ai » By ut h ty 3! HR Hh ; Ii Se TRE Gh a coum ms | eo hey ak eh ey ae sek as ees ne a cae ee , CaNs: ays OO ea ’ . 2a ns ay -¥4 AB RA ign PAO A Re Ke “ Nas eh Ww x te sae : Ys oe so posh ei. ee E oe cr atm fis) Men Gao LR & wae Taye ier nee y ops ot Age SEEKS Manger ae Tei be Soe ts a3 ze Sy ie ov scat BY : if a ee Seabee, ERE ‘ i . E ce a roe ae atc ee ae ye Sie 5 9 VO - ; 4c ae Bs fe aie aes Te 3 Seisla THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY aces at G a8 ee oe ae ban mye si Aslely a PAG » RS 4 aa / 7 ny peda aro tusaeces jSOREN uae) ae : Dance y fall Mealy ARO Phe: st na A Pe aes ‘$ eee Ce | “ y ag Nw. ~ oa) Ree y NS at Oe ; ae Ba ON Om eau iy aye ry my c ye L 2 a / iC i Me ri : ? “we ee aS phe rt ASR EO UNOS RaE ANTONE See ES one wy Bi. ee eve eS I a Latest Date stamped below. te ‘ ty & mee ; Ba Aan oe Si University of Illinois Library 8 Vea ‘a Stat fee he, Pte ae! ux j : Wye oe rote eva ae acm oe ae ees ek os i Ms \" .. we (ie) oes ‘ at oe ie ‘a as ae aes oT, eccau ee of ae 57 See 6 le} ih * Sy egs, ae ee ests sia sage oe ma a es Be wiepale R L161—H41 Ov ivr iv- OWES: SMITH & WEBSTER MANUFACTURERS OF Seam eMbING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 4 SHOW ROOM, 77 DEARBORN ST. (THE UNITY BUILDING) GENERAL OFFICES AND FACTORY pet eNORTH: CLINTON S by GHIGAG® se CATALOGUE G THE UNITY BUILDING, 77 Dearborn St. In order that architects in specifying, plumbers in purchasing, and owners in using our goods may know and feel that they are getting goods from the manufacturer, we illustrate in the following pages the interiors of some of the different departments of our works in which the goods illustrated here are made. | With every modern facility combined with care and what years of practical experience would naturally suggest, is given to all minor details—such as neat, appropriate and artistic designs, quality, finish and construction. In con- struction every fixture is severely simple, though thoroughly practical. In compiling our G catalogue we have endeavored to avoid all complicated lists and superfluous additions and printed matter around the illustrations, and to make it so plain and practical that even the occasional ‘user will not. become confused or perplexed. Respectfully, BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF OUR WORKS, SMITH & WEBSTER. {5-21 N, Clinton St. CopyYRIGHTED, 1896, By SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO R. R. DonNELLEY & Sons Co,, PRINTERS, CHICAGO ee anciilye erect he INTERIOR VIEW OF SMITH & WEBSTER’S SHOW ROOMS IN THE “UNITY,” INTERIOR VIEW OF SMITH & WEBSTER’S MAIN STORE, CLINTON STREET BUILDING. SMITH & WEBSTER’S MARBLE DEPARTMENT. i SMITH & WEBSTER’S MARBLE DEPARTMENT. _ sed ASNanz 6. Lic. SMITH & WEBSTER’S COPPER WORKS AND TANK LINING DEPARTMENT. j \ | ii] bed _ a \| Hibs a Sees ees ‘ " > if SMITH & WEBSTER’S FINISHING DEPARTMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IRON WORKING DEPARTMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER’S GENERAL BRASS AND IRON FINISHING DEPARTMENTS. Machine Shops and Tool Rooms. 5 . SMITH & WEBSTER’S BUFFING DEPARTMENT SMITH & WEBSTER’S FINISHING DEPARTMENT. ) SS ey SS Ae SMITH & WEBSTER’S NICKEL-PLATING DEPARTMENT. 6 300 ARC-LIGHT DYNAMO. 250 H, P. CORLISS ENGINE. SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENGINE AND DYNAMO ROOMS. SMITH & WEBSTER’S FOUNDRY. 8 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “CRESSIDA” SYPHON CLOSET, “IMPERIAL WARE.” ‘ q . 5 © 1 ‘ PLATE 7-G. PRICE, $47.50. PLATE 8-G. PRICE, $49.00. PLATE 7-G.—Consists of Embossed “Defiance” Syphon Closet of “Imperial China,” with metallic bound, round corner cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Metallic cistern supports. Bracket guide, chain and zylonite pull, All trimmings nickel plated, PLATE 8-G,—Consists of Embossed ‘ Defiance’? Syphon Closet of “Imperial China,’ and the Embossed Dresden Earthen Cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Bracket guide, wire rod and zylonite pull. All trimmings nickel plated. Nickel-plated supply pipe, extra, $2.00. With shut-off valve, $2.75. Brass floor flange and gasket, extra, $1.00. Italian safing 2 feet, 3 inches square, extra, $7.50. If closet is not embossed, deduct $2.00. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “DEFIANCE” SYPHON CLOSET, WITH SEAT AFFIXED. TVMPRERTATSAGEINARS WHA MOP OOOO OOD OOOO OOK Pr : a] | eadobpooos ual \\ | i ie] | ’ ft SS nr remcees | | | 1 | i HCHO MOC = ——e = See PLATE 9-G. PRICE, $45.50. PLATE 10-G. PRICE, $46.50. PLATE 9-G.— Consists of Embossed “ Defiance” Syphon Closet of “Imperial China.” Bent-wood round-corner cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Metallic cistern supports. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Chain and zylonite pull. Atl trimmings nickel plated. PLATE 30-G. Consists of Embossed “ Defiance ” Syphon Closet of “Imperial China.” Bent-wood round-corner cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Metallic cistern supports. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors and secret pull. Al trimmings nickel plated. If without adjustable brass flush pipe nickel plated deduct $3.50. Italian Safing 2 ft. 3 in. square, extra $7.50. Brass floor flange and gasket, extra $1.00. If closet is not embossed deduct $2.00. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK, “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 13 THE “DEFIANCE” SYPHON CLOSET, WITH SEAT AFFIXED. “IMPERIAL CHINA.” PLATE 13-G. PRICE, $41.00. PLATE {2-G. | PRICE, $40.00. PLATE 13-G.— Consists of Plain “Defiance ’”” Syphon Closet of “Imperial China.” Mletallic bound round corner cistern. Seat affixed to closet. Metallic cistern supports, adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Chain and zylonite pull. All trimmings nickel plated. PLATE 12-G.—Consists of Plain “Defiance” Syphon Closet of “Imperial China.” Hardwood cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Cistern brackets. Chain and zylonite pull. 1 trimmings nickel plated. If with cover on seat, as plate J2-G, extra, $1.50. Nickel plated supply pipe with shut off valve, extra, $2.75. If closets are embossed, extra, $2.00. If without adjustable brass flush pipe nickel plated deduct $3.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 14 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “ARLINGTON” WASH DOWN CLOSET, WITH SEAT AFFIXED. “IVMIPERTATS GE’ PLATE 13-G. PRIGHGS2/.25. PLATE 14-G. PRICE, $31.00. PLATE 13-G.— Consists of the Plain “ Arlington” Wash Down Closet of “Imperial China.” Cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. N. P. iron cistern brackets. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors, chain and pull. Atl trimmings nickel plated. PLATE 14-G.—Consists of Embossed “ Arlington’? Wash Down Closet of “Imperial China.” Metallic bound round corner cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Mletallic cistern supports. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Bracket guide, chain and pull. All trimmings nickel plated. If Plate 14-G has regular chain and pull, as shown in Plate 13-G, deduct $1.50, If Plate 13-G has bronzed iron cistern brackets, deduct 75c. If without adjustable brass flush pipe N. P., deduct $3.50, ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. is THE “TORNADO” BACK WASH OUT CLOSET, WITH SEAT AFFIXED. VIBRATE GEN ARS MPAA KHOI POMPE AI WAI Aad Near PLATE 15-G. PRICE, $34.50. PLATE 16-G. | PRICE, $45.00. PLATE 15-G.— Consists of the plain “ Tornado” Back Wash Out Closet of “Imperial China.” Metallic bound, round corner cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Mletallic cistern supports. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors, Curved vent pipe and flange. Chain and pull. All trimmings nickel plated. PLATE 16-G.—Consists of Embossed “ Tornado” Back Wash Out Closet of “Imperial China” and the Embossed Dresden Earthen Cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors, Curved vent pipe and flange. Bracket guide, wire rod and pull. All trimmings nickel plated. If closets are decorated in colors and traced in gold, extra, $10.00. Italian safing, size 27 x 27 inches, extra $7.50. Brass floor flange and gasket, extra, $1.00. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 16 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “UNITAS” FRONT WASH OUT CLOSET, WITH SEAT AFFIXED. “IMPERIAL GHINA Sat es Rm” Seh2 S Fy » rs Z PLATE 17-G. _ PRICE, +$34.25. PLATE 18-G. PRICE, $41.25. PLATE 47-G.— Consists of the plain “ Unitas” Front Wash Out Closet of “Imperial China.” Mletallic bound, round corner cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Metallic cistern supports. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors. Curved vent pipe and flange. Chain and pull. All trimmings nickel plated. PLATE 18-G.—Consists of Embossed “ Unitas” Front Wash Out Closet of “Imperial China,” and the Embossed Dresden Earthen Cistern. Adjustable brass flush pipe and protectors, Curved vent pipe and flange. Bracket guide, wire rod and pull. Al trimmings nickel plated. If closets are decorated in colors and traced in gold, extra, $10.00. Brass floor flange and gasket, extra, $1.00. Italian safing, 2 feet 3 inches square, extra, $7.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 17 THE “GOTHIC” PNEUMATIC SYPHON CLOSET, “TMPERIAL WARE.” HICASO APO ITA MERSTER PEATE 19-G..) PRICE,§$35.00, PLATE 20-G. PRICE, $40.00. PLATE 19-G.--Consists of the plain “Gothic” Syphon Closet of “Imperial Ware,” with Cabinet Polished Hardwood Cistern, Seat with cover. Adjustable brass flush and air pipes. Iron seat and cistern brackets, chain and pull. All trimmings nickel plated. PLATE 20-G.—Consists of Embossed “ Gothic ” Syphon Closet of “Imperial Ware.” with Metallic Bound Cabinet Polished Round Corner Cistern. Seat with cover. Adjustable brass flush and air pipes. Mletallic cistern supports and seat brackets, chain and pull. All trimmings nickel plated. If with Italian safing, size 2 feet 3 inches square, extra, $7.50. Brass floor flange and gasket, extra, $1.00. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK, “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 18 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “DELUGE” WASH DOWN CLOSET, SIVIRER TATA Wie Bes WW 3 . = : ae - » ane ail cn & wee tes, Pe —— ae , \ ~ Seon? a caCARG week. ~Peificaso,ut4 = (aa e ds PLATE 23-G. | FRICE, $18.00. PLATE 22-G. PRICE, $23.00. PLATE 23-G.-— Consists of the plain “Deluge” Wash Down Closet of “Imperial Ware.” Cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Bronzed or japanned iron seat and cistern brackets, Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 22-G.— Consists of Embossed “ Deluge’? Wash Down Closet of “Imperial Ware.” Cabinet polished panel or round corner cistern. Bronzed or japanned iron seat and cistera brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. Plate 21-G, with shellac finish, pine wood cistern, $17.00. Plate 22-G, with beaded cistern, as shown in Plate 21-G. $20.00. If with nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, extra, $1.25. If with nickel plated supply pipe, extra, $2.00. If with nickel plated flush pipe, extra, $3.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 19 THE “DELUGE” WASH DOWN CLOSET, WITH SEAT AFFIXED. PIVMPERIAL WARE.” MELH X WEBSTER: ‘CHICAGO. PEASE 23-C mt iC l b2h./ Os PLATE 24-G. PRICE, $23.75. PLATE 23-G.—Consists of the plain “ Deluge’? Wash Down Closet of “Imperial Ware.” Cabinet polished round corner hardwood cistern. Seat with cover affixed to closet. Nickel plated iron cistern brackets, chain and pull. PLATE 24G.—Consists of Embossed “ Deluge ’” Wash Down Closet of “ Imperial Ware.” Cabinet polished round corner hardwood cistern, Seat with cover affixed to closet. Nickel plated iron cistern brackets, chain and pull. If with nickel plated supply pipe, extra, $2.00. If with nickel plated flush pipe, extra, $3.50. If with bronzed iron cistern brackets, instead of nickel plated iron uct 75c. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK, “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 20 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. FRONT WASH OUT CLOSETS. eH Ee GRA THE CARAT Gale @ OO COO ROU OOD OOOO OES IO COO CODY PLATE 25-G. | PRICE, $20.00. PLATE 26-G. PRICE, $21.00, PLATE 25-G.—Consists of the plain “Crystal”? Front Wash Out Closet. Cabinet polished hardwood cistern, Seat with cover. Nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, vent pipe with flange, chain and pull. PLATE 26-G.— Consists of Embossed “Cataract” Front Wash Out Closet. Cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets and vent pipe with flange, chain and pull. If with galvanized iron flush pipe, extra, $2.50. If with nickel-plated brass flush pipe, extra, $3.50. If with nickel plated brass supply pipe, extra, $2.00, ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 21 PEDESTAL FRONT WASH OUT CLOSETS. GHEE ARIVIED AR” eee EWVIPE Secs PLATES 2/-G.-= PRICE, ($21.00. PLATE 28-G. PRICE, $22.00, PLATE 27-G.— Consists of the Plain “ Armeda” Pedestal Front Wash Out Closet. Cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, vent pipe and flange, chain and pull. PLATE 28-G.— Consists of Embossed “Tempest” Pedestal Front Wash Out Closet. Round corner cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, vent pipe and flange. Nickel plated chain and pull. If with bronzed iron brackets instead of nickel plated iron, deduct $1.25. If with nickel plated flush pipe, extra, $3.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIFLE.” 22 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “NIAGARA” FRONT WASH OUT CLOSET. Se 7 = ~ OED FoR = CHICAGO, ILE. PLATE 29-G. PRICE, $23.00. PLATE 30-G. PRICE, $26.00. ; PLATE 29-G.— Consists of the Plain “ Niagara ”’ Pedestal Front Wash Out Closet. Beaded cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover, bronzed or japanned iron seat and cistern brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 30-G.—Consists of Embossed “ Niagara ’’ Pedestal Front Wash Out Closet. Cabinet polished round corner hardwood cistern. Seat with cover, bronzed or japanned iron seat and cistern brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. If with nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, extra, $1.25. If with nickel plated vent pipe and flange, extra, $1.25. If with nickel plated supply pipe, extra, $2.00. If with nickel plated flush pipe, extra, $3.50. Plate 29-G, with round corner cistern, as shown in Plate 30-G, extra, $1.00. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 23 THE “HERCULES” BACK WASH OUT CLOSET. HICAGO. ILL PUA TE 3)-G.. © PRICE, $23.00: | PLATE 32-G. PRICE, $26.00. PLATE 33-G.— Consists of the Plain “Hercules” Back Wash Out Closet. Beaded cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Bronzed or japanned iron seat and cistern brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 32-G. Consists of Embossed “Hercules” Back Wash Out Closet. Cabinet polished round corner hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Bronzed or japanned iron seat and cistern brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. If with nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, extra, $1.25. If with nickel plated vent pipe and flange, extra, $1.25. If with nickel plated supply pi tra, $2.00, If with nickel plated flush pipe, extra, $3.50. Plate 33-G, with round corner cistern, as shown in Plate ss extra, $1.00. : pe bibs eater ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK, “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 24 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “APARTMENT” FRONT WASH OUT CLOSET. POIDBDOOC DOE ROOD OOO DDO ; os = ew BoA ~~ Soyuckeom? Pe ace PLATE 33-G. PRICE, $23.00. PLATE 33-G—Consists of Embossed “ Apartment” Pedestal Front Wash Out Closet. Cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat and cover. Nickel plated iron seat and cistern brackets, chain and pull. If with cabinet polished round corner cistern, extra, $1.00. If with shellac finish pine wood cistern, deduct $1.00. Realizing the necessity of a substantial and thoroughly sanitary water closet, that would embrace all the good qualities and modern features, and that could be sold at a moderate price for Hotels, Apartment Flats, etc., we have in our “Apartment” Closet Apparatus endeavored to fill the want. The earthenware is of best quality and substantial; the cistern is of the syphon principle and simply constructed; the cistern and seat are well made and neatly finished, altogether presenting an attractive and artistic appearance. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. Pee ic grrr 35 THE “IRON KING” FRONT WASH OUT CLOSET, CAST IRON, ENAMELED ALL OVER. AUTOMATIC. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH &WEBSTER . CONIC A GOs PLATE 34-G. PRICE, $24.50. PLATE 35-G. | PRICE, $27.00. PLATE 34G.— Consists of the “Iron King’ Enameled All Over Front Wash Out Closet. Beaded cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with back. Galvanized iron flush pipe. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 35-G.—Consists of the “Iron King” Enameled All Over Front Wash Out Closet. “Torrent” cabinet polished hardwood periodical flushing cistern. Square oak seat with painted legs. Galvanized iron flush pipe and bronzed iron brackets, If without galvanized iron flush pipe, deduct $2.50. Plate 35-G is furnished with the “ Torrent” automatic or periodical flushing cistern and by regulating the supply can be arranged to operate often or seldom as occasion may require. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOIJSELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 26 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “ATLAS” WATER THE ARCTIC” WATER CLOSE GEOSETe > “2 CHICAGO, NLP PLATE 36-G. 9) PRICE,*$14:50, PUA TE 37-G.gge Ee ICE oI 3,00, PLATE 36-G.—Consists of ‘the “Atlas”? Oval Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Beaded cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 37-G,— Consists of the “Arctic”? Round Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Beaded cabinet polished hardwood cistern. Seat with cover. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. If with shellac finish pine wood cistern, deduct $1.00. If with round corner cabinet polish, or panel cistern, as shown, extra, $1.00. If with galvanized iron flush pipe, extra, $2.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. a7 THE “SECURITY” ENAMELED ALL OVER FLUSHING RIM HOPPER CLOSETS. Pe WEBSTER, CHICAGO; ——. PLA TE38-G. . PRICE,*$10.00. PLATE 39-G. PRICE, $13.00. PLATE 38-G.—Consists of the “ Security” Long Round Enameled All Over Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Shellac finish pine wood cistern, Bronzed iron brackets, Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 39-G.—Consists of the “Security ” Long Round Enameled All Over Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Shellac finish pine wood cistern. Oak automatic seat. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. If Hopper is enameled one side only, deduct $1.00. If with galvanized iron flush pipe, extra, $2.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 28 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “ALASKA” ENAMELED ALL OVER FLUSHING RIM HOPPER CLOSETS. PLATE 40-G. PRICE, $10.50. PLATE 41-G. | PRICE, $11.50. PLATE 40-G.—Consists of the “Alaska” Long Oval Enameled All Over Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Shellac finish pine wood cistern, Bronzed brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 43-G.—Consists of the “Alaska”? Long Oval Enameled All Over Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Shellac finish pine wood cistern. Hardwood rim seat. Bronzed brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. If Hopper is enameled one side only, deduct $1.00. If wich galvanized iron flush pipe, extra, $2.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 29 THE “ALASKA” ENAMELED ALL OVER FLUSHING RIM HOPPER CLOSETS. owt vee ors OHOOS OOOO ODOC CODCURCO | _—— rawss Pe “ ~ $ y aah } sad ITH &W | < @ eM EWEBETER/ SMITH Wreste / CHICAGO PLATE 42-G. PRICE, $13.00. PLATE 43-G. PRICE, $13.50. PLATE 42-G.—Consists of the “Alaska”? Long Oval Enameled All Over Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Shellac finish pine wood cistern. Oak seat affixed to hopper. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 43-G.—Consists of the “Alaska” Long Oval Enameled All Over Flushing Rim Hopper Closet. Shellac finish pine wood cistern. Oak automatic seat. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. If Hopper is enameled one side only, deduct $1.00. If with yalvanized iron flush pipe, extra, $2.50. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR HARDWOOD TRIMMINGS IN CHERRY, BIRCH. ASH OR OAK. “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” 30 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE “HARLEM” ENAMELED ALL OVER FLUSHING RIM HOPPER AND TRAP CLOSETS. é & g g "] 3 3 9 é 9 8 1 Q 8 ss 3 ff {THE WEBSTER: GHIGAGO, PLATE 44-G. PRICE, $33.50. PLATE 45-G. PRICE, $f6.50. PLATE 44-G.—Consists of the “Harlem”? Enameled All Over Oval Flushing Rim Hopper Closet with Brass Vent. Shellac finish pine wood cistern. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. PLATE 45-G,—Consists of the “Harlem” Enameled All Over Oval Flushing Rim Hopper Closet with Brass Vent. Oak automatic seat. Shellac finish pine wood cistern. Bronzed iron brackets. Nickel plated chain and pull. - If with galvanized iron flush pipe, extra, $2.50. If with hand-hole instead of vent, deduct 50c. If trap is enameled inside only, deduct $1.00. If with hardwood cistern, extra, $3.00. Can furnish with J-2 S or 3-4 S trap instead of S trap, as shown, when desired, “ALL OUR CISTERNS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE.” SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 31 SMITH & WEBSTER’S ANTI-FREEZING HOPPER VALVE CLOSET —THE “VICTOR.” Wald “PIONEER” PLUNGER PeLOSEie PLATE 46-G. PRICE, $42.00. Can furnish with Trap, Offset or Straight Outlet. Trap and Reservoir are Cast Iron, painted; rT SMITH & WEBSTER Bowl is earthenware. CHICAGO: PLATE 47-G. PRICE, $10.00. PLATE 47-G.—Consists of “The Victor” Enameled Anti-Freezing Hopper Closet, with Seat, Valve and Weight, as shown. The valve of the “ Victor” closet is set below the frost line, and the apparatus so constructed that when the seat is occupied the valve is opened, and the closet is being flushed. When the seat is relieved the weight pulls the seat to an upright position, the chain is slackened and the valve closed, and the water in the supply pipe between the valve and the closet, wastes, thus leaving this pip2 free from water, except when the closet is actually in use. THE “NOVELTY” HOPPER VALVE CLOSET, WITH ROUND SEAT, SINGLE OR DOUBLE ACTING VALVE. HEIGHT, {7 INCHES. sy vail » wil I eee co i | fi ii i \ | | Wine ol / al | Se - | il ee — Ba | ee rt PLATE 48-G. PRICE, ENAMELED, $10.00. PLATE 49-G. PRICE, ENAMELED, $11.00. Can furnish above closet with J-2 or 3-4 “S” Trap. _ The “Novelty” Hopper Valve Closets works under any pressure, from 5 to 150 pounds without reaction, ‘The single acting valve runs while the seat is occupied, “The double acting valve gives a slight fore flush and a thorough after-wash when the seat is relieved. mr ! | 32 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WATER CLOSET RANGE, “THE SORRE NS ee (} (*) a SSM ITH & WEBSTER- CHLCAGO,. PLATE 50-G. PLATE 50-G. Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Torrent” Water Closet Range. Fitted with heavy hardwood cabinet finished seats and frames, with heavy cast brass hinges. Shellac finish pine copper lined periodical flushing cistern, with S. & W.’s improved “Operati:g”’ and “Draining” attachments. Galvanized iron flush pipe. Perforated wash down pipes at front and back of range. Bronzed iron cistern brackets. Cast iron legs. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. Made for seats 24, 27 and 30 inches wide. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. | Prices, with Seats, as shown. Prices, without Seats. Length Over all, Number of Width of Length of Range. Including Flush Pipe. Seats. Seats. Enameled Painted Enameled Painted Range. Range. Range. Range. Range as above---- 4 feet 2 inches ---- -_-- | 4 feet 8 inches. Two 24 inches, $ 55.00 $ 42.00 | $ 50.00 $ 37.00 60M ME eG eS Ge a ee ee 6g Cress Three pH oS 72.50 52.50 65.00 45, ee wader Ph le i ee Saar 5S Four 24 Bie | 95.00 68.00 85.00 58.00 4600 0S ee | (i a 10° S83 Five ots | 112.50 78.50 100.00 66.00 46S SSE 9 A SA YORE waaay 12st Oa Six D4 Ss 134,00 93,00 49.00 78.00 Ae o9 6Oe DSi | A eee) eee = 1A Ss tien oe Seven 242-8 151.50 10350 | 134,00 86.00 $5 eo ae 16 atu) Se caeee 1Gitorr8 aa Fight 24e Sh 169.00 114.00 149.00 94.00 USS eemete =e {Seo ee 1 OMe Smee Nine 24a 186.50 124.50 | 164.00 102.00 $6 EE 1) ae eee 20 See Some Ten De ae 204.00 135.00 | 179.00 130.00 Range as above .-- 4 feet 8 inches------- 5 feet J inch, Two 27 inches. $ 58.00 $ 44.00 | $ 53.00 $ 39.00 “ 4 6s) ieee 7 “ 4 inches, Three PA fs: 77.50 55.50 70.00 48.00 ota sane BAC ire od eet Oe NT bie Four Pipe he? {02.00 72.00 92.00 an 62.00 eee Mie fit ae Smee tee 5 RSG Ee Rs Five 2 iam 121.50 S3.50na 109.00 73.00 46 ig 1S Se Seas eee Saas? Base Six 27 aes 445.00 99.00 130.00 84.00 phi SAF JSS eel Le a eee SG tee cee Seven 27s 164.50 110.50 147.00 93.00 Gi EG ah S18: 45 2 eee | RR Rae Shh x Eight DT es 184,00 422.00 164.00 102.00 RAGS Ee 0) ee ee PAV AGEs 2k! Nine 27a 203.50 133.50 183.00 | 111.00 Range as above---- 5 feet 2 inches---------| 5 feet 7 inches, Two 30 inches. $ 61.00 $ 46.00 $ 56.00 $ 43.00 aS i] si 2 Seo SE Ones Three 30 ee 82.50 58.50 os a fs gga eS £90) ie? Pherae 10 o-5 a Ses Four 60 mate 109.00 76.00 99.00 66.00 Ae the SS eM Dis Sin Br pu ee ern Reh MY 9 AY Five SOs 130.50 88.50 118.00 76.00 See AS ELIOT Se) ee eee ee ey SM Six 30a 156.00 105.00 143.00 90.00 Sg SE Bee TLE S Oe ene se Binet 2 mee Seven 30 mec 177.50 117.50 160.00 100.00 RE AE hte 20 ae 2a ee eee 20 ee ores Eight 30 iia 199.00 130.00 179.00 140.00 Height from floor to top of range 14 inches, to top of seats 16 inches, Can furnish the “Torrent” Range with either right or left hand outlet unless otherwise ordered will always send with right hand outlet, for Soil pipe connection, as shown. EVERY RANGE FITTED AND CISTERN CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY TESTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. s SMITH & WEBSTER’S WATER CLOSET RANGE, ASI. MOMS TNE WITH SLATE OR GALVANIZED CAST IRON PARTITIONS AND BACKS. OSS Bien gt “i es en ; a TH & WEBSTER CHICAGO. PLATE 53-G. Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Torrent” Water Closet Range. Fitted with cast iron, galvanized partitions and backs, Heavy hardwood cabinet finished seats with heavy cast brass hinges. Shellac finish pine periodical flushing cistern, lined with heavy copper. S. & W.’s improved “Operating” and “Draining” attachments. Galvanized iron flush pipe. Perforated wash-down pipes at front and back of range. Bronzed iron cistern brackets. Cast iron legs, Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. Made for seats 24 and 27 inches wide. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Prices, Complete as shown. Tench of R Length Over all, | Number of Width of Number of Number of REA OF ANangCe Including Flush Pipe. Seats. Seats. Partitions. Backs. Enameled. Painted. Range- eee eet m2nnChess= aa = aaa 4 feet 8 inches. ‘Two 24 inches, ‘Three Two $ 97.00 $ 84.00 = Smarr se LU OR wee Ge Sees ‘Three pe ah Four ‘Three 131.50 {11.50 4 RE SR CUN TaD S60 OO a eee Bes Four Dima Five Four 171.00 144.00 & OS 52 SU AES 9 Sa le en eae SOS aes Five pameese Six Five 205.50 173.50 ‘= rr Dt 8 OO ee ee side 120 8 Six BAe Seven Six 244,00 203.00 = Ea se YO ee oa Pete ie bait ema Seven 26 ee Eient Seven 278.50 230.50 & SOMO Gk 66 er DAO Te Pcs. {Gunton Soaks Eight DA se Nine Eight 313,00 258.00 = hse Sou Ue hie My Ale Se ea es 1g “> 8 Nine IY ME Ten Nine 347,50 285.50 = Sime) () a Came $6 Rada POY poe ee ay RY *e en wy Eleven Ten 382.00 313.00 = ancora 4 tect \Oinches. == 22-3 =e ae 5 feet J inch. Two 27 inches. ‘Three Two $104.00 $ 90.00 “ SEE Geek Sf ia hae ee oh ee on 7 * 4 inches. Three if SE Four ‘Three 142,50 {20.50 & Cl aK I Te ea reste ee Ue? ea he. 5G) Four Dp Five Four 186.00 156.00 4% One = GEN AD a tes lle ee ne ae ee ye hGH Five Zi Six Five 224.50 186.50 See 3 Shee Bale SS cre a oe See Ae ce nse Six Bagp hs Seven Six 267.00 223.00 2 aD: Se GRE CR Renae a eee eee 14% 5 Seven 7s Eight Seven 305.50 253.50 Se LO van De eee tes ek Pee {Simca Gam Se Eight pape Ss Nine Eight 344.00 282.00 2 BT ie PAVED MG, OLE LR ae i a Sane a Se shh Nine Dia Ten Nine 382.50 312,50 8 We make Plate 51-G without the galvanized backs or with the partitions and braces only. When so wanted deduct $8.00 per Stall irom the above prices. Height from floor to top of range 14 inches, to top of seats 16 inches, Height of partitions above range 4 feet 6 inches, Can furnish the “Torrent” Range with either right or left hand outlet—unless otherwise ordered will always send with right hand outlet, for Soil pipe connection as shown, Slate partitions and backs can be furnished when desired. EVERY RANGE FITTED AND CISTERN CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY TESTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WATER CLOSET RANGE, ‘THE SVORREN ts WITH SLATE OR GALVANIZED CAST IRON PARTITIONS AND BACKS = ~ PLATE 52-G. PLATE 52-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Torrent” Combination Double Water Closet Range. Fitted with cast iron, galvanized partitions and backs. Heavy hardwood cabinet finished seats, with cast brass hinges. Shellac finish pine copper lined periodical flushing cisterns, with S. & W.’s improved “Operating” and “Draining” attachments. Galvanized iron flush pipes. Perforated wash-down pipes at front and back of each range. Bronzed iron cistern brackets, Cast iron legs. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. Made for seats 24 and 27 inches wide, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. | | Prices, if 3 Length Over all, Number of Width of Number of | Number of y mo ee Length of Range. Including Flush Pipe. | Seats. Seats. Partitions, Backs, | Enameled, Painted. | Double Range---- 4 feet 2 inches ---------- 4 feet 8 inches, Four 24 inches, Six | Two $182.00 $156.00 + eee ea “ de pe ee ee (BE heh Six 245 Eight Three 245.00 205.00 st 46 oe 8 CRD mam e g e Satan Oe Eight 24 Ten Four 318.00 264.00 ef 4 he! 10a ee eee 105 a Ome Ten 24 « Twelve Five 381,00 343.00 4 “ 3212; en De eee See 2 ee Ome | Twelve 240 Fourteen Six 452.00 370.00 4 re OU yee eR ae 1A icc eee Fourteen Ae Sixteen Seven 535.00 419 00 #6 HAD SRE IG Eh 00 eee Gu Oums Sixteen 24a Eighteen Eight 578.00 468.00 “ Cie geetiay tsi keh Nei ns on 1S ance Ome Eighteen 2h ‘Twenty Nine 641.00 517.00 £6 He 500 ES De ee 20 ee Ones Twenty DA Twenty-two Ten ; 704.00 566.00 Double Range---- 4 feet 8 inches-- ---- ---- 5 feet J inch, Four 27 inches. Six Two $193.00 $165.00 hy £6 eee Ge Sa 11" eee 7 “ 4 inches. Six 2 jas Eight Three 262.50 238.50 he ze EE ATO SE 1) ae (ae ees Oe ee a Eight G4, Os Ten Four 342.00 282.00 se + LL a5 ee eee jE ide he Ten pgp ks ‘Twelve Five 431.50 335.50 “ ej 3a ae oe ee re [4a ee Twelve Phe 4s Fourteen Six 489.00 397.00 si hs SB IG Bh a ee 5 ey Eh Fourteen pep. *) Sixteen Seven 558.50 450.50 Me e = 5G Me a2 ee eee ee $3 mie Cee Sixteen 27a 4 Eighteen Eight 628.00 504.00 S65 0 ia 2 Sires Seeger 20 acca |) mae Eighteen PIE Soo! ‘Twenty Nine 697.50 557.50 Height from floor to top of range 14 inches, to top of seats 16 inches. Height of partitions above range 4 feet 6 inches. Can furnish the “Torrent” Range with either right or left hand outlet—unless otherwise ordered will always send with Right hand outlet, for Soil pipe connection, as shown. Slate partitions and backs can be furnished when desired. EVERY RANGE FITTED AND CISTERN CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY TESTED BEFORE SHIPMENT, SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. Sef SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL STALLS, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR SCHOOLS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. PR tly Rl a a oe ane ed : ae , = F a - = ee ee _—— CHICAGO. ~<_| — ee PLATE 53-G. TH 8 WEBSTER. PLATE 53-G—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Slate Urinal Stall, 1 1-4 Inch Slate Partitions, Ends, Back and Countersunk Base. Galvanized iron gutter with end or bottom strainer. Galvanized partition clamps. Perforated wash-down pipe. Brass bottom clamps. S. & W. “Torrent” shellac finish pine periodical flushing cistern with bronzed iron brackets. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. DIMENSIONS. Height, 4 feet 6 inches, Width, centers to centers, 20 inches. Depth, 20 inches. Base, 26 inches wide, PRICES. ————————————— = - eee aT = ———— ae a2 aS ; = — = = Pete artewrinals asi illtsstt a ec ea eet arr $ 43.75 da bartaUtinalwas:illust¥ated ss= ase- == een e ena eae ae see 146,00 3 “4 4 +“ 4“ 6 te Ale ee I A EAR OE LS Se ee 62.50 8 +4 “ “ 4“ ee ee ees es Bet 16675 4 “4 44 “4 “4 Pe Neat SUE OEP ee inne UR) Vo, TaN TPS 83.50 9 44 4“ “4 ah = fa ARS Se Se ee ae ook a ee eee 187.50 7 ¥ PA by fg Trt nnre nese eee cece cs cece eee e ee ee 2 Mare 10 “ ae nd Sie ge Ghel A eats ee ee emeee 208.50 Can furnish Plate 53-G for direct supply where so ordered; also, with center outlet and with straight or bent connections, Unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with Left hand outlet, as shown. ALL URINAL STALLS SET UP IN OUR FACTORY AND CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. 46 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S DOUBLE URINAL STALLS, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR SCHOOLS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. A Bee: SL StH @WEBSTER. ave CHICACBOT~—— ———" PLATE 54-G. PLATE 54G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Double Slate Urinal Stall, } {-4 Inch Slate Partitions, Ends, Back and Countersunk Base. Double galvanized iron gutter with single end connection and strainer. Double galvanized partition clamps. Perforated wash-down pipes. Brass bottom clamps. S. & W. “Torrent” shellac finish pine periodical flushing cistern with double connection and iron hangers. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. DIMENSIONS. Height, 4 feet 6 inches, Width, centers to centers, 20 inches. Depth on each side, 20 inches, Base, 26 inches wide on each side, PRICES, Double 2 Part Stall, as allustrated s2s>. == oe eee $ 83.50 Double 7 Part Stall, as illustrated =-----2-------==------= === 291.75 A Siar Aan ata Piet? te as Bee eos he {25.00 | Hoe 8 ea sme ae ee ae et a SEP 333.50 ee We ys eT PR Meee eye or Re 7; 7 “és “ & ‘“ high PERG) ficok © 8 ee ee seen an “vate ecisteTis tener care aaa *16g2 Can furnish Plate 54-G for direct supply when so ordered; also, with center outlet and with straight or bent connection. Unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with Left hand outlet, as shown. ALL URINAL STALLS SET UP IN OUR FACTORY AND CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. om) SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL STALLS. oP MITHE WEBSTER CHICKGO, WA PLATE 55-G. PLATE 55-G—Iflustrates Smith & Webster’s Urinal Stall of 7-8 Inch Italian Marble Back, Ends, Partitions and Top Capping, 1 J-4 Inch Countersunk Base. No. 2 Flat Back Lipped Urinals. Improved N. P. brass urinal cock and N. P. brass “ Paragon” urinal trap with T vent. N. P. brass clamps. All exposd edges and surfaces of marble polished. With necessary bolts and screws. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or 5 J-2 feet. Width, centers to centers, 2 feet. Depth, 20 inches, Depth of Base, 23 inches. Each end is 2 feet 2 inches wide to allow 6 inch space for fitting. Marble. 5 J-2 feet high. Slate. Slate. . PRICES. say Tigi are 5 feet high. i Stall Urinal, as shown. --- - ae oe ee es ; wn > diy | CPOE ent Lage Sar 8 So es os SR SP a Ace $4.75 4 # “ ir: nn Paine re ey ak, WA ee CI oa en ee ee ees | 183.00 5 “ (AE TENET ES ORI yk” LE eae) oe Renee ig Oe ene Oe 224,25 Bus “ Ge Oh. api wae >. eae ee Se ee ee eee 265.50 $ 63.00 $03.25 144.50 185.75 227.00 268.25 | 5 feet high. | 5 1-2 feet high. $ 48.00 | $50.00 83.00 85.00 118.00 120.00 $53.00 | 155,00 188.00 | ‘$90.00 223.00 «225.00 Can make any size or style of stalls to order. ALL URINAL STALLS SET UP IN OUR FACTORY AND CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. 38 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL STALLS, | MARBLE URINAL STALLS. —< MO eB ae “SMITH ewe TER HICAGO. PLATE 56-G. PLATE 56-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Urinal Stall of 7-8 Inch Italian Marble, Back, Ends, Partitions and Top Capping, J 1-4 Inch Countersunk Base. No. 2 Flat Back Lipped Urinals. Improved N. P. brass inlet connection and N. P. brass “Paragon” urinal trap with T vent. N. P. brass clamps. S. & W.’s “Torrent” hardwood cabinet finish periodical flushing cistern with N. P. flush pipe and N. P. brackets. All exposed edges and surfaces of marble polished. With necessary bolts and screws. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or 5 {-2 feet. | Width, centers to centers, 2 feet. Depth, 20 inches. | Depth of base, 23 inches. Each end is 2 feet 2 inches wide, to allow 6 inch space for fitting. PRICES, Marble. Marble. | Slate. Slate. 5 feet high. 5 1-2 feet high. 5 feet high, 5 1-2 feet high, J. Stall Urinals jas shows e-em eee $ 70.00 $ 72.75 $ 60.00 $ 61.00 2a 46 Bale Sag SON Ree ga ae ee Se ae ee 108.00 114.00 93.00 97.50 Se $F Mg EM en es so ee ee 149.25 157.00 128.75 134.75 les ad ee Bar ale eens oe ee eee 191.00 203.00 165.75 173.25 Bac sn A I tfc ing er ey Racist A ae es ed ot a het 233.00 244.00 202.25 231.50 one A Soe eS ae 2 ee eee 273.50 287.25 237.75 248.25 Can make any size or style of stalls to order. ALL URINAL STALLS SET UP IN OUR FACTORY AND CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 39 SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL STALLS. | | | 19) | = ————_—_SSSSS il PLATE 57-G. PLATE 57-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Urinal Stalls, J 1-4 Inch SLATE Partitions, Ends, Back and Countersunk Base. Perforated wash-down pipes with loose-key compression stop. Galvanized iron gutter. Polished brass clamps. DIMENSIONS. Height, 5 or 5 1-2 feet. — PRICES, Width, centers to centers, 2 feet. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. Depth, 20 inches. | 5 feet high. 5 1-2 feet high. & (shalil WMH ee Seiler ane See ee one mses ee ee eee re ee eee 3 4 4“ 4“ 44 For each Wer iteonal Stall. cxicat ee etree eet A ce ee Froy Strole SUA CRS ey hte os See ee pee ee SA ee ee eee $55.00 82.50 27.50 33.50 PLATE 57-G OF ITALIAN MARBLE, 7-8 inch Partitions, Ends, Back and 1 1-4 inch Countersunk Base. All exposed edges and surfaces polished. PRICES. 5 feet high, | 5 3-2 feet high. 2 Stall Urinal, as shown ---------------- ------------------------ -------------------- - $ 70.00 $ 75.50 She aM Ba Bd Sena BB oa a Re See Saws Sane wa naa een ene oa oe --+- ----- $05.00 113.25 or eachiadcitionall Stall) extra 2am a a il ee es 35.00 37.75 ------ == 40.00 43.50 Porsoiie erste lle aeysh 0 Wil ee ee eee Urinal Stalls, as shown above, can be furnished with either right, left or center outlet and with straight or bent connection, unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with Left hand straight outlet for Soil Pipe connection, as shown. Any size urinal made to order. ALL URINAL STALLS SET UP IN OUR FACTORY AND CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. 40 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IRON URINALS, FOR SCHOOLS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. SIT WEBSTER © AGO. PLATE 58-G. PLATE 58-G,—IIlustrates Smith & Webster’s Cast Iron Urinal with Roll Rim Back and Cast Iron Trap with Brass Vent Connection. S. & W.’s “Torrent” shellac finished copper lined pine periodical flushing cistern. Galvanized iron flush and perforated wash-down pipes. Brass capping on front. Complete with all neccessary bolts and screws. Furnished enameled or painted. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Enameled, Painted, Length, 5 feet; height of back, 30 inches ---~ ---- ---- 22+ 2-429 2~ 2 -an ene nade neko snne sos eee sean penn nte seaeoen oases testes] © $ 52,00 $ 35.00 +“ 8 44 + “6 4“ 10 ee meee es Seay ee ene Ne Pee cd ee ee 80. 5 a “ 4o « ps Mien are fora ho ibe nN ee ie OE ee 98.00 64.00 “ 42 4 pn | Deen het een vemy ee meee ai eet eT oe { 16.00 69.00 se ies Puget hkasaneeeeas it eur tt Pa se 79.50 If with polished brass flush and perforated wash-down pipes, extra: Sifts 8 ft. 10 ft. 42 ft. $5 ft. $7.00 $9.25 $10.75 $12.50 $14.75 If with hardwood cistern, extra, $2.50. Without trap, deduct $4.25. Outlet can be made either right or left, unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with Right hand outlet, as shown, CISTERN IS TESTED AND ALL PARTS CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 41 THE “TORRENT” PERIODICAL FLUSHING CISTERN. PLATE 59-G. PLATE 59-G,—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Torrent” Copper Lined Periodical Flushing Cistern for Urinals, Closets, etc. PRICES AND SIZES. Pine. | Hardwood. {,2and 3 Gallon cisterns with single connections. -------- -----------~.~ ---- ---~ +--+ ---+ -22= +222 2222 222+ 222 2222 ee rene $6.25 | $ 7.25 Repand 6 *‘ se ce ses Be se eens 2 eke ee Risers Meee Ek oa eee eee naan Se ee 25 10.25 Send 105. “ a ag ty she ei aa ee Sa Ger OS Sai aaa he ines, tone Soe eae aeecisea ee 12.00 | 13.00 Round Cornered Hardwoed Cisterns, 1 to 6 gallons, extra, $1.00. * Round Cornered Hardwood Cisterns, 8 to 10 gallons, extra, $2.00. If with double connection, extra, 50 cents. “Triple connection, extra, $1.00. The “Torrent” cistern is equipped with S. & W.’s improved “Operating” attachment, and can be adjusted to flush as often as desired. The “Torrent” cistern can also be furnished of Plate “Steel” with iron cover securely fastened in place, in connection with iron closets, for asylums, jails, prisons, etc. SMITH & WEBSTER’S ROLL-RIM IRON URINAL. pn See eee see ee wy PLATE 60-G. PLATE 60-G—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Urinal with Roll Rim and Back. Galvanized iron perforated wash-down pipe with loose-key compression stop. Brass raised strainer and tail-piece. PRICES AND LENGTHS. Painted. Enameled. Galvanized. Painted. Enameled. Galvanized. | enothwe2 feet sete 14,50 10.00 7.25 Tenoth a4 feets-2 2 -cusee = ee= 24.25 17.75 | 12,50 “e 2 Cie ae sl OG BR aeeet § i vee i é 5 “ he Ae er ees 33.25 26.00 | Loere se CS ee Se 18.50 12.75 9,25 COG WSCC Sree ee ee 40.50 32.00 49,25 Songs p00 inches eee s 22.00 15.00 40.50 | | When desired, Plate 60-G can be furnished with brass wash-down pipe at same price. Outlet can be furnished on right hand end, unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with outlet on Left hand end, as shown. PLATE 60-G WITHOUT WASH-DOWN PIPE OR STOP-COCK. | Enameled, Galvanized, Painted. Enameled. Galvanized. | Painted. Rencthe? tert Sec. koa | $12.00 $ 8.00 $ 5.00 Venetian oe $20.00 $14.00 $8.50 gt 024.6 inches: 2-5 =~ 13.00 8.75 5.50 par ce See eee 28.00 23.50 11.00 ae eS Shek Gy tag 15.00 10.00 6.25 SBS rsh ee yee 34,00 26.50 14,00 cme Mas {niches see ae 18.00 12.00 7.25 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S CAST IRON URINAL TROUGHS. il Poul === RICES AND DIMENSIONS. == ae » a ae it _ a ———SS]>j--= ———SS55 i —S== —SSS== —=lSSSSs —SSS=S== | SSS ee gj AAA EDS = SSS === SSSSeSeSeSeaeaqaqaqaSa=qaSa=qeSSSS {== == pgp FF ITS a | aS—_—avzzz====s NU SSS i>. ——— = ay » inal w Atelate RICES AND DIMEN: h, J Se ameled. | Galvanized. Painted. h - Pera aetna. 2. wen eses cos 600 $2600 ee pede or bra sin ith Left h e 60-G, Ri bee SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IRON URINALS. HALF-CIRCLE, Enameled. Galvanized. | Painted, pose tees Ors Fach | ee S200 men $9275 se SE Soe >, 50 Pgh, | No. J, {2 inches on back--- 4“ 2, 15 44 “4 he Galvanized. Painted. Enameled. $1.40 $3.25 $0.75 1.85 | 1.75 90 I Re Ee eeN DieVelst 4“ A 2.25 2.00 | 1.20 Iommi emeTEiiches! OfNside== —25 == = a oa a en Lae 46 9, 9 44 “4 <(e eree Pheer ae ae ate ee ae act i A ee ee eee 46 ? 44 3; 12 +4 44 4‘ et te Bah es SP aS oe. Oy ee ag ee en es CORNER, 5 PLATE 65-G. Enameled. Galvanized. Painted. Be eeee- or Mach $2.50 $2.25 | $1.25 No. 1, 12 inches on side- ------------------------------------ SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED WASH BASINS. PATENT OVERFLOW WASH BASIN. ha SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. COMIMION OVERFLOW WASH BASIN. Le EET $2.50 3.00 = 3.75 COMBINED SLAB AND BASINS, WITH PATENT OVERFLOW, N. P. BASIN PLUGS AND RUBBER STOPPERS. PLATE 68-G. Fee wes = so a | Enameled. Plate 68-G.—Length of back, $3 1-2 inches; Diameter of bowl, JJ inches------------ lew Sn ar Se Each $3.50- “ 69-G. ae onside.) 2 J-2 ammice Se bad VY 6 ed ee econ le Meters cea oS gett te ee 3.50 Ts gl iw mn) PLATE 70-G. PLATE 73-G. : oo a ee i to | ois, Plate 70-G.—Length of back; 19 inches; Diameter of bowl, J2 1-2 inches<. 52200252 oe ese oe ens ole ee Each $5.50 S7I1-Ge “on side, 131-2 # cs OID AD ose: tence ea ae Sete te ce Seen eae - 3: patna 5) ene Each $6.50 HO 73-G dt Peon side 1 Guad 46 OID LD Birk, Ai ae soe te a 6.50 : Any of the above basins can be furnished painted or galvanized. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 45 SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED WASH STANDS, PATENT OVERFLOW WITH N. P. PLUGS AND RUBBER STOPPERS. HALF-CIRCLE. PLATE 74-G. PLATE 75-G: He Enameled, Half-circle, 19 inches on back; Corner, 13 1-2 inches on side; Diameter of bowl, 52 NOIR ed YI3E 2 oe oo Se EES So Boca e ee SESS Aa $7.50 HALF-CIRCLE. | il Enameled. Half-Circle, 22 inches on back; Corner, 16 inches on side; Diameter of bowl, 2 3-2 inches------------------------ 2-2 0225 ---=---- -------- Bach $8.50 Any of the above basins can be furnished painted or galvanized. 46 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED WASH STANDS, PATENT OVERFLOW WITH N. P. PLUGS AND RUBBER STOPPERS. ON STANDARD. ON FRAME, | Length on back, 24 1-2 inches; Diameter of bowls, 12 inches; Enameled on frame, single---------------- --------------------------------Each| $ 8.50 Bt De hg ee ee eee sentence esse Seomees ht bee Caen eee ee ae nd 17.00 Enameled op frame, dogble.=----oenonn--s nono oan snennneseennnvevwnnsvensten een cnot ty ovv-oevoy snnsnnnessesssnsnseseansnee a) 580 | Enameled. Enameled Double Wash Stand on Standards ---< <<<2- 85 ws rcpt eee a See or ee a Each $18.00 Any of the above basins can be furnished painted or galvanized. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 47 SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED IRON WASH STANDS. ll PLATE 8-G. PLATE 83-G,— Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Sectional Basin Slab and Right Hand End with 2 Round P. O. Basins, N. P. Plugs and Rubber Stoppers. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Length over all 3 feet 10 inches; Width, 19 inches; Height of back, 10 inch:s; Diameter of basin, 12 inches-.-------------- ------------------- $24.00 With 16x18 painted brackets, each extra 50 cents. Each additional section, extra $11.25. Additional end piece, extra, 75 cents. Plate 82-G can be furnished with Left hand end piece, when desired. In ordering always state which is wanted. . or “aie> PLATE 82-G. PLATE 82-G, Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Sectional Basin Slabs with 3 Round P. O. Basins, N. P. Plugs and Rubber Stoppers. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Length over all, 5 feet {0 inches; Width, 19 inches; Height of back, 10 inches; Diameter of basins, 12 inches----------------------------------- $32.00 With 16x18 painted iron brackets, each extra, 50 cents. Each additional section, extra, $11.25. Any of the above basins can be furnished, painted or galvanized. 48 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. PLATE 83-G. PLATE 83-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Sectional Basin Slabs on Iron Standards with 3 Round P. O. Basins, N. P. Plugs and Rubber Stoppers. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Enameled. Length over all, 5 feet {0 inches; Width, 19 inches; Height of back, !0 inches; Diameter of basins, {2 inches: Height from floor to top of slab, 28 ee $37.00 Additional sections, each extra, $12.75, PLATE 84-G.—Illustrates Smith and Webster’s Enameled Single Wash Stand, supported upon bronzed iron brackets, with Oval basin, soap cup, N. P. Doherty self-closing basin cocks, N. P. plug with rubber stopper, N. P. chain and N. P. detachable overflow strainer. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Enameled. Length, 2 feet; Width, 19 inches; Height of back, $0 1-2 inches; Size of basin, 12x15 inches; Enameled slab—complete as illustrated ---- ---- $16.50 Without basin cocks, deduct for each $2.00. With N. P. No. 2 Fuller basin cocks, instead of Doherty, deduct $1.00, With end piece—either Right or Left —extra, $2.00. With exten- sion brackets to floor, as shown in Pilate 86-G, extra, $1.00. Plate 84G can be furnished with one cock-hole only, when desired. Any of the above Basins can be furnished either painted or galvanized. PLATE 84-G, SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. we SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED WASH STAND, FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HOTELS, ETC. c | | © AA im su (ios Z ee PLATE 85-G. PLATE 85-G,—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Sectional Wash Basins with Backs, Patent Overflow Oval Basins and Soap Cups. Doherty self-closing basin cocks. Detachable N. P. brass overflow strainers with chains. N. P. plugs with rubber stoppers. Painted iron brackets, NN. P. brass connecting strips. Rough brass continuous waste pipe, with clean-out screws, rough brass trap to floor and vent to wall with flanges. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Dimensions—Length of each slab, 2 feet; Width, 17 inches; Height of back, 10 inches; Oval basins, 12 x 15 inches. ‘Two basins complete without waste pipe and trap ---- ---- ----- SO a eee = See seeeeesaeecr oe a Sebo ne saee $32.50 ‘Three “ +“ “ “ OS RE es i Re eel wei Bee ap Lame ate Minette Nah Sea Ny 5a 7 iin nn eee ND | 48.75 Four “ 4“ “ 4“ Sn (Coit rene (eet eter RR eg! Fle Rohe ee Re a AMT Sheet WEE ty Pale" s 65.00 Bave “ “ “ “ an a rr oi fe ee ene eT RPS We anes. Nt De eS 84.25 Additional sections complete, as above, without waste pipe and trap, extra, $16.25. Without faucets, deduct for each $2.00, With end piece—either Right or Left— extra, $2.00. With trap, add $4.00, With waste pipe, add per section, $1.50, Plate 85-G can be furnished either galvanized or painted, when desired. ALL PARTS CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. 50 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED WASH STANDS, FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SCHOOLS, ETC. mi << Ms mt 1 | mu) Ht util a . (ii A Arenas ae _ el me = iit cm A a PLATE 86-G. PLATE 86-G,. Illustrates Smith and Webster’s Enameled Iron Sectional Wash Basins, with Backs, Patent Overflow Basins and Soap Cups. Doherty self-closing basin cocks for hot and cold water. Detachable N. P. brass overflow strainers with chains, N. P, plugs with rubber stoppers. Painted iron extension brackets. . P, brass connecting strips. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Dimensions—Length of each slab, 2 feet; Width, 17 inches; Height of back, 0 1-2 inches; Oval basins, J2x 15 inches. Two basins complete, as shown -=+-o-s2¢-34 ont ee ee ee aa ae ee Se eres ere a $34.00 Three 46 4 +“ “4 +e “s +e aches boccn nests cesc eeu tenn ods daae 3 oes ee se ee te Se aS ea eee a 53.00 Four 68.00 Five 85.00 Additional sections complete as above, extra, $17.00. Without faucets, deduct for each $2.00. With end piece as shown in Plate 8J-G, extra, $2.00. With rough brass continuous waste, as shown in Plate 85-G, for two basins, extra, $3.00; for three, extra, $4.50; for four, extra, $6.00; for five, extra, $7.50, \4-2 inch rough brass trap with. vent, extra, $4.00. Plate 86-G can be furnished either galvanized or painted, when desired. ALL PARTS CAREFULLY FITTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. si SMITH & WEBSTER’S “MORENCY” SECTIONAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR SCHOOLS. a Z Se Pnea S j coe i Ripa A —_— SMITH RWEBSTER pe CHICA 60m PLATE 87-G. PLATE 87-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Morency”” Enameled Iron Sectional Drinking Fountain, Roll-Rim Front and Back. Painted iron extension brackets. Special brass faucets with cup chains. Center outlet with brass-raised strainer and polished brass trap to floor. Improved brass 3-way cock with “floose-key” controlling the “loose-key” hose bibb and the range of drinking faucets, so that either, or both, may be used as desired. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. | Enameled. Length, 6 feet, with 6 special faucets, complete, except ete Serie a os SRR ee aa an an aes ee $ eee pei“ = jo “ “ «“ RAT Mt RS giclee Wee toi. nas eile alas UR Oe aR CRIA tests Sa : “ 12 « Te sige We 4“ “ “ Cit DE Dek TPS es eS BN OR NE a eS Si Ey ei oe a, 75.00 “ 14“ “ 44 “ “ “ Lelie ee ILS cee Sg a eee ae OL bt ee a EP Ow Rl 37.00 “ 16 “ en Coan ak “ “ ‘6 Cp EPG fe > faces aa ANE ae gl ug Bid We aaa et eee Ts a a 99.00 “ 18 “ “ 4g «# “ “ “ (sc we Sit Eee Ce MRR EE ITY OM es BO NI Se og be eee ead 111.00 “ 20 “4 4“ 20 “ “ 4“ +“ De Be re Ae ees ae ss he Le PE re an eee ee GE ae Det a, OE bbe ee pn eet nd 123.00 4“ 22 « SOS LIDE he “ “ “ (6S nee eae yh i ONE ans hk TE at Mil Wa deer oa ke re tae ts 135.00 4“ 24 Ce yl | 3) 4“ 4“ 4“ =< are a = a ee $18.30 fo) 4" 4" 4-6 inches ong, complete, as illustrated 2= 2ai2 5 am aca as 22.80 Galvanized iron soap cup, extra, 50 cents. Galvanized iron legs, extra, $1.40. 5-8 inch Fuller wash tray bibbs, each, extra, $1.00. Ash covers and strip at back with heavy cast brass hinges, extra, $3.00. Polished cast brass rim, exira, $12.00. Plate 94-G can be furnished without cock-holes, when desired; unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with cock-holes, as shown. CHEAP, DURABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, FREE FROM ODOR, IMPERVIOUS TO ACIDS OR FLUIDS, JOINTS SECURELY MADE, NOT AFFECTED BY VARIED DEGREES OF HEAT OR COLD. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 59 SMITH & WEBSTER’S “BOHEMIA” SLATF LAUNDRY TUBS. _ TWO PART—WITH HIGH BACK. PLATE, 95-G, PLATE 95-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s ‘ Bohemia” Slate Laundry Tub with High Back, painted iron legs and brass plugs. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 4 feet, and 4 feet 6 inches; Width, 2 feet; Depth, 16 inches; Height of back, 12 inches. MarconaariMliibrAsicetdonoscormpletes:as il tsb tatecd ieee ee ne eat et ee $22.80 g. ey hed Smee maEmIG ti cheanonomconipletegia Stl lcstt a tect eee | 27.30 Galvanized iron soap cup, extra,50cents. Galvanized iron legs, extra, $1.40. 5-8 inch Fuller wash tray bibbs, each, extra, $1.00. Polished cast brass rim, extra, $10.00, Plate 95-G can be furnished without cock-holes, when desired; unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with cock-holes, as shown. CHEAP, DURABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, FREE FROM ODOR, IMPERVIOUS TO ACIDS OR FLUIDS, JOINTS SECURELY MADE, NOT AFFECTED BY VARIED DEGREES OF HEAT OR COLD. 60 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S “BOHEMIA” SLATE LAUNDRY ‘TUBS. THREE PART. Cee PLATE 96-G. PLATE 96-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Bohemia” Slate Laundry Tub, with iron legs and galvanized iron soap cups. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Lengths, 6 feet, 6 feet 6 inches, 7 feet, 7 feet 6 inches; Width, 2 feet; Depth, 16 inches, Three Part Tub only— 6 feet long ---- ---- ----- ree ee PAD es ee hen See $28.00 “«". 6 feet 6 inches long — + ==23¢=23) 2222-5 Je aE Bp ee ee ae 33. 6 4H 7 feet long o- 5 2s ne See ai i a ee 36.00 eo 7 feet 6 inches long 222 2-22 <2 5252 no oe Soe see eee ee er ee re 42.00 Galvanized iron soap cups, each, extra, 50 cents. Galvanized iron legs (three), extra, $4.20—painted (three), extra, $2.10. 5-8 inch Fuller wash tray bibbs, each, extra, $1.00. Ash covers and strip at back, with heavy cast brass hinges, extra, $4.50. Brass plugs, each, extra, 70 cents. Polished cast brass rims, extra, $15.50. Plate 96-G can be furnished without cock-holes, when desired; unless otherwise ordered, will always be sent with cock-holes, as shown. CHEAP, DURABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, FREE FROM ODOR, IMPERVIOUS TO ACIDS OR FLUIDS, JOINTS SECURELY MADE, NOT AFFECTED BY VARIED DEGREES OF HEAT OR COLD. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 61 SMITH & WEBSTER’S “BOHEMIA” SLATE LAUNDRY ‘TUBS. THREE PART—WITH HIGH BACK. = (Gabe \g r as —— i 1 i = _— : 1 Fy S q P =] ts er, PLATE 97-G. PLATE 97-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Bohemia” Slate Laundry Tub, with high back, iron legs and soap cups. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Lengths: 6 feet, 6 feet 6 inches, 7 feet, 7 feet 6 inches; Width: 2 feet; Depth, 6 inches. Three Part Tub only, 6 feet long- WOE CELE creme ee gis Sa Ee Ben ere ene SO ey Ss ae ere ee Re re era eee eee ee eaten $34.00 OCG ONAN Oe 2 2S Soe Sey oe oe BS bee $s Se aE Se eee a ee eee Bee Se eae Seo Sees 39.00 3 42.00 49.50 “ +“ “ “ TE oa ORS ec ttc oe ee RSE pn Bo ae SO oe See ne Se Se SEE feo Ste ee es oe A ee 4 mmm icet Oi ches lone eee ae este see es eee ae ote ee a er ae ee sen Rn yee ae ee ee Se Galvanized iron soap cups, each, extra, 50 cents. Galvanized iron legs (three), Soh $4.20—painted (three), extra, $2.10. 5-8 inch Fuller wash tray bibbs, each, 1.00. Brass plugs, each, extra, 70 cents. Polished cast brass rim, extra, $13.50. Plate 97-G can be furnished without cock-holes, when desired; unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with cock-holes, as shown. CHEAP, DURABLE, NON-ABSORBENT, FREE FROM ODOR, IMPERVIOUS TO ACIDS OR FLUIDS, JOINTS SECURELY MADE, NOT AFFECTED BY VARIED DEGREES OF HEAT OR COLD. d 62 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED IRON LAUNDRY ‘TUBS. ER ERSP Anse = ul Mn .Oyilytiti un 2 : Mtge itty See PPM Lune Hh) aSEEE ATT "Mg ga at i My < Nt li i mM 1 Mm) | My, een i Hh ust mn EEE Ni 4 d era ay ee AML Eg i ART MN ES 3 Ls ARM coun AGHA TUTTE PLATE 98-G. PLATE 98-G.—Itlustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Laundry Tubs on Bronzed Iron Standards, with ash covers and strip at back with heavy cast brass hinges, enameled soap cups and overflow strainer. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Inside from front to back, 22 inches; Right to left, 24 inches; Depth, 14 1-2 inches; Height from floor to top of rim, 32 inches. Lids, 29 inches deep, 25 inches wide each. One Tub only, with soap cup—no overflow - eee wi nnna Janne wane tote ae lene gee ame dep ee ee Two Tubs “ cups—no ae A Ay eRe ESTES a Se ie 8 Fee San Bets Sao ta Sas comiad Sh Ce Rae SOE 24,00 ‘Three 44 44 4 44 +4 46 44 mae. Ae: a Se 2 RE, SE CAE ee My a 55 aa With common overflow, extra, $1.00. With patent overflow, extra, $2.00. Brass plug with stopper and tail-piece, extra, 70 cents. Ash cover and strip at back with heavy cast brass hinges, extra for one tub, $2.00; extra for two tubs, $4.00; extra for three tubs, $6.00. 5-8 inch finished Fuller wash tray bibbs, each, extra, $1.00. PLATE 98-G WILL ALWAYS BE FURNISHED WITH TWO COCK-HOLES IN EACH TUB, UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED, SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 63 SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED IRON COMBINATION ROLL-RIM KITCHEN SINK AND LAUNDRY TUB. Snr KR WEBSTER, mae aes ROHICA Go. PLATE 99-G. PLATE 99-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Combination Roll-Rim Sink and Laundry Tub, with roll-rim back 15 inches high, bronzed iron bibbs. Standard and leg, enameled soap cup, nickel-plated plug with rubber stopper, 5-8 inch finished brass Fuller flanges and thimble sink (two) and wash tray (two) PRICES. 20 x 30 inch Enam 20x 36 “ # eled Sink and Laundry Tub, complete as illustrated ---- 44 46 4“ 4h 46é + “é Plate 99-G, with two laundry tubs (instead of one), complete, with back, bibbs, plug and soap cup, as shown, extra, $28.75. With patent overflow in laundry tub, extra, $2.00. Ash drain-board, grooved, to fit over laundry tub, extra, $2.00, With end-piece on sink for corner, extra, $2.50. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents. Without faucets, deduct for each $1.00. PLATE 99-G CAN BE FURNISHED WITH SINK ON LEFT-HAND END OF LAUNDRY TUB, WHEN DESIRED—UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED WILL ALWAYS BE SENT WITH SINK ON RIGHT-HAND END, AS SHOWN. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S “SUPERIOR” PORCELAIN LAUNDRY TUBS. eS Ath WE BSTE < CHICAGO, ith. PLATE 100-G. PLATE 100-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s “Superior”? Laundry Tubs, with Ash tops and Bronzed Iron standards. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width, 2 feet; Depth, 16 inches; Thickness, J 1-2 inches. Class A. Class B. Price, Set of Two Tubs, 5 feet lony, as illustrated ---- pecs Fee SE SS pS A a are a ete = es Ae $55.00 $40.00 4 M @ “Three * 7 feeti6 inches long, as/iilustratec eee ee ae 82.50 60.00 With ash covers, two part, extra, $4.00—three part, extra, $6.00. 5-8 inch finished Fuller wash tray bibbs with flange, nut and bent coupling, each, extra, $1.35— nickel-plated, each, extra, $1.50. 1 J-2 inch brass plugs and stoppers, each, extra, $1.35—nickel-plated, each, extra, $1.50 With nickel-plated rough brass continuous waste, including vlugs, and J J-2 inch trap, as shown for two part tub, extra, $9.00; for three part tub, extra, $11.50, Plate 100-G can be furnished without cock-holes, when desired; unless otherwise ordered will always be sent with cock-holes, Class A Laundry Tubs are perfect in quality and finish. Class B are equally as durable, but contain slight defects in finish of surface only. ALL SETS OF PLATE 100-G LAUNDRY TUBS ARE FURNISHED WITH “WASH-BOARD” AND “SOAP CUP” IN THE EARTHENWARE OF ONE OF THE SECTIONS. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 65 SMITH & WEBSTER’S “SUPERIOR” PORCELAIN | LAUNDRY ‘TUBS. sh Pea PLATE 103-G. PLATE 103-G.—Ilustrates Smith & Webster’s “ Superior” Roll-Rim Laundry Tubs, with Ash or Italian marble back, Fuller wash tray bibbs, bronzed iron standards and brass continuous waste connection with trap and vent, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Class A, Width, 2 feet; Depth, inside, {5 inches; Height of back, 9 inches. Class B. PCcenOchOUNL worlabsionly,.5 teet lone with bronzed standatds 46 2 seo 2= oe a eae ee eee eee $66.00 $62.00 mE ntccmc Mnem Me 7eicetonnches long with) bronzed standards a= ee el eg ee el 99.00 93.00 With ash back, top and end pieces, as shown, for two tubs, extra, $4.00; for three tubs, extra, $5.50. With Italian marble back, top and end pieces, as shown, for two part, extra, $6.50; for three part, extra, $9.50. With nickel-plated rough brass continuous waste, including plugs and J J-2 inch trap, as shown, for two tubs, extra, $9.00—for three tubs, extra, $11.50. 5-8 inch finished Fuller flange and thimble wash tray bibbs, Bs extra, $1,00—nickel-plated, each extra, $1.15, \ 1-2 inch finished brass plugs and stoppers, each, extra, $).35—nickel-plated, each, extra, $1.50, Class A Laundry Tubs are perfect in quality and finish. Class B are equally as durable, but contain slight defects in finish of surface only. ALL SETS OF PLATE 10{!-G LAUNDRY TUBS ARE FURNISHED WITH “WASH-BOARD” AND “SOAP CUP” IN THE EARTHENWARE OF ONE OF THE SECTIONS. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 66 CAST IRON SQUARE SINKS. ' PLATE 102-G. Sizes—Inches, | Painted. | Galvanized. | Poe 4\5 ser d. Sizes —Inches. Painted. | Galvanized. 5 Sai + meee A \2oa toe soec-5) NES $2.60 $2.60 $4.75 20'S 0 = ee $3.00 $6.25 $6.25 $ 9.00 1420 See 4.50 3.20 3.20 | 6.00 20106 meee 3.70 715 7.75 10.50 Gib a San sce 2.00 4,25 4,25 2s 2A) tS 6 eee 3.80 8.00 8.00 14.00 16:0 24 ee ee 1.80 4,00 4,00 6.50 20 x 40 .--- se 4.00 8.50 8,50 41.50 SOx 20 eee : 2.40 4.50 | 4.50 7.50 20x14 ao 4.25 9.00 9.00 $2.00 See oft) ==. aEcrse 2.25 4.75 4.75 TCHS PRINS 522 <2 see Se 5.30 11.50 11.50 $3.25 58 \x. 24 eee 2.40 4.30 4.30 7.00 IAS BI 4.25 9.00 9.00 12.00 1330 eee 2.50 5.10 5.40 8.50 2IEIAS peer - 579 $2.25 IZ25 15.00 1 Oixc 32 eee ee 3.00 6.25 6.25 9.50 DAEO0 ae eee 7.50 16.00 16 00 18.00 18x S65 soe ee 3.00 6.50 6.50 9.50 [PPA sce sos 2 10.75 22.00 22.00 26.00 20x12 4 en ee 2.40 | 5.00 5.00 7.50 Oe) Ceres Se 15.00 32.00 32.00 40,00 For patent overflow sinks, painted, extra, $1.00. Galvanized, extra, $1.25. Gray enameled, extra, $1.25. White enameled, extra, $1.50. For patent overflow sinks, with plug strainer, painted, extra, $1.25, Galvanized, extra, $1.50. Gray enameled, extra, $1.50. White enameled, extra, $1.75. WROUGHT STEEL SINKS. Sizes—Inches. Painted, Galvanized. S624 es ee $1.80 $4.00 2.50 5.10 3.00 6.50 Gray White ; ; | 3 Gray White Enameled. | Enameled. Sizes —Inches. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. | Enameled. $6.50 $7.50 20:3 302 seat $3.00 $6.25 $ 9.00 $10.50 8.50 10.00 20: BOG eee 3.70 7.75 10.50 12.00 9.50 11.00 20x40 see eres 4,00 8.50 11.50 13.00 Steel sinks are made both heavy and light weight, In ordering always state which is wanted. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 67 SMITH & WEBSTER’S “NEWPORT PATTERN” ROLL-RIM SINKS. a PLATE 104-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Sink “Newport Pattern,” wiih roll-rim back, supported upon bronzed iron brackets, 2 5-8 inch nickel-plated Fuller bibbs, with flanges, threaded for 3-4 inch iron pipe. PRICES AND SIZES. White — Gray | Galvan-'p.. SIZES. Enameled Enameled! ized Painted Size of Sink, 18x30 with {5in. back) $16.25 $14.25 | $11.25 | $ 7.75 eee we loxs6. 15 4 V7s7S ae P3275: VATS | 6) pepe ceo: 55.6“ $7.25 $2.25 $2.25 8.25 pee 20x00 15" & 18.75 13.25 13.25 9.25 mess) {5 20.25 $4.75 14.75 | 10.00 meee oso | (15 19.25 13.75 13.75 9.75 Sete ezext? “ 15% 20.75 15.25 $5.25 $4.25 With galvanized iron brackets, extra, $1.00. With enameled iron brackets, extra, $1.25. With end piece, either Right or Left, as shown in Plate 106-G on sinks {8 inches wide, extra, $2.50; on sinks 20 inches wide, extra, $2.75; on sinks 22 inches wide, extra, $3.00, Without faucets, deduct $2.25. ee ee PLATE 105-G, PLATE 104-G. te HR PLATE 105-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Sink, “Newport Pattern,” with roll-rim back, supported upon bronzed iron ae 2 5-8 inch nickel-plated Fuller bibbs, with flanges, threaded for 3-4 inch iron pipe. PRICES AND SIZES. White Gray | Galvan- : SIZES. Enameled eo ized. Painted Size of Sink, 18x30 with 15in, back, $16.75 | $14.75 | $11.75 | $8 4" 18536 15 % | 48.25 | 13.25 | 13.25 | 9 “4. & 20530 * 15% © | $7.75 | 12.75 | 12.75 8, sé“ OIG 5 OC 59.259 9 “4% & 90540 45 20.75 | 0 & & & 975% 4 15% # | 19.75 | $4.25 | 14.25 | 10.25 “eo 44 22x42 4“ 15 4“ “ 23.25 | With galvanized iron legs, extra, $1.00, With enameled iron legs, extra, $1.25. Without faucets, deduct $2.25. ee oe 68 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S “NEWPORT PATTERN” ROLL-RIM_ SINKS. Fi a Ica PLATE 106-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Sink, with roll-rim back and right-hand end, supported upon one bronzed iron leg, 2 5-8 inch nickel-plated Fuller bibbs, with flanges, threaded for 3-4 inch iron pipe. PRICES AND SIZES, SIZES. White — Gray | Galvan- [Enameled Enameled| ized Size of Sink, 18x30 with 15 in. back-----| $19.00 | $13.50 | $13.50 6 PIB X86 ae cote Ot en eee 20,50 Wiles 5.00) 15.00 £6 OS TES 2530) pe) Oe ome 20.25 14.75 14.75 SO SET 2036 meee 5 ue ne PMNS 15.75 15.75 Reema ip Cotas £5060 d) 23.25 WATE) 47.75 ieee Ke Sb CVS ch Sih 22.50 16.50 16.50 eee tye on i) CG 2 24.00 18.00 18.00 With galvanized iron leg, extra, $1.00. Without faucets, deduct $2.25, End piece can be furnished on Left-hand end, when desired. In ordering always state which is wanted. THE TER oS mire WEBSITE ee Oe et PLATE 106-G. em PLATE 107-G.—Illustrates Cast Iron Sink, with Italian marble back, supported upon bronzed iron brackets, and with two 5-8 inch nickel- plated Fuller flange and thimble bibbs. PRICES AND SIZES. White Gray SIZES, Enameled Enameled ized, Size of Sink, 16x30 with {2in.back-. | $ 9.75 | $ 8.25 | $ 8.25 | $ 7.00 Soe tee Sx SO eee ae 2 as eee 10.25 8.50 8.50 7.25 CEM en ahs (ac eek pt tie eo = i840) 9.50 9.50 8.00 He St 9 ay cH De Cee eT SO 9.25 9.25 7.75 6H 6 99536 HO 42 4 Hh 944,50 1h 1005s 1 Os 8.50 6 20549 4.42 4H O42 75 25 ee tes 9.25 61H 99536 419 4H ee | 43, 25 ee | 75 eee [ees 9.50 6 199049 4159 ES A 43 EO eT? 004 Ae 120d 9.50 Se Derk Usa 2 meas 15.00 13.75 13.75 40.50 With galvanized iron brackets, extra, 75 cents. With enameled iron brackets, extra, $1.25. Without faucets, deduct $2.25. Enameled sink backs, instead of marble, can be furnished, when desired. Above are leading sizes of sinks used. We can furnish any other sizes made with equipment as illustrated. PLATE 107-G. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 69 ORNAMENTAL IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS. me me WITH BACK, BRACKETS AND AIR CHAMBERS. Length. Width. | Depth, | Plain. |Galvanized. ,, White 30 in. | 22 in Zin. | $8.50 | $1375 | $18.00 ese | 7 Sf 9.50 j 20.75 ap | 22“ rae 10.75 18.00 23.50 48 46 pe +“ a 4e 12.00 20.00 % 50 With nickel-plated 5-8 inch Fuller Faucets, extra, $2.25, When sink is furnished galvanized, brackets also are galvanized. i A attuilll 6 C ——_e: i <7) WHI ANI Bill PLATE 109-G, PLATE 108-G. WITH BACK, LEGS AND AIR CHAMBERS. Wii 1H HUW AH Length. | Width. | Depth. Plain. |Galvanized. pie 4 30 in 22 in 7 in $ 9.75 $16.25 $19.50 36° PRIS. ib ies 10.75 18.50 2225 42 “ Dns Tiss 12.00 20.50 25.00 48 “ 22a 7a 13.25 22.50 28.25 me ee Ue Ot Strainer in center of bottom at back. If so ordered, sink can be furnished to waste throught right or left standard. Plates 108-G and 109-G can be furnished without air chambers when desired. 70 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK, SOAP CUP, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEGS, FRAME AND BRACKETS. _— PLATE 11{0-G. HEIGHT OF BACK, 12 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. Size Inches: s+ s0chc ee | 18x24 | 20x30 | 20x | 20x40 | 22x42 | 22248 | 24x48 Price, Slate or Soapstone, without polished brass rim--------------| $14.00 $15.00 | $16.00 $17.00 $18.00 | $19.50 | $21.00 4é +4 4é 4é ‘ 4é 44 44 27.00 wv Eee ee ee eee 20.00 23.00 22.00 | 23.00 24.00 | 25.50 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00—nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass legs, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $13,00—nickel-plated, extra, $15.00. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents, ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK AND RIGHT-HAND END, SOAP CUP, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEG, FRAME AND BRACKETS, PLATE 111-G, HEIGHT OF BACK AND END, 36 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. Spite VS velay2S 2 5h = Sess pe i ea ee eo 18x 24 20 x 30 20 x 36 20 x 40 | 22 x 42 | 22 x 48 24 x 48 Price, Slate or Soapstone, without polished brass rim .- ---- ---- ---- $15.50 $17.00 $18.50 $20.00 $21.50 | $23.00 $24.50 wane. * ‘ with < Ae Act pan Se ae aaah 20.50 22.00 23.50 25.00 26.50 28.00 29.50 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00—nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass leg, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $8.50 —nickel-plated, extra, $9.75. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents, ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. i) ~I SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK AND LEFT-HAND END, SOAP CUP, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEG, FRAME AND BRACKETS. PLATE 112-G. HEIGHT OF BACK AND END, J6 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. Size—Inches2 2-42 225502 sso eae Rees ee ee ee es eee eT Ox 4. 20 x 30 | 20 x 36 20x40 | 22x42 22 x 48 24x48 Price, Slate or Soapstone, without polished brass rim-- ---- -------- $15.50 $17.00 $18.50 $20.00 | $24.50 $23.00 $24.50 44 44 4“ 4 with 44 “4 “4 Sin oe ee 20.50 | 22.00 | 23.50 25.00 | 26.50 28.00 29.50 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00—nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass leg, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $8.50—nickel-plated, extra, $9.75. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents. ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. a) SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 73 SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK, SOAP CUP, COUNTERSUNK DRAIN-BOARD, APRONS, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEGS, FRAME AND BRACKETS. TRETEAATEASEALL ELTA uupetaes at rm int PLATE 133-G, HEIGHT OF BACK, 16 INCHES. LENGTH OF DRAIN-BOARD, 24 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. “his ONAN RS zis Sloe, SNe, Se ee es ea 18x 24 20 x 30 20 x 36 20 x 40 22 x 42 22 x 48 24 x 48 Price, Slate or Soapstone, without polished brass rim-- ---- ---- ---- $26.50 $28.00 $29.50 $31.00 $32.50 $34.00 $35.50 ss as $f with Sed MO Re Shoes ks 35.00 36.50 38.00 39.50 43.00 43.00 45.00 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50. ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00—nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass legs, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $13.00—nickel-plated, extra, $15.00. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents. 44 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK, SOAP CUP, COUNTERSUNK DRAIN-BOARD, APRONS, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEGS, FRAME AND BRACKETS, AND NICKEL-PLATED FULLER FLANGE AND THIMBLE FAUCETS. PLATE 114-G, HEIGHT OF BACK, {6 INCHES. LENGTH OF DRAIN-BOARD, 24 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. 22 x 48 24 «48 Size —Inches - - -- Py mt nh ee a I Taha 18x24 20 x 30 | 20 x 36 20 x 40 | 22 x 42 | Price, Slate or Soapstone, hoe polished brass rim Speedo cn eee $26.50 $28.00 | $29.50 $31.00 | ore 50 | $34.00 $35.50 ees 39:50 05 44.00 | 43,00 45.00 aoe a5 00 36.50 | 38.00 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00—nickel- -plated, $2.25. With polished brass leg, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $13.00—nickel-plated, extra, $15.00. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents, ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. | ne SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK AND LEFT-HAND END, COUNTERSUNK DRAIN-BOARD, WITH APRONS, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEG, FRAME AND BRACKETS. PLATE 115-G, HEIGHT OF BACK END, {6 INCHES. LENGTH OF DRAIN-BOARD, 24 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. ee 18x 24 | 20 x 30 20 x 36 | x40 | 2x42 | 22248 24x 48 — = = —— — = - - —— } _ — | - < a - ——< = Price, Slate or Soapstone, without polished brass rim------.-------| $27.50 ' $29.00 | $30.50 $32.00 $33.50 | $35.00 | $36.50 gee pH 4 “with “ Li Se an, oA | 3400 | 35.50 | 37.00 S000 40.09 42.00 | 44.00 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50, 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2,00—nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass leg, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $8.50—nickel-plated, extra, $9.75. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents, ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE. WITH HIGH BACK AND RIGHT-HAND END, COUNTERSUNK DRAIN-BOARD, WITH APRONS, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEG, FRAME AND BRACKETS. PLATE 116-G, HEIGHT OF BACK AND END, 3J6 INCHES. LENGTH OF DRAIN-BOARD, 24 INCHES. DEPTH, 8 INCHES. ; ld ragite s l Paige i ] Peas ] Size—Inches 3-25, Cote tae Eee ae 38x24 | 20x30 20x36 20x40 2x 2 | 22x48 | 24x48 ee ae eo Wien R ae Poa eeeon ace, Price, Slate or Soapstone, without polished brass rim---------- ---- | $27.50 | $29.00 | $30.50 | $32.00 $33.50 | $35.00 $36.50 with ce o 9 BSC eae Tees 34.00 35.50 37.00 38.50 40.00 | 42.00 44,00 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $2.50. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00 —nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass leg, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $8.50—nickel-plated, extra, $9.75. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents. ANY SIZE OR STYLE OF SINKS MADE TO ORDER, IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 77 SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE, WITH HIGH BACK, COUNTERSUNK DRAIN-BOARD AT EACH END, APRONS, POLISHED BRASS RIM, GALVANIZED LEGS, FRAME AND BRACKETS, i PLATE 117-G. Teaco Prices Prices as illustrated SIZE OF SINK. Depth. Height of Back. Draj S 4 WITHOUT WITH ratty 0arese Polished Brass Rim. Polished Brass Rim. | a oe Se eck 8 inches. 16 inches. 18 inches. | $33.25 | $39.25 eee 8 1604 Leat | 35.00 | 43.75 UO. se SYA, 3. os SESS eee eae a ee es Bante 160 sly he | 36.75 44,00 18) = ee pigs to, ice Ine SPN page Sate Tone: pay = Ae | 38.50 46.00 2 se dD). 3 8 op oe rr My Somes LSiece 40.50 48.25 Ds AG) ee my Gms TSyee 42.50 50.50 Deh ANY... ee A ae fee AE Ome ey Me 43,50 Ol75 With nickel-plated rim, extra, $3.00. 5-8 inch flange and thimble Fuller faucets, per pair, finished, $2.00--nickel-plated, $2.25. With polished brass legs, frame and brackets, as shown, extra, $13.00—nickel-plated, extra, $15.00. Without soap cup, deduct 50 cents. ANY SIZE OR STYLE SINK MADE TO ORDER. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED KITCHEN SINKS, “BOHEMIA” SLATE OR “BAVARIAN” SOAPSTONE. ENAMELED IRON KITCHEN SINK, WITH SLATE OR SOAPSTONE TOP AND DRAIN-BOARD, HIGH BACK, GALVANIZED IRON LEGS AND WALL SUPPORTS, AND }/ 3-2 INCH POLISHED BRASS TRAP TO FLOOR, WITH VENT TO WALL. PLATE 118-G. HEIGHT OF BACK, 16 INCHES. DEPTH OF SINK, 6 INCHES. Size of) Enameled Sink, inches === === ee | 18 x 30 20 x 30 | Prices, slate or soapstone, as described --------------------- $41.75 | 5-8 inch Flange and Thimble Fuller Faucets, per pair, finished, extra, $2.00—nickel-plated, extra, $2.25. With polished brass legs and wall supports, as shown, extra, $4.00 — nickel-plated, extra, $5.00. With nickel-plated trap, extra, 75 cents. Top rim and drain-board are in one piece, to which the enameled sink is firmly fastened. PLATE 118-G can be furnished with any other size sink—with either right or left-hand end, or to fit recess. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHETHER SLATE OR SOAPSTONE IS WANTED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 79 SMITH & WEBSTER’S “SUPERIOR” PORCELAIN - KITCHEN SINKS, WITH COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE SLAB, BACK, FRONT AND END APRONS, BRASS LEGS, APRON SUPPORTS, STANDARDS, BRASS TRAP TO FLOOR AND VENT TO WALL, AND 5-8 INCH FULLER FLANGE AND THIMBLE FAUCETS, ALL BRASS WORK NICKEL-PLATED, 1; es ( p) PLATE 119-G, Aes ; , Length of SIZE OF SINK. | ces! ee Width of Slab. | Height of Back. | Depth of Sink. a yacret: d. | Prices. BUEReONCRes=a-o9——--=2--o=----==--=---| 9 feet 0 inches. 2 feet Linch. | 20 inches. 7 inches. 2 feet 6 inches, | $ 94.75 Pere eee ho ee ee | Cues ee 2 * 4inches, | 2) eee Jats See Gone | 112.75 OS is ae ise G06 Bene Date 5 aes 20'S | Feet Ch BM ae | 126.00 SS, di O° Bi eee Gf EE My Dee Sie a 20 ea rh a Smncce: (ima | 139.25 MARBLE TOP AND DRAIN-BOARD ARE IN ONE PIECE. PLATE 119-G CAN BE FURNISHED IN ANY SIZE OR STYLE—WITH RIGHT OR LEFT-HAND END, OR TO FIT RECESS. CAN ALSO BE MADE OF TENNESSEE MARBLE, AT SLIGHT ADDITIONAL COST. 80 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S “SUPERIOR” PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS, WITH COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE SLAB, BACK, FRONT AND END APRONS, BRASS LEGS, APRON SUPPORTS, STANDARDS, BRASS TRAP TO FLOOR AND VENT TO WALL, AND 5-8 INCH FULLER FLANGE AND THIMBLE FAUCETS, ALL BRASS WORK NICKEL-PLATED, eee eee PLATE 120-G. Total length , ; | Length of eat SIZE OF SINK. me Slate | Width of Slab, Height of Back. Depth of Sink, eee Price. 20'x 30 "inches 2 so == oe eens teat omnches: 2 feet 1 inch. 20 inches. 7 inches. 20 inches. $ 94,75 23x36 “ ---~---.---------------- Shey Olay: ye 2 feet 4 inches. ree: Faat 20 $12.75 24x42 * te oy ga 6° 2 6 4“ Diss bums } 20 eS Game ce | Diy 126.00 24x 480 $6 Cea Sai aoe eae eee Fuses (eee Di Hab ens 2 « Ge 20 139.25 MARBLE TOP AND DRAIN-BOARDS ARE IN ONE PIECE. PLATE 120-G CAN BE FURNISHED IN ANY SIZE OR STYLE—WITH RIGHT OR LEFT-HAND END, OR TO FIT RECESS, CAN ALSO BE MADE OF TENNESSEE MARBLE AT SLIGHT ADDITIONAL COST. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 81 SMITH & WEBSTER’S SUPERIOR PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS, WITH ITALIAN MARBLE BACK, NICKEL-PLATED BRASS LEGS AND WALL SUPPORTS, NICKEL-PLATED { 1-2 INCH BRASS “S” TRAP TO FLOOR WITH VENT TO WALL, NICKEL-PLATED STRAINER, AND NICKEL-PLATED 5-8 INCH FULLER FLANGE AND THIMBLE FAUCETS. PLATE 123-G. PRICE. SIZE, Depth. Height of Back. Class A. Class B. UD se Slay | SS ee irat es se epee See Poe SE Res OP Sm 7 inches. 18 inches. $50.00 $47.00 ER eS EE ie Sat a ee eo a ee ea Japs Toms 54,00 51.00 Pee eA DEE ee ee ae te see Ot So Ske be eae ant Tate Sime 63.00 58.00 eee OMe fee te OP ee ee ian ee eels wo Se Ties iy Sy 66.00 63.00 With galvanized iron legs, deduct $9.50. With all brass work shown, polished instead of nickel-plated, deduct $2.50. Without faucets, deduct $2.25, CLASS “A” SINKS ARE PERFECT IN FINISH AND APPEARANCE. CLASS “B’ ARE EQUALLY PERFECT IN QUALITY AND DURABILITY, BUT CONTAIN SLIGHT DEFECTS IN FINISH ONLY. 82 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S “SUPERIOR” PORCELAIN EARTHENWARE PANTRY SINKS. WITH COUNTERSUNK ITALIAN MARBLE SLAB, BACK, FRONT AND END APRONS, BRASS LEGS, APRON SUPPORTS, STANDARD, BRASS TRAP TO FLOOR AND VENT TO WALL, FULLER COMBINATION DOUBLE PANTRY COCK FOR HOT AND COLD WATER. ALL BRASS WORK NICKEL-PLATED. PEATE ?122-G; si ESink, Total Lenoth ESI 6. -Widhet Suen ME icht of Back. Depth of Sink, Lengthof Each PRICE ize of Sink. otal Length of Slab, ab. | Height of Back. epth of Sink. Dean Bou | 14 x 20 inches. 4 feet, 8 inches. { foot, 8 inches. 18 Inches. 5 Inches. 20 Inches $73.75 xgoe) 5 wise 0 au PG a ees 18 6 2 | 80.25 17 = 240 ee cee vert 2 = amin ges 1g 6 20 | 83.00 {7x 23904 VS eS oA Fecal ee: 1g gs 20 4 | 87.75 20x30 “ pee fae eh PRE TAY Seat ec: Fan 20 | 97.25 Marble top and drain-boards are in one piece. Two single nickel-plated Fuller pantry cocks will be furnished instead of the double, without additional cost when desired. PLATE 122-G CAN BE FURNISHED ANY SPECIAL SIZE OR STYLE—WITH RIGHT OR LEFT-HAND END OR TO FIT RECESS. CAN ALSO BE MADE OF TENNESSEE MARBLE AT SLIGHT ADDITIONAL COST. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S COPPER PANTRY SINKS. SQUARE. oe a 24 | J6x 18 x Each------------------ | $ $ | $ | $ $7.00 | $ $10.0 $15.0 | 14 | | x24 | 16x30 18 ach - - $ $ $7. | $ $ | $10.00 | $12.00 $13. erman silver ----- | 42. 18.00 21.00 23 Plate 124G can be furnished “wrought steel”—size 14x a pore ean th patent over flow, brass strainer, cap and improved br Ww ubber Price, painted, $2.00; galvanized, $3.50; grey enamel d, $5°5 0; white enameled, $6.50, WITH STANDING OVERFLOW AND WASTE. ae is hr ! ——~ | iH tl HK il HAM ce A iy as fi SIZE. x 18 \2ix x 16 14x 14x 16x l6x 18x LES SE a a ee $7.00 $7.5 $7.00 $8.50 $9.50 $10.5 $12.5 $13.5 84. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. —— Sang Pa eet ~* PLATE 126-G. PLATE 126-G.— Iflustrates Smith & Webster’s Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop-Hoprer, with porcelain trap and polished brass vent connection. Cabinet polished hard- wood, round-cornered copper lined cistern, with ornamental nickel-plated brass supports, nickel-plated chain and pull, nickel-plated brass combination Hot and Cold water supply fitting with supply pipes to floor and Air chambers, nickel olatell brass flush pipe and wall straps. Italian marble back, Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. SIZE 20 x 20 INCHES. Price, complete ‘as illustrated, except marble backs =< <.22= = nn. er $54.00 With 7-8 inch Italian marble back, 4 ft. 6 in. high, 2 ft. 3 in. wide, as shown, extra, $12.00. With nickel-plated supply pipe from floor to cistern, extra, $2.00. With J {4 countersunk Italian floor slab, size 27 x 27 inches, extra, $7.50. CISTERN IS CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE, AND CAN BE FURNISHED IN EITHER CHERRY, ASH, BIRCH OR OAK, ihe SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 85 SMITH & WEBSTER’S PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. PLATE 127-G. PLATE 127-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop-Hopper. Cabinet polished hardwood round-cornered copper-lined cistern, with nickel- “cee brackets, nickel-plated chain and pull, nickel-plated brass combination Hot and Cold water supply fitting with supply pipes to floor and Air chambers, ickel-plated brass flush pipes and wall straps. Italian marble back. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. SIZE, 20 x 20 INCHES. BateemCOMp ieterasiili gstt ated excep taernar ble DAC ke ee ae eee ee ee ee eee Se $48.00 With 7-8 inch Italian marble back, 4 ft. 6 in. high, 2 ft. 3 in. wide, as shown, extra, $12.00. With nickel-plated supply pipe from floor to cistern, extra, $2.00. With 1 1-4 inch countersunk Italian marble floor slab, size 27 x 27 inches, extra, $7.50, CISTERN IS CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE, AND CAN BE FURNISHED IN EITHER CHERRY, ASH, BIRCH OR OAK. 86 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. my sqita EWES STS 4 CAICA GO TL PLATE 128-G. PLATE 128-G.— Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Porcelain Slop-Hopper. Nckel-plated brass combination Hot and Cold water supply fitting, with improved flushing fixtures arranged for direct supply, and nickel-plated supply pipes to floor with Air chambers. Italian marble back. Complete with all necessary bolts and screws. SIZE 20 x 20 INCHES. Price, complete as illustrated, except marble back igesecs nats oe eee eee $40.00 Width 7-8 inch Italian marble back, 5 ft. high, 2 ft. 3 in. wide, as shown, extra, $13.00. Slate back, same size, $8.00. With J 1-4 inch countersunk Italian marble floor slab, size 27 by 27 inches, extra, $7.50, SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 87 SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED SLOP SINK. TH RWEBSTERS: PHICAGO. ~~ SM PLATE 129-G. PLATE 129-G.—Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Enameled Slop Sink, with polished brass flushing rim, supported on trap standard with brass clean-out screw and vent connection. Cabinet polished round-cornered hardwood copper-lined cistern with nickel-plated brackets, chain and pull. Polished brass adjustable flush pipe, with wall straps. Polished brass combination Hot and Cold water supply fixture. 7-8 inch Italian marble back, 4 ft. 6 in. high, 2 ft. 3 in. wide, with necessary holes drilled for flush and supply connections. SIZES AND PRICES. 16 x 20 x J2 inches, complete, as illustrated, except marble backer ee ee ee nee ee ee Seen ke Tate Aare ee $44.25 18x22xj2 “ ‘ 4“ “ 4“ 4“ Ce ow ol WE eR Ore reat er ae EL ee ee eee et ea oe | 47.25 DOA 12. + 4“ “ 4“ 4“ 4“ ‘Oils eS RAR PM a BR ce aos, ek, Sa ae at ome et A ae ge, A | 49,25 Italian marble back, as shown, extra, $12.00. With slate back, as shown, extra, $7.50. With all brass work nickel-plated, extra, $2.50. With sinks enameled outside including trap, extra, J6 x 20, $5.00; 18 x 22, $5.50; 20x 24, $6.00. With pine shellac finished cistern, deduct $1.50. PLATE 129-G CAN BE FURNISHED WITH 3-2 “S” OR 3-4 “S” TRAPS, WHEN SO ORDERED. CISTERN IS CONSTRUCTED ON THE NOISELESS DUPLEX SYPHON PRINCIPLE, AND CAN BE FURNISHED IN EITHER CHERRY, BIRCH, ASH OR OAK, 88 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. aN °C\ SMITH & WEBSTER’S ENAMELED SLOP SINKS. PLATE 130-G illustrates Smith & Webster’s Roll-Rim Slop Sink with enameled trap standard, with brass clean-out screw and vent connection, Italian marble back 16 inches high, and two 5-8 inch nickel-plated Fuller flange and thimble faucets, SIZES AND PRICES AS ILLUSTRATED. Sizes. Enameled. Galvanized, $6x 20x12 inchesss te -oee ee eee eee ee $24.00 $19.50 1822 x 12 ity eee en ore eee 23.00 23.50 20 x 2A x $2 ee eee eee 25.00 23.50 PLATE 130-G.—Enameled outside, including trap, extra, 16x 20, $5.00—J8x 22, $5.50— 20 x 24, $6.00. Without faucets, deduct $2.00. Without marble back, deduct: 16x 20, $2,50—18 x 22, $2.75—20x24, $3.00. With enameled roll-rim back and Air chambers, instead of marble, extra, $2.00. A, CHICRCOVLZ am re PLATE 130-G. PLATE 131-G. PLATE 133-G illustrates Smith & Webster’s Combination Slop Sink on trap standard with brass clean-out screw and vent connection, with back, Air chambers, and two 5-8 inch Fuller faucets (one each plain and hose) screwed into air chambers. SIZES AND PRICES AS ILLUSTRATED. PLATE 132-G. PLATE 332-G illustrates Smith & Webster’s Combination Slop Sink on Sizes. Enameled. | Galvanized.) Painted. trap standard, with brass clean-out screw and vent connection, = SIZES AND PRICES AS ILLUSTRATED. $6°x° 20x: }2 inches segs ee ee ee 2150) $19.00 $15.00 —————— : = 18°x.22 x ID ste eee ee ae eee 23.25 20.75 16.00 20 x 24x {2 CO ae A ea A eee 25.00 22.25 T7725 Sizes. Enameled. | Galvanized.| Painted. > With hardwood rim, extra, $2.00, Without faucets, deduct, $2.00. $6: 20x05 Zianchessas ee ne 35,00 $42.00 $ 9.50 [8x 22x 12 i ee ee 14.50 13.50 10.50 20x 2452 een, ee 16.00 415.00 11.50 ee PLATES 130-G, 13!-G and 132-G can be furnished with 1-2 “S” or 34 “S” traps With hardwood rims, extra, $2.50, when so ordered. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 89 SMITH & WEBSTER’S SLOP SINKS. HALF -CIRCLE SINKS. CORNER SINKS. PLATE 133-G. PLATE 134-G. No Back, | Width, | Depth, | Price, | Price, ae | ioe | No Side, | Front, | Depth, Price, Price, | Cake oe Inches. | Inches. | Inches. | Painted. iReatasresaen Beccnsiod | Bnameled: | * | Inches. | Inches. | Inches. | Painted. Cones Baameled | \Enamcled. j 24 \4 6 $50 | $3.25 25 | $6.0 | | a fie Aa |) aC ie: | 30 °390 «| °350 «|| 00 $ | 38 | 2 | 6 | $125 | $275 | $2.75 | $6.00 ee ye | ce | a | wes nee Torin Pllc Saee 20g as 2o eG 1.75 3.50 | 3.50 7.00 Mest 37 | 6 | 225°]. 475 4.75 9.00 Poe 24 a 13) mi ge Oe 2-10) Sa Wa -20 20 ee SLOP SINK, WITH 2-INCH OUTLET. SQUARE SLOP SINK, WITH 4INCH OUTLET IN CENTER. Bir Bet s5-G, Size. Inches| 16x 16 20 x 34 24 x 20 | Size Inches) 16x 16 20 x 22 Depth. Inches! 10 {2 12 | Depth Inches 10 12 painted eee eet. 2-2 Each|-. $2.70 $3.50 $ 5.00 | Painted ---- ee eee Pali pa.25 $ 5.00 angered ae [eB Sl ee < 5.25 6.50 9,50 Galvanized S222 = Sa ape eee ang 6.00 10.00 Pevebiameled-=-22-.-..-2-=---... -“ 5 aes 6.500 | 9.50 Gray Enameled sees eee een nf 6.00 40.00 Eee 7.50 8.50 | 41.50 | Can be furnished with Patent Overflow or Plug Strainer at additional price. BAYLEY SLOP SINKS. PLATE 137-G. PLATE 138-G. | Size, 13 x 12 inches deep; 4 inch outlet ---- ---- ------------------ | $3.50 | | Size, 13 x J0 inches deep; 4 inch outlet---------------------------| $3.50 | go SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S CESSPOOLS AND SINK SUNDRIES. EXTRA HEAVY CESSPOOL. HARRIS SLOP SINKS. PLATE 139-G. PLATE 140-G. SIZE, 16 x 16 x J0 INCHES DEEP. Size, anchesia--= = ee 12x12 l4x 14 16x 16 Painted, | Galvanized. ainte alvanize Price, painted sot ees eee te S165 $1.90 $2.50 Sa i oalvanized meen aer seas 2.80 Spe) 3.75 Price <2. eee ee $2.50 $5.50 *— enameled 22) -2=5 ee 2.80 32a 3.75 CESSPOOLS. With Bell Trap. PLATE 142-G. PLATE {41-G. Nickel- Size, Inches, | Light. Heavy. | Cast Brass Polished Top.| Plated Top. No. Size. Enameled. | Galvanized. | Painted. 6x 6 inches, | $0.75 | | $3.50 $4.25 j | 16 x J6 Inches. | $0.90 | $0.60 $0.30 wie, § | 1.00 | $1.50 6.50 | We25 2 16x) Cues 1.00 70 | -40 12.00 53.00 | | | | ieyee SiSp 2.50 SHA) SINK BACKS FOR SQUARE SINKS. Size; Inches 2 2212-2 25 Se he eae a 30 36 | 42 | 48 Painted ~~~ = ~~ --25 2-2 wed oat gun eee saan Ea eake oP eee oe Each $1.40 $1.90 $2.45 $3.00 Gray enameled or galvanized 05. ==. oaese soe os 2.80 3.50 4.25 5.00 White enameledi==seiesae sere a 3.50 4,25 . 5.75 Sink Backs will always be sent with two cock-holes, unless otherwise ordered. Sink Backs with Air chambers, including b lin i i i : ; - g brass cou s and iron pipe, add to list of sink backs, Plate 143-G: Painted, $2.80; galvanized or gray enameled, $3.20; white enameled, $4.40. : pe td SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. oh SMITH & WEBSTER’S SHAMPOO FIXTURES. NICKEL - PLATED BRASS SHAMPOO. FOR USE IN TURKISH BATH ESTABLISHMENTS, ETC. PLATE 144-G.— Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Nickel-Plated Brass Shampoo, with spray valve, nickel- plated brass sprinkler, encased in 3 1-2 inch round rubber gasket, with heavy rubber tubing. Bomnemecrerripiciomacw liustiated se ets seen e ee nin So Seno av ea ciace wo ag/e- ooo =e $9.00 PWEBSTER Without spray valve, deduct, $2.00. PLATE 144-G, NICKEL -PLATED BRASS SHAMPOO. FOR USE IN TURKISH BATH ESTABLISHMENTS, ETC. PLATE 145-G.— Illustrates Smith & Webster’s Nickel-Plated Brass Shampoo, with spray valve, nickel- plated supply pipes to floor, nickel-plated brass sprinkler, encased in 3 4-2 inch round rubber gasket; with heavy rubber tubing. Prices COMP lete ras LLL CStt CCC eee eet eee | $12.00 PLATE 145-G. Without spray valve, deduct $2.00. 92 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. i decladalat PLATE 146-G. PLATE 147-G, DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 2 inches. Diameter of shower, 8 inches. Distance wall to center of shower, 20 inches. Price, as illustrated, nickel-plated, with shampoo, and pipes to floor - Price, as illustrated, nickel-plated, with pipes to floor -------- ---- -- / $18.50 | PLATES 146-G and 147-G can be fitted with either Thermometers and Mixing Chamber, or both. MARBLE OR SLATE SHOWER STALLS OR BASES CAN BE FURNISHED, WHEN DESIRED. $25.00 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 93 SMITH & WEBSTER’S NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. re Aa PLATE 148-G, PLATE 149-G. DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 2 inches. Diameter of Ring, 19 inches. Distance, wall to center of ring, 15 J-2 inches. DIMENSIONS. e Total height, 7 feet 2 inches. Diameter of Shower, 8 inches, Distance, wall to center of Shower, 20 inches, Price, as illustrated, nickel-plated, with perforated ring, shampoo, pipes to floor, hose and sprinkler--------| $26.00 Without separate spray valve, deduct $2.00. Price, as illustrated, nickel-plated, with self-closing shower The ring of Plate 148-G Shower is perforated, so that it will spray taemne shampoo, pipes to floor, hose and the shoulders and chest of the bather without wetting the head. SRP IEL Ra sain e nn te Paw emer a eee mae $30.00 PLATES 148-G and 149-G can be fitted with either thermometer or mixing chamber, or both. MARBLE OR SLATE SHOWER STALLS OR BASES CAN BE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED, 94 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHOWER. a? % ia +4 | a 4 | % 4 | i : # “7 1 Wi aris J ip - FB, / % HICAGO ILL? PLATE 150-G. DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 2 inches. Diameter of shower, 8 inches. Diameter of ring, 24 inches, Distance, wall to center of shower, 20 inches. Price, as illustrated, with nickel-plated round curtain ring, shampoo, hose and sprinkler and supply pipes to floor ---- ------- ---- ------------------ $35.00 Rubber curtain, extra, $10.00. Without spray valve, deduct $2.00. PLAT= 150-G can be fitted with either Thermometers or Mixing Chamber, or both, MARBLE OR SLATE SHOWER STALLS OR BASES CAN BE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S IMPROVED CIRCULAR COMBINATION NEEDLE SHOWER AND BIDET, WITH THERMOMETER ATTCHMENT. hea ese eS ee _— SS eae f A afl} f aS, Lay rr, } “NF + a MN Rd eet, PLATE 15$-G, DIMENSIONS. Total height, 7 feet 2 inches. Diameter of needle bath, 3 feet 4 inches. Diameter of shower, 8 inches. Distance, wall to center of shower, 22 inches. 9 5 Price, complete, as illustrated ---- -----------------.-------------------- + without top or curtain ring, thermometer or bidet attachment Curtains, per pair, extra $20.00, 96 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S OPEN LAVATORIES. RHE VERNA ad THE: “VERNA Lavatory Combination includes a 30 x 20 inch deeply counter- sunk Italian marble slab with 10-inch back, 14-inch round patent overflow for metal plug, marbleized or ivory tinted basin. Nickel-plated brass plug with rubber stopper, nickel- plated chain stay and chain, nickel-plated brass trap with waste and vent pipe to wall. No. 2 nickel-plated Fuller faucets, nickel- plated iron brackets, brass basin clamps. Complete with all necessary wall flanges. With nickel-plated supply pipes and straight Air chambers, extra, $4.00. ithout Air chambers, $2.50. Without nickel-plated trap, as shown, deduct $3.50. BASINS GROUND, CLAMPS FITTED AND EACH PART CAREFULLY ADJUSTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. me PLATE 152-G. | PRICE, $19.00. THE “NEVA,” Bd TEER NEV AS Lavatory combination includes a deeply countersunk Italian marble corner slab with 10-inch backs, J4inch round patent overflow for metal plug, marbleized or ivory tinted basin, nickel-plated brass plug with rubber stopper, nickel-plated chain stay and chain, nickel-plated Doherty self-closing faucets. Improved enameled iron combination apron and bracket supports. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Price, complete, as illustrated, with 20 x 20 inch slab $20.00 4“ 4 44 “és “4 21 x PH +“ 46 4“ +4 44 46 +4 22 x DD +“ 44 ae bg NP 1, ape a ENS i With nickel-plated brass trap and vent, as shown in Plate 152-G, iG NOVARA MANES pe extra, $3.50. With nickel-plated supply pipes to floor SERS with straight Air chambers, extra, $4.00. Without Air chambers, extra, $2,50, PLATE 153-G can be furnished with combination apron and bracket support of brass, polished or nickel-plated at slight additional cost. BASINS GROUND, CLAMPS FITTED AND EACH PART CAREFULLY ADJUSTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. eee PLATE 153-G, SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. oi, SMITH & WEBSTER’S OPEN LAVATORY, THE LEADER,” “The Leader” Lavatory Combination includes a 30 x 20-inch deeply countersunk Italian marble slab, with 10-inch back, 14 x 17-inch oval patent overflow embossed metal-plug basin —marbleized or ivory tinted, with nickel-plated brass plug and rubber stopper, nickel-plated chain and chain stay, nickel-plated brass trap to floor with vent to wall, nickel-plated supply pipes with Air chambers, nickel-plated iron brackets, No. 2 nickel-plated Fuller faucets, brass basin clamps, complete, with all necessary floor and wall flanges. eiees complete, as illustrated --_-- ----=--- --+=---- ---- -------- Sete aate ee y= ak IME Bae ema Sahrawi n aie wel owen ink otes Aven ses} $25.00 eniamiretiaiccscestuatbictextra nee meee ere als eee ae Sarg Pee es a reas face eee en Sane Saee se sates 2.00 BASINS GROUND, CLAMPS FITTED AND EACH PART CAREFULLY ADJUSTED BEFORE SHIPMENT. 98 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S OPEN LAVATORY, THES ARDIVIORE. PLATE 155-G. “The Ardmore”? Lavatory Combination includes a 30x 20-inch deeply countersunk Italian marble slab, with 10-inch back, 14 x 17-inch oval patent overflow metal plug, embossed basin—ivory tinted or marbleized — with nickel-plated brass plug and rubber stopper, nickel-plated chain and chain stay, nickel-plated cast brass center outlet self-cleaning trap to floor, nickel-plated brass supply pipes, with Air chambers; nickel-plated brass legs, No. 2; nickel-plated Fuller faucets, brass basin clamps (4) and brass wall supports— complete with all necessary floor and wall flanges. Price, complete as illustrated: - 2-22 = Ate parece ee Bey pant eee eet 4 feet. | 45-2 feet. | 5 feet. 5 1-2 feet. a # 9° “including Tittings: see. seas as eee SOS es eee ee ne Price, complete, as illustrated 3-125 Meas ees te eee Say ee ee ee $37.50 | $41.50 $46.50 With overflow and waste connection finished and nickel-plated, extra, $1.00. With nickel-plated supply pipes, extra, $3.00. With nickel-plated supply pipes and Air chambers, extra, $4.50, Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75—--enameled iron, each, extra, $1.00. With rough brass “S” trap and vent, extra, $2.50. With finished and nickel-plated brass “S” trap with long vent pipe to wall, extra, $4.25, With bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00—gold bands, extra, $3.00. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 113 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, EES AREHNEE: WITH ROUGH BRASS OVERFLOW AND WASTE CONNECTION, INCLUDING NICKEL-PLATED PLUG, CHAIN AND RUBBER STOPPER, “SPECIAL” FULLER BATH COCK WITH SHOWER ATTACHMENT AND SPRINKLER. PLATE 172-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 28 J-2 inches; Width inside, 24 inches; Width of roll, 2 1-4 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches; Height on legs, 22 inches. Le TTR OT ONL ee eee eee eee Se ee res eee eee See Cee ae 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. 5 feet. | 5 1-2 feet. agth ie ae ickiaing IELTS Tia ive oa ae PR > Se Sea Pe ae 4 feet 2 inches. | 4 feet 8 inches. | 5 feet 2 inches. | 5 feet 8 inches. RecemiComipletesasyi listratccd seat eee aie Oe eee lan ae anna Hone $36.25 $39.25 $43,25 | $48.25 With overflow and waste connection, finished and nickel-plated, extra, $1.75. With overflow and waste connection, nickel-plated in the rough, extra, 75 cents. With nickel-plated supply pipes, extra, $3.00. With nickel-plated supply pipes and air chambers, extra, $4.50. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. With rough brass ““S” trap and vent, extra, $2.50. With finished and nickel-plated brass “S” trap with long vent pipe to wall, extra, $4.25. With bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00—gold bands, extra, $3.00. 114 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE “ARLENE.” WITH “RELIANCE” WASTE NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER “SPECIAL” FULLER BATH COCK WITH SHOWER ATTACHMENT AND SPRINKLER. PLATE 173-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 28 {-2 inches. Width inside, 24 inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. Height on legs, 22 inches. Width of roll, 2 1-4 inches, Length over rim., | en qa ) i Co _ 7 | ( Mh wy) LO. Or = = = = = = ' fie (gi = : PLATE 186-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 20 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches. | | | = : = | ; RK ve Length DEAD ee tee oe Yak ee oes ee ce ee ee ee Ce 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 3-2 feet. 6 feet. f GMROU CT TIN) 2 eee See Se fe eee ee = oe ve eee es | 4 feet 6 inches. | 5 feet 0 inches. | 5 feet 6 inches. | 6 feet O inches, | 6 feet 6 inches, tite eee ssldehlecpa see Sep Sas Se sek ota Seas Se. | 4 feet 9 inches. | 5 feet 3 inches. | 5 feet 9 inches. | 6 feet 3 inches. | 6 feet 9 inches. 4“ “eS Price, complete, as illustrated --------------- oA OE lange eyes : $59.00 | $62.50 | $67.00 | $72.50. | $82.50 With Air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. If supply pipes and waste are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50 — if nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. Fancy Hand-Painted Border, Extra, According to Design, PLATE 186-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 128 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, THE SSNEIVIO = WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, ALL NICKEL-PLATED, NICKEL PLATED SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, AND 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM, FRENCH PATTERN. PLATE 187-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside over rim, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, {9 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. l fl Length of tub 225 ees Ce ae See ee ee | 4 feet. 4 $-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 4-2 feet. 6 feet. ey * Vancluding fittings <> ose) eek ee oe ee | 4 feet 6 inches, 5 feet. | 5 feet Sinches. 5 feet 11 inches. | 6 feet 5 inches, Price complete; as illustrated -25=, =< eee eee | $55.00 $58.25 $51.50 $65.00 $68.50 With air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50, Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. a Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each,” extra, $1.60. If supply pipes and waste are rough brass below rim, deduct $5,50—f nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. With plain rolled rim, not rabbetted, deduct $1.50. Fancy Hand-painted Border, extra, According to Design. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIMS, EXTRA, $4.00. PLATE 387-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIPJOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, Tobe NEMO? WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE ALL NICKEL-PLATED, NICKEL-PLATED SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, AND 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM. “SHALLOW BATH.” i Ii ll PLATE 188-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width, outside, 31 inches. Width inside, 26 inches. Depth inside, {7 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 24 inches. Length REN Deee se ok Se Se Fe ee ee A ee eee SSe6Eo Eee ee eee SS ee 5 feet. 5 1-2 feet. ee including fittings - /-----.------.1.-2.-----+=---- PRN AYN a (oR Rte NT aR OB lor oe Ree = vith ae | 5 feet 9 inches. 6 feet 3 inches. | | IIR hier fect tated nea ee eee ee See lp eae ee oe ow ae seems 23 aa ene Soe nets ee =e $65.50 | $69.00 With Air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint, exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. If supply pipes and waste are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50 — if nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. With plain roli-rim, not rabbeted, deduct $1.50. Fancy Hand-Painted Border, Extra, According to Design. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIMS, EXTRA, $4.00. PLATE 188-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price, OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 130 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, THE “NEMO-7 WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE WITH LOW-DOWN HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED WHERE EXPOSED, AND 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLL RIM. FRENCH PATTERN. PLATE 189-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside over rim, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. Length of tub--1- 525 he gaa Bae ee ete a 4 feet. 4 1-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 J-2 feet. 6 feet. including fittings eee ee ee eee eer | 4 feet 6 inches. 5 feet. 5 feet 5 inches. | 5 feet JJ inches.) 6 feet 5 inches, Price complete, as illustrated: Ses = et = oe $42.50 $45.75 $49.00 $52.50 $56.00 With waste and supply fittings finished and nickel-plated, extra, $3.75—if nickel-plated in the rough, extra, $1.50. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $5.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. PLATE 389-G can be furnished with “Loose” handles when desired, for use in hospitals, asylums and kindred institutions. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 131 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED BATH, WITH ENAMELED FLAT-RIM, HEE EGY. PTANS: WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW, AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. FRENCH PATTERN. PLATE 190-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width, outside, 28 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 25 inches. Width of rim, 2 J-2 inches. Length of Ne ee as SE ae ed eos Su dade agen oe aeene al 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 1-2 feet. 6 feet. RMN ee DCSE ee ee ee a el A feet S inchesy |4 feet 14 inches.| 5 feet 5 inches. | 5 feet 10 inches. | 6 feet 5 inches, Sc liscierige filings es) as eo 5s. s_. = 2.2.) 4 feet 8 inches, | 5 feet 2 inches, | 5 feet 8 inches: 6 feet inch. | 6 feet 8 inches. $59.00 | $62.50 $67.00 $72.50 $82.50 Bemeeorngicte sas dlustrated 2.25 2.22 55562 oa eee en cine =| With Air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. If supply and waste are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50 — if nickel- plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra According to Design. PLATE 190-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price, OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “ SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 132 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED BATH, WITH ENAMELED FLAT RIM, VRIES or Gy, Pa WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. SHALLOW BATH. FRENCH PATTERN. AMM it (NNN qt im PLATE 193-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 31 inches. Width inside, 26 inches. Depth inside, 16 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 23 inches. Width of rim, 2 J-2 inches. Length’ of tub = 222225 <2 me ee 5 feet. | 5 1-2 feet. $6 lover inifiy =Se aa os ae a ea a a ene ECT ONITICH ESS 6 feet 0 inches, SE I BEN rach esha gy, Litt gis =o te a ee 5 feet 9 inches. 6 feet 3 inches. Price, complete, as illustrated .--- ---- ------------ -- ------------------+- ---- ---- ---~ ---~ ---- ---- ---------------- $73.00 $77.50 With air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. If supply and waste are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50—if nickel- plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. PLATE 193-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. ET SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 133 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED BATH, WITH ENAMELED FLAT RIM WITH EXTENSION END, iL Leee Gy. ballLAIN ss WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURES, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. FRENCH PATTERN. PLATE 192-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 28 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches, Height from floor to top of rim, 25 inches. Width of rim, 2 J-2 inches, 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. | 5 feet. | 5 -2 feet. Afeet 8inches. | 5 feet 2 inches. | 5 feet 7 inches, 6 feet J inch, Length aS He ae a ys eas Ni aR ARN ee RE oe ON a ne ay SE ner iat anne Tittinos ewe eee ee te pe eRe ase men ete 4 == | PLATE 194-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 32 inches. Wid.h inside, 26 inches.. Depth inside, 17 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 23 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. Length of tube over rim 4“ “OS aoe es ee ae Pa are eee i ake eA ee A : | 5 feet. 5 1-2 feet. including fittings ----.---- ---- C/o PI ce DANES Eee : --.---| 5 feet 6 inches. | 6 feet 0 inches. ae TE Se aE ce eee ------| 5 feet 9 inches. | 6 feet 3 inches, ptice,complete, as illustrated --------=--- ---- - re te 875.00 IF 0 $77.50 as With air chamber on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75. PEI plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. If supply and waste are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50—if nickel- PLATE 194G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 136 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE “ALGERIAN.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER AND ORNAMENTAL IRON BASE IN PLACE OF LEGS. FRENCH PATTERN. PLATE 195-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 20 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 20 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches Length of tub. sSaS2se22 see wares ae ae ee ee 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 I-2 feet. © over fim ese ee ee Le ee ee SE ee ee ee a 4 feet 6 inches. | 5 feet O inches. | 5 feet 6 inches. | 6 feet 0 inches. “ & “ including fittings ------.- ----------------- .------------------------------| 4 feet 9 inches. | 5 feet 3 inches. | 5 feet 9 inches. | 6 feet 3 inches. Frice, complete,:as illustrated. = 25 e225 ete acpi ee a $69.00 $72.50 $77.00 $82.50. With Air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. If supply and waste are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50—if nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. Fancy Hand-Painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR, SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 137 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, WITH EXTENSION RIM, THE “ALGERIAN.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES, NICKEL-PLATED ALI. OVER. FRENCH PATTERN. =~ it li i ¢ \ ' i | th PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 20 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches, Length of ene a EES a ete em ele IE, BS Fo eee Soest 4 feet. 4 1-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 4-2 feet. a WP including fittings . scien Gs toad Seen ee Ee Dee eee arose .. | 4 feet 9inches. | 5 feet 3inches. | 5 feet 8inches, | 6 feet 2 inches, encescompletesas: illustrated sacs aaa cae alone la ara eee oe ee ee eee $69.00 | $72.50 $77.00 $82.50 | | With Air chambers oF supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. Nickel-pla ted eaten Ae ary $1.75. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. If supply and waste are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5, 50—if nickel- plated in the sae deduct $4.00 Fancy Hanc-Painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 138 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE “ALGERIAN.” a Z FS PE iad WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, IN- CLUDING SUPPLY PIPES, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. NICKEL-PLATED SHAM- POO AND SPRINKLER AND OVERHEAD SHOWER WITH RUB- BER CURTAIN. a Al nl PLATE 197-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 20 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. Length of tub ----.---..--------.------------+---------------------- : 4 feet, 4 1-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 J-2 feet. 6 feet. SS Mover rims a2 28 22s cee ee ee oe ee eee 4 feet 6 inches. | 5 feetO inches. | 5 feet 6 inches. | 6 feet 0 inches. | 6 feet 6 inches. “« including fittings------------- -----------------------------| 4 feet 9 inches. | 5 feet 3 inches. | 5 feet 9 inches. | 6 feet 3 inches. | 6 feet 9 inches. Price, complete, as illustrated 225-5 2220. == oases see ee wane ne n- ne onan === | $409.00 | $112.50 | $157.00 | $122.50 | $132.50 With Air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra, $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.09. Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $1.75, Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00 Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED CIRCLE-ROLL-RIM BATH, ‘EEE ELA LAN @ WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. mm Ewch I sae LL PLATE 198-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width over all, 35 inches. Width inside, 25 J-2 inches. Depth inside, {9 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 24 1-2 inches. Width of rim, 4 3-4 inches, “Sere OPE DD ss tapes SR a a a oy a eet. 5 1-2 feet. 6 feet. (Sendo! (itl) GO en oo a oe ae ee es Se ee a a 5 feet J inch, 5 feet 7 inches. 6 feet J inch. Price, as illustrated ---- ---- Se ark eter te ee rere en ae eee eee = Ese $68.50 $73.00 $77.50 Italian Marble floor slab, extra Ai a ae 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet. 6 feet x 3 feet. 6 feet 6 inches x 3 feet. MCE era cone eo ce rok iint eeeuoean aces, $25.00 $27.00 $29.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. PLATE 198-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price, Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 140 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED CIRCLE-ROLL-RIM BATH, WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. THE “FLORIAN.” (MHI ‘ATL SAMUI i "OM inf NTU | SMO) H seerrtnatt ANNU UO LL 7 TTT HTT 1G) AT 8 | | Hill | me | ML Si SRT ull ae Ret a nk TS Ae RR i. I LA i Cr ai PLATE 199-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width of rim, 4 3-4 inches. Width over all, 35 {-2 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 24 S-2 inches. Size of tub - Length of tub, « overall pee ee Price complete, as illustrated ---- ---- ---- - 5 feet. 5 feet J inch. $75.00 5 J-2 feet. 6 feet. 5 feet 7 inches. 6 feet J inch, $79.00 $84.00 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet J inch. 6 feet x 3 feet J inch. 6 feet 6 inches x 3 feet J inch, $25.75 $27.75 $29.75 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50, With enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Two gold bands, extra, $3.00, PLATE 199-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-Painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 141 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED CIRCLE-ROLL-RIM BATH, Ibe ELORIAN Ss WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, IN- CLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL- PLATED ALL OVER. NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHAMPOO, OVERHEAD SHOWER AND RUBBER CURTAIN. vant") nT ee) IM Sil Tina ‘i LAU Me | h i ' TA | il [N 3 “ni i PLATE 200-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width over all, 35 !-2 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 24 J-2 inches. Width 2 wees 4 3-4 inches. Sizer Olit Ube see et oes he Sone eee aoe 5 feet. Ce 5 15 fects 6 feet. Meret aron tub owerra ll pee a ce 5 feet. J inch, 5 feet 7 inches. 6 feet J inch. ericemcompletentashill strated = meee nw ee nee $125.00 $129.00 | ao) $134.00 Italian marble floor chee Cx Cha ee gee ep ee sarees 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet J inch. 6 feet x 3 feet J inch. | 6 feet 6 inches x 3 feet I inch. IEESPP Ra oe eeu ietant oes Soe Se a ee are eee $25.75 $27.75 $29.75 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50. With enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint, exterior finish, with 2 Feoid bands, extra, $18.00. PLATE 200-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design, 142 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, THE “PORTLAND.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPE TO FLOOR NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER, 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM, Wn ol — “ HOTA ‘ane TN mh —= me Ml ' al ! PLATE 203-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 34 inches. Width inside, 24 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. ee tibsole Soe See ee a ae i a re 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. 5 feet. 2 feet. | 6 feet. Hee OO aver Titres Hae oe oe ane Se eS oe ee eters 4 feet 5 inches. | 4 feet JJ inches. | 5 feet 5 inches. am, i inches. | 6 feet 5 inches. Price complete, as illustrated - --------- ------------------------ ae $63.50 $67.00 $70.00 | $73.50 | $83.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If rim is not rabbeted, deduct $1.50. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, dedact $5.50. PLATE 203-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIMS, EXTRA, $4.00. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 143 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, Wik sPORMUAND 4 WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW, AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER, WITH 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM. SHALLOW PATTERN. Geax) G GA PLATE 202-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width, outside, 36 inches. Width inside, 27 inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 23 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. Length of WQWWelon oy Seiko PS Se Soe Dee SRR Ga Ee SY eA ee ae er Ste SS ee enero ee Bee tes ee eee | 5 feet. ieee viet) ted oR en ort Oe eee ete Geen Sanaa a ee gare akon SEE ca PE OY eimai Le 5 feet 5 inches. Piven sarydive ee Alber) eke ee oe RE I ee $73.00 Nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Bonsaline exterior finish, extra $7.00. Gold bands, extra, $3.00. If fixtures are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50. If rim is not rabbeted, deduct $1.50. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIM, EXTRA, $4.00. PLATE 202-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 144 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, THES sPORGEAN Ds ITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR. TWO-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM. ORNAMENTAL IRON SKIRTING AT BOTTOM Cie) q= ta __ ut wm ML ie NR SE . | i MN AN , i : PLATE 203-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 34 inches. Width inside, 24 inches. Depth inside, {9 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches. Length of tub -- wiekuast sees au ese Sent ee oss eee SS Sover Tima Sees: 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. | 5 feet. opto. ee. Be = a ee ee | 4 feet 5 inches. | 4 feet JJ inches. 5 feet 5 inches, | 6 feet. 6 feet 5 inches, 5 aes 55 ted Price, complete, as illustrated - - --- tee tn es Dein eae S 7250) $77.00 $83.50 $93.00 | | | | $80.00 Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If rim is not rabbeted, deduct $1.50. If fixtures are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50. PLATE 203-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH, IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIM, EXTRA, $4.00 Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 145 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, FEET DORM AND WiTH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER, WITH 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM. FIXTURE AT END OF BATH. we 3 eee = mm ll mA iT PLATE 204-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 29 inches. Width inside, 23 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches, 4 feet. 4 j-2 feet. 5 feet. Length of tub.----- --..------- ---= ---2 2222 2222 sooo eee eno | 5 1-2 feet. | 6 feet. oF including fittings- - ----=---=-----== -+=---------_--=- 4 feet 0 inches. | 5 feet 4inches. | 5 feet JO inches. | 6 feet 4inches. | 6 feet 9 inches. Price, complete, as illustrated - ------------- ---- ------------------ $63.50 $67.00 | $70.00 | $73.50 $83.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50, Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint exterio: finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If rim is not rabbeted, deduct $1.50. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50. PLATE 204G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH. IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIMS, EXTRA, $4.00. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 146 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, THE: “PORMEANDS WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPE TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. 2-INCH HARDWOOD ROLLED AND RABBETED RIM, WITH LARGE PATTERN LEGS Ge Gaia er = ORIG i) ul a | ra i | il va 3 \ : : TTI wu) si it Mh Hl I) ~ =, ii a ee : = = ae Mh i PLATE 205-G. Width of rim, 3 inches. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 34 inches. Width inside, 24 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches Length Of tubicetes eee ee er Steen 4 feet. | 4 j-2 feet. 5 feet, 5 1-2 feet. 6 feet. Co over tim. {Sele es eee oe eee ee eee 4 feet 5 inches, 3 feet 11 inches.| 5 feet 5 inches. |5 feet 11 inches.| 6 feet 5 inches. uh .e WEY, SA eat es oes Nee Ne $67.50 | $71.00 $74.00 | $77.50 $87.00 . If rim is not Price, complete, as illustrated If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50 PLATE 205-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $7.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $3.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00 IN ORDERING ALWAYS STATE WHICH IS WANTED. rabbeted, deduct $1.50. RIMS ARE FURNISHED OF OAK, CHERRY OR BIRCH MAHOGANY OR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE RIMS, EXTRA, $4.00 Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 147 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED WOOD-RIM BATH, (Eee PORTLAND: me Mm Pr fae ie NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHAMPOO, OVER- HEAD SHOWER AND RUBBER CURTAIN. LARGE PATTERN LEGS. WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, IN- CLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL- PLATED ALL OVER. A Ht Hal il II i! ot ot ot a \ i il | \ cL TTL el — sentient eNO mi I} = l] = ]/ i ke a — i oA —— a SS | M00 oH a A nn PLATE 206-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 34 inches. Width inside, 24 inches. Depth inside, 19 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 27 inches. Width of rim, 3 inches, i, J-2 feet. 6 feet. Length OLR CB ee ee ere ree rey ee eS Sh cy eee eS 4 feet, SIBELSS 5 feet. e M SER cer Fite oe a eee ee se ee eee eee lid feet 5 inches. |'4:teet. fs inches, | 5 feet 5 inches, | 5 feet-JJ inches. 6 feet 5 inches. Price, complete, as illustrated ---- ---- Een ee ees ce es $117.50 $121.00 $124.00 $127.50 $137.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $7.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $3.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If rim is not rabbeted, deduct $1.50. If fixtures are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50. 148 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE “NONPAREIL.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPE TO FLOOR NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. an PLATE 207-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 36 inches. Width inside, 26 inches. Depth inside, 21 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches. Length of tub 2-0 Ses 2 Siesta 4 1-2 feet. 5 feet 5 4-2ieen Oi Ee FOV Ct ELE 5 ier cee gree eee eel ee oe es ce ------| 4 feet 6 inches. | 5 feet O inches. | 5 feet 6 inches. | 6 feet 0 inches. Price:complete,:as illtsst rated sears ee ee aed $68.00 $74.00 $75.00 $80.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50. PLATE 207-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 149 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE “NONPAREIL.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. SHALLOW PATTERN. TTT iii hit lah PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 37 inches. Width inside, 27 inches. Depth inside, 17 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 23 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches. Length of tub ---.-.-- ---------- 5 BRS 3 Seo ae Sa Se eS ee ee TIO oe ean apt eae 5 feet. ‘ 4“ way ts i nm Eo ee: Rd ea Re EL pe a nk ea ae Be ey ger | BENTO VEL L111) seen ee ee ee eae ee ee eee 5 feet 6 inches, Perec cotipicterasislkcistrate dtc With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $2.50, Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $1.00, Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If fixtures are rough brass, below rim, deduct $5.50. With large pattern claw legs, as shown in Plate 210-G, extra, $4.00. PLATE 208-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR, 150 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE} NONPAREIL:’ WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR. NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. LARGE PATTERN LEGS. | en HAL TO TA i000 re ‘ PLATE 209-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 36 inches. Width inside, 26 inches. Depth inside, 2! inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches. Length of tub---------------- 22-0 e222 co none eee nee eee eeee eee eee eeee eee eee | A feet | ASD feet, | 5 feet. 5 1-2 feet. overt fim “o<2-23.22 5520 Meus pes Sean eee eee 4 feet 6 inches. | 5 feet 0 inches. 5 feet 6 inches. 6 feet Oinch. ales =< Mal if 2 be en 28 = is i. | Price, complete, ‘as’ illustrated -— S25 ~ seco m ens o.oo e ee ee $72.00 | $75.00 | $79.00 $84.00 | With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $7.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $3.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50. ; PLATE 209-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fitting, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. rea SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, WITH FLAT EXTENSION RIM, THE “NONPAREIL.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. LARGE PATTERN LEGS. A == Se Tc PLATE 210-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS, Width outside, 34 inches. Width inside, 26 inches. Depth inside, 21 inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches. Length of tub -- a ee eee eee 4 feet. 4 j-2 feet. 5 feet. 5 5-2 feet. OVE? PUN ee a ee ee eee ee a ee ee eee eae | 4 feet 6 inches. | 5 feet Oinches. | 5 feet 6 inches. | 6 feet 0 inches. EMICeNC OM DEL eAS ISLE LCCC eee ee ee oT Sse See a Pe ea | $82.00 | $85.00 $89.00 $94.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $7.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $3.50. Porcelain exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50. PLATE 210-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 152 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE] NONPAREIE WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHAMPOO WITH RUBBER TUBE AND SPRINKLER. LARGE PATTERN LEGS. fm Ah ni ah _, 1 i F i = ue ae res | II iH Mh ait \\| Hi W | hl | a il j & c= ic | a Nyy f oe ue iwi yi a mm wn mug TwU™0nl7€, inde; itt im — ” cs il HN 00 EM HN PRAT ES213-G, PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 36 inches. Width inside, 26 inches. Depth inside, 2! inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches, Length of tub -- See PRE EO EE gee ea Coe ee yt Afect: “ T 414-2fect, |" Sfeet. | oo tee # “over rim: = «05.2520 Sect ean eas Sen see eran gee ga we ene oe er eee Te ety Raatienies aan ut eee) inches. | 5 feet 6 inches. 6 feet 0 inches, Price, complete, as illustrated <2 Wed 46. cca eee ee oe $84.00 $87.00 $91.00 | $96.00 With nickel-plated brass legs, each, extra, $7.50, Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $3.50, Porcelain exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18.00. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50. PLATE 233-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 153 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED ROLL-RIM BATH, THE “ NONPAREIL.” wee WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, IN- CLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL- PLATED ALL OVER, NICKEL-PLATED BRASS SHAMPOO, OVER- HEAD SHOWER AND RUBBER CURTAIN. LARGE PATTERN LEGS. a ad Mi ill mi cr mit —_— O_O + TMT 01 IH _— MU: m0) PLATE 212-G. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Width outside, 36 inches. Width inside, 26 inches, Depth inside, 2! inches. Height from floor to top of rim, 26 inches. Width of roll, 3 inches. Length of tub------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -------~---- ---- +222 ---- -2 2222-2 eee e eon 222+ 4 feet. 4 J-2 feet. 5 fee 5 $-2 feet. MO Veta Therese e pe Se eae we cei. Met os 2 Ge LL 4 feet 6 inches. 5 feet 0 inches. 5 feet 6 core 6 feet 0 inches. fice wcOmMpleresaseilusttated epee tae sere er ey Se ee ee eee eS Soe ee eee $122.00 $125.00 $129.00 $134.00 With sere Piates brass legs, each, extra, $7.50. Enameled iron legs, each, extra, $3.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and gold bands, extra, $18. 00. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50, PLATE 232-G can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. 164 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S SUPERIOR PORCELAIN BATH, THE “FLORIDIAN.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. PORCELAIN LEGS. PLATE 213-G. x | B. | C. Price, complete, as described —5 foot lS ee $155.00 $135.00 $115.00 scbinbmmMEeeLs aia A 160.00 $40.00 $20.00 Nickel-plated brass shampoo, overhead howe d rubbe tai h i i i i ini ae egs EO: ype ? vgcaes, se a ee r curtain, as shown, extra, $50.00. Italian marble legs, extra, $10.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish, Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 155 SMITH & WEBSTER’S SUPERIOR PORCELAIN BATH, THE “MERMAID.” WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW, AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. PORCELAIN LEGS. aang LORE LEE Se ae i Ca PLATE 214-G. ie Ack ter cl B, c Price complete, as described, 5 foot---------------------------------------------------- are wane ee as 2 se!) S$ P551008 1 $435.00 $115.00 ge f esi, OS) NS ete ae neha = OS Seed aie me RRS ig AS SRE ee oe Stas Sa ae ee $60.00 =: 140.00 120.00 If with Fuller double bath-cock, instead of supply and waste fittings, as shown : e ; > : ‘ a : a f | | A. B. | G Phen WOOP core ee asec nonees 25h CHR Se ose se te Sa SR Ae ee Baa) eee eee oe $135.00 $115.00 $ 95.00 OP "6 [eB iWG) 2225 so Le Ss MRSS sags So oe see Bind Sr aes Bee Savas Bene ens or ee eee a ee ee Sey 140.00 $20.00 $00.00 Nickel-plated brass shampoo, overhead shower and rubber curtain, as shown in Plate 213-G, extra, $50.00. Ialian marble floor slab, J) J-4 inches thick, extra .- -=--------+--=.+----_--_-_ oeosegece Seesaw 6 feet x 2 feet 7 inches. 6 feet 6 inches x2 feet 7 inches. Price senses see one a sete meg eatin nate See See EE SoS 22 SS GaSe aie Soe SER Age San see $23.25 $25.50 Italian marble legs, extra, $10.00. Porcelain paint exterior finish, extra, $15.00. Iwo gold bands, extra, $3.00. FANCY HAND-PAINTED BORDER, EXTRA, ACCORDING TO DESIGN. 156 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED FOOT BATHS, WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW, AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES; NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. WOOD RIM. ENAMELED FLAT RIM. 3 Gata ‘4 q | {\hit Price, as shown Beet Se A Oe er Se ee eee $40.50 Price, as shown(=22-- = -255is2.. 28. eee one a $40.50 o>. GRID © i PLATE 217-G. PLATE 218-G. aa Pees oa seats Ace oe ee $45.50. Price,.as shown =e sce sas ee ee eee $40.50 With air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and two gold bands, extra, $9.00. If fixtures are rough brass below rim, deduct $5.50—if nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. Above Baths can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 157 SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMELED SEAT BATHS. WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOT’TOM SUPPLY FIXTURES, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER AND HARDWOOD ROLL RIM. em PRICE AND DIMENSIONS. Width over rim, 27 J-2 inches. Front to back over rim, $-2 inches. Height from floor to top of rim front, 16 inches. Back, 21 inches. Add 3 inches to width for fixtures. Price complete, as illustrated--------------| $57.50 SR SS <3 at WEBSTER Ne A Rts $ aa Thhe ere: ‘ — eee Nenicnooreee eee PLATE 219-G. ENAMELED FLAT-RIM. PRICE AND DIMENSIONS. Dimensions same as Plate 22J-G. Price complete, as illustrated - ------..-- | $57.50 With Air chambers on supply pipe, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and two gold bands, extra, $10.00. If fixturesare rough below rim, deduct $5.50. If nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. PLATE 220-G. Above baths can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT ” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. 158 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S WHITE ENAMEL ROLLED-RIM SEAT BATHS, WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. :. \ Y me PRICE AND DIMENSIONS. Width over rim, 28 inches, Front to back over rim, 27 3-2 inches. Width of roll rim,2 4-2 inches. Height in front, floor to top of rim, 15 inches— back, 20 inches. Add 3 inches to width for fixtures. =S (ul = Price complete, as illustrated -----: soca $5750 te et PLATE 223-G. WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FITTINGS, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES, NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER. HAVING COMBINATION WAVE AND SPRAY ATTACHMENT. PRICE AND DIMENSIONS. Width over rim, 28 inches. Front to back over rim, 27 1-2 inches. Width of roll rim, 2 1-2 inches, Height in front, floor to top of rim, 15 inches — back, 20 inches. Add 3 inches to width for fixtures. Price complete, as illustrated _..--- -----| $92.50 With Air chambers on supply pipe, extra, $1.50. Porcelain paint exterior finish and two gold bands, extra, $10.00. If fixtures are rough below rim, deduct $5.50. If nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. PLATE 222-G. Above baths can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. OUR FITTINGS ARE MADE ON THE “ADJUSTABLE” OR “SLIP-JOINT” PRINCIPLE, ALLOWING FLOOR AND WALL CONNECTIONS TO BE EASILY MADE AND WITH GREAT ECONOMY OF LABOR. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 159 SMITH & WEBSTER’S “SUPERIOR” PORCELAIN SEAT BATHS. WITH RELIANCE WASTE AND OVERFLOW AND COMPRESSION BOTTOM SUPPLY FIXTURE, INCLUDING SUPPLY PIPES NICKEL-PLATED ALL OVER, WITH ITALIAN MARBLE LEGS. ROLL RIM. Price as above, complete ---- - wi 2S Sa aye See, Nene Ue RO a ere OE NO SRA key i yo, Ss Re - S 4 A iB =| i , aay EE: Pf e Nase { = yit hh & WEBOTE CHIGAGO, tht With Air chambers on supply pipes, extra, $1.50, Porcelain paint exterior finish and two gold bands, extra, $10.00. Hardwood rim, extra, $10.00. If fixtures are rough below rim, deduct $5.50. If nickel-plated in the rough, deduct $4.00. If with polished brass legs, deduct $12.00. If with nickel-plated brass legs, deduct 10.00. ; Fancy Hand-painted Border, Extra, According to Design. Above baths can be furnished with Fuller supply fittings, when so ordered, at same price. 160 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. THE STEEL-CLAD BATH. BOOTH’S PATENT “STEEL-CLAD,” “ALL STEEL” AND “ALL COPPER” BATH TUBS. PLATE 225-G. HOSPITAL BATH. HOSPITAL BATH. All-steel S25 Joa ee ee ere ee arenes Steel cladye=- eee eee $25.00 30.00 AMERICAN PATTERN. Dimensions over all, 28 inches outside of rim; 17 J-2 inches deep; 23 5-2 inches from floor to top of rim. Number. Size. Price. IN0.238 soon eee ae eee eee 4 feet 6 inches. $23.00 Not 40 eee ee eee fe 5 feet. 24.00 ING.342 8 ete ee eee ee 5 feet 6 inches. 25.00 All Copper. All Steel. Size. Pattern. No. | Price. No. | Price. 4 feet 6 inches---- ---- French ------- S0e== $36.00 j|J----- $24.00 5 feet Sanches) === === PE fovea Se jit 37,00i12ae5 25.00 5 feet 9 inches 2-2 -=-= $a ess {22a 38.00) 3 \3eeaee 26.00 6 feet 0 inches ---- ---- oe See ae 40007 }4 52 27.00 4 feet 6 inches -------| American ----|J5------ 27,50mno=e 18.00 5 feet 0 inches --- ---- s SoS aN ssa 99.00" |\6ase 19.00 5 feet 6 inches---- ---- ot es | Gees 30.50 |7-- 20.00 4 feet 6 inches------- | Roman------- Ce er 38.00 |8-- 25.00 5 feet 0 inches---- ---. a ee Set AGES eee A? 00 iGo 28.00 Il lly | AANA ul a il All steel same as steel clad without lining—enameled white inside. ROMAN PATTERN. Weight of copper -------------------- i 12%ore 14 oz. $8 oz. No. 233° | Nos23.. | Non 25. Size, 4 feet 6 inches ------------------ $31.50 $33.50 $35.50 No. 27. | No. 29. | No. 33. Size, 5 feet---- ---- -------- ----------| $33.50 $35.50 $37.50 Dimensions same as French. Differs only from the French pattern in having head and foot alike. STEEL] GLAD: Galvanized steel, copper lined. FRENCH PATTERN. Weight of copper ---- ---- ses) ACR 14 oz. 18 oz. : No. 14. | No. 16. | No. 58 Size, 4 feet 6 inches----------| $30.00 $33.50 | $33.00 No. 20. | No. 22, No. 24. Size, 5 feet 3 inches----------} $31.00 $33.00 $35.00 No. 26. | No. 28 No. 30. Size, 5 feet 9inches----------| $31.50 $33.50 $35.50 No. 32. | No.34. No. 36. Sizes Giteeteeee = =e ae $33.00 $35.00 $37.00 Dimensions over all, 26 inches wide ; 20 inches deep ; 26 inches from floor to top of rim. All steel tubs are made of No. 20 galvanized steel, with gal- PLATE 228-G, vanized steel mountings. Steel clad are same as all steel, only lined with planished tinned FRENCH PATTERN. copper. All copper tubs are made of solid planished tinned copper from 30 ounces to 60 ounces (according to size) per square foot. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 161 SMITH & WEBSTER’S COPPER-LINED BATHS. REGULAR PATTERN. VEPTOS oer RSS SpE ae ee a PLATE 229-G, Outside width of tub at head and foot, 24 inches. Outside depth of tub, 19 inches. Outside length of tub, 5, 5 J-2 and 6 feet. Weight of Copper ---- ---- -------- -------- -------------------- ----------- 10 oz. 12 oz. | $4 oz. | 16 oz. | Gy || Aire ae | : $15.00 | $46.00 | $18.00 | $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 ZINC ‘TUBS, 5, 5 5-2, or 6 feet, $8.00 each. We can furnish the above, fitted with Patent Overflow, at an ai‘vance in list of $4.00. FRENCH PATTERN. PLATE 230-G. Outside width of tub at head and foot, 26 1-4 inches. Outside depth of tub, 22 inches. Were htrote Copp et amen tee ete ee 10 oz. 2 oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. 18 oz, 20 oz. Price, peo enenes long - = wee ---- = --- -2- + ---- ----- =~ ---- ------- ---- apes une ea vee ea ped BS fect long eee eee Sees oa So ae saa ek eee et actease at 18. y i : z of: Bieet'G mches NGO ee re re te eo ge a isi hae ee 20.00 23.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 scam 6) fect lon oie ee ete en a eee 22.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 31.00 Any size tub made to order. 162 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. DOUGLAS AND ACME INSTAN- TANEOUS WATER PLATE 231-G, Arranged with Duplex Valves and Union Connections, HEA TERS, DOUGLAS No. 2, FOR GAS. Large size for Baths and Domestic Purposes. IS ADAPTED FOR BATH oe BATH AND BASIN USE Will heat water for an ening size bath in from 8 to 15 minutes, with an average consumption of J J-2 feet of gas per minute. Used with Coal, Water or Natural Gas; also Gasoline Gas produced by Gas Machines, In ordering, special mention must be made where required for Gas Machine Gas. Gas supply should be 1-2 inch pipe where the run is short; on a long run, 344 inch pipe should be used for part of the distance. DIMENSIONS. Diameter, 15 inches; Height, 42 inches. No, 2 Coppet =2-5 === Sea ee a No. 2 Nickel-- Add for Japanned ir fron n Shelf “ Copper-plated Shelf -- “ Nickel-plated Shelf -- S Bath and Basin Fittings, Style AP ane Thermometer - - OR rw ed, oes ACME No. 4, FOR GAS. Medium size for Baths and Domestic Purposes. IS ADAPTED FOR BATH OR BATH AND BASIN USE. Will heat water for a comfortable bath in from J0 to 20 minutes, with an average consumption of one foot of gas per minute. DIMENSIONS. Diameter, {2 inches; Height, 38 inches. 7 No. 4 Copper. -- No. 4 Nickel -- Add for Japanned Iron Spelt. “* Copper-plated Shelf - a RA ‘Thermometer -- * Nickel-plated Shelf - - Pxa ee : Bath and Basin Fittings, Style «“ AY Ie ee PLA TE* 233-G; Patented August 6th, 1895, ACME No. 9 D, FOR GAS, With Shower Attachment. This Heater is the same as No. 9, with Shower attached. Special pipe to change position of Shower will be PP sched when so ordered, Arranged with Duplex Valvesand Union Connections. All fittings and connections are made of brass, nickel-plated. Is adapted for supplying Bath and Basin. DIMENSIONS. Height (over all), 38 in.; diameter of base of Heater (not including fittings) , 12 in. 24 ri ecaerig sabe one ea i PRICE LIST No.:9D Copper s---=2=2222s-22 2623 = Sees e $45.00 No. 9D Nickel ---- - £ cas Lee eee Sp 50.00 Add for Japanned Tron Shelfveon.. Pia bas 2.00 Copper-plated Shelf 222 259) = aes ee 3.50 “. _Nickel-plated Shelf. 2 - «-=- 22. -5e~ o-32 = oe 3.50 8 Bath and Basin Fittings, Style E -.---.----------------- 3.50 y Hotes. 4,00 a Thermometer-- Se Ee eee Sa eee 2.50 ACME No. 5, FOR GASOLINE. Used with Gasoline only. Will heat water for a comfortable bath in from 15 to 25 minutes, at an average cost of one cent, All our Heaters can be used where there are no water works by supplying the Heater from a tank, DIMENSIONS, Diameter of Heater, {2 in.; Width, with Tank, 18 in.; Height, 40 in. Nos 5: Copretiase=s-2 ene No. 5 Nickel - ---- - - Add for Japanned Tron Shelf - “ Copper-plated Shelf - “ WNickel-plated. Shelf- a ‘Thermometer SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 163 CHAMPION WATER HEATER FOR HEATING WATER FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES. The water is heated by steam or hot water from the house-warming apparatus during the winter, without care and at no perceptible cost, and during the summer by gas or gasoline at a cost of but a few cents per day. IT IS RAPID, SAFE, ECONOMICAL AND SATISFACTORY. {3 HOT WATER = at i) are nT ia COLD WATER HaLYM LOH ywaLYVM LOH HOT WATER J.—Galvanized Iron acket. 1.—Asbestos Lining. A.A.—Shell of Heater. B.—Steam Radiator. Dark Line Between A. and B.— Water Heated. C.—Top of Base. D.—Section of Base above Burner. GAS PIPE PATENTED AUG, 13, 1895 PLATE 235-G. PLATE 236-G. PLATE 237-G. CONNECTED TO KITCHEN TANK AND OPERATED BY GAS. HOUSE-WARMING APPARATUS. OPERATED BY GASOLINE. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS. Eleatessaricusta sic eerste ee es ne ea ie en en Sa ce Ona en ee ene abe ease aS ene oa == $30.00 Gastbutmer Nextt cee eee Panera ee ee ee sore eee SEE pa mee nea = 8 ease en ee : eae ee 4,00 Gasoline burner, extra ------------------ ------------ ---- ------------------------------------ -------- soze= sens let eS ES oe 8.00 IVEeichine Sasib Gti eh Cx cee alee ere ee ee Se ee eo a ee eee See tae ee re fe 8.00 Height of heater, 22 inches. Diameter of heater, !3 inches. Height of stand, 2! inches, 164 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. “WILKS’” WATER HEATERS AND TANKS. HOT WATER << = l PLATE 238-G: - SO RETURN PIPE oy = By DRAWOFF COC¥ NOT SELF-FEEDERS. ai ay a PLATE 239-G. Height from Sie of Heating Sur- | Approximate Heating Capac- Size of Furnace. Floor to top of Oniniios face, Square Heating Power ity, Gallons Weight. Price. Dome. i ches, 2-inch Pipe. per hour. JO x05. 5s Snes ee ee ee ee 22 1-4 3-4 342 50 feet. 30 70 Ibs. $20.00 JO x18 52.6. et eee ee ee 25 1-4 3-4 399 60 “ 40 as 21.00 12) 242 Er ere ee ae renee ee 32 1-4 J 648 100 “ 65 S205 25.00 gegen | Be) ee ne OU ee re ee ee a ee 40 j- iE 4 9 10 . V4 S68 ease epsnees Tse os 46 1-4 15-4 1,066 75g 125 b 3 S90 32.00 SELF-FEEDING SIZES, Height from ; Heating Sur- | Approximate Heating Capac- ; 5 : ; Size of Furnace. Floor to top of Re of face, Square |HeatingPower, ity, Gallons aes ote aeae with Coal peas Soft Dome. tire Sod Inches, 4-inch Pipe. ver hour. eau ba Sete Oe one 36:5 OO 22a eee AS J-2 J 1-2 1224 250 feet. 140 340 Ibs. $ 57.50 $ 54.50 160136 5 22eece eee eee 47 $-2 i 1435 300 “ 150 380 “ 60.00 56.50 20 x 30 Rakee aw ee a eee 43 2 1584 425 “ 200 445 72.00 68.00 piv pace ered So anag 2 1720 450 “ 250 500 “ 75.00 70.50 20 x:42.5 5222 Aes, aren ees 55 2 2064 500 “ 285 530 “ 80.00 75.00 24x 36 PLATES 243-G. 244-G. 245-G. 246-G. 247-G. 248-G. 249-G, 250-G. 253-G. | iM Face | $1.25 | $1.50, $1.50 | $1.50 | $1.75 $1.75 | $2.00 | $2.25 | $2.25 | WITH 5-INCH APRON ATTACHMENT. NICKEL-PLATED. i 257-G. 258-G. 259-G. 262-G. 263-G. 265-G . | $2.75 | $1.75 | $2.00 | $2.00 | $3.25 | $3.25 | $3.25 | $4.00 | $4.00 All Legs 28 1-2 inches high unless otherwise ordered. Adjustable Legs furnished to order. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S BRASS LAVATORY BRACKETS. BS | PLATE 268-G. Gr he |" 7 3, =m) S| Be Nickel-plated, size 16x 18, each--------- $3.50 PLATE 269-G. PLATE 270-G. Nickel-plated,isizes) 60010, (each (eae sea een een $2.25 CEL EILEEN TN 2 StS ea el 1.25 “4 +“ “ 4x 6, the Gee BN eee Be) geet ae ee ee | 50 Nickel-plated, size 6x 18, each ---- 5 INCH APRON BRACKET PLATE 273-G, Nickel-plated, each ------- a For Slab 22 inches wide unless otherwise ordered, 168 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. ; SMITH & WEBSTER’S BRASS LAVATORY BRACKETS. 5 INCH APRON BRACKET. PLATE 272-G. PLATE 273-G. Nickel-plated, cach =-=- 27 = 5 = = ee ee eee ee $4.50 Nickel-plated, each 2-: 2-22eces pae= eee a $5.50 For slab 22 inches wide unless otherwise ordered. 5 INCH APRON BRACKET. PLATE 274-G. PLATE 275-G. Nickel-plated, each u22_ 22 222--2ee nant eae ee eons $5.50 Nickel-plated, each ~--— 3-2-5 So ne $6.50 For slab 22 inches wide unless otherwise ordered. Can Furnish Brackets for Wide Slabs to Order. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 169 SMITH & WEBSTER’S LAVATORY BRACKETS. 5) RES ——s PLATE 277-G.u == Seon ——. SS |_No. 3. | No, 2._ S92 ee ee x Om OEx 10 Totti: ae ae ~---seach | 30c, | $0.40 | lwanived s==5) ) With Adjustable Flange and Straight Coupling, ' With Adjustable Bent Coupling. BATH TUB TRAP, j | ; 5 PLATE 353-G. PLATE 352-G. PLATE 353-G, | oa INickelplated peso eee each, | $5.00 Nickel-plated--.----------------each | $3.00 INickel“plated Seen =e each | $3.25 Polished brassesoee ee ee ee 4,50 Polished brass ------------ ---- as 25 Rolishedebtass= ses ee 3.00 RGug ht brasseee= | tree eee 2 4,00 Add for bent couplings ----- ---- cs 25 Add with “T’” for vent----..._ “ 25 182 | SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL TRIMMINGS. URINAL INLET CONNECTIONS. WITH UNION FLANGE, NUT, AND WITH FLANGE, NUT, AND BENT BENT COUPLING. COUPLING. , WITH COUPLING FOR LEAD PIPE. FOR IRON PIPE. mI Lm PLATE 354-G. PLATE 355-G. PLATE 356-G. PLATE 357-G,; ickel-plated------=====-— == each $4.00 INickel-plated 32 =e a each $2.00 Nickel-plated 2--- === - ===) === ==eack | $2.25 Polished brass2=-2=22=-222bs===5 xe! 75 Polished brass===ee= === fe WAS Polished brasss=== 2-22 -2-se-eee << 2.00 URINAL OUTLET CONNECTIONS. ADJUSTABLE CONNECTION WITH “T” FCR VENT. M ADJUSTABLE FLANGE, “oii ie RE SELLA OTT ce : | ; Wickel-plated 2222 Sane = ane eee ear Se eee reach $2.50 Nickel-plated 222 s2s- = 3 see eee 2 Se a each $3.25 Polished brass2==—- 52-6 nae ae ae a oe ee ee we | 2.25 Polis tase. eee oe ee od te ee ee ee 3.00 Add for clean-out - --- ---- ---------------------------- “| +29 Deduct if with bent coupling -------------------- mY 25 BEDFORDSHIRE URINAL CLAMPS. URINAL WASTE TO FLOOR. PLATE 360-G. PLATE 363-G, PLATE 362-G. : Nickel-plated top ---- ---- -------- each | $1.25 Nos. J, 2 or 3, nickel-plated-.--.--each | $ .70 INickel=plated [a= === ee ee each | $2.25 ibe {> bottom) === aa ae 175 Nos. J, 2 or 3, polished brass ----. “ -60 Polished: beass 2222 o= sf eo eer 2.00 Polished brass top==--=------- ---- 1.00 4 Soe bottom eee ee - 1.50 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 183 od SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL STALL TRIMMINGS, URINAL STALL STANDARDS WITH BOLTS. TOP TRIMMINGS. PLATE 363-G. Nickel-plated ---- ---- each, $3.00 Polished btass=—=— == =) 2575 PLATE 367-G. Nickel-plated - --- ---- each, $3.00 Polished brass----.-- 2.75 PLATE 373-G. PLATE 373-G. “EOP; BOTTOM. Nickel-plated.---------- --------each, $4.00 EC 2s cae eee $5.00 Nickel-plated - --- -------- ---- ---- each, $3.50 DAleh edhe ee ee as Fee S 50 CRANE SN 5 es ork ape ee ely a eee) Polished brass 2 o-2-5-=s22e--car- (= 5.00 ‘Top Rail, nickel-plated ---. ------------. --t. ---. --2-=+-.-------- ---- pet foot, $0.75 Teo istic ards Mee eC ay Bred eee eerie Se seeps ‘ 50 184 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. SMITH & WEBSTER’S URINAL STALL TRIMMINGS. URINAL STALL STANDARDS WITH BOLTS. T Zz PLATE 374-G. PLATE 375-G. Nickel-plated y- == eee = EACH DO.OU INickel=plated s2=s= = eeee einer cach sib S.00 Nickel-plated Polished. brasss=<=5 222-522 aaareeeeey | a o.00 Polished’ brass 3222-002) == sooo e 0 Polished. brass’.--=---===+2==2— == eens I cai : my uaa HI) i ae LI i ils LIN AAT ! NIN ey WA NN ri | | Mt G i "4 Dna Me i! : | A f ! Nickel-plated 2-- 20 < ‘straight, 1-2 inch, iron’ pipe size =a a ee PCS eee we = 2.00 1.50 FAFA MKMASM UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED WILL SEND FLUSH AND SUPPLY PIPES WITH 4INCH OFFSET FROM WALL TO CENTER. SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. 191 SMITH & WEBSTER’S SLOP SINK COMBINATION. WITH AIR CHAMBERS AND FLUSHING RIM CONNECTION. WITH AIR CHAMBERS. PLATE 440-G. PLATE 441-G, INickel-plated = aneeetee eee ee oes ee ess. each $10.00 Nickel=plated 222 sre nesee ea eno ome See oe eres each | $17.50 Polished brass------- -..----------------------------. “ | 9.00 Polished brass--- .-. --------------------------------- “ | 16.00 192 SMITH & WEBSTER, CHICAGO. AND FORCE PUMP. PLATE 442-G. SMITH & WEBSTER’S ADJUSTABLE BRASS LIFT Sizes) Zinch.Gylindery ) inch Suction, 3-4 inch’ Dischatoe= === ee ee Nickel-plated Polished brass - os SE a eae ee ee ee Re eee eee ee CAGE $5.50 DRIP CUP. $3.00 Wickel-plated2=2- 229m a= each PAG fs) Polished: brass = eee ee SAFE WASTE GRATE, Nickel-plated seee aie ae each $2.00 Patished brant eee 175 mi, re » Bea Oe) Li fithe i: ary 4) Po ys A PAS» AEs ae Hee SS At) . > Me b wht ie M ee BS fs Ri ats! ve ms aX, ¢ a; F nxt} NS at SpE S EK & mye) 2 N4 oN : 2 “Ve : « at” 7 , ; mY eso 3) a¥tat © nf ; a Wee TS EYAS aD a> ee . = cs we yh oes Mt ® ys ar, toe i S5o9 | fhe aie Se) j Ses PPR eye 9 Sys Sy ” aye RI Be am ee A sane) 3 wie No 7 ’ y tn Lee, ; 7 i 5 4 1 ; mi eee Ae a es nt a an Wi Ky s : ay on Le nail dae Was eo - § y WAP gle - ane aS ©) elut ad a ‘ wl tetsy . tre ¥i CN 2 Wi es) a) pe pats, ‘2. * < ~ BXe)s ee ts Yat a the A : LP RS Gi Lovin y * inl ole pares my 3 Ay bdat avr: = 0 ON aie OT ry PT ON UN? Pia i Sa fata Oe aia a OF PN ate Foe Be EN pn (iy pete FS Recs ey 1 4 i Sule Pee heor 5 ae Be { S eS hay OY » a Oe Se ASAP Va ae vf. oe SN fa : to : ys Ne rhe ERS ROP. %, taye Sh 3 a ; 34 ae - Ne aie OO RIER ANCO RI oy ety bYT Bess ; mL TNS Berne AG y % ona. AE Shi eR en) £ EN ee, ate\ ¥ > SERS SOO OL OA eS oé Y faba siete open a by Sora.