RRS OE EE ESTES ESE PED ELE EE I ET IS TT PS ETE indto om = on = Burl PHOTO BY HAYNES Yellowstone Park Motors ‘‘ along the very path” ALONG the very path where, ages ago, the moose, bear and elk found a way through the wilderness; where later, the Indian took the game trail for his own—runs now the Cody Road—an epic 19 mountain motor highway construction— through a land which once seen, never may be forgotten. A way through a region new and wonderful, yet older than the Appian Way. PHOTO BY HAYNES Al broad, safe trail skirting the shore of emerald lakes whose mirror-like surfaces reflect the forest of jack pine. Mountain lakes where God's wild creatures yet come to drink at the mouth of snow-water streams. Mountains are everywhere! Miles of untrod range whose pine-clad slopes appear as wave upon wave of dark green velvet. PHOTO BY STINSON Sylvan Pass—where * East is East and West is West’’ Up the rugged West slope of the Absaroka Range climbs the perfect road, until a way to the other side is eridnreenen Sylvan Pass—a colos- sal cleft near the top—timberless—nine thousand feet above sea level and one of America’s most inspiring viewpoints—where even Wyoming's glorious, everlasting sunshine fails to dissipate the snow, even in mid-summer, i é ; ‘ ey eta ft 4 - ee ; ; tt ee MIVGSTTAu G casa’ — Bo A ae iy Y ; ‘ ce a. "y if, q i He a hie ures PHOTO BY HAYNES The Road crosses over itself by means of The Corkscrew Bridge Tuen, down the eastern slope; behind—the National Park; ahead—thirty miles of wonder way through the Shoshone National Forest, sanctuary forever of the furred and feathered tribes. The picture shows one of the devious ways in which The Cody Road winds its way to the foot of the seven-mile hill and the edge of the Shoshone River which it follows all the way to Cody, Wyoming, fifty miles away. nem stenuan PKOTO BY HALLENBECK PHOTO BY HALLENBECK Thousand foot cliff A Cody Road vista From right after breakfast, at the last stopping place in Yellowstone Park, until dinner at the Burlington's Inn at Cody (or vice versa), with time out for luncheon on the way at the new log tavern, Sylvan Pass Lodge, the - a ot, . 5 zlzy ee 10% A ; 3 ol < Sleeping’Giant 4 ) zi2a Ee O,Or atid Pt aie wt 3 8 ERO Ss Sylvan PES, BLACKWATER | POP OT E RESORT | Grizzly Pk.A 4 Bw ee A, TRAIL TO’ Cbxcomb ps Mt.Doane a Top Notch Pk. = aphA Reservat on Pk, Eagle Nest Mt.» FISHHAWK GLACIER 1, Mte A Double Mt. NO EXTRA COST. The motor trip over the Cody Road _is not subject to any extra charge whatsoever. Coupons to forms a regular part of the authorized tours of Yellowstone —_ cover regular 4)4-day tour, embracing meals, lodging and mo- Park, via the Cody Gateway in one or both directions, and _ tor transportation to and through the Park, may be included PHOTO BY HISCOCK PHOTO BY HAYNES Chimney Rock Palisades ninety-mile motor ride over the Cody Road furnishes a new and unrivaled experience in the way of a day’s enjoy- ment during which thrill follows thrill as each turn in the highway reveals new wonders. MOONCREST ® \X&% Sarre Vew BURLINGTON ROUTE te. oe Cc EG 20% RANCH “2 Zztin,, CROW , GRo LZa> IN oN Fattlesnay. ot Cova Noi, UNO ~S Ne ‘A e ry Ge LA SION 3 oe oc of BGO ut" (409 E $a EEP-DEER n noe Qi POOLE BROS. CHICAGO. in railroad tickets at time of purchase or added by Burlington __ the cost of such park tour (exclusive of railroad fare) being Route Ticket Agents at Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, $54 if accommodations are had at Yellowstone Hotels, or Omaha, Denver, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Billings or Cody— . $45 if accommodations are had at Yellowstone Lodges. PHOTO BY HALLENBECK The *‘dude ranch’’ is an institution almost exclusively Wyoming’ s own Tiny, inviting log cabin communities half hidden among the trees prove to be the famous “dude ranches’’—mountain resorts par excellence where lucky vacationists ride horseback, go fish- ing all the live-long day, or climb the surround- ing mountains by way of rest and recreation in the heart of the Buffalo Bill country. PHOTO BY CURTIS The Holy City—a strange grouping of grotesque rock formations Leavinc the forest behind, the road, twisting and winding with every turn in the raging Sho- shone, enters a broad valley flanked by towering, bare cliffs in which the hand of erosion has carved a million fantastic configurations. Little imagination is required to identify familiar objects. PHOTO BY HISCOCK PHOTO BY HISCOCK Water to irrigate a hundred thousand acres The Road 400 feet above the River Just ahead, the shining expanse of Shoshone Lake—seven miles long, scarce a mile wide, yet forty-two miles around, so serrated and jagged is its shore line. At the bottom of the lake lies the little old frontier town of Marquette, Wyo., where Owen Wister is said to have obtained much of the local color for his famous book The Virginian. From this point eastward the Cody Road beggars description. Just ahead—their summits looming skyward—Rattlesnake and Cedar moun- tains appear surely to block further progress. The question of how the road finds a way through the frowning mountain walls is a source of wild conjecture, as the sturdy touring cars enter the marvelous canyon through twin tunnels hewn out of solid granite. The grand climax of your trip is at hand. PHOTO BY HISCOCK Now at the turbulent Shoshone’ s edge Look for the double rainbow in the sun-shot spray CoNSTRUCTED by Uncle Sam at the narrowest point in the six- mile gorge, the Shoshone Dam is 200 feet long at the top but only 80 feet long at the bottom; 10 feet thick at the top and 108 feet thick at the base. Behind the dam the Jocked-up water rises to within a few feet of the crest, forming Shoshone Lake—on the opposite side a sheer drop of 328 feet, to a mere ribbon. Consider fora moment the volume of pent-up water and the pressure which it exerts upon the face of the dam, and then marvel at the bold ingenuity of the engineers who, to devise an adequate spillway, bored a tunnel through the granite mountain around the end of the dam. The picture shows how admirably it functions. R Lal . RATER PARK PKL AM ATH rALLe HIBON Yaoi LEAVENWORTH ee LA res <4 ce ORT WORT A TEX. ‘ Burlinc ; ey 6574 POOLE BROS. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON TRAVEL AND INFORMATION BUREAUS Write for free Booklet about Yellowstone National Park and Burlington Escorted Tours ATCHISON, KAN....... Second and Main Sts. .B.G. McCarty, Com’! Agt. LEAVENWORTH, KAN. .Fifth & Choctaw Sts. .S. E. NIRDLINGER, Com’! i ete ATLANTA, GA it... .. ...016 Healey Bldg..... ie R. Topp, General Agent LINCOLN, NEB Dena. 142 8. Thirteenth St..H. P. KAUFFMAN, C. P. A. BEATRICE, NEB... 5508 eee ee A. R. OCKER, D..~B. & P. A. LOS ANGELES, one . 333 Central Bldg..... W.._W. ELLiort, Gen'l Agent BILLINGS, ‘MONT. .15 N. Broadway......L. W. JOHNSTON, D. F. & P. A. MILWAUKEE, ‘Wistar 221 Wisconsin Ave....F. D. HUNTER, General Agent BOSTON, MASS. ..,294 Washington St. ..F. F. JOHNSON, General Agt. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. .50 South Sixth St... J. E. LYNN, General Agent BURLINGTON, IOWA... Burlington Bldg......J.J. TEETER, Div. Pass’ r Agt. MOBILE, ALA.,..... .. 169 So. Georgia Ave. .W. B. Ross, Trav. Pass. Agt. BUTE MONT. .acceees 614 MetalsBank... Tod: CuaaTINS, Gen’! Agent NEW ORLEANS, LA 708 Common St. .G. B. MAGRUDER, Gen’! Agt. CASPER, WYO. ae ah eeaary s Burlington Depot... .J. LEARY, Prep TA, NEW YORK, NoYou.. on. 421 Stewart Bldg. .... W.S. DEWEY, Gen’l Agent CHEYENNE, WYO...... Burlington Sta........ = F, JONES, caautel Agent OKLAHOMA CITY; GHICAGGsTLL. = sane: 179 W. Jackson St. S.J. ‘OWENS, Gen’! Agent ORDA}: peas 512 First Nat'l Bank. .A. R. Brown, Com’! Agent CHICGAGOP TEL: ceiueecs 547 W. Jackson Blvd. a G. DELAPLAINE, OMABA, NEB... somes 300 So. 16th St....... J. W. SHARPE, General eae Manager, BURLINGTON Tours 1004 Farnam St...... G..C. BRADLEY, DP. A. CINCINNATI, OHIO. . . .505 Dixie Term’! Bldg..J. C. Boyer, General Agent PADUCAH, KY See naace 1011 City Nat’l Bank, E. E. Morris, Com’i Agent CLEVELAND, OHIO..... 406 Hippodrome Bldg.,E. H. SMITH, General Agent PEORIA, ie ... 2308. Jefferson Ave..H. D. PaGr, General Agent CLINTON, LOW AAS 404 Wilson Bldg...... 'W.A. CARLSON, Com’! Agent PHILADELPHIA, PA....1428 Penn eres pls Be oe MILES, General Agent COLORADO SPRINGS.. 317 Mining Exchange.R. T. Fox, Gen’ i Agent PITTSBURGH, PA... ...504 Park Bldg. We TAFFNER, Gen’! Agent COUNCIL BLUFFS, fA. ..25 Pearl 8t....5..... ree 28 SWAN, Com'!] Agent PORTLAND, ORE eer 128 Eitth Ste aaeccee R. W. Foster, GeneralAgent DALUAS, TEXAS... 2 ic... 701-2 Kirby Bldg... creeks Cc. W. ANDREWS, Gen'l Agent QUINCY DELLA ie eae 513 tes sore St....B.R. NEWLON, D. F. & P. A. DAVENPORT, IOWA. ... Union Station. . a H. TEED, P.'& T. A. SALT LAKE Clr yarns: 300 Clift Bldg. .R. F. NESLEN, *General Agent DEADWOOD, S.D......48 Sherman St....... J. L. BENTLEY, D. Fl& Pre SAN ee re LAL .999 Monadnock Bldg. .J. W. McNAHAN, G.A. DENVER, COLO. ao :901 Seventeenth St...S. R. Drury, General Agent SEATTLE, WASH.......825 Dexter Horton Blag. 7G, B . SMITH, General Agt. DES MOINES. IOWA... .2 206 Equitable Bldg. . one a Hixson, Com’ lAgent SHERIDAN, WYOpaeeen: Burlington Station....W. C. SUTLEY, Agent DETROIT, MICH]: ics 708 Transportation Bidg., YL. GANNAWAY, G.A. SIOUX CITY, IOWA... .516 Nebraska St. .P. J. DONOHUE, Gen’]Agent GALESBURG, ILL.......Burlington Station....C. oe Tw YMAN, Div. Pass’ Fen SPOKANE, WASH s.25 580 204 Empire State Bldg, H. A. BRADT, General Agent HANNIBAL, MO......... 208 S. Main St. tT, SPEER, D. F. & P Si. JOSEPH. MOo naa 110 South Fifth St....J. D. BAKER. Div. Pass’r Agt. HERRIN, TLL ey eis he ae AAG. VOGEL, Chum ree ST. LOUIS, MO. .2:2de6ns 416 Locust St........ C. B. OGLE, General Agent INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ..910 Merchants Bk. Sapo ,O.G. HAGEMANN, G. A. ST. PAUL, MINN. ..226 Railroad Bldg....BEN W. WILSON, D.P.A. JACKSONVILLE, FLA...510 Graham Bldg... .T.H. HARRISON, D. F. & P. A. TACOMA, WASH........ Ate Rust Bldg. .T. L. HAMMER, Com’ 1 Agt. KANSAS CITY, MO..... 701 Walnut St. -H. 8. JONES, General Agent MUMSAN OKLA.) nee 314 Kennedy Bldg....A. L. Moore, General Agent KEOKUK, IOWA........ Fifth & Johnson Sts.. A.C. MAXWELL, D.F.& P.A. WINNIPEG, MAN.. .609.Gt.W. Permanent Bldg., H. A. McMaxon, Gen’] Agt. Cc. J. ROHWITZ T. P. HINCHCLIFF J. R. VAN DYKE A, COTSWORTH, General Passenger Agent General Passenger Agent General Passenger Agent Passenger Trafic Manager g' 1004 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. 208 North Broadway, ST. LOUIS, MO. 547 W. Jackson Blyd., CHICAGO, ILL. 547 W. Jackson Blvyd., CHICAGO, ILL. BUsuNcToN The Cody Road may be included in any Yellowstone Tour and completes 100% of its possibilities. It represents a wholly plus value—ninety miles of scenic charm unsurpassed in all America and costs not a cent extra. It is included in all BURLINGTON ESCORTED TOURS to Yellowstone. ESCORTED PRINTED IN U.S.A. (5-8-28) POOLE BROS. INC., CHICAGO