5 ESTEVES Peicrw es) pap depts Cee sas Fe Oe meee ‘Se ot ye) v4 CPt yet Se! ore or te o- ee Oren tt Sie tte o< fae Vat Seti Founded 1863 —Opened 1887 1b! L 3 Shelf. rot ate Gimour &-Dean ith Glasgow: England (with Plans of Towns), 10s 6d English Lakes (Flintoft’s & Foster’s Illustrations), 3s 6d Cheap Edition, 1s Galway, Connemara, and the Shannon, 1s Glasgow and Environs, ls : Gloucestershire, 2s 6d Guernsey (St. Peter Port, &c.), 1s -DA670.D c00 BLACK’S GUIDE TO DORSETSHIRE.$12TH ED. $E LETT MM ME = te Se 4 BLACK’S GUIDE TO DORSETSHIRE a) oy, Any communications with reference to this Guide-boo - may be made to the Publishers. — ae | “@AILLI E'S ee rerON r . - (2 4 * ae i . ; 1 r ¢ we Ot h Re “aan 7 are & | As ‘1, oes wy. ‘4 Pe 3 if oe : , i SA; iil MELLON ( In ‘INSTITUTION } Bog. HN r MMM 7 IM MM Yi I int OO Say CORFE CASTLE. a = ———————S SS SSS = y Wh ky Tn Pus f ae : Y) BLACK’S GUIDE TO DORSETSHIRE TWELFTH EDITION ith Maps and Allnstrations EDINBURGH ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK MDCCCLXXXVI 1 — VY The Editor will be glad to receive any notes or corrections From Tourists using this Guide-book. Communications to be aaaressed to the Publishers. on wie mak ae a ai ag F10S CONTENTS. — -<+>- — DORSETSHIRE. PAGE GENERAL SUMMARY. Statistics—Antiquities—Gentlemen’s Seats—Celebrated Men—Geologtcal Characteristics . . A - A 38-5 ROUTE I.—Atonea tHE Coast rromM POOLE to LYME REGIS. Duriston Head—St. Aldhelm’s Head—Kimmeridge Bay—WeryYMoutH—Port- land Hill—Abbotsbury—Briprort—LyYMeE ReEcis : * 6-33 ROUTE Il.—RINGWOOD vo DORCHESTER. By LONDON AND SouTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. Conford Magna—Wimborne Minster—Poole Junction—Wareham—East Stoke—Wool—Woodsford—West Stafford—DorcHESTER ; 38-65 Branch Route—From Ringwood to Salisbury ‘ : 39-44 Do. From Wimborne Minster to Salisbury . : 48-50 Do. From Wimborne to Blandford : . 50-54 \ Do. From Wareham to Corfe Castle : 56-59 > Do. From Dorchester to Blandford - 5 65-69 ~~ Do. From Dorchester to Lyme Regis ; : 82-70 ROUTE II].—DORCHESTER to YEOVIL, + wes By GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Grimstone—Maiden Newton—Evershot—Yetminster— YEOVIL - 71-76 Branch Route—From Maiden Newton to Bridport f : 72-73 Do. From Maiden Newton to Axminster ‘ 73-74 vi CONTENTS. ROUTE IV.—YEOVIL to SALISBURY. By SHERBORNE—Milborne Port—Henstridge Ash—Stallbridge—SHAFTEs- BURY—SALISBURY . 3 : e Branch Route—From Sherborne to Dorchester . ° Do. From Stallbridge to Blandford - ° Do. From Shaftesbury to Blandford : : Salisbury . : . e PAGE 76-83 83-85 87-88 92-93 93 ae ae. Kt ftps, ‘\. @ LIEN \ { / | INSTITUTION i cos ~ hi ZLAS Go Ne, sci eer” Salisbury (Wiltshire), 93. Yeovil, 76. CLUE INDEX —+— Bridport, 32. Shaftesbury, 90. Charmouth, 33. Sherborne, 77. Corfe Castle, 56. Stallbridge, 87. | Cranborne, 49. Swanage, 9. Dorchester, 60. Wareham, 54. | Lyme Regis, 35. Weymouth, 15. Poole, 5. Wimborne Minster, 45. | Ringwood, 38. Wyke Regis, 19. | (s. W.) DORSETSHIRE. GENERAL SUMMARY. Tats county, the Dorsactas of Saxon times, is one of the most agreeable districts in the south of England. Although its surface, unlike that of Devonshire, wants in richness, its extent of sea-coast, and the invigorating character of the downs which traverse the county, render Dorsetshire sufficiently attractive to the visitor in search of health, or who values the beauties of nature. The area of the county is computed at 980 square miles, or 627,265 acres (about the same size as Warwick), of which 190,000 are arable, 380,000 meadow, 10,000 woodland, and the remainder downs and waste land. The population of Dorset- shire in 1851 amounted to 184,207 persons, while in 1881 the number was 191,028, showing an increase within thirty years of 6821, or 32 per cent. The last census, however, showed a decrease of 2% per cent on that of 1871. The county, which has one Court of Quarter Sessions, and comprises nine petty sessional divisions, is for police purposes divided into nine sections. It is wholly in the diocese of Salisbury. In its climate Dorset enjoys a mild and healthful tempera- ture. The soil in the south-eastern part of the county is to a large extent composed of sand and gravel, and, except in the valleys, the same may be said of the rest of the county. Asa natural consequence, there has always been more attention paid to sheep-farming here than to arable agriculture, and the stock of sheep, mostly Southdowns, is said to amount to about 800,000. The principal towns: are Dorchester (the county town), popu- lation 7567 ; Weymouth, 13,715 ; Poole, 12,310; Portland, 10,061 ; Bridport, 6795; and Sherborne, 5053. There are 269 parishes, and 4 extra parishes, containing 14 market towns 4 GENERAL SUMMARY. Route 1. and about 262 villages and hamlets. The cownty is represented in Parliament by three members. DorcHEsTER, BRIDPORT, PooLE. and WEYMOUTH (with Melcombe Regis) return two each ; and LyME REGIS, SHAFTESBURY, and WAREHAM (with Corfe Castle) one each. Antiquities.—In Celtic and Roman Camps, in memorials of the great struggle between invader and invaded, Dorsetshire is peculiarly rich, as might be inferred from its natural configura- tion—its narrow defiles and bold abrupt downs offering defen- sive positions of considerable strength. If we knew more of the history of the Roman conquest of Britain, we should doubtless find it illustrated with many a deed of Celtic heroism, and be able, perhaps, to boast of many a British Thermopyle. The most noticeable entrenchments are those of Hod Hill, Hamildon, Badbury Rings, Maiden Castle, Abbotsbury, and Nine Barrows. Of the completeness of the Roman occupation of the county there are also many proofs. Their great road—the Fosse Way—ran through’ Dorchester to the Land’s End, and at Dorchester exists one of the most perfect amphitheatres in England. The Caurcues of Dorsetshire are not remarkable for their interest, with the exception of those at Wimborne Minster and Sherborne. SEATS OF THE GrnTRY.—Kingston Lacy (D. Bankes, Esq.); Canford Hall (Sir I. Bertie Guest, Baronet); St. Giles’ Park (Earl of Shaftesbury) ; Lulworth Castle (Joseph Weld, Esq.) ; Melbury Park (Earl of Ilchester) ; Critchill (Lord Alington) ; Sherborne Castle (G. D. W. Digby, Esq.) ; Milton Abbey (Baron Hambro) ; Bryanstone Park (Lord Portman). WortHIES OF DoRSETSHIRE.— Anthony Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, a leading statesman in Charles IIL’s reign, and his grandson, the author of “The Characteristics,” were born at St. Giles’ Park, near Cranborne; Sir James Thornhill, the artist, and father-in-law of Hogarth the painter, at Weymouth ; Admi- ral Sir Thomas Hardy, the captain of “the Victory” at Trafalgar, was a native of Portisham ; Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester, and author of the “ Origines,” born at or near Cranborne ; Zhomas Sydenham, an eminent physician in the time of Charles IL, at Winford Eagle ; Captain Coram, founder of the Foundling Hos- pital, and Sir George Somers, the discoverer of the “vext Be- moothes” at Lyme Regis; and Bishop Poore, the architect of Salisbury Cathedral, at Tarrant Crawford. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Two lofty ranges of chalk Route 1. | POOLE. 5 downs ; one running from north-east to south-west, its highest elevation being reached at Pulbarrow, 927 feet ; the other fol- lowing the coast-line from Beaminster to Swanage, and rising at Blackdown to 813 feet, meet towards the west and form “ the trough of Poole,” where sands and clays overlie the chalk, and touch the extremes of the Oolitic and Wealden beds. The Zertcary deposits, chiefly plastic clay, extend from the hills beyond Poole to Dorchester ; the Chalk, as we have seen, forms two bold and picturesque ranges of a considerable elevation ;-the Greensand stretches westward beyond Beaminster, its highest point being Pillesdon Pen, 934 feet ; the Wealden occupies the Isle of Pur- beck, and the Oolitic strata are most conspicuous in the Isle of Portland. The coast scenery, from the variety of the strata dis- played between Studland and Lyme Regis, is of a singularly interesting and romantic character, and the explorations of the geologist will be rewarded with an abundance of remarkable fossils. ROUTE I.—Along the Coast from POOLE to LYME REGIS. [Poole to Durlston Head, 10 m. ; St. Aldhelm’s Head, 5m. ; Kimmeridge Bay, 4m. ; Weymouth, 15 m.; Portland Bill, '7 m. ; Abbotsbury, 10 m.; Bridport, 9m. ; Lyme Regis, 7 m.] POOLE—~.ec., the Harpoor. [Pop.12,310.—Inns: Antelope, London Hotel, etc. 2m. from the Junction Point on the Southampton and Dorchester Point of the London and South-Western Railway; 122m. from London; 2 m. from Branksea Castle ; 7 m. from Bournemouth ; 10 m. from Christchurch ; 8 m. from Wareham ; 26 m. from Dorchester; 8 m. from Wimborne. Market Days—Monday and Thursday. Banx—National Provincial. £27 Omnibuses daily between Poole and Bournemouth. ] The situation of Pooxz is in many respects a remarkable one. Let the reader picture to himself a range of hills sloping abruptly into broad wild tracts of heath and furze; a tongue of land projecting out of these into a vast harbour, a portion of which to the northward (Hotes Bay), it almost shuts off by a swing bridge—red-brick houses clustering upon this tongue of land in admirable disorder, with one long thoroughfare—the High Street, running through them to terminate at the aforesaid bridge ; let him line the shore with capacious quays, two miles in length, G FROM POOLE TO LYME REGIS Lioute 1. and stud the harbour with numerous vessels ;—imayine that har- bour at high water, a broad sweep of rolling waves running up into the land in a score of picturesque little creeks, but at low water a dreary tract of mud and sand, which is only intersected by a few deep channels; place near its mouth a large island, BRowNnsEA ISLAND, and several smaller isles of little interest to the sketcher, but of great perplexity to the mariner ; and, to the south-west, raise a long wall of chalk surrounding and barricading from the mainland the famous Isle of Purbeck,—and a tolerable notion of the position of Poole may be obtained. It has a strong sea-water flavour about it, and the streets are usually filled with the tars of many nations, and with those para- sites who live by or upon them. Fishermen, too, pervade it with strange oaths ; for off the mouth of the harbour the oyster-boats collect after a successful haul, piling upon the shore the shells of those crustaceans which are selected for pickling, so as to form a curious artificial breakwater. The clink of hammer and mallet warns us that shipbuilding is one of the trades of Poole ; and its inhabitants are also employed, as a glance round its streets Informs us, in the manufacture of seamen’s shirts and clothing, cordage and sailcloth, and in the purveyance of ships’ stores and provisions. The clays for which its neighbourhood is remarkable are exported in large quantities, while from Newfoundland and the North of Europe are imported oil, corn, salt fish, and timber. Poole is therefore a busy and prosperous town, but not a resort for dilet- tante tourists or summer excursionists. Its Harsour at low water is, as we have hinted, a complica- tion of sand-banks, mud-banks, and narrow channels, which only the most experienced pilots can navigate in safety. When the tide sweeps in with a roll and a rush, it becomes not less dan- gerous, perhaps, but infinitely more picturesque, and gleams and glitters in the sunshine like a noble lake, 7 miles long and 43 miles broad. Its circuit is not less than 35 miles, and it admits vessels drawing 14 feet of water. The same phenomenon is visible here as at Southampton—that of a double tide, with an interval between of an hour or more. It is produced by the ebb of the channel waters, which pent up the harbour-current until the time for their own recession arrives. At the mouth of the harbour lies BranxszEa (fern island), or Brownsea (Bruno’s ey) Istanp, 14 mile by # mile, or 6 miles in circumference. Its sides are clothed with groves of fir—its iy. ' g Route 1. - POOLE HARBOUR, arn? | interior is broken up into numerous shadowy glens and romantic — hills—its shore is rich in the commoner aquatic plants. Queen Elizabeth erected here a small fortress, which Charles I. consider- ably strengthened. It has been visited by the witty and dissolute Charles II., and by the dissolute but not witty George IV. (when Prince Regent), and was for a few years the scene of the glories of Colonel Waugh, then its proprietor, and one of the speculators mvolved in the catastrophe of “ the Royal British Bank.” He occupied the castle, which he furnished luxuriously, recovered a hundred acres of waste land, opened pits to work the excellent potter’s clay of which the island is chiefly composed, built a pier, laid down a tramroad, and erected St. Mary’s Church for the accommodation of his labourers. How suddenly the golden dream was dissipated in which this adventurous gentleman had rejoiced, our readers may remember. The harbour opens, north, into a land-locked cove or gulf, called Houn’s Bay, and to the north-west into LytcHnt Bay, whose mouth is spanned by the railway ; while it trends away suddenly to the south-west into a deep inlet, which stretches for some miles through the clay-fields up to WAREHAM. (See ROUTE 2.) The historical associations which invest the town of Poole with interest for the scholar are not numerous. We are told that it was a Roman station on the Icening road, and afterwards one of the royal chapelries of the Saxon kings. In 998, the Norse- men landed here, and in 1015 king Knut sailed up the harbour, and pushed on to Wareham. An attack was made upon it by some Spaniards in 1405, in revenge of the predatory exploits of a famous buccaneer named Harry Page. The town was walled in 1443. Hither came Henry of Richmond in 1483, but finding it garrisoned by Richard’s troops, he returned to St. Malo. During the civil war it was so stoutly Roundhead in its sympathies, that Charles II., after his accession, caused its fortifications to be razed to the ground. The PosteRN, temp. Richard II, now standing in a lane near the quay, is their sole relic. Charles X. of France landed here, August 23, 1830, on his escape from Paris, and from hence proceeded to Lulworth Castle. In the good old times, the quaint sea-side town which over- looked such a multiplicity of snug little creeks, became the rendezvous of the most desperate of the Dorsetshire smugglers. On one occasion, a band of sixty fellows, armed to the teeth, made 8 FROM POOLE TU LYME REGIS. houte 1. an assault upon the Custom House, and succeeded in carrying away 4200 pounds of tobacco (A.D. 1747). So evil a repute did the town acquire, that the following rhyme became popular through all the countryside :-— “Tf Poole was a fish-pool, and the men of Poole fish, There’d be a pool for the devil, and fish for his dish.” Sr. JAMES’ CHURCH was rebuilt in 1820, at a cost of £12,000 ; the material employed was Purbeck stone. The altar-piece is of carved mahogany. St. Pauw’s was built 1833. The Customs HovseE was rebuilt in 1822 ; the old WooL-HousE, near the quay, dates from 1572. A Musrum connected with the Poonz Literary InstITUTE has a good collection of fossils, shells, stuffed specimens of aquatic wild fowl, etc. Poole returns one member to Parliament, and is controlled by a mayor, 6 aldermen, and 18 councillors. About 120 sailing vessels belong to the port, and the customs average about £9000 per annum. [Hints For RAMBLES.—Though, as we have hinted, the town in itself possesses but little to interest the general tourist, it is, nevertheless, a good central point for an exploration of south-eastern Dorsetshire. At PARKSTONE, 3 miles east, the pedestrian will be rewarded with some noble views of sea and land, full of bold con- trasts of colour. WIMBORNE MInsTER, with its beautiful church, is about 9 miles north. A sail to WAREHAM, 7 miles west, is much to be commended, and the tourist should not fail to visit the historic ruins of CoRFE CasTLE, crossing by boat to Wyrcu PassaGE (7 miles for 3s. to 5s.), and thence walking about 8 miles. From Poole to BoURNEMOUTH, across the hills, is a pleasant stroll (5 miles east)]. On rounding the south-west extremity of Poole harbour, the voyager finds himself in the shadow of lofty cliffs—the abrupt, precipitous, and “ grewsome” sea-wall of SrupLanD Bay—formed of the upper chalk, which here emerges from beneath the eocene strata at a very low angle, and throws out, at the Foreland, some semi-isolated masses resembling the Needles. Hanprast Point (or the Foreland) is 350 feet above the sea-level. STUDLAND (population, 395) gives its name to this bay ; and is a charming little elm-shaded village, with a pretty Norman church built upon the sand, which, just beyond, gives way to the chalk, It is as wild and “romancy” as any lover of the picturesque can desire. A little to the south rise the bold ridges of BattarpD Down (584 feet high), continued towards Corfe Castle by Ninz-sarrow Down, 642 feet high, and commanding Route 1. SWANAGE, 9 a fine view of purple heaths to the north, and the deep green © waters of the channel stretching far away towards the setting sun. About three quarters of a mile north-west, stands, on a low green knoll, the AGGLE-STONE (¢.e., Holy Stone—halig stan, Sa.ron), a rude misshapen block of ferruginous sandstone, whose origin is not easily arrived at. We believe it to have been a cromlech, or grave-mark—the memorial-stone of some old Celtic hero—but the peasants tell you that it is the devil’s crest, or cap, which he, when resting one day upon the Needles, hurled at the gleam- ing towers of Corfe Castle. He missed his aim, however, and the stone fell where we see itnow ; nor need we wonder, inasmuch as it weighs full 400 tons, and measures 37 feet in length, 15 feet in height, and 19 feet in width. Rounding Handfast Point, and its Pinnacles, popularly called “Old Harry and his Wife,’ and passing the deep cavern of Parson’s Barn, we enter Swanace Bay.* Here in a cove, or recess, termed Punfield, we meet with strata of Firestone, Gault, Greensand, and Wealden clay in a highly inclined position. “ The middle series of the Wealden deposits, the Hastines SANnDs, which are not visible in the Isle of Wight, form the line of cliffs froin Punfield to Swanage. These beds consist of sands, clays, and calcareous grits, enclosing seams and disseminated masses of lignite, and containing bones of reptiles, ete. The sea-shore is often strewn with fossil trees, and rolled bones of the Iguanodon and other animals, that have been washed out of fallen masses of the strata. ‘The tract on which the town of Swanage stands, is on the line of junction between the Hastings beds and the Purbeck group ; the latter comprises clays, sands, and limestones, with bands of shelly marbles, calcareous slates, and coarse limestones, full of small paludinse, cyclades, and other fresh-water shells’— (Mantell). In 1837, a fossil crocodile, embedded in a large slab of fawn-coloured limestone, was discovered in one of the Swanage quarries. SWANAGE (population, 2000. Jnns: Royal Victoria, and Ship)—~.e., Swan-wic, the Swan-village—consists of one long, sloping thoroughfare of decent houses, with some minor streets, enjoying a glorious prospect of down, and cliff, and sea. Its CuuRcH, dedicated to St. Mary, is an Early English building, * The Danish fleet, repulsed by King Alfred at Wareham, was wrecked here in 877. LO FROM POOLE TO LYME REGIS. — - Route 1. with Decorated and Perpendicular additions. The tower is, per- haps, of earlier date, and rises to the height of 80 feet. The north aisle of the choir was the Godlington chantry. The walls were of great thickness, and without ornament. In the neighbourhood of Swanage lie upwards of sixty quarries of Purbeck stone, which have contributed the materials employed in St. Stephen’s, Winchester, the Temple Church, Romsey Abbey, St. Paul’s, and Salisbury Cathedral. aN FACING THE CASTLE AND PRINCES STREET GARDENS. "9 This Hotel . H I is noted for 5 minutes its home walk from comforts and either moderate : Station. charges. 104, 106 PRINCES STREET. EDINBURGH. 25 OPPOSITE AND THE PRINCES SCOTT STREET MONUMENT |, GARDENS (One of the finest Hotels in Europe.) ROYAL HOTEL DONALD MACGREGOR, PRopRiIEToR, 53 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. The Royal Hotel is within a hundred yards of Railway Terminus, and occupies the finest position in the City. PLACES OF INTEREST SEEN FROM HOTEL :—Arthur’s Seat, over 800 feet high. Assembly Hall. Calton Hill. Edinburgh Castle. East and West Princes Street Gardens. Free Church College and Assembly Hall. Royal Observatory. Sir Walter Scott’s Monument. Salisbury Crags. St. Giles’s Cathedral. Parliament House. The Royal Institution. The Royal Scottish Academy and National Gallery. The Antiquarian Museum. From tower of Hotel are seen the Firth of Forth, Bass Rock, the Lomond, Corstorphine, and Pentland Hills, and a part of four or five of the neighbouring counties. Charges Moderate. Rooms from 2s.6d. Passenger Elevator. Night Porters. CAUTION.—Visitors intending to put up at the Royal must be careful to see that they are taken there, as mistakes have occurred causing great disap- pointment. 26 EDINBURGH. CRANSTON’S WAVERLEY TEMPERANCE HOTELS. THE OLD WAVERLEY, 42, 48, 44, 45, & 46 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. Rep Pee CRANSTON begs to return his sincere thanks to his Patrons and the Public for their favours during the last forty years, and has to intimate that the above Hotel has been entirely rebuilt, and is now second to none in the City. The whole of the internal arrangements have been remodelled, the accommodation greatly increased, including a most spacious Dining Room and a Ladies’ Drawing Room, and the entire building fitted up in the latest and most approved manner, with a view to the comfort and convenience of his Patrons. It will, when completed, be the largest Temperance Hotel in the Kingdom. Notwithstanding the great expense attending the reconstruction, the charges will remain as formerly. Ten Ee AE ee WATERLOO PLACE, EDINBURGH, Has been enlarged and improved, and to meet the great demand a number of commodi- ous well-lighted Stock Rooms were added last year, affording special facilities to Commercial Gentlemen. Also, the new Waverley Hall, seated for upwards of 700 persons, is well ventilated, and admirably adapted for all descriptions of meetings. THE LONDON WAVERLEY, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE (Established upwards of 35 years), Has recently been more than doubled in size by the addition of an entire division of Trump Street, which has afforded greatly increased accommodation; and from its unrivalled position in the commercial centre of the city, it offers exceptional advantages to persons visiting London, either on business or on pleasure. The Guildhall, Corpora- tion Offices, and the various Law Courts are in King Street, adjoining the Hotel, and Omnibuses pass the door every minute for every district and Railway Station in London. THE GLASGOW WAVERLEY, In BucHANAN STREET, is now closed, the site having been acquired by the Glasgow District Underground Railway. The name and business have been transferred to the WASHINGTON HOTEL, No. 172 SAUCHIEHALL STREET, one of the finest streets and busiest thoroughfares in the city, and in close proximity to the Railway Stations and to the Steamboat Piers. Principal Theatres in immediate neighbourhood, and Tramway and ’Bus communication to all parts of the city. The BUSINESS will be carried on there under the management of my Daughter, M. R. CRANSTON, on the same principles and at the same rates as the other Waverleys. Uniform Charges at all the Waverleys, viz.— Breakfast or Tea . : 3 a : 1s, 3d., 1s. 6d., 2s. Public Dinner. 5 , . 2 : : f ; bade Pd Bedroom . ; : : * : 2 E 4 1s, Gd. Private Parlours . ‘ ‘ ; : : : - . Ot Service ; 1s. Stock Rooms, from 2s. 6d. per day, according to Size. Recommended by Bradshaw’s Tourists’ Guide as ‘‘the cheapest and best Temper- ance Hotel they had ever seen,” and by J. B. Gough as ‘‘the only Home he had found since leaving his own in America.” EDINBURGH. 27 NBURGH. i EDI r a ieee THE COCKBURN HOTEL Adjoining the Station and overlooking the Gardens, NO INTOXICATING LIQUORS. JOHN MACPHERSON, Proprietor. ROXBURGHE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE SQUARE, EDINBURGH. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL, In Connection with the above is CHRISTIE'S PRIVATE HOTEL. Apartments en swite, and Board on Moderate Terms. J. CHRISTIE, Proprietor. 28 EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH. DARLING'S REGENT HOTEL, 20 WATERLOO PLACE. (PRINCES STREET.) | Nearly opposite the i General Post Office, and only a few minutes’ walk from General =| Railway Terminus. This 1s admitted to i be one of the best Temper- | ance Hotels in Scotland. Special Terms for Board during the Winter Months. EDINBURGH. WINDSOR HOTEL, 100 PRINCES STREET. (Opposite the Castle.) A. M. THIEM, PROPRIETOR. HIS old-established Hotel, one of the finest in Edinburgh, entirely rebuilt and refurnished in the most elegant manner, offers superior accommodation and com- fort. The Proprietor is especially cognisant of the needs of the Nobility and Gentry, and spares no pains to render their sojourn with him agreeable. BEDFORD HOTEL, 83 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. Under the personal superintendence of Mme. Dejay (late of Dejay’s Hotel). Unsurpassed for comfort, economy, and quietness, Most moderate Terms. . Cuisine a la francaise. Coffee Room and Ladies’ Drawing Room. This Hotel is situated in the best part of Princes Street, and commands a good view of the Castle. On parle francais. EDINBURGB. 29 EDINBURGH. CALEDONIAN HOTEL, 115, 116, & 117 PRINCES STREET, anv 1, 3, & 5 CASTLE STREET. Established 60 Years. (Exactly opposite the Castle.) R. B. Moorr. LATE J. BURNETT. THE ALBERT HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, 23 anpD 25 HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH. HIS Central Hotel affords first-class accommodation to Tourists and others visiting the City. Every home comfort. BILLIARD AND SMOKE ROOMS. Terms Strictly Moderate. Tariff on Application. D. ROBERTSON, Proprvetor. THE LONDON HOTEL, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. Patronised by Royalty. Visitors will find the Hotel very convenient and comfortable. The spacious Square in front is a great attraction. WINES AND CUISINE EXCELLENT. See Land and Water of 19th December 1885, CHARGES MODERATE. J. J. MEPHIUS, Proprietor. EDINBURGH. THE TREVELYAN TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 2 & 3 CALTON STREET. For Cleanliness, Home Comforts, and Moderate Charges, unsurpassed. D. MACKENZIE, Proprietor. 30 EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH CAFE COMPANY, 70 PRINCES STREET, EDINBURGH. High-Class Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen. BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEA, COFFEE, FANCY PASTRY, CAKES, &c. ELEGANT SALOON FOR LADIES.—CLOAK-ROOMS, &c. WEDDING BREAKFASTS, BALL SUPPERS, DINNERS, AND COLD COLLATIONS CONTRACTED FOR, EDINBURGH. GRAIGLOCKHART HYDROPATHIC. MAGNIFICENT ESTABLISHMENT in Western Suburbs of City, having ACCOMMODATION FOR 200 VISITORS. Fine Bracing Air off Pentland Hills. BATHS. SWIMMING POND. BOWLIN G. LAWN TENNIS. CONCERTS. DANCES. DRIVES. Easy of Access by Bus, Tram, or Ratt. The Best Residence for Visitors to Edinburgh. Good centre from which to visit Glasgow, Stirling, Callander, The Trossachs, Loch Lomond, Crieff, Roslin, Dalkeith Palace, Dalmeny, and Forth Bridge, &e. TERMS: From 8s. 6d. per Day; or from £2: 12 : 6 per Week ; upper Rooms from £2: 2s. per week. GOOD TABLE. HOME COMFORTS. AppRrEsS—THE MANAGER. FERGUSON’S EDINBURGH. ROCK. The Best Present from Edinburgh. MANUFACTURED ONLY AND DAILY BY ALEX. FERGUSON, CONFECTIONER TO THE QUEEN & H.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, 1 MELBOURNE PLACE, EDINBURGH. (Near the Castle.) EDINBURGH. PRIZE Bw 215, LONDON, ; PARIS, 1862. 1878. 1S9GY. 5 W378. 31 EDINBURGH GOLD & SILVER 1886. e sDarshall L e-G* i = MEDALS, cot TESA J ca ELLERY} tN rm iy ‘Wail ee 3 Rs =i p RINE ES §HTRE S| EDINBURGH ut ““Mr. Marshall’s productions are not surpassed in interest and beauty by those of Castellani himself.”—Correspondent of the Scotsman on the International Exhibition ‘ROBERT MDOWELL & SONS’ UNIRIVALLED Biscuits, Shortbread, and Cakes. Entire Wheaten. Chester. Cracknel, Small Abernethy. Albert. Milk. Small Captains. Plain Wine. &e., &e. SCOTCH CAKES. Sultana. Seed. Madeira. Plum. Alexandra. Rose. Cocoanut. Orange. Tivoli. Rice. Caraway. Tennis. Genoa. Lemon. Chocolate. Raspberry. SCOTCH BUN (Christmas). SHORTBREAD AND PITCAITHLY BANNOCKS. SCOTCH OATCAKES. 60 George Street, 19 Frederick Street, & 1 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh. 32 ELGIN——EXETER. ELGIN. STATION HOTEL. HIS first-class Family and Commercial Hotel occupies one of the best sites in the town, close to the Railway Stations, about five minutes’ walk from the Cathedral, and within easy drive of the beautiful and romantic Pluscarden Abbey and other places of interest in the neighbourhood. The Bedroom accommodation is first-class. Large Coffee Room, Drawing Room, Private Sitting Rooms, &c, &c. Also Billiard, Smoking, and Hot and Cold Bath R S, j pa Hiring. Table d’Hote daily. WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Lessee. Also of the Station Hotel; Lossiemouth. HXETER. ROUGEMONT HOTEL. Devon and Exeter Hotel Co., Limited. For FAMILIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE LARGEST AND ONLY MODERN HOTEL PORTH Crier Omnibus and Hotel Porters meet all Trains. NIGHT PORTER. TABLE D'HOTE, 7 O'CLOCK. T. W. HUSSEY, Manacer. EXETER—FORRES. 33 EXETER. ROYAL CLARENCE HOTEL, CATHEDRAL YARD, WITH FULL VIEW OF THE GRAND OLD CATHEDRAL. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. REDUCED CHARGES. Every effort is made to ensure the unqualified satisfaction of Ladies and Gentlemen. Handsomely Furnished Suites of Apartments. LADIES’ COFFEE-ROOM. HOT AND COLD BATHS. Omnibuses and Cabs meet every Train. J. HEADON STANBURY, Proprietor. EXETER. POPLE’S NEW LONDON HOTEL, FOR FAMILIES AND GENTLEMEN. THIS Hotel contains all the appointments found in First-class Establishments, adjoining Northernhay Park, within three minutes’ walk of the Cathedral, and opposite the New General Post Office. Visitors will find the comfort and attention of home with fixed moderate charges. A Ladies’ Coffee Room. Night Porter. Omnibuses and Cabs to every Train. Posting in all its branches. Also Proprietor of the Globe Hotel, Newton Abbot. EXETER. STANBURY’S HALF MOON HOTEL, HIGH STREET. Old Established. Family and Commercial. S situated in the most central part of the City. Families and Commercial Gentlemen will find this House. replete with every comfort, and the Charges Moderate. Ladies’ Coffee Room and Superior Billiard Room. Hight Spacious and well-lighted Stock Rooms. Omnibuses belonging to the Hotel meet all Trains. . 16 WATERLOO PLACE. LONDON s , ‘ . 87 KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE. CAUTION! No connection with any other Waverley Hotel in Glasgow. GLASGOW. CITY COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT, 54 anv 60 UNION STREET, GLASGOW. HE most extensive and comfortable Dining Room in Scotland. Breakfasts, Dinners, F and Teas served with comfort, economy, and despatch. Bill of Fare— ExTra ODERATE. LADIES’ PRIVATE DINING ROOM AND LAVATORY. GENTLEMEN’S LAVATORIES. No Gratuities to Waiters. MATTHEW WADDELL, Proprietor. GLASGOW. STEELS HOTEL, CORNER OF QUEEN STREET AND ARGYLE STREET. The most central Hotel in Glasgow. Ladies’ Coffee Room. Over 90 Apartments. Breakfast and Lunch from 1s. 6d. to 2s. 6d. Dinner from 3s. Bed and Attendance from 2s. 6d. Bed and Board per week, £2:12s. WM. ANDERSON, Proprietor. Late of Café Royal Hotel, Edinburgh. GLASGOW. MACLEAN’S HOTEL, ST. VINCENT STREET. FIRST CLASS. 120 APARTMENTS. MODERATE CHARGES. Close to Railway Stations. GLASGOW. 39 TOURISTS AND STRANGERS VISITING GLASGOW WILL FIND A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED VARIETY OF VIEWS OF SCOTTISH SCENERY, GUIDE-BOOKS, MAPS, &e. &c. AT REID'S TOURIST EMPORIUM, 144 ARGYLE STREET, GLASGOW. §2F Fourth Shop West of Buchanan Street. Speciality.—White-Wood Goods with views of Scottish Scenery —very suitable as Souvenirs of Scotland—from 6d. and upwards, GLASGOW. ? Yeti FIELD GLASS, As represented by engraving, is Uprivs alled for Value!!! Price in Sling Case 35s.; or with Best Dull Leather Case, “suitable for any Cli- mate, 41s. Second to None. BROWN’S Optical Wonder Field or Opera Glasses, 10s. 6d., 14s. 21s., 25s. Magic Lanterns from Is. 6d. to £25. The Lecturer’s Magic Lantern is the best value made, 84s. Orthoscopie or Correct Vision Spectacles, with finest Glass Lenses, in Steel Frames, 4s, 6d. Ditto, with finest Pebble Lenses, 7s. 6d. BROWN, Oculist Optician, 76 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. 40 GLASGOW. . Leook at this /e roe at that” A ae ee eS We all THOMPSON’ g AMERICAN CORN SOLVENT. HARD or SOFT CORNS, BUNIONS and WARTS, and reduces ENLARGED or INFLAMED TOE JOINTS. NO PAIN. INSTANT RELIEF Bottles 1s. 14d., Post Free for 14 Stamps. iow UINE only from M. F. THOMPSO HOMC@PATHIC AND DISPENSING CEEMrs, 17 GORDON STREET, GLASGOW SMITH, SONS, AND LAUGHLAND SILK MERCERS, FAMILY DRAPERS, COMPLETE OUTFITTERS, GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN, Carpet Merchants and Household Furmshers, 78 to 82 UNION STREET, GLASGOW, Have always a Large, Choice, fully Assorted Stock ; and Novelties are added to each Department as they appear, GLOUCESTER-—GOLSPIE——GUERNSEY. 4] GLOUCESTER. THE BELL HOTEL, JAITUATE in the centre of {the City, near the Cathedral, and is the Leading Hotel for Families and Gentlemen. EXCELLENT STABLING. POST HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FuLtL FUNERAL EQUIPMENTS. Omnibuses to and from every Train. Night Porter. Miss CORNER, Manageress, GLOUCESTER. SPREAD EAGLE HOTEL. HIS Old-Established First-Class Family Hotel will be found by Visitors replete with every comfort. Well-ventilated Bed and Sitting Rooms en suite. Headquarters Bicycle Touring Club. Handsome Coffee Room. Hot and Cold Baths. All the latest sanitary arrangements complete. First-rate Cwisine and choice Wines, &c. Good Stabling and Loose Boxes for Hunters, &c. An Elegant and Spacious Ballroom to be let for Balls, Concerts, Dinners, Meetings, Sales, &c. Tariff on application. Posting. ETVEn BiGe 0 bine, The Hotel Omnibus meets all Trains. A NIGHT PORTER ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE. HENRY CHARLES GROGAN, Proprietor. GOLSPIE. ROYAL SUTHERLAND ARMS HOTEL. EAUTIFULLY situated within a mile of Dunrobin Castle, the Grounds of which are opento the Public. Free Trout Fishing on Loch Brora for parties staying at the Hotel. Five minutes’ walk from sea-shore, Horses and Carriages on Hire. An Omnibus meets Trains. Charges moderate. JAMES MITCHELL, Proprietor. THE ISLAND OF GUERNSEY. pa ON Bee FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOUSE, ESPLANADE, GUERNSEY. ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS. THIS Hotel is situated in the most commanding part of the Island, facing the spacious harbours and the approaches thereto, also having a full front view of the adjacent islands of Sark, Herm, Jersey, and Alderney. Visitors should be especially careful on landing to ask for the “Royal.” Table d’Héte. Brivir1arps for the use of visitors staying in the Hotel only. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ Gardner, Guernsey.” JAS. B. GARDNER, Proprietor. 42 (HARRIS, see p. 83)—HARROGATE. HARROGATE. ROYAL HOTEL. WILLIAM KEIGHLEY, PROPRIETOR. HIS first-class Family Hotel is most pleasantly and healthily situated, and is replete with every comfort for families. Within five minutes’ walk of the Railway Station. BILLIARD ROOM. HARROGATE. “THE GRANBY,” HIGH HARROGATE, FACING THE STRAY, HIS First-Class Family Hotel stands in its own extensive grounds, and is beautifully situated in the best part of Harrogate. Good Lawn-Tennis Court. Great altera- tions have lately been made in the House, and Visitors will find in it every convenience. Carriages to the Wells and Baths every morning free of charge. Ten minutes’ walk from the Station. For Terms, &c., apply W. H. MILNER, Proprietor. Good Stabling. Carriages on Hire. HARROGATE WELLS. BARBER’S GEORGE HOTEL. TISITORS to Harrogate will find many advantages in making their temporary resi- dence at this Hotel, it being situated within three minutes’ walk of the Sulphur and Cheltenham Springs, séven minutes’ walk from the Railway Station, and in the immediate vicinity of the Public Baths, Concert Rooms, &c. The sheltered situation of the Hotel makes it admirably adapted for Visitors in Spring and Autumn. Terms per day :—Board and Lodgings, in Public Rooms, 6s. 6d. each; ditto, ditto, in Private Rooms, 7s. 6d. each; Private Sitting Rooms, 3s. to 5s. each; Attendance, &c., 1s. 3d. each. Beds charged extra if for less than three nights. Horses’ Hay, 10s. 6d. per week. Ostler extra. Billiard Rooms. Stabling for Hunters and Carriage Horses. N.B.—No fees given to Conductor to recommend this Hotel. Nore.—Harrogate being a health resort, the Patrons of this Hotel are not expected to use Wine, &c., unless they require it. HIGH HARROGATE. GASCOIGNE’S FIRST-CLASS FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, GTANDING in its own grounds, in the most fashionable part of ;High Harrogate. Seven minutes’ walk from the Station. A Carriage leaves the Hotel for Wells each morning, free of charge. Private Sitting Rooms on application. — Billiards. Terms moderate. An Omnibus meets every Train. J. 8. DAVIES, Proprietor. In order to prevent disappointment please note Address. SOUTH ASPECT. HELENSBURGH——-HELSTON-—HUNTER'S QUAY—ILFRACOMBE. 43 HELENSBURGH. iat Finest Watering-Place in the West of Scotland. Trains and Boats to Loch Lomond and Trossachs, and Steamer every morning to Dunoon at 8.45, in time to meet the “‘ Iona” for the Highlands by that most celebrated Route—Ardrishaig, Crinan, and Oban, to Staffa and Iona. The alterations and improvements at the QUEEN’S HOTEL are now completed, and the Suites of Apartments for Families cannot be sur- passed. The view of the Clyde and Lake is most magnificent. Tourists conveniently arranged. A magnificent Coffee Room. Smoking and Billiard Room. All Charges strictly Moderate. Omnibuses and Carriages to all Steamers and Trains. A. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. HELSTON. ANGEL HOTEL, FOR THE LIZARD AND KYNANCE COVE. 5 Maw Hotel affords every Accommodation for Families and Gentlemen, and is especially adapted for Excursionists. Twenty minutes’ walk from the celebrated Looe Pool. Posting in allits branches. Brake to the Lizard daily (Sundays excepted) during the Season. W. BLACKWELL, Proprietor. HUNTER’S QUAY, HOLY LOCH. ROYAL MARINE HOTEL. HEADQUARTERS of ROYAL CLYDE YACHT CLUB. Situated close to Hunter’s Quay, at which Pier Steamers call several times a day, and is within ten minutes’ walk of Kirn Pier. The Hotel has lately been considerably enlarged, and is most comfortably furnished, offering superior accommodation for Families and Gentlemen. Charges strictly moderate. Visitors boarded by day or week. Coaches pass daily by Loch Eck Route to and from Inveraray. There is frequent communication between Dunoon; and Sandbank by brakes. Hot, Cold, Spray, and Douche Baths. Carriages and Boats for hire. OSCAR TROEGER, Manager. ILFRACOMBE. ROYAL CLARENCE FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. REPLETE with every Home comfort. A spacious Ladies’ Coffee Room, with large number of Bedrooms, has recently been added. Moderate Charges. Tariff on application. First-Class Billiard Room. Omnibus meets every Train. CHARLES Ep, CLEMOW, Proprietor. In connection with Anderton’s Hotel, Fleet Street, London, and Peacock and Royal, Boston, Linc. 44 ILFRACOMBE. THE ILFRACOMBE HOTEL, NEWLY DECORATED AND FURNISHED. 250 Apartments. Magnificent Salle a Manger. Elegant Drawing-Rooms. Reading Room. Large Billiard Room. Comfortable Smoking Room. Ornamental Grounds of Five Acres, extending to the Sea. Hight Lawn Tennis Courts. Table d’Héte Dinner at Separate Tables, daily from 6 to 8 o'clock. There is attached to the Hotel one of the largest Swimming Baths in England. Also Private Hot and Cold Sea and Fresh Water Baths, Douche, Shower, &c. NHE attractions of Ilfracombe, and the places of interest in the neighbourhood, point to it as the natural centre to be chosen by the Tourist who desires to see with comfort all the beauties of Coast and Inland Scenery which North Devon affords. There is also easy access into South Devon and Cornwall. The means of communi- cation with Ilfracombe by Rail, Road, and Steamboat are most complete. Tourist Tickets to Ilfracombe for two months are issued during the Season at all the principal Railway Stations in England. Address—MANAGER, InrracomsBEr, NorTH DEvon. THE ROYAL BRITANNIA HOTEL, ILFRACOMBE, GOOD PUBLIC ROOMS. MODERATE TERMS. ADDRESS—THE MANAGER. ILKLEY—(INNELLAN, see p. 46)—INVERARAY. 45 ILKLEY, YORKSHIRE. MIDDLETON HOTEL, FACING THE MOORS. HIS First-Class Family HoTE. stands in its own extensive grounds on the banks of the picturesque River Wharfe, six miles from the famous Bolton Woods. Spacious Dining, Drawing, and Coffee Rooms. Billiard and Smoke Rooms. Suites of Apartments, Wc. TABLE D’HOTE, 6.45—SEPARATE TABLE. j TENNIS COURTS. GOOD STABLING. TARIFF ON APPLICATION TO The Manageress. ILKLEY, NEAR LEEDS. TROUTBECK HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT AND SANATORIU M. Physician—THOMAS SCOTT, M.D., M.R.C.8.E. Proprietor and Manager—JOHN DOBSON. ['ROUTBECK is beautifully situated on an eminence overlooking the Valley of the Wharfe, adjoining the Moor, and close to the Tarn. This Establishment is 4 hand- some erection in the Elizabethan style, capable of accommodating seventy persons, built expressly for the purpose of carrying out the Hydropathic System to its fullest extent, and is justly famed for being one of the most compact and comfortable in Ilkley, every attention having been paid to render it at all times a most attractive residence for Inyalids seeking health, as well as for Visitors who desire merely relaxation and change. For full Prospectus, address—JOHN DOBSON, as above. INVERARAY. ST. CATHERINE’S HOTEL, LOCH FYNE, FACING INVERARAY. DONALD SUTHERLAND, Proprietor. OOD Shooting, Grouse, Black Game, &c., for Visitors; also Stream and Loch Fishing. Coaches in connection with Glasgow Steamers start from and stop at St. Catherine’s. Posting. Carriages on Hire. Moderate Charges. 46 INNELLAN, INNELLAN, ROYAL HOTEL. J MAITLAND begs to announce that he has purchased * the above large and commodious Hotel, which has lately undergone extensive alterations and additions, in- cluding one of the largest and most handsome Dining- Rooms and Ladies’ Sitting-Rooms of any Hotel on the Firth of Clyde ; also Parlours with Suites of Bedrooms on each flat. The Hotel is within three minutes’ walk of the Pier, and being built upon an elevation, commands a Sea view of the surrounding country, including Bute, Arran, The Cum- braes, Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, and Dumbartonshire, making the situation one of the finest in Scotland. The grounds of the Hotel being laid out in walks, and. interspersed with shrubs and flowers, are quiet and retired for Families. There are also beautiful drives in the vicinity. The Dining-Room has 'a large Fernery, with water fountain, which plays daily during the summer, making it cool and refreshing during the hot weather. Steamers call at the Pier nearly every hour for the Highlands and all parts of the Coast. Tourists arriving at the Hotel the night before can have Breakfast at Table d’Hote at 9 A.M., and be in-time to join the “Iona ” at 10 A.M. for the north, calling at Innellan on her return about 4P.M. The Cuisine and Wines are of the finest quality. Large Billiard-Room attached. Hot, Cold, and Spray Baths. Horses and Carriages kept for Hire. FAMILIES BOARDED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. *.* In connection with Ardlui Hotel, Loch Lomond, and Bridge Street Station Hotel, Glasgow. INVERARAY (see also p. 45)—-INVERGARRY—INVERNESS. 47 INVERARAY. Dene Grim OReGik th Ov E L. Onder New Management. Tourists, Families, and Commercial Gentlemen will find this Hotel most comfortable, combined with Moderate Charges. Special Rates for Commercial Gentlemen and Bicyclists. R. CLARK, Lessee. INVERARAY. THE ARGYLL ARMS HOTEL, Entirely Refurnished, and under new Management. Charges strictly Moderate. Parties boarded April to July. Fishing. JOHN CLARK, Proprietor. INVERGARRY., INVERGARRY HOTEL, INVERNESS-SHIRE. OW reopened after being rebuilt and enlarged. Comfortable accommoda- tion and perfect quietness amid very beautiful scenery. Reasonable Charges. Excellent Trout Fishing and use of Boats in Loch Garry Free. Post and Telegraph Office near Hotel. JOHN McINNES, Lessee. INVERNESS. THE HIGHLAND RAILWAY COMPANY’S STATION HOTEL. FREQUENTLY PATRONISED BY THE ROYAL FAMILY. A PRIVATE entrance from the platform under cover. The Hotel Porters attend the Trains, and an Omnibus the Caledonian Canal Steamers, POSTING. VERY MODERATE TARIFF. EDWARD CESARI, Manager. INVERNESS. “CALEDONIAN HOTEL Facing the Railway Station, and within one minute’s walk, HIS well-known first- class Family Hotel is patronised by the Royal Family and most of the nobilityof Europe. Having recently added fifty rooms with numerous suites of apartments for families, handsomely refurnished throughout, it is now the 44, largest and best appointed °y Hotel in Inverness, and universally acknowledged one of the most comfort- able in Scotland. In point of situation this Hotel is the only one overlooking theriverNess, the magnificent view from the windows being unsur- passed, and extending to 5 upwards of fifty miles of the surrounding strath and mountain scenery of the great glen of ‘‘ Caledonia.” MAGNIFICENT LADIES’ DRAWING ROOM. An Omnibus attends all the Canal Steamers. The Hotel Porters await the arrival of all Trains. Posting. ALEXANDER M‘FARLANE, Proprietor. FIRST- AND CLASS COMMERCIAL FAMILY HOTEL. rom the Railwé INVERNESS. WAVERLEY HOTEL (Late Harcombe’s). Unsurpassed for Situation and Comfort, combined with Moderate Charges. TARIFF Breakfast (Plain) : Is. 6d. Fe (Plain) 1s. 6d. Do. (Table a’ Hite). . Qs. 6d. Dinner (Table d’ Hote) k 3s. 6d, Bedrooms from 1s. 6d. Attendance ls. 6d. The Porters of the Hotel attend all Trains, and the Hotel Omnibus runs in connection with the Caledonian Canal Steamers. D. DAVIDSON, Proprietor. INVERNESS (see also p. 50),—ISLE OF WIGHT. 49 THE VICTORIA HOTEL, INVERNESS On the Promenade leading to the Cathedral and Ness Islands. MN\WE VICTORIA is the best situated Hotel in Inverness, being the nearest to Canal Steamers, and the only first-class Hotel facing the River and Castle. Omnibus attends Steamers and Trains. JOHN BLACK, Proprietor. SHANKLIN FOR SUNSHINE HINTON’S ROYAL SPA HOTEL, The only Hotel on the Esplanade and facing the Sea. | Ge OS Oe OS Oa") OD = Os A SHELTERED and sequestered nook. Drawing Room, Conservatory, Flowers and Birds: Table d Hote at 7. Separate Tables. 50 Bed and Sitting Rooms. Billiards free of Charge, and constant Amusements for Families residing in the Hotel. Daeioy \ From 3 Guineas a week in Winter. (~'5, -84 Guineas ~;, in Summer. : D 50 INVERNESS—ISLE OF WIGHT (sce also p..49). , MACBEAN’S IMPERIAL HOTEL, INVERNESS. The most central First-class Hotel in Town, and opposite to the Railway Station. Large Dining Billiard Room Saloon with accommodating Two Tables, Hot and Cold 90 Guests. Baths, and tes upwards of Drawing Room. 60 Rooms. The Hotel Omnibus attends all Steamers, and Porters await the arrival of Trains. WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. ISLE OF WIGHT. DROVER’S MARINE HOTEL, PARADE, WEST COWES. JAMES DROVER, PROPRIETOR. PLEASANTLY SITUATED, FACING THE SEA. The Comfort of Visitors studved vn every way. N.B.—Board at low Rates during the Winter Months. ISLE OF WIGHT——K"SWICK—-KILLARNEY. 51 VENTNOR, LW. ESPLANADE BOARDING HOUSE. Best position on Esplanade. Completely sheltered from North and East winds, with South aspect overlooking sea. Close to Pier. Good Bathing and Boating. Liberal Table. Terms from 35s. to 3 Guineas per Week. DERWENTWATER LAKE. JHFFERRY’S ;" { 1 ’ ' “ Blencathra” Family & Commercial Temperance Hotel SOM (Opposite the Wesleyan Chapel), SOUTHEY STREET, KESWICK. Five MINvuTEs’ WALK FROM THE STATION. PLEASANTLY situated, commanding extensive views of Mountain Scenery, recently enlarged and Refurnished. Ladies’ Drawing-Room. Hot and Cold Baths. Posting in all its branches. A ’BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. JOHN H. JEFFERY, Proprietor. LAKES OF KILLARNEY. eee ees bc A K-E.oH.O:T-E La.” The only Hotel in Killarney situated on the Lake Shore. It is essential to apprise Tourists that there is at Killarney but one ) establishment called ‘THE LAKE HOTEL.” [ is situate in the Bay of Casslelough, on the Eastern Shore of the Lower Lake, in the centre of: the varied scenery of the Lake, within ‘ten minutes’ drive of the Railway Station. The waters of the Lake approach the Hall Door, and hence the dis- tinctive title, ‘‘ THe LAkn HorTeE..” Boats and Vehicles of every description supplied at fixed and Moderate Prices. No Gratuities allowed to Drivers, Boatmen, etc., as they are paid ample wages by the Proprietor. The Lake Hotel Omnibus attends the arrival and departure of the Trains. Notice or THE Press—From Bradshaw's ‘*Towrists’ Hand-Book.” “In point of situation, that of ‘THE LAkE Hore.’ is, beyond question, the very best in the Lakes of Killarney. It occupies the centre of the circle described by the great mountain ranges of Mangerton, Torc, Hagle’s Nest, Purple Mountain, Glena, Toomies, Dunloe Gap, and Carranthual, and concentrates in one view all that is graceful, picturesque, and sublime in the scenery of Killarney.”—Bradshaw’s ‘ Tourists’ Hand-Book,” page 382. 52 KILLARNEY—KILLIN. KILLARNEY By Her Most Gracious Majesty's Special Permission. THE ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL (Open throughout the Year.) SITUATED ON THE SHORE OF THE LOWER LAKE. Patronised by H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES ; by H.R.H. the DUKE OF CONNAUGHT ; by the Royal Families of France, Belgium, &c. ; and Leading American Families. [VHS Hotel is situated on the shore of the Lower Lake, facing the far-famed Island of Innisfallen, within tén minutes’ drive of the Railway Station, and a short distance from the Gap of Dunloe. TABLE D’HOTE DURING THE SEASON. Boarding terms from October to June inclusive, Postal Telegraph Office in the House. JOHN O'LEARY, Proprietor. KILLARNEY LAKE DISTRICT. THE MUCKROSS HOTEL, OMBINED. with strictly moderate charges, contains all that is necessary to promote the comfort and convenience of Visitors. It is situated in the most central and beautiful part of the Lake District, and within fifteen minutes’ drive of the Railway Station, at which the hotel ’bus attends. Surrounded by pleasant walks and drives, many objects of great interest and beauty, this Hotel will be found a most desirable place to spend a few days or weeks. Angling.—The Proprietor has arranged for the use of Visitors good Salmon Fish- ing. There is also good Salmon and Trout Fishing on the lakes, which are. FREE, and Anglers can have boats from the Proprietor without charge. Tariff and other particulars on application. Please be particular to observe the ’bus you enter bears the name, THE MUCK- ROSS: HOTEL. LOCH-TAY, KILLIN HOTEL, . PERTHSHIRE Y Callander and Oban Railway, thence per New Branch Railway to Killin in connection with Loch Tay Steamers. This Hotel is withintwo minutes’ walk of the Railway Station, situated on the banks of the Lochay, at the head of Loch Tay, amongst some of the finest scenery in Scotland. A recently constructed road has now opened for the first time to Tourists, by Coach ‘‘GLENLOCHAY,” the finest of the Perthshire Glens.. Winding through the gentler beauties of its opening on Loch Tay, the traveller speedily reaches the mystic pass of the “ Collig,” which for sounding waterfall, frowning’ precipice, and pine-clad hills, equals, if it does not excel, the far-famed Trossachs. Farther onward, girt in by the mountain ridges of Glen Dochart, Glen Lochay, and Glen Lyon, the wild chaos forming the ancient Forest of Mamlorn, and lying under the shadow of the mighty Ben Hallum, there is found a scene of the most exquisite pastoral loveliness— “The silence that is in the starry sky, The sleep that is among the lonely hills.” Among the many places of interest are Finlarig Castle, Mausoleum of the Breadalbane Family, Inchbuie, the Burial Place of the Clan M‘Nab. English Church. Post and Telegraph Office close by. Lawn Tennis. Trout Fishing and Pleasure Boats FREE OF CHARGE, Posting establishment complete. A Coach will leave Killin Hotel daily for Glen Lochay, at 11.50 a.m., returning for North and South Trains and Steamers. ALEXANDER STUART, Proprietor. - KINGSTOWN—- KIRK WALL— LEAMINGTON, 53 KINGSTOWN (CO. DUBLIN). THE ROYAL MARINE HOTEL, KINGSTOWN. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. Faces Dublin Bay and Kingstown Harbour. Two minutes from Royal Mail Packet Pier. TWELVE MINUTES FROM DUBLIN BY RAIL. LUGGAGE PER MAIL SHOULD BE LABELLED “KINGSTOWN.” KIRKWALL—ORKNEY ISLES. THE KIRKWALL HOTEL. WiLtiaM DUNNET, Proprietor, begs to intimate that the Hotel has been recently enlarged, thus affording additional accommodation, comprising Coffee, Commercial, Billiard, and Smoking Rooms. Private Parlours, with comfortable, well-aired, and spacious Bedrooms. The Pleasure Grounds, adjoining the Hotel, are beautifully adorned with large trees, which shade the Bowling, Croquet, and Quoit Greens. The Hotel is situated within a few minutes’ walk of the Pier, and in close proximity to the Cathedral and Bishop’s Palace. Conveyances wait arrival of Daily Mail Steamer from Thurso. Gentlemen staying at this Hotel may enjoy Shooting and Fishing free of charge. Posting in all its departments. LEAMINGTON, ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA. MANOR HOUSE HOTEL. IRST-CLASS for Families and Gentlemen. Surrounded by its most magnificently laid-ont grounds, sloping to the River Leam, facing the Pump-Room Gardens, and in close proximity to both Railway Stations—thus making it one of the prettiest places of resort in the Kingdom. The Hotel has been considerably enlarged, furnished with all modern comforts, possesses the largest and handsomest Royal Assembly Room in the town. French Cuisine. Table d’Héte at Seven o’clock. Prices moderate. POSTING, &e. SPLENDID NEW BOXES FOR HUNTING. ROBERT LAMPLOUGH, Proprietor (Late Proprietor of the White Hart Hotel, Harrogate). 54 LiVERPOOL—LLANDUDNO—LLANGOLLEN—LOCH AWE. LIVERPOOL. _.| SHAFTESBURY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, | MOUNT PLEASANT. E| About Three Minutes’ Walk from Central and Lime Street Stations. OMANIBUSES for the Landing Stage and all parts of the City either A: pass the door or near the Hotel. Over = =€ tes ae z f s Re Se ==! 100 Rooms. Cleanliness, Comfort, and Heonomy. Night Porter. LLANDUDNO. THE IMPERIAL FAMILY HOTEL. (CENTRE OF BAY.) lise consequence of the EXTENSIVE PATRONAGE which this Hotel has enjoyed since it was opened in 1872, it has been found necessary to ADD A NEw WING. — APARTMENTS ZN SUITE ELEGANT BILLIARD SALOON FOR THREE TABLES. An Omnibus attends all Trains, EXCELLENT STABLING. Tariff on Application, JOHN CHANTREY, Proprietor. LLANGOLLEN. EDWARDS’ HAND HOTEL. Unequalled for the Beauty of its Situation on the Banks of the Dee. Several Bedrooms and Sitting Rooms have been added to the House to suit the requirements of Families visiting this delightful Neighbourhood. TABLE DHOTE, 6.30. BILLIARDS. Omnibuses from this Hotel meet all Trains. THE LOCH AWE AND DALMALLY HOTELS, ARGYLLSHIRE, : bhai scenery round these well-known Hotels is certainly the finest in the Highlands. Situations unsurpassed. The great centres for tourists. Numerous delightful Excursions by coach, rail, and steamer. Capital Salmon and Trout Fishing, Boating, Tennis, Billiards, ete: Visitors to Exhibition will find these Hotels central for numerous excursions. DUNCAN FRASER, Proprietor. LOCH AWE—LOCH EARN. 55 LOCH AWE, FREE TROUT, SALMON, AND SALMO-FEROX FISHING ON LOCH AWE. TAYCREGGAN HOTEL, NORTH PORTSONACHAN. IRST-CLASS HOTEL for Families and Anglers, close to Loch Awe at Portsonachan, half an hour’s sail from Loch Awe Station, and one hour’s drive from Taynuilt Station. Replete with every convenience. Is the nearest First-class Hotel to Loch Awe, Loch Avich, Loch Nant, and ten other Hill Lochs, all Free to Visitors and mostly within easy walking distance, and some of which have been stocked with Loch Leven Trout, and can only be fished by staying at this Hotel. All Steamers call at the Hotel Pier. A Coach in connection with the Steamer ‘‘ Countess of Breadalbane” leaves Hotel daily in the season, running through Glen Nant. Passengers booked for Tay- nuilt, Oban, Head of Loch Etive, and Loch Awe, via Pass of Brander. Baths. Good Boats. Best Fishing Tackle. Post Horses. Families Boarded. Lawn Tennis. Telegraph Address—Tayorrecean, LocH AWE. A. & A. MUNRO, PORTSONACHAN HOTEL (LOCH AWE, ARGYLLSHIRE, N.B., [§ beautifully situated (half an hour’s sail from Loch Awe Station), and is the_best angling station on the Lake. *« The Hotel was lately rebuilt, and is now replete with every comfort. The fishing, which is first class, is free. .Commodious boats and experienced boatmen always avail- able. The Hotel Steamer plys three times daily to Station. Numerous daily excursions from Hotel by Coach and Steamer. Hotel Tariff free on application. THOMAS CAMERON, Proprietor. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ Portsonachan Hotel, Loch Awe.” “DRUMMOND ARMS HOTEL, ST. FILLANS, BY CRIEFF. ! aa i THIS New and Commodious Hotel, beautifully situated at the foot of Lochearn, is well adapted for Families and Tourists. St. Fillans is one of the loveliest places to be met with anywhere. Boats for Fishing and Carriages for Hire. Caledonian Coaches’ pass daily during the summer months. A. DAVIE. 56 LOCH EARN HEAD—LOCH FYNE—LOCH LOMOND, LOCH EARN HEAD. LOCH EARN HEAD HOTEL, BALQUHIDDER, PERTHSHIRE. 12 miles by rail from Callander. (Under Royal Patronage. Twice visited by the Queen.) THs Hotel, which has been long established, has excellent accommodation for Families and Tourists, with every comfort and quiet, lies high and dry, and charmingly sheltered at the foot of the Wild Glen Ogle (the Kyber Pass), It commands fine views of the surrounding Hills and Loch, the old Castle of Glenample, the scenery of the Legend of Montrose, in the neighbourhood of Ben Voirlich, Rob Roy’s Grave, Loch Voil, Loch Doine, and Loch Lubnaig, with many fine drives and walks. Posting and Carriages. Boats for Fishing and Rowing free. A ’Bus to and from the Hotel for the Trains during Summer. Coaches to and from Crieff daily in Summer. R. DAYTON. The Callander and Oban Railway is now open. Parties breaking the journey here can proceed next morning with greater comfort. LOCH FYNE. CAIRNDOW HOTEL, HEAD OF LOCH FYNE. ARTIES staying at the Hotel can have excellent Salmon and Trout Fishing, free of charge, on the River Kinglass and Loch Restal. See pages 188 and 184 of The Sportsman’s and Towrist’s Guide. The Tarbet, Inveraray, and Oban Coaches pass the Hotel daily during the season. HORSES AND CARRIAGES ON HIRE. WILLIAM JONES, Proprietor. LOCH LOMOND. BALLOCH HOTEL, FOOT OF LOCH LOMOND, Whos above Hotel is beautifully situated at the foot of the ‘‘ Queen of Scottish Lakes,” and within two minutes’ walk of the Railway Station. Visitors will find every com- fort, combined with moderate charges. First-class Billiard Room, Smoking Room, Hot and Cold Baths, &e. Parties purposing to proceed by first Steamer up Loch Lomond would do well to arrive at the Hotel the previous evening. Visitors staying at the Hotel have the privilege of- walking through the Grounds and Flower Gardens of Mr. Campbell of Tullichewan Castle, and also permission to visit ‘Mount Misery,” which commands 17 miles of the most beautiful portion of Loch- lomond—23 islands being comprised in the view. Trout and Salmon Fishing. Posting in allits branches. Boats for the Lake. Mrs. MSDOUGALL, Proprietriz. LOCH LOMOND. 57 LOCH LOMOND. INVERSNAID HOTEL. APE = Hotel is centrally situated in the Scottish Lake District amidst unrivalled scenery. In the neighbourhood are many places of interest, such as Rob Roy’s Cave, the islands on Loch Lomond, on some of which are the remains of feudal strongholds, and within a few yards of the Hotel, Inyersnaid Falls, rendered famous by Wordsworth in his poem ‘*To a Highland Girl.” Coaches to and from Loch Katrine in connection with all the sailings of the steamer there to and from the Trossachs. LAWN TENNIS. BOATS. BILLIARDS, &c. TROUT FISHING ON THE LOCH FREE. Parties Boarded by Week or Month, except in August. ROBERT BLAIR, Proprietor. LOCH LOMOND. Posting. Parties Boarded on Moderate Terms. Small Boats on the Loch, and Fishing Free. TARBET HOTEL. ‘HIS Hotel has lately undergone considerable alterations with extensive additions, comprising Billiard Room, Sitting Rooms, Ladies’ Drawing Rooms and Bed- rooms, &e, Croquet. Lawn Tennis. A. H. MACPHERSON, Proprietor. Oban daily during the Season. Coaches to and from Inveraray, Dalmally, and 58 LOCH NE io) v2) -DALLAS’S” DRUMNADROQCHIT HOTEL, GLEN URQUHART, INVERNESS-SHIRE. HIS old-established and well-known Hotel has been entirely rebuilt on a first-class scale, having now Thirty large Bedrooms, splendid Coffee and Drawing Rooms, besides Parlours, Smoking Room, Bath Room, and all conveniences. The House was specially built for an Hotel, and is newly and elegantly furnished in the most modern style, and Families and Visitors are now afforded first-class accommodation, combined with comfort and quiet, at moderate charges. The Walks and Drives around Drumnadrochit are unrivalled for beauty, varicty, and extent, while in the immediate vicinity is scenery made famous by Phillips, Millais, Shirley Brooks, John Bright, and others. Within convenient distances are Urquhart Castle, Falls of Dhivach, Dog Falls, and the famous Glen Affric and Strathglass. Visitors staying at the Hotel have liberty to fish in Loch Ness, and other Fishing can be had in the neighbourhood. Posting complete in ali Departments, and Conveyances, on Intimaticn, will meet all Steamers. LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO, J. SIMPSON, Lessee. Drumnadrochit Post and Telegraph Office within Two Minutes’ walk of Hotel. MR. MACBRAYNE’S STEAMERS CALL AT TEMPLE PIER DAILY. LOCH LONG— LONDON. 59 LOCH LONG. ARROCHAR HOTEL, ARROCHAR, HEAD OF LOCH LONG. One and a half miles from Tarbet (Loch Lomond), UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Newly and elegantly furnished. Several Steamers call daily at Hotel Pier from Glasgow, ete. Coaches in connection with Inveraray, Dalmally, and Oban during the season. *Bus meets arrival of all Loch Lomond Steamers at Tarbet Pier. Families, “Tourists, and Artists will find this Hotel an excellent marine residence and a convenient centre for touring to the Trossachs and Western Highlands. Good Sea-Fishing and Boating. Posting. Charges Moderate. P. STALKER, Lessee. ARMFIELD’S SOUTH PLACE HOTEL, FINSBURY, LONDON, E.C.,, ike Unsurpassed for its Central Position and Easy Access from all parts of the Kingdom and Metropolis. With a high reputation for over thirty years. It has been recently enlarged,“decorated, and refurnished, and now affords increased efficiency with modern comforts at a moderate tariff, as a First-class Temperance Hotel. The Apartments, which are cheerful and comfortably furnished, con- sist of Coffee, Commercial, and Private Sitting Rooms, with about Seventy well-appointed and Airy Bedrooms. Ladies’ Drawing Room select. Well-ventilated Smoking and Billiard Rooms, for the use of Visitors, furnished by Burroughes & Watts. Telephone 140. A Night Porter. Telegraph Armfield’s, London. Terms, &c., per return of post on application to the Proprietors, JOSEPH ARMFIELD & SON. Three minutes’ walk from Broad Street, Liverpool Street, and Moorgate Stations. LONDON. RESIDENTIAL CLUB—THRALE HALL, STREATHAM, S.W., LoXPon’s healthiest suburb, with purest, bracing, yet balmy, air. Board and residence with comfort and. elegance on very moderate terms by the day or week. Noble Reception, Reading, Smoking, Billiard, and Recreation Rooms. Corridors warmed in winter. Hotel Breakfast, 7.45 till 10 a.m. Hot Luncheon, 1 pm. . Tea, 4.30, and unequalled “* Table @ Hote” (6 or 7 courses) at 7 p.m. Enjoyable Entertainments, Frequent Dances, and Asphalte Tennis Court. 60 LONDON, foo ea LONDON. aa | HOTELS Turkish Baths, LONDON & FAULKNER'S: Newgate St. BRIGHTON.) (ONDON ESTABLISHMENTS, - |} Hastings. j CITY CENTRAL HOTEL, NEWGATE ST., ann PANYER ALLEY. FAULKNER’S HOTEL, VILLIERS ST., STRAND. GARDEN HOTEL, MIDDLE lee BRIGHTON LARGE GARDEN (50 Yards from the Sea). HOME COMFORTS AND MODERATE CHARGES. Tariff on application at 50 Newgate Street and at any Branch in London or Country. HATR-CUTTING SALOONS, THE MOST COMPLETE IN LONDON, BATHS (ALL KINDS), LAVATORIES, AND DRESSING-ROOMS, HOSIERY, AND GENERAL OUTFITTING. Hats, Brushes, Cutlery, Bags, Perfumery, étc., etc. 50 Newgate St., and 8, 4, and 5 Panyer Alley, E.C:; 26 and 27 Villiers St., alongside Charing Cross Station ; White Rock, Hastings, Little Bridge St., Ludgate Hill; Fen- church St. Railway Station ; The Colonnade, “Ramsgate Sands ; National Rifle Associa- tion, Wimbledon ; and at * “Liverpool St. Station, G. E. Railway ; *Broad St. Station, N. te Railway ; *Waterloo Station, L. and 8. W. Railway; St. Pancras, and all Prin- cipal Stations on the Midland and North Staffordshire Railways. * No baths at these. DEVONSHIRE HOUSE HOTEL, 12 BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHOUT, LONDON, EIC. H. G. CHALKLEY, Proprietor. T. H. CHALKLEY, Manager. ° A First-Class Temperance Hotel. VISITORS to London will find this one of the most central positions from which, whether by Rail, Omnibus, or Tram, they can reach all parts.. The Hotel is fitted with every, modern improvement. The Public Rooms and Private Sitting Rooms are handsomely furnished, and the Bedrooms will be found most comfortable. Every attention paid to Visitors. Reduced Charges are made during the Winter Months, and liberal arrangements made with those staying a lengthened period. A Porier is in attendance all night. For Tariff of Charges apply to the Manager.—Telegraphic Address, ** Kxterior, London.” VISITORS TO LONDON. TRANTER’S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 7, 8, 9 BRIDGEWATER SQUARE, BARBICAN, LONDON, E.C. MOST CENTRAL FOR BUSINESS.OR PLEASURE, Close to Aldersgate Street, Metropolitan Railway Station, and near St. Paul’s Cathedral and General Post. Office. Homelike, Highly Respectable, and Quiet. Clean and well Ventilated Bedrooms, 1s. 6d. to 2s. 6d. Breakfast or Tea from ls. to 1ls.9d. NO charge for attendance. HOT AND COLD BATHS. ESTABLISHED 1859. Private, Family, and Commercial, Recently Enlarged. VISITORS’ GUIDE TO Lonpoy, Regd.—What to see, and How to see it in a Week ; and Tariff Card free on application to G. T. 8. TRANTER, Proprietor. LONDON. 61 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, COVENTRY STREET, LONDON. N.B.-WEDDING, BIRTHDAY, | AND. COMPLIMENTARY PRESENTS: S. FISHER, 188 STRAND. a | Wil PERFECT | FITTED BAG. AND THE BEST BAG EVER INVENTED FOR CONTINENTAL TRAVELLING. LIGHT, STRONG, SECURE. Catalogues Post Free. 62 LONDON——LONDONDERRY. THE SARACEN’S HEAD. HOTEL, SNOW HILL, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. Opposite the Snow Hill Station of the L. C. & D. Railway. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL. Omnibus and Railway communication with all parts of London immediately avail- able. One of the most conveniently situated Hotels in the City. M. H. WOODHILL, Proprietor. Telegraphic Address—‘“‘ WOODHILL, LONDON.” Her MAJEstTy AND H.R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES TURKEY, PERSIAN, & INDIAN CARPETS. IMPORTED BY THOS. BONTOR & CO., tare WATSON, BONTOR, & COMPANY, Carpet Manufacturers to the Royal Family, 35 & 36 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, W. EXHIBITION MEDALS, 1851, 1862; DuBLIN, 1865; AND AMSTERDAM, 1883. By SPECIAL APPOINTMENT Superior Brussels, Velvet, Saxony, and all other Carpets in the Newest Designs. JURY'S HOTEL, LONDONDERRY. OURISTS, Families, and Commercial Gentlemen visiting the North of Ireland will find the above Hotel replete with every accommodation, combined with moderate charges. A NIGHT PORTER ALWAYS. IN ATTENDANCE. Posting in all its Branches. Omnibuses attend the arrival and departure of all Trains and Steamers. GEORGE J. JURY, Proprietor. LYNTON——MALVERN. 63 Lyfe, horn DEVON. THE ROYAL CASTLE FAMILY HOTEL. Patronised by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and other Members of the Royal Family. The finest sea and land views in the world. HIS Hotel, standing in its own ornamental grounds of about 12 acres, 500 feet above the level of the sea, overlooking the Bristol Channel, commands uninter- rupted views of the Valleys of the East and West Lynn, Lynn Cliff, Brendon and Countisbury Hills, The Tors, the Village of Lynmouth, the Foreland, the Welsh Coast, and the far-famed Valley of Rocks. Having been under the management of the present Proprietor nearly 50 years, the Hotel has been recently and extensively enlarged to meet the requirements of modern society, and combines the comforts of a private house with the conveniences of a first-class Hotel. Elegant Suites of Private Apartments. New and commodious Table d’Héte, Coffee Room, and Ladies’ Drawing Room, facing the sea. » Excellent Cuisine. Moderate Charges. In connection with this Hotel, and in the same delightful grounds, is a PRIVATE HOTEL and BOARDING HOUSE, which offers excellent accommodation for Families visiting this charming neighbourhood. New and convenient Stables, Post Horses and Carriages of every description. Coaches in the Season to Ilfracombe, Minehead, and Barnstaple. THOMAS BAKER, Proprieior. FIRST-CLASS EXMOOR PONIES FOR SALE. LYNTON, NORTH DEVON. THE VALLEY*OF ROCKS HOTEL (ESTABLISHED 1800). ' In every respect First-Class and Compiete. ELIGHTFULLY situated in extensive ornamental Grounds 500 feet above the level of the Sea, with a full view of it, also the Foreland, the Torrs, the valleys of the Lynns, &c. &c. Elegant Suites of Apartments, also Spacious Table d’Hote and Coffee Rooms, Reading Rooms, and Ladies’ Drawing Room. The most modern conveniences to secure home comforts, good fare, and prompt attention. Handsomely-fitted Billiard Room open during the Season for Residents in the Hotel only. CHARGES MODERATE. TARIFF FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. Post Horses and Carriages. JOHN CROOK, Proprietor. MALVERN. THE ABBEY HOTEL, IN EXCELLENT SITUATION. MOST COMFORTABLE FAMILY HOTEL. Coffee-Room, Reading-Room, and Drawing-Room for Ladies and Gentlemen. Table d@ Héte during the Season. L. ARCHER, Proprietor. Miss SCHNEIDER, Manager. 64 MALVERN. THE FOLEY ARMS HOTEL (Patronised. by the Royal Family). HE first time we visited Malvern, when shown into an upper chamber in the ‘Fonry ARMs,’ we were literally taken aback. We can hardly say more than that the prospect struck us as far finer than from the terrace over the Thames at Richmond, etc., etc.” —Ezxtract from article in ‘* Blackwood,” August 1884. Coffee-Room and Drawing-Room for Ladies and Gentlemen. EDWARD ARCHER, Proprietor. Miss Os Manager. MANCHESTER. GRAND HOTEL COMPANY OF MANCHESTER, LIMITED. AYTOUN STREET. PORTLAND STREET. The Best Hotel in the City. Every modern convenience. Lift. First-Class Cwisine and Cellar. F. MOERSCHELL, Manager. MANCHESTER, KNOWSLEY HOTEL, CHEETHAM HILL ROAD (Only a few Minutes’ walk from Victoria Railway Station), \ ILL be found to possess all home comforts, and the Finest Wines, Oldest Spirits, and Brightest Beer, all at most moderate charges. Parties staying a lengthened Period may make Special Terms. Omuibuses to all parts of the City pass the door every few minutes. R. KNOX, Manager MATLOCK BATH. THE ROYAL HOTEL (LATE OLD BATH). ISITORS to this asker County should make Matlock Bath their Headquarters. Delightful walks and drives to all places of interest. Central and charming. This Hotel adjoins the pavilion and gardens. Newly furnished and fitted with all modern improvements. Table d’hote. Lawn Tennis, Billiards, Fishing, Large Tepid Swimming Bath, free of charge. ' Omnibus meets all Trains. Tariff on wpplication to J. A, HINTON, late of Castle Manx, Isle of Man. MATLOCK-——MELROSE. 65 MATLOCK BATH, DERBYSHIRE. TYACK’S NEW BATH HOTEL, Recently enlarged’ and newly furnished, adjoining the Pavilion Grounds. . It affords every comfort.and convenience: of: arfirst-class modern Hotel, and has Pleasure Grounds éxtending to 9 acres, commanding some of. the finest, views,of, Derbyshire. It, has been long patronised. by the .best’ English and» American Families. Private Sitting: Rooms, Drawing Room, Smoke, and Billiard Rooms A large Swimming Bath, Hot and Cold Baths. Lawn Tennis, Fishing. Balls weekly during the Season. ‘Posting, Stabling. "BUS MEETS EACH TRAIN. Terms Strictly Moderate, for which apply to the Proprietor, -T, TYACK: ites. of inter est Sint easy rath daily by Rail or Goach :— Buxton, Chatsworth, Haddon,*Hall, Castleton, Dovedale, Wingfield Manor, Hardwick Hall. MELROSE, WAVERLEY HYDROPATHIC. ONE hour from Edinburgh, one anda half from Carlisle. Terms from £2: 2s. persweek. Summer, from £2 29s.) \ Billiards, Bowling, Lawn Tennis, Trout Fishing in. Tweed included. First-class Table. For Prospectus apply to the Manager. MELROSE. 4 THE ABBEY HOTEL, ‘ABBEY GATE, AND GEORGE AND ABBOTSFORD HOTEL, HIGH STREET, MELROSE.’ fhe only first-class Hotels in Melrose, both overlooking the ruins, and only 2 minutes’ walk trom the Railway Station. The Hotel ’Buses attend all Trains. First-class Horses and Carriages for Abbotsford, Dryburgh, etc., can be had at both establish- ments. G. HAMILTON, Proprietor. EK 66 MOFFAT—-MONMOUTH. MOFFAT SPA, ANNANDALE ARMS HOTEL, ([OURISTS and Visitors to this famous Watering-Place will find at the ANNANDALE ARMs first-class accommodation, combined with Moderate Charges. Commercial Gentlemen will find every attention to their convenience and interests. ’Buses meet the Trains at Moftat Station. A Summer Excursion Omnibus runs along the route, assing ‘Craigieburn Wood,” Bodesbeck, Grey Mare’s Tail—to St. Mary’s Loch, every uesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in connection with a Coach to Selkirk. OMNIBUSES PLY TO THE WELL EVERY MORNING. Carriages of all kinds. Job and Post Horses on Hire. ROBERT NORRIS, Proprietor. MONMOUTH. VALLEY OF THE WYE. THE KING’S HEAD HOTEL AND POSTING HOUSE. HIS old-established Hotel, situate in Agincourt Square, the centre of the town, is replete with every accommodation for Families and Tourists, at Moderate Charges. A SPACIOUS LADIES’ COFFEE ROOM, AND A SUPERIOR BILLIARD ROOM. An Omnibus meets every Train. JOHN THOMAS, PRopRIEToR. MONMOUTH. OLD CURIOSITY S HOP, AGINCOURT SQUARE, MONMOUTH. Close to the King’s Head Hotel and Beaufort Arms Hotel. ANTIQUE PORCELAINS. ANTIQUE PLATE. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Collector.—HENRY T. SIMMONDS. NAIRN——OBAN. 67 NAIRN, ROYAL MARINE HOTEL (Fifteen miles South of Inverness). ‘ Patronised by the Royal Family. THE “BRIGHTON OF THE NORTH.” FIRST-CLASS HOTEL for Families and Tourists at Moderate Rates, The House was specially built for an Hotel, and has undergone a thor- ough and extensive Repair, and is newly and elegantly Furnished in the most modern style, and contains numerous Suites of Private Rooms, including Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dining Saloon, with Drawing Room; also Smoking Room, Billiard Room, &. Over 70 Beds can be made up. The Climate of Nairn is well known to be the best in Scotland, and is becoming yearly more and more a favourite resort of the Upper Classes and Tourists from all parts of the Kingdom. It is also in high repute with the leading Physicians of the country, who invariably recommend their patients in increasing numbers tosecure the benefits of the dry and bracing air of the district. Superior Hor and CoLtp Saut Water Barus in the Hotel, supplied by a powerful Steam Engine direct from the sea. An Omnibus awaits the arrival of all trains. Posting in all its branches will be done in first-class style, and will be carefully attended to. JOHN MACDONALD, Proprietor (Late Lessee of the Station Hotel, Inverness). COLUMBA HOTEL, ON THE ESPLANADE. FIRST CLASS. NEAREST THE STEAMBOAT PIER, AND ONLY . THREE MINUTES’ WALK FROM RAILWAY STATION. BUS NOT REQUIRED. D. C. MACMILLAN, Lessee. 68 : OBAN, OBAN. THE ALEXANDRA FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, i ON THE ESPLANADE, OBAN. Stands within its own Grounds, and commands the Finest View in Oban. NEW BILLIARD ROOM. BUS FREE OF CHARGE. ne L. G. M‘ARTHUR, Proprietor, OBAN. 69 mTOH | O2AN THE STATION HOTEL. FIRST CLASS. NEAREST RAILWAY STATION See eee ORIN Nr Ee VIEWS UNSURPASSED. _C, CAMPBELL, Proprietria. 70 OBAN. OBAN, KINGS ARMS HOTEL HAS a commanding sea view; is adjacent to the railway station and steamboat wharf; and possesses home comforts, combined with ‘noderate charges. LADIES’ DRAWING Room. BILLIARD, SMOKING, and BATH Rooms, Parties boarded on moderate terms. Tariff on application. Table d’ Hote daily. Boots waits the arrival of Trains and Steamers. Boat kept for fishing. ALEX. M‘TAVISH, PROPRIETOR. OBAN. ANGUS’S IMPERIAL HOTEL. immediately opposite the Steamboat Pier. OBAN. BLACK’S ARGYLL HOTEL. (Under New Management.) SITUATED ON THE ESPLANADE CLOSE TO THE STEAMBOAT PIER. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. D, MACDONALD (Late of the Alexandra Hotel), Proprietor. OBAN, SUTHERLAND'S GREAT WESTERN HOTEL. LARGEST AND LEADING HOTEL IN THE WEST HIGHLANDS. An Omnibus attends the arrival and departure of Trains and Steamers. Visitors conveyed to and from the Hotel free of Charge. OBAN——-OXFORD. 71 OBAN, VICTORIA HOTEL, First-CLAss TEMPERANCE—THE ONLY HIGH-CLASS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO RAILWAY STATION, PIER, AND POST OFFICE, Bedrooms 1s, 6d. and 2s, Teas and Breakfasts 1s. 6d, and 2s, Dinners, a la carte, 2s. 9d,’ Registered telegraphic address, ‘‘ MACLACHLAN ” Oban. OXFORD. . RANDOLPH HOTEL, IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY, (['HE only modern built Hotel in Oxford, close to the Colleges and Public Buildings, and commanding a fine open view down Beaumont Street, St. Giles’s Street, and Magdalen Street, opposite Tue Martyrs’ MEMORIAL, Handsome Suites of Apartments. Drawing Room, Billiard Rooms, and every modern comfort and convenience. Excellent Wines imported direct from abroad, CHARGES MODERATE. GOOD STABLING AND LOOSE BOXES. Visitors at this Hotel will meet with every attention and consideration. ADDRESS—THE MANAGER. -oxforD/. Mh ck THE CLARENDON HOTEL. S arenaohaern by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, H.R.H. Prince Leopold, Their Imperial Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Brazil, The Princess Frederick Charles of Prussia, and Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte. Situate in the most central part of the city, near the principe Colleges and places of interest to Visitors, Families and Gentlemen will find the Hotel replete with every comfort. SPACIOUS COFFEE AND BILLIARD ROOMS. PrivaTE SttTiING AND BEDROOMS (en swite). LADIES’ COFFEE Room. Guides always in Attendance. Fashionable Open and Close Carriages. Job and Post Horses. Good Stabling and commodious Coach Houses. JOHN F, ATTWOOD, Proprietor. ‘72 OXFORD (PENSARN, see p. 73) PENZANCE. OXFORD. THE MITRE HOTEL, Situated in the centre of the Phos ‘Street in Kurope, is one of the most ECONOMICAL First- Class Hotels in the Kingdom. aH Ab{abey pairs arte QUEEN'S HOTEL ON THE HSPLANADE. ' ri Hotel has a frontage of over 170 feet, all the rooms of which overlook the sea. It is the principal and largest in Penzance. For Families, Ladies, and Gentlemen only.* Penzance stands unrivalled for the variety and quiet beauty of its scenery, whilst the mildness of its climate is admirably adapted’ to invalids. Apartments en. suite. Ladies’ Drawing, Reading, and Coffee Rooms, Billiard and Smoking Rooms, Hot and ‘Cold Baths: nee d’Héte. ha “An Omnibus meets every. Train. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES:* ALEX. H. HORA, Proprietor. PENZANOE—-PENSARN—PERTH. 73 PENZANCE. MOUNT’S BAY HOTEL; ON THE ESPLANADE. (PRs, ‘old-éstablished Hotel commands a better view of Mount’s Bay than any other Hotel in Penzanee, as all the windows in the front and at side have an Uninterrupted and unsurpassed View of all the Bay and St. Michael’s Mount. Tue Hore. is HEATED wirH Hor Water. Hor anv Coup Barus, Choice Wines, etc. Post Horses and Carriages. TABLE D’HOTE. PORTER MEETS EACH TRAIN. CHARGES MODERATE. Terms and View on Application. MRS. LAVIN, Proprietress. PENSARN. CAMBRIAN- HOTEL, ABERGELE. Close to the Railway Station, Beach, and Lawn Tennis Grounds, Tt is env bndy situated for the daily Welsh Circular ‘Tours. ROBERT HUMPHREYS, Proprietor. BILLIARDS PERTH. HENRY S QUEEN’S HOTEL Opposite the General Railway Station. (OVER THE BRIDGE.) THAT Is THE HOUSE TO GO TO. PERTH.» POPLE? Ss “ROYAL BRITISH HOTEL (Opposite the General Station). Patronised by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince and Princess Christian, Duke of Connaught, and other Members of the Royal Family, and the leading Nobility of the Kingdom. 4 pee Family Hotel has long stood pre-eminent ; and the Proprietor would remark that the same care and unremitting attention, which are universally acknowledged by all who have patronised him, it will be his constant study to continue. Telegraphic Address—PorLE, PERTH. 74 | PERTH—PLYMOUTH—PORT BANNATYNE—PITLOCHRIE, PERTH. SALUTATION HOTEL. T this old-established and well-known Hotel (under new management) Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, and Families will find ‘comfort and attention, combined with strictly moderate charges. Special terms for Cyclists. BILLIARD ROOM WITH FIRST CLASS TABLES. HOTEL ’BUS AWAITS THE ARRIVAL OF TRAINS, Orders by Letter or Telegram receive prompt attention. W. CARGILL, Proprietor. PLYMOUTH. GRAND HOTEL. (ON THE HOE.) THE ONLY HOTEL WITH SEA VIEW. Facing Sound, Breakwater, Eddystone. MAIL STEAMERS ANCHOR IN SIGHT. Public Rooms and Sitting Rooms, with Balconies, JAMES BOHN, Proprietor. KYLES OF BUTE HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, PORT BANNATYNE, BUTE, N.B. [UJ NBIVALLED as. a Marine Residence. Situated 200 feet above the level of the Sea, commanding magnificent view of Loch Striven and the entrance to the Far Famed Kyles of Bute, Sheltered Walks within Policies. Every Home Comfort. Unsur- passed Salt, Fresh Water, and Turkish Baths. Climate during Winter free from fogs, and as mild as the South of England and Channel Islands. Consulting Physician.—Dr. ANDREW J, HALL, Lady Superintendent.—Miss MALCOLM, Terms on Application, ATHOLE HYDROPATHIC. PITLOCHRIE, PERTHSHIRE. HIS. Palatial Establishment, after extensive alterations, extension of Tennis Courts, &c., will be reopened for the reception of Visitors on the 19th May, UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF THE Proprietor, W. MACDONALD, Royal Refreshment Rooms, Perth Station, ; WHO WILL FORWARD PROSPECTUSES ON APPLICATION. ~!I St PITLOCHRIE. PITLOCHRIE. FISHER’S HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL AND POSTING ESTABLISHMENT. Pa wishing to see the magnificent Scenery in this part of the Scottish Highlands will find this Hotel (to which large additions have been made) most convenient, for in One Drive they can visit the Falls of Tummel, the Queen’s View of Loch Tummel; The Far-Famed Pass of Killiecrankie; Glen Tilt; The Falls of Bruar, &c. Pitlochrie is on the direct route to Balmoral Castle, by Spital of Glen- shee and Braemar; and to Taymouth Castle and Kinloch-Rannoch, by Tummel Bridge. Salmon and Trout Fishing on the Rivers Tummel and Garry, and on the Lochs in the neighbourhood. . EXCURSION COACHES aie leave the Hotel daily during the summer season for Pass of Killiecrankie, Falls of Bruar, Queen’s View on Loch Tummel, Kinloch-Rannoch, Glen Tilt, &c. Seats secured at the Hotel. Fares moderate. Job and Post Horses and Carriages of every kind, By the Day, Week, or Month. ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH FOR ROOMS, CARRIAGES, OR COACH SEATS, PUNOTUALLY ATTENDED TO, 76 a we Two Lines. of Railway from London and the North of England to Plymouth, vi Citi ey Great-WVestern and London and South-Western. PLYMOUTH. THE ROYAL Soa PLYMOUTH. h a iia i: i i((' i SPACIOUS GENERAL COFFEE ROOM, RETIRING ROOM: FOR LADIES. Good Smoking Room for Gentlemen staying in the. Hotel. S. PEARSE, Proprirtor, EXTENSIVE POSTING ESTABLISHMENT: PRESTON—-RHYL—RIPON——ROTHESAY. 77 | PRESTON, LANCASHIRE. Half-way bole London and Edinburgh, and London and, Glas yaw. THE VICTORIA AND STATION HOTEL. Close to the Railway Station. Established 50 Years. Night Porter. Charges Reasonable. GOOD STABLING AND COACH-HOUSES. MISS BILLINGTON, Proprictress. RHYL—NORTH WALES. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, FACING THE SEA. RIPON, FOUNTAINS ABBEY. PEICORN | HOTEL AND POSTING HOUSE, ai “PATRONISED BY H.R.H. PRINCE or WALES. NE of the Oldest Established Hotels in the North of England, and the principal in Ripon.. To meet requirements it has been lately much enlarged and improved. Orders by Post punctually attended to. R, E. COLLINSON, Wine anv Spirit Mercwant, Proprietor, ROTHESAY, ISLE OF BUTE. (Opposite the Prer.) THE BUTE ARMS HOTEL. (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.) HIS Old-Established and First-Class Hotel affords excellent accom- modation for Families, Tourists, and Commercial Gentlemen. Charges Strictly Moderate. PARTIES BOARDED BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor. 78 ROTHESAY (ST, FILLANS, see p. 55), EOTELES AD QUEEN'S foe; HOTEL, Established over Twenty-one ¥ Car's. Five Minutes’ Walk from the Quay. On the Esplanade. R D. M‘PHERSON (for 29 years Lessee of the Argyll Arms Hotel, Inver- aray) begs to announce that he has just succeeded to this OLD-ESTABLISHED and First-CLass FAMILY AND’‘COMMERCIAL HoTEL, which comprises magnifi- cent Dining Saloon (one of the finest in Scotland), Ladies’ Drawing Room, elegant Sitting Rooms, Smoking and Billiard Rooms, Bath Rooms, and over FORTY Bedrooms—all furnished in the most modern style. Tourists would find the QuEEN’s HoTEL a most suitable and convenient resort for breaking their journey, either going North or South. Several Pleasure Excursions can be had from Rothesay at convenient hours every forenoon by ‘Columba,’ ‘ Lord of the Isles,’ ‘Ivanhoe,’ ‘ Gael,’ ‘ Bonnie Doon,’ ‘Sultana,’ and other Steamers, for Arran, Cumbrae, Campbeltown, Inveraray, Ardrishaig, Ayr, Arrochar (Loch Lomond), and other places on the Firth of Clyde ; returning to Rothesay in the afternoon. A variety of beauti- ful Drives can also be had to various places of interest in the Island. TABLE D’HOTE AT 6.30. BEAUTIFUL GARDENS AND PLEASURE GROUNDS. Letters and Telegrams Punctually Attended to, PARTIES SOARDED BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. ROTHESAY, BUTE. GLENBURN HYDROPATHIC, ELIGHTFUL ~ Residence, Climate mild, Protected from East Winds, Newly added—An additional Drawing-Room, with a Southern aspect, overlooking the Flower Garden, with over 20 new Bed- rooms and Nursery for Children. Large Handsome Recreation Hall, Music and Billiard Room, Lawn and Ash Tennis Court, Bowling, Boating, ete., etc. The Baths—Turkish, Vapour, Salt, Russian, Medicated, Elec- tric and Swimming—finest in Britain. Dr. PHILP, Resident Physician. Under the Direction of Mr. Puiip, Proprietor of the Cockburn Hotels, Edinburgh and Glasgow. SALISBURY—SCARBOROUGH. 79 ica oie THE WHITE HART HOTEL. The Largest and Principal Hotel in the City. AX old-established and well-known first-class Family Hotel, nearly opposite Salisbury Cathedral, and within a pleasant drive of Stonehenge. This Hotel is acknowledged to be one of the most comfortable in England. ‘Table d’Héte at separate Tables from 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. daily. A Ladies’ Coffee Room, a Coffee Room for Gentlemen, and first-class Billiard and-Smoking Rooms. Carriages and Horses of every description for Stonehenge and other places of interest. Excellent Stabling. Loose Boxes, etc. Posting-Masters to Her Majesty. Tariff on application to H. T. BOWES, Manager. SCARBOROUGH. THE ALEXANDRA HOTEL ESTABLISHED 1864. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL—Detached—On the. Cliff, with unrivalled Sea Views, and commanding most extensive and picturesque views of the surrounding eountry. Elegant Private Apartments. The Cuisine superior, and the Wines carefully selected, but visitors can use their own without extra charge. Be ete Ae A la Carte; or, Board and Attendance in Public Room, including bed, 10s. per day. Per week, £3: 3:0. Private Apartments, from two to six guineas per week, and Board and Attendance from 10s. 6d. per day, or £3:10: 0 per week. REDUCED TARIFF TO THE END OF THE FIRST WEEK IN AUGUST. Board and Attendance, in public rooms, per week, £2:12: 6. Per day, 9s., and no charge for beds. Full tariff, and particulars on application to MISS CHANDLER, Manager. 80 SKIPTON—-3K YE—-SOUTHPORT—STIRLING. SKIPTON. THE DEVONSHIRE HOTEL. AN old-established First-class Family and Commercial Hotel, in the centre of the +% Town. Parties visiting ‘‘Bo_tton AppEy” will find this Hotel within an easy distance; with comfort, superior accommodation, and moderate. charges combined. Conveyances of all kinds on hire. Billiards and Bowling Green. AN HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAINS. MRS. EDMUND WRIGLEY, Propriety ess. SKYE. “gaan SLIGACHAN HOTEL, Nearest House to Loch Coruisk. EAUTIFULLY situated at the foot of the Coolin Hills. — Parties living in the Hotel have the Privilege of good Sea-trout fishing on the river Sligachan ; also good Loch and Sea fishing. Boats free of charge. Boatmen, 4s, per “day. Parties landing at Coruisk can have ponies or guides sent to meet them at Camasunary, or the Hill above Coruisk, by sending letter or telegram the day previous, POSTING. WM. SHARP, Lessee. SOUTHPORT. PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. FOR FAMILIES AND GENTLEMEN. ELEGANTLY APPOINTED. STRICTLY MODERATE CHARGES BOARDING ARRANGEMENTS. C. O. WILKINSON, Manager. STIRLING. ROYAL HOTEL. yes old-established First-Class Hotel is conveniently situated for Families, Tourists, and Commercial Gentlemen, being within three minutes’ walk of the Railway Station. Carriages of every description kept at the Hotel. Omnibus awaits all Trains, A. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. STRATHPEFFER. 81 THE HIGHLAND SULPHUR SPA, STRATHPEFFER, ROSS-SHIRE. These Waters are among the strongest in Europe, and are unrivalled in Great Britain in the treatment of CHRONIC RHEUMATISM DISEASES OF THE SKIN, AND AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS. Superior Effervescing Chalybeate Spring, UNIQUE IN THIS COUNTRY. SULPHUR BATHS AND DOUCHES HEATED ON THE MOST APPROVED SYSTEM, EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS EFFECTED: SINCE LAST SEASON, SPLENDID PAVILION FOR BALLS, CONCERTS, ETC. Resident Physician—Dr. FORTESCUE FOX, from London Hospital. See Late Dr. MANSON’S Book, 5th Edition. IMPROVED DRAINAGE AND WATER SUPPLY, __ STRATHPEFFER. BEN WYVIS HOTEL, Two Minutes walk from Railway Station and MINERAL WELLS AND BATHS, CONTAINS SPLENDID NEW DRAWING AND DINING ROOMS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE APARTMENTS (En Suite), BILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS, BOWLING AND TENNIS GREENS, Amidst Scenery Unsurpassed in Scotland. NEAR POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICES, POSTING. APPLY THE MANAGER, F 82 STRATHPEFFER. STRA TH PEFF EReees HIS Old Established Hotel, occupies one of the best. situations in Strathpeffer, now~considered the most popular Health Resort in the Country, within 5 minutes from the Spa Mineral Wells, Pavilion, Post-Oftice, ete. . It stands within its own Grounds, commandsa particularly, fine view of the beautiful scenery of the Strath, and is secluded enough to ensure to visitors the privacy, and. quiet of an ordimaryyCountr v Residence, vi It has recently been enlarged, and now contains BrnuraRD Room, HanpsomME DrawiInce Room, and Spacious Diytine Hatt, etc. The Grounps have been beautifully laid out with Sheltered Walks and Tmnnis Lawns, ete. The Hotel is well-known as a First-Class home, is noted for the Excellence. of. ats»OUIsINE, aady UNF KA for TAnlies and comfort, Omnibus and Boots attend all ae Telephone communication between Hotel and, Strathpeper Station. VISITORS CONVEYED FREE OF CHARGE TO AND FROM WELLS. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Charges Strictly Moderate. A. WALLACE, Proprietor. TARBERT (HARRIS). 83 ‘nina itl TARBERT HOTEL, |) - ISLE OF HARRIS. SALMON & SEA-TROUT FISHING FREE. SEA-FISHING. ROBERT HORNSBY ‘BESS respectfully ‘to call the attention of Tourists, Anglers, &c., to his Hotel, where they will find every comfort and good sport. Parties living in the Hotel can get good Salmon and Sea-trout Fishing, or they can have Boats for Sea-Fishing. Various Lochs in connection with the Establish- ment. Post Horses and Carriages are kept for hire. The scenery of Harris is magnificent, including a view of St. Kilda, and the climate is extremely healthy; --- =- © The Steamer Dunara CastLE, from Glasgow, calls every week ; and the Steamer CLYDESDALE, also from Glasgow, every fortnight. The Lochs of the Island of Scalpa can be fished by residing at this Hotel, and Excursions can be arranged to all the outlying Islands. The Shootings of the Island of Scalpay, &c., also Seal Shooting, are attached to the Hotel. Yachts supplied with Stores and Fresh Vegetables. ” Reading Parties taken in by the Week or Month. 84 TAY NUILT—-TENBY—-TINTERN. TAYNUILT, TAYNUILT HOTEL. VHIS \ Hotel is situated near Loch Etive, within two minutes’ walk from the Taynuilt Station on the Callander and Oban Railway. Visitors have the privilege of Salmon and Trout Fishing on the River Awe. JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor. Post Horses, Carriages, &c. TENBY., ROYAL GATE HOUSE HOTEL. HIS well-known Hotel is replete with every comfort for the reception of Families and Gentlemen, combined with moderate charges, The situation cannot be surpassed, commanding most extensive sea-views, Ladies’ Drawing Room, Private Sitting Rooms, Bath Room, &e. Billiards. Excellent Stabling. PENSION FOR FAMILIES AT REDUCED TERMS DURING WINTER SEASON. Table d’Hote at 7 p.m. MISS BRIGHT, Manageress. TENBY, THE COBOURG HOTEL, UNRIVALLED POSITION. FACING THE SEA, Ladies’ Drawing Room, Private Sitting Rooms, Hot and Cold Bath Rooms. Good Livery Stables. ‘Tariff--From Three Guineas per week, Special Terms for Winter Season, Omnibus to all Trains. JOHN B. HUGHES, Proprietor. TINTERN, ABBEY, BEAUFORT ARMS HOTEL, TINTERN. CHARMING First-Class Hotel, delightfully situated in its own Grounds, directly facing the noble Ruins of the Abbey. Carriages meet all Trains at Tintern Station. EMM A re! ARRETT, Propri etress { Beaufort Arms Hotel, TINTERN. Beaufort Arms Hotel, CHEPsTow TOBERMORY—TORQUAY. 85 TOBERMORY (ISLAND OF MULL), N.B. WESTERN ISLES HOTEL (FIRST CLASS), Use of Boats for Fishing the famous Mishnish Lochs and Frisa, free of charge. Beautiful Spot for a Family Resort. Families and Gentlemen Boarded from £2:5s. per week until July ALBERT MUNZER. TORQUAY. THE WESTERN’ HOWELL. Personally Patronised by Members of the Royal Family. re Winter Resort. Sands, and Bathing. .Commanding Situation—-free and open Hqually suitable for a Summer as a The nearest Hotel to the Railway Station, Magnificent.views from every window. ,Home Comforts. Excelient Cuisine and Wines. Baths. » Tennis Courts. Billiard Room. » Coffee and Public Drawing Rooms Table d’Hote. Telephone. for Rooms, Tariff, de., apply to the MANAGER. THE TORQUAY GRANVILLE MANSIONS BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT AND PENSION, LATE THE HYDROPATHIC. MNHIS ESTABLISHMENT is conducted with a view to give every home comfort that Visitors may require. The situation is healthy, free from fogs, rarely any snow or frost seen. Its altitude is 250 feet above Torbay, over which there are very extensive views, equal to Italian Scenery. The Cuisine is good, all provisions being supplied from the Home Farm. A spacious Billiard-Room and Reading-Room supplied with daily papers. Saddle Horses. Boating and Fishing in deep sea if required, Torquay and Neighbourhood in the months of April, May, June, September, October, are simply delightful. The Establishment is patronised by the Medical Men of Torquay and District, and is under the careful supervision of a well qualified Lady and Gentleman For prospectus apply to the Manager. W. BENNET DAW, Proprietor. 86 TOTLAND BAY—-TOTNES—TYNDRUM—TROSSACHS, TOTLAND BAY, NEAR ALUM Bay AND FRESHWATER, IsLE OF WIGHT. TOTLAND BAY HOTEL. MAGNIFICENT SEA VIEWS. (SOMFORT with Moderate Charges.:' Billiard Room. Bracing air, excellent Sands and Promenade Pier. Good Boating and Bathing. Apply to MANAGER. TOTNES. THE SEYMOUR FAMILY HOTEL And Posting House. ON THE BANKS OF THE DART. LE Patronised by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Omnibus meets all Trains and Steamboats. G. & F. MITCHELL, Proprietors. TYNDRUM. ROYAL HOTEL. ‘OSHPH STEWART, of Crianlarich Hotel, begs to intimate that he has taken a lease *) of the above First-Class Hotel, which, having been built within the last few years, contains superior accommodation, having large and lofty Bedrooms, Baths, etec., with excellent Public Rooms and Private Parlours, Billiard Room, Smoking Room, etc. The whole house has been beautifully furnished anew, and forms one of the most com- fortable and healthful resorts in the Highlands. First rate Cuisine. Table d’Hote Breakfasts and Dinners. Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors of best qualities. The outdoor attractions include splendid Lawn-Tennis Court, with nets and all appliances, Excellent Trout Fishing free of charge in Loch Nabea, Loch Dochart, and River Hillan. Boats and Boatmen in attendance. Parties boarded by week or. month. Posting in all its branches. Within three minutes’ walk of Railway Station. — TROSSACHS. STRONACHLACHER HOTEL. (HEAD OF LOCH. KATRINE.) ONALD FERGUSON begs to intimate that. he has lately completed extensive alterations and additions to his Hotel, and that it will be his constant endeavour, as heretofore, to secure every comfort and atten- tion to Tourists and others favouring him, with their patronage. _ It is the best Fishing-Station, and Boats, with experienced Boatmen, are always in readiness. During the Season Coaches run to and from Inversnaid in connection with Steamers on Loch Katrine and Loch Lomond. . Carriages and other Conveyances kept for IHire. | TROSSACHS. . Law 8p THE TROSSACHS HOTEL. LOCH KATRINE. ou) sry ey oR. BLAIR, Proprietors HIS First-Ciass, Horen is beautifully situated in the midst,of the classic scenery ot Scott’s “ Lady of bhe Lake,” and is the ONLY HOTEL in the Trossachs. Parties staying for not less than a week can. be. boarded on SPECIAL THRMS, excepting from 15th July to 15th Sept. During the season ‘Coaches run from Callander Railway Station to the Trossachs, in connection with all Trains, and in connection with all Steamers on Loch Katrine.’ These C Se ctes all see at this Hotel» giving passengers time.to Luneh, ) Hacellent: Fishing- in’ Lochs~Katrine and Ache tse eh- gaged at the,Hotel,,and-at, the Boathouse Loch Katrine Pier. BILLIARDS. ~" LAWN TENNIS. Address THE TROSSACHS HOTEL, Loch Katrine, By CALLANDER, N.B.. R. BLAIR, Proprietor. 88 WELLS—YORK-—HYDROPATHIO (MALVERN) ESTAB.—COACHES. WELLS, SOMERSET. THE SWAN HOTEL, FACING, AND PRIVATE WALK TO, THE CATHEDRAL. For Tariff of Charges, see the “Swan Hore. VISITORS’ GUIDE TO WELLS,’ price 6d., or to MRS. GEORGE, Proprictress. YORK. HARKERS YORK HOTEL, ST. HELEN’S SQUARE. 5 dame long-established First-Class Hotel occupies the most central and best Situation in the City, being nearest to the Minster, the Ruins of St. Mary’s Abbey, and other objects of interest ; is within five minutes’ walk of Station and free from noise of Trains. P. MATTHEWS, Proprietor. GREAT MALVERN. HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, D® RAYNER’S Hydropathic Establishment and Winter Residence, Great Malvern, Hydropathy, Electricity in every form, Massage, Droitwich Brine and Medicated Baths, and other curative agents. Aix Bath for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, &c., as at Aix-les-Bains. Quiet rooms for the treatment of patients by the Weir-Mitchell method. Separate terms to Visitors not requiring medical treatment. For Prospectus apply to T, RAYNER, M.D., as above. THE | BRAEMAR, DUNKELD, BLAIRGOWRIE, AND GLENSHEE COAGHES WILL COMMENCE RUNNING ON Isr JULY, Leaving BRAEMAR at 8 A.M., DUNKELD at 9 A.M., BLAIRGOWRIE at 11 A.M., every lawful day. Fire Arms HoTet, BRAEMAR, April 1887. COACHES——RATLWAYS. 89 NORTH DEVON. LYNTON AND MINEHEAD. ‘The Well- -appointed Fast Four-Horse Coach he LORNA DOONE ” Commenced running for the Season on the 25th Pp oekei ean te Ze April between Railway Station, Minehead, and ~ === , Royal Castle Hotel, Lynton. For particulars see G. W. Railway Time Tables and Bills, THOMAS BAKER Jun., Proprietor. PRIvATE Hoven. LynTON. LYNTON, LYNMOUTH, AND BARNSTAPLE, The quickest route to London by three-quarters of an hour. Tue Well-Appointed Fast Four-Horse Coach ‘*Tantivy ’ (carrying the Mails) runs daily throughout the year So et excepted), in connection with the trains of d = L. and 8. W. Railway, passing through some of the finest scenery in Devonshire. Tekton: : : =eaep:—8.—0-AM--} Waterloo . . . dep. 9 Oa.M. Barnstaple peers OO ahi E Barnstaple : - arr. 3,21 P.M. rh aep earls Us ° . dep. 3.40. ,, Waterloo ~ arr. 5 17 P.M. R (tynton’ . - ‘arr, 630... Through Tickets issued at all L. & 8. W. Railway § Stations. Booking Office opposite Valley of Rocks Hotel, Lynton. : JONES BROS., House Agents, Lynton, Proprietors. t LONDON & SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, - - WATERLOO STATION, LONDON. The Shortest and Quickest Route to the South-West and West -of England, EXETER, BARNSTAPLE, BIDEFORD (“ West- ward Ho 1"); ILFRACOMBE, NORTH and SOUTH DEVON, BUDE vid Hotswortuy, TAVISTOCK, LAUNCESTON, PLY- MOUTH, DEVONPORT, WEYMOUTH, SWANAGE; CORFE CASTLE, BOURNEMOUTH, SOUTHAMPTON, PORTS- MOUTH, STOKES BAY, and ISLE OF WIGHT, The only throughout Railway to Ilfracombe. FAST EXPRESSES AT ORDINARY FARES, AND FREQUENT FAST TRAINS, All Trains convey Third-Class Passengers. CHEAP TOURIST AND EXCURSION TOKETS Through Tickets in connection with the London and North- Western, Great Northern, and Midland Railways. Regular Mail Steam-Ships, vid Southampton, to and from the CHANNEL ISLANDS, JERSEY, and GUERNSEY. Also Fast Steam-Ships for HAVRE, Rovgn, and PARIs, Sr. MALO, CHERBOURG, GRANVILLE, and HonFLEUR. The Company’s Steam- Ships are not surpassed i in Speed or Accommodation by any Channel Vessels, CHARLES SCOTTER, General Manager. RAILWAYS. “EAST COAST “EXPRESS” ROUTE. GREAT NORTHERN AND NORTH-EASTERN RAILWAYS. SPECIAL EXPRESS TRAINS BETWEEN LONDON & EDINBURGH & GLASGOW. LONDON & EDINBURGH 8 Hrs. 55 Mins. To Guascow In 10 Hrs. 20 MIns. SPECIAL DAY EXPRESS TRAINS» run between Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, as under: DOWN. 5 KING’S CROSS ...... Dep. 10.0 A.M. | Pup. !ViV¥ Ut... Dep. 7.30 A.M. EDINBURGH......+++ Arr, 7.0. P.M. GLASGOW ...cseceiees Metee Sakae GLASGOW ..5...00000. by BZD pi ise EDINBURGH......... 43> 400 * PBRT Ha J. .jucndy ssaisie 3 9.85.75) Kine’s CROSS...... Arts e0 P.M. THROUGH WEEK-DAY SERVICE BETWEEN LONDON AND SCOTLAND BY EAST CoAsST ROUTE. DOWN. A iB Sat.) GE: Po-c A.M.| A.M.| A.M. | P.M. | P.M. | P.M. | P.M. || A.M. | A.M, | A.M. A.M.| P.M. Kino’s X, Dp. 5.15/10.0 |10.35] 8.0*| 8.30/10.30] 8.30 “Wiex... .-Dp.12.10} 8.0 | 3 AE Edinburgh Ar. 3.40, 7.0 | 8.38] 4.55} 6.15} 9.55} 6.15 Thurso. . 99 712.25} BehO}. 4 ai... Glasgow.. ,, 5.20) 8.20/10.25| 6.20] 7.45/11.15| 7.55||Helmsdale ,, 3.30|10.18, .. | 2,20 Stirling ., ,, 5.18] 8.25/10.26| 6.30 iA 1.55] 7.37)|Golspie... ,, 4.30/10.56) .. 3.24 Oban..... 9 De bl] wre} be AD ere — oe Bek Fore v}| LD VELIES Song yh OL. Ol Sonne 10.0 Perth..... ,, . 6.40) 9.35/11.36}.7.20|. 8.35! 3.35} 8.30|| Aberdeen...,, 1.20}, 4.40) -. 8.55 Dundee... ,, 6.45/10.30/12.40| 8,20} 9.50) 4.45] 9.5 P.M. |) Aberdeen. ,, 8.40) 3.5 | 3.5 | 9.55/11.15' 8.30/12.0°|| Dundee... 4, 4.0 | 6.40) 7.0 |-7.0 {11.5 Inverness. ,, .« | 8.5 | 8:5 |11.50);6.5+)--.. | 1:80/) Perth..... yy 4.20] 7.85. 7.80) 7280]12.0 Golspie .. ,, 1:18} 1.18) 8.241° 2, 5.14||Oban..... 5 12.40] 4.040 209 2] 6.10 Helnsdale ,, 2.10) 2.10) 4.1 | oe 5.51} Stirling. »» 9.19] 8.41 8.40} 8.40} 1.5 Thurso... ,, 4.40| 4.401 6.0 | .. | ..°1°7:50)| Glasgow... ,, 6.0 | 9.5. 18.45) 8.45] 1.0 Wick . 5.0 | 5.0 | 6.10|.. | 2. |-8.0 || Edinburgh ,, . 7.35/10.40 10,0 |10.15| 2.50 A. Does not leave King’s Cross on Saturdays or eur Kina’s X, Ar. 5.45] 8.15 7.0 | 8.30} 2.10 days | A.M] A.M. P.M.| P.M. | A.M. . The train leaving King’s Cross at 10.30 p.m. on Satur days does not run north of Berwick on Sunday morning. C. Not ru from Inverness on Saturday nights. Third-class tickets are issued by all trains, except the additional Special Scotch Express trains, from King’s Cross at 10.0 4.M., and Edinburgh at 10.0.a.M. It is intended that this train service shall be in force until Ist July, but thd that date the night express train service will be altered, and additional expresses run between King’s Cross and Scotland by East Coast route, An additional day express will leave King’s Cross at about 10,25 a.m. for Edin- burgh. The down night service will be improved, and an additional train run from King’s Cross. The 10.40 p.m. up express from Edinburgh will leave at 10.20 p.m. and be accelerated so as to reach King’s Cross at 7.10 a.m. New express trains will leave Edinburgh at 12.40 noon and 10.40 p.m., and arrive at King’s Cross 10.50 p.m. and 8.0 a.m. respectively. * The 8.0 and 8.30 P.M. Express trains from King’s Cross’ are in direct connection with the ‘‘ ona,” and other West Coast Steamers. PULLMAN CARS & SLEEPING CARRIAGES. are attached to the night trains. Alterations may be made in the times of the trains from month te month, for particulars of which see the East Coast Railways’ Monthly Time Books. Conductors in charge of through luggage travel with the Express trains leaving London at 10.0 and 10.35 A.M., 8.0 and 8.30 p.m.; and Perth at 4.20 p.m. and 7.30 A.M.; and Edinburgh at 10.0, 10.15 a.M., 7.35 p.m., and 10.40 P.M. EAST COAST ROUTE. GREAT NORTHERN AND NORTH-EASTERN. RAILWAYS. TOURIST TICKETS,—From 16th May to 31st October, Ist, 2d, and 3d class tourist tickets, available for return, without extra payment, wntil 31st December 1887, will be issued from London(King’s Cross, G.N.R.), 111 Strand, 285 Oxford Street, at the Offices of Messrs. Swan & Leach, 32 Piccadilly Circus, and 3 Charing Cross ; and at Victoria (L. C. & D.), Moorgate Street and Finsbury Park Stations, etc., etc., to the under-mentioned stations in Scotland, at fares as under :— PARES FROM KINGS CROSS. 1st class |2d class|3d class, Ist class | 2d class| 3d class Bo gkbe Say Oe Sun Oe Suwa: Kea Soari@. a@BERWICK . . 94-0)..75 4) 49 6 Sr. ANDREWS . 121 9 88 10 56 0 a@MELROSE, vic COLDSTREAM . 96 8] 76 .0/ 50 0 Hexham, .. 99 6] 74 9] 50 0(|\DunpEE. . . 125 3] 90 8)| 56 0 PEEBLES. .'. 104 9} .. | 50 0 ||ARBROaTH.,. 128 3] 92 2} 56 0 @EDINBURGH . 109 6/| 79 9] 50 0 ||MonTROosE, .: . 133 0] 94 6] 56.0 FORFAR. . . 130 3] 93 8| 56 0||BREcHIN.,. . 133 0]|.94 6] 56 0 GLascow . . 110 3) 81 2]| 52 0 ||ABERDEEN . . 133 6] 94 9| 56 O HELENSBURGH. 112 9| 82 4 52 0 ||BatuaTER; . . 143 8 | 105 3 62 10 sWABBERT ».) . ; 112;'0}-:82 0 52 0 ||PITLocHRY . . 1381 2 93 6 56 0 /STIRLING, . =~ 114 3]- 83 10 63.46 HSTROAN Gos 2° 184 4 95 10 57 10 BRIDGEOF ALLAN 115 OO} 84 6 54 0 |BoaT or GARTEN ) DUNBLANE... 115 6) 84 9] 54 0 ||GRanrown . .}147 61103 9 60 0 CALLANDER... 118 6 é 54 0 || Keita tx Fs GRIEFR?" 3) neiae-. 121 «6-88 8 564 0 |;ELuGIN. «.. . 148 6] 104 3; 60-0 KIM | 4 wring » 12k O ; 59 0 ||INVERNESS . . DALMALLY ... 129 9 62.0 ||NaIRN.. 0 OveL05:=:0 60 0 LocH AWE... 130 38 62 6 ||FoRRES - CONNEL FERRY 131 9 63._6 ||DINGWALL . . 150. 0 | 108 11 63,1 TAYNUILT, .; «131 3 63 0 |STRATHPEFFER. 151 31109 11] 63 8 OBAN,viaDalmally 132 3 64 0 ||ACHNASHEEN . 157 6} 112 6| 67.6 OBAN, via Glasg’ ||STROME Ferry 164.9 {117 4! 70 0 or Helensburgh -130 38] 101 2}: 63.0 |\LarRes =... ..160..0.] 115 0] 70:0 OBAN, Cire. Tour 131> 8 se 63 96 ||GoLSPIE ..: ., 165 0| 118 9} 72.6 PeRte 2 FF 212328] 88 8 54 (0 ||HELMSDALE. . 170 0 | 122 6 75. 10 DUNEREDS St. “1270.8 | 90°10 54 (0 ||\THURSO |... ..184 .6.| 183 9 83. 0 ABERFELDY. . 132. 3] 94 4 56 10 ||\WicK). °. . 186 91135. 4 84 0 From Victoria (L. C. & D.) and Moorgate, 8d. Ist, and 6d. 2d class, will be added to the King’s Cross fares, except: to Berwick. «@ Tickets are also issued from Broad St. to Berwick, Melrose, and Edinbro’ at fares as follows:—Berwick, same as from King’s Cross; Melrose and Edinbro’, 8d. 1st, and 6d. 2d class, higher than King’s Cross. BREAK OF JOURNEY.—Passengers may break their journey, both in:going and returning, at Peterboro’; also at Grantham or Voncaster to enable them to visit Lincoln Cathedral, paying the ordinary fares between those places and Lincoln, and at York to enable them to visit Harrogate, Scarboro’, and the East Coast watering-places, and also at Darlington, Durham, Newcastle (for Newcastle Exhibition),* Bilton, and Belford, re- suming it by trains having carriages attached corresponding to the class of ticket held ; also at Berwick or any station north of Berwick on the routes by which the tickets are available. Passengers for places north of Edinburgh and Larbert may break the journey in Edinburgh and at Glasgow, and also at any station at-which the train ordinarily stops. Tickets between Great Northern stations and:places north of Larbert are available at Edinburgh and also at Glasgow. Passengers breaking the journey at Glasgow may travel to or froin the north via Greenhill or Polnont without additional payment, provided they make use of N. B. Co.’s trains to and from Glasgow (Queen St. station). Thejourney can be broken both going and returning, and without restriction as to period, except that the return journey must be completed within the time for which the ticket is available. Passengers with tickets for Melrose are also at liberty to break the journey at St. Bos- well’s for Dryburgh Abbey. ‘The above facilities and arrangements, as regards passengers breaking their journey, apply equally to 1st, 2d, and 3d class, * The Royal Mining and Engineering, etc. etc., Exhibition at Newcastle will be open from Ith May wntil 31st October. The Royal Agricultural Show will be at Newcastle from Julyslith to 15th. The holders of through tickets to Scotland may break the journey at Newcastle when going north and when returning to the south. ; For further information apply at the Offices of the East Coast Ry. Cos. in Edinburgh, 9 Princes St.; Glasgow, 32 West George St.; Perth, General Sta- tion; Dundee, 33 Cowgate; Aberdeen, 28 Market St.; Inverness, 6 Academy St.; Oban, Bank of Scotland Buildings (Mr. J. Stuart). 92 RAILWAYS. LONDON & NORTH-WESTERN AND GALEDONIAN RAILWAYS. West Coast Royal Mail Rowte between England & Scotland Via PRESTON anp CARLISLE. _TRAIN SERVICE —I1st, 2d, and 3d Class by all Trains. } . | 8.50] 7.0 | 7.45 STATIONS. WeeEK- Days. SUNDAYS. | a.m,|a.m.| a.m, | a.m. p.m.| p.m.| p.m, ngttip.m.| p.m. |nght London (Euston)....dep.} 5.15) 7.15)10.0 |10.10) 8.0 | (12.0 | 8.50)10.0 |12.0 Birmingham (New St.).. ,, -| 7.30) 8.50)12.0 |12.0 |10.15 10.15/12.5 8.10}10.15/10.15} 3.10 Liverpool (Lime Street) ,, | 9.40/11.10} 1.45) 3.45)11.40/12.45 2.35112.45) .. | 2.35 (Exchange) .. ,, |10.7 111.35] 2.20) 8.25} .. | .. eyes ji ee a fl Manchester (Exchange) ,, -|10.0°}11.5 | 2.0 | 4.0 |11.40) 1.0] . sch Le eee 2 Ke (Land Y.).. ,, {10.0 |11.10) 1.45) 3.25) .. Sea Air Sas a: a MM Ofte Se Muvsteewe «foe. coe arr.| 2.47/°4597)°6.52)" .. + UP? OSS LT DS. eee es 2 Edinburgh (Princes Street) ,, | 4.15) 5.50} 8.0 10.5) .. | 6.55) 9.0. |12.52] 6.55} 9.0 {12.52 Glasgow (Central Station) ,, | 4.25) 6.0 | 8.0 |10.15 6.0) 7.5 | 9.15 | 1.5 | 7.5 | 9:14) 1.5 Greenock his. Fe. Fee ne »» | 5.388} 7.13) 9.3 |11.57| 7.5 | 8.45]*10.43) 2.46) 8.45}10.43) 2.46 Stirling shies tenes eee sae » | 5.34) 4. | 8.25/10.45) 6.30) 7.41/*9.50 | 1.57] 7.56} 9.50) 1.57 Opin 2820, UE 8 At | 947) LP, (aaa) 11a 8B) 6.27102. 25 als | 6.17 Perths.) 2 sete haan te «te »» | 6.45) .. | 9.35/11.50) 7.20 8.55)*11.10) 3.35] 8.50)11.10) 3.35 Dunde@or cose .eene sat. »> | 7.80] -.. |10.30]12.40} 8.20) 9.50/*12.5 | 4.45)10.0 |12.5 | 4.45 Aberdeen. Siiss. = cause oe rots », |10.0 ma é 85°) 9.55)12.0 jF2. 157) 8 s0le2. Oahese LOL caoO Inverness ..|..0. S258 tee a be 8.5" '111.50|*6.5. |*6.5 Pr! is MS Sali cd .. ~ No connection to places marked (*) on Saturday nights. + Not on Saturday nights from Londo Up TRAINS. a.m. | p.m.|a.m.|a,m.)a.m.|p.m.|p.m.| p.m. fa,m.| p.m. | INVERNESS 3)...5.0106.00006 depi| “3S 1Os0por, «2U10,10) &:. 0} ,, , 710.10 | Aberd Gon... H.. Tasted. Bia HE 9 | Set meee | 8.55:12.80 4.40 as 12:30} .. Duridedt ..). 1. FAL. O58 » | cee | 40h. (01.5 | 8.30 6.40} 2 4 8.10) .. ObanaSe... 2%, At id 20 pl ee 49 -» | 4.0 - Sipia. « Perth.i¢ <..}, 6. WSS 0.6.0) » | 22h S806 0. [12.04 4,138 7.30) BKP44) .. Stirling? .... i REL F.O.0e yx [idee] QSODEL, (OL. Sa. 50Ub ae | B:80ne 5.5 Ge Greenock... 4%. HELI. 8. sy] eT OOO POL TO! SOM Bs . 28.0) EOIN ays Glasgow (Central Station) ,, | 6:0 |10.0 {11.0 | 2.15) 5.50} 9.5 10.5 § 5.50) 9.5 Edinburgh (Princes Street) ,, | 6.0 {10.0 |11.0 | 2.25) 6.0 | 9.10 10.10 § 6.0 | 9.10 Moffat Ds a4 18 7.104;0 Do. Six - . 1010.0 8 8 0 Do, . Seven .,, ;. IW y95,46 9 2,0 Do. Right _,, fe 12%10,,9 912.0 AVAILABLE FOR RETURN. ON ANY. DAY WITHIN ONE CALENDAR MONTH, ’ The time of these Tickets can be extended upon the terms stated in the Company’s Tourist Programme. . ‘N.B.—Tickets to KILLARNEY can be obtained during the Tourist Season at the principal Stations on the London and North-Western, Midland, Great Western, Lanca- shire and Yorkshire, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire, North Staffordshire, Caledonian, and North British Railways, and Railways in Treland; -KINGSBRIDGE, DUBLIN. 100 STEAMERS. INTERESTING TO TOURISTS. PLEASURE EXCURSIONS BY COACH, STEAMER, & TRAIN, During June, July, August, and September 1887. OBAN TO OBAN. Via Pass of Melfort, Lochawe, and Pass of Brander, at the base of Ben Cruachan, Y Coach leaving M‘Gregor’s Coach Office every lawful day at 9.45 A.M. by way of Lochfeochan, Pass of Melfort, Loch Craignish, Carnasary Castle, and Ford, where Passengers join the Steamer ‘‘ Countess of Breadal- bane” for Lochawe Station ; thence per Train due to arrive in Oban at or about 6.15 P.M. ; or vice versa by Train leaving Oban at 10 A.M. for Loch- awe Station, thence per Steamer ‘‘ Countess of Breadalbane” to Ford, and from Ford by Coach due to reach Oban about 6.15 P.M. Fares for the Round :—First Class, 17s. ; Third Class, 15s. 6d. —Coach- driver’s and Guard’s Fees not included. Passengers Booked at Coach Office and Railway Station, Oban. SCENERY SURPASSING GRAND. SUMMER TOURS IN SCOTLAND. GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS. (Royal Route via Crinan and Caledonian Canals.) Tourists’ Special Cabin Tickets issued during the Season, Valid for:Six Separate or Consecutive Days’ Sailing by any of Mr. David Macbrayne’s Steamers, £3. THE | MAII ROYAL SSS §~=—d STTRA Se ee AMER CoLUMBA MOUNTAINEER CLAYMORE INVERARAY CASTLE IONA | PIONEER CLANSMAN LINNET IsLAY GRENADIER GLENGARRY CLYDESDALE LOCHIEL CAVALIER CHEVALIER GLENCOE LOCHAWE HANDA FINGAL GONDOLIER . _LOCHNESS ETHEL MABEL Sail during the Season for Kyles of Bute, Ardrishaig, Oban, Ballachulish (for Glencoe), Fort William, Banavie, Inverness, Staffa, Iona, Lochawe, Islay, Tobermory, Portree, Strome Ferry, Gairloch (for Lochmaree), Ullapool, Lochinver, Lochmaddy, Tarbert (Harris), Stornoway, Thurso, etc., affording Tourists an opportunity of visiting the magnificent scenery of Glencoe, the Cuchullin Hills, Quiraing, Loch Coruisk, Loch Scavaig, Lochmaree, the Falls of Foyers, and the famed Islands of Staffa and Iona, ~— Official Guide, 3d.; Illustrated, 6d.; Cloth Gilt, 1s. Time Bill, with Map and Fares, free by Post from the owner, DAVID MACBRAYNE, 119 Hope Street, Glasgow. STEAMERS, 101 DUBLIN & GLASGOW STEAM PACKET COMPANY. Tur Company’s splendid Saloon Paddle Steamships—DvukKE of ARGYLL, DuKE of LEIN- STER, LORD CLYDE, LorD Govan, and the new Screw Steamer GENERAL GORDON, OF other Steamers, are intended to Sail, unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence, to and from GLascow & DuBLIN, calling at GREENOCK. SAILINGS AS PER MONTHLY BILLS. GLASGOW to DUBLIN. —Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and every alternate Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Train from Central Station, Glasgow, at 6.30 p.m. ; Steamer leaving Greenock about 7.30 p.m. . DUBLIN to GLASGOW.—Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and every.alternate _ Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Fares.—From Glasgow (including Steward’s Fees), Cabin, 15s.; Ditto (including Rail to Greenock), 16s. 3d: Return Tickets (available for Six Months), £1:2:6; Ditto (including Rail to Greenock),-£1:5s. Steerage fare from Glasgow, 6s. (including rail to Greenock), 6s, 9d. Return Tickets (available for six months), 10s. (including rail to Greenock), 11s. 6d. Through Express Train (per Caledonian Railway) from Leith at 4.30 p.m., and from Edinburgh (Princes Street Station) at 5 p.m. to Greenock in direct con- nection with the Dublin Steamer. Passengers are also booked through from the follow- ing Railway Stations to Dublin, and vice versa, viz.— Return, avail- Return, avail- Single, able for2 mths.||_._- Single. | aple for 2 mths. 3¢el. & 8 el. & I} 1, (3 el. & Bel. & Ist cl. Strage. Ist cl. Strage. || Ist cl. Strage. Ist cl. Strage. ; Pee ult Ged 8. C.| 8, _ d. Saad. | Scie fle |e Sasntln| Sao Alloa .....-(|19 1] 8 7] 26 4] 13 2'|/Forfar......|30° 0] 13 104} 40° 0 | 19 10 Arbroath.../ 30 8] 14 3%} 40 10 | 20° 5 ||Hamilton...}17° 3] 7 44) 27 0 | 12°°9 Aberdeen ..|39 6/18 8 | 51 11 | 25 10 ||Inverness.../48 6] 23 3] 78 2) 48°2 GTI6ii-. eo 23.26), 10 74| 81 IT | 15 10 ||Leith. .. 2: 20 0) 8 671 380 0 | 14-0 Callander ..|21 0} 9 9] 28 9{]14 8 ||Montrose...|33 6|15 8 | 44 5j| 22 1 Dundee (W.)| 28 0/1211) 37 6)|18 7 |/Perth......./24 6] 11 .3 | 33 2.) 16 6 Dumfries...|27 9] 1210 | 42 11] 21 5 |\Paisley..... 16 3) °6-9}25 0-7} ll 6 Dunblane ..|19 10} 8 10} 27 4 1]138 7 |/Stirling.....;19 0} 8 5/26 3/18 O Edinburgh. .|20 0| 8 6130 0114 0 Booking Office at Dublin for Passengers—l1 EpEN Quay. Chief Office and Stores— 71 NortH WALL, DUBLIN. Goods carried at Through Rates from Glasgow and Greenock to Inland Towns in Ireland; and also from a number of the Principal Railway Stations in Scotland to Dublin and Inland Stations in Ireland, and vice versa. Further par- ticulars, Monthly Bills, &c., on application to the undermentioned agents :— JAMES LITTLE & CO., Excise Buildings, Greenock, and. HENRY LAMONT, 93 Hope Street, adjoining Central Station, and itt Broomielaw, Glasgow. A. TAYLOR, Dustin, Secretary. B. MANN, DvuBLin, General Manager. LOCH LOMOND SALOON STEAMERS. | (COMMENCING Ist JUNE.) Loch Lomond.—Leave Batitocu Pimr, daily about 8.45, 10.30 A.M., 12.25 p.m., and 5 p.M. Heap or. Locu on Mondays at 6.15 a.M.; daily (except Monday) at 8.30 a.m.; daily at 10.40 A.M, 1.20 and 4.10 P.M. o naod io THOMAS McLEAN, Manager, 99 Main STREET, ALEXANDRIA, N.B, 102 STEAMERS, _ GLASGOW, “BELFAST, BRISTOL, CARDIFF; NEWPORT; « AND SWANSEA STEAMERS,.. 0 ‘MEDWAY,’ ‘SOLWAY,’ “AVON,” ‘SEVERN,’ ‘PRINCESS ALEXANDRA,’ Set with Goods and Passengers from Gu Lascow to’ BRISTOL via BELFAST every Monday and Thursday at 2 P.m.; GLAscow to CARDIFF and SWANSEA every Friday at 2° p.mM.; to Newporr every alternate Friday at 2 p.m. From BrisTou to GLAscow. every Monday and Thursday; SwANsEA to GLAsGow every Wednesday ; CARDIFF to GLASGow every Monday; Newport to Guascow every alternate Tuesday. Fares (Guascow)—Cabin, 20s. ; Steerage 12s. 6d. ; Deck (Soldiers or Sailors), 10s. »» (BeLrast)—Cabin, 17s, 6d.; Steerage, 10s. bof eos. fall Returns for Cabin'and Steerage issued at Fare anda half available for Two Montxs. Above Route offers a favourable opportunity for making a pleasant Sea trip to or from South of England. ¥ ~~ az Cabin, Return Tickets will be available for return by the Carron Company’s Steamers now running between London and Grangemouth, or by the London and Edinburgh Shipping Company’s Steamers from London to Leith, thus affording Tourists a ‘good opportunity of sailing by both East and West Coast. Passengers availing themselves of this arrangement, however, will require to pay their own Railway fares between Grangemouth or Leith and Glasgow, and between. Bristol and London, or vivewerst. For Rates of Freight and other particulars, apply to Mark WHITWILL & Son, Bristol; M. Jones. & Bro,, Swansea; E. Taytor & Co., Cardiff; R. Burton & Son, Newport (Mon.); W. E. WitLiAmes, Belfast ; D. M‘DouGaLt, Greenock ; or WILLIAM SLOAN & CO., 140 Hope Street, Glasgow. ABERDEEN =k LONDON Average Passage 36 Hours. — tern THE ABERDEEN STEAM: NAVIGATION CO.S STEAMSHIPS BAN-RIGH, CITY OF LONDON, or CITY OF ABERDEEN, | will be despatched (weather, etc., permitting) from, ABERDEEN, and from The Aber- deen Steam Navigation Co,’s Wharf, Limehouse, LONDON, everyWednesday and Saturday. FarEs—including Stewards’ Fees— Private Cabins accommodating four passengers, £6. Private Cabins, if oecupied by fewer than four passengers, £5. Single Tickets—1st Cabin, 30s.; 2d Cabin, ‘15s. ; Children-under 14 years, 15s. and 10s. Return Tickets— available for six months—46s. and,25s. ; Children, 25s. and 15s. Notice to Passengers.—The Co.’s steam tender ‘Ich Dien’ will attend the Steamers on their arrival in} London for. the purpose of conveying Passengers.to the. Temple Pier, Thames Embankment; she will also leave that Pier one hour before the advertised times of sailing, conveying passengers only to the Aberdeen Steamers free of charge,» Friends of passengers wishing to.accompary them to the Steamers, may do-so on getting. written per- mission from the Compdny’s Agent. Porters will be in attendance to carry the Luggage on board. For further particulars apply to Joun A. CLinKsKILL, Agent, The Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co.’s Wharf, Limehouse; and 102 Queen Victoria Street, E.C., London ; or' to CHARLES SHEPHERD, Manager, Waterloo Quay, Aberdeen. STEAMERS. 103 eet TH AND. LONDON. THE LONDON & EDINBURGH SHIPPING COMPANY’S SPLENDID, FAST-SAILING- SCREW-STEAMSHIPS METEOR (New Steamer) at IONA; MALVINA, MARMION, MORNA, OR; OTHER OF THE COMPANY’S STEAMERS | ‘ (Lighted by Electricity), oy Sail from Victoria Doox, Lerru, every Wednesday, Friday, - Siete day afternoon ; and from HERMITAGE STEAM WHARF, LonpDon, every Tuesday, W eaden, and Saturday morning. For Rates of Freight and Fares, apply to THoMAS AITKEN, 8 & 9 Commercial Street, Leith. CIRCULAR TOURS. GLASGOW AND THE QUTER HEBRIDES. NE Week’s Pleasure Sailing by the splendid sea-going Steamer HEBRIDEAN, sailing from Glasgow and Greenock on Mondays for Oban, Mull, Skye,; Barra, Uist; etc., affords the Tourist a splendid opportunity of viewing the magnificent scenery of ae : West of Skye and the Outer Hebrides. : N.B.—During the Season special trips are made-to the far- famed island of St. Kilda, when passengers are given facilities for landing; also to Loch Rony, from which. the Druidical remains at Callernish may be visited. Time Bills, Maps of Route, Cabin Plans, and Berths secured at ats JOHN M‘CALLUM & CO., 12 Ann St., City, Glasgow. GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS. -) (WEEKLY CIRCULAR TOUR. © pe Favourite Steamer DunaRA CastLE sails-from Glasgow every Thursday a 12 Noon, and from Greenock at 7 ».m., for Colonsay, Iona, Bunessan, Tyree; Barra, Uist, Skye, and Harris, returning to Glasgow: on: Wednesdays. Affords to Tourists the opportunity of about a week’s comfortable Sea Voyage, and at the same time a Papor- amic-View of the magnificent scenery of the Outer Hebrides. ate CaBIN Fare (superior sleeping accommodation), 45s, __ CUISINE (excellent)—Breakfast, 2s,; Dinner, 2s. 6d.; Tea, 2s. Time Bills. — Maps) and Berths soca’, on-application to MARTIN ,ORME, 20 Robertson Street, ‘Glasgow. 104 STEAMERS, TO TOURISTS. LEITH AND ABERDEEN TO NORWAY. FULL particulars (and Hand-Book, 6d.) of the Tourist Service by the Splendid New Steamship St. SUNNIVA to the West Coasts and Fiords of Norway may be obtained at the Offices men- tioned below. STEAM FROM LEITH TO ABERDEEN, CAITHNESS, ORKNEY, AND SHETLAND. THE North of Scotland and Orkney and Shetland Steam Navigation Company’s Royal Mail Steamships ‘‘Sr. RocNvatp,” ‘Sr. Maenus,” “Sr, NicHonas,” ‘Sr. CLarr,” and ‘‘QuEEn,” sail from ALBERT Dock, Leith, to ABERDEEN ., : i ; : Four times a week. CAITHNESS . ; ; j j Twice a week. ORKNEY AND SHETLAND ©. . Three times a week. Special Tourist Tickets during the Season. Bills of Sailings, Plans of Cabins, Maps of Routes, Guide Books, etc., to be had on application to CHARLES MERRYLEES, Manager, Aberdeen 4 or GEorGE Hovursron, Agent, 64 Constitution Street, Leith, and 18 Waterloo Place, Edinbur oh. Berths secured at 18 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. CHEAPEST AND SHORTEST ROUTE BETWEEN ENGLAND AND NORWAY. May to September. [HE fast, first-class Norwegian Royal Mail Steamer Norge, 920 tons gross register, Captain F. WIESE, leaves Newcastle-on- -Tyne for Bergen every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock, and leaves Bergen for Newcastle every Saturday evening at 9 o’clock. A SPECIAL Srram TENDER conveys passengers and their luggage to and from the’ Norge, and leaves the Ferry Lansing at Newcastle Quay (5 minutes’ drive from the Station) every Tuesday at 6 p.m FARES ‘:—First Class, £3; Return £5. Including all ‘meals and Steward’ s fees (wines, etc., extra). Average passage, 6hours. For Passage, Freight, or other informa- tion, apply ‘to P. G. HALVORSEN, Bergen, owner ; or to the Agents, BORRIES, CRAIG, & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, STHAMERS, ‘ 105 “ANCHOR LINE.” Transatlantic, Peninsular, Mediterranean, and Oriental Steamships. Tons. Tons. | , Tons, | , Tons. *AOCADIA . 1081 |'Bortvia . Geoeinits . 2718) Otympra’’ . 2051 ALEXANDRIA 2017 | Britannia . 3069) Eruropra 4004] PrrRsta . 3547 AtsaTIA . 2810|Cateponta. 2151.) Express .. ROUMANIA 3387 Anonoria © 4167 | Catrrornia. 3410) Furnessta 5495 |*Scanprnaviall38 ARABIA ., 3544]Crroassia . 4272 |*HxEspERIA 3037 | SHAMROCK ARMENIA. 3395] Crry or Rome 8415 | Hispanra 3380 | *Srmpontan - .1382 ASIA . 8560| Cotumpia . 2029|InpIA -.. 2476| THREE BROTHERS AssyRIA . 2022} DEspatcH .. ITALIA ©. |: 2248 | *Trinacria 2256 AUSTRALIA 2252|Drvonta. . 4270.) *KaramMania3148|*TyriaAn .. 1039 BELGRAVIA 49761 DortaAn . 1088-|)-Nupra--. 8551) Uropra --. ©2731 * Do not carry Cabin Passengers. VIcTORIA~. 38358 GLASGOW TO NEW YORK, Via MOVILLE, Every THurRsDAY. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARES. Fares to New York, Boston, or PHILADELPHIA—First Class, £9: 9s. to £12: 19s. 3, Second Class, £6: 6s. ; Steerage, at Lowest Rates. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK (EXPRESS SERVICE). Carrying the British and American Mails, t§.S. CITY OF ROME, 8415 Tons—11th May, 8th June, 6th July, 3d Aug., 81st Aug., and 28th Sept. First Class, 12 to 25 Gns.; Second Class, £7; Steerage, at Lowest Rates. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. Glasgow for Lisbon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Leghorn, Naples, Messina, Palermo, and Trieste, Fortnightly. RATES OF PASSAGE. CABIN FarE—Glasgow to Lisbon, £6:6s.; Gibraltar, £8:8s.; Genoa, £12:12s.; Leghorn, £13:13s.; Naples, £14:14s.; Trieste, £16 :16s.; Messina, Catania, or Palermo (via Italy), £16:16s. Passengers are found in a Liberal Table, and all necessaries, except Wines and Liquors, which can be had on board at moderate prices. No Steward’s Fee. INDIAN SERVICE. Steamers are Despatched from Glasgow and Liverpool to Bombay and Calcutta (via Suez Canal) at regular intervals, carrying Passengers on the most advantageous terms. Passage Money to Calcutta, £50; to Bombay, £47:10s. All Passengers embark at Liverpool. Apply to HenpERSon BrotuHeERs, 20 Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff; 1 Panmure Street, Dundee ; 17 Water Street, Liverpool; 57 Union Street, Glasgow; 30 Foyle Street, Londonderry ; Scott Square, Queenstown; 3 Rue Scribe, Paris; 2 Rue Noailles, Marseilles ; Gibraltar ; Trieste; Vienna; 7 Bowling Green, New York; 7 and 9 State Street, Boston ; 48 South Clark Street, Chicago; J.C. BaiNes, Antwerp }\WiILLiAM Mreier, “Leghorn; Cuarues Ficout, Genoa; MascaRENHAS & Co., Lisbon; CLEMENS & PETERSEN, Malaga; The Sons of Txos.. Haynus, Cadiz; Wm. JArrray, Almeria ; Dart & Co., Valencia and Denia; 0. F. GottcHer, Malta; O. D1 BENEDETTO, Catania ; F, Taauiavia & Co., Messina; Hotmer & Co., Naples; G. L. Top, Palermo’; Mac@uay, Hooker, & Co., Rome; J. D. WAAL, Rotterdam; W. Wotrr, 1 Bergedorferstr., Hamburg ; CHARLES, DE Miuesi, Venice; W. & A. GraHam & Co., Bombay; GraHam & Co., Calcutta; Deumras, Rerp; & Co., Colombo; Bazin: & Co., Port Said ;:G. Bryts & Co., Suez, . HENDERSON BROTHERS; t 0 47 Union Street, Glasgow. ‘106 STEAMERS——MISCELLANEOUS. PEP TQN “FAROE ISLES AND ICELAND. HE RO¥AL DANISH MAIL STEAMERS “ LAURA,’ THYRA, 5 nnd kf ‘ROMNY, 4 will sail as. under during 1887 :— Granton to Faroe and Iceland.—l0th* May, 1st* June, 18th June, 5th* July,. 21st July, 6th* Aug., 1st* Sept., 1st Oct., 10th Nov. Iceland to: Faroe and Granton,—3d* Ji une, Ist® July, 29th June, 31st* July; 5th Aug., 28th* Aug., 24th* Sept., 19th Oct.; 29th Nov * These Voyages the Steamers sail round Iceland, calling at the ‘Chief Ports. For oy or Passage apply to GEO. V. TURNBULL. & co., Leith and Granton, Agents for the United Steamship ‘Company of Copenhagen. STEAM BREW BEN SCOTLAND. AND ICELAND. NOTICE TO TOURISTS, ANGLERS, & SPORTSMEN, THE First-Class Screw Steamship “CAMOEN s,” 1264 Tons Register, 170 H.P., or other Steamer, will leave s LEITH for ICELAND (unless prevented by unforeseen ees =a &. circumstances). regularly during the Summer and Autumn, affording Tourists, Anglers, and Sportsmen an excellent opportunity of visit- ing that interesting Country, its Geyser s, Burning Mountains, famous Salmon. Rivers, Reindeer Grounds, &e. The 8.8. ‘‘CAMOENS” is a full-powered, fast Steamer, with superior Passenger accommodation ; has spacious Saloon, Ladies’ Cabin, State Rooms, and Smoke Room. FIRST CABIN, £5; RETURN TICKET (available for the Season), £8. Separate State Rooms may be ‘had “by special agreement. For Sailing Bills, Plans of-Cabin (Guide Books, 5s. and 1s.), and further information apply to R. & D. SLIMON, Leith. FRY’S Cc OCOA. ~ AND COPY ASK YOUR GROCER FOR so sp SAMPLE “TESTIMONIALS. TRADE. MARK. FRY’S PURE ice COCOA Prepared by a new and special scientific process, securing extreme solubility, <9 developing the finest flavour of the Cocoa. Sir’ C. A) Campron, M.D., President of } W.-H. R. Srantey, M.D,—‘T consider the Royal. College of Sur zeons, Ireland, ‘ete. | it avery rich delicious Cocoa. It is highly —Thave'never tasted Cocoa that I like so | Concentrated, and. therefore economical well, and I strongly recommend ib as a | asafamily food,’ Itis the drink par excellence substitute for tea for young persons.’ for children, andgives no trouble in making.’ -83 PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED TO THE FIRM. MISCELLANEOUS: 107 ‘ve BERTHON PORTABLE. BOATS AND CANOES, ‘For Ke acht and. Steam Lawnch Dinghies, Fishing and . Shooting Punts. A LARGE VARIETY AT THE NEW LONDON SHOW ROOM 50° HOLBORN et 2D. Ue E.C. -9-ft. Fishing Boat, Price £8: 2s, Complete. [4 Prize Medals awarded, including 2 Gold Medals and Special Prize for Best Portable Boat mat the International Fisheries: Exhibition, 1883, and Gold Medals at the Calcutta International Exhibition, 1884, and Edinburgh Exhibition, 1886, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS FREE ON APPLICATION. Dinghies-and Canoes fitted with centre boards for sailing now on view at the London Depot. BERTHON BOAT COMPANY, LIMITED.—WORKS: ROMSEY, HANTS. 108 MISCELLANEOUS, By Appointment to H.R, H. the Prince of Wales, anne ae aT AND STRONG DRESS BASKETS, 37 WEST STRAND, LONDON. NEW ILLUSTRATED; CATALOGUE OF REGISTERED AND PATENTED ARTICLES, POST FREE, ALLEN’S CONTINENTAL SOLID LEATHER TRUNK. VERY LIGHT AND STRONG. Extra Secure Lock. ALLEN’S EXPANDING PORTMANTEAU contains <= Separate division for Boots. ”» 9 for Soiled Linen. ‘3 3 for Shirts. a Ore Hat, etc. Will go under Railway Seat or Steamer Berth. ALLEN’S BAGS, , FITTED AND UNFITTED. Write for Catalogue of these well-known Bags. ALLEN’s Overland Trunks. From 30s. AN IMMENSE STOCK To SELECT FROM, - MISCELLANEOUS, 109 MOURNING FOR FAMILIES. JAY'S experienced DRESSMAKERS and MILLINERS travel to any part of the Kingdom, free of expense to purchasers. They take with them dresses and millinery, besides patterns. of Materials, at 1s. per yard and upwards, all marked in plain figures, and at same price as if purchased at the Warehouse, in Regent-st. Reasonable estimates are also given for Household Mourning, at a great saving to large or small families. aM Funerals at yey ates if AN Messe conducted in London i NN isk i or Country. J TAY’ : The Tandon General Mourning. Warehouse» Ss 2 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. 110 peateenangs THE TARTANS OF THE CL CLANS OF SCOTLAND. Portrait in colours of His Roya Hiahness THE DUKE oF RoTuesay in Highland Dress (Evening Costume), by J. B. M‘Donaup, R.S.A. Preface. Historical Account of each Clan, by James Grant, Author of The Romance of War, &c. Armorial Bearings of the Chief of each Clan, illuminated in Gold and Colours. The Badges, War-Cries, and Marches of the Clans. Map of the Highlands of Scotland divided into Clans. LIST OF TARTANS REPRESENTED. Buchanan. Gunn. Macintyre. Menzies. Cameron, Erracht. Jacobite. MacKay. Monro. Cameron, Lochiel. Lamond, MacKenzie. Murray, Athole. Campbell, Argyll. Leslie. MacKinnon. Murray, Tullibar- Campbell, Breadal- | MacAlister. MacLachlan, : dine.. bane. MacAulay. MacLaren. Ogilvie. — Campbell, Cawdor. | MacDonald. MacLean of Duart. | Rob Roy. Campbell, Loudoun. | MacDonald, Clan- | Maclaine of Loch- | Robertson. Chisholm. © ranald. buie. Ross. Clergy. MacDonald, Glen- | MacLeod. Skene. Colquhoun. garry. MacNab. Sinclair. Cumin. MacDonald, Slate. | MacNaughton. Stewart, Dress. Drummond. MacDonald, Staffa. | MacNeil. Stewart, Hunting. Farquharson. MacDougal. MacPherson. Stewart, Old. Fergusson, MacDnuff. MacPherson, Hunt- | Stewart, Prince — Forbes. “MacFarlane. ing. Charles. Fraser. MacGillivray. MacQuarrie. Stewart, Royal. Gordon. MacGregor. MacRae. Sutherland, Graham. MacIntosh. Malcohn. Urquhart, Grant, MacIntosh, Chief. Matheson. CONDITIONS OF PUBLICATION. The Work, in Imperial Quarto, is Full-Bound Cloth, having the Royal Arms of Scot: land illuminated in metals and colours. Of this issue there are 900 copies, and the price £2:2s. An Edition de Luxe is published in Imperial Folio, limited to 100 copies. In this edition the Tartans are mounted on tinted Boards and varnished ; the volume is Full-Bound Morocco, Gilt. Each copy is numbered and signed by the Publishers. The price is £8 : 8s. Reviews. ‘*Sumptuous in outward appearance, finished with exquisite taste inside, and full withal of sound historical information, at once curious, interesting, and accurate, no such work concerning the ‘Garb of Old Gaul’ has ever been issued at all approaching in beauty or accuracy to the magnificent folio just sent out by the old and enterprising firm of Messrs. W. & A. K. Johnston of Edinburgh.” —Glasgow Herald, 26th January 1886, “Both outwardly and inwardly—binding, letterpress, and illustrations—it is, in truth, a splendid volume, the most sumptuous, we should be disposed to say, and ex- quisitely finished in -its every possible detail, that has ever issued from the Scottish press.” —Oban Times, 6th February 1886. ‘*Messrs. W. & A. K. Johnston have published a large and handsome work on the Clan Tartans of Scotland, which leaves little to be desired in the matter either of the engraved and coloured plates or the accompanying letterpress. The skill, beauty, and delicacy displayed in the illustrations, and the great taste and effectiveness of the large majority of the patterns can be freely commended.” —The Scotsman, 26th February 1886. ‘‘Preciseness in such a matter is, of course, all important, and the great merit of Messrs. Johnston’s volume will consist in fixing, in a permanent form, the exact patterns and colours of the historical Tartans of Scotland, for the use of present and future generations.”—The Bookseller, 6th January 1886. ‘* Nothing can excel the accuracy and beauty with which the cloth, both in colour and texture, has been imitated in these plates. Each plate, moreover, is accompanied by a few notes on the clan to which the particular tartan appertains.” —Chambers's Journal, 8rd March 1886. W. & A. K. JOHNSTON, EDINBURGH: EDINA WORKS, EASTER ROAD, AND 16 SOUTH ST. ANDREW. STREET. LONDON: 5 WHITE HART STREET, WARWICK LANE, E C. 1886. MISCELLANEOUS. 111 Tee SUMMER SUN. Ladies playing tennis, boating, Pacttings driving, and all exposed tx, the scorching rays of the sun ane heated particles of dust, will find iS nN) M ROVALS 4 7; a 1 ! LA Ni is S | KALWD OF I TGR IMPROVING AND BEAUTIFYING (Hh A |. COMPLEXION at 3 ‘ be F if bi Paes most cooling, soothing and refreshing to the face, hands and arms ;, it eradicates freckles, tan, sunburn, stings of insects, roughness, redness, etc.; renders the skin soft, smooth and white, and produces a beautiful and delicate complexion ; it removes the baneful effects of sea bathing on the skin; it is warranted free from mineral or poisonous’ ingredients, or oxide of zine, of which most cosmetics are composed, and is perfectly harmless to the most delicate skin. ROWLANDS! MACASSAR OIL prevents the hair falling off or becoming dry during summer, ROWLAN DS’ ODONTO is Spare, re and nonegritty tooth powder. Ask for ROWLANDS’ articles, of 20, Hatton Garden, London. Sold everywhere. ROWLANDS’ KALYDOR can now be had in bottles of half the usual size at 2s. 3d. each, TO HER MAJESTY. ALFRED BURGOINE, Y acht, Steam Launch, Boat, and Canoe Binige High Street, Kingston-on-Thames, and Hampton Wick. GOLD AND BRONZE MEDALS, FISHERIES, 1883. SILVER MEDAL, INVENTIONS, 1885. GOLD MEDAL, EDINBURGH, 1886. GOLD MEDAL, GLASGOW, 1886-7. By Special Royal. Appointment. SPEARMAN S DEVON SERGES. PURE WOOL-ONLY. FOR ALL SEASONS OF THE YEAR. PLAIN COLOURS, CHECKS, AND MIXTURES. - STRONG! USEFUL! DURABLE! For Ladies’ Wear . * . 1s. 6d. to 4s, 6d. the yard. For Gentlemen’s Suits! . 2s. 1lld. to 10s. 6d. the yard: On Receipt of Tnatructions Samples will be sent Post Free. N.B. —Any length cut and carriage paid to principal stations in the United Kingdom, ; ONLY ADDRESS=NO AGENTS: SPEARMAN. .SPEARMAN. PLYMOUTH. - MISCELLANEOUS, AN rm mH “SUSTUTSUO [1% JO “AV opwryeaiesqo |‘soyLrsiq orvicjoyp ul, ‘srves Luvur O4 TUyerve 9 “SNOILVLIAI SNOT Hip doysatosgo [euosiedmorepun /4%43'A NACOUOTHO Jo WOLNAANT “Od NAOSNDA Auvul 04 OstI UoAtd sv 000 SABY FEY} ‘OAIRCPOS [wIOUSS 9UjA TAA LAQOGND SBua OU AGUNG 8143 $o TL VS ASNAWAL sv pus Aouvuserg jO SUHTUIOA eT} 4 SL" NOILOVO INVLYOdA § PEeimoen ‘sdwveip‘sursudg' «10, u08fq WINNHLSXH NOlLVilaiva Vy ett Poulviqd W ANACGCOHOTHO VIURLSAN ‘NOILV Lid Iva 4 i FON MORE SITIOO “a OBOE AIVUIPIOBI4XS O44 JO wenprur/us ZO 3HOVZAV [TB Poys so0UszsUI A[dIy[NU plM.0d oe ‘OLII0oO ‘SWSVds ‘Asda Ilda sno | 4[pidvl ANAGOUOTHO SBANMOBME SITIOO '£ 'S Aowes 94 ‘oes Iteq} WoIy SuLspnf ‘pus pojsneyxe ueys uejsds snoa | SIVBZBQ y Atder cs da anor iene ~10 et} SULVUOV pus ‘THOV ‘hea 09 4 “CVHH LOOHLIM decqs surqsoy oul pmby & sf HNAGOUOTHO “ARONVWO ‘LOOD ‘VIDTIVUNE UAAILVITITVd HOGL °G} 3} ANAGOUMOTHO “sj81U2YO 8 flo.te01 4 ay} Aowanj—0cF nH ‘uvpig rat fo Moog Reape kL fo sioqueay OO % SHVLEAS ‘so. “U}TBs ‘Tig ‘or’ OM —"OHTS JUST}ed, puw LATA WOO SaSO 2 eed Uru ay Losert eozld 1 ‘WI[Tvo B SpPIOYe SB SUIpUy 841 JO 1e0y 04 p¥[s oq [[vys ees Rata AeA ols panohanaT wonee's Sun 1% Scie qonur em ‘AqITI9n [ereued Jo , or ae pourer B “‘qseq 043 I0A0 Osqt aN 0ES tee Token f UNE Ioj petires “wed Sasotpans outease ASILVAOARA PHOVELOOL paneng srg} toneynder pverdsepLa 044 modn nod eqe[nyeisu00 eaAA—‘HIS AVEC! _ MOpuoy ‘LHOdNAAVG ‘J, qwornocwumteys "0D Dawg mou Of ‘ MOU SITIOO ‘fC ‘A : oe « VDHYAVIC 30 OA Gano AT SAN Z,, 809% 48 “B4Q9N9 “180 ‘Fig [eorpe uaLIry ‘ ID." Tiny TUS RTHEA Te Matev osop SUS nie ey puv ‘onyUun “uv 9A — HNAGOWOTHO= SAQNMOUA SITTIOO LCL a bidad boi UBUl SB ‘asyDf aq ysnw eudpo10 8 SUMOIT "S013 84 User Aq siesvyoind eataoep suosi0d ‘Alvgso000 ST UO4NeO STMT, - O MOTZISOdULOO OY} SB ‘Pus “TOLNAA “NI WIOS 943 8! ouMoIg “Iq “HNAC ies eq AIqIssod youuvo eutpor0;gyg -OHOTHO Pio 944 poutoo ey Yorys "yosT “UacT kTOp ‘eouny sy.7 cog "04, W108 TOCG psd 4] Lue 03 peyjorder [97BIeqTop stA UeUE -OolT JUBPUISEp O44 JO 4.1049 eTOT.A OUR (G249 Teorpey AULTY 29%1) TNMOU POL aig 04 AGUWNAA ¥& GHAAAOOSIA Lroseid 04 48TUIOYO ey} Joyredeyjuo =« (B 8¥ SLOW 3 3803 LHOdaa “UopucT Tyres Jo yoworg oywrcqrepetsouMIny | HLTVLH Jo CUVOd TVAENGO sToOD usq4 T9q}.0 Aue yo uorynjgysqns |} AUALNASAG ‘Vv oq} 384} Worurdo Jo are eM s¥ ‘OTNqnd ‘ eu} pus Bde 07} 0} 90 OW aap > Si > mg AE JO osUEs B UOT OSTR PUY ‘480q 91} ATPED yy “TOP 8] 4I 4¥Y} WOTO[AUOO ULIY B MIO OIMTONdGS ‘s PTLAOIG ST[OD US} eUTOTpeZ #143 JO LIYZADS ZAG MIIOJ 10730 AUB pen IeAOU oATT OAR si 4 ORIGINAL HNACOUO THD: Ona VI Id — ANAGOWYOTHO er: § MOU SITIO * merdiio noo OL. ‘TRHLS ONLY GHNUINE. NA Browne coined the word Chlorodyne wherewith to designate his discovery, consequently to apply the word to other compounds is as dishonest as it is absurd. Tr. MISCELLANEOUS, 113 | ge flesh ns\| | Five 6° Packets; ae for 29. | 5) f Ero iaiie af 4} being-lightera \ ASS ->\moresnutritious yger_ A than any others. YK . “a fl i: p=. Sy ngs Sl ~ a4 SUA? © 49 . Oars 7 ‘ y Ys eee {1/\ Fwooistikcr KINDS: “2 f THNararen DATCAKES. 114 MISCELLANEOUS. CANTRELL AND: COCHRANE'S WORLD-RENOWNED TABLE WATERS. s. The ACME of PERFECTION. Pa fii Soe \ q, my 222 London JZQQSUISIN. Woodstock a a8 CUBE? S08) BANU ae S23 Deptt: Yay W/7 Oxford St, ae B48 Ve Ww 8 ae ) SS ab a Manufacturers by Special Appointment to ae be H.R.H. the PRINCE of WALES. 8 2 8 POPES EHH OO HS HO OOOO OSH q WA7ORKS: DUBLIN & BELFAST. P, & J. HAGGART, BREADALBANE MILLS and KELTNEY BURN MILLS, ABERFELDY, N.B., Manufacture HOME-GROWN WOOL into their well-known make of BREADALBANE DEER-STALKING and other TWEEDS in stylish checks, and a variety of HEATHER MIXTURES, suitable for Moor or Loch, and every-day wear. They also manufacture LADIES’ COSTUME TWEEDS, in Saxony or Home Wools. Winceys, Petticoat Stuffs, Genuine Scotch Blankets in Highland and Cheviot Wools, Bedcovers, Crumbcloths or Druggets (72 in. wide), in plain gray or fancy checks, made up to any size required. Sheeting. Plaiding. The correct sets of the leading Clan Tartans for Kilting or Ladies’ Dresses, in Cheviot and Saxony Wools. Plaids. Travelling Wraps in Tweed-Patterns, or Clans, Reversible Wraps. Socks and Knickerbocker Hose, hand-knitted, to size; Home- spun Stocking Yarns in marls, mixtures, and native dyes. Caps and Hats of Home-spun Tweeds. ANY LENGTH CUT, SUIT OR DRESS LENGTHS BY PARCELS POST, PATTERNS ON APPLICATION, WM. WOOLLAMS & GO., ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS, ARTISTIC WALL-PAPERS. GUARANTEED FREE FROM ARSENIC, Show Rooms: 110 High Street, Manchester Square, London, W. (Sole Address.) Of all Decorators and Contractors. Seventeen Medals, including Gold Medal, International Health Exhibition. N.B.—Especially adapted to Mansions, Institutions, and Hotels, MISCELLANEOUS. 115 LAMBETH SANITARY ENGINEERING WORKS. DOULTON & CO., ALBERT EMBANKMENT, LAMBETH, LONDON. The Lambeth Patent Pa i eno Min COMBINATION CLOSET, ill i ‘es ee i + The Closet—The Slop Sink—The Urinal. | Ha we il ADVANTAGES, _ All Parts are Open to Inspection— Ay Requires no Enclosure—Is Decorated on ; the Outside—Front of Basin Lipped to { os Form Urinal when Seat is Raised—14 j; J ie a Water Area equal to Size of Hole aD | Seat, thus Basin. s N.B.—Messrs. Doulton & Co. are the 7 fe I Original Manufacturers of this Class of ~)=~; Closet. The Lambeth Patent INSTANTANEOUS WATER BOILER Obviates necessity for expensive system. of Hot-Water Pipes—Is free from all injurious fumes—Has no visible condensation — Will instantaneously heat a stream of Cold Water at any hour of day or night, and to an temperature up to boiling—NO DIREC CONTACT of the GAS with the WATER— Water and Gas suppiies are so arranged as to render it impossible to light the Gas without turning on the Water, thus preventing any chance of an accident common without this precaution. Also Doulton’s Patent AUTOMATIC FLUSH TANKS & SYPHONS, for keeping Drains and Sewers free from Obstruction. ADVANTAGES :—Simplicity of Fixing, Freedom from Moving Parts, Facility of Inspection, Instantaneous Action witha Drop by Drop Supply. Price Lists Post Free on Application. SHOWROOMS—ALBERT EMBANKMENT, LONDON. 116: INSURANCE, FOUNDED 1805, Caledonian Insurance ‘Company. . ‘Income exceeds. * £250,000" Funds exceed . ; + tygied dy 100, 000 Reserve Funds on a larger scale, relatively to the liabilities; than ~ those of most other Offices. Income and Funds trebled within the last 20 years. inn. Fire and Life Claims paid exceed 2h Millions Sterling. Ses ' Complete Non-Forfeitable System. ~~ ' Liberal Surrender Values, see Table in Prospectus.” a Profits may be applied to make the policy payable during life... Manager and Actwary.—D. DevucuaR, FI. A. , and FF. A. = EDINBURGH, 19 George Street. GLASGOW) 64:St. Vincent Streets. ei DUNDEE, Albert Square. ABERDEEN, Albany Buildings, idat Street, LONDON, 82 King William Street, E.C., and 9 Craig’s Court, Charing Grossi ae MANCHESTER, 60 Spring Gardens. LIVERPOOL, C5 Exchange. NEW METHOD OF LIFE ASSURANCE, ~ ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH © LAW LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Wetieww ware 1839. Bihtiddishy Caprrar EL 000, 000. x. INVESTED. Fonns £1,390,000. 120 PRINCES STREET, ‘EprnsurcH : WILLIAM Smiru, Esq., LE D., Manager. 12 WATERLOO PrAcg, Lonpon : Francis E. CoLENsO, Esq.s F, I, A, Actuary. ‘Trustees. The Right Hon. LORD HALSBURY, Lord High Charicellor of Great Britain. The Right Honourable the EARL OF GLASGOW, Lord Clerk-Register of Scotland. The Right Hon. LORD MONCREIFF, Lord Justice-Clerk of Scotland, , -The Honourable LORD ADAM, one of: the Judges of the Court of Session. The Honourable SIR. WILLIAM. V. FIELD, one. of the Judges of the Supreme Court. EDWARD KENT KARSLAKH, Esg. + QC, | WILLIAM SMYTHE, Esq., of Methven. AN: ENTIRELY. NEW and ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD of LIFE ASSURANCE. is now presented ‘by the — “DOUBLE” BENEFIT ENDOWMENT POLICIES of this Association, whereby the Sum assured is payable not only to the Assured himself on attaining a certain age, but also to his representatives at Death either before or after the oe event. “These Policies are Non-Forfeitable. Full Particulars on pepe - Claims Payable on:Proof of Death, Claims Paid exceed’'£2;401,000.. 9). Nine-Tenths of Profits given to the Assured. Jahfasia ‘Loans are granted, in connection with Life Assurance, on Life Interests, Réversioné, Pérsorial; and other approved Securities. - Liberal Conditions:as to Foreign Residence. “BRANCH OFFICES: QGuascow~105 St. Vincent Street. » [> Dusuin—4] Lower, Sackville, Street, INSURANCE: 147¢ Commmerctal: Guion Assurance Company, Limiter. FIRE LIFE-MARINE, On Capital fully Subscribed ae SMA AAJA ES 1 £2, 500, 000 Life Fund in Special Trust for Life Policyholders £&1,000,000 Other Funds ._. ». .. &1,800,000 TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS, TWO AND: ONE ‘QUARTER MILLIONS. Total Net Annual Income. P . &1,140,000 HEAD ‘OFFICE :—19 & 20 CORNHIDE: LONDON, ©.C. WEST END OFFICE:—8 PALL MALL, LONDON, SW. : HOME BRANCHES:—Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle-on- Tyne, Leeds, Nottingham, dessa oy fone Bid Bristol, ‘Dublin, re cciigs S oat Glasgow. . ES - : _ DIRECTO RS. W. REIERSON | ARBBUTENOT, Esq. Right Hon. A. J. Betis, MP, RoBERT BaRcuay, Esq., of Barclay: Bevan, & Co. Sir Hunry W. PzEK, Bart., of Peek ee yd ‘& Co. W. MiIpDLEeTon CamPEELL, Esq., of Hogg, Curtis, | P. P. Ropocawacal, Esq., of P, » Rodocanacht Campbell, & Co. & Co. 4 : JEREMIAH Cotman, Esq., of J. & J. Colman, _ | THos. RUSSELL, Esq., C.M.G. Sir Jamzs F, Garrick, QC., K.0.M. P. G. SxcutraRt, Esq., of Sechiari Bros. & Co. ALFRED GILEs, Esq., M Pi, 26 Great Geared St..S W. | D.. Cooprr Scorn, isa. of Wilson, Sons, & Co., FREDERICK W. Harris, E Sq. of Harris & Dixon. . Limited, sites Joun Howms, Esq., of Wm. ‘Holms & Brothers, © - | Joun-P. Tate, Esq! F. LARKWORTHY, sq. ., Bank of New Zealand, ~ “| -JoHn TROTTER, Esq., be 5 ohn Trotter & Co, bere cae! J. eae Esq, of Leaf, Sons, & Co, HENRY TROWER, Esq., of Trower & Sons. . Secretary—Gro. Lyon BENNETT. ProsPectusss and all information needful for effecting ‘Assurances may. be obtained at any of the Company’s Offices or Agencies throughout the World. FIRE DEPARTMENT. _Manager—E. RoGEer. OWEN, Assistant Manager—Gxo, C. Moran, : Undoubted Security guaranteed by the fully subscribed Capital and large invested ‘funds and income. Moderate Rates of Premium, Special terms for long period insurances. Rates quoted and Surveys made free of charge. sabi ; ° Claims liberally,and promptly. settled. LIFE DEPARTMENT... Actuary—T. E.: Youne, B.A. The Life Funds, are invested in, the names of: Special Trustees -as Security. for aa) on this Branch, and Life Policyholders possess, in, addition, the Security. of the other large funds of the Company. 4} Four-Fifths of the Entire Life Profits are every five years distributed among holders of Participating Policies. At the last divisiom the Cash:-Return ‘to Policyholders -» was the large sum. of Twenty-five per cent on the premiums paid in the five years. The Assured are under no liability in respect of the engagements of the Company. The Expenses of Management, exclusive of commission,’ are limited by Deed of Settlement to a moderate percentage on the Premium income. Claims are paid as a rule immediately. on proof of death and.title.~ - Fixed Minimum Surren er Values are guaranteed on’ ordinary Whole Life Policies after three years’ duration; and such “guarantee is endorsed upon the Policies themselves. Married Women’s Property Act (1882)— Policies are issued to husbands for the benefit of their wives and children, thus creating, without trouble, expense, stamp duty, or legal assistance, a Family Settlement, which creditors cannot touch. - Special Privileges allowed to Naval and Military Officers, Travellers, and Ships’ Officers, ‘ Interim Bonuses. ~~ , The Gompany 8 Prospectus exhibits numerous different modes of effecting assurances, ° MARINE. ‘DEPARTMENT. Underwriter—J. CARR SAUSDERS. Rates for Marine Risks on application. 118 INSURANCE, Allianee Assurance Company, BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON, E.C. ESTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL £5,000,000, DIRECTORS. THE RicHt Hon. LorpD ROTHSCHILD, Chairman. JAMES ALEXANDER, Esq. RIcHARD Hoare, Esq. CHARLES GEORGE BARNETT, Esq. Francis ALFRED Lucas, Esq. CHARLES EDWARD BARNETT, Esq. EpwarpD HaRBORD LUSHINGTON, Esq. Hon. KENELM P, BoUvERIE. Hues Cotin Smita, Esq. Francis WILLIAM Buxton, Esq. Rieut Hon. LorpD STALBRIDGE. Lorp Epwarp CavEnpIsH, M.P. Sir CHARLES Rivers Witson, K.C.M.G,, JAMES FLETCHER, Esq. ; C.B. CyriL FLoweEr, Esq., M.P. ROBERT LEWIS, Chief Secretary. LIFE DEPARTMENT. In the selection of an office in which to effect Life Assurances, the important points for consideration are :— I, Security. II. Toe RATES OF PREMIUM CHARGED. III. THE ConDITIONS OF ASSURANCE. IV. THE PROFITS TO THE ASSURED UNDER PARTICIPATING POLICIEs. It is claimed by the ‘‘ ALLIANCE” that its large Capital, the amount of its Reserves, and the character of its Investments, afford Security of a very high order. The Rates of Premium will be found moderate, and the Conditions of Assurance most favourable to the Assured. The Reversionary Bonuses resulting from the distribution of Profits ascertained at the close of the year 1883, allotted to Policies of Five years’ standing, range from about— £1:12s. per cent per annum on the Sum Assured under Policies effected at age 20 to . £3:16s. per cent per annum on the Sum Assured under Policies effected at age 60. FIRE DEPARTMENT. FirE PoLIcIES ARE GRANTED ON THE USUAL TERMS, The Company have Branch Offices at St. James’s Street, 8.W., Chancery Lane and Great George Street, S.W., and at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, pees sagt Ipswich, Bury St. Edmunds, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Wrexham, and Bristol. Life and Fire Proposal Forms, detailed Prospectuses, and Statements of Accounts, may be had on application to the Head Office of the Company, or to any of the Branch Offices. ' The Directors are open to entertain applications for Agencies from parties who are in a position to introduce business of a high class. INSURANCE—MISCELLANEOUS. 119 Laneashire Insurance Company, MANCHESTER. HEAD OFFICE FOR. SCOTLAND: 133 WEST GEORGE STREET, GLASGOW. SCOTTISH BOARD: Chairman— Cot. MATHESON, C.B., Glasgow. LEX, FRASER, Esq., Provost| ALEx. Crum, Esq., Thornlie-; Ricuarp Kripston, Esq., Glas- of Inverness. nk, gow JV. BANNERMAN, Esq., Glasg.| ANDREW DovGALL, Esq,, In-| The Hon. James Kina, of {ucH Brown, Esq,, Glasgow. verness, Levernholm, Lord Provost ). 8. CARGILL, Esq., Glasgow | WM. Forsess, Esq.,of Medwyn.| of Glasgow. and Ceylon. JAMES KEYDEN Jun., Esq., | ALEXANDER Ross, Esq., Inver- [ENRY CowAN, Esq., Hillhead.| Glasgow. ness, Resident Secretary, CHARLES STEWART. Edinburgh Office: 12 YORK BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. Resident Secretary, FREDERIC J. HALLOWS. Inverness Ofice: ACADEMY STREET. Resident Secretary, C. C. BALLINGALL, CAPITAL —THREE MILLIONS STERLING. Annual Income upwards of £800,000. In Imperial Folio, Half Morocco, price 638. BLACK’S GENERAL ATLAS OF THE WORLD. A Series of 56 Maps, Geographical Description, and Index of 68,000 Names. In Imperial 8vo, Half Morocco, price 36s. BARTHOLOMEW’S GAZETTEER OF THE BRITISH ISLES. TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL. Containing descriptions of Sixty Thousand places, Illustrated with 29 specially prepared Maps. EDINBURGH: ADAM & CHARLES BLACK. ~ 120 . :... MISCELLANEOUS, . ‘COX & YEMAN: BILLIARD.» TABLE: MAKERS, 184 BROMPTON ROAD, BONBON: | S.W. HIGHEST. AWARD. : ae INTERNATIONAL: INVENTIONS EXHIBITION 1885, MEDAL, EDINBURGH EXHIBITION. ‘CONTRACTORS’ TO fA. Car OMe, CORTES any Aymiralty, us . ra a PER BY APPOINTMENT TO H.RsH: THE: DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., March 1886. et Sey HST LP re Pai & % a \ oy Ys nus ¥¥ 4? « ot Ph : “s YP ry ey if Ed “_PATRONISED BY HM, THE. KING. OF. SIAM, a — KING OF SAXONY, AND, ALL. THE | CHAMPION PLAYERS FOR 29 YEARS. TABLES “AND: LAMPS. Made SADR: for India! and Extreme Climates. WAS “REGIMENTS “AND ‘MESSES SUBPLIED. WORKMANSHIP AND BEST GOODS GUARANTEED, SOLE MAKERS T0 JOHN. ROBERTS, JUNIOR, CHAMPION OF THE WORLD: 4:.¢> Snir Ut — ——S NORTH SEA, BLACK’s ATLANTIC TRANCE. SSS i} PRUSSIA, Je AUSTR Ng TYUIOALY) JTLTPVU TLC TCT OT 5 Fier ca BA: vee Sx SSF RIEM Fe, a HUTTE 02 SST ———— “OF THE WORLD. NEW EDITION. In Folio, Half-bound Morocco, Gilt Edges, Price £3 : 3s. CONTENTS. GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS COUNTRIES The Maps. The Flags of all Nations (Frontispiece). 1, 2. The World in Hemispheres. 3. The World on Mercator’s Projection. 4, Physical and Ethnographical Charts. 5. Zoological and Botanical Charts. 6. The Celestial Hemispheres. 7. Solar System, Seasons, etc. 8. Europe. 9, 10. England and Wales. 11, 12. Scotland. 13. Ireland. 14. France. 15. Switzerland. 16. Holland, Belgium, and Luxemburg. 17, 18. German Empire. 19. Austria-Hungary. 20, 21, 22. Sweden, Norway, & Denmark. 23, Russia in Europe. 24, Spain and Portugal. 25. Italy. 26, 27. Turkey, Roumania, Servia, Greece, 28. Asia, [ete. 29. Turkey in Asia. 30. Palestine. 31. Persia, Afghanistan, and Beloochistan. 32, 33. India. 34, China. 34a. Japan. 35. Indian Archipelago, Burmah, Siam, etc. 36. Africa. 386A. Algeria, Morocco, and Tunis. 37. Egypt and Arabia Petraa. 38. South Africa, 39. North America. 40, 41. United States. 42. Canada and New England States. 43, 44. Southern States. 45. West India Islands. 46. Mexico, Central America, etc. 47, 48. South America. 49. Venezuela, Colombia, Equador, & Peru. 50. Chili, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia, 51. Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guayana. 52. Australia. 524. New South Wales. 528. Victoria. 53. New Zealand and Tasmania. 54. Polynesia and Pacific Ocean. oe ; The World as known tothe Ancients. Index of 68,000 Names. HDINBURGH: A. & OC. BLACK. BLACK’S TRAVELLING MAPS. REDUCED ORDNANCE SURVEY OF SCOTLAND. By JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S. SCALE—TWO MILES TO THE INCH. : Edinburgh | District (North Berwick to Stirling, and Kirkcaldy to Peebles), . Glasgow District (Coatbridge to Ardrishaig, and Lochgoilhead to Irvine). Loch Lomond and Trosachs District (Dollar to Loch Long, and Loch Earn to Glasgow). . Central Perthshire District (Perth to Tyndrum, and Loch Tummel to Dunblane). . Perth and Dundee District (Glen Shee to Kinross, and Montrose to Pitlochry). . Aberdeen District (Aberdeen to Braemar, and Tomintoul to Brechin). _ . Upper Spey and Braemar District (Braemar to Glen Roy, and Nethy Bridge to Killiecrankie). . Caithness District (whole of Caithness and east portion of Sutherland). . Oban and Loch Awe District (Moor of Rannoch to Tobermory, and Loch Eil to Arrochar). . Arran and ae Clyde District (Ayr to Mull of Cantyre, and Millport to Girvan). ‘ . Peterhead and Banff District (Peterhead to Fochabers, and the Coast to Kintore. . Inverness and Nairn District (Fochabers to Strathpeffer, and Dornoch Firth to Grantown). . Fort William District (Loch Duich to Loch Ericht, and Strath Affric to Ben Nevis). . Sutherlandshire. . Ross-shire. . Ayr District (Ballantrae to Thornhill, and Irvine to New Galloway). . Hawick and Moffat District (Dumfries to Cheviot Hills, and Melrose to Canobie). . Orkney Islands. . Shetland Islands. . Isle of Skye. . Berwick and Haddington Shires. . Forfarshire. . Lewis and Harris (Outer Hebrides). . North and South Uist and Barra (Outer Hebrides). . Mull, Coll, Tiree, and Staffa. . Islay, Jura, and Colonsay. . Arisaig, Moidart, Glenelg, Rum, and Eigg. . Wigtown and Stranraer District. . County of Kirkcudbright. . County of Dumfries. TOURIST’S MAP of SCOTLAND, coloured into contours to show the relief of land. oon AD TA Pp WNH eS a In cloth case, 2s. 6d., or mounted on cloth and in case, 35. 6d. each. BLACK’S TRAVELLING MAPS. fingland and Wales. 32 Inches by 22}. Price 4s. 6d. Do. Smaller. Size 19 Inches by 15. Price 2s. 6d. English Lake District. 19 Inches by 14._ Price 2s. 6d. Ireland. Size 214 Inches by 163. Price 2s. 6d. Do. Killarney District. 4 miles to Inch. Price 2s. 6d. London, Plan and Environs, each ts. ; coloured, ts. 6d. Perthshire: (Scale, 4 miles to Inch). In Cloth Case, 2s. 6d. Scotland. 32 Inches by 224. Price 4s. 6d. Do. Smaller. 18 Inches by 23. Price 2s. 6d. Do. County Maps ; in Small Case, Is. Wales, North and South. 14 in. by 114. Price ts. 6d. each. FOREIGN GUIDE-BOOKS By C. B. BLACK, &c. North-France.—From the North Sea to the Loire, &c. 7s. 6d. South-France.—I rom the Loire to the eae Sei 7s. 6d. North- France, West- Half, or ‘Normandy, Britany, and Touraine . 5s. Od. Normandy : its Baciles Rallies aid enareles . 28. 6d. North- France, Kast- Half, or Picardy, Champagne, Lorraine, Alsace, and part of Burgundy : ; . 2s. 6d. South-France, West-Half, or the Summer Resorts in the Pyrenees and on the Islands and Coast of the Bay of Biscay, &c. .. : i» 28. 6d: South-France, East- Half, or a alias of the Rhone, the Durance, and the Upper Loire, &c. . . 5s. Od. The Riviera, or the Winter Resorts on the Mediter- ranean from Cette to Leghorn, &c. ‘ ‘ . 2s. 6d. Corsica, with Heights, Distances, and Large hen ; . Is. Od. Belgium, its Churches, Chimes, and Battlefields. . 2s. 6d. North-France (East- Half) and peleian. S in One Volume, including a part of Holland . 5s. Od. Jersey and Guernsey Car Guide . Is. Od. Paris. , 7 18.0Ge Spain & Portugal (O Shea). Geventh Edition. By JoHN Lomas. : . 15s. Od. United States and Gannda: (Appleton’ 8). - 10s. 6ce i ITY OF ILLIN 2 119 899786 1