chool igh S a Technical H ROE ix is lee id FA Ga " rn EF Wel WS Mets Rne Gas gt whe“d ? OMAHA TECHNICAL HIGH scHooL / Instruction in use of books and livr-ry. Genoral Plan Aim--To teach practical, intelligent love and care of books, familarity and efficiency in the use of a library. Bolicving the greatest thing any pupil can take with him from the school is his ability to read, it odecomes the first duty of the school lib-=ry to make him want to read, and second to teach him what to read. Number of Lessons--ten in all. poree, lessons, ly. L) Lids Sth werede. Three , 2V, V, VI. Review of Lesson III, catalog analytical entries, periodical indexes, (Briefly) few general reference books, 10th Grade. Two , Vil, VIII, Periodical indéxes. Form and making a bibliography. Given as part of class work in Eng- lish XEE classes. 1lith Grade. Two u 4) oil array «2 Cultural--selecting books and | magazines for home. Given in” English XII classes. 12th Grade Instructions oy four Librerians in Librcry class room 45 minute periods. One assignment given on lessons 1-3 in Community Civics--9A classes--using text as basis. One assignment given in English VI, on lessons IV-VI. Assignment on Lesson VII and VIII given in English IX. New set of questions sent to depart— ment for use each quarter. Form for Bibliography used through- out school. Lr = : + XT 3 hed Debating Girls debating societies and boys deb2ting societies hold one meeting each in the libr>ry with the Librarian, at the opening of their season. Select their own questions and é carry it through all library inaterial. Reference books Bach devartinent is given list of speciul reference tooks belonging to his department. These are taken into class rooms, shown punils and used in connection with that depart-— ment. Follow up Trained st>:.f member is always available for reference work. Much individual instruction in use of catalog and reference books is given in this way. Oo ( 93056 A 4 tT ea LESMON. T I. Aim: a-To teach general racts conce er a: erraracemens and use 3° Libraries, vexsticularly T.H.¢g.Uitrary ©: order to make possible a liighe: degree of efficien sy and enjoyment in the use of books. b.To teach general Tacts concerning vhysical make-un and care of books. Ii. Assignments: Repetition of announcement meae orevicusly sy the Civic faculty that thass teachers vill «in their classes} assign and give credit for wrk based upon these Library lessons TIL. Pr«sentation of new material. ; A.Facts to be taught: B.Methods ised to teach facts: 1.Use of libraries in L.l.Wry have we libraries? general. Vnat are the ways in which a.ePublic Tact they serves ust (The free public a, Coatinuation school service. library cares benecreetional cervice. tively. an American QHoWnat dows one Gd in order to Lustitution. Ssuress pecome a borrower of public this unusual privilege Library.(Children who have which America offers.) used public library will an-— P.use of TU Jsvidibrary. swer thi.) Mention location of library, brenches and procedure for becoming a borrower. Il.l.Arrangement: T ake class to library and observe arrange-— : mons of room pointing out—- aeCherging desk(Stressing cee, olace for returning pooks);card catalog case; clipping file;. bulletin boards. b.Books;stacks with arrange- ment, reference it oks, Sound magazine,: SOL pet impractical to take class rio; alla 8 uf ry use. chart in manual, diagram on board) 2.0rganization of, T.H-S.Gtor. a.eLivrerian and Assistants, write names on board or have pupils report at next meeting. Encourage requests for aide b. Library rules. Wnoy is it necessary to have re- cord of all books in lih- rary?CGould library give sezvice if students hela hooks out as long as ther oic¢ased? a i) ene fii r % as $ € * } -2- SSONTL. Lee oiihs Cia, How does our schoo. motto apply to books i: the. Library? Coat sor DOCKS? Who Daye. Fa Tet pas avv books? c.Charging sys3tem--T.H.6 am dave pupil demonstrate Gorrecy charging of bDOGKE legible wrising an 67 CN now should moks be re- bunned(stress again place wel ny ma eerbuscy stator coke ) woes Asips vou. remembet wnen your books are due? Will goed citizen have ? ha ) library notice? > AX pe FRAT RR A hs BT L Pe 5 eee : PE. Stress social attitute toward the use cf oorvuks and Jibraries, 5 4- rmawesy4 4 led aQ-nan- sa 5 pt) — ™ Ls ; a.-Citizenship in regarding rights of sthecs, 3 “ ad © i +- « ty . 2 - qT Punctuality: Fiarplay f ¥3; unselifisurness., b.Home Room Contest in T.H.S.iLibrary. e.,Care of the bock 1.Cleanliness(coughing or sneezing into book) 2.How to open. (Show and have pupils actually go thru this procedure) 5.Cutting leaves. 4.Keeping one's vlace: Bookmarks--do not use pencils,combs, Avoid marking,or turning down leaves, turning book on face. Ppt .Description of book, ePhysical make up, Notice binding; super: end-paperse; fly leaves; sections; methods of sewing anu gluing. Effect of heat, cola, dampness, hard usage. (Show samples) b.Printed parts. (Ask pupil to open his copy of Hill's Community Civics which his civics teacher has instructed him to bring to library class—room with him) 1.Whet is the first printed page? Descriptions: Author; facts about author; title; edition; place; date; publisher; publication date; location of, copyrignt date. 2eDcdication. VeEres aces ne rocust ion 4.001 tents: ; Classification of thé took by sibicct, headings, broad and general in scope, arranged logically. 5.I[llustrations; maps. 6.Body of book, 7, Appendix Aithe ONe tne et 8. index: (Stcp i LOOK un re. Didiers fre: ATTangeme 1ere £9 teach value Keke = aes, . Stein i hat Plane is Ler. Onar hy L tee Leveonsense iti nu; iplaegetyn pook;. U Gross references; wie icichans Meats (or Ma stoh ex to the cet may be in last o ay TD 1cme a ma 2 “ a ps PO GCAGR BUHALE 56 stand the general psaen of the De C1S68ar Loa yon a Leva end aerranronent of books tn tT. LOCCemeis io Lab Loy STONER An the ust ‘of the Card Cakelos Hew Ge wow Vary Coniuniay Civite obissss. LO? LS Lesson Sco Tlom: that s peview of Deason iia drmosceaa 3, & 2 ape Te 5 = BS ee Ns daA ie? 108 A ob Cs a ko eV De: aS ow ek whe rhe ed DO Ni) sey eben SCHtORL eI Of. Rew material. renga OE Saaey Bp.Methods usea to teach facta. Be eCeurls CLOSOL VORCLON LSBsEns OUT MOCSS ET Lon teen arrangement, uhas is) classes Ca hlLono OL). COORG Mi ey eo. ‘ Por réxamale: if sou eo veers store to ouy shoes will you ex- a oleh 1 eas x Heot wostind them ap Ghee Loree Counter? Why should merch 1d “| eterno Sc LNG 2 hy should librasies arrange ¢ suggest eonere. Lead uo to the as Pe eet aa 2 cae i Se sat arranging or all books by sub- joot 2 Advantage of having all on One subyect togerner. ne of eeMoin divisions of classifica- Were tion develoved on blackboard. Have you seen this scheme be- fore? (In Library’ Manuva or bookinarks) Distribute bookmarks as an additional Beane Of _get- bea pefore students. Show pas decimal OLN DO. Mau sete fe eh ROME fo 1 number 6239.1 1,0leags number. It we knew the class number Book number. fia book would (ite stag baer Casy to find yite im ae eiares liorary? How could we arrange- these books to save time in finding then? Boox aN ee are made. up of first Letters, of are name and Ficure. COpy numbers still further dis- ‘Oe tinguisn books. ae cn la. number may be compared to o street number.Jdust as fang person has an address 89 everv nook hes a NUMDET. on ° oO Be : | oe hb Wil mien ache Ate mh a) Asis Cre iGc iit me OL i jel! 5 = PooOre (As Gaul 4 = Muri dex. 4.Arranzement of a books on shelves. CA T.What cetalog is-— id C1+- + yin 4 we ons ey im ot: 3 aS can es GSS SRD a mr pei 8 8 - Z ne pa iw oexr end hous yivaper. Le mee Wo 2h esd mother | SERS NLA Lah 5S-—-—C nq Lor et wa hae | nunber DO sO Fob n wt Nt ode Aetateat tye two OT - Hla eer ee — >) ‘i some street number SO one bOvVE cen uve SO, numoen, shougn the noo num's« ferengwelihis: Leak < 2, ng at, Due Noses sooo and- 1 Mee auteee Meee ca hee Ce Gide Ta rh pie ole Ls nese boors 2re abou . ea on” - 2 ~ cow “4 - 1a ’ os Weg Cts ead the stne subject. Stinetines \ti70 BEE Oe 1 rok, Aes ROMA OREN et ce MR Jey More DOOkS Deve esaetiy- the 7 as Same runder, both clings (mmber end dook number, These) aro Jiks eae Oia Des Liar rae ae same louse ond APT ATES seme addias How 30 we tell these books anarti Show cCepy numbor G (-} Le ae iter Chive Sitowr tO ned. POTN OF (Temeranes: That ane Pere Noe (DOGS: Why should they L dC. S3pare vd from theses .O1 pook Beek SLO A(Write several call numbergyion LS Moana? i0x rf ps Ww 1 a é at ald = : Jesna + AA board ana ask children tovarrage.: 4+. 1. o them accorciag to CLASS andsantmar numbers. Have certain pupils moke rough plan of strcks om DOM wand show gencral ee of bookean clnsees, or os accurate pilen er 8 dz the board by.ateers pupil. Ane ae PICtLion, wrovea. and biowrerhy is classes most used by Fresanen, Ef posstbic take. Ss end ).of cs al or send slower pupils POSLIORS TC GOs AO Deo tr aaa class nave ae examine t ave withtn them books waicr telling whet ¢ 3 they are in.) LO. Stacke vasa S) at 2 ay & w TALOG vord.Eave tupils look talog" up in dictionary--— e Llist-—1 eirocvory Oli TORE, Lf) YOu emma ton Sstranees oity ame wisnea Jo Lind a man whose address you did 1:7 know wo2t. would you okey LOU would. not wander around the streets asking «at every house ter iLL eos se ued look his address up IE C2 Ts et 8 me 9) Do ©} 8 Hb Gy Cy eit 3 4.Connection between call number and catalog card 2nd pook on shelf ke Soran 22 Sr Od Taw, Feneer 9 ager: POOR To Same tion Do CO lavayecny yay Gill, aera Up the Apress and) cad enum. afd he be fares Labearyad irec io a Dy Ceo ch eae S Review index tf vooks end Dring om Tach chet site Log tie ey Lon eae what index does Tom pogk. Catt catalog card, Li Nok inwex. nunber c number in tuo larre 6 exami catalog drawers. Why should sub-hceds be arranged alpnareviaad dy % 3.ByY good questioning have pupils decide whet information catalog should give. That is--has the library a book by a certain author, has it a book by a certain title; has it a boox on tain subject? V OLOD AS SY) COMO Over QoQ) QO @ O RHR <4 aj 00 KR ao) ; ample ask punil nan ei k she. w¢e reading now, Have nim find cut if LO gy | econ \ek snovhege pugs: “- YENI E an PACES Wan Ya oer act a he 6 5S ode a9 at ae bo Nanes eu a paet ese ad Ff ded One nena aL 4 me a ae gs 1 4 ae ttt up nt ha ne v} cy FRAO eat ; AU a tine! Ais lah AS we poke «a Pt AY re) at pe Ne Si? ted d\ *1 meh’ By ne yaw oF ’ [ vif ' Sly ae Ai " ~ f é A Pay Keo easiets ¢ A , ae : abet enh oi Do Pde saiy. peor ev ee wetvrs ‘eee. elle ii? 8 ay ae : ite? é oa " {ay aol iP ea of ent of sub-heads senerally. Chronilozivcal srrange- ment of sub-hesds under history. IV Bea. bscont. criticism. Illustrate w3-* Sample cards. Notice in passing, classification cf books of biogrephy and criticism. Note dates of birth and death on subject card of persons) c.(Ask pupils to look up a subject which you will bring up “See" and See also" references.) What See Aviation see Aeronautic. ean? What does Drama, see es Theater mean. (Have pupils look up other cross references using names end other subjects they will actually encounter as, George Eliot: Mark Twain; O'Henry; World War; Health; Bxplain meaning of Psecudonym and its abbre- Viation. ) d.(Refer to saple analytic cards on beard.) What does analyze mean? Why is it helpful to have analytic cards in catalog? 3.Wny is it important and helpful to have date off book on card 4.Whet does number in corner of catalog card mean? Where else will you find thet same number? (Send slower pupils to library to find books, the call, number for which they have found in ateloz. Let other pupils look up further cross references. ) 5.Wny are these arrangments good? Notice that books by an author afe filed before books or parts of books about en author. When the same word serves for several kinds of headings. (a author, title, subjoct) The verson's name comes first, tnen the sudject then the title, as Washington, George, . would come before, Vashington, D.C. ih { ) nee: tek ee en 0 oe sd oS NaS) che , "3 * oh yeahs oe eet | +s pie * , » ih aie Kohat COR ie Ld , n - sae hue tale wy. Pe bs 1 ay Sa 5 ee ¥ wi Vo. V a8 Vie aay ae s ry v AQ uJ % aie 82 Sie he ap! s > a Str: oh SN ie Me ms ats ae ote he 4 S hols yt he 3 \ chu She yi Mike ote 4 ‘ ‘ whe GP oar ett dehy rm J 4 1 ~~ . + Le “ % x > ~ . aur) 5 4 “* . “ ; y 3 i © cae ye r fs, if a 7 i wero boy fer h. - . ' t 3 LD a 4 . ‘ j ry § 3 t Da’ f 4 ed . we oot MG ek i, ; mat he i 4 B84 Aes! | PA y nik: ae) teh a ee " : ¥ - PY vik ; oes ‘ aid : hepa dete vist ’ hoe et Ree Fr ; ia cea ean j 1 i : , ‘ ae Ss Sagha ¢ z te 4 * vt teag airs { Se ony i Piva Cy ite) wie ky saadagctad + ae 1 OS aaa OE SEE, iu meee ES ee oa yell Ay ea > ] Vrd , ree ' P ( io om i dd os oh OD yk MRE eS nasi ! Ca wt e ah bine rae ee Ne’ Aah "a EN Fa verti satets me i fa eh, H tet ai oe on at ey hem tu Se Pre i ay i, ee BELA is Fe ily MAN el o 4 i, ue cial i ‘Oo on dh Bt) ¢ we , ' ‘ aoe ‘ ‘s KA Pagar i 4 pare baat Fy de save he ba fa Huta Li ae oy i" se vine TALa Tish irae ps f “ pe, : i a i. ah hey ie. Li & ORE eae P he ue a "ee a ap s iy oh or ert en, br Ars . 4 hy bbe te ie Ady apt aM) ‘eyes a Pi] ' a ve mys" ts Nae hed wie LESSON IV 6.Catalog as reference 6.How does catalog help us lock help--the first place material? What information . to look for matorial will it give us? (Review ana. on a given subject. summarize work with catalog. , eek BA Ne ear b ’ iy PMGy we % es wat ; Pb ect eens F ‘ ae Enake aly ‘] a I. rp ie III. Ailm* “a. 4 D- LiSSON V REFERENCE BOOKS. To instruct pupils in use of e fev outstending refer- ences books of special velue in their vork. To impress pupils vith the fact that special refer- ences oooks mey ve had for practically every sub-— ject. (Refer to the resources of the public libraries) asesignment; Repetition of announcement made previously by Reviewv: English teacher that assignments vill be mace by English department on work based on these library lessons. How many have used cerd catalog this quarter? What Cid you look up? (By means of tnese questions review the three kinds of information given in catalog.) If the card cetalog gave you no informa- tion concsrning en author or some other subject you were looking for where vould you look? (By means of the discussion following this question, review scone and use of Encyclopedia's end Bio- graphical cictionariécs.) IV. Presentation of new meterial: A. Facts to ve taught. B.Methocs used to teach facts: (Have books on truck in 1.Mythology. class room) (Herper's encyclo- 1.You have read Greek and pedia of classicel Roman myths. There is a literature end special reference book enticquities.) here which will give. you information about these Gods ana Gocdesses, the menners and customs of the Greeks and Romans, famous people, of Sthisiperied. ike oe book is: Herper's Encyclo- esdia of classical .litera— turé anc antiauities. ja ovstistics,directorics, S.otatistics. yeeroooks. 1.Gity nepvorte. 1.O0m*ha has Giscontinued annuel reports--issues 4 monthly oulletin called Municipal stetistics. Through vhat other means ao librerics furnish in- formation about the local community? (clipping file. Bxemple: Omahe. sections: World Herald Almanec. Will clipping file givc you iucterials on Weoracka.-—- Nebraska drawer) bo rho sed either ast see : Der ; . j a's are Ae «iat of 5 BAte iidee ae 2s) INO if A bx v) i v? ‘ Ma oe ’ vais on Yaw ap J ghia nF te asain ot eae oe tate , Baye oy ‘ ue ed hey ; ae ta, han te Wi ; Rigi ak ( f 7 le ee iawont wg son Wisulacanae te ‘to. cottttenen it a” | 4 iY St ihe fae higeleh Merton oot pra mp eee ae Vet oky SC aa Fie racks } ie ret EO ig F ACME AN oo iB ap bie all: xe aise, Bi ey th pe siattibhe samoaaed Nie tots eeonly, Sgn as “Frotraup abit - sofa ie DP Beau oer item eat 7 2 CNT EN DS Gill one Go ey aus cv wit) Tq "Rood xyes ¥ pes haut ey eR OWE OE ae tie SN AL Oe BLE TR Ee ‘ ( i the 3 we OM a OMS 1 be eli $i: beg ey, oY go OBOE a BOTY ee BO TO Oahu ng Baten sacs MO ae “at. floes ce Rieiy ‘tot saltead ater yoy SOM oUp AEtd Bol VoL ioy Ma Leigoate old Yo Roe te iil bos.a had sade Core to! gay Bae -wercloe Wahway Dar MRS GU ty Aubed "tao ETOH a had incandih ee ¢ | ~ Lys Me ata eat 10 aos id weg / boa’. dons tog ‘ piair. pp ee | be cusinh a ad CS ee eRe mae Rowe fil By ta Oe me Bs: ny ig yen Mia | SRY ae Levin 4 Of Wsconan yay by ath cata, + bid gies Bibs aed kOe. OL OY One a! req mel) | t soda maar Riv otaeeiol 2o) aii fia 3 BRS are at | aan MOE "Ray mea Cog eae « bey aay exidenad be i ey Bid s TLD oka. iss I Gan oe more ete rs Pre sa oan 2 i Maa Bean hae | Vie Vette a ae ta ea Ai awe Nap ooD--baw. won? | RS RIC ARE ous ah ‘eheh ob r Aey DD au CF Ree ee God ae eee | Lk! — | waroihes't i208 HO,’ ire sehiricl Ree ea ae Tae ny erty 3 GD res a pd ‘f ee Bio ty Rereye sO eh ie a atin fat ; *) ve fi - alateat elasanadt gph aoe Pees Rn Ana At, eee ‘9 Lane i A: ath he +. Vee! TAGE: i) ok hh Ae Ae ate viva nay ee SRLINE f i Sit ae! a At A A issu ie Ke Dene Did, if me ihine pil: Wee STNG SN: fo Lieitrad ati nN i Sain # Nee wh hee Petraes... Wd ANG pts coraiinal Ae tiny: Meteo Avhadl shine et aed et, ‘ aM Nee ami, Roh", Ds Ki } (y he Ai elit 7 Wit! "1 : hi - sabe totows i, a8 Peale HAG hee LOST BBN" h" ben! the LiSSON V Fy sF ae teee. Pacts bs) SeNOOre Sica Clus book, >TtTUteS 4 Meer tee Neovraske,. 5. Congressional directo ry me Almost every state has 2 oublication usually called a Blue-book. In this bopk you will find the biography of members of state legis- lature, the history, duties and achievements or various departmcnts and historical deta. Very use- ful for advanced Civics Who knows what is another nane for law? The laws of tne stcte of Nebraska are assembled in this cook: Compiled stetutes of the stove of Nebraska. Fo find tne statutes on anv special subject you look for that subject in the index of f You will probably C3 ho book. find a reference to a number woich is of greater denon ination than that of tne last page in the. book. To wnat does this reference number direct? (Statute, instead of page) The Congressional directory gives biographies of the U.S.Congressmen in the same way that the Blue-books furnish this meterial for the state senators and rep- resentatives. The Congress- ionel Directory is issued at the beginning of each session and is a directory of all congressmen, ase esneuls, foreign consuls in the Peete ae of con cressional eee e hs off- Bea) duties Ct won Picers of executive depts. maps of congressional districts, and historical date. Seé if you find biograohy of Senator ma dre Duties of U.S. salth board. Names of ariit commission. ae a 5 ~ Vrith@ bl a 4 “yh ve Qh + a? e rot a Pee BL tar) a ‘Ea ay ant teen PRODR Suorsee be ERE Capa .teng Sia bie thes ¢ Pt He thA wa. Peek, athgcey ke Sri z aii fr aan Rae ll faa SAG cae ieee My oS “sg ny mee tea NN ineabpede dottee ee | 42 Pa yan Wee LONG ; ; us a Bae is ROR RN Lan ey mek oe Seen. nT ti ee HAY f as CMe SF red oR Pha ae a8 Pe Naa pam REE 4 . ae 1 ea Jt sae RG | = See ee a are F « LE A oe wy shee ha! bs A aa weer: i MON. eae £ bh Ms uf He BAO Be wt Wis en (Deel RAR Sr Rea ‘ SN oe a | ee “, be es ‘ (iit ¥8 Ress batte: bg Lou oat FI vie oy st Gall Bai ! Wy } . my : hy alae - i salto degen inset Hedlgshd patina eye Bu ati ; : i mtr 7 vad Ah PS ten) ‘% ied h Nae " te U ‘ vy ; 7 Oe Oe te 1y | ANG Wy hh UN Ca OPAL ALO Ea a bear decal bod Ey mie 7 c Pe \ P 5 He ti f AUS: ni ae iid a BERS | i — “Se Vets at, th ‘ A eee eae a: er ah rte as f ; i i | oy i | “hs ae Acie NM “RRS OMAN ‘eer Y: Pd a . Ata fy WR Ctra 8) “So RU GOR Naa cae Nate i i nerd a ad at AN ; ‘ te Dye n ier eco) TP) Li WER GO lak ST URC Oe BUH ce) ae , pHa PEMA, idee 8 ot Choe ilies: >. Oka aaa . SA at AND vay EMEC ONY gH E ai eitOieG Oe MOTE NS Saas WR eel i PR ea manta Oe ih Hans aaa wd i td | AAA AT eae Ep Ost tare POR ORES PA | eo Hy + SRDS 9 ibe ga ama Pew) ies aay te Rane ry : edna SEY PEGGING! mes bits PLA Ne eC! Oh: Bist ame Po Te Anite oi Matin ah wet 4 umn Bis | Anco.bnb oman mith e aah Howe spear BO AU eR ama at Dade esata GR CO IRRARE Hock AR : Mat nay mate ve iat A so “a HitSh, hg sane ‘eh pe ule} } 1 . y) hee ie ; va ‘ ale } ay, as a Mi pike Sr i; ai mL) Plates ¢ MB we Ki . ’ Ay 7 / s ) a glen he WY hae ea ti! oy vary : i va A tae ey dye Vue oad f , I i, aay Yan nite Bao % i wy uy rate ie ne is ar cen | } i | nap Al Fie) arn one Hany ' | ooo Perrseas iat i HTN Cl Ha (~ ' ti i SAS i pk ae I iy i aie an Be Py aii tas Va ake See Ok hae: | ee hy Whe by i 4 L gOS Meiarweni le son 1 at hh af Aa Ue LESSON V 6.World Aimanac. 6.How many have used the World Almanac? Where do zou find its index? (Front, behind colored vages.) Sugzest scope of its material. 7.Statistical 7.Issued each year. Devoted to abstract. Statistics. Notice kinds of information. C.Quotations: We often remember only a few words of a poem, or play, or essay. There are special refer- ence books which direct to the source of these brief qvotations. Again we desire quotations about special subjects; these quotations books aid us in finding suitable quotations. lett: 1.Bartlett: Familiar quotations iliar traces passages, phrases, quotations. proverbs to their sources. The quotetion is entered under authors, and autnors are ar ranged chronologically. (What does chronologically mean, ) An index of authors quoted the front of tne book: an index of importent words in the back. 2eHoyt:Cyclovedia 2eHoyt: Cyclopedia of vractical of practical quotations is arranged by quotations. sudject. In thefront is a top- ical index with cross-reference: under which the quotetion may be found. An index which brings out the important words of the quotations is at the back of the book. Granger D.Poetry. If we know only the title, or the first line, or the author of the poem, we can find the voem thru Granger: Index to poetry and rec- itations. This index does not con— tain a single poem, out it sends us to books that do. It is divided into 3 parts; title index; author Index ANC. Pirsy “Line: index. Symbols follow the entry; these must be translated through the section: Key to Symbols, at the front of the book. (illustrate) tala) , i : , a ; . way A hae 4 ae ae un ar i ft a. OES FS ARR wis pe [ oY oC oo i i tie 8 ets Si ph venl ar .Y a SBIEO itotacn TR d ee aaNet hulp cabs : a bess: t bfuito ee eee 4 phat aS re arcs be reat, iii ein avortge Sanh). bis oles, + Rage nae oat chy THON PADRE REELS PW c }, p> keke” ~ ‘ ey are oh * ‘ou ey Me € te oS ey (ee re a 4 Aye Ais Das ob a moe ie oa BE. 4 ey SOF e TREE OF adie ce. oY Bo MOR dat Rt Bice: ee PO Mec, t wid ds Ber : cee ee wa Cs a a a hesto baton? Logrerse Coote ai OSE LO) iO Oe: ‘ih ED pe i Gg fiotts : te: aerate wotaed. giv adie fee “aap se 6 hoBed. et ae Btw. aapod: = , | at i we QanO.L F oi a we an a tories... ees A a f : “op Brody. CYA 4 fa AM Bu eaten ted int Boor >t reek out mae ez : O. Keb: lone nae oy Se rh iy ir adh RONEN are Mi se i aa | Oe T ae: th Ee a ‘tad, i it tt POR, ‘3 . ee ee Set nang Hints Sete tetas geo yall fra oye } ee he Ly t a” ¢ .*) A WO QUE G Gey aie testos 4%) ae | aa ERY a vs Mi eT ik wad? (> +5 ay et “ ai veh 3 a ‘a \ ave 4 e OS iyi fe 6 ROTM at Ud . Pag," OSISES ais Bi sali Ff Re Fit! fen chtbtins te Obe Dh> %) if ht ako, eebat Ti at ccciat o g ity es Owe. » Bee og ae 0 ‘athak: Hie = te cae od Rhaiele BOOT - Lot i ope é Mia me BEI O8 “Teen i R468 b: Pe oe ‘ebaien: G. : ate 8b us a at ae , ee ee ma 1 . ie A * - if Bai vite Retry ie SIO R, toe Wate at 220 agetid herOHD.. ae a ay a ies tee \ bs Mee erg BN ti) ay a i tons ey ye thy + ‘! ys ey, a Yewr & , Hatta westoots ie, GA Ph it pot te gy Pt. wil Ly. tO joel teste: Pele eae ' A i Fm, Wor Li i us AtD . r } wy a wh ‘a : | HA Ne . r ra inate 8 ne iy fi ‘ : eet * en hea 4 ie ; ‘ saobsrntoun’ . i vy Pes ry " i al hacinye ie 38 eo a ' ) aan eee MUN fri aoateop { a al ’ Wao ki : } ' ia y ead ‘ yf ia ‘ ’ rye rVG8 ] 1 if v ‘ \ J ay 1 : vy af a) , i LA hy Atel ; iy ‘ i ] \ 5 i intes LESSON V Lippincott's E.Gazateer. New Gazetteor of Lippincott's: New Gazetteer the World of the world contains and gives information about every geographical name in the world. Alphabetically arranged; pro- nunciation and various opelling given. General information given; population, temperature, climate, industries, and his- Cory Cran's Universal F.Atlases. Atlas of the World Cram's Universal atlas of the world. Explain use of indexes marginal numbers. Gives des- cription and general informa- tion, history, mottoes of states. Rand McNally Com Rand McNally:Commerical At&é& mercial Atlas of of the United States. Rail- the United States. roads, canals, steamships lines, interurban systems, post offices, telegraph stations, express offices in- dicated. Maps of large cities showing transporation lines, public buildings and parks, depots and stations are in- cluded. gotie Leona t aay a tee Ton re, MBit Serge, BETO | Raye ites cas 5. awedume Digi Fat Near tio ae Petedey. berg get taty Qa a y he abe 3 bois witeted | ‘x gd Camere ae 4ROBON a IG TRL RECTOR vee oode | ag tgo Be Sa OEE wage. Bek Uo: apogee, fostade, BRE IED: Hn! pe Agel Rol PRC ( aetee cra ett on rem? ee bane Liu api Die, : vagebleh baidt oiidug nae, iit a bree ‘BHO SES) VaR MOE HS Si tae PR Raa eines ie he ‘Uponlgher best nett ne ct “i ye eft A ess ty . iW Yer a 44% a y A Vi) } a i Sat 4 “ ‘ 4 tl aa th ' 4 J tae at. ea, Wey i 4 ' 1 { i Jai mit F : ones ‘ eascrnue mee ig x " Seuimernceet TO BFRSEROO EE rd | ee ORO e beneath fawercs x ie | "i mM bi | Pt Bh aah gen brid of goxebet so Les | he ot ae A 0k POY re a a “AS Kebibs eb tud fevebeoh, 6. | | oe aac samen Haroetag OFF my | | Ne a kee Sia We ae ibd ORE ‘ | 7 ie TERA dents: assis: Setigsgan toiined . ¢ y MMMM EU Vol: Lh «hy! eBgbat e he oT te bes Lg Ai Wana ety Lat | Uh MeN Wath) | itt iy. Ba, oe wy Fer tes tek: 0} ; s ) et HAG i Hn hy h : with 3. fang, oto grode. 4 eL ahi) eT le qibteb ns ANAL | ie te ees TO: age L. Loo : so tOF : ; , ’ hy pokatoed. % oxivadsnt, ni obi i) Apne PAE be Ofsiee EO BM i Rio ae . : 3 | ne reiey ee ee Ee aT of : | , We hes + : | eaasrne rot jgan’ a igien OG BS: siseeey Cie F wane. ot. Gate ees, treo pe honrn, oth | | | | pk ee ‘ey otis Bren s aia “hee ae i BUA HEA nae Ke tind ay hese 10d tetehi BND hE. taogs | Hoa esa Lie ae fins Semlnagen batt tat! 1 lt a | RAB IGT me i | | baht ae Pai RE ice MPL hie. $Ot noktaetts ££80 LG ae ee A IN et a as oe aa “Ge 6S aes ss Avie bietnt. a8 Wee - Mt ae aN ns 1 y Mh a he ee " Bry if 4 goh TED ben. Powe: , | A je Real ea ‘ ) eoniod- did + re . : ; te hs a ae d 7 ar : oeteokbai 9: terieatia” bey, 2) Sm? Pe Ra 0 Cn wiarceol tat amtgs b y | ) Pa Mr ea moe al tysiv ati hs & ae MOR ® D Fy “berttala Hane Bait es ip ; i idles howe Fy At o ahi: nee a ar. olitg Bogs %o. — & O%RE | mone Tne yAtdet ene. PO Pepe asout hk. Ne i. tag Kolaecoat hs, ban aoe Ce eR tea a Fate hin et fone: ere f iien wom 3 cesb.stoun, BH Byes al, f a } A . - ow y 4) > Os Wes : A: % aA: : t i : ane * py? Po us renes ie at Pam). 8) aN f ft, 4 he, LESSON VI ys 2 3 CONG Periodicals will be discussed according to the nature of their contents: A.Curpwent events: If time per- |. mits give wid- er description. Independent Weekly,current events and ten- dencies. Literary Weekly,No orginal Digest articles but abstracts or comnents on art- icles in other public*tions; both sides of subject. 21iVen. Recent poetry, anecdotes. Outlook Weekly,Social reforms.Sane; liberal. One @fengthy liter- ary article. Survey Weckly, Social rmorovement. Mid-monthly graphic number. Descrive by citing subjects of some graphic numbers. World's Work Monthly: Illus- trations--type of articles. B.Storices and general reading: Supplement class discussion of type of storics in each periodicals) American megazine: Monthly interesting ocrsons. 4 Aticntic monthly.No illus. Type of liter- ature. century: monthly:High grade CCU LOM: Good Housekeoving:Monthly: Household arts; LLODLOT. Yat ust Ot es 9 Sa eee Hy ne f ’ A MORO tO arorreh + My vitewt.. go Loti re Bio Rt stos a , tanikeo @. ng ‘ Dak ae CG. oe i “Pte DO aati Se) RRR oeren) Mente ah Bates Wig « baaks Seta vie aege ‘hod ; gegen Geakaun Nene Rain Gr ee | pa Fe he ‘EB o) | hedeoe flonW ‘Mob thant * Orer ¥ ict ss a rot ~ "nine hates £ mgr a , Vib ating aoe N h nitnees Ti a ee Sh eee f q SS ay *- r ‘ 7 =) poe (Ok ae ‘ be bane , aSe aie nae ae weirs CHRE he me a oa Dye mee at FEN AM . an eh i. mere > 2 4 cr) RIES ine @ oa ? ee foiah «anh , i Rhy r MS uf " ‘ a ae 4 t ‘ " 4 h i ‘ f if " ; r } 5 qi i Wie! . ij i . ; 4 } f ’ it ri 5 cP RRB NG EAI EY ME Reon EN " later Pa ee Gait alee) me 5: ov Lae ae f a Ge: ne aaa Lohiee iy mat UR a) Yea a Ure ‘ ta oT oe citet Lay cit opel RED as AS arah Bag Rate Wed ye aa) te, da 7 A t r ‘ i aay ’ AY ; x ae i 4 10) Won. % t ) . ye | oe hs " 2 Ne . . ier ; md ee) ir nan Wrenner Ce WTA Tite ae sh: en ¢sciggehemnaie Atay sega ty, WNL dl eh fas | ” pay asthe ; i / , ; a i I hy i wg ) iy Pes Pe Wet ' me f : ; ra ‘ ; ' ‘Ka i , civbe tt hf a x lit fi Paka ¥ Pes , a ee i 5 . 4 ay vu . De » MA 7 f “a, Ti wy ap! ore aoe } H » e ; , i ‘, whe xe : , ; He k W b if (ea ae } ‘PE OAS i stir \ a, Be j as cm P ey ee i fe hat : Ve ie Tere am | yay | 7 ‘ iS i n> gi f 2 Ween ie, ; rite, ver ni Tes l : r i cea | Crue hi NAME hy : ye af iv Ray Ata yy 2 Sa HN, Me ined % Tul Ct OAK SS. 3's a ae A : : * (nee Wee * eo rs rhe PI hy Dn icy wah his 2 set ® tebe an! PSOE tary sb 0 ue a) | } } RT teat Ra ; ¢ ' Z " ¥ 4 , , \ ; 7 - > ’ wit v Tie a Py : { 7 1 eA LESSON VII I. Aim: To teach the knowledge and use of the Readers! Guide. II. Review: 1.Why is it necessary to have indexes to periodicals? To make imnedietely availablié the vast amount of material valuable for reférence and for general reading which would otherwise be accessible only through the indexes to the individuel volumes. 2.If we did not have periodical indexes, what process would we have to follow to locate material in magezines. a.eLook through contents of separate issues of the magazines; b.Consult tne index for each volume. III. Assignment: Announcement that assignments baseé on the library lessons will be given and accredived by English teachers. IV. Presentation of new material: A.Facts to be taught: B.,Methods used to teach each fact: 1.The name of the index 1.Explain briefly that Mr.Poole to be used for period— first indexed periodicals for cals published before the use of his college debat- 1900--Poole's Index, ing society. This index event- with supplement, 1801- ually included periodicals L907, published between 1801-1907. &.Readers' guide: 2eThe service of Poole'ts index In this library: after 1900 continued by Readers! Volume 1 1900-04 | Guide. 2 1905-09 3 1910-14 Frequency: Monthly: (show copy) 4 1915-18 4 monthly cumulative; annual 5 1919-21 3 year (formerly 5 year) cumu- lative. (show volume) Annual volumes Current numbers. \ Scope: Scope: 110 selected periodicals now indexed. - Description: Description: What is the arrangement of th” card catalog? (Alphabetical) The arrangement of the topics in the Readers! guide is the same. (Give cach pupils sam- ple sheet) You will find that references give only the abbreviations for the magazine. It is not always easy to know for what magazine these abbreviations stand. How can you find what the abbreviation means? ‘ s om a as i rh Py lan Me vo tenw. aided: eeniven eved + ass = Tatas ¢ gteaet oo ene cot oF. mn ’ : OW < a onnt Sood sy cae treads eet m0. ‘aeaae PES Sart? Sivtin scupaaiak sie ¥¢:. he. thatove DB sche od iit gntosaet -aigdongt Sb | :iatredes wan. Td. noltetaanes + fowt deaa ) domed oF hose whodiel. gd): itdguay od of atostyA. . “efpegeah, teat wiltetot atalortt: webet ent to” ener etter “eh eleokbol reg Baxebat tantt: -holtey tot beet et of es: egei log. ain. Yo: sas odd - eroted., bardetidya ae oe¥e xohat gid? , eters, oat “4 XebaT “pata LooteOel” Plo i a bebslont whiey Pee ohOBL Ce bipeintal aie DS 2 a : o PCRS LOG L fteamiad beset Soir as oo ORE Re -mpbrt a*eloot te antvtee a7 k oe ee bounttaoo isa setts oe Pr Fal ne (goo ite eldsaoM, song isutiee zoe te Lemurs eeney rom &) HEENLEID (Faey & ¢iremtot) tay € tome fo8 wotts} - Sisnidaen _aigotnetneg Sesoain fog 4 ma Sn eae moceaceting +8 Fad adglay Maolats o Ay beh ir epretoe iis LESSON VI Tr B. 2.Description, cont. om | (List of abbreviations for magazines indexed explained inefronttpam<) : From your use of the Librery catelog you know that in- formation may be found under 3 distinct neadings: What are they? (Author's name; title; subject) So also in periodicals index- es there are entries for author, for title (when necessary), and for subject. Form or. entry: Alphabetical. a.Author's name inverted; title b of article; absreviation of periodical; volume number of the magazine and the exact page reference separated by a colon; month and date. (Have puvils find examoles to illustrate these points, and those foll- owing in sample sheets of Readers! guide). clube: Poems (before 1920) and stories are listed alphabeti- cally by title; beginning with 1920 poems are listed alphabetically under the heading "poems". Articles are listed by title. The title is followed by explanatory word showing whether it is a poem or story: by author's name; title of periodical, volume number, colon, page numbers, date. (Drill infinding oxamnles) c.Suodjcct: Broad subjects subdivided when necessary by mcans of subjjcads; title of article; author; periodicals; volume numper and page numbers separated by colon; date. (Find examolcs) Portraits indicated; What is the abbreviation? Illus-— trations indicated--Abbre— viation? , U , Pty. A 7. xh y ‘AL a ww feds te ccs dee oll, {est Ret wood» yoy od SR i a Preel: od awe thaewot ae Feat} eas Honk dte feb: Bionit aye a pos J ch fun: ita. ree eh: ik (tomtdun. sobess ‘ a pasbes tag tt. Onda oe 3 RvttMie ots axed? as fy ia GO? oposite we vot bas Ce aeneoen oe ‘ He Uk Cyteite. Fo raek§ SLQOL OSC SAGLS aLiadr pbetreviet: ane Sirodscrk se: rey ye ie we: ail singh he Bes ey ast: sue sige i « Lak ft PR) ON iRs t vy Pi 1 A a ia oe } we ‘ ae Rie 0 we Fs] "4 Pry need sang ba BRAS a par nolo ye bets teen a 09g: a Lye 4 BM al tony even) os SS ARAN ofmrraul ll of Colaken, Geer eG oPy. Fy oS Sg ia hd hosed BTR BROCE 4 i qi e . Bra Seb wi leobtodanats ets #2 nolo ties + sennoc® ~ons bast i t ae . Y + Pace Goewrol tor st 2 ur Mona Secor yiotansigno ‘rere go siood © at. df seadtorny fe 20 ka ener atxodtes. yo eens omy lov - feod Had co! , a ee a celia At eRe Rakoe le tromets Barone et! phic) | ih, : ay an r tigwe BP ootd ie” Bey iaom Ye Tinesoood, ‘gone ite te OLtit sabahddee ATE genta te wae | gag hus tocmE poor os.g bce bet ate Baier scpmtet Bar oe teetbns Steyroe . itp toudds oft ak th Gel ge ye oneds ay Tidy Potts Read sonih tk i gat ea * wii a] aa > ‘3 s " ) al ‘ i nV ARPA i i b baint i if i A i a Ae : ree i . ¥ BD) nD Ad Ta‘ i Pian wae iene Wed ni Le mies : A oe a af i Ae . | ) 4 » fi : fe \ j A i ; A oH ; H ity ' eet if, ? ays A J a Wy -RePosan *) nn ‘ ‘. oe [ 7 oh, § i "y Fe ; h 1 ty bi . “ a) \ } \ ? + + Orr : # A 1 J fi if & - 4 F ‘ } mi 7 a og ei Tis oe AD see oes LESSON VII B.2.Form of cntry: d.Cross refercnce."Sce"and Bee also"are used as in catalog. "Seo elso" are especially use- ful by suggesting exact subject under which to look. Guide chart 5.Guide-chart. How do you know whether magazine referred to is in this library? Explain use of guide chart indica- ting the periodicals and their respective volumes in this libray; also lists of periodicals on bulletin boavd with location in- dicated. Location of periodicals 4.Location of periodicals. ML iptary Current periodicals: Main, East, and West libraries. Bound periodicals: Main Libr-ry. How arranged on shelves? (Alpha- betically by title; then by volume) “sean taoasure esool oxide ahs ae 4 "es wae dea ahs bm ¢ weberiay! aids not hat TARO ¢ we . 1? pi ee os Te 0 a £) cs a yerdi!l Aine «. ate Bi, & BEBO ve ~oetigoos “en . ds a ark a ow ~ * Hs oe 2 OG oop \ RY Mwy were hae aT ~ nahin teens ie b) Dike 4 WV ei i di IDs hog Deed baa totteool iyssrdey tik th ie ct LESSON VIII I. Aim: To teach pupils to compile a bibliography, using resources OLvthe 2. HS. torary.. TI. Review: How can matczial be located in library. (1)Encyclopedia. (2)Dictionszice. (3)Catalog. (4)Bibliographies in books. (5)Clipping file. (6)periodical indexes. (7)How are bound magazines arrenged, in T.H.S.Librery? (8)How do you tell wnet volumes we have? III. Assignment: Peneat announcement proviously mede by English tcachers that they will assign and giv. accredit for work based spon this library lesson. IV. Presentetion of new material A.Facts to be taught: B.Methods used to teach: L.Detination of Biblio-— 1.Definition: What is the meaning era hy. Bibliogrert iy? Bibliography (a) Com; lete bibliography in reference to Resources of a particular library: A list of books; magazines, and other materials, or list composed of all there is on a given subject or of works by a particular author. Bibliography(b)S¢ ‘lective . vibliography. A list of the best material on a given subj: In bibliography which you make, you must include only best references. Have class choose sevoral subjects for the making of a bibliography. 2eNeed of naving a Select one, so general in thorough uncerstend— scope that it would have to ing of the definition and be divided into specific scope of the subject of subjects. Find dictionary , the bibliography. definition of subject, and discuss its meaning. Emphasize the importance of knowing full meaning of the subjoct, and the imvortance of establish- ing its boundarics to avoid the inclusion of references to related subjects. Reviow reference books which will aid in dcfining tho sub- ject; dictionary; encyclopedia and svcecial reference books; cross references at end of articles in encyclopedias. Select a subject suggested by the class sufficiently svccifi’ to use for the sudject of a simple bibliography. = ee ae = Hee ak) ‘ Pear Pad ‘pe NT PRL ne bat oy ae a LESSON VIIL 3.Mechanical fori of Mcochanical directions: @ Dibliography. Distribute mimeograohed instruction: for making a bibliography. Teke up cach point with the class, and illus trete each point with illustrations on the board. A INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING BIBLIOGRAPHY I. Meaning of bibliography: List of books or magazines or other mater lals, or list composed of all there is ona given subject, or of works by a particular author II. Steps in making bibliography. 1. Cards or slips most convenient for keeping material found. Be, ONG CNULY Ona Card. b. Easily Beet: c. Easily arranged. oe Cone lt card catalog. a. Author heading in plack. (book by) b. Subject heading in red. (book about) c. Analytics Mec or part of book on scparate card. huthor, date, call number. If part of book, inclusive wages. 5. Consult reference ekeh ss: ae Encyclopedias, World Almanac, Who's Who, etc. (1) Givo title of work, date, volume nuriber, paging, 4. Consu}t Readers! Guide. a. Each article on separate card. (1) Give author, title, magazine, volume, paging, datc. 5. Consult clinning file. aeGive author, title, source and date if vossible. b.Underline heading under which matcrial was found. Bie OLE OL VONtT Vis 1.Books. a. Author's name invertcd,- initials; if only one Piven nane; i full form: bo. Title. Enough to identify the book. Follows author's name. os 1 inch if on same line, or 2) Indented 13 inches on following line. | Capitalize only proper names. c. Date. If no date, copyright date. d. Paging. Omit if whole book is on subject. If part of book, inclusive paging: i.e. pp.14-35. If various parts; po 14-35; 41-68; 76-103. e€. C all numbor. Before entry. Example of entry fof a book. Sree Clemens,S.L. Cc 59 Life on Mississipvi 1897° pp 6-31; 40-54. Eni +5 IF | * cae tila = je INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING BIBLIOGRAPHY. @. Magazine article. a. Author's name as in entry for book. Deut hele. c. Magazine nane, volume numbor, inclusive paging, date of issuc. ExXample of entry for magazine articles. Stoddard, Lothrop New Aspects of the Chinese Question. AST est Bale) Maya Los&, 5. Glipvings. aeAuthor. Cssource. e.Suoject heading Dp. Title. d.Date. underlined. Example of entry for clippings. Gunther, John American Books in London. Set.Rev. SS OS As Po App ih eGo Books and Reading 4. Arrangement of entries. l. In one alphabet. Do not soparate books and othcr matcrials. a. By types of material. a. Books b. Magazine articles. ec. Clipvings. LESSON IX I. Aim: This lesson should help pupils to know the pleasure and profit to be gained from good reeding. II. Review: What have your library lessons and your use of school ~ library taught you concerning libraries? Would you feel at home in any library now? If you go to college and are asked to make a bibliography, would you understand how to go about it? (Review main points in previous library lessons throughout this lesson). III. Presentation of new material. A.Facts to be taught. Necessity for con- sidering one's r«ad- ing as a life prob- lem, ari of having some body of ideals Or guides. Revicw of qualitics of good books. B.Methods used to teach fact: L."After all, ‘yourself is the only per- son you can by no possibility get away from in this life, and maybe. in another. It is worth a little pains and money to do good to him." R.Kipling in "Independence." Suggestions: Ask for examples of interesting personalities. Lead discussion to show that as a rule interesting persons are interested in everything in general even tho! they are specialists in one sub- ject. Stress the value of intell- ectual curosity; define this. What books have interested interesting people? In reading exercise your curiosity in seeing what these persons found in these books. Are these books closed doors to you? Why should they be? Speak of Pro- fessor Smith's book "What can lit- erature do for me," discussing bricfly each point and urging that this book be read. Books that we read reveal the kind of persons we arc. If we read cheap or ordinary books and magazines we inust expect to be judged as cheap or ordinary. Review: Test the books you read with the clements which should be found in: A good novel, A good book of science, drama, poetry, etc. Make a list of these elements (this discus- sion based on background of avnore- ciation resulting from work in Eng- lish coursces).A good book must leave wholesome and fine fecling, must be interesting, well written. ¥ Vp Shot th, he it a Rarer iy i aiid pre Ni To yl « ae J eu ee ’ + } i a ‘ Pater h ay « \ - ‘ed Ay ante tind, Sea . od Bb ee SP aa a hs 7 a4) hh, goat a) RRS ee eae LESSON Ix What is a clessic? A classic is a book that has stood the test of time. Have class name Classics. Remember English X star- red novels? Arnold Bennett says "It takes more expenditure of brain matter to read a classic than to read a newsvaper." Have class make a list of classics they have enjoyed. 2eHow to reer. 2.Method of reading. At first set a definite goal: at least a book a month. Read for the joy and pleasure you may get from reading, but forget you are reading. Read the whole book rapidly; return-— ing to the parts which hold special appeal to you. Read widely; dip into books of many subjects~-do not narrow. your interests, and establish a hard- icap for yourself by limiting the scope of your reading to one subject or one type of book. English IX has given you Drema, English X good novels and English XI the essay--now you are just beginning your study of poctry. Books differ for different people. Start with what you like;--What is interesting to you. Your reading | taste must grow. What satisfied you as freshmen should ve outgrown now. Read Andrea Dol Sarto and The Last Ride together by Browning which gives you this idea in form of a poem-- (Write names of these pnoems on board). Have class name Dramas, novels essays they have enjoyed. 3-Summary. Love for good books makes life happier, easier and nobler. Some one has said "Read--life won't be so tiresome neither Will you." 4.Assignment. Before tomarrow examine the following collections of vowms in our library. Read f ur or five poems in each, and be able to tell which contain -he voems that meet our tests for a good book. SOLDDES, cd. Modern verse. Hepplier.. "ed. Book of famous verse. Richards, ed. High tide; Star voints Rittenhouse, ed. Little book of Modern verse. Werner, Reading and recitations (any volume) MneecLer, sd. deirt throbs. pags? ra © ‘Siag 4 what ge ba oy , wie ; Preis oD ae o a Ret (oy Case LESSON X IT. Aim: a. To show what libreries can offer to the individual. b. Knowledge of printed aids or tools to be used as guides. c. Selection of books for private librery. TI. Presentation of new material. A.Facts to be taught. B.Methods used to teach fact: 1.Review of difr- l.Has your T;H.S.libr-ry made eny con-— ferent forms of tribution to you during your 4 years service given in this school?(This tyve of question ehh eed MOL eT iit should bring out the different forms of service offered to the ynupil: Recreetional Informational Instructional: How to use books and librerics. eLibrary service 2eLibrery service of the city. or the city. asrubli¢wlipr— aeHeve you used any other agency arics. to supplement the service of your school library?(Public library) Stress the importance of knowing the resources of the Public library. Making needs known to the library. 1.Special l.Readers! assistant: source of service advice upon recreational and of Readers! vocational reading; talk over assistant. your reading problems with her) Stress opportunity to use libr- eries as continuation school) 2eReference 2eReference librarian: source of librarian. answer to specific questions: Bibliographics. SeLibrary service of 3.Agencies of the State which give the state. library service. Suggest briefly work of: a.State Library Commission. b.State Historical library. c.Legislative Reference Bureau. d.State University Librery. e.Reports -ad publications of the state. Service from any of these departments may be obtained by writing the depart- mont or through your city Library. 4.Book and librery 4.Library service offered by .the U.S. service offered government: by the U.§S.Gov- Librsry of Congress erment. Suggest briefly work of the Nation- al librery: and government docu- ments. Use through your city libra” wre Pap NE oe 4 ‘ od Oe eT Terie et. ee) ye, ng ng deka tee i te’ Ae See i RLS e:, aee he i a Op mre a a ay a Una bi ‘ A rat ae. tee eM ds ‘*, ie 7 nee cia 3S: LESSON X 5.How to build 5.Points to bo considered in building private livdrcery. & private library; Physical considerations: How many books can you house? How manv books will your annual buget »ormit you to buy? How many books shall you own on each of the various subjccts? \ Have ouptls name books they have read and would like to own. Brinz out reason why these books were liked. Tell your friends you'd like to have the book you like best for sraduation gift. Give out mimeo- graphed sheets contairing aids in book selection. Have these on truck and examine briefly. 6.How to buy books. 6.Purchase: Do not buy sets. All of one author's works are rarely of uniform interest to a reader. As a rule do not buy from wok agenss. This sort of purchase does not give you time or oppor- tunity for comparison of editions for evaluation of the work, ex- pensive in long run. Purchase: From local dealer: books will be - ordered if not in stock. From oublisher: Why we should own Discussion. Heve pupils suggest at least a few well reasons. Try and have timo selocted books. for good discussion. LESSON X I. Books to hclp you in selecting books and in’forming a taste for literature. Becker, Readers! Guide book Bennett,E.A. Litorary taste and how to form it. Bennett,J. What books can do for you, Dickinson 1000 best books; a household guide to a lifctime's rearing. Grahan, Bookman's manuel Reading with a purpose. Reacing lists published by the American library association. Smith, What can literature do for mo? Stevenson, Books that have interested mc. Halse THE "OUTLINES" Drinkwater, ed. Outline of literature 3v.$5.00 Thomsen, ed . Outline of Science 4v. 4.50 Wells Outline of History Pssieh) SPO) @ III. First purchases for a personal library of a Technical High School graduatc. 1. A collection of dramas which you read and liked in English IX. 2. The best novel you ever read that you find included in the book selection aids. 3. Gollection of cssays or essays of one author. 4. A collection of poetry. (Those edited by Rittenhouse cost less than $1.00 5. A volune of voems of your favorite poct.s! 6. The biography of some man or woman whose life you admire. Mie, Fa) it ms 5 ey Ute amc PROBLEM I ’ @ I. Write "Yes" after the following parts of a book if you find them in Hill: Community life and civic problems. INlice lig l. Title page? List the items found on the title page. Is the date of publication given? &-e Copy-right date? Where is this found? What is the value of a copyright date? 3. Dedication? 4. Preface? 5. Table of contents? What arrangement is used in a table of. contents? Ai:ohnabetical? Large topics? - List of illustretions? - List of maps? 6 (¢ &. Avoencices? 9 . Index? What is the arrangement of the index? Is oronunciation indicated in this index? Find in Hill: Community life and civic problems, the advantages and disavantages of one of the following kinds of paying used in construction of streets? (Which will you consult for this question: the index or the contents of the book? Under what word should one look?) cobblestone street brick pavement macadamized street asphalt wood bdlocks Give the page references to the section of this book which discusses the subject: "The community." Give the inclusive paging. Find an illustration in this book and give page number of: l. immigrants leaving E’lis Island. 2. Grand canyon of Colorado. How is fiction arranged on the shelves; how are short stories arranged? What two numbers constitute the call mmber of a book? Arrange the following call numbers in the order in which they should appear on the shelves: ae ! oa ote nav en Bieri: ae <" ¥ “Da bs ‘ Ate Ree i ang ’ Ay ; bf ov ' taeai Lae hed eg coe ee ae a Pelah dulekeen & ae elev er ge Ye | ; Shosd aos Bw ee Bi oe | : rete a el, fartasthbde $6 bidet (iinesvpe to ofdet o mt beau.ek trames angssH res ae Tmo diag ge Sinotisde ae OM 4 : aon ; ak Ago ea a | feaaiden tewli 20” idl =O uma 12) ‘neehh to todd a , y i Soh 4 Chant: ‘Sibi TRSOTL 800 TO tema prieeny att pl tae no rY i als Cee pe ~ , 7 x a. Oey a 4 “+ SSCS SS & DOA Ls. Os ETGS SOUT al’ . z i ee 4 - “ ya , e » 7 . . at t & és oy , r r ie. 4 BSZACG OS Sl. AOL Ora Ole S bree Sols eee er eee ae bas 4 De ; 7 j . y “- oe fe eet + ee Sa Se en ee ; os - a mA ee eo “4 o ak. oe Arey wins nda Pex ad yf Bi f a ay a io) i, 2 ae 4 he be ie ii ; : * ait ' oy oe i * aR s Fit 5 ¥ ¥4 fea) sys, ey 7 ® “ . fy My per oh OP oe im Adar , . er be! ie oath oi " ft 7 - Vv e i i az Y He i : 4 : Fis) Lie] > i x a4 ‘ts ee s fn ar : gett & fe retg ree o i a" pon Phe Boe eee Son ot a * Fr beset m+ > Al on ro : a f Shine te A reer . i aS ‘ DS TY ee ohare * Cee: 5 iu 4 o Py, meats ons LAGS IR OR ‘ . waste 6 ee tell >| \ wastage, | | tet ae ao Hitrode Sow 5) A toordu: qrodaclacem: ‘ Behan ca ey PUM es Te ie Bon Al ee ‘ Me ; | eee Hon Feabonei | atloots “BoaY “nN sa St doce Bidt te woliyss emt of agenems tak ib cn oat oF Be TUE LOS Sale ee ae “iiteeenoe dat ea oe faa an BO BEIOD | = Kit r Way eh | ERE TOE GEIS OBB SS | Di ON Bah tie ie pobtertenrte: ten eel aa a Fics: + weil EL ektr ees STiCe tak aet Hh z : He idan Mac Ls) yea eae | geeraley to, Boyne Piha f y tet ; a4, & { ral * . 5 pis ren 4 4 Na ay ei EAS, a A So > Sie ee eee S02, & Mey tS tae ¥ Leyrie besidbahe 6, ag a é. ” “4 " ‘ yy: ¥ hu oa ND OSIRIS ey: “iy Dara thee ~ Of Puan: at : : ; S f + peg Patna eee mses ye mle * AMO TGS PRG ET DOMME ae ttm hg (MOOS Ses Oe Be eo Sto ate ee, dee IV. Bee PROBLEMS I Cont. 900 070 150 740 age V 32 He LS Od 3 He Raa Crd 4235 386 fice 326 640 RD 2 N 25 fae N 26y Bead ad. If you find this abbreviation "Ref." above a call mumber in Ae the catalog, what does it mean? In whet part of the Library will you *ind these books shelved? Find through the catalog tne call number for Nebraska-Blue Book. Locate this book on the shelves, anc use the index of the book to find a historical sketch of Nebraska. Give page reference and the year of this Annual Blue Book. Whet is another name for the directory of the Liovrery? What 3 questions does this directory answer about the books in the Library? (What 3 kinds of cards do you consult for information? ) i«Give the title of a book in this Library by H.W.Van Loon. 2.Does the Library have a book by Margaret Lynn? 5.Give the call number for this book if you find it in the Catalog: Cruise of the Cacholot. Under what name do you find the bcoks by: Mark Twain. Give the author and title of a book about French and Indian War. . spare Ea SE ed ee res neh atin, Sey “Re Re 49 beet e 1" ce na th Ee > its Ai eiyetion (as Spel Owe Ae ye ” te ae Ni if 1 ue i> vA Fy? ar Ve 4 h , ‘ het Li tf ae a a! A hi. \ he <5 ie oe " ay i t; =, Maia ad 5 De ia fits. STG OS ON KG ate Ne cia oe bie I a . . . 2 \ a t Cth ‘ ; af y +) e918 : ey ref > ire ryy “ . = i. + fy ts ry oo y Thea 4 « 7 8. ON See oot oe eta B 4 r * can r "i " = F ¢ . ws 7" - “ ov + » » 4 ie Dagt u r ry Dap ide ‘ tw “4 ? re ; : i Pe y “e £ Pie! 14 e mi ae 7 Pe f eA ae aes & Ade ee J ac) es Les % e af ee § Pee ee ee ee ee eee es ee LIBRARY QUESTIONS FOR ENGLISH V1 BASED ON LIBRARY LESSONS 1-6 For your indormation: The card catalog is the index or directory of the library. It answers the following questions: i.What books are in the librery by a certain title? oWhat books are in the librery by a certain author? 3.What books are in the library on a certain subject? Problems: ite O) Ve Look under Short stories in the catalog. Have they call numbers? How are short storics arranged on the shelves? Consult the catalog to find call numbers for 3 indexes of short stories — Find these indexes on the shelves and cxamine them. Who is the author cf the short story Xingu? . Consult the Indexes to § hort stories to find the title, volume and paging of a magazine which contains this short story. Have we this voluine of the magazine in the Librery? (Consult the chart above the periodical indexes). The Lidbrery has 3 collsctions of short stories by Alice Brown. What are the titles of these collections? Give author and title of 3 books containing material about the lite of Alice Brown; ‘give page reference. Consult the following sources for information about the life of one of these authors. (Check the name of the author you select) Write "yes" if you find information about the author chosen. Authors: &.A.Poe Margaret Deland zona Gale S.L.Clemens Catalog: Author's name is in what color of ink? How many references about this author? Clipping file: Americana encyclopedia Adam's Dictionary of American New International " authors. (2 alphabets to be World Book consulted) Britannica encyclopedia. Allibone: Critical dictionary. Century cyclopedia of names of English literature and Who's Who British and American authors. Who's Who in America. Neme 4 magazines in our Jibrary which contain good short storics. Cs en 7 By Bre AS Oe ca Ge) ae at ys 4 if ¢ 3 ones _ i é fi | ie . EC : aoe ; V4 Pee DN ’ “ ie Oa - Rodis aii od BA. ; 4 i P one : p Lie : a LL eee ae ees ah Ma mC TO ay oP MM rc |: Bot inue hel aay ae, , 7 ’ ie - ise ga Ie os S703. BEnl! Barta OLiw BALE sate B To acehe . ; | se as 1ge , ementor Logtobol feo lpeeaue “ele Be wat: glides a” : * - die 1) NOES Sie Se PATO | OE AS Wat or absousen = . Reporte) ect gah darogie ga -Saeal er r : ¥ f ee es ie Oo _—(o— LIBRARY QUESTIONS FOR ENGLISH VI BASED ON LIBRERY LESSONS 1-6 8. a.For what years does the library have »eriodical indexes? b.Find in Readers! Guide a story written by Dorothy Canfield ako so Unéer wnat name do you find this information? Give the complete reference i.e.: Title, author, magazine, volume, page, and date. 9,..How many tooks are there in this library about the writing of short stories? 5 rey Av hy M fens : i is ROU ia CaN 20) iad pee SN } ae i a ro Sas ae 0 Bae wee a > cf < PI Seo Th Leas OP apo ay Ree Eek ober’ ieee shah tome thee” okie a 1 ~7eO@ k ¥ thy mY bs é one ea: De t SS wy See 7 . ’ “ Goes ae ; Mg # ¥ at A sce nk a Sal key ne PEERY AE | eee LA BRT PS : a ae ‘ a raey ‘tne 9 BS stay corr t , fa rah bad 0) sabe ‘ * i me 5 kita 5 } b sgunse’ " Menkxos Pe ‘Pe ~~ =e) LIBRARY PROBLEMS FOR ENGLISH IX BASED ON LIBRARY LESSONS VII AND VIII I. a» By using the Readers! Guide find three recent referenccs on one of the following topics: Acting Little theaters Drama Religious drama. hildren's theaters. Stage lighting It. a. Find a magazine article about one of the following: James M. Barrie Eugene O'Neill John Galsworthyv Bernard Shew De. De the articel which you! found: in our Library? c. Who wrote the drama called "The Show"? Iii. Make a bibliography on some topic relating to th? dr-r~ or theater. Consult the card catalog, the Readers! Guide, the encyclopedias and the clipping file. Use the form for bibleography on the mimeogravhed sheet which was given you in Library lesson VIII. oe . a ts z ‘et f an ve t 3 jens epee FBT Or aey ts & kya ny aah VS 2 , ; ; , : _ } 7 t % ate ( ee “eae are. HED: REE OE eT 4 ee ea Ww he areneny 4 yee * LIBRARY PROBLEMS FOR ENGLISH X BASED ON LIBRARY LESSONS a I. By use of the card catalog answer the following questions: a. How many books in the library by; (Choose one) Willa Cather Anthony Trollope Thomas Hardy Hugh Walvoole U. Who is the author of: (Choose one) Arrowsmith Soenish Gold Lorna Doone Vicer of Wakefield c. Find a book contnining critical material on one of the following: Cherles Dickens Sir Walter Scott Victor Hugo Booth Tarkington II. a.What is the classification number, of most ot the books ed under the subject Fiction? list- b.Give author, titre, and call number of the most recent book An ecole VOLES. c. Name three "Sco also" references thet you find 2t the end of the references on Fiction. hit 2. What ic the call number for Warner: Library of the World's Best Literature? b. Choose one of the following novelists and teil in whet volume and on what vage will you find a biography of tnis person. Jane Austen George Eliot Wilke Collins Charles Resde WV. By consulting Bartlett: Familiar quotations or Hoyt's: New Cyclopedia of Practical quotations finc out in what novel is Fourg the quotation "Barkis-ie willan!" Give the page reference on which you found this. V. a.By use of the Readcrs' Guide find three references on Faotzron. b.Find an article about one of the followiiig novelists: Dorothy Canricid William Dean Howclls Josepn Conrad William Allen White VI. What is given in the clipping file on one of the following? John Bunyen S.L.Clemens (Merk Twain) Cervantes Williem Makepeace Thacksray VII. ‘a.Examine nowspapers and magazines in the library. te. Nemc four which contein book revicts. ¢ at ‘ \ iA r rf neal nes ‘ ? > anh a nt ‘ Jar } { fe: Pe SS, a's a _ ~ , on an , an i ff ae ee AP aE a - i . ' . 0 FF a ” * f 3 ~ : al eae “ 4 : a (| Fae t Vi - - ‘ , “~ i vr be % ey ) v i‘ he a 4 5 ° « . ® a a) Aa A , ’ a ~¢ 4 oy rr -_ te 7 : * 3 y PY Na - —_ : oe ae { ‘ ik i ' ’ Me phe Ly | J Y a ee) : sp08s tats RoeEh chm ® eld: gap | re yao hs ole gee “Lea ahs 4 ; ae Pi f aa ts a ' “ 4 7 A oe . —_ — ee én err q bs + ag. Fg ae -. a (Dee wi A Poh yee’ See ey | | : ry 1s dey had uostl Rerde pha i evd ee eo ¢ ’ : i td fw VY By itt y A 7 s * i : ‘ r ~ * fee ie re STR HES Ie ties Cs 2 > ¢ Yo Ph. pe 4 ’ f 4 PIN i a a wW qi ?. i ‘ ; Ss a3: sate ile ee ee ae af Hates sak o) Pas Bie He re ¢ ' ot teak an hie nt Peas Werk IF Bye lel i type ea ; q ery 4 ‘ 4 he st a re | } A + ei he ke RO! ee Pato: wal Eee eae, : ‘ ns om y > ae | BY wi a ' ra ot og. Dy a Ate Sree, TPR on PEE Gaya . nt ° P 5 fp 4 * af ry 7 ae ae te | r g SE Qh EY; | RS 2 Ey eee a ha, iy ny i ; i ; : } " 4 | ase mel cate) " Pe aR Se ene ee ee, ee ee fey i ae oy) 1 | PLA Poe zs Beg wee vie Lee hike - ORs ey P il on ; ¥ eu a 1 oa e te Ta ' 1 Na wy Barut Tenn pee rey ape i skal hic bai) ‘ Riek ‘ f catys (evi. 3 ee hae ae | Re atta” Pure ss ata § “a Fite ’ ape '6 arene nt ie ‘} a yt TY Pd oY Bape OS cee ig i fe tages “his 4 tr ee hee ci Cad id ne "ed as OTe ib eee iO * fash i par a. nh eae . ng ‘ : wor te ay? : pew a Ors ) 1 V4 nkcigelh a) , EAA 8) lreeed ia i, eran? ese if ae ; Ys 7 $e uy? bes by hives ete vig ah nd ; ait ~Que LIBRARY PROBLEMS FOR ENGLISH X BASED ON LIBRARY LESSONS #-VIII III. Choose 2 nevelist you are interested in and make a list of references or bibliogravhy about him. Use the form for bibliography which was given to you in English IX. (If you do not have a copy.of this form ask the librarian for one) Con-~ sult the card catalog, clipping file, books on the novel, encyclopedias and periodicals indexes for your references. | Lae patogs otis: A fh) Woe 2e eS BR Lisi et Seer . ~ a Ps » ¥ Pl faal i BS Teh « re Co Heh ie pee § hex a? Be ~ ‘ . \ vie FAS we Wercc a 4 od 4 * ‘¢ : 0G See eet ihe Shel ALPS ot aN ae i PRD” i betas el a . r Ri fecteed tis de shy ang } rs rok oe x _ + ve. . . a 4 r j te a ty bes a RAT fag! yout he Ke SPs , ig “3 7D al, eae, & i eke hel #, . ' . « ¢ 7 i lava x Tt ' 4 . ' . ‘ = # & “ , 7 \ < . t+ ‘ . rr a 7 . r. ; “ ‘ ‘ bs . 2 Y Fs . = : 2 é : . F : 4 f Pa a ; “ ‘ 5 F i . : 1 : « t , ' ~ = ma . i‘ =e i ‘ ' > 4 ' i ; 2 . « ak nie? ie i een al ri : «! fi ’ ¥ rome j ‘ f j \ . * : ¥ i ae A 7 ft : ‘eS . : i ; ps , > c i> +r , r Ai c \ j) } * i p ; ‘ } ‘ F ' ' ' eat 8 fy , 4 - 4 J », F > ee * ,' F f ri ry ‘ d . hintey: { ann i 4 Ve } \ 1 \ t Pi it be! , i far uM Laney, \ * pay Alt : r / Ver ; ree: As Sas ' F : i 'h a) @ | A 4 ’ i , ait i ! a On j aa 7 veal ie LIBRARY PROBLEMS FOR ENGLISH XI BASED ON LIBRARY LESSONS I-VITT I. By use of the card catalog answer the following questions: Hediediye IV. Vee VG VII. a.How many books in our librery by; (Chooso onc) Arthur Christopher Benson John Burroughs Agnes Repplier b. Who is the author of: (Choose onc) mssays of Elia Gr "ips and couples Walking stick papers c. Find a book containing critical material on one of the following: Thomas Cerlyle Robert Lovis Stevenson Henry Van Dyke bb. Wnt is the classification: number for collections’ o Americon essnys? Nieto Cie Classi icataon number tor’ 2nelishVessaves ekki & BST eS] Jel ake aul ee e) w Yo! d. Whet is the classificstion number for collections of English essays? a. What is the clescification numbcr for Amorican css xys? ‘a By use of the catolog: a. Find call number of Brewer: World's best essays and Warner: Library of world's best literature D. Locete these books on shelf and find in both of them some criticnl and biographical material on one of the following: Joseph Addison Michol Eyquem de Montsigne Francis Bacon Ralph Weldo Hmerson a.What 1s given inelipping file on one of the following: §.M.Crothers Dallas Lore Sharp W.H.Hudson BOnry aD. Luoreere By use of Readers! Guide: a. Find two articles on the subject Essays. b. Find a magazine article by Gilbert Chesterton and one ADO. Ware ec. Docs our library contain magazine in which these srfbicles are found? Name tnree meagazines tnken by this librsry which contain essays. Choose an author whose ossays you have reed this guxrter and meke ® bibliography of 2rticles about him. Use the form for biblio- granhy which you have been taught in your librery lessons. Con- sult the catalog, clipping file, encyclopedias: nnd periodicrl indexes for your rofercences. cantina Suvi, , Neh sanpeaae wane ede > | nas OS re 2 res ae DIRECTIONS Repeat cs : . at pi -__. 4, Write the name of correspondent, on the tab or typewrite it When more of these folders are desired, order thera pybourtin oc Sat eee ye (Ol our Form 99 gummed label, using all capital letters, placing L number : ye Az He surname first, followed by the given name and middle initial. | “Vand E” 3404T 4 Folder Example: DAVIS, JOHN L. : Sat ule oe aaa 2. On the tab of this folder or on the gummed label if used, re ur = ; ae wane nearest branch ENT ABER Y COLO sOUe Wes - put the same number that appears on the alphabetical guide aM he behind which this foider is filed. Example: No. 7, DAVIS [A RIBIE Mre.©. _ JOHN L. This number is a valuable check and prevents Mans Facroatss aND EXECUTIVE OrFIcEs . — misfiling., | . | | Koy! 3. Papers should Le filed in folders in order of date, the latest paper being filed toward the front. | ne : Ber en 4. Folders should be filed behind the guides, not in front. iz id Pete 7 eae. 5. Transfer correspondence at least once a year ‘Ask our nearest | | at ee Goan, : Branch or Agent for instructions how to transfer properly. eke a eee ee Cross Reference : _Firm Mene or Subiert . | Date of Correspondence _ File Number MS ~ "<9 ‘ ‘ e F r " : , / te . i Z < | " . es f “ 1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 061916158 gv Veet As k ath