The Last Scores’ of Lakes HERE are many fine lakes in this county and many people are givirg their time to the comfort of those who come here from the heated and uncomfortable places of the middle west. Our mission is on behalf of those who want not only comfort of cool nights, shaded homes, and beauty of rivers and lakes, but who also want college life. Tri-State College is here. It is one of the Standard Normal Schools of the State of Indiana. One can land here April 28, May 4, June 9 or Sept. 29, and take up any of the six authorized normal school cours- es. One can enter for six or twelve weeks. Those entering for six weeks should begin April 28, June 9 or July 20. Those entering for twelve weeks must begin April 28, June 9 | or September 29. Those who would enter for High School, College or Technical work should enter June 9 or Sept. 29. WE OFFER AS GOOD SCHOOL ADVANTAGES AS ANY. WE OFFER A SUMMER OF BEAUTY AND COMFORT EXCELLING ALL. And to all this the intellectual stimulus that comes from a COURSE OF FROM _ TWENTY, TO THIR TY LECTURES AND ENTERTAINMENTS GIVEN BY THE REDPATH LYCEUM BUREAU IN THEIR GREAT CHAU- TAUQUA. TEACHER;TRAINING WORK may be mixed with Domestic Economy, Manual Training, Public School Drawing, Common School Branches, High Scheol or College Branches, or Commercial Branches. Stu- dents can come and give full time to Normal school work, College work, Technical work (Engineering and Chemistry, ) High School or Common School work, or Commercial work. Being a Standard Normal school credits will be good anywhere. PRACTICE in real teaching and OBSERVATION of real teaching forms a large part of the regular training cours- es. For the summer term beginning June 9, 1914, provision will be made for ninety hours of obseswation and practice teaching under the guidance of a graduate of Teachers’ College, Columbia University, New York. Those who enter April 28 or May 4 get the seme. Observaticn work in four differ- ent grades, ard also in High Schcol giades. eee —— eS ee Engineering Building SOLS: SESE mT r a cE w= x ’ ty t A Delightful Retreat. There are Hundreds of Such Inviting Places Among our el} The Last Call for Tri-State College and a Summer Among the Lakes ANGOLA, INDIANA Forty Miles North “of Fort Wayne Red Sand Bathing Beach, Lake James—One of the Finest in Northern Indiana po ears A Bit of the Pebbly Beach on Lake Gage, the Most Beautiful Lake in Indiana 2, ae The Cost for All This (A) For twelve weeks: (1) Board, Furnished Room, Tuition, Library Fee and from twenty to thirty lectures and entertainments in our fine Chautauqua for $46. (2) Tuition, Library Fee and Chautauqua for $19. (B) For six weeks: (1) Board, Furnished Room, Tuition, Library Fee and from twenty to thirty Lectures and Entertainmerts in our_fine Chautauqua $26.80. (2) Tuition, Library Fee and Chautauqua $11.80. Resides Allathic T is worth that much money to spend three months in our high altitude among our beautiful Iakes—the coolest and most delightful spot in the middle west. Hundreds come from the cities to breathe our pure air and enjoy the one hundred lakes of our county. Two forces will make contribution to your education: (1) Nature; (2) Man. Nature has been most lavish in the bestowal of her charms in this North Eastern Indiana. In ages past, the icebergs lodged here and left hundreds of beautiful lakes of clear spring About these she has planted a rich flora and fauna. Two of the foremost living American authors, Mrs. Corra Harris and Mrs. Gene Stratton Porter lay claim to the doc- trine that Nature is as great a Teacher as man, if not greater. If this doctrine is but partly true, then surely students who come under the influence of Nature as she wooes her child- ren here, are twice blessed. As to man’s part, would say that In-State is an institu- tion of thirty years standing and is now recognized by the State Board of Education as a Standard Normal School. Come, study and rest. L. M. SNIFF, Pres. Tri-State College, Angola, Ind. water. Tri-State in Winter L