mur open cetyoneston ¥¢ Toe U QOUGTITOns* enc ed wor weperarucw coverups pout fe op Cu ogre weed BouTy YOL HPo- eT TMOG yu "Ko prey: Sie STON piso Sec re vOMETYSRGY Tu. oh WOTA BLIGLF OST SBS QF,. 2TRssves (Yr) ae la yu gorteat aE ae LY FE Oe sk ge)? peyon* Dekuowery wetvepd Oks ob es, 3 ore “ques _ FUTTA fatto ot, SHOF Eb sood o rr de Br cg mBogs Th OXPeL Tet fur Won y $¥ eho Ta yelTrTpye agyi= gnwam® ar aay St syee TH UU: ia Sa Ps Qn re IST ohton it | VePEALen ED | ieugeL~ Fn ame Bul aryyor: ero cyeyies* gure re sales | Lfousoy “goon! ghey eau: uO AGRE 3 | HEC MT gw yyy cooEL ToT aipe* Te ostwep> pe a. sneer THO on ih at hal Thor Piwe Po Squier iré nw Ae tre # or % oe Fear’ te SrengTe: me re ue ge woxer ae gf desi ff ancl gosentrrys oe or OTT; couyTeToue, ThciGy PA ouTTpSysTeL ay ar cat "70° eabyrongto. on wor ow, “2p). “ora ie Q aa a<> 43 ti ae eta ipes e4 ancy DOLLOMEIGe* Fe OT. esau? tx ies Dogearseray: 9, cosets % “ emmmmrsiot on arse tea Pacerge ome ioe ole ; eupros* ak ie ma 76 fo motag cour yan og Tu COLRIETRON Ledvri¢e SRUT ONG. Cone eng ope wah oy vahenuna' 8B a eregeite: Boson: aes ie DupeErey On & tabentt SQeLt: Departiient of Blectricrl Ingineering. ‘ University of Illinois. CALIBRATION OF ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS. Lab.Schedule 0.t (5) (7) Shect 8. Errors in handling anc sottirge wp instruments, whether stan- dards, or dnstrmients being calibrated. Wo Skene tan De orfernd. fox, these, Errore in operation of the apparatus, as riotor,. boing callbrat= bee to be. cuarand acalnist. by, intolvafent sepervis eke Agee a VOLK « wniental rore:. each. instzrurne::t or picte of apparacsus has orn ee and characteristic sources of error, which be clasoificd. am conazent errors These should be most shoronehly investigated with view. v0 “yp esible romnoval, wnollv Orman parts Sources. of. error. not ronover should be evaluat- ed and olinminated br appiying the corresponding corrections aetermined in such eh oer tvaluation. A nodification of the anveratus or condision¢m a... i06 s1orking, May reviove Sev— orak of such constant, orrdrs. (8) Errors of Mothods: these must be reduced to a iminimm, ody studving the vaerv best methods of enalibration, anc in advance f the troork. to ascertain the voascible sovrees of error. duc to this cause. Then erreance “th. work or Modify ‘the toethod- 49 remove these errors as tmch as possivle. Tvaluate the effects of tl.ose sources of error not removed, and aftorvards OL Trea ye +1077 “DY applying the correspondins sorrections de= termined i: such prelininarvy evaluation. (9) Personal Errors, errors in taking readings, wleking observat— ions, These are usuaily rebeent in’ amount for any viven individual brit do not disappear a: « rosult of ‘long contin-= wee practice. Thev should be early recognized; detemiuined, in character, if possibie altho in Anaun?’; and allowed for in viving re elative weifrhts to the readings of any riven serics. Prewautions, all to be observed, as no ted in Instruction Sheets for 0 the us OOF Sinden’ e Thoroush ger ity with the princivios anc use: of she instruzents is oquired. Note time slement(creeping) in pore er rte cprroant calibrations: to be pursued; in Calibration ork: rdinaiy method of calibrating electrical instruments is by direct. comparison with standard instruments by measurine sone electrical yuantitv sevoral times and itl teneously by the two instrumerts. Then a similar serie 3 of readings is taker with variable amourts of such eloctrical quantity, to evtain different points alongs the calibration curve to be plotted. ee pa ad ao G. ‘ ‘ nega, F tos ole im pee | mee « Nite a ee P “ ee ae pee . a BLecre GapIworey Coase gor OF Bone” TH BOMueoy Su DSLPTCHyTsy* st Va eee! bah? PGit* : AITISS: OT LounT ot bojuge gu “eraTeTon 2 OW Pe Crag TM JUST LEPATHSS oer 0% Lesyyuce {ROM Gaz PP RTS LOM oleae Tox GOLLGCE LYog- ooFrpBos rou onzicat | Awe pom pr’ ely ‘ZOTTSs ‘Gorey yog Tuopnace you Lon HoRe nooges Herons of csyTpAgrreu gones . | . fe). eruponons OL, GAOTA aditnoe OL GRL0% Fuom nag OL iid aie Gyno OTT Gers’ yocogegth ipz. q7nonadzou ‘Muy ConLOpenasTous (¢)} daicbee ds ee Or, sarc ee i Te Tuceubhyers Tr re goer Os” wODE* . Pye i - -gieguet etic se iid, ere TF sonra pe he saath Ts” ‘$6 nail gye . {3) WIT ueceanghy Reuanay sg Gost Teg Gepe* a9 ie ia dea fuoP pA - yaar aout Arey our tuvgon MEPs re oy, quopLaneupe Stéoq*. Bf sere ENT STDITERS" foDbuigganug’ ogo*? ga hog Te gue 6u7Be B fTKO LOG “oR Te aT jeee OL, neeTarsuees fusiopsuege* (1) preci co Avant oretit¢ge® caaeabaal r ast gd ede ue 4 i : seme piles — te) nome! ge tres. ‘vesToR 0% ae ee eee - yori, pa. on. ay pararede eens ingraud Los. aa | ae (eo). pIB fee wAFCrous AoAsT of GT gesusPyEsto nomove oy ( P) 99K a puoxonCp agnya o7, OF steooasepre formadt ak noe . » cong stows ene SS ab oeciiaa apepey: na ont ae: qu scene ro serroatit: oman. an pe 3 orm hex r yrs we G? hed Sat fom ih < : ri att : , el Pes F. somm ake ia ae i. 4 les Ne par ioe , eat a en eee a ay 6 matt ie” ‘ he” i "ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LabCRATORY, | University of Illinois.,: keasurement of Armature Resistances.~ Dynamos and Hotors, Leal. Acbaduke / Oe ey a ane cat -_- (ee iat g SOLE LE A OL A ES EE EE A AT LF Se A AE AS a oN ee ne a ct tet ee ee te ae cs armature resistances can Le obtained only when not running, Method to te used, - Fall of Potential. Currents to be used, preferably 110 volt circuits; or battery. Instruments: low-reading voltmeter, high-reading ammeter.: Precaution: armature must be connected up as a simple resistance, in series, in the circuit teiny used, Regulate current used by a water rebittance placed in series; or, use a lamp bank, as usual. Use heavy currents, Take ten (10) consecutive readings of voltage across tersni- nals and of current through armature. Turn the armature through a small, but different anil consecutive reading, Take three sets of observations under following conditions: I, From terminal to terminal, of machine switchboard, not including any series coil connections, : Ii, From brush to brush, connecting onto clips. Til.: From diametrically opposite commutator segments placing voltmeter terminals under brushes, e, for each KCTn:~ Measure resistance, cold, at beginning Of experiment; that is, before machine is operated or before any field resistances are measured,’ measure resistance hot, after normal running, or after deter- mination of field resistances.’ nrpasyron PO,OLG B Kode HELE SPNLe “_ coe on oe aan ~ | _Favnteneie rH a Searsiaobeer: pavemos ig feneke vt are 4 ie sk 2 ae cf ( OL LISiq Leeres succes’ ReveOLe Lesfarsvce. por’ FLLSL woLwsy] Lawerys’ ob ep ren geren- eoprue ye cbeheres on feloue suk greyg LeRToesveea ane wesanL og” gue Nansen Leetesevee* 6o74' vf pekruurye o1 axbenyeene? cys re’ «AOTLMOPSL Perwrusy se meget pLaieper* ie: a lil’ kweow d¥oweruresy 7% obdboerre covwnrsro. seknevee one: i IT’ gow pitep fo. prnep" copvecayué ovge,.cyrbe’ — gl ari peal TROT AGILE WA S6L Te? Se ere e ame ‘t’ whom fenmrusy fo peteryey” of meoprap sarpepposng? wp” ERS PpLee aege of opeeLaggrove nugeL poyjorTuR SONdTITONE, | eoveécnrrae ‘Lesgryt" ve fe " Lnen (pe simepaLe pysenhp e.ewey7’ pap dy ccanaue auSy¢" Lot esp Heys MNQ.Of \CMLLeuPS PpPLoONfy -eigepnLe: : Lore as (JO) Gouseanprae Leag7 URE et. aoyeuse BaLoaE PeRny~ OL* see o Jumh poy’ Se Hetey’ Re pesar apadasdalle is peta} see ontLome maeg pA v ange Lerrpesuce bpeceq rr. wextog? 7aM fu @enree' Ty pe orLente -ferys® meeq' ate i pleosnprou: SLEOPALS' DHRP pe Goulecteq ab ve 9 ByNHyS Leererouce’ “i rt aliases iganrnetgne AGTSEGHGEL!. enone beanie’ me Kerpog £0 pe neeg’ ~ Katt of poreusryy> Le Kouzes sue: omy fe oprarveg ony? We vos Laure! a aly suid ieillabes einen teen diene ity . : putaenersh on “pyyyiere. ee, Wy EPROLMEGYE rEMOTMERUI MS rRORYLOBA’ if eee EM TE ee eg ERR ies ae | ee of ee ee a) + idan. Gre, : at ra BLECTRICAL ANGINERRING LABORATORY, | University of Illinois. Lab. Schedule. -2,. keasurement_of Field Besistances,--Syrames and Hotors, Field resistances may be obtained while running at normal eoltage, or, when at rest, by use of suitable direct current. Method to te used,- Fall of Potential. Instruments, voltmeters and ammeters of suitable ranges. (I) kesistance of Shunt Coils, of Lynamo. (i)Use shunt coils only. Run dynamo at usual speed. Throw in and regulate large resistance in external circuit. Run out Field Kheostat to end or to the stop.: short-circuit Rheostat at machine, : Take ten (10) consecutive readings of voltage across shunt and ef current through the same. (2)Use shunt coils and Rheostat.: Run at normal speed. and voltage. Take ten (10) consecutive readings of voltage across shunt coils including Kheostat, and of current in same.: Kete exact position of Rheostat handle or notch. weasure exact rrsistance of Rheostat (includine its external leads) at formerly observed position or notch. Resistance of chunt coils- Res. of (shunt and Kheostet) less Kee. Oo the af eee Lat. (II) Resistance of Series Coils of Lynaues Poerate dynamo as lons or short compound. - Apely fall of potential method as in measurement of low resistances, Take ten (10) consecutive readings of voltage across series coil and of current in sane, (III) Resistance of Motor Fields. Proceed as in (11); or, connect ammeter to field coils at motor switchboard, take readings, as before.- NCTa:- Measure resistance, cold, at beginning of experiment. Then measure field resistance, hot, after normal running. ox) 8 ay: > Lieyqg Leerepsuce’ poy* sire, voLmey Lapvrye" ae UOIWi~ wewEthe Legrereuae’ coyq’ of pekTUNTVR OL OxbsLy]weus’ jpeD meveRnE fare LevGTube’ se pelone’ . . HROCESG $2 Ty (TI}' OL" CODECS stwerer fo ‘yreyg COorye vf wosoL BMT POULOCRG ee ee ear HR ere ae or « {TEI} HeeTessuce of KOsOL ETS] gS". GOT}. 6g Of CHLEGYS FP sare’ _§9R8 feu (JH) Sovescepras Lesqr Me OL aojpsete VoLORS BsLIed — WOOT A EST] OF bopeusTs} wappoq ge Tu mecaMLemeuy Of yon Levpap sees ROSb EPS qavwwo se yous OL aia Gonbonng:. ne sei ashe an bee sa OiAiee NAS iy ee core tn meen ee (II) HeaTersuce Of beLyse gorpe oF pAyere*. yserersuce Or apne sorye= yges Of ce ae ree e : yosqa) up LOLmeLTA Otgeracg boerpro” ot voray | enol a i 5 in z SegenLe SxEoL LLeyepouss Of upeoes ss (fustaqrur wee exeenuey es yORS Exect boerprow oF wreoeray puNdge on Borepy = OS. vax rhopagyys Yyeoepur’ sug Of cmiReny JU euncr. ae pare pew (56) SOURSCHPIAS Lesgru®e OF acy pees ycLoee apnug corre. (S)Nee epewe copy! wuq Bpecerss’. LO of HOLME; wbseq’ og fori tee 9 98g Ch CnnLeng rytootp fps este PSK feu (JO) Cowesenpyas Levqr ute of besos dread wonege ‘wpetay: BPOLP~GrLonyy¢ Bpeospus sap woopryes = HAW One ETe;a Hpeoeher ro sug ot fo Bpe efobe. Iphon 7H sug LeFnyspe yexke weerarwves yy expenuey orconte*, ‘aaa Serpe UTA “ynw qhusiO up ri = ro. oe : ibn acsisands Sls nuh ihcisd oeisccdbabie = ie Tea 2 a) Bnei ‘ot aoe Ge ot ae | [wesLamenpe’ aoyrserens suq suwepeLe on eters Levies’ aes a eed es fo pe Hesg'= Lay OF borenrrsy” ss aye 9¢ Rep? sha nee of neers vga goa : ae Nenrer ieee See peITVET MPTTE ; S Seana Soiree eee es ao eames rte | wae picts at Department of Flectrical Fngineering, ; University of Illinois. Labs Schedule 1.- sheet 1, OPEPATION of Dynamos and Motors, In General: Before Starting any Machine, attend to the following: 1.-Thorourhly cléan everything about machine. <.-Examine for loose parts, fittings, connections, brushes. 5.-Pill oil cups and insure good lubrication. 4.-Adjust, line up and tighten belts, to rodinary tension. ‘.-Have all switches open, and cut-outs fused. 6.-Voltmeter, ammeter, or pilot light in circuit to watch building up of machine, according to circumstances, I.- DYNA™MOS. II,- MOTORS. Ae Stertine : 1.Start slowly. <-Build up the Fields. 5-Hxamine working,normal,volts. 4.Throw on designated load. 5 Regulate, for Norm. Volts. A. Starting: 1.Fxcite fields; test same. 2.Start slowly,by starting Box, 5.Fxamine working normal speed. 4,Throw on designated load. o.Regulate for normal speed, B. Operating: B. Operating: 1.Examine for any electrical 1.Examine for any electrical or mechanical heating. Or mechanical heatinr. £.Fxamine working of belt. &.fxamine working of belt. 5.-Operate as scheduled. 5.Operate as scheduled. 4.Watch against sparking. 4.Wateh arainst Sparking. C. Stopping: C. Stopping: 1.Lewer the Voltage. 2.Throw off load. 5o.Weaken the fields. 4.Stop prime mover. 5.Lift brushes, 6.Slack belt. 7.5top @il circulation. 5.Clean machine; and cover. 1l.Lower ths speed. 2.Throw off the load. 5.Cut-out armature circuit. 4.Weaken fields. 5.Cut-out fields. 6.Lift brushes. 7.Slack belt. S,.Stop oil circulation. 9.Clean machine; and cover. D. Schedule of Operations. Shunt Dynamos. l. Regulate by Brushes. D, Schedule of Operations. Shunt Motors. 1.Refulate by starting Box: 2.Regulate by Rheostat: (a)Vary Emf.,const. Load. (b)Vary Load, Const. Emf. Note: Ammeter readings. Direction of Rota- tion. Reverse connections. Reverse rotation. (a)VYary speed, const. Load. (b)Vary Load, cons+. Speed, 2.Regulate by Field Rheostat, (a?Vary Speed, const. Load. (b)Vary Load, const. Speed. 5.Reg. by Arm. & Pield Rheostat. (a)Vary speed, const. Load. $b )Vary Load, const. speed. Note :Armeter readings ,Fxt.Cir Direant iene? Rotation. Reverse connections. 8G Reverse motor. rie WIADRES. YUN) COMICS. POM” is Hrecas yor Wi: yoesrron*: HGAGIRG }, LT i ASKS: mete pEpTe Leegres* ahs prBecerouss . worgerron’ oge? Agr apTs Yaa SR OEE AQT SMO FOT Zeagrvea’ Bee oticays* eketrouyp7oOw op preyge* jouge wf coneraus okCTSspTou* sia fie wort, rer conapeng, fivayite GliGos Of AVLTAPTO -)) eeeante eft peut Ot ABheypTS = Basrere As oT es 3. ic eebe 2° ee Sohese rosie 7eey “ore 6 GugyTey cox OAVETRE* . oa ro Sgr Besisywe pe etrocs of PTL Lot ns ees i (} GAok. optiponug* SrapeeTan* Pars, (po) Byoe COtibormag*? = | o> Fin epee corte BOF tu Ba {a} Hues. BORDON” 3° EXfrue etgech’ Tt, eoniee AGLA BW: FP ASE °TOSG . ‘hones “ute pA) weznTes pases . of ejystag nee! tron 5 * petays ca rehiee of co Ce JQovep eaoeg’ avi ee 7 jJPonen:. Bhi seer" te" “Ey © Beh phoog Wf 4m’ pogg* eM been pA free wm ae University of Illinois. Lab. Schedule 4, Sheet Se OPERATION of Dynamos and Motors, continued. The Ward-Leonard Systeme Object.- To operate an electric motor at almost uniform efficiency with ranges of ine and torqguéee To secure large starting torqve and at the same time high effitiencvs Preliminary.-- liake preliminary run at greatest load to ascertain if the machines are adapted to each other and of the proper capacity. ts to dataernine data for plotting Operate.- Carry through a series of tests ate the motor reversed. curves noted below. Operat Plot curves, showing chara ristic relations between the two assigned varciables, on sams base where convenient. Series A. In kllustrati (1) thet the sveed of motor varies di (2) that the torque of motor varies @ ee inusual formula. fivy as Emf. in usuaZz formula ectlyv as the armature cur- e Series F. The effieiercies to oe determined from net electrical ine-put. of tne motor and measured brake power. (3) Efficiency at constant speed, on torque base. (4) Effiency at constant torque, on speed bases Series C. The following efficiencies to be determined from gross elec-~ trical in-put of the svsten. (5) Effiency at constant speed, on total watts in-put base. (6} Effiency at constant toraue, on total watts in-put base. O40 ae Series D. The fellowin ““" to be determined from gross elec- trical in-pit of the gystem when motor is operated br vsual rhcoostatic control (7) Effey at constant speed. on total watts ae put base. (6) Hffiency at constant torque, on totel watts in-put base. Series li. (9) Separave accrerate Losses of each machine reavired in the Ward~ Leonard system, ard plot these and available out! put on total watts in=-put dbase. Reference: Transactions of Am. "inas. Rlect. bnganeers, Vel. ALII, 1696, page S77. "Volts ws. Ohms", by H. Ward~-Leonard. ae” pie * pa HH a AC tee ts SpavcPTONS OF yr WWRE* "ece* urCracane’ ,@F* ¥zi7* Foget _- -— = <= See ow ee APT PeLng poms POoreLG Sasfeis’ era Los gpees Sg sacrTepre ong, Hae op Soesy (3) eebercce eta! vee jOSeee OL step wFopywe LedijLeq yu fpe yee geLjoe j* (€}) BLiyeuca wf contreng fondns’ ow gorcy aseee Po-bag pees fa) BLIGA of Gouessce ekecq* ov forey aggre Tu-dag pee > Bowser ye couji.ogj* —- | PRACZT qe-bus Of°Sve bi. 2fSem apsr woreok Te Mngt Ps seney * = . f BOLTSe H* Lye LoyTok sue ofTicreudzen °° PY Aetetoiueg tem Cee e i M3 Piliewen ef coverscur condse’ on fegesy acer? tn-bs¢e pees: | = BtLTewca ef comercur ebeeq* ow f£OL°eT agrye a=bae pres a4 esgevy Qu-bng of eps ahepew- gonzo, GC ave ZOFTOMWE eyyIcyeveyee fo ps gece aTNEg ions Choe fogs bs ’ Ch Sf Gubtivar roduc’ ow ebeoq sere* s “ptuiorexes Sf Gounreus ebeeg* on pondne pees rar oe ip é < ae Ch five LOL suc werenteg paises boach* tae ~— E° abe ie TTR Oe GE LOLIT ION Tae Oe Lory FFoAIVE Lent? juneney poLmere- ent fPUS fe FOLdre OT WoPoOL senTer GILeCHTA Fe _ cua aa : SFC es. ppe abeeg of wore. avugzes qreecpra ee wy mw ry* FTyoeeLeeiow o1 your % es, | corres ihe OU tems pee apeLe conpaenzense ; = | hate ld LeTep Tove pesncoy pe eno ceeit ——— poyon- Obeusre pye moro. Logeneeg’ oS ney z Balas ey songs bed ss ait ™ all _it OD arte? Re tet. , nena ee University of Illinois. Lab. Schedule. 7 5, VAGHETIC DsTERIIVATIONS. netic Leakage of Dvnamos. A rte au ae = | re eee, AN St ee UNAS ne Vite Ie A a a a a ns Investigate distribution of miugnetic flux erorvnd mepnetic circuit of umchine, by means of exploring coils, and ballistic salvanometer or VYeston )illivoltmeter. Precautidn:- ksep voltmeter away fron machine. Use reversing switch; two ex ,loring coils of same resistance. Wind exploring coils‘on urmature and field. cn aruature, in neu- tral plane. On field, in centre of field coil. Axcite field, with steadv current, normal excitation. Use 550 volt supoly, with high resistance, in series witn the fields to reduce time constant, on 110-volt macnine. W7a Keep armature stitionury. Teke three or riore prelininar: readin;:s, till stea!» conditions are secured. Take five (5) consecutive reidings. under as nearly as possible the ‘same conditions, for both armature and field. Reduce avera,e of five (5) readings to the equivalent reading for one turn, if turns on coil differ. I. Take ratio of field to armature determination, to get the Leakaze Coefficicnt. T“ollow Form Bp. tI. Repeat above series of observations, with increasing values of field excitation, till that for full load is reached, in about five (§&) Sets of. observa‘ions. Plot curves, showing relation be*ween successive valves af the Leakage Coefficient. on ampere base line. (2) Distribution of Waste “arnetic Flux. Proceed as in previous determinations: Take sets of five (5) obseivations, at various points alonr the macnetic circuit, Reduce these,es before, to é."ivalent readings, per turn, and de- tedmine percentage value of maximum, at centre of field. Plot, om dimensioncd outline drawing of section of machine at right angles to armature, the percentage values of useful flux, laid off normal to centre line, at point of observation. Discuss detérminations and draw conclusions. Se mitt a i, | ‘fNaleare Deinivalone: 3 F 4 ew), pyecne2 gefeLumyuesjowe guq ghem coucynayoue* OLL volmMeyT £0 ceurne True’ sf boys OF opeeragsyonu" guiyer fo whepiyne* fpe benceypste agynee OF neeqny Lynx’ FeIq brog? au gywevey wed on¢yTIve quengul of eeceyon of weertue ge ibys eommyuc beiscenesfe agyne O% wexitwns* ef ceurLs of LIsyTq* Beqice gpeee’se perone’* fo e..JasyTeug LesgqiuCe’® ben gnu? sug qe~- epesci.agsjToue’®> ge APLJuNe boruge ejfout fpe wmeCuerIc eyhcouie pLocceg ga TN DbucatTone qeroLuyue.:jJoues LeKe Begu OL Lias (Pp) (B) Dieseyporjok OF jwere “StuSsTc LIK" peexste Coe__icienus* ov smbene pees yyue* BTo¢g CHRASS? @pOATWER LeyeeION PS. AGG efieGezeJae APTG2 SL fpe 26fe2 OL OpecLas. Tove’ ; Gucyseryow’® CIFT spss {FOL Biss Fotq Je Leecper’® Iu geons Tyas be) | I1* webster spoac eehyoe Of Opechat¢joue*® arfy juGhLewe que ASTMG2 WL LIsTg GOSELICToNES’ LoTyOA Ronw pr ‘ ; I* LOPS LELTOC OL LTeTd £0 ShuwsENLGS GefeLuyuesjou*® go bes fhe pesxRe Se ONG giiner* TE feLwe OV sort TILL" = yYSqacs SAGLS' SG OL LyASo (v) MesyIuie fo gpe edsqasyous Lesa yi. lon boewipte eye eames CONGT£TONe* [LOM pospy vMUELIke @ug LIsTq* Q@6GNLSY* YFKE LTas (~) coweecneyas KecgIule LUGS. €2 NeTLTA va IfRS FPLGG OL 1jOke Deeps w. Leggyn e’ SIT] efes jh congigqoue The Heeb Chweene epee TourLaA* LTeTqe f£O Leqncs fIwe coueresus*? OY JJO-ACTS mecuyue* sie fi@e@ veo AOTS enmb 7a* atop prip Leejyegeuce* Yu eeuyoe AI fps fii MxcT£e LIsTq*’ aycp efseqn chbueuf? vohwey excT¢esTon’ 591, guey hysus+ on Lreyq* Ju ceuerhe OL LIsyq coyyr | a _ AEs eg m GOTJ2 oO CLUFENLe “NG LISTI* Cw timp? Tu Ven= — ee LeasLeyvi eayrep! feo ex >yTORIMR coyye of emue henyeceucen HLEGSTN LI GUT- xoe5 xi Seca CATA Lon wrap Te Oh CVPOM LTITIACTSMSLORs : ies | sere ee ae eone cojya* eg peTTieris UsTaswowecen _— LE GTSPeIPUlyou oy welueryco Lytx eho.wg weiveryec Then e Tie peepete Of palsies" “x ie 25 fifi. Pepe woyequtes & pram “gWtkeRUI Oh OL 1d TINOTS* ; 7" university of Tllinois. Lab. Schedule co. Rlectrical Characteristics of Dynamos. hwo Operating conditions: (a) operate assigned machine under the conditions specified in table below for required characteristic. (b) Brushes to be adjusted to proper position and must not be shifted during the experiment. (c) Field Rheostat to be adjusted to proper position, and not to be changed during experiment, except as required by such specific characteristics as are shown in table below. (d) Adjust controlling devices before berinning and do not alter these during the experiment. (e) Apply all loads very gradually. oe Preliminary: take a few preliminary readings to examine the overa- tion of the machine. De Instrumental Readings: -(a) Take réadings for all values, constant or variable. (b) Take successive readings, by regilar instruments, of volts or amperes, according to characteristic being determined. (c) Record readings only: When conditions are exactly as specified. When machine is operating uniformly under steady co.iditions. When constant readings are civen by the instruments. te Precaution: do not retrace anv of the work, even if the reading has not been taken at the exact increment of load intended. Table of Operating Condi 2 ODE ynamo Characteristics. ectrical Type of rosit. ") - Rpm. |Nicnols .1T, Charadteristics. |Machine. ie bat frmature.------ (Shunt. Peet eee) oc} .—~ Series. | Shunt. | Compe. \ if Peouletton (Het) Reps Rxc - Intérnal.------ Series. | (Mae. Curve). |Shunt. | | =< = — Letters signify: C---values to be maintained constant during experiment. C=---values which will be‘constant. V---primary variables to be observed and between which the characteristic curve is to be plotted. y---secondary variabies. AO a a--Teecorg:e ‘LA AGLIBpyTee*: GHSLECFELyeTG chHLAS Te £0 ps roveea* Aw~--DU TSA AJLISpFSe po pe Opeckneg ug pefmech ap roy eye Ce--ANTINGES APIO) ATT T pe. \copereng: G---AsSTHee go p|e Ie THES TUG coversus . ahaa SxHeLTWeve * ashe eslurgay a nmin nn a re te ae ih fliedia a - Rae Y? ek cots oe | 88806 ) lew: cup- | 3 | | ‘ensew~ lyenyers bo Tae) @ PA la*x | a | a x 2" are! | BS the, | : etnyee 7039 (use ) leon eas | A | 7) A°X 1A lA° A A ) C | | . | | | [GoMb,q* | vee | | | ene QE ° Z: alate | a AcA | A | G jp Weh 2° gg: bxpenmey‘-=--~ |gertee- Pop ey | be ¥ > > er pe * wa LAN. a ce : a | G ax b* = sh TPIS ‘ BpSoee | Lit Pe, (genqzepgree ya O% bd” yon tas Gu ee: SCERICS: +3 ‘, s e . “‘EehTs ot bene) “Congyes0ne Lox oF poss fee Se fe oxece yHCLemeNe of Tosy IHpENGEG: sb eres Gee go Woe LefLeCE cWA oF eye soine sae Th eye sate: wn _ APeU cowepsne- LeocqTuTe she Syaeu ph ee yuesamnee : wkeyre* 26h" ATEU You g6n* BG* JV e2 e8ee (5s) 4 opad¢ este |Rud* g yrue- wah” Pe Be die @* penrse® 2 ma: .-) Bowe |yen- ° "4 LO JInme*® Tr yeu | een apepogp- | . 'peoy Lg* Ih ,0 Tlve* yw bes 'tudsey* : yiwe | yd: ‘epee Im Beh? agree” | yw BREE ATEN ye Tic? yy BeEe 7S Be ~ Tsigie) pepaeey luqeh* yxeyTfrey.- 3: | Lo Tiwe* : Ty eh”. (Ppiugeb* Bxorh | LO fixe? Ty eoh*” (@)1y OP 708* | 1a BeLJ ee | 10 Tine? mu eek". RéLje2? OA (eows*! ,SL* i : eR 7687SA | ASL" egwe eJ 2 ay oe on : we ee EA ue ee Y LOle eat penne omere.? Suq pA Taub psuR {s) rroveecat eLLsch Of MupsTeucIWE pyRee-hine elepem’ pA venpeey GiLeceTon*® gseKTUE ad Tis*: ‘purge pe entLtrejensgya aoe > If copeyunee fO LovoTAS: pT eswe 7 47) epom fper ¢ Spouse yeue Tu aah ms’ pecans &* JOP Oss EL a aFe ae ‘nwpsTsiceg tbl ’ @ug wore nonnINt pi ev sdivyrec. ¢ if Gf£eL” gugeL syy- couqyp¢yove oy ford TOu weeps OR eetTo eyge? - (s) iy oy edneTTsex. Te weeg™ weywesiy enh, vate wT ees hb lp aes TeLScfOLA (T) aintete ef qTULeLnen jorge* mb fo causinin Lon compyt sq: #ebag* 10M O% ysopquer* v2 conbyeq: metiy M fe on LetnyoroLée* ee cstee meri pe- garetts House Tou spe Jose ov fre 2e6aceLeyT uscpivee pa "5 £0 " meine Teg HIT LOLM Agen SyT aceasta i ‘eywe Gougiproye: fjowe wofeq qw.repTSs pejom- opyye pezone earpoyTuG-qw* Serie ed 0° cye ebectrse oodpamene: (S) 2PS Buy: oO. cnLieus fo ps roa oer Waa fYS. amTs* LO” SEC Ue EIe? £0 tiguye fo. Benge? wee me Bye — “ wpanzou Syue' wpory vo gLener Lomwone eu Haag saa ae igi re p* Bool! Phy | OAT eoppOULy oo. $i Netomus* Oy . £0 Louune owe ee Z om fee sar poupomnyg 40 Showa Lok geraagons shu © Orsentrs df Sug ov pve Anz: roppossg* he ' + Gnon ¢ giy Sovexspox go pie: aureonpogset Piet 2 ei sh aN | ist os HS WaT TRer eee Ob bun? Fe % fe wen popeg ae Bapsrobed 3 qu eve sserouey UseTOUET Gh Me Tousy Eetenaioe 68 Sees on ‘Tony CIRCULT WORK. Lab. Schedule Gl. shee. S ° (4) Condition of insulation, of insulators an‘ of insulating mat- orials used in the constructive work of installat ion. (5) Measure insulation resistance of assigned yortions; Plate 4. (G) Moasure cround leaks and rosistance af grounds. (7) Make an electri cal survey of a district wheroa leakage of cur- ront is suspectrd, resulting in clectrolysis of underground pines for jas, waver, Gic. Plate 54. (8) With on Inspector's set, for voltage ara watbace eae tS, oxarnine lamps throucht the distributing systs : If larms are not all of sane rated. voltage, Pee atic ed proper larips have boon placed at the given point of obuer— vation. Also, atts consimed por lamp. Peay Depecriene roy 16 voltane, it LAO. yf (a) At cach stage of the distribution, or each HOP LL] Or the circuit, ac may be specificd, at asricnec loads. cy (bo) Examine difference 1n voltcce ‘ho nae disizibutics ovaten or net works. 2 4 bDetwadn Any Ge Lape oF % onould 715 5 Aen “10. Die COGN te. OL PPL VOL « (10) Deterrine where subfesders night advantageously be intzo- ducer. into the svston, if deomed necessary, that a nevwork ruicht bo forrmods (2) In a direct current systor. (b) In an altornating currort syste. What. iis. tino detonmiunirg foctor ih o&fch case ar Netyork Gistribution or feeding? Raquirononts of Report: Follow Form B., and note rollowing: (a) Diasran riot fs er on exanired . (b) Deaw vp and 111 in an insnection schedule for each cireult or nortion of circuit exa@cined, sinilar to following: Desifnation of circuits Length Of Virows be ao Size of criro weed on. clrevit: (EB @ 8 saure) Distances apart of wires, of sane circuit: of dirfreront circuits, Resistance of circuit riven loan: Imped ance " t 1? i? i" NOs OL ccyeles, ar Aes. 10 Uses Volts, at distributing point, at receivine point: arop 2: VOPrvion of Sircuit, drop, caiovlatad: drop, in poréent of normal. Anperes, normal, or given load: oe gv Renarks, locat ion of faults, etc. j e 4 a HeLwLEe’. Tocs prop ot “gerrrge° epo* wat gee ‘Yuheter! notwer* on Graeh rota: . | aay Gieb* ty hoxeers' ot vores: " q.oh* caxterreseg: e Gi0D- Ti DOLETEr Ge siwcAye* = .€f Bevo TaTLy HITUL: AoTea*. Se drercsgprejuc potur’ fie Ot, dRcToo” T TE ¥*°C* Fa Macy? .Tmboysres 4 a mM ” = | Hosraginice of cyzonys* oe “rae soqy: as OL GILLeSbaye OyBonT pur Dye ge TQILES OF AsBeaR* OF prise cypenye: efSo Of ATO feeG on orhente: {B-¢ B Getic) Pant PAs OL oyaany?* Tu pti DestTiivertoy of, cThoire: : ee! . OL DOLLTOY OF GTLeUTS exer. suc? BILTTIR. 2o Lorrouruits a {Pp} pion Sb SLY WITT Te oy Jusbecrrex nopeqnte LoL ouoey o1neaty 7 F _¢bu CTLENT 22 osenyTLeg* : ROTTS, hours ge Thy VOpa LeTree es sgevetreetou an, eee = one Ase. Tt PEG Me v W OEU] sone OL HGP ORE- B) Te om ufpeupesyt eutsune ehueat ; , by fe Sas .& 2 ne ¥ Bs lente seticoe vty oe" _ yee fied 8g bo foe 7 Guy tooo " . es ee maou ide ue eee. oR. nee cargine ; ‘a aS Tia oi nett "Ob ee. ¢ evontd Woe bale vue wEoKee, ty epee Lsakaceel 938 Tawa oge hee. is ae Pact we th ete, Se Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illineis, Lab. Schedule °.sheet ge B. Other Armature Losses,-watts lost in heating armature conductors. ix Uopper Soi cae poshaae, Losses: proportional to squere of current, Measure resistance of Armature. Sec Lab. Schedule 1. 8. For Induction Motors apply low impressed Emf., for the res— pective current values (such as required when rimming at adirf- erent loads. ) Block the armature, Measure the watts input. This wili be approximatcly the Copper 1oss. GO. Field Losses; watts lost in heating ficlid coils, shunt and series. Measure resistance of fields, See Lab. Schedule 2. D. Cheek. — Sum of all of: abovo det the watts input, when machine i compound). and under same norma exmined losses should be equal to s operated as intended, (shunt or inconditions, at. no Joad. the normal op- “*R losses in et the net- input If the starting box or field rheostat is used, in, eration when determining this cheek, then the ¢C° each must bo deducted from the total input to ge PeQuired bo Eheck the eum of all Jessen. E,. Determination of Efficiency from Stray Power Measurements. Operate machine es Foom Five tc ten successive increments of loads uhdor normel conditions, to get the additional losses in field Windings', Determine the total losses and the efficiencies at the various loads and plot, as per Form Ga. ' Report according to Form H, Plot according to Form G. Insert Losses on Data Form D. a oe es et ee eee i os | > yebote gocoxgyuk go HOLM y* LyOf wooorgToe go \YotM O° Ingeie roger ae Sane B | ae a | Si Reet (= o* Jose wg Bros? se hes g0nm g* - > -5 + DpeseLarive YG folsy yoeakes gua pe en, 7eTeveqen op 0 ‘ecuyonn .: SyetTg spugqgutes.. | FOeTS MTs omer: aunts ona ot) Rog £ Hie BOCT FONTS to: eee sd Taew eS #9 40n> AROGORIT. We TUG Cita ee esi0% Of. warerouda ba 8 Se. pores, romaumawosre a BTLeG po Spex ed ane oy ¢py yensen> SPCR gona * inr ne oe. Lhe gpo. Foret Tuline go. sr ie gs a WIBTUE gyre epece? gyey spe | Pr PTE Le Si. SOURS: RE HOST” ; ges. gene vouwey. cougrerouc’ a 0" > Tora’ #* spew ee Fa. Ramanan ae ln el eis i eae nS < en ceTTPM es weed fo pe of euLiTeTeue cohie ek: fo wEIAG Ceus! eOR | eo Le peresisyse BUGeL MOLWeT ebess? agT se skg enkeRe™ Tat hla dy al Bien: . i. # ; 2 eee esTipheseg ;s0f0n° Pe lea al di oL ELC TeNen cp piuewoe Sled j0r0%.8 Ph piasstoHo 20% of 2 a ie > “t . , Department of Electrical Engineering. q University of Iilinois. ‘ Lab.Schedulie lil, MOTOR-GENERATOR TEST. Measurement cf Stray Power and. Efficiency by Motor-Generator Method, of Hopkinson's Circulating Test, based on the assumption that the stray power losses are the same in each machine, which will usu- ally be the case when the condition is fulfilled that the two machines are of the sore type and size, and of the same kind of compounding. Connect the two machines in series, one as a dynamo, the other as motor, and supyly loss by auxiliary dynamo. Overating Conditions: (1) Uniform speed of dynamo. (2) Maintain nornbant potential between the machinss. Preliminary: Run to see if the two machines can be operated to- gether throughout ranges of loads intended. Measurements: Series of readings from zero to full load. Precautions:- | (1) Insert fuses in main supply and inter connected circuits. (2) Note Instructions, of Schedule 7, for the operation of dynamos and motors inseries and in parallel. (3) Exercise special care in the use and adjustment of the field rheostats and brushes of each machine. Report:~- See requirements, Form B and G. eb ae * HEROES: - gee Lodnyzemeuga’ yore B sug ¢° | Lreyy LYcoersre svg parapor 0% eso" meopyre" iat a (3) EXeicyas abocysy oBLe gu fue Nee sy sqjnepwuscue of eae gauemoa Sug UO POLE oti sug TH beusyTTer* a (3) pore aeRenengzave” Ot, acKeanre a tom gue abense Tow on (7) Teeny urase: lad weTy enbbya we mugs counes poy onion puocenppoue:— i es | =f f “Nevemtowaxge: ea teak ox Seas toon a (fo arr rose" ‘one pUSongyorp Lenkex of Toege Tureugog™ ae | BEGTIMTNOLA: wares $o ess Ti Pye fo MeSpIueR Gey pe « aca (3) neTursyn cougars bopeupyey Peracey fye wacpypees : 4 Be (79 aurposm ebeag. ox gauewo* - obengp7ue qougypTouea: ie a wopan! ang QObPTA Jose Ph OMETITSLA sar * pen SF aeiemnare > pye congzetow™ 7 LATETTIOT: sp $70" ie ae "ee path pmbasbanatate bein ae juow amas" oe Sh, iat #93 Re +) ie aa eee Ls abe it) « = ao) at babe Spi ; ; ora wee ae ret TP ee Davertnent of Blectrical we niversity of Illinois a ARG LAMPS,-CTUDY AND BL CTRICAL MEASURTMINTS. Lab. Schedule 14. Object: to vecone Cariiliar vith the circuits, an’ operation, and. exanine "drop" through are lamp nechanisons. ctudv. 7 Sea. Study" schedu e 0.1. Wake Diasrens of circuits and operating mechanisnt. Exavine lasap, as per ollowing ech BALE: (1) Nance of lamp. (2) Kind of limp, open or enéeloge; arc. (3) Mine of service, dirset or alternating ourrent, ¢ notant curren, or cor ‘gtant potantial. (4) Drie porer mechanisn, foeding carbons forvard as consuned. (5) Striking necnanism, to bring tocather or scparate carvons, in starting the and. (G) Peeding mechanisn, parts by which driving pover foeds eardons. (7) Moderating attachr rent to vrovent too sudden movements of parts. (8) Replacenont meo hanisn to Bllov of re-carboniny the Ladi). (9) Focusing meonanisn, 40 keep liwiinous point im one pos sition. (10) ‘Chanre-over noonanis 32, to bring second pair of carbons into use. (11) Cut-out neshanisn, vo complete circuit aroune lamp, Wienever it becomes inoperative. INSPECTION: Sen "Insveetion" Scherule 0.0. OPERATION: Sen "Operation" Schedule 0. 4. (1) Precaution: use ciead or colored glass in looking at arce (2) Preliminary: Detormine prover direction of current: note crater, i. Stee Adjust controlling devices ror recular current valuc. Fnsure freedom of iovoment of all parts, starving, stop line, and ferding mechanisms, etc. 3 ( ) Operation: Nxamine: shape of poinvs, kind of are (lons or short). rfeat of forcicn subsvances anh pAigle ae lene Effect of using copper coated carbons. Rate of consumption. of noel tiv, ‘and nogative carbo1s. Examine funetional working of all parts and. ecnanLuns. ELECTRICAL MEAS UREMENG PS See thleas, of Res"., Lab. Sch. 1,4. (1) Resistances or parts: (2) Determine drop in potential tnhrouch or across parts of larip: the rerulative resistance, mechanish, and tne are, av sucm cessive increments of current. Determine the counter Enf, of the arc, and watts lost or con- SUMed. CURVES: Plot the aro nochanism, are current. References: Nichols, L 7 p iv potential throveh rerulative resistsnce, , atc, as determined at various inersnents of aboratory Manuel, II. Exp. 21, page 46. BOLOLGUGGR) ATOeTE: Popa OPORA: wounest fi* Eeb*' s7* Bose go ChLiGr ge ‘8 poonmzen’ ‘ono! ee iy qe ge bexrirued Tf AVLTING TUCLUisPR OF CABATBt Br OF Fe gow $5: boone yay fFULGLLY SRETYEESS, BOUTS: ee" aiiing * : : oe ' DefoLuyve fie confor pe: Aig OL fio whe" Gig Apes. Tour OL COlis ‘SOBLTAG Tuchuisved op’ Recor a ‘Bon fe Lousyaryrae » LGaTepuuec! tiworeny an og” IuG GLC* of gies (8). pecesiuruce a0 Tu aOREUST ET SLeie, Oi GLOGS DILSS oF! Tas. (J) HesTepsucer oy beers: ” : ‘, LPEGLUT CVE iTEven ABRUTNS, eee ae a8 anise * oT Bay! Psp. “aol ue" wxcerue Lito 2TOUsy woMeyut Oy, ay YRS yy peace Bele OF COUN PTON Of bout ehac’ amy TORuDRAG CaL porn ECLeoS OF ieruC sobhes « covruy CuLpove PLEeGS GL LOLvTon auperedicen FU: FPS GLE% 9 fw Be PRMITie, ByiTue oO: boyuee? RIES ot She \ Fou ow ouolne J ( 2) obensryoy: Soak wug. Leo Tue woepeut ea gree... Me oe ae 8 Leusqo Of Neagseus 6% a77 beupre* apcnety2 B; pon pai _Wadvop cowpnorrrt Gospoue: 102 Launees ChS.Gyp agTio® — | Be toingwe DHWDOR Onset Qt, ‘GHA AIES. NOR ehugen* Fr ahs (3 2) ‘Beery waa: BivbwrpyoR? Wad suereg on botaxed yee Tu Toorrwe up wEe* '¢ * “OBPLVSIOH: inte? MORCHTETONy BSEGE Ts oe a Bes. bade ‘Tuepneaton: 80;; stuebocr sum, agioio O° 4 | ry Pevotiwa qwobenurgac* | ¥f | (iT) CHtEOre Nes sera ed earipure eFRany2 owas Tee speueagE Z ij 2 * e (70) GnenGe-orsn Moca. fo. purl wucouy Sev. oD opkpope Wee . 2 (O) Rocker weoveuyan’ ¢o fee Wiodwoue Dorue ganmog* ee le 4 ww: iyo, gexioguey - Angee | ag aca pasreyoe’ i tea gens couapen Prmowsgz009:, GES arated Se dae oe 0? a (8) apombeot.2 morro ph bers oF bere slrnoa*” — a ie a . oa ; T, . ? cS aL ate: =) Be : a} r te ois ol niente BN b acest Bt on be PF ‘ Paes Bae cae os ease oe i ie git > MGM cis . - ee * ry re ging rex. oe ee > a - —_ i ee € aie Department Flectiical Engineering. | University of Iltinois. : Lab. Schedule. A.C. 201. Measurenent of INDUCTANCES.- Jeubert's method; and Am. *: "nm. , 2G Dee Direct comparison, with known or measured non-inductive resistance, in sarics with inductance to be measured, whose resistance is also known. flterhatine current, approximately sinusoidal; 110 volts. Ve (1) By direct current, fall-of-potential-method, measure resistances of inductive and non-inductive branches. (2) With elternating ; current, measure fall of potentdal, along inductiver, and non-inductive F resistances; and current (7). (3) Determine the frequency of the alternating current. Tnstrvments: D.c. ammeter and voltmeter, for resistance measurement. A.C. voltmeter with negligible inductance. A.C. ammeter, for current in circuit. Precaution: currents used must not heat resistances, appreciably. frequency determinations must be simmltaneous with reading of instruments. A.C. instruments must not b A.C. supply to be steadv, i e left. in circvite fT iron is in circuits Take ten (10) consecutive readings for D.C. and A.C. determinetions resvectively; find arithmetical average and apply Least Squares. In Joubertts method, appl: following formmla: >) fs (a) Fz and R, and E and R being i. = I(Ry + arg 212 t/2 res ectivelyv, Raf. and resis- Fi b ae tances ef inductive und non- inductive circuits. f, the frequency. L, the inductance to be found. (>) In Am. and Vm. method, apzvly formule, as usual, for an alter- nating current flowing in an inductive circuit, from which the impedance and reactance is to be found, anclivtically and graphically. Lielezoeysq.* eye Jubequuce eng Leycecucs Js fo pe Loung* cucyarrceTTs ong weep cabLnews {Tose ys Sy Yuqnerqyac cTLonT¢*? Lor apse (Pp) 12 yor euq jm* regpog® SbfA tommy ce nasey? ton. en oygtin T*® ¢be jJoancesves fo pe ponkes u*® gyre qecdsueyci= quqneeyas cyLcntee : feces ST a ee et ey wCH- a a LGe Seog aoTa* MIL ud Loeta- * Ce ee (*) uF eng 4? eug gE sq EB peje or = Tt + BR sty INS : yy {oONpcLs,e waegyeq* Shops LOyToatwe Lonmmre: | “Ss LGEZrocge FAeTA! Live eLyepres Tesy facneGc wry sy. pores ZditLess LEG Fer (TC) souezeci¢jas Lesgyule Zou Hru* oud Wro* GesomrjuegTouE aa V°G* @0b57A fo pe egerqh* J_ YLow Je Jr opRouIse V°G* JeerwMmsuss whey woe fe Jagr YH oycn4yes ques Liveus Ss * i; ae Rt Aoisied GGFELUIMT ETON Neg pe syiuauypewscens ayey LesgTi — Sheocaecyoys ULLODE? Macq myee wor perce Lee Tzrcuces? een * ¥°G" Simerc.? LoL CakLaur Ju cyTLente* - ¥°G® aoteweten Asp welyy eo {Fs Juqicceuces -yrepiwimeuge: D°G* GihiefeL sug aoyeueren* RO icine ec inca SOUR SGEAGEES . - (2) dereisiqwe: tps ELedicncaA of fee vyEorsMs: ial éunneugs : ‘ . : j (7)* : eTane tuqncs zac! sog yon-pghes Jao 4 Lezyapeuces! gg’ a 6 ATE ST Peis ye GthLens* WetaiLs Less OL boeaueaer™ Pie or O% anceyase eng wou-qugNes zac pheucyses .~ eit oe AT) A Gquece comuerg? salts Raita asta: nevenns weezy eames | Serer. onnsoue® sh"wox qumgsyh oyomnoreey? TTO actre* ager rugnegeue £0 po weruiLeq* ayog- Wee yersues 72: b —— era oL MOCeHLOg vou+Tuqnes jae ee Lompeneet mer poy? ony YET y _ = & a RS ee 2 4 LNDUGT BE of an Alternator Arm AT ULE « Be oN Altornation ornature inauctances may pe obtmined either when the Y machine 4 or in motion. a) m2 3 cr 3 2) a2 D Ae~Machinc, 2t restic 1. Joubert! s method. See Lab. Scheduice, A. C.201. Oe ATi, fe Vike DSTO. (Impedance mothod ). Lab. Sche, AsO. #01, $,-By combination of the two preceding; that is, comparison with known inductance. Apply. formala for comparison of Emf. and impedance, in case of two inductive Aus stariced™ in sorties. B.-The Ent. of the alternator is to be measured, an open Circuit; 4nen with load of known resistance and ere ricasure the armubure current, and a@eternine the impedance, and shenes: tne ~oactance py tho usual formula. RUN.—-Alternator on open circuit. 1,-Normally exclicd. 2 -With non-inductive load of known resistance. or,3.-With inductive load, of known rok sistance and inductance Measurements: 1. Monsure Enf., at. terminals, open circuit. re " axternal circuit current. 9, Deternine frequency. TNStTUNCNbSe oleGe VoLsmeter and Ammoter, of Precautions: Maintain exciting eurrent constant. Onerata.at conatant speed. Frequency cetorminations nust be simultancous with readings. Load must be maintained constant. Take ten (10) consecutive readings, steady current. Notes: (1) If armature curront does not have too great demagnetizing effect on the field, then the open circuit Emf. of the armature ner be assused to bo the same as the total Emf. to be obtained, | when the aruature is connected wp with the external circuit. (2). Ent. and current curvés should be approximately sinc. | | (3) Armature inductance will then be equal to the difference | between the inductance of the entire circuit and the known 6x= ternal inductance .« | | (4) The inductances of the entire circuit is to be found as | usual, by the Am. & Vm. method, applying the formula for the | A.C. current flowing in the circuit, from which the impedance end reactance are then to be found analytically and graphically oi asp ie : fia ue sug Loversyou Ye fHex fo po comg siisyAprooy7A sug SnentzesTy a ¥*C* SABLE Troayue yu Fo CTLONT f° GLO) APTOP fle Titbogencs Pi EeHoT* PA He WI" = AW* Wepspog* sbhTATUT fye Lomunye LoD rye) E> (¢) RVO Tugnorgucs OL fo eupTae GYLoATS Tu fo po tonwe aa: " POLUSY TUgfic esuce* i . a, Sy HAMMeat FPS TUGIGLINGS OF PNE eNPTLO cyonyTy Sy fNG LoOAy ome es (2) Ving eine FUGUSEAUCS ATTT ated bG ods IT po £28 WWLLeLeiee bs yr * odo GrkLotye canaer aNOnnse) pS ShLOKWIPETA- ara Gor vues weine ra COLAO FOR hh ATPL sve C¥penwoT crrer rts i WBA; Pe es aenng £0 DG 7° Saljo 82 LL} fOLsy WiE* Fo Ge opPrezue SEEeoy OU LNG. LFeTG fel fe OhbeN cTRGAT? ge’ oF $ypo TL yoree: en SLY PIG. ormheons Govt Wor peAG foG Riogp Seis /M9RO POU (To) covseessraa nesyTufe’ apeoga ohtnans’ 4 posg MOL pe weTULsTUEY couerguE* : BLOTNOUCK CefoeMmpuspTouR ming po i ddl dei noeurutar See ys Wabape we Govapsue uboeg* . 5h ae i e v3. i dae SAGTHTNG. GNELOU £ eoUngeug* - cc, a ae POOLE TOR Z Tepssanees ¥20*\“oTpoEas mic veopaet et ena penro Bee vanaie Ene dase Wie ce ul Mp ple gal lig GEOSLUGY Gr Lei? ¢- opiooug* cng phi i: a BP pane an ——. | OTMenTE® oe sad oar Wugnosr™ 18. odg?..ox suonns soatspexco sug nxmiapsue9 BATE von-yogagy: rg 105 O& Kosar ha gheubaanaiae =) : aS i ite “mj OLIIG TFA: SxeTfo¢* Tg Aeae PARKES -F ut he oa < ei 4 A ae * pepe e een ou ober ornenye* i= ba. : oa Fe ee ue bs De: ryou sabes, pomurrs* Soh ex | isaborT | Ty GosennTue: tie " aos > oF ENoag Leeyeapeuce sug Tuviigearoe 80s 72 $0 94, mesEmeg we robs g aria SB oes ve eae aad guano sth ane epouoea® Rea e er es 3 EW: hcl Honea eon +9) Departrent of Flectrical Fnginee-iner. Universit:y of Illinois Lab. Schedule. A.C. Determination of ANGLE of LAG. — aA ‘we The encle of Lag may be determined from its cosine, by measuring the trve watts of the alternating current, and dividing by the apnarent watts. Alternating current: approximately sinusoidal: 110 volts. Measurements: measure the true energy of the circuit, by wattmeter; measure the apparent energy of the circuit, bv usual «A.C. ammeter and voltmeter. Instruments: A.C. Wattmeter, high resistance, non-inductive. A.C. Voltmeter, high resistance, non-inductive. A.C. ammeter. Precautions: A.C. Watt:1eters and voltmeters, must not be used with nore than 15% of the maximum allowable scale reading of t1 pressure coils. Ve Character of the circuit under examination mist not be changed during the time. Take five (5) consecutive readings, throvchovt, with three differen Kinds of inductive itads, in ¢ircuit. Note: If curves of Emf. and of current are at all irregular, then the result found avove will be the angle of lag between the equivalent sine curves. ia Apply usual methods for analytical and graphical solution. Pen, 2\ & r 4 a " YOOJA nensy Wespome {ORK eueyisicerT enq CEebypricet acyToeye ¢ SINTAP TELS al bi chase’ | — a = - BS - MGSnyte atch fpA0as AITT pc cwe eueye o, sou pspacew ve | HOl@s 1% citmee of EmE sey oy cHEMens SRO wE CTT RUSTTeR gueu pyE 5 a .. ° ROMP OL anaucerse Foon’ WwW GyRcsiye* ee 4 3 sofia Lias (2) couaccns tas wesgyut a? synentnone* aTey pice aatienone 4 = > — = aes epruteg qanzut, #Ro ones ae Se sents ee es ‘ gpeusegen OL ye ‘eqEcny¢ suqen CxO TES 70H mung. Or $e + : - _ epen sa 2 oL eps ee eTyonspye orgs SES <= ; ee ; Ss “¥eo*. suamsgene wor aoTemercen? pylp aczjeseuce* wou-qogsies jae* yeeguamence: yeu" AsPewesak* pyop Levjepeuce? won-juqneryzacs . . “is Aeror su CL Sng soy fucreL* a ae - = cz ' ic . m Ar pe a ~_—- 7 Shins asses Saaemee. #pe mbbernang eucEla ox fye Pats ech > rte —— ; = a? Ae > ne “eps guise exon 8, o% ue erbemre® ‘pa = Department of Flectrical In;ineering. Ttniversity of Illinois. Lab ° Sehned “3 . f. e i ra POT R and POVHP FACTOR of Alternating Current. The Pover Deé€toi: will be determined from the angle of las, St vai loads which are to be measured bv the usual methods for determsing true and enparent vreéts. Till be used: -! Two Fet:.ods (1) Follow Schedule, A.C. #20 for measurements with ee) ” ammeter and A.C. Voltmeter of the apparént watts. (2) Use Inte; ekating Vatitmeter of suiteble range. a time intervals, respectively 34 tr¢ ae ets = > 4 eae ~ sys ne +t 4 «- spd AXxG MSasurertents of Power and determinations for Power Factor [mn this hxperiment, neclect the power consumed by : fake a series of runs, at constant loads, for definite $8 $py2 yedss.rveue? welyecs $pe DONGD conenieg pra oye Sepiuoce:.* - (23 equmoune yee —— 2° Sf SGer GL LIAG qIp_Leneve yosyge: | 3 - BES newennenenet oT poner Pug FSCCMALLeELIOWS LOR DOMCh Etsoron pa ite a : oe: ‘ean THPEMAT TR? Leebocs Jacys. . he G x = a ) ate & bees Sate ey name? cp coueeone yorwe? 10% acuiNiie: oe Meee. a3 lad seeders Tut Mtesmereh Gf BarTgepye Leslee | 7 7 eazeeen say Yeu" goTeren of sue ebbeneuy nesses 47) BOTTos gepouuyte? vu" y502* Eon mewanscwent2 Aqeu Y gm : DA AG BES OL EREe REE IOS LETTE I AEE” era a ) ee. woTT oA eepeqsite ¥*u° 4502" {Ok wenjee cy qitieners qooges \ ab nn one "36. . paaqoee Tue WWepRineupe* onytar - Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. Lab. Schedule. A.C. 205. Measurement of CAPACITY.- Ammeter and Voltmeter Method. Direct comparison, with known or measured non-inductive resistance, in series with the capacity to be measured. Alternating current, approximately sinusoidal; 110 volts. Measurements: (1) By direct current, fall-of-potential method, measure resistance of non-inductive branch. (2) With alternating current measure fall of potential (E,) across condenser terminals; and fall of potential (E) along non-in-= ductive resistance; and current (I). (3) Determine the frequency of the alternating current. Instruments: D.C. ammeter and voltmeter, for resistance measurement. A.C. woltmeter with negligible inductance. AsC,. ammeter, for current in circuit. Precautions currents used must not heat resistances, appreciably. frequency determinations must be simultaneous with reading of instruments. A.C. instruments must not be left in circuit. A.C. supply to be steady. Take ten (10) consecutive readings for D.C. and A.C. determinations respectively; find arithmetical average and apply Least Squares. In this method apply following formula: (a) E, being the condenser Enf, 1 : resistance of condenser is E, = 1 SaF TE zero; E and R being re- = -- oR spectively Emf. and resis- , tance of non-inductive portion of the circuit. f, the frequency k, the capacity to be found. (b) In this Am. and Vm. Method, apply the formula, as usual, for an ye altemating current flowing in a circuit containing resistance and capaci- ty, as in this case, from which the impedance and reactance are to be found, analytically and graphically. a SUSTALTSSTIA suq ExsbypresTyA* * 98 Ju fpye cses* [Lou apyep fpe jwbeqeuces sq Levcrauce Ske £90 pe Sycemescywl chunews proarpw® mm s CTLONTE coursyuyut Keetepesuce guy | (Pp) IS epTe yw: sug ,u* Wegyoq* SbbyA ppe Lommnys* ce meney* Tou 4 E’® fpe cebecTr@A fo pe Lonug~- y | %* rye tiednmeuca : rsuce Of vor-Tuqiceyac botgyjou of fspe cyaensze- 2 ebecgIacyA WwL* suq Leeye2- ~~ se.ot gg sug p peTUe Le- - LEZlesues OL cougerss. 3e {3) B® peyue gpe cougeyeen wuz’ oe €Ple wegyog wbhhbTA _oyyoATUR Lommys: aeebecriacya! ping TLIfpweriesy Tacieis sug sbbya peser ydsen)ee* aeKe feu (To) seo aig taser eee 70% D°G* Sug v°se* GSE SLUTS] OBB : | seamen bol . rede gefelasjusfyave mner pe aininyesveone ATSp ; _ BRecwngyjeve caiLevre neeg rnves wog pess Leeyersevces’ sbbiectepya* me i. ¥°G" wumeren* pon. cunueup qx cTLenys* , ; _, eS ¥°C* aAcysmerct. aTsp VeEETIJEIpTe Ywoncpeuce* 2 «“~Gweraiewce: p*c” smmersi euq acTeMere? {ol Leeyersues werenkewene? vas pepciayue fye _ menp anes OL eye sy eemISg IE cHLLeus- e cmene* cbborrarser2 szunacraey? 310 Azee a gn wou-pIgNc sae won here ieee weevos= . Department of Electrical Engineering. Imniversitvy of Illinois. : : Lab. Schedvle A.C. 206. TUDNCTANCE or CAPACITY in Series and in Parallel . Detcrmninations of the resultant Km:. (for series co?rtbinations) and of the resultant current (for parallel combinations) in circuits contain- ing only: A.- Inductance; or B.- Capacity. ‘lternating current, approximately sinusoidal, 110 volts. Measturenents : (1). By direct current, falkof-potential method, measure resistance of non-inductive branch. (2) With alternating current measure fall of potential (Ne } across condenser termirials; and fall of potential (i) along non-in- ductive resistance; and current (1). (5) Determine the frequency of the alternating current. ob Instruments: D.G. ammeter and voltmeter, for resistance measurerent. A.G. voltmeter with negligible inductance. A.G. ammeter, for current in circuit. Precentions: currents used must not heat resistances, appvreciabl:. frequency determinations must be simultaneous with reading of instruments. A.C, instruments mist not be left in circuit. Ao, .Buvniy To. be* stead’: made Combinations to be as follows for each case: A, of Induetances; and B, of Condensers. 1. In series, without hon-inductive branch. 2. In series, with non-inductive branch. ils 1. In parallel, without non-inductive branch. 2. In simple parallel, with non-inductive branch. 3. In series parallel, with non-inductive branch. Construct for each case A and B the individual and resultant. I. Emf. triangles for all series combinations. IJ. Gurrent triangles for «11 parallel combinations. Z1* gibhcue gi.3Igvitee por oTT DELS TST coupine fs yToue* Q* Ba FLIsutye2 101 eTT e6L7¢2 compyyerrene> Geveriece 10. esc cves y suq p fNe TUGJAT INST suq Leearesug+ 2° 7 @entee Drusyres? agep Ou TPuGMceyTaSs pLeuep: B* jv efabys beiesyeyz* azex VOU-FUGSCEIASG pheucy:* -. Fe le aia dad il ATPPOHS VOU-JUquexyaAs prerwey* az”. 3S” IN @eLqce* arep diecsnerersse pLonep T* — APLPOUE ‘see tithatei? Sm pLeNGcp : - i*- ie a aa -O€ Co“qenvene- _petentrores GARLGNLE NBEY Les MOF pore vevTersuces® “sbaasc repr.» lh ig £0 aes Loyrome “ton evap eoas: y ox supiepeaéen) gig s* ¥*g ;* esbbr\ po pe efergu- —e si Ss wot PUeFLWeMSe Mel WOf ps Tere yu epAeNTe* — ha ae : OL Juefinwctpe 7 Pye bane Gsfenwyuegjoue wes pe etunyeeweone “er VG" ssuegen* Gen cxknens yy eThenye* | | "2 ai VG" aoyfmere. Ajey wey Terpre yuqnere rce- Ed Twefmeuee: YG". Tims¢cn owq AOTPMGPEL® [OL LeeTepguce Wecen bees > (2) pefexiazuc epe - esecacanmcate OL ge STeciwes ry: cs LeUE bpm nok newzepeuce: 2 mug cmneug (ry ue Souqeveci ¢eumyisye? sug wyy oL bereueyey (1 ap Pend ISP STesiawse wo caLueus wasEnke LITT oF Serene tor fy ©& vou-lugmerzas prewcp- 7 wf, a ee ao Eewpot-Dorsue yey ee eo ew _ o¢ PET ¢ sere spoeh fon igh coat! ‘330 CS. : > - Ver Peon * Dasiewc x : Lease oe a OL Be cubeer eA > ~ = ge am q * rs ¥. a a a ee ” Tere st) nes : ye ™ <2 = a * we Department of Electrical Fngineerin;;. Tniversity of Illinois. Lib. Schedule A.C. 207. TWMUCTANCK and GAPACITY in Series und in Parallel. Determinsticn of the resultant Fmf. (for series combinations} and of current (for parallel combinations) in circuits containing both induce tance and capacity. Alternating, curzent, approximately sinusoidal: 110 volts. , Sasvrenerts : (1) Ry direct current, fall-of-potential method, measure resistance of non-inductive branch. (2) With alternating current measure fal'of poténtial (F,) across condenser terminals; and fal= of potential (F) alon,: non-in=- ductive resistance; and current (i). (3) Determine the frequency of the alternating current. Instruments: D.C. ammeter and voltmeter, for resistance measurement. A.G. woltmeter with neglible inductance. A.C@e armeter, Tor current in circuit. Precautions: currents used must not heat resistances, ayppreciabl:. frequency determinations must be simmltaneous-with reading of instruments. A.C. instruments must not be left.in circuit. A.C. suppiv to be steady. Combinations to be made as follows for each case of Ae~ Induttamce freater Then capaci ty. Bo= Indvctaence Garal to Gapacl uy. C.=- Inductance less tian ci.pacitr,. 1. In series, without non--inductive branch. 2. In series, with nen-inductive branch, Ei. i, Inparallel, without non-inductive uranch, 2e In simple paraiiel, with non-induutive branch. 3e In series parallel, with non-inductive branch. c ividual end resulecat Pr 7eS coOmoinatlors. a C Jinations. Construct for each case A, B and 22 Em. trianreies tor ellis Tl, Current triangles Tor sl Il* Gihheur fLigr Rj G2 [Ou STT ASLetTyer coupryugrreve: Se ; O-—- -. — d F oe " - : ee S) ee” £E-390NUTG2 (Ol. Sry SeLTee cco avy 1033 BOeasioes [Ou ervey uese v* 2 Sug G fie TeoTa-yiey @ fcr | Cee Y° 2 Sig Gg” fve Tra yirry CNG Leaner. - 2° JIU @26L7¢e Svicyiet* APP Wov-Twoner tac piowepy- ca o a os . Wt ° -_ ; ; . s* oo ete ne TLSTTGJ* ATfp Vor cugeerryrAs preves as T* Jubeweyres* Apesuse wou~yworyerzac steer ‘ . ¢ B* JX 9@tLyes’ ATey WOu-GeicLs TAS oie: a ¥ iu eeLjee? A]fpouf vor- pe WeeTA & piLeney’ G*+ juegnercves Jove g.9n es beeypen” B*= juUqucsoues SCuiuy Po oebrci sr: ' _ ¥t- ywqgscgvnce Lusere. puew owhecji£a* GOupyues ous £06 pe trys TS LOTTOMe [Ok cup ceesc OF Le g*. @sbbyTa ¢O pe epcgga: G* THSCLMWeEN Le Wsieg Bog pe TG 7 * Saaekaniek P IG? 7H eyRGu TE’ GsteLMuesjoue mmer pe elm frevecne -arrp reeq manag wog eee Leerepewese* pet elnino ¥rc" ee ee . eyhenjzs* puleg wellipye mancrsuee: . wepumaenee : 3S SiusreL. CNG AoTIwEPe:.? Zoe. LeeTersuce merenseseg* - | —s«#BhGosng Tome: SAE PORSAIOS PO, TPRIEIEA OL SPE NTESEREE THE OmaNES University of Illinois. Lab. Schedule A.C. 210. © A A.— Study of Transformers. See Study’y Tab. Schedule Ode TRANSTORURR OPMRATION. Be~ Inspection of Transformers. See NISPMCTION, Lab. Schedule 0.2, sheets LI and 2; special. inspection by magneto and voltmeter. C.— Operation. of Trans former’s.~ See’ OPERATION» Lab. Sxhedule 0.4. 1. Generzl condition: Transformers to be of same type and size, and of ratios adapted to combination desired. 2.—- Operating condition of a single Tranéformer’, with diviced circuits: (a) The primary andi secondary cotls of transformer to be cen- nected in series or im parallel, as required by its use, and examined by high reading voltmeter, or by tro lamps, to determine if Emf.'s have been added or subtracted. (db) Tor Scott Phasing Transformers, connect main and teazer tapes, examine main and teazer terminals to deternine which of the latter is to be dead-ended. in 3s switehing—,conditions; of two or more transformers: (a} Direction of current flow should be the sarie; plus to plus for parallel; plus to minus for series coupling. (b) The mf. or current to be the same, for each transformer according to the specific combinations noted in the sched- ule below. Connect primaries, as required by combinction being being; made; connect one side of each secondar:? and ex- anine voltage across free ends of seconduries, by high reading voltmeter, or two lamps to determine if Imf.'s nave been added or subtracted. 4,- Operating Conditions of Transformers, as coupled: Operate at different loads, to the maximum for coribined output, and examine heating and re_guiation for satisfac- tory working. 5.- Unbalenced loads, on tvo-circuit, S-wire systems: (a) Illustrate effect of unbulancing, by neutral ameter or lamp bank. (b) Illustrate effect of blowing fuse on one-half of 3-wire svstem, from a single divided-circuit transformer. 6.~ Unbalanced loads on Polyphase circvits. . (a} Exemine effect 6f vnbalanced 2-phase s‘sten. (B) Rxamine effect of unbalanced S-phase sv:ste-. (c) Rxaiiue effect of reduced transformer ratio or open cir- cuit in three-phase s:'stem. Mote: Primary coils, the small wire high resistance windings. Secondary coils, the large wire low resistance windings, 26CUGILA CoTTE* gpe reLte AILS JOA Levtarsuce KINVIET qutat< WOse: ELPISLA cerye* {be eusyy ATLE priy neeresevcs ayugqIute.’ GMsre ll cyLse~ byes e@..efew (¢)-- LSGf OL Lheqnceq ¢Levetomuer LefiIo 62 obsy cyi- (Pp) ux TWIG etiece QL anpsysnesy g-bygee BaBeei {7} Loraine syrece oy LUPE TEUSOG S+lypce¢ 2..2f6L8° ee Liupsyeuces yorqe on Zoyibpeee oyLe.jfe~ - ia 2iefsn* {Lew ¢ eiutte TIAIGsg-cjLetip sLovepoLuen (p). ApINeT Lees eLtece OL promyit: gnee ov oe-Psy_ OF o-AT Re Tri Pre: (Sy) Iysertere ertecs CL AuprycucVe*® pi wengicy cies. on o*— LupsyTsucey sosrye* ov FAO—GTLOATE? Q-AJLE Suererm: fo... Bongyue: anpbng* guq exauyue pesgiu® eve Lé Enyerzou cn eve Taggos Obewere Sf qiyisLeus Jesy2? gto Spe mwex yusw 10% Cty aes | _ Fe obsiee ue Comair zque OL Li.svelommene® ce condjteq: — UIAG pious cdgeq Oh suprrecteq: : LGSG ie acyewersi.? o% Eno Tome go qegcluqwe TL DIL x8 z Wye AOTSECe echoes [LES enge ol secougruzse® pA par’ psTul ueqe? counece ous eIge OF. e7ep B6couqe.. sug —_ Gtiuuses Sipe Tee * $e Lediqueg ph seupywcsjou peznk ae STS pejon* soocngzut fo Eye sheezzz¢ Gouplwegrove sopeq qu rye aoe oe {P) LPe wat- ch catnens ¢6 pe fe eeme® ton |egcy FLeueLeLuc. tou besyyeyTt byne fo wmjune pou. eerice conbtrnt: 7 = % (#) Divecs tou OL CiuLi.sug LOM spontd pe fye ese? hriie ” ayHe es 2* weiree eet ait Owe? OL FAO Ot WeLe FLOUSLOLUSIE 5 < fe TepeeL TH fo pe gesq-engqeq* : febe* cxgujue Mey sNg LevNeL feLwIweTe co qogemciue ul . - Pp} LOL vcore ppserut LLOusLOLMeLe* couvecs wu suq feuseL fc qegenuiue % BUL"'.8 Peas pesu sqqeq or enprusceegs — sug sxcMIveg pray Leeqine ie gs gsr er o% pi aby eo Tse? “pecseg IW ee.j62e on mw be.syttTey fa Sas® ) 9, ae . peees ‘TUG. ee GOyy2 OL “aanivaouaes fe pe &e i oy el pit UG: #7 cava ezon: Tae, OMNES 70 pe = mist: gids sy PE 7 PTON asi iaeeeate aes puma 01" ir experts oe ¢ ae ih aeeverostiona gos ewan rp veesuse tals eiee av (oma 7” 2 Department of Hlectrical Engineering. Tniversityv of Illinois. Transformer Operation. Lab. Schedule A.C. 210. (2) Schedule of Consctions and Combinations. ‘Primary |Second.]Resulting Ratios, for circuits below: paoine te Coils Coils. | One circuit{Two circuit [Two circuit |Primi transformer: 2-wire. 3-wire. 4-wire. volt Connection #i | Par'T aro ee | #2 Par*1. iSeries. | iy Series. |Par'L. : | Fe |Series. iSeries. —_E._ sss: fs cons i|ITI.Two Trans. | Combination#2 |Par'l. |Par‘l. | #2 |Par'L. |Series | | | | #3 |Series |Par'hL. | | #4 |Series |Series_ ane | | ‘lil. -2-PhaseTrans} | | Combination #1} Indep. Indep. |; 2-phase, 4-wire, to 4-wire #2\Indep. {Series |2—phase, 3-wire to 3-wire. | i i\Indep. |2—~phase, 3-wire to 4-wire. #4\Series |Series | 2-phase, 3-wire to 3-wire. t | { | | j | Iv’ 3-phase Trans Combinations#1!Delta. |Delta. | 3-wire system. | $e aDelta. iStar. | S-vire svstem. : #3\Delta. |Star. S-wire to 4-wire svstem. | | #4| Star. |Delta. 3wire sygéem. #5)| Star. atar. |3-wire system. | #6 Star. [Star r, | 3-wire t to 4~wire. = | | | iV. Phasing. Im. Beast feosnt 3-phase }o-wire Second Prin. |__Trahsformers. {Star. | indep. |Delta, |Star. | a Note: In the above combinations, compare the actual with the theoretical ratios of transformation and the EmT. relations in polyphase combinations. SVSTOR OL C(iswe_ourless iow vig fpe wet’ Lejeryare Fy hboyabysas copprlyepyeue Of: JU fpe Fpoae oum™pyueryTous* combsLe eye segnsy AIcpy fySe fpec_epyouy, u ; 9 jonah paaal 2° Jags Tygen* peres is ee | ameter * Bpyeqve ‘Sacot s~bypve2s'! pee — pecoug | Eyer ee les hater: ne ee jeaee fo f-AyRe- leesh- (HPER* | BAILS 2 2kerow gigss.* iperes: | O-ATLG 2Aggew : j Seiperes- jyrek* | gwkyne £0 q-AyRe e.egeme ar epeyTes* (SFsh- QrwAThS e19f ou . penguabretiigs payee: |peyrs* j g-wrne shape: a gubyeee aneoe ; =" aS fue Bexyes |oeLjee |} Sae* S-avue fe S-A7LS” . ) ih penis (Igeb: 1 § S-bypres’* g-ayhe f0 ¢-STLe- ugeb* igekies | § _ - A ce —_ on , . ; - = > 9 . as a ~ : » > 7 Sa i eS 7 . | ——— a = : és 4 ae —_ — - ‘ z Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Illinois. TRANSFORMER TESTING. Lab. Schedule A.C. 211i. A. Resistances of Primary (High Resistance) end Secondary (Low Re- Bistance) Coils.-- See Lab. Schedules 1 and 2, Resist. Meas. B. Inductance of Transformer and its variations with different de- grees of saturation. See Lab. Schedule A.C. 201. C. Angle of Lag, Power and Power Pactor of alternating current through Transformer. See Lab. Schedule A.C. 203, 204. D. Transformer Testing: Operating Conditions: Primary voltage must be steady. Apply all loads gradually on secondary circuit. Pr ary run to examine operation and range of apparatus. 1. Regulation ox External Characteristics: Readings: Primary voltage, to be maintained constant. Secondary current and voltage at variable loads. 2. Power Factor Curve: See Lab. Schedule A.C. 204. 3, Loss Cures; to: be determined as follows: (a) Copper Losses, from ammeter measurements and given or known resistances of primary and secondary coils. {b) Iron Losses, by following readings on open circuit sedondary: (1) ammeter,to correct for small and usually negli- ble copper. losses. . (2) wattmeter, to determine total losses in trans- former. 4, Efficiency, to be determined by following methods: (a) Simple wattmeter method, by simultaneous wattmeter measurements in primary and secondary. (b) Stray power method, compute the effiency from the above determined copper and iron losses. (c) Sumpner's circulation method, or Differential method: Two similar transformers, same type and size. Primaries of the two transformers shortcircuited on themselves, in series. Secondary of one transformer, in parallel across the mains; secondary of the other transformer in series with secondary of an auxiliary transformer and a watt- meter, and all three in» parallel, across the mains. Ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter in maincircuit. Note: Use Forms, B and @ in writing report on above work. were: Aes BoOrms’ p Sug G W acyeTHR webotr on epods MOLE * yusmeres.? AoTy WEES SIG rag 32 ee al morek? eq S7T spree ft. sLeyTSy? SCLe2z2 fpe we Tue BISy BeceuqeLA oF on Rite fisstqoiwen sug. Bees WSUS: SECMMGTLA OL CYS OFyelL fLeveLoLmeL yu echgeH SSCONGeLA Of ONS FLEE tohmer*? yw be.syyey ecLoeze dial frewesyasce* Ju eenyee BLIMTLIOS OL FPE FAO [uSre_omwene evonseyneitres OW ZAC Sette. fienve_ommene*® ecms pibs sug eTye* (c}) gnimbuer., 2 CjJLCays¢ ION Wegyfeq’ ot HDILLsLeurIsy OSS reas Gerceimsg cubbe. enq reev yosees: i (Pp) FLSA Loxmen megpog* cowbare pie SLitecr Luop tye epod NESRNLeWeNese PW DLITLA sug eeeougen,« . == }. eusbye asremepes, meppoq* pi eimnyeeuedne ASE EUIEE Gh =< : suureteoeh FO pe gerexumiseg pr YoTToATNE merpede : = -_ a | Se a Chere (3) oe Ts guewe= = Sp &, maa am i ony wunerei'se cones 3%, eaeyy eng aensTT® seta; eo #2 soso arrest pa seuoee S'fcplens Sot nerd jute on ebess “omnyaa® £5 - Gerouenieg © ee terrane? ay "o> ponoR Escgon gaa: gee Pep eévequre ¥"G" Bot — _ — petougesa onkser¢ gue sot ESE of AsiLTSpTe forge* : yeeeuine: BbywskA woyfsie* fo pe msjugs weg coversur® | ; te wrt dass hg ou wxeowey GPOLECESL Tee Tee: , A atu oO Sxewyire abeterses sug “Lente ee j ioeue SLSGNSTJA OW eccaygetA ¢ TLeNTE* aE Sead bLIWELA. — Base ps Stowgh ef Re ee = ma -~ 4 Sees ee —— ee aaticieg anal Department of Electrical Enginecring. . University of Illinois. COUPLING ( SYNCHRONIZING ) ALTERNATORS . has eRe ee Sheet 1. A. General Conditions: (1) Alternators #5 Bo or same type anda similarly driven by the same kind of prime mover (steam or gan onginer, turbines or motors). Mes (2) Composite alternators to have sA.c tipe off composite wind- ings. (3) Circuits dron nachines to be of sale pnase,-voltace and fre= quency. B. Synehnronising Lamps. Connect for each machine synchronizing lap or lanps (of total voltage equal to that or each macrirne) in gories with tho synchronizing bus bars or in series with similsr arrange— nent at otner yaechinoe (if there are only ti70 machines to bo coupled), with plug or svitch to cut out laps at any time. Totai voltage of all lamps in series equal twice the voltage of machines: synchronized. Sincle phase, circultec roquire only one ant Ox laps aH-eseh-pHese; HALE SH thet arvancod, a3 above Gae- soribed, for each achine « Tro and, ~hree-phase sirovits, reauire a sot of synchronizing laps in each phase, unless 4nev have previously been nade syrmetrical in each phase and the connections for synchron- izing thence made NATIZV-ONT « c. Synehroniziys Sritei: vovide synchronizing syvitch betroon tho leadts of the tivo nachines: and if thers are nore than tvo machines, srch a g7itch to be provided. betivecn nachine and buc bar; and, in at «ft any case synehronigzing switch mss throw in all phases at Once. D. Starting: Machine to-ve coupled must be driven by independent. prine mover end brouzht up to synehrorous speed, usually sTithnout Verna < Bring up voltaze to that of othor machine or of the but DaPs. k. Switching-in Conditions, or Synchronizing. Plus; in the synchronizing lam or balps for each machine, be- fore synchronovs speed is reached. As synchronous speed is reached, wateh when Llaaips fo Out. Throw synchronizing switch auring « long interval vin lamps are out, at which sime the machines are in synchronism. Machines are usually synchronized with no load on then. ? a | a) OUD OF, YLTATUG OUS LeUATSSYOU 6%. bLTIG 1 OAGLE* GLOGS FO CNG GLIGCL Gt. Hupuysouwecg OTREIT LO: GILLGLuyy Hogue DILITTOT TH vsoy OT. ffs .poao cgyuce* ayer bob oT oy om Lol os {8} Hegotaiyue pots ebsiapruy cowyyeyouk poL oF yp. UT LOLE Ta (-) Megtog or acintorroy os Dito tGachue °° ~~. 4 (po) grte of baqiw. resuLe* : DLIVE LOAGL Of PeFF GuTasL* (SO) NESVOY OL YLTATUC sypotuuputa’ uyRuce coy HeeLey £6 5 (#) £LGesr oO: Rd LTULIS POEs MOLETU. Ot, STPGMVE SOLa Ti bono Tor ae . (vu) peTonecy: DEuc Tot i dae (ns AupSToRoe DUTaS Tors * ie egy (Ca) Qpenicfus..2f 264s FG yGe* oy go. dud fies bowed CPLGAFPRE (3) Pou. THe .{p) Peeyni: ,2) augsa hous Lauren’ z a ta) oMeRve fe, Ot Gifualiey ormenyye Tovg* i (9) qpeneoren oe Pom ALTE SOG Wy, WBL¢ - gegox ph auot, a E prague fo erra. apres: ‘ghe wor pics tu ofecesTosr Trw9e}* ae (uu gcvoytite 67, gbesygrou’® oe" fon oTy LGUELLEO OL Agee abe et obese PTOU O% VIpasuttrone Th BOLCTToT: ee “Fivaestariou ot apbiecschyeryo qewraiee on ‘spe obsngg tow siq bex- BAUGph ovo nsPuos xr u8 te Senensy" aTugy]@ OL boy Abysee cTLenrpe* . * he vos rwophged ry eyecruyesy yiuee OL oberspyou } o . (pee = etnies § sae bed —— ser ‘wbby Awe po. spre wy — a ee I TS AS SD on 3: pa pia 4 Pon — — , = . . S A. marnenroncus working, in cenerat single or polyphase circuits. II,-nxperimental Determination of Machine Characteristics, attnn aihied mite axl A ce ce A ce St me 1.-Determine if machine has very low armature reaction; that is, good constant potential regulation, by the greater care required in the ad- justment of voltage, phase, etc., for throwing in, at any given fre- quency. ou If machine has very low armature reaction, short circuit, falling out of out of step, (due to overload), or opening field circuit will destray synchronous working of machine. £.-betermine if machine has high armature reaction, as shown by its be- havior in synchronizing; synchronizing power will be greatly reduced, re- quiring very careful adjustment of driving power, lest it be thrown out of synchronism, ° é.-betermine, if synchronous motor, as a generator, has excellent inher- ent regulation (small armature reaction and self-induction), by experi- mentally determining if one field adjustment gives practically unity power factor, at all tut very light loads; and whether it requires a large Starting Out. 4,-Determine this suitable field excitation, for unity power factor, over wide ranges of load variations. III.-axperimental Determination of Operating Characteristics. LO SS ES AS SS SE OS A Te ASO cnet eS Oe es eee ee cee es ee aes cee ee we ee oe ee ee oe oe 1.-If motor takes large strating current, try effect of reactance and re- stance in main line circuit. at about 50% of impressed iEmf., the atetias current equals about full load current, and torque then about 15% full load torgue; corroborate. 2.-show how, experimentally, to adjust field excitation, for any given load on any synchronous motor, to get unity power factor at that given load, whether average or full load.-: <.-Bxamine conditions when field strength of two mabhines, equal in all "esppatesSts QUREREER SY"gonerGust’ and gebieds af foLlovs: te “eh sateen Gh generator greater than motor. c 16 strengst generator i IV, -Starting-Operations, ; 1,-Start, with motor in synchronism, at very low speeds, and slowly in- crease speed of generator, to prevent motor falling out. &.- By running up to synchronous speed, by driving motor from any source of power, and throwing into line wih generator when motor is in synchronism, as shown by synchronizing lamos.: ess than motor. g@ @pOaN pA eAuGPLouTaTUR J swoe" “a eouas® euq fSPLOMIUR Tuso-Jrue at p ReveLsror apey worok Je TH SehyopLouren’ s+ DA LAuUTUR mb fo eAucpLovone ebeeg’ pA gLIATUE wofok TLOW GUA BONLCE OF oneges ebecq of fevetsfoLu’ fo breacup HOfoL LeyyTus ons" yf’ -ofeng* mrgp worot TY ekvopLovyem* se aAGLA yom ebeeqe*® sq B7TOMyA Tue IA' -dPenezu§-cborssrene: C gcreusey © OL eveL OfoL poze 8 | WOfOL* El BFELY SERGE St RRESEaIRE TERRACE fred roe Leebecfe”™’ g Sher sre BAUGPLOUONeyA* Je ABLTSY’ ab Loyyoue: 3*=-PRSDTNS ‘CONGISTOWR mpeu LTeTQG efLevesp of MO wWeppruce’ GdNSyT TH sy JOug* MpSOPySL GAGLOBS OL EAT] Josq'. JOouq Ov SUA ehuGpLovere woroL’ fo Ker murfa bomek Lscfok sf fpsf Braey S* > DpOm you’ exbeLTwoureyy a’ fo sgines rrejq excerfeprou’ LoL sia Fyaeu LMJT JOSG FOLdNS: CoLLopoL Sse" apsLerue CHLLEUE eansye gponr EST] Jog. cnuieue' guq foLdne fpeu sponf foxy eTarsvee Tu were TING crLenTs’ we sponf voy Of THbLeaeeq pur’’ fy Tr Ik: WOLOL furee JLRS epLery vs CHLL OME * FLA BELSCP OL Leeasewoe gug Le~ ae pile a ne ne a te es nw pee See ee Sere ord memes tiscali! ini ie end ent SON ioe an Aone, Sms ey Sn YS St ale a te Ne i We Sep dies qeavaille II’ ~axbeLymeups] nefeLmruesrou of obergrrus erate i adel OACL MTS LeUhee OL Josg agkrerToue* & i -DepeLuyuS fpre enzfepys Lreyg ciessba dal tou owe bOMeL peeeecat eseLsyT us onge aw bomen LeofoL” sf ST] PoP ACLA THRpe youge? sug aperper rf Levaeeae g JoLee weUssTTA gefseLwryTve TL ove [Ieyqg solnepweus Araee bL¥CETCayTA nTyA (Ouf LEEN] sfTou (awsyy SLUSPALS Lescfrou sug eey{-Tugncprov)’ pa exbenr~ s*~nefeLmrus’ TT sheep enere vga ge 9g RepensrfoL* poe exceyjeur TupeL- Of BAUGPLOUY au" INTLIVE ALA Coney ay peewee oft gLraerus boner.’ yeep Tr pe. fpLomp ong “pOATOL Tw gAvephouysyy®! edvopLoursyuS bomen .w7T] pe fiLesryA Leqaceq’ Le~— “S=DSPELBTUS 7, wscpruS pee prep swepane Lesorzou" #8 Bpony des i280 fie oe , eAvopLovone OLR TUR OL wecprue’ aos = oy ereb* (qme so QretyosG)* oF obesny® {teyq. crLonip ATT] genrtan. ante Th PROPER EOP, AOD JOM SLropate eT al BpOLS CrLenrs’ LsyyruR ong ., fag : m lnepmens of aoypome* bpuee’® erc*® tor PPLOMTUR TH’ gp sua Brae tLe- omerpas borevsyoy LeGny sfTou* ‘ph fye Ruespet csne LednyLeq Ty fpe sq~ » Teer is ero yee seLh Jou ‘srmspme Lesoprow: pysr re’ bap ‘, ¢ i a sien saben cok bbe Rik ins lh ct tla dire I ~oxbeLy £3 Detenui usr fou: OL, ascylue’ OVSLeGPeLTesrce’. Bt RE een pamper AP RAP STE EY Se OE ak AL ae §* ly a pe eee = |e tine ' A,C. Schedule 25. SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR WORKING. (See Schedule for OPERATION, 0.4, for all features of work applying to this which are not included in electrical lines of operation). Illustfation of characteristic features of the operation and per- fornance of synchronous motors, single or polyphase circvits. A. Starting Conditions. 1. Start, with motor in synchronism, at very low speeds, and slowly increase speed of cenerator, to prevent motor falling out. 2. Start by running up to synchronous speed, by driving motor fron any sotree of power, and throwing into line with generator when motor is in synchronism, as shown by s:nchronizing lamps. 5. Show that a synchronous motor, unexcited, will start up, as an induction machin», and attain almost synchronous specd. B. Operating Conditions. 1. Show that by changing the excitation of synchronous motor, the phase of the line current is shifted, and as follows, for a given or fixed load on the -:otor: (a) Weak field excitation, current lugs, large value for work. (b) Moderate field excitation, current mcv be brought into phase with impressed FEmf,., givingunity power factor and minimum line current, and maximum efficiency’. (c) Stronger field excitation, current becomes leading, ind increases in value for given work done. ee Show that by changing the load on the svnchronous motor; the phase of the line current’may be shifted, and as follows, for given decrees of field excitation? (a) Weak field, motor rather under-excited, power .factor situaply reaches a minimum, but does not become unity. (b>) Moderate field excitation, (the most desirable one}, the current lags behind impressed Fmf. at small loads, comes into phase with it, at about avera;;e load, and lass again at heavier loads owing = te Fes Léadin;~ the Ip * hot. (c) Strong field excitation, eurrent leads the Imp. Mnf. at all light and moderate loads, passes through zero lag, and then lags more and more; maximum leads. 5S- Show how to hold power factor close to unity, as anv load changes, by suitable variation of field excitation. 4, Show that synchronous motor will work, with given output, and at same Arm. current, with two different degrees of excitation, in one case with leading and in the other case with lagging current. S. Show when an over-excited synchronous motor asts like a@ condenser on the trensmission line, and work it in circuit with an induction motor to raise the power factor of the line. ¢ Show that an overloaded polyphase synchronous motor that falls ovt G2 of step, can quickly be brought up to speed and into step, by relieving slightly of the load. Si veerr" &f see yerg” . en 8 @fe>° rot On ICKTA PS sepa 4 wh goa tps: Gy oAciyovgeg DoyAbp fo ehseg guq rupo a¢eb* pi 2.677 WYRE SAUCHLONON2 WMOFOM CPSs LETT Reyes Pepe boast ietpox. oF cye yrue ee fpe Fuevenjyesior Fiwve* suy AoLR FF TH GThenj]y AIL) eu FoqichTow oorok ge o* Yom AGU SU OAGi.-eExcI¢sd SAavoyLevene LOPOL TuLe TIKS © oovdevecn OF > marcy FeedTae fwq WH rpe o¢pss. ceec ATHY FELC WR caLweve- We" coiievc* ASP fAo qt LIsLenye; GeRuece of excyTier¢you™ jw ous cess _@* SEGM (Moe BAUGPLopons DoLok AG]T NOLZ’ ajep Gyaeu onghong* apg ve ape Ff Bnzeep Ts ACL ICSION SL LIela Gxcyeve zou = gyou pos so poyg beret, ures on Gyoes pO ANTLA® ge sya Ford sponte > wee suq HOLS! aextunt Jorge: . JrTepe seq modensres yJorge* beerece fpLoL Up sene jet? ey £per 98 (ec) pEnowe TIsTy oxetreryou* cvhitcue Jery2 gpe pan" it" e EE Ss : OAT £O We porqiy® fye ¥ iD? et” a . te? SC epone tacie.c jyosy’. euq yete sicyu sg vevaqze. Tosge ~ ee ‘Fete peeping tuwhsicescq yur ee aT Tosqe* Gomse gure hyres = “{p}4 reqgeueee qierTa SRSTESr Tou’? (FyvG wows searsepTs one}? eu cal Cye2 8 wg pep qoee wos pecowc ata” - (3) ae ret’. Wefok LEGS MugcL-excgreg* bosch Asbo ejabya aad ) E cae eae. ‘Chleaue WER PS IPTEPe? ekg ve LOTTOMe* Zon Cyzacw qoT.nee oR ‘ = eyo euee a. ‘Tesq “on oye, ehaspnonons woOPoL*. Fie — . My —.. (8) #Fov€er. tee ergoryou SHkioue pecopee nities ome ‘Wevtaed Sit TGyeusk* Taheewesq you’? CqaguinwqrA boas. iveron saiey rage praens T7we . oHieme® omg tp) 2 }OGGLSLS Lists Gxcpeus you* CALMGUS IA ps puentue juego buwvee AY (2 ). & Aecy LISTT excTeserou* OML!.G31¢ jyite? Tents acyTae OR MOAK* = 2 < yyxes oy fyo- cro: ~" isa “ee cL. ‘Eye -yINe GHLLexe 72 epiiecd: ong s2- qoypyaun? gou¢ STROM Of Apes sper pa oye £e sxeIeopjou oF eee. ae eye eiee 700 omen : + a ; A. G. Sehedule--218.: . Inducticn Motor norking.’ Counce bara d mate eerie (See Schedule f@r OPBRATION, for ali features of work applying to this which are not included in electrical lines of operation. ) a= Induction motor working, in xeneral, single or polyohwe circuits, 1.-Illustration ot charscteristia features of operation and performance of Induction souors, chiefly of the short-circuited armature type. : 2,-Show that large starting currents are required for these, 3.-show that the slin, in speed; of induction motors, increases with the load applied. 4,-Show thet the starting ourrent is reduced ty lowering the im- pressed anf,, and at the sacrifice of starting toraue. 5,~Show that in an overloaded induction motor, the speed and torque racidly fall off, while excessive current is required. @,~Show when an overloaded motor will stop; how started again? ?,~Show how speed of induction motor may te varied by varying the impressed amf., by use of an v.ternal reactance or compensator on motor possesaing high fixed armature resistance.: &.=Show thot cowerfector of the circuit, at full load of induction motor, remains practically unchanged with ordinary variations in the imcressed inf.’ 9,-Show that an induction motor may be advantageously used in cen- nection with a synchronous motor on same line, to reduce rower factor, by synchronous motor ccrformance as condenser. | Il.- experigental vetermination of kachine Characteristics. : 1,-Determine if induction notor has high breakdown poins, and at what speed, slio, current, and anf, 7 2.-vetermine if the machine requires large wagnetizing current, ond under what conditions. c.-Determine what starting loads, and whet full and overloads, the give machine is adapted to take, under given conditions of electrical supply, and possiblo e@sriutions in impressed anf, oA! > eyeceLrcwy enbby)" sug boesrryo weLraprove yu ruhi.enaeg owt. kecpype t2 equbreq fo fuye’ mger Braey covgqrrrove of EQ’ -HesELMTUS apeS BfoLsyOR Jowge’ eg mpef Toy] sUd CAskyORqe’ ppe Bs Mugek apes cougyfrove* SB -NePeLryus Ty pps wecprve tednrnees puke mekuesreruk om.erp’ ong apsg. abeog’ efrd* cAnieus* euq omg’ 4 ]J’-pefeLw7ue It rugqnoryfou rose, pee prip PLoWK GORI borw® suq of Oe AY De AIG OA TOME Hey SI RE SER AD Ae es SW A et OY ins Adah MGS OD. WI NG HY ee EE Se Si IE Chee EN St eT om mE REN ON “tere “INI ERD eR A OK Meme Teh EM eae me or II's BXPSkTtTONLUT MeseELMTUNSION Of WEGPTDS CESLsceeLTesrca’. RecroL' pA gawopLovone worn tchpoLmeUcE 9% CoNgerseL" HOCLTOU mIfp F BAVCpLOVONE wWOFOL OV eens jrue’ fo Leance Lome. | S*-BpoM fpePr #) TuUGncPsTOU wofoL Beh pe sqagups¥eoneysh neeg yu cou~ TH fe rwiueeesq vay’. wOPOL* Lewsrue brocrrosy]A* mucpuvfeq aTfp oLgrus.\ auLroprova E'S BYON PPOP COMOLESCFOR OL PLE CYLONTS’ sf [AT] Josg of TugnerreD OU WOSOL boeseeeyuR Php trxeq vEwyPALe Learessuce’. Tebieeezeg mey‘’ ph nee of su “Y*LSLUS] LEvorwUCE OL comberessoL b’=opom you ebeeq of yuqacprou wosok wwA pe asLTeg PA aatArBe ppe g’~ppos MpPGE WT OAELJOSYeG WOSOL mTjyy Bob! pom epeLreg viurwy LObIG}A LST] OL' MPYTe Cxceeerae caLLeus Ta LednzLeq" Bi“ OPOM Fper TH BY CAEL JONGeG TuqnesroN BosoL’ fpe ebeaq svq sordne _ bLesrseq erq’* SUG BF FPS VVOLTLTOS Of ereLsyEe forane* Y~-opom Spas fpe efersruR omuueur ye at ai fA jorerry® gpe. co arty spe jovgq sbbyreq" O'~2pom sper tye eyro* ru ebesg! of yogberren ROfOLE® TUCLeveeR S'-ppoa gpeur yente epee pug onLLenge whe LedarLeg Lot fpere wiwagite sabe. ~EeLgonwsuce of Tuqncrroy nozone” cpreryaA of spe epots~orLeny cag. x I'=]}JMesLsprow of cpurscrenrerre Leoranes of obensprou suq a we [weqnceyou mosoL mOLRTUy’ ru Keveney* eyutye o: bot hbp ses barman SPTe eproy RPIGP WLS voR JUCTAGeg Ti GTECPLICS] FUSER OF obereryou" | ( gee eopeanye Gh ObEKYLION® [OL ST] Loepates oF ‘MOLE ebbT AT OE £0 qugnorres woror sue eke a dk, én kk. Oe ees ol a ——— eT sien ee ieee Siti’ fainting SMS pe etiein ar ii he P= a a qbe.ere tsy Ako eee a ole BOPOL™ 62. # a ervete or Fao bpse9 a]yTA Ofemupeqt |}. ” | Lf ES bred ihe “stotag “qr FToue* i aud. owes uéerijsed. OPesTpeq wvew WOPOK wez OLE Revue. sy 'y Low ope. Iugnepron bien. obeLenes. roger,’ ‘sheeg. cous (O) nesenmene alzb', omens” ae ge ger erred: pons? 72, + _ mugs. Speee-covqrrToben. age era nie {P). OvOm RESP. £ER, 2508 Bofor: oatnos he sperpeg ‘ab. [Low Leet’ aqanerrou: MORO, Q.2 beLareg’ “MITT. vos epeny no SRT O. : i cyoes pie aame* 30g gereLnrue horus ceyou HUT Op gye Tu te (5 ST POAamagor,. £0 210K, go xit at obsuruk pre AMAR 82 oobgreroue®. sug qerenuris OLLOMERE bortce: : *-obeu . oud Tee OF, O07 $" aprys MOLOr, te ty bonnsy Leuur Dy Ts | sobae or fit: opsiserenyer toe: ! =: pba ate Teqaserou j PO LGR Pe _peLDey, ‘BTLEMTE,. QT BOL TS ee , one pa sib pide: Yopaner uk} uh m26 Ot Learecwucs aug Lesce ques! qu 6Xx- its ie q~varotfieuargr res. Tu ecabet y§ aruSys cpaee, Tugnesten, “MOLOLE*... , ; MTSp ShoaeyR 22 SPOAS: toseg* TH’ Revensy* “ror coy your ine: eam eee PSR L Ue Gporecrorrartce geo oT] agnemee squvesr eg, SGOEEETONE, ww. #n | - 4 te Pie: hee ae iff Lie Pr ae edie ba i, PEQMEL TOR ROMOLG SYPetth ot cge oe <4 AE VOPPELIRSTO LeSHALES. OF OSeLBPToU Rea -ongeur sign ars Afa60 Jougt sue ap Ke A beta o “aii Fee = "a * Meet = —— om Ye Oe a ee ee eee ome pee - Department of Hlectrical Engineering, YniIVeratty ler Tliinois. p A.C. Schedule A184 a A. Pe -INDUCTION MOTOR WORKING. (See schedule for OPERATION 0, 4 for all fPeutures of work applying to this which are not included in electrical lines of operation ). Tilustration of operation and porformance of Induction motors, chief- ly of the short-circuited armature type. Le STARTING CONDITIONS. 1. Single phase Induction Motors, (a) Examine Auto-transformer in starting these motor (b) Examine use of phase Spiitting, by.use of resis reactance,in external ciresuit of single pha 2. Polyphase Induction Motors. zamine starting conditions for 2-phase and 3-phase notors. 8. Starting Current and Torque, in general. (a) Show that large starting currents ere requiredes (b) Show that the starting current is reduced by lowering the impressed Emf., and at sacrifice of starting torcue. (c) Determine what starting ioads, and what full and oversoads, the given macnine is adapted to take, under ziven condit- ions of elec. supply, and possible variations in impressed Funt ; . B. OPERATING CONDITIONS. | tte ad a 49) 3 1. Show that the slip, in speed, of induction motors, inereases With the load applies. &. Show that in an overloaded induction motor, the syéeéed and tor- que rapidly fall orf, while oxeessive current is required. 3e Show when an overloaded motor will ston: how started again? 4, Show how speed of induction motor may be Kurxrkiedt varied by varying the impressed inf., by use of an external reactance or com— pensator on motor possessing high fixed armature resistaien. Se Show that power factor of the circuit, at full load of induc-— tion motor, remains practically unchanred with ordinary variations in the inpresses Emf. G6. Show that an induction motor mav be advantageously used in con- nection with a synchronous motor on same line, to raise power factor by synchronous motor performance as condenser. Te Polyphase Induction Motor. - Open one leg of circuit, motor in normal running conditions, and determine foilowing points:-- (a) Allow motor to slow Gown, by aponing line SwLiches, close the same, and determine point below which the induction motor, so operated, will not start up again. (b) Show that the same motor cannot be started up from rest, under these conditions, bb 8 . ly + pmxdeh syiese cougrTproue® : tp) eVvor fuse ric eBewe WorOL GsUMos pe epthgey BD ELow Lome? «- wo rox’ 89 obengrog* ayyy vor arene Hh skeyTy" at. eye some* sug qercLutue boys peyTow Apyscy Lye TUINGS ‘TOU fg} yy7oe 1 wore £0 eyou @omy* pA ghuvyue yyUuS BAT ae GTOBS HOLST WT songirTova’ sug GefoDMTVe LOTTOs WE bony? L* BOyADHeRs Tuqucfy7ouU NogoL” = 6helr One Tek OL ene WO SOR yu pA BivopmLovenu Worok beLLonwaves gc COUGeNRAT* E VSSHTOU AT LP 9. GNCPLOUCIE WoPpo; oy gone FINS" £9 Lepee Howes £80 20% o* Byom pep ov qugne TO Wo £03 WA We. ba ag! sneak fieeg Ju cole fps TubLeausa bs: a pTow oe BeNsTNa puaoprosy7A muopeuteq ATEN ohayvenk AGLTTPTONR si 2°. ZHOm. Lake BOMSh LSOLOR. OL fe CTRGATS” Se LOTT Toss OL TUGHEH Devasfron on Wo. Ok Dosaase THe 63 EXeT SuTPAS LoaTepettcur ve eeg mss! pr 880, OL we. pe sepa eenecens® O% GO € ae ED oee TOU wage: eae Bocce ter ph ek ws : ane oe a8 “ent? aprie pe Me oe Saas be ay areasones quGagTOU ek pe “pe chade. ony sone! RPHoE fVO ‘eryD! qi ebeeg* of uiteron pone ‘Tusxenaem it jer a oumnVETae GOMPtazoHe” : we | ee “Or, eTec* enbbyA$ sud bosaypro’ agLyepyoue qu qTubeaseg fye Lae. romok lea 7a sysbrag go foxe* mugel GrAey GougT s+ as DSeeL" THE ATIsy OpeTeTUe Tosga’ sug apes LHTS wg cxepFoRye! TMD“OL aey wet’: Sug UL ASGLILTSS oF apUEr ue poLante* a ayiom fpop ge eeuTPF TVR oMEBeVsS Ta Legueey pa JFOASLIVE HPs Pd Poot gh fyeL Janke wpsnryvi GNLLelge she LediyTLeq* we ie Baus suy poLdne*? yu GaveLeyT* ROWING 9s anpyue oONgTyFONN Los shea ‘end 3-besee —— {TOU jOPOLe* | a os ra pou" byeae 557 gous S on equare @ breve mogon a. x : sque* ph ee. i seer ong mOTIe - watts Sia “ape erus. Fie 6 DOLULe” an ve ssivecriel ¢ sh adie A SRE a a a ere eta GOMDIGIONF? . ieee . o— apongeorsort 204 ‘que plina pEXDe* - ie FIGs ner PMC A i tection a 2 opyey DEPARTMENT OF BLEOTRICAL BNGINEERING. University of Tllinois.: 4, C, Schedule2ae ROTARY CONVERTBR WORKING, ee er ee oO a 8 A HA OP OD AM 4B OO EF AR OD OD 29 COB RD OT SS le of, OPeRalIGN all features of this work which are not in- ies sa Go chees bat tebe of operation, j Series A.» Rotary Converter Operated as a Dynamo.- See schedule 4(1,2). Av=1- ag Direct Current Lyname. 4a,<2£- AS Alternating Current Dynamo: 1,€,or e noapys pio exter ue weber (1: II}! -usberrmeuy oy Dep etwpie¢ 760 or ObeL st: rs opepecranyertos’ rq’ -extenguengsy Cerenm@yusfron Of uecpTue Ops.wvoreLyefyrce:. sph, ‘= T]THesL OTTO" OL Qps.serebpep7s ResraLee oF Cheterrey *COYEGNTS LOL saop PELTER OF ChAL sprouse: Go EHEGRcokDbae’ wheat fePBee MSMR OPE OUERL “CLI6s C°~ NEGpPT MS Oren seey we 2 ROFSIEA cousenrst” . a ee on & sia Ebe fienane, ro ~ nehpee pom gor mea QOUASL PSL Qbensyog ee” Poron'- %6p anpoqare ar he ‘ 5 Hhge we neNPTs NAwewO" D'G sug YC" gagone eg 3 ee VI SOLUSPTME CHEBEWS DANeMO: J .g'o. g-bysae "aes fice _ Department of Plect»ical Engincering. . i — UMLVeEroLe Oo” Lert e ‘ COMPOSITE BLECTRIC TRANSMISSION. AeC. Schedule 241, at sneet le References: U.S. Patents Nos. 645, 907 and 647, 741 to FP. Bedell. BL Wa & Iner., 35:970, 984; 30 June, 1900. ditorial and Art. "Copper saving in the joint transiission of direct and alternating cvurrentst. -- FF. Bédolle al oS +e . ; : eee fo transit erectricity by both direct and aliternatiag eur- rents at raintainec electrical pressure, over the sile sys- ten of conductors, and utilige either or both at any yoint OST tae. B) to arfoet saving in copper, for a conductor carrying given A.C. arpercs and sinylteneously an equal: D.C. asperes, has only half as ereat. IPR loss-.as though dt carried: arc A.G,° or 1'D.C. equal in amperace to the sum, of toe siven D.C. and RCs Tho highest saving in copper or copper lon will be obtaines thon the D.c. if equal: to the virtual value of the AeC Essential Conditions: Seo Plate 49, 1) The transforiicrs on the A.C. line mist have independent prime ary and secondary circuits. oo (2) The D.C. conductor to be connectod to neutral point of prin- arv so as to divide the current flow equally in opposite directions through the prinaty. By such adiffercntial arran— rénont.the D.C, coxerts no resulting magnetizing indiuence ea tne transcfortinr .olis. (3) Where DC. is to be taken orf. at. any point or the A.C. iine, | io is necessary to introduce tivo choking coliis, wound on sais iron coro of low resistenen and high self induction, to pre- vent any. aprreelablo flow of A.C. from one side to the other Or the line,but offering inappreciablo resistance to the Ds@. flor from th gafie: Lirio. This D.vCe has: no resulting mare netvizing efrect on the iron of: the cnoke colis, as it pagees differontially through ther; henee the D.C. does not. cffect the self induction: or choking action of the coils. (See Fig. 1, Plato 49,) (4) If D.C. is to b2 introduced ints or derived fron A.C. system at any point whatever, it shoul¢@ be at corresponding points Of Aw. HAtonti mk. A.C. mav Ginilariv be introduced into or dorived from aD.C. system at noints of cqual potential.: Y oVeyo covgiyerot Lon p*o* GMS fo SRG iRponey how GYGY LNSGG Vom oc oma Yu DELETION fivev ort.” %o CBCLTTSL TsecnT peg Zon @rHkite aba ; BLON worty ety ‘hepuy pe Oe: oN DEYLGLA arooR Case? Te Fe pe casos Pea ai Pd ase we Se el alter cd ’ i ‘ aoe Bs" reser ONSET ou on LAO- BTUs YSIS Cpe Lone Con" art ge ene pow cele od oxbyaruey feqen ‘gone y® Be etc LEYVCTSTe OF obors TOM OF fLorenyooyey TTe 29% poey bien csae B-T* Gharveron TOU 3% a sie =F —— = Tee arte asbbyh¢ {c) peo neewsua: omen me : mirit qixjabougaus OL aommes Cesar OMS HOTos moaxTNe? , ane Oo LiTus yreuatoroxnat yo ‘gopoutye sTq. uy ‘enucpihene: f¥O GallepROVNene covuauBeu Hb go nbevy? va Aernsy @eIfay Ty (Pp) Bh Aid bs gad batter erbby pay FpEonRy yo wre" TWEE” so : maw Geptaciey go spo stwoynenose os-85R0x ohotsprut. ge _pomuuryeu asosry i SPa0 his Bade TRag. vot. ony pret: itans tay apo y"o* ung pcr soreston o% inicio iar in or GeuOLGT CougTeroHe® | tees Ye WETS TB cee gpa Peqe of, STeeRuseyue Bar,* ale “PYITEh.O> YOLTATHC Gis of We,* ERO. ode Trve KTepenys oe eae He} SLUSURG eporyTy. ahs ey. uouu* | Bop. eyeau Suu >oaRte ANGLO. T°" Fa go po SURES a COrTon Goudy eTow {ay ser POO Lom sia gg? ; Tihs pe TT1s6' een Th banorTes” —$2°¢. ayy? Te cougneper: a4 ey PA BTVET: couryie sox? oa ane'y®. LNG pud COMusIO POLE Of gH. Ei | esop DSTA OF F06 ¥*Q" eLcuayouTON TrYe? sng LeEgn ae | “QouNecR Odo furpey oz, ONO D*G*: CONGO FON CILLCL = e we Ye Ve BNTIOe Fo GrMTS ETT, Tare ete rt ieee wor fe — fTo “ Fave r ey, «2 ; * ee 3 lea $0 mis oy f #88 oe showcerivton e Se enna mw a See iy gl ra = re “a edie. 2 Bers. ~ ease 3 at overas ton ‘OL te “SERRA Composite Trans. After the machine is brought up to synchronism and thrown into gsorvice arc a svrehronoun riotor; it riay then be operaved: (1) As synchronous converter,receivine D.C.,delivoring A.C. (2) it " Mt " feGe, " D.Gs G3 aa 2 noto# deliverins power at sane time. . (4) As compasitec machine, receiving both A.C. and D.C. and deliv— (=) e~ing powor at savie tine, Sec Rotarv Converter Working, A,C. Schedule 220, . Operating Characteristics of synchronous converter op- rated ag ao composite motor. Examine for the same seu of con- ditions as when game machine is operated as a double current generator; nariely, ) Variable D.c. supply, constant A.C. supply. 1) Variable A.C. supply, constant D.C. supply. } Variable but equal ‘% Ce 8fd- TG. supply. } Variabls but unequal, A.G.s and D.C. Ssipply. — ll. dompapdiaons oF Simple and Composite Electric Transmission. . (1) Compare the line efficiency and losses and regulation for each system of transmincion, with same total enersy de- Ti ¥arent by the. 2ine? fA) D.C. alone: (8B) A.C. alone; (0), D.C. and AsO, eee tLe, (2) Examine the relation of the voltages vals and A.C. of each Machine ond the line-in oach, case Bo-iland Bees. (3) Show that the voitage delivered to the translating device is not altered by introducing either Ase or D.G., 48°22 Cane Aw (4) Show that equally good working may be had if tue A.C. and D.C. are obtained from independent sources, as differens machines, (5) Show that D.c. may be introduced at any point in tne A.G. lire and without interfering with its operation, may be taken from the same line at anv other pririt; also, that AwSie AV be. Bimnitarly See saterce. aQlons a D.C. Lane, and that in each case A.C. or D.C. or both may be taken- off nnd. UtLLiged ay any point bias such transmission line subject to the conditions earlier siven. (G) Show that "the total I°R loss of the resultant of these twe unlike currents existing simultancously in one cornea no nattor what thoir relative value muy be, is cqual to the sum or the tio losses which would bé occi..sidoned by the two currents existing separately in the same conduc— tor... "Or, each current undergoes a locs which is quite indenendent of the other presence and acts as though the other did not exist". (7) Also, that "the “* is true of the IR drops in voltage S00 UP BY the Tio. 27> io ae (8) Show that "to obtai:: ..e6 hignect savange cl : °nver or cop- per losses the diroct current Speule equal the virtue value of the alternating current. Oc AST NG of Pre: 4 TPTMY GIELevs* » ” ASG BL FoRRsa £0 iy.oos Grhpous aos OTIsyT Pio wt PO § (¢) ash eee s ef0 ss fob “tg Urtive ts BPATUG SF / cups OL GOD HPC “gay Gee.sib PA «WG ona ar (a) yTeo*. over yftu tt PENG OF rp@ TE enbe f28 AO] ‘pate Oftiah CTY or auras oe FUTFSHsuges : on fie oDjer- hbieseuce tyg so ~~ ga Prorap Ste fo.” nOha" ogey GALLE smgax€co 88 & Tora ApTGN Toe dneRe file 240 GHRROLLA SXTASTNu avbexspuys, TY fpw ahve cOngER aE fie ame ot Mo pao FouRGR LETGY BoLyTy Pe Age RTOS Ba NO uffuL Use eUeTh LoTepFae acres we pe’ 19 Caney. fo — MUTING- CULIeU Le ouTee ye QINNTesueoHeyA TY OMG comyNnegon*” é a . {0} MON Prey sQHe LOST TQh Teee Of fhe Loanyreue Of. PyeRS ak 1 ‘ afipless go fe cougy ¢foue esiTyren Cyacy’. on ss - @L wg npeTryser sp.aua bore. SOUL wie puewoupearon Trae 9ug: Nee FH osep esac ¥.° hs ob D*c” OL poy Wer pe fake Se ¥°Q* UGA HS BIMTTOLTA FsEabanTe red ayouk » pa". True: _ geKen Low gye vee ie SP SUA OfNe)..DbsTug: STH: ake JIuo Sug BTZVanp TupottenTue.wrep 772 ohongerou’ E (pe) ahoa eres Da” 9A pe TupRoynoey WF SUA ROTKS. TH £79 * ee WPCPIWOR™ ae DO? 320, Opeerey ERO qugebouqeur “ gouncedt 6a 4 LL | (#) evo pues odusyyTA Boog AOL EUG Byes Pe ‘pag Th fue ¥*G! goue y°*: : Ja wor ST subog pa: ipLoyuetua orgyex woe on ptr? (3) gpon ppep pig sarge: GeTIAGhuG £2. P8O fEeueysLFI “ED et hte ae ce HeOpyve Sig fre jTVe Fu escy* cous B*=7 Suy Btagt ee pea (3) EXOUTUe fye ReTGeTOu oy #03 AoTsatue 5 cr beast Fs ial i Si og ‘eTMe”. ; “(¥) prot oTowe: (Be) ¥* °° spouse: (oy pe ° aug ye Gt TPAGINGS PA Ne FNS: evo SAtpoR) OL sLvuaiqustow* agen eerie ‘pore ay euenga fas (3) goutbsne fe yrs. GLLTOT INCA sug oseve shy LoCsTIpTOy LOL 77° gombongeona Oz TAD TS tug qonbourrs Froofsie isvreny esr “A an 43 ASLTEPTo: peg shoe rox? ye" ud po eupbTa* 43 ANLTEPTS pre odasy y¥°o* sug p°C”’ BabhTA* ) esis aa i) ATLTUPTS. ¥*G" andpTat GCOUuPSHE D°Q? BHwDTA* OF puep Tomb Ta o*ea X S*or T*xe ‘sugTeu* 388 SUG HPOLOLORG : Me i a aS : Sr iy ein aOLSeL A PCREO af. 733" suo RILFO.. 7 toner ‘pa se pepte £6 pe S"a7- Eeisi+ IL ge dpouyjony qu opRe a wad peti O*ex ‘sepgyen” wd ‘gue! qeng Ayow, SHG Ap muyeng 2 Be “ghia io) iki aN: eke gone Tem oe 200 | apr pre AETwhe 20) cyadg Ue REpTUR oy pong Ted $0. 0 : (tspTo ot, 2atHr usetos hon. a Boom beng ‘Shoronagi Be ee seacieteaciamevees Gk PYLE. 20° meres esronrssz01 e19 unoy aniecetus sak cor pare 2 Oras a J » STANDARDIZING METHVEN SCREEN. - Photometry ~ 802 Sheet 1. Falag. ~ Arts. 77, 78, 60 — Standard Candles (London). Art, 96 + Methven Sersen,. APPARATUS. need Photometer Rar, Lumer - Brodhun Optic = 3 tt tT fe Hy @ ©) ee e Test setting of buy ener for distance and height. Adjust c¢andle for distance ani. height. Tlluninants mist be 25 cin. from end of bar and in ilins with and on level with sereen. Lig ht candle and let it burn ten minutes. snuff to get proper neight of 45 mI est this with calipers, Set weights leaving candle e littic neavy end time when pvointes passes Zero Resét weights: (ie@Qx, take off 3 29 ln if the.run is. to. be 10 min,). Adjust gas to proper height, °' (upper set of sights) and take rsading during the 10 min. rime end of run (i.ce., when pointer again passes Zero, ) READINGS 3 1, Move screen away from candle until spe! disappears. Read (c,) 2. Approach screen to candle until spot again disappears. * (d,) ‘3. Turn sereen through 180 dsgrees and read again (G.,,44)- 4, Then the probable true setting is given by. NA = fe cs. eat Foes Wou oD Secs \ fa, Aale Pe (de da) ee A af, Of readings: and from table get candle power of cach, assuming the candle to be one candle power. (Apparent c. p.) bomen” . ( ybhoneus o* b*) FSP Te ‘Reg eangye DOMGL ot Ligpeatl geatoywe Spe cyEgTS 39 pe oe cenere Ais + 9”) x Sx (a? + q*; 1" thei ge os, Bosqruke: eug LLom ema) SI eT ein Gog 2 Sere $* guey fpe beopspre sLAe aereyuh Fa STAs pk 9° BAG: aCLGGN $PL enep tTeG Tehuess guy Basg etsy (q? gt}. g* vbbnosey Lei ciahabaed go ogEgTS MUTT ANe?g g8sqH gGjTespbavLa* »@ (ay P Hose. acLeow oes LLOW-osngye ag2T @b0 > Anat resort yesd (¢ *) OL am (z20"" apeu porapen ‘stazy Doses gexor) ogi: is (abbes wee ot ey@ppe) sug poKe RasyTUE gregue spe Jo mye ame um go Sat ae. fie any 78 go pe To mye)". vawar SaB Fo puoben weytugt our pie apoR norupe bavace soto" weaae wortnge: ¢ (rte? $oRe ‘OGL pees epre BIGN CoTFHSRS" Boz noes JouaTHe aangTe § T9979, ‘HosAa, yer TF — feu myuTeeR* putt Fo fer “‘BLObox or tig &, #2 my a pes. ova JV TINS Ares sug ov yoaey ayo sehen prams cspy ys Sug eg Os heck: sdk etd ra potas 2yn8 f sr yp Pe J ad In eee ae A _ E A oe toe. +a: . Sesalade coal pansic ae Ay pe ‘tie ne es rs any nwo re STANDARDIZING METHVEN SCREEN. PNO LOUSctly — Boe Sheet Be Corrections. From time of rtm (2.e. time pequirad to bien 26 23" « ) and weisht burned reduce the candie to trus on. The trne 3p. Is | irectiy proportional 45 the eongumption of svermaceti ir this ts within the limits of 114 and 126 er. per howr, Tf net. rua uest be made over again. Get mean of the five readings ané appivy ieast squares. TABULATE thus: SNOws Ga tO Ap. Cp: Tro Cp: Mean: mers. ; : : PS Ses ee : : : : ' PRECAUTIONS. If pointer on balance moves slowly netice whon edes of pointer comes just in line with edge of mark, placing the ous olnays dirsct- ly in front of yuinter. Watch gas carefully for. proper height. Avoid disturbing candle in any way except when necessary to snuff. Place all trimmings and drip in pan under cancie soaket. Read only when candle is correct height and burning guietiy. Avoid all draught and other disturbances, heave door oven when reading. REQUIRED, Hach member of section must take 5 sets cf readings. ~ Do not BVeraes readings made by different observers, Original sheet of readings must be handed in with report: and deacriptiocn of apparatus ywsed, for. first-time. NOTE, Practice reading with'the eyes nearly giossd, Resvlts will be more actvrate and there will be less strain on ths eyes, ‘The eyes must be shaded from all light except tnat of the sereen itself. ‘.. nar pe Syedey Tuom a77 TIMWr exesbs yas OF Cho BcresU TraeyL” “POLe oochhage sug ficue TTT pe Jean apioyTu cy fPe GAecd* {NG CAGE E°.SGLISL Bosak aAysU.gee Gie2 oseT. 32 yeas” Heer T se. gree pe . BOGE” 2 ; : 84 2160 2169-1184 1158 216b.5- 3153.5 2257 A gi Oe A? G4 2265 2147 2148°1164.5 2147.5 ¢ LbG60 ry oi 424359 2168 $151 1147. 9100.5. 7149 + hows) ; soe D TEP FES TAS oF 40th) bribes 7154.8 pated Time Con. Time: Rat.C.P.or Ratio Do.” sp ° C ° ¥ ° larip e) 1 9245. 20 1,086 «34 -.66..,02¢ ~000196 Pa 8216684 12084 -001156 3 [Ones © See -9C0016 4 aney 90° «0286 ~000GE5 D poo. «20-4. .028 000655 B74 Mean Evror of Result = \|—3 ~ — +$0.01155 = 1.2% n( nei Prob, Erroz of Result=- +: 0.6745 eae “+ 0,0078 = .9% n(n=1) Prob Result — 0.8744 .008 BLOM HOsNTS FO’ gat *009_ Se bROp* LLLOL or, youn se aA orcas? “|e = - o°o0se = Age | U aes Me _— ¥ d*orree = Tea Se nae fiaol Bahot of soeny x x Ea ii a "88 » 880. "O50. -*Oo0ERa < aes *88. “BG, "OBC. *oo0ene 3 re "92. “Gh *OOt “HOOOTE ee, ee: oe Soe +o eae 7 O°t2 SO Tose . "et -*ge “OTe . *o00TaC “y@ . 7 * ee og _ phe 4 aro ‘gou* gino: BOS*C*S ‘ot, yEETO Be oF ser iToe ites : fee: yore | tee iyee*s ge # 2-700. 2703 (Tey 23a 1TGO"R 8T4a 1 FeetO. °h gg aa 3. Jee :Tee : Tes 748 :7ce*e ETES*2 TROT ts ABP Sie QB": FOO :3¢2 cet i7os 3 Text STEMS UGTA M5 ARS ba Tes +700 :F2T 3798. Tere Sorep *Fee*n =. tee Gk. tan a control of all apparatus. Test setting of lamps for distance ana height. Mark side of lamp towards screen. RUN:- Start with voltage of 50 (do not go SBdee thie) and reading, at 50, 45, 40, 88, and 80 volts, of current, voltage and candle power, READINGS:—- Take readings as before, bringing screen up towards lamp (d.) moving sereen avay from lamp (do). Turn sereen through 180 U ) degrees and read as before (da, d 4)* PRECAUTION:— Read only when standard is correct height and burning quietly and voltmeter is steady. (on re) Gtk cfr = xt es REDUCTION OF CBSERVATIONS:- (1.) To get probable true arithmetical mean of dG, and d,, (d, + do)/2= a! Then of G5 and dys, = ae . ae W (do + O4)/ 2.2 .d", Then get geometric mean of d! and a", did" = qa, (2) From the value of (d) get ratio of lights end from candls pow er of standard get true candle power of lamp. (3) From ammeter and voltmeter readings find watts input for each BeMePe 1G ey | enh" | da {3) BLOW BhIFofek sig aoTPHore. Lovqrohe LIeg Aes¢s TUbNE Lon esey 6% OF efesvges¢d Yer fire cuugTe Doo, oF Tewh* (5) Rhon gro agtits OL (G) ten Ragy7o OF TTefa ONY LLOM GELGTs Bede gEvow op Keawerrys wes of gy Sud qa’ GiGg a G* | (q? + a" )\ 3 > Get ire ot a” euy g¥* | eaTLUBCL TORT wesy of, af eve ¢ 3a cat 4 ‘dies @ a, GES WUPAOLION Oh CBREBA YET CHa: Cy* ) 1a Gog ps adh cre eorerat gay aoqoeT’. oug AOTSuIOgeE To ageoga* a aii BUEOVAETONT Ome QUTA: myers vpstiveng re. ‘eouxeee ¢ porte SU: BERT gatiecs og 290M gr pagers a ar | Ses ey a @) wonTHe poxeon oneh tom you (@)- > jaar eeRoew aii Teo : | = mere pais att lances poquteye sek is tong —_- oa se ae e eo" SM sug 30 noise! og onmeaxon 5 E apagiite a comse “ eeeny are aoTpate o% 29 (go MOR Go stati eee), ug sosgruet \ a _ perie? ASR S7G0 OL Ta onsEge "acROGH” eonez0T (98 1) eabanseme aber sesezuh ox a Photometry 305. Sheet 2, (4) From watts input and candle power find watts per candle power for each E.N.F. (5). From ammeter and voltmeter readings find resistance of lamp for each E.M.F. CURVES: - Plot curves between (1). Candle power and E.M.F., ( candle power for ordinates). (2). Watts and candle power (Candle power as ordinates. (3). Watts per candle power ani candle power (candle potrer as ord:-- inates). (4). Ohms and current (Current as ordinates). TABULATE:— adel ce Paste gether ye on ere ee ; No: dy : do ; om ; dey ; dy . a" 3 a ratio Users : ms 4 Tahle NO. 2. Hos =< VOLES ? Atinse 2. Werte, 2... Che, > Natta. 2. Candte« | . 4 : 4 : : yer >: power candle | REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORT:— Description of the Lummer Brodhun sercene Brief description of the work. Complete tables with original 10g. Curve sheet with the four curves drawn in ink using curve rules. &0 yo GMbAG BNeO ATHY fe Tonn cimace URS TH TUK sOTVR CULAG BiyeR® a BLTOL geaonrbrTou of fe aoLK’ doubyego peprer arsy onr ervey yoe* BREGIMENEMI2 LOW. MEBOS:~ pesoxaberes OL fe Patmen puogwmy sence - . . : . . ° » cd (es #e gubec . — 4 ° * * . 7 : dex » bowen + ae : ‘ail -.) oS eee ; ea _ ia ay some ons emsteny (omaoue os sseriveeey” DISTRIBUTION OF CANDLE POWER ABOUT AN INCANDESCENT LAMP. ™ Photometry 306, Sheet 1. References, Nichols, Pp» 214 - 217. Palaz, Ps. 209. APPARATUS 4° Queen Photometer, 2 Voltmeters (ranges: 0 - 75, 0 - 150), .-2 Regulating Rheostats, METHOD. Measure candle vower in different directions by compar-- ing standardized incandescant Lamp adjusted to give 10 cp DREPAHATION. Place standard lamp in fixed holder. Gonnect to stor age batteries through regulating rheostat, attach 0 - 75 Voltmeter across standard lamp. Set and keep E.AM.F. | constant at vroper value +o give 10 cp. Connect lamp to pe tested through a reguleting rheostat to storage bat= teries. Set and keep E.M.F. at normal vaiuc. READINGS. Take readings of cp. every 30° azimuth on each of the following horizontal circles:- Horizontal, 30° above and below; GO° above and below, and one reading, each, 908 above and below. TABULATE, hongitides: 6 : 60 : 60 + 90 = 1862150: 180:210:240:270: 300: 830:S66 © “60 90 _... abuiate mean cp. for each direction as_ below | one reading only here.| "oe aa Go ee r caolest hy eet & = So Se eee | eee Wee ena pa vee: | | i | i | | | : | | wei, 4 | See eae o le i a Oné readiug only here «| | lL S| 4 <<" % i > > _ - | Sari ~ i) - a bt3S 4 i ’ 5 i. a J j : : : oe ; ? : fom ; i e : i de é : 7 - 1 eo ae | 4 ‘i } : i - to 29 hh at - Z © ae : a ; ‘ Se. es ov : > ; eo ; . i i 7 - F : , : 7 one : mn Bo i Ge 2689 Rm OU Gd 5 : i : ‘ , : j { i \ | oot —= we - + ° = seen ena _ - oF ee - ~ Ses. at ne tee ~ neat SSfGGOE: QO. BO: 80 5 po 3.3305 ‘ TAPAS OHS ae peo: Sos pista: erie ia i eyou : SVBOIVED:* mer ars F Bpoas oy pasoa”, ; PEJOM? CO, Bpore oug Pare: se, suis Rewaziit’ euasit LoyToaTVe vorrscrper ort@y eR patisoiter” S05 eros” tere LovTTee at ne onc a0, etqmngy ou gay oy re re ae = goxzon® Bet sg gq Keeb y*W?*s* $e venisy angio" ; 4 Age De sonteg swnaney © bofityceTus speoaerss 7O agetsta ¥ a ae mir TLuses ge Diober AgyNe fo Syae YO ch* goyvecs j aby #190405. roncay useugeny yamb* ges sug Keab ony } gs parrany as. tisonty Lots ust vpeoese gt 1¢2Sop yO. ee : . it" bie Hens Tush gy yrxeg poxgen* CME oe Bemaerazacg igeuge sed ao Riker 2 aan aoe baie Photometry. - 306, Sheet 2. CURVES. Plot on polar coordinates curve showing distribution in ti% horizontal plane; (2) the vertical plane through Pila- ment shanks; and (3) in vertical planc normal to plane of £ shanks. REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORTS, Brief description of work, above table | complete, three curves and original sheet of readings. NOTE, By making connections as shown below the work will be much facilitated and slight variations in E.M.F. will not affect results. | Lamp phat Voltmeter « under Voltmetex¥y) () standard Test Mets Lamp. £ nL EN Phe a3 Se 2 ne ee ie First V aananahit Ns Regulating : Regulating Rheostat,. - Rheostat. The Second Regulating Rheostat is. set once for all, and eis regulation is effected thereafter by the first rheostat. LA CHARACTERTSTICGS OF SERIES INCANDESCENT LAMP, Photometry, — 8307, APPARATUS « Bunsen Photometcr, Standard Lamp, Ammeter ( range 0 ~ 15) two Voltmetors (range 0 - 30, and 0 —- 150, two Regulating Rheo- Stats, ono with capacity of 6 amp. METHOD. Measure candle power for different currents y corparison With standard lamp. PREPARATION: — Connect standard lamp to storage batteries through rive 10 ep. and uw regulating rheostat. set at proper E.M.F. +o Keep constant. Connect series lamp on 40 Volt battery circuit in series with anmeter (0 - 15), and regulating rheostat (capacity OT G amps}. Attach Voltmeter (0 - 830) across terminals of serics READINGS. Obtain a series of ten readings for different veluc: or currcnt up to 5,5 amp. Read ep., Amp. ,,ond E.M.F.. TABULATE., Pe peal 2 eee PR Se ic aa eS eee =... eae owl ave a. we * te POT ho W2..0D oot EME: .Wattsaie Rests eee eS pe PRECAUTION. Do not carry current above 5.5 AMP . CURVES. Plot curves between Cn. and Current; Cp. and Watts: Watts x . per Candle Power and Current; and Resistance and Current. Take for ordinates Cp., Watts per Candle and Resistance. REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORT:— Brief description of work and discussion of results, complete table, sheet of four curves and original sheet of readings. OL LesgTuba’ heantTge’ combrore pupys* eyecr OL Lom ONLAGe BG oLTlyugy noes SECNIVERELGG BLOG BBLOBL:~ BLTOL GeecL~ThsyTou of ACLE sy Grecraaypem OL ‘Lon ongqyusres ope? agepe ben qeygye sua yeerersuce* bea qsugtS LOmen Sug QL LeNEt sug poaTarenues gy OffRReL EL * LOK ChBAES" ETOP CHLAGH pepacey Gb" sug GnLsout. QOb* suqd pmerpre: Ashes PURGVAZION* PO Wop CSLLA ofitneny gpoac o*D yuh * . avearvan’ — : | emote ab 70 BYR wu yesg ch” yibe* NG Binh" > WKEVDINGE® peste g eenren a feu nowgyTuse 2On Grenencare so pase2 ox. youh* 3 ae | | ay | —e one OM ie sorte p0% {0 --80) gonoga pemsquuys ae yu BeLzoe Arey wimeses (0 - Te)? sug LewITseTUE LyOoETES (cobgoy ga _ Keeb coupe” gouuess BoLzee yew ow to sore pERPOLA orsenys : nekaTe sul uconess* ase cr puobes g°ri"h" +0 &yas. To ob pe ; B iiviasiet!- ~ gomtecy agouqosa fod ig agoxete poreontod 2 oH a a are ersuteng Taube hs pees : a ag aa wovere: sougys badex tox s areaonaue onasouee ph oouweno%u eg Paes —- ’ bs vepuge’ ¢ cue mTey eabsor sh o% e enh 7 neg Ae 2 i. - se 1 piso “noTeuerons 0 neue ° - Bot sug o - - T20° fue yotererme 0d 3 VBBYYENS" ‘peasy ‘progome ron! aeeaeed Pet yumepo ( saute o- o 32) = : ‘ eee eo on Se a ae cunrarscl os ob Sted + muowanssce a . a omens sap a. “i ss at i aed koe i no cis ss. cw sr tt —- Sheet 1. REFERENCES. Palaz, Dp. 17-24. Nichols 11, pp. 215 and 216, APPARATUS. Queen Photometer, tio Voltmeters and Regulating Rheostate METHODS, (1) From readings obtained in expdriment 306 find mean candle power for each latitude and substituting these values in the following formula find mean sphé6érical candle power. H.S.C.P. =. ~/8in 80 — gin 0 Sift anes Sin 80 ; LiubeS) ith ; (Ig - 18) gh 8 : ae © r 2 8in 90 ~ sin 60 Bit, sO B%1-32.0 ‘Ig - 1! Co Tk a ee F | (13 - I) ; Se eae) sin 820°- sin 300 sin 300° sin oN aiiotinaner ia entranced aa hee S Et = Ti (po) Fix don in revolving holder and drive by snall motor. ‘Reet ing potential constant at normal value take readings of can-- | dle power in the following directions:- In the horizantal plane, 30° above and bolow, GO° above and below, 90° above and below. Substitute in above formula for mean aus (3). Take readings of candle power, as follows; (See Nichols, ) Mean of four ~osaghirre at intersections of V. circles, (N pole)1 Four measurements on each of the vertical. oO 'OR00: Vee 8, —— circles 0°and 90°azimuth, at 60°, 120 Four measurements on each of the vertical a) O circles 0°, 45, 90, 135° azimth at 30° 150° 210° 330° y -16 SLi soy SYROTOR » Bi ¥P,, 00, T3264 SRTuNPY we 30, T20 ‘, 8103 3300, A “30: ¥onk Mogpmsomogpa oO evop OF PHO AeLLTOWT iRoyee O,ONT BO SSTIUTEN’ GF GO,’ Tg) BOO LAT mmm ner i= Ons MesanLcwoupa ou esop oF FG AcLPTSST* “ORY of Lom. nesqrpie ve TupeLaecsToMR OF A° avisinn® (74 oe {3)" ue8Ke zosayuRe of esugye bosex* ge Loyyotse: {goo yyopoyat }. ansertTt¢age JH Gpoae LoLmnys Lou mMegy sb* + sEg peyoa* | . | , - preue* 80, Spoae sug pojTom* @O, Spore sig peros? 30, spons ; qye Soack FU feo LoyyouTuh qraecpyoue: - Ts eye pox regugsy ae FUR bopeueTer couagaug gf woLMsy asthe poke resazute og ov (9). Bye Tou qu neaoraTus porToR su guras BA aUSTT wopon* Po peniivese ge os) ieee J ae (Is = fat 5 4 : at ae be ayy gg0,- STu gog | . oat - ah ae ar 00,~ 878 2g * ek aaa ‘< : bie a a a fs ae sa 40) : P bee x : Meat! fi 2. ; ‘ bares oneal ‘- Photometry. - 308. Sheet 2. Twelve measurements 30 apart on equator —------—--~-----— 12 One measurement (zero) at intersection of vertical circles, 270 V. (S pole). ee Find Me Se C. P. by taking average of above readings. Brier description of work. | REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORT. - Values of M.S.C.P. engin be en Oe tbe above methods as may he assigned, tabulated readings, original sheet of readings. Discuss the comparative values of the above methods. ss \ 2 ey ™ Tete . 44 ay? ges ae mepvoge* | | ; | | ayco? of Zesgquee* pfacmea gvo combexspyae awimoe of sve opbas = SAOAG wofyoge se mek pe seayfueg* sopsyeroq Leagues onyayuey | roar smteice LO’ BEBOUL - AgTIOS OF na" "b* 0m DA, aiten of 6 i gouengbsyo7 OL morKe® ssoadlall a e b* . Scosoga SaeLote o% : Spee eoezua’ | BRTOE . > ae r | ee marr oTRores* Bio, A° (2 bote}* -~ — nian cae = _ : “tee SePeenney. Sa oe ‘Tupexeeee7ou iy = hoped ogee a B21. Sor , eh " > ; i 3 :. =a - on er ae en ae ae ee ee a ae ee PP rey ene a all REFERENCES. APPARATUS. METHOD. READINGS. FORMULA. USE OF LENSES. me Photometry. — 309. Palaze De 54 et Seq. Bunsen Photometer, lens of known focal, Voltmeter regu-~ lating rheostat and high candle power lamp. (1) Competre Lemp with standard directly. (2) Place lens between lamp and sereen and compensating glass plate between standard and screen and measure candle power of lamp for different position of lens. Take readings of candle power of lamp (keeping voltage constant) for thrse positions of each of the three lenses d w= distance from lamp to sereen, dt— " gtandard to screen. a = n " lens wv ff p " ti lamp tc lens. ft £ = ‘focal dJeneth of lens. REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORTS. - Brief desoription of work, compare the values found and state which you think are the most accurate giv— ing reasons. Tabulate values of candle power found thus:- fe eo 88 ° 2 3 + CDs Sb “2o*. -«¢ pe ; §p* : Tue LesaourR? LIPNTS£Le ASTER OL GEUgys bowst Lonug pyre: Siw F AVTHOR Long sug arate apycy om fHTUK SLe fVe wWoef socnrLsfe Eye a BEOALBENDMGe LOB BEBOKL2"’ ~ BLTOL qenonyDeTou OL noixK* couihen@ fpe t & xroos7 routes ot fous? | .e: oa s Temb fo yeues a = ,. » eve a “ = ~»«» a epang sig fo ecLee~ ~ ee. ee ene ’ opel en » a" i One ed ere » Pe ee ae ee ee a é g « qyapsues Liow Jawb fo eonsen?. we ’ ese 2 ie - » ces ee all ei an an es sainaias 5 LoL pynes pour eyoue oO] egep of ppe fpLee soe - Ske a) coe co CRS bossy on. zon 10x aregeneng powrerou on in nia we ° Rane DISS Pesucou apsugeTg sud poLecy Ue cable © ws pisce Jove pewees Taub sug eoxeot sua < er ar OS) coubexo rem, ATSB fFSUGeLG GTLeceyIA* Cioderhaee mpsoneoy oer Paty oousro Dowex rem 3 88 oF wat ~ a ¥ lg. at \ aa ! ee oe orm ry be > t OPTICAL EFFICIENCY OF AN INCANDESCENT LAMP, 3 Photonetry 310. REFERENCES, Palaz, - p. 862, Nichols. YD. 322. APPARATUS. 0- 75, Voltmeter, 0 - 1-1/2, Ammeter, Thermometer, glass jars METHOD. Calorimetric:— Fill jar with known weight of clear water and determine the temperature. Introduce lam» (in a wat- er proof socket) into water, noting time. Keep. E.M.F. and cur— rent as constant as possible, Do not stir water except just be- fore taking a reading of temperature. READINGS « Keep log of readings as shown below; - make three deter- minations, one each at 40, 45, and 50 volts, or 90, 100 and 110. REDUCTION OF OBSERVATION:- From E.M.F. and current find total output in Watts. From rise in temperature and weight of water find BoT.U. (heat output = W'). Reduce ae later to Watts = We Then W- W, = W,= Watts light output and W%= Optical Efficiency. W LOG. 7 - Tame: Vout. i Ap. Watts: Venp.? Watts: «Watts * Ont. were: : Pe | Bee jheat_: Light <.).w./W°: re SUN a ee eed ‘poy 4 REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORT, - Above LOG, complete, for thzee values of Eee! « Discussion of results and of the method of obtaining them Original sheet of readings. &7 7 _ VebvEVEaa" 0 sae AoTpuogex* 6 sesaighnumaial ‘ : te a. mona venaae'= De soa aSHeTEe 2° veo" a cK) ‘ to» Las OLTETUSCT apesr of Bea sqTvéa* Enh" Dyscnaaqou ot Beery ee og Of FEO Mepyog of opesruque: res “BROAINERENGA LOY EEROWE* - vpoas ro" combyere* LOR sprs0 ATTHER OF { ‘ ‘- : etal 3 ' m..2 he : mul ‘ ® a any ae a he cea ; pesg : FFeye « abe ;agwe ; AOTS* = yu": agg: gouih*: HERPES MSPFA + be BLE"; “root Sad sc aesiaetesaeataniasamesitsnniinndeaasiaientiescieae = Ob¢TOST ELLTSTSNCA* ~ ape 4 - at * We noses rope ongohg eng é geen? (woay SapDhp = Kv)* yegites eyye Tapes £0 avers = oF ‘J Aegea* Low BFoe Ty puubanaprag ad weTeNS OF ABgeR EINE BEDACEION Oh OBBEWAVATOI: = wibous a ae aug omaoue trud gopay ostgibare ~ mepaerg pours" one escy gf ¢o' 42° sug Bo aoTge* om a? Too sue Tro" ‘enue | EEE 30 Senne a tee gore Pesaran y Ge Z RSS Poe | re, ee * revrs f it & - Re y 2 om. aig es A 1am a oh gem. FOXTUE O ResgTue ot perbenepine* netg oo couapsup ve Downypyo*. be es cere ater. sxoebe ame Bem: ax buo0t eoares) muro angen’ vorroe enor — Rech BR gue Chtaee “eng qerexwre ¢ye sombosspane* uphegnao Tomb (7 ase oh reaon cwyonTuesTO:— an SEE ot sfath AE RES re srag Pre ae wet BOS ses gate: a, aa REFERENCES. Palaz, Sec. 144, 145, 147. Wichols 11. Nap. 4, Pe ease APPARATUS. Kruss-Bunsen Photonoter, Bunsen Screen, Lens and Revolv- ing mirror, 15-Amp. Ammetor, two 150-volt voltmeters, standard in- candescant lamp, arc lamp, and regulating rheostats. METHOD. Place are lamp in a plane normal to photometer bench through centre of mirror, set mirror to desired angle and adjust arc vertically until the oval reflector is concentric with sereen and are known constant distance fro mirror. Keep u.M.F. and current constant at | during experiment by adjusting water rheostat and length of arc, See that lamp is burning prop- eriy ¢ at toDj.« READINGS. Set screen so that the two sides appear eauvally illui- nated and read (ds )s reverse screen and find new setting (d,)e Then d =xfay doo Find three values for d for each point of are and take mean. Find candle power every 20° above horizontal (1.6. when are is below), in the horizontal and evory is below the nor. CURVES , Plot on polar co-ordinates angles and candle power. ALE 0ue. Substitute in the following equations and take i/s sum as M.S.C.P. c For upper half: 0.250 (I, = I, )0.183(T, - ra 0.067(I., - ak For lower half: 0.129 (I, ~ Ip) 0.120(1, - I ) 0.108(I, ~ Ty) a “p 06079(T, - L.) 0.05 (I, - T.)+0.017(T, - Iy) APPROXIMATE METHOD. Substitute in the following formula (Palaz 240) and compare result with that obtained above. Mob. CoP Se HH M H = Horizontal Intensity. 2 4 M = Maximum Intensity. REQUIRED IN REPORT. Tabulated readings and values, curve sheet,M.S.C.F (both methods), original sheet of readings, discussion of work. &&. Vee Sree) Me ATeT Sveaf Of, SergTyes”® gqyearearoy ot song Be, . vedaryen TH WELOML* spareseq nesgyute sua agTieu* onnac apoag? woke | | Ss # FR yexnww wereverpa* m*e°O°R* Laon i= HT HOLTROULaAT TuLeuaTPrAa’ Tas eoubehe LGQnTs wy £8 fUGF opreTueg spovc* VERUOXINVEE REGHOD* ampeprenpe yu sve coTroaye tonmers (BdTes Sto) | op ovosatr® - 2°) otos (1 — x®)4-ororgca? = iy ‘ LO Foes PSIE: o*fse (rT! « 1° )+ o*rso(r™ - 1°} o*roa( 1" ” a3 nae 10% Hbbos were: o*gse0 (17 = 1°) orsea( 1 - 1? sae o*cea(e? - ry : } wee ’o*h* | ~ P 4 —Wreeeah” anpurresee gu pve torrouyu® edeeproue sug poxe T\5 am oe QABAES* BoE ow bors GO-OLG TUS FER SHETee guG scéuqTe bouex* | ee SEAS SAE OES — ApOU ke — poyoa) TN gPe PoRTSoUgET sua GAChA Te, peyoa gue Wont su ore Woon Brug esugie DOUGH vACHA yO, sPOAS wosze ONSET (yr8 wt: vs $5 hs BTUG LWhoe ASTHER 10%. Lox eson, HoT, Ob EO, “ged son noug ey ROASTSE ECLGaY Bug L7eG vex Roreyus o® i | aes “ Beg eoLeeu a0: seg $y gto. argon gbboos GEST rrssindes on our &; POP ) Pee 8 een 5 wages, syooupae sq: routes 0% ous? ee Hue. cy yo pare be fe peers. hs ate ai as » Saeee . eee PA sq" ee Md sao ON ate Bnce* ce VARIATION OF LUMINOUS INTENSITY OF AN ENCLOSED D.C. ARC LAMP WITH THE INCLINATION. . Photometry. - 312. APPARATUS, Bunsen Photometer, Revolving Mirror and Lens, 15-Amp. Am- meter: two 150-volt Voitmeters, Standard Lamp, Regulating Rheostat and Enclosed Are Lamp. METHOD. Proceed as in experiment 311. See that the lamp is burn ing properly and that current and voltage are constant during experiment. : READINGS. Take three readings for every 15° in the vertical plane, from 90% above to 90° below the horizontal. CURVES. Plot on polar co-ordinates angles and candle power (using for candle power the mean for each angle). REQUIRED IN REPORT. - Tabulated readings and original log, Curve shect and a brief comparison of the relative advantages of open and en- closed arc lamps as shown by this and the preceeding experinent. - a s reaey: axe yomba ee saanay pA era sug eye bhoosegrut cxiexqueue - su s Paget, coats Te0u O% so ReTseTAS ogactpetee cs oben ial ‘ “VARZA ION OF, LUMENOUS INTENSITY OF AG. ARG LAMP WItH THR INCHINALTON. | | Photometry. ~ 313, “REFERENCHS. Palaze. Sec. 152. APPARATUS q Qu6071 Phote etor and Revolving Wolder, Lens, 15d. Ae Co Amoter,. 156 car As Co Yolimeter;. 150-Volt b, ¢. Voltmeter, “Standard henp and. Reguiat ting Rheostatss eriops, AA just temp for proper distances and are for height. ; Se _ earbons vertical and note angle. Revolve lamp in heider to de~ sired angle. €s: IE ve : egghs a0: Lvowb egy* a ‘Tee’ ‘Ter yeu’ ‘ree: pra* ta : Fy fs 2a Rep" 4p6"° | 2°E°E* Te 2. p87) qgoroou S8s-3F' nTevaye ee " * ¥*L"E'h* Te ¢ eer. oce-aa® 4*T* Eu’ 78 % ets" see: ae 733" e* wNetvepte DoreLuTuee Ton Peayske’. Mgere RTnx* Prsee + Sit-gsot. wee es* Th ¢ per’ peo* 13g! Ena" +h* 33: MITTS A 40 Lvomb* ery" ne* ag’ BSe" 884° soe' Sua" seat. ayorib* Lory 5 bee Sug ang’ sar ss," B8S'See" sa0-S"" saa’ dso" 00" ta7~e* Ms > . >, OB" Ghy-Ap° oe-pu" Tos’ tog! yrapore’ S8-9T! OE ae eee aa ObeLasTou of _DAUSIIOR SiG Rosana? | aa am uTScvoTS aT ria gee feceitowsnr o7 ayery woerTaponeoe* ) on. = VPPOLSS S SLG-8PA' LTew™ pope Horse to" Sa: ‘nWropoya ay* 2 & flovarncneh of, Yue tithe Boars reaeeu* ‘ oa 302* ‘se VO8"**09?. BWAa* peat @ t. Bea sde* * ae! 19OR** Toy-Te: nyepored jae? Soo! E*a* 4 2° eae . - ¥pBer? sag 302-303, 304-905, 306-807, 386, 328; Jack. 407; Mich. bike se% i Dg tl kc Sos 2s 188, 181; | Ams JOU. SGl eo 25 July ‘99: LE. 44°: 108, LOLs Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 799. Sei. Abs. 1724, Nov!993 G47, March '00. 202 Inductance of Alternator Armature Nichols 113, 114, 118. 203 Determination of Angle of Lag. gack-111;° Nienols 18s. a8CKh-TTT! HNrepots tae SOS Defetuyveprou ot ¥WueTS OL Pets uYonOTa FT3* TTe* Tree “Sos INGHGSOUGS oy ¥Ifenus rox ve Ng PuLeE* Yre*, Tipe MOAsOD: Cts" -NeLep #90" 32. ANTA :O0-. ea" eo 7 Joe* ToT’ wos 74’ pec’ 7p yaae ey" HTOu” FG9° Troe Te. TTF iyo" Ts8* Tutt yor qomm* sez" gs Vepore SE 3eh-g037 80F-30R/ Boe=BEA” 3ge" 88: 4gere goa! Sor NevenLoienrs O% Tvqire fsueee* ‘ vifchuse ye orang aos’ | 3J2 Bep* 180" gel ate? to~2T’ Teo=ce*. ya" Py? 30 | F223! 198! 20r' “we vo-#34G; EvOMD* peg poe er’ ee" Ge" T#e* esr’ wep? a | aux SOO*STOL: prep *yp* Bd° Cg" oF! “B8n* gng epee TS8~ TOT press Tene yon OF, greenery” F he Todas" WER 1008 ee | 5 a 2 4° sr" Oe. 3° Gae* ee! “pee ” a3 $06 oA ae! aot ype. . o°eT (OFESATE OLK * the Mogse a i) ——an LOU * SOTADBE ce" en ~ OL ee &2 ae ey ETSofLTe Ble. DisvENTonyou* . ATcpoTs 4a* | “a i JS YuC Pomd’ Rs th sug gogo ge P . } ae % | ¥30-g+ gor: opp 423 x BY" Bs eer nec! a" Mea | Hrep* B* ae 196k" ys! pis’ ae Bet. Suq era”, geexa’- 3g mgt “s* os lpr fo ron" sat Tet: ayes Pep" nogen” nove Ta’ a aa MOPOR aie ge bear” : i Leia oe: pyee* Te" 4 ip: qorn* unre. seg) > 5 ei ot FO: dat ites wigs’ rep pe : .: ie “SS yo? 18o¥. ee" aoe 3a: pe R°' Te : pinsiol 18a 4 Sie eae (308! BAB 33 : 7 ybs* spety 160, 20 Aum. 985 28 : 351, 20 Sept, 96; E.W.-B. 32 : 500, 22 Apr. 1Os 24.2 BOS, 0, Dec, 199; Lele 44.: 40, 12, 3, 10 Novs?ige Sei, Abs. 520 Feb.'00; 867, Apr'00;1303, June ‘00. 205 Measurement of Capacity. y ATW. 17 28D Apr. 002° Nichols 272).. Amat]. 10,2 25, Jae W9e." An." Jour. SC.) 8 2 35 4 oly 'oo:,. SUle ADS. Lat,’ NOM too. 806 Inductanne or Capacity, in Series and in Parallel. Nichols 123, 128, 169. 207% Inductance and Gapacity in Series and in Parallel. Nichols 174, 178; Am. El. 10 : 85, Feb_'98,/% 125, Mch, '98, /0. 172,, Ap?.'98,/0: 222, May *98, 210 Transformer Operation. Thomp. Polyphase, 52-62; E.W.E 34 : 120, 28 Juiy '99. H.E. eke AY oo ie hy, - Calas Ci ADRs LAID, ales Une . 211 Transforner Testing. A.I.E.E. 17 : 282, Apr.'00; Flem.Lab. Notes. No. 31; H.W. 31 : 806, 5 Mech. '98;3/: 588, 14 may'98;a): 683,4 June '98; E.W. E93 : 846, 17 June'99; 34 : 155, 29 July '99%% 278, 19 Aug. 199, be S70,. Sept. 99; Soi. Abs. .718,. June 198; 1785, Nov, 199; 160 Jan. "00. 214 Coupling Alternators. Synchronizing. Jack. 382-26, 386-29, 329-835, 335-38, 341-49, 349-62, 362-66; Ay. Fl. 10 2 169,- Apr.498.. 21; 509, Nov.'99, E.Tece ae B70, 14: Dec... 199; - EaWe, 29.28, 8.Jan '97; & Oct.,4982 39.2 -20ee 18 Feb.!99: Sci. Abs. 324 Mch.'98; 750 Mch. '00, 215. Synchronous Motor Working. Jes Leliate ab. & LOL, "O6/25:..207, 96.;.. Netate 802, '95. 218 Induction Motor Working. . AeleE.E. 17 : 837, Jan.'00; Jack. 597,601,607, 619, 653,654,655, 659,663; Thonp. Polyphase, 67-77; Am. Hl. 11 > 299, June !99, Wit oO. o7G4, 2 NownI995,, gis 78gt07 25, don, 00,1 Penk mee Sci. Abs. 1579, Oct.199; 1780, Nov. '99, 174,Jan.'00, 346, Jan, '00, 349 Jan!00, 1179, May '00;1%81 May ‘00; 18361, June 100. 220 Rotary Converter Workins. Jack. 688: Thorp. Polyphase, 348-9; Am. El. 10 : 291, Juneidse Veatha Ooi. Seley te POR MOT; ene he GOs bla, Apres C0; E.7.%. 20 7 697, 5 Oct. 899; Sci.’ Abs. 203,204; Feb "98, 355.Jan.'00. 221 Composite Transmission (D.C. and A.C. same Line} SST Gowhosifes gievewraaton (p*c* guq v*c" ese Tie Sep "1d" 00° BYe’S* SO % @oh" @ Ose" 109. acT* ype* soz*sog? ep .ae? Ea" .3a-: Ta3" TO Lop’ saat Pewt-p* go : ors* 4 ybu* #90? 80K" eeg-. gyoub* LoTAbysao® Ot8-a:° WE" -aT* To + Sat savety SSO HOLILA. GOs Made? Je KODE TUG* - ~ : 7 +0Q”* . Pa ee asa 100": 348 ou 00? Tria" MSA“. 00F TEKST NSA 200% Tsey* qstye acT* ype” TRad’ 068" 3a: 7A80! HOA* 490? Tt? ASU" 1.90! 3¢" Bees SO: ACH" § HOa*. 99° ST : 43? 704. BO 19N°,00? T BeOS era" ees? iyoub* “poTabyyec? Qhebos yer Er’ yT : 303? ieetee - WP E*See* TA t. Uae LEM? 00: - 9goK* O95! eor* eon’ era’ ee" éoe* eRe STs ones tou NO LOL. MODE TIES, wae, 4 : ‘ROS * EE on). Por" iors $347 ert: EL "= gop? Rr 7 STR" ehvopRovona Wosoz gosKTUS* | ies Te hep’ .ag° aot *- Vpe" 33t HOE" 108? ARO Wep* 100° md 7 ‘BA0° Te Dec’ pa! E*K* Ba re’ Ss oN 10M? 9 OGP" 108% By t rag Wis". Ey" To : Tea*- vin". ag** el , Bao" Moa" rpa! BLS 80: W9CGk* 3SS-se"° sse-sa* wse-se* gup-as" eee ee. Bes~ee: “4 Si¥ Goby Tue Visser foie evornouzeTue* ae Para FOO. 45H" 100° Sa er aah: @ gubs* 99! gor ype" 473" ative jag paws Pc oe 3 TA Vie. ao: Se : Jee’ Se ITA sod sas’ Tp vee: at: ‘hogt 2 Ney" 1ag*t\: age" Bh WSA.LOS*#\: ees’ s nue 4¢ se ¥°rCR*E* T4.3Ses* YOR"y00! brew ung Sep* “Mogens KO" gy? ae str LLIVTSLOLGS, aeurTue* ) WAT S8.: Tou’ aoa! ser’ ypet Toao! | yote 90° | iLyowb* ‘Sordbynee! “pssos! PAPE Ce re" ‘Sh. ta “a0 ree x -BI0 LLOVBLOLUeL ObetshTuu* . re cheer eos me ‘Tas’ VRS 108 *\a: Sys" - Wea wee*. || ae i. . epOReTe Tae nS ya" ET" To : ee" Rep jee le’ ‘tee noo" sot © et ae. page ei a Sug gobgor ea. 711 ponyoe guy 7) BSESTTeP*® ee nicpoTs Tg3"* Tse’ Tes*: Bee Tug “Saooak ob aebaorsa ru genres our Ty BLT Tey" ri , eee re: yeti, yis* som’ gor* g : gp? antago? ‘Bor? ypae rast? 3 ae ee reawey os. pa ying Qo? “uTovoTa Tas? Ll ry To: ae 5 BRET ypR* ay0 Zep* 00! 90s* ybuoof ros" ane sod RE ee | 0 Dec* ido? ree" te: Yo* a + 3 o, oa? é te ar - cof ff og?.. 3S BeT*- 3o aebs* 9e:.. Erut=Bo 33 ce 200" Bs v: ee es # cy aoa Seanad atte ior sete ee | 4... VPPOFE GS B08 3T3= APOK “TBI Tat epe=\0! pToy* eae “phorae Oh _vafen hae mabe tee a Derwent Department of Dlectrical Engincering. University of Illinois, 4. Reference List. Photometry . M ie) c) S01. Sensibility of the oye Stingt., OSs 302 Standerdizing Methven Sereen. Stine 109-114, 114-1229, 186-132; E.W.E 32 : 231,25 Feb!o9. 303 Characteristics of 50 volt Incandescent Lamp. Flem. Lab. Notes. No. 14; Nichols 218-21; Stine 70-78, 203-204: E.Wa-E Digest 34 : 750, 11 Nov.'99. SCisAbs.1217, Nov.'98, 480, Feb.!00. 804. Standardizing Hefner Lamp. ! Stine G2-70, 145-160; Am. El. 11: 208 199; SCi. Abs. 907, fur. 'OS- 1668, Nove'd9. 805 Characteristics of Incandescent Lamp. Pilem. Lab. totes. No. 14; Nichols 2153, 218, 221; Stine 17i= 195; Sei. Abs. 1217, Nov.'98; 480, Feb.'00. 206 Distribution of Candle power about an “Incandescent Lamp. Nichols 214-17; Stine 196-216, 218, 219; 2E.W. Digest 31: 252, 19, Feb.'98; Sci. Abs. 370, Apr.'98; 1217, Nov.'98;, 480, Feb,.00. 307 Characteristics of Series Incandescent Lamp 308 Mean Spherical Candicpower. Telivek, G40 HGR, 'O5;' Nichols 218-16; Stine 2oet4, 216-218; Comp. Rend. 120 : 550; E.W. 38: 280, 25 Feb,'99; E.W.-H. Sf 2° 978y 18 NOV. * 09. 309: Use or Lenses. Stine 100, 310. Optical Efficiency of an Incandescent Lamp. Nicho_s* 822-327. 311 Mean Spherical Candlepower of a Direct Current Open Arc Lamp. JeleE.E. 24 : 563 ,'95; Flem. Lab. Notes, No 32; Nichols 46; Stine 820-48: comp. Rénd. 120 :.550:. Am, Assis Procs Arc. 140, -'98;%> EgWeeE 35 ¢ 06, 18 Jan l*00; Sci. Absa 952, une a 1205, May '00. 312 Variation of Lwiinous Intensity of an Enclosed Direct Current . re Lanp with the Inclination. Stine 220-48, Sei. Abs. 1605, Oct ‘99. 512 Variation of Luminous Intensity of Alt. Cur. Are Lamp with Inclination. Red. hte to: 2 ee, tS Stine 220-42; E.V.-E. 35 : 66, 18 Pane Oot Lecie hose O51, .cuneto2. ats TSU" OO: BCT" ype oes". §Meadot V°i°E*E* Te? 2 Rod" 108i BPFNG Sso-Ws? Ewa*-p* go> ce* ya woeyTisgpoue A@hT SPTOU OF rauquone TUPOUAT EA OL, ¥Ie"* Gm VLG pemb arfy giTbe syo-es" eoy* ype? Jeos* eee sao” . Ya0 TSWD ATSY pve Tuetruerromu* ASETILTON oy; MMyvene TM PsuaT fA ot ou RycrTovery prbecs CAREONE ISoe nga ,00* T40" 2pe: z* B*-& Se : e¢* Te Acu’ 100! ecI" ypa* oo8° Snes 2fTNe BS0-7S: gowh* yeug* 730 3 220: yu" Yeew* Eroc* gy = Vr" e* 84 ees 102° LTer" * WOfes*® HO Bul nropoye Fer Magy, gbivenresT ooNgTehouss oL g gil GULLeUP Obey yuo poub? HFSVOTe gss-yyA" OL$IOST ELLTGTGUSA ot sy TemuoZ0eus Lain ef¢TNse Foo* Ee fee OF,. Ponwee* Ale ee : ee oor i ade” Te Ha" 20° ® | | st $0 * 880: Bfu* vue: aso" $6 sep? wap? ge gtage. asi Br Mf 2037.92: yTapoye sia-Te: arte ae-te* Baap eLIcey “gougrobones.* Gpeusesengapzoe 95 sich Iwesuqeaceng Po an a F307 he nen’ too". . $ee" fo’ u55".a8! wor’ ype*® gio” wea de! TsTa’ woah - uTGuore O7¢-Ti! eeTue Too=sTe* he aye: «6S*a* — = DEeeLepeeyTaU 38 qsugiTe bamkex spose i Juecugeacens pew Toe? get" yoe* Tuys* woa*,get #86 Lep* ,d0* am’ TSp" NOgea* po* Tet. pees besa “se! Ba 7? eeta0 at BTOSTCR 8 Iwesugeacorsg perth i . ~ Tees" HOA? so" . mht ics fon. al ar mW: ‘wee ae were Voor aout at #80 BeP* 100% Wed | iotoat fe coc a Fe atl aed a stae : is Stirs. bis - ; CUtemakor alimelov 7 Gensrator or Motor ; Shunk Wound Bolarily Sndicator et Gabvanemeter EOF Dyname ot Motor ; : Wound ~ Fo = Py ice Ase Su Shave Knife Switch ~ Closed 9 Pi : (Star Connection) Motor Gennator - Hill - ae 4 ’ Se FOO tne Storage Cll Spring Jack Magnets Gana : Cosh Sinn aged . hi Salf rastoing Arimmncist n Diop - | [] Showa StabieMinabinc| AMS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. “hath HEN ANY OF THESE D1Ai ; : Sa - J INSERT THE’ Ceram GIN THEISIAGRA‘: : * Py te dtr ae sen rMe Lerch Mo ; pe te eh : Dynamo a Motor Wabtmeter ae = Dyname ox Motor : bot. Sui Shase “Han a Bee - Dymame ot Motor , (Sriangular Connection) —/\WWWMWW+— Sesistance — AW Snduction Coil Suaneformnes Selegra ph Hey } Selegraph Cranes Sole Changer Mecstat Www Variable Meoist ance | Sue Sle Single Sole Crewit Breaker ia Double Sols Cineruit Breaker Lighting Arrester Cul Out mean length [ of mag.circuit y= =— Sse Ese —- ---— BL ONG. oy itty ke BAe NG a Mean length Mag. Circuit of Pole prece. mean length of mag. Circus? atroass armafrvure, ee oo eae). : | — is ~ ; j i ! ! | 2/4 gap--.-.each side, ciam : i -_ ' ree pep —— >» , Mean length of path of arm. mag. Cir. 3 ; \= = Ls of xr x(205*2) ‘aL +b. Me le >| oe . 7 = oS = : 7, BOG OTIEOLA rIIKCOFE. a05 0 nn oo | J=Mmeon diam. of orm core. _ b= radia/ ¢epth of arm. core. | AGS ear GabctAres. i. gee Mean sectionalarea Of pole preces ss : Trve(effective) COP Are a oe 218. BN Mi oes eae ae! ia kc . Ree RL i EDISON BIPOLAR TYPE DYNAMO. = Bs 2 P , - 5 z - ; Z FA r p = : WS. F ———s . x - ~ Pp ‘ 7 ’ “ t : ‘ . : 7 y i 4 Dragrams of Connections for Laboratory flnastruments. Same voltmeter with Simpse Ammeter Con- olans Tay on tlo- -volt cirevit multiplier for Aao-roltcirevit, nections. Fat pao Pores Conne erions for ar Be TESTS: bteey Indfepting: Wattm rer Gi eneen’ nedean as wattreter with iulitetrab Neglect fe place Mult.incircvit will re- Sult in burn out of instrument: Fins 9. Short PiAeee re wire Tt other tecenek:. Wattmeter PIE Fete fats hee yy Starting EUPrERTS: 2.9. Ind. motor. A\-Re sistance tobe measured ,insert- A,- Resistance tobe measured ed in series in external circuit of in series with suitable Ilo volts from dynamo. battery current. B. Measurement of High Feit at - Shunt Fields. ran S{o ihe: Prim OMes etc. Simple ito Volt circuit moy be used. I. MeasuREMENT oF RESISTANCE BY ComPARATIVE METHODS. A, Meas'd by Vin alone B. Measured by Vm. C. Meas'm't of Insulation Compared with known Res. alone. | resistance. Fig.4. Fig.5. 1d R=r¥ | R=r(¥eu =) where R= unknown res. where R= unknown yes. where Re res. insulation. 1 = Known res. Y= ves. Vm. hers ace Vm. = Vm reading, © Vs Vy veading — Vez Vin in Shunt | ‘switch closed. sas w. Two sides with r. Vos Vin yeading of line. V's Vm reading, Switch open. ; ete poke in pot. betw, Vm in shunt ole Side of lin with R. a) in potential Conse, t i ea) 2 ao Oo HE Diacram oF Connections FoR Compound Dynamos. Epis on GENERAL EvectricCo. SHUNT-BOARD COMBINATIONS. m2 roa) HE = S vise ENE HENE l7oce. Comb/ lowest aurF Co ES highest vocts. | 1" - at 1",2n on ! min a GOolLs tt in Mult. 4" & 5" i] ” : " ff only seh Wen netoyblilyy cut out w w ‘ TH Ec 4" in series 5" cut out " " " it it it " and " 't " v ” in Mule, 4" and 5" in series 1 It " ue a) t tt and tt " " " Be @ MLL ‘Con trol by shunting portion of current from field coils when lower EMF i$ (regvired. “Armature Pee eds pene Regulating mechanism Les Brush Are Light Machine. First and Second Commu tators. tak poe Field. ; - CR Carbon Resistance. AM. beet AA Maras: v SF Series Fields - SBE ee. Mes) ‘Le, Pip Re oy BRUSH SERIES ARC MACHINE. Wall j ig ee eae Controller, Connections as shown eee Ct? foruse of, wall contro! +— Controlling magne’. : : eee 5 /er. 5 <—Switch Shorf-circuiting req. magne’. itae 5 ee out reg ulating device aie connect leads Aand B fo-— gether, and densi c in bind- ing ease Ae Lg pares Peas te [ee E ~~ Regulating a r loor OVAVUOYU Bie aee > Jeries Field oat Fig. 16. | aS, | | LS eR Cut pet aw ER Oat: - Conndenions : as | Shown for use [of wall contro/- Main Leads ‘ler ; Bae Be y Zo cur out con- p7ro/ler, discon- ppect at Band C. Be a AS fo ‘ { Ege cer cdoa ee aa ees cir. : Be ml teg tee | Paine Rake Brush Machine:- Control by shunting por- TH Machine:- Koateel by Sadericg: points Pn of current from field co//s when lower of Contre viration of two brushes pereeags: IM.F. is re guire od. oes Qa pair, respecrively on each. side. ee Soo ee) a ae 4 grit Se £ a CEN. lV Wt | EFFECT OF EFFECT OF EFFECT OF REVERSING MACHINE) REVERSING FIELD REVERSING i. €. BOTH ARMATURE) COIL CONNECTIONS AND FIELD | ONLY ARMATURE CONNECTIONS SEPARATELY EXCITED MACHINES SERIES WOUND MACHINES —DIAGRAM INDICATING DIRECTIONS OF ROTATION OF MOTORS: Houston and kennelly’s Electro-Dynamic Machinery. iy CONNECTIONS OF STARTING RHEOSTAT FOR SHUNT WOUND MOTORS WITH AUTOMATIC RELEASE IN FIELD CIRCUIT OF MOTOR . AND OVERLOAD CIRCUIT BREAKER ] | Release Magnet 7J------ NAKARA Ra Gy ‘eo Or | From Supply Circuit t want Overload Circuit Breaker ----------—— Details of Release Magnet 9 pee pe tT melas. + oF nae. oH petsacdae aS BES ae ent. Curr x Ari. e= SN t arp ue = “Torque t i as ‘ ing aes < § ie ES i _ Se : asuan ap Se Seneeneeeee ae = + a ie fe Mayas) Reh "Oe {0,83 Gi. Me) 103. ot 63.80.) 2). ee eee STE LnEEHtistrtt 2 ow ots ee 33,3 mame) CO i | iar UGENE DIETZGEN CO., CHICAGQ. 3 Ic! re Me : - ‘ ‘ . 2 * é 5 : rs be * | se Effective EME. is a rena? by i 2 i ee Pluss ee alone: tas eee a Eiecrromotive Farce Curve. of a Single- “phase, H id b te { t i eae ag rr rT 2B rT cat i ee 7 i: a ArH rr : ae mene See He = gzauas a oi*k ei c ry * LJ sanuasna ‘ Toye Tt T it t _— ss anew rj aa s — : Omm 2 ne “ aie ae epeeae si guna” v rid a EUGENE DIETZGEN €O., CHICAGO, FH Lee pa ie a ‘aa So + +4; sla =a pert uns juga 5 iia a ae BARBIES o1cw as Elig x G @ 9 eILacs ees Ries K 1] Se < Yea ) sa ? fa dake re %Q v3 2{] 8¥ =. Hye * > x9 Ly Sng, a~ / ¥ £8 ; i") 52 if es KS S S ; SNe SATE Cy yl tee Ste hs og See y, WN GY, Yffff 9 ahd (Vee oe ae we ny Sie a re] LL. LA. sis] ox 8 es Cane Lege ey aks Sate ial [Ee Be Nig ca eT ‘™ : . 1 ae th i) 2 § 2 go : Be vv Y OT Ld dec arty eels Ss 58 8 ee “= ~< =) Onf ASS gid a OPS vy © ° 90 (9 oe 9 ee MS te” Pa ee da its OWS hese 8 lua bt EA te SRS Se ee ets ae ce DISTRIBUTION OF WASTE FLUX. ‘al] & . bs . f w Q 4 ree cod Nie ea ‘ Be . oo ; i) / Sty Arrangement of coils for datermina-| & o | eee ks 5 g.£ £ “age @ a tion jin bipolar type of dynamo. Sk Se $t =:§ os fies, oF 9 2k w ” 23 ° 34 £ aie Y=ratio of means= =: . =ravio of 8 3 Gereravor COEFFICIENT OF MAGNE TIC LEAKAGE. Connections of apparatus forderer- Ininatieon in bipolar Type of dynamo. Eee far i criti | ad t ane et ee [oe a a ann eg HE at =) Heaicuctiaue a aa ae Aigner bi eaeaia ais Hae ee SHEE | fet “it Careedte tt — So ae srena one s a a - i B nas 3 ¥ a tw It Rie a a ie : - | HH Pe -tage } a I Ht 4 sem zim Pa srseetnes “ = | are see cevensey Acne ; . ry aces aI im Pana Beene cea Henle ace a (as ee | : : fon figeeece tahe ieee: - Besategsecees saaret at | i Zaucgueaueansyeagaeeunawuau™ aaa ue creat :e satiites on aera aonsears _. aft myite Tareas 4 RP AER SSur Beane ae =| “EUGENE DIETZGEN GO., CHICAGO. 1 ' . - ‘ - a . . ’ 4 —<>o 7 + x ‘ . ‘ = ae , j a Ws a Sad RETRO SS TRL 2 7 Shs SB a* sumee SEE ere: F Go, CHICK RUGENE DIETZGEN CO., Main Line or Bus Sars | > =Shunt machines in Series. (ay Fields in Serves. Main Line or ‘ . Fovelizer divides /oag proportionately oetween rhe two machines. Series machines in Poralle/. With egual/zer. Shunt machines in Parals/el 2b. and &. Main Line or Bus Bars. me ce ee eee u Shunt machines in Series. (6) Fields independent. Lotted connections for 3-wire system. Wala (oid @neee ord Bus Bars. Series machines in Paralle/ Mutval Excitation. — 2 Compound machines in Series. Three-wire System. Com pound machines in Series, Two-wire System. DIAGRAMS FOR COUPLING D.C. DYNAMOS ANDO MOTORS IN Sd 2 ee EF os { | | ( | DYNAMOLEAD- F2 SERIES WINDING EQUALIZER AT SWITCH BOARD EQUAL/ZER AT DYNAMO THE CIRCUITS THAT AFFECT THE MUTUAL COMPOUND1Na OF DYNAMOS WORKING 1N] MULTIPLE ARC,ARE THE SERIES WINDING A'; EQUALIZERS, B', AND DYNAMO LEADS, D',F1G.1,SHEET 3. TO OPERATE ANY COMPOUND DYNAMOS 1N MULTIPLE SO THAT THEY WILL CARRY VARYING LOADS 1N PROPORTION TO THEIR OUTPUTS, THE FOLLOWING RULES MUST BE OBSERVED: THAT THE RESISTANCE A',B' AND D! CONSTITUTE THOSE RESISTANCES WHICH ARE INVOLVED 1N PROPERLY EQUAL1Z-- ING THE DYNAMOS,AND THAT THE CONDUCTIVITY OF THE EQUALIZER CIRCUITS FOR EACH DYNAMO MUST BEAR THE SAME RAT10 TO THE CONDUCTIVITY OF ALL EQUALIZ1NG CIRCUITS 1N MULTIPLE,AS THE OUTPUT OF EACH DYNAMO BEARS TO THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF ALL DYNAMOS. FIRST, CONS1DER EQUAL1Z1NG DYNAMOS OF THE SAME DESIGN AND OUTPUT; THE USUAL METHOD OF CONNECTING 18 SHOWN 1N Fl¢.I. TO MAKE THESE Dy- NAMOS WORK PROPERLY TOGETHER ,1T 1S NECESSARY THAT THE RESISTANCE BE- EQUALIZER BUS,E,AND BUS,F,BE THE SAME FOR ALL DYNAMOS, AND'THAT BUS E SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY APPREC1ABLE RESISTANCE, OR THE EQUALIZERS MAY BE DIRECTLY TIED TOGETHER, | AS IN F1G.2. 1F DYNAMO NO.1 19 ON THE BUS, AND 1T 18 REQUIRED TO THROW DYNAMO NO.2 IN PARALLEL W1TH 17,EQUAL1ZER SWITCH ,»E2,1S THROWN; ‘THIS HAS NO EFFECT UNTIL SWITCH 178,15 THROWN ; THE THE CURRENT FLOWS THROUGH THE SERIES COIL OF NO.2, ‘AND 18 DIVERTED FROM THE SERIES WINDING OF THE OPERATING DYNAMO; THE AMOUNT OF CUR-_ RENT THUS DIVERTED DEPENDS ON THE RAT10 OF THE TWO PARALLEL CIRCUITS. ba] ae +o “ ek * ‘oY ose \ ne . - . “] ‘ » + 4 + ‘ P ‘ - ? 1 a . -< ~ i? - 2a ‘ > a ’ iro J - . a ic ig? at Ghd i ‘ - « Pa ) t * “4 IS THROWN 1N, AND THE CURRENT GRADUALLY FADES OUT OF THE EQUALIZER CONNECTION, AS DYNAMO NO.2 TAKES 1TS PROPORTION OF THE LOAD, THE E- QUALIZER CONNECTION HAS THE FUNCTION OF MAINTAINING THE SAME VOLTAGE AT THE TERMINALS OF THE TWO MACHINES, AND THERE WILL BE NO TENDENCY TO CROSS-COMPOUND. WHERE SIMILAR DYNAMOS ARE LOCATED AT DIFFERENT DISTANCES FROM THE SWITCHBOARD, THEIR EQUALIZING CONNECTIONS MUST BE ALL EQUAL 1N RES1ST- ANCE TO THE GENERATOR WHICH HAS THE LONGEST LEADS,1F THE SAME CURRENT DENSITY HAS BEEN FIGURED ON ALL THE LEADS. IN EQUALIZING DYNAMOS OF DIFFERENT DESIGNS AND OUTPUTS,THE SAME RELATION OF EQUALIZING C1R- CU1ITS MUST EX1ST BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT DYNAMOS,AS 1N SIMILAR DYNAMOS, EXCEPT THAT THE RESISTANCE OF THE DIFFERENT EQUALIZER CIRCUITS DE- CREASES AS THE OUTPUT OF THE DYNAMO INCREASES. IN OTHER WORDS,THE DROP BETWEEN THE EQUALIZER BUS-BAR AND SERIES BUS-BAR MUST BE THE SAME FOR ALL UNITS WORKING IN PARALLEL,WHERE FULLY LOADED, OR THE MAX 1MUM CURRENT DELIVERED BY UNIT ,MULTIPLIED BY THE RESISTANCE OF 1T EQUALIZER CIRCUIT,MUST BE EQUAL TO A CONSTANT,WHICH 1S CR = E. TWO METHODS OF CONNECTING EQUALIZERS ARE RECOMMENDED; ONE TO TAK EQUALIZERS BACK TO THE SWITCHBOARD, AND THE OTHER TO EQUALIZE AT THE GENERATORS, THE ONLY ADVANTAGES GAINED BY THE FIRST METHOD LS: THAT THE EQUALIZING CONNECTION 1S UNDER THE CONTROL OF SWITCHBOARD ATTEN- DANT,BUT AS THE RESISTANCE OF EQUALIZER LEAD 18 INCREASED ,THE MA- CHINES DO NOT TEND TO D1V1DE THE LOAD SO READLLY BETWEEN THEMSELVES, AND ACT MORE AS INDEPENDENT MACHINES 1N MULTIPLE. - PU TR POE ee ee oe ren cue e aE, t 3 oe * a's wad rh ee 0 ; 8 : veers 7 ee. ae e Tet LOUALIZING ROD ie oe Bf a Yv10d-18 NOSIda ol ex Xoo aa | 9 ts QN3 30IS490-0 2 7 Oo Dm es BS ative - SNOLLWNIGWO a3 ‘ ; f : [<1 Ornamo a 2000 iC) Garvanemerea. a E Lavaurtine Bee ear oes COMPOUND WOUND 2)NAM9S | should he ve frosi lve polarity on reght Aarne Crush when facing commutatorcnedirrespeetev- of ede reclion of -odzleor. Poremen rd bl | jrlease Jwle this Aoin Cand recharre freld anagncts of Suck dy mamox bheataresent oul polariyeclother wise. SHUNT WOUND DYVAMOS. shoule have their lower brushea always jesilive, irrespective rg olircedteon fF rolalie2e. Snow Fraro, @) Dinenam oe C onneetions ren Comvouns OfKnamosin Mourtiere. Eoson GeneanEcecrric Go. YAynarne a _faleanometer (oe } Bas. COMPOUND WOUND DYNAMOS shoultt have josilize jolari ty on 7ghe Rand brush when fa ceng comsmutelarendéerreseclese of ae — reclion oF rola fon. Lorvemen ull please nole Chis poinPand -eeharge field magnets of suck dynamos FhaP are senFoul pro larije aL ober “ree. SHUNT WOUND DYNAMAS. should haze their lower brushes alaays fosilise, ¢rrespeclive of: airecléon f. volaleor. Eoison GeneracELectric Co. Diagram af connections for comfound Cy namos. ; on Chee acxre system 932 SS ae wa e. vu, wy, = BAUs® at UITO ALY aude Initial sheed % ton « @ Mechanical Losses = ay eatin ex Hyst is ,eddy- ent and @ arate ak Wr aes Wrest = gf{tan a —tana) 4 (tana’ — tana) fRef.- Se. Abs. Voli, p.99.| Time in Seconds Use machine as motor; run abowe normal speed; cut off armature and as currents; determine retardation curves for no load, and Known load , A+B) by noting instantaneous speeds with tachometer. Then with Cur- rent on, nobrake, determine retardation curve C. Leta =known bower absorbed by brake at normal Speed and draw,at that point, tan- gents to retardation curves. Equations @ and @ give thelosses. T. SEPARATION oF LossES BY STRAY PoweR METHOD. (haps) Fig-2. Current in armature Tora ° Volts in armature X Speed with given field cae Stray powcr = Sum of friction, eddy-current and hysteresis losses. Eddy-eurrent loss proportional to Square of Speed ; friction and nese losses proporfional (approx) to speed. . : UH armature as motor, no load, at ditt. speeds using diff.volts and Measure currents required; results give st.line AB. Draw AD | parallelfo OC; then chy represents losses speed, and DB those & square of speed. Using a diff. field strength give A'B increasing only theh erect etc. sense ! na Bde oe Pee acuessseeaes Ra t Pears sent “ ™ ‘ ‘ . ‘ , ' ; f.*: . i sa a = “a S ’ . : = rs = Mach/nes,to be of Same type and Size, and Ariven at Proper speed by. be/t.or mechanicas connection. In Hopkinrson’s method the losses in each machine are assumed to be the same, whether operated as Aynamo or moror. In Kapps method the efficiencies of each machine are assumed Jo be the same, whether operated as Ayramo or motar. - —_—> Armature ammeter an motor side. £1g.1. HOPKINSON'S CIRCULATING ( MOTOR-GENERATOR) TEST. Paes Aj V; a cA; Motor Efficiency — AcVer Sh F Dynamo Efficrency =e oer . Ac Ve me. Am Vj Armature ammeter on _aynramoe side. —— Fig. 2. HoPKINSON 's CIRC ULATING (MOTOR-GENE RA ToR) TEST. 3 SEO. BAG casas ; Re ee ieee : % Motor Efficiency — AcVec + Fe Bie os eg gp name Efficiency =. 4 Rees P fran! cay Sa ERREPEEES Wyo EES eee weet a Y eee A; “3 . 3 AcVe + AMV +Amv; 6 AcVet+ My Ag Vi x A Fig3. KAPP’S METHOD oF TESTING EFFICIENCIES. A; = Current when switch /s fo rights) Ao= Current, s witch fe Jerr. 3 : V Bilis 9 is tt prone te moe ae } ame ; ee EA e Eas Peach el Lal Be 3 »t Eat eee a ieeegecnea ts Se pe ev is 1 aed sebusensscesvacasus Ged eeidcstitisiil STeeeaaaeunae seas Sm eee guzsa SESESGESSS SEEEESBESE Ccubr( 2: Baa ere sears Paces eae PEPE ere ienaeel are Hie HEH senses sisi _ Es P2*.\- aueee aaa yy PT Aan I anos sees EH rt i ; : is HoH sees Hints t | th HS ae y t t ; tft i, > FH a Hy q @ S' me = Ci 1s sesee on ae. wae Azaanaresasues sgses ie aeses aut ma Fain 74 eas Jt HH t : i Setcezeae 4 EE ud aes tHe ee “Par lek ED T a a A ie Gee eae o i j 3) t ' $ RVE cu pat reer: hata i i ‘ } POWER MEASUREMENTS OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS. W, WwW, Fig-2. in Wet ; wa Fd PHASE, 4+ WIRE:- Independent 2 PHASE, 3 WIRE :- Total Power wmcasurenmen?. of Power of rhe ae lags = Sum of Two Readings. P=>wWwtwe. P=Witwe. /n either of above systems, if there is perfect balance, total power = twice. Aare measured by one waftmefrer. 3 PHASE, Oe Tote! Power | aS PHASE, DELTA SYSTEM :- Total = Sum of Readings. a anete e — Sum of Readings. P=WwW+Wwetws;.- a Wi + Wwe tW3. In either of above systems, 'f there /s perfect balance, tota/ power = lela. times power measured by one wattmerter. Ineach of above cases of 3-phase sy stems, Y and &, total power = alge- brarce sum of i ea Wi and Wa, og ere ee nd of balance orlaq. — 4 @) If equivalent an isless than 60°, or pewer fector greater tThand0.50 then, arithmetical sum of readings =Spower; P=wtwe. () /f equivalent 1a9 is grearter than 60°, or power factor Jess thanaso then, arithmetical difference of readings=power; P2WisWr ws. Check: In terchange instruments without oltering relative connections of current and Ermf. coils of wattmeters; then, @ /f deflections @renow in same direction as- ARLOOR: Sum of Original readings = power; P= had) t+ we : (©) If deflections are now reversed, cir difference of original readings = power; P= wi = Wa: #181. Fig.d, Alternating Current Relations, | Resiitan? Tiengle of Die hy: Ede pon Effects o Inductance ~ Lo ing Currenrs. Tf r 9g Ing ys / | (Bee OF ie “OAtoc. fe tne P2) EF= =aBtco. ariable Relation sy Mean Valves: Beicy Ey —EF fj OF = OF cos $3 = = ODcos $,+.08 cos Pa. tanteneous values are projections of mean vaivesin €} EF=OF Sing; = OD Sin ¢, + 0B sin ba. rid al angular positions “Se= = (E; ae Es) besbd-e@b; - ane. pr=pzipr. 6g OF = geome}rrie 5u/7 of OR and OO. GR OF = OB cos ($2 - ads + OD cos(o3- 1). y axe 4 ) ran oe See 4 2 OE - 00 cos$, +08 cos 2 Reactance. : p Power Factor = Cos. ¢= Resistance.— RR. pl Oe ee VN ATE Mf AL” Hawke come irece ive iets | : (Pressed ENF ie Induction eocree = S37 Oi Sing = e oft fenpressed tka sistance Triangles, — —: E.M.F. Triangles. : : 7752 & , Effect of Capacity - Leadin COepeare WE mE Cts ne nae Seo ages ~ 7 Agee a Date 9g ~ G ‘ iy) variable Relation of Mean Valves: Ee=v Ey-Ed¢. © ee icity BS = ie eae | . @ 06 = OF cos $, = OD cos $, + OB cos 92. a) ERIS OF ei be ODNSIA ~, +06 sin $2. @) OF = geometric sum of OB and OD. — G2) (0) et OY oi cos( pz— $3) tod cos (O;—¢,) B @ tang; = EE = OD sing, +08 sin $9. Condenser OD cosg, #08 cS O2 EMF. | | pstantaneous values are projections of mean valves in eral angular positions: Fes 26 Es +Ec). 5% bc =hd~ab; ane, pr= Prt pq. Resistance ective EMF Power Factor = cos? = Resistance — R Il/mpedance x rN 0 3 he VAY aye T Rh COosSd = Effe ctive EME= Ee— Ee HaRpressed Enir Eta fee es. ee me oe hae Inductionfactor= sing = Reactance = 27tk Impedance ny vipers Eel | B+ Give pagal Sin P= Condenser EMF. Ec = Ec ; ae : | /INPFESSE MF £3 ea Wik PATS | sistance Triangles, E.M.F. Trian gles. ; et&e \ Alter nating Current Re/ations, {fect of Combined Inductance and Capacitly—Lagging, Phasing, or Leading Currents. — Case I. Lag i alk a Time Base. Combinatieds of +S) 1s * Vv 8 2 e Inductanceand capac/ty Jo $@avre zero lag. crances jn Series ‘SAC Emf of fad. Res, = AC Emf. of nen-Ind. Fes, = Cur.in Ind. Fes. = OC Emf# oF Ind. Fes. = Inductive Em¢s, 8:Capacifies I~ eee Nod. Fe sistances inserses ith Non-jnd resrstance. “ fe fr Current ax/s ie 4, lead=90°2 b Em fasi

Em PR or é; = be = ES Resistance Inductance and ‘Capacity in Series-paralle|. PRIMARY MAINS PRIMARY MAINS ~ Coils additive. B 2000 VOLT PRIMARY MAINS = | ae * Banking "’ transformers; secondaries connected in parallel. Two S0-volt secondaries connected in series to supply 100-volt lamps. PRIMARY MAINS PRIMARY Sue Correct connection of Incorrect connection of ; ees { primaries in series. primaries in series. 1000 VOLT 1900 VOLT j PRIMARY MAINS PRIMARY MAINS l 30 volts Correct connection of Incorrect connection of a - Ow altas eet primaries in parallel. primaries in parallel. ; ) ; Transformers connected for three-wire system. Incorrect connection for three-wire system. . . yg 6 Fs 4 A; Correctand Incorrect Connections of Transformers. Bedel/s: Principles of the Transformer. ‘legis ve ey + ee ont ake ~ r «- Fite =m * ota > bev te® + e 4 ? Ray te: ats Jase ¢ Figl, Transformation in but norf in phase. 3 Phase Line t s 8 1 volfa 9 e 3 Phase Line 1000, IYYVALMA MAA A Figse and 3, Scosr System: Transformation in both voltageand phose. 3 Phase Generator. Figs.4 and 5, 3 [Es 2 Phase- 3 Phase Transformers. 2 Phase Generator. Lamps on 2 Phase w Lamps on 2 Phaso 2 Phase Motor 3 Phase Motor ss 2 Phase Motor 3 Phase Motor 7wo- or Three- phase Generation ond Utilization with Three-phase Transmission. , ‘ Fer wan t 4 EF NTS s Secondaries ID mM ultiple. Dovb/e Voltage Test for Insulation Strength between Turns. Fig. 2. Regulating resistance. SUM PNE.R’S METHOD For de Termining efficiency and fosses. om | ! mR eactan e Heating Test by Opposition Method Fg. 5- Fig. 6. ! Flg.4. ito volt Supply 410 volr Supply. 440 volt SS is ws N qe ca $a Na 3% gg vo a.8 ee oe & a) Secondary x Secondary - Secondary Primary Open. ; Senananey poe tees * e hrough ammerer 2 REGULATION =TE ST. 3 COPPER Loss. =~. —-s IRON (CORE) Loss. FOR Par cen Bud no puis By Wa tt meter ar given lead _ By wattmerer, Exciting Secondary vo/tage be- through Secondaryammeter. current by ammeter. tween no /oad and given /mpedance voltage by volt- /oad. meter. : re It ++ +44 + t+ “1st BH ty z stl Sa ory a ae a Seuss tr cH ose | , p24 a ye yO a i e | + a : et ma - rs 5 t — : | Tt v ie ¢ + . =! o : | Reese HH : ai : | He FH EH “at ety SUGESS SeRaRNZees o Be saaes saszess Se Zz at yl wage a A Le HH cH oem BEE HEELERS fauns naseee aaae 2s 2 5 ee | TE i a ee eae eee cases Lf) i / sete seegtaeaines! scees ceassceee GREE sera = eee BEE Ressesseceeteed i aH ee aa as 4 a A os 4B & 4 rm sant bad + Try “4 oe :- 7 3 eras maw! 7 Po bie ndapeagoae ire ase em in Hours. Hult Fe Time Es Hi aa | A a re azae P ; fr | eH : ama |} + tt . - ee ee Sapee Sepes anaes eae as : ; \ Coot is S cae OE j i $ i L Ei 3 © 53 he CONNECTIONS OF © | HIGH POTENTIAL TESTING TRANSFORMER 10000 VOLTS 3104 Volt Mains y (or 52 Volt with ee 3 Connectio 0 Board in Paralel [ yeqs0=suy | 7lpparatus under Test Water Rheostat General Electric Co. 41 CONNECTIONS FOR PARALLELING Low VOLTAGE SINGLE PHASE GENERATORS. A\ To Bus Bars Transformers on Swittoht 2eard) ees Tempor ary Transformers To Generator. E CONNECTIONS FOR PARALLELING HIGH VOLTAGE SINGLE PHASE GENERATORS. INSTRUCTION BOOKS,- General Electric Co. ini PHASE Id PHASE 2 PHASE | MACHINE A MACHINE B CONNECTIONS FOR PARALLELING Two-PHase HIcH VOLTAGE GENERATORS. <—_— 2080 - ——> — fey enerator Armature Teazer Coil Series Field P Ractifying Commutator SWITCH, SWITCH. BUS BARS. CONNECTIONS FOR PARALLELING THREE-PHASK HIGH VOLTAGE GENERATORS. and Westinghouse Electric and Manvfacturing Co. Foy LABORATORY POLY PHASE SWITCHBOARD. SYNCHRONIZING ARRANGEMENTS, 000. ————- wee ao Single-phase Synchronizing. } ‘ . Pees yee pact sale : i, ‘Phase rélations of: Rey Converter. O30) de Two-phase synch ronizit ng. ©) ORO} Fig ad re ie ; hee : lo} © Fay © Beso be Three-phase $ ya ehronizing. 5 GA. OLTECTOR . C4MP Sy. 8D COVIERTER ; . 4 oF. J. ag PS. ©) 64 |D. Mecerraecie. Gi PY / Bi PHZ. A2 PH -/. SS le, B2 PZ. LAMPS ON x AEAA | |e ar PANEL == Mee PE CE ATA of 2 Eee t SI | SWITCH | : a Re SYN. 44am Pe . : SIM.LAMP. “ | Swi7ce7| CONNECTIONS FOR MULTIPLE RUNM/NG OF TWO 4.4.0 VOLT GENERATORS. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC awo MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Ee ; = = & oo Ly x | Apparent , far 3 Ma : r Curves. | ~ 3 aaa horau e am Ne | ad C aeyany so mey bub 607 EUGENE DIETZGEN CO., CHICAGO, CompensaterCloi/A eur F ‘ ; Compensator Co:/ 8 Switch and Compensator Connections for Starting Westinghouse Two-phase Ind. Motor. In above Alagram switch is thrown fo left for starting, and fo Leek running. ve Line \ |Running Position. ‘ J Compensotor Col A CompensetorCoi/ 8 Ste rting Positio n. ee OF Compensator bc tie ch ont: Variable starting EMF: and torgve obtained by connecting C to 2,3,or 4. C to 4 gives maximum EMF and Eile ati CerO3S: “ medium a re = CAPO: Oak Ge minimum “ D “ 2 * ’ Both switchesup Both switches down minimum Starting maximum starting Current Torque, Heavy load running. Doub/e-pole down, Single-pole vp, Normal starting and running. LINE LINE = DOUBLE POLE ~Y) : OOUBLE POLE Fuse etock | 4| FIGURE |. FUSE BLOCK fy I ' Ri! QTARTING POSITION DOUBLE POLE | _ as OOUBLE POLE switch Ih gl | Ae OOUBLE THROW = SWITCH / fos = =; \ CE LEVEL . Connections for Normal Connections for Abnormal * Torque. Starting Torque. : ; LINE 4 = S S a Si Cc Cate i nS xe gS S Ca :) es BG) &s ce a &3 ~ a ei] OUTSIDE Connections when a Small Reducing Transformer for Holding Down the Starting . 4" / Current. ; } reer ; : . , : erre —' Connections of WAGNER INDUCTION MOTOR for Various Operating Conditions. cx a ih = ik aw a Ph oe _ sHEEE oz . . < é - i ‘ i 4 Y 2 whe: . ma = 2 =. : - o a - < 5 ’ COMPOSITE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION. Bedel/s system, U.S. Patents, 645,907, 647,74/. Reference: EWE, 35: 9707 984; 30, June, /900, Choking Cor/s to allow 0.C. alone fo be taken from line._ a = Kos) A 1 ><_' ground DR Diagram (lustrating Princ/ple, as applied To single phase system. Direct current must pass Aifferentially through primary col/s of trans- formers, and these musthave independent primary and secondary circuits. A.C. Transmission Line. D.c. Transmission Line. oe 7 Switch Pulle y- Generator Dc. © AC. Synchronous Converter. as Motor or Generator Freld. Diagram of Connections for Single-phase System. STARTING A SYNCHRONOUS COMVERTER | BY DIRECT CURRENT TRANSMITTED OVER AN ALTERNATING CURRENT LINE. ais eae : o AL. Supply. oe oy peed 0 4 ; a ; ry fis) RB Ss D.C. Supply. — Dotted lines are for permanent can- nections if desired, — u ! : are ' Switch § /s thrown fo left for starting por ae | Synchronous 1 ' ' _ Converter, Field. as Motor or Generator Converter and bringing if up fo Speed. . a3 Throwing f right puts load on D.C. sioe. Diagram of Connections for Twa-phase System. 49 ps : = saciae tae fa) jl ten geet 5 g 25:0|25,8\ 227 | 2).9) 20.8 18.01/54! 4.7 199 2 | yee (G.81 10.44. (biges 2. 7 930 Fah 61 7.3L 107) 6.64 4 o, 6). S44A\ S27) Fife 4, 9S) 4.80 14:00 | 5.88. 377 | 5.66 | 555! 12.98 2,90 2.82 | 2.74 | 2.66 | 226 2.19 2.13. on 207 Li Ad 166| 462 | 158 | Leda L506 L27/ 1238 tyes! i Fas _ 4.000 6 4 0.948 0. Cis 2 0.899 0,165 0.795 0.726 9.706 (0,688 | SBF 0.569 0.554 0.559 0.524 0. $94 OF32 O425 0.909 (0.397 [ EY FSF 0.526 0.5/6 0.507 0.298 0, 290 0.2F0 0.293 0.23F 0.228 0.22/ 0.2/5 a ae 7 Tae a, 19.8 19.0 182 doe 16.7. ed Uz a a (21 16 hd 9.00 8.69 8.39 8/0 783 | 6.40 / Boe FID $80 S62. 466 | 452 4.38 | 4.05 40/2 o4e sas Ses) 3.26 (07 | 259 2.52. 29S 258 23) | ADELA. L8S | 7:80 176 | 1.99 LAS ta 42 4458, 134 A/4e dS. A085 W0SS 1027, O87S rah 852 0. 830 0. 808 0.787. 0, 669 0.652 0.634 6. 6/7 Ld: 60/_ OS10- 9586 1. 376. 0. S6F . 0. ay 0. 54S. oe 282. °. 273 la 265 0. 258. 0.208 0.202 la, 196 0. 190. 0.4/8 4 0.178 0/72 (O.767.. 0.16/ Os56 OS ST 0146 (0/41 OT. 0.132 0. 128 0./23 OLD OME 2 0.093 0,089 0086 0.0835 0.080 — 0. 06F 0.060 0.057 O.0SF O0ITF ‘Ole 0. 107 3 0.104 0. 100— 0.096 0. O76 — 6. O74 O07) 0. 068 0065 0.050 (0.048 0.046. 0. 044 0.042. 0,040 0.038 0.036 0035 0.033 0.03/— (0,030 0,028 0,027, 0.025) 7a b/e Ratio of ¢.p. of lamp under test fo cp. of Light Ratios for @ 00-parr Pao formation Bar. of Standard /amp used. - 0.496 “6. F835 0. 47\o, 457 AOA TA A KAN ~ Sy S & a 2 LI 7 Beta \ AA Bees : Sivegs oy saeER eyes ty sons aeeuuseaacnane cegseuncn a 22S SPREE SS: cece Pit H es [ gc! & Ries eSeR Pd ceva fa i] i i Wee Hl : ve is NLL lt j + dis rity, + + = ier iat a = 65 BS 1 oe ae ig ; meeecsteisseesaiiire Hecrereases | + pees iene Beuas sastesetod fered eratzctete BS tees ssessee HEHE aie re aaweeune d - Ente eS: ea rt t t P i ai gee Et eo aGbee nosimsstencsanwan ce ee — 7 s i oi rf 4" a YS zi : 4 1s Saas a Boao, cf y sks ‘Spa shar ta — Pie cas sanaPg £ Li lA Feane b eee ssitts SGuesiserefaees siitest ierte _ ae erg ages He : pod . Gee e ae f+. eae a +4 ane # tte ; pope et a et HY f ee soumen ee Oa = ae N a a 7 \ . 9G ? ot ae i J r je wo . 5 » is _ a ee ee Te = a z eS ew 4 . : ae Le WV i : \ ie.'| } | { ; } : ) : | | | | { hay | teal | | Pg | | 1 } NG. of Sheahen bate 2 ~— = o = = -_ _— a = fea EUGENE DIETZGEN CO... CHICAGO. { tit ye ob ee