& me 4 ae kt rome \ : ae HT AS 4 5 $ GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS For Material and Labor to be Employed in the Erection of Wichita High School QICKER [orem ee ot UNIVERSITY Gr Hiiies BOARD OF EDUCATION AT =e ge WICHITA, KANSAS Lorentz Schmidt & Co. Architects WICHITA KANSAS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Proposals will be received according to the conditions herein set forth and specified for the erection and completion of said building Until Monday, the 31st day of July 1922, at 7:30 p. m. of said day. / The Plans and Specifications are the Property of the Architects and must be Returned with Proposal THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS TICE T TOR Be PICKES \ ee URIVERS! -Ibaled Proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary the Board of Education, Wichita, Kansas, until 7:30 PoM. : ly S3lst., 1922, for the erection of a group of High School Build- 8S, to be located in Wichita, Kansas, ies of Plans and Specifications may be secured _at the office — the Architects, Lorentz Schmidt and Company, Wichita, Kansas, pon a deposit of $25,00, guaranteeing the return of the Plans ind Specifications accompanied by a bona-fide bid. il Labor and Material shall be furnished in accordance with the _jilans and Specifications of the: Architects, Hach bid shall be iccompanied by a certified check, Bidders’ bond will not be weceptable, payable to J. L. Leland, Secretary of the Board of Hdu- sation, and equal to the following amounts for the various Contracts: General Contract $1 8,900.00 Heating Contract 1,890,090 hh a Contract 1,290. 00 Combined Heating and Plumbing 3,090.0 Electrical Contract 750.00 f Painting Contract 750.00 i; Roofing Contract 500,00 | Sheet Metal Contract 750.00 ( . | £ award of Contract is made and Bidder fails to enter into Contract \jnd to furnish the Surety Bonds as required by the laws of the | i tate of Kansas, within ten days after date of acceptance of said bid, the said certified check shall be forfeited to the Board of _|Education, Wichita, Kansas. Bidders may bid on any combination of Contracts, eneral Contractor will be asked to bid under a penalty and bonus Jause and also without a penalty or bonus. Under the penalty d bonus clause, the General Contractor shall agree to sub- ar complete his contract on or before the fifteenth day of ugust, 1923, and to forfeit to the Board of Education $200,00 per pores Pach working day required thereafter for completing sal ontract. (lt shall be further agreed that for each working day before August \fifteenth, 1923, that the General Contractor shall have substantially ge ord Age his contract, the Board of Education shall pay a bonus of $100,00 per day. It_is further agreed that under the Aidsed and Bonus Clause, any delays caused by conditions beyond the control of the contractor shall be allowed the contractor as an extension of time. \The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. CENERAL CONDITIONS SOND: The Contractor shall furnish a Apel and sufficient surety company's bond, to the Sp EEotEs of the owner, and shall be of the Standard Form of Bond adopted by the American Institute | of Architects, copy of which is herein shown. The bond shall | be for the full amount of the contract to insure the faithful 4 erformance of the work and for the use and benefit of the 4 Owner and all other persons, firms, and corporations that may become entitled to liens under the contract, according to the ‘| provisions of the laws of the State, in such cases made and pro- | vided and shall remain in force for the period of six (6) months after completion of the contract. : \IABILITY: The Contractor shall guard the public effectually from | liability to accident in consequence of his operations during — the entire progress of the work, both by day and by night, and he shall be responsible for any and all injuries that may e | caused through his neglect or failure to protect his employees ' - and the public from accident. Bena He shall be responsible for all damage caused by his neglect or failure to take the precautions to prevent such damage to the property of individuals, corporations and firms. LIABILITY INSURANCE: ‘The Contractor shall take out and pay for pol~ icies of contingent liability insurance, for the protection of the Owner against all loss from injuries to workmen and the public, and for all demages to property. ‘The policies are to be in amounts, in form and in companies satisfactory to the Cesare for this insurance, Evidence of this protection shall be file with Owner before building operations are started. SLAIMS AND LIENS: The Contractor shall protect the Owner from all - claims, judgments and decrees involving the infringement of patent rights arising from the installation of any machinery, appliances or materials in the building by the contractor, or his sub-contractors, or from the use of any patented process _ by the contractor or his sub-contractors, and he shal pay all costs and expenses cept fees, which may be incurred by the Owner in the defense of suits for infringement_of patents, or in proceedings for enforcement of mechanic's liens. PROTECTION: The Contractor shall be responsible for his own, his employees, and his sub-contractors! carelessness, and shal Se himself at all times against the carelessness of others, So Sirabiegs will endeavor to assist him, but assumes no responsi- ili ty. e Contractor and his men are forbidden to smoke in or about he premises. The Contractor and his men are forbidden to light fires about the premises without the permission of the Architects, _ The Contractor shall maintain barricades, red lights and all | other necessary protection and shall be responsible for al _ damage due to weather, intrusion, vandalism, and other causes, The Contractor shall prom ae temporary shelters for the pro- tection of materials that might be damaged by exposure or other _ «causes, and shall be responsible for all losses and damage to Bes. scaffolding, equipment, apparatus, tools, machinery, and other materials used in connec 19 with the work. 5) GENERAL CONDITIONS a <_< t Sah eC! > Aeon ete | | | iz EFA FR MAE GON GENERAL CONDITIONS (Cont'd, ) JRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS: For the dimensions arrangements and {1 be made to the construction of beer eee terre shal accompanying design, consisting of all drawings which are necessary to fully explain the work, and these drawings, to- Seas with the details, writing and interlineations which may be made upon them, shall be considered as jart of and as in illustration of the Specifications. | All work shall be executed according to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and these specifications, which are intendéd to «include everything requisite and necessary for the gee aa and entire finishing of the work, not withstanding that each and every item necessarily involved in this work 1s not specifically mentioned, and the work, when completed, shall be ares in a perfect and undamaged condition without excep- The drawings and these Specifications are intended to be co-= operative, and work or material called for by the drawings, and ‘not mentioned in the Specifications, cr vice versa, shall be furnished or performed in as faithful and thorough a manner as though fully covered by both. Any discrepancies or omissions found in, and any doubt that may exist as to the meaning of the drawings and Specifications shall be promptly reported to the Architects, in writing, so that the proper instructions cam be sent to ali bidders, as the Contractors will be required to sign each sheet of the drawings and Specifications as a part of the contract agreement, The drawings and the Specifications are the property of the Architects to whom they shall be returned at completion of the work, The contractor shall be furnished with a sufficient nun- ber of peer sets of drawings and Specifications upon the awarding of the contract to him; but additional Specifications and drawings snall be paid for by the Contractor, Before the Final Certificate will be issued the Contractor shall return to the Architects all the drawings and Specifications furnished him or his sub-contractors and material firms in connection with his work, The drawings shall be accurately followed 8 aa ae being given to figured dimensions over scale and to large scale rawings over small. IATERTAL AND WORKMANSHIP: Unless otherwise particularly stated, the Contractor shall prow e all labor mentioned in the specifica- tions ORS and at such’ times as may be best for the proper conduct of the entire work, and all work shall be executed in a neat, skillful, and workmanlike manner. Materials shall be of the best of their respective kinds, and shall be new in all cases unless otherwise particularly noted, The Architects will notify the Contractor of rejected or faulty — work on discovery, but their failure to detect omissions from, or violations of fhe contract shall not act as a waiver of the Owner's right growing out of defects in work, or material, GENERAL CONDITIONS ~ 2 - eS ae % os ee Seca GENERAL CONDITIONS (Cont'd. ) Should the Contractor desire to substitute material different from that explicitly called for (where the Specifications al~ _ low this option} he shall make the request of the Architects in Writing, giving-a complete description of the proposed substi~ tute and Bee Pines cern le: Tf the substitution is satisfac ar, written approval will be sent to the Contractor by the | Architects. ASUREMENTS ; © The Contractor shall verify all measurements at the ( Petite, and where the necessary measurements cannot be secured at the Duilding when remired, the matter shall be referred to the Architects. UPERINTENDENCH: The Contractor shall personally superintend the | work or shall have some competent person on the work at all times to act for him, and shall furnish all derricks, hoists, runways, apparatus, and scaffolding, chutes, labor and all other services necessary for, and incidental to, the performance of the work in the best possible manner according to these specifications and the contract. INTRACTOR: The Contractor shall not assign the contract or ‘gublet any pertion of the work without the written aN of the Architects, and should he desire to sub-let any of the work, he shall so request in writing, giving the name and address of the proposed sub-contractor, and defining the paevaen of the work he wishes to sub-let, the proposed sub-contractor is satisfactory, the Architects will signify their approval in writing but such approval shall not relisve the contractor of full responsibility for the work. AMAGES AND REPAIRS: The Contractor shall pay for all glass which _ may be brcken or eee by himself, his employees, or sub-ccn- tractors, and he shall also be responsible for all other damage of every cescription of any of the permanent or temporary pcr- tions of the building, materials, and apparatus in and about the premises where such damage is caused in any way by the operations conducted by the Contractor. PLASTER PATCHING: The Contractor shall pay for the patching of all fo) > te damaged or a eeed in any manner in any part of the | uilding, due to the carelessness of himself, his sub-con- tractors, or his workmen, _ LAWS AND ORDINANCES: The Contractor shall be responsible for each and every violation of any and all ordinances and rules of all departments of the municipal government and of the state laws in so far as such ordinances, rules, and laws relate to, or. _ govern all or any portion of the work contemplated under this contract. ADVERTISING: All advertising privileges will be retained by the _ Owner, and the contractor shall keep all permanent and temporary or which come under his cuper- and other decorations, unless _ surfaces, whether built by him Wee 2S. 0N free from advertisement authorized by Owner. INSPECTION: The Contractor shall maintain proper facilities and shall ae Eeece safe access for inspection to all parts of the work and to all shops and factories wherein work is being prepared for \ this’ building. iq GENERAL CONDITIONS - 3 - ! ear ce y, Teer af | oe GENERAL CONDITIONS (Cont'd. ) No work shall be enclosed or permanently covered until ap- proved and should any work be covered without the Architects approval it shall be uncovered for examination by the Con- tractor, when requested, : (OOPERATION: The Contractor shall co-operate with all other con- _. tractors employed by the Owner in connection with this ve in such manner and to such an extent as to best facilitate the © completion of the entire project within the time stipulated in the contract, subject to the approval of the Owner at all times, It shall be clearly understood that the Owner reserves the right and intends to award other contracts for work to be con= ducted on the premises at the same time and in connection with the work contemplated under this contract, and it shall be the ate of the contractor to work with such other contractors and employees rendering such assistance and so arranging his work that the entire project will be delivered complete in the best possible condition when required, ALTERATIONS: The Owner reserves the right to alter any ae of the _ Plans or Specifications at any tims. The additicnal cost of -_ construction, if any, resulting from such alterations as may be desired, shall be charged as an “extra” and if any altera- tion reduces the cost of construction, such reduction shall revert as a "credit to the Omer, The amount of "extra" or "credit" for-each alteration shall be agreed upon in writing between the Architects or Owner and Contractor in advance, EXTRAS: No claim for extras will be allowed unless said extra work shall have been ordered by the Owner or Architects in writing and the price of same agreed upon beforehand. WORKMANSHIP ON ALTERATIONS: Any contractor, or sub-contractor, re- ; quiring any alteration, ee ae or workmanship of any kind belonging to another craft, sha 1 have same done by the craft _ to which such work belongs, DISCREPANCY: Where a discrepancy occurs between these General Con- ditions and the General Conditions set forth in the Contract these General Conditions shall take precedence. Note: These Specifications and accompanying tera ue shall be returned to the Architects when the bid is submitted, GENERAL CONDITIONS = 4 = — Wichita High School 906 isis GENERAL ITEMS FIRE, LIGHTNING AND TORNADO INSURANCE; Fire ey suente and Tornado | Insurance shall be taken out and paid for this Contractor, and the Policy shall be for the benefit of the Contractor and the Owners as their interests may appear. It shall be the duty | the Owners informed as to the amount of of the Contractor to keep - insurance in effect. This Contractor shall be responsible for. any losses occurring due to negligence in not pages te suffici-~ ent and proper protection against fire, lightning and tornado. CONDITION OF SITE: The Contractor shall accept the Site in its esent condition, The Site is clear of all trees, buildings, and other obstructions and is practically level as indicate by P20. Flan, RECAPITULATION OF BID: The Contractor shall furnish the Architects a Recapitulation of his bid to be used as a basis for determin- ing Monthly Estimates. METHOD OF PAYMENTS: Payments will be made monthly on or before the tenth of the month on Certificates issued by the Architects, Contractor shall present his Monthly Estimate to the Architects not later than one (1) week before the first pono in the _ Month. The Monthly Estimates shall be based upon Labor per~. formed and Material delivered and accepted on the site, but in no event shall such estimate exceed the amounts set out in the Recapitulation of Contractor's Bid. Fifteen (15) per cent of each estimate will be retained wntil final payment. Contractor shall show receipted bills for all material for which Certifi- cate was issued the previous month before the following Certif- icate will be issued. Before Final Certificate will be issued, the Contractor shall make affidavit that all bills incurred on ‘this job have been paid. 2 INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT: The Owners reserve the right to proceed with the installation of Equipment when same does not interfere _ with the work of the various bontractors. WORKMANSHIP: The workmanship shall be first class in every respect and the Architects reserve the right to require the removal of any workman if, in their judgmes:, it seems to be to the interest of the Owners fo do so. Speke Aaa GENERAL -i1-— ITEMS Wichita High School 906 ese GENERAL ITEMS (Cont'd. ) BUILDING PERMIT; General Contractor shall obtain the Building Permit Bee vey for same; but Owner will reimburse the Contractor follow- ing the next Bee Board Meeting. This item should not be included in Bidders Estimate. TESTING MATFRIALS: Contractor shall allow Five Hundred Dollars ($509.00) in his bid for testing material at the request of the Architects, Any portion of this amount not required for the cost of tests shall revert to the Owner. WATER: Contractor shail pay for all water required for his worke Contractor shall pay for all permits and connections necessar if City Water is used. A goods pply of water may be found a a depth of approximately twenty ( 0} feet. FIELD OFFICE AND TELEPHONE: The General Contractor shall furnish a temporary storm proof shelter or desk room for the use of the Architects! Superintendent and the storaze of such Plans and Specifications as may be required for the job. Same to be safe~ guarded from the pablic by means of lock ard key. 8 shall also have installed and maintained ai the earliest possible time,a telephone for his own and the Superintendent's Pause. : GAS PERMIT: Should the Contractor desire to use gas he shall obtain and pay for all permits, and necessary connections and piping, and for ail gas used. ELECTRICAL PERMIT; Should the Contractor desire to use Electricity | he shail obtain and pay for all permits, necessary connections and wiring, and for ai Slectricic used, tractor shall be provided by the General Contractor at his own © TEMPORARY HEAT: Any eAuporary Heat required by the General Con- expense. GENERAL ees ITEMS LS : a 2 eee | ~ tees Ve aed ; NUMBER 3: Leave openings for and build in wall boxes for the - £Unit Heaters as directed by the Heating Contractor. = Heating Contractor to furnish Grilles, Wall Boxes, and G. I, Collars for same whcn directed by the General Contractor. The above mentioned materials are to be ainted by the General Contractor as speciified under ainting Specificati ons, m 4; Leave all openings in floors and walls as per de- tailed measurements, or as directed by the Heating Contractor. . R 5: Build in all necessary pipe thimbles or sleeves in walls and floors where directed by the Heating Contractor, who shall furnish same at such times as directed by the General Contractor. — See: Install bolts for radiator supports for all radia- 3 throughout the tenes Bolts and location for e to be furnished by Heating Contractor. Wichita High School S06 Toile MATERIAL TO BE FURNISHED AND WORK TO BE DONE BY GENERAL CON- Rea CONNECTION WITH THE BOILER HOUSE AND TUNNEL HRATING POLEMs*-B- + NUMBER 1: Excavate for and build Pipe and Conduit Tunhel as shown on Plans and Details, connecting the present Tunnel to the High School Building. pening to be made into present Turne! and connection to be made water tigns. NUMBER 2: Leave all onenings in Walls and Floors as directed by Heating Contractor. NUMBER 3: Excavate for and build necessary Foundations for the three (3) Boilers, Pumps, Etc., all as directed by the Heating Contractor, Nesessary Bolts and Tewolates for Setting same to be furnished and placed by the Feating Contractor when concrets is being poured. Concrete shall be as specified under "Non-reinforced Concrete", NUMBER 4; Build all necessary Pipe Sleeves in Floors where directed and set by the Heating Contractor. NUMBER 5: Build in all necessary Pipe Anchors in Walls and Root as directed and set by the Heating Contractor. Wichita High School 906 Leds EXCAVATION SCOPE OF WORK: This Contractor shall do all necessary excavation BACK 4 for the installation of the permanent work, except the heati and aera pipes, the trenches for which will be. opened an filled by the Contractor for same, but the Masonry Contractor shall leave box openings for pipes passing through walls and footings, eres Seen tay th Contractor shall pile the dirt as directed and top soil shall be piled separate and be used for finished grading. In all cases shali the footings extend to a good bearing soil. The soil is Black Loam and Sand. Con- tractor will note that under outside class rooms of Main Build- ing the top soil shall be removed to a depth of one foot and six inches (1? 6"} below natural grade. ‘There will be no sur~ plus dirt to be removed from the premises. FILLING: In back filling, the dirt shall be well, tamped and shall be done as soon as damp proofing has been finished and approved by the Architects. | FINISHED GRADE: This Contractor shall be required to use the dirt from excavation in finished Bradt ne, but any additional dirt and labor required for completing the grading will be furnished by the Q wners. SUB-GRADE: All fills shall be made in a manner satisfactory to the perishable material is probibi ed, All soft and spongy p 7 ls Architects. The use of muck, quick sand, soft clay, spongy or laces shall be removed and all depressions filled with suita Which shall be thoroughly compacted, The sub-grade shall be BeeepueR ly tamped until it is brought to a firm, unyielding sw- ce. material tie) Wichita High School 906 L.5 ave SCOPE OF WORK: This Contractor shall furnish all Materials and Labor . necessary _to properly install all Concrete Wofk in connection with the Builbings. All Concrete Work without exception shail be of peor rede and quality and finished in a first class manner. erever Concrete Work is covered both in these Speci- fications and under "Reinforced Concrete eee ees same shall be done in accordance with the Structural Specifications under Reinforced Concrete Work and according to finished work és outlined in these Specifications. Where Concrete Work 1s shown and called for on the Drawings it shall be installed in accordance with similar work in the building whether or not it is specifically specified in these Specifications or elsewhere. MATERIALS: Cement, Sand, and Rock shall be as specified under Re- inforced Concrete. NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE: .. te His All Non-reinforceqd Concrete unless otherwise specified shall onsist of one (i) part cement, three (3} parts sand, and five rts crushed stone. The Architects reserve the right to vary the amount of the sand according to the coarseness or fine~ ness of the stone. | CONCRETE FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATION WALLS: The Footings shall in all cas- es extend to a depth shown on drawings, but if good bearing soil is not reached at that point they shall be extended as directed by the Architects, cost of such extension to be agreed upon be-— forehand, moot ae may be poured in trenches if same are true and straight, All Concrete Walls above Footings shall be formed _ 0h both sides. Footings shall be poured before forms for Walls ake set, Where Concrete Foundation Walls extend above finished figor line in Gymnasiums, Locker and Shower Rooms, Swimming Pool att Manuel Training Building, and all other places as jndicated on the : wings, the inside form shall be made of one (1) inch 26 ae 6) inch tongue and grooved flooring free from any ob- _ structions securely nailed and so built as to leave a smooth tni- form surface, : CONCRETE AIR DUCTS: This Contractor shall excavate for and build | the Concrete Air Ducts under the First Floor as shown on the Drawings. These Ducts shall be built in conjunction with the Concrete Floors, The Sides and Bottom shall be as shown, and __-waterproofed with Hydrated Lime to the extent of ten (10) per \ cent of the volume of the Cement in the Concrete, All Sides. sha e smooth. e Forms sha e built o iplap, and se~__. hall b th. The F hall be built of Shipl Be d se- RA Sept poet Any uneven surfaces shall be troweled smooth with . : Cement Mortar. See Steel Plans for Reinforcing Steel over Air Ducts. Proper provision shall be made by this Contractor for as all Dampers, Louvres, or Deflectors where shown or. celled for on Drawings, The Anchors for same will be furnished by the Heating Contractor but installed this Contractor as directed by the Heating Contractor. The Dampers, Louvres, De~ Bettas etc., will be furnished and installed by the. Heating ontractor. 7 _ CONCRETE FLOORS: All Concrete Floors except where otherwise indicated. we on Drawings shall be of Concrete with Cement Finish. Wherever Drains are shown Floors shall slope gradually toward same. Care _--~—s shall be exercised to insure complete drainage of al1 portions of room. The General Contractor shall be responsible for giving ee Rae uRey: pues WICHITA HIGH SCHOOL 906 NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE (Cont'd, ) the Plumbing Contractor correct height of all Drains. There shall be a Concrete Finished Floor wherever same, is called for on Plans ee eee rooms unless otherwise called for or a different pees loor is indicated_on Drawings. The thick- ness of the Uoncrete Base under all Floors on Dirt Fill shall be of the thickness called for on Plans or in Reinforced Concrete Specifications, unless otherwise called for. All concrete base or_both Cement and other finish Floors which occur on Dirt Fill shall be at least four (4) inches in thickness, See the Rein- forced Concrete Specifications and Drawings for reinforcing of Concrete on Dirt Fill, There shall be a one inch top on all Cement Finish Floors; same to consist of two (2) parts Cement and three (3) parts screened Sand. Before the Concrete Base on dirt fills is MyDS the Dirt or Sand shall be thoroughl tamped and flooded and given sufficient time for settling, floors shall be panelled where directed. Where Concrete Base and Bor- der occur there shall be a neatly cut V Joint between Border and Floor. Concrete Base shall be cleaned with Huratic Acid Solu- tion and well washed with water and given a coat of neat cement before top is applied. . CONCRETE STAIRS AND STEPS: All Concrete Stairs and St - in connection With the Buildings shall have a one and one-half 12) inch__ Cement Finish on Treads, and Risers shall have a thin Cement Fin- ish and conform to details, Finish Concrete for eat work in con- nection with Stairs and Steps shall consist of two (2) parts Ce- ment and three (3) parts sand. All Concrete Stairs and Steps shail have Safety Treads as hereinafter specified. CONCRETE PLATFORMS AND SIDEWALKS: Ay all entrances Beers Main En- earrs there shall be a five (5) inch Concrete Platform with a one (1) inch Cement Top Finish as specified for Cement Finish Floors. Platforms shall be of size as noted on Drawings, All other walks not shown on Drawings will be installed by Owners. ‘The present sidewalks shall be preserved as much as possible. CEMENT COVE BASE AND BORDER: There shall be a four (4) inch Cement Base in Corridors of Wain Building and on all Stair Landings. There shall be a six 6) inch Cement Base where indicated on the awings, There shall be a six (6 inch cement border wherever aye Base occurs, All Base an rder shall consist of two parts Cement and three (3) parts screened Sand. CEMENT THRESHOLDS; There shall be Cenent Thresholds wherever Cement Floor joins wood floor, except where other es are called for. Cement Thresholds shall be as per Detail, and there shall be Lock Strip" between wood floor and threshold, Lock Strip to be manufactured by the Traitel Marble Company, Long Island City, New York, or its approved equal. METAL BASE SCREED: Wherever Concrete Base or Concrete Wall Stringer | occurs in connection with Plastered Walls, furnish and instal Screed to be Knapp Bros. Mfg. Company's Number Metal Base Scréed: at ~two (43), Berger Mfg. Company's Curved Point, or approved — OqUat. | | ak ce ; a 3 ana re ee Mas 2 a sees Be x Wichita High School 906 NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE (Cont?a. } CEMENT WALL STRINGERS: There sll be a Cement Wall Stringer for all Concrete Stairs; same to be as specified for Cement Cove Rass. CINDER CONCRETE: Wherever Cinder Concrete is called for or necessary for saddles, it shall consist of ene (1) part Cement, three (3) parts Sand, and five (5) parts Cinders, Cinders must be good solid Cinders ranging from cne-fourth {1/4} inch to one ,i} inch in size. Nothing that will pagsa one-fourth (1/4) inch mesh screen or will not pass a cne {1/1} inch screen shall be used. Ginder Concrete shall be reinforced with. sixteen (16} gauge . Galvanized Wire Fencing. Saddles shall be given sufficient pitch to drain water. COLLARS’, ETC: Insert Metal Collars or Sleeves furnished by others in» | all Slabs for all Pipes and Conduits where directed by other Craftsmen. The Contractor shall prowre from the other Crafts- men the exact location ef Pipes, Traps and Fittings and do ail A esa same required by the desiga and as directed by the Architects. ANCHORS AND HANGERS: This Contractor shall build in all Anchors, ers, Supports, Guides, etc., furnished and placed by the. Heating and Plumbing and other Contractors and necessary for their work. 2 Wichita High School 906 G.H ED CONGR (Cont'd, ) Drawings, ,Lintels shall be full width of the Walls, not less than one (1) foot deep, and in all cases, shall be made of con- rete consisting of one part coment, two (2) parts Sand, and four (2) parts stone, . The steel rods shall extend the full length of the Lintel and Lintels shall have an eight (8) inch bearing, Rods shall be standard reinforcing rods; openings of four (4) feet’or less shail have three (3) one-half (fz) inch round - 135%3; popes oyer four (4) feet in width shall have three 3) five-eighths (5/8) inch round rods, unless otherwise shown, Reinforcing shall-be properly spaced and shall be one (1) inch from under side of Lintel, ~ FLOOR SLAB ON EARTH: The Floors and Stair Slabs on earth shall be of four (4) inch concrete slab base, reinforced with Number American Steel & Wire Company Triangle Wire Mesh or approved equal. Slab to be laid on a well tamped dirt base. ROOF SLAB: Roof Slab shall be formed flat cane where shown to slope on Drawings, Especial care must be taken that top sur- faces are smooth and free from sinkages. Slab over Auditcrium shall be two and one-half (2 1/3) inches thick. NOTIFICATION OF OTHER CONTRACTORS: This Contractor shall notify the . Klectrician, Plumber, Steam Fitter, Htc., as soon as the form work for each respective floor is ready and before concrete is. poured, and he shall give them reasonable time to complete their baer o0 of the work necessary to lay their conduit, pipe, etc., efore starting to concrete. ; GENERAL; All Cement Work without exception shall be of the highest Tales and quality conforming strictly to the most modern prac-— ice of execution. The Contractor shall include in his estimate all concrete work both Bee and reinforced, to completely finish this building without exception. | _ SLAB TESTS: If deemed parecer y by the Architects the slabs shall ibe -~ tested by loading two (2) selected panels on each floor, load y distributed on the whole panel and one third of dd- ing uniform s of twice the livc loads required being seventy~ — oining pane ive "i ounds per square foot for corridors and Auditorium and fort (40) pounds per square foot for all class room floors, and thirty (30) pounds for root without showing a deflection of more than one four-hundredths (1/400) of the span. oo Me Wichita High School 906 LeSe 50 SCOPE OF WORK: This Contractor shall furnish and install ail Stone, Brick, Hollow ~T ile, and such cther work as should be included in Masonry Work. - COMMON BRICK: Common Brick for concealed work and plastered walls . shall be best grade, hard burned Common Builders. Common Prick for facing interior walls of Gymasiums, Locker and Shower Rooms, Oifices, Examination Rooms Rubbing Rooms and Swimming Pool Rooms in the Gymnasium Building and all unplas- tered walls in Mannal Training Buildings shall be Selected : Common Builders: uniform as t) shade and size and free from surface defects, Brick to be equal to samples in Architects! ~ office. Exposed corner brick shall be bull-nosed., Radiys of bull-nose shall be approximately one and one-half (1 1/2) inch. HOLLOW TILE: Where Interlocking Hollow Tile is called for, same shall be Dennison's Interlocking Tile, or its approved equal. Where Straight Hollow Tile is called for, any well constructed Hollow Tile wiil be acesptable. a Ra All Hollow Tile’shall be well burned, straight, and in first class condition, Hollow Tile for load bearing walls shail have a crushing strength of not less than five hundred (500) pounds per square inch. HOLLOW TILE WORK: The exterior walls of the Main Building shall be backed with Intexlocking Hollow Tile. Interior Walls that are bearing walls where Tile or brick are called for, shall be of Inter- locking Hollow Tile or Common Brick. Interior Walls that are net bearing walls where Hollow Tile or Brick is called for mey be constructed of interlocking Hollow Tile, Straight Tile or Common Brick, In no case shail there be legs than four (4) courses of brick between Lintels, Beams, Floor or Roof Construc- tion and the Hollew Tile. ‘ Joints shall be worked full and all bonding in Interior Walls shall be done with Brick Header Courses every sixth course. All bonding in Exterior Walls, except where heading in courses are called for, shall be done with Standard Corrugated Metal Ties. COMMON BRICK WORK: All joints, horizontal and vertical, shall be: worked full and shoved and all bonding in Interior Walls shall be done with Headers every sixth course. All bonding in Exterior Bee reent where eee in Sourses are called for, shail be done with Standard Corrugated ifetal Ties. Every other brick in every sixth (6) course shall be bonded. All poeres windows and decor jambs shall be laid up with Common Brick and shall be laid in a rich Cement Mortar. All common brick work that is to be left exposed shall be — jaid in the same mortar as specified for Common Brick work. Joints shall be concave and ironed, _ CHASES: This Contractor shall build all necessary Chases for Plumb ing and Heating Pipes, Vent Pipes, Waste Pipes, Conduits, etc. _ Chases shall be of proper size, located where shown or directed ee by other Contractors, This Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining this information from the other Contractors. - Sa -10- Saat a 6 ey malta he % wp ‘a ; LEY 7 WICHTTA HIGH SCHOOL 906 MASONRY (Cont'd. } BUTTRESSES: Buttresses shall be backed up with common brick. Tower Walls and Buttresses shall be laid in cement mortar. FACE BRICK: Face Brick shall be VVV, Dark Mingled Shades, or Brocade Numbers 915, 916, and 917, mingled, or their approved e ae | Contractor shall furnish Architects with brick showing two 2) extreme shades of brick proposed for Architects’ approval. — Face Brick shall be used on all Elevations except in Courts, and where Common Brick is called for on Elevations. Note: VVV Mats are Lumbermens Supply Ee Products and Brocades are Reliance Brick Company's Product. FACE B hi WORK: All Face Brick shall be laid with a one-fourth (1/4) inch vertical joint and approximately one-half (1/2) inch horizontal joint, courses to work to height called for on Draw- ings. Joints shall be raked'’a full tirce--eignths (3/8) inch deep and ironed, Color of Mortar shall be Chocolate and of the shade selected by Architects, Contractor shali lay up not less than five (5) panels with fifty (50) brick in each panel, under the direction of the Architects,-to be used in selecting color of mortar and method of zines brick. Care shall be exercised in keeping the face of brick free from mortar and any smeared brick shall be removed. Parapet Walls shall be backed with Common Builders and all Fire Walls shall be of Common Builders, No Fire Walls shall be less than eighteen (18) inches high above YOO. GYPSUM BLOCKS: All Gypsum Blocks shall be "Pyro Bar", "American", "Acme", or their approved equal. - - Gypsum Blocks shall be Jaid in Lime Mortar ete with Por t- land Cement, All Lime Putty shall have been slacked not less than one (1) week before being used, All Lintels over openings in Gypsum Block Partitions shall be of the Jack Arch Type. Skew Backs shall be cut in the Jamb Tile and the Tile above the openings shall be cut in the shape a pecolts symmetrically over the opening with a Keystone in 6 center. . Where Trim occurs peace proper nailing blocks for securing same, Where Plumbing Fixtures or Pipe occurs in Gypsum Block Wa Ls; the walls shall be of studding in the proper size and height to rovide for same. There shall be a plate at top and bottom of he stud wall with proper anchors to Floor and G sum Block, Studs oe be covered with Metal Lath, same to lap at least twelve (12) inches on Gypsum Blocks, _ CLEANING AND POINTING OF BRICK WORK: All Face Brick Work must be care~ | fully and neatly pointed. All holes and crevices shall be well filled and before peepee sion of building, all Face Brick Work | shali be thoro Ly cleaned with fibre Brushes and clean water. ___——s No acid will be allowed except in special cases and permission must be obtained from the Architects beforehand. -~ll= Wich®ta Hich School 906 owe MASONRY (Cont!a.) OLORED MORTAR: ALL Colored Mortar shall consist of: pee follow~ ing mixture: Twenty-five (25) shovels of sand, shovels cf Lime Putty, and-ore and one Mag - "i 2 oe % he - , i pee aN TN, o> Sri eet - iv a ¥ oy! is x a Fale a Fe U7 — . ray A " x i “ and grooved, and tightly milled. Ae where Fir Floor is called for on Drawings all Wood Floors shall be Maple. d _ INTERIOR DOORS: All Interior Doors not otherwise shown or specified S shall be Paine Lumber Company's "Miracle" Door or doors of ap- proved construction and design. -All Interjor Doors of stock de- Sign shall be one and three-fourths 3/4) inch thick, All ee doors with grilles and doors three ( wide or over shall have five (5) ply p nels; Doors less than three (3) feet wide shall have-three ( 4 ply els. Doors without glass pees or - wire grille shall-be ae byl panel doors. See Door Schedule es for description of doors.- Glass in panels shall be select ~ _ A.A.D.S. Wire Grilles shall be furnished by this Contractor. Grilles shall be full width of panel and Sua » Grilles shall be one (1) inch diamond mesh of Number Twelve (iz) wire set in Se eee Wichita High School 906 Lede CARPENTRY (Cont'd. ) metal frame and neatly fit into panel in door, panel to be in lower ak Pine on Schedule shall art of door, All doors designated as White : ave solid rails and stiles and birch panels. Doors designated as . Oak shall be Oak Veneered and have Oak Panels. All doors shall. be sanded and in first class shape for receiving finish. See details for special doors. INTERIOR TRIM: All Interior Trim shall be as called for in details and thoroughly seasoned and kiln dried, shall be belt sanded and sig in first class condition for receiving finish. Where Trim is no called for or shown on the Drawings but reasonably implied it shall be furnished and secured by this Contractor and shall har- monize with adjacent Trim. The following is a schedule of Trim in the various buildings: OAK TRIM SCHEDULE: | | MAIN BUILDING: There shall be Oak Trim in all Corridors, in the Auditorium, all Offices, and wherever White Pine or Yellow Pine Trim is not called for. GYMNASIUM BUILDING: There shall be Oak Trim in Foyer of ymnasium, Building, MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING: There shall be Oak Trim in Journal- ism Room, Office in comection with same and small Corri- dor leading to Main Corridor. BOILER HOUSE: There shall be no Oak Trim in Boiler House, WHITE PINE TRIM SCHEDULE: MAIN BUILDING: Domestic Science, Domestic Art and Accessory Hooms, All Toilet Rooms. Cafeterias. Kitchen. Teachers! Rest Room Girls' Emergency Room, GYMNASIUM BUILDING; There shall be White Pine Trim throughout nie al in Foyer and where metal trim is called for and S steel sash is called for. MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING: There shall be White Pine Trim throughout the Art Rooms, Office in connection with same, in the Hallway and Stairway leading to First Floor, BOILER HOUSE; There shall be no White Pine Trim in Boiler ouse, DS en Wichita High School z 906 e Lede CARPENTRY (Cont'd. } YELLOW PINE TRIM SCHEDULE; MAIN BUILDING: Engine Rooms "A" and "B" Fan Rooms "A" and "B". fan Soe teas snes Third Floors nd Storage Rooms on thi Shelving in the following: Teachers’ Closets, Bookcases | and cupboards. : : Storage Rooms in comection with Kitchen» Storage Rooms and Dressing Rooms off Stage. GYMNASIUM BUILDING: There will be no Yellow Pine Trim in the Gymnasium Building. MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING; There shall be Yellow Pine Trim throughout except where White Pine or Oak Trim is spec= ified. BOILER HOUSE: All Trim in Boiler House shall be Yellow Pine. BASE AND SHOE: There shall be a wood base and shoe wherever wood floor occurs except where otherwise called for, Base and Shoe shall be as per details. In the two (2) Gymnasiums there will be no wood base in connection with wood floor. tt the Manual Training Building there shall be a one and one-half 1 1/2) inch quarter round in connection with wood floors in all rooms that are not plastered. OAK TRIM: Oak Trim shall be plain sawed Red_Oak or White Oak, but ) all Oak Trim and Doors shall’ be either Red Oak or White dak throughout at Contractor's res All other rooms not otherwise | Specified shall have Oak Trin. WAINSCOT CAP: ‘There shail be a Wainscot Cap in all Corridors except where Lockers occur, See Details for location of Wainscot Caps. There shall be a Wainscot Cap in Faculty Cafeteria. PICTURE MOULD: There shall’ be a Picture Mould in all Main Buildi Class hooms, Corridors, Halls, Library, Office Rooms, and Public Speaking Room. = Ss Bee INTERIOR DOOR JAMBS: All Interior Door Jambs shall be as detailed with Fe applied wood st Ds where detail is not shown, Jamb shall be one ( 1/8) inch thick. DOOR FRAMES: Exterior Door Frames shall be one and three-fourths (1 3/4) _ inches thick, rabbetted, and of thoroughly seasoned White Pine or Cypress, Frame shall be set plumb and screwed into place by _ wrought iron hold-fasts secured to the frame and bui (3/2) and one~eighth ‘Masonry, ‘Transom Sash shall be one and three—fourth inches thick, uot ss Wichita High School 906 ave CARPENTRY (Cont!d. ) WOOD BUCKS: In all openings in Gypsum Block Walls secure_a two (2) inch wood Buck a head and jamb Buck to be securely anchored to Gypsum Blocks and full width of walls. See detail for corri- dor door openings. RUNWAYS IN ATTIC OVER AUDITORIUM: In the Attic over Auditorium there shall be plank eu ele to all Ceiling Fixtures, Runways shall be not less than sixteen inches wide. GROUNDS: Secure one-half (1/2) inch grounds wherever necessary for securing Trim. All Grounds to be securely fastened and in perfect alignment for Plastering. Blocks for securing .3grounds shall be fiat into Masonry. Spot Grounds shall be used for securing Picture Mould in Corridors. dance with Details of clear White Pine or eiprense Frames shall be his (7/ anchored to Masonry. FPulley Stiles shall be seven 11/8) inches thick. Sill shall be one and three-fourths WATER BARS: The underside of the wood sill shall be plowed as shovn on the drawings and just before the frame_is set the grooves both in the wood and the stone sill, shall be filled with putty and the iron bar imbsdded as the frame is being set. Jars to be finished by Masonry Contractor and shall be one-fourth (1/4) inch by one and one-fourth (1 1/4) inch wrought iron. - - CAULKING WINDOW AND DOOR FR¢MES: All Window and Door Frames shall be Caulked and made thoroughly rain and weather proof with an approved Caulking Material. DOUBLE HUNG SASH: Al1-Double Bune Sash shall be of White Pine one and three-fourth (1 3/4) inches thick, of check rail type rabbetted for receiving glass. SASH PULLEYS: ‘Sash Pulleys shall be cast iron with Steel Turned Axle : with Koller Bearing and of Standard Make. _ SASH WEIGHTS: Sash Weights shall be sust iron. ‘ SASH CORDS: Sash Cord shall be "Silver Lake", Sampson Spot Cord" or approved equal. Cord shall sustain twice the combined weight of a a “sash weight, Size of cord to be not less than Number en» « EXTERIOR WOOD WORK: All Exterior Wood Work not otherwise specified shall be thoroughly seasoned Cypress or White Pine of best grade. _ RAPTERS, PLATES AND STUDS: All Rafters, Plates and Studs where called Bi for on Drawings shall be of the size noted and shall be of Long . Leaf Yellow Pine. ; x All Rafters shall be placed with the crown edge as : Plates shall be semrely anchored to walls, and all Studs in yer- _ _ titions shall be braced laterly at least once, Mit ee } Wichita High School 906 Lede GARPENTRY (Cont'd. ) Slate SHEATHING: Sheathing for/ Shingle Roof shall be shiplap and shall be free from ali large and loose knots. Sheathing shall be securely nailed and in all cases shall break joint over rafters. DOORS IN DUCTS: All Doors leading to Ducts under First Floor and in Attic may be built up of White Pine or Cypress, same to be well constructed and set in plank frame. SANDING FLOORS: A11 wood floors throughout shall be sanded and left in first class condition for receiving finish. Flooring in Gymnasiums shall be sanded and put in condition suitable for Gymnasium Floors. WOOD HAND RAILS: Wood Hand Rails shall be one and three-fourths (1 3/4 inches in diameter, and shall be turned into wall at ends. -. Anchors for Hand Rails shall be as per detail with bolts passing oe wall, Wood in Hand Rails to match trim. Hand Rail for ~ Iron Stairway in Gymnasium Building shall be as in Detail Drawing. BULLETIN BOARDS: All Bulletin Boards: shall be Breen cork linoleum of approved shade. linoleum shall be glued with furniture glue to panel board_back or shall be "Kencor" as mde by David ke . pay Inc. In no case will joining be allowed in any Bulletin Oar des ; Proper provision for expansion and contraction shall be provided for in installing the linoleum. SHELVING AND HOOK STRIPS: In all closets there shall be shelves and hook strips as called’for on Drawings. Shelving and Hook Strips may be of Yellow Pine. Hook Strips shall be installed on at least three (3) sides of closets, Height of shelves and hook strips to be-as directed. TRONING BOARDS: Furnish and install in Domestic Art Room two (2) Murphy Ironing Boards or their approved emal. n- FLAG POLE ON GYMNASIUM: Flag Pole on pease shall be as per draw- ; ings and of selected, well seasoned cypress. _ RAISED FLOOR IN LECTURE ROOMS: Raised floor in lecture rooms shall be | securely constructed and risers and treads shall be of Yellow Pine. WOOD STEPS IN BALCONY IN GYMNASIUM: Wood steps in Balcony in Gymnasium : shall be of Yellow Pine. _ INTERIOR WOOD CORNICES:° Interior wood cornices shall be as per details e end firmly secured. ~ ACOUSTICAL FRAMES: Acoustical Frames shall be as per details, - BLOCKING FOR AUDITORIUM ARCH: The blocking for Auditorium Arch shall be of wood and as per details. CURTAIN STRIPS OF STAGE CEILING: Curtain Strips of Stage Ceiling shall be as called for on Drawings, Se Ys ie ’, i cot Be Si ih ee ar? ‘ Wichita High School 906 Ms CARPENTRY (Cont1d. ) - WOOD FIOOR IN GYMNASIUM BALCONIES: Wood Floor in Gymnasium Balconies Shall be of Yellow Pine planks. STUD WALLS FOR PLUMBING IN PYROBAR CONSTRUCTION: Where plumbing is to be supported all Pyrobar Walls and partitions shall be pro- 8 size wood studs sixteen (16) inches on center with top and ottom plate and all necessary cross bracing and blocking for Securing fixtures as directed by the Plumbing Contractor. FLOOR OF STAGE IN AUDITORIUM: Floor of stage in Auditorium shall be Maple as specified for Class Room Floors. FLOOR OF STAGE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING ROOM: Floor of stage in Public Speaking Room shall be of Maple. Nosing and steps leading to Pia tforn and trim in connection with same shall e of Oak. BLACKBOARDS: Furnish and install where shown con Plans, best quality genuine Bangor, or tee hand finished slate blackboards in accordance with the followin ecifications. Frames shall be of Oak and as per detail, All Backing shall be trued up and made perfectiy level, securing for the Board a wa earl ng, Slate shall be hand finished between one-fourth (1, inch and three~eighth (3/8) inches thick. pace of five-(5) feet or less shall be in one piece, five (5) to ten (10) feet in-two (2) Proce. and proceed likewise for longer piecese Bed slate with laster of Paris ganged with lime putty. Joints to be ground straight and true, to be fitted tight and glued at joints and after completion of setting, to be shaved and scraped t smoo th uniform ee at joints, Blackboards shall be three (3) feet and six (6) inches.wide. All blackboard trim shall not finish closer than six (¢ inches to door trim or to a corners, Blackboard for Slidding Blackboard shall be "Hyloplate". SLIDING BLACKBOARDS: Sliding Blackboards shall be as per detail and = counter-balanced with cast iron weights. _ ATTIC DOORS: Build doors in Attic where showm on Plans. Doors x aS a three-eighths (3/8) inch M & B set in one and one~eighth . p inch 4ambs. - WOOD SASH AND FRAMES IN EAST ELEVATIOY OF GYMNASIUM: Contractor shall 4 furnish and install wood sash and frames in Gymnasium in East Elevation where same are indicated on drawings. GROUNDS FOR GRATED OPENINGS: This Contractor shall furnish and in- 4 stall proper wood grounds for all Register Faces, Grates and other work as called for in Specifications or Drawings, CUPBOARDS AND BUILT=IN FURNITURE: All cupboards and built~in furniture as called for on drawings shall correspond to trim in room, and _ all shelves, partitions, etc., shall be of yellow pine. All work shall be properly braced and constructed in a workmanlike man- oq ner and according to details. ~23 A = ade Wichita High School 906 CARPENTRY (Cont'd, ) FINISHED HARDWARE ‘This Contractor shall install all Finish Hardware throughout and shall allow in his bid the following amount for the various buildings; for Main Building Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500 00), Gymnasium Building One Thousand Bight Hundred Dollars ( 1,800 00); Re Training Building Hight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($850.00). ‘The Hardware will be selected and purchased by the Architects and billed to the Contractor. Any change in cost from the above amounts for the various buildings shall revert to the Omer as a "Credit" or "Extra" as the case may be. Corridor Doors generally shall have one and onewhalf (1 1/2): pair of butts, a check, a mortised lock and a floor fastener, Joset doors generally shall have one and one~half (1 1/2 pair of butts and a mortised lock. - - ‘Exterior doors shall have one and one-half (1 1/2) pair of butts, and standard fire and panic bolt Jocks and-equipment, Ses Wichita High School 906 LS. LATHING AND PLASTERING ‘WORK INCLUDED: GENERAL: This Contractor. shall fumish and apply all ae Lath and Plaster required for the Buildings as called for on the ee. Drawings and in these Specifications. eo - MAIN BUILDING; All rooms, closets, corridors and places on First, Second and Third Floors in the Main Building, unless otherwise noted herein or in the drawings shall be plastered. ep The walls and ceiling of the Engine Room "A"; the walls of an Engine Room"B" ( there shall be a suspended ceiling in this ee room); the wails of Fan Rooms "A" ad "B" (there shall be a a uspended ceiling in these rooms); the walls of the een ES (the ceiling and columns in this room shall be plastered); and the interior of the Elevator Stmft shall not be plastered. | _—s GYMNASIUM BUILDING: ‘The Entrance Lobby, the Ticket Offices and the Toilet Rooms off Lobby shall be plastered. The remainder of the building is not to be plastered. ie MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING: The Art Rooms on Second Floor, the ce: Office in cownection with same, and the Hallway and Stairway ay leading to First Floor, the Office on First Floor, and Toilet — in connection with same and the Corridor jeading trom Main a4 Corridor to Office shall be plastered. The remainder of the Building is not to be plastered. = BOILER HOUSE ADDITION: There shall be no plastering in the ee Boiler House Addition. WORKMANSHIP: All workmanship must be first class in every respect, _ all angles and corners Shall be absolutely true and plumb, clean cut and square. Care shall be exercised in finishing each room without interruption and with the same batch of mortar. All work on Masonry shall be two (2) coat work and on Metal Lath three 3) coat work. Where slab construction is _ used and suspended | ete is not called for plaster may be applied directly upon : §iaDdD, _ Where Metal Lath,is applied to ceiling same shall oe all corners at least four (4) inches, Over all joints and in all corners Re Peaeeen Gype Block and other masonry construction there shall m-be an se) (8) inch strip of Metal Lath. - Over all chases in walls and partitions there shall be a strip _ of Metal Lath securely fastened and lapping not less than four bs (4) anches on each side of chase. eS ~ ag , a 4 os Be sii} Air Intake in Avditorium shall be furred with three-fourth (3/4) inch channels and covered with Metal Lath and Plaster. pats: METAL LATH: WMetal Lath shall be herring bone or diamond mesh type, «painted and of epDE AS AIS « Metal Lath for corners and Shader - shali be Number Twenty-seven (27) gauge. All other Metal Lath shall be Number Twenty-four (24) gauge. a 5 r J Lon s vs. ae ner ay te est Wichita High School 906 Lede — LATHING AND PLASTERING (Cont'd.) PLASTER MATERIALS: Hair shall consist of clean washed cattle hair, ae Hard finish shall be Best Bros. Keene's "Regular". _ oa Patent Plaster shall be Acme, Agatite, U.S. Gypsum Company *s eee _ Cenent Plaster or their approved equal. ie Lime shall be freshly burned lime "Ashgrove", "Galloway", or te their approved equal, free from impurities and lumps that will = not slake. Sand shall be clean, sharp sand. Sand shall be | well screened before using, and sand for Sand Finish shall be run through a screen satisfactory to Architects. - CORNER BEADS: Corner Beads shall be Knapp, Berger, Milwaukee _Corru- gating Company's Expansion Corner Eeads or approved equal, and shall be secured at all outside comers, such as window jambs and heads and beam comers, and corners where plastered jambs OCCUY. SUSPENDED CEILINGS: The suspended cejlings shall be supported by means of one and one~half (11/2) inch steel channel runners “ia suspended from the construction above, vy one-fourth } ee inch steel rods spaced not over four (4) feet center to center, If Hy=rib or Chanelath or approved equal is used, no cross runners are required. All Wiring to be done with eighteen ; (181 gauge annealed tie wire, If herring bone lath 1s used, © here shall be three=fourth (3/4) inch steel channels at gy an les to the larger runners and spaced not over twelve (1 inches on center. Construction in ail cases to be ap- pores by the Architects, angers shall be soft steel. _- REAR WALL OF BALCONY: Rear wall of Balcony shall be furred as ae. called for on drawings. ~ CKILINGS: Those portions of all ceilings that are not suspended, - except those where flat slabs occur, snall have metal lath ; aa applied to three-fourth (3/4) inch channels twelve (12) inches ee on center applied directly to the concrete joist. Sea roper pecs Lore shall be made for securing these chamels before the concrete is poured. é Where a flat slab occurs over a corridor the pages shall be cee.’ “peat directly to the under side of the slab. = Lath shall lap on walls at least four (4) inches, ioe: i _ PICTURE BOOTH; The walls and ceiling of the Picture Booth shall be _ .. constructed, using one and one-half (1 1/2) inch channels ee ohn thirteen (13) inches on center and lathed and plastered on _ both sides. Front of Booth to be left open as shown on Plans. SO MIXING: -All ae shall be done in water tight boxes and the premises at all times protected from damage due to mixing and _ handling of plaster. wf ee a - SCRATCH COAT: Where Metal Lath is to be covered, there shall be | ee scratch coat and a brown coat. Plaster for scratch coat to be mixed fourteen (14) shovels of sand to one (1) sack of plaster. | Peed 2 A Ln ~ Wichita High School 906 LeSe LATHING AND PLASTERING (Cont'd. } sand to one (1) sack plaster, and shall be applied a fall three-eighths (3/8) inch thick, being rodded on with long straight edges and brought ts sh with the grounds, straight ee to be at least eight feet long. All work not fin- ished flush with grounds shall be removed and replaced. BROWN COAT: The Gis coat shall be mixed eighteen (18) shovels of FINISHED eae Where Sand Finish is specified same shall consist of one (1) part Keene Cement to each five (5) parts lime putty and ten (10) parts sand. Float on with a carpet float well peeucus Where hard plaster is specified same shall con- sist of one (1) three (3) gallon pail of lime putty to each sack of Keene Cement. Finish shall be troweled to a smooth even surface. STAIR BALLUSTRADE: | The stair baliustrade shall be of solid plas- ss er, Qn one and one-half Bee 2} inch by three-sixteenths a 3/16 inch channels and three-eighths I3/¢ inch Hy-rib as ; _shown-on details. Channels will be furnished under Miscel- laneous Iron. UTILITY SPACES; All plastered Utility Spaces shall be constructed of three-fourth (3/2) inch channels sixteen (16) inches on - center and Number twenty-four (24, eee Metal Lath and plaste: channels shall be well anchored to floor and wall and the Metal Lath shall be put on the outside. The scratch coat shall be put_on the lath and the interior side shall thsn..be ra ae full covering the channels. The outside of the tility Space shall be plastered as specified for Toilet Rooms. The cement base shall continue around the Utility Space as shown on drawings. There shall be a standard Corner Bead at the break between the walls and top of all Utility Spaces and on all corners. See Drawings for details. General Contractor shall obtain accurate information for in- stallation of all fixtures, Sheet Metal Contractor will fur- nish and install Collars for Vent Screens. ___-HARD SMOOTH FINISH SCHEDULE: MAIN BUILDING; Below chair rail in Corridors. Walls and Ceilings of all Toilet Rooms. Walls, Ceiling and Columns of Large Cafeteria. a Ceilings and Columns of Kitchen, a Five foot wainscot in Faculty Cafeteria. aes Walls and Ceiling of Dark Rooms in Science Departments, Wainscot, wherever wainscot occurs. GYMNASIUM BUILDING: Toilet Rooms off Lobby. MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING: ‘Toilet Room in connection with Sees Oitice, First Floor. | Cs ton Wichita High School 906 LS. ‘LATHING AND PLASTERING (Cont'd. ) SAND FINISH PLASTER SCHEDULE: MAIN BUILDING: All finish shall be a sand finish, except _ Where otherwise called for in Hard Smooth Finish Schedule. GYMNASIUM BUILDING: All finish shall be a sand finish es where otherwise calied for in Hard Smooth Finish Schedule. MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING: All finish shall be a sand finish, : except where otherwise called for in Hard Smooth Finisn Schedule, MOULDED PLASTER: All Bee in the Anditoriun, eee and Pub- | lic Speaking Room shall be of best quality moulded plaster, well secured in place, pot on straight and plumb and all sur- ei. faces eos, perfect. All joinings shall be pointed up so - as to be invisible. Any moulded angles or lines that show “ies inaccuracies from the floor shall be cut cut and replaced, The composition called for shall be equal to that of the Archi tectural Decorating Company's Product, The Catalogne numbers reier to Architectural Decorating Company of Chicago Catalogue Number Eleven (11). Composition Band for trim about fresh air diffusers in Audi- torium shall be Number 2397, Page 205, Piaster Ceiling Band over Baicony shall be Number 6060, Page 73. “Shields over proscenium ~ two — plaster Number 3369 A, Page 213, Shields above fresh air diffusers -(2) two — plaster Number 3366 A, Page 213, NOTE; All shields leva bars shall be with the bar dexter, These numbers are given for design and quality only, and any peuct of approved design and quality may be used as a sub- SPLUULE « FURRING: Above all lockers in Corridors where walls are furred out * studs shall be lathed with Metal Lath. See Details. - PATCHING: This Contractor shall ac all patching of plaster damaged during the progress of the work. GUARANTEE: This Contractor shall guarantee all plastering for a period of one (1) year from date of completion of building, _ against all breaks, chipping, pitting, and other defects she to _ faulty workmanship or material under this contract. - hag ca RAV . me OeLyiy REMOVAL OF RUBBISH: This Contractor shall remove all his rubbish as fast as it accumulates, keeping the building clean during the progress of the work and leave the building in perfect condi- Oh tion as far as his work is concerned, uae “oo Cae erent see ae ‘ ¥ < as 7 : Ba See cr . ws eee a eer ay x o Oe, Me ae Oe ae ee Wichita High School 906 L LATHING AND PLASTERING (Cont'd. } CO: there exterior concrete base occurs same shall be stuc- _ coed. Stucco shall be mixed in the following propor tions: First Coat: One (1) Part Hydrated Lime, by Volume eet Ten (10) Parts Portlanj Cement, by Volume Two and one-half (2 1/2) Parts Sand to one (1) part Lime and Cement mixed by Volume. . 2 _ Add enough water to make stiff plaster. Finish Coat: Same mix as First Coat except add water enough Em Abas consistancy of paint and apply by dashing on with a DTUSNs _ Finish coat shall be repeated until an even surface free from cracks and checks is obtained. SPENDED CEILINGS IN AUDITORIUM: See details of special con- ___-Struction in Auditorium. Contractor shall adapt his construction to the special condition that may exist. a Eos int Shire eee ati Wichita High School 906 L PLASTERING CAEN-STONE . INCLUDED: Caen-stone finish in the Main Entrance to Main - Building as indicated on Drawings. All wall surfaces and arches peecelt be of Caen-stone, Ceiling shall be of sand finish plas- muck ¢ oy: Brown coat shall consist of gne (1) part Keene's Cement, one (1) part hydrated lime, and four (4 varts sand, Add suf- ficient amount of cattle hair to produce a fibreous material. _ Brown coat shall be rodded and floated, and free from all de- _ pressions or projections. | N-STONE: Caen-stone shall be an pores brand of Domestic Arti- _ ficial Caen-stone, and equal to the Monargque as manufactured by Clifford L. Miller, New York, N.Y. Caen=stone shall be applie according to the specifications of the manufacturer... NISHING; After the finish coat has thoroughly dried, all surfaces - ghall be re-dressed to match approved sampie, At least fifteen Se (15) days shall be allowed for proper drying. All flat and moulded surfaces shall be finished with scrapers and planers made for this purpose. NTING: All joints as shown shall be carefully cut, true, straight, and smooth, with sharp saw blades secured for the purpose, to uniform width not exceeding one-fourth (1/4) inch. ‘The gente shall be pointed, color of mortar as directed. The join s shall be neatly ironed and slightly concave. aA Wichita High School 1906 IS. LATHING AND PLASTERING (Cont'd, } BEAMS AND TRUSSES TO BE INCASED IN TOILET ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR: Where beams and trusses occur and also in passage way same shall be plastered with Best Brothers! Keene Cement Plaster, INTERIOR OF HOODS IN CHEMISTRY LABORATORY: The interior of hoods in Chemistry Laboratory shall be plastered with Best Brothers! Keene Cement Plaster, «4 380A - #, Mik Aut An Al ad 4) =e — *< BONDE . . Wichita High School 906 S) KYLIGHTS AND CEILING LIGHT WORK INCLUDED: This Contract shall include all material _and the installation of same for all Skylights and Ceiling Lights shown on Drawings. This work shall be installed by the Manufacturer and-guaranteed by the Manufacturer against defective material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of com- pagesen of work, Details of construction shall be submitted o the Architects for approval. MATERIALS AND TYPHS: The structural part of the Skylights and Ceiling Lights shall be American Three -Way-Luxfer Prism_Company's Steelead Type or approved equal. Flashing and Counterflashing shall be Hoyt Bard ieee Anchor Bolts shall be furnished and set by General Contractor but this Contractor shall direct size and spacing cf bolts. Wire Glass shall be one-fourth (1/4) inch thick. Glass in Sky- lights shall be rough. Glass in Ceiling Lights of Gymnasium, shall be polished. “Prism Glass shall be Sheet Prism in Ceiling Lights of Cafeteria. CEILING LIGHTS: Where Ceiling Lights occur under Skylights same shall be furnished and installed by this Contractcr., General Contractor will furnish and install angle iron support for Ceiling Light Construction, Sas Light Construction shall be of same type and grade as that for Skylights. Provision shall ~ be made in Ceiling Lights for allowing a man to get through same. Construction of Ceiling Light shall be ample for supporting two payed (350) Sheeran Care for ipcatien of Ceiling Bette ects NSATION GUTTERS: This Contractor shall make ample provision for taking care of moisture from condensation, Wichita High School 906 TeSe ig : ; GLAZING. JORK INCLUDED: This Contractor shall furnish, cut, fit_and install all Glass'of every description required in the Buildings, except pens, in accordance with the Drawings and these Specifi- cations. _ GLASS: All Glass not otherwise specified shall be Select "A" Quality _ Single Strength, All plain Glass shall be clear and free from waves and imperfections. Glass in.Toilet, Shower, and Swimming Pool Room Windows shall be heavy "Syenite", Glass in partitions _ shall be heavy "Syenite" unless otherwise-noted on Drawings or 7 ~~ otherwise specified herein. Glass in partitions between Study Room and Library, between Room 307 and English Practice Room feeee Shall be clear praes Glass in all windows on courts of Main 3 Building shall be "Syenite". See "Note" below. _ LEADED GLASS: Where Leaded Glass is called for on Drawings it shall _ be set in "Lead Shaped Metal". Lines shall be straight. _ WIRE GLASS: Wire Glass where called -for on drawings shall be "Rough" and not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch thick. CUTTING AND SETTING: Cut and set all Glass securely and accurately ~ wee tO. CL fit the ee e All Glass in Exterior Openings shall be bedded in putty and face puttied. All Glass in Interior Openings 4 except where Leaded Glass occurs, shall be set in wood stops, Rabbet for receiving Glass shall be primed before Glass is set. ; OKEN GLASS: This Contractor shall protect the Glass from damage during the progress of the work and shall replace any broken _ Glass that may be broken before Building is accepted by Owners, ‘CLEANING: At completion of the work all Glass shall be thoroughly cleaned using Domestic Ammonia or its approved equal. 2 ISHED WIRE GLASS: In Fume Hoods in Chemistry Laboratories there » Shall be polished wire glass as called for on Drawings. ‘STEEL SASH: Contractor for Steel Sash will furnish copper wires and clips for securing glass, but this Contractor shall furnish and install the Glass. NOTE: Glass in Auditorium Windows shall be Amber Cathedral. — Wichita High School 906 Leda eee = TI TREATMEN _ GENERAL; The Acoustical Treatment shall be confined to the Ceilingse _ The outline of the panels is shown on Plans or es herein. _ The panels shall be covered with a good grade of Marshall Field Repp, color as selected, tightly and evenl; eins leaving from one-half (272) inch to three—fourths {3)4 inches of air space between Repp-.and sound absorbing material above. The sound absorbing material shall consist of flax fibre in pressed form and in quilted form and as made by the Union Acousti~ cal Company, or chemically treated hair felt as made by Johns~ Manville Company. Above the treatment where Mate ceilings occur there shall be placed an approved material for preventing suction through eo pees The Rooistical Contractor shell ee the Repp against discoloration from dust for a period of one year from date of completion of work, The Acoustical Contractor shall |. confine his treatment to the areas shown cr specified. The thick- ness shall be not less than'one (1) inch and governed by the avail able area for the treatment. The Acoustical Contractor shall eee eet otactory results in all places where treatment is installed. _ THE MATERIAL AND LABOR TO BE FURNISHED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACOUSTICAL WORK: Furnish and install all frame work and mouldings, Rods for supporting materials shall be - installed as directed by Contractor for Acoustical Work. és CHEDULE OF ROOMS AND PLACES TO BE TREATED: ‘MAIN BUILDING: ; In Auditorium : Main Ceiling - Stage Ceiling, Ceiling under Balcony. Ceiling over Balcony. eat Study Halls (Two) tk Main Office -. - — Gre \ | Principal's Office, entire ceiling Vice Principal's Office 3 u Welfare Worker's Office ". 2 Class and Lecture Rooms according to the following numbers; 101 to 114 inclusive _i19 to 124 inclusive 201 to’ 202 | 206 to 209 inclusive ‘216 to 221 inclusive ee ‘301 to'313 inclusive Ps *316 to'317 | — —~—s- 819 to 330 inclusive GYMNASIUM BUILDING; The entire ceiling of the Band Room shall be = pis how oe - Soe os a ; MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING: The Journalism Room shall be treated. EO Sok ae ae ee pia ot eins 3) TS Sek ae ere, 3k 383 - | Oe rin Raa a rh Se hover aeast ia a > PT, POLE epee i SPN NS he Se! . Lal eT} SpE hee Bee ee iyR Pi iA ee rah ange s* 4 N x v h ‘ae . X WICHITA HIGH SCHOOL 906 ees BOILER HOUSE ADDITION AND TUNNEL ae 2 tion i NCLUDED: Contractor shall remove all necessary construc a Be or buildin addition to Boiler House and connecting presen | Tunnel to iin Building, Care shall be exercised ay Temas : present construction and Contractor shall be responsible ee mc any damages done to work that is to remain, It is sugges cee Be that the Bidders visit the site and familarize themselves wi the existing conditions. The wall to be removed in ee Wa House is of Hollow Tile below grade and of Brick above grade. GENERAL ITEMS: It is the intent and purpose of these Specifica- ; tions to govern in a general Way on y the mterial and workman- ship required for this work. The Specifications for similar material and workmanship in the Main Building shail hts for this work, The work in connection with this part of the Con— tract shall be completed at the earliest date possi ble to allow other crafts to complete their work without Hepa taaae elke the conducting of school in the Roosevelt Intermediate Building. This Contractor shall conduct his work in such a way_as not to interfere with the operation of the present Heating Plant. Present material that is to be removed may be used again if in good condition and will not mar the finished appearance of the y building. PACE BRICK: The face brick in present building shall be matched in e. every respect, Hace brick were purchased from the Reliance a Brick Company, Wichita, Kansas. "PACH BRICK WORK: Face Brick are laid in a lime, cement and mt sand mortar with a host and ironed joint, New work shall her- monize with present work, AIM: Al] trim shell be Yellow Pine and as per deteils, — _ PLASTERING: There shall be no plastering in this building, -PINISHED HARDWARE: Hinished Hardware shall be installed by this Contractor but same will be furnished under allowance for _. #inished Hardware for Main Buildine.