Select List of Travel ) FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, OF _ PLAINFIELD, N. J. Geographical Reading. A ist of books in the Plainfield Public Library, that may be used in connection with Geography, to give additional in- forthation and interest. Books marked with * are especially good; those marked 7 are particularly for the teacher’s use. PREPARED BY Miss EMMA L,. ADAMS, LIBRARIAN. gies Ge 4 bias Ki 4 Pa 9 Si Notre: Care should be taken to copy the numbers exactly. ® *Andrews, J.; Geographical Plays, 7....... gIo *Geikie, A.; Teaching of Geography, 7..... gIO Green, S. S., ed. Libraries and Schools, 7... o21 *King, C. F.; Methods and Aids in Geog- LR RES ISIN A pes ei ae 910 *Parker, F. W.; How to Study Geography, 7. 372 GENERAL TRAVELS. Garaiiou, M. M.;*Footprints of Travel..;..-.| 910 ~*Butterworth, H. Zigzagsonthe Mediterranean gro *Coffin, C.C.; Our New Way Round the World g10 Kingston, W.H.G.; Voyage Roundthe World’ J *Knox, T. W.; Young Nimrods Round the SR re eee hg ed, Ska aay a YS 910 emg OG), People. 6 ty) 8 iv. ae es Wate, Rideing, W. Tig DOvsi Codstwises. sian). ss Py, OLO ataeoe.. mound the World... ...,5...59.,-.- rare -*Taylor, B.; Boys of Other Countries........ | -910 Yonge, C. M.; Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe J EUROPE.—GENERAL WORKS. | mereott L. M.; Shawl Straps, 2-vols.......,. J - *Butterworth, H.; Zigzags in Classic Lands..| 914 ee a Zigzags in EHurope........ | 914 ae as Zigzags in Northern Lands 914 x « | Zigzags in the Orient..... 914 2 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. Champney, E. W.; Three Vassar Girls Abroad | *Crowninshield, M. B.; Lighthouse Children | ADrOade. Po eee eee Ua ae ea Gtild NG); Over the Ocean. 02 ty ec engi | *Hale, E. E, and S.; Family Flight in EBete | Hunnewell, J. F.; Tad of Scott. | RIGnOx onl. eae, Boy Treglia in Central HMrOpe rr eeamer: keno x ee Ua Wie Bee rarer ‘Northern| Europe. . | “*Knox, T. W.: Boy aeavellers> in RS UtHen Europe. . Millet, F. D.; The Deane Gk Zp eee *Rudler azd Chisholme ; abate ‘Lite *Stiellery Ke}; The Rhine: i532 yeaa eee ee | *Stockton, F. R.; Personally Conducted..... | GREAT BRITAIN. *Butterworth, H.; Zigzags in the British Isles. | Champney, E. W.: Three Vassar Girls a England. . ae elite aeeoee bk Q.; Wartninnetire Ago ee | Craik, Mrs. D. M.; Unknown Country [Ire- land]. . ; Stat eae Emerson, R. W.. Rapti ee Foto aay ee ae | SCO Ean Der 2 ABaelane te Re i ae: Getkie® A’. vate of the British Isles, 7. Hare, A. 1 C.3:Walksiin” London wena Howitt, W.; Visits to Remarkable Places.... Hutton, L.; Literary Landmarks of London. . *Knox, T. W.; Boy Travellers in Great Britain *Scudder, H. E.; English Bodley Family... Stevenson Rat, ) Edinburg he hice seer, *Taine, H.; Noteson England... ae Timbs, J.; Abbeys, Castles, etc., of Great! Britaitis (3;vole aout. spec 6 ees | ‘White, RerGee Hucland sen «tote eee ee 914 g14 14 914 14 914 914 914 O14’ 914 914 914 914 \ aa } OTAs QI4. oe gI4. QI. QI4. 914. QI4. 914. J 914. QI4. QI4.2 | OT4e2 NO bh abd Ne Oa) Cheée Cr 5 Gu 6 Hag flu 5 Kn ¢ Kn §F Kn 6 Mi 4 Ru 3 tae Ry es BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. GERMANY, HOLLAND, AUSTRIA. Mrs 1, Oey EtOUANG 1 se ee ee ee *Boughton, G. H.; Sketching Rambles in) Holland. eae Browne, J. R: ee Homily! in Pees Champney, E. W.; Three Vassar Girls in the MIME Cora Pate kd eae oo Champney, E. W.; Three Vassar Girls on the. Rhine. ; ea aer arty et *Dodge, M. ite Has Brinker ose mes Land of Pluck Eee colts Edwards, A. B.; Untrodden Peaks. ope Gould, S. B.; tebe ats fe UES Pela ee Na *Havard, H.; Dead Cities of the Tite Zee. i rp Picturesque Holland.......... | Scudder, H. E.; Bodley Grandchildren in. CW USERS 6 eg ae 0 ac a a | Stevenson, R. L.; Inland yey eae ¢ Vizetelly, H.; Berlin, 2 vols. he. FRANCE. *Amicis, H. de.; Studies of Paris. Brownell, W. ok French Traits. . Champney, E. W.: ‘Three ee ones in rer Creme Ee ites cece e Mie sg ee CSG 4.48, Seems Ln Praise-Of Paris «202i w ee ee ae Mrencn tome Life (Avon. |i... ose | memeeron. >. G. The Saone sy sai. ose | * ‘‘ French and English...... | 7 | ITALY. | Champney, HE. W.; Three Vassar - Girls in| 1 TR alag SS ARR ly OF raed ah cg | mie Oo Up Eee seh nel ag eee ee Se © VCHICC er ne eres. otal ok | . * MAUS RT ROME «5 wieder ed 2. 6Va)o 3 | OO & w Cr Cn Crt 4 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. Howells,, W. Ds? Venetian iter ti ene | 914-5 | to 9 anciant. eae agement Rome in the light of | recent eee eae ee me ee chet. | O° 3\oa) eae “Macmillan, (Hy? ne: Riviera pee eae | 914.5) Mae Monnier, M.; Wonders of Pompeli.........;| 913 | Mog Taine, H. A.; Rome and Naples..-......°.| Of4 95) sme SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ETc. ATNICIS te on CO be) Pattee eee athe Bs 914.6 Am 3 Baker, C. A.; Summer in the Aone --+.| 914-6] Ba 5 Crawfurd, O.; Portugal. . Tt a! --.| 914-6| Cp 5 Dix iH ee Drive ea he Pereieeam -| 914-6) Dig Binck.s Fe T; ; Spain. . -sreeeees | O14.6| Fz g Hale, Vink came Soanieh Cities. seeeeeees | 914-6] Ha 5 es ‘“ and S. Family flight through Spain. / 914.6! Aya 6 Hare, A. J. C.3° Wanderings an Spaiiee | 914-6| Ha 8 Irving, /}W. Alhambra). vols: esse eee | O14. Gaia 9 *Lathrop, G. P.; Spanish Vistas...2......- (© 014. G)eeeee *Stoddard, €C. A.; Spanish Cities. ....-.-2.] 914; Gina | RUSSIA AND SCANDINAVIA. | Ballou;; M." Mu Due: North soa ee | O14 8) eae Champney, EH. W.; Three Vassar girls in| | Russia. a Tea i eee 914-7 | “Cham Dragmanov, M.- Risen penance Gees eae | 331 3A Du Chaillu, P. B.; Land of the Midnight) | Stine? volsae sya ae 0 Du 2 *Goodman, FE. 12 eee tour in ‘N OLrwayinete) 914. Siva Hare, A. J. C.; Holland and Scandinavia..| 914.8| Ha & Keary, C. F.; Norway and the Norwegians. -914 8| Ke 2 *Knox, IT’. W.; Boy Travellers in Russia...| 914.7| Kn 7 *Stoddard, C. A.; Across Russia. .-........ | 914” Thomas, W. W.; Sweden. Ba: +} O14. one Tikhomirov, L,; Rien Political adh Beek | | | 2 VOUS i, SEALS Cae oi ee ee 947 | Tz g *Vogué, E. M. de. ; Tsar and his people.....| 914.7; Vo 3 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,— Continued. GREECE, SWITZERLAND, ICELAND, TURKEY. eeuucis, 1. de.; Constantmople......2....6| Champney, E. W.; Three Vassar Girls in). ererrer and. 23.2. e he res Headley, P. C.; Island of Fire eeatade ies Shocker €. G. W.; Home of the Feddas, [Iceland. ] . fie ae: mraitany, j. Howadji-in Syria". ....2.-%. | *KKeane, A. re PN eM 2 Ae *Kennan, G.; Siberia and fie arte system 2 v | a ‘Tent Life in Siberia. an | *Knox, T. W.; Boy Travellers in he eat | “3 2) Overland through Asia... .. . aes ‘Travels of Marco Polo for| hoa anya lst G50 Cyt Sop peek: are ce nen | Mallock, W. H.; Enchanted Island, [Cyprus] - eect), 1; Little People of Asia........ *Price, J. M.; Nees Ocean to the Yellow eee menuyler, b+ Turkestan, 2 vols.... #2.....- | Vambéry, A.; Travels in Central Asia... | Peer eC The the Levant. is ai) dia ah | CHINA, JAPAN, INDIA, CEYLON, SIAM, AND | O15. 915 Of: Ort 915 365 915: O19. 915 915 915 915 915 oe 915 OI5- RS Nay oats Oey XS ae Qn SN + NS PAA te Nii OR ON 6 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. FARTHER INDIA. *Arnold, E:; India Re-visited.... cé c¢ *Bacon, A. M.; Japanese Girls and Women. . Bacon,; GB: Siamese cee oe eee | Ball jo a." ohn os G bitiepetredis 07ers | Ball eV sc Punele; Liles dates siemens iB Bishop, 477s. I. L.; Unbeaten Tracks in Japan Bonvalots(G* * Wieross SLR Det no. ae ee *Bryson, M. J.; Child Life in Chinese Homes *Butterworth, H.; Zigzags in India. * a ‘“ Zigzags in the Ana nodee *Curzon,.G, N,;_Japan, Korea, Chita eae | *Hrench, H.; Our Boys in China..... - , . Qur Boys in @india soe meee | *Greey, E.; Bear Worshippers of Yezo...... EE Se Wondertil Citytor)OKiG aga ees | van ‘“ Young Americans in Japan. . Griffis, W KB UCOredee. 16 ti ie oe *Hornaday, W. T.; Two Years in the Jungle. | *Knox, IT. W.; Boy Travellers in Ceylon and | *Knox, T. W.; Boy Travellers in hie and China. PINOy W.- hae Tray eee in aN thd JAVA. ie. a eke, CA i cca ec ee age | *Lee, Yan Phou; When I was a Boy in China | **Moore, J.; Queen’s Empire, [India]. . ‘Pratt M. 17.) tones ais Citta vera, semanas EL Ve) A Stoxies: Ole India sienna ee REIN, 1) 1a ADAL | yas tid |. in ae enn Wilson? JH s,China soe vies a eee: a AFRICA. Baker, (3527775. We alsntailiactes pee ee baat JaPONICa Aan ceees ns nae ae | gi6. OR HR HNHRHONDHN|A rin WN 4st HNP WB Ps bat AK Ss Ba 2 Ba 2 Ba 4 Ba 8 £32 a Bo 5 Nat age, Bu 9 Bu 7 Gis Pa oe Lee Gene Gr 4 Gris Gree flo 7 Kn 6 Kn 6 Kn 6 1? semen Pr | Oz 6 Ba 4 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. *Bettany, G. T.; Dark Peoples of the Land of | oT iS WL ee ened a Ge A fe ne | ee Ne VO S ALA INIS sf step die woe ow sie, aed, «nls | . **Churchill, R. S.; Men, Mines, and Animals | RIC TN LTICCE erent Ee Fess es ete Pe *Drummond, H.; Tropical Africa. | DuChaillu, P. B.; Country of the ones i 3 Saari gel CERT OG ten amet ra d “Journey to Ashango Land... as Bae ost tthe | unoles. .... 4 ‘“ My Apingi Kingdom.... e ‘* Stories of the Gorilla Country 2 ‘‘ Wild Life Under the poe =Younston, K.; Africa, 7. . ia A mrnox, 1. W.: Boy ee ierale on the Conor. hea Bs Boy Travellers through Africa Livingstone, D.; Expedition to the Zambesi. . #6 m3 Last Journals mete sade tes pine a Okere Marryat, F.; The Mission, Scenes in Africa. . *Martin, A.; Home Life on an Ostrich Farm. Ree VL ACATASCAT sieves se ate eg whe oe Beraniey it..M.; Congo; 2 vols. ....5.6...- ‘ e, How I Found Livingstone. ae aa A InwDarkest Africa, *\2ivols.. | ef mS Mirvar eal trio tae uae At | 5 S Through the Dark Continent | SGU US ai A a a) a | EcGypt, ABYSSINIA, Morocco, ALGERIA. Bemis ede MOrOCCO nm. ne eee i cece eels Baker, S. W.; Nile Tributaries in Abyssinia. . Bridgman, F. A.; Winters in Algeria..... sos *Edwards, A. B.; 1000 miles up the Nile..... | s - ‘“ Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers. *Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight in Egypt... g16 gi6. g16 gi6. J g16. OIG: gI6. gI6. gI6. gi6. 913 g16. 5 | 2 AM? Ba 6 Bee ORG kd 9 Ly ee BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. *Knox, I. W.; Boy Travellers in Boh tae | OLGua SPOOL eouhes Cae ede Pee ieee is). Warner, C. D.; My Inter on ‘the Nile. | Q1ba24 NoRTH AMERICA, GENERAL,—INCLUDING BRITISH AMERICA AND ALASKA. piesa orth, -H ss Zigzags in Acadia uae QI7-1| ** ts Zigzags in the Great North-. | WEST ieee eae tal eines Oe ee O17 *Elliott, H. W.; Our Arctic Province [Alaska] 917.9 *Hayden & Selwyn; North Americas. 2: o17 | ed Gaatep gains Ee wh Tus siatitis Nimrods in North America. “a ent i gi hres Packard aA. S.: iment Conkt 1 4, 2 te eee t 508m *Ralph, J.; On Canada’s Frontier. |. OL faa Robinson, H. M.; Great Fur Danae (Hud- son’s Bay erator y Z 917.1] Scaife, W. B.; America, Its Geographical Hist. OL7 aa Stearns, W. Ac; Labrador.a >a - OL7e ie Watson, B. A.; Sportsman’s Peredie Tae Lands of Canada. ee hs chet dence *Wiley, W. H.; Nosennte! gist eto: Aer b SOL eon MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST INDIES. | Ballot, M7 M:s Dne South, | Cubaycme ae | oles Bishop;ew. He; sMexicomCalitorisa, ctGn ee | Q17.2) Blake MOE. “Mexicotnen, 5 opr oe eee ray hg Re Brassey, J7rs.; Trades, Tropics, and the Roar- ing Forties, [West Indies] .. Six. Va *Brigham, W. T.; Guatemala. \ See Charnay, D.; ecient Cities of the New World QI7. Dorr,J-C.;> Bermuda. Gee me *Hves, C. W.; West seat | Sona *Haley Ho. fans ; Family Flight j in Mexiosl QI7. DP NN Ne Neh Kn Po Wa Wa Ba Bi Bl Br br Ch Do Ev Fla 6 4 8 O ww WK F&F YH NH NH BOOKS OF TRAVEL. 9 GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. *Knox, I. W.; Boy Travellers in Mexico....| 912.2| Ku 7 Ober, F. A.; Camps in the Caribbees.........| 917.2|' O8 3 Paton, W. A.; Down the Islands:.......... | O17 22in REaLO Bion. >.> tHayti, the Black Republic.....| 917.2| Sa 2 UNITED STATES,—GENERAL AND NORTH | ATLANTIC STATES. | | | Bartlett, G. B.; Concord. . a, a : A O17 4) Bas *Butterworth, ise 5 TEM in ‘the ecidene OT 78h Bud Champney, E. W.; Three Vassar ae at | Pee «2. ses On 33 Chron *Drake, S. A.; Nace: gas Cotes of the | New papiand oa ste tamed ee ta ce oe | 917-4| Dr 2 Summ Pine Tree Coast. 2.6... ..- | 917-4) > Dr 5 *Glazier, W.; Peculiarities of American Cities 917.3. Gl 3 Hale, E. E.; Family Flight Around Home... O1744 aS mete j. 1 Adirondacks... 2... es | 917-4| Ae 2 Hoff, J. W.; 200 Miles on the Delaware..... | 917.4, Hog Hovey, H. C.; Celebrated American Caverns. | 551 | Ho 8 Howells, W. D.; azd others, Niagara Book... | 917-4. Ho 9 Hubbard, L. L.; Woods and Lakes of Maine. 917 4. Hu 2 oe F. A.; Little Pilgrims at Ply-| mouth. a Herta e PAROE Zo Ah L720kr Johnson, C.; ven Eoeend Cbuntem aD Sa arate Gryrd.ieetl Jo i King, T. S.: Bpiieatitiicns. © 2, 227. Mates bic. CLOT Ah LCE A Hoppe, G,;-Guide to New York... ....0.4.. 8g Big ee tee, Meet bs) .e >t he Hudson: 3. naso.s Seon Onna ne [ote & Murray, W. H. H. . Takei Ghamplain...; ap css or7.4| Mu 6 Sener tie t.* Boston Lowthossel esl kay. | 917-4. SAeas Sialer, N. S., 颢 United States, 2 vols..,:... GU74 a4 OH 23 = boewtserd, M:.; United States. :............. OPA tial one SOUTHERN AND WESTERN STATES, ETC. Bishop, ‘77s. I. L. B.; Lady’s Life in the 10 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. Rockiesy te ae ATi pene aa tion eee | “Butterworth, H.; Zigzags in the Sunny South | * S3 Zigzags on the Mississippi. | diamine E. W.; Great-grandmother’s Girls. in New Nrericg Nunes Oh hate Lore ort: *Custer, W/rs. E. B.; Boots and Saddles. . Seales : Tenting on the Paine Custer, Gen.; Wild Life on the Plains....... | Davis, R. H.; West from a Car Window..... | Dodge; RY it Black Hills... See eee Finck, H. ‘T.; Pacific Coast Scenic*] ours 424 | *Glazier, W.; Down the Great River, [Miss.]_ Grohman, W. A. B.; Camps in the Rockies. . eHayden, Fs Vu; ‘Greats West oie we eee | Ingersoll, E.; Crest of the Continent. /.5.... *Jenks, T.; psewd. Century World’s Fair Book * King, H;;) ‘Great South. #27 sea eee ee | Lanier, S.:° Floridaza 4 ving, ee ee | Lossing, B--J.8° Mount. Vernon.e ose eeeeneee | Lummis, C. F.; Land of Poco Tiempo, [New| Mexico ]..23'5 sh ice eee ee ee | Nordhoff, C.> California so. ieee | Parkman). Fi;> Oregon Lratlig eae neo eee | Pollard, E. A. Virginia Tourist. . a aikaiphy |: Giles and the World’ S ratio Richardson,; Wonders of the Yellowstone.... | Rideing, W. H.; Boys in the Mountains..... | Roberts, E.; Shoshone, and other Western Wonders. et ott ee Roosevelt, T.; Rare Life. . | *Stoddard, C. vines Beyond the Roeeies: *Warner, €) D.; Our Italy, Californie lan Webb, W. S.; California and Alaska......:. *Wiley, W. H.; Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellowstone aly foo el ere ae Wingate, G. W.; Through the Yellowstone. . 917: OLTp Q17- 917. OU | OL7: 917. QI7- 917. 917. 917. eae 917 hy 917- Ol]. 917: 917- 917- 917: 917: 917 A akisy i,” 917- OTTe Oli | QI7. 917- Oli 917- Ol Tx 917: Cy Or. OV™F CO CO COSI-O OOO CO CO CO ONT Mm COMO O OO © ©} 00 \O BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Continued. SoutTH AMERICA. Pgassiz, L,., and &, C.; Journey in Brazil... Benou, M. M;,; ‘Hquatorial America..:...... Reese SOUTH America, 8 Lok. oils tee ee c | Bates,; Naturalist on the Amazons......... Bishop, W. H.; 1000 Miles Walk Across Peer eTI Cat ee Sees ent ek be tos Champney, E. W.; Three Vassar Girls in South America. Py nee. *Child, T.; Spanish ence, Renblics ats | *Curtis, W. H.; Capitals of ed America. Dixie, F.; Across Patagonia. . Ford, I. N., Tropical Kenai ht ie Kilt Kingston, W. Pie wt Mitite ae Oa lee: *Knox, IT. W.; Boy Travellers in S. America. Rollins, A. W.; From Palm to Glacier...... | *United States, Bureau of American Repub-_ lics, Handbook, 7.. a | Nore :—The Library contains zi60 ie Re ports issued by the Government on. the individual Republics of South. America. | Wells, J. W.; 3000 Miles through Beil | *Whymper, H.;~ Great Andes of the Bore OCEANIA. Bishop, M/rs. I. lL. B.; Six Months in the) Sandwich Islands. as ten, *Butterworth, H.; Ra aie in metas pees | Foreman, J.; phitiypie TSLAUCG ern oak, 5 | Kroude, J. A.; Deanne Ss ede eC ae Higginson, S. a ee PERN UIE Ca tegen SS *Knox, IT. W.; Boy Travellers in Australasia 508 g18 g18 508 918 g18 g18 918 g18. g18 g18 g18 g18. 310 gi8. g18. _ On We Wh KR AA ®0 AN W AAW AH © ©NH A: 12 BOOKS OF TRAVEL. GEOGRAPHICAL READING,—Conduded. Lumholtz, C.; Among Cannibals.... *Pratto My Ty, sy otones Oreniistialasiaw cs eas | Stoddard; C.sWy = pouthrpeasldy ls eh ei ceu | EW allacé; A. Ree Australasia se). err eae ARCTIC REGIONS. *Carstensen, A. R.; Two Summers in Green-. land. a De Long, co Ww. ores a a Jeannette, Gilder, W. H.; Ice Pack and Tundra. . | és 5 Schwatka’s: Searchy2. -awe! Greely, A. W.; Three Years of Arctic Service, | 2Vols.: a Halli Co kt beats Restate n ‘ -Adriftin the gloe Frere sR Hayes, Arctic) Boat\Jourmeye ce 4 Land of Desolation, [Greenland]... Healy, M.A. -Criitse:ofithe Conwitiy a *Keely and -Davis,; in Arctic pease are ee | Knox, IT. W.3> Voyage of then tying oressetees * Nansen, .;},> Hskimo Witeys os ere ee | First Crossing of Greenland. . Newcome, R. L.; Our Lost Explorers... Nourse, J. K.; American Explorations in the. Tcer:ZOones A028 wie, a ee *Peary, Wrs.; My Arctic Journal.... *Schwatka, F.; Children of the Cold.... n BS 919: O19. 919. Org: O19: O19. G19. 919. g19. 508 919. 919. 919. 919. 919. 919. O19. 919. Ww DW Cwwowmo ewe wo Lu 6 We Sua Wa 4 Ca 8 De 5 Gi 6 Gi\7 Gr 4 Hla 6 Ha 5 \ffa 13 | Fie fle 3 Ke 4 Kn 7 Na 4 Na 5 Ne 9 No 9 P&S Se g NoTE: The attention of teachers is called to the articles relating to countries, etc., which are constantly coming out in the magazines. As these are usually illus- trated and popularly written, they often form the best sources of information for geography work. These articles are made available by ‘‘Poole’s Index of . Periodical Literature,’’ and its Supplements which are always to be found in the Reading Room, 13 Books on Education. A uist of books of value to teachers that may be found in the Public Library. Adler, Moral Instruction of Children........ cw: AG? Bain, Education and Science. : aes 70 Ba 9 Baldwin, Psychology nesta to 0 Teaching 271 Ba 4 Blow, Symbolic Education....... fay Wine 3 Bliss Boone, Education in the eee States. 3 7O Bo 4 Burt, Literary Landmarks [Lit. for Children] 370 Bus Compayré, History of Pedagogy.. ; 2G (Mr Lies Davidson, Aristotle and Ancient Bageuonal mer eer ice kt. ltt ae inet. UC, Ray Da 8 Eggleston, How to Educate Yourself........ 374 Eg 2 Foster, Seminary Method in History........ 371 Fo 2 Fouillé, Education from a National Stand- 0 LE TSS = RA SS 370 fo 8 Pipepel education of Man........5....... | 372 a ewe 4 a Autobiography . rae B Fy 130 Gilman and Jackson, Sandie as a ¥i ine wee 20h, Gi 4 Grasby, Teaching in Three Continents ..... 370 Che Greenwood, Principles of Education Applied. any Ges Guimps, Pestalozzi’s Life and Works....... B Le. 87 ero iiat Careers fia s besies Mies aleve. 374 Ha 4 meeomeevianiial Lraining, 20.4 es 607 Hla 4 Hartel, Over-pressure in Schools of Denmark 371 fle 5 memo Marly Hdtication (ies eS) 202 lah, Hopkins, How shall My Child be Taught... 371 flo 5 > Educational Psychology.......... 131 Ho 8 Howland, Practical Hints for Teachers...... 371 flo 9 fees Pitinary Hducations 3. 6.2. ae: Up: Ja 9 14 BOOKS ON EDUCATION ,—Continued. Johonnot, Principles and Practice of Teaching | Klemm, -Huropean?ochools:gics |... see | Kraus-Boelte, Kindergarten Guide, 2 vols... | Leland, Practical) Hducationes, shake ames | Hincoln, ochoobeity sien. an vo eee | Locke, On Bducationi—s. . 30a ee eee | Lyschinska, Kindergarten Principles........ | MacArthur, Education and Manual Industry. Mahaffy, Old Greek Education. . Marenholz-Bulow, Handwork ands Frenne 2 F Froebel. .. Martineau, Household Education....... Morgan, Educational Mosaics... Mothers in-Councile. ~ ete aioe ce eke ee Nissen, Swedish Gymnastics............... | Page, Theory and Practice of Teaching... Painter, History of Education. . ae iret Parker, How to Study Geography.......... | Pickard, sSchoolisu penvision ns occ ee | Preyer, Development of the Intellect........ “!\ > Senses, and: thes Willoss.c.auer noeeeeee | Quick, Educational Reformers. . ryt Seen Rooper,. A pperce plone grea eel cage eterna | Rosenkranz, Philosophy of Education....... | Rousseau, Emile, or Concerning Education. . Sharpless, English Education... emiiles;< Selfitelp: con. cylectiy 2 tee uke PLY IE aioe a ee ee a ee | Spencers Hducation fea. 40 cee te kee | Tyndall, Culture Demanded by Modern Life. West, Alcuin and Rise of Christian Schools. . Wiggins Childrents Rich fase aly neta es Winchell, Shall We Teach Geology. . | Woodward, Manual Training. . McCosh, sCoonitive Power seers | 371 370 372 371 613 370 372 . Pom 370 372 SJOg Kl 7 Kr 2 La Las Lome Ly 8 Ma 6 Ma 7 Ma 7 Fy 131 Ma 2r Mo 5 Mo 7 Ni 6 Pa 2 fag Pa 9 ya Pr 4 Pree Qu 3 Ro 4 Ro 9 Ro ro ST Sm 4 Ay SP 3 Ty 2 We 7 Wis Wi 6 Wo 5 Ma 3 Bo 9 BOOKS ON EDUCATION,—Concluded. fed iiysiolopical Psychology. :...:...... | 10% Spencer, Principles of Psychology........... | 192 Murray, Handbook of Psychology.......... | 192 eee oenools andi ibraries 20. 0. eee 1 O21 Kay, Memory and how to Improve it........ | 154 James, Handbook of University Extension... 374 Hinsdale, How to Study and Teach History... 907 Preyer, Mental Development of the Child.... 150 I5 | Mu g Craik