5 τὰ 3 See csnee i Fit tere a. Se eet Στ πας ἢ ne eee δ Ga! man Lig Seton Tae ee 2 πασον, Seach νος Pelt a Pw eBoy i nF etn terns oe A tage 7 feet δι αι - ᾿ ἐνῷ Ἐ ᾽ » - ἣν Έ ΩΣ fala 3 eRe όταν, το ἢ lia 2 Rogie Wie τ, δ 5 ᾿ς ν ὸ τὴ eat: Ἐς πο : ε: : ges st : τ Rasa ‘ * % - é = ? . ν epres " ; 3 fe Nello tetra " 2 - a rae “2. εν 4 Σ ᾿ : ; : : Ξ 2 | : zs ee ae : ς ΝΣ : ere < PRY ᾿ κἄν ΌΣΟ - 4 Ν a ΕΣ x : δ ε Hsp ἦν. 2 Techs. Ξ 4 - τρόμος AGES Fi : re > rk: Aiea parsteriieatie & eZ 2 Scr ἘΣΟῪ : oy Petes ta Ga te ten δ ‘ δες Hey *. de. β Cre οὐ, τ “ τς, δ οἱ = ig A ξεν ὡς 5, oe - ει δωδολῥ δε, βαῦ αράς, uth ι, σα ρον, Be ὥς δ να, Ἐλφοῦε, ἔνε δῦ τς εν τος ae SE AN aici ΤΡ ats. Pigeiige ide , . " ante SR a eateries ee itn cect amiga OR chon Pata san ΡΤ isle ote Tia pte set lt FEM Matec oe ΣῊ se as “ dee = Spas τς Pai “τος 3 , τῆς tA σας πριρακαῦς Fe Pame SRI Rell, : Aichi tintt Hate SS, . = es ape ; ᾿ " γές, πν Ὲ ΡΣ tS Sy as ἣ κΞ ; - s ee aed - Ses ,, Ὺ «7 wa δ, : δι ; SEP ar, Pre Soh a © ἐν Ἄγ a 5 x re ae a 2 e x, Ξ ἂν δ nf ‘ eters, Meth tl Fig Σ΄ τος Swe Η ΓΝ ip “ * 4 ‘ δ: itt oe ee 7 : : aE : ‘ Gets ehh τ ἐξὸν Lt Rows i - : apatiage. Kattan Ned 2, GeNCRER Zu Bot σα. ns Pas =e Psa “ μ = = e Ξ κοι a GIES Sar hr oe - Sait, che ἘΞ Ha δ atte. Wee Re ee Nee = τὴ 7 A ORKE ~ “3 ς: - - ᾿ ‘ wen am " τ ohne “ir Mikes wake . CP ee ae Σ yy" Be ΗΝ ρα ui 2 ishing Mal 5 es δ᾽ ps Py RTE, Ὁ 5 > - Η τ ν 2 fh nad Ξ 5 Ρ "- “8.5. 4 - 4 Ror Amt ts Beh ark RE poche ST Σ f Ἂ 4 heyy 2 3 : 3 A “ ~ < - - 3 ὃ » ri Mak OG oF NIA he Keli : ς: ~ 3 Seas Boe nln Hate. Fg χουν», 4... 3 aes betande hats 3 aa Ag mah Kg 8, nes - : ae ie ees ἀρ : , hata Seetatte Mas Rs Fa in Re es En te! ee ore Ses eee as Tee” SEH aetna te ie oF cepts eh tet μον ie ε 5 - ? ‘ ; nga Ξ ὃ a Ἦν 2 x es tw The Se Nn al ~ Ἶ άρυρεανονου τῳ ¢ a = τ ea a - ἡ idee Drie fie erly atte CSE Te - i cae : : ναι acpi cg te τς = Ξ a Ξ fu : 2 oe > Pete ae Poe RT A ; SS ig Bie Sates ᾿ ἐξτονῆν $ treba μας, πῶς Sta gt or At igh ee Pears “eR ὁ - Ν + »- Α ᾿ ἴων phat ὁ a ear. Bef ee ie . at Ξ “ Relin? sheaths cof - eur Ξ a χρντορὴν τὰν, ie aos : ς 4 ᾿ 5 5 Se eae CE Ie ω a - ᾿ τορι 3 - - - 2 - at : ᾿ - eet γι; - Fadia = < “ Fe Bahe dntatiints Se ions Poet he he ΠΥ ἈΕῚ. 5 ‘ τῷ 5 ἢ is a Sey Ps: γε re Ἶ Peart a at ¢ Spb 3 Ma ὅς - ele det ΡΝ eT RE Το ΝΑ, ν ὰ “ii . - . ᾽ ier er ANiatanoans Satay eee τ τὸς ‘ oa x: aes τ ‘ ᾿ Mee i : ᾿ < bPi-teeet ck eee ee : : “ ᾿ ᾿ : ῥέῃ *. Α ‘ee ΤΣ ees = - ee - μόνε: ἀν τὴ AS = i Ἀ ν leicht, P 5 πξοξσδίτε Pigg igi, eal Pe Ὁ ng: δε, Reno: 2, eta The Paps! LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 481. [Ὁ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2023 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/oxyrhynchuspapyr6190unse ris SeoviviiyNCHUS "PAPYRI PART IV GRENFELL AND HUNT Y ff TN (0) EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND GRAECO-ROMAN BRANCH THE PeerektiYNCHUS PAPYRI ENE eV EDITED WITH TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES BY ΕΝ AK DEP GRENEELL}Dlirr, M.A. HON, LITT.D. DUBLIN ; HON. PH.D. KOENIGSBERG ; FELLOW OF QUEEN’S COLLEGE, OXFORD AND ἈΠ yan CW Nib 1 ΕΛ", Mi A: HON, PH.D. KOENIGSBERG ; FELLOW OF LINCOLN COLLEGE, OXFORD WITH EIGHT PLATES LONDON SOLD AT THE OFFICES oF THE EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, 37 Great Russet Srt., W.C. AND 8 BEACON STREET, BOSTON, Mass., U.S.A. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., PATERNOSTER HousE, CHARING Cross Roan, W.C. BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PiccapILLy, W.; ASHER & CO., 13 BEDFoRD ST., COVENT GARDEN, W.C. AND HENRY FROWDE, AMEN Corner, E.C. 1904 OXFORD eee HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY μων: PREFACE ALL the theological and most of the classical and the non-literary papyri in this volume were discovered in our second excavations at Oxyrhynchus in 1903, described in the Archaeological Report of the Lgypt Exploration Fund, 1902-3, pp. 5-9, and more briefly in the Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, 111. pp. 139-40. The rest came from the original Oxyrhynchus find of 1897. Owing to the comparatively small space here available for non-literary documents and the discovery in 1903 of a group of papyri, mostly of the early Augustan period, which is rarely represented, we have published all these together with a selection of documents belonging to the next three centuries, instead of limiting the documents to the third century, as foreshadowed in the preface to Part III. ῤ In editing the classical pieces, we have, as usual, availed ourselves largely of the most generous and valuable assistance of Professor Blass, to whom is due much of the reconstruction and interpretation of the new classical fragments and the identification of several of those from extant authors. The help which we have received on particular points from other scholars is acknowledged in connexion with the individual papyri. In the Appendices we give a list of addenda and corrigenda to the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part I], and Fayim Towns and their Papyrt, a revised text of Part III, no. 405, which has been identified as a fragment of Irenaeus, and a list of all the Oxyrhynchus and Fayim papyri which have already been distributed among different museums and libraries. BERNARD P. GRENFELL. FoR EU) Reso EEGUIN Ts OxrorD, APRIL, 1904. a3 92095 ΟΡ ΡΣ PREFACE : List oF PLATES . A TABLE oF Papyri . ‘ ; ‘ , Note on THE METHOD OF Pint eee AND List ΟΕ ABBREVIATIONS . yl, TEXTS THEOLOGICAL FRAGMENTS (654-658) . New CrassicaL FRAGMENTS (659-684) FRAGMENTS OF ExtTanT CrassicaL AUTHORS (685-704) DocuMENTS ; CHIEFLY OF THE Roman PEriop: (2) Orriciat (705-712) (4) APPLICATIONS TO OFFICIALS (718-716) : ᾿ ᾿ ‘ (c) PEtitions (717-720) : : ; , (4) Contracts (721-7381) : ‘ : : : : (6) Recerpts (782--784) : : : : ; : : (7) Accounts (785-741) (g) PRIVATE CoRRESPONDENCE (742- 747) CoLiaTions ΟΕ Homeric FracMEnTs (748-788) . Descriptions OF Miscettangous Documents (784-889) APPENDICES ADDENDA AND CorRIGENDA TO Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part I], anp Paydm Towns and thetr Papyrt A Revisep Text oF Part III, no. 405 Gremaars Che Haran iii. ἢ List oF OxyRHYNCHUS AND ΕΑλυῦμ Papyri DISTRIBUTED INDICES New Literary FRAGMENTS ; ! : ‘ ἔξ . KINGS AND EMPERORS . MontuHs and Days. : i 4 : ; : ; A PrrsonaL Names GEOGRAPHICAL 264 272 289 Ὁ 283 284 288 VIII. VIII. CONTENTS RELIGION . : : > : : OFFICIAL AND hieeyee wits : : : ᾿ Weicuts, Measures, AND Corns : : : TAXES : - : GENERAL Tee OF Gren AND te Wain ΤΙΣ MONT ΡΙΞΑΡΡΕΘ 654, 668 ς δ - . ἢ 655, 656 (c) verso . : ; : : 659 (Cols. i-ii and Frs. (a)- (ἢ) : : ἢ 659 (Cols. iii-v and Frs. oe ”) 661, 735 . 668 (Col. viii) 686, 687, 638, 720 737 (Col. i) at the end. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. TAB UE ιν New Sayings of Jesus (Plate I) . Fragment of a Lost Gospel (Plate II) . Genesis (Plate IT) Epistle to the Hebrews Certificate of Pagan Sacrifice. Pindar Παρθένειον and Ode (Plates III ἘΠ ΙΝ) Paean Epodes (Plate v) Epigrams . Argument of Crating Ree ΤΡ: Philosophical Dialogue History of Sicily (Plate I) . Aristotle, Προτρεπτικός Aristoxenus ? Epitome of Livy xxxvii-xl ἘΠῚ ἜΣ (Latin) (Plate Vie: Metrological Work 670-678. Poetical Fragments 679-684. Prose Fragments 685. 689. Heer Scutum . 690-691. Apollonius Rhodius ce onaaticas lil 692. Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica iv 693. Sophocles Lvectra 694. Theocritus /dyl xiii 695. Herodotus v 696. Thucydides iv 697. Xenophon Cyropaedia i 698. Xenophon Cyropaedia i 699. Theophrastus Characters ee) Lhiad xvii AnD 3rd cent. 3rd cent. Late 2nd or early 3rd cent. Early 4th cent. 250 : Late rst cént, aide. Late rst or early 2nd cent. Late 2nd cent. About A.D. I Late 2nd or early 3rd cent. 3rd cent. 2nd cent. 2nd cent. 3rd cent. 3rd cent. Early 4th cent. 1st-3rd cent. : 1st cent. B.c.-3rd cent. . 2nd cent. About a.D. I Late 2nd cent. 3rd—2nd cent. 2nd cent. Early 3rd cent. 2nd cent. 3rd cent. Ist cent. Early 3rd cent. Early 3rd cent. Early 3rd cent. 155 ΤΕ OFVPARYRE ix A.D. PAGE 700. Demosthenes De Corona . : me 2nd.centa. : : ers 701. Demosthenes Contra Timocratem : . Late 2nd or early 9τὰ cent. . 158 702. Demosthenes Contra Boeotum . = 2ndicent, = = ; ae L5O 703.