July, 1923 Research Bulletin No. 81 STUDIES ON STREPTOCOCCUS PARACITROVORUS GROUP By B. W. HAMMER AND M. P. BAKER AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS CE) CURTISS, Director DAIRY SECTION THE LIBRARY OF The NIV ERSITY OF iLLINOIS: AMES, IOWA SUMMARY A study of 124 cultures of 8. paracitrovorus from milk, cream and butter confirms the characterization of the group as those streptococci that produce a definite but variable increase in the acidity of milk and a high volatile acidity, which is greatly in- creased by the adding of citric acid to the milk to be fermented. Organisms having the same general appearance in ditmus milk as S. paracitrovorus but which fail to give a high volatile acidity or to show an increased volatile acidity when citric acid is added to the milk are readily isolated from dairy products. Cultures of 8. paracitrovorus destroyed the citric acid in the milk in which they had grown, while the organisms failing to produce a high volatile acidity, did not. In general S. paracitrovorus produced considerable CO, but there was no clear cut difference in the CO, production of these organisms and of other types so that it seems a determination of the CO, produced will not afford a means of identifying S. para- citrovorus cultures. Certain of the S. paracitrovorus cultures show considerable resistance to heat and are undoubtedly capable of withstanding the usual pasteurization exposures. Ropiness was observed in one culture of S. paracitrovorus out of the 124 studied. No satisfactory basis was found for the division of the S. paracitrovorus cultures into types; further work may, however, provide such a basis. S. paracitrovorus is rather widely distributed in milk and cream, It seems to be more common than SN. citrovorus. Studies on the Streptococcus Paracitrovorus Group By B. W. HAMMER AND M. P. BAKER For a number of years the dairy section of the Iowa Agricul- tural Experiment Station has been interested in the organisms that are capable of producing considerable volatile acid in milk. These organisms have been repeatedly isolated from starters, in which they are evidently of importance from the standpoint of flavor and odor development, and largely on the basis of a study of these starter-cultures they have been divided into two species —Streptococceus citrovorus and Streptococcus paracitrovorus. The present paper deals with S. paracitrovorus from the stand- point of its characters when isolated from milk, cream and but- ter, special attention being given to whether or not the charac- ters suggest a division into types. The distribution of the or- ganisms in these dairy products is also briefly considered. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE 8. PARACITROVORUS GROUP The S. paracitrovorus group is considered to include the streptococci that produce a definite but variable increase in the acid of milk and a high volatile acidity ; the volatile acidity pro- duced is, moreover, greatly increased in amount if sterile citric acid solution is added to the milk to be fermented. The appearance of the S. paracitrovorus cultures in litmus milk, which is of importance because it is the medium into which colonies from dairy products are most often picked, is quite variable, largely because of differences in the rate and extent of acid production. Occasionally a culture is secured which shows considerable reddening of the litmus in a day or so and when a heated loop is plunged into it gas bubbles may form and rap- idly come to the surface; such cultures are likely to produce a gassy curd in a comparatively short time. With other cul- tures the acid development is slower and when coagulation occurs the curd formed may be without gas holes due apparently to the fact that the gas development had largely ceased before coagulation occurred.t Some S. paracitrovorus cultures never “seem to show coagulation and gas development is difficult to observe at any time by the usual methods. 1. The importance of coagulation during the time of active gas de- velopment in the production of a gassy curd has been dealt with by the Iowa station in a study of the formation of gas in the making of cot- tage cheese. Studies on the Formation of Gas in Milk, Hammer, B. W, iets eee ee 53 26.7 77.8 Inara use. oo VE i) ee i en eee 45 32.8 80.0 1247075 | 3) a ir Mil knee ees cee a .48 TO) 72.0 PAT vee lO Milk-geeeeresa ewes 2 ees 54 31.8 78.2 Wardell o. Milkaeeeece = tae Fe .65 31.0 87.0 ae lo ee SS VET) ee ae Se eS ee 29 Py atl 58.4 eid, Mbp CU GUW ES - 2 Ct Say oe heer Be ea .38 eo 66.0 arnt 2s 2 Mil ieee ae ee ee ee .56 26.4 75.5 ions The Butter having ‘burnt’’ TlaVOlEe es eee n= .49 30.0 73.0 ae NOs ss es Butter having “burnt” flavOt meee eee eee .58 ilenes 73.0 Leite a Butter having “burnt” EON. ae ee ee Boe .58 26.2 75.6 iia 10 ae Butter having ‘‘burnt”’ i aiViO tae eee 47 24.0 82.0 SE Weta a Co ee Butter having “burnt” {laviorwee= wees eee .49 26.4 64.5 Ae Lae sees can |SYU ELT, See Sew ee .28 76: 57.3 IEW, BD SOlliss Cre At eee at ron 12.9 59.4 TEC Se. BAZ Aelia ee moter Buble es eee ee .36 125 56.6 Paine teom ean .S SoOumeecreant 2226-22 -22- ear 13:55 60.0 AT G4 2S ee Sourecrealtees. 2s. ee AF 1lS}.ah 80.3 Wihtobbaa\wags) 2 All 1220 44.4 Witp-quan\eped, oS ae .99 40.0 96.6 AVeLai Gmc mee ree 46 28.6 73.9 26 TABLE II—DISTRIBUTION OF S. PARACITROVORUS CULTURES IN DIFFERENT ACID RANGES No. of |% of total] Minimum | Maximum] Average eultures cultures | vol. acid. | vol. acid. | vol. acid. Cultures giving total acidities UPigbO” 231 p sete nee wee ae 17 13.7 13.1 34.0 23.4 Cultures giving total acidities from 0.31 to 0.4 inclusive 30 24D: eA 9) 34.9) 26.8 Cultures giving total acidities from 0.41 to 0.5 inelusive A 33.5 15.8 88.0 29.0 Cultures giving total acidities from 0.51 to 0.6 inclusive 23 18.5 18.5 40.0 31.8 Cultures giving total acidities i from 0.61 to 0.7 inelusive 4 ee 19.4 36.2 29.4 Cultures giving total acidities ADO Vel RT a ieee ee owe 9 hae) 28.0 38.4 33.4 acidity since some of the cultures giving a rather high total acidity gave a comparatively low volatile acidity while other cultures giving a low total acidity yielded a comparatively high volatile acidity. From table If it will be seen that while there was a tendency toward a slightly lower average volatile acidity among the cultures in the lower acid ranges than among those in the higher acid ranges, the differences are of very little if any significance. From table I it is evident that all of the S. paracitrovorus cultures showed a pronounced increase in the volatile acidity produced when 0.4 percent citric acid was added to the muk before inoculation. The volatile acidities produced in this modi- fied milk by the 124 cultures studied varied from 44.4 to 96.6 and averaged 73.9. The increase in the volatile acidity caused by the citric acid added was quite variable either on the actual or percentage basis as would be expected from the variations that occur in the volatile acidity produced in normal milk. The inerease in the volatile acid production with all the cultures of S. paracitrovorus when citric acid was added to the milk is further proof that the citric acid normally present in milk is one of the important sources of the volatile acid pro- duced. These findings with the 124 cultures studied greatly strenethen the evidence of the increase previously reported’ for a limited number of 8. paracitrovorus cultures isolated from starters, Table III gives data similar to that of table I for 27 cultures that were tentatively selected as S. paracitrovorus but which, when the volatile acidities were determined, proved to be another type. These cultures gave total acidities quite like those pro- duced by the S. paracitrovorus cultures but only low volatile 7. See ref. 5. 27 acidities and it was these latter values that first indicated the organisms could not be classed as 8. paracitrovorus. None of the cultures showed a significant increase in the volatile acidity when citric acid was added to the milk fermented and this abso- lute correlation between the low volatile acidity in milk and the failure to get an increase in the volatile acidity when citric acid was added before inoculating is further proof that the organisms were not 8. paracitrovorus. The failure to get an increase in volatile acid by the addition of citric acid with these organisms that produce only a low volatile acid is an additional indication that the citric acid normally present in milk must be a source of volatile acid in the case of the organisms producing a high volatile acidity. CITRIC ACID FERMENTATION The results obtained on the increase in the volatile acid pro- duction in milk by S. paracitrovorus as a result of the addition TABLE III—THE SOURCE, AND TOTAL AND VOLATILE ACID PRODUCTION OF CULTURES NOT S. PARACITROVORUS BUT APPEARING LIKE IT IN LITMUS MILK Volatile acidity in Culture Source Total acidity - oo number in milk Milk plus Milk 0.4% citric acid ‘Cini! Sie SOU CLealiesss= eee 7, Dial 6.1 Cilio ts SOUre Clea leet= ee ee .38 Eyer 6.8 Cia eee See SOULHCreAI pe ee eee 39 Gan 7.8 Sine Lt ee SOUTPCECAMIN ee =. = ee ea aE sey 5.4 4.7 Oil Sa aes VE eee ee eee. Se Eee 742, 4.6 5.4 Se Oe VET Kae eee rr ee 41 Tok 10.7 COLE” ee SOUrECrCa iinet = ee .40 6.4 5.5 (Ck) a er Bitter yee eee oe ee 42 4.0 5.0 (O10 hoe Glue (Mrs hail Se ke .43 6.6 6.7 Obs Kt ae eee BiGteTeeee sees. ee .49 4.9 5.4 SC gleelieos BUG te tgeee™ ee ee ee ree 2 a Sail 2.8 CORDINE,~ iby ti ce IBiGGerc gee a .46 5.8 5.8 ‘CCUG SABE SOunwere ale eee eee 63 4.6 6.5 Chaat SOUDSCLE QTM ese eee 51 6.5 10.7 Cielo Butter from sweet. cream__ .25 3.8 2.9 GulemelG.22= Butter ee re .45 6.7 6.0 CRA fanaa Se BUC Crae eee eee ee .48 3.6 3.9 Coulee Sas UGLC eee are ee is as .49 6.6 6.0 (Oiotiy Pak eA ee PES UETRG GT. ere ee =e ee 47 8.3 8.7 C0 S OU Cha Te a eee ee 54 5.4 5.5 Citi, Die =e SOUMRECCO AI eee eee eee E “49 6.2 6.5 (Obi) Oe SOUrseCreaMimese 2esee = yi 4.5 4.3 (Cibile VS IV eae ee eae ee aval 3.4 4.1 GE, i ee Mice eet OT ee SA 47 4.5 4.3 CChbT hs yd soy oe Milica ee eS Pe ee .5T 6.7 8.0 Oul.26-__..___|Butter having “burnt’’ TLV OTe eee oe .63 38 G52 Cals 275. 5.2: SGRTigt eset 56 5.1 5.2 Woeapeoai vine, = 22. eye 21 Spill 2.38 NL AUEMELEN ee eee .63 8.3 10.7 IAVOTACE: poe oe ee tos ok 45 9.4 6.0 28 of a sterile citric acid solution to the milk before inoculation suggested tests for citric acid* on milk in which these organ- isms had grown. The milk was sterilized in the autoclave and then the organisms allowed to grow for from 9 to 11 days at room temperature before the tests for citric acid were made. Forty-seven cultures of 8. paracitrovorus, taken without any attempt at selection, were tried and all of them completely de- stroyed the citric acid present in the milk as determined by the method employed (see ‘‘ Methods Used’’) while the uninoculated checks showed the usual amounts of citric acid. Five organisms of the group whose original milk cultures suggested S. paracit- rovorus but which failed to yield a high volatile acidity or a significant increase in volatile acidity when citric acid was added to the milk before inoculation were tried out for their effect on the citric acid of milk and with all five organisms there was no evidence of any decrease. These findings with the two groups of organisms are what would be expected when their action on citric acid added to milk in which they are grown is taken into account. Bosworth and Prucha*® found that the citrie acid in milk was changed to acetic acid and carbon dioxide during the souring and also that starter and buttermilk contained some agent eap- able of bringing about this change. Kunz® observed that the citric acid gradually decreased with the aging of milk, particu- larly when soured and Supplee and Bellis'® concluded that, ‘‘the eitrie acid content of milk decreases during aging in the presence of high developed acidity, and is more rapid in raw milk than in pasteurized milk.’’ From the work of these inves- tigators it is evident that there is one or possibly more agents in milk, starter and buttermilk that are capable of destroying the citric acid present in milk. While the increased volatile acid production of S. paracitrovorus in milk, when citric acid is added, suggests that this organism is capable of destroying eitric¢ acid, determinations showing the disappearance of citrie acid in milk in which this organism has grown is undoubtedly more convineing proof. CARBON DIOXIDE PRODUCTION The evolution of gas by S. paracitrovorus in milk and milk plus peptone was reported by the Iowa station™ in the descrip- ticn of this organism. The production of gas with S. paracitro- *The authors are indebted to F. F. Sherwood for assistance in mak- ing these tests. 8. The Fermentation of Citric Acid in Milk, Bosworth, Alfred W., and) Prucha, M. Je ech iBbuly NY. ASE xpt. state Nee Lomas 9. The Determination of Citric Acid in Milk. Abstracted in Exp. Sta. Rec. 36. 1917. p. 415. 10. See ref. 4. Le See rela: 29 vorus 18- however very different than the gas production with such typical gas-formers of milk as Bact. aerogenes since many cultures of S. paracitrovorus can be studied in a routine way without the formation of gas bubbles being noted. In the usual cultures, the gas production with this organism is apparently so slow that the diffusion of the gas into the air seems to remove it and gas bubbles ordinarily do not form. The production of gas should however offer a suitable method for the preliminary selection of organisms that are likely to be S. paracitrovorus, if the gas formation could be readily determined. Attempts were made to detect gas formation by sealing freshly inoculated milk cultures with such materials as paraffine, bees wax, vaseline and various mixtures of these with each other or with paraffine oil, the sealing material being poured on in a heated condition, and the cultures then watched for a forcing up of the seal. Some of the results were very satisfactory and the plugs were readily shoved up but in other trials it was evident that the seals were not tight and that gas could escape between the seal and the wall of the tube. It seemed to be impossible to secure a material that uniformly gave satisfactory seals. This was apparently in part due to the coefficient of expansion being so high that the contraction of the material on cooling was likely to draw it away from the wall of the tube but it seemed that getting milk along the wall above the surface of the milk during the inoculating and handling of the tubes so that the seals could not be gotten tight, was also a factor contributing to the unsatisfactory results. The tubes used by Eldredge and Rogers'* in determining the CO, production of organisms isolated from Emmental cheese were next tried out as a means of detecting gas formation. Ten ee. of milk were added to one arm of each tube and after stop- pering with cotton, sterilizing and inoculating, 10 ce. of N/10 Ba(OH), solution were added to the other arm. The cot- ton stoppers were then cut off level with the glass, shoved down and rubber stoppers very firmly inserted. The usual incubation was 10 days at room temperature, after which the excess Ba(OH), was titrated. The effect on the CO, production of adding citric or lactic acid to the milk before inoculating was also determined. A sterile lactic acid solution was prepared so that 1 ¢c., the amount to be added to the 10 ce. of sterile milk in each tube, contained 1/30 ec. of Mercks lactic acid U. S. P. VIII. The citric acid was prepared so that 1 ee. of solution contained 1/30 gram of crystal- lized citric acid (1 mol. H,O of crystallization). The acid solu- tions were added just before inoculating; the citric acid in the amounts used caused a rapid coagulation of the milk while the lactic acid did not. 12. The Bacteriology of Cheese of the Emmental Type. Eldredge, ia and Rogers, L. A. Centbl.’ f. Bakt. etc. 40. 1914," p, 5. 30 Dupheate determinations of the CO, production were made on milk alone and on milk plus lactic or citric acid and while the results were not encouraging from the standpoint of agreement, a series of organisms were run both with and without adding acid to the milk. Sixty-four S. paracitrovorus cultures were studied for CO, production in milk, in milk plus lactic acid, and in milk plus citric acid. In the milk alone the cc. of N/10 Ba(OH), equiva- lent to the CO, produced varied from 2.5 to 8.8 with the values for most of the cultures ranging from 4.0 to 6.5 ce. The effect of adding the acids—lactie or citric—was quite variable. With some organisms the CO, produced was increased by adding the acids, as might be expected in the case of citric acid from its effect on the volatile acid production, while with others no such increase was observed. The failure to get an increase may have been due to the acid limiting the growth of the organisms in certain cases altho this does not seem lkely because some of the organisms that failed to show an increase, produced quite large amounts of acid in milk and accordingly would be assumed to tolerate considerable acid. A number of cultures that gave the same gross appearance in litmus milk as S. paracitrovorus but which did not produce a high volatile acidity were tried for CO, production. In general the results suggest a lower value for these organisms than for S. paracitrovorous but there was no definite difference and the figures for one group shade over into those for the other so that the CO, production does not seem to offer a means of separation upon which any considerable reliance can be placed. The CO, production of S. lactis was also studied and a great deal of varia- tion in cultures, all of which produced the usual low volatile acidity, was found; in some instances the values ran as high as the typical S. paracitrovorus cultures. ACID FORMATION FROM VARIOUS MATERIALS In the description of S. paracitrovorus the Iowa station™ re- ported on acid production as follows: ‘‘ Beef extract bouillon containing fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose, or, with certain organisms, sucrose usually showed a sleht increase in acidity at either 37° C. or room temperature but with glycerol, mannitol, salicin, raffinose, inulin or starch no such inerease was observed.’’ Additional fermentation tests were run at room temperature with a number of S. paracitrovorus cultures and these were in entire agreement with the above statement except that some of the cultures fermented salicin. Accordingly salicin should be classed with sucrose as being sometimes fermented and some- times not. 18. See ref. 5. 31 Considerable variation was observed in the acid production with different cultures in the same bouillon. There was a gen- eral tendency, modified, however, by a number of exceptions, for the cultures producing the higher acidities in milk to yield high acidities in at least some of the bouillons. The results obtamed up ‘to the present time do not suggest that the fermentation of various materials will afford a method of dividing up the S. paracitrovorus group. RESULTS WITH JANUS GREEN Altho the S. paracitrovorus group has very little power of reduction, sterile milk to which 1 ce. of a sterile aqueous solution of janus green (0.5 grams per liter) had been added per 10 ce. was tried out with some of these organisms since janus green has been found to be of value in showing variations in the reduc- ing power of the S. lactis group. The reducing power of the S. paracitrovorus cultures was so low that certain of the cultures showed only a shght pink color in the bottom of the tube even after periods of growth such as 20 days at 21° C.; some few showed a pink color thruout the tube and occasionally this ap- pearance was presented in as short a time as 4 days. From work done with S. lactis it seems that Janus green has a restraining action on bacterial-growth and while conditions may be different with the S. paracitrovorus group the time required with many cultures before there was any change in the milk to which janus ereen had been added also suggests a restraining action due to the indicator. A few cultures of the organisms appearing lke S. paracitrovorus in litmus milk but giving only a low volatile acid were also tried in janus green milk and the changes pro- duced were quite like those produced by S. paracitrovorus. It seems evident from the small amount of work done that janus ereen is valueless either as a means of identifying the S. paracit- rovorus organisms or dividing the group up into types. GOMPARKISON OF THE GROWTH AT 37° C. and 21° C. With organisms producing visible changes in milk only slowly, a comparison of the growth at different temperatures is rather difficult without elaborate methods, such as counting, and these cannot be applied to a large number of cultures without a great deal of work. The method followed in comparing 37° C. and 21° C. for the growth of the 8S. paracitrovorus type was to inocu- late two tubes of Ltmus milk from the same culture with the same loop and hold one at each temperature. After a short time the cultures were observed for the extent of the changes in the appearance of the litmus, since this can be assumed to be due to the amount of growth, and a record made as to whether one temperature seemed to favor these changes more than the other. 32 TABLE IV—INFLUENCE OF 87° C. AND 21° C. ON THE GROWTH OF S. PARA- CITROVORUS AND LOW VOLATILE ACID PRODUCERS APPEARING LIKE IT IN LITMUS MILK Growth best Growth best No difference Athomeees at 2ie8@= in growth Total |—————— —— cultures No. | Percent | No. | Percent | No. | Percent S7 Daracitrovorus eae e aaa 116 20 Ip) 56 48.3 40 34.5 Low volatile acid producers appearing like S. para- citrovorus in litmus milk__ 23 6 26.1 9 39.1 8 34.8 Table IV gives the results obtained on S. paracitrovorus and also on the organisms appearing like S. paracitrovorus in litmus milk but giving only a low volatile acid production. With the 116 S. paracitrovorus cultures tried 17.2 percent seemed to grow better at 387° C., 48.3 percent at 21° C. and with 34.5 percent there was no observable difference, while with the 23 organisms of the other group 26.1 percent seemed to grow better at 37° C., 39.1 percent at 21° C. and with 34.8 percent the two tempera- tures seemed to be equally good. These data show that with both eroups of organisms there is a certain variation in the way different cultures respond to different temperatures. With neither, however, is there a clear cut dividing line with some or- gvanisms growing well at a certain temperature and others grow- ing poorly or not at all, but rather a gradual variation with all degrees of response on the part of the organisms. RESISTANCE TO HEAT The isolation of S. paracitrovorus from pasteurized materials such as sweet cream suggests that at least certain of the organ- isms of this group are rather resistant to heat. Preliminary trials were made on a number of the cultures. The method used was to stand tubes of litmus milk in a large volume of water to a depth considerably greater than the depth of the milk in the tube; after the milk had taken on the temperature of the water it was inoculated with the organism to be studied and then held the desired time, care being taken that the water remained at a con- stant temperature. The tubes were then placed in cold water for rapid cooling. After holding, the tubes were examined for gsrowth by noting the appearance of the ltmus milk, staining, and often by culturing on a whey agar slope. While this method may not be as accurate as the use of Sternberg bulbs or capillary tubes, it seemed that it would supply conditions the most like those existing in commercial pasteurization, and for that reason the method was followed. There was no evidence of scum for- mation on the surface of the heated milk; this would not be ex- 33 pected since the cotton stopper and column of air above the milk would largely prevent evaporation. The exposures used were, for the most part, 30 minutes at 60, 65, 70 and 75° C. Some cultures failed to resist 60° C. for 30 minutes but the majority did, while 65° C. for 30 minutes destroyed a considerable number. Only a very few cultures resisted 70° C. for 30 minutes. Certain cultures were run a number of times at the different exposures and there was in general a very good agreement between the results obtained on different days; in a few instances discrepancies occurred but these are to be expected since such factors as the age of the cul- tures, the acidity, etc., probably influence the resistance of an organism to heat and in addition there is a variation in the resistance of individual cells in the same culture. Table V gives the final results obtained on cultures which were run by the method above outlined, all the tests on a culture being earried out with the same inoculating material. These data con- firm the preliminary tests in all respects. The results given show considerable variation in the heat re- sistance of different cultures of S. paracitrovorus. This is to be expected from the data reported for S. lactis as well as for other organisms and there seems to be little reason to expect that organisms whose morphological, cultural and bio-chemical fea- TABLE V—HEAT RESISTANCE OF S. PARACITROVORUS + EQUALS GROWTH — EQUALS NO GROWTH Heated for 30 minutes at Heated for 30 minutes at Culture eS ao ay Culture |— ee (BOP AC Boll Ose 165 4 CO rat LO. (GOP Ok HGS TO Th (Ok 1 4GP LO; ae eS 2S — “= — — [240 eee e. — - oe — Gh 1 5 se ee ++ -- — — AS a oe — — — — Ap el a — — — — 40.0 eee de — = 2s eee. + + — — 50 were eee — — == — (ile oo ee — — — — Sige ee ae — — — i 233 + — — — 5 aeeeweie. = — — — — ct ae — — — 54> ee — — — — No ae “ft — -= ~- DO pe eee te — — — — ik Ape _ — — — LOO Rees eee + — — — G3, 2-year + —_ — — PST Se eR Ae rote =F — — — 1h 3 —- — os -— 26 eee + -f- — — itl = =e -- — — ~- DAE | Bie Se apes ++ + = + 100) ee ak os — = As Raph Nae Oe ee as =f = = ili aie ae = — SORE een aia == == = Co a + — — — Soh ae ae aie — —— — CCl oer — _— — — Bi heer es - _- oo — Of ee = AO SS — — — — Sige ee — + — — Os pees eS — — — — Bip eee ee + — — — TSS ot ele a -— — —- — Bio) patio nka eee ae — — - — ICON 0 pe eh -= —_ — —- 4 es bie =f. ++ -- LG are eee => te — — (Oe eee =f == i = TRIN ie in eee 4- -+- -- -= Abyss ae — —- — — JV 5 + =e + — 4 Opens see fe ce — —- liigmessasse et ob -- = -—— 6 ee -- — — — ih = Si a. a — _— wpe eS -f + — —_ Ml Gierece + + Fa —_ Ae ren EE =e = a= =s ile == ee + ar _— —_— Shite ee sta — = — ——— 34 tures are essentially alike would have exactly the same resistance to heat. Moreover variations in this resistance, unless extraor- dinary, cannot be considered of significance from the standpoint of classification except where they are correlated with other dif- ferences. The tests on heat resistance that have been reported show that S. paracitrovorus may be expected to frequently resist pasteuri- zation exposures and this explains the rather common presence of these organisms in pasteurized products. Tests of the resistance to heat were also run on a number of the cultures having an appearance in litmus milk suggestive of S. paracitrovorus but which failed to yield a high volatile acid- ity. In general these organisms responded much as did the S. paracitrovorus group and there seemed to be no possibility of separating the two types of organisms on a basis of heat resist- ance. VARIATIONS IN STARTERS PREPARED WITH DIFFERENT S. PARACITROVORUS CULTURES The preparation of satisfactory starters by mixing cultures of S. citrovorus or S. paracitrovorus and S. lactis has already been reported by the Iowa station.’* Many starters have been pre- pared in this way using S. paracitrovorus cultures with S. lactis and it seems certain that excellent starters can be secured from such mixtures. Satisfactory results are not always obtained, however, and there is undoubtedly a difference in S. paracitro- vorus cultures from the standpoint of the character of the starters they will yield. From certain observations it seems that S. paracitrovorus cultures are very consistent in the quality of starter than can be secured with them. One culture that was studied over a considerable period, quite regularly gave the best starter In any series in which it was used; it came originally from a sample of off-flavored cream, and accordingly its source did not suggest its value as an organism to be used in starters. Altho there are variations in the quality of the starters vielded by different cultures of S. paracitrovorus and these represent important differences, they cannot at present be con- sidered as a satisfactory basis on which to divide the organisms into types because they are not known to be correlated with any- thing else. Moreover differences in the flavor and aroma of the products formed by the organisms are probably due to extremely small differences in metabolism which cannot readily or accur- ately be detected in cultures so that these differences in metabol- ism are not likely to be recognized as related to the variations in flavors and odors produced. 14. See ref. 5. 3) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN S. PARACITROVORUS AND ORGAN- ISMS PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED The relationship of the organisms here referred to as S. para- citrovorus to organisms previously described and named is a matter of importance from the standpoint of proper nomencla- ture. Freudenreich’ isolated an organism ‘‘ Streptococcus b’’ which Migula'® later named S. kefir. Evans" studied organisms which she considered to be S. kefir and also reported some of the characters of another type which was referred to as Strep- toccus X. Evans found that both these organisms produce con- siderable volatile acid and it seems that these two types are more closely related to S. paracitrovorus than any of the other organ- isms reported in the literature. S. kefir is reported as producing gas in milk but the S. paracit- rovorus cultures as observed in milk are usually not recognized as gas formers, except when coagulation occurs early. As already pointed out, the gas produced is readily lost to the air without the formation of bubbles in the medium unless a curd which can hold the gas is formed. Evans reported that S. kefir rapidly acidifies peptone milk, with curdling in from three to six days, and that the curd is rent with escaping gas. The cultures of S. paracitrovorous studied sometimes did and sometimes did not curdle peptone milk and escaping gas was not regularly ob- served. Moreover the description of the lactose agar plate colo- nies of 8. kefir given by Migula is not a description of the colony of S. paracitrovorus. . S. X. is reported as curdling milk in five days with partial reduction. The organisms studied as S. paracitrovorus certainly do not do this and while, as already pointed out, the question of coagulation is not considered of importance because it may depend on a very slight increase in acid development, if the results obtained with S. Y give this character importance, then S. X can hardly be considered to be the same as the S. paracit- rovorus cultures studied. One of the important characters of S. paracitrovorus is the fermentation of citric acid. Data on the action of S. kefir and S. X on this material are not known to be available, altho the high volatile acid production of these organisms together with the correlation usually found between a high volatile acid pro- duction and the fermentation of citric acid suggests that they ferment it. From data presented by the Iowa station in a series of reports it seems that the fermentation of citric acid with the production of a high volatile acidity together with the reddening 15. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen uber den Kefir. Freudenreich, HWmaVOnlemmOentbl. Bakt. 3) 1897s p. 92. 16. System der Bakterien, Migula, W. 2. 1900. p. 44. 17. A Study of the Streptococci Concerned in Cheese Ripening, Mvanseewlice CC. sty, Ager Res. 13. Apr. 22, 1918) p. 235. 2 042501814 3011 of litmus milk is unusual and important enough to justify § being considered as a characterization of a group of organisr If such a group is justified, the data presented herein show t certain variations such as the acid produced, the resistance 4 heat, ete. exist and suggest that, if the organisms are at presege divided up on the basis of minor variations, only confusion ci result as so frequently occurs when descriptions of organisigg are written from a study of only a small number of cultures. j is entirely possible that some of the organisms such as S. keggaae and S. X represent certain combinations of characters that mim be found in the group that has been referred to as S. paracitig vorus and that further studies will yield evidence justifyi# some sort of a separation into types. It will be necessary, hog ever, to guard against a division on the basis of such differen as the coagulation and non-coagulation of milk which are depengg ent on neghgible differences in acid production, instead of § differences that are of some real significance. DISTRIBUTION OF THE S. PARACITROVORUS TYPE The distribution of the 8S. paracitrovorus group was not vestigated systematically but the data secured in connectif with a study of considerable numbers of samples of dairy prog ucts allow of certain conelusions. Sour milk and cream veg commonly show these organisms and frequently in consideralge numbers. They have a been secured from sweet milk ai eream and have been found rather commonly in sweet cream wig a high bacterial count but it seems that sour milk or cream off more suitable materials for isolation than do these products § a sweet condition. This is to be expected since S. paracitrovor@m like S. lactis, grows well in milk even after acid developme§g milk organism. Butter samples have frequently yielded S. pay citrovorus; this is in all probability due to the presence of the organisms in starters but their resistance to pasteurization & posures suggests that some may have come from the cream. From the observations made it seems that S. paracitrovorus® much more frequently encountered in dairy products than S. citrovorus. This is particularly true of sour milk and crea@ from which organisms producing no observable change in litm® milk (which inelude S. citrovorus) are only very rarely encow tered. : The wide distribution of the 8. paracitrovorus group in daig products indicates that there must be some common source § contamination that supplies these organisms. Altho no attemg has been made to locate this, the fact that these organisms gr@ so well in combination with S. lactis suggests that the usu sources of this organism such as utensils and the ERE GLau cow may also be important sources {Of §.\pRadterdb sep 24 1930 UNIVERSITY OF LLLINOIS.