THE ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION : : : : : : : : : : By Charles W. Hargitt From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Volume XXXII, 1912 PISCE EE IG AS hc) Sees) fe OS goss Sn se ss Issued, Abrel a5; rota ay SASL, SST SS RE AE A SRS OS ES ST ALT EAL TG RE EEE ES SAGES MOA STE SS TS SR RS a te eR EA SESS ET WASHINGTON : : : : !: !: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : : : : : : :.: : I914 oa ; rigaek a ie a A v¥ t ree aehitirehnited hil cae ateadahtelieeaetrsnete hem ieceeeireara toatl ie a4 ( ‘ He Li Aw wat y vy ] ’ Wa ? fet? : ay ‘ew . wis ee FRA a) . . ‘ ‘ f 7 H. we 4 a | : Pe Re ee et avery aimrpitapaasdine cavptneagynet on Ome nS Ey ae. ore Ree eee * 7 many nih shane Saeed aati meee enna ee Te ee eer aeons a i Ro i Rat v mis re _ ; * ‘ t 1 Pi a ' . A FN en : ORE Ramm a Brea oe | ; proses > apr seas tom aerate fs P= an pdt eaiendiie Metal daie sine ahd phened i ds - f ! ; f aes i ‘ : nee f ; * ’ P i 7a OR a ane THE ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION & By Charies W. Hargitt Professor of Zoology, Syracuse University 223 MWe sf oon i a: nM i f yer THE ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. * By CHARLES W. HARGITT, Professor of Zoology, Syracuse University. * ‘ INTRODUCTORY. The present report aims to present in convenient form a synoptic account of the Anthozoa (Actinozoa) of the region, adapted alike to the needs of the general worker in systematic zoology and those desiring in brief compass a modern survey of the habits, characteristics, and local distribution of the group. . The material forming the basis of the report has been collected for the most part by the writer at various times during the past five years, though ‘some of the specimens of deep-water habitat were collected by the Fish Hawk during dredging expeditions at various times within the past 10 years. A record of these latter collections will be noted in connection with the several species concerned. It is again my pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Vinal N. Edwards in many ways. My thanks are also due to Commissioner George M. Bowers and to Dr. F. B. Sumner, director of the laboratory, for many courtesies. GENERAL ACCOUNT. Anthozoa are marine animals of various range of distribution, habit, size, ete., and variously known as actinians, sea anemones, polyps, etc. In general they are more or less sedentary, i. e., attached to some permanent support, such as rocks, piles, etc., or in some cases (Alcyonaria) rooted in the sandy bottoms where they thrive, or in still other cases (corals) forming a calcareous skeleton, which in the subtropical species gives rise to complex reef masses. Not a few of the actinians have a measure of locomotor power and creep, snail-like, over the supporting base to which they are attached. And again still others are given to a commensal mode of life, forming the well-known partner- ships with hermit crabs or other creatures of similar habit. Further notice of these peculiarities will be given in connection with the species which exhibit the trait. Anthozoa, in common with other classes of coelenterates, may live a wholly solitary and independent life, as in most actinians, or may form highly complex colonies, as in most corals and Alcyonaria. In the case of colonial species the polyps are usually 225 226 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. united in more or less compact masses, the whole colony being brought into communal relations by means of a common body substance, the coenenchyme, through which a system of gastric canals ramifies in various degrees, and thus directly or indirectly brings the various individuals into communication, both for nutritive and for protective pur- poses. It is most interesting to observe the sensory continuity which prevails in one of these colonies. Any irritation which disturbs one polyp is promptly conveyed to every individual of the colony, a sensory wave passing over the community not unlike that produced by the wind upon a field of grain or tall grass. MORPHOLOGY. In form and structure Anthozoa have many features of very considerable interest, not only to the critical student of morphology but to the casual observer or student of natural history. In form there is exhibited a wide range, from the simple polyp, of minute size and of structure hardly more complex than that of a hydrozoan, to the com- plexity and mass of immense communal aggregates of reef corals and sea plumes and gigantic anemones more than a foot in diameter. In fundamentals of structure there is of course a more or less intimate homology running throughout the entire class, though with considerable ordinal peculiarities, and even generic and specific features more or less unique. The general form of the individual polyp, whether actinian or alcyonarian, is cylindrical or barrel-shaped, with a hollow gastric interior. Usually the height is considerably greater than the diameter, but owing to the highly contractile powers of the organisms these proportions vary greatly under various conditions of contraction. The body is terminated by a basal portion usually known as the foot, or pedal disk, and by an upper terminal portion, the oral disk, or peristome. The body proper is usually designated as the column. In sedentary species the pedal disk forms an organ of attachment, or in those having motile power constitutes the chief organ of locomotion. ‘This feature is rather peculiar to the free- living species, though it may be absent in such tube-dwelling forms as Cerianthus. The oral disk is characterized by the presence of a distinct mouth, which is usually of oval shape, especially in actinians, and with its edges, or lips, more or less folded or corrugated. The mouth communicates with the gastric cavity or enteron through an cesophagus, the inner end of which opens abruptly into the gastric cavity. , A series of radially arranged septa, the mesenteries, connect the inner walls of the cesophagus with those of the body, thereby forming a regular series of alternating septa and pockets, the latter ending blindly at the oral disk above, except as they may communicate with the bases of hollow tentacles, but opening freely below into the enteron. The margins of the mesenteries below their cesophageal connections are often more or less thickened, and bear filaments which are characteristic of Anthozoa. They are composed of entoderm, and are richly supplied with gland and nettling organs. In many actinians these latter organs are threadlike, highly contractile struc- tures known as acontia, which are loaded with specialized nettling cells, and may be ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 227 thrust out of special pores, cinclides, or through improvised openings in the tissues of the body wall. The marginal portion of the oral disk bears the tentacles, which are usually hollow outgrowths from this part of the body. They vary greatly in size and number in different species and genera. In Cerianthide they form two distinct sets, the cir- cumoral, surrounding the mouth, and the marginal, corresponding to those of other orders. The latter are often designated as primary or principal tentacles; the former as accessory or circumoral. As indicated above, the general form of the body as a whole is more or less cylin- drical. Peculiarities of distinction will be considered in connection with those species exhibiting them. This will also be the case in reference to particular features of oral or pedal disks. In many of the orders some form of skeleton, calcareous or horny, is present. This is particularly the case with most corals and alcyonarians. On the other hand, most or all actinians are entirely devoid of anything of the sort. Another feature of some significance is the habit of certain actinians to expand and inflate the pedal disk and thus convert it into a float by means of which they are able to migrate under the influence of currents, much as do certain other pelagic coelenterates (Vesalia). This has been observed in several local species, and it seems not unlikely that it may be of more general occurrence than might be supposed. Among those which exhibit the phenomenon may be mentioned Sagartia lucie, S. leucolena, and Anemonia sargassensis. It should be stated, however, that this has been noted only in specimens in the aquarium; but its occurrence under these condi- tions with more or less frequency would strongly suggest its occurrence in nature under certain circumstances. , COLORATION. In comparatively few classes of animals are there richer or more varied exhibitions of color than among Anthozoa. This is particularly striking in the tropical or sub- tropical species. To those who may have had the exquisite pleasure of looking upon the splendid display of colors associated with coral reefs no emphasis will be needed on this point; and to others an adequate verbal description would seem highly exaggerated. The profusion of coloration and the plantlike features of many of these ccelenterates are doubtless the occasion of such names as anemones, anthozoa, zoophytes, etc., by which many of them are known even to this day. Into the problem of the origin or significance of colors in these lower classes no attempt will be made to enter seriously. Something of this has been done by the writer in an earlier paper (1904) and to a less extent in a report on the Medusz of Woods Hole (1905). However, there are some points of particular phases of color involved in Anthozoa which call for notice. In the first place, it is interesting and significant that among these creatures color is due to distinctly different factors. For example, Duerden (1905) has shown that among many corals the dominant color is due to the presence of commensal alge, Zooxanthelle, which thrive in the entodermal tissues of the polyps. 228 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. In such cases the problem of color is transferred from the animal to the plant, which relieves the present discussion of any particular consideration of the matter. It may suffice, therefore, to say that in such cases color is only of secondary or incidental bio- logical significance, and is meaningless in relation to any problem of adaptation or protection. In the words of Duerden, ‘The rich profusion and beauty of color in coral polyps certainly seems to have no protective or warning significance” (op. cit., p. 16). But even in organisms in which color is constitutional there is little or no relation to environmental influences. For example, many actinians and alcyonarians living under identical conditions have very different color features; and, on the other hand, species of widely differing habitats and diverse environments exhibit closely similar aspects of coloration. Furthermore, a species which shows remarkable color variations in a given habitat will often show the same variations through its entire range of dis- tribution. As an example of this may be cited the well-known case of the common Metridium maraqinatum. The world-wide distribution of this species (assuming with MecMurrich its identity with M. dianthus), and the very similar aspects. of coloration, illustrates the point under consideration, showing that conditions of environment or habitat have little to do with the character or variation of colors, at least so far as this species may have any significance. The influence of conditions of nutrition, as already shown by me in former papers (op. cit.), act in similar manner on Anthozoa. Actinians kept in the aquarium very soon show color changes indicative of lowered states of vitality, unless pains be taken to obtain approximately natural conditions. In the celebrated Naples aquarium this has been more successfully done than I have seen elsewhere. Here certain species of actinians have thrived for years with little loss of vitality or change of coloration. PHOSPHORESCENCE. Among the many various and complex phenomena of life few are more unique or obscure than that of phosphorescence, or vital luminosity, the former name being more or less a misnomer, since except in appearance there is little or nothing in common between the phenomena to which it was originally applied, and those associated with living things. However, the term has become so generally associated with all sorts of luminous phenomena of similar appearance, and devoid of appreciable heat, that its , use is likely to continue; and if care be taken to discriminate no serious confusion is likely to arise. The occurrence of phosphorescence in many species, and in a wide range throughout the entire class, makes some reference to the subject more or less incumbent. While probably much more general in tropical and subtropical waters it is yet fairly common elsewhere, being well known throughout the region concerned in this report. Much speculation has been aroused concerning its use,or significance, and various and conflicting theories projected. No attempt will be made here to review the subject historically, nor to cite the various differences of opinion which have grown up. ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 229 Among the older students of coelenterates Johnson and Forbes made observations and experiments in connection with the subject, and in turn cite similar observations made by Ehrenberg, Spallanzani, and others, showing no less interest than has been common in later times. Macartney proved by experiments that the phenomenon might be aroused by a wide variety of stimuli, such as temperature, mechanical disturbance, chemical agents (as alcohol), electricity, ete. Forbes was able to confirm certain of these results, and also proved that in the phenomenon there was no evidence of electrical discharge, and further that no heat was evolved in connection with the emission of light. Allman also studied the subject in connection with hydroids. He found the phe- nomenon exhibited by various calyptoblastic hydroids, but not in any known gymno- blastea. Like other observers, he found that various physical and chemical stimuli were needed to evoke displays of light. He was not able to find any phosphorescent secretion in the hydroids, such as had been found in connection with insects and other phosphorescent organisms. Among Anthozoa its occurrence has been best known in groups of alcyonaria, especially in species of Pennatula, Gorgonia, etc., but not unknown in such solitary forms as the actinians. In the latter it has been observed chiefly in the slimy secretion of the ectoderm. Reference has already been made to the conflicting theories as to the significance of phosphorescence. A few words must suffice on this point. It was suggested by both Carpenter,and Thomson that it might have some importance as a source of abyssal light, thus affording some means by which the inhabitants of the darkness of great depths might be aided in finding food, evading enemies, etc. But, on the other hand, Mosely has pointed out the inadequacy of such a view. Many facts seem utterly in conflict with the theory. For example, the light of organisms from these depths has been found to be more or less monochromatic, or of only two or three colors. This would suggest that othercolors would be invisible under such light, hence incompatible with the theory. He concludes that colors of deep-sea forms are probably only incidental, or features persisting from earlier conditions when the creatures were inhabitants of shallow waters. And on this and similar grounds he adduces a strong argument as to the comparatively recent migration of many of the abyssal forms into their present habitat. Verrill has suggested that phosphorescence might serve as a warning to predaceous fishes that luminous organisms were provided with weapons of defense which it were well to evade. A. Agassiz has pertinently suggested that the well-known cases of Physalia, Cyanea, etc., and their commensals, and the habits of many fishes of feeding constantly in the coral and alcyonarian forests, all went to prove that ‘“‘they are not in dread of lasso- cells.” Among the most brilliantly phosphorescent of our local fauna are ctenophores. But it is well known that these are fed upon by a number of fishes. It may be safely assumed, therefore, that Verrill’s suggestion is utterly without significance as an explanation. 17328°—14——2 230 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. More recently Nutting has suggested the ingenious view that phosphorescence may serve as a lure, attracting copepods and various larve within reach of the luminous organism. ‘‘The process would be analogous, perhaps, to what is known as the effect of alluring coloration among insects and birds. The phosphorescence would thus be of direct utility to the fixed ccelenterates in securing food.”’ Unfortunately, there is no more evidence in support of this than in that of Prof. Verrill. And on the other hand, there is much which goes to show that such a view is directly in conflict with too large a mass of facts to render it at all probable. Such are the facts of phosphorescence in littoral forms, and in free-swimming and surface forms, whose modes of taking prey render it highly improbable that they have any need of such an aid. Phosphorescence is not solely a property of deep-sea life nor of nocturnal feeders. The writer regards it as associated with processes of metabolism; and while not beyond the realm of utility to the organism it is not directly so. Theories dealing with the subject have been pro- pounded on the assumption that every vital feature and phenomenon must be brought into alignment with natural selection. It is to be hoped that we are emerging from the shadow of that assumption. REPRODUCTION. Generation in this class, as in others of the phylum, is both sexual and asexual, though without the more or less rhythmic alternation of generations so characteristic of the Hydrozoa. ‘The sexual products are borne on certain of the mesenteries, and when ripe are usually extruded through the mouth. In some species, however, development may take place within the mesenterial chambers, and the young later discharged in a fully formed condition. The sexes are usually distinct, as in most Hydrozoa, but may be united in a single individual in certain species. That is, Anthozoa may be either dicecious or moncecious—unisexual or bisexual. Duerden has shown (1904), in the case of certain corals, that the bisexual or hermaphrodite condition may prevail, a given individual producing both ova and sperms, though not at the same time. That is, the genital products mature at somewhat different intervals, the organism being protogynous, maturing the ova first; or it may be protandrous, maturing the sperms first. Asexual propagation is of general occurrence and of great importance. It is chiefly by the process of budding; though fission is not unknown among actinians, a given specimen dividing longitudinally, much asin Vorticella. Parker (1897, Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, p. 43) has described this process in Metridium marginatum, and Torrey has shown the same in the case of M. fimbriatum (Proceedings California Academy of Sciences, vol. 1, p. 345, 1898). The writer has observed the entire process take place in Sagartia lucie, a small but extremely interesting anemone of our coast. In this species fission is apparently a common feature of reproduction. In text figure 1 is shown a sketch of a Metridium in process of fission. Such specimens are not particularly rare. Still another mode of asexual reproduction is more or less familiar, namely, that known as fragmentation. It consists of the formation of numerous minute individuals by a sort of indefinite budding from the margins of the pedal disk. This process seems ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 231 to be rather common in Metridium marginatum, as I have found many cases occurring, both in the aquarium and in a state of nature. Torrey (op. cit.), has suggested that it may be due to the unfavorable conditions of the aquarium, but its occurrence in natural conditions as just cited would preclude this as a cause. DISTRIBUTION. Anthozoa are of wide distribution, both in time (geological) and in space (geograph- ical), and also in bathymetrical range. Of the first, or geological, it is not within the scope of the present paper to take notice. Of geographical range it may suffice to say that, like the former, a general consideration of the problem is not designed in the present review. Many conditions are involved in the matter of distribution, among which temperature plays an important part. This is particularly the case with alcyonaria, which are predominantly tropical or subtropical organisms. ‘The same may also be said of the coral group, or Zoanthariz. In bathymetrical range there is great variation among the several groups. Many of each have been dredged from great depths, but by far the larger number have their habitat in shallower seas and along shore lines. In certain cases a given species may find itself equally at home in depths of from 50 to 1,500 fathoms. Bathyactts is recorded as being found in depths of from 50 to 3,000 fathoms. ECONOMIC RELATIONS. In common with ceelenterates in general, the economic relations of Anthozoa are chiefly incidental and indirect. A few fishes are known to feed on corals, a few on hydroids, perhaps still fewer on alcyonarians or others. So far as I am aware, actinians are usually immune from predatory attacks. Furthermore, certain actinians may serve as hiding places for small fishes, which have established commensal relations with them. On the other hand, not a few actinians feed upon fishes more or less freely. The commensal relations of actinians and hermit crabs are well known. Indirectly corals have played a very important part in the contour of islands and continents from Paleozoic to recent times. And at present in subtropical regions these organisms are constantly concerned in the extension of certain coast lines by the forma- tions of reefs along its margins. Thus, may be reclaimed something of the areas constantly being lost through erosion and transportation of continental débris into the seas; but, on the other hand, growth of these organisms in harbors and roadways of steamships often involve obstructions and dangers hard to overcome. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT. In common with that of other classes of ccelenterates, existing conditions of taxonomy of Anthozoa are not highly satisfactory. Several attempts at revision have been made within comparatively recent times, but much yet remains to be done before an orderly and adequate system of classification will be established. Among those who 232 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. have contributed materially to this end may be mentioned the following: Hertwig, R. and O. (1879); Hertwig, R. (1882); Andre, A. (1884); McMurrich, J. P. (1894); Van Beneden (1897); Carlgren (1900). These works are devoted almost exclusively to the Actinozoa. Similar work upon the Alcyonaria has been done by May (1899), Kukenthal (1905), and Studer. While it is no part of the purpose of this report to enter into the matter of taxonomy in any detail, it may not be amiss to include brief synoptic tables indicative of opinion as to this phase of our subject, at least, as relates to Actiniaria. A valuable review of the history of taxonomic development along this line may be found in the report of MecMurrich on the Actinize of the Albatross Expedition (Proceedings, U. S. National Museum, vol. xvi, 1893, p. 119-135). Brief historical references are also made by Hertwig (Challenger Report, vol. v1, p. 16-18) to this phase of the general subject, though with no attempt to trace the development of taxonomic systems. Concerning the systems proposed by Van Beneden (1897) and Carlgren (1900), it is hardly within the scope of this paper to undertake an adequate review. Both are noteworthy contributions and will command the attention of specialists everywhere. They involve, however, considerable of embryological and histological details and methods, and are hence somewhat too technical for use in the present instance. Under almost all modern systems of classification the musculature of the body has constituted one of the most important taxonomic characters. It becomes necessary, therefore, to devote some further attention to this feature. As to their relations, the muscles may be said to be ectodermal, entodermal, or mesodermal, as they are associated with these several tissues. The musculature is disposed chiefly in two positions, namely, (1) as longitudinal fibers distributed to the walls of the column; (2) as circular bands distributed variously over the body. Of the latter there is usually a special development in the oral region known as the sphincter. This acts as an organ for closing the mouth, much as one might close the opening of a bag by a draw string. R. Hertwig has emphasized the importance of various aspects of the musculature as taxonomic features and says: The nature of the sphincter varies greatly. We talk of a diffuse sphincter when it arises from repeated pleatings of the muscular lamella; in that case because it is not sharply defined at the upper and lower margins, it does not strike the eye in looking at the surface, and is shown in transverse sections only by the local thickening of the wall in whose substance it is completely embedded. A circumscribed sphincter is formed when the pleated muscular mass projects above the inner surface of the wall, with which it is connected only by a narrow band, so that an annular swelling arises which is easily observed both in looking at the surface and in transverse section. Finally, in the mesodermal sphincter, the muscles have left their original position in the epithelium and are completely hidden in the supporting substance, which consequently increases doubly or trebly in thickness. The complete absence of the sphincter is comparatively rare. I have only observed it in a few species, almost invariably animals which are not capable of contracting the upper margin of the wall over the oral disk. This is, however, also the case in animals with a weak sphincter, such as the Antheade. On the other hand, the existence of a strong circular muscle can often be inferred with tolerable certainly from a high degree of contraction. The capacity for concealing the oral disk plays an important part in the systematic division of the Actiniaria; this is generally most inappropriately expressed by the term “‘retractile tentacles.’’ It would be decidedly more rational to make the ana- ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 233 tomical reason, and not the physiological appearance, of systematic value. We shall therefore talk of Actiniaria without sphincter, and Actiniaria with weak and with strong sphincter, and further dis- tinguish in the latter case whether the muscle is entodermal or mesodermal. The systematic value of the circular muscle does not end here, as it furnishes a character not to be undervalued for determining the species. * * * I lay stress upon this point, as the circular muscle can be examined in the preserved animals even when their state of preservation is not very favorable, and because, moreover, a small piece of the wall, which can be cut away without essential damage to the whole animal, is sufficient for such an investigation. (Challenger Report, vol. vi, p. 6-8.) Class ANTHOZOA. The class Anthozoa, as limited in this synopsis, comprises some two well-marked subclasses, namely, the Alcyonaria and the Zoantharia. A third subclass, the Rugosa, includes only fossil forms, which makes it undesirable to cumber the present report with any account of it. Each of the two subclasses above named comprises in turn three rather well differentiated orders, all, with a single exception to be named later, having representatives among the local species. The following synopsis of orders may serve as a formal introduction to the taxonomy of the Anthozoa. ALCYONARIA. The order Alcyonaria includes those members of the class Anthozoa which are characterized by the presence of eight pinnate tentacles and a corresponding number of mesenteries. All are of marine habit, and most are colonial, forming more or less complex clusters of polyps united to a common stock, and with or without definite skeletal structures. In most cases, however, there is a skeleton composed of calcareous spicules of various form and color giving to the colonies the characteristic spiny surface of many gorgonians and similar forms. The distribution of these spicules may be somewhat general throughout the tissues of the body, or they may be aggregated into a dense axis as in the so-called black and red corals and in the familiar sea fans, etc. ORDERS OF ALCYONARIA. I. ArcyonacgkA.—Colonial, with a well developed anastomosing canal system. Stem usually devoid of axial skeleton, but the coenenchyma bearing numerous separate spicules. II. PENNATULACEA.—Colonial, with a stem loosely attached in mud or sand, and capable of some degree of locomotion; an axial skeleton extends through the stem in most cases, though lacking in not afew. A specialized portion of the stem, the rachis, bears the polyps either as sessile individuals, or on numerous pinne which branch from the rachis, as in the familiar sea pens. III. Gorconacga.—Colonial, firmly attached by root-like bases or holdfasts. Stem and branches with definite axial skeleton of calcareous or horny character, overlaid by a cortical coenenchyma from which the polyps arise. ZOANTHARIA (Hexactinia). Polyps and polyp colonies chacterized by simple or unbranched tentacles in one or more cycles about the mouth. Paired mesenteries usually in some multiple of six, though exceptions to this are more numerous than formerly supposed. ORDERS OF ZOANTHARIA. I. AcrintArIA.—Polyps solitary, or rarely colonial, devoid of any skeletal structures, and usually adherent by a suctorial or adhesive base, the pedal disk, though capable of more or less locomotion. ‘Mesenteries in most cases paired and in multiples of six. II. MapREPORARIA.—Polyps colonial, or rarely solitary, and with a dense calcareous skeleton, forming, in most cases, a complex corallum. 234 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. III. AntratHarrA.—Colonial zoantharia, usually with a hollow, branching skeleton of horny nature. So far as known, no representatives of this order occur in the region, which obviates the necessity for further account of it in this report. SYNOPSIS OF TRIBES OF ACTINIARIA. EDWARDSIAE R. Hertwig, 1882. Noncolonial Actiniaria with eight mesenteries, two pairs of which are directives; others unpaired, and their longitudinal muscles face the same direction; all mesenteries gonad bearing. Tentacles simple, few in number, usually more numerous than the mesenteries, varying from 12 to 36. Column more or less linear and cylindrical, often fluted along the lines of attached mesenteries. ZOANTHEAE R. Hertwig, 1882. Colonial Actiniaria, with numerous mesenteries of two sorts, namely, small, incomplete, and devoid of gonads; large, complete, and gonad bearing. A single cesophageal groove. Outer surface of body usually incrusted with a coating of sand or other foreign particles. Tentacles simple. CERIANTHEAE R. Hertwig, 1882. Actiniaria with numerous, unpaired mesenteries, except a single pair of directives, which are very short and attached to the deep cesophageal groove. On either side of these will be found the much longer perfect mesenteries, which increase in size in regular order to the opposite (dorsal) side. ‘Tenta- cles numerous and in two series—an outer principal and an inner accessory series—the circumoral tenta- cles. Body elongate, usually inclosed in a slimy flexible tube. Aboral end of body rounded and provided with a terminal pore. HEXACTINIAE R. Hertwig, 1882. Actiniaria with six or more pairs of primary mesenteries. Other cycles arise in pairs, some of which may become perfect, others incomplete. The primary mesenteries are provided with retractor muscle fibers on their inner faces i. e., the muscles of each pair facing the intramesenterial space. There are usually two cesophageal grooves, with directive mesenteries, whose muscles face outward, or opposite the aspect of the other pairs. Body more or less smooth, often with longitudinal furrows, and in certain cases with wartlike nodular processes, veruce. Tentacles usually numerous and of various characters. The above tribal characteristics have been variously compilea from those given by Hertwig, McMur- rich, Haddon, Duerden, and Gosse, and to a less extent from Andres, Verrill, and others. FAMILIES OF HEXACTINI#. ILYANTHIDA Gosse (in part), 1858. Body usually elongate, cylindrical, aboral end rounded and with somewhat constricted, bulblike physa, but devoid of definite pedal disk. Tentacles simple and relatively few in number, or in some cases numerous; sphincter weak. There is considerable uncertainty as tothe constitution of this family, some authorities even exclud- ing it altogether. Gosse, who established it, included under it the Edwardsiz as well as the Cerianthez. Hertwig considers the family as intermediate between the Edwardsie and true Hexactiniz, and so ranks them in his system. (Op. cit., p. 92.) ANTHEIDZ Gosse (in part), 1858. Hexactiniz with well-developed pedal disk, often capable of expansion and inflation as a pneumato- phore. (Cf. Gosse, Actinologea Britannica, p.149.) Column generally smooth, sometimes with veruce; tentacles long, very flexible, and disposed chiefly about the margin of the disk; mesenteries numerous; sphincter muscle very weak, rendering difficult any considerable contraction of disk or tentacles. ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 235 SAGARTIID Gosse, 1858. Body with strong oral sphincter and numerous highly contractile tentacles. Mesenteries of two sorts; principal series in six pairs attached to oesophagus, and devoid of gonads; second series incom- plete, and bearing gonads in breeding season. Acontia present and protrusible through cinclides or directly through the tissues. BOLOCERIDAH McMurrich, 1893. Sphincter more or less diffuse and weak; mesenteries devoid of acontia; pedal disk well devel- oped; tentacles stout, nonretractile, strongly constricted at base, hence often deciduous. BUNODIDZ Gosse, 1858. Sphincter entodermal, “body usually studded with numerous tubercles, which are disposed in longitudinal rows, and may serve as suckers by means of which they have the faculty of adhering with force to foreign bodies.’’ (Gosse.) Mesenteries often numerous and perfect but devoid of acontia. PARACTIDA Hertwig, 1882. Sphincter mesogleal, strong; body usually devoid of tuberculation, but with numerous longitudinal flutings; mesenteries numerous and perfect; no acontia. TEALIID Hertwig, 1882. “Hexactinia with numerous perfect mesenteries; sphincter strong, entodermal, projecting as a thick swelling into gastric cavity.’’ “The most important feature of the family is, I consider, the extremely characteristic circular muscle, which can be recognized with the naked eye, as a thick swelling on the inner side of the wall. In transverse section it shows a circular or oval figure, fastened on one side to the wall; it is formed by the extremely strong pleating of the entodermal circular muscle layer. The large number of perfect septa is also important; on the other hand, I have entirely disregarded the nature of the surface of the body, so that forms both with smooth and warty wall may find their place in the family.’’ (Hertwig, Op. cit, D. 35.) DIAGNOSTIC SYNOPSIS OF FAMILIES OF HEXACTINLE (modified from Hertwig).* A. Tentacles forming simple wreath. a. Digitate. b. Pedal disk absent. c. Siphonoglyphs and sphincter obscure bb. Pedal disk present. d. Acontia present, sphincter mesodermal, cuticular coverings Without conchttlasya. von eee tee ILYANTHIDAS. With conchtllas sem a. tte SIPHONACTINID4. Absent. .SAGARTIID4}. Present . . PHELLIIDA}. ADSENE. F. oc. thon eee en. ANTHEOMORPHIDA. Weakly 20 Stasiata eee ee ACTINIIDA. dd. Acontia absent, sphincter |seons entodermaletice o.2. 0s aie BuNopDID&. Present{ Strong mesodermal............ PARACTID4}, Mesodermal transverse axis elongated fii) Sen AMPHIANTHID4E. aa. Tentacles abnormal in shape. énClavate sknobbed. steashr arias seks violas Gri mcd 27s ats 4 oh 3 oy =a uy -> te Bs: = ane Ro be. FD as tae reve 7 =i Rar = Soe: ‘ta Fic. s.—Edwardsta elegans. 248 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. culoides, but in some way it was lost before any decisive identification was made, and hence the matter must remain somewhat doubtful. During the present summer (1909) I took a single specimen at South Harpswell, Me., of exactly the same general characters, and conforming so far as distinguishable with the descriptions of Stimpson and Verrill. When first dug out of the sand the specimen was about 50 to 60 mm. in length, of whitish or pale flesh color. After it was placed in the collecting pail along with a few other objects it became greatly contracted and remained in that condition for more than a week in the laboratory, though every means available to induce it to expand was tried. Finally, before leaving it was killed and preserved, and later carefully sectioned in the hope of finding conclusive evidence as to its specific relations. Unfortunately the state of contraction had been so great that the killing proved to have been unsatisfactorily done, and while the main generic features were easily distinguishable it was not practicable to certainly determine the number of tentacles and other specific characters. So far as known only one other species could be possibly confused with it, namely, E. farinacea, and it seemed not to have been this. I am strongly convinced that the specimen was E. sipunculoides, and that, moreover, the one taken at Woods Hole previously was also this species. Hence it seems altogether proper to include the species as coming within the region. I much regret that I am not able to present good anatomical descriptions of the species. However, the earlier description of Verrill (vide supra) renders this lack less serious. Edwardsia lineata Verrill. Edwardsia lineata Verrill, Inv. An. Vineyard Sound, p. 739, 1874; Andres, Faunau. Flora v. Golf. Neapel, bd. 1x; Parker, Am. Nat., vol. XXXIV, 1900, p. 750. “Body cylindrical, elongate, covered with dirty brownish, slightly wrinkled epidermis, except just below tentacles, where it is smooth, translucent, and usually with eight longitudinal, flake-white lines showing through. ‘Tentacles 24 to 30, or more in large specimens; slender, tapering, obtuse, white or pale flesh color, each with a flake-white longitudinal line along inner side. Disk with white circle around the mouth, and often with eight or more radiating white lines extending to the base of inner tentacles; border of mouth somewhat pale red; naked part of column pale flesh color, often with circle of white below bases of tentacles. Length 25 to 30mm., diameter 2.5 to3 mm. Species remarkable in lacking any naked basal portion, or any true disk for attachment. This may be due to the peculiar habit of nestling in crevices between rocks, worm tubes, etc. Off Gay Head, 6 to 12 fathoms, among ascidians and annelid tubes, etc. Abundant.’’ I have not seen this species, and the above description has been compiled from that of Verrill.” Having been on constant lookout for the species for several years, it seems rather strange not to have obtained a single record of its occurrence. Edwardsia leidyi Verrill. Edwardsia leidyi Verrill, Am Jour. Sci., ser. 4, vol. v1, p. 493; Parker, Am. Nat., vol. xxxIv, 1900, p. 750. This remarkable Edwardsian was first noted by A. Agassiz as a parasite in Mnemiopsis leidyi and taken to be a leechlike worm. (Cf. Catalogue of North American Acalephe, p. 23.) It was later observed by Verrill. (Invertebrate animalsof Vineyard Sound, p. 457.) Its true character seems first tohave been recognized by Mark. (Memoirsof Museum Comparative Zoology, vol. 1x, p. 43.) Mark also pointed out the fact that this stage was a larval one, and that during this period it was a true parasite within the ctenophore. Following the development so far as conditions made it possible, he suggested that the larva might not improbably be a stage in the life history of Edwardsia lineata. To the present writer it seems rather more probably related to E. elegans. As evidence of this may be noted the number of tentacles in Mark’s oldest specimen, namely, 16, while in E. lineata the number is from 24 to 30, or more. Again the aspect of the tentacles is very much like that of E. elegans. It is much to be regretted that as yet we are without a final account of the life history, no later observer having been able to carry the record beyond that at which it was left by Mark. The present writer has sought to discover some clue to the later stages, but without success. The occurrence of the larve is most erratic. During some seasons it abounds to such extent that hardly a specimen of Mnemiopsis can ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 249 be found without from one to a half dozen or more of the parasites within the canals, and during other summers scarcely a single specimen can be found at all. During the entire summer of 1907 the writer sought from June to September for larve, but without finding a trace. In November of the same year Mr. Vinal Edwards and Dr. Sumner found them in immense numbers, almost every ctenophore being infected. Morphology of the larval stage: Polyp slender and wormlike, and variously coiled in the canals of thectenophore. Lengthof larger specimens 20 to 30 mm., diameter 1 to 2 mm., varying under conditions of contraction. Tentacles 16 (?), color pinkish or flesh color. CERIANTHUS Delle Chiaje, 1841. Cerianthus americanus Verrill. [Pl. xuiv, fig. 10.] Cerianthus americanus Verrill, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, 1866, p. 32; MceMurrich, Jour. Morph., vol. 1v, 1890, p. 131; Parker, Am. Nat., vol. XxxIV, 1900, p. 756. Originally described by Verrill from a southern habitat, this.species has but rarely been found at Woods Hole. The writer found a single specimen several years ago, but failed to secureit. Ina collec- tion of Edwardsia taken at Ram Island, Woods Hole, in 1902, there was found a single specimen which was turned over to the writer for identification. It resembled at first a specimen of Sagartia leucolena, or a very small specimen of S. modesta. A careful examination of the specimen, however, proved it to be an immature specimen of Cerianthus. The size was only about 35 mm. in length. by about 5 mm. in diameter, in contraction. Sections showed no signs of gonads, and there were but 45 to 50 tentacles; all of which go to show a condition of immaturity. The sectional figures were made from the specimen and leave no doubt as to its identity. The specimens originally described by Verrill were of very large size—z feet or more in expansion. McMurrich, who has studied specimens from the same general region, has not been able to confirm Verrill’s account as to size. Specimens examined by the writer from the Woods Hole region agree very closely with McMurrich’s account in this particular. His account gives the length as not more than 20 cm., with a diameter of 1.5 to 2 cm. In the matter of color there seems to be considerable variation. The specimen from which this account is chiefly derived was in life translucent and pale flesh color. Another specimen examined by the writer was brownish, especially near the oral portion, the aboral region being paler. A purplish tint is not unusual along with the brown. Habitat: This seems to be almost exclusively at or just below average tide line and in muddy flats. ‘The species is of burrowing habit, these burrows extending at an angle for considerable depths. The creature secretes a tubular lining for its burrow, which is composed of mucus secreted by ectodermal glands, in which are also agglutinated extruded nematocysts, grains of sand, etc. In the aquarium the specimens also secrete a similar tube, but, according to McMurrich, of much lighter texture. ACTINAUGE Verrill, 1883. Actinauge verrilli McMurrich. Actinauge nodosa, Verrill, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. v1, 1873, p. 440; Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. x1, 1883, p. 50. Actinauge verrilli, McMurrich, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. xvi, 1893, p. 184. Among the collections at Woods Hole I found four specimens of this species, two of which were taken by the Albatross in 1885 at station 2506 from a depth of 27 fathoms. The other two were taken by the Fish Hawk in 1899 at station 7070. These specimens differ more or less in general external features. The Albatross specimens (contracted) measured 5 and height by about 4 and 5 cm. in diameter. The warty nodules, or verruce, were very prominent and characteristic. They were disposed in about 24 longitudinal rows in the smaller specimen. The capitular ridges were somewhat less evident and definite but about 40oin number. The larger specimen was much more contracted, making it imprac- ticable to determine exactly the number and disposition of these structures, but the longitudinal rows seemed to be about 28 in number. 250 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. In the Fish Hawk specimens the verrucz were much less prominent, and the capitvlar ridges and longitudinal rows likewise indistinct and correspondingly indefinite. They appeared, therefore, of smoother and cleaner texture than the former, which were rough and the furrows and nodular interstices coated with a brownish deposit in marked contrast to the whitish points of the nodules themselves. While this species is seldom seen among the fauna of the region as strictly interpreted, still it has seemed quite proper to make at least a brief reference to their presence among contiguous fauna. MADREPORARIA. Of the Madreporaria there are comparatively few species which come within the range of the present synopsis. Of these by far the most common is Astrangia, which abounds almost everywhere. The more characteristic features of the order have been given in an earlier section. ASTRANGIA M. Edwards and Haime. Corallum forming an encrusting mass over the substructure, the colony forming variously disposed aggregates of polyps, mostly of small dimensions, though occasionally branching in rather complex fashion, as shown in figure 9, plate xt. The polyps are very transparent, but appear white as viewed against a dark background. Astrangia dane Agassiz. [Pl. xm, fig. 9.] Astrangia dane Agassiz, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vol. 0, p. 68, 1847; Milne-Edwards and Haime, Ann. des Sci. Nat., 3d ser., T. x, 1850. Astrangia astreiformis Leidy, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. m, 1855, p. «39. dane Verrill, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. His., vol. 1, 1864, p. 40; Inv. An. Vineyard Sound, 1874, p. 740. This is the best-known coral, having a natural habitat within the region. Indeed, it is the only one at all familiar along the shore waters of the New England coast. It occurs almost everywhere, growing on rocks, piles of docks, shells, etc., at or just below low-water line to a depth of 15 to 20 fathoms. Its range is given as from Florida to Cape Cod. It has also been reported from the waters of Casco Bay, Me. ‘The species forms irregular incrustations of rather small dimensions over shells, rocks, etc., though it occasionally becomes larger and branches in rather complex fashion. It lives well in the aquarium for an indefinite time. Polyps in expansion about 10 to 15 mm. in height and with about 24 delicate tentacles, which bristle with nematocysts, especially about the tips. Cells of the corallum rather shallow and with numerous septa, as shown in the figure. The breeding season seems to be chiefly in midsummer. I have occasionally obtained eggs in the aquarium but it has been found difficult to secure them under conditions favorable for development. ORBICELLA Dana, 1846. Orbicella acropora (Linnzeus). Madrepora acropora Linnezus, Syst. Nat., x ed., p. 708. Madrepora annularis Ellis & Solander, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 169. faveolata Ellis & Solander, op. cit., p. 166. Helias‘rea annularis M. Edwards & Haime, Hist. Nat. Corall., vol. m, p. 473, 1857. acropora Milne-Edwards & Haime, op. cit., p. 477. Astrea annularis Lamarck, An. sans Vert., 2d ed., vol. 0, p. 405. Orbicella annularis Pourtales, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. vu, 1880; A. Agassiz, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. xx, p. 61, 1890. acropora Vaughan, Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., vol. m1, p. 301, r90r. A fragment of this coral was found by Dr. F. B. Sumner on the beach at Nobska (Woods Hole) in July, 1906, and still another some two years later. Both specimens were somewhat worn by water action, yet easily identified. So far as known, the species has not hitherto been recorded north of Bermuda, Porto Rico, or similar range. And while at first I was disposed to regard its occurrence here as accidental, possibly through tourist agency, still the facts seem to warrant recording, leaving to ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION: 251 subsequent events the determination of its relation to the region. The specimen measured about 50 by 85 mm., and while more or less eroded was in good state of preservation. The extended dredgings made in the waters of Vineyard Sound for many years would seem to have made more or less certain its discovery if native to these waters. Vaughan’s description of the species from Porto Rico gives no account as to depth from which taken, but merely the locality (Mayaguez) and from reef. Its habi- tat is probably quite shallow, and the course of the Gulf Stream in the region of Woods Hole might warrant its northern range. However, speculation is uncalled for; the facts are given for what they are, as suggested above. ALCYONARIA. The alcyonarian fauna of the region is so limited in species as to call for only passing notice. At most but two er three species are represented—one under the genus Alcyonium and perhaps two under the genus Penatula. In the deeper waters adjacent to Nantucket and off Marthas Vineyard the group has numerous representatives, accounts of which may be found in the reports of the dredging opera- ions of the Albatross and Fish Hawk from 1880 to 1898. But as recent collections have added no addi- tional facts, either as to species or distribution, it will suffice to call attention to the above reports. It seems well to briefly describe the two species more likely to be met with by the student, though without attempting details as to structure and habits. ALCYONIUM Lianezus, 1758. Linneus, Syst. Nat., Ed. x, vol. 1, p. 803. Dana, Zoophytes, 1846, p. 611. Milne-Edwards, Corallines, 1857. Corallum fleshy, with granular spicules which do not project beyond the surface; base more or less enlarged and adherent to rocks, shells, etc. Colony variously branched, the branches thick and fingerlike, stem more or less devoid of polyps, which are abundant on the branches and terminal por- tions, and retractile within the ccenosarc. Alcyonium carneum Agassiz. Halcyonium carneum Agassiz, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1850, p. 209. Alcyonium digitatum Stimpson, Marine Inv. Grand Manan, 1853, p. 7; Smithsonian Contr., vol. vt. Alcyonium carneum Verrill, Mem. Boston Nat. Hist., 1866, vol. 1; Inv. An. Vineyard Sound, p. 497, 737. This conspicuous alcyonarian is well known to almost every collector along the New England coast who has paid attention to the ccelenterate fauna to any extent. It is rather common from Vine- yard Sound northward to Maine and beyond, occurring on rocks, shells, etc., and in depths of from 10 to 30fathoms. It shows small adaptability to aquarium conditions, soon dying when placed therein. The color is variable, from pale flesh color to bright pink or reddish or orange. The colony is branched. variously, the branches thick and fingerlike, from which probably arose the common name, ‘dead men’s fingers,’’ often used by fishermen. The stem is attached by an expanded base to any convenient support, such as shells, etc. Polyps variously distributed over upper portions of stem and branches, and in expansion rather conspicuous, having a length of from 7 to 10 mm.; they are highly contractile, and capable of entire retraction within the coenenchyma. ‘The tentacles are eight in number, beau- tifully fringed with delicate lobes so characteristic of the order. PENNATULA. Pennatula aculeata Danielson and Koren. Pennatula aculeata Danielson and Koren, Forhandl. Vidansk. Selsk, 1858; same authors, Fauna Litt. Norv., m1, 1877. Verrill, Am. Jour. Sci., 1873. This species was taken by the Fish Hawk at several stations off Marthas Vineyard and Block Island in 1882 and 1899, several specimens being now in the collection at Woods Hole. This is a well-known and very beautiful pennatulid; stems usually bulbous at base, the bulb larger at the proximal end, 252 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. rachis rather larger in median portion; general shape featherlike, hence the name; polyps borne on upper portion of the pinne. The colony varies in size from 10 to 25 cm.; color beautiful purplish red, bulb whitish and opaque ir preservation. Species widely distributed over both eastern and western Atlantic and along the entire New England coast and south to Chesapeake Bay. LITERATURE CITED. Acassiz, L. 1847. Proceedings of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science, vol. 11, p. 68 et seq. Acassiz, E. C. and A. 1865. Seaside studies in natural history. 155 p., illus. Boston. ANDRES, A. 1884. Le Attinie. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, bd. rx. BENEDEN, E. VAN. 1879. Les Anthozoaires de la Plankton Expedition. Leipzig. CARLGREN, O. 1904. Studien iiber Regeneration und Regulationserscheinungen. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar, bd. 37, no. 8; bd. 43, no. 9. DUERDEN, J. E. 1898. Jamaican Actiniaria. pt. 1. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, vol. v1, P- 329-376, pl. XVM—-XxIX. 1900. Jamaican Actiniaria, pt. u. Ibid., vol. vm, p. 133-210, pl. X-xxv. 1902. Report on the actinians of Porto Rico. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, vol. xx, 1900, pt. 11, p. 321-374, pl. 1-xn. 1904. The coral Siderastrea radians and its postlarval development. Carnegie Institution. 130 p., 11 pl. ELuis and SOLANDER. 1786. The natural history of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes. 208 p., 63 pl. London. Goss, P. H. 1858. Synopsis of the families, genera, and species of the British Actinie. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3d ser., vol. 1, p. 414. 1858a. Characters and descriptions of some new British sea anemones. Ibid., vol. m1, p. 192. 1860. Actinologia Britannica: A history of the British sea-anemones and corals. 362 p., 12 col. pl. London. Happown, A. C. 1898. The Actiniaria of Torres Strait. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, vol. v1, P- 393-520, pl. XII-XxXxII. Harcitt, CHARLES W., and RocsErs, C. G. 1902. The Alcyonaria of Porto Rico. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, vol. xx, pt. m1, p. 265-287, pl. I-1Iv. 1900. Harcitt, CHARLES W. 1905. The Meduse of the Woods Hole region. Bulletin U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, vol. xxiv, 1904, p. 21-79, 30 text fig., pl. I-vi. 1907. Notes on the behavior of sea-anemones. Bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Hole, Mass., vol. x11, p. 274-284. HeERTWIG, O. and R. 1879. Die Actinien. Jena. HeERTWIG, R. 1882. Report on the Actiniaria dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. In: Report of the Scientific Results of the Exploring Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, vol. v1, Zoology, pt. XV, p. 1-134, pl. r-x1v. London. 1888. Report on the Actiniaria dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Ibid., vol. XxVI. sup. pt. Lxxin, p. 1-56, pl. I-Iv. . ANTHOZOA OF THE WOODS HOLE REGION. 253 Jounston, G. 1838 and 1847. A history of the British zoophytes. 341 p., xiv pl.; 2 ed., Edinburgh, 1838; London, 1847. KuKENTHAL, W. 1905. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonarian. Zoologischer Jahrbucher, bd. xx1, Abth. f. Sys- tematik. Mark, E. L. 1884. Selections from embryological monographs—III, Polyps. Memoirs Museum Comparative Zoology, vol. rx, 52 p., 13 pl. McMourricu, J. P. 1889. Actiniaria of the Bahama Islands. Journal of Morphology, vol. m1, p. 1 et seq. 1890. Morphology of the Actinozoa, I. Ibid., vol. rv, p. 303. 1893. Report of the Actiniz collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during the winter of 1887-88. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. XVI, p. 119-216, pl. XIX-XXXV. 1897. Morphology of the Actinozoa, IV. Zoological Bulletin, vol. 1 p. 115-121. 1901. Report of the Hexactiniz of Columbia University Expedition to Puget Sound during the summer of 1896. Annals of New York Academy of Science, vol. x1v, p. 1-52, pl. I-m1. MILNE-EDWARDS et HAIME. 1857-60, Histoire Naturelle des Coralliaires, ou polypes proprement dits. 3 vol. and atlas of 31 pl. (partly col.) Paris. ParKEr, G. H. 1897. The mesenteries and siphonoglyphs in Metridium marginatum, Milne-Edwards. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. xxx, p. 259-270, 1 pl. 1900. Synopsis of the Actiniaria. The American Naturalist, vol. xxxIv, p. 747-758, 22 fig. 1902. Notes on the dispersal of Sargartia lucia, Verrill. Ibid., vol. xxxv1, p. 491-493., L. F. 1880. Report on the Corals and Antipatharia. In: Reportson the dredging operations of the United States Coast Survey Steamer Blake, 1878-79. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. VI, p. 95-120, pl. I-11. VERRILL, A. E. 1863. Revision of polyps of eastern coast of the United States. Memoirs Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 1, p. 1-45. 1886. The polyps and echinoderms of New England, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. x, p. 333-358. 1875. Invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound. Report of United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1871-72, p. 295-747. ’ 1880. Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata of the northeastern coast of America, with descriptionsof new genera and species and critical remarks on others. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 11, 1879, p. 165-205. 1883. Report of the Anthozoa, and on some additional species dredged by the Blake in 1877-79, and by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Fish Hawk in 1880-82. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. x1, p. 1-72, 8 pl. 1898. Descriptions of new American actinians, with critical notes on other species. American Journal of Science and Arts, 4th series, vol. v1, p. 493-498. 1899. Descriptions of imperfectly known and new actinians. Ibid., vol. vu, p. 213 et seq. 1899-1900. Additions to the Anthozoa and Hydrozoa of the Bermudas. Transactions of the Con- necticut Academy of Sciences, vol. x, p. 551-572, pl. XLVII-XLIX. 254 Fic. . 10. - It. - 12. ay sy > BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE XLI. . Sagartia lucie, general view from side. X 2. . Sagartia lucie, oral view, showing whitish lines marking position of cesophageal grooves, cad on the left the evidence of recent fission of specimen as shown in dim outlines of the disk markings. . Anemonia sargassensis, drawn and colored from life, showing also the clasping aspect a pedal Ciskaes PLATE XLII. . Eloactis producta, drawn and colored from life, showing the expanded disk, the smooth, pinkish lower and papillose upper portions of the column. . Sagartia modesta, drawn and colored from life, showing expanded pedal disk, numerous ten-. tacles, and the sinuous aspect of body as freely expanded in aquarium. . Single tentacle of specimen, showing characteristic markings. X 3. PLATE XLIII. . Sagartia modesta, photograph from life as expanded in aquarium, the pedal disk attached to bottom under layer of sand. . Cylista leucolena, photograph from life, in aquarium. . Astrangia dane, an unusually large coral mass of this species. XX M4. PLATE XLIV. Cerianthus americanus, section through oesophagus, showing groove and numerous mesenteries. and their distribution; oe, oesophagus; ec, ectoderm. Cylista leucolena, section through cesophagus, showing paired grooves, mesenteries, and direc- tives (d), and secondary mesenterial buds. Edwardsia elegans, section showing distinctive mesenteries and paired directives (d); oe, cesophagus; ec, ectoderm. Anemonia sargassensis, section through oesophagus, showing primary mesenteries and numerous. secondary mesenterial buds; d, directive mesenteries; ec, ectoderm. BUELL WS. BF, 1912 : PLATE XLI Fig. 2, Sagartia luciae Oral view Fig. 1. Sagartia luciae Side view Fig. 3. Anemonia sargassensis A.HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE PLATE XLII 4 : ee: 8 a Ss - Sagartia modesta Figaoe A.HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE. BOGLes oe bo nro. PUATH Ot LL Fic. 8.—Cylista leucolena. Fic. 7.—Sagartia modesta. Fic, 9.—Astrangia danee, rs ” L) @ *7 as a = 4 > Pr) Fy OCI Ome Dakss LOL: PrateeclV: Fic. 13.—Anemonia sargassensis. Fic. 12.—Edwardsia elegans, ne WA Mes St é | re Lt Met EN 2) rity Oi 7 Ria AN ILUNINNT 0112 072667261 %