Jae Sats aes ecentes Hx Se aoa oe eres aes epsiage eS partis A ae THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. LIBRARY The Frank Hall collection of arithmetics, presented by Professor H. L. Rietz of the University of Iowa. Oh, ae, WESa MATHEMATICS LIBRARY Compliments of Crane (7 Company, Publishers, Lopeka, Kansas. For examination and review. THE WOOSTER ARITHMETIC FOR GRADE I By LIZZIE E. WOOSTER CRANE & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS TOPEKA, KANSAS 1900 o ot. AB Fi —_ ¢ ~v ae fe Pas a, = M piper ne 4 Copyrighted 1899, by Lrzzm E PA r t 7 im + & a a a = a F ee. . . . ". ‘ = ; : , 2 A = : - ce N, Pr “4% . ‘5,425 2 <7 ae. - 7 a “Se a Ri s Pe re ¥ Ae Lae - ye; ’ > i yf : nm ¥ ; ‘ wat ‘ J \ aia * i 9 : ' “* : a we be a) 2 @ > » WSsa MATHEMATIOS LIBRAR} EO Ree EERE HAC TER: Tuts book is for pupils in the first grade or first school year. It is based upon actual school-room work. The lessons are carefully graded to suit the needs and capabilities of © pupils in first-year work. The plan of work may be successfully used - by the inexperienced as well as the experienced teacher. The book is divided into four sections and the lessons numbered, and each may be used as a lesson or not, as the needs of the class demand. The work advances by easy steps, that the pupils may thoroughly understand it, and be able to do the work at their seats without much direct help from the teacher. The number and variety of exercises given are so numerous that they will save the teacher from writing out much drill work on the black- board. Blackboard lessons are very objectionable, on account of the injury done to pupils’ eyes. More books should be used in the lower grades, and less blackboard work, and then we would find a much less per cent. of the children wearing glasses in the school-room. So much blackboard work is also a waste of time and strength for the teachers; and often they have not sufficient blackboard room to give the necessary amount of work for the class. All number work taught to children can be illustrated with objects, and all the work given should be presented in an interesting form, and should be shown to be practical and that it has to do with the real affairs of life. Teachers preparing and planning their work must always keep in mind the results wished for and the future work, and let each step lead to the next, gradually building on the little foundation already started. Teach how to study, bearing in mind that the reasoning powers develop slowly. Before taking up +, —, x, and +, the value of the figures should be well understood by the children. If the children AOA. learn the combinations in addition, sub- 4.020 4 FOR THE TEACHER. traction will be easily taken up, as they will readily see that it is only the same combinations used differently. Multiplication they will rec- ognize as only a shorter method of addition, and division as only the combinations of addition, subtraction and multiplication used differently. Objects are necessary in developing numbers, the combinations and relations. The most convenient objects are wooden toothpicks, col- ored sticks, lentils or corn, and colored beads fastened on eight-inch steel or wire rods. There should be nine beads on each rod. It is best to supply each child with material for individual use at his seat, and then he should be directed how and when to use it in the prep- aration and recitation of certain lessons. It is well to teach the children to count and write to 100 before the readers are taken up, and it is drill, drill with the little beginners, to secure their rapid recognition of the numbers in reading and writing when you leave the order and begin to skip about; as, 17, 96, 56, 18, 83, etc. It is a help for the teacher and children if the numbers from 0 to 100 are placed on the blackboard in bright yellow crayon, in the manner as given on page 9. Let these remain on the blackboard until all the class can count, write and read to 100, and recognize the numbers rapidly when pointed to, forward and backward, or by skipping about as indi- cated above. Call the children’s attention to the fact that all the numbers in the teens begin with 1, and all in the twenties with 2, etc. When given 26 to write, they will know that it begins with 2, and will not write it 62. The table on page 9 will also serve for seat work, with slates and number boxes. The children can select and place the figures in their order from number boxes. Pages 6, 10 and 14 are for rapid recognition of combina- tions and for busy-work at the seats. Cards, tablets and the blackboard should be used in oral work, to gain the rapid recognition of the combinations. Much oral work, such as is on pages 37, 52, and 105, should be given during the recitation periods by both teacher and pupils. Lizzie E. Wooster. _ see see see See se a) inde dau aes COMBINATIONS IN ADDITION FROM 1 To 11. LESSON I. aol, PP SS ee wu Su LESSON II. © ee eee e| oi || s8ie || ae oss cece oe THB: oe/22|(238/*|/22] 4 For drill in combination and color work. The children should read them orally —as, one and one are two— for class work. For seat and slate work, they should place the figures instead of dots. ao bo LESSON III. To teach the names and values of the nine figures. The 0 should be called naught. 8 LESSON IV. and fee Hiil are —— are -——— LESSON V. 9 Peed 20 30° 40°50 60 70 80 980 fee 1 eo 4A >) Ol Al ol 91 pe 2 32° 4D D2 O02) 72. 82. 82 D9 13 23 33 45 53 63 TS 83 9S 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 Selo 2D 3D 49 55 65 15 So 9d Melo 6 456° 46556 66 16° 86. 96 Mee Ga Ge ee C2662 FLY OT OF belo. 20 ~ 30° 40° 55 638) 738° 8S. 98 See eed 49 Do O69 10s SOF 29 100 To be used when best suited to the needs of the class. As soon as numbers are taken up, children should begin learning to count and write to 100, and then to write and read any hundreds. LESSON VI. 08 3 0 838 coe ss ooses sce e 3888 see esissiielcs. cos coo ce Sees « LESSON VII. 11 Le are l2 LESSON VIII. (aS ESS ANGE and /\ /\ are and ewes and Nc ced eee arenas y Q Q Q and Q Q Q Q arate Fw WHY eH YW FG Gy Ww Aw and waw hw) and WG are eee p pl and ei dak< > and 7% are - — Ww Ww Ww Be A A TE to | ace and Sy, and 909 area | LESSON IX. AE Sel POD he DOU abs: Dal AV aie 2 1s) DOW AL Ss: Nal 1G XO GE abe: DGD ALS, INGXe 2) To be used when best suited to the needs of the class. The Romans should be taught in advance of those that occur in the reading lessons, that the children may give the page and lesson without hesitation when using their readers. If a few moments each day are given for drill on the Romans, the children will soon be able to use them wherever they occur. 13 14 LESSON X. © ©0606 eee e@ ©0008 © @ @ eee | ®ee0e eoe @ 9% os ® 2 | @ @ @®eeoe eee 8 @ ®@ » @ © ee eeq 08 OO @ ® 6 @ e @ 0° 00° ce cco ©0\ee ©0800 « ee\cce | ee e© eee ©e@ ©0908 ee eo e000 © ee 008 | "= e | © © © &© e000 ee ® @ ee ee2ee ee DES S ONS x= Us) COPY AND COMPLETE. imoolmand | doll are:—~ dolls. 1 dog and 2 dogs are —— dogs. 9 cats and 1 cat are —— cats. PEC loan 2eCUpS are == Cups. Hee OO Aid COS are eros: Pauopaand L top are’ —— tops, Ienestand 2 nests are —— nests. P4srats and 1vrat are —— rats. peoenomnad 2inens are = hens, PeoOO Kosa os000Kks are. books: COPY AND ADD. 1-egg 2 nests aes 6 5 dolls Vetererey 1 nest 2 caps t doll 1 ball 2 fish ih Ganges 4 caps 5 balls 2 fish 4 pigs 1 cap 1 1 2 3) 1 2 i) il il 2 1 1 5) 2 1) 2 ae il 3 2 2 1 3 2 16 LESSON XIl. COPY AND COMPLETE. iP eeneieleah then =o 4 ond 1 areas 2h eehiG Lede ees eee liand 4 afree= == leaeale bye sneeyt Ses, 1 and *3 areas oy enalee Ihatheer eer 5. 3o and 2 ares ike Shave sae Ee iges 22 i, 2 and) 5 ste COPY AND ADD. 2 bats 1 boy 5 girls 1 slate 1 bat 2 boys Losin 1 slate 2 drums 1 pan 4 rats 2 cats 2 drums 3 pans 1 rat 3 cats 1 dog 3 rabbits 3 coats 2 dresses 4 dogs 2 rabbits 1 coat 2 dresses — i) 2 if 2 1 4 5) 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 ik 4 5) 1 2 3 2 1 it 2 2 5) 1 2 i 1 LESSON XIII. ivf 1. If Tom had 1-hat and his papa gave him 1 more, how many would he have P Peniniviay had 2. dolls and her mamma, pave her 1 more, how many would she have P eo it Nat bad 1 top and his papa gave fim 2 more, how many would he have?’ 4. If Nell had 2 books and her mamma gave her 2 more, how many would she have ? 5). If John had 1 ball and his brother gave him 3 more, how many would he have P 6. If Mary had 3 books and her sister gave her 1 more, how many would she haver fee Ceorve Shade Lop andes” brother gave him 4 more, how many would he have P 8. Ii Mary had 2 dolls and her sister gave her 3 more, how many would she have ? pearired had 3.balls and he made 1 more: how many did he then have? 10. Frank had 4 cents and his papa gave him 1 more; how many did he then have? 11. Ann had 2 doHs and her mamma gave her 1 more; how many did she then have? = ww 18 LESSON XIV. COPY AND COMPLETE. 4 books and 1 book are books. 2 slates and 2 slates are —— slates. 3» COWS ands 2 cOWs are» COM: ay jeerekeilce iiarce ib yerchakenl) Live pencils. 1 pan and 4 pans are —— pans. P=pen- and. 2 pens are === pele: 2 -GONUS ANd) “CONtS are = nce mine 2 hate and) heat are ete opal epidisernaks) Gb isedd eee: Sei bsn ihe, 1 Gap and), Capsiare=—= == cape A dolls and*2 dolls*are- === dome. Dor s and 2 ot cee ee ee 3 boys and 3 boys are === 9 ho, a 2 hens and 4 hens are —— hens. COPY AND ADD. ik dnxevedic 4 apples Sramayeh a 2 boys 4 books 1 apple 2a rnier 3 boys 3 cents 2 pens IES ease 4 cents 2 cents 2 pens 4 pigs IGeinG 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 at 2 1 2 1 5) 1 2 5) LESSON XV. COPY-AND ADD: eerie » apples I baw 4 eges a) aeakes al 1 apple 5 bats 2 eges 2 caps do hats 1 ball 2 cups 4 caps 2 hats 4 balls 4 cups COPY AND COMPLETE. (Ge Teens Gieiol ik dake ene = = dance ieDOVveands Gb boys are: = boys: OBI ite oe Iheleire 2 = Cn. PeOW ISO OrOw ls Aare ——=] Owls. ABC cohce cite llicotar are, = nests: DeWeese irae, are) bird Swinatel Leena ee ar fia OO, Ae sakol oy SGNgon oe Oe Ghewok thaws, 2 oe, Setleoe oC ee ADD rf if di 1 i 2 2 2, il 2) yy 3 4A 5 1 2 A. 5 3) 4 2 5 a i D) 2, at 1 5 5 A 2 20 LESSON XVI. COPY AND COMPLETE. A[ehairs ands 2. chairs aren 2c aa Prelock sands 6" clocks! are =e OC o.apples and 2 apples are == vag ples Jetlieseanc oOieCend ea =a ies ® spiders and) 1 spideér-are — = asians 5 CcOWSs and. 4 Cowes are = CO was: 9 leaves and 3 leaves-are. —— leaves DP CCS: acs 2s DCes ar C= ages 2 TOses* and 4 roses. Ale = Toses ASE ne uly ou 1h ella one ne COPY AND ADD. 6 slates ih” leyobee ) caps 2 balls 1 slate 6 boxes 2 caps 5 balls 4 pans a Glpe 4 tops 3 flags 3 pans 4 cups 2 tops 2 flags ah ve 3 1 Be a 2 > 1 ey > > | > al it 5) 4 1 5 2 i) An 1 1 1 A ye 3 1 1 1 A 2, 5 i 6 i 5 7 2, A 5 5 1 6 2 5 A 3 5 5 ak G A a S AL 2 5 if 1 tf iL 4 hats 2 hats ik does We sates ene ct nest “bo rt te ee _ | to co HS | to bo bo LESSON XVII. COPY AND ADD. it ieleyes 2 eges 2 cats 2 cats Spee: 4. cups Vids ta a Si kedal 2 Tis lag 3 caps 2 Caps 2 ‘caps 1 cow 3 COWS 1 COW: 2 1 2 rm oD il Kb iS SS) if iehe Oras lepire 2 tops 3 tops 4 fans 1 ihe 3 balls iP ernl Vebalis 5D eves 1 egg ee 0 Y cents Hee ett 2 cents | to Ht be He | Po os ac 4 2) ik eo 4 caps aaue Ay lenis 6G tubs Le Gat 2 boys 3 boys 1 boy le averal Y hens 2 hens 22 KL i bo DOP COL Coe Cos hoe bom Co ho ict LESSON XWVidil: COPY AND COMPLETE. egos and 2 esos -are-—-— sero: nests and 3 nests are nests. hateands4. hatseare hats. birds and 2 birds ales === ae slates and 1 slate are —— slates. books and 2 books are books. pens-and’ 4 pens areve= = pens: flags and 3 tlags are ——— flags: pencils and® 1 pencil are ——=speneme horses and 4 horses are —— horses. hens and: 3-hens are. =.= hens cows and. 5 cows are == cows: 22 DOWS Davies ely Gre ® girls have ——— ‘hands: 2 bOvS have — ate, binds have. aati: 2 DITdS So. es een LO 5 dogs have ears. 2 cats have: —— eyes. > nen haver= =a hands: GabenSs yay Cpe ta dics 3 (hens have--.= (ears, 7 birds have bills. o horses have eyes. LESSON XIX. COPY AND ADD. 2 nests Uke 4 books 1 ball 1 nest 3 fhes 1 book 2 balls 2 nests 1 tly 1 book 1 ball 4 cans 4 birds 4 pins dS eggs 1 can 2 birds 3 pins 4 eges 5 cards 5 boys 2 cups 6 sleds 1 card 2 boys 5 cups Sec i femae 5 books 3 hats o fans 6 pirls 2 books 2 hats 4. fans shee 1 doll 4. flies oy Cebeboaars Gaede 6 dolls 3 flies 2 drums 3 pens 3 COWS 2 horses 4 ducks 4 pens 2 cows DeNOUses) ro scLucks i deeye Gnas Shodarenn Wenee. Vekeninst Pees nee iles) ates == ties: CECA Oea elec a Lar eres == CHD. PebOxeCosaiice DOxes are === boxes. peo uananie de dollvare. = == Lol ls; ps leaves and 3 leaves are _ leaves. Zo 24. LESSON Xx. COPY AND ADD. 8 O00 4 eB ao 4 BOP 4 A a 266 ee 6° 4B 8 4 8 8 ee 126 OR 8 a So 9.9 Al BS 240 A ee ee 38. OB Oy 8A 80 a det 4 4 > 10242) 39. oe 4-9-8 4. $65 7» or 0° 8 48 985" 8.0 44. Bred 9 9 BV ei a 9° 8.4. «B16 Po {eer 4 ey ORO eo oe 1. OSS ° BO dh ON 88 Pe es eee Oy ee ee 2. $4. oer a U6. 9 $415!) OSB 485) ae 8 eee =] SOM SOP Kops: we) bp po fw ee Co bo Co bo oT IO FP OD rome Ol OO, LESSON XXII. COPY AND COMPLETE. MeMCLis edi ale enc are pencils. DOIG lOmin OO ioral == DOOKS: boxes and 2 boxes are boxes. COWS) INUsOT COWS LCG. === COWS: horses 4nd 3 horses are —— horses. Ove Sealine OfOwlseare == =) Ow le. hens and 4 hens are hens. ducks and 2%: ducks are ducks. drums and 8 drums are drums. trees and 4 trees are —— trees. bats and 38 bats are bats. slates. and. 5- slates are ——~ slates. Cen bseulideo celia 2102 == cents. Danan seas abe =| pans. AsO cndteb te: (eels! eles. =n ern Oe COP sels oe LODSeare == = Lops. bees and 5 bees are —— bees. sheep and 1 sheep are sheep. leaves and 4 leaves are —— leaves. (ANS aN A) seveiais) Bie = =e aarenansy Pi Dosiicesle-biboware ===. Gu DS. CALC ed Cre Culis re se Cards. oe N ise yao Gr lee niisie hace == wlopd dks) CAiieatiieereUls ates == OUNS, 25 4 trees 4 trees pigs pigs ducks duck eves eggs 5D eggs 5 pins 3 pins 1 clock 4A clocks 3 clocks 2 caps o Caps 3 Caps enor | to co LESSON XXII. COPY AND ADD. 7 bells 1 bell 5 cows 3 COWS 4 tubs ALS EW aye: 2 fish 5 fish ae poo Perea. | to 29 to | op 0 2 ei see | 1: slate T slates 3- horses 5 horses ANS pal p dresses dresses balls b b alls alls 3 chairs 2 chairs tecitaie | We iegss loon eeee 6 dolls 2 dolls 4 owls 3 owls 1 sheep 6 sheep 4 books 3 books (thats doen 5 dogs 2 dogs 1 Oia: 2 tubs 2 tubs 3 tubs ow loom | bo wo co | bo DO LESSON XXIII. COPY AND COMPLETE. bo peotiGe: are; Pad Clee ck Ok = imande 6 gre ——_ a ORALOL eases 1) 2 N68 ARC hes en eat Cle lay eye Paaiitien Are. eerT Clee me ey ee Beanies Are —— Svar ae nns pee pond 4. ares 2 Chey Clie, he Pid eb Bren = Bigs GEO) ee BEB Roe: Pegi. fare — = iPeeierel “at Gace “SAIC! MAY SG ger ames evi sce: a Peni. are 2== ie andi arene COPY AND ADD. 6 i 5 A 2 3 ‘ 2 1 if 5 1 2 A 1 a 1 2, 3 A 1 3 y it 3 A 1 2 1 A 3 2 1 A 5 G ME eee Mel EGR EO nO tion fo vf 5 3 as 4A 2 G 3 it 7 6 5 i 3 1 2 2) Es 3 3 1 5 G 5 A 27 28 tS bo © and. 4 and 1 and 2 and 1 and 4 Oa ace and Hf Aan andes a eae. LESSON XXIV. COPY AND COMPLETE. co and 4 and 1 are and 4 aire, =—-. 1 and 3-and= are phelee itieha ea 6 and 1 and 1 are shale ler thees = x 1 and 5 and are SHAE MoD te, Pose, 2and 2 and 3 are ANC 42a Ce 1-and 38 ands2eaie Ue ce ae 2 and 2 and 3 are A000) 20g 1 and 1 and 5 are eyalebeue chee >, 2 and 3 andes ane 4 girls have eyes. 4 boys have: == —sleeu, ovliensaliay cpa legs. 1 spider has legs. 2 ORS Hage (= sn Leats Oo horses (hayes cure. 9 cows: have ===) feet. Pes pider as) ee rencas! T hens have bills. 4 men have hands. 4. boys have eyes. ADD. it 3 2 3 2 5 ye 5 2 4. 3 2 1 9 2. 1 i 2 3 poo BESSON: X XV. COPY AND ADD; 1 5) a ik 2 5 1 2 1 ys 2 1 2 A. 5 3} 1 5 A | 3 uf G 1 5 2 a A. 1 G 2 5 A 5) A. G 2, 5 5 r¢ A. 2 G 5 5 1 if rf 1 if i! ye 3 A. 5 G i 1 Dp, De 2 5 5) 3 A. 5 G 2 2 1 1 1 if if 2 2: 3 A 5 G 1 2 2 ) 2 2 3 2 3 A. 5 G 1 Sevtssand 4 Cents are == cents. slates and 1 slate are slates. Peete Wr os are tubs. Memo anid. 4 enseare — = henge, Sonteratideo. cents are’ -=— cents. 29 LESSON XXVI. 3O 1+5= ee ee Aan) +4= N 2+2= | | Hot 12) oO 4 igre Por CQe eH AO IO eo ee | Th COGN 2AO co vei eae Onn 10 N eed) pak lees en Nr OMA oH Hecate bt: Oe Goat GN ie | | a | NO WH W410 Spee eee N wi oO 10 ey ADD. 1) N Explain the use of the plus and equality signs. LESSON XXVIII. 3.1 COPY AND ADD. 5) 1 o il tf 1 il 4 i) G6 1 1 6 2 3 4. ib 4 2 2 3 A 3 1 4. ® 2 1 ‘| 6 2 2 1 4 ii 2 i 4 2 5 ih 4 1 4. 4 2 5 as 5) ee oe wee 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 4 3 3 > 1 4 a 4 3 it 1 2 i 2 1 1 G 1 an 2 1 il fete 6 hens 4 horses 5) ae i dates 2 horses 5 mules 2 rats 4 sheep 2 mules 4 rats 3 sheep 2 rabbits 3 pigs 5 dogs 5 rabbits 2 pigs 2 dogs LESSON XXVIII. 32 COPY AND ADD. | | ! | GNM rs Oa Sa et rs GN Ser GS CD) a Ae gaa es ci ae perce oe Too et a Cr) ort Ta RD: et GN GN OR ge er re ts NON W100 Oo WH Onno e+ (eel ete a | cee Wa | ey | | MAMAN OI NO HANS AS oar Gem een ton eg h es th eo GI OO ON ON to eer re ee ee COR as te TN Cr S100 GN 60 Nt ee owed et I oh alesis. pe le eG re Grice) x40 GN OOo cee eae eee oes tin pao TG econo ast GG emer IGA xteGQs 11 GN (abe geste 16 ie Re wes ae, il ee allege oo roe Na rose tea adn CN) crm CY) ay Ce radi ADD. 1Q) ON 6 | ee N Te) | eee 5 Te) an an cYD 4 birds have —— eyes. ry | POEs wv er eet. 2 sheep Hav Gears 4 cows have —— ears. 8 ducks have —— bills: 2 mules have ——— feet. o rats have —2ieee 2 dogs have —— eyes. 4 men have — = eyes ALC USI ONV.e eC one: CO CoO BS Hod bOecO PD Or. eE woop wR OW OD Na Ee Cl i nO LESSON XXIX. 33 COPY AND COMPLETE. Dosts and, | boat are 2 boats, mieten Asien) anee—=—= 9 lien. Polio tanisle Dilisg are === Dalla. boys and 6 boys are —— boys. SIUC seNGs besDldere-drey.— = Spiders. Pairs alitve oD eC DaIrs.are = = chairs, Eoieesa nd Athos are = —=— Thies: Owls and -5-owls are —=—. owls. duckeeand Gvducks are —=—- ducks. hevescand + (hens are: —=—s hens: dogsrand 4°dors are —— dogs. GOW anu S cows are ——— cows, dices and 1, duck are ducks. horses and 35 horses are —_— horses. Wake tle ombares ace —=— bans. pigs and 4 pigs are - pigs. bate-and-3 bats are ee tre. rabbits and 2: rabbits. are jee val sre ree eran aoe tl abet al Cs oes als: bees and 5 bees are ——— bees. Cents aud-2% cents are —— cents. apples.and 1 applé are —— apples. clocks and 3 clocks are clocks. ducks and 4 ducks are ducks. pens and 8 pens are pens. 34 8 rabbits 1 rab br 8) SENS 3) RS a 1 cake {cakes 5 3 pens 3 pens 3 pens 4 cents 2 cents > cents a os 1 nut 5 nuts 2 baskets baskets LESSON XXX. COPY AND ADD. 1 dish 8 dishes 3 horses G horses A beans >= beans 5 apples ahaneyoles 4 books 2 ebooks > pooks 5 Chairs 2 chairs Sach ales Ce beile > cis 2 bells Y cups 2 cups D. wagons 4 wagons 6 melons 2 meions 4 boys 5 boys G6 slates 1 slate 2 slates 3 clocks 4 clocks 2 clocks A dishes Y dishes eC ET 2 pans 7 pans 4 clocks 5 clocks 5 beets 2 beets 3 girls 6 girls 7 pencils. 1 ene 1 penerl 2 beans 2 beans 5 beans 3 beds 2 beds 2 beds LESSON XXXI. 35 COPY AND COMPLETE. ‘Sy OBR @Ueh dP yenhen see se a) aah ah Cheer eee feats oo re pes eT Ca on a Cee eae) 3 Ce Sia Get capes’ 22 2 ee J oematet ie nee ee Cogs HiNel ee Neen ee Die) ot Oe ee pd ES 4WGL G3) aa Ae = 2s HOLOE LG m el meee Ae EhAOb get no) oe Oy NG gb ee wie cers (Pe eNel Let esnew oee Do aaO Ty ene eee oy RP AVe Rs Menger (al os COPY AND ADD. 8 l i 2. G 5 5 A Dy a 4) 8 2 rs 2 G A 5 A 3 3 6 5 5 dk il 5 G q » » A 3 a G . 2 5 1 if 3 A 3 ‘ic 1 a 2 8 D 2 G 5 Ah RD, 8 7, re if Je A G 2 5 2 5 G i} 5 G A 1 G 5 5 if 2 8 5: ?. 2 ik G A 5 v1 A y 5 3 5 8 3: 5 A i A 5 4A G LESSON XXXII. 36 COPY AND ADD. 2 laa) ee N | ee CY) 1) N 06) N cro tt 1 AP 1) 6 bt 5) an) t= 1) an 0 | et Te) N | N om oY LESSON XXXIII. 37 1. If Tom had 4 balls and his papa gave him 1 more, how many would he haveP 2. li Mary had 38 apples and her brother gave her two more, how many would she haver o. Jt John had 4 egos in his basket and pound 2 more, how many would he haver 4, it Nell had 4 pencils and bought 3 more, how many would she have? Ob. It George had 5 marbles and bought 3 more, how many would he haver. 6. If Nat had 6 rabbits and his papa gave him 38 more, how many would he have? 7 Peelieotacesnaden dresses! and her mamina, bought her 2 more, how many would she have P 8. If Frank had 6 marbles and bought 2 more, how many would he have Pr Deelinreds lade Decors ain ehis:ebasker and: - put in 4 more, how many would he have in the basket ? 10. If May had 6 dresses and bought 1 more, how many would she haver iipeetie tit em ade pies.vand™ bought 2 more, how many would he have? LESSON XXXIV. 38 COPY AND ADD. Ia ea ies Oy Gt b= oo ek ck oe onranort He let Homrk wo, poe ee ID AHN ® ae vielen os OHNO 8 pep Od OOO WT POS acs ft liven QI 10 +++ re WN 1D Hod Ooo N +++ Go

1ish 44. LESSON XL. COPY AND ADD. Q- 1 8a 247. 58%. Gare ee 1-*9 ~9.. 8) 9S “%. Aas 16-25) Be 5. OAS Gy 8B. LP 24 ba 25 6 eae 9 O° A DO B38 = 22 ae DO) 65-38) 951 eB Se 1 Oe ee 5. boo 2 6 Bo Mh a 5B eT ee f “22> 42.- 5 2 8) 2 1 YY 2 6 ee 3: 36 =O) - 2 . 8 A Deeb 42S ee 6.2.12. 1° 40°38 8°2°9), 22 4 ee A 6 8. OD” 6 1-8. Sea ee COPY AND So aAT aS 4 apples and 6 apples are apples. o Spiders and, 4 spiders aré=——= spicier Sasheep and 4 sheep are. == shieem 2 horses and 5 horses are horses. 6 cows and 4 cows are COWS. A Haris Alico eh Oneness 3 wagons and 7 wagons are —— wagons. GeIVlenednd ogiiien she === ile ne Lcentheand 9 veentseare 22 scent. 5 Hage andvo ilaesr are allie. LESSON XLII. 45 COPY AND ADD. ca fied SS, 9+1= 4+6= 6+4= T+2= 84+2= 5+ 5= T+2= a+ 7 = +38 = 4+3= ds+4= 4+3= +3 = 2+7= 4+6= 8+4+9= 6+4= D+ 3 = o+5= d8+6= aa) d+ 5 = 5+ 2 = 4+4 = a+ 2= 6+ 4 = T+3= a+ T= 5+3= T+2= 2+83=— 1+8= at+l= 8+ T= 6+3= 8+3= 4+5= 9+1= 842 = 5+ 2 = 6+4= 4+3= 5 +4 = 5+ 5 = 94+ 1= 54 5 = 9+1= 4+6= 8+1= T+t2= 64+:3 = 3 +4 = T+ 3 = a+ T= d+ 5 = 8+2= 4+5= 2+2 = 4+3= 4+5= 6+4= 8+2 = 6+4 = 1+9= 8+5= 5+ 4 = Deo = 5 +4 = ec, . Tf Frank had 4apples and found Poe, how many would he have 2 2. If Fred had 7 ezys in his basket and put id more, how many would he have ¥ 3. If John had 5 marbles and bought 4 more, how many would he have 2 4.1f Mary had 8 paper dolls and made 2 oe more, how many would she have 2 46 LESSON XLII. In 2 there are how many ones ? Ite? therevare ==22"o1ies, In 4 there are how many twospr In 4 there ares] == twos: im 6° there are: 2=== bwos: We: dep qrialeia.) Bugs) 2 raneete Sy ilishite) qelekeswer Chine, == = Hive: Ibi icbanstesdeeeh ge = == Gieibne =". bio CO eCre are =a tTec: lin ecOeCh ere a re aoe: Iiist WHO horisterge™ sheer = Jetset). ieelOrcheres are ones. 1. li May had 5 cents and her papa gave her 5 more, how many would she have? 2. If a man had 7 sheep and bought 2 more, how many would he haver 3. if i Nat had G6 marbles and his mamma gave him 4 more, how many W ould he have ? 4, If George had 5 rabbits and his brother gave him 4 more, how many would he have ? 5 If Nell had 9 dresses and her mother Ve ne : 1 more, how many would she € ha 6. lt Tom had 7 hens and bought 2 more, how many would he have? Cele EOUNe als sa COMBINATIONS IN ADDITION FROM 1 To 15; SUBTRACTION FROM 1 To 18. LESSON Il. COPY AND COMPLETE. lok book; take away 1 book, leaves cPeyolkeisc. usdide Bacon: We beayesler Mepinites) ume ee pencils; take away 2 pencils, leaves OG err mee a Wi VemeCLOL ee er OG iataebake away oats. leaves 2... balls; take away 1 ball, leaves marbles; take away 2 marbles, leaves ——_. Or eIND CW pens; take away 3 pens, leaves slaves sbakesaway 4 slates, leaves ——— — _. Se SUBTRACT. PmeOOO Kae eClaltreeo eClLOCKeGn Cente 3. Dealis Peeook | 2 chairs t.clock —2 cents 35° beans 4nuts 4dolls 4 hats 4 caps 1 pen =I eahie Aec O iweom abou 4 Capo els pen 2 1 “al 1 SE eed weet Ay ha 2 2 1 Des 4 Explain the use of the minus sign. Much oral work in subtraction should also be given by the teacher. 48 ES OCD tS OG Oo OO oe LESSON II. COPY AND COMPLETE. cows and 1 cow are COWS. horses and 2 horses are ——— horses. mules and 3 mules are - “Totiless sheep and 4 sheep are ——— sheep. wagons and 5 wagons are —-— wagons. Carte ANUP orcarus afer === cakes birds and birdsrare 2 == abivce books and 8 books-are == Hooke pencils and 9 pencils are = hemes duck and 10 ducks are ducks. ADD. 10. chairs 9 tables 8 cats 1 dogs gua. + 1 chair. 2 tables 6 cats. 4 dogs (ays 6 75 1-48 3) 10) de 45° .6 “4 7 8. 8 94°10 Se 10 4d) 39 9, 1 436) eee 44°10 2 9° 4 oe ee A) 48) 6 A oe $5018 8.0, 2) \8. 7° 3 6 BR (4% 98° 140 (Be Se +4 9 2 6° f° 5 Be 3 Nore.—Oral work in subtraction by teacher with this lesson. LESSON III. 49 COPY AND COMPLETE. Ol books; take away 1 book, leaves —— —_. Ghairs: take away 2 chairs, leaves —— ——. tables; take away 8 tables, leaves —— ——. clocks; take away 4 clocks, leaves —— ——_. cents; take away 5 cents, leaves slates; take away 1 slate, leaves Dense take away 2 pens, leaves —— ——.. hats; take away 3 hats, leaves ——- ——-. Or Ot Ol Caps; take away 4-caps, leaves —= —_. apples; take away 5 apples, leaves pears; take away 6 pears, leaves Do OD SO OI Oa 12 C1 SUBTRACT. pebirds —o,ducks .D hens 5 pigs’ 5 sheep melita ducks 26 hens 4 pigs +5) sheep 6 horses 6 wagons 6 carts 6 sleds 6 owls —1 horse 2 wagons 3 carts 4 sleds 5 owls 6 D 9) 6) 5) D 6 6 6 4a 1 2 3) 4A, 5 il Xa) oe) HH Od ep) ep) oS oe) Loe CO OT Ol op) Co” Os LESSON IV. 50 SUBTRACT. O HN Te) 3) N | an) N 1c) 1D ae) (eg ee Sat) QSOs OV OG dpa ane res tes: MAN OTN +++ ++ 10 Ho 10 ~~ he eT eee GQ) sO GI Coe i= ++4++4++ ToOo. ie a eae +++ ++ OO at COGN rece) oie ic teen LI NN MON ee Seo COaGI COs CO +++++4++ AA ae SPD IS TEN 51 LESSON V. Count by 2’s to 20. Count to 100. Count by 3’s to 15. Count: to 2D ly Romans. COuUntetO OU. In Romans. Count by 4’s to 12. eB ge Oe ey le) ee Hh c HC (Pees oem (tae —HeGlel-sGos—t cetera ae CO br oO a+ T= Die Dieelt Qee= Os as Ceo a s+t4= Sea os ae Pet ae Eo (ieee Oi 8—3= a> 2= Sees G = 4s 9—T= D3. = Shee kena rad ce ea 4 fs ater {een 8—3= = 0= = ieee eee (get) = St = 3b Ae | AW ee Ohh 62 LESSON. XVI. 1. If George had 9 birds and 4 flew away, how many would he have left? 2. If Nell had 7 dresses and gave 2 away, how many would she have left? | o. If Ned had 8 cows and sold 6, how many would he have left? 4. If James had 9 marbles and lost 7, how many would he have left? 5. If Mary had 7 dolls and gave 3 away, how many would she have left P 6. If Frank had 8 books and gave 5 to John, how many would he have left? 7. If a man had 9 sheep and 2 died, how many would he have left? 8. If May had 7 pet chickens and gave 4 to Nell, how many would she have left ? 9. li Tom had 8 pencils and” gamcue aaa. James, how many would he have left? 10. If Nat bad.9 ducks and sold” Shows many would he have left P 11. If a man had 8 pigs and” boupivees more, how many would he have? 12. Jf Ann had 10; books and bousdamaen more, how many would she have P 13. If Fred had 7 marbles and John gave him 38 more, how many would he have? LESSON AVI: 63 COPY AND COMPLETE. BCRCUCh oe auoKerd Ways leCduck= leaves. =. 10 hens; take away 2 hens, leaves 10 birds; take away 3 birds, leaves 10 owls; take away 4 owls, leaves - 10 sheep; take away 5 sheep, leaves PONOrses stake away-6 horses, leaves: —_—. = __. 10 cows; take away 7 cows, leaves Pete eet ike tay oatniles: lemyes= = Ss. 10 wagons; take away 9 wagons, leaves —_—_. 10 carts; take away 10 carts, leaves SUBTRACT. 10 coats 10dresses 10 hats 10 caps 10 books eS lecoal, 2dresses shats 4caps 5 books: 10 slates 10flags 10fans 10 boys 10 girls - Oslates — (ilags 8fans 9 boys 10 girls i Oot eels ssl Os LOO: slo elo eve: eel () Oe On Sele = 4 fate?) aaa eee op Or EO 7 / Hs bo bo 64 LESSON XVIII. ADD. bo we 8 9 1 i 1 8 5. . 7 O2eaan 2 2 1 3) 2 6 2 2 3) il 5) sw 1 8 3) 5) 1 il 3... 5) 2 1 8 4 2, . Ay te 3) a 2 1 +} 5) Ds oegae apcle) -{. T a 4 6 1 3) 6 5) 2 5 5) tf 9 2 3 2 1 5) 2 5) i! 1 1 4 4A ioe D 4 6 4 1 3) 5 9 4 3 tf 8 Ht 3) T 4 ae 2 3 ik 2 3) 2 2 4 7 1 + 4 2 5) 2 8 4 2 4 2 2 Ona) == LO Se 9 —-“f ==9 > 1 OR OR oe ete Pel) Seal aaa 6—-4= 8-—3= tae eee 3—-4= T=-2=s 10S LOS 8—-2= 10—-6= 8-6 = Ly pees 0) vee tees 9—-2= 10-32 — 10—- 5= 10-2= 10—-8=] 9—-—T = 10—- 8= 9—6= 10-8 =) 106 INGE om (> 4= 1027 — 9—-4= Count by 4’s to 32. Count by 5’s to 30. LESSON XIX. 65 COPY AND COMPLETE. Pei olecealcd Ieanplesaror = == apples. Jeik Tec bnsigreMeQGk o2) GQWUES), hus” Sap hbaes LOPrOses and > roses are == — roses. 9 hats and 4 hats are —— hats. SElUCbS andy Srtopsaare = == Lops. fepcuctiswind Ospencis are == pencils: cecoliseand) fedolls-are = dolls. Deore nic Oo Cees oa 6 == CT linis. Aptian teindedlagsare qe flags. Sebooke andy lO —pooks-ure ===) books. Pepetispandy tL pens ye y= pens. ebuD sand ati bs are tubs. ADD; 12 bats’ 1ijdrens 1Ocaps 9mats 38 boys + Jd bat 2hens 3caps 4mats 5 boys (cents 5Sgirls 6men 3 boats 4rats meorcents §o pirls finen 10 boats 9 rats HOmense 2cats =~ 1 doe — 2owls © -d.bees — 3 pens iicats 12do0gs 100wls 4 bees Me eee 1g et he, On. 8.) Siu eee eee eee ret 6 15 he ef 53. 100 0 MS ee oes ee, 8 Os 10 PM te ge Dod ode 2 66 11 beds; take away 2 beds, leaves 11 tables; take away 3 tables, leaves - LESSON XxX. COPY AND COMPLETE. 11 chairs; take away 1 chair, leaves —- ——. 11 wagons; take away 4 wagons, leaves —- —_. 11 carts; take away 5 carts, leaves ———— 11 boxes; take away 6 boxes, leaves 11 pans; take away 7 pans, leaves 11 cards; take away 8 cards, leaves 11 cans; take away 9 cans, leaves 11 drums; take away 10 drums, leaves = 11 flags; take away 11 flags, leaves SUBTRACT. 11 cows 11 pigs 11 hogs SaLUEGCOWS 11 pigs 9 hogs 11 hens Ti birds 11 rats =) letesats: 5 birds 4 rats 11 cats 11 bats 11 owls — 8 cats 2 bats 1 owl iRise Rikers ek Palih e akak ota) oe 2 5) 5 4 ee ivake ita abl abib iWeb © ate) ke eee 6 O 2 8) Wha g 11 horses 1 horse 11 dogs 6 dogs 11 ducks 11 “des 11 Tee 5 glee 9 LOM ek 10 fh 6 LESSON XXII. 67 Tce te eer =e Oo ar) Sa oe ya AL eee Cae = 3. ORs TE ee Ee A Or yg ae i 2 ae ish RAS eles ocpaieo bare HOY eS ae Bee p= We AOD) = Ya ce SA = fn ae fC Ses ee Te OY ey SS = a ee yA ote SD = Th iape Abies i ee yh Se ih ee el — jbih ==) SP oe eee (el Oi le 2 lt = INO) =3 Sy ==> RGF ey == 1b = hi WO) Sb Bes = ieee ype eta vs lee Ol ye Five == Lb =oh = 6G — ikGe ey — sf Se TAL y= Oe te UR =o ea Oe Ores ii) Ney == SS BS iA tere Ss Ube al Seefres= Cec = Sys] ae Oe Or lie ae eee ee ey tl ee LO Si (== = INE eee i ee Os OO alge alee et LO Ge leh a ee ee Ob pel ee OO eee le eee Oe ele a Oe a ee ee (a ee (OG Im 12 there are —— threes. ie emu hereeure:=—=s1OUrs.: ome aie re area = Tolle 1nd =—— IGG Over. 68 LESSON XXII. 1. If Nat- had 11 ducks and soldwsyehax many would he have left ? 2. If Mary had 10 birds and 6 flew away, how many would she have leit? 5. If a man had 11. cows and sold-4) how many would he have leitr 4. If Nell had 10 cents and spent 5, how much would she have left 5. John had 6 marbles and he bought 7 more; how many did he then have? 6. Ann. had 11.paper dolls and-she losgiG. how many did she then haver (. James had 10 cents and he spemiaie low much did= he have letter 7 8%. Grace had 11 paper dolls and: shege77 es 38 to Nell; how many did she have leit? 9. My mamma had 10 chairs and Santa Claus brought her 3 more; how many has she now P 10. A man had 8 horses and he bought 4 more. how many did hetthen aves, 11. A girl had { books and. her magia gave her 6 more; how many did she then have P LESSON XXIII. 69 ADD. 13 clocks 12 watches 11 pencils 10 fans le CLOCK 2 watches .3 pencils 4 fans 9 roses 8 plums 7 flowers, ' 6 tops Oe LOced 6 plums 7 flowers 8 tops 5 sleds 4. chairs 3 tables 2 tubs + 9 sleds 10 -chairs 11 tables 12 tubs ie Den 7 balls 9 books G6 guns +13 pens 6G balls 4 books a) feu enaals i a PRO erates: 9 ory wy eer ao Jee” 3 + it 5 Bo ifm tte as 5) 2 FET) g alld AS eter reer: S/O ale ee ab 7 4. pa rdae PAD 8 Sh bay R= Ate aa) ae ae tO) eo WANE ies Std 1 = TIT 8 10+4= Dest Ore One Ose OPT O = hd ts aay fee ee Oa en S.-- O == ee Seo a LO a Stet ae te Oos Ser a Ore C) ete Ate Sip os Ghee 8S 6 = Le Ae Deeege ss pea a a Ae BOO LESSON XXIV. 70 ADD. Oo CO WN CO rr co SH | ee 5: I ee te 10 | ae = pny OD 12 +9 an 10 Te) GN l= N ae) ON an) N GN an ian) N set GN N N =p SUBTRACT. 10 11 | ee LESSON XXV. 7H SUBTRACT. iecards a. L2ebooks-) 12 ‘slates — 12 pens ele Cacc. 2 books 3 slates 4. pens 12 sleds (eechains selAepencilsn P2moirls ae 0 Sleds G6 chairs T pencils. = S-oirls 12 men 12 boys 12 hats 12 caps ao IN OL 10 boys 11 hats 12 caps 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 at 6 1 5 7 2 10 3) Serres 6 2 3) 8 yoda 5) eles el ie oe ee OG 2 10 peep eee LOi el Da == ee ee le OR 1 dL ee Pee i Be 2 1S eee ee ee Ose LO Oo AAG = Eee ee lal ete a Ae ID AD ee eee lee i OL 2 tee ese LO = De Be LD ie SHCTEON THT. ADDITION FROM 1 To 20; SUBTRACTION FROM 1 TO 18; MULTIPLICATION FROM 1 To 15. LESSON I. 2 times elit pOx are 2 = DOxees 2 times 2 hats are hats. 2 times 3 coats are —— coats. 4 times 4 flags are = = lage: 9 times 5 books’ are = (book 2 GIES (6 Spe Us ies =m Cte o times 2 caps are caps. MULTIPLY. 2 cups 3 balls 2 fans 2 pans” =2aieame x2 2 3) i} 2 2dolls 5 bats 2 tops 38 pens © ae¢ands *K 4 2 > 2 2 2 1 2 2 i 2 il 3) 1 S x3 3 5 2 5 4 #4 5) 6 2 ADD 5) 5) 1 8 6 4 3 3) 2 6 4 2 2 1 5) 2 5) 6 8) 1 am 6 5) 1 5) . t 5 4. T Explain the use of the multiplication sign. LESSON II. 73 SUBTRACT. eee eee eel ome ji othe Lope 1 2 3 4 Oye AS em Si a cake ee eee eee LO ee Ori pee Le 0 ys Tle = WO) Ra aye is TA db AROS SRS OS Ry Reet ba erika dea ks alan, 4 J fd PO A eb Way She Soa ay lay Ty eet NG Ss) 4 ed eetos nats) aes 2 3 8 Sik) Delile, eae ORL St!) ADD Cee ete eee 2 wat 6 OO It ae ee eg Oe 2 8 2 8 10 d C18 i thO be Ta De vgics a Ob aim haa fi ee ee gah one te ee GO. to 57D eee ee ee ee Or Bi eee eet) = UD Die a TOS A te ses el ee) Ll 3 = ie eee ee ee gg A Dele [Ei Iss a es RSS OARS ec) Gt eg RS nee ieee ene eee eo lye) p Oat oi ee eee East (eee 2 ete 0. aes te eee ee gee pa DA Bi 5 74 dens éhier ce oF eee m CO -T O | LESS O NMP. + Of 4 apples is —— apples: 4+ Of 6 Oranges 1s —— oranges, $016 O DOC KShis = == DOG: + OTe OS GAEL iS pe ee COCs aeOlel JC O Ose see CO In 2 there are —— ones. [nv phere 2 7e= == aw Os In 6 there are —— threes. In’ 6G-there-are === =st wos In -8stheresare == tou In 8 there are —— twos. In 9. there are’ —== threes: In, LO there sare === tivwos In, LOethereranre’ seestives: In? 12 stheresare= = twos: In 12: there-are. ——— threes linet 2 spheres a0 sen O Ulises Ine? theres are. = iees [nl itheresare === hwo: In 14 there are ——— sevens. ES By = Loi ie 4. + ae AD Li ie 9 = 3 = as ibe tha) = a Y XA yes dE iis) = ts) = 6—-3= Note.—Illustrate 4 by objects; also, require the children to do so. LESSON IV. ADD. shale IB G) 68, 4. ae 1 fu eae 14 Ties ne, 8 OS) T 4 3 VA er L268 i) Sika etl SUBTRACT. 8 eG, 4 7 pape lat ese h at De 2b eel eee 5 Cae +++ | = Po Co hoo CO 4. 3 2 1 1 9 O rb 6 D 4. 5) 2 5) 1 1 2 smi 5} > i ep west al ess: 2 5 PASS ARABS yy 4 10 2 4 i 8 4 5) 5) 6 3 2 6 3 if 5) 7.0.10 2 4 6 3 ik 3 4 its) = = §5X2= 2x6= oie) hiss = 6X2= 2xT= T+6= as) So = TxX2= 24x4= 9+D= eee = 4X2= 2x3= 6+9= 18 —10= 3XK2Z=—] ' > 2X5=>) FO saa HS [ae = 2xX2=—=- 1x4] 42a Looe = 2x5 SxX1= 1 toh LESSON VI. ADD. eh bibs AROS ewe re 4 5 Ce cctay As SUBTRACT. hep Alay abs) | Rae ais: il O 3 Oe 0) Laem ble ee ld O on) aKa ti eee a ee Oe O 5 O 6 8 fs bo Ww FP CLO A © o = a 1p 12 Del = Ay 2 O= fire ae tt ea Lee | 2= 11—-— 6=. 9 o= f10— 8= 95 4= 13-—- 6= 4 | ll | bok ROOTS) Ts ek ee ll ll ee ee | TS LESSON VII. 1. If James had 7 marbles and bought 6 more, how many would he have P | 2. Ii May had 12 paper dolls and gave 3 to Nell, how many would she have left ? o.. lf Ann had. 9 books and her papavgaye her 5 more, how many would she have Pp 4. If Tom had 13 ducks and sold 8, how many would he have left? 5. A man had 8- cows and he bomatiaaes more; how many did he then have 6. May had 138 birds and 5 flew away; how many were left? {. dohn had. 10 hens and he oui more; how many did he then aver = 8. Nat had 13 marbles and he lost 2; how many did he have left P | 9. Frank had 12 pet chickens: andjasGieds how many were left? 10. Grace had 12 paper fans and she made 2 more; how many did she then haver 11. Fred had 13 apples in. a basket and he ate 3; how many were left? 12. My mamma had 8 chairs and she bought .38 more; how many did shewiies have P LESSON VIII. 79 SUBTRACT. 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 ape 2 3) 4 D ay Nigh tsar ASS S a, 14 1 eure lit eet A esge ales ilies? oes VETS es Boal Fes Mieco 2 E C) Siemens ees ae ee a Jeeeetss Oy boy 1214s 14a 14? 14 14 pA. 9 8 3) eee Oe a. 2 1 fete leet Loe 8 1012 eee wel 4 ot) 2 ae Gael eso 2 GW ADD. 9 8 3) T ere OF er ae Je ee) Bess, 8 4. 9) i eee On Or OPO 10 3) (eee ae Ore tere Le 9 2S ine A oa By 8 5) ii Oper 3-6 14—-1= 14—- eee Ata Gy A a ee ee le LO ee XS M3 =) 14-11 = 9—-5= 2xX4= ee 1 Ate 10 8S OK DS eee a ee 1 a 11 re 2 ts el A ee re KS Pas ee 14 = 12-2—> 8x2= | Aer a oy Le — =o INO ON (ek aye pa LESSON IX. 80 16 8 a | CN | an) 1) | ee Oo 16 ED 14 2 15 iby TL 2 1) 6 o 1C iC) SUBTRACT. 12 14 eau) 6 6 lat: 10 —14 143% = 51 Orth ea elo ier iMG) ical EBay ea py LO eee 84+14= 1 8 ay ae hen ALS T+10=— 1-316 =. eee ee 1D Geir: Leer On LESSON X. 81 UNITED STATES Monkgy. PORCCH Com uiakG Wedimne (cd. ): 10 dimes make 1 dollar ($). How many cents in a five-cent piece P How many cents in a dime? How many dimes in a dollar? How many quarters in a dollar P How many five-cent pieces in a dime? How many five-cent pieces in a quarter P How many quarters in fifty cents P How many fifty-cent pieces in a dollar P How many dimes make 50 centsP 10. How many five-cent pieces in 50 centsP Polen amie alles tne pieces, Of money “you O DAD om oo to know. 12. Nell had 2 dimes; how many cents did she have? 13. If Nat had 5 five-cent pieces, how much money would he haveP 14. Ann had a quarter and she spent 15 cents; how much had she left ? Norr.—The teacher should have real coins for this lesson. This table could not be illustrated, owing to the late law of Congress which forbids a print illustrating U. 8. coins. 82 LESSON XI. How many cents in a dime? How many quarters in a halif-dollar P How many fifty-cent pieces in a dollar? wen eee How many dimes in a hali-dollar P 5. Mary had 5 dimes and she spent 3 dimes; how many had she left? | 6. Nat had 10 cents and he spent 5 cénts; what had he left? t. Ji; John’ had 3° tive-cent piecesaa awe. many cents would he haver 8. Tom had 14 cents and he spent 4 cents; what had he leit? 9. It Nell had 2 five-cent pieces, how aaama, cents would she have P 10. Ann had 15, cents and she (pemiae dime for a.book;. how much had shewera 11. lf Frank had a hali-dollar, how many Omacvers.coOuldwieso eter Gielen 12. May had 15 cents, and she bought a: slate and paid 10 cents for-1t; how naies had she left? 13. James had 38 quarters and his mamma gave him 1 more; how many did he then have P | 83 LESSON XII. SUBTRACT. : iS 10 O Ls iO) ADD. 8 1) O ar) 1) GYD 1D I) ARTs eee ee 4+ 4 4x2 LESSON XIII. 84 ADD. 18 CO | eee | ee Con i= = Atl= 27242] pea Oma) 13 ae 12 a Lt ee 1 OSes (pest 34+3= Senate 3xX3= 4+4+4 Se = yap a are 3x4 = Bh1B= f4a7 = aoe ae ae Se) = 44+14= 18+ 0= 15-6= ela IM = 3+15= Tite aaa = 9+16=,14-— MULTIPLY. Oe les YD LESSON XIV. 85 Lona MEASURE. — 5 ie) a 1 inch. 1 inch. 1 inch. whi 12 inches (in.). make 1 foot (it.). o tech Cit)) Rien com tay Ecler (ay Cl): il, felony ab aravelak verai isiake, aefoqe amblke, folavenye 4 inches; show 3 inches; show 6 inches. 9. Draw lines on the blackboard, as near aoeyou, can, 1.ineh, 6 inches. amd 12 inches long, and then measure the lines. 38. Measure and learn how many inches wide and long your reader is. 4, Measure your slate, and tell how long and how wide it is. nO 1 1OOt 18 Liietiess is Buaeh aisle aaeleie 4 yard is inches. What is measured by the foot? What is measured by the yard r OO I oT Nore.—The foot and yard rule should be in the school-room for use. Illustrate 4 by objects, etc. 86 LESSON XV. - SUBTRACT. 16 16 16 16 16 ihe) iG 16 16 = 2 3 A 5 G re 8 u 16 16 16 is 16 16 16 16 15 oe) Wal ie 1s de Ble 16 O 9 15 14 een eee 1S 5 14 ee 16) eel) u 5 9 S G . if S 16° 16°. 16° 415 16°15 “14° See ces) i 6 14 5 5 6 ) 10 ADD. A 5 G 5 G 3 i 9 3 A 5 G6 5 G6 3 r 9 G6 oat 5 G 8 A = A 7 0 2 ye is 5 G i G 5 ae 2 2 3 5 4. re G6 A. G G 2 5 4. 4. yy 3 ye 4. +0 2 3 4 A wy) 3 is 5 1 ey Aten MEY SS 7 a A Saline = 9 + OF 1 On eee dy ees [et es 8 Eee Gee es ees, Gees Saree fe 9 16 — 4S iG. = Ose= 161 Ga 8 See LG = OA ween er yee sok ig ee Meyers) INS at 15° = 1h oe 87 LESSON XVI. ADD. 16D CO elie Ae) 1¢) Bal) if— e= = 18—-4= apace co) 16-T= CO b= Oo. F= "Go op cpg ere Ox. COMI CIOo 1G. | Oem ram | |e | Ch Seon = 260 marines aw S wiciee x cO10 tH ON. He et | pea | JS) 8) (apie hk mon cept striae ala ihe ls: ene ek mor een pela ie | mA ow oH 10 © pty Gate ee CO 17 e 2° 8 4.5 86 ) oe 7 17 17 17 47 17 =10 i1 12 13. 14. (15 916 3a 16 45 i6 15° 46 45° 16 =e —9 8 7 '9 8 5 10°93 17-18 (14 (47 15 “13 eee —-9 8 9 8 9 7° 3 a ADD. 9618 6% bo 97 Sen +8 8 9-8) 6 -.8 -) aaa 7 9° 8. 6b 16" >. 8 GG +7 9 5 9 39.5 8.559 Sa 6. 24.06 90.)6. "ho 5) 6G At - B68 98 (17Tois 17- T= AT =18 = soe 17 =O) 1-8 = 1 ee i7-8= 17> 9= ATi] dee 7—-4=. 17 -10=" 17 =16 = “eee Tee 3x 2 iL. LESSON XVIII. 89 John had 17 cents and he paid 15 cents ror a slate; how much had he letter as May had 4 quarters and she spent 2 for a dress; what had she left? . Nat had 16 eges and he sold hali of them; how many were left? How many eggs in a dozen and a hali?r How many inches in a foot? How many feet in a yard P How many inches in a foot and a half? lokeany weatenanie Javed hicaWeiciaretch man af ahetel etre Nell bought 2 yds. of ribbon; how many Reet of ribbon did she get? 10. jake 1 13. 14. 15. iHe ieee Re), te 20, B18 22. llidh Gy Aidzndons: Geavende; heey = == Waele rr, Mite ilceuicherares leet. imme ome beed cee ect, 1 boy has hands. 2 boys have hands. Oot) bom Ven == == M1GCle A birds have ——— wings. OROOVGsiiNCe == CVes. Ometrlsehave, = Oves, WenOrses have === Cars. 8 cows have —— ears. 8 dogs have —— feet. 4 cows have feet. 90 LESSON XIX. ADD. 7 16 15 14 °413 See 44°59 68 4. 5. 16 7 10 7) 8 T 6 6) |. 5) 2 + LOe 4d: 12a ae a. a Oe + ADD 2-8 - 4 f° 8° so 9 93. -4 9-41 0g oe sa OB. 4 6 29 5 Be a 9 8 ted 6s 45 99 49. 8. 4 6.) 8 7.4140 i9+1= 144+ 6= 9441 =—2 Soe 18 O= 184 7S - 8 io ee 174+3= 194+ 8= T413= 29 Stee 1644=] 114+ 9= 6@+i4= 12 154+5= 104+10= 54+15= 94+ 9= Norre.— Explanation and much drill-work should be given when beginning to add and carry. there are === tours: Ino theres .16=8=],10410—>= 2a ay lees (Pepe 4b = ehcp oir) == OP ike LESSON IV. 95 On DO Vsniiay 6 === CVS. Oe One ave == ayes, AL ing¥ehoy Valente) ees Aeeley ip DADO VCE UAV. =e Leet, Gzeirisshave,— hands. T owls have tails. DeCOVSSIYOy Ga = Cale: iL Syeatateye TaeeNSy =e Se onset, md AS OUMOKEASY lee Nifey AeA elcy co) (ayesha tides ee aetey ry 4 cats have —— feet. Oebitdsthaver= = wanes. DeWOrses Naver legs. icone aaroe eosin le dozen, Vieteeate. === Michessin 1. foot. eles iter = soc Co ieidozen. and analy. There are —— inches in 14 feet. icweraey == eres ined hali-dozen: Peles iree= =. TeCu In ley ard. ever ee= eet inarey ards. eae Geet pe tive-coll Dieces in le dime: feet eee ee a COluselLiels Gime, adhere are ——— quarters in 1. dollar. Nore.— The blanks to be filled with the correct figures — first written, and then orally. PTOI ororRrwWNWoa4wbs FH LESSON V. A horses have —— feet. 7 hens have wings. G:ducks have = ==seet. 7 cows have horns. S mules have. == cars: 5 pigs have —— feet. 6 bird Se iay er Wiis, 5 boys have hands. 6 men have ——— hande: 5 horses have ears. Tyspider bisa eee 2 spiders have legs. slate: and’ =.= slate are 2 slates: pens ANd pencwalcetaetus balls and = Dalles arersabar ie books and =—— book are%G book: iM ES) clave hats are {hate shana Tish ree ae COPS anU ===" CAS) al Cen Cant. fans aC = = baincedl Croeicuie. omuuavesztekeh — =), gen hare’ are 8 euns. flags and ~—— flags are 9 flags. sleds and ——— sleds are 9 sleds. boys and === boys ane 9. boys girl and girls are 9 girls. LESSON VI. 97 SUBTRACT. col ee eee eee eee) nA) 2 20720 xe il 2 3 4 5 6 re 8 9 eee Oe mee amen 209 20 20 ee ee ee Om el ane on 6.2 1 Pr els ZO) TAU SAO AUS) oe eS) 8 rnvioe BaLyfareamaS, Mer alie! re 2) OP oedeee 8 : i a ADD. 2 3 4 5 6 ti il . 3) 2 3 4 5 6 i i) 3 het 2 3 4 5 6 th 1 0 5 2 5) +. 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 5) + 1 0 1 8 0 1 er Oe 8k da there are —— times 2: apples in 4 apples. iere are ——— = times.o esrs in 6 eos, liihercrarer == tines 2 pens in 6 pens: There are —— times 4 cents in 8 cents. Tiere are == times 2 bats in 8 bats, ie tedhee = Ulines o DOySsan J: DOYS. ieee = lines A oils) in LOvoiris, Pijerera2 eee = tlic econts 1m 10 cents. There. are —— times 6 cups in 12 cups. Note.—Give explanation in subtracting when you must take one from the next higher; also some drill on the black- board before giving the lesson in the book. 98 LESSON VII. Dh Dey ate te ee G Kae So 3 tO eo ato er CXx hors Oe] TB Ue a Ae” ADD. } 9 AB? ~~ ig > So a ar SoiGiag i Go ee Aa ha eA eat oC renee eee ee ee DR eee QB fe 8 > Wee seme iia ae ees Coe Ye te) = 10.0% . 8 9. 4° “8? 44> 410. © 8 284°. 9 ui 9 Oa en Subtract all the numbers you can from 4, 5, 6, and 7. LESSON XII. 103 1. If John had 20 apples and gave half of them to George, how many would he have leitir 2. Mary had 18 eggs and she sold 1 dozen; how many had she left? o, Nat had 10 cents and his papa gave fim 1Q-more; how much had he then? 4. Nell had 8 yards of ribbon and she bousht 40 more; how many did she then have r VeelLoulsiadee pencils and, be fave sz OL them to Fred; how many had he leit? G6. Grace had°9 paper dolls and she gave 4 of them to May; how many had she leftrP (Ann. Dousht=2 pints of milk, and she paid 2 cents a pint for 1t; what did it cost laterete 8. Frank had 1 quart. of milk, and he sold it for 2 cents a pint; what did he get for it? 9. May bought 3 yards of ribbon, and she paid 5 cents a yard for it; what did it cost here 10, A boy had 2 dozen: eggs, and he sold them for 10 cents a dozen; how much did he get for them ?P 104 LESSON XIII. Count by 3’s to 51. “Count by 6's tome: eye Bo A aif ess A ee rey < he == Ol O= Gato 2 Gl A tA Mol 8 =) BH B= Ae 3 ioieeee 90+ 10='9 +2 S17. 1954 = ope SHI= .T4+8=—= 10410= 6 ee Boe i = Oa) (idee I > a= 648 T48= - 114 8 =" 84 9-4 = Sh ae aps eae fl = eee. = ff Spe) == ar 3) = ibee coy abe 9 Glepees— 0 2 4 bab She ev tO = EOe= Ss cps, == Oe Bay pe = Wow 28) See ee eh ae) 9) = Baie ih == 4. (Ose Bhar (ss fede tet 6 a on a ih Se te) = IM Sh es eae 9+ eS ADD o Fe 10 2 6 5 i 8 ar Ae: Dy dO) 9 5 2) 9 i LESSON XIV. 105 1. What number is twice 5? 2 What number 1s 4 of 20°? Da OmicnOne-hall Ol. 4. How many legs have 4 chairs ? Papo riseone-nati tol =. Gees One-lTalh Ol 4. 7. How many eggs must you put with a dozen to make 14 P 8. How many legs have 2 spiders ? om Sete ull Cleg yee: eee So LONe TOUT Gi Ole tie HoOwemany icet in 2 yards r = days mmake-1t week. 13. How many weeks in 14 days? 14. How many weeks in 1 month?P 15. At 5 cents a piece, what will 3 books cost ? Orie One nace = wheels: 17. How many wheels have 3 wagons? 18. % of a foot is how many inches? 19. $ of a yard is how many feet? 20. One-half of a quart is how many pints? 21..Qne-half- of a gallon is how: many quarts P 22. One-half of a dozen pins is how manyr 106 LESSON XV. In 9 there are fours and’ =e In 10 there are fours and’ === rowers In 10 there are ——— threes and Over Int “there: are ==" iy Osea! - over. [n> there: are: = Ow Ose over. In 11 there are ——— threes and over. In 11 there are ——= fives*and) 2a In 11 there are =—— fours and ===500- In-13 there orée=——slxcoeamu over, In 138 there are —— twos and ===sone In 13 there are —— threes and over. In 13 there are._—— fours 4nd == ===aew In 13 there are =— fives and) == =aeeaee SUBTRACT. ( Put in the missing numbers.) 14 14 #14 14 138, "14 5 [ase T 5 5 G6 T 8° LO ae ye 15.15 -15 .15. 15 15: 1593 10 3 G 9 4. if 8 L 12 ADD. (Put in the missing numbers.) quer: Be 9 e 3 4. 5 6 8 4. VAG tbife me eA OPa! TARE eC abak Py 14. Pale LESSON XVI. 107 PUT IN THE MISSING NUMBERS. 1S cer ee eer a eae Ue Pale = 17 ROY ok AUS eee Sale LOS = 17 1 i genet il Lee! Ibe ee a ee (eel 3 a == 17 Lr ee SRS A ee ee 1 oo =17 1 ee = ita Opes = 17 Wee = 18 14. ee = 18 Sede ee LT, eat ee earl RGR eae eo — 17 Die = =a GO 15 eS re ee bf Dee es 110 i Ores eRe: Fa) wens se dr] Cie == 1S MGk poe ai: ee ee | I] ope | O AME ee) ees =e ET {Giese te De ea eae 1 hg = oan te Yay oe UV Wid te eA eph gaKsley i abs eee es: Pane Oeeeee biTies. FeO el Aspen iseis === Mencils, + of 8 marbles is —. marbles. fale BOS OS 1S 2 eros: 9 hats are more than’ 5 ‘hats. (cupseare = Imore-than 4. cups. 8 fans are more than 6 fans. 9 dolls are more than 3 dolls. 10 tops are more than 5 tops. Subtract all the numbers you Ganisiromies, Ol) bl. 12213 14, and 15. 108 LESSONS Vite Dry MEASURE. a

  • ) ‘n. 7 BUSHEL, HALF-BUSHEL, PECK, QUART. 2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart (qt.). 8 quarts make 1 peck Cpk.). 4. pecks make 1 bushel. (bu.). 1. What is measured by the quart? 2. What is measured by the peck ? 3. What is measured by the bushel ? 4. Name all the things you can that are sold by the quart. Dd. Name all the things you can that are sold by the peck. 6. Name all the things you can that are sold by the bushel. te In ‘depeck there: ares erie 3. In 1 bushel there-are —+— peeks; 9. In 1 quart there are--_— pints. 10. In i peck there: are = — quarts: ite ineiebushelstiteresates pecks. 12. In 4 quart there is pint. Norr.— Secure the measures for this lesson, if possible. LESSON XVIII. 109 4 of 18 = 4x5= 4-2= a ers Lay re yOlLL 2 6xX2= 6+-3= 14+ 2= 701g 6,— 2x T= 8+-4= 13 -= 6 = 4 of 12 = aX 2= I+ 3 = 20 +- 3 = zy of 14 = 8 xX 2= 8 42 = 18 +3= zy of 10= 2xXx9= 107+5= 20 - 2 = 7 Ol 9= S9xX3= 1274= 18+9= z+ of 8= 4x4= 14+ 7= 20 +4 = ADD ff 1 8) 6 1 7) 4. 5) 2 3 2 5) ) 8 2 4 3 3) 2 8 2 1 2 3 + 5 ®) 5 t 2 9) 3) 2 4 3) s) ge oO 4 ) 2 4 4 3) 5) MULTI Y. ay 960) aie Cale Cait in?” feGaker ao Fae ee OFS O Loe Oe eels Oi Bs a8 Se) + CO Ol pes — ly eel x ho ws H bho us wo CO a = Subtract all the numbers you can from 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. ; Add all the numbers together that will make 15, 16, 17, 18, LO wand. 20, LO LESSON XIX. 1 s-Ol a OOts inches. 2. 4 of a yard is inches. 5: se Olde Pill te lore eee tlle a 40a Quart 18 == pins. Od) Oiled. Callonmis 2. ac aieies 6. 4 of a peck is quarts. Vee eO0 tt cle een DEG kas 8. If 1 yard of ribbon costs 3 cents, what will 3 yards cost Pr 9. Two tops at 5 cents apiece will cost —— Gents: | 10. If 1 pimt of milk costs 4 cents, what will 1 quart cost? 11. Three pints of milk at 3 Centemae pias WilleCOss == Cells, 12. Two yards of ribbon at 10 cents a yard will cost cents. 13. Four yards of calico at 5 cents. a yard will cost cents. 14. Two pecks of potatoes at 10 cents a peck will cost —— cents. 15.-One-half of a dollar is Lonedwo bushels of corm aGeo5 Wee. aye Lake: Woe COS Cs Colts. Nore.—Read numbers from blackboard to 150. LESSON XxX. PUT IN THE MISSING NUMBERS. Count to 100, Count by 3’s to 61. Count by 5's to 100. eee ee LO LO desea LO) sar ateeetosu Lie) Lee == LY eet Ih IS, ge ee 40. 1B ee as WA, 1s ee AG, 14 + —— = 20 ae SAG) 6 —|- __ _cemementait) Count by 4’s Count by 6's Be 5 ig~ 4: 2) 12 G QV. 3 9() - tas 5 1s | is ise 6 20) 4 i+ - 14 Ts 18+ 0 5 x i+ Be= id+ 5&- Looe 2 tip ew Qo = 12 49 16 18 + == A 1 + £2 G-= ». Google De Sel aeA() Li = = 20 4 + —_ = 20 ote, eee 20) lei ees) Loy = = 20 Gp] = 20 LOS ae 20 C= ee = 20 IPS ae pe eee PAG, See eat 16 + 2 = to 100. to G60, to f ha! + 10 xX 9D: yYx 9 +} G5 x 4 o™é So 8x 2 = i vie | a Ped LESSON XXI. 1. John earned 10 cents; how much more must he earn before he will have 18 cents P 2. How many eggs must I put with a dozen to make 20P 3. Fred had a dozen and a half of eggs and he sold 1 dozen; how many had he left ? 4. At 10 cents a pint, what will 2 pints of cream cost ? 5. A boy worked every week-day for 2 weeks at 1 dollar a day; how many dollars dide ties ea Tee 6. There are 2 weeks in —— days. 7. 4 slates at 5 cents apiece will cost —— cents. 8. 6 oranges at 3 cents apiece will cost ——. cents. 9. 2 sleds at 2 dollars apiece will cost — — dollars. 10. Frank had 18 cents, and George 4 as many; how many cents had George ? 11. Nell can buy —— two-cent postage stamps for 20 cents. 12. Ann can buy -——— pencils, at 2 cents apiece, for 14 cents. Note.—The teacher should supply as much more work as the children can take. ’ ° braces sxe tee $-URBANA KAN PEKA LLINO! co01 Sy " oly ey SST Sasser OOSTER ARITHMETIC TO 8A ui it ty etasaeeiccaee: 513W8 THE W essere Steere SS pecngege Ser eres ie, CLES EE 6 Sere Sisco! kere Seeoeeenc : see ne 3 g Sates erie ences oe patted See erasers Se acces ge EGE eae : ee. prece trees $ As ae