352,07717 | C 49 or Pm SU As Sia Va E SALTS hk : ea Ss So) Wy toes if F e atts er ea." rat St Z Gy s a ey at oe ‘ ‘ncxe ow Cincinnati, O., December 16, 1914. Honorable Council of the City of Cincinnati:-— Gentlemen: | This pamphlet is the fourth supplement to the Codification of Ordinances. The amendatory and supplementary ordinances are printed in the order in Which they would appear in the codification itself, and such ordinances as were in fact supplementary to the Code, but did not at the time of their passage receive a code number, have been assigned such number. The pamphlet also includes certain miscellane- ous ordinances and resolutions and indices of others, and an extensive cross reference index of the Codifi- cation of Ordinances and the four supplements. The pamphlet follows the third supplement published in 1913, and is published in accordance with Section 1035, of the Code of Ordinances. Very respectfully, FRED. SCHNELLER, Clerk of Council. j A ie LIBRARY U, OF J, BRBANA-CHAMPAIGR a awn" at 7 Oy CHI AV oa KiU'4 INDEX Code Number Page Number Peemstsiimones Grade. cascino’s |e ic mon sa ing a ete a en, 172-187 LORE ViUCALION Worl ee tem Ai sr Ais rd ee eS. sel eh aR nd ta 145, 146 OSU ERIS OS ea | Rg CS A no ae ea et ee Re 191 Pete STAs PTI WdTe Lf) ute oe ak ne hee teks © on erg Stee, We ike Oxi Whee a eh atone 105-115 Begcrcrios MwiushitDare. OL eC: 8G. <. sui ww ans chal or cten ane as 115, 1416 Report of Commissioners (Kennedy Heights)............,.....- 104 Ree ICES Oe PEOPLE Vas) Phe ees cc Nok go a cos Se Sua ea loos sme oar gals tits Arch, Eggleston avenue (permission)......... Fie a ee Ne AP ier 141 Dea LE COM PERG SAN tas cis Gin conte ana, o's +e ash eds GL as 30s apeiron, eee 19 SOLO Soe SE a GOES EC: .\,. 5h en aan ee Peete 18, 19 AIT EC oe oe Gls sues, skeet sane Oe 19 meee ho MT I Ro 5 5 oe asa aie vs De hs aes a bv den Mee ao Roe bas one Bundineauent om prohibited ...2 ..0e4 oo Oe ae 0 ee 142 Dumping of: dirt-proiibited dae. wae oo ee ee a 880 s.a% vi Su Es ae 95 BAGH Nour tay aces fk ere ey Ber ey eee 221-1 seq...) ae ee 40 BIECtIONS bis. tee De Paw Aa hep + bake DES ee EA Re Chartet ov 8. Adan 5k Pa Ee ee oe 159, 160 Bonds oh shi e ae eas GS Ne a Oe A ee ids oie te ee 154 INDEX V Code Number Page Number mrectrical. (expert). wateinvestivation, 473.07 fue e aces aoe ous 157 mererricity~ reoulatifin. OLiCenOL sa. «sed eae eye ee a 155, 156 Beetles X LENSION Quen ie EtG). cs. os ee, Se an 157-159 Elmwood Place, water contract........... Tea EY TT eee 155 Bei OeS (Ol (oi vee SecttOted s ... 5, Me ne. + oo cla Riven Oa eae 150 mucinecring. Depantinent! euic. fe<.:2.c gate 92 SOC ee hea ios 26-30 PERC OVAL HIMEITL SEP ECES a teed acate 5 ss Woe gate dees hs 6G7=Tiel. Sed. vie deae 81-89 Pete e eta ICA Det Lo eeret Acoli at, cose ke ee eke s S801. os he ee: 94 Peeqstrougns proirbited ..0. 0. sacs cea che ee eee aL Sey ecsr erty tree ceheps ones 3 35 Pees Pinmoing AnspectiON.. 2%... clk sac ws ZO SOC SL nan arenes 63-67 Bee PC ISTIC COL Fe SUS ys basa ale ccs wa el use AAG NIP s 5/5 coo cAcr hs Sitios S48 78 Perries, permit, and license......22..2.....55 TAG ae Ooi ie tila wens 91, 92 Beemetintcairot coo Wi Orxth Street. ys os ccon ee. s oles eweaeeueaes 162 Films, manufacture and storage of........... 485-1 ef S€qt5 sa: ee 78-81 MP CRC ON CAPE METIOISSION Js .o.c 0 05 tcc ose cov cw orgs Dnaiwns o's Sewew wats De Sled 142 Bee VENETO 1110005 oc, fock.c W's eee Go ee wb a le 485—1 Vetesednrs's sees a 78-81 Fountains (Dept. of Public Property)........ 130: eaten cake ae 23 Bt ete Ce eFC TETISS1 OL] ) s0icb.0'p outs anh ow ola gv Os ba rt ees eee 142 Garace (Dept. ot Public Property)...:....... 139 FILS a AG Teka eee 23, 24 CMA Mise CAI PS COL. pe ives ack b kaes dw as be TOD0— Li ac. eee ee 97, 98 (SOATEST hie UN SL 9 oe a 290 Seq. A): an ee wee 63-67 General Hospital, employes of............... RAS. “SCC. wre taaeore ae 44-59 lenway avenue route CXtCNSION of 602s os cc nos wos pale ee cas oops 165-167 ee PR CL Me RUS SME SIT CTL OL 28. etait e cecla ee dod on a's EDE eat ohe Maeae woke Pete Ce et. UC Railway’ Coo... Sak St chat) ata, 287 hag eae eee 172-187 Mradee esta pishingeand Changine << cers: ia Maa nn hs Oso heated 132-139 Pep atetea it (GOTO Tae ees a ht eke OR eee gy ha Res se rua eee dk ee Lee te ae AGA OL Ms Ae ake e o Valente ge ¥ PABMSEGY Fal gy aes eee 44-55 Ape CuIOS gmt DUANICIE Mas 3.2 sala eae 248-99 Seniesa ee 55-59 Indigent persons, license to peddle........... T9014 ch Sey Ee ees 92 OE ST vg, So ec 2NT-16" CS a cognate 61 Information and Research, employes of...... aA ene eee PO Pam ene eye ee 17,18 Panerant, vendors; Jicensevol..........6... 080466 902—Leet) S@iiaiGn saa 96, 97 Rete av UNICIPal Gouri. ohs se nwo doin dees 324" SO0.7 cane as ae 68-70 MRE VE NCOMIINIS SIONELS Lage te Foie oo oa Ged wo Be Po es!s 324 SOG Rate cies 68-70 Pipetite ror (Neat CACC8 arate yd Nord choices SOLE GE De toe oO. Lhe SA 71 vi INDEX Code Number Page Number Kennedy. Heights. annexation. 22.50. c6presins' see » yeh ete ee 104 Leases, park and *whart... oc (804 cues bere ae See 140 | re ce -< A Ee Sr A AE CNM SC sc er POLtieS oy tn 5 rah ied s 6 Oe ED A ee (463.0. 305.55 Bee 91, 92 Indigent’ persons <..2eacenries). oew cee 790=1 3.0. cd Bans oo 92 itinerant vendorsevt.o.@ ot awetco ee aeeee 902-1) et seq... 22a 96, 97 FAW RDEOKELS 04). Feb cat tae kere eee 189 ina 2 DER ee 92 Bly DOT G ated. a Cte en ee es eels ore ere 290 Sed. 2 Ache eee ee 63-67 Vehicles ty. ae cree hh a ene i em ae 809, 810 a) cai 7 See 93 Dimiits Of -Cityind oe 2 se A ta ae vt Pei atest ae 1-10 Lamits ot Cincinnati’ Township .,...74. sche ee 105-115 Live stock, superintendent of Sec tns eee eee 132485... 0 eee ee Markets (Dept. of Public Property) ......72. 132 0. Cee oe ee 23 Mayor’s office BO re HIND IOV COS COL Fe. os 35.5 ORE hae had eee 50-12, 322.4 eee ete 16-18 PSaminery Ol selmi el creeks en ee Seen 290 SOQ 2. caw wee re 63-67 Information and Research. .....:...)4.030-4.0..657e. eee i is Misdemeanors Automobile, blinding lights on........... Hy ee Wl ee ee ee a 94 Humomc Of cdirteot retuse... <0 oes 880 2. oa ae See ee 95 Electricity, excessive rates. . .... 460. + .<8esue + seca oe 156 Wecevations in streets o2.8 2. <2. sen ae 66751 seq. 25. nae 81-89 ences @ncig itm eseeseweriors cc) oie cone eS AAQ—1 oa Nd sy ee 78 Hilnis FMOiMOn -DICtitrCamn ny 2 cats icn see 485—Liseq.. 50. eee 78-81 Fae LEXCESSIVG) TAtCS a) amen aes oe a ease 1020-1.) os ste eee 97 Sasutting piumipinie, etc. ay yee eee 290 Seq. .¢...0e eee 63-67 Hours, eight on ‘publicswork......9 4... 45 I21=b we ee, 40 fimerant-vesdGischews ower kh co re eee 902-i1=seq. Pave 96, 97 Licenséstars. Off vehrcles c.va1cck oc eee 809-810, 42.2. fae eee See 93 CE) Denne i sstrO etree ie aris ae ee 667=1 Seq.- .. ise eee 81-89 Plumbing: drait Jaying, ete.n.00 eee 200 SEQ. +) <.. Meee 63-67 Public work weightohour day.ik . ancnnee 2O1 1) 2... eee Oe 40 Daximeters 2,1 oe eke bona 830-12 wid epee eee 94 mroyens.) publice punt Met cee eee 108.0) .4..2¢heyeee os eee 35 Miscellaneous rights and ‘privileges. >... . ¢scece e 141-144 INDEX Vil Code Number Page Number Motion picture films, manufacture of........ 485-1 et seq......2.:..78-81 PS OHA 0 al eR RO Se di ea Eo MC a Me hei ea ke TN aN > Blinding lights propibited j0-, .. 006% ects GOE SO ara Soe et oe ee 94 Prepeslingy licensem Oneness oc ic eee BOTS Lose bran | perks ins 93 Pe cathy, (waterecontract:..« u. ai ccditwi sees Leta ee wine ee 155 Perec NA) COUT A eee ees SER BOL SEC ya bale tee Be a: 67-74 Iai Oli ieee Cota ee Te SG Ser, S29 SEO. i. w Loe ee Himployees of......5.... ey A See ean OO. SOQ hs tos ee 72-74 Pires Matin eine ha cae ee et OI Pa oy etre ee (Ere! RO Mee Tees OPN PORT Tr te weed SEQ. sete eee 68-70 AGE MD ODM Ole: Fete en Se aca oe os DEO HOS dae bea eee oes oe A eee CULO TM eer te Nee ccs ae ne suas «k's Bis auch eats chi cs aoe Seer 20 eee ECCS ee ach ears skits Sanglasad che cen. ace hen wales 161 REECE GC LION SIGSIO AUCH... <4 <6 gs + ve a netns obed ene cos ut cee ene 100-102 Meomrractiotveourany, TOUT... 02... ese cence hb cee nweunys nonce 162-165 Wee En SEE COCO a coGi vic bck ee eee we 697-1 et seq..........89, 90 (LER CESS 9 OCS 1017 | Soa a UT 142 PUM SEIN SITCCES 555 oc es ese Sac cee cee se GO7=Leebeseg. a. aces 81-89 RRR OCR AGO ET Foes aS gg Gorse. are vie «nein d OPO & © AR DUR > eekonene 140 MARE IPOUCOLS FIICEMSC cll es thcvine ccs see see bens TBO 5 | soe GR ce aC 92 eee Val tei nerd CrOSSings..6 aca ls aie cen cee eh baw Mee 172-187 ear WeaClOee a OUliiDia AVENUC. .. .2.¥ke «cages... PARSE E 188, 189 Permits for street openings..................341-a, 667-1 et seq.76, 81-88 mrOeemmereat sand. water (DELMISSION) 63 )ek sisi g ce nk LeU we eee 143 TONG et sy Se REM se pilic ag mince ace a «hee 2 oo. DOO SEGUE Les oe ee oe Bet COL: MERA NTINCES VON ioc. stone said oti oe 200 sSEd.o.a sce ieee Ooson 10S GC d reees Pey ha ope Se Peete ae fakoralos awe ROOi Bedi sat te con ae 63-67 COticd Sis. aAeawet, 2 Aish pan Seen err Pigs) os meee RE Serer 6: 41 Pe eeourt. ( MAMCIDAl lenny ciel te oe. 3 224) SEQL Yh Ae Aes 67-74 Property Mes eee iS: el, Csdera ices TORS hme OR CB IOC A AU ER ee ne EODIp I lat ieiee eres ee exes Lathes: A eae Micka ky Succ, re oe ee ee 117, 118 eC At OL Sts ie. 1.02 Sues eae PS Oh oe SES eee Ue eee 130-132 ea SCT ee MUN eer eS ice Sia bS oe “ins Oo le HAE dow Ba ee OTe eres 140 PeMiG We DAT EeNt TO beans et, Wis Gre a ake 132, 133. seq. 04 723,.24,3.1039 REO CECETON GE SERCELS a.m We he ohio Weitere mtv needle fae 667-1 ef Seq? fre st 81-88 Vill INDEX Code Number Page Number Public’ Salety si .5S5-5.5.5 sche ph wom 4h ots Sues Ee ll) CD ce PUANUBISTALIOE = 55k: 0 esa eee at ener 228 SOQ. %.5 ae Se 41 Building Inspection... ...0.0ss.0.0++03 8-390. SEQ.) 1 40L 75 Charitres. and Corrections.4 arene ee 2452) Seqh a. 59, 60 General Hospital 5. /on. 3 onc. Cee eee 243 \SCQ. on Ake Ree 44-59 fanrmary tones ht ae ees 257-168 - . cca ee + qc 1 Sea) ble PRN teh NE nn Ta ia rig BBE ay ine hy ENE 229-3 . 2. sa an elena ee 41 Reltice Pome crass toes eo Silent eee 239-24 3... Ay chen ee 31 subcepartments OL) neuen epost 226... cs idigatee oe 44 suberculosis j11OsOita kes ta. aoa tee eee 243-99. Seq... «....< seen ee 55-59 Workhouse’ .4 92.00 ee Me aN > pee 241-10, 12) 2.2). e eee 42 Public ‘Service. iso. 6. cae kv vm ols oe oe -eenades sta ten ee 2 ee Administration 2 ocd ae ae oe 81,- 82a. 23 es eee 25,26 Enoineerine sed). awe ck Le eee 92 SOQ. abuts eee 26-30 Puplics Property. eae ce owns ae ae ee 132,133 seq... ..23, 24) 0 Stables, and Lives Stocks. .a..c ie eee 132a sce. on 25 srireets Gléanitie.s sauce fatale an cee 130°3eq) = Se 29-31, 38 Sreetiahepait ys. ute eet. ba oa eee LOO SOU erste 29, 31, 36-38 Subdepartments' Oi ks. . tees buat ae eee SOV Ncs eee oe 24 VALE LE WOL eas. hee Oo 3s. a tee aerate LOSES Eqs teen, ae 29-35 Public: Utilities. Commission... 3%. 2.44/05 cs © cla ea ee ye ee To investigate Cincinnati Traction Col.s: 2. 4) .52 ee ee 150 ‘Te investigate Electric.rates... ....c Ga sis Cee eee oe 151-153 Ratroads., Steam Jyiie esses wes ee ok aowe ow oe ee Ue eae ne (orade crossings pa) iucl.eu ss ow oy hea a ees 172-187 Side tracks. (permission) oun. saat y eee eee 143, 144, 188 Weatchinan \ a). 6s sxe sina tee cabins axcwua Sind sd HOR <0 eee oe eee 162 Railroads, Street. secu Pa iw oe leae ei bh elaine Puello dhoey ee eal se oe Bond: Hill route .extension 2). sco. oo. es ol ee 167-172 Ohio. Traction Go. (temporary grant) 7) 4st eee 162-165 Warsaw. avenue route extension, cue. +-e ee eee ee 165-167 Waiting station’ (Fifth and Maint)... .....24-5. 45-5 190 Watchman (Colerain avenue) «. ...:s-s6e06k. sa 162 Reterendum bonds’... 04 5... 8 ts he pe eee 120 Rehige’: Lome 21.4 4 ew Oks hon sie tk eee ee ee 230—24 . inact see an Retuse, dumping of prohibited 5-0. aneee 880... 1p acct oe 95 INDEX ix Code Number Page Number Research and Information, employes of......50-4, 5, 6, 7......... al?, 18 Pe DELRAY So WILItLTS Che we een eg ole wh che ds So we ok 8) 147-149 emrenusioirector. (Seer bbe: oa bely.) .1. «2 oe dase eee eee eee: Pace ee Section numbers designated......... Lo ECOL NAD Sea! Dat 100-102 peevdeos | Mrectorcs GeeeiULlCs SeLViCeymrna. cio) crate on oot oooh ree 144 PE TaetMNEe PYCEINIISS Ith, aber sy Sas ary os Wee ee as Pee hea es 144 BeaeUr sores SEAT PRAtITOAG 3A cutah oe witiis cess we NG AI ok ee 143, 144, 188 SE RNER ERTS, ns PO ak pa een ee EASELS Wp oe a ea es ea Bie Tt aed Cand eae ee ae 76 Pe CMRS EMA Tee TUISSIGTT) Leta ete ahs ns hoa ac aha Reo ee 142 TENE SG E go J8 allie es gare gee ee TEE ans Rad alge a 147-149 MORMON Keehn co Pet Phe! he eo ake eee hs [Poca RU Ae dd a beh AH nc 00 20 STUY? SARTO) Fis 8g a ar OD ene Ba eee ee 22 iecistats ang stenographers.......:..-. WIESE OU) on PR eee Proseciion wunicipal Court: ..i......0.%. 1B, Mile ett ee 20 eee CC MM ee too Se ots erin a das cookin uy oko 119, 120 Pepe (Crm ee BR RY a i ne wae 1029=6°5E08 ae. IO oe mrapicsandsiure stock, Stiperintendent of ....182a “0. vie ewan sas 25 Semresmemwanines( Mittisand Main)... ce. eee. digs cadacege vans e ie 190 Breertemer al fas yt Sec tANTOAdS) 2.056). ace buh te eos vo ke os hae ee ey eile ee MET y ThCU Te Ae Ft ce chs cs U2. okt, ys ue + a 5s Spl oes a 143 SS a fei RIGS Yes 9 3 fc) lel lnm ea Oe APR 144 SVOGILAE Qo dk Jan, 2 Se a le a ee ree ners pe eet [Sc Si TOTTI a Nee hop de oe Pa ee ee an ie me, 1 130-132 eR OR EOTIS MMe bees, ta vs ousted aie oe se G67 SELES On naka eer an 81-89 Re OE ALChd ne ae te Ph iy ead Caner x Beene REE Waid Batten 132-139 aE GIO fe eee hres ricer eke sy lb Te ara loete he eee 161 MAIO e Oks Sb Neat ere chien edean 697-1 et seq......... .89, 90 LE CORRE << Ceti Oe ae eer a a BA ge OOl lies tet. 76, 81-89 ee eri Olin Prey to hd 4 kk dei hao 667-1, et Seq. eeaaee 81-89 Be eLGT ALTON Lethe fe ais ie 2) x bos ala cos, alls 667i et sseric es aee 81-89 ere.) Ot ame ee Or eee: Wh aac ews bacco leach d pyar pee ee 145, 146 BERT iT yds, Viet aM a os auc each so -0°5 ah hig aS eevee ee 147-149 Street railroads (see railroads)...... EUR Rec he can Pircce Repair. Department... 2). cn. coe cde? 129 Seah. Jee ods d ly bbe38 ag display onvvehiclé or harness ..-....,.0 + + BOT esas eee cole Shy aes i: x INDEX Code Number Page Number Tank, railroad... Ysiid.nc G.6 sean on eee oe eee 143, 144, 188 HerOUP iiss OUDLIC, - PFONIDILEC ences crue ene 108) ...0..... YR 35 Tuberculosis Hospital, employees of......... 243-09 seq. ..).c5 eee 55-59 Universal Pneumatic Transmission Co.......2...304+5.0: >see CRevoking (franchise): )..ic8 cscs «began cles Pee 161 RINE VELSIPY = cpa ov fw apa ielnye nce SR ecole elk Pee 0 mn gue a iy ate Occupying part of Burnet Woods park?:..... «2. ....4s5 pee 161 Vacation of streets and: alleys...¢..5 4 0552.5 eee 145, 146 Vi)hicles: sisi ace es ches so Siead Web ot @ os Sits © sida. uh ere ee ae Blinding lights on prohibited... .... ..06 852-3 o Iwy Oh. ae ae 94 LACENSE TAS ON 2st etre tho cite eee 809, 8100... 32 0. Oo SPATS TOES... scat cae REISS ois eee ake WOR SEQ. on ov Se eee 90, 91 Vendors, atinerant: license Of ne... ieee 902-1. &t-seq. shana cee 96, 97 Wiaitine station (Fifth and: Main streets)... eee eee 190 Walk) frame. cocaine fabs os ee ele sleiceas a oe 144 AERO ture tage. PNP, oh. balled pao aetea ae ee eee 16...) Ace eS 10-14 Watchman (C., H. & D:) at Colerarn avenue..:/.....). 0. aoe 162 Water pipes (permission) 22... 0.0. 6. en owe oe ee 143 Water..46.. Passed October 6; 1914. Forbidding the use and the maintaining ot public troughs, boxes and receptacles for the purpose of feeding and water- ing of live stock located on and within the streets and thoroughfares of the city, and authorizing the use and maintenance of hydrants on the streets and public thor- oughfares of the city by amending Section 108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 108. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to use, place or maintain within the limits of the streets 36 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and thoroughfares of the City of Cincinnati any public trough, box or other receptacle used for the purpose of supplying live stock with water or feed. That after procuring a permit from the Director of Public Service any person or persons may erect and maintain a hydrant on the streets and thoroughfares of the city for the purpose of supplying water for live stock, provided that said hydrant be properly metered and water paid for at the regular rates. Any person violating this ordinance shall be sub- ject to a fine not exceeding twenty ($20.00) dollars nor less than five ($5.00) dollars, and the costs of prosecution. SECTION 2. That said original Section 108 of the Codenc Ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and ordinance, and is necessary for the im- mediate preservation of the public health and welfare, because of the necessity for protection of live stock due to an epidemic of glanders existing in and among live stock, and this ordinance, therefore, shall take effect and be in force immediately. No. 95. Passed February 24, 1914. To change the salary of the Assistant in charge oi Street and Sewer Repair Department, by amending Section 129 of the Code of Ordinances as heretofore amended. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohto: SECTION 1. That Section 129 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 129. Under the general supervisory administration of the Director of Public Service and the Chief Engineer, the head of the subdepartment of Street and Sewer Repairs shall be an assistant in charge of such subdepartment, who shall receive a salary of thirty-six hundred ($3,600.00) dollars per annum. Of this sum twelve hundred ($1,200.00) dollars shall be paid out of the Street Restoration Fund, Ordinance No. 777, passed Septem- ber 14, 1908. The administration of said subdepartment shall Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 37 rest with said assistant in charge, and the following officers, clerks and employes, who shall receive the respective salaries herein- after provided. SECTION 2. That said original Section 129 of the Code of Ordinances as amended by Ordinance No. 18, passed January 2, 1912, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 2385. Passed May 5, 1914. Creating the position of Supervisor of Freight Shipments in the sub-department of Street and Sewer Repair by ordain- ing a supplementary section of the Code of Ordinances to be known as Section 129-20a. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 129 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby supplemented by ordaining a supplementary section numbered and reading as follows: Sec. 129-20a. Supervisor of Freight Shipments, $100.00 per month. | SEcTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 401. Passed July 15, 1914. To repeal Section 129-58% and Section 129-73 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 129-581% of the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby re- pealed. 38 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SecTION 2. That Section 129-73 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 389. ‘Passed July 7, 1914. Providing tor Cement Finishers in the sub-department of Street and Sewer Repairs. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnatt, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 129 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby supplemented by ordaining Section 129-74¥% to read as follows : Sec. 129-7414. Cement Finishers, fifty (50) cents per hour. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Wo: 71. “Passed February 17,1914. Providing for the position of Chief Clerk in the office of the sub-department of Street and Sewer Cleaning and fixing his salary by amending original Section 130-4 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That original Section 130-4 of the Code of Or- dinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 130-4. A Chief Clerk, fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dol- lars per annum. SECTION 2. That said original Section 130-4 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 39 No. 647. Passed November 24, 1914. To further supplement Section 133 was repealed by Ordinance No. 660 passed December 1, 1914. No. 747. Passed December 30, 1913. Providing rate of compensation of Carpenters in sub-depart- ment of City Hall and Municipal Garage by further supple- menting Section 133 of the Code of Ordinances. Amended by Ordinance No. 231, passed May 5, 1914. No. 660. Passed December 1, 1914. To further supplement Section 1338 of the Code of Ordinances by ordaining Section 1338-20, to provide for Painters in the sub-department of Public Property, and to repeal ordi- nance passed November 24, 1914, and numbered 647. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 133 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be further supplemented by ordaining Section 133-20 to read as follows: SEC. 133-20. Painters, at fifty (50) cents each per hour. SECTION 2. That ordinance passed November 24, 1914, and Numbered 647, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and is necessary for the immediate painting of the interior of the City Hall; therefore, this ordinance shall go into immediate effect. 40 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 581. Passed October 20; 1914. To provide for an eight-hour day on public work in the City of Cincinnati, the penalty for violation of the same and amending and supplementing Section 221-1 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTION 1. That Section 221-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEc. 221-1. Except in cases of extraordinary emergency, not to exceed eight (8) hours shall constitute a day’s work, and not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours shall constitute a week’s work, for workmen engaged on any public work carried on or aided by the City of Cincinnati, whether done by contract or otherwise, and all contracts shall contain the aforesaid provision. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or association whose duty it shall be to employ or to direct and control the serv- ices of such workmen to require or permit any of them to labor more than eight (8) hours in any calendar day, or more than forty-eight (48) hours in any week, except in cases of extra- ordinary emergency. This section shall be in force and appli- cable to all contracts let on and after July 1, 1915, and shall not be construed to include policemen or firemen. SECTION 2. That said original Section 221-1 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 8. That Section 221-1 of the Code of Ordinances be supplemented by ordaining a supplementary section, num- bered and reading as follows: Sec. 221-la. Any person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of Section 221-1 of the Code of Ordinances shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined a sum not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or be imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days, or both. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 41 No. 2. Passed January 1, 1914. Sreating the position of Assistant Secretary in the Department of Public Safety and amending and supplementing Section 228 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and repealing said original Section 228. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 228 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: SEC. 228. In said sub-department of administration, the fol- lowing officers, surgeons, clerks, employees and assistant secre- tary, are authorized in addition to the secretary. SECTION 2. That said Section 228 be supplemented by or- daining a supplementary section to read as follows : SEc. 228a. One Assistant Secretary, who shall receive a salary of fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollars per annum. SECTION 3. That said original Section 228 be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No, 375. Passed June 30, 1914. To provide for the number of Lieutenants of Police to be ap- pointed, by amending Section 229-3 of the original Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 229-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 229-3. One Inspector of Police, who shall be Assistant Chief of Police and receive a compensation of $3,000.00 per an- num; one Inspector of Police in command of the Detective De- partment, who shall receive a compensation of $2,500.00 per an- num; one additional Inspector of Police, who shall receive a salary of $2,000.00 per annum; one Lieutenant of Detectives, 42 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati who shall receive a salary of $2,000.00 per annum; one Sergeant of Detectives, who shall receive a salary of $1,700.00 per annum, and forty Lieutenants of Police, who shall each receive a salary of $1,440.00 per annum. The said Inspectors, Sergeant and Lieutenants shall each give bond in the sum of $2,000.00. SECTION 2. That Section 229-3 of the original Code of Or- dinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby re- pealed. SEcTION 38. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 408. Passed July 15, 1914. To amend Section 241-10 and Section 241-12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 241-10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 241-10. Thirty Guards, each $900.00 per annum, and shall each give bond in the sum of $1,000.00. SECTION 2. That Section 241-12 of the Code of Ordinances be amended so as to read as follows: ; Sec. 241-12. Six Assistant Matrons, each $600.00. per annum. SECTION 3. That said original Sections 241-10 and 241-12 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January 1, 1915. No. 21. Passed January 20, 1914. Changing the salary of the Superintendent of the City Hospital by amending Section 243 of the Code of Ordinances as heretofore amended. Amended and repealed by Ordinance No. 628, passed No- vember 17, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cmeinnat1 43 No. 54. Passed February 3, 1914. Authorizing the employment of an additional Assistant En- gineer, and creating the position of X-ray Technician, and increasing the salary of Laundryman, all at the City Hos- pital, by supplementing Section 2438 and amending Sections 243-10 and 2438-39 of the Code of Ordinances. Amended and repealed by Ordinance No. 628, passed No- vember 17, 1914. No. 363. Passed-June 30, 1914. To amend Section 243-25 of the Code of Ordinances. Amended and repealed by Ordinance No. 628, passed No- vember 17, 1914. No, 661. Passed: July 7, 1914. Amending Sections 243-30, 243-31, 248-32, 243-33 and 243-34, and providing for an additional cook at the City Hospital by supplementing Section 243-380 of the Code of Ordinances. Amended and repealed by Ordinance No. 628, passed No- vember 17, 1914. No. 704. Passed December 16, 1913. Amending Section 243-80 of the Code of Ordinances. (In- ternes shall receive no compensation. ) Amended and repealed by Ordinance No. 628, passed No- vember 17, 1914. 44. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnatt No. 22. Passed January 20, 1914. Changing the salary of the Principal of the Training School of the Cincinnati Hospital by amending Section 243-89 of the Code of Ordinances. Amended and repealed by Ordinance No. 628, passed No- vember 17, 1914. No. 628: Passed November 17, 1914. Fixing the number and compensation of the officers, clerks and employees of the Cincinnati General Hospital, and amend- ing Sections 226, 243, 243-1, 2438-2, 243-3, 243-4, 243-5, 243-6, 243-7, 2438-8, 2438-9, 243-10, 243-11, 243-12, 248-13, 243-14, 2438-15, 243-16, 243-17, 243-18, 243-19, 243-20, 243-21, 243-22, 243-23, 243-24, 243-25, 243-26, 243-27, 2438-28, 243-29, 243-30, 2438-31, 243-32, 2438-33, 2438-34, 243-35, 243-36, 243-37, 243-38, 243-39, 243-40, 243-41, 243-42, 248-43, 243-44, 243-45, 243-46, 243-47, 243-48, 243-49, 243-80, 243-81, 243-82, 243-83, 243-84, 243-85, 243-86, 243-87, 243-88, 243-89, 243-90, 243-91, 2438-92, 243-93, 243-94, 243-95, 243-96, 243-97, 243-98, 243-125, 248-126, 243-127, 243-128, 243-129, 2438-130, 248-1381, 243-132, 243- 1338, 248-134, 243-135, 248-136, 2438-137, 243-138, 243-1389, 243-140, 243-141, 243-142, 243-1438, 2483- 144, 243-145, 243-146, 243-147, 243-148, 243-149, and 243-150, and by further supplementing Section 2438 and by repealing Sections 243-2014, 243-30a and 243-80a of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Oho: SEcTION 1. That Sections 226, 243, 243-1, 243-2, 243-3, 243-4, 243-5, 243-6, 243-7, 243-8, 243-9 243-10, 243-11, 243-12, 243-13, 243-14, 243-15, 243-16, 243-17, 243-18, 243-19, 243-20, 243-21, 243-22, 243-28, 2438-24, 243-25, 243-26, 248-27, 243-28, 243-29, 243-30, 243-31, 248-32, 243-33, 248-34, 248-35, 243-36, 243-37, 243-38, 248-39, 243-40, 243-41, 248-42, 243-43, 243-44, 243-45, 243-46, 243-47, 243-48, 248-49, 248-80, 243-81, 248-82, 243-83, Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 45 243-84, 243-85, 243-86, 243-87, 243-88, 243-89, 243-90, 243-91, 243-92, 243-93, 243-94, 248-95, 243-96, 248-97, 243-98, 243-125, 243-126, 243-127, 248-128, 243-129, 243-130, 243-131, 248-1382, 243-133, 243-134, 248-135, 248-136, 243-137, 243-138, 243-139, 243-140, 243-141, 243-142, 2438-148, 243-144, 243-145, 243-146, 243-147, 243-148, 243-149 and 243-150 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same are herey amended to read as follows: Sec. 226. There shall be established within the department of Public Safety the following subdepartments, to-wit: Administra- tion; Police; Fire Protection; Buildings; Smoke Inspection; Refuge Home; City Workhouse; City Infirmary; Charities and Corrections ; Cincinnati General Hospital; and Municipal Lodging House. Sec. 248. The head of the subdepartment of the Cincinnati General Hospital shall be the Superintendent and Medical Director thereof, who shall receive a salary of $4,500.00 per annum and maintenance and shall give bond in the sum of $5,000.00. The Superintendent and Medical Director of the Cincinnati General Hospital shall have charge of the general administration of the Cincinnati General Hospital and of The Tuberculosis Sanator- ium, and shall be secretary of the attending medical staff. Under the direction of the Superintendent and Medical Director, such Hospital and Sanatorium shall be in charge of the following of- ficers, clerks and employees, who shall receive the respective salaries and compensation hereinafter provided. Sec. 248-1. One assistant superintendent, at $2,000.00 per annum and maintenance, who shall give bond in the sum of $3,000.00. | Sec. 248-2. One Secretary, at $600.00 per annum and main- tenance. Sec. 243-3. One chief clerk, at $1,200.00 per annum and board; who shall give bond in the sum of $5,000.00. Sec. 243-4. One Bookkeeper, at $900.00 per annum and board. . Sec. 243-5. Three clerks at $720.00 each per annum and maintenance. 46 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SEc. 243-6. Three telephone operators, at $360.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-7. Two messengers, at $192.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-8. Three gatekeepers, at $300.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-9. One superintendent of the school of nursing, at $2,000.00 per annum and maintenance; such superintend- ent of the school of nursing ‘shall, under the direction of the Superintendent and Medical Director of the Cincinnati General Hospital, have charge of the nursing at the Cincinnati General Hospital and at the Cincinnati Tuberculosis Sana- torium. Sec. 243-10. One office nurse, at $600.00 per annum and maintenance. | Sec. 248-11. One assistant superintendent and instructor of nursing, at $1,200.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-12. One instructor of nursing, at $900.00 per an- num and maintenance. Sec. 243-13. One instructor of science of nursing and diet- etics, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-14. One night supervisor of nurses, at $1,000.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-15. One assistant night supervisor of nurses, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-16. One supervisor of operating pavilion and in- structor of nursing at $1,000.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-17. One assistant supervisor of operating pavilion, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-18. One supervisor of Admitting and Emergency department, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-19. One supervisor and instructor of surgical nursing, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-20. One supervisor and instructor of medical nurs- ing, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-21. One supervisor of pyschopathic ward, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 47 Sec. 243-22. One supervisor of male venereal ward, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-23. One supervisor and instructor of orthopoedic nursing and massage, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. SEc. 243-24. Two head nurses, at $720.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEc. 243-25. Nine head nurses, at $600.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-26. Graduate nurses, at $50.00 each per month and maintenance. Sec. 243-27. Experienced nurses, at $40.00 each per month and maintenance. SEC. 243-28. Seventy-two pupil nurses, each $5.00 per month and maintenance during first year’s service; seventy-two pupil nurses, each $7.00 per month and maintenance during sec- ond year’s service; seventy-two pupil nurses, each $10.00 per month and maintenance during third year’s service. SEC. 243-29. Female attendants and assistants in nursing, at $10.00 each per month and board. Sec. 243-30. Male-.attendants and assistants in nursing, at $10.00 each per month and maintenance. SEC. 243-31. Twenty orderlies, at $360.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-32. Seven porters, at $360.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-33. Twenty-five wardmaids, at $240.00 each per an- num and maintenance. SEc. 243-34. One supervising anesthetist, at $600.00 per an- num and board. Sec. 243-35. One supervisor and instructor of contagious diseases nursing, at $1,200.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-36. Four head nurses of contagious diseases, at $720.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-37. One night supervisor of contagious diseases, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-38. One dietitian in contagious disease department, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. 48 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SEC. 243-39. Two clerks in contagious diseases department, at $360.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-40. One first cook in contagious disease department kitchen, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 2438-41. One second cook in contagious disease depart- ment kitchen, at $420.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-42. Four porters in contagious diseases department, at $360.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-43. Two waitresses in contagious diseases depart- ment, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-44. Two chambermaids in contagious diseases depart- ment at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-45. Six wardmaids in contagious diseases depart- ment, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEc. 243-46. Two kitchen assistants in contagious diseases department, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-47. One night orderly in contagious diseases depart- ment, at $420.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-48. One supervisor of nurses’ home, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-49. One assistant night supervisor of nurses’ home, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-80. Internes, who shall receive no compensation. SEC. 248-81. One first cook in nurses’ home, at $480.00 per. annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-82. One second cook in nurses’ home, at $300.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-83. One night cook in nurses’ home, at $300.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-84. Five waitresses in nurses’ home, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SeEc. 243-85. Four chambermaids in nurses’ home, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-86. One night waitress in nurses’ home, at $240.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 248-87. One dishwasher in nurses’ home, at $240.00 per annum and maintenance. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 49 Sec. 243-88. Two kitchen assistants in nurses’ home, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-89. One houseman in nurses’ home, at $420.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-90. One porter in nurses’ home, at $360.00 per an- num and maintenance. SEC. 243-91. One resident physician, at $1,200.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-92. One assistant resident physician, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-93. Three receiving ward clerks, at $600.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-94. One chief chauffeur, at $1,000.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-95. Two assistant chauffeurs, at. $720.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 248-96. One chauffeur and washer, at $900.00 per an- num and maintenance. Sec. 248-97. One druggist, at $1,080.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 248-98. One assistant druggist, at $600.00 per annum and maintenance. SEc. 248-125. One drug messenger, at $240.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 248-126. One supervising radiographer, at $600.00 per annum and board. Sec. 243-127. One radiographer, at $900.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-128. One X-Ray technician, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-129. One laboratory stenographer, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-130. One laboratory clerk, at $300.00 per annum and maintenance. _ Sec. 243-131. One laboratory technician, at $720.00 per an- num and maintenance. 50 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SEC. 243-132. One morgue attendant, at $360.00 per annum and maintenance. | SEc. 243-133. Three laboratory housemaids, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-134. Three laboratory technicians—board. SEC. 248-135. One chief social investigator, at $1,500.00 per annum and board. SEc. 243-136. One assistant social investigator, at $1,000.00 per annum and board. SEc. 243-137. One social service clerk and stenographer, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-1388. One librarian, at $900.00 per annum and main- tenance. SEC. 243-139. One assistant librarian, at $600.00 per annum and maintenance. SEc. 243-140. One medical record clerk, at $900.00 per an- num and board. Sec. 243-141. One custodian of library, at $600.00 per annum and board. Sec. 243-142. One director of housekeeping—maintenance. SEC. 243-143. One supervisor of housekeeping, at $1,200.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-144. One dietitian, central kitchen, at $1,000.00 per annum and maintenance. SEc. 243-145. One dietitian stenographer, at $480.00 per an- num and maintenance. SEC. 243-146. One supervisor of main kitchen, at $840.00 per annum and maintenance. | Sec. 243-147. One cook of main kitchen, at $780.00 per an- num and maintenance. . SEc. 243-148. Two assistant cooks of main kitchen, at $480.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 2438-149. One helper of main kitchen, at $300.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 248-150. One baker, at $780.00 per annum and main- tenance. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Sa SECTION 2. That Section 248 of the Code of Ordinances be further supplemented by ordaining supplementary sections to be designated and to read as follows: SEC. 243-151. One assistant baker, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-152. Four kitchen assistants, main kitchen, at $240.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-153. Five waitresses, service building, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-154. Two dishwashers, service Buidine! at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 248-155. Two servers, main kitchen, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-156. One bus boy, main kitchen, at $300.00 per an- num and maintenance. SEC. 243-157. Two basement men, service building, at $420.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-158. One steam table operator, at $420.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-159. One assistant dietitian, diet kitchen, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-160. One supervisor of linen room, at $720.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-161. One assistant supervisor of linen room, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-162. Six seamstresses, linen room, at $360.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-1621%%. One seamstress in nurses’ home, at $720.00 per annum and board. Sec. 243-163. One bushelman, at $480.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-164. Two housemaids, housekeeping department, at $300.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-165. Five housemaids, housekeeping department, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-166. Four housemen, housekeeping department, at $300.00 each per annum and maintenance. LIBRARY U. OF |, BRBARA-CHAMPAIGH Dye Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Sec. 243-167. Two domestics, housekeeping department, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEc. 248-168. One janitor, at $600.00 per annum and main- tenance. Sec. 243-169. Four window cleaners, at $480.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-170. One butcher and storekeeper, at $900.00 per annum and board. SEc. 243-171. One commissary clerk, at $720.00 per annum and board. Sec. 243-172. Two commissary assistants, at $480.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-173. One refrigerator attendant at $420.00 per an- num and maintenance. Sec. 243-174. One commissary bus boy, at $300.00 per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-175. One laundry supervisor, at $1,200.00 per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-176. One laundryman, at $600.00 per annum and board. SEc. 243-177. Ten laundry machine operators, at $240.00 each per annum and maintenance. Sec. 243-178. Twenty laundry assistants, at $300.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEC. 243-179. One mechanical director, at $3,000.00 per an- num and board. SEC. 248-180. One chief engineer, at 52 cents per hour and board. SEC. 243-181. Six assistant engineers, at 42 cents each per hour and board. Sec. 2438-18114. Machinists, at 50 cents each per hour and board. SEC. 243-182. Three oilers, at 3214 cents each per hour and SEC. 243-182%%. Firemen, at 32% cents each per hour and board. Sec. 243-183. One cleaner, at $720.00 per annum and board. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 53 SEC. 243-184. One electrician, at 50 cents per hour and board. Sec. 243-185. One plumber, at 65 cents per hour and board. SEC. 243-186. One carpenter, at 55 cents per hour and board. Sec. 243-187. One decorator-painter, at 65 cents per hour and board. | SEC. 243-188. One mattress-maker, at $840.00 per annum and board. Sec. 243-189. One gardener, at $900.00 per annum and board. Sec. 243-190. Five outside helpers, at $300.00 each per an- num and maintenance. Sec. 243-191. Two night watchmen, at $600.00 each per an- num and board. Sec. 243-192. Three disinfector operators, at $480.00 each per annum and maintenance. SEc. 243-193. One general utility man, at $720.00 per an- num and maintenance. Sec. 243-194. Laborers, at $2.00 each per day. Sec. 243-195. Pupil nurses, in the school of nursing at the Cincinnati General Hospital, who shall receive uniforms, text- books and maintenance as compensation for their services. SEc. 243-196. Such positions as are entitled to maintenance under the provisions of Sections 2438-1 to 243-195, inclusive, of ‘the Code of Ordinances, shall be entitled to lodging, meals and laundry. Such positions as are entitled to board under the pro- visions of such sections of the Code of Ordinances shall be en- titled to one meal each day. SECTION 3. That Section 226 of the Code of Ordinances, as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed July 15, 1914, and Section 243 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed December 17, 1912, and as re-amended by Ordinance passed January 20, 1914, and Sections 243-1 and 243-2, as originally enacted and Section 243-3 as originally en- acted and as amended by Ordinance passed February 11, 1913, and Sections 243-4, 243-5, 243-6, 243-7, 243-8, and 243-9, as originally enacted, and Section 2438-10 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed February 3, 1914, and Section 54 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 243-11 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed May 5, 1914, and Sections 248-12, 243-13, 243-14, 248-15, 243-16, and 243-17, as originally enacted and Section 243-18 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed January 21, 1913, and Section 243-19 as originally enacted and as amended by Or- dinance passed May 5, 1914, and Sections 243-20, 243-20%, 243-21, 243-22, 243-23, and 243-24, as originally enacted, and Section 243-25 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordi- nance passed June 30, 1914, and Sections 243-26, 243-27 243-28, and 243-29, as originally enacted and Section 243-30 as origin- ally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed July 7, 1914, and Section 243-30a, as enacted by Ordinance passed July 7, 1914, and Sections 243-31, 243-32, 243-33, and 243-34 as origin- ally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed July 7, 1914, and Sections 243-35, 243-36, 243-37, and 243-38, as originally enacted, and Section 243-39 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed February 3, 1914, and Sections 243-40, 243-41, 248-42, 243-43, 243-44, 243-45, 243-46, 243-47, 243-48, and 243-49, as originally enacted, and Section 243-80 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed December 16, 1913, and Section 243-80a as enacted by Ordinance passed Feb- ruary 3, 1914, and Sections 243-81, 243-82, 243-83, 243-84, 243-85, 243-86, 243-87, and 243-88, as originally enacted, and Section 243-89 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed January 20, 1914, and Sections 243-90 and 243-91 as originally enacted, and Sections 243-92, 243-93, 243-94, and 243-95, as or- iginally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed February 27,-1912, and Sections 243-96, 248-97, 243-98, 243-125 ang 243-126, as originally enacted, and Section 243-127 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordinance passed May 5, 1914, and Section 243-128 as originally enacted and as amended by Ordi- nance passed February 11, 1913, and Sections 243-129, 243-130, 243-131, 248-1382, 243-133, 243-134, 2438-135, 243-136, 243-137, 243-138, 248-139, 248-140, 243-141, 243-142, 248-143, 243-144, 243-145, 243-146, 2438-147, 243-148, 243-149, and 243-150, as or- iginally enacted, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is declared to be an emergency Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati oa ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of the pub- lic peace, health and safety. The necessity for such emergency lies in the fact that the Cincinnati General Hospital is about to be opened and that there are at present time no officers, nurses and employees organized for the proper administration of such Hospital; and in order that the Civil Service Commission may be given time to properly examine applicants for such positions, so that the work of the Cincinnati General Hospital may be unin- terrupted, therefore this ordinance shall go into immediate effect. No. 68. Passed February 17, 1914. Fixing the salary and expenses of the Superintendent of the Tubercular Sanatorium of the City, by amending Section 243-99, of the Code of Ordinances, passed January 21, 19138. Amended arid repealed by Ordinance No. 289, passed June 9, 1914. No. 259, Passed June 9, 1914. Fixing the number and compensation of certain officers, clerks and employees of the Tuberculosis and Isolation Hospitals by amending, and repealing certain sections of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEecTION 1. That Sections 243-99, 243-100, 243-101, 243-102, 2438-10214, 248-103, 243-104, 243-105, 243-106, 243-107, 243-108, 243-109, 243-110, 248-111, 243-112, 243-1138, 243-114, 243-115, 2438-11594, 2438-116, 2438-117, 2438-118, 243-119, 243-120, 243-121, 243-122 and 243-123, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: *SEc. 243-99. One Superintendent and Medical Director, who shall be a physician and shall devote all his time to the Tuber- 56 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati culosis Hospital and to the Isolation Hospital, and shall live in the vicinity thereof, salary three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per annum; maintenance, twelve hundred ($1,200.00) dollars per annum. *SeEc. 2438-100. One Assistant Superintendent and Resident Physician, who shall reside at the Tuberculosis Hospital and shall devote all his time to the Tuberculosis Hospital and to the Isolation Hospital; salary fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollars per annum. SEc. 243-101. Two Assistant Resident Physicians, who shall reside at the Tuberculosis Hospital, and shall devote all their time to the Tuberculosis Hospital and to the Isolation Hospital; salary, six hundred ($600.00) dollars per annum. Sec, 2438-102. One Dentist; salary six hundred ($600.00) dollars per annum. SEC. 243-1024. One Superintendent of Nurses; salary twelve hundred ($1,200.00) dollars per annum. SEc. 248-103. One Dietitian; salary one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per annum. Sec. 243-104. One Social Service Worker: salary one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars per annum. SEc. 248-105. One Housekeeper; salary seven hundred and twenty ($720.00) dollars per anum. Sec. 248-106. One Druggist; salary six hundred ($600.00) dollars per annum. Sec. 243-107. One Caretaker, seven hundred and twenty ($720.00) dollars per annum. Sec. 243-108. One Stationary Engineer (Class A), 42c per hour; five Assistant Engineers, 35c per hour; one Engineer Helper, four hundred and eighty ($480.00) dollars per annum; Firemen, each 32'%%c per hour. SEc, 243-109. One Storekeeper, six hundred ($600.00) dol- lars per annum. Sec. 248-110. One Bookkeeper, seventy-five ($75.00) dol- lars per month; one Stenographer and Clerk, sixty ($60.00) dollars. per month; two Telephone Operators, each twenty ($25.00) dollars per month. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 57 SEC. 243-111. One Assistant Superintendent of Nurses, seven hundred and twenty ($720.00) dollars per annum. Sec. 248-112. One Night Supervisor of Nurses, six hundred and sixty ($660.00) dollars per annum. Sec. 2438-113. Five Head Nurses, each fifty-five ($55.00) dollars per month; thirty Regular Nurses, forty ($40.00) dollars per month. Sec. 243-114. One Morgue Attendant, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month. Sec. 248-115. One Chief Cook, fifty ($50.00) dollars per month; two Assistant Cooks, each twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month; two Assistant Cooks, each eighteen ($18.00) dollars per month. Sec. 248-115%. Two Drivers, each twenty-five ($25.00) dol- lars per month; one Driver, twenty ($20.00) dollars per month. Sec. 243-116. Two Farmers, each twenty-five ($25.00) dol- lars per month. : Sec. 243-117. Two Policemen, each sixty ($60.00) dollars per month. | SEC. 243-118. One Assistant Caretaker, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month; one Assistant Storekeeper, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per. month. SEc. 243-119. One Assistant Social Service Worker; salary seven hundred and twenty ($720.00) dollars per annum. | Sec. 243-120. One Seamstress, thirty ($30.00) dollars per month; one Seamstress, eighteen ($18.00) dollars per month; one Head Laundryman, forty ($40.00) dollars per month; one Laundress, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month; four Laun- dry Assistants, eighteen ($18.00) dollars per month; four House- maids, eighteen ($18.00) dollars per month; four Waitresses, eighteen ($18.00) dollars per month. Sec. 2438-121. For the Isolation Hospital, one Head Nurse, forty ($40.00) dollars per month; two Assistant Nurses, thirty ($30.00) dollars per month; one Cook, thirty ($30.00) dollars per month; two Laundresses, each twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month. 38 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SEc. 248-122. The Superintendent and Medical Director is hereby authorized to employ patients of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital in the care and maintenance of the Tuberculosis Hospital and grounds. Such patients so employed may be compensated for their services from any appropriation provided by Council for personal services. Sec. 243-123. All employees of the Tuberculosis and Isola- tion Hospitals shall be entitled to their maintenance at the Tu- berculosis or Isolation Hospital. SECTION 2. That Sections 243-99, 243-100, 243-101, 243-102, 2438-10214, 2438-103, 243-104, 243-105, 243-106, 243-107, 243-108, 243-109, 2438-110, 2438-111, 248-112, 243-113, 243-114, 243-115, 2438-11514, 243-116, 248-117, 243-118, 243-119, 243-120, 243-121, 243-122, 243-123, and 243-124, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, as enacted originally or amended by Ordi- nances passed January 2, 1912; September 10, 1912; January 15, 1912; January 21, 1913; July 15, 1913; September 9, 1913, and February 17, 1914, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. *Sections 243-99 and 243-100, amended by Ordinance No. 619, passed November 17, 1914. No. 619. Passed November 17, 1914. To amend Sections 2438-99 and 243-100 of the Code of Or- dinances of the City of Cincinnati, to provide for an as- sistant superintendent and resident physicians of the Tuber- culosis Sanitarium and Isolation Hospital. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Sections 243-99 and 248-100 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: ~ eo Sec. 243-99. One assistant superintendent and resident physician who shall devote all his time to the Tuberculosis San- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 59 itarium and Isolation Hospital and shall live in the vicinity thereof, who shall receive a salary of $2,000.00 per annum; main- tenance, $1,200.00 per annum, and shall give bond in the sum of $3,000.00. / . SEc. 2438-100. One first assistant resident physician, at $900.00 per annum; one second assistant resident physician, at $600.00 per annum. SECTION 2. That Sections 243-99 and 243-100, as amended by Ordinance No. 289, passed June 9, 1914, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 20. Passed January 20, 1914. Changing the salary of the head of the Sub-Department of Charities and Corrections, amending Section 245 of the Code of Ordinances. _Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 245 of the Code of Ordinances be amended to read as follows: Sec. 245. The head of the sub-department of Charities and Corrections shall be the Superintendent thereof, and shall re- ceive a salary of forty-five hundred ($4,500.00) dollars per an- num. The administration of said sub-department shall rest with the Superintendent and the following officers, clerks and employees who, except as is otherwise provided, shall engage in no other occupation and who shall receive the respective salaries hereinafter provided. SEcTION 2. That said original section as ordained in Ordi- nance No. 172, passed March 19, 1912, be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. e 60 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 126. Passed March 10, 1914. Providing for an additional Social Investigator in the Sub- Department of Charities and Corrections and fixing his salary. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 245 of the Code of Ordinances be further supplemented by ordaining a supplementary section, to read as follows: Sec. 245-3b. One Social Investigator, $1,200.00 per annum. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No 412. Passed July 15, 1914. Providing for the appointment of Medical Examiner and Two Assistant Medical Examiners, in the Sub-Department of Charities and Corrections of the Department of Public Safety, by amending Sections 245-7 and 245-8 of the Code of Ordinances, and by ordaining Section 245-8Y. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTION 1. That Sections 245-7 and 245-8 of the Code of Ordinances be amended to read as follows: Sec. 245-7. One Medical Examiner at a salary of $2,500.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. SEC. 245-8. Two Assistant Medical Examiners, at a salary of $1,200.00 each per annum, payable semi-monthly. Section 2. And that Section 245 be further supplemented by ordaining Section 245-8% as follows: Sec. 245-814. But said Medical Examiners, in addition to their present duties, make all physical tests and examinations as required by the Civil Service Commission of the City of Cin- cinnati. SEcTION 38. That Section 245-7 and Section 245-8 of the Code of Ordinances, passed March 19, 1912, be and the same are hereby repealed. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 61 Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 166. Passed March 31, 1914. Creating the position of Cook in the Sub-Department of City Infirmary of the Department of Public Safety by supple- menting Section 257-16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 257-16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be supplemented by ordaining a sub- section to read as follows: Sec. 257-16 (a). One Male Cook at fifty-five ($55.00) dol- lars per month. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 188. Passed March 17, 1914. Amending Section 261 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, providing for subordinates in the office of the Civil Service Commission. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 261 of the Code of Ordinances of | the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: — Sec. 261. The Civil Service Commissioners are hereby auth- orized to appoint the following subordinates in their office at annual salaries, which shall be paid semi-monthly, fixed respec- tively as follows: Sec. 261-1. Chief Examiner and Secretary, salary $3,000.00 per annum. *Sec. 261-2. A Chief Clerk, who shall be a competent sten- ographer, salary $1,200.00 per annum. 62 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati *SEc. 261-3. An Assistant Examiner or Statistician, salary $1,200.00 per annum. *SeEc. 261-4. A Clerk, salary $900.00 per annum. *Sec. 261-5. A Stenographer and Clerk, salary $840.00 per annum. SECTION 2. That Section 261 of the Code of Ordinances, as enacted by ordinance passed April 30, 1912, and amended and supplemented by ordinances passed January 21, 1913, and Feb- ruary 4, 1913, be and the same is hereby repealed. SecTIon 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. (*Sections 261-2, 261-4, 261-5 amended by Ordinance No. 3877, passed July 7, 1914; also Section 261-3 amended by Ordi- nance No. 631, passed November 24, 1914.) No. 377. Passed July 7, 1914. Supplementing Section 261 of the Code of Ordinances by ordaining Section 261-8 and amending Sections 261-2, 261-4, and 261-5 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 261 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby supplemented by Section 261-8, which supplementary section is hereby ordained and given code num- ber so as to read as follows: SEC. 261-8. One Efficiency Investigator, $1,800.00 per an- num, payable semi-monthly. SECTION 2. That Section 261-2 of the Code of Ordinances, Section 261-4 and Section 261-5, passed March 17, 1914, be amended to read as follows: . Sec. 261-2. A Chief Clerk, who shall be a competent sten- ographer, salary $1,800.00 per year, payable semi-monthly. Sec. 261-4. Three clerks, salary of each clerk, $900.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. SEC. 261-5. Two stenographers, salary of each ctenceca Rem $840.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 63 SECTION 38. That said original Sections 261-2, 261-4, and 261-5 be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. It is hereby declared that this is an ordinance for an appropriation for an unforeseen emergency, and for an unexpected current expense of the city, and it is ordered that this ordinance shall go into immediate effect. No. 631. Passed November 24, 1914. Amending Section 261-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati by increasing salary of Assistant Ex- aminer or Statistician in the Office of the Civil Service Commission. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 261-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 261-3. An Assistant Examiner or Statistician, salary $1,800.00 per annum. SECTION 2. That Section 261-8 of the Code of Ordinances, passed March 17, 1914, be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No, 220.6 Passed April 23, 1914. Amending Sections 290, 291, 295 and 297, and amending and supplementing Section 294 of the Code of Ordinances, providing for the examination and licensing of master plumbers and journeyman plumbers, and regulating the business of plumbing. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Oho: Section 1. That Section 290, 291 and 294 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same are herebv amended so as to read as follows. 64+ Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Sec. 290. No person shall engage in the business of plumb-. ing, gas fitting and drain-laying in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, as master plumber, or shall work at such trade as journeyman plumber, until he shall have first procured a license in accord- ance with the provisions hereof. Sec. 291. Any person desiring to engage in the business of plumbing, gas fitting and drain-laying in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, as master plumber, or work at.such trade as journeyman plumber, shall make application to the Board of Examiners, as heretofore provided for, and shall at such time and place, as such board may designate, undergo such examination as to his qualifications and competency as the Board of Examiners may direct. Sec. 294. Said Board of Examiners shall, within thirty (30) days after the appointment of said members, meet and organize by the selection of a Chairman, and they shall designate the time and place for the examination of all applicants for license. Said board shall examine applicants for a master plumbers’ license as to their practical and theoretical knowledge of plumbing, house drainage and ventilation, and also as to their ability to lay out plumbing work. All applicants for a journeyman plumbers’ license shall be, by such board, examined as to their practical knowledge of and mechanical competency in the performance of plumbing work. All applicants, whether for a master plumbers’ or journeyman plumbers’ license, shall be examined as to their knowledge of the ordinances of the city regulating such work. Every applicant for examination as master plumber shall pay into the City Treasury a fee of five ($5.00) dollars before he shall be qualified to undergo such examination. If upon paying such fee and undergoing such examination the said Board of Examiners is satisfied of the competency of such applicant for master plumb- ers’ license, and after undergoing such examination said board is satisfied of the competency of such applicant for journeyman plumbers’ license, said board shall so certify to the City Auditor, and such certificate shall recite that the applicant has passed such examination as a master plumber, or journeyman plumber, as the case may be. The City Auditor shall, upon the payment of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 65 the fee hereinafter prescribed into the City Treasury, issue such applicant a license in accordance with such certificate, authorizing him to follow, engage in or work at the occupation or trade of plumber, gasfitter and drain-layer in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the capacity specified in such license. The fee for such original license as master plumber shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, and for such original license as journeyman plumber one ($1.00) dollar. Such license as master plumber shall be renewed an- nually upon payment of a fee of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50), and such license as journeyman plumber shall be re- newed annually upon payment of a fee of fifty (50) cents. All licenses shall expire on the 30th day of June of each year, and no reduction shall be made for any part of the year having elapsed. Any person engaged in the occupation of plumber, gasfitter and drain-layer, either as master plumber or journeyman plumber, who shall fail to procure such renewal of such license within thirty (30) days from the date of the expiration thereof, shall, before he shall secure a license, present himself to the Board of Exam- iners and shall undergo such examination, pay such original fees and secure such certificate before he shall be eligible for a license to engage in or work at such business or trade again. SECTION 2. That the said Sections 290, 291 and 294 of the Code of Ordinances, as enacted originally, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 38. That Section 294, as herein amended, be supple- mented by Sections 294-1, 294-2, 294-3 and 294-4, to read as fol- lows, which supplementary sections are hereby ordained. Sec. 294-1. Every person who shall receive a license as master plumber shall register, with the Secretary of the Board of Examiners, upon such form or forms as the said board may direct, his name, place of business and home address. Every partnership or corporation desiring to engage in the business of plumbing, gasfitting and drain-laying as master plumber shall cause to be filed with the Secretary of the said Board of Exam- iners a statement, subscribed and sworn to by a member of such partnership or an officer of such corporation, reciting the mem- bers of the partnership, its place of business, or the officers of 66 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati such corporation and its place of business. Every partnership and corporation desiring to engage in the business of plumbing, gasfitting and drain-laying, as master plumber, shall have at least one member of such partnership or one officer of such corpora- tion a qualified licensed master plumber, and such partnership or corporation may follow and engage in such business of master plumber upon the license of such member or officer. However, should such member of stich partnership or officer of such cor- poration cease to represent it actively, then it shall be unlawful for such partnership or corporation to engage in such business as master plumber until another person has qualified as herein provided for. SEC. 294-2. Every licensed master plumber shall have a bona fide place of business in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, and shall display on the front of his or their place of business a sign, “Licensed Master Plumber,” bearing the name of the person, firm or corporation in letters not less than three (3) inches high. Sec. 294-8. No person other than a licensed master plumber shall be allowed to carry on or engage in the business of plumb- ing, gasfitting and drain-laying as master plumber in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, nor shall any person expose the sign of plumb- ing, gasfitting and drain-laying or any advertisement pertaining thereto in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, unless he or they shall have been first duly licensed in accordance with the provisions hereof. Nor shall any person or persons other than a licensed master plumber or a person in his or their employ or under his or their supervision be allowed to alter, repair or make any con- nection with any drain, soil, waste or vent pipe or with any pipe connected therewith. SEc. 294-4. No person, having procured a license as master plumber, shall permit or allow the use of his name by any person or persons, directly or indirectly, except as hereinbefore pro- vided, for the purpose of obtaining a permit or permits, to do any plumbing, gasfitting or drain-laying work. Section 4. That Sections 295 and 297 of the Code of Ordi- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 67 nances be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 295. Any person violating any provision of Sections 290, 291, 294, 294-1, 294-2, 294-3 and 294-4 hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than five hun-_ dred ($500.00) dollars, or imprisoned not more than six (6) months. Sec. 297. The license herein provided for may at any time be revoked for a violation of any of the provisions of the forego- ing sections, for a failure on the part of the master plumber to maintain a bona fide place of business and for incompetency, dereliction of duty or fraudulent use, after a full and fair hearing by a majority of the Board of Examiners. SEcTION 5. That the said Sections 295 and 297 of the Code of Ordinances, as enacted originally, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 18.. Passed January 20, 1914. To provide for the summoning and impaneling of jurors in the Municipal Court of the City of Cincinnati, and repealing the following sections of the Code of Ordinances, to-wit: Sections 324, 325, 326, 326-1, 326-2, 326-3, 326-4, as heretofore amended, and ordaining new and supplemen- tary sections numbered 324, 325, 326, 326-1, 326-2, 326-3, 326-4, 326-5 and 326-6. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTIon 1. That Section 324 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, as amended by Ordinance No. 421 passed August 5, 1918, and Sections 325, 326, 326-1, 326-2 326-3 and 326-4 as amended by Ordinance No. 233, passed April 30, 1912, be and the same are hereby repealed. 68 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SECTION 2. That the following new and supplementary sec- tions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be or- dained, numbered and reading as follows: Sec. 324. The Civil Service Commission of the City of Cin- cinnati shall act as a Jury Commission for the selection of electors of the City of Cincinnati to serve as jurors in the Municipal Court of the City of Cincinnati. Sec. 325. Before entering upon their duties as Jury Com- missioners the members of the Civil Service Commission shall appear before a Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of Cin- cinnati and take oath as follows: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of a Commissioner of Jurors with- out fear or favor, and that I will consent to the selection of no person as a juror whom I have been solicited to name as a juror, or whom I believe to be unfit for that position or likely to render a partial verdict in any case in which he may be called as juror; and that I will report to the Court the names of any and all persons who in any manner seek by request, hint or sug- gestion to influence me in the selection of jurors, and this I do as I shall answer to God (or, and this I do under the pains and penalties of perjury). Sec. 326. The Jury Commission shall write on separate pieces or slips of paper, uniform in size, color and quality. the name of each person so selected by them, together with his occu- pation and residence, and, after it has been ascertained that the jury wheel is empty, the said slips of paper shall be placed in the jury wheel by one of the members of the Jury Commission in the presence of the Presiding Judge and Clerk of the Municipal Court. The Jury Commission at the same time shall prepare a list of such names selected by them and placed in the wheel, as aforesaid, which shall be signed and certified by said Jury Com- missioners as being the complete list of names placed in said jury wheel, which list so certified shall be deposited with the Clerk of Council, and shall be open at all times for inspection and com- parison by any party to any suit or proceeding in the Municipal Court, or his attorney. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 69 Sec. 326-1. The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall provide and keep safely in his custody a jury wheel so constructed and arranged that by turning same the slips of paper prepared and placed therein by the Jury Commission may be thoroughly mixed, and that the names on such pieces of paper can not be read or seen until they are withdrawn from such wheel. Said wheel shall be kept securely locked at all times, except when necessary to put in or withdraw names therefrom. The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall be the custodian of the key of said jury wheel. SEC. 326-2. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Munici- - pal Court to forthwith certify to the Clerk of Council the names of all persons drawn from the jury wheel to serve as jurors, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to note on the list of those selected by the Jury Commission, on file in his office, the names of those certified by the Clerk of the Municipal Court to have been drawn from the jury wheel. The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall also keep on file in his office a list of the names of those drawn from the jury wheel for jury service. At the end of each term the Clerk of the Municipal Court shall de- stroy all slips drawn from the jury wheel. Sec. 326-3. In the Civil Branch of the Municipal Court on the first day of each term, and at such other times as in the opin- ion of the Court may be necessary, the Clerk of said Court, in the presence of the Presiding Judge or of such other Judge as the Presiding Judge may designate, shall proceed to turn the jury wheel until the slips of paper placed therein, as hereinbefore provided, are thoroughly mixed, and shall then draw therefrom such number of names as the Court shall determine by entry on its journal. The Court shall forthwith issue a venire to the Baliff of said Court, commanding him to summon the persons whose names appear upon the slips of paper so drawn to attend as jurors at the time and place fixed by the Court. SEC. 326-4. The persons whose names have been drawn from the wheel as aforesaid shall appear, as required by the summons, before the Presiding Judge of the Court, or such Judge as he may designate, who shall interrogate such persons and shall inquire 70 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati into their respective qualifications to serve as jurors, and who shall reject from service as jurors all persons who do not appear to him to possess the qualifications required by law. Sec. 326-5. Upon the conclusion of such examination a re- port thereon in writing shall be made by the Judge conducting the examination to the Judges of said Court in joint session, whose action on said report shall be entered upon the journal of the Court. If the Court in such joint session approves said re- port, the names of those persons who have been passed as ap- pearing to possess the qualifications required by law for jurors shall compose the list for the term for which they have been called, or until otherwise excused by the Trial Judge. If the. report of the Judge be rejected, new names shall be drawn and summoned, as in the case of the drawing hereinbefore provided. In the preparation of the jury list the names of the persons passed and approved by the Court as aforesaid shall be arranged in the order in which they were drawn from the wheel, and the per- sons called to serve on a jury shall be called from said jury list in the order in which their names appear thereon. Sec. 326-6. When, in any case before the Criminal Branch of the Municipal Court, the defendant is entitled by law to, and demands a jury, the Clerk of the Municipal Court shall, in like manner as in cases before the Civil Branch, draw from the jury wheel twenty-five (25) names. Said Clerk shall forthwith issue a special venire to the Chief of Police, commanding him to sum- mon the persons whose names appear upon the slips of paper so drawn to attend as jurors at the time and place fixed by the Trial Judge for the hearing of said cause. The Presiding Judge shall designate a Judge who shall interrogate such persons, and shall inquire into their respective qualifications to serve as jurors, and who shall reject from service as jurors all persons who do not appear to him to possess the qualifications required by law. In such cases there shall be no report made to the Judges of said Court in joint session. SEcTION 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and is necessary for the immediate preserva- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Al tion of the public peace and safety, because proceedings of the Municipal Court can not proceed until this ordinance becomes effective, and this ordinance shall take immediate effect. No. 245. Passed May 12, 1914. Repealing Ordinance No. 199, passed April 9, 1912. WHue_ereas, By Ordinance No. 18, passed January 20, 1914, provision was made for the summoning and impaneling of jurors in the Municipal Court of the City of Cincinnati, and Ordinance No. 199, passed April 9, 1912, was not in terms repealed; now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 199, passed April 9, 1912, be and the same is hereby repealed. . SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 246. Passed May 12, 1914. Providing for the monthly payment of the salaries of Justices of the Peace and their Clerks. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 312 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be re-enacted so as to read as follows: Sec. 312. Each Justice of the Peace shall receive a salary of twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00) dollars per annum and in addt- tion thereto the sum of seven hundred and fifty ($750.00) dol- lars per annum for clerk hire, payable in equal monthly install- ments. Justices of the Peace shall be provided with suitable 72 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati office accommodations and such necessary blanks and stationery as Council may provide. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 4. Passed January 2, 1914. Providing for the appointment of a Chief Deputy Clerk and fourteen (14) Deputy Clerks, Bailiff and ten (10) Deputy Bailiffs in the office of the Clerk of the Municipal Court of Cincinnati, and amending and supplementing Section o29 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, and repealing Ordinance No. 465, passed August 5, 1913. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnatt, State of Ohno: SecTION 1. That Section 329 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be, and the same is hereby amended and supplemented to read as follows: Sec. 329. The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall receive a salary of twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00) dollars per annum, payable monthly out of the City Treasury, and such additional compensation payable from the Hamilton County Treasury as may be allowed him by the County Commissioners, and he shall give bond in the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars. Sec. 829-1. The Clerk of the Municipal Court of Cincinnati is authorized and empowered to select, nominate and appoint, subject to confirmation by Council, the Chief Deputy Clerk, Deputy Clerks, Bailiff and Deputy Bailiffs in this Ordinance named at annual salaries payable out of the Treasury of Cincinnati in the amounts specified herein: A Chief Deputy Clerk, at a salary of fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollars per annum and fourteen (14) Deputy Clerks, with the annual salaries herein specified, to-wit: One Deputy Clerk, at a salary of $1,600.00 per year. Two Deputy Clerks, each at a salary of $1,500.00 per year. Two Deputy Clerks, each at a salary of $1,400.00 per year. Two Deputy Clerks, each at a salary of $1,320.00 per year. Seven Deputy Clerks, each at a salary of $1,200.00 per year. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 73 A Bailiff, at a salary of $3,600.00 per annum and ten (10) Deputy Bailiffs, with the annual salaries herein specified, to-wit: One Deputy Bailiff, at a salary of $1,400.00 per year. Nine Deputy Bailiffs, each at a salary of $1,200.00 per year. Sec. 329-2. The Chief Deputy Clerk and the Deputy Clerks in this ordinance provided for, are authorized to act generally for and in the place of the Clerk of said Court. The Deputy Bailiffs in this ordinance provided for are authorized to act gen- erally for and in the place of the Bailiff of said court. Sec. 329-3. The Chief Deputy Clerk and such of the Deputy Clerks as the Clerk of said court shall designate may receive such additional compensation payable from the Hamilton County Treasury as may be allowed them by the County Commissioners. Sec. 329-4. All salaries herein provided for shall be paid in monthly installments upon payrolls certified to the Auditor by one of the judges of said court. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 465, passed August 5, 1913, entitled an Ordinance providing for and fixing the salary of the Clerk of the Municipal Court and Chief Deputy Clerk and other employes, amending and supplementing Section 329 of the Code of Ordinances, be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency measure and is necessary for-the immediate preservation of the public peace and safety because the proceedings of the Municipal Court cannot be had- until this ordinance becomes effective, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately. No. 312. Passed June 9, 1914. Providing for the appointment of bailiffs by the Judges of the Municipal Court, supplementing Section 329 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, as amended and supplemented by Ordinance No. 4, 1914, passed January 2, 1914. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTION 1. That Section 329 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati as amended and supplemented by Ordi- 74 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati nance No. 4, 1914, passed January 2, 1914, be and the same is hereby supplemented by the addition of the following section: Sec. 329-la. Each Judge of the Municipal Court of Cincin- nati, Ohio, is authorized and empowered to select, nominate and appoint a Bailiff for his court who shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred ($1,200.00) dollars, payable out the Treasury. of the City of Cincinnati. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency measure and is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace and safety, the emergency being due to the taking effect of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, providing for the appointment of Bailiffs as above provided for and the fact that no Bailiffs as above provided for can legally serve and perform their duties until this ordinance is passed, thereby impeding and embarrassing the work of the Municipal Court by reason of which emergency this ordinance shall take effect immediately. No. 30. Passed January 20, 1914. Supplementing Section 329 of the Code of Ordinances as amended by Ordinance No. 4, passed January 2, 1914, by requiring a bond from the deputy clerk of the Municipal Court assigned to the duties of cashier and bookkeeper. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 329 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, be and the same is hereby supplemented by ordaining a supplementary section, numbered 329-5, reading as follows: Sec. 329-5. Such one of the deputy clerks as may be assigned by the Clerk of the Municipal Court to perform the duties of Cashier and Bookkeeper for the civil branch of the Municipal Court, shall give bond in the sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars. SEcTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati To No. 410. Passed July 15, 1914. An Ordinance amending Sections 226, 333-3e, 333-5, and supplementing Section 333 by Sections 333-10, 333-4, 333-8a, and repealing Sections 339-1, 339-2, 339-3, 339-4, 339-5, 339-6, 333-3d, 333-3b. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Sections 226, 333-3e and 333-5 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: . *Sec. 226. There shall be established within the Department of Public Safety the following sub-departments, to wit: Admin- istration, Police, Fire Protection, Buildings, Smoke Inspection, Refuge Home, City Workhouse, City Infirmary, Charities and Correction, City Hospital and Municipal Lodging House. SEC. 333-3e. One Stenographer and Record Clerk, who shall receive a salary of $1,080.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. Sec. 333-5. Three Stenographers, each to receive a salary of $780.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. SECTION 2. That Section 333 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby supplemented by Sections 333-10, 333-4 and 333-8a, which supplementary sections are hereby ordained and given a code number, so as to read as follows: Sec. 333-10. A Chief Housing Inspector, who shall be a resident and elector of the city, with at least five (5) years’ ex- perience in the building trade, and also be qualified as a Tene- ment House Inspector, and shall receive a salary of $1,600.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. Sec. 333-4. A permit clerk, who shall be a resident and elector of the city, and shall receive a salary of $1,100.00 per annum, payable semi-monthly. Sec. 333-8a. Three Deputy Inspectors of Buildings. Each of said deputies shall be a resident and elector of the city, with at least five (5) years’ éxperience in the building trade, and also be qualified as a Tenement House Inspector and serve as such exclusively, and each shall receive a salary of $1,400.00 per an- num, payable semi-monthly. | 76 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SECTION 3. That said original Sections 226, 333-3e, 333-5, 339-1, 339-2, 339-3, 339-4, 339-5, 339-6, 333-3d and 333-3b be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. - *Amended by Ordinance No. 628, passed November 17, 1914. No. 293. Passed June 9, 1914. Amending Section 374 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and amending Section 341-a and repealing the original Section 341-a of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, as ordained in Ordinance 337, pass- ed June 10, 19138, providing for the protection of streets from neighboring excavations. . Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Oho: Section 1. That Section 374 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 374. Whenever any sidewalk is damaged by the erection or alteration of any building abutting thereon by reason of the construction of said building, the same shall be restored by the owner to the same condition it was in prior to the beginning of the work. This does not include the sewer, gas, water or electric light trenches. SEcTION 2. That Section 341-a of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati as ordained in Ordinance No. 337-1913, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 341-a. In all cases in which the construction, repair, al- teration or addition to any building or structure will involve an excavation within three feet of the curb line of any street or avenue, or alley, then no such building, repair, alteration or addi- tion permit shall be given by the Commissioner until and unless the applicant for the permit shall have first obtained from the Director of Public Service a permit, similar to the permits re- quired by ordinance for openings of streets, which latter permit shall be issued to such applicant upon his signing an agreement Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 77 to immediately deposit with the City Treasurer upon notice from the Director of Public Service, the estimated cost of repairing and restoring the street or alley in the event that damage be done to the street or alley, by reason of such excavation, requiring any repair or restoration. At any time after the completion of the restoration of the pavement damaged by reason of said excava- tion, the party who made the deposit will be entitled to a refund of the balance on hand after deducting from the deposit the cost of the restoration as determined by the rules of the Director of Public Service, and the provision of Ordinance No. 248 of 1914. The City Solicitor of the city shall collect such payment in case of the failure of the applicant to make same. The cost of such repair or restoration shall be ascertained and calculated in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 248 of 1914 of the City of Cincinnati for cost of restoration of street openings, provided that in all cases a charge of 50 cents, to cover cost of inspection, shall be made for said permit from the Director of Public Service. All funds collected by the City Treasurer under the terms of this section shall be placed in the Street Restoration Fund of the city. SEcTION 3. That said original Section 341-a, as ordained in Ordinance No. 337, passed June 10, 1913, be and the same 1s hereby repealed, also that said original Section 374 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby repealed. SecTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 550. Passed October 6, 1914. An Ordinance repealing Section 455 (0) and supplementing Section 449, by ordaining Section 449-1 regulating the con- struction of fences over eight feet in height. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 449 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby supplemented by ordaining Section 449-1, which supplementary section shall read as follows, to wit: Toy, 2 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Sec. 449-1. FENCES. All fences over eight feet in height shall be built of brick, concrete, hollow tile, concrete blocks, vitrified clay, or other similar incombustible materials. The foundation, construction and thickness to comply with all the requirements of this code for walls of similar length and height. SECTION 2. That Section 455 (0) be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 486. Passed August 4, 1914. Regulating the manufacture, storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion picture films and repealing Section 485 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation or its agents or employes to manufacture, keep, store or handle any inflammable motion picture films in greater quan- tities than ten (10) reels, or aggregating more than ten thousand (10,000) feet in length, without first having obtained a permit therefor from the Commissioner of Buildings. Section 2. All films shall be kept or stored in fire-resisting receptacles. Section 3. The Commissioner of Buildings shall issue a permit for the manufacture, keeping, storage or handling of in- flammable motion picture films to every person, firm or corpora- tion which manufactures, keeps, stores or handles inflammable motion picture films in greater quantities than ten (10) reels upon said person, firm or corporation complying with the re- quirements of this ordinance. SECTION 4. Said person, firm or corporation shall make written application on blanks furnished by the Commissioner of Buildings giving the following information: (a) Name and address of the applicant. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 79 (b) Location of the premises on which the inflammable mo- tion picture films are to be manufactured, stored, kept or handled. (c) Other purposes for which the building or premises is to be used. (d) The nature of the business in which the applicant is engaged in such building or premises. (e) Kind of construction of said building. ({) Any other pertinent information regarding the manu- facture, storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion picture films for which the application is made. Section 41%. A fee of one ($1.00) dollar shall be paid to the City Treasurer, which sum shall be credited to the general city fund, on written application for a permit. SEcTION 5. The Commissioner of Buildings shall not issue a permit for the storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion picture films for any rooms or premises (a) which are located on any floor except the top floor of any building unless the entire building is of fire-proof construction; (b) which is oc- cupied as a tenement house, lodging or boarding house or hotel, office building, assembly hall or theater ; (c) where the rooms to be occupied are artificially lighted by any other means than elec- tricity, and then only in case all electric wires are run in metal conduits and all lights. shall be in air-tight bulbs; all globes or tubes in suitable wire cage. and fitted with keyless sockets; (d) unless the room to be used for the manufacture, storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion picture films is sepa- rated from all other parts of the building with unpierced walls, floors and ceilings, except the exit doors and extra windows (said exit doors shall be standard fire-proof doors). | SeEcTION 6. Not more than fifteen (15) reels or fifteen thou- sand (15,000) feet in the aggregate of inflammable motion pic- ture films shall be under examination or repair at one time in any one room, and each reel of films shall be kept in a tightly closed fire-resisting box of approved construction when not being examined or repaired. : Section 7. Each room used for the repairing or piecing together of inflammable motion picture films shall contain metal 80 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati cans which shall contain at all times at least two (2) gallons of water, wherein all waste, parts and scraps of such film shall be placed and kept covered with water. Section 8. No collodion, amyl, acetate or other similar inflammable cement, liquid or substance in quantities greater than one quart shall be kept in a room wherein inflammable motion picture films are manufactured, stored, kept, handled or repaired. Section 9. No heat other than steam or hot water heat, and no stove, forge, torch, boiler, furnace flame or fire, and no elec- tric or other appliance likely to produce an exposed spark shall be allowed in any room used for the manufacture, storage, keep- ing, handling or repairing of inflammable motion picture films. Section 10. Each room used for the manufacture, storage, keeping, handling or repairing of inflammable motion picture films shall be equipped with at least two (2) approved hand chemical fire extinguishers, also one (1) receptacle containing at least two (2) gallons of water and one (1) receptacle contain- ing at least one-half (14) bushel of sand. SECTION 11. Each film shall be stored or kept in metallic boxes with tight-fitting covers on the premises. SEcTION 12. No smoking nor the use of matches shall be permitted in a room used for the manufacture, storage, keeping, handling or repairing of inflammable motion picture films. Signs calling attention to this section shall be posted in at least three (3) conspicuous places within said room and one (1) at the entrance thereof. SECTION 13. The Commissioner of Buildings shall make the necessary inspections from time to time of all places where films are manufactured, stored, kept, handled or repaired, in order to see that all regulations of this ordinance are complied with. SECTION 14. Each of the foregoing numbered sections and sub-sections is hereby declared to be independent of every other section or sub-section, and the invalidity of any one shall not invalidate any of the others. SecTIon 15.. The penalties provided by and under the pro- visions of Sections 576 and 577 of the Code of Ordinances shall Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 81 apply to any of the violation or violations of the provisions of these sections. SECTION 16. That Section 485 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 17%. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Nore.—Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 434, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of this ordinance have been designated as Sections 485-1, 485-2, 485-3, 485-4, 485-5, 485-6, 485-7, 485-8, 485-9, 485-10, 485-11, 485-12, 485-13, 485-14, 485-15, 485-16, 485-17 and 485-18 respectively, by Ordinance No. 633, passed November 24, 1914. No. 248. Passed May 12, 1914. To provide for regulating the making of openings in streets, alleys, sidewalks and public ways of the City of Cincinnati and the restoration of the pavement when such openings are made and for the issuance of a permit therefor and to repeal Sections 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674 of the Codification of Ordinances of the City of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, of 1911; also to repeal Ordinance No. 198, passed April 9,.1912, and known as Sections 668-1, 668-2, 668-3, 668-4, 668-5, 668-6, 668-7 and Sections 2 and 3 of said ordinance, which ordinance provided for the further protection and maintenance of the streets and pub- lic ways, by providing additional regulations concerning the mode of and time of making openings in and tearing up streets and public ways, supplementing Section 668 of the Code of Ordinances. Be at Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, corporation or any City Department other than the Street and Sewer Repair Department of the Department of Public Serv- ice and the duly accredited employes of such department, to make any opening or openings in the surface or pavement of any street, alley, sidewalk or public way of the city, unless a permit 82 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati to make such opening has been issued in accordance with the regulations contained herein. SECTION 2. Any person, persons, firm or corporation de- siring to make any opening or openings in any surface or pave- ment of any street, alley, sidewalk or public way of the city, shall file with the Director of Public Service, on a blank provided therefor, an application for a permit, which application shall state the name of the applicant, the name of the street, alley, sidewalk or public way of the city, the kind of pavement thereon, the purpose of the proposed opening or openings, and the exact size and location of the proposed opening or openings, when in the opinion of the Director of Public Service, the giving of such exact size and location is practicable. No permit shall be issued in response to this application until a deposit of money is made -with the City Treasurer in such amount as may be deemed by the Director of Public Service to be amply sufficient to cover _ the cost of restoring the street surface or pavement. This cost shall be determined according to rules to be prescribed by the Director of Public Service, and shall be estimated at a certain price per square yard for each kind of street pavement. Upon the filing of the above application and the presentation of the receipt of the City Treasurer that sufficient funds are on deposit to cover the estimated cost of restoring the street, alley, side- walk, or public way, as above specified, the Director of Public Service may issue a permit to make the opening or openings de- scribed in the application, such permit to state the name of the applicant, the name of the street, alley, sidewalk, or public way, the kind of pavement thereon, the purpose of the proposed opening or openings, and the exact size and location of the proposed open- ing or openings, when in the opinion of the Director of Public Service the giving of such exact size and location is practicable. Where, however, the nature of the proposed work is such as to require a series of openings, and where, in the opinion of the said Director, it is impossible or impracticable to determine in advance the exact size and location of contemplated open- ings, a permit may be issued covering such series of openings for the street, alley, sidewalk, or public way, as may be deemed Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 83 proper by the Director. In case the applicant desires to open more street area than originally applied for, an additional de- posit sufficient to cover costs of restoring said additional areas shall be paid to the City Treasurer. The Director of Public Service or his Chief Engineer is hereby authorized to imme- diately stop the work until such increased deposit of money is made. Section 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to make any opening in, break, tear up, excavate, or remove the surface of any street, avenue, alley or other public way, or any portion thereof, in the City of Cincinnati, in, on or upon any street, avenue, alley or other public way, which shall be built, paved, resurfaced or repaved with any material other than water-bound macadam at any time within a period of three years after such building, paving, resurfacing or repaving of such street or alley; and the Director of Public Service and all other officers and departments of the city are hereby prohibited from granting any permits for any such openings, breaks, tear- ing up, excavation or removal within said period; provided that the Director of Public Service may, on account of any emer- gency affecting public health or public welfare, and which could not have been foreseen, suspend the operation of this three- year rule as to any application for a permit, and in such cases, upon granting of the application, such work may be performed within the said three-year period; but the mere failure or neg- lect of the applicant, or other person, firm or corporation, to lay or have laid mains, pipes, wires or connections or other means of transportation of utilities before such three-year period, or the inconvenience, by reason of ‘such failure or neg- lect, to property along the particular street or way described in the application shall not be considered to be an emergency; provided further that where water mains or water pipes were laid along or to any lot or piece of property previous to the beginning of such three-year period, and, by reason of unfore- seen development, such water mains or service pipes have be- come, in the opinion of the Director of Public Service, of inade- quate size, then the said Director of Public Service may sus- 84 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati pend said three-year rule for the purpose of and to the extent necessary for the laying of larger water mains or larger service pipes in any such street or other public way. The three-year period shall be deemed to begin at the time of the completion and final acceptance by the city of any such construction, paving, resurfacing or repaving. Section 4. Whenever an application is made within the three-year period by any person, firm or corporation, including a department of the city other than the Street and Sewer Repair Department, and such application may be granted by reason of an emergency as defined in the above Section 3, then such permit shall not be granted unless and until the applicant shall deposit with the City Treasurer, in addition to the sum or sums provided for in Section 2 of this Ordinance, a sum equal to fifteen (15) per cent of the amount required to be deposited by virtue of the provisions of said Section 2; said additional de- posit being designed to compensate the city for the deprecia- tion or additional maintenance cost due to such openings in such newly paved streets or ways; said additional deposits to be also credited to the “Street Restoration Fund,” and not, under any circumstances, subject to being refunded. ~ SecTIon 5. Each notice now required by the Statutes of Ohio to be given to the owner of each piece of property to be assessed, of the passage of the resolution by Council, declaring the necessity for constructing, paving or resurfacing any such street or alley, or other public way, shall contain, in addition to the other requirements of the law a notice to the property owner that any excavation or openings within the limits of said street, public way or alley, for the purpose of laying gas or water mains or of making water, gas, or sewer connections, or for any other purpose whatsoever, must be made before the beginning of such work of construction, paving or resurfacing ; and the work of constructing, resurfacing, or repaving such street, alley, or public way, shall not be begun until three months after completion of the service of such notice. SECTION 6. At or about the same time as the giving of the notices provided in Section 4, the Clerk of Council shall send Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 85 to the Director of Public Service a copy of the resolution of necessity, including a copy of said notice sent to the property owners, to enable the Director of Public Service to compel the making of sewer and water connections as provided in Section 3812-1 of the General Code of Ohio. Section 7. At the time the said notice is sent to or served upon the abutting property holders, it shall also be the duty of the Clerk of the City Council to send, by mail, a copy of such notice to each person, firm or corporation that at that time is engaged in the business of operating a street railway or fur- nishing light, heat, gas, electricity, power, telephone, or tele- graph service or other public utilities requiring the occupancy of any part of the streets, public ways or alleys of the city, in- cluding the Superintendent of Distribution of the City Water- works; but the failure of the Clerk to send or if such property owners or corporations or officers to receive such notice or the failure of the Director of Public Service to take steps to compel water and sewer connections shall not in any way affect the other regulations of this ordinance, or the penalties hereby imposed, and shall not be deemed to create an emergency within the meaning of Section 3. | SecTIon 8. In any case when the construction, paving or repaving of any such street, public way or alley necessitates a cut or fill of such depth as to make it impracticable to lay mains or to make connections prior to the grading of such street, alley, or way, then in such cases the Director of Public Service may suspend the work upon said street, alley, or way, when the same has been brought to a convenient grade for the lay- ing of mains, pipes and making sewer, light and other connec- tions, for a reasonable length of time, to give the property owners and persons and corporations engaged in business neces- sitating the use or occupancy of any part of such street, alley, or way, a reasonable opportunity for the laying of such mains, pipes, or conduits, and the making of such connections; and the Director of Public Service shall order such work of construc- tion, paving or resurfacing to be resumed after the lapse of such reasonable length of time; and notice shall be given by the 86 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Director of Public Service to the property owners abutting upon such cut or fill and to the other persons or corporations interested, as hereinbefore enumerated, notifying them of the date upon which the work of construction, paving or resurfacing will be resumed. The failure’ to-give or receive such notice shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance or the penalties hereby imposed, and shall not be deemed to create an emergency within the meaning of Section 3. SECTION 9. The provisions of Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this ordinance shall apply to all streets, avenues, alleys, or other public ways, or any portion thereof, as described in Sec- tion 3 thereof, but shall not be deemed to include sidewalks, the actual construction, paving, resurfacing or repaving of which shall be commenced after the taking effect of this ordinance; and in the event that, at the time of the passage of this ordi- nance, there are in contemplation street improvements, the reso- lution of necessity of which has heretofore been served, then the Clerk of Council is hereby directed to give to the owners of property along such proposed improvements the notices speci- fied in Section 4. Immediately after the passage of this ordi- nance said Clerk is hereby further directed to give notices, such as are specified in Section 6, enumerating therein all the street improvements with which this Council has determined to pro- ceed, and the actual construction of which shall not have com- menced at said time. Section 10. All moneys received under the provision of this ordinance as deposits, shall be paid to the City Treasurer and credited to a fund to be known as the “Street Restoration Fund,’ and the cost of restoring streets, alleys, sidewalks, or public ways, after such openings have been made and the back- filling has been satisfactorily completed by the party making the opening, shall be paid by the Treasurer out of said funds upon the presentation of the proper voucher or payroll signed according to law. At any time after the completion of the restor- ation of the pavement or sidewalk over the opening or openings, the party who made the deposit will, on demand, be entitled to a refund of the balance on hand after deducting from the Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 87 deposit the cost of restoration determined in accordance with the rules of the Director of Public Service and the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 11. The work of, or connected with, the restoring of the surface or pavement of the street, alley, sidewalk, or public way, after such opening and the backfilling shall have been made, shall be done by and under the supervision and con- trol of the Street and Sewer Repair Department of the Depart- ment of Public Service and no other person, persons, firms, corporations or departments shall have authority to do such work of restoration. The above work of restoration will include the laying of a foundation of concrete for the pavement not less than six (6) inches deep in any opening or openings in all streets, alleys, or public ways, except in cases where this ‘is deemed inexpedient by the Director of Public Service. The said foundation of concrete may be laid to the surface bed by the party making the opening, if it be deemed expedient by the Director of Public Service, provided that this concrete be in all respects equal to that called for by the Standard City Speci- fications for street improvements in force at the time said con- crete is laid. An inspector may be assigned to see that said specifications are followed, and the expense of this inspection shall be part of the cost of restoring the opening or openings, if it be deemed necessary or expedient by the Director of Public Service. SECTION 12. The Director of Public Service is hereby auth- orized and directed to prepare and to keep on hand suitable forms for applications to be made and permits to be granted under the provisions of this ordinance, and to adopt and en- force suitable rules and regulations for determining the esti- mated cost of the restoration of any openings in any street, alley, sidewalk, or public way, and for the restoration by the Street and Sewer Repair Department of such openings, and to employ such clerks, inspectors, and other employes as may be deemed necessary by said Director to carry into effect the pro- visions of this ordinance, and the salaries of such clerks, inspec- tors, and other employes shall be paid by the City Treasurer 88 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati out of “Street Restoration Fund” on presentation of the proper voucher or payroll, signed according to law. SECTION 18. No annual, emergency, or blanket permit shall be granted by said Director. In unforeseen emergencies, when the necessities of the public require, any person, firm or cor- poration shall be allowed to make such opening; provided, how- ever, that in such case an application for permit shall be made by such person, firm or corporation within two hours after the opening has been made. In case the office of the Director of Public Service be closed, an application for permit shall be made not later than 10 a. m the following day. SECTION 14. The Street and Sewer Repair Department of the Department of Public Service and its duly accredited em- ployes and forces shall not be subject to the regulations of this ordinance, but the foreman of each gang in such Department shall carry constantly with him, written credentials, issued by the Director of Public Service, certifying to his official position. SEcTION 15. Each of the foregoing numbered sections is hereby declared to be independent of every other section, and the invalidity of any one shall not invalidate any of the others. SecTION 16. Any person, persons, firm or corporation which shall violate any of the provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3, 11 and 13, herein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be fined in the sum of not to exceed one hundred dollars, nor less than twenty-five dollars for each sepa- rate offense, and each opening made in violation of the provi- sions of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 17. That said original Sections 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674 of the Codification of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, of 1911, be and the same are hereby re- pealed; also that said original Ordinance No. 198, passed April 9, 1912, and known as Sections 668-1, 668-2, 668-3, 668-4, 668-5, 668-6, 668-7, and Sections 2 and 3 of said ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 18. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Séctions 1,’ 2; 3,4, 5) 6.7/8, 97) 10; 11912, a ieee Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 89 17, and 18 of this ordinance have been designated as Sections 667-1, 667-2, 667-3, 667-4, 667-5, 667-6, 667-7, 667-8, 667-9, 667-10, 667-11, 667-12, 667-13, 667-14, 667-15, 667-16, 667-17, and 667-18 respectively, by Ordinance No. 633 passed Novem- ber 24, 1914. No. 6384. Passed November: 24, 1914. To repeal Ordinance No. 706 passed December 23, 1912, pro- viding for the regulation of street openings. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTION 1. That Ordinance No. 706, passed December 23, 1912, for the further protection and maintenace of streets and public ways by additional regulation of street openings, by fur- ther supplementing Section 668 of the Code of Ordinances by ordaining Section 668-8, be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. | No, 664. Passed December 2, 1913. Declaring the intent to have treated with oil the surface of streets and other public ways in the City of Cincinnati, and authorizing a contract therefor. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: mection. b. <[tasshereby declared to’ be ‘the intent of this Council to have treated with oil the surface of streets, alleys, squares and public roadways for the purpose of laying the dust thereon and preserving the surface thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3751 to 3761, inclusive, of the General Code of Ohio. SECTION 2. The Director of Public Service is hereby author- 90 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati ized and directed to enter into a contract in accordance with law for a period of two years for the treatment with oil of streets, alleys, squares and public ways, the surfaces of which are improved with macadam, gravel or earth, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Sections 3751 to 3761, inclusive, of the General Code, but nothing herein shall prevent the city from causing to be treated with oil, macadam, gravel and earth sur- faces of streets, alleys, squares, and public roadways which are not included in districts established in accordance with law. Section 3. It is hereby declared and determined that only roadways improved with macadam, gravel or earth surfaces are susceptible of being so treated with oil with benefit to the prop- erty abutting thereon. SEcTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this ordinance have been designated as Sections 697-1, 697-2 and 697-3, respectively, by Ordinance No. 111, passed March 3, 1914. No. 448. Passed September 1, 1914. To establish Stands for Automobiles by amending and supple- menting Section 702. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTION 1. That Section 702 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 702. Stands for Automobiles, Hackney Coaches, Fur- niture Cars and Express Wagons; the following be and the same are hereby designated as stands for Automobiles, Hack- ney Coaches, Furniture Cars, and Express Wagons, within the corporate limits of the City of Cincinnati. SECTION 2. That Section 702 be further supplemented bf ordaining Section 702-4 to read as follows: Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati OT SEc. 702-4. Automobiles. That the following stands be established for automobiles. (a) Stand No. 1.—On Fifth street, from a point twenty- five feet east of Walnut street to Druggist alley, paralleling the south street car rail laid in said street for a space of not less than five feet and no more than eighteen feet south from the said street car rail, automobiles shall head northwardly. (b) Stand No. 2. On Garfield place between Elm and Vine streets, Automobiles shall head westwardly along and adjoining the north line of Garfield park and eastwardly along and adjoin- ing the south line of said park. SEcTION 3. That Section 702 be further supplemented by. ordaining Section 702-5 to read as follows: Sec. 702-5. That the Director of Public Service be and he is hereby authorized to grant permission to any person to keep the automobiles in position and to keep the spaces free from any obstructions without any compensation to be paid by the Citys SeEcTION 4. That original Section 702 of the Code of Or- dinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No.400. Passed September 8, 1914. To provide for the issuance of licenses for the purpose of oper- ating ferries across the Ohio River, by amending Section 746 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 746 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 746. Permission to operate a ferry across the Ohio River from the City of Cincinnati may be granted, upon a permit from the Director of Public Service, by the City Auditor upon the payment of an annual license fee of five ($5.00) dollars. The 92 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati applicant shall give the location of the ferry landing and the issu- ance of a license shall be for the location designated in the ap- plication. The Director of Public Service may revoke any such license at any time. SECTION 2. That Section 746 of the original Code of Or- dinances of the City of Cincinnati, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No.- 665. Passed December 2, 1913. Fixing fee for pawnbrokers’ licenses by amending Section 789 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 789 of the Code of Ordinances be and it is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 789. Each keeper of a pawnbroker’s or loan office shall pay a license fee of $200.00 per annum. SECTION 2. That said original Section 789 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SecTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 496. Passed September 8, 1914. To provide for the issuance of licenses to peddle by hand to indigent persons by supplementing Section 790 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 790 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be supplemented by the addition of a sub- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 93 section to be known and numbered as Section 790-1, and to read as follows: Sec. 790-1. The City Auditor may grant a free license (to peddle by hand only) for a period of three months upon a recommendation signed by an elected official of the City of Cin- cinnati to any indigent person who has been a resident of the city for one year. The Auditor may revoke any such license at any time. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 221. Passed April 28, 1914. An Ordinance repealing Sections 807-1, 807-2 and amending Section 809 and Section 810 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Sections 807-1 and 807-2 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEcTION 2. That Sections 809 and 810 be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 809. All persons or firms using any vehicle, except cabs, hacks, sulkies, buggies and carriages, upon the streets of the city, for which annual license fees are required to be paid, shall exhibit in 2 conspicuous place upon the left side of each vehicle, or upon the left side of the harness of an animal attached to the same, a metal plate sign, furnished or to be furnished by the City Auditor, indicating the year for which such license has been taken and the number and character of such license. Sec. 810. The City Auditor is hereby required to furnish with every license issued for every such vehicle used upon the streets of the city one metal plate sign having printed, painted or stamped thereon the year for which such license has been taken out, together with the character and number of the same. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. 94 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 66. Passed February 10, 1914. Amending Section 830-1 of the Code of Ordinances, providing for the regulation of rates of fare for taxicabs and automo- biles using taximeters, except for hire or livery purposes. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That Section 830-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 830-1. The term ‘“‘taximeter,” whenever used in this ordi- nance, shall be held to embrace and mean any instrument or device attached to a vehicle designed or intended to measure me- chanically the distance traveled, to record the time said vehicle is in waiting and the amount of extras, and upon which record there shall be indicated by means of figures or designs the fare to be charged; the term “taxicab” shall be held to embrace and mean all vehicles propelled by power, other than muscular, the rental for which is computed by the distance traveled and not by the hour or any fraction thereof. SECTION 2. That Section 830-1 of the Code or Ordinances as originally enacted be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 736. Passed December 23; 1913. Prohibiting the use of blinding or dazzling headlights on ve- hicles operated on the public streets. Be 1t Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cin- cinnati be supplemented so as to read as follows: Sec. 852-3. It shall be unlawful for any person operating any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle, while operating the same upon the public streets, highways, parks and parkways Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 95 within the city, to use any acetylene, electric or other bright headlight, or any headlight the rays from which shall be intensi- fied by any parabolic or condensing lens in front of the light, unless such headlight shall be shaded or dimmed so as not to blind or dazzle other users of the highways or make it difficult or unsafe for them to ride, drive or walk thereon. The shading or dimming of the upper half of the lens shall be deemed a com- pliance with the provisions of this ordinance. Any person violat- ing the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offense; and a separate offense shall be regarded as having been committed for each day during which such person shall continue in such viola- tion. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No._334;> Passed June 23, 1914. To prohibit the dumping of dirt or any refuse on any public or private property, by amending Section 8890 of the Code of Ordinances. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 880 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows : Sec. 880. That the dumping of any dirt or refuse of any kind by any person or persons on any property owned or leased by the City of Cincinnati, without the written permission of the Director of Public Service of the City of Cincinnati, or on any property owned or leased by any person or persons, without the written permission of the owner or owners of the property, is prohibited. Any person or persons violating this section shall, on conviction, be fined not less than ten ($10.00) dollars and the cost of prosecution, nor more than fifty ($50.00) dollars and the cost of prosecution. 96 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati SECTION 2. That the original Section 880 of the Code of Ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No.-629: Passed’ November 17, 1914: Amending Sections 902-1, 902-2, 902-3, 902-4, 902-5 and 902-6, and repealing Section 902-7 of the Code of Ordinances, providing for the licensing of itinerant ven- dors in the City of Cincinnati, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio, as follows: SECTION 1. That Sections 902-1, 902-2, 902-3, 902-4, 902-5 and 902-6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be amended to read as follows: Sec. 902-1. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business or trade of an itinerant vendor without having first obtained a license from the City Auditor. | Sec. 902-2. The words “itinerant vendor” shall mean and include all persons, firms or corporations, both principal and agent, who engage in or conduct a temporary or transient busi- ness in the City of Cincinnati of selling goods, wares and mer- chandise with the intention of continuing in such business in any one place for a perod of not more than one hundred and twenty days, and who for the purpose of carrying on such busi- ness hires, leases or occupies, either in whole or in part, any room, building or structure for the exhibition and sale of such goods, wares or merchandise. Sec. 902-3. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to sales made to dealers by commercial travelers or selling agents in the usual course of business, nor to bona fide sales of goods, wares and merchandise by sample for future delivery, nor to hawkers on the streets, nor peddlers from vehicles. Sec. 902-4.\ Any person, firm or corporation desiring to en- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 97 gage in the business of an itinerant vendor, as herein defined, may obtain a license therefor from the City Auditor upon the payment of the sum of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars for each day that such business is carried on, said license to automatically terminate with the last day for which said sum shall have been paid. Sec. 902-5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall vio- late the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars. Sec. 902-6. Each day that such itinerant vendor conducts such business in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be a separate offense. SECTION 2. That Sections 902-1, 902-2, 902-3, 902-4, 902-5, 902-6 and 902-7, as ordained by Ordinance No. 3078, passed De- cember 28, 1911, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 38. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 690. Passed December 9, 191738. Providing penalties for excessive and unlawful rates for gas by The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company or The Union Gas and Electric Company by supplementing Section 1,020 of the Code of Ordinances, and repealing Ordinance No. 628, passed November 26, 1912. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 1020 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be supplemented by the following Section 1020-1, which supplementary section is hereby ordained: Sec. 1020-1. That any violation by The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company or The Union Gas and Electric Company of the provisions of the foregoing Section 1020 of the Code of Or- dinances of the City of Cincinnati, or the demand, exaction, col- lection or attempt at collection, by said companies, or either of them, of any rate or charge for the furnishing of gas to any public 98 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati or private consumer in excess of the rate authorized by said Section 1020, or of any rate or charge not authorized by the ordi- nances of the City of Cincinnati, is hereby declared a misde- meanor, and such company, or any officer or employe thereof who directs, authorizes or permits any such violation shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each and every such violation. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 628, passed November 26, 1912, “providing penalties for excessive and unlawful rates by The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company or The Union Gas and Electric Company for gas” be and the same is hereby repealed. SEcTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 224. Passed May 5, 1914. To repeal Section 1029-5 of the Code of Ordinances, relative to the blocking of square bounded by Chase street, Pullan avenue, Langland street and Williamson Place. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 1029-5 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 178. Passed April 7, 1914. To repeal Section 1029-14 of the Code of Ordinances, relative to the blocking of square bounded by Fredonia avenue, Whittier street and C. L. & N. R. R. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTION 1. That Section 1029-14 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 99 -No. 89. Passed February 24, 1914. To repeal Section 1029-15 of the Code of Ordinances, relative to the blocking of square bounded by Gilbert avenue, Beecher street, Stanton avenue, formerly Lane street; Ly- man avenue, formerly Buckeye street, and Wehrman ave- nue, formerly Washington street. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That Section 1029-15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 6385. Passed November 24, 1914. Assigning a new Section Number to Ordinance No. 736 to cor- rect a duplication of Section Numbers. WHEREAS, Section 852-1 is provided for in Ordinances 51- 1912, and 736-1913, and as it is necessary to correct this error; now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That Section 852-1 of Ordinance No. 736, passed December 23, 1913, entitled “An Ordinance 7%36, Pro- hibiting the use of blinding or dazzling headlights on vehicles operated on the public streets,” shall be designated as Section 852-3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. 100 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati NO. LE Passed’ March 3 enone: Assigning Section Numbers of the Code of Ordinances to cer- tain ordinances heretofore passed. WuereEas, The following named ordinances have never had section numbers assigned to them; now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That the following ordinances be hereafter known and designated by the following section numbers of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati: That Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Ordinance No. 2533, passed April 24,1911, entitled “An ordinance No. 2533, regulating vehicle travel on certain avenues in the City of Cincinnati,” be designated re- spectively as Sections 690-1, 690-2 and 690-3. (See Supplement asNPare ob.) That Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 2558, passed May 8, 1911, entitled “An ordinance No. 2558 to further regulate vehicular travel through alleys,” be designated respectively as Sections 691-1 and 691-2. (See Supplement 1, Page 35.) That Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 2678, passed July 8, 1911, entitled “An ordinance No. 2678 to compel The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company of Indiana to maintain a watchman at Gest street and Garrard avenue,’ be designated respectively as Sections 646-3 and 646-4. (See Supplement 1, Page 36.) That Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Ordinance NG, 2ou@ passed May 15, 1911, entitled “An ordinance No. 2565 empower- ing and authorizing the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Cincinnati to inspect buildings and other structures ; to order the correction of the conditions therein which he may find to tend toward endangering property and life by fire; to appoint deputy inspectors to make such inspection, and punishing disobedience of such orders,” be designated respectively as Sections 1026-2, 1026-3, 1026-4, 1026-5, 1026-6, 1026-7 and 1026-8. (See Supple- ment 1, Pages 58-60.) Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 101 That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 627, passed November 26, 1912, entitled “An ordinance No. 627 providing penalties for vio- lation by The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company or The Union Gas and Electric Company of provisions of franchise relating to gas meters,” be designated as Section 1020-2. (See Supplement 2, Page 122.) That Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 631, passed Novem- ber 26, 1912, entitled ‘‘An ordinance No. 631 authorizing the use by the University of Cincinnati of a portion of the City Hall for a Municipal Reference Bureau and prescribing conditions of such use,’ be designated respectively as Sections 287-2 and 287-3. (See Supplement 2, Pages 127-129.) That Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 126, passed February 27, 1912, entitled ““An ordinance No. 126 to regulate the issue and sale of bonds in the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio,” be desig- nated respectively as Sections 1011-1 and 1011-2. (See Supple- ment 2, Pages 129-131.) That Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Ordinance No. 664, passed De- cember 2, 1913, entitled “An ordinance No. 664 declaring the in- tent to have treated with oil the surface of streets and other public ways in the City of Cincinnati and authorizing the contract therefor,” be designated respectively as Sections 697-1, 697-2 and 697-3. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 633. Passed November 24, 1914. Assigning Section Numbers of the Code of Ordinances to cer- tain ordinances heretofore passed. “Wuereas, The following named ordinances have never had section numbers assigned to them; now therefore Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That the following ordinances be hereafter 102 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati known and designated by the following section numbers of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnatt: That Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1% and 18 of Ordinance No. 248, passed May 12, 1914, entitled “An Ordinance No. 248, To provide for regulating the making of openings in streets, alleys, sidewalks and public ways of the City of Cincinnati and the restoration of the pavement when such openings are made and for the issuance of a permit there- for’ be designated respectively as Sections 667-1, 667-2, 667-3, 667-4; 667-5, 667-6, 667-7, 667-8, 667-9, G6Y-10; 667-11, 667-12, 667-138, 667-14, 667-15, 667-16, 667-17, and 667-18. That Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 4%, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of Ordinance No. 436, passed August 4, 1914, entitled “An Ordinance No. 486, Regulating the manufacture, storage, keeping or handling of inflammable motion picture films and re- pealing. Section 485: of the: Code ‘of > Ordinances, She designated as Sections 485-1, 485-2, 485-3, 485-4, 485-5, 485-6, 485-7, 485-8, 485-9, 485-10, 485-11, 485-12, 485-18, 485-14, 485-15, 485-16, 485-17, and 485-18. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. OTHER AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES ARE FOUND IN“ DEE Fao ib REE MENDE PUBLISHE DOEN DECEMBER, 1911, AND IN THE SECOND SUPPLEMENT PUBLISHED IN DECEM- BER, 1912, AND IN- THE THIRD SUPPLE- MEN Peel BLISHED S DECEMBER 1912: Miscellaneous Ordinances and Resolutions not part of the Codification of Ordinances. 104 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati ING. o2t. Passed June 10, aL7 12: To approve the report of the Commissioners of Annexation of the Village of Kennedy Heights to the City of Cincinnati. Wuereas, The Council of the City of Cincinnati has hereto- fore passed an ordinance submitting the question of the annexa- tion of the Village of Kennedy Heights to the City of Cincin- nati, and Council of said Village of Kennedy Heights did hereto- fore pass a like ordinance, submitting the same question to the qualified voters of that village, and | Wuereas, A vote was taken in each of said corporations under the provisions of the respective ordinances referred to, and a majority of the qualified voters in each corporation voted in favor of annexation, and Wuereas, The Council of the City of Cincinnati appointed Joseph L. Adler, Joseph W. Heintzman and Benjamin B. Dale as Commissioners to act for the said city for the purpose of ar- ranging the terms and conditions upon which the said Village of Kennedy Heights should be annexed to the City of Cincinnati, and the Village of Kennedy Heights appointed O. W. Bennett, P. J. McHugh and Peter M. Ibold as Annexation Commis- sioners for a like purpose of arranging the annexation terms and conditions, and Wuereas, The said Cincinnati Annexation Commissioners have reported to this body that they have reached an agreement with the Commissioners of Kennedy Heights as to the terms and conditions upon which the said village is to become annexed to the City of Cincinnati, which agreement, together with a full and complete statement as to the physical and financial condition of said village, is attached to their report, and WuereEAS, The said report and exhibits of the Cincinnati Commissioners and various plats showing the boundaries of said Village of Kennedy Heights, the streets and subdivisions thereof and various other data of importance, are now filed here- with; now, therefore, Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 105 Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That the report, agreement and recommenda- tions of the said Commissioners be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Kennedy Heights became a part of Cincinnati on July 23, 1914, at noon, and was added to the Thirteenth Ward by Ordi- nance No. 466, passed September 1, 1914. No, 523. Passed. September 29, 1914. Petitioning for the authorization of the annexation of certain territory of the City of Cincinnati situate in Columbia Township, known as the former Villages of Oakley and Kennedy Heights, to Cincinnati Township. Wuereas, All that territory lying and being in the former Village of Oakley, in Sections 28 and 22, Columbia Township, and all that territory lying and being in the former Village of Kennedy Heights, in Sections 24 and 23, Columbia Township, has been annexed to the City of Cincinnati, a municipal corpora- tion; and Wuereas, The Council of the City of Cincinnati, by a vote of the majority of the members thereof, deem it necessary and expedient to annex said territories to Cincinnati Township ; now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: | SECTION 1. That the Council of the City of Cincinnati, by a vote of the majority of members thereof, petition the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Ohio, for a change of township lines so as to make them identical with the limits of the City of Cincinnati, which shall include: First, all that ter- 106 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati ritory lying and being in the former Village of Oakley, in Sec- tions 28 and 22, Columbia Township; second, all that territory lying and being in the former Village of Kennedy Heights, in Sections 24 and 23, Columbia Township. Section 2. That the limits of Cincinnati Township be identi- cal with the limits of the City of Cincinnati, a municipal COrpOEas tion, and be described as follows: Beginning at the junction of the Ohio River and Muddy Creek, the same being the west corporation line of the former Village of Fernbank; thence in a northeasterly and southeasterly direction following the meanderings of the east fork of Muddy Creek and the northerly corporation lines of the former Vil- lages of Fernbank and Sayler Park to the western line of Hill- side avenue; thence southeastwardly along the western line of Hillside avenue to the western boundary line of the former Vil- lage of Delhi; thence northeastwardly along the western bound- ary line of the former Village of Delhi to the eastern boundary . line of the former Village of Delhi; thence southeastwardly, southwestwardly, southeastwardly, southwestwardly, southeast- wardly and eastwardly to the east line of Section 35, Delhi Town- ship; thence south on said east line of Section 35, Delhi Town- ship, to the south line of Hillside avenue; thence eastwardly following the south line of Hillside avenue (as laid out by the County Engineer) to the Anderson’s Ferry road; thence north- wardly along said Anderson’s Ferry road to the west line of Section 10, Delhi Township; thence following the northern boundary line of the former Village of Riverside to the south- west corner of Section 35, Storrs Township; thence north along the west line of said Section 35, Storrs Township, to the south- east corner of Section 6, Delhi Township; thence west along the south line of Sections 6 and 12, Delhi Township, to the half- | section line of Section 12, Delhi Township; thence north along said half-section line to the north line of Section 12, Delhi Town- ship ; thence east along the north line of Section 12, Delhi Town- ship, to the west line of Section 1, Green Township; thence north along the west line of Section 1, Green Township, to the north- west corner thereof; thence east along the north line of Section Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati — . 107 1, Green Township, to Queen City avenue; thence westwardly along said Queen City avenue and the southern boundary line of the former Village of Westwood to a point in Muddy Creek road west of Bridgetown road; thence northwestwardly and northwardly following the west corporation line of the former Village of Westwood to Werk road, west of Bridgetown road; thence west along Werk road to the half-section line of Section 14, Green Township, running north and south; thence north along said half-section line to the north line of said Section 14; | thence east along the north line of said Section 14 and the south corporation line of the Village of Cheviot to the east corporation line of the Village of Cheviot; thence north along the east line of the Village of Cheviot to the south line of the Village of Cheviot; thence east along said south line of the Village of Cheviot to the east corporation line of said Village of Cheviot; thence northwardly following the east corporation line of said Village of Cheviot to the south corporation line of the Village of Cheviot, north of Mozart avenue; thence east along the south corporation line of the Village of Cheviot to the center of Cheviot avenue; thence north along the center of Cheviot avenue to the center of Gamble avenue and the south corporation line of the Village of Cheviot to the center of Higbee street; thence north along the center of Higbee street following the east cor- poration line of the Village of Cheviot to Harrison avenue; thence southeastwardly along Harrison avenue to the east cor- poration line of the Village of Cheviot; thence north along the east corporation line of the Village of Cheviot to the north line of Section 9, Green Township; thence east along the north lines of Sections 9 and 3, Green Township, to the northeast corner of said Section 3, Green Township; thence north along the west line of Sections 34 and 35, Millcreek Township, to the south line of Henry Lingo’s Estate Subdivision, the same being the south corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Airy; thence west along the said south corporation line and the south line of said subdivision on a straight line to a point in the half-section line of Section 5, Green Township; thence north along the half- section lines of Sections 5 and 6, Green Township, which lines 108 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati are also the west corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Airy to the north line of Section 6, Green Township, and the north corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Airy; thence eastwardly along the north line of said Section 6, Green Town- ship, and the north line of Section 36, Millcreek Township, the same being the north corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Airy, to the east line of R. Wood’s 50-acre tract extended northwardly; thence south along said extension and the east line of R. Wood’s 50-acre tract to the north line of William Reedmeier’s 5.29-acre tract; thence eastwardly along said Reed- meier’s north line and extension thereof to Witherby avenue, being the western corporation line of the former Village of College Hill; thence northwardly following Witherby avenue and the west corporation line of the former Village of College Hill to the North Bend road, being the north corporation line of the former Village of College Hill; thence eastwardly follow- ing said north corporation line to the west corporation line of said former Village of College Hill, north of North Bend road, at a point east of Betts avenue; thence north along the said west corporation line of the former Village of College Hill to the north corporation line of said village, thence eastwardly following the north corporation line of said village to Hamilton pike; thence southwardly following Hamilton pike to North Bend road; thence east along North Bend road and the north lines of the former Village of College Hill and the north lines of Sections 30, 24, 18 and 12, Millcreek Township, to the west corporation line of the former Village of Carthage; thence northwardly and eastwardly along Mill Creek and the boundary line of the former Village of Carthage to its intersection with Carthage pike, being the west corporation line of the former Village of Hartwell; thence north along said pike and the west - corporation line of the former Village of Hartwell to the north corporation line of said former village; thence east along said north corporation line and Millsdale avenue to the east corpora- tion line of the former Village of Hartwell; thence south along the east corporation line of the former Village of Hartwell and the Miami and Erie Canal to Millcreek, being the south corpora- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 109 tion line of the former Village of Hartwell; thence southwest- wardly along the Miami and Erie Canal to the north line of Section 6, Millcreek Township, being the north line of the County Infirmary grounds; thence east on the north line of said Section 6, Millcreek Township, to the east line of said Section 6; thence south along the east line of Section 6, Millcreek Township, to a point 200 feet, more or less, measured at right angles from the northerly side of Sey- mour avenue; thence southeastwardly parallel to and 200 feet distant from the north line of Seymour avenue to a point 200 feet north of Langdon Farm road; thence eastwardly parallel to and 200 feet north of Langdon Farm road for a distance of 4,500 feet, more or less, to the east line of Section 36, Columbia Town- ship, and the former west corporation line of Pleasant Ridge; thence north along the west corporation line of the former Village of Pleasant Ridge to the north corporation line of said former village; thence east along the north corporation line of former Village of Pleasant Ridge to the east corporation line of said former village, being the west corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights; thence north along the west line of Section 24, Columbia Township, being the west corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights, a distance of 1,000 feet, more or less, to the north corporation line of said former village; thence east along said north corporation line to the west corporation line of said former Village of Kennedy Heights; thence north along said west corporation line to the north corporation line of said former village, being the north line of Section 24, Columbia Township; thence east along said north line a distance of 1,600 feet, more or less, to the east corporation line of said former Village of Kennedy Heights; thence south along said east corporation line to the south line of Montgomery pike; thence northeastwardly along the northerly line of Montgomery pike to the east line of Coleridge avenue; thence south along said | east line to the north corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights, being the north line of the Euclid Land Association Subdivision; thence east along said north corporation line to 110 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati the east corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights, being the west line of Plainfield avenue; thence south along said east corporation line to the north line of Standish avenue; thence southeastwardly to the center line of Plainfield avenue, being at a point opposite the south line of Standish avenue extended; thence south along said center line to the south cor- poration line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights, being the south line of the Euclid Land Association Subdivision; thence west along said south corporation line to the east cor- poration line, being the east line of Ehrman & Glensman Sub- division; thence south along said east corporation line to the south corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights, being the south line of said Ehrman & Glensman Sub- division; thence west along said south line to the east line of Yononte avenue; thence south along the east line of Yononte avenue to the north line of Woodford road; thence east along said north line to the: east line of Section 24, Columbia Town- — ship; thence south along the east lines of Sections 24 and 23, Columbia Township, to the south corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights; thence west following said south corporation line to the west line of Kennedy avenue, being the west corporation line of the former Village of Kennedy Heights ; thence north along said west line, being the west line of the Kennedy Heights Subdivision, to the north line of Woodford toad; thence west along the north line of Woodford road to the Cincinnati, Lebanon and Northern Railroad, being the south corporation line of the former Village of Pleasant Ridge; thence in a southwesterly direction following the south corporation line of the former Village of Pleasant Ridge to the west corporation line of said former village, being the east corporation line of the City of Norwood; thence north, northwest and north along the western corporation line of the former Village of Pleasant Ridge to the south line of Langdon Farm road; thence west along the south line of Langdon Farm road to the east line of Section 5, Millcreek Township; thence south on the east line of said Section 5, Millcreek Township, to the south line of said Section 5, the same being the north corporation line of the City Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 111 of Norwood, in Millcreek Township; thence west along the south line of said Section 5 to the west corporation line of the City of Norwood, in Millcreek Township; thence south on the west corporation line of the City of Norwood to the south line of J. T. Thale, the same being the north corporation line of the City of Norwood, in Millcreek Township; thence west ‘on the south line of J. T. Thale to the Reading boulevard; thence south- west along Reading boulevard, the same. being the west cor- poration line of the City of Norwood, to the south line of Margaret McGee; thence east on the south line of Margaret McGee to the east line of Margaret McGee; thence south on the west line of Kline & Mills, the same being the west corporation line of the City of Norwood, to the north line of N. D. Graham; thence west on the north line of N. D. Graham to the west corporation line of the City of Norwood; thence southeast along the west corporation line of the City of Norwood, in Millcreek Township, to the south line of Section 4, Millcreek Township ; thence east along the south line of said Section 4 to the west corporation line of the City of Norwood, in Millcreek Township ; thence south on the west corporation line of the City of Nor- wood to the south corporation line of said city, the same being the north corporation line of the former Village of Evanston; thence eastwardly following the southern corporation line of Norwood to the west line of Section 27, Columbia Township: thence north on said west section line to the northwest corner of Section 27, Columbia Township; thence eastwardly along the north line of Section 27, Columbia Township, a distance of 30 feet to a point; thence northwardly on a line parallel to the west line of Section 28, Columbia Township, and 30 feet distant therefrom. to a point where a line parallel to the easterly line of Duck Creek road extended southwardly and 40 feet distant therefrom inter- sects the same; thence northeastwardly on a line parallel to the easterly and southerly lines of Duck Creek road and 40 feet distant therefrom to a point in the east line of B. D. Barton’s Subdivision of the Ebersole farm (extended northwardly) ; thence southwardly along said east line of B. D. Barton’s Sub- division and the east line of Theodore Johnson’s 10-acre tract 12 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati to a point in the half-section line of Section 22, Columbia Town- ship, running east and west; thence eastwardly along said half- section line to a point 300 feet east of the half-section line of Section 22, Columbia Township, running north and south; thence southwardly parallel to and 300 feet distant from said half-section line, running north and south, to the south line of Section 22, Columbia Township; thence eastwardly on the north line of Section 21, Columbia Township, to the western boundary line of the former City of Madisonville, which line is also the western right-of-way line of the Cincinnati and Richmond Rail- way; thence northwestwardly following the western right-of-way line of said railroad, the same being the western boundary line of the former City of Madisonville, to the north corporation line of the former City of Madisonville, which point is also the southern right-of-way line of the Baltimore and Ohio South- western Railroad; thence eastwardly along the southerly right- of-way line of the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad and the northern corporation line of the former City of Madison- ville to the west line of Section 16, Columbia Township ; thence north along the west line of Section 16, Columbia Township, and the west corporation line of the former City of Madison- ville to the north line of said Section 16; thence east along the north line of said Section 16 to the western corporation line of the former City of Madisonville as it extends north of Chandler street; thence north along the said western corporation line of the former City of Madisonville to the north corporation line of said city; thence east along the north corporation line of said former City of Madisonville to the west line of Owasco street; thence north along the west line of said Owasco street following the west corporation line of said former city to the north cor- poration line of said former City of Madisonville; thence east- wardly, southwardly and eastwardly following the corporation line of said former City of Madisonville to the east line of Section 17%, Columbia Township; thence south along the east line of said Section 17 to a point 209.65 feet north of Chandler street and the north corporation line of said former City of Madisonville at this point; thence east along the north corpora- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati iTS tion line to the northeast corner of L. Cornuelle’s Subdivision, per Commissioners; thence south along the east line of said L. Cornuelle’s Subdivision, per Commissioners, to the north line of Section 10, Columbia Township; thence east along the north line of said Section 10 to the east corporation line of said former City of Madisonville; thence south along said east corporation line of said former City of Madisonville to a point in Plainville road, south of Bramble avenue; thence west along the south corporation line of said former City of Madisonville, which line is 150 feet south of Bramble avenue, to a point 125 feet west of Holmer avenue in the east line of Lot 1387 of Ayres Bramble Estate; thence south along the easterly corporation line of said former City of Madisonville and the east line of said Lot 137 to the south line of Section 16, Columbia Township; thence west along the south line of Section 16, Columbia Township, and the south corporation line of said former City of Madisonville to the west line of Section 16, Columbia Township, said point being the south- west corner of said Section 16; thence south along the east line of Section 21, Columbia Township, to the south line thereof, being the north line of the former Village of Linwood; thence east on the north line of Section 14, Spencer Township, to the Little — Miami River; thence southwardly following the Little Miami River to the point of intersection with the north corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Washington; thence in an easterly direction along the said corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Washington to the northerly line of a tract of land owned by Betts to an angle in said Betts’ line; thence south 74 degrees west to the southwesterly corner of a 14.87-acre tract owned by ~Harmon; thence north 26 degrees, 45’ east, the said line being the westerly corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Washington, to the northwesterly corner of a 48-acre tract owned by A. M. Turpin; thence south 60 degrees east along said corporation line to the west line of a 24.75-acre tract owned by M. L. Russell; thence north 8 degrees, 40° east, following the west line of said tract and the said corporation line to the center of the Ohio pike; thence following the center line of said Ohio pike to the north corporation line of said former Village 114 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati of Mt. Washington, which line is also the south line of Military Survey No. 2,204, Anderson Township; thence northeast 89% degrees following the northerly corporation line of the former Village of Mt. Washington to the northeast corner of an 8-acre tract owned by George Heis, which point is also the northeast corner of the former Village of Mt. Washington; thence south along the east corporation line of said former Village of Mt. Washington and the east property lines of George Heis, M. F. Corbly, J. B. Corbly, S. J. -Corbly and Charles: E. Smithtaag W. H. Elder to a point in the center of Bogart road; thence eastwardly and southwardly following the corporation lines of the said former Village of Mt. Washington to the north line of Military Survey 620, Anderson Township; thence west follow- ing said line to the center of Burney lane; thence south along the center of Burney lane to the center line of Wolff street; thence west along the center line of Wolff street to a point 567.6 feet west of Cherry street; thence north 1 degree, 20’ east, to the north line of Military Survey No. 620, Anderson Township ; thence west along the north line of said Military Survey to a point 3.03 chains west from the east line of the property of Nicholas Trapp; thence in a northerly direction a distance of 7.20 chains to the intersection of the southerly line of Military Survey No. 536, Anderson Township; thence westwardly along said line to the center line of Mt. Washington road; thence southwardly along the center line of said road to the center line of Salem pike; thence northwestwardly along said center line of Salem pike to the center line of Betts road and the north line of a 10.56-acre tract owned by Frederick Koehler; thence south 68 degrees, 35’ east, to the Little Miami River; thence southwardly following said Little Miami River to the north line of Kellogg avenue; thence eastwardly along the north line of said Kellogg avenue to the east line of said avenue; thence south on the east line of said Kellogg avenue to the south line of Salem pike; thence eastwardly along the south line of Salem pike to the division line of the Salem School District No. 5 and California School District No. 14; thence southwardly on said division line to the northerly line of Military Survey No. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati LIS 1,512, Anderson Township; thence southwestwardly on said line to the northwestwardly corner of said Survey No. 1,512; thence southeastwardly on the west line of said Survey No. 1,512 to the northerly line of Three-Mile road; thence south- westwardly along the northerly line of said Three-Mile road to the Ohio River; thence northwardly and southwestwardly fol- lowing the meanderings of the Ohio River to the western bound- ary line of the former Village of Fernbank, the place of begin- ning. SecTION 3. That the Clerk of Council present this petition, with the proceedings of Council duly authenticated, to the Board of County Commissioners of Hamilton County, Ohio. SEcTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 726. Passed December 23, 1913. To authorize the annexation of certain territory to the City of Cincinnati. Be tt Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That the annexation of the following described territory, beginning at the intersection of the west line of With- erby avenue and the north line of Section 36, Millcreek Township (said point being the northwest corner of the former Village of College Hill, as annexed to the City of Cincinnati and approved by Ordinance No. 2546, passed May 1, 1911); thence south- wardly along said west line of Witherby avenue (said west line being the present corporation line of the City of Cincinnati) to the south line of Frankfort avenue (formerly called Leslie ave- nue); thence westwardly along said south line of Frankfort avenue and the extension thereof to the westerly line of North Bend road; thence southwardly along said westerly line of North Bend road to the easterly line of Banning road; thence northwardly along said easterly line of Banning road to point where the northerly line of Kipling avenue (formerly called Cary road) produced eastwardly interesects said easterly line of Ban- 116 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati ning road; thence west along said north line of Kipling avenue to the easterly line of Joseph A. Beigel’s 20.28-acre tract; thence south along said easterly line of said tract to the north line of the Jessup road; thence west along the north line of said road to the west line of Section 36, Millcreek Township; thence north along said west line of section to the northwest corner of said Section 36; thence east along the north line of said section to the place of beginning, said tract being all that portion of Section 386, Millcreek Township, which is not now included within the corporate limits of the City of Cincinnati (plat of which territory is hereto attached) to the City of Cincinnatt be and the same is hereby authorized. SEcTION 2. That the Solicitor of the City of Cincinnati be and he is hereby authorized to prosecute the proceedings neces- sary to effect such annexation. Section 38. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 117 ORDINANCES PhO nie hiON On ePRO RE RY JanuaArRY 1, 1914 To DECEMBER 16, 1914 Addison street, to Halstead street, 275 feet north of Dixon street (concrete steps). No. 8%. Passed February 24, 1914. Ault Park (Agnes Nolan, Fannie Broadus and Barbara Lutz). No. 240. Passed May 12, 1914. Collins avenue, extending from Humboldt avenue to Keys Crescent. | No. 569. Passed October 20, 1914. Columbus avenue, widening from Minto avenue to the Norfolk and Western R. R. No. 571. Passed October 20, 1914. Repealed by Ordinance No. 606, 1914. No. 617. Passed November 1%, 1914. For the relocation of Eastern avenue and for the extension and relocation of existing streets and for the opening of new streets rendered necessary in the abolishment of grade 118 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati crossings over and along the line of the Pittsburgh, Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis . Railway Company, lessee of and operating the Little Miami Railroad, from Station 6115, about 180 feet east of Wenner street, to Station 6082, about 300 feet west of Donham avenue, and the further change in grade of tracks of said railroad from Station 6118, about 150 feet west of Wenner street, to Station 6068, plus 64 feet, about 240 feet west of Carrel street. Herbert avenue, from McFadden avenue to Cheviot avenue. No. 239. Passed May 12, 1914. Hopple street, from Meeker street to Colerain avenue. No. 175. Passed April 7, 1914. Orland avenue. |= Hauer, etal: No. 521. Passed September 29, 1914. Park purposes, addition to Mt. Airy Forest Park. No. 605. Passed November 10, 1914. Park purposes, C. W. Starbuck estate. No. 208. Passed April 21, 1914. Reading road, near Paddack road (police purposes). No. 17. Passed January 20, 1914. Third street, to Martin street (concrete steps). No. 592. Passed November 4, 1914. Whitlow street, extending from eastern terminus to Ashland ave. No. 570. Passed October 20, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 119 BEOCKING OF SOUARES. NOVEMBER 26, 1913 To DECEMBER 16, 1914. No. 185. Passed April 14, 1914. _*To block the square bounded by Louden avenue and Morrell street and Paradrome street and Parkside place. Ne t86. Passed April 14,-1914. To block the square bounded by Fredonia avenue, Whittier street and C. L. & N. R. R. No. 323. Passed June.16, 1914. To block the square bounded by Rohs and Chickasaw and McMillan and Warner streets. No. 335. Passed June 23, 1914. To block the square bounded by Pullan avenue on the north, Chase avenue on the south, Langland street on the west and Williamson place on the east. No. 336. Passed June 238, 1914. To block the square bounded by west side of Reading road, north side of Greenwood avenue and south side of North Crescent avenue. No. 464. Passed September 1, 1914. To block the square bounded by Woodburn avenue, Hapsburg street, Harvard avenue and Gilbert avenue, 120 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 573. Passed October 20, 1914. To block the square bounded by Paradrome street, Park Side place, Morrell street and Martin street. NO «219, Passedy| une, 4014 To repeal Ordinance No. 416-1913, passed July 15, 19138, en- titled, An ordinance to block the square bounded by west side of Reading road, north side of Greenwood, and south side of North Crescent. BONDS. NOVEMBER 26, 1913 TO DECEMBER 16, 1914. REFERENDUM. $100,000.00—For the purpose of extending, enlarging and improv- ing the waterworks of the city by constructing, erecting and installing a high-pressure system of watermains and pumps for fire protection pur- poses and for procuring the necessary real estate and rights-of-way. (Ordinance No. 225. Passed May 5, 1914.) For the purpose of extending, enlarging and im- proving the waterworks of the city by construct- ing, erecting and installing a high-pressure system of water mains and pumps for fire protection pur- poses, and for procuring the necessary real estate and rights-of-way. (Ordinance No. 284. Passed June 9, 1914.) $100,000.00 $2,500.00—For erecting a public hall of the City of Cincinnati. (Ordinance No. 402. Passed July 15, 1914.) $25,000.00—For erecting a public hall of the City of Cincinnati. (Ordinance No. 682. Passed December 15, 1914.) Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 121 CONDEMNATION. $8,000.00—To pay the cost and expense of certain appropria- tions of property for street and other purposes hitherto authorized. Straightening West Fork Creek; easement for Beekman street; extending Trimble avenue, and widening Highland avenue. (Ordinance No. 679. Passed December 9, 1913.) $2,100.00—To provide additional funds for paying the cost and expense of appropriation of property for street purposes. Widening and extending the intersection of East- ern avenue and Kemper lane. (Ordinance No. 715. Passed December 23, 1913.) $6,000.00—To pay the cost and expense of appropriating and purchasing property for widening the northwest corner of McLean avenue and Eighth street and the southwest corner of McLean avenue and Gest street. (Ordinance No. 716. Passed December 23, 1913.) $4,800.00—To pay the cost and expense of widening Hopple street, between Beekman street and the Cincin- nati, Hamilton & Dayton Railroad. (Ordinance No. 139. Passed March 24, 1914.) $2,800.00—To pay the cost and expense of condemning the property necessary to be appropriated to public use for the opening and extending of Temple avenue, from Epworth. avenue east to George Fleischmann’s east line, and to repeal Ordinance No. 2,949, passed November 20, 1911. (Ordinance No. 482. Passed August 4, 1914.) Taz Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati $2,500.00—To pay the cost and expenses of appropriating property necessary to be purchased or condemned for the opening and extending of Seybold (form- etly McDowell) alley, and also for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost and expenses of appropriating property necessary to be pur- chased or condemned for the widening of the in- tersection of Duck Creek road and Florida ave- nue, and repealing Ordinance No. 2936, passed November 13, 1911. (Ordinance No. 497. Passed September 15, 1914.) $2,385.00—To pay the cost and expense of condemning prop- erty to public use for the opening and extending of Conant street from Adelphi street to Whitney street, and for street purposes for the construc- tion of concrete steps extending from Addison street to Halstead street 275 feet north of Dixon street. Ordinance No. 632. Passed November 24, 1914. MISCELLANEOUS. $1,200.00—For the purpose of paying claim for damages from improvement of Blanchard avenue. (Ordinance No. 699. Passed December 9, 1913.) $25,000.00—To pay the cost of extending, enlarging, improv- ing, equipping and furnishing the new General Hospital of Cincinnati. (Ordinance No. 183. Passed April 14, 1914.) ~ $5,500.00—To pay the cost of improving, repairing and secur- ing a more complete enjoyment of a public hall, to-wit, the City Hall, and equipping and furnish- ing the same. aie (Ordinance No. 238. Passed May 12, 1914.) Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 123 $10,000.00—For the purpose of continuing the construction of the buildings for the Refuge Home, at Glendale, Ohio. (Ordinance No. 285. Passed June 9, 1914.) $8,500.00—For the purpose of providing funds to pay the en- tire cost and expenses of constructing a bridge over West Fork Creek at Roll road. (Ordinance No. 409. Passed July 15, 1914.) STREETS. $12,600.00—Providing additional funds to pay the city’s por- tion of the cost and expense of improving Beek- man street. (Ordinance No. 52. Passed February 3, 1914.) $3,300.00—Providing additional funds to pay the city’s por- tions of the cost and expenses of improving Schubert avenue (formerly Home street) and Carthage road, in the former village of Pleasant Ridge. | | (Ordinance No. 57. Passed February 10, 1914.) $27,500.00—Providing funds and additional funds to pay the cost and expense of and the city’s portion of the cost and expense of improving Lafayette avenue, Middleton avenue, St. Michael street and Rice Street. (Ordinance No. 169. Passed April 7, 1914.) $200,000.00—To pay the cost and expense of improving and re- pairing streets. (Ordinance No. 195. Passed April 17, 1914.) 124 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati $3 ,425.00—Providing additional funds to pay the city’s por- tion of the cost and expense of improving Beek- Man Street: (Ordinance No. 210... Passed April 28, 1914.) $2,500.00—To pay one-half of the cost and expenses of im- proving Glenway avenue, from end of present brick improvement to McKeone avenue. (Ordinance No. 3851. Passed June 30, 1914.) $8,000.00—To pay the city’s portion of the cost and expenses of improving St. James avenue, from Windsor street to Curtis street. (Ordinance No. 378. Passed July 7, 1914.) $5,000.00—To pay the cost and expense of improving Burnet avenue, from Elland avenue to Goodman street. (Ordinance No. 380. Passed July 7%, 1914.) $8,500.00—To pay the costs and expenses of improving Ohio avenue, from Clifton avenue to Kendall alley, and Ohio avenue from Van Lear alley to a point 200 feet north. (Ordinance No.: 381. Passed July 7, 1914.) $60,000.00—To pay the cost and expense of opening, extend- ing and improving Reading road on its relocated lines between Paddack road and Sherman avenue and between Joseph street and the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad, and purchasing and condemning the necessary: land therefor. (Ordinance No, 411. Passed July 15, 1914.) Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati i290 $6,500.00—To pay the cost and expenses of improving Plum street by widening the roadway on the west side between Eighth street and Ninth street, also rounding off the southeast corner of Ninth and Central avenue and the northeast corner of Eighth and Central avenue. (Ordinance No; 417; Passed July 28, 1914.) $75,500.00—To pay the cost and expenses and the city’s por- tion of the cost and expenses of improving Vine street, Central avenue, Bishop street, Gladstone avenue, Third street and an unnamed street and rights-of-way. (Ordinance No. 481. Passed August 4, 1914.) $7,000.00—To pay the cost and expenses of improving Main street, from North Court street to Hunt street, by removing the present canal bridge, grading the ~ street to conform to existing sidewalks and con- structing conduit for the canal water and repav- ing the roadway to the new grade. (Ordinance No. 450. Passed September 1, 1914.) (An additional sum of $1,284.00 was provided for by Ordinance No. 665, passed December 8, 1914.) $5,000.00—To pay the city’s portion of the cost and expenses of improving Rockdale avenue, from Wilson avenue to Dury avenue. (Ordinance No. 451. Passed September 1, 1914.) $5,300.00—For the improvement of Elberon avenue, an exist- ing street, and for purchasing land necessary for the purposes of said street. (Ordinance No. 538. Passed October 6, 1914.) 126 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati $50,000.00—To improve existing streets and other public high- ways. (Ordinance No. 583. Passed October 27, 1914.) $8,000.00—To pay the city’s portion of the cost and expenses of improving Lindsay alley, Corbett avenue, Niles avenue, Dane avenue and Stratford avenue. (Ordinance No. 584. Passed October 27, 1914.) $2,200.00—To pay the cost of and the city’s portion of the cost of improving Eastern avenue and Harrison avenue by constructing sidewalks. (Ordinance No. 616. Passed November 17, 1914.) $17,000.00—For the improvement of Madison road, from Mark- breit avenue to a point 400 feet southwest. (Ordinance No. 630. Passed November 24, 1914.) $1,284.00—-To pay the cost and expenses of improving Main street, from North Court street to Hunt street, by removing the present canal bridge, grading the street to conform to existing sidewalks and constructing conduit for the canal water and re- paving the roadway to the new grade. (Ordinance No. 665. Passed December 8, 1914.) SEWERS. $26,300.00—To provide funds to pay the city’s portion of the cost of improving certain avenues and roads by sewering Blanchard avenue, Central avenue, Lick Run road, Waverly avenue, and Stettinius avenue. : (Ordinance No. 660. Passed December 2, 1913.) Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 127 $1,000.00—To pay the city’s portion of the costs and expenses of improving by sewering Central avenue, be- tween Genesee street and Elizabeth street. (Ordiriance No. 53. Passed February 3, 1914.) $40,500.00—To pay the city’s portion of the cost and expenses of improving: by sewering right-of-way in Ra- vine between Madison road.and Duck Creek road, and also for constructing a relief sewer in Obser- vator avenue from Montieth place west to trunk sewer. (Ordinance No. 102. Passed March 3, 1914.) $4,300.00—To pay the cost and expense of improving by sewering ravine east of Mt. Vernon avenue and north and west of Paxton road. | (Ordinance No. 184. Passed April 14, 1914.) $900.00—Providing additional funds to pay the city’s portion of the cost and expense of improving by sewer- ing rights-of-way, McPherson avenue, Wells street, Terry street, West Eighth street, Sedler street, West Sixth street and Hillside avenue... (Ordinance No. 209. Passed April 28, 1914.) $1,000.00—To pay the costs and expenses of remodeling and rebuilding sewer in Highland avenue, between. Milton street and Corporation alley. (Ordinance No. 379. Passed July 7, 1914.) $7,500.00—To pay the costs and expenses, and the city’s por- tion of the costs and expenses of improving by sewering ravine east of Mt. Vernon avenue, Lower River road, and Saturn street, from Wav- erly avenue to Fairmount avenue. (Ordinance No. 382. Passed July 7, 1914.) 128 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati $11,000.00—To pay the city’s portion of the cost and expenses of improving by sewering Dewey, Gilsey and Sar- gent avenues; Ravine, east of Concordia street, from Melish avenue to Lincoln avenue, and Mon- tana avenue, Wunder avenue and McFarlan road. (Ordinance No. 449. Passed September 1, 1914.) $1,000.00—To pay the cost and expenses of constructing a sewer through the property of David Bauer, north of Liberty street and east gf Ross avenue. (Ordinance No. 498. Passed September 15, 1914.) WATERWORKS. $604,000.00—To pay the cost and expenses of extending, enlarg- ing and improving the Waterworks of the City of Cincinnati, by laying an additional 36-inch water main, and repealing Ordinance No. 678, passed December 9, 1913. (Ordinance No. 128. Passed March 17, 1914.) $150,000.00—For extending and improving the existing Water- works of the City of Cincinnati. (Ordinance No. 7%. Passed January 13, 1914.) $28,000.00—To pay the cost and expense of improving and securing a more complete enjoyment of the Water- works and for equipping and furnishing the same. (Ordinance No. 509. Passed September 15, 1914.) $250,000.00—For the purpose of providing funds for extending and improving the existing Waterworks of the City of Cincinnati. (Ordinance No. 698. Passed December 15, 1914.) No. No. No. No. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 129 BOND ORDINANCES REPRALED, 678 (passed December 9, 1913), $400,0000.00. To pay the cost and expenses of extending, enlarging and improving the Waterworks of the city by laying an additional thirty- inch main. | Repealed by Ordinance No. 128, passed March 17, 1914. . 2948 (passed November 20, 1911), $5,000.00. Extension of Kates place. Repealed by Ordinance No. 280, passed June 2, 1914. 3002 (passed November 27, 1911), $9,500.00. Improvement of Durrell avenue. Repealed by Ordinance No. 280, passed June 2, 1914. 3021 (passed December 4, 1911), $3,400.00. Improving in- tersection of Fifth and Vine street. Repealed by Ordinance No. 292, passed June 9, 1914. 2936 (passed November 13, 1911), $2,200.00. Opening and extending McDowell alley. | Repealed by Ordinance No. 497, passed September 15, LO 1A. 130 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati ORDINANCES. ~ DEDICA TIONTOR- PROPER Iny, JANUARY 1, 1914 To DECEMBER 16, 1914° Belleair place, (Emil O. J. Hanke). No. 591. Passed October 27, 1914. Bevis avenue, (W. F. Eltzroth, W. T. V. Cramer and Samuel W. Probasco). No. 532. Passed September 29, 1914. Brotherton road, Columbia avenue and Maple driveway (Glen- wood Real Estate Co.) No. 309. Passed June 9, 1914. Cora avenue, (George Fischer and Catherine Fischer). No. 196. Passed April 21, 1914. Coronada avenue and Zula avenue, (Ida B. Rulison and Hiram M. Rulison). No. 234. Passed May 5, 1914. Dickson avenue, (James M. Glenn estate). No. 238. Passed May 5, 1914. East Hill avenue, (Lauretta B. Gibson et al). No. 113.° Passed March 3, 1914. Eggers place, (Herman Egger’s estate). No. 443. Passed August 4, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 131 For fire purposes, (Richard H. Mitchell) lot No. 21 of Rose Hill subdivision. No. 26. Passed January 20, 1914. Gano avenue and Wirham place, (Isabella R. Garrison et al). No. 50. Passed February 3, 1914. Indian Hill avenue, Vinewood avenue, Hurd avenue and Ken- | wood avenue (Helen L. Clippinger and W. W. Clippinger ). No. 271. | Passed June 2, 1914. Kenelm avenue, Duke street, Hull street, Giraud avenue and Digby avenue, (Rebekah B. G. Goddard, R. H. I. Goddard, Elizabeth G. Digby, Julia G. Fowler, Robert L. Fowler, Herman J. Groesbeck and Eliza- beth P. Groesbeck). No. 25%. Passed May 19, 1914. Monteith place, (Emma H. Gruber and William W. Gruber). No. 407. Passed July 15, 1914. Raymond alley, extending north from, (Andrew P. Fox and Theresa Fox). No. 372. Passed June 30, 1914. Rose Hill avenue, Betula avenue, Red Bud avenue, (Avon Hills Realty Co.—Nellie E. Myers, C. E. Myers, Viola Nelson, Charles J. Nelson and Helen B. Shields). No. 211. Passed April 28, 1914. 132 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Rulison avenue and Zula avenue, to Cleves pike, (Hiram M. Rulison and Ida B. Rulison). No. 39%. Passed July 7, 1914. Wabash avenue, (Herbert L. Pachoud and Carrie B. Pachoud). No. 442. Passed August 4, 1914. Zula avenue, Highbridge avenue and Dale avenue, (Hiram M. Rulison and Ida B. Rulison). Nov 396.) Passed fulyo7 4914 ORDINANCES ‘ESTABLISHING AND CHANGING GRADES January 1, 1914 to DECEMBER 16, 1914 Applegate avenue—To establish the grade of Applegate avenue, from Glenmore avenue to Ferdinand alley. No. 652. Passed December 1, 1914. Badgeley street—To change the grade of Badgeley street, from Washburn avenue to a point 105 feet north of Kentucky avenue. (Repealing Ordinance No. 451, passed January 27, 1893, and part of Ordinance No. 974, passed July 17 21905). No. 459. Passed September 1, 1914. Bishop street—To change the grade of Bishop street, from Lake- - wood avenue to St. Clair street. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 218, passed March 11, 1892). No. 382. Passed Jurie 23, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 133 Cheviot avenue—To establish the grade of Cheviot avenue, from Mozart avenue to Gamble avenue. No. 859. Passed June 30, 1914. Clinton Springs avenue—To change and establish the grade of Clinton Springs avenue, from Mitchell avenue to a point 600 feet west. No. 552. Passed October 13, 1914. Collegevue place—To establish the grade of Collegevue place, from North Bend road to its nothern terminus. No. 642. Passed November 24, 1914. Conant street—To change the grade of Conant street, from Bramble avenue to Adelphi street. (Repealing Ordinance No. 131, passed March 11, 1913). No. 241. Passed May 12, 1914. Cora avenue—To establish the grade of Cora avenue, from Har- rison avenue to the County road. No. 421. Passed July 28, 1914. Dury avenue—To change the grade of Dury avenue, from a point 150 feet north of the north curb line of North- ern avenue to a point 150 feet south of the south curb line of Forest avenue. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 1001, passed De- cember 22, 1902). Nov 74) sPassed February 17, 1914: Edison avenue—To establish the grade of Edison avenue, from Cinnamon street to its eastern terminus. No. 420. Passed July 28, 1914. 134 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Edna avenue—To establish the grade of Edna avenue, from Ham- ilton avenue to its eastern terminus. No. 403. Passed July 15, 1914. Gamble avenue—To establish the grade of Gamble avenue, from Cheviot avenue to Higbee street. No. 857%. Passed June 30, 1914. Harrison avenue—To change the curb lines of Harrison avenue at the various angles. between Fenton avenue and Fischer’s west line. No. 638. Passed November 24, 1914. Hart avenue—To establish the grade of Hart avenue, from Rock- ford place to Edna avenue. No. 404. Passed July 15, 1914. Hermosa avenue—To change’ the grade of Hermosa avenue, from the southerly curb line of Rapid Run pike to a point 100 feet south. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 1543, passed September 10, 1906). No:.-103.°. Passed, March 3, 1914: Hetzell street—To establish the grade of Hetzell street, from Dunbar place to Armada place. No. 10. Passed January 13, 1914. Howard avenue—To establish the grade of Howard avenue, from Rockford place to Saxon avenue. No. 419. Passed July 28, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati isa Hukill alley—To change the grade of Hukill alley, from McMillan street to Rush street. (Repealing Ordinance No. 3074, passed December 26, 1911, and Ordinance No. 2258, passed Decem- ber 1257910). No. 461. Passed September 1, 1914. Kendall avenue—To change the grade of Kendall avenue, from a point 210 feet north of Madison road to a point 237.50 feet north, and to establish the grade from said point to its northern terminus. (Repealing Ordinance No. A-2%2 (Hyde Park), .passed March 21, 1900). No. 156. Passed March 31, 1914. Kentucky avenue—To change the grade of Kentucky avenue, from Virginia avenue to Carlin street. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 449, passed Jan- uary 27, 1893). No. 460. Passed September 1, 1914. Kessler avenue—To change and establish the grade of Kessler avenue, from Carthage avenue to Mitchell avenue. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 513, passed Sep- tember 24, 1912). No. 59. Passed February 10, 1914. Keswick place—To establish the grade of Keswick place, from Clinton Springs avenue to its northern terminus. No. 358. Passed June 30, 1914. Knorr avenue—To change the grade of Knorr avenue, from Har- | rison avenue to Fairmount avenue. (Repealing Ordinance No. 3992, passed November 11, 1887, and Ordinance No. 721, passed December 23, 1913). | No. 462. Passed September 1, 1914. 136 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Knox street—To change the grade of Knox street, from Seegar avenue to a point ninety-two (92) feet west of Luckey avenue. (Repealing Ordinance No. 966, passed December 28, 1908, and part of Ordinance No. 116, passed | September 25, 1891). No. 60. Passed February 10, 1914. Kreis avenue—To establish the grade of Kreis avenue, from Glenway avenue to West Eighth street. No. 228. Passed May 5, 1914. Langland avenue—To establish the grade of Langland avenue, from Glen Parker avenue to Thompson Heights avenue. No. 618. Passed November 17, 1914. Lindsay alley—To change the grade of Lindsay alley, from the west curb of May street to a point 180 feet west of the west curb line of Boone street. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 1560, passed December 5, 1873). No. 481. Passed September 8, 1914. Luckey avenue—To change the grade of Luckey avenue, from Knox street to Fairmount avenue. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 355, passed Sep- tember 23, 1892). No. 61. Passed February 10, 1914. McPherson avenue—To change and establish the grade of Mc- Pherson avenue, from a point 214.44 feet south of the south curb line of Eighth street to Sedler avenue. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 1009, passed January 12, 1903). No. 361. Passed June 30, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 157 Main street—To change the grade of Main street, from Court street to Twelfth street. No. 140. Passed March 24, 1914: Middleton avenue—Changing the east curb line of Middleton avenue between Thrall avenue and Resor avenue. No. 484. Passed August 4, 1914. Moulton avenue—To change the grade.of Moulton avenue, from a point 340 feet east of the east curb line of Crest- line avenue to Mt. Echo Park drive. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 720, passed De- cember 23, 1913). No. 354.*% Passed June 30, 1914. Nebraska avenue—To establish the grade of Nebraska avenue, from West Eighth street to Rapid Run pike. No. 643. Passed November 24, 1914: North Bend road—To establish the grade of North Bend road, from Hamilton avenue to Oakwood avenue. No. 187. Passed April 14, 1914. Rider alley—To establish the grade of Rider alley, from Armory avenue to a point 127.8 feet north. No. 651. Passed December 1, 1914. Robertson avenue—To establish the grade of Robertson avenue, from Verne avenue to Thirty-fourth avenue. No, 5438. Passed October 6, 1914. Rockdale avenue—To change the grade of Rockdale avenue, from Dury avenue to Larona avenue. | (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 1005, passed February 8, 1909). No-73) Passed’ February 17, 1914. 138 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Saxon avenue—To establish the grade of Saxon avenue, from Hamilton avenue to Howard avenue. No. 418. Passed July 28, 1914. — Seegar avenue—To change the grade of Seegar avenue, from Baltimore avenue to Fairmount avenue. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 2809, passed Marci 101876 )< No. 355. Passed June 30, 1914. Shaw avenue—To establish the grade of Shaw avenue from Erie avenue to a point 276.55 feet south. No. 58. Passed February 10, 1914. Stock avenue (1)—To establish the grade of Stock avenue, from Colerain avenue to Sidney avenue. No. 35. Passed January 27, 1914. Stock avenue (2)—To establish the grade of Stock avenue, from Sidney avenue to Massachusetts avenue. No. 356. Passed June 30, 1914. Talbott avenue—To establish the grade of Talbott avenue, from Harrison avenue to its southern terminus. No. 308. Passed June 9, 1914. Terry street—To establish the grade of Terry street, from a point 264.44 feet south of the south curb line of Eighth street to Sedler avenue. No. 360. Passed June 30, 1914. Trimble avenue—To establish the grade of Trimble avenue, from Hewitt avenue to a point 622.65 feet north. No. 650. Passed December 1, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 139 University Court—To establish the grade of University court, from McMillan street to Herman street. No. 5538. Passed October 18, 1914. Wabash avenue—To establish the grade of Wabash avenue, from Hewitt avenue to a point 582 feet north. No. 227. Passed May 5, 1914. Watterson street (1)—To establish the grade of Watterson street, from Bramble avenue to its northern terminus. No, 62. Passed February 10, 1914. Watterson street (2)—To change the grade of Watterson street, from a point 250 feet north of the north curb line of Bramble avenue to a point 590 feet north of the north curb line of Bramble avenue. (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 62, passed Feb- riary 10, 1914). No. 463. Passed September 1, 1914. Wieman avenue—To change and establish the grade of Wieman avenue, from a point 410 feet west of Enright avenue to Kirbert avenue. . (Repealing part of Ordinance No. 2659, passed June 26, 1911). No. 331. Passed June 23, 1914. Wilkinson street—To change and establish the grade of Wilkinson , street, from Symmes street to Walton alley. | No. 668. Passed December 8, 1914. Woodbridge place—To establish the grade of Woodbridge place, between the first angle east of Stanley avenue and Tusculum avenue. No. 667%. Passed December 8, 1914. 140 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati ORDINANCES. EA: NOVEMBER 26, 1913 TO DECEMBER 16, 1914. Authorizing the lease of certain wharf property, not needed for any municipal purpose, on the south side of Front street, east. of Fifth street and Freeman avenue, together with an easement for switching. (Lease for a period of ten years.) No. 692. Passed December 9, 1913. Authorizing the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Cincinnati to enter into a lease for twenty years, with the privilege of purchase for a certain tract of land on Calvin street, running east from Park avenue. No. 295. Passed June 9, 1914. Authorizing the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Cin- cinnati to enter into a lease for five years, with the privilege of purchase, of part of Lot 47 of Lane Seminary grounds (Tifereth Israel Congregation). No, 476. Passed September 1, 1914. Authorizing the transfer to the Board of Park Commissioners of certain property on Third and Collard street, now occupied as Waterworks property. No. 370. Passed June 30, 1914. No. No. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 141 ORDINANCES. MISC HTIEANE OS RIGHTS AN D> PRIVILEGES. NOVEMBER 26, 1918, TO DECEMBER 16, 1914. FWA) sh 170. Passed April 7, 1914.—The Cincinnati University, to arch over and cover the canal waste way in Eggleston avenue. BRIDGES. . 159. Passed March 31, 1914.—Commissioners of Hamilton County, over Robin alley, north of Pioneer street. . 259. Passed May 26, 1914.—The St. Mary’s Hospital, across Steele alley between Baymiller street and Linn street. CANOPIES. 99. Passed February 24, 1914.—The Grand Hotel Company, 408 West Third street. . 183. Passed March 17, 1914-—The Harrison Estate, south- east corner of Sixth and Elm streets. . 400. Passed July 15, 1914.—Cincinnati Theatre Company, 531 to 535 Walnut street. . 526. Passed September 29, 1914.—N. J. Walsh, 24 and 26 East Fifth street. 142 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati COAL’ CHUTE: No. 547. Passed October 6, 1914.—Wm. R. Goodall, Peale alley, between Ninth and Richmond streets. CLOCKS. No. 548. Passed October 6, 1914.—John Bertling, northwest cor- ner Clark street and Central avenue. No. 681. Passed December 8, 1914.—Joseph H. Kenkel, 1302 Main street. COTTAGE. No. 694. Passed December 15, 1914.—Henry Cottmann, northeast corner Paradrome and Morrell streets. DRIVEWAYS. No. 723. Passed December 23, 1913.—Board of Deputy State Supervisors and Inspectors of Elections, Third street, west of Walnut street. No. 219. Passed April 28, 1914.—Windisch-Muhlhauser Brewing Company, 1516-1518, and 1520 Providence street. FIRE ESCAPE. No. 286. Passed June 9, 1914.—The Traction and Mercantile Library Buildings. OIL. TANK. No. 303. Passed June 9, 1914.—The Ford Motor Company, north- west.corner Lincoln avenue and C. L. & N. R. R. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 143 PIPES. No. 708. Passed December 16, 1913.—The Lunkenheimer Com- pany, water pipe under Waverly avenue, west of Beek- man street. No. 16. Passed January 15, 1914—John M. Mueller, Jr., steam pipe under West Front street. No. 179. Passed April 7, 1914.—The St. George Parish (Calhoun street), steam pipe under Scioto street, between Calhoun and Corry street. RAILROAD TRACKS. No. 668. Passed December 2, :1913.—The C. N..O. & T. P. Ry. Co., extension of the present switch track along the north side of Commerce street, from its present eastern terminus to the west property line of Vine street. No. 728. Passed December 23, 1913.—The Victor Lamp Com- pany, switch on Sassafras street. No. 29. Passed January 23, 1914.—H. Suer & Sons, to cross Mar- burg avenue about 350 feet south of Everson avenue. No. 112. Passed March 3, 1914.—The Baltimore & Ohio South- western Railroad Company, a switch or spur track in Front Streeewesh of utter. street. No. 181. Passed April 7, 1914-—The Pittsburg, Cincinnatt, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, to extend a side track in and along Eggleston avenue. 144 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 258. Passed May 19, 1914.—The Chesapeake and Ohio Rail- way of Indiana, a side-track over and across West Ninth street, Richmond street and Horne street. No. 328. Passed June 16, 1914.—The Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chi- cago and St. Louis Railway Company, a side-track or switch across Court street, between Reedy street and Broad- way. No. 348. Passed June 23, 1914.—The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi- cago and St. Louis Railway Company, a side-track over and across West Sixth street, between Carr and Harriet streets. No. 373. Passed June 30, 1914.—The Baltimore and Ohio South- western Railroad Company, a switch on Sassafras street, to The Cincinnati Iron Fence Company. SEEDED: No. 506. Passed September 15, 1914.—Leland G. Banning at No. 1301 West Eighth street. STEPS. No. 290. Passed June 9, 1914.—Union Central Life Insurance Company, Vine street south of Fourth street. WALL (FRAME). No. 191. Passed April 14, 1914-—The Henry Adams Estate, at . 2736 and 2738 Colerain avenue. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 145 ORDINANCES. VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS. JANUARY 1, 1914 To DECEMBER 16, 1914. Auburn Terrace, (Lewis street) part of. No. 272. Passed June 2, 1914. Cheviot avenue, between Mozart avenue and 107 feet north. No. 31. Passed January 20, 1914. Cowdry alley, (Rose), from Bowen (St. Clair) street to Bodman alley. No. 518. Passed September 29, 1914. Crawfish road, between Delta and Empress avenues. No. 180. Passed April 7, 1914. Eden avenue, sidewalk on east side, 658 feet north of Goodman street. No. 215. Passed April 28, 1914. Grandin road, betwen Delta and Empress avenues. No. 485. Passed August 4, 1914. Ludiow aveniec, atu bow ©.°5. W. R._R. tracks. No. 329. Passed June 16, 1914. 146 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Pogue avenue, (Beechwood avenue). No. 107. Passed March 3, 1914. Tudor alley, (Drainage), from Lakeman street east. No. 374. Passed July 2, 1914. Wilkins Short avenue, Walnut lane, Mound drive and East way, (Fern Bank). No. 36. Passed January 27, 1914. Unnamed alley, from Beekman street to Moosewood avenue. No. 582. Passed October 20, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 147 ORDINANCES. WIDTHS OF ROADWAYS AND SIDEWALKS. JANUARY 1, 1914 To DECEMBER 16, 1914. Applegate avenue—That the width of the roadway on Applegate avenue, between Glenmore avenue and Ferdinand alley, be fixed at forty (40) feet, and that the width of the sidewalk shall be fixed at ten (10) feet. No. 653. Passed December 1, 1914. Glenway avenue—That the width of roadway on Glenway avenue, from Seton avenue to Manss avenue, be changed and fixed at forty (40) feet in width between curbs. No. 213. Passed April 28, 1914. Glenway avenue—That the width of the roadway on Glenway avenue, between Manss avenue and First avenue, be and the same is hereby fixed at forty (40) feet between curb lines. No. 686. Passed December 15, 1914. Harrison avenue—To change the curb lines of Harrison avenue at the various angles between Fenton avenue and Fischer’s west line. No. 638. Passed November 24, 1914. Kirby avenue—That the width of roadway on Kirby avenue, from | Bruce avenue to Glen Parker avenue, be fixed at thirty- eight (38) feet between curbs, nineteen (19) feet on each side of the center line. No. 465. Passed September 1, 1914. 148 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Liddell street—That the width of the roadway on Liddell street, between Baltimore avenue and Vinton street, be fixed at twenty (20) feet between curbs, and that the width of the sidewalks be fixed at ten and one- half (10%4) feet on each side. Also, that the width of roadway on Liddell street, between Vinton street and Fairmount avenue, be fixed ‘at sixteen (16) feet between curbs; that the width of the east sidewalk be fixed at six (6) feet, and that the width of the west sidewalk be fixed at nineteen (19) feet, of which only six (6) feet will be graded to the curb grade. No. 313) Passed. june 16,919 i143 McGregor avenue—That the width of roadway on McGregor avenue, from the east curb line of Reading road to the west curb line of Fowler street, be fixed at thirty (30) feet between curbs, and that the width of the sidewalks between said points be fixed at twelve and one-half (12%) feet. (Repealing Ordinance No. 122, passed March 10, 1914). No. 422. Passed July 28, 1914. Middleton avenue—Fixing the east curb line of Middleton ave- nue, between Thrall and Resor avenue. No. 4384. Passed August 4, 1914. Middleton avenue—Repealing Ordinance No. 130, passed March 11, 1913, fixing the widths of the sidewalks on _ Middleton avenue, between Resor and Bryant ave- nues, at eight (8) feet. No. 390. Passed: July %, 1914. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 149 Seegar avenue—That the width of the roadway on Seegar avenue, between Baltimore avenue and Fairmount avenue, be and the same is hereby fixed at twenty-four (24) feet between curb lines, that the width of the east sidewalk be fixed at eight (8) feet and that the width of the west sidewalk be fixed at eighteen (18) feet, of which only eight (8) feet shall be graded to the curb grade. No. 352. Passed June 30, 1914. Walter avenue—That the width of the roadway on Walter avenue, between Gilbert avenue and its northern terminus, be fixed at thirty (30) feet, and that the width of the west sidewalk shall be fixed at eight (8) feet. No. 639. Passed November 24, 1914. Warsaw avenue—That the width of roadway on Warsaw avenue, from Hawthorne avenue to Seton avenue be changed and fixed at forty (40) feet in width between curbs. No. 214. Passed April 28, 1914. 150 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati RESOLUTIONS. NOVEMBER 26, 1913 To DECEMBER 16, 1914. Resolution. Passed September 1, 1914. To restrict Employees of the City of Cincinnati to the calling for which they have been successfully examined. Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SEcTION 1. That no employee in the classified service of the City of Cincinnati shall be assigned to any other character or kind of work than that for which such employee has been suc- cessfully examined, and certified for appointment by the Civil Service Commission ; and further that the Clerk of Council be in- structed to transmit copy of this resolution to Directors of Public Service and Safety. SECTION 2. That this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Resolution No. 64. Passed December 2, 1913. Requesting the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to inves- tigate and ascertain the value of the property of The Cincinnati Traction Company. Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: That for the purpose of ascertaining the reasonableness and justice of the rates and charges for the service rendered by the Cincinnati Traction Company, and for the purpose of assisting this body in fixing the rates, percentage tax on gross earnings and other terms and conditions, in a readjustment of the franchise under which said The Cincinnati Traction Company operates a system of street railways in this city, a major portion of which utility is situated in the City of Cincinnati, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, be and is hereby requested to investigate and ascertain the value of the property of the said The Cincin- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 151 nati Traction Company, The property of its lessor company, The Cincinnati Street Railway Company, which is used and useful for the service and convenience of the public in this city. Resolution. Passed February 10, 1914. Requesting the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to investi- gate and ascertain the value of the property of public utilities furnishing electricity in the City of Cincinnati and vicinity. Wuereas, The agreement with the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company for the various classes of electric service for light and power will shortly expire; and Wuenreas, It becomes the duty of this Council to fix maxi- mum rates which may be charged for the future periods after the expiration of the present agreement under and by virtue of. Sections 3982 and 3983 of the General Code of Ohio; and WuereEas, By the provisions of Section 499-8, General Code (103 Ohio Laws, page 808) the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio is authorized at the request of Council of any municipality to investigate and ascertain the value of property of any public utility used and useful for the service and convenience of the public ; and WuereEas, In order to fix the maximum rate for the various classes of electric light and power service to be charged in the future by the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and the Union Gas and Electric Company upon a basis that is fair and just and equitable, it is necessary that this Council have information of the value of the property of such public utilities, and it is necessary to apply to said the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio for an investigation and. ascertainment of such data by valuation of the property of such public utilities by said Commission ; now there- fore be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio, that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio be and it hereby is requested to investigate and ascertain the value of 152 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati the property of the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and the Union Gas and Electric Company under the powers conferred upon it by Act of the General Assembly, passed April 18, 1913, appearing in 103 Ohio Laws, pages 804 to 818, and to report thereon in detail, together with the following information : (1) The amount of investment, actual value or capitalization which should be used as a basis in fixing rates for electric service to the City of Cincinnati, and the inhabitants thereof and to municipalities and inhabitants in the vicinity thereof by the Cin- cinnati Gas and Electric Company and the Union Gas and Electric Company. (2) What calculation or estimate for ordinary depreciation and for wear and tear should be included, in fixing and ascertain- ing the rate or charges for electric service by said companies. (3) What calculation or estimate should be made for future depreciation of plant or plants, machinery, fixtures and service accessories and obsolescence in determining the rates for electric service. (4) The division or proportion of taxes paid by the said com- panies properly chargeable to electric as distinguished from gas service and business. (5) The proportion of general and overhead expenses proper- ly chargeable to electric as distinguished from gas service and business. (6) The operating expenses and revenues of the electric plant and business of said companies in the year 1913. (7%) The amount of all fixed and variable expenses for pro- duction, distribution, collection, maintenance, wear and tear, de- preciation and salaries and overhead expenses during the year 1913, properly chargeable to electric service and business. (8) The service capacity and condition and probable life of the present electric plant, equipment and machinery of the said companies. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 153 (9) The character, capacity, equipment, and calculated power and productive capacity contemplated in the new plant. (10) The contemplated cost of the new plant. (11) The amount of connected load and instantaneous maxi- mum demand calculated and estimated for the new plant of the said companies and as based upon the equipment to be placed therein. (12) The present connected load and instantaneous maxi- mum demand of the plant of the said companies as at present existing. (13) The daily average number of hours’ use of the compan- les’ current and maximum and minimum daily use. (14) The annual output of current of the present plant. (15) The estimated output of current of the proposed new plant. (16) The proper itemized distribution of both fixed and variable expenses and itemized statement of capacity and output, including depreciation of plant, machinery and total equipment of said companies in the year 1913 for domestic lighting, com- mercial lighting, public lighting and power service. (17) The connected load, active load and annual consumption for domestic lighting, commercial lighting, public lighting and power service. (18) Such additional facts as are authorized by Section 499-10 of the General Code and such further and other facts and data which in the opinion of the Commission shall be useful or. necessary in the determination of a reasonable schedule of rates of maximum rates for all classes of electric light and power service to be furnished by said companies. The Clerk of this Council is hereby directed and required to certify this request to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio by transmitting to said Commission a certified copy of this res- olution. 154 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Resolutions. Passed May 26, 1914. And submitted to the qualified electors on July 14, 1914, for authority to issue certain bonds. All failing to receive the neces- sary two-thirds vote: $250,000.00—For resurfacing and repairing existing streets. (Yes, 22,341; No, 22,753) $50,000.00—For constructing and repairing bridges. (Yes, 22,734; No, 20,924) $796,500.00—For improving existing streets, and purchasing and condemning the necessary land therefor. (Yes, 21,8838; No, 24,248) $300,000.00—For opening, extending and improving Eastern avenue, (Yes, 20,561; No, 24,080) For erection of buildings for House of Refuge, and for equipping and furnishing the same. ( Yes,-23,994- No, 20,710) $68,800.00 $50,000.00—For erecting police stations, procuring the necessary real estate therefor and securing a more complete enjoyment of the police stations of the ley and equipping and furnishing the same. (Yes, 21,432; No, 23,486) $241,250.00—For erecting buildings necessary for the fire depart- ment, procuring the necessary real estate therefor and securing a more complete enjoyment of the buildings and equipping and furnishing the same. (Yes, 24,301; No, 20,618) Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 155 ORDINANCES OU GE NERALN PRREST NOT PART OF CODE Orie ORDINANCES No. 72. Passed February 17, 1914. Authorizing contract and fixing terms for sale of water to the Village of Elmwood Place for a period of time, ending December 31, 1914. Noa 62. Passed. March 31, 1914. Authorizing the Director of Public Service to enter into a con- tract with the Village of Mt. Healthy for water supply for a period of time ending December 31, 1914. No. 394. Passed July 7, 1914. Authorizing contract and fixing terms for sale of water to the Village of Wyoming and also fixing terms for purchase of water from the Village of Wyoming in cases of emer- gency for a period of time ending December 31, 1914. No. 100. Passed February 27, 1914. Regulating the price to be charged for electricity furnished by The Union Gas & Electric Company and The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company to public buildings and private consumers of the city of Cincinnati. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnatt, State of Oho: Section 1. That for a period of time from and after March 1, 1914, not to exceed six (6) calendar months, such as may be necessary for this Council to procure satisfactory information, data and statistics to fix the rates of charges for electricity for 156 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati a term of years not exceeding ten (10) years, The Union Gas and Electric Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, and The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, may charge for electricity furnished to public buildings and to private consumers of said City of Cincinnati ten (10) cents per kilowatt hour; the said The Union Gas and Electric Company and The Cincin-- nati Gas and Electric Company shall in no event, during said period of time not to exceed six (6) calendar months as afore- said, charge more for electricity furnished to public buildings or private consumers than the price herein specified. SEcTION 2. During the said period not to exceed six (6) calendar months, as aforesaid, the said The Union Gas and Elec- tric Company and The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company may not charge any higher rate for any class of service furnished than the scheduled rates now charged to the several classes of consumers and on file by said companies or either of them with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Ohio. SECTION 3. That said companies may, aS a maintenance charge when less than ten (10) kilowatt hours of current are consumed in any one month, for each and every kilowatt con- nected for any consumer, charge and collect the sum of one ($1.00) dollar. | SECTION 4. A violation of any of the preceding sections shall be a misdemeanor, and the said companies, or any officer or em- ploye thereof, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars. SECTION 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and ordinance and is necessary for the im- mediate preservation of the public health and safety because of the necessity of enabling this municipality and private consumers therein to procure light and power within their means, and shall take effect and be in force immediately. NotE.—Time extended by Ordinance No. 447, passed August 4, 1914, for a period of three (3) months after September 1, 1914. And was further extended by Ordinance 648, passed No- vember 30, 1914, for a period of one (1) month after December 1, 1914, and was further extended to January 31, 1915. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 157 No. 267. Passed May 26, 1914. Providing for authority in the Director of Public Service to contract for expert investigation into rate of charges for commercial lighting. The Director of Public Service entered into contract with Arthur C. King, of Chicago, IIl., on June 1, 1914, who made his report November 17, 1914. No. 226. Passed May 5, 1914. Requiring The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and its lessee or assignee The Union Gas and Electric Company to extend their electric light service to and through Delhi, Sayler Park and Fernbank as now annexed to the City of Cincinnati for street and commercial lighting. WHEREAS, The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and The Union Gas and Electric Company are obligated to supply electric light to the consumers within the City of Cincinnati and to light the streets and public places of said city; and WHe_erEAS, Numerous persons residents of the district or territory hereinafter described have filed applications to require of said companies such additions and extensions of their mains and their appliances as are necessary for the furnishing of light to the consumers in said territory; and WHEREAS, It is necessary to light the streets and public places of the City of Cincinnati as hereinafter described; and Wuereas, This Council has taken into consideration not only the said obligations of said companies but also the avail- able supply of said companies, the probable returns upon the cost and expense of constructing the extensions and additions to the distributing plant for furnishing said electric light service and the amount of revenue probably to be derived therefrom, as well as the earning powers of said companies as a whole; now, therefore, 158 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That it is the opinion of this Council that the extension and additions hereinafter required are deemed reason- able and necessary in the interests of the public and within the obligations of said companies. Section 2. That The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and The Union Gas and Electric Company are hereby required to construct the following additions and extensions to their dis- tributing plant within the City of Cincinnati for street and com- mercial lighting, from the present terminus of said electric light service on the Lower River road at Anderson’s Ferry to and through the territory formerly known as Delhi, Sayler Park and Fernbank as now annexed to the City of Cincinnati along said Lower River road and also through all of the streets of said territory formerly known as Delhi, Sayler Park and Fernbank, so as to supply electric light to the premises along all of said public ways and streets for commercial and street lighting. Section 3. That said companies be required to make all service connections to private consumers of the electric light product, and the street lighting to be in accordance with the or- dinance of Council and the contract for street lighting entered into in pursuance of said ordinance, and this franchise is subject to all the conditions and obligations now provided by law or ordinance on said The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and The Union Gas and Electric Company and as may be provided in the future. oe Section 4. The occupancy of said streets and public ways shall be subject to the limitations, restrictions, conditions and obligations imposed by law or ordinances and regulations of the City of Cincinnati respecting the opening, closing and repair of streets, avenues, alleys and public ways and the maintenance of said companies’ mains, fixtures and appliances. Section 5. The construction of said extensions and addi- tions shall be commenced not later than fifteen (15) days after the receipt of notice of the passage of this ordinance, as herein- after provided, and shall proceed with reasonable dispatch. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 159 SECTION 6. Immediately upon the taking effect of this or- dinance the Clerk of this Council shall send a certified copy hereof by registered mail to each of the above named com- panies. SECTION 7%. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. NO. «ot. Passed May 19, 1914. Providing for election on charter framed by Charter Com- mission. WuereAs, The Charter Commission of the City of Cincin- nati did on the 14th day of May, 1914, adopt the following reso- lution: Resolved, That the Charter Commission of the City of Cincin- nati hereby fix the 14th day of July, 1914, as the time for holding the election for the submission to the electors of Cincinnati of the charter framed by this commission, and that at the same elec- tion and upon the same ballot there be separately submitted to such electors in the following form the question of the approval of the provisions of the charter relating to recall of elective of- sICETS . MY ese “No” Recall of Elective Officers: and that the Secretary of this.commission certify this resolution to the City Council of Cincinnati for action in accordance with Section 8 of Article XVIII of the Constitution of Ohio. Now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That the question, “Shall the charter framed by the Charter Commission of:the City of Cincinnati be adopted?” be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the City of Cin- cinnati at a special election, which shall be held on the 14th day of July, 1914, at the regular places of voting in said city, as es- 160 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati tablished by the Board of Deputy State Supervisors and In- spectors of Elections of Hamilton County, Ohio, between the hours of 5:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. SECTION 2. That there shall be printed on the official ballot in said election the said question, “Shall the charter framed by the Charter Commission of the City of Cincinnati be adopted?” and below the same words “Yes” and “No,” with a blank space to the left of each of said words “Yes” and “No” in which the elector can designate his choice. SECTION 3. At the same election and upon the same ballot there shall be separately submitted, in the following form, the question of the approval of the provisions of said charter relating toakecall-o1 Gilective, @thcers: Pies oF) “No” Recall of Elective Officers ; / With a space to the left of each of said words “Yes” and “No” in which the elector can designate his choice. Section 4. That the Clerk of this Council be and he is hereby directed to give thirty (30) days’ notice of the time and the place of holding the said election and the question to be sub- mitted in a newspaper published in Cincinnati, such notice to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the date of said election. The Mayor is hereby directed to publish notice of the time and place of holding such election in the man- ner provided by law for the holding of special elections. SECTION 5. That the Board of Deputy State Supervisors and Inspectors of Elections of Hamilton County, Ohio, be and it is hereby requested and directed to hold and conduct said elec- tion in accordance with this ordinance and law, and the Clerk of this Council is hereby directed to certify a copy of this ordinance to this board. SEcTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and legal publication. The result of the election was: On Recall of. Elective Officers:..2°Y ES,” 21,8785... °NGe Soe Hora sNew, Ghavtetean occ UES,” 21,324 2.5. NO) aoe Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 161 No. 337. Passed June 238, 1914. To change and to name certain streets and courts of the City of Cincinnati as designated herein. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. That the names of certain streets and courts of the City of Cincinnati be and the same are hereby changed and named as follows: Fairview avenue, from Straight street to Herman street, changed to University court. Dickson avenue, from North Crescent avenue northwardly to north line of Section 9, Millcreek Township, changed to the name of Edge Hill place. Unnamed street, being extension of Fairview avenue, from Herman street to McMillan street, shall be called University court. . Unnamed street, between May street and Winslow avenue, and between Crown street and McMillan street, shall be called Dix-street. Wetzell avenue, changed to Whetsel avenue. SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent with the provisions of this ordinance shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Woreoi ter .eassed ‘June 91914: To repeal Ordinance No. 3008, passed November 20, A. D. 1911, and entitled ‘‘An ordinance granting to the Universal Pneumatic Transmission Company, a corporation, certain rights and privileges in regard to the construction and oper- ation of pneumatic despatch tubes for the transmission of U. S. mail in the City of Cincinnati. No. 206. Passed April 21, 1914. Relating to the occupancy of part of Burnet Woods Park by the University of Cincinnati. Supplementary to Ordinance No. 4226, passed September * *, 1896. 162 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 244. Passed May 12, 1914. Requiring the Cincinnati Traction Company to station a watch- man at the street car crossing at Colerain avenue and the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. No. 437%. Passed August 4, 1914. To establish a Ferry on the Ohio River in the City of Cincinnati, located in the rear of the property at No. 2891 West Sixth street in said city, to the opposite shore, and granting a license to Louis Sarver to operate the same. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTIon 1. That a ferry be, and it is hereby established on the Ohio River in the City of Cincinnati, in the rear of the proper- ty known and numbered as No. 2891 West Sixth Street, City of Cincinnati, to extend to the opposite: shore, subject to all the rules and regulations governing navigable streams; and the peti- tion of Louis Sarver for a license to operate said ferry is hereby granted, subject to the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati. SEcTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 207, Passed April 21, 1914. Specifying the terms and conditions upon which the Cincin- nati and Hamilton Traction Company and the Ohio Traction Company, as its lessee, may operate street cars on certain streets of the city and authorizing the City Solicitor to take legal proceedings to enforce this ordinance. Wuereas, The Ohio Traction Company, as lessee of the Cincinnati and Hamilton Traction Company, is now operating street cars on certain streets of the City of Cincinnati; and WHEREAS, On portions of the streets so occupied and used alleged grants have heretofore expired and on other portions, including that part of Carthage pike formerly known as Spring- field pike, there never have been any grants and said companies have no longer any right to occupy the same; now, therefore, Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 163 Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SecTion 1. That upon the terms and conditions in this ordinance specified, and upon no other, permission is hereby granted to said the Cincinnati and Hamilton Traction Company and to the Ohio Traction Company, as its lessee, to continue from day to day only from the date on which this ordinance be- comes effective to operate street cars on the following streets, to wit: Erkenbrecher avenue, from Vine street and Erkenbrecher ave- nue to Carthage avenue; thence north on Carthage avenue and Carthage pike (formerly called Main street) to Lockland avenue, excepting the portions in the municipalities of St. Bernard and Elmwood Place; thence north on Lockland avenue and Anthony Wayne avenue to the northern boundary of the city through the district formerly known as Hartwell; and also from the inter- section of Anthony Wayne and Woodbine (formerly called Rural) avenues westwardly over Woodbine avenue and over DeCamp avenue to Carthage (formerly called Springfield) pike ; thence north on said Carthage pike to the northern boundary of the city in the district formerly known as Hartwell; on the tracks now existing in said streets. SECTION 2. On and after the taking effect of this ordinance the operation of street cars on said streets shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as existed under the prior alleged grants, if any, so far as not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) That the necessary arrangements be made to operate cars from the aforesaid northern boundary of the city over said streets to Sixth and Walnut streets in substantially the same manner and with substantially the same frequency as now, and as a continuous line; and that street cars shall be so operated. (b) That for a continuous trip between any two points between the aforesaid northern boundary of the city and Sixth and Walnut streets the fare for each passenger shall not exceed five (5) cents, excepting that for children under ten (10) years af age the fare shall not exceed three (3) cents, and children in arms shall be carried free. 164 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati (c) That the necessary arrangements be made so that with- out additional charge passengers on street cars operated on the streets mentioned in Section 1 and passengers on street cars operated by the Cincinnati Traction Company may transfer to and from either to the other, but transfers given hereunder shall be good only on the first street car available and on one not going in a substantially parallel and opposite direction. (d) That during the operation of this ordinance the Director of Public Service may make from time to time further and rea- sonable regulations as to the character, mode, manner and fre- quency of service and maintenance of the street cars and tracks. SECTION 3. Should it be adjudged that on only a portion or portions of the said streets now occupied by the tracks of said The Cincinnati and Hamilton Traction Company the right to operate street cars has never been granted, or if granted has ceased to exist, then this ordinance shall be construed to forbid the further operation of street cars on such portions except on the compliance by the said The Cincinnati and Hamilton Traction Company and The Ohio Traction Company and each of them with all of the terms and conditions specified in this ordinance. SEcTION 4. The continuing by said companies, or either of them, to operate street cars on said streets shall be deemed an acceptance of this ordinance and of all the terms hereof. SecTION 5. In case The Cincinnati and Hamilton Traction Company and the Ohio Traction Company, or either of them, refuse or fail to comply with the terms of this ordinance upon the taking effect hereof, the City Solicitor shall be and he is hereby authorized and directed to take such legal proceedings as may be proper and necessary to enforce the provisions of this ordi- nance, or to require the said companies and each of them to abandon the streets covered by this ordinance, and to remove their tracks from said streets. Section 6. Should The Cincinnati.and Hamilton Traction Company and The Ohio Traction Company, or either of them, surrender or transfer all or any part of their rights, if any, to operate street cars over all or any part of the aforesaid streets to The Cincinnati Street Railway Company, or to The Cincinnati Traction Company, either or both, this ordinance shall apply also Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 165 to the two last-named companies, either or both, as the case may be. Section 7. Should any part of this ordinance be adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance. | SEcTIon 8. This ordinance and any rights granted or acquired hereunder are subject to repeal, amendment or revocation in whole or in part at any time at the will of Council. SEcTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Mom) ve assed December, 16,1913. Requiring The Cincinnati Street Railway Company and The Cincinnati Traction Company to extend the Warsaw Avenue Route over and along Glenway Avenue, from Wilder Avenue to Seton Avenue. Wuereas, There has been filed with this Council an appli- cation for the following described extension; and WuerEAs, In the opinion of this Council the following de- scribed extension of the distributing plant of The Cincinnati Street Railway Company, operated by The Cincinnati Traction Company, is practicable and reasonable, and this Council has taken into consideration the available supply of the product fur- nished by such street railway companies, and the return upon the cost and expense of constructing such extension, and the amount of revenue to be derived therefrom, as well as the earning power of said street railroad system as a whole, and said extension is deemed necessary and beneficial to the public; and WuereEAs, There have been obtained and produced to this Council the requisite consents of the owners of more than a majority of front feet of the property abutting along each of the streets over said extension; now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That The Cincinnati Street Railway Company 166 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnat1 and The Cincinnati Traction Company, their successors and assigns, are hereby authorized and permitted and required to extend the tracks of the electric passenger street railway known as the Warsaw avenue route, and described in certain resolutions of the Board of Administration of the City of Cincinnati, passed August 13, 1896, as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Glenway avenue and Wilder avenue ; thence in, on, upon and along Glenway avenue, from said Wilder avenue to the intersection of Glenway avenue and Seton avenue. | Said companies are hereby authorized and required to con- struct, maintain and operate said extension as an extension of said Warsaw avenue route with double tracks, including all poles, wires, cross-overs, switches, loops, wyes, overhead electric con- struction and appliances necessary for the operation of said electric street railway extension as an extension of the Warsaw avenue route. SECTION 2. Within seventy days after the passage hereof the said companies shall submit to the Director of Public Service detailed plans of the location of and manner of construction of the tracks, poles and other appliances of, upon and along said extension, which plans shall be subject to the approval of and modification by said Director. The work of constructing said extension shall begin within forty (40) days after such approval or modification and shall proceed with reasonable dispatch and shall be completed within the time reasonably necessary for such completion as fixed by the Director of Public Service, and shall be performed under the supervision and direction of said Director. 9 Section 3. The construction, maintenance and operation of said extension shall be subject to each and all the applicable terms and conditions of the resolution adopted by the Board of Administration of the City of Cincinnati on August 13, 1896, granting an extension of time, etc., to The Cincinnati Street Rail- way Company and of all ordinances and resolutions of the City of Cincinnati supplementary and amendatory thereto and of the Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 167 general street railway ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and as provided by law. Section 4. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to re- lease or modify the obligation of said companiés or either of them to construct, maintain and operate said Warsaw avenue route as established by law and by ordinances and resolutions of the City of Cincinnati, and the extension required by this ordi- nance shall be in addition to said Warsaw avenue route as now established by law. Section 5. Immediately upon the passage of this ordinance the Clerk of this Council shall send a certified copy hereof by registered mail to each of the above-named companies. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. No. 711. Passed December 16, 1913. Authorizing the Cincinnati Street Railway Company and the Cincinnati Traction Company to construct, maintain and operate an extension of the Avondale Route over and along Reading road and California Avenue, or Reading road and Paddack road. WuereAS, There has been obtained and produced to this Council the consents of the owners of more than a majority of front feet of the property abutting along Reading road, from Clinton Springs avenue to California avenue, and along Califor- nia avenue, from Reading road to Oberlin avenue; and Wuereas, This Council deems the following described extension to be necessary, practicable and beneficial to the public of Cincinnati; now, therefore, Be wt Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That The Cincinnati Street Railway Company and The Cincinnati Traction Company, their successors and as- signs, are hereby authorized and permitted to construct, main- 168 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati tain and operate the following described extension of the electric passenger street railway known as the Avondale Route, owned and operated by said companies, and described in certain resolu- tions of the Board of Administration of the City of Cincinnati, passed August 13, 1896: Either beginning at the existing tracks of said companies, at the intersection of Reading road and Mitchell avenue, otherwise known as Clinton Springs avenue; thence on, upon and along Reading road to the intersection of Reading and Paddack roads ; thence on, upon and along Paddack road to a point immediately south of the point where the Nor- folk and Western Railway crosses said Paddack road, in or near the suburb of Bond Hill; this route being hereinafter referred to as the Paddack Road Route; or, Beginning at the existing tracks of said companies, at the intersection of Reading road and Mitchell avenue, otherwise known as Clinton Springs avenue; thence on, upon and along Reading road, including the relocated or widened portions as hereinafter described, to the intersection of Reading road and California avenue; thence on, upon and along California avenue to Oberlin avenue; this route being hereinafter referred to as the Reading Road Route. Said companies are hereby authorized to construct, maintain and operate on, upon and along said streets, as an extension of said Avondale Route, single or double tracks, together with such side tracks, connections, loops, switches, poles, wires, cross-overs, wyes, overhead electric con- struction and appliances as are necessary for the operation in both directions of said extension as an extension of said Avon- dale electric street railway. The detailed plans, showing the exact location of the tracks and other appliances, shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Service. SEcTION 2. If within thirty-five (35) days after the passage of this ordinance said companies shall, in writing, addressed to the Clerk of this Council, signify their acceptance of this ordi- nance and all the terms and conditions thereof, and shall, within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the passage of this ordinance, signify in writing, addressed to the Clerk of this Coun- cil, that they choose the above described Paddack Road Route, Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 169 and shall further within said one hundred and twenty (120) days file with this Council the consents of owners of more than a majority of front feet of the property abutting upon Reading road, between Clinton Springs avenue and Paddack road, and also the consents of the owners of more than a majority of front feet of the property abutting upon Paddack road, from Reading road to said railroad tracks, then, upon the filing of such accept- ance, exercise of choice and consents, all right and privilege to construct, maintain and operate said extension along said Read- ing Road Route shall cease and determine, and said extension shall be constructed, maintained and operated along said Pad- dack Road Route, and the above authorization, permission and grant to construct, maintain and operate said extension on said Paddack Road Route shall be in force and effect, and shall take effect only in the event of and after the filing of said acceptance, exercise of choice and consents. If within thirty-five (35) days after the passage of this ordinance said companies file with the Clerk of this Council their written acceptance of this ordinance, including all the terms and conditions thereof, and further file within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the passage of this ordinance, with the Clerk of this Council their written ex- pression of their choice of said Reading Road Route, then, upon the filing of said acceptance and exercise of choice, all rights, privileges and franchises to construct, maintain and operate said extension over said Paddack Road Route shall not go into force and effect and shall cease and determine, and said extension shall be constructed, maintained and operated over said Reading Road Route. |) SECTION 3. Between the intersection of Reading and Pad- dack roads, or a point not exceeding two hundred (200) feet ° north of the north line of such intersection (said point to be selected by the Director of Public Service and approved by this Council) and the intersection of Reading road and Blatchley avenue, the said Reading Road Route shall not be located upon Reading Road as at present located, but upon Reading road relocated, so as to shorten and straighten same, said relocated portion of Reading road to be from said intersection of Reading 170 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and Paddack roads, or said point on a tangent, or approximately a tangent, to the intersection of Reading road and Blatchley avenue. From a point not more than two hundred (200) feet north of the crossing of Reading road by the tracks of the Balti- more and Ohio Southwestern Railroad Company to a point not exceeding six hundred (600) feet south of the south line of the intersection of Reading road and Norfolk avenue, said extension shall not be laid upon Reading road as it now exists, but upon Reading road relocated, straightened or widened so as _ to shorten, straighten and improve the grade thereof; such points to be selected by the Director of Public Service and approved by this Council; such relocation, straightening or widening to be such as will locate said Reading road on a tangent, or approxi- matelya tangent, between said points so selected and approved. The commencement of the work of construction of said exten- sion along said Reading Road Route shall be within thirty (30) days after the shortening, straightening, relocating and widen- ing of Reading road at said two places shall have been com- menced by the city. The work of constructing said extension on said relocated, straightened or widened portions of Reading road shall be begun not later than thirty (30) days after such relocated, straightened or widened portions shall have been duly laid out and graded. Wherever the tracks, according to the directions of the Director of Public Service, are not to be laid upon a then made portion of Reading road the city will do the grading necessary to provide a roadbed for the tracks. In the event that said Paddack Road Route is chosen by the companies and the abutting owners’ consents, as aforesaid, are filed, then the construction of such extension shall be begun within one hun- dred and thirty (130) days after the passage of this ordinance, and the construction shall proceed with reasonable dispatch and shall be completed within the time reasonably necessary for oa completion, as fixed by the Director Public Service. In the event that the Reading Road Route is chosen, said companies shall proceed with the construction of said extension with reasonable dispatch, and shall complete same within the time reasonably necessary for such completion, as fixed by the Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 171 Director of Public Service, with the exception of that portion thereof which is located along California avenue, between Read- ing road and Oberlin avenue, which portion may be completed within two (2) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance. Section 4. The construction, maintenance and operation of such extension shall be under the supervision of the Director of Public Service, and shall be subject to each and all of the applicable terms and conditions of the resolution adopted by the Board of Administration of the City of Cincinnati on August 13, 1896, “granting an extension of time, etc., to The Cincinnati Street Railway Company, etc.,” and of all ordinances and resolu- tions of the City of Cincinnati supplementary and amendatory thereto, and of the general street railway ordinances of the City of Cincinnati and as provided by law. ~ Section 5. Nothing herein contained shall be held to release said companies, or either of them, from the duty to operate said Avondale Route in accordance with the ordinances and resolu- tions describing the said route; and the extension herein author- ized and described shall be in addition to the Avondale Route as now established by law, and not a substitution for any portion of said route as now established by law. SecTION 6. Immediately upon the passage of this ordinance the Clerk of this Council shall send a certified copy hereof by registered mail to each of the above-named companies. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be subject to acceptance by the companies within thirty-five (35) days after the date of its passage, and such acceptance shall constitute an agreement on the part of the companies to construct, maintain and operate said extension on and over one of said two routes in accordance with the terms and conditions of this ordinance. And if, after ac- ceptance, the companies shall fail within said one hundred and twenty (120) days to file the aforesaid choice of and consents for the Paddack Road Route, then such failure, in connection with said acceptance, shall be held to constitute an exercise by the companies of the choice of said Reading Road Route and 172 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati an agreement to construct, maintain and operate said Reading Road Route extension in accordance with the terms hereof. Section 8. The consent of the City of Cincinnati is hereby given for any and all property of said city abutting or which may abut upon each and all of said streets; this consent being to the construction, maintenance and operation of the above- described street railroad extension in accordance with the pro- visions of this ordinance. No. 148. Passed March 24, 1914. Providing for the abolishment of grade crossings along the line of The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, lessee of and operating the Little Miami Railroad, from Station 6115, about 130 feet east of Wenner street, to Station 6082, about 300 feet west of Donham avenue and the further change in grade of the tracks of said railroad from Station 6118, about 150 feet west of Wenner street to Station 6068 plus 64 feet, about 240 feet west of Carrel street, within the corporate limits of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio. WuereAs, Under the authority of Sections 8874 to 8894, inclusive, of the General Code of Ohio, as amended by the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Ohio, May 10, 1910; May 31, 1911, and April 18, 1913, and in accordance with an Ordinance, No. 2709, entitled “An ordinance to abolish grade-crossings along the line of The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, lessee of and operating The Little Miami Railroad, from Station 6115, about 1380 feet east of Wenner street, to Station 6082, about 300 feet west of Donham avenue, within the corporate limits of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, passed by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, July 31, A. D. 1911, the said Little Miami Railroad Company, the owner of said line of railroad, and The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis.Railway Company, lessee of and operating the same, have prepared and submitted to the Council of said city and have co- operated with the Engineer of said city, known as the Chief Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 173 Engineer of the Department of Public Service, in the prepara- tion of plans and specifications and cost estimates for the abolish- ment of said grade-crossings, and for any and all improvements necessary to accomplish this end, together with the detailed esti- mates of cost thereof ; now, therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: SECTION 1. Said plans, specifications and detailed estimates of cost of abolishment of grade-crossings along the line of The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, lessee of and operating the Little Miami Railroad, from Station 6115, about 130 feet east of Wenner street, to Station 6082, about 300 feet west of Donham avenue, together with plans for further change in grade of tracks of said railroad, from Station 6118, about 150 feet west of Wenner street, to Station 6068, plus 64 feet, about 240 feet west of Carrel street, within the corporate limits of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, as submitted and approved by the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Service, are hereby approved. SecTION 2. All the work provided for in said plans and specifications shall be done by The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company and be subject to the approval of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Service. SECTION 3. A subway for the accommodation of travelers on foot and in vehicles shall be constructed beneath the tracks of the Little Miami Railroad at or near the place where said tracks are intersected and crossed by Eastern avenue, at Delta crossing. | A subway, for the accommodation of travelers on foot and in vehicles, shall be constructed beneath the tracks of the Little Miami Railroad at Stanley avenue. A new street shall be opened, graded and paved southwest of the railroad roadway from Con- gress avenue to Stanley avenue. In order to provide for a proper run-off for the railroad Mc- Cullough street shall be raised 1.23 feet where it intersects the 174 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati railroad, and Tennyson street shall be raised 4.47 feet where it intersects the railroad. Approaches on each of these streets shall be raised to meet the new grades. The bridge over the railroad at Wenner street shall be raised and reconstructed to provide the proper clearance over the railroad tracks. The location of said subways and streets are shown on the accepted plan hereby approved, and it is expressly ordained that all portions of any streets, alleys or avenues extending into or across the present right-of-way and land of said railroad company, or that hereafter acquired, and also any and all portions of any existing streets, alleys or avenues, herein required to be relocated within the limits hereinbefore provided for the elevation of said railroad, except such portions of the said Delta crossing of Eastern avenue and of Stanley avenue crossing as cross said right-of-way and land by means of the subways which are required to be con- structed as herein provided, shall be discontinued and vacated over and across the present right-of-way and land of said rail- road company and that hereafter acquired, within the limits thereof, to wit: (1) Delta avenue, from the subway southwest- wardly to a point about 75 feet southwest of the southwest line of Eastern avenue where occupied by fill and walls supporting railroad embankment; (2) unnamed alley, between Delta avenue and McGinty avenue southwestwardly from Eastern avenue to the northeasterly line of Lot 256, produced; (3) McGinty ave- nue, southwestwardly from Eastern avenue to the northeasterly line of Lot 220, produced; (4) unnamed alley, between Stanley avenue and McGinty avenue southwestwardly from Eastern avenue to the northeasterly line of Lot 185, produced; (5) Con- gress avenue, where occupied by the proposed railroad tracks southwestwardly from Eastern avenue to the northeasterly line of the proposed street from Congress avenue to Stanley avenue; (6) Babb alley, from Delta avenue to Worth street; (7) all that strip of land along the southwesterly side of Eastern avenue from Stanley avenue to Tusculum avenue to be occupied by walls and fill of the railroad. And the said City of Cincinnati shall take any and all other proceedings necessary to perfect or effect- uate such vacations. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 175 SECTION 4. Said railway company, in accordance with the act under which this ordinance is passed, is to be entitled to a credit, as against the City of Cincinnati, of one hundred and forty-eight thousand nine hundred ($148,900.00) dollars, said credit being thirty-five (85%) per cent of the estimated cost of the work and structures required by the elevation of the exist- ing tracks of said The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company and said Little Miami Railroad Com- pany, and in the abolishment of said grade-crossings as to ex- isting tracks of said railway companies, exclusive of the cost of the property required for the elevation of tracks and for street changes, and exclusive of the cost of damages to abutting prop- erty. If, however, the actual cost to said railway company of said improvement be less than said estimate therefor, then the amount to be credited to said railway company is to be reduced proportionately, in accordance therewith, and if the said actual cost to said railway company of said improvement exceeds said estimate therefor, then the amount to be credited to said rail- way company is to be increased proportionately. The work and structures hereinbefore provided for, made necessary by the elevation and relocation of existing tracks and the relocation and extension of existing streets and the opening of new streets, with thirty-five (385%) per cent of the cost of which the said railway company is to be credited—is that shown and outlined on Plan No. 8343, hereto attached and made a part hereof. The additional cost of work and structures, in order to carry out the elevation and relocation of the tracks of said railway company other than the existing two tracks thereof and in the relocation of existing streets and opening of new streets rendered neces- sary by said track elevations, as shown by Plan No. 8348-A, hereto attached and made part hereof, shall be paid entirely by said railway company. Section 5. The City of Cincinnati shall furnish or procure by purchase or condemnation the land required for the relocation of Eastern avenue and for the extension and relocation of the existing streets and for the opening of new streets rendered necessary by reason of said track elevation, as follows : 176 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue and the northwesterly line of Lot No. 1 of Pendleton & Strader’s Subdivision, Block 1, H. C. R., Book 2, pages 166 and 167; thence southeastwardly along the south- westerly line of Eastern avenue, a distance of fifty-eight (58) feet six (6) inches, more or less, to the intersection of the south- westerly line of Eastern avenue and the northwesterly line of Strader avenue; thence southwestwardly along the northwesterly line of Strader avenue a distance of thirteen (13) feet to a point; thence northwestwardly a distance of fifty-seven (57) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; being a part of Lot No. 1 of Pendleton & Strader’s Subdivision, Block 1, H. C. R., Book 2, pages 166 and 167. The entire cost of said property, including the cost of ac- quisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid for by said railway company. Also, the following: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue and the southeasterly line of Strader avenue; thence southeastwardly along the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue a distance of two hundred and sixty (260) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue and the northwesterly line of Worth street ; thence south- westwardly along the northwesterly line of Worth street a dis- tance of one hundred and twenty (120) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northwesterly line of Worth street and the northeasterly line of Babb alley; thence northwestwardly along the northeasterly line of Babb alley a distance of two hundred and sixty (260) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Babb alley and the southeasterly line of Strader avenue; thence northeastwardly along the southeasterly line of Strader avenue, a distance of one hundred and twenty (120) feet, more or less, to the place of- beginning, being all of Lots Nos/32,33, 3435, 36.8% 38, 39, 40 and:41 of Hartshornes Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 125, page 82. Seventy-nine and four-tenths (79.4%) per cent of the cost of said property, including the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid for by said railway company. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati yy Also the following : Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue and the southeasterly line of Worth street; thence southeastwardly along the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue a distance of two hundred and sixty (260) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the southwesterly line of Eastern avenue and the northwesterly line of Delta avenue; thence south- westwardly along the northwesterly line of Delta avenue a dis- tance of one hundred and eleven (111) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northwesterly line of Delta avenue and the northeasterly line of Babb alley; thence northwestwardly along the northeasterly line of Babb alley a distance of two hundred and sixty-four (264) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Babb alley and the southeasterly line of Worth street ; thence northeastwardly along the southeasterly line of Worth street a distance of one hundred and twenty (120) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, being all the Lots munipered 1007110111. 112, 113, 114.115, 116, 117 and: 113 of S. W. Hartshorn’s First Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 125, page 82, and that portion of the original Babb alley conveyed to the Guimerse Gl slots anos. 114,115,116, 117 and.118 by décree.ot court, Case No. 30083, C. P., and also a small triangular piece of Lot No. 119 of said subdivision. Sixty-five (65%) per cent of the cost of said property, in- cluding the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid for by said railway company. Also the following : Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way and the southeasterly line of Stanley avenue; thence southeastwardly along said southwesterly line a distance of one hundred and fifteen and twelve one hundredths (115.12) feet, more or less, to a point; thence southwestwardly along the southeasterly lire of Lot No. 13 of Armstrong’s Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 5, page 34, a distance of twenty-five (25) feet, more or less, to the southwesterly line of Lots Nos. 12 and 13 of said subdivision ; thence southeastwardly along the southwesterly line of Lot No. 178 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 12 of said subdivision, a distance of one hundred and fifteen and twelve one hundredths (115.12) feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly line of Congress avenue; thence southwestwardly along the northwesterly line of Congress ave- nue a distance of fifty (50) feet, more or less, to a point; thence northwestwardly along the southwesterly line of Lots Nos. 10 and 15 of said subdivision a distance of two hundred and thirty and twenty-four one hundredths (230.24) feet, more or less, to a point in the southeasterly line of Stanley avenue; thence northeastwardly along the southeasterly line of Stanley avenue a distance of seventy-five (75) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; being all of Lots Nos: 10, 11, 13, 14) ).5m% Armstrong’s Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 5, page 34. Sixty-five (65%) per cent of the cost of said property, to- gether with the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be paid for by said railway company. Also the following : Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Eastern avenue one hundred and fifty (150) feet, more or less, south- eastwardly from the southeasterly line of Stanley avenue, said point being the intersection of the northeasterly line of Eastern avenue and the northwesterly line of a lot owned by H. J. Stanley ; thence southeastwardly a distance of two hundred and forty-one (241) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Eastern avenue and the southeasterly line of Lot No. 7 of G. W. Holmes’ Subdivision, H. C: R., Baolkeae page 159, and H. C. R., Book 2, page 243; thence northwest- wardly along the northeasterly line of Eastern avenue a distance of one hundred and thirty-five (135) feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Eastern avenue and the northwesterly line of Lot No. 7, G. W. Holmes’ Subdivision, H.-C) R., Book 1, page 159, and H.C. R.,’ Book:2) page race thence northwestwardly along the northeasterly line of Eastern avenue a distance of one hundred and six and five-tenths (106.5) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; being a triangular strip of land lying along the northeasterly line of Eastern ave- nue, being parts of the lot belonging to H. J. Stanley and of Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 179 or No-1 or Geow. Liolnes Subdivision, H: C,-R., Book T, page 159, and H. C. R., Book 2, page 248. Sixty-five (65%) per cent of the cost of said property, in- cluding the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid for by said railway company. Similarly, The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company or The Little Miami Railroad Company shall procure by purchase or condemnation the land or right-of-way required for the elevation of their existing tracks, as herein set forth, and for the relocation of existing tracks and the elevation and location of additional tracks as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way and the southeasterly line of Delta avenue; thence southeastwardly along said southwesterly line a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the intersection of said southwesterly line and the northwesterly line of an unnamed alley lying between Delta avenue and McGinty street ; thence southwestwardly along the northwesterly line of said unnamed alley a distance of one hundred and ten and one-half (110.5) feet, more or less, to a point ; thence northwestwardly along the southwesterly line of Lot Miuctco> tol oe] Llartshorn’s Second. Subdivision,’ HH: G@Re Book 1, page 46, a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to a point in the southeasterly line of Delta avenue; thence northeastwardly along the southeasterly line of Delta avenue a distance of one hundred and twenty (120) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, being all of Lots Nos. 252, 253, 254, 255 of S. W. Hartshorn’s Second Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 1, page 46. 3 _ Also the following: Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly line of McGinty avenue and the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way; thence northwesterly along said southwesterly line a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the intersection of said southwesterly line and the southeasterly line of an unnamed alley lying between Delta avenue and McGinty avenue; thence southwestwardly along the 180 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati southeasterly line of said unnamed alley a distance of one hun- dred and thirty-five and five-tenths (135.5) feet, more or less, to a point; thence southeastwardly along the southwesterly line of Lot No. 219 of S. W. Hartshorn’s Second Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 1, page 46, a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly line of McGinty avenue; thence northeastwardly along the northwesterly line of McGinty avenue a distance of one hundred and seventeen (117) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; being all of Lots Nos. 216, 217, 218.and 219 of S. W. Hartshorn’s Second Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 1, page 46. Also the following : Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of McGinty avenue and the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way; thence southeastwardly along said southwesterly line a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less,.to the intersection of said southwesterly line and the northwesterly line of an unnamed alley lying between Mc- Ginty avenue and Stanley avenue; thence southwestwardly along the northwesterly line of said unnamed alley a distance of one hundred and three (103) feet, more or less, to a point; thence northwestwardly along the southwesterly line of Lot No. 184 of S: W.-Hartshorn’s Second Subdivision, H. ©. Re Boake page 46, a distance of one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to a point in the southeasterly line of McGinty avenue; thence northeastwardly along the southeasterly line of McGinty avenue a distance of one hundred and thirty (130) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; being ail of Lots Nos. 180, 181, 182, 183, 184 of S. W. Hartshorn’s Subdivision, H. C. R.; Book page 46. Twenty-seven and seven-tenths (27.7%) per cent of the cost of said property, including the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid by the City of Cincinnati. Also the following: Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Stanley avenue and the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way; thence northwestwardlv Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 181 along said southwesterly line a distance of two hundred and fifty and twenty-six hundredths (250.26) feet, more or less, to a point; thence southwestwardly along the northwesterly line of Lot No. 35 of Armstrong’s Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 5, page 34, a distance of eighty-five (85) feet, more or less, to a point; thence southeastwardly along a line parallel with the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way a distance of two hundred and fifty and twenty-six hundredths (250.26) feet, more or less, to a point on the north- westerly line of Stanley avenue; thence northeastwardly along the northwesterly line of Stanley avenue a distance of eighty- five (85) feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, being the northeastern portion of Lots Nos. 34 and 35 of Armstrong’s Subdivision, H. C. R., Book 5, page 34. Twenty and six-tenths (20.6%) per cent of the cost of said property, together with the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid by the City of Cincinnati. Also the following : All that property lying between Knicely alley and the south- westerly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of- way and the southeasterly line of Congress avenue and the north- westerly line of Donham avenue. Nineteen and three-tenths (19.3%) per cent of the cost of said property, together with the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid by the City of Cincinnati. Also the following: A strip of land fourteen (14) feet, more or less, in width, extending northwestwardly two hundred and forty-five (245) feet, more or less, from northwesterly line of Tennyson street, southwest of and adjoining the southwesterly line of The Little Miami Railroad Company’s right-of-way. Thirty-five (85%) per cent of the cost of said property, to- gether with the cost of acquisition thereof, shall be assumed and paid by the City of Cincinnati. If at any time during the progress of said improvement, or after its completion, the City of Cincinnati, by reason of said improvement, shall be held liable in any amount for damages 182 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati to the owners of property in the vicinity of said improvement, then sixty-five (65%) per cent of such liability shall be as- sumed and paid for by said railway company. Similarly, if at any time during the progress of said improve- ment, or after its completion, the said railway company shall, by reason thereof, be held liable for damages in any amount to the owners of property in the vicinity of such improvement, then thirty-five (35%) per cent of the amount of such damages shall be assumed and paid for by said city. SECTION 6. Said improvement is to be completed within three (3) years from the passage of this ordinance. Section 7%. As said improvement progresses and as real estate, or interests in real estate, are acquired for the purpose of said improvement, or as damages are assessed by reason thereof, estimates of the amount of work done and paid for and of the money expended in the acquisition of property or in- terests therein, necessary for said improvement, and of the amount of damages finally assessed against either the city or the railway company, or both, by reason of such improvement, shall be made by the Chief Engineer of the railway company and the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Service, or such engineer as may be designated by Council, and settlements shall be had between said city and said railway company, and payments shall be made in accordance with such estimtes and in accordance with the division of the cost of said improvement provided for by law and this ordinance, to wit: Sixty-five (65%) per cent of the cost of elevating existing tracks and the entire cost of any additional tracks to be borne by the railway com- pany, and thirty-five (35%) per cent of the cost of elevating existing tracks to be borne by the city. Upon the completion of said improvement full, final payment shall be made by the city, if the railway company has paid more than sixty-five (65%) per cent of the cost of elevating existing tracks and the entire cost of any additional tracks, or by the railway company if the city has paid for more than its thirty-five (85%) per cent of the cost of elevating existing tracks, within sixty (60) days from the completion of said improvement. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 183 SeEcTION 8. The grade of Eastern avenue, in which a sub- way is to be built, in accordance with the provisions of this ordi- nance, and of Delta avenue, Strader avenue, Worth street and Walworth avenue, where they must be changed to meet the new grade of Eastern avenue, shall be and the same are hereby changed so as to conform to the grade of said subway and East- ern avenue as they shall be constructed pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 9. The surface and sidewalks of Eastern avenue and of all streets and alleys not herein to be vacated, so far as disturbed by this improvement, except as otherwise provided by the plans and specifications, shall be restored by said railway company to as good condition as before the inception of said work; old material to be used wherever possible, but new ma- terial must be supplied when necessary, except that said railway company is not required to restore any part of the paving of approaches or subways which it may be the duty of any street railway company or other corporation to restore under existing agreements, laws and ordinances. All the cost and expense thereof to be a part of the cost of the track elevation work to be shared thirty-five (35%) per cent by the city and sixty-five (65% ) per cent by the railway company. SEcTION 10. Any street railway company, occupying a part of Eastern avenue in said city, shall, when said street is relocated and as the grade of said street shall be changed, as in this ordi- nance provided, at its own sole cost and expense, without claim for damages, conform line and grade of its track or tracks to the said change of said line and grade of said street, and nothing in this ordinance shall operate or be held to relieve such street railway company from any lability now existing, however cre- ated, to pay or bear the expense of paving said streets between or on either side of the rails of its tracks in the manner or form as now required. SEcTION 11. All water pipes, conduits, sewers and other similar substructures belonging to the city that may be disturbed by excavations caused by depressions in streets and alleys or re- quired to be moved or deflected from the position in which they 184 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnatt are found shall be replaced or suitable expedients and arrange- ments shall be devised and provided to restore them as fully as may be to their former state of usefulness, but the gradients of the sewers shall not be materially reduced in any event. All such work shall be done by the railway company, under the im- mediate supervision and to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Service of said city, or such other Engineer as Council may designate. If, in the construction of any such subways or approaches thereto, it shall become neces- sary to disturb, remove or destroy any pipes, conduits, wires or other property in the streets of the city and belonging to any private corporation of individual, all of the cost and expense thereof, and all damages arising therefrom not required to be borne by any private corporation or individuals, shall be a part of the cost of the track elevation work to be shared thirty-five (35%) per cent by the city and sixty-five (65%) per cent by the railway company, and the city will, as to such pipe, conduits and other property by condemnation, purchase or otherwise secure to said railway company the free and uninterrupted right to prose- cute its work. In the event of the city or railway company hav- ing contracts with the owners of said pipes, conduits, wires or other property, then the terms of said contract shall govern with reference to changes to be made. Section 12. Permission and authority are hereby given to said railway company to construct branch, spur or sidetracks from any point along the line to be elevated, pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, to reach any and all industrial or commercial establishments or yards which may hereafter be built or which are now connected with said line so to be elevated by branch, spur or sidetracks, on any land adjoining said line so to be elevated, and to cross with such branch, spur or sidetracks any street or portion of a street or any alley or other public way which may intervene between said main line and said establish- ment, in the same manner and subject to the same condition as are now, or hereafter may be, applicable by law or ordinance thereto; provided, that in all such cases such tracks which cross Eastern avenue shall have a clear headroom over said avenue Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 185 of not less than fifteen (15) feet, and tracks which cross any other street or public way shall have a clear headroom for the pub- lic way of not less than twelve (12) feet, but in case it shall be necessary, in order to obtain such headroom, to change the grade of any such street, alley or public way, it may be so changed upon condition that said railway company shall do all the exca- vating necessary to make such change with approaches thereto at proper gradients, and shall pay all damages resulting there- from and restore such street, alley or public way as near as may be to its former condition. The railway company is hereby authorized at any time or times hereafter, to construct such elevated embankments the full width of its right-of-way or land as at present, or as widened in the future, and to construct, maintain, renew and operate thereon, from time to time, such other and additional tracks as may be necessary for the transaction of its business, and to carry such additional tracks over all intervening streets, avenues, alleys or public ways in the same manner as herein provided for existing tracks and to make such changes in the position and alignment of its respective main and sidetracks and switch con- nections as may be desirable in order to carry out the provis- ions of this ordinance. Seetiont io, 66 far as,)in the discretion of the: Ghiet Engineer of the Department of Public Service, it may seem necessary, said railway company shall have the right, during the continuance of said work, to obstruct temporarily any public streets or alleys and to erect and maintain temporarily any neces- sary structures and false work in such streets or alleys, such ob- structions to be subject to the approval of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Service and the Director of Public Service. And for any legal damages to third parties caused thereby the said city shall be liable for thirty-five (35%) per cent and the railway company sixty-five (65%) per cent of said damages, and shall contribute to the payment of the same in the above proportions. Section 14. Upon the completion of the work herein pro- vided for, in accordance with the plans and specifications afore- 186 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati said, then and thereupon all provisions of the ordinances of the City of Cincinnati relating to the speed of trains, the length of trains, the number of cars constituting a train, the mainten- ance of gates, flagmen, watchmen, signals, signal towers and the ringing of bells shall cease to be applicable to the part of said railroad so completed. During the progress of said work and after the completion of any portion thereof it shall be unlaw- ful for any person or persons, save employes of said company or city or of contractors for the construction thereof, in the discharge of their duties, to enter or be upon or to walk along or cross the said elevated roadway or structure at any place. If any person shall willfully trespass upon said elevated roadway, such person and all other persons aiding, abetting or assisting therein shall be liable to a fine of not less than five ($5.00) dol- lars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each and every offense. Provided, further, that upon the completion of the work herein contemplated the city shall, by separate ordinance, pro- vide for all things in this section set forth. SECTION 15. - In case, however, the said work or any portion thereof shall, without fault of the said railway company, be de- layed by reason of the obstruction of pipes, conduits, sewers or other property of private individuals or corporations, or by rea- son of any strikes or injunction suits or other unforeseen causes, then the time allowed for the construction of such section of said work, so delayed shall be extended correspondingly. SecTION 16. If, at any place or places on the line of said work, it shall be deemed by the said railway company to be more economical or advantageous to change the plan of construction, as hereinbefore set forth, in any respect, or to purchase land or right-of-way upon which to build the slopes of embankments, instead of building retaining walls to hold such embankments in place, said railway company, subject however, to the approval of said Council, may change said plan of construction and make the changes and necessary purchase of land or right-of-way for that purpose. SEcTION 17. In consideration of the acceptance of this or- Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 187 dinance by said railway company the city undertakes and agrees that it will not hereafter require or attempt to compel said rail- way company or said railroad company at its sole expense to build any additional or other subways within the limits covered by this ordinance than those in this ordinance provided for, but it is hereby agreed that if said city shall, at any time hereafter, open or extend any street or streets, avenues or alleys across the land or right-of-way of said railroad company within said limits it shall only be by means of subways or overhead struct- ures across said right-of-way and lands and yards of said com- pany, and that the cost and expense of the construction of such subways and of such overhead structures as may be necessary shall be borne and paid for thirty-five (35%) per cent by said city and sixty-five (65%) per cent by said railway company, and in no case shall any such subway or subways, bridge or bridges so to be built, be inferior in any respect to the bridges and subways to be built under this ordinance or to the latest type of bridges being constructed at such time by said railway com- pany. Said bridges respectively shall support or span all of the tracks of said company then existing and in use across the lines of such proposed street or streets at the time of construction of such subway or overhead structure. The grade of the roadbed and tracks of said company or companies shall be and remain at the grade hereinbefore specified. Section 18. This ordinance shall take effect as an agree- ment between the City of Cincinnati and The Pittsburgh, Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company upon the filing by said company with the Auditor of said city within sixty (60) days of the passage hereof of a written acceptance of the condi- tions hereof. SecTion 19. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and is necessary for the immediate preserva- tion of the public safety, because of the fact that the grade-cross- ing to be eliminated pursuant to this ordinance is very much used by the public and also by the railway company, whereby there exists a continuing danger and menace to the safety of the public, and it is hereby ordained that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. 188 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 669:.. Passed December 2, 1913. Agreeing with the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company upon the manner, terms and conditions of constructing a track across Columbia avenue. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio: Section 1. That this Council hereby agree with the Pitts- burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company that said company may locate, construct, maintain and operate a side track across Columbia avenue, in the City of Cincinnati, the center line of said track to be as follows: Beginning at a point in the east line of Columbia avenue, as now located, said point being about 175 feet south of the south line of Dawson avenue, as now located; thence northwestwardly across Columbia avenue by a curve to the right crossing the west line of Columbia avenue at a point about 135 feet south of the south line of Dawson avenue extended westwardly. : Section 2. The manner, terms and conditions of such oecu- pancy of such use of Columbia avenue shall be as follows: (a) The grade of said side track shall conform to the estab- lished grade of Columbia avenue. (b) Said side track shall be constructed solely for the pur- pose of a siding or branch line from the Richmond Division of the said company to the factories, manufacturing establishments and industrial plants located upon the tract of the Factory Colony Company and vicinity, and shall be used for no other purpose. (c) Said railway company shall restore to good condition that part of Columbia avenue on which said side track shall be laid, and all of the work to be done under this ordinance shall be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the City En- gineer of said City of Cincinnati. (d) The said company shall hold the city harmless of any claim or liability whatsoever arising out of the construction, maintenance or operation of said side track. 3 (e) The maintenance and operation of said side track shall, he subject to regulation. by this Council in the interest of public safety and public convenience at said crossing. Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati 189 (f) When, in the opinion of this Council, it shall be advisable for public safety or public convenience to abolish the crossing at grade of said Columbia avenue by said side track, then this Council shall have the privilege of ordering the removal of said track from said grade, and of specifying the time for the com- pletion of such removal, and said company shall make and com- plete such removal at its own expense within the time so speci- fied, and shall, at its own expense, restore to good condition that part of Columbia avenue disturbed by such removal. The com- pany shall have the privilege of determining whether to continue said track under or over the grade of said street. Any construc- tion over the grade shall, as regards clearances, locations of sup- ports, etc., comply with the statutes of the state and the ordinances of the city regarding overhead crossings of streets and roads by railroads, and no supports or other structure shall be placed in or on or within the limits of said street without the consent of the City Engineer. All such work, whether below or above the grade of the street, shall be done under the supervision and direc- . tion of and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and at the expense of the company. SEcTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law, provided it is accepted in writing by said company, addressed to the Clerk of. this Council, within thirty-five (35) days after the passage hereof, and such acceptance shall constitute an agreement by said com- pany to comply with all the terms and conditions of this ordinance. Secrion 4. The permission hereby granted may be revoked by this Council upon a thirty-day notice to the company whenever said company fails to observe any of the terms and conditions of this ordinance. No. 745. Passed December 30. 1913. Revoking, cancelling and forfeiting franchises, rights and privi- leges and agreements heretofore granted to The Cincinnati Union Depot and Terminal Company by Ordinances No. 2055, passed August 16, 1910, and No. 3079, passed December 28, 1911. 190 Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati No. 661. Passed December 2, 1913. Authorizing and directing the Director of: Public Service to make expenditures according to law for the construction of a Waiting Station on the sidewalk in front of the Govern- ment Building, at the northwest corner of Fifth and Main streets. Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Cincinnatt, State of Ohio: SEectTIon 1. That the Director of Public Service be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to make expenditures according to law, for the construction of a Waiting Station on the sidewalk in front of the Government Building, at the northeast corner of Fifth and Main streets, in a sum not to exceed one thousand two hundred ($1,200.00) dollars, in accordance with the plan hereto- fore approved, and the specifications for said improvement. SEcTION 2. That the entire cost and expenses of said im- provement shall be paid by the City of Cincinnati and the Director of Public Service is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of a fund for the Department of Public Buildings, Lands, City Hall and Garage—4 Ga 4. Other Contractual Service. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law, and by reason of the inconvenience and danger to health and safety at said corner, to persons assembled to board the street cars, this ordi- nance is deemed to be necessary for immediate preservation of public health and safety and is hereby declared to be an emer- gency measure. Town of Cincinnati Incorporated January 1, 1802. City of Cincinnati Incorporated March 1, 1819. Gitte > AND. VILLAGES ANNEXED LO. CINCINNATI ANDeDATE OF ANNEXATION, ITC) CURR MIRE RS oe ee eon are weg tee January 1, 1896 EO e OMT PW Oe eR ace ey has wa ae .» November 16, 1903 ee itinerant os, cas se os eerie eae August 27, 1909 Camp Washington and Lick Run (Barrsville, Mt. Harrison, St. Peters, Fairmount, West Fair- Mount atid Cliiton iieiohts) 2... .. 2. September 21, 1870 NEO ee CAR pak re AUN viet ode i ds Sa dae Biaa dice + whieh hit byes Ore lege GL 2 25 YE area ait a January 7 1, 2696 0 SUL SSE UE TP oa a a a May 20, 197i EC ee ee er Pe oe ee kn ek eee January oles DePPeR El VItTC Se roe eek ne ded Marcell 7g1873 Pears 28 bs ek POS Bea eerie Nae ht. Jil 13319 IG PERCU Oa Te rr rr ir November 19, 1903 ee 1) eee erty iS ooe. «ada 3 cesend lw eles November: 12, 1912 See ere January, “leis. ra ag kg bik be gs Valen ve November 12, 1912 1G ec Re hak bn i a November 18, 1903 OPIN RGR SUS GEES. 2° Aa ea July 23, 1914 [AONE el eRe oak args i ie January 1, 1896 eee ile tee 6 5 alee losiirctead sofa loeaten ly 2S INS SI i aR July 25, 1911 MPa SUP LOI, pe 0 eis co) ohio od ee ke ey aoe hs May ioe ler Pia MN Es po, yeaah ds CM he eR we January 14, 1913 PGR TCR TOT ey an February 24, 1870 Dero UOC ae ears . koe tree ge os November 12, 1912 ee eC eM eet a lost so lca to il peebne Segte eB January 131500 RN Ce PBN oye eater ag eee wie AEA ae June; eae toe Sedamsville and Price Hill (Storrs Twp.)..February 24, 1870 Walnut Hills, Mt. Auburn and Clintonville....March 5, 1870 eS et Meat ie og) Wa gals Sig bere Pe bee January 1, 1896 Pel Aa Ma gs, i ce ne hive god once nhs November 17, 1903 erat ty Ore MMe Fre) io be goa a cib cde ak Salhi ae wid « June™=.7 1873 * “S ? § my ’ e 7 A S = j te . F ¢ ‘| et mae . . er Sele ab yh kart ee INDEX Oot E CODE OF ORDINANCES AND SUPPLEMENTS This index is divided into three parts:-—— (1) Of the Code and its supplements. (2) Of the Building Code and its amendments. (3) Amendments, supplements and repeals that have occurred since the Code of Ordinances was published. The Roman numerals refer respectively to the First, Second, Third and Fourth Supplements. PREDeSGHNERLER, Clerk of Council. Cincinnati, December 16, 1914. INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 195. Index to Code and Supplements Wy Code Number Page Number Advertising Comm ATIC ans ote oe dn SS 'e Se, se oh $34¢-0 2. Se careers se LEEE OO PIRETISON PLOL Me on oe esis 6 o. in he Sb me UTS We cod ae aCe eee 304 DROVES Ags See, RA eh a Re ors Be RT 25-28 II 6-8 TEE tt IV 18-20 Duties as to Bonds soi 6 ee EN RN aiair stole ah hiv sala e 2p xa ath eoeicgitcoiy pl IONE LE 129 Hatem nore amesaie tak ts ic dete os STZAR TI Noa helene oe 314-315 196 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. : Code Number Auditor—Continued Page Number PORTA TE CAE Sage etree ine Reg cng = as ee 830-3.00 412s bi ee III 86 DOSS "egea te Pe he es Ae em O98<1003+7 . cae 358, 359 BOGE Sa eae gcc Os bee sae eae eh ees 819 02.3 8 316 LOS g CC, Re SIRO REP Rg ak ca ee [eo 7463 3 5 a: Gv a ee IV 91 PARENT At arta 2 9S An eee eee eS B19... eka as oo cu os Oe 316 Fd ALS DECTIOU. Yar. Ati yate ede eet aee 215-216... 5. cae ee oo 82 POLE OOMCILOT Sa 4. ee rns ae eee 938. ob ves cae 345 PISCE ISSES Hi eh oe ce a one Pe alee tal 802-8125... 5. eee 312-314 III 85-89 EOD al aie o 8 ae a ee IV a2 790-1 eo. ae, 6 eee [Vi Se W2=1" Seq ios eee IV 96, 97 POA MNTOR ELS Mists AF oo bre eee are ait 8138=817 0. see easy ae Oe ARG ha Sa UN) OU Soa ORR Rac EN Pe 169 Se... oe 69-72 Sheavcthe Sate belt acave wanes «Let eres 655-3): 655—4., 2: wala ae 276 eT LLG et okey 0112 (0 fe ae ee earn ate eu te 275. s iivsewheare tac) oe 104 SDA Teh ae re Giro as led eo het See 890-2. oibees Ganka: oe II 95 PRE CUR EY Se ushcun bo Sk enter er aah eae 580, 588-590........ 244, 249, 250 airs ate VenICleS: Si uw e ios 2). ues oho 809, BLO inn ages eee ae IV 93 MRC ACUEEL: DEY cabin ears WR ok Litas Gauci 63 to 71 s2oee ieee 28-36 III 12, 13 Wniversity «3 2. Sicel pele cade. t dine ee oe OO aL ee 108 OEE UTERO PRRGIE LU Teac iameany fe wee, (ape eet Merle AST 0 oh car sighs otal aie ene 198 BAIPea Saeed cake a xe alegre « Son taee Sees 830-2 onc te III 86 Mo feleeuE, hte hue oe Mee eter. ic aia stony 806 (seg-25 ee ns Aue ee 312 Werhts and Measiires..2n2i. 02.2. Fi0e8 203... sc eee en ee 78 SAU Vg Sonu ie Sn OMENS) epeMMi Ry ofS tae Mi T3855: n0 See ence ee 60 Automobiles, see also Taxicabs OA ARPE ICL OS 0) 0 30 Ane eur ad oe tke etaes 852-135. 3) Vee a II 91 PeOUIattOne wee. oe. Seems eae 1 e 844-85 2. a: ee 323 852-3 ee eee IV 94 Pe ROR UetL Ue apie it Aa ule (ok PME tape 680=1-t0. 688 eres II 82-90 Pagkingainaces: worse tls 1k pees 02 Ase: ee eee IV 90, 91 Badge FIGLE OS OUCIOT S22) 1c tte teehee eo O36). ound hkl ee 345 Newsboys and bootblacks............. OO: yi x iiale ee ee III 81 Bailtfis; Judges of; Municipal; Court..°329-14.. -, So are IV “% Bakers FPOUSTONS cxcice hs ee eae 286-5, 286-12... eee paarene Uty: Bread: boxes (#20 see ee eee 286—-9-a-Seq..........020. TI 55 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 197 Code Number Page Nuthber Ballrooms Ricense: TEES sericea: oes ORS POs nek flv Bas DUE eee Baie Be 305 MeeCLONtS WILMOUt, COSt® sees sf) es op sie ts TTOSL. scat sa ee pat hi82 ROP IATON COLE Aeaierde Cer 8 ee ek estes B58 se ce ee ae 325 Bath, Public, Superintendents, etc......... 1a4) to ut3 45 nee ee II 33 {tleeg PR SIEVE H ORI Gere ee sao. Ss nee Tis) s8éGii4 sare eee 30-36 LE te mea EPR ee eee PIU I hes Uae bao SG till rise te hu Geet ane 325 rd Ae etna ie chs te SBS oes as» sv aw hak « B56 Frisian het Acct ae ee 325 BORA OT SA TOOCETIO c. os hoa he ah\ca cine ts SEIS hack trocar 325 Bicycles Eaents.; bell “speed. etait ss i. 26 scan win SSS-R620. «eso nee ee 326 Pearce ir eel ations mes toes es} oe ew 860-1) S€Q° 2 cae Sect : II 82-90 PASO ge OO Rr nn och oi oe ee BOS—SOSusoee «oaks eee ee 326 Billboards ELS PEER EAL! Cos yeh peal ea ea Be Ys eS (npr Sean Becta Sy 127,+ IIT 50 CSTE G CEPT G4 08 2 (0 a S45 en ho Ges eal ee III 51 eer Ete Miae Oe io hs ce ais sv Gnas pS aO UNGER RW tats Tea Res paly toh 176-178 Restrictions and inspection............ aa 34 5 fee etre St oe ee II 68 Te SS eRe, ne a oe ists Beets eb eet ay ipa Bill Posting . DIRASOMISCHEMT LT OWHECE. i... cures ks cee cleus ABST ieee, ie ee 7? AD gay 5 * Re | ee 94S aso So hor eames ae Cae fee 127 DADC dere oe toe Eide st PS Cr ee CHILES: Ny Gites ck Aone es ee O20 es ae eee ee ee 341 PUPOMLe ULATIONS) GF) c.loa). sos 6b hc es A55=455-S0 ie... ae 176-178 TREE TOT Va NOVI 556 0A a rr G49 ORI, Fee atten een 348 345a—-345f...... II 68-70, ITI 51 Lupa ot ets: OS eS, ee ne S66=S86 82 1 atece cise «aa a ona 326 ET ori Gd USN Tew cle ) iy poue oh aa cee a ee IB? sep tinh aus hi ERGs ec ek ree ere ore ee ae cee eee de eas SBS VEL SEOs ts. eee eee 114 II 52-59 III 37-42 ee me SIR TAT eR er ase fot os avec bade: 452, 1029 et seq........365-367 I 47 II 108 IIT 96-98 III 53 IV 119, 120 IV 98, 99 198 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Boards ad Appeals DUIS ©. hic\.a he oe oe ae ev enviCe mils sk Se eae STL OL oo aes bk Oe ae Examiners of Picture Machine PICT ALOT Sater: hi oes ae Cie meee aot Pocaminers of Plumbers. fo. 95.2.3. Relea UC oe hia sc ne, Sta are Rr BHLGINe HIN SpeCtiOl, vs2s 2c con PICA caniMlalSicxs aes eek ok Cae: « Moadulnspections wots ..0 oe SPEC WOES Sic us Reto ae. cee neee TRCTIOL LO MP e eS hay ais cee Ree ee EW Ne) ATG ohn Pe eae ners Retire SITE TeT Paitry eatin fa 8 db Cabo ce nee Wacetion oO: buildings... 72s. 4.4.., RGricanitatyy pUitdInes 2. oildone nes Hospital) Commissioners ..5..- oe. EO GEE ELT USLEES -. ee. ome ee eee Siikinertuid lL rustees in. «dw ates Pate OMmMmissioners. =. ee. oneese sa Cha ESET VICE criss See oes Pelae ats Boats AS CSTR Sek aoe soe Sa Eek 3 ek 1p RUD ee ba eee Oe ol eee | INIT SATICE See arc ices toss Meta Ge ve IREOISELY OL evCS Se ISs os vy aasieee once VAG Ae eC ce ticy 6 ale tthe Mier ie he Bonds of City IDODOSIS wee aise ate ee ne Code Number Page Number 6311388, 339: 5235 552 eeee 123 wa COO SE a OE eee 102 2615 Seq. 4,2 Ae IV 61-63 324: Seq sit oe ee IV 68-70 EK ht PEE EE 101 I] ..54 1060 404) ef Secl. re eee III 64 eee C928 296.0% wal. cee 110 Il 56 290 “sew i.» lhc [V 63-67 ve.acahe tO° 286-122 = on neaee 104-108 .< 1 +569;2570". 2.4 oe 241 2.) re DLS LO geen caer iN ta shat Goke {aoe «oie CLEVES OF ee 291-297 .... 286-9-a Seq ou. ee Il 55 MPM UOT Pirie Coe 295 Pe Ve Pere me be 353 2 BES ee oe III 67 0 05 (45>) te 45-12 eee II 74-79 .« 2 94551) SSeGye a eee III 74-79 os ab POA Ne oie oes alee ene at eee 102 os oie BOO wis oa eae tole etie aaee ene 109 »+-.600 SEQ) se. 6s 0 eee 103 ‘ il 33 ELT 36 , 22262, 263...., 000s 102 sa. 220-1. tO. 225-52 5 ae {i 39 891-892). ow. 1o0 Jha 334 ocr BBB: O80. ah. pee 106 sales OFT, O18 bc ie edn ee 354 Pare Otol ne Merida tite cy ona - 60 ised DAES Sires she, te Oe eee 1h 3a Jaret bl SOQ sank wy Gol ee ee 30-36 III 12-14 Seats te a RP it tain dag Roce lIl130 tide POO Ons oleh antes Ce 103 11°55 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Bonds Indemnity AUICItOL: OlICEs. ou eas » STA RE a AT ae ee hee a PRE LICH EM Me eel eo ok ca 2 OSA s alps @ WAY Depcsiteties meee, eS css wee ves PEP LT Rowe oe NOLO La TR GUIs Oli, oe hea Soe eos es Doak sircie sol ak Bert CL OTCGS ca gerk rete Fidos ohn SOO 0 eee ole RUG LAP LINE hae ores t uid ove es 647=Ka1 eee. Peeanminers. Of. Fittimbers.cc ons. ods. vox 200 Fae te POEM EI CUAT UII1ET i, a0 ok ety Av ler PSSSOS8 Le nee es MPiIe bale DEOM IST ONS... Bards eet oc Sage Ores LOTO 101 1 ee: Eh ae U9 hs 0 lec rd ey Ps trae oe Re A Rat ePaR LIS PCCLORS Mees et Wi eclute, fon as e's. 2.h< kd CESS Sea e here. MEIN Gr AU VEL OOU Gere, 26. sales suslals ss oe 902-1 Jséq:....: Peayor. 229 sed. ec... 0. PNG PIN eT oul herd AS Soe, On a TOT oe a cera Pee siOeMl rr MOC... vax. «styles. ot hen ear dae eS maDlicwrroperty) Dept... ... ss. 6e-.. UE eater oe ee Re icmeia CerV MUCH t a ye aun sc eteait sb a. «tee SOQ casas. 4 manic. meric. Dept os mante belt os ass TD ASEGG Peer Rete It Cine uJ ep tes We. Bent iae oeere dca as 4 PROMSeG! i aan ESE UME EE CASED ACEO Tiss one y woc wind ha esd as TUS) cheba teat Sidewaliee Contractors wis ¢iees i nse 0's's 655-46 sioriahace BEAN IIOD El ta nd dus eee es 200° 266.0) SOF ST eecay OS) Se | OG ar eee Tons toa eee PPrcasii hers seit it PWS e.nckeon sy rare SB Set dee. uetevgn 199 Page Number ah site SS ate Sara 361 ee IV 45 LE 30 3 chia eee cas 84 IV 41 200 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Bonds Indemnity—Continued. RVterw Or ke ue pt ston. ene cence hese 102; 102=3525.25. eee IV 31-34 102-2 seq... . 2 eee It 23 Wee1phtstand wi basures -. 5. een es 201.0. 34... bo III 22 Workhouse! 2269 605 0 ee 5k ee et es oe O41 242: 45 Die 92-93 II 47 PSOE CS Mes heer. dui oS Lats REE oe ah ee 808. .oc.¢4 5 «se bs ee 334 Sete LAG So we UL otal acne ee anos cee eee 751-762). cscs Sea ee 299-301 III 79-82 Boundaries te -City eas ase a ne Paes Oak Pe ee IV 1-10 Boxes #Or Dread. s fori ec. bc Fsceeds eon 286-Oa. ee it 55 Drea Pen tia tos ones... 1s ys sala Rta oes 286-5 to 286-12....... 7. 107 II 55 DS EGWC ay mE on, © Suid wes: cnt Sehe GME aS. e yng is 452 v6 neds vs 5 ee III 53 Reet eS OULCe ite ck Sed an eee Se eat 332 seq:; c+. 2a 120-243 I 29-32 II 64-75 III 47-70 IV %6-81 IV 75 SEE SEPARATE BUILDING CODE INDEX. PERE CTR Anas vie pi eeladeae Se Es ee oe 908 . 300 le ee ee 338 URE EAT RAAT ING woe ae «os ee Seay Scien ae Eee 648-649 .crulis, Soren ame 271-274 Poity Pees LOUIS. City). «sakes hws ect 248-256 24 2. oe eee oe 98-99 PANCCHE DS ids es os ce Ree tee eis Ga a V1il-T41 oe 291-296 RE LS MRT Pe Pe ed ae ad es, ee ere Wo eats 819 seqe 4. ee 316-319 ea tetidiateot COUncn oct arc een oe vida ateea i Pm It MSD ika CAS Chee ass 54 ad be ae dl bm ee Il 183 CArboliCwacide., 5.4 pA ee net aR oe Sia sm eos, east Od cee a ek al te 328 ECSUICR SSDS c-Se S.0 55 a a eng reg Tamed eRe 104 ok. cab av oe a 76 ETM ELOLY Ge ltVirwcs «8s oad bo sedi eae Poe ROU OLY oon te 99 Charity icenseen peddle)... vcs a. eee oe 79021 500544 aos Dee IV ¥2 Charities & Corrections (STICER mari Gu roataTIGS. 20), i ree oe eee 245 “SEG Ups tse ee II 51-53 III 34 IV 59, 60 DOC BO erviCenDOArd s.aene ener mrs. 295-1 seq isis 49. ee II 39 Gnrarter: - Commission. yee foes tat a oe ek ee III 139 IV 159, 160 Chattel Mortgages...... gs dea ae ree ers 813-818... fe. oe 314 Chautieurs io. 205 Sask fi Ge ae ee . Cheating—-Intoxication \ 2.0.0 /000.~.. $30—7,. 830-8. .... Saas III 89 Laxicabs-—Litense <4) «0024 ee ee 83 0+05.0 Oo 4 III 86 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 201 3 Code Number Page Number ROE Gre ce 0 rat Oates ke orig wake 6 Ss 0 tg Pe TOS oe cad ae ey Se ee : III 79-81 ORTIMe VG Lite SIM AWRee PCr ck inc was): BRAM pore wr ielaca, Se ern bear eae 332 ht ETS gC ie 5 5) ot ao a GAR OD. ett oh eee 348 JOE GERDA TLR Ol on a er EO i tak ak Cand ga ty dean 287 348 Merve fet ee wearer eo Le. POA Yh ee a aes See ee 20-24 II 2-3 LV S16 Wert ee Vg S EESTI CLG op is ssa at ca es was vd Nie aves a ee RG ee III 139 ENSUES, see Se Ati ai aan eas en ee HPS TNE SAS AV Geran Ack Ha 297 CAGE che Sly eT ae IV 91 Be ee en et MO Mose eee. oy ke is ale fa oe OA SEN hs on cosa! caro IV 68-70 LATE ga OSS oo etre oat on PR te oer Ee HOSS. ae ae ee eee 385 PELOE To BIDTOVEMIENITS sa... o5 ccd sys ns on a Gigs Seq “ah acc eee IV 81-89 ae te Oe ee ae Se) 598 Seis sok 244 Reps UMN Gli a eat eis nS pod nds 2s oo ons eRO OOO ak cS Oe 20-124 I 27-34 II 1-66 III 10-36 IV 14-76 City Hall OG Or 1 a a S34—1i ghee) ae ae ee III 90 LEE CS EP eA See 6 de Je ee S74. 0GeQ oh 329 City Hall & Municipal Garage Dept........ 133? setj..aae cs mee II 35-37 III 20-21 IV 23, 24 IV 31, 29 City Property PORES PEIT OC! laTiNS scr teks cis vee Boba 992245 cao t ti eee 341 crferyeaton FOUNTAINS) ee eka kl BOHR Ds ee ASAE. Same 336 DM ie vetar OTOPClty one, Solsitce oo ea LPs aie im EU ARES Sn 342 Injury to roads and water courses....941..........0cceccee veces 342 Injury to polling houses....<.......... O25 027) iy kien 342 Bermiurvet@usttect lights. i.ik sce e ss O04) Si ae ee eee Ba Mbstructine of fire plugsie. .o/..4.. 5. 890-46 Bomuhn eaten eat 334 AON PEE NG TETSE oR Ay G34 os RE ee eee kee 342 PVODMIIOR AOC... ski ea gatas so SS0K sk cee deen a eee IV 94 City Solicitor—see Solicitor ; RU RIICLOS ere Sar a Rie. < Sacsnn's sa 0. S521 eee ete ee ee TJ-92 202 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Civil Service (Jiicevandisalartesis. s.. 4.ove ten eee ee ee 260 “et: Seq... Sx. an ee 102 261 Iseas... ans ae IV 61-63 ASML COMMISSIONS; 54040. e.aeeet eee eed... IV 68-70 City employes restricted. .....°....:0. et TV 150 Street and Sewer Cleaning Dept. Seer alsa trects.1% < eaes fe eee 130 S€0 ie vac tcens bee 57 IT bere IV 29-31, 38 (Slerk sor WNLUMicipal COUTt., hae as eee 315. SEQ... ive 118 Pics merase et na hg Ha eet Sei wae 315. SCUis 4c oe ee 116 UY ege eens es 6 kN s actin dp cede Ave we ook OOM Orn ee ee IV 68-70 salary ard: Bottdieccd. c cjects aed vod oan wOr er One A Ty 7% WVASSIStAN(S cot nas eek Cia swe ooo G oe ede) SCL sane nn IV %2-74 IAOLUITIE BWAS DIME? OL ClG): ... fos Ws. create 283, 284.08 > 2. 105, 106 Coal LOCKS LOStriCtions. cr. .s ck.ael a irae Cee 45D ny y siege TEIos3 Weetohine vot v.06 cc 6 vidi ss oe cause oo 0's 0s 8 e DOO en ee 112 See also Building Code Index. ES PIE GT! Cespe4) (Gp a NM eS ing Meee aac aN ied G19 04.4 25S ee ee 341 BOUL ees ttrOlS ei Core ne ete eee 200-1... Ve eee lis Commissioners of Bldgs. BANCOMIOS 2 ik fi ee eee Soi None 5251448 eee ee LierZ Billboards <0. 65.4 pede. Hasan ce oc hie ODO Oe Lee II 68-70 PVE MIREStTICLIOlISes, Gnctte ny ees ew ee ABD. Olas aa ee Tiles TUS ree, ios) Sk CARS, Vic Les 9 ee Mone, eee AS5—LSOG4 eles ee IV 78-81 Mrovine mcture mMachines...........ss> 484b seq... ..o4..7nan eee LiAGe III 54 NGVANC siCtuiteSieo eee 507 ee A 484b to 484b-11......... III 64 OTicetemsataries. ditiesots. . o: <.ice 332 Seq see aia ee 120 seq. II 44-66 III 47-49 IV Permits, Lor erections etCos.. a.5 fase. « 340. o. otS. Wl ona h he ee eee II 67 Permits LOrTsexcavation eee. aaeceeeees S41245.5 owe Uae IV 76 Salaries and Bond Commissioners..... 334) 5 ne ee hare III 48 Sanitation of tehements?, = Rodis sone 29044501 e so eee Iie Vacation sOrepiliding sis meee, Seen 745-1 to 745-12....... III: 74-79 M AUItS sche celal es 2 RR ee Ai BAS yc ceeasti oak at ow See III 67 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Concert Halls 203 Page Number ULV GSS othe i ae bela pees a TOS? LON TOSHO Ue eee ee LL Loe Prohibiting discrimination ............. Boi enna © or mene naeee ate 318 Prombitine hypnotism, etc... 0.4255 SS3e 7 ce Sere 319 Pronmipiting youre itis 111. thc. 55.6 e 853. S54 irae ao emcees ene 324 SE Greg. ce SE oe aoe oe eae B59 tote ee oe ah, ae oS ae 318 NOSTRA 86 ver qe. a sy Or OL ee, & A fel Mere Te Uw: MG 8) hee o). Was@ ice rie) ge cew.@) u) Je Jefe ee ses aaa. ome he S50) whelle? O0ce, 0a. 8: Si way (euce, fee) 8) ta) 2) eee Ge e/O0 re ce- (956) ie ieee: ie! (ee) 6), @),euie) (eh eels “esa. ape aw €) 1, Wiss hed 4 "chive. 0, Ne, wens ease! (0 0. -@. eek pyiey ©) 9l le ce 16) uss; es (wie 1s @ ie. ©! aig lee (9) ml @ A Le 6 © 16) @ o> ee) ice 6) vec aQws ohm s wihete (eRe. 6 olin oye) oe aie 6 cele YS vee! Ss) fe els Director of Public Safety Infirmary and Burying ground Officers and duties Patrol box key Property sold by Street Railways Theatres Vehicles oie leliete el sl oS v6] 6, Bo) & 16 ep at ees e ey ai o)4eil-e. we tho ep tsi te! wil 8) ane se: © feces ©: Dice) ier al ei! ei al Ce les Wale pt oe em ee) ete @ a) ave Jelfe ) 2 Pe gi oe 8 Ue lm 9) ene 0) e.4e Director of Public Service Applications for use of sidewalks and streets Awnings Blocking streets Page Number (Cc Pee ne 296 O84 62s Ss. o eo 355 QB Biv ics s)< acs ede es 106 (4D: sons im waa oi aye ee 106 211-213. 2.2. ls 2 tee 80-82 617 tO 625-2... vi04« «awd een 836—-1009-3............. 321, 361 BST 9— Livin re ene eS ee II 92 745—1 Seq... , 5.0 eee Ill 74 853-855 osu. ge alae eee eee 324 S10 cence no > ee II 60 28-12 w o45oe-0og 2 woe Hibs Q2IAL. cite Bat eee eee IV 40 904...: wth Sees yee 337 Boe SCG... sien) 130-141, 147-148 TO8—( Gas ok «yoke hae ee III 79 TWi-1 seQ ss 27 ae 30-36 Tit 125-23 O67 s vac wos ne te eer 351 259, 259=1..'.. 025). Sn eee 101 » 220-1. 16 225-3: se It 39 247-256. 55.4 ees 98-100 pea et SCO uA.np ee ee 84 et seq. II 40 to 53 III 23-25, 47-49 OD a Ey SAU op ee 341 Med) BEN seals eas os Son 85 B08. Sin sack, Becigee 250 BY abso os to ee 189 GSOH9 1. che Seats aie ena Tiss Tear, ia ie ba. Sag an tes 144 Doe 5. Sol INS ket ee 146. G80 -Oiiere. aas.> 22 oO Iisss INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. : { Code Number Director of Public Service—Continued. 205 Page Number reaLaver CONTTO!....0. sc oak Cis eed vhewn DOU eA: ake ae tc: TCE TST EOE GEG olen are gk a SB rm eth ens ce ea eee 146 BME) OTIS ee ei Pare is ales Salsa TO0B eden ohn ao hate 360 Dy vaitiG ameter ie er ow che wk ae ok NOS CLG Ho arcane cise ae: 288-291 PRCCLP IG PIO TINE RRs oes He. oo ane wie GAT = 0 0 a pci oe te ies eat 265 eC AMAR LCM cr, O01 fac Men, Sve tee iG 6 S41 da. eee ee ee IV 76 [OEE Ne 2 Ae ee Ree 2 Are a se ee ee 67S S125 oe 2 ce ee 281 npr a Gare nr ss eo karl 3 Fone te Oa eae 902. «99D ue Lee ore 357, 358 PeremCOUNECTIONS 702) hie oe hea wise ee ees 667-45, 0 4. ee eee IV 84 De CteeIIOVINO SG 8 Nos doing poe ieee ve: STA eed hg oe ee See 327 Ret ROME MIRAE CL Se on, 8 te ais Bai ses.a sors el. ak 1024,:1023—-1 seq. hee 364 II 100 OMicers angi oalaries icc.fe to dese la odes 20:40 82-6 dincaatgeceioaae 39, 40 II 13-16 III 14 IV 25, 26 MELTS ie, 697=Le SOqie S24 Seas IV 89 ODEN SIESILEE SE. ks bcs cen x ok: G67-1-5ed......e seen IV 81-89 II 78-82 eG ya! res Peete PIG ee 2 ck Sane dia Soo ds OBL a 2 vas Cees we ee 146 OTS cet a pee Ok on a OS 1S awk ue Ce eee 343 UBEOUEE Cy en L051 PS i 200 See Se POST 2 14 SR ee 365 EN RS Ek, Sore ae ee a ee F05—016% ys eter. Ge eee 288-291 GO7=1. SEM, acute tee IV 81-89 GOU—-4. 8 cere Rein Oe IV 84 553, 553-1, 6592. .....: III 68-70 Ecie Wek biG We meen ye A Whe ps eae aie: wie COL Clase nes ruse 144, 275 Shag oP So bak area ne a S81. eee sy tae 146 cr pah aa aeauk Faia (a boca Ak IR ape fp a ea O78. Gace ees Mace eee 104 RLEN GE ay. Uy es ARES Se a Oe (OPEL TRA) Reeeree eer res 37 MUIR RONAN Gs aie Oe Oh Ge Sk ace tot of 5 61762005, 1 oo. eee 258 628-6300) soca here eae 261 ICEL EGALSSUODS nae peck een ke 68023 25 25a s oe II 89 PISECEECOIWAVE use a as oes ts Osa Leos sao SOC nua fi. eT 244-252 CIE PRONG uC OS Pa cl eee oak 54 eH 648, 649 2 ic. ice sept ee 271 ie WG (al elite A Ae ee ee G80. . 0. ia iene ee eee 356 RU CT wees a a A ties oe ey ke bs 647-64 985 Fs aac een 265-274 MNiSeAGG GIT eROUSES <2 a 0h ds Kes awc a aes (45-1 SEQ e Fc s3an eee III 74 Bee Cae EC VENTIOMIOL eee sige Soo) 4 hs hee c 291 CCAS CC one Verne eons 105 TTP OE iy ote Ne a EBS Sele eaten oer aay ieee 1B al tess 206 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Disorderly conduct Page Number PUTT Va TCetnL. ite ak. et eae ae Oto 3s STB: als « » oat Sante eee eee 328 LOEWE CHALOM a her ar tere MPa 8 Ee a Soguew shh err res Se: 325 BeOD ome uly ent ate cera kei s Reg ee eae 856.65 2» less oan 325 DANCES SEE AON etn ina hh: cies Rie ae ees STSis soy. ius ep 330 Bee OSUT ey amc 5 oat fc, ee ees 681 a. eer II 93 birdecent) behavior cis sak eee SBT os Sate Ty ee 325 CpSceneaxNSCOUT Sey... ew ecus Ge aseine? OTD ie ue tee seen 330 Repulation oi ball reomsys. 2.2%. 24.28 ppc tah oA eaeer ey 7. a 324-325 Decuments 16 COUNCIL. «..c2e ee he one sce ee S18, 0158 oo tae ee II 2 DED CrerosmatiOmiopiles 2. 4.) kuisk oe elo ee OR Gee 323 SR e h: 2:4 ae See IV 20 TOT ic 2 « gir ¢ shia wake 37 Sitecis Mintritsion con wee ee ee 15S choi get ee 37 Wircewtrimmitie } i... sco eae ee O05 oid oo ean oo ee 337 VRE CS Sen ek AE, ta eee meme St Ae ee ee CF ete oe hae ne a Os ce ek 265-274 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. : ; Code Number Entertainments 207 Page Number See also, Theatres, Concerts, Moving Picture Theatres, Ball Rooms. Br MELON ISIN net iets Mts G ooh kvsrchons 838 Ai hcoitu.s hs Ae 319 MUS SET =. Cac Dialog Py oN T9879 es oe pals ah rene 309 III 82 Spleen Oe re 831-8320 oo. cost 318, 319 PE SEMA UO R ORES toy hte Gre os a ors ce cs usta s Tere Wah eek Pen a Mer E nim II 4 Examiner rowing hicture OperatOrsa... esc. 5... ASEM ISEGY oe. ee eee III 64 Rte eT Sarma ee coe creme Loe Tits ae PAL WA aol Daag ra lita, Ta fy 110 . II 56 IV 63-67 Weeratits: ariel Gasures: J2%s woods s saw ss BOP ZI settee eee 78-82 III 22 PROM UAtOUSMStECElS of. cs cain sce eee oes hese GUsal SEC aeee IV 81-89 SELIAG oi mes ie ThE Oe ee IV 76 Explosives ESE LEE WOL RS. occ diay eich eee 893-1 Seda ta hance II 96 rArGOOYUAtsOitrit St Feels... 66. ccs eb BB Oe dts Nee ey keen eee Sor Meester Ol POLSON 2 co. i suas cee cea e news <1 5 Rare ok Peet 9 331 Mxrension O1sirect railways... .-.....s.+0s BOG. 89 T eee eke ee 252 PER CORMCI SALTON Wb. 55 )ece wre cies os vse dike o's 0 Bae i a 5 cach sees eet ae 84 Fares On Dy ao NG TNS 6 2 SA CO S19: se qk. Gees. ee eee Lt LEN SEY 9 (0 Re Oe oe RR oe rr eS RR ae A Pee Set AE cg 318 SWE UES OS sae eee a 580-1. oic. eee a ee Ll -%5 Po ARS ei ae eee 82026" $307. ato ee ee III 87 AT OTC COSC oe ee 819. seq? i tena... eee 317 Fees See also permits and licenses. PTI Op TEE hs occ g ccdesa do « aidiy ww 80° 4d ce cds pau Gg er eee 322 PSII DOAT Smee iss wir Seas bl PEN ce BES Ae Ray ae 1 | ea AL | 130 345=D,4 845-6..7 24 ee II 69 Tile 5t \asvoyaly 4) Chas eee Barat, 2 Jet (GS PR airy eee Be Benet Ss 300 CASO PETITE Sis REN neice se cud se 5 SA9-S5 Uti Acae aes eno ee ee 129, 130 Bee ATT eet ete. a's GS s wt a os ASOGiae oats oe nce oe a Tan ee 190 iS] feted g Weld hg ny hhc baa ao 647-K= 1 535.1 eee 270 ERECITIC MOLOLA ST) ete akice ti. Wee es wo OS OSs unwitrc ae dae et ree 44 rea C Cu ena oe re eis ce es O49-5, 849-6, oF OPE a 129, 130 Pee Avalon Ml iStreetS se. o.oo 3 S4 laa it a eee IV--26 eR Ris eS aw wi acsln eo PAG ins owen oak Maree IV 91 EAT SS ge tn ane oe ae Oy 54 eS A ee Se 44 208 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Fees—Continued. agen 8 ee Vary eee 31650. VT, 82 Lea HVE space ht 20% edt ce wae eit Ait ( DE ees 99 NMIAEKEG SS they evs oe oes Dig RAO ee es 170 hn. nd ee 70 PieUIPe giarnines.; a, ton ace eee i as 484—b seq... 5. Sa eee III 64 MPN DINOS: 2 oo ok cok oe ee ee eh wee eee eh 34921... ESS 2 1) 129 IT 1-82 POMC LCOMTL Lhrt.. et. vas see ee te a 328 Linié. aoe pe 118 PENSE CL c ale pas ees ate ie ee 248-250, 254. oie cee 99 Receipts of traction company.......... 588-590 5. 2.2.50 Ube 249 Paattu. Scares san enemy eee 349-8 0d. sass nes oe Cee BIE DNGTICS OTC. wie So ee eae B48 Voids ss Ae 274 MY ALCL PITICECT Osc: . oniedustrs ws ee olen 128 = 02. ote ee tetas ee a 54 SNe rave Wee ee en vty wih pe eee 188 etiseq te eee 60 lh Say iE ICAI oes bck in a Rape alesis lag sieht 349-3. 0/45. 0 See 129 PieliCee meet leer n nwo oy eke eee ee 449—1 sone ean ee IV. 78 Resting cards:ons. bier w ove ee O51... 5 an Wey Sine eee ee 348 J SSE SS PES ke ACC are SP Rey Oa A here TAIT 5s Se eae 297-299 746.5 (Sele ee IV 91 RETAILER ere 4 0 at Sen a RRC DP SURE Aerie. 973-9BT hone tare aes 353-356 Fire alarm companies..... SA ore Soe eee 648... sie nee ee 271 Mire Aci Saerne ? i), es LA Be GER cosine Sate oe 648.3. '5 he erg | Prema Tier cee. Cia, bei Spies SSS 88520) eh. a eee 3a2 II 94 Fire Department GREE gir e550 meer een ea ie eae tae BE 886-887.) :4<.1/o) See 332 PREUIOCISRD Gomme ts a his Sethe Ce ate, ae BOG os. Sieh «Signe oe 241 : I 58-60 FL CPSC ame et Ae te OE te oe ine es ee BOON. . ot Tew ee eee 333 TUSDECTION NG okie ee ee de ras oe 1026-2. seq... 545-5 I 58-60 Piektor power stations...) 6. aesp esee BAT C=] ba oh 2 eee ee 269 OORiCet Sand esa lariescs wees ah se 233" Seq eae 198 INDEX To. CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 209 Code Number Page Number PUP EATIWOMIIIICVS (i. au ciaicies Sanh w kt axes oe aes SSE ae oer Mae ae nk cnlow tat eee Fire limits aL Oe ar ee hieeerne eine eg oss see oe vee BOS ea See «ee eee 133 O29 StoO2LOZ9=48 ae nee aces 367 PAIGE LESEMICHIONG 2. ccs cee he os ole PBS lal ne tok Sine Mtg Sno 2 =e Grame Duildinios Within. .:..:.0..62+. + ra Babe ane tegatee Paee ee | III 52 Fire plugs ; PRPEETIGCETCES (ote os coheed A OE SOO Beekavecicn, Tecate aera II 96 Sr emi PEI INCO fi: 05-7, QMs: ae weak SOQLT hc ob Vp aaken pos er eae 334 Fireworks : Wnlawrai tO discharge. fe ca... ce es B85 fou can cits ae rae 332 Excepting Independence Day.......... URES Bere ae ee PON Seared hie 2 335 Peeitiscions OY. Ita VOT. «ok... : ssaces o> ye RO So Mera Sather s aces aia eee 33 Reoulating saleof. 24... 2. ce ke ere eee. SOR—b xt gas: PEAR aes II 96 Floods PRUE SEG SE VORCU ee ve wie ou aie dene es BOG a Med Soar sary ile er reese III 84 Food regulations Dia ectse ct Ome eas ste wed ee T60—S005 fae au Ce 67-77 Ie CARGO CUTE tra ts oo FAS -ds os cates ass) oi ore Teepe ass SR 291-296 USO CR ee a a TAS TAS i ne ie Ci oF 296-297 Ea a Cig TE a) Bo OE BS tes, IFI: 53 BETS ES ae | la a a BTS -640 era ee hese 244-274 PVAMCM Ise -OLOINANICES ir <.. «2's. fea nenls cae ok hs ete a oe Soe! I 20 Freight RA Sire Aer ees ects ahs nce eae 9 bs 150; 459... ae Eee aa 64 Peet Ou DAVeINetinwiciias ccc sce es I he? We PNR ER Py Wee ee so tes 65 Recreate Ei ald ee PTS oi: Ve oee ise ee 64 LES ENP Sah eee > Jn BA a a 15 os ae. che Se 64 Hront and Water Stréets, use of......0/... Gls eo ee Cee Lee 257 ELPA AL YSIS © ete nes Gh s¥ Mie S¥Piioes «0. oe BORO = ta RISO. eee ee II 57 Pte NACE: ISIN OKC. see Selah ioe we ie bw > 308-3112) We a eae 144 308-1 to 308-6......5. II 57-58 PRUIRSL OMA OMe OL Acie Sa PSE AS eee alee ole ls eles S1I=1s sed: 5. ee Melee LES? Gauge of ‘street railways: . to 6 occ er SBE laerstct tens Se ahs eee aaa aes 247 Gambling beige re seo eG) A a re 1019-1 et: seni.) eee III 95 Pepnee Regis COM ee ese oe ks ea 'ew ms 909-1" to 909-37...55. 53 II 98-99 WUAW ULF CORSCIZe Sete tos ose eee ede SOTO cok ch A ae ee ee 363 Shighetiae Pali ldalel Cg ee Rees). Ne a sae eee 954-935 3adi la ee aie 344 210 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Garages Block restrictions .).+ cates tees atte DGTHOAITOUCOT beac. te ec Sie ete Mitist Detireprookss. se eae ote NLUMICIPAlePaTACe Ao... a a ormamme ete le Gasoline IDIOCAPESITICLIONS (coher lave «say ees E Si OTavity fasOlnes 4.06 nye cae wap be Storavcsand handling, urns. o.s~. Ge aecece Or Mitlcenr i uae oa orice es Grade Grants ote oli la (VAS een bee ae ee ICC EICHICHTING ore. a, Oe one koa eee SULCC LER AUW Ay eet heee Oe on tae helepnones cle... une. te ces RATT LU Seen eS At Mees OPT oe Bae Gun powder independence ayes: s25 ok eee Wat ineCltV alitnitom err ecm mere aon Transportation in-streets..;........- DIZE OL MrewOrks. a ton, foc a ee Sake Caters. ODStraictiOn Ol a. co5 ee eee oe Gitlericrossinos sa sles ne be eee ba orcs Code Number Page Number 452. ke ta en cee IIk 53 . 8602 6/5. ot eee 140 CeASL ol cen a he 0 ose ee 192 138 $e). au oe pee II 35-37 IV 23, 31 6991-997 .2.2... th 35 ee 357 5 LOZON SS s Blea, eae 363 2993101 cass pas 43 VAS2L ae ee TTL Ba ».452 2. 20. iy ee Iii 8 . -896-89'F..0 cs S28 ote 336 » ABS i viccaum asanaesl ougee aon eae 193 ». SLI=2138 .04 ek be eee 80 » C741 ne iter oe cent 282 ~~ O00). ae @ olsscla = ee eeeeee een 275 452. 5 cea ee aoe IIT 33 4B. pat Oo oe li Se +3048... du 22a b & veeete 271 2 O47) sciWh ae ee eee 265 «18098 a, ae ene one 244 oil OAS oe, fe tcc 0 sa! oaths, oy 271 +s AOZIZ1023 1c. oo ee ce eee 364 an OOOme od sins sale eee re 33 Prt: ree Te eG 5 a 336 eso) eee LE eM re ty a oc dal PeO08H 1.6. co. he II 96 2605, “666.56 1.2. cep eee 279 2096-657 i. . 2s 2 a keene 277 Bid Det iarw eae Widhn, Olee eS Bee, Re 21 pi LO OOO, bse Sov 3 abdpars oie eee 316 Pe LBoH IO Ls eae Iii 22 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. : Code Number Hay inspector MATIESOt INSPECCEOTa, esky cls a's ots oho PALES bh ey pe ane ete Wes Cag Vira itpcreneet ere niee Bide. fae Sw RG. 1 Ue Raa en re cA MONDAY Lea SHT let eect ks ie ae ciel a oe! GOate atin eo tas Owe Health officer /biybls fa ata SS a «a ay 279 to 286-12.... MOOR BECCTIIALIONS. «Ulich sates io.d Sirs yay care ee en ep Ope oard ott xamimners of Plumbers. .292..-7..2...... Mineamitary DuUdiness. <5. cuhes ee. es veo 745-1 to 745-12.. Horses Hr wes tis CAUILOMIODILES hoch.) as ss Fee we Setltes BAA) Peas trae Prohibiting auction of in streets...... DOO eee, Se ean e Pts utCHINGL TO (EOS. 26.h.c ne ODO cacsig ies sole aa Prohibiting injury to trees.....2..:... OOUs Cteeeee fee Regulating use of in streets........... GS0-) {onGSe-. 0. Shoeing, cleaning, etc., in streets...... GGA Sivan pcan ee Hospitals, public Siicerseand salaries), 5.4 0.8 cas Tie es PAS ISEN Pee Hospitals Oe she O Tete eek celeriac a cian OSI Lovoaiowear Lote Pa bee tel no G80-Sioy ce omen, House numbers Sire Ve seine Che ATE Pee is si ele Sx ccd ee 8 2 1023-2, 1029-3.... AMAR UGTIRSY 2 Ei VEL Re) a T1024 ee cee Prohibiting removal of numbers....... 1025—1026..5. 5. a4; House of Refuge PPI COre Ain, Salattes wwe Ga i. sen es 8 239-2405 See aes, Pes VACATION OL) fos neo cm nee a ke oh s 745-1 to 745-12.. Humane Society PTICETS ANG SAIATICS iit, oh ioc ee wcseeeis vis ns DAS YM PS ORAS Ss, ee eC eWay vie teen. Soe oho alls ae rod ne Ea oe een lhe, By ROR Ms yee els oo 2 kn enn tes a as arte ie, 2 Ice Pierre ead DOCICS eee dN erisian diene hs GO TAp as oa. eee cp fle 4 een, pe ae © Rede aN a ee 901-1 to 901-3... Ice houses BOC TPE SLEICEOUS Coe teu fe che eee baw Pie gee ee Oh! | Hire resi ricmOnsre ce hes baie: A5 Tania se are 211 Page Number ae EP 105-108 Reta: 291-296 ea arate 110 peels: III 74 a te Nae 323 en ne 336-337 Scent t heen 350 a ee 350 sath oe amen, 364 fa ae eens 91 II 45-46 III 27-29 pee gels 307 ea INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Incline planes Must be lighted with electricity....... 606—1, 606-87 727. a eee II 76 Indecency Causing indecency in others, etc...... S81. bias ls an oe II 93 PNCeCent PUD UCATION .. acttse aoe en O30. i gh Se Be AEs Ce ee Fe baeo II 126 Cos ere oe Rebel NG TRS gn 9061 Mile Vo ee eee Littering Streets PSC SHBUGeAT DAU) Sake Case eh oes. OBA tau 5's wah haere cee 355 VORA CIUSS Ct Wu a FE RRL es. | OO Ott cai ok tare ere 337 Dropping Debris from buildings...... S601. 00 ohn Seo ho ae 327 ESTE a Pedy: Ads Cant ait ed atten A) ea SY OT iy elite ae OMS AA ERT 322 216 INDEX To CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. A ; Code Number Littering Streets—Continued. Page Number Ovyerturmming: ash (barréeli2e. ese. ee os 986.046 s¢0a000) 356 RETESET Akl. oot ea ORE ee eee 046........ 02) oan eee 347 Mnrowine Contettl, ete, ere eee oo 876.5645 50 ss eee 329 live stock, Superintendent of...........s% 1324... .. «oe eee IV 25 Lodging Houses, city. Wiicers and, salaries.¢0.cnee oe eee 258-1)... a1 . a ae een ne are ge Sen tele! 167 0 65 sn os oe ee 69 PEO AIC ME mC Be tlio hele ta cats ARO oslo ce 1653 3. endo. os ae 68 ATC TIS ES cate Meee yials ee si aies Wh nds dew Pere Sd 176333 7 72 PVE eUCL AN ee Met orcas vrai tes bir ate aah See Supt. of Markets IN GISCUT Deion nate ee ae Me Peshadie: oh dhasecaceie 196-198 a7 55464 eee 76 NCR UL Ve oT niger ein enn shite co Ric (41a k 6 34 eats cley ae 296 COE CAT GRIT Bees hs Cis Se recent go eats 159 oo pi ee 66 COLES m ee Seti, lak anak Lilie, beeen eet Ale 160=161., 1c roe eee 67 SCANS teens ee, Sra te aan ao ee ere 158, 169-15") 66, 70 17D, “(Sale co. ane eee T15 %e2 Rents 20 tec a oe ee eens te 169-175. 70, 71 STO Woe sac is Oe ee Cee (Ol cba sn te 287 VAR ONS Tae Fc. utes canes ere, 158). rosy: haat eee 66 Wephts“and Measurcss eu. toe ee 209, -21004.4. .ae 80 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 217 Ei Code Number Page Number NUENSGE TS. larg £ A d b Sure hike Be oe oe eh 144, 745 2 ee 296 Milk SPOMORDASLUTE OD: cies satis cs ase ay tueeee TAD. 4c t «tee ee 296 DPA CLC me WA SONS «0 saeiia a bie ben's eee 144062005502. .5 296 Breamireswil TiN Hie gen wccuk toa s os wee 211-213) ; <2 see 80-82 Thin, dirty or adulterated milk........ 286-1 to 286-4......... 106-107 PERUANO SE 1. 22 see 5 ee tyge on, oie pe sey 221 to 221-35.7.0. -:neeee 84 IV 40 Minors PIU VONS MILI SLU CEES coumceiiola.es twats eae O14 os. nn Bp ele .. 339 Manplayed ain streets. acs... ck 6 nee oe 157 “SOQ son. 325 1019-1 to 1019-4........ III 95 SOS -B Ge ...,...0 40. 776, ~T76-1 8. ou ee 306 VAL GROTS TICKELS. cae 5 Su dant. sek oes eee 832. clin de so 3 318 Explosives Regulate display Obst... «125565 893-2 to. 893-52... 300 Sa LeRANGiISe Ol = wane cewa, . M. ea keris 893-1. ek ee II 96 Transportation in streets......... 882. cori Mele A ee 334 TER OSUEC TE iran Kren ate ee eas ote 881... s.cebole ) dee Oe II 93 False alarm LEAT Foi 0 aes AN RB al VO SER EA 888.0 ose ee Se 333 HOMIGEE PATOL tems ork eee nak cue 938... ae te eee ee 341 Bites MMe oye eRe 5 oh. ts aac hie ete 108-16 109.3. eee - 50 HetCemanieip NEMO! 6-04.05... so ovis Wasue ere 449-1 | oe Res Se ee IV 78 ECB EG RONMCALS (2). he mse seh eh ee 598-599 3.2. cake Pee ee 253 CCL ements © UNE x cae ain ete as See Peed 74775024 bce ace 297-299 T46 5 dic gee ee TV 295 Ramee motion pictures. +-...<. ¢:s.0te 485-1 seq. 4.creepee IV 78-81 ATU Me i sh arc cee Vaca ge mes 973-980. 2... 2. ee 353, 354 Dt CALI io meMme ich «3's ios veers tee Cee ee 885 seq. ... +055. 050= 332 II 94 Ee RADOATATUS es occ sien Sisists o's oaseeien es 899... Won. Ss ee 333 HSPemOReS ater eich nates: sae Ree ai 886, 887........+..5n eee Hiresiepartinentatres.. a. wr. act ter 681°" 683.2... vaca II 87 PURE CU OSE arith niece ti ee calc ok be ea B90. 2.0) owe eee ee 333 FPCAN EDO haath te Cae el ee a oe SO Ls 2 3. Rade 2 oe eee 334 Miresan~ chinitieys. 2e 80 sue, eet S84.200 SSN. a oe eee 332 Fire inspection, resisting, etc.......... 1026-2 S60 ce eee 1 58 to 60 Jarecin’ Streets.s tse eee eee ee ane BOS iciky «isa 2s 8, ele ee 334 Pare plugs es Nee eee eee OT ask eB ee ee 50 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. ' Code Number Misdemeanors—Continued. 223 Page Number CWO KS eee Or ae er Cds yin ce es eos aes gt ac ME aoe PR a Ba 332 BIS ISEQ i ews Wea IL 96, 335 BACHIAD eRe ree SP ee Tone «ra oe Sale LOST Src nca cee eer tenes 49 AE ce Ee wee eee) hee ee ee SOLS ONE ae. ake Seer tena a 7 eis Food IMeateinSpectiOl. se uk Soe id ie woe UTA TET, seo a ee eee 291-296 UGE? SIPEOSSG 8 oh vs ae en aye TAR TAS Pais oe ea ae ae 297 Milk measured in glass........... QUIROS ore Cad do ame 80-82 TA me ctr a eae! 8 or eck coe dee a aA Oe bs wt ee ook Gade ey oe 82-84 brea CULE Byte malic EG Ratna) Oe ea ee BO Py, canes aay erat a ees 336 Beitr Ula Gee Lt Vier msds sae eae eo gt Be 1s eee CU REE Sie 2 335 Funerals Pia Ret. DIACES eG 2.) <>. sia LG oe otis a tee ee ee eee 67-68 Regulations of in streets.......... 680-17 (£G-68a5..008 see II 87 isi ane ministalatiOtis Mie aan 6 Coe 308-4, 311-24. ....5.. III 37-42 ree eee s,s oo Bj LSQNS 154s SOU een eee 64-65 Gambling Mayorsto seize apparatus...:..... CRUG 2, bee neg Oe ae oe et 363 eC VES IRN os ha. we ow a Fa eiinee 0 909=1° to: 900-33 a. pace II 98 URS Soe CUP CO Toh a rrr 1019-1 ‘to 1019-42. Fee III 95 Sitele oor Salata 0) eng | ao a re 934-935 oie Asa kde tienes 334 (eas, nttine. pivinbing, etes. cians... 200 seq) jin cee IV 63-67 Lea ae PS tT Sy a OS ce Oa DE 355 Maseenpine.® miuniers ON... e060. oe. O13=1 Soe ee oe ee III 93 OS TESTES ay aN Oe nC Sf MR Coe Yet II 122 ASO TICE POT tai Poel relay alla £030-Ieiig ee tae ss ot eee HVeOr Caso om tr ae oe ees Sau BOG S987 ees. Oe eee 336 SAREE" kM SALE Ge EN ae eli Pe OTE TORO NC ec knee 357-358 ets teal TOONS 0. oe sicko ae eo ie aint nag demi 4, 331 Sere omit DAW aTOOIIG Sos acid ile aves ea oe SORES Watley age tees See eee 324 Gunpowder ‘Transportation in strects......... Reo ces Ce a Pe eee 331 WiANULACtIILe OF GStOLing...... 5... BOGS Ao nisl s yer eee 336 ee aN ARS aS AOU O Lee wer ce ves oxi 0 208 8032 1a Fatt cans cee ae ee II 96 Gutters Prompting” crossings. i.e. ea 656-657..... PRRs i ere 277 Obstructing crossings ..... Res, 665—OOG.ce el co ee ee 279 EPC 4 eg Oe es OOS tay tea ee meee ee ao 224 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Misdemeanors—Continued. ) 42 W al aha eR eT Ma ge Ve Ea a. a 819, 830 422 eee 316-318 POUNDS 6 cent, Ta’ Leer es ioe ee 949.0... saa oe 348 Rat NOOO KSI. oc ee raat Se 1019-1 to 1019-4........ III 95 Marvoring lewd! womenie®..... ..2s.- 906... 20245. 0o ee 338 BST EES ee i ie a ee 214. 220.....0 eee ae 82-83 Headlights RACHIC LESH ialeaia: (metric One ae B23) sees sa nae te Oe 317 TEC UMCATS ey ctki a tases Reece cc et 594-5 0s. leas o> ee -251 PrULOIMODICS! Sc tecl at en ee eee 852-3... os aioe ee IV 94 Pleo Tec LLeet. Cals ir la. sie st ee ech ke GOL: fae sore ke 253 Plea VV atial CLid bate vues» eincvse.e ied 6 Snide 663 oc. cic en or 278 Horses Biiieles GCs cits mabe k Sica Meentea 836-839...... Prat 320 REVUTYIRONa cas ti ieee ee ie 902 2 hn 33% Tajurys tomtrees, cetC Yas. 7 959-960 545) sche: eee .. 350 Prohibiting auction {in streets. :..900,0.; 4)..5..o eee 336 Overloading wee cu ee 680s14s. 5 oie ee II 86 PipeseraltCliOn scr, tim. od goes nee eee GOO ie Pte a eee ee ee 336 PL GES CeSiOCIN Sats, Na enone ani ae cee 664. fo ict hon eee ee 279 ELOtr BS OLICIOTER, uh Rina see Foe Sete 796, 938.4. poe a ae 365, 345 FiGtuisestiOV ING a. iio ice eae eo 870.5). Stans eee oe 337, PIGUSe UM DErs Fa. Pe de hee sass < Cas tees 1024-1026: oo... See 364-365 I tinea ae 7. Crete Kaye ears 105 2s. ei pitin » rene 49 866—868 iia 5 ote tee 326-327 Pte AIT LGM nS fe yer ces Cue ee Shy eee 108-1, 109. ... =... oe 50 PLY OLLOCUSTIIN tier Fcc. eit as eo nae 833 os. . os ss he ee 319 Ice HOE Cea DOCIGS..0 .tecners «ec Mla boe 901.265 235+. 0 155 se 337 HOU 70) eee ne Ra eR Sa ee are 901=1 sto, 901-3. 14. eee III 91 Pine Aalie Vai a cratic de arth © hoor? oaks 878-879... <5) oak 330 EMTOLAL) WOMENS fa tLe ene ecclesia oe 906-907 .:.... .'c a umeeeneee 338 Indecency PRION Ol s Personals tie ee B81 S05 ona sue) athe eee 1p Bes iiltitveacts-or wordse: ee. eet ae BOT 5s cuscy wy cise sere 325 Iniiry to ssidewalk 22s cee eee. 659." G63..45 + cc eee 278, 279 Interference with building inspection. .337..... ).....0...0 eee 123 Interference with parades............ G79 on... vere ee 283 Intoxication, see drunkenness. INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 225 Code Number Page Number Misdemeanors—Continued. Peel ant .werliNe ges. wee oon ns ao ue aes SO 2— te SCH! pace Leas cel od IV 96 Kerosene oil, manuiacture of..-..2:.. Ol Sieh ae Wiese 2005 ae aaa eer ee 341 BESIDE OSES Ot eee te ee ER aces ahs hos 3 DOS= 904 aa eee atss wae aee aso 337 PeAU PAR Cres Pa Ne i ele ora boo decal STO tas en eae Aang es 330 EWU RS er a en ee ea eee a cee BES SOTA HAR acs 330 |RSS 0. 5 doe 2a Ee ace TGA. Trak tae tek Ca pea Ee 5 302 PeR ORB RIOULS! one ste ne eel aisla a cate e's Pp Sed NPE BIMBO Bela er cB i fon IV 40 Lights AVipesta esteare hs ea omeee te oh GP al uke s pT aa eprom Ric ms oe Ns ea 346 COMM MENS 2 sta Waekr sky tee ocr ee Ys TOO RS, fsa eats eee ee eee 364 Wiusloaded= velniclesine, A400. kaos 6S0=13...4-)89.,5 Re II 86 MeMICline Mlanes, yams src. y sieck sis GOG2T 2 bois ok ga dee Il 76 Pe CARICA Soe erin ipa ss Fos Sa «ee We eit, ey a Sie oe A Lib 37 CS reVeiiC Os wet! fh eas cg se eve oh S28. i datas a a ede ee oi Basa ave ce atten. oo aadelemne eee IV 94 WT Men et ee chic yo aes + nis ds ate x ox oe Pag VERMIN SE grok ely A, 322 Peeacin@-oneirerts, CC... 2. es aa es 6OSR GB0-1 0 et cles 278, II 85 BCR DLOMERS a riaedn.. os. Si oeinty ves SIG=S18 . Lee ere te ol a-ol oO Loan offices | Licenses and regulations...... te 818-818 1. arom eee 314-316 LOD atom olen ae IV- 92 Dioner smo eOnening aAnd=closing 6.5... cuss se cilebys cm eelee ue test RE og Ue foot a GOT) 909 Soon A. aaae cee 339 III 93 CAT, SS SS ee 0062102 Serer 25 Sa 338 Pe CoWare ee, NA rE hans oie ok Poe wk 009=f to 90025... 32. a. Same II 98 (Ei wae ob ce oe OU 3 eae aera cee eae ae ee 337 PANY COP ETA Deh ooo heat oa asd mae ak See is ss a ee ee 322 PUREE Stree cence Gales a hig se ass Yecae Lbote tate aur ter eae ear oer 66 to 77 ee ee ee ian cw ck nw coe ns ooo UVC TOS 4 ds a wien 291 to 296 MOCT TET g Un aceon eRe eee 3 2 os Wes lao Sas Gate a eee 319 Pai ites CLOG ITI We at oh SIRs: 5.0.6 + one lace > OOG=1 Mana ie Pe evar te 338 Milk Adulterations and thinning....... S861) to 286-4. e)e eee 106 Decal eMeasites wl e es) we' cee Stl, (B12 eae eee 80 [iebtge sey? ¢oasht bg a0 eo Ne ae ree AD VIAS Rs Oe ee ee eee reas 296 NN ASAIN GO Clery spate ial lee a6. T4454 F45 2 mel ance me yar PA PALER L LOSE ert are ook a a elit a td go csacas S11 tor Oi es es 80, 81 226 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Misdemeanors—Continued. reese oe NEE eMey ROOTS Nig ac ete! shia ieetee tile ete wile 742 to 745.00. fa, Minors Iocrving in streets. 0. eta ee es st O11 wn c k os hae (SAMOS knee h hee tee eee CRE 934, 93520. 5) eee Mr yettitig SON = VChIClES: » aeemiee ice ee 912 Os, ve a Newspaper selling. ..sbetuc. ...c 3. 914. 02 bk 6s ws sow CDPPMRITCeLS |. anawiay bee ere 758.40 7620.7 ae eee II] 79,78 Regulation of ball rooms......... 853 edu als bv cu ous 8 ee alreLotadiminiiinition tO... i... ..0e8 S35. o5) duck oe ee RSITEO MILI Marae LN aN is Ft alin aM aa 9136)... oka ene eee MI GrIONS GF GANS ete Aad ware teas 813 to S18. 2s Motorcycles Speed, norns, lights, vete.<....22.; 844, S50 ccc ae eee 323, 324 aT adtiCnt OP UlatiONnS, VetC.s fos. i ves 680-1 to’ 852..22 2 ee II 82, 88 RIC ATI DICtITCS oo tart uke Cate iy 484, 484c to 4841........ Mufflers COiraAuMLOMOD NES cl-ieatebe 04. wri oe 848) 04. oe ae ee ee Qn stationary engines ........... 913=1 27, eae ees WELL SUS 9), ec ale ML oe alah «Se See 198% inet eee NAT CHO eVCHI Clee Ae. shis's ati i awie claae 627 ss Se oe ee INAMesON MILK WAPONS:. 640.6 ee 5. oa as 144,145 eo on ae ee Wewsoaper selling’ 78035. tas. ween ee 914.55... S ae BN TE MCAT ES ete ceteris RES Da oe ane 976 10 O77. eee IN TEPOOLYCETING «4 5 ease ew aes os 0 B88 5k eee Noise PUCLVGTUIGING ie, flac. e fe Bee Nn ae B34.o 5 tows on eo eee Batkingedoes = eek een ee 1009-6:.55.. aa PLOTS see i a ee nes oo hune koe B50. sc Sauevit wne 2 te UW eMarkKetsue come Oe eae eee eee 195 “to “198... 4 eee Mufilerson/ autos. is0 2 ee. BAG ae i woes een a Ge On stationary sengines:...- hace. 913-1 «2 cus Lt eee 7 OLVehicles 2 nee ia. conan 680-9 ola ce ee Open vexhausisw 244) n yee one en SED 5155 trim is =squehbaaee eee QOilet "Zones We ee ee ee 931-1 to 931-4.......4...- ~oliciting “in “streets wea ol. 937 ‘to: 9389.ns0%:. Saar steam awhistles ogee aaa eee OYA. scien! shoe eee Dunrult: <2. ee Bee ae we DIG. ah nts co oN INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. ui : Cede Number Misdemeanors—Continued. Nuisances board, of healihe to abaté..:...... SE Tee ee etek ae serleralsfeOulariOne ee. nt c eke coos 973 10 9907. c.. Neartther waterworkseiis so... ese 1LO4¢ TOE UG eee NIISAM ATV RDU Sire cc son ws os fy te: ee ae ene a IN Ae TS Ole MOUSE Sic cs cass a 1024, 1026....... 102820 ose EOQGC—T a eantise ate oe Obscenity iaiithenrse ek ee ee et Saas S30 Geos ee MXDIDITON LOL PeLSONRAA)... 63 cts ce Sha CO apy ace ee TTI oy oe ne Ratna gS aii a I SD eran a alee yd es ATR gC Ret: JNU, ie poe ee OOO 27 Git cued amet Pei Mente ea en Port ee kk aie s « O73 tO. 9865... 2% TLIGOe MPCSISIIIIG) oe, Jet, Swe a ehacn.s ss ee» EDU geet he Babys 9° |e TANT RS 0 SiO toy S30... ee One way street (AREHOIOE UIACCS He cece cea 690-26) o Subte te eaten Saale te els ie), oe as ae er CERT PES LIT ae ooo oe oh sind Mite sale mins pelle a aly PRPS ALR M cys, US, wa c 65, oa, oooh e GO lio. we: Aenea 6th street, bet. Central & Elm....692-1............ As Tal yo EA ee Oe Sh Mine at ear Oh tar TS PETS Co Wea 0 Oe Se a 602 ae ie es Openings in streets PGS OPALICIIAOE Grae a os ees wens ss 667-1 seq....... Ae tHIT ROTC ssa gtS Wea is/c coe fee's o a's OTe tOL Gi Os ee. <5 s Muitemunlawl ite sbasus.. os ee be. ee: 667-1 seq....... BATA Oa esac) alttars Overcharge CEU So a GG ee Me Re en Ae B19: to 8e0n ae, LESTE NCS ORR MCG IOC, RAR 830-6 to 830-7 Parades PNLETICTENCE WIL? 1G oe 3c ss ee ccs f 6702 She Peeee ces POPOL GED WAVE aa eGMhl , secs sce nrs = 680=8 5 Weis eee SECT oe ee ee 5041 eee veces Side: Gee 0) bist co yh 677. to. 690508. DAS ACC Means Wi v8 cess cle ¥6 pre's TAD cit te eee and oe PALO IG MERCY Hiss OE ise o's etd eos 987) aie ee. ee 227 Page Number brie Minor ae 105 rel et otis ete te 282 A gistea see 316 side eae cagiis 252 228 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Misdemeanors—Continued. Patrolcand signal apparatus: a..-2..%.. 922. 10: 92311. ase eee 341, 342 LIS ODG ka aes ca ee ae ese §18-1 to 818-4... 7 eee I 31 813, 818 hee 314, 316 180 ioe aes sce ye ee IV 92 Gere St eri Sateen ray es ete tes hens 680-12 to 680-17.:....I1 86, 89 683-1 2) Uwe ee. 0 ee II 89 Mee ROC CLS Hele Shy eee sa:celnce «3 ee 964. ....6052. 357.050 Sou Pictires mainproper ai4') sane oe en ae 920 to. 930/.....\/aeeneeee 341 EIGI TE OMB TOW S fears cic hthut onl oe Fete 484-14... . «0 shogun hae ITI 63 PlAVOLOUnG fers Se ene tee whe ee 965 ‘to’ 966.4..() 1a eee 351 TRU IESSih ee e oee 290: seq... ... 25 eee IV 63-67 PGUICORDTODCILY fee ole is hrdanclals oltle wie 921 t0924,0205 eae eee 341, 342 SACI Egat Ds ty kai i Re en aa Sele ee 909-1 to 909-3... 3 eee II 98 POlmesDOOt ses kk os on ones 925 to. 927050. 20. cee 342 OOP OOS iw meres oa wean Read we 863 to -865:, ....s eee 326 Posters Onemunicipal buildings, 0.2... =. 834-1355 eee III 90 Cinostreets, tences, etCyoc.s. 0... .4 949 toy Obi. Se eee ee 348 Paulie aiens adn py wc en mere 740-741.) ci eee 296 IE LINEN GL cn 48h dan Se a ern eC Wd 988.2 + ie\u'n wa ee 356 breveneion cOl Gare... cs scree ee 1026-2 ‘seq... Se ee I 60 PE OOCELY, ttl Varn ean cities te oe Ben 928. 6! ia.06 oe eo ee 342 QO 2 ooo ane se ctcereear lee Poon Ff PTOSCCUTIONS Of y o5. sas es ese sk oe oa Oke NO Leno ee ee 115-118 324, 325, 326 to 326-6. .1V 67-71 321-1, 328-1......... III 43-44 Puplictworksos, hours. ieee ate 221-1... nF) Se eee IV 40 Prostitution Harboring DROstitutes 124 2 ses te 006... sca 338 D OISCPATIO eee ee te ian” Soe tne O07 soe tee Sel a III -93 Participating an proceeds)... 72 2.3 929-1. 2 foe Ieee III 94 Walking ostreete) tele jcc lost Wes O29 .S-< Cacti eda eee 342 PuiDlicatioit. Incecent.. et. cose oe 930: tol931 sce eee 343 Buble rian Gings «9.00.7 er eae ta ae 149 ‘to (15457) 22 eee 64, 65 Chitet zones li Pa Aare ek aes aoe 931-1. to 931-4. | eae 343 Racese Cam bing Ol. ee eee ee creer 1019-1 to 1019-4........ III 95 Resistine Otticer sss teen Leeman SL eek ote ee 340 Riding son ssidewalks. (¢\fae sun nates, 858 255 5 eas SR eee 326 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. , } Code Number Misdemeanors—Continued. DEOL VOC VICCS MMe tes Sess sya ee dies LSE pO te Age an iat OLY CALCS My ele soe GS iocks seca he G29" SOQ sete cn ccna 3 SHIRT MIS S lo eee A: eer S1So% Jaen es ores SAW CUS rer ere wk Es ks SA Or eee eee SECTS te ane ae eS bk ced eee 883, 906-1......... Scales Stamped by inspector, etc.+......: 205s (G..2l0 yas te, PTERMORCTICS teste er Pais wack Wat G BOOM am eens ho ENGOls «CONdUCE NEAL. on, «ihe cae deat Soccer. here tena reat Comtageous CISCASCS. a x.) geet de OS Gea de) cates ohh OMG SMa tse, oi PEM WINES oes igi se RSS OSL ton7iGs. a aoe AOS ger ert, Pee heels Wakes ows SOC. aes heer ne Sidewalk PIN OR OIC VEIES. Of niga + = nie ne one os hit: RPO ager Seg Construction, regulations, misuse..650 to 655-7....... PeeciiiattOie Tse, Ol shila, corse a sees 656-066... 54. nes SADIE. - bee + ¥s OBL Sh jonve 60 eye 229 Page Number se ee eee 6. evel ee ee i o.8 @ 8 Ce eye eee ee ee vie Beye w 1S oe ee 326 eee ee ee ee ee ce ee 348 cio eb we. 0, oe ee we oe ee eee oe ee see ee oe eee 346 oe eee ee 2. 347 S00 0 686 230 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS, Misdemeanors—Continued. Steam. railways Code Number Page Number General, revulations 2... 6.54.5 «s 611 to 646-20. 02.4 eee 257-264 Getting on ...%., rie Res Mole Oni Teak te 932. 6is/o' s bes oe cee ee 343 racks in .streetsx<2 lars eae S485 o4 4 616-1 to 616-7.......203% ee Gs ravic regulations astece ss ere 680-9 to 683.........4 II 84-87 Stone dug from streets, etc........... I Cie ae “ene Up» 346 PIO UOLS 22 5 hos wes tee ere Tee ee etal eae 942-045) 0%. oe ea cee 346, 347 SEGURA he ois iyo Sa en bie cule Ben eas en oe 214-220... ....0 05 82 Streets cars uty or vehicle driver ....\.2,4.2 4 609, 610. , ssw age Bee 256 G80—3s ok ce oa ae II 89 680-9; 680-10... ... ae II 85 Re OCCLOL AON AI fe nats pein ue of aucls 948 oo a a a we oi cle er 348 Notice of change in route........ 604-606 : «0.2635 9a eee 254-255 Obstruction of crossings. .2.225. . 608, 680-3... ..7. > ieee 285 II 89 PAGING San cnt RAs ate Se he eee te ee Wet 680-4, 3945... hale II 90 680=3s... 55005 te ic II 89 Police vaiitres ee. U8 oie) gana aN 680-17," 680-18. P25. II 86 POStEtS (02 anaes oe Be ad eke TO 951 25) Re a ee 348 DIST ASY fOus ese rate al ste be Ramee 680-8... 5 err th hs eee coe II 84 sions, fenders, heat, open cars...598-602>.0.) nee 253-254 Sprinkling right-of-way | :4..24-- 603 32. 7 ee 254 SEM TTS ces, Pere on ele ots scale Gis, eee stearate 680-5, 680-6... “F. 335 II 83-84 Hatrecemwiiberiitiers daneeen at ts. earale get 946. 54 in 5 8 0Sb Se 347 PErcets CUSTIUCtIONS sh peel ee eae e sy rr 349 FeReereraslwayS. wi dix ces aso Saas 594 to 610-355, 74 251-256 aterm 1aGe tl feeiean nt aad ee 580-1, 1. Se ee ee TI oe RPArTCP Te SEA tIONS uk cubosees eatin e haem 681-1 to 680-18....... II 82-87 SALES LOTS ee MeCN: ioe ot MOUS ae ee ote ace ate 958. Doo ee 349 at Met oh ay Ue ol 8 A ik OR SOR eS 1 fag 929. Joss aes ca wane 342 Sunda yO bServance «she ciss la see 5 ie 910; 728 e2tates Le 339, 292 SWELCLIN Pum Rete itr Lath ake vc ee 908 bc: oss ails dak eae 338 Swi Mie ote see eye eee ee od aa 855 ilu, ee 325 Rasetegie' tn weep anes Moe Eero 830-9. 00.04. 2 ene ae III 89 LAxIMEteTS (cede ee 830-7 oe ieee III 89 SSO] 2 Savided assur Ga TV 94 Theaters WISCTInMNAtiON a. 8 eee ee eee 831-832 oi. bse ka ee 319 FORA yea ip ee el aaa Saale oe eT eke Oe 218 FiVPNOMsy =e ee ee S335 5 cies ain gte< sa ea eee 319 Licenses oii ii ek eee eee ee TO8 to 798-6: 4/52 ee III 83 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 231 Code Number Page Number Misdemeanors—Continued. : DREN 2S ye rt ne rr A DUS BR reece erase ate ere ee 338 Tickets ote Abe Ste ear ac ae eee ee SOO 7 dicith ees anche ae or iD eshte year) ek ae ae BSI Sa 2h ous ae eek tee 319 every iislerne (ha ole Cae. | Se ar eee er SEV (es oe The aaa ae aad ae nt 349 eh aA Lire herr forget ices ob cde vas 945-1 O45 Ohi Cay Be ee 347 bE ERC SLU ISIATICOLr se GR. bose cs See ces 680-1. sed. ae wae ee II 82-90 Transfers A UPON AS EREN LS 5 Co ee alta OF aO OnE Gy thet ce aa Oe marae 349 Trees Pani VeRO te Cane fe tocns Sauls ot DOS-GOs pak. met etter eaters 337 Interfering with street lights..... O05 ears re ee 350 “ha TCE oom ge = a! DAIS. anarin ahve Ais le, > RR ee 338 DUD Set) GE ee ee oe en, gt ot Too = 1s) fees, (dee ee 294 ePou sie ewateT ANd reed as cance. so LOS sced eh Ales ace LV 236.) Vehicles IPE SoS Oe. 0 a eae ee O80 2 sek capa ce eet II 90 DICCKine Streets). decease 4. ae CPC Huth We nen Cana, 278 Pith ye: Bey ae Cpe eceteks Hea omeen Miata sath a ents OF G—O'7 ON. sc ie ak panera eee 354 Hitching PENUAET ODS AE ti 6 cw sheds aces woes Gel Utes Goleta een ee II 85, 278 Re eee cols harp ly obs «vie vin gt 959-960: . -.-2 ei er es Oe ee 350 Locked sweets: Chains... ss 660). Pees Shae ee eee 278 BAECS Gs eo ai ie SOOy SLO ee eee ee IV 93 Loading PEM PeNUPOL DULCEN.. oo. sea eo O45 41 nid ae eee 347 Tilt AMR yA Ieee oss ote saloons 680-6. cat eae ee II 84 PCT OAMIG Se Poss os ete 03 680-14... 2. eo ten Ree ee II 86 Pee OU APOE eek cd bs diy alot 680—-LO Re oe Tae L865 Ba eb CALS Beh Sead wo Sin wie <8 GRO=8 ost cane ats aera II 89 eoadineg lextentsol. 25.640 s56 5 945-1) 945-25 2 keine eae 347 Pe Cm RW ede ig ho Pins wat enciials OSD site 2 bars hoa Ren II 85 GEE CWO RSS RAI es ay ina Sik se ese: W04=1,-5704~2) vs ao es Tesh PRO CeO SEOO Bent Sree ei ness be ew 8 GODS iors Sara a eee II 84 SEI RR 4G at Cae pk RA Ro a 945-1; 945-2... uc teat ae 347 Speed EX UPONIG DINGS ORI neS ors ye ss wes 844 DoE UY ee 323 TAB SGE Wayne oe heen cas 680-6: 5, Gs ease aan II 84 Tate ee ees Gao So eb a0k 680-2 sooo amare ne See II 90 Stopping Police to wreculate -o)).2...+ «on ite, Mood ef Cited Sen ere tn ot aia II 86 SU teE Sa Wek Sk OO eB 680-3, 681-6........... II 84, 89 Ve Tre Metinia Withl) ss. s skies kee oes 680-5........ pee ea ake ay II 83-84 232 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Misdemeanors—Continued. Vacant lots, removing weeds......... 968 Seq... ........ aie 352 II 99 Vagrancy TO ILELIG fcuk obs tone eee Bee 907... a2 4 ee III 93 Gambling, swindlings etc..2..2).: 908.3. sul s) Ae er 338 Horson iburglary,-€tGacen oe eee 964.0050) 54 yA SAL RSEAA MS me ree icles oSS etnies ie es oe gam ee meee Une O76. 0s cak se bine 353 IES CVIITLES no ued «ce us a ein ce oreo as Sree 942-945 0 aie e ae ee 346 Re CUCeS Btet WA Yee ison ites ecient 685-690. 2.50... sae 285 TIA Oe ene Ahem Ser ecole Acie Vases 661-663..... ont ben 278 Uinsamitaty buidinio oh. «<8 pene ees 745-1 to 745-12....... III 74-79 Re aie aa tern tei WARD a ae Saale 146, 150-154... Aye 63, 64, 65 WAITING RIL@AS ra pec. ce ao bin a Gok ee 675. 0.500052. fee 282 Warning signal Emeroinguirom Carage.. oon. aan 680-2... aw, ¢ a5 II 82 Motorcycles: ete ke ur), 6 ta 4b.n 0 ese 850, 851.45 on. nee eee II 88 RGlcestertlation: %9.- x. 12 eee foe 680-175 Ft ee ee II 86 Right-of-way of certain vehicles. .681...... Mey ee hig SS II 87 Wire NTTS FOL CLOLINEGS, cee. sche nis oho ete 284. 05 ngs ipa 106 Watchmen IesienCe In City ecg ts did oes 967 2.40 1 DEaies nee 351 Ratlroadewatciiiteriinn. o.a,: epee 629 to. 64642 sian 261-264 Weretee set S |e cy ct ae cone et eee tae 541-552, 545...) eee 225-229 III 67 NWViater COPNECIIONS 18 eee L8G ee 108+125.5 22a 52. 58 TV 35 Water-troughs PerinitsatOi £ic sc eee ie es es 108: eee 1V 935 Wi MiCdiamm Hota sets os hse ite oe 680~7 > ty. «See II 84 Water works, nuisances near, etc..... 103-106s:: .34....1 oe 49 A US aS hoe ace ree Py Soa OS OE eS AU 968, 969.06... <5.5.6 ain nee II 99 CRAIC Y gern eee OL se ha WI ae gee OF 0 os; olin akg ee 352 Miers DIDS ROfECOA) a ansenloen sie ae te 2092805; |)... u wu ale ls dain’ TOR S60 22. keen 310 III 82-84 PCR ees ot acetate © abv gsn eee 680-9, 680-10... .4-2eeee II 85 RAL er ae | Bile Cone rhc, Mae 112 0128...) 4. 51-54 Brom. private hydrant (4 o.:2i. 109. .d0 cube dee 50 Prom public hydrant 2.5.64. +65 890-9) 5. .k won eee II 95, 96 yebotemerOiuloli Ss. uravia stag tn heme neue 108 aoe tac ee TV 33 Miidivent vehicles.) cela hese 680-05 5,746 ee eee oo ee Wheooliie -Wttldie@s dann ae oo on | sk ce 344 stl. Se ee Iii se LS TLOUS TRAY 0) Coa i Rea ag ieee 1 Ut RO a, 908. ave. OR 338 946 oc ae Sia ck ote ahs, oe ee ete | Eas SEE AL a OR <5, A> et eee 834-14 oa ee ee III 90 PicasanesRidge town hall. ae... ae 133-100. 20 SL) 5 eee Tit 22 Plumbers Reenlations and permits../......4..0812 t00125,5 -. a 51-53 349-2 eg dads See ITI 52 examiners .Olapluniberses (ss so ost awd 292, 296, 298... 6 dese 116° Ph ee ae lo Il 56 B00 “sed... tee IV 63-67 DEWOrS Lalit ue eae Alec eens (Obit Of 711, Sis eee 288 Buiding code. regulations: 525... | 541 tO 5683403254 ee 225-240 Poles OT OTTES Url oc, cane cea Ree! Gate ites ote ae eee 265-271 Hor telephones, «ettc vem eee 648 649. 2.0. seen 271-274 Posting bills on....4.ceee eee eee 949-951....... 7100) See 348 Injity to, trees eee eee RCO Led cian. pl ce eee wee 350 INDEX TO CoDE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 239 Se Code Number Page Number Police (SAT ERE, CTR a ind eat ene ae Stl ea Beith sy roel p ee Prat Cite a nen ee tae ree tt. es SOD awe iad ska ey dia ous ware 241 BOOtaACkGw ater ee Sheba Les 5a ere CAS LEGRT OS whales Salient III 79 NOD Ce ee Pe Late le re eer irene 300 NTO CEL A ee Lea ae or eR ea eee ee ere o5 sachin: oe, 317. Sminremvim strectsce 2.2205 cccr ede. T5SatOn Ges oan Sees III 79 ete Ce recee mint ae fe Was ose ee serie PLAY RE? Se oda ee eine eee ain ee II 43 Drepiices about ares. aes. oooh tsa BOO We riad oe nratiasern ieee ae 318 [Ee Vor Fare enh ae ieee eo er Sane eo. 2A epee ate Ss 317 LELPEMIA «on cd A ORISSA Ry RO eg Dra ape er ads ioane ee aces: 105 MPROUSEM IMIG DETS Os <7 ala Aiw sc le eee eo OEE D Sonn ind arr Rie one IT 100 0 SOE ay I Nee Oo ee PG Sic We nree ty” Jems et emer 303 jog loie egies CEs SE 20 Ws aes re OB a ees senor one 318 raiCeler AUNGeSalaTiCS.hcotasc. sees ess BOO -SEG Ma. Mince te eae 86-88 II 41-43 III 25 IV 41 ee eee Pret. iN aces beds s OC i isiare tl ocr See 282 EI Se Se BOE IOd-» eed ot eet 85, 351 Be et Sey eects ad ay oe ous DST SSO: ie athe tare 88 rest AV COMC Maa ee oy 1. Ue Bienes ooo O17) DIS a. cae Ae eee 340 a a Pe ices sy .c bw a's o's 921; O22. sah ees eee eos 341 Oy Ne RA 698.16 TOL sc eia ey Sar rere 287 BRIL NCIA USM eee heh. As Sets as Sa e 2 ote S08 once eo eves an ee a ee Pee TRE ANI WAV Se eck iN Sedetelsin ava ors wm 0 0s BOD ee Rou Re hs Stas RRO ae 250 a en emer ee TARA Sed Net Poe ate III 78, 79 TASTES 8 0": 2 a 2 ae 680-16. 680-17, 683-1 4 oc ene III 86-87, 89 ee inter a eh irs al AS @ Rat ade oe} § POO eS hats vel Pee aS 87 MAMSAteDUNCINGS Vo cccs yk ck evs cs sns es ABM, i fou och a eae gears 198 Ee atttary Dulles) vis ceo coe a vise ss 745-8 745-11 Pe III 78, 79 VY SRE SSG 1 ee a Re eee ee 968 G60 te cae rs se 352, II 99 Police court. See Municipal court. POM Aree Ooo «he Shogte ee eee 7 GE PRR eR Pt og) = Vege 98 II 50 me ey ane mn ih eth eis Wei aS. cin otale TA To: xe nah, ca eens a aan 296 240 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Wresideritor sACOUNGCH com oe ae cer te cee Sees BL ou.s é i on perenne ee Less Hrevates DOlcemen, ©..542 62 coer Sib eae 323,067 oes. Sats eee 85, 352 Privies Pie Vine wClO.. sain cc, oe On Een ee ee 546, 973 to 980... eee 353 II 74 PO DaOTs Ol tCOLs..[4 a aeed os oO ee ae Ae 331-1, 331-245... a. eee Ill 47 RE OCaILy Peek Ane SG d tes ee eRe Bee S57 a ieteas atypia eahe lola i» ae 325 ps Vecisadit CUurSr ati na ss eke ee ee 830-84 20.58 2.09 Se III 89 PT AMATKGES Senne ces artis Sis abe eee 198 26 ie ne 76 PHOSeCULNG Mal LOPNEY) | co. oe oe fa ae ee oe TSF ee ee oe ee ee IV 20 328-1 7 Eee oe III 45 331-1... <2 eee ee II] 43 BVO RECULON TL eRe ER RITES oe ea et he oe 315 tO 3233:....250 eee 116-118 328—1 alk eles wee III 45 891-1 2cSeea seo ee ee III 43 324 'SCUW i. ao: e ee IV 68 Prostitution GE OLA oon aie eS dealers 906; . okie eh ee ee 338 PAE er he hee aN tee A ee ee ees 907 «.+..0ite Bee ee pee III 93 Rarhicipating in proceeds je. o....2een 929-1. 005 fee ee 2 eee III 94 Sireetewia Rito ows Mette. ee Oe 929), ssc saue eke ee 342 ESOrertiOneragainsy- fTey.. ee ste, ak oak .< ks oe 1026-2: S€qi.nc. 3... Ss one I 58-60 DuucdimorresilatiOons sc: ot esta e4 keke 449 to 640 200.22 ane 175-225 (erie TeCUISTIONS: 5c; 2452 66.0 ceeds 680-8 ss a64 ee aid ee II 84 MM Gren. picture. booths.. 62.02. 6s. sas. 484c/ to. 4841. 9 eee III 54 Publiemeomiork otations. ... 221... 228 244 200=1 to 200-5... 2.0) 00 eee II 33 PubliesProperty Department.......0.4... 136=141 2% Soc. ce eee 58-61 VAB=154 7 0: kis aie oo 63 - II 32-34 III 20-22 (2051S 0 kee IV 23, 24; 31,739 Public Buildings ENCLMIELEISTIIO Da Th raet tia ee Myke eee Re arnt 834-152. och 2 pea ee III 90 PAELETIN Oi ah niece Semes Bee 9465 eid sok ee eee 347 PisipeeCaTds etc hapa h an ee OGLE ees yok os nhals Se 348 SoA 10), So Sayed anche eee ee III 90 SVE ETND 2001 ae kin ah ode Lee ere ee O48 ooo. dy ee 348 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 24] Code Number - Page Number UE Cte SUING Et a) ete Re ee ne nar 140014 ine i Pa a ee 61 Ril oo se: Ae a AEN yy ie 63-65 TRF C TA ee hy ee II 37 MAVOI Ce Lr Aries Beene ne ete fier Js os ou ose css BES cra cd Leuk ee eee 109 RP Ce OLCY se en Vt CaN, kc ea deed. TL tORtI-223 2 ee eee 30-36 III 12 TEs Public Safety See Director of. Public Service See Director oi. Purchasing Department RRDIC RY Gea SALICS ee fc. id ace « case hes 137 tecisi—4 ae ee 58 II 30-31 III=19 LO Set Dg OIC 931-1) t67-031-4. oa gaa 343 Railroad station Lal? 2°02 cs pee eee ee gr AG ce Ae cee ee ee ee 347 SNUG. epegaue ae re 948") sii) Ae ee 348 Esihitlor cartier ehC eet ee ac idee bes: OSL Pas Se tes ete tiene oe 348 Pera CATO Nh x oc a fa Waters ow 0 os O11 to 646-245, eee 257-264 See also Steam Railways. Mo mueaiiceseiiursivinaltowers........ 451s. vce: se 2 Sood ae ]Lis52 Me Tm DPT LS CICS Gye hy cick close swe 616-1. to 616-6... 2.40% 2 one Thats PE Gat tCoreGe lAtiONSa so dics ds ss ok da ae es 6Sbia es Ore nls ee ee, ee II 87 rete] FOGiM ait, Er ks ck ase coced BT SetGno 10-3 eye eee 244-256 Display of route numbers..:../1.2... GOB bra ache oneiiaiienak arenas Lia RCE UV GN Witenes een ia g's alt Ad Sshach ane BIG. HOT. we. oot pee eee 252 (EPEC a 3 os EA eed ee I a S7S-toGO94 1n3.te eens 244-251 RSC CCIONNI oie ale «fasts ute 3s Ee morae tee 83; tO" 890.615 Sac e ee 40-41 Il 16 eae Cer Cimelat Chern me Meme cine lites Seep es tal (oa On, ay iinee ae mee wa ee 4 Lie7s Hse errr OG mere eae AN ype. vi os o'u alc 43s ois BUEN ODO UC. cd ae eee 251-252 Pet beorue d eraAMCSClCCLEICILY <2 texas. «neces om 6 GIGS 020 ie tanta neem 363 L020 es nie pee eae IV 97 242 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Refuge Home Page Number Oftrcers arid Salaries Auten ceee an es 230, 240... sa 91 II 45, 46 IV 31 meoulations, water... .:...s0.ee eae ee 103 ‘to 128). .<.5 eee 49-54 Hericerine plants... 0) ake tee heeeenie 45S oe. acalsnlse «03 T1453 Repair treet and Sewer Department...2 ve: 129 et seq... .....9aeeae 54-57 II 29 [ll 478 IV 29, 36, 38 Removal PESTON Mee tate oi) atic hore neato 698 to YOR.) Vcc eee 286 ELA URO TINGS aa eee ere ae Tae a a ee 973 to 983.5. -. eee 353-355 MEAS BS Ue alee ne ay ae a ae wir eer 1080? 402555 368 ELOwVMCONSEFUEs ott so einen ook ye ne 1031, 1082... . osck aie 384 Reports Pt eoaes oe eo naeaan, eon, Sree hee 59 32% oan oe eee ea It 7 | BB... .sacc. tt ea eee “= 26 INTE GO: 1 FeaSurer. Geek inl arene 54 wh i ee 26 ASC RSS te tre eee, Sick ona 286-10 .wri.nei eS 108 SIritteMeInCT (Ca Sew, cole. cd th. |e eee 817 ook eee ee 315 ity Clerk Ordinance, nc o.jsee |e ee 31-2, 31-83. eee 11s Commissioner of Buildings. .......¢..0..2339s. <0 tn <> ui eee 124 rear oansnals oy eee Yee ace Ey een te 4 ca 5 295 Examiner of Weight and Measures.:..203:....<...+...5 . ose 78 Iecmary and poor, .reliel4. ons. ac. 255. pasha wle os sos ope 99 ‘hg hel AYovorie 84 Wea 3) §) EW elo RI PP bea Fare aig 65, 215.3320 2 eee eee 28, 82 Meher Inspection. sa 6 eh ts ene LOL. de curs Eas se 45 Picture: machine operators... ees ee AOQAY) £2 S50 UN III 62 Salary loan brokers...... Ak mar Aire eat STNG, acc de ew rn ee 315 PL@doID CALS eh cm ar eaten mee eens ens 102. ce eon en 64 Sireet: cleanin. gow. sae eee eee 10S i was ete a4 tees ae 288 Street ola TL ey TGR D5 Pte atte eae bas ee « 128 DOS dy tugs Sees a te 60 girel53 4 guclshe aa gee 64 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. 243 Cede Number Page Number SNES Wee Tho 5 ne ec BOO ath SEC i as rots ita: he ee 261 RRs SMT EEE TI TUL, oer AAG foe gore acca Sochae, B83) ee ee eee eo ee 331 Sree Ven EN Sree eR os a bls BiatOne Lor ed ares 314-316 Sales PCIE LTV EC PONE meng Ope er ey ccet, i, res! gS BS Us Raw aoe, hea Scdens 320 UGG hy Clo Sry ee ne pees PSGUSEU this, wa pe cattaee oe 107-108 II 55, 56 PVE Rote one ees ee Sk oid sed OTT LOM LDA tema. oe te 301, 302 REA TO ONGC ACIH? ea site ohio pee: RPUR Fo Stole er eee 328 GOSATS OCS Se Ae ee ee Re Ce aD Oh ee aetna of dyaa/an eae 328 SLD OS eg ee ae tO ee og a ae BU WLO? DOD vc: ofa alate a, oa a. eeserer 112 Convict-made goods ak SN TiN aie a O07 © Daas a Re 362 aie Rit tS Meee Wea mess sg ek ob dd @ 3 885-1) 2 S85—3 ore. ite es II 94 PC OMI ee ee ee esis a whis e ad wes SUS 1 eee ea ae ee 335 TRS SRE ya SR eee Ot gene ee sient Aten re 2) 336 ORISA gs) Se 901-1 to 901-3........... IIE 94 Ugh BOE A) oS gel a O37. G38) ea wee eee ee eee 345 Be et atley CODES cn. 5 0 focal ek ame 902-1 to 902-6.......... IV 96 Tay Tee. Gedeley fb sha a 6 a5 hig a a 906=1 cs es comer: 338 SALES) te, SO LG PtGi 20085 caoede aoe 72-77 Ra ewe. he Feige ss ose eas dw Le COREA etches ieee 291-296 Patan veresm. lass. .....2.....,. 211 to.2132 286-1 2a 80-106 RIA COS ig eins wane yn ae he TAA. TAS al seth n cemere’s 206, 207 Pe PIA ER SMR vias she og Roc cee o's OTE, OF 5. Seer. valerian oor 340 CA TCDASIET Fgh a Bae Sd a O1O0 Secs pete. co eee. ee 339 Aa EN WT Cs SR ee ad a SN at PETA tee. Sa cee ake: ae 296 pea LD OALItICKELSE 1 a: .4'%s ee os cates «2% DINE Rees Six: Xe! 5 pleat aes 349 NOE a So in ne SO BOT ee SB enc traci Sty eee 319 SEY ELAN ESTES Sige MAAS i ae SS Sik tidtomeas hohe seca ca erent 320 MPA TGLO MICHEL Sis oferaiwie le acho ad so doe we O5SS1tG 95S 2). cee eee 349 LUGE Se CGS Pee apy Ge OE ae eI eR ae Sk 343 . AR4c? Seq ane ee Ill 54 Salvage Corps—Right of way............ io 9 tapes Hea eae hr hes 2 i387 SEP SEORS ei HS) Open ge ee OR 3 ke es Yo Ws Re ae 120-122 |. 268-10 to 268-12... 107, 108 SEER oA Sk ey wite, ua) Oe Three-year limit EWC hata DUG: a) aces sheuseaki : debe ee Shooting Birds Unlawiul discharge of firearms....... Gh 6 (06 & 16 ce els Ney) 10 6 «0! 6. 2. a 6) fee Fe) o) (hike) se! (6) /e) er GiiiVelN DT Te emiatiOls Oat. ks ap. eee Sidewalks Auction on AD va; ie: @ ‘ea Le2 a eer © UP lee ee: io 1h 6 lei ale a) ee Oe Bicycles on Construction of © © ja) le 6) is) sie) of ete iw) jefe) sie, ofa me Cows on, unlawful A'S 6. wae eel) 6 See eee: (8, ee ie) ere Drains across Bh 4 eae awie) 4° 10 hee e: Dene! 6) ow... enw ole. pe ante) Excavation ©; 10; 7,6) 10) 16. 'e1P' fe: (ey olua iw, 0) \e) ee (82s 8, 8) ie) fe fe 16 Injuring trees along ete (eo) @ 1s @, 0 6 0 6 #8) © ol 0 Bie Obstruction and misuse of oe ee rh, 8 ser ee eae, Removal ofice and *snow.....2..... 4. Spite unla Wille ee chet meres oe StOt ni COOTs 40.05 we ee 0) WW aise le (Gey elie, 6 (alle) eile el e) opera ou sie) e\85 s'w a) 6f'e, ee ] a ee (Sia OMe, 6) 9 00,616 (a) Wa) 9 6) bow (2 \is ee ls) 9 Ole SUPPLEMENTS. Page Number O51 05 Fs alee ee ee 348 948. 0... bs hee 348 Ve bee diene th acapella i OO. Pelee nee ecco eee LV 16 (A aera 3 p's 6 wadunielel Aenea OF 553 ‘et Seq... 2 eee III 68 229-240 194... nseu bse ioe eee 309 7103 tO (iGskiae ene 288-291 667-1 Seas tee IV 81-89 105 tOMAG esc 288-291 866... eee See eee 326 8855 6 iG ee ee ee 332 1022 to 1.0234).4>05e eee 364 9511 oo a he eee 348 858... ..40% ven oe 326 650910" 6D0—ler eee 275-277 O83 of ira feck cine No 355 50d, O00 Les saben. een III 68 Oe: ae eer A lV 76 tei G wel sia es Pai aos 350, 351 C56. 5066452 2).0 eee 277-279 698 "to *7OLs oo. ee eee 286 QS ss es eras ed lu OR ee 348 942. Sie ee eee 346 SLOP tORoSo ae Gee eee 143-146 704-1, 704-2... 3.4 I 30 BAB iia dine el-ebedstevee ae paren INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number 245 Page Number Dee T Crt oUt Cl oy! sls. ee Un es dew wk Beg PA eet Lataaie en Arar s eg hae 103 LIS5S II 129 III 36 PAE LE LMLLOUSES) ois, tha coerce k cca, bch fd A es WS Ln nee a epg 291-296 SERPS TUN DTI Ds fe vie Ae eA aaa ol CBS IS6 hae. Leia nee te 105, 344 Ree PIPE FAEEINCTIE, cs a 4 wis Lak on aes se SUG RSE Cee tate ce to seen 113-110 II 57-60 III 37-42 Mechanical stokers on locomotives. .906-2 to 906-4........-. III 92 Smoke inspection ilicers “Salaries, dttttes,-ctC....4... 0... S06.tO 500 soll, 55-5 ee 113-115 Peele re lee Clint Gere ess a. cess sCOBTA SEQec. case setae TEL 37 Smoking HU el a MER oe oie wg aie vy a evo oy gre ees re eR nl AN pe 193 UNINC eel. | OTS ayes Nlake coh See een arses 340 Ley Sey eS ate Sok 2 es sa A Pe EPR I Of 3 III 62 PPro MMOVAL Grete, . 5.6. cle se cee ts Gost OT esi ae te 286 OTIS Ge feye Ge ee PO tah miele i epee III 53 marcial mervice, Board Of. ......... reac oe DIS O LOO 5 ae eae ae Il 39 Solicitor biclaty saseistantss aities. etc... ........ (2 SCGS Wn. Bue sO Oe T1112 IV 20-22 USPC HRS Ea les a oa delat WPI Me Oe a We Ree Gece 200-241 rR Letom ere hoe lo Moe dS ate’gce « LOSS ho arya hs oa oe eee 385 BPW OCS eh AS he hike fic a AUS bauer s TOS4 LOS Since te ee ee 384 PaO TWA VGN geet ached pees fs nis oe Se 9 6 Ack Eonar ee ns Pee Pen, De MESS, Ar 5 245 Wy acatiom Or Diidites. 6b sc bee ce ee « 745-1 to 745-125-444 III 74-79 CIN OCH RTS gh ts ed BOTT ro hare Nak oeer re eee 108 Speed Breese ee ee, ee ee ae 844; (G80—2.. 5 oe ser ees 323, II 90 CLAIRE Os eo” 836, G80—4 2 eee cae mene 320, II 83 DE IETESTSIS eA See a Bil cae ae Ga aa a eee 257 Sig SNe ae ee ee 196 127350 soa eee 54, 140 246 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. Code Number Page Number Stables STG TA RSC 1a ppc gee Oe MERE PE Bean Pe ea are 940... co5 sale ee 346 Peolibiting erection “Ol, 20. Pes. «+o. ss4 1027-1, 1027-22 5 eee 365 Superintendent of, and live stock..... 1328. 30° vam eee ee TV 35 teeta rented cts. 0. a9 cece ae eee Be ae aoe LO28 YS. 6 nck ne ey ooh 365 Standard weights and measires.......0.55 205 5. sos cing bee 78 Stands for vehicles PISO ie vac Oa CeSs :-eSe uit o ete dealers 702-1 os oe eee 287 LENDS tics hg oan ck oat a Pere ee ea, Arn. 6 (02-2. cea v sn oe os 287 PEG ESE AW AG OlSuy voit sie whee hata dee 702—3'. ....05545.08% Sek lit ga Menicies owners tooclean.. 7.640.046 (US MERE eS 288 Parking places for automobiles....... 680-16... .. dics pe eee II 86 102—4, 33. . 5. 2. wa IV 90 SIC Ls ROS oh tegen ee te ena a ce poem, 2182. oa. ue 3 0 82 RE COUSS wane e ohe o cahk, Ca ee eee 650: to. "716... 5. 3; 275-291 PURI ODILGS Ee. wants ak tec eta e 844 to 852°... ee ee 323-4 830-2 to 830-9:......... III 86 680-1 SEQ. 6 Henk Teen II 82-90 S30—1:5%. sade dees Ore he ae IV 94 Animals Cattle: Norses Anogs. oto tee 840, “84227 os3s Pate ee 321 DJc arco Nis aS aoe 28 be. Sy Be ee 973 to2980...07/0: 7. ane ee IT 82-90 See also Streets, Street Railways and Vehicles. SE PARS TS 01h eRe cana ake ieee tere ht ate tas 953 to 955.004... 349 SCRE TEEN a a” ee ee ee a oe gi ae 63, -SC0s vaca oe abean See 28-36 III 12, a2 II 8-10 PUPMICE a Sistem eel, Ccciae ay dee wah a ane B41. 55 sikaleie «ms Se 322 PAUIGIOr Si payments. LO. semiarid fos deat as B55 iit owalansda 4 eee 26 BOGdS 3 Fas 4 oat ko be aie Se one ae eG eee cet II 129, 130 County bonds as security......... T1410 9 4 eee TIP Return: of collaterals. Sees oe MLL, 2p oe wee eee Ili Butidine department’ arc eae 350, 487, 488...... 130, 198-200 Dowty ae cast LO05i i ci 359 Hayanspectton : etre hee eee TLD 3 eo wnialn nak Ske ae Lighting dca eS eee epee ae eee 647K 74,1647 Mod eee 270 INDEX TO CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS. ; Code Number Treasurer—Continued. 251 Page Number Reaves. ur ieee OO oT 6 RS te nA ae se Dols BA 70 Opening in streets PCPOStis eee ee ee Sey GO THR) 4 oe ere os IV 82-84 Beer COMNECLION Sheath es Nae. PROM hee ate ee ee 291 PAAR UN Gate PCOS eet ee chee coms, 8 eal ecb nie eros Te Be 349 to SO. sane PELL ete eae dove d soe te oboe ae eee oe eR 413) oak Waele . Hilmssanotion) picture. gecko eau eke eee 485-1 to 485-18. : IV 78 | 484°c to 4847. omen III Fire, building inspection......... ee ec a 1026-2: \et seq. s.ae. | 58- PRR RER SCOOT SM tellus cya ted ch, 25. on lane eee ee 352-20... 5. wie eee oe 484 to 492a,, 2c. 201 MU Cere SCA PCS Asst whet. ociee oe 5 UR ein eer $22 to 520. 4 sue 214. PETS ME CTIOR eae R sae tae et ie kes eee ee haat oes Dale 2 pastas ees tee 2 oo yee ; 487 on pas on Se Sa pc pgiats o-0s a 2 PSI Tiseect phoma iat? of dais metals woes. 41d tied. ee AGG oo sical eee Phere BL OOUTAE bars) isn « Unk a reemmeicn eae es nay ee S217 osha ere Nex! * 449 - to’ 486) 2.22 ue 484, 484c to 484i..... II Fire praat patimecs. 2.6.0 2h oles eee 352-16.) 0. eee 3 449 «3 i isa Pele Sa A56o. os ues haees 5 Se Hive StODS wee aie 5 (eae er ain Meru a et a 44 seins “| Oe «in 5 Jena TIE Bee AT Siges eh teas ccd er ere ete eared ng heen 433s betes) ee kde oe EOE ae err ee B15 i... os ooh ye Bistures =: 007.) ias7h eee oe oe ee 566...2ia), see ae . 930 Flashing ..... wh phos aes Her bn RS an OOS 8 7 ce ee eee a Hidor arches 0. veiw aio cig ene ee Ee Pet eae Tink p co ee : . Ev Aare ea i AGB ik. Sees ee Phiest. atlas ae Pear it epee eo ene BES Facts ee ts 466 a's... is ee Footing Forms, concrete Foundations Frame buildings Framing Furnaces Garage Gas grates Fixtures Pipes Stoves Gasoline Gates, for elevators Girders Guards Gusset plates Gutters INDEX TO BUILDING CODE. Code jae Sle oie) se) suialia ae. 9 8 6 8.6 of ev 8 6G bee mS ME whe \ohet a, 16 (Pula Levee! (@),8) 66:48 6 6.6) 8 0 16.16 0) 0.6: eee) 6 © We wel awl ee 806) a: Se) 9) 16) 0 ret ey 6) 0. 8) ‘el 6.6. an Sie ©) ‘shi@lia; [et Len Ate) wim Oke Ole -@ 1h) 97.9. 6) (6) 0 6: a8, OO oie) 6.8 6 xe! Re 8 mit C0 Sime © CLM se elie a! en ho) eos eee 16 16! Oy RS ene (0°46) 0° 'O te <8 PUG ORO UCMO Be we 10) O60 6 18) wi a 6 ie Se @ Oe al we) oe ele 6. alin @, 2) 06 =o] of oh ical ef oi (a) 4 01.0) (8 a) oS) a. ehte! é: ee) ore @ wie! Sh of ae 2 @ 6 8 eheleue! ee) elaire-16" «| 8) 'a).« 0) ©. 9 (e'¢ © ve ¢ © 0 & ¢ 6 0 6 0) 8 Memane@un ie lee 27.0 (0) ¢ 96a) 6) 0 04 'e © © 6/16 0 @ 6 @) 0 @ 6 6"a ec € MSenelmy = ),Gim © OSs 6, F566, 4 0 ee 566 6.0 0 0) @ 6 lp 10,0 6 Ore RLage te <<) # eicera,s- 6 hale 66 6's, 16) tO 0 0h 6 8 0) 8 0 6, Oe 8 one eo B Barer(ee eeicw @)e wen 6) 0 @ ee @) (@ €-%) 0) @ 6 (6) 2! a) a eL areas! e (0) a of oles elle |6. « 6:4 6 66 4) 'e 8 @! 66 0) 6 @ ee Ss a O'S 6) Mitel at) 6) 8g alee we 6:16. We © 0 6 vc ‘eo: eieln « 0s « 6 8 Sa sie) ea ee. 6. 616) 8 a) © O10 ¢, @ 6)'C ae 6 6 ee 6 8 Vie ere en ele. 6110) © CL CUS. SB eile. ie 6 (6°18 6 6 Sie: 0 0 ¢ 66 C16 we \e Sele ise One © did ee «ee © e 6S @ ae 6 8 8 ee 8 ee ke Oe 8 aoe ee eee eee eo ee see oe ese eesre sere eeeerersr eee oe Sim Ciel eras e. aby le! le snes ore © oy a a 6 ane) 6's mere & (e076 6 8 © Sane) ei 6) 6 GLb Oe 616 K OLELS) © ne 6.010 ae 6 6 010 (© 0 6 6.6 © e-0) Heights’ Building Fences Wall Rooms wh GPa ele LOTS 66S a 6. 08 (6 ® 10 Oe) pi eb. 6 Ye) ol ee ale Be Cee OPCS Cw 6a Wee Le we 0. Be.) e 6 Hi6,.0) 8 10° 8 @ 6. we SECs) Chie © Gis se 6 Ge Sis 41m 8 8 & 6 oe Be ke 8 6 oe ee Sie. O ml (Gewhie al a ere G18) S96) 0) é 10) Sa ooo ¢: @ © 8, a) 0: 6+ 6) 8 Micelle Nel e@eh ia etn aii ape: ta m6) wi fe) ee e140 8 6 eg 6: @. ¢ wir ee Shere ele le he wb eee els wy we ee m6 0 0 ee ot eee ee 8 une Cain Ck elle el eet 16, Ce OG. & 0 0 @)C)-n.'6 0) (6 6) + 6) % hie 4. OCA ete rete he a1. dies a a 16) #6 6 0 a «6 0 ¢ 8 90) + €'S @ 'e 263 Number Page Number DOS Feet lersie alee eins 134 BED Sihen ode an ei ats ne 8 eee seat 158 Dube ee ea iene eieiereen sun ouabain 134 AL NED gy APO ear eters. 155 hs Gab gage so rae Ue Were a or Tt 156 py Weeds gtene Pape de se Pir Fgh P 168 BSG sve ceetn 5) ote fiaayt k heare ais 169 ME etre Chia a een eae RC ee od 174 AOA Nihod dito s ard 6 ahs oat wees 176 ANG tus teeh ees situha crassa at ome eee 155 Aen on glass. Pe & etal oe 182 MSs ecua et somite riaie ya ete tae 140 BA itt sects Moser icine emia 175 SW DAE: Sc A arta a ee 192—194 £600 cia ts ost PRE eee 184 Ve ae Maa fe Cap eh ce ae 190 AED Farah gs ores caatet eee ae ee eee 190 AGS, 462560. feed 181, 182 40000 466.505. eter 181—186 wo Oe toate mie aie thea ee 134 SAGE ee Pee ool aaah ee ee lV 76 Doe Cyne Othe arsenate ean 134 Zab ted dere A ahags eet ere 166 Ae can ag Pe Pore igh sek Tee 168 OAD ch Ar B-ceeucke lous teeter cree ens 224 Ebene Cie ae opal eatin eee a ee 135 DOTS shan ha Oe eras eae enema 204 B00 40.4020 ». Wena 147—151 457, 458 eee i one 178—180 264 INDEX TO BuILpING Cope. Code Number PTL ele co eke of Oa Writs ‘oe ths AaB. csi aii san WATE CWAUS Oo 2t os eee» out AO 422 ois... \ Jere eee ge ae * pre Mbeat neon oer. «018 ee oy een a “ 576, 977. eae ee Fs Perils 205..¢5 kere ois eee 341 to: 35593 eee 1 349-8. ae ae is 340, 345 seq..... Ml 310 tO Bidecase o'degae 374, 3414.5 oo eee pee 3 Percentage of lot occupancy................- 530. cob pee a Picture yniacisees oie, i cas + Papas ot ae 354-5, 5071... Screen ; 484a, 484c seq... .206, Maaiminet so 532.4 neces ee Cree -484 D seq... 5.2053 Piltg ots te oe ee a ete oe eee 485-1 et seq...... as eer PEPE OT Pree. eee oe eee” 439, 440... 04.55 sins Pipes Definition ..... PER Sy es one Joi eee ex2B00—40 |, oo eee GSB snc i eee ee ee eee ee RTD boc ns cows eee Protection Gt 177i toss see eae AVA 10.4298 1.33 eee 5. Pewer: 3. sides Vidi sts Oe 554 to 558..... Pere ee ee awl Waste :25 0055. 04; be eee GS ales 561 to 565. 2 cay iced ha F ae Y ‘age inigotgaian oa INDEX To BuiLpING Cope. 267 Code Number Page Number BETS) Se CEES re hao GS See Oh Lk 126 Ea SEAT ICC whe 2 Cet 00. 8 i ee ee ee So xan ITT 52 LOPS) 940s Seki aE oe er nee TS Eis ok ors ee 136 aS GETS TA he ae oa a ASG: 490. cca ad See 200 og eg BES ee 451d, 557, 546.175, 243, II 74 Pe eee ON eer oe 378 to 381, 440. .145, 146, 170 oiSpe soe 20 2rd oe ye ceo SH 10. BOS" 2 me ae 141—146 Protection Pena EEONGG tae. re i Sa uke aw ee woke SRT 4 SP eae eee 145 eerste Ce eRe SSS See cin de e's 28 BAR BAe eee Be eae re ein 172 SPE Se da ne ee 352-19, 420, 440. .158, 162 171 OOM De Si a BiG Saree ap ae 148 PL SA a or eg SO Serle wate Gs nfec ie nies 143 POUR C atin Pen a ce Ce ee eve ets fee os BOM Mais te nang 205 Serena 11 tee fe ee ke ack 3 i. . 954 to 868. ooo cc ke 139—141 Quality of materials Pootstructron. Vote. i: lice. s.. era coceind Sh4a-tay SOs. 6a ee 147, 148 VEC EETLS gi Coc 2 gt BSA eS oad wc hed eee 230—232 OD be 465 J oo ee See 183 Ree OB is. it ee owe Soy SOR 425... Gee Aas eee eee 166 Se ee ee We Os cn ec ke. os a a SS bs AG4is. |» “Gis ol este oobi Omen rane 509 bd cae A 208 SeiisPeprOOl ec 4 ac cs vide a okies hor) =o eee 352-43; 450;02. cee 136.275 SS EIVELS EER bi oh Gis 4 ee he th Phase ee eer 352-44, 553 to 559 137, 229—234 Tile SEneCES 7D VO agen eae ne Die he Merete Sieh has 352-45, 453, 491. .137, 176, 200 A eRe ie eh WY Ae ah Cael oy, 361, 432, 451 d..141, 168, 175 SHUEECT SER ETI Conk cae. tena i eed eee 352-20, ©. ....ueseeanaee 133 PASTE UL aS RGU 207 a ee BO RED 370 to 383, 495..143, 146, 202 3414, 374.) .20 eee IV 76 ea RY ap Oe ADA, Car tu Pine Ra cy Ape ree eet ae Se Seaver eS 881,445 A. 60 eee 146, 177 Size of BiILCINGS Phe. oa aise sto es ea asks Se ee ee 530.52, snes ao oo 219 IGaneOUts tet a es se shh 554: fis. oka eee 231 ELOMSECSEWEL? this soe © cme ee ene 5.56.5, lands tos began eB nro ecnee 233 Berrules:o 3.20 ea sarees... ia ae ee S546 25.0 Se tage, Pe 230 TOOTING BE Me oe Sas er ae eae so Kien ete ee 540 «32 cote Wisden oa eee 224 BLY ETS ekee els RINT a Gas «oe ee 564.2055 moka 52 eee 238 WN aAStey PIPES iced cle coreg, te ob ie Se 563 4.04 Jog ae eee 237 Siretighitstc: siete. Altace) oan ene 472, 485, 493. .187, 201, III 58 PLATS BAW ete Pviele tie eid ck dec ya chew. ys te cn Capen ee 418 to 4205... eee 159—163 SS LOwe urate a < niin << oie os cesar et cere 352-465.5 0% s+ as 137 SiTLOMCEIISNOCLIONs aku on bic fara vlna Geae eae B48. sad os whe se 129 See General Index. STEN cote eit y Mma Scare Ra Ra apg enh 359-to 432.00 eee 140—168 SOLALES as vate bln rea ee ee et ee B06 (0 S21 .c cee eee 206—224 Stand [pipes in ea ie MG eee ee ee CLV pie Fish or evar ee 178—181 StEdim “Pipes s.ch-.d oe ~ slschegbeey eee ee eee 457, 464, 556...180, 183 233 Skeleton oteel 70) sai eee eee 405116413 47.4 ace 154—157 Steel, CONCTELE Awa, cc ct ee ee ee ee ALS 80 p42" 2). eee 158—164 Factors ‘of ‘satety <..ic0c eee eee eke 899 0 )F sic stare vo 150 Foriritila i255 cb ai-iae io een a AQAA. God adede eae 153 Percentage oh. Fo Bee Cee ee BAB io uh ed Sal ee 160 Protection <24.... 42k eee ee ALA ud + th ee 158 Cudlity decsyrck he fee ne ee G03 51s ahs os sae 148 Steel—Continued. PIR RCORU CE Ces ra oad Parse SNe ve ds a i BU Gurnee Ocoee 156 SO a, eee eo ceded dees a BAIN 23 Bio ¢ me thee ne ea 230 iC ate ern va eons estcces e hie eed AQ SEG MAIS Ons ne, 154158 Inet Er cfatin a 4 ds onl Mx ect ewe os AL ete Sn ci ae ee 156 a BER 2 pg Re ee ee ae TC AS ae RG eS ae Pa 147 HIACLOUELOLSSATCLY © oslo i'n css oa a TON: At 2 a ear ae neta ey 150 SE Lae EHP er ee ORC ee Pe anc ov ck Seah vs occ oh ote 8S 53.02 ee eee tn ee CAL rea eS? OA 1s ECD, a: 4 SSO SUE Oe eR ge ee are Pee BSG a A Nees RM oe oust ch a ake 170 WUC Cpe UE ots Ea ae ia ne as ee ASVSS aces cia eee 168 UNE TRO! aS Ae a ea a yO L VO cee Ra Peek (ec 152 “ERTS, “US SIR ea ore Peer era ne OT ies Srey ee iar ates A 167 Stores (IC Uekaeie ne Senha ar S5it on aa ee ale sere 140 Ue Cena Tec ts uc slecie a be ce eae’ MDGS SOR AS cate oe ee 178 OOS ST Ce SS ed ei AOR AST Bal orien ne 201, 212 PS, SOE BL hes a fe Seek ae pee 212 IMTS ee Fle Gx die cc kee ga ew's ELT Meer ate tyr a eS 178 eer SM ere pe «al. ca sis ww de Sage « AS To) icte ak) cea Cease em 186 LOR: AAAS 2 ae BOT, ume cgond Seeds Weer a Gee 149 ORS Spt OS er ce B41 2.0.1, Sele ee 225 ee I PRN ENN a gg tee sw vl'eln owiehe ’o « BLO stOuD1L os emai 211—213 “Yeasady SMES Pe lee ae nr Oa ete Dae et III 68 ON A Rat al oe Sit Ser os ae an ne, iy PEAS) 149 Re ae ge OO I en BOSatE): Boo. Geel eS 143—148 SSUES 8 ton 1 85 he ae Adee 4 eee. eee: 154—158 SSD PLRELSYRIC? ee Se Saag CON Gsy ure aoa eae 150 LOESCIN. 5) past S tae SRG 2 0G Anna er a ae SOS SRR DOT Wosee te alae 193, 239 «EPP ETT SVRUAI WE ea eR ed EO a ADL aeeli . cree eae LELS53 ALLEL MAN Peon oo, Fa LAC) Sb son wc as wide Fs BOT ek. aks oye Se ere 140 PC CCN GU Oak a4 ais fins shod Re wet sss 449c, 515 to 529.175, 211—219 USI DCTS Ue 0S .e: Sn ines ee eee 745-1 to 745-12.....: HI 74 Sees ORS Teo 8 ks et a pa ae 530, tor S40 7 oat 219—225 UGE G20 oe Section ao ee a a ele tOLboe ite 225—229 MELONS GLE. cs cy ae 745-1 to 745-1205 0.0 III 74 TUES Ae ide Se ee ae a ree 309, 404, 409...150, 153, 155 2A Ea okra, Wn O 163, 240 INDEX TO BUILDING CODE. Code Number 269 Page Number a 4 S r eres x < r ‘4 se ‘ i x ' z - A M * ’ ¥ - . ¥ . . ‘ . P] i 5 4 7 a. . re % : wut KEFCRE ie NCE &> 4 “ FFB3 1915 = ‘=> MUA Sincin nat Index to Amendments, Supplements and Repeals Code Number Volume Page OF tie ee Amended... oo. ks: dR Otero poate be ght ne 4p ck 1-10 oS. ya ae Amended “..7.... Le SRN cea eek . 19 Bs cee Tea to. f Amended w......: PR. Fo ee ta ae eee eae 20 Ce Se ee ee Amended ........ See, Stneee aes Bae ee ek 20 Cr re, FO RS ok Memenaded ..3.).3. Ls eee Wee ee ree 22 ee ee oe vi PAMIENCEM) sc. a. .0 es BED et oes ae ae ae ee ee fh Perle (Cae oe oss Amended ........ Re ee nee LOE ee 9 ica sees See mmended f5. los: | 9 A rae ee eee SE ie cpr 1 29 oo Aleta Aamended ....2.. BVGE ee cen ee eee nee Sine, 14 DPM oc. cles Amended ........ Ee ey htt oa tas Oe ee hae a oe Amrended: 1a .¢ 2044 1G EAP RV a acne aR eee. 2 oh berg Gad er Amended. 2.445 10 Fe eerer Aan, Soest PRR oR ga 3 et G2) Ah Se ee Amendedus ys 015: | ony ae Na Ge: RM ae ER 2 Ser. 3 240k {its lithe ea eee UO CMTeen Thee Vere gre ol. {toe Os LAS eee 15 20! Be aa Amended’. ..: 2. NG er ena aE cee tal Ane 15, 16 Be SRIa ects shy mepealed ey. 7a Je cas, Vonacee a ae eia PRe Eene B ea 4 Wp VENI REME GS nah ie Amended~.....2.. Tl tors eRe ee 8k oR areas ora 4 VN aS, ae ae Repeated aro «1a UD LMNES, sec, «grein Reece, Merete 4 ‘Gy COR APS ee EpCaled? tts cst} LV = e252. RAL Se eee Sec sy aot 15 OU Fria cars Se “Amended: 3% «3. Te Se ee ee 10 701, 2,3,4,5 ©.. Amended’ .:s'..:.. LV See Ce 16,17 “EY a ae ea Siipplemiented 640 LV ss Be, 02S ee sce 18 RRR ees cent & Pnmended: oe... . Te pa bot oo i ae 33 Bie cis AN Ne aay o Amended ........ PES SSPE RS ee ee ee 6 8 PO ar ae a ee mended. cy es 18 Re Aen Se gen es ee Senate 7 Oe te cats tame Amended «....... LV htaccess 19 lee: Se ne eee EVeOCALCC) ic oaotten 1) 2 eer re cy APO ESS Sy 20 . 274 INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. Code Number Volume es Bbere te wes er Amended. ea8 os BBV ore 2S) a “3 Oe a ee Repealed) cure Toc) rahe ee oie SERMON ce ty ore Amended... vay DV wy asa ect GUS iee st pao ots IREPCIICE serupenieee Jée ee BUS eae in den ty Amended ........ TV" 3s hats ee ths SEES I (Oy oe ae Amended ........ TV ok. ina oo ee = UES DEES eae een Repealed eee 1 Sera a Je aeo chee. E Dee te eG ayy A MIEDOCE. pass TV ou teho c,h ni LL anes Se PATiTeTICed.) aan Mee 6 Gime Fe er tw ia nn CORSO penne ha Ae ae Amended. o,. 7.02% TTo nb diate ele nieoe eee BOP a tee a Amended) se Beno TT ost S28 hae : GUa5 Sartre stats ts mimended |! Fea: Li hae 2 sheng 3 conocer Ryd ate ani. seu Amended .453. Bao Ll pete eee 113 oe ee ae BU cD tpi rale oA wr a Amended teats as TT incepta oe 10 69-6 tony boaen oe es Repealed in. sp teyee Tl wtvads una ob bas sees oe Ors Liab etc ats & ose Repeated ts. 2teu ae TD. vss mt cere Boab ofa i PO aein ete ce Hoag pA menged's, 1 eae TI sc chtatecy si a oe coe “ON Aa Se pe eae Amended to. h2 a6 Ll. Gone ee oe 1 Bey Ws ear ie eet PAMENMEGs: 45 kant III 5 Hae ga ome eee mn: Suiits Amendem .., a) .45 IV -.23 2 ee Dit PES tie: ete ee as es 5 supplemented ...... IV) .2.) 22 eee een . 5) Gon RE Rn aie Be AMended 2434.44 TV .n.ce) Ree xt aa ra Re Gs eee PTHONO ER Bis o) nad TV Sco eee £5. s . ee 7k Re AEE SI ae Sy Amended. .:. 2.5... TV ne Foie Geis ee Ree: ha re ee Amended ay ic an. TV. ia, 35 Riles ele eee e-,*. US Deeks BN a wie casks Adamendede tyes TV |. lbles eacie eaaeneen ag Cpe Ds Sonne ee Ainenued «.en es II oa RON Re ket Stee Supplemented: .....° IV" 42) RPE aes Mee, Amended. (ep erase II 3 Beis ERC aie seis PeAnmended= vy essce Lage oe a shies wage . >. BQS Greer cusahe re SAmended: Jk oe eS cee, + Nba voneys ee eee Pe coast Gen ie ss supplemented |. ...° 0015". 4 ahve anes eee eee it He Uh Bp PaeUGEG 2 eevee TT 6c tenet Gesu toon aan ; ‘ OP y eee wee Amended 352 7k ras II AL ee er Uta saat Supplemented ©... 2TV) olka ee | QS ESS' terion Ge Supplemented: .7.1V os f.eee eg Oa es ee Antended 3 [onc GPM ere et he oe ne ; OBE ait tie Amended! 9.4.25, TV i ee WON A se eee Supplementedt sp Thleiehet) eee eet OY EE en ope Amendedi.s knatee LT, 2c See Sd bea See DOR Sad pinata Supplemented ..:.4, 201 ee eee ce eee Pa. OPA beers ~a upplementéd i equal a aces ire aden 8 ‘ eh ae! eae ye eee INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS Code Number US ae ek ae ee me BC eh ehe oe @ Pye Ne oii 5. ; 93-6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 AHL ee gin Oe 1O2—1 toy 1LO2=133 inclusive ... RO) = etter ee eg ec MOB =P wm oad eens oe INO) 23 Gulch, ates scares OD Arie Sty .f lose eo 102—44 102—44a 102-55, 56, 57, 58... 102-61 2.6. \Ore: a epee. gS Cs Sear area 102-72 <0 6, ee ve wee 102-76 102-804 102-115 102-116 102-118, 119 102-123 102-132, 108 13904... «196.8, 2 ene 0. 6 Amended Amended Amended Repealed Amended Amended Amended Supplemented .... Amended eee a ewe ee Cpe Na A et 6 6) 6) tee 6 ee aa) sce), | a ae Prete wn ie ee fe @@ 16 Melle ¥6\(e ie ate valve 6 (wi Ye Ve) Amended Amended Supplemented .... Amendea Amended Repealed Amended Repealed Amended Repealed Repealed Supplemented .... Repealed Amended Supplemented .... Repealed Repealed Supplemented ... Amended Supplemented .... Amended Repealed Amended Supplemented .... Amended Amended Repealed Supplemented .... Amended Amended Amended Repealed Repealed Supplemented .... «we et ie) 0‘ a, 1 feria) e!"e fee gcusc) CC Paar Cote CO Se Mio Rene pale wae ame eeke is Ci i Sat er oe er a o Br ol Ge ene se Bue, Ugeis), 6) 20 CUNY ny at a BiG) B78 ie 6: Jal Te Si isise; ‘el 6, fe, io) o See wns ee Volume IV AND REPEALS. ise) 16 Vel SNS 56,, (0.10, 41 ¥) 0) 0) 0) 6) 6) 9) 01 1S) ue 6 of Je ie) Welt e) Wile) ML © @) 6) oe) & we c/a) oeqere of ee ¢ shes e “eo OF ape 16 10 a, 6 Gh Ol .01 (6; 6 map ey © ete) @ © RS. 66) O'S eE, & © 6) +6) B.S) 0) 01. 6, a) 9” 0) 6 8] ONO a 6) Site Chal iseLe S18 ieee) @ Of of wi ol ane Sf ie Sel ene! « ae Sei 6 one ow Wie y) @) 67m 0 9) 6 € 6 6: o C8 © w 46, Shige ¢hene ve wis = « 0 oe € ee (0 one © s) oh » 6-6] © el we) 6 af a! @ +P a! oie 6) wi Gh 0 6 (6) 0-8) 16 Cr a i © le We ol Be Ker ene ae id: wee 6 o 8 e sre eMietidpe i eislret ee) 4/8: 0° (6) (6) ‘0 sis 8)e¥is)te al) \elre 2) eet wesw ea 6, Ces e: «ot mre eyo, « beer are ein erieisalte! wy eiiw: et [9 \e) to fe? ©) 'e) [e. 01 ase he ee erLe) eno int 6, Ore ase .9 Ye eNews 4), Ole: ul 0 ey 8 1920" #) wae O) eo: Ske o fomeremes e266 6:16 0 a © (#)\0).'6 8. Je 00 «: See 1G. Beer ean wah 6 616.6 (o Fa. ele) \s: ‘spel ee @ mS fel er Ree eh 8 Ue. ace e ley re 18, aye) elke) a) fap ie0 te Sie, aia talle hettepviel ste ere. 6) 8) ePene seksi eee biare BoM ee a h6 VS ie (oe 091 eet ee) in letra aw eal at eels 20) (8 Ke Oe Sw okie fers: “e, are ene 8 Heuser e pe rerelen¢, 2) 451) Keene) 6, <6 aiei eve tpce! i ge) ee ee, (0! e” ‘ei te) 6. 2: eRe (6) a. ie 1S 6 eo (6. Ome) OL Oe ee le ee ee wb Set wind eMe le C-bit!) sé) epee. ses lend «alah ea ome ayia! wine (en Ores Sebi | a 6 een « 8 aie) sd) wb elKe Sp ep ey 16 | ea etne, oa) Pe Pie: (©, #) ‘apie! ele e Venn! a tenis ld) way vet bene) @) ei gece se) @, 6 Ue -6f Ser iyi 4 ce nto ue! 9) 6i.f0) ei Ci he Le ear a Oe, @! ele eG om! *o, “eka al le tule a) 90 si efjeuah circ ad S10: le Ais ee 0), 0) aren 0) & (9) 4a eiie ren = OS) wie 6) ow wine) SheKe eper o))016 o uy ONO) 6, elena ot \a:c aa) (ot, ‘oy dap eryet overs e vs) Be bile leceie) eo) Selle a) le ‘at tele eine leh 6) @ 6) © fa) mm ST8 eo lO is es (Orme, a* Bah elite! Bt aes ey ele! 6), 0°. Say .6 vel"a, ©, (6° ,6, dba. ve) iat aero Riis al S18 q)te eA wine: 18. nenas) rer yet Ser eel, (or hy Lor janet, Leite —erk ae A= Qe eg Olt ce ee Lis Ba 276 INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. Code Number Volume « AR9=20 a as viv cae Supplemented .72... TV: .0. yo sae oe ee Te OBO, tetas ten ot Amiendeda. 6 oar. LLL, 2. sta os ee Wa er Chern oben eee Amended |....2. 4.2. TID wicks ede es 0 cs ole oe en 129-42 43). oe eae Amended ..".4%% sa EV. ois ftuehs ae UDG BAS Sire, Mesean eeen SAMendEd aoe ae ane TID; £. po issieiewg «aie eee OSH e. Bee een Amended ........ V1. ge htg le See tO Gate es. trae Repeatedy aes 1d. sae. oe 129-5854 ee se Repealed’ (seen... TV eves ek a 1202608 es ccce sas, sonal Amended ........ TV i uw ioc Ie Ray eee roe Eel ecttae Repealed: |... EV ©. vas 226g ae ee 8 129-7414 ........ Supplemented .... DV ...205 559% a) ee 38 SO SAGs cae thao % PAImeHUed! alos IV ....4 80.0305 cok eee 38 S01 Ak tee Amended ..:..... TV us «vee 5 © ate oleate einen 29 POURRA 2OOBT oie TATMORGEG =,.50 9 soe TLE 2G te Jae £ SUED BR ema ancora amended ian vain IV - s32.. 0.0 bow ne ae 2 #30-29,°30, 181.... Amendéedy........ TV oe 0 olen ddines ore at Supplemented .... ID 2.5. .5.20%.ee~. <1 re ket Eat 3 eae AWMendede anbauon TIT 255-406 Sep toy aeee js Ros To alee ae a Supplemented . ss. [1 .. “309s Rie eek ii We fs Bane Sgr Supplemented .... IIL .. 3.03020 22.0 ¢eeue eee His Dawe ale ain es sho Amended ..+..... IM eh UPS aie 2 A a Supplemented .... IW 2 72033 "Ei iee thc, Jane eae aa PAriended* 20 yaar TV os oa see ee 123-1 tokS3=11 inc; “Amended .0...2.2 Tl ..ccQoeeseeeee Seo 35 ESS: Mie caine eg etal es (s (ole eg ano IIL ..c. 0S og 20 Pee OA. oc en sen ty Supplemented .... TIT ..4...9 200.2 36a, 6b....... Aimended. 2 3 ..). TID. cits 0 Sos ae Wels HBBMIO os aay ce. Amended ........ er A 133-10a ‘to 10e... Supplemented .... III ..3. 02500. See (Cee hee Amended ........ Il ...0. aah CEES e) ay eRe Amended ........ IV “oh kee eg 133-13, 14, 15, 16, et Lie cea paix Supplemented .,.. ID 3:20. .-92.5 256 36 ISSSLGs Oe ah tee Supplemented ..:: Tl (.2 2) .5 eee) eee 37° 1 CO ete 24 Amended ........ TV rst eer : ASSO. dik ved ats ys Supplemented TVo sce oko ee des sk oa eta es Amended | jum sc Sa) TT yitect Pete cane sey ES Rey re me Atiended! San eae THD 0 a i eh 134-273 APB oe Aimended See LT the YOR eee ee eer 13 =O Mee sia ey foes Repealed) 2 aaa TT. oe tS BG Ueecvit re der: eae Amendedays aces Ted ef ORS aS ae Oe ee Oe Amended ........ Tl wy 2 ee. 2 DA Soe etal ats eer Amended =a LI ads 0. See ok DAG Os, ene Repealed 200... ] ee a tee 2 er é INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. Code Number : Volume Diet as a gees eper led wy ot 3 LLP ia nee et, ph be “SO se a oe Amended ........ LD eer ge oe 9 ea |S as Caen Ameridéd. see<) 5c Rega, oy ae Mee eee Farha yur e PuOztee, 3, 45... Amended .y.%...- La Se ees eee tee Bre eee scans, Amended ........ 18D Oe a ONS Ea Se ore aie UA JSP a Sitppiementcdr...4. Lil) Peyaieae Ae eee Beebe oss WAETICTIKIEC eels vis 20s LVE Wee OO Bee 73a) SN Ye ann Srpmenientets oun Lives tne eon eo ako Lie ee 7 Ss are SUpplemenite cs ac, oo) leaecnlersteates «teers a 2 ae Amended ........ TVG aa ak Bes a Roe: Ue Teg pe Re oe wmAmernded:. <4 +: De pen Se a das ih se Pan ad TR One OAS. ane ee Amended. os... 04: Va Ohare se gale oe COUT nel apa a SUP ML CTOTCCON ay a ek Ve ready Ao oe bake Bene. 6 ern O Tah. ks Repedceds te. Diet ey ree ik Bel a het carro 2 LE at aoa Aare Ametnided -.....%.. 1110 ert er] aes aoe “G85 bee eee Pee peiedee tae yak Te Seed eee ey ale aa ed STE ab ae MaMenaded 8 U ss. ks BLS adc meted ar eaeee wate id a Peete. ails. sv EAD {casas oe ee cere at SS oy, ce eae PeeWee ed etre), 3.50 Lf: A ee Oren, See rE SA el a eee Amended v.c..... |i See eerie aera ke Mar oa Ey oer oe rE Amended ........ AI S| EMS ec Sees ea aie ee ee ee epeated) tie. JO). Me aire APE Se py oh a Dee Oho «er ee Amended ........ LISS 8a 9 A. eee 20a—4,-5, 6, 7.8... Amended ........ UT Trier Ges dora 2c oe eee et re i ee Amended ..35...> LP Tre Sehr ae Peo ee 2 a a ee re Amended .2..... AGE ea Bases WY a abe aye O Dhaai e veer an i meotended <5) RTE. Wap econ ech, Aaah he eee ie Oh Bin ce i fae ahs Amended: ........ FARE he sake age Se to eae ALS, ee erepesied) Sere... +. 3 Dee es pak ees asta ca dl Palas Ate, PUES a gee Amended 3204 .<. Line Geen Ae? ee Boo), 7,12, 1%.2.. ~Amernded v.55... TT Eee Sercet bia Ginre:. 2 vere oe tes ac Ses Amended cihh-o. 2: AUB yas Pen ena ees Sear pe 239-27, 28, 30, 31, eo PPro PSTHNENGEd a ~ Mee ia EPR ae oe its es ay tite Coe SS ee Sroorernentecetes LLL, (iti ici tate. oes cent on Oo nt re Ligne ag horaud ss cuces | Vp eeeetegal 6 I LOR MMe eR meee we ROT bra, 9 Pe Re ll ah ecscicsa tsa? « Amended sau... 118 ic Be ere patra eos coe Pea il és x morended: 2h ts0... [Sayan pee NO BEAT Be ee wie Pe Wes Beepedled fe a ui--< | Agere de ee Nar eae A kr LAS Fae ar Amended ........ fOr ce ern fe Petra nee PAIRIG). 124.8623 Amended: 24.6.2. EVA shite iaahteat nd be er oe as LU, Oe Rs Se a PAPITORIULGE Des hele se « < EV i 6 Gmuh ek soe eee Pas) toreueitic., = Amended ..%...... Vi AE ee ages yo meee | 4S UPd tat ee Ser LV Gtatsketabee tet Ge) ake PAN a a We ‘7 278 INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. Code Number Volume 243-21 to 30 inc.. Amended ...... TV CUS BA —SO0R ewes: Renested 12... TV | 50) 2s Ae 243-31 to 49 inc. Amended ...... Te SOO ah Pee Baa BO ONG Sw iatene 6 Amended ..... TV (60.00.08. ee PAS BUA hiss aisle > Repealed oo. TV os oa 243-81 to 98 inc.. Amended ...... TV oS Ae 43-99, 100500 .4. Amended ...... TV 202g CE ae 243-101t0123 inc. Amended ...... TV Oe Aino. .k san Repealed: -..0°5.2. TV 2 oe Pa ad 243-125to150. inc. Amended ...... TV ove ae SS 243-15110196 sinc. Supplemented i... TV. 22252 2 oe eee ES Se earths Gt, Amended ...... TV oo R09 2 BASH Lei cao. Amended it.45 2 TT S35 AS 2, ioe ee AB BAY italien cteiens Supplemented ....2 TIL ..0.0.7000...40 3) ES) ee Supplemented ..2.-TV 210.2502). 08 Da Br ithe ascoh am Repeated 25. TV oe. SS a 245-659.40, 11 02.-* Supplemented: . 22H ¢.s5e. ee ieee) 55 PASTS Sewers Amended ...... TV. ~. 3. | ee 60. 245-844 «2.2.05. Supplemented’: . --]V -..S02 Gia. ee ee DARD, OAOites cies 4 Supplentented ..\.. [i 4 Rae BAG eerie Se eat Supplemented’ .o.° / LL 4. ape ee a Garten ee Repealedy ;{2) 2. Il... .. SOO e eee eee 2A eas IPR te naar Amended ...... Tl «3. eS a eee a TAO A sei nis ee A Supplernented . 0 .DV> 22 POS), Teen Wales: Amended ...... I]... Ab So ee 1 5 a A Amended ...... iri nt OLR La, intone Amended i) .-..5.0; TV .ae I ee ee QOL Ase Actes Amended 0. tix. TV 2. SSS O61 aera 15.) Bie. Amended ques. os TV «. oo ea eee role El: A str peer ee Amended} i. 5s0.- os TV os J Ae BOI —Sar ake sles Repealed vares..e IV U.S ee, ae PO 1—Srawe ee nce. Supplemented ...... [V+ s7..0 eS ee BOCs peer ad, lee Amendéd —....,.. 122.0 6. SGM Ace Cte Amended ........ I], 5.24 i ee Ror 55 1d! ae Ne eee Amendeéeds..4 344 62 ID 1.0.02 S02 nea ee BOO lieth Pani supplemented’... 11 7) ee rae! a) bi yeah bo Re Amended. ti 2. TD... oS ol fer RS eee ae Supplemented), +i. TV) se eee ieee 1 POU air eet ke a Ga ek Amended ........ TV >. Sepa A eee pa. DOA a wether acne yee ei. Amended ..22..5 LTV.) oR Oe AOU ES orth Acre eee Amicnided sae ie Ag Meee gt Sy scary Sala BOA is Ra Ueie rey tAcs Amended ete ba TN ee, LG. ene. a 6 ed4-1,2, 3, 4:... Supplemented’. ..2- 1 «eee ae 7k Me ORR pac “Amended .2....5. TV ees St ee INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. Code Number OT J Amended <.... 308-1, 2, 3, 5, 6.. Supplemented . 1 an Amended :..... BUC Wh a ec te a mAmended i. .%, UES a oy Supplemented .... oS Sr Amended *.)..3:. (RES as pr Supplemented .... Pa Ss 5s Supplemented . SE) GS eae Amended o2...; og) Amended. s<, EO A Amended ...).... VAC ae ee Amended ...... phon O65 i. soos Supplemented .... “Phe be etree Repeatedicws.. 2, Bae is. Sess Amended ss U..2; a ee Repealed ...... SA) a ae Amended ...... eS OOS ae Oe Amended ...... Sy! Ss Cs: Supplemented .... Le se ee Supplemented .... oe ype ee are Repealed. i ce8, ede Oe aa os Supplemented . era, Prat xia oss Amended ...... [2S OS eee ee ee Supplemented .... 2 8 0 ea Repealed” 3... es ee Supplemented . PAE Wy twisy Scie ahs mepeaied: 8). Ek ee ee ae Amended ...... Ee OS My Dale ear ea Supplemented . iy ke ce Wa Amended ...... oh A Weta een Amended 7o.F.,..: BE OSA fore 0+ os Supplemented .. BONO Soc aG a 0t bs Supplemented .... ee ta takes 49 Amemded, <.2)... Boos, 2, 3,4, 5,6. Repealed. ....... BMP ea saiaton 0 Amended ....... ee ea Amended ...... Oe, ee Amended “05... g4na,p. c, d-i.,.- Supplemented ... ot a a ee eae mmended .2.<.. err Amended ...... 2S a ee Supplemented .... S02 Rete ae ea Amended. ......: PAIN sh ett ous, ye th Supplemented .. 269 Volume Page EVs ponde® musty a2 vo Cer: te eee 67 DAEs 2 cat arte 57-58 LLL Sane ine 5 ue Socata au Ly eta Be OL, See oxen ae 60 DET CHAN Aa iene cate rece ee 37-42 DES 6 hecee sestnit, Se ner! 71 DE tien Sas Sale cae ee ae 42 OR EE Ts a ne, te $. 43 EV gin he ess. Sea he ere 68 BV wer sik Gi een eet oa ees cee 68 LV Re is ai see ae 68 DVR Cee. he ard tere ee eed 69 OUR Sic ne og Aa pes Pe 5 70 AU ee Oils Sol a ara.) 5 sted wa 63 EL ae tis ce eels ae, « She hire ee 45 LAM ecaeitrea esc, eee ak ee 47 NANO UR ies Sous Gee APRS ane | 72 Pons, Rteigte ash 2 oe oe be eet 72; 73 (Oo Aes ey De pe ler, = 74 TMi gh ela Pde ata cetarg iekere aes 74 Vale. . ailioaels os lar aaah Seda 73 BUGS sce prerctgcds ee th 47 Be iliac peau, a eeeee 64 Pea ea? eit Gas eae eee 65 1 Say PPro Gren an mtat AM 0 Se 76 AREF =. sored cles oor ae ee 66 EVs ices coat ties cana a TO ea 76 LAE eta wt on a ake eg a eae 75 DeVere cess aot Shes Perens oe 75 PVA AG ekeeo Ge oe) vee ee 75 UD itis Big COG, Uae IN ra ties oy 48 Ante Gis ad Roki de ace ee tes Wad Ur aaivontntcn 0 aos oceans eee 75 189 ae omer ee Amr an iis Ae 48 LV cas ote aes Marea 76 1 Pere, SR mre een a Mealieet Ne 67 LAY he tare seaertr ate peers the, RIT OR & 76 BEA ee ewes dace ee 50 Psa, ms Sea etka oer ee eae eas 68-70 TUS 6 eee eee ee 51 We Des Sees ease nee eee 52 Te ceabamadestie ob 3a ween abuene eae 29 BiG hag ee flit cod aes ee 76 EVA AS Sa WS aan ee teem 78 280 Code Number 45th OLE LCL RES a N52 BOO COM bce ye OO ae a 484b1 to b12..... PERONO So cas Ontos 2 485 485-1 to 18,....-- 525 544 545 546 549 55% 55 3—1 559 580-1 606-1, Qerrerccee 608—1 616-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 646-3, 4orrrervce 667 667-1 to 18....., 664 668-1 10 Tieeeees 668-8 669 670 671 672 673 674 6801 6802 6803 680—4 680-19 681 68% 683—1 600-1, 2, Birrsss Behn ot bec eies,s 692-1, Isoex to Amenoments, SurpLements ano Repeacs. CF EPG EC ATE OLS AS OIF HELLO | ie ar ae ata 7 Me he Me a en ea Pe a PAMELA Let Ot CEPOL LOL? £0 6 OF POP FC rte e.@ ee ere eeoreeeet Ce AL dt call a? le AE AE a eee oereearanee eer errerereereve LES CSO POL Oe OG ae AR me ORY Se Ae de Ee 2 ee ee eww evede MP) PO, CLO 8 EC 0 Ce W488 8 OO We Oe Fae oF OLE A Fe Fee ROS wreeoeoraeeeeevrte eevee rerearee Bee FTP a 6-F 8.8. COTS Fen Cr oateereaesern Ch Ase Mat Ae 0 ee Me J 2-2 POO 2 eee . Volume Page — Amended ........ III nebinec he oonhs dee Amended oss 102. TY oe. 262%. ieerercerne: seeein Repealed 42.6066 TV pe devcetenee eo need con ag PAA ACN YS hie cide (LAM po trig tine s+ ada ++ Amended .....--- TI] ....--cere cee ccenccens sane Supplemented .... TI] 00... ce cece cece ec cee + CEO Supplemented .... Tl] .....-:2-00-ceee eee se menedied) heckeds EV ci ceect eee vacate eee is Supplemented .... IV ee eee Amended wc.c,c00 Tl 2c cccsce ts vaecesewecwgeea Amended cccs.c.0 IL wipsversvies veces cee Amended wf6s2+>- TID i caesdsseeret ene Amended cccccece IT ccecvenccdersccdesdentee Amended ack...>+ Il «.s07277 deus nee coe Amended 25... Ul] ...,5-00500000000 oe Supplemented .... II] 1... cceccesseceess/s en Auendedo4.:107. TL U6 eee vooenes 4a Supplemented .... Il ...¢,ccvnssercecers ss +> cen Supplemented .... Il ...:+s000rsevecerner, >> en Supplemented ..,. II] .i.-2geenee sees ae>> - ee Supplemented .... II .,-csceopeeserees cane > =) en Supplemented .... IV 12.7, sepa MODOSIER «00 400% A leceeeectsecace tases ss —aeiam Supplemented .... IV ...:700s04 eee ee Bg Repealed ........ IV nn Repealed ....2.0+ IV soccscescescss cone eee Repealed .n.cece0 IV wccssccsecercs ees ee Repealed .caccces IV ccecctarcrnecsies pe Repealed .pcicces IV ccccrecevecese s+ eisai Repealed ccscceds IV sccverestys cee eee Répealed ceceeces AV cicvedsse tance see Repealed .s.csene TV tisce see vaede eels nn Repealed - cecsecee TV! vince tes dscecdeeieee Amended cisccase Tiss scrcirdvaewssedesea eee Amendéd -os.3ice0 4) visisences ey eee ee Amended. gscisede Toei diser sare ca csens oer Supplemented .... Il s......:+0ereeseeees-- + Gee Supplemented... II] .5..+ss000+00 +0000 sn Astended sssceveu ID sencersscscevcute cece ? Amended icine Il eisecrnts sts yeep pee Supplemented’ ..... II. isisccescvscvle nev eel Supplemented) sa, TV. cvs diies cose veneer Supplemented’... TV vsesseens- sencpenep eee Supplemented 0... Divsssccsscserereeeernerge rey BO i ~ fo 7 7 INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. 281 Code Number | EA Supplemented .. 1 a re Amended. :...... WS lc iwc eee mmended' ../... iii = A i on Supplemented .... 1 CS ae ar a Supplemented .... meet tO 12.5555. Supplemented .... Weems hee 2s Amended ...... WDESTEO oe. c5 ae smenmdeds «oa. a. WOT Gl, 102.03: : Amended. 2. 5.~4 ME ae yc ee: Amended .:.... MS UA 5.9 be ch gc Amended ...... a Amended” 7.5.5. “SS | ee Supplemented .... LA Ga ee ee Repealed +, 2... +: Met, cles; Amended ...... 798-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Supplemented .... SS es ae ae ee Supplemented .... TE Repealed ....... eS aaa eee Amended ...... SRAM ss doe) « G55. Amended ...... 818-1, 2, 3, 4 Supplemented .... OR esd ge be as Amended ...... Ba tO. 9... 1. Supplemented .... emits. +: alk bi Kes Amended ...... nce et ee Supplemented .... Bee dna. nae Ye Amended ...... BOM ides Wc y bine Amended ..-.... Ch A Ske a ee Amended ©... .%. ee LS a Supplemented .... ieee ers sida ae Supplemented ... Rd Be OES heck ee Supplemented .... CS re PAMended | 0a.2.. oh a a Amended ...... ba a Supplemented .... 90-2, 3, 4....... Supplemented .... eS ee Supplemented .... Oe a ee Amended ...... ANG EES § ea! re Supplemented .... 902-1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6 Amended ...... 9062 3; 740. Supplemented . LUE ee ieee See Amended ...... Bet eo. Be oy ue o Supplemented .... 2S 8 ee ae ae Supplemented .. ae ee Supplemented .... Volume Page EV Oe ee ene 89, 90 LV SA oe Fas ea ae ee 90 Dea ht bbs Sa a3 DV Pee cP eee 91 Boer ere erica ik Can pees eee 30 VET ee ee. oe eee dea ee 74-79 A a te PN a ehh aren sir 91 RE ee a Cs ee ons Vente Oh, 5 eee 80 EVP preter a ta aghsce: ere te ae 81 BURSNeere eer rren Soe ak cd fe eee 91 LED eee ta ocak Ae 2 ce Cees 82 US Cipka > pga, hae Gee Re Warne 2 92 PMO ee teen oie da oe Sa pees 92 1) SA eo a es OPED 4 aor 79 1 es a at A ae ea CA 82 Te Se eee. ak aad Se pee 83 PET Cs sale oat. ahs aC ke ie nee eee 84 Ee Sone ee eee oA ee ae etme 93 DEV ipo Nes as aay eee 93 DEVORE, tae eel ate veces re ere 93 Ah - GAN MOE ett oe Conk rs creer gD) OL Tae So searagsess. ocr tan oes eae 94 PREP Gs 2 ot saints he Gene ee 86-89 Lees. Ue, Geet cae nee eee 90 PT re ae ak eels Goh ce o e e 90 | SY Pi a a ere gad Pea ee ee ie 87 ETS Se, oss enn eo ee as ae 88 EL eshte turn Ge wace + Gate ee ee Ree 88 UG OLAS” SOR NS RMON iR a Asus hoe. 91, 92 TN Ra tere Se 6 oo ys 8 fra) ora eee so 94 Le tn rh arts oipads aa oe 92, 93 Ne a ne ad dale = eee ee 95 j Rap se be a WRENS CS 93 Tes ee ee dG Oe 94 elas ASce 5, tnt or oatly. Bit cin ctu eee 95 UE icc mn Oey PEN her cr sic ,6 96 Baa. Fea Erie Ne ree 96 DT ites ghee ake, nec piece erate ore ae 91 TL Wie cect vide it ee ears 96, 97 | § A ORES COREE A eee Sur ae nc 92 LEGS FS sya hee he or eee eee 93 1D RAP Ana aee ar eA Re eh 98 LE aero se ces cane 93 TLD Cea ese eee oe oe, eee 94 nope Pe foe tan hg teorny paar er ee = a 282 INDEX TO AMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS AND REPEALS. _ Code Number OGRGEE Gatto: Ameéndedsitha,aee O60 ce ens cac pe INENed Skee ee 1011-1, 2) ..5.... Supplemented 1019-1, 2, 3, 4.... Supplemented 1020-1 ..... (c1. as wupplemented : PD SO 2 Go ies tis . Supplemented .... HIVES Bae as . Supplemented .. 1026-1. ...'2 ..... supplemented . 1026-2 to 8..... .. supplemented .... NOZ9-—5 2. oo Elly Ned PUR DIOR DL 1 Seer nck 40; LEN BE cogent arg, irae Repealed, ea: 2 IPS sO eee, Repedied! 2369.05. LORS —14 50. ns setts IME UCALE CG feet as 24 28 6 ees Se ae Repealed ........ ANC Ot Goes wees Repealed > ches isan 1029528 2. fae) REDCALEU 7 Ebay. 1OROT BO Ee asin ms, 4 Repealed= 14510 ce | TOROS Gig Soren Repealed. 2 a 2745