at saa ae ee Mere tag ag eee ' ©. Er, : ig Ae ths, ont aes . * “a . 2 S823 age Sine, | Be POPPE 2 W ee ral = 5 ea an OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Reammoeeeed. PRES He ST he 2 Spi nt th me eeediqneresinlelinin ehnsna sere omtina, : sae SURE a nea sini te pt 16 | AUTO UEATISID A tte: clesalotein cis abelelsie snc Ee te c34 he ee a ee 16 | APM TAN SI DOWES cco sie seccmie etn 2, ea Oise cero el apreastn nee sie iceleseminiaieieisis 17 | AS es Trangit Gage ast. os 2 haan ols dae orng aieee renee ofeen inset Ue | 44, Obstacles to alignment and zneasurement....... Sane Mery: 18 Ae Parallel nes... on. ne co elsccle pallet are ep ole are esialeiann syercle aisha zirpneie’s 18 | 46. Lines ata smatl angle. ... ..). 20: .o005 5 on Beeler ad cies wsloe m ne.si6 18 | AY, General problem... .. 2... a0 105 eae om sede snes anise noe ole cle Hees ann els 19 | 48, Lines at a large Angle... ......- newer cece r etn rce estes meee cers 20 49, Selection of angleS:....... 2.2 secececcee ces seer e ete rene ese cceneee 21 | 58. Rocky shores; Tie-limes.... 2... .ceseeee eee s eee e reese cere eeeecece 22 . System of plotting MapP......-. cece ee eee eee rete eeees Sy oes 23 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THEORY OF Maximum EconoMy IN GRADES AND CURVES, SECTION PAGED Bor Cnoice Of YOULES. .. « .2.s sa snip eee ae alee nicks 6 gee earn tere 24 “Statement ofthe problems. 2... epee tse sie > os eee eels es 2 Engine traction .....202. 55 deca tes Sten eae g= 4 sees es aac 25 ~ Engine expense.....6.. 2065 oe Ses mele oo eens + Seer nee ems + eee 26 GQ erd Bu atchtci Fe OLE Om ROW £00615 (0)s PERO G SS hES SOME SROese < spon a sonnaaek 27 Resistance’due'to grade =.: Saeet cs see ce > eee ne ele ie eles 20 2) Resistance: AUC LO Cul VC tea e wit eee ere eat eine bie mio alas meted om gel 28 © Rormuls for resistances: e-ee bee anc clini oe arene lee sieetnwe=ir's 28 . Formule for maximum trains........... as pac ani cheese 29 Pan PIne=StaLek-\: nse eer ieee ee Peat ate GS eae sicko ee 30 6. Graphical solution...... wef tee see et wc eee Sve ER nets oat 2 . Train -load-reciprocals =: ag. 5. -elied. a. rte ne « 2s ese sclee olteey mes ae gee . Reduction-of grades ON CULVES..... 2.52.6 cee ieee eee eee eee eee 33 J) Behe OS ome ac otc pugs PE ge 2 ROE RES Une aioe Ahise 51 wan Se teleee 33 Assisting engines; 2.1ccicc etic dettole Smt ones elt ott ne oie = erate reel 36 71. Maximum return grades: ... 2... 0.2.8 ee ss eee eee eet cere neon eeaee 36 WD. Undulating grades 1.11.21). ahi desieiiekicistet = «sialon eraieieta siete estan te 7 75. Comparison Of routes... 2.0... ..e cece cece rece cece tee ceneee ceceres 38 VED Value Of distanGe:SAaVCG 2. . cee cies ocr caee ci eo a = aisle weieinseiniclgis oat 39 PO CONCLUSION Pos. ss seve bole cee mee eee Oe is ae oe eo oreo rsa spas tats 39 CHAPTER IV. LOCATION. pCleneral-TeCmarks. d2eccs- caesar oe ee Rm id avace eoreberets 39 BY Longe tangents... . 2+. 05 ses smdesinees Wes ses sim aes ais Eis Sista = SO lueveller’s duties; Profiling ss: = sees see MEGS en Sos ti eee . Establishing grade lines..........--..:---.----+-=- et Ores! CHAPTER. V. SIMPLE CURVES. A, Elementary Relations. 82. Limits to curves and tangents: ....... 6...6..5.: 5 a Bate eaters sae 4)} 33) Definition of terms e.5.-.-e eee Cie tates teeta sets Cee MM ASARLSNE 45) 84. Radius and degree of curve..... Ss SEDER Ns 3s patios NRE LS 43 65>. Measurement of curves....... hie se WH oe bichata ta a Sees wie Ute ARs lols chet Panos. thee 44 30. Approximate value-of B...2. 28.22% Aki we wists bine bis tie ee ey Malet eaters 44 87. Central angle and length of Curve,........- -.s-eeseee eee e eee eeee 45 83. Definition of other elements’. 2. ss arr RRs Ae Ree 46 99, Formula for tangent distance: D7... 2s. cuts emcees oes nee senie's 46 ois Kormula for lone chord C@s22: st. escs. 2: oo SPP AER HOST 47 92? Formula for middle ordinate M: 2252: dsc svee eee esos see's 48 93. Formula for external distance #:..2:. 22.55. cence cece cee ct ecsses 48 95. Formula for radius in terms of Tand A...............- SC ae 49 95. Formula for external distanze in terms of Tand A............. 50 07. Formula for radius in terms of Hand A............ oat, JE) eee Oe CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 98. Formula for tangent distance in terms of Hand A...... ...... 51 99.: To. define the curve ofan old tracks. ..e ete secre cece es 51 10)2 Other curvesformulay Panis ES See eee cures coos rime 52 B. Location of Curves by Deflection Angles. j[0s Pal BYsva (axeynteyaWt: 4 s faq (s\-jaeeeeD Mrs eR POM RA COT AC CAC ore tage ar” De dies Ble Or AENeChONS jasc. stereeie nice 5 Scola tee mene loses en slee fase spei 8 ke = rr 53 103, Rule for finding direction of tangent at any poijnt.. ............ 53 RU LO CHRONOS oc ierod aha Since ohio one eae lee ay ti sls sore en fae Oe 105. WeHeCLLONS 1 OF SUDCNOLGS 4 -.. sijcc «4 sey ois eirpeiaie eet ee biel teh ie hate 54 JOGr Correchions fOr SiO CMOTOS a 5 ora jor ysis o osaie et sreue ake iets eee pes eaiejenseln anes chit 55 ip RaMOMOL COLTEChION UOrOXCESS OL OTC. oases aclaielorcve slatenietnictet-ieieusiieeis = 55 POS Treut Site WOM KOT MOUS VCS ones, creek dw) ans ao, wigs odes lao nll oan carded Ae aT 57 PRO OIC IO LES secs 9 oe. peta xea wie = 2,0 snia. euoiehche dig elena siete eee ale are eae te 58 110. Central angle in terms of deflections....... 00... .-.d meee +. 6-2 oe 58 fii Method Dydenleohons On] Vice .t-yo.0.0i5 « stencil eae eualre eta ae 58 C. Location of Curves by Offsets. 1127 Rourmethods seek - ee eae eee ee aera Nike Gaels 59 113. By offsets from the chords produced............+--s.seeeeeeee eee 59 11 Doshec inning witty a SUDCHOLGS aoc tart. settee tere lelatel a ter-taen 60 115. Formula for subchord offsets, approximate....... ST eC 61 117. By middle ordinates... seas os soe 0 ies 2h s Seiden anwcas saree e eyes 61 118. Do. beginning with a cece eee eee ees 62 DLO B yaar Ont Ori SUS ares where bos Netto Sets Stole sroreicing inte inlays seat an ela wiehcas 62 120. Do. beginning with a subchord........ 2.26... - see eee eee cece recone 64 12t-By ordinates fromalong chord >... .).° 7s eee nee oe 64 1298 Dosfor‘an even number of stations... 10" 5. ae essa cee ores scree ee 65 1233) Por foran odd number Of Stations. .--c.o. ce cette te aceis ese ses carce 66 124, Do. for an even number of half stations......... ..........-2.-.. 67 125. Do. beginning with any subchord............-..---..--eeseee sees 67 126. Erecting perpendiculars without instrument.................-.-. G9 D. Obstacles to the Location of Curves. Tota ENE VELUOX IN ACCESSIOL Gs. 2.5. so aba sae aaiatne catia pers Cole teicher syste el lot 69 128. The point of curve inaccessible...........-- 2.2.2 ee s eee se ne 7 129. The.vertex and point of curve inaccessible.................----. 70 130, The point of tangent inaccessible... ............-- 0, -0++++-+-+-ees fi 131. TO pass. an Obstacle Ona CUIVE: © 6.2 aise cecilia oe? ln eine 2-2 = 72 EE. Special Problems in Simple Curves. 132. To find the change in R and # for a given change in T........... (¢ 133, To find the change in R and T for a given change in #........... 74 134. To find the change in T and E for a given change in f........-.. 79 135. General expression for elementary ratios...............+-----0- 75 136. To find a new point of curve for a parallel tangent.............. 76 137. To find a new radius for a parallel tangent...................... 76 38 To find new P.C. and new radius for a parallel tangent......... SECTION 139, CONTENTS. To find new tangent points for two parallel tangents............ %8 140. To tind new R and P.C. for new tangent at same P.T............ 80 141. To find new P.C. for a new tangent from same vertex........... 81 142, To find new radius for a new tangent from same vertex......... 81 143. To find new R and P.C. for same external distance, butnew A. 82 144, To find a curve to pass through a given point............... aactars 83 145. To find new radius for a given radial offset.....................- 84 146, equation Of the -velVvOld: tees werretemle ter ee oie cca ale ae are re 86 147. To find direction of a tangent to the valvoid at any point........ 7 148. To find the radius of curvature of the valvoid at any point...... 88 149. To find the length of are of the valvoid......... IS fas a's deep eres 88 150. To find new position of any stake for a newradius from same Pie ee eae ee re aT ee tree eo 89 151. To find new radius from same P.C. for new position of any batho sic sh fe 26 os Ee eae eee ee area oe enn deo loa caatee ote eters 92 152. To find distance on any line between tangent and curve, ........ 93 158. To find a tangent to pass through a distant point................ 94 jot, To finda line tangent LOU WOlCUrVES as teen. ee bs hie een 96. 155. To find a line tangent to two curves reversed..............2.020 98 156. Study of location on preliminary map; Templets; Table of con- Venient .CUIVES ised cle be EER ee ieee via Irckats fevalectociaenes Rta e ees 100 CHAPTER VI. CoMPOUND CURVES. A, Theory of Compound Curves, i. WDETIDITION . jtesti is acc bons Sace.a.0 DSc Sree Rae ees PA elt Se eee 102 158. The circumscribing circle............... adie Gal pterete Mapes ERT ET 102 159. The locus of the point of compound Curve.. ©. .¢.0 52.0. 163 188. Tougue switches 1.2... opens sawinny uoriitegasAgment meme hems ¢ 164 189. Tongue switch turnout from a straight track.......:.2.0sseeee- 164 190. Tongue switch double turnout to GheQded ah (pte ee wc odo y ooo enor 165 191. Tongue switch double turnout with three given frogs..........-. 166 192. Tongue switch double turnout on same side of straight track with three given frogs........--+----+++-- eS Ben SMA hors 167 a. The middle track reversed at F........--.-- 22s cee cece ences 167 b. The middle track compounded at F’........-.--- Etat & 168 c. The middle track straight beyond I’.... po Ne ared age aes (ola: x11 CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 193. To find the reversed curve for parallel siding in terms of F' and perpendicular: distance sass peeee aa ea eee oe +3, 169 194. To find the connecting curve from frog to parallel siding on a curve in terms of #'and perpendicular distance p.......... 176 a“The siding: outside of main track cf aseiltts dhe bese 171 H b-2The siding inside, of mainntrack..ny isewwdcaee eS eee ity 171 ! 195. To locate a crossing between parallel tracks. ..:...........0.26- 17% ! 186. To locate a reversed curve crossing between straight tracks.... 178 197. To locate a reversed curve crossing between curved tracks..... 174 198. To find the middle ordinate m, for one station in terms of D.... 175 i 199. To find the middle ordinate m1 for rails, in terms of rail and R.. 1% 200, Curving rails; To find m1 in terms of railand m................. 176 201, To find elevation of outer rail On CUrveS « s...6. 6.6) ieee el ee 177 202. To find a chord whose middle ordinate equals the proper eleva- ANON. Ses os aes 6 ois See eo OIE ee a eee ee ee 179 203, General remarks on elevation, of Tail! eaiec ws tone eek ee 19 204, General remarks on coned: wheels............ sc.eseceee seeees . 180 CHAPTER. VItt LEV£L1LI.G. 205. Use of the engineers’ level. ... c.ccee cece cecees eee ots 181 DUOe Le datum, how ASSUNIECc susseincas aes oe ode ce see sbislde eee ee eine 181 Avie benchés: how Used $2 BW eee, faa ee acl a Sea 181 Ave. FL eie ht, Of Tstrumrent steal see ee Oe ole os ae aes ee 182 209 -Reading Of the Trodscs bes eee eee ee 6 cae owe oe ae eee 182 210, -Llevatiom- of mtermediate points: << +.2.s2 . 5a. thawinsheee aeneee 182 Bed at ACT SOLUTE See) See Sar stiatewiert ie Se neo eR eee 182 Pie. KUle tor DACkKsights and t OPEsi@nts om. -..0 acetate cen Sere 183 mis, Horm of field-book: proofot extensions. oe 183 ber OE VONIGRY 2. ws. a> 2 oo 07 we'd apo ROR TEE Ub atineeGlt DE ERIE One ee 1&4 mio. mibrple leveling; test levels... n1s. need. eset eet sce foe tare 185 216. Errors in reading, due to the level; how avoided.=.............. 185 217. Errors in reading, due to the rod;. how avoided.................. 185 mis; hors GUC LO CUrVALUTe Of THEIeALb hate ee. sete: oe oe See eer 186 mig Barors due to refraction -4 > soso. ee nee be es chs Saltese s orate ee 187 220.) Wadlus OF Ciryature Of the Garhiits. cose seks seater eee 187 Eels evelling by Lransit:or theodolllewunmetcs «nectes cee eee 188 22, To find the HJ. by observation of the horizon................... 189 223. Stadia measurements; horizontal sights......................... 191 224, Stadia measurements; inclined sights, vertical rod.............. 193 225, Stadia measurements; inclined sights, inclined rod............. 195 j CHAPTER 1X CONSTRUCTION. e260. Organization of engineer departments. 2s... 65sul,4-0s Jessie... 196 Reve Hearine and Tub bing a5 4 Sk Amsaeherccee ae Ot ae eee 197 p Lest levelsand:enard. phipgs acu keene at eee ee ae ete ee! CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 990 OrOSs SECHONS* “SlOPOSe si. 22 1s ole nie,0 oe Soleo as Se eiettnieencistare oss wea, hod: 230. Cross sections, formule for........ SEE AIG HO Coe Ses Sent ane aie $8 931. Cross sections, Staking Out... . 2.2... ccs seccwsre ee Bias anise 200 232. Cross sections on irregular ground..... aire he BRS iss oe por Ree 201 238. Cross sections on side-hill work.................+--- sgh 3 AOC 201 234, Compound Cross sections.............04. AEE PCRS AOL E ree foe 202 235. Selection of points for cross sections............ SEaset nes ahha 203 DEG) WOEiICAl, CUEN ES > oe cieia aisle. << apelan oegsuane oalatobenene piel avatoysLoleltarieln ateastayspet 2 203 O37 HOT OF CLOSS-SCCLLOM DOOK® =~ clas n.d cele siere sietetate ere erate elataal=)s08\aiatelal a/2 204 O38: ixtended Cross profiles. .i32 yt) eatiac grasa «seietet-/-i=10 Meteors cl 205 BIO TNACCESSIDIO SOCLIODS « «5 = ais shoe ccyo is ots al eta citielebs eles ato ers Samed iocniatet © 205 DANS LSGLADCC TVA SSCS Aa akils.ccc 2 x e-t.c:w «) cue) oro wich teeid etavatel ene tortie eiehah ance csacartes oie 206 Ste BOLLOW -pitecnia se yc cleeis.s e's te Lae SS yas aa ee Soca re ea eae ots eis 206 POS Sarin kare selIICrEAS’.. sie os «dese dors ol evslela eleieyaiel suet Melee talc) aeaetelete eteiaior= 206 WARPED ECE VWoORICS « c scels hase 2 Seas ose 3. pore one A ee te olen eet era ee 20% OAT A ILETAtIOMIOL UTIG., a ciazeiccie sone elapoteierpie) tie memes ererers ret sams, otras ene 207 945 DrainS and Culverts, « /e siahiiestammaats 216 951. Retracing the lin€.......... ec cee eee cee eee n ee ett teers ey eee: 222 959. Side ditches and. drains. 5... x. 2. e106 sisls «slay over starperers]© wimrsoPaererreags 223 BES TBallastine so. Feo. ais owe evo Seis tie owinitin ¢ a HN mele Siale 01s mewteresiialeaates Sainte 223 254. Track-laying; Expansion of rails; Sidings...........-..-+-++++-- 223 CHAPTER X. CALCULATION OF HARTHWORK. 954. Prismoids: Choice of cross sections. .v... 0... 26. coer eee eee eee 225 £55. Formule for sectional areas.........-- .--.-+----+-+++6-- tS atone 220 256. Prismoidal formule for solid contents. .....-......+--.+---0e-es- 229 257. Tables of quantities in cubic yards... .....-...---.e eee eee eee ee 229 258. Tables of equivalent depths............ 2... cece eee e eee teen eee. 231 259, Formula for equivalent depth in terms of slope angle........... 268 260, Conditions necessary for correct results in use of tables........ 25: 261. Method of mean areas; correction required... ...............06-. Qee 262. Exact calculation of content; examples.................. Shite eins ROO 263. Wedges and pyramids. .........0. 22 cece eee acetic ees cece een 286 264. Side-hill sections, uniform Slope. ....... 0.522... .050 veecesee eee 226 265. Side-hill sections, irregular ground..............--.---+- PS ey 237 266. Side-hill secticns in terms of slope angle.............-....-,---- R230 267. Systems of diagrams. ...... 6... ccsasene sue dsines se snes ewes wes nobus 238 268. Correction for curvature in earthwork................-.222-. eee 239 269. Haul; Centre of gravity of prismoid........ 2.2.2... ee ee eee ee 243 BiO> Pinal OSUIMALO qca.5 5 clo oe os Lee a ah air ak Waa ae eo wets Gar are ee 245 271. Monthly estimates. ,......... rage rages esate ra 246 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. TOPOGRAPHICAL SKETCHING. SECTION PAGE ac General remarks 0.0.5. 000 2 aie ae a eka en 247 gi) ACU Acial foatures. <. . i, a eee eas ee Ome blag 248 274, Natural features; Contours; Hatchinegs. 2.1.7. , 3) EP GE ORS, » 248 275. Method of sketching -.. 1g aos te tye een. eee 249 CHAPTER XII. ADJUSTMENT OF INSTRUMENTS, eco The transit ....:.-.. 22a aeataan saan enclmeeanne Aiea katie 250 Bec abe level... :.2. 7241.5. diame Aeepeaieuet rg cena eae 252 gOS Tie theodolite. :-:2-2f5: ots asian 1 aeirad a een 2538 CHAPTER XIII. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES, wine gy tt FO eh ster ahera! eteNeteratela tates Siete’ Tee cok Ree EN tee FIELD ENGINEERING. CHAPTER I. RECONNOISSANCE. 1. The engineering operations requisite to and preceding the construction of a railroad are in general: THE RECONNOISSANCE, THE PRELIMINARY SURVEY, and THE Location. 2. The Reconnoissance-is a general and somewhat hasty examination of the country through which the proposed road is to pass, for the purpose of noting its more prominent features, and acquiring a general knowledge of its topography with reference to the selection of a suitable route. The judicious selection of a route may be a very simple or com- plex problem, depending on the character of the topography, and more especially on the direction of the streams and ridges as compared with the general direction of the proposed road. 2. A road running along a water-course is most easily located, In this case the choice is to be made merely between the two banks of the stream, or between keeping one bank continuously and making occasional crossings. When the stream is small it will usually be found best to cross it at intervals, the advantage of direct alignement outweighing the cost of bridging; but when the stream is of considerable size the solution of the problem is not so obvious, requiring patient comparison of results in the two cases to determine whether to cross or not, while in the case of the larger rivers crossing may be out of the question. When there is a choice of sides, both banks should be traversed by the engineer on reconnoissance, and while exam- ining in detail the one side he should take a general and com- prehensive view of the other. Only thus can he gain a complete knowledge of either side. The points to be considered are the relative value of the property on either side, the number and FIELD ENGINEERING. size of tributary streams, and probable cost of crossing them, the cost of graduation as affected by the amount and character of the material to be removed, and the liability to land slides, the amount and degree of curvature required, and the proba- ple revenues which the road can command. If, in respect to these points, one bank of the stream gives the more favorable result all the way, the question is decided at once; but in case the greater inducements are found on either bank alter- nately, as usually happens, the propriety of bridging the stream, with the costs and advantages, must be considered as an additional element in the problem. 4. When no water-course offers along which the road may be located, the difficulties of selecting a route are increased, and these usually become greatest when the streams are found to run about at right angles to the direction of the road. Val- leys and ridges are to be crossed alternately, involving the necessity of ascending and descending grades, diverting the road from a straight line, and increasing the distance and cur- vature. The engineer must now seek the lowest points on the ridges, and the highest banks at the stream crossings, in order to reduce as much as possible the total rise and fall, but these points must be so chosen relatively to each other as to admit of their being connected by a grade not exceeding the maxi- mum which may be allowable. The intervening country between summit and stream must usually be carefully exam- ined, even on reconnoissance, to determine where the assumed grade will find sustaining ground at a reasonable expense for graduation and right of way. In selecting stream crossings, regard should be had not only to the height of the bank, but also to the character of the bot- tom, its suitability for foundations, and its liability to be washed by the current. The direction and force of the cur- rent should be observed, and its behavior during freshets, and the extremes of high and low water ascertained, if possible. An approximate estimate of the cost of bridging may be made, 5. The engineer should not only seek the best ground on the route first assumed, but should have an eye to all other possi ble routes, holding them in consideration pending his accu- mulation of evidence, and being ready, finally, to adopt that one which promises the greatest ultimate economy. He should be able to read the face of the country like a map, and to RECON NOISSANCR,. 3 carry in his mind a continuous idea or image of any line he is ex- amining, so as to judge with tolerable accuracy of the influence any one portion of the line may have on another as to align. ment and grade, even though many iniles apart. In the success- ful prosecution of a reconnoissance he must depend mainly on his own natural tact and a judgment matured by experience. G6. The engineer will bring to his aid in the first place the most reliable maps, and those drawn on the largest scale. The sectional maps of United States surveys will be found very useful when they exist. In addition to these it is often desira- ble to prepare a map on a scale of one or two inches to a mile, on which will be drawn the principal features of the country to be traversed, such as streams, roads, towns, and the princi- pal ridges, if known, but leaving the further details to be filled in by the engineer as he progresses. Such a map furnishes a cor- rect scale for his sketches, and saves much valuable time, as he has only to sketch what the map does not contain, and occa- sionally to make corrections when he finds the map to be in error. He also notes on the map the governing points of the route, such as the best crossings of streams, ridges, or other roads, and any point where the line will evidently be com- pelled to pass. He may then indicate the route by a dotted line on the map drawn through the governing points. Having traversed the route in one direction he should retrace luis steps, verifying or correcting his observations, and making such further notes as seem important. When in a densely wooded country, with but few openings, it may be impossible for him to get a commanding view from any point that will afford him the necessary information as to the general topography. He must then depend largely upon instrumental observations, taking these more frequently, and noting carefully all details likely to prove useful in future surveys. ¢. The instruments required on an extended recon- “noissance are the barometer and thermometer, the hand or Locke level, a pocket or prismatic compass, and a telescope or strong field-glass. To these may be added a telemeter for measuring distances at sight, but when good maps are to be had this instrument is seldom needed. o also some portable astronomical instruments are necessary in a new country, for determining latitude and longitude, but would only be a use- Jess incumbrance in a settled district, FIELD ENGINEERING. $. The mercurial barometer has generally been relied upon for the determination of heights, but owing to its inconvenient dimensions and the danger of breaking, it is now discarded by railroad engineers in favor of the more portable aneroid barometer, except in the case of trans-continental surveys, and when astronomical instruments are to be used also. 9. The best aneroids are designed to be self compen- sating for temperature, so that with a constant atmospheric pressure the reading shall be the same at all temperatures of the instrument. This, however, being a very delicate adjustment, is not always successfully made, so that each instrument is la- ble to have a small error due to temperature peculiar to itself. This error will be found rarely to exceed one hundredth of an inch, plus or minus, per change of ten degrees Fah., and is frequently much less than this. Just what the error is in a particular instrument may be determined by careful compari- son with a standard mercurial barometer at the extremes of temperature, assuming the error found as proportional to the difference of temperature for all intermediate degrees of heat. The error having been determined for any aneroid, it should be applied, with its proper sign, to every reading to obtain the true reading. The sizes generally used are 13 and 24 inches in diameter, respectively, and experience seems to prove that there is no advantage in using larger sizes, but rather the contrary. 10. The ordinary barometric formule and tables have been prepared with reference to the mercurial barometer. In order that they may apply to the aneroid, it is necessary that the latter should be adjusted to read inches of mercury identically with the mercurial column at the sea level at a temperature of 39° Fah. But as the aneroid, unlike the mercurial column, requires no correction for latitude, nor for the variation in the force of gravity due to elevation, that portion of the formula which provides for such corrections, as well as that which provides for a correction due to the temperature of the ‘instrument itself, may be omitted when using an aneroid. Thus the general formula is very much simplified, and be comes z= log Hf 60384.3 (1 + a 64 ) RECON NOISSANCE. 5 in which i, and 7’ are the readings of the aneroid in inches, and ¢, and @ the readings of a Fahrenheit thermometer at the lower and upper of any two stations respectively, and z is the difference in elevation in English feet of those stations. To facilitate the calculation of heights by this formula, we may write Log . 60384.3 = [log 2, — log h'] 60384.3 and since only the difference of the logs. is required, this will not be affected, if we subtract unity from each. The quan- tities in Table XV. are prepared, therefore, by the formula (log 2 — 1) 60884.3 for every ;2,ths of an inch from 19 inches to 31 inches. + t’ — 64° ~ 900 Table XVI. contains values of f for every de- gree of (¢, + 1’) from 20° to 200° Fah. 11. To find the difference in elevation of any two stations by the tables : Take the difference of the quantities corresponding to /, and h' in Table XY. as an approximation, and for a correction multiply this difference by the coefficient corresponding to (¢, +2, in Table XVI., adding or subtracting the product according to the sign of the coefficient, Hrample.— Lower Sta. Upper Sta. in. in. Aneroid h, = 29.92 h' = 23.57 Thermometer i tne lien tg 8 ai By Table XV. for 29.92 we have 28741 for 23.57 22485 Difference 6256 By Table XVI. for 77.6 + 70.4 = 148 we have -+ .0983 Then 6256 X .09383 = 583.6848 and 6256 + 584 = 6840 ft.= 2.—Ans. 12. Certain precautions are to be observed in the use of the aneroid. When the index has been adjusted to a correct reading by means of the screw at its back, it should not be meddled with until it can again be compared with a standard mercurial barometer, and even then some engineers prefer to take note of its error, if any, rather than disturb the aneroid. § FIELD ENGINEERING. Again, since the principle of compensation supposes the aneroid to have a uniform temperature throughout its parts, it must be guarded against sudden changes, as otherwise the metallic case will be considerably heated or cooled before the change can affect the inner chamber, thus inducing very erro- neous results. ‘The aneroid, therefore, should seldom be taken from its leather case, nor exposed to any radiant heat of sun or fire, nor worn so near the person as to increase its tempera- ture above that of the surrounding atmosphere. If removed to an atmosphere of decidedly different temperature, time must be allowed for the aneroid to be thoroughly permeated by the new degree of heat. The aneroid should be held with the face horizontal while being read; it should be handled care- fully, and all concussions avoided, and it should be compared with a standard as often as practicable to make sure that it has suffered no derangement. Observing these precautions, and having a really good aneroid, the engineer should obtain excellent results in the estimation of heights. It has been found that the slight error in compensation, previously alluded to, is subject to a change during the first year or two after the instrument is made, but subsequently it becomes quite per- manent. 13. For the purpose of obtaining approximate elevations by a simple inspection of the dial, the modern aneroid is provided with a secondary scale reading hundreds of feet, which is placed outside the scale of inches. It is divided according to the following formula prepared by Prof. Airy: é h,—l' t+t— =) Eo MAD core ‘ ; i 550382 i (1 = 1000 in which it is evident that no correction for temperature is required when the average temperature of the two stations is 50°. When the two scales are engraved on the same plate the zero of the scale of feet is coincident with 31 on the scale of inches; but in some aneroids the scales are on two concentric plates, so that the zero of one may be made to coincide with any division of the other, which is in some respects an advan- tage. 14. The theory of the barometer, as expressed in the above formule, assumes the atmosphere to be at rest, and its pres ure affected only by temperature, whereas, in fact, the pres: RECON NOISS.A NCE. 7 sure at any point is liable to sudden changes due to variations in the force of the wind, the amount of humidity, etc. The best way to eliminate errors due to these causes is to take read- ings simultaneously at the points the elevations of which are to be compared. For this purpose an assistant should be stationed at some point of known elevation contiguous to the route to be surveyed, and provided with an aneroid similar to that carried by the engineer. The aneroids, time-pieces, and thermometers having been compared at this point, the assist- ant should record the readings every ten minutes, with the time, temperature, and state of the weather. The engineer will thus have a standard with which to compare his own observations. If the survey is so extended that the same con- ditions of atmosphere are not. likely to be experienced by the two observers, the assistant should be instructed to move for- ward to a new station at a designated time; or two assistants may be employed, one at each of two stations between which the engineer intends to make a reconnoissance. Even with these precautions no attempt should be made to obtain the ele- ration of important points during, or just before, or after a storm of wind or rain. 15. When but one aneroid is used the observations at the several stations should be taken as nearly together as possible in point of time, and then repeated in inverse order, taking the mean of the observations at each station, and repeating the whole operation if necessary. Only approximate results can be hoped for, however, with a single instrument, unless the atmospheric conditions are very favorable. 16. The Locke Level is an instrument in which the bubble and the observed object may be seen at the same instant, enabling the operator to keep the instrument horizontal, while holding it in the hand, like an ordinary spy-glass. While very portable, it enables the observer to define rapidly all visi- ble points of the same elevation as his own, and_to estimate from these the relative heights of other points. It may be made useful in a variety of ways which easily suggest them- selves to the engineer in cases where no great precision 18 required, and where a more elaborate level is not at hand. 17. The Prismatic Compass is a portable instrument with folding sights, in using which the bearing to an object may be read at the same instant that the object is observed. 8 FIELD ENGINEERING. The bearings are read upon a floating card, graduated and numbered from zero to 360°, so that no error can be made in substituting one quadrant for another. The instrument may be held freely in the hand during an observation, though better results are obtained by giving it a firm rest. CHAPTER II. PRELIMINARY SURVEY. 18. A preliminary survey consists in an instrumental exam- ination of the country along the proposed route, for the purpose of obtaining such details of distances, elevations, topography, etc., as may be necessary to prepare a map and profile of the route, make an approximate estimate of the cost of constructing the road, and furnish the data from which to definitely locate the line should the route be adopted. The survey is more or less elaborate, according to circumstances. In case the country is new, or the reconnoissance has been incomplete, or if several routes seem to offer almost equal inducements, the survey will partake somewhat of the nature of a reconnoissance, and will be made more hastily than if but one route is to be examined, and that, perhaps, presenting serious engineering difficulties. The survey is made as expe- ditiously as possible, consistent with general accuracy, but should not usually be delayed for the sake of precision in matters of minor detail. 19. For preliminary survey the Corps of engineers is organized as follows: A chief engineer, an assistant engineer, two chainmen, one or two axemen, a stakeman, and. a topographer, these forming the compass (or transit) party, to which a flagman is some- times added; a leveller and one or two rodmen, forming the level party; and to these is sometimes added a cross level party of two or three assistant rodmen. 20. The chief engineer takes command of the corps, and directs the survey. He ascertains or estimates the value of the lands passed over, the owners’ names, and the boundary lines crossed by the line of survey, He examines all streams, PRELIMINARY SURVEY. 9 and estimates the size and character of the culverts and bridges which they will require; he notices existing bridges, and inquires concerning their liability to be carried away by freshet; he selects suitable sites for bridges, examines the character of the foundations, the direction of the current rela- tively to that of the line, and considers any probable change in the direction of the current during freshets; he’ inspects the various soils, rocks, and kinds of timber as they are met with, and takes full notes of all these and kindred items in his field book. He not unfrequently assumes in addition the duties of topographer. He should run his line as nearly as may be over the ground likely to be chosen for location, so that the infor- mation obtained may be pertinent, and so that the length of the line, the shape of the profile, and the estimate based on the survey may approximate to those of the proposed location. To thisend he has due regard to the levels taken, and when they show that the line as run fails to be consistent with allowable grades, he either orders the corps back to some proper point to begin a new line, or makes an offset at once to a better position, or continues the same line with some deflection, simply noting the position and probable elevation of better ground, as in his judgment he thinks best. He should at all times maintain a friendly attitude toward pro- prietors, and by his polite bearing endeavor to secure their cordial support. of the new enterprise. If he is tolerably cer- tain that the location will follow nearly the line of the prelim- inary survey, he should have with him some blank deeds of right of way, and let these be signed by land-owners while they are favorably disposed. When this cannot be done, ¢ blank form of agreement to allow the surveys and construc- tion of the road to proceed until such time as the terms of right of way may be agreed upon may be made very useful. The chief also selects quarters for his men, and in case of camping out he directs the movements of the camp equipage. 21. The assistant engineer takes the bearings of the courses run, and makes a minute of them, with their lengths, or the numbers of the stations where they terminate. He sees that. the axemen keep in line while clearing, and the chainmen while measuring; he takes the bearings of the principal roads and streams, and of property lines when met with. In an open country he may save time by selecting some prominent 10 FIELD ENGINEERING. distant object toward which the chainmen measure without his assistance, while he goes forward and prepares to take the bearing of the course beyond. In traversing a forest with not too dense undergrowth, when the line is being run to suit the ground according to a given grade, it is a good plan for the assistant to go ahead of the chainmen as far as he can be seen, select his ground, take his bearing by backsight on the last station, and then have the chainmen measure toward him. In this case both he and the head chainman should be provided with a good sized red and white flag, mounted on a straight pole, to be waved at first to call attention, and afterward held vertically for alignement. Otherwise a flagman must be added to the party, who will select the ground ahead, under the in- structions of the chief, and toward whom the survey will pro- ceed in the usual manner. 22, The head chainman drags the chain, and carries a flag which is put into line at the end of each chain length by the assistant engineer or the rear chainman. It is his duty to know that his flag isin line and that his chain is straight and horizontal before making any measurement, and to*show the stakeman where each stake isto be driven. 387" 62. The third resistance considered is that due to curvature of the track. This resistance is due to the friction of the wheels upon the top of the rail, and of their flanges upon the side of the rail. The top friction is lateral, due to the oblique position of the wheel on the rail, and longitudinal, due to the greater length of the outer rail, since both wheels are rigidly attached to the axle. The flange friction is due to the reaction of the top friction, which, combined with the parallel- ism of the axles, throws the truck into an oblique position on the track. A forward flange presses the outer rail, while a rear flange is usually in contact with the inner rail. The centri- fugal force of the car will increase the pressure on the outer rail, unless the ties are inclined at an angle sufficient to coun- terbalance this force. But if the ties are inclined too much, or the velocity is less, the pressure’on the inner rail will be increased. An uneven track will cause the truck to pursue a zigzag course, increasing the resistance considerably. Experiments for determining the amount of curve reststance have been neither numerous nor very satisfactory, but the generally accepted conclusion is that the resistance isa little less than half a pound per ton on a one-degree curve, and that it varies as the degree of curve. On European roads, how- ever, it is estimated at about one pound per ton per degree of cv-ve, owing largely to the form of rolling stock used. 63. Let q’ = curve resistance in pounds per ton on any curve, and D = degree of curve. ; Then, assuming the resistance per ton on a one-degree curve at 0.566, we have for any other curve g" = 0.56D (3) To ascertain what grade upon a straight line will offer the same resistance as a given curve; substitute the value of q’ for q' in eq. (2) and solve for G; whence G, = 9.025D ‘4 Ga 1 B20 ® MAXIMUM ECONOMY IN GRADES, ETC. 29 For definition of degree of curve, sce Art. 84. GA. It is evident that grades and curves, by their resistances, fix a limit to the weight of a train which a given engine can haul over them. A locomotive is usually built with such a surplus of boiler and cylinder capacity that its power, at ordinary velocities, is limited by the adhesion of the drivers, so that the adhesion is the proper measure of the tractive force. | Yo find an expression for the maximum train which a gwen engine can haul over a given grade and curve: Let P = tractive force of engine in pounds, « 7' = weight of paying load in tons per maximum train, «« W' = weight in tons of cars carrying the load 7”. Then for uniform motion, at a given velocity, (B4+Ww+T)@+¢+o)=h (9) Let ¢ = average load of one car in tons ‘w= average weight of one car and load in tons. ‘ ae wes nae BB Then W’' =- 7’ = of , substituting which in eq. (5) we derive t P ) fyi So. : pS ( CHG, hen wt hae " | In this equation g = the resistance per ton due to uniform motion, g' = the resistance per ton due to the maximum grade opposed to the direction of the train, and q’’ = the resistance per ton due to the sharpest curve on that grade. For accelerated motion the reaction of inertia of the train must be added to the above resistances. This is estimated at 4g, in order that a train starting from rest may acquire the requisite maximum velocity, even on a maximum grade, in a reasonable time, say from 8 to 6 minutes. Therefore, for accelerated motion, t tes — pr =+(,..-5) (7) of TZ and q involve each other, but if we eq. (1) the value of g becomes that used in Now, the values accent Wand 7’ in 30 FIELD ENGINEERING. eq. (7), and we may eliminate g between these equations, and ilerive the value of 7’; whence “(P~ .00098? V7?) 5 | F akOtals Gh age A GECDONT yee (8) Also, for the weight of maximum train and load, a — .00098? V2, gta +81 +0097? which is the expression required. When there is no curve on the maximum grade, g" is zero: | and when there is no grade, gq’ is zero; hence for a straight level i track eq. (7) becomes We 7 —H# (9) and eq. (8 Blak ey (10) ~(P — .0009E? V2) (gee pe ° =" 81+ .009 V2 w 65. An engine-stage is a division of the road to which an engine is limited, and over which it regularly hauls a train. Its length varies, on existing roads, from 50 to 200 miles or more, depending on the grades, on the length of the whole line, and on the distance between points favorable for the loca- tion of shops, etc. The average engine-stage on American roads is not far from 75 miles. If there are to be several engine-stages on the proposed line, the problem of maximum economy of grade must be solved with reference to each of | them separately. 1 | Let Z = length of engine-stage in miles, ““ @ = expense per engine-mile in dollars, ‘““ A= average annual paying freight in tons moving in one direction, and a = average annual paying freight in tons, moving in the vupposite direction; and if these are not equal, let A be greater than a Now TZ’ eq. (8) is the maximum train-load which, at a velocity V, should be hauled up steepest grade 2’ tT ge A opposed to the direction of the tonnage A; hence 7 = the MAXIMUM ECONOMY IN GRADES, ETC. dl number of trains per annum; and since each train must go 2LA f ae , and return, .’. —,,;~- = the total train-mileage per annum. If there were no return tonnage, the annual expense charge- 2A Le : able to A would be pr but since some of the cars return loaded with the freight a, these are not chargeable to A, and must be deducted from the above expression. Hence if we denote the annual expense of engine-mileage by 2, i ie (2A — a) Le ae (11) in which the value of the maximum grade 2’ is involved in the value of 7”. But we may obtain an expression for 2 in terms of 2’; for, | at any given velocity, the resistance, ¢,, on a level is equal to a | the resistance due to a certain grade z,, the value of which is, ay by eq. (2), for uniform motion, ay 39 o = 74 to 2 So the resistance, g, to motion up a grade 2’ is equal to 9 We € 8 = g, the total resistance ie being that due to the combined grades z+ 2’. Now, since the gross weight of a maximum train, under a constant engine power, is inversely as the resistances, we have, for conditions of accelerated motion: the resistance due to some grade z = a w D ri TE ees, ik Ti + Hs: 82, : g2+2 whence ion, ee enna eerste (2) in which 7”, = maximum train-load on a level line. Substi- ii tuting this value of 7”’ in eq. (11) we have | Wit | By a = = an — (2A —a) Le (18) 37", 0,-—H@ +4 (@—2)) t w which is the complete expression for v = f (z2’) required. 32 FIELD ENGINEERING. 66. Could we also find a complete expression for y = f' (2"), we might then proceed to find, by analysis, that value of e’ which would render #-+-y =a minimum. But the value of y cannot be formulated, since it depends on the accidental features of the country through which the line passes; it can only be determined for any given value of 2 by an estimate based on the survey. We therefore resort to a graphical solution. Equation (13) is the equation of a curve in the plane ZX, Fig. 2. If we assume several values—of 2’, and calculate the corresponding values of 7, we may lay these off by scale on the axes of Z and X respectively, and so obtain several points ia. 2. through which the curve of annual expense may be drawn. We then make estimates of the cost of constructing the road at the same values of 2’, and taking the annual interest of each estimate as an ordinate y to OZ in the plane ZY, we lay it off to scale at the proper height, thus obtaining a series of points in the plane ZY, through which the curve of annual interest on first cost may be drawn. If now we suppose the plane ZY to be revolved to the left about the axis OZ until it coincides with the plane OX, as in Fig. 2, we shall see that the two curves are convex:to OZ and to each other. The shortest horizontal line intercepted by them indicates the minimum value of («+ y), and the point where this line cuts the axis OZ indicates the corresponding value of 2’, which is the one required. If tangents be drawn to the curves at the points where the shortest horizontal line intersects them, the tangents will be parallel to each other. Any convenient scales may be used to lay off the values of z' and 2, provided that the values of wand y be laid off to the same scale. It is well MAXIMUM ECONOMY IN GRADES, ETC. Ps) to reduce all the values of 2 by an amount common to them all, and the same with respect to values of y, before laying them off to scale. This will bring the two curves nearer together without altering their form. 6%. To facilitate the calculation of 2, we give on the next 4 1 . , page a table of values of via for several engines, using eq. (8) for this purpose. The value of vis therefore found, eq. (11) or (13), by multiplying (24 — a) Le by the proper tabular number, under conditions assumed as follows: t- = 10 tons of freight per car-load; aw = 18 tons per car and load; V = 12 miles per hour. Fora 4driver engine, # = 42 tons; P= 8100 Ibs. Fora 6-driver engine, #= 49.5 ‘“* P= 12600 “ For an 8-driver engine, # = 59.4 ‘“* P= 17280 * Substituting these values in eq. (8), and making gq” = 0, we find the maximum loads of freight which the several engines can haul up the grade whose resistance is g'. The reciprocals of these loads are given in the table opposite the grades noted in the first and last columns. G8. Since qg’ is made zero, the grades in the table are assumed to be on straight lines. In locating a road, the maximum grade should be reduced on a curve by the amount of the equivalent-grade of the curve, eq. (4), so that the resist- ance may be no greater on the curve than elsewhere. But grades less than the maximum need not necessarily be reduced for the curves upon them, unless the sum of the grade and the curve-equivalent exceeds the maximum. 69. For an example, let us suppose that a certain engine- stage is to be 80 miles long, and that an estimate of the cost of construction has been made, based on a ruling or maximum grade of 52.8 ft. per mile against the heavier traffic, and that the annual interest on the estimate amounts to $168,000. Let us further suppose that the average traffic in one direc- tion, is estimated at 375 000 tons per annum, and in the other direction at 125 000 tons, that it is decided to use 6-driver engines, and that the expense per engine-mile is estimated at 40 cents; hence (2A — a) Le = 20 000 000. Weare now required to find the most economical maximum grade. Wefirst select at least two other maximum grades, and having FIELD ENGINEERING. 12 TABLE OF RECIPROCALS OF T’’, b= 104038, | | | E=2 E=49.5 |-, Fe 280 sae on a ne G,. P = 8100 Diff. | P= 12600 | Diff. P = 1780 Diff. ft. per | | | mile. "9 842 2 5 D RAW | BAD His OF79 844: | oy anit) CORAL BBS ees Vint ICR Ror berets 8.9 | .0457399 | Si a¢9 || -0232 431 | 8 goo || -0157 250 | Pia, | 205.92 3.8 | .0436.036 | 59 gay |) 0223739 | Q gig || -0151 786 5 336 | 200.64 8.7 | .0415 679 | 49 yoo || -0215 297 | Bong |} -0146.450 | 2 or9 | 195.36 8.6 | .0396 259 | 38 x4p || -0207 094 | On4 || .0141 238 | Boos | 190.08 8.5 | .0877 712 | 37295 || .0199120 | n/5 || .0186 146 | Fong | 184.80 8.4 | .0359 980 | 46 ogg || -0191 867 | + 545 |] -0181 168 | fone | 179.52 8.3 | .0343 012 | y¢ ox || -0183 824 | 94) || -0126 802 | Zen» | 174.24 8.2 | 0826 759 | 35 Fen || -0176 483 |» o4~ || 0121545 | | peg | 168.96 3.1 |- 10311 176 | 15 583'/| ‘o169 336 | “147 '| 0116 s92 | 48 | 463/68 Bh eta 14 952 || ae. 6 960 | cial 4553 | - .0296 | || .0162 876 | amo || .0112 339 nx | 158.40 2.9 | ‘028i 864 | 33 So || -o155596 | 6180 1| ‘o1ov sea | 4955 | 153.12 2.8 | .0268 061 | 43 oem || -0148 988 | ¢ 445 || -0103524 | A ogg | 147.84 2.7 | 0254 784 | 35 mg || -0142546 | g og5 || -0099 255 | 1189 | 142.56 2.6 | 0242005 | 35 319 || -0186 264 | g jog || -0095 075 | 4 og4 | 187.28 2.5 | .0229 695 | 47 gee || -0180186 | 5 oxo || -0090981 | 741; | 182.00 2.4 | .0217 828 | 44 gar || -0124 157 | 2 age || 0086970 | 3 o39 | 126.72 2.3 | .0206 881 | 44 o4g || -0118 321 | 5 699 -0083 040 | 3 pr5 | 121.44 2.2} .0195 333 | 49 gro || -0112 622 |S 566 -0079 188 | gre | 116.16 2.1 | .0184 663 | ‘ 0107 056 | 2 °P) || .CO%5 413 ‘| 110.88 2.0 | .0174 352 Bee 0101 6 ome C071 712 tie .0174 352 a 20 | C071 712 | on | 105.60 1.9 | :0164382 | 9 2%2 || ‘0096308 | 2312 || 0068 02 | 3880 | 100.32 1.8} .0154 736 | gaa || .0091115 | Fong || -0064522 | 3493 | 95.04 1.7 | .0145 399 | 6 pys || -0086039 | Toe. || .0061 029 | 3 jo» | 89.7 1.6 | .0136356 | greg || .0081074 7 Qn8 || .0057 602 3 363 | 84.48 1.5 | .0127593 | 3 4oq || -0076 218 4751 || -0054239 | 339, | 79-20 1.4 | .0119 099 939 || -0071 467 | 4 gig || -0050 988 | 3 oy49 |+ 13.92 1.3} .0110860 | »oox || .0066 818 | gre) || .0047 698 | 37g, | 68.64 1.2} .0102865 | srey || .0062267 | 4 gee || .0044517 | 5 yo, | 63.36 1.1; .0095104 | ‘‘™ || .0057 810 YF | 0041 393 | | 58.08 1.0 | .0087568 | yon, || .0053445 | yor, {| .003882 | ao | 52.8 .0 | .0087 a || .0053 445 Es , Lee | 52.80 9 | oogozde | F824) ‘0049 101 4277 )| 10085 308 | 20l8") 47.52 8 | .0073 123 | 6 923 | .0044 984 4104 |, 2082847 | Soi9 | 42-24 .7 | 0066 200 | gigs || -0040880 | 499; -0029437 Speq 36.96 -6 | .0059 466 | grx3 || .0086 858 | 3045 || .0026577 Sei, | 31.68 -5 | .0052.913 | @ 3a || -0082915 | 3 ga || .0023 766 Orgy | 26.40 4) .0046 583 | & 549 || -0029 050 3791 || -0021002 | gaia | 21.12 -3 | .0040 320 | @ Ox5 || .0025 259. | Seiq || .0018 284 | 5 Gap | 15.84 -2| .0034 268 | £ gog || -0021 540 | 3 ay4g | (0015 612 | 969g | 10.56 -1 | 0028870 | Bren || .0017 892 | 3560 || 0012984 | 9 pen 5.28 0.0} .0022620 | ° .0014 312 | .0010 399 0.00 In this table T’ = tons of freight for a maximum train of fully loaded cars hauled up any grade ¢z' at a velocity of 12 miles per hour ; the ratio of dead to paying load being assumed at 8to 10. Hence gross load of train behind engine = +5 T’. The track is assumed straight, hence q’ = Qin eq. (8) for this table. MAXIMUM ECONOMY IN GRADES, ETC. 35 made an estimate of the cost of constructing the road upon each, take the annual interest of each, as in the first case. Let us suppose the two ruling grades thus selected to be 73.92 ft. and 31.68 ft. per mile, or 1.4 ft. per station and 0.6 ft. per station, and the interest on the estimates to be $145 596 and $204 388 respectively, giving the following statement: G;. Y. 1st diff. 2d diff. 1.4 145 596 29 404 1.0 168 000 a 13 984 0.6 204 388 36 35¢ Interpolating by second differences, we have the complete statement: Gar) Ye. | diff. y. | Cre. | gs ety. z 1.4 | 145596 ohh ee | 142 934 eatery a2 1.3 | 149886 Sr ietisron & | 2 Gs ae | 1.2 | 155 050 6038 | solid 124 534. | 1.1 161 088 6912 | 8730 115 620 | | 1.0 168000 | wrge | gig | 106 890 74 890 52.80 0.9 175786 | ges | gag | 98342 | 274128 47.52 0.8 184 446 9534. | g0g | 89968 | 274414 42.24 0.7 193 980 1408.1 e044. 1, SL OO 0.6 | 204388 | | | @u6 | 31.68 | j The numbers in the fourth and fifth columns are obtained as follows: the values assumed above give us (2A — a) Le = $20 000 000, and this multiplied by the tabular differences in the preceding table for a 6-driver engine, gives the numbers in the fourth column. We now observe that the differences of z and of y increase in opposite directions, therefore at some point they will be equal; and a simple inspection shows us that this point is at or near the grade of 0.9, which is therefore the grade required. We now multiply the tabular number for 0.9, and a 6-driver engine by $20 000 000, for the number in the fifth column, and this added to the value of y on the same line gives the sum of («+ y) for the most economical grade. This of course is not the total annual outlay of the road, or engine-stage, because many items of expense which are independent of a maximum grade have not been con- sidered. 36 FIELD ENGINEERING. If an 8-driver engine were to be used, and the expense per engine-mile estimated at 50 cts., then (2A — a) Le = $25 000000; hence G,. y. diff. y. diff. a. i woty. z'. ita! 161 088 ae 6 912 % 6700 4 a ce be oat 7 286 538 95 810 263 810 52.80 indicating a saving of $10 818 per annum in the case supposed by using 8-driver engines, although on a steeper ruling grade. On the other hand, should we adopt 4-driver engines, and esti- mate the expense per engine-mile at 30 cents, we should find the most economical grade to be 0.7 per station and (# + y) = $2938 280, showing a loss in this case of $19 152 per annum, as compared with the results of 6-driver engines. It should be remembered that the table § 67 is prepared on : ROT, eordl the assumption that the ratio ea es If cars are to be used giving for full loads any other ratio,. 5 a new table may be LO = snag prepared by multiplying each tabular number by 78 xs = The velocity adopted of 12 miles per hour is sufficient a ordinary grades. When the maximum grade is very low, it would be better to use 15 or 18 miles an hour in calculating the value of 2. 70. Since z, eq. (11), varies directly as Z, it is important that an engine-stage having heavy grades should be short. Its length, however, must be consistent with the economical length of the adjoining engine-stages, and with the amount of work which an engine ought to perform daily. The most favorable condition for a road would be that in which all the _ engine-stages were operated at equal expense. But if, to secure this result, the engine-stage of heavy grades must be unreasonably reduced in length, it will be better to adapt the grades to the use of two engines per train. 71. The maximum grade 2’, opposed to the heavier tonnage A, having been determined, we have now to consider what is the limit to grades in the opposite direction. The engines are MAXIMUM ECONOMY IN GRADES, ETC. 37 supposed to haul their maximum loads in moving the ton- nage A, and since the return tonnage, a, is less than 4075 9 Aldo 9 stations and by Tab. VIII. M = 78.717 93. To find the External Distance £# in terms of Radius and Central Angle. It is evident from the figure that if the radius OA were i unity, the portion HV of the secant line OV would be the i external secant of the arc AH. But the arc AH measures the 1 || angle AOH= 4A, and OA=Rf; ‘ H= Rex see ga (24) Otherwise, approximately: In Table VI., opposite the central angle, take the value of E for a 1° curve, and divide it by the degree of curve D. If desirable, add the proper correction corresponding to D, taken from Table V SIMPLE CURVES. Hrample.—W hat is the external distance # of a 7° 30’ curve when the central angle is 60° ? DT tau, ?(Tab. IV.) log 2.883371 LOU", 4A = 80° log ex sec 9.189492 Ans. H = 118.27 feet log 2.072863 . Otherwise: By Tab. VI. 7.5)886.38 : Approximate ans. 118.184 Correction for D = 7° 30' (Tab.. V.) 084 Ans. H= 118. 268 94. But, instead of assuming D or R, we may prefer, or may find it necessary to assume, some other element of the curve, the central angle being given. If we assume the tangent distance, then: 95. To find the Radius and Degree of Curve in terms of the Tangent-distance and Central Angle. From eq. (21), and by Table II. 40, we have R=T cotia (29) Otherwise, approximately: Divide the tangent of a 1° curve found opposite the value of A in Table VI., by the assumed tangent distance; the quotient will be the degree of curve in degrees and decimals. Kxample,—The exterior angle at the vertex is 54°, and the tangent distance must be about 700 feet. What shall be the degree of curve? A = 54°, 4A = 27° log cot 0.292834 Rig. 5 (X) 2.845098 log B= 3.137932 Ans. By Table IV. D= 4° 10’ + Otherwise: pe By Table VI. 700)2919.4 Ans, D = 4° 10' 15” 4.170 =r) But as it is difficult to lay out a curve when JD is fractional, we discard the fraction and assume 4° 10’ as the value of D. 50 FIELD ENGINEERING. This may require us to recalculate the value of 7, which we do by eq. (21) and find 7’= 700.8 feet log 2.845596. If the other elements are required, they may be calculated by eqs. (22), (23), (24), or directly from 7’ and A, as follows: 96. To find the External distance LH, in terms of the Tangent-distance and Central Angle. In Fig. 5 we have given AOB = A. and.AV = 7 stone HV=&. In the diagram draw the chord AH, and through H draw a tangent line to intersect OA pro- duced in J, and join VZ. Then HI is parallel to BA, and since HT = AV= 7, and Al= HV — BH, VI is parallel to HA, and Vit = STAB= tet Tababasy In the right-angled triangle VHI we have Fe. 5. HV = HI x tan VIH or H= Ttan}fa (26) Erample.—The angle at the vertex being 54° and the tan- gent-distance 700.80 feet, how far will the curve pass from the vertex ? T = 700.80 (from last example) 2.845596 A = 54°, 4A = 138° 30’ log tan 9.880354 foo] Ans. H = 168.25 feet log 2.225950 (For the formule by which to find the long chord and mid- dle-ordinate in terms of the tangent-distance and central angle, see Table III. 12 and 13.) 97. Again, it may be necessary to assume the eaternal dis- tance in order to determine the proper degree of curve. To find the Radius and Degree of Curve in terms of the External distance and Central Angle: By eq. (24) R238 @) ex sec dA SIMPLE CURVES. Otherwise: In Table VI. divide the external distance of a 1° curve, opposite the given valuc of A, by the assumed -external dis- tance; the quotient is the degree of curve required. Hrample.—The angle at the vertex being 24° 30’, the curve is desired to pass at about 65 feet from the vertex. What is the proper degree of curve ? i E=65 log 1.812913 A = 24°30', 4.4 = 12° 15’ log ex sec 8.367345 | eRe 3.445568 | ans, By Table IV. D = 2° 03’ + i Otherwise: _ By Table VI. . 65)133.50 Ais: D= 2° 03’ 14” 2° .0538 We may therefore assume a 2° curve, unless required by the circumstances to be more exact, when we might use a 2° 03' curve. Assuming a 2° curve, we have by eq. (24) E = 68.75 log 1.824460 Having decided on the degree of curve, we may calculate the remaining elements by eqs. (21), (22), (23), which is always the better way, but we may calculate them directly from # and A. 98. To find the Tangent-distance in terms of the External distance and Central Angle: From eq. (26), and by Table IT. 40, T = E cotta (28) | t | Example.—The angle at the vertex is 24° 80’, and the curve i passes 66.75 feet from the vertex. How far are the tangent | points from the vertex ? i = 66.75 (from last example) log 1.824460 S A = 24° 30', $A =6° 0730" _ log cot 0.969358 Ans. T = 622.04 feet 2.793818 99. Remark.—Kqs. (27) and (28) are particularly useful in defining the curve of a railroad track where all original on FIELD ENGINEERING. points are lost. Produce the centre lines of the tangents of the curve to an intersection V, and there measure the angle A. Bisect its supplement AVA, and measure the distance on the bisecting line from V to the centre line of the track. This will give VH= H. Then 2 and 7 may be calculated, and the distance 7’ laid off from V on the tangents, giving the tangent points A and B. (For the formule by which to find the long chord and mid- dle-ordinate in terms of # and A, see Table III. 16 and 17.) 100. Again, having only the central angle given, we may assume the long chord, or the middle-ordinate, and from either of these and the central angle calculate the remaining ele- ments. Or, finally, the central angle being wnknown, we may suppose any two of the linear elements given, and from these calculate the rest. As such problems have little practical value, their discussion is omitted. The requisite formule for their solution are given in Table III., and the verification of them is suggested as a profitable exercise to the student. Bb. Location of Curves by Deflection Angles. 101. In order that the stakes at the extremities of the 100-foot chords, by which the curve is measured, shall be set exactly on the arc of the curve by transit observation, it is neces- sary at the point of curve, A, to deflect certain definite angles from the tangent. AV. Let us suppose that in the curve AB, Fig. 6, the points A, a, 0, c, d, etc., indicate the proper posi- tions of the stakes 100 feet apart, and that OA is the radius of the curve. In the diagram join Oa, Ob, ete.,,and also Aa, ab, be, ete. Then, by definition, the angle AOa=D, and by Geom. (Tab. I. 20 and 11) the angle VAa = 4D. ‘Therefore if we set the transit at A, and deflect from AV the angle 4D, we shall get the direction of the chord Aa, on which by measuring 100 feet from A we fix the stake, a, in its true position on the curve. So again, since the angle a@0d, at the centre, = D, the angle qAd, at the circumference, = 1D. Fie. 6. SIMPLE CURVES. If therefore, with the transit at A, we deflect the angle 3D from the chord Aa, we shall get the direction of the chord Ab; and when the stake d is on this chord it will also be on the curve, if 6 is 100 feet distant from a. Thus, in general, we may fix the position of any stake on the curve, by deflect- ing an angle 1D from the preceding stake, and at the same time measuring a chain’s length from it,—the chain giving the distance, while the instrument at A gives the direction of the point. 1D) is called the Deflection-angle of the curve; so that in any curve, the deflection-angle is equal to one half the degree of curve. 102. Since each additional station on the curve requires an additional deflection-angle, the proper deflection to be made at the tangent point from the tangent to any stake on the curve is equal to the deflection-angle of the curve multiplied by the number of stations in the curve up to that stake; or it is equal to one half the angle at the centre subtended by the included arc of the curve. 103. It may happen that all the stations of a curve are not visible from the tangent point, A. When this is the case a new transit-point must be prepared at some point on the curve, by driving a plug and centre in the usual manner, and the transit moved up to it. Let us suppose that the point d, Fig. 6, has been selected for a transit-point, and that the transit has been set up over it. Before the curve can be run any farther, it is necessary to find the direction of a tangent to the curve at the point d. Forthis purpose we deflect from chord dA an angle Adz equal to the angle V-Ad previously deflected to fix the point d. (Tab. 1.16.) Or we may adopt the following Rule: To find the direction of the tangent to a curve at the extremity of a given chord, deflect from the chord an angle equal to one half the angle at the centre subtended by the chord. (Tab. 1. 20.) Having thus found the direction of the auxiliary tangent zdz, we proceed to deflect from dz, (3D). for the next station e¢, 2 (LD) for station f, 3(4D) for station g, etc., as before. When the end of the curve is reached, a transit-point is set at the Point of Tangent, after which it only remains to find the direction of the tangent, by the above rule. Thus if g is to be AA. FIELD ENGINEERING. the point of tangent, we obtain the direction of the tangent by deflecting from the chord gd an angle equal to zdy, or to x 40g. If this tangent VB was already established, the line ge thus obtained should coincide with it; and if it does so, the correctness of our work is proved. 104. The centre line is measured, and the stations num- ered regularly and continuously through tangents and curves from the starting point to the end of the work. It therefore frequently happens that a curve will neither begin nor end at an even station, but at some intermediate point, or plus distance. If the Point of Curve occurs a certain number of feet beyond a station, the first chord on the curve is composed of the remaining number of feet required to make 100. Any chord less than 100 feet is called a subchord. If a curve ends with a subchord, the remainder of the 100 feet must be laid off on the tangent from the Point of Tangent to give the position of the next station, so that the stations may everywhere be 100 feet apart. 105. The deflection to be made for a subchord is equal to one half the arc it subtends, Let c = length of any subchord in feet. “ad = angle at centre subtended by subchord. Then, from eq. (22), by analogy ¢ =2R sin id (29) 100 ; Oy? pt Meee But by eq. (16) EE sinteD sin 1d 6 = 100 (30) - sindd ——°~ gin 1D (31) i 100 3 When D does not exceed 8° or 10°, we may assume without serious error that the angles are to each other as their sines, and the last two equations become (approx.) e = 100 (82) SI a s i SIMPLE CURVES. and id = —— (iD) (33) In curves sharper than 10° per station, the error involved in this assumption becomes apparent and must be corrected. 106. If curves were measured on the actual arc, then eqs. (82) and (33) would be true in all cases; but since a curve is ‘measured by 100-ft. chords, it is evident that if a 100-ft. Hl) chord between any two stations were replaced by two or more | subchords, these taken together would be longer than 100 feet, since they are not in the same straight line. Let us conceive the actual arc of one station to be divided into 100 equal parts; since the arc is longer than the chord, each part will be ni slightly longer than one foot. Now if we take an arc contain- ing any number of these parts (less than 100), the nominal length of the corresponding subchord in feet will egual the number of parts, and the deflection for the subchord will be proportional to the number of parts which the arc contains. Mi il The deflection therefore will be exactly given by eq. (83) if in Ali that equation we let c equal the number of parts in the arc, or the nominal length of the subchord in feet. Having thus obtained the correct value of ($d), we may introduce it into eq. (29) or (80), and obtain the ¢rwe value of the subchord, which will always be a little greater than its nominal value. . Suppose, for instance, that the arc of one station is to be wat divided into four equal portions; then each subchord will be , 29 nia nominally 25 feet long; and by eq. (33 95 | Hl $d = GD) =2 GD) a which is the correct value of the deflection, whatever be the degree of curve. Substituting this value in eq. (29) or (380) we i obtain the true value of the subchord, ¢, a little greater than AWA 25; the eacess is called the correction of the nominal length. 1 107. This correction for any given subchord bears an Hy almost constant ratio to the excess of are per station, what- | | ever be the degree of curve. These ratios are shown in the WH following table for a series of subchords, and Table VII. gives | the length of actual are per station for various degrees of curve. Subtracting 100 we have the excess of arc per station, and multiplying this evcess by the ratio corresponding to the 56 FIELD ENGINEERING. nominal length of subchord we obtain as a product the proper correction for the subchord. TABLE OF THE RATIOS OF CORRECTIONS OF SUBCHORDS TO THE EXCESS OF ARC PER STATION. | Nominal | Nominal Nominal ; Length of Ratio. || Lengthof| Ratio. || Length of | Ratio ’ Subchord. | | Subchord. Subchord. | —_____! a a { 0 .000 35 .207 70 .3806 5 .050 40 .oa5 (45) Ry 10 1099. .o4f) SU4R That oer papeei> | G0 STs Nad [ogy 15 .147 50 .Ot4 85 .205 20: .192 55 | .083 90 .169 25. .234. 60 .883 95 | .092 30. eels 65 374 100 .000 We observe that the largest correction is required by a sub- chord between 55 and 60 feet in length. Example.—It is proposed to run a 14° curve with a 50-ft. chain. What correction must be added to the chain? = ig a — 7° By _ 90 Mo 90 & __ g0 arp D== 14 iD=% Mie (~ = 3°.5 = 8° 80 By eq. (30) 6100 ee nes sin 7 Ans. Correction = .093 Or, by Table VIL., length of arc = 100.249 excess of arc = 249 and by above table, ratio for 50 feet = .Bt4 Ans. Correction = product = .093 Example.—The P.C. of an 18° curve is fixed at + 55 feet beyond a station. What are the nominal and true values of the first subchord, and what the proper deflection? Nominal value = 100 — 55 — 45 feet ; 45 s Deflection = id= 100 xX 9° = 4°.05 — 4° 03’ and by eq. (80) True value = c = 100 oe ee she Uda 45.148 Gq SIMPLE CURVES. Or, by Table VII., excess of are= _ _—-. 412 by above table, ratio for 45 feet = _.358 Correction = product = __.147 Ans. True value of subchord = 45.147 Example.—The last deflection at the end of a 40° curve is found to be 6° 80’. What are the nominal and true values of the last subchord? Here 4d = 6° 30’, and by eq. (82) A AT We 0: _ 38.5 feet | 20 : ° an i Mrugrpabios «100 Tose 89 1008 feat Wi sin 20° wip Nominal value, ¢ = 100 Or by Table VILI., excess of arc 40° = 2.060 by above table, ratio for 32.5 feet = » .290 Correction = product = _ .597 Nominal value of subchord = 82.5 i i True value = 33.097 Wi 108. For convenience in making deflections, the zeros of | the instrument should always be together when the line of at collimation coincides with a tangent to the curve. Thus, in beginning a curve, the transit being set at the P.C. zeros | together, and line of collimation on the tangent, the read- iI ing of the limb for any station on the curve has simply to be | made equal to the proper deflection from the tangent for that Hal | station. After the transit is moved forward from the P.C. NG so and set at another point of the curve, the vernier is set toa AVA reading equal to the reading used to establish that point, but | on the opposite side of the zero of the limb, and the line of A | collimation is set on the P.C. just left. Then by simply turn- Hi ing the zeros together again, the line of collimation will be an | made to coincide with a tangent to the curve through the new i point, and the deflections for the succeeding stations can be Pie read off directly, as before. Thus any number of transit | points may be used in locating a curve by finding the direc- Wh | tion of the tangent through each by a deflection from the pre- 1 ceding point, until finally the P.7. is reached, where another deflection gives the direction of the located tangent. FIELD ENGINEERING. 109. The assistant engineer keeps neat and systematic field-notes of all his operations with the transit in running curves. The numbers of the stations are written in regular order up the first column of the left-hand page of the field- book, using every line, or every other line, as may be pre- ferred. The second column contains the initials of each transit point on the same line as the number of its station, or between lines, if the point occurs between two stations, In the third column, and opposite the initials in the second, is recorded the station and plus distance, if any, of each transit point. The fourth column contains, opposite the ““P.C.,” the degree of curve used, and an R or Z, showing whether the curve deflects to the right or left; the fifth column contains the readings or deflections made from a tangent to set each Station or point, written on the same line as the number of that station or point; and the sixth column contains the cen- tral angle of the whole curve, A, written opposite the ‘‘ P. 7.” The plus distances recorded in the third column are always the nominal lengths of subchords, but if the true lengths have been calcu- lated and laid off on the ground, these should also be recorded in parenthesis. On the right-hand page are recorded the calculated bearings of the tangents and their magnetic bearings; and on the centre line of the page, opposite Fia. 7. the record of each transit point, a dot is made with a small circle around it, to show the relative position of the several points on the ground. Some slight topographical sketches may be made, indicating the more prominent objects, but the full sketches should be taken by the topographer in a separate book. 110. Since the deflections start from zero at each new transit point, the sum of the deflections by which the transit points are located will be equal to one half the central angle of the curve. 111. The stations on a curve may be located by deflee- tions only, without linear measurements. For this purpose two transits are set at two transit points on the curve, as A SIMPLE CURVES. 5Y and B, Fig. 7, and the proper deflections for any station are made with both instruments, the station being located by find: ing the intersection of the two lines of collimation. This method requires that the two transit points shall have been previously established, that their distance from each other shall be known, that they shall be visible from each other, and that they shail both command a view of the stations to be located. It is not therefore generally useful, but may be resorted to to set stations which fall where chaining cannot be accurately done, as in water or swamps. The chord join- ing the two transit points becomes, in fact, a base-line, and the deflections form a serics of triangulations. C. Location of Curves by Offsets. 112. A curve may be located. by linear measurement only, without angular deflections. There are four general methods, Viz. : By offsets from the chords produced, By middle-ordinates, By offsets from the tangents, and By ordinates from a long chord. To locate a curve by offsets from the chords produced. When the curve begins and ends at a station. 1138. Let A, Fig. 8, be the P. C. of a curve taken at a station, to locate the other stations, a, 0, ¢, etc. The chords Aa, ab, be, etc., each equal 100 feet, and since the angle AOa = D, the angle VAa = 4D. (Tab. I. 20.) Taking an off- set ax =t, perpendicular to the tangent, we have in the. right- angled triangle Aza. az = Aa X sin }D or t =100 sin 4D (34) The offset ¢ is called the tangent offset, and its value is givenfor all degrees of curve in Tab. IV. col. 4. F1a. 8, If the curve were produced backward from A, 100 feet to station 2, the offset zy would 60 FIELD ENGINEERING. equal ?t; and if the chord zA were produced 100 feet from A to a’, the offset a’ would also equal t. Therefore the distance aa’ = 2t,and the angle aAa' = D. So if we produce the chord Aa 100 feet to 0’, the distance bd’ = 2¢. To lay out the curve, stretch the chain from A, keeping the forward end at a perpendicular distance, t, from the line of the tangent to locate station a. Then find the point 0’ by stretch- ing the chain from @ in line with a and A, and then stretching the chain again from a, fix its forward end at a distance from b’ equal to 2¢. This gives station b. In the same way find other stations. When the last station, as d, of the curve is reached, produce the curve one station farther toe’. Then the tangent hee d is parallel to the chord ce", and laying off ¢ from ¢ and e" per- pendicular to this chord, the tangent c’e is found. If the work has been correctly done the tangent c"e will coincide with the given tangent VB. When the curve begins or ends with a subchord, 114. Let ., Fig. 9, be the PC, and Ag the first sub- chord = ¢, and the angle VAa = 24, and let the offset aw = t,. Then t; = ¢ sin 4d (35) Producing the curve backward to the nearest station 2, we have another subchord Az = (100 — ce), and the angle y.Az = 4 (D — d), and putting the offset yz = t, ?, = (100 — c) sin } (D— d) (86) Laying off the two subchords on the ground, and making the proper offsets, ¢, and ¢,, at the same time, we fix the position of the two stations @ and z on the curve ; after which we may pro- duce the chord 2a 100 feet to b, and proceed as before until the curve is finished. If the curve ends with a sub- chord, as dB, produce the curve to the first station beyond B, as - e", then calculate the two offsets for the two subchords Bd and Be", and lay them off from d and e" SIMPLE CURVES. perpendicular to the supposed direction of the tangent. If the line de so obtained coincides with the given tangent, VB, the work is correct. 115. We may find the values of ¢ and ¢, otherwise than by the formule above, for in Fig. 8 we have shown that the angle aAa' = aOA, and since these triangles are isosceles, they are similar; therefore Fig. 8, OA: Aa:: Aa: aa’ | or FR: 100::100 : 2¢ A | _ (100) | 5 Fiore en and similarly, Fig. 9, | ce ; = —— ( iso Bp (38) Hence Lee e= (1009 roe. et 39 = “q00P (39) Thus ¢, may be found by multiplying the square of the sub- ae chord by the value of ¢ given in Tab. LV., and dividing the At product by 10000. As c is always less than 100, so ¢, is always less than ¢. 116. In eqs. (85), (88), and (89) it is customary to use the nominal values of c, and this can produce no error in ¢ or ¢, exceeding -005, when the degree of curve does not exceed ten degrees. In the case of a very sharp curve, the formule eqs. (40) and (41) are preferable. To locate a curve by middle-ordinates. When the curve begins and ends at a station. 117. In Fig. 10, let A be the P.C. at a station, and let aand e be the next stations on the curve either way from A. Then, since zy = aw = ft, the chord za is parallel to the tangent A J, and Ag =—¢. Hence, having any two consecutive stations on the curve, as 2 and A, we may lay off the tangent offset ¢ from A to gon the radius, and find the next station, a, 100 feet Pe from A on the line zg produced. Then laying off ai = ¢ on Wt the radius @O, a point on the line Ah produced and 100 feet | from @ will be the next station 4. 62 FIELD ENGINEERING. On reaching the end of the curve, the tangent is found precisely as described in the method by chords produced, § 113. In Fig. 10, we observe that if the radius 0A were unity, gA would be the versed sine of the angle a~0A = D.. But GA oat, hiss Rovers iD (4()) When the curve begins or ends with a subchord, 118. Let A, Fig. 11, be the C,, and @ and z the nearest Fia. 10. Fie. 11, stations. Then Aa = ¢, the first subchord, and a@0A = d, and by analogy, we have from the last equation, if aw = t, and ey = t, ¢, = R vers d t, = & vers (D—d) § (41) or eq. (389) may be used if preferred. Having found the two stations, a and z, on the curve, lay I off from the forward station a, ad = t on the radius, and go | continue the curve as described above. i When the end of the curve is reached, produce the curve to the next station beyond, and find the tangent by offsets as described in the previous method, § 114. To locate a curve by offsets from the tangents. When the curve begins at a station. - 119. Let A, Fig. 12, be the PC. at a station. Then the next station @ is located by the tangent offset t, taken from SIMPLE CURVES. 63 Tab. IV., or calculated by eq. (40). To calculate the distance anc offsets for the following stations, J, c, etc., in the diagram draw lines through the points 4, ¢, etc., parallel to the tangent AJ, intersecting the radius AOing’, g", etc., and draw the lines bz’, cz", etc., perpendicular to the tangent. Then Az’ = g'b = Ob sin BOA or Az’ = Ff sin 2D) Az" = Rsin 3D (42) and etc. etc. J Also, bz’ = g' A = Ob vers. DOA or t RR vera 2D i" = & vers 3D} (43) and etc. atCiins | But these calculations may be avoided, for as twice ag equals the chord of two stations, so twice dg’ equals the chord of four stations, and twice cg" the chord of six stations, etc. So also as Ag is the middle-ordinate of two sta- tion, Ag’ is the middle-ordinate of four, and Ag” the middle-ordinate of six stations, etc. Hence the rule: The distance on the tangent from the tangent point to the perpendicu- lar offset for the extremity of any are is equal to one half the long chord for twice that arc; and the offset from the tangent to the, ex- tremity of any are ts equal to the middle-ordinate of twice that are. The long chords and middle-ordinates may be taken from Tables VIL. and VIII. for 2, 4, 6, 8, etc., stations, when the P.G. is at a station, or for 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., stations, when the P.O. is at + 50, or half a station. If the offsets from the first tangent A V prove inconveniently long, the second half of the curve may be located from the other tangent BV, beginning at the point of tangent B, and closing on a station located from the first tangent. Fie, 12. 64 FIELD ENGINEERING. When the curve begins with a subchord. 120. If d=the angle at centre, subtended by the first subchord, we have for the distances on the tangent (Fig. 13) Az = RFR sind Az = Rsin d+ D) (44) Ax" = Ff sin (d + 2D) ete, etc. and for the offsets (Fig. 11) t, = vers d ¢ = Rvers d+ D) t (45) t" = FR vers (d + 2D) etc. ete, If the first subchord equals 50 feet (nominal), then d =—1D, and the Tables VII. and VIII. may be used as explained Fie.13; Fie. 14, above. These tables may be used in any case, by adopting a temporary tangent through any station, and laying off the dis- tances on this, and making the offsets from it. When a curve is located by offsets the chain should be car- ried around the curve, if possible, to prove that the stations are 100 feet apart. , To locate a curve by ordinates from a long chord. When the curve begins and ends at a station. 121. In Fig. 14 draw the long chord AB, joining the tan- gent points, and from this draw ordinates to all the stations on i SIMPLE CURVES. 65 the curve. We then require to know the several distances on the long chord Aa’, at’, b'c’, etc., and the length of ordinate at each point. Let C =the long chord AB, then eq. (22 C= 2R sinta If a is the second station and 7 next to the last on the curve, join az, and let the chord aa = C’. Then since the arc Aa = tk = D, the angle at the centre subtended by C’ is (A — 2D). *. MO=2KR sini (a — 2D) Again, if we join } and / the next stations and let b4= C" C" = 2K sin 4 (A — 4D) and so on for other chords. Since Aa’ = ki, C= C’ + 2Aa’ C—C 2 =o Ag = Similarly, : a b= aaa siked 2 Thus we continue to find the distances up to the middle of the curve, after which they repeat themselves in inverse order. 122. When the long chord C, subtends an even number of stations (as 10 in Fig. 14), the middle ordinate of the chord is the ordinate of the middle station, ase. Since the chords AB and a# are parallel, the ordinate a'a or 7't is evidently equal to the difference of the middle ordinates of these chords. Let M, M’, M", etc., be the middle-ordinates of the chords CU, CU’, CO", etc. Then eq. (23) Me = vers A M' = Rvers§ (a —2D) M" = Rvers 4 (A —4D) etc., etc. And aa=ti=—=M-M b'd a h'h = MW — M" etc. ete. etc. The values of the chords and middle-ordinates may be taken at once from Tables VII. and VIII. 66 FIELD ENGINEERING. Ezxample.—It is required to locate a 4 degree curve of ten stations by offsets from the long chord. By Table VIL: Diff. VDiff. 10 sta. | GC =980.014 | : te Oh ap apa. | 1e0eaid | 95.205 =a eee) 194.059 | 97.080 2 ab = Th! 6 « Oi = 595.744 is Ok £8 Crit 298. 7g0 | 196-962 | 98.481 = de = Hg ee rE a Aas 198.904 | 99.452 =e'd' =g'f ee a 199.878 99.939 = d'e' = fre’ 0 | OG =000.000 | t From Table VIIL.: Diff. 10st. | M =86.402 | | g « | Mi =55.500 | 30.902 =aa=v 6 « M* =81.308 | 55.094 —)'b —Wh 4 « | Mi = 18.948 | 72.459 —cc =9'g Q « | Miv— 3.490 | 82.912 —da= fF Q ‘ pea = 202000 S| 5/88; 40 hs aie 2 123. When the long chord C subtends an odd number of stations, the middle ordinate will fall half-way between two stations, and need not be laid off. If the ordinates near the middle of the curve prove incon- veniently long, we may subtract 17 — M’, M—M", etc., and so obtain in Fig. 14 @’a, 6"b, ec, etc. We then lay off Aa’, aa, ab", b"b, be", etc., turning a right angle at every point. The chain should be carried along the curve at the same time to make the stations 100 feet apart. Example.—It is required to locate a 10-degree curve of nine stations by offsets from the long chord. By Table VII. : Diff. MDiff. 9 sta. 811.814 7 «© 658.105 153.209 76.604 = Aa’ 5 484 900 173.205 86.603 = ab’ 8 «' 996 969 187.938 93.969 ete. 1 “ 400.000 196.962 98.481 0 9.000... | 100.000 50.000 4 SIMPLE CURVES. By Table VIIL.: Diff. @ sta, 168.029 bie tts Saleen 50.000 =U) 5 53. 80 | 34.202 = ¢"e Be rae TINORS oy 17.365 ete, 1 2.183 | 4 Ha 0 0.000 124. The tables can be used equally well when the curve ill both begins and ends with a half station; also to locate half-station points throughout the curve, but in the latter case the numbers are taken from consecutive columns of the tables . instead of from alternate col- ah umns, as in the above examples. When the curve begins or ends with any subchord. 125. Let A, Fig. 15, be the P.@%. and Aa=e the first sub- chord, and d the angle it sub- tends at the centre. In the dia- gram draw the long chord AB, and the ordinates to each sta- tion, and through each station draw a line parallel to AB, and let AOB= A. Since the angle VAB = 4A and Hi VAa = id, theangle aAB=4(A—d). The deflection angle li from the subchord Aa produced to the chord ad is (d+ D), te the deflection angle between any two consecutive chords of i i | 100 feet is }(D+D)=D. Therefore the angle ae bab’ =4 (A — ad) — 4+ D) =F (a —2d-D) che” = 4 (A — 2d —D) — 3 (2D) =4 (a — 2d — 8D) edd’ = 4(A — 2d —8D) — + QD) =4(A — 24—5D) ete. etc. etc. FIELD ENGINEERING. Solving the several right-angled triangles we have, Fig. 15. Ad@=c. cos4(A —d@) ) ab" = 100 cos4(A —2d— D) | be" = 100 cos (A — 2d— 8D) } | (46) dd" = 100 cos i (A — 2d — 5D) etc., etc., | And also wa=c. sin¢(A —a@) b"b = 100 sint¢ (A —2d— D) ¢ “ = 100 sin} (A — 2d — 3D) (47) = 100 sin 4 (A — 2d — 5D) BAL ete. When the middle point of the curve is passed the minus quantities in the parentheses become greater than A, making the parentheses negative, and, therefore, the sines negative, and indicating that such values as are determined by them ii must be laid off toward the long chord AB. | By a proper summation of the quantities determined by eqs. (46) and (47) we obtain the distances Aa’, Ab’, Ac’, etc., and the ordinates a‘a, b'b, c'c, etc., and the curve may be located accordingly. It is well to make all the necessary calculations before beginning to lay down the lines on the ground, thus avoiding confusion and mistakes. Example.—The P.C. of a 3° 20' curve is fixed at + 25 feet beyond a station, and the central angle is 16° 24’= a. It is ' required to locate the curve by ordinates from the long chord. i We have c = 100 — 25 = 75 and d= 2° 30’ and D= 3° 20’. Ti Hence, eqs. (46) 1 Aa'= %5 cos 6° 57 = 74.449 74.449 = Aa’ ir ab" = 100 cos 4° 02' = 99.752 174.201 = Ad’ be" = 100 cos 0° 42’ = 99.993 274.194 = Ae' a'd = 100 cos (— 2° 38’) = 99.894 374.088 = Ad’ e"e = 100 cos (— 5° 58’) = 99.458 473.546 = Ae’ éB= 17 cos (— 7 55’) = 16.8388 490.384 = AB By eqs. (47) va= Hsin 657 = 9.075 9.075 = wa 6"6 = 100 sin 4° 02’ = 7.034 16.109 = b'b e"c = 100 sin 0° 42’ = 1.222 17.331 = ce ca" = 100 sin (— 2° 38) = — 4.594 12.737 = dd de" = 100 sin (— 5° 58’) = — 10.395 2.342 = ee ee’ = 17 sin (— Te 55’) ame 2.341 0.000 eo oe e q SIMPLE CURVES. 69 The same formulz can be used when the curve begins at a station by making ec = 100 and d= D. 126. The methods of locating curves by linear measure- ments do not require the use of a transit, although one may be used to advantage for giving true lines, turning right ungles, etc. When a transit is not used the alignments should be made across plumb-lines suspended over the exact points previously marked on top of the stakes. A right angle may easily be obtained, without an instrument, by laying off ATR on the ground the three sides of either of the right-angled 1 triangles represented in the following table (or any multiples A a of them), always making the base coincide with the given line. i TABLE OF RigHt-ANGLED TRIANGLES. Ht Base. Hypothenuse. Perpendicular. i 4 5 3 He 12 13 5 | 20 29 21 24 25 7 40 Al 9 60 61 11 84 85 13 D. Obstacles to the Location of Curves. 127. To locate a curve joining two tangents when the in- tersection Vis inaccessible. Fig. 16. From any transit point p on one tangent run a line pq to i intersect the other tangent; measure Hl pq and the angles it makes with the tangents. Then the sum of the de- flections at p and g equals the central angle A. Solve the triangle pyV and find Vp. Having decided on the radius R of the curve, calculate the tangent distance VA by eq. (21), and lay off from p the distance pA == VA — Vp to locate the point of curve. The point p being as- sumed at random, Vp may exceed VA, in which case the differ- itt ence pA is to be laid off toward V. 14 In case obstacles prevent the direct alignment of any line | pg, a line of several courses may be substituted for it (as Fic. 16. 7U0 FIELD ENGINEERING. explained in §§ 46, 47, 48,) from which the length of pq will be deduced. The algebraic sum of the several deflections will equal A. . 128. To locate a curve when the point of curve is inaccessible. Fig. 17, Assume any distance Ap on the curve which wil] reach to an accessible point p. Then by eq. (19) the angle Dx Ap 100 Ap' = R sin pOA pp = Rvers pOA Vp' = VA — Ap’ pOoA = Measure Vp’ and p’'p to locate a transit point at p; and meas. ure an equal offset from some transit point on the tangent, as q7. This gives a line pq’, parallel B to the tangent, from which deflect at : p an angle equal to pOA for the direction of a tangent through the point p. f, Instead of measuring the second Ip ' offset gq’ we may deflect from pq an U angle found by tan gpq’ = i and so BAS obtain the line pg’ parallel to the Fic. 17. tangent. Or we may deflect from pV the angle found by tan p Vp’ =F to obtain the line q'p pro- duced, from which the tangent to the curve at p is found as above. Again, we may lay off from V, the external distance VA found by eq. (24) or Tab. VI on a line bisecting the angle AVB. This gives us h, the middle point of the curve, and a line at right angles to 4V is tangent to the curve at h, from which the curve may be located in either direction. 129. To locate a curve when both the Vertex and Point of curve are inaccessible. Fig. 18. From any point p on the tangent run a line pq’ to the other iq SIMPLE CURVES. tangent, and so determine pA as in §127. Suppose the curve produced backward to p’ on the perpendicular offset pp’. Then abe | CT, RIS 5 . sin p'OA = RP and pp’ = R vers p'OA Having located the point p’, a parallel chord p’g may be laid off, giving a point g on the curve, since p'g = 2 X pA. Hh | At g deflect from gp’ an angle equal to p’OA for a tangent to | the curve at q.. Wit If any obstacle prevents using the chord p’g, any other Fia. 19. chord as p's may be used, by deflecting from p’g the angle b gp's = 4 (gQs) and laying off its length, vi p's= 2R sin (p'OA + qp’s). ft At 3 a deflection from the chord sp’ of (p'OA + gp’'s) will give the tangent at s. If obstacles prevent the use of any chord, the methods de- scribed in $131 may be resorted to. 130. To pass from a curve to the forward tangent when the Point of Tangent is inaccessible. Fig. 19. From any transit point p on the curve, near the end of the curve, run a chord parallel to the tangent. The middle point g of the chord will be on the radius through the point of tan- gent B. At any convenient point beyond this an offset equal 1 to pp’ = R vers pOB may be made to the cangent, and at some other point an equal offset will fix the direction of the tangent. 22 FIELD ENGINEERING. Otherwise, if an unobstructed line pq can be found inter. secting the tangent at a reasonable distance from B, measure the angle q'pg = pap’, and lay off the distance r / Pp sin q'pq to fix the point g. Then Ba=p'¢ —p'B= pp’ cot q'pg — R sin pOB. Otherwise ; assume an arc of any number of stations from p to q" on the curve produced, and take the length of chord from Tab. VII. Lay off pg’, and from q’ lay off g'g=R vers g"OB, perpendicular to the tangent, to locate g. The angle pg"¢ = 90° — q'pq", and the distance qB = R sin gq" OB. 131. To pass an obstacle on a curve. Fig. 20. From any transit point A’ on the curve take the direction of a long chord which will miss the obstacle, as A'B’. The length of this chord is 2R sin V'A'B', V'A' being tangent to the curve at A’ (see eq. 22), and by measuring this distance, the point B' on the curve is obtained. If the angle V'A'B' is made equal to the deflection for an exact number of stations, the chord may be taken from Tab. VII. If the chord which will clear the obstacles would be too long for con- venience, as A'g’, we may measure a part of it as A’p’, and then, by an ordinate to some station, regain the curve at p. The distance on the curve from A' to p being assumed, the distances A'p’ and p’'p are calculated by the methods given in § 121 to § 125. If p'’p can be made a middle ordinate the work will be much simplified. If more convenient the middle ordinate may first be laid off from A’ to p", and the half chord afterwards measured from p" to locate p. Again, we may calculate the auxiliary tangent A’V’ for any assumed length of curve A'B’, and lay off the distance A'V’ and V'B’, deflecting at V’ an angle equal to twice Fia. 20. SIMPLE CURVES. V'A'B'. But if the point V’ should prove inaccessible, we may conceive the auxiliary tangents to be revolved about the chord A'B' as an axis, so that V’ will fall at V", and the lines .4'V" and V"B' may be laid out accordingly. If these in turn meet obstructions, we may run a curve from A’ to B' of same radius as the given curve, but tangent to A’V" and VB’. Again, the entire curve or any portion of it may be laid out by offsets from the tangents, or by ordinates from a long chord, as already explained, § 119 to $126. In case any distance on a curve must be measured by a tri- angulation, as in crossing a stream, a long chord may be chosen, either end of which is accessible, and the triangula- tion is then performed with respect to this chord or a part of it, as upon any other straight line. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN SIMPLE CURVES. 132. Given: a curve joining twotangents, to find the change required in the radius BR, and external distance EK, for an assumed change in the value of the tangent distance'T. Fig. 21. Fia. 21. Let.7 =AV= VB and 7’ = A'V= VB' ih = AO “« R'=A'0,' ery == VE. +h SV A Then 7’— 7’ = AA' = the given change. By eq. (20) Kk =T. cot4a R'= T' cotta 0G =R—R'=(T—T')cot4a 74. FIELD ENGINEERING. By eq. (26), similarly, HH' = H— E'=(T—T’') tania (49) Eqs. (48) (49) give the changes in R and EF for any change in 7. When 7'is increased R and # will be increased also, and vice versa. Example.—A 4° curve joins two tangents, making an angle of 388° = A, and it is necessary to shorten the last tangent dis- tance 80 feet. What will be the change in tne radius and in the external distance? Eq. (48) T—T'=80 log 1.908090 $A 19° log cot 0.463028 i | Ans. R —R' 232.34 log. 2.366118 } R 1482.69 Riss 1200.35 or about 4° 46’ = D’. If the tangent distance had been increased 80 feet we should add the above to R. ft’ = 1665.03 or about 3° 26’ = D' | Eq. (49) 7-7’ =80 log 1.903090 | +A 9° 30’ log tan 9.223607 | Ans. E—E' 18.387 log 1.126697 133. Given: a curve joining two tangents, to Jind the change required tn the radius R, and tangent distance T, for any | | | assumed change tn the value of the eaternal distance B. Fig. 21. i We suppose HH’ given to find OG and AA’. By eq. (24) H =R exsecta E' = R' ex sec4+a OG SR eRe ex sec dA By eq. (49) AA = T —T' =(H— FE’) cota SIMPLE CURVES. 75 Example.—A 4° curve joins two tangents, making an angle of 38° = A, and it is necessary to bring the middle point of the curve 25 feet nearer the vertex V. What changes are re- quired in the radius and point of curve? Kq. (50) H-—H'= 25 log 1.397940 tA 19° log ex sec. 8.760578 Ans. R—R' 483.87 log 2.637362 R 1482.69 R’' 998.82 or about 5° 44’ = D’ Eq. (51) H- £#' 25 log 1.397940 tA 9° 30 log cot 0.776393 T — T' 149.39 2.174333 or the P.C. will be moved toward the vertex 149.39 feet. But if the point H, Fig. 21, were to be moved 26 feet further. from the vertex V, then R' = 1866.56 or about 38° 04’ = D' and the P.C. will be moved 149.39 feet further from the vertex. It is preferable to assume some radius from Table IV. near the value of R’ found as above, and from this calculate the value of 7" by eq. (21). 134. Given: a curve joining two tangents, to find the change made in the tangent distance 'T, and external distance KH, by any assumed change in the value of the radius R. Fig. 21. By eq. (48) AA'=T—T'=(R—#') tanta (52) By eq. (50) HH'=H—H'=(R— R')ex sec4a (53) The changes calculated by eqs. (52) (53) will be added to or subtracted from 7 and # respectively, according as the radius ie increased or diminished. 135. Since for a constant value of the central angle A, %6 FIELD ENGINEERING, the homologous parts of any two curves are proportional to each other, we may write at once oon | tee nat ated ane SECA’ iabahtt ik yeh ee 2 a IT ps : ny Uae M' Let Reet Lea ace etc. etc. ete. 1356. Given: a curve joining two tangents, to change the position of the Point of curve so that the curve may end in a parallel tangent. Fig. 22. Let AB be the given curve, AV, VB the tangents, and V'B' the parallel tangent. Then VV" is the distance from one vertex to the other; and since there is no change in the form or dimensions of the curve, we may conceive it to be moved bodily, parallel to the line AV, until it touches the line V'’B’, when every point of the curve will have moved a distance equal to VV'. Hence AA'=00'= BB'=VV". ‘There- fore, run a line from B parallel to Fia. 22. pe a4 Vi intersecting the new tangent in B’, measure BB’, and lay off the dis- tance from A to find A’. In the figure the new tangent is taken outside the curve, and so A’ falls beyond A, but if the new tangent were taken inside the curve at V"B", the new P.C. would fall back of A at some point A’, If the parallel tangent is defined by a perpendicular offset from B, as Bp; since the angle BB'p= A AA' = BB’ =~ (55) 137. Given: a curve joining two tangents, to find the radius of a curve that, Srom the same Point of curve, will end na parallel tangent. Fig. 28. Let AB be the given curve, AV, VB the tangents, and V'B' the parallel tangent; and let AO= Rand AO’ = R’. mw SIMPLE OCURVES. var Since the central angle A remains unchanged, the angle 4A between the tangent and long chord remains unchanged; therefore V'A B' = VAB, and the new point of tangent is on the long chord AB produced. Find on the ground the inter- section of V'B’ with AB produced and measure BB’. In the diagram draw Be parallel to AO, then Beb' = A, and by eq. (22) BB’ = 2Be sin 4A but Be = 00' — ee a te BB ~ at ey 2sin tA 8) 0 The + sign is used when B’ is be- Fig, 23. yond B, as in the figure; but if the parallel tangent is within the given curve it will cut the chord in some point B", and then the — sign must be used, since R' will evidently be less than Lt. If the parallel tangent is defined by a perpendicular offset, as Bp = B'f; since Beb' = A Bp = Be vers A =(h' — f) vers A a Ri= k-- ——— (57) Add or subtract as explained above. If the long chord C= AB is known, then the new long chord C' = AB' or AB" =C + BB’, and by eq. (54) pi = pO * BB ne 138. Given: a curve joining two tangents, to change the radius, and also the Point of curve, so that the new curve may end in a parallel tangent directly opposite the given Point of tangent. Fig. 24. Let AB be the given curve, AV, VB the tangents, V'B’' the parallel tangent, and B' the given tangent point on the radius OB produced. 18 FIELD ENGINEERING, In the diagram, produce the tangent AV and the radius OB to intersect at K. Then BK = R exsec A B'K = R' exsec A Subtracting we have BB' =(R — R') exsec A ae (59) Fig. 24, Fig. 25. To find the change AA’ of the P’ C., in the diagram draw O'G parallel to _A’A; then O'G = OG tan A . or AA'=(R— RP’) tan a (60) Vil By substituting the value of (R — R') from eq. (59) and ob- serving Table II. 42 we have AA' = BB' X cot ta (61) Observe that. eqs. (59), (60), and (61) may be derived directly from eqs. (50), (52), and (51) respectively by writing A for $A. 139. Given: a curve Joining two tangents, to find the new tangent points after each tangent has been moved parallel to itself any distance in either direction. Fig. 25. SIMPLE CURVES. 79 Let A and B be the given tangent points, and A’ and B’ the new tangent points required. Let the known perpendicu- lar distances Ag=a, and Byp=b. We then require the unknown parallel distances gA’ = @ and pB' = y. Since the form and dimensions of the curve remain un- changed we may conceive the curve to be moved bodily into its new position on lines parallel and equal to the. line VV' joining the vertices. Then AA’ 00'= BB'= Be In the diagram draw VK parallel and equal to Bp = 6 and V'H parallel and equal to A4g=a. Then VH=gA'=2, and V'K=Bp=y. Since VGV' = JA, we have VG=- and GH = e sin A tan A and since VH = VG—GH=z * b pe AER ~ gin A tan A Similarly (62) b a Y=Tan A sin A When the new tangents are outside of the given curve, the offsets a and } are considered positive; if either new tangent were inside of the given curve its offset would be considered negative. In solving eqs. (62) if 2 and y are found to be positive they are to be laid off forwards from q and 7, as in Fig. 25; if either is found to be negative it is to be laid off in the opposite direction. Example.—A certain curve has a central angle of 50° = A, and it is proposed to move the first tangent Fic, 26. in 20 feet and the second tangent out 12 feet. Required, the distances on the tangents from the old tangent points to the new, Fig. 26. rs 80 FIELD ENGINEERING. Here a = — 20 andd’=-+ 12 4b 12 1.079181;—a 20 1.301030 A 50° —_ log sin 9.884254| A 50° ~_—— dog tan 0.076186 15.665 1.194927; -— 16.782 1.224844 x = 15.665 — (— 16.782) = + 82.450 +2 12 1.079181 |—a 20 1.301030 wie b0° log tan 0.076186 | A 50° log sin 9.884254 10.069 1.002995 | — 26.108 1.416776 y = 10.069 — (— 26,108) = + 36.177 3 (&@ = — 82.450 For + a and — 0d ly = — 36.177 g=— 1,120 For + a and + 0 ang fh by fee + 1.120 For — a and — 6 j y = + 15.989 If we have a and @ given to find d and y: Solving eqs. (62) for 6 and y we obtain b=asin A—+-acos ait (63) Y¥Y=2cOS A —a@sin A In which the algebraic signs of the quantities must be ob- served as above. 140. Given: a curve joining two tangents, to find a new Radius and new position of the Point of curve, such i that the curve may end at the same point as before, but with a given change in the direction of .the forward tangent. | Fig. 27. Let AB be the given curve, AV, VB the given tangents, V’B the new tangent, and VBV' the given change in direc- tion. Let A’= A+ VBYV'". a | SIMPLE CURVES, 81 In the diagram draw BG perpendicular to AV produced; then BG = R vers a <= F' vers A Hence : vers A R= Re (64) vers A and AA =AG— A'G=Rsin A—R'sin a’ (65) Hie In the figure the change in direction of tangent makes A' greater than A; therefore V' falls beyond V, and A’ beyond Fie, 27. Fira. 28. A; but if the change made A’ less than A, then VY" and A’ | would fall behind V and A respectively, and R' would be We greater than R. The same formule apply to the converse problem in which | B is taken as the point of curve, and A and A’ as points of HN | ig tangent. HW | | 141. Given a curve joining two tangents, to find the change tn the Point of curve when the forward tangent takes a new WW direction from ihe vertex V. Fig. 28. fl By eq. (21) 1 ¥ ; eH VA=RianjaA, VA' = Rtan $A’ AA' = R (tan 4A — tan $A’ (68) ii 142. Given: a curve joining two tangenis, to find the new f: 82 FIELD ENGINEERING. radius, R, when the forward tangent takes a new direc- tion from the vertex, V. Fig. 29. By eqs. (21) (25) VA=Rtania, R'=VA cot ta’ K' = R tan 4a cot 4a’ (67) 143. Given: a curve joining two tangents, and a given change in the direction of the forward tangent from the verted, to find the radius and point of curve of a curte that shall pass at the same distance, VHA, from th. vertex. Fig. 30. : Let AB be the given curve, BVB’ the given change in i Fie. 29. Fie. 30. direction of tangent, and VW’ = VH. Let a’ = a+ BVB', then eq. (24) 1) VH = Rex sec £4 = VH' = R' ex sec $4’ | es R= R. LS8ee eS (68) ii exsec $A i By eq. (28) VA=VHcot4a, VA' = VH' cotta’ ge AA' = VH (cot +4 — cot $4’) (69) But in case A’= A — BVB', AA’ becomes negative and must be laid off backward from A, SIMPLE CURVES. 83 Example.—Given a 2° curve, A = 80° and BVB' = — 10° aie a a ( R log 3.457114 tA 40° . log exsec 9.484879 VH 874.97 2.941993 tA! 35° log exsec 9.348949 Re 1° 27’ nearly 3.598044 tA 20° cot 2.74748 tA’ 17° 30 cot 3.17159 — 0.42411 AA' = 874.97 X (— .42411) = — 371.08 and must be laid off backward from A. 144. Given: two indefinite tangents, a point situated be- tween them, and the angle A, to find the radius R, and tan- gent distance T of a curve joining the tangents which shall pass through the given point. Fig. 31. If the given point is on the bisecting line VO, as H, meas- ure VH = #, and find #& and 7’as in §§ 97, 98. When the given point, as P is not on the bisecting line VO; if a line GK is passed through P per- pendicular to VO, it will be parallel to any long chord, as AB, and the angle V@K=+4A. The curve pass- ing through P will intersect GX in some other point P’; the line GK is bisected by the line VO at J, and Wid oeey 2A fh If the given point P is located by a perpendicular offset from the tangent, RS "as PL; in the triangle PLG, LG = PL cotta. Lay off LG, and at G deflect VGK = 4A, and measure GP and PK. Since by Geom. (Tab. I. 24) GA? = GP' x GP, and GP’ = PK; GA= VGPX PK (70) 84 FIELD ENGINEERING. Lay off GA; and A is the Point of curve, AV= 7" and k= AV cotta. If the given point were located by an offset from BV. find B first, and make VA = BV. ' If the given point P is located by a perpendicular offset JP from the bisecting line VO; produce JP to intersect the tangent at G and measure PG. Since P'G = GP + 2PI GA= VGP(G@P+ 2PT) (71) whence we have the point of curve A, as before. 145. Given: a curve, AP, and the radial offset PP’ Al to find a curve which shall pass through the point P’, start- Hi ing from the same point of curve A. Fig. 32. Fia. 82. | Let 6 = PP’, and in the diagram draw P’'@' parallel to the | common tangent 4X, and join AP’. Then P'@ =(R + d)sin a GA =R—-(R + b)cosa 1} | rE yom ry: i | ig tan $A pie (Rot) A (72) if P' / Ss] | Rim 2%, (2 + Deine (73) sin A sin A When the offset is outward use R -+ 6, when it is inward use R — 0, Haample.—Given: a 8° curve of 16 stations and a radial offset of 205 feet inward from the P. 7. to find the radius of the curve passing through the extremity of the offset, 4 CURVES. SIMPLE Here A = 3° X 16 = 48°; and b = 205. R 3°= 1910.08 R—b 1705.08 log 3.231745 A 48° log sin 9.871073 Sig day 3.102818 RR? log 3.281051 1.50742 0.178283 A 48° cot .90040 ZA’ tan .60702 = 31° 153’ 2 LS 62° 3L’ log sin 9.947995 LP. log 3.102818 R' (about 4° 01’). Ans. 3.154823 If the same offset were made outside of the curve we should find R' log 3.488350, or about a 2° 05° curve. This solution is inconveniently long for ordinary field prac- tice. When the offset is small compared with the length of curve, we may use the following Approximate Rule: Divide twice the offset b by the length of curve, look for the quotient in the table of nat. sines, and take out the corresponding angle, which multiply by 100, and divide by the length of curve. The quotient is the correction for the given degree of curve; to be subtracted when the offset is made owtward, and added when the offset is made inward. This rule is expressed by the formula 100 gna od D'=D*F —F- sin 3 (74) Taking the same example, we have 20 = sin 14° 51’ Ty = sin : ee acy OU * eal and correction = 14° 51’ < 1600 — = F 0° 56 Hence D' = 3° 56’ or D’ = 2° 04 FIELD ENGINEERING. THE VALVOID. 146. Given: any number of circular curves of equal length Li, all starting from a common point of curve A, in a@ common tangent AX, to find the equation of the curve joining ther extremities, Fig. 33. Let AP be any one of the given curves, ‘“ R= its radius AO, “ D = its degree of curve, “ A = its central angle AOP, *“‘ C= its long chord AP. Fig. 33. By substituting the value of 2 from eq. (16) in eq. (22) we have sin tA a ye +D (75) Substituting in this the value of D from eq. (20) and letting C L th t 6 = = —— 9 oe (theta) 4A, (rho) p 700 and VV {00° we have for the polar equation of the required curve sin 9 sin NV in which p is the radius-vector AP, 6 the variable angle XAP, the unit of measure is one side of the inscribed polygon by which the circular curve AP is measured, and JV the num. ber of these sides in the length of the curve AP. By the 1 SIMPLE CURVES. 87 conditions of the problem JV is constant, but 6 may have any value whatever. If we let 9 vary from 0° to + 180° and from 0°. to — 180° the point X will describe the curve XP PA shown in the figure, which is called the Valvoid from its re- semblance to the shell of a bivalve. All circular curves tan- gent to AX at A and having a length IL = AX will terminate in the valvoid, and the line PP’ joining the extremities of any two of them is a chord of the valvoid. 147. To find a tangent to the valvoid at any point P. Fig. 34. See Appendix. Differentiating eq. (76) dp ( if 6 ST Ret & cot 6 — +, cot =) (77) which is essentially negative, since p is a decreasing function of 9. Let (phi) p = APG, the angle between the radius vector and the normal PG. 1 6 tan @ = a cot WoT cot 6 (78) The line PK perpendicular to P@ is tangent to the valvoid at P, and PV perpendicular to PO is tangent to the curve ALF, Then APV =9 and VPG =6 — 9g, and letting 1 = OPK = VPG. i=0-p=}A-— (79) Therefore, to obtain the direction of a tangent to the val- void at any point P, deflect from the radius PO an angle equal to i=(tA — @), on the side of PO farthest from the point ot curve A. The value of 7 may be found by eqs. (78) (79), but we are saved this somewhat tedious calculation by the use of Table X. 1, which K Fie. 34. wht contains values of the ratio ve U for various values of A, and length of curve L. Multiplying A by the proper tabulated number gives the value of 7 = OPK at once; or i=(4A —Q)=UA (80) 88 FIELD ENGINEERING. 148. To find the radius of curvature of -the valvoid atany point P. See Appendix, Differentiating eq. (77) we have dp | 2 6 1 ( 6 ae poe tgs ie §80b woot 71.9 Gott ie =P 1 yr Cot G08 sachs cotta; + 1) The general formula for the radius curves is 8 2 mer (c T ape ee a p? pie 9 dp? ap do? ? age of curvature of polar , SUT, witty : d 2 Substituting in this the values of p, 7 and fia and putting 6 (7 cot a te cot a) = @ we have after reduction, p (1+ a3 Y bel —— DY e ne eae ee SS ELE Se : (81) 1 — a2 4% cot 6 This formula bein g too complicated for convenient use in ‘he field, its use is avoided by referring to Table X. 2, which : Pitas : contains values of the ratio Er % for various values of A and L. Multiplying the given value of Z ratio, gives the value of the radius of c for a short distance either way from th by the proper tabular urvature of the valvoid e given point P; or, PEEVE, Tu (82) 149. To find the length of are of the valooid corre- sponding to a change of one degree in the value of the angle A. Fig, 35, From any chord AP suppose a deflection of 4 degree to be made each way to Ap' and Ap"; then the angle p’ Ap" = 4° — the change in 6, and since A — 26, this makes a change of 1° in the value of A. We then require to know the length of SIMPLE CURVES. 89 the arc p'p", and we may, without sensible error, consider it to be described by the radius of curvature r= Po for the point P, through an angle p’op". Now and since g’ is so nearly equal to m" we may assume uw’ = " ! tw Nie A" ‘ rte Meet RENCE .Q — Dip == re (1 —2w) and p'op" = 4 a (A'— Aty (tu). But the condition of the problem requires A'’— A” =1’, hence p'op" = (1 —u)°. Therefore the length of arc p'p" for a change of 1° in the value of A is 1=r(i—wu) X arc! or (Tab. XVII.) L=r (1 — wu) .0174538 and since 7 = voL (Tab. X. 2), 1 =v(1 — wu) LZ .0174533 (83) By this formula Table X. 3 has been prepared, for various values of A and L. 150. Given: two curves of the same length L but of different radit, starting from the same point of curve in @ 90 FIELD ENGINEERING. common tangent, to determine the direction and length of alne joining their extremities. Fig. 36. Let AX be the common tangent, and AP’, AP" the two curves, to determine the direction and length of D a iid If we take the point P on the are P'P" determined by the cr! airs ae angle A = > and draw a tangent PK to the valvoid at P, we may assume without ma- terial error that the chord P'P" will be parallel to PK for any value of P’P" not exceeding 4Z, a limit not likely to be ex | ; ceeded in practice. | Let O be the centre of the curve AP fixing the point P; then AOP — at Pel rae OP =t= ae. Since P’P" is assumed parallel to PE : PPO = K@0' mata Ka n'— ATA Gg ay) P'P'O' — 7 — A Se A (1.46) (84) Similarly producing P"P’ to any point H, HPO =~ Ma ae rn har (85) a | whence also t= 2 = At A" (85)' The slight error involved in the above assumption is cor. rected by taking out the value of w (Table X. 1) correspond- ing to A", the less of the two given central angles; we have therefore written 7% with the double accent in equations (84) and (85). i SIMPLE CURVES. 91 When 7’ and 2” are positive, they will be deflected as in Fig. 36, on the side of the radius farthest from A ; should 2" be negative it will of course be deflected from P’O" toward A. The arc P’P" corresponds to a change of the central angle from A’ to A" ; hence A Ar = A" ite CA BERS br PT ea ie S20 Nn ely (86) in which 7, is taken from Table X. 3 for Z= AP, and ee eS A em As in practice, the distance P’P" is usually small compared with Z, the arc and chord will be almost identical and no further calculation is necessary. If P'P" is large, it will be found that equation (86) gives the “ength of arc very correctly when a does not exceed, 20°, and the length of chord A'+ aA" 2 gives a value to P’P", between that of the arc and chord. The arc P'P" may be considered bu be described by the radius 60° ; tor intermediate mean angles it when y = vL, v being taken fox tit Eas Ay (Table X. 2), and its total curvature is foune »y 4 ea re its length by the degree of curve corres,onding to r (Table IV). Example. Given, a 2° 30' curve, and a 1° curve of 12 stations each from the same PC, to determine the distance between their extremities. A’ = 24° x 12 = 80°, Aaueeaiees a = 21; oe ae BS 1 u" = .83446 Kq. (84). 2” = 2°.97387 = 2°58'25" Eig. (85). ¢7 = 2" + A'—- A= 20°.9737 = 20°58'25" Eq. (86). Arc P'P" = 18° X 10.425 = 187.65 ft. Ans. Eq. (82). 7 = 1200 x .7479 = 897.48 ft. = (say) a 6°23’ curve. Total curvature, P’P” = 6°.883 x 1.8765 = 11°.9777. (The distance P’P"” may be found by solving the triangle formed by itself and the long chords of the curves APS AP".) FIELD ENGINEERING, 151. Given: a curve AP, to Jind a curve starting from the same point A, that shall shift the station P any desired dis- tance PP’ to the right or left. Fig. 36. Before we can determine what distance PP’ is desired, we must know (approximately) its direction. We have given, therefore, D, LZ, and A to find the angle OPP’, and (after measuring PP’) to find A’ and D’. The solution is necessarily somewhat approximate, yet Close enough for all practical purposes. For if the required value of D’ were obtained precisely, it would probably involve some seconds, and would therefore be discarded in favor of some value in even minutes. When P’ is inside the given curve : Vi Eq. (80). t= OPK =ua. TableX.1 H Eq. (82). r=Po =v. Table X. 2. Let 6 (delta) = degree of curve corresponding to 7, by Table IV. | ; atese Sieg A ad tied” : | <3 OP sy [00 40 nearly. Eq. (86). A’= A+ ae Table X. 38. 4 Instead of taking 2 from Table X. 3 for the exact value of A it is well to take it for the estimated value of AA, Eq. (20). D= Al When P’ is outside of the given curve: t= WA, 7 == OTR 180° — OPP’ = f+ ei - 45 nearly. A *100 88 Heample. Given, a 4° curve of 800 feet, or A = 82° to find SIMPLE CURVES. 93 « curve from the same P.@. which shall shift the last station, in, about 55 feet. (Fig. 36.) i = 32° & .8355 = 10°.786 7 = 800 X .7450 = 596, -. 6 = 9° 36’ = 9°.6 geod ono D0 ° +S 9° U OPP' = 10°.736 iain 06 [) ae ° 19) = % ° A' = 82°-+ 53, = 40 1 = 40 =— 5°. Ans. For a 5° curve, the true distance PP’ = 59.53 ie RRS 4°59' ‘ce ée¢ ‘ec 6 PP' = 54.60 which proves this method practically correct. 152. Given: a tangent and curve, and a straight line inter seotins them, making a given angle with the tangent at a given point, to determine the distance on the line from the tangent to the curve. Fig. 3%. oO T Fia. 37. We have OA, AG, and the angle AGP to find GP. R tan AGO = iG PGO = AGO — AGP Og sin PG-O sin OPT = 73 sin PGO = in AGO _ 4 sin (OPT— P@O) PG = BR sin PGO- 94 FIELD ENGINEERING, When AGP = AGO, eq. (24), GP = R exsec (90° — AGO) When AGP = 90°, $8 (92), (119), GA sin POA‘ —— GP= R vers POA, R When AGP'> AGO, we have P'GO = AGP' — AGO but the other formule remain unchanged. Hxample.—Let R= 955.37, AG = 350, AGP = 40° R 955.37 log 2.980170 AG 350. log 2.544068 AGO 69° 52’ 47” log tan 0.436102 AGP. 40° PGO 29° 52! 47" log sin 9.697387 AGO 69° 52’ 47” log sin 9.972653 OPI 32° 02’ 86” log sin 9.724734 POG 2° 09' 49” log sin 8.576953 8.879566 R log 2.980170 PG 72.40 Ans. 1.859736 log 1.859736 This problem may be used in passing from a tangent to a curve when the tangent point is obstructed. The distance AP on the curve is defined by the angle AOP, which is readily found. If AGP' > 2AGO the line will not cut the curve. 153. Given: a curve and a distant point to find a tangent that shall pass through the point. Fig. 38. We have the curve adg and the point P visible, but distance unknown, to find the point of tangent B. SIMPLE CURVES. Any chord, as Of, parallel to the required tangent, if pro- duced will pass the point Pata perpendicular distance equal to the middle ordinate of that chord. Ranging across every two consecutive stakes on the curve we at first find the range falling outside of the required tangent, as bcG, ca H, etc.; but finally the range falls inside, as dek. We then know that the required point is between ¢ and é. If the range ce falls inside the point Pia , perpendicular distance equal to the middle Ki ordinate of ce, the tangent point is at d. If the perpendicular distance is greater than this, the point B is between c and d. If less, or if the range ce falls outside of P, the point B is between d and ¢. The middle ordinate for ce (200 feet) equals the tangent offset for 100 feet, given in Tab. IV., and it is generally so small that it can be estimated at P without going to lay it off. To find the exact point B, when it falls between d and e¢, find by trial a point x on the arc cd in range with ¢e and a point inside of P a perpendicular distance equal to the middle ordinate of ew. The point B is at the middle point of the arc ew If the point B is between ¢ and d, stand at ¢ and find a point 2 on the arc de in the same way. Bis at one half the arc cz. ; The middle ordinate of any chord ez is Fig. 38. less than VM for 200 feet, and greater than m for 100 feet. If necessary, its exact value m’ can be found by pos eee = = Wye PN Non = "70000 tt 7 ‘and*this equation is nearly true when ea is as great at 300 or 400 feet. That is, middle ordinates on the same curve are to each other as the squares of their chords very nearly. By this method the point B is found without the use of the transit, so that the plug can be driven at D before the transit to be near the unknown tangent point B 96 FIELD ENGINEERING. is brought up from the rear. It is therefore preferable to the following solution. Fig. 39. From any two points @ and c¢ of the curve measure the angles to the point P, so that with the chord ac asa base, and the measured angles, we may find cP by the formula sin caP cP = ac — sin 2Pa Knowing the angle c that cP makes with a tangent at c, we find the length of the chord cd by cd = 2R sinc. By Geom. Tab. I. 24, PB = Pe= V¢eP X dP whence we know ce. Opposite e, or on the arc eB described With the radius Pe, we find B. Fia. 40, 154. Given: two curves exterior to cach other, to Jind the tangent points of a line tangent to both and its length between tangent points. Fig. 40. Let B and A be the required tangent points. Let OB = BR, and 0'A = R’, On the curve of greater radius R select a point H supposed , and knowing the ~. SIMPLE CURVES. 97 direction of the radius OJZ/, find on the other curve a point having a radius O'# parallel to O/, and measure HK. In the diagram draw Od and O'w perpendicular to Hk. Then the angle KO'a = 90° — HKU’ = KO'A nearly, which is the angle required. We have therefore to find the correction a0'A = 2, and apply it to KO'a. Aa = f' vers KO'a; Bb = FR vers KO'a nearly. Ka = f' sin K0'a; Hb= ksin KO'a Bb — Aa = (R—R') vers KO'a | ab = HK + (#— Lf’) sin KO'a i | (R= R) vers KO'a | lig + (R — R') sin HO'a sin. @ == nearly. (88) MM KO'A = (K0O'a — x) = HOB Observe that HO’a = the angle between the tangent at or il H and the line 7A; and AKO'A = the angle between the aN tangent at 7 or 7 and the required tangent BA. i If, instead of H and AH, the points JJ’ and A’ had been Hi selected, then vi (R — R') vers H'Ob qi sin. v= and H'OB= K'OJA = H'0b-+ 2. The length of BA should be obtained by measurement, but HA it may be calculated by He AB = ab — (R— RB’) sina’ (89) A KOA = HOB = KO'a —& When R = Rk’, x = 0, and HK is parallel to BA. | ue if | | In case the curves are reverse to each other, as tn i | f Fig. 41, i ; (R-+ R') vers KO'a HF in’ = ——_-___—— —-—— nearly. 90 I ane RoR ya KO ae ee ll If the points H’ and X’'’ are selected, Fig. 41, (R-+ R’) vers H'Ob Ih HK —(RtR) aia Hl Ob nearly. (91) it H'0B = K'0'A = H'0b +. sin? = FIELD ENGINEERING. The lines HK, AB, and QO’ all intersect in a common point J, Fig. 41. BELGE OE x HI = ELE (92) IB = VHI(HI+2R sin HOB) (98) iS Sea (94) These last three equations furnish another method of solving the same problem. They may be applied to Fig. 40 by changing the sign of R’. In Fig. 41, if R= R’, then HT = 44K and AB = 2/8. Fia. 42. 155. Given: two curves, O and O’, reverse to each other, joined by a tangent BA', and terminating in another tangent, B'F; to change the position of the Point of Tangent B of the first curve, so that the second curve may terminate in a given parallel tangent, B'F'’. Fig. 42. Let X be the required new position of B. ‘* Q" be the corresponding position of 0’. te to =A OLE rand peas ARO Since the radii and the connecting tangent are unchanged in length, and all rotate together about O as a centre, O” will be on a circle passing through O', described with a radius OO’, and the required angle BOX = 0'00". SIMPLE CURVES. 99 In the diagram, produce 0'A’ and draw the perpendicular OG, and let «=the angle 00'G. Also, draw OF parallel and O"K and O'H perpendicular to B’O'. In the triangle 00'G we have GO R+&k cot OO'G = Goo cota = “eae (95) and 00>-= rel (96) COs a The angle KOO' = 00'B'’ =a-+ A’. The angle KOO" = OO"B" =a-+ A’ KO = 00". cos(a + 'A"),, HO = 00’, cos(a« +. A”. HK = 00' [cos(a + A")—cos(a + A’)] = BF" cos (a -- A"). "cos (@ -- A Se ee (97) OX OOO a ee Be) ey (98) If we conceive a line to be drawn through O bisecting the arc 0'O", the angle it makes with B"O" is a mean between B'0'0 and B"0"0; hence the chord 0'O", perpendicular to this line, makes an angle with O'P perpendicular to B'O' of POO" =4[(@+ 4) ++] and since O'P = PO" cot PO'O" FR’ = B'F' cot t[(«e+t adt(etay] @9 which gives the distance, measured on the parallel tangent, between the old tangent point and the new. This problem occurs in practice when both the connecting tangent and the radius of the last curve are at their minimum limit, and the parallel tangent is énside of the old one, as in the figure. Should the new tangent be outside, the same for- mulse apply, only changing the sign of B’F’” in eq. (97). But in this last case it is usually preferable to employ problem § 136 or § 187. Example.—A 1° 40' curve is followed by a tangent of 200 ft., and that by a 4° curve of 10 stations ending in a tangent ; 100 FIELD ENGINEERING. and the offset to the given parallel tangent is 80 ft. on the inside. Required, the pasition of the new tangent points X and B", Here & = 3487.87, R' == 1482.69, BA’ = 200, B'F’ = 80. Iq. (95) R-+ R’ 4870.56 log 8.687579 BA! 200. log 2.301030 “Ge Pa} log cot 1.386549 Eq. (96) a 2° 21’ log cos 9.999635 vs 00' 3.687944 Eq. (97) B’F’ 80 1.903090 .01641 . 8.115146 a+ A’ 42° 21’ cos .73904 a+ A" 40° 56’ cos .75545 Wy. (98) BOX): 1°25 .-: BR =—s8b5 tt. Ane Eq. (99) PO'O" 41° 88’ 80” cot 1.12468 x 80 = 89.97 = #"T' 156. When the tangents of a proposed road are to be in general much longer than the curves, it is desirable to estab- lish the tangents first in making the location, and afterwards determine suitable curves. On the other hand, if the curves necessarily predominate, they should be first selected and adjusted to the ground with reference to grade and easy alignment, and afterwards joined by tangents. In the latter case the field work cannot be successfully accomplished unless the location has been previously worked out upon a correct map constructed from the preliminary surveys. The map Should show contours of the surface, and also the grade contour, or intersection of the surface and plane of the grade. In side-hill work the grade contour indicates approximately the degree and position of the necessary curves. In the work of selecting proper curves upon the map, templets or pattern curves are almost indispensable. The templets are cut to form a series of curves, the radii being taken from Table IV. to a scale corresponding to the scale of the map, which ranges from 400 to 100 feet per inch, according to the difficulty of the location. The templets should represent convenient curves, or those in which the number of minutes SIMPLE CURVES. 101 per station bear a simple ratio to 100. Curves of 50’ and multiples of 50° are most convenient; 40° curves and multi- ples standing next in order, and 30° curves and multiples next. TABLE OF CONVENIENT CURVES. D Ratio of Min. | D \Ratio of Min. D Ratio of Min. : to Feet. || : iP to dmeets 1 ; to Feet. 50’ | a bees 40’ 2:5 30’ 3:10 1° 40’ 1:1 1° 20’ | 4:5 | 4° QO | 3:5 2° 30/ | 3:2 R20 00 | 6:5 | 12° 80’ | 9:10 8° 20’ 2:1 De 40’ 8:5 | 2° 00/ 6:5 4° 10’ 5:2 |} 3° 207 | 2:1 2° 30/ 3:2 5° (0! 3:1 4° 0” | 12:5 3° 00/ 9:5 5° 50’ var) | 4° 40/ 14:5 3° 30’ 21:10 6° 40’ 4:1 || 5° 207 | 16:5 4° 00’ 12:5 7° 30 9:2 6° 00’ | 18:5 4° 30/ 27:10 82 20/ 5:1 6° 40’ | 4:1 5° 00’ 3:1 g° 10/ 11:2 |! FolOy | . 9222 5 5° 30’ 33 : 10 10° 00’ 6:1 8° 00/ | 24:5 ‘| 6° 00’ 18:5 After drawing the curves and tangents upon the map, the tangent points and central angles are carefully determined, the latter being compared with the lengths of the curves ob- tained by a pair of stepping dividers set precisely by scale to the length of one station. Field notes are then prepared from the map, and if the work has been well done these notes may be followed in the field with scarcely any alterations. No ordinary protractor will measure the angles closely enough for this purpose ; it is better to use a radius as large as convenient, of 50 parts. The chord of any arc drawn with this radius equals 100 times the sine of one half the angle subtended. The importance of having absolutely straight-edged rulers in such work is obvious. In case a very long line is to be projected upon the map, it is well to use a piece of fine sewing silk for the purpose. See §§ 53, 54. FIELD ENGINEERING. CHAPTER VI. CoMPOUND CURVES. A. Theory. 157. A compound curve consists of two or more consecu- tive circular arcs of different radii, having their centres on the same side of tbe curve ; but any two consecutive arcs must have a common tangent at their meeting point, or their radii at this point must coincide in direction. The meeting point is called the point of compound curve, or P.C.C. Compound curves are employed to bring the line of the road upon more favorable ground than could be done by the use of any simple curve. When a compound curve of two ares connects two tangent lines, the tangent points are at unequal distances from the intersection or vertex, the shorter distance being on the line which is tangent to the arc of shorter radius. 158, Let VA, VB (Fig. 48) be any two right lines inter- secting at V, and let A be the deflection angle between them. Let A and B be the tangent points of a compound curve (VA less than VS), and let AP, PB be the two arcs of the curve. The centre 0, of the arc AP will be found on AS, drawn per- pendicular to VA; the centre QO, of the arc PB will be found on BS produced perpendicular to VB; and the angle ASB will evidently equal A. Join VS, and on VS as a diameter describe a circle; it will pass through the points A and B, since the angles VAS, VBS are right angles in a semicircle. Draw the chord VQ, bisecting the angle A VB, and join AQ, BQ. Then AQ, BY are equal, since they are chords subtend- ing the equal angles AVQ, BVQ. From Q as.a centre, and with radius QA, describe a circle; it will cut the tangent lines at A and B, and also at two other points G and Y, such that VG = VA, and VY= VB. Hence BG = AY, and the parallel chords AG, BY are perpendicular to VQ. Join AB; then AQB = ASB = A, since both angles are subtended by the same chord AB. In the triangle VAB, the sum of the angles at A and B is equal to the exterior angle A between the tangents ; while their difference (A — B) is equal to the angle at the centre Q COMPOUND CURVES. 103 subtended by the chord BG, which is the difference of the sides (VB —V.A). For the angle VAB = VAG + GAB, and the angle VBA = VBY — ABY. But VAG = VBY and GAB = ABY, and by subtraction VAB — VBA = 2GAB = GQB, since A is on the circumference and Q at the centre. 159. Turorem—The circle YAGB, whose centre is Q, % the locus of the point of compound curve P, whatever be the relative lengths of the arcs AP, PB composing the curve. Fie. 43. On the circle YAGB, and between A and G, take any point P, and on AS find a centre O,, from which a circular arc may be drawn cutting the circle at A and P; also on BS produced find a centre Q., from which a circular are may be drawn cutting the circle at B and P. Join PQ, PO, and POs. Since when two circles intersect, the angles are equal be- tween radii drawn to the points of intersection, QPO:= QAO, 104 FIELD ENGINEERING. and @PO, = QBO,. Draw the chord QS and it subtends the equal angles (AO, = QBO.. Hence @PO, = QPO, and the radius PO, coincides in direction with the radius PO., which is the condition essential to a compound curve. Now, if we imagine another point P' to be taken on QP or on YP produced, and the arcs AP’ BP', drawn from centres found on AS and BS, it is evident that the equality of angles found in respect to P could not exist in respect to P’. Hence the arcs would intersect in P’ at some angle 0, PO, and would not form a compound curve. Therefore, Q. E. D. 160. THErorem.—Jn any compound curve the radial lines passing through the three tangent points A, P, and B are all tangent to a cirele having the point Q for its centre, and Jor tts diameter the difference of the sides VB and VA. Draw the three lines QM, QN, QL perpendicular to the radial lines BO,, AS, and PO, respectively. Then the three right-angled triangles BQN, PQL, and AQM are equal, since BQ = PQ = AQ =radius of the circle AGB, and the angles at B, P, and A are equal by the last theorem. Hence QM = QL = QN, and if a circle be described with this radius about Q, the three lines BO:, PO2, and AO, produced will be tan- gent to it. Draw QJ perpendicular to VB; it will bisect the chord GB in J; and QV = BI= $BG. Hence the diameter 2QN = BG = VB —VA; which was to be proved. Corollary 1. The compound curve intersects the circle AGB in the point P, at an angle equal to half the difference of the angles VAB, VBA, For QPL= QBN = BQOT=4BQG. The arc AP is exterior, and the arc PB interior to the circle AGB. Cor. 2. Since both centres are on the line PL, the position of the point P fixes the lengths of the radii of a compound curve. As P is moved toward G both radii are increased, until when P reaches G, AO; becomes AK, a maximum, while BO; becomes infinite. As P moves toward A both radii are diminished, but the least value of the are AP depends upon the least radius allowed on the road. If in the diagram we make AQ, equal to the least radius allowed, a right line drawn through the point 0, tangent to the circle ZMW fixes the corresponding minimum value of the arc AP, and also of the radius BO, for given values of VA, VB, and a. Be- » | COMPOUND CURVES. 105 tween these limits any desired values of the radii may be em ployed. Cor, 3. In the triangle SO,0., the sum of the two central angles A0,P and PO,B is equal to the exterior angle ASB = A; consequently, as the central angle of one arc is increased by any change in the position of the point P, the central angle of the other will be diminished an equal amount. or, 4. Only one value of the angle AO, P is consistent with a given value of the radius AQ,, since both depend on the variable position of the line PL; and for the same reason only one value of the angle BO.P is consistent with a given value of the radius BO.. Hence only one radius or one central angle can be assumed at pleasure, the remaining parts being deducible therefrom in terms of the sides VA, VB, and the angle A. B. General Equations. 161. Let 8, =the side VA, S, =the side VB Let R, — the radius AN, R, = the radius BO, aye dif VAS = BA; A =the sum VAB+ VBA “ a, =central angle AOiP, A. = central angle BOP. In the triangle BQJ, cot BOL = ae But JQ 2eV i xX cot 1QV = 4(S2 +S.) cot dA, and Bl = 4(S_ — S1). cot tv = = +5 cot 4A (100) a) 2 By Cor. 3, AitAr.=A (101) In the triangle AQM, AO, = AM— MO,._ But AM = MQ cot 4y, and MO, = MQ cot tA. Ry = U(S2 — &:) (cot 4v — cot £41) } (102) Similarly, Rs = 4(S2—- S:) (cot 4v + cot +A.) \ Subtracting, R, — Bi = (Sa — S1) (Cot 4A2 + cot $A1) (108) FIELD ENGINEERING. | RAL aa ora | plO2 — Al From (102), (104, RR cob PAs = 7g gy cota | In the triangle ABG, AB sin BAG coats sin AG@V or 3AB sin 4 tAiseiQdiceP ae (105) sin tA by which we find 3(S, — S,), when, instead of the sides and A, we have given AB, and the angles VAB and VBA. Rea From (103), 4(S: — 8,) = a roe meee TONE (106) R From (102), (107) Re cot $v = —.— —; — cotia bi EL ESS Hi 3(S2 — S,) cot 4 From (100) 4/8, + &) = 28s aa By (108) S, and S, are found by adding and subtracting the values found by egs. (106), (108). $(S_ — 8) sin 2A sin dy From (105), 44B= (109) ti which may be used instead of (108) when the sides are not re- | quired. VAB=}(A+y)and VBA=i(a — y). 162. Given: the sides VA = 8, and VB = &, and the angle A; assuming the shorter radius R,, to find Ai, Aa, and Ro. Use equations (100), (104), (101), (102), and (18). Hzample.—Let VA = 1899.90, VB = 1091.12. a = 74°, and assume A, = 955.37. COMPOUND CURVES. 107 (100) 4(S2 + S;) 1495.51 1(S, — S,) 404.39 LA Hf a a 04), G, (Uv = 6) (Sa — 81) ; pA 21° 27’ (101) 4 tA Sis wags Aa 15° 33’ (102) 37 $(S, — S1) R, (D = 1° 40’) log 3.174789 2.606800 < 0.567989 cot ‘* 0.122886 11° 31' 01".5 cot 4.90769 “ “ 0.690875 2.980170 ‘** 2.606800 2.36249 ‘© 0.378370 cot 2. 54520 3.59370 “« 4.90769 8. 50139 «0.929490 2.606800 3 536290 (18) Prd tay SS eee 42° 54’, Dy = ilo No 31¢ 06’, Dg — 1866. 163. Given: the line AB, and the angles VAB, VBA; assuming the longer radius R., to tind A>», Ss, and Ry. Example.—Let AB = 2487.82, VAB = 48° 31, VBA = 25° 29, and assume R, = 3437.87. (105) AB 1218.91 iy 11° 81’ i 37° - (4 — 81) 404.88 (104) Re Wy 11° 81! ie Seas a 15° 33' 101) $A oh ey 21° 27 i102) 4y 3(82 — 81) log 8.085972 sin “ 9.300276 ‘2.386248 ce 6 9.779468 «© 9606785 3.536289 8.50166 ‘< 0.929504 cot 4.90785 cot 3. 59381 cot 2.54516 «© 4.90785 9. 36269 log 0.373407 2.606785 2.980192 108 FIELD ENGINEERING. 164. Usually a compound curve is fitted by trial to the Shape of the ground, after which it may be desirable to ealculate the sides VA, VB, or the line AB, and the angles VAB, VBA. Example.—From the point of curve A, a 6° curve is run 715 feet to the P.C.C.; thence a 1° 40’ curve is run 1866 feet to the P.7. Required, the sides VA, VB, and the line AB, and angles VAB, VBA. Here R, = 955.87, A, = 42° 54, fi, = 8487.87, A = 31° 06’. (106) R.— Rh, 2482.50 log 3.894889 $Ai 21° 27 cot 2.54516 $A2 15° 33! ** 3.59370 6.13886 ** 0.788088 . 4S. — S,) 404.39 «2.606801 (107) A, «2.980170 2.36248 ‘< 0.878369 tar 21° 27’ cot 2.54516 ey, 11° 81' 01.7 “4.90764 “ 0.690873 (108) $(S2 — S;) 2.606801 ‘* 3.297674 2A 37° cot “ 0.122886 4(Sa + S;) 1495.51 “3.174788 Ss 1899.90 8, 1091.12 VAB 48° 81’ VBA 25° 29' (109) 4(S2 — S,) “2.606801 tA 87° sin “ 9.779463 2, 386264 ly 11° 81’ 01".7 sin “ 9.300294 1AB 1218.91 3.085970 AB 2437, 82 165. Given: the radii R,, Ra, the angle A, and one xde, VA, or VB, to find the other side and the central angles Ay, COMPOUND CURVES. 109 In the triangle AM/Q, AO, = AM — MO; = IQ — MQ cot MO,Q: or R, = 4(S2 + Si) cot $A — $(S2 —Si) cot FA1 whence 4(S, +. 8) = 4(Sq —S,).cot tA) tan 4A + R, tan 4A By eq. (106) sin +Ae sin $A sin 4A 4(Sq — 1) = (Re > R;) Substituting this above, subtracting and reducing Sy a dais — Ry) sin +Ag pais AS ot + R, tan 4A But #(A — A:) = $A, and 2 sin? $A. = vers Ae, whence i= (R. — fy) vers A: + Ri vers A (110) sin A Transposing, Ht S, sin A — fi, vers A a vers Ace = a eee (111) | Similarly, from the triangle BQO: 7 ad 1) it —— 4(S, = S;) cot tA ob 4(S2 aad 81) cot +Ag i) H | from which and eq. (106) we derive 2, vers A — (RR. — Ay) vers A | g, Ba vors A’ (Ra— Ri) vers Av aia) | sin A | and R, vets A — S. sin A (112) ai 3 i 119 FIELD ENGINEERING. Hvample.—Given : VA = 8, = 1091.12, A = 74’, and the radii R, = 955.37, Rz = 3437.87, to find A,, As, and S. (111) S, 1091.12 log 3.037873 A "4° sin ** 9.982842 1048.85 “ 3.020715 Ri © 2.980170 A 74° vers *£ 9.859956 692.03 “9 840196 ! 306.82 «© 2.552449 i R, — R, 2482.50 ‘3 394889 Hi Ke 81° 06’ vers “ 9.157566 1 ASIN 42° 54! «46 9 497954 1 (112) R, — R, “3 394889 663.96 “9999143 R, ‘© 3536289 A vers ‘* 9.859956 2490.26 “3 396245 1826.30 “3 961572 A sin “ 9.982849 Sa 1899.90 “3 978730 166. Given : one side, and the radius and central angle of the adjacent arc, to find the other radius and side. From eqs. (111), (118) we have S, sin A — R&, vers j 1 |. y ers A Eg Te Se 3 Se sat - vers Ag (114) ey vers A — So sin A | vers Ay Be Ri = by one of which the required radius may be found; the required side is then found by eq. (110) or (112), as in the last problem. Lzample.—Given : VA =S; = 1091.12 a = 74°, R, = 955.37 and A; = 42°54’; to find R, Aa == 74° — 42° 64’ = $1° 06 COMPOUND CURVES. Lil (114) ref 1091.12 log 8.037873 K "4° gin 9.982842 1048.85 << 3.020715 R 955.37 | “ 9.980170 A 74° “ vers 9.859956 692.03 “ 2.840126 356.82 “ 9.552449 a 31°06 © vers 9.157556 a. Ry — R, 2482.52 «“ 3.394893 SoBe 3437.89 Fig. 44, Otherwise: Fig. 44. If convenient in the field, a tan- gent PV, may be run from the point P to intersect the farther tangent. The -distance PV, multiplied by cot $4; will equal the radius R, by eq. (25). 167. Remarks.—If the first arc AP be produced to G, Fig. 44, so that A0,@ = A, then Gis the tangent point of a tangent parallel to VB, and by $187, the tangent point B must be on the line PG produced. Conversely, if the point B is assumed, and the arc AG given, the point P must be on the line BG@ produced. The radius R, may be found by 112 FIELD ENGINEERING. sho LP being measured on the ground ; similar triangles R,: R, :: BP : GP. The distance VD, Fig. 48, from the vertex to the circle AGS is expressed by the formuia ite or by ex'sec ey sin dy VD = 3(82—8)) - (115) Tf the point P falls at D, then VD is also the distance of the curve from the vertex measured on the line VQ. But when P falls at D, the radius PO, is perpendicular to the line AB, and A, = VAB, and A, = VBA. When a, is greater than VAB, the arc AP, being exterior to the circle, cuts the line VD; but when A, is less than VAB, the arc PB cuts the line DQ. If the line O.P produced passes through V, we have S.— i+ & giving A: = 4A + QVLand As = $A — QVL. When A, is greater than this, we have for the external distance of the vertex SiR Wy Da ts Sin (116) Hi, = R, ex sec AO, V in which the angle AQ, V is found by the formula cot AO, V= de, oi? and #, is measured on a line VO,, making the angle £51 AVVO; = 90° — AO,V. When A, is less than (}A + QVL), we have similar expres- sions with respect to the arc BP and centre Oy. 168. To locate a compound curve » when the point of com- pound curve is inaccessible. Fig. 45. Hach are being in itself a simple curve is located as such. When the P.C.C. is accessible, the transit is placed over it, and the direction of the common tangent found, from which the second arc is then located. When the P.C.C. is not accessible, the common tangent Vi V2 may be found by locating the points V,; and V2, which may be easily done, since V:A = ViP= R, tan +Aj, and COMPOUND CURVES. 113 V.B = V2P = ft, tan 4 Ae, from which eacl: are may then be located by offsets or otherwise, as in the case of simple curves Should the points V,; V2 be obstructed, the common tangent may be found by an offset 7G = LP from any convenient point /7, for knowing the angle HO,P, we have HG = R, vers 110, P, and. GP.= & sin -HO,P. If the cutire tangent V, too much obstructed for use, the parallel line ZA may be employed, observing that the Ae -gee ey weatdil. angle PO. is found by vers PO.K = Re and the distance v2 LE by LK = R, sin PO,K, by which a point # on the second arc is found having a tangent offset KAJ = HG. Fig. 46. Fic. 45. Should the line HK be also obstructed, we may run the in- verted curve HP’ = HP and P'K = PK to find the point K from which so much of the second are as is accessible may be located. C. Special Problems in Compound Curves. 169. Given: a compound curve ending in a tangent; to change the P.C.C. so that the curve may end in a@ given parallel tangent. Fig. 46. Let APB be the given curve ending in VB, «< V'B' be the given parallel tangent, ‘‘ » = perpendicular distance between tangents. It is required to change the point P, and with it the values of A, and Ag, so that with the same radii R, and AR, the new curve AP’B’ may end in the parallel tangent V'B. 114 FIELD ENGINEERING. a. When the tangent V'B' is inside of VB: Let A, = AGP, Ay = AOLP’, Ar= PO.B, Ad’ = P'0,8B, and in the diagram draw 0G perpendicular to BO,; then GO, = 0:0, cos Ao, KO, = 0,0. cos Ao’. Subtracting, since 0:0. = 0,02' = (Rh, — fa), and K0O;' ~ G0, = GB— AB =p, p= (hk; — A) (cos Ay’ — COs Ae) whence pe eee Ay (117) cos Ai = dis ee R, : PO,P' =(A2 — Ad’) and the point P is zdvanced, b. When the tangent V'B' is outside of VB: | p=(R. — R,) (cos Aa — COS Az’) i i whence ee S P PO, P’ =(Ae’ — As)and the point P is moved back and the arc AP diminished. Fie. 47. | In case the curve terminates with the arc of shorter ‘| radius, or R, follows R.. Fig. 47%. ec. When V'B is inside of VB: p= (R = Ri) (cos Ay — COs Ai) whence cos A, = cos Ai — Peas (119) POP’ = (Ay — «A1) and the point P is moved back. COMPOUND CURVES. 115 d. When V'B' is outside of VB: p = (fig — Ri) (cos Ay’ — cos A:) whence p 0S Ai = Os Ai Fiols B (120) bg — 401 PO,P’ =(A: — 41) and the point P is advanced. Example.—Let R = 9992.01, Ri = 1432.69, Ae= 28°, and p = 20.07 inside of VB; case a. p 20.07 log 1.302547 (117) R, — R, 859.32 ‘* 2.934155 023356 ‘* 8.368392 As 28° cos .88205_ A's 25° ‘* 906306 POG: 3° 170. Given: a compound curve terminating mn a tangent, to change the P.C.C. and also the last radius, so that the curve shall end in a parallel tangent at a point on the same radial line as before. Fig. 48. Fig, 48. Let APB be the given curve ending in the tangent VB; let V'B' be the given parallel tangent; and let 9 = BBA= Hl= tne perpendicular distance between tangents. ' Tt is required to change the point P to P’, and also the value of R, to R,', so that the new curve May endin V'B’' at 2’ inside of VB on the same radial line BOs. In the diagram produce the ‘are AP. to G to meet 0:4 drawn parallel to 0.B; then PO,G = Az. Draw the chord PB, and it will pass through G. Lay off the distance p from 116 FIELD ENGINEERING. Bon BO; to find B'; draw B'G and produce it to intersect the arc APG in P'.. Then P’ is the P.C. C. required. Join P' 0; and produce it to meet BO: produced in 0... Then P'0.' = B'0,' = Rf,’ the new radius, with which describe the are P'B'. By Geom. Tab. I. 18: PBV =} P0:B = 44a, and @B'V' =4P'O.B =4A0'. PGP’=BGB' = #A2— A?) Draw 0,K perpendicular to BO. Then OK = BH=s B= 0; O. sin Gy = (Re == R) sin Ag GH 2 GI s2 x GI tan tO. = pr tan Ae SBC) EBLE p t tAo == te 4 — —— F antAce ané+Ae (Racadhisin Ds (121) In the triangle 0:0:02' sin Ae’: in Aat: 0100: O100'::: (Re. —)Ra) 3\(Re = fi) and ‘ mae ME |< cla. Ry == (be Ry) Tae: + fy (122) If B'V' were outside of VB; p = tan ? : 9 tan Ao an 4Aqgt+ (R; Se R,) sin A‘ (1 3) Ri = (Rae hee (122) sin Ag When the smaller radius R, follows R,: If the given tangent B'V' is inside of BV. Fig. 49. tan 4A,’ = tan4Ai + Aiea . (124) 1 1 j Mpg eT PARIS, ca gee (125) sin Ai COMPOUND CURVES. If B'V' is outside of BV: pid jhe ye “OS eee tan Ai SS valk 3.28 1 (R; — R) bins Aa (126) Rico haa. RD So (125) Fia. 49. Example 1.—Ig. 48. Let R, = 2292.01 p = 20.07 inside. “« Ry, = 1482.69 Ag = 28° (121) Ry — R, = 859.32 log 2.984155 Mh As 28° log sin 9.671609 Hh: 2.605764 | p 20,07 1.302547 | 04975 8.696783 IM tan Ae 24933 | .*. tan $Ae! 19958 ab atg Wh Gea 92° 84’ sin 9.584058 Vn (Ry B,) 2.934155 i 3.350097 | i 28° sin 9.671609 (Ra’ ~ Ri) 1051.25 3.021706 R, 1482.69 Ans. R,! 9483.94 .*. D = 2° 18' 26" PO P == 128° 22°84) = 5° 26°. PPo = 135.83 ft. 1is FIELD Keample 2.—Fig. 49. Let R, = 2292.01 pp ENGINEERING. = 20.07 inside. — AG. (124) R,— R, 859.82 log 2.934155 Ai 46° log sin 9.856934 2,.'791089 p 20.07 1.302547 08247 8.511458 tanyA, 42447 23° tan $A,' 45694 24° 333! SNE 49° 07’ log sin 9.878547 Peer 9.934155 3.055608 Nie 46° log sin 9.856934 817.60 2.912542 Re 2292.01 Ans. »| Ry 1474.41 0D =B° 53" 12" PO:P! = Ay! — A: = 8°07.” are PP’ =" = 124.67 ft. Observe that in either figure both tangents must be on the same side of the point G, in order to a solution. Fra. 50. 17. Given: a compound curve ending in a tangent, to change the last radius and also the position of the P.C.C., so that the curve may end in the same tangent. Fig. 50. y COMPOUND CURVES. 119 I. When the curve ends with the greater radius Re. Let APB be the compound curve in which R; R, A, and A» are known. in the diagram draw the chord PB and produce the first arc AP to meet it in G; draw 0,G, and produce it to meet the tangent in K. Then by § 137 O,K is parallel to 0.B, and by eq. (57) MI GK = (R. — RB.) vers Aa (127) ni If we assume P' as the new P.O.C,, we have A2'= P'0,'B,, and the chord P’G produced will intersect the tangent at the new point of tangent B’, and BO,' = R,'. . Similar to eq. (12) | \ we have HH GK = (R;' — R,) vers A: Wi and equating the two expressions, we obtain HA) rae (R, — Ri) vers Az _ GK Fy! = Fa vers Ae pie vers Ad eo) He If we assume Raz, we have vee R, — hy GK Fil hts Cate a ere A 2 vers Aa = By Bye pied ah Bas Bh , In the two right-angled triangles BAG and B'KG, we have BK = GK cot tAs i BK = GK cot 4A: Win and by subtraction, | | | BB’ = GK (cot 443' — cot 44s) (130) | in which GA is obtained from eq. (127). ti} When BB’ as given by eq. (180) is negative, the point B’ falls He between B and V. If we assume the distance BB’ on the tangent, we have from the last equation, BB' cot Aq — cot +Ae 3 GK (131) 120 FIELD ENGINEERING, GK being obtained from eq. (127) and FR,’ from eq. (128). In eq. (181) use the + sign when B' is beyond B as in the Fig. 50. ' Il. When the given curve ends with the smaller radius R,. Fig. 51. Fig. 51. We have by a similar reasoning GK = (R, — Ri) vers A, (132) 2 — Ry 1 vers A, vers Ai 1 fe fy ~__ GK vers Ai = era, vers: Ay = Drie he (134) BB = GK (cot $41 — cot $A1) (185) BRB cot¢A, = cot pA, += (136) GK using the — sign when £' is beyond B. Hxanvple.—Fig. 51. Let R. = 2292.01, RA, = 1482.69, aA; = 46°, and let the P.C.C. be moved back 200 feet from P to P’; hence PO,’P’ = 5° and A,’ = 51°: to find the new radius R,' and the distance 4) COMPOUND CURVES. log 2.934155 Kg. (182) R2 — BR, 859.32 Ai 46° « vers 9.484786 7. Ge log 2.418941 eq. (188) Ai’ 51° « vers 9.568999 R, — Ri 707.85 2.849942 Hy Ry 2292.01 il syn 1584.16 and D = 3° 87’ ) eq. (185) GK log 2.418941 Hine cot $A, 2.35585 23° A cot $A1' 2.09654 25° 30' | A 0.25981 log «9.418819 it - BB 68.04 1.832760 i 172. Given: a compound curve ending in a tangent, the last | i} radius being the greater, to change the last radius and AW also the position of the P.C.C. so that the curve may end at the 1 same tangent point, dui with a given difference in the direction of the tangent. Fig. 92. Let APB be the given compound curve, PO, = R, and PO, = R, > fi. Bi Let V’Bbe the new tangent, and the angle VBV' =, the i I given difference in direction: to find BO,’ = R,', BO,’P' = H A,’ and the angle P0,P'. g {22 FIELD: ENGINEERING. We have Bo, oe 0,02 = Re Fi (Re <= R,) = Ri Bo,’ a 0, 0, = R, a (Re'— Ry) = Ti; From which we see that whatever may be the value of the new radius, the difference of the distances from B and O, to the new centre is constant, and equal to Ri. We therefore conclude that the centres 0, and OQ,’ are on an hyperbola of which B and O, are the foci, and R, the major axis. This suggests an easy graphical method of solving the problem. tilt Through B draw a line perpendicular to the new tangent At V'B which will give the direction of the required centre O,', He On this line lay off BK equal to A, and since (y’ — hy) = a 0,0.' = K0,', if we join KOQ,, the triangle KO,'0, is isosceles; i} therefore bisect KO, and erect a perpendicular from the mid- dle point to intersect the line BA produced in 0,'. Draw 0,0, and produce it to intersect the are AP (produced if necessary) in P'.. Then P’ is the new P.O.C. required, and BO,’ = P'0O,' = R,', the new radius. The analytical solution 1s as follows: Adopting the usual notation of the hyperbola Let 22 = R, = the-fajor axis, ‘© 9 — BO, = the distance between foci. Produce the arc AP and through B draw the’ tangent BH, and join HO, = R,. Then im the right-angled triangle BHO, | 1) BH? = BO, — R,? = 4c° — 4@? Now by Anal. Geom., c? —a@’ = 0’. Therefore 2b = BH = the minor axis. Draw the chord PB and produce the arc AP to cut it in G Then by Geom. (Table I. 24) BH*?= PB x GB = 2R, sin +Ag x 2(Re — R,) sin +Ao = 2 sin dae Ratha — Ba) (137) ny COMPOUND CURVES. 123 Let a = the angle HO,S, then BH R, tan Q = Pie and Bo, =. Coe a (138) In the triangle BO, 02 let 0,BO. = f ; then igi Ras Bi | i} vg eh Bo, sin Ae (139) iM The polar equation of the hyperbola for the branch 10,02’, taking the pole at B and estimating the variable angle » from the line BO,, is Hy c¢.cosv—a ii r= Wheno =f +4, r= Ry, and substituting the values ot a, b, and ¢ found above, we have BH? i 2 (BO, cos (6 + 7) — fi) (140) at Ry — using (+7) when V’ falls between V and A, as in the figure, and ( — 7) when V’ falls beyond V. In the triangle BO,0,', the angle BO.'O, = As’ and Ha Bo, } Bi & sin As’ = a7 qe sin (f + t) (141) We Finally EE STOR 6 RIE ae | Remark.—When V’ falls between V and A, as in Fig. 52, if | the angle é be greater than the angle VBH, the curve ceases to 1 be a compound, and becomes reversed. Therefore VBH = | «a — fis the maximum value of 7 possible in this case. When , id V' falls beyond V, the point P’ will fall between Pand A; ll and the largest possible value of 4 will then be that which renders PO, P’ = Ai, and makes the point P’ coincide with A. 124. FIELD ENGINEERING. Example.—Fig. 52. Let Ri = 1482.69 Ai = 31° a=. = 2292.01 As = 56° 2 (137) R, — RB, 859.82 log 2.984155 R, 2292.01 3.360217 2) 6.294372 3.147186 1KY 28° log sin 9.671609 2 0.301030 a BH 3.119825 (138) R, 1432.69 3.156151 a 42° 36' 28".7 log tan 9.968674 a 43°. 36) 23.7 log cos 9.866889 os, BO, 3.289262 (139) R, — R, 3 2.934153 9.644893 Aa 56° log sin 9.91857 B 21° 28’ 06".3 log sin 9.563467 (140) B+a 27° 98’ 06".3 log cos 9.948053 BO, 3.289262 1727.09 3.237315 R, 1432.69 294.40 X 2 = 588.80 2.769968 BE? 6.239650 Ry’ 2949.05 3.469682 (141) .°. Aa’ = 36° 18’ 26" (142) .°. PO,P' = 18° 41' 84" = 342.8 feet. Remark—This problem may also be solved by first finding the new sides V'A, V'B, from which and the new central angle (A + 7), and the radius #,, may be found A,’, Az, and 2.’, as in $162. The new sides are readily found from the old ones by solving the triangle VBV’. If the original sides are not given, they must be calculated as in § 164. 173. Given: a compound curve ending in a tangent, the last radius being the less, to change the last radius and the position of the P.C.C. 80 that the curve may end at the same tangent point, dut with w given difference im the direction of tangent. Fig. 53. ny COMPOUND CURVES. 125 Let APB be the given curve, and PQ: = R2,and PO; = R, < R. Let V’Bbe the new tangent, and VBV' =1, the ziven angle; to find BO,’ = R,', BO,'P'= Ay, and PO.P’. We have Bo, + 0,02 — Ri; + (Re — RF) = R, Bo,’ +. O05 a RS + (R, ae Rs) => R, from which we infer that the locus of the centre O,' is an iN ellipse, of which B and OQ, are the foci, and & the major axis, . Fie. 53. since the sum of the distances BO,’ and 0,0,’ is always equal Bi to Re. This suggests an easy graphical solution of the prob- blem, as follows : Perpendicular to V'B draw the indefinite line BA, which Hy will contain the required centre 0,', and lay off BK = fy. | Join KOxz, bisect it, and from the middle point erect a perpen- Hi | dicular to intersect BK in 0,'.. Join 020,’ and produce the Hi line to intersect the arc AP (produced if necessary) in P’, | which is the new P.0.0. required. P'O.' = BOS Br abhe required radius, and P! Of Bid 1: The analytical solution is as follows: Adopting the usual notation of the ellipse, let 24 = R, = the major axis, ‘© 9¢ — BO, — the distance between foci. At Berect BH perpendicular to BO; to intersect the arc AP w 126 FIELD ENGINEERING. (produced if necessary) in H, and join HO, = R,. Then BH? = R,? — BO,’ = 4a — 4¢ But by Anal. Geom., a? —. ¢? = 0. Hence 2b = BH = the minor axis. In the triangle BO,O, we know BO, = R,, and 0,0; = R, — R,, and the included angle BO,O0, = 180° — A,; hence by Trig. (Tab. II. 25) tan 3(0,0.B — 0,BO:2) = a tandAi (148) 2 Wy The angles at B and 0, are then found by (Tab. II. 26). Ail Let 6 = the angle 0,B0.; then | sin A, | BOs = (ha — fis) sin 6 (144) The value of BH? above may be written BH? = (R, + BO) (R2*— BO2) (145) The polar equation of the ellipse, taking the pole at B, and estimating the variable angle v from the axis BOs, is }? ~ &@—C. COSY When » = 6 ¥ 7, then r = Ry’, and substituting the values of a, b, and ¢, given above, we have BH? th = 9(R, — BO, cos (B ¥ 4) (146) HA using (# —7) when V" falls between Vand A, as in Fig. 93, ni and (8+ ¢) when V’ falls beyond V. | in the triangle BO,'O,, the angle O,'BO, = (fF ¢), and the exterior angle BO;'P’ = Ax‘; hence BO ; ; oa Pe sin (f F 7) (147) sin Aa = Finally PO,P' =(A, #¢)— Al (148) When V’ is on AV, then POP’ is negative, showing that it must be laid off from P toward A; but when V’ is beyond COMPOUND CURVES. 127 V, then PO,P’ is positive, and P’' will be on AP produced The only limits imposed on the angle ¢ are that the resulting value of PP’ shall not exceed PA, and that R,' shall not be less than a practical minimum. Example.— Fig. 538. Let Dy =.3° 20’. Ra=.1719.12. Ar = 28° 20° ip Us R, = 955.87 A, = 48 t= 45 The resulting values are as follows: p 21° 09’ 82".6 BO, 1572.42 3.196567 HH? 5.688829 Ry 1273.65 3.105652 Ay 54° 56 POP! 14° 41’ 2 PE, 440.5 (See also remark at end of $172.) 174: Given a simple curve joining two tangents, to re- place it by a three-centred compound curve between the same tangent points. Fig. 54. Fig. 54. Let R = AO = radius of simple curve. R, = P0O,=P'0A, Ah; whence sin +A — Sa (151) In selecting values for A, and fs, the degree of curve D, should be but little greater than D of the simple curve, say from 30 to 60 minutes, while Dz may be taken at 4D to 4D. Eeample.—Given: R= 1719.12 D= 3°. 20'. A = 40° Let R, = 1432.69 D, = 4° «© R, = 5729.65 D, =1° Ry — R 4010.53 R, — R, 4296.96 log 3.603202 3 633161 “« 9.970041 tA . 20° log sin 9.584052 tA 18° 36°57" ‘* “ 9.504093 A 87° 13' 54" Ae 1° 23° 038" AP = P’B : 138.48. Again we may assume A, and fy, whence AN er Aa 7 2Ae and . #sinta — R, sinéAy ve Fees Kinin Gn, R, and deduce the values of As, Ai, and AA’, Solving eq. (155) _ (R— Ry) versta _ GK Were Ay Cr a ee nly (157) Eq. (154) gives A., and eq. (156) gives AA’ COMPOUND CURVES. Example.—Fig. 55. Given: R= 764.489 D = TV 30’ Let R, = 716.779 ye hl “« R, = 3487.870 Dz = 1° 40’ (155) R — Ay 47.71 +A 20° GK R,— Ry 2721.091 Ae (say) 2° 38° ie A'P 158.00 Ai = 34°44 (156) tAs 43.5081 = cot 1°19 +A 5.67138 cot 10° 37.8368 Gk AA’ 108.87 131 A = 40° log 1.678609 log vers 8.780370 log 0.458979 ° 3 434743 log vers 7.024236 log 1.577914 0.458979 «© 2.036893 Again, we may assume Az and Ay < R; whence A, = A — 2A: and eq. (155) GK = (Rk — &) vers tA and GK fis = Briere Ae Eq. (156) gives AA’. (158) Again, we may assume Az and the distance AA’, whence, from eq. (156) . AA' GK = : cot $A2e— cotzA GK AACE = R — —_— eq. (155) R= R SAN eq. (158) gives Re. (159) Again, we may assume R, < Rand AA’; then, eq. (155) = (R — R,) verstA and eq. (156) cot 4A, = cotta + = and eq. (158) gives Rs. (1603 132 FIELD ENGINEERING. Hxample.—Fig 59. Given: R = 764.489 DZ T 3 A = 40° Let) Ah, = 716,779 BD, = ee AA: Hence by last example, GK log 0.458979 eq. (160) AA’ 110. 2.041393 38.2309 1.582414 _ cot $A 5.6713 10° cot tAe 43.9022 1° 18’ 18” log 1.642486 (158) Ae (say) 2° 87 log vers 7.018147 GK 0.458979 R,— Ri = 2759.5 3.440832 R, 3476.3 Deg == lod AP’ 157. Ai = 384° 46 Il. The curve Sharpened at the tangents. Fig. 56. This case will only occur when, with a given external dis tance VH, a simple curve would absorb too much of the tan- gents. Fie, 56. Let AHB be the simple curve, and “ 4'PHP'B'the required compound curve, hg == PO. = HOF A, POF “ R= PO, = AO. B'0,; 4:2 A OP= P'0;B', We have from the figure, 24Ai+ Bo= &. (161) COMPOUND CURVES. 139 In the diagram draw 024 parallel to OA cutting the tan- gent at K, and produce the arc HP to G. Draw the chords GH and GP, passing through A und A’ respectively. We have then a discussion similar to the preceding case, and to the problem § 171, Fig. 51, whence we derive the general formule: GK = (R, — Rh) vers Ai = (R. — R) vers +A (162) and AA' = GK (cot $A: — cot ¢A) (163) 1. Assuming fi < Rand R, > Rk Gk Ry — R vers: Ai =" = ae, SO vers 4A (164) 9. Assuming A, < 4A and diy << Se ra 1 ae R vers tA — Ry vers Ai (165) Ri a vers $A — Vers Ai 3. Assuming Ai < $A and AA AA’ GK = Ta; = cotta ie Gk Ba = Rat vere FA ett GK By = Be ers Bi a 4, Assuming R, > R and AA’ GK = (R. — R) verszA cot.4Ai.= cobtA +. pi (169) The third assumption will usually secure most readily the desired curve. AA’ should be assumed as small as the nature of the case will allow, and A, should not be much smaller than $A. It is evidently not necessary that the new curve should be symmetrical; for having laid out the curve A' PH, the simple curve HB may then be used, or, if desirable, some compound curve HP'B' determined by an assumed value of BB’ not equal to AA’. 134 FIELD ENGINEERING. These formule (154) to (169) are readily adapted to the case of substituting a compound for a simple curve when it is necessary to keep one tangent point fixed, but to move the other a certain distance in either direction on the tangent. For if in Figs. 55, 56, we draw a tangent at H, and make H the fixed point of tangent, it is evident that the central angle of the curve will then be AOH. The only change necessary, therefore, to adopt the formule to this case is to write A in place of +A, and to observe, instead of eqs. (154) (161), that Ai 4 Aze= A. Hrample.— Fig. 55. Let it = "TOM. 08 = Be" Assume AA’ = 260. Ayes 08" 2S. Age S Kq. (166) AA’ = 260. log 2.414973 : cotsA, 2.90421 19° cotta 2.60509 21° .29912 log 9.475846 rs GK “ 2.939127 Eq. (167) 4A 42° ** vers 9.409688 3384.07 3.529439 R 1910.08 ee R, 5294.15 D = say 1° 05’ Eq. (168) GA log 2.939127 Ai 38° *“ vers 9.326314 4100.27 3.612818 R, 1193.88 D= 4° 48' AP 791.67 PH = 369.23 177. Given, two curves joined by a common tangent to replace the tangent by a curve compounded with _ the given curves. Fig. 57. Let R, = BO; the radius of one curve, fits = AO; the radius of the other curve, > R,, 1 = BA the common tangent, ““ R; = PO, = P'O, the radius of connecting curve. ““ As = POP’ the central angle of “ 4 ‘a= AO;P' and 6 = BOP. COMPOUND CURVES. 135 In the diagram join 0,0; and draw 0,G parallel to BA. Then in the right-angled triangle 0; GO, we have, .. GO, Bs—k cot 4 = rita be j (170) 0:03 = pis preak tC al eS. (171) COS 7 §1nN 2 which gives the distance between the centres of the given curves. ace sena Dewees Fra. 57. Wh We shall now assume the following geometrical truths, fll} which may be easily demonstrated. it If two circles intersect in one point, they intersect in two points; and the line joining the two points is the common chord. The common chord is perpendicular to the line joining the centres, and when produced it bisects the common tangents. If a third circle is drawn touching the two circles, a tangent to the third cirele, parallel to the common tangent, will have its tangent point on the common chord produced. Conversely, therefore, if the tangent BA be bisected at K, HI | and a line, KJ, drawn perpendicular to 0,03, KI will coincide | with the common chord produced, and the angle Anes AO,0, =?. If on KI we assume a point T through which 1 it is desirable that the connecting curve should pass, then J is | the tangent point of a tangent parallel to BA; consequently i a line through J perpendicular to BA contains the required | eentre Ox. 136 FIELD ENGINEERING. All I. Let p = HI = the perpendicular distance between the tangents. If in the diagram we join [A and JB, and produce the chords to intersect the given curves in P and P', then P and P’ are the points of compound curvature; and the lines PO, and P'Os produced will intersect JO, in the same point 0,; and the angles P'O,J = « and PO.I = f. In the triangle AJB the line KT bisects the base AB, and we have by Geom. Tab. I. 25. AI? + BI? = 24K? + 2KT? By eq. (56) AI = 2(R. — Rs) sin 4a i) BI = AR, = R,) sin 38 AK =H ands /KI 2. S1n 2 Seley . 4a — Rey sin? ta + 4(Ra — Ray sin? 48 = 4P + Dividing by 2 and putting vers « = 2 sin? ta and vers paa 2 sin? 46 (Tab. IT. 46) 9 (fh, — Rs)? vers « + (Rz — Ri)? vers 6 = 4P +. os But by eq (57) { Hi i (R. — Rs) vers a = (R, — R,) vers B = p (172) p QRy = (Ry + R))= ye 4 Hii} sin? 7 P Dp | | From (172) Pp Pp = ——_ ; So sve a 174 vers @ a vers fj jek (174) and from the figure These formule solve the problem when p is assumed, If desirable we may find a and ( independently of R., for in COMPOUND CURVES. the triangle AJB, JAB = 4a and IBA = 14; and since HK = p cot 2, AH 41 — HK l ; ty cot ja = aT = 2p — cot? (176) We AK Y ; fe = -— a == op + cot2 (177) II cot 46 Il. In case a or f ts assumed, we have from the last equa- tion l l = —<~ = 178 RES 2(cot +a + cot 7) cot 44 — cot 2) fa79) Ill. In case the radius Ry is assumed, then in the triangle 0,0.03 we know all three sides ; for 0:02 = (Ry — fh), 0,03 = (R2 — Ri), and 0,03 = Ba ey COS @ By Trig. (Table II. 31.) 2 ‘ae 9 s— € vers Ae = He oe a ; 0320s) 1 2 7 B) in which s = + sum of the three sides. Substituting values, and reducing, observing that, tai) (itd) maces (om : ern =f SOP AIAN and that (R; — R,) tan 7 = J, we have [? vers Ac = 5(Ry — Ri) (Ra — Ba) (179) In the same triangle. : : 030. sin 0,0,0. = sin Ae 60. But from the figure 0;0,0. = 7 — #, and taking the value of 0,0, from eq. (171). FIELD ENGINEERING. sin (i — 6) = (A, — Bs) sin As sin (180) We then find a@ from eq. (175) and p from (172). The angles « and # may be found otherwise, for by Trig “Tab. Il. 27) we have in the triangle 0,0,0; sin +(0, Os Oz as 0; 0, Oz) = eal COS Ao 1 3 or ‘ ., &€—f\ _ (Rs — R,) cost costAg sin (90 —(@+ ae) a Rate *. Cos («+ £ 3") = COS?. Cos 4A, (181) which is a convenient formula when ¢ and A; are not too a—fp small. Having obtained ao ft we have a— p ie a—p 9 PA gre (182) a= gAot For a constant value of / the Jess the difference of R; — R, the greater will be the value of the angle 7. When R; = R,, cot ¢ = 0 and ¢ = 90° and the tangent point T will be ona per- pendicular to BA drawn through the middle point A; and a= f. On the contrary, as (R,; — ft,) increases, 7 becomes less, and the foot, H, of the perpendicular HZ moves toward B, the tangent point of the curve of smaller radius R;. The distance HK = p cot ¢. The connecting curve is farthest from the tangent BA at J. To find the ordinate from BA to the curve at any other point, subtract from p the tangent offset for the length of curve from J to the ordinate in ques- tion. §115, eq. (89) may be used on flat curves with tolera- ble accuracy, even when the distance equals several hundred feet. IV. It is evident that in this problem R, must be greater than either R, or R;. As the centre O, is taken nearer the a a COMPOUND CURVES. 139 linc 0,03, Rz grows less, and is a minimum when OQ, falls on the line 0,03. In this case we have A. = 180°, and R, = (Rk; + R, +0,0;); a minimum. (183) This limit must be regarded in assuming the value of Ry. Since 0,0, aps 0:03 — (Lt. rx R,) wy (Re a Rs) == (Rs <7 Rf) a constant value, independent of R:, we infer that the centre OQ, is always on a hyperbola of which O,; and Qs are the foci; (R, — R,) equals the diameter on the axis joining the foci; and / equals the diameter at right angles to it, for in the tri- angle 0,4 0s, i? =O, 0g he aie (184) Example.—Fig. 57. Given: R, = 1482.69 Rs; = 1910.08 and / = 400. Assume p= 11.4 to find Ry, and £. Eq. (170) Rs — A, 477.39 log 2.678873 l 400. ‘© 2.602060 39° 57’ 84" log cot 0.076818 i Eq. (1°78) i 39° 57' 34" sin 9.807701 5 39° 57°34" sin? 9.615402 D 11.4 log 1.056905 * 217.64 <* 1441508 419 «4.602060 p “1.056905 * - 3508.77 “3.545155 R+R, 8842.77 2) 6879.18 oh R; 3439.59 (say) 8487.87 Eq. (174) p 11.4 “© 4.056905 R,—R; 1527.79 «3.184064 a 7° 00' log vers 7.872841 11.4 log 1.056905 p R,— Rk, 2005.18 «© 3.802153 p (nearly) 6° 07’ log vers 7.754752 13° 07" 140 FIELD ENGINEERING. Krample.—Fig 57. Given: R, = 1482.69, Rs; = 1910.08, and 7 = 400. Assume fy = 3487.87, to find Aa, 6,a and p. 2 Eq. (179) log 0.301036 R,—R, 2005.18 © 3 3091538 R,— Rs 1527.79 © 3184064 “ 6.787247 12 5.204120 . me 18° 07' 22" log vers 8.416873 Hq. (170) Rs— PR, 477.89 log 2.678873 eae A00: © 9 602060 ve i 39° 57’ 34" log cot 0.076818 Eq. (180) j 39° 57' 34" —_ log sin 9.807701 es 13°.07' 29” «9 356099 R,— Rs 1527.79 log 3.184064 log sin 2.347864 tae 200. log 2.602060 i— 33° 50' 39" —_log sin 9.745804 oe B 6° 06’ 55” Eq. (175) a 7° 00! 27" Eq. (172) Ry ~Rs log 3.184064 at 7° 00' 27" log vers 7.873309 p 11.41 1.057373 178. Given: a three-centred compound curve to replace the middle are by an arc of different radius. I. When the radius of the middle are is the greatest. Fig. 57. First find the length and direction of the common tangent AB. Let A». = central angle of the middle arc, k, = its radius, and #, and R; the radii of the other arcs. From eq. (179). L = V2(R. — Ri) (R2 — Rs) vers Aa (185) Then find ¢ by eq. (1'70), a and 7 by eqs. (181) (182), and p by eq. (172). For the new arc we may now assume a new value for p, or for Rs, or for a. Indicating the new values by an accent, if we assume p’ we proceed as in the last problem, using eqs. (173), etc. If we assume R., we use eq. (179), etc. If we assume a’, we use eq. (178). COMPOUND CURVES. 141 Il. When the radius of the middle arc is the least of the three. Fig. 58. In this case the middle arc is within the other two pro- duced; and for the same values of R,R; and 0,03, the locus Fia. 58. of the centre 0; is the opposite branch of the hyperbola found in §177. When the centre O» falls on the line 0,0:, As = 180°, and R, = (Rs + Bi — 0102), a maximum. (186) Analogous to eq. (185), we have i= V2(R, — Re) (Rs oa Rs) vers Aa (187) which gives the length of the common tangent YZ. We then have the values of ¢ and of 0,03 by eqs. (170) (171), and of a and / by egs. (181) (182), and analogous to eq. (172), p = (R, — Rs) vers @ = (R;—R:) vers (188) in which p is the perpendicular distance HJ between parallel tangents. For the new are we may now assume a new value for p, for R,, or for e. Indicating the new values by an accent, if we assume p’, we have, analogous to eq. (178) FIELD ENGINEERING. ia eee VI is (a Baie ae 7) Gem and from eq. (188) vers = at ; vers-9' = oe (190) If we assume R,’, we have, analogous to eq. (179), 5 Ue b? vers Ag = 2h — 1B, — Be) (191) and we find a and f by eqs. (181) (182), and p’ by eq. (188). Ill. When the radius of the middle are has an interaedi- ate value, compared with the other radii. Fig. 59. In this case, whatever be the value of hz, we have | 0:0, + 020; = (Rs Ser Re) + (fe Te fi) = (Rs he Rj} a constant value independent of R,; hence we infer tha) the locus of Oz is an ellipse, of which O; and Q; are the foci, and (R; — Rf) equal to the transverse axis. Let / = QQ = the conjugate axis, and let ¢ = Q0,0, = Q0;,03. Produce 0;Q to G, making QG = 0,Q, and join GO, 4 COMPOUND CURVES. Then by similar triangles GO, is perpendicular to 010s, and GO, = 1; and in the right-angled triangle GO30; F. agrinstr Oo l phi Od. wpm rd 192 sant =o. — Ri Fh, (19%) 0,0; —(R; — Ri) cost = ¢ cot t (193) Analogous to eqs. (189) and (187), we have 1 = V &R; — Rs) (Ra — Bh) vers Az (194) which may also be derived from the triangles 0,0,0; and 0:03Q. Let « = 0203;0;, and 6 = 020103 Then ] 2° oe vi — R ° ° . sin wa = “ a sin Az = aa tan 7. sin Az (195) From the figure 6 = 42— & (196) In the diagram produce the lime 0;0, and it will intersect ‘e it cuts the inner all the arcs. At the points Z and Y, wher and outer arcs, draw tangent lines perpendicular to O30\. Draw the radius O.J parallel to 0:0, and the tangent line IL at I. Let g = ZY and p = ZL = HI Then by the theory of parallel tangents, $137, the point J is on the chord PZ produced, and it 1s also on the chord P’Y; and we have p = ZL =(Rz — R,) vers B. (197) q-p= LY = (Rf; — Ry) vers a (198) and g equals the swm of these. But g = ZY is the shortest distance between the inner and outer arcs, and has a constant value independent of &:. If we assume R, = (Rk; + #,) the centre QO. will be at Q, anda = fp = i,and p=4q. Making these substitutions above, q = (R; — R,) vers 2. (199) Also, from the figure, 144 FIELD ENGINEERING. ZY = 0;3Y — 0:2 —.0;0s, i or, q peed R; ae R, — 0, Os (200) In the triangle ZTY we have by Geom. Tab. I. 26, ZI? = IY? + ZY* — 24Y (ZY — ZL) or ZY — 2Z2Y.ZL = IY? — Zl? Now, ZI? = 4(f, — Ry)? sin? 46 = 2R, — R,)* vers p ly? a 4(Rs — Re)? sin? 4a = 2(fs = Re) vers @ } Hence Hy ZI? = &B— Ry) p and IY? = &R,— Ba) (q—p) Substituting these values, and solving for p, we have _ Us — Rs — 49) _ (Rs — R. — 49) Epa Bie yer 0,0; Kote, Also By = (Ra ~ 4) — p20 (202) For any other value of R,, we have | Bi = (By — 4) — p' 128 | i Hence | By — Ry = 228 (p — p) (203) Aisi which gives the change in R, for a given change in the value of p Observe that as p diminishes R, increases and vice versa. Having determined the value of R,', we find p' by substitut- ing &,' forR, in eq. (201); and from eqs. (197) (198) we have vers f' = sy (204) (205) s COMPOUND CURVES. 145 and the change in the points of compound curvature is found by (6 — fi’) and (@ — @). Remark.—When Rz = +(Rs + Ry), Ae = 2, a minimum, and the long chord PP’ is perpendicular to 0,03. When fz is greater than this, « is greater than /, and vice versa. What- aver be the value of Re, the long chord PP' always cuts the line 0,0; produced in the same point S, at a distance from Zof ZS = R, vers 7; or from O, of OS — R, COS Of This item will be found useful in solving the problem graphically. Hzample. 781.84 1375.40 1910.08 11.30 Rs — Rs 534.68 Ry — fi 593.56 me Tl Ut Ae rae l 458.27 (192) Rs — hi 1128.24 2 (193) 1 R; — Rk, 0,0; 1080.98 Ae se a (196) fp (203) 0,0; (200) q -97.26 0:03 q 9—p 11.30 Ra’ — fs 119.78 1495.18 (say) 1494.95 for 3° 50’ curve. agi: =3j47)10'A5) Als. = 482 Ds =. 3" 00' log 0.301030 «© 2.728094 ‘¢ 2.773465 48° log vers 9.519657 2) 5.322246 log 2.661123 ** 3.052402 23° 57’ 55” log sin 9.608721 23° 57’ 55” log cos 9.960847 log 3.052402 log ¥ 3.013249 log 2.773465 48° log sin 9.871073 log * 2.644538 25° 19! 52" log sin 9.631289 22° 40’ 08" log 3.013249 1.987934 1.025315 log 1.053078 ** 2.078393 146 FIELD ENGINEERING. (201) R; — Rx’ —4q 366.50 log 2.56407 Boe “© 1.025815 q et ee 23 p 34.57 “1.588759 (197) Reis ge T18.41 «2.853157 gp 17° 55’ ~— log vers 8 685602 (198) roe 62.69 log 1.797198 Rees ee alos ke 2.618184 a’ 31° 54’ ~—log vers 9.179014 na 49° 49’ Hi erat PP = 21689 Boe Bs dean eo PP sp eebaald The practical difficulty in changing the middle arc of three centred curves lies in the difference of measurement that ensues. Thus, in the last problem, although the total central angle is the same, the new curve is 6.56 feet shorter than the original, making a fractional station at P'’. If the change is made during the location, it is well tu re-run the last arc from P'” to the tangent following, so as to eliminate the fractional station from the curve. TURNOUTS. 147 CHAPTER VII. TURNOUTS. 179. A turnout is a curved track by which a car may leave the main track for another. At the point where the outer rail of the turnout crosses the rail of the main track a frog is introduced which allows the flanges of the wheels to pass the rails. A frog consists essentially of a solid block of iron or steel having two straight channels crossing each other on the upper surface, in which the flanges of the wheels pass. The triangular portion of the upper surface formed by the channels is called the tongue of the frog, and the angle which the channels make with each other is called the frog- ungle. Every railroad is provided with a set of \ frogs of different angles, from which may be i selected one best adapted to any particular case. Fia, 60, The frogs may be designated by their angles, but it is customary to designate them by numbers expressing the ratio of the bisecting line FC of the tongue to the base line ad, Fig. 60. Observe that ¥ is at the intersection of the edges produced, ‘and not at the blunt. point of the tongue. In the triangle afC, sue. = cot 4aFb ad : and if we let 2 = the number of the frog, and # = the frog angle, then . 707, 7 will be less than 7’. Should F’ not equal F, (F’" being given), then 7’ and ZL’ F” must be calculated also, by substituting 7’ for Win eqs. (230) and (281). 184. From the same switch in a straight track tt 1s required to lay two turnouts on the same side. Fig. 64. If we assume #”’ = F, and that these two frogs shall be opposite each other, we calculate all the distances of the first turnout for the angle /# (or number 7) by § 180, 181, whence we have the radius 7 = Ca. 1.354982. 154 FIELD ENGINEERING. : | Let r' = C'a, the radius of the centre line of the second , turnout. The angle ACF’ = F, and since #" = F, the angle CF'C'= F, and the triangle CF"C’ is isosceles, and C'F’ = O'C.. But C'F" = C’A = 340A. or (7 + 49) = 4(r + 49) - (282) ee r = 47 — Wy) (238) C' Fic. 64. To calculate the remaining frog at #7", we have from eq. (207) owed | eto foe vers #"" — ge (234) 4 or from eq. (216) Wp) et | nia (285) i | 2g | BF" = (r' + 49) sin F = 2gn" (236) 1) ‘ ek ar" ii Bp OP Osin eh he cee (237) i V1 + 4n'? | and since AO'F" = 2F, ; af = oF sin dt (238) The length of switch may be calculated by either 7 or 2", since for 7’, which is about 47, the throw of switch is double, thus giving practically identical results. | If we compare the values of F’” as obtained by eqs. (234) and (219), we shall find them almost identical for given values . | TURNOUTS. of F'and g; and since this may also be proved analytically by assuming that vers +#’" = ¢ vers F'", which is very nearly true for ordinary values of #'", we conclude that a set of frogs (F = F', and #") which is adapted to a double turnout in i) opposite directions from a straight line (as in Fig. 62) is also | adapted to a double turnout on one side (as in Fig. 64), the curves being simple curves in every Case. But this being true, the set is also adapted to a double turnout in opposite directions from any curved track the radius of which is not less than 7 as given for F, since any such case is intermediate between the two cases named. When, ‘therefore, a certain frog, F, is adopted for general use on any road, another frog should also be adopted, whose angle, F", is determined by eq. (219), or whose number is determined by eq. (229). Thus, if 7 = 6° 44, or n = 84, then F" should be 9° 32’, or Re = 0. 185. In case no frog is at hand of the angle or number given by eqs. (234) (2385), we may select one as near the same angle as possible, and, calling this #’", calculate the distance BF" and the radius CO" F" (Fig. 65) as for a single turnout; $ 180. Fia, 65. Then assuming any other frog #’’, whether equal to F or not, it is required to find the chord FF’, and the radius 0'F" of the arc F’F’. The point #’ may fall either side of the radius OF. according to the values given to #” and #". a. In case F' falls beyond the radius CF, we will assume first, that the entire rail from B to F’ is laid with the same radius BO, and centre 0. (This investigation also applies to the case when F’ falls between B and the line CF’) In the diagzam (Fig. 65) draw CF". We then have FIELD ENGINEERING. BF" BR" UAL Besa (ee. 9 tan BOP” = Bo = (289) and GF" = (r — 49) exsec BCF"’ (240) In the triangle #'"CF’. F°C— F'C : F'C+F'C:: tant" F'C— F'F'C) > cot #" CF" Now, since C'’F'C = F', and BC" F"' = F", ot de ee ee and Pod Om FR GEO = FORO ms (Fh — BCF") Letting =" C OH Cre Cee BOR) and subtracting, we have F'RC-—FF'C=F'+U0 Hence the above proportion may be written GF" :2BC-+ GF” :: tan 4" + U): cot $F" CF’ whence po wes tan (F’ +0) (241) (Since BOF" + FCF" = BCF"', and we know the radius BC, the chord or arc BF’ is easily obtained, which fixes the position of the frog #’'; and the problem may end here, frequently, in practice.) Now in the same triangle CF", the half sum of F'' F'C and F''F'''C is 90° — 4F'"CF"; while, as we have just seen, the half difference is }(F'' +- U); and by subtracting we have the less, or F'r'C=90 — UF’ LU+ POF) (242) F'Osin FOF" sin F'P''0 cot 3#"CF’ = Now 4 hie tae BC. sin FCF" oe Ee son UHL (Lt RY OF (243) “ae TURNOUTS. To find the angle F'''C' F''; produce the line #''C’' in the dia- gram to intersect the line BO at A. Then the two triangles HO'C' and KOF' have the angle A common, and the sum of the other angles will be equal; that is, KOO -- O O'R = KO --— Cr kK or FOL ORs BOR hek i and since BCF' = BOF" + FCF’ i BO Gs POR + Fe — 0 (244) Wi If we denote the radius /''C’ by » + 49 , 4h" F" / 1 — m= SP Or” Example.—Given: the three frogs 7 = 6° 43' 59", #” = | 6° 01’ 32", and #" = 8° 47 51" to lay a double turnout on one i, side of a straight track. Fig. 60. il (245) By Tab. XI. BF = 80.0386 r = 680.806 AD = 23.82 BF" = 61.204 7" = 397.826 Eq. (239) BF" 61.204 log 1.786779 Wall (7 — 39) 677.952 « 2°831199 ui BOF" 5° 09' 88" log tan 8.955580 ih Eq. (240) BOF" 5° 09' 38" log exsec 7.609587 | (ry — 49) 677.952 log 2.831199 | GR’ * 2:760 “0.440786 ul Eq. (241) 2BC-+ GF") 1358.664 «3.133112 H (U = 8° 38’ 13") 2.692326 NW 34(#” + U) 4° 49' 52".5 log tan 8.926968 He te Jeane ees Ha (F" OF’) 1°22'35" “© cot 1.619294 I} Eq. (243) F" OF' 9° 45'10" «sin 8.681481 | r—4g 677.952 2.831199 He | Se a oe Se Bia 4 1.512680 ) MF’ + U+ F'OF’) 6° 12'27".5 ** cos 9.997446 iH F’F’ 82,752 1.515234 i Eq. (245) 4F"C'F' ; 9° 34! 14.5 6“ sin 8 651781 | | | vin Ar’ +49) 780.219 2.863453 i] r 158 FIELD ENGINEERING. C b. We assume, secondiy, that the middle track is straight beyond F, and tangent to the curve at F. Fig. 66. Then whenever the value of /”" 1s dess than that given by eq. (234), the arc AF”, produced with the same radius AC", will intersect the straight rail H#” at some point /#”, and the frog angles f'and fF" will be equal. Fia. 66. For the straight rail H#” produced backwards, passes through the point A, making an angle #’ with the main track, since the triangles CBF and CHA are equal, and AH = BF. Now any circle, tangent to the main rail at d, or when # is less than 7 given in Tab. XI., the centre falls on the same side as O. Fig. 70. In this case, using the same notation, 46 is given by eq. (257). sin. (7. — 49) = (kh + ty) sind —F) (262) | Eq. (259) BF = &AR-+ 4g) sin 36 | af = 2r sin 44 — F) (263) 188. A tongue-switeclh is a short, stiff switch which; | when moved, revolves at the heel as on a pivot. When it is HI thrown over to the turnout track, it makes an abrupt angle with the main track, called the switch angle; but in this posi- ii tion it should be tangent to the turnout curve. .The use of this switch is generally confined to yards and warehouses, where but little space can be afforded, and where the motion of the cars is always slow. 189. Given: a straight track, a frog-angle F, and the length and throw of a tongue-switch, to locate the turnout. TURNOUTS. 165 Let AD be the length, and DK the throw of switch, and let S denote the switch-angle DAK. DK DIE Then sin S = “ap S° = 57.3 AD (264) (Compare § 86.) Let @ be the centre of the required turnout, and in the dia- gram draw OK and CF; also draw DG perpendicular to the straight track. Then DG = F: and in the triangle KGC, KOF = KGF —GKC, and since CKA isa right-angle, GKC eae OP = Lor a. : Draw the chord KF, and since the triangle KCF is isosceles, the angle C/K = 90° — 1(F — 8)... Now, CFI = 90° — F, hence by subtraction, KF = HF -+ 8). Fig. 71. If g denote the gauge, we know KI = g — DK; and in the right-angled triangle KIF, we have f= Ki. ct te+t 8): (265) KI As AP = nar er 8) (268) KF r + io Sra — 5) C8?) These equations are analogous to eqs. (229) (230) (231). 190. Given: a double turnout with tongue- switch, from a straight track; to find the angle, F', of the middle frog. Assuming 7” = calculate (r -- 49) by the last equations. n the centre line of Since the rails of the turnouts intersect oO 166 FIELD ENGINEERING. he straight track, as in Fig 63; if we substitute the value of Lf" F’, eq. (229) in eq. (281), we have OF 19) = 2 5in Ea) sin KP EP) and by Trig. Table II. With off89 7A) Be ia cos 4f'" — cos F Be ee 4g whence cos 4" = cos F + —~* 268 If the angle of the middle frog to be used does not agree it) with #’” found by the last equation, the turnout will be com- Ht) pounded at 7’. 191. Given: a straight track, the frog-angles I, F' and F", and the switch angle S, to locate a double turnout. Fig. 72. | | | | | 1 Fia. 72, Assuming that #” shall be placed on the centre line of the straight track, let h be a point on the centre line at the point of switch. Then AK = 4g — DK; and since the angle Ff" is bisected by the centre line the necessary formule in this case are obtained from §189 by simply replacing by $F" and AJ by 44; and in the first. members [7 by AF" and r by rn’. This is obvious by the similarity of the figures, TURNOUT. 167% LK . cot 44" +8) (269) hk = 2 — gin 444" +8) (270) II Hence AF" KF “" sighs eases Wy The location of the remaining frogs is a problem already discussed, § 188, ea. (229), etc. 192. Given: a straight track, the frog angles F, F', F'", and the switch angle S, to locatea double turnout on one side. Fig. 73. Fic. 73. The frog Fis located by $189; but for the frog #'” we have evidently a double throw; hence eqs. (265) (266) (267) become IF" =(g — 2DK) cot (F'’ + 28) (272) KP =~ y(F -+ 28) oe) IT (274) K sido sin 3(#” — 28) To locate the remaining frog F': when F" falls beyond the line CF, there are three cases. a. The middle track reversed beyond F. We find the distance #'" #' by subtracting TF", eq. (272) from IF, eq. (265). after which the solution is identical with that given $185, @., Fig. 67. 168 FIELD ENGINEERING. b. The middle track compounded at F. Let Q be the centre of the curve beyond F, and also let ss the angle #’Q/’"; and let U = the angle 0" F'"Q. Then by a course of reasoning analogous to that of case a, we derive . U=F"— F4+ F'QPr (275) cot 4Q = re te re tan 3#(U + F’) (276) Now since the radius 7’'Q is given, and the angle QF’ = Q@ — FQF", we readily determine the distance HF’ ‘, and so locate the frog F”’. In the triangle 7" QF", the half sum of QF" F’ and QE'F"’ is 90° — 4Q, while the half difference is 4(U -+ #”"); hence by subtraction we have the less, or F'F'Q = 90 —KU+ F'4+@ ‘Tw ’ sin Q Hence LSS. eae HULEF LO (277) Join C'@, and the quadrilateral C’QF"' F" gives f"+Q= U0+ F'"C'F' hence #'"0'#”" = F’ — U-+ Q; and denoting the radius C'F" by r’ + 4g, we have mig = 4H" fF" sin (F’— UF Q (278) Cor. Since the centre Q is assumed at pleasure, it may be made to coincide with the centre (0, and then the compound curve becomes a simple curve. Then also, the above formule will apply when 7” is such that the frog will come on the are JH. But as FQF" will be greater than Q, the difference FQF' will be negative, indicating that the distance HF’ is to be laid off backwards from H. c. The middle track straight beyond F, and tan- gent to the curve at F. Fig. 74. ; Let #” be the required position of the frog F'. A tangent to the curve at #’ makes an angle (#’ + F) with the main track, and a tangent at #” makes an angle of #’” with the same; hence the angle they make with each other is ; > | TURNOUTS. 169 (F'+ F— F"), and this is the curvature of the are 1" F", and equals the angle #'"C' F". Produce the straight line 7’ H backwards to G, and draw F’G perpendicular to it. Then #"G= FH — FF’. sin F, or F'G=g—F'F.sinFf —. 795 Fig. 74. In the right-angled triangle #’GF'", the angle NG Ge F—4(F' 4 F— Ff") =F’ + FF’ — #). "a F'G and _ GF = F'F'.. cos 4(F’ + F" — FP) (281) Observe that GF" cannot be less than GH = F" F. cos F. 193. Given: a turnout with a frog angle F, and the perpen. dicular distance p between the centre lines of the main and side tracks ; to find the radius x of the curve connecting the turnout with the side track. Fig. 75. 170 TIELD ENGINEERING. Let the reversing point be taken at /, and let Q on CF’ pro- duced be the centre of the required curve, and draw QM per- pendicular to the main track. Then QM= QF =r — 4g; the point Wis the point of tangent, and the angle FQM = FL. Now JV being the intersection of the rail BF’ with the radius QM, we have MN= QF'vers F, but MN=p—g; hence The distance FN is evidently FN = (r — 49) sin & (283) and the chord to the centre line is fm = 2r sin $F (284) Should the distance F'N consume too much of the track, it may be lessened by introducing a short tangent at F, denoted by k; then by eq. (48) the radius will be shortened by an amount equal to &. cot 4F, and the distance /N will be shortened by &. Since the tangent & reduces the length of the tangent offset of the entire curve by k . sen F, we have for the new radius 7” p—g—ksn Pf ro Ee “vers # CoH) When 2’ is fixed by a limit, we obtain & by resolving eq. (285) SPRATT ayyvers a é sin (286) In case the main track is but sghtiy curved, we may at first assume it to be straight, and find 7 as above, eq. (282), and the degree of curve corresponding to 7; but this degree of curve must then be ¢ncreased or dimimshed by the degree of curve of the main track, according as the track is concave or convex toward Q. 194. Given: the perpendicular distance p between the centre lines of a curved main track and a parallel side track, and the frog angle F of a turnout, to find the radius vr of the connecting curve, and the length FN, or fm, of the curve. Fig. 76, 4) TURNOUTS. Let FN be the rail of the main track, and GM ihe rail of the siding, adjacent to each other; let O be the centre of the main track, and Q the centre of the connecting curve. Then the connecting curve will terminate at m, on the line OQ pro- duced, In the diagram draw MF, and produce it to intersect the rail MG@ at G, and join GO, FO, and FQ. , Let R =-radius of centre line of the main track; 7 = radius of centre line of the connecting curve; and @ = the angle wi FOM. © Wy Case a.—The siding outside the main track. Fig. ‘76. By similarity of the triangles GOM and FQM, GO is paral- lel to FQ, and the angle GOP = F; and by a process similar to that of $186, we have AY tan 109 = 55 iP cot 47 (287) I} hie A sin 6 , Hl r— 49 =k 39) in (FL 6) tees) | a FN = 2(R + jg) sin 49 (289) i} fm = 2”. sin 4+ 4) (290) : Case b.—The siding inside the main track, Fig. 77. By-a process entirely similar to $187, we have Ih zt Pp promi , Py tan 49 = aR» cot +# FIELD ENGINEERING. sin 0 r—wWwa(h — 49) an (P= 8 (292) FPN = AR — 49) sin 46 (293) jm = 2r sin 47 — 9) - - (294) When 6 = F’in the last equations, sin (/ — 6) = 0, and r — }g is infinite, and the curve 7M becomes a straight line. Fie. 77. Fie. 78. When 6 > F, sin ( — 9) is negative, and the centre Q falls bf on the same side of the track as O, and we have sin @ r+ig=(hk- 49) Sin 0 — F) (295) fm = 27. sin 46 — Ff) (296) Equations (291) and (293) remain unchanged. 195. To locate a crossing detween paraliel tracks. Fig. 78. When a turnout from one track enters a parallel track by means of another frog and switch, the whole is called a cross- ing. The frogs are alike, and the calculation for one end of the crossing answers for the other. §§180, 181. We have only to find the length of track between the two frogs. In the diagram let Af’ be one turnout, and A'/” the other, connected by the straight track #'G@. It is required to deter- mine the length #'G, or the distance NV measured on the main track from F to a perpendicular through 7’. Produc: ing the line #’@ to intersect the rail VF’ at H, we have two av TURNOUTS. 173 right-angled triangles GFH and F' NH, having the common angle at H = F. Let p= the perpendicular distance between centre lines of main tracks, andg = gauge. Then Gi’= 9g, and fN.= (p.— g-) r@=Pru— Gut ~- GFretF sin # 1 nike teeidoas i an P@= k= P-L g cot F (297) | a - Sk = A hs +a g 9 Al | So FN = NH — FH =(p—g) cot Ff on (298) vi When the main tracks are curved the distance F'G may be Hy calculated by the same formula (297) which gives a value only a fraction too small, but in laying the track the rail #’’@ must be curved to a radius which is to R of the main track as F'G: NF. 196. When p is large, or the tracks are very wide apart, it will effect some saving of room to lay the crossing in the form of a reversed curve ; and the frogs being alike, the two arcs will be equal, and the point of reversed curve P will be Hi midway between Fand F"’. Fig. 79. yh In the diagram we have aPa' the centre line of the cross- ing, and PL the centre line between tracks; al = 4p, and aC —aC'=r. The radius 7 having been found by § 180 or & 181, we have iW vers aCP = ne (299) and PL=rsin.aCP 174 FIELD ENGINEERING. 1 The distance between frogs, /“V, measured on the main track is evidently FN = APL — BF) (301) in which BSF’ is determined by eqs. (209), (218), or by Tab. XI. 197. To lay a crossing in the form of a reversed curve, when the parallel tracks are on a curve. Fig. 80. Let O be the centre of the main curve, Cand C’ the centres of the reversed curve. ut Then in the triangle COC' we know all three sides; for CO a =R+r;CC=r4+r,and0O= R+ p—r';; and the half . sum of the three sides iss = R+7-+ 4p. ill Denoting the angle COC’ by @, we have (Trig. Tab. II. 31) TH p(T +1 — 4p) Wil ves ® = (R48) (RED) | The angle g determines the length of the arc BW described Hil with the radius (& + 4g) and so fixes the position of the point | A’ from A. By a formula similar to the above, (302) 10g — Pi — r+ 4p) vers 0'00 = (Rin eer) (303) TURNOUTS. 175 The angle O’CO determines the length of the are aP described with the radius 7; the angle (p + C’'CO) = CCA’ determines the length of the arc Pa’, and P is the point of reversed curve. In this problem R is known, 7 is found by § 187, and 7 is found by $186, only observing that in this case the value of R must be increased by p. The frog angles /'and F’’ may be equal or otherwise, only taking care that the point P shall be included between the radii C'F" and CF. The angle FOC = 6 is given by eq. (257), and the angle F'0C' = 6' is given by eq. (252) (in which the value of £ is to be increased by p); hence the angle FOF’ = mp — (6+ 6), which determines the distance between the frogs, measured on the main track. 198. To find the middle ordinate m, for 1 sta- tion, or 100 feet, on any curve, in terms of the degree of curve D. Referring to Fig. 4 we have in the right triangle AGH GH = GA. tan GAH But GA = +}AB = 40, and (Tab. L. 18) GAH =4AOB =34; hence M=3C. tan}ta (304) a general expression for the middle ordinate of any chord. If in this equation we make C = 100, A becomes D; and denoting the corresponding value of M by m, we have m = 4100 tan {1D (305) whence the rule, Multiply the nat. tangent of 4 the degree of curve by 100 and divide by 2. Thus the values of m in the 5th column of Tab. IV. have been calculated 199. To find the middle ordinate for any chord in terms of the chord and radius Referring to Fig. 4 we have GH = OF — 0G = OE — VAO?— GA? ibe pal / Ge (<) (306) 176 FIELD ENGINEERING. When CO = 100 we have for the middle ordinate of one station m= R— VR? — 2500 (307) For any subchord ¢, less than 100, we have for the middle ordinate, m, = R— j/ (2) | 2 | pie Secrets m = kR— y/ (e+ =) (x—<) By adding se to the quantity under the radical in eq. (808) it becomes a perfect square, giving eC Mi = se nearly, (809) which is a very useful formula, although approximate. The error in m, does not exceed .002 for any subchord ¢ when the radius is greater than 800. On a 20° curve the error will be 002 for a chord of 50 feet; and on a 40° curve the error in ™m will be only .003 fora chord of 33 feet. Hquation (809) is therefore practically correct in all cases for finding the middle ordinates of rails. Table XII. is calculated by eq. (808). 200. Curving Rails. Before any rail is spiked to its place in a curve, it must be evenly bent from end to end, so that it will assume the proper curvature when lying free. The bending may be done by using sledges, but is best accom- plished, especially for turnouts and other sharp curves, by using a bending machine made especially for this purpose. The proper curvature of a rail is tested by measuring Its middle ordinate from a small cord stretched from end to end and touching the side of the rail-head, .The cord should also be stretched from the middle point of the rail to either end, and the middle ordinate of each half length measured, to test the wnzformity of curvature. From the last equation it appears that, with a given radius, the middie ordinate varies nearly as the square of the chord. TURNOUTS. We may therefore find the middle ordinate of a rail whose length is ¢ by the proportion (100)? : @ i: ms Mm or Mm, = cm yearly (310) eT } in which m is obtained from Tab. IV., col. 5, for the given radius or degree of curve. Example.—What is the middle ordinate of a 30 ft. rail when curved for a 20° curve? 900 X 4.374 Eq. (310 ee ee IN, When a long rail is bent for a sharp. curve, observe that ¢ is the length of the chord of the rail—not of the rail itself. For the chord of half a rail the middle ordinate is one-fourth the middle ordinate of the whole rail. Thus, in the above ex- ample it would be .099 or 14% inches. Instead of using the chord of the whole rail, it may be.more convenient to assume a chord shorter than the rail, especially when the chord is not an exact number of feet, knotting the string to the length assumed, and applying it to different por- tions of the rail successively. 201. Elevation of the outer rail on curves. When a car passes around a curve, a centrifugal force is developed which presses the flanges of the wheels against the outer rail. This force acts horizontally, and varies as the square of the velocity, and inversely as the radius of the curve. Denoting the centrifugal force by f, we have from the wv? theory of mechanics f= 39,166 R’ in which 7 = weight of fe ay loaded car in pounds, v= velocity in feet per second, and R=radius of curve in feet. In Fig. 81, let ab represent a level line at right angles to the track, let @ and ¢ be the tops of rails on a curve, let de = ¢e= elevation of outer rail ¢, and let the point d be the centre of gravity of the car. The force f acts in the direction ad, and if f’ = the component of f in the direction ac, then fis fii ab: ae. 178 FIELD ENGINEERING. The weight w, resting on the inclined plane ac, developes a component in the direction ca, and denoting this by #', we have by similar triangles, wm :w:: bc: ac. 7 Fie. 81. Since equilibrium requires that w’ shall equal dir ’, we have after dividing one proportion by the other a ithe , or f= —— Equating this value of f with that given above we find, ook CaS ~ 32.166 R But a = V ae — e’, and ac = distance between rail centres = gauge + one rail head = g + 0.188. Also v= sae V, if V de- note the velocity in miles per hour. Making these substitu- tions and reducing, we have V2 06688— es Ge as <<) enc eet at (311) pre fs vam +( 06688 a By this formula Table XIII. is calculated for the standard gauge g = 4' 83", = 4.708. An approximate formula may be obtained by assuming that ab = g for practicable values of ¢e. Substituting this m the 5280 first value of e given above, and replacing 7 by 3600 V? we have ; {approx.) ei ogess oF (312) which is the formula generally employed. TURNOUTS. In laying a new track, the transverse inclination is first given to the ballast by grade pegs driven either side of the centre line at a distance of (g + .188) each side of the centre, the outside peg being set higher, and the inside peg lower than the grade of ballast on the centre line, by the proper elevation selected from Table XIII. But in re-surfacing an old track, the inner rail is taken as grade and the outer rail is raised the necessary amount. 202. The proper elevation may be found mechan- ically by the following method : To find, on a curved track, the length of a chord whose middle ordinate shall equal the proper elevation of the outer rail for any velocity V in miles per hour. By the conditions of the problem, we have m, in eq. (809) equal to ¢ in eq. (312), or ec gV* .06688 SR R a. c= .73144 VV9 (318) When g = 4.708, ¢ = 1,587V (314) Lay off the chord, ¢, upon the rail of the track, stretch a piece of twine between the points so found, and measure the middle ordinate; it will equal the proper elevation. 203. The velocity assumed in the preceding formule should be that of the fastest regular trains which will pass over the curve in question, since the flanges would be forced against the outer rail were there no centrifugal force devel- oped, by reason of the wheels being rigidly attached to the axles, and the axles being parallel. The rails on tangents should be level transversely, except near curves, where for 50 or 100 feet from the curve one rail is gradually raised, so that at the P.C. or P.T. it may have the full elevation due to the curve. Ata P.C.@. the elevation should be an average of the elevations due to the two arcs. Owing to the difficulty of properly adjusting the elevation of, rail, it is objectionable to have arcs of very dissimilar radii join each other; and the objection is much greater in the case of reversed curves unless separated by a short tangent. See g 82, We FIELD ENGINEERING. On the other hand, a short tangent between arcs which curve in the same direction should be avoided, since it makes a ‘‘flat place” both in line and levels, at once unsightly and injurious to the rolling stock. In the case of turnouts, however, no elevation of rail is pos sible (except when both tracks curve in the same direction); hence reversed curves are allowable, the speed of trains being usually quite low also. 204. The coning of the wheels, by which the wheel on the outer rail gains a diameter enough larger than the other to compensate for the superior length of the outer rail, although a theoretically perfect device, 1s gradually going into disuse. To be effective for the sharpest curves, the coning must be so great as to produce an unsteady motion on tan- gents, very objectionable at high speeds. Moreover, it is un- desirable to seek for an equilibrium of lateral forces in a car on a curve, since the flanges are then sure to strike the inner and outer rails alternately with damaging force, as that equi librium is momentarily disturbed. It is far better that the flange should press steadily against the outer rail, while that pressure is modified and reduced somewhat by the elevation of the rail. For these and other reasons, car-wheels are now made nearly cylindrical. LEVELLING. 181 CHAPTER VIII. LEVELLING. 205. The field operations with the Engincer’s Level are of a more simple character than those performed with the transit, yet require equal skill and nicety of manipulation in order to produce trustworthy results. The transit is used to ascertain the relative horizontal position of points, the level to obtain their relative vertical position. 206. In order to express the elevation of points, they must be referred to some level surface of known (or assumed) eleva- tion; and in order that the elevations may all be positive up- ward, this surface of reference should be selected below all the points to be considered. The level surface of reference is called the datum. The elevation of the datum és always zero. The elevation of any point is its vertical height above the datum. Near the coast the sea level is usually adopted as the datum; inland, the low water mark of a river or lake, etc. ; butitis not necessary that the datwm should coincide with a water surface. If any points whose elevations are to be ascertained are below the water surface, the latter may be assumed to have an eleva- tion of 100 or 1000 feet instead of zero; that is, we remove the datum, in imagination, to 100 or 1000 feet below the level of the water surface. 207. Incase of a survey commencing at a point quite re- mote from any important water surface, any permanent point may be selected as the original point of reference, and its ele- vation may be assumed at 100 or any other number of feet; that is, we fix the datum at the same number of feet below that point. The point of reference is called a bench, or bench- mark, and is designated by the initials B.M. Other benches are established at intervals during a survey, and their eleva- tions determined instrumentally. They are then convenicnt FIELD ENGINEERING. points of known elevation for future reference. We cannot assume the elevation of more than one bench on the same sur- vey, else we should have more than one datum, and all the results would be thrown into confusion. 208. Having established the first bench and recorded its elevation, the next step is to set up the instrument firmly at a moderate distance from the bench, so that the telescope shall be somewhat higher than the bench, and in full view of a rod held vertically upon it. The instrument having been tested for its several adjustments, and found to be correct, the line of sight through the intersection of the cross-hairsis known to be hori- zontal when the bubble stands at the middle of its tube. Turn- ing the line of sight upon the rod, the point of the rod covered by the horizontal cross-hair is known to be on a level with the cross-hair; and the latter is therefore Aigher than the bench by the distance intercepted on the rod from its lower end. Add- ing this distance to the elevation of the bench, we obtain the clevation of the cross-hair, known technically as the ** Height of Instrument,’’ and designated by the initials ZZ.Z. 209. The distance intercepted on a rod from its lower end by the line of sight, when the rod is held vertically on any given point, is called the reading of the rod at that point. 210. Having obtained the height of instrument, the eleva- tion of any point somewhat lower than the cross-hair is easily ascertained by taking a reading of the rod upon it. The read- ing subtracted from the height of instrument gives the eleva- tion of the point above the datum. The elevation of any num- ber of other points may be similarly obtained. But the eleva- tion of points on the ground higher than the cross-hair, or farther below it than the length of the rod, cannot be deter- mined, because in either case the line of sight will not cut the rod, and hence there can be no reading. In order to observe such points, the instrument must be removed to a new posi- tion, higher or lower than before, as the case may require. 211. Before the instrument is removed to a new position, a temporary bench, called a Turning Point (and designated by 7.P.or ‘‘Peg’”’) must be established, and its elevation ascer- LEVELLING. 183 tained as for any other point, but with more care. A turning point must be a firm and definite point whose position cannot readily be altered in the least, nor lost sight of. A small stake firmly driven, or a point of rock projecting upward, is fre- quently used. The reading having been taken on the turning point, the instrument is carried forward to a new position, levelled up properly, and the new Height of Instrument ob- tained by a new reading on the same turning point. Since the cross-hair is higher than the point (otherwise there could be no reading) the reading, added to the elevation of the point, gives the Height of Instrument. 212. In general, the intersection of the cross-hairs being higher than any point on which a reading is taken: 0 find the Height of Instrument, add the reading on a point to the elevation of the point; and :, To find the Elevation of point, subtract the reading on at from the Height of Instrument. A reading taken for the purpose of finding the Height of Instrument is called a Backsight (B.S). A reading taken for the purpose of finding the elevation of a turning-point (or of a bench used as such) is called a Foresight (F.8). Hence Backsights are always plus, and Foresights always minus. 213. The form of fieid-book used for the survey of a railroad, or other continuous line, is shown below. The jirst column contains the numbers of the stations on the line and of plus distances to other points on the line where readings are taken—also the initials of benches and turning points, in order, as they occur. The sceond column contains the back- sights, taken on points of known elevation only. The third column contains the height of instrument, recorded on the same line as the elevation of the turning point (or bench) from which it is calculated. The fourth column contains the fore- sights, taken on new turning points, and benches used as such, only. The jifth column contains the readings taken on all other points noted in the first column. The stzth column con- tains the elevations of all points observed. The right-hand page is reserved for remarks, descriptive of the benches and their location—of objects crossed by the line, as roads, streams, swamps, ditches, etc. ; the depths of streams, etc. 184 FIELD ENGINEERING. LEVEL BOOK. Sta, BES: H.I. E.S. Rod. Elev. Remarks. B.M. | 4.683 | 204.683 200.000 | White oak, 115 R. 0 2.1 202.6 1 3.4 201.3 | + 50 | 5.2 199.5 Peg | 1.791 | 197.260 | 9.214 | 195.469 pas Ligon 193.0. + 25 | 7.0 190.3 Brook 5 wide; 1 deep + 50 3.1 194.2 3 0.5 196.8 Peg | 11.750 | 208.574 | 0.436 | 196.824 Peg | 11.938 | 219.528 | 0.979 | 207 595 + 90 | | 3.5 S16:01= 9) 4 2.6 216.9 B.M. | | 2.075 | 217.453 | Maple, 78 L. 5 a. 217.8) | o | 0.9 218.6 Peg | 9.005 | 227.801 | 0.732 218.796 7 | 6.2 221.6 -| 39.162 | 11.361 | When a bench is not used as a turning point, the reading on it is recorded in the fifth column. The numbers in the second, fourth, and fifth columns come directly from the rod, those in the third are obtained by addition, those in the sixth by subtraction, according to the rule given above. The additions and subtractions made on each page should be proved before proceeding to the calcula- tions of the next. When correct, the difference of the sums of the backsights and foresights on the page equals the differ- ence of the first and last elevations on the page. Thus, in the form given (39,162 — 11.361) = (227.801 — 200.000) = 27.801 In this proof we ignore all elevations except those of turn- ing points, and benches used as such, and the height of instru- ment, At the end of the survey, as well as at the end of each day’s work, a bench is established from which the survey may be resumed at any future time See &§ 28, 29, and 80. 214. The object of making such a survey with level and rod is to furnish a profile or vertical section of the entire line, showing in detail the rise and fall of the surface over a LEVELLING. 183 which it passes. The profile is plotted on profile-paper pub. lished for the purpose, the horizontal scale being usually 400 feet to an inch, and the vertical scale 30 feet to an inch. This distortion of scale magnifies the vertical measures so that slight changes in the elevation of the surface may be seen distinctly. 215. When only the difference of level of two extreme points is required, the survey is more simple. No readings are taken except on turning-points, the backsights and fore- sights being recorded in separate columns. No calculation is required until the survey is finished, when—the first reading having been taken on one of the given points, and the last on the other—the difference of the sums of the backsights and foresights is the difference in elevation of the two points, ac- cording to the method of proof mentioned in § 218. Thus the difference in level of any two benches established on a previ- ous survey may be tested, and, if found correct, all the inter- mediate elevations on the line may be assumed to be correct also. The discrepancy should not exceed one tenth of a foot in any case, and is usually much less. 216. Any lack of adjustment in the instrument gives the line of sight a slight angle of elevation or depression, causing a slight error in every reading, proportional to the distance of the rod from the instrument. But the errors being equal for equal distances, and the backsights and foresights having opposite signs in our calculations, the errors cancel when the distances are equal. Hence, to avoid errors in ele- vation, each new turnin’g-point should be as nearly as possible at the same distance from the instrument as the point on which the last backsight was taken. For precise reading, the rod should not be more than 400 feet from the instrument. 217. Another cause of error in readings is want of verti- cality in the rod. This may be avoided by the use of a disk- level, or in the absence of wind, by balancing the rod. The rod may be plumbed one way by the vertical cross-hair of the level, and to ensure a vertical reading in the plane of the line of sight, the rod may be gently waved each side of the vertical toward and from the instrument, the shortest reading being Sppremapeiee MPF RE SIO — = SS ae ev 2 ae 186 FIELD ENGINEERING. the correct one; or in case of a target rod, the target should rise to, but not above the horizontal cross-hair, as the rod is waved. 218. When very long sights are required to be taken with the level, another source of error must be considered, namely, the curvature of the earth. A level line is parallel to a great circle of the earth, and is therefore an arc of a circle, or may be so considered. A horizontal line is a straight line parallel to the plane of the horizon. Therefore the line of sight, being a horizontal line, is tangent to the circle of a level line passing through the in- strument. To find the correction in elevation due to curvature of the earth for any distant station. Fig. 82. Fie. 82. Let A be the station of the instrument J, and B the distant station observed. Let &, = CI= the radius of curvature of the earth, or of the parallel arc JD. Let Z, = ID = the level distance between Aand B. Then JH, perpendicular to CZ, is the line of sight, BE is the reading of the rod, and DE = EH, = the correction due to curvature. By Tab. I., 24, JH? = DH (DE+ 2R.); but since DZ is very small compared with 2f,, it may be omitted from the parenthesis, and since JH = ID = L, very nearly, because the angle ACB is very small, we have Z,? = 2R,£.. 2 B= ae (815) Ss LEVELLING. 18% 219. Refraction. In observing distant stations the line of sight passing through the atmosphere is refracted from the straight line JH, Fig. 82, and takes the form of a curve, which, for practical purposes, may be considered as the arc of a circle, concave downwards. Its radius, depending on the conditions of the atmosphere, varies from 5} to 74 times the radius of curvature of the earth. 7R, is considered a good average value. Refraction causes the observed object to appear too high, while the curvature of the earth causes it to appear too low ;— a] the effects being contrary, the correction for curvature is re- duced by the correction for refraction. If we let H, = the Wi total correction for both curvature and refraction, to be added Hi to the apparent elevation of the observed object, then Hi H, =~E,=53° (316) Table XVII. is calculated by this formula, assuming a mean Hi value of R, = 20,918,650 feet. 220. The form of the earth is approximately an el- lipsoid of revolution. Its meridian section at the mean level | of the sea is an ellipse, the semi-axes of which are, according i to Clarke, at the equator A = 6378206 metres [6.8046985] | at the poles B= 6356584 ‘“‘ — [6.8082288] ' According to the same authority 1 metre = 3.280869 feet [0.5159889] Wy ae Therefore the semi-axes expressed in feet are | A = 20 926 058 feet ['7.8206874] , | = 20855119 “ ['7.3192127 Then the radius of curvature of the meridian 9 at the equator, es = R, = 20 784 422 ft. [7.3177379) A2 at the poles, a = R, = 20997 240 ‘ ['7.3221622] 188 FIELD ENGINEERING. In latitude 40° the radius of curvature of the meridian is 20 871 900, and of a section at right angles to the meridian, 20 955 400; the mean valuc,.or 22, = 20 913 650 [7.820430], be- ing adopted for general use. The error in the correction H, eq. (316) due to this assumption will usually be much less than that due to the assumed value of the radius of refraction. 221. Levelling by Transit or Theodolite. When a transit has a level-tube attached to the telescope, it may be used as a Theodolite for levelling, and for taking vertical angles. If the instrument be in perfect adjustment, the line of sight will be horizontal when the bubble stands at the middle point of the tube, and the reading of the vertical circle will be zero. Should there be a small reading when the line of sight 1s horizontal it is called the ¢rdex error. When the line of sight is not horizontal, the angle which it makes with the plane of the horizon is called an angle of elevation, or of de- pression, according as the object upon which the line of sight is directed is above or below the telescope. This angle is measured on the vertical circle, being the difference of the reading and the index error, when both are on the same side of the zero mark, and their swm, when they are on opposite sides. When the distance to an observed object is known, and its angle of elevation or depression is measured, we may calculate its vertical height above or below the telescope. § elevation ’ depression sb I, = the horizontal distance Let + a = angle of ‘‘ I’ = the distance parallel to line of sight & h = difference in elevation of object and instrument. Then for short distances, hA=Ltane=WL' sina (817) Fie, 83. For long distances the curvature of the earth and refraction must be considered. Fig. 838. Tet.J be the place of the instrument, and F’ the object observed, S| LEVELLING. 189 Let Z, = the distance, measured on the chord of the level arc LD, passing through the instrument; and let # = the number of seconds in the arc JD; hence, since for ordinary distances the chord and are are sensibly equal, b= = 206264".8 [5.314429] . or giving to R, its mean valué, § 220, wy = L, X .0098627 [7.993995] or a fraction less than 1” per 100 feet. Let IF’ be the arc of the refracted ray, and assuming that its radius is 72,, the arc will contain 4th the number of seconds of the arc LF IF’, tangent to IF, is the direction of the telescope; J/ is the chord of the are JF, and JZ is the horizontal. Let a — EIF' =observed angle of elevation. Then HIF = true angle of elevation = HIF” — fUIRP=a — + 4b a— .O71y. i The angle HID = 4) .°. DIF = 4p + a — .071yp; and Hi IDF = 90° + bbe FD = 90° -— We — O71y). | We now solve the triangle [7D for the side DF = h, and He find } sin (4% + a — .071y) (318) | pr L, cos (wb ae ea 0717) For an observed angle of depression make a negative in the formula. || The coefficient .071 is called the coefficient of refraction, this |) being a fair average value, while its extreme range is from .067 | to .100 under varying conditions of the atmosphere, and values | of the angle a. Wt When the difference in elevation of two or more distant objects is required, we obtain the elevation of each separately, and subtract one elevation from another. The elevation of the observed object is given by (7. 1.) + A. 222. To find the Height of Instrument of a transit or theodolite by an observation of the horizon. Fig. 84. Sree Be OS 190 FIELD ENGINEERING. Let J be the place of the instrument, and let « = observed angle of depression of the horizon. Let # be the point where the refracted ray meets the level surface, and draw the chords JF’ and AF. Let w= the angle ACF, let h = AJ, and let & = the coefii- cient of refraction. In the triangle JAP, IAF = 90° +44, AFT = 4 — kp, AIF = 90° — — kp) Hence FIE = » — kt. But FIH=a-+ ky (a b= = (319) Let F” be the tangent point of a right line drawn through J; Fia, 84 then AI = OF" exsec ACF", but CF" = R,, and, since 7 is always very small, ACH" = 4(# + @) very nearly = — a Ven hk p= Jey exsec any a (820) Giving to R, its mean value, § 220, and assuming k= 7; log h = 7.820480 + log exsec 1.0801 a (321) at LEVELLING. 19} Otherwise, we may solve the triangle AIF since sin (3 — ky) : Fae Fee as a sin 4@ (322) Be = 2h, sin 3 — 21° at - COS 7 5h When &k = ze sin 4a@ —~) it ZC h = 2R, sin ca. nae (823) Example.—The observed dip of the sea horizon is 24 =a What is the height of the instrument above the sea? By eq. (821) 1.0801 x a@ X 60 = 1555".34 3.191825 9 6.383650 Table XXVI. q—22 9.070130 R 7320430 ° h = 594.58 2.7'74210 Methods of determining heights by distant observations can- not be relied on for more than approximate results, since they necessarily involve the uncertain element of refraction, and usually a lack of precision in the vertical angle, the are reading only to minutes in ordinary instruments. These methods, how- ever, are useful where no great accuracy is required, as for a temporary purpose until levels can be taken in the regular way, or for interpolating between points of established elevation, 223. Stadia Measurements. It is sometimes convenient to determine distances by instru- mental observation For this purpose two additional cross- hairs may be placed in the telescope parallel to each other and equidistant from the central cross-hair. These are called stadia hairs, and distances determined hy them are called stadia measurements. The stadia hairs are adjusted so as to inter- cept a certain space on a rod held at a certain distance from the instrument and perpendicular to the line of sight. For any 192 FIELD ENGINEERING. other place of the rod, the distances and intercepted spaces are nearly proportional. The exact relation is given below. Fig. 88. Let / = AB, the distance of the rod from the vertical axis of the instrument; ¢ = the distance from the axis to the ob: ject glass of the telescope; 4 = the distance from the object- Fie. 85. glass to the rod; ¢ = the space between the stadia hairs; s = CD the space intercepted by them on the rod; and f = the focal distance of the object-glass. We then have by optics, Ss a— : . cat oF, whence a — f as and sinceea = 1l—c.°. l— oe (f+ o= 78 f, and the space between the stadia hairs ¢ are constant, while sand c vary with 7. For any other distance lJ’, we then have Now in any given instrument the focal distance li—(fte)= Ly, and combining the two equations . Seay l= (ft =< +e] (324) s'is usually assumed at 1 foot and /' — (f+ c’) at 100 feet. and the stadia hairs are then adjusted accordingly. The focal distance f may be found by removing the object glass and ex- posing it to the rays of the sun and noting at what distance from the surface of the lens the rays form a perfect and min. ute image of the sun on a smooth surface; the distance ¢’ is measured on the telescope when the rod is clearly in focus, at the assumed distance. To measure any other distance, the rod is again observed at the desired point, and the space s noted, which, placed in eq. (824), gives 1 — (f+ ce) at once. We then measure ¢ on the telescope, and adding (f+ c), obtain /, the distance re- quired, LEVELLING. 193 But inasmuch as ¢ has but a small range of values, it will usually be sufficient to assume for it a mean value, as a con- stant. In this case we may find the value of (f+ ¢) = 1 for the instrument used. Making c’ = ¢ in eq, (824), and solv- ing for (f+ c), we have 2 sl’ — s'l Tees ae a 8 — iv) =~ iS) ve CU —— and by laying off on level ground any two distances from the instrument for 7’ and J, as 100 and 500, and observing the corresponding spaces s’ and s intercepted on a rod, we insert them in eq. (825) and find (f+ o). Having found (f+ ¢), lay off (100 + f-+ ¢) from the instru- ment and adjust the stadia hairs to inclose just one foot on the rod at that distance. Any other distance is then found by the formula, $= 100s+(f+9 (326) Exam ple.—At l’ = 100 we finds’ =: 1.00, and at = 500 we find s = 5.061. . 506.1 — 500 (QD eat re mete — 9 Hence, eq. (825) ft+e= 061 = 1.502 and eq. (326) 1 =100s-+-1.5; provided the stadia hairs be ad- justed so as to intercept 1 foot at 101.5 fect distance from the centre of the instrument. 224. The foregoing formule are all that are necessary for horizontal sights, but since the line of collimation is generally inclined more or less to the horizon, 1t follows that the stadia hairs will intercept a larger space on the vertical rod than that due to the true horizontal distance. We therefore require a formula for reducing inclined measurements to the horizontal. Fig. 86. Let « = HFG = the angle of inclination of the line of colli- mation JG; “ §@ = CFD = the visual angle defined by the stadia hairs; «< ¢ — OD = space intercepted on a vertical rod. Then (Fig. 85), CGH 3 re if — 2 face re ee ns — =F 5! tan 34 EF * er Pr) a. (SO) © ko) 194 FIELD ENGINEERING. Th In Fig. 86 ' s= CE — DE = EF [tan (a + 49) — tan (a — 46)] while the true value (for the same distance) would be C'D' = 2EF tan 48 Dividing one by the other we derive CD 2 tan 40 a $. tan (a + 46) — tan (a — 46) By giving to 8s’ and /’—(f+ ec) in eq. (827) their customary Fig. 86. values, v7z., 1 and 100, we have tan46=.005 .:°. 6 = 34’ 22’.63 and by Trig. Table II. 70, sin 9 aH tan (v@-+-46) — tan (a — 46) = ———_____ —_ iia Coase ot ( ) cos (aw + 49) cos (~—44) Since 6 is small, we have sensibly Hoi sin 6 = 2 tan 49, and cos (@ + 49) cos (a — 49) = cos? « Hii | and the last equation reduces sensibly to it C'D Hi rae cos? @ (328) / 8 which is the coefficient of reduction required by which i to multiply the observed space s in case of inclined sights. Hence the formula for distance (eq. 326) becomes in this case without sensible error {| t= 100 s cos? a+ (f+e) (829) Tables XVIII. and XIX. have been calculated by the exact formula for the coefficient. LEVELLING. 19d Example.--Given : « = 8° 20' and s = 9,221; what is the horizontal distance to the rod? Eq. (829) 100 log...2. 8 9.221 0.964778 | a 8° 20' Tab. XTX. «¢ 9.99078) 902.7 2.955558 +e 1.5 .. Ans. 904.2 ft. The rodman should have a disk level to insure keeping the ro‘ vertical. 225. Another method of procedure is that in which the rod is always held perpendicular to the line of collimation, however much inclined the latter may be. To secure this posi- tion of the rod, a small brass bar is attached, having sights upon it through which the rodman watches the instrument during an observation, the line of sight being at right angles to the rod. The distance thus obtained is of course parallel to the linc of collimation, and requires to be reduced to the hori- zontal. For this purpose, we have (Fig. 87). Fia. 87. TH=IGcosa+ LG sin a or IH = (100 s+ f+e)cosa+r sin a (330) in which r is the reading of the rod by the line of collimation. For the elevation of the point B above J, Hy EB = HG — GBcosa or ERB = (100s+ f+ ¢) sin «~— 7 cos a (3831) 196 FIELD ENGINEERING. When the distances are sufficiently great, correction must be made for curvature of the earth and refraction, as already ex- plained. This method is employed by the topographical parties of the U. §. Coast Survey in connection with the plane table. Their instruments, however, are so constructed as to give distances in metres, and heights in feet, requiring a modification of the above formule. OMAP ih ix. CONSTRUCTION. HH 226. The engineer department of a railway com- | pany is usually reorganized for the construction of the road, as follows: Chief engineer, Division engineers, Resident engineers, Assistant engineers. On some roads the division engineers are styled ‘‘ Principal Assistants ;’ the resident engineers, ‘‘ Assistants;” and the assistant engineers are de- ! signated according to their duties, as ‘‘leveller,” ‘ rodman,” Hi etc. | A resident engineer has charge of‘a few miles of line, i limited to so much as he can personalfy superintend and direct. He has one or more assistants and an axman in his i party. All instrumental work is done and all measurements taken by the resident engineer and his assistants. A division engineer has charge of several residencies, | and inspects the progress of the work on his division once \'( | or twice a week. In his office, which should be centrally | located, all maps, profiles, plans, and most of the working bial drawings required on his division are prepared. To him the HGH resident engineers make detailed, reports once a month, or | oftener if necessary, which he passes upon as to their cor- rectness, and from which he makes up a monthly report, or estimate, of the amount and value of the work done and ma- terials provided by each contractor on his division. The esti- mates are forwarded about the first of each month to the chief engineer, who examines and approves them, returning for modification any that seem to require it. 9 CONSTRUCTION. 19% The chief engineer has charge of the entire work, and directs the general business of the engineer department. He occasionally inspects the work along the line. 227. Clearing and Grubbing. The first step in the work of construction is to clear off all growth of timber within the limits of the right of way. The resident engineer with his party passes over the line, making offsets to the right and left, and blazing the trees which stand on, or just within, the limits of the company’s property. The blazed spot is marked with a letter 0, as a guide to the contractor. After felling, the valuable timber should* be piled near the boun- dury lines, to be saved as the property of the company. The brushwood 1s burned. Where a deep cut is to be made, the stumps are left to be removed as the earth is excavated. In very shallow cuts and fills the contractor will generally prefer to tear up the trees by their roots’ at once, rather than to grub out the stumps after clearing. Where the embankments will be over three feet high, grubbing is not necessary; but the trees require to pe low-chopped, leaving no stump above the roots. The engi- neer should indicate to the contractor the localities where each process is suitable. clearing is in progress, the engineer should run a line of test Iqvels touching on all the benches to verify their elevations ; Ife may also rerun the centre line, replacing any stakes that may have disappeared, and setting guard plugs to any important transit points which may not have been previously guarded. If any changes in the alignment have been ordered, these may be made at the same time. 228. While th 229. Cross Sections. The resident engineer is fur- nished with ‘a profile of the portion of the line in his charge, upon which 1s plainly indicated by line and figures the estab- lished grade, From this he calculates the elevation of grade at each station, and by subtracting this from the elevation of the surface, he derives the depth of cut or fill (+ or —) to be made at each point. The grade given on the profile is that which is subsequently called the subgrade, being the surface of the road-bed. The final or true grade is the upper surface of the ties after the track is laid. 198 FIELD ENGINEERING. The base of a cross section is identical with the width of the road-bed. It is made wider in cuts than in fills to allow for the side ditches. Six feet should be allowed in earth, and four feet in rock cuts. The ratio of the side slopes depends upon the material. The usual slope ratio for earth is 1} horizontal to 1 vertical for both excavation and embank- ment. Damp clay and solid gravel beds will stand for a time in cuts at 1 to 1, or an angle of 45°, but this cannot be perma- nently depended on. On the other hand, fine sand and very wet clay may require slopes of 12 to 1 or 2 to 1. Exceptional cases require slopes of 3 or 4 to 1. In rock work the slopes are usually made at } to 1 for solid, 4 to 1 for loose, and 1 tol for very loose rock, liable to Tone ceed Rock embankmenis stand at 1 to 1. 230. All cross sections are taken in vertical planes at right angles to the direction of the centre line. Figs. 88, 89. Formule. Let 6 = AB, the base of section, or road-bed. Rtas ad # WA Spent % We 2 Diy aca the slope ratio ““ d = CG = the cut (or fill) at the centre stake. “ h = DH or HN = the cut (or fill) at the side stake. x = CD = the ‘‘distance out”’ from centre to side stake. eta teem Cica kD), We have at once from the figures the general formula x= 4b-+s8h (3832) When the ground is level transversely, h=d, and # = 40-4 sd, For embankment use the same formula, considering d or h as positive in this case also, the figure being simply inverted. "Len the ground ts inclined transven ’sely; h=0G+DK=d+y onthe upper side in cuts; w= 4b-+-sd-+ sy (333) and h=EN=d—y onthe lower side in cuts = 46+ sd — sy (334) CONSTRUCTION. 199 For embankments use the same formule, but apply eq. (838) to the lower side and eq. (334) to the upper side, the figure being inverted. The points D and / on the ground are usually found by trial, such that the corresponding values of # and y will verify the formule. When the natural slope FD or LE is uniform its ratio 8’ may be found by measuring along the section the horizontal dis- tance necessary to change the reading of the rod 1 foot (or half the distance necessary to change it 2 feet, etc.). Then, having found the depths of cut (or fill) at /’and ZL, distant 4d from the centre C, we have BH = sh = s(h — BF) and AN = sh = 8 (AL — h) Yrom these we have, for the upper side in cuts, and lower gide in fills. ' SRR ean =) Vise gees) BF. ..2-= 4) 4 - S$. te also, for the lower side in cuts, and upper side in fills, PTs Fs Be ee Beale awe AL (886) We also have h—- BF= 7 — BR | vag + (337) AL —h= eee AL aereet whence the points D and # may be found by the level. But points D and # thus calculated should have their post- tions verified by the general formula, eq. (332), lest the slope s may not have been perfectly uniform. When the natural surface intersects the base between the points 4A and B, the section is said to be in side hil! work, Fig. 90. Both portions of the section are then determined by eq. (833), or where the slope s' 1s reguiar, by eq. (835) measuring in every case from the centre stake C; but observing that when the centre is in cut and one side in fill, or vice versa, that J must be considered negative for that side, wheuce eq. (883) becomes for this case z= 4b—sdt+ ey (833) 200 FIELD ENGINEERING. 231. Staking out Earthwork. Beginning at a point on the centre line where the grade cuts the natural sur- face, the engineer drives a grade stake (marked 0.0) and notes the point in the cross-section book. If the line of intersection of the road-bed and surface would make an acute angle with the centre line, he also finds the points where the edges of the proposed road-bed will intersect the surface, drives grade stakes, and also stakes out a cross section through each of those points, if necessary. Then advancing to the next point on the centre line where a section is required, he finds its elevation with the level (veri- fying or correcting the elevation taken on the location), calcu- lates the depth of cut or fill CG, which 1s then marked upon the back of a stake there driven; a cut being designated by C and a jill by L. Lf the ground is level transversely (Fig. 88), he calculates z by Fig. 88. eq. (382) and lays off this distance at right angles to the centre line, driving slope stakes at the points D and #, marked with the depth of cut or fili. The marked side of slope stakes should face the centre line. Lf the ground ws inclined transversely (Fig. 89), he first measures Fie. 89. the distance, 45, to F’ and finds the depth BF’ for record. He then proceeds to find the point D. If the natural slope be uni- form, D may be found by eq. (335) or (337), verifying the result by eq. (832). The point Hof the other slope may be found similarly, using eq. (336) or eq. (337): verifying by eq. (332). CONSTRUCTION. 201 232. If the ground be irregular, the depth of cut or fill is found not only at the centre and edges of the road-bed, but also at every other point along the cross section where the sur- Jace slope changes, all of which depths are recorded, together with their respective distances from the centre. To find the point D: assume a point supposed to be near D, and there take a reading of the rod. The difference of the readings at that point and at Cequals y’ for that point, which inserted in eq. (333) gives a value 2’, If 2’ agrees with the horizontal dis- tance of the assumed point from (C, the true position of D has been found. If 2’ be greater than this, by subtracting the eq. ‘= 30-+ sd-+sy’' from eq. (888) we derive a= x + sy — ¥) (338) the last term of which shows the correction to be added to 2’. Now in advancing from the assumed point to the extremity of , the rise of the surface 1s approximately (y — y’), and if, in going the additional distance, s(y — y'), a further rise is en- countered, this last, multiplied by s, must also be added to 2’, and so on until the additional advance makes no change in the value of y. The point thus found, verified by eq. (882), is the point D required. But if 2’ be less than the distance of the assumed point from C, we have v= a' — y' — Y) (338)' the corrections being subtractive. The point # on the other slope is found in a similar manner, using eq. (834) for the value of 2’; if 2’ be greater than the as- sumed distance, we have 2=e' —y—y) (339) the corrections being subtractive ; but if @' be less than the as. sumed distance, =v + sy —Y) (339)’ the corrections being additive. 233. In side-hill work (Fig. 90) proceed in the same manner, using eqs, (833) or (333)' and (388) in all cases of un- even ground. When the surface slope s’ is uniform, eq. (335) may be used, if preferred, on either side. In addition to the ia] re eee 202 FIELD ENGINEERING. centre and side stakes, a grade stake is driven at the point 0, where the surface intersects the grade, the stake facing down hill. To find a grade point, set the target to a reading equal to the height of instrument less the elevation of grade, and stand the rod at various points along the given line until the target coin- cides with the line of collimation. Fie. 90. 234. When two materials are found in the same section, as rock overlaid with earth, each material requires its own slope, and a compound section is the result. To stake out work of this description, the depth of earth to the rock must be known, and may be nearly ascertained by reference to an adjacent section already excavated. Fig. 91. heal ke Ta ono a ial - 4 Fria. 91. Let a; be the depth of earth at C “6 is Ct Sha 6c “6 P or Q ‘* s, be the ratio of rock slope Sh Sig oe ** earth slope Then w= 40+ si(d — a) + 91) + 8e(de + Yo) (840) in which y; = difference of rod readings on the rock at C, and D,, or C, and #,; and y, = difference of rod readings on the surface at Pand Dz, or at @ and #,. The upper sign applies to the upper side, the lower sign to the lower, CONSTRUCTION. 203 It is better, however, to make an indefinite cross profile at first, driving two reference stakes quite beyond the section limits: and when the contractor has removed the earth from between D, and Z,, indicate to him those exact points by marks on the rock, and also set the slope stakes at D. and £. 235. The frequency with which cross sections should be takén depends entirely upon the form of the surface; where this is regular, a section at each station is sufficient. A cross section should be taken, not only at every point on the centre line where there is an angle in the profile, but also wherever an angle would be found in the profile of a line joining a series of slope stakes on either side, even though the profile of the centre line may be quite regular at the corresponding point :— the object being, not only to indicate the proper outlines of the earthwork, but to furnish the data necessary to calculate correctly the quantities of material removed. Rockwork will generally require more frequent sections than earthwork. 236. Vertical Curves.—The grades as given on the profile are right lines, which intersect each other with angles more or less abrupt. ‘These angles require to be replaced by vertical curves, slightly changing the grade at and near the point of intersection. A vertical curve rarely need extend more than 200 feet each way from that point. Fig. 92. Fig. 92. Let AB, BOC, be two grades in profile, intersecting at station B, and let A and C be the adjacent stations. It is required to join the grades by a vertical curve extending from A to @. tt Suppose a chord drawn from A to (;—the elevation of the middle point of the chord will be a mean of the elevations of grade at A and (C; and one half of the difference between this owe 204 FIELD ENGINEERING. and the elevation of grade at B will be the middle ordinate of the curve. Hence we have grade A + grade 0 | 9 — grade B) (341) M=+%4 in which M = the correction in grade for the point B. The correction for any other point is proportional to the square of its distance from Aor 0. Thus the correction at A 26 is 3M; at A+ 50 it is $M; at A+ 75 it is {M, and the same for corresponding points on the other side of B. The correc- tions in the case shown are subtractive, since M is negative. They are additive when M is positive, and the curve concave upward. These corrections are made at the time the cross sections are taken, and the corrected grades are entered in the field- book opposite the numbers of the respective stations. 237. Form of Field-book.—A complete record of all cross-section work is kept in the cross-section book. On the left-hand page is recorded, in the first column, the numbers of the stations and other points where sections are taken; in the second, the elevations of those points, copied in part from the location level-book, but verified or corrected at the time the section is taken; in the third, the elevation of the grade for the same points; in the fourth, the width of base 0b; in the fifth, the slope ratios, s; and in the sixth, the surface ratio s’ when uniform. The right-hand page has a central column, in which, and opposite the number of the station, is recorded the centre depth of the section, marked + or —, to indicate cut or fill, as the case may require. To the right of this are recorded the notes of that portion of the section which lies on the right of the centre line, as the line was run, and to the left, the notes of the left side. The distance from the centre to each point noted is recorded as the numerator of a fraction, and the cut or fill at the point as the denominator, prefixed by a-+ or — as the case may require. The denominator for a grade point is zero. The numbers of the stations should increase wp the page, as in a transit book, so that there may be no confusion as to the right and left side of the line. The several points being noted in order as they occur from the centre outwards, the notes far: CONSTRUCTION. 205 thest from the centre of the page usually appertain to the slope stakes; but in case the cross profile is extended beyond the slope stake, the note of the latter should be surrounded by a circle to distinguish it. The following form is a specimen of a right-hand page, with the first column only of the left- hand page: ; Sta. |} Cross | Sections. \| | 83 || Hea” MGIC HOGI, SHOR OF SOR SA0 __ 20 CB 56 © | + 8.6 + 14 417.7 4 21 | +215) 420.8 +25.6 428.3 +20.4 | + 60 || 37.5 _ 10 cod Os exis dO ek 42.6 ti 5.0, 410.1192). oe 14 Pid 7 180 1 101 7 89 BS 2s AO ah tiie ton 6 10 ; 31.6 2 +38 +5.4| 19.4) + 8.5 1117.6 114.4 ies fGen Ot IO 19,2 S| OT eer ae he + 27 0 24 er ane ar fame: Larue! 9.6 aigeeacs Wining SI 25.99 MOVBID 15 —12.6-11.2 | —12 | 10.6 — 5.3 eg} BBSydi A Frn Orsi hut whier 48! eaGy —17.6 —16.4 | —17.6 | —19.6 —19.1 —12.4 238. In case there is a liability to land-slips, the profiles of cross sections should be carried beyond the slope stakes, on the upper side of the cut, to any distance thought neces- sary to reach firm ground, and stakes driven for future refer- ence. When a number of consecutive cross profiles are to be considerably extended, it is well to first run, instrumentally, a line parallel to the centre line, and set stakes opposite the stations, taking their elevations. The intermediate surface of the sections may then be taken with cross-section rods if more convenient. See $37, 239. In case of inaccessible ground, preventing a regular staking out, an indefinite profile of the section may generally be obtained, referred to the datwm for elevation and to the centre line for position, which being plotted on cross- section paper, and the grade line and side slopes added, shows to scale where the slope stakes should be, 206 FIELD ENGINEERING. 240. Any isolated mass of rock or earth which oc- curs within the limits of the slope stakes, but not included in the regular notes, is separately measured and noted, so that its contents may be computed and added to the sum of the same material found in the cross sections. 241. Borrow-pits.—When the excavations will not suffice to complete the embankments, material may be taken from other localities, termed borrow-pits. These should be staked out by the engineer and their contents calculated, unless the contractor is to be paid for work by embankment measurements. A number of cross profiles are taken of the original surface, and (on the same lines) of the bottom of the pit after it is excavated, which furnish the depth of cutting at each required point. Borrow-pits should be regularly ex- cavated, so that they may not present an unsightly appear- ance when abandoned. Borrow-pits may be avoided by widening the cut uniformly at the time it is staked out, so that it may furnish sufficient material; provided the material is suitable, the embankment accessible, and the distance not too great. When the excavation is in excess, the surplus ma- terial should be uniformly distributed by widening the adja- cent embankments, if possible; otherwise it 1s deposited at convenient places indicated by the engineer and is said to be wasted, 242. Shrinkage.—In estimating the relative amounts of excavation and embankment required, allowance must be made for difference in the spaces occupied by the material before ex- cavation and after it is settled in embankment. The various earths will be more compact in embankment, rock less so. The difference in volume is called shrinkage in the one case, and trcrease in the other. Shrinkage in 1000 cu. yds. Material. -Of excavation. Of settled embkt. Sand:and gravel... /s.5..2. si 80 C. Yds. 87C. Yds. SOLA tecnsouin's face pean nuh cattle 10055 111 35 TAU cee ratte Salen see tua ai eae 14 Sa Leh NVGL SULT. OS cae ea ee eee wae es 1508 Ps 200°“ Increase in 1000 cu, yds. Rock, large fragments......... 600 C. Yds, 375 C. Yds. «¢ “medium tragments...... TU 413“ ‘+ gmall seine, 8 800 i 444 * CONSTRUCTION. 20% Thus, an excavation of sand and gravel measuring 1000 cubic yards will form only about 920 cubic yards of embankment; or an embankment of 1000 cubic yards will require 1087 cubic yards of sand or gravel measured in excavation to fill it; but will require only 587 cubic yards of rock excavation, the rock being broken into medium-sized fragments; while 1000 cubic yards of the latter, measured in excavation, will form 1700 cubic yards of embankment. The lineal settlement of an earth embankment will be about in the ratio given above, therefore the contractor should be instructed in setting his poles to guide him as to the height of grade on un earth embankment, to add 10 per cent (average) to the fill marked on the stakes. In rock embankments this is not necessary. The engineer should see that all embank- ments are made full width at first, out to the slope stakes, and by measure at or above grade, so that the whole may settle in a compact mass.. Additions to the width made subsequently are likely to slide off. 243. The cross-section notes should be traced in ink at the first opportunity to secure their permanence. An office copy should also be made to serve in case of loss or damage to the original. 244. Alteration of Line.—Inasmuch as the centre line at grade is the base of reference for all measurements and cal- culations in earthwork, any change made in it after the work of grading has begun should be most carefully recorded and explained. The centre stakes of the old line should be left standing until after the new line is established, so that the per- pendicular offset from the old line to the new, at each station, may be measured, as also the distance that the new station may be in advance of, or behind the old one. The date of the change should be recorded. The original cross sections are extended any amount requisite, the distance out being still reckoned from the old centre, while a marginal note states the amount by which the centre has been shifted. The difference in length of the lines will make a long or short station at the point of closing. The exact length of such a station should be recorded, so-that 1t may be observed in re- tracing the linc at any time, and in calculating the quantity of ——— = 208 FIELD ENGINEERING. earthwork. The original transit notes of the altered line should be preserved, but marked as ‘‘ abandoned,” with a reference to the notes of the new line on another page. 245. Drains and Culverts.—The engineer should ex amine the nature and extent of each depression in the profile with reference to the kind of opening required for the passage ‘of water. For small springs, and for a limited surface of rain- fafl, cement pipes, in sizes varying from 12 to 24 inches diame- ter, serve an excellent purpose as drains. These are easily laid down, and if properly bedded, with the earth tamped about them, are very permanent; but their upper surface should be at least 24 feet below grade. The embankment is protected at the upper end of the drain by a bit of vertical wall, enclosing the end of the pipe. If necessary, a paved gutter may lead to it. ; Where stone abounds, the bed of a dry ravine may be partly filled with loose stone, extending beyond the slopes a few feet, which will prevent the accumulation of water. When the flow of water is estimated to be too great for two lines of the largest cement pipe, or when the embankment is too shallow to admit them safely, a culvert is required. A pavement is Jaid one foot thick, protected by a curb of stone or wood 8 fect deep at each end, and wide enough to allow the walls to be builtupon it. Itshould have a uniform slope, usu- ally between the hmits of 50 to 1 and 100 to 1 to ensure the ready flow of water. In firm soils the foundation pit is exca- vated one foot below the bed of the stream, butif mud is found this must be removed and the space filled with riprap, the up- per course of which is arranged to form the pavement at the proper level. In a V-shaped ravine, requiring too much ex- cavation at the sides, and where the fall 1s considerable, riprap may be used to advantage, the bed of the stream above the culvert being graded up by the same material to meet the pave- ment. In some cases a curtaim, or cross wall, 1s necessary on the lower end to retain the riprap. Culverts should be laid out at right angles to the centre line whenever practicable, the bed of the stream being altered if necessary. The length of an open culvert 1s the entire distance between slope stakes, the walls being parallel throughout, or the length may be taken somewhat less than this, and the walls ? CONSTRUCTION. 2092 turned at right angles on the upper end, forming a facing to the foot of the slope. The walls are carried up to grade for the width of the road-bed, and are stepped down to suit the siopes. A course is afterwards added to retain the ballast. In box culverts the span varies from 2 to 5 feet, the height in the clear from 2 to 6 feet; the thickness of walls from.3 to 4 feet; the thickness of cover from 12 to 18 inches, and its length at least 2 feet greater than the span. The walls terminate in short head-walls built parallel to the centre line, the top course being a continuation of the cover. The length of a head-wall, measured on the outer face, 1s equal to the height of the culvert in the clear multiplied by the slope ratio of the embankment. The perpendicular distance from the centre line to the face of a hvad-wall 1s equal to one half the road-bed, plus the depth of the top of the wall below grade multiplied by the slope ratio, or 40 + sk. A coping 1s sometimes added. 246. Arch culverts are used when the span required is more than 5 feet, and the embankment too high to warrant carrying the walls up to grade as an open culvert. The span varies from 6 to 20 feet; the arch is a semicircle, the thickness varying from 10 or 12 inches to 18 or 20 inches. The height of abutments to the springing line varies. from 2 to 10 feet, the thickness at the springing line from 8 to 5 feet, and at the base from 3 to6 feet, the back of the abutment receiving the batter. The foundations are laid broader and deeper than in box cul- verts, each abutment having its own pit, carried to any depth found necessary. The half length of the culvert is 40 + sh, in which ¥# is the depth of the crown of the arch below grade. The abutments are carried up half way from the spring to the level of the crown of the arch, and thence sloped off toward the crown. ‘The face walls are carried up to the crown, and coped. The wing walls stand at an angle of 30° with the axis of the culvert, they receive a batter on the face, and are stepped (or sloped) down to suit the embankment. Their thickness, at the base, 1s the same as that of the abutment; at the outer end 3 feet. They stop about 3 feet short of the foot of the slope. They need not be curved in plan. Any stone structure of dimensions greater than those given above, scarcely comes under the head of culverts, and should be made the subject of a special design by the engineer. 210 FIELD ENGINEERING. 247. Staking out Foundation Pits.—For box culverts.—The engineer having decided upon the size of cul- vert required, makes a diagram of it in plan, on a page of his masonry book, recording all the dimensions, stating the sta- tion and plus at which its centre is taken, the span and height of the opening, etc. He then sets the transit at the centre A, Fig. 93, measures the angle between the centre line and axis, Fie. 93. (making it 90° if practicable); on the axis he lays off the dis- tances to the ends of the culvert and drives stakes at Band C. Perpendicular to BC he Jays off the half widths of the pit, set- ting stakes at D and #, and laying off DP'and HH = AB; and DGand HI = AC. On IG produced he lays off CJ = CK, and perpendicular to this /M and AZ, and finds the intersections Oand V. A stake is driven at each angle, and upon it is marked the cut required to reach the assumed level for the foundation. These cuts are recorded on the corresponding angles of the diagram. The pit 1s thus no larger than the plan of the proposed masonry, and the sides are vertical, which answers the purpose for shallow pits. Kor arch culverts.—The pit for each abutment when shallow may be of the same dimensions as the lower founda- tion course . if more than five feet deep, it should be enlarged by an extra space of one foot all around. In Fig. 94 the inside CONSTRUCTION. 211 lines show the plan of the abutments at the neat-lines ; the outside lines represent the pits. Having prepared a plan of the structure suited to the locality, and made a diagram of the same in the masonry book; set the transit at A, and drive stakes at D, H, NV and O on the centre line. Then turning to the axis BC, lay off AC, and set stakes at Gand J. With G as a centre, and a radius equal to 2D#, describe on the ground Fie. 94, an arc cutting #7 in X or UX = DE. cot 30°) may be calcu- lated; and on XG produced lay off GX, and perpendicular to this, AL. From WN lay off WP, parallel to AC, and measure PL asacheck. Drive a stake at each angle, marked with the proper cutting, and record the same on the diagram. The locality may require the wings to be of different lengths and angles, of which the engineer will judge.. Guard-plugs should be driven in line with the intended face of one or both abut- ments, so that the neat-lines can be readily given when re quired. In case the material 1s not likely to stand vertically, the pit must be staked out with sloping sides, as described below. For bridge abutments.—A design for every impor- tant structure is usually prepared in the office after a survey of the site. The foundation pit is then laid out from dimen- sions furnished on a tracing, but a diagram of the pit should be made in the masonry book as usual. When the bredge ison a tan- gent, Fig. 95, set the transit at A on the centre line at its inter- section with the axis BC of the abutment at the level of the scat. pate FIELD ENGINEERING. Deflect from the tangent the angle giving the direction of BC, and lay off AC, AB, setting plugs at B and C, and reference plugs (two on each side) on BC produced. After staking out ihe sides of the pit parallel to BC, set the transit at C, and deflect the angle for the wing, laying off CD, and driving stakes at the corners # and #. Two reference points are then set on the line CD produced. The other wing being Fie. 95. staked out in the same manner, the cut is found at each stake and marked and recorded. Cross sections are then taken near each corner, perpendicular to each side, and slope stakes (marked ‘‘ slope”) are driven where the slope runs out. Inter- mediate sections are taken when the unevenness of the ground makes it necessary, and the lines joining the slope stakes are produced to intersect, and other stakes are driven at the inter- sections. ‘The position of each stake is shown on the diagram, and the cut recorded. A slope of 1 to 1 is usually sufficient for pits. Ifthe material will not stand at 14 to 1, or if space cannot be spared for the slope, the sides may be carried down vertically, supported by sheet piling braced from within. The reference points should be so chosen that the points A, Band C may be found by intersection, on any course of the masonry, during the progress of construction. When the bridge is on a curve, the bridge-chord should be found and the abutments laid out from this. Fig. 96. The bridge-chord is a line AB, midway between the chord of the curve OD, joining the centres of the abutments, and a tan- gent to the curve at the middle point of the span. Hence CONSTRUCTION. CA = DB=+%4MN, which may be laid off, and A and B are the true centres of the abutments, from which the foundations are staked out as before. The distance CH = DF to the points where the bridge-chord cuts the curve is 0.147CD. Should an abutment site on a curve be inaccessible, as when. Fie. 96. under water, from any transit point P on the curve lay off. PX perpendicular to the tangent at MW, observing that PX = MQ — AC= KR (wers PM — 4 vers CM) and AX = PQ —tAB= R(sin PM — 4CD) The point A may then be found by intersection, or by direct measurement with a steel tape or wire, driving a long stout, stake to show the point above the water. Other points may then be approximately found, sufficient to begin operations. In case of a bridge of several spans, the piers are laid out in the same manner, from a centre point and axis. If on a curve, each span has its own bridge-chord, but for convenience, the centre of a pier may be taken on the centre line during its con- struction, and the bridge-chord only found for the purpose of placing the bridge; the piers being long enough to allow of the shift. = s 214 FIELE ENGINEERING. To locate the centres of piers, a base line is re: quired on one or both shores, and two transits are used to give ihe intersections by calculated angles. When practicable the spans should also be measured with a steel tape or wire. The bed of a pit for any sort of structure should receive the closest scrutiny of the engineer, it being his duty to judge whether the material will resist une Joad to be im- posed upon it. A pit may require to be excavated to a greater depth than first ordered, while sometimes a less depth will answer, aS when solid rock is found. When a good material is reached, if any doubt exist as to its thickness, or as to the character of the underlying stratum, borings should be made or sounding rods driven down. Piles may be driven to gain the requisite firmness, and a layer of riprap, of beton, or of timber may be used to afford a uniform bearing. When satis- fied of the stability of the bed, the engineer finds the original centres, and gives points for the courses of masonry. A com- plete record is kept of the amount and kind of excavation, the materials uscd in foundation under the,masonry, and of the size and thickness of each foundation course of masonry; the notes should be taken at the time the work is done, it being generally impossible to take measurements thereafter. 248. Cattle-guards are shallow pits placed at right, angles across the road at the fence lines to prevent the passage of cattle. They are either entirely open, in which case they should be at least 4 feet deep, or they are covered in part with wooden rails laid a few inches apart. The open guard is preferred. It is built like an open culvert except that no pavement is required. The stringers carrying the rails over any opening should be no longer than the span plus the thick- ness of the walls. 249. Trestle Work.—No wooden culverts should ever beused. If stone cannot be had at first, two trestle bents may be erected, ,eaving between them a space sufficient to contain the stone structure to be built when the material for it can be brought by rail. The bents may be backed by plank to retain the embankment, and the stringers are then notched down an inch on the caps to receive the pressure of the earth, and render the bents mutually sustaining. The sills are prevented from yielding to the pressure cf the earth by being sunk in CONSTRUCTION. pple a trench, or by sheet piling. Should the span be too long, a central bent may be used, so as not to interfere with building the wall. Sometimes pile-bents may be used with greater ad- vantage, the piles being driven in rows of four each, and cap- ped to receive the stringers. In districts where suitable stone is entirely wanting, pile or trestle abutments and piers are used for the support of bridges, the piles or posts being arranged in groups and capped to receive the direct weight of the trusses. Thcy should not sustain the embankment, but should be connected with it by a short trestle work. Trestle work is frequently used as a substitute for embank- ment, either to lessen the first cost, or to hasten the completion of the line, or for lack of suitable material with which to form an embankment. The cost of trestle work, however, is not iess than that of an earth embankment formed from borrow pits, unless its height exceeds about 15 fect, depending on the relative prices of materials and labor. When not exceeding 30 fect in height, the dents, for single track, are usually composed of two posts, a Cap and sill, cach 12 X 12, and two batter posts, 10 < 12, inclined at 4th to 1, all framed together. Two lengths of 3-inch plank are spiked on diagonally on opposite sides of the bent as braces. The length of the caps should equal the width of the embankment; the posts should be 5 fect from centre to centre, and the batter posts 2 feet from the posts at thecap. The sill should extend about two fect beyond the foot of the batter post. A masonry foundation for the bent is preferable, though pile foundations are not uncommon, and some temporary structures are placed directly on a firm soil, supported only by mudsills laid crosswise under the sill. The spans, or distance between bents, may vary from 12 to 16 feet. The stringers should consist of 4 pieces, 2 under each rail, bolted together, with packing blocks to separate them 2 or 3 inches. Over each bent and at the centre of cach span a piece of thick plank about 4 feet long should be placed on edge between the two pair of beams to preserve the proper distance between them, while rods pass through the beams and strain them up to the ends of the plank, to increase the stability of the beams and prevent their buckling under a load. The string- ers should be able to carry safely the heavicst load without bracing against the posts. The bents, however, if high, must be braced against each other. The stringers should be con 216 FIELD ENGINEERING. tinuous, the two pieces breaking joints with each other at the bents, to which they are firmly bolted. They may rest directly on the caps, or corbels may intervene. -The spans on a curve should be shorter than on a tangent. The ties should be notched down to fit the stringers closely, and guard rails, either wood or iron, secured to them firmly. Unless the spans are ‘very short, horizontal bracing should be employed consisting of 3-inch plank, extending from the centre of each span to the ends of the caps, which are notched down to receive the plank. For trestles much higher than 80 feet the cluster bent is preferable, so termed because each vertical post is composed of a cluster of four pieces, 8 x 8, standing a little apart to allow the horizontal members to pass between them. The verticals are continuous, breaking joints, two and two, while the hori- zontals pass the posts and are bolted to them at the joints; the framing is accomplished entirely by packing blocks and bolts. The batter posts consist each of two pieces 8 X 8; the horizon- tals may be 4 X10, and extend not only across the bent, but Ht from one bent to another. Proper bracing is also used in every | direction. When very high, a secondary pair of batter posts may be introduced in the lower part of the structure. The ‘| batter need not exceed 1th to1. In some instances two adjoin- 1 ing bents are strongly braced together, forming a tower or pier, i and the piers placed from 50 to 100 feet apart, the roadway being carried on trussed bridges. The cluster bent admits of | any piece being removed and a new one inserted when neces- Ht sary. Iron trestles are now adopted where a permanent struc- ture is desired. Owing to the expansion of the metal by heat, the bents cannot be continuously connected with each other as in a wooden trestle; hence the pier form is resorted to, having spans varying from 380 to 150 fect, covered by trussed bridges, and the whole structure is more properly styled a viaduct. 250. Tunnels. Tunnels are adopted in certain cases to avoid excessive excavations, steep grades, high sunimits, and circuitous routes. Their disadvantages are the increased time and cost of their construction compared with an open line, and their lack of light and fresh air when in use. It is desirable | that they should be on a tangent throughout, both for the ad- I mission of light and for convenience of alignment. Many CONSTRUCTION. Q1% tunnels, however, have been built with a curve at one or both ends.* The location ofa tunnel, other things being equal, should be such as to make not only the tunnel proper, but also its im- Mediate approaches by open cut as short as possible; and the latter should be selected so as not to be subject to overflow, nor liable to land slides. ‘The material to be encountered may frequently be determined with tolerable accuracy by a study of the geological formation in the vicinity, or by actual borings. The most favorable material for tunnelling is a homogeneous self-supporting rock, devoid of springs, which does not disin- tegrate on exposure to the atmosphere. The worst materials are saturated earth and quicksands. The presence of water in any material increases the cost considerably. The alignment of a tunnel is made the subject of special survey, after the general location is decided, and this is more or less elaborate according to the length of tunnel. A perma- nent station is established at the highest point crossed by the tunnel tangent, from which, if possible, monuments are set in each direction at points beyond the ends of the tunnel. Ii there are two principal summits, stations on these will define the tangent, which may then be produced. The monuments established beyond the tunnel should be sufficiently distant to afford a perfect backsight from the ends of the tunnel, where other monuments are also established. The first quality of in- struments only should be used, and these perfectly adjusted, and the observations should be repeated many times until it is certain that all perceptible errors are eliminated. Since the line of collimation will be frequently inclined to the horizon at a considerable angle, it is important that it should revolve in a vertical plane; and to secure this, a sensitive bubble tube should be attached to the horizontal axis, at right angles to the telescope of the transit. The distance may be obtained by tri- angulation, though direct measurement is to be preferred. A steel tape is convenient and accurate, providing that allowance be made for variations due to temperature, from an assumed standard. The rods described in § 48 may be uscd instead of *The Mont Cenis tunnel, requiring a curve at each end, was first opened on the tangent produced, giving a straight line through, and the curves were excavated subsequently. 218 FIELD ENGINEERING. plumb lines, the tape being held at right angles to them, and therefore horizontal. A plug should be driven for each rod to stand on, and a centre set to indicate the line and measure- ment. As the excavation of the tunnel proceeds, the centre line is given at short intervals by points either on the floor or roof. Overhead points are generally preferred, from which short plumb lines may be hung, constantly indicating the line, with little danger of being disturbed. When a new transit point is required in the tunnel, it should be established directly under an overhead point, which serves as a check upon its perma. nence, and as a backsight when needed. Shafts are sometimes opened to give access to several points of the tunnel at the same time, thus facilitating the work, though at an increased cost. They also serve for ventilation during the progress of the work, though they are worse than useless for this purpose afterward, except possibly in the case of a single shaft near the centre of the tunnel. Some of the longest tun- nels have been formed without shafts, while many shorter ones have had several, which have generally been closed after the tunnel was completed. Shafts are either vertical, inclined, or nearly horizontal; in the latter case they are called adits. In: clined shafts should make an angle of at least 60° with the ver- tical. Vertical shafts may be either rectangular, round, or oval. Their dimensions vary, depending on their depth and the material encountered, between 8 and 25 feet. They are usually sunk on the centre line of the tunnel, though some- times at one side. When over the tunnel the alignment below is obtained directly from two plumb lines of fine wire suspended on opposite sides of the shaft from points very carefully deter- mined at the surface. The plummets are suspended in water to lessen their vibrations, and as soon as the transit can be set up at a sufficient distance to bring the lines into focus, it is shifted by trial into exact line with the mean of their oscilla- tions, the latter being very limited. Permanent points may then be set, but, should be repeatedly verified. As soon as the workings from a shaft communicate with those from either end, or from another shaft, the alignment thus found is tested, and revised if necessary. These operations require the ereatest nicety of observation and delicacy of manipulation to obtain satisfactory results. CONSTRUCTION, From plumb lines in the central shaft of the Hoosac tunnel, the line was produced three tenths of a mile, and met the line produced 2.1 miles from the west end with an error in offset of five sixteenths of an inch. In the Mont Cenis tunnel the lines met from opposite ends with ‘‘no appreciable” crror in alignment, while the error in measurement was about 45 feet in a total length of 7.6 miles. When a curve occurs in a tunnel it is usually near one end. The tunnel tangent is produced and established as before described, anda second tangent from some point on the curve outside the tunnel is produced to intersect it, the inter- section being precisely determined and the angle measured with many repetitions. The tangent distances are then calcu- lated, and the position of the tangent points corrected by precise measurements, and permanent monuments are estab- lished. As the tunnel advances, points may be set at short intervals on the curve in the usual manner; but at intervals of 100 feet the regular stations should be defined with finely centred monuments, using a 100-foot steel tape carefully sup- ported in a horizontal position. When it is necessary to use a subchord, its exact length should be calculated as shown in $107. When the curve has advanced so far as to render anew transit point necessary, this should be established at a full station. The subtangents from the two transit points should then be produced to intersect, and measured for equality with each other and with their calculated length. The distance from their intersection to the middle of the long chord should also be measured as a check on the deflections. When no perceptible errors remain, the curve may be produced as before ‘until the P. 7. is reached. It is evident that correct measure is indispensable to correct alignment on curves. Should obstacles on the surface necessitate triangulation, more than ordinary care must be exercised, and as many checks introduced as possible. The triangles should be so arranged that all of the angles and most of the sides may be measured. Test levels are carried over the surface with great care, each turning point being made a permanent bench, and its elevation determined with a probable error not exceeding 0.005 foot. Levels may be carried down a shaft on a series of bolts or spikes abeat 12 fect apart in the same vertical line, the distances being measured by the same level-rod as that 220 FIELD ENGINEERING. with which the benches are determined. The measures should be taken between two graduations of the rod, not using the end of the rod, which may be slightly worn. Fine horizontal lines on the heads of the bolts may be used to mark the exact distances. After the shaft reaches the level of the tunnel, the depth may be measured more directly with a steel tape, the entire length of which has been corrected at the given tem- perature, by comparison with the same rod. If the grade of a tunnel is to be continuous, it should be assumed at something less than the maximum of the road, but not less than 0.10 per station, which is required for drainage. If a summit is to be made in the tunnel, the grade from the upper end should not exceed 0.10 per station. Grades are given in the tunnel from day to day, or as often as required by the progress of the work, the marks being made on the sides at some arbitrary distance above grade. Turning points should be taken on permanent benches. The least width of a tunnel in the clear should be, for single track about 15 feet, and for double track 26 feet. The least height in the clear above the tie should be 18.5 feet for single track, and 16.5 feet at the outside rails for double track, allowing for tie and ballast; the roof at the centre of the section should be at least 20 feet above subgrade, and with a full centred arch 22 or 23 feet for double track. The form of section depends somewhat on the material traversed. In perfectly solid rock a nearly rectangular section may be used, the roof being slightly rounded. In dry clay, and stratified rock, a flat arch may be used, and in other cases a full-centred arch. .The latter form is rather to be preferred on account of the better ventilation afforded. The sides are made vertical, battered or curved, as necessity or taste may dictate. In wet and infirm soil an invert floor may be required, otherwise it is made level transversely. When a lining is required the original section must of course be made large enough to allow for the masonry, and the temporary timber supports behind it. Hard burned brick is usually adopted for arching, being durable and easily handled. In loose rock the arching may- be from 13 to 26 inches thick, in wet and yielding soil a thickness of from 26 to 89 inches may be necessary. The walls may be from 24 to 6 fect thick. In forming a tunnel, @ heading or gallery of smaller CONSTRUCTION. rae | cross section is first driven and afterwards enlarged to the full size required. In firm clay or loose rock which will tem- porarily support itself until the masonry can be put in, it is better to drive the heading along the floor (at subgrade) of the tunnel, the remaining material being then easily thrown down in sections as the archiny is advanced. In solid rock, or wet earth, a top-heading (along the roof) is generally preferred, The dimensions of a heading driven by hand are usually 8 treet high by 8 or 10 feet wide, but in solid rock where drilling machinery is introduced, it is advantageous to make the head- ing as wide as the tunnel at once. By drilling holes into the face at points about five feet each side of the centre, and con-~ verging on the centre line at a depth of about ten feet, a tri- angular mass of rock may be blown out, and the space thus gained facilitates the blasting of the adjacent rock on either side. An advance of about 10 feet in each day of 24 working hours may thus be made, using nitroglycerine in some form as the explosive agent. Owing, however, to unavoidable delays from various causes, this rate of progress cannot always be maintained. At the Hoosac tunnel the greatest advance in one week was 50 feet; in one month 184 feet at one licading. At the Musconetcong tunnel a heading 8 X 22 feet in syenitic gneiss was advanced at the average rate of 137 feet per month for 6 months, the maximum being 144 feet —the enlargement of the tunnel to full size going on at the same time, a few hundred feet behind. At the St. Gothard tunnel the north heading 2.5 x 8 metres was advanced in mica gneiss, during the year 1875 at the average daily rate of 2-71 metres, with a maximum of about 4 metres, but the en- largement was not made. The south heading advanced at the rate of 2 metres a day, timbering being at times necessary. In ordinary clay a heading may be driven at from 795 to 180 ft. per month, according to circumstances, where timbering is putin. The enlargement, inciuding timbering and masonry, may be advanced at from 20 to 60 ft. per month. Small tun- nels for water conduits are driven through dry clay at the rate of 10 ft. per day, the masonry following at once without tim- bering. The compressed air uscd to drive the drilling machinery serves to supply ventilation also. When this is wanting or proves insufficient, exhaust fans are used. At Mont Cenis a a ee pape FIELD ENGINEERING. horizontal brattice or partition was built in the tunnel, dividing it so as to secure a circulation of air. When foul gases are en- countered, ventilation becomes a serious question, and in one instance an important work was abandoned for this cause. Cross sections of the heading, and also of the tunnel en largement, should be measured at intervals of about 20 fect, as soon as opened, to see that the sides, roof, and floor are taken out to the prescribed lines, at the same time that the latter are exceeded as little as possible. In solid rock, since some ma- terial outside of the true section will necessarily be thrown down, leaving an irregular outline, it 1s well to take two cross sections at the same point, one following the projections and the other the recesses of the rock, from which an average sec- tion may be estimated. A daily, or at least a weekly, record of operations should be kept in tabular form, and the progress indicated by a profile and cross sections drawn on a sufficiently large scale to show dctails. The drainage of a tunnel is best secured by a line of stoneware or cement pipe laid in a trench along cach side, and covered with ballast or other loose material. The entire floor is thus made available for the use of the trackmen. - When an invert is used, the drain is placed in the centre between tracks. If the amount of water is large, drain pipe may be laid behind the walls, and the back of the arch may be covered with as- phaltum, or coal tar, to prevent a constant dripping on the track. 251. Retracing the Line.— oc (‘Viva ad ‘Pies ora [88 +- 658 + 234] = 605 c. yds. Had this been calculated by eq. (849) or eq. (353) or by the 296 FIELD ENGINEERING. tables, the result would be 584 c. yds., showing an error of 21 cubic yards in deficit. 263. At the termination of acut or fill we have usually either a wedge or a pyramid. To a wedge the pre- ceding formule and tables based on them apply by makiny Fie. 102, one end depth equal zero. In the case of a pyramid, the content is equal to the area of the section forming the base multiplied by one third the length of the solid, and divided by 24: OF | LA Oe KOT (354) 264. Side-hill Work.—When the natural surface has a regular transverse slope and intersects the road-bed, the cross section is reduced toa triangle. If w = the intercepted portion of the road-bed, and & = the side height, then A = tok. Similarly A’ = 40% and 4M = 4w+w’) (A+ hb), which substituted in eq. (848) give t l S = —— ~~ (Qu + wk 2w' + w) k' (355 which is convenient for direct calculation from the field notes. It is not adapted to the construction of tables, since it contains four independent variables, CALCULATION OF EARTHWORK. If the slope of the natural surface is given, let s' be the sur- face slope ratio at one section, and s” that at the other, and s the ratio of the side slope. Then w = k(s' — s) and w' = k'(s" — s), which substituted in eq. (855) give Y U 4t im) " ae s' a " ¥] S = 53087 (s'— s)k? + EUs eras kk + (8 ead 8) k? If the surface is a plane, then s" = s', and we have for this case fa ee he tk] (356) PG. 627 which is a formula of quite limited application; yet it is the one on which tables and diagrams are usually constructed. Consequently the latter will not give correct results, except when the surface is a plane. 265. When the natural surface is broken the sections may be plotted, and the values of «# and & taken from the points where an averaging line intersects the grade and side slope respectively. Finding values for w' and x’ in the same way, the content may then be obtained by eq. (855) as before. The averaging line should not only cut off the same area as the original section, but should also have in cach case a slope agreeing as nearly as possible with the general slope of the natural surface. The slope is determined simply by inspection of the diagram, but the area may be bad pre- cisely, for, taking w from the averaging line, and knowing A, we may calculate k by the formula k = = or k may be taken from the plot and 2 calculated. Otherwise, the actual mid-section may be calculated and the cubic contents determined by the method illustrated in § 262. 266. To express side-hill areas and cubic yards in terms of the centre depth, d, and transverse slope-ratio s’. Fig. 103. 5? Whend=9, A= 0k = =p FIELD ENGINEERING. For any depth d, add to this area ; Reet : b sd sa (e+ 5) = 4a ee 5 ta@ a) and there results, _@o+sa" =e pomens it _ Wab+e'a? —~ 2X 278" —8) J (857) Wh Observe that d may be plus or minus, and that its limits are WE b a Tables of cubic yards may be constructed on this formula, i HH making d and s’ the variables, which would be extremely con- Fie. 108. venient for making up estimates upon preliminary lines on which the profile of centre line and angle of transverse slope Hil only are known. Since s’ is the cotangent of the slope angle | the columns of the table may be headed by the angles in a i series of degrees, while the corresponding values of s' are Hi used in the formula. The values of d@ should vary by tenths i] of afoot. The results obtained by eq. (356) and eq. (857) will be identical for the same sections. 267. Several different systems of diagrams have been devised and published for determining quantities in earthwork by a sort of graphical method. These diagrams, which are substitutes for tables are preferred by some engineers. They CALCULATION OF EARTHWORK. 239 are based on the same principles, and are constructed on modi- fications of the same formule. 268. Correction of Earthwork for Curvature. —The preceding calculations are based on the assumption that the centre line is straight, with cross sections at right angles to it. When an excavation is on a curve, the cross sections, be- Hh ing in radial planes, are inclined to each other, so that the con- Hl | dition of a prismoid is not exactly fulfilled. But by the proper- | ty of Guldinus, if any plane area is made to revolve about an axis in the same plane, the volume of a solid generated by the area is equal to that of a prism having a base equal to the given | area, and a height equal to the length of path described by the : centre of gravity of the area. The path, being the arc of a cir- cle, is proportional to the radius drawn to the centre of gravi- Wma ty. If therefore a cross section is symmetrical with respect to t the centre line, the path of the centre of gravity is equal to the Hi | measured length of the centre line, and no correction for cur- 1 vature is required. But when the ground is inclined transversely, the centre of gravity is one side of the centre line, and its path, if we con- i : ceive it to sweep around the curve, from one end of a prismoid to the other, is longer or shorter than the distance measured on the centre line, according as the centre of gravity is outside or inside of the centre line curve. Let C = correction in cubic yards due to curvature. ‘« S = cubic yards as obtained by prismoidal formula. ii ‘*. R= radius of centre line. “* é-= eccentricity of centre of gravity of section. ai = horizontal distance from centre line to centre of i] gravity. HI} We then have the proportion, | S+ Os: Sh te6:R As the sections of a solid are seldom similar and equal, we shall usually have a diffcrent value of e for every section, from 240 FIELD ENGINEERING. which, however, a mean average value may be deduced, and used in the above formula. But it will be more convenient to correct the areas themselves for eccentricity before finding S, which will then require no correction. For the same result will ensue whether we multiply S by 7 or multiply one of the component factors of S by the same ratio. If then ¢ = correction of area in square fect due to eccentri- city, we have at once Ae R and the corrected area equals A + ¢ according as the cut is deeper on the outside or inside of the curve. Each area used in determining the solid contents should, on a curve, be first corrected in this manner, To find the value of e for any three-level section, Fig. 104. & + ss Ta ee 0 ws ew anal ee ee % DERISION IAL yp Fie. 104. i | i I ' I \ \ j 1 t | | I u Find the areas either side of the centre line separately, call- ing them Hand X, and take their sum and difference. Using the same notation as in § 255, H = md + ibh, K = ind kik bk, and + K = A, K —H = 4d (n — m) + 30 (k —h) In the figure draw CZ’ equal to O#, and the triangle CH’D will represent the area (K — #7). Bisect the side E'D, and draw a line from (@ to the middle point. Then the centre of CALCULATION OF EARTHWORK. 2AI gravity of the triangle will be on this line at two thirds its length from @, and the horizontal distance of the centre of gravity from C is ? xX m+n) = 3(m-+n). 'The centre of gravity of the remainder of the section is on the centre line CG, so that the value of ¢ is found from the proportion €é:¢t(n+m): K-—H:A _n+t+m _,, ein 7 (K — ff) | | Ae nm +m : Hence c= Peas a [$d (n —m) +4) (k—h)] (858) Sections which are more irregular may be plotted and reduced by averaging lines to three-level sections, in order that the formula may be applied. If the ground is so irregular as to require the computation of the middle section, the correc- tion ¢ should be found and applied to this area (M) also before introducing it into the prismoidal formula. As the correction for curvature is always relatively small, it is usually ignored in practice for thorough cuts, except where deep cut- tings with steep transverse slope occur on sharp curves. The correction is of more importance relatively in side-hill work as the centre of gravity of the section is more remote from the centre line. Let the section be reduced A ce Fre. 105. to a triangle by an averaging line (Fig. 105), and w be the base of the triangle formed by the averaging line. The centre of gravity is at one third the horizontal distance from the middle point of 2 to the side stake D, while the distance of this middle point from the centre stake C is evidently 40 — fe. FIELD ENGINEERING. Hence ¢ = 3b — lwo + 3[n — GO — Ww) e=db-+n—w) _ Ae b4+n—w, wk f and ¢= R = 3R OK 5 (859) The correction ¢ will be plus or minus as before explained. This formula applies to all side-hill triangular sections, whether there be cut or fill at the centre stake Example 1.—Thorough cut; base 20; slopes 14: 1. 1 = 100; 8° curve, left; R = 716.78 16 12 58 Notes. A.+ mn + 6 + 39 : Powe 8 _ 40 Gran ee ba GRIST Then K = +X 58 X 12+4 X 20 X 82 = 508 H=4x16X%12+4X20X 4=116... A= 624 K—-H= 392 ye g Kq. (858) ¢ = Ra! awe 5 chee 13.49 (A+ c) 687.49 K'=:i4x40x8tt x 20 X 20 = 260 Ho = F318 X8 +X 20X 2= 82. aoe Ki He 198 2 AR PaO e | © = 330 716.78 = 4:86 (A’ +c’) = 826.87 From which we obtain S = 1758 cub. yds.—Ans. Without correction we have 1726 ‘‘ A 32 66 66 Showing a difference of Had the curve been to the right with same notes, ¢ wouid have been minus, and S would = 1694. CALCULATION OF EARTHWORK. 245 Example 2.—Side-hill cut; base 20; slopes 14 :1 = 60; 10° curve, right; R = 573.69 : 6 iPaper fh | tg 0 +28 T 39 i| 0 2 ist BY | 0.80.01 is i) A=} x16 x20 = 160 |i 2 as i) MT OR oa i ey 7m 3.58 | 3 X 573.69 (A —c) = 156.42 A'=4x8x18= 72 i pein QO OT — Bieks i == ne, Oa 9.05 I © = 3 x 573.69 Ye | Hence S = 248 cub. yds. if Without correction Swould = 255 “ « Difference © joes y 269. Haul.—The cost of removing excavated material, I when the distance does not exceed a certain specificd limit, is | included in the price per cubic yard of the material as meas- ured in the cutting. But when the material must be carried beyond this limit, the extra distance is paid for at a stipulated price per cubic yard, per 100 feet. The extra distance is known il by the name of haul, and is to be computed by the engineer with respect to so much of the material as is affected by it. iy The contractor is entitled to the benefit of all short hauls (less than the specified limit), and material so moved should not be averaged against that which is carried beyond the limit. Therefore, in all cuts, the material of which is all deposited within the limiting distance, no calculation of haul is to be made. On the other hand, the company is entitled, in cases of long haul, to free transportation for that portion of the cutting, no one yard of which is carried beyond the specified limit. . There- Hot fore, this portion is first to be determined in respect to its ex- tent; and the number of cubic yards contained in it is to be de- R4A+ FIELD ENGINEERING. ducted from the total content of the cutting, before estimating the haul upon the remainder. Find on the profile of the line two points, one in excavation, and the other in embankment, such, that while the distance between them equals the specified limit, the included quantities of excavation and embankment shall just balance. These points are easily found by trial, with the aid of the cross sections and calculated quantities, and be- come the starting points from which the haul of the remainder of the material is to be estimated. Fic. 106, Fig. 106 represents a cut and fill in profile. The distance AB isthe limit of free haul. The materials taken from AO just make the fill OB and without charge for haul; but the haul of every cubic yard taken from AQ, and carried to the fill BD, is subject to charge for the distance it is carried, less AB. It would be impossible to find the distance that each separate yard is carried, but we know from mechanics that the average dis- tance for the entire number of yards is the distance between the centres of gravity of the cut AC, and of the fill BD which is made from it. If, therefore, X and Y represent the centres of gravity, the actual average haul is the sum of the distances (AX-+BY), and this (expressed in stations) multiplied by the number of cubic yards in the cut AC, gives the product to which the price for haul applies. But the product of AX by the number of cubic yards in AC is equal to the sum of the products obtained by multiplying the contents of each prismoid in AC by the distance of its own centre of gravity from A. The distance of the centre of gravity of a prismoid from its mid-section is expressed by the formula eA A v= 987 8 CY) . l 4 a j . If we replace S by its approximate value, ee which will produce no important error in this case, we have ll A-—A x= (361) 6 Ae CALCULATION OF EARTHWORK. 245 in which A should always represent the more remote end area from the starting point A, fig. 106. Hence, may be + or —, and it must be applied, with its proper sign, to the distance of the mid-section from the starting point A, before multiplying by the contents S. Each partial product is thus obtained. By a similar process with respect to the prismoids composing the mass BD, and using the point /as the starting point, we obtain finally a sum of the products representing this portion of the haul. If a cut is divided, and parts are carried in opposite direc- tions, the calculation of each part terminates at the dividing line. Ifa portion of the material in AC is wasted, it must be deducted, and the haul calculated only on the remainder. The specified limit is sometimes made as low as 100 feet, sometimes as high as 1000 feet. A limit of about 300 feet, how- ever is usually most convenient, as it includes the wheelbarrow work, and a large part of the carting, while it protects the con- tractor on such long hauls as may occur. 270. The Final Estimate is a complete statement in detail, of the amount of work done and materials provided, in the construction of the road, and is the basis of final settlement between the company and contractor. Its preparation should be begun as soon as possible after the work is in progress, and should be continued, as fast as the necessary data are accumu- lated, while the circumstances are still fresh in mind, and when any omissions in the field notes may be readily supplied. The content of each prismoid, the classification of its material, and the length of haul to which it is subject, should be matters of special record in a book provided for that purpose. These re- sults having been carefully computed by exact methods form a standard of comparison for those approximate results which must be had from time to time during the progress of the work, and furnish a limit to the amounts of the monthly estimates. The same remark applies to all other items of labor and mate- rial. The notes and record of the final estimate should be par- ticularly full and exact in respect to all such items as will be inaccessible to measurement at the completion of the work, such as foundation pits, foundation courses of masonry, cul- verts, and works under water. 246 FIELD ENGINEERING. 271. Monthly Estimates.—On or before the last day of every month during the progress of construction, measure- ments are taken to determine the total amount of work done and material provided up to that date. The estimates based on these measurements are called Monthly Estimates. It is fre- quently necessary to take measurements for both monthly and final estimates at other times than the end of the month, as in the case of foundations which are not long accessible. With respect to each piece of work satisfactorily completed, the monthly estimate should be exact, and identical in amount with the final estimate. With respect, however, to items of work in progress at the time of measurement, the monthly estimate is only approximate, yet should be as precise as the nature of the case will allow; and the quantities stated should not be in excess of fair proportion of the total quantities given on the final estimate for the same piece of work. A special field book is devoted to monthly estimate notes. Each page should be dated with the day on which the notes upon it were taken. The notes consist of measurements of all sorts, principally of cross sections partially excavated. These sections should be at the same points on the line as the original sections, so that comparisons may be made. Where- ever the excavation is finished to grade, it is only necessary to write ‘‘completed” opposite such stations, and the quantities may be taken from the final estimate or computed from the original notes. It is frequently necessary to retrace portions of the centre line in taking estimate notes, so that all the field instruments are required, but a party of three or four men is usually sufficient. If the contractor has provided materials, such as stone, lum- ber, etc., which are not as yet put into any structure when the estimate is taken, these should be measured and entered under the head of temporary allowance, an arbitrary price be- ing used somewhat below the actual value of the material as delivered. Such allowances should never be copied from one month’s estimate to the next, but made anew on such material as may be found that seems to require it. But all completed items of contract work, and of extra work when ordered by the engineer, are necessarily copied from one monthly esti- mate to the next during the continuance of the contract. A blank form is used by the resident engineer in report TOPOGRAPHICAL SKETCHING. 24AG ing monthly estimates, on which a column is provided for each class of material and work required by the contract, while the several lines, headed by the numbers of the proper stations, are devoted to the different cuttings, structures, etc., in consecu- tive order as they occur on the line of road. The estimates are made out and reported separately for the several sections into which the line of road is divided for letting. These reports are reviewed by the division engineer, and the footings copied upon another blank, which is the monthly estimate proper; the prices are attached to the items, and the amounts extended and summed up. This sum indicates ap- proximately the total amount earned by the contractor up to date, fron. which is deducted a certain percentage (usually 15 per cent.), which is retained by the company until the comple- tion of the contract. From the remainder is deducted the amount of previous payments, which leaves the amount due the contractor on the present estimate. A blank form of re- ceipt is appended, to be signed by the contractor. CHAPTER XI. TOPCGRAPHICAL SKETCHING. 272. Topographical sketches taken on preliminary surveys are usually of great value in projecting a line for location; they should be made therefore as accurate and complete as possible. In too many instances sketches are presented having a picturesque appearance, but conveying little information, if not tending to mislead the map-maker. The aim of the topog- rapher should be to record the topographical features either side of the line with as much precision as those directly upon the line, without taking actual measurements, except in rare instances. The eye and the judgment must be usually depended on for distances and dimensions. The sketch of a tract ex- tending to 400 feet each side of the line ought to be accurate enough to warrant its being copied literally upon the map. If a much wider range is required it may be advisable to use the plane-table; but an approximation to plane-table methods may be employed in ordinary sketching. FISLD ENGINEERING. 273. As artificial features are the most readily de- fined and located these should first receive attention in making a sketch. When recorded they form a skeleton upon which the natural features can be drawn with more precision than if the order were reversed. ‘The point where each fence crosses the line and the angle between the two may be sketched exact- ly. The distance along the feuce to any object may be esti- mated, and checked (in case of an oblique angle) by observing where a line from the object perpendicular to the centre line would intersect the latter. The book may be rested on any support, the centre-line of the page coinciding with the line of survey, and the direction of objects defined by a small ruler laid on the page. This operation being repeated from another point gives intersections which locate the several objects on the sketch. If the bearings are taken they may be plotted on the page as well as recorded, giving the same results. The eye may be trained to estimate distances Correctly by observ- ing the appearance of objects along the measured line, the dis- tances to which are therefore known. 274. After the artificial objects the more distinct natural features are to be sketched, as streams, shores, margins of swamps, forests, etc., ravines, ridges, and bluffs, taking care that all these outlines intersect the features of the sketch already delineated at the proper points. The correct repre- sentation of contours is the most difficult part of sketching, since these lines are quite imaginary, yet for railroad maps they are usually as important as any others. It is desirable to know not only the locality of a hill or slope, but also its shape, steepness, and height. This information is best given by con- tour lines. A contour 1s the intersection of the surface of the ground by an imaginary level surface. When the surface 1s real, like that of a lake, the intersection 1s called ashore. If the water should rise a certain -height a new shore would be defined, and rising double that height still another shore would result, each of which, on the subsidence of the water, would be a contour. ie We then have sin A cos A tan A cot A sec A cosee A versin A covers A exsec A coexsec A chord A chord 2 A In the right-angled triangle ABC (Fig. 107) het Ao = c, 40 = 0,andtbC = a We then have: 1. sin A == De COSTA = 3. tan A = 4. cota = 5.. sec A ce 6. cosec A = 8, exsec4 = -- 9, covers A = 10. coexsec 4 = angle BAC = arc BF, and let the radius AW’ = AB == = [39 = B= 2BC vers A oe TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTiONS. H_ ik G AG CRFrasBE BK=AL Fie. 107. = cos B 11. a=csinA=dOtanaA =isiy 8 29 b=ccosA=acotaA = cot B 13 C= “ = =i, C 2 oO. ye E = = == sin A cos A = tan i ,o3=i\c.cos B= Peo = cosec B 15). 2 OeSa6 Si =O taets = sec B 48 tel pes : IE ‘ = | \Coseb ia sinwe. Les COVELS 2 17. &@= V(e+b)(e— b) = coexsec B 18 b= ¥(eta)(c—a) = versin B 19. ¢ = Vq2 + p2 = exsec B 20°" C= 90° = A+B ab QB: = —_— rea 3 ae TABLE IIl.—TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULAE. Pe ys yee SOLUTION OF OBLIQUE TRIANGLES. B t | } | | } } it } i 1 ft Fie. 108. 1 | ay | i | GIVEN. SOUGHT, FORMULA. | 22 | A, Boa | C, b,c | C = 180° — (A4-B), b= ing gc in B, | i | i a tf | -= ——- sin(A+B li, | - slu A. ‘ ni 7) Hi | t i Rene r sin A : | | Bers, O. | BO. es bein ie a . C= 180°—-(A+ B), iW } i.) | a : | i ! a iC, ih | | sin 4 ; | 24 ; Gab |4A+B)|/%(44 B)=9°-—YKC i { | 4 ae ly, Ka : aes Pa ee 25 134(A — B)| tang (4 — B) = ——~“ tan 144(A+ B) if atb iF | 26 i ES A es Ca) ea Ry ha ingee ee R \ | | | B=K(4+L)—-%U4-=B) > 4 Ci OS V4 (u A 1. B) sin V6(A 4 aime B) | 27 c le = b)- =(a—b igs | Tana tare) TS sin gee ie i | | } ! 28 | | area K=Y¥absin C. } ) ia /(s~b) (s—c) . 29 | a,b,c A Lets =le(a+b-+e);sinkgA =4/ pies: a i] | ’ b) } 4 | pate =o: (s- ~b)(s—c) i 3 2 A= ; tang A= 89 | Cos ¥ A= V % /* s (s—a) _ a] | a ee a8 en 4 eV 3 ts a) (s- b)(s — ec). | 31 | |sin A = a : | | 2(s— b) (s—c) |} | | | vers A = — a bc 1] 32 | area K = Vs(s — a) (8 — 5) (§—oO) | | ie 407 sin Bio sin C | A, B,C,a | area ea we — | i TABLE IL.—TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULA. GENERAL FORMULA, 41 2) ~ 43 df 50 51 Or ce) Si 4 Sin 4 p= sin A= cos A = COs A= cos A = 1 sin A - : tan 4 = —-> eae = 4/ sec? A— 1 x cot A cos 4 4 Yb Wakes /1— cos? A tad hy Bs pean) Soe ee ae / cos? A cos A 1— cos? A vers 2.4 tan A = ae Lope eee sin 2 4 sin 2 A 1 cos A —— @ot A => eS te, 4 CcOser Fis tan A sin A v | sin 2 A sin 2 A 1-+ co cot Ay =~ = = St 1 — cos2 # vers 2 4 tan 4 A cot A = — 7 vers A vers A exsec A cos 4A COS 2 x 1 cosec A 2Qsinlkg AcosZA = VW % vers2 exsec A = 1—cosA = V¥1—cos?A = A= ¥Wi6(1—cos2A) 4-i-—sin?-_ A —= sin Atanigd = = exsec 4 cos A = gsecA-—1 = ie mi / vers A ves: +e att ear oa = 2sinAc os A cos? 4 — sin? A vers A cot 4 A cot Asin A ti tan AtankwA = tan A cos A sin? 14 A sin 2 2 1 cos 2.4 = exsec Acotlg A A sin 2 A 2Qsint7 lg Aa {1 = 2 sin! TABLE II.—TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULZ. | 70, . tanA-+tan B= GENERAL FORMULA. 6 CE eel a i 53, tan}g A =~ we cited A = cat 4a 1+ sec A sin 4 2tan A 54, 2 = soe eres 1 — tan? A ) | sin A 1+ cos A 1 Raerpeie fe a UE Con Ae vers4 sinA cosec A—cot A cot? A —1 aodacot 2 A= —— ae cot 2 Pcot wd ly , Mes Bi, vers A= — 9 Le Sot f= cog 4 | 1+ V1—MversA 2+ V2(1+ cos A) 58. vers 2. A = 2 sin? A =2sin A cos A tan A 59. exsecl4 A = - ace coe & — (1+ cos 4) + ¥2(1 + cos A) 60. exsec 2. A = _2 tan? 4 1 — tan? A 61. sin (4 + B) = sin A.cos B+ sin B.cos A | 62. cos CA’ .5) = cos A eos Basin 42sin PB 63. sin A + sin B = 2sin14(A+ B)cosl4(A — B) . sin A —sin B= 2cos(A+ 2)sin'4(4 — B) . cos A+ cos B= 2cos (A + B) ccs l4(A — B) . cos B— cos A = 2sin 4(A+ DP)sin 4(A — B) . sin? ys — sin? B = cos? B — cos? A = sin (A + B) sin (4 — B) 8. cos? A -— sin? B = cos (A + B) cos (A — DB) sin (A+ B) cos 4.cos B sin (A — B) 3 4—tan B= ae : cos A .cos B TABLE III.—CURVE FORMULAE. vo = FORMULA. | ve G0 Hae? 2 foe sin 144 D ‘ 50 oO D ee re sin 4% R A 1 L = 100 —— E D Ate LF or TOO A D = 100 — ” ic T=Rtan&a C=2R sin’ a M=Rvers\% aA E= Rexsec 4% a R= Tcot’%a = Ttanl a C=2T cos%a M=T cot a.vers%a Oo alee exsec 4 a T= Heot%a Cu2p Sw 4 exsec 4 b M= HcosWYa C 2sinlg a M=%Ctan a Cc T = ———~ 2cos% a exsec 4 A H-= 1410 ——= = sat yi sin lg a M Prat vers lon C=2Mcot%a r= yw BBB vers 14 A : ee ert | cos % A TABLE IJI.—CURVE FORMULA. | | GIVEN. SOUGHT. FORMULA. R,T | A VT? +R C 2R LY (e+ $) Ge Ets > | 26 || tanga = 27 ; 2. [sin W™a = | | | > | ’ | | = 28 Ire Oe Ts A |sin 4 a = { | | oC e | ‘ | aos A “| | | cos aA | | | | | H { | US ew «See Ses A | vers 4 A | | | | | 31 | * ; |cos ea = | | | 82 | R, K | A | A | 33 | nS - | cos % ye 84 eC a4 A ; cos % 385 | : | tan 14 36 T, i ..| A | tan 14 cos 4 | cos 4% | tan 14 GC. |c= ky i ae Ce BR Q S cos 4 4 | exsec 14 ray tan 4 a 7s 97 4) M=R— | | VT?2+-R2 ER STO / 2TLE - Gy A A a ane 2M ie C2 — 4M? C2+4M? M ae ‘wai E+M ~ V(R+% 0) (R—16C) — Orv 8 v8 C 9 a ) TABLE UI.—CURVE FORMULA | GIVEN. | SOUGHT. FORMULA. | | tere : | _RyM@R-M) 48 R,M | T T = fe ol, 49 ue | 24 C= 2VM2R —M) RM 4 se | Ph _ == — | i eam ae pag iees | 51 R, E T T= VEQR+E) } | 9 R V E2R any KO 66 1 ee fal | . ‘Es R+E Bé | ‘ I M= 53 M RLE | er id } R = — —_——--—---— a if} 54 T C | R Vv 27 4 C) Br C) } ! Jor Mei Sie CO Mil) 55 fs M |\M=16C eaatealti 2 | x 2T4 i | | sric Het ee | 5 Oy eae oe Hg So ‘ E |#=1 ‘4/ STAC. Hl | | T+E)(P i Bi mle oe ey ie re eed : ne ae i | | | ol 22 (r? — Ey | es aie 58 6 | Y a / ai : be 24 72 : Hi | E ( jaws Ls E?) \ BC “ mi LM == 59 | M | T2462 Hi | th | M2 14 C)2 \) 60 C, M ee Ns a) Hi 2. AL i} c(c2+ 4M?) i 61 “ T eens | s BBs (C2 — 4M?) | 2 | 62 “ E |= ar RO 7 > ee es EM | 03 M, Hf R tay = Per ae M a | | /E+M ii | 64 6é | 7 = E 3 Van i il} | | S | V H-M vi | | “E+M | bal | 65 aS | C CO =2M 4/ Py i | | A 2 19 ] e664 Pa. R R3 — FR? seg et + RT? —14 MT2=0 HM 67 “ E E84. 1? M— ET? -4.MT2=0 68 “i C 1Cc:+270214M2C0—8M2T=0 4H2%—C? C7 Wor | 28 i pet te eR = = 69 OF Fe | R R3+ Bh “e R= . 0 | #0 is fe | 273 — T? C—2 TE?—CE2=0 | | C2. ©23 at} M | ee | 3 M2H# .- TI ce Met B+ Me, j 279 TABLE IV.—RADII, LOGARITHMS, OFFSETS, ETC. ‘oe = eal | | ; | rid adine | Woga- | Tan. | Mid. || i : Loga- | Tang. | Mid. Deg. Ber gheae rithm. | Off. | Ord. || Deg. | Radius. | jithm. Of | Ord. ; D. R. log. R. t. m. D. R. log. R. t. | m. | 0° 0’ | Infinite | Infinite | .000 | .000 | 1° 0’) 5729.65 | 3.758128 | .873} .218 - 1 | 343775. | 5 5386274 | .015 | .001 || 1 | 5685.72 750950 887 | .222 | 2 | 171887. | 5.235244 | .029 | .007 2 | 5544.83 . 743888 902 | 225 3 | 114592. | 5.059153 | .044 | .011 3) 5456.82 | 1736939 | .916 | .229 | 4 | 85943.7 | 4.934214 | .058 | .015 4 | 5371.56 . 730100 931 | .233 5 | 68754.9 837304 | .073 | .018 5 | 5288.92 (23367 .945 | 236 HW 6 | 57295.8 | .753123 | .087 | .022 6 | 5208.7 716787 .960 | .240 Ht 7 | 49110.7 .691176 | .102 | .025 7 | 5181.05 . 710206 974 | .244 | Ht 8 | 42971.8 .633184 | .116 | .029 8 | 5055.59 708772 .989 | .247 Wii 9 | 38197.2 | .582031 | .131 | .033 9 | 4982.33 | 697432 | 1.004 | .251 It 10 | 34377.5 | 4.586274 | .145 | .036 10 | 4911.15 | 3.691183 | 1.018 | .255 | i 11 | 31252.3 | 4.494881 | .160 | .040 || 11 | 4841.98 | 3.685023 | 1.033 | .258 12 | 28647.8 .457093 | .175 | .044 || 12 | 4774.7 .678949 | 1.047 | .262 18 | 26444.2 .422331 | .189 | .047 || 13 | 4709.33 .672959 | 1.062 | .265 i 14 | 24555.4 | .390146 | .204 | .051 14 | 4645.69 .667051 | 1.076 | .269 i 15 | 22918.3 | .360183 | «R18 | .055 15 | 4583.75 .661221 | 1.091 | .273 i 16 | 21485.9 332154 | .233 | .658 16 | 4523.44 .655469 | 1.105 | .27 | 17 | 20222.1 . 805825 | .247 | .062 17 | 4464.70 .649792 | 1.120 | .280 i 18 | 19098.6 -281002 | .262 | .065 18 | 4407.46 .644189 |-1.184 | .284 i 19 | 18093.4 .257521-| .276 | .069 19 | 4351.67 .638656 | 1.149 | .287 i 20 | 17188.8 | 4.235244 | .201 | .07 20 | 4297.28 | 3.633194 | 1.164 | .291 i 21-| 16370.2 | 4.214055 | .3805 | .076 21 | 4244.23 | 3.627799 | 1.178 | .295 i 22 | 15626.1 .193852 | .320 | .080 2 | 4192.47 .622470 | 1.193 | .298 i 23 | 14946.7 | .174547 | .335 | .084 23 | 4141.96 .617206 | 1.207 | .302 it 24 | 14323.6 .156064 | .3849 | .087 || 24 | 4092.66 .612005 | 1.222 | .305 i 25 | 18751.0 | .138335 | .3864 | .091 || 25 | 4044.51 .606866 | 1.2386 | .309 i 26 | 13222.1 .121302 | .378 | .095 26 | 3997.49 .601787 | 1.251 | .313 i 27 | 127382.4 .104911 | .393 | .098 || 27 | 3951.54 .596766 | 1.265 | .316 i 28 | 12277.7 .089117 | .407 | .102 || 28 | 3906.54 .591803 | 1.280 | .320 29 |! 11854.3 073877 |. .422 | .105 || 29 | 3862.7 .586K96 | 1.294 | 824 j 80 | 11459.2 | 4.059154 | .436 | .109 || 30 | 3819.83 | 3.582044 | 1.309 | .327 31 | 11089.6 | 4.044914 | .451 | .118 || 31 | 8777.85 | 3.577245 | 1.824 | .331 32 | 10743.0 .031125 | .465 | .116 32 | 3736.7 .572499 | 1.338 | .335 33 | 10417.5 .017762 | .480 | .120 || 33 | 3696.61 .567804 | 1.353 | .338 84 | 10111.1 | 4.004797 | .495 | .124 34 | 3657.29 .563160 | 1.367 | .342 | 85 | 9822.18 | 3.992208 | .509 | .127 | 35 | 8618.80 .508564 | 1.3882 | .345 36 | 9549.34 979973 | .524 | .181 | 36 | 3581.10 .554017 | 1.3896 | .349 37 | 9291.29 .968074 | .588 | .135 37 | 3544.19 .549517 | 1.411 | .353 ) 38 | 9046.75 956493 | .553 | 1138 38 | 3508.02 .545063 | 1.425 | .356 39 | 8814.7 945212 | .567 | .142 || 39 | 3472.59 .540654 | 1.440 | .360 40 | 8594.42 | 3.934216 | .582 | .145 4G | 3487.87 | 3.536289 | 1.454 | .364 ig 41 384.80 | 3.923493 | .596 | .149 i | 3403.83 | 3.531968 | 1.469 | .367 42 | 8185.16 | .913027 | .611 | .153 42 | 3370.46 .527690 | 1.483 | .3871 43 | 7994.81 .902808 |. .625 | .156 43 | 3337.7 .523453 | 1.498 | .875 44 | 7813.11 .892824 |. .640 | .160 || 44 | 3305.65 .519257 | 1.513; .37 45 | 7639.49 .883065 | .654 | .164 45 | 3274.17 .515101 | 1.527 | .382 46 | 7473.42 | .873519 | .669 | .167 46 | 8243.25 .510985 | 1.542 | .385 47 | (314.41 .864179 | .684 | .171 47 | 3212.98 .506908 | 1.556 | .3889 48 | 7162.03 | .855036 | .698 | .174 48 | 3183.23 502868 | 1.571 | .393 | 49 | 7015.87 | .846082.| .713 | <178 | 49 | 3154.03 .498866 | 1.585 | .396 50 | 6875.55 | 3.887308 | .727 | .182 | 50 | 3125.36 | 3.494900 | 1.600 | .400 . 51 | 6740.74 | 3.828708 | .742 | .185 51 | 3097.20 | 3.490970 | 1.614 | -.404 52 |#$611.12 .820275 | .756 | .189 52 | 3069.55 487075 | 1.629 | .407 53 | 6486.38 .812002 | .771 | .198 53 | 3042.39 .483215 | 1.643 | .411 54 | 6366.26 .803885 | .785 | .196 54 | 3015.7 .479389 | 1.658 | .414 55 | 6250.51 .795916 | .800 | .200 55 | 2989.48 .475596 | 1.673 | .418 56 | 6138.90 788091 | .814 | .204 56 | 2963.7 .471836 | 1.687 | .422 57 | 6031.20 | .780404 | .829 | .207 57 | 2938.39 -468109 | 1.702 | .425 58 | 5927.22 772851 | .844 | .211 58 | 2913.49 .464413 | 1.716 | .429 ? 59 | 5826.76 765427 | .B58 | .215 59 | 2889.01 460749 | 1.731 | .433 ! 60 | 5729.65 | 3.758128 | .873 | .218 60 | 2864.93 | 3.457115 | 1.745 | .4386 | 2728.52 Radius. R. 2864.93 2841.2 2817. 2795. 2772.8 2750. ¢ 2707. 2685. 2665. 2644. 2624. 2604. 2584. 9: 2565. 2546. € 2527. 2509. 2491.2 2473.: 2455.7 2438, 2421. 2404. 2387. 2371. 2854.8 2338.7) 2322.98 2307.39 2292. 01 1910.08 ee Loga- rithm. log. R. 3 457115 453511 449937 . 446392 -442876 -439388 485928 .482495 -429089 -425710 3.422356 3.419029 415727 412449 -409197 -405968 . -402763 399582 -896424 393289 390176 3887085 384016 - 080969 3877943 -874938 .3(1954 - 368990 . 366046 . 3863122 860217 8573382 354466 .851618 348789 845979 843187 .840412 .887655 .334916 3.332193 3.329488 326799 324127 821471 318832 . 316208 -313600 -811008 808431 3.305869 3.303323 -800791 298274 -295771 293283 290809 co cw Co co "288349 285902 283470 8.281051 WWW*W WWW Ree Prk ek pe ek ee ee ee pe pe Jeo) se Ve) 0 0 09 09 0 — Or © 2.487 TH WW WWW WWW orore * oS oO : Loga- Deg. | Radius. | rithm: D. R. log. R. | | | | | 3° 0’! 1910.08 | 3.281051 1 | 1899.53 218646 2 | 1889.09 206253 3 | 1878.77 278804 4 | 1868.56 | 271508 | 5 | 1858.47 | .269155 6 | 1848.48 | .266814 7 | 1888.59 - 204486 8 | 1828.82 .262170 9 | 1819.14 .259867 10 | 1809.57 | 3.257576 11 | 1800.10 | 8.255296 12 | 1790.7 .253029 13 | 1781.45 20077 14 | 1772.27 - 2485380 15 | 1763.18 246297 16 | 1754.19 - 244077 17 | 1745.26 -241867 18 | 1736.48 239669 19 | 1727.75 .237481 20 | 1719.12 | 3.235805 21 | 1710.56 | 3.233140 22 | 1702.10 230985 23 | 1693.75 . 228841 24 | 1685 .42 .226707 25 | 1677.2 . 224584 26 | 1669.06 222472 27 | 1661.00 - 220369 28 | 1653.01 218277 29 | 1645.11 -216195 80 | 1637.28 | 3.214122 31 | 1629.52 | 8.212060 32 | 1621.84 .210007 33 | 1614.22 - 207964 34 | 1606.68 . 205930 85 | 1599.21 . 203906 86 | 1591.81 .201892 87 | 1584.48 . 199886 88 | 1577.21 . 197890 89 | 1570.01 . 195903 40 | 1562.88 | 3.193925 41 | 1555.81 | 8.191956 42 | 1548.80 . 189996 43 | 1541.86 . 188045 44 | 1534.98 . 186103 45 | 1528.16 . 184169 46 | 1521.40 182244 47 | 1514.7 - 180327 48 | 1508.06 .178419 49 | 1501.48 .176519 50 | 1494.95 | 3.174627 51 | 1488.48 | 8.172744 52 | 1482.07 . 170868 53 | 1475.7 . 169001 54 | 1469.41 . 167142 55 | 1463.16 . 165291 56 | 1456.96 .163447 7 | 1450.81 . 161612 58 | 1444.72 . 159784 59 | 1438.68 . 157963 60 | 1432.69 | 8.156151 TABLE IV.—RADII, LOGARITHMS, OFFSETS, ETC. ‘ | Tang. | Mid. | | Off. | Ord. | tit at 2.618 | .654 2.652 | 658 2.647 | 662 2.661 | 665 2.676 | 669 | 2.690 | .673 2.705 | .676 2.7719 | .680 2.734 | .684 2.749 | .687 2.763 | 691 | 2.778 | .694 2.792 | .698 2.807 | .702 2 821 | .705 2.836 | .709 2.850 | .713 2.865 | .716 2.879 .| .720 2.894 | .723 2. 727 2. 2.938 | .734 2.952 | .738 2.967 | .742 2.981 | .745 2.996 | .749 3.010 | .%53 3.025 | .756 3.039 | .760 3.054 | .763 3.068 | .767 3.083 | .77 3.127 | |782 3.141 | 1785 3.156 | .789 3.170 | 793 3.185 | _796 3.199 | 800 3.214 | .808 3.228 | 807 3.243 | “811 3.657 | .814 3.972 | 818 3.286 | 822 3.301 | .825 3316 | _829 3.330 | _832 | 3.345 | _836 3.359 | .840 3.374 | 848 3.388 | 1847 3.403 | 1851 8.417 | .854 3.432 | “858 3.446 | “962 3.461 | |865 3.475 | _869 3.490 | |872 ~~ LIL, IS ) 3 TABLE IV,—RADI, LOGARITH OFFSETS, ETC. WCMOIOor war cS Pasa

| .849999 | 7 | 706.493 | 849108 | 8 | 705.048 | .848219 9 | 703.609 | .847331 | : 10 | 702,175 |2.846445 | 11 | 700.748 |2.845562 : 12 | 699.326 | .844679 ) 18 | 697.910 | .843799 : 14 | 696.499 | .842991 : 15 | 695.095 | .842044 16 | 693.696 | .841169 17 | 692.302 | .840296 : 18 | 690.914 | .839424 19 | 689.532 | .838555 : 20 | 688.156 |2.837687 : 21 | 686.785 |2.836821 92 | 685.419 -835956 23 | 684.059 | .83 24 | 682.704 | 834232 25 | 681.354 | .83337 : 26 | 680.010 "9305415 : 27 | 678.671 | .831G660 : 28 | 677.338 | .S80805 : 29 | 676.008 | .829953 30 | 674.686 /2.829102 31 | 673.369 |2.828253 32 | 672.056 | .827405 83 | 670.748 | 826560 -825715 35, | 668.148 | .82487: 36 | 666.856 | .824032 37 | 665.568 | .823193 38 | 664.286 | 829355 89 | 663.008 | .821519 40 | 661.736 |2.820685 41 | 660.468 |2.819852 42 | 659.205 | .819021 43 | 657.947 | .818191 44 | 656.694 | .817363 45 | 655.446 | 816537 46 | 654.202 | .815712 47 | 652.963 | .814889 48 | 651.729 | .814067 49 | 650.499 | .813247 U., $e | 50 | 649.274 {2.812428 | 2.811611 92 | 646.838 | .810796 53 | 645.627 | .809982 54 | 644.420 | .809169 55 | 643.218 | .808358 56 | 642.021 | .807549 57 | 640.828 | .806741 58 | 639.639 | .805935 59 | 638.455 | .805130 60 | 687.275 |2.804327 WNWNWNWWWNWWWd Sip ees oe WNWWNWNWNWWWWWD ND W W ®W ® ® W Tang.| Mid. | Loga- On Ord. | Deg. | ‘Radius rithm Oft | leikte || Gms) ap. || aan.) ietdetes. |cate, 6.976 | 1.746 | -9° 0'| 637.275 |2.804827 | 7.846 6.990 | 1.%49 | 1 |-636.099 | .803525 | 7.860 7.005 | 1.753 | 2 | 634.928 | .802724 | 7.875 7.019 |1.756 3 | 633.761 | .801926 | 7.889 7.084 | 1.761 4 | 632.599 | .801128 | 7.904 | 7.048 | 1.764 | 5 | 631.440 | .800382 | 7.918 7.063 | 1.768 | 6 | 630.286 | .799538 | 7.933 | 007 | 1.771 7 | 629.186 | .798745 | 7.947 | 7.092 | 1.775 8 | 627.991 | .797953 | 7.962 | 7.106 | 1.778 9 | 626.849 | .797163 | 7.976 7.121 | 1.782 10 | 625.712 |2.796374 | 7.991 | 7.135 | 1.786 11 | 624.579 |2.795587 | 8.005 7.150 | 1.790 12 | 623.450 | .794801 | 8.020 7.164 | 1.793 | 13 | 622.325 | .794017 | 8.084 7.179 | 1.797 | 14 | 621.203 | .793234 | 8.049 | 7.193 | 1.801 15 | 620.087 | .792453 | 8.063 | 7.208 | 1.804 | 16 | 618.974 | .791673 | 8.078 7.222 | 1.807 | 17 | 617.865 | .790894 | 8.092 7.237 | 1.811 | 18 | 616.760 | .790117 | 8.107 | 7.251 | 1.815 | 19 | 615.660 | .789341 | 8.121 7.266 | 1.819 | 20 | 614.563 |2.788566 | 8.136 7.280 | 1.822 | 21 | 613.470 |2.787793 | 8.150 7.295 | 1.826 | 22 | 612.380 | .787021 | 8.165 | 7.309 | 1.829 | 23. | 611.295 | .786251 | 8.179 | 7.824 | 1.833 | 24 | 610.214'| .785482 | 8.194 | 7.888 | 1.837 | 25 | 609.136 | .784714 | 8.208 | 7.353 | 1.840 | 26 | 608.062 | .783948 | 8.223 7.867 | 1.844 27 | 606.992.| .783183 | 8.237 | 7.882 | 1.848 28 | 605.926 | .782420 | 8.252 7.896 | 1.851 29 | 604.864 | .781657 | 8.266 7.411 | 1.855 30 | 603.805 |2.780897 | 8.281 7.425 | 1.858 31 | 602.750 |2.780137 | 8.295 7.440 | 1.862 | 32 | 601.698 | .7'79 379 8.310 7.454 | 1.866 | 33 | 600.651 | .778622 | 8.324 7.469 | 1.869 34 | 599.607 | .777867 | 8.389 | 7.483 | 1.873 | 35 | 598.567 | .777112 | 8.353. | 7.598 | 1.877 | 36 | 597.530 | .776360 | 8.368 | 7.512 | 1.880 | 37 | 596.497 | .775608 | 8.382 7.527 | 1.884 | 38 | 595.467 | .774858 | 8.397 7.541 | 1.887 | 39 | 594.441 | .774109 | 8.411 | 7.556 | 1.892 40 | 593.419 /2.773361 | 8.426 7.570 | 1.895 41 | 592.400 |2.772615 | 8.440 7.585 | 1.899 42 | 591.884 | .771870 | 8.455 7.599 | 1.908 43 | 590.872 | .771126 | 8.469 7.614 | 1.906 44 | 589.364 | .770383 | 8.484 7.628 | 1.910 45 | 588.359 | .769642 | 8.498 7.643 | 1.914 46 | 587.357 | .768902 | 8.513 7.657 | 1.918 47 | 586.359 | .768164 | 8.527 7.672 | 1.921 48 | 585.364 | .767426 | 8.542 7.686 | 1.924 | 49 | 584.373 | .766690 | 8.556 | 7.701 | 1.928 50 | 583.385 |2.765955.| 8.571 7.715 | 1.932 | 51 | 582.400 |2.'765221 | 8.585 7.780 | 1.935 | 52 | 581.419 | /764489 | 8.600 7.744 | 1.939 | 53 | 580.441 | .763758 | 8.614 7.759 | 1.943 | 54 | 579.466 | .763028 | 8.629 | 7.773 | 1.946 | 55 | 578.494 | .762299 | 8.643 | 7.788 | 1.950 | 56 | 577.526 | .761572 | 8.658 7.802 | 1.953 | 57 | 576.561 | .760845 | 8.672 | 7.817 | 1.957 | 58 | 575.599 | .760120 | 8.687 7.831 | 1.961 || 59 | 574.641.| {759307 | 8.701 7.846 | 1.965 || 60 | 573.686 |2.758674 | 8.716 ROS Ff AE ee eat bet et G WwW WW NWWWYD 965 968 9G . SON : 9479 .983 . 987 .990 994. .998 .001 .005 .008 .012 .016 019 023 .026 030 034 037 041 045 .048 .052 056 .060 .063 .066 070 O%4 077 081 084 .088 .092 .096 .099 .108 .106 .110 113 S17 121 125 .128 .182 oe Radius. TABLE IV.—RADII, LOGARITHMS, OFFSETS, ETC. Loga- 562.466 10.638 3.823 ’,019 52227 3.447 678 920 174 3.438 714 3.001 .298 39. 606 37.924 | ).253 593 32.943 803 29.673 28.053 26.443 843 3.252 671 100 589 ).986 5.443 3.909 2.385 .869 .863 JT. 865 376 .896 3.425 . 962 507 061 97.624 5.195 hin odd 3. 801 956 .559 SAW ’.790 5.417 5 051 33.694 344 .001 .666 60 | 478.839 “) () ww rithm. R. log. R. 3.686 |2.75867 (1.784 | .757282 39.896 | . 755796 38.020 | .754364 6.156 | .752937 44.305 | .751514 750096 4274 745870 144471 .743076 741686 .'740300 738918 737541 736169 734800 738436 732077 . 730721 . 729870 . 728023 . 726681 (253842 - 724008 722677 (21351 720029 18711 2.717397 (16087 “14781 713479 712181 710887 109596 708310 107027 105748 704473 103202 701934 100671 699410 698154 696901 695652 694407 693165 691926 .690692 WWW WNW WWNWWW WWW WWWWWWYW a WWW . 689460 . 688283 . 687008 685788 . 684570 683357 682146 . 680989 '2.679735 Radius. R. 442.814 441 . 684 440.559 | 489.440 438.326 437.219 436.117 435.020 433.929 432.844 431.764 430.690 429. 620 428.557 427.498 426.445 425.396 424.354 423.316 422.283 421.256 420.233 419.215 418.203 417.195 | 416.192 415.194 414.201 413.212 412.229 411.250 | 410.275 rw) co] a .676145 |10.! 674954 |10U. 673767 |10.! 672584 |10.62 .671403 |10.6: 670226 |10.6 2.669052 |10.71: 2.667881 |10. 666713 |10. 665549 |10. | .664387 10. 663229 |10. 662074 |10.8 660922 |10.5 659773. |10.4 658628 |10. 657485 |11. 656345 655208 |11. 654075 |11. 652044 651816 |11. 650691 |11. 649570 |11. 648451 |11. 647835 |11. 646221 /11. 645111 |11. 644004 |11. 642899 |11. 641798 |11. 640699 |11. 639603 |11. 638510 |11. 637419 |11. 636331 |11. 635246 |11. 634164 |11. 633085 |11.6 682008 |11.6 630934 |11.6 629863 |11 628794 |11.7 627728 |11. 626665 |11.£ 625604 |11.£ 624546 11.8 2.623490 11. 622437 |11. 621387 |11 620889 |11 619294 618251 12 617211 |12. 616173 12 615138 |12 614106 |12 613075 |12 = eo | —" Loga- | Tang. | rithm. Off. log. R. | t. 9 |2.679735 |10.453 | 678535 (10.482 | .677388 |10.511 . 956 985 014 .043 | & O71 100 129 158 187 3% *~— 9% ~~ ~ WW WWW WWNHWNYW WW WW WNWWNWWYW 0 OO = See aS spedis 927 | 2.$ EEE EEO a ee Loga- rithm, log. R. 275 |2.613075 - 612048 .611028 .610000 . 608980 .607962 . 606946 605933 .604923 .603914 . 602908 57| .601905 | 609904 -999905 .598908 .097914 .596922 | .995933 594945 .593960 | 592978 -991997 .991019 .990043 .589069 988097 .987128 | 12 .086161 | 985196 984233 2.58327: “582314 -5813858 .580403. | .579451 978501 977553 .976608 .975664 944722 .573783 972845 .971910 |) .070977 970045 .569116 . 568189 | .567264 566340 565419 564500 .563582 .562667 .561754 . 560843 559933 .559026 .558120 .557216 .556315 2.555415 ic=>) Co Oo 8 GO OO 2 9 Coon cu co CD Co CD De Loga- ‘| rithm, log. R. 2.555415 004517 .553621 .552727 .551834 550944 590055 .549169 548284 547401 2.546519 545640 544762 543887 543013 542140 752 | .541270 540401 | 539585 | 588670 537806 | 536945 | .B36085 535227 584370 533516 532663 531811 530962 530114 |2.529268 528424 527581 526740 | .525900 525062 524226 523392 BR255$ 521728 2.520898 520070 519244 518419 517596 516774 515954 | 515136 | .514319 | 513504 .512690 5| .511878 .511067 | .510258 509451 5 | .508645 9} .507840| | 507037 506236 .505436 | 319.623 2.504638) 12 13.917 18.946 13.975 14.004 14,033 14.061 14,090 14.119 14,148 | & 14.177 14.205 14.234 14.263 14.292 14.320 14.349 14.378 14.407 14.436 14.464 14.493 14.522 14.551 14.580 14.608 14.637 14.666 14.695 14.723 14.752 14.781 14.810 14.838 14.867 14.896 14.925 14.954 14.982 15.011 15.040 15.069 15.097 15.126 15.155 15.184 15.212 15.241 15.270 ae oO re) e 60 | 287. 939 2.459300 TABLE IV.—RADII, LOGARITHMS, OFFSETS, ETC. : Loga- Radius. rithm. R. log. R. | 319.623 |2.504638 319.037 | .503841 318.453 | .503045 317.871 | .502251 317.292 | .501459 316.715 | .500668 316.139 | .499879 315.566 | .499091 314.993 | .498304 314.426 | .497519 313.860 |2.496736 313.295 | .495953 312.732 | .495173 312.172 | .494393 311.613 | .493616 311.056 | .492839 310.502 | .492064 309.949 | .491291 309.399 | .490518 | 308.850 | .489748 308.303 |2.488978 307.759 | .488210 1 | 307.216} .487444 > | 306.675 | .486679 306.136 | .485915 305.599 | .485152 | 305.064 | .484391 304.531 | .483632 6 | 304.000 | .482873 | 303.470) .482116 ‘| 302.943 |2.481361 | 302.417 | .480607 | 301.893 | .479854 301.371 | .479102 | 300.851 | .478352 | 300.833 | .477603 | 299.816 | .476855 | 299.302 | .476109 | 298.789 | .475364 298 .278| .474621 | 297.768 |2.473878 | 297.260 | .473137 296.755 | .472398 | 296.250 .471659 | 295.748 | .470922 | 295.247 | 470186 2 | 294.748 | .469452 34 | 294.251] .468718 3 | 203.756 | .467986 | 998.262 | .467256 | 292.770 |2.466526 42 | 292.279| .465798 44 | 291.790} .465071 291.803 | .464345 48 | 290.818| .463621 50 | 290.384 | .462897 52 | 289.851} .462175 | 289.371 | .461455 288 .892| .460735 58 | 288.414| .460017 —_ Pe ek ek ek ek ek ek Pk Rk | BRRQVQVRMIAINVWWIRN NRO Mid. Ord. | | 4.089 | 4.096 | 4.103 eT 118 | AP} 4.188 || 4.140 | 147 || 5155.1) 162 || .169 sa leerg 184 | 191 || .199 || 206 9 | 4.352 || | 4.360 || 4.367 || 365 | 4.3874 || 830° 0/| 193.185 | 287. 285. | 283. 30 | 280. | 278. | 276: | 274. 272. 270. | 268. | 266. 0) | 264. 262. 260. | 258. | 256. 254. 252. | 250. | 249. | 247. 30 | 245. 40 | 243 50 | 242. | 24° 0’| 240. 10 | 238 20 | 237 30 | 235. 40 | 234 50 | 232. 25° 0’| 231 10 | 229 20 | 228 30 | 226. 40 | 225. 50 | 2238 | 26° 0’ 222. 10 | 220. 20 | 219. 30 | 218. 40 | 216 50 | 215. || 27° 0’| 214. 10 | 212. 20 | 211. 30 | 210. 40 | 209. 50 | 207. | 206. 10 | 205 20 | 204. 30 | 208. 40 | 201. 50 | 200. | 29° 0’, 199. 10 | 198. 20 | 197. 30 | 196. 40 | 195. 50 | 194. . |Radius. R. 939 | 583 267 988 746 541 370 234 132 062 024 018 042 098 180 292 431 599 793 013 258 529 825 144 487 | 853 241 652 084|. 537 O11 |2 506 020 | 4-4-4 555 108 .680 271 2. 879 506 150 811 489 183 893 620 362 119 891 78 | 480 296 125 | 969 826 696 580 476 B85 306 240 Crore Ore C2 > SD OVOT ON OT OL OT OTOH > DD DADAIADAHI AIS or or E Deg. D. Radius. TABLE IV.—RADI, Loga- | Tang. rithm, | R. |log R.| t. ~ ~~ fore ans 40 30° 20’) 191.111 2.281286 | 26.163 189.083 | .276652. | 26.443 : 31° (| 187.099} 272071 | 26.724 32° : 20 4) 20 | 185.158! .267541 | 27:004 183.258} .268062 | 27.284 0’ | 181.898 | .258632 : 179.577 | .254250 | 27.843 40 | 177.794 .249916 | 28.123 88° 0/| 176.047 | 245628 | 28.462 \) ~ on ror) nse 20 | 174.336] .241386 | 28.680 0 | 172.659] 287188 | 28.959 4 0! | 171.015 169.404] .228924 | 99. 167.825 | .224855 | 29.793 233035 | 29.237 ci) ~~] oS Or pm, on 0’| 166.275 | .220828 | 30.07 164.756 | .216842 | 30.348 163.266 | .212895 | 80.625. 0’ | 161.803 |} .208988 | 30.902 160.368 | .205119 | 31.178 158.960 | .201288 | 31.454 Q’| 157.577 | .197494 | 31.730 156.220 | .193736 | 32 006 154.887 | .190014 | 32.282 0’ | 153.578 |2.186328 | 82.557 TABLE V.—CORRECTIONS FOR TANGENTS AND EXTERNALS. LOGARITHMS, OFFSETS, ETC. 2. ae 42.262 | 2 Mid. se |Radina | Loga- | Tang. | Mid. ; Ord. | Deg. Radius. rithm. Of | Ord. | m. || D. R log. R.| t. m. | | 6.657 || 38°30’) 151.657/2.180863 32.969 | 8.479 6.731 || 39° 0’) 149.787] .175475 33.381 | 8.592 6.805 || 30 | 147.965) .170160 33.792! 8.704 6.879 || 40° 0’| 146.190) .164918 34.202! 8.816 6.958 || 144.460) .159747 34.612] 8.929 7.027 || 41° 0’, 142.778] .154645 35.021! 9.041 7.101 || 141.127) .149610 35.429) 9.154 7.175 || 42° 0’ 139.521] .144641) 35.887 | 9.967 7.250 30 | 187.955} .189736 36.244] 9.380 7.324 || 43° 0’ 136.425] .134895 36.650! 9.493 4.398 134.932) .130114 37.056! 9.606 7.473 || 44° 0’ 133.478/2 .125395 37.461 | 9.719 7.547 30 | 182.049} .120734 37.865 | 9.832 7.621 || 45° 0’ 130.656} .116130 38.268] 9.946 7.696 30 | 129.296) .111584 38.671 110.059 7.770 || 46° 0’ 127.965} .107092 39.073 }10.173 7.845 80 126.664} .102655 39.474 |10.286 7.919 || 4'7° 0’ 125.392 -098270 39.875 |10.400 7.994 30 124.148) .093938, 40.275 110.516 8 068 || 48° 0’ 122.930} .089657, 40.674 110.628 8.148 30. 121.738} .085425. 41.072 110.742 8.218 || 49° 0% 120.571) .081243 41,469 110.856 8.292 30 | 119.429} .077109, 41.866 |10.970 8.367 || 50° 0’, 118.310 11.085 For TANGENTS, ADD 10° | 15° | 20° | 25° | goe ||Ang Cur.| Cur.| Cur.| Cur.| Cur.|| © 06 Oe 1S Peas 19 || 10° 13 19| .26| .82 39 || 20 19 .29| .89) .49] .59]} 30 26 40 Bia 12267 80)! 40 .o4 .51/ .68] .85/)1.021) 50 .42 .63| .84/ 1.05 11.271! 60 .51 76 | 1.02 | 1.28 | 1.541) 7 61 .91 | 1.22 | 1.53) 1.84]| 80 72 | 1.09 | 1.45 | 1.83 | 2.20]! 90 .86 | 1.380) 1.74 | 2.18 | 2.62 \100 1.03 | 1.56 | 2 08 | 2.61 | 3.141 /110 1.25 | 1.93 | 2.52 | 3.16 | 3.81 ||120 For EXTERNALS, ADD 5° | 10° Cur.| Cur. 001 | .003 .006 | .011 .013 | .025 .023 | .046 .087 | .075 .056 | .112 .080 | .159 .110 | .220 .149 | .299 .200 | .401 .268 | .536 .360 | .721 15° | Cur. 004 O17 "038 290° Cur. 006 25° 007 028 .065 ers .189 .283 -403 .558 756 1.015 )1.355 \1.825 Cur. | f TABLE VIL—TANGENTS AND EXTERNALS TO A 1° CURVE. | | | | S Tan- | Exter- || Tan- | Exter- || Tan- | Exter- Angle. gent nal. | Angle. gent nal. | Angle. gent. | nal, i T. E.— 4+ 2 T. E. A To) Ble 1° 50.09 218 || 11 551.70 | 26.500 || Qy°¢ 1061.9 | 97.57% 10’| 58.34 297 10’| 560.11 | 27.813 || 10’| 1070.6 | 99.155 20 | 66.67 .888 20 | 568.53 | 28.137 || 20 | 1079.2 | 100.75 30 | 75.01 491 30 | 576.95 | 28.974 || 30 | 1087.8 | 102.35 40 | 83.84 .606 40 | 585.36 | 29.824 || 40 | 1096.4 | 103.97 50 | 91.68 733 50 | 593.79 | 30.686 50 | 1105.1 | 105.60 2 100.01 873 || 12 602.21 | 31.561 | 99 1118.7 | 107.24 19 | 108.35 | 1.024 10 | 610.64 | 32.447 || 10 | 1122.4 | 108.90 20 | 116.68 | 1.188 20 | 619.07 | 33.347 90 | 1181.0 | 110.57 30 | 125.02 | 1.864 30 | 627.50 | 34.259 30 | 1139.7 | 112.25 40 | 133.36 | 1.552 40 | 635.93 | 35.188 40 | 1148.4 | 113.95 50 | 141.7 1.752 50 | 644.37 | 36.120 || 50 | 1157.0 | 115.66 3 150.04 | 1.964 || 13 652.81 | 37.070 || 93 1165.7 | 117.38 10 | 158.38 | 2.188 10 | 661.25-! 38.031 || 10 | 1174.4 | 119.12 90 | 166.72 | 2.425 20 | 669.70 | 39.006 || 20 | 1183.1 | 120.87 30 | 175.06 | 2.674 30 78.15 | 39.993 || 30 | 1191.8 | 122.63 40 | 183.40 | 2.934 40 | 686.60 | 40.992 40 | 1200.5 | 124.41 50 | 191.7 3.207 50 | 695.06 | 42.004 | 50 | 1209.2 | 126.20 4 200.08 | 3.492 || 14 703.51 | 43.029 | 94 1217.9 | 128.00 10 | 208.43 | 3.790 10 | 711.97 | 44.066 || 10 | 1226.6 | 129.82 20 | 216.77 | 4:099 20 | 720.44 | 45.116 | 20 | 1235.3 | 131.65 30 | 225.12 | 4.421 30 | 728.90 | 46.178 30 | 1244.0 | 183.50 40 | 233.47 | 4.755 40 | %87.37 | 47.253 40 | 1252.8 | 185.35 50 | 241.81 | 5.100 50 | 745.85 | 48.841 || 50 | 1261.5 | 137.23 5 950.16 | 5.459 || 15 754.32 | 49.441 || 95 1270.2 | 189.11 10 | 258.51 | 5.829 10 | 62.80 | 50.554 | 10 | 1279.0 | 141.01 20 | 266.86 | 6.211 20 | 771.99 | 51.679 || 20 | 1287.7 | 142.93 30 | 275.21 | 6.606 30 | 779.77 | 52.818 || 30 | 1296.5 | 144.85 40 | 283.57 | 7.018 40 | 788.26 | 53.969 40 | 1305.3 | 146.79 50 | 291.92 | 7.482 50 | 796.75 | 55.132 || 50 | 1314.0 | 148.7 6 300.28 | 7.863 || 16 805.25 | 56.309 | 96 1822.8 | 150.71 10 | 308.64 | 8.807 | 10 | 818.75 | 57.498 || 10 | 1331.6 | 152.69 20 | 316.99 | 8.762 || 20 | 822.25 | 58.699 || 20 | 1340.4 | 154.69 30 | 825.35 | 9.230 30 | 830.76 | 59.914 | 30 | 1849.2 | 156.7 40 | 333.7 9.710 40 | 839.27 | 61.141 || 40 | 1858.0 | 158.72 50 | 342.08 | 10.202 || 50 | 847.78 | 62.381 | 50 | 1366.8 | 160.76 uf 350.44 | 10.707 || 17 856.80 | 63.634 | 27 1375.6 | 162.81 10 | 358.81 | 11.224 10 | 864.82 | 64.900 || 10 | 1884.4 | 164.86 20. |.367.17 | 11.753 20 | 873.35 | 66.178 || 20 |.1393.2 | 166.95 30 | 375.54 | 12.294 30 | 881.88 | 67.470 | 30.| 1402.0 | 169.04 40 | 383.91 | 12.847 40 | 890.41 | 68.774 || 40 | 1410.9 | 171.15 50 | 392.28 | 13.413 50 | 898.95 | 70.091 || 50.| 1419.7 | 173.27 8 400.66 | 13.991 || 18 907.49 | 71.421 || 28 1428.6 | 175.41 10 | 409.03 | 14.582 10 | 916.03 | 72.764 | 10 | 1437.4 | 177.55 20 | 417.41 | 15.184 20 | 924.58 | 74.119 | 20.| 1446.3 | 179.72 30 | 425.79 | 15.799 30 |. 933.18 | 75.488 | 30 | 1455.1 | 181.89 40 | 434.17 | 16.426 40 | 941.69 | 76.869 | 40 | 1464.0 | 184.08 50 | 442.55 | 17.065 50 | 950.25 | 78.264 || 50 | 1472.9 | 186.29 9 450.98 | 17.717 || 19 958.81 | 79.671 || 29 1481.8 | 188.51 10 | 459.32 | 18.381 || 10 | 967.38 | 81.092 || 10 | 1490.7 | 190.7 20 | 467.71 | 19.058 20 | 975.96 | 82.525 || 20 | 1499.6 | 192.99 30 | 476.10 | 19.746 || 30 | 984.53 | 83.972 || 30 | 1508.5 | 195.25 40 | 484.49 | 20.447 || 40 | 993.12 | 85.431 | 40 | 1517.4 | 197.53 50 | 492.88 | 21.161 50 | 1001.7 | 86.904 | 50 | 1526.3 | 199.82 10 501.28 | 21.887 || 20 / 1010.3 | 88.389 || 30 1535.3 | 202.12 10 | 509.68 | 22.624 10 | 1018.9 | 89.888 || 10 | 1544.2 | 204.44 20 | 518.08 | 23.375 20 | 1027.5 | 91.399 20 | 1553.1 | 206.77 30 | 526.48°| 24.188 |! 30 | 1036.1 | 92.924 30 | 1562.1 | 209.12 40 | 534.89 | 24.918 || 40 | 1044.7 | 94.462 | 40 | 1571.0 | 211.48 543.29 | 25.700 || 50 | 1053.3 | 96.0138 50 | 1580.0 | 213.86 TABLE VI.—TANGENTS AND EXTERNALS TO A 1° CURVE. ‘pes ee ha ee ee ee ae Tan- | Exter- | Tan- | Exter- Tan- | Exter- Angle. gent nal. {| 4ngle.|- cont. | nal. || Angele. gent. | nal. T. KE. A T. E. A ae EK. : 3ie 1589,0 | 216.25 || 41° | 2142.2 | 387.38 || 51° | 2732.91 618.39 | 10 | 1598.0 | 218.66 10’) 2151.7. | 390.71 10’| 2748.1 622.81 20 : 1606.9 | 221.08 | 20 | 2161.2 | 394.06 | 20 | 2753.4 627.24 : 30 | 1615.9 | 223.51 | 30 | 2170.8 | 897.43 | 380 | 2763.7 631.69 : 40 | 1624.9 | 225.96 40 | 2180.3 | 400.82 40 | 2773.9 636.17 : 50 | 1633.9 | 228.42 | 50.| 2189.9 | 404.22 | 50. | 2784.2 640.66 : 32 1643.0 | 230.90 || 42 2199.4 | 407.64 52 2794.5 645.17 | 10 | 1652.0 | 233.39 | 10 | 2209.0 | 411.07 | 10 | 2804.9 649.7 : 20 | 1661.0 | 235.90 | 20 | 2218.6 | 414.52 20. | 2815.2 654.25 : 30 | 1670.0 | 238.43 80 | 2228.1 | 417.99 30 | 2825.6 658 .83 : 40-| 1679.1 | 240.96 | 40 | 2237.7 | 421.48 40 | 2885.9 663 .42 : 50 | 1688.1 | 243.52 | 50 | 2247.3 | 424.98 50 | 2846.3 668 .03 | 33 1697.2 | 246.08 || 43 2257.0. | 428.50 || 53 2856.7 | 672.66 : 10 | 1706.3 | 248.66 10 | 2266.6 | 432.04 10 | 2867.1 677.382 : 20: | 171523: | 251.26 20. | 2276.2 | 485.59 20 | 2877.5 681.99 : 30 | 1724.4 | 253.87 30. | 2285.9 | 439.16 30 | 2888.0 686.68 40 | 1733.5 | 256.50 40 | 2295.6 | 442.95 40 | 2898.4 691.40 50 | 1742.6 | 259.14 | 50. | 2805.2 | 446.35 | 50 | 2908.9 696.13 : 34 1751.7 | 261.80 || 44 2314.9 | 449.98 || 54 2919.4 700.89 ) 10 | 1760.8 | 264.47 | 10 | 2324.6 | 458.62 10 | 2929.9 705.66 | 20 770.0 | 267.16 | 20 | 2334.3 | 457.27 | 20 | 2940.4 710.46 : 30-1 1779.1 | 269.86 80 | 2344.1 | 460.95 30 | 2951.0 715.28 40 | 1788.2 | 272.58 | 40 | 2353.8 | 464.64 40 | 2961.5 720.11 50 | 1797.4 | 275.31 50 | 2363.5 | 468 .35 50 | 2972.1 (24.97 35 1806.6 | 278.05 | 45 2373.3 | 472.08 || 55 2982.7 729.85 10 | 1815.7 | 280.82 10 | 2883.1 | 475.82 10 | 2993.38 734.76 20 | 1824.9 | 283.60 20 | 2392.8 | 479.59 20 | 8003.9 739.68 30,! 1834.1 | 286.39 30 | 2402.6 | 483.37 30 | 3014.5 744.62 40 | 1843.3 | 289.20 40 | 2412.4 | 487.17 40 | 3025.2 749.59 50 | 1852.5 | 292.02 50 | 2422.3 | 490.98 50 | 3035.8 754.57 36 1861.7 | 294.86 || 46 2482.1 | 494.82 || 56 3046.5 759.58 10 | 1870.9 | 297.72 | 10 | 2441.9 | 498.67 10 | 3057.2 764.61 | an 2 1880.1 | 300.59 | 20 | 2451.8 | 502.54 20 | 8067.9 769.66 : 30 | 1889.4 | 803.47 | 30 | 2461.7 | 506.42 80 | 8078.7 | 774.78 40 | 1898.6 | 306 .37 40 | 2471.5 | 510.33 40 | 3089.4 779.83 50 | 1907.9 | 309.29 50 | 2481.4 | 514.25 50 | 3100.2 | 784.94 37 1917.1 | 312.22 || 47 2491.3 | 518.20 || 57 8110.9 790.08 10 | 1926.4 | 815.17 10 | 2501.2 | 522.16 | 10 | 3121.7 | 795.24 20 | 1935.7 | 318.18 20 | 2511.2 | 526.13 20 | 3182.6 800.42 30 | 1945.0 | 821.11 30. | 2521.1, | 530.18 | 30 | 3148.4 | 805.62 40 | 1954.3 | 824.11 40 | 2531.1 | 584.15 | 40 | 3154.2 | 810.85 50 | 1963.6 | 327.12 50. | 2541.0 | 5388.18 50 | 8165.1 | 816.10 38 | 1972.9 | 380.15 || 48 2551.0 | 542.23 || 58 3176.0 821.37 10 | 1982.2 | 333.19 10 | 2561.0 | 546.30 10 | 4186.9 826.66 20 | 1991.5 | 336.25 20 | 2571.0 | 550.39 20 | 3197.8 831.98 30 | 2000.9 | 339.32 30 | 2581.0 | 554.50 30 | 3208.8 | 837.31 40 | 2010.2 | 342.41 40 | 2591.1 | /58.63 40 | 8219.7 | 842.67 50 | 2019.6 | 345.52 50 | 2601.1 | 562.77 50 | 8280.7 848.06 39 2029.0 | 348.64 || 49 2611.2 | 566.94 || 59 8241.7 853.46 10 | 2038.4 | 351.78 10. | 2621.2 | 571.12 10 | 8252.7 858.89 20 | 2047.8 | 354.94 20 | 2631.3 | 575.32 20 | 3263.7 864.34 30 | 2057.2 | 358.11 | 30 | 2641.4 | 579.54 30 | 8274.8 869.82 | 40 | 2066.6 | 361.29 | 40 | 2651.5 | 583.78 | 40 | 3285.8 875.82 50 | 2076.0 | 364.50 | 50 | 2661.6 | 588.04 | 50 | 3296.9 880.84 40 2085.4 | 367.72 || 50 2671.8 | 592.32 || 60 3308.0 886.38 10 | 2094.9 | 370.95 10 | 2681.9 | 596.62 10 | 3319.1 891.95 20 | 2104.3 | 374.20 20. | 2692.1 | 600.93 | 20 | 3330.3 897.54 { 80 | 2118.8 | 877.47 | 3 2702.3 | 605.27 80 | 3341.4 908.15 | 40 | 2123.3 | 380.76 | 40 | 2712.5 | 609.62 | 40 | 3352.6 908 . 7 50 | 2132.7 | 384.06 50 | 2722.7 | 614.00 50 | 3363.3 914.45 ey 290 TABLE VIL—TANGENTS AND EXTERNALS TO A 1° CURVE. Tan- gent. 4 ke 3375.0 3386.3 3397.5 3408.8 3420.1 3431.4 3442.7 3454.1 3465.4 3476.8 3488 .3 3499.7 3511.1 3522. 3584 3545. 3557. 3568. 3580. 3591. | 8603 3615 3626. 3638. SOR RICO] NOH MOWIWAHM 1002.3 1008.3 1014.4 1020.5 1026.6 1082.8 1039.0 1045.2 1051.4 1057.7 1063.9 1070. 1076. 1082. 1089. 1095. 1102. 1108. 1115: 1121. 1128 1134. 1141 1148 1154. 1161. 1168. 1174. 1181 1188 1195 1202. 1208. 1215. 1222. 1229 1286. 1243. 1250. 1257. 1265. 1272 127 1286. 1293.6 1300.9 DOW PODHWIOH DWVHARWIWOARW orp et OO CO-IVIWIAVI’ WD 920.14 925 .85 931.58 937.34 943.12 948 . 92 954.75 960.60 966 .48 972.38 978.31 984.27 | 990.24 | 996 .24 | 1890. | 1413. COO WHO MWWIAIH OUCH QS ~~ | 1583. i DO wWIRADOWUDWA CHOROCUR RAH eo WDNWOVAP www 1308 .2 1315.6 1822. 1330. 1337 1345 1352. 1360. 1367. 1375. 1882. 1398. 1405. 1421. 1429. 14236. 1444. 1452. 1460. 1468. 1476. 1484. 1492. 1500. 1508 1516. 1524. 1533. 1541 1549. 1558. 1566. 1574. 1591. 1600. 1608. 1617. 1625 1634. 1643. 1651 1660. 1669 1678 1686. DH WAIORH | SOHOHUWOS rt Sort Od MRI WONRH ORNATE PP POTHOOW IOS HOC fa aS; co) aE JIN DW Tan- | Exter- gent. nal. | se EK. 4893.6 | 1805.3 10'| 4908.0 | 1814.7 20 | 4923.5 | 1824.1 30 | 4937.0 | 1833.6 40 | 4951.5 | 1843.1 50 | 4966.1 | 1852.6 4980.7 | 1862.2 10 | 4995.4 | 1871.8 20 | 5010.0 | 1881.5 30 | 5024.8 | 1891.2 40 | 5039.5 | 1900.9 50 | 5054.38 | 1910.7 | 5069.2 | 1920.5 10 | 5084.0 | 1980.4 20 | 5099.0 | 1940.3 30 | 5113.9 | 1950.3 40 | 5128.9 | 1960.2 50 | 5143.9 | 1970.3 | 5159.0 | 1980.4 10 ; 5174.1 | 1990.5 20 | 5189.3 | 2000.6 30 | 5204.4 | 2010.8 40 | 5219.7 | 2021.1 50 | 5284.9 | 2081.4 | 5250.3 | 2041.7 10 | 5265.6 | 2052.1 20 | 5281.0 | 2062.5 30 | 5296.4 | 2073.0 40 | 5811.9 | 2088.5 50 | 5327.4 | 2094.1 | 5843.0 | 2104.7 10 | 5858.6 | 2115.3 20 | 5874.2 | 2126.0 30 | 5389.9 | 2136.7 40 | 5405.6 | 2147.5 50 | 5421.4 | 2158.4 | 5437.2 | 2169. 10 | 5453.1 | 2180. 20 | 5469.0 | 2191 0 | 5484.9 | 2202. “40 | 5500.9 | 22138. 50 | 5517.0 | 2224. 5533.1 | 2235. 10 | 5549.2 | 2246. 20 | 5565.4 | 2258. 80 | 5581.6 | 2269 40 | 5597.8 | 2280 50 | 5614.2 | 2292 5630.5 | 2303. 10 | 5646.9 | 2315. 20 | 5663.4 | 2326. 30 | 5679.9 | 2388. 40 | 5696.4 | 2849. 50 | 5718.0 | 2361 | 5729.7 | 2378. 10 | 5746.3 | 2885. 20 | 5763.1 | 23897. 30 | 577! 2408. 40 | 5796.7 | 2420. 50 | 5813.6 | 2482. SDD OM WN DNAOM CHWONMWNMNWH WE TABLE VI.—TANGENTS AND EXTERNALS TO A 1° CURVE i | | | Tan- |. Bx | | or | | | Angle, : 2s Angle Tan- Ex- | ¥ x | ent. | ternal. ngle. | oo iter Ste pa eee | | ‘ | Be | 2 | | gent. | ternal. | Angle. | gent. .| ternal P| ics ale eee dn aedeinsl ick, ae e e e ie E. | ; ‘ : 91° | 5830.5 | | | | 3 5830.5 | 2444.9 | ° | 6950.6 | 3978 10’| 5847.5 | 3457 ’ on 10’) pate | 3278.1 || L11° | 8336.7 | 4386.1 Ba idooe ee Bab? tH 971.3 | 3204-1 || ~~ 10"| 8362.7 | 4407.6 20 | 5864.6 | 2469.3 || 20 | 6992 | 99 pose 4407.6 | gies ee et 20 | 6092.0 | 3310.1 20 | 8388.9 | 4429.2 | 40 | 5898.8 | 2493.8 || 30 | Role. | 8326.1 | 30 | 8415.1 | 4450.9 i | 50 | 5916.0 | 2506.1 || 50 | t05d'5 | aces | Boe oe mele : 99 | 5933.2 | 95185 || 102 eign 3358.5 50 | 8468.0 | 4494.6 | | 10 | 5950.5 | 2531.0 || 10 | 7006:6 | B301°2 || 22? 49 | SA94-8 | 4518.6 | | ~~ 20 | 5967.9 | 2543'5 || 20 | 11718 | sare Se eer = aoa ih | ~~ 80} 5985.3 | 9556.0. 80] ri39.0 | Sakae Site = Sapien 30 | 7139.0 | 3424.3 30 | 8575.0 | 4583.4 | sy | 0002-7 | 2568.6 |) | 7160.3 | 3440.9 40 | 8602.1 | 4606 6020.2 ROSL.o | 50 181.7 | 8457 @ J 6.0 eens | (181.7 | 3457.6 50 | 8629.3 | 4628.6 93 6037.8 | 2594.0 || 198 7203.2 | ar | | 10 | 6055.4 | 2606'8 || ~~ 10 | waee:7 | 3401-3 |] 228 49 | 8638-6 | 4651-8 | 20 | 6073.1 | 2619-7 | oat eerie) aco 10 | 8684.0 | 4674.2 | 30 | 6090.8 | 2632'6 | 30 | 796801 sree’ || a0 | 8711.5 | 4697.2 | 40 | 6108.6 | 2645 5 40 | 2080°8 | 8025.2 || 380 | 8739.2 | 4720.3 | Ey ised Pee. | 40 | 7289.8 | 3542.4 || 40 | 8767.0 | 4743.6 7 94 6144.3 | 2671.6 || 104 ae | 8559.6 50 | 8794.9 | 4766.9 | 10 | 6162.2 | 9684.7 | 10 Ente | 8576.8 | 114 8822.9 | 4790.4 | 20 | 6180.2 | 2697.9 || 20 | 7377.8 | 3611.7 Si eee ae | 30 | 6198.3 | 2711.2 | BOT anarad Seed eed Seen : 40 | 6216.4 | ovoq's | 30 | 7299-9 | 3629.2 30 | 8907.7 | 4861.7 | 50 | 6234.6 | 2737.9 || 50 | vaaa'e | soau'e cabernet sce Maree ose e tart gdiace’ | | dots tel PO seEPOS. 0: 20002 10 | Ga7i.i | areas || 105 ie ie 3682.3 || 115 8993.8 | 4934.1 | 20 | 6289.4 | 9779's || ee eS 9.6 | 3700.2 || 10 | 9022.7 | 4958.6 : 30\16307.0 | ste's 20 | 512.2 | 8718.2 20 | 9051.7 | 4983.1 | 40 | 6326.3 | 2805.6 40 | 1587-7 | Bea 0 Wi eaie | cae : 50-| 6344.8 | S819 4 il Perse 3754.4 || 40 | 9110.3 | 5032.6 96 | 6363.4 | 9833 9 | 106 7603.5 | 3072.6 | 50 9139.8 5057.6 | 10 | 6382.1 | 2847.0 | 10 | 7626-6 | song. || 248 44 | $183-4 | p08: at mea toe 4 || 10 | 7626.6 | 3809.4 | 10 | 9199.1 | 5107.9 Seba eee 3 il 20 | 7649.7 | 3827.9 20 | 9229.0 | 5133.3 40 | 6438.4 | 2889°0 ye cone ea he eugeeere ai eS siesta: 40 | (606.3 | 3865.2 40 | 9289.2 | 5184.5 A nae 50 | 7719.7 | 3884.0 | 50 | 9319.5 | 5210.3 : 10 | 6495.2 | 29316 |; 107 10 (143.2 | 3902.9 || 117 9349.9 | 5236.2 | Gipsy rare asian 10 | 7766.8 | 3921.9 10 | 9380.5 | 5262.3 30 | 6533.4 | 2960.3 30 ‘i483 oo Sn otis shee 40 | 6552.6 | der4'2 | ee Ay 2060.1 30 | 9442.2 | 5315.0 50 | 6571.9 | 2989.2 50 | va6e.1 | swe. Fo ieesne ¢ heer 96 5012 | sees.8 || 10g.” | seed | 2998:7 50 | 9504.4 | 5368.2 : 10 | 6610.6 | 3018.4 10 | 7910.4 | doar || 228, | 9535-7 | 5895.1 20 | 6630.1 | 3033"1 90 | 7934°6 | aoe s 10 | 9567.2 | 5422.1 30 | 6649.6 | 3047.9 30 | 7950.0 | dory'a 30 pegs ee gree a ge 830 | 7959.0 | 4077.2 30 | 9630.7 | 5476.5 sotltene eee S| 40 | 7983.5 | 4097 1 40 | 9662.6 | 5504.0 90 ane ea 7 117.0 50 | 9694.7 | 5531.7 10 | 6728/4 | 310777 || 29° 40) B04 | ater a | te ty hoes | no 20 | 6748.2 | 3122.9 | 20 | 8082.3 | 4178 20 | 9ro20 | bee's ay bres 4 t cee | 0 | S082. 4177-6 20 | 9792.0 | 5615.5 40 | 6788.1 | 3153.3 | 40 8130°3 met: fe see cpteonde 50 | 6808.2 | 3168.7 || | Seeeeeeml oon See 9857.7 | 5672.3 LOO hecae stares lags 50 8157.5 | 4239.0 50 | 9890.8 | 5700.9 0 | 6848.5 | 3199.6 || ~~ 10 | g208/9 gaoo-7 |, 120 peed 0 | 6120.7 eee | | 10 | $208.2 | 4280.5 | 10 | 9957.5 | 5758.6 Big hee A 20 | 8288.7 | 4901-4 20 | 9991.0 | 5787.7 Doe. | 30 | 8259.3 | 4302.4 30 |10025.0 | 5817.0 50 | 6930.1 | 3262.3 50 | 8310.8 | 4960°¢ at dee ae Me Ee | 262.3 | 50 | 8310.8 | 4364.8 50 |10093.0 | 5876.1 TABLE VII.—LONG CHORDS. i= el Actual Lone CHORDS. Degree | _ Are, of One | eee 2 | 3 A. 5 6 CoE . Station. Stations. Stations. | Stations. | Stations. | Stations. | | O° 10’ 100.000 200.000 299.999 399.998 499.996 599.993 20 000 199.999 299.997 399.992 499 . 983. 599.970 30 000 199.998 299 992 399.981 499 . 962 599.933 40 001 199.997 299.986 399.966 499 . 932 599. 882 50 001 199.995 299.979 399.947 499 . 894 599.815 1 100.001 199.992 299.970 399.924 499.848 599.733 10 002 199.990 299.959 399.896 499.793 599.637 20 002 199.986 299 .946 399.865 499 .729 599.526 30 003 199.983 299 . 932 399.829 499.657 599.401 40 003 199.979 299.915 899.789 499.577 599.260 50 .004 199.974 299 .898 399.744 499.488 599.105 2 100.005 199.970 299 .878 399.695 499.391 598 .934 10 006 199.964 299.857 399.643 499 285 598.750 20 007 199.959 299.834 3998586 499.171 598.550 30 008 199.952 299.810 399 524 499 .049 598.336 40 009 199.946 299.783 399 .459 498.918 598.106 50 .010 199.939 299.756 399.389 498.778 597.862 3 100.011 199.931 299.726 399.315 498 . 630 597.604 10 S013 199 . 924 299 .695 399 . 237 498 .474 597.33 20 014 199.915 299.662 399.154 498 .309 597.043 | 30 015 199.907 299 .627 399 .068 498.136 596.740 40 “017 199.898 299.591 398.977 497 .955 596.423 50 019 199.888 299.553 398 . 887, | 497.765 596.091 4 100.026 199.878 299.513 398.782 497 .566 595.7 10 022 199.868 299.471 398 .679 497.360 595.383 20 .024 199.857 299 428 398.571 497.145 595.007 30 | -026 199.846 299.388 | 398.459 | 496.921 594.617 40 028 199.834 299 .337 398.343 | 496.689 594.212 50 030 199.822 299 .289 398 .223 496 .449 593.792 5 100.032 199.810 299 .239 398.099 | 496.201 593.358 10 034 199.797 299.187 397 .970 495.944 592.909 20 .036 199.783 299 134 397.837 495.678 592.446 30 .038 199.770 299.079 397.700 495.405 591.968 40 041 199.756 299 .023 397.559 495.123 591.476 50 043 199.741 298.964 397.418 494 832 590.97 6 100.046 199.726 298.904 397 .264 494.534 590.449 10 .048 199.710 298 843 397.110 494 227 589.913 20 051 199.695 298.77 396.952 493.912 589.364. 30 054 199.678 298.714 396.790 493 588 588 .800 40 .056 199.662 298 .648 396 .623 493.257 588 221 50 059 199.644 298.579 396 .453 492.917 587.628 ui 100.062 199.627 298.509 396.278 492.568 587.021 10 065 199.609 298 .438 396 .099 A92 212 586.400 20 068 199.591 298 . 364 395.916 491.847 585.765 30 071 199.57 298 .289 395.729 491.474 585.115 40 075 199.553 298 .212 395 .538 491 .093 584.451 50 078 199.533 298.134 395 .342 490.704 583.773 8 100.081 199.513 298 . 054 395.142 490.306 583.081 10 .085 199.492 297 .972 394.938 489 .900 582.375 20 088 199.471 297 .888 394.731 489 .486 581.654 30 092 199.450 297 803 394.518 489 .064 580.920 40 095 199.428 297 .'716 394.302 488 . 634 580.172 50 099 199.406 297 .628 394 .082 488.196 | 579.409 b 9 100.103 199.383 297.538 393.857 487 .749 578.633 10 107 199.360 297 .446 398.629 87 294. 577.843 20 A111 199.337 297 352 393.396 486. 832 577.039 30 115 199.313 297 257 393.159 486 .361 576 . 222 40 119 199.289 297.160 392.918 485.882 575.390 50 123 199.264 297 .062 392.678 485.395 54.545 10 100.127 199.239 296.962 | 892.424 484.900 573.686 293 sca tea tS SEL EO Degree of Curve. O° 10 10/ 20 30 40 TABLE VII.—LONG CHORDS. Lone CHoRDSs. 8 vi 9 10 11 12 Stations. | Stations, | Stations. | Stations. | Stations. | Stations. 699. 988 799. 982 899.974 999. 965 1099.95 1199.94 699 .953 799.929 899.899 999.860 1099.81 1199.76 699.893 799.840 899.772 999. 686 1099.58 1199.46 699.810 799.716 899.594 999.442 1099.25 1199.08 699.704 799.556 899.365 999. 128 1098 . 84 1198.49 699.574 799 .360 899.086 998.744 1098 .33 1197 .82 699. 420 799.180 898.757 998 . 290 1097.72 1f97 .04 699.242 798 . 863 898.376 997. 768 1097 .02 1196.13 699.041 798.562 897.945 | 997.175 1096 .23 1195.11 698.816 798 .224 897 .464 996.518 1095.35 1193.96 698 .567 797 .852 896.931 995.782 | 1094.38 1192.69 698 .295 797 444 896.349 994. 981 1093.31 1191.31 698 . 000 797 000 895.716 994.112 1092.15 1189.80 697.680 196 .522 895.033 993.17 1090.90 1188.18 697.338 796.008 894.299 992.165 1089.56 1186.43 696.971 195.459 893.515 991.088 1088.12 1184.57 696.581 794.874 892.681 989.943 1086.60 1182.59 696.168 794.255 891.798 988 . 729 1084.98 1180.49 695.731 793. 600 890.864 987.447 1083.28 1178.28 695.271 792.911 889.880 986 096 1081.48 1175.94 694.787 792.186 888 . 846 984.677 1079.59 1173.49 694.280 791.427 887.763 | 983.190 1077.61 1170.93 693. 750 790. 632 886.630 | 981.636 1075.54 1168.25 693.196 789 .803 885.448 980.014 1073.3 1165.45 692.619 788 . 939 884.217 978.325 1071.14 1162.54 692.018 788 .040 882.936 976.569 1068.81 1159.51 691.395 787.108 881 . 606 974.746 1066.38 1156.37 690.748 786 . 140 880 . 228 972.856 1063.87 1153.12 690.079 785.188 878.800 970. 900 1061.27 1149.7 689.386 784.101 77 824 968.877 1058.59 1146.28 688 . 670 783 .030 75.800 966.788 1055.81 1142.69 687.930 781 . 925 874.227 964. 634 1052.95 1138.99 687.169 780.786 872.605 962.415 1050.01 1135.18 686 . 384 779.612 870.936 960.130 1046.97 1131.26 685.576 778.406 869.219 957.780 1045.86 1127.24 684.745 77.165 867.454 955 . 366 1040.66 1123.10 683.892 775.890 865.642 952.888 1037.37 1118.86 683 .016 774.582 863.782 950.345 1034.01 1114.51 682.117 773.240 861.875 947.739 1080.55 1110.05 681.195 771.864 859. 922 945.069 1027.02 1105.49 680.251 770.455 857.921 942.337 1023.40 1100.83 679.285 769.014 855.874 939.542 1019.7 1096.06 678 296° 767 .539 853.780 936 . 684 1015.93 1091.19 677 .284 766.03 851.640 933 . 764 1012.07 1086 .22 676.250 764.490 849.455 930.783 1008.13 1081 .15 675.194 762.916 347 224 27.741 1004.11 1075.98 674.116 761.309 844.947 924.638 1000.01 1070.71 673.015 759.670 842.625 921.47 995.834 | 1065.34 671.892 757.999 840.258 918.250 991.580 | 1059.88 670.748 756.295 837.845 914.966 987.250 | 1054.82 669.581 754.560 835.389 911.623 982.844 | 1048.66 668 .393 752.792 832.888 908.221 978.362 | 1042.91 667 .182 750 . 993 830.342 904.761 973.806 | 1037.06 665.950 749.161 827.754 901 . 242 969.175 | 1031.13 664.697 747.299 825.121 897 66% 964.471 1025.11 663.421 745.404 822.445 894 .033 959.694 | 1018.99 662.124 743.479 819.726 890.343 954.844 1012.79 660.806 TAL 522 816.965 886 .597 949.924 | 1006.49 659. 466 739.585 814.160 882.795 944 , 933 1000.12 658.105 737 68 811.314 878.938 939.871 993.653 204 eee re Curve. 10° 10’ 20 11 12 13 14 15 16; 17 18 19 20 Actual Are, One Station. 100.131 136 100.183 Lona CHORDS, TABLE VII.—LONG CHORDS. 2 Stations. 199.213 199.187 199.161 199.134 199.107 199.079 199.051 199.023 198 . 994 198.964 198.935 198.904 198.874 198.843 198.811 198.779 198.747 198.714 198.681 198 .648 198.614 198.579 198 .544 198.509 198.474 198.437 198.401 198.364 198.327 198 .289 198 .251 198.212 198.173 198.134 198.094 198.054 198.013 197.972 197.930 197.888 197.846 197.803 197.760 197.716 197.672 197.628 197.583 197.538 197.492 197.446 197.399 197.352 197.305 197.256 197.209 197.160 197.111 197.062 197.012 196.962 3 | 4 5 Stations. | Stations. | Stations. 296.860 392.171 484.397 296.756 391.914 483.886 296.651 391.652 483 .367 296.544 391.387 482.840 296 .436 891.117 482.305 296 825 390.843 481 .'762 296.214 390.565 481.211 296.100 390.284 480.6538 295 .985 389.998 480.086 295.868 389.708 479 511 295 .750 389.414 478 .929 295 .629 389.116 478.838 295 .508 888.814 77.740 295 . 384 888 .508 77.135 295 .259 388.197 476 521 295 .182 387.883 475 .899 295 .004 887.565 475.27 294.874. 387 243 474.633 294.742 386 .916 473.988 294 .609 386.586 473.336 294 474 386 .252 472.675 294 337 885.914 472.007 294.199 885.572 471 .382 294.059 385 . 225 470.649 293.918 884.875 469.958 293.77. 384.521 469 .260 293 .629 884.163 468 .554 293 .483 883.801 467.840 293 3835 383 .435 467.119 293.185 383.065 466.3890 293 .034. 382.691 465 . 654 292.881 882.313 464.911 292 .'726 881.931 464.160 292.57 381.546 463.401 292.412 881.156 462.635 292 . 252 380.763 461.862 292.091 880.365 461.081 291.928 79.964 460.293 291 . 764 79.559 459.498 291.598 379.150 458 .695 291.430 378.737 457.886 291.261 378.3820 457.069 291.090 377.900 456.244 290.918 3877 47 455.413 290.743 77.047 454.57. 290.568 376.615 453.728 290.390 876.179 452.875 290: 211 875.739 452.015 290.031 875.295 451.147 289 .849 874.848 450.373 289.665 374.397 449 392 289.479 373.942 448 504 289 292 373.483 447.608 289 . 104 373.021 446.706 288 .913 372 554 445.797 288 .722 872.084 444.881 288 .528 71.610 443 957 288 .3833 371.1383 443 .028 288 . 137 370.652 442.091 287 .939 370.167 441.147 295 6 Stations, 572.818 71.926 571.027 570.113 569.186 568.245 567.292 566.3824 565.343 564.349 563.341 562.321 561.287 560.240 559.180 558.107 557.020 555.921 554 °809 553.684 552.546 551.395 550.232 549.056 547.867 546.666 545.452 544.226 542.987 541.736 540.472 539.196 537.908 536.608 535.296 583.972 582.635 531.287 529.927 528.555 af eal 525.77 524.369 522.950 521.519 520. 518. 6% 517.16 515.685 514. 512. 511. 509.67 508. 1: 506. 5S 505. 5038. 501. { 500. ¢ 498.7 TABLE VII.—LONG CHORDS. — / Lone CHorDs. Degree | | | of Curve, s 9 | 10 11 12 ; Stations.| Stations. Stations. | Stations.| Stations. | Stations. . | | | 10° 10 | 656.728 735.467 808 .426 875 .025 934.741 987.105 : 20 | 655.320 733.887 805.495 371.058 | 929.542 980.47% 30 | 653.895 731.277 802.524 867.038 924.276 973.760 40 | 652.450 729.137 799.512 862.963 918.943 966. 967 } 50 650.983 726. 967 796.458 858 . 836 913.544 960.0938 i : 11 649.496 724.767 793.364 854.656 908 . 080 953.141 | | 10 | 647.989 722.537 790 . 280 850.425 902.550 946.112 Wt | fs 20| 646.460 720.278 787.056 846.140 896.957 939.007 Mi 80 | 644.911 717.990 783.843 841.808 891 .303 931.828 fi 40 | 643.342 715.672 780.590 837.424 885.586 924.575 i} : 50 | 641.752 713.825 777.298 832.990 879.807 917.250 i | 12 640.142 710.950 773.968 828 .507 73.968 909 .854. Hl | 10 | 638.512 708.546 770.600 823.974 868.070 902.389 i : 20 | 636.862 706.113 767.193 819.394 862.1138 894.855 : 30 | 635.191 703 .653 763.749 814.766 856.099 887.254 | : 40 | 683.501 701.164 760.268 810.092 850.028 879.588 } 50 | 631.792 698.647 756.749 805 .370 843.900 871.857 i : 13 630.062 696.103 753.194 800.602 837.718 864.063 i : 10 328.313 693 .531 749.603 795.790 831.482 856.208 | 20 | 626.544 690 . 932 745.976 790 .932 825.192 848 .293 it : 380 | 624.756 688.306 742.313 786 .030 818.850 840.318 | Wa : 40 | 622.949 685 . 653 738.616 781.085 812.457 832.286 nai : 50 | 621.123 682 . 974 734 883 776.096 806.013 824.198 , 14 619.27 680.268 731.116 771.066 799 .520 816.056 i 10 | 617.413 677.535 727.815 765.993 792.979 807.860 i 20 | 615.530 674.777 723.480 760.879 786.389 799 612 th 30 | 613.628 671.993 719.612 (55.725 779 753 791.313 i 40 | 611.708 669.183 (abnareel 750.531 (73.072 782.966 i 59 | 609.769 666.348 LOBE 745.297 766 .345 774.571 1 15 607 .812 663.488 707.811 740.024 159.575 766.130 i 10 | 605.836 660.603 703.814 734.714 752.763 2 603.842 657.693 699.785 729 366 745 .908 . 30 | 601.831 654.758 695.725 723 . 982 739.014 } 40 | -599.801 651.799 691 . 634 718.561 732.078 50 | 597.753 648.817 687.512 713.105 725 . 104. | 16 595.688 645.810 683 .362 707.614 718 .092 |} 10 | 593.605 642.780 679.182 702.088 711.043 1 20 | 591.505 639.727 674.973 696.529 703.959 | 30 | 589.388 636 .650 370.735 690.938 | 40 587.253 633 .550 666.469 685 .314 im 50 585.101 630.428 662.175 679.659 17 582.933 627.283 657.854 73.972 10 | 580.747 624.117 653.506 668 .256 ; 20} 578.545 620.928 649.131 662.510 30 | 576.326 617.717 644.730 656 735 40 574.091 614.485 640.304 650.9338 50 | 571.839 611.232 635.852 645.103 | 18 569.571 607.958 631.375 | 639.245 10 | 567.287 604.664 626.874 20 | 564.988 601.3849 622.349 30 | 562.673 598.013 617.801 40 | 560.342 594.658 613.229 50 | 557.996 591.283 608 . 635 19 555 . 634 587.888 604.018 10-4558. 257 | 584.475 599 .37$ 20 550.864 581.042 594.720 (1 30 548.457 577.591 590.039 40 546 . 035 574.121 585.339 50 543.599 570.634 580.618 | 541.147 567.128 75.8% j : : Actual Are, One Station. 100.562 100.617 100.675 100.735 100.798 100.8638 100.931 101.002 101.075 101.152 TABLE VII.—LONG CHORDS. Lone CHORDS. 2 Stations, 196.651 196.825 195.985 195.630 195.259 194.874 194.474 194,059 193.630 193, 185 3 Stations. 286.716 285.487 284.101 282.709 281 .262 79.759 278.201 276.589 274, 924 278.205 pe RR RT WS 4 Stations. 367.179 364.060 360.810 357.483 353 . 930 350.303 346 .555 342,688 338 .'704 334.607 5 Stations. 435.345 429 305 423.033 416.5385 409.819 402.891 395 . 758 388 .428 380.908 373.205 6 Stations. 488 . 931 478.705 468.270 457 .433 446.280 434.827 423 .092 411.092 398.846 386.370 — fora ry Fat =< Ps — fo eS © me — (exn) jam) jn i — — — me bol a) =< es TABLE VII.—MIDDLE ORDINATES. oe | YEE | 1 | 2 8 Curve, | Station. | Stations. | Stations. .036 .145 232 078 291 654 .109 .436 .982 145 .582 1.309 .182 127 1.636 218 .873 1.963 255 1.018 2.291 291 1.164 2.618 327 1.309 2.945 .364 1.454 | «827 Tot e400 1.600 3.599 .436 1.745 3.926 Gate oc Sea ee ey 4.253 | 509 «| 2.086 4.580 545 2.181 4.907 .582 2.827 5.234 .618 2.472 5.561 654 | 2.618 5.888 694 2.763 6.215 | (27 2.908 6.542 163 3.054 6.868 .800 3.199 | 7.195 .836 3.345 7.522 .872 3.490 7.848 | .909 3. 635 8.175 te. 945 3.781 8.501 .982 3.926 8.828 | 1,018 4.071 9.154 | 1.054 4.217 9.480 1.091 4.362 9.807 1.127 4.507 10.188 1.164 4.653 10.459 1.200 4.798 10.785 1.287 4.943 yb es ot Peas 1.273 5.088 11.486 | 1.309 5.284 11.762 | 1.846 5.379 12.088 1.382 5.524 12.413 | 1.418 5.669 12.739 1.455 5.814 13.064 1.491 5.960 13.389 1.528 6.105 13.715 1.564 6.250 14.040 1.600 6.395 14.365 1.637 6.540 | 14.689 1.673 6.685 | 15.014 1.710 6.831 | 15.339 1.746 6.976 15.663 | | 1.782 7.12 15.988 | 1.819 7.266 16.312 1.855 7.411 16.636 1.892 7.556 16.960 1.928 7.701 | 17.284 | 1.965 7.846 17.608 | | 2.001 7.991 | 17.982 2.037 8.136 18.255 2.074 8.281 18.578 2.110 8.426 18.902 2.147 8.57 19.225 2.183 19.548 | es) Nl 9 — oS 4 5 6 Stations. | Stations. |Stations. 582 .909 1.309 1..164 1.818 2.618 1.745 2.727 | 3.926 2.327 8.686 | 5.285 2.909 4.545 | 6.544 3.490 5.4538 | 7,852 4.072 6.362 9.160 4.654 7 270 10.468 5.235 8.179 11.775 5.816 9.087 13.082 6.398 9.994 14.389 6.979 10.902 | 15.694 7.560 11.809 | 17.000 8.141 12.716 | 18.304 8.722 13.623 | 19.608 9.303 14.529 | 20.912 9.883 15.485 | 22.214 10.464 16.341 | 23.516 11.044 17.246 24 817 11.624 18.151 | 26.117 12.204 19.055 | 27.416 2.784 19.959 | 28.714 13.363 20.863 30.012 13.943 21.766 31.308 14.522 22.668 32.603 15.101 23 57 33.896 15.680 24.471 35.189 16.258 25.372 36.480 16.837 26.272 | 37.770 17.415 27.171 | 39.059 7992 28.070 | 40.346 18.570 28.968 | 41.631 19.147 29.866 | 42.916 19.724 80.762 | 44.198 20.301 31.658 | 45.479 20.877 82.553 46.759 21.453 33.448 | 48.037 22.029 84.341 | 49.315 22.604 35.234 | 50.587 23.17 36.126 51.860 23.754 7.017 | 58.180 24.328 37.907 | 54.399 24.902 38.796 55.666 25 .476 39.684 56.931 26.049 40.57 58.193 26.622 41.458 59.454 27.195 42.343 60.712 27 767 a3 227 61.969 28 338 44.110 63 . 228 28.910 44.992 64.475 29.481 45.873 65.72 30.051 46.753 66.972 30.621 47 632 68.216 | 31.190 48.510 | 69.459 31.759 49.386 70.699 32.328 50.261 71.936 32.896 51.135 "3 171 33.464 52.008 74.403 34.031 52.880 75.632 34.597 53.750 76.859 298 Degree of Curve. O° 10’ 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 TABLE VUI.—MIDDLE ORDINATES. Tn el a 7 Stations. 72.037 Data otot= YO WF OUT 2 or 00 = oS ® ~) poh CO 82.2 12 Stations. 103.675 108.747 113.808 118.841 123.862 128. 864 133.847 138.810 143.753 148.674 153.572 158.448 163.300 168.128 172.931 177.708 182.459 187.182 191.878 196.545 201.183 205.792 210.370 214.916 219.431 223.914 228 .363 232.7 237.160 241.507 245.818 250.093 254.331 258.531 262.694 266.818 270.904 274.949 278.955 282.919 286.843 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Degree of Curve. | Station. 4.045 cw Co Ww rw) © CO 2 Stations. 3 6 Stations. | Stations. | Stations. | Stations. 19.870 35.164. 54.619 78.083 20.193 35.729 55.486 79.805 | 20.516 36.294. 56.3538 80.523 20.888 36.859 57.218 81.739 21.160 7.423 58.081 82.951 21.483 37.986 | 58.943 84.161 21.804 88.549 | 59.804 85.368 22.126 39.111 | 60.663 86.571 22.448 39.67% 61.521 87.705 22.769 40 .284 62.377 88 . 969 23.090 40.795 63 232 90.164 23.412 41.355 | 64.085 91.3855 23.782 41.914 64.9387 92.542 24.053 42.473 65.787 93.727 24.374 43.031 66. 656 94.908 24.694 43 588 67.482 96 .086 25.014 44.145 | 68.32 7.260 25 .3834 44.701 69.17 | 98.431 25.654 45.256 | 70.018 | 99.598 25.974 45 .811 70.854 | 100.762 26.298 46 .365 (12092, = 101Ge2 26.612 46.919 72 .529 103.079 26.931 47 472 73.364 104.232 27.250 48 .024 74.197 105.381 27.569 48 .575 75 .029 106.527 27.887 49.126 75 . 859 107.669 28 . 206 49.676 76.687 108 . 807 28.524 50.225 77.518 109.941 28.841 50.7% 78 3837 111.071 29.159 51.32 79.159 112.197 29.476 51.868 79.979 113.319 29.794 52.414 80.798 114.488 30.111 52.959 81.614 115.552 30.427 53.504 82.429 116. 662 30.744 54.048 83 . 241 117.768 31.060 54.591 84.052 118.870 31.37 55.133 84.861 119.967 31.692 55.675 85 . 667 121.061 82.008 56.215 86.471 122.15 82.3823 56.755 8.274 128 .23 32.638 57.294 88 . 074. 124.315 32.953 57.882 88.872 25.891 33 . 267 58 .369 89. 668 126.463 33.582 58. 906 90 . 462 127.680 33.896 59.441 91.254 128.593 34.210 59.976 92.043 129.651 84.523 60.510 2.83 180.704 34.837 61.042 93.616 131.758 85.150 61.57 94 398 132.797 35.463 62.106 ae Yd 133 .&37 35.775 62.686 95 957 134.872 36.088 63.165 96.783 135 . 902 36.400 63.693 97 .506 186 .$28 36.712 64.221 98.278 137.848 37.023 64.747 99.047 188.964 37.3084 65.273 99.813 139.975 87.645 65.797 100.577 140.981 37.956 66.321 101.389 141 . 982 38 . 266 66.843 102.098 142.978 38.576 67.365 102.855 143.969 TABLE VIII.—MIDDLE ORDINATES. aoe | TABLE IX.—LINEAR DEFLECTION TAPLE. Q ( | aoe | 900. | 1000. } / | | | sy | 0.87! 1.75] 2.62| 8.49] 4.386) 5.24) 6.11] 6.98) 7.85) 8.73 ph cape 1.75| 8.49] 5.24} 6.98] 8.73) 10.47] 12.22] 18.96) 15.71) 17,45 | 3) | 2.62| 5.24/ 7.85] 10.47] 13.09] 15.71) 18.38] 20.94) 23.56] 26.18 i 2 3.49) 6.98) 10.47] 13.96] 17.45] 20.94] 24.43) 27.92) 31.41) 34.90 | 39 | 4.36! 8.72| 13.09/ 17.45] 21.81] 26.18) 30.54| 34.90) 39.27) 43.63 i ee eo Ag 5.24| 10.47] 15.71| 20.94] 26.18] 31.41} 36.65/ 41.88) 47.12| 52.85 a 30 | 6.11| 12.22] 18.32] 24.43] 30.54] 86.65) 42.75) 48.86) 54.97) 61.08 Hi 4 6.98] 13.96] 20.94) 27.92] 34.90} 41.88) 48.86] 55.84) 66.82) 69.80 I 30 | 7.85) 15.70) 23.56] 31.41) 39.26] 47.11] 54.96] 62.82) 70.67) 78.52 1A rl: ob 8.73) 17.45) 26.17) 84.80} 43.62! 52.34] 61.07) 69.79] 78.51) 87.24 | 30 | 9.60! 19.19! 28.79] 38.33] 47.98] 57.57] 67.17| 76.76] 86.36] 95.96 Hi 6 10.47| 20.93' 31.40] 41.87] 52.34] 62.80] 73.27| 83.74] 94.20) 104.67 1H i 30 | 11.34] 22.68] 34.02} 45.35] 56.67] 68.03} 79.37) 90.71] 102.05) 113.39 | 7 12.21) 24.42! 36.63] 48.84] 61.05] 73.26) 85.47| 97.68] 109.89} 122.10 i | 30 | 13.08) 26.16) 39.24) 52.32] 65.40] 78.48] 91.56| 104.64] 117.73} 130.81 i 8 3.95| 27.90) 41.85) 55.80} 69.76] 83.71) 97.66 | 111.61} 125.56) 139.51 i | 30 | 14.82| 29.64) 44.47) 59.29] 74.11] 88.93) 103.75 | 118.57| 133.40 | 148.22 il | 9 | 15.69} 31.38) 47.08) 62.77} 78.46] 94.15} 109.84 125.53} 141.23) 156.92 i | 30 | 16.56) 33.12) 49.68) 66.25} 82.81) 99.37 | 115.93) 182.49] 149.05) 165.62 i | 10. =|: 17.43} 34.86) 52.29) 69.72] 87.16] 104.59 | 122.02) 189.45] 156.88 | 174.31 ! 30 | 18.30] 36.60] 54.90) 73.20] 91.50] 109.80) 128.10 | 146.40) 164.70) 183.00 |} | 11 19.17|. 38.34] 57.51) 76.68] 95.85 | 115.01 | 184.18 | 153.35] 172.52] 191.69 i | 30 | 20.04) 40.08) 60.11] 80.15] 100.19] 120.28 | 140.26 | 160.30] 180.34) 200.38 | 12 =| 20.91} 41.81] 62.72} 83.62] 104.53 | 125.43 | 146.34 | 167.25/ 188.15 | 209.06 i 30 | 21.77! 43.55] 65.32) 87.09! 108.87 | 130.64] 152.41 | 174.19] 195.96 | 217.73 I 13 22.64) 45.23) 67.92) 90.56] 113.20] 185.84] 158.48 | 181.13) 203.77 | 226.41 H 39 | 23.51| 47.01] 70.52| 94.03] 117.54 | 141.04 | 164.55 | 188.06] 211.57 | 235.07 i 14. =| 24.387} 48.75] 73.12} 97.50] 121.87 | 146.24 | 170.62} 194.99) 219.36 | 243.74 I 30,| 25.24) 50.48) 75.72) 100.96) 126 201 151.44 | 176.68 | 201.92] 227.16 | 252.40 i | 15 | 26.11] 52.21) 78.32) 104.42] 130.53 | 156.63 182.74 | 208.84) 234.95 | 261.05 } 30 | 26.97) 53.94] 80.91) 107.88} 134.85 | 161.82 | 188.79 | 215 76) 242.73) 269.70 | 16 | 27.83] 55.67) 83.50) 111.34] 139.17] 167.01 | 194.84 | 222.68) 250.51 | 278.35 30 | 28.70| 57.40} 86.10) 114.79| 143.49 | 172.19 | 200.89 | 229.£9 | 258.29 | 286.99 17 29.56) 59.12] 88.69] 118.25 | 147.81 | 177.37 | 206. 93 | 236 .50| 266. 06| 295.62 30 | 30.42) 60.85] 91.27/ 121.70| 152.12 | 182.55 | 212.97 | 243.40) 273.82 | 304.25 1] 18 31.29} 62.57] 93.86) 125.15] 156.43 | 187.72 | 219.01 | 250.30] 281.58 | 312.87 30 | 32.15] 64.30] 96.45] 128.59] 160.74 | 192.89 | 225.04 | 257.19 | 289.34 | 321.49 19 33.01) 66.02) 99.03) 132.04] 165.05 | 198.06 | 231.07 | 264.08 | 297.08 | 830.09 | 30 | 33.87) 67.74 101.61] 135.48] 169.35 | 203.22 | 237.09 | 270.96 | 304.83 | 338.7 20 34.73 69.46 1104.19 138.92] 173.65 | 208.38 | 243.11] 277.84 | 812.57 | 347.30 al 30 | 35.59) 71.18 /106.77| 142.35] 177.94 | 213.53 | 249,12 | 284.71 | 320.30 | 355.89 | 21 |: 36.45) 72.89 109.34) 145. 79| 182.24) 218.68 | 255.13 | 291.58] 828.02 | 364.47 \ 30 | 37.30] 74.61 /111.91] 149.22] 186.52 | 223.83 | 261.18 | 298.44 ) 835.74 | 873.05 |} 22 38.16] 76.32 |114.49| 152.65| 190.81 | 228.97 | 267.13 | 305.29 | 343. 46 | 381 62 | 30 | 39.02] 78.04/117.05| 156.07] 195.09 | 234.11 | 273.13 | 312.14|351.16 | 390.18 . 93 39.87| 79.75 |119.62) 159.49] 199.37 | 239.24 | 279.12 | 818.99 | 858.86 | 398.74 | 30 | 40.73) 81.46 122.19) 162.91} 203. 64 | 244.87 | 285.10 | 825.83 | 866.56, 407.28 94 41.53) 83.16 124.75) 166.33] 207.91 | 249.49 | 291 .08 | 832.66 | 874.24 | 415.82 30 | 42.44) 84.87 |127.31 169.74| 212.18 | 254.61 | 297.05 | 839.48) 881.92] 424.36 [| 25 43.29 86.53 |129.86) 173.15] 216. 44 | 259.73 | 803 .02| 864.80 | 889.59 | 432.88 | | 80 | 44.14) 88.23/132.42) 176.56] 220.70 | 264.84 | 808.98 | 853. 12|897.26 | 441.39 26 44.99| 89.98 134.97 179.96) 224.95 269.94 814.93 |359.92| 404.91 | 449.90 30 | 45.84! 91.68 /137.52) 183.36] 229.20 | 275.04 | 820.88 | 866.72 | 412.56 | 458.40 27 46.69} 93.38 /140.07) 186.76] 233.45 | 280.14 | 826.82 | 873.51| 420.20 | 466.89 30 | 47.541 95.07 |142.61| 190.15) 237.69 285.22 | 332.76) 380.30 | 427.83 | 475.37 . 28 48.38| 96.77 /145.15/ 193.54| 241.92 | 290.81 | 838. 69| 887.08 | 435.46 | 483.84 30 | 49.23| 98.46 /147.69 | 196.92) 246.15 295.33 | 844.62) 893.85 | 443.08 492.31 . 29 50.08 1100.15 150.23, 200.80] 250.38 800.46 | 350.53] 400.16 | 450.68 | 500.7 30 | 50.92/101 .84/152.76 203.68) 254.60. 305.52 | 356.44 | 407.36 | 458.28 | 509.20 30 51.76|103.53 155 .29| 207 .06| 258.82. 310.59 | 8362.35] 414.11 1465.87 | 517.64 TABLE X.—COEFFICIENTS FOR VALVOID ARCS. Oy Z I.—RaTIO OF u = —: A —— 3337 | 38336 3343 8339 | 3366 | .8364 . 8358 | .8356 . 3352 | 3350 - 3348 | 3346 3341 . 3337 | .3335 .3333 | 3331 L 10° | 20° | 30° | 40° | 50° | 60° | «0° | 80° | 90° | 100° | 110° | 120° | | posts. | | 300 | .8518 | .3516! .3514|.3510| 3506) .3500 .8493} 3485 | 3476 | 3466 | .3455| .3444 400 | .3437 | 3436 | .3433 | .3430| .3426] .3421 | .3415) 8408} .3399 | .3390| .3380) .3368 500 | .3400 | .3398 | .3396 | .3393,] 8389) . 3383 | .3379] :3372| 3364 | .3856 8845} 3335 600 | .3879 | .38878 | .3376 |.3373 | 8369] .38365 | .38359) 8353] .8345 | .38337 | .8827| .3317 8361 8359 8348 3344 .8339 3357 83849 3844 8340 .3336 3831 3328 8353 | 3347) . 3345 | .38840 8340 | .3384! . .8336 | 3331) . .8931 | 3326} . 8827 | 8822) . . b024 | 8319 3334 83826 3821 8326 8318 .8318 .3317 | .38310 .3313 | .8805 .3309 | .3301 . 3306 | 38298 .3316 | . 3809 . 3304 83801 8296 8292 . 38289 8306 | 8299 | 8294 8291 .3286 8283 3280 co 2 Ww Co I.—RATIO oF L 10° tide | 30° 90° | 100° | 110° | 120° 80° 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1500 2009 300 7706 | 7611 |. z ‘ F |. (545 | 7506 | 7452 | .7384 | .'7 F a ‘ . 1683 | 7648 | .7588 | .'7518) . 7588 | .7549 | .'7495 | 7425 | .7 7522! 7483 | 7430] 72 | 7508 |. 7 7 22 | 7499 | .'7461 | 7407) . 7 | 7492! 7454 | .7401 | . 7338 2} 7489 | 7450 | 7397 | .7329 | .'7% 05 | .'7483 | .7444 | 7391 |. 732 W501 | 17478 | 7440 | 7387 | 731! bak Me be 7436 piaga ta | 7218 | 7090 | .6949 | .6795 7130 | 7004 | .6865 | .6714 | 2). 7091 | .6966 | 6828) .6678 | 7070 | .6946 | .6808] . 6659 | .7057 | .6933 | .6797'| .6648 .7049 | 6926 | .6789) 6640 | 7044 | 6920 | 6784 | 6635 | (040.6917 6780) . 6632 | 5| 7035 | 6912) .6775 | . 6627 | |. 031 | .6908 | .67'72 | . 6624 | 028 |-6904) .6760) .6621 F 2: a | | . 6630 6551 .6516 6498 .6487 .6480 6475 6472 .6468 6464 .6461 469 | .7416| . 7 Tii.—Ratrio'or §, = —— = A’—A TO A CHANGE OF ONE DEGREE IN THE l — = LENGTH OF VALVOID ARC CORRESPONDING ANGLE A. L re f=) fe} 100° 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 120) 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 . 2000 CO OO 3 Od CI OT PB GY 0 SOOO .46 |10. .69/11.: .21)12. .08 13. 9513-5 182 |14.7 .69 |15.65 sO 10605 ; 4417.39.17. 62 | 61) | 3.48 36} 35 23) 5 2 | 10| 6 rey es 3D SD OT HR CO 09 97) 6 85| 7 .82| 72| 8.69| =) a) © WH 38 OD SI O1 ® 09 09 i 5 lo} | bss | > on 6 a a => o or j=) Co Go GS GoW mat ° Rie 0 ww co *; OO GIO IS? OT OU GY 0 ior) J 9 9-9 3 oe B W WW WW wg Go CO HS HS OT Or CO OI mae ses co J J I “ S peer et et ee < Sas 2 OOH PA OUOT DD if : y ROH ReTORS DG e0) Oo a ° oO 2} le) (<5) ~ fo) el _ a toh Eilers (—p) a ° aa oO 2 co Qo ° neg i ery co ror) O DFO DOr 09 OMI ODOT ROO e oS oo COWDNIOUP KW ~ | oie ROO OID wr CM) i) WOO WOIO DOB OCD 11 |12.03)|11.93 }11.80|11.65 11.48 111.29 86| 10.61 98 |12.89 }12.78 /12.64|12.48 12.30 112.10) 11.88/11.63! 11.37 84 }13.75 |13.63 }13.49 |13.32|13.12 12.91} 12.67 12.41} 12.13 | 71 |14.61)14.48 |14.33}14.15 13.94 18.71 | 13.46/13.18| 12.88 57 15.47/15 88 |15.17|14.98 |14.76 14.52/14.25 113.96) 13.64 ).01 15.81 3.86 16.65 115.58 15.3: 16.40 16. 30 |17.19}17.04| 302 TRACK. TABLE XI.—TURNOUTS AND SWITCHES FROM §§ 180, 181, 182. A STRAIGHT GAUGE, 4 FEET i SyorEnS- = 4, iOS: THRow, 5 INCHES = 0.417: No Angle Dist. | Chord | | Switch | Radius | Log’thm.| Degree N. ole BF. | af. AD De log. r. | of Curve. 4 | 14° 15/ 00" | 387.664; 387.8738) 11:209) - 150.656 2.177986 | 38° 45/5 Die | 414 |12 40 49| 42.372) 42.113 12.610, 190.674 | 2.280292 | 30 24 09 : 5 11 2% 16 7.080 | 46.846| 14.012] 235.400 | 2.371806 | 24 31 36 544 | 10 23 20 51.788 | -51.575 | 15.413 284.834 2.454592 | 20 18 13 : Gy eed. 31.539 56.496 | 56.301 16.814 | 338.976 | 2.580169 | 16. 57 52 | 6146 | 8 47 51 61.204) 61.024 18.215 | 397.826 2.599693 | 14 26 25 ii 8 10 16 65.912 | 65.744 19.616 461.384 2.664063 | 12 26 34 : 16 | 7 37 41 | 70.620) 70.464) 21.017 | 529.650 | 2.723989 | 10 50 02 : 8 7 09°10 |. 75.828 | 75.181} 22.418 602.624 | 2.780046} 9 31 07 ) 8144 | 6 43 59 80.086 | 79.898} 28.820 680.3806 2.882704 8 25 47 : 9 6 21 35 84.744 | 84.613] 25.221 762.696 2.882352 7 31 04 : 916 | 6 01 32] 89.452) 89.328) 26.622 849.794 | 2.929814 | 6 44 46 : 10 5 43 29 94.160} 94.048} 28.023 941 .600 2.973866 6 05 16 : 104 | 5 27 09 98.868 | 98.756 29.424 10388 .114 3.016245 5 381 17 11 5 12 18 | 108.576 | 103.469 30.825 1139 .336 3.056652 5 01 50 : 11% | 4 58 45 | 108.284} 108.182 | 32.227 1245 ..266 8.095262 4 36 08 : 12 4 46 19 | 112.992 | 112.894) 33.628] 1855.904 | 3.182229) 4 138 36 : | z GAUGE, 3 Feet. Turow, 4 INCHES = == 0) 338, No Angle Dist. | Chord , Switch! Radius | Log’thm. | Degree n. | Ff. BF, 55 2 OL (a log. r. of Curve. 4 | 14°15’ 00" 24 «| 23.815; 8 96.0 1.982271 | 62° 46/ 24” 4t46 | 12 40 49 27 =| 26.835 | ) 121.5 2.084576 48 36. 04 5 11 25 16 30 =| 29.851 10 150.0 2.176091 38 56 35 516 | 10 23 20 3: 32.865 | 11 181.5 2.258877 | 31 58 55 6 9 31 39 36 SOOO le 216.0 2.884454 26 46 07 616 8 47 51 389 38.885 13 258.5 2.403978 22 45 04 4 8 10 16 42 41 893 14 294.0 2.468347 19° 35. Of 76 tot 4) 45 44.900 15 307.5 2 -ER8274 17 02) 21 Teo! eOOE LT 48 47.906 16 384.0 2.584331 14 57 48 86 | 6 43 59 51 50.912 17 433.5 2.686989 3 14 47 9 6 21-35 54 53.917 18 486.0 2.65 6686 11 48 3% 944 OxO1- 32 Sf 56.921 19 541.5 2.736 10 35 46 10 5. 48 29 60 59.925 20 600.0 2. 9 383 38 101, 5 27 09 3 62.929 21 661.5 2. 8 40 12 11 5 12 18 66 65.932 22 726.0 2.860937 (ents 37 114% 4 58-45 69 68.935 23 193.5 2.899547 % 13 32 12 4 46 19 72 71.988 24 864.0 2.986514 6 &8 06 ANGLE AND DisTANCE OF MIDDLE FROG, F"" | Gauge Gauge | Gauge | Gauge No.| No. | Angle | 4,84. 3. || No.| No. Angle | 4,8%.| _ 3. nd. nv" ys Dist. Dist. || 7, qu". he Dist Dist. GE. \aie*s 4 aF'' ak; 4 | 2.817} 20° 07’ 36"| 26.786 | 17.037 || 8 5.651 | 10° 06! 44"| 53.817 | 33.97 416; 3.172) 17 54 52) 30.054 | 19.151 |} 814) 6.005| 9 31 08) 56.643 | 86.094 5 8.021| 16 08° 19) 33.374) 21-266 9 6.359 | 8 59 80] 59.969 | 88.213 5 6) 3.881; 14 40 58] 36.695 | 23.383 || 9146) 6.713| 8 81 10] 63:296 | 40.333 G6 | 4.235) 138 27°57 | 40.018 | 25.500 |} 10 | 7.067 | 8 05 40] 66.623 | 42.45: 614| 4.589) 12 26 07} 43.342.| 27.618 || 1014) 7.420) 7 42 35| 69.950 | 44.57 % | 4.943) 11 83-04] 46.666 | 29.736 i Gee a ae 7 21 36) 73.277 | 46.693 746) 5.297| 10 47 02) 49.991 | 31.855 || 1116) 8.128] V 02 26] 76.605 | 48.813 8 | 5.651) 10 06 44/1 58.317 | 33 974 2 | 8.482 | 6 44 51} 79.982 | 50.984 ape ee — 2 TABLE XII.—MIDDLE ORDINATES FOR CURVING RAILS. LENGTH OF RAIL-CHORD. D : a D a2 | so { 28 | 26 | 24 | 22.| 20 | 48 | 16 | 14 | 12 | 10 1°} .022| .020| .017} .015| .013| .011| .009 .007 |.006 |.004|.003 | .002| 1° 2} .045 | .039] .034) .030| .025 .021 | .017| .014 |.011 | .009 | .006 | 004 2 3 | .067| .059} .051) .044} 038) .032| .026} .021 |.017 |.013 |.009 | .007| 3 4 | .089| .079| .068| .059| .050 .042 | .035 | .028 |.022 |.017 |.013 | .009| 4 5 | .112} .098| .086| .074| .063| .053) .044) .035 |.028 | .021 /.016 | 011] 5 6 | .134| .118} .103 | .088| .075 | .063| .052) .042 | .034 | .026 | .019 | 013] 6 7 | -156| .137| .120 | .103| .088 | .074 | .061 | .049 | .039 |.030 |.022 | 015) 7 8 | .179| 157] .187 |) .118) .100] .084| .070] .057 | 045 | .034 |.025 | .017| 8 9 | 201} .177) .154] .133) .113] .095 | .078| .064 |.050 |.038 |.028 | .020] 9 10 | .223| .196 | 171 | .147 | .126] 105) .087| .071 |.056 | .043 | 031 | .022 | 10 11 | .245} .216| .188| .162] .138 | .116 | .096 | .078 |.061 |.047 | 035 | 024 |. 11 12 | .268) .235| .205| .177| .151| .127| .105 | .085 |.067 |.051:| 038 | .026 | 12 14 | B12} .274| .238 | .206) .175 | .147 | .122 | .099 |.078 |.(60 |.044 | .030| 14 16 | .856| .313 | .273 | .235 | .200| .168 | .139| .113 |.089 |.068 | .050 | .035 | 16 18 | .400} .352| .307 | .264) .225 | .189 | .156| .127 |.100 | .077 |.056 | .039 | 18 20 | 445) .3891 | .3840) .293| .250 | .210 | .174| .141 |.111 |.085 |.063 | .043 | 20 24] 531) .467| .407) .851 | .299 | .251 | .207| .168 |.133 |.102 | .075 | .052 | 24 28 | 618) .543| .473| .408 | .347| .292 | .241 | .195 |.154 |.118 |.087 | .060| 28 2 | .705| .619| .539| .465 | .396 | .833 | .275 | .223 |.176 |.135 |.099 | .069 | 32 36 | .791| .696| .606 | .522! .445 | .873 | .309| .250|.197 |.151 |.111 | .077 | 36 40 | .878| .772 | .672 | .579 | .493 | .414 | .3842 | .277 |.219 |.168 |.123 | .086 | 40 45 | .983| .863| .752| .648) .552| .463 | .883 | .305 |.245 |.188 |.137 | .096 | 45 50 (1.087 | .955| .831 | .716) .610| .512 | .423] .343 |.271 |.207 |.152 | .106 | 50 TABLE XUI.—DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION OF RAILS ON CURVES, §201. . VELOCITY IN MILES PER Hour. D D 10; 15 | 20 | 2 | 30 | 3 40 45 50 60 1 | .006 | .013 | .023 | .036 | .051 | .070| .091 | .116| .143| .206| 1 2| .011 | .026 | .046 | .O71 | .103 | .140 | .183 | .281 | .285 | .410] 2 3 | .017 | .039 | .069 | .107 | 154.) .210) .274] 846] .427) 612] 3 4 | .023 | .051 | .091 | .143 | .206 | .280| .865] .461 |] .568| 811] 4 5 | .029 | .064 | .114 | .179 | .257 | .849 | .455 | .574 | .707 | 1.006 | 5 6 | .034 | .077 | .137 | .214 | .808 | .418 | .545 | .687 | .844| 1.196 | 6 7 | .040 | .090 | .160 | .250 | .859 | .487 | 1634 | .798 | .97 8 | .046 | :103 | .183 | .285 | .410 | .556 | .723 | .908 | 1.112 9 | C51 | .116 | .206 | .820 | .460 | .624 ; .811 | 1.017 10 | .057 | .129 | .228 | .856 | .511 | .692 | .898 | 1.124 11 | .063 | .142 | .251 | .891 | .561 | .760 | .984 12 | .069 | .154 | .274 | .427 | .611 | .826 | 1.069 30 | . 818 ‘11 | .959 : /1.088 io) cal — Zi re — << =} i om) = <— iva) i=) — — os T — amma bet <= he xy se, he Mile. | 108.240 | 110.880 118.520 | 116.160 118.800 121.440. | 124.080 126.720 | 129.360 7 (3) NN for) (—) — =, or) [ey] rp) © et ~3 io 2) forge) [=Jer oom © 29 OW oo =~2 > o9 D> SS WS SS 258 ..720 264.000 OVO OT OT OTT BOR WWE SSSSS6Sso WM WNWNWNWNWNWNWWWD WDHB HHH eee Yee ee Bee eee ee ee Oo a ere S rN?) SS Par Cm wa we 2D 0O VW WW We we 2, Feet per | Mile. 269.280 | 274.560 279.840 | 285.120 290. 400 295. 680 300.960 306.240 311.520 316.800 322.080 327.860 352.640 337.920 843.200 | 348 .4&0 | 353.760 | 359 .040 364.820 | ¢ 369.600 374.80 | ¢ 380.160 8&5 .440 360.720 306 .C00 401.280 406 .5€0 411.840 417.120 422.400 306 | gcc cco ce to CCV cmH CU CU CHE CUCU WW Y mb eww WMeRH He OOo MPWOMWO BDBMWOOUW MW Mor > rc OT OT OTe Or OV OT Or OF OF Ot OF OF O1 TABLE XV.—FOR OBTAINING BAROMETRIC HEIGHTS IN FEED. Barom- Dur eter. 23 0 ' | Diir. per Traits 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 “002 fe ay (i ae aes : 19°.0 16832 16860 16888 16915 16943 2.8 a1 16970 16997 17025 17052 17080 2.8 ae 17107 17134 17162 17189 7216 - 2 33 17248 47270 17298 17325 17352 23% 4 17379 17406 17483 17460 17487 2.7 5) 17514 17540 17567 17594 17621 230 .6 17648 T674 17701 17728 17755 22% =F 17781 17808 17834 17861 17887 enki 8 17914 17940 17967 7993 18020 2.7 9 18046 18072 18099 18125 18151 2.6 20°.0 1817 18204 18230 18256 18282 2.6 1 18308 18334 18360 18386 18413 2.6 32 18438 18464 18490 18516 18542 2.6 iS 18568 18594 18620 18645 18671 2.6 \ 4 18697 18723 18748 1877 18799 236 ati 5 18825 18851 18376 18902 18927 2.6 Hit .6 18953 18978 19004 19029 19054 rates i 7 19080 19105 19130 19156 19181 2.5 | 8 19206 19231 19256 19282 19307 2.5. i 9 19332 19357 19382 19407 19432 2.5 21°.0 19457 19482 19507 195382 19557 Pia) a! 19582 19606 19631 19656 19681 2.5 2 19706 19730 19755 19780 19804 2.5 aa 19829 19854 19878 19903 19927 2.5 4 19952 19976 20001 20025 20050 2.5 35 20074. 20098 20123 20147 20172 250 6 20196 20220 20244. 20269 20293 2.4 are 20317 20341 20365 20389 20413 2.4 8 20438 20462 20486 20510 20534. 2.4 Hi 9 20558 20581 20605 20629 20653 2.4 } | 222°0 20677 20701 20725 20748 20772 2.4 tk 1 20795 20820 20843 20867 20891 2.4 i 12 20914. 20938 20952 20985 21009 aA: iit 3 21032 21056 21079 21103 21126 2.4 iy i 4 21150 21173 21196 21220 =| ~— 21243 2.3 Wig 5 21266 21290 21313 21336)- ..| 2521859 2.3 | 6 21383 21408 21429 21452 21475 Bae Ha ae 21498 21522 21545 21568 21591 2.3 Wit 8 21614 21637 21660 21683 21706 Pe Palin| 9 21728 21751 2177: 21797 21820 es Hil 23°.0 21843 21866 21888 21911 21934. Te Ht 1 21957 21979 22002 22025 22047 2.3 VHT 2 22070 92022 92115 22138 | 22160 2.3 init io 22183 22205 22228 22250 22972 ue ij 4 22295 92317 22340 22362 22384 Dae Wi 5 22407 92429 22451 22474 22496 9.2 i | 6 22518 22540 22562 22585 22607 Pe sai ai 22629 292651 22673 22695 22717 2.2 8 22739 22761 22783 22805 99907 2.2 i) 9 22849 92871 22898 92915 22937 2.2 24°.0 22959 22981 23003 23024 23046 272 1 23068 23090 23111 23133 23155 Psy Hit 2 23176 23198 93220 93941 23263 9.2 iy il 3 23285 23306 93328 23349 93371 2.2 4 23392 93414 23435 23457 23478 2.2 . 5 23500 23521 23542 23564 23585 2.1 i 6 23606 23628 23649 23670 23692 24 i} “fe 23713 23734 93755 23776 | 23798 Ost WA | | 8 23819 23840 23861 23882 23903 2.1 9 23924 23945 23966 23987 24008 ot 307 TABLE XV. —FOR OBTAINING BAROMETRIC HEIGHTS IN FEET. Barom- eter. Inches nai (Ie 25° 26°. . [ry 27°. “rs ~ 28°. 29°. 30°. las) pean) 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 WOIRAMIPWwWHO | DIOP WWHOS DOIN WWH OS OWVIOURWWHO CS OO =2 C2 OTH CO CO ES WHO DIR OAC 24029 24134 24238 24342 24446 24549 24651 24754 24855 24957 25058 25159 25259 25359 25458 20557 25656 25755 25853 25950 26048 26145 26241 26337 26433 26529 26624 26719 26813 26908 27001 27095 27188 27281 27373 27466 27557 27649 27740 27831 27922 28012 28102 28192 28281 28370 28459 28547 28635 28723 98811 28898 QB9R5 29072 29158 29244 29330 29416 29501 29586 24363 24466 24569 24672 2477. 24876 24977 25078 25179 25279 25379 25478 25577 25676 Sei 257°C¢ 25872 25970 26067 26164 26260 26357 26452 26548 26643 26738 26882 26926 27020 27114 27207 27299 27392 27484 27576 27667 27758 27849 27940 28030 28120 28209 28299 28388 28476 28565 98653 28741 28828 28915 29002 29089 29175 29261 29347 29483 29518 29603 24071 24176 24280 24384 24487 24590 24692 24794 24896 24997 25098 25199 25299 25399 25498 25597 25696 25794 25892 25989 26086 26183 26280 26376 26472 26567 26662 26757 26851 26945 27039 27132 27225 27318 27410 27502 27594 27685 orrent wlidd 27867 27958 28048 28138 28227 28317 28405 28494 28582 28670 28758 98846 28933 99020 29106 99192 29278 29364 29450 29535 £9620 24092 24197 24301 24404 24508 24610 247138 24815 24916 25018 25118 25219 25319 25419 25518 25617 25715 25813 25911 26009 26106 26203 26299 26395 26491 26586 26681 26776 25870 26964 27058 27151 27244 27386 27429 27521 27612 27704 27795 27885 27976 28066 28156 28245 283384 28423 28512 28600 28688 28776 28863 28950 29037 29124 29210 29296 29381 29467 99552 29637 24113 RAR? 24321 24425 24528 24631 24733 24835 24937 25038 25138 25239 25339 25931 26028 26125 26222 26318 26414 26510 26605 26700 26795 26889 £6983 TO76 27169 27262 27355 27447 27589 27631 alae 27813 27904 27994 28084. 28174 28263 28352 28441 28529 28618 28706 28793 28881 88968 29054 29141 29227 29313 29398 29484 99569 29654 308 ) WOWOWOHOHNHDH SDOOSOSOOOSCSS COSCOHH HEHEHE G0 00 G0 G0 G0 G6 GD 0D DD OM MMO MDMDMDwO | aS Beek peek pr eek fed frat freak fk peek ek bak fk rk fr fk fk eek fem foek fk fk peek fed fred fk Peek Pek ee ee ek DO VDMV AD WO AMMA WWAW WWM WW WWwiwe MINIT WII OW To ooo: oof ¢ ae TABLE XVI.—COEFFICIENT OF CORRECTION FOR TEMPERATURE. ! | t+ 4 — 64° t-+¢t/ ~ 64°]! ttt — 64°]| l¢-+¢ — 64° | / /) / — = / ae = Bed 900 at 900 bat 900 . Sa 900 = 4. | 2 | 20° 0489 65° | + .0011 110° | + .0511 || 155° 1011 21 = .0478 || 66 0022 || 111 0522 ||. 156 .1022 : 22 0467 7 0033 112 0533 157 .1033 | 23 0456 68 0044 113 0544 || 158 1044 : 24 . 0444 69 0056 114 0556 |) 159 . 1056 | 25 0433 "0 0067 115 .0567 | 160- 1067 | 26 . 0422 v4 0078 116 .0578 || 161 1078 | Q7 .0411 72 0089 117 .0589 |) 162 1089 | 28 ~ .0400 ve 0100 118 0600 | 163 1100 | 29 .0389 7. 0111 119 0611 164 1111 30 0378 "5 .0122 120 + 0622 165 .1122 | | { 31 — .0367 Vi + 0133 121 0633 || 166 + .1133 | uh 32 0356 U7 0144 122 0644 |) 167 1144 | in 33 0344 78 0156 123 .0656 |) 168 1156 | ih 34 .0333 ” 0167 124 .0667 || 169 1167 35s .0322 || 80 0178 125 .0678 || 170 1178 : | 36 0311 81 .0189 126 .0689 || 171 1189 | Hail 37 .0300 82 .0200 127 0700 || 1% 1200 Sa 38 0289 83 0211 128 0711 1% 1211 ne | 39 0278 84 0222 129 .0722 74 . 1222 hale 40 0267 85 0233 130 + .0733 || 1%5 .1233 Ma 41 — .0256 86 4. (0244 131 0744 || 17 +. 1244 A a 2 0244 87 0256 132 0756 || 177 .1256 Hi a | 43 0233 88 .0267 133 0767 ted? 1267 LT 44 0292.6 1 89 0278 134 0778 7 1278 a 45 0211 90 0289 135 .0789 | 180 1289 lH 46 -0200 91 -0300 || 136 0800 || 181 1300 | Ay .0189 92 0311 137 .0811 | 182 1311 48 0178 93 . 0322 138 (822 |) 1838 .1322 49 .0167 || 94 .0333 139 0833 |! 184 1333 50 — .0156 95 0344 140 + .0844 || 185 1344 51 0144 96 + .0856 141 0856 || 186 + .1356 52 0133 97 0367 142 .0867 || 187 .1367 53 .0122 98 037 143 .0878 |) 188 .1378 54 0111 99 0889 144 .0889 || 189 .1389 55 .0100 || 100 .0400 145 .0900 |; 190 1400 56 0089 101 0411 146 0911 191 1411 | 57 0078 102 0422 147 0922 |; 192 1422 | 58 0067 103 0433 148 0933 || 193 1433 | 59 0056 104 0444 149 .0944 || 194 1444 60 0044 105 0456 150 + .0956 195 1456 | 61 — .0033 106 + .0467 151 .0967 || 196 + .1467 | 62 .0022 107 0478 152 .0978 || 197 1478 | 63 .0011 || 108 0489 153 0989 198 1489 64 .0000 — || 109 .0500 154 .1000 |} 199 1500 | Hii TABLE XVII.—CORRECTION FOR EARTH’S CURVATURE AND REFRACTION. §119. . L° | H°|| L° | He |] Lo | wo || Le | B° || Lo | we ||Miles| He i| 800 | .002 |; 1300} .035 || 2300] .108 || 3300| .223 || 4300! .379 || 1 ye 400 | .003 |, 1400] :040 || 2400) '118 || 3400] 1237 || 4400| {397 |} 2 | 2/285 | tj 500 | .005 |) 1500; .046 '| 2500] 128 || 8500) .251 |/ 4500] .415 || 3 | 5.142 | | 600 | .007 |} 1600) .052 ;| 2600] .139 || 3600| |266 || 4600] 1434 || 4 | 9.141 i] 700 | .010 || 1700; .059 }} 2700] .149 || 3700) .281 || 4700! .453 5 14.282 800 ] .013 || 1800} .066 | 2800} .161 || 3800) .296 || 4800| 472 6 | 20.567 900 | .017 || 1900] .074 || 2900) :172 || 3900) [312 || 4900| 1492 || 7 | 27.994 Wii 1000 020 |} 2000} 082 || 8000) .184 || 4000} .328 15000] .512 | 8 36.563 Wit 1100 | .025 | 2100} .090 |} 3100} .197 || 4100] .345 ||5100} .533 9 46.275 | 1200 | .030 || 2200] .099 |].3200} |210 || 4200] 362 |} 5200] 554 || 10. | 57.130 | TABLE XVIIl.—COEF FICIENT FOR REDUCING INCLINED STADIA MENTS TO THE HORIZONTAL. § 224. ° 10 MEASURE 0’ 1.000000 . 999696 . 998782 997261 995134 992404 989074 -985148 . 980631 975528 . 969846 -963591 . 956772 .949396 941473 - .933011 924022 .914517 .904507 - .894003. - 883020 - ; .871569 ~ .859667 847326 .834561 °° 821390 807826 . 793888 T9591 764954 - 749994 TBA729 . 719179 . 703361 687296 .671002 ° .654500 .637810 . 620952 . 603946 586814 .569576 992253 .534867 .517438 .499988 © 10’ . 999992 999586 998571 . 996949 . 994721 .991891 . 988461 . 984436 .979821 .974621 . 968843 . 962494 . 955581 .948113 . 940100 .931550 922474 . 912883 . 902790 .892206 .881143 .869617 .857640 .845227 . 832394 .819156 .805529 . 79152 helio . 762483 T4 7471 (82157 .716561 . 700700 . 684595 . 668266 .651731 .635011 .618127 .601099 .583948 566694 .549359 .531964 .514530 .497079 20" 999967 . 999459 . 998343 . 996619 994291 .991360 987831 . 983708 . 978995 .973698 967824 . 961380 954375 946815 938711 . 9380073 920911 911236 .901060 .890395 879254 867652 855601 843117 .830215 .816911 803221 789161 TATAD . 760002 144939 72957 . 718935 .698033 .681889 665524 . 648957 . 632208 .615299 598248 .581079 .5638810 546464 529061 .511622 -494170 30’ 40’ . 999924 .999865 9993815 . 999154 . 998098 997886 99627¢ .995910 993844 993381 . 990814 . 990250 987185 . 986522 982963 982202 978152 977294 972759 . 971804 . 966790 . 965739 . 960252 .959107 953153 .951916 945502 944174 .937309 .935891 928582 927077 919334 917742 90957. . 907899 899316 897558 .888571 886733 877352 8754387 865674 . 863684 853550 851487 .840996 838862 828025 825825 814656 812890 800903 (98575 786783 784396 772814 . 769870 157518 755015 142399 . 789850 . 726989 . 724893 . 7113802 . 708662 695858 692677 679176 676457 662776 . 660023 646177 . 643893 629401 626588 -612466 - . 609630 595395 592537 978207 575332 .560924 558036 943567 . 540668 -526156 528251 508714 505805 .491261 488353 50’ 999789 998977 ‘997557 . 995531 992901 989670 985843 981424 976419 970833 964673 957948 950664 942831 934459 9255577 916137 906209 895787 884883 873510 861681 849412 836718 823613 .810113 196236 781998 67416 152509 T37294 721790 706015 689990 .673733 657264 640604 623772 .606790 589677 572455 555145 537768 520345 502897 485445 TABLE XIX.—LOGARITHM OF COEFFICIENT FOR REDUCING _IN- CLINED STADIA MEASUREMENTS TO THE HORIZONTAL. § 224. a 0/ 10/ 20/ 30/ 47 | 50 0° | 0.000000 | 9.999996 | 9.999985 | 9.999967 | 9.999941 | 9.999908 1 9.999868 | .999820 | .999765 | .999702 | 999633 | .999555 2 999471 | .999379 | .999280 | .999173 | .999059 | 998938 3 .998809 | .998673 | .998529 | .998879 | 998220 | ‘998055 4 997882 | .997701 | .997514 | .997318 | .997116 | 996906 5 .996689 | .996464 | .996232 | .995992 | (995745 | 995491 6° | 9.995229 | 9.994959 | 9.994683 | 9.994899 | 9.994107 | 9.993808 @ .993501 | .993187 | .992866 | .9925387 | .992201 | 1991857 8 .991506 | .991147 | .990780 | .990406 | .990025 | .989636 9 .989240 | .988836 | .988424 | 988005 | 987579 | ‘987144 10 -986703 | 986253 | 985797 | .985332 | 984860 | 1984380 11°. | 9.983893 | 9.983398 | 9.982895 | 9.982885. | 9.981867 -| 9.981342 12 .980808 | .980268 | .979719 | .979163 | 978599 | ‘978027 13 977447 | 976860 | .976265 | .975663 | 975052 | ‘974434 14 .973808 | .973174 | .972532 | .971888 | 971225 -| _970560 15 .969887 | .969206 | .968517 | .967820 | (967116 | (966403 AS 16° | 9.965683 | 9.964954 | 9.964218 | 9.963473 |. 9-962721 | 9.961960 ig 17 961192 | .960415 | 959631 .958838 | 958037 | 957229 Hi 18 .956412 | 955587 | .954753- | .9538912 | 953063 | |952205 Lacie 19 .951339 | 950465 | .949583 | 948692 | ‘947793 | |946886 i 20 945970 | .945047 | .944114 | 1943174 | [942025 | “941968 ta 21° | 9.940802 | 9.939828 | 9.938345 | 9.987354 | 9.936355 | 9.935347 Ne 22 .934330 | .9883805 | .932271 .931229 | 930178 | 929119 HI 23 928050 | .926974 | .925888 | .924794 | [993691 | ‘go257 Hil 24 .921458 | .920329 | .919191 .918044 | 916888 | 915723 a 25 914549 | .913366 | .912175 | 910974 909764 | 908546 Hd 26° | 9.907318 | 9.906081 | 9.904835 | 9.903580 | 9.902316 | 9.901042 HT 27 .899759 | .898467 | .897166 | 895855 | 894535 | 893206 | 28 .891867 | .890519 | .889161 | .ss7794 | ‘secd17 | ‘885031 Hl 29 .883635 | .882230 | .880815 |. .879390 | 877956 | (876512 pil 30 .875058 | .873594 | 87212 .870637 | .869144 | 867641 i 31° | 9.866127 | 9.864604 | 9.868071 | 9.861528 | 9.959974 | 9.858411 i 32 .856837 | .855253 | .853659 | .852054 | .850439 | _84ssi4 can 33 847178 | .845532 | 1843876 | .842209 | 840531 | _838843 ch 34 .887144 | 835434 | .833714 | .831982 | 830040 | “g2s498 35 .826724 | .824949 | .823163 | .821367 | :819559 | _817740 36° | 9.815910 | 9.814068 | 9.812216 | 9.810352 | 9.808476 | 9.806589 37 .804691 | .802781 | .800860 | .798927 | 796982 | .795026 38 .793058 | .791078 | .789086 | .787082 | (735066 | .78380388 39 (80998 | .778946 | .776882 | .774805 | (772716 | ..770614 40 768500 | .766374 | .764235 | 762083 | .759919 | *. 757742 ANE 41° | 9.755552 | 9.753349 | 9.751133 | 9.748904 | 9.746662 | 9.744407 att 42 742138 | .739857 | . 737561 (35253 | .732931 730595 va 43 728246 | 2725883 | 1723506 | 1721115 | .718710 | 7162901 at 44 713858 | 711411 .708950 | .706474 | .708988 | .701479 Hi 45 9.698959 | 9.696425 | 9.693876 | 9.691313 | 9.688734 | 9.686140 TABLE XX.—LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS: RADIUS = 1. Length, | 0000048 0000097 0000145 0000194 0000242 0000291 0000339 0000388 0000436 0000485 .0000533 .0000582 .0000630 .0000679 .0000727 .0000776 . 0000824 .0000873 .0000921 .0000970 .0001018 .0001067 .0001115 .0001164 0001212 0001261 .0001309 -0001357 .0001406 .0001454 .0001503 .0001551 . 0001600 .0001648 .0001697 .0001745 .0001794 .0001842 .0001891 .0001939 .0001988 . 0002036 .0002085 .0002133 0002182 .0002230 0002279 .0002327 .0002376 .0002424 .00024'7% .0002521 .0002570 .0002618 .0002666 0002715 0002763 0002812 . 0002860 . 0002909 92 SO OFS OC Length. || Deg . 0002909 il .0005818 2 .0008727 3 .0011636 4 .0014544 5 0017453 6 .0020862 ff .0023271 8 . 0026180 9 .0029089 10 .0081998 11 .0034907 ile .00387815 13 .0040724 14 .0043633 15 .0046542 16 .0049451 % .0052360 18 . 0055269 19 .0058178 20 .0061087 21 . 0063995 22 . 0066904 23 .0069813 24. 0072722 25 .0075631 26 .0078540 Wi .0081449 28 .0084358 29 . 0087266 30 .0090175 al .0098084 || 32 .0095993 || 83 .0098902 || 34 .0101811 || 35 .0104720 36 .0107629 || 37 0110588 |} 3 .0113446 || 39 .0116855 40 .0119264 41 OL2e173 «rede .0125082 43 .0127991 44 .0130900 45 .0138809 46 .0186717 {i .0139626 48 .0142535 49 .0145444 50 .0148353 51 .0151262 52 0154171 53 .0157080 54 .0159989 55 .0162897 56 0165806 57 .0168715 58 .0171624 ieeog ies | 60 pie pits Length. | Deg Length. 0174533 61 | 1.0646508 0349066 62 1.0821041 0523599 63 | 1.0995574 0698132 64 1.1170107 0872665 |} 65 1.1844640 1047198 66 1.1519173 1221730 37 1.1693706 1396263 68 1.1868239 1570796 69 12042772 1745329 " 1. 2217305 1919862 "1 1. 2391838 2094395 12 1. 2566371 . 2268928 "3 1.2740904 2443461 "4 12915436 2617994 15 1.3089969 2792527 "6 1.8264502 2967060 rit 13489035 | .8141593 78 1.8613568 | 8316126 vi 1.8788101 | .8490659 80 1.8962634 | .8665191 81 1.4137167 | .8889724 || 82 1.4311700 .4014257 83° | 1.4486233 4188790 84 1.4660766 4362323 85 14835299 | .4537856 86 1.5009832 | 4712389 87 1.5184364 | 4886922 88 | 1.5358897 5061455 || 89 1.5533480 5285988 || 90 1.5707963 ° | 5410521 91 1.5882496 BB85054 92 1.6057029 | .57%59587 93 1.6231562 | 5934119 94 1.64060°5 6108652 95 16580628 6283185 96 1.6755161 6457718 97 1.6929694 6632251 98 1.7104227 6806784 99 1.7278760 6981317 100 1.7453293 7155850 || 101 1. 7627825 7880883 || 102 | 41.7809358 7504916 103 1.7976891 7679449 || 104 1.8151424 TR5 5B9R2 | 105 1.8825957 8028515 106 1.85 500490 8202047 107 | 1.8675028 8377580 || 108 | 41.8849556 .8552113 || 109 | 4.9024089 8126646 || 110 | 1.919862 8901179 111 | 1,9373155 B0T5112 || 112 1.9547688 J posbods | 113 1 9722224 9424778 {| 114 1.9896753 9599311 | 115 20071286 97738844 || 116 | 9 9945819 9948377 | 117 9 04203852 1.0122910 | 118 | 2.0594885 | 1.0297443 || 119 | 2.0769418 | 120 | 2.0943951 TABLE XXI.--MINUTES IN DECIMALS OF A DEGREE. , 0” 10” 15" 20" 30" 40" | 45" Bo" | 0 | .oo000 | 00278 | .00417 | .00556 |) .00833 | .01111 | .01250 | .01389 | 0 1 | 01667 | .01944 | .02083.} .02222 || .02500 | 02778 | .02917 | .03055 | 1 9 | |03333 | .03611 | .03750 | .03889 || .04167 | .04444 | .04583 | .04722 | 2 3 | 05000 | .05278 | .05417 | .05556 || .05833 | .06111 | .06250 | 06389 | 3 4 | (06367 | .06944 | .07083 | 07222 || .07500 | .07778 | .07917 | .08056 | 4 5 | (08333 | 08611 | .08750 | .08889 || .09167 | 09444 | .09583°| .09722 | 5 s | 10000 | .10278 | .10417 | .10556 || .10833 | .11111 | .11250! 111389 | 6 ~ | ‘41667 | .11944 | .12083 | .12222 || .12500 | .12778 | .12917 | .13056 | 7 g | (13333 | 18611 | .13750 | .18889 || 14167 | .14444 | 114588.) 14722 | 8 9 | 15000 | 15278 | .15417 | .15556 |} .15838 | .16111 | .16250 | .16389 | 9 10 | 16667 | .16944 | .17083 | .17222 |) .17500 | .17778 | .17917 | .18056 | 10 i 11 | 18383 | .18611 | .18750 | .18889 |) .19167 | 19444 | .19583 | .19722 | 11 12 | .20000 | |20278 | .20417 | 20556 || .20833 | .21111 | .21250 | .21389 | 12 13 | (21667 | .21944 | .22083 | .22222 || 22500 | 22778 | .22917 | 123056 | 13 14 23333 | .23611 | .28750 | .23889 || .24167 | .24444 | .24583 | 124722 | 14 15 25000 | .25278 | .25417 | .25556 || .25833 | .26111 | .26250 | .26889 | 15 | 16 26667 | .26944 | .27083 | .27222 || .27500 | .27778 | .27917 | .28056 | 16 A 17 28333 | .28611 | .28750 | .28889 || .29167 | .29444 |-.29583 | .29722 | 17 Hh 18 -30000 | .80278.| .380417 | .380556 || .80833 | .381111 | .381250 | .31389 | 18 ‘tid 19 | .31667 | .381944 | .32083 | .32222 || .82500 | .82778 | .82917 | .83056 | 19 | it 90 | .33333 | .33611 | .383750 | .383889 || .84167 | .34444 | .34583 | .34722 | 20 Hae | 21 | .35000 | .35278 | .85417 | .85556 || .35833 | .36111 | .36250 | .36389 | 21 HI 99 | (36667 | .36944,| .37083 | .37222 || .37500 | .87778 | .387917 | 138056 | 22 i 93 | °39333 | 138611 | .38750 | .38889 || .39167 | .39444 | .39583 | .39722 | 23 | 24 | |40000-| .40278 | .40417 | .40556 |) .40833 | .41111 | .41250 | 141389 | 24 li a5 | 41667 | .41944 | .42083 | .42222 || .42500 | .42778 | .42917 | 43056 | 25 iis | 96 | 43388 | |43611 | .43750 | .43889 || 44167 | .44444 | 144583 | 144722 | 26 Hy 97 | '45000 | (45278 | .45417 | .45556 || .45838 | .46111 | .46250 | .46389 | 27 i 98 | |46667 | .46944 | .47083 | 47222 || .47500 | .47778 | .47917 | .48056 | 28 29 48333 | .48611 | .48750 | .48889 || .49167 | .49444 | .49583 | .49722 | 29 30 .50000 | .50278 | .50417 | .54556 || .50833 | .51111 | .51250 | .51389 | 30 <8 .51667 | .51944°} .52083 | .52222 || .52500 | .5277 .£2917 | .538056 | 31 32 53333 | .53611 | .538750 | .53889 || .54167 | .54444 | .54583 | .54722 | 382 33 .55000 | .55278 | .55417 | .55556 || .55833 | .56111 | .56250 | .56389 | 33 34 56667 | .56944 | .57083 | .57222 || .57500 | .57778 | .57917 | .58056 | 34 35 58333 | .58611 | .58750 | .58889 || .59167 | .59444 | .59583 | .50722 | 35 36 .60000 | .6027 .60417 | .60556 || .60883 | .61111 | .61250 | .61389 | 36 37 | .61667 | .61944 | .62083 | .62222 || .62500 | .62778 | .62917 | .68056 | 37 38 63333 | .63611 | .63750 | .63889 || .64167 | .64444 | .64583 | .64722 | 38 39 .65000 | .65278 | .65417 | .65556 || .65833 | .66111 | .66250 | .66389 | 39 40 | .66667 | .66944 | .67083 | .67222 || .67500 | .67778 | .67917 | .68056 | 40 41 68333 | .68611 | .68750 | .68889 || .69167 | .69444 | .69583 | .69722 | 41 2 .70000 |. .70278, | .70417 | .70556 || .70833 | .71111 | .71250 | .713889 | 42 Tne 43 71667 | .71944 | .72083 | .72222 || .72500 | .72778 | . 72917 | .73056 | 43 | } 44 73333 | .73611 | .73750 | .73889 || .74167 | .'74444 | .74588 | .'74722 | 44 Palit 45 75000 |. 7527 5417 | .75556 || .75888 | .76111 | .76250 | . 76389 | 45 Aa 46 .76667 | .76944.] 77083 | .77222 |) .77500 | 27777 JTI9TT | £78056 | 46 i] 7 78333 | .78611 ; .78750 | .78889 || .79167 | .79444 | .79588 | .79722 | 47 it 48 .80000 | .80278 | .80417 | .80556 || .80833 | .81111 | .81250 | .81389 | 43 Mi 49 81667 | .81944 | .82083 | .82222 || .82500 | .8277 .82917 | .83056 | 49 50 .83333 | .83611 | .83750 | .83889 || .84167 | .84444 | .84583 | .84722 | 50 | 51 .85000 | .8527 .85417 | .85556 || .858383 | 86111 | .8625 .86389 | 51 52 86667 | .86944 | .87083 | .87222 || .87500 | .87778 | .87917 | .88056 | 52 53 88333 | .88611 | .88750 | .88889 || .89167 | .80444 | .89583 | .89722 | 53 i 54 .90000 |. .90278 | .90417 | .90556 || .908383 | .91111 | .91250 | .91389 | 54 Hi 55 .91667 | .91944 | .92083 | .92222 |) .92500 | .92778 | .92917 | .93056 | 55 Hy 56 .93333 | .93611 | .93750 | .93889 || .94167 | .94444 | .94583 | .94722 | 56 HH | 57 .95000 | .95278 | .95417 | .95556 || .95833 | .96111 | .96250 | .96389 | 57 | 58 .96667 | .96944 | .97085 | .97222 || .97500 | .97778 | .97917 | .98056 | 58 59 .98333 | .93611 | .98750 | .98889 || .99167 | .99444 | .99583 | .99722 | 59 AR OF) |EL08 15°-¢|, 20° || GesOTN - dome] ) 50a OR pos tare 31d | | In. hag | oP tase 6 TSF O-eledOy yh 11 \ | | | | eons BBS baie i Agneta Saas eee aoe a | : aig | ma! | | | | 0 _ |Foot! .0833) 1667} .2500) 3333 ..4167| 5000) .5833! 6667} .7500 8333] 9167 1-32 | .0026) .0859! . 1693] . 2526) .38859) .4193) .5026) .5859! . 6693} .'7526| 8859) .9193} | 4-16 |.0052! .0885).1719| 2552) .3385) 4219] 5052) .5885/ 6719] 7552) .8385/ 9219) | 3-32 |.0078 .0911| 1745) 2578) .3411) 4245) .5078) 5911 .6745| .7578) .8411) 9245 1-8 |.0104) 0938) 1771] .2604) 3438) 4271) .5104| .5938) .6771| .7604| 8438) 9271 | 5-32 |.0130 .0964) 1797) .2630) 8464) 4297) 5130 5964! .6797| 7630, 8464) .9297 3-16 |.0156! .0990) 1823] .2656) .3490! .4323| .5156| 5990) .6823) .7656) .8490) 9323 7-32 | 0182). 1016) 1849] .2682) .3516) .4849] 5182) 6016) .6849] .7682| .8516) .9349 Tt .0208| .1042) .1875| .2708) .3542! .4375| 5208) .6042| .6875! 7708] 8542! 9875 9-32 | 0234 1068] 1901] .2734| .3568) .4401|.5234) .6068] .6001| .7’734/ .8568) .9401 5-16 | .0260) 1094 1927] 2760) 8594) .4427/ 5260) . 6094) .6927) 7760) .8594 9427 11-32 | 0286) .1120) 1953] .2786) 8620] .4453) .5286) .6120) .6953) . 7786 .8620) .9453 8-8 |.0313) .1146) 1979] 2813] .3646) 4479! 5813) .6146] 6979] .7813| .8646) 9479 13-32 | .0339| 1172) .2005].2839) .3672! 4505] .5339/ 6172) .7005| .7839) .8672! 8505 7-16 | .0365} 1198) 2031) .2865] 8698) .4531] 5365) .6198) .7081| .7865) .8698) 9531 15-82 |.0391| 1224) 2057) .2891| 3724) .4557|. 5391] 6224) .7057| .7891| .8724| .9557 1-2 |.0417|.1250! 2083] .2917| 3750] .4583] .541’7| . 6250) .7083] .791'7| .8750| .9583 17-82 | 0443) .1276] 2109] 2943) .3776) .4609] .5443) .6276] .7109] .7943) .8776| .9609 9.16 |.0469) 1302) 2135] 2969) .3802) .4635} .5469) . 6302] .'7135) .'7969| .8802/ .9635 19-32 | 0495) .1328) .2161) 2995) 8828) .4661] .5495) 6828) .7161] 7995) 8828) 9661 5-8 | .0521) .1354| .2188] 8021) .8854) .4688} .5521| .6354/ .7188) .8021! .8854) .968= 21-32 | 0547) .1380) .2214] .3047| 8880) .4714| .5547| .6380} .7214| .8047| .8880] .9714 11-16 | 0573) .1406) 2240) 3073} .8906) .4740} .5573) .6406] .7240) .8073 .8906] .9740 23-32 | 0599) 1432 .2266] 3099) 3932 .4766) 5599 6432) .7266) 8099 8932. 9766 0625} .1458} . 2292} 3125) .3958) .4792) .5625) 6458) . 7292! .8125) 8958! .9792 0807 .0651) .1484) .2318) -0677'| .1510} .2344 0703} . 1536} .2370) 0729) .1563) .2396 0755) . 1589) . 2422) 0781) 1615) 2448) 1641} 2474) TABLE XXII.--INCHES IN DECIMALS OF A FOOT. 882 | «145924 ; 883 | 146689 | 884 | 147456 | 885 148225 | 386 148996 | 387 | 149769 888 | 150544 889 | 151821 390 | 152100 vii 391 | . 152881 | 892 .| 153664 li | 398 | 154449 lit | 394 155236 Hn | 895 | 156025 HH 396 | 156816 Hi | 397 | 157609 iy } 398 158404 Na | 399 159201 fen | | 400 | 160000 401 160801 402 161604 403 162409 | 404 163216 405 | 164025 | 406 164836 407 165649 408 166464 409 167281 | 410 | 168100 | 411 | 168921 WW 412 | 169744 vit 413 | 170569 i 414 | 171396 Alt 415 | 172225 A 416 | 173056 a 417 | 173889 ii 418 | 174724 419 | 175561 420 | 176400 177241 422 | 178084 423 | 178929 424 | 179776 425 | 180625 426 181476 42% 182529 428 183184 429 184041 430 184900 185761 432 186624 | 187489 434 | 188856 | | Squares. | Cubes. 51895117 52313624 52734375 58157376 53582633 54010152 54439939 54872000 55306341 55742968 56181887 56623104 57066625 7512456 7960603 58411072 58863869 59319000 59776471 60236288 60698457 61162984 61629875 62099136 32570773 63044792 63521199 64000000 64481201 64964808 65450827 65939264 66430125 66923416 67419143 67917312 68417929 68921000 69426531 69934528 70444997 70957944 1473875 71991296 2511713 73034632 #3560059 4088000 74618461 75151448 "5686967 36225024 "6765625 77308776 7854483 78402752 78953589 79507000 80062991 80621568 81182737 81746504 Square xn te | Cube Roots, 19.3132079 | %.1984050 19.3390796 | 7.204882 19.8649167 | 7.2112479 19.3907194 | 7.2176522 19.4164878 | 7.2240450 194422221 |. 7.2304268 19.4679223 | 72367972 19.4935887 | '%.2431565 19.5192218 | 7.2495045 19.5448203 | 7.2558415 195703858 72621675 195959179 % 2684824 19 .6214169 7 2747864 19.6468827 7 2810794 196723156 1 2873617 19.6977156 72936330 19. 7230829 | 7.2998986 197484177 | 7.3061436 19.7737199 | %.3123828 19.7989899 | 7%.3186114 19.8242276 | %.3248295 19. 8494332 7 .8310369 19.8746069 % 3372339 19.8997487 | 7,3484205 19.9248588 | 17.3495966 19.9499373 | %.8557624 19.9749844 | %.8619178 20.0000000 | %.8680630 20.0249844 | 7. 8741976 20.0499377 | 7.8808227 20.0748599 % 2864373 20.0997512 7.3925418 20. 1246118 7 3986363 20.1494417 | 7.4047206 20.1742410 | 7.4107950 20.1990099 | 7.4168595 20. 2237484 7 4229142 20. 2484567 7 4289589 202731349 7 4349938 20.2977831 74410189 203224014 4470342 20. 3469899 74580399 203715488 74590359 20.3960781 7 4650223 20.4205779 7.4709991 20.4450483 7 4769664 20.4694895 74829242 204939015 7. 4888724 20 5182845 74948113 205426386 75007406 20.5669638 | 7.5066607 20 5912603 75125715 20.6155281 75184730 20. 6397674 7 5243652 20.6639783 75302482 20. 6881609 7 5361221 20.7123152 75419867 20.7364414 7 5478423 207605395 7 5536888 20.7846097 75595263 20. 8086520 75653548 7.5711743 20. 8326667 321 TABLE XXIII.—SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, | Reciprocals. 002680965 002673797 002666667 002659574 002652520 002645503 002638522 .002681579 . 002624672 .002617801 .002610966 .002604167 .002597403 . 002590674 002583979 002577320 002570894 002564108 .002557545 .002551020 002544529 002588071 . 002531646 . 002525253 .002518892 002512563 002506266 002500000 .002493766 .002487562 -002481390 002475248 002469136 . 002463054 002457002 002450980 .002444988 00243902 002433090 002427184 - 002421308 002415459 002409639 002403846 002398082 002392344 002386635 002380952 002375297 002369668 002364066 002358491 002352941 002347418 - 002341920 002336449 002331002 002325581 002320186 002314815 .0023809469 002304147 CUBE ROOTS, AND RECIPROCALS. Sta ae Werke “Be pee Ralaeen ae | | | ] | a 4 = t; Square > | : No. (Squares. | Cubes, | Sheil | Cube Roots. | Reciprocals. 435 | 189225 82312875. | 20.8566536 7.576984: 20885) 436 | 190096 | 82881856 | 20. 8806130 apes | Prgsee |. 437 | 790969 | 83453453 | 20.9045450 | 7.5885793 “002258330 438 | 191844 84027672 | — 20.9284495 75043633 | 7002985105 439 | 19z721 | 84604519 | 20.9523268 | 7.600185 | 02277904 | | 440 | 193600 | 85184000 | 20.9761770 | 7.6059049 | .o02272727 | | 440 | 133600 | Beresisn | 2120000000 | y-6146626 | |. onaabzarG | : 442 | 195364 | 86350888 | 21.0237960 | 7.6174116 | “026243 | 443 | 196249 | 86038307 | 21.0475652 | 716231519 | [002257336 | : 444 |< 197136 Wepsse, | 21.0718075 | 7.688887 | “oopasvane | 445 | 198025 88121125 21 095023 76346067 gu Sate i | 446 | 198916 | 88716536 21.1187121 76403213 rinserkts fi ; 447 | 199809 | 89314623 | 21.1423745 | 76460272 “002287136 | 418 | 200v0e | sogis392 | 21.1660105 | 7.GorTed? “DoRDae LA | 449 | 201601 | 90518819 | 21.1896201 | 716574133 | ‘oo22RQ7171 | | 450 | 202500 | 91125000 | 21.2132034 | 7.6630943 | 229295 | 4 | Sesto, | grass: | St cbaeve0s | Feosrees “0B21 7208 452 | 20130 | gesiodng | 212602016 | 6741303 | 002212389 i 53 | 205209 | 92059677 | 21.28387967 | 7.s800857 | — 1002207506 i 454 | 206116 | 93576664 S 3072758 | ressraes |. looBa0ao4s | 455 | 207025 | 94196375 | 21.8807200 | 7.6013717 “003197802 ii 456 | 207936 94818816 21 3541565 76970023 “002109083 | 457 | 208849 | 95443003 | 21.8775583 | 7. 7026246 “02188184 \ 458 | 209764 | 96071912 | 21.4009316 7. @082388 “00218306 | | 459 | 210681 | 96702579 | 21.4242853 | 7.713848 002178649 " 460 | 211600 | 9733600 21.4476 77194426 021734 ) te. | Sige | gyoreisy | aiaveoios | fracas |. | sect io) 22 2485955 7. 9104599 002020202 | 495 | e4oo16 | Teepesea6 | Re.zrIOsiD | T.91DTERR ‘oozsisize — | | 9 322 Or | | | | | Squares. Cubes. 217009 12276347 248004 123505992 249001 | 124251499 250000 125000000 251001 125751501 25204 126506008 253009 127263527 254016 128024064 255025 128787625 256036 129554216 257049 1303238843 258064 1381096512 259081 131872229 260100 132651000 261121 183482831 262144 134217728 263169 185005697 264196 135796744 265225 136590875 266256 137388096 267289 188188413 268324 188991832 269361 ° 139798359 270400 140608000 271441 141420761 272484 142236648 273529 143055667 274576 143877824 275625 144703125 276676 145581576 277729 146363183 278784 147197952 279841 148035889 280900 148877000 281961 149721291 283024. 150568768 284089 151419437 285156 152273304 286225 1531380375 287296 153990656 288369 154854153 289444 155720872 290521 156590819 291600 157464000 292681 158340421 293764 159220088 294849 160103007 295936 160989184 297025 161878625 298116 162771336 299209 163667323 300304 164566592 301401 165469149 802500 166375000 303601 167284151 804704 168196603 805809 169112377 3806916 170031464 808025 1709538875 809136 171879616 3810249 172298693, 173741112 311364 TABLE XXIII.—SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, Square Roots, 222934968 22.3159136 22. 3383079 223606798 223830293 22. 4053565 22. 4276615 22. 4499443 22.4722051 22. 4944438 225166605 25388553 225610283 225831796 22. 6053091 226274170 2. 6495033 2. 6715681 22. 6936114 227156334 227376340 23.7506134 22. 7815715 228035085 2. 8254244 22.8473193 22. 8691933 228910463 229128785 229346899 229564806 22. 782506 23. 0000000 28 0217289 23 . 0434372 23 .0651252 23 . 0867923 23. 1084400 23. 1300670 23 .1516788 23 .17382605 23 1948270 23.2168735 23.23879001 23. 2594067 23 .2808935 23 38023604 23 . 3238076 23 .8452351 23 8666429 23 .3880311 23 .4093998 23 .4807490 23. 4520788 23.4733892 23.4946802 23 5159520 23 5372046 23 .5584380 23 5796522 23.6008474 23. 6220236 BOD OMMDMMDODOWDW WHWMOMWOOMWHMM-s-F aaa asa eda sett © cp co 9210994 . 9264085 9317104 9370053 9422931 9475739 9528477 9581144 96383743 9686271 9738731 9791122 9843444 . 9895697 . 9947883 0000000 0052049 .0104032 .0155946 0207794 20259574 .0811287 0362935 .0414515 .0466030 0517479 0568862 .0620180 .0671482 0722620 0773743 .0824800 0875794 .0926728 .097'7589 . 1028390 .1079128 1129803 1180414 1230962 1281447 1331870 1882280 1482529 1452765 1532939 1583051 1633102 1683092 1733020 1782888 1832695 1882441 1932127 1981752 .20313819 8. 2080825 8.21380271 8.2179657 8 .2228985 8. 2278254 8. 2327465 323 Reciprocals. | Cube Roots. 002012072 :002008032 . 002004003 002000000 001996098 .001992032 .001988072 001984127 .001980198 .001976255 .001972387 .001968504 .001964637 001960784 .001956947 .001953125 001949318 .001945525 .001941748 001937984 . 601934236 - .001930502 . 001926782 001923077 .001919386 .001915709 .001912046 .001908397 .001904762 .001907141 .001897533 .001893939 .001890359 .001886792 . 001883239 .001879699 .001876173 001872659 .001869159 001865672 .001862197 .001858736 . 001855288 001851852 001848429 .001845018 .001841621 001838235 .001834862 .001831502 .001828154 .001824818 .001821494 001818182 .001814882 .001811594 .001808318 - 001805054 .001801802 .001798561 001795832 .001792115 CUBE ROOTS, AND RECIPROCALS. No. | Squares.| Cubes. star oi 559 | 312481 74676879 | 23.6431808 560 313600 175616000 23 6643191 561 314721 176558481 23 6854386 562 315844 177504328 23 7065392 563 316969 178453547 23 7276210 564 318096 179406144 23. 7486842 565 319225 180362125 23 7697286 566 320356 181321496 23 7907545 567 321489 182284263 23 .8117618 568 | 322624 183250432 23 8327506 569 323761 184220000 25 .8537209 BYE 324900 185193000 23. 8746728 571. | 326041 186169411 23 8956063 572 327184 187149248 23,.9165215 Aye 328329 188132517 239374184 57 329476 189119224 23.9582971 575 | 330625 190109375 23 9791576 | 576 331776 191102976 24 0000000 | 577 332929 192100033 24 0208243 57 334084 193100552 24 0416306 | 57 335241 194104529 24 0624188 580 336400 195112000 24 0831891 581 337561 196122941 24 1039416 582 338724 197137368 24 1246762 583 339889 198155287 24. 1453929 584 341056 199176704 | 24.1660919 585 342225 200201625 | 24.1867'732 | 586 343396 201230056 24 2074369 | 587 344569 202262003 24 2280829 588 3457 903297472 | 24.2487113 589 346921 204336469 24 2698222 590 348100 205379000 24 2899156 591 349281 206425071 | — 24.8104916 592 350464 207474688 | 24.3310501 593 351649 208527857 | 24.38515913 594 352836 209584584 | 24.8721152 595 354025 210644875 | 24.3926218 596 355216 211708736 24 4131112 597 356409 212776173 24 4335834 598 357604 213847192 24 4540285 599 358801 214921799 24 4744765 600 360000 216000000 244948074 601 361201 217081801 245153013 602 | 362404 218167208 24 5356883 | 603 | 363609 219256227 24 5560583 604 364816 220348864 245764115 | 605 366025 221445125 245967478 606 | 367236 222545016 | 24.6170673 607 368449 223648543 24 6373.00 | 608 369664 294755712 246576560 : 609 370881 295866529 24 6779254 610 372100 226981000 24 .6981781 G11 373321 228099131 24 7184142 | 612 37444 229220928 | 24.7386338 | | 613 375769 230346397 | 24.7588368 | 614 76996 231475544 | 24.7790234 | 615 378225 232608375 | 24 7991935 616 | 3879456 933744896 | 24.8193473 617 380689 934885113 | 24.8394847 618 381924 236029032 24 8596058 619 383161 237176659 24.8797106 620 384400 238328000 248997992 cots 324 Bsace" } | Cube Roots. | Reciprocals. | / | §,2376614 001788909 8.242506 001785714 82474740 001782531 8. 2523715 001779359 | 8. 2572633 .001776199 | §.2621492 001773050 8.2670294 + .001769912 | 82719039 001766784 82767726 001763668 82816355 001760563 82864928 001757469 8.2913444 001754386 | 8.2961903 001751313 | 8.2010804 001748252 8.8058651 001745201 8.3106941 001742160 83155175 001739130 8 3203353 001736111 8.82514"5 .001733102 8 8299542 001730104 8.8847553 001727116 8.3895509 001724138 83443410 001721170 8.3491256 001718213 8.2539047 001715266 8.586784 .001712329 | 8.3624466 001709402 83682095 001706485 8.8729668 001708578 8.3777188 001700680 8. 2824653 .001697793 |. 8.3872065 001694915 83919423 .001692047 88966729 .001689189 8.4013981 .001686341 8.4061180 001688502 8. 4108326 001680672 8.4155419 |. .001677852 8. 4202460 .001675042 8.4249448 001672241 8. 4296383 001669449 8 4343267 .001666667 8.4390098 001663894 8. 4436877 .001661130 84483605 001658375 84530281 . 001655629 8. 4576906 001652893 8.462347 .001650165 8. 4670601 001647446 84716471 001644737 8. 4762892 .001642036 8 4809261 .001639344 84855579 -001636661 8. 4901848 001633987 8.4948065 001631321 8 4994233 .601628664 85040350 . 001626016 8. 5086417 001623377 85132435 001620746 8.5178403 00161812: 85224321 001615509 8.5270189 .0C01612908 TABLE XXIII.—SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, Squares, | 3885641 886384 388129 3889376 890625 891876 393129 394384 395641 896900 398161 399424 40689 401956 403225 404496 405769 407044 408321 409600 410881 412164 413449 414736 416025 417316 418609 419904 421201 422500 423801 425104 426409 427716 429025 430336 431649 432964 43,4281 435600 436921 438244. 439569 440896 442225 443556 444889 446224 447561 448900 450241 451584 452929 454276 455625 456976 458329 459684 461041 462400 463761 465124 ade Square | Cube Roots. | Reciprocals. hoots. 24.9198716 8.5316009 .001610306 24.9399278 8.53861780 -OOL607717 24 9599679 8.5407501 .001605136 24.9799920 | 8.5453173 .001602564 25 . 0000000 8.5498797 .001600000 25 .0199920 8.5544872 .001597444 25 .0399681 8.5589899 .001594896 25 0599282 8.56385377 .001592357 25. 0798724 8. 5680807 . 001589825 85 .0998008 8.5726189 .001587302 25 1197134 85771523 . 001584786 95 1396102 8.5816809 .001582278 25. 1594913 8.5862047 001579779 25 .1798566 8 .5907238 001577287 25 .1992063 8.5952380 .001574803 25.2190404 | 8.5997476 001572327 25. 2388589 — | 8. 6042525 .001569859 25 2586619 8. 6087526 001567398 25.2784493 | 8.6132480 001564945 25.29822138. | 8.6177388 .001562500 25.38179778 | 8.6222248 001560062 25 .33877189 | 8.6267063 . 001557632 25.3574447 | © §.63118380 .001555210 25.38771551 | °8.6356551 .001552795 25 38968502 | 8 .6401226 .001550388 25.4165301 8.6445855 .001547988 25 .4861947 | 8.6490437 .001545595 25.4558441 | 8.65384974 .001543210 25.4754784 | 8.6579465 .001540832 25.4950976 | 8.6623911 .001538462 25.5147016 8. 6668310 .001536098 25 .5842907 8.6712665 001533742 25 .5588647 | 8.6756974 -001531894 20D (o42a7 | 8.6801237 -001529052 25.5929678 | 8.6845456 -001526718 25.6124969 | 8.6889630 001524390 25 .6320112 8.6933759 .001522070 25..6515107 8.6977843 .001519757 25.6709953 | 8.7021882 .001517451 25.6904652 | 8.7065877 .001515152 25.7099203 | 8.7109827 - 001512859 25.7298607 | 8.7158734 -001510574 25 . 7487864. 8.7197596 -001508296 25 .7681975 8.7241414 -001506024 25 ..7875939 8. 7285187 . 001503759 25. 8069758 8.7328918 .001501502 25.8263431 8.7372604 .001499250 25.8456960 | 8.7416246 001497006 25 .8650343 | 8 .7459846 .001494768 25 . 8848582 8.503401 .001492537 25 9036677 8.546913 .001490313 25 . 9229628 8 .7590883 .001488095 25 . 9422485 §.7638809 001485884 25.9615100 8.7677192 001483680 25 . 9807621 8.720532 .001481481 26 .0000000 8.7'763830 .001479290 26 0192237 8. 7807084 .001477105 26.0384331 8.'7850296 001474926 25 0576284 8.7893466 .001472754 26 0768096 8.7936593 .001470588 26 .0959767 8.7979679 001468429 26 .1151297 8 .8022721 .001466276 90K 3825 CUBE ROOTS, | | AND RECIPROCALS. | No. eauareey Cubes. | ee: | Cube Roots, | Reciprocals. 683 | 466489 318611987 26 . 1342687 8.8065722 001464129 681 | 467856 320013504 | 26.1588937 8. 8108681 001461988 685 | 469225 321419125 | 26.1725047 8.8151598 001459854 686 470596 322828856 | 26.1916017 8.8194474 001457726 687 | 471969 824242703 26 2106848 8. 8237307 001455604 G88 | 473344 325660672 26 2297541 8. 8280099 001453488 689 | 474721 327082769 26 2488095 8 .8322850 001451379 690 | 476100 998509000 | 26.2678511 | 8.8865559 001449275 691 477481 329939371 | 26.2868789 | 8. 8408227 001447178 692 478854 331373888 | 26.3058929 88450854 001445087 693 | 480249 | 332812557 | 263248932 | 8.8493440 001443001 694 | 481636 | 334255384 | 26.8488797 | 8.8535985 | 001440922 695 483025 335702375 | 26.8628527 | 8.8578489 | 001438849 696 481416 | 387152536 | 26.3818119 | 8 .8620952 001436782 697 | 485809 | 338608873 | 26 4007576 8.8663375 001434720 698 | 487204 | 340068392 | — 26.4196896 3.8705757 =|, .001482665 699 | 488601 | 341532099 | 26 4886081 8.8748099 | .001480615 700 | 490000 | 343000000 | 26 4575131 8.8790400 | .001428571 VOL | 491401 344472101 | 26.4764046 | —8.8832661 001426534 702 | 492804 345048408 | 26.4952826 | 8.8874882 | 001424501 "03 | 494209 | 347428927 965141472 | 8.8917063 | = 001422475 704 | 495616 | 3848918664 265329983 | 8.8959204 | .001420455 705 497025 | 350402625 | 26.5518361 | 8.9001304 | .001418440 706 498436 | 351895816 | 26.5706605 89043366 | 001416431 707 499849 353393243 | 26.5894716 3.9085387 | .001414427 708 | 501264 | 354894912 | 26.6082694 8.9127369 001412429 709 | 502681 356400829 | 26 6270539 | 8.9169311 001410437 "10 | 504100 357911000 | 26.6458252 8.9211214 , 001408451 711 505521 | 359425431 26 6645833 | 8.9253078 | 001406470 712 | 506944 | 360944128 26 6833281 8.9294902. | 001404494 #13 | 508369 | 362467097 26. 7020598 8.9336687 001402525 ee 509796 863994344 26. 72077 89378433 | 001400560 15 | 511225 365525875 26 .7394839 8.9420140 | .001398601 716 512656 367061696 26 . 7581763 8.9461809 001396648 717 514089 368601813 26 .7768557 8.9503438 | 001394700 W718 .| 515524 3701462382 26 .7 955220 89545029 | .001892758 519 | 516961 371694959 268141754 8.9586581 001390821 "20 | 518400 373248000 | 26.8328157 8. 9628095 001388889 m21 | 519841 374805361 | 26.8514432 8. 9669570 401886963 (22 521284 | 876367048 26 8700570 8.9711007 001885042 723 522729 377933067 | 26.8886593 8. 9752406 .001383126 724 | 524176 379503424 26 . 9072481 89793766 .001881215 125 525625 381078125 | 26.9258240 8 .9835089 001379310 726 527076 382657176 26 . 9443872 8.9876373 .001377410 1270 528529 | 384240583 26 . 9629375 8. 9917620 .001375516 728 529984. | 385828352 26 .9814751 8 . 9958829 001873626 729 531441 387420489 27 .0000000 9 .0000000 001371742 730 532900 389017000 27 0185122 90041184 001369863 731 | 534361 390617891 27 0370117 90082229 | 001367989 732 | 535824 392222168 27 0554985 9 0128288 .001366120 733 | 587289 393832837 27 07389727 9 .0164309 001364256 734 | 538756 395446904 27 .0924344 9 0205293 001362898 "735 | 640225 397065375 | 27.1108834 9 0246239 .001860544 726 | 541696 398688256 | 27.1293199 9 0287149 001358696 737 | 543169 400315553 27 1477439 9 0328021 | .001356852 mga | 544644 | 401947272 | 27.1661554 9 0368857 | .001855014 nag | 546121 | 403583419 | 27.1845544 90409655 | .001353180 "40 | 547600 | 405224000 | 97.2029410 | 9.0450419 .001351351 TAL 549081 406869021 | 27.2218152. | 9.0491142 001849528 742 550564 408518488 | 27.23896769 | 9.0531831 | 001347709 743 552049 | 410172407 | 27. 2580263 90572482 | .001845895 744 553536 | 411830784 | 27.2763634 9,0613098 {| .001844086 326 =e hI i | } Squares. TC) Oo — e ~~ ~> =] ~t =} ~ OTOL UL OT Or “2 Oo OUHS Co 0 OV oror Laie 2) J 3-3 5 ~ > SS i=) J 3 3-5 5 VNININS et OU CO a 2-2 +) COIS i ae ee 555025 556516 558009 559504 561001 562500 564001 565504 567009 568516 570025 571586 573049 574564 576081 577600 579121 580644 582169 583696 5852 586756 588289 589824 591361 592900 594441 595984 597529 599076 600625 602176 603729 605284 606841 608400 609961 611524 613089 614656 616225 617796 619369 620944 62252 I 624100 625681 627264 628849 630436 632025 633616 635209 636804. 338401 640000 641601 648204 644809 646416 648025 649636 Cubes. 413493625 415160936 416832723 418508992 420189749 421875000 423564751 425259008 426957777 428661064 430368875 432081216 433798093 435519512 437245476 438976000 440711081 442450728 444194947 445943744 447697125 449455096 451217663 452984832 454756609 456533000 458314011 460099648 461889917 463684824 465484375 467288576 469097433 470910952 472729139 474552000 476379541 478211768 480048687 481890304. 483736625 485587656 487443403 489303872 491169069 493039000 494913671 496793088 498677257 500566184 502459875 504358336 506261573 508169592 510082399 512000000 513922401 515849608 517781627 519718464 521660125 523606616 TABLE XXTII.—SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, 7 7.3678644 7 7 Square Roots. Cube Roots. Reciprocals. 27 2946881 273180006 7 .8813007 "8495887 38861279 "4043792 27. 4226184 27. 4408455 274590604 27 47726828 27 .4954542 (51863830 % 5917998 27 5499546 27 5680975 275862284 27 60438475 27.62.4546 7 6405499 ", 6586334 276767050 27. 6947648 27 .7'128129 ", 7808492 27. 7488739 27. 7668868 27.7848880 27 8028775 27 8208555 8388218 27 8567766 «8747197 ’, 8926514 279105715 27 9284801 27 . 9463772 9642629 ', 9821372 8. 0000000 8.0178515 28.0356915 8 .0535203 280718377 28. 0891438 . 1069886 28 . 1247222 3. 1424946 8. 1602557 28. 1780056 28.1957444 28 2134720 28.2311884 28 .2488938 28 .2665881 2842712 28 3019434 9196045 3372546 .8048938 28.3725219 .3901391 9.0653677 9 .0694220 9.0734726 9.0775197 9.0815631 9 .0856030 9. 0896392 9.0936719 90977010 9.1017265 9.1057485 9.1097669 9.1187818 9.1177931 9.1218010 9.1258053 9.1298061 9.1388034 9.137°7971 9.141787 9.145742 9.1497576 9.15387375 9.157'7139 9.1616869 9.1656565 9. 1666225 91785852 9.1775445 9.181E003 9. 1854527 9.1894018 91988474 9.1972897 9.201226 9.2051641 9 2090962 9 2180250 9.2169505 9.2208726 92247914 9 .2287068 9.2526189 9.286527 92404383 9. 2443355 9. 2462344 9. 2521300 9 .2560224 9 .2599114 9.2637973 9 .2676798 9.2715592 9.2754352 9.2798081 9. 2881777 9 2870440 9.2909072 9.2947671 9 2986239 9 8024775 9 .3063278 327 .001342282 .0013840483 .00133886&8 .-001886898 .001835113 . 001333333 -0U13881558 -001829787 . 0013828021 - 001826260 . 001824503 .001322751 . 001821004 -001319261 .C01317523 .001815789 .C01314060 -C01812336 -001310616 -001808901 .001307190 .001805483 .001803781 .0013802083 - 001300390 001298701 .001297017 001295337 -001293661 .001291990 001280323 .001288660 .001287001 001285347 .001283697 001282051 . 001280410 .001278772 001277139 001275510 001273885 001272265 .001270648 .C01269036 001267427 001265823 .C01264223 001262626 .001261034 001259446 .001257862 001256281 .001254705 .001258133 . 001251564 001250000 .001248489 .001246883 001245330 .001243781 001242236 001240695 | CUBE ROOTS, AND RECIPROCALS. \ | Cc 7Tra No. | Squares. Cubes. Ph otan 807 651249 525557943 28 .4077454 808 652864 527514112 28 . 4258408 809 | 654481 529475129 28 .4429253 810 656100 531441000 28 .4604989 811 657721 5383411731 28 .4780617 812 659344 535387328 28 .4956137 813 660969 537867797 28.5131549 814 662596 589353144 28 .5306852 815 654225 541343375 23.5482048 816 665856 543338496 28 .5657137 817 | 667489 545338513 28 .58382119 818 | 669124 547343432 28 . 6006995 819 670761 5493538259 28,6181760 82 672400 551368000 28 .635642 821. | 674041 553387661 286530976 | 822 675684 555412248 28 6705424 82% 677329 557441767 288 6879766 | 82 678976 55947622 28 .'7054002 | 825 680625 561515625 28.72281382 826 682276 563559976 287402157 | 827 683929 565609288 | 28.7576077 ) 828 685584 567663552 28.7749891 | 829 687241 569722789 >| 23.'7923601 830 688900 571787000 28 .8097206 831 690561 573856191 288270706 832 692224 575930368 28 .8444102 : 833 693889 578009537 28 .8617394 ) 834 695556 580093704. 28.8790582 : 835 697225 582182875 28.8963666 : 836 698896 584277056 28 .9186646 837’ | 700569 586376253 28 9309523 838 702244 588480472 28 . 9482297 839 703921 590589719 28.9654967 840 705600 592704000 28 .9827535 841 707281 594823321 29 . 0000000 842 708964 596947688 29.0172363 843 | 710649 599077107 29. 034462: 844, | 712386 601211584 29.0516781 845 714025 603351125 29. 0688837 846 | 715716 605495736 29 .0860791 347 | =. 717409 607645423 29 .1032644. 848 719104 609800192 29 . 1204396 849 720801 611960049 29.1376046 850 722500 614125000 29.1547595 351 | . 724201 616295051 29.1719043 852 72590 618470208 29.1890390 853 727609 620650477 29.2061637 854 | 729316 22835864. 29 2232784 | 855 731025 625026375 29 .2403830 | 856 732736 627222016 29. 2574777 857 734449 629422793 29.2745623 | 858 736164 631628712 29 .291687 | rola\ Pima ies UE ifoteil 6338397769 29.38087018 860 739600 636056000 29 3257566 861 741321 638277381 29.3428015 862 743044 640503928 29 .38598365 863 744769 642735647 29.3768616 864 | 746496 644972544 29 3938769 865 | | 748225 647214625 29 4108823 : 866 | . 749956 649461896 294278779 : 867. | | 751689 651714363 29 4448637 868 | | 7538424 653972032 29 .4618397 3 28 Cube Roots. | Reciprocals. .8101750 .8140190 .B178599 e 304 . 38381916 .38370167 . 38408386 .38446575 38484731 8522857 .0- 60952 .8599016 .8537049 . 8675051 9 .38718022 9.3750963 3788873 9. 38826752 9 .3864600 9 .3902419 9. 3940206 8977964 9 9.4015691 ") 4058387 9 .4091054 9 .4128690 Ow SODOOO OOsewssd la) .4166297 .4203873 .4241420 .4278936 .4816423 .4358880 .43913807 .4428704. .4466072 .4503410 .4540719 .4577999 .4615249 .4652470 .4689661 4726824 .4763957 .4801061 .4838136 .4875182 .4912200 .4949188 .4986147 .5023078 _ 5059980 5096854 .5138699 .5170515 . 5207308 5244063 5280794. 9817497 5354172 .5390818 .001289157 .00123762 .001286094 .001234568 , .001283046 .001231527 .001230012 .001228501 . 001226994. . 001225490 .001223990 .001222494 - 001221001 .001219512 .001218027 . 001216545 .001215067 .001218592 .001212121 .001210654 .001209190 .001207729 .001206273 .001204819 .001203369 .001201923 .001200480 .001199041 001197605 .001196172 .001194743 .001198317 .001191895 .001190476 .001189061 .001187648 001186240 .001184834 .001183432 .001182033 .001180638 001179245 .001177856 001176471 .001175088 .001173709 .001172833 .001170960 .001169591 .001166224 .001166861 .001165501 ; .001164144 .001162791 .001161440 .001160093 .001158749 .001157407 .001156069 .001154734 .001158403 , 001152074 TABLE XXIII.—SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS. | 80.4959014 ae | No. Squares. Cubes. Tks | Cube Roots. Reciprocals. a : = 869 755161 656234909 | 29.4788059 9 5427437 001150748 870 756900 658503000 | 294957624 9.5464027 | 001149425 aff 758641 660776311 | 29.5127091 9.5500589 | .001148106 | 872 760384 663054848 | 29.5296461 | = 9.5537123 | _ .001146789 873 762129 665338617 | 29.5465784 | 9.5573630 001145475 87 768876 667627624 | 29.5634910 | 9.5610108 | .001144165 875 765625 669921875 | 29.5803989 | 9.5646559 001142857 87 767376 6722213876 | 29.5972972 1} 9.5682982 | .001141553 877 769129 6745261338 | 29.6141858 9.57193877 | .001140251 78 770884 | 676836152 | 29.6310648 9.5755745 | 001188952 879 772641 79151439 | 29.6479342 9.579208 | .001137656 880 774400 | 681472000 | 29.66479389 | 9.5828397 | .001136364 Sot a COLOk 683797841 | 29.6816442 | 9.5864682 | .001135074 882 777924 686128968 | 29.6984848 | 9.5900939 | .001133787 883 | 779689 688465387 | 29.7153159 | 9.59387169 | .001182503 884 | 781456 690807104 | 29.7321875 | 9.5973873 | 001131222 a 885 | 783225 693154125 | 29.7489496 | 9.6009548 | .001129944 Hi 886 784996 | 695506456 | 29.7657521 | 9.6045696 | 001128668 Hil: 887 786769 697864103 | 29.7825452 | 9.6081817 | .001127896 Heat, 888 | 788544 700227072 =| 29.7998289 | 9.6117911 | .001126126 Ma 889 | 7903821 | 702595369 / 29.81610380 | 9.6153977 | .001124859 Wie 890 | 792100 | 704969000 | 29.8828678 | 9.6190017 | .001123596 891 | 793881 | TO7347971 | 29.8496281 | 9.6226080 | .001122334 i 892 795664 709732288 | 29.8663690 | 9.6262016 | .001121076 ist 893 797449 712121957 | 29.8831056 9.62979%5 001119821 i 894 799236 714516984 | 29.8998328 | 9.6338907 .001118568 ih 895 801025 716917375 | 29.9165506 | 9.6369812 .001117318 Hi 896 802816 719323186 | 29.9882591 | 9.6405690 .001116071 897 804609 721734278 | 29.94995838 | 9.6441542 .001114827 898 806404 724150792 | 29.9666481 9.647367 .001113586 899 808201 726572699 = -29.9838287 | 9.6513166 .001112847 | | 900 810000 729000000 | 30.0000000 | 9.6548938 .001111111 901 811801 | 731482701 | 30.0166620 | 9.6584684 .001109878 902 813604 7188870808 30.0383148 | 9.6620403 .001108647 903 815409 736314327 80 .0499584 9. 6656096 .001107420 904. 817216 788763264 30 .0665928 96691762 .001106195 905 819025 741217625 30.08382179 9 .6727403 001104972 906 820836 743677416 | 30.0998339 9.67638017 .001103753 907 822649 746142643 | 30.1164407 9.6798604 .001102536 908 824464 748613312 | 30.1330383 9 .6834166 .001101322 909 826281 751089429 | 30.1496269 9 .6869701 .001100110 910 828100 753571000 | 30. 1662063 9.6905211 .001098901 911 829921 756058031 80. 1827765 9.6940694 .001097695 912 831744 758550528 | 30.199337'7 9.6976151 | .001096491 all 913 833569 761048497 80.2158899 9.011583 .001095290 914 835396 | 763551944 380 . 2824329 9. 7046989 .001094092 ait 915 837225 766060875 380. 2489669 9 7082869 .001092896 4 916 839056 | 768575296 30.2654919 9.7117728 .001091703 917 840889 | 771095213 30. 2820079 9.7158051 .001090513 918 842724 | 7773620632 80 .2985148 9 7188354 .001089325 919 844561 | 776151559 80.3150128 9 7223631 . 0010881389 920 846400 | ee 30 .38315018 9 7258883 001086957 921 | 848241 | 781229961 30.34'79818 9 .7294109 .001085776 922 850084 | 783777448 80 .3644529 9 7329309 .001084599 923 851929 | 786330467 80.3809151 9.7364484 | .001083423 924 853776 | 788889024 80 .8978683 9.7399634 | .001082251 925 855625 | 791453125 | 80.4138127 9 .'7434758 .001081081 926 857476 | 794022776 | 30.4302481 97469857 .001079914 | 927 859329 796597983 30 .4466747 9. 7504930 .001078749 | 928 861184 T99178752 80 .4630924 9.7539979 .001077586 929 863041 801765089 30.4795013 9.7575002 .001076426 930 864900 804357000 9.7610001 .001075269 CUBE ROOTS, AND RECIPROCALS. ! | } | No. Squares, | Cubes. Pete | Cube Roots. | Reciprocals. 931 866761 806954491 80.5122926 97644974 .001074114 932 868624 | 809557568 30 .5286750 9.7679922 .001072961 933 870489 | 812166287 | 30.5450487 9.7'714845 .001071811 934 872356 814780504 | 380.5614136 9.749743 .001070664 935 | 874225 817400375 30.5777697 9.7784616 .001069519 936 | 876096 820025856 380.5941171 9.7819466 .001068576 937 =| 877969 322656953 30.6104557 97854288 001067236 | 9388. | 879844 | Sati 3672 80. 6267857 9.7889087 .001066098 | 9389 881721 | 27936019 380.6481069 | 9.7928861 .001064663 940 | 883600 830584000 30.6594194 | 9.7958611 . 0010688380 941 | 885481 833257621 30.6757233 | 9.7993236 | .001062699 942 | 887364 835896888 30.6920185 | ee | 001061571 943 | 889249 | 838561807 | 380.7083051 | 9.8062711 .001060445 944. |. 891136 | 841282384 40.7245880 | 9.80973862 .001059822 945. | 898025 843908625 | 30.7408523 | 98131989 .001058201 946 | 894916 846590536 30.7571130 | 9.8166591 .001057082 947 | 896809 849278123 30.7788651 | 9.8201169 .001055966 948 | 898704 851971392 30.7896086 | 9.8285723 001054852 $49 | 900601 | 854670349 | 30.8058436 9 8270252 -001053741 950 | 902500 | 857375000 30.8220700 | 9.8304757 | .001052632 951 904401 | 860085851 30.8882879 | 9.838389288 .001051525 952 906304 862801408 80.8544972 9.8378695 .001050420 953 | = 908209 865523177 380.8706981 9. 8408127 .001049318 954. | 910116 868250664 | 80.8868904 9 8442536 .001048218 95 | 912025 | 870983875 30. 9030743 98476920 .001047120 956 | 913936 873722816 80. 9192497 9.8511280 .001046025 957 915849 876467493 30.9354166 | 9.8545617 | .001044932 958 | 917764 879217912 30.9515 751- | = 9.8579929 .0010438841 959 | 919681 881974079 | 380.9677251 , 9.8614218 | .001042753 960 | 921600 | 884736000 80. 9828668 9.€648483 | .001041667 961 | 928521 | 887508681 | 81.0000C00 9.68 2724 001040583 962 925444 890277128 | 31.0161248 9.8716941 001039501 963 927369 898056847 | 381.0822413 9 8751135 001088422 964 929296 895841344 ; 81.0488494 9.6785805 | .001087344 965 931225 898632125 | 31.0644491 9.819451 | .001086269 966 933156 901428696 | 381.0805405 9. €85357 001085197 967 985089 904231063 | 81.0966286 9 .E887673 .001084126 968 937024 907039232 31. 1126984 9.8921749 .001083058 969 938961 909858209 381. 1287648 9.8955€01 | .001081992 970 940900 912673000 | 381.1448230 9.8959830 | .001030928 971 942841 915498611 381.1608729 9. C028&85 .001029866 972 944784 918380048 81 .1769145 9. seth .001 028807 973 946729 921167317 81 .1929479 9.909177 .001027'749 97. 948676 924010424 | 81.2089731 | 99125419 001026694. 975 950625 926859375 | 31.2249900 |! 9.9159624 . 001025641 76 952576 929714176 | 381.2409967 {| 9.9198513 .001024590 O77 | 954529 9825748838 | 81.2569992 | 9.9227379 .001023541 978 956484 935441352 | 381.2729915 9 .9261222 001022495 979 958441 938318739 | 31.2889757 | 9.9295042 .001021450 980 960400 941192000 | 381.8049517 | 9.9828839 .C01020408 981 962361 944076141 | 31.8209195 |; 9.9862613 .001019368 982 964324 946966168 31 .3868792 | ~ 9.9896868 .001018330 983 966289 949862087 31.3528308 | 9 9430092 .001017294 984 968256 952763904 81.38687743 9 .94638797 .001016260 985 970225 955671625 31.3847097 | 9.9497479 .001015228 986 972196 958585256 | 81.4006369 | 9 .9581138 .001014199 987 974169 961504803 81 .4165561 9.9564775 | .0010138171 988 | 976144 964480272 31 .4324673 9 . 95983889 .001012146 989 978121 967361669 31.4483 3704 | 9.9631981 .€01011122 990 980100 970299000 81 .4642654 9 9665549, .001010101 991 982081 973242271 81 .4801525 | 9.9699095 .001009082 992 | 984064 976191488 381.4960315 | 9.9782619 . 001008065 | —-———~d 380 | i 1049 | 1100401 Hit 1050 1102500 1051 1104601 1052 1106704 1053 1108809 1054 1110916 1154320649 1157625000 1160935651 1164252608 1167575877 1170905464 No. Squares. Cubes. ee | | 993 986049 979146657 | 31.5119025 994 988036 982107784. 315277655 995 990025 985074875 | 31.5436206 996 992016 988047936 315594677 997 994009 99102697: 31.5753068 | = 998 996004 994011992 31.5911380 999 998001 997002999 31 6069613 1000 1000000 1000000000 | 31.6227766 1001 1002001 1003003001 | 31.6385840 1002 1004004 1006012008 | 31.6543836 me 1003 1006009 1009027027 | 81.6701752 Aan 1004 1008016 1012.\48064 | 31.6859590 Be | 1005 1010025 1015075125 | 381.7017349 1096 1012036 1018108216 | 81.7175030 1007 1014049 1021147343 | 31.7332633 : 1098 1016064 1024192312 | 31.7490157 aah 1009 1018081 1027243729 ) 31.7647603 ia 1010 1020100 103)301000 | 31.7804972 HAA | 1011 1022121 1033361331 | 31.7962262 iN 1012 1024144 1036433728 | 31,8119474 He | 1013 1026169 1039509197 318276609 Hil 1014 1028196 1042590744 : 31.8433666 We ae 1015 1030225 1045678375 318590646 Bee a 1016 1032256 1048772096 31.8747549 ah ~ 4017 1034289 1051871913 31. 8904374 Wit 1018 1036324 1054977832 319061123 na 1019 1038361 1058089859 | 31.9217794 Hi 1020 1040400 1061208000 | 31.9374388 Ht 1021 1042441 1081332261 319530906 all 1022 1044484 1067462648 31. 9687347 in| 102 1046529 1070599167 | 31.9843712 Bani 1021 1048576 1073741824 | 32.0000000 | 1025 1050825 1076890625 32.0156212 i} 1026 1052876 1030045576 32.0312348 1027 1054729 1083206683 32.0468407 102: 1056784 1036373952 | 82.0624391 1029 1058841 1039547339 | 32.0780298 1030 1080900 1092727009 | 82.0936131 1031 1062961 1095912791 | 32.1091887 1032 1085024 1099104768 32. 1217568 1033 1067089 1102302937 32. 1403173 1034 1089156 1105507304 32.1558704 1035 1071225 1108717875 32.1714159 1036 1073296 1111934656 | 32.1869539 1037 1075369 1115157653 32. 2024844 me | 1038 1077444 1118386872 | 382.2180074 i 1039 1079521 1121622319 32 2335229 il 1040 1081600 1124864000 322490310 aul 1044 1083681 1128111921 322645316 siti 1042 1085764 1131366088 32. 2800248 1043 1087849 1134626507 32.2955105 1044 1089936 1137893184 32.3109888 1045 1092025 1141166125 32. 3264598 HT 1046 1094116 1144445336 32. 3419233 Wi 1047 1096209 1147730823 32.3573794 it | 1048 1098304 1151022592 32. 3728281 2. 3882695 4037035 .4191301 4345495 .4499615 4653662 TABLE XXIII.—_SQUARES, CUBES, ETC. | ee } | | { | Cube Roots. 'Reciprocals. | | | | | | 9.9766120 .001007049 | 9,9799599 .001006036 99833055 | .001005025 9.986488 _; .001004016 9.9899900 | .001003009 | 9 .99338289 .001002004 | 9,9966656 .001001001 10.0000000 .001000000 10.0033322 | .0009990010 | 10.0066622 .0009980040 10.0099899 .0009970090 10.0133155 | .0009960159 10.0166389 | .0009950249 10.0199601 | .0009940358 10.0232791 | .00099380487 10.0265958° | 0009920635 10.0299104 .0009910808 10.0332228 0909900990 10.0365330 0009891197 10 .0398410 . 0009881423 10.0431469 .0009871668 10.0464506 | .0009861933 10.0497521 .0009852217 10.0580514 - 0009842520 100563485 . 0009832842 10.0596485 . 0009823183 10.0629364 .0009813543 10.066227 . 0009803922 10.0695156 | .0009794319 10. 0728020 0009784736 10.0760863 .0009775171 10.0793684 0009765625 10.0826484 .0009756098 10.0859262 .0009746589 10.0892019 .0009737098 10.0924755 .0009727626 10.0957469 .0009718173 10.0990163 0009708738 10. 1022835 .0009699321 10. 1055487 -00.9689922 10.1088117 . 0009680542 10. 1120726 .0009671180 10. 1153314 . 0009661836 10.1185882 .0009652510 10. 1218428 .0009643202 10. 1250953 .0009633911 10. 1283457 -0009624639 10.13815941 .0009615385 10. 1348403 0009606148 * 10.1880845 .0009596929 10. 14138266 .0009587'738 10. 1445667 .0009578544 10.1478047 0009569378 10.1510406 .0009560229 10. 1542744 .0009551098 10. 1575062 0009541 985 10.1607359 .0009532888 10. 1639636 .0009523810 10.1671893 .0009514748 10.1704129 .0009505703 10.1736344 .0009496676 10.1768539 .0009487666 301 —— | Wo. 100 L. 000.] [No. 109 L. 040. | TABLE XXTV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. igo eee a ee | 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8.94 9.) pitt aes | ns Se | | 100 | 000000 0434 | 0868 1301 | 1734 || 2166 2598 3029 | 3461 | 3891 | 432 1 4321 | 4751 | 5181 | 5609 | 60388 | 6466 | 6804 T7321 | 7748 | 8174 | 428 ! 2 8600 9026 | 9451 9876 | | | : | = os | 0300 || 0724 | 1147 | 1570 | 1993 | 2415 | 424 8 | 012887 | 3259 | 3680 | 4100 | 4521 || 4940 | 5360 | 8779 | 6197 | 6616 | 420 4 7033 | 7451 | 7868 | 8284 | 8700 || 9116 | 9532 | 9947 | | | — ——}| 0361 | 0775 | 416 5 | 021189 | 1603 | 2016 | 2428 | 2841 || 8252 | 3664 | 4075 | 4486 | 4896 | 412 6 | 5306 | 5715 | 6125 | 6583 | 6942 || 7350 | 7757 | 8164 | 8571 | 8978 | 408 7 | 9384 | 9789 | | | | | = 0195 | 0600 | 1004 || 1408 | 1812 | 2216 | 2619 | 8021 | 404 8 | 033424 | 3826 | 4227 | 4628 | 5029 || 5430 | 5830 | 6230 | 6629 | 7028 | .400 9 | 7426'| 7825 | 8223 | 8620 | 9017 || 9414 | 9811 | | | 04 | | i | | o207 | 0602 | 0998 | 397 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. ree | | | dy 2 els Ge Cane 2g a ON | 5 ify SM ea 7p 8 9 | | | i | | 434 | 43.4) &6.8 | 130.2 | 173.6 | 217.0 | 260.4 | 303.8 | 347.2 | 390.6 433. | 43.3| 86.6.) 129.91 173.2} 216.5) 259.8 | 3803.1 | 346.4 | 389.7 432 3.2| 86.4 | 129.6 | 172.8 | 216.0 | 259.2 | 302.4 | 345.6 | 388.8 431 | 43.1} 86.2 | 129.3! 172.4% 215.5 | 258.6) 301.7 | 344.8 387.9 43 3.0 | 86.0. | 129.0] 172.0 | 215.0 | 258.0 |) 301.0 | 344.0) 387.0 4299 | 42.9} 85.8 28.71 171.6 }- 214.5) 257.4 | 300.3) 348.2% 386.1 428 9 § |. 85.6 128.4 | 171.21) 214.0 | 256.8 299.6 | 342.4 | 385.2 427 | 42.71 85. 128.1.|° 170.8 | 218.5 | 256.2) 298.9 | 841.6) 384.3 426 | 42.6} 85.2 | 127.8| 170.4) 218.0! 2556); 293.2 | 340.8 | 883.4 425 |142.5 | 85.0 127.5 | 170.0} 212.5 | 255.0) 297.5 | 340.0 | 382.5 | 494 | 42.4) 84.8 127.2 | 169.6 | 212.0 | 254.4 | 296.8 | 389.2 | 381.6 423 | 42.3 | 84.6 126.6 169.2 | 211.5 | 258.8! 296.1; 838.4 | 380.7 92 | 42.2) 84.4 126.6 | 168.8 | 211.0°| 258.2} 295.4 | 337.6 | 379.8 421. | 42.1) 84.2 126.3 | 168.4 | 210.5 | 252.6 | 294.7 | 336.8) 378.9 420 | 42.0 | 84.0 126.0 | 168.0 | 210.0 | 252.0} 294.0 | 336.0 | 378.0 419 | 41.9 | 83.8 125.7 | 167.6 | 209.5 | 251.4! 293.3 | 335.2 | 377.1 418 | 41.8; 83.6 125.4 | 167.2} 209.0 | 250.8 | 292.6 | 334.4 | 376.2 41V>| 44.7.) 83:4 125.1 | 166.8 | 208.5 | 250.2 | 291.9 | 333.6 | 375.3 416 | 41.6 | 83.2 124.8 | 166.4 | 208.0 | 249.6 | 294.2 | 382.8 | 374.4 4145. | 41.5 | 83.0 124.5 | 166.0} 207.5 , 249.0, 290.5 | 3832.0 | 373.5 414 | 41.4] 82.8 124.2| 165.6 | 207.0 | 248.4 | 289.8 331.2 | 372.6 413° | 41.3) 82.6 123.9 | 165.2} 206.5 | 247.8 | 289.1 | 330.4 | 371.7 412 | 41.2 | 82.4 123.6 | 164.8 | 206.0 | 247.2 | 288.4 | 3829.6 | 370.8 Ailes "44 A | 2.2 123.3 | 164.4 | 205.5 | 246.6 | 287.7 | 328.8 | 369.9 410 | 41.0} 82.0 123.0 | 164.0! 205.0 | 246.0 | 287.0 | 828.0 | 369.0 409 | 40.9| 81.8 {| 122.7 | 163.6 | 204.5} 245.4 286.3 | 327.2 | 368.1 408 | 408] 81.6 122.4 | 163.2} 204.0 | 244.8 | 285.6 | 326.4 | 867.2 407. | 40.7 | 81.4 122.1 | 162.8! 208.5 |} 244.2 | 284.9 | 325.6 | 366.3 406°} 40.6 | 81.2 121.8 | 162.4 | 203.0) 24836) 284.2 | 824.8 | 365.4 405 | 40.5} 81.0 121.5 | 162.0 | 202.5 | 243.0! 288.5 | 3824.0 | 364.5 404 | 40.4 | 80.8 421.2 | 161.6 | 202.0 | 242.4 | 282.8 | 323.2 | 363.6 403 |.40.3 | 80.6 420.9 | 161.2 | 201.5 | 247.8] 282.1 | 822.4 | 3862.7 402 } 40.2! 80.4 120.6 | 160.8 | 201.0] 2412] 281.41 3821.6 | 361. 401 | 40.1 | 80.2 120.3 | 160.4 | 200.5 | 240.6 | 280.7 | 820.8 | 360.9 | 400 | 40.0 | 80-0 120.0 | 160.0} 200.0} 240.0: 280.0 | 820.0 | 360.9 | 399 |.39.9 | 79.8 119.7} 159.6 | 199.5} 230.4 | 279.3 | 319.2 | 359.1 398 | 39.8 | "9.6 | 119.4| 159.2 | 199.6) 288.8 | 278.6} 318.4 | 358.2 | 397 | 39.7 | 79.4 | 119.1} 158.8 | 198.5.) 238.2) 277.9 | 317.6 | 357.3 396 | 39.6 | 79.2) | 118.8! 158.4 | 198.0 | 287.6 | 277.2 316.8 | 356.4 395 | 39.5 | 79.0 118.5 | 158.0 5 | 237.0 | 276.5 ' 316 0! 355.5 | TABLE XXTV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS, RR STR aa ce cr | No. 110 L, 041.] [No. 119 L. 078, 9 | Diff. a] ie 2) 6 or | N. | 0 pee 2 3 | 4 | | Recaecacar | | | | 110 | 041393 | 1787 | 2182 | 2576 |, 2969 |] aga | | 1) 5323 | 5714 | 6105 | 6495 | 6885 || 7275 | weed | 8053 2 | 820! 590 | 2%) 9218 | 9606 | 9993 i| - | 0380 | 0766 || 1153 | 1538 | 1924 | 2209 | c@o4 | 886 3 | 053078 | 3463 | 3846 | 4230 | 4613 || 4996 5378 | 5760 | 6142 | 6524 | $83 4 6905 | 7286 | 7666 | 8046 | 8426 || 8805 9185 | 9563 | 9942 3755 | 4148 | 4540 | a9se | agg 2 ») | 0820 | 3879 4083 | 376 5 | 060698 | 1075 | 1452 | 1829 | 2906 || e582 | eos | £333 | 3709 | : 7815 | 373 | 6 | 4458 | 4832 | 5206 | 5580 | 5953 || 6326 | 6699 OTL | 7448 | © | 8186 | 8557 | 8928 | 9298 | 9668 . — | ass 0088 | 0407 | 0776 | 1145 | 1514] 370 \\ S*) 071882 | 2250 | 2617 | 2985 | 3352 || 3718 | 40gs 4451 | 4816 | 5182 | 366 ee 9) 5547 | 5912 | 6276 | 6640 | 7004 |] 7368 | 731 | €094 | | ee Si or ee 8819 | 363 | PROPORTIONAL Parts. Dah =e ae <= | | Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 vi 8 9 \| joe i ‘ ee ae 395 | 39.5] 79.0 118.5 | 158.0 | 197.5 | 237.0 | 9765 316.0 | 355.5 | 304-| 39.4] 78:8 118.2 | 157.6 | 197.0] 236.4 | 9275/8 | 815.2 | 354.6 | 393. | 39.3 | 78.6 7.9) 157.2 | 166.5 | 235.8] on5 4 | 814.4 | 853.7 | 892 | 39.2 | 78.4 117.6 | 156.8) 196.0} 235.9] 2974/4 | 313.6 | 352.8 391 | 89.1 | 78:9 17.3 | 156.4 | 195.5 | 234.6] 93°77 | 312.8 | 251.9 390 | 39.0! 8.0 V7.0 | 156.0; 165.0 | 984.0] 2973/0 | 812.0 | 351.0 389 | 88.9] 77.8 116.7 | 155.6 | 194.5} 9&3 4 | ere | 811.2 | 850.4 388. | 88.8 | 77.8 116.4 | 155.2! 194.0] F298] 9717/6 | 210.4 | 349.2 | 887 | 88.7% | 274 116.1 | 154s 103.5 | 222.2 | 270.91 309.6 | 348.3 386 | 88.6 | "7.9 115.8 | 154.4 | 198.0} 231.6 | 940.2 808.8 | 347.4 885 "| 88.5 1° 77-0 115.5 | 154.0 | 152.5 | 231.0] 269.5 | 808.0 | 846.5 384 | 38.41 76.8 115.2 | 158.6 | 162.0] 220.4] 268.8 | 207.2 | 345.6 883 :| 38.3°| 76.6 114.9 | 158.2] 191.5 | 229.81 9684 306.4'| 344.7 882 | 38.2-| 76.4 114.6 | 152.8 | 191.0} 209.9] 967.4 305.6 | 343.8 381. | 88.1} 76.2 114.3 | 152.4] 190.5] 998.6 266.7 | 804.8 | 342.9 880 | 88.0 | 46.0 114.0 | 152.0} 190.0] 9228 0 266.0 | 804.0 | 342.0 379 | 87.9 | 75.8 113.7 | 151.6 | 189.5 | 2297.4] 965.3 | 808.2 | 841.1 318 937,821) G56 113.4 | 151.2 | 189.0 | 226.8] 964'6 | 802.4 | 340.2 Othe! 3%. Zale 724 113.1 | 150.8 | 188.5 | 226.2 | 963.9 | 301.6 | 339.3 316 | 87.6.1 75.2 112.8 | 150.4 | 188.0] 22.6] 963.9 | 800.8 | 388.4 375. | 87:5 | 75.0 112.5 | 150.0 | 187.5 | 225.0} 9262/5 | $00.0 337.5 3ov4_ | 87.4 | 74:8 112.2 | 149.6 | 187.0 | 224.4} 961.8 | 299.2 | 336.6 i 8784) S784 (7456 111.9 | 149.2 | 186.5 | 223.8 261.1 | 298.4 | 335.7 | 87201 88.24 P4c4 111.6 | 148.8] 186.0} 223.2 | 960.4 | 297.6 | 334.8 |: 3871-1 87.11. 74.2 111.3 | 148.4 | 185.5] 229.6 259.7 | 296.8 | 233.9 870 | 387.0 | 74:0 111.0 | 148.0 | 185.0 | 222.0 | 9599 266.0 | 883.0 | 369 | 36.94 73.8 110.7 | 147.6 | 184.5 | 201.4] $583 295.2 | 882.1 | 868 186.8} 73.6 110.4 | 147.2} 184.0} 220.81 957/6 204.4 | 331.2 i | 867 | 36.71 73:4 110.1 | 146.8} 183.5 | 980.9 | 256.9 | 293.6 | 330.3 I 366 | 86.6 | 73.9 109.8 | 146.4 | 183.0] 219.6 | 956.2 | 292.8 | 829.4 | 565 | 36.51 73.0 109.5 | 146.0} 182.5} 219.0] 955.7 } 292.0 | 328.5 1] 364 | 86.4] 72.8 109.2} 145.6) 182.0] 218.4] 954.8 291.2 | 327.6 Hil 363. -| 36.3.) 72-6 108.9 | 145.2 | 181.5) 217.8] 25471 | ‘990.4 | 306.7 362 | 36.2] 72.4 108.6 | 144.8} 181.0] 217.9 | 953 4 | 289.6 | 825.8 361 | 36.1 | 472.2 108.3 | 144.4 | 180.5] 216.61] 2959.7 288.8 | 824.9 | 360 | 36.0! 72.0 108.0 | 144.0} 180.0] 216.0 959.0 | 228.0 | 324.0 | 359 | 35.9 | 71.8 107.7 | 148.6} 179.5] 215.4] 251.3 287.2 | 223.4 358 | 85.8 | 71.6 107.4 | 143.2 | 179.0} 214.8) 950.6 | 286.4 | 322.2 OO7.31° 85.7 Vid 107.1 | 142 8) 178.5] 9214.9 | 949°9 285.6 | 221.2 | 556 | 35.6 | 71.2 | 106.8 | 4 142.4 178.0 213.6 249.2 284.8 | &€0. TABLE XXIV. No. 120 L. 079.) LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 134 L. 130, | Diff. Nokyt@e tthete & [8 +) 4 eS iin 9 | | | | | : 9 97918 954! C ~~, ———|] I 120 079181 | 9543 | 9904 | O565 | o¢a6 || ooST | 1347 | 1707 | 2067 | 2426 | 360 1 082785 | 3144 | 3503 8861 4219 | 4576 | 4934 | 5291 | 5647 | 6004 | 35% 3| 6360 | 6716 | 7071 | 7426 | 7781 | 8136 | 8490 | 8845 | 9198 | 9552) 35d 3| 9905 | — |——— | | | — 0258 | 0611 | 0963 | 1315 | 1667 | 2018 | 2370 | 2721 | 8071 | 852 4 | 093422 | 3772 | 4122 | 4471 4820 || 5169 | 5518 | 5866 | 6215 6562) 349 5 | 6910 | 7257 | 7604 | 7951 | 8298 |) 8644 | 8990 | 9385 | 9681 \———_| \- - 0026 | 346 6 | 100371 | 0715 | 1059 | 1403 | 1747 |, 2091 | 2434 | 2777 | B119 | 8462 | 34s | 3804 | 4146 | 4487 4828 | 5169 || 5510 | 5851 | 6191 | 653i | 6871 | S4l 8! 7210 | 7549 | 7888 S227 | 8565 || 8903 | 9241 | 9579 | 9916 |— .| | | eee| 0253 | 3838 9 | 110590 | 0926 | 1263 | 1599 | 1934 |) 2270 | 2605 | 2940 | 8275 | 8609 | 335 130 3943 | 4277 | 4611 | 4944 | 5278 || 5611 | 5943 | 6276 | 6608 | 6940 | 338 1 | 771 | 7603 | 7934 8265 | 8595 || 8926 | 9256 | 9586 | 9915 | | — | | | 0245 | 330 | | 120574 | 0903 | 1231 | 1560 | 1888 || 2216 | 2544 | 2871 | 8198 | 8525 | 328 | 31} 3852 | 4178 | 4504 | 4830 | 5156 || 5451 | 5806 6131 | 6456 | 6781 | 825 4| 7105 | 7429 | 7758 | 8076 | 8399 || 8722 | 9045 | 9368 | 9690 | 13 | | | ooi2 | 82 | PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | | Diff.| 1 2 3 4 5 se eee 8 9 55. | 35.5 | 71.0 | 106.5 | 142.0 | 177.5 | 213.0) 248.5) 284.0 | 319.5 a4 | 35.4| 70.8 | 106.2} 141.6] 177.0 | 212.4 | 247.8) 283.2 | 318.6 gna! | 35.3 | 70.6 | 105.9 | 141.2 | 176.5 | 211.8 | 247.1) 262.4 | 3iv.% 359 | 35.21 70.4 | 105.6 | 140.8] 176.0 | 211.2 | 246.4 | 281.6 | 316.8 ost | 35.1 70.2 | 105.3} 140.4 | 175.5 | 210.6) 245.7 | 280.8 | 315.9 350 | 35.0! 70.0 | 105.0} 140.0] 175.0 | 210.0 | 245.0 | 280.0 | 315.0 | 349 | 34.91 69.8 | 104.7 | 139.6] 174.5 | 209.4) 244.3) 279.2 | 314.1 | 348 | 34.8] 69.6 | 104.4] 139.2] 174.0 | 208.8) 243.6) 278.4 | 818.2 a4z | 34.7 | 69.4 | 104.1 | 188.8) 173.5) 208.2 | 242.9) 277.6 | 312.3 346 | 34.6 | 69.2 | 103.8 | 188.4 | 173.0) 207.6 | 242.2 | 206.5 | 311.4 | | | ain | 34.5 | 69.0 | 108.5 | 138.0] 172.5] 207.0) 241.5 | 276.0 | 310.5 } 344 | 84.4 | 68.8 | 108.2} 137.6) 172.0 206.4 | 240.8 | 275.2 | 309.6 343 | 34.3 | 68.6 | 102.9| 137.2 | 171.5 | 205.8) 240.1 | 274.4 | 308.7 342 | 34.2 | 68.4 | 102.6| 136.8] 171.0} 205.2 | 239.4) 273.6 | 307.8 B41 | 34.1 | 68.2 | 102.3 | 186.4 | 170.5 | 204.6 | 238.7 | 212.8 | 806.9 310 | 34.0 | 68.0 | 102.0| 136.0 | 170.0 | 204.0 | 238.0 | 272.0 | 306.0 939 | 33.9 | 67.8 | 101.7 | 135.6 | 169.5 | 203.4 | 287.3 | 271.2 | 306.2 398 | 33.8 | 67.6 | 101.4| 135.2| 169.0] 202.8} 236.6) 270.4 | 304.2 337 | 33.7) 67.4 | 101.1} 134.8 | 168.5 | 202.2) 235.9) 269.6 | 308.3 335. | 33.6 | 67.2 | 100.8} 134.4] 168.0 | 201.6 | 235.2) 268.8 | 302.4 | 385 | 98.5 | 67.0 | 100:5:| 134.0) 167.5.) 201.0 | 230.5 268.0 | 301.5 | 334 | 83.4 | 66.8 | 100.2) 133.6 167.0 | 200.41 233.8) 267.2 | 300.6 | 333 | 33.3 | 66.6 99.9 | 133.2 | 166.5 | 199.8 | 2838.1 | 266.4 | 299.7 339 | 33.2! 66.4 | 99.6| 182.8 | 166.0| 199.2 | 232.4 | 265.6 | 298.8 331 | 33.1 | 66.2 | 99.3| 182.4] 165.5 | 198.6 | 281.7 | 264.8 | 297.9 339 | 33.0! 66.0 | 99.0} 132.0! 165.0 | 198.0) 231.0 | 264.0 | 297.0 329 | 32.9 | 65.8 98.7 | 131.6 | 164.5) 197.4 | 230.3 | 263.2 | 296.1 308 | 32.8| 65.6 | 98.4 | 1381.2 | 164.0 | 196.8 | 220.6 | 262.4 | 295.2 327 2.7 | 65.4 98.1 130.8 163.5 | 196.2} 228.9 | 261.6 | 294.3 326 | 32.6 | 65.2 97.8 | 130.4 | 163.0 | 195.6 | 228.2} 260.8 | 293.4 2.5 | 65.0 97.5 | 130.0 | 162.5 | 195.0 | 227.5 | 260.0 | 292.5 241 64.8 | 97.2 | 129.6] 162.0] 194.4 | 226.8 | 259.2 | 201.6 2.3 | 64.6 96.9 | 129.2} 161.5, 193.8 926.1 | 258.4 | 290.7 2.2 | 64.4 96.6 | 128.8! 161.0! 193.2 | 225.4] 257.6 | 289.8 No. 135 L. 130.] TABLE XXTV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 149 L. 1%, 1 2 | 0655 3858 | 7037. | | 0 41% 7 f ‘ | B54. 97 1298 | 1619 || 1939 | 2260 | 4496 | 4814 1} 5133 | 5451 7671 | 7987 || 8303 | 8618 | 2900 6086 9249 | | 0508. | | 8639 | | 6748 | | 9885 0822 | 11 8951 | 42 7058 | 73 36 || 1450 | 1763 63 || 4574 | 4885 367 || 7676 | | 2389 | 5507 | 8603 2594 | 5640 | 8664 2900 | 5943 8965 9266 | 9567 || 9868 | | 0142 | 0449 || 0756 | 1063 3205 | 3510 | 6246 | 6549 || 6862 | 7154 8815 | 1676 | 4728 C159 | | 1667 | 4650 7613 1967 4947 7908 | 2266 | 2564 5244 | 5541 || 5888 | 6134 8203 | 8497 || 8792 2863 | 3161 9086 | 0769 | | 38758 | | 6726 | 9674 0555 3478 0848 3769 | 1141 | 1434 || 1726 4060 | 4351 || 4641 | 4932 2019 | 26083 5512 PROPORTIONAL PARTS, i a) 1D Cos t =) et ec CoH DDS Sr 2 He O - ww Oo oor COM HE -3 O to oO L950 Hwa ee CO he = w on © Oo WHIP IOW HDowordueshwoO es 2X © & = & wos o] 2] ~ pare Noi) ~J iH ooo S Su -2 Cow © rw) Nort Le Cora rar) He rt GO OTAICO OC 2 © Parco eo CO OO o- i] DAs 4 5 6 128.4 | 160.5 |] 192 128.0 160.0 192. 127.6 159.5 191. 127.2 159.0 | 190 126.8 158 5a 19 126.4 58.0} 189 126.0 | 157.5 | 189 125.6 | 157.0 | 188 125.2 156.5.) 18% 124.8 156.0 187 124.4 | 155.5 186 124.0°| 155.0}. 186 123.6 | 154.5.| 185 122.8 | 158.5 84. 122.40) T58.0ab 183° 122.0 | 152.5} 183. 121.6 | 152.0 } 182. 12132 15155 181 120.8 152.-Oe}) 187 120.4} 150.51 180 120.0 150.0 80 119.6,| 149.5.) 179. 119.2 1490+ 178. 118.8; 148.5 i 78. 118.4 148.0 17%. 118.0 147.5 Lik. 117.6 TAG Ont R622 117.2 | 146.5 175: 116.8 146.0 175. 116.4 145.5 174. T1650 145.05) 77a Aid Gay” 144.5 13. 115.2 | 144.0} 179, 114.8} 1438.5 | 179. 114.4.) 143.0) (174. WOOWO © OIA Emod 261. 260. 259. 258. a ony | && DBI wuUP OW Hoo S Nw =) i OD dD TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. ae | No. 150 L. 176.] [No. 169 L. 230, Oo] wl a] a | 4] s 6) 7 | s.| 9 | pis 176091 | 6381 ; 6.70 | 6959 | 7248 || 75386 | 7825 | 8113 | 8401 | 8689 | 289 | 8977 | 9264 | 9552 | 9839 = | ee Pe : 0126 || 0413 | 0699 | 0986 | 1272 | 1558 | 287 181844 | 2129 | 2415 | 2700 | 2985 || 8270 | 8555 | 38389 | 4123 | 4407 | 285 | 4691 | 4975 | 5259 | 5542 | 5825 || 6108 | 6591 | 6674 | 6956 | 7239 | 283 7521 | 78uB | 8084 | 8366 + $647 || 8928 | 9209 | 9490 | 9771 | 4 | 0051 | 281 | 190332°| 0612 | 0892 | 1171 | 1451 || 1780 | 2010 | 2289 | 2567 | 2846 | 279 | 8125 | 3403 | B681 | 3959 | 4237 || 4514 | 4792 | 5069 | 5346 | 5623 | 278 i | 5900 | 6176 | 6458 | 6729 | 7005 || 7281 | 7556 | 7882 | 8107 | 8882 | 276 i 8657 | 8932 | 9206 | 9481 | 9755 || | HH | || 0029 | 0303 | 0577 | 0850 | 1124 | 274 | 201397 | 1670 | 1943 | 2216 | 2488 || 2761 | 8033 | 8805 | 3577 | 3848 | 272 4120 | 4301 | 4663 | 4934 | 5204 || 5475 | 5746 | 6016 | 6286 | 6556 | 271 6826 | 7096 | 7365 | 7634 | 7904 || 8173 | 8441 | 8710 | 8979 | 9247 | 269 9515 | 9783 : | ‘ i | 0051 | 0319 | 0586 || 0853 | 1121 | 1888 |. 1654 | 1921 | 267 | 212188 | 2454 | 2720 ; 2986 | 3252 || 2518 | 3783 | 4049 | 4314 | 4579 | 266 | 4844 | 5109 | 5873 | 5638 | 5902 || 6166 | 6420 | 7484 | 7747 | 8010 | 8273 | 3798 | 9060 | | - — 220108 | 0370 | 0631 | 0892 | 1153 |) 1414 | 1675 | 1936 | 2196 | 2456 | 261 i 2716 | 2976 | 3236 | 3496 | 8755 |) 4015 | 4274 | 4533 | 4792 | 5051 | 259 5309 | 5568 | 5826 | 6084 | 6342 || 6600 | 6858 | 7115 | 7372 | 7630] 258 6694 | 6957 | 7221 264 i 9323 | 9585 |. 9846 | 262 Hl ® Or Co C3 ee ~> OO om es ' We, Soe = ict a} 2 COOID TRO WHOS © DIM Bww HS] = | I 7887 | 8144 | 8400 | 8657 | 8913 |) 9170 | 9426 | 9682 | 9938 | —— I | Seay | | | | 0193 | 256 | PROPORTIONAL PARTS, | Bestia: 4] x ie zB Aim BE Aad 1 testes Cadet ok ee (atehs PR aie ie! | | A r | Set UE | | i | | 285 | 28.5] 57.0.| 85.5 | 114.0] 142.5] 171.0] 199.5 | 228.0 | 256.5 | | 284- | 28.4 | 86.8 | 85.2 | 113.6 | 142.0} 170.4} 198.8 | 227.2 | 255.6 | 283 | 28.3} 56.6 | 84.9 | 118.2] 141.5] 169.8 | 198.1 | 226.4 | 254.7 | 282 | 28.2 | 56.4 | 84.6 | 112.6| 141.01 169.2 | 197.4 | 225.6 | 258.8 ' | 281 | 28.1 | 56.2 | 84.3 | 1124] 140.5 | 168.6 | 196.7} 224.8 | 252.9 | | 280 | 28.0} 56.0 | 84.0 | 112.0] 140.0| 168.0] 196.0 | 224.0 | 252.0 et 279 | 27.9) 55.8 | 83.7 | 111.6 | 139.5 | 167.4 | 195.3 | 223.2 | 251.1 | 278 | 27.8 | 55.6 | 88.4 | 111.2] 139.0} 166.8) 194.6 | 222.4 | 250.2 } a7 | 27.7 | 55.4 | 88.1 | 110.8 | 138.5} 166.2] 193.9 | 221.6 | 249.3 , : 276 | 27.6) 55.2 | 82.8 | 110.4] 138.0°| 165.6 | 193.2 | 220.8 | 248.4 I : | 975 | 97.5 | 55.0 | 82.5 | 110.0| 187.5} 165.0! 192.5 | 220.0 | 247.5 } "ora | 27.41 54.8 | 82.2 | 109.6 | 137.0} 164.4} 191.8 | 219.2 | 246.6 } 973 | 27.3) 54.6 |) 81.5 109.2 | 136.5 | 163.8! 191.1 | 218.4 | 245.7 | i | 272 | 27.2; 54.4 | 81.6 | 108.8] 186.0} 163.2} 190.4; 217.6 | 244.8 ; | | 271 | 27.1) 54.2 | 81.8 | 108.4 | 185.5) 162.6! 180.7 | 216.8 | 248.9 | | 270 | 27.0] 54.0 | 81.0 | 108.0! 185.0] 162.0) 189.0) 216.0 | 2438.0 | 1 269 | 26.9! 53.8 | 80.7 | 107.6) 134.5 | 161.4] 188.3! 215.2 | 242.1 | 268 | 26.8! 53.6 | 80.4 | 107.2| 184.0! 160.8) 187.6 214.4 | 241.2 267 | 26.7) 53.4 | 80.1 | 106.8] 188.51 160.2} 186.9} 218.6 | 240.% | 266 | 26.6 | 53.2 | 79.8 | 106.4 | 133.0 | 159.6 | 186.2) 212.8 | 220.4 | | 265 | 26.5 | 53.0 | 79.5 | 106.0| 132.5) 159.0} 185.5 ' 212.0 | 238.5 | | : 264 | 26.4| 52.8 | 79.2 | 105.6] 182.0) 158.4 | 184.8) 211.2 | 237.6 | ) 263' | 26.3 | 52.6 | 78.9 | 105.2) 181.5 | 157.8) 184.1 210.4 | 236.7 | 262 | 26.21 52.4 | 78.6 | 104.8] 181.0] 157.2 | 183.4 | -209.6 | 285.8 | 261 | 26.1| 52.2 | 78.3 | 104.4 | 130.5) 156.6 | 182.7 | 208.8) 2384.9 | 260 | 26.0; 52.0 | 78.0 | 104.0 | 120.0 156.0 | 182.0 | 208.0 | 234.0 | | 259 | 25.9; 51.8 | 77.7 103.6 | 129.5 155.4} 181.38 | 207.2 | 288.1 , 258 | 25.8) 51.6 | 77.4 | 108.2 | 129.0) 154.8 | 180.6 | 206.4 | 282.2 DT | 95.9% S40 F714 102.8 | 128.5) 154.2 | 179.9 | 205.6 | 231.8 P56 @)25.671 251.2 76.8 |-102.4 | 128.0; 153.6) 179.2 | 204.8) 230.4 255 125.51 51.0 | 76.5 | 102.0) 127.5) 153.0} 178.5 | 204.0 | 229.5 | No. 170 L. 230.] TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 189 L. 278. 0 1 =i ~) 2 3. | 64 5 6 8 | | | } 9 Diff. ‘0 | 230449 | 0704 | 0960 | 1215 | 1470 || 1724 | 1979 | 2284 | 2488 | 2742 | 255 1} 2996 | 3250 | 8504 | 8757 | 4011 || 4264 | 4517 | 4770 | 5023 | 5276 | 253 2] 5528 | 5781 | 6083 | 6285 | 6537 || 6789 | 7041 | 7292 | 7544 | 7795.| 252 3 | 8046 | 8297 | 8548 | 8799 | 049 || 9299 | 9550 | 9800 |———| | | | 0050 | 0300 | 250 4 | 240549 | 0799 | 1048 | 1297 | 1546 || 1795 | 2044 | 2293 | 2541 | 2790 | 249 5 | 3038 | 8286 | 3534 | 8782 | 4030 || 4277 | 4525 | 4772 | 5019 | 5266 | 248 6 | 5513 | 5759 | 6006 | 6252 | 6499 || 6745 | 6991 37 | 7482 | 7728 | 246 7 | 7973 | 8219 | 8464 | 8709 | 8054- || 9198 | 94438 7 | 99382 ar 2 —| 0176-! 245 8 | 250420 | 0664 | 0908 | 1151 | 1395 || 1638 | 1881 | 2125 | 2368 | 2610 | 243 9 | 2853 | 3096 | 3338 | 3580 | 3822 || 4064 | 4306 | 4548 | 4790 | 5031 | 242 180 | 5273 | 5514 | 5755 | 5996 | 6237 || 6477 | 6718 | 6958 | 7198 | 7439 | 241 1 7679 | 7918 | 8158 | 8398 | 8637 || 8877 | 9116 | 9355 | 9594 | 98383 | 239 2 | 260071 | 0310 | 0548 | 0787 | 1025 || 1263 | 1501 | 1739 | 1976 | 2214 | 288 3 | 2451 | 2688 | 2925 | 3162 | 3399 | 3636 | 3873 | 4109 | 4346 | 4582 | 237 4| 4818 | 5054 | 5290 | 5525 | 5761 || 5996 | 6232 | 6467 | 6702 | 6937 | 235 5 | 7172 | 7406 | 7641 | 7875 | 8110 || 9344 | 8578 | 8812 | 9046 | 9279 | 234 6 9513 | 9746 | 9980 | | 0213 | 0446 || 0679 | 0912 | 1144 | 1377 | 1609 | 233 7 | 271842 | 2074 | 2306 | 2538 | 2770 || 8001 | 3233 | 3464 | 3696 | 3927 | 232 8 | 4158 | 4389 | 4620 | 4850 | 5081 || 5311 | 5542 | 5772 | 6002 | 6232 | 280 9 | 6462 | 6692 | 6921 | 7151 | 7380 '| 7609 | 7828 | 8067 | 8296 | 8525-| 229 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff.| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 255 | 25.5] 51.0 | 76.5 | 102.0] 127.5] 158.0 | 178.5 | 204.0 | 229.5 254 | 25.4.) 50:8} 76.2 9) 101.6) 127.0 | 152.4:) 17728 |> 208.9 228.6 QS) 25. Bc 5O.6ech Hah TORQ: -126.5)|) 161 7Bsle 177 dd Ge 202. aah, Saraem. 252 | 25.2) 50.4 | 75.6 100.8 | 126.0 | 151.2} 176.4 | 201.6 | 226.8 251 | 25.15). 50.2 4 58>) 100.4 + 125.5:| 150.6.) 175.7 |, 200.8 | 225.9 250 | 250| 50.0 | %5.0 100.0 | 125.0} 150.0 | 175.0 | 200.0 | 225.0 219 | 24.9) 49.8 | 74.7 99.6} 124.5 | 149.4] 174.3 | 199.2 | 224.1 248 | 24.8| 49.6 | 74.4 99.2 | 124.0] 148.8} 173.6 | 198.4 | 223.2 Bay Ay) AGA | aed 98.8 | 128.5 | 148.2 | 172.9 | 197.6 | 222.8 246 | 24.6 | 49.2 | 73.8 98.4 | 123.0] 147.6] 172.2 | 196.8 | 221.4 245 | 24.5 | 49.0 | 8:5 98.0 | 122.5 | 147.0} 171.5 | 196.0 | 220.5 244 | 24.4] 48.8 | 73.2 97.6 | 122.0] 146.4} 170.8 | 195.2 | 219.6 243 | 24.8 | 48.6 72.9 97.2) 121.5) 145.8}. 170.1.| 194.4 | 218.% 242 | 24.2] 48.4 | 72.6 96.8 | 121.0] 145.2] 169.4 | 193.6 | 217.8 BAdhe) 24.49): 489-2) 7253 96.4 | 120.5 | 144.6] 168.7 | 192.8 | 216.9 240 | 24.0 | 48.0 | 72.0 96.0 | 120.0} 144.0] 168.0] 192.0 | 216.0 239 | 23.9 | 47.89] 71:7 95.6). 119.5) 143.4 | 167.8 | 191.2 | 215.1 938 | 23.8! 47.6 | 71.4 95.2 | 119.0], 142.8] 166.6 | 190.4 | 214.2 i EG ev ae ev Se Sa ae | 94.8 | 118.5 | 142.2] 165.9 | 189.6 | 213.3 236 | 23.6] 47.2 70.8 94.4] 118.0] 141.6 | 165.2 | 188.8 | 212.4 tee ea: 5 Tt 47.0" f 67085 94.0 | 117.5 | 141.0) 164.5 | 188.0 | 211.5 234 | 23.4] 46.8 | 70.2 93.6 | 117.0 | 140.4] 163.8 | 187.2 | 210.6 9 3 ale eS Was 46.6 69.9 93.2 116.5: . 18928 163.1 | 186.4 | 209.17 232 | 23.2} 46.4 | 69.6 92.8 | 116.0 | 139.2 | 162.4 | 185.6 | 208.8 231 | 23.1 | 46.2 | 69.3 92.4 | 115.5 | 138.6 | 161.7 | 184.8 | 207.9 230 | 23.0] 46.0 | 69.0 92.0 | 115.0] 138.0] 161.0] 184.0 | 207.0 229 | 22.9] 45.8 | 68.7 91.6] 114.5 | 187.4} 160.3 |. 183.2 | 206.1 228 | 22.8| 45.6 | 68.4 91.2 | 114.0] 186.8] 159.6 | 182.4 | 205.2 227 22.7 45.4 68.1 90.8) 118.5 136.2 158.9 181.6 | 204.3 226 | 22.6 | 45.2 | 67.8 90.4 | 113.0] 185.6 | 1582} 180.8 | 203.4 TABLE XXTV.—LOGARITHMS CF NUMBERS. | No. 190 L. 278.] Sa a | owe | 199 | 278754 | 8982 ase U Y > | 1261 | 1488 | [No, 214 L, 232, | + hee | 9 2 3201 | 3527 3 5557 | 5782 4 | [7802 | 8026 5 | 290085 | 0257 | 6 2256 | 2478 | v 4466 | 4687 | 8 | 6665 | 6884_| 8853 | 9071 | 9507 200 | 301030 | 1247 1 | 3196 | 38412 | 2} 5351 | 5566 | | 3 | 7496 | 7710 4} 9630 | 9843 | | | 5 | 811754 | 1966 | |} 3867 | 4078 | 5970 | 6180 | | | 8 | 8063 | 8272 | ID | 1681 | a04d4 5996 $1387 83851 | O268 | 2589 | | 4499 6599 8689 | 0481 2600 4710 6809 Z 8898 5760 | W854 Q2: 9958 | 320146 =) co Ol a 2219 | 2426 | 1| 4282 | 4488 | | 2 | 6386 | 6541 | 3 | 8880-| 8583 | § | O769 | IQS WO 4899 | 6950 8991 0977 | 8046 5105 1155 | 9194 4 | 330414 | C617 | 0819 | 1022 1225 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 2012 | 4nhnw 407% 6131 | 8176 0211 | 2230 | en. | b>} 42 oo Rey | z | was | 205 | 22.5 | 45.0 | 924 | 224] 44.8 | 993 |92.3| 44.6 | 999 | 999) 44.4 294 | 2.1) 44.2 220 | 22.0] 44.0 219 | 21.9| 43.8 rw a re) t COC IS Ww (or) wO 0 — Re C22 2 2 eee ee aN Ww YW 2S He 215 1 2e ube = Ot et 42.3 | | 218 21.3 | 2.6 212 21.2 | 2.4 211 el MA Ale | 210 ALO 42 .( | 209 20. 41.8 i} 208 20.8 41.6 207 20.7 41.4 206 20.6 41.2 205 20.5 4d .0 £04 20.4 40.8 2038 20.3 40.6 202 | 20.2 40.4 Cwo°iwore W-2Oco 5 eS OWS owce Oooce t oo CHOW OW ROT OROOWBORO Wwe wwwww It ..St CU at oo WwWwww ~j =} Wo LO OO Oo ee ee on oe on eed S Cr Coa SOAS % It oo SO WWWWWW } PARED CD COWS HE Cr Bek fk fk ed Ped Pe Pe | } = (or) 3 ris ON PR OUWD AWORKH Or | Pe COOTWw< — — — Rok Oro <3 9S OG KW = cw) ee 2 po vO co 2 2 Cd OT he CO 2 et Or SONG 2 Go He CIM HO OO wo oO 0 bo 3044 | 32 TABLE XXTV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. pas cS See Fe ae No, 215 L, 832.] | 8417 8649 [No. 239 L. 880. 7 | 8 | 4051 2028 | 2225 332438 3850 4454 | 50ET | || 5458 | 5658 | 5859 | 6059 6460 7060 7459 | 7659 | 7858 | 8058 8456 | 9054 9451 | 9650 | 9849 |——— | | 5: 41 | 0047 340444 *| 1039 | '| 1435 | 1682 | 1830 2423 3014 3409 | 3606 | 8802 | 8999 | - 4392 4931 | 5374 | 5570 | 5766 | 5962 6353. | 6939 7330 | 7525 | 7720 | 7915 8305. | | 8889 9278 | 9472 | 9666 | 9860 350248 0829 | 1216 | 1410 | 1603 | 1796 | £188 | 2761 | 8147 | 3839 | 3532 | 3724 4108 4685 5068 | 5260 | 5452 | 5643 6026 | | 6599 | 6981 | 7172 | 7363 | 755 7935 8506 8886 | 9076 | 9266 | 9456 9835 | / —— 0404 || 0783 | 0972 | 1161 | 1850 361728 | 2294 | || 2671 | 2859 | 3048 | 3236 3612 | 88 5488 | 56 7356 | % 9216 4176 + 6049 | “915 9772 lin | 4551 8287 | 4739 6423 6610 8473 4926 6796 8659 5113 6983 8845 371068 2912 4748 6577 8398 38 | 1622 3464 5298 7124 8943 0148 1991 8831 5664 | 7488 | | 9306 0328 2175 4015 5846 7670 9487 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 0513 2360 4198 6029 7852 9668 0698 2544 | 272 4382 6212 | 8034 9849 J dD SS at) NDBWOOHKWN BROONAIDOOSO! SDOSSS | a MAM BAD WDOHPRNOWO Nard raIIW OH WIOWSSD jor) Oo OT Cs iO C2 ODS co DoHnww mE D-F MWOBWDWO?¢ — SO 66'S: oo for) et ee ee ee ee Br oe WNL KK oror STE Wd 3 3 SS rt 0o 101. 100. CO eS Wolo) re) © | . - =) => th oF TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS, No, 240 L. 380.] [No. 269 L, 431. Mein oe | boli a {owl ae lbs 6 | a] 8 | 9 [pie 240 | 380211 | 0392 | 0573 | 0754 | 0934 |) 1115 | 1296 | 1476 | 1656 | 1887] 181 Ae) 2017 | 2197 | 2377 | 2557 | 2787 || 2917 | 3097 | 38277 | 8456 | 3636 | 180 ; 3815 | 3995 | 4174 | 43853 | 4533 || 4712 | 4891 | 5070 | 5249 | 5428 | 179 3) 5606 | 5785 | 5964.) 6142 | 6321 || 6499 | 6677 | 6856 | 7034 | 7212 178 | 4 7390 | 7568 | 7746 | 7924 | 8101 || 8279 | 8456 | 8634 | 8811 | 8989 178 | 5 9166 | 9343 | 9520 | 9698 | 9875 || 6 | 390935 | 1112 | 1288 7 | 2697 | 2873 | 3048 | 3224 | 3400 || 3575 | 3751 | 3926 | 4101 | 4277 | 176 8 | 4452 | 4627 | 4802 | 4977 | 5152 || 5326 | 5501 | 5676 | 5850 | 6025 | 175 Ht! 9 | 6199 | 6374 | 6548 | 6722 | 6896 || 7071 | 7245 | 7419 | 7592 | 7766 | 174 250 | 7940 | 8114 | 8287 | 8461 | 8634 |! 8808 | 8981 | 9154 | 9328 | 9501 | 17% | 9674 | 9847 | = i} 0051 | 0228 | 0405 | 0582 | 0759 | 177 i 1464 | 1641 || 1817 | 1993 | 2169 | 2345 | 2521 | 176 _—_—. 0020 | 0192 | 0365 || 0538 | 0711 | 0883 | 1056 | 1228 173 2 | 401401 | 1578 | 1745 | 1917 | 2089 || 2261 | 2438 | 2605 | 28777 | 2949 172 | 3 | 8121 | 8292 | 3464 | 3635 |.3807 || 38978 | 4149 | 4320 | 4492 | 4663 171 f| £ 4834 | 5005 | 5176 | 5346 | 5517 |) 5688 | 5858 | 6029 | 6199 | 6370 171 i} 5 6540 | 6710.| 6881 | 7051 | 7221 || 7291 | 7561 | 7731 | 7901 | 8070 170 il 6 | 8240 | 8410 | 8579 | 8749 | 8918 || 9087 | 9257 | 9426 | 9595 | 9764 169 i} th 9933 ii | 0102 | os71 | 0440 | 0609 |) 0777 | 0946 | 1144 | 1288 | 1451 i 8 | 411620 | 1788 | 1956 | 2124 | 2293 |) 2461 | 2629 | 2796 | 2964 | 3132 | 168 \ art o> vo) 9 3300 | 3467 | 3685 | 8803 | 3970 || 4187 | 4305 | 4472 | 4639 | 4806 167 260 4973 | 5140°| 5307 | 5474 | 5641-1; 5808 | 5974 | 6141 | 6308 | 6474 | 167 1 6641 | 6807 | 6973 | 7189 | 7306.) 7472 | 76388 | 7804 | 7970 | 8135 166 i 2 8301 | 8467 | 8633 | 8793 | 8964 |) 9129 | 9295 | 9460 | 9625 | 9791 165 i 3 9956 | ee | \ | | 0121 | 0286 | 0451 | 0616 781 | 0945 | 1110 | 1275 | 1489 165 4 | 421604 | 1768 | 1933 | 2097 | 2261 || 2426 | 2590 | 2754 | 2918 | 3082 164 5 3246 | 3410 | 3574 | 3737 | 3901 || 4065 | 4228 | 4392 | 4555 | 4718 164 5371 | 5534 6 4882 | 5045 | 5208 5697 | 5860 | 6028 | 6186 | 6349 163 | f 7 | 6511 | 6674 | 6836 | 6999 | 7161 || 7324 | 7486 | 7648 | 7811 | 7973 | 162 8 | 8135 | 8297 | 8459 | 8621 | 8783 |) 8944 | 9106 | 9268 | 9429 | 9591 | 162 9| 9752 | 9914 i | 43 | 0075 | 0236 | 0398 | 0559 | 0720 | 0881 | 1042 | 1203.| 161 i PROPORTIONAL PARTS, I hi | : - le | pie.| 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 " ea a: I | | } 178 | 17.8| 35.6 | 53.4 | 71.2 | 89.0 | 106.8) 124.6} 142.4 | 160.2 I 177 | 17.7| 35.4 | 53.1 | 70.8 | 88.5 | 106.2] 123.9 | 141.6 | 159.8 | 176 | 17.6] 35.2 | 52.8 | 70.4 | 88.0 | 105.6] 128.2] 140.8 | 158.4 } Pe 17 5 | 85.04") 52.5.8) 70.0 7.5 | 105.0) 122.5 | 140.0 | 157.5 | 174 | 17.4| 34.8 | 52.2 | 69.6 | 87.0 | 104.4] 121.8 |. 139.2 | 156.6 173 | 17.3] 34.6 | 51.9 | 69.2 | 86.5 | 108.8) 121.1 | 138.4 | 135.7 172 | 17.2] 34.4 | 51.6 | 68.8 | 860 | 103.2] 120.4] 187.6'| 154.8 | 171 | 17.1] 34.2 | 51.8 } 68.4-} 8.5 | 102.6] 119.7] 186.8 | 153.9 : 170 | 17.0} 34.0 | 51.0 | 68.0) 85.0 | 102.0} 119.0] 186.0.| 153.0 169 |,16.9°) 33.8 | 50.7 | 67.6-4 81.5 | 101.4] 118.3] 185.2} 15214 163 | 16.8} 33.6 | 50.4 | 67.2 + 84.0 | 100.8} 117.6 | 134.4 | 151.2 167 | 16.7] 383.4 | 50.1 | 66.8 + 83.5 | 100.2] 116.9 |. 183.6] 150.3 166 | 16.6] 33.2 | 49.8 | 66.4 } 83.0 99.6 | 116.2 | 132.8 | 149.4 165 | 16.5] 33.0 | 49.5 | 66.0 | 82.5 99.0] 115.5 | 132.0 | 148.5 164 | 16.4] 32.8 | 49.2 | 65.6 4 82.0 98.4} 114.8] 131.2 | 147.6 163 | 16.3} 32.6 | 48.9 | 65.2 |} 81.5 97.8| 114.1] 130.4 | 146.7 162 | 16.2) 32.4 | 48.5 | 64.8-'F 81.0 97.2 | 118.4] 129.6 | 145.8 161 | 16.1] 32.2 | 48.3 | 64.4 } 80.5 96.6 | 112.7 | 128.8 | 144.9 TABLE XXTV.—lLOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 270 L. 431.] [No. 299 L. 476. | N.| 0 1 2 3 4 || 6 6 7 8 9 | Lift. | 431364 | 1505 | 1685 | 1846 | 2007 2167 | 2328 | 2488 | 2649 | 2809 | 161 270 | 1 2969 | 81380 } 8290 | 3450 | 3610 || 3770 | 3930 | 4090 | 4249 | 4409 160 2 4569 | 4729 1 4888 | 5048 | 5207 || 53867 | 5526 | 5685 | 5844 | 6004 159 3 6163 ‘ 6322 | 6481 | 6640 | 6799 || 6957 | 7116 | 7275 | 7483. | 7592 159 4 7751 | 7909 | 8067 ' 8226 | 83884 || 8542 | 8701 | 8859. | 9017 | 9175 158 9333 | 9491 | 9648 | 9806 | 9964 |' —-— |- } 0122 | 0279-| 0487 | 0594 | 0752 1695. | 1852 | 2009 | 2166 | 2823 SP EE ay ae 15 440909 | 1066 | 1224 | 1381 15 2480 | 2687 | 2793 | 2950 | 8106 || 8268 | 3419 | 38576 | 3732 | 8889 | 15 4045 | 4201 | 4857 | 4513 4669 || 4825 | 4981 | 5137 | 5293 | 5449 | 15 15 15 1588 5604 | 5760 | 5915 | 6071 | 6226 || 6382 | 6537 | 6692 | 6848 | 7003 | 158 | 7313 | 7468 | 7623 | 7778 || 7938 | 8088 | 8242 | 8397 | 8552 706 | 8861 | 9015 | 9170 | 9324 || 9478 | 9633 | 9787 | 9941 — — =| OOOR at 450249 | 0403 | 0557 | 0711 | 0865 || 1018 | 1172 | 1326 | 1479 | 1633 | 154 1786 | 1940 | 2093 | 2247 | 2400 || 2553 | 2706 | 2859 | 3012 | 3165 | 15 3318 | 3471 | 8624 , 8777 | 3930 || 4082 | 4235 | 4387 | 4540 | 4692 | 153 | 4845 | 4997 | 5150 | 5302 | 5454 || 5606 | 5758 | 5910 | 6062 | 6214 152 6366 | 6518 | 6670 | 6821 | 6973 || 7125 | 7276 | 7428 | 7579 | 7731 152 7882 | 8033 | 8184 | 8336 | 8487 || 8638 | 8789 | 8940 | 9091 | $242 | 151 9392 | 9543 | 9694 | 9845 | 9995 pa St 0146 | 0296 | 0447 | 0597 | 0748 | 151 460898 | 1048 | 1198 | 1348 | 1499 | 1649 | 1799 | 1948 | 2098 | 2248 | 150 ORWDOE DS OW DODNIOOUIRWMO HO OBOMNS 29 2398 | 2548 | 2697 | 2847 | 2997 || 8146 | 8296 | 3445 | 3594 44 150 8893 | 4042 | 4191 | 4840 | 4490 || 4639 | 4788 | 4986 | 5085 | 5234 149 53883 | 5582 | 5680: | 5829 | 5977 || 6126 | 6274-| 6423 | 6571 | 6719 149 6868 | 7016 | 7164 | 7312 | 7460 |! 7608 | 7756 | 7904 | 8052 | 8200 148 8847 | 8495 | 8648 | 8790 | 8988 7; 9085 ; 92383 | 9380 | 9527 | 9675 148 9822 | 9969 . |. | es ——/ 0116 | 02638 | 0410 0557 | O704 | 0851 | 0998 | 1145 147% 6 71292 | 1488 | 1585 | 1732 | 1878 2025 | 2171 | 2318 | 2464 | 2610 146 df 2756 | 2903 | 8049 | 3195 | 3841 8487 | 3633 | 8776 8925 | 4071 146 8 4216 | 4862 | 4508 | 46538 | 4799 4944 | 5090 | 5285 | 5881 | 5526 146 9 5671 | 5816 | 5962 | 6107 | 6252 397 | GE42 | C687 | 6882 | 6976 145 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | f Diff 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 161 | 16.1} 32.2 | 48.8 | 644 | 80.5 | 96.6. | 112.7] 128.8 | 144.9 | 160 | 16.0 | 32.0 | 48.0 | 64.0 | 80.0 | 96.0 | 112.0] 128.0 | 144.0 159 15.9 31.8 Movil 63.6 79.5 95 .4. 111.3 127.2 | 1438.1 158 | 15.8 31.6 ad 63.2 79.0 94.8 110.6 126.4; | 142.2 157 151.7 31.4 {ion 62.8 78.5 94.2 109.9 125.6 | 141.38 156. «| 15.6 Slee 46.8 62.4 78.0 93.6 109.2 124.8 | 140.4 155 15.5 31.0 46.5 62.0 (G5) 93.0 108.5 124.0.) 1389.5 154 15.4. 30.8 46.2 61.6 (00 92.4 107.8 123.2 | 138.6 | i laser ira Rages’ 80.6 45.9 61.2 G55 91.8 107.1 122.45) 1st er 152.-| 15.2 | 380.4 45.6 60.8 76.0 91.2 106.4 121.6 | 136.8 iSiay) 15.291 SOre 45.3 60.4 RD .5 90.6 105.7 120.8-| 185.9 150 15.0 + 30:0 45.0 60.0 75.0 90.0 105.0 120.0 | 185.0 149 | 14.9} 29.8 44.7 59.6 44.5 89.4 104.3 410 Se) Sarr 148 14.8 29.6 44.4 59.2 .| %.0 88.8 103.6 118.4°) 133.2 147 14.70) 29.4 44.1 58.8 73.5 88.2 102.9 117.67) A3sa3 146 14,62) 29%2 43.8 58.4 fo: 0 7.6 oh T0269 116.8 | 131.4 145 14.5 | 29.0 43.5 58.0 425 87.0 oh 10165 116.0 | 180.5 144 14.4 28.8 43.2 57.6 72.0 86.4 100.8 115.24 12946 143 ie Os) 28 .6 42.9 57.2 1.5 85-8 ah 10031 114.4 | 128.7 142. | 14.2 28.4 42. ¢ 56.8 71.0 85.2 99.4 113.6) 127.8 144. 4 14.1 28.2 42.3 56.4 70.5 84.6 98.7. | 112.8 | 126.9 140 | 14.0 | 28.0 2.0 56.0 70.0 84.0 98.0 112.0.) 426.0 ou) awe a | No. 300 L. 477.) TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 339 L. 581. 0099 | N.| 0 | 1 2/ sila | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Diff. || | | | 800 : 477121 | 7266 | 7411 | 7555 | 7700 || 7844 | 7989 | 8138 | 8278 | 8422 | 145 1 8566 | 8711 | 8855 | 8999 | 9143 i 9287 | 943 | 9575 | 9719 | 9863 | 144 | | a | | | 2) 480007 | 0151 | 0294 | 0438 | 0582 |! 0725 | 0869 | 1012 | 1156 | 1289 | 144 as 1443 | 1586 | 1729 | 1872 | 2016 || 2159 | 2802 | 2445 | 2588 2731 143 | 4 29874 | 3016 | 38159 | 8802 | 2445 || 8587 | 87380 | S872 | 4015 | 4157 148 ie ey 4300 | 4442 | 4585 | 4727 | 4869 || 5011 | 5158 | E295 437 | 5579 | 142 6 5721_-| 5863 | 6005 | 6147 | 6289 || 6480 | 6572 |- 6714 6597 142 7 7138 | 7280 | 7421 | 7563 | “704 || 7845 | 7986 | 8127 | 8410 | 141 8 | 8551 |. 8692 | 8833 | 8474 | 9114 9255 | 9896 | 9587 9818 | 141 9| 9958 | =| | 9203 9337 947 9606 | 510545 1883 | 38218 ' | 4548 5874 7196 UW BHO OMNI C9 oe 8514 | 9828 | 2 | 5211388 3| 2444 4). 3746 ‘ae 5045 6 | 633! fg 7630 | 8 | 8917 0679 2017 38351 4681 6006 7328 8646 9959 1269 2575 | 3876 5 | 5174 | | 6469 | WG59 | 9045 | 0009 0143 | 0411 124 1 | | 0239 | 0880 | 0520 || 0661 801 | 6841 | 1081 | 1222 | 140 | 310 | 491362 | 1502 | 1642 | 1782 | 1922 2062 | 2201 | 2341 | 2481 | 262 140 1 2760 | 2900 | 3040 | 8179 | 3319 || 3458 | 8597 | 5787 | 8676 | 4015 139 9) 4155 | 4294 | 4438 | 4572 | 4711 || 4850 | 4989 | 5128 | 5267 | 5406 | 189 3 | 5544 | 5683 | 5822 | 5960 | 6099 || 6238 | 63876 | 6515 €€58 | 6791 189 4 6930 | 7068 |.7206 | 7344 | 7483 || 7621 | 7759 | T8S7 | EC25 | 8173 | 188 5 8311 | 8448 | 8586 | 8724 | 8862 || 8999 | 9187 | S275 | 412 | CEEO | 188 6 9687 | 9824 | 9962 If _—. = | | 0099 | 0286 || 0874 | 0511 | 0648 | OCES | 0922 | 187 % | 501059 | 1196 | 1333 | 1476 | 1607 | 1744 | 18€0 | £017 | S1E4 |} 2291 1G 8 | 2497 | 9564 | 2700 | 2887 | 2973 || 8109 | 3246 | 8882 | E518 | E655 126 9 3791 | 3927-| 4063 | 4199 | 4335 || 4471 | 4607 | 4743 | 46.8 | £014 | 1286 320 | 5150 | 5086 | 5421 | 5557 | 5693 || 5628 | 5964 | 6099 | 6224 | E870 | 186 | 6505 | 6640 | 6776 | 6911 | 7046 || 7181 | 7316 | 7451 | EEG | 7721 135 #256 | 7991 | 8126 | 8260 | 8895 || 8530 | 8664 | 8799 | E924 | C068 | 185 0813 | 0947 | 1081 || 1215 | 13849 | 1482 | 1616 750 8 2151 | 2284 | 2418 || 2551 | 2684 | 2818 | 2051 | ced 18: 3484 | 3617 | 8750 || 8883 | 4016 | 4149 | 42€2 | 4415 182 4818 | 4946 | 5079 || 5211 | 5844 | 5476 | ECCO | 5741 183 6139 | 6271 | 6403 || 5 | 6668 | GECO | CGe2 | 764 132 7460 | 7592 | 7724 || 7987 | 8119 | $251 | G82 | 182 8777 | 8909 | 9040 | 9171 | £303 | 9484 | S5C6 | SEO" 131 0090 1400 9705 4006. | 53804 6598 7888 0221 | 0358 |) 0484 1530 | 1661 || 1792 | 1922 2835 | 2966 || 8096 | 3226 4136 | 4266 || 4896 | 4526 5434 | 5563 || 5693 | 5822 6727 | 6856 || 6985 | 7114 8016 | 8145 || 8274 | 8402 | 9480 || 9559 | 9687 0615 | QOF | 9815 | 0745 2053 uve 4€E6 5951 (243 631 47&5 | 4916 180 €c81 | 6210 129 Gate NBO aes FECO | S788 129 GC |. 580200 | 0328 sy: At 2 || O€ PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 968 1C96 | 43 0072 128 223 | 1351 128 39 a0 | ) 38 8 | Qn rn af ( | MCVBwwwwwwwnw Ten os Pm be pk Re tek ek ek eek Re ek peek ek PL OO OO CO GO CO CO GH C9 GO GO CO GO IDOOrWO KE OL ee ee ; MWOOrwwror \ | | | 27.8 27.6 27 4 Ohoe 27.0 26.8 26.6 26.4 26.2 26.0 95.8 Ro .6 25.4 3 4 5 6 ret 6 69.5 83 .4 41.4 £3 69.0 32 .£ 41-1 8 68.5 82.2 40.8 | A 68.0 81.6 40.5 0 67.5 81.0 ORS D tI 6 67.0 | 80.4 | 39.9 | 2 oh 66.5. 7958 } 39.6 | 8 66.0 79.2 39.3 2.4 65.5 [8.6 | 89.0 0 65.0 "8.0 38.7 1.6 64.5 } 77.4 38.4 2 64.0 76.8 | 38.1 VE 63.5 76.2 WAWSEVBAHDEUWONDW a pew S > = Or OoMo — oo) rus) 111.2 | 195-4 110.4 | 124-2 109.6 | 123.3 108.8 | 1£2.4 108.0 | 121.5 107.2 | 120.6 106.4 | 119.47 ~ Aa N-I CS G9 OH TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS, =a | { No. 840 L, 881.] [No. 879 1. 579. 1 oe = ===> . | N.| 0 1 21a) al 51 8 |e 8 | 9 | pitr. 340 | 531479 | 1607 | 1734 | 128 1 2754 | 2882 | 3009 | 3136 | 3264 3391 | 8518 | 3645 | 3772 | 3899 | 127 R 4026 | 4153 | 4280 | 4407 | 4534 |! 4661 | 4787 | 4914 | 5041 | 5167 127 3 5294 | 5421 | 5547 | 5674 | 5800 || 5927 | 6053 | 6180 | 6306 | 6432 126 1862 | 1990 || 2117 | 2245 | 2372 2500 | 2627 4 6558 | 6685 | 6811 | 6937 | 7063 || 7189 | 7315 : 7441 | 7567. | 7693 126 5 7819 | 7945 | 8071 | 8197 | 8322 || 8448 | 8574 | 8699 | 8825 | 8951 6 7 9076 | 9202 | 9327 | 9452 | 9578 || 9703 | 9829 | 9954 a | ———,— —| 0079 | 0204 | 125 640329 | 0455 | 0580 | 0705 | 0830 || 0955 | 1080 | 1205 | 1330 | 1454 | os 8; 1579 | 1704 | 1829 | 1953 | 2078 | 2203 | 2827 | 2152 | 2576 | aroq | 9] 2825 | 2950. | 8074 | 8199 | 3323 3447 | 3571 | 8696 | 3820 | 3944 | jo4 350 | 4068 | 4192 | 4316 | 4440 | 4564 | 4688 | 4812 | 4936 | 5060 | 5188 | 124 Wn 1 530% | 5431 | 5555 | 5678 | 5802 | 5925 | 6049 | 6172 | 6296 | E419 | 2 Ne i 2 | 6543 | 6666 | 6789 | 6913 | 7036 || 7159 | 7282 | 7405 | 7529 | 7659 | jO3 ct 3 7¢S | 7898 | 8021 | 8144 | 8267 | 8389 | 8512 | 8635 | 8758 | 8881 23 4 9003 | 9126 | 9249 | 9371 | 9494 | 9616 | 9739 | 9861 | 9984 | gpa = : | 0106 | 128 5 | 550228 | 0351 | 0473 | 0595 | 0717 | 0840 | 0962 1084 | 1206 | 1328 | 122 6 1450 | 1572 | 1694 | 1816 | 1938 | 2060 | 2181 | 2303 | a49% 2547 | 122 7 8 9 2668 | 2790 | 2911 | 8033 | 3155 || 8276 | 3398 | 3519 | 3640 | 2g | Jo 8883 | 4004 | 4126 | 4247 | 4368 || 4489 | 4610 | 4731 | 4959 | 4973 | 121 5094 | 5215 | 5336 | 5457 | 5578 | 569 | 5820 | 5940 | Go61 | Gige | jot 360 | 6303 | 6423 | 6544 | 6664 | 6785 |/ 6905 | 7026 | 7146 | 7267 | e397 | 490 Py) 7507 | 7627 | 7748 | 7868 | 7988 || 8108 | 8228 | 8349 | g169 | gaeq | 490 2) 8709 | 8829 | 8948 | 9068 | 9188 || 9308 | 9428 | 9548 | 9667 | 9787 | 120 3] 9907 | —— | ~——~| 0026.| 0146. | 0265 | 0385 | 0504 | 0624 | 0743 | 0863 | cose | 119 SULL0L | 1221 ) 1340 | 1459 | 1578 || 1698 | 1817 | 1936 | 2055 | oye | 179 2293 | 2412 | 2531 | 2650 | 2769 8006 | 3125 | 3244 | 3362 | 119 8481 | 3600 | 8718 | 8837 | 3955 || 4074 | 4192 | 4311 | 4429 | gs4g | 119 4666 | 4784 | 4903 | 5021 | 5139 || 5257 | 5376 | 5494 | 5612 | 5730 | 148 5848 | 5966 | 6084 | 6202 | 6320 || 6437 | 6555 | 6673 | 6791 | 6909 | 118 W026 | 144 | 7262 | 7379 | 7497 || 7614 | 7732 | 7849 | 7967 | gos, | 118 8202 | 8319 | 8436 | 8554 | 8671 || 8788 | 8905 | 9028 | 9140 | gos | 447 9374 | 9491 | 9608 | 9725 | 9842 |} 9959 a . | = —| 0076 | 0193 | 0309 | 0426 | 4117 570543 | 0680 | 0776 | 0893 | 1010 |, 1126 | 1243 | 1359 | 1476 | 1599 | 117 1109 | 1825 | 1942 | 2058 | 2174 || 2291 | 2407 | 2523 | 2639 | aras | 146 2872 | 2988 | 3104 | 3220 | 3336 || 3568 | 3684 | 3800 | 3915 | 116 A031 | 4147 | 4263 | 4879 | 4494 || 4610 | 4726 | 4841 | 4957 | 5072} 116 5188 | 5303 | 5419 | 5534 | 5650 || 5765 | 5880 | 5996 | 6111 | 6296 | 115 Gaal | 6457 | 6572 | 6687 | 6802 || 6917 | 7032 | 7147 | 7262 | 3771 715 (492 | 7607 | 7722 | 7836 | 7951 || 8066 | 8181 | 8295 | 8110 | 85951 i7s 8639 | 8754 | 8868 | 8983 | 9097 | 9212 | 9326 | 9441 | 9555 | 9¢60 | 14 2» @ oa NS is) COImOMAwWs HS CMOMOOR Oo NS Or rw) es Qa on ror PROPORTIONAL Parts. | — ee Oe ae oh a ge! 7 8 9 | | | 5 Sam | / | aD ae Moy Ts 128 | 12.8] 25.6 | 38.4 51.2 | 64.0 “6.8 | 89.6 | 102 115.2 127 | 12.7] 25.4 B81) 50.8 63.5 76.2 | 88.9 | 101.6 | 114.3 126 | 12.6] 25.2 37.8 | 50.4 63.0 15.6 “| 88/2 2100-8 418.4 125 | 12.5 | 25.0 87.5 | 50.0 | 62.5 75.0 | 87.5 | 100.0 | 112.5 12 12.4] 24.8 37.2 | 49.6 | 62.0 74.4 | 86.8 99.2 | 111.6 . 123- | 12.3} 24.6 36.9: |. 49.9 \) 61.5 73:8 | 86.1 98.4 -| 110.7 eth Iie) 2440+ 26.6 | 48.8 | 61.0 73.2 | 85.4 | 97.6 | 109.8 ane) 124 24.0% 368 8.4 60.5 (2.6 | 84.7 | 96.8 | 108.9 120 12.0 24.0 | 36.0 48.0 60.0 72.0 84.0 96.0 | 108.0 | TGS) TL 23.84 35M ape 59.5 71.4 | | | | | 83.5 | 95.9 LO tele TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. aye No. 380. L. 9.] [No. 414 L. 617. | 6 So 7.9 |) Der 579784 | 9898 | ~ a) = SOS ee | 0S. 0355 0469 | 0583 | 0697 | 0811 | 114 1 580925 | 1039 1153 | 1495 | 1608 | 1722 336 | 1950 2} 2063 | 2177 | 2291 2631 | 2745 | 2858 | 2972 | 3085 3 3199 | 3312 | 3426 | § 3765 | 8879 | 3992 | 4105 | 4218 4} 4331 | 4444 | 4557 | 4896 | 5009 | 5122 | 5235 | 5348 | 113 5 | 5461 | 5574 | 5686 | 6024 | 6137 | 6250 | 6362 | 6475 6 6587 | 6700 | 6812 | 7149 | 7262 | 7374 | 7486 | 7596 7 G711 | 7823 | 7935 | || 8272 | 8384 | 8496 | 8608 | 8720 | 112 8 8832 | 8944 | 9056 || 9391 | 9503 | 9615 | 9726 | 9836 9 9950 | | | — | 0061 | 0173 0507 | 0619 | 0730 | 0842 | 0953 9 | 591065 | 1176 | 1287 | 1621 | 1732 | 1843 | 1955 | 2066 1} 2177 | 2288 | 2399 | 2732 | 2843 | 2954 | 8064 | 3175 | 111 2} 3286 | 3397 | 3508 3840 | 3950 | 4061 | 4171 | 4282 3 | 4893 | 4503 | 4614 | 4945 | 5055 | 5165 | 5276 | 5386 4| 5496 | 5606 | 5717 | 6047 | 6157 | 6267 | 6577 | 6487 5 | 6597 | 6707 | 6817 | "146 | 7256 | 7366 | 7476 | 7586 | 110 6 "695 | 7805 | 7914 8243 | 8353 | 8462 | 8572 | 8681 4 8791 | 8900 | 9009 9337 | 9446 | 9556 | 9665 | 9774 8 9883 | 9992 | — 109 Si 2 eee Hotel 0428 | 0537 | 0646 | 0755 | 0864 9 | 600973 | 1082 | 1191 1517 | 1625 | 1734 | 1843 | 1951 () 2060 | 2169 | 2277 | § | 2603 | 2711 | 2819 | 2928 | 3036 1 3144 | 3253 | 2361 3686 | 8794 | 8902 | 4010 | 4118 | 408 Q 4226 | 4334 | 4442 | | | 4766 | 4874 | 4982 | 5089 | 5197 3 | 5305 | 5413 | 5521 | | 5844 | 5951 | 6059 | 6166 | 6274 4 6381 | 6429 | 6596 | 6919 | 7026 | 7133 | 7241 | 7348 5 7455 | 7562 | 7669 | || 7991 | 8098 | 8205 | 8312 | 8419 | 407 6} 826 | 8633 | 8740 | 9061 | 9167 | 9274 | 9381 | 9488 “i 9594 | 9701 | 9808 | eS ee eats 0128 | 0234 | 0341 | 0447 | 0554 8 | 610660 | 0767 | 0873 | |} 1192 | 1298 | 1405 | 1511 | 1617 1723 | 1829 | 1936 | 2254 | 2860 | 2466 | 2572 | 2678 | 106 2784 | 2890 | 2996 8313 | 3419 | 3525 | 3630 | 3736 8842 | 3947 | 4053 | 4370 | 4475 | 4581 | 4686 | 4792 4897 | 5003 | 5108 | 5424 | 5529 5634 | 5740 | 5845 5950 | 6055 | 6160 | 6476 | 6581 | 6686 | 6790 | 6895 | 105 7000 | 7105 | 7210 "525 | 7629 | 7734 | 7839 | 7943 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | | 11.8 | 28.6 | 35.4 “3 59.0 "0.8 82.6 94.4 | 106.2 10.7 1593.47" 35.1 8 58.5 70.8 81.9 | 93.6 | 105.3 IG a es 2 of 34-R 4 58.0 69 81.2 | 92.8 | 104.4 1115. | 23.0 34.5 46.0 | 57.5 69. 80.5 | 92.6 | 1038.5 | 11.4 |' 22.8 24.2 45.6 | 57.0 68 "9.8 | 91.2 | 102.6 | 11.34 22.6 33.9 45.2 | 56.5 64 79.1 90.4 | 101.7 | 11.2] 22.4 | 33.6 | 44.8 | 56.0 | 67 78.4 | 89.6 | 100.8 | | pete ADS. 33.3 44.4 | ° 55.5 66. fay? 88.8 | 99.9 111.0! 22.0 33.0 44.0 55.0 66. 77.0 88.0 99.0 10.9 | 21.8 32.7 43.6 54.5 65. "6.3 8732 | 5a 10.8 | 21.6 32.4 43.2 54.0 64. "5.6 86.4 97.2 102% | 2.4 32.1 42.8 53.5 64 | AOI) 85.26 96.3 1028 |) 21.27 | 4 8H8 42.4 53.0 3, 74.2 | 84.8 | 95.4 10.5] 21.0 | 31.5 42.0 52.5 33.0 | %B.5 84.0 94.5 10.5.| 21.0 | 31.5 42.0 52.5 63.0 | 73.5 84.0 94.5 10.4| 20.8 | 31.2 | 41.6 | 52.0 72.8 | 83.2 | 93.6 TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. { | | No, 415 L, 618.] [No. 459 L. 662 | 1| N.| 0 122% | 4 || 56 | 6 ro s Diff. | | | | | | | | | 415 | 618048 | 8153 | 857 | 8362 | 8466 || 8571 | 8676 | 8780 | gas4 | 8989 || 105 6 | 9093 | 9198 | 9302 | 9406 | 9511 || 9615 | 9719 | 9824 | 9928 |-——— ——- 0082 | 7 | 620136 | 0240 | 0344 | 0448 | 0552 || 0656 | 0760 | 0864 | 0968 | 1072 | 104 8 | 1176 | 1280 | 1384 | 1488 | 1592 || 1695 | 1799 | 1903 | 2C07 | 2110 9 | 2214 | 2318 | 2421 | 2525 | 2628 || 2732 | 2835 | 2939 | 3042 | 3146 420 3249 | 3353 | 3456 | 8559 | 3663 || 38766 | 3869 | 3973 | 4076 | 4179 1 | 4282 | 4385 | 4488 | 4591 | 4695 || 4798 | 4901 | 5004 | 5107 | 5210 | 103 2 | 5812 | 5415 | 5518 | 5621 | 5724 || 5827 | 5929 | 6082 | 6185 | 6238 3 | 6340 | 6443 | 6546 | 6648 | 6751 || 6853 | 6956 | 7058 | 7161 | 7263 4 7366 | 7468 | 7571 | 7673 | 7775 || 7878 | 7980 8082 | 8185 | 8287 i 5 | 83889 | 8491 | 8593 | 8695 | 8797 || 8900 | 9002 | 9104 | 9206 | 9308 | 402 6 | 9410 | 9512 | 9613 | 9715 | 9817 || 9919 ; | | 0021 | 0123 | 0224 | 0526 % | 630428 | 0530 | 0631 | 0733 | 0835 || 0936 | 1088 | 1189 | 1241 | 1342 | 8 1444 | 1545 | 1647 | 1748 | 1849 || 1951 | 2052 | 2158 | 2255 | 2356 | i 9 | 2457 | 2559 | 2660 | 2761 | 2862 |) 2963 | 8064 | 3165 | 8266 | 3867 | Hi 430 | 3468 | 3569 | 38670 | 3771 | 3872 |) 8973 | 4074 | 4175 | 4276 | 4376 | 101 i | 1 4477 | 4578 | 4679 | 4779 | 4880 || 4981 | 5081 | 5182 | 5283 | 5388 2| 5484 | 5584 | 5685 | 5785 | 5886 || 5986 | 6087 | 6187 | 6287 | 6388 3 | 6488 | 6588 | 6688 | 6789 | G889 || E9&9 | 7089 | 7189 | 7290 | 7390 | 4 | 7490 | 7590 | 7690 | 7790 | 7200 || 7990 | 8C90 | 8190 | 8290 | 83889 | 499 5 | 8489 | 8589 | 8689 | 8789 | 8888 || 8988 | 9088 | 9188 | 9287 | 9387 6 | 9486 | 9586 | 9686 | 9785 | 9885 || 9984 + _| — | | 0084 | 0183 | 0283 | 0382 7 | 640481 | 0581 | 0680 oe | C879 |; 0978 | 1077 | 1177 | 1276 | 1875 8 1474 | 1573 | 1672 | 1771 | 1871 || 1970 | 2069 | 2168 | 2267 | 2366 9 | 2465 | 2563 | 2662 | 2761 | 2s6v | 2059 | 3058 | 3156 | 8255 | 3854 99 440 | 3453 | 8551 | 3650 | 3749 | 8847 || 3946 | 4044 | 4143 | 4242 | 4340 1 | 4489 | 4587 | 4636 | 4734 | 4282 || 4931 | 5029 | 5127 | 5226 | 5824 2 | 5422 | 5521 | 5619 | 5717 | 5815 || 5913 | 6011 | 6110 | 6208 | 6806 3 | 6404 | 6502 | 6600 | 6698 | 6796 || 6804 | 6992 | 7089 | 7187 | 7285 98 4) 4 | 7883 | 7481 | 7579 | 7676 | 7774 || 7872 | 7969 | 8067 | 8165 | 8262 5 | 8860 | 8458 | 8555 | 8653 | 8750 || 8848 | 8945 | 9043 | 9140 | 9287 6 | 9335 | 9432 | 9530 | 9627 | 9724 || 9821 | 9919 i _——— | | 0016 | 0113 | 0210 7 | 650308 | 0405 | 0502 | 0599 | 0696 |) 0793 | 0890 | 0987 | 1084 | 1181 2 8} 1278 | 1375 | 1472 | 1569 | 1666 || 1762 | 1859 | 1956 | 2053 | 2150 97 9 | 2246 | 2348 | 2440 | 2536 | 2633 | 2730 | 2826 | 2923 | 3019 | 3116 | 450 | 3213 | 3809 | 3405 | 3502 | 85598 || 2695 | 8791 | 3888 | 3984 | 4080 | 1 4177 | 4273 | 4369 | 4465 | 4562 || 4658 | 4754 | 4850 | 4946 | 5042 2} 5138 | 5235 | 5331 | 5427 | 5523 || 5619 | 5715 | 5810 | 5906 | 6002 | 96 3 | 6098 | 6194 | 6290 | 6386 | 6482 || 6577 | 6673 | 6769 | 6864 | 6960 4| 7056 | 7152 | 7247 | 7343 | 7488 || 7534 | 7629 | 7725 | 7820 | 7916 5 | 8011 | 8107 | 8202 | 8298 | 8393 || 8488 | 8584 | 8679 | 8774 | S870 hie 6 | 8965 | 9060 | 9155 | 9250 | 9346 || 9441 | 9536 | 9631 9726 | 9821 HT 7 | 9916 | | i} ————} 0011 | 0106 | 0201 | 0296 || c391 | 0486 |/0581 | o676 | O77 95 i 8 | 660865 | 0960 | 1055 | 1150 | 1245 |) 1339 | 1434 | 1529 | 1623 | 1718 } 9 1813 | 1907 | 2002 | 2096 | 2191 |r 2286 | 2380 | 2475 | 2569 | 2663 iil PROPORTION AL Parts. | Diff.| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105) 10.5! )- 21:0 | 88181) 42.0], 52.52 15 68.0) | 738.5 1 S41 pees 104 | 10.4] 20.8 31.2 41.6 52.0 62.4 72 8 83.2 93.6 103.1103) |-5.20:6 | 80:98). 42) SRB] 6h Be) F2a4 | “Roa a oes 102 | 10.2 | 20.4 | 30.6 | 40.8 | 51.0 | 61.2 | 71.4 | 81.6 91.8 101 | 10.1] 20.2 30.3 40.4 50.5 60.6 707 | { 100 | 10.0] 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70 0 89h OD (19: 8)> | 296% 1.6 | 49.5 | 59.4 | 69.3 TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. | I No, 460 L. 662.1 Ate . 499 L. 698. | | i N | 0O 2 8 4 5 @ 8 Diff. = ‘ ah | 3 = ———— 460 | 662758 | 2947 | 3041 | 3135 || 3220 3418 | 3512 1 3701 3889 | 8983 | 4078 ||. 4172 | 4360 | 4454 2| 4642 | 4830 | 4924 | 5018 || 5112 | 5299 | 5393 94 8 | 5581 5769 | 5862 | 5956 || 6050 | 6143 | 6287 | 6331 4 6518 | 6705 | 6799 | 6892 || 6986 | 7079 | 7173 | 7266 5 7453 7640 | 7733 | 7826 || 7920 | 8013 | 8106 | 8199 | 6 8386 | 8572 | 8665 | 8759 || 8852 | 9038 | 9131 ‘i 9317 | 9503 | 9596 | 9689 || 9782 | 9875 | 9967 |— : ie iy | - 0060 | 98 8 | 670246 | 0431 | 0524 | 0617 || 0710 | 0895 | 0988 9 1173 | | 1358 | 1451 | 1543 || 1636 | 1728 | 1821 | 1918 470 | 2098 | 2283 | 2375 | 2467 || 2560 2 | 2744 | 2836 1} 3021 | | 3205 | 3297 | 3390 || 3482 3666 | 3758 2 3942 4126 | 4218 | 4310 |) 4402 4586 | 4677 | 92 3 | 4861 | 5045 | 5137 | 5228 || 5820 5508 | 5595 | 4| 5778 | | 5962 | 6053 | 6145 | 6236 6419 | 6511 5 | 6694 | | 6876 | 6968 | 7059 | 7151 | 7242 | 7388 | W424 | 6 | 7607 7789 | 7881 | 7972 || 8063 | 8154 | 8245 | 8336 | 7] 8518 | 8700 | 8791 | 8882 | 8973 | 9064 | 9155 | 9246 91 8 | 9428 | | 9610 | 9700 | 9791 | 9882 | 9973 | - | | ee | 0063 | 0154 9 | 680336 | 0517 | 0607 | 0698 || 0789 | 0879 | 0970 | 1060 | 480 | 1241 | | 1422 | 1513 | 1603 || 1693 1874 | 1964 1 2145 | % 2326 | 2416 | 2506 || 2596 | 2686 | 2777 | 2867 2| 3047 37 | 8227 | 8817 | 3407 || 3497 3677 | 3767 90 8} 3947 | | 4127) 4217 | 4307 || 4396 4576 | 4666 4 | 4845 | 5025 | 5114 | 5204 | 5294 | 5473 | 5563 5 | 5742 | 5831 | 5921 | 6010 | 6100 || 6189 | 6368 | 6458 6 6636 6815 | 6904 | 6994 | 7083 | 7261 | 7851 Earle 7529 | 7618 | 7707 | 7796 | 7886 | 7975 | 8064 | 8153 | 8242 89 | 8 |) 8420 | 8509 | 8598 | 8687 | 8776 | 8865 | 8953 | 9042 | 9181 Big 9309 | 9486 | 9575 | 9664 | 9753 | | 9930. | — | | ——) 0019 490 | 690196 0373 | 0462 | 0550 | 0639 | 0728 | 0816 | 0905 1 1031 | 1258 | 1847 | 1435 || 1524 | 1700 | 1789 2 1965 | 2142 | 2280 | 2318 || 2406 | 2583 | 2671 3 | 2847 | 3023 | 3111 | 3199 || 3287 3463, | 3551 88 | 4 | 3727 | 3903 | 3991 | 4078 || 4166 4342 | 4430 5 | 4605 4731 | 4868 | 4956 || 5044 | 5219 | 5307 | 6 5482 | | 5657 |. 5744 | 5882 || 5919 6094 | 6182 7 | 6356 | 6531 | 6618 | 6706 || 6793 6968 | 7055 | 8 7229 | 7404 | 7491 | 7578 || 7665 7839 | 7926 9 | 8100 | 8275 | 8362 | 8449 || 8535 | 8709 | 8796 87 | } PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | lela] 2 fs] 4s 98 | 9.1 | 29.4 | 80.2 | 49.0 | 58.8 | 68.6 8. 88.2 | i ae ey 29.1 38.8 48.5 58.2 67.9 Wop 87.3 | 96 *; 9.6 | 28.8 38.4 48.0 57.6 67.2 6. 86.4 | 95. | 9.5 28.5 38.0.| 47.5 57.0 | 66.5 6 85.5 94 9 23.2 37.6 47.0 56.4 65.8 $4.0 | , 93 9.3 L279 37.2 -|—46.5 55.8 65.1 83.4 92 9.2 | 27.6 | 36.8 46.0 55.2 64.4 82.8 91 | 9.1 Pee 8) Ao. 4 ous 4o.b 54.6 63.7 81.9 90 | 9. | 27.0'-| 86.0 | 45.0 | 54.0 | 63.0 81.0 89 | 8.9 | 26.7 | 35.6 | 44.5 53.4 32.3 80.1 88 8.8 26.4 | 35.2 44.0 52.8 61.6 79.2 | | 94:8 3.5 | 52.2 60.9 78-3 \evd4ia 0 51.6 f 0% 4 | & vo TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. : No, 500 L. 698.] [No. 544 L, 736. or Nala 0% |) ig | 8 | | aed 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | pi. | | | 500 | 698970 | 9057 | 9144 | 9231 | 9817 || 9404 | 9491 | 957 | 9664-| 9751 1 | 9888 | 9924 | | | | _| | | 0011 | 0098 | 0184 | 0271 | 0358 | 0444 | 0531 | 0617 | (0 6) 2 | 700704 | 0790 | 0877 | 0963 | 1050 || 1136 | 1222 13809 | 1895. | 1482 | 3} 1568 | 1654 | 1741 | 1827 | 1913 || 1999 | 2086 R172 | 2258 | 2344 | 4 | 2431 | 2517 | 2603 | 2689 | 2775 || 2861 | 2947 | 3083 | 3119 | 8205 | S| 38291 | 3377 | 3463 | 3549 | 3635 || 3721 | 3807 3893 | 3979 | 4065 86 6 4151 | 4236 | 4822 | 4408 | 4494 || 4579 | 4665 | 4751 | 4837 | 4922 7 5008 | 5094 | 5179 | 5265 | 5350 || 5436 | 5522 | 5607 | 5693 | 5778 8 5864 | 5949 | 6035 | 6120 |- 6266 || 6291 | 6376 | 6462 | 6547 | 6632 9 6718 | 6803 | 6888 | 6974 | 7059 || 7144 | 7229 | 7315 | 7400 | 7485 HB 510 7570 | 7655 | 7740 | 7826 | T9114 | 7996 | 8081 | 8166 | 8251 | 8336 85 } 1 8421 | 8506 | 8591 | 8676 8761 || 8846 | 8931 | 9015 | 9100 9185 i 2 9270 | 9855 | 9440 | 9524 | 9609 || 9694 | 9779 | 9863 | 9948 | — | | _|| | 0033 3 | 710117 | 0202 | 0287 | 0871 | 0456 | 0540 | 0625 | 0710 | 0794 | 0879 i 4 0963 | 1048 | 1132 | 1217 | 1301 1885 | 1470 | 1554 | 1639 | 1793 j 5 1807 | 1892 | 1976 | 2060 | 2144 2229 | 2313 | 2397 | 2481 | 2566 6 2650 | 2734 | 2818 | 2902 | 2986 8070 | 3154 | 8288 | 3323 | 3407 84 ff 3491 | 3575 | 3659 | 3742 | 3896 | 3910 | 3994 | 4078 | 4162 | 4246 : 8 4330 | 4414 | 4497 | 4581 | 4665 4749 | 4883 | 4916 | 5000 | 5084 9 5167 | 5251 | 5335 | 5418 | 5502 || 5586 5669 753 | 5886 | 5920 520 6003 | 6087 | 61% 6254 | 6337 || 6421 | 6504 | 6588 | 6671 754 1 6838 | 6921 | 1004 | 7088 | 7171 | 7254 | 73888 | 7421 | 7504 | 7587 2 7671 | 7754 | 7837 | 7920 | 8003 || 8086 | 8169 | 8253 | 8336 | 8419 83 3 8502 | 8585 | 8668 | 8751 | 8834 || 8917 | 9000 | 9083 | 9165 | 9248 : 4 9331 | 9414 | 9497 | 9580 | 9663 || 9745 | 9828 | 9911 | 9994 | | | | | 0077 5 | 720159 | 0242 | 0325 0407 | 0490 || 057% | 0655 | 0788 | 0821 | 0903 6 0986 | 1068 | 1151 | 123% 1316 || 1898 | 1481 | 1563 | 1646 1728 ff 1811} 1893 | 1975. | 2058 | 2140 | 2222 | 23805 | 2387 | 2469 | 9559 8 2634 | 2716 | 2798 | 2881 | 2963 || 8045 | 3127 | 3209 | 3291 | 3974 9 3456 | 2588 | 3620 | 3702 | 3784 || 3866 | 3948 | 4080 | 4112 | 4194 82 530 4276 | 4358 | 4440 | 4522 | 4604 || 4685 | 4767 | 4849 4951 | 5013 5095 | 5176 | 5258 | 5340 | 5422 || 5503 | 5585 | 5667 | 5748 | 5830 2 5912 | 5993 | 6075 | 6156 | 6238 || 6320 | 6401 | 6483 6564 | 6646 3 6727 | 6809 | 6890 | 6972 | 7053 || 7134 | 7916 7297 | 7379 | 7460 4 (41 | 7623 | 7704 | 7785 | 7866 || 7948 | 8029 | 8110 8191 | 827 5 8354 | 8435 | 8516 | 8597 | 8678 || 8759 | 8841 | So29 9003 | 9084 6 9165 | 9246 | 9327 | 9408 | £489 || 9570 | 9651 | 9732 .9813 | 9898 81 7 9974 / = ~) S) 0055 | 0186 | 0217 | 0298 || 0378 | 0459 | 0540 | 062 “02 8 | 780782 | 0863 | 0944 | 1024 | 1105 || 1186 | 1266 1347 | 1428 | 1508 9 1589 | 1669 | 1750 | 1830 | 1911 {| 1991 | 2072 | 2152 | 2238 | 2313 iH 540 | =. 2394 | S474 | 2555 | 2635 | 2715 || 2796 | 2876 | 2956 | 3037 | 3117 ana To eae 3197 | 8278 | 3358 | 3438 | 8518 || 3598 | 3679 | 3759 | 3889 3919 2 3999 | 4079 | 4160 | 4240 | 4320 || 4400 | 4480 | 4560 | 4640 | 4720 80 3 4800 | 4880 | 4960 | 5040 5120 || 5209 | 5279 | 5359 | 5489 | 5519 Til 4 5599. | 5679 | 5759 | 5838 | 5918 | 5998 | 6078 | 6157 | 6237 | 6317 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. r a a a a No. 545 L. 786.] LNo, 584 L. 767. mi Of Fe paps |e] s pe pa) s | ov pig == | 545 | 736397 | 6476 | 6556 | 6635 | 6715 | 6795 | 6874 | 6954 | 7034 | 7113 | | 6) 7193 | 7272 | 7352 | 7431 | 7511 || 7590 | 7670 | 7749 | 7829 | 7908 | 7987 | 8067 | 8146 | 8225 | 8305 || 8384 | 8463 | 8543 | 8622 | S101 | 8 8781 | 8860 | 8939 | 9018 | 9097 || 9177 | 9256 | 9335 | 9414 | 9493 | 9572 | 9651 | 9731 | 9810 | 9889 || 9968 | oe a | | 0047 | 0126 | 0205 | 0284} 79 | 550 740363 | 0442 0521 | 0600 | 0678 || 0757 | 0886 | 0915 | 0994 | 1073 1 | 11527] 1230 | 1309 | 1388 | 1467 || 1546 | 1624 | 1703 | 1782 | 1860 | 2) 1939 | 2096 | 2175 | 2254 || 2332 | 2411 | 2489 | 2568 | 2647 | 3| 2725 | 2804 | 2882 | 2961 | 3039 || 3118 | 3196 | 3275 | 3353 | 3431 iM 4 3510 | 3588 | 3667 | 3745 | 3823 || 3902 | 38980 | 4058 | 4136 | 4215 t 5 | 4293 | 4371 | 4449 | 4528 | 4606 || 4684 | 4762 | 4840 | 4919 | 4997 | 6 | 5075 | 5153 | 5231 | 5809 | 5387 || 5465 | 5543 | 5621 | 5699 | 5777 | 78 | 7 | 5855") 5933 | 6011 | 6089 | 6167 |) 6245 | 6323 | 6401 | 6479 | 6556 . 8 | 6634 | 6712 | 6790 | 6868 | 6945 || 7023 | 7101 | 7179 | 7256 | 7334 9 | 7412 | 7489 | 7567 | 7645 | 7722 || 7800 | 7878 | 7955 | 8038 | 8110 560 | 8188 | 8266 | 8343 | 8421 | 8498 || 8576 | 8653 | 8731 | 8808 | 8885 1} 8963 | 9040 | 9118 | 9195 | 9272 || 9350 | 9427 | 9504 | 9582 | 9659 | 2| 9736 | 9814 | 9891 | 9968 | 2 = (e 6) | ee | 0045 || 0123 | 0200 | 0277 | 0354 | 0431 3 | 750508 | 0586 | 0663 | 0740 | 0817 || 0894 | 0971 | 1048 | 1125 | 1202 | Hi 4} 1279 | 1856 | 1433 | 1510 | 1587 |, 1664 | 1741 | 1818 | 1895 | 1972 | os i 5 2048 | 2125 | 2202 | 2279 | 2356 || 2483 | 2509 | 2586 | 2663 | 2740 ‘ . 6 | 2816 | 2893 | 2970 | 8047 | 3123 |! 8200 | 8277 | 8853 | 3430 | 3506 { 7 | 3583 | 3660 | 3736 | 3813 | 8889 |, 8966 | 4042 | 4119 | 4195 | 4272 ; 8 | 4848 | 4425 | 4501 | 4578 | 4654 || 4730 | 4807 | 4883 | 4960 | 5036 | 9 5112 | 5189 | 5265 | 5841 | 5417 || 5494 | 5570 | 5646 | 5722 | 5799 i 570 | 5875 | 5951 | 6027 | 6103 | 6180 |; 6256 | 6882 | 6408 | 6484 | 6560 i 1 | 6636 | 6712 | 6788 | 6864 | 6940 || 7016 | 7092 | 7168 | 7244 | 7320 16 i 2| 7896 | 7472 | 7548 | 7624 | 7700 || 7775 | 7851 | 7927 | 8003 | 8079 t 3 8155 | 8230 | 8306 | 8382 | 8458 || 8533 | 8609 | 8685 | 8761 | 8836 i 4 8912 | 8988 | 9063 | 9139 | 9214 || 9290 | 9866 | 9441 | 9517 | 9592 i 5 | 9668 | 9743 | 9819 | 9894 | 9970 | | 0045 | 0121 | 0196 | 0272 | 03847 6 | 760422 | 0498 | 0573 | 0649 | 0724 | 0799 0875 | 0950 | 1025 | 1101 , 7 | 4176 | 1251 | 1826 | 1402 | 1477 || 1552 | 1627 | 1702 | 1778 | 1853 | 8 1928 | 2003 | 2078 | 2153 | 2228 |! 2808 | 2878 | 2458 | 2529 | 2604 | a» 9} 2679 | 2754 |.2829 | 2904 | 2978 || 3053 | 3128 | 3203 | 3278 | 3358, 580 | 8428 | 3503 | 8578 | 3653 | 3727 || 3802 | 3877 | 3952 | 4027 | 4101 1| 4176 | 4251 | 4326 | 4400 | 4475 || 4550 | 4624 | 4699 | 4774 | 4848 i 2 | 4923 | 4998 | 5072 | 5147 | 5221 || 5296 | 5870 | 5445 | 5520 | 5594 l 3 | 5669 | 5743 | 5818 | 5892 | 5966 || 6041 | 6115 | 6190 | 6264 | 6838 i 4| 6413 | 6487 | 6562 | 6636 | 6710 || 6785 | 6859 | 6933 | 7007 | 082 H | | | PROPORTIONAL PARTS, pi,| i | 2 3 | 4 5 6 4 8 9 | | | §3 83 16.6 | (24.9 | 33.2 41.5 49.8 58.1 66.4 (4.7 R2 Spor 16.4. |t-24.Gi al sone 41.0 49.2 57.4 65.6 73.8 | 81 Ae oy eS SP B24 40.5 48.6 56.4 64.8 2.9 80 8.0| 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 48.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 Bee Or) 158812) 28; Ar |i" Blues! a9eGen | 47,4 5D. 63.2° | 74:1 7 | 7.8) 1516 23.4 31.2 | 39.0 46.8 54.6 62.4 (0.2 me | 7.7 | 15.4 23.1 30.8 | 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 | 69.3 “6 | 7.6-| 15.2 | 22.8 | 30.4 | 388.0 | 45.6 53.2 | 60.8 | 68.4 fo-75 |. %.5a|. 15.0 22.5. | 30.0 | 37.5 | 45.0 52.5 60.0 v5 | 7% | v4 | 14.8 22.2 | 29.6 37.0 14.4 51.8 | 59.2 | 66.6 or or for) 62 TABLE XXTV. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 8651 | 8720 8996 No. 585 L. 767.] prueioe | 2.) ab e*] sa oe wi wer | | | 85 | 767156 | 7230 | 7304 | 7379 | 7453 || 7527 | 7601 | 7675 | 7749 6 | 7898 | 7972 | 8046 8120 | 8194 8268 8342 | 8416 | 8490 1 8638 | 8712 8786 8860 | 8934 || 9008 | 9082 | 9156 | 9230 8 | 9877 | 9451 | 9525 9599 | 9673 || 9746 | 9820 | 9894 | 9968 9 | 770115 | 0189 0263 | 0336 | 0410 | 0484 0557 | 0631 0705 90 0852 | 0926 | 0999 | 1073 | 1146 1220 1293 | 1367 | 1440 1 1587 | 1661 | 1734 | 1808 | 1881 || 1955 | 2028-) 2102 | 2175 2 2399 | 2395 | 2468 | 2542 | 2615 | 2688 | 2762 | 2835 | 2908 3 8055 | 3128 | 320i | 3274 | 3348 || 3421 | 3494 | 3567 | 3640 4! 8786 | 3860 | 3933 | 4006 | 4079 || 4152 | 4225 | 4298 | 4371 | 5 | 4517 | 4590 | 4663 | 4736 | 4809 | 4882 | 4955 | 5028 | 5100 | 6 | 5246 | 5819 | 5392 | 5465 | 5538 | 5610 | 5683 | 5756 | 5829 | 7| 5974 | 6047 | 6120 | 6193 | 6265 | 6388 | 6411 | 6483 | 6556 | 8 | 6701 | 6774 | 6846 | 6919 | 6992 || 7064 | 7187 | 7209 | 7282 9| 7427 | 7499 | 7572 | 7644 | 7717 | 7789 | 7862 | 7934 | 8006 00 | 8151 | 8224 | 8296 | 83868 | 8441 | 8513 | 8585 | 8658 | 8730 1| 8874 | 8947 | 9019 | 9091 | 9163 | 9286 | 9308 | 9380 | 9452 | 2! 9596 | 9669 | 9741 | 9813 | 9885 |) 9957 |- : . | 0029 | 0101 | 0173 | 3 | 780317 | 0389 | 0461 | 0533 | 0605 || 0677 | 0749 | 0821 | 0893 4 1037 | 1109 | 1181 | 1253 | 1324 || 1396 | 1468 | 1540 | 1612 5 | 1755 | 1827 | 1899 | 1971 | 2042 || 2114 | 2186 | 2258 | 2329 6 | 2473 | 2544 | 2616 | 2688 | 2759 || 2831 | 2902 | 2974 | 3046 7 | 8189 | 8260 | 3332 | 3403 | 3475 || 3546 | 3618 | 3689 | 3761 8 | 3904 | 8975 | 4046 | 4118 | 4189 |! 4261 | 4332 | 4408 | 4475 9 {| 4617 | 4689 | 760 | 4831 | 4902 | 4974 | 5045 5116 | 5187 10 | 5380 | 5401 | 5472 | 5543 | 5615 || 5686 | 5757 | 5828 | 5899 | 1 6041 | 6112 | 6183 | 6254 | 6325 || 6396 | 6467 | 6538 | 6609 | 2| 6751 | 6822 | 6893 | 6964 | 7035 || 7106 | 7177 | 7248 | 7319 | 8 | 7460 | 7531 | 7602 | 7673 | 7744 |) 7815 | 7885 | 7956 | 8027 | 4| 8168 | 8239 | 8810 | 8881 | 8451 || 8522 | 8598 | 8663 | 8734 | 5 8875-| 8946) 9016 | 9087 | 9157 || 9228 | 9299 | 9369 | 9440 6 | 9581 | 9651 | 9722 | 9792 | 9863 || 9933. | | | | | | | | 0004 | 0074 | 0144 7 | 790285 | 0356 | 0426 | 0496 | 0567 || 0637.) 0707 | 0778 | 0848 | 8 | 0988 | 1059 | 1129 | 1199 | 1269 || 1840 | 1410 | 1480 | 1550 9 1691 | 1761 | 1831 | 1901 | 1971 || 2041 | 2111 | 2181 | 2252 | 20 | 2392 | 2462 | 2582 | 2602 | 2672 | 2742 | 2812 | 2882 | 2952 | 1| 3092 | 3162 | 3231 | 3801 | 3371 || 8441 | 3511 | 3581 | 3651 | 2] 3790 | 3860 | 3930 | 4000 | 4070 || 4189 | 4209 | 4279 | 4349 3] 4488°| 4558 | 4627 | 4697 | 4767 || 4886 4906 | 4976 | 5045 | 4| 5185 | 5254 | 5824 | 5893 | 5463 || 5532 | 5602 | 5672 | 5741 | 5 | 5880 | 5949 | 6019 | 6088 | 6158 || 6227 | 6297 | 6366 | 6436 | 6 | 6574 | 6644 | 6713 | 6782 | 6852 || 6921 | 6990 | 7060 | 7129 | 7 | 7268 | 7337 | 7406 | 7475 | 7545 || 7614 | 7683 | 7752 | 7821 8 | 7960 | 8029 | 8098 | 8167 | 8236 | 8305 | 8374 | 8443 | 8513 | 9 | | 8858 | 8927 | 9065 | 9134 9203 | 9 7823 8564 9303 0042 0778 1514 2248 2981 | 8713 4444 5173 5902 6629 7354 8079 8802 9524 9245 0965 1684 2401 3117 3832 4546 5259 5970 6680 7390 8098 8804 9510 0215 0918 | 1620 2322 3022 721 4418 5115 5811 6505 7198 7890 8582 9272 | | | | 73 oI 70 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | DOMwOm ET | ROWROWEX ee BR OTOTort or DODO WOH OL [No. 629 L. 799. | TABE EK | No. 630 L. 799.] XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 674 L. 829. [N-| 0 | a" as 5 fae fa | ep. sal pim 630 | 799341 | 9409 | 9478 | 9547 | 9616 || 9685 | 9754 | 9823 | 9892 | 9961 | 1 | 800029 | 0098 | 0167 | 0236 | 0305 || 0373 | 0442 | 0511 | 0580 | 0648 | 2 0717 | 0786 | 0854 | 0923 | 0992 |) 1061 | 1129 | 1198 | 1266 | 1335 | 3 | 1404 | 1472 | 1541 | 1609 | 1678 ||'1747 | 1815 | 1884 | 1952 | 2021 | ee fate | Y 1 Ole OC | JON | 2021 | | 2089 pe | att | oe nite | 2432 | 2500 2568 | 2637 | 2705 G | Bis7 | 35e5 | asgd | S002 | 3730 |) avas.| ssor | 3085 | 4008 | sock | ; | 4139 | 4208 | 1976 | 4344 41412 || ri rit 3935 | 4003 | 4071 | | Oc Ad wid | € rs) } ¢ C | 5 8 ) > | 4685 | V5E i § | 4821 | 4880 | 4057 | 5025 | 5093 |) 5161 | 229 | 5207 | 5365 | 54133 | 68 9 | 5501 | 5569 | 5637 | 5705 | 5773 || 5841 | 5908 | 5976 | 6044 | 6112 | 640 | 806180 | 6248 | 6316 | 6384 | 6451 || 6519-| 6587 | 6655 | 6723 | 6790 | OP] 1 Gia | 6025 OUD: | TORE, | TAG: || AE) rank | RL | TAO | 7a | 3 | Gort | S270 | B10 | Sd | SiBt || S540 | 8616 | Sost | Brot | sHi8 | Ke Owtle oO xe | : Ax 2 4 | 8886 | 8953 | 9021 | 9088 | 9156 || 9223 | 9290 0358 495 592 5 | 9560 | 9627 | 9694 | 9762 | 9829 || 9896 | 9964 eal -——| - -——— | —| 0031 | 0098 | 0165 6 | 810233 | 0300 0367 | 0434 | 0501 || 0569 | 0636 | 0703 | 0770 | 0837 7 | 0904 | 0971 | 1039 | 1106 | 1173 || 1240 | 1307 | 1374 | 1441 | 1508 | @7 8 | 1575 | 1642 | 1709 | 1776 | 1843 |) 1910 1977 | 2044 | 2111 | 2178 9} 2245 | 2312 | 279 | 245 | 212 |) V9 | 2646 | 2713 | 2780 | 247 | | 650 | 2918 | 2980 | 3047 | 3114 | 3181 || go47 | 3314 | 3881 | 3448 | 2514 | a) eee) aoe | aber | daar | dei || aoe | aoee | aria | 4700 | 4817. | 2 248 | 4314 | 4381 7 | 4514 || 4581 | 4647 | 4714 | 4780 | 4847 | 3 4913 | 4980 | 5046 | 5113 | 5179 || 5246 | 5312 | 5378 | 5445 | 5511 | $ Poe pi ae aR oa || 5910 596 6042 | 6109 | 6175 | 32 DBU0 é | : ID | 657% 3638 705 | 6771-1 68 6 |. 6904 | 6970 | 7036 | 7102 | 7169 || ot 7301 fae? | 7433 | 7409 | Bye nae 0070: | FONG: 1s 10a | CGR Pee ra ORE alls | : | = ee ree ie — : 2: ee ae | 8094 | 8160 8 | 8226 | 8292 | 8358.| 8424 | 8490 || 8556 | 8622 | 8688 | 8754 | 8820 | | 9 | 8885 | 8951 | 9017 | 9083 | 9149 || 9215 | 9281 | 9346 o4t2 | 9478. |. % | | 660 | 9544 | 9610 | 9676 | 9741 | 9807 || 9873 | 9939 gar ti ¥ | _ —|———| 0004 | 0070 | 0136 | 1 | 820201 | 0267 0383 | 0399 | 0464 || 0530 | 0595 | 0661 | 0727 | o702 2| 0858 | 0924 | 0989 | 1055 | 1120 || 1186 | 125 317 | 138% 18 a] asd | 1570| 1048 vn0-| 1775 || 1841. | 1906 jo73-| 2087 | 2108 4 | 2168 | 2233 | 2299 | 2364 | 2430 || 2495 one La DO ehee | £ | SES5 | Sat | dose | Sore | B00 || 3148 | aera | der9 | 33d | S400 6 3474 | 3539 ae be Z JK BU69 3 Lat ¢ 213 8279 3344 | 3409 | 6 3474 | 3538 3605 3670 | 3735 || 3800 | 3865 | 3930 | 3996 | 4061 I | Z| 4126 | 4191 | 4256 | 4821 | 4386 |) 4451 | 4516 | 4581 4646 | 4711 | | 8 | 4776 | 4841 | 4906 | 4971 | 5036 |) 5101 | 5166 | 5231 5296 | 5361 | © 9 | 5426 5491 | 5556 | 5621 | 5686 |) 5751 | 5815 | 5880 | 5945 | 6010 | 670 | 6075 | 6140 | 6204 | 6269 | 6334 || 6399 | 6464 | 6528 | 6593 | 6658 1| 6723 | 6787 | 6852 | 6917 | G9BL |) 7046 | 7111 | 7175 | 7240 | 7305 2| 7369 | 7434 | 7499 | 7563 | 7628 || 7692 | 7757 | 7821 | 7886 | 7951 3B} S015 | 8080 | 8144 | 8209 | 8273 | 8338 | 8402 | 8467 | 8581-) 8595 4 | 8660 | 8724 | 8789 | 8853 | 8918 |) 8982 | 9046 | 9111 | 9175 | 9239 | PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | Diff. | 1 2 a am ee 5 6 q 8 9 se = 5 ; saya as | 68 | 6.8} 18.6 | 20.4 | 27.2 34.0 | 40.1 47.6 | 54.4 | 61.2 / 6% O.4 13.4 20.1 | 26.8 33.5 40.2 46.9 58.6 60.3 | | 66 | 6.6 13.2 | 19.8 | 26.4 | 33.0 30.6 | 46.2 | 52.8 | 59.4 | 6.5 3. 9.5} 26.0 32.5 389.0 Vo 52 58.5 | 64 | 64] 12.8 | 19.2 | 25.6 32.0 | 38.4 4.8) 51.2 | 57.6 | © cr fom) TABLE XXIV.—-LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 675 L. 829.] [No. 719 L. 857. pe woe Pop ita fee al ot ere ig AP ome . | bree | H | | | | | 675 | 829304 | 9368 | 9432 | 9497 | 9561 || 9625 | 9690 | 9754 | 9818 | 9882 6 9947 | = | Wecricdineel am icad Stee Saree ————| 0011 | 0075 | 0189 | 0204 |} 0268 | 0382 | 0896 | 0460 | 0525 | @ | 8380589 | 0653 | 0717 | 0781 | 0845 |) 0909 | 0973 | 1087 | 1102 | 1166 | 8 1230 | 1294 | 1358 | 1422 | 1486 || 1550 | 1614 | 1678 | 1742 | 1806 | 64 9 1870 | 1984.) 1998 | 2062 | 2126 || 2189 | 2253 | 2817 | 2381 | 2445 | 380 2509 | 2573") 2637 | 2700 | 2764 || 2828 | 2892 | 2956 |. 3020 | 3083 | 1 8147 | 3211 | 3275 | 3338 | 3402 || 3466 | 3530 | 3593 | 3657 | 3721 | 2 8/84 | 3848 | 3912 | 3975 | 4039 |; 4103 | 41€6 | 4230 | 4294 | 4357 | 2 4421 | 4484 | 4548 | 4611 | 4675 |) 4739 | 4802 | 4866 | 4929 | 4993 | 4 5056 | 5120 | 5183 | 5247 | 5310 |) 5873 | 5487 | 5500 | 5564 | 5627 | 5 5691 | 5754 | 5817 | 5881 | 5944 || 6007 | 6071 | 6134 | 6197 | 6261 | 6 6324 | 6887 | 6451 | 6514 | 6577 || 6641 | 6704 | 6767 | 6830 | 6894 | ie 6957 | 7020 | 7083 | 7146 | 7210 |) 7273 | 7336 | 7399 | 7462 | 7525 | 8 88 | 7652 | 7715 | 7778 | 7841 || 7904 | 7967 | 8030 | 8093 | 8156 | 9] 8219 | 8282 | 83845 | 8408 | 8471 || 8534 | 8597 | 8660 | 8723 | 8786 | 68 690 8849 | 8912 | 8975 | 9038 | 9101 || 9164 | 9227 | 9289 | 9352 | 9415 1 | 9478 | 9541 | 9604 | 9667 | 9729 || 9792 | 9855 | 9918 ) 9981 beer | | | | . | 0043 2 | 840106 | 0169 | 0232 | 0294 | 0357 || 0420 | 0482 | 0545 | O608 | 0671 | 3 0733 | 0796 | 0859 | 0921 | 0984 || 1046 | 1109 | 1172 | 1284 | 1297 4} 1359 | 1422 | 1485 | 1547 | 1610 || 1672 | 1735 | 1797 | 1860 | 1922 5 | 1985 | 2047 | 2110 | 2172 | 2235 || 2297 | 2360 | 2422 | 2484 | 2547 6 | 2609 | 2672 | 2734 | 2796 | 2859 || 2921 | 2983 | 3046 | 3108 | 3170 7 | 82383 | 8295 | 3357 | 3420 | 3482 || 3544 | 3606 | 3669 | 3731 | 3793 8 | 8855 | 3918 | 3980 | 4042 | 4104 |) 4166 | 4229 | 4291 | 4353 | 4415 9 | 77 | 4539 | 4601 | 4664 | 4726 || 4788 | 4850 | 4912 | 4974 | 5036 700 | 5098 | 5160 | 5222 | 5284 | 5346 || 5408 | 5470. | 5532 | 5594 | 5656 62 1 5718 | 5780 | 5842 | 5904 | 5966 || 6028 | 6090 | 6151 | 6213 | 6275 2 | 6837 | 6399 | 6461 | 6523 | 6585 | 6646 | 6708 | 6770 | 6832 | 6894 3 | - 6955 | 7017 | 7079 | 7141 | 7202 || 7264 | 7326 | 7388 | 7449 | 7511 4 1573 | 7634 | 7696 | 7758 | 7819 | 7881 | 7943 | 8004 | 8066 | 8128 5 | 8189 | 8251 | 8312 | 8374 | 8435 | 8497 | 8559 | 8620 | 8682 | 8743 6 | 8805 | 8866 | 8928 | 8989 | 9051 || 9112 | 9174 | 9285-| 9297.) 9858 7 | 9419 | 9481 | 9542 | 9604 | 9665 | 9726 | 9788 | 9849 | 9911 | 9972 8 | 850033 | 0095 | 0456 | 0217 | 0279 || 0340 | 0401 | 0462 | 0524 | 0585 9 | 0646 | 0707 | 0769 | 0880 | 0891 | 0952 | 1014 | 1075 | 1136 | 1197 710 | 1258 | 1820 | 1881 | 1442 | 1503 || 1564 | 1625 | 1686 | 1747 | 1809 1 | 1870 | 1931 | 1992 | 2053 | 2114 || 2175 | 2286 | 2297 | 2358 | 2419 2 | 2480 | 2541 | 2602 | 2663 | 2724 || 2785 | 2846 | 2907 | 2968 | 3029 61 3; 8090 | 3150 | 8211 | 3272 | 3333 || 3394 | 3455 | 3516 | 3577 | 3637 4 3698 | 3759 | 3820 | 3881 | 3941 || 4002 | 4063 | 4124 | 4185 | 4245 5 | 4306 | 4367 | 4428 4488 | 4549 | 4610 | 4670 | 4731 | 4792 | 4852 6 | 4913 | 4974 | 5034 | 5095 | 5156 || 5216 | 5977 | 5337 | 5398 | 5459 | 7 5519 | 5580 | 5640 | 5701 | 5761 | 5822 | 5882 | 5943 | 6003 | 6064 8 6124 | 6185 | 6245 | 6806 | 6366 | 6427 | 6487 | 6548 | 6608 | 6668 9 | 6729 | 6789 | 6850 | 6910 | 6970 || 7031 | 7091 | 7152 | 7212 | 7272 | | | | PROPORTIONAL PARTS. - Nl j Diff. | 1 2 3 4 | 5) 6 q 8 9 65 | 6.5 | 13.0 19.5 | 26.0 | 32.5 39.0 45.5 52.0 58.5 64. | 6.4] 12.8 19.2 25.6 | 32.0 38.4 44.8 51.2 57.6 | 63 6.3 | 12.6 | 18.9 25.2 | 81.5 | 387.8 44.1 50.4 56.7 62 6.2 | 12.4 18.6 24.8 | 31.0 | 37.2 | 43.4 49.6 55.8 61 | 6.1] 12.2 18.3 24.4 | 30.5 36.6 2.7 48.8 54.9 60 6.0} 12.0 | 18.0 | 24.0 | 30.0 36.0 | 42.0 48.0 | 54.0 a a ee ee ee ee | | Tee ———<—— L 2 |2| TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 764 L. 883. No, 720 L. 857.] 6 9 | Diff. 8297 9499 7694 8417 | 8477 9018 | 9078 9619 | $679 60 8898 5 | (875 0098 0697 1295 1893 2489 3085 3680 4274 4867 5459 6051 6642 7282 7821 8409 8997 9584 0170 15D 1339 1923 2506 3088 3669 4250 4830 5409 5987 6564 7141 0218 | 0278 0817 | 0877 1415 | 4475 2012 | 2072 2608 | 2668 3204 | 3263 99 | 3858 4392 | 4452 4985 | 5045 5578. | 5687 6169 | 6228 6760 | 6819 350 | 7409 | 99 939 | 7998 8527 | 8586 | 9114 | 9113 01 ; 9760 287 | 0345 72 | 09380 1456 | 1515 2040 | 2008 2622 | 2681 8204 | 38262 85 | 3844 | 5524 | 5582 6102 | 6160 6680 | 6737 D6 | 7314 832 | 7889 8407 | 8464 8981 | 9039 9555 | 9612 0127 | 0185° 4366 | 4424 58 4945 | 5003 0699 | 0756 1271 | 1328 1841 | 1898 2 2411 | 2468 | 5% 2980 | 3037 3548 | 3605 0 1 | 2 857332 | 7393 | 7453 7935 | 7995 | 8056 8537 | 8597 | 8557 9138 | 9198 | 9258 9739 | 9799 | 9859 | 5 | 860338 | 0398 | 0458 6 0937 | 0996 | 1056 i 1534 | 1594 | 1654 8 2131 | 2191 | 2251 9 |. 2728 | 2787 | 2847 730 | 3323 | 8382 | 3442 1} 8917 | 38977 | 4036 21 4511 | 4570 | 4630 3 5104 | 5163 | 5222 4| 5696 | 5755 | 5814 5 6287 | 6346 | 6405 6 | 6878 | 69387 | 6996 %| 7467 | 7526 | 7585 8 | 8056 | 8115 | 8174 9 | 8644 | 8703 | 8762 740 | 9232 | 9290 | 9349 1| 9818 | 9877 | 9935 2 | 870404 | 0462 | 0521 3 0989 | 1047 | 1106 4 1573 | 1631. | 1690 5 2156 | 2215. | 2273 6 9739 | 2797 | 2855 va 3321 | 3379 | 3437 8 3902 | 3960 | 4018 9 | 4482 4540 | 4598 750 5061 | 5119 | 5177 1 | 5640 | 5698 | 5756 Q 6218 | 6276 | 6333 3 6795 | 6853 | 6910 4 7371 | 7429 | 7487 5 7947 | 8004 | 8062 6 8522 | 857 8637 7% | 9096 | 9153 | 9211 8 | 9669 | 9726 | 9784 9 | 880242 | 0299 | 0356 760 0814 | 0871 | 0928 1 | 1385 | 1442 | 1499 2 1955 | 2012 | 2069 B} 9525 | 2581 | 2638 4 3093 | 3150 | 3207 1 2 GO G0 6 Sao | 0 W%* 8 9 47.2 53.1 46.4 52.2 45 .6 51.3 44.8 50.4 $$$ TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 765 L. 883.] [No. 809 L. 908. N.| 0 i;/2)}% /4 6 | ® | & | 8) 9) | pif. 765 | 883661 | 3718 | 3775 | 3832 | 3888 | 38945 | 4002 | 4059 | 4115 | 4172 | | 6 422 4285 | 4842 | 4899 | 4455 4512 | 4569 | 4625 | 4682 | 4739 | | ton 4°95 | 4852 | 4909 | 4965 | 5022 || 5078 | 5135 | 5192 | 5248 | 5305 8 5861 | 5418 | 5474 | 5531 || 5587 5644 | 5700 | 5757 | 5813 | 5870 9 5926 | 5983 | 6039 | 6096 | 6152 || 6209 | 6265-| 6321 | 6878 | 6434 | 770 6491 | 6547 | 6604 | 6660 | 6716 || 6773 | 6829 | 6885 | 6942 | 6998 hea} 7054 | 7111 | 7167 | 7223 | 7280 73386 | 73892 | 7449 | 7505 | 7561 2 7617 | 7674 | 7730 | 7786 | 7842 7898 | 7955 | 8011 | 8067 | 8123 3 8179 | 8236 | 8292 | 8348 | 8404 8460 | 8516 | 857% 8629 | 8685 4 8741 | 8797 | 8853 | 8909 | 8965 9021 | 9077 |. 9184 | 9190 | 9246 5 9302 | 9358 | 9414 | 9470 | 9526 || 9582 | 9688 | 9694 | 9750 | 9806 56 6 9862 | 9918 | 9974 . —— — 0030 | 0086 0141 | 0197 | 0253 | 0309 | 0365 7 | 890421 | 0477 | 05383 | 0589 | 0645 0700 | 0756 | 0812 | 0868 | 0924 ih 8 0980 | 1035 | 1091 | 1147 | 1203 1259 | 1314 |-13870 | 1426 | 1482 9 1537 | 1593 | 1649 | 1705 | 1760 1816 | 1872 | 1928 | 1983 | 2039 fa 780 2095 | 2150 | 2206 | 2262 | 2317 23873 | 2429 | 2484 | 2540 | 2595 i i 2651 | 2707 | 2762 | 2818 | 2873 || 2929 | 2985 | 8040 | 8096 | 3151 nt | 2 8207 | 3262 | 3318 | 3373 | 3429 || 3484 | 3540 | 3595 | 3651 706 (rea 3 3762 | 3817 | 38873 | 38928 |. 3984 || 4089 | 4094 | 4150 205 | 4261 Hy ie || 4 4316 | 4871 | 4427 | 4482 | 4538 4593 | 4648 | 4704 | 4759 | 4814 Cal 5 4870 | 4925 | 4980 | 5036 | 5091 5146 | 5201 | 5257 | 53812 | 5367 u 6 5423 | 5478 | 5533 | 5588 | 5644 5699 | 5754 | 5809 | 5864 | 5920 { | ff 5975 | 6030 | 6085 | 6140 | 6195 6251 | 6806 | 63861 | 6416 | 6471 i 8 6526 | 6581 | 6686 | 6692 | 6747 6802 | 6857 | 6912 | 6967 | 7022 i| 9 7077 | 7182 | 7187 | 7242 | 7297 || 73852 | 7407 | 7462 | 7517 | 7572 55 Hat 790 7627 | 7682 | 7737 | 7792 | 7847 7902 | 7957 | 8012 | 8067 | 8122 ips | 1 8176 | 8231 | 8286 | 8341 | 8396 8451 | 8506 | 8561 | 8615 | 8670 Hh 2 3725 | 8780 | 8835 | 8890 | 8944 8999 | 9054 | 9109 | 9164 | 9218 et | 3 9273 | 9828 | 9383 | 9487 |. 9492 9547 | 9602 | 9656, | 9711 | 9766 Rint | 4 9821 | 9875 | 99380 | 9985 —_—— | —_ =e _——|——_—— at — 00389 0094 | 0149 | 0208 | 0258 | 0312 | 5 | 900867 | 0422 | 0476 | 0531 | 0586 || 0640 | 0695 749 | 0804 | 0859 i i \\ 6 0913 | 0968 | 1022 | 1077 | 1181 1186 | 1240 | 1295 | 1349 | 1404 i i t 1458 | 1518 | 1567 | 1622 | 1676 1731 | 1785 | 1840 | 1894 | 1948 8 2003 | 2057 | 2112 | 2166 | 2221 2275 | 2829 | 2384 | 2488 | 2492 H, | 9 2547 | 2601 | 2655 | 2710 | 2764 2818 | 2873 | 2927 | 2981 | 30386, id i 800 8090 | 3144 | 3199 | 8258 | 3307 38361 | 3416 | 3470 | 8524 | 3578 tt Ia | 3633 | 3687 | 38741 | 3795 | 3849 8904 | 3958 | 4012 | 4066 | 4120 if i 2 4174 | 4229 | 4283 | 4337 | 4891 4445 | 4499 | 4558 | 4607 | 4661 | 3 4716 | 477 4824 | 487 4932 4986 | 5040 | 5094 | 5148 | 5202 54 al 4 5256 | 5810 | 5864 | 5418 | 5472 5526 | 5580 | 5634 | 5688 | 5742 Ut a 5 796 | 5850 | 5904 | 5958 | 6012 6066 | 6119 | 617% 6227 | 6281 ana | 6 63835 | 6389 | 6443 | 6497 | 6551 6604 | 6658 | 6712 | 6766 | 6820 | 74 6874 | 6927 | 6981 | 7035 | 7089 || 7143 | 7196 | 7250 | 73804 | 7358 Ai 8 7411 | 7465 | 7519 | 7578 | 7626 ||: 7680 | 7734 | 7787 | 7841 | 7895 9 7949 | 8002 | 8056 | 8110 | 8163 || 8217 | 8270 | 8324 | 837, 8431 i | i PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | | | Diff 1 2 3 4 5 6 ve 8 9 | 2 BN fe Sat — ies kittie ah Sa, Shee aan I} BY 5.7 11.4 Ved 22.8 28.5 34.2 39.9 45.6 51.3 | 56 os0 ee 16.8 22.4 28.0 33.6 39.2 44.8 50.4 | 5.5 . 16.5 22.0 27.5 44.0 49.5 5.4 16.2 21.6 7.0 43 .2 48.6 TABLE XXTV.—lIOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 854 L. 981. | No. 810 L. 908.] N.| 0 1 2 3 4 | Bil 8 q 8 810 | 908485 | 8539 | 8592 | 8646 | 8699 || 8753 | 8807 | 8860 | 8O14 ai 9021 | 9074 | 9128 | 9181 | 92385 {| 9289 | 9342 | 9396 | 9449 2} 9556 | 9610 | 9663 | 9716 | 9770 || 9823 | 9877 | 9930 | 9984 3 | 910091: | 0144 | 0197 | 0251 | 0304 |) 0358 | 0411 | 0464 | 0518 4 | 0624 | 0678 | 0731 | 0784 | 0838 || 0891 | 0944 | 0998 | 1051 5 | 1158] 1211 | 1264 | 1317 | 1371 || 1424 | 1477 | 1530 | 1584 6 | 1690 | 1743 | 1797 | 1850 | 1903 || 1956 | 2009 | 2063 | 2116 7 | 2aR2 | 2275 | 2328 | 2381 | 2435 || 2488 | 2541 | 2594 | 2647 8 | 2753 | 2806 | 2859 | 2913 | 2966 || 3U19 | 8072 | 8125 | 3178 9 | 3284 | 3337 | 3390 | 3443 | 8496 || 3549 | 8602 | 3655 | 3708 g20 | 3814 | 3867 | 3920 | 3973 | 4026 || 4079 | 4132 | 4184 | 4287 1| 4343 | 4396 | 4449 | 4502 | 4555 |! 4608 | 4660 | 4713 | 4766 2| 4872 | 4925 | 4977 | 5030 | 5083 || 5136 | 5189 | 5241 | 5294 3.| 5400 | 5458 | 5505 | 5558 | 5611 || 5664 | 5710 | 5769 | 5822 4| 5927 | 5980 |.6033 | 6085 | 6138 || 6191 | 6243 | 6296 | 6349 5 | 6454 | 6507 | 6559 | 6612 | 6664 || 6717 | 6770 | C822 | 6875 6 | 6980 | 7033 | 7085 | 7138 | 7190 || 7243 | 7295 | 7348 | 7400 7 | 7506 | 7558 | 7611-| 7663 | 7716 || 7768 | 7820 | 7873 | 7925 8 | 8030 | 8083 | 8135 | 8188 | 8240 || 8293 | 8345 | 8897 | 8450 9 | 8555 | 8607 | 8659 | 8712 | 8764 || 8816 | 8869 | S921 | 8973 830 | 9078 | 9130 | 9188 | 9235 | 9287 || 9340 | 9392 | 9444 | 9496 1| 9601 | 9653 | 9706 | 9758 | 9810 || 9862 | 9914 | 9967 os ACRE | pert elgg Pe cag ph) Sa 0015 2 | 920123 | 0176 | 0228 | 0280 | 0382 || 0384 | 0436 | 0489 | 0541 3| 0645 | 0697 | 0749 | 0801 | 0853 || 0906 | 0958 | 1010 | 1062 4| 1166 | 1218 | 1270 | 1322 | 1374 || 1426 | 1478 | 1580 | 1582 | 5 | 1686 | 1738 | 1790 | 1842 | 1894 |} 1946 | 1998 | 2050 | 2102 | 6 | 2206 | 2258 | 2310 | 2362 | 2414 || 2466 | 2518 | 2570 | 2622 | v | 9795 | 9777 | 2829 | 2881 | 2933 || 2985 | 3087 | 3089 | 3140 g | 3244 | 3296 | 3348 | 3399 | 3451 || 3503 | 3555 | 3607 | 3658 9 | 38762 | 8814 | 8865 | 8917 | 3969 || 4021 | 4072 | 4124 | 4176 840 | 4279 | 4331 | 4383 | 4434 | 44s6 || 4538 | 4589 | 4641 | 4693 1| 4796 | 4848 | 4899 | 4951 | 5008 || 5054 | 5106 | 5157 | 5209 21 5312 | 5364 | 5415 | 5467 | 5518 || 5570 | 5621 | 5673 | 5725 3 | 5828 | 5879 | 5931 | 5982 | 6034 || 6085 | 6137 | 6188 | 6240 4 | 6342 | 6394 | 6445 | 6497 | 6548 || 6600 | 6651 | 6702 | 6754 5 | 6857 | 6908 | 6959 | 7o11 | 7062 || 7114 | 7165 | 7216 | 7268 6 | 7370 | 7422 | 7473 | 7524 | w576 |) 7627 | Te78 | 7730 | 7781 7 | 7g93 | 7935 | 7986 | 8037 | 8088 || 8140 | 8191 | 8242 | 8293 8 | 8396 | 8447 | 8498 | 8549 | 8601 || 8652 | 8703 | 8754 8805 9 | 8908 | 8959 | 9010 | 9061 | 9112 || 9163 | 9215 | 9266 | 9317 850 | 9419 | 9470 | 9521 | 9572 | 9623 || 9674 | 9725 | 9776 | 982% 1 | 9930 | 9981 18 = Et | ie —__|____| 9032 | 0083 | 0134 || 0185 | 0236 | 0287 | 0338 2 | 930440 | 0491 | 0542 | 0592 | 0643 || 0694 | 0745 | 0796 | 0847 31 0949 | 1000 | 1051 | 1102 | 1153 || 1204 | 1254 | 1805 | 1356 4| 1458 | 1509 | 1560 | 1610 | 1661 || 1712 | 1763 | 1814 | 1865 Diff. 53 TABLE XXIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. | No. 855 L. 931.] [No, 899 L. 954, | N. | 0 2 5 6 7 8 Diff. 855 | 931966 | 2017 | 2068 1 2220 | 2822 | 2372 | 6 | 2474 | 2524 | 2575 | 2727 2829 | 2879 7 | 2981 | 3031 | 3082 | 32 3335 | 3386 | 3437 8 | 3487 | 3538 | 3589 | 3740 | 3841 | 3892 9 3993 | 4044 | 4094 (4246 | 4347 | 4397 | 860 | 4498 | 4549 | 4599 | 4051 | 4852 | 4902 1 | 5003 | 5054 | 5104 || 5255 5356 | 5406 | 2| 5507 | 5558 | 5608 || 5759 5860 | 5910 3| 6011 | 6061 | 6111 6262 3363 | 6413 4| 6514 | 6564 | 6614 6765 6865 | 6916 5 | 7016 | 7066 | 7116 7267 | 7367 | 7418 | 6 7518 | 7568 | 7618 7769 | 7869 | 7919 BO 7 | 8019 | 8069 | 8119 | 8269 83870 | 8420 8} 8520 | 8570 | 8620 877 | 8870 | 8920 9} 9020 | 9070 | 9120 927 9869 | 9419 870 | 9519 | 9569 | 9619 9769 | 9869 | 9918 1 | 940018 | 0068 | 0118 | 0267 0367 | 0417 2| 0516 | 0566-| 0616 | 0765 | 0865 | 0915 3 1014 | 1064 | 1114 1263 | 1362 | 1412 4| 1511 | 1561 | 1611 1760 | 1859 | 1909 5 | 2008 | 2058 | 2107 | 2256 | 2355 | 2405 6 | 2504 | 2554 | 2603 || 2752 2851 | 2901 | 7 | 3000 | 3049 | 3099 3247 | 3346 | 3396 8 | 3495 | 3544 | 3593 3742 3841 | 3890 9 | 3989 | 4038 | 4088 | 4236 4335 | 4384 880 | 4483 | 4582 | 4581 | 4729 | 4828 | 4877 1| 4976 | 5025 | 5074 || 5222 5821 | 5370 2| 5469 |.5518 | 5567 | 5715 5813 | 5862 3| 5961 | 6010 | 6059 6207 | 68305 | 6354 4| 6452 | 6501 | 6551 6698 | 6796 | 6845 5 | 6943 | 6992 | 7041 7189 | 7287 | 7336 49 6| 7434 | 7483 | 7582 | 7679 | 7777 | 7826 7| 7924 | 7973 | 8022 8168 | | 8266 | 8315 8} 8413 | 8462 | 8511 8657 | | 8755 | 8804 9} 8902 | 8951 | 8999 9146 | 9244 | 9292 ; 890 | 9390 | 9439 | 9488 | 9634 | 9731 | 9780 1]. 9878 | 9926 | 9975 | [aes | / | || 0121 | 0219 | 0267 2 | 950365 | 0414 | 0462 0608 0706 | 0754 3} 0851 | 0900 | 0949 1095 | 1192 | 1240 4} 1888 | 1386 | 1435 | 1580 1677 | 1726 5 | 1823 | 1872 | 1920 | 2066 | 2163 | 2211 G6 | .2308 | 2356 | 2405 2550 2647 | 2696 7 | 2792 | 2841 | 2889 | 3034 | 3131 | 3180 8 | 8276 | 3325 | 3373 3518 | 3615 | 3663 9 | 3760 | 3808 | 3856 4001 | 4098 | 4146 TABLE XXTIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. i] |No 900 1. 954.1] [No. 944 L. 975. | | IN. | 0 Pi Pie | ai ae | ep 3 8 | 9 Diff. | | | | | | 900 | 954243 | 4291 | 4339 | 4387 | 4435 || 4484 | 4582 | 4580 | 4628 | 4677 rod 4725 | 4773 | 4821 | 4869 | 4918 || 4966 | 5014 | 5062 | 5110 | 5158 We 2 5207 | 5255-| 5303 | 5351 | 5399 || 5447 | 5495 | 5543, 5592 | 5640 | 31 5688 | 5736 | 5784 | 5882 | 5880 || 5928) 5976 | 6024 | 6072 , 6120 | 4 | 6168 | 6216 | 6265 | 6313 | 6361 || 6409 | 6457 | 6505 | 6553 | 6601 48 | 5 | 6649 | 6697 | 6745 | 6793 | 6840 :| 6888 | 6936 | 6984 | 7032 | 7080 | 6! 7128 | 7176 | 7224 | 7272 | 7820 || 7368 | 7416 | 7464 | 7512 | 7559 rf 7607 | 7655 | 7703 | 7751 | 7799 | 7847 7894 | 7942 | 7990 | 8038 8! goxG | 8134 | 8181 | 8229 | 827% || 8825 | 83873 | 8421 | 8468 | 8516 9 | 8564 | 8612 | 8659 | 8707 | 8755 || 8803 | 8850 | 8898 | 8946 | 8994 910 | 9041 | 9089 | 9137 | 9185 | 9232 | 9280 | 9828 | 9375 | 9423 | 9471 | 1] 9518 | 9566 | 9614 | 9661 | 9709 || 9757 | 9804 | 9852 | 9900 | 9947 | 2} 9995 | = | — = | | 0042 | 0090 | 0188 | 0185 || 0283 | 0280 | 0328 | 0876 | 0423 3 | 960471 | 0518 | 0566 | 0613 | 0661 || 0709 | 0756 | 0804 | 0851 | 0899 4 | 0946 | 0994 | 1041 | 1089 | 1136 || 1184 | 1231 | 1279 1826 | 1374 5 | 1421 | 1469 | 1516 | 1563 | 1611 || 1658 | 1706 | 1753 | 1801 | 1848 | 61 1895 | 1943 | 1990 | 2088 | 2085 || 2182 | 2180 | 2227 | 2275 | 23822 7 | 2369 | 2417 | 2464 | 2511 | 2559 || 2606 | 2653 | 2701 | 2748 | 2795 8 | 9948 | 9890 | 2937 | 2985 | 3082 || 3079 | 3126 | 3174 | 3221 | 8268 | 9 | 3316 | 3863 | 3410 | 3457 | 3504 |) 3552 | 3599 | 3646 | 3693 | 3741 920 3788 | 3835 | 3882 | 3929 | 2977 || 4024-) 4071 | 4118 | 4165 | 4212 1| 4260 | 4307 | 4354 | 4401 | 4448 || 4495 | 4542 | 4590 | 4637. | 4684 2 4731 | 4778 | 4895 | 4872 | 4919 || 4966 | 5013 | 5061 . 5108 | 5155 | 3 | 5202 | 5249 | 5296 | 5343 | 5390 || 5437 | 5484 | 5531 5578 | 5625 | 4 5672 | 5719 | 5766 | 5813 | 5860 || 5907 | 5954 | 6001 | 6048 | 6095 4g 5 | 6142 | 6189 | 6236 | 6283 | 6329 |) 6376 | 6423 | 6470 | 6517 | 6564 6 | 6611 | 6658 | 6705 | 6752 | 6799 || 6845 | 6892 | 6939 | 6986 | 7033 7 "ogo | 7127 | 71'73.| 7220 | 7267. || 7314 | 7361 | 7408 | 7454 | 7501 8 rag | 7595 | 7642 1 7688 | 7735 || 7782. | 7829 | 7875 | 7922 | 7969 a 8016 | 8062 | 8109 | 8156 | 8203 || 8249 | 8296 | 8343 | 8390 | 8436 930 8483 | 8530 | 8576 | 8623 | 8670 || 8716 | 8763 | 8810 | 8856 | 8903 1 | 3950 | 8996 | 9043 | 9090 | 9136 || 9183 | 9229 | 9276 | 9323 | 9369 2} 9416 | 9463 | 9509 | 9556 | 9602 || 9649 | 9695 | 9742 | 9789 | 9885 3 | 9882 | 9928 | 9975 | La | | | 0021 | 0068 |} O114 | 0161 | 0207 | 0254 | 0300 4 | 970347 | 0393 | 0440 | 0486 | 0533 || 0579 | 0626 | 0672 | 0719 | 0765 | 5 0812 | O858 | 0904 | 0951 | 0997 || 1044 | 1090 | 1137 | 1183 | 1229 6| 1276 | 1322 | 1869 | 1415 | 1461 || 1508 | 1554 | 1601 | 1647 | 1693 | 7 | 1740 | 1786 | 1882 | 1879 | 1925 || 1971 | 2018 | 2064 | 2110 | 2157 8 2903 | 2249 | 2295 | 2342 | 2388 || 2434 | 2481 | 2527 | 2573 | 2619 9 | 2666 | 2712 | 2758 | 2804 | 2851 |} 2897 | 2943 | 2989 | 8035 | 3082 | | | | 1940 | 3128 | 3174 | 3220 | 3266 | 3313 || 3359 | 3405 | 3451 | 3497 | 3543 iP ot 3590 | 3636 | 3682 | 3728 | 3774 || 3820 | 3866 | 3913 | 3959 | 4005 | 2 4051 | 409% | 4143 | 4189 | 4235 || 4281 | 4827 | 4874 | 4420 | 4466 3! 4512 | 4558 | 4604 | 4650 | 4696 || 4742 | 4788 | 4834 | 4880 | 4926 | 4} 4972 | 5018 | 5064 | 5110 | 5156 |} 5202 | 5248 | 5294 | 5340 | 5386 46 | | if PROPORTIONAL PARTS. | | | poe | Diff | 1 | 2 | 3 sat 15.5 6 Fe 8 9 } | el aa 2a als ead wed wk | | AG | ANG OM | 14.1 18.8 | 23.5 28 2 32.9 37.6 42.3 | | 4 | 40] 92 | 18 | 184 | 23.0 | a6 | a2 | 36.8 41.4 | { so or CRS SONI PWWHS S® OOS Ot Co BS S COOIMopomwHS CO VNIOounrwmore TABLE XXTIV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. a ee No. 945 L. 975.] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 v4 975432 | 5478 | 5524 | 5570 | 5616 || 5662 | 5707 | 5753 5891 | 6937 | 5983 | 6029 | 6075 || 6121 | 6167 | 6212 6350 | 6896 | 6442 | 6488 | 6523 || 6579 | 6625 | 6671 6808 | 6854 | 6900 | 6946 | 6992 || 7037 | 7088 | 7129 7266 | 7312 | 73858 | 7403 | 7449 || 7495 | 7541 | 7586 TRA | 7769 | 7815 | 7861 | 7906 || 7952 | 7998 | 8043 8181 | 8226 | 8272 | 8317 | 8363 || 8409 | 8454 | 8500 8637 | 8683 | 8728 | 8774 | 8819 || 8865 | 8911 | 8956 9093 | 9188 | 9184 | 9230 | 9275 || 9321 | 9366 | 9412 9548 | 9594 | 9639 | 9685 | 9730 || 9776 | 9821 | 9867 980003 | 0049 | 0094 | 0140 | 0185 || 0231 | 0276 | 0322 (458 | 0503 | 0549 | 0594 | 0640 || 0685 | 0730 | 0776 0912 | 0957 | 1003 | 1048 | 1093 || 1189 | 1184 | 1229 1366 | 1411 | 1456 | 1501 | 1547 || 1592 | 1637 | 1683 1819 | 1864 | 1909 | 1954 | 2000 '| 2045 | 2090 | 2135 2271 | 2316 | 23862 | 2407 | 2452 || 2497 | 2543 | 2588 2723 | 2769 | 2814 | 2859 | 2904 || 2949 | 2994 | 3040 3175 | 3220 | 8265 | 3310 | 3856 || 3401 | 3446 | 3491 3626 | 3671 | 3716 | 3762 | 8807 || 3852 | 3897 | 3942 4077 | 4122 | 4167 | 4212 | 4257 |) 4802 | 4347 | 4392 4527 | 4572 | 4617 | 4662 | 4707 752 | 4797 | 4842 4977 | 5022 | 5067 | 5112 | 5157 || 5202 | 5247 | 5292 5426 | 5471 | 5516 | 5561 | 5606 || 5651 | 5696 | 5741 5875 | 5920 | 5965 | 6010 | 6055 || 6100 | 6144 | 6189 6324 | 6369 | 6413 | 6458 | 6503 || 6548 | 6593 | 6637 6772 | 6817 | 6861 | 6906 | 6951 || 6996 | 7040 | 7085 7219 | 7264 | 7209 | 7353 | 7398 || 7443 | 7488 | 7582 7666 | 7711 | 7756 | 7800 | 7845 || 7890 | 7934 | 7979 8113 | 8157 | 8202 | 8247 | 8291 || 8336 | 8381 | 8425 8559 | 8604 | 8648 | 8693 | 8737 || 8782 | 8826 | 8871 9005 | 9049 | 9094 | 9138 | 9183 || 9227 | 9272 | 9316 9450 | 9494 | 9539 | 9583 | 9628 || 9672 | 9717 | 9761 9895 | 9939 | 9983 _ 0028 | OO72 |} 0117 | 0161 | 0206 990329 | 0383 | 0428 | 0472 | 0516 || 0561 | 0605 | 0650 0783 | 0827 | 0871 | 0916 | 0960 || 1004 | 1049 | 1098 1226 | 1270 | 1315 | 13859 | 1403 || 1448 | 1492 | 1536 1669 | 1713 | 1758 | 1802 | 1846 || 1890 | 1935 | 1979 [No. 989 L. 995. | Diff. 45 ~J (=r) 22 ris) | No. 990 L. 995.] TABLE XXTV.—LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. [No. 999 LL. 999. Nei 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 8 9 | Diff. | eS —_——_—- | oo - —————- ———— 990 | 995635 | 5679 W283 | 5767 | 5811 |, 5854 | 5898 | 5942 | 5986 | 6030 1 6074 | 6117 | 6161 | 6205 | 6249 |. 6293 | 6337 | 6880 | 6424 | 6468 44 2| 6512 | 6555 | 6599 | 6643 | 6687 | 6731 | 6774 | 6818 | 6862 | 6906 3 | 6949 | 6993 | 7037 | 7080 | 7124 | 7168 | 7212 | 7255 | 7299 | 7343 4 | 386 | 7430 | 7474 | V51T | 7561 | 7605 | 7648 | (692 | 7736 | TTT 5 | 7823 | 7867 | 7910 | 7954 | 7998. 8041 | 8085 | 8129 | 8172 | 8216 6 | 8259 | 8803 | 83847 | 8390 | 8434 | 8477 | 8521 | 8564 | 8608 | 8652 7 | 8695 | 8739 | 8782 | 8826 | 8869 | 8913 | 8956 | 9000 | 9048 9087 8 | 9131 | 9174 | 9218 | 9261 | 9305 | 9848 | 9392 | 9485 | 9479 | 9522 9 | 9565 | 9609 | 9652 | 9696 | 9739 | 9783 | 9826 | 9870 | 9913 | 9957 | 4g | | | | LoGARITHMS OF NUMBERS FROM 1 To 100. \| | | N. Log. || N.| Log. Wot Logo N.. ik Log. <1 Nye Log 1 | 0.000000 || 21 | 1.322219 || 41 | 1.612784 || 61 | 1.785330 || 81 | 1.908485 2 | 0.301030 || 22 | 1.342428 || 42 | 1.623249 || 62 | 1.792392 || 82 | 1.918814 3| 0.477121 || 23 | 1.861728 || 43 | 1.633468 || 63 | 1.799341 || 83 | 1.919078 4 0.602060 || 24 | 1.880211 || 44 | 1.643453 || 64 1.806180 |) 84 | 1.924279 5 | 0.698970 || 25 | 1.897940 |} 45 | 1.658218 || 65 1.812918 || 85 | 1.929419 6 | 0.778151 || 26 | 1.414973 || 46 | 1.662758 || 66 | 1.819544 || 86 | 1.934498 7 | 0.845098 || 27 | 1.431864 || 47 | 1.672098 || 67 | 1.826075 || 87 | 1.989519 8 | 0.903090 || 28 | 1.447158 || 48 | 1.681241 || 68 | 1.882509 |; 88 | 1.944483 9 |, 0.954243 || 29 | 1.462398 || 49 | 1.690196 || 69 | 1.838849 || 89 | 1.949390 10 | 1.000000 || 30 | 1.477121 || 50 | 1.698970 || 70 | 1.845098 |; 90 | 1.954243 11 | 1.041893 || 31 | 1.491362 || 51 | 1.707570 || 71 | 1.851258 || 91 | 1.959041 12 | 1.079181 || 32} 1.505150 || 52 | 1.716003 || 72 | 1.857332 || 92 | 1.963788 13 1.113943 || 83 | 1.518514 || 53 | 1.724276 || 73 1.863323 || 93 | 1.968483 14 | 1.146128 || 34 | 1.531479 || 54 | 1.782894 || 74 | 1.869282 || 94 | 1.973128 15 | 1.176091 || 35 | 1.544068 || 55 | 1.740363 || 75 | 1.875061 || 95 | 1.977724 16 | 1.204120 || 36 | 1.556303 || 56 | 1.748188 || 76 | 1.880814 || 96 | 1.98227 17 | . 1.230449 || 37 | 1.568202 || 57 | 1.755875 i 77 | 1.886491 || 97 | 1.986772 18 1.255272 38 | 1.579784 || 58 | 1.768428 || 78 | 1.892095 || 98 | 1.991226 19 1.278754 || 39 | 1.591065 || 59 | 1.770852 || 79 | 1.897627 || 99 | 1.995635 20 | 1.301030 || 40 | 1.602060 || 60 | 1.778151 || 80 | 1.903090 ||100 | 2.000000 { ! | Sign Si Val Si Val Si Val | a7 Sig r Sign | Value} Sign alue| Sign alue Jaton. in ist Veins in 2d at in 3d at j|in4th} at Lac Fd Quad. |" *| Quad.| 180°. | Quad.! 270° | Quad.} 360°. ——— | ae | =| | (Ee Binv?. 02 Peep pe ee FMM oes ey |* Ne reed) Tan Oo oe) _ O a oa) — O Sent PSR R co coc to ts RH ae oO Le R Versin....| O aE R + 2R {| + R -- O COS tS tacts | R O _ R | — O +. R Oban Jee ae |} @ -++- O -- oa +f O ~ 00 Oosec. ..<.. | io) + R -{- a0 _ R _— ora) —— — — — — t —_ — ——$_—___—_— = iy R signifies equal to rad; © signifies infinite; O signifies evanescent. | 308 60 120 180 | 240 | 300 | 360 | 420 480 AO | 600 660 | 720 780 840 900 960 1020 | 1080 | 1140 200 1260 | 1320 | 22 1380 | 2% 1440 | 1500 | 2 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800 1860 1920 1980 | 3: 2040 | < 2160 | 3: 2160 | 3 2226 2280 2340 2400 | 4( 2460 2520 Ow) | 2580 | 2640 2700 | 4 2760 | 2820 2880 2940 3000 | 5 3060 3120 i 3180 | $240 | 2300 | ! 3360 ' 8120 | 8180 Ie | 8340 |! 3600 bat or) ~3 ~ CO ~3 (o-2) TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES. Sine. Inf. neg. | 6.463726 |. .764756 . 940847 065786 . 162696 241877 | . 808824 .3866816 .417968 .463726 542906 577668 | 609853 | 2 639816 667845 694173 | 718997 742478 | 164754 785943 .806146 825451 843934 .861662 878695 895085 . 910879 .926119 . 940842 . 955082 . 968870 982233 . 995198 007787 .020021 .031919 043501 054781 065776 J | 8.076500 086965 097183 107167 . 116926 126471 . 135810 . 144953 . 153907 - 162681 .171280 179713 187985 . 196102 204070 .211895 | 556 219581 227134 234557 | 8.241855 | ~N Tang. 1 Q 2) Or — O> =? Ovorororororor PO Is oe Ovoror or or IS ry Or Or Or Or Or Or Ia 3 I I I It He ee OT OT OT orer Oror1roror {I QR ha 505118 | tJ tS ~ -z Cosine. f. neg. 463726 164756 . 940847 .065786 . 162696 241878 808825 .866817 .417970 .463727 7.505120 .542909 577672 .609857 639820 667849 694179 719008 . 742484 (64761 7.785951 .806155 825460 843944 .861674 878708 895099 910894 926134 . 940858 . 955100 . 968889 982253 .995219 007809 -020044 .031945 048527 .054809 .065806 95 8.076531 3} 086997 097217 107208 116963 126510 135851 144996 153952 162727 171328 .179763 . 188036 . 196156 204126 -211953 219641 220195 .234621 8.241921 Cotang. 13.536274 235244 13.059153 12.934214 837304 758122 691175 633183 582030 53627 12.494880 457091 422398 390143 . 360180 332151 305821 280997 257516 235239 12.214049 193845 174540 “156056 138326 121292 104901 089106 073866 059142 12.044900 031111 017747 12.004781 . 979956 . 968055 .956473 .945191 . 984194 . 923469 . 913003 902783 892797 883037 1 are .864149 . 855604 . 846048 837273 .828672 ~ 820237 .811964 . 803844 795874 . 788047 780359 .77 2805 . 765379 11.758079 1 are Tang. Cotang. Inf. pos. | We) =) ive} | 11.992191 ie) .873490 Sine: ID 1" Cosine, ten ten ten ten ten ten . 999999 | f . 999999 . 999999 . 999999 . 999998 999998 999997 -999997 | 999996 999996 999995 999995. | “999994 “999993 999993 9.999992 | -999991 |" . 999990 . 999989 . 999989 . 999988 .999987 . 999986 . 999985 . 999983 .999982 . 999981 .999980 .999979 989977 .999976 .999975 . 999973 . 999972 .999971 . 999969 . 999968 . 999966 999964. . 999963 . 999961 999959 . 999958 999956 | . 999954 | 999952 . 999950 999948 . 999946 . 899944 . 999942 . 999940 . 999938 999936 -03 | 9’ 999934 3960 4020 4080 4140 4200 4260 4320 4380 4440 4500 4560 4620 4680 4740 4800 4860 4920 4980 5040 5100 5160 5220 5280 5340 5400 5460 5520 5580 5640 5700 5760 5820 5880 5940 6000 6060 6120 6180 6240 6300 6360 6420 6480 6540 6600 | 6660 6720 6780 6840 6900 6960 7020 7080 7140 7200 4 Sine. q—t | 4.685 0 | 8.241855 | 553 | 619 1) .249033 | 552 | 620 | 2) 256094 | 551 | 622 3 | 263042 | 551 | 623 | 4 | .269881 | 550 ,| 625 | 5 | .276614 | 549 | 627 6 | 288243 | 548 | 628 7 | ».289778 | 547 || 630| 8 | .296207 | 546 | 632 9 | .302546 | 546 | 633 | 10 | .308794 | 545 :| 635 | 11 | 8.314954 | 544 | 637 12.| 321027 | 543 | 638 13 | .827016 | 542 | 640 14| .332924 | 541 | 642 15| .338753 | 540 | 644 16| .844504 | 5389 | 646 * | 850181 | 589. | 648 18 | .355783 | 588 || 649 19 | .3613815 | 5387.,| 651 20 | .366777 | 536 || 653 21 | 8.372171 | 585 | 655 22 | .377499 | 534 | 657 23 | .382762 | 533 || 659 24 | .387962 | 532 | 661 25 | .893101 | 531 | 663 26 | .398179 | 530 | 666 27 | .403199 | 529 | 668 28 | .408161 | 527 | 670 29 | .413068 | 526 | 672 30) 417919 | 525, 67 31 | 8.422717 | 524 || 67 32 | .427462 | 528 || 67 33 | .482156 | 522 || 681 34.| 436800 | 521 || 683 35 | 441894 | 520 || 685 36 | .445941 | 518 || 688 87 | .450440 | 517 || 690 | 38. | .454898 | 516 | 693 39 | .459301 | 515 || 695 40 | .463665 | 514 | 697 41 | 8.467985 | 512 || 700 42 | .472263 | 511 || 702 43 | .476498 | 510 || 705 44 | .480693 | 509 || 707 45 | .484848 | 507 || 710 46 |. .488963 | 506 || 713 47 | .493040 | 505 || 715 48 | .497078 | 503 || 718 49 | 501080 | 502 | 720 50 | .505045 | 501 || 723 51 | 8.508974 | 499 | 726 52 | 512867 | 498 | 729 58 | .516726 | 497 || 731 54. | .520551 | 495 || 734 55 | | 524343 | 494 || 737 56 | .528102 | 492 740 57 | .531828 | 491 || 748 58 | .5355283 | 490 | 745 59 | .539186 | 488 | 748. 60 | 8.542819 | 487) | 751 4.685 ’ | Cosine. q—l TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Tang. 8.241921 249102 .256165 .263115 . 269956 -276691 283323 289856 296292 802634 . 808884 | 8.315046 -321122 .827114 833025 . 388856 .844610 850289 800895 .861430 . 866895 8.372292 3877622 882889 . 888092 38932 3898315 403838 -408304 413218 .418068 8.422869 427618 432315 -486962 -441560 .446110 -450618 455070 -459481 463849 8.468172 472454 476693 480892 485050 489170 493250 497293 501298 505267 8.509200 513098 516961 520790 524586 528349 532080 535779 539447 8.543084 11. 758079 750898 748885 . 736885 730044 .(23309 16677 710144 103708 . 6973866 .691116 684954 678878 . 672886 666975 .661144 .655390 649711 .644105 688570 633105 . 627708 622378 617111 .611908 . 606766 601685 .596662 .591696 586787 581982 577181 572882 . 567685 .568038 558440 .558590 .549887 .544980 11 11 11 .586151 11 027546 .528807 .519108 .514950 .510880 498702 1 bak .486902 .488039 .479210 475414 .471651 .467920 .464221 .460553 11.456916 Tang. Cotang. .540519 | 581828 .£06750 502707 | 494733 .490800 | | gti ie at | 15,314'| | [ere 381 |! gg | 9.999934 | 60 380 | ‘gs 999982 | 59 378 | "pg -999929 | 5 ce | "03 .999927 | 57 75 |) "on .999925 | 56 | 73 || "ga | .999922 | 55 72 || "FS | 999920 | 54 70 | “ox | .999918 | 53 368 “Og 999915 | 52 867 | ‘os | -999913 | 51 365 || “~? | ..999910 | 50 363 | “03 9.999907 | 49 362 | "os | - -999905 | 48 860 | ‘op . -999902 | 47 | 358 “og — .999899 | 46 856 ‘ps, -999897 | 45 854 "on | .999804 | 44 852 ‘pp | .999801 | 43 851 | “pe |. 999888 | 42 3849 | ‘on | .999885 | 41 847 |" 9.999882 | 40 345 | “0? 9.999879 | 39 343 “gs | .999876 | 38 841 || ‘92 | .999873 | 37 839 | “op |. .999870 | 36 B37 | "op | .999867 | 85 834 | ‘or | .999864 | 34 832 | “oe | .999861 | 33 830 |/.‘97 | .999858 | 82 328 || “os 999854 | 31 326 || ° .999851 | 30 aed | +03] 9.999848 | 29 321 “05 999844 | 28 819 || "op | .999841 | 27 817 || “p» | -999888 | 26 | 815 |] ‘os | -999884 | 25 312 || 72 | .999831 | 24 810 | 05 999827 | 23 B07 |) “ow | . 999824 | 22 | 805 || ‘o | . 999820 | 21 303 |} °** | . .999816 | 20 | 300 || 03 | 9.990813 | 19 | 298 || a. | ..999809 | 18 | 295 |) "oy |. 999805 | 17 | 293 || ‘oy | . 999801 | 16 290 || or | .. 969797 | 15 287 Il ae]. .999794 | 14 285 || “g» | .999790 | 18 282 || “G, | . 999786 | 12 280 | -o | ..999782 | 11 | 277 |)" | 999778 | 10 ar Eis 9.999774 | 9 271 | ‘on | 999769 | 8 269 || “oy | ..999765 | 7 266 || ‘oy | ..999761 | 6 263 || a4) ..999757 | 5 266 “OR | ..9997538 | 4 257 || “ay | ..999748 | 38 255 || 741 ..999744 | -2 252 || ‘og | ..999740 | 1 249 y |) 9.999735 | 0 15.314| | wey Peay PERMA Levee q+1||D1*| Sine. [aes Dale. ! 4 Sine. Dek. Cosine. | D. 1’. Tang. 0 | 8 542819 9.999735 | 8.543094 1 | .546422 ote | ‘999731 | “Oy || .546691 2 .549995 59. 07 . 999726 OF. Web 550268 3 | .553539 | 59" 5g || -999722 08 553817 4| .557054 | se'y9 || -999717 07 557336 5 | 560540 | 2 ae || .999718 “08 560828 6 | .563999 | 24-09 || 999708 | ‘oe 564291 7 | ‘pezasr | 26-22 |) 999704 | “og 567727 8 | (570886 | 26-49 || 999699 | og || -571187 | ipra2i4 | 56:39 || “999604 | “og || 574520 10 577566 | 58:82 || (999680 | gy || -577877 11 | 8.580892 | ~» no || 9.999685 og || 8.581208 12| .584193 | 24'¢9 || -999680 08 584514 13 | .587469 | Pa'o9 || -9996%5 “08 587795 14| .59072t | Za'ng || -999670 “Og 591051 15 | .593948 | P3749 || -999665 | “og 594283 16| .597152 | > “00 . 999660 “08 597492 17 | 7600332 | 23-09 || ‘999655 | “og || .600677 18 | 603489 | 52-08 || 999650 | ‘og ||. 603889 19 | .60662% =. || 999645 “68 606978 20 | ‘609734 | 51-85 |) “900640 | gg |] | -610004 21 | 8.612823 | ~ | 9.999635 8.613189 S| 615801 | 51-8 || ~ ‘990629 40 || “e1626e 23 | .618937 ce “ho || 999624 “08 619313 24 | .621962 | sng || -999619 “08 622343 25 | .624965 | Gong || -999614 | “49 . 625352 26 | .627948 | 4o'ag || -999608 | ‘og 628340 27 | .630911 | 4o‘g5 || 299603 <6 631308 28 | .633854 48.70 999597 08 634256 29 | 636776 “ty || -999592 | “40 637184 30 | 639680 | 48-40 || ‘909586 | “og. || - 640098 31 | 8.642563 | ye we || 9.999581 | 8.642982 a2} 645428 | 40-12 || .9995%5 “40. || 645858 83} .648274 | “4eyg || -99957 "46 648704 84| 651102 | 4e'gs || -999564 40 651537 35 | .653911 | Je '55 || 999558 6 654352 36 | .656702 | Je'o9 || -999553 46 657149 387 | .659475 | Je‘go || -999547 10 659928 38-| .662230 | 4p'gg || 999541 “40 .662689 39 | .664968 0-09 |) 999535 30 665433 40 | ‘667689 | 45-25 || 999529 | og || -668160 41 | 8.670893 | 4, -a || 9.999524 8.670870 42 | .673080 | at || 999518 “10° || 2673568 43 | 675751 | 4493 || -999512 “10 676239 44| .678405 | 43’g7 || -999506 16 678900 45 | .681043 | 43mg || -999500 es 681544 48 | 683665 | 43°45 || 999493 a3 684172 7 | .686272 | 13.18 | 999487 10 686784 48 | 688863 | 45%o9 || -999481 40 689381 49 | 691438 | 45"pe || -9994% “10 691963 50 | .693998 | 45" 4o || -999469 i0 694529 | B1 |. 8.696543 |< 9.999468 8.697081 52 | (699073 | 42-44 || 990456 22 || 1699617 53 | 701589 | 41 7¢g || 999450 12 702139 54] 704090 | 45 74x || -999448 10 7104646 Bs | .706577 | 4y‘o9 || -999487 | “10 107140 56 | .709049 | dog || -999431 49 . 709618 7 | .711507 | go's || -999424 45 712088 58 | .713952 | 40 53 .999418 "yo. (|| 14584 59 | .716383 | 4n'9g || - 999411 19 || ,- 716072 60 | 8.718800 | 42-8 || 9.999404 2 || 8.719396 fi Cos*~e. | D1”. |i. Sine. Dat Cotang. ee Cotang. | f | 11.456916 | 453309 | 59 .449732 | 58 -446183 | 57 .442664 | 56 .489172 | 55 .485709 | 54 .482278 | 53 428863 | 52 .425480 | 51 .422123 | 50 11.418792 | 49 .415486 | 48 .412205 | 47 .408949 | 46 405717 | 45 "402508 | 44 .899823 | 438 .896161 | 42 .398022 | 41 889906 | 40 11.386811 | 39 .883738 | 38 .880687 | 37 .877657 | 36 .874648 | 35 .3871660 | 34 .868692 | 33 .3865744 | 382 .862816 | 31 .3809907 | 30 11.357018 | 29 .854147 | 28 .3891296 | 27 348463 | 26 .345648 | 25 . 842851 | 24 .840072 | 23 .8dlell | 22 .034567 | 21 331840 | 20 11.329180 | 19 .826487 | 18 823761 7 .821100 | 16 "318456 | 15 .815828 | 14 .313216 | 18 .3810619 z .8080387 | 11 .205471 | 10 11.302919 9 . 800383 8 297861 cs . 295354 6 . 292860 5 .290882 | 4 287917 | 3 | (285466 | 2 | "283028 | 1 | 11.280604 | 0 Tange 3 87° | | Cosine. | D. 1’. PP ELAS « | g fotanzs | Tang. Didi © g | Sine. Ds We: ft | per of ieee 11.280604 | 69 | ges VW |" “O7gi94 | 5 ; 7 || 9-999404 | 49 || 8 721806 eS oy | <2iS1ML 09 0 | 8.718800 | 40.0% .999398 "19 | oe 29.9% i 3 1 | .721204 | 90° e6 999391 13: || | ete 20.73 Bate | 2 | .423595 | 39 69 “999384 “35 728088 20.52 | Panes Pe load ee Tre -999878 | “15 728059 39.30 le: 4} .728337 39.18 || “go93°4 12 7aa663 | 39-10| 08s ‘ 2878 BO8887 12 735996 38.68 | "961683 | 52 ic) visas | ‘Boon | ie BBY | Sotelo 259374 | Bl | Bat) Ba ‘gua | 2 740626 | 38°57 "957078 | 50 gal Dipsgoen | Bae 999348 eS | ae 10'| fraeesa | Son! nee e Sasa ae eae "999; 12 | ravaro | 3087 Be 48 11 | 8.744536 | ge gggaee | +12 ep | Bi . 2 - (46802 37.55 999315 aR fare 7.48 | peu ‘a 13 | .749055 | 3°3> . 999308 39 edie 3730 28 | 14] .151297 | eg 999301 | “12 Tee | 87.10 pag dott Udamcone 1320308 Sees hasta ||| + eae so) cause | 16 | 55747 86.80 || “ gq999% by a | 8.7 Bis i 17 U5T955 36.60 999279 “12 fosois | 28-25 Ss | 4 18 | 760151 36 43 fond ee ‘ants a8 | | 202) | WEASEL | Bee dl | - ; : cma | 2 ss | a od=4 9.999257 12 e058 a ane : : 21 | 8.706875 | 55 9g 999250 | 22 fu | | Bat ei BE) OBO | BR ‘goa | 18 Tt | 208 a imo ann || See ees -€05995 | 935" 39 "991886 | 34 baal wecags (> BUIBRS | eee iB | Fae Boe: 25) .775223 | ae "ye 999220 || es | 35.38 ie: 26 | .777333 | 9x" 02 999212 "12 eee 3497 21th : ign, if Nate os : = j Savane “4a ‘feuos | 2480 216 3 mR 36C : .999197 ‘ “ 3 34.63 > : weber, | 24:50 999189 — 786490 tu eee 30 | {785675 coment it com) he aap ‘30e Pooorra | 22. |] PFapets 3415 | 200887 | 28 mie | 38 ‘soos | 28 || “toeg62 33.98 | “Sos999 | 96 Ss | tomes | 0 |) poo ee || | zed | apie 203269 | 25 x rss 33.70 te 13 ; (96031 33.68 "001248 24 sr | Bag | gun AD || | goeene | Bee 199237 | 28 6 : 804 33.38 oa 13 || 800763 33.37 "197235 | 22 aq) aie | a |) | Boeees | ears 195242 | 21 88 | .801892 | 33 o7 rch io 13 wie | Big) oi 39 803876 | 82.93 “999110 a ‘$2 | ee : ass | 3 | Sa | spay 89317 | 18 40] | = : : ; : ie vant | | ‘Bipoa | 32-68 187359 | 17 41 | 8.807819 | 99 ¢3 999004 | “43 1008 | 22.08 a | 42 809777 32.48 “999086 i. eel | eat i | 43 811726 32.35 .999077 13 ‘lame | 233 tera | 15 44} 813667 32.20 999069 13 sisioi | 32.20 1815 | 1 45 ‘ 815599 82.05 999061 “43 ; yee s 05 ra c 46 | .817522 | 31°99 ee 13 0 | 58 ms 47 | 819436 | 3) "ng 999044 43 sims | L78 135 1 49 | ‘ss3040 | 31-62 || “po9034 a5 |) Se | ares) 49 | 828240 | 355 999086 i * a aa : 50] j625i80 | Sten || |: . comm | os ras ai ri 9.999019 | 4. Oey atan | fam | 3 RE OE en eget tts 8 |) Seg] aa] i oe) eet | arenas, eee 15 | “33613 | 31:08 160387 | 4 pt | ‘sscor | 32-82) “ooeags 1h. |) garam | Bhar “360670 | 4 BS | isouise | 30-82 || ones ieee Sa 160837 | 3 BS) | 3s “goss a 839163 30.58 "159002 | 2 pr | isgsizo | 30-55 . 998967 15 || “g4g98 30.45 "157175 | 1 me ese | 3) || ankton |. Sapam. |S oete 1:155356 | 0 Bea eevee |" Bree 998950 | Te Wri Bay 1 col Ripiages 4¢: B18 9.998941 | 8.844644 by vo 3 7 | Sine. D. 1”. || Cotang. | D. 1 é i | D 1" Sine. 5 ae. ‘~} Cosine. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. iar ’ | Sine. /D, ae Cosine. | D. 1". Tang. D. 1". | Cotang. Oy | | Se a | 11.155356 | 60 | 8.843585 | , || 9.998941 8.844644 3751 ©, 905736 | 52: .092853 | 23 38 | .907297 | *&?- 39 | .908853 | 2: | 910404 41 | 8.911949 2 . 913488 43 . 915022 44 | .916550 45 . 918073 998589 998578 “998568 -©2 |) 998558 907147 | $2: "908719 i 091281 | 22 910285 | Se'go | . 080715 | 21 -911846 | S5"99 | 088154 | 20 © <= Di Oro (9 2) or ~~ | 0 | 8.848585 | 35 og tes 15 || S-BasOe* | e998 1 api | 29.93 || -998982 "15 || -846455 | g'9g | — .158545 | 59 Btemerano |OROS00 Ihccapsee, | OLAS It) eee Minton | epdet ad 158 3 | .848971 | SoG || .998014 15 |; -850057 | So'go | -149948 | 5% 4) .850751 | 99'5> || -998905 | “48 851846 | Sony | -148154 | 56 5 | -R5w25 | a9 43 |) 908606 | 75 | -soBoNs | DOS | 14632 | 5b | &) S549) Soca5 || -2abesz | 18 || -soed03 | Soh | 14s5a7 | 54 g} -c20he) | 99.20 || 22888 | a5 || 857171 | -Oo°g5 | — .142829 | 53 j 8 | .857801°'| 5998 .998869 45 858932 | $9’ o9 141068 | 52 ‘a sarees | 28 95 eae "45 860686 | 9942 | -189814 | 51 | O85 | tae || O98R5 a eke ENS a6 | errer | a 28-85 || spe | Mea 862433 99/09 | - 180564 | 50 11 | 8.863014 | 96 7g || 9.998841 15 || 8.864173 | og ge | 11.185827 | 49 a | Leny Hos | 98°69 || fod ae 865906 poor .184094 | 48 t ¢ Oe Ty || . B2¢ Pe 567635 | ao 3236 | 47 Wi 14| ‘g68ie5 | 28-50 || ‘ooggi3 | -17 "860851 eres Lae 46 ae Eececonés | 228928 \rseacaod | oI. |bateermes |obeeb5 | norapeees p86 Die cmtan | 282R8 jlosiegaron | 15. Par gigoee | Mg as |) .xfeeese fae 16 | 871565 | 98°5~ 998795 0 82770 | Saag | 127280 | 44 : 17 | 878255 | So'oe ||. 998785 er 874469 | So°35 | .125531 | 43 18 | 874938 28.05 | C0876 Sait 4 Ly 28.22 | 99e< | | mv | eects 2795 || easoag 17 eee 98 19 . 123838 42 : 9 | 2O10615 | nee ee | .IIO(6 cans R7784! Prien OTT | 20 | ie7eess | 27-83 || ‘gggtsz | 15 |] “erasag | 28:00) -Fourt | Go i oscs, DON ace Sas | Rea aaa se ek 21 | 8.879949 | oe po || 9.998747 ~ || 8.881202 | og» we | 11.118798 | 39 : 22 | 881607 | Spo || 908738 | 13 || “gence | 20-78 | "117131 | 38 | : 23 | 888258 | 92745 || 998728 , 884530 | Soke .115470 | 37 i 24 | 884903 | So°gq || .998718 | 4 886185 | Ger | .118815 | 36 Bees near | REPO loi eeeee | A |i, BREE Abe as | TIMtOT 85 t | 26 | 8881 (4) oe Fo . 998699 er 289476 oy on | .110524 | 34 i BE Pee oy) SPO liigieeegey | O17 llaxmeanien Coed? | tutes dees 28 | .891421 | S445 |] .99867% a 892742) | Sy 7258 | 3: 99 | 893035 | 26.90 || ae i pithas 27.0% 107258 32 i Gr tawinsers | 2000 ockenecc:| Celt |feadteence | 26-07 | er ckeeOes fel i | 80 | 894643 | 36 79 || 998655 ty -895984 | Se g~ | .104016 | 30 B1 | 8'896246 | 96 gg || 9.998649 | 17 || 8.897596 | 96 ng | 1.102404 | 29 | 82 | 897842 | Seiry || -998639 1” -899203 | $6'gy | -100797 | 28 | ss 890432 | 26.42 || -998629 | “yy .900803 | Seng | -099197 | 27 $ ( t | aU.26 |! R6 . 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Sine. | D.1’. || Cotang.| D.1". | Tang. co ~| COR wwhonwMHO.e qn | ° 94° TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC. SINES, 3 Sine. D. 1", || Cosine, | D. 1’. ene: ARON See Desay | pares | 2403 | ogesss | 18 2| 943174 | 23°25 || .gogsee | -48 € A ane | we. | O82 oA 4} “p1o3t | 23-80 |) “goss00 | 18 | MARC wO.dU | QgR9R 16 6 | coseera | 23-63 || ‘gepaey | 20 7 | 1950287 eae || -pgeece | trie FRED ae teed) | Giant | fe Bp 9 | 1953100 | 33-29 || ‘oge24: By 10 | 954499 | 53-82 || ‘oogzae | -28 11 | 8.955804 | 45 "4p 9.998220 ie ‘ 9575 3. QgR9(x : 13 | lasso70 | 23-10) “ggsior | 20 14 | 960052 | $3°p5 || -298185 | “2p Mae 2.87 cs lle .18 17 | -oeivo | 22-82 || copsist | 2° 18 | 965534 | 99°65 || 998189] “4g 19 | 966803 | 22-65 || ‘oogi28.| -38 20 | .968249 | $3-89 || ‘oosiie | 30 21 | 8.969600 | 5 yx || 9.998104 m5 i- rngan | reed 992099 . 53 | ‘o7e089 | 22-37 || “booq | -20 24 | 973628 | 22-82 |] “gogogg | -20 25 | 974962 | 22-23 |) ‘oggos6 | -20 Be eens | Hoed0 [I beoaananll| Re 20 35 | coreoat | 22-03 || “gogpnn | -20 20 | 980259 | 21-97 || ‘oogoo8 | -22 30 | .981573 | 31:39 || .997006 | «30 98288; rw || 9.99798 32 | cossisg | 24-27 || “gorore | -20 Qe FAQ @lwla oar BC oe at | ‘gsorsa | 21-63 |] “gyrauy | 20 35 | 988083 | 9150 |) -907085 | op 37 | 990660 | 21-43 || “ggroio | -20 38 | 1991943 | 21-88 || ‘ogegor | -22 39 | 993222 13a. || eacoenesb || ate 40 | .994497 a ie || 907B72,| S25, 41 | 8.995768 | 5, 4» || 9.997860 ae ¢ 907028 ra e 9978 ~ «ee 43 | vgog209 | 21-05 |] “Boreas | 20 44 | 8.999560 | 21-02 || “gg7gog | +22 45 | 9.000816 | 20:93 || ‘gore | -22 lee epee (ereo288 ll aaenaecoy | mee ae eaanara (re20-82 ete 18422 48 | 1004563 | 20-75 || “ggvmay | .22 49 | 005805 ores | lgorr5a | -22 50 | .007044 | 55° 57 | 997745 39 51 | 9.008278 | | 9.997732 2 20.53 cit 22 52 1.009510 | 99" 45 oe | aaeee BP Ve tetany [ede (a eeaens | base bs | loisiea | 20-83 || “orega | 22 56 | .014400 | 20-80 || “oovee7 | -22 »& =< € ae | ner 7 pe oMaiercese | 2018 || Seed pee BoP hiere, (20d? aeeeent | Maps 60 | 9.019235 | 9.997614 4 Cosine. | D. 1" Dsl" Sine. 174° Tang. D. 1". | Cotang. | ’ | | 8.941952 | 94 99 | 11.058048 | 60 943404 | Sits .056596 | 59 || -944852 | Sips | -055148.| 58 || -946295 | 93°98 053705 | 57 leew 947734 oS “90 052266 | 56 | 949168 | 55° o5 "050832 | 55 950597 | G3" mn .049403 | 54 952021 | 95" 67 047979 | 53 953441 | 53"59 | -046559 | 52 954856 | 99'55-| -045144 | 51 956267 | 93" 4r 043733 | 50 | 8.957674 | oe a | 11.042326 | 49 | .959075 aah "040925 | 48 || -960473 | $355 039527 | 47 -961866 | $9°T5 .038134 | 46 . 963255 93 07 086745 | 45 964639 93 00 .035361 | 44 .966019 99 “99 .033981 | 43 967394 | 55" ge 032606 | 42 968766 ‘ay 2 031234 | 44 970133 99.79 .029867 | 40 8.971496 | 55 gx | 11.028504 | 39 1972855 | es 0 027145 | 38 -974209 | 55°29 .025791 | 37 975560 | 55°43 .024440 | 36 -976906 | 99’ 30 . 023094 | 35 978248 | 55°39 021752 | 3 979586. | SS-Se 020414 | 33 -986921 | 55°4r .019079 | 32 982251 | 95° 0 017749 | 31 983577 203 .016423 | 30 8.984899 | 9, gy | 11.015101 | 29 .986217 | 51 "99 | 018783 | 28 987532 | 51 gs 012468 | 97 . 988842 | 5; ne .011158 | 26 -990149 | 54", 009851 | 25 991451 | 9) 65 008549 } 24 992750 | 61 "58 007250 | 23 994045 | 94 "R3 005935 | 22 995337 | 94°45 .004663 | 2 996624 | 54°45 003376 | 20 8.997908 | 94 99 | 11.002092 | 19 8.999188 | 9,58 | 11.000812 | 18 | 9.000465 | 94°59 | 10.999535 | 17 001788 | 94°45 .998262 | 16 -003007 | 519g 996993 | 15 004272 | 51°93 995728 | 14 005584 | “Sa°e8 .994466 | 13 -006792 | 30"¢ Mi .993208 | 12 -008047 | 55 gx .991953 | 114 -009298 | 59°gq .990702 | 10 9.010546 | 99 we | 10.989454 | 9 -011790 | 50‘ 68 . 988210 | 8 -013031 | 59° go 986969 | 7 -014268 | 5p ‘ae 985732 | 6 015502 30) 50 .984498 | 5 016732 | 9945 983268 | 4 -017959 | 59°49 .982041 | 3 -019183 | $9‘33 .980817 | 2 -020403 | 59 ‘g 979597 | 1 9.021620 *“° | 10.978380 | 0 Cotang. | D. 1’ Tang. d \ oo a COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. Cotang. 911902 | 10.910856 Sine. | D.1". || Cosine. | Tang. | #019285 | 99.00 || 9-997614 | 9.021620 | 020435 | 39 ‘95 . 997601 022834 -021632 | 49" g9 997588 024044 -022825 | 49 gs 990574 .025251 -024016 | 397m 997561 026455 -025203 | 39/0 997547 027655 -026386 | 39°49 || . 997534 028852 027567 | 19.62 997520 | .030046 O28744-| 39" 5> 997507 | .031237 | .029918 19 52 . 997493 | 032425 -031089 | 49 47 997480 | .0383609 QOOrM | ree OUP rary panto. | 097 06 Neekin - me ‘Ad | 19.35 ee th ow 085969 | | -084582 | 39°90 .997439 .037144 | | -085741 | 49'ox || 997425 .038316 | | .036896 | 59 ‘5p 997411 .089485 | .038048 | 39°45 .997897 .040651 | 039197 | 49'o8 997383 || .041813 | .040342) 39°p5 || .997369 |} .042973 | -041485 ] 49°99 || -997355 || .044130 | -042625 | 49’ 95 || .997341 | 045284. | 9.043762 | 4 g¢ || 9.997327 9.046434 | 044895 | 38° gx .997313 | .047582 .046026 18.80 997299 048727 | | 047154 | 53h. 997285 || 049869 | | -048279 | jo' 63 || .997271 | .051008 | -049400 | 39'e5 || .997257 |} .052144 -050519 | 38° @q || .997242 [| 053277 051635 | je’ 5m |) .997228 || 054407 | 052749 | 3Q°59 || 997214 || .055535 -058859 | 39°45 || .997199 | .056659 91054966 | 49 49 || 9.997185 || 9.057781 | 056071 | 18.35 .997170 “69 ||. - 058900 057172} 38°35 997156 “ox || 060016 | -O58271 | 42°57 997141 con {t= eobd Le | .059367 | je°So .997127 Sor? || 2062240 | 060460 | 48°58 997112 "93. «|| ~~ - 068348 | .061551 | 36°43 .997098 ee .064453 | -062639 | j6'og || -997083 Seb? .065556 063724 | 49°93 || .997068 | “5? 066655 | 064806 | jr'99 || .997053 93 067752 9.065885 | 17.95 || 9.997039 | 95, || 9.068846 | 066962 wn 90 || . 997024 On .069938 | 068056 | je"p5 || .997009 ase 071027 | 069107 | jn" 25 . 996994 : 072113 OVO176 | sme || 996979 | 073197 OT12A2 | sn 'ns . 996964 | .074278 072306 | 44" 62 . 996949 | .075856 .073366 63 || 996934 | .076432 cen 7 60 || -996919 | 077505 07548 ee :996904 078576 (.00 9.076533 750 || 9.996889 9.079644 077583 | je ge |) .996874 | 080710 | .078631 LE pil .996858 08177 079676 1738 || .996843 | 082833 | -080719 | 57°39 || .996828 | .083891 | 081759 | 1730 996812 | .084947 | 082797 | anos || .996797 |; .086000 083832 | 44°95 || .996782 |} 087050 | 084864 | ye'Fy || .996766 .088098 | 9.085894 | -~‘:** || 9.996751 | 9.089144 4 | Gositre. | Dr1% Sine. || Cotang. | Tang. | 10.978380 .977166 975956 974749 973545 972345 .971148 969954 968763 967575 |! 966391 965209 .964031 . 962856 . 961684 .960515 959349 .958187 957027 955870 954716 10.953566 .952418 . 951273 . 9501381 . 948992 . 947556. . 946723 . 945593 . 944465 . 943341 942219 . 941100 . 939984 . 938870 . 937760 . 936652 985547 - 934444 . 938345 - 932248 .931154 . 980062 928978 927887 . 926803 925722 924644 923568 922495 921424 . 920356 . 919290 918227 . 917167 .916109 | . 915058 . 914000 912950 CHUWWRORMUIDS ~ TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Ro co | 9.995753 4 Sine. 0 | 9.085894 ” 13 1 | .086922 a 3 21 087947 tee 3 | .088970 be 0 4 | 039990 | Te-p) 5 | (091008 16 93 6 | .092024 Ba 7 | .093037 Oe 8 094047 16.82 9 |. 095056 | 48"rr 10 | .096062 16. “9 11 | 9.097065 es 2) 098066 | ane 13 | .099065 16 62 14 | .100062 | j¢°ee 15 | .101056 | 16 53 16 | .102048 16.48 17 3308087 | “Fea 18 | .104025 16. Hs 19 ||; *.105010 | “Fe *5e 590¢ =< 20 | 105092 | 36°35 21 | 9.106973 | 16 5 22 | .107951 | i¢°5, 23 | .108927 16 23 24 | 3109901 | As 25 | 110873 | 16-20 26 | .t11842 | 18-18 27 | 112809 | 46°08 28 | 118774 | 46'o 29) .114737 16 02 30 .115698 15.97 31 | 9.116656 BONO | aa 33 | (118567 veg 34 | .119519 is 35 | 120469 | 15.88 86 | (121417 Hee 7 | .122362 15 ae 38 | .123306 | 15 89 | .124248 | 465 41 | 9.126125 42 | .127060 Hes 43 )x-doggo8 | (20x82 44 | 198925 | 18-58 45 | 129854 oo 46 | .130781 15 49 7 | .181706 | 33°40 48 | .132630 - pas 15.35 49 . 1383551 15.32 | 50 | .134470 | 35°53 51 | 9.135387 > p2 | .136303 | 15-27 53 | .187216 | 42°65 B4 | 188128 | “42°F 55 | .139037 15 40 B6 | 189944 | 45°49 7 | .140850 | 32"o» 58 | .141754 nop 59 | .142655 we 60 | 9.148555 | °°: / | Cosine. | D, 1” Dy 1s | Cosine. 9.996751 . 996735 . 996720 . 996704 . 996688 . 996673 . 996657 . 996641 . 996625 . 996610 . 996594 . 996578 . 996562 . 996546 . 996530 . 996514 . 996498 ive} 996482 . 996465 . 996449 . 996433 9.996417 . 896400 .996884 .§96368 . 996351 996335 . 996318 -986302 | $9285 996269 996252 996235 996219 . 996202 996185 996168 996151 996134 996117 996100 996083 996066 996049 996032 996015 995998 995980 995963 995946 995928 9.995911 .995894. | 995876 . 995859 . 995841 995823 . 995806 . 995788 99577 Sine. D. 1". || Tang. Doi. | Cotang. ? a7 || 9-089144 | 4» 99 | 10.910856 | 60 95 || -090187 | jn er 909813 | 59 o7 091228 | 4729 .§08%72-} 58 OF 092266 | 305m GUT%84 | 57 “On 092802 | yn os .§06698 | 56 On 094586 | 4°59 .90E664 | 55 "ov || -095867 | jaya | .804638 | 54 “Sy || 096895 | 1712 902605 | 53 $25 097422 | jn’ go 802578 | 52 “Or 098446 | yo" p9 901554 | 51 OW .099468 16.98 . 900532 | 50 oy || 9.100487 | 46 os | 10.899513 | 49 OW 101504 | 3695 .§98496 | 48 joe .102519 | 3996 697481 | 47 “On 108582 | jg'g3 | 896468 | 46 oy || 204542 | 679 | -£95458 | 45 pas -105550 | 46° re 694450 | 44 “ae -106556 | 3¢ "ro 893444 | 43 97 || -107559 | 36" 68 .€92441 | 42 On | .108560 | 36 '¢5 891440 | 41 a | ORAC . 48 ‘oy || shea 16 62 .890441 |} 40 || 9.110556 ro | 10.889444 | 39 28 || aat551 | 18-58 | eeeaao | 38 Sa 112543 | 3659 | 887457 | 87 | “og -113583 | 36° gr .886467 | 36 ae 114521 16 43 885479 | 35 “38 -115507 | 36°49 884498 | 2 | oe -116491 | 3¢"95 .€83509 | 33 98 117472 | 4633 .€82528 | 82 oy || -218452 | 36°58 .881548 | 31 So «|| («119429 16.25 880571 |; 80 og || 9-120404 | 46 a | 10.879596 | 29 ‘or || 121877 | 648 878623 | 28 “9g || -122848 | 4645 877652 | 27 og || 128817 |. 36745 876683 | 26 | ‘og || -124284 | 368 '9g 875716 | 25 og || -125249 | 36°03 874751 | 24 oR :126211-| 36°90 873789 | 23 "og || 12792 | 55" ge .872828 | 22 9g ||, -128130 15 95 .871870 | 21 2 &O | € lo st FOOTE € 3 scam | | eae 28 || 1ag0coa | 19-88 |“ “eego06 | 18 “38 131944 | 32" g0 868056 | 17 “58 182893 | 32m .867107 | 16 | ‘og || 188889 | 92° p5 866161 | 15 "30 (|| +184%84 | 45 '29 865216 | 14 ‘og || +185726 | 55 '68 864274 | 13 38 126667 | 35" ¢3 .863333 | 12 “30 187605 | 45°69 .862395 | 11 "og || -188542 | 55's .861458 | 10 9.189476 10.860524 | 9 88 || 1240409 | 18-85 |" “esoso1 | 8 "98 -141840 | 35°48 .858660 | 7 “30 142269 | 35°45 857731 | 6 30 148196 | 45°49 .256804 | 5 "OR 144121 | 35°99 855879 | 4 “30 145044 | 45°37 854956 | 3 “38 145966 15 32 854034 | 2 30 146885 | 45°39 858115 | 1 os 9.147803 | | 10.852197 | 0 Deg Cotang. | D. 1’ Tang. Sine. | 9.143555 144453 . 145349 . 146243 147136 . 148026 148915 . 149802 . 150686 . 151569 152451 9.153330 154208 155083 155957 . 156830 157700 158569 159435 160301 .161164 9.162025 162885 163748 164600 . 165454 . 166307 167159 . 168008 168856 169702 9.170547 171389 172230 173070 173903 174744 175578 176411 1V7 ate .178072 | 9.178900 2179726 . 180551 .181374 . 182196 . 183016 . 183834 .184651 185466 | | . 186280 | 9.187092 | .187903 .188712 » 189519 . 190825 .191180 .191933 .192734 * 193584 9.194332 D2". | Cosine. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. Tang. | 9. 995753 995735 | 995717 . 995699 | . 995681 . 995664 . 995646 b 99; 5628 . 995610 . 995591 . 995573 995555 . 995537 - 995519 995501 995482 995464 . 995446 - 995427 995409 . 995390 | 9. 995372 995353 . 995334 . 995316 . 995297 .995278 . 995260 995241 995222 995203 995184 . 995165 . 995146 995127 .995108 .995089 995070 .995051 . 995032 . 995013 9. 994995 994974 994955 994935 . 994926 .994856 994877 . 994857 .994838 .994818 994798 99477 994759 994739 994720 994700 994680 994660 | .994640 9.994620 io) | 9.147803 || (148718 - 149682 .150544 .151454 . 152363 .158269 154174 .155077 .155978 . 156877 1 wre Cbbe 158671 . 159565 160457 161347 162286 163128 . 164008 .164892 165774 | | 9.166654 167582 . 168409 . 169284. .170157 .171029 .171899 172767 . 178634 . 174499 .175362 . 176224 177084. .177942 .178799 .179655 . 180508 . 181360 . 182211 . 183059 .188907 .18475 52 185597 . 186439 187280 .188120 . 188958 .189794 . 190629 . 191462 | 192294 193124 .193953 .194780 . 195606 .196430 .197253 198074 . 198894 9.199713 Cotang. | 10.852197 851282 850368 849456 848546 847637 846731 845826 844923 844022 | 843123 10. 842225 841329 (840435 839543 838653 837764 836877 835992 835108 834226 10.833346 832468 831591 830716 829843 828971 828101 | 827233 826366 825501 10. 824638 823776 | 822916 822058 .821201 | 2 820345 819492 | 818640 817789 816941 10.816098 815248 814403 813561 812720 811880 811042 810206 809371 - 808538 | -10.807706 806876 806047 . 805220 . 804894 ~ 808570 802747 "801926 .801106 10.800287 Cosine. | |} Sine. Cotang. Tang. fone whe sie Or DO CoP OF ~ eS CODNOTR WWE OS | Sine. 9.194832 195129 1195925 .196719 197511 . 198802 .199091 .199879 200666 .201451 (202234 | 9.203017 253797 204577 205854 -206131 . 206906 207679 208452 209222 . 209992 210760 .211526 .212291 .218055 213818 214579 .215838 216097 216854 217609 9.218363 .219116 . 219868 220618 221867 .222115 222861 2238606 i=) 224349 | 225092 9.225833 226573 220311 228048 228784 2229518 | 280252 230984 231715 232444 .233172 . 233899 234625 .235349 .236073 ve) .286795 237515 238235 238958 9.239670 o . . . . . . . Jes} TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINKS, Tang. 9.199713 200529 201345 | , 202159 202971 203782 204592 205400 206207 207013 207817 9.208619 | .209420 210220 211018 211815 212611 213405 214198 214989 | 215780 9.216568 217356 218142 218926 219710 220492 221272 222052 222830 223607 | 9224382 225156 225929 226700 227471 228239 . 229007 22977 . 230539 .231302 9.282065 232826 233586 234345 235108 235859 2086614 237368 2388120 238872 | 9.289622 | .240871 241118 248354 . 244097 244839 245579 9.246319 241865 242610 fre re pe fred fh fee fed peek eek WWW WWWWWHO Cosine. Cotang. o | 10.800287 | 799471 T9BG55 797841 797029 796218 795408 794600 793793 792987 | 792183 10.791381 "790580 “789780 788982 “788185 787389 786595 785802 "785011 784220 10.7834382 10. 10.767935 | . 768386 7162652 61550 761128 | 10.760378 158629 758882 758185 757890 756646 755908 755161 154421 10.753681 Tang. Sine. Cosine. DrIDvwk WOH OS =) ao) . 239670 . 240386 .241101 .241814 242526 . 243237 -243947 244656 . 245363 . 246069 246775 247478 248181 . 248883 249583 250282 250980 | 201677 .252373 .252067 208761 254453 255144 | 250884 - 200523 ania 201898 208583 259268 .209951 .260633 . 261314 .261994 262673 .263351 264027 264708 265377 266051 . 266723 207395 268065 . 268734 . 269402 . 270069 .270735 .271400 .272064 212126 . 273888 . 274049 .274708 275867 276025 276681 | 277339 wh 277991 | 278645 | 219297 . 279948 9.280599 DNF AP ay 7 =) Oo Ve) Je) 9.993351 993329 993307 993284 993262 993240 993217 993195 993172 993149 | 993127 993104 993081 993059 993036 992013 || .992990 = || 992067 992944 992921 992898 . 992875 . 992852 992829 . 992806 ', 992783 . 992759 992736 992713 - 992690 . 992666 992648 . 992619 . 992596 992572 . 992549 . 992525 . 992501 . 992478 . 992454 . 992430 992406 . 992382 . 992859 - 992335 992311 | - 992287 . 992268 992239 . 992214 . 992190 992166 992142 992118 .992093. | 992069 992044 992020 991996 | ~ || .991971 || 9.991947 | Cosine. | D. 1". | Sine. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS, Tang. 9.246319 .RAT057 -RATT94 . 248530 249264 . 249998 . 250730 .251461 .252191 252920 203648 9.254374 .255100 255824 | 206547 257269 .297990 208710 259429 . 260146 . 260868 9.261578 202292 . 268005 268717 . 264428 .265138 . 265847 | . 266555 .267261 .267967 9.268671 . 269375 270077 210079 201479 202178 212876 | 27857 244269 274964 9.275658 . 276351 .277043 277784 . 278424 .279113 .279801 280488 281174 .281858 9 282542 . 283225 .283907 . 284588 285268 . 285947 286624 .287301 287977 9.288652 Cotang. 10.%53681 152943 752206 751470 | 2 750786 . 750002 .T49270 748539 747809 747080 746852 745626 . 744900 T4416 7438453 742731 | 742010 741230 740571 . (89854 739137 «738422 737708 786995 736283 135572 . 134862 (84153 . 188445 132739 732033 731329 730625 (29923 (29221 728521 nr 1271822 (a 727194 726427 725731 725036 724842 7123649 722957 - 122266 21576 20887 720199 19512 T1886 718142 717458 T1675 (40 - 716093 712699 712023 | 10.711348 | Cotang. Tang. CHW W ROOM =300 TABLH AXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, WOMOIAIP WWE © ile) =) We) Sine. Cosine. 9.280599 281248 281897 282544 .283190 283836 284480 285124 285766 286408 287048 287688 288326 288964 .289600 290236 . 290870 291504 .292137 292768 293399 294029 294658 295286 .295913 .296539 297164 297788 .298412 299034 .299655 ae . 80089! "301514 802182 802748 803364 808979 .804593 805207 .805819 806430 807041 .807650 808259 | . 808867 . 809474 .810080 .3 10685 | .811289 f° 811893 812495 .313097 313698 14297 | .314897 .815495 .816092 .3816689 2317 ae 9.31787 Cosine. ive) v=) 9.991947 991922 .991897 .991873 .991848 .991823 .991799 99177 .991749 99172 .991699 | 9.991674 .991649 . 991624 .991599 991574 . 991549 . 991524 991498 991473 991448 | 9 991422 .9913897 991372 . 991346 . 991321 .991295 .991270 .991244 ,991218 .9911938 991167 .991141 . 991115 . 991090 . 991064 . 991088 .991012 . 990986 . 990960 . 990934 .990908 . 990882 . 990855 . 990829 . 990803 | 990777 | . 990750 . 990724 . 990697 . 990671 990645 . 990618 . 990591 990565. | 990538 | . 990511 . 990485 . 990458 990431 9.990404 Tang. 289826 289999 290671 . 291342 . 292013 292682 . 293350 .294017 294684 .295349 296013 296677 297389 298001 . 298662 299322 .299980 . 800638 801295 .801951 802607 .808261 .803914 304567 .805218 .805869 . 806519 .807168 .807816 .808463 .809109 809754 .810399 .811042 .811685 -812827 .812968 .813608 -3014247 .814885 815523 .3816159 . 816795 817480 .818064 318697 819330 xo ie) Je) © .819961 «820592 821222 9.821851 322479 | -823106 .823783 B24 358 824983 "305607 326231 .826853 || 9.827475 | 9.288652 Cotang. 08 3393 y 0p 661 .701999 . 701838 .700678 700020 . 699362 .698705 .698049 .697393 . 6967389 .696086 . 695433 .694782 ,694131 .693481 . 692832 .692184 .6915387 | 10.690891 690246 . 689601 .688958 688315 687673 . 687032 686392 .685753 . 685115 684477 -683841 683205 682570 .681936 .681303 .680670 680039 679408 678778 | 10.678149 | .677521 676894 | 676267 | 675642 | .675017 .674893 .673769 673147 10.672525 Sine. Cotang. | Tang. 10.711348 - 710674 -710001 - 709829 708658 TOV 987 707318 106650 705983 705316 704651 : f (08987 ( COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. 9.317879 o —) - = SO OID OS CO 2 i=) =) Sine. Cosine. Tang. Cotang. .318473 .819066 .3819658 820249 .820840 .821480 .822019 ‘ .322607 823194 323780 | . 824366 . 824950 .825534 .826117 .828700 827281 .3827862 20442 .829021 -829599 .330176 3380753 .831329 .331903 .832478 .833051 | .333624 ~334195 .834767 835337 .835906 .836475 .887048 .337610 .838176 888742. | . 889307 | .839871 .3840484 . 840996 841558 842119 842679 .843239 | 843797 844355 .844912 845469 .846024 | 346579 847134 347687 348240 .348792 3349343 | . 849893 .8504438 .850992 .851540 | 9.352088 We} Ve) eo) | 9.990404 990378 | 990351 . 990824 990297 .990270 . 990243 .990215 .990188 .990161 . 990134 9.990107 .990079 “990052 990025 989997 989970 989942 989915 989887 989860 989832 . 989804 989777 989749 989721 989693 989665 989637 989610 989582 | .989553 . 989525 .989497 . 989469 . 989441 .989413 . 989385 . 989356 . 989328 . 989300 989271 . 989243 . 989214 989186 . 989157 . 989128 989100 989071 . 989042 . 989014 . 988985 988956 988927 988898 988869 . 988840 98881 1 988782 988753 . 988724 io!) Je) ile) || 9.827445 o28095 Oso 1d O2Id384 .8 29953 .830570 .081187 .831803 .082418 .0830383 .883646 804259 .384871 . 800482 .8386093 886702 837311 .837919 .o80027 .3889133 .8097389 .840344 .840948 -041552 842155 042757 .343358 .343958 .844558 -340157 . 845755 . 846353 346949 .047545 (Ten) len) 848141 | 348735 349829 349922 350514 351106 351697 352287 352876 353465 354053 .854640 355227 855813 . 3806398 356982 357566 358149 858731 .009313 359893 360474 361053 361632 362210 362787 i=) || 9.363364 a vm PJ FFF IIS | 10.672525 671905 671285 670666 670047 669430 668813 668197 667582 666967 666354 10. 665741 665129 664518 663907 663298 662689 662681 661473 660867 660261 | 10.659656 659052 | § 658448 | : 657845 .658647 | .658051 .652455 | .651859 . 651265 . 650671 . 650078 .649486 . 648894. . 648303 | 10.647713 .647124 . 646535 | . 645947 . 645360 -644773 .644187 . 648602 .648018 . 642434 .641851 .641269 .640687 .640107 . 6389526 .6388947 . 688368 .6387790 637213 636636 e NaCosimes. |.) 1. Sine, Cotang. Tang. | TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, - Sine. D. 1". |} Cosine. | D. 1’. Tang. D. 1°. | Cotang. / 0 | 9.352088 | 4 45 |) 9.989724 4g || 9-363364 | 9 ,, | 10.636636 | 60 1) 352685 | 9°79 |, 988695 | -48 ||” “363940 958 |. -636060 | 59 2| 353181 | 9: 988666; 28 || “364515 635485 | 58 3 | 1353726 , a 988636.) a | 1365090 : » 634910 | 57 4] .354271 oi . 988607 0 |. 865664 “Of | 684836 | 5G 5 | 1354815 | 9-07 .988578 | “25 || "366937 | 9-55 | “gagren | me 6 | 355358 | 9-05 988548 | -0 .366810 | 9-53 | “gssig9 | 54 7 | 1355901 | 9-95 ‘gsss19 | -48 -367382 | 9-53 | “gg0618 | 53 8 | .366443 | 9-03 || ‘osgigg BO || 1867958 oe | 682047 | 52 9 | .356984 | 3-02 988460 | -48 368524 | 9-7. | 631476 | 51 10 | .857524 9/00 988430 “48 || .369094 9.48 .680906 | 50 | 11 / 9.358064 | ¢ og || 9.988401} |", || 9.869663 | 9.4 | 10.630837 | 49 Hh 12 | 358603 | 8-88 988371 | .*:50 870282 | 9-42 | 1629768 | 48 Hn 13 | 5941 | 8.97 988342} «38 370799 | 3-42 | 629201 | 47 14 | .359678 8195 .988312 | , 50 871367 : 3 . 628633 | 46 15 | .360215 | ‘8.95 988282 | © -> .371933 | 9-4 628067 | 45 HW 16 | 360752 Sieg 988252 | 80 || “372499 3-42 | 627501 | 44 7 |. .Beien7 | 8.82 -988223°| «48 373064 | 9-4 | “620936 | 43 uh 18 | 361822 | 8.92 988193 | -P? 873629 | 9°45 | .626871 | 42 Hi | 19 | 362856 | 8.90 988163} -P0 374193 | 3-38 | 625807 | 41 He 20 | 362889 | 8-88 988133 | - 0 874756 | 8°38 | 625244 | 40 AV ig 21 | 9.363422 | 2°. || 9.988103 50 || 9-875819 | 9 » | 10.624681 | 39 vil ,22 | 363954 | 8.87 -988073'| +0 875881 | 9°34 | 624119 | 38 23 | .364485 885 . 988043 50 3876442 9.35 623558 | 87 24 | 365016 | 8-8 988013 | ? || 1389000 | 9-23 | “gizago | oy Hil B4| 870285 | 8-2 || ‘osrrto PO |) 1882575 O33 | 1617425 | 26 85 | .870808 | §.72 987679 | -B 883129 | 6°53 | 1616871 | 95 36 | 371330 | 8-7 987649 | -20 "383682 “616318 | 24 37 | 371852 | 8.70 "987618 | -52 884234 | 9-20 | “i566 | og 38 | 1372373 oon 987588 | «0 "384786 ae "615214 | 29 39 | 372804 | 8.68 987557 | Fp || -ae5aaz | 8-18] “614663 | 21 AQ, : AOR .t KC . ¢ 40] .avsai4 | 8-67 987526 | Fo || 885888 | 9-18) 614112 | 20 41 | 9.373933 | .'g. || 9.987496 se || 9386438 | 9 4. | 10.618562 | 19 42 | 374452 863 987465 =) .886987 9°15 613013 | 18 43 | .374970 8 62 987434 “B0 887536 9°13 .612464 | 17 el weeeeee | geo || e8C40B: | “2 -888084 | g'i9 | 611916 | 16 45 | .376003 | §-60 ‘perei2 |. 62 888631 | 9°15 | 1611869 | 15 46 | .876519 8 60 987341 “BO .889178 9°10 .610822 | 14 7| .3770a5 | 8.60 987310 | - 389724 | 9°49 | .610276 | 13 48] ‘8rrsz9 | S87 987279 ae | "390270 a 609730 | 12 49 | .378063 g RY . 987248 “30 890815 908 609185 | 11 50} .s7s577 | 8.5% 987217 | “Pe 391360 | gps | .608640 | 10 51 | 9°379089 | . +. | 9.987186 > _ || 9.891903 ~ | 10.608097 | 9 52) .879601 | pss || 987155 | -P2 || ‘390447 | 9:07 | “ “Gomnca | 53} .880113 | §-°8 | ‘ogvioa | -52 || “3959g9 9.03: “go70i1 | 7 54] (880624 | 8-52 || “oproga | — -58 393531 | 2-93 | “eog469 | 6 55 | .38iis4 | 8-90 || “oszoei | 52 |! “304073 303) 1605927 | 5 56 | .881643 | gv4s || -9svo30 | -82 |) “Baaeia 900 | -605886 | 4 b7 | 882152 | ee || .986998 as , 395154 9°00 604846 | 3 58) .382661 | oye || .986967 “25 «|| «| «6895694 8/98 604306 | 2 59 | 883168 | B42 || “986936 22 396283 | Bor | .603767 | 1 60 | 9.383675 | °-4° || g gseg04 | 58 |) g Bggen °-3¢ | 10603229 | 0 ’ | Cosine. | D.1”. || Sine. D. 1". 4| Cotang: | D. 1°. Tang. 2 - Sine. SO OI OTR OO DH OS 9.388675 .304182 .884687 .885192 .385697 | - 886201 .886704 .881207 .887709 .3888210 .o88711 9.389211 889711 .890210 .390708 .891206 .3891703 .3892199 .3892695 .893191 | .393685 | 9.394179 | .394673 395166 895658 396150 396644 897132 897621 898111 .3898600 9.399088 899575 .400062 .400549 .401035 .401520 .402005 .402489 .402972 403455 9.403938 .404420 .404901 .405382 .405862 .406341 .406820 407299 40777 408254 9.408731 .409207 .409682 .410157 .410632 .411106 .411579 .412052 412524 9.412996 | 10 GD 00 CO OO CO wiowwwwwe a aye ee z| Cosine. ! D. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS, Cosine. | D, 1". i Tang. Cotang. = es | 9.986904 | 9.896771 | 2 10603229 . 986873 .397309 |g” 602691 :. 986841 897846 | 9° 602154 986809 898883 |g" 601617 1.986778 |} .898919 |g" 60081 -986746 || 899455 | 9° 600545 986714 |} 899990 | 9" .600010 . 986683 |} -400524 | ¢" 599476 (986651 |} .401058 | 9°¢ 598942 .986619 || .401591 | 9’ 598409 . 986587 || -402124 | 9° 597876 | 9.986555 || 9.402656 | 10.597344 986523 || .408187 | 9° .596813 . 986491 |} 408718 | Qos 596282 . 986459 || .404249 | 9° 595751 -. 986427 || 404778 | 9’. 595222 986395 |} -405808 | g'¢ 594692 :986363 || .405836 } 9'¢ 594164 986331 .406364 | 9° .593636 986299 || .406892 | ¢° 593108 986266 || .407419 | 9’ 592581 9.986234 | 9.407945 |g mm | 10.592055 986202 || -408471 | g'ns 591529 .986169 .408996 | g'nx .591004 .986137 409521 | g"hg 590479 . 986104 .410045 | 9'r3 589955 . 986072 | .410569 | Q"r5 589431 .986039 | .411092 | p'n5 588908 .986007 || .411615 | 9° 588385 . 985974 .412137 | 9'¢ 587863 ,985942 || 412658 | 9" 587342 9.985909 || 9.413179 10.526821 985876 .413699 586301 985843 .414219 | 9 585781 985811 .414738 : 585262 .985778 BB .415257 | 0’ ¢ 584743 :985745 fee 415775 | 9" Ge 584225 985712 | ‘ee 416293 | 9’ g¢ 583707 985679 Bee .416810 | o'¢ 583190 .985646 “3B 417826 | 9° 582074 | 1985613 “BB A1T842 |g” 582158 9. 985580 9.418358 | 10.581642 ges5a7 | -P5 || 4ise73 | 3° 581127 985514 os 419387 | 580613 | 17 . 985480 5S .419901 -580099 | 16 985447 55 420415 -519585 15 985414 Bs || | -420927-| 919073 | 14 985381 "no || 421440 578560 |, 13 . 985314 “my || 422468 5775: (| il . 985280 — || 422074 577026 | 10 9.985247 | nn || 9.423484 | 10.576516 | 9 985213 “a5 || 428998 576007 | 8 .985180 By ae oe 424503 5 4 5494 ¢ 985146 "rs || -425011 | 574989 | 6 985113 | “py || .425519 | 574481 | 5 985079 | “py || .426027 573973 | 4 985045 “ny || 420584 | 573466 | 8 985011 “a5 || «427041 572959 | 2 | .984978 oe || | Saeed? 572453 | 1 |) 9.984944 | °°" |) 9.428052 10.571948 | 0 Sine. . || Cotang. Tang. / & TA y \BLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES / . Si " | ne, D. rt 4 | Cosine. D. 1’. Park : tk 3 Oe i | g. D. 1". | Cotang. vey. | 0 | 9.412996 | 1} 413467 | ig Oiuee (i Me: {eee | Lb | 2 7.85 5 ¢ Py eae te ae i As | 3 Siri 783 “981876 Br. |i ARSE ors ee | 6 | asiava | | 7488 984845 57 .429062: | 9° enn trie 5 | z . € ‘ pepe a1 | 9.4zis79 | gases | +82 || O> eM) > FFF HF BPD I VIII S Ww 40 | 1457584 OeteEL |, Ses oll cateaes.| Oe08 | 1 ances | 41 | 9.458006 » || 9.981823 | gs || 9.476683 | » gs | 10.528317 | 19 42.| 458427 | «*oo || .981285 | “ga || 477142 | 9 "¢e 522858 | 18 a 43-| 1458848 | 4-72 || ‘ogioa7 | = 83 || larre01 3 | .592899 | 17 44) 1459268 | 4-29 || ‘osi209 | -63 || -aze050 | f:a5 521941 | 16 45 | 450688 | fy) || cosiizi | 68 || :4rssi7 | “fgg | 1521488 | 15 | 46} .460108 | d-o3 || .981138| “83 || c4vsovs | #05 | ‘521025 | 14 47 | .460527 | G93. || .981095 | “B38 | oS | 1520568 | 13 48 | .460946 | 8-8" || ‘osios7 | -B3 vanes : 12 49 | 461364 | Poy || .981019| “es a 11 “80 519199 | 10 BU | .461182 | gos 1} .980981 10.518743 | .462199 6 |} 9.980942 | 63. || 9.481257 | of | 9 704 .95 Han 2 Ur 24449 58 290Q 52 | .462616 | 9°93 -980904 63 || 481712 58 518288 | 538] .468032 | 698 . 980866 “65 482167 57 .517833 54 18 | 698 .980827 ot 482621 5 514379 | Bb ant Owe 980789 ie 483075 ts 516925 | vo Qo . ( i. fr 56 | Cane "980750 | ° 483529 of 516471 oo 516018 | “8g 515565 Bz | :4646oa | 8-22 || ‘ogovie | -B8 || -4gs982 | 58 | ‘465108 | 9: 980673 | 63 || 484435 Sc « ~ * ee aJ a a NOM SS SS SON SS S O S O ed ORD WR OLD -IO0O | 50 | 1465522 | 8-9 || ‘ogosa5 | -68 || apager | 2:2: "515113 | 60 | 9.465935 | ©-88 |) o’9s0596 | -® || 9.485839 | 4:3 | 10:514661 | ‘| Cosine. | D.1”". || Sine. Dal" sai} Cotanes|\3Ds1" Tang. Z 10° 720 é Sine. | D.1". || Cosine. 0 | 9.465935 | @ gg || 9.980596 1 | .466348 | gga || 980558 2 | .466761 | ¢'oo .980519 3 | 467173 6 87 980480 4 | .467585 6 ' 35 980442 5 | .467996 | gs 980403 6 | .468407 | @'g3 .980364 7 | .468817 | 6 ’39 980325 8 | .469227 | g’ga 980286 9} .469637 | 6'g5 980247 10 | .470016 | @"g5 980208 | 11 | 9.470155 | 4 ay 9.980169 12] .470863 | @g9 .980130 13 | .471271 | bgp 980091 14 | .471679 | Gr 980052 15 | .472086°) ¢ bad -980012 16 | .4724192 67 979973 17 | .472898 697 979934 18 | .473304 | @'te 979895 19 | .473710 | g"hs 979855 20 | (474115 6.73 979816 21 | 9.474519 | og 9.97977 2) .474923 | @° "3 979737 23 | 475827 |g "9 979697 24] .475730 | p'n5 .979658 25 | .476133 | g'n5 .979618 26 | .476536 6 70 979579 297 | .476938 6.7 979539 28 | .477340 | ¢ 68 979499 29 | 477741 | 66g 979459 30 | .478142 | @ 7 979420 31 | 9.478542 | ¢ gn 9.979380 32 | .478942 | ¢° 67 979340 33 | 479342 | 6g 979300 84 | 479741 |g 65 979260 35 | .480140 6 65 979220 36 | .480539 | ¢" 63 979180 37 | 480937 6 62 979140 38 | 481334 | 6 '¢5 979100 39 | .481731 | 6 '¢5 979059 40 | .482128 | 669 979019 41 | 9.482525 | & 9.978979 42 | 482021 | 2: 58 978939 43 | .483316 6 60 978898 44 | .488712 | re 978858 45 | .484107 6 87 978817 46 | .484501 6 57 97807 47 | .484895 6 BY 978737 48 | .485289 | pe 978696 49 | .485682 6 bE 978655 50 | .486075 6 53 978615 51 | 9.486467 | ¢ 5x 9.978574 52 | 486860 | p> 978533 53 | .487251 | @ “5g . 978493 54 | 487643 | 655 978452 55 | .488034 | ¢54 978411 56 | .488424 6 50 978370 5Y | .488814 650 978329 58 | .489204 | ¢ “48 978288 59 | .489593 6 48 978247 60 | 9.489982 om tL 9.9%3206 4 Cosine. | D 1”. Sine. TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, | DD a** Tang. D, 1". | Cotang. | fi nf nae Sh | Aes ee bs 9.485839 » 5g | 10.514661 | 60 63 ‘ag5vo1 | 2-58 "514209 | 59 65 | 48022 | pp | 518758 | 8 63 | casriss | 750 | cSrpepr | 56 . JD AQUOS f.o S ony xe 65 || 4agoa3 | 7:50 | °-Biigne | 65 || “gggag0 | 2-48 "511508 | 53 ee (|| 488941 | 248° | “511059 | 52 "65 489390 a 7 510610 | 51 te ||| teeeoees |; bee "510162 | 50 QO? Ww | me | ray | sso | a ee || -491d80 | 2-45 | “s08se0 | 47 + Ue On . 972 | “AR 67 7 ||) satenek |! reat woes al We 65 ‘4go519 | 7-43 "507481 | 44 ‘65 || "499965 | 1-48 507035 | 43 65 || agaaio | 7-42 506590 | 42 . 92Q6 : 50614 | a eee cea 7 |, sae. solo ee Ae 65 || 9-494743 | gq | 10.505257 | 39 + Oe 51 504s | 9 ai | 2 | Pi | OS || .496073 | 2-88 | ‘503927 | 36 a | 496515 | 03% | 508485 | 35 . ie AQ mOkNh -t . € . |) a | Far | See | 67 |) “4g7g41 | 7-37 "502159 | $9 .67 “agora || Tee ieaieia teke 8) BES) eB | Sek a £67 ||| PCE otis souhee tr Wt Seana || eee |e ee 67 Ap x ec 7 39 0) C Oe sf 28 “|| 50002 | 4-82 499958 | 27 . 2 : am ie oF S67. |} Gengasy (eae aaeeaa bene 67 || “501359 | 7-82 “498641 | 24 67 | “sor707 | 7-30 | “aoapo3 | 93 -67 || “502035 | 1-30 497765 | 22 oy || poze | 1-28 | ‘ag7goe | 91 “ey . 503109 98 .496891 | 20 ~ || 9.508546] » 4. | 10.496454 | 19 S| Rs | 2 | ae | 67 Meagaxa {0 Viet “hy doo pl ef | a) ie | aie 67 BO5724 | 0-20 494276 | 14 a “506159 | 1:29 "493841 | 13 08 |) soroer | 223) jours | ti “68 507460 | 9°55 .492540 | 10 Weer? y 6) nw ‘68. |) OP etOs | ibe Boe A 6% || “s0a759 | 7-22 491241 | 4 “ba (| -500191 | £-22 | 7490609 | 6 OC NOR. peas ary | gee | Bons ea. {| .310485 | 2-48 | lago515 | 8 "fg || - 510016 | 7:18 | ‘apoosa | 2 | . K1794R8 . Nevada | $68. |) gesaeeca| (THEY AB88DE | | 9.51177 10. 488224 0 D. 1". || Cotang. | D: 1°. Tang. i BOIS OR G0 OD Y Se * G Sine. .490371 .490759 .491147 .491535 .491922 492308 .492695 .493081 .493466 493851 9.494236 .494621 -495005 - 4953888 495772 .496154 .496537 .496919 .497301 . 497682 | 9.498064 | .498444 498825 . 499204 499584 .499963 .500342 .500721 501099 501476 | 9.501854 502231 502607 502984 “503360 503735 504110 504485 “504860 505234 505608 505981 506354 506727 .507099 OVE 507843 508214 BOSS85 508956 | 9.509326 | 509696 510065 510434 510803 © .511172 | .511540 .511907 512275 | 9.512642 0 | 9.489982 | eo} S Sd G2 ¢ > S> S> > > ee ee ek ek eek ek Re A WO WO 0 GY CLOT OT OT z | 9.978206 .978165 978124 .978083 978042 . 978001 977959 977918 ITBTT 977835 877794 ioleds4 . 97 ( (52 =) ITT . 977669 977628 977586 977544 977503 977461 977419 77377 9.977335 977293 IV7251 977209 977167 977125 977083 977041 . 976999 . 976957 976914 976872 976830 976787 976745 . 976702 . 976660 976617 . 976574 .976E32 . 976489 . 976446 . 976404 io) .976361 .976318 Or 976275 . 976282 . 976189 - 976146 976103 || 9.976060 975974 . 975930 . 975887 . 975844 . 975800 ON 5 S57 dIlodiodd 975714 9.975670 Cosine. | A a a a a a a a a a 8 a a WWNHHWNWWNWDN YWWWNWNWHWWSOD WOWwWowsd Tang. 9.511776 || 512206 512635 513064 | 513493 | 513921 | 1514349 514777 515204 515631 | 516057 9.516484 516910 517335 517761 518186 518610 519034 519458 519882 520305 9.520728 521151 521573 521995 522417 522838 523259 523680 | 524100 | 524520 9.524940 .5253859 525778 .526197 .526615 .527083 | 527451 .527868 528285 528702 9.529119 .529535 .529951 .580866 530781 .531196 .531611 | 582025 .532439 See | .582853 | 9.533266 .538679 .534092 584504 .534916 585828 .535739 .536150 5386561 9.586972 Cotang. WE AE AE AEA EVE APE EEE PEI IE I IM N AIAN DAIMDMDADAA ADA SD oS APOIAS DS SH SG. Sd 487794 487365 .486956 .486507 .486079 .485651 485223 .484796 .484369 483943 | 10.483516 483090 482665 "482239 481814 481390 480966 480542 480118 479695 10.479272 478849 478427 -478005 477583 477162 476741 476820 475900 475480 10.475060 474641 474222 -473803 473885 472967 472549 472182 41715 .471298 | 10.470881 470465 -470049 .469634 .469219 468804 -468389 467975 467561 467147 | 10.466734 466321 -465908 .465496 465084 -464672 .464261 -463850 .463439 10468028 Cosine, | Sine. Cotang. Tang. | 10.488224 Or dD CO O10 FF OC ~ ~t | = | ° TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, ~ Sine. D. 1", || Cosine. | D. 1’. || Tang. 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D. 1". |! Cotang.! D.1". | Tang. | / 111° — D. 1", || Cosine. | D. 1". || Tang. = = es eG ae 0 | 9.573575 | 5 99 || 9.967166 | es | 9-606410 1| (573888 | 359 || -967115 | “ge || .606773 2| .574200 | F'59 || -967064 "gx || -607187 3 | .574512 | Foo || -967013 | “or || 607500 4) .574824 | 559 || -966961 "Br 607863 5 | :5751386 | - jg || .966910 "35 608225 6 | 57447 | 54g || -966859 “85 608588 7 | .575758 | £49 || 966808 | gn . 608950 B | .576069 | P'y> || -966756 | “on .609312 9} .576379 | Fyn || 966705 a 609674 10 | 576689 | Fyy || 966653 "Bs .610036 11 | 9.576999 | ~ 47 || 9.966602 ~ || 9.610897 2 | .577309 5 15 .966550 "8s 610059 13 | 577618 | 245 . 966499 “Be .611120 14) BY7927 | P45 966447 eee .611480 15 | 4578236 | 245 966395 "gs || -611841 16 | .578545 | "43 . 966344 “2 ||. 812201 | 17 | 578853 | 2-72 966292 | “So || .612561 18 | 1579162 alee . 966240 pee . 612921 19 | 579470 8 12 .966188 ee 618281 20 | 579777 5 13 . 966136 "gs 613641 21 | 9.580085 | ~ 49 || 9.966085 gy || 9-614000 22-| 580892 | 5745 || -266033 rats 614859 23 | .580699 | -'39 || -965981 “OF 1614718 | 24 | 1581005 | 245 || 265929 “ag || -615077 | 25 | 1581312] 2739 || -965876 |“, 615435 26 | 1581618 | S39 || -965824 we 615793 27 | .581924 | Fog || .965772 o 616151 28 | 1582229] £49 || 965720 | || 616509 29 | 582535 | F'og || 965668 “eg || 616867 30 | .582840 | F*og || -965615 "gr || 617224 31 | 9.583145 | ~ gy || 9.965563 | » || 9.61%582 32 | 583449 | Pog || .965511 | “68 617939 | 83 | .588754 | B'o~ || -965458 | > || .618295 34 | 584058 | pion || -965406 | “GQ || .918652 35 | 584361 | pp» || -965353 | “oe |) .619008 | 36 | 584665 | 5" 05 965301 “oR 619364 387 | .584968 | =o 965248 | “G8 619720 88 | 585272 | z'o3 || -965195 | “gn 620076 | 89 | 585574 | 5o5 || 965143 | ogg || -Sa0dse 40 | a 585874 ( 5 ‘ 03 ie 965090 , 88 s 620 ( 8 ( 4i | 9.586179 | x ox || 9.965037 | gg || 9.621142 42 | .586482 | p'o9 || -964984 “ag || «| 621497 | 43 | .586783 5 08 || 964931 ees! 621852 | 44} 587085 | poo || -964879 | “6 622207 45 | .587386 | p'o9 || -964826 “og 622561 46 | .587688 | Foo 964773 “og 622915 | 47 | 587989 | 2" aq .964720 | “gq || - 628269 | 48 | .588289 | Py og || -964666 "oq || -623623 49 -588590 5 00 -964613 | “a8 | 623976 50 | 588890 | 2"o9 || -964560 “gg || -624330 51 | 9.589190 , || 9.964507 | 19 ||: 9.624688 52 | .5eode9 | 4-98 || “‘o64454 | “88 || -625036 53 | .589789 | frog || -964400 | “ge .625388 54} .590088 4.98 | -964847 | “ge 625741 55 | .590887 | 4igg || -964294 “99 || + - 626093 56 | .590686 | 4'g, || -964240 | “gg ||. 626445 57 | .590984 | 4igy || -964187 | “99 || 626797 58 | .591282 | 4ign || -964183 | “gg || .627149 59 | 591580 | 4.97 . 964080 90 627501 60 | 9.591878 Ai 9.964026 “|| 9.627852 Y + Cosine: |°Dr1"7 ||; --Sine. Dra F11 Cotang. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COVANGENTS. Dae 6.05 6.07 6.05 6.05 6.03 6.05 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.02 6.03 6.02 6.00 6.02 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.0 6.00 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.97 5.97 5.9 5.97 5.97 5.95 5.97 5.95 5.93 5.93 5.98 CS CS 9.961235 2 || 9.645516 10.354484 | 9 52 607036 | 4-72 || ‘961179 oa || 1645857 | 5.88 "354143 | 8 53 | 07322 | Fins -961123 | “93 || 646199 |e "ha .353801 | 7 b4} corer | 7-2 961067 | 93 || 646540 | 2-68 _353460 | 6 55 | .607892 | 7 "ne 961011 "93_|| 646881 | 5 G0 -B53119 | 5 | 56 | © .608177 493 960955 “93 |, 647222 5 67 352778 | 4 57 | .608461 | 7°25 . 960899 "93 || 647562. ] Fe eos | 3 BS} 608745 | 4-73 || 960843 | 92 || 647903 | 5-88 097 | 2 59 | 609029 | fons 960786 | “93 648243 | Pope ‘35r73" | 1 60 | 9.609313 “1 9.960730 | | 9.648583 | °°?" | 10.351417} 0 7 Gosime.-| D241 Sine. PPE RAS 4 Cotang. | D. 1” Tang. | 1) Bine..-,|. Di", | Cosine. | D..1 | Tang. | D.1". ; Cotang | , aS = a 0 | 0931: | ve 58: 0 9.600818. 4-3. || 9.960780 | 93 9.648583. |, @ | 10.351417 | 60 @ | asBOe80 | aia" >? 37957 | 20 41 | 9.620763 | 5g |) 9.958387 | g, |) 9.662876 | “~~ | 10.337624 | 19 2| 1621038 | 4° "958329 | 2% ||. ‘62709 | 5-55 | © ‘aava9 43 | 1621313 | 4°oo || coseevl | <4 pean | 5:55 | “B3g099 | 47 44} 621587 | 472 ‘osseia | 2% |) “eusa7s | 5-55 Sets tee Biker | 4:57 |] cQeeise | 98 |) cGoaror | 8-23 | “Bsoe08 | 15 46 | .6e2ias | 4-27 || ‘958006 | 2 || “664039 | 5-33 ‘S35001 | 14 7 | 1622409 | Gree 58035 OF 664371 | 2:38 "33562 Br (ieee | Ace i tiers || 208 || criers | 5 :b8 | Bate, Ee PP ieee | iis, leet | ibe |i cceeayOS | pbs | cater me ey cere | 4a5b [oe ieee | ct || -665035.) 559 834905 | 17 4.55 ~dd (ODD 98 . 665866 | kK 53 .304634 10 51 | 9.628502 9.9578 || 9.665 oe. Bl | 9.628502 | 4g nq ||,9.057804 |g, || 9.085608 | 5 59 10.334302 | 9 52 | .oaur7d | fps |) 980746 | <3 || 600% | bio | -BaBOTL | 8 BS | 624047 | 43 || -957687 | “gg || - 666360 | es .333640 | 7 Bd |r s624319 | 453 || ee “OF 666691 | 2°25 .333309 | 6 56 | 624863 | 258 || ‘osvai| +28 “gorse | 8-52 8 | a4 57 | 605185 | 4°28 || opvene : «28 “porees | 3-00 | “bammg |B 58 | ‘62540 | 4-22 |] “osvao3 | 28 || “eeg013 | 5-52 aiiay | Se 59 | 625677 | 4°22 || ‘os7Ba5 | -24 || “osasaa | 3-30 spiosy | 2 age vn yrrore . : nisi 2 y | 60 | 9.625048 |" 9.957276 9.668673 | 5-59 | 49'331397 | 0 Gosine. |. D; 17; || ~Sines } Dil Cotang. | D.1". Tang. ear COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. 10 Sine. 9.625948 626219 . 626490 . 626760 627030 627300 627570 .627840 628109 .628378 628647 9.628916 .629185 629453 629721 .629989 .630257 630524 .630792 -631059 6313826 9.631593 .631859 632125 . 632392 . 632658 632923 . 633189 633454 633719 . 633984 9.634249 -634514 63477 .635042 . 635306 . 635570 .635834 . 636097 . 636360 636623 9.636886 .637148 637411 .637673 637935 638197 638458 638720 638981 639242 9.639503 .639764 . 640024 . 640284 .640544 . 640804 . 641064 .641324 .641583 9.641842 Cosine. i 1 HB Orororor wwwwoesweasS GRGRARASLS SBRRSSSSSSIR SP RP ¢ Ww CIt co CDWWKWHRA HR AHH GLOUNESITNINENIDON DODDOOOSOCOW co GY Co ALA AA AL AAA AAA ADA AAA AAA AD AAA RAAA AA AAA AAA RADA AAAAAARARAA Gt 6559 Or Or aad Co Cs 02% Cosine. 9.957276 957217 957158 957099 957040 . 956981 956921 . 956862 .956803 956744 . 956684 9.956625 956566 956506 956447 956387 956327 956268 . 956208 . 956148 . 956089 9.956029 . 955969 . 955909 . 955849 955789 . 955729 955669 . 955609 . 955548 . 955488 9.955428 955368 . 955307 955247 . 955186 955126 955065 . 955005 954944 954883 9.954823 . 954762 954701 . 954640 . 954579 954518 954457 - 954396 954335 954274 9.954213 - 954152 -954090 954029 . 953968 . 953906 953845 . 953783 . 953722 9.953660 Sine. Dias bet eR eh ee pe ee ee pe pe pp | ell eel geet eel eel eee ee ed beh peek | tl eel and he one ape are ore he. He ime ate th see Ais may a ee pdt oale ai, Sori She ote ak yak oe yas Tye Se Sal ee GA ce e 2 ys 20 Ces Sea OA > i=) p| | | 9.668673 TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Tang. . 669002 . 669332 -669661 .669991 670320 670649 670977 671806 .6716385 671963 9.672291 672619 672947 673274 673602 673929 674257 674584 674911 675237 9.675564 675890 676217 676543 676869 677194 677520 677846 678171 678496 9.678821 679146 679471 679795 680120 680444 680768 681092 681416 681740 9.682063 682387 682710 . 683033 . 683356 . 683679 684001 684324 .684646 . 684968 9.685290 .685612 - 685934 . 686255 686577 . 686898 687219 .687540 .687861 9.688182 Cotang. | D. 1’. 5.48 - LPL PPR PP PP Sh PP PP SSSSSSERS5E5 fo fo to Ge Oo wo Go to Or Go Ot OW OF I ON SS3ea55 HAAN NNO OOOO HOON TON TOT OUT, CLOT OT ON OT OT OT OT OTT. OTOTOTOTOTON PLLA DLP PPA . 8 Pa SE te Te War Ban TOLOTOVOUN OTSI AE AE OCeOLOvr gor orgorvororor O1ror a7 re aera ee Co OO o Cotang. 10.331327 . 880998 . 830668 330339 . 830009 . 829680 829351 829023 828694 828365 828037 10.827709 .327381 .3827053 326726 826898 .826071 820743 820416 . 325089 824763 10.324436 -824110 828783 823457 .823131 822806 822480 - 822154 -821829 821504 10.321179 820854 820529 820205 319880 319556 819282 . 318908 . 318584 .318260 10.317937 .3817613 317290 3816967 .316644 £816321 . 3815999 -815676 -815854 -815082 10.314710 .314388 .314066 .818745 813423 . 813102 312781 312460 .8121389 10.311818 Tang. | et ~ COnt Co Ot te C52 COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS, Sine. Diss 9.641842 "642101 reo 642360 | 4-32 642618 q's3 642877 | 4-32 "643135 e+ 643393 | 4°30 613650 | 4°55 .643908 4 28 644165 , RA AADE 4.30 644423 4°28 | 9.644680} 4 o» "644936 | 4 "645193 ye "615450 6550: . 655805 . 656054 656302 .656551 .656799 | 9.657047 or 645706 a 645962 | 7°56 646218 427 646474 1.9% 646729 | 4°95 646984 | 4°5> Garad | 423 647749 het 648004 | 4°53 648258 | 4°53 648512 | 45. 648760 | 4°5: 649020 | 4°53 649274 | 7°55 649527 | 4°55 9.649781 A “650031 | 4°32 650287 | 7°59 650539 | 4°55 650792 | 4°55 651014 | 4°55 651297 | 4°59 651549 | 4°75 651800 | 4"op “652052 | 4° 9.652304 mi .652¢ 658555 a 652806 | 4°48 653057 | 449 653308 | 4‘d> 653558 | 417 653808 418 "654059 | @:18 654309 reel 654558 | "4p 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cosine. | D. 1’. Cosine. 9.953660 . 958599 -958537 . 953475 .953413 - 953352 - 958290 . 953228 - 953166 .958104 . 953042 | 9.952980 952918 952855 952793 952731 952669 952606 952544 952481 952419 952356 952294 952231 952168 952106 952043 951980 951917 951854 951791 9.951728 951665 . 951602 .95158 951476 .951412 951849 - 951286 951222 .951159 co . 951032 950968 950905 950841 95077 950714 950650 . 950586 950522 9950458 . 950138 . 950074 . 950010 .949945 9.949881 Sine. 9.951096 950894 950330 | 950266. | 950202 | D1"; Tang. 9.688182 . 688502 . 688823 .689143 . 689463 .689783 .690103 .690423 .690742 .691062 .6913881 9.691700 . 692019 . 692358 . 692656 .692975 698293 .693612 693930 694248 .694566 | 9.694883 .695201 .695518 .695836 .696153 .696470 696787 .697103 .697420 .697736 9.698053 | .698369 . 698685 .699001 .699316 . 699632 .699947 . 700263 700578 . 700893 701208 .701523 .701837 702152 702466 . 102781 . 708095 - 703409 103722 704036 | 9.704350 | .704663 . 704976 | .7'05290 . 405603 ~ 705916 706228 706541 | .'706854 | 9.707166 © | Cotang. Dsl"; Orororor ) OO © CrOLCOvrOrorwore eo a i) OCvrOT Or or or ry) So 5.382 CUNO UOT OT OT Oot OT OT OU OU St OF OF OF OF OF ra) (SC) | | Cotang. 10.311818 | -811498 | 811177 810857 810537 | 310217 | 309897 809577 -809258 808938 | . 808619 10.308300 807981 -807662 807344 807025 306707 - 806388 806070 805752 805434 10.305117 . 804799 . 804482 . 804164 . 803847 .008530 et BUGR IS - 802597 . 802580 .002264 10.301947 -801631 .801315 * 300999 .800684 | 300368 | 800053 | 299737 299422 299107 10.298792 298477 298163 297848 297534 291219 296905 296591 296278 | 295964 10. 295650 337 ee a istatoa .294339 ¢ 294084 | 2932 -298459 .293146 10.292834 Tang. , Sine. Cosine. 0 | 9.657047 | 4 43 9.949881 1} .657295 | 449 949816 2| .657542 | 445 949752 8 | .657790 | a9 949688 4 | .6580387 | 4745 949623 5 | .658284 | 445 949558 6 | 658531 | 4745 949494 7 | 658778 | 445 949429 8} .659025 | 4°49 949364 9 | .65927 410 . 949300 10 | 659517 | 4°49 949235 11 | 9.659763 | 4 49 || 9.949170 12 | 660009 | 4°49 949105 13 | .660255 | 4°49 949040 14] .660501 | Jog 948975 15 | 660746 | {og 948910 16 | 660991 | 4p. 948845 17 | 661236 | 49g 948780 18 | .661481 | 4 "og 948715 19 | 661726 | Gop . 948650 Q 661970 407 . 948584 21 | 9.062214 | 4 og 9.948519 22 | 662459 | 4" o 948454 23. | 662703 4.05 948388 24 | 662946 | 4 oe 948323 25 | .663190 | 4"ox 948257 26 | .663433 1.07 948192 27 | .663677 1.05 948126 28 | .663920 4. 05 948060 29 | 664163 | 7p: 947995 30 | .664406 4.08 947929 31 | 9.664648 4.05 9.947863 32 | .664891 4.08 947797 33 | 665133 | 7 "o3 947731 B4 | .665375 | 49g 947665 35 | 665617 | 4°93 947600 36 | 665859 | 4'o5 947533 37 | .666100 | 7 "oa 947467 38 | .666342 402 947401 39 | 666583 | 4 "95 947335 40 | 666824 | 4'o9 947269 41 | 9.667065 | 4 9 9.947203 2 | 667205 | 495 947136 43 | .667546 | 4"p5 947070 44 | 667786 | 7° 947004 45 | 668027 | 4'o9 946937 46 | .668267 | 3*9g || -946871 7 | .668506 | 4'o9 || 946804 48 | .668746 | 4'o9 || -946738 | 49 | 668986 | S'o3 || .946671 50 | .669225 | 3°98 || .946604 51 | 9.669464 | ,, 98 || 9.946538 52} .669703 | 5°99 || .946471 | 53 | 669942 | 5*98 946404 | 54 | 670181 | 3 '" 946337 | 55 | .670419 | 39g 946270 | 56 | .670658 3°97 . 946203 | 57 | 670896 | 3 *o. . 946136 58 | .671134 3°97 946069 | 59 | 671372 | 3 'o¥ 946002 | 60 | 9.671609 “e 9.945935. | ’ | Cosine. Dslr Sine. Dx? Tange 18D,A". Cotang. Hog || BARES br ogtog | ieee 1.07 || crorzg0 | 5-2 292210 | tog. || -70st02 | 8°20. | © “Sareog | 1.08 || -/0Stlt | 5.20 eee 1.07 || “pooa7 | 518° | “Soa63 | 1.08 "709349 | 3-20 290651 1.08 || “vo9e60 | 5-18 "290340 pe || Lemmag7t |. Bate "290029 poe -7ion62 | 2-18 989718 | hank 5) » 08 || Sipongs | Onde | “aeseeang | 1.08 “711215 | 5-18 “O88785 | 1.08 711595 | 2-17 “ORRATS 1.08 "711836 | 2-18 "288164 1.08 “712146 | 2-17 "987854 | 1.08 “712456 | 5-17 O87 44 | 1 ° 08 ; ay 2786 5 . WV 3 987234 10° || cvago7e | 2-27 | Topegeg 108 713386 | 5°49 286614 | 1.10 eyagia | 5-15 "O85 686 | 1.08 14604 | 5-17 "985876 | 1.10 "714933 | 5-15 "O85 067 | 1.08 || cised2 | 3-15 | | lopaiss | 1.10 715551 | 5-15 "984449 | ioe W15860 pe "984140 08 716168 | 5-1: "983839 | 10 "716477 ee 1983593 | 716785 9715 rio! || Catiebee | Bele | eens | 340. || Satan | ae "989599 1.10 “7iv709 | 2-2 "989291 | 1.08 m1goi7 | 5-13 281983 | t8for || asztees | Baas 981675 1-10 118038 | pos .281367 J "719940 | 9-12 "981060 ager || Setaeas | B38 "980752 110 719555 | 2°45 .280445 9.71986 28018 1.12 || “stooieg | 5-12. | 77Seoest 1.10. || “0476 | 5-18 "970524 1 . 10 : Pores | 5 ° 12 ‘ 979917 1.12 || “rer0a9 | 5-10 | “oregon 1.10" || “igeia0e | 5-12, | tepgeed 1.02" || o7et702 | 5-18. | “Te7eeos 1.10 aeeeans |i Boke dbeies tag || ezeeatd | 8-49. | lopreas | 110 T2221 | yg | 207879 | toe! | Teese | bape) Aas 112 |] pass | Pay | 376462 | = 2 1] gee o. Weare Es. 132) |) ae | 508 see The “Od A | 5.08 | "OWBB46 1.12 "94760 | 5-10.) ‘oenoan 1.12 ‘wonogs | 5-08 “O74935 1.12 Liste “0 5.08 974830 1.12 caeuel 5.07 peer ‘12 || go 7osera | 5: 1027432 D: 1", {I Cotang. | D. 1’. | Tang. vo) OM dD wR OIE 30 ~ for) 9 | ° COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. , Sine. D. 1”. Je le a 0 | 9.671609 | 4 o, 1| 67187 | 3.97 2| 672084 | 3-9 3 | 672821 | 3.95 4| 672558 | 3-95 5.| .672795 | 3-95 6 | .673032 | 3-95 7 | .673268.| 3-98 8 673505 3 3 | 673741 | 3-83 10 | pane 393 11 | 9.67421: 12| .674448 ae 13) 674684 | 3-88 14 | 674919 | 3-92 15 | 675155 | 3-98 16 | .675390 | 3:92 7 | 675624 | 3-90 18 |, .675859 | 3:92 19 | 676094 | 3.92 20 | .676328 | 3-5 * % 6763 : 3.90 21 | 9.676562 22 | 67796 | 3-90 . 23. | (677030 oor 24 | 677264 | 3:20 25 | .677498 | 3:00 26] .e777si | 3-88 27 | .677064 | 3-88 28 | .67si97 | 3-88 29 | .678430 | 3-88 30 | 678663 | 5°68 31 | 9.678895 ie 30 | B79128 3.88 33 | .679360 | 3.8” 34} 679502 | 3°» 35 | .670se4 | 3-87 86 | .680058 | 3°20 37" .680288 | 3-87 38 | .680519 3 Bs 39 | .680750 | 3-8 2AnARD | OY. 40 pene 3.85 41 | 9.681218 42 | 681443 | 3.53 43} .681674 385 44] .681905 | 3°93 45 | .682135 | 3/83 46 | .682365 | 3-83 47 | 682595 | 3-82 48 | .682825 | 3-82 49 | .683055 | 3°85 = 209909 -¢ 50 | 688284 | 3-88 51 | 9.683514 | 2 a, 52 | 683743 | 3-05 53 | 683072 | 3-82 54] 684201 | 3-88 55 . 684430 3 ; 80) 56 | .684658 | 3°35 by | .684887 | 3°05 58 | 685115 | 3°85) 59 | 685343 | 3°5) 60 | 9.685571 | 2 / Dit Cosine. Cosine. | D. 1’. Tang. D. 1".-| Cotang. 9.945935 ; 9.725674 10. 274326 945868 | 1-12 || l725979 oe 274021 $1500 | ire || “BOM | sir |) 2reH16 . 945733 1 : 12 ; (26583 5 07 213412 945666 | 4°43 726892 | 2" 6s .273108 945598 | 3°45 27197 | "op .272803 | 945531 | 5°55 20501 | 3 *oe .272499 945464 | 375! 727805 | Pye 272195 945396 | 343 728109 | 5 "ox .271891 945828 | 3775 (28412 | 2° op 271588 945261 | 3°33 . 728716 5 Oy 271284 9.945193 | , ,, || 9.729020] _ 10.270980 945125 | 7-13 || ° "729393 Pee 270677 |} 945058 | 3°33 ..729626 5 05 270874 944990 | "45 . 729929 5 07 270071 Qoo ote KO MONE . POVRYY 944786 13 |) crgoses | 5.5 969162 944718 | 3°45 sata || ete 268859 -944650 | 4°33 731444 | Poo9 268556 944582 | 3745 731746 | "og .268254 9.944514. | | 9.782048 | _ 10. 267952 stauie | 148 |) rs | 3.05 | reso toga | 1d8t ||) Oeoeee (2 Saas || Saat “O44: 143+ || Shaper | 5208 itis 944241 115 (88257 5 02 266743 WAIT? | S49 733558 | "93 -266442 -944104 | 3+43 || .738860 | F°o3 .266140 944086 | 45 || .784162 | P95 .265838 948967 | 3°73 (34463 | o5 .265537 943899 | "45 734764 | P'o3 £ 265236 9.943830 ‘i: 5 || 9.735066 | o9 | 10.264934 943761 | 3°45 735367 | 299 264633 943693 | 55 735668 | 299 .264332 943624 | 3773 735969 | 299 264031 .948555 115 736269 | Foo 268731 -$43486.| 4°95 |] «786510 | 5G |. - 263180 angie |e AD || hgeke || Bs02e PE gener eeeee> Hy a, | eee | 5 60 ee 948279 {| 15 . (37471 5 00 -2OROR9 943210 | "75 BM | 269 262229 | 9.943141 | | 9.738071 10.261929 oin07e 4 14E || “zagazt | 2-00 261629 . 943003 145 |) -88671 | Fog .261329 .942934 147 | -¥38971 | 509 -261029 Soon i iae ¢\|, Seeneen (oe | Pee 942795 1,13 | (395700 5.00 me ‘ . 942726 1 “47 | . (39870 4.98 -260130 942656 | "ys || -740169 | 4'98 259831 942587 | "77 || 740468 | Fog .259532 M2517 | 45 140767 | 49g . 259233 9.942448 | 1 yn || 9.741066] 4 og | 10.258934 942378 | yyy || -741865 4.98 258635 -942308 | 3 "15 741664 | 4 "9p 258336 |} 942239 | "4° 741962 | 498 . 258038 942169 | 5 "y0 742261 | 4 ge 257739 942099 | "yn || -742559 | 49g 257441 -942029 | syn || -742858 | 4 gn 257142 || -941959 | 44 743156 | 4» ee Whee Serer ieee brea | Pe ee a 256546 9.941819 9.743752 10. 256248 | | | | | Sine. Dey Cotang. | D. 1". Tang. Dr COP O13 OO ~ { top] _ ° Sine. | 18 A hase | 9.685571 685799 686027 686254 - 686482 686709 . 686936 687163 687389 .687616 687843 9. 688069 688295 . 688521 688747 688972 .689198 689423 .689648 .689873 .690098 9.690323 690548 690772 690996 691220 691444 691668 691892 “692115 692339 . 692562 692785 .693008 .693231 .693453 693676 ive) . 693898 »}: 694120 . 694342 694564 9.694786 .695007 695229 .695450 695671 695892 .696113 696334 .696554 696775 9.696995 697215 697435 .697654 697874 . 698094 .698313 698532 698751 9.698970 Cosine. 3. Fates -~3 +3 3 OLOTOre Or STAFF a st st ss Wo Wewowowwwwo 68 OCTOCOHN OTR NIEOT SIA RIO ND Cosine. 9.941819 941749 941679 .941609 941539 941469 - 941398 941328 . 941258 - 941187 941117 9.941046 940975 . 940905 940834 .940763 940693 940622 940551 940480 . 940409 9.940338 - 940267 . 940196 . 940125 . 940054 . 939982 939911 . 939840 939768 . 939697 939625 939554 939482 . 939410 939339 939267 939195 . 939123 - 939052 . 938980 9.938908 938836 928763 938691 . 938619 938547 938475 933402 938330 .938258 .938185 . 938113 . 938040 937967 937895 . 937822 937749 937676 . 937604 9.937531 Js) oO D. 1". oo o =| ARAAAAGIAGS Agora Sine. TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Tang. 9.743752 744050 744348 744645 (44943 745240 745538 145835 (45182 146429 - (46726 9.747028 747319 147616 T4918 748209 (48505 748801 449097 . 149393 . 749689 (49985 750281 150576 . T5087 (51167 . 751462 01757 (92052 192347 . 152642 9.752937 158231 (03026 153820 =) Jo) or » SO es) a S (59687 159979 160272 760564 . (60856 761148 9.761489 Cotan ge. D. 1". | Cotang. 10. 256248 rp 955950 ae "955652 ye "955355 re "955057 = “254760 re "954462 ae 954165 ae 953868 ae "958571 10 .252977 pe "852681 re "252087 be "951791 4th "951495 a 251199 cae 950908 ‘ik “250607 ri "950811 10. 250015 bit "249719 dike "949494 ri "249198 aes 248833 | re "948538 Ae 248243 re 247948 | oe "247653 10.247063 re 246769 re "246180 ye "945885 br "945591 re "945207 pe 245008 7a "241709 it "O44415 10.244199 ie "343998 re "843535 ie 243241 4.88 242948 4 7 88 3 242055 re "949369 ‘ee 242069 re ‘Ont re "941483 ~ | 10.241190 ‘e 240898 ie "240605 4 "940313 4a "240021 4 4 87 . 939728 ee 939436 aa "939144 rs "238852 ‘85 | 40'938561 D: 1 Tang. / SrKHwmOWhROIOIMHO ~ oO BO A3.C> OT C9 2D Sine. D. 1”. || Cosine, | D, 1’, Tang. 1D ge Cotang. | / 9.698970 ; || 9.937581 9.761439 0.2385 60189 | 3-83 |) oazasg | 1-22 |] “verzai | 4.82 rears 699407 | 3"Re 937885 | 7°38 “7En023 | 4:84 237977 | 58 090626 | $"ga || .9a7312 | 1:22 || cyeeaia | 4-85 237686 | 57 699844 | 343 || .937238 | 7-33 || 762600 | 4-87 "237304 | 5G 700062 | 3°63 937165 | j'oo | || seape7 | 4785 237103 | 55 700280 | 3°85 || || rama | 8 "225529 | 15 108882 | 3°53 984123 | 4°98 WATS | 4 ng 1225241 | 14 709001 | 3'r3 || 934048 | joe || 775046 | 4° "224954 | 13 209806 | ‘sq || .983073 | joe *||: aves | 4-23 "924667 | 12 709518 | 5"p3 || .933898 | j76> || .7zee | 4-3 "924379 | 11 a sige) ||" 080822) joe: ||. srese08 | ae 224092 | 10 9. 709941 9.933747 | 1, 9.776195 |, ng | 10.223805 | 9 10158 | 3-P3'\) fe TTL crease | Ske | | aap | 8 710364 | 359 197 TUGT68 | Ang 223232 | 7 710375 | 3°59 93352 195 171055 | Ang 222945 | 6 -710786 | 3°55 933445 |} o9 T7342 | om .222658 | 5 -710997 | 3°55 933369 | 3 '9* TUE | Ging 222372 | 4 ePM208 |. oo en 933293 | 46 a UUT915 497 222085 | 3 711419 3 50 933217 | oy 78201 | 4'ng 221799 | 2 .711629 | 350 933141 — . 778488 ae 221512 |} t 9.711839 | 3-59 || 9 932066 | 1-25 || givzerza | 4-7 | 10/221226 | 0 Cosine. ' D.1". Sine. Dyer” Cotang. | D. 1” Tang. nie COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. aA Oo ° Sine. Dri". Cosine. | D. 1”. 9.711889 xo || 9.983066 a 712050 | 3-35 || 92990 | 2.27 seen): | | Sa 932914 | 1.37 712469 | 3°55 932838 197 piee7 |) 2 932762 | 1.27 “719689 | 3-50 932685 | 1-38 713098 | 3-58 982609 | 1-3¢ 713308 | 3:88 992533 | 1-37 earsatT | | oop 932457 | 1.37 KhyAQKhO . < é -713935 | 3°48 veal 9.714144 9.93222 . "714352 a "932151 es 714561 | 3-48 932075 | 1-32 714769 3 48 -931998 | "58 mags | 3-48 -osi921 | 1.58 Aaa. || 3.28 hilt Seeeeee (11 18s ~é 5394. 3 47 931 4 68 1 98 “715602 | 3-42 931691 | 1-38 715809 | 3-45 931614 | 1-28 M6017 | 3-46 931537 15 9.716224 ~ || 9.981460 716432 | 3-47 || ° “931383 i 716639 | 3-48 931306 | 1-58 “716846 | 3-43 931229 | 1-58 a1708a | (3°03 931152 | 1-38 tea |. |e 931075 | 4-58 717466 | 3-4 980998 | 1-58 gers |. 1303 930921 | 1-35 717879 | 3-3 930843 | 1-58 718085 | 3:43 930766 | 1-35 9.718291 9.930688 718497 | 3-48 || ‘osoe1i | 1-28 “718703 | 3-43 coponas | 1-8 718909 ie 930456 eo “M1911: "93037 “719820 | 3-43 || 1930300 | 1-30 719595 | 3.2 930228 | 1-55 visza0 | 3-2 930145 | 1-3) prigees | 12-8 930067 | 2-3) 720140 | 3-3 929989 | 3°39 9.720845 9.929911 720549 | 3-49 || 920833 | 1-3) mania | 3-48 929755 | 1-35 720958 | 3-40 929677 | 4-35 yoiiee |’ (3-2 929599 | 1°39 721366 | 3-40 929521 | 1-39 Siero | 12, 40sttl | Wee woes |\ oS 929207 | +35 9.722885 9.929129 7ee5es | 3-38 -|| ‘920050 | 1-38 T2201 | 33-2 928972 | 1-35 vezoo, | 3-38 928893 | 1-55 (23197 3 3 38 . 928815 { 4 29 me -t HQKHHe vw 423400 | (3°38 928736 | 4°39 ‘ 23603 3 37 § 92865 ( f 329 723805 | 3-37 928578 | 1-35 724007 | 3-32 928499 | 1-35 9.724210 | 3" 9.928420 | 1-9 Cosine. Sine. D, I. HY Cotane. TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Tang. 9.778774 779060 779346 779632 779918 780203 780489 18077 781060 781346 781631 9.781916 782201 782486 E271 782056 783341 783626 783910 184195 784479 9.784764 785048 785832 785616 785900 786184 786468 186752 787036 787319 9.787603 787886 788170 788453 788736 789019 789302 789585 789868 790151 9.790434 (90716 . (90999 791281 791563 ~ .791846 .792128 792410 . 792692 19297 . 193256 . 193538 . ($3819 94101 794883 794664 1949 16 795227 795508 9.79578) © D, 1". | | mF BES ae eg ee tg gets NW OW NOC OTST ST OLOT-SIONt ISAT IAas IIIS C9 09 09 OD 4.68 Cotang. 10.221226 220940 220654 220368 220082 219797 219511 219225 218940 218654 218369 10.218084 217799 217514 217229 216944 216659 216374 216090 215805 215521 10.215236 -214952 214668 214884 -214100 -213816 213532 213248 212964 212681 10.2123897 212114 -211830 .211547 -211264 . 210981 210698 .210415 .2101382 - 209849 10. 209566 . 209284 209001 208719 . 2084387 208154 207872 .207590 207308 207026 10.206744 206462 .206181 . 205899 . 205617 - 205336 205054 204773 204492 10. 204211 Sine. 9.724210 724412 124614 724816 | 725017 .725219 725420 (25622 T2582 726024 - (26225 9.726426 .126626 730217 | 9 730415 “730613 “730814 "731009 "731206 "731404 "731602 "731799 "731998 732193 | 9.732390 9 | .732587 3 | 739784 | "1732980 “733177 "733373 "733569 733765 "733961 "734157 9.734353 734549 | i734744 "734939 "735135 "735830 . 135525 735719 | | .735914 | 9.736109 Cosine. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. Tang. Cotang. je) Se) ee oO WW WNWWWW2 ra ra IWweOwwe worwwowowwc Goo? 29 ¢ 9 09 C OC > oo co O9 09 OH CY OH os 0) 09 Co D2 Ww? 9 928420 928342 928263 928183 “928104 “928025 “927946 | “927867 927787 “927708 927629 927549 927470 -927390 927310 | (927231 “927151 927071 926991 926911 926831 926751 926671 926591 926511 926431 926351 926270 926190 -926110 926029 925949 925868 925788 925707 925626 925545 925465 925384 925303 9252 Todi 925141 925060 924979 924897 924816 924735 924654 . 924572 . 924491 . 924409 924328 924246 924164 . 924083 924001 9238919 . 928837 or .923759 | 923673 923591 | 9.812517 9.795789 796070 796351 . 796632 796913 -T9T19A T9T4AT4 19TTSS 798036 .798316 798596 198877 799157 799437 st OOe17 W99997 800277 800557 800836 .801116 801896 801675 801955 802234 802518 802792 . 808072 803351 803630 803909 804187 9.804466 804745 805023 805302 | .805580 805859 .8061387 806415 806693 806971 9.807249 807527 807805 808083 808361 .808538 8038916 .809193 809471 809748 9.810025 .810302 810580 810857 811134 .811410 .811687 811964 812241 is) ie) 10.204211 203930 | 203649 | 5! 203368 | 5 . 203087 ) 202806 202526 202245 201964 201684 201404 201123 200843 200563 200283 200003 199723 199443 199164 198884 198604 198325 198045 197766 197487 197208 196928 196649 | ; .196370 | 32 .196091 | ; 195813 195584 .195255 | % 194977 . 194698 . 194420 194141 193863 193585 193307 198029 192751 192473 .192195 .191917 191639 .191362 191084 190807 190529 190252 189975 189698 . 189420 189143 188866 188590 188313 . 188036 187759 10.187483 | Cosine. | Sine. Cotang. | Tang. o 09 He OT =F COW ~ Ord ~ ~ 10 SOANQIDUR WMHS TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Sine. Cosine. Tang. Cotang. | ie | 736109 9.923591 9.812517 87483 | 736303 "923509 “Siar | 4-620] TORR 736498 "993497 ‘813070 | 4-6 186930 | 136692 923345 "813347 | 4-6 "186653. | 736886 923263 "813623 | 4-8 "486377 | 737080 (923181 “813899 | 4:6 136101 | 37244 923098 “814176 | 4-6 "185824 | 7346 "923016 'gi4452 | 4-6 "185548 | 5 731661 922983 814728 | 4-8 “js53r2 “T3785 922851 815004 ‘4 “TR008 | ss he 922768 815280 | 7 184720 | 1382 922686 815555 5 "7B8434 "929603 "815831 | 4:6 ae his | 738627 "922590 ‘816107 | +: "183893 | 738820 922438 916882 | 4-5 "183618 739013 "929355 “816658 | 4-9 483342 “7739206 "929972 "816983 | 4-5 483067 | 739308 922189 | "917209 | 4: "182791 (39590 922106 ‘gi7484 | 4: "182516 | 739783 922023 ‘g17759 | 4:5 182241 139015 921940 818035 | 4° 181965: | 9.740167 9.921857 818310 -¢ | 10.181690 | ; 740850 | 3- 92177 "g18585 | 4:4 181415 | 740550 | 3. "921601 818860 | 4: "181140 | 140742 | 3: 921607 (819135 | 4: "180865 | 740984 | 3. “921524 ‘819410 | 4: 180590 iatie5 | 3. 921441 ‘819684 | 4: "180316 | 741316 | 3: 921357 819959 | 4+ 180041 741508 | 3: “921274 820234 | 4 179766 741699 | 3° “991190 "820508 | 4+ 179492 741889 | 3-4 921107 820783 = 179217 9.742080] 5 9.921023 9821057 10, 178943 ar |B "920989 | 921332 | 4: "178668 742 mage | , 3: "920856 821606 | 4: 178394 742652 | 3. "920772 "g21880 | 4: 478120 74e842 | 3: "920688 320154 | 4: 177846 743083 (3. 920604 822429 | 4. ATT 743223 | 3. "920520 “822708 4. 97297 743413 | 3-4 920436 ‘go0977 | 4: 177023 43602 | 3-7 "920352 “gazes, | 4! 176749 TABI | 3 "920268 823504 ; "176476 743982 | 9 4 920184 9 823798 ; 10.176202 mai | 3-5 "920099 | 1824072 | 4:2 "175928 744361 | 3-1 920015 824345 | 4 175655 744550 | 3-42 || 919931 | 824619 | 4: “175881 744739 | 3° 919846 "824803 | 4 "15107 744928 | 3-1, 919762 925166 | 4: 174834 TABI? | 374 919677 825439 | 4: "174561 745806 | 3-4 "919593 "925713.| 4: "174287 T45494 | 8: “919508 “925986 | 4:5 T4014 745683 | 3- 919424 26259 | 4:55 1737 45083 | 49 26259 | 4-22 “173741 T4871 | 9 4x || 9.919339 826582 | 4 xx | 10.173468 | 746060 3°13 919254 “926805 | 4:59 "173195 | 746248 | 3.13 || ‘oro169 “27078 | 4:25 |. “172922 | 746486 | 3-18 “919085 827351 | 4:58 "472649 746624 | 3:43 || “919000 827624 | 455° | ' Ci7a3v6 796812 | 3-13 || “orgots 27807 | 4:25 172108 | 746999 | 3-12 || 918830 828170 | 4-55 |” 7171880 TAS; | 3-18 “918745 828449 | 4-53 171558 | “47874 | 3745 "918659 “gos715 | 4:99 “T1285 9.747562 | 3-13. |) 9 oresey | gsosoe7 | 4°23 | y07 174023 | Cosine, | D. 1’. Sine. -Cotang, er DA Be Tang. a CosI NES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS / ° Sine . D. Cosine. | D. 1" | Ta; —- | ng. D. i"; }-Cotang. | 7 4 | 9.747562 | 9 yo. || 9.918574 | TATT49 SfO® |My ced | | = eee ees 2 | narperes = a 9 918489 1.42 | 9.828987 4 BY tater Ser i) Nereis | 1-2 929260 | 4-23 ee ee 4{ -v4gsi0 | 3-12 meieta (Lek! Mi Mpanene i eaten | ee SB haaeeene |S aida Ih aeptere | 1142 || -829805 ao \T ote unige | Bs G6 | :7486s3 | 3-10 ‘918147 | 1-48 Be, ae ee Uden | bs 7| ‘ragg70 | 3-22 ‘918062 | 1-42 -830349 4.53 ease | 56 8 | 749056 | 3-10 ‘917976 | 1-48 “g30621 | 4°23 Pe eeme Bh teas | Saba? Ni ceteane 14s || -830803 | 4783 ere, | Be 10 | {749429 | 3-10 oir | 1-43. |] ceatase ae ieeeas | Be a “y f°) 8.40 ‘gizzi9 | 1-43 831437 | {PS - 168685. | 02 11 | 9.749615 1.42 "831709 | 4:22 .168563 | 51 12 -T49801 3.10 9.917634 . : 4.53 .168291 | 50 Bot Shager | 8.10 |l venues ifdat || Seer hs 4 eeeeaie (eds 14} “750{72 | 3-08 ‘g17462 | 1-43 882253 | 7° 53 peat 49 Me Bicpees 1 Sal0* Ill cae tag || 892525 | 4iee | ee | a 16 150543 3.08 917290 1.43 8327 96 4: = 167 ’, ! Bul Gress || S10) 1) Gama 1:43 || 838068 | 4-25 Mees | ae i8| 750914 | 3-08 ‘oi7tig | 1-43 833339) oe byt | 3 19 | 751099 | 3-08 ‘917032 | 1-43 eooe! Re oe a 90 | “751284 | 3-98 ‘916946 | 1-43 933882 | “4-33 1664 sg Be 21 | 9.751469 ; 1.43 "ga44on | 4.52 165846 | 41 | TOI! | 3 0p Maier | 1a |ll See Puc nee | wm | 751054 | Bog |] 916687 | tgp || 83404 ae aes 3.08 "|| “o1e800 | 1-45 834967 | 7b 1 ere | ae Be serach | | 8508" ||| Seteer 143 || “S828 | Gop ees | ee 26. | “752392 | 3-00 "916497 | 1-4 "885509 | 4°R6 ei | oe 97 | l75e5t6 | 3-0¢ ‘916341 | 1-43 - 835780 yo teres oe el Warsece (18M! |) Satetey 145 || 886051 | 4-35 seaniy ‘LSee 99 | ‘sa944 | 3-07 ‘916167 | 1-49 836322 4.52 % Sees | ea 3) | ‘ssajog | 8-07 ‘g16081 | 1-43 836593 | 4:25 pete 33 . 23 | 3 'or “915994 | 1-45 "g36a64 | 4:52 .163407 | 382 31 | 9.753312 1.45 "e37q34 | 4.90 .163136 | 31 39 | "753195 | 3-99 9.915907 ue | 4.52 "162866 | 30 33 753679 3.07 . 915820 1.45 9.837405 | 4.5 10.162595 | 2 S| 753862 3.07 || ante aaa tee Rage iid Bite 162325 | 2 35.1 95 aT} 91564 45 001920 peed aaRe aoe Onn ages | | 3.05 915648 | G5 || 838210 | bp 162054 | 27 7 |. 754412 | 3-0 “ieire | 1-45 |] “Shersy 4.52 | 1161518 | a 38 ws4ng5 | 8-05 |] "915385 | 1-45 -83875% oO "46 ; 3 1 39 | RAT > ||, Zorpeo7 | 1-47 939027 | 4:20 -161243 | 24 to | 751060 303 || peewee 1H 1 aS 1) peu 4i608. | cigars | ge Suen (i) comes [i age 930568 | 4:52 -160703 | 22 41 | 9.755145 : 1:47 "g3ggag | 4-90 160432 | 21 42 | 755326 | 3-9 || 9.915035 4.50 .160162 | 20 43.| “755508 | 3-93 || "914948 | 1-45 9.840108 | 4 5 | 10.159892 ts | -ra5om0 | 33 914860 | 445 810873} 45) | «150622 19 5 | ‘yssgr2 | 3-03 || (ee eRe ¢ 409; Aiag "159852 46 | 756054 |. 3-08 "914685 | 1-46 4017 ee aoaae | de Bit adeee bi 8208? ||| agraeee tag ||) cBatte7 | Diape | pa ede 43.| ‘75641g | 3-03 ‘914510 | 1-46 “841457 | 4-2) eee ae 49 | 756600 | 3-03 ‘914492 | 1-42 SALT2¢ oe oes Bs Bel Beets | 1308 ||| Sopris Loeyt |i) peaaeoe era ean de 82 | 3'o9 || «914246 1.47 842266 4.50 -158004 | 12 51 | 9.756963 ant 1.47 "gy9535 | 4-48 157734 | 11 53 957326 3 03 .914070 1.47 -¢ 42805 78 10.157195 Br iameere f82 * ||| capeeas 147 i pions | 448 | 156: aie 55 | 757688 | 3-02 ‘gizso4 | 1-47 949313 | 4.48 fee 8 56 | “757869 | 3-02 "913806 | 1-44 813612 4.48 efuee sf 57 | 7sgos0 | 3-02 ‘913718 | 1-42 gt3eee | 4.38 eon 6 58 | 758290 | 3-00 ‘913630 | 1-40 | 844151 ‘oe perce 5 59 | 2758411 | 3-02 |, ores | IMB Il! sages fue Ween ag ed cde ok. (8.00: || ‘oigtaass a || 844689 | 24g Rey ey ee oapegeral |. 150 * It eines 4.38 55811 | 2 7 | Cosi ; meres || g g45an7 | 4:48 ..155042 | 1 aceak D. 1 Sine eo ee C | 10.154773 | O ; Joi. ota S= ang. | Dek: Tang. TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, r | Ab Sine. ih Del" ett!) Casime: 1.8") 1 Tang. | D.1". | Cotang. | / | pee =< ie 3365 520% | 10.154773 | 60 0 | 9.758591 | 5 gp || 9.913365 | 1 4g || 9.45201 aes 10. 154773 | 6 | eypegse | 8:00. ||. Seaeene |: 1ea8s |) Teateeey |e olay) | eee ee S| Swsgice | 8006 || Soteney | tel cl Pagers (dpi 9 dee 3 | 759182 | 3-00 913099 | 3-48 816033 | 948 153067 | Br B | coepadon | (82000 |] pigs | tear ll Babee? | aide || ge eee 8| “tore | 3-00 || “Oioegs | 1-48 |] Bienen | 4.48 | tBRIR0 | Be 7 | cesasse | 2-00 |] “orerat | 1-48 |] Ramos | 4:48 | 1e8np0 | Bs b | Sreopet || 2e98-||) Serages | 1eaB |): Geatee? | Gaede Ses 6 | Sopeoat (8-00 ||) SBipeee |. aBy ||| Beet Tia ay ell) aameeee ae 3 | “heosso | 298+|| coir | 1aB ct Seyeee | 4aeo| | Rete 10 760390 2.98 912477 1.48 . ( 4,47 | i i e Vet t os hE 8 11 | 9.760569 } 9 9g || 9.912388 | 4g 9.818181 gel ae 151819 49 12} -.760748 | 3‘o9 912209 | 4°48 S189 |p “151551 | 48 14 | 761106 | $38 912121 | 185 848086 | fr 151014 | 46 ie | “4e1ie4 | 2-98 ‘pitode | 1-48 "849502 ae 150478 | 44 of 5 ) 2 97 2 e a 1.48 Ts ed ‘ "150210 8B 18 | ‘reir | 2-98 || “utes | 1.00 "850057 re 149943 | 43 | Pf 4 (9) 97 2d ioe 1.48 . xd ; ned ; iy . ; ar 19 | .761999 et -o11674 | +58 850325 2 149675 at 21 | 9.762356 | 9 97 || 9.911495 | 4 59 9.850861 que | Gs 149139 39 ba |. ree5a4 | | 2:87 911405 | 1-20 S51129 | 4-45 “14881 | 38 3 Eee 2.95 “pitase (18 "851664 rp "148336 | 36 - (06000 ¢ Y . we 1.50 eae A , 3. | 25 | .763067 4 dl 911186 | 3-39 81931 ae 148069 35 26: |" 2768045 | S:af 911046 | 1-39 852199 | 445 147901 | 3 7 | -68422 | 9" oe -910956 | 4 "59 Poemee |! 4d Soe lee i 28 | 763600 | 3-94 910866 | 3:20 852133 | 7 141267 | 82 29 163777 2 95 91077 : 1 50 eos 38 4.45 146732 30 30 . 763954 9 ‘ 95 . 910686 1 7 50 . 85826 4 § 45 ° rf a . =e =4 35 ahd 46! € 31 | 9.764131 | 9 ox || 9.910596 | 1 '., 9.853535 dasa 40465 29 a2 | .764308 | §:22 910508 | 3-78 858802 | 445 146198 | 28 33 | . 764485 | 3-02 o104i5 | 1-8 854069 | 4-42 15081 | I 764662 igy 910325 2 854336 > 145664 | 26 34) .764662 | 9°93 terre |i Bey Sorin es ore hae 35 | .7e4sa8 | 5:08 910085 || .1+9) 854003 | 445 145897 | 2 Be HBetgH 2.98 BOREL 1.50 "855137 re "144863 | 9: 3” T6515 3 9: 91005 159 -855 a ate : 38 | 765867 | 2:98 909963 | T"pe $5408 aa “144596 2 89] . 765544 | 9°98 -909873 | 4759 eer | 04 ia ie. 40 | .765720| 5-33 909782 | -}:D5 855938 | 4-23 1410 Hil 41 | 9.765896 | 9 93 || 9.909601 | 45 9.856204 ye 10. 148796 19 qa 42] .766072 | 9°99 909601 | 3°55 856471 | 4°43 ie lee aaa As 766247 909510 ‘ 856737 i 143265 7 A ri Lives 2.93 909419 | 1-52 857004 hoe 142996 | 16 i caer. 1o TG Byes 2 1.52 Saath 4 149730 | 15 wa) 45 | 766598 | 3:92 909828 | 1 °p8 857270 | 45 142730 | 15 46) .(66774 | 999 909237 | 459 ete | dake reteal es. 47 | 766049 | 5-05 909146 | 1°28 851803 | 443 142197 | 13 49 | .767300 | 9'99 -908964 | 3 "59 Seas | 4s alana 1a 50 ° T67475 9 } 90 . 908873 1 ; 53 O00 i 4 : 43 . ae 51 | 9.767649 | o9 || 9.908781 | 4 ‘5 9.858808 “shy 10. 141122 9 ef ihatenn’ | eee | dese 1.58 360400 4.43 "140600 | % 53 767998 290 -t 00) 1.53 . 2 = 4.438 1 10334 6 Bd |. 208173 |~/3 80 908507 | 5 "p3 859608 | 7°43 40334 | 6 55 | 768348 | 2-9 908416 |} ps “850932 | 4-48 140068 | 5 56 || q7esne2 | 2:20 908324 Bes 800198 ie ‘ 139802 4 Bz | 768607 | 3-92 9082! es 860464 | 4-43 139536 | 3 58 | .7esevt | 2 60 908141 | 7:23 860730 | 4-43 139210 | 2 59 | 760045 | 2: ‘gos049 | 1-5 860995 139005 | 1 60 | grees | 2.90 9.907958 | 1-52 |! 9'sero6r | 4:43 .| 407438739 | 0 | / | Cosine. | D. 1”. Sine. | D. 1". Cotang. | D. 1" Tang. : | , Sine. | | 0 | 9.769219 Bet 769393 2 . 769566 3 769740 Gav! 769913 PD |.> 770087 6 | .770260 | @ | .770433 | 8 | .770606 9 T0779 10 770952 11 | 9.771125 2 | .%'71298 13 | .771470 14 | .771643 15 | .771815 16 |° .771987 17 772159 18 772331 19 |! 7725038 2 ~ 772675 21 | 9.772847 22 . 773018 23 (73190 24 .773861 25 STLOOOD 26 773704 27 ~TI8875 28 774046 29 Ne42de 30 .7743888 ; 31] 9.774558 | 82 | 774729 33 | .774899 34 775070 35 ~ 175240 36 . 775410 30 775580 38 TIS T50 39 775920 40 .776090 41 | 9.776259 42 716429 43 | .776598 44 776768 45 776937 46 ~777106 47 UTD 48 1071444 49 77613 50 T7781 51 | 9.777950 52 | .778119 BS cane? 54 78455 DD | 778624 56 778792 57 | 778960 | 58} .779128 59 779295 60 779463 | Ds cM) |’ 1 Cosine. o Wwrwrmwrwwwwwn wnwnwnwnnwnnwnwnnwwna BW W WO WW W WWW WWW WWW W WWW WWW WWNWWNWW)DW 8 MAE AQVOU SPST MEI AEE ak Cosine. 9.907958 | 907866 IOVT7T4 . 907682 . 907590 1}. 907498 || .907406 .907314 907222 907129 907037 9.906945 . 906852 . 906760 . 906667 . 906575 . 906482 . 906389 . 906296 . 906204 .906111 9.906018 905925 || 905832 || .905739 || 905645 || 905552 905459 905366 905272 905179 9.905085 || .904992 904898 904804 904711 904617 904523 904429 904335 (904241 9.904147 904053 903959 903864 90377 . 903676 903581 i| .903487 | 903392 || .908298 | 9.903203 | .903108 ‘| 903014. | ,902919 902824 i} ,902729 l| . 902634 || 902589 | 902444 || 9.902349 | Sine. Dei", BB | BB || ie} Pek eh fre fh fee fk fed fe fk fe fed fame fk peck eh fr free foemch fore fre fame fore fom prc feel fem fmeh feed foe fom farm bere feel fremh prem peak fom fem fem fom prem fre fem fmm from fom free from fommh meh. fem fom famh fem fem free fed feed peek fed Pe Nc Co ati, ae ED CL ers ee ek re SOS ATMO ile Sle tic. OLE ett ee te Cite Sa eel ee Na OM te ate yan ea Me Dare Aire) he On NX Tang. | 9.861261 .861527 861792 862058 862323 862589 862854 .863119 863385 863650 863915 9.864180 864445 .864710 .864975 865240 865505 86577 866035 866300 866564 9.866829 867094 867358 867623 867887 868152 868416 .868680 868945 869209 9.869473 .869737 870001 870265 870529 870793 871057 871821 871585 871849 .872112 872376 .872640 .872903 .873167 .873430 . 873694 . 873957 . 874220 874484 9.874747 .875010 .875273 SOLOD3 « .875800 . 876063 876326 .876589 876852 9.877114 Cotang. COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. D, 1". HSS SMW WWOWWWW nC PEP LEB OOOCWwonwow He Ps 4,40 geo, Seid ma oo ian - g io.2) Cotang. 10.138739 .138473 . 188208 .187942 .137677 137411 .137146 .136881 .136615 . 136350 .136085 10. 135820 . 135555 . 135290 .135025 . 134760 , 134495 134230 . 133965 . 133700 .183486 10.13317 . 132906 . 182642 . 182377 . 182113 . 1381848 .181584 . 131320 .131055 .180791 10.130527 . 1302638 . 129999 .129%85 129471 .129207 . 128943 . 128679 .128415 128151 10.127888 127624 127360 127097. 126833 126570 126306 "426043 "125780 . 125516 10. 125253 . 124990 | £124727 | 124463 | 124200 1238937 123674 123411 123148 10. 122886 TNIGS Cc Ort Cor ot ~ TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Det Cosine: | D, 1’. Tang. D. 1”. | Cotang. 9.877114 | Oat? .877640 877603 .878165 . 878428 .878691 .878953 ,879216 .879478 879741 9.880003 880265 . 880528 .880790 .881052 .881314 881577 . 881839 . 882101 .882863 9.882625 . 882887 .883148 883410 . 883672 883934 .884196 . 884457 . 884719 .884980 9.885242 . 885504 . 885765 886026 .886288 . 886549 886811 .887072 . 887333 887594 9.887855 . 888116 . 888378 .888639 888900 . 889161 . 889421 . 859682 .889943 . 890204 9.890465 890725 | .890986 .891247 891507 891768 892028 . 892289 | ,892549 9.892810 Cotang. | D. 1’. Tang. 10122886 122623 122360 122097 .121835 121572 121809 121047 120784 . 120522 .120259 119997 119735 119472 119210 118948 118686 118423 .118%61 117899 117637 117875 117118 116852 . 116590 116328 116066 . 115804 115548 115281 115020 114758 .114496 114235 118974 1138712 118451 118189 112928 112667 112406 10.112145 111884 .111622 111861 -111100 110839 | 110579 .110318 -110057 . 109796 109585 .109275 | .109014 | . 108753 .108493 | . 108232 107972 | 107711 .107451 10.107190 779463 9.902349 479681 | <*5 902253 W79798 | 5° 902158 7799668 | 5" 902063 780133 | 574 901967 780300 | 5°4 901872 780467 | 5° 901776 780634 | 5° 901681 730801 | 4" 901585 780968 | 5° 901490 781134 | 5° 901394 781301 we || 9.901298 781468 | 5° 901202 781634 | 5° 901106 781800 | 5° 901010 781966 900914 7182132 900818 782298 900722 782464 900626 782630 900529 782796 900433 782961 900337 783127 900240 783292 900144 783458 900047 783623 899951 783788 899854 783953 899757 784118 899660 784282 899564 784447 899467 784612 9.899370 784776 899273 784941 .899176 785105 899078 785269 898981 785433 898884 785597 898787 785761 898689 785925 898592 786089 898494 786252 9.898397 786416 898299 786579 898202 786742 898104 786906 898006 787069 897908 787232 897810 187395 897712 BUST 897614 787720 897516 487883 9.897418 188045 897320 7838208 897222 788370 897123 788532 | of 897025 788694 | =f 896926 788856 | 896828 789018 | >°f 896729 789180 | 5-f 896631 | 9.789342| *° 9.896532 9 G2 0° BSMISU FL COWH SO | BS EAP a ee eg gg + WW CWC OCI OD OTD GLOTRS COTOTOTOTR OI OTS NEN Si dnt Boas Jn Teas WwwWwwoOWwte CWO WWW CO CU CU wt tt) CHC a eg ESSA! Ov Ov OT OU 09 OU OF OU 3 OF RRRRSRSRES POTS OU SETS OT SSE SE AE AAI AE = HAS BO 3 CO =2 0 GOOD Fare Se Sa SWS VWOCWNNVWWWWS ~ 7 WRPWWWwWwWwww wwwwwwwwww Cosine. F Sine. oy eT RAE ee ee Cte test y. >> 2S > > 2S > SD ie ee i COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS, wo © = © ivy) iva ~ i) Jeo) Le / 0 14 2 3 4 | 5 6 | ii 8 9 10 | 11 | oe 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | q 18 19 22 23 24 | 25 26 | 60 | Ae Sine. 9.789342 789504 789665 - 789827 789988 .790149 . 790310 -790471 . 790632 790793 - 790954 9.791115 791275 .791436 ~ 791596 T9157 -T91917 192077 792237 - 792397 - 192557 . 792716 792876 .793035 .793195 793354 . 798514 . 793673 798832 .793991 - 794150 794308 (94467 794626 794784 (94942 795101 - €95259 95417 95575 195733 ve} | 9.795891 . 796049 796206 . 796364 796521 796679 796836 796993 797150 797307 | | 9.797464 797621 GIG TIT 9B4 .798091 798247 798403 . 798560 . 798716 9.798872 Cosine. 2. TWWWWWD gS 1920} IWWNWNWWWWWW G9 WD 09 WD LO WW WWW WWW WWW NWWWWWW WW WWW WWW WW 65 | | | | Cosine. || 9.896532 . 896433 .896335 . 896236 .896137 .896038 .895939 .895840 .895741 .895641 .895542 9.895443 .895343 . 895244 .895145 .895045 .894945 .894846 894746 .894646 894546 9.894446 .894346 .894246 .894146 .894046 .893946 .893846 .893745 .893645 . 893544 9.893444 .893343 -893243 .893142 893041 .892940 892839 .892739 .892638 .892536 9.892435 . 892334 892233 .892132 892030 .891929 891827 891726 891624 891523 9.891421 .891319 .891217 .891115 .891013 .890911 .890809 . 890707 .890605 9.890503 | Sine. 1);,.1?. Be ek ek ek ek ek ek el ek el ee pe ee pe he ep Re eh ee ee ee ee ek ee ee ep fer) 2 o Cotang. | / | 141° Tang. De ehz, | 9.892810 | 4 9, | 10.107190 | 60 893070 | 4°33 "106930 | 59 .893331 4.33 .106669 | 58 893501 | 4°33 106409 | 57 mall ae eee yn bape 4.35 espe 894372 | 4-23 "405628 | 54 804632 | 4°33 "105368 | 53 g4gg2 | 4-3 5 2 Oe is | dees -895152 | 4°33 -104848 | .895412 4.33 .104588 | 50 9.895072 | 4 95 | 10.104388 | 49 895932 | 4°33 104068 | 48 eopien | 38 | aatisese lugs "go67i2 | 4:33 "103288 | 45 ‘so6o71 | 4-32 "403029 | 44 ‘g97231 | 4-33 402769 | 43 "gorag1 | 4-33 402509 | 4: ve Nake 4.33 Bl 2009 42 S| 18 | ea -89E 4.33 -1019¢ 9.898270 | 4 9 | 10.101730 | 39 898530 | 4°35 101470 | 38 aes a } 4 32 3 5 36 899308 | 7°38 "100692 | 35 899568 | 4°33 "400432 | 34 899827 | 4°38 "400173 | 33 900087 | 4°33 "099913 | 32 900346 | 4°38 099654 | 31 900605 | 4°35 "099395 | 30 9.900864 | 4 9, | 10.099186 | 29 901124 | 4°33 "098876 | 28 901383 | 4°35 098617 | 27 901642 | 4739 098358 | 26 901901 | 4°35 “098099 | 25 902160 | 4°3 097840 | 24 902420 | 4°35 097580 | 28 fon | 13 | wan |e Porcgeg wer ere Tae 903197 4 39 .096803 290 9.903456 | 4 9, | 10.096544 | 19 OOSTI4 |: ae 096286 | 18 “goiese | 4-82 | cogszes | 4g “go4491 | 4:32 "095509 | 15 ‘904750 | 4:32 “095250 | 14 “905008 | 4-30 "091992 | 4: "905267 | 4:32 “094733 | 13 905526 | 4-32 “o0ss74 | 41 “905785 | 4:82 DOS Ss ot D185 4.30 094215 10 9.906043 > | 10.093957 | 9 906302 | 4-32 | ““‘o93698 | 8 906560 va 093440 | 7 emer rik ape eenea Wine ett yee O92923 | 5 . 907336 4 ps .092664 4 tm ( oes QI406 § Seog | 48 | ee 3 908111 | 4°29 | 091889 | 4 9.908369 | 4:39 | 40091631 | 0 Cotang. | D. 1". Tang. Z — POUR WWEH COMMA RPWWOH SC Sine. 9.798872 - 799028 199184 . 799339 - 799495 799651 - (99806 799962 800117 -800272 800427 9.800582 800737 800892 801047 -801201 801356 -801511 801665 -801819 .801973 9.802128 802282 802436 802589 802748 802897 . 803050 803204 . 803357 803511 9.803664 .803817 .803970 804123 804276 804428 804581 804734 -804886 805039 9.805191 -805343 805495 805647 805799 -805951 .806103 806254 .806406 806557 .806709 .806860 807011 807163 807314 807465 807615 807766 807917 | 9.808067 Cosine. TABLE XXV,—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Or OF OF OF Or Or CO =2 2 =F CO CO “2 ~Ovrorgorororororor O14 OUR OURS OT 3 2 OL 43 23 WWWWNWWNWWWW WWW WW WW YW? B® 0 a cron or: ris) 5% WW 2 WWWWYD DW We ris) 22929 WWNwWWW Creer er ore “Delt Cosine. 9.890503 .890400 .890298 .890195 - ,890093 .889990 .889888 .889785 .889682 .889579 .889477 .889374 .889271 .889168 889064 .888961 .888858 . 888755 .888651 .888548 .888444 9.888341 888237 888134 888030 887926 887822 887718 887614 887510 887406 © 9.887302 887198 887093 886989 886885 886780 886676 .886571 .886466 886362 9.886257 886152 886047 885942 885837 885732 .885627 885522 885416 885311 9.885205 | 885100 | .884994. .884889 .884783 | .884677 884572 884466 .884360 9.884254 Sine. s2orsze PIF I-73 Beh ee ee ee eR pp Ph ek ek ek et ek pe ek ek ee ee ep ee pp z 2-6 ° ’ z ay 25 a Mtis ‘ 7 om os x x . + 2 AB 3 3 OF 3-3 I-35 OF e 5 ah Oe Ra G as : - + 3+ 53 a I+ | | 9 Tang. | 9.908369 | . 908628 . 908886 . 909144 . 909402 . 909660 .909918 910177 910435 -916693 -910951 9.911209 . 911467 911725 911982 912240 912498 912756 . 913014 918271 913529 9.913787 914044 .914302 .914560 914817 .915075 915332 915590 915847 .916104 9.916362 . 916619 -916877 . 917134 .917391 .917648 . 917906 . 918163 . 918420 -918677 9.918934 -919191 .919448 -919705 . 919962 . 920219 . 920476 . 920733 .920990 . 921247 921503 . 921760 . 922017 922274 . 922530 922787 . 923044 . 923300 923557 9.923814 Dp... oo oo SSS38 oo 0 O89 CO GO Ww Ww conan ask a) SSRRS do w wird DHDD Cotang. | D. 1”. WwWwnd Wwnwwwwnwww Cotang. 10.091631 - 090856 -090598 .090340 -090082 -089823 089565 .089307 089049 10.088791 -088533 088275 | .088018 .087760 087502 087244 086986 086729 086471 10.086213 085956 .085698 .085440 085183 084925 -084668 084410 .084153 083896 10.083638 083381 0838123 082866 082609 082352 082094 -081837 .081580 081323 10.081066 080809 .080552 080295 .080038 079781 .079524 079267 | .079010 078753 * | 10.078497 . 78240 } 077983 077726 017470 077213 076956 076700 076443 10.076186 Tang. | 60 091372 | “091114 COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS. " | Sine. | D. 1°. | Cosine. | D. 1’. | 0 | 9.808067 | 2 59 } 9.884254 | Ly Ba aeyeoes k 20d: ll eresasen |: Lc 3} isossi9 | 2-2 || ‘aesgag | 1-77 4 | “gogg69 | 2-29 || “ggagog | 1-78 | ~OUC 69 5) 50 | 883829 1 v7 SS ecrees il BBO | gh Elicia | 20d dives tie | amo: | sp | ee a sai ~OUe y OF f Oe) ais } : 92 2.50 | SOK B ni S| -amost | 30 |) SO] TR CULE eos 2.50 Taek £27 11 | 9.809718 | 9 59 || 9.883084 17 2| .809868 | $"4g 882977 | yay ‘ > Pied aw. OQr’ 4 | eur | a0 | eet | 15 | 1810316 wid "882657 ie > ’ v4 We RRO } 4 17 | isioera | 2-48 || cgqias | 17 18.| ‘siov63 | 2-48 "982336 | 1-78 19 | Sioa | 343 |] 882229) 16) 20 | .811061 | 9'48 882121 | 5"p 21 | 9.811210 | 9 yo |] 9.882014 | | » 2 | > 811358 | 3 74o -881907'| +745 23 | ..811507 | "jo 881799 | 5 "p OA 2 << BOO . | eine 2 48 -881692 1.80 26 | .811952 | 9 47 881407 | "a9 S| oan) ae | Bae) is 29 | (812396 | 2-44 || “geri53 | 1-80 30 | .gi2544 | 2-49 || ‘agiogg | 1-48 upp 2.47 . 1.80 31 | 9.812692 | 5 yw || 9.880938 aa | 812810 | 347 || 880880 | 1p 33 | .812988 | 9°45 880722 | 3 "65 36 | ceisis0 | 2-45 || “Bogaye | 1:80 me Ol wagers 224% “agqado |’ 1-80 peli cameos |; 24m {| prgepecs || 1:82 Bel betters, |) 2240p || or ORO") 7280 39 . 813872 | 9 45 -880072 1 82 40 .814019 | ° 45 .879963 1 80 41 | 9.814166 | , || 9.879855 ¢ n O46 2.45 | LOK AR 1.82 42 ing |! Sap | pie 1.82 pul Roaeeacr |) Qedee- |) peateee | 7 Be 44 | 814607 } >) 43 ~ 879529 1 go 45 | .814753 | 2 45 -879420 | 5 "g5 Ak fe lot . | som) oa || aa | TB 48 .815193 | 343 || ‘gr9093 | 1-82 49 | .815339 | 9°43 878984 | 5°65 50 .815485 2.45 878875 1.82 51 | 9.815632 | 9 43 || 9.878766 | 1 go Bel dicitaes || 48> It Gece |. one Bi | “sioc9 | 2-42 |) ‘Sram | 1-8 55 | .816215 | S77. .878328 | 3:3 56 | 1816361 | non | [878219 | +t Bel Feber: || 22" |) eens | 188 59 | “ster | 2-43 || “eraoo | 18 60 | 9.816943 | ~-4* || 9.877780 ‘ | Cosine. | D. 1". | Sine. Derk": Tang. 9, 923814 - 924070 - 924327 924583 924840 925096 925852 . 925609 925865 926122 . 926378 9.926634 . 926890 927147 927403 927659 927915 928171 928427 . 928684 . 928940 9.929196 929452 -929708 929964 - 930220 930475 . 930781 . 980987 . 931243 . 931499 9.931755 932010 932266 932522 932778 933033 933289 983545 . 933800 934056 | 9.934311 984567 934822 935078 935333 935589 935844 936100 936355 936611 9.936866 987121 IBI377 . 937632 937887 . 988142 . 938398 . 938653 . 938908 9.939163 Cotang. Del”. SWWMWMNWNWNWNWWW WW Wrewrwaraorw wa MEO ADMIT AE AEA a A AAI OA AA CX) We Wd 2 Or » 3 I 29 29 29 29 29 2 2929 SKRLSRRLRSB | | 9 _ 2 | Cotang. 10.076186 075930 075673 075417 075160 074904 074648 074391 074135 073878 073622 10.073366 073110 072853 072597 072341 072085 071829 071573 071316 071060 10.070804 070548 070292 070036 069780 069525 069269 069013 068757 068501 10.068245 067990 067734 067478 067222 066967 066711 066455 066200 065944 10.065689 .065433 .065178 -064922 . 064667 064411 .064156 .063900 .063645 063389 10.063134 062879 062623 062368 .062113 .061858 .061602 .0613847 .061092 10.060837 Tang. El | —_ fol pes et wre SOMDIAMTIP OD Sine. 9.816943 .817088 817233 817379 817524 .817668 .817813 .817958 .818103 818247 .818392 9.818536 .818681 818825 818969 819113 819257 .819401 .819545 .819689 819832 9.819976 820120 820263 820406 820550 820693 820836 820979 821122 821265 9.821407 .821550 .821693 .821835 .82197'7 .822120 .822262 .822404 ,822546 . 822688 9.822830 822972 823114 823255 . 823397 . 823539 .823680 823821 .823963 .824104 | 9.824245 824386 824527 824668 824808 824949 825090 825230 825371 | 9.825511 Cosine. D..1". | | ITWWNWNWWW SESS See eee SERee ESE EEE NAHDHHDSDHS SHSSSSSSOW SHNSOHWHNSHHNO WNWNWWWWWNWNVMY WNWNVNNNWVNYW WHNVYW CQO QO WW BWW WWNWNWNWNWWWWM WWNWNWNWNWWNWWW WOWWWWWWWD WWWWWWWWtt WWwWWWwWWWKWRWWwWWw G2 OV 09 CLOT OS OTOUCOT OT OTS OLOUTSE NI OTSA AIRINNWNID VRNDD wrwwrwwwrwre Cosine. 9.877780 877670 877560 877450 877340 877/230 877120 877010 876899 876789 876678 9.876568 id ded -Ol006 9.875459 .875348 875237 875126 875014 874903 874680 874568 874456 9.874344 874232 874121 874009 873896 873784 87367 873560 873448 873335 9.873223 873110 872998 872885 87272 872659 872547 1872434 872321 872208 9.872095 871981 .871868 | ..871755 | .871641 | .871528 871414 871301 | .871187 9.871073 Sine. 874791 | Didl'’s ia a a a Drm mck mk fr fh feed fed fend fred fh mech fel forme fom feemh frrmh femed fered feed fod Pr pre pre pr fee femal femme frm fk fom fm fmt fom fmt fc fc fom fumed fom femme mh fom frm fem emma form fol frome fork feel from 3 TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Tang. 9.939163 . 939418 . 939673 . 939928 . 940183 . 940439 940694 . 940949 941204 941459 941713 9.941968 942223 942478 -942733 942988 - 943243 - 943498 943752 944007 944262 -944517 944771 - 945026 - 945281 - 945535 945790 -946045 946299 946554 946808 co | 9.947063 .947318 947572 947827 . 948081 . 948335 . 948590 . .948844 . 949099 949353 9.949608 . 949862 . 950116 . 950371 - 950625 - 950879 .951133 .951388 . 951642 . 951896 9.952150 - 952405 952659 952913 . 953167 . 953421 953675 - 953929 . 954183 9.954437 Cotang. 529 29 OL OLCOTT OURS OT OT OU OT WWW WWW 4.25 WMNWNW WWNONwwnwnw CO OLd9 Ot OOS O19 OF OL 09 Wrwwmwwwwwwyw w ds WOW ow we sreaee Ot Sie 2 9 29 SSSR WWWWW Co G8 Oo Go OO Cotang. 10.060837 .060582 0603827 -060072 .059817 | 059561 059306 059051 058796 058541 058287 10.058032 057777 VOC -057522 057267 | .057012 056757 . 056502 .056248 .055993 055738 10 .055483 -055229 054974 054719 -054465 | -054210 - 058955 053701 | 053446 | 053192 | 10.052937 052682 052428 -052173 .051919 -051665 .051410 .051156 050901 -050647 10.050392 .050138 049884 .049629 | 049375 -049121 048867 .048612 048358 048104 10.047850 047595 -047341 047087 046833 046579 046325 046071 045817 10. 045563 Tang, COMA WWH OS —" or rN CO Sine. 9.825511 .825651 825791 825981 826071 -826211 .826351 826491 826631 826770 .826910 9.827049 -827189 827328 827467 827606 827745 827884 828023 .828162 828301 9.828439 82857; 828716 828855 828993 829131 829269 829407 829545 1829683 29821 829959 830097 880234 .830372 . 830509 830646 830784 .830921 831058 | 9.831195 831332 831469 .831606 831742 831879 832015 832152 832288 832425 | 9°832561 832697 832833 832969 833105 | 833241 833377 833512 983648 9.833783 Cosine. | | wd icy) Oo WWWWW WWNWWOWNWWNWWW LOW wCWwWwWWwWwWWwWoN WC Ooo SCOoCocooowonw 2.30 2 0 Ww 22 @ BODO 20 20 % De i | Cosine. 9.871073 | .870960 870846 870732 870618 870504 870390 870276 «870161 870047 .869933 9.869818 869704 869589 869474 869360 869245 .869130 .869015 .868900 868785 9.868670 . 868555 .868440 868324 868209 868093 .§07978 . 867862 867747 8676381 9.867515 .867399 867283 .867167 .867051 || .866935 || .866819 .866703 || .866586 .866470 |] 9.866353 || 866237 || 866120 |) 866004 865887 86577 865653 865536 865419 865302 9.865185 865068 864950 864833 864716 864598 864481 864363 864245 9.864127 Sine. | DL: Tang. =) (ou) 9.954487 954691 954946 . 955200 955454 . 955708 955961 956215 - 956469 956723 956977 9.957281 957485 957739 957993 958247 . 958500 958754 . 959008 959262 - 959516 9.959769 . 960023 960277 960530 960784 . 961038 . 961292 . 961545 .961799 . 962052 9.962806 962560 . 962813 . 962067 . 963820 . 963574 . 963828 . 964081 . 964335 964588 . 964842 . 965095 965349 . 965602 . 965855 . 966109 . 966362 - 966616 . 966869 967123 9.967376 967629 .967883 . 968186 . 968359 968643 . 968896 . 969149 969403 9.969656 Cotang. I'D: 137 | SAA ALAA A AAA AA AAA AHL AAD ALAA A AAA DAE PAAAALRA BARBRA WMWWWDW WW NWNW NNN NWYW WNWNWNWNWNVWNWNYW WNHWwNwwwwwn»n wwrwr Wwe HBSVSSSSBVES SYRSRERRRY GRGRVVRVRLY CRBS oc Cotang. 10.045563 .045309 .045054 .044800 044546 044292 .044039 043785 .043531 043277 048023 10.042769 042515 042261 042007 041753 .041500 041246 .040992 .0407 -8 040484 10.040281 .039977 .039723 039470 .039216 038962 .038708 038455 038201 037948 10.037694 .037440 037187 -036933 .036680 036426 036172 035919 035665 035412 10.035158 .034905 034651 | 034398 034145 033891 033638 033384 033131 032877 10.032624 0323711 032117 031864 031611 031357 .031104 .030851 0380597 10.030344 Tang. CMOIRDUIP WMHS | Sine. 9.833783 833919 834054 834189 834325 834460 834595 .834730 834865 .834999 835134 9.835269 .835403 835538 835672 835807 835941 .836075 836209 836343 836477 9.836611 836745 836878 837012 837146 837279 887412 837546 837679 837812 9.837945 838078 838211 838344 8388477 . 838610 838742 838875 839007 839140 9.839272 839404 * 839536 839663 839800 839932 840064 840196 840328 840459 9.840591 840722 840854 840985 841116 841247 841378 .841509 .841640 9.841771 Cosine. Dai". SIOWUVNNWY VYNVNVNVNVNYYNY VVVNVVNVNLYNNY WKVNVNMNYYNVKVVY BS OD OND HOOD ODD ICD TCD OTD OUT OO MANION ST 2% SOSCS SCHWOCHWOCKWNWNWNWYHW wWwWwN ~) 20 DWWWWWW WWMWNWW WWW Cosine. 9.864127 .864010 863892 863774 863656 863538 .863419 .863301 .863183 863064 862946 | 9.862827 862709 .862590 862471 862353 862284 862115 .861996 -861877 861758 9.861638 -861519 .861400 861280 .861161 861041 860922 860802 860682 860562 9.860442 860322 860202 860082 859962 859842 859721 859601 859480 859360 9.859239 859119 858998 858877 858756 858635 858514 858393 858272 858151 9.858029 857908 857786 857605 857543 857422 857300 85717 857056 | 9.856934 Sine. Dr". 98 Seoooeoe lane oan ie oes) WWWWW WNWWBDEHDWBEHVWHH WEP eH HH Eee 2 Sssé S eooooo YOOOoOooO eosscoo SD DWNWWD CWO WWMOMOIM Wa 09, 02.09 8 WW WW HW 0 WW Seesegeos9o o TABLE XXV.—LOGARITHMIC SINES, Tang. 9.969656 . 969909 . 970162 970416 . 970669 - 970922 971175 -971429 . 971682 972188 9.972441 972695 972948 973454 .I3707 973960 974218 .974466 974720 9.974973 975226 975479 975732 975985 976238 .976491 976744 .976997 9.977508 977756 978009 . 978262 978515 979021 979274 979527 979780 . 980286 . 9805388 980791 981297 .981550 .981803 . 982056 . 982309 9.982562 . 982814 . 983067 . 983320 . 988573 . 983826 . 984079 . 984332 . 984584 9.984837 Cotang. 971985 | .973201 977250 | 978768 | 9.980033 -981044 | D. 1”. | | SWWNWNWNNNWNWWW SESSSSSLCSIS Mow 0 0 09 wWwmnnney»y GARGS PR) IMWMW WOWNHWWOWYM ww wo 4.22 ri g 2 ] ri PR wWrmdwwwwwnwwye ww RRS SSRBSSSRSE RE 4 WHWwND Cotang. | 10.030344 | 030091 | .029838 029584 | .029331 | .029078 028825 028571 028318 028065 027812 10.027559 | 027805 | 027052 .026799 .026546 026293 026040 025787 025534 -025280- 10.025027 02477 024521 | 024268 | 024015 | 023762 | 023509 | 023256 .028003 | 022750 10.022497 022244 .021991 021738 .021485 .021232 | 020979 020726 020478 020220 10.019967 .019714 | .019462 .019209 | 018956 018703 018450 018197 017944 017691 10.017438 .017186 016933 | .016680 .016427 .016174 015921 .015668 015416 10.015163 or or g ~ lor) (SV) ies} coq te He OUS> [sy] So ta) © nil emul aed | ie =) Sine. .841902 .842033 .842163 .842294 842424 . 842555. .842815 .842946 .843076 9.843206 COIS) Or | . 843466 . 843595 843725 . 843855 .843984 . 844114 844243 844372 9.844502 844631 .844760 .844889 .845018 .845147 845276 .845405 . 845533 /845662 9.845790 .845919 .846047 .846175 . 846304 846432 846560 .846688 .846816 846944 847071 .847199 847327 =) 847582 847964 848091 © 848345 848472 “848599 848726 “848852 849232 849359 | 9.841771 | . 842685 | .843336 | 847454 847709 | 847336 | 848218 | 09 0 WW WNWWWWNHWNKNWW WWWNWWNWWNWWW WWNUWNWNWNMNWMWNWW WNWWNWWWNWWwW®D wi ri : 848979 | 57 | .849106 ® WW 9.849485 | Cosine. Cosine. Tang. Cotang. 9.856934 9.984837 4.29 10.015163 .856812 . 985090 ¥ 90 .014910 .856690 . 985343 4 "99 014657 .856568 . 985596 a 20 014404 .856446 . 985848 rg ae 014152 .856323 .986101 ry 99 .013899 .856201 986354 4 ee .013646 .856078 . 986607 ry Re .013393 .855956 .986860 A. S .0138140 855833 987112 | 4°55 .012888 .855711 - 987365 4 ; 29 .012635 9.855588 9.987618 | 4 99 | 10.012382 855465 987871 4 20 .012129 855342 . 988123 vy 29 .O11877 855219 . 988376 4.99 .011624 855096 . 988629 a. 99 .0113871 854973 . 988882 ia 20 .011118 -854850 . 989134 4 "99 .010866 .854727 . 989387 4 Pie .0106138 854603 -989640 | 7°55 010360 854480 .989893 490 010107 9.854356 9.990145 4.99 10.009855 854233 . 990398 ra pa .009602 .854109 . 990651 re 20 .009349 .853986 -990903 | 4°55 009097 853862 . 991156 ae as . 008844. .853738 . 991409 ae 99 008591 853614 .991662 4.90 008338 853490 “91914 | 7°55 .008086 . 853366 . 992167 4.99 007833 853242 . 992420 4.20 007580 9.853118 9.992672 | 4 gq | 10.007828 .852994 | * 992025 | 45s 007075 . 852869 3. .993178 ‘As 39 .006822 852745 3: 993431 4. 50 .006569 852620 oy . 993683 vig 99 .006317 .852496 sy . 993936 4 99 . 006064. 852371 a . 994189 a 20 .005811 852247 on .994441 4. Bes .005559 852122 9 : . 994694 ay 29 005306 .851997 0. . 994947 4 "30 . 005053 9.851872 | -995199 | 4 99 | 10.004801 SSOLV afar: 995452 | 459 004548 .851622 ee . 995705 a an . 004295 .851497 9 ; . 995957 4 "99 .004043 .851372 9. . 996210 4. 99 .003790 .851246 3. . 996463 re 20 .003537 .851121 o .996715 4 ‘99 . 003285 .850996 pa . 996968 re Se .0038032 .850870 . 997221 as 20) 00277 850745 oe . 997473 a 99 002527 9.850619 | 5 9.997726 | 4 59 | 10.002274 . 850493 9 : | 997979 4. 350 002021 850368 3 . 998231 Ps 96 .001769 850242 | %: .998484 | 7°55 001516 .850116 | 5 998787 | 7 °S5 001263 . 849990 Ss . 998989 4 sese .001011 849864 | %° -999242"| 7°55 000758 . 849738 ae . 999495 4 30 .000505 849611 | 5° 999747 | 4°50 000253 9.849485 | ; 10 .000000 a 10.000000 Sine, Cotang. ! D. 1” Tang. SCHWWRPUAMNIMDLO - TABLE XXVI—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES. 0° TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES ° COMNIAIP WMHS OU or So Or Vers. \Inf. neg. 2.626422 13228482 .580665 3.830542 024362 182725 316618 .432602 534907 626422 709207 784784 854308 918678 978604 034661 087319 136966 183928 228481 250859 311266 349876 - 386843 422300 456367 489148 520736 551216 580662 .609143 .636719 663447 .689377 ~714555 739023 . 762821 . 785985 . 808547 .830537 .851985 .872915 . 893353 . 913322 . 982841 ~9519381 .970611 . 988898 .006807 . 024355 041555 | 058421 .074965 .991201 107138 5 | .122789 = . 138162 153268 168116 6.182714 q — 2l | Ex. sec. 9.070 120 || 120 Inf. neg. 120 | 120 2.626422 | 120 || 120 8.228482 | 120 || 120 .580665 | 120 || 120 3.880542 120 || 120 |4.024363 120 || 120 | .182725 120 || 120} .816619 120 || 121 | .432603 119 |} 121 | .584908 119 || 121] .626424 119 || 122 4.709209 119 || 122 | .784787 119 |} 122 | .854812 119 || 123} .918681 119 || 123 '4.978608 119 || 124 |5.0384666 119 |) 124} .087825 119 || 125] .136972 119 || 125} .183935 119 || 126 | .228488 118 || 126 5.270868 118 || 127 | .3811275 118 || 128} .349886 118.|/ 129} .886854 118}| 129 | .422312 118 || 180} .456379 118 || 181} .489161 117 || 182 | .520750 117 || 188} .5512381 117 || 184] .580679 117 || 134 5.609160 117 || 185 | .636738 116 || 186} .663467 116 || 187 | .689398 116 || 188) .714577 116 || 140} .7389047 116 ||} 141 | .762847 115 || 142 | .786012 115 || 143 | 80857 115 || 144 | .830567 115 || 145 |5.852016 114 || 147 | .872948 114 || 148) .893387 114 || 149] 913357 | 114 || 151} .98287 113 || 152 | .951970 113 || 154] 970652. 113 || 155 |5 988940 112 || 157 6.006851 112 || 158) .024401 || | 112 || 160 6.041602 } 111 || 161} .058470 /111]/ 163} .075017 111 || 164} .091254 110 || 166| .107194 1 110]/ 168) .122846 110 || 169 | .1388222 109 || 171 | .153880 109 || 173 | .168180 109 |) 175 |}6.182780 | 6480 | 6840 |, 6900 4} 3600 3660 3720 3780 3840 8900 3960 4020 4080 4140 4200 4260 4320 4380 4440 4500 4560 4620 4680 4740 4800 4860 4920 4980 5040 5100 5160 5220 5280 5340 5400 5460 5520 5580 5640 5700 5760 5820 5880 5940 6000 | 6060 6120 6150 6240 6300 6360 6420 6540 6600 6660 6720 6780 6960 7020 7080 7140 _ ar CSCOMDIMHDOUPWWH © ao a SUR) (or) for) a 7200 0 Vers. .182714 .197071 .211194 .225091 28877 . 252236 . 265497 .278558 -291426 .3804106 .3816603 . 828923 841071 . 803052 . 864869 .316528 . 3888032 .399386 .410593 .421657 .482583 6.448372 .454029 .464557 .474959 -485238 .495396 .505438 .515364 .525178 - 5384882 .544480 .553972 . 563362 .572651 .581842 . 590936 .599937 . 608845 .6176638 . 626392 . 6850384 .643591 . 65264 | . 660456 . 668767 . 677000 .685155 . 693234 . 101239 709171 \6.717030 . (24820 . 732540 .740192 CATT 155297 . 762752 .770144 107403 6.784741 | 175 | lor) EX. sec. 6.182780 197139 211264 225164 288845 252314 265577 278641 291511 304193 316693 6.329016 341167 853150 364970 376631 388138 399494 410705 421772 432700 6.443498 454158 464684 475089 48537 495532 505577 515506 525324 535031 6.544632 .554128 563521 572813 .582008 .591106 .600110 .609021 .617843 626575 6.635221 643782 652259 . 660655 . 668970 677206 685365 . 693448 . 701457 709393 T7257 725050 7382775 740431 . 748020 . 755544 . 763004 . 770400 777733 6.785005 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. ny i SS Wan } 7260 7320 9 ~ 7380} 3} 7440| 4 7500) 5} . 7560| 6) . 7620| 7 7680| 8| . 7740| 9 7800 10 7860) 11 792012) . 7980 13) °. 8040 | 14 8100 | 15 8160 | 16 8220| 17 8280/18 10080 | 48 10140) 49 10200) 50 10260) 51 | 10820 | 52 10380) 53] 10440) 54 10500. 55 10560 56 10620 57} 10680: 58 10740 59 10800 u SEE 7200) 0 6.784741 | hy 60) é | | Ex. sec. 16.'785005 792217 .799370 . 806464 813501 .820482 . 827406 83427 .841093 847857 854568 | .861228 .867837 874396 .880907 .887369 .893783 .900151 . 906472 .912748 .918979 925165 . 931308 . 937408 943465 .949480 955455 .961388 967281 9731385 978949 984725 990463 996164 001827 007454 013044 .018599 024119 029604 035054 040471 045854 051204 056522 .061807 067061 .072282 077473 082633 087763 3 | 7.092862 3} .097932 102978 107985 112968 117922 . 122849 1277 132619 Abas 7.137464 WOOsIOR WMH © ba 3 ~ Vers. 7.136868 .141679 . 146464 151222 155954 . 160661 . 165342 . 169998 174630 . 179286 . 183819 188377 192912 197423 .201910 -206375 210817 215286 219683 224007 228360 7.232691 237000 241288 "245555 249801 254027 258232 262416 266581 210726 274851 278056 283043 287110 291158 295187 299197 303190 307164 311119 315057 318977 322880 326705 330632 334483 338316 342133 345933 349716 853483 357233 360968 364686 368389 372076 30 |7.386668 ~t =I S84 =) = Ex. sec. 7.137464 142281 147072 151837 156577 . 161290 .165978 170641 175279 179893 . 184483 7.189048 193589 198108 202602 200074 211523 215949 220853 224785 229095 238433 237750 242046 . 246320 250574 254807 259019 - 263212 267384 201587 275669 279783 283877 287952 292007 296045 800063 804068 808045 .312009 815955 .319883 .823794 327687 .3831563 .890422 839263 843089 846897 850689 "354464 | , 808228 | .861966 9 | .365693 >| .869404 .3873100 .3876780 880444 . 884094 ’ 887728 TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 4° 5° Vers. | D. 1",.| Ex. see. | D. 1" / Vers. D. 1°. | Ex. see.|D, 1” 0 | 7.386668 | 60.17 | 7.387728 | 60.32 0 | 7.580389 | 48.15 |7.582045 | 48.33 1 .890278 | 59.938 .3891847 | 60.07 1 .583278 | 47.98 | .584945 | 48.17 2 .398874 | 59.67 .394951 | 59.82 2 .586157 | 47.82 | .587835 | 48.00 3 .897454 | 59.48 .898540 | 59.57 3 -589026 | 47.67 | .590715 | 47.87 4 -401020 ; 59.18 402114 | 59.33 4 .591886 7.52 | .598587 oul | 5 .404571 | 58.93 .405674 | 59.10 5 594737 | 47.35 | .596449 | 47.53 | 6 .408107 | 58.70 .409220 | 58.85 6 .597578 | 47.20 | .599301 | 47.38 ve -411629 | 58.47 .412751 | 58.62 v6 . 600410 7.05 | .602144 7.25 8 .415187 | 58.23 .416268 | 58.38 8 . 603233 | 46.90 | . 604979 7.08 9 .418631 | 58.00 .419771 | 58.15 9 -606047 | 47.7: .607804 | 46.92 L077 42208Y 15077 .423260 | 57.92 || 10 .608851 | 46.60 | .610619 | 46.78 11 | 7.425577 | 57.53 | 7.426735 | 57.70 || 11 | 7.611647 | 46.43 |7.613426 | 46.63 12 .429029 | 57:30 .430197 | 57.45 || 12 .614433 | 46.30 | .616224 | 46.48 13 .4382467 | 57.08 .433644 | 57.25 || 18 -617211 | 46.15 | .619013 | 46.35 14 .435892 | 56.85 .437079 | 57.00 || 14 .619980 | 45.98 | .621794 | 46.18 15 .439303 | 56.63 .440499 | 56.80 || 15 -622739 | 45.87 | .624565 | 46.05 16 .442701 | 56.42 .443907 | 56.57 16 -625491 | 45.7 .627328 | 45.90 17 .446086 | 56:20 -447301 | 56.35 17 .628233 | 45.57 | .630082 | 45.75 18 .449458 | 55.97 .450682 | 56.13 18 .630967 | 45.42 | .632827 | 45.62 19 -452816 | 55.77 .454050 | 55.92 19 .633692 | 45.28 | .635564 | 45.48 20 .456162 | 55.55 .457405 | 55.7% 20 .636409 | 45.13 | .638293 | 45.33 21 | 7.459495 | 55.33 | 7.460748 | 55.48 || 21 | 7.639117 | 44.98 |7.641013 45.18 22 .462815 | 55.42 .464077 | 55.28 || 22 .641816 | 44.87 | .648724 | 45.07 23 .466122 | 54.92 .467394 | 55.08 || 23 .644508 | 44.72 | .646428 | 44.90 24 .469417 | 54.70 -470699 | 54.87 || 24 -647191 | 44.57 | .649122 | 44.78 25 .472699 | 54.50 .473991 | 54.65 || 25 -649865 | 44.45 | .651809 | 44.65 26 .475969 | 54.28 477270 | 54.47 |) 26 -652532 | 44.30 | .654488 | 44.50 27 .479226 | 54.10 .480538 | 54.25 || 27 .655190 | 44.17 | .657158 | 44.37 28 .482472 | 53.88 .4838793 | 54.05 28 .657840 | 44.05 | .659820 | 44.93 29 -485705 | 53.7 .487036 | 53.85 |} 29 .660483 | 43.90 | .662474 | 44.12 30 .488927 | 53.48 -490267 | 58.67 || 30 .663117 | 48.77 | .665121 | 43.97 31 | 7.492136 | 53.28 | 7.493487 | 53.45 || 81 | 7.665743 | 43.63 |'7.667759 43 .83 82 495333 | 53.10 .496694 | 53.27 || 32 .668361 | 43.50 | .670889 | 43.7: 33 498519 | 52.90 .499890 | 53.07 || 33 .670971 | 43.38 | .673012 | 43.57 34 501693 |} 52.7% .503074 | 52.88 || 34 .678574 | 43.23 | .675626 | 43.45 35 504856 | 52.52 006247 | 52.68 385 .676168 | 43.12 | .678233 | 43.33 36 508007 | 52.33 .509408 | 52.50 || 36 .678755 | 42.98 | .680833 | 43.18 37 511147 | 52.13 .512558 | 52.32 || 37 .681834 | 42.87 | .683424 | 43.07 38 -614275 | 51.95 .015697 | 52.12 || 38 .683906 | 42.73 | .686008 | 42.95 39 517392 | 51.7 .618824 | 51.93 389 .686470 | 42.60 | .688585 | 42.89 40 -620498 | 51.58 -621940 | 51:77 40 .689026 | 42.48 | .691154 | 42.68 41 | 7.523593 | 51.40 | 7.525046 | 51.57 || 41 | 7.691575 | 42.35 7.698715 | 42.57 42 526677 | 51.22 .528140 | 51.38 || 42 .694116 | 42.%3 | .696269 | 42.43 43 529750 | 51.03 081220 |°51.22°'| 43 .696650 | 42.12 | .698815 | 49.33 44 532812 | 50.85 .534296 | 51.02 44 .699177 | 41.98 | .701855 | 42.90 45 .5385863 | 50.68 .537857 | 50.85 || 45 |. .701696 | 41.87 | .'703887 42.07 46 .538904 | 50.50 .540408 | 50.68 || 46 - 704208 | 41.73 | .706411 | 41.97 ik .541934 | 50.32 .543449 | 50.50°|| 47 | .706712 | 41.63 | . 708929 | 41.83 48 .5449538 | 50:15 .546479 | 50.33 48 - 709210 | 41.50 | .711439 | 44.72 49 .547962 | 49.98 .549499 | 50.15 || 49 .711700 | 41.88 | .718942 | 41.60 50 .550961 | 49.80 .552508 | 49.98 || 50 714183 | 41.27 | .716438 | 41.48 51 | %.553949 | 49.63 | 7.555507 | 49.80 || 51 | 7.716659 | 41.15 |'7. 718997 41.37 52 .556927 | 49.48 .558495 | 49.65 52 .719128 | 41.03 | .721409 | 41.95 53 .559895 | 49.28 .561474 | 49.47 || 53 .721590 | 40.92 | .723884 | 41.13 54 .562852 | 49.13 .564442 | 49.32 || 54 . 724045 | 40.80 | .726352 | 41.02 55 -565800 | 48.95 .567401 | 49.13 55 -726493 | 40.68 | .728813 | 40.90 56 .568737 | 48.80 .5703849 | 48.98 56 728934 | 40.57 | .731267 | 40.7 57 .571665 | 48.63 .5738288 | 48.82 || 57 . 731368 | 40.47 | .733714 | 40.68 58 5745838 | 48.47 .576217 | 48.65 || 58 . 733796 | 40.388 | .786155 | 40.57 59 .577491 | 48.30 .579136 | 48.48 59 -736216 | 40.23 | .738589 | 40.45 7.580389 | 48.15 | 7.582045 | 48.33 || 60 | 7.738630 | 40.13 |'7.741016 40.33 | DAS mMeWMS | ~ Pee a I en i ee a ae emcee oa ERE a al SE ca EN RAMI ERRATA DRA a CWJCW ICH OCH an Cru a ce g CPG 02 = t oe tS Se ”) < Vers. 7.738630 . 741038 . 748488 . 745832 . 748219 750600 - 752974 (55842 757703 -'760058 762406 7.764749 767084 . 769414 ART 774054 776365 - 778670 - 780968 783261 785547 . 787828 . 790102 792371 .794633 .796890 .799141 .801885 . 803625 .805858 808086 .810308 .812524 .814734 .816939 .819139 .8213382 . 823521 .8257038 .8278380 . 8380052 | 7.932218 . “J ~I “851475 7.853589 .855697 .857800 .859898 .861991 864079 866162 . 868240 .870313 % 872381 Ex. sec. | 40.13 | 7.741016 748486 . 745850 . 748258 ~750658 "753052 . 755440 (57821 760196 762565 764927 T67282 - 769632 T1975 774312 . 776643 778968 . 781286 . 783599 785905 ~ 788206 7.790500 792789 795071 797348 799619 801884 804143 806397 808644 810886 7.813123 .815353 .817578 .819798 . 822012 . 824220 826423 . 828620 . 830812 .882999 7.885180 . 837356 .839526 .841691 .843851 . 846005 .848155 .850299 .852437 .854571 856700 858823 .860942 .863055 865163 867266 869365 871458 873546 7.875630 =z ~ AND EXTERNAL SEUANTS. Vers. | 7.872881 874444 876502 878555 880603 882647 . 884686 886720 888749 89077 892793 7.894808 896818 898824 - 900825 902821 .904813 - 906800 908783 -910761 | 912735 7.914704 . 916668 . 918629 . 920584 922536 924483 926425 . 928364 930297 982227 7.984152 936073 . 937990 . 939903 941811 948715 . 945615 947511 -949402 951290 7.953173 955052 .956928 958799 . 960666 - 962529 . 964388 966243 . 968094 969941 7.971785 973624 975459 977291 .979118 .980942 982762 984578 . 986391 7.988199 Ex, sec. | % 875630, | 877708 879782 881851 883915 885974 888029 890078 892123 894164 896199 7.898280 . 900256 902278 904295 . 906307 -908315 .910319 912317 .914312 . 916802 7.918287 920268 922245 924217 926184 . 928148 .930107 . 932062 . 934012 .935958 7.937900 939838 941772 .948701 . 945626 947547 949464 .951376 958285 955189 7.957090 . 958986 . 960878 962767 . 964651 . 966531 - 968408 - 970280 972148 .974018 7. 975874 977730 979583 .981432 9838277 . 985119 . 986956 988790 . 990620 30.08 17.992446 TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES <—lS 8° 9° Vers. | D.1’. | Ex. sec. | D. 1’. ||’ Vers. | D.-1". | Ex. see./D. 1°, 7.988199 | 30.08 | 7.992446 | 80.388 || 0 | 8.090317 | 26.72 |8.095697 | 27.05 .990004 | 380.02 - 994269 | 30.82 1 -091920 | 26.68 | .097320 | 27.02 .991805 | 29.95 .996088 | 30.25 2 .093521 | 26.63 | .098941 | 26.97 . 993602 | 29.88 .997903 | 30.18 3 .095119 | 26.58 | .100559 | 26.92 995395 | 29.83 | 7.999714 | 30.13 4 .096714 | 26.52 | .102174 | 26.87 997185 |.29.7°7 | 8.001522 | 30.07 5 .098305 | 26.48 | .103786 | 26.82 7.998971 | 29,72 -003326 | 30.00 6 .099894 | 26.43 | .105395 | 26.77 8.000754 | 29.63 .005126 | 29.95 vg -101480 | 26.40 | .107001 | 26.7% .002582 | 29.60 -006923 | 29.88 8 . 103064 | 26.33 | .108605 | 26 67 -004308 | 29.52 .008716 | 29.83 9 -104644 | 26.28 | .110205 | 26.63 .006079 | 29.47 .010506 | 29.7% 10 106221 -| 26.25 | .111803 |. 26.58 8.007847 | 29.40 | 8.012292 | 29.% j 11 | 8.107796 | 26.18 |8.113398 | 26.53 .009611 | 29.35 .014074 | 29.65 |} 12 .109867 | 26.15 | .114990 |. 26.48 .011872 | 29.28 .015853 | 29.58 || 13 - 110936 -|| 26.10 | .116579 |. 26.45 .013129 | 29.22 .017628 | 29.53 || 14 112502 | 26.05 | .118166'|. 26.38 .014882 | 29.17 .019400 | 29.47 || 15 -114065 |.26.00 | .119749 | 26.35 .016632 | 29.10 .021168 | 29.42 || 16 115625 |-25.95 | .121330 | 26.30 .018878 | 29.05 022933 | 29.85 || 17 117182 || 25.92 | .122908 | 26.25 .020121 | 29.00 024694 | 29.30 || 18 .118787 | 25.87 | .124483 | 26.2% .021861 | 28.93 -026452 | 29.23 || 19 120289 | 25.82 | .126056 | 26.17 028597 | 28.87 | 028206 | 29.18 || 20 | .121888 | 25.77 | .127626 | 26.12 8025329 | 28.82 | 8.029957 | 29.13 || 21 | 8.128384 | 25.72 |8.129193 | 26.07 -027058 | 28.75 .081705 | 29.07. || 22 124927 | 25.68 | .130757 | 26.02 .028783 | 28.70 033449 | 29.00 || 23 126468 | 25.65 | .1382318 | 25.98 .030505 | 28.65 .035189 | 28.97 || 24 128006 | 25.58 | .188877 | 25.93 -032224 | 28.58 036927 | 28.90 || 25 129541 | 25.55 | .185433 |. 25.90 -033939 | 28.53 .038661 | 28.88 || 26 .181074 | 25.50 | .186987 |. 25.85 .035651 | 28.47 .040391 | 28.78 7 . 182604 | 25.45 | 2188588 |.25.80 .037359 | 28.42 -042118 | 28.7 28 .184131 | 25.40 | .140086 |. 25.75 -039064 | 28.37 .043842 | 28.68 || 29 - 185655: | 25.37 | .141681 |. 25.7% -040766 | 28.30 | .045563 | 28.62 || 830 | 137177 | 25.82 | .148174 |.95 67 8.042464 | 28.25 | 8.047280 | 28.57 || 31 | 8.138696 | 25.97 |8. 144714 | 25.63 .044159 | 28.20 048994 | 28.50 || 32 - 140212 | 25.23 | .146252 | 25.58 .045851 | 28.13 .050704 | 28.47 || 33 141726 | 25.18 | .147787 | 25.53 .047539 | 28.08 052412 | 28.40 || 34 148237 | 25.13 | .1493819 | 25.50 .049224 | 28.03 .054116 | 28.35 || 385 -144745 | 25.10 | .150849 | 25.45 -050906 | 27.98 -055817 | 28.28 || 36 . 146251 | 25.05 | .152876 | 25.40 052585 | 27.92 .057514 | 28.25 || 37 147754 | 25.02 | .158900 | 25.37 054260 | 27.87 -059209 | 28.18 || 38 . 149255 | 24.95 | .155422 | 25.33 055932 | 27.82 .060900 | 28.13 || 39 -150752 | 24.93 | .156942 | 25.27 057601 | 27.7 .062588 | 28.08 || 40 152248 | 24.88 | .158458 | 25.25 8.059266 | 27.72 | 8.064273 | 28.03 || 41 | 8.153741 | 24.88 |8.159973 | 95.18 -060929 | 27.65 065955 7.97 || 42 .155281 | 24.7 .161484 | 25.17 062588 7.60 067638 7.93 || 43 .156718 | 24.75 | .162994 | 25.10 .064244 | 27.55 . 069809 7.87 || 44 . 158203 4.72 | .164500 | 25.07 .065897 | 27.48 .070981 | 27.82 || 45 .159686 | 24.67 | .166004 | 25.08 -067546 | 27.45 072650 7.77 |) 46 .161166 | 24.62 | .167506 | 24.98 -069193 | 27.38 .074316 | 27.4% 47 -162643 | 24.58 | .169005 | 24.95 -070836 | 27.33 075979 | 27.67 || 48 .164118 | 24.53 | .170502 | 24.90 072476 | 27.30 077639 | 27.60 || 49 165590 | 24.50 | .171996 | 24.87 -OV4114 | 27.23 | .079295 | 27.57 || 50 | 1167060 | 24.45 | 173488 | 24.82 8.075748 | 27.18 | 8.080949 | 27.52 51 | 8.168527 | 24.42 (8.174977 | 24.78 -OT7379 | 27.18 -082600 | 27.45 || 52 .169992 | 24.37 | .176464 | 24.7% .079007 | 27.07 -084247 | 27.42 3 171454 | 24.83 | .177948 | 24.7 -080631 | 27.03 085892 | 27.37 || 54 172914 | 24.80 | .179430 | 24.65 082253 | 26.98 087584 | 27.30 || 55 174872 | 24.25 | .180909 | 24.62 083872 | 26.93 089172 | 27.27 || 56 175827 | 24.20] .182386 | .24.58 .085488 | 26.87 .090808 | 27.20 v 177279 | 24.17 | .183861 | 24.53 -087100 | 26.83 -092440 | 27.17 || 58 178729 | 24.13 | .185883 | 24.50 .088710 | 26.78 -094070 | 27.12 || 59 -180177 | 24.08 | .186803 | 24.47 8.090317 | 26.72 | 8.095697 | 27.05 || 60 8.181622 | 24.05 18.188271 | 24.42 ~ = So MIM URwWDWKo| ao Z Vers. . | Ex. sec. | | 8.181622 | 2 .183065 . 184505 .185943 .187379 .188812 190243 | 23.8 191671 -193097 | 2 .194521 | 2 195942 197361 “DOe78 "200192 | 2 “201604 . 203014 .204421 .205826 . 207229 - 208630 .210028 -211424 .212318 .214209 -215599 .216936 .218371 .219753 .221183 222512 223888 225261 226633 . 228002 . 229369 -230735. | 232097 233458 .284317 236173 -20102 27 j 238830 . 240230 241578 242924 244267 . 245609 . 246948 218286 219621 | 250955 § 252286 . 253615 . 204942 2562 68 201) 591 . 258912 260231 . 261548 - 262863 60 | $.261176 ) Ww d 8.188271. | 1897 36 . 191198 -192659 194117 195572 197025 198476 . 199925 -201371 202815 8.204257 205696 .207133 208568 .210001 211451 6212859 .214285 215708 217130 8.218549 -219966 221i BRO 222793 word .224203 .225611 . 227017 222424 . 229822 . 231221 8.232619 .234014 . 235407 .236797 . 238186 . 239572 anand 2423: 3449 .245097 8.246473 . 247847 ~ 249219 . 250589 . 251957 . 258822 . 254686 .206047 .257407 .208764 8.260120 .261473 . 262825 .264174 . 265522 . 266867 .268211 .269552 .270892 8.272229 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. eanerzaer > (o 2) Oacan Meshes RA RRB LHKS Ex, Sec. | '8 .272229 . 273565 | .274898 276230 | .277560 . 278888 . 280213 .2815387 . 282859 | . 284179 . 285498 '8.286814 288128 289441 290751 292060 293367 294672 295905 297276 "29857 j0.299873 .801169 802463 3803755 3805045 806334 .807620 .3808905 .310188 .311469 812749 .814026 .815802 .316576 .317849 .819119 820388 .821655 .322920 .824183 325445 329705 327964 820220 830475 881728 332980 334229 835477 836724 '8.337968 339211 840453 841692 842030 344166 343401 846634 347865 | 20. 2 8.349095 | 20.47 ore 2>HAS 33 ( ( z 5 = - G OO 12° y Vers. | D. 1’ 0 | 8.339499 | 20.02 1 .840700 | 20.00 2} 3841900 | 19.95 3 .343097 | 19.95 4 .844294 | 19.90 5 .3845488 | 19.88 6 .846681 | 19.85 & .847872 | 19.82 8 .849061.| 19.80 9 .850249 | 19.7 10 .301485 | 19.7 | 11 | 8.352620 | 19.72 12 .853803..; 19.68 ! 13 004984 | 19.67 14 .806164 | 19.63 15 .857342 | 19.60 16 -3808518 | 19.58 7 .809693 | 19.55 18 .360866.} 19.53 19 .3862083 | 19.50 20 .868208 | 19.48 21 | 8.364377 | 19.438 22 .3805548 | 19.48 2é .866709 | 19.38 2! 067872 | 19.37 25 .869034 | 19.35 26 .870195 | 19.382 27 .38113854 | 19.28 28 872511 | 19.27 29 310067. | 19.25 380 .874822 | 19.20 31 | 8.875974 | 19.18 32 804125 | 19.17 28 o1e270 | 19.13 3¢ .379423.| 19.12 35 .880570 | 19.08 36 .881715 | 19.05 37 .882858 | 19.03 38 .884000 | 19.02 39 .885141 | 18.98 40 .886280 | 18.95 41-| 8.387417 | 18.93 42 .888553.| 18.92 43 .889688 | 18.88 44 -890821 | 18.85 45 .891952. | 18.838 46 .893082 | 18.82 47 .894211.| 18.4 48 .895888 | 18.75 4s -096463 .| 18.7% 50 397587 | 18.72 51 | 8.898710 | 18.68 52 .38998381 | 18.67 53 .400951 | 18.63 54 .402069 | 18.62 55 .408186 | 18.58 56 -404301 | 18.57 57 .405415 | 18.53 58 .406527 | 18.52 59 .407688 | 18.50 60 | 8.408748 | 18.47 Ex. sec. | SOPs ih a | TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSID SINES 13° f Vers. | D. 1". | Ex. sec.jD. 1”. | | | | 1 8.849095 | 20.47 || 0 | 8.408748 | 18.47 ‘8.420024 | 18.95 .350323 | 20.43 || 1] .409856 | 18.43 | .421161 | 18.93 851549 | 20.42 || 2] .410962 | 18.42 | .422297.) 18.90 852774 | 20.38 || 3] 412067 | 18.40 | .423431 | 18.88 .853997 | 20.35 |} 4 | .413171 | 18.88 | .424564.| 18.87 .855218 | 20.33 || 5 | .414274 | 18.35 | .425696 | 18.83 856438 | 20.30 || 6 | .415375 | 18.32.| .426926 | 18.82 857656 | 20.28 || 71 .416474 | 18.30.) .427955.| 18.80 858873 | 20.25 || 8 | .417572 | 18.28-| .429083.! 18.77 860088 | 20.22 || 9 | .418669 | 18.25 | .430209 | 18.75 .861301 | 20.20 |! 10 | .419764 | 18.23 | .431334 | 18.73 8.862513 | 20.18 || 11 | 8.420858 | 18.22 |8:432458 | 18.70 863724 | 20.13 || 12 | 1421951 | 18.18 | .423580.| 18.67 264982 | 20.12 || 13 | 1423042 | 18.17 | .484700.| 18.67 .366139 | 20.10 || 14 | .424132 | 18.13 | .485820 | 18.63 867345 | 20.07 || 15 | 1425220 | 18.12 | .436938.| 18.62 .868549 | 20.03 || 16 | .426307 | 18.10°; .438055 | 18.58 869751 | 20.02 || 17 | 1427393 | 18.07 | .439170 | 18.57 870952 | 19.98 ||.18 | 1428477 | 18.05 | .440284 | 18.55 872151 | 19.95 || 19 | .429360 | 18.02 | .441397 | 18.53 873348 | 19.95 || 20 | .430641 | 18.02 | .442509 | 18.50 8.374545 | 19.90 |! 21 | 8.431722 | 17.97 18.443619 | 18.47 875739 | 19.88 || 22] 1432800 | 17.97 | .444797 | 18.47 .376982 | 19.85 || 23} .433878 | 17.93 | .445835 | 18.43 878123 | 19.83 || 24 | .434954 | 17.92 | .446941.| 18.42 .879813 | 19.82 ;; 25 | .436029 | 17.68 | .448046 | 18.88 880502 | 19.78 || 23 | .437102 | 17.87 | .449149 | 18.38 881689 | 19.75 || 27] .438174 | 17.85 | .450252 | 18.35 882874 | 19.73 || 28] .439245 | 17.82 | .451353 | 18.32 .884058 | 19.70 || 29} .440814 | 17.80 | 452452 | 18.32 885240 | 19.68 |! 8 441382 | 17.78 | .453551 | 18.28 8.386421 | 19.65 || 81 | 8.442449 | 17.75 8.454648 | 18.95 .887600 | 19.63 |; 82 | 1448514 |-17.73 | .455748.| 18.25 883778 | 19.60 || 83} 1444578 | 17.72 | .456838 | 18.22 .889954 | 19.58 || 84] 445641 | 17.68 | .457931.| 18.20 .891129 | 19.55 || 25 | .446702 | 17.68 | .459023.| 18.18 892302 | 19.53 || 86] .447763 | 17.63 | .460114.| 18.15 893474 | 19.50 || 87 | .448821 | 17.63 | .461203 | 18.13 .894644 | 19.48 |) 88°] .449879 | 17.62 | .462201 | 18.12 895813 | 19.45 |; 39 | .4509385 | 17.58 | .463378 | 18.10 .3896980 | 19.43 |} 40 | .451990 | 17.55 | .464464 | 18.07 8.398146 | 19.42 || 41 | 8.453048 | 17.55 |8.465548 | 18.05 .899311 | 19.38 || 42] .454096 | 17.52 | .466631 | 18.03 .400474 | 19.85 |} 43 | .455147 | 17.48 | .467713 | 18.00 .401635 | 19.83 || 44] .456196 | 17.48 | .468793 | 18.00 .402795 | 19.82 || 45 | .457245 | 17.45 | .469873 | 17.97 .403954 | 19.28 || 46 |. .458292 | 17.438 | .470951 | 17.95 .405111 | 19.27 || 47 | .459388 | 17.40 | .472028 | 17.92 .406267 | 19.23 || 48 | .460382 | 17.40 | .473103 | 17.90 .407421 | 19.22 || 49 | .461426 | 17.37 | .474177 | 17.90 .408574 | 19.18 |} 50 | .462468 | 17.35 | .475251 | 17.85 8.409725 | 19.17 || 51 | 8.463509 | 17.32 8.476822 | 17.85 410875 | 19.13 || 52) .464548 | 17.30 | .477393 | 17.88 .412023 | 19.13 || 58] .465586 | 17.28 | .478463 | 17.80 .418171 | 19.08 || 54 | .466623 | 17.27 | .479531 | 17.78 .414316 | 19.08 || 55 | .467659.| 17.23 | .480598 | 17.77 415461 | 19.03 || 56 | .468693 | 17.23 | .481664 | 17.73 .416603 | 19.03 |! 57 | .469727 | 17.20] .482728 | 17.73 417745 | 19.00 || 58 | .470759 | 17.17 | .483792 | 17.70 .418885 | 18.98 || 59 | .471789 | 17.17 | .484854 | 17.68 8.420024 | 18.05 || GO | 8.472819 | 17.13 |8.485915 | 17267 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. ~ Vers. . | Ex, sec. Vers. PaielUx. SEC COMRIAOUFRWWH OS —" op oves crew enepenee WIWIWIWIWIWIVISI® Wr : | 8.472819 473847 474874 .475900 476925 477948 .478970 -479991 481011 .482029 483046 | 8.484062 .485077 .486091 .487103 .488115 .489125 490134. | .491141 .492148 .493153 494157 .495160 .496162 497162 .498162 .499160 .500157 5011538 502148 | . 0038142 504134 505125 .506116 .507108 .50§092 |! .509079 .510065 .511049 .512033 .518015 .513996 514976 | .515955 .516932 ~517909 .518684 || .519859 5203832 .521804 Sots beetle 523745 Ov4s714 020682 526648 .527'614 .528578 .D29542 .580504 .531465 8.532425 Ww 09 Cl GO MW Oo ie) Say AZALI +3 FH MHDMHOO Lr 8.485915 .486975 .488033 .489091 .490147 .491202 .492256 .493308 .494360 .495410 .496459 21 8.497507 498554 .499600 .500644 .501687 .502730 .5038771 .501810 .505849 .506887 . 507923 .508958 ~5099938 .511026 .512057 .518088 .514118 .515146 .516174 .517200 518225. | ~D19249 »520272 .527402 528416 529429 .530441 .581452 .532462 583471 .pd4478 580485 . 536490 .531495 .5388498 .589501 ~)46502 ~541502 .542501 .548499 544497 545493 546488 8.547482 YAPAZ PAY APY -I-I-V- Pm ek ek ek et ek fel fet Pk tp > fa ee pe ee et ep Oe Re eRHEHwtDw wwwsd SAPARD a ne - AAAES ‘yal: oO cS Qn | we Co OF Ee) —" Peek ped Pd et > OUH CO OD mt OOD DOWWwWRDWwwowt or a Or & OT cy FDO SO oro B= 8.582425 | 533384 . 84342 .085299 .586255 .5387210 .588163 .539116 .540068 .541018 | .541968 .542916 .548863 .544810 od-4-4 .545755 .546699 .547642 548584 | 549525 .550465 .551404 55887 .559809 .560738 8.561666 . 562592 .563518 .064443 .565367 .566289 2567211 .5681382 .569052 | .569970 | .5T0888 571805 het 573636 579104 | 580012 580919 581825 582730 533634 B3I537 | 585440 586341 STH 8.538141 | ee OrOvorgorororvorw orc = — ae) Orr ot ur Ui or OF OF UT OU. OT OT Ore Fe OTOL. OT OF ST. Gr vor 8.547482 | 548474 | “549466 550457 .BD1447 | 552436 553424 554410 | 555396 556381 557364 558347 “559329 560209 561289 562267 “563245 564222 565197 566172 567145 568118 569090 570060 571030 571999 572966 573933 .574899 _BT5864 576827 577790 578752 (0A 579713 | .580673 .581682 .582590 588547 .584503 .585458 .586412 .5873865 .588318 + 2589269 .590219 .591169 .592117 598065. | ,594012 .594957 595902 8.596846 | 599789 | .598731 599672 600612 601551 602490 603427 604363 97 |B.605299 | WWW RIOOWWw = 29) > Cd Dd Cd Dd Sd G2 SH? OI S CO ODA pe ee Ct OF OT OF WITRINVIO WN > D> 3 2 > > > > 7D hk pak ee DD BA wy 009 G9 09 wo TOCRIDONW OT Or =3-2 7 =2- > D RS) | TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 16° i / Vers. | DA ol Exe sec.) Dei? af Vers. | D. 1’. | Ex. sec.|D. 1’ | } | 0 | 8.588141 | 14.97 | 8.605299 | 15.58 0 | 8.640434 | 14.08 '8.659838 | 14.72 if .589039 | 14.95 .606234 | 15.55 1 .641279 | 14.07 | .660721 | 14.72 2 .589936 | 14.95 .607167 | 15.55 2 642123 | 14.05.} .661604 | 14.70 3 .590833 | 14.93 .608100 | 15.53 3 642966 | 14.05 | .662486 | 14.68 4 .591729 | 14.90 .609032 | 15.52 4 .648809 | 14.02 | .663367 | 14.68 5 . 592623 | 14.90 .609963 | 15.50 5 .644650 | 14.02 | .664248 | 14.65 6 .593517 | 14.88 .610893 | 15.50 6 .645491° | 14.00 | .665127 | 14.65 a .594410 | 14.87 .611823 | 15.47 7 .646331 | 18.98 | .666006 | 14.63 8 .595302 | 14.83 612751) 15.45 8 .647170 | 18.97 | .666884 ; 14.62 : 9 .596192 | 14.83 .613678 | 15.45 9 .648008 | 18.95 | .667761 | 14.60 iH 10 .597082 | 14.82 .614605 | 15.438 10 .648845 | 18.95 | .668637 | 14.60 11-| 8.597971 | 14.82 | 8.615531 | 15.42 |] 11 | 8.649682 | 13.93 |8.669513 | 14.58 12 .598860 | 14.78 .616456 | 15.38 12 .650518 | 13.92 | .6703888 | 14.57 13 | .599747 | 14.7 .617379 | 15.38 || 13 .651353 | 13.90 | .671262 | 14.55 14 .600633 | 14.75 .618302 | 15.38 ||} 14 .652187 | 13.88 | .672185 | 14.55 15 .601518 | 14.75 .619225 | 15.35 15 .653020 | 138.87 | .673008 | 14.52 Pat (nt | 16 .602403 | 14.72 .620146 | 15.33 || 16 .653852 | 18.87 | .6738879 | 14.52 Fah 17 .603286 | 14.72 .621066 | 15.33 17 .654684 | 18.85 | .674750 | 14.50 jaan 13 .604169 | 14.70 .621986 | 15.30 18 6655515 | 138.83 | .675620-| 14.50 ME 19 .605051 | 14.67 .622904 | 15.380 || 19 .656345 | 138.82 | .676490 | 14.47 aaa AS .605931 | 14.67 .623822 | 15.28 || 20 .657174 | 13.82 | .677358 | 14.47 21 | 8.606811 | 14.65 | 8.624739 | 15.27 |) 21 | 8.658003 | 13.78 |8.678226 | 14.45 Aaa 22 .607690 | 14.63 .625655 | 15.235 || 22 .658839 | 13.7 .679098 | 14.45 a i 23 .603563 | 14.62 62657 15.23 |} 23 .659657 | 13.77 | .679960 | 14.42 ta reas .609 445 | 14.60 627484 | 15.23 || 2k .660483 | 18.75 | .680525 ) 14.42 25; .610321 | 14.60 .628398 | 15.20 || 25 .661308 | 13.7: .681690 || 14.40 26 | .611197 | 14.57 .629310 | 15.20 || 26 .662132' | 13.73 | .682554 | 14.38 27 .612071 | 14.57 .630222 | 15.18 27 .662956 | 18.72 | .683417 | 14.38 23 .6129145 | 14.53 .631183 | 15.17 2 .66377 13.70 | .684280°) 14.35 29 613317 | 14.53 .639943 | 15.15 29 .664601 | 18.68 | .685141 | 14.35 i; 30 .614639 | 14.52 .632952 | 15.13 30 .665422 | 13.67 | .686002 | 14.35 ind 31 | 8.615560 | 14.50 | 8.633360 | 15.13 || 31 | 8.666242 | 13.67 |8.686863 | 14.32 H 32 .616439 | 14.48 .63£753 | 15.10 || 32 .667032 | 13.65 | .687722 | 14.32 33 .617299 | 14.47 635674 | 15.10 33 .657881 | 13.63 | .688581 | 14.30 ed (et| Be! .618167 | 14.45 .636530 | 15.08 || Bt .668699 | 18.62 | .689439 | 14.28 Bay Wei] 3) .619034 | 14.45 .6374385 | 15.07 35 .669516 | 13.66 | .690296 | 14.28 i it 33 619991 | 14.42 .638339 | 15.05 35 .670332 | 13.60 | .691153 | 14.25 a 37 .620765 | 14.42 .639292 | 15.05 || 37 .671148 | 18.58 | .692008 | 14.25 bin 33 .621631 | 14.40 .640195 | 15.02 || 38 .671953 | 13.57 | .692863°) 14.25 a 30 .622495 | 14.38 641095 | 15.02 39 672777 | 13.55 | .6938718 | 14.22 j | 4) .623358 | 14.37 .641997 | 15.00 40 .673590 | 18.55 | .694571 °| 14.22 Hed 41 | 8.624220 | 14.35 | 8.642897 | 14.98 || 41 | 8.674403 | 13.53 |8.695424 | 14.20 al 42 .625081 | 14.33 .643796 | 14.97 42 .675215 | 138.52 | .69627 14.18 13} 43 .625941 | 14.33 644694 | 14.95 43! .676026 | 13.50 | .697127 | 14.18 NATE 44 .626801 | 14.30 .645591 | 14.95 44 .676836 | 13.48 | .697978 | 14.17 45 | .627659 14.30 .646488 | 14.93 45 .677645 | 138.48 | .698828 | 14.15 46 .628517 | 14.28 .647334 | 14.92 || 46 .678454 | 18.47 | .699677 | 14.13 47 | .629374 14.27 .648279 | 14.90 47 .679262 | 18.45 | .700525 |) 14.13 43 .6302380 | 14.25 .649173 | 14.88 48 .680069 | 18.43 | .701373 | 14.12 49 .631085 | 14.23 .650065 | 14.87 49 .680875 | 18.43 | .702220 | 14.10 50, .631939 ; 14.22 .650958 ; 14.87 50 .681681 ; 18.42 ; .703066 | 14.10 51 | 8.632792 | 14.22 | 8.651850 | 14.85 || 51 | 8.682486 | 13.40 |8.703912 | 14.07 52 .633645 | 14.18 .652741 | 14.83 || 52 .683290 | 18.38 | .704756 | 14.07 53 .634496 | 14.18 -653631 | 14.82 || 53 .684093 | 13.38 | .7O05600°| 14.07 54 . 6385347 | 14.17 .654520 | 14.80 54 684896 | 13.35 | .706444°! 14.03 55 .636197 | 14.15 .655408 | 14.80 55 | .685697 | 13.35 | .707286'| 14.03 56 .637046 | 14.13 656296 | 14.77 56 .686498 | 18.385 | .708128 | 14.02 57 .637894 | 14.18 .657182 | 14.77 || 57 | .687299.| 138.32 | .708969 | 14.02 58 .638742 | 14.10 .658068 | 14.7 58 | .688098 | 13.32 | .709810°} 14.00 59 .639588 | 14.1 10 | .658954 | 14.73 59 .688897 | 13.30 | .710650 | 18.98 60 | 8.640434 | 14. 08 | 8.659838 | 14.72 |( 49’ 8.689695 | 13.28 '8.711489 | 13.97 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. COIR erm e | =] . | Ex. sec.) D. 1’. Ex. sec. | 8.689695 690492 691289 | . 692084 . 692879 693674 694467 . 695260 696052 .696843 | 697634 698424 .699213 700001 .700789 701576 . 702362 . 703147 . 703932 . 704716 705499 . 706282 . 707063 107844 - 708625 709404 | 710183 710961 711789 . 712516 713292 .714067 714842 715616 . 716389 717161 717983 718704 719475 | 720214 | 721013 . 721782 722549 . 723316 | . 724083 724848 | . 725613 726377 ~ 127140 .727903 . 728665 .'729427 720187 730947 . 731707 132465 . 7338223 . 733981 134737 . 735493 } 8.736248 woe 3 QV (92) WWWNWW 9 WW WW WWW WWW pose frm poe frm frm fame frre fem ee fe feck Prk peek fomek feed. 711489 712327 713164 | “714001 | “714838 115673 -716508 717342 18175 -719008 -719840 420671 . 721502 722332 SOBRE! - 723989 | 724817 (25644 726471 127297 728122 728946 729770 ~730593 731415 71382237 - 738058 738878 . 734698 735517 . 7363385 737158 737970 738786 739602 740417 7412381 . 742045 «742858 . 748670 . 744482 745293 . 746103 pea Ate on OC | 3.99 WOIOWIPWWH OS 739263 751214 51955 752696 "753436 54175 762266 762998 763729 . 764459 (65189 .%65918 . 766647 67374 . 768102 168828 169554 Crovrergr grag It SSSRRGAS re WOwwnwe ~ eee ee eee 5 MDW WO 0b “50 18760578 .765358 .766152 .766946 167739 768531 8.769328 770114 770905 771695 772484 173273 8.785031 785810 . 786588 787366 788144 788920 789696 790472 791247 792021 8.792795 793568 794340 795112 795884 196654 OTA 798194 798963 199732 8.800500 801267 802034 802800 803565 804330 805095 805859 806622 8.807385 ~ TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 21° Ex, sec. D. 1”. COIAMAwWWHS | Vers. . | Hx. sec. 4 Vers. Dial | 8.780370 5 | 8.807385 | 0 |. 8.822296 | 11.385 |8.852144 | .781087 .808147 | 1) Oh .822977 | 11.35 | .852874 - 781802 .808908 2 .823658 | 11.3838 | .8538604 782517 .809669 3 .8243838 | 11.38 | 854832 783231 .810430 4 .825018 | 11.82 | .855061 783945 .811190 5 .825697 | 11.32 | .855789 . 784658 .811949 6 .8263873 | 11.80 | .856516 785371 .812708 7 827054 | 11.28 | .857243 . 786083 .813466 8 827781 | 11.28 | .857969 (86794. 814224 9 .828408.| 11.28 | .858695 - 787505 .814981 10 .829085 | 11.27 | .859420 788215 8.815737 11 | 8.829761 | 11.25 |8.860145 788924 .816493 12 .8304386 | 11.25 | .860869 . 789633 .817249 13 .8381111.| 11.23 | .861593 - 790342 .818004 14 .881785. | 11.23 | .862816 -791049 mG .818758 1-15 .8382459 | 11.22 | .863039 - 791756 Se .819512 16 .8331382 | 11.2 .863761 792463 3 . 820265 17 .888804 | 11.20 | .864483 .793169 ai .821018 18 .834476 | 11.20 | .865204 798874 Be .821770 19 .835148 | 11.18 | .865925 | - 794579 we 822521 20 .835819 | 11.17 | .866646 | - 795283 .%3 | 8.823272 21 | 8.836489 | 11.17 |8.867365 . 795987 ory .824023 22 .887159.| 11.17 | .868085. | . 796690 ai 824773 23 .887829.| 11.15 | . 868804 | (97392 f . 825522 | 24 .888498 | 11.13 | .869522 798094 826271 | 125 .839166 | 11.13 | .870240 . 798795 .827019 | | 26 .839834.] 11.12 | .870957 - 799496 . 827767 27 .840501 | 11.12 | .871674 .800196 . 828514 28 .841168 | 11.10 | .872390 . 800896 822261 | 29 .844834 | 11.10 | .873106 . 801594 .880007 30 .842500. | 11.08 | .878822 802293 8.830752 | 81 | 8.843165.| 11.07 (8.874537 .802991 .831497 2 .843829.| 11.07 | .875251 | .803688 . 832242 | 38 .844493 | 11.07 | .875965 | . 804384 832986 | | 34 .845157 | 11.05 | .876678 | .805080 . 833729. | | 85 .845820. | 11.05 | .877391 80577 . 884472 86 .846483. | 11.03 | .878104 .806471 .835215 37 .847145. | 11.02 | .878816. | .807165 .835957 38 .847806 | 11.02 | .879528 .807859 .836698 39 .848467. | 11.00 | .880239 -808552 .837439 40 .849127 | 11.00 | .880949 8.809244 8.838179 41 | 8.849787 | 11.00 {8.881659 .809936 .838919 | 42 .850447 | 10.98 | .882369 .810628 . 839658 43 .851106 | 10.97 | .888078 .811319 .840396 44 .851764. | 10.97 | .888787 .812009 .841135 | 45 , 852422. | 10.95 | .884495 .812699 .841872 || 46 .853079.| 10.95 | .885203 .815388 . 842609 || 47 .853736. | 10.93 | .885910 .814077 .843346 | 12. 48 854392 | 10.93 | .886617 | .814765 | (844082. ) 12.% 49 .855048 | 10.92 | .887323 | .815452 .844817 | 12. 50 .855703. | 10.92 | .888029 .816139 8.845552 | 12. | 51 | 8.856358 | 10.90 |8.888754 .816825 .846287 | 12. 11° 52 .857012. | 10.90 | .889489 817511 .847021."| 12. it 5a .857666 | 10.88 | .890144 818196 847754 | 12. || 54 .858319 | 10.88 | .890848 818881 . 848487 | 12. || 55 ~858972 | 10.87 | .891551 | .819565 . 849220 | 12.20 || 56 859624 | 10.87 | .892254 . 820249 .849952 | 12. | 57 .860276.| 10.85 | .892957 . 820932 .850683 | 12. 58 .860927 | 10.85 | .893659 .821614 .851414 | 12. 59 .86157 10.83 | .894361 8.822296 8 852144 | 12. 60 | 8.862228 | 10.82 |8.895062 | . . . -_ . ae . . . . . We ~ = 2 é 7 ~ WWD CCITT o) I We 5 S ox Ww 0 C9 OV GIR CONWWNWWOTO TURN BMS oe ap od 5 ag ey oo a : ie 93° 4 Vers Dig 0 | 8.862228 | 10.82 1 .862877 | 10.83 2 .863527 | 10.80 3 .864175 | 10.80 | 4] .864823 | 10.80 fap | .865471| 10°78); 6 .866118 | 10.78 | 7 .86676> | 10.77 | 8 .86741l | 10.77 | 9 .868057 | 10.75 | 10 .868702 | 10.73 11 | 8.869346 | 10.75 12 .869991 | 10.72 13 .870634 | 10.72 : 14 871277 | 10.72 15 .871920 | 10.70 16 .872562 | 10.70 17 .8738204 | 10.68 18 .873845 | 10.68 | 19 .874486 | 10.67 20 .875126 | 10.67 | 21 | 8.875766 | 10.65 22 .876405 | 10.65 | | 23 .877044 | 10.63 24 .877682 | 10.63 25 | .878320 | 10.62 26 | 878957 | 10.62 | 27 879594 | 10.60 | | 23 . 880230 | 10.60 | 29 .880866 | 10.58 | | 30] .881501 | 10.58 | 31 | 8.882136 | 10.58 32 .882771 | 10.57 | 33 883405 | 10.55 34 884038 | 10.55 35 .884671 | 10.53 | 36 885303 | 10.53 | ov .885935 | 10.53 38 .886567 | 10.52 39 .887198 | 10.52 || 40} .887829.| 10.50 | 41 | 8.888459 | 10.48 42 . 889088 | 10.48 43 | 889717 | 10.48 44 .890346 | 10.47 45 .890974 | 10.47 | 46 .891602 | 10.45 47 892229 | 10.45 48 .892856 | 10.43 | AS .893482 | 10.43 | 50 | .894108 | 10.42 | P| 51 | 8.894733 | 10.42 | 52 | .895358 | 10.42 | 538. | .895983 | 10.40 | 54 | .896607 | 10.38 | 55 .897230 | 10.38 56 | .897853 | 10.38.} 57 | .898476 | 10.37 58 | .899098 | 10.35 | 59 | .899719 | 10.37 | 60 | 8.900341 | 10.33 | q _ AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. Taxa sec.) DO 1". i 4 Vers. | 8.895062 | 11.68 || 0 | 8.900841 .895763 |; 11.67 || 1 | .900961 896463 | 11.67 |; 2 | .901582 897163 | 11.65 |} 3 | .902201 .897862 | 11.65 || 4] .902821 .893561 | 11.63 | 5'| .903440 899259 | 11.63 || 6; .904058 .899957 | 11.63 || 7 . 904676 .900655 | 11.62 |i § . 905293 .901352 | 11.60 9 | 905910 | .902048 | 11.62 || 10 . 906527 8.902745 | 11.58 || 11 | 8.907143 .903440 | 11.60 2 . 907759 .904136 | 11.57 || 13 . 908374 .904830 | 11.58 |; 14 . 908989 pQ0d0eD | ALIS (Wels . 909603 .906219 | 11.55 || 16 -910217 .906912 | 11.55 || 17 .910830 .907605 | 11.53 || 18 .911443 -908298 | 11.53 |} 19 . 912056 .908990 | 11.52 || 20 . 912668 8.909681 | 11.52 || 21 | 8.913279 -9103872 | 11:52 |} 22 .913891 911063 | 11.52 || 23 .914501 917754 | 11:48 || 24 .915111 .912443 | 11.50 |} 25 915721 .913133 | 11.48 || 26 . 916331 .913822 | 11.47 || 27 | .916940 .914510 | 11.47 || 28 .917548 :915198 | 11747 |; 29 .918156 .915888 | 11.45 30 | .918764 8.916573 | 11.45 |! 31 | 8.919371 .917260 | 11.48 || 82 .919977 917946 | 11.43 || 83 | .920584 .918682 | 11.43 |} 34 . 921190 .919318 | 11.42 || 335 | .921795. .920003 | 11.40 || 383 . 922400 920687 | 11.42 || 37 .923094 .9213872 | 11.38 || 88} .923608 .922055 | 11.40 || 89 | .924212 .922739 | 11.37 || 40 . 924815 8.923421 | 11.88 || 41 | 8.925418 924104 | 11.37 || 42 . 926020 924786 | 11.35 || 43 . 926622 .925467 | 11.37 || 44 927224 926149 | 11.33 || 45 | .927825 926829 | 11.35 |; 46 | .928425 927510. | 11.32 || 47 . 929025 .928189 | 11.83 || 48 . 929625 928869 | 11.82 || 49 | .930224 929548 | 11.30 || 50 | .980823 8.930226 | 11.82 || 51 | 8.931421 .930905 | 11.28 |} 52 | .932019 .931582 | 11.30 |) 53 | = .982617 . 9382260.) 11.27 || 54 933214 . 932936 | 11.28 || 55 | .933811 933613 | 11.27 || 56 | .934407 .934289 | 11.27 || 57 . 935003 .934965 | 11.25 |; 58 . 935598 .985640 | 11.25 || 59 . 936193 8.936315 | 11.23 || 60 | 8.936788 Dax see. D. 17 10.33 '8.936815 | 11.23 10.35 | .936989 | 11.23 10.32 | .937663 | 11.22 10.33 | .938336 | 11.22 10.32 | .939009 | 11.22 10.30 | .939682 | 11.20 10.30 | .940354 | 11.20 10.28 | .941026 | 11.20 10.28 | .941698 | 11.18 10.28 | .942369 | 11.17 10.27 | .943039 | 11.18 10.27 |8.943710 | 11.15 10.25 | .944379-| 11.17 10.25 | .945049 | 11.15 10.23 | .945718.| 11.13 10.23 | .946386 | 11.13 10.22 | .947054 | 11.18 10.22 | .947722 | 11.12 10.22 | .948389 | 11.12 | 10.20 | .949056 | 11.12 10.18 | .949723 | 11.10 10.20 |8.950389 | 11.10 10.17 | .951055 | 11.08 10.17 | .951720 | 11.08 10.17 | .952385 | 11.07 10.17 | .953049 | 11.07 10.15 | .953713 | 11.07 10.13 | .954377-| 11.05 10.13 | .955040 | 11.05 10.13 | .955703 | 11.05 10.12 | .956366 | 11.03 10.10 8.957028 | 11.03 | 10.12 | .957690 | 11.02 10.10 | .958351 | 11.02 10.08 | .959012 | 11.00 10.08 | .959672 | 11.00 10.07 | .960332 | 11.00 10.07 | .960992 | 10.98 10.07 | .961651 | 10.98 10.05 | .962310 | 10.98 10.05 | .962969 | 10.97 10.03 8.963627 | 10.97 10.03 | .964285 | 10.95 10.03 | .964942 | 10.95 10.02 | .965599 | 10.95 10.00 | .966256 | 10.98 10.00 | .966912 | 10.93 10.00 | .967568 | 10.92 9.98 | .968223 | 10.92 9.98 | .968878 | 10.92 9.97 | .969533 | 10.90 9.97 18.970187 | 10.90 9.97 | .970841 | 10.88 9.95 | .971494 | 10.88 9.95 | .972147 | 10.88 9.93 972800 | 10.87 9.93 | .973452 | 10.87 9.92 | .974104 | 10.87 9.92 | .974756 | 10.85 9.92 | .975407 | 10.85 9.90 18.976058 | 10.83 —— , Vers. | D: 1". | Ex. sec. | D. 1° / 0 | 8.936788 | 9.90 | 8.976058 | 10.83 || 0 1 | .937382 | 9.90] .976708 | 10.83 || 1 2| .937976 | 9.88) .977358 | 10.83 || 2 3} 988569 | 9.88 | .978008 | 10.82 3 4} .939162 | 9.87 | .978657 | 10.82 |} 4 5 | .989754 | 9.87] .979306 | 10.80 || 5 6 | .940346 | 9.87 | .979954 | 10.80 6 7 | .940938 | 9.85] .980602 | 10.80 7 8 | .941529 | 9.85] .981250 | 10.80 || 8 9} .942120 | 9.83 - .981898 | 10."8 9 10 | .942710 | 9.83] .982545 | 10.77 1} 10 11 | 8.943300 | 9.82 | 8.983191 | 10.77 |] 14 12 | .943889 | 9.83 | .983837 | 10.77 || 12 13 | .944479 | 9.80 | .984483 | 10.77 || 13 14 | .945067 | 9.80 | .985129 | 10.75 || 14 15.| .945655 | 9.80] .985774 | 10.75 || 15 16} .946243 | 9.80; .986419 | 10.73 || 16 17 | .946831 | 9.78} .987063 | 10.7 17 18 | .947418 | 9.77) .987707 | 10.73 || 18 19 | .948004 | 9.77 | 988351 | 10.72 || 19 20 | .948590 | 9.77 | .988994 | 10,72 || 2 21 | 8.949176 | 9.75 | 8.989637 | 10.70 || 21 22 | .949761 | 9.75 |} .990279 | 10.72 || 22 23 | .950346 | 9.75 | .990922 | 10.68 || 23 24 | (950931 | 9.73 | .991563 | 10.70 || 24 25} .951515 | 9.73 | .992205 | 10.68 || 25 26 | .952099 | 9.72 | .992846 | 10.68 || 26 27 | .952682 | 9.72] .993487 | 10.67 || Q7 28 | .953265 | 9.70} .994127 | 10.67 || 28 29 | .958847 | 9.701 .994767 | 10.65 || 29 30 | .954429 | 9.70 | .995406 | 10.67 || 30 31 | 8.955011 | 9.68 | 8.996046 | 10.65 || 31 2} .955592 | 9.68 |} .996685 | 10.63 || 32 83 | .956173 | 9.67 | .997323 | 10.63 || 33 34 | .956753 | 9.68] .997961 | 10.63 || 3 35 | .957334 | 9.65] .998599 | 10.62 || 35 36 | .957913 | 9.65 | .999236 | 10.62 || 36 37 | .958492 | 9.65 | 8.999873 | 10.62 || 37 38 | .959071 | 9.65 | 9.000510 | 10.60 || 38 89 | .959650 | 9.63} .001146 | 10.62 || 39 40 | .960228 | 9.62] .001783 | 10.58 || 40 41 | 8.960805 | 9.62 | 9.002418 | 10.58 || 44 42 | .9613882 | 9.62] .003053 | 10.58 || 42 43 | .961959 | 9.60] .003688 | 10.58 || 43 44 | .962535 | 9.60} .004323 | 10.57 || 44 45 | .963111 | 9.60 | .004957 | 10.57 || 45 .963687 | 9.58 | _.005591 | 10.55 || 46 7 | .964262 | 9.58] .006224 | 10.57 || 47 48 | .964837 | 9.57 | .006858 | 10.53 || 48 ¢ .965411 | 9.57 | .007490 | 10.55 || 49 .965985 | 9.57 | .008123 | 10.53 || 50 | 8.966559 | 9.55 | 9.008755 | 10.53 || 51 ; .967132 | 9.55 | °009887 | 10.52 || 52 53| .967705 | 9.53] .010018 | 10.52 || 53 54.| .968277 | 9.53] .010649 | 10.52 || 54 5 | .968849 | 9.53] .011280 | 10.50 || 55 .969421 | 9.52 | .011910 | 10.50 || 56 7 | .969992 | 9.52] .012540 | 10.50 || 57 .970563 | 9.50 | .013170 | 10.48 || 58 59 | .971133 | 9.501] .013799 | 10.48 || 59 0 | 8.971703 | 9.50} 9.014428 | 10.47 || 60 TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES Versett) Dt" 8.971703 | 9.50 |. 9.014428 . 972273 | 9.48 .015056 . 972842 | 9.48 .015685 .973411 | 9.48 .016312 . 973980 | 9.47 .016940 | .974548 | 9.47 . 017567 || 975116 | 9.45 .018194 | .9756838 | 9.45 .018821 | . 976250 | 9.43 .019447 .976816 | 9.43 .020073 . 9773882 | 9.43 . 020698 | 8.977948 | 9.43 | 9.021323 .978514 | 9.42 .021948 979079 | 9.40 | 022572 | .979643 | 9.40 .023197 .980207 | 9.40 . 023820 . 98077 9.40 .024444 | .981335 | 9.88 | .025067 .981898 | 9.37 | .025690 | . 982460 | 9.38 .026312 | . 983023 | 9.37 . 0269384 8.983585 | 9.35 | 9.027556 .984146 | 9.35 028177 984707 | 9.35 .028798 .985268 | 9.33 . 029419 . 985828 | 9.33 . 030039 .986388 | 9.33 .030659 .986948 | 9.32 .031279 987507 | 9.32 .031899 -988066 | 9.32 .032518 .988625 | 9.30 | .033136 8.989183 | 9.28 | 9.033755 .989749 | 9.30 . 034873 .990298 | 9.28 . 034991 .990855 | 9.27 . 035608 .991411 | 9.28 .036225 .991968 | 9.25 . 0386842 . 992523 | 9.27 037458 | . 993079 | 9.25 .038074 . 993684 | 9.25 . 038690 .994189 | 9.23 .039805 8.994743 | 9.23 | 9.039920 .995297 | 9.23 040535 .995851 | 9.22 | .041150 | . 996404 | 9.22 .041764 . 996957 | 9.20 . 042378 -997509 | 9.22.71 .042991 . 998062 | 9.18 048604 .998613 | 9.20 044217 -999165 | 9.18 . 044830 8.999716 | 9.17 045442 9.000266 | 9.18 | 9.046054 000817 | 9.17 046665 .001867 | 9 15 047276 .001916 | 9.17 047887 .002466 | 9.138 .048498 0038014 | 9.15 .049108 .003563 | 9.13 .049718 .004111 | 9.13 050828 .004659 | 9.12 . 050937 9.005206 | 9.12 | 9.051546 ) | Ex. see. D. 1’. 10.47 10.48 10.45 10.47 10.45 | 10.45 |} 10.45 10.43 10.43 | 10.42 10.42 10.42 10.40 10.42 10.38 10.40 10.38 10.38 10.15 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. / Vers. | D..1". | Ex, see. |‘D, 1" / Vers, |D.1".| Ex. sec. |D. 1’. 0 | 9.005206 | 9.12 | 9.051546 | 10.15 || 0 | 9.037401 | 8.77 | 9.087520 | 9.83 j) -005753 | 9.12) .052155 | 10.13 || 1] .037997 | 8.75 | (088110 | 9/83 2; .006300 | 9.10} .052763 | 10.13 || 2] .088452 | 8.77 | [088700 | 9.83 3} .006846 | 9.10 058371, | 10:13 || 3 .038978 | 8.75 .089290 | -9.83 4| .007392 | 9.10] .053979 | 10.12 || 4] .039503 | 8.73 | 089880 | 9.89 5) -007988 | 9.08 | .054586 | 10.12 || 5 | .040027.| 8.75 | .090469 | 9.82 6 | .008483 | 9.08} .055193 | 10.12 || 6] .040552 | 8.73 | 091058 | 989 7 | ..009028 | 9.07 | .055800.| 10.10 || 7] .041076 | 8.721 091647 | 9/80 8 | .009572 | 9.07 | .056406 | 10.10 || 8 | .041599 | 8.73 | ‘092985 | 9/80 9 | .010116 | 9.07 | .057012 | 10.10 || 9} .042123 | 8.72 | 1092823 | 9.80 10; .010660 | 9.05 | .057618 | 10.10 || 10 | .042646 | 8.70 | .098411 | 9.%8 11 | 9.011203 | 9.05 | 9.058224 | 10.08 || 11 | 9.043168 | 8.72 | 9.093998 | 9.80 12 | .011746 | 9.05 | .058829,/ 10.08 || 12 | .043691 | 8.7 094586 | 9.78 13 | .012289 | 9.03 | .059434 | 10.07 41 13 | .044213 | 8.70 | .095173 | 9.77 14 | .012831 | 9.03 | .060038 | 10.08 || 14 | .044735 | 8.68 | .095759 | 9.78 15 | .013373 | 9.03 | .060643 | 10.07 || 15 | .045256 | 8.68] .096346 | 9.77 16 | .013915 | 9.02 | .061247 | 10.05 || 16 | .045777 | 8.68] .o96932! 9.77 17 | .014456 | 9.02 | .061850 | 10.07 || 17 | 046298. | 8.67 | 097518 | 9.75 18} .014997 | 9.02} .062454 | 10.05 || 18 | .046818 | 8.67 | .098103:| 9.77 19 | .015538 | 9.00 | .063057 | 10.03 || 19 | .047388 | 8.67 | 098689 | 9.75 20} .016078 | 9.00} .063659 | 10.05 || 20 | .047858 | 8.65 | _og9e74 | 9.78 21 | 9.016618 | 8.98 | 9.064262 | 10.03 || 21 | 9.048377 | 8.65 | 9.099858 | 9.75 224 .017157 | 9.00 | .064864 | 10.03 || 22} .048896 | 8.65 | .100443 | 9.73 Qs 917697 | 8.97 | .065466 | 10.02 || 23! .049415 | 8.63 | 1010287 | 9.73 24 | .018235 | 8.98 | .066067 | 10.02 || 24 | .049933 | 8.631 .101611 | 9.72 25 | .018774 | 8.97 | .066668 | 10.02 || 25.| .050451 | 8.63 | 102194 | 9.73 26 | .019312 | 8.97 |; .067269 | 10.02 || 26 | .050969 | 8.68 | 10277 9.72 27 | .019850 | 8.95 | .067870 | 10.00 || 27} 051487 | 8.62 | .103361°| 9.70 28 | .020887 | 8.95 | .068470 | 10.00 || 28} .052004 | 8.60 | .103943| 9.7% 29 | .020924 | 8.95 | .069070 | 10.00 || 29 | 052520 | 8.62 | 104526 | 9.70 30 | .021461 | 8.93] .069670 | 9.98 || 30 | .053037 | 8.60 | .105108 9.7% 31 | 9.021997 | 8.93 | 9.070269 | 9.98 || 31 | 9.053553 | 8 60 | 9.105690 | 9.68 82 | .022533 | 8.93 | .070868 | 9.98 || 32] .054069 | 8.581 .106271 | 9.7 33 | .023069 | 8.92 | .071467 | 9.97 || 83] 054584 | 8.58 | 106853 | 9.68 34 | 1.923604 | 8.92 | .072065 | 9.971; 34 | .055099 | 8.58 | .107434 | 9.68 35} .024189 | 8.90 | .072663 | 9.97 || 85 | .055614 | 8.58 | .108015 | 9.67 36 | .024673 | 8.92 | .073261 | 9.97 || 86 | .056129 | 8.57 | .108595 | 9.67 87 | .025208 | 8.90 | .073859 | 9.95 || 37 | .056643 | 8.57 | .109175 | 9 67 88} .025742 | 8.88 | .074456 | 9.95 || 38} .057157 | 8.55 | .109755 | 9.67 3° 026275 | 8.88 | .075053 | 9.93 | 39 | .057670 | 8.55 | .110885 | 9.65 4) | .026808 | 8.88} .075649 | 9.95 | 40 | .058183 | 8.55 | .110914 | 9.67 41 | 9.027341 | 8.88 | 9.076246 | 9.93 || 41 | 9.058696 | 8.55 | 9.111494 | 9.63 42 | .027874 | 8.87 | .076842 | 9.92 || 42} 059909 | 8.53 | .112072 | 9.65 43 | .028406 | 8.87 | .077437 | 9.93 || 43 | .059721 | 8.53 | 112651 | 9.63 44; .028938 ; 8.85 | .078033 | 9.92 || 44] .060233 | 8.53 | .113229 | 9.68 45 | .029469 | 8.85 | .078628 | 9.92 || 45 | .060745 | 8.52 | .113807 | 9.63 46 | .030000 | 8.85 | .079223 | ‘9.90 | 46] .061256 | 8.52 | .114385 | 9.63 7 | .030531 | 8.85 | .079817 | 9.92 || 47 | .061767 | 8.50 | .114963 | 9.62 43 | .031062| 8.83} .080412 | 9.90 || 48 | .062977 | 8.52] 1155401 9.62 49 | .031592 | 8.83] .081006| 9.88 || 49 | .o62788 | 8.50 | .116117 | 9.60 50.; 032122 , 8.82} .081599 ; 9.90 || 50; .063298 | 8.48, .116693 | 9.62 51 | 9.032651 | 8.82 | 9.082193 | 9.88 |) 51 | 9.063807 | 8.50 | 9.117270 | 9.60 52 | .033180} 8.82| .082786 | 9.87 || 52 | .064317 | 8.48] .117846| 9.60 53 | .033709 | 8.80] .083378 | 9.88 || 53! 064826 | 8.48] 1184929] 9.58 54 | .034237 | 8.80] .083971 | 9.87 || 54! .065335 | 8.47 | 118997 | 9/60 55 | .034765 | 8.80 | .084563 | 9.87 |] 55 | .065843 | §.47 | 119573 | 9.58 56} .035293 | 8.78 | .085155 | 9.87 || 56 | .066351 | 8.47 | .120148| 9.58 57 | .035820 | 8.78 | .085747 |. 9.85 || 57 | 066859 | 8.45 | 120798 | 9/57 58 | .036347 | 8.7 .086338 | 9.85 || 58 | .067366 | 8.47 | .121297 | 9.57 59 | .036874 | 8.7 -086929 | 9.85 || 59 | 067874 | 8.43 | 121871 | 9.57 60 | 9.037401 | 8.77 9.83 || 60 8.45 9.57 9.087520 9.068380 9.122445 417 TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES .| Ex. sec. |D. / Vers, | D..1"..). Ex. sec. | D. 1’. 4 Vers. | D. 1’.| ID. 1 | i | 0 | 9.068380 8.45 | 9.122445 9.57 0 | 9.098229 | 8.15 | 9.156410 9.30 1 . 068887 8.43 .1238019 OES (i ekd 098718 | 8.13- . 156968 9.32 2 .069393 8.43 . 1238593 9.55 2 .099206 | 8.12 | .157527 9.28 3 . 069899 8.43 . 124166 9.55) |e t3 .099693 | 8.13 | .158084 9.380 4 .070405 8.42 . 124739 9.53 || 4 .100181 | 8.12 . 158642 9.30 5 .070910 8.42 .125311 9.55 || 5 .100668 | 8.12 . 159200 9.28 6 .071415 8.40 . 125884 9.53 6 101155-|- 8.12 159757 9.28 # .071919 8.42 . 126456 9:53. ||) 7 .101642.} 8.10 . 160314 9.27 8 .072424 8.40 .127028 9.52 8 .102128.| 8.10 . 160870 9.28 9 072928 8.40 .127599 9.53 9 .102614 | 8.10 .161427 9.27 10 078432 8.38 128171 9.52 || 10 .103100 | 8.08 .161983 9.27 11 | 9.673935 | 8.88 | 9.128742 | 9.52 || 11 | 9.103585 | 8.08 9.162539 ; 9.27 12 .074438 8.38 . 129313 9.50 || 12 .104070 | 8.08 . 163095 9.25 13 074941 8.37 . 129883 9.50 +) 13 .104555 | 8.08 . 163650 9.25 eal 14 075448 8.38 . 130453 9.50 || 14 .105040 | 8.07 . 164205 9.25 ave it | 15 .075946 §.385 . 181028 9.50 || 15 . 105524 | 8.07 .164760 9.25 iit 16 .076447 8.37 .1815938 9.50 || 16 .106008 | 8.05 . 165315 9.25 ea 7 .076949 8.35 .1382163 9.48 7 .106491 | 8.07 . 165870 9.23 ee Ca 18 .077450 8.35 . 1827832 9.48 || 18 .106975 | 8.05 . 166424 9.23 ii] a 19 077951 8.35 138301 9.48 |; 19 .107458 | 8.05 .166978 9.23 Wy 20 078452 8.33 . 1383870 9.47 |\.2 .107941 | 8.08 .167582 9.22 21 | 9.078952 | 8.33 | 9.134438 9.47 || 21 | 9.108423 | 8.05 | 9.168085 | 9.23 ile 22 .079452 8.33 . 185006 9.47 || 22 .108906 | 8.03 . 168639 9.22 th) 23 .079952 8.32 135574 9.47 || 23 .109888 | 8.02 . 169192 9.22 We hi} 24 .080451 8.32 . 186142 9.45 || 24 .109869 | 8.03 .169745 9.2 et i 25 080950 8.32 . 186709 9.47 || 25 .110351 | 8.02 .170297 9.22 Hi 26 .081449 8.32 187277 9.45 || 26 .110882 | 8.02 . 170850 9.20 2¢ .081948 8.30 . 137844 9.43 || 27 .111313 | 8.00 .171402 9.20 ty 28 082446 8.30 . 188410 9.45 || 28 .111793 | 8.CO .171954 9.18 ep | 29 082944 8.28 .1388977 9.43 || 29 .112273 | 8.06 .172505 9.20 Hh | 30 .083441 8.30 . 1389543 9.43 || 80 .112753 | 8.00 .178057 9.18 HE 31 | 9.083939 | 8.28 | 9.140109 9.42 || 81 | 9.113233 | 8.00 | 9.173608 | 9.18 ay Net 32 .084436 8.27 . 140674 9.43 ||: 382 118713 | 7.98 174159 9.18 33 .084932 8.28 .141240 9.42 || 33 .114192 | 7.98 .174710 9.17 aa ti} 34 .085429 8227 .141805 9.42 || 34 114671 .| 7.97 .175260 9.17 patie) 35 .085925 8.25 - 142370 9.40 || 35 .115149 | 7.97 .175810 9.17 Tuan | 36 .086420 8.27 . 142934 9.42 || 36 115620 - (87 . 176860 9.17 i 37 .086916 8.25 .1431499 9.40 || 37 .116105 | 7.97 .176910 9.1% a | 38 087411 8.25 .144063 9.40 || 88 .116588 | 7.97 .177460 9.15 bit} 39 .087905 8.23 144627 9.38 || 39 .117061 | 7.95 | .178009 9.15 40 .088400 8.25 . 145190 9.40 || 40 .117538 | 7.95 .178558 9.15 uy 41 | 9.088895 8.23 | 9.145754 9.38 || 41 | 9.118015 , 7.93 | 9.179107 9.15 HG 42\ 089389 | 8.22 | .146317 | 9.38 || 42] .118491 | 7.95 | .179656 | 9.13 Vea 43 . 089882 8.23 . 146880 9.37 || 48 .118968 | 7.93 .180204 | 9.13} 44 .090376 8.22 147442 9.38 || 44 119444.) 7.92 180752 | 9.13) 45 .090869 8.22 .148005 9.37 45 119919 | 7.90 | .181800 9.13 | 46 .0913862 8.20 . 148567 9.37 || 46 .120895 | 7.92 ; .181848 | 9.12 7 .091854 8.20 . 149129 9.35 fi 120870 | 7.92! .182895 9.13 48 .092846 8.20 . 149690 9.35 || 48 121845. | 7.92 | .182943 | 9.12 49 .092838 8.20 150251 9.37 || 49 .121820 | 7.90 . 183490 9.10 50 .093330 8.18 . 150813 9.33 |} 50 122294 | 7.90 , .184036 9.12 51-| 9.093821 | 8.18 | 9.15137 9.35 || 51 | 9.122768 | 7.90 | 9.184583 9.10 52 .094312 8.18 151934 9.33 1) 52 123242 | 7.88 . 185129 9.10 53 094803 | 8.17 152494 9.35 || 53 e315 -| ‘7.90 . 185675 9.10 54 .095293 | 8.17 . 153055 9.32 || 54 .124189 | 7.88 . 186221 9.10 55 095783 | 8.17 . 152614 9.33 || 55 124662 | 7.87 . 186767 9.08 56 096273 ; 8.17 .154174 9.32 || 56 .1251384 | 7.88 .187312 9.10 57 .096763 | 8.15 154733 9.33 || 57 .125607 | 7.87 .187858 | 9.08 58 097252 | 8.15 | .155293 9.30 || 58 .126079 | 7.87 . 188403 9.07 59 | .097741 8.13 | .155851 9.32 || 59 .126551 | 7.85 .188947 9.08 60 | 9.098229 | 8.15 | 9.156410 9.30 || 60 | 9.127022 | 7.87 | 9.189492 9.07 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. | 9.146126 | 9.150717 141971 142434 . 142896 143358 . 143820 144282 144743 145204 145665 146586 147046 147506 147966 148425 “148884 | "149343 | 149801 150259 ~151175 .151633 152090 . 152547 . 153003 . 153460 153916 154872 | 9.15 4828 | WE AE AY AP APA FAYVAFAY PAF VrFQ VIII INN NNN NNN NN NNN NANN NNNNNVUYNANN NNINQNVNINNVAINN CoCow IoI-F | 9.216971 . 206799 .207337 207874 . 208410 208947 209483 . 210020 . 210556 .211091 9.211627 212162 . 212697 213232 213767 .214301 . 214836 -2153870 215904 .216437 217504 218037 218570 | 219102 219635 220167 220699 221231 9.221762 ie 8) . 169275 . 169722 .170169 .170616 . 171062 Bikes 509 .175070 .175514 175958 1 Me ne .179058 | .179500 . 179942 . 180388 .180825 . 181265 | 9.181706 ESS Ay a EE a a NS BHI INN MN NINN NINN FY Vers: 2D. 1.) Exec! | D. 1". })°7 Vers. |D.1".| Ex. sec. 0 | 9.127022 | 7.87 | 9.189492 | 9.07 || 0 | 9.154828 | 7.58 | 9.221762 1} .127494 85 | .190086 | 9.07 || 1] .155288 58 | .222293 9| .127965 85 | .190580.; 9.07 || 2 155738 58 | 222825 3 | .128436 83 | .191124 | 9.07 || 3] .156193 58 | .228355 4 | .128906 83 | .191668 | 9.05 || 4 | .156648 | 7.57 | .223886 5 | .129376 83; .192211 | 9.05 || 5! 1157102.) 7.57 | 224417 6 | "129846 83 | .192754 | 9.05 || 6 157556 | 7.57 | .224947 7 |. .180316 82} .198297 | 9.05 || ¥ 158010 BY | 225477 8 | .130785 83 | .193840 | 9.03 || 8 158464 55 | .226007 | 9 | .181255 82 | .194882 | 9.05 || 9 158917 BB | .226587 | 10} .131724 80. | .194925 | 9.03 |} 10 15937 55 |. .227066 11 | 9.132192 80 | 9.195467 | 9.03 |) 11 in 55 | 9.227595 12 | .132660 82°} .196009 | 9.02 || 12 | .16027¢ 53 | .228125 18 | .133129 |} 7.784 .196550 | 9.03 || 13 "160728 | 7.53 |. .228653 14.| .133596 8) | .197092 | 9.02 || 14) .161180 53 | 229182 15 | .134064 73 | .197633.| 9.02 11 15] .161632 52 | : 229711 16 | .18453 7 | .198174 | 9.02 || 16 | .162083 53 | .230289 17 —_ 78 | .198715.| 9.00 |/-17 | .162585 52 | .230767 18 | .3354( W@ | .199255 | 9.00 || 18 | .162986 52 | .231295 19 031 ‘7 | .199795 | 9.00 || 19 163437 50 | .231822 20 | .1363 7% | .200335 | 9.00 || 2 163887 52 |. 282850 21 | Altea 77 | 9.200875 | 9.00 || 21 | 9.164338 50 | 9.232877 93 | .137329 | 7.75 | .201415 | 8.98 || 22] .164788 4§ 233404 23 | 137794 77.| 201954} 9.00 || 93} 165237 50 | .238981 24 | .138260 73 | .202494 | 8.97 || 24°] .165687 48 | .284458 95 | .138724 75 | .203032 | 8.98 || 25 |} .166136 48 | .234984 26 | .139189 43 | .20857 8.98 || 26 | .166585 48 | .235510 97 | .139653 73 | .204110 | 8.97 || 27 | .167034 48 | .236036 98 | .140117 3 | .204648 | 8.97-|| 28 | .167488 ” | .286562 29 | .140581 43 | .205186 | 8.97 || 29 | .167931 7% | .237088 30 | .141045 72 | .205724 | 8.97 || 80 | .168379 7 | 237613 31 | 9.141508 2 | 9.206262 95 || 31 | 9.168827 v | 9.238139 | 9.248602 238664 .239189 .239718 . 240238 240762 . 241286 . 241810 . 242333 242857 9.243380 . 243903 . 244426 . 244949 245471 | .245994 | . 246516 247088 .247559 | 248081 249123 249644 | 250165 | 250686 | 251206 | 251726 252246 | 252766 | 9.253286 8. 4 83 78 wJotoFoIssst-g NOVI CO OV 09 OVOT ev) ~F =F J -JIYF +I 32° Vers. D: 1": 9.181706 | 7.35 182147 | 7.33 .182587 | 7.33 .188027 | 7.32 .183466 | 7.33 .183906 | 7.32 .184845 | 7.32 .184784 | 7.32 185223 ; 7.32 .185662 | 7.30 jak _ SODIRORWWHOS | ~ .186100 | 7.30 9.186538 | 7.30 12 | 1186976 | 7.28 13 | .187413 | 7.30 14 | 1187851 | 7.28 15 | .188288 | 7.27 16 | 188724 | 7.28 17 | .180161 | 7.27 18 | .189597 | 7.28 19 | .190034 | 7.95 20 | .190469 | 7.27 21 | 9.190905 | 7.27 22 | 1191341 | 7.25 23) 1191776 | 7.25 24 1192211 | 7.23 25 | 1192645 | 7.95 26 | .193080 | 7.28 27 | 1193514 | 7.98 28 | .193948 | 7.98 29 | 1194382 | 7.92 30 | .194815 | 7.93 31 | 9.195249 | 7.22 32 | 195682 | 7.22 33] 196115 | 7.20 34] 196547 | 7.22 35 | .196980 | 7.20 36 | .197412 | 7.20 87 | 1197844 | 7.18 38 | .198275 | 7.20 39 | .198707 | 7.18 40 | .199138 | 7.18 41 | 9.199569 | 7.18 42 | .200000 7 43 | .200430 | 7.18 44 . 200861 45 .201291 46 201720 47 . 202150 48 202579 49 203008 50 203437 51 | 9.203866 52 204294 53 204723 54 -205151 55 205578 56 . 206006 57 206433 58 . 206860 59 207287 60 | 9.207714 | 7.10 bas as doe Se Son ne See es ee Miles Sa tee Des Se ROD LOLS LN ms es wa or Ex. sec. 9.253286 253805 254324 254843 255362 255881 256399 256918 257436 257954 258471 258989 259506 260023 260540 261057 26157 262090 262606 263122 263638 9.264154 264669 265184 265700 266214 266729 267244 267758 268272 268786 269300 269814 210327 2710840 271354 271866 272379 272802 273404 213916 9.274428 274940 RUBADR 275963 216474 276986 277496 278007 278518 279028 oO =) | 9.279538 - 280048 . 280558 .281068. 281577 282087 282596 283105 .283614 9.284122 D. 1’. § ot ON x HH DORRRARAAMAAR RAARARRAADAAHD SSSISSSSBSE SSSSSSSSSS SSESSRKBSRRARARR OO OVO OV oer oor or SwWNOwNnwwwe GD G2. G9 MOH GS NON OP 20 BCP GD BGO GE.GP 0 G0 GE. Go. G0 G6 G0.GO.|G0 0 60 G0 00 60 G0 40 GD Go GO A 60 GO-GO 66 40.00 60.60.60 G0 00.00 GO GD Go Gd GD G0 00 GD NOT OT OTT OT Or ¢ ¢ SSmaaonewns| ® 33° TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES Vers. 9.207714 -208140 208566 . 208992 . 209418 209843 .210698 -211118 .211543 211967 9.212391 212815 218239 218662 214085 214508 214931 215854 215776 9.216620 217042 217463 217884 218305 -218726 219567 219987 220407 9.220826 221246 221665 222084 222503 222921 223340 223758 224176 9.225011 225428 225845 226262 226678 227095 227511 224927 228342 228758 229178 229588 230008 230418 230832 231246 231660 232074 232487 We} 210268 | 216198 | -219146 | 224593 9.232901 D> D> D> SD D> D2. AE AAT AEAEAPABATAT AE HVAT GPF aP VP gg ge Dit Qooooeok Hee SSRSRRRSSSS Noe ye) sO < SO2aooooe eocec|ecocooo PODS SESRSERSEEES CO CO C9 OL OT OT OF Ol $3 =F 2 D2 DISD DAIAHAPAUD ARDAIRMWAAwAOND = ° Ex. sec. 9.284122 -284631 -285139 -285647 - 286155 286663 287170 287678 . 288185 . 288692 289199 9.289705 290212 290718 291224 291730 290236 292742 293247 293753 294258 294763 295268 295772 296277 296781 297285 297789 298293 298797 299300 9.299803 300807 800809 801312 301815 802317 - 802820 - 808322 - 803824 304325 9.804827 . 805828 . 805830 .806331 806832 . 807333 807833 . 808334 808834 . 809334 9.309834 . 3103834 . 310884 .311333 .3811882 .312331 .312830 . 313329 . 318828 9.314326 =) 1 e APP RL LR RR 9 OF OF OF 2 OT 3 FIV PR oe wD Go Go So Go GOH WHWUEIWO Wh Wee RVIAGIRIGROSIS BHSS co be ‘) ED ODD OD Oo Go GH Ow Ow Cw ow SESSSE SBESRSere oo a O0 oy O9 | SSEERE AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. 257314 —————————— aan a ee eae eC ae OE a et ee Se hee ets | 34° | 35° ( ‘| Vers. | D.1".| Ex.sec.| D.1".|) ’ | Vers. D. 1”.| Ex. sec. |D. 1”. 0 | 9.232901 6.88 | 9.314326 8.32 0 | 9.257314 | 6.67 | 9.348949 8.15 1 . 233314 6.88 .814825 CPSU ike .257714 | 6.68 .344438 8.15 2 . 233727 6.87 -Sloaee. 8.30 9 .258115 | 6.67 344927 8.15 3} .234139 6.88 .315821 8.380 |} 3 | .258515 | 6.67 845416 8.13 4 . 234552 6.87 .3816319 8.30 || 4 .258915 | 6.65 .845904 S15 5 . 234964 6.87 .316817 8.28 5 .259314 | 6.67 .846393 8.13 6 . 235376 6.87 317314 8.28 6 259714 | 6.65 .346881 S13 7 .235788 6.85 .317811 8.30 || 7 .260113 | 6.65 .8473869 8.13 8 .236199 | 6.87 .318309 8.28 | 8 .260512 | 6.65 847857 8.13 9 . 236611 6.85 .318806 8.28 || 9 .260911 | 6.65 .3848345 8.83. 10 . 237022 6.85 .319303 8.27 || 10 | .261810 | 6.65 .348833 8.13 11 | 9.237483 | 6.85 | 9.319799 8.28 || 11 | 9.261709 | 6.63 | 9.349321 8.12 2 _237844 6.83 . 320296 8.27 || 12 .262107 | 6.63 .3849808 8.12 13 . 238254 6.85 .820792 §.28 13 .262505 | 6.638 .000295 8.12 14 | .238665 6.83 .821289 8.27 14 . 262903 | 6.63 . 850782 8.12 15 . 239075 6.83 .821785 8.27 | 15 .263301 | 6.62 .351269 8.12 16 .239485 § .82 . 322281 8.25 || 16 .263698 | 6.63 .3851756 8.12 ve .239894 6.83 .3822776 8.27 17 ‘264096 | 6.62 002243 8.12 18 240304 6.82 .3823272 8.27 || 18 .2644938 | 6.62 . 852730 8.10 19 . 240713 6.82 .3823768 8.25 || 19 | .264890 | 6 62 .858216 8.10 20 | . 241122 6.82 .324263 8.25 2 .265287 | 6.60 .300102 8.10 21 | 9.241531 6.82 | 9.324758 8.25 || 21 | 9.265683 | 6.62 9.354188 8.10 92 .241940 6.82 Soe Dee 8.25 || 22 .266080 | 6.60 .354674 8.10 93 . 212348 6.80 .320748 8.25 || 23 .266476 | 6.60 .3805160 8.10 24 242756 6.80 .326243 8.23 || 24 . 266872 | 6.58 .305646 8.08 25 .243164 6.80 .3826737 8.25 || 25 . 267267 | 6.60 .30601381 8.10 26 .243572 | 6.80 .827232 8.23 26 .267663 | 6.58 .856617 8.08 27 . 243980 6.7 .3826726 8.23 || 27 .268058 | 6.58 .807102 8.08 28 244387 6.78 .3828220 8.23 || 28 .268453 | 6.58 007587 8.08 29 244794 6.78 823714 8.22 || 29 .268848 | 6.58 .3858072 8.08 30 , 245201 6.7 .3829207 8.23 30 .269243 | 6.58 .808557 8.08 31 | 9.245608 6.77 | 9.829701 8.23 31 | 9.269638 | 6.57 9.359042 8.07 32 .246014 | 6.78 .330195 8.22 || 32 | .270032 | 6.57 .859526 8.08 33 246421 | 6.7 .330688 Sree O38 .270426 | 6.57 .3860011 8.07 34 . 246827 6.77 .331181 8.22 || 34 .270820 | 6.57 .860495 8.07 35 . 247233 Gree .33167 8.22 || 85 | .271214 | 6.57 .860979 8.07 36 .247639 | 6.75 .392167 8.20 || 36 .271608 | 6.55 ,861463 8.07 37 .248044 | 6.75 .332659 SEO Eas . 272001 | 6.55 .361947 8.07 38 .248449 6.75 Bs 13 1359 65) 8.20 38 , 272394 | 6.55 .362431 8.05 39 | .248854 6.75 .333644 8.22 39 272787 | 6.55 .3862914 8.07 40 | .249259 6.73 .334137 8.2 40 .273180 | 6.538 . 3863398 8.05 41 | 9.249664 6.73 | 9.324629 8.20 41°| 9.273572 | 6.55 | 9.863881 8.05 | 42 .250068 Gea fe saDl2t 8.18 || 4: . 273965 | 6.53 .864364 8.05 43 .250473 6.73 .335612 8.20 || 43 274357 | 6.53 .364847 8.05 44 .250877 | 6.73 .336104 8.18 || 44 274749 | 6.58 .865330 8.05 45 .251281 | 6.72 .335595 8.20 || 45 275141 | 6.52 .365813 8.03 46 .251684 6.7 831087 8.18 || 46 2755382 | 6.53 .866295 8.05 AT .252088 6.72 .837578 8.18 47 .275924 | 6.52 86677 8.03 48 .252491 | 6.72 | .338069 8.18 || 48 .276315 | 6.52 .3867260 8.03 49 . 252894 6.72 . 3838560 8.17 || 4 276706 | 6.52 367742 8.038 50 | .2538297 | 6.70 . 339050 8.18 || 50 277097 | 6.52 . 868224 8.03 51 | 9.263699 | 6.72 | 9.839541 8.17 51 | 9.277488 | 6.50 | 9.368706 8.03 2 .254102 | 6.7 .3840031 8.18 52 277878 | 6.50 .369188 8.03 53 254504 | 6.70 , 340522 8.17 53 | .278268 | 6.50 .3869670 8.02 54 . 254905 6.70 .841012 8.17 54 278658 | 6.50 .3870151 8.0% 55 . 255303 6.68 . 341502 8.15.1) 55 279048 | 6.50 .370632 8 03 56 .255709 | 6.70 .841991 8.17 | 56 279438 | 6.48 .871114 8.02 57 .256111 6.68 342481 8.17 BY 279827 | 6.50 011595 8.02 58 .256512 | 6.68 ,3842971 8.15 58 .280217 | 6.48 . 872076 8.00 59 .256913 | 6.68 . 843460 8.15 || 59 280606 | 6.48 7 .372556 8.02 60 : 9. ) 6.67 | 9.348949 §.15 60 | 9.280995 | 6.47 | 9.373037 8.02 | ~ Vers. Ex. sec. TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES Vers. o . | Ex. sec, | | | ODIDUIP WMHS Vo) © co ie) 9.280995 . 281883 251772 .282160 . 282548 . 282936 . 283324 .283712 . 284099 .284486 . 284873 . 285260 285647 . 286033 .286419 .286805 .287191 228757 5 28) 7962 . 2883848 . 288733 .289118 . 289502 289887 .290271 . 290655 . 291039 . 291423 . 291807 . 292190 .292573 . 292956 . 298339 . 2938722 . 294104 . 294486 , 9948) 68 2952. 50 . 295632 "996014 . 296395 296776 297 157 297% 538 7 297 918 998299 .298679 299059 (299439 299819 . 800198 "300577 800957 "301335 .801714 . 802093 302471 302849 | 303227 a 80: 3605 | 9.303983 9 OD asi corei mp oie ate a 50D GD ub f © Jo) A AS AES AERTS ERE OO TEE peter SS na 9.373037 .0(8018 .343998 | .3814478 874958 375438 375918 "376398 376877 17357 "377836 878315 318094 379273 819752 .880231 . 380709 .3881188 .881666 302144 .882622 .883100 | 888077 . 884055 "384532 . 885010 . 885487 885964 . 3886441 886918 388824 . 889300 889776 .890252 .3890727 .3891203 .3891678 392154 .892629 .3893104 .893579 . 394054 .3894529 .3895003 .895478 .395952 .896426 .3896900 | 8973874 .3897848 . 898322 .898795 . 399269 .899742 400215 400688 .401161 9.401634 © OF OD OTR WI WHO e a) SSE Shes ee eee ee ee Se See Det he eS Be he Le Ee Eee Eee ere rerers! IAID-FWOMOMOOG co 9.303983 304360 304738 305115 305492 305868 306245 306621 306998 307374 307749 308125 308501 303876 | 309251 309626 310001 31037 310750 311124 311498 .3811872 .812245 "312619 . 312992 313365 | .313738 .ol4414 .314484 .314856 .315228 | 9.315600 815972 | 816344. 316716 317087 | 817458 | 817829 318200 31857 318941 .319311 .319682 .820051 820421 .820791 .821160 . 821530 .3821899 2822267 822636 . 823005 823373 323741 . 2374 351409 ood 77 O24845 825212 as 82! DE 580 | .825947 | 9.826314 So Od G2 GS. S32 S2 Gd G3 Gd Od OentesLae eee WWW WWW HWY WW waa 2d 2 ee ee ee ee a eee oO © Wwwwwwiwe 9.401634 .402107 .402580 .403052 .403524 .403997 .404469 .404941 .405412 .405884 .406356 .406827 .407298 407770 .408241 .408712 .409183 .409653 .410124 | .410594 .411065 .4115385 .412005 .412475 .412945 .413415 .413854 .414854 ae 15293 “Ter63 416281 .416700 417168 417637 .418106 418574 419042 419511 .419979 420447 | 9. 420915 .421382 .421850 ,422317 .422785 4 93952 .423719 .424186 .424653 .425120 .425587 .426053 .426520 .426985 .427452 427918 .428384 .428850 .429316 9.429782 Oat IQVANINQ I J PEER MEMENTO I a gg gg ng nz 2 Le ESE : ip PRT Aa hey epee NEG OA sin Dae en len Ch WE ways lI Nee gE ak AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. 89° Vers. el Eee SOC? Vers. S) ix, sec. D. ale ) i/o) We) is) 9.826314 326681 827047 827414 3827780 328146 328512 3828878 3829243 | .3829609 829974 330339 330704 .3831069 331433 831798 |: .332162 832526 .332890 333254 333617 .38808981 | 334344 8384707 335070 335432 .8380795 836157 .836519 336881 337248 837605 3837966 838328 838689 | .3839050 .339411 83977 .840132 340492 340852 841212 841572 341932 | 342291 842651 843010 3848369 84372 .844086 844445 2.44803 .845161 845519 845877 346235 346592 .846950 .347307 347664 9.348021 9.429782 430247 430713 .431178 .431643 432108 432573 .433038 433503 -433967 .4384482 9.434896 435361 435825 | 436289 | 436753 437217 437680 438144 -438608 439071 9.439534 .439997 .440460 -440923 .4413886 .441849 442312 442774 443237 443699 | 9.444161 444623 445085 445547 446009 446470 446932 447393 447855 448316 448777 449238 449699 450160 450620 451081 451541 452002 452462 452922 | 9.453382 453842 454302 | 454762 455221 455681 456140 456600 457059 9.457518 | a3 <3 -3 | OTOTOT OT I a3 AF FF I HII OMDMIRWUIP WW OS C9 OT OD OTOH co G2 Ol a 2 FoF : 3 Fe aPad alas = -5 WwWwWWNND WWHWwwwe a2 J AJrI VWI Oe cee Ce ew Lh oe oe he ae te he JINN VIIA Sods Sas Ha aes gs Te ad pt eS Jes) (Jes) | Bap PAB AFA P AP AEAE AE PAPE EEA II | 9.348021 | .348377 848734 349090 4 849446 849802 350158 350514 350869 351225 851580 9.351935 352290 352644 . 3802999 . 008000 .BD38707 | .854062 .804415 .854769 .o0123 9.355476 .855829 .856182 . 856585 . 856888 857241 .8575938 .857945 358297 .858649 9.359001 . 8093853 359704 . 860056 .860407 .860758 .661108 .861459 .861810 362160 | 362510 362860 . 868219 .863560 . 363909 . 864259 .864608 .3864957 . 865806 . 865655 366003 .866352 .366700 .867048 .3867396 367744 .868091 368439 .368786 9 369183 CRON OT OT OT OT OT ONOTON CLOTOTOTOCOUT OUT OTOH CLOT ON OTOL OT ON OT OU N CLOTOLOT OV OT OT OT OV OT ON io 2) TOUOT OT rovovorercy arororororere QD i=) OU e orororor ~ Oo oon wo ve) ), 457518 457977 458436 458895. | 459355 459812 460270 460729 461187 461645 462108 9.462561 463019 463477 463934 464392 464849 465307 465764 466221 .466678 9.467135 467592 | 468049 468506 468962 469418 469875 470831 ATN787 471248 | 9.471699 AG 2155 472611 473067 473522 473978 474435 474888 475343 475798 476253 476708 477163 ATT6I8 48072 478527 478981 479435 479890 480344 .480798 481252 481705 .482159 482618 .483066 483520 .483973 484426 9.484879 | 3-3-5 AE AQ AATF P BF EET AI BRAVA morgorororororgrcdr ¢ OO ort UAT AF AQ AR ATAPAT AQP PAP PAPP PIA NIN NINN NINN NNNNNNNNNN | TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 40° 41° ‘|, Vers. | D. 1". | Ex. see;|.D. 1": 4] 4 | Vers. | D.1".| Ex. sec. |D. 1", | eae} a | 0 | 9.369133 | 5.78 | 9.484879 | 7.55 || 0 | 9.389681 | 5.62 | 9.511901 | 7.45 1 869480 | 5.78 -4853832 | 7.55 1 .890018 | 5.63 012348 | 7.47 2 869827 | 5.7 485785 | 7.55 2 890356 | 5.63 | -.512796 | 7.45 3 BVO174 | 5.77 486238 | 7.55 3 390694 | 5.62 518243 | 7.47 4 870520 | 5.7 -486691 7.55 4 391031 | 5.62 -513691 | 7.45 5, .8(0867 | 5.77! .487144 | 7.53 5 3913868 | 5.62 -514138 | 7.45 6 3871213 | 5.77 |. .487596 | 7.55 6 .891705 | 5.62 -514585 | 7.47 de .oelpogy BiG -488049 | 7.53 7 -392042 | 5.62 .515033 | 7.45 8! .371905 | 5.7 .488501 | 7.53 || 8 392379 | 5.62 .515480 | 7.45 9 872251 |° 5.75 -488953 | 7.55 9} .892716 | 5.60 515927 | 7.45 10 | .372596 | 5.7 489406 | 7.53 || 10 | .393052 | 5.60 | .516374.| 7.43 11 | 9.372942 | 5.75 | 9.489858 | 7.53 || 11 | 9.393388 | 5.60 | 9.516820 | 7.45 12 38738287 | 5.7 -490310 | 7.53 || 12 893724 | 5.62 010267 | 7.45 13 373632 | 5.75: .490762 | 7.58 || 18 -894061 | 5.58 517714 | 7.48 14 .873977 | 5.75 | .491214 | 7.52 || 14 -394396 | 5.60 -518160 | 7.45 15 874822 | 5.75 .491665 | 7.53 || 15 394732 | 5.60 .518607 | 7.43 oi 16 .374667 | 5.7% 492117 | 7.53 || 16 395068 | 5.58) .519053 | 7.45 i 17 | .875011 |° 5.75 492569 | 7.52 |) 17 .895403 | 5.58 -519500 | 7.43 ie 18 | 3875856 | ° 5.7% 493020 | 7.52 |} 18 | .8957388 | 5.60 | .519946 | 7.43 i 19 -3875700 | 5.7% 493471 | 7.53 || 19 .896074 | 5.58 -5203892 | 7.43 i 20 876044 | 5.73 493923 | 7.52 || 20] .396409 | 5.57 520838 | 7.43 21 | 9.376388 | 5.73 | 9.49437 7.52 |] 21 | 9.396743 | 5.58 | 9.521284 | -7.43 22 8767382 | 5.7% -494825 | 7.52 || 2 897078 | 5.58 .0217380 | 7.43 Bil 23 377075 | 5.73; .495276 | 7.52 || 23 897413 | 5.57 022176 | 7.42 | 24 3((419 | 5.72 495727 | 7.52 || 24 897147 | 5.57 022021 | 7.43 25 307762 | 5.7% -496178 | 7.50 || 25 -898081 | 5.57 | .523067 | 7.43 fi 26 878105 | 5.'7% 496628 | 7.52 || 26) .3898415 | 5.57] .523513 | 7.42 i 27 378448 | 5.72 | .497079 | 4.52 || 27 .898749 | 5.57 523958 | 7.43 28 878791 | 5.7 497530 | 7.50 || 28 899083. | 5.57 .524404 | 7.42 i 29 | 3791383 | 5.7% 497980 | 7.52 || 29 899417 | 5.55 524849 | 7242 ' 30 | .379476 | 5.7 .4984380 | 7.5 30 | .3899750 | 5.57 | .525294 | 7.42 | 31 | 9.379818 |. 5.72 | 9.498881 | 7.48 || 81 | 9.400084 | 5.55 | 9.525739 | 7.42 : 32} .3880161 { 5.7 499331 | 7.52 || 82 | .400417 | 5.55 -526184 | 7.42 33 880503 | 5.7 .499781 | 7.50 || 33 | .400750 | 5.55 .026629 | 7.42 34] .380845 | 5.68! .500231 | 7.50 || 34 -401083 | 5.55 -O27074 | 7.42 35 .881186 | 5.7 .500681 |} 7.50 || 35 .401416 | 5.53 527519 | 7.42 36 .881528 | 5.68 .501131 7.50 || 36 -401748 | 5.55 .527964 | 7.42 ca 37 | .381869 | 5.70 | .501581 | 7.48 || 37} .402081 | 5.53] .528409 | 7.40 38 882211 3.68 50203 7.50 || 388 402413 | 5.53 -528853.| 7.42 | 3 .882552 | 5.68 502480 | 7.48 || 89] .402745 | 5.53} .529298 | 7.40 1 40} .882893} 5.68; .502929| 7.50 || 40] 1403077 | 5.5 -529742 | 7.42 41 | 9.383234 | 5.67 | 9.503379 | 7.48 || 41 | 9.403409 | 5.53 | 9.530187 | ¥.40 42 | .383574 | 5.68] .503828} 7.48 || 42] 1403741 | 5.53 .530631 | 7.40 | 43 883915 | 5.67 | .504277 | 7.48 || 43 404073 | 5.52 531075 | 7.40 tt 384255 | 5.67 504726 | 7.48 || 44 404404 | 5.53 -531519 | 7.40 45 6884595 | 5.67 .505175 | 7.48 |) 45 | .404736 | 5.52 .931963 | 7.40 46 .384935 [ 5.67 .505624 | 7.48 || 46 405067 | 5.52 5382407 | 7.40 7 885275 | 5.67 506073 | 7.48 || 47 | .405398 | 5.52 532851 | 7.40 48 .885615 | 5.67] .506522 | 7.48 || 48 405729 | 5.50 -533295 | 7.40 49 | 885955 | 5.65} .506971 | 7.47 || 49 | 406059 | 5.52 | ‘538739 | 28 50 | .386294 | 5.67 | .507419 | 7.48 || 50 -4063890 | 5.52 534162 | 7.40 o1 | 9.886634 | 5.65 | 9.507868 | 4.47 || 51 | 9.406721 | 5.50 | 9.534626 | 7.40 52 .886973 | 5.65 .508316 | 7.48 || 52 407051 | 5.50 535070 | 7.88 53; 1387312 | 5.65} .508765 | 7.47 || 538 -407381 | 5.50 85513 | 7.33 54 887651 5.63 509213 | 7.47 || 54 407711 | 5.50 535956 | 7.40 55 887989 | 5.65 -509661 | 7.47 || 55 | .408041 | 5.50 .536400 | 7.88 56 888328 | 5.63 -51)109 | 7.47 || 56 | 408371 | 5.4! 536843 7.53 57 . 3888666 5.65 .510557 Ge YN yay .408700 | 5.50 .537286 7.388 58 .889005 | 5.68 -511005 | 7.47 || 58 -409030 | 5.48 -537729 | 7.38 5D | 88938438 | 5.63 51145: 7.47 || 59 .409359 | 5.48 038172 | 7.88 60 | 9.889681 5.62 | 9.511901 7.45 || 60 | 9.409688 | 5.48 | 9.538615 7.58 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. 412972 413300 .413627 -418955 .414282 .414609 .414936 415263 .415589 415916 416242 .416568 -416894 .417220 6417546 .417871 .418197 .418522 .418848 419173 .419498 9.419822 -420147 420471 420796 -421120 .421444 -421768 422092 422416 422789 9.423063 -423586 -423709 -424082 ~424355 424677 425000 2425045 -425967 | 9.426289 426611 426953 427254 427576 427897 .428218 428529 428060 9.429101 Ov Or Or orez OW oP PR aD if 909 G9 G9 ves NGS C9 W GI OD =o OR OWW WW OV? OVO OT OT ET OT OT OVOTOU OVLOTOV OT OCOT OT OT OU OU OCrorvor ew Ov or ororor or or nS ~) ~ oe COwCce ree oa 20D wwwowwomwe NaI NNW OP OT OCOTOUOTOUOT OT GTOTOTOTOLOUOITOTOTOU OLOTOTOTOV OT OVS Or oo Ww Go we wows: Ce SUE STOUT OT OURS Ot Or Vers. . | Ex. sec. | 9.409688 48 | 9.588615 | 410017 48 } .539058 .410346 48 .5389500 .410675 48 .589943 .411004 47 .540386 .411332 47 .540828 .411660 48 541271 -411989 47 .541713 .412317 45 .542155 .412644 47 542597 47 .543040 9.543482 548924 .544366 .544807 545249 .545691 .546132 .546574 .5ATOI5 .547457 9.547898 .548339 .548781 549222 .549663 .550104 .550544 .550985 551426 .551867 .552307 .552748 .553188 .5d58029 .554069 .554509 .554949 .500889 .555829 .556269 9.556709 .557149 .557589 .558028 .558468 .558907 559847 .559786 .560226 .560665 .561104 561548 .561982 562421 .562860 568299 .5637388 256-4176 .564615 9.505053 Jo} ve) Vers, Ex. sec. COMOAIHUS WOH © — aS aQay WEY ATF Y AIPA IF FI IFN VAIN NRA INNS NVRNAANNNNN ANRQRARRRRRER WMWWMWWW WWOWe QO wow peo wwwWwIwN w CWO wWtD Ww a3 3 3 3-3-7 —~ 29 nH 9.429181 .429502 429822 -480142 .430463 430783 .431103 431422 .431742 -432062 482381 9.432700 433020 .433339 433657 .433976 4384295 .434613 434982 485250 435568 9.435886 .436204 .436521 .436839 -437156 .437473 437791 438107 -438424 438741 9.439058 43937 -439690 -440007 .440328 -440639 440954 -441270 -441585 441901 9.442216 442531 442846 .443161 .443476 .443790 .444105 444419 .444733 -445047 .445361 445675 .445989 .446302 446616 -446929 447242 447555 447868 9.443181 ie) OOO OTT OC OT OT OT UOT OTT OT, HOT OW OT OWOT UOT UT, OVWOT OWT OE WNVWNVYW VWNVVVKVVVAN wz : ¢ =) CTO OTTO | 9.565053 565492 .565930 .566369 .566807 567245 .567683 .568121 .568559 .568997 .569435 9.569873 .570311 570748 571186 .571624 .572061 572498 572936 573373 573810 9.574247 574685 575122 575558 .575995 .576482 .576869 .577306 577742 (((4t0 578179 .578615 ~5 19052 .59 9488 79924 .580361 580797 .581233 .581669 .582105 .582041 582977 .583413 583848 .584284 284720 .585155 .585591 ‘586026 .586462 .586897 587332 58V767 .588203 .5886538 589073 589508 589942 590377 .590812 991247 . . fs — OOo re rero reir iss, a} AT AT AY AF PA PAP AHF EAE PPI I II OF AE AF nF nF ag Ba PTF I III NNN NNN NNN TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 44° 45° : i ’ | Vers. | D..1". | Ex. sec. | D. 1’. 4 Vers. 22D, |MEx. see! Dal: O | 9.448181 | 5.20 | 9.591247 | 7.23 || 0 | 9.466709 | 5.08 | 9.617224 | 7.20 1 .448498 | 5.22] .591681-| 7.25 1 .467014.| 5.08! 617656 | 7.18 2} .448806 | 5.20] .592116-) 7.25 || 2] .467319-| 5.08 |- .61808% | 7.18 3 | .449118 | 5.22) .592551-| 7.23 3 | .467624./ 5.07 | .618518 | 7.18 41 .449431 | 5.2 .592985.| 7.23 || 4] .467928 | 5.08} .618949 | 7.18 5 | .449748 | 5.2 .593419.| 7.25 5 | .468233.| 5.07 | .619380 | 7.18 6 .450055 | 5.18 .5938854.| '7.28 6 | .468587./ 5.07 | .619811 | 7.18 7 | .450366 | 5.20} .594288.' 7,93 7 | 1468841] 5.07 | .620242 | 7.18 8 | .450678 | 5.20 | .594722.) 7.23 8 | .469145 | 5.07 | .620673 | 7.18 9 .450990 | 5.18 | .595156.| 7.25 9| .469449 | 5.07 | .621104 | 7.18 10 | .451201 } 5.18 | .595591 | 7.23 || 10] .469753 | 5.07 | .621535 | 7.18 11 | 9.451612 | 5.20 | 9.596025 | 7.23 || 11 | 9.470057 | 5.05. 9.621966 | 7.17 12} .451924 } 5.18] .596459.} 7.23 || 12 | .470360.) 5.07 | .622396 | 7.18 138} .4522385 | 5.18] .596893.| 7,22 13 | .470664 | 5.05 | .622827 | 7.18 14. | .452546 |} 5.17] .597826 | 7.23 || 14 | .470967.| 5.05 | .623258 | 7.17 15 | . .452856 | 5.17 | .597760.| 7.23 | 15 | .471270 | 5.05 | .628688 | 7.18 16 | .453167 | 5.18 | .598194.| 7.23 || 16 | .471573 | 5.05 | .624119 | 7.17 7 | ~ 458478) 5.1% .598628. | 7.22 || 17 | .471876 | 5.05 | .624549 | 7.18 18 | .458788 | 5.17 | .599061.| '7.23° | 18 | .472179 | 5.05 | .624980 |- 7.17 19} .454098 | 5.17] .599495.| 7.22 || 19 | .472482 | 5.08 | .625410 + “748 20} .454408 | 5.1% | .599928.| 7.23 || 9 472784. | 5.05 | .625841 | 7.17 21 | 9.454718 | 5.17 | 9.600862 | 7.22 |} 21 | 9.478087 | 5.03 | 9.626271 | 7.17 22 | .455028 | 5.17 | 600795 | 7.23 || 22 | - .473889 | 5.08 | .626701 | 7.17 23 | .455388 | 5.17 | .601229.; 7.22 || 28.) 478691 | 5.03 | .627131 | 7.17 24} .455648 | 5.15 .601662. | 7.22 |) 24] .473998 | 5.08 | .627561 | 7.17 25 | .455957 | 5.17 602095 | 7.22 || 25 .474295 | 5.03 | .627991 | 7.17 26 | .456267 | 5.15 .602528 | 7.23 || 26 474597 | 5.03 | .628421 | 7.17 27 | 1456576 | 5.15 602962 | 7.22 || 27 | .474899 | 5.02 | 628851 | 7.17 28 | .456885 | 5.15 603595. | 7.22 || 28) .475200 | 5.03 | .6292981 | 7.17 29 | .457194 | 5.15 | .603828 | 7.22 || 29 | .4'75502.| 5.02 | .629711 | 7.17 30.| .457503.| 5.18 604261 | 7.22 || 80 | .475803 | 5.02 | .630141 | 7.17 31 | 9.457811 | 5.15 | 9.604694 | 7.20 |! 31 | 9.476104 | 5.02 | 9.680571 | 7.17 32 |- .458120 | 5.15 | 605126 | 7.22 | 82 | .476405 | 5.02 | .631001 | 7.15 83} .458429-| 5.13 605559 | 7.22 || 83 | .476706 | 5.02 | .631430 | 7.17 34} .4587387 | 5.13 .605992.| 7.22 || 34 477007 | 5.02.| .631860 | 7.17 85 | .459045 | 5.13 .606425 | 7.20 || 385 | .477308 | 5.00 | .682290 | 7.15 36 .459353 | 5.13! .606857 | 7.22 || 36 | .477608 | 5.02 | .682719 | 7.17 87 | .459661 | 5.18 .607290 | 7.20 || 87 .477909 | 5.00 | .683149 | 7.15 88 | .459969 | 5.13 607722 | 7.22 || 88 | .478209.| 5.00 | .638578 | 7.17 3 .460277 | 5.12 .608155 | 7.20 |! 89 | .478509.) 5.00 | .634008 | %.15 40.| .460584.| 5.13 .608587 | 7.22 || 40 | .478809.| 5.00 | .684437 | 7.15 41 | 9.460892 | 5.12 | 9.609020 | ‘7.20 || 41 | 9.479109 | 5.00 | 9.684866 | 7.17 42 | .461199 } 5.12 -609452 | 7.20 |) 42°} .479409.| 5.00] .635296 | 7.15 43 | .461506 | 5.12] .609884 | 7.20 || 48 | .479709.| 5.00 | .635725 | 7.15 44 | .461813 | 5.12 .610816 | 7.22 || 44 .480009 | 4.98 | .686154 | 7.15 45 | .462120 | 5.12 610749 | 7.2 45 | .480308 | 5.00 | .636583 | 7.15 46 | .462427 | 5.12 -611181.| 7.20 || 46 | .480608 | 4.98 | .687012 | 7.15 47 | 462734 | 5.10 611613; 7.20+| 47 | .480907 | 4.98 | .637441 | 7.15 48 | .463040 | 5.12} .612045.|° 7.20 || 48 | .481206 | 4.98 | .637870 | 7.15 49 | .463347 | 5.10] .612477-) 7.18 || 49 | .481505.| 4.98 | .688299 | 7.15 50 | .463653 ) 5.10 | .612908 | 7.20 || 50) .481804 , 4.98] .688798 | 7.15 51 | 9.463059 | 5.10 | 9.613340 | 7.20 || 51 | 9.482103 | 4.97 | 9.639157 | 7.15 O% | .464265 | 5.10 | .613772.| 7.20 || 52 | 482401 | 4.98 639586 | 7.15 53 | .464571 | 5.10 | .614204-| 7.18 || 58] .482700 | 4.97 | .640015 | 7.13 54 | .464877 | 5.10] .614635.| 7.20 || 54 .482998 | 4.97 | .640443 | 7.15 55 | .465183 | 5.08 | .615067.| 7.20 || 55 | .483296 | 4.98 640872 | 7.15 56 | .465488 | 5.10-| .615499-| 7.18 |! 56 483595 | 4.97 .641301 | 7.18 57 | .465794 | 5.08.| .615930.| 7.20 7 | .4888938:] 4.97 | .641729 | 7. 58 | .466099 | 5.08} .616362.| 7.18 || 58 | .484191 | 4.95 | .642158 | 7. 59 | .466404 | 5.08 | .616793.} 7.18 |' 59 | .484488 | 4.97] .642586 1 7. 60 | 9.466709 | 5.08 | 9.617224 1 7.20 | 60]! 9.484786 | 4.97 | 9.643015 | 7. S BABAR WWMS | Vers. AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. o |/Ex. sec. pt Vers. o r ot EX, SCC | 9.484786 .485084 .485381 -485678 | .485976 .486273 .486570 486866 487163 487460 487756 9.488053 .488349 .483645 .4889 41 .489237 .489533 . 489828 .490124 490419 .490714 | 9.491010 491305 .491600 .491894 -492189 492484 492778 493072 | .492367 .493661 9.493955 -494249 494542 | .494836 | .495130 .495423 .495716 .496009 . 496302 .496595 | 9.496888 | 1497181 497473 497766 .498058 -498350 493643 .493935 .499226 .499515 .499810 pOO101 .500393 .500684 .500975 .501266 =) 501557 .501848 502139 9.502429 le) cers | 9.648015 643443 643872 .644300 .644728 645156 645585. | .646013 .§46441 . 646869 .647297 647725 .648153 .648581 .649009 649436 .649864 . 650292 .650720 .651147 .65157 9.652002 . 652430 .652857 . 6538285 .6538712 | . 654140 . 654567 .654994 .655421 | .655849 .656276 .656703 .657130 .657557 .657984 .658411 .658833 .659265 .659691 .660118 .660545 .660972 .661898 .661825 .662252 .662578 .663105 .663531 .663958 .664884 .664810 665237 ~665863 6660389 666515 666942 .667368 667794 668229 9.668646 OOP WmOr © 1?) “I fee peek peek peek ek et pt et wowuqnwqwoowl! |= a as WWE OOM JIIINIINNT AWAVIANANAN NNVAINABANN NAANINAAANN ANAARAASAAS nF AFaJY-I-F-IW-I-I-F | 9.502429 .502720 .503010. . 503300 .503591 | .508881 504171 504460 504750 505040 .505329 9.505618 .505908 ~506197 .506486 506775 .507063 .507852 .507640 .507929 .508217 9.508505 508793 .509081 .509369 509657 509945 . 510232 .510520 .510807 .511094 9.511381 .511668 .511955 512241 512528 512815 .513101 .513387 .513673 .513959 9.514245 .514531 .514817 .515102 .515388 .515673 | .515959 516244 .516529 516814 | 5 9.517098 B hoe (BTTS85 .517668 .517952 | .518236 518521 .518805 .519089 519378 9.519657 | « PA. A ROR RR RR a ed AtALA AL AAA ALAA AA AAA RADAR AAAS AR RRR ARR Mp as eet BBB RIRRINAY : W 09 09 0 OH OT OD C9 OT OF 82 4.82 C-~30000 Roots aI FI IIIVIAVINA Son! 3 QIN 09 OTOTOT SS OF 2 OT 3 | 9.668646 669072 | 669498 669924 . 670350 670776 671201 671627 672053 672479 .672904 9.673330 673756 .674181 674607 675082 675458 675883 .676809 676734 677159 9.677584 .678010 678435 678860 679285 .679710 .680136 680561 . 680986 .681411 9.681836 . 682260 682685 .683110 683535 .683960 .684385 . 684809 685234 685659 9.686083 686508 686933 687357 687782 .688206 688631 689055 689479 | . 689904. | 9.690328 690752 | .691177 .691691 692025 .69 2449 -692873. | 693298 693722 9.694146 =z Bap ag ay aPaT EE PT I TE TIE SE SS I I I AF AB aS aS AS APA TBP 48° TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES Ex. sec. * Vers, »4iD,.1" 1a 0 | 9.519657 | 4.72 | 9.694146 | 7.07 519940 | 4.73 | .694570 | 7.07 2 |» 520224 | 4.72) .694994 | 7.07 3 | .520507 | 4.73 | .695418 | 7.07 4/ > 520791 | 4.721 .605842 | 7.07 D | .521074 | 4.72 -696206 | 7.05 6 5213857 | 4.72 .696689 | 7.07 < |. .521640) 4:72 6971138 | 7.07 8 521923 | 4.72 697537 | 7.07 9 922206 | 4.70 697961 | 7.07 10 522488 , 4.72 -698385 | 7.07 11 | 9.52277 4.72 | 9.698809 | 7.05 12 | .523054 | 4.7 .699232 | 7.07 13 | - 523336 | 4.7 .699656 | %.07 14 523618 | 4.7 .700080 | 7.05 15 | .523900 | 4.4 .700503 | 7.07 16 024182 | 4.7 ~TOC92T | 7.05 17 024464 | 4.7 701850 | 7.07 18 -024746 | 4.7 TOLTT 7.07 19 | .525028 | 4.68) .702198 | 7.05 20 525309 | 4.70 | .702621 | 7.07 21 | 9.525591 | 4.68 | 9.703045 | 7.05 22; .525872 | 4.68 103468 | 7.05 23] 526153 | 4.7 -703891 | 7.07 24) 526485 | 4.68) .704315 | 7.05 25} .526716 | 4.68] .704788 | 7.07 26 526997 | 4.67; .705162 | 7.05 27 527277 | 4.68 705585 | 7.05 28 | .52755: 4.68 (06008 | 7.05 29 | .527839 | 4.67 706431 | 7.07 30 -528119 | 4.68 706855 | 7.05 31 | 9.528400 | 4.67 | 9.707278 | 7.05 32 | .528680 | 4.67 -WO7T7T01 | 7.05 33 | .528960 | 4.67 708124 | 7.05 34] .529240 | 4.67 108547 | 7.07 35 | .529520 | 4.67 -C08971 | 7.05 36 | .529800 | 4.67 709394 | 7.05 37 | 5380080 | 4.65 | .709817 | 7.05 38 -580359 | 4.67 410240 | 7.05 39 -530639 | 4.65 -710663 | 7.05 40 -080918 | 4.67 -711086 | 7.05 41 | 9.531198 | 4.65 | 9.711509 | 7.05 42 | .5381477 | 4.65 | 711982 | 7.05 43 | .531756 | 4.65 | .712355 | 7.05 44} .5820385 | 4.65 712778 | 7.03 45 | .532314 | 4.63 | .718200 | 7.05 46 | .5382592 | 4.65) .713623 | 7.05 47 | 582871 | 4.65} .714046 | 7.05 48 | .533150 | 4.63 | .714469 | 7.05 49 | .533428 ) 4.63] .714892 | 7.05 50, .533706 | 4.65 715815 | 7.08 51 | 9.533985 | 4.63 | 9.715787 | 7.05 52 | .5384263 | 4.63 | .716160 | 7.05 53} .534541 | 4.63] .716583 | 7.03 54] .534819 | 4.63] .717005 | 7.05 55 | .585097 | 4.62 | .717428 | 7.05 56] .585374 | 4.63 | .717851 | 7.08 57 | .585652 | 4.62 | .718273 | 7.05 58 | .535929 | 4.63 | .718696 | 7.03 59 | .5386207 | 4.62 | .719118 | 7.05 60 | 9.586484 | 4.62 | 9.719541 | 7.05 CwroomewHe | a re (or) Wt -551299 551571 -551842 .5d2118 552384 9. 552656 552927 52 _ gr oO . 742330 742751 . 748173 743595 744016 . 744438 . 744859 Vers. |D.1”.| Ex. see. 9.586484 | 4.62 | 9.719541 | .586761 | 4.62 ~ 719964 .587038 | 4.62 . 720886 .587315 | 4:62 . 726809 -5387592 | 4.62 . 721231 .5387869 | 4.60 - 721653 -588145 | 4.62 . 722076 .588422 | 4.60 . 122498 .5388698 | 4.60 722921 .538974 | 4.62 723343 .539251 | 4.60 1238765 9.539527 | 4.60 | 9.724188 .539803 | 4.60 . 724610 .540079 | 4.58 725082 .540854 | 4.60 725454 .540630 | 4.60 425877 -540906 | 4.58 - 726299 .541181 | 4.58 (26721 .541456 | 4.60 (27148 -541732 | 4.58 127565 .542007 | 4.58 727988 9.542282 | 4.58 | 9.728410 .542557 | 4.58 . 7288382 -542882 | 4157 729254 -543106 | 4.58 . 729676 .543381 | 4.57 730098 .543655 | 4.58 . 7380520 .543930 | 4.57 . 730942 .544204 | 4.57 . 731364 .544478 | 4.57 . 731786 544752 | 4.57 7382208 9.545026 | 4.57 | 9.732630 .5453800 | 4.57 . 738052 1545574) 4257 (88474 .545848 | 4.55 . 733896 .546121 | 4.57 . 734817 .546395 | 4.55 734739 .546668 | 4.55 . 7385161 .546941 | 4.55 1385583 .547214 | 4.55 . 736005 547487 | 4.55 . 186427 9.547760 | 4.55 | 9.736848 .548038 | 4.55 1B 270 .5483806 | 4.55 . 137692 548579 | 4.58 .7388114 .548851 | 4.55 . 738535 .649124 | 4.53 . 788957 .549396 | 4.53 ~ 189879 .549668 | 4.53 . 739800 .549940 | 4.538 . 740222 550212 | 4.53 | .740644 | 9.550484 | 4.53 | 9.741065 .550756 | 4.538 741487 .551028 | 4.52 . 741908 4 he 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. . CN OUR IHS | Jo) AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. .5d4009 .554280 .554550 .554820 .555091 .555361 .555631 .555900 .556170 . 556440 .556709 .556979 .557248 Beta fecn ye .557786 .5D8055 . 558324 558593 . 558862 .559131 .559899 .559667 .559936 .560204 .560472 .560740 .561008 .56127 .561544 .561811 .562079 . 562346 .562613 .562881 .563148 .563415 . 563682 9.563948 -564215 -564482 -564748 .565015 .565281 .565547 .565813 .566079 .966345 .566611 566877 .567142 .567408 567673 567938 568204 568469 .568734 9.568999 D&S = ee OF Co So LAA LAA RAR A RRR RARER ABRE BRERA BRROROE DOAKAIARKIARI’ QBIRVRQRDRWIRHGH BHDDHDOBDSS ALR APRA RAR PROD 9028209 COW Www WwoIW OO > C29 CO Oe S88 LA a OTC eT’ ee 0 0 Ex. sec. 9.744859 ~ 745280 745702 -746123 ~ 746545 . 746966 . 747388 747809 74823 . 748652 . 749073 749494 .749916 - 750887 750758 751180 . 751601 - 752022 . (52443 . 752865 . 1538286 - 753707 - 754128 154549 154971 . 155892 155813 7156234 756655 - 757076 757498 757919 . 758340 ~ 158761 759182 759603 . 760024 . 7160445 . 760866 . 761287 - 761708 762129 762550 762971 763392 - 763813 - 764234 . 764655 . 765076 . 765497 . 165918 . 766339 . 766760 167181 . 767602 768022 - 768443 . 768864 . 769285 . 769706 9.770127 _ S er tenernionas ia | = md Ag ag a) oF od og a > Ee a J wr ches be Se oe Se oe MS Ec rs z ~ WE AB AE AT AF AF TFA | | Vers. 9.568999 569264 .569528 569793 570057 570322 -570586 570850 571114 -571878 571642 571906 572170 972434 972697 .972960 -573224 573487 573750 -974013 074276 9.574539 974802 575064 575327 575589 575852 -976114 .576376 .5766388 -576900 577162 Vo) is) O7TT424 | 577685 BU947 578208 578470 578731 578992 T9253 519514 9.579775 580036 580297 580557 580818 581078 581339 581599 581859 582119 9.582879 582639" 582898 .583158 .583418 583677 583936 584196 584455 9.584714 Ex. sec. | | 9.770127 770548 710969 771389 | 771810 72652 773073 7 73014 714335 “782330 82751 9.78317 “783592 784013 “784433 “784854 785215 “785696 786116 "786537 786958 9.787378 787799 “788220 “788641 789061 89482 “789908 “79032: 790744 791165 9.791586 “792006 “792427 “792848 “793268 “793689 “794110 “794581 “794951 9.795372 SEE EE TEE TE Ty a Ba EE a a aa a ng ng ng ng ng a og TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES ~ pet SODIARTR OTIS | © © Vers. 9.584714 .584973 585232 .685491 .585749 .586008 586266 .5E6525 .586783 587041 .587299 587557 587815 .588073 .588331 588588 588846 .589103 589861 .589618 589875 590132 590389 .590646 .590903 .591160 .591416 .591673 591929 .592185 592442 592698 592954 593210 593466 593721 593977 594233 .594488 594748 .594999 .595204 .595509 .595764 .596019 .596274 .596528 .596783 .597038 .597292 .597546 597801 | 598055 .598309 598563 .598817 599071 .599324 .599578 .599831 9.600085 Aw. AR RRO 39 Go O9 G9 G9 bo G9 by by SESH SUND Vo) Ex. sec. ~ Vers. "| Ex. see 1953872 2795798 (96213 7966384. 2197055 T9746 197896 .798317 798788 799158 199579 .800000 800421 .800841 -801262 .801683 .802104 .802524 802945 .803366 803787 9.804207 , -804628 -805049 .805470 »805891 .806311 806732 807158 807574 «807995 808415 .808836 , +809257 .809678 .810099 .810520 .810940 .811361 ,811782 812208 812624 > .818045 1» .818466 ' (813886 » 1814307 814728 .815149 .815570 .815991 ; 816412 9.816833 ; 1817254 i .817675 , .818096 .818517 ; 1818938 1819359, .819780 820201 9 -820622 =) vo { i=) SOWWW We Oo COOIAIOUP WMH © Se Scoocessooe _ WD WW S OWS AE AE AT AF AE ATVB ATA AE I NINN NNN NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNS NNN ANARANN 9.600085. | .600338 .600591 . 600845 .601098 .6013851 - 601603 . 601856 . 602109 . 602362 . 602614 | 9.602866 .603119 .60337 . 603623 603875 -604127 .604879 -604631 .604883 .605134 9.605386 - 605637 .605888 -606140 .606391 -606642 . 606893 .607144 607394 - 607645 9.607896 .608146 .608397 .608647 608897 .609147 . 609397 .609647 .609897 .610147 9.610397 .610646 .610896 .611145 .611394 .611644 .611893 .612142 .612891 .612640 9.612&88 .613187 . 613386 .613634 .613883 .614131 .614379 | . 614627 614876 | 9.615124 AAA AA LAA OA RAR AAR ALAA AAR ALR ALAA PAAA ARASH A PAPERS SEAA PREPRESS Re d+ 2 2D Ww dD? > wwMNHNNNNH NW? — — eo GO | 9.820622 . 821043 .821464 . 821885 . 822306 822727 .823148 . 823569 . 823990 824411 . 824833 9.825254 .825675 . 826096 .826517 . 826938 .827360 827781 . 828202 - . 828623 .829044 . 829466 829887 . 830308 . 830729 .831151 .831572 .831993 .8382415 832836 .888257 . 883679 . 834100 . 884522 . 8384943 835364 . 835786 .836207 . 836629 .887050 8387472 .837893 .8388315 . 838736 .8389158 .8389579 .840001 , 840423 . 840844 .841266 .841687 9.842109 . 842531 .842953 . 843374 . 843796 .844218 .844639 . 845061 . 845483 9.845905 AUNT AE APAYAT AT VATA AIA NII NINA ANAND NAN NN NNNNIN NNNNNNNANN RANNRANARAERR Jat =3 ~ wre | oo, Ct ocosto 10 c iJon) © ie) .615619 .615867 .616115 .616362 .616610 .616857 .617104 .617551 .617599 617845 .618092 .618339 .618586 . 618833 .619079 .619326 .619572 .619818 .620065 620311 .620557 620803 621048 .621294 621540 621786 622031 622276 622522 ~URRVIKRA . 622767 .623012 . 623257 . 623502 623747 . 6238992 . 624237 . 624481 . 624726 .624970 .625215 .625459 .625703 .625947 . 626191 .626435 . 626679 . 626923 .627166 .627410 . 627654 .627897 .628140 . 628384 . 628627 .628870 .629113 . 629356 629598 9.629841 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. 9 Ex. sec. ~ Vers. Ex. sec. | ASA AAAS AAS PRA AAA ALAA ALAR AAA ADA PARA RAR RR 4 | ( 9.845905 840527 .846749 847170 847592 848014 848436 .848858 849280 .849702 850124 9.850546 850968 851390 851812 852234 852656 853078 853500 853923 854345 9.854767 855189 855612 856034 856456 856878 857301 857723 858145 858568 9.858990 859413 859835 860258 . 860689 861103 861525 .861948 862370 862793 9 863215 .863638 .864061 .864483 864906 865329 865752 866174 866597 867020 9.867443 867866 868289 868712 .869135 869558 869981 870404 870827 9.871250 COOVIAOoR WMH © =) ba en Sens Sous Sone Sen Dent Deas ae Se Silas Ses es Se De hh Le Ss hh Lt oR ae en Pa ce ce ee ee eee: 9.629841 .639084 . 630326 . 680569 . 630811 .631054 .631296 .63153 .631780 .682022 . 682264 9.632505 682747 . 632989 .633230 .683472 .633713 . 6388954 . 634196 .6384437 .634678 .684919 .685159 .6385400 .685641 .685881 .636122 . 636862 .686603 686843 .637083 9.637323 .687563 .687803 .638043 . 638283 .688522 . 638762 .639001 .689241 . 639480 6389719 . 689958 .640197 . 640486 .640675 .640914 .641153 .641891 .641630 .641868 642107 642345 , . 642583 642522 .643060 648298 .648585 64877 .644011 9.644249 SoS ooocoodoeo°ococo SCwwo SSSSRBBSESES CO 09 CO 09 CO 09 OT 09 OLN Or Seooeoocose soooSesso Sime =) oS Sooo > CoOooo CO: le) @ MCPD COCCI CDCI COCICIDWNWNWW WOK AOD AAA AAD ARAL AAA PAD ADALE AA ARAAAREA ABE 9.87125 .871673 .872096 872519 -872942 .873266 .873789 874212 .874636 .875059 875482 9.875906 .876829 .876752 877176 .877599 .878023 .878446 878870 879294. 879717 9.880141 .880565 -880958 .881412 .881885 .882260 - 882583 -883107 .888531 .883955 9.884379 88480 -885227 .885651 .886075 .886499 . 886923 887847 887772 .888196 9.888620 889044 .889469 .889293 .890317 .890742 .891166 .891591 .892015 892440 9.892864 893289 893714 .894188 894563 894958 .895412 895087 .896262 9.896687 TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES _ owome- OOP WMO Vers Hix, secy| 1 1".71) <{ Vers... | D. 1".|, Ex. sec..|D. 1° | | 9.644249 | 3.95 | 9.896687 | 7.08 0 | 9.658356 | 3.87 | 9.922217 | 7.18 644456 | 3.9% 897112 | 7.08 1 658588 | 3.88 922074 | 7.13 644724 | 38.95 897537 | 7.08 2 .658821 | 3.87 .923102 | 7.12 644961 3.95 897962 | 7.08 3 .659053 | 3.88 928529 7.12 "645198 | 3.95 | .898387 | 7.08 || 4 | .659286 | 38.8% | .920056 | 7.135 "645435 | 3.97 | .898812 | 7.08 || 5 | .659518 | 8.87 | .924e84 ) 7.18 645673 | 3.95 | .899237 | 7.08 || 6 | .G59750 | 8.88} .924511 | 7.19 645910 | 3.95 | .899662 | 7.08 || 7% | .659083 | 8.87 | 925209 | 7.12 "46147 | 3.95 | .900087 | 7.08 || 8] .660215 | 8.87 | .9256C6 | 7.13 646884 | 3.93 .900512 | 7.10 9 660447 | 3.87 926094 | 7.12 "646620 | 3.95 | .900988 | 7.08 || 10 | .660679 | 38.85 | .926521 | 7.13 9.646857 | 3.95 | 9.901863 | 7.08 || 11 | 9.660910 | 3.87 | 9.926049 | 7.13 "47004 | 3.93 | .901788 | 7.08 || 12 | .661142 | 3.87 | .920877 | 7.12 .647330 | 3.95 .902213 | 7.10 |} 13 .661874 | 3.85 927804 | 7.13 647567 | 3.98 902689 | 7.08 || 14 .661605 | 3.87 928232 | 7.13 "647803 | 8.93 | 902064 | 7.10 [15 | .661837 | 3.85 | .928660 | 7.138 "648039 | 3.95 | .903490 | 7.08 || 16 | .662068 | 8.87 | .920088 | 7.13 "648276 | 3.93 | .903915 | 7.10 || 17] .662500 | 8.85 | .929516 | 7.138 .648512 | 3.93 904341 7.08 || 18 .662581 | 3.65 .929944 | 7.18 .648748 | 3.93 904766 | 7.10 || 19 .662762 | 3.85 930372 | 7.18 "648984 | 3.93 | .905192 | 7.08 || 20 | .662993 | 3.85 | .930800.) 7.18 9.64922 3.93 | 9.905617 | 7.10 |] 21 | 9.663224 | 3.85 | 9.931228 | 7.13 "49456 | 3.92 | .906043 | 7.10 || 22 | .663455 | 8.85 | .981056 | 7.15 649691 3.93 .906469 | 7.08 || 2 663666 | 8.85 982085 | 7.13 .649927 | 8.93 | .906804 | 7.10 || 2 663917 | 8.85 | .982513 | 7.13 .650163 | 38.92 907820 | 7.10 || 25 664148 | 3.83 982941 7.13 "650398 | 8.92 | .907746 | 7.10 || 26] .664378 | 8.85 | .988869 7) 7.15 650633 | 3.93 | .908172 | 7.10 || 27 | .664609 | 8.83 | .983708 | 7.13 "50869 | 3.92 | .908598 | 7.10 || 28] .664889 | 3.85 | .984226 | 7.15 .651104 | 3.92 .909024 | 7.10 || 2 .665070 | 38.83 . 984655 7.13 651339 | 3.92) .909450 | 7.10 || 80 | .665300 | 3.83 | .980033 | 7.15 9.651574 | 3.92 | 9.909876 | 7.10 || 81 | 9.665530 | 8.83 | 9.935512 | 7.15 .651809 | 3.92 .910802 | 7.10 || 382 .665760 | 8.83 935941 7.13 .652044 | 3.92 910728 | 7.10 || 33 .665990 | 3.88 9803869] 4.15 652279 | 3.92 .911154 | 7.10 || 34 666220 | 8.88 9386798 | 7.15 652514 | 3.90 911580 | 7.10 || 35 .666450 | 3.83 9387227") 7.15 652748 | 3.92 .912006 | 7.10 || 36 .666680 | 3.83 .987656°| 7.15 .652983 | 3.90 912482 | 7.12 || 37 .666910 | 8.82 9388085 | 7.138 .650217 | 3.92 912859 | 7.10 || 88 | .667139 | 3.83 .988513°| 7.15 "653452 | 3.90 | .918285 | 7.10 || 89 | .667369 | 8.83 | .988042°| 7.15 "653686 | 3.90 | .913711 | 7.12 || 40 | .667599 | 8.82 | .989871°) 7.1% 9.653920 | 3.92 | 9.914188 | 7.10 || 41 | 9.667828 | 3.82 | 9.939801 | 7.15 .654155 | 3.90 914564 | 7.12 || 42 .668057 | 3.83 940250") 7.15 .654889 | 3.90 914901 7.10 || 43 66287 | 3.82 .940659°} 7.15 654623 | 8.90 | .915417 | 7.12 || 44 | 668516 | 3.82 | .941088 7.15 654857 | 3.88 915644 | 7.10 || 45 668745 | 3.82 OATON Ts le Ele Le ‘655090 | 3.90 | .91G270 | 7.12 |] 46 | .668074 | 3.82 | .941947 | 7.15 655824 | 3.90 | .916G07 | 7.12 || 47 | .660203 | 3.82 | .9423876 | 7.15 .655558 | 3.90 917124 | 7.10 || 48 | .669482 | 3.82 .942806.| 7.15 .655792 | 3.88 917550 | 7.12 || 49 | .669661 | 3.80 .948285°| 7.17 (656025 | 3.88] .917977 | 7.12 || 50 | .669889 | 3.82 | 948665.) 7.16 9.656258 | 3. 7.12 || 51 | 9.670118 | 3.82 | 9.944094 | 7.17 656492 | 3.8 7.12 || 52 | .670847 | 8.80 | .944524| 7.15 . 65672 3. 7.12 || 53 | .G70575 | 8.82 | .944953 | 7.17 .656958 | 3.8 7.12 || 54 | .670804 | 8.80 | .945383'| 7.17 657191 | 38. 7.12 || 55 | .671082 | 8.80 | .945813°) 7.17 657424 | 3.88 920589 | 7.12 || 56 .671260 | 3.80 .946243°| 7.17 :657657 | 8.88] .920966 | 7.12 || 57 | .671488 | 8.80 | .946673 7.17 657890 | 3.88 | .921303 | 7.12 || 58} .671716 | 8.82 | .947103 7.17 .658123 -€8 | .921620 | 7.12 |) 59 | 671945 | 3.78 | .947583°| 7.17 9.658356 | 3.87 | 9.922947 1 7.12 || 60 | 9.672172 | 8.80 | 9.947063! 7.1% »AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. o re Ne) Vers. | 9.672172 . 672400 .672623 . 672856 .673083 .673311 .673533 .673766 .673993 67422 674448 .674675 .674902 .675129 .675356 675582 . 675809 . 676036 676262 .676489 .676715 676941 .677168 .677394 . 677620 .677846 .678072 .678298 .678523 .678749 .678975 .679200 .679426 .679651 .679876 . 680102 . 680327 . 680552 .680777 .681002 .681227 9.681451 .681676 .681901 682125 . 682350 682574 682798 . 683023 683247 683471 683695 683919 .684143 | . 684367 . 654590 684814 .685037 68561 .685484 | 9.685708 Ex, sec. Vers. | Jox. sec. CERN TIN NIS a ate FI 32 3 2 III © OTOT OT OT OT =2 OF OT ~3 OU wWecew$c oc cotcec wow tec cote Coco IWAN tS We OO COW OO 9.947963 . 948393 . 948823 . 949253 . 949683 .950114 . 950544 . 950975 . 951405 . 951836 952266 . 952697 . 953128 .953558 .9538989 . 954420 .954851 . 955282 .9355713 956144 . 956575 9.957006 .957438 . 957869 . 958300 . 958732 .959163 .959595 . 960026 . 960458 . 960890 9.961321 .961753 .962185 . 962617 . 963049 . 963481 .963913 . 964345 96477 . 965210 9.965642 . 966075 . 966507 . 966940 . 967372 . 967805 . 968238 968670 . 969103 . 969536 . 969969 . 970402 . 9708385 . 971268 .971701 . 9721385 972568 973001 . 973435 9.973868 o eo) WOONROUR WOH OS AP AE AT AT AQ APPT IVI AI III - II RQ WII | 9.685705 | . 685931 .686154 | .686377 . 686800 . 686823 .687046 687269 . 687492 687714 687937 9.688159 . 688382 688604 -683826 . 689048 689271 689493 .689715 -689937 .690158 9.690380 . 690602 . 690823 -691045 .691266 .691488 .691709 .691930 .692151 692372 9.692593 .692814 .693035 .693256 693477 .693697 -695918 .694138 .694359 .694579 694799 .695019 .695240 .695460 .695680 . 695899 .696119 =) . 696339 | . 696559 .696778 .696998 .697217 . 697437 .697656 697875 698094 698313 698532 698751 Je) 9.698970 co oo G9 G9 G9 G9 CD C9 OD OD OD JIA VII MIM MMII SWOwWWNwwnwwey TOO OWooOew Sor eS Bo 0) Bel lie en a a co 9 9 Go C8 G9 CO OF G9 CO CO w) “ 509 © Wwiwewwtcoct cwtccocmc NOI ce co cu oN G9 Co cu to GY OO CO 3 Fe SS SO SAE 2 FAAARPADMH >HI AAIDP OOS | 9.973868 974802 974736 . 975169 975603 . 976037 976471 976905 97733 ITT 978207 9.978641 1979075 .979510 . 979944 . 980879 . 980813 . 981248 - 981682 982117 982552 9.982987 . 983422 . 983857 - 984292 . 984727 . 985162 . 985597 - 986033 . 986468 . 986904 9.987339 lpdedou-4 : 987 (40 . 988210 . 988646 . 989082 . 989518 . 989954 . 990390 . 990826 991262 9.991698 . 992134 99257 . 993007 . 9938444 . 9983880 .994317 . 994754 . 995191 995627 9.996064. 996501 . 996938 . 997376 997813 . 998250 . 998687 999125 9.999562 10.000000 WP AE ABAD PATE A aaa INI INNIS NHN NNNINNNN NNNNNNAANEN TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES | oumcswee | mWMwre COONS Vers. 9.698970 . 699189 .699407 | .699626 . 699845 100063 700282 -700500 . 700718 . 700936 -701154 701372 701590 .701808 . 702026 . 702244 702462 102679 ~T02897 . 703114 . 703832 . 703549 . 703766 . 703983 704200 - 704417 . 704634 704851 . 705068 05285 . 705501 . 705718 - 105935 . 706151 106367 . 106584 . 706800 . 707016 - (OF282, 107448 . 707664 . 707880 . 708096 . 708811 708527 . 7087438 08958 WO91LT4A .709389 .709604 . 709819 . 710085 .710250 . 710465 .710680 .710895 ~711109 . (113824 ~711589 111758 9.711968 NNO MMM AMARe SRRADIPOSOS CONS SSSS6O SONS SOSSSS Sane Sees: Doo Go Co OU Ex. sec. | 10.000000 .0004388 000875 .001313 001751 .002189 .002627 . 008065 . 003503 .003942 .004380 10.004818 005257 .005695 .006184 .006573 .007012 . 007450 007889 .0083828 008767 10 .009207 .009646 .010085 .010525 .010964 .011404 .011843 .012283 012723 .01381638 10.013603 .014043 .014483 .014923 .015363 .015804 .016244 .016684 017125 -017566 10.018007 .018447 .018888 .0193829 .019770 -020212 .020653 .021094 .021535 .021977 022419 . 022860 023302 023744. 024186 . 024628 . 025070 :025512 025954 10. 026297 aomewne | — THe WWM OOO TEE ENE NEE a a a gt ER HEE 9 Vers. - 711968 712182 712397 712611 712825 .718039 718253 - 713467 718681 718895 .718870 718582 . 18794 .719007 . 719219 .719431 719643 719855 . 720066 720278 , 720490 - 720701 Bit ; 9.0 S .| Ex. see, ew SP LOSE CORO CO COO COED CY CD CIDDEDCD OI ODCIOD CUCUCCDEDEDEDEDEODED CIDCCUUDOIODG WeDeDCcDEceDecD cE EOI ECD OD CD ON OH OD : mare OS at 5 EO Ee aca Ce ese CO COLON ET OC EY Oh Oh Oe a ae a Sr ait Gr SSF SS ae Dv ee ee 1 10.026397 026839 .027281 ORT724 028167 028609 .029052 .029495 029938 .030381 030825 .031268 031711 .032155 . 032598 .033042 .033486 .033929 | 034373 .034817 .035261 10.035705 -036150 -936594 037038 .037483 037928 038372 . 038817 039262 089707 10.040152 040597 .041042 -041488 .041933 042379 042824 . 043270 043716 .044162 10.044608 045054 .045500 045946 - 046393 046839 047286 047732 .048179 . 048626 ».049073 049520 049967 050414 050861 .051309 051756 052204 052652 10.053099 pas oma, as Dent ake Sr ras Si as De dons Sons Ss So Sons Ss Se ln Son ous Sow Sows Bs Ss Sow De Ses ies Se De es be Se Se Se Rohe Me Cote te te hot te a fo toto to roe tk Per: ro | a a pe AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. ~ Ex. sec. SD -yo ok wrmwoRic | 59 10 | Vers. | D.1. 9 724709 | 50 | 10.058099 ~ 724919 | 50 | .053547 . 725129 50 053995 "725339 | 8.50 | .054443 "725549 | 3.50 | .054892 725759 . .725969 726179 . 726388 va 2-2 5.29 5 U — co) Q 9.731193 | 731401 . 731609 731817 . 732025 . 182233 . 732441 732648 732356 ‘ . 733064 | 9.733271 T8047 . 738686 783893 . 734100 .7384307 784515 .1384721 . 73492 785185 9.735342 730549 735755 735962 .736169 736875 .736581 + 7386788 736994 > : GO | 9.737200 He ee ee JOUN AEN mH ee Ot Olas me eo coor O1rordr Cor PP Pop wp O39 OVOD C9 Oe SepeeseeweneneweD co 09 0D CN CH C9 CO CN 09 09 co Co 09 OD 9 OD CO a 2 iS) me me Co oe .0553840 .055788 .056237 .056685 .057134 057583 | 10 .058032 058481 .058930 -059379 .059828 .060278 .060727 061177 .061626 .062076 ; 10:062526 .065678 .066129 .066580 | 10.067030 067482 .067933 068384 .068835 069287 .069738 .070190 070642 .071093 10 .071545 .071998 .072450 .072902 .073354 073807 .074260 074712 .075165 .075618 10.076671 076524 076977 0774381 LOTT 88 4 .078338 .078792 079245 079699 10.080153 my AP Ry ATAT AT AE Aa ag ss SS NNN NNN HSIN SN MINNA NNN NNNNNRANNN Or or or Or cr (oe) Jets 47 and Orr d ren orargr Ororg IA OTH -2 OU OT OT = ~ CSODMDRAUP WMHS Vers. Ex. sec, 9.737200 737406 737612 737818 . 738024 . 138230 738436 . 738642 738847 739053 139258 9.739464 . 739669 39875 40080 740285 740490 40695 740900 . 741105 741310 9.741515 ~TALT19 TAL924 T42129 142333 (42588 142742 742946 .743150 743355 9.743559 (48762 . 743967 44171 744875 T4457 744782 744986 745189 745893 9.745596 . 745800 746003 746206 . 746409 7466138 146816 747019 AIR | TATARA 9.747627 (47830 (48033 48235 “748438 748640 . 748843 749045 749247 9.749449 oo h ARR ARRR RAD Bw co) wewewwwowwi cwcocwmccwci;to¢ wtwocwietwcto He BPR RP a Be IOSOWOCNWS WKHWWWWNWKWWWNH WW Oe — oO 10080153 080608 .081062 082425 082880 083835 083790 084245 084700 10.085155 086066 .086522 086977 087433 .087889 .088845 088801 10. 089714 090171 080627 .091084 .091541 .091998 .092455 . 092912 .098387' .098827 | 10.094285 .094743 . 095200 .095658 .096116 .096575 097491 097950 .098408 10.098867 099326 099785 100244 100704 101163 101623 102082 102542 103002 10. 103462 103922 104382 105803 . 105764 106224 . 106685 .107146 10.107607 | 081516 | 081971 .085611 089258 097033. | 104843 oe LES rn ents Sie et 8 DSI NNSA aistst Bg ya a aa aa te a es ietet SIV sIV VWs INI “ Vers. 9.749449 749652 - 749854 . 750056 - 750258 . 750459 - 750661 . 750863 751065 751266 751468 11 | 9.751669 12 | .751871 13 152072 14 T52278 15 T2475 16 152676 17 | 752877 18 753078 19 753279 20 | .7538480 21 | 9.753681 22) .753881 23 | .754082 Ha 24 | 754283 25 | .754483 26 | .754684 27 | .754884 28 |} .755085 ed SOHIRUR IHS | ~ 29 155285 30 . 155485 ; 31 | 9.755685 32 | .755886 33 | .756086 Baie 34 | .756286 ie 35 | .'756486 Wi 36 | .756685 wT 37 | .756885 ah 38 | . 757085 39 | .757285 40 | . 757484 41 | 9.757684 42 | . 757883 43 | .758083 44 | .758282 45 | . 758481 46 | .758681 47 | .'758880 48 | .759079 49 | .759278 50 59477 51 | 9.759676 52 159875 53 160073 5 760272 55 | .760471 56 | .760669 57 | .760868 58 | .761066 59 | .761265 60 | 9.761463 TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 64° 65° D. 1’.| Ex. see. | D 1’. z, Vers. | D.1".| Ex. see. 3.38 | 10.107607 Tel 0 | 9.761463 |.3.30 | 10.135515 3.07 . 108069 7.68 ] .761661 | 3.32 .135984 - 3/37 . 108530 “we 2 . 761860 | 3.30 . 186454 3.0% .108992 7.68 3 . 762058 | 3.30 . 1869238 3.35 . 109453 sf 4 . 762256 | 3.30 . 137393 Ook .109915 | 7.7 5 762454 | 3.30 .187863 | Sy aye 180377 | 785 6 . 762652 | 3.30 . 138333 3.00 .110889 | 7.7 if . 762850 | 3.28 . 1388803 3.35 111301 eek 8 . 763047 | 3.30 . 139273 3.00 .1117638 Visite 9 - 763245. | 3.30 .1389744 3.35 . 112226 ne 10 . 763443 |-3.30 . 140214 3.37 | 10.112688 | 7.7 11 | 9.163641 | 3.28 | 10.140685 3.35 .113151 “ote 12 .768838 | 3.30 .141156 3.35 .113614 Late 13 . 7640386 | 3.28 . 141627 Bot .114077 | 7.72 || 14 . 764233 | 3.28 . 142098 3.35 .114540 112 15 . 764430 | 3.30 . 142569 3.59 .115003 G92 16 . 764628 | 3.28 . 143041 3.35 . 115466 4.42 17 . 764825 | 3.28 . 143512 3.35 .115929 Tate 18 . 765022 | 3.28 . 148984 - 3.35 . 116393 Ub Me 19 . 765219 | 3.28 . 144456 3.35 . 116857 Cite 2 . 165416 | 3.28 . 144928 8.33 | 10.117321 Vite 21 | 9.765613 | 8.28 | 10.145400 3.35 .117785 see 2% . 765810 | 3.28 . 145872 3.35 .118249 Tesi 23 . 766007 | 3.28 . 146845 Shas! lIS713: | 7 738 || Ba 766204 | 3.2 . 146818 3.35 119177 var, 25 . 766401 | 3.27 .147290 aya: .119642 | 72% 26 766597 | 3.28 .147763 3.35 . 120106 at 27 . 766794 | 3.28 . 148236 Side 120571 7 28 .766991 | 3.27 . 148710 3.33 . 121036 CM 29 . 767187 | 3.28 . 149188 3.33 .121501 v@ares) 30 . 767384 | 3.27 . 149657 8.85 | 10.121966 | 7.75 || 831 | 9.767580 | 3.27 | 10.150130 3.33 .1£2431 WAG || 82 S76(776- | 8227 .150604 3.33 122897 | 795 || 338 167972. | 3.28 .151078 3.33 . 123362 CHE 34 .768169. | 3.27 .151552 3.02 . 123828 Ceres 35 . 768365. | 3.27 . 152027 3.33 . 124294 TOU ve 36 . (68561. | 3.27 . 152501 3.33 . 124760 CAG 37 68757 | 3.27 . 152976 3.53 . 125226 7.70 || 38 . 768953. | 3.27 . 153450 3.02 . 125692 Wh 39 . 769149 | 3.25 . 158925 3.33 .126158 7.78 40 . 169344 | 3.27 . 154400 3.82 | 10.126625 |. 7.78 || 41 | 9.769540 | 8.27 | 10.154876 3.33 . 127092 Vsti |) 42 . 769736 | 3.25 . 1553851 3.382 .127558 7.78 || 43 . 769931. | 3.27 . 155826 8.382 . 128025 7.98 44 Stiletto. et . 156302 3.00 . 128492 | 7.80 || 45 .770323 | 3.25 .156778 3.32 . 128960 7.78 46 ~770518 | 3.25 . 157254 3Jo8 . 129427 @fiom Wie Ve MOM8 || 8.2% . 157730 3.32 . 129894 7.80 48 .770909. | 38.25 . 158206 3.02 . 180862 7.80 49 .771104 | 3.25 . 158683 3.32 . 1308380 7.80 50 ~ 701299 | 3.25 .159159 3.32 | 10.131298 | 7.80 |} 51 | 9.771494 | 3.25 | 10.159636 Susy .131766 7.80 52 .771689 | 3.25 .160113 3.32 132234 7.80 53 . 771884 | 3.25 . 160590 $.32 . 182702 7.80 54 -772079. | 8.25 . 161067 3.30 . 133170 7.82 55 CR2274. | 8.25 .161545 3.32 . 138639 7.82 56 . 772469 | 3.25 . 162022 3.30 . 134108 / ey 57 . 772664 | 3.23 . 162500 3.32 . 184577 7.82 58 772858 | 3.25 . 162978 3.30 . 185046 ‘eises 59 . 7730538 | 3.25 . 163456 3.80 | 10.1385515 7:82 (| 60 | 9.778248 | 3.23 | 10.163934 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. / Vers Dp, 1° \dixewsec Dy I’ J Vers. |D. 1’ 0 | 9.773248 | 3.23.| 10.168934 | 7.98 0 | 9.784809 | 3.18 1 V73442 | 3.23 .164413 |. 7.97 1 .785000 | 3.18 2 773686 | 3.25 .164891 7.98 2 .785191 | 3.17 3 773831 |. 3:23 .165370 | 7.98 3 .7853881 | 3.18 4 .774025 | 3.23 .165849 | 7.98 4 7185572 | 3.18 5 . 774219 | 3.25 .166828 | 7.98 5 .(85763 | 3.17 6 .174414 | 3.23 .166807 | 7.98 6 785953 | 8.18 7 .774608 | 3.23 . 167286 8.00 fi .786144 |- 3.17 8 .774802 | 3.23 . 167766 7.98 8 .786334 | 3.17 :.9 .774996 | 3.23 . 168245 8.00 9 . 786524 | 3.18 10 .775190 | 3.23 .168725 | 8.00 || 10 ~786715 | 3.17 | 11 | 9.775384 | 3.22 | 10.169205 | 8.00 || 11 | 9.786905 | 3.17 | 2 TUT? | 3.23 -169685 8.00 || 12 .787095 | 3.17 13 i dae 8 ips) oa Re .170165 | 8.02 || 18 ~ 787285 | 3.17 | 14 V75965 | 3.2% .170646 8.02 || 14 (87475 | 38.17 15 776159 | 3.22 ih abe 8.00 || 15 .787665 | 3.17 : 16 7763852 | 3.23 .171607 8.02 || 16 . 787855 | 38.17 17 776546 | 3.22 £172088 | 8.02 || 17 .788045 | 3.17 18 776739 | 3.23 .172569 | 8.03 || 18 788235 | 3.17 19 776933 | 8.22 .173051 8.02 |} 19 .788425 | 3.15 20 UT77126 | 3.22 .1735382 | 8.03 || 20 788614} 3.17 21 | 9.777319 | 3.22 | 10.1%4014 | 8.03 || 21 | 9.788804 | 3.15 29 777512 | 3:22 .174496 | 8.03 || 22 .788993 | 3.17 23 77105 -| 3.238 .174978 | 8.038 || 28 .789188 | 38.15 24 .777899 | 3.22 .175460 | 8.03 || 24 .789372 | 3.17 25} .778092 | 3.22 .175942 | 8.05 || 25 . 789562 | 8.15 | 26 .778285 | 38.20 .176425 8.03 || 26 .789751 | 8.15 27 TBAT 3.22 . 176907 8.05 || 27 .789940 | 3.17 | 28 778670 | 3.22 .177390 | 8.05 || 28 .790180 | 3.15 29 778863 | 3.22 177873 8.05 || 29 .790319 | 3.15 30 779056 | 3.20 .178356 8.05 || 30 .790508 | 8.15 31 | 9.779248 |-3.22.| 10.178839 | 8.07 || 31 | 9.790697 | 3.15 82 .779441 | 3.22 .179823 8.07 || 32 .790886 | 38.15 33 .779634 | 3.2 179807 8.05 || 33 .791075 | 3.15 34 |, .779826 | 3.20 .180290 | 8.07 || 34 .791264 | 8.15 35 .780018 | 3.22 18077 8.08 ||} 35 791458 | 3.13 36 .780211 | 3.20 . 181259 8.07 || 36 .791641 | 3.15 3v .780403 | 38.20 .181743°} 8.07 || 37 .791830 | 3.15 38 .780595 | 3.20 .182227 | 8.08 || 38 .792019 | 3.13 39 .780787 | 3.22 182712 8.08 || 39 792207 | 3.15 40 .78098C | 3.20 .183197 | 8.08 || 40 . 792396 | 3.138 41 | 9.781172 | 3.20 | 10.183682 | 8 08 || 41 | 9.792584 | 3.18 42 .781364 | 8.20 .184167 | 8.10 2 192772 | 3.15 43 .781556 | 3:18 .184653 | 8.08 || 48 .792961 | 3.13 44 -781747 | 3.20 .1851388 | 8.10 || 44 .793149 | 3.13 45 .781939 | 3.20 .185624'| 8.10 || 45 2938887 4.3.13 46 .782131 | 3.20 .186110 | 8.10 || 46 ~793525 | 3.15 47 782823 | 3.18 .186596 | 8.10 || 47 793714 | 3.138 48 782514 | 3.20 .187082 | 8.10 || 48 .798902 | 3.13 49 .782706 | 3.18 .187568 | 8.12 || 49 .794090 | 3.12 50 . 782897 | 3.20 .188055 | 8.12 || 50 -794277 | 38.13 51 | 9.783089 | 3.18 | 10.188542 | 8.12 || 51 | 9.794465 | 3.13 52 .783280 | 3.18 . 189029 8.12 || 52 .794653 | 3.13 53 ~783471 | 3.20 . 189516 8.12 || 53 .794841 | 3.12 54 .783663 | 3.18 .190003 | 8.13 || 54 .795028 | 3.13 | 55 .783854 | 3.18 .190491 8.12 Bd .795216 | 3.13 56 .784045 | 3.18 .190978 8.13 || 56 .795404 | 3.12 5Y .784236 | 3.18 .191466 | 8.13 || 57 .795591 | 3.13 58 784427 | 3.18 .191954 |} 8.15 || 58 795779 | 3.12 | 59 784618 | 3.18 .192448 | 8.13 || 59 .795966 | 3.12 | 60 | 9.784809 | 8.18 | 10.192931 8.15 || 60 | 9.796158 | 3.13 Ex. sec, 192931 193420 193908 . 194397 194886 . 195376 195865 196355 196845 197335 197825 10. 198315 198806 199297 199788 20027 20077 201262 .201753 202245 202787 10. 203229 203722 204215 204707 - 205200 . 205694 . 206187 . 206681 207174 . 207668 10. 208162 208657 .209151 .209646 210141 210636 2111381 .211627 212123 212618 10. 213115 .213611 214107 214604 .215101 215598 .216095 216598 217090 217588 10. 218086 218585 219083 219582 220081 .220580 | 221079 22157 10. 222078 222578 Sqeqeqeg=gegeg= aaa. AF ad a 8 HE OT 2 OL OT CO Ot 68° TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 69° D: 1s / Mersin. pbs 1 )' Mxeseeas Dal / Vers. Ex. sec. |D.1” 0 | 9.796153 | 3.18 | 10.222578 | 8.33 0 | 9.807286 | 3.07 | 10.252957 | 8.55 | .796341 | 3.12 .220078 8.33 i .807470 | 38.07 .2538470 -| 8.55 21° 796528 | 3.12 . 223578 8.3b° 1) 32 .807654 | 3.05 .2539838 | 8.57 S5) o 796ta)| 3:12 . 224079 8.33 | 3 .807837 | 3.07 254497 | 8.55 4 .796902 | 3.12 224579 8.35 || 4 .808021 | 8.05 .255010 | 8.57 5 ~797089 | 3.12 . 225080 8.35 || 5 .808204 | 3.07 .255524 | 8.58 6 797276 | 3.12 . 225581 8.3%. IG .808388 | 3.05 .256039. | 8.57 fi -797463' | 3.12 . 226083 Srao lt a7 .808571 | 3.07 .256553 | 8.58 8 .797650 | 8.12 . 226584 8.37 8 .808755 | 3.05 .251068 | 8.57 9 197837 | 3.10 . 227086 8.37 i 2 . 808988 | 3.05 .257582 | 8.60 10 .798023 | 3.12 .227588 8.37 || 10 .809121 | 3.07 .258098 | 8.58 11 | 9.798210 | 3.12 | 10.228090 8.37 || 11 | 9.809305 | 3.05 | 10.258613 | 8.60 12 .798897 | 8.10 . 228592 8.38 || 12 .809488 | 3.05 .259129 | 8.58 13 . 798583 | 8.12 «229095 8.38 || 18 .809671 | 3.05 .259644 | 8.60 14 .798770. | 3.10 . 229598 8.38 || 14 .809854 | 3.05 .260160 | 8.62 15 |. .798956 | 3.10 . 230101 8.38 |} 15 .8100387 | 3.05, .260677 | 8.60 16 .799142 | 3.12 .230604 8.38 || 16 810220 | 3.05 .261193 | 8.62 17 .799829 | 3.10 .231107 8.40 || 17 .810403 | 3.038 261710 | 8.62 18 .799515 | 3.10 .231611 8.40 || 18 .810585 | 3.05 - 262227 | 8.62 19 .799701 | 3.10 .232115 8.40 | 19 .810768 | 3.05 .262744 | 8.63 20 .799887 | 3.12 .232619 8.40 |) 2 .810951 | 3.05 .268262 | 8.62 21 | 9.800074 | 8.10 | 10.233128 8 40 || 21 | 9.811134 | 3.03 | 10.263877 8.63 22 .800260 | 3.10 . 283627 8.42 || 22 .811816 | 3.05 .264297 | 8.638 93 .800446 | 3.08 . 2841382 8.42 23 .811499 | 3.03 .264815 | 8.65 24 .800631 | 3.10 234637 8.42 24 .811681 | 3.05 .265384 | 8.65 25 800817 | 3.10 .205142 8.42 || 25 .811864 | 3.03 .205858 | 8.63 26 .801003 | 3.10 . 235647 8.48 || 26 .812046 | 3.03 .266371 | 8,67 27 .801189 | 3.10 . 236153 8.42 || 27 .812228 | 3.038 .266891 | 8.65 28 |. 801375 | 3.08 . 236658 8.43 28 .812410 | 3.05 267410 | 8.67 29 .801560 | 3.10 . 237164 8.43 |; 29 .8125938 | 3.03 . 267930 | 8.65 3 ,801746 | 3.08 2237670 8.45 || 30 812775 | 3.08 .268449 | 8.68 31 | 9.801931 | 3.10 | 10.238177 8.43 || 31 | 9.812957 | 8.03 | 10.268970 | 8.67 82 .802117 | 3.08 . 238683 8.45 82 .813139 | 8.03 .269490 | 8.68 33 . 802302 | 3.08 .239190 8.45 33 .8138321. | 3.03 .270011 | 8.67" 34 ,802487 | 3.10 . 239697 8.45 34 .813508 | 3.03 .270531 | 8.68 35 . 802673 | 3.08 . 240204 8.47 35 .813685 | 3.02 271052 | 8.7% 36 .802858 | 3.08 240712 8.45 || 86 . 813866 | 3.03 271574 | 8.68 37 .803043 | 3.08 .241219 8.47 || 387 .814048 | 3.03 2262095 | 8.7 38 .803228 | 3.08 6241727 8.47 || 38 .814230 | 8.02 212017 | Sag 39 , 8034138 | 3.05 , 242235 8.48 || 39 .814411 | 3.03 .2738139 | 8.7% 40 .803598 | 3.08 PART 8.47 || 40 .814593 | 3.08 .2738662 | 8.7 41 | 9.808788 | 3.08 | 10.248252 8.48 41 | 9.81477 8.02 | 10.274184 | 8.72 42 | .808968 | 3.08 . 243761 8.48 42 .814956 | 3.02 204707 | 8.72 43 .804158 | 3.08 . 244270 8.48 || 48 .8151387 | 3.03 -2c0e200 | 8% 44 . 804338 |. 3.07 244779 8.50 || 44 .815319 | 3.02 2051538 | 8.7 45 .804522 | 3.08 . 245289 8.48 || 45 .815500 | 3.02 4O2Cb| 8: te 46 .804707 | 8.08 245798 8.50 46 .815681 | 3.02 .276801 | 8.73 47 .804892 | 3.07 . 246308 | 8.50.)| 47 .815862 | 3.08 atlaee | 8. re 48 .805076 | 3.08 . 246818 8.52 48 .816044 | 3.02 207849 | 8.75 49 .805261 | 3.07 2473829 8.50 || 49 .816225 | 3.02 . 2783874 | 8.75 50; .805445 | 3.07 247889 8.52 || 50 .816406 | 3.02 248899 | 8.75 51 | 9.805629 | 3.08 | 10.248850 | 8.52 || 51 | 9.816587 | 3.00 | 10.279424 | 8.75 52 | .805814 | 3.07 . 248561 8.52 2 ,816767 | 8.02 . 279949 | 8.77 53 | .805998 | 3.07 249872 | §.52 53 .816948 | 3.02 280475 | 8.75 54 |) .806182 | 3.07 . 249883 8.53 || 54 .817129. | 3.02 .281000 | 8.78 55 | .806366 | 3.07 2503895 8.53 || 55 .817310 3.00 281527 | 8.77 56 | .806550 | 3.07 . 250907 8.53 | 56 .817490 | 3.02 . 282053 | 8.78 57 .806734 | 3.07 251419 | . 8.55 || 57 .817671 | 3.02 .282580 | 8.77 58 .806918 | 8.07 . 2519382 8.53 58 .§17852 | 3.00 .283106 | 8.80 59 .807102 | 8.07 .202444 8.55 59 .818032 | 3.02 . 283634 | 8.78 60 | 9.807286 | 8.07 | 10.252957 8.55 60 1 9.818278 | 3.00 | 10.284161 | 8.80 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS CHIR OMH WWOHS | Vers. Delt iss sec. Ds 1" 4 | 9.818213 | 3.00 | 10.284161 | 8.80 0 .818393 | 3.00 284689 | 8.7 1 818573 | 3.02 285216 | 8.82 2 .818754 | 3.00 285745 | 8.80 3 818934 | 3.00 286273 | 8.82 4 819114 | 3.00 286802 | 8.82 5 819294 | 3.00 .287331 | 8.82 || 6 .819474 | 3.00 287860 | 8.82 ve 819654 | 3.00 288389 | 8.83 8 819834 | 3.00 288919 | 8.83 9 820014 | 3.00 289449 | 8.83 || 10 9.820194 | 3.00 | 10.289979 | 8.85 || 11 820374 | 2.98 .290510 | 8.85 || 12 820553 | 3.00 .291041 | 8.85 || 13 820733 | 3.00 ,291572 | 8.85 || 14 820913 | 2.98 .292103 | 8.87 || 15 .821092 | 3.00 292635 | 8.85 || 16 821272 | 2.98 .293166 | 8.87 || 17 821451 | 3.00 293698 | 8.88 || 18 821631 | 2.98 294231 | 8.88 || 19 .821810 | 2.98 294764 | 8.87 || 20 9.821989 | 2.98 | 10.295296 | 8.90 || 2 822168 | 3.00 295830 | 8.88 || 22 22348 | 2.98 | .296363 | 8.90 || 23 822527 | 2.98 .296897 | 8.90 || 24 822706 | 2.98 297431 | 8.90 || 25 822885 | 2.98 297965 | 8.92 || 26 823064 | 2.98 .298500 | 8.90 || 27 823243 | 2.97 299034 | 8.93 || 2 823421 | 2.98 299570 | 8.92 || 29 823600 | 2.98 .300105 | 8.93 || 30 9.823779 | 2.98 | 10.300641 | 8.92 || 31 823958 | 2.97 301176 | 8.95 || 32 824136 | 2.98 .301718 | 8.93 || 33 824315 | 2.97 302249 | 8.95 || 3 824493 | 2.98 302786 | 8.95 || 35 824672 | 2.97 303323 | 8.95 || 36 824850 | 2.97 303860 | 8.97 || 37 825028 | 2.98 804398 | 8 97 || 3% 825207 | 2.97 804936 | 8.97 || 39 825385 | 2.97 .805474 | 8.97 | 40 9.825563 | 2.97 | 10.306012 | 8.98 || 41 825741 | 2.97 .306551 | 8.98 || 42 825919 | 2.97 .807090 | 8.98 || 43 826097 | 2.97 .307629 | 9.00 || 44 826275 | 2.97 .308169 | 8.98 || 45 826453 | 2.97 .308708 | 9.02 || 46 826631 | 2.97 .809249 | 9.00 || 47 ,826809 | 2.97 | .3809789 | 9.02 || 48 .826987 | 2.95 810330 9.02 || 49 827164 | 2.97 810871 | 9.02 || 50 9 827342 | 2.95 | 10.311412 | 9.02 || 51 827519 | 2.97 811958 | 9.03 || 52 827697 | 2.95 812495 | 9.03 || 53 827874 | 2.97 313037 | 9.05 || 54 828052 | 2.95 .813580 | 9.03 || 55 828229 | 2.95 814122 | 9.05 |! 56 828406 | 2.97 .814665 | 9.07 || 57 828584 | 2.95 815209 | 9.05 || 58 823761 | 2.95 .815752 | 9.07 || 59 9.828938 | 2.95 | 10.316296 | 9.07 || 60 Vers. 9.828938 829115 829292 829469 829646 829823. | .830000 | .830177 830353 .830530 .830706 .830883 .831059 . 831236 .831412 .831589 .831765 .831941 .832117 832293 . 832469 832645 832821 832997 83317 . 8383849 8388525 .833700 .833876 834051 . 834227 .834402 .834578 .834753 . 834928 . 835104 . 835279 .835454 835629 . 8385804 .830979 .836154 . 836329 .836504 .836678 . 836853 .837028 .8387202 .837377 .837551 .837726 .837900 . 838075 ie) © WD WWW WWW 838249 | 838423 | 838597 838771 838945 .839119 839293 9.839467 2. WN WWNWNWWWND WNWWNWNNWWWwWwW WNWWWWWNWWWYW SO © Ww WNWWNWNWWNWNWW OOOO OO OS 5 cS) 95 SMOnwnwoww Ex. sec. 10.316296 .316844) 817385 .311929 .318475 .3819020 .019565 .820111 .820658 .3821204 .O21751 10.322298 .3822845 6820093 .823941 .324489 .825038 825587 .826136 .826686 .82(235 10.327786 .828336 828887 .829438 .829989 .3830541 .831093 .381645 .832198 .882750 10.333304 .o308807 .084411 .034965 .380520 .336074 .336629 .387185 .307¢41 .8388297 10 .3838853 .3839410 .839967 .840524 .841082 .3841640 .842198 .842756 .843315 .843875 10.344434 844994 345554 .846115 .3846676 3347237 .847798 .848360 .348922 10.349485 WoOooOooowwocse lol Jen) eomowm cs Cc 0 60 6 Ss ie) 9 WOMMMOMMOMOO WHMOMmUwomwUownowowowo ovr ASAIN TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES ~ Ex. sec, ~ Vers. Ex. sec. ¢ DrammwwHo | 9.839467 .839641 .839815 .839989 .840162 .840336 | .840510 .840683 .840857 .841030 .841204 9.841377 .841550 841723 .841896 .842070 , 842243 . 842416 .842589 842762 842934 9.843107 848280 _ 843458 843625 84 8798 848970 .844143 844315 844488 .844660 9.844832 845004 845177 845349 845521 845693 845865 .846037 846208 846380 9.846552 .846724 . 846895 .847067 . 847238 .847410 .847581 847753 . 847924 . 848095 848267 .848438 . 848609 848780 .848951 .849122 .849293 .849464 . 849634 9.849805 IWWWNWWWWW 09 0 9 00 DW 0 0 G90 0000 2009 G DO OD< THT QO GS Tt OO OLOUd | 10.849485 . 850048 850611 -do1175 .851738 802303 . 852867 303432 .808997 804563 80012 10. 355695 .3896261 .3856828 .857395 = -357963 -008531 . 809099 .859668 . 8602387 . 3860806 10361376 .3861946 .862516 . 863087 .863658 .864229 .864801 .865373 .805945 .3866518 10.367091 . 867665 . 3868239 . 868813 . 3869387 .869962 .8705388 .871118 .3871689 .8(2266 10.372842 8738419 .313997 87457 .875153 .810731 76310 376890 877469 .8¢8049 10.378630 .879210 .3 (9792 880373 . 3880955 .881537 382120 882703 . 883286 10.383870 OMNIAWIR WW © COOOowoeo TOV on en or etc = Vela ilelleelleilelisiielie) FITS ~ ww ~ Ea RSE 9.849805 .849976 .850147 .850317 . 850488 . 850658 . 850829 .850999 . 851169 .851340 .951510 9.851680 .851850 .852020 .852190 .952360 Sth - 852700 .852870 .853040 . 8538209 9.853379 .853549 .853718 .853888 . 854057 . 854227 . 854396 . 854565 . 854735 . 854904 9 855073 .855242 . 855411 . 855580 . 855749 .855918 856087 . 856255 856424 . 856593 | 9.856762 . 856930 . 857099 .857267 . 857436 . 857604 .857772 .857941 858109 .858277 9.858445 . 858613 . 858781 .858949 .859117 859285 ~859453 .859621 859788 80 9.859956 | 2.80 10383870 884454 3850388 885623 . 886209 386794 887380 .387967 . 888554 .3889141 389728 10.390316 -890905 391493 392082 392672 393262 . 893852 394443 395034 395625 10.396217 3896809 .397402 3897995 898589 .899182 899777 -400371 . 400966 .401562 10.402158 402754 .403351 . 403948 404545 .405143 -405742 . 406340 406939 407539 10.408139 .408739 .409340 -409941 -410543 411145 411747 -412350 412954 413557 10.414161 .414766 415371 .415976 .416582 417189 417795 .418402 .419010 10.419618 a so Man Ai ae i iat ae CIRO mwwee | | | | 1 AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. ee Vers. |D. 1".| Ex. sec. | D.1".|| ’ | Vers. 1".| Ex. sec. |D. 1’ | 9.859956 | 2.80 | 10.419618 | 10.13 | 0.) 9.869924 | 2.75 |10.456928 | 10.60 "960124 | 2.78 | .420226 | 10.15 || 1] .870089 | 2.73 | .457564 | 10.62 860291 | 2.80 "420885 | 10.17 || 2 | .870253 | 2.75 | .458201 | 10.638 860459 | 2.78 "421445 | 10.15 || 3 | .870418 | 2.73 | .458839 | 10.62 “860626 | 2.80 422054 | 10.17 || 4] .870582 | 2.75 | .459476 | 10.65 860794 | 2.7% 422664 | 10.18 || 5 "0747 | 2.73 | .460115 | 10.65 860961 | 2.7 423275 | 10.18 || 6 | .870911 | 2.75 | .460754 | 10.65 861128 | 2.80 "493886 | 10.20 || 7% | .871076 | 2.73 | .461593 | 10.67 ,861296 | 2.78 "424498 | 10.20 || 8 | .871240 | 2.73 | .462033 | 10.67 861463 | 2.78 -425110 | 10.20 || 9 | .871404 | 2.73 | .462673 | 10.68 861630 | 2.78 425722 | 10.22 || 10 | .871568 | 2.73 | .463814 | 10 7 | 9.861797 | 2.78 | 10.426385 | 10.22 || 11 | 9.871782 | 2.78 '10.463956 |. 10.70 (861964 | 2.78 "426948 | 10.23 |) 12 | .871896 | 2.73 | .464598 | 10.70 862131 | 2.78 "427562 | 10.28 || 13 | .872060 | 2.73 | .465240 | 10.72 862298 | 2.78 428176 | 10.23 || 14 | .872224 | 2.73 465883 | 10.75 (862465 | 2.78 "428790 | 10.27 || 15 | .872388 | 2.73 | .466527 | 10.73 862632 | 2.78 "429406 | 10.25 || 16 | .872552 | 2.73 | .467171 | 10.73 862799 | 2.77 "430021 | 10.27 || 17 | .872716 | 2.73 | .467815 | 10.75 862965 | 2.78 "420637 | 10.27 || 18 | .872880 | 2.72 | .468460 | 10.77 863132 | 2.78 431253 | 10.28 | 19 | .873043 | 2.73 | .469106 | 10.77 863299 | 2.77 431870 | 10.3 | 20 | .873207 | 2.73 | .469752.| 10.77 9.863465 | 2.78 | 10.432488 | 10.28 || 21 | 9.878871 | 2.72 |10.470398 | 10.78 863632 | 2.78 | 433105 | 10.32 || 22 | .873534 | 2.7% 471045 | 10.80 863799 | 2.77 433724 | 10.80 |: 93 878698 | 2.72 471693 | 10.80 863965 | 2.77 "434342 | 10.32 || 24 | .873861 | 2.73 | .472341 | 10.82 864131 | 2.78 "434961 | 10.33 || 25 | .874025 | 2.72 | .472990 | 10.82 864298 | 2.77 "435581 | 10.33 || 26| .874188 | 2.72 | 473639] 10.88 864464 | 2.77 436201 | 10.33 || 27 “4351 | 2.73 , .474289 | 10.83 834630 | 2.78 436821 | 10.35 |; 28 4515 | 2.72 | .474939 | 10.85 864797 | 2.77 437442 | 10.37 || 29 | .874678 | 2.72 | .475590 | 10.87 864963 | 2.77 438064 | 10.37 || 80 | .874841 | 2.72 | _ 476242 | 10.85 9.865129 | 2.77 | 10.438686 | 10.37 || 31 | 9.875004 | 2.72 |10.476893 | 10.88 "965205 | 2.77 | .439808 | 10.38 || 82 | .875167 | .2.72-| .477546 | 10.88 "865461 | 2.77 | 489981 | 10.38 || 83 | .875320 | 2.72 78199 | 10.88 865627 | 2.77 440554 | 10.40 || 34 | .875493 | 2.72 | .478852 | 10.90 865793 | 2.77 "441178 | 10.40 || 35 | .875656 | 2.72 | .479506 | 10.92 865959 | 2.75 "441802 | 10.42 || 36] .875819 | 2.72 | .480161 | 10.92 866124 | 2.77 442427 | 10.42 || 87 | .875982 | 2.72 | .480816 | 10.93 866290 | 2.77 "443052 | 10.43 || 88 | .876145 | 2.72 | .481472 | 10.93 866456 | 2.77 "443678 | 10.43 || 39 | .876308 | 2.70 | .482128 | 10.95 866622 | 2.75 "444304 | 10.45 || 40 | .876470 | 2.72 | .482785 | 10.95 | 9.966787 | 2.77 | 10.444931 | 10.45 || 41 | 9.876633 | 2.72 |10.483442 | 10.97 866953 | 2.75 445568 | 10.45 || 42 | .876796 | 2.70 | 484100 | 10.98 867118 | 2.77 "446185 | 10.47 || 43 | .876958 | 2.72 | .484759 | 10.98 867284 | 2.75 "446813 | 10.48 || 44] .877121 | 2.70 | .485418 | 10.98 867449 | 2.75 447442 | 10.48 || 45 | .877283 | 2.7 486077 | 10.98 867614 | 2.77 448071 | 10.48 |, 46 | 877445 | 2.72 | .486738 11.00 867780 | 2.75 448700 | 10.50 || 47 | .877608 | 2.7 487398 | 11 02 867945 | 2.75 "449330 | 10.52 || 48 | .877770 | 2.70 | .488059 | 11.03 868110 | 2.75 449961 | 10.52 || 49 | 877982 | 2.7% 488721 | 11.05 868275 | 2.77 450592 | 10.52 || 50 | .878095 | 2.7 489384 | 11.05 | 9.969441 | 2.75 | 10.451228 | 10.53 } 51 | 9.878257 | 2.70 |10.490047 | 11.05 "968606 | 2.75 L 451855 | 10.53 || 52} .878419 | 2.70 | .490710 | 11.07 868771 | 2.75 452487 | 10.55 || 53 | .878581 | 2.7 491374 | 11.08 868936 | 2.73 "453120 | 10.57 || 54 | .878743 | 2.7 492039 | 11.08 869100 | 2.75 453754 | 10.57 || 55 | .878905 | 2.7 492704 | 11.10 869265 | 2.75 "454383 | 10.57 || 56 | .879067 | 2.7 493370 | 11.10 869430 | 2.75 "455/22 | 10.58 || 57 | .879229 | 2.68 | .494036 | 11.12 869595 | 2.95 455657 | 10.58 | 58 | -.879390 | 2.70 | .494703 11.13 869760 | 2.7 456292 | 10.60 || 59 | .879552 ) 2% 495371 | 11.13 2 9.869924 | 2.7 10.456928 | 9.879714 4 70 110. 496039 Vers. TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 76° D. 1".| Ex, sec. ~ cay CO COHIOwUkK wore ie) =) N=) ay | ThFy hae Panty Wy eT | Hien | My =) | 9.879714 879876 .880037 .880199 | . 880360 .880522. | - 880683 | .880845 | .881006 8381167 881329 881490 881651 .881812 | 831973 882134 882295 882456 882617 882777 .882938 .8383099 883260 883 120 .8335381 883741 833902 884062 | 884223 884383 884543 884703 884864 885024 885184 . 885344 885504 885664 885824 885983 886148 886303 886463 886622 886782 .886941 -887101 887260 887420 887579 887739 9.887898 .888057 .888216 .888375 888534 .888693 .888852 .889011 889170 9.889329 VWWWNWWw®W WWW WWWWWWWW Wwe 9 0 WW WW WWW Se Se G2 G2 Gd Ao So on NW NN WWNWWWWNWWHDW WWWWKwwwwww we . Da O oe = POA 2A2R20RRR0 WW WD 10.496039 68 496707 4973877 .68 | .498047 00 498717 .68 .499388 70 .500060 .68 -900732 .68 .501405 502078 68 502752 .68 | 10.503426 .68 .904102 .68 504777 63 505454 68 .506131 68 506808 .68 507486 67 .508165 .63 503844 8 009524 68 | 10.510205 67 .910386 68 .911568 67 512250 68 912933 67 .513617 68 .914301 67 .514936 515572 516358 10.517045 517732 7 | .518420 7 | 1519109 7 | 1519798 7} 520188 521179 521870 7 | .522562 523254 10.523947 524641 7 | 525335 5 | 526030 7 | — 526726 5 | 527423 7 | 528120 5 | 528817 7 | .529516 5 | 530215 5 | 10.530914 5 | 531614 5 | 582315 5 | .583017 65 | .533719 165 | 534422 2.65 | 535126 2.65 | 535830 2.65 .586535 2.65 | 10.537241 AIRHOR WOH S 59 Vers. ol Exec, 9.889329 | 2.65 10.537241 .889488 i 537947 889647 588654 889805 .539362 889964 540071 89012: 540780 890281 541490 890440 .542200 .890598 542911 890757 543623 890915 544336 9.891073 '10.545049 891232 545763 .891390 546477 891548 547193 891706 547909 891864 .548626 892022 549343 .892180 “550061 .892338 .550780 892496 .551500 9.892654 | 552220 892312 | 552941 892969 .553663 893127 554385 893235 .555109 893142 555833 . 893600 556557 893753 | 557283 893915 .558009 894072 | .558736 9.894230 10.559463 894387 560192 894544 560921 894702 561651 894859 562381 895016 563113 895173 563845 .895330 564577 895487 5653811 895644 566045 9.895801 '10.566781 .895958 567516 896115 568253 896272 .568990 .896428 569729 .896585 .570468 896742 571207 .896898 .571948 897055 .572689 897211 573431 9.897368 10.5741'74 897524 574917 .897680 515662 897837 576407 897993 BV7153 .898149 .5Y7900 .898305 578647 898461 579396 9 | 898618 580145 60 | 9.898774 110580895 =o IWW WWW ~ 2S ~ Wd BW 09 WWW eo Pah ek ah pak pk fk fal fe ek fk Pe Be pe ti) et et WW WNWNNNWNWWWe B09 COC wwe © ~ fmt peek peek ped Pe ek pe 9 WWW WW AND EXTERNAL SECANT*S. DORDIOUPFWWH OS 10 59 60 "| Ex. sec. Vers. | 9.898774 . 898930 . 899086 .899709 | .900176 | 900334 | 9.900487 | ,900642 | .900798 | .900953 . 91108 | 901264 | .901419 | 90157 . 901729 .961884 9.902040 | 902350 | 902504 . 902659 . 902814 . 802969 .908124 .908278 .903433 .903742 . 903897 .904051 . 904206 ~ 904360 904514 . 904668 , 904823 .90:977 905131 . 905285 .905439 .905593 ile) 5 | 905747 .905901 -906055 .906209 . 906363 .906516 9.906670 . 906824 907284 .907438 9.908051 @ 0 %~ 899241 | .899397 | 899553 | 9% .899865 F 900020 WWWWW We SWWWNWNWWNwWNww .902195 KQQ | 9.903588 .906977 907131 WWWNWWNNWWNOW WWW WWNWNWNWYD WBUDWWWNWWNWNWW NWNWNWWWNWWOWWW Oorergrg .907591 907744 | 907898 Or Oorsz Oud | 10.580895 .581645 582397 .583149 588903 584657 .585411 .586167 .586928 .587681 .588439 10.589198 .589957 .590718 .591479 592242 .598005 .593769 594533 -595299 .596066 | 10.596833 597601 598370 .599140 599911 “600682 .601455 602228 603003 603778 10. 604554 “60533 .606108 606887 607667 | 608447 609228 -610010 610794 611578 10.612363 613148 .613935 614723 .615511 .616301 617091 617883 .618675 .619468 57 | 10.620262 .621057 .621853 .622650 .623448 .624247 625047 625848 . 626650 10.627452 | 9.908051 DW IAD>rkwwore © | 9.909734 | 9.911259 fed ped ek Pek ed ped Ped Be pe RR Pt wecwwwowuwwwuU wwuwwioe p09 09.09 09 G9 IW DWN 908204 .908357 .908511 . 908664 . 908817 .908970 . 909123 . 909276 . 909428 . 909581 . 909887 . 910039 .910192 .910345 .910497 . 910650 .910802 .910955 911107 .911412 911564 911716 .911868 912020 912172 | 912324 912476 912628 9.912780 912982 .918084 913235 .918387 .913539 .9138690 . 913842 .918993 914145 9.914296 914448 .914599 -914750 | 914902 .915053 915204 .915855 .915506 .915657 9.915808 . 915959 .916110 .916261 .916412 .916562 .916713 .9168C4 .917014 WWWNWWWWWWW WWWww 9.917165 9 57 10. 627452 628256 . 629060 .629866 .630673 .681480 . 6382289 .633098 . 6383909 .634720 . 635533 10.686346 .637161 .6387976 . 688792 | .639610 .640428 .641248 . 642068 . 642890 .643713 10.644536 .§45361 .646186 .647013 .647541 648670 .649499 .6503830 .651162 651995 10.652829 658664 .654501 .655388 .656176 .657016 . 657856 .658698 .659540 .660884 10.661229 .662075 . 662922 .663770 . 664619 -665470 | .666321 607174 . 668028 . 668883 10.669739 .670596 .671454 672314 673174 .674036 .674899 .675768 .676628 10.677495 wwe wo co Go te r Heh ek peek feed Pet Red Ped Fd Pt 209 05 CO WwOrOtror oo wwIwwWwKNWwWWwWww wWiwwwwwwwe Oo ~ 2 Qi 20 N — DODO D MII OA W SANS mel ek fee pk pk pk fee fk et Pd HS 09 09.09 9 Sea amieke mS toto te 80° TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES Som WINS | om rary (ani lele oh) Vers. 9.917165 .917316 .917466 917616 917767 917917 918068 918218 918368 -918518 . 918668 9.918818 .918968 .919118 919268 - 919418 919568 919718 919868 .920018 -920167 9.920317 920466 .920616 920766 920915 - 921064 921214 921363 .921512 . 921662 .921811 . 921960 . 922109 . 922258 . 922407 . 922556 . 922705 . 922854 - 923003 - 923152 9.923301 - 923449 923598 923747 923895 - 924044 -924192 924341 - 924489 924637 9.924786 - 924934 - 925082 925231 925379 925527 92567 925823 925971 9.926119 Jes) Dal" at Ex sec! 2.52 | 10.677495 2.50 678362 2.50 679231 2.52 .680101 2.50 -680972 2.52 681845 2.50 .682718 2.50 . 683593 2.50 684469 2.50 . 685346 2.50 -686224 2.50 | 10.687104 2.50 687985 2.50 688867 2.50 689750 2.50 690634. 2.50 691520 2.50 692407 2.50 693295 2.48 -694185 2.50 -695075 2.48 | 10.695967 2.50 .696861 2.50 697755 2.48 - 698651 2.48 .699548 2.50 . 400446 2.48 .701346 2.48 . 002247 2.50 . 703149 2.48 «704052 2.48 | 10.704957 2.48 . 705863 2.48 10677 2.48 - 07680 2.48 . 708590 2.48 . 709501 2.48 - 710414 2.48 .711828 2.48 . 7122438 2.48 713160 2.47 | 10.714078 2.48 ~714998 2.48 715919 2.47 - 716841 2.48 717764 2.47 . 718689 2.48 - 719616 2.47 . 720543 2.47 ~ 721472 2.48 722408 2.47 | 10.723335 2.47 . 424268 2.48 725203 2 AW 726139 2.47 127077 2.47 . 728016 2.47 . 728956 2.47 . 729898 2.47 . 780842 2.47 | 10.7381786 81° D. 1’. f Vers. | D.1".| Ex. see. | D. 1" 14.45 0 | 9.926119 | 2.47 |10.731786 | 15.78 14.48 1 926267 | 2.47 | .7827383 | 15.78 14.50 2| .926415 | 2.45] .733680 | 15.83 14.52 3 | .926562 | 2.47 | .7346380 | 15.83 14.55 4 | .926710 | 2.47 | .735580 | 15.87 14.55 5 | .926858 | 2.47 | .736582 | 15.90 14.58 6 | .927006 | 2.45 | .9787486 | 15.92 14.60 7 | (927153 | 2.47 | 1738441 | 15.95 14.62 8 | .927801 | 2.45 | .739398 | 15.97 14.63 9 | .927448 | 2.47 | .740356 | 16.00 14.67 || 10 | .927596 | 2.45 | .741316 | 16.02 | 14.68 || 11 | 9.927743 | 2.47 |10.'742277 | 16.03 14.7 12 | .927891 | 2.45 | .743239 | 16.08 14.72 || 18 | .928088 | 2.45 | .%44204 | 16.08 14.73 || 14 | .928185 | 2.47 | 745169 | 16.13 14.77 || 15 | .9283833 | 2.45 | 746137 | 16.13 14.7 16 | .928480 | 2.45 | .747105 | 16.18 14.80 || 17 | .928627 | 2.45 | .'748076 | 16.20 14.83 || 18 | .928774 | 2.45 | .749048 | 16.22 14.83 || 19 | .928921 | 2.45 | .750021 | 16.25 14.87 || 20} .929068 | 2.45 | .%50996 | 16.28 14.90 |} 21 | 9.929215 | 2.45 |10.751973 | 16.30 14.90 || 22] .929862 | 2.45 | .752951 | 16.33 14.93 || 23 | .929509 | 2.45 | .753931 | 16.35 14.95 |} 24 | .929656 | 2.45 | .754912 | 16.38 14.97 || 25.| .929803 | 2.45 |] 755895 | 16.42 15.00 || 26 | .929950 | 2.45 | .756880 | 16.43 15.02 || 27 | .930097 | 2.43 | .%57866 | 16.47 15.03 || 28 | .930248 | 2.45 | 758854 | 16.50 15.05 || 29 | .980890 | 2.45 | - .759844 | 16.52 15.08 |} 80 | .980587 | 2.43 | .760885 | 16.53 15.10 || 81 | 9.930688 | 2.45 |10.'761827 | 16.58 15.13 || 82] .930830 | 2.48 | .'7628292 | 16.60 15.15 || 33| .980976 | 2.45 | -.768818 | 16.62 15.17 || 3 .9381123 | 2.438 | .%64815 | 16.67 15.18 || 385 | .931269 | 2.45 | .765815 | 16:68 15.22 || 86 | .981416 | 2.481 .766816 | 16.72 15.23 || 87 | .981562 | 2.43°| .767819 | 16.7% 15.25 || 88 | .931708 | 2.45 | .%68828 | 16.77 15.28 ||. 389 | .931855 | 2.43 | .769829 | 16.80 15.30 || 40 | .932001 | 2.48 | 770887 | 16.82 15.33 || 41 | 9.982147 | 2.43 |10.771846 | 16.87 15.85 || 42 | .982293 | 2.43} 772858 | 16.87 15.37 || 43 | .982439 | 2.48! 773870 | 16.92 15 88 || 44°} .9382585 | 2.43 | .774885 | 16.95 15.42 || 45 | .9827381 | 2.48 | .775902 | 16.97 15.45 || 46 | .982877 | 2.48] .'776920 | 17.00 15.45 || 47 | .983023°| 2.48 |° .777940 | 17.02 15.48 || 48 | .983169 | 2:48.| . .778961 | 17.07 15.52 || 49 | .988315:| 2.42 | 779985 | 17.08 15.53 || 50 | 933460 | 2.43 781010 | 17.12 15.55 || 51 | 9.983606 | 2.43 |10.782087 | 17.13 15.58 || 52 | .933752 | 2.42 | .788065 | 17.18 15.60 || 58 | .933897 | 2.48] .784096 | 17.20 15.63 || 54 | .934043 | 2.43] .785128 | 17.93 15.65 || 55 | .934189°| 2.42 | .786162 | 17.97 15.67 || 56 | .934834 | 2 48] .787198 | 17.30 15.70 || 57 | .984480°| 2.42 | .788236 | 17.33 15.73 || 58 | .984625°| 2.42 | .789976°| 17.35 15.73 || 59 | .984770 | 2.438 | .7903817 | 17.40 15.7 60 | 9.934916 | 2.42 110.791361 | 17.42 oa 82° ~ Vers. 9.934916 . 935061 . 935206 . 935352 .935497 .935642 | 935787 . 9359382 . 936077 . 936222 . 936367 9.936512 . 936657 .936801 .936946 . 937091 .937236 .937380 .937525 . 937669 .937814 . 937958 .938103 . 9388247 -938391 2 - 938536 26 . 938680 27 | .938824 28 . 938968 29 .939112 380 - 939257 . 939401 32 . 939545 3: . 939688 34 - 939832 35 . 939976 36 .940120 37 . 940264 38 . 940408 39 . 940551 40 .940695 41 | 9.940839 940982 43 .941126 44 941269 45 .941413 46 | .941556 7 | .941699 Ho | SO WH 2 C2 OU HP CO 0D rt oo hoe © > 4) DWMWNWNW Wee eRe ee ee OP WO COON WOH eo) WW WWW WWNWNWW WWWNWNWNWNWNWNWD WWW NWNHNWNWWND WW 48 | .941843 49°) .941986 | 50 | .942120 B1 | 9.942272 | 52} .942415 53. | .942559 54| .942702 55 | 942845 | 942988 | 57 | .943131 58 | .943273 59 | 943416 | | 60 | 9.943559 | or (=r) D. 1".| Ex. sec. *y ~) 2 F] 29 2 %~ WWWNWWWE WBWNWWNWWNWWWW TWWWNWWWYW . 792406 193453 . 797660 - 798716 799774 .800835 .801897 10.802961 .804027 805095 .806165 807237 .808311 .809387 .810465 811545 .812627 10.813711 814797 815385 816975 818067 819161 820257 821356 822456 823559 10.824664 82577 826879 .827990 829104 830219 831337 832456 “83357 834708 10835829 836957 838088 839221 84035? 841494 842634 843776 844921 846068 | 10.847217 818368 851836 852997 854161 8553826 856494 10.85,7665 | 10.791261 194502 © . 849522 .850678 | ee ee es FEA SI RPS SES SS ST ST St SS 2 rae Seen eto} eS AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. Vers. 9.943559 943702 . 943845 943987 . 944130 944273 | 944415 944558 944700 944843 944985 9.945127 945270 945412 945554 945696 945838 945981 946123 946265 - 946407 9.946549 946690 946832 946974 947116 947258 947399 940541 947683 947824 9.947966 .948107 948249 948390 948531 .948673 .948814 948955 .949096 949237 9.949379 949520 949661 949802 . 949943 . 950083 . 950224 . 9503865 . 950506 950647 9.950787 950928 “951069 | 951209 | 951350 . 951490 951631 951771 . 951911 9.952052 Pils. 0 WWM eo ao a0 J 2.37 Co Ce G2 09 C9 C2 C2 a AININNONN we) 37 WWNWWNWNWWWWW WWWWWWwWWwWwW WWNVNWNWNWNWWWD WNW WNNWWWWD WWNWwwnwnwnw 5 Rimaroe 3 oo ea Ex. sec. | D. 1". )10.857665 | 19.55 .858838 | 19.58 .860013 | 19.68 .861191 | 19.67 862371 | 19.72 .863554 | 19.7 .864739 | 19.80 .865927 | 19.83 .867117 | 19.88 .868310 | 19.92 .869505 | 19.97 10.870703 | 20.00 .871903 | 20.05 .873106 | 20.10 .874312 | 20.18 .875520 | 20.18 876731 | 20.28 -877945 | 20.27 .879161 | 20.30 .880379 {| 20.37 .881601 | 20.40 10882825 | 20.45 "884052 | 20.48 “885281 | 20.55 -886514 | 20.58 887749 | 20.62 "888986 | 20.68 890227 } 20.72 891470 | 20.77 "892716 | 20.82 893965 | 20.87 10.895217 | 20.92 896472 | 20.95 897729 | 21.00 .898989 | 21.07 . 900253 | 21.10 .901519 | 21.15 .902788 | 21.20 .904060 | 21.25 .905335 | 21.30 .906613 | 21.33 10.907893 | 21.40 .909177 | 21.45 .910464 | 21.50 .911754 | 21.55 .918047 | 21.60 .914843 | 21.65 915642 | 21.7 .916944 | 21.75 .918249 | 21.52 .919558 | 21.85 10.920869 | 21.92 922184 | 21.97 .923502 | 22.02 924823 | 22.07 926147 | 22.13 927475 | 22.17 .928805 | 22.23 .9380139 | 22.30 931477 | 22.33 10.932817 22.40 a eer a TS = oa —— TABLE XXVI.—LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES | | d : Vers. lO ass ella eal seas <5) 4 BA , Vers; | D. 1°.:! Ex. sees Dil" 0 | 9.952052 | 2.33 | 10.932817 | 22.40 0 | 9.960397 | 2.30 |11.020101 | 26.40 1 .952192 | 2.83 .984161 | 22.45 1 .960535 | 2.28 .021685 | 26.48 2 952382 | 2.35 .935508 | 22.52 2 .960672 | 2.30 | .028274 | 26.57 3 . 952473 | 2.33 -9386859 | 22.57 || 38 .960810 | 2.380 .024868 | 26.65 4 .952613 | 2.33 .9388213 | 22.62 4 .960948 | 2.30 .026467 | 26.78 5 .952753 | 2.83 .939570 | 22.68 5 .961086 | 2.28 .028071 | 26.80 6 .952893 | 2.33 .940931 | 22.75 6 . 961223 | 2.30 .029679 | 26.90 fi .9530383 | 2.83 .942296 | 22.78 || 7 .9613861 | 2.2 .031293 | 26.98 8 .953173 | 2.33 .9438663 | 22.85 || 8 .961498 | 2.80 .032912 | 27.07 9 .953313. | 2.33 .945034 | 22.92 9 .961636 | 2.28 .034536 | 27.13 10 .9534538 | 2.33 . 946409 | 22.97 || 10 .961773 | 2.30 .036164 |. 27.28 11 | 9.953593 | 2.32 | 10.947787 | 23.03 || 11 | 9.961911 | 2.28 |11.037798 | 27.38 2 .9537382 | 2.33 .949169 | 23.08 || 12 .962048 | 2.30 .039438 | 27.40 lies -953872 | 2.3: .950554 | 28.15 || 13 .962186 | 2.28 .041082 | 27.50 ile’ .954012 | 2.33 .951943 | 28.22 || 14 . 9623823 | 2.2 .042732 | 27.58 15 .954152 | 2.32 .953336 | 23.27 || 15 . 962460 | 2.28 .044387 | 27.67 16 .954291 | 2.33 .954732 | 23.33 || 16 . 962597 | 2.80 .046047 | 27.77 We .954431 | 2.33 .956132 | 23.38 || 17 .962735 | 2.28 .047713 | 27.85 18 .954571 | 2.32 .957585 | 28.45 || 18 . 962872 | 2.28 .049384 | 27.93 19 .954710 | 2.38 . 958942 | 23.52 || 19 .963009 | 2.2 .051060 | 28.08 20 .954850 | 2.32 .960353 | 28.57 || 2 .663146 | 2.2 .052742 |. 28.13 21 | 9.954989 | 2.33 | 10.961767 | 23.65 || 21 | 9.963283 | 2.28 |11.054430 | 28.22 Q2 .955129 | 2.32 .963186 | 23.7 22 .963420 | 2.28 .056123 | 28.30 93 .955268 | 2.32 .964608 | 23.77 93 . 963557 | 2.28 .057821 | 28.40 24 .955407 | 2.33 .966034 | 23.82 || 24 . 963694 | 2.28 .059525 | 28.50 25 955547 | 2.32 .967463 | 23.90 || 25 .968831 -| 2.2% .061235 | 28.60 26 .955686 | 2.32 .968897 | 23.95 || 26 .963968 -| 2.27 .062951 | 28.68 Q7 .955825 | 2.32 .970384 | 24.02 || 27 .964104 | 2.28 .064672- | 28.78 28 . 955964 | 2.32 OTL 75> |-24.10-1)-2 .964241 | 2.28 .066399 | 28.88 29 .956103 | 2.338 .9738221°| 24.15 29 .964378 -| 2.28 .068132 | 28.98 30 .956243 | 2.32 .974670°| 24.22 || 3 .964515 | 2.27 .069871 |. 29.08 31 | 9.956382 | 2.32 | 10.976123 | 24.28 || 31 | 9.964651 | 2.28 |11.071616 | 29.18 ae .956521 | 2.32 .977580 | 24.85 || €2 .964788 | 2.27 .078367 |. 29.28 Be .956660 | 2.82 .979041-| 24.42 || 33 .964924 | 2.28 .075124 | 29.38 34 .956799 | 2.80 .980506 | 24.48 || 34 .965061 | 2.27 076887 | 29.48 35 .956987 | 2.32 .981975° | 24.55 || 85,| -965197 | 2.2% .078656 | 29.58 36 957076 | 2.32 .983448° | 24.63 || 36 2965834.| 2.27 .080431 | 29.68 Bi .957215. | 2.32 .984926 | 24.68 || 37 .965460 | 2.2 .082212 | 29.80 38 195 7ad4 1° 2.382 .986407 | 24.77 || 88 .965607-| 2.27 .084000 | 29.90 39 .9574938 | 2.30 .987893 | 24.83 || 39 965743 | 2.27 .085794 | 80.00 40 .957631 | 2.32 .989883-| 24.90 || 40 .965879 | 2.28 .087594 | 380.12 41 | 9.957770 | 2.82 | 10.990877 | 24.97 || 41 | 9.966016 | 2.27 |11.089401 | 30.22 42 .957909 | 2.30 .992375 | 25.03 2 .966152 | 2.27 .091214 | 30.82 43 .958047. | 2.82 .9938877: | 25.12 || 43 . 966288 | 2.27 .093033 | 30.43 44 .958186 | 2.30 .995384 | 25.18 44 .966424 | 2.27 .094859 | 30.55 45 .958324 | 2.32 .996895- | 25.27 || 45 .996560 | 2.27 .096692 | 80.67 46 .958463 | 2.80 .998411 | 25.33 || 46 .966696 | 2.27 .098532 | 80.77 47 .958601 | 2.30 .999931 | 25.40 47 . 966882 | 2.27 .100378 | 80.87 48 .958739 | 2.82 11.001455 | 25.48 || 48 .966968 | 2.27 .102230 | 31.00 49 .958878 | 2.30 .002984: | 25.52 49 .967104 | 2.27 .104090 | 31.12 50 .959016 | 2.30 .004517 | 25.63 |; 50 967240 | 2.27 .105957 | 31.22 51 | 9.959154 | 2.30 | 11.006055 | 25.70 || 51 | 9.967376 | 2.27 |11.107830 | 31.35 52 .959292 | 2.32 007597 | 25.7 52 .967512-| 2.25 .109711 | 31.45 53 | .959431 | 2.30 | 009144 | 25.85 || 53 | .967647 | 2.27] .111598 | 31.58 54 . 959569 | 2.30 .010695 | 25.93 54 967783 | 2.2 113498 | 31.68 5D 959707 | 2.380 .012251 | 26.00 5D 967919 | 2.25 .115394 | 31.82 56 .959845 | 2.3 .013811 | 26.10 56 . 968054 | 2.27 .117808 | 31.98 57 .959983 | 2.30 .015377 | 26.17 || 57 .968190 | 2.27 .119219 | 32.07 58 .960121 | 2.30 .016947 | 26.23 || 58 .968326 | 2.25 .1211438 | 32.18 59 .960259 | 2.380 018521 | 26.33 || 59 | .968461 | 2.27 | - .128074 | 32.80 60 | 9.960397 | 2.30 | 11.020101 | 26.40 || GO 9.968597 | 2.25 |11.125012 | 32.43 . —s SODAS wwe S | 86° AND EXTERNAL SECANTS, 87° a Vers. Dp. 1°.; Ex, see, 9.968597 | 2.25 .968782 | 2.27 .968868 | 2.25 969003 | 2.25 969138 | 2.2 . 969274 2. 25 .969409 | 2.25 .969544 | 2.25 .969679. | 2.25 .969814 | 2.25 . 969949 | 2.25 9.970084 | 2.27 . 970220 | 2.2 . 970354 | 2.25 .970489 | 2.25 . 970624 :| 2.25 970759 | 2.25 . 970894 | 2.25 .971029 | 2.25 .971164 | 2.23 971298 | 2.25 9.971433 | 2.25 .971568 | 2.23 971702 | 2.25 971837 | 2.23 2 DELO TE 2.25 .972106.| 2.23 . 972240 | 2.23 . 972874 | 2.25 . 972509 | 2.2% . 972643 | 2.23 9.972777 | 2.25 972912 | 2.23 -973046 | 2.23 .973180 | 2.23 .973314 | 2.23 978448 | 2.2% 973582 | 2.28 .973716 | 2.23 .973850 | 2.2% .973984 | 2.23 9.974118 - 974252 . 974386 22 SR OE CS) ~) (ou) 974519 | 2.23 974653 | 2.23 974787 | 2.22 974920 | 2.23 975054 | 2.23 975188 | 2.22 975321 | 2.23 9.975455 | 2.22 975588 | 2.23 975722 | 2.22 D75855. | 2,22 975988 | 2.23 976122 | 2.22 976255 | 2.22 .976388 | 2.22 976521 | 2.22 9.976654 | 2.23 | 1”.| Ex. sec. Dibts: - Vers. |D. | DOT 11.125012 | 32.43 || 0 | 9.976654 | 2.23 |11.257854 | 42.52 126958 | 32.55 1 | .976788 | 2.22 | .260405 | 42.73 .128911 | 32.7 2 | .976921 | 2.22 | 262969 | 42.95 130873 | 32.80 3 | .977054 | 2.22 | .265546 | 43.20 132841 | 32.95 4 | .977187 | 2.22 | .268138 | 43.42 .184818 | 33.07 5 | .977320 | 2.20 | .270743 , 43.67 136802 | 33.22 || 6 | .977452 | 2.22 | .273363 | 43.88 138795 | 33.33 7 | 977585 | 2.22] .275996 | 44.15 .140795 | 33.47 8 | .977718 | 2.22 | .278645 | 44.38 142803 | 33.62 9 | 977851 | 2.22 | .281308 | 44.68 .144820 | 33.73 || 10 | .977984 | 2.20 | . .283986 | 44.88 11.146844 | 33.88 || 11 | 9.978116~-| 2.22 |11.286679 | 45.13 .148877 | 34.02 || 12 | .978249 | 2.2: 289387 | 45.38 .150918 | 34.17 || 13 | .978382 | 2.20 | .292110 | 45.65 .152968 | 84.80 |} 14} .978514 | 2.22 | .294849 | 45.92 155026 | 34.43°|| 15 68617 | 2.20 | .297604 | 46.17 157092 | 34.60 || 16 | .978779 | 2.22 | .8003874 | 46 45 159168 | 34.73 || 17 | .978912 | 2.20 | -.808161 | 46.72 .161252 | 34.87 || 18 | .979044 | 2.22 | .305964 | 47.00 163344 | 35.03 || 19 | .979177.| 2.2 .808784 | 47.27 165446 | 35.17 || 20 | .979309 | 2.22 | - .811620 | 47.55 11.167556 | 35.33 || 21 | 9.979442 | 2.20 |11.314473 | 47.83 .169676 | 35.48 |} 22 | .979574 | 2.20 | .817348 | 48.13 .171805 | 35.63 || 23} .979706 |. 2.20 | .320231 | 48.43 173943 | 35.78 || 2. 9798388 | 2.20 | 323137 | 48.72 .176090 | 85.93 || 25 | .979970 | 2.22 | .826060 | 49.02 .178246 | 86.10 || 26 | .980103 | 2.20 | .829001 | 49.33 .180412 | 36.27 || 27 | .980235 | 2.20 | .331961 | 49.63 182588 | 86.42 || 28 | .980867 | 2.20 | .334939.| 49.93 .184773 | 36.58 || 29 | .980499 | 2.20 | .387985 | 50.27 .186968 | 36.7 30 | .980631 | 2.20 | .340951 | 50.58 11.189173 | 36.90 || 31 | 9.980763 | 2.20 |11.843986 | 50.92 .191387 | 87.08 || 82} .980895 | 2.18 | .347041 | 51.23 .193612 | 37.25 || 83 | .881026 | 2.20 | .850115 | 51.58 .195847 | 37.42 || 84 | .981158 | 2.20 | 858210 | 51.92 .198092 | 37.58 || 35 | .981290 | 2.20 | . 856325 | 52.25 .200347 | 87.77 || 86 | .981422 | 2.20 | .359460 | 52.62 -202613 | 87.93 || 87 | 981554 | 2.18} .862617 | 52.95 204889 | 38.12 || 88 | .981685 | 2.20 | .865794 | 53.32 207176 | 38.28 || 89 | .981817 | 2.2 868993 | 53.68 -209473 | 38.47 || 40 .981949 | 2.18 | .872214 | 54.07 11.211781 | 88.67 || 41 | 9.982080 | 2.20 |11.375458 | 54.42 .214101 | 88.83 | 42 | .982212 | 2.18 | .378723 | 54.80 .216431 | 39.03 || 43 | .982343 | 2.20 | .382011 | 55.20 218773 | 39.20 || 44 | .982475.| 2.18 | .885828 | 55.58 221125 :| 89.42 | 45 | .982606 | 2.18 | .888658 | 55.97 .223490 | 39.58 || 46 | .982787 | 2.20 | .892016 | 56.38 .225865 | 39.80 || 47 | .982869 | 2.18 | .895899 | 56.80 .229253 | 39.98 || 48 | .983000 | 2.18 | .398807 | 57.20 230652 | 40.18 || 49 | .983131 | 2.18 | .402239 | 57.62 .233063 | 40.38 || 50 | .988262 | 2.20 |. .405696 | 58.07 11.235486 | 40.58 || 51 | 9.983394 | 2.18 |11.409180 | 58.48 237921 | 40.78 || 52 | .983825 | 2.18 | .412689 | 58.93 240368 | 41.00 || 53 | .983656 | 2.18 | .416225 | 59.38 242828 | 41.20 | 54 | .988787 | 2.18 | .419788 | 59.83 245300 | 41.42 || 55 | .983918 | 2.18 | .423878 | 60.28 247785 | 41.63 || 56 | .984049 | 2.18 | .426995 | 60.77 . 250283 | 41.83 || 57 | .984180 | 2.18 | .480641 | 61.25 252793 | 42.07 |} 58 | .984311 | 2.18 | .434316 | 61.73 | 255317 | 42.2 | 59 | .984442 | 2.18 | .438020 | 62.22 11. 257854 | 42.52 || 60 | 9.984573 | 2.17 |11.441753 | 62.7 , CORIO WWH OS 10 Vers. ( 9.984573 | . 984703 .984834 | . 984965 985096 - 985226 985357 985487 985618 985748 985879 986009 -986140 986270 986400 986531 986661 986791 986921 | 987051 987181 987311 987441 987571 987701 987831 987961 988091 988221 “988350 988480 | . 988610 . 988739 . 988869 988998 . 989128 989257 . 989387 .989516 | . 989646 9897715 . 989904 . 990034 .990163 . 990292 .990421 990550 .990679 990803 :990937 .991066 .991195 .991324 991453 . 991582 .991710 .991839 .991968 . 992096 . 992225 9.992354 ILWWWNWNWND NYOWNWNWNWNWWNWWW WNW WWWWNWWWWYW WWW WWWNWWW WNWNWNWNHWWWW WWW re 2) =e @O W Wes 5 ~ BD WW WW —_— Ex. sec. | 11.441753 445517 449311 -453137 -456994 -460883 -464805 -468761 472751 470775 480834 .484929 .489061 493230 -497437 .501683 .505968 .510293 .514659 -519066 .523516 .528010 532548 537131 .541760 546437 .551161 555935 560759 565634 570561 5735542 58057 585670 .590819 .596027 601295 606625 .612018 617475 622998 628589 634250 639982 645788 651668 657626 663663 669781 675984 682272 688649 695117 701679 708338 - 715097 721958 728925 736002 743192 750498 q+ 115. 29% ; 9086 9215 9345 9474 9603 9732 9862 9991 120 0249 0378 0507 0636 0765 0894 1023 1152 1281 1410 1539 1668 1797 1925 2054 2183 2312 2440 2569 2698 2826 2955 3083 3212 3340 3469 3597 726 3854 3983 4111 4239 4368 4496 4624 4752 4881 5009 5137” 5265 | 5393 | | | | 5521 5649 || 5777 5905 6033 6161 6289 6417 6545 6673 6801 15. 30*! TABLE 20 LOS ee SIGNS AND EXTERNAL OOIHD OUP OF TH © Je) °) =) © Vers. 9.992354 . 992482 .992611 992739 . 992868 . 992996 .993124 993253 .993381 .993509 -993637 .993765 993894 -994022 994150 994278 994406 994534 . 994662 . 994789 994917 995045 995173 995301 995428 995556 995683 995811 995939 996066 996193 .996321 . 996448 . 996576 . 996703 . 996830 - 996957 . 997085 997212 997839 . 997466 997593 997720 997847 :997974 .998101 998228 998355 .998481 998608 . 998735 998862 998988 . 999115 . 999241 .999368 . 999494 , 999621 999747 | .999874 10.000000 .| Ex. sec. 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Sine |Cosin | Sine. aan Sine Cosin| Sine |Cosin One. || .01745 30985 | (99939 | | 05234 99863 | 0 6976 | .99756| 60 One. |} 01774! .9 | 99938 | “05263 .99861 || .07005 | .99754| 59 One. |) .01803} . 99937 | 05292 | .99860} 07034 | .997 D2) 58 7; One, || .01832} . 80 . 99936 | | .05321 | .99858 || .07063| .99750) 57 | One. || .01862 |. }| .99935 || 05350 | 99857 || .07092| .99748 | 56 5| One. || 01891] .99982 9|.99934)| 05379 | 99855 || .07121} .99746) 55 75| One. |; .01920] .99982 || 99933 | 05408 | .99854|| .07150| 99744 54 One. |) .01949) .99981 || | .99932/| 05437} .99852!| .07179| .99742) 53 One. |/..01978] .99980 | .99931 || .05466 .99851 || 07208] 99740. 52 One. || .02007, .99 | 2| .99930 || .05495 | .99849|| .07237| .99733 | 51 | One. || .02036 | . 9! || . 99929 | | .05524 | .99847 || .07266| .99736) 50 20! .99999 || .02065 | . |): é . 99927 || .05553 | .99846 || .07295| .99734! 49 349 | .99999 || .02094! . nee 05582 | .99844|| .07324| .99731) 48 78! 99999 | “02123 (99977 || 3 - 99925 || .05611 | .99842|| .07853] .99729| 47 7| .99999 || .02152} .99977 || 03897 "99924 | .05640 | .99841 || .07382] 99727) 46 51. 99999 || 02181}. ||. 5| .99923|| .05669 | .99839'| .07411| .99725| 45 00465 | 99999 || .02211 99976 ||. 55 | .99922|| .05698 | .99838 || .07440] .99723| 44 5! .99999 | 02240! .99975 || .03984| .99921 || .05727! 99836 || .07469| .99721| 43 ' 99999 |! 02269 | .¢ 7 99919 || .05756 | 99834 || .07498] .99719| 42 . 99998 || .02298 | 96 2|.99918}| .05785 | .99833 | “O7527 .99716| 41 $2) .99998 || .02327 99917 || .05814 | .99831 || .07556| .99714| 40 |99998 || .02356 | . 9 {| - | 99916) .05844 99829 | .07585 . 99712) 39 99998 || 02385) 99972 || 04129) .99915!| .05873) .99827 | .07614) .99710) 38 j bese epi ced || . 99913) | .05902] .99826 | .0'7643 | 99708 | 37 3 | .99998 || .02443] . ie .99912/| .05931 | .99824'| .07672| 99705) 36 99997} | “p42 | 9 9 99911 || .05960).99822 | . ae .99703| 35 699997 | 02501 | . ¢ | -99910|| 05989} .99821 | .07730|.99701 | 34 7 85 | 99997 || 02530) . 99 | 99909 || .06018 | .99819 | . i309 .99699 | 33 .99997 || 02560! .99967 || . .99907 || .06047| .99817 || .07788 | .99696| 32 | .99996 || .02589) . 999 99906 | || 06076 .99815 || 07817} .99694| 31 |. 99996 || .02618| . . 99905 | | .06105 |. 99813 || .07846| .99692| 30 2.99996 | -02647 | . 99904 || .06134) .99812'| .07875] .99689)} 29 . 99996 || .02676 | . 96 -99902 || .06163 | .99810 | .07904| .99687| 28 -99995 || .02705 |! . | . 99901 || .06192| 99808 | .07933) .99685 | 27 99995 || .02734 | .999 . 99900 || .06221 | .99806 || .07962| 99683] 26 | .99995 || .02763}. || . 99898 | | .06250 | 99804 || .07991| 99680) 25 | 99995 | .02792|..9 || 04596 | .99897|| .0627'9 | .99803 || .08020} .99678 | 24 5} .99994 || .02821 | .99960 | 565 |.99896 || .06308|.99801 || .08049/ 99676) 23 9; .99994}| .02850}. 594 | 99894) | .06337'| 99799 | .08078 | 99673 | 22 . 99994} .0287' .99893 || .06366 | 99797 | .08107| 99671) 21 . 99993 || .02908 | « 99892 | | .06395 | .99795 | .08136 | .99668) 20 | | || | .99993}| .02938 | .99957 82} .99890|| .06424| .997'93 | .08165] .99666| 19 222° .99993 || .02967 | .9 |.99889 |! .06453| 99792 | .08194 . 99664) 18 251 | + 99992 || .02996 | . 99955 | |. 99888 |; .06482].99790 | .08223) .99661 | 17 D' 99992 || .03025 | .99954 || . 99886 |; .06511) 99788 | .08252| .99659 16 9.99991 || .03054 | .99953 || 8} 99885 || .06540).99786 | .08281| 99657) 15 . 99991 || .03083 | , 99952 || .04827 - 99883 ||. 06569 | 99784 | .08810|.99654| 14 367 | .99991 || 03112] .99952 ||. 3} 99882 || .06598 | 99782 | .08339] 99652) 13 3! 99990 || ,03141 | .99951 || .04885).99881 || 06627] 99780 | 08368] .99649) 12 25 | .99990)| .03170} .999 |.99879'| .06656].99778 | .08397| .99647| 11 . 99989 || 03199}. . 99878 | 06685 a 08426 | .99644| 10 8399989 | .03228] .99¢ 2 | gog7e | 06714 99774 || .08455! 99642! 9 99989 || .03257 | .99947 || 99875 | | 06743 90772 08484 | .99639|} 8 542) .99988 || .03286 | 99946 || .99873 |) .06773| 99770 | .08513) 99637] 7 .99988 || .03316} .99945 || .05059} .99872 | | "06802 . 99768 || .08542|.99635| 6 .99987 || .033845 | . 99° . 99870 | | -06831 | . 99766 '| .08571 | .99632) 5 99987 || .03374 | .99 : 99869) .06860..99764 | 08600] .99630) 4 -99986 || .03403 | .99942 || .05 .99867 || .06889 99762 | .08629/.99627| 3 37 | 99986 || .03432] .999- 75 | .99866 || .06918 .99760!| .08658 | 99625} 2 716 .99985 || .03461 | .999¢ 5}.99864|| .06947 .99758 | .08687'|.99622} 1 5! .99985 || .03490 99863 | .06976 .99756 | .08716!.99619| 0 | Sine i| Cosin |. 8 (Cosin| Sine | Cosin | Sine || Cosin | Sine . a = 89° || 88 87° see | 85° TABLE 5° | 6° 7° / = = — ae Ns > sates || Sine |Cosin |} Sine Cosin | Sine |Cosin | 0 | .08716|.99619 |) .10453) .99452 | .12187) .99255 || 1 | .08745/ .99617)| . 10482! .99449 || .12216) .99251 2 08774! .99614|| .10511| .99446 | . 12245! .99248 3.08803 .99612|| 10540) .99443 |} 12274] .99244 | 4 | 08831} .99609|! . 10569) .99440 || .12302' .99240 5 | .08860] .99607 || .10597| .99437 || 12331] .99237 6 | .08889] .99604|| 10626} .99434)| .12360 99233 7 | 08918] 99602) | 10655) .99431 |} .12389 99230 8 | 08947] .99599|| .10684| .99428 | .12418 .99226 9 | .08976; .99596|| .10713 | .99424 || .12447 99222) 10 | .09005 | .99594 || .10742 99421 12476 99219 | 11 | .09034) .99591 || .10771| .99418 || .12504; .99215 | 12 | .09063| .99588] | .10800) 99415 || .12533) .99211 | 13 | .09092) .99586|| .10829 | .99412|| .12562| .99208 14 | .09121| .99583}| .10858| .99409 || .12591 | .99204 | 15 | .09150! .99580}| .10887 | .99406 || .12620 | .99200 16 | .09179| .99578]| .10916 | .99402 || .12649| .99197 | 17 | .09208) .99575 || .10945 | .99399 || .12678 | .99193 18 | .09237) .99572|| .10973 | 99396 || .12706 | 99189 | 19 | .09266) .99570) | .11002) .99393 || .12735 | .99186 20 | .09295) .99567 || .11031 | .99390 || .12764] .99182 | 21 | .09324} .99564|! .11060] .99386 || .12793).99178 22 | 09353] 99562 |) .11089|.99383)| .12822|.99175' 23 | .09382| .99559]| .11118) .99380'} .12851 | 99171 | 24 | 09411} .99556]| .11147! 99377 | .12880) 99167 25 | .09440] .99553|| .11176| .99374'| .12908] .99163 96 | .09469| .99551}| . 11205! .99370 | .12937 | .99160 | 27 | 09498] .99548}| .11234!.99367 || .12966 | .99156 | 28 | .09527 | .99545|| .11263| .99364 | .12995| .99152 | 29 | 09556! .99542|| .11291| .99360 | .13024} .99148 | 30 | .09585 | 99540) | .11320) 99357 || .13053) .99144 | 31 | .09614! .99537)| .11349] .99354'| .13081 | .99141 32 | .09642| .995341| 11378) .99351'| .13110} .99137 33 | .09671] .99531]|| .11407| .99347)| .13139| .99133 | 34 | 09700] .99528)| .11436|.99344'| .13168) .99129 35 | .09729| .99526]) .11465| 99341 || .138197]| .99125 | 36 | .09758| .99523]| .11494| .99337 || .18226 | .99122 | 37 | .09787|-.99520) | 11523] .99334 || .13254] .99118 | 38 | .09816] .99517|| .11552) .99331 |] .13283) .99114 | 39 | 09845! 995141! .11580)| .99327 || .13312| .99110| 40 | .09874| .995114 11609) 99324, 13341 | 99106 | 41 | .09903] .99508}| . 11638] .99320 | .13370 .99102 | 42 | 09932} .99506]| .11667 | .99317 || .13399| .99098 | 43 | .09961| .99503|| .11696| .99314/| .13427 | .99094 44 | 09990] .99500}| .11725)| .99310 || .13456 | .99091 | 45 | 10019} .99497|| .11754|°99307 || .13485 | .99087 46 | .10048| 99494) |..11783|.99303)| .13514 | .99083 | 7 | .10077| .99491|| .11812}.99300)| .13543 | .99079 | 48 | .10106| .99488)| .11840| .99297 || .13572 | .99075 49 | .10135] .99485]| .11869| .99293 || .13600 | .99071 50 | .10164| .99482)| .11898 99290, 13629 | .99067 51 | .10192|.99479|| .11927 | 99286)! . 13658 | .99063 52 | 10221 |.99476|| 11956 | 99283)! 13687 | .99059 53 | 10250) 99473} | .11985|.99279 || .13716 | .99055 | 54 | .10279| 99470] | .12014).99276 || .13744|.99051 55 | .10808).99467|| .12043] 99272 || .13773 | .99047 | 56 | .10337|.994641) . 12071 | .99269 || .13802| .99043 | 57 | 10366! .99461]) .12100' .99265 | 13831 | .99039 | 58 | .10395) 99458] .12129!.99262'| .13860 | .99035 | 59 | 1042499455] .12158!.99258 || .13889|.99031 60 | .10453 | .99452| .12187| 99255 || .13917| 99027) : Cosin | Sine | Cosin| Sine || Cosin | Sine | | 84° 83° 82° XXVII.—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. ge g° Cosin | glo || 80° 450 Sine |Cosin |} Sine |Cosin .13917| .99027 | .15643 | 98769) 60 13946) .99023 || 15672) 98764) 59 .13975| 99019} .15701 98760 58 .14004| .99015 | .15730).98755 | 57 | .14033} .99011|! .15758;.98751 5 .14061 | .99006 | .15787) 98746. 55 .14090 | .99002 || .15816|.98741 54 .14119| .98998 || 15845! .98737 53 . 14148} .98994 || .15873 | .98732. 52 .14177 | .98990 || .15902).98728' 51 -14205 | .98986 recat meen 50 .14234 | .98982 |) .15959|.98718' 49 .14263 | .98978 || .15988|.98714) 48 .14292) .98973 || .16017|.98709' 47 .14320 | 98969 || .16046|.98704 46 .14349 | .98965 || .16074| 98700! 45 .14378 | .98961 |} .16103|.98695! 44 .14407 | .98957 || .16132) .98690| 43 .14436 | 98953}; .16160) .98686) 42 14464} .98948|) . 16189) .98681) 41 14493 | 98944 || .16218) .98676 40 14522| .98940/| .16246| 98671, 39 .14551 | .98936 || .16275 | .98667| 38 .14580 | .98931 || .16304 | .98662) 37 .14608 | 98927 || .16333).98657) 36 “14637 | .98923|| .16361|.98652) 35 .14666| .98919}) .16390) 98648) 34 .14695 | .98914|| 16419 .98643! 33 .14723) .98910]| .16447 | 98638! 32 .14752| .98906 |) .16476 | .98633) 31 14781 | 98902), . 16505 | .98629) 30 .14810! .98897 || .16533|.98624) 29 .14838| .98893 || . 16562 | 98619} 28 .14867! .98889}| .16591|.98614! 27 .14896 | .98884|' . 16620) .98609) 26 .14925 | .98880|) .16648| .98604) 25 .14954 | .98876 || .16677'| 98600) 24 14982} .98871 || .16706 | .98595) 23 .15011 | .98867|| .16734, .98590 | 22 .15040 | 98863 || . 16763 | .98585) 21 .15069 | .98858 |) . 16792) .98580) 2 .15097' | .98854 |) .16820).98575| 19 .15126 | .98849 || .16849 .98570; 18 .15155 | .98845|) .16878 | .98565) 17 15184 | .98841 |! .16906:.98561, 16 .15212 | 98836) .16935 98556 | 15 .15241 | .98832|| .16964' 98551) 14 .15270 | 98827! .16992| .98546| 13 15299 | .98823 || 17021) .98541) 12 .15327 | .98818 || .17050) 98536! 11 -15356 .98814)| .17078 98531 10 15385 | .98809)) .17107|.98526, 9 15414! .98805 || .17186|.98521! 8 15442) 98800 || .17164) 98516) 7 “15471 | 98796 |! 17193) .98511| 6 15500; 98791 |}..17222: .98506| 5 15529. 98787 || .17250}.98501| 4 15557 |. 98782}; 17279 .98496' 3 15586. .987'78|; .17308 .98491| 2 17615 .98773|| .17336| .98486} 1 15643 .98769| | .17365!.98481} 0 Sine Cosin ; Sine A i ia ile ti i i i a ett ltl ee le art er Oe TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. / el | 10° {| 11° a 2° 18° Il 14° / ragits ee | ge = , > oe si / Sine Cosin|| Sine ‘Cosin | Sine Cosin | Sine |Cosin || Sine |Cosin 0 | 17865 . 98481 i “19, 81}. 98163 | 203 ‘91 .97815 | .22495| 97437 || .24192|.97030] 60 1 |.17393 .98476!| .19109|.98157 | .20820 .97809 | .22523|.97430|| .24220| 97023) 59 2 | 17422 .98471 || 191388) .98152 20848 | 97803 | 122552 | 97424 24245 | 97015 | 58 8 | 17451 .98466)) .19167) .98146 | 20877 | 97797 || .22580| 97417 || .24277 | 97008) 57 4 }:17479 .98461)| .19195}.98140 | .20905! 97791 || .22608) .97411 |) 24 305 | 97001 | 56 5 | .17508 .98455 | .19224|.98135 | .20933) .97784 || .22637 | .97404 || .24383 | 96994 | 55 6 | 17537 .98450 | 19252] 93129 | .20962| 97778 | .22665 | 07398 || .24362|.96987) 54 7 | 17565 .98445|| .19281| 98124.) .20990| 97772 | .22693 | .97391 || .24390|.96980| 53 8 | 17594 .98440)| 19309) 93118 | .21019| 97766!) 22722] .97384)| .24418] 96973) 52 9 | 17623 .98435 |} .19333|.98112 | .21047|.97760 | .22750|.97378|| .24446|.96966! 51 10 | .17651 .98430)| .19306|.938107,) .21076).97754 | .22778| 97871 || £24474) .96959 | 50 11 | .17680{.98425)| .19395;.98101 || .21104 ee | -22807 | .97365 || .24503 96952 49 12 | .17708|.98420)| .19423| 98096 || .21182|.97742 | .22835 | .97358 || .24531|.96945) 48 13 | 17737 |.98414!| .19452).98C90 | .21161 ‘oir 22863 | 97351 || .24559 | 96937 | 47 14 | .17766!.98409 | .19181).98084 || .21189] .977 22892 | 97345 || .24587 | .96930| 46 15 | 17794 |.98404)| .19503; .938079 || .21218 1193 . 22020 | .97338 || .24615 | .96923| 45 16 | .17823 | .98399| |: 19533 | .98073 | .21246).97717 | .22948 | 97331 |) .24644} 96916) 44 17 | 17852) .98394|) .19565) 98067 || .21275) 97711 | 22977 | 97825 || .24672). 96909) 43 18 | .17880 |.98389!); 19595) .98961 || .21303|.97705 | .23005 | .97318|| .24700 .96902) 42 19 | .17909 | 98383 | | 119823! 98956 | .21331|.97698 | .23033 | .97311 || .24728|.96894| 41 20 | 17937 |.98378 | -19552) 98050 || .21360) .97692 | 23002 | .97304|| .24756 | .96887) 40 31 | .17966 |.98373]| .19580| 98044 | .21388} .97686 23090 | .97298 || 24784 |.96880| 39 22 | 17995 |.98368/! .19709| .98039 || .21417| .97680 | .23118|.97291 || .24813) 96873) 38 23 | . 18023 | .98362!! .19737| 93033 :) .21445|.97673 | .23146 | 97284) .24841) .96866 | 37 24 | 18052 |.98357 || .19765| .98927'| .21474| .97667)| .23175 |. 972 78 | | 24869 | .96858 | 36 25 | .18081/.98352) 19794) .98021 || .21502) .97661 || .23203 | .97271 |) .24897| .96851 | 35 QE | .18109 | .98347)| .19823] 938916) ) .21530) 97655 || "23231 | 97264 | 24925 | .96844! 34 27 | 18138) .98341 || .19851|.98010 | .21559|.97648!| .23260|.97257)| .24954| 96837) 33 28 | .18166|.98336!| .19880|.98004 | .21587| 97642 || .23238|.97251 ||, .24982| .96829) 32 29 | .18195 | .93331)| .19908} .97998 | 21616} .97635 | .23316 |. 97244 || .25010 | . 96822 | 31 30 | .18224 | 98325) 19937) 97992 || .21644| 97630 || .23345 | .972387 || .25088 | .96815 | 30 81 | .18252|.98320)| 19965) .97987 || .21672 97623 || .23373| .97230|| .25066| .96807| 29 32 | .18281|.98315 | .19994|.97981!| .21701| .97617 || .23401 | 97223) | .25094) .96800) 28 33 | .18309|.98310) 20022) .97975 | .21729) 97611 )| .23429) 97217 || .25122) .96793 | 27 34 | .18338/.98304) .20051|.97969') .21758) 97604 || .23458 | .97210 | (25151 |. 96786 | 26 35 | .18367 | .98299'| .20079).97963 || .21786| 97598 | .23486 | .97203)) .25179) 96778) 25 36 | 18395 | 93294)! .20108| 97958 | .21814| .97592'| .23514|.97196 || .25207| .96771| 24 37 | 18424! 98288 || .20136) .97952 | .21843] .97585)| .23542} 97189 || .25235 | 96764! 23 88 |..18452 98283!) .20165).97946 || .21871) 97579 || .28571|.97182 || .25263 | 96756) 22 39 | .18481 | .98277 |! .20193! 97940; | .21899! 97573); .23599|.97176 || .25291| .96749| 21 40 | .18509| 98272 | .20222).97934 | . 21928) .97565 || .23627 97169 | . 25820 | .96742 | 20 41 | .18538 |;98267 |! .20250| .97928 || .21956) 97560 || .23656 |.97162'| .25348} .96734| 19 2 | .18567 | .98261)) 20279) .97922 .21985 | 97553 || .23684 | .97155) | .25376) .96727| 18 43 | 18595! .98256)) .20307| 97916 | 22013) 97547 || .238712).97148 || .25404| 96719) 17 44 | 18624 | 93250) 20336] .97910 | .22041| 97541 || .23740| .97141|| .25432).96712| 16 45 | .18652 | .98245!' .20364) 97905 | | 22070 | 97534 || .23769 | .97134|) .25460) 96705 | 15 46 | .18681 | .98240;! 20393) .97390 || 22093 | 97528 || 23797 | 97127 || .25488 | .96697| 14 47 | .18710| 98234); .20421 | .97893 )| 2212 26| 97521 || .23825|.97120)| .25516) .96690) 13 48 | .18738) .98229 || .20450 97887 || .22155':.97515 || 23853 |.97113 || .25545| 96682] 12 49 | .18767 | 98223); .20478| .97831 || .22183|).97508 || .23882 | .97106 | 25573) .96675 | 11. 50 | .18795 | .98213)) . ined 91875 || .22212| 97502 -23910 | .97100 | .25601 .96667| 10 5 | 19824| 93212 20535) .97369 | 22240 | .97496 || .23938 |.97093 || .25629:.96660; 9 52 | .18852 98207); .20563 97863 | | 22268 |.97489 | .23966 | 97086 |) .25657- 96653) 5 53 | 18881 | .98201 || .20592) .97857 || .22297 |,.97483 || .23995 | .97079 |; 25685 .96645) 7 54 | 18910) .98196!! .20620) .97851 || 22325! .97476 || .24023] 97072 | .25713 .96638 6 55 | .18988 |.98190 |) .20649| .97845 || .22353 |.97470 || .24051 | .97065 || .2 5741 ,.96630! 5 56 | .18967 |.98185|| .20677) .97839 || .22382 |.97463 24079 | 97058 | |'.25769 296623 |. 4 57 | 18995 .98179|| .20706! 97833 |) .22410°.97457 ||.24108 | .97051 ||. .25798 .96615) 3 58 |.19024 | .98174 || .20734| .97827 |) 22488 .97450 ||. 24136 | 97044 || .25826 .96608 | 2 59} .19052 .98168/| .20763) .97821 || .22467 | .97444 | |-.24164| .97037)| .25854 .96600; 1 60 | 19081 .98163)) .20791 | 97815 || .22495 97437 oeeaeee fiend | .25882 .96593) 0 | Cosin Sine | | Cosin | Sine | | (Cosin Sine || Cosin | Sine » | Cosin Sine : | 79° NOES ! | 76° ll ‘15° 16 ie) an 18° TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. __19° Sine |Cosin 27564 | .96126 | .96118 | 96110! 96102 | 96094 | . 96086 | 96078 | 96070 || 96062 | . 96054 | 96046 | . 96037 . 96029 ; 96021 27955! . . 96005 95997 . 95989 . 95981 95972 | . 95964 . 95956 95948 . 95940 95931 . 96923 .95915 28318) . 95898 .95890 . 95882 27592 | . 27620 27648 | 27676 | 27704 | 27781 27759 20787 | .27815' 27843 | Ri 71! 27899 | 27927 | 27983 | .28011 28039 | .28067 28095 | . 28123 | .28150 28178! . 28206 | 28234 | 28262 | 28290 | 28346 | 28374 | 28402 | 28429 | 28457 | 28485 | 28513 | 28541 28569 | 28597 28625 28652 | 28680. 28708 | 28736 28792 | 28520 28847 | 28875 | 28908 | 28931 | . 28987 | 29015: 29042 29070 29098 | 29126 | . 29154 29182 . 29209: 29287 | Cosin | 95782 28764 |. 95766 95757 95749 "951740 95732 95724 28959. 95707 95698 95690 95681 95673 | | 95656 . 95647 . 95630 96013 95907 95874 . 95865 95857 . 95849 . 95841 . 95832 . 95824 . 95816 . 95807 95799 95791 9577 95715 95664 95639 Sine | | | | | .82997 | .94399 | 33983 | 94049 | 84011 | .94039 | 84038 | .94029 Sine |Cosin » BR557 | 94552 | 82584 | 94542 | . 32612} .94533) ¢ 82639 | 94523 | 32667 | 94514 | 82694 | 94504 | 182722 | 94495 | 382749 | 94485 82777 |. 94476 | 82804 | 94466 | - 82832 | 94457 82859 | 94447 . B2887 | 94438 .82914) 94428 | .82942| 94418 32969 | 94409 .33024| 94390 33051 } 94380 33079 | .94370 33106 | .94361 33134 | 94351 33161 | 94342 33189 | 94332 | 33216 | 94322 | 88244! 94313 | .33271 | 94303 | 83298 94293 | . 383326 | .94284 | .83353 | .94274 . 83381 | 94264 33408 | .94254 | 33436 | 94245 83463 | 94235 33490 | 94225 33518 | .94215 33545 | 94206 33573 | .94196 | 33600 | 94186 33627 | 94176 33655 | 94167 83682} 94157 | .33710| 94147 | 88737 | 94137 | 83764 | .94127 | 83792 | 94118 33819 94108 33846 | .94098 | 33874 | .94088 33901 | 94078 .33929 | .94068 33956 | .94058 84065 | .94019 . 84093 | 94009 .94120 | .93999 34147 | 93989 | || 84175 | 98979 | 34202) 98969 Cosin | Sine |: ' x, 15° Sine | Cosin 0 | .25882] 96593 | 1 | .25910) .96585 | 2 | .25938) 96578 | 8 | .25966! .96570| 4 | 25994) .96562| 5 | .26022) .96555 6 | .26050) 96547 | 7 | .26079) .96540| 8 | .26107) 96532} 9 | 26135) 96524 10 | .26163! 96517’ 11 | .26191| 96509) 12 | .26219) 96502 | HL 13 | .26247) 96494 | 14 | .26275| .96486 | | | 15 | .26303] .96479 | 16 | 26331) .96471 17 | .26359| .96463 | . 18 |. 26387 | 96456 | We 19 | .26415} .96448| Ha 20 | .26443 06140) vi 21 | .26471| 96433; Vill 22 | 26500) .96425 | Bat 23 | 26528) 96417; . 24 | 26556) 96410, HE it 25 | .26584) .96402 i 26 | .26612) .96394 | hil 27 | .26640) .96386 | 28 | .26668 | 96379! 29 | .26696) .96371 | 80 | .26724| 96363) 31 | .26752| .96355 | 2 | 26780) .96347 | | 33 | .26808] 96340] fi 34 | .26836| .96332 | WW 35 | 26864] .96324 | i 36 | .26892) .96316 | Hh, 37 | £26920} .96308 | { 38 | .26948| 96301 | Tt 39 | .26976| .96293 | ii 40 | .27004! . 96285 | 41 | 27032) . 96277 | Bee: 2 | .27060) .96269 | aN 43 | .27088} .96261 | Bae il 44 | .27116| .96253 45 | .27144| .96246} HEL 46 | .27172) . 96238 | \ 47 | .27200| .96230! WM) 48 | 27228} 96222) . 49 | 27256] .96214 | 50 | .27284) .96206 51 | .27312| .96198 52 | 27340] 96190 53 | 27368} .96182 54 | 27396) .96174 55 | .27424! .96166 56 | 27452! .96158' 57 | .27480) .96150 58 | .27508) .96142 59 | 27536) .96134 60 | .27564! 96126; Cosin| Sine / 74° | 73° Sine Cosin |, Sine |Cosin || . 29237 .95630 || .30902 | .95106 29265 | .95622 |! .30929 | .95097 29293 .95613 .30957 | .95088 .29321 | 95605 .30985| 95079 .29348 | .95596 |. .31012| .95070 .29376| 95588 .31040| 95061 29404) 95579 .31068| .95052 29432] .95571) | 81095 | .95043 29460! 95562) .31123)| 95033 29487 | .95554|) 81151 | .95024 .29515} .95545 | .31178]| .95015 29543|-.95536 || .81206/.95006 29571 | 95528! 31233) .94997 . 29599 | -95519 |) .81261| .94988 | .29626| .95511 |! .31289) .94979 | 29654} .95502 || .31316' .94970 .29682) 95493 |; 31344) 94961 .29710| .95485 || .31372) .94952 .29737|".95476 || 813899 | .94943 .29765 | .95467 || .381427| 94933 29793) .95459 | 81454 94924 | .29821 | .95450!| .31482) .94915 | 29849 | 95441 |) 81510! .94906 .29876 | 95433 || .81537| .94897 .29904) .95424|) 81565 | .94888 || .29982) 95415 |) .81593| .94878 . 29960} .95407 || .31620/ .94869 .29987| 95398 || .31648| .94860 80015} .95389 || 31675! 94851 80043 | 95380 || .31703! 94842 80071 95372, .81730| .94832 80098] .95363 | .31758| .94823 .80126 | 95354)! .81786| .94814 80154} .95345 |) .31813| .94805 .80182| .95387 || .81841 | .94795 .80209| 95328 || .81868] .94786 . 80237 | .95319|| .31896| .94777 .80265 | .95310|| .31923] .94768 . 80292). 95301 || .81951| .94758 . 80320) . 95293 || .81979| .94749 . 80348} .95284 || .82006| .94'740 .80376| .95275 || .82034] .94730 .80403 | .95266 || .32061 | .94721 . 80431 | .95257 || 32089! .94712 80459 | 95248!) .32116| 94702 80486 | .95240 || 32144] 94693 .80514| 95281 || .32171| .94684 80542! 95222 }| .82199| .94674 .80570! .95213 || .82227) .94665 || .80597 | 95204 || .32254] .94656 . 80625 | 95195 || .82282} 94646 .80653 | .95186 || .82309| .94637 | 80680] .95177 || .82337| .94627 | .30708|.95168 | 82364] .94618 .80736 |.95159 || .82892] .94609 . 80763 | .95150 || .82419| .94599 | .80791 | .95142)| .82447] 94590 .80819 | .95133 || .382474| .93580 | | 30846 |. 95124 || .82502! 94571 | 30874 |.95115 || .32529) .94561 .80902 |.95106 || 82557) 94552 Cosin | Sine || Cosin} Sine | ee 71° i 70° 452 , 60 59 hes ig ia cen cameos » TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. gz 20° |_21°_ji_2ae 23° 94° Sine Cosin | Sine Cosin | Sine Cosin | Sine \Cosin |! Sine Cosin | 0 | 34202). 93969 || 35837 | 93358)! .387461 92718 | _39073 | 92050 || .40674 .91355' 60 1 | .34229/ 93959 |) 85864 93348) 37488 | .92707 || 39100! .92089 || .40700 .91343 59 9 | 3425793949 || 35891 | .93837|| 37515 | .92697) 39127 | .92028 || .40727 .91331! 58 3 | .34284| .93939|| .35918 93327 || .37542| .92686 ||'.39153| 92016 || 40753 .91319 57 4 | 34311) .93929]|| 35945) .93316|| 87569) .92675 || .39180| .92005 || .40780 .91807 56 5 | .34339)| .93919|| 85973) .93306'| 37595! .92664|| .89207| .91994 || .40806 .91295 55 || 6 | .34366| .93909 || .36000) 93295 '| .37622| .92653|| .39234 | .91982 || .40883|.91283 54 7 | 34393] .93899 || .36027 |. 93285 37649 |. 92642|| .89260| .91971 || .40860 .91272 53 . 8 | 34421 | 93889 || .36054! 93274) | .37676 | .92631|| .89287| .91959 || .40886 | .91260 52 9 | .34448| .93879|| .36081 | 93264 | .37°703 | .92620|| .89314|.91948}| .40913! 91248 51 10 | 34475] .93869|| .36108 | .93253)| .37730] .92609|| .89341 | 91936 || .40939|.91286 50 | 11 | 34503 | .93859 86135) .93243]| 37757) .92598}| .89367| .91925]| 40966] 91224! 49 | 12 | 34530| .93849|| .36162/ .93232|| .387784| .92587|| .89394| .91914|| .40992) 91212 48 ie | 13 | .34557| 93839 || .36190] .93222 ‘37811 || 92576 || .89421 | .91902|| .41019| .91200) 47 . 14 | 34584! .93829|| 86217) .93211 "37838 | .92565 || 89448] 91891 || .41045|.91188) 46 | 45 | 84612) .93819|| .36244| .93201 | 37865 | .92554 .89474| 91879 || 41072] .91176| 45 16 | .34639| .93809|| .36271 | .93190|| .87892/ .92543}| 89501 | .91868 || .41098| .91164 | 44 | 17 | 34666} .93799|| .86298| .93180|} 37919! .92532|| .89528 | .91856 || .41125|.91152 43 18 | 34694) .93789 | 86825] .93169 37946 | 92521 || 89555 91845 || .41151|.91140; 42 . 19 | .34721|.93779|| .36352/ .93159)| .87973] .92510|| .89581 | 91833 || 41178) 91128) 41 . 20 | 34748 93769 ‘36379 03118) .87999 | .92499|| .39608 | .91822/| .41204|.91116) 40 | 21 | 34775 | .93759|| .86406| .93187!| .88026 | .92488 || .89635| .91810)| .41231}.91104) 39 2 | 34803 | .93748 || 86434) .93127|| .88053 | .92477|| .39661| .91799|| .41257|.91092) 38 23 | 34830] .93738 || .86461 | .93116|| .88080) .92466 || 89688 | 91787 || 41284) .91080 37 24 | 84857! .93728 || .36488] .93106]| .88107 | .92455 || .89715| .91775 || .41310| 91068) 36 | 25 | 84884! 93718 || 86515 | .93095)| .88134! .92444|| 39741 | 91764 | 41387) .91056 35 | 26 | .84912| 93708 || .86542 .93084|| .88161 | .92432)| 89768] 91752 || .41363|.91044) 34 27 | 34939 | 93698]! .86569| 93074 |; 88188] .92421 || .39795| .91741 || .41390) 91032! 33 | 28 | 34966 | 93688 || .36596 | .93063)| .88215 .92410)| 39822} 91729 |] .41416| .91020 32 29 | 34993 | 93677 || .86623/ 93052]; 28241! .92899|| 89848} .91718|| .41443] 91008 | 31 | 30 | 35021 | .93667 -36650| .93042) eng: .89875 | 91706 || .41469) .90996 30 31 | .35048| .9365? || .86677 | 93031 || .38295| 92377]! 39902) .91694 || .41496 90984! 2 82 | .35075| .93647 || "36704 -93020|! .88322 ees .89928| .91683 || .41522| 90972) 2 33 | .35102! .93637 || .86731! .93010|| .88349 | .92355|| 89955) .91671 || 41549} 90960) 27 . | 94 | 351301. 93626)! .86758| 929991! 88376! .92343 || .39982) .91660}| .41575| .90948) 26 35 | .35157 | .93616 || 86785 | .92988'| .88403| .92332]) .40008|.91648|| .41602/ .90936 | 25 36 | 35184! :93606 | 36812 .92978 | .38430! .92321 || .40035| 91636 || .41628].90924' 24 37 | .35211| 93596 | 86839 .92967 | .38456) .92310|| .40062) .91625|| .41655).90911| 23 38.| 85239 .93585 | .86867 | 92956 | .88483 | .92299|| .40088| 91618 || .41681 | .90899| 22 39 | .35266|.93575 | .36894 | .92945 | 88510) .92287|| .40115| .91601 || .41707| 90887! 21 40 | .85293| .93565_ 36921 |. 2935 || .88537'| 92276 || .40141 | .91590|| .41784 | .90875 | 20 ‘41 | 85320) .93555 | .86948 | .92924 || .88564| 92265 || .40168] .91578 || .41760) .90863) 19 42 | 35347| 93544 | 36975 | .92913|| _88591| _92254/| .40195) .91566 |) .41787| 90851! 18 | 43 | .35375|.93534 | .87002/ .92902!| .88617) 92243] .40221 | .91555 || .41813) 90839 17 | 44 | 35402! _93524'| .3702 | 92892 || 38644) 92231 || 40248] 91543 | .41840/ .90826| 16 45 | 35429! .93514 | .87056| .92881 || .88671 | .92220|| .40275| .91531 || .41866| .90814| 15 . \ 46 | 35456! .93503.| .87083! .92870 || .88698 | .922 309 | "40301 .91519|| .41892/.90802) 14 7 | 35484 93493 | 87110 .92859|| .38725' 92 2198 | .40828 | .91508 || .41919| .90790| 18 48 | .35511|.93483 | .87137| .92849|| .88752 | .92186 || .40855 | .91496|| .41945) 90778) 12 49 | 35538) .93472 | .37164!.92838 |} .38778| .92175|| .40881 | .91484 || .41972|.90766| 11 50 | .35565 | .98462 | .87191}.92827 |! .88805).92164|| .40408 .91472|| .41998] .90753) 10 51 | 35592! .93452 | 87218] 92816]! .38882! .92152/| .40434 .91461 || .42024].90741} 9 ! 52 | 35619! .93441 | .87245} 92805 || .88859 | 92141 || .40461 .91449 || .42051| .90729| 8 53 | .35647| .93431 || .87272| .92794 | 38886 | 02150 40488 .91437|| .42077|.90717| 7 | 54 | 35674) 93420 | .37299| .92784|| .88912' 92119) .40514 .91425]| .42104|.90704| 6 55 | 35701! 93410 | .37326| .92773|' .38939!.92107!| .40541 .91414)/ .42130|.90692] 5 | 56 | 35728} .93400 | .87353| .92762!) 88966 .92096 || .40567 .91402 || .42156|.90680| 4 7 | .85755| .93389 | .87380| 92751 |) .88993'.92085 |) 40594 .91390 || .42183] 90668] 3 58 | 357821 .93379 | .87407 "92740 39020 .92073 || .40621 .91378|| .42209!.90655; 2 59 | 35810! .93368 | .87434).92729|) 39046’ .92062||.40647 .91366 || .42235/.90643| 1 60 | 85837 93358 | .37461|.92718) 39073 .92050 | 40674 91355 || 42262) -90631| 0 | : Cosin | Sine || Cosin | Sine | Cosin | Sine | Cosin Sine Cosin | Sine . 69° | 682 67> ~—s«d||=s«G 65° 458 TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. iz | 62° Co OT = COC ||| a a ee Cy aaa | ue ae” Sine |Cosin || Sine |Cosin || Sine |Cosin | Sine |Cosin | Sine |Cosin 0 | .42262 | .90631 || .43837|.89879|| .45399 | 89101 |) .46947 | .88295 | .48481 | 87462] 60 1 | .42288/ .90618 || .48863) .89867 || .45425 | .89037 || .46973 | .88281 || .48506 | .87448) 59 2 | .42315 | .90606 || .48889| .89854 || .45451| 89074 || .46999 | .88267 || .48582 | .87434) 58 3 | .42341 | 90594 || 48916} 89841 |) .45477) .89061 || .47024| 88254 || .48557 | .87420|. 57 4 | .42367 | .90582 || .48942] .89828 |} .45503| 89048 || .47050| .88240 || .48583 | 87406) 5 5 | .42394 | .90569 || 48968 | .89816 || .45529 | .89035 || .4'7076 | .88226 || .48608 | .87391} 55 6 | .42420) .90557 || .48994| .89803 || .45554| 89021 }| .47101 | .88213 || .48634) .87377| 54 7 | .42446 ; 90545 |) .44020) .89790 || .45580 | .89008 || .47127| 88199 || .48659 | .87363! 53 8 | .42473 | 90532 |) .44046 | 89777 || 45606 | £88995 |) .47153 | .88185 || .48684 | .87349 | 52 9 | 42499) .90520 |) .4407'2| 89764 || .45632] .88981 || .47178 | .88172 || .48710| .87335| 51 10 | .42525/.90507 || .44098| 89752), .45658| .88968 || .47204 | .88158 || .48735 | .87321 | 40 11 | .42552! .90495 |) .44124) .89739 |) .45684| .88955 || .47229| .88144 || .48761 | .87306) 49 | 12 | .42578| 90483 |] .44151/ .89726]|| 45710] .88942 || .47255 | .88130 || .48786| .87292| 48 ) 13 | .42604) 90470 || .44177' .89713 || .45736 | .88928 || .47281] .88117 || .48811 | 87278} 47 14 | .42631 | 90458 || 44203; .89700 || .45762] .88915 || .47806 | .88103 || .48837 | .87264| 46 15 | .42657 | .90446 || .44229 | .89687'|| .45787 | .88902 || .47332] 88089 || .488621.87250) 45 16 | .42683| 90433 |) 44255) .89674 || .45813].88888 |) .47358] .88075 || .48888|.87235} 44 | ‘ 17 | .42709) .90421 || .44281| .89662}| .45839 | .68875 || .47383 | 88062 || .48913! 87221 | 43 18 | .42736 ;.90403 || .44307} .89649 || .45865 | .88862 || .47409|.88048 || .48938|.87207| 42 19 | .42762| .90396 || .44333! .89636 || .45891 | 88848 || .47434 | .88034 |) .48964 -87193 | 41 20 | .42788 | 90383 | 44359 | 89623 || .45917 | .88835 || .47460 | 88020 || .48989 | .87178| 40 21 | 42815] .90371 || .44885).89610|| .45942| .88822 || 47486 |. 88006 || 49014 .87164| 39 2 | 42841) 90358 || .44411| .89597 || .45968| 88808 || .47511| .87993 || .49040|.87150] 38 23 | .42867 | 90346 |) 44437! 89584 || .45994) .88795 || .47537 | 87979 || .49065 | .87136| 37 24 | 42894) 90334 || 44464) 89571 || .46020|.88782!) .47562|.87965 || .49090] .87121| 36 i 25 | .42920) .90321 || .44490] .89558 || .46046| .88768 || .47588 | 87951 || .49116]| .87107 | 35 i 26 | .42946| .90309 || .44516) .89545 || .46072|.88755 || .47614| .87937 || .49141|.87093| 34 27 | 42972} 90296 |) 44542) 89532 || .46097 | .88741 || .47639 | 87923 || .49166| .87079| 3: Hii 28 | .42999 | 90284 || 44563! .89519 || .46123| .88728 || .47665 | .87909 || .49192] .87064 | 32 | 29 | .43025 | 9271 |) .44594) 89506 || .46149| .887'15 |} .47690 | 87896 || .49217) 87050} 31 4 30 | .48051| .90259 |! .44620) .89493 || .46175| .88701 || .47716 |. 87882 || .49242) .87036} 30 a) 31 | .48077) .90246 | .44646] .89480|| .46201 | .88688 || .47741 | .87868 || .49268}.87021] 29 Hy 2 |.43104/ 90233 || .44672) .89467|| .46226 | 88674 |! .47767 | .87854 || .49293] .87007| 28 Pit 33 | 43130) .90221 || .44698} .89454]] .46252| .88661 || .47793 | .87840 || .49318} .86993} 27 i 34 | 43156} .90203 || .44724) .89441|| .46278| 88647 || .47818 | 87826 || .49344| .86978| 2 iM 35 | .48182) .90195 || 44750} .89428 || .46304| .88634 || .47844| .87812|| .49369] 86964) 25 i 36 | 43209) .90183 || .447'76) .89415]| .46330| .88620|| .47869 |.87798 || .49394| .86949|-2 Wh 37 | 48235) 90171 || 44802) .89402]) .46355| .88607 || .47895 | 87784 || .49419| .86935| 23 HI 88 | .43261 | .90153 || .44828) .89389]| .46381 | .88593 || .47920 | .877'70 || .49445| .86921 | 22 39 | .43287) 90146 | 44854 .89376 || .46407 | .88580)| .47946 | .87756 || .49470} 86906} 21 40 | .43313 | .90133 | .44880) .89363 || .46433 .88566 || .47971 | 87743 || .49495| .86892| 2 41.| .48340] 90120 | .44906| .89350 |! .46458 | .88553}| .4'7997’| .87729 || .49521].86878] 19 42 | .43366 90103 | 44932) .89337|| .46484! .88539 || .48022) .87715 || .49546| .86863| 18 43 | .43392 | 90095 || .44958) .80324|| .46510) .88526 || .48048) .87701 || 49571} 86849} 17 44 | .48418) 90052 || 44984) .89311]| .46536 | .88512]| .48073 | .87687 || .49596| .86834| 16 45 | .43445} 9000 || .45010; .89298 || .46561 | .88499|| .48099! .87673 || .49622] .86820| 15 46 | .48471) .90057 || 45036) .89285 || .46587 | .88485 | -48124 | .87659 || 49647) .86805| 14 | 47 | 48497) 90045 |) 45062) .89272 |) .46613 | .88472|| .48150|.87645 || .49672| 86791] 13 ' 48 | 43523] .90032 || .45088| .89259]| .46639 | .88458]| .48175 |.87631 || .49697 | .8677'7| 12 49 | .43549 90019}; 45114) .89245 |) .46664' .88445 |! .48201 | .87617|| .49723] 86762} 11 50 | .48575/ 90007 || .45140] .89232) .46690|.88431 || .48226 |.87603 || .49748] .86748| 10 51 | 43602 89994 | 45166 | .89219|' .46716 | .88417| | .48252].87589 || .49773} .86733 52 | .43628] .89981 |) .45192| .89205| .46742| 8840! .48277] .87575 || .49798| .86719 53 | .43654/ .89968 |) .45218] .89193|! .46757 | .68399|| .48303|.87561 || .49824| .86704 54 | 43680} .89956 || .45243|.89180), 46793 | .88377'|| .48328 |.87546 || .49849 | .86690 55 | .43706 | .89943 || .45269|.89167|' .46819| .88363|| .48354|.87582|| .49874] .86675 56 | .48733] .89930 || 45295} .89153|) .46844 | .88349| | .48379|.87518|| .49899| .86661 57 | .43759| .89918 || .45321 | 89140} .46870|.88336 | |’.48405 |.87504/| .49924] 86646 | 58 | .43785) .89905 || .45347! .89127 || .46896 | .88322 || .48430 |.87490 || .49950| .86632| 2 | 59 | .438811) 89892 || .45373}.89114|| .46921 | 88308 || .48456 | 87476 || .49975|.86617) 1 | 60 | 43837 | .89879 || .45399| 89101 || -46947 | 88295 |! .48481 | 87462) | .50000) .86603| 0 ; Reco Sine || Cosin| Sine | Cosin | Sine |, Cosin } Sine p eae Sine f ee ee ~ \ | = | 64° | 63° 61° 60° TABLiC XAVi © | .50000 | :86603 | | 50025 | .86588 | | 50050} .86573 | 3 | .50076 | .86559 | 50101 | .86544 | .50126 | .86530 | | .50151|.86515 .50176 | .86501 | | 50201 | .86486 | 50227 | 86471 | 50252] .86457 2 | 50302 | .86427 50327 | .86413 | .50352} .86398 | 50377 | .86384 50403 | .86369 -50428| .86354 50453 | 86340 | ne | fek e at ae NQOUBWWRH COOVIMWOILWWeH (@ 2) rw .50503 | .86310 21 | .50528 | .86295 22 | .50553 | .86281 | 23 | 50578 | .86266 Lav) Bag 1D 2 v 50628 |. 86237 26 | .50654 | .86222 97 | 50679 .86207 28 | .50704| .86192| 29 | 50729) .86178 | 30 | .50754|.86163 31 | .50779| .86148 | 32 | .50804|.86133 | | .50829|.86119 34 | 50854 86104 35 | .50879|.86089 | | 3G | 50004| 86074 | | i | | ri oO oe co ~) ) 2 37 | .50929 | .86059 38 | 509541 86045 | 00979 | .86030 40 | 51004! .86015. 41 | .51029) .86000 | 42 | 51054|.85983 | 43 | 51079 |.85970 44 | 511041" 85956 45 | 51129) .85941 | | 46 | 51154) .85926 ; 47 | .51179|.85911 | 48 | 51204! .85896 | 49 | 51229). 85881 | 50 | .51254 | .85866 51 | .51279|.85851. 52 | 51304 | .85836 | 53 | .51329) 85821 | | 54 | .51354|. 85806 55 | 51379) 85792 56 | 51404] .85777 BY | 51429). 85762 58 | 51454! 85747 | 59 | 51479) 85732 60 | 51504! 85717 oo oc - 50277 | 86442 | 50478 | 86325 | 50603 | .86251 | .51823 .51852 | .52026 opel | ae ae Sine |Cosin | .51504 51529 | 51554 | .51579 | 51604 .51628 | 51653 .51678 .51703 51728 51753 | 51778 | 51803 | 51877 .51902 .01927 .51952 51977 52002 | 52051 52076 .52101 .52126 02151 .O2175 .52200 | 52225 92250 52275 02299 52324 52349 52374 .52399 52428 52448 02473 52498 02522 S247 52072 le -02597 | .52621 .52646 .52671 . 52696 .52720 .52745 20% .52794 .52819 52844 .52869 .52893 .52918 .52943 .52967 | . 52992 Cosin 85717 || .52992' 84805 .85702 || .53017) .84789 85687 || .53041} 84774 .85672 || 58066) .64759 85657 || .53091 | .84743 85642 | .53115) .84728 .85627 |! .58140) .84712 85612 || .58164| .84697 85597 || .58189| .84681 85582 || .53214| .84666 85567 || .532388 | .84650 85551 || 58263} .84635 | 85536 || .538288!.84619 85521 || .53312 | .84604 85506 || .53337 | .84588 85491 || .53361 | 85476 || .53386 | 84557 | .85461 ||-.53411) .84542 | 85446 || 53435 | 84526 85431 || .58460) 84511 | 85416 || .53484) .84495 | .85401 || .53509 | .84480, 85385 || .53534) 84464 .85370 | .53558 | 84448 85355 || .53583 | .84433 | .85340 || .53607 | .85325 || .53632 | 84402 .85310 || .53656 | 84386 .85294'| .53681 | 84370 .85279 | 53705 | 84355 see .53730 | 84339 85249 || 53754 | 84324 .85234 || .537'79 | .84308 85218 || .53804 | 84292 .85203 || 53828 | 84277 85188 || .538853 | .84261 .85173 || .53877 | 84245 .85157 || .53902} .84230 .85142 || .53926 | 84214 85127 || .53951 | 84198 .85112 | 53975! 84182 .85096 || .54000 85081 || .54024| 84151 | .85066 || .54049 .85051 || .54073| 84120 .85035 || .54097|.84104 | .85020 || .54122| 84088 .85005 | .54146}| .84072: .84989 || 54171} .84057 | 84974 | 54195) .84041 || 84959 || 54220) .84025 | 84943 '| 54244! 84009 | 84928 || 54269) .83994 | 84913 || 54293 | 84897 || 54317! .83962 | 84882 | 54342 |.83946| (84866 || .54366 | .83930) 84851 || 54391! 83915 | 84836 | if 84820 | .54440' 83883 | 84805 | 54464) .83867 Sine |Cosin 84575 84417 ,84167 | 84135 | .83978 .54415! 83899 Sine |Cosin| Sine || Cosin | | Cosin | Sine | | i Soe. | 33° IL—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. 34° 54854 | '54878 | 54902 4927 54951 | AQT | 54999 | 55024 55048 | (55072 | 55097 | "55121 | 155145 | 55169 55194 | .55218 | 55242 | £5266 | 55291 | 55315 | 55339 | 55363 | 55388 | 55412 .55436 | 55460 | 55484 | .55509 55533 | LBBBDT | 55581 | 55605 | 55630 B5GD4 | 55678 | 55702 55726 | .BDT5O B5G75 | 5S799 .5b823 55847 | 55871 55895 55919 | Sine |Cosin .54464 .54488 .54513 .54537 | .54561 | 54586 .54610 54635 | | 54659 .54683 .54708 54732 | .54756 54781 54805 | .54829 | . 83645 || .56256 83629 || .56280 83618 || .56805 83597 || .56329 83581 || .56353 83565 || 563877 .83549 || .56401 | . 83533 || 56425 (83517 ||-.56449 | 83501 | 56473 83485 | .56497 (83469 || .56521 (83453 || .56545 83437 || .56569 (83421 || .56593 -83405 || .56617 .88389 || .56641 | 83373 || .56665 (88356 ||. .56689 .83340 || 56713 88324 || .56736 .83308 || .56760 83292 || .56784 | 88276 || .56808 | “$3260 | .56882 83244 || 56856 88228 | .56880 88212 || 56904 83195 | 83179 83163 || .56976! .83147 | 83131 || ..57024| (88115 || 57047 | 88098 .| 57071 -83082 | 57095 -§3066 |; .57119). 83050 | 83084 ||..57167 88017 | .57191 83001 || 57215 -82985 ||57238 82969 ~ 82953 | 1-. 57286 “82936 |. 82920 | 82904 Sine || C .56088 .56160 | | 56928 | .56952 57000 | 57143 pt ard .57 262 Sine |Cosin .83867 || 55919 | 83851 || 55943 | 83835 || .55968 83819 || .55992 | .83804|! .56016). .83788 || .56040 | 83772 || 56064 83756 | 83740 || .561121. .83724 || 56136 | .837u8 .83692|| .56184 83676 | | .56208 83660] | .56232 82904) 60 82887 | 82871 82855 82839 RVQOW -OROKG + 82806 .82790 5: eorry e 82757 82741 82724 82708 82692 | ¢ 82675 | 82659 82643 82626 82610 82593 82577 | 82561 82544 .82028 * 82511 82495 82478 82462 82446 82429 82413 § 82396 82380 82363 82347 82330) 82314! 2 82297 | 82281 82264 | 2 82248 5008 | 82214 | 82198 | 82181 | 82165 | 82148 82132 82115 | “82098 82082 82065 | 82048 | 82082 | 82015 | 81999 | 81982 | “81965 81949 | 81932 58) 81915 | sae | mee 56° 455 Sine | ; TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES., 35° ~ Sine Cosin | | ee 38° | | | | | 36° Sine |Cosin 58779. 80902 | | 58802} .80885 | .58826 |. 80867 | .58849 |. 80850 | | 58873 | .80833 58896 | .80816 | 58920 | .80799 | | 58943 | 80782 | .58967 | 80765 58990 | .80748 .59014 | .80730 .59037 | 80713 59061 | .80696 .59084 |. 80679 | 59108 | 80662 59131 | 80644 59154! 80627 | .59178 | .80610 .59201 | .80593 59225 | 80576 59248} .80558 .59272 | 80541 59295 |. 80524 .59318} .80507 -59342) .80489 59365 | .80472 59389 | 80455 59412) 80438 59436} .80420 .59459 | .80403 . 59482! 80386 59506 | .80368 .59529 | .80351 .59552 | 80334 .59576 | .80316 59599} .80299 | .59622/ 80282 . 59646 | . 80264 .59669 | 80247 ; | .59693 | 80230 | | 59716 | 80212, .59739 | .80195 .59763 | .80178 | .59786 | .80160 | | .59809/ .80143 .59832 | .80125 || 59856 | .80108 | .59879 | .80091 .59902 | .80073 | 59926 | 80056 | .59949 -80038 | 59972} 80021 | .59995! 80003 | 60019} .79986 | .60042 | .7'9968 | 60065 | .79951 60089 | ..79934. | .60112).79916 | .60135 | .79899 .60158 | .79881 60182) .79864 |; Cosin | Sine | Sine \Cosin | .60182 | .79864 | 60205 | .79846 | . 60228 | .79829 60251 | .79811 | 60274 | .79793 60298 |. 79776 . 60321 | 79758 | 60344 | 79741 | .60367 | .79723 | . 60390! .'79706 | 60414 | 79688 | .60437 | 79671 | 60460 .79653 .60483 | .79635 .60506 | .79618 .60529 | .79600 | . 60553 | .'79583 | 60576 | . 79565 | 60599 | 79547 61566 | 61589 | 60622 | 79580 .60645 | .79512 60668 | 79494 60691 | 79477 60714 | .79459 60738 | .79441 60761 | 79424 60784 | 79406 | .60807 | .79388 60830 | 79871 | 60853 | .79353 | .60876 | .79335 .60899 | 79318 .60922 | 79300 60945 | 79282 | 60968 | 79264 | 60991 | 79247 61015 | 79229 | 61038 | 79211 | 61061 | 79193 | .61084 | 79176 | 61107 | 79158, .61130| 79140! 61153 | 79122 | 61176 |. 61199 | 61222 | 61245 | 61268 | 61291 61314 61337 61360) 61383 | .61406 | 61429 61451 | 61474 61497 | 61520 79105 || 79087 | 79069 | 79051 . (9033 79016 || 78998 | | 78980 | | | . 78962 | 78944 || . 78926 | | . 78908 | | 78891 | | 78873 | | . 78855 | | 78837 | | 61543 | 78819 | .61566 | . 78801 Cosin | Sine || . 78801 | | T8783 | | Wee ae Sine |Cosin || Sine 62932 62955 | Cosin fd . T7696) 5$ oO 15 pipded oe 0 | 57358! 81915! .57B81 : .81899 2 57405. .81882 3 | .57429' 81865 | 4 | .57453' 81848 5 | 57477} 81832) 6 .57501! .81815/ 7 | 57524) 81798 8 .57548) .81782 9 | .57572| 81765 10 | .57596) .81748 11 | 57619! .81731 12 | .57643|.81714| 13 | .57667| .81698 14 | .57691|.81681 15 | 57715! .81664 16 | 57738) 81647 | 17 | 57762) 81631 18 | 57786) .81614| . 19 | 57810! .81597| nh 20 | .57833! .81580 a 21 | 57857! 81563 Hirata 22 | 57881) .81546 Be 23 | 57904) 81530) i 24 | 57928) 81513 | 25 | 57952) 81496 :. 26 | .57976| .81479| 27 | .57999| .81462' 28 | 58023! 81445 | 29 | 58047) 81428 | i 80 | .58070.81412) 31 | 58094) 81395 | : 82 | 58118) 81378) 33 | 58141) .81361 | i 34 | 58165) .81344, it 85 | 58189) .81327 | Ny 36 | 58212] 81310. 87 | .58236) .81293 | | 38 | .58260/ .81276 | at 39 | 58283 | 81259. i 40 | .58307/.81242 pH 41 " 58380) 812951 42 | 58354! .81208 | | 43 | 58378) 81191 | 44 | 58401) .81174' 45 | 58425) .81157| 46 | 58449, 81140 / 4 | 58472; 81193} 48 | 58496) .81106 | 49 | 58519} .81089 | 50 | .58543}.81072 | 51 | .58567!.81055 52 | .58590) .81038 | 53 58614) 81021, 54 | 58637) 81004 | 55 | 58661 | 80987 56 | 58684 | .80970 || 57 | 58708] 80953 58 | .58731/ .80936 59 .58755| .80919 60 | .58779! .80902 | : 'Cosin | Sine | = 53°C 52° .61612 | .78765 || .629771 .7%678| 58 .61635 | .78747 || .63000' .77660') 57 .61658 | .78729 | .63022 .77641 | 56 .61681 | 78711 || 68045 | .77623| 55 .61704 | .78694 || .63068' 77605) 54 .61726 | .78676 || .63090' .'77586! 53 .61749| . 78658 || 63113! .77568! 52 .61772| .78640 || .63135 °.7'7550! 51 61795 | .78622 | 63158) .77581 50 61818] 78604 | .63180! 77513} 40 .61841 | 78586 || .63203!.77494| 48 61864 | 78568 || .63225 .7'7476| 47 .61887 | 78550 || .63248 77458] 46 61909 | 78582 || 68271 77439) 45 .61932 | 78514 || .63293'.7'7421| 44 .61955 | .78496 || .63316 .'77402) 43 .61978 | 78478 || 63338 .7'7384| 42 .62001 | .78460|| .63361 .77366) 41 62024) .78442 || 63383 .77347) 40 "62046| 78424 | .63406 | .7'7329 39 | 62069 |. 78405 || .63428 77310) 88 | -62092| .78387 |) .63451 °.77292 37 62115 | .78369 | 63473! _77273| 36 .62188) .78351 || .63496 | .77255' 35 | 62160-78333 || |63518 | 77236) B4 | 62183 | .’78315 |) .63540'.77218| 33 .62206 | 78297 || .63563 | 77199) 32 .62229] .78279 || .63585/ .77181] 31 | -62251 78261 .63608 | .7'7162| 30 | 62274 | 78243 |] 63630! .7'7144| 29 62297 | .78225 || .63653 | .777125 | 28 . 62320 | .78206 || .63675 | .77107 | 27 . 62842) 78188 || .63698 | .7’7088 | 26 . 62365 | .78170 || .63720! .77070| 25 | .62888 | .78152|| .63742| .7'7051| 24 62411 | 78184 | .63765| 77033 | 23 .62433 | 78116 || .63787|.77014/ 22 .62456| .'78098 || .63810! .76996| 21 .62479 | .78079 | .63832) .76977) 20 .62502 | .78061 || . 63854 76959 | 19 . 62524 | .78043 || .6387'7| 76940) 18 .62547 | .78025 | .63899 | 76921 | 17 .62570 | 78007 || .63922! 76903 16 .62592 | .77988 | .63944| .76884/ 15 .62615| .77970|| .63966 |. 76866) 14 62638 | .77952 | .63989 | 76847 13 .62660 | .77934 | .64011|.76828) 12 .62683 | .7'7916 || .64033| 76810) 11 | 62706 | .77897,| .64056 | .76791 | 10 | 62728 | .77879|| 64078! "6772! 9 62751 | 77861 || 64100) .76754) 8 62774 | 77843 || 64123) .76735| 7 62796 | .77824)| .64145|. 76717) 6 .62819|.7'7806. | .64167|.76698| 5 .62842) .'77788 || .64190'.76679! 4 62864 | .'7769/| 64212 .76661! 3 62887 | .77'751|| 64234-76642; 2 .62909 | .77733)| .64256 16628 | 1 .62932|.7'7715 || .64279' 76604; 0 Cosin | Sine | Cosin | Sine 51° 50° TABLE XXVIL—NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. : . a ie]. 40e.|j__ 41° 42° ate aa4 7 || ae j a hs Gere re LS Soa Pe SS / | Sine |Cosin |; Sine |Cosin | Sine |Cosin|| Sine .Cosin || Sine Cosin|} | $70 | 64279 76604 |) 65600 |. 75471, | .66913} 74314 |) .68200 |.73150 | C9466 .71934' 60 | 1 | 64301 |. 76586 ,| .65628|.75452 | .66935] 74295 || 68221 | .78116 | .COIS7 71914) 59 9 | 6432376567 || .65650|.75433 || .66956 | .174276 || .68242 | 73096 || 69303. T1594! 58 3 | 64346] .76548 || .65672).75414 | 66978 74256 || .68204| .738076 || 69529 71873, 57 | 4 | 164368! .76530 || .65694 | .'75395 || 66999] .'74237 || .68285 | 78056 || .69549 .71853) 56 5 | .64390|. 76511 || .65716| 75375 || .67021) 74217 || .68306 | 730364) 69570 71833) 55 G | 64412! .76492)| .65738 | 75356 | 67043) 74198 .68327 | .73016 || .69591 | .71813) 54 . 7 | 64435 |. 76473 || .65759|.75337 || .67064) .74178)| .68349 | 72996 69612 .71792) 53 8 | 64457-76455 | .65781|.75318 || .67086 | .74159 || .68370 | 72976 || 69683 | 712, 52 . 9 | 64179 | 76436 || .65803}.75299 |) .67107 .74139}] 68391 |.72957 || 69654! 71752, 51 10 | “ake Nonna 65825 | .75280 || .67129 | .74120]| .68412 | .72937 69675 1732, 50 11 | .64524) .76398 || .65847 75251 || .67151| .74100]| .68434 | .'72917 || .69696' .7 ml 49 . 2 | 64546 | .76380 || .65869 |. 75241 || .67172) .74080}] 68455 | .72897 69717 | .71691| 48 13 | 61568 .76361 || 65891) .75222 || 67194) .74061 || 68476) 72877 69737 | .71671| 47 || 1£ | 64590) 76342)/ 65913 |.75203 | “67215! .74041]} .68497 | .72857 || .69758 | 71650, 46 || .15 | 64612) .76323 | -65935 | .75184 | "67237 | .74022|| .68518 | .72837' || .6977'9 |.71630) 45 16 | .64635' .76304/| .65956 "75165 || .67258| .74002|| .68539| .72817 || .69800|.71610) 44 17 64057 76236 | .65978|.75146 || .67280| .73983|| .68561|.72797 || .69821 | 71590) 43 : 18 },.64679 | .76267 | .63000 | .75126 | .67301| ..73963 || .68582 | 72777 || .69842 71569! 42 19 | 64701) .76243 | .66022}.75107 || .67323) .73944)| .68608 T2757 || 69862 | .71549| 41 : 20 pai eae | .66044 | .75088 | 67344 73924 || .68624| .72737 || .69883 | .71529| 40 : 21 | .61746' .76210'| .66066 | .75059 | 67366) .739041| .68645| .72717 || :69904.| 71508) 39 22 | 64768 .76192 | .63038|.75050 || .67387| . 78885 || .68666 | . 72697 | .69925 | .71488) 38 i 23 | 64790, .76173 | 65109]. 75030 | .67409) . 78805 68688 | 72677 || .69946) 71468) 37 . 54 | 64812! 76154 | .63131|.75011 || .67430] .73846 || .68709] .72657 || .69966 | .71447) 36 25.6183) 76135 | .63153).74092 || .67452) .73826|| 68730 72637 | .69987 | .71427| 35 25 | 64856 .76116 | 65175) .74973 | .67473} .78806)| 68751 72617 || .70008 | .71407| 34 97 | 64873-76097 ,| 66197 |. 7.1953 | .67495| .73787|| .68772 | .72597 || .70029 | 71386) 33 98 | .64901|.76078 | .65218|.74934 || 67516] .73767]| .68793 72577 || .70049| 71366) 32 | 29 | 64923) 76059 | .66240|.74915 | .67538| 73747 |) 63814] .72557 | 70070) 71345) 31 | 30 | 64945). 76041 | . 66262 | .74896 || .67559 23728 || .68835 | .'72537 || .70091 | :713825) 30 31 | 64967) .76022 | .66284 74876 || £67580! .737038 || .63857 72517|| 70112! .'71805| 29 39 | 64939 .76003 | 63306 |.74857 | .67602| 73633 || .68878|.72497 || 70132) .71284) 28 | 33 | 6501173934 | .66327|.74838 | .67523] .73669|| .63899].72477 | .70153 | 71264) 27 34 | 65033-75935 | .66349). 74313 | 67645} 73649 || 68920) 72457 -70174 | .'71243| 26 35 | 65055! .75946 | .63371 |.74799 || .67686| .73629]| .68941 | .72437 |) .70195 (1228) 35 : 36 | 65077) 75927 || 65393 |.74780 | .67638) .73610|| .68962 72417 | .70215| 71203) 24 37 | 65100, 73903. | .68414|.74760 || 67709) .73590|| .68983] .72397 || 70236) 71182) 23 98 | 65122. 75889 || .66436|. 74741 || .67730! 73570 || .69004| 72377 || . 70257 71162) 22 39 | 65144) .75870 | .60453 |. 74722 | 67752] 78551 |) .69025 | 72357 |) 70277 .71141| 21 40 preety be .66480 74003 || 67773 | «73531 || .69046 | .72387 || .'70298 | .71121) 20 41 | 65188! 75832 66501 | .74633 | .67795) . 73511 69067 | 72317 || :70319| .71100| 19 2 | 65210! .75813|| .66523|.74654 | 67816) 73491 || 69088 72297 |; 40339 71080) 18 43 | .65232|.75794 | .66545|. 74644 | 67837) .73472|| .69109].72277 || 70860 71059] 17 { 44 | 65254! .75775 | .66566 | .74625 | 67859) .73452)| .69130) .7% 7\1,.70881 | 71039} 16 45 | .65276, .75756 | .66588| 74605 | .67880) .73432)| .69151).72 | 704011 .71019) 15 46 | 65298-75738 | .66610| 74535 | .67901! .73413|| .69172|.72216 || .70422 70998) 14 | 47 | .65320; .75719 | .66632) .74567 || .67923| .73393 || .69193| 72196 | 70443! 70978, 13 | 48 | 65342, .75700 | .66653 | 74548 || .67944) .73373|| .69214|.72176|| .70463 70957) 12 | 49 | 65364! .75680 | .66675 | .74528 | .67965 ) 73353 || .69235 | 72156 | .70484|.70937| 11 | 50 | .65336) . 75661 | 66697 |.74509 | .67987 73333 || .69256 | .72136 || .70505|.70916; 10 51 | 65408! .75642 || .66718|.74489 | .68008) .73314 || 69277} .72116|| .70525|.70896) 9 52 | 65430| 75623 | 66740 |.74470 | .68029] .73294 || .69298) .72095 |) .70546 | . 70875) 8 53 | 65452! .75604 | .66762 74451 | .68051 | .73274 |) .69319 72075 || 70567} .70855| 7 B41 | 65474! 75585 | 66783 . 74431 | .68072|.73254|| .69340|.72055 |) .70587'. 70884) 6 55 | 65496| .75566|| .66805 .74412 | .68093 | .73234]| .69361 | .72035 || .70608'.70813) 5 56 | 65518! 75547 || 60827 .74392 | 68115) .73215|| .69382| .72015 || .70628) 70793) 4 57 | 65540. .75528 | .66848 .74373 | .68136|.73195|| .69403 | .71995 || . 70649 “70772| 8 58 | 65562) .75509 || .66870 .74352 || .68157).73175 || .69424|.71974 || .70670 | 70752) 2 59 | 65584) .75490 | .66891 .74334 | 68179 .73155 || .69445 | .71954 70690 .70731| 1 60 | .65606 | .75471 |) .66913 74314 | 68200). 73135 || .69466 | .71934 70711|.70711| 0 , (Cosin| Sine ||Cosin Sine | Cosin| Sine | Cosin | Sine | Cosin | Sine 4g°.- || 47 46° {|= 45° 49° | 457 TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. | el 0° Pe OO A ae 3° by Tang | Cotang Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang | 0; .00000 | Infinite.||} .0174 57.2500 || .03492 | 28.6363 |; .05241 | 19.0811 ‘60 i} .00029 | 8437.75 || .01775 | 56.3506 |} .03521 | 28.3994 || .05270 | 18.9755 59 2} .00058 | 1718.87 || .01804 | 55.4415 || .03550 | 28.1664 || .05299 | 18.8711 158 8} .00087 | 1145.92 .01833 | 54.5613 || .03579 937. .05328 | 18.7678 157 4} .00116 | 859.436 || .01862 | 53.7086 || .03609 | 27.7117 || .05857 | 18.6656 (56 5} .00145 87.549 || .01891 | 52.8821 -03638 | 27.4899 .05387 | 18.5645 | 55 | 6} .00175 | 572.957 || .01920 | 52.0807 || .08667 | 27.2715 || .05416 | 18.4645 154 | Z| 00204 | 491.106 || .01949 | 51.3082 || .03696 | 27.0566 |! .05445 | 18.3655 | 53 8} .00233 | 429.718 || .01978 | 50.5485 || .03725 | 26.8450 |} .05474 | 18.2677 | 52 | 9} .00262 | 381.97 .02007 | 49.8157 03754 | 26.6267 || .05503 | 18.1708 |5 10} .00291 | 343.77 .02036 | 49.1039 || .03783 | 26.4316 || .05533 | 18.0750 50 11; .CO0320 ) 312.521 || .02066 | 48.4121 || .03812 | 26.2296 || .05562 |. 17.9802 | 49 | 12; .00349 | 286.478 || .02095 | 47.7395 || .03842 | 26.0807 || .05591 | 17.8863 | 48 | 13} .00378 | 264.441 || .02124 | 47.0853 | .08871 | 25.8348 || .05620 | 17.7934 | 47 | 14} .00407 | 245.552 || .02153 | 46.4489 |} .08900 | 25.6418 || .05649 | 17.7015 4G | 15; .00486 | 229.182 02182 | 45.8294 |; .03929 | 25.4517 .05678 | 17.6106 | 45 | 16| .00465 | 214.858 || .02211 | 45.2261 || .03958 | 25.2644 || .05708 | 17.5205 | 44 Z| -00495 | 202.219 || .02240 | 44.6386 || .03987 | 25.0798 || .05737 | 17.4314 (43 18} .00524 | 190.984 || .02269 | 44.0661 || .04016 | 24.897 .05766 | 17.8432 | 42 19/ ,00553 | 180.982 || .02298 | 43.5081 || .04046 | 24.7185 || .05795 | 17.2558 |4 20} .00582 | 171.885 || .02328 | 42.9641 || .04075 | 24.5418 || .05824 | 17.1693 | 40 21} .00611 | 163.700 || .02357 | 42.4885 || .04104 | 24.3675 || .05854 | 17.0887 |39 22} .00640 | 156.259 || .02386 | 41.9158 || .04138 | 24.1957 || .05883 | 16.9990 | 3: 23} .00669 | 149.465 || .02415 | 41.4106 || .04162 | 24.0268 || .05912 | 16.9150 |37 24] .00698 | 143.237 |! .02444 | 40.9174 || .04191 | 23.8593 || .05941 | 16.8319 136 25| .00727 | 187.507 || .02473 | 40.4358 || .04220 | 23.6945 || .05970 | 16.7496 | 35 26| .00756 | 182.219 || .02502 | 39.9655 || .04250 | 23.5321 |} .05999 , 16.6681 | 34 27| .00785 | 127.32 02531 | 39.5059 || .04279 | 23.3718 || .06029 | 16.5874 |33 28; .00815 | 122.77 -02560 | 39.0568 || .04308 | 23.2137 || .06058 | 16.5075 | 32 29} .00844 | 118.540 || .02589 | 88.6177 || .04337 | 23.0577 || .06087 | 16.4283 | 31 30; .00873 | 114.589 || .02619 | 38.1885 |) .04366 | 22.9038 || .06116 | 16.3499 |30 31} .00902 | 110.892 || .02648 | 37.7686 || .04395 | 22.7519 I! .06145 | 16.2792 |2 32] .00931 | 107.426 |} .02677 | 37.3579 N .04424 | 22.6020 || .06175 | 16.1952 | 9s 33] .00960 | 104.171 |} .02706 | 86.9560 || .04454 | 22.4541 || .06204 ; 16.1190 | 27 34). .00989 | 101.107 |; .02735 | 36.5627 || .04483 | 22.3081 || .06283 | 16.0435 |26 85} .01018 | 98.217 02764 | 36.177 04512 | 22.1640 || .06262 | 15.9687 |25 | 36; .01047 | 95.4895 || .02793 | 35.8006 || .04541 | 22.0217 || .06291 | 15.8945 |9 37| .01076 | 92.9085 || .02822 | 35.4313 || .04570 | 21.8818 || .06321 | 15.8911 |93 88! .01105 | 90.4633 .02851 | 35.0695 -04599 | 21.7426 -06350 | 15.7483 |22 89) .01185 | 88.1436 -O2881 | 34.7151 .04628 | 21.6056 .06379 | 15.6762 | 21 40} .01164 | 85.9398 || .02910 | 34.3678 || .04658 | 21.4704 || .06408 | 15.6048 | 20 41} .01193 | 83.8435 || .02939 | 34.0273 || .04687 | 21.3369 || .06437 | 15.5340 | 19 42} .01222,| 81.8470 || .02968 | 33.6935 || .04716 | 21.2049 || .06467 | 15.4638 118 3| .01251 | 79.9434 .02597 | 33.3662 .04745 | 21.0747 .06496 | 15.3943 |17 44} .01280 | 78.1265 .03026 | 33.0452 .04774 | 20 9460 .06525 | 15.3254 | 16 45} .01309 | 76.3900 || .03055 | 32.7308 || .04803 | 20.8188 || .06554 | 15.2571 | 15 46) .C1338 | 74.7292 || .03084 | 82.4213 || .04833 | 20.6932 || .06584 | 15.1893 114 47} .01867 | 738.1390 .03114 | 32.1181 .04862 | 20.5691 .06613 | 15.1222 |13 48) .01396 | 71.6151 || .03143 | 31.8205 || .04891 | 20.4465 || .06642 | 15.0557 112 49; .01425 | 70.1533 .08172 | 31.5284 .04920 | 20.3253 .06671 | 14.9898 | 11 50; .01455 | 68.7501 .08201 | 381.2416 .04949 | 20.2056 .06700 | 14.9244 |10 ‘1; .01484 | 67.4019 || .03230 | 30.9599 || .04978 | 20.0872 || .06730 | 14.8596:| 9 2) .01513 | 66.1055 |} .03259 | 30.6833 || .059°7 | 19.9702 || .06759 | 14.7954 | 8 3| .01542 | 64.8580 || .03288 | 30.4116 .05037 | 19.8546 .06788 | 14.7317! 7 d4; .01571 | 68.6567 .03317 | 30.1446 || .05066 | 19.7403 .06817 | 14.6685 | 6 55 | .01600 | 62.4992 .03846 | 29.8823 || .05095 | 19.6273 .06847 | 14.6059 | 5 00} 01629 |’ 61.3829 .03376 | 29.6245 || .05124 | 19.5156 .06876 | 14.5438 | 4 57) .01658 | 60.3058 -03405 | 29.3711 || .05153 | 19.4051 .06905 | 14.4823 | 3 58) .01687 | 59.2659 .03434 | 29.1220 || .05182 | 19.2959 .06934 | 14.4212 | 2 59| .01716 | 58.2612 -03463 | 28.8771 || .05212 | 19.1879 .06963 | 14.3607 | 1 60} .01746 | 57.2900 .03492 | 28.6363 |} .05241 | 19.0811 | .06993 : 14.3007 | 0 , Cotang) Tang ||Cotang| Tang ||Cotan g| Tang ||Cotang| Tang ; 89° 88° 87° 86° 458 $$! PABLE XXVIUIL—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 4° 5° 9, .07256 10); .07285 11| .07314 12) .07344 3| 07387: | 07402 15| .074381 16\ .07461 —_ ie 18| 07519 t : : 20| .0757 | 21| .07607 ; 22| 07686 i | 28] 07665 07695 251 07724 26| .07753 o7| 07782 28| .07812 | 29| .07841 | : 31) .07899 32| .07929 33| .07958 34| .07987 35| .08017 26| .08046 37| .08075 88 |» .08104 | .08192 42 08221 43| .08251 ee re 7| .07490 | 19| .07548 | 30| 07870 | a9| .08184 40| 08163 | | QQ) .06993 £; .O07022 | 2° 07051 3 .07080 | 4° ‘07110 | 5) .07139 6. .07168 G 07197 | 8! 07227 | | 44| .08280 45| .08309 | 46| .98339 47| .08368 | 48| .08397 49| .08427 50| .08456 +51! .08485 52) .08514 3 08544 ) / 54} .08573 155} .08602 56! .08632 | | 57! .08661 58} .08690 | 159) .08720. | 60) .08749 | |Cotang / 14 feed Red ee Re et Rt ras) vi) feck ek fk peek tek eh pk pk fk beh et fk ed fet pt bet 11 11 ~ Tang WMWNWWWWHW KCWWNWWWWW Ww wwe m0 We 3007 .2411 .1821 .1235 .0655 0079 29507 | 3.8940 | led .597 3.7821 T267 6719 6174 | 56384 .5098 .4566 .4039 8515 3.2996 2480 1969 1461 0958 0458 9962 469 8981 8496 8014 7536 7062 6591 6124 £660 5199 4742 4288 .8390 2946 2905 . 1632 1201 O72 .0346 9923 9504 | 9087 8673 8262 7853 7448 . 7045 6645 6248 .5853 461 |} 5072 | .4685 .4301 8858 | 2067 || | le | Tang | Cotang Tang | .09746 | Cotang | .10011 | 9 .10040 | 9 .10069 | 9 .10099 | 9 .10128 | 9 .10510 | 9 | Cotang Tang "08749 | 11.4301 08778 | 11.3919 | .08807 | 11.3540 .08837 | 11.8168 .O8866 | 11.2789 | 08895 | 11.2417 .08925 | 11.2048 .08954 | 11.1681 .08983 | 11.1816 .09013 | 11.0954 .09042 | 11.0594 09071 | 11.0237 "09101 | 10.9882 | “09130 | 10.9529 | "99159 | 10.9178 | | 09189 | 10.8829 | "09218 | 10.8483 | "09247 | 10.8139 | “09277 | 10.7797 "09806 | 10.7457 "09385 | 10.7119 .09365 | 10.6788 109394 | 10.6450 (09423 | 10.6118 | '09453 | 10.5789 09482 | 10.5462 (09511 | 10.5186 (09541 | 10.4813 | :09570 | 10.4491 09600 | 10.4172 109629 | 10.3854 | .09658 | 10.3538 .09688 | 10.8224 .09717 | 10.2913 | 10.2602 .09776 | 10.2294 .09805 | 10.1988 | .09834 | 10.1683 .09864 | 10.1881 | .09893 | 10.1080 || .09923 | 10.0780 .09952 | 10.0483 .09981 | 10.0187 | .98981 .96007 .93101 90211 87338 .51456 .10158 | 9.84482 | .10187 | 9.81641 || .10216 | 9.<8817 10246 | 8.76009 | | 10275 | 9.73217 | 10805 | 9.70441 | .10334 | 9.67680 .10863 | 9.64935 || | 10393 | 9.62205 10422 | 9.59490 10452 | 9.56791 10481 | 9.54106 7e i \ | 85° || 84° 459 % SESAME cs PSO: PF Tang : Cotang | Tang: ! Cotang 10510 | 9.51436 || .12278 | 8.14435 | 60 10540 | 9.48781 || .12803 | 8.12451 |59 10569 | 9.46144 || .12358 | 8.10586 | 58 10599 | 9.43515 || .12867 | 8.08600 |57 10628 | 9.40904 || .12507 | 8.06674 |56 | .10657 | 9.88807 || .12426 | 8.04756 [55 | 10687 | 9.85724 || .12456 | 8.02848 |54 (10716 | 9.88155 || .12485 | 8.00948 |53 10746 | 9.30599 || .12515 | 7.99058 |52 10775 | 9.28058 || .12544 | 7.97176 |51 10805 | 9.25530 || .12574 | 7.95802 |5 | .10834 | 9.23016 || .12603 | 7.93488 | 49 | 10863 | 9.20516 || .12683 | 7.91582 | 48 | 10863 | 9.18028 || .12C62 | 7.89734 |47 10922 | 9.15554 || .12692 | 7.87895 |46 10952 | 9.18098 || .12722 | 7.86064 | 45 10981 | 9.10646 || .12751 | 7.84242 | 44 || .11011 | 9.08211 || .12781 | 7.82428 | 43 | (11040 | 9.05789 || .12810 | 7.80622 |42 11070 | 9.08879 || .12840. | 7.78825 |41 11089 | 9.00983 |} .12869 | 7.77035 | 40 | .11128 | 8.98598 || .12899 | 7.75254 |39 | (11158 | 8.96227 || .12929 | 7.73480 |38 | .11187 | 8.93867 || .12058 | 7.71715 |387 11217 | 8.91520 || .12988 | 7.69957 | 36 | 11246 | 8.89185 || .18017 | 7.68208 | 35 || .112%6 | 8.86862 || .13047 | 7.66466 [34 (11305 | 8.84551 || .12076 | 7.64782 | 33 | 11885 | 8.82252 || .18106 | 7.63005 | 32 | 112864 | 8.79964 || .18186 | 7.61287 |31 | 11394 | 8.77689 || .18165 | 7.59575 | 30 | .11423 | 8.75425 || .18195 7 57872. |29 | .11452 | 8.73172 || .18224 | 7.56176 | 28 | 11482 | 8.70981 || .18254 | 7.54487 [27 | 11511 | 8.68701 || .18284 | 7.52806 | 26 | 11541 | 8.66482 || .18813 | 7.511382 |25 | 111570 | 8.64275 || 18843 | 7.49465 |24 “11600 | 8.62078 || .18872° | 7.47806 | 23 “11629 | 8.59893 || .13402 | 7.46154 | 22 “11 1) | 8.57718 || .13482 | 7.44509 | 21 | 114688 | 8.55555 || .13461 | 7.42871 | 20 | 11718 | ¢ 58402 || .18491 | 7.41240 | 19 | “11747 | 8.51259 || .13521 | 7.39616 |18 | 114777 | 8.49128 |} .18550 | 7.387999 | 1% "11806 | 8.47007 || .18580 | 7.86889 | 16 | -41886 | 8.44896 |} .13609 | 7.34786 | 15 | “41865 | 8.42795 || .18639 | 7.33190 | 14 "11895 | 8.40705 || .18669 | 7.31600 | 13 | “41924 | 8.38625 || .18698 | 7.30018 |12 "41954 | 8.36555 || .13728 | 7.28442 | 11 "11983 | 8.34496 || .13758 | 7.26873 | 10 12013 | 8.32446 |) .18787 | 7.25310 | 9 "42042 | 8.30406 || .18817 | 7.23754 | 8 "12072 | 8.28376 || .18846 | 7.22204 | 7 | '12101 | 8.26355 || .18876 | 7.20661 | 6 "42131 | 8.24345 || .18906 | 7.19125 | 5 || 12160 | 8.22844 || .18985 | 7.17594 | 4 "42190 | 8.20852 || .18965 | 7.16071 | 3 | 142219 | 8.18370 || .13995 | 7.14553 | 2 “42249 | 8.16398 |, .14024 | 7.15042 | 1 | 142978 | 8.14435 |! .14054 | 7.11537 | 0 \Cotang| Tang | Cotang| Tang | | 83° §2° ~~ CHOIR OUMwWoHS| 10 _Tang 14054 - 14084 14113 . 14143 -14173 - 14202 - 14232 - 14262 14291 14321 14351 14381 .14410 - 14440) - 14470 - 14499 14529 - 14559 - 14588 14618 . 14648 . 14678 14707 -14737 14767 14796 14826 . 14856 - 14886 - 14915 - 14945 .14975 . 15005 . 15034 . 15064 . 15094 . 15124 .15153 . 15183 . 15213 . 15243 115272 . 15302 . 15332 . 15362 . 15391 . 15421 . 15451 . 15481 15511 . 15540 . 15570 . 15600 . 15630 . 15660 15689 .15719 15749 15779 | .15809 . 15838 8° TABLE XXVIII—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS, 9° 10° 11° Cotang |} Tang | Cotang || Tang Cotang || Tang | Cotang 7.11587 || .15888 | 6.31375 .17633 | 5.67128 -19438 | 5.14455 7.10038 .15868 | 6.30189 .17663 | 5.66165 -19468 | 5.13658 7.08546 -15893 | 6.29007 |} .17693 | 5.65205 .19498 | 5.12862 7.07059 . 15928 . 27829 17723 | 5.64248 -19529 | 5.12069 7.05579 -15958 | 6.26655 || .17753 | 5.63295 -19559 | 5.11279 7.04105 -15988 | 6.25486 17783 .62544 || .19589 | 5. 10499 7.02637 -16017 | 6.24321 .17813 | 5.613897 -19619 | 5.09704 7.01174 16047 | 6.23160 || .17843 | 5.60452 -19649 | 5.08921 6.99718 |; .16077 | 6.22003 || .17873 | 5.59511 -19680 | 5.08139 6.98268 .16107 | 6.20851 .17903 | 5.58573 :19710 | 5.07360 6.96823 |} .16137 | 6.19703 |] .17933 | 5.57638 |! .19740 5.06584 6.95385 || .16167 | 6.18559 || .17963 5.56706 || .19770 | 5.05809 6.93952 |} .16196 | 6.17419 || .17998 | 5.5577 -19801 | 5.05037 6.92525 || .16226 | 6.16283 || .18023 | 5.54851 |] .19881 5.04267 6.91104 || .16256 | 6.15151 |} .18053 | 5.53927 || .19861 5.03499 6.89688 |/ .16286 | 6.14023 || .18083 | 5.53007 || .19891 5.02784 6.88278 - 16316 | 6.12899 .18113 | 5.52090 -19921 | 5.01971 6.86874 || .16346 | 6.1177 -18143 | 5.51176 || .19952 | 5.01210 6.85475 -16376 | 6.10664 || .18173 | 5.50264 || .19982 5.00451 6.84082 || .16405 | 6.09552 || 18208 | 5.49356 -20012 | 4.99695 6.82694 || .16435 | 6.08444 || .18233 | 5.48451 || 20042 4.98940 6.81312 || .16465 | 6.07340 || .18263 | 5.47548 || .20073 4.98188 6.79936 || .16495 | 6.06240 ;| .18293 .46648 -20103 | 4.97438 6.78564 || .16525 | 6.05143 || .18323 | 5.45751 -20133 | 4.96690 6.77199 || .16555 | 6.04051 || .18353 | 5.44857 -20164 | 4.95945 6.75838 || .16585 | 6.02962 |} .18384 | 5.43966 -20194 | 4.95201 6.74483 || .16615 | 6.01878 |] .18414 | 5.48077 || _20224 4.94460 6.73133 || .16645 | 6.00797 || .18444 | 5.42192 -20254 | 4.93721 6.71789 || .16674 | 5.99720 || .18474 | 5.41309 || .20985 4.92984 6.70450 || .16704 | 5.98646 || .18504 | 5.40429 -20315 | 4.92249 6.69116 16734 | 5.97576 || .18534 | 5.39552 || .20345 4.91516 6.67787 || .16764 | 5.96510 |! .18564 | 5.38677 || 20376 4.90785 6.66463 || .16794 | 5.95448 || .18594 | 5.37805 || .20406 4.90056 6.65144 |/ .16824 | 5.94390 |} .18624 | 5.36936 || .20436 4.89330 6.63831 || .16854 | 5.93385 || .18654 | 5.3607 -20466 | 4.88605 6.62523 || .16884 | 5.92283 || .18684 | 5.35206 || .20497 4.87882 6.61219 .16914 | 5.91236 18714 | 5.34345 -20527 | 4.87162 6.59921 || .16944 | 5.90191 || .18745 | 5.33487 || .20557 | 4 86444 6.58627 || .16974 | 5.89151 18775 | 5.32631 .20588 | 4.85727 6.57339 .17004 | 5.88114 18805 | 5.31778 || .20618 | 4.85013 6.56055 |} .17033 | 5.87080 || .18835 | 5.30928 |! .20648 4.84300 6.54777 || .17063 | 5.86051 || .18865 | 5.30080 |] .20679 4.83590 6.53503 || .17093 | 5.85024 -18895 | 5.29235 -20709 | 4.82882 6.52234 || £17123 | 5.84001 18925 | 5.28393 || .20739 | 4.82175 6.50970 || .17153 | 5.82982 || .18955 | 5.27553 || /20770 | 4.81471 6.49710 17183 | 5.81966 || .18986 | 5: 26715 -20800 || 4.80769 6.48456 17213 | 5.80953 || .19016 | 5.25880 -20830 | 4.80068 6.47206 17243 | 5.79944 -19046 | 5.25048 || .20861 | 4.79370 6.45961 17278 | 5.78938 -19076 | 5.24218 -20891 4.78673 6.44720 || .17303 | 5.77936 -19106 | 5.23391 |' .20921 | 4.77978 6.43484 . 17333 | 5.76937 -19136 | 5.22566 || .20952 | 4. 77286 6.42253 || .17363 | 5.75941 || .19166 | 5.21744 || .20982 | 4.76595 6.41026 || .17893 | 5.74949 .19197. | 5.20925 -21013 | 4.75906 6.39804 |) .17423 | 5.73960 || .19227 | 5.20107 .21043 | 4.75219 6.38587 || .17453 | 5.72074 -19257 | 5.19293 -21073 | 4.74534 6.3737 .17483 | 5.71992 .19287 | 5.18480 .21104 | 4.73851 6.36165 7513 | 5.71013 229817): Del T6%1 21134 | 4.73171 6.34961 .17548 | 5.70037 .19347 | 5.16863 .21164 | 4.72490 6.33761 || .17573 | 5.69064 1987 5.16058 -21195 | 4.71813 6.32566 || .17603 | 5.68094 || .19408 | 5.15256 || .212295 | 4.71137 6.31375 . 17683 | 5.67128 .19438 | 5.14455 || .21256 | 4.70463 \Cotang| Tang , Cotang| Tang ||Cotang| Tang Cotang| Tang 81° | 80° 79° 78° eeeaeniaae = TABLE XXVIIIL—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. | ry 19° 13° jae | 15° : Tang Cotang || Tang | Cotang |; Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang | Q| .21256 | 4.70463 || .23087 | 4.33148 || .24933 | 4.01078 || .26795 | 3.73205 | 1] .21286 | 4.69791 || .23117 | 4.82573 || .24964 | 4.00582 || .26826 | 3.7277 | 2) .21816 | 4.69121 .28148 | 4.32001 .24995 | 4.00086 || .26857 | 3.42338 3} .213847 | 4.68452 || .23179 | 4.31430 || .25026 | 3.99592 || .26888 | 3.71907 4} .21877 | 4.67786 || .23209 | 4.80860 || .25056 | 3.99099 || .26920 | 8.71476 | 5} .21408 | 4.67121 .23240 | 4.30291 .25087 | 3.98607 || .26951 | 3.71046 6| .21438 | 4.66458 || .28271 |. 4.29724 || .25118 | 3.98117 || .26982 | 3.70616 7) .21469 | 4.65797 |} .283801 | 4.29159 || .25149 | 3.97627 || .27013 | 3.70188 8} .21499 | 4.65188 || .2383832 | 4.28595 || .25180 | 3.97189 || .27044 | 3.69761 9} .215¢9 | 4.64480 || .23363 | 4.28032 || .25211 | 8.96651 .27076 | 3.69385 10} .21560 | 4.63825 || .28393 | 4.27471 || .25242 | 3.96165 || .27107 | 3.68909 11} .21590 | 4.63171 .23424 | 4.26911 .25273 | 3.95680 || .27188 | 3.68485 12} .21621 | 4.62518 || .23455 | 4.26852 || .25804 | 3.95196 ‘| .27169 | 3.68061 | 13} .21651 | 4.61868 23485 | 4.25795 || .25385 | 3.94718 || .27201 | 3.67638 14! .21682 | 4.61219 23516 | 4.25289 || .25366 | 3.94282 || .27282 | 3.67217 15} .21712 | 4.60572 23547 | 4.24685 || .25897 | 3.98751 .27263 | 3.66796 | 16] .21743 | 4.59927 23578 | 4.24182 || .25428 | 3.93271 .27294 | 3.66376 17| .21773 | 4.59283 23608 | 4.28580 || .25459 | 3.92798 || .273826 | 3.65957 18) .21804 | 4.58641 23639 | 4.23080 || .25490 | 3.92816 || .27357 | 8.65538 19} .21834 | 4.58001 23670 | 4.22481 .25521 | 3.91839 || .27888 | 8.65121 bal -21864 | 4.57363 23700 | 4.21983 || .25552 | 3.91364 |} .27419 | 8.64705 21) .21895 | 4.56726 28731 | 4.21887 || .25583 | 8.90890 || .27451 | 8.64289 22} .21925 | 4.56091 23762 | 4.20842 || 25614 | 3.90417 || .27482 | 3.63874 23) .21956 | 4.55458 23793 | 4.20298 || .25645 | 3.89945 || .27513 | 3.63461 | 24] .21986 | 4.54826 238823 | 4.19756 || .25676 | 8.89474 || .27545 | 3.63048 25} -.22017 | 4.54196 23854 | 4.19215 || .25707 | 3.89004 || .27576 | 3.62636 26) .22047 | 4.53568 28885 | 4.18675 || .25738 | 3.885386 || .27607 | 8.62224 Q7| .22078 | 4.52941 23916 | 4.18187 || .25769 | 8.88068 || .27638 | 3.61814 28} .22108 | 4.52316 23946 | 4.17600 ||} .25800 | 3.87601 .27670 | 3.61405 29| .22139 | 4.51693 23977 | 4.17064 || .258381 | 3.87136 || .27701 | 8.60996 | 30| .22169 | 4.51071 24008 | 4.16530 || .25862 | 3.86671 || .277382 | 3 60588 | | 81} .22200 | 4.50451 24039 | 4.15997 |} .258938 | 3.86208 || .27764 | 3.60181 382| .22231 | 4.49832 24069 | 4.15465 |} .25924 | 3.85745 || .27795 | 8.59775 33] .22261 | 4.49215 24100 | 4.14984 || .25955 | 8.85284 || .27826 | 3.59370 | 34| .22292 | 4.48600 || .24181 |°4.14405 || .25986 | 3.84824 || .27858 | 3.58966 35] .22322 | 4.47986 24162 | 4.18877 || .26017 | 3.84364 |} .27889 | 3.58562 386} .22353 | 4.47374 || .24193 | 4.13850 || .26048, | 3.83906 || .27921 | 8.58160 37| .223883 | 4.46764 || .24223 | 4.12825 26079 | 3.83449 || .27952 | 3.57758 38] 22414 | 4.46155 24954 | 4.12301 .26110 | 3.82992 219838 | 3.57357 39| .22444 | 4.45548 24285 | 4.11778 || .26141 | 8.82587 || .28015 | 3.56957 40| .22475 | 4.44942 24316 | 4.11256 || .26172 | 3.82088 || .28046 | 3.56557 41} .22505 | 4.44338 || .243847 | 4.10786 || .26203 | 3.81630 || .28077 | 3.56159 . 42) 1.22536 | 4.48785 || .243877 | 4.10216 || .26235 | 3.81177 || .28109 | 3.55761 } 43] .22567 | 4.43134 |) .24408 | 4.09699 || .26266 | 3.80726 || .28140 | 3.55364 | 44| .22597 | 4.42534 .24489 | 4.09182 .26297 | 3.80276 28172 | 3.54968 45| 122628 | 4.41936 || .24470 | 4.08666 || .26328 | 8.79827 || .28203 | 8.54573 . 46, .22658 | 4.41340 || .24501 | 4.08152 || .26359 | 3.79378 || .28234 | 3.54179 | 47| .22689 | 4.40745 245382 | 4.07639 |} .26890 | 3.778931 .28266 | 3.53785 i 48! .22719 | 4.40152 24562 | 4.07127 || .26421 | 8.78485 || .28297 | 3.53393 49; .22750 | 4.39560 24593 | 4.06616 || .26452 | 3.78040 || .28329 | 3.53001 | 50) .22781 | 4.388969 24624 | 4.06107 || .26483 | 3.77595 || .28860 | 3.52609 51) .22811 | 4.38381 24655 | 4.05599 |} .26515 | 3.77152 || .283891 | 3.52219 52) .22842 | 4.37793 24686 | 4.05092 || .26546 | 3.76709 || .28423 | 3.51829 53] .22872 | 4.37207 24717 | 4.04586 |} .26577 | 3.76268 || .28454 | 3.51441 54! .22903 | 4.36623 || .24747 | 4.04081 || .26608 | 3.75828 || .28486 | 3.51053 55} .22924 | 4.36040 || .24778 | 4.038578 || .26689 | 8.753888 || .28517 | 3.50666 56] .22964 | 4.35459 24809 | 4.03076 |} .26670 | 3.774950 || .28549 | 3.5027’ 57|_.22995 | 4.34879 24840 | 4.0257. .26701 | 3.74512 || .28580 | 3.49894 58| .23026 | 4.34300 24871 | 4.02074 || .26783 | 3.74075 || .28612 | 3.49509 59} .28056 | 4.33723 24902 | 4.01576 || .26764 | 3.73640 || .28643 | 8.49125 60) .238087 | 4.33148 24933 | 4.01078 || .26795 | 3.738205 ||} .28675 | 3.48741 \Cotang| Tang | Cotang Tang ||Cotang| Tang |/Cotang| Tang / ee ee eee ee ee iat ae tne bead EE hes ' | Pea - | 76° | 75° 74° lomeocwmoa20w ‘ 16° 17° 18° \| 19° : Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang |; Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang QO} .28675 | 3.48741 || .80573 | 5.27085 .82492 | 3.07768 84433 | 2.90421 |60 | 1} .28706 | 3.48359 || .80605 | 3.26745 || .82524 | 3.07464 || .384465 | 2.90147 |59 2| .28788 | 3.47977 || .380687 | 3.26406 || .82556 | 3.07160 || .84498 | 2.89873 |58 8| .28769 | 3.47596 || .80669 | 3.26067 || .382588 | 3.06857 || .384530 | 2.89600 |57 4; .28800 | 3.47216 || .380700 | 3.25729 || .82621 | 3.06554 || .384563 | 2.89827 |56 5| .288382 ) 3.46837 || .80782 | 3.25892 || .82653 | 3.06252 || .84596 | 2.89055 155 6| .28864 | 8.46458 || .80764 | 3.25055 || .82685 | 3.05950 || .384628 | 2.88788 |54 7| .28895 | 3.46086 || .380796 | 3.24719 || .382717 | 3.05649 || .34661 | 2.88511 | 53 8} .28927 | 8.45703 || .80828 | 3.24383 || .32749 | 3.05349 || .34693 | 2.88240 | 52 9} .28958 | 8.45327 || .80860 | 3.24049 || .82782 | 3.05049 || .34726 | 2.87970 |51 10; .28990 | 3.44951 |} .80891 | 3.28714 || .82814 | 3.04749 || .84758 | 2 87700 |50 11) .29021.| 3.44576 || .80923 | 3.23381: || .82846 | 3.04450 || .84791 | 2.87430 | 49 12} .29053 | 3.44202 || .80955 | 3.23048 |, .82878 | 3.04152 |; .84824 | 2.87161 | 48 13| .29084 | 3.48829 || .80987 | 3.22715 || .82911 | 3.03854 || .384856 | 2.86892 | 47 14} .29116 | 3.43456 || .81019 | 3.22884 || .382943 | 3.038556 || .384889 | 2.86624 | 46 15} .29147 | 3.43084 || .81051 | 3.22053 || .82975 | 3.08260 || .34922 | 2.86356 | 45 16} .29179 | 3.42713 || .381083 | 3.21722 || .388007 | 3.02963 || .84954 | 2.86089 | 44 7| .29210 | 3.42343 || .81115 | 3.21892 || .338040 | 3.02667 || .384987 | 2.85822 | 43 18} .29242 ) 3.41973 || .81147 | 3.21068 || .388072 | 3.02872 || .385020 | 2.85555 | 42 19} .29274 | 3.41604 || .81178 | 3.20734 || .33104 | 3.02077 || .35052 | 2.85289 | 41 20} .29805 | 3.41286 |) .81210 | 3.20406 || .83186 | 3.01783 |; .85085 | 2.85023 | 40 21) .29337 | 3.40869 || .81242 | 3.20079 || .33169 | 8.01489 || .385118 | 2.84758 | 39 a 22| .29368 | 3.40502 || .81274 | 3.19752 || .388201 | 8.01196 || .85150 | 2.84494 | 38 2 | 23| .29400 | 3.40136 || .81806 | 3.19426 || .383233 | 3.00903 || .85183 | 2.84229 | 37 24| .29432 | 3.3977 .31338 | 3.19100 || .83266 | 3.00611 || .85216 | 2.83965 | 36 Ha a8 25} .29463 | 3.39406 || .381870 | 3.18775 || .338298 | 3.00819 || .85248 | 2.83702 | 35 26| .29495 | 8.39042 || .381402 | 3.18451 || .383330 | 3.00028 || .85281 | 2.83439 | 34 27| .29526 | 3.88679 || .81434 | 3.18127 || .383363 99738 || .385314 | 2.83176 | 33 97144 || .85608 | 2.80833 | 24 96858 || .85641 | 2.80574 | 23 | 96573 || .85674 | 2.80316 | 22 | 96288 || .85707 80059 | 21 | .96004 || .85740 36/ .29811 37| .29848 38| .29875 .00443 || .381722 85087 || .81754 .14922 || .38686 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.15240 || .38654 3 84732 || .81786 | 3.14605 || .33718 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 i 28| .29558 | 3.38317 || .81466 | 3.17804 || .38395 99447 || .85346 | 2.82914 | 32 Hy 29; .29590 | 3.387955 || .81498 .17481 || .83427 99158 || .85379 | 2.82653 | 31 ap 80] .29621 | 3.387594 || .81530 .17159 .|| .33460 98868 || .385412 | 2.82391 | 30 Hee ia i 31} .29653 | 3.37234 || .31562 .16838 || .383492 98580 || .85445 | 2.82130 | 29 aie 82] .29685 | 3.36875 || .381594 .16517 || .33524 98292 || .85477 | 2.81870 | 28 bo 33} .29716 | 3.36516 || .31626 .16197 || .388557 98004 || .85510 | 2.81610 | 27 Tan eh |i 34| .29748 | 8.36158 || .31658 15877 || .3838589 9717 || .85543 | 2.81350 | 26 He 85] .29780 : .85800 || .81690 .15558 |} .88621 97430 || .85576 | 2.81091 | 25 3 3 ii 39} .29906 He | 40} .29938 WWWWNWNWWWWW WWWYW 34377 || .81818 14288 |} .33751 34023 || .81850 | 3.13972 || .83783 % 0 79802 120} 3. 3. a 41| .29970 | 3.33670 || .81882 | 3.18656 || .33816 | 2.95721 || .85772 | 2.79545 119 aaah 2| .30001 | 3.33317 || .81914 | 3.13841 || .83848 | 2.95437 || .85805 | 2.79289 |18| | AAT 43| .30038 | 3.32965 || .81946 | 3.18027 || .88881 | 2.95155 || .85838 | 2.79033 17] au 44| .30065 | 8.32614 || .81978 | 3.12713 || .83913 | 2.94872 || .85871 | 2.78778 |16} _ Nae 45) .30097 | 3.32264 || .82010 | 3.12400 || .33945 | 2.94591 |] .85904 | 2.78523 /15] Mane | 46} .30128 | 8.31914 || .82042 | 3.12087 || .33978 | 2.94309 || .85937 | 2.78269 | 14 | 47| .30160 | 8.31565 || .82074 | 3.11775 || .84010 | 2.94028 || .35969 | 2.78014 |13 48) .30192 | 8.31216 || .82106 | 3.11464 || .34043 | 2.98748 || .36002 | 2.77761 |12 ij 4)| .30224 | 3.30868 || .382189 | 8.11153 || .34075 | 2.93468 || .86035 | 2.77507 | 11 50; .80255 | 8.30521 || .82171 | 8.10842 || .34108 | 2.93189 || .386068 | 2.77254 | 10 51| .30287 | 3.30174 || .82208 | 3.10582 || .84140 | 2.92910 || .36101 | 2.77002-| 9 52] .80319 | 8.29829 || .82235 | 3.10223 |} .34173 | 2.92632 || .36134 | 2.76750 | 8 53] .80351 | 3.29488 || .82267 | 3.09914 |] .34205 | 2.92354 || .86167 | 2.76498 | 7 54| .30382 | 3.29139 |} .82299 | 3.09606 || .34238 | 2.92076 || .36199 | 2.76247 | 6 55| .80414 | 3.28795 || .32831 | 3.09298 || .84270 | 2.91799 || .36232 | 2.75996 | 5 56| .30446 | 8.28452 || .82363 | 3.08991 || .34303 | 2.91523 || .86265 | 2.75746 | 4 57| .80478 | 8.28109 || .82396 | 3.08685 || .34335 | 2.91246 || .36298 | 2.75496 | 3 58] .30509 | 8.27767 || .32428 | 3.08379 || .34368 | 2.90971 || .36331 | 2.75246 | 2 59| .80541 | 8.27426 || .82460 | 8.08073 || .34400 | 2.90696 || .36364 | 2.74997 | 1] | 60} .80573 | 3.27085 | 32492 | 8.07768 |] .34433 | 2.90421 || 36397 | 2.74748 | 0] Cotang| Tang CObeaNS Tang |/Cotang| Tang || Cotang | Tang ; | de eee nn a ee eer | One Deere. Saeeee enna | PO ene Een eee ||| tene |e al ee 73° | 72° | "1° | 70° ln re sn ee es ee 462 TABLE XXVII.—NATURAL TANGINTS AND COTANGINTS. | 20° || ie 22° | 23° |! Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang!; Tang | Cotang 60509 || .40408 | 2.47500 ;| .42447 | 2.85585 60283 .40486 | 2.473802 || .42482 | 2.85395 60057 || .40470 .47095 || .42516 | 2.85205 593831 || .40504 | 2.46888 || .42551 .80015 .88520 | 2.59606. || .40588 | 2.46682 || .42585 | 2.34825 £88558 59381 .40572 | 2.46476 || .42619 | 2.34636 .88587 .59156 || .40606 | 2.4627 .42654 84447 .88620 58932 || .40640 | 2.46065 || .42688 . 84258 88654 58708 || .40674 .4586 42722 | 2.34069 88687 58484 || .40707 | 2.45655 42757 83881 38721 .58261 || .40741 .4545 .42791 383693 .88754 .58038 || .4077 452 .42826 33505 .88787 57815 |; .40809 .45043 |} .42860 BBol? 80821 57593 || .40843 .44839 || .42894 . 83180 88854 573871 || .40877 «4 .42929 82943 | .38888 57150 || .40911 444: -42963 82756 .88921 56928 .40945 | 2.442% .42998 .82570 88955 56707 || .40979 .44027 || .48082 82383 88988 .56487 || .41013 .43825 || .48067 82197 | .39022 56266 || .41047 365 .43101 .82012 || .89055 56046 || .41081 .43136 .31826 .69612 || .39089 55827 |} .41115 4B R% .43170 31641 .69371 .89122 55608 |; .41149 43015 43205 .81456 .69131 || .89156 55389 || .41183 428 43239 81271 .68892 ||} .389190 5517 41217 43274 381086 .68653 |; .38922: 54952 || .41251 .43308 80902 .68414 || 89257 54734 41285 43343 80718 .68175 || .39290 54516 || .41819 43378 80534 O7T93T || .89324 54299 || .41853 .43412 80351 .67709 || .89357 54082 || .41887 43447 80167 .67462 || .89091 .58865 || .41421 43481, 29984 67225 || .39425 41455 41223 || .48516 .29801 | 66989 || .389458 .41490 41025 || .48550 29619 .66752 || .89492 41524 40827 || .48585 29437 12 .66516 || .89526 41558 4062 .43620 29254 |% .66281 |! .89559 .41592 .40482 || .48054 29073 | 2 .66046 |) .89593 .41626 .40285 || .438689 28891 .65811 || .89626 .41660 .400388 |) 48724 28710 | 2 .65576 || ~.89660 741604 89841 || .48758 28528 | 2% 65342 || .389694 41728 .89645 || .48793 28348 .65109 || .39727 41763 89449 || .43828 28167 .64875 |} .389761 1797 89253 || .48862 27987 64642 || .39795, 41831 39058 || .43897 27806 64410 || .89829 41865 .88863 || .45982 27626 64177 |; .389862 41899 .88668 || .48966 27447 63945 || .89896 41933 .88473 || .44001 27267 .63714 |! .89930 .41968 88279 || .44036 27088 .63483 || .89963 .42002 | 2.38084 || .44071 | 2.26909 63252 || .89997 .42036 87891 || .44105 26730 63021 || .40031 49807 || .42070 | 2.87697 || .44140 26552 | 62791 || .40065 49597 || .42105 .87504 || 44175 2637 62561 || .40098 | 2.49886 || .42139 37311 || .44210 26196 62332 || .40132 49177 || .421%73 87118 || .44244 | 2.26018 62103 || .40166 A8967 || .42207 | 2.36925 |} .44279 2584 .61874 || .40200 48758 || .42242 | 2.36783 || .44814 25663 61646 || .40234 | 2.48549 || .42276 .86541 || .44849 25486 61418 || .40267 | 2 48340 || .42310 36349 || .44884 25609 .61190 || .40301 48132 || .42345 | 2.36158 || .44418 25132 .60963 || .40335 | 2.47924 || .42379 85967 || .44453 24956 60736. || .40369 | 2.47716 || .42413 85776 .44488 | 2.24780 60509 || .40403 | 2.47509 || .42447 | 2.85585 || .44523 2.24604 Tang ||Cotang; Tang | Cotang| Tang \Cotang | Tang ) 68° 67° 463 ~ 83336 || 88420 | | .88453 38487 Co) W 0 ®D WW WWW oomwmnc! 36661 36694 86727 .386760 .86793 . 36826 | . 86859 80892 | .86925 .86958 .386991 | .387024 20| .37057 .387090 .87123 Sole .387190 81223 £31256 631289 eolooe | .o1 800 £81388 O1422 331455 .37488 of b21 | .87554 36| .87588 37621 | 37654 1687 iS Ci20 orto 118" | .37820 .31 803 5| .387887 | .37920 | .87953 3} 387986 J} .38020 50| .88053 | .88086 | .88120 | .38153 | .88186 -38220 5) .388253 | .38286 . 38320 | .383853 88386 [We COUOH WOWNWNWNWNWNWNWWYWD ww 9 W 0 WWWNWWWWD 9% WW W 09 0 WW WNWNWNWNWNWNWNWNWW NYONWNWNWNWWNWNWNWYD WNWWNWWWWi WWWWNWWWWNWYW WNWWNWNWNWNWNWWWD WNWNWNWNWNWNWNNWNWD WWWW ru) 4] WWWWNWWWNW WNWNWWWW D0 tO WW WWWWNWNDWNWWW*W WMWNWNWWNHW WW WW WNWNWNWNWNWNWNWNDW NWWWNWNWNWNVNWND WWW NWNVNWNWNWW VWNWNWWNWWWWO WWW WNWWNWNWWW WNWNWWNWNWWWWW lomrmcmornIwH0© ~ TABLE XXVIIL—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS, ; 24° | 25° 26° | 27° | P Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang |; Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang O| .44523 | 2.24604 .46631 | 2.14451 || .48778 | 2.05080 || .50953 | 1.96261 | 60} * J} .44558 | 2.24428 .46666 | 2.14288 .48809 | 2.04879 || .50989 | 1.96120 |59 | 2] .44593 | 2.24252 46702 | 2.14125 || .48845 | 2.04728 || .51026 | 1.95979 [58 | 3| .44627 | 2.24077 || .46787 | 2.13963 || .48881 | 2.04577 || .51063 | 1.95838 [57 | 4| .44662 | -2.23902 .46772 | 2.138801 48917 | 2.04426 .51099 | 1.95698 | 56 | 5| .44697 | 2.23727 || .46808 | 2.13639 || .48953 | 2.0427 .51186 | 1.95557 | 55 | 6| .44782 | 2.23553 || .46843 | 2.13477 || .48989 | 2.04125 }| .51173 | 1.95417 | 54) 7| 44767 | 2.23378 || .46879 | 2.18316 || .49026 | 2.03975 || .51209 | 1.95277 153 | 8| .44802 | 2.23204 || .46914 | 2.18154 || .49062 | 2.03825 || .51246 | 1.951387 | 52 | 9| .44837 | 2.23030 || .46950 | 2.12993 || .49098 | 2.03675 || .51288 | 1.94997 |51 | 10| .44872 | 2.22857 .46985 | 2.12882 || .49184 | 2.03526 || .51319 | 1.94858 |50 | 11| .44907 | 2.22683 |! .47021 | 2.12671 || .49170 | 2.03376 || .513856 | 1.94718 | 49 2) .44942 | 2.22510 | .47056 | 2.12511 || .49206 | 2.08227 || .51393 | 1.94579 |48 13) .44977 | 2.22337 || .47092 | 2.12350 || .49242 | 2.08078 || .51430 | 1.94440 | 47 | 14| .45012 | 2.22164 || .47128 | 2.12190 || .49278 | 2.02929 || .51467 | 1.94301 |46 15| .45047 | 2.21992 || .47163 | 2.12030 || .49315 | 2.02780 || .51503 | 1.94162 | 45 16| .45082 | 2.21819 || .47199 | 2.11871 || .49351 | 2.02681 || .51540 | 1.94023 | 44 17| .45117 | 2.21647 || .47234 | 2.11711 || .49387 | 2.02483 || .51577 | 1.98885 |43 18) .45152 | 2.21475 || .47270 | 2.11552 || .49423 | 2.02385 || .51614 | 1.93746 | 42 19| .45187 | 2.21304 || .47805 | 2.11892 || .49459 | 2.02187. || .51651 | 1.93608 | 41 20| .45222 | 2.21182 || .47841 | 2.11288 || .49495 | 2.02039 || .51688 | 1.93470 | 40 21| .45257 | 2.20961 || .473877 | 2.11075 || .49532 | 2.01891 || .51724 | 1.98332 |39 92] .45292 | 2.20790 || .47412 | 2.10916 || .49568 | 2.01743 || .51761 | 1.93195 | 38 | 93] .45327 | 2.20619 || .47448 | 2.10758 || .49604 | 2.01596 || .51798 | 1.93057 | 37 24| .45362 | 2.20449 || .47483 | 2.10600 || .49640 | 2.01449 || .51835 | 1.92920 | 36 25] .45397 | 2.20278 || .47519 | 2.10442 || .49677 | 2.01302 || .51872 | 1.92782 |35 26| .45432 | 2.20108 || .47555 | 2.10284 || .49713 | 2.01155 || .51909 | 1.92645 | 34 27| .45467 | 2.19938 || .47590 | 2.10126 || .49749 | 2.01008 || .51946 } 1.92508 | 33 28} .45502 | 2.19769 .47626 | 2.09969 || .49786 | 2.00862 |} .51983 | 1.92871 |32 29| .45538 | 2.19599 47062 | 2.09811 || .49822 | 2.00715 .52020 | 1.922385 131 30| .45573 | 2.19430 || .47698 | 2.09654 || .49858 | 2.00569 |} .52057 | 1.92098 | 30 31| .45608 | 2.19261 || .47783 | 2.09498 || .49894 | 2.00423 || .52094.| 1.91962 |29 32] .45643 | 2.19092 || .47769 | 2.09841 || .49931 | 2.00277 || .52131 | 1.91826 |28 83| .45678 | 2.18928 47805 | 2.09154 .49967 | 2.00131 .52168 | 1.91690 |27 84] .45713 | 2.18755 || .47840 | 2.09028 || .50004 | 1.99986 |} .52205 | 1.91554 | 26 85! .45748 | 2.18587 || .47876 | 2.08872 || .50040 | 1.99841 || .52242 | 1.91418 | 25 36| .45784 | 2.18419 || .47912 | 2.08716 || .50076 | 1.99695 || .52279 | 1.91282 | 24 | .45819 | 2.18251 .47948 | 2.08560 |} .50118 | 1.99550 52316 | 1.91147 | 2¢ 88) .45854 | 2.18084 .47984 | 2.08405 || .50149 | 1.99406 52353 | 1.91012 | 2; 39] .45889 | 2.17916 .48019 | 2.08250 .50185 | 1.99261 .52390 | 1.90876 | 21 40| .45924 | 2.17749 || .48055 | 2.08094 |} .50222 | 1.99116 || .52427 | 1.90741 |2 41| .45960 | 2.17582 || .48091 | 2.07989 || .50258 | 1.98972 || .52464 | 1.90607 | 19 42| .45995 | 2.17416 || .48127 | 2.07785 || .50295 | 1.98828 || .52501 | 1.90472 |18 43| .46030 | 2.17249 || .48163 | 2.07630 || .50331 | 1.98684 || .52538 | 1.90337 |17 44| .46065 | 2.17083 || .48198 | 2.07476 || .50368 | 1.98540 || .52575 | 1.90203 | 16 | 45| .46101 | 2.16917 || .48234 | 2.07821 || .50404 | 1.98396 || .52613 | 1.90069 |15 46| .46186 | 2.16751 || .48270 | 2.07167 || .50441 | 1.98253 || .52650 | 1.89935 | 14 47| .46171 | 2.16585 || .48306 | 2.07014 |} .50477 | 1.98110 || .52687 | 1.86801 |13 48) .46206 | 2.16420 | .48342 | 2.06860 || .50514 | 1.97966 || .52724 | 1.89667 | 12 49| .46242 | 2.16255 || .48378 | 2.06706 || .50550 | 1.97823 |} .52761 | 1.89533 |11 [ 50! .46277 | 2.16090 || .48414 | 2.06553 || .50587 | 1.97681 |} .52798 | 1.89400 | 10 51! .46312 | 2.15925 || .48450 | 2.06400 || .50623 | 1.97538 || .52836 | 1.89266, | 9 2\ .46348 | 2.15760 || .48486 | 2.06247 |) .50660 | 1.97395 || .52873 | 1.89133 | 8 53| .46383 | 2.15596 || .48521 | 2.06094 || .50696 | 1.97253 || .52910 | 1.89000 | 7 54| .46418 | 2.15432 || .48557 | 2.05942 || .50733 | 1.97111 || .52947 | 1.88867 | 6 55| .46454 | 2.15268 || .48593 | 2.05790 |} .50769 | 1.96969 || .52985 | 1.88734 | 5 56) .46489 | 2.15104 || .48629 | 2.05637 .50806 | 1.96827 || .58022 | 1.88602 | 4 57| .46525 | 2.14940 || .48665 | 2.05485 || .50843 | 1.96685 |) .53059 | 1.88469 | 3 58| .46560 | 2.14777 || .48701 | 2.05333 || .50879 | 1.96544 || .58096 1.88837 | 2 59| .46595 | 2.14614 || .48737 | 2.05182 |; .50916 | 1.96402 || .53134 | 1.88205 | 1 60| 46631 | 2.14451 || .48773 | 2.05030 |; .50953 | 1.96261 || .53171 1.88073 | 0 Cotang| Tang ||Cotang; Tang |,Cotang| Tang |/Cotang Tang ; | a 65° 64° [yw ABP 62° | COTANGENTS. TABLE XXVIIL—NATURAL TANGENTS AND |, | 28° \| 29° 30° | Tang | Cotang | Tang | Cotang |! Tang | Cotang || 0} .58171 | 1.88073 |) .55431 | 1.80405 | 57785 | 1.73205 | 1} .53208 | 1.87941 || .55469 | 1.80281 || .57774 | 1.73089 | 2) .53246 | 1.87809 || .55507 | 1.80158 |; .57813 | 1.72973 3| .53283 | 1.87677 || .55545 | 1.80084 || .57851 | 1.72857 | 4| .538320 | 1.87546 || .55583 | 1.79911 || .57890 | 1.72741 5} .58858 | 1.87415 || .55621 | 1.79788 || .57929 | 1.72625 6| .533895 | 1.87283 || .55659 | 1.79665 |; .57968 | 1.72509 7| .584382 | 1.87152 |} .55697 | 1.79542 |; .58007 | 1.72893 8| .53470 | 1.87021 || .557386 | 1.79419 || .58046 | 1.72278 9} .538507 | 1.86891 || .55774 | 1.79296 || .58085 | 1.72168 10| .53545 | 1.86760 || .55812 | 1.79174 |, .58124 | 1.72047 11} .53582 | 1.86630 || .55850 | 1.79051 || .58162 | 1.71932 | 12} .53620 | 1.86499 || .55888 | 1.78929 || .58201 | 1.71817 18| .538657 | 1.86869 |; .55926 | 1.78807 |! .58240 | 1.71702 14} .53694 | 1.86289 || .55964 | 1.78685 || .58279 | 1.71588 15| .53732 | 1.86109 || .56003 | 1.78563 || .583818 | 1.71473 16} .538769 | 1.85979 |; .56041 | 1.78441 || .58857 | 1.71358 | 17| .53807 | 1.85850 || .56079 | 1.78319 || .583896 | 1.71244 18| .53844 | 1.85720 || .56117 | 1.78198 |! .58435 | 1.71129 19} .58882 | 1.85591 || .56156 | 1.78077 || .58474 | 1.71015 20| .53920 | 1.85462 |} .56194 | 1.77955 |; .58513 | 1.70901 21| .53957 | 1.85333 || .56282 | 1.77834 || .58552 | 1.70787 22| .538995 | 1.85204 || .56270 | 1.77713 || .58591 | 1.70673 23| .54032 | 1.85075 || .56809 | 1.77592 || .58631 | 1.70560 24| .54070 | 1.84946 || .56347 | 1.77471 || .58670 | 1.70446 25; .54107 | 1.84818 || .563885 | 1.77351 || .58709 | 1.70382 25} 54145 | 1.84689 || .56424 | 1.77280 || .58748 | 1.70219 27| .54183 | 1.84561 || .56462 | 1.77110 |) .58787 | 1.70106 28} .54220 | 1.84433 || .56501 | 1.76990 |; .58826 | 1.69992 29! .54258 | 1.84305 || .56639 | 1.76869 || .58865 | 1.69879 80} .54296 | 1.84177 |} .56577 | 1.76749 |; .58905 | 1.69766 31| .54333 | 1.84049 || .56616 | 1.76629 || .58944 | 1.69653 82| .54371 | 1.838922 || .56654 | 1.76510 || .58983 | 1.69541 33| .54409 | 1.88794 || .56693 | 1.76390 |! .59022 | 1.69428 84| .54446 | 1.83667 || .56731 | 1.76271 |: .59061 | 1.69316 85| .54484 | 1.83540 || .56769 | 1.76151 |; .59101 | 1.69203 36| .54522 | 1.838413 |; .56808 | 1.76032 |; .59140 | 1.69091 87| .54560 | 1.83286 || .56846 | 1.75913 || .59179 | 1.68979 38|' 54597 | 1.83159 || .56885 | 1.75794 || .59218 | 1.68866 39| .54635 | 1.83033 || .56923 | 1.75675 |’ .59258 | 1.68754 40} .54673 | 1.82906 || .56962 | 1.75556 |: .59297 | 1.68643 41; .54711 | 1.82780 || .57000 | 1.75487 |' .59336 | 1.68531 42| .54748 | 1.82654 || .57039 | 1.75319 || .59376 | 1.68419 43| .54786 | 1.82528 || .57078 | 1.75200 || .59415 | 1.68308 44} .54824 | 1.82402 |; .57116 | 1.75082 |; .59454 | 1.68196 45| .54862 | 1.82276 || .57155 | 1.74964 || .59494 | 1.68085 46| .54900 | 1.82150 || .57193 | 1.74846 || .59533 | 1.67974 47| .54938 | 1.82025 || .57232 | 1.74728 | .59573 | 1.67863 48; .54975 | 1.81899 || .57271 | 1.74610 |! .59612 | 1.67°752 49| .55013 | 1.81774 || .57309 | 1.74492 | .59651 | 1.67641 50) 55051 | 1.81649 || .57348 | 1.74375 |; .59691 | 1.67530 51! .55089 | 1.81524 || .57886 | 1.74257 || .59730 | 1.67419 521 .55127 | 1.81399 || .57425 | 1.74140 || .59770 | 1.67309 53: 255165 | 1.8127 57464 | 1.74022 || .59809 | 1.67198 | 54| .55203 | 1.81150 |! .57503 | 1.73905 || .59849 | 1.67088 55| .55241 | 1.81025 || .57541 | 1.73788 || .59888 | 1.66978 56| .55279 | 1.80901 || .57580 ; 1.73671 |! 159928 | 1.66867 57| .55317 | 1.80777 || .57619 | 1.78555 |! .59967 | 1.66757 58) .55855 | 1.80658 | .57657 | 1.73438 .60007 | 1.66647 59| 55393 | 1.80529 || .57696 | 1.733821 60046 | 1.66538 60) .55431 | 1.80405 || .57785 | 1.78205 | .60086 | 1.66428 \Cotang| Tang |,Cotang: Tang | Cotang| Tang , | | 61° EEE Ee eRe cee OR ee RR ee ss 465 60° 59° 58° 31° ; Tang | Cotang 60086 | 1.66428 | 60 .60126 | 1.66318 | 59 60165 | 1.66209 |58 .60205 | 1.66099 | 57 60245 | 1.65990 | 56 60284 | 1.65881 |55 60824 | 1.65772 | 54 .60364 | 1.65663 |53 60403 | 1.65554 | 52 60448 | 1.65445 |51 .60483 | 1.65337 | 50 60522 | 1.65228 | 49 60562 | 1.65120 | 48 60602 | 1.65011 | 47 .60642 | 1.64903 | 46 .60681 | 1.64795 | 45 60721 | 1.64687 | 44 60761 | 1.64579 | 43 60801 | 1.64471 | 42 60841 | 1.64363 | 41 60881 | 1.64256 | 40 60921 | 1.64148 |39 .60960 | 1.64041 |38 .61000 | 1.63934 | 37 .61040 | 1.63826 |36 61080 | 1.63719 | 35 .61120 | 1.63612 | 34 .61160 | 1.63505 | 33 .61200 | 1.63898 | 32 61240 | 1.63292 | 31 61280 | 1.63185 | 30 .61820 | 1.63079 | 29 .61860 | 1.62972 | 28 .61400 | 1.62866 | 27 .61440 | 1.62760 | 26 61480 | 1.62654 |25 61520 | 1.62548 |24 .61561 | 1.62442 |23 61601 | 1.62336 | 22 .61641 | 1.62230 | 21 .61681 | 1.62125 | 20 61721 | 1.62019 |19 61761 | 1.61914 |18 61801 | 1.61808 |17 61842 | 1.61703 |16 61882 | 1.61598 | 15 61922 | 1.61493 |14 .61962 | 1.61888 |13 62003 | 1.61283 112 62043 | 1.61179 |11 62083 | 1.61074 | 10 .62124 | 1.60970 | 9 62164 | 1.60865 | 8 62204 | 1.60761 | 7 .62245 | 1.60657 | 6 62285 | 1.60553 | 5 62325 | 1.60449 | 4 62366 | 1.60845 | 3 62406 | 1.60241 | 2 62446 | 1.60137 | 1 .62487 | 1.60033 | 0 Cotang; Tang 1 | | TABLE XXVIIIL_—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS., 39° li 54° “4 | $36 84° T 35° Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang : Tang | Cotang 0| .62487 | 1.60033 || .64941 | 1.53986 .67451 | 1.48256 -(0021 | 1.42815 | 60 1) .62527 | 1.59930 ||} .64982 | 1.53888 67493 | 1.48163 || .70064 | 1.42796 | 59 2| .62568 | 1.59826 || .65024 | 1.53791 .67536 | 1.48070 -(0107 | 1.42638 |58 3} .62608 | 1.59723 || .65065 | 1.53693 67578 | 1.47977 || 270151 | 1.42550 |57 4; .62649 | 1.59620 .65106 | 1.53595 -67620 | 1.47885 || .70194 | 1.42462 156 5] .62689 | 1.59517 || .65148 | 1.53497 || “67663 1.47792 || .70288 | 1.49874 |55 6} .62730 | 1.59414 || .65189 | 1.53400 || .67705 | 1.47699 || “70281 1.42286 | 54 “| .62770 | 1.59311 65231 | 1.53802 || .67748 | 1.47607 || .70325 | 1.42198 | 53 8} .62811 | 1.59208 65272 | 1.58205 67790 | 1.47514 || .70868 | 1.42110 152 9} .62852 | 1.59105 65814 | 1.58107 67832 | 1.47422 || .70412 | 1.42022 | 51 10} .62892 | 1.59002 65355 | 1.58010 || .67875 | 1.47330 || 70455 | 1.41934 |50 11} .62933 | 1.58900 65397 | 1.52913 | .67917 | 1.47238 || .70499 | 1.41847 | 49 12} .62973 | 1.58797 65438 | 1.52816 | .67960 | 1.47146 || .70542 | 1.41759 |48 13} .63014 | 1.58695 65480 | 1.52719 | .68002 | 1.47053 || .70586 | 1.41672 | 47 14| .68055 | 1.58593 65521 | 1.52622 68045 | 1.46962 || .70629 | 1.41584 | 46 15| .63095 | 1.58490 || .65563 | 1.52525 .68088 | 1.46870 (0673 | 1.41497 | 45 16| .63136 | 1.58388 | .65604 | 1.52429 .68130 | 1.46778 .VOT17 | 1.41409 | 44 17; .63177 | 1.58286 65646 | 1.52332 68173 | 1.46686 || .70760 | 1.41322 | 43 18} .68217 | 1.58184 65688 | 1.52235 | .68215 | 1.46595 || 70804 | 1.41935 | 49 19; 63258 | 1.58083 || .65729 | 1.52139 || .68958 | 1.46503 70848 | 1.41148 | 41 20; .638299 | 1.57981 65771 | 1.52043 | .68301 | 1.46411 |) .70891 | 1.41061 | 40 21] .63340-| 1.57879 |) .65813 | 1.51946 ‘| 68343 | 1.46320 70935 | 1.40974 |39 22) .63330 | 1.57778 || .65854 | 1.51850 || |68886 | 1.46299 70979 | 1.40887 | 38 23| .63421 | 1.57676 |) 165896 | 1.51754 || -68429 | 1.46137 -71023 | 1.40800 | 37 24) .63462 | 1.57575 || .65938 | 1.51658 || .68471 | 1.46046 -71066 | 1.40714 | 36 25| .63503 | 1.57474 || .65980 | 1.51562 || .68514 | 1.45955 || .71110 | 1.40697 135 26} .68544 | 1.57372 .66021 | 1.51466 || .68557 | 1.45864 71154 | 1.40540 | 34 27} .63584 | 1.57271 |) .66063 | 1.51370 |} -68600 | 1.45773 |! .71198 | 1.40454 |33 28) .63625 | 1.57170 || .66105 | 1.51275 || .68642 | 1.45689 71242 | 1.40367 | 32 29] .63666 | 1.57069 || .66147 | 1.51179 || .68685 | 1.45599 71285 | 1.40281 | 31 30} .63707 | 1.56969 || .66189 | 1.51084 || /68728 | 1.45501 71829 | 1.40195 | 80 31} .63748 | 1.56868 || .66230 | 1.50988 || .68771 | 1.45410 || .71873 | 1.40109 |29 32} .63789 | 1.56767 || .66272 | 1.50893 .68814 | 1.45320 71417 | 1.40022 | 28 33} .63830 | 1.56667 || .66314 | 1.50797 || |68857 | 1.45999 71461 | 1.389936 | 27 34| .63871 | 1.56566 |} .66356 | 1.50702 || .68900 | 1.45189 || .71505 | 1.39850 |26 35} .63912 | 1.56466 || .66398 | 1.50607 || 68942 | 1.45049 71549 | 1.39764 | 25 36} .63953 | 1.56366 | .66440 | 1.50512 || .68985 | 1.44958 71593 | 1.39679 | 24 37| .68994 | 1.56265 || .66482 | 1.50417 || /¢9028 | 1.44868 71637 | 1.389593 | 23 38| .64035 | 1.56165 || .66524 | 1.50322 || 69071 | 1 44778 71681 | 1.39507 | 22 39} .64076 | 1.56065 || .66566 | 1.50228 |} 69114 | 1.44688 11725 | 1.39421 | 21 40) .64117 | 1.55966 || .66608 | 1.50138 || 69157 | 4 44598 || .71769 | 1.39336 | 20 41} .64158 | 1.55866 |} .66650 | 1.50038 || .69200 | 1.44508 71813 | 1.89250 | 19 42) .64199 | 1.55766 || .66692 | 1.49944 .69243 | 1.44418 71857 | 1.39165 |18 43} .64240 | 1.55666 || .66734 | 1.49849 || |69286 | 1144329 71901 | 1.39079 |17 44) .64281 | 1.55567 || .66776 | 1.49755 || 69399 | 1.44939 71946 | 1.38994 |16 45} .64322 | 1.55467 || .66818 | 1.49661 || 69372 | 1144149 71990 | 1.38909 | 15 46| .64363 | 1.55368 || .66860 | 1.49566 || |69416 | 1.44060 (2084 | 1.38824 | 14 47| 64404 | 1.55269 |! .66902 | 1.49472 || |69459 | 1.43970 | .@2078 | 1.387388 |13 48| .64446 | 1.55170 || .66944 | 1.49378 || |69502 | 1.43881 || 12122 | 1.38653 | 12 49) .64487 | 1.55071 |) .66986 | 1.49284-|| 169545 | 1.43792 72167 | 1.38568 | 11 50| .64528 | 1.54972 || .67028 | 1.49190 i} .69588 | 1.437038 72211 | 1.388484 | 10 51} .64569 | 1.54873 | .67071 | 1.49097 | .69631 | 1.43614 || .7@2255 | 1.38399 | 9 o2| 64610 | 1.54774 |, .67113 | 1.49003 || /69G75 | 1.43595 || .72299 | 1.88314 | 8 53| .64652 | 1.54675 .67155 | 1.48909 69718 | 1.43486 || .72844 | 1.38229 | 7 d4| .64693 | 1.54576 .67197 | 1.48816 || .69761 | 1.43347 | .72888 | 1.38145 | 6 50| .64734 | 1.54478 .67239 | 1.48722 69804 | 1.43258 || 72432 | 1.38060 | 5 56} .64775 | 1.54879 67282 | 1.48629 69847 | 1.43169 || .72477 | 1.87976 | 4 O7) .G4817 | 1.54281 |) .67824 | 1.48536 || |c9s91 | 1.43080 || .@2521 | 1.37891 | 8 103! .64858 | 1.54183 .67366 | 1.48442 69934 | 1.42992 || .72565 | 1.37807 | 2 59} .64899 | 1.54085 67409 | 1.48349 || .69977 | 1.42903 || .72610 1377221 | 60| .64941 | 1.53986 67451 | 1.48256 || .70021 | 1.42815 72654 | 1.387688 | 0 : Cotang; Tang | Cotang| Tang || Cotang | Tang ||Cotang| Tang | 57° 56° 55° TABLE XXVIII.—_NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. ~ SOA mmwwHol = cose) alll aarti amet ceed coeealll come IRON WCOre | Tang 36° 72654 | 1 72699 | 1 Cotang "1.37638 | 87554 37° 38° 3 ge Tang 5 | 1.32704 53° | | { 5 1 .72743 | 1.37470 | 5447 | 1.382514 | (2788 | 1.37386 | 5492 | 1.32464 | 72832 | 1.37302 || .75538 | 1.82384 | £72877 | 1.87218 || .75584 | 1.382804 72921 | 1.37184 || .75629 | 1.32224 .72966 | 1.37050 || .75675 | 1.32144 .738010 | 1.86967 || .7572 1.32064 | .73055 | 1.36883 || .75767 | 1.31984 .73100: | 1.36800 || .75812 | 1.31904 78144 | 1.36716 || .75858 | 1.31825 | .73189 | 1.86633 || .75904 | 1.81745 78234 | 1.36549 || .75950 | 1.31666 73278 | 1.36466 || .75996 | 1.31586 .738323 | 1.36383 || .76042 | 1.31507 43368 | 1.36300 || .76088 | 1.31427 .78413 | 1.86217 || .761384 | 1.381848 T3457 | 1.36134 |; .76180 | 1 31269 .73502 | 1.36051 || .76226 | 1.31190 73547 | 1.35968 || .16272 | 1.31110 73592 | 1.385885 || .763818 | 1.31031 .73637 | 1.35802 || .76364 | 1.80952 . 13681 | 1 || .76410 | 1.30873 13726 | 1 ‘| .76456 | 1.30795 W377 1.355 . 76502 | 1.30716 T3816 | 1 | .76548 | 1.30637 73861 | 1 76594 | 1.380558 | .73905 | 1 .76640 | 1.380480 | .%5951 | 1 . 76686 | 1.80401 73996 | 1 76733 | 1.80323 - 74041 | 1 76779 | 1.80244 .74086 | 1 .76825 | 1.30166 .74131 | 1 (6871 | 1.380087 .T4176 | 1 .76918 | 1.380009 (4221 | 1 76964 | 1.29931 14267 | 1 .77010 | 1.29853 .14312 | 1 T1057 | 1.29775 |) .74357 | 1 .77103 | 1.29696 .74402 | 1 77149 | 1.29618 74447 | 1 || 77196 | 1.29541 74492 | 1 77242 | 1.29463 -74588 | 1 77289 | 1.29885 74583 | 1. | 77335 | 1.29807 74628 | 1.33998 || 77382 | 1.29229 | .74674 | 1.83916 || .77428 | 1.29152 74719 | 1.388835 || .77475 | 1.29074 74764 | 1.338754 || .77521 | 1.28997 .74810 | 1.33673 || .77568 | 1.28919 | .74855 | 1.388592 || . 77615 1.28842 | .74900 | 1.38511 || .77661 | 1.28764 74946 | 1.33430 || .77708 | 1.28687 “74991 | 1.383849 || . 77754 | 1.28610 75037 | 1.38268 .77801 | 1.28583 75082 | 1.388187 || .77848 | 1.28456 75128 | 1.383107 || .77895 | 1.28379 75173 | 1.33026 || .77941 | 1.28302 75219 | 1.382946 || .77988 | 1.28225 75264 | 1.32865 | 78035 | 1.28148 75310 | 1.382785 . 78082 | 1.28071 75355 | 1.32704 || .78129 | 1.27994 \Cotang| Tang |\Cotang| Tang 52° | Cotang 82624 | || .78129 8175 78269 78316 78363 .78410 18457 . 78504 || .78551 78598 78645 (8692 (8039 78786 . 78834 18881 78928 68975 T9022 79070 | TOIL? 79164 (9212 79259 .79306 19354 79401 T9449 79496 79591 79639 79686 T9734 9781 79829 1987 79924 79972 .80020 80067 80115 .80163 | .80211 80258 .80306 | Cotang 1 1 (8222 | 1.8 i 1 1 | Tang | Cotang ~ 78129 | 1.27994 20917 27841 27764 .27688 27611 27589 27458 | 27382 27806 27230 271538 24077 27001 26925 26849 2677 26698 26622 26546 26471 26395 26319 26244 26169 26093 | 26018 | 25943 25867 95792 we 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 79544 | 1, a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 25717 25642 25567 25492 | 25417 25343 25268 25193 25118 25044 | 24969 24895 24820 24746 | 24672 (24597 24593 80854 24449 80402 24375 80450 24301 80498 -2ARR7 80546 .24153 /80594 24079 * 80642 .24005 .80690 | 1.28931 .80738 | 1.23858 |] .80786 | 1.23784 || .80884 | 1.28710 .80882 | 1.238637 | ,80930 | 1.23563 || .80978 | 1.23490 Tang | wha 8277 82825 82874 82923 .82972 83022 .83071 .83120 .83169 83218 .83268 83317 83366 83415 83465 83514 83564 .83613 88662 88712 83761 83811 -83860 83910 iCotang | Tang 50° 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 al 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18, 1 | Tang | Cotang | 80978 | .81027 | .81075 .81123 .81171 .81220 .81268 .81316 .81364 .814138 .81461 .81510 81558 81606 81655 81708 81752 | .81800 | .81849 81898 81946 81995 “82044 | 82092 2141 82190 82228 82287 82336 82385 82434 82483 82531 82580 82629 82678 82727 / .238490 | 60 23416 | 59 23343 | 58 23270 | 57 23196 | 56 23123 | 5D .23050 | 54 22977 [53 23904 | 52 22831 | 51 22758 | 50 22685 | 49 22612 | 48 22589 | 47 22467 | 46 22394 | 45 22321 | 44 22249 | 43 22176 | 42 22104 | 41 .23031 | 40 21959. |39 21886 | 38 21814 |37 21742 | 36 21670 [35 21598 | 34 .21526 | 33 .21454 |32 .21382 | 31 .21810 | 30 21238 | 29 21166 | 28 21094 | 27 21023 | 26 20951 | 25 20879 |2 20808 | 2 20736 | 22 20665 | 21 .20593 | 20 20522 | 19 20451 |18 20379 |17 20308 | 16 20237 |15 20166 |14 20095 | 13 20024 | 12 19958 | 11 19882 | 10 .19811 | 9 19740 | 8 19669 | 7 -19599 | 6 19528 | 5 19457 | 4 19387 | 38 19316 | 2 19246 | 1 ‘19175 | 0 = DHNIOMBwWoHO! TABLE XXVITI.—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS. 40° 41° | 42° | 43° Tang | Cotang || Tang | Cotang |} Tang | Cotang | Tang | Cotang H -83910 | 1.19175 || .86929 | 1.15037 || .90040°| 1.11061 || .938252 | 1.07237 | 60 | -83960 | 1.19105 |} .86980 | 1.14969 || .90093 | 1.10996 || .93806 | 1.07174 |59 .84009 | 1.19035 ||} .87031 | 1.14902 |} .90146 | 1.109381 | ,933860 | 1.07112 |58 .84059 | 1.18964 .87082 | 1.14834 .90199 | 1.10867 || .93415 | 1.07049 | 57 .84108 | 1.18894 .87133 | 1.14767 .90251 | 1.10802 || .93469 | 1.06987 156 .84158 | 1.18824 .87184 | 1.14699 .90304 | 1.10737 || .93524 | 1.06925 155 .84208 | 1.18754 87236 | 1.146382 .90357 | 1.10672 .93578 | 1.06862 | 54 -84258 | 1.18684 || .87287 | 1.14565 || .90410 | 1.10607 || .93633 | 1.06800 |53 84307 | 1.18614 || .87338 | 1.14498 || .90463 | 1.10543 || .93688 | 1.06738 |52 .84357 | 1.18544 .87389 |; 1.14430 .90516 | 1.10478 .93742 | 1.06676 | 51 .84407 | 1.18474 || .87441 | 1.14363 || .90569 | 1.10414 .93797 | 1.06613 |50 84457 | 1.18404 || .87492 | 1.14296 || .90621 | 1.10349 | .93852 | 1.06551 | 49 84507 | 1.18334 || .87543 | 1.14229 || .90674 | 1.10285 |; .93906 | 1.06489 | 48 84556 | 1.18264 || .87595 | 1.14162 || .90727 | 1.10220 || .93961 | 1.06427-| 47 -84606 | 1.18194 |) .87646 | 1.14095 || .90781 | 1.10156 || .94016 | 1.06365 | 46 -84656 | 1.18125 |; .87698 | 1.14028 || .90834 | 1.10091 |! .94071 | 1.06303 | 45 -84706 | 1.18055 || .87749 | 1.13961 || .90887 | 1.10027 || .94125 | 1.06241 |44 .84756 | 1.17986 || .87801 | 1.18894 || .90940 | 1.09963 |! .94180 | 1.06179 | 43 .84306 | 1.17916 || .87852 | 1.13828 || .90993 | 1.09899 || .94235 | 1.06117 | 42 84856 | 1.17846 || .87904 | 1.13761 || .91046 | 1.09834 || .94290 | 1.06056 | 41 .84906 + 1.1777’ 87955 | 1.18694 || .91099 | 1.09770 || .94345 | 1.05994 | 40 84956 | 1.17708 || .88007 | 1.13627 || .91153 | 1.09706 || .94400 | 1.05932 | 39 -85006 | 1.17638 || .88059 | 1.13561 || .91206 | 1.09642 || .94455 | 1.05870 |38 -85057 | 1.17569 || .88110 | 1.18494 |} .91259 | 1.09578 || .94510 | 1.05809 | 37 85107 | 1.17500 || .88162 | 1.13428 || .91313 | 1.09514 || .94565 | 1.05747 136 85157 | 1.17430 || .88214 | 1.18361 || .91366 | 1.09450 || .94620 | 1.05685 135 85207 | 1.17361 || .88265 | 1.18295 || .91419 | 1.09386 || .94676 | 1.05624 | 34 85257 | 1.17292 || .88317 | 1.13228 || .91473 | 1.09322 || .94731 | 1.05562 | 33 -85308 | 1.17223 || .88369 | 1.18162 |} .91526 | 1.09258 || .94786 | 1.05501 | 32 .85358 | 1.17154 || .88421 | 1.13096 || .91580 | 1.09195 || .94841 | 1.05439 | 31 85408 | 1.17085 || .88473 | 1.13029 |} .91633 | 1.09131 || .94896 | 1.05378 |30 -85458 | 1.17016 || .88524 | 1.12963 || .91687 | 1.09067 || .94952 | 1.65317 |29 85509 | 1.16947 |) .88576 | 1.12897 || .91740 | 1.09003 |! -.95007 | 1.05255 |28 .85559 | 1.16878 || .88628 | 1.12831 || .91794 | 1.08940 || .95062 | 1.05194 | 27 -85609 | 1.16809 || .88680 | 1.12765 || .91847 | 1.08876 || .95118 | 1.05133 | 26 85660 | 1.16741 || .88782 | 1.12699 || .91901 | 1.08813 || .95173 | 1.05072 | 25 85710 | 1.16672 || .88784 | 1.12633 || .91955 | 1.08749 |) .95229 | 1.05010 |24 .85761 | 1.16603 || .88836 | 1.12567 || .92008 | 1.08686 || .95284 | 1.04949 |93 -85811 | 1.16535 || .88888 | 1.12501 |/ .92062 | 1.08622 || .95340 | 1.04888 | 22 .85862 | 1.16466 || .88940 | 1.12435 || .92116 | 1.08559 || .95395 | 1.04897 |91 85912 | 1.16398 |; .88992 | 1.12369 || .92170 | 1.08496 || .95451 | 1.04766 |20 -85963 | 1.16329 || .89045 | 1.12303 || .92224 | 1.08432 || .95506 | 1.04705 |19 86014 | 1.16261 |} .89097 | 1.12238 || .92277 | 1.08369 || .95562 | 1.04644 |18 86064 | 1.16192 || .89149 | 1.12172 |) .92331 | 1.08306 || .95618 | 1.04583 |17 86115 | 1.16124 || .89201 | 1.12106 || .92385 | 1.08243 |) .95673 | 1.04522 116 86166 | 1.16056 || .89253 } 1.12041 || .92439 | 1.08179 || .95729 | 1.04461 |15 86216 | 1.15987 || .89306 | 1.11975 || .92493 | 1.08116 || .95785 | 1.04401 |14 86267 | 1.15919 || .89358 | 1.11909 || .92547 | 1.08053 || .95841 | 1.04340 113 .86318 | 1.15851 || .89410 | 1.11844 || .92601 | 1.07990 || .95897 | 1.04279 | 12 -86368 | 1.15783 || .89463 | 1 11778 || .92655 | 1.07927 | .95952 | 1.04918 111 86419 | 1.15715 || .89515 | 1.11718 || .92709 | 1.07864 || .96008 | 1.04158 |10 86470 | 1.15647 || .89567 | 1.11648 || .92763 | 1.07801 ‘| .96064 | 4.04097 | 9 86521 | 1.15579 |] .89620 | 1.11582.|| .92817 | 1.07738 || .96120 | 1.04036 | 8 86572 | 1.15511 || .89672 | 1.11517 |) .92°72 | 1.07676 || .96176 | 1.03976 | 7 .86623 | 1.15443 -89725 | 1.11452 || .92926 | 1.07613 .96232 | 1.08915 | 6 86674 | 1.153875 || .89777 | 1.11887 || .92980 | 1.07550 || .96288 | 1.08855 | 5 .86725 | 1.15308 .89830 | 1.11321 .93034 | 1.07487 || .96344 | 1.03794 | 4 .86776 | 1.15240 89883 | 1.11256 |} .93088 | 1.07425 .96400 | 1.03734 | 3 .86827 | 1.15172 || .89935 | 1.11191 .93143 | 1.07362 || .96457 | 1.03674 | 2 .86878 | 1.15104 .89988 | 1.11126 || .93197 | 1.07299 | .96513 | 1.03613 | 1 .86929 | 1.15037 || 90040 | 1.11061 || .93252 | 1.07237 .96569 | 1.03553 | 0 Cotang| Tang ||Cotang Tang | Cotang| Tang '|Cotang | Tang 49° 48° 46° TABLE XXVIIL—NATURAL TANGENTS AND COTANGENTS, —— 44° 44° 44° , / , ————————___—_—_—__—_—_| / / —————ES Tang | Cotang | Tang | Cotang Tang | Cotang 0 | .96569 | 1.03553 | 60 || 20} .977 1.02355 | 40|} 40) .98843 | 1.01170 1 | 96625 | 1.03493 | 59 || 21} .97756 | 1.02295 | 39}; 41 .98901 | 1.01112 29 | 96681 | 1.03433 | 58 || 22| .97813 | 1.02236 | 38/|42| .98958 1.01053 3 | 96738 | 1.03372 | 57 || 23) .97870 | 1.02176 | 37|| 43} .99016 | 1.00994 4 | .96794 | 1.03312 | 56 || 24| .97927 | 1.02117 | 36|| 44} .99073 | 1.00935 | 5 | .96850 | 1.03252 | 55 |) 25 97984 | 1.02057 | 85 |} 45} .99181 | 1.00876 | 6 | .96907 | 1.03192 | 54 || 26 98041 | 1.01998 | 34|| 46] .99189 | 1.00818 | 7 | .96963 | 1.03182 | 53 || 27| .98098 1.01939 | 33]/47| .99247 | 1.00759 8 | .97020 | 1.03072 | 52 || 28) .98155 | 1.01879 | 32 || 48 | .99304 1.00701 9 | .97076 | 1.03012 | 51 || 29} .98213 | 1.01820 | 31 || 49 | .99362 | 1.00642 10 | .97133 | 1.02952 | 50 || 30| .98270 | 1.01761 | 30); 50] .99420 1.00583 11 | .97189 | 1.02892 | 49 || 81] .98327 | 1.01702 | 29))51| .99478 | 1.00525 12 | .97246 | 1.02832 | 48 || 32| .98384 | 1.01642 | 28||52| .99536 | 1.00467 13 | .97302 | 1.02772 | 47 || 33| .98441 | 1.01583 | 27||53| .99594 | 1.00408 14 | .97359 | 1.02713 | 46 || 34] .98499 | 1.01524 | 26|| 54) .99652 | 1.00350 15 | .97416 | 1.02653 | 45 || 35| .98556 | 1.01465 | 25||55) .99710 | 1.00291 16 | 97472 | 1.02593 | 44 || 36] .98613 | 1.01406 | 24||56| .99768 | 1.00233 17 | .97529 | 1.02533 | 43 || 37| .98671 | 1.01347 | 23||57 | .99826 | 1.00175 18 | .97586 | 1.02474 | 42 || 38) .98728 | 1.01288 22/58 | . 99884 1.00116 19 | 97643 | 1.02414 | 41 || 39| .98786 | 1.01229 | 21)/59| .99942 | 1.00058 20 | .977 1.02355 | 40 || 40} .98843 | 1.01170 | 20)) 60 | 1.00000 | 1.00000 \Cotang| Tang ; Cotang| Tang jes Cotang| Tang / mets a SS eee 45° 45° 45° | Se wmWROIMD-AIDOO et OP .00061 ATO Vers. |Ex.sec.|' Vers. |Ex.sec.|| Vers, |Ex. sec. 0 | .00000 | .00000 |} .00015 | .00015 .00061 | .00061 1 | .00000 | .00000 .00016 | .00016 .00062 | .00062 2 .00000 | .00000 .00016 | .00016 -Q0063. | .00063 38 | .00000 | .00000 -00017 | .00017 .00064 4. .00064 4 | .00000 | .00000 .00017 | .00017 || .00065 | .00065 5 | .00000 | .00000 .00018 | .00018 .00066 | .00066 6 | .00000 | .00000 .00018 | .00018 .00067 | .00067 7 | .00000 | .00000 .00019 | .00019 .00068 | .00068 8 | .00000 | .00000 |} .00020 | .00020 .00069 | .00069 | 9 | .00000 | .00000 .00020 | .00020 .00070 | .00070 | 10 | .00000 | .00000 .00021 | .00021 .00071 | .90072 | .00001 | .00001 .00021 | .Q0021 .00073 | .00073 .00001 | .00001 .00022 | .00022 00074 | .00074 00001 | .00001 .00023 | .00023 .00075 | .00075 | .00001 |. .00001 .00023 | .00023 .00076 | .00076 .00001 | .00001 -00024 | .00024 .00077 | .00077 .00001 | .00001 .00024 | .00024 .00078 | .00078 | .00001-| .00001 .00025 | .00025 .00079 | .00079 .00001 | .00001 -00026 | .00026 .00081 | .00081 .00002 | .00002 .00026 | .00026 .00082 | .00082 .00002 | .00002 || .00027 | .00027 || .00083 | .00083 | .00002 | .00002 .0002E .00028 .00084 | .00084 .00002 | .00002 .00028 | .00028 .00085 | .00085 .00002 | .00002 .00029 | .00029 .00087 | .00087 .00002 | .00002 . 00030 | .00080 .00088 | .00088 | .00003 | .00003 00031 | .00031 .00089 | .00089 | .00003 | .00003 .00031 | .00031 .00090 | .00090. | .00003 | .00003 .00032 | .00032 .00091 | .00091 | .00003 | .00003 |} .00033 | .00033 |} .00093 | .00093 -00004 | .00004 || .00034 | .00034 |) .00094 | .00094 .00004 | .00004 || .00034 | .00034 |} .00095 | .00095 .00004 | .00004 || .00035 | .00035 || .00096 | .00097 .00004 | .00004 .00036 | .000386 .00098 | .00098 .00005 | .00005 |} .00037 | .00037 .00099 | .00099 .00005 | .00005 .00037 | .00037 .00100 | .00100 .00005 | .00005 .00038 | .00038 .00102 | .00102 .00005 | .00005 .00039 | .00089 .00103 | .00103 .00006 | .00006 .00040 | .00040 .00104 | .00104 .00006 | .00006 .00041 | .00041 .00106 | .00106 .00006 | .00006 00041 | .00041 .00107 | .00107 | .00007 | .00007 .00042 | .00042 .00108 | .00108 .00007 | .00007 || .00043 | .00043 || .00110 | .00110 .00007 | .00007 .00044 | .00044 00111 | .00111 .00008 | .00008 .00045 | .00045 .00112 | .00113 | .00008 | .00008 .00046 | .00046 .00114 | .00114 | .00009 | .00009 .00047 | .00047 .O0115 |. .00115 .00009 | .00009 .00048 | .00048 .00117 | .00117 .00069 | .00009 .00048 | .00048 .00118 | .00118 .00010 | .00010 .00049 | .00049 .00119 | .00120 .00010 | .00010 .00050 | .00050 .00121 | .00121 | .00011 | .00011 .00051 | .00051 .00122 | .00122 .00011 | .00011 .00052 | .00052 .00124 | .00124 .00011 | .00011 || .00053 | .00053 4) .00125 | .00125 -00012 | .00012 || .00054 | .00054 |} .00127 | .00127 | .00012 | .00012 || .00055 | .00055 || .00128 | .00128 | .09013 | .00013 || .00056 | .00056 ||} .09130 | .00130 .00013 | .00013 |; .00057 | .00057 || .00131 | .00131 .00014 | .00014 || .00058 | .00058 || .00133 | .00133 | | .00014 | .0001% |} .00059 | .00059 || .00134 | .00134 00015 | .00015 -00060 | .00060 .00136 | .00136 .00015 | .00015 .00061 .00187 | .00137 TABLE XXIX.—NATURAL VERSED SINES AND EXTERNAL SECANTS. Be std A 3° 4 Vers. |Ex.sec.| | .00137 | .00187 | O > .00139 00139 1 .00140 | .00140 2 .00142 | .00142 3 .00143 | .00143 4 -00145 | .00145 5 .00146 | .00147 | 6 .00148 | .00148 | .7 .00150 | .00150 | 8 .00151 | .00151 9 .00153 | .00153 | 10 .00154 | .00155 | 11 .00156 | .00156 | 12 .00158 | .00158 | 1: .00159 | .00159 | 14 .00161 | .00161 | 15 .00162 | .00163 | 16 .00164 | .00164 | 17 .00166 » .00166 | 18 .00168 | .00168 | 19 .00169 | .00169 | 20 -00171.| .00171 | 21 .00173 | .00173 | 22 0017 .00175 | 23 .00176 | .00176 | 24 .00178 | .00178 | 25 .00179 | .00180 | 26 .00181 | .00182 | 27 .00183 | .00183 | 28 ~ 00185 | .00185 | 29 .00187 | .00187 | 30 .00188 | .00189 | 31 -00190 | .00190 | 32 .00192 | .00192 | 33 .00194 | .00194 | 34 .00196 | .00196 | 35 .00197 | .00198 | 36 .00199 | .00200 | 87 .00201 | .00201 | 38 .00203 | .00203 | 39 .00205 | .00205 | 40 .00207 | .00207 | 41 .00208 | .00209 | 42 .00210 | .00211 | 43 .00212 | .00213 | 44 .00214 | .00215 | 45 .00216 | .00216 | 46 .00218 | .00218 | 47 .00220 ; .00220 | 48 .00222 | .00222 | 49 .00224 | .00224 | 50 .00226 | .00226 | 51 .00228 | .00228 | 52 .00230 | .00280 | 53 .00232 | .00232 | 54 .00234 | .00234 | 55 .00236 | .00236 | 56 .00238 | .00238 | 57 -00240 | .00240 | 58 .00242 | .00242 | 59 .00244 | .00244 | 60 ~| TABLE XXIX.—NATURAL VERSED SINES AND EXTERNAL SECANTS | 4° 5° 6° ve: Yi) | 5 ee ee Fa eee aS, | | | 1 Vers. |Ex.sec.!| Vers. 'Ex.sec.|| Vers. |Ex.sec.|| Vers. |Ex.sec.' 0. | .00244 | .00244 .00381 | .00882 || .00548 | .00551 | .00745 | .00751 1 | .00246 | .00246 .003883 | .00385 00551 00554 00749 | .00755 2] .00248 | .00248 || .00886 | .00387 .00554 | .00557 00752 | .00758 3 | .00250 | .00250 .00388 -| .00390 .00557 | .00560 .00756 | .00762 4} 00252 | .00252 .00891 .00392 .00560 | .00563 || .00760 | .00765 5 |) .00254 |-.00254 || .00393 | .00895 .00563 | .00566 .00763 | .00769 6 | .00256 | .00257 .00396 | .00897 || .00566 | .00569 00767 | .0077% 7) .00258 | .00259 .00898 | .00400 .00569 | .00573 .00770 | .00776 8 | .00260 | .00261 .00401 | .00403 00572 | .00576 | 00774 | .00780 9 | .00262 | .00263 .00404 | .00405 || .00576 | .00579 || .00778 | .00784 10 | .00264 | .00265 .00406 | .00408 || .00579 | .00582 00781 | .00787 |} 11 | .00266 | .00267 .00409 | .00411 .00582 | .00585 | 00785 | .00791 12 | .00269 | .00269 .00412 | .00413 .00585 | .00588 || .00789 | .00795 13 | .00271 | .00271 .00414 | .00416 .00588 | .00592 .00792 | .00799 14 | .00273 | .00274 .00417 | .00419 00591 .00595 .00796 | .00802 15 | .00275 | .00276 .00420 | 00421 00594 |..00598 || .00800 | .00806 16 | .00277 00278 .00422 | .00424 .00598 | .00601 .00803 | .00810 ote ee .00280 .00425 | .00427 .00601 | .00604 00807 | .00813 18 |. .00281 | .00282 .00428 | .00429 .00604 | .00608 .00811 | .00817 19 | .00284 | .00284 .00430 | .00482 .00607 | .00611 || .00814 | .00821 20 | .00286 | .00287 .00483 | .00485 .00610 | .00614 .00818 | .00825 21 | .00288 | .00289 .00436 | .00488 .00614 | .00617 .00822 | .00828 22 | .00290 | .00291 .00438 | .00440 .00617 | .00621 ||} .00825 . 00832 23 | .00293 | .00293 .00441 | .00443 00620 | .00624 || .00829 | .00836 24 | .00295 | .00296 00444 | .00446 || .00623 | ..00627 .00883 | .00840 25 | .00297 | .00298 00447 | .00449 .00626 | .00630 .60837 | .00844 26 | .00299 | .003800 .00449 | .00451 .00630 | .00634 | .00840 | .C0848 27 | .00301 | .00302 || .00452 | .00454 .00633 | .00637 | .00844 | .00851 28 | .003804 | .003805 .00455 | .00457 .00636 | .00640 .00848 | . 00855 29 | .00306 | .00307 .00458 | .00460 .00640 | .00644 .00852 | .00859 80 | .09308 | .00309 || .00460 "| .00463 .00643 | .00647 || .00856 | .00863 31 | .00811 | .00312 .00463 | .00465 00646 | .00650 |} .00859 | .00867 382 | .00318 | .003814 .00466 | .00468 .00649 | .00654 || .00863 | .00871 83 | .00315 | .00316 .00469 | .00471 || .00653 | .00657 || .00867 | 00875 34 | .00317 | .00318 .00472 | .00474 .00656 | .00660 || .00871 .00878 39 | .00320 | .00321 .00474 | .00477 .00659 | .00664 || .00875_ | 00882 36 | 00322 | 00323 || .00477 | :00480 || .00663_| .00667 || .00878 | .00886 37 | .00824 | .00326 .00480 | .60482 .00666 | .00671 .00882 | .00890 88 | .00327 | .00328 || .00483 | .00485 .00669 | .00674 || .00886 | .00894 39 | .00329 | .00380 .00486 | .00488 00673 | .00677 || .00890 | .00898 40 | .00332 } .00333 .00489 | .00491 .00676 | .00681 .00894 | .00902 41 .003834 | .00335 .00492 | .00494 .00680 | .00684 || .00898 | .00906 42 | .003836 | .00337 00494 | .00497 00683 | .00688 || .00902 | .00910 43 | .00339 | .00340 .00497 | .00500 .00686 | .00691 | 00906 | .00914 4) .00341 | .00342 .00500 | .00503 00690 | .00695 || .00909 | .00918 45 | .00343 | .00345 || .005038 | .00506 .00693 | .00698 .00913 | .00922 A6 | .00346 | .00347 .00506 | .00509 00697 | .00701 |} .00917 | .00926 47 | .00348 | .003850 .00509 | .00512 00700 | .00705 .00921 | .00930 48 | .00351 .00352 || .00512 | .00515 00703 | .00708 || .00925 , .00934 49 | .003853 | .00354 00515 | .00518 || .00707 | .00712 |} .00929 | .00938 50 | .00856 | .00857 .00518 | .00521 00710 | .00715 || .00933 | .00942 51 | .00358 | .00359 .00521 | .00524 00714 | .00719 || .00937 | .00946 2 | .00361 00862 || .00524 | .00527 00717 | .00722 .00941 .00950 53 | .00363 | .00364 | 00527 | .00530 |} .00721 00726 00945 | .00954 | 54 | 100365 | :00367 || .00530 | 00533 || .60724 | .00730.| .00949 | .00958 | 5d | .00368 | .00869 .0053¢ .00536 .00728 | .00733 || .009538 | .00962 | 56 | 00370 | .00372 || -00536 | |00539 || :00731 | .00737 || 00957 | .00966 57 | .00373 | .00374 || .00539 | .00542 || .00735 | .00740 || .00961 | .00970 58 | .00375 | .00377 00542) .00545 .00738 | .00744 .00965 | .00975 59 | .00878 | .00379 .00545 | .00548 00742 | .00747 | .00969 | .00979 | 60 | .00381 | .00382 .00551 00745 | .00751 |! .00983 00548 00978 Sequnceeus| { 8° a | Vers. |Ex. sec 0 | .00973 | .00983 1 | .00977 | .00987 2} .00981 | .00991 | 3 | .00985 | .00995 4 | .00989 | .00999 | 5 | .00994 | .01004 6 | .00998 | .01008 7 | .01002 | .01012 8 | .01006 ; .01016 9 | .01010 | .01020 | 10 | .01014 | ,01024 11 | .01018 | .01029 | 12 | .01022 | .01033 | 18 | .01027 | .01037 14 | .01031 | .01041 15 | .01035 | .01046 | 16 | .01039 | .01050 17 | .01043 | .01054 18 | .01047 | .01059 19 | .01052 | .01063 | 20 | .01056 | .01067 21 | .01060 | .0107 22 | .01064 | .01076 | 23 | .01069 | .01080 24 | .01073 | .01084 | 25 | .01077 | .01089 26 | .01081 | .01093 | 27 | .01086 | .01097 | 28 | .01090 | :01102 29 | .01094 | .01106 | 30 | .01098 | .01111 | 31 | .01103 | .01115 | 82 | .01107 | .01119 | 33 | .01111 | .01124 | 34 | .01116 | .01128 35 | .01120 | .01133 36 | .01124 | .01137 | 37 | .01129 | .01142 | 38 | .01133 | .01146 89 | .01137 | .01151 40 | .01142 | .01155 41 | .01146 | .01160 42 | .01151 | .01164 43 | .01155. | .01169 44 | .01159 | .01173 45 | .01164 | .01178 | 46 | .01168 | .01182 | 47 | .01173 | .01187 48 | .01177 | .01191 49 | .01182 | .01196 50 | .01186 | .01200 51 | .01191 | .01205 | 52 | .01195 | .01209 | 53 | .01200 | .01214 54] .01204 | .01219 | 55 | .01209 | .01223 56 | .01213 | .01298 57 | .01218 | .01233 | 58 | .01222 | .01237 | 59 | .01227 | .01242 | 60 | .01231 | .01247 | 9° 10° 11° Vers. |Ex.sec.|| Vers. |Ex.sec.|| Vers. |Ex. sec.| || .012381 | .01247 |} .01519 | .01543 .018387 | .01872 .01236 | .01251 .01524 | .01548 .01843 | .01877 .01240 | .01256 || .01529 | .01553 .01848 | .01883 .01245 | .01261 .015384 | .01558 .01854 | .01889 .01249 | .01265 .01540 | .01564 .01860 | .01895 | .01254 | .01270 -01545 | 01569 .01865 | .01901 .01259. | .0127 -01550 | .01574 .01871 | .01906 .01263 | .01279 .01555 | .01579 .01876 | .01912 .01268 | .01284 .01560 | .01585 .01882 | .01918 .01272 | .01289 .01565 | .01590 .01888 | .01924 01277 | .01294 .01570 | .01595 .01893 | .01980 -01282 | .01298 || .01575 | .01601 || .01899 | .01936 .01286 | .01303 .01580 | .01606 .01904 | .01941 .01291 | .01308 .01586 | .01611 .01910 | .01947 .01296 | .01313 .01591 | .01616 -01916 | .01953 -01300 | .01318 || .01596 | .01622 || .01921 | _01959 Ve J .01305 | .01322 -01601 | .01627 .01927 | .01965 .01310 | .01327 -01606 | .01633 .01933 | .01971 .01314 | .01332 .01612 | .01638 .01939 | .01977 - -01319 | .01837 .01617 | .01643 .01944 | .01983 -O1324 | .01342 || .01622 | .01649 || .01950 | _01989 -01329 | .01346 |) .01627 | .01654 || .01956 | .01995 .01833 | .01351 .01632 | .01659 || .01961 | .02001 .01338 | .01356 .01638 | .01665 .01967 | .02007 -01343 | .01361 || .01643 | .01670 || .01973 | (02013 .01348 | .01366 -01648 | .01676 || .01979 | 02019 .01352 | .01371 .01653 | .01681 .01984 | .02025 .01357 | 01376 .01659 | .01687 .01990 | .02031 .01362 | .01381 .01664 | .01692 .01996 | .02037 .01367 | .01386 .01669 | .01698 .02002 | .02043 01871 | .01391 || .01675 | .01703 || .02008 | |02049 -01376 | .01395 || .01680 | .01709 || .02013 | .o2055 .01381 | .01400 .01685 | .01714 .02019 | .02061 .01386 | .01405 .01690 | .01720 :02025 | .02067 .01391 | .01410 -01696 | .01725 || .02031 | .02073 .01396 | .01415 -O1701 | .01731 || .02037 | .o2079 .01400 | .01420 .01706 | .01736 .02042 | .02085 .01405 | .01425 .01712 | .01742 .02048 | .02091 -01410 | .01430 || .01717 | .01747 || .02054 | |02097 .01415 | .01435 01723 | .01753 .02060 | .02103 -01420 | .01440 |) .01728 | .01758 || .02066 | .02110 -01425 | .01445 || .01733 | .01764 {| .02072 | .02116 -01430 | .01450 || .01739 | .01'769 || .02078 | .02122 .01435 | .01455 .01744 | .0177 .02084 | .02128 .01489 | .01461 .01750 | .01781 -02090 | .02134 -01444 | .01466 .01755 | .01786 || .02095 | .02140 .01449 | .01471 -01760 | .01792 || .02101 | .02146 -01454 | *01476 ||. .01766 | .01798 | .02107 | .02158 -01459 | .01481 || .0177 .01803 .02113 | .02159 .01464 | .01486 || .01777 | .01809 || .02119 | .02165 -01469 | .01491 || .01782 | .01815 .02125 | .02171 .01474 | .01496 .01788 | .01820 || .02131 | .02178 | .01479 | .01501 .01798 | .01826 .02137 | .021484 .01484 | .01506 .01799 | .01832 || .02143 | .02190 .01489 | .01512 01804 | .01837 || .02149 | .02196 -01494 | 01517 .01810 | .01843 || .02155 | .02203 -01499 | .01522 .01815 | .01849 || .02161 | .02209 | -01504 | .01527 .01821 | .01854 .02167 | .02215 -01509 | .01532 -01826 | .01860 || -02173 | .02221 -01514 | .01537 .01832 | .01866 | -02179 | .02228 .01519 | .01543 .01837 | .01872 || .02185 02234 wcomewHe | | ee eae k esl THe COD e Oo Mm-Io 12° 14° 15° 02447 .02508 | 02453 | .02515 02459 | .02521 02466 | .02528 02472 | .02535 02479 | .02542 102485 | .02548 (02492 | .02555 02498 | .02562 .02504 | .02569 02511 | .02576 02517 | .02582 02524 | .02589 .02530 | .02596 .02537 | .02603 | 02543 | 02610 | 02550 | .02617 02556 | .02624 02563 | .02630 02845 02852 02859 02866 | .02873 | .02880 | .02887 02894 .02900 .02907 .02914 .02921 .02928 .02935 02942 .02949 .02956 .02963 .02970 02928 .02936 02943 02950 02958 02965 02972 .02980 .02987 .02994 03002 03009 03017 03024 03032 03039 03046 03054 .03061 Vers. |Ex.sec.|| Vers. |Ex.sec.|| Vers. .02185 | .02234 || .02563 | .02630 || .02970 -02191 | .02240 .02570 | .02637 || .02977 .02197:| .02247 || .02576 | .02644 02985 | .02203 | .02253 .02583 | .02651 .02992 .02210 | .02259 .02589 | .02658 .02999 02216 | .02266 || .02596 | .02665 .08006 02222 | .02272 || .02602 | .02672 .03013 02228 | .02279 || .02609 | .02679 . 03020 .02234 | .02285 || .02616 C2686 .08027 .02240 | .02291 || .02622 | .02693 .08084 02246 | .02298 |} .02629 | .02700 .08041 | .02252 | .023804 .026385 | .02707 .03048 .02258 | .02311 || .02642 | .02714 || .08055 .02265 | .023817 || 2649 | .02721 .08063 02271 | .02323 || .02655 | .02728 || .03070 .02277 | .02330 || .02662 | .02735 .03077 .022838 | .02336 .02669 | .02742 || .03084 .02289 | .02343 .02675 | .02749 .038091 .02295 | .02349 || .02682 | .02756 .03098 02302 | .023856 || .02689 | .02763 || .08106 .02808 | .02862 |} .02696 | .02770 || .03113 .02814 | .02369 || 02702 | .02777 |) .03120 0232 .02375 02709 | .0272°4 .03127 .02327 | .02382 02716 | 02791 .08134 .02333 | .02388 -02722 | .02799 .08142 02339 | .02395' || .02729 | .02806 .08149 02345 | .(2402 || .02736 | .02813 || .08156 .02352 | .02408 || .02743 | .02820 || .03163 .02358.| .02415 || .02749 | .02827 038171 .02364 | .02421 || .02756 | .02834 08178 .02370 | .02428 .02763 | .02842 |) .03185 .02377 | .02485 || .02770 | .02849 .03193 02383 | .02441 02777 .02856 || .03200 | .02889 | .02448 || .02783 | .02863 || .038207 02896 | .02454 .02790 | .02870 2038214 02402 | .02461 || .02797 | .02878 08222 .02408 | .02468 || .02804 | .02885 .03229 y | 02415 | .02474 .02811 | .02892 .038236 02421 | .02481 || .02818 | .02899 || .08244 02427 | 02488 || .02824 | .02907 .03251 02434 | .02494 || .028381 | .02914 || .08258 .02440 | .02501 .028388 | .02921 .03266 | .032738 .03281 03288 .08295 03303 03310 .03318 .03325 03333 .03340 03347 -U8500 | .0383862 .08370 03377 .03385 03355 03392 03400 Ex. sec. | Vers. |Hx. sec. 03061 03407 | .03528 .03069 03415 | .03536 .08076 || .03422 | .08544 .08084-|| .03480 | .08552 .03091 .03488 | .03560 .03099 .03106 .03114 .08121 .03129 .03137 .03144 03152 .08159 .03167 .08175 03182 .03190 03198. | .08205 08213 | 03221 .03228 .032386 05244 .08251 .08259 08267 .08275 08282 .03290 || .03298 03306 .033813 .03821 .03329 03337 .03345 .03353 .03360 03368 .03376 .08384 03392 .03400 .03408 .03416 .03424 03432 03439 03447 .03455 03468 08471 03479 .08487 .03495 03503 03512 03407 .03520 03528 .03445 | .08568 .03453 | .08576 .03460 | .03584 .03468 | .03592 03476 03483 .03491 03498 03506 .03514 03521 .03529 03537 03544 03552 03560 03601 .08609 .03617 .03633 .03642 03650 .03658 .03666 03674 03683 .03691 .03567 | .03699 03575 | .03708 .03583 03590 .03598 .03606 .03614 .03621 | .08758 .03629 | .08766 .03637 | .G8774 .03716 038724 03732 03741 03749 .038645 | .03783 .03653 | .08791 .03660 | .08799 .03668 | .03808 .03676 | .03816 03684 | .03825 03692 | .03833 03699 | .03842 03707 | .03850 .03715 | .03858 .03723 | .08867 087381 | .08875 .03739 | .08884 08747 | .038892 .08754 | .038901 .03762 | .03909 0877 .03918 0377 .08927 -03786 | .03935 .03794 | .03944 .08802 | .03952 .03810 | .08961 .03818 | .03969 03826 | .03978 .03834 | .08987 .03842 | .03995 .03850 | .04004 .03858 | .04013 .03866 | .04021 03874 | .04030 473 03625 | @ececeeeeeeeecsese 10800 Length of 1” are, ‘ Sarah ts ORES f. Pid 000004848 . 648000 Radius by which 1 foot of arc = 1 degree. 57 295780 Radius “ SOT st, TUS “Ss = 1 minute. 343 .'77468 Radius ‘‘ Sor hs ‘* = 10 seconds 206. 26481 Factors for dividing a line into extreme 0.6180340 and ‘mean ratio. . G87. |... HAE in.. Poon 0.3819660 Base of hyperbolic logarithms.............. € 2. 7182818 Modulus of common system of logs. = log ¢ M 0.4342945 Reciprocal of same = hyp. log. 10.......... + 2.3025851 Length of seconds pendulum at New York iInpinches Gcscns 2. baeo. Fees eee C. 8911256 Length of seconds pendulum at New York Tre LeGb.|... ese <.hisee: | Aas} eee 3.25938 Acceleration due to gravity at New York... g 82.1688 Square root of same ............0.ecccese pai Vg 5.67175 Yands in) ] metre, ssc... ees ok Sale cc Feet 1.093623 3.280869 89.37043 0.304797 0.914892 1609 .330 in’ Lacs Se eeeeeeosereseeeaseessereseos Inchesin 1 ‘* Se eeseceee verse sees sso ee Peres Metresiin! 12006, .). . acing. «i. < dala iete clue tele s de Metres ine diyard 2 cesses bors cetade cieeeee de Metres in mile... eis. esic cate. ee TABLE XXXI.—USEFUL NUMBERS AND FORMULA, 0.4971499 | 9.5028501 | 1. 7581226 8.5362739 5.3144251 82418774 6. 4637261 4.6855749 1.7581226 2.5862739 2.3144251 9.7910124 9.5820248 0.4342945 9.6377843 0.3622157 1.59238162 0.5131850 1.5074347 0. 7537178 0.0388676 0.5159889 1.5951701 9.4840111 9.9611324 3.2066450 4 TABLE XXXI.—USEFUL NUMBERS AND FORMULA®. i ; Loga- Title. Symbol. | Number. | jithm. Cubic inches in 1 U.S. gallon.............. 231. 2.3636120 . «© 86 ‘1 Imperial gallon.......... 277.274 | 2.4429092 no Semel Ease DUSNOl anne se cores = 2150.42 | 3.33252383 Cubic feet in 1 U.S. gallon................. 0.133681 | 9.1260683 * “4 Imperial gallon? .3 4.7. .f- 5 0.160459 | 9.2053655 = Ks STU USM Clos cs aes cere cae 1.244456 | 0.0949796 Weight of 1 cub. foot of water, barom. 30 in. ther. 39°.88 Fah.; pounds. . 62.379 | 1.'7950384 se eaOe sy re < ie 62.321 | 1.946349 Weight in grains, 1 cubic inch, at 62° Fah.. 252.458 | 2.4021892 No. of grains in 1 pound avoir...........+..- 7000. 3.8450980 < a LOSI e sp ESAS es apenas 437.5 2.6409781 Se RO ee ee Ege.) 1m0e ac=—, y = radius of circular arc; r “4 ~t 180° 1 = length of arc; r= — Os) 40 a° = degrees in same arc. Radius by which the length of chord c in feet = a in minutes; ea’ 10 sin 44a’ Hyp. log x = com. log x x a or com. log (hyp. log x) = com. log (com. log x) + 0.3622157 Com. log « = M x hyp. log x ; or com, log (com. log x) = 9.6377843 + com. log (hyp. log x) Circumference of circle (radius = 1)............ceeeeeee seer eeeeees 2r MMPESOL CUTIO .. . rasa ss Ledeen nes eo ea a Fae aa ects aine SNe yoo s mr? Area of sector (length of arc = 1)......... ee eeee cece rece cer ereece Lélr Area of sector (angle Of ATC = A°).....2 ce eee e eee cece eee e eee tenes sap wr? Approximate area of segment (chord = c, mid. ord, = HO) ween eee APPENDIX, Verification of eq. (77). a sin f) . Hq. (76) p= = aR = sin 7}. cosec W sin a ay = cos (9. cose : in f) . cot ¥ cosec (76% do = ° eae WV - Sin. N 5 > N ((0$) do iG . ag =P cot 0) — V cot W (7) Verification of eq. (81). | Differentiating eq. (763) | aa } 60 9 6 6 "FT eee sin cosee Wo cos 0 cot W cosec W + jim 1 6 ere Det e@ Lf aie ie@3 We? sin @ cot W cosee WV +- Wa sin @ cosée V 20 6 p 6 6 oceaaty « ey aie cot 9 . cot wy a. We cot? V + cosec? Wv BRS ( 1 : t E 1 (DP eot2 y “an? S478) sn scar cot 9 cot N SP we! cot NV + 1) : APPENDIX. 303 ap” \? oie i Sane Now (» Z oe Pires: ase. == ——— ape a’ s (3 en ee ee pre dj? Pag in which substitute for “f. and for ae and let t : t a cot @ — wv © RG ste a (0? + p2(— ay?) Oye Penk eta. a p? +293 (—a)? — p?(-1- 5s cot 0 cot + + ya 2 cot? 7 +0) 3 2)2 a Ps ue 7 : 1 0 1 6 1 1+az+ W CC a ~ Ws cot® W 2? La ae . 2 1 pe re, { ae 6 Sa pean 2 et — 4 a< ee sé 1 an2 t & “+ ; cot N 00d N cot 7) (+a)! Me nd ( ai Sota) 5 N2 i hee N (+a?) 1 — syq — acotg r) Pre) VOEGN | Wl bon OCr 0 KINO, 53 E. Tenth Street, New York, PUBLISH: THE RAILROAD SPIRAL. The Theory of the Compound Transition Curve reduced to Practical Formulz and Rules for Application in Field Work, with Complete Tables of Deflections and _Ordinates for five hundred Spirals. By Wm. H. Searles, C.E., author of * Field Engineering,’ Member of Am. Soc. of C. E. Pocket- book form. dth CGiGIOMNs S53 044 bis be oe as FIELD ENGINEERING. A HAND-BOOK of the Theory and Practice of RAILWAY SURVEYING, LOCATION and CONSTRUCTION, designed for CLASS-ROOM, FIELD, and OFFICE USE, and containing a large number of Usetul Tables, Original and_ Selected. By Wm. H. Searles, C.E., late Prof. of Geodesy at Rensseleer Polytechnic Inst., Troy. This volume contains many short and unique methods of Laying Out, Locating, and Con- structing Compound Curves, Side Tracks, and Railroad Lines generally. It is also intended as a text-book for Scientific Schools. Pocket-book form. 16th edition, 1892. 1216.4 MIOTOGCO= bos a- ticpra th ee ote: eee oe par gas eet RON THE CIVIL ENGINEER’S FIELD-BOOK. 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