‘ Pekan Li rey ae . PA oe sit COR eM OO * f “ e i ” a » foe ‘ : a hoagie MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY | he | Univ.of fil, Library : is 7 - t . » wit ye 4 -~ Pee ss! ° & : “fi Th ai a — ae | Ye hit PTO WFHES oo) | : EXHIBITION HALLS || — eins - ae oe ye a he aa EDITED BY ‘| FREDERIC A. LUCAS cc TENTH EDITION <4 ff 1923 fA ip po ; - - r : oe a - G- , Paes perce — 2 RON Prag arc em ats aes ~ ae we oe Aho. cJ*< Pe ane ‘ = 2 ra WinatngGOUe ap alin oe Pate fy — teen aon Reg ee Aerie Leer Re “ie hed . SS ee ee LATA mae frie The American Museum of Natural History Board of Trustees and Staff as of June 1, 1923 Henry Fatrrietp Osporn, President CLEVELAND H. Dopas, First Vice President J. P. MoraGan, Second Vice President GrorGE F. Baker, Jr., Treasurer Percy R. Pyne, Secretary GEORGE F. BAKER, FREDERICK F. BREWSTER FREDERICK TRUBEE DAVISON CLEVELAND EArt DopGE Water DouGLas CuILps FRICK MapIson GRANT WILuIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN Arcuer M. HuntTINGTON ADRIAN ISELIN ARTHUR CuRTISS JAMES WALTER B, JAMES OagpEN MILLS A. Perry OSBORN GEORGE D. Pratt THEODORE ROOSEVELT LEONARD C. SANFORD JoHn B. TREVOR Fritix M. WarRBURG JoHN F. Hytan, Mayor or THE Crty or New YorK CHARLES L. Craia, COMPTROLLER OF THE City or New YORK Francis D. GALLATIN, COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS GerorGE H. SHERwoop, Executive Secretary Scientific Staff __ Freperic A. Lucas, Se.D., Director Rosert C. Murpuy, D.Se., Assistant to the Director (in Scientific Correspondence, Exhibition, and Labeling) James L. Cuark, Assistant to the Director (in Full Charge of Preparation) DIVISION OF MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY W. D. Matruew, F.R.S., Curator-in-Chief Geology and Invertebrate Palxonto'ogy Epmonp Otis Hovey, Ph.D., Curator CuesTerR A. Reeps, Px.D., Associate Curator of Inverte- brate Paleontology CHARLES P. Berkey, PH.D., Research Associate in Geology Mineralogy HerBertT P. Wuirttock, C.E., Curator GerorGE F. Kunz, Pu.D., Research Associate, Gems Vertebrate Palxontology Henry Fatrrretp Ossporn, LL.D., D.Sc., Honorary Cu- rator W.D. Matruew, Px.D., Curator WALTER GRANGER, Associate Curator of Fossil Mammals Barnum Browy, A.B., Associate Curator of Fossil Reptiles Cuarves C. Mook, Pu.D., Associate Curator Wiuuram K. Greaory, Px.D., Associate in Paleontology CuiLps Frick, B.S., Research Associate in Paleontology DIVISION OF ZOOLOGY AND ZOOGEOGRAPHY FrRaNK MIcHLER CHAPMAN, N.A.S., Curator-in-Chief Lower Invertebrates Roy W. Miner, Pu.D., Curator WILuarpD G. Van Name, Pu.D., Assistant Curator FRANK J. Myers, Research Associate, Rotifera Horace W. STUNKARD, PH.D., Research Associate, Para- sitology A. L. TREADWELL, PH.D., Research Associate, Annulata Entomology FRANK E. Lutz, Pu.D., Curator A. J. MutcuHuerr, Assistant Curator in Coleoptera FRANK E. Watson, B.S., Assistant in Lepidoptera Wiiuiam M. WHEELER, PH.D., Research Associate, Social Insects CHARLES W. Lena, B.S., Research Associate, Coleoptera HerBert F. Schwarz, A.M., Research Associate, Hymen- optera Ichthyology BasHFORD Dean, PH.D., Honorary Curator Joun T. Nicuots, A.B., Associate Curator in Recent Fishes E. W. GupGcer, Px.D., Associate in Ichthyology Herpetology G. Kinasury NosBue, Px.D., Associate Curator (In Charge) ARTHUR I. ORTENBURGER, M.S., Assistant Curator Ornithology FRANK M. CHApMAN, Sc.D., Curator W. DeW. Miter, Associate Curator . RoBEerT CusHMAN Murpuy, D.Sc., Associate Curator of Marine Birds : James P. Cuaprin, A.M., Associate Curator, Birds of the Eastern Hemisphere Lupiow Griscom, M.A., Assistant Curator, JONATHAN DwicHt, M.D., Research Associate in North American Drnithology Mrs. Evstzr M. B. R. Naumburg, Research Assistant Mammalogy Roy C. Anprews, A.M., Associate Curator of Mammals of the Eastern Hemisphere H. E. Antuony, A.M., Associate Curator of Mammals of the Western Hemisphere HERBERT LANG, Assistant Curator, African Mammals Car. E. AKEetry, Associate in Mammalogy Comparative Anatomy WILLIAM K. Greaory, Pu.D., Curator S. H. Couns, Assistant Curator J. Howarp McGreaor, Pu.D., Research Associate in Human Anatomy DIVISION OF ANTHROPOLOGY CuarK WIssuER, Pu.D., Curator-in-Chief Anthropology CLARK WISSLER, PH.D., Curator Puiny E. Gopparp, Pu.D., Curator in Ethnology N.C. Netson, M.L., Associate Curator of Archeology eh gene W. Meap, Assistant Curator of Peruvian Arche- ology Louis R. Sutiivan, PuH.D., Assistant Curator, Physical Anthropology CLARENCE L. Hay, A.M., Research Associate in Mexican and Central American Archeology Mito Heuuman, D.D.S., Research Associate in Physical Anthropology Comparative Physiology Raupexu W. Tower, Px.D., Curator Comparative Anatomy WILuiAM K. Grecory, Pu.D., Curator J. Howarp McGrecor, Px.D., Research Associate Human Anatomy DIVISION OF EDUCATION AND PUBLICATION GerorceE H. SHerwoop, A.M., Curator-in-Chief Library and Publications Raupy W. Tower, Pu.D., Curator ’ , Ipa RicHARDSON Hoop, A.B., Assistant Librarian Public Education GerorGE H. SHerwoop, A.M., Curator G. Ciypr Fisuer, Px.D., Associate Curator RutuH Crossy NosBtp, B.A., Assistant Curator GRACE FIsHER Ramsey, Assistant Curator Public Health CHARLES-EDWARD AmMoryY WINSLOW, D.P.H., Honorary Curator Mary Greta, Assistant Natural History Magazine Herbert F, Scuwarz, A.M., Editor _ A. KATHERINE Beraer, Assistant Editor ADVISORY COMMITTEE ’ Freperic A. Lucas, Sc.D., Director Rogpert C. Murpuy, Pu.B., Assistant to the Director FraNK M. CuapmMan, Se.D., Curator-in-Chief, Division of Zoélogy and Zoégeography aa W. D. Marruew, Pu.D., Curator-in-Chief, Division of Mineralogy and Geology G ‘QT 1Z8‘ BLEEK J800 [B}O} OY} pUB ‘so1Ov U9} UBY} OLOUT ST oINJONT}S juoseid oy} Jo Bore 1OOY [BJO} OP, “YAwq [BAYUO) SuTZUOIF FY} 9G OF A]peanjpooytyore yuRyodurt ysour oy} “SUOT JooF OTL ‘quasoid oy} oyT] ‘Oq 0} ST opBov} Jove pue ‘pouunyd sv umosnyy oY} JO paryz-ou0 Jno” ST poejofduroo uorsod oy, “sexo, Woy JUV PUL BI}OOY VAON WO] qaed ‘oUBIS pot ST SUTPTING oY} JO [Wlloyeul oY, “FLST Ul JuBtry [R1oUeF) Aq PIV] SBA ‘oaenbe uvyyeyURy Jo [[@ Adnooo 04 pepuozUr st YOM “WUMOSNJ IY} JO YUO}SIOUIOI OL, WOdIIQ YJUOAVS-AJUIAVY SUV; ‘opBowyT YINOS AUOLSIH TWUNLVYN AO WNASNW NVOINSANV AHL i a me Seta OP BAe a4, GENERAL GUIDE eS ON GALES AMERICAN MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY FREDERIC A. LUCAS, Director Assisted by Members of the Museum Staff TENTH EDITION 125 New York Published by the Museum ¢ HOW TO REACH THE MUSEUM The Museum is located at 77th Street and Central Park West, and can be reached by the 8th and 9th Avenue surface cars, the 6th or 9th Avenue elevated to 81st Street station, or by the subway to 72d or 79th Street station. The Museum is open free every day in the year; on week days, including holidays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,; on Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. | From the Grand Central Station take Broadway surface car to 77th Street, or subway shuttle to Times Square and local to 79th Street. . From the Pennsylvania Station take the 8th Avenue surface cars, or the subway local to 79th Street. CONTENTS SUN TEROMen TAU ee et et Ce tela ks aris bw Sune oui Sud ites oe Oe aia uted SCIENTIFIC STAFF.. How To REACH THE canine we Miri e Maik Mie a ayia del tae: eee ee hy ee a | A eh em. Clonee, Oi First FLoor: WCE TOOT eee ot adi ha Pe ue tet oe tae Pe es es cer eRe ays a Memorial Hall (South P: BVLLEOUE irae: vat aariea ieee ya ieee nae ie RaNr ew ehte Meteorites. . Dy ome ds otal Indians of North Pacific Coast (South ‘Central Wi ing) . LOE ry tn: ea Mural Decorations (South.Central Wing)........................... PREG eOuenEOnS. CIN OLE COITICOL) ines. ane wd coe ane. ee Qilelttera bats CR abe: LEM ees QaT tn) |) eed Se one Ore Mae ements 0 Tae cee ia ae Indians of the Woodlands (Southwest Wing)....0...00.00. 0.000.000... Indians of the Plains (Southwest P4vilion).................0........... IHATS OL the SOUL WERE UV CSE WING Jeieceue es cba sn eae kote LSE NVI DS © EASA JOTHOOP ous coe barks teins | aid aan oc ome ane ome Food Economics (poutheast Wme)ac.. rae oa. lcs pee es. ee: Jesup Collection of North American Woods (Southeast Wing).......... Darwin Hall, Invertebrates (Southeast Pavilion) ..................... SECOND FLooR: AMPUIDIATSs HeDiLEs (o0utn Paviltor)ans esc. cs asus ou 0s Aas Be Mexicaty. Lextilecs out: COMMON sce or take tere pene eae Local Birds (West Corridor).. ry Ancient Monuments of Mexico and ‘Central America (Southwest Wing) oe -— Prehistoric Man of North America and Europe (Southwest Pavilion)... . Sooliemtions Tron Ariod/¢ WeRUT WIT). 2 ayia ote ie cn Ss eco. one Pitieor Gee Wort SOUL Gentral. Wing) aaacms-ee ve as ome te ee eee eee. Hishes (Corriuor of Central Pavilion)... 2.4... 55... .0so5.- Mammals of North America (Southeast Wing).......................... Preparation of Elephant Group (Southeast Pavilion)..................... THIRD FLOOR: . Members’ Room (East Corridor).. Avene. © ile aan cy kh Ce <. oo eee avian © Oe teens Fourth Floor, Southeast Wing............ 103 OTHE Under DOMesticationyy sa 0.42.) sac & ole Kourth Floor, West Corridor’:....)..5.s00r sui ly NOIANSLGEOULLIE A Ori Ca mere. ie roa eee an ia LenirdeRlooraeSouthwesth Willa. seers ree 87 SEI Ndians OL toeeNOrTtn Paci oanter: «hanes. ake First Floor, South Central Wing........ 13 BAL TchitnsrOtsbHese AINS. Aksar eto) soni mae ays cae First Floor, Southwes:s Pavilion......... 20 Pau nitiatisro: Che. mOUtNWEBt. oa. eiione snc eas ba dams First Floor, West Wing... .... 22 _- Indians of the Woodlands...........................First Floor, Southwest Wing... MA eee 17 LCORUTO rs ts UT Os Uae eee este Le ee de see First Floor, Letpolt pntrance.-- eee ; 8) Insects. . ee eee eee HIT, LLOOr-s Southeast: Pavilion: 4 : 95 fir er ieee ee oh ok ds First Floor, Southeast Pavilion......... 30 Library.. Hitth) Bloor,» WestiCorridor.. s7500 1245 bez — Mammals of North America....................--. Second Floor, Southeast Wing............ 59 NLA SLOT te: VW OLiden wae mink cee Gol eee Third Floor, Southeast Wing............ 93 ERM SLE REGRET aS se EN WDA GR ank. es snare Bixee ook Fourth Floor, South Pavilion............ 100 —~ Members’ GOIN Se Lee ee a ee el AVE Thirds Mloorss Hast Corridor. ee 69 Viamiorin this) se eer ee ee Pie oe ee tae dae First Floor, South Pavilion............ 9 meV GLOGELLGH tL ace eee ee) See) ee ae ee Eirst Hloor, sSouthibavilion seen ee 11 SE VIGLOOTLLOS IEEE Se oe ee Nee a PAL A ce yy ae First Floor, North Corridors. eee 15 LW ESS @ 7 5(0 hn: SW, Seated iy ao ny ARE ie eee PE Oo ea Second Floor, Southwest Wing............ 43 Minerals. . ts Aen he ey nears ae OUrtH Floor, Southwest Wing........ 119 Pacific Islands Collections...............:+:+:++-s- Fourth Floor, Southwest Pav iow see ChE! °) Peru.. .. Third Floor, Southwest Wing. .......... 87 Philippine Collections. . =H ourthsHloorsaW esta ang os sane ee 123 Polar Pears ae HITstet | OGr mE EAA Gc OFT COL sae een DHE “ee Prehistoric Man.. ..Second Floor, Southwest Pavilion 47 Public Health. . Paoirdsbloores West Corloore ae eee 1) _. Reptiles and Amphibians. . . second Floor, South Pavilion............ 37 Se Rage eet eI: hte LL. Cet ee eo Third Floor, West Wing.. pa Spare © 92 MISILOLR ee LLOOII eee eee eee aes) te a uirst.tloor.) kunt, of Entrance......... 9 meee ENC cp ol sce epiaat fea Real ESF Datta I a a ee Re Third Floor, Southeast Wing.. 93 Woods of North A IN GLIGA eee ate gy ets. sito . First Floor, Southeast Wing... Meee ae ears The halls are named according to the position they will have in the completed Museum building, which will consist of four long facades facing east, west, north and south respectively, each connected with the center of the quadrangle formed by a wing extending between open courts at the eastern end of the south facade (the only facade completed) becomes the “ Thus the hall southeast pavilion.”’ “I MEMORIAL STATUE OF MORRIS K. JESUP Mr. Jesup, President of the American Museum of Natural History for more than a quarter of a century, was a staunch supporter of the institution’s two aims: to be a great educational institution for the people and also a center for activity in scientific research 8 NOKIA ENGINE 1. Elevators noOOM AUDITORIUM ™ 2. Information Bureau | + * . sare 3. Visitor’s Room t. Academy Room - ss eee ea Vv ¢. West Assembly Room zy, we ae - aR eee . ‘ ‘ : aie Fa Se as 6. Collestion of Corals WEST a a at* ee ES] ——e EAST = Exe: Sur0 » Zorv Pameret FH = 7 =yz JESUP INDIANS INDIANS rs PRA LUE JESUP COLLECTION OF THE OF THE MEMORIAL auf 5 PLAINS WOODLAND §$ NORTH AMERICAN Pn CPRATE METEORITE WOODS -_ = 5 2 SOUTH SouvTH PAVILION MEMORIAL HALL Before entering the Museum one notices the ‘“‘ Bench Mark”’ estab- lished by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1911 on which is inscribed the latitude and longitude, 40° 46’ 47.17” N.,, 73° 58’ 41” W., and height above sea level, 86 feet. On the right is a “pothole” from Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., formed by an eddy in the waters of a stream beneath the melting ice Glacial of the glacier that covered northern New York. The Pothole stream carried pebbles that, whirled around by the eddy, cut and ground this hole, which is two feet across and four feet deep. On the left is a large slab of fossiliferous limestone from Kelley Island in Lake Erie near Sandusky, whose surface has been smoothed, Glacial grooved and scratched by the stones and sand in the Grooves bottom of the vast moving ice sheet or glacier that covered the northeastern part of North America during the Glacial Epoch. The Information Bureau and the Visitors’ Room are on either side of the south entrance. Wheel chairs for children or adults are available without charge. Postcards, photographs, guide leaflets, and Museum Bench Mark Visitors’ publications of various sorts are for sale, and visitors may Room arrange to meet friends here. On the right and left of the entrance are small Assembly Halls in which lectures to classes from the public schools of the City are given and where the New York Academy of Sciences and other scientific societies hold their meetings. or ‘OIG Ul AjaID0g [BAN}NIYAOF oY} JO UOTIQIyX| 94} Suunqg TIVH TIWIYOWAWN S — ®ae be < METEORITES LI From the lobby the visitor first enters Memorial Hall and faces the Statue of marble statue of Morris K. Jesup, third President of the Morris K. Jesup Museum. Mr. Jesup was a founder, trustee and bene- factor of the Museum and for twenty-seven years its President. Under his administration and through his liberality the Museum made rapid progress. This statue of Mr. Jesup was executed by William Couper and was presented to the Museum by the Trustees and a few other friends. The marble busts in the wall niches represent noteworthy pioneers of American science, and are the gift of Morris K. Jesup. These include Benjamin Franklin, statesman and natural philosopher, Alexander von Humboldt, geographer and geologist, Louis Agassiz, zoologist, Joseph Henry, physicist, John James Audubon, ornithologist, Spencer Fullerton Baird, zodlogist and founder of the United States Fish Commission, James Dwight Dana, geologist, John Torrey, botanist, Edward Drinker Cope, paleontologist, Joseph Leidy, anatomist, and Robert E. Peary, explorer. Memorial Hall was once the lecture hall and here thousands have listened to Professor Bickmore. Circling this same hall is a portion of the collection of meteorites, popularly known as ‘‘shooting stars,’ ranging in weight from a few pounds to 36.5 tons. The greater number of meteorites are stony, but the more interesting ones are composed chiefly of iron, while certain meteorites contain both stone and iron. The toughness of iron meteorites is due to the presence of nickel, and the fact that they were so difficult to cut is said to have led to the adoption of an alloy of nickel and iron in making armor plate for battleships. Meteor- ites have a very definite structure and when polished (see specimens on the right with electric lamp) show characteristic lines which together with their composition are to the expert absolute proof that the speci- mens are meteorites. ‘“Ahnighito”’ at the left is the largest known meteorite in the world and was brought from near Cape York, Greenland, by Admiral Peary in Ahnighito 1897. It weighs more than 36.5 tons and its transporta- Meteorite tion to New York was an engineering feat. The Eskimos called it “toopik” or tent. On the other side of the entrance is the curiously pitted ‘‘Willamette’’ meteorite from Oregon. This is the third in size of known meteorites. The general collection of meteorites, one item of which is more than 2000 boloids of the famous ‘‘ Holbrook,” Arizona, stone shower, may be found in the corridor beyond the end of the North Pacifie Hall on this floor. Jadeite Here too is a polished boulder of jade, or jadeite, the Boulder second largest ever found. Meteorites WEAVING A CHILKAT BLANKET One of the Mural Paintings by Will S. Taylor. INDIANS OF NORTH: PACIFIC COAST i) SOUTH CENTRAL WING INDIANS OF THE NORTH PACIFIC COAST North of Memorial Hall—that ts, to the rear of the Jesup statue—is the North Pacific Hall, where are displayed collections illustrating Indians of British the culture of the Indians of the north- Columbia west coast of America. These collections and Alaska are arranged geographically so that in passing from south to north through the hall the visitor meets with the tribes in the same sequence that he would in traveling up the west coast of North America. The most striking object is the great Haida Canoe in the center of the hall. In it is a group representing a party of Chilkat Indians on their way to celebrate the rite of the ‘“potlatch.”’ The potlatch is the great ‘‘ giving cere- mony,’ common to all the coast tribes, when indi- viduals and families gladly impoverish themselves that the dead may be honored, and social standing of the clan or family recognized and increased. At the stern of the canoe, which is represented as approaching the beach, stands the chief or ‘‘medi- who directs the ceremony. The canoe, a Haida Canoe ) cineman,’ huge dugout made from a single tree, is 64% feet long and 8 feet wide and capable of carrying 40 men. Against the pillars and walls of the hall are many house posts and totem poles with their grotesque arvings; the latter may represent either the coat of arms or family tree, or they may illustrate some story or legend connected with the family. The Haida Indians together with the Tlingit are recognized as superior in art to the other Indian tribes along the northwest coast of North America. They are divided into a number of families with various crests for each family and Totem Poles Chilkat grouped in two main divisions, the Blankets Ravens and the Eagles. The Tlingit are makers of the famous Chilkat blankets, of which the Museum possesses an exceptionally fine collection. ae ‘Totem pole at Wran- gel, Alaska. At the bottom is a beaver with a frog under his chin; above is a raven; and above the raven a frog, which is surmounted by a human head. 14 RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES Among some of the other tribes there is little wool weaving, the clothing consisting of shredded and softened inner tree bark braided and matted together. The Indians of this region are preéminently a woodworking people, as is manifest in the exhibit. Religious ceremo- Religious nies and the wearing of masks generally supposed to aid Ceremonies the shaman or priest in curing disease were customary among most of the tribes. The masks represented guardian spirits and by wearing them the shaman impersonated these spirits and assumed their powers in healing the sick or obtaining game. ESKIMO HOME SCENE There are some instructive groups in the corridor near the entrance to the Audi- torium. In one, a home scene within a snow house or “‘igloo,’’ an Eskimo woman is cooking blubber over the flame from a seal-oil lamp; another represents an Eskimo woman fishing through the ice and a man about to strike a seal under the ice. AUDITORIUM 19 The mural decorations by Will 8. Taylor between the windows on Mural both sides and that at the south end of the hall represent Decorations the industries and ceremonies of the Indians of this re- gion. That temporarily at the north end of the hall by Frank Wilbert Stokes relates to the Eskimo and their country. NORTH CORRIDOR The Eskimo collections will be found in the adjoining hallway and corridor. Near the entrance is an Eskimo woman fishing through the The ice. She has formed a windbreak with blocks of ice. The Eskimo fish rod and hook and the long ladle are made of bone and with this latter she keeps the water in the hole from freezing over while she is fishing. Just back of her stands a man about to strike a seal under the ice. In another case will be found an Eskimo woman cooking in the interior of a snow hut or igloo lined with sealskin. She is using a stone lamp filled with seal oil, which feeds the flame over which the meal is being prepared. In this section will be found collections obtained by the Stefansson-Anderson expedition from the Eskimo of Coronation Gulf, some of whom had never seen a white man. In other cases are shown the clothing of the Eskimo, the many ingeniously made implements, and many finely carved and engraved ivory objects from the collections made by Peary, Comer and MacMillan. The Auditorium, opening from the corridor, has a seating capacity of 1400, and is equipped with two screens, 25 feet square, for stereop- ticons. Free public lectures are given here Tuesday and Saturday evenings from October to May under the auspices of the Board of Education. There are also special lectures for Members of the Museum as well as lectures for school children. At the entrance of the lecture hall is appropriately placed a bust of Professor Albert S. Bickmore, originator of the movement that resulted in the erection of the Museum, first curator, and founder of its lecture system. The further portion of the corridor is occupied by the collection of building stones, a series of rocks illustrating the geology of Manhattan Auditorium Building Island and some large specimens of interest in general Stones geology. The center of the corridor is occupied by the general collection of meteorites, one of the largest and most representa- tive in this country, containing as it does specimens from about 500 of the 700 falls and finds that are known through- out the world. Some of the principal features of our collection are 2000 or more individual masses from the stone shower which occurred when a large meteorite exploded near Holbrook, Arizona, in 1912: these Meteorites 16 METEORITES have, been arranged in a case by themselves to illustrate a concentration of the»shower. The entire mass of ‘‘ Ysleta,’’ an iron meteorite weighing 310 pounds which was found near the ancient village of Ysleta, New Mexico, in 1914. The largest mass, 20 pounds in weight, of the stone meteorite which exploded and fell near Richardton, North Dakota, on the 10th of June, 1918. The largest mass, about 5 pounds in weight, of the stone meteorite, which burst and fell near Cumberland Falls, Kentucky, on the 9th of April, 1919. A series of polished and large etched slices of tron meteorites, includ- ing an entire section of the Mt. Edith, Australia, mass, showing the Widmanstitten lines in great perfection, and polished slabs from several large stone meteorites: these are in a case by themselves which like- wise contains several comparatively large entire single masses of some famous falls. At the end of the corridor is the power room, where may be seen demonstrated the transformation of the potential energy Power Room ; é 4 : of coal into heat, light and motion. PART OF DUGOUT CANOE Found at Cherry St., New York. Return to Jesup Statue West CORRIDOR To the right or west of the Jesup statue are three halls devoted to Indian collections. To reach these the visitor passes through the West Corridor, which is devoted to the temporary display of recent acquisi- tions or small collections of particular interest. Opening from this is the West Assembly Hall, frequently used for temporary exhibitions as well as meetings. Here is installed a painting by Howard Russell Butler, giving a vivid idea of the eclipse of June, 1918. On the landing, at the head of the stairway, is the William Demuth’ collection of pipes and fire-making appliances from many parts of the world. INDIANS OF THE WOODLANDS L7 SOUTHWEST WING INDIANS OF THE WOODLANDS The halls to the west contain collections from the North American Indians of the Indians and together with the hall in the south central Woodlands wing present the nine great culture areas of North America. (See map on the right of the entrance.) The hall you now enter represents three of these culture areas. Filling the greater part of the hall are the tribes of the Eastern Woodlands who occupied the middle portion of the North American continent vast of the Mississippi. In the first of two wall cases is a comparative exhibit in miniature of the houses, methods of cooking, transportation, and dress of the various tribes of North America. Midway of the hall on the right side are represented the peoples of the Southeast. Near the entrance of the hall will be found the remains of our local Indians. On the left are some specimens of pottery vessels and many small objects of stone and bone recovered from the Island of Man- hattan and the neighboring territory of Staten Island, Long Island and Westchester. Nearby on the same side of the hall are collections obtained from living Indians of the coast region north and south of New York. These are the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy of Maine, the Micmac and Malecite of the lower provinces of Canada, and a few but rare objects from the Delaware who once occupied the vicinity of New York City and the State of New Jersey. The age and historical relations of these cultures are shown in a large label at the left of the entrance. A family group of Micmac Indians, in a birch bark wigwam, is shown half way down the hall. On the opposite side, the north, are the Iroquois whose league comprised the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and later the Tusearora. They dominated New York and much adjoining terri- tory. The exhibits represent particularly the agriculture of the East, which was carried on with rude tools by the women. In a case in the aisle are exhibited wampum belts which were highly esteemed in this region. They served as credentials for messengers and as records of treaties and other important events. Later, wampum beads came to have a definite value as currency, especially in trade between the white men and the Indians. In the farther end of the hall, on the left, are the collections from the Ojibway, Hiawatha’s people, who lived mainly north of the Great Lakes. They had but little agriculture, living chiefly by hunting and Is INDIANS OF THE WOODLANDS AN IROQUOIS WARRIOR From the Group in the Woodland Indian Hall fishing. Beyond the Ojibway are the Cree, who live still farther north. Here is to be seen the rabbit skin clothing of our childhood rhymes. Opposite the Ojibway are the great Central Algonkian tribes, the Me- nomini and Sauk and Fox, who lived south and west of the Great Lakes. They gathered wild rice and hunted and fished, practising also some ag- riculture. In one of the Menomini cases are some skin bags beautifully INDIANS OF THE PLAINS 19 worked in porcupine quills. These bags were used in the Midewin, the secret society of the shamans. Visitors interested in the designing art will find the cases of this hall full of bead, quill and textile designs of a high order. (See Guide Leaflets, “Indian Bead Work” and ‘Indians of Manhattan.”’) The dwellings are of several forms, among which may be mentioned the long rectangular houses of the Iroquois covered with oak bark; the dome-shaped huts of Long Island and_ vicinity which were covered with mats and bundles of grass, and the familiar conical wigwam_ of the Ojibway covered with birehbark. The utensils are of pottery, wood or birehbark. Pottery was not made by all the Eastern tribes and seems to be associated with the practice of agriculture. The designs are incised, never painted. Bowls, trays, and spoons are made of wood and often decorated with animal carvings. The use of birchbark in the construction of lght, portable household vessels is a particular trait of our Eastern Indians. In the southeastern portion of the United States agricul- ture was highly developed. These tribes are represented by the Cherokee and Yuchi who made pottery, and by the Choctaw and Chitimacha who have interesting baskets made of eane. The Seminoles of Florida have maintained an A DANCER OF THE DOG SOCIETY Arapaho Indian. independent existence in the Everglades for nearly acentury. ‘Their picturesque costumes are shown. Their prehistoric arts are illustrated in the table case; they excelledin polishing stones and working shell. 20 INDIANS OF THE PLAINS SOUTHWEST PAVILION INDIANS OF THE PLAINS The collections from the Indians of the Plains will be found in the hall adjoining. These Indians comprised the tribes living west of the Missis- sippiand east of the Rocky Mountains as far south as the valley of the Rio Grande and as far north as the Saskatchewan. (See map on south wall. ) On the left side of the entrance, against the wall, is a special exhibit of life casts and photographs of typical Plains Indians, with tables and charts explaining their chief racial characteristics. Occupying the greater part of the hall beginning on the left are the buffalo-hunting tribes: the Plains-Cree, Dakota, Crow, Blackfoot, Indians of | Gros Ventre, Arapaho and Cheyenne. These tribes did the Plains ~— not practise agriculture but depended almost entirely on the buffalo; buffalo flesh was their chief food, and of buffalo skin they made their garments. In some cases a buffalo paunch was used for cook- ing, and buffalo horns were made into various implements of industry and war. The spirit of the buffalo was considered a powerful ally and A DOG FEAST OF THE SIOUX Given in honor of Mr. Sanford, Pierre Choteau and Catlin. From the Catlin Collection of paintings. invoked to cure sickness, to ward off evil, and to give aid in the hunt. Whenever the buffalo herds led the way, the more nomadic Plains tribes moved their tents and followed. With the extermination of the buffalo the entire life of the Plains Indians was revolutionized. On the right, near the entrance, are the village tribes of the Plains; the Mandan with whom Lewis and Clark passed the winter of 1804-1805, the Hidatsa who now live with them, and the Omaha, Kansa, Iowa INDIANS OF THE PLAINS 21 and Pawnee. All these tribes raised corn and lived in earth-covered houses of considerable size. A small model of one of these houses stands near the exhibits. In the center of this hall is a Blackfoot Indian tipi with paintings of otters on the sides, representing a vision of the owner. This tipi has Blackfoot been fitted up to show the home life of a typical buffalo- Tipi hunting Indian. There were numerous soldier soci- eties among the Plains Indians which included practically all the adult males. Each society had a special dance and special costumes. (See the Arapaho cases for costume dances.) There were other dances connected with tribal religious ceremonials, the best known and most important of which is the sun dance, illustrated by a model at the left of the tipi. The sun dance was held annually in the early summer in fulfilment of a vow made during the preceding winter by some member of the tribe who wished a sick relative to recover. The dance involved self-torture, great physical endurance and a fast lasting three days, during which time the dancers neither ate nor drank. In the center of the hall is a gen- uine medicine pipe, held in awe by the Medicine Indiansand dearly parted Pipe with; also the contents of a medicine pipe bundle. The con- tents of another medicine bundle, belonging to a leading man of the Black- foot tribe (medicineman), together with the headdress which he wore in ceremonies, are in a case near the tower. Other remarkable bundles, particularly the skull bundle, are in the Pawnee case, on the north wall. The Plains Indians are noted for their picture writing on skins and for their quillwork, which has now been superseded by beadwork. They have a highly developed decorative art in which simple geometric designs are the elements of composition, this being one of the most interesting features of their art. (See Dakota case and Guide Leaflet No. 50.) [See Handbook No. 1, North American Indians of the Plains.| > Societies Sun Dance PIPE AND TOBACCO BAGS Dakota Indians bo bo PUEBLO INDIANS West WING INDIANS OF THE SOUTHWEST On the left are collections from the sedentary Indians who occupy the pueblos of the Rio Grande and of Hopi, Acoma and Zufi; and also Pueblo the objects recovered from the prehistoric pueblos, caves Indians and cliff-dwellings. On the right are the nomadic Indians —the Eastern and Western Apache, the Navajo, the Pima and the Papago. The sedentary Indians live in large community houses, often with several receding stories, built of stone or adobe. They depend chiefly upon agriculture for their food, make a great variety of pottery, and have many elaborate religious ceremonies. The nomadic peoples live in tipis or small brush and thatched houses which are moved or deserted when they are forced to seek the wild game and wild vegetable products which furnish much of their food. They make baskets for household purposes which are more easily transported than vessels of clay. There are models in the hall of the pueblos of Taos and Acoma, of prehistoric cliff-dwellings and of the houses used by the Navajo. In the first alcove on the left are shown the pottery of the villages along the Rio Grande, the principal art of the region, skin clothing, household utensils and ceremonial objects. The upright cases of the next alcove are filled with wonderful pre- historic pottery. That in the wall case is from Pueblo Bonito. Similar black and white ware with very elaborate and splendidly executed designs, in an adjoining case, is from Rio Tularosa, one of the upper tributaries of the Gila, where a vanished agricultural people once lived in pueblos and cliff-dwellings. A third case has material gathered by the Museum expedition which explored Galisteo Valley, New Mexico. In the table case and in a case standing in the aisle is shown the wonder- ful art work in turquoise, shell, stone and wood of the former inhabi- tants of Chaco Cafion. These objects, as well as the pottery from Pueblo Bonito mentioned above, were secured by the Hyde expedition. In the next aleove, devoted to the Hopi, are the costumes, masks, images, and plaques used in their ceremonies. Besides the well-known snake dance, the various Hopi villages have many interesting ceremonies, a number of which are concerned with the rainfall and the crops. The inhabitants of Zufii are believed to be the descendants of the first people seen by the Spanish in 1540. Their former villages, many of which now are in ruins, were probably the ‘Seven Cities of Cibola,” for PIMA. NAVAJO 23 which Coronado was searching at that time. Although they had missionaries among them for about three centuries, they have retained many of their own religious ceremonies. Many objects pertaining to these ceremonies as well as to everyday life are shown in this alcove. In the last case on this side of the hall are examples of Zuni and Acoma pottery. At the north end of the hall opposite the Zufil, space is given to an exhibit from the tribes of California. In the large end wall case the baskets of the region are arranged so as to show the various types. The Pima, east side of the hall, practised irrigation, raising by its aid the corn and beans on which they relied for food and the cotton which they used for their scanty garments. The Papago, with whom they are closely associated, occupied the more arid portions of southern Arizona and northern Sonora, securing their living from such desert products as the giant cactus, the century plant, the yucca and the mesquite, and small game. Examples of their food, basketry, pottery, and ceremonial articles are shown. From the aisle near the Pima-Papago section one catches a glimpse of the home of the Hopi. This large group represents the First Mesa with the village of Walpi. The canvas was painted by Howard MecCor- mick and the figures were modeled by Mahonri Young. The Navajo, a large and widely scattered tribe, inhabit much of the country drained by the San Juan and Little Colorado rivers. During the winter they occupy log houses, but in milder weather camp with the slight shelter of a cliff or a windbreak and shade made of brush. They live by raising corn in the moist valleys, and on the flesh of their numerous flocks of sheep. They are the present-day blanket makers of North America. They make use of the wool of the sheep they raise, carding, spinning and weav- ing it by means of the simplest jmplements and looms. This art is believed to have arisen since the coming of the Spanish and it is known to have passed through several stages in the last sixty years. The older types of blankets here shown contain yarn which was obtained by cutting or ravelling from imported flannels, called in Spanish ‘“‘bayeta,”’ from which the blankets of this sort receive their name. These are either bright red or old rose in color, resulting from cochineal dye. Several blankets are made of yarn bought ready dyed from the traders and are called Germantowns. The greater number, however, contain yarn of native spinning, dyed with native vegetable and mineral dyes. The Navajo are also expert silversmiths. Their tools and samples of workmanship are displayed in a case in the center of the hall. Pima Navajo x6 IS IU ‘opty Aprep jo syinsand Areurpso oy} Ul peseSue UMOYS ore SUBIPUT 0G} PUB ‘TOULUINS SI OUT} 9} SVUOZLIY “LOATY SOpLB,) UBS Of} JO AOT[VA Ol} UT prep st ou dnNOUD AHOVdYV AHL APACHE 2) The Western Apache live along the upper portion of the Gila and Salt rivers, where they practise agriculture, gather the wild products and hunt. People, related to these, under Geronimo, Apache ; : : raided the settlements of southern Arizona and northern Mexico and evaded our troops for vears. They live in grass-thatched houses or in the open under the shade of flat-topped, opensided shelters. In an adjoining alcove is an industrial group with painted background showing the well-watered San Carlos valley occupied by the Apache for many generations. Jt7s shown on page 24. cad og NA PR nage TRU ren soc: E y Aa’ Sinai al Te gee atte AS state TRE ARES oy sehen gE NR ge a ‘*: as tt 4 | vee a rg ee eapetetenety enttendbinstintae pte bay ap a me MED | eee os ES RO en mi! Ait gr hetirtad N AAERE NIE An attractive Navajo blanket from the Museum’s valuable collection. The Navajo Indians of [ the Southwest are a wealthy, pastoral people, and the best Indian blanket makers of North America. The Eastern Apache lived in buffalo-skin tipis. on the plains in search of the buffalo herds, avoiding, if possible, the plains tribes, but fighting them with vigor when necessary. In dress and outward life they resemble the Plains Indians, but in their myths ceremonies they are like their southwestern relatives and neighbors. The baskets of the Apache are shown in the large end case, which is in contrast with the corresponding case of pottery on the other side of the hall. Not the environment, but social habits, caused one people to develop pottery and the other to make the easily transported and not easily breakable baskets. [See Handbook No. 2, Indians of the Southwest. | Return to the Jesup Statue. They went far out and MAGNOLIA IN THE FORESTRY HALL Each of the five hundred species of trees in North America is represented by a section of trunk five feet long, some of a diameter not found in the country’s forests to-day. Many of the specimens are accompanied by wax models of leaves, flowers and fruits accurately reproduced from life in the Museum laboratories. Most note- worthy among them is the magnolia shown here. 26 i) ~I NORTH AMERICAN WOODS KAST CORRIDOR POLAR MAPS Leaving the statue on the left and ‘‘ Willamette’? meteorite on the right, and going east, the visitor enters the corridor where the elevators are located (Hast Corridor). Here will be found maps of the north and Polar south polar regions showing the routes of explorers. On Expeditions the wall are sledges used by Admiral Peary in his last three expeditions in search of the North Pole. The Morris K. Jesup Peary sledge, which the Admiral used in his successful polar Sledges expedition, is the one nearest the entrance. The various sledges in their differences of style show the persistent effort made by Admiral Peary to bring the sledge up to its greatest possible usefulness. That he was successful on his last trip was in part due to the final modification. On the opposite side of the map is one of the sledges used by Amund- Admundsen sen on his journey to the South Pole. Sledges In a room at the north end of this corridor is the large Mainka seismograph for recording the occurrence of earthquakes. This was given to the New York Academy of Sciences by Emerson McMillan, and by the Academy deposited in the Museum. ) SOUTHEAST WING JESUP COLLECTION OF NORTH AMERICAN WOODS To the east of the elevators is the Hall of North American Forestry, containing a nearly complete collection of the native trees north of Mexico, presented by Morris K. Jesup. On the right is Jesup } Collection of 2 bronze tablet, by J. E. Fraser, the gift of J. J. Clancy, North depicting Mr. Jesup as he walked in his favorite wood seeps ee at Lenox, Mass., and, still farther to the right is the bust ooas of Charles Sprague Sargent under whose direction the collection was brought together. On the opposite side is a bust of John Muir, by Malvina Hoffman, presented by Mrs. E. H. Harriman. The exhibit illustrating food needs and food conservation is provision- ally installed in this hall. To the left is a section of one of the Big Trees of California, sixteen feet. in diameter and 1341 years old. [See Guide Leaflet No. 42.] It began its growth in the year 550, so that it was nearly a thousand years old before America was even discovered. The long label, illustrating the conclusions reached by Ellsworth Huntington as the result of long study, shows how the climate of the past is recorded by the trees, and how great historical events are related to great changes in climate. “YBoH Oqng Jo pusupredag “FIqryxG poo oy} Jo Ww SdOOHA ATaISSOd eclceranees pirssee 8G SCOPE OF THE FOOD EXHIBIT 29 The specimens show cross, longitudinal and oblique sections of the wood finished and unfinished, and the labels on the specimens give the distribution of the species, the characteristics of the wood and its eco- nomic uses. The trees are grouped by families and the location of each family will be found on the floor plan in the first case on either side of the hall. The reproductions of the flowers, leaves and fruits in nat- ural size are instructive. This work is done in the Museum laboratories. FOOD NEEDS AND FOOD ECONOMICS The Food Exhibit presents in graphic form the needs of the human body and shows how these needs can most economically be met. Special Scope of emphasis is laid on the need for mineral salts and for the Food indispensable elements called vitamines, and models Exhibit illustrate the contribution made by the commoner foods to the daily need of energy, protein, iron, lime and phosphorus. The composition of certain common foods as regards protein, carbohy- drate, fat, mineral salts, water and refuse, is graphically illustrated. A special series of models shows the size of 100 calorie portions of the more important foodstuffs, classified by costs. Two cases are devoted to the problems of the world’s food supply, its World production and distribution. The importance of the rice, Problem wheat and other grain crops is emphasized and the rela- of Food tion of cereal production to national prosperity is brought Supply out by models and diagrams. Special data are presented in regard to the cost of food distribution, particularly as related to New York City, with suggestions as to the art of economical marketing. In order to make the exhibit as practical as possible, an adequate daily dietary for an individual is exhibited, based on a moderate in- come, also specimens and models illustrating a complete Practical eae: ; weekly food supply for a family of five persons, so adjusted Data for the es ri ee ae Housewife 8 to meet all essential physiological needs at a minimum cost. A special set of models illustrates the relative im- portance of the cost of food as a factor in the family budget. Finally there are shown specimens and models to illustrate the im- portance of certain valuable foods which would be of material value in our diet and should come into far more general use. The soy bean, which is the staple protein food of China, and the dasheen, introduced Exhibit of with success from the West Indies, are here exhibited Unutilized with a series of valuable vegetable oils, potential food Foods flours, edible mushrooms, and unutilized foods of our sea-coast, such as whale meat, shark meat, mussels and seaweed. 30 INVERTEBRATES. PROTOZOA SOUTHEAST PAVILION INVERTEBRATES At the extreme east is the Darwin Hall, devoted chiefly to the inver- tebrate animals (those which do not possess a backbone) and to groups illustrating biological principles. Facing the entrance is a bronze bust of Darwin by William Couper, presented by the New York Synoptic Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the Darwin Series centenary in 1909. Passing around the hall from left to right the progression is from the lowest forms of animal life, the one- celled Protozoa, to the highest and most complex forms of animal life, the Primates, including man. The distinctive characteristics of each group are fully described on the alcove and case labels. Many of the minute forms are represented by skilfully prepared models in glass and wax showing the animal many times enlarged. Thus the visitor may obtain an idea of the form and structure of these animals which in spite of their small size have in so many instances such a vital influence on the life of man. This alcove contains the lowest forms of animal life. All are single- celled individuals. The simplest kinds are abundant in swamps and Alcove 1 stagnant water, others are found in myriads in the sea, Protozoa while the ocean bottom in many localities is covered with them. The exhibits in this aleove are mainly models, some of which represent Protozoa enlarged more than a thousand diameters. Sponges are principally of two kinds—those with skeletons or sup- Alcove 2 porting structures of silica (i.e., flint) and those with skele- Sponges tons of horny fiber. The sponges of commerce belong to the latter class. In the dry specimens exhibited the skeleton only can be seen, the living tissue having been removed. Many of the ‘“‘olass’’ sponges are very beautiful in design. Sponges range in size from the tiny Grantia of the New England coast to the gigantic ‘‘ Nep- tune’s goblets’”’ found in the eastern seas. This aleove contains certain specimens whose tissue is represented in wax tinted to show the natural coloring of sponges, which varies from the bleached yellowish color commonly seen to deep brown or black, or yellow and red, in varying shades. In Alcove 3 are shown coral animals and their relatives: plantlke hydroids which often are mistaken for sea moss, but which really are a series of polyps living in a colony; jellyfishes with their umbrella- Alcove 3 shaped bodies and long, streaming tentacles; brilliantly Polyps colored sea anemones, sea fans and sea plumes; the magenta colored organ-pipe coral, the stony corals, and the precious INVERTEBRATES, FLATWORMS 31 coral of commerce. Coral polyps, mistakenly called ‘coral insects,”’ are the animals that build up the coral reefs. In front of the window is a life-size model in glass of the beautiful Portuguese Man-of-War. This organism is really a colony of many polyp individuals attached to one another, and specialized for various functions. The best known species in this group include the tapeworms, whose Alcove 4 development and structure are shown by models in the Flatworms left-hand alcove case. These are parasitic Flatworms. The less familiar free-living flatworms, which inhabit both salt and fresh water, are shown on an enlarged scale by models in the right-hand alcove case and illustrate well the great diversity of color and detail in this group. The Roundworms are also parasitic, since they live in the digestive Alcove 5 ‘anal of mammals. The most familiar is the common Roundworms youndworm or stomach worm, Ascaris, of which an en- larged scale model is exhibited, showing the internal structure. [Note for teachers and students.—Some of the models in each alcove are anatomical, 1.e., so constructed as to show the internal organs of typical members of each group. In such eases, arbitrary colors chosen to designate the various systems of organs are adhered to consistently throughout the series. For example, the digestive system is shown in yellow, heart and blood-vessels in red, organs of excretion (kidneys) in green, reproductive system in gray, and the brain and other parts of the nervous system in black or neutral color. | The minute wheel animalcules comprise many exquisite and grotesque Alcove 6 forms, some of which construct tubes of gelatinous sub- Rotifers stance, sand-grains, etc. A few of the species are parasites, but most of them live a free, active life. They are aquatic and found mainly in fresh water. The sea-mats are minute, colonial animals of plant-like growth, Alcove 7 often occurring as encrustations on shells and seaweed. Sea-Mats and A few species also occur in fresh water. The lamp- Lamp-shells shells shown in this alcove superficially resemble clams, but by structure are more closely related to the worms and starfishes. Alcove 8 is occupied by the sea-stars, brittle stars, sea-urchins, sea- Rlonca < cucumbers and sea-lilies. The sea-star is the pest of the Sea-Stars oyster beds, where it feeds on oysters and destroys them and Their in large numbers. The brittle stars are so called because Relatives of their habit of dropping off one or more arms when handled or attacked. These, however, are later renewed. 32 INVERTEBRATES, ANNULATES The Annulates, typified by the familiar earthworm, are worms whose bodies are made up of rings or segments. They are inhabitants of both Alcove 9 fresh and salt water, many kinds living in the mud and Annulates — sand of the shore while others bore into wood and shells. The marine annulates are often very beautiful in color and greatly diversified in form and habits, as illustrated by the models, many of which are greatly enlarged. The ‘‘houses” that these annulates build are often very beautiful and interesting. Arthropods include the familiar crabs, lobsters, myriopods, insects, spiders and their relatives. The number of existing species in this Alcove 10 group is greater than that of all the rest of the animal Arthropods kingdom. No other group comprises so many species useful or harmful to man. In the case in the center of the alcove is a model showing the anatomy of the common lobster, also enlarged models showing heads of various species of insects. On the wall are the two Crustaceans largest specimens of lobster that have ever been taken. ~and Insects = They weighed when alive thirty-one and thirty-four pounds. respectively. The largest of the arthropods is the giant crab of Japan, which, like that placed on the wall, may have a spread of about ten feet. The main exhibit of insects is displayed on the third floor. The Mollusks form a group second only to the arthropods in the vast number of diversity and forms which it embraces, including marine, inary fresh-water and land animals. All mollusks have soft Manuals bodies, but nearly all of them secrete a shell which in many species is of pearly material (mother-of-pearl). Well-known Medea examples of this group are the common clam and oyster, Clam and , : i Oyeree and enlarged models in the center case show the anatomy of this species. A large collection of mollusks is shown on the third floor. Vertebrates include the largest, most powerful and most intelli- gent of animals. This group culminates in man, who still bears witness to his chordate ancestry in the retention of a chorda (cartilaginous spine), and gill clefts during embryonic life. Among these ances- tral forms are the Ascidians, or Sea-squirts, an enlarged model of which Alcovel? is shown in the central case, while others are seen among Chordates the animals on the wharf-piles in the window group. Including Other models in the central case show the development Vertebrates of the egg of typical vertebrates. In the circular tower alcove in the southeast corner of the hall is a comprehensive synoptic series of stony corals. Central cases in this tower and at its entrance show unusually large speci- Corals ; ; ; mens, while a magnificent example of madrepore coral six INVERTEBRATES. CORALS 33 feet in diameter is shown to the rear of the bust of Darwin. The associa- tions of marine life found in the Bahamas are represented by several small groups in the center of the hall. Here also four large models show the mosquito, which is the active Models of agent in the spread of malaria and stages in its develop- the Malaria ment. These models represent the insect enlarged Mosquito seventy-five diameters or in volume four hundred thousand times the natural size. In several of the alcove windows are habitat groups of inverte- Window brates illustrating the natural history of the commoner Groups and more typical, and showing how the kinds or species of animals found in any locality vary with the character of the bottom or of the surroundings, known as ‘‘the relation of animals to their environment.” In the Annulate Alcove is shown the Marine Worm Group, reproduc- ing these animals with their associates in their natural surroundings, as seen in the harbor of Woods Hole, Mass. The harbor and the distant view. of Woods Hole village with the U. 8. Fish Commission buildings are shown in the background, represented by a colored photographic transparency. In the foreground the shallow water of the harbor near Marine Worm the shore is represented in section to expose the animal Group life found on muddy bottoms among the eel-grass, as well as the chimneys of various worm-burrows. In the lower part of the group a section of the sea bottom exposes the worms within the burrows. Several species of these are represented. In the Mollusk Aleove window is shown the natural history of a sand-spit at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, including some of the shore mollusks and their associates. The entrance of the harbor is seen in the distance. In the foreground at the edge of the sand- Shore spit a mussel-bed is exposed by the receding tide over which Mollusk fiddler-crabs are swarming into their burrows. Beneath Group the water surface an oyster is being attacked by a starfish, while crabs and mollusks of various species are pursuing their usual activities. The window group in the Vertebrate Aleove shows the submersed piles of an old wharf at Vineyard Haven, Mass., covered with flower- Wharf Pile like colonies of invertebrate animals. Among these are Group sea-anemones, tube-building worms, hydroids, mussels, sea-mats and several kinds of ascidians or sea-squirts. The latter are primitive members of the Chordate group which includes the verte- brates. Like the embryo of man, they possess during their larval period a chorda or cartilaginous spine. At first they are free-swimming but A PART OF THE WHARF PILE GROUP 34 WINDOW GROUPS, VARIATION 39 later in life many of their organs degenerate and they become fitted to a stationary mode of life. In the northeast corner of the hall, a window group shows the animals and plants of a rock tide-pool, the ‘Agassiz Cave,” at Nahant, Mass. Rock Under a natural bridge below a 60-foot cliff the falling Tide-Pool tide leaves a pool in a rocky basin, sheltered within Group which is a community of sea-anemones, sea-stars, corals, sponges, hydroids and other animals living in the midst of a gorgeous sea-garden of marine plants such as are common on the northern New England coast. Through the arch of the natural bridge may be seen a curious rock formation known as “ Pulpit Rock.”’ At the end of the Arthropod Alcove, a group shows an incident in the struggle for existence among Crustacea in their natural surroundings on Sound the sandy bottom of Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts. Bottom Here is a den of lobsters in a crevice beneath the seaweed- Group covered granite boulders forming the reef known as the Devil’s Bridge. In the sand near by the Lady Crabs are accustomed to burrow to escape their lobster enemies. An unwary crab has ventured out to hunt for shrimp and is immediately pounced upon by one of the vigilant and voracious lobsters. A recent group represents two square inches of sea bottom as though enlarged under a microscope to an area five feet square. The front of the Bryozoa case is built to represent a huge magnifying glass, through Group which the visitor sees marine plants magnified to tree- like proportions, encrusted with colonies of bryozoa or ‘“‘sea-mats,”’ composed of thousands of individuals, each of which builds a ‘‘house”’ or shell of graceful, vase-like form; hydroids, giving rise to tiny ‘‘medu- se”’ or jelly-fish; and even protozoa are brought within the range of vision. Associated animals, such as the flower-like, tube-building worms and sea spiders, are enlarged to grotesque proportions. This group illu- strates well the prolific and varied jungle worlds, found even in the smallest areas of the sea-bottom, the existence of which, because of their microscopic size, is not suspected by casual observers. Other exhibits illustrate certain facts made clear by Darwin and those who came after him. On the left facing the entrance, variation Variation under domestication is illustrated by dogs, pigeons, and Under domesticated fowls, the wild species from which they have Domestication },een derived being shown in company with some of the more striking breeds derived from them. On the right, various exhibits will show variation in nature. An Variation example of this is the variation among the finches of In Nature the genus Geosp7za in the Galapagos Islands. 36 STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE. HEREDITY Other examples show by means of a series of mollusks the range of color variation within a single species of West Indian Sun Shell, variation of sculpture within a single genus of land snail, and variations about the normal type of the common scallop. The struggle for existence is portrayed by the meadow mouse, sur- Struggle for rounded by its many enemies and yet continuing to main- Existence tain an existence by virtue of its great birth rate. The simpler features of the laws of Heredity as elucidated by Mendel — and his followers are illustrated by the inheritance of seed-coat color in the common pea, the color of sweet peas, and the coat-color of rats. Heredity Return to the elevators and ascend to the second floor. A PART OF THE SEA WORM GROUP NORTH w x \aboRATORIESM GALLERY PREPARATION oe = AUDITORIUM ed cw) wl 2 w = O x “=a t= a = WEST ret ort EAST w a & F: a = Su a5 = @) U0 PREHISTORIC == = aye aoe ANCIENT MONUMENTS ‘ MAMMALS OF MEXICO F O NORTH AMERICA & CENTRAL AMERICA NORTH AMERICA J ee = = onme 2 =~ es 2s ee SOUTH 1. Elevator. 2. Copies of Maya Monuments. Mexican Textiles. 3. Local Birds. SECOND FLOOR SouTH PAVILION REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS This hall illustrates a phase of Museum progress, the temporary dis- order that precedes an ultimate change for the better. At present the hall contains a mixed assemblage of animals brought hither from other halls in process of rearrangement. The group of king penguins from South Georgia Islands, one of four devoted to the bird life of South America, is provisionally installed, awaiting the construction of the Hall of Ocean Life. Across the hall is a group of Sea Elephants from Guadelupe Island Sea Elephant off the coast of Lower California, where a small colony Group still existed in 1922, a pitiful remnant of the vast herds once found there and exterminated for their oil. Near by is a fine group of Fur Seals showing a sma!l family, or harem, of these animals which furnish the valuable sealskin coats. The fur seals were threatened with commercial extermination through pelagic sealing, but since this has been stopped the herds have steadily increased until there are now over 550,000 on the Pribilof Islands. The last two groups like the Penguins, belong in the Hall of Ocean Life. Here, also, awaiting the construction of the new wing, is exhibited the collection of reptiles and amphibians. Because of the difficulty of Reptiles and preserving the natural covering of many of these animals Amphibians they were usually exhibited in jars of alcohol. The mount- ing not only brings out the principal! features of the species exhibited, but Fur Seal 37 OLD AND YOUNG SEA ELEPHANTS From the group intended as one of the large ‘‘ habitat groups” in the Hall of Ocean Life authorized by the Board of Estimate, December 28, 1921, and now in process of construction. REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS 39 in many instances illustrates also some distinctive habit of the animals; for instance, the common newt, one of the salamanders, is represented by a series of five life-size casts showing the process of shedding the skin; Pickering’s hyla or the ‘spring peeper”’ is shown with vocal sacs inflated; and so on. Many of the specimens on exhibition here are wholly, as in the case of frogs and salamanders, or partly, as is true of some of the turtles made of wax, carefully colored, these being some of the cases where the artificial is more natural than ‘‘the real thing.”’ The classification of these animals is shown in the upright cases, one being devoted to those species found within fifty miles of New York City: the groups in the center of the hall represent various rep- tiles as they appear in their natural haunts. They include the tuber- culated iguana, the water moccasin, the diamond-backed rattlesnake, the Gila monster, and others. One of the most interesting of the groups is a jungle scene in India showing a water monitor, one of the largest of living lizards, the poison- ous Russell’s viper and the deadly spectacled cobra, the last with hood distended and poised ready to strike. The cobra is said to be the cause of a large proportion of the 20,000 deaths which annually occur in India from snake-bite, though the most deadly of all serpents is the little krait. Examine carefully the group of Copperhead the copperhead snake or ‘‘red-eye,”’ one of the two species Snake Group of poisonous snakes to be found in the vicinity of New York, and also the group contrasting the harmless watersnake with the poisonous water moccasin of southern cypress swamps. Two groups are devoted to rattlesnakes, which are easily recognized by the string of rattles at the end of the tail, by means of which they give warning before they strike. There are comparatively few species of poisonous snakes in the United States—about sixteen in all—comprising rattle- snakes, the moccasin, copperhead and two kinds of coral snake. All other species are harmless and in spite of the almost universal prejudice against them are very useful allies of man, since they live chiefly on rats, mice and insects injurious to crops. Entering the darkened room near by we find a group of unusual in- terest, showing the common Bullfrog of North America. This group is Bullfrog a study of the bullfrog undisturbed in its typical haunt. Group It illustrates the changes from the tadpole to the adult frog and shows many of the activities of the frog—its molting, swim- ming, breathing under water and in air, croaking and “‘lying low” before an enemy; also its food habits in relation to small mammals, to birds, snakes, insects, snails, to small fish and turtles. Cobra Group of ‘pussumMOy, "FTO “Aq Jopun ‘TIGL Jo ,, uontpedx| ssoreqyy,, ay} Aq peqoo]joo sum dnodd siy} 104 [, “BIULOJITRO IIMO'T JO JSBOO OY} YO SpuURISI JAISop []BVUIS VY} JO oUO Jo oF, JUBA PUB [BUITUG OT}STIOJOBIBYO oY} SurMOYS dNOUD AUaVZIT VINAOAITVS AAMOT jBlleyBUL oY es iat 2 2 * 7 REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS 4] Another group is the Great Salamander or Hellbender, best known in the creeks of western Pennsylvania. The group pictures them at breeding time, and shows their characteristic stages and habits: thus Great one of the salamanders is pictured molting, another, a Salamander male, is brooding a great mass of eggs; and the group explains many details of their manner of living. This depicts the spring life of a little pond in southern New England. In the water may be seen the egg masses and tadpoles of various toads and frogs, while in and about the pool are the young and full-grown in characteristic poses, including some with vocal saes distended in the act of ‘‘singing.”’ Toad Group Lower In striking contrast with these water-loving animals is California a group showing one of the desert islands off the coast of Lizards Lower California where reptiles must go without water for long periods. Page 40. Latest, largest, and finest of the groups Florida is that showing the semi-tropical life of Southern Florida, Group on one side a stretch of cypress swamp, on the other the sandy lowlands, each with its characteristic life, alligators, turtles and snakes. There are nearly 200 animals in this group and while they would not all be found together at any time yet all might be found in such a spot at some time. This does not portray any particular locality, simply the character of the localities where reptiles are to be found. Not more than one or two of the species shown here would be found together at any one time and one might pass years in Florida without seeing as many reptiles as are here assembled. SoutH CORRIDOR MAYA SCULPTURES MEXICAN TEXTILES Here are casts of a number of important examples of Maya art, for which room could not be provided elsewhere, and a series of Mexican textiles, illustrating the effects of Spanish culture on Indian Art. ea) Pai) sue a —— ter tt I, ue! isaae iz MASK PANEL OVER DOORWAY AT XKICHMOOK, YUCATAN 42 LOCAL BIRDS Wee THE AMERICAN ROBIN—FIRST OF THE GROUPS OF LOCAL BIRDS West CORRIDOR LOCAL BIRDS Adjoining the South Pavilion is the West Corridor, which contains the collections of local birds. In this room are specimens of all the species of birds which have been known to occur within fifty miles of New York City. As far as possible each species 1s shown in all its different plumages. In the wall-case next the windows on the visitor’s left is the Seasonal Collection containing the birds which may be expected to occur in this region during a part or the whole of the current month; in its left-hand two panels are the permanent residents, which are never changed, and in the right-hand two are the migrants, which are changed as necessary about the first of MAYA ART 43 each month. In the next case on the left comes the General Collection of all birds found within this area, arranged according to the current American system of classification, beginning with the Grebes and continuing around the hall to end with the Thrushes by the southwest window. Besides the table case containing the eggs (often with the nest) of species known to nest within fifty miles of the City, there are down the middle of the room a series of groups of local breeding birds with their nests. These, the forerunners of our ‘‘ Habitat Groups,” were the first of their kind made for the Museum. At the head of the stairs, on one side, is a map of the country within fifty miles; on the other, a case of accidental visitors—stragglers from other parts of the country and from other countries which have been taken within our limits. At the other end of the room, between the windows, are exhibits which explain what is meant by a subspecies, and through what changes of plumage a bird passes from the time of hatching; and a bust of John Burroughs, by C.S. Pietro. SOUTHWEST WING ANTIQUITIES OF MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA Continuing west past the collection of local birds we enter the south- west wing, devoted to the ancient civilizations of Mexico and Central America. Fronting the entrance is a cast of one of the two ‘“‘serpent columns” that flanked the entrance to the Temple of the Jaguars: the coloring has been reproduced from studies by Major George O. Totten. Near the center of the hall are accurate models of temples which illustrate the high quality of Maya architec- ture, though the builders were hampered by their ignorance of the arch. Many of these temples were built on high mounds, faced with stone, but they have nothing to do with the pyramids of Egypt. The casts of large upright stones, completely covered by sculpture, represent the art of the Maya civilization in Guatemala and Honduras. Nearly all carry decipherable dates in a strange system of counting time. At the left of the entrance on the south side of the hall is the extensive Costa Rican exhibit of Mr. Minor C. Keith. Thisincludes stone seulpture and a great variety of pottery interesting in form and design. To this collection also belong much of the gold and jade arranged in the cases in the center of the hall. See page 46. In the table cases on this side of the hall are facsimile reproductions of native books or codices, which were painted free-hand on strips of Maya Art THE AZTEC GODDESS OF THE EARTH The famous statue of the Aztec Goddess of the Earth called Coatlicue, ‘The Serpent-skirted One,”’ is a striking example of barbaric imagination. It was found in Mexico City near the Cathedral in the year 1791. It doubtless occupied an important place in the great ceremonial center of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, and probably dates from the last quarter of the 15th century. The head, which is the same on front and back, is formed by two repulsive serpent heads meeting face to face. The feet are furnished with claws, but the arms, which are doubled up with the elbows close to the sides, end each in a serpent’s head. The skirt is a writhing mass of braided rattlesnakes. The creature wears about the neck and hanging down over the breast a necklace of human hands and hearts with a death’s head pendant in the center, Coatlicue seems to have been regarded as a very old woman and as the mother of the Aztec gods. AZTECS AND MAYAS 45 deerskin, paper and cloth. Several original documents are also exhibited. The Spaniards, in their zeal to destroy the native religion, burned hundreds of these books, which recorded ceremonial rites and historical events by means of pictures and hieroglyphs. Near by is a replica of the Calendar Stone, which is a graphic repre- sentation of the four creations and destructions of the world, as well as a symbol of the sun and a record of the divisions of the year. In the aisle near the end of the hall stands a copy of the great sacri- ficial stone, or Stone of Tizoc, on which is a record of the principal conquests made by the Aztecs before 1487. The statue of Coatlicue, the mother of the two principal Aztee gods, is a curious figure, made up of serpents. See page 44. These three sculptures were originally in the Great Temple enclosure at Tenochtitlan, the native name of Mexico City before its conquest by Cortez. They were buried in the destruction of that city and uncovered in 1798. The originals are now in the Mexican National Museum. The archeology of Mexico covers many centuries, and relics are found deposited in three distinct layers, one above the other. These three stages of ancient history are represented on the north side of the hall beginning at the western end. The lowest of all is that of the Archaic Period characterized by crude figurines of pottery and stone. Next came the Maya-Toltec horizon of culture, an extended period during which great pyramids were constructed and beautiful works of art were produced. Lastly came the Aztec period, beginning about 1100 A.D. The Aztecs were not nearly so highly civilized as the Mayas had been before them. They were much given to human sacrifice. The Zapotecs in southern Mexico are famous for elaborate funeral urns, and for the temple ruins at Mitla. The Mayas were perhaps the most highly civilized people in the New World. They built many cities of stone and erected many fine pillar- like stelae to which attention was called on entering the hall. The sculp- tures on these monuments represent priest-like beings who carry serpents and other ceremonial objects in their hands. There are also on them long hieroglyphic inscriptions containing dates in the wonderful Maya calendar. Maya history contains two brilliant periods. That of the south, extending from 160 A.D. to 600 A.D., was chiefly remarkable for its sculptures. The principal cities were Copan, Quirigua, Tikal, Yaxchilan and Palenque. The second period fell between 950 A.D. and 1250 A.D., and centered in northern Yucatan. The chief cities were Chichen Itza, Uxmal and Labna, and the finest works of art were architectural. (See Handbook No. 3, Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America.) ‘UOIoaT[OQ YOM ‘O our, oy} UT YIN VLSOD WOUd SLOAAO G1OD LNAIONY ueveevs NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN 47 SOUTHWEST PAVILION EVOLUTION OF PREHISTORIC CULTURES NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN Continuing west we pass into the Southwest Pavilion, given over to a demonstration of the chronological development of the principal human Cave Man arts and industries initiated before the days of written _and the history, the era of the Cave Man and the Lake Dweller. Lake Dweller The section of the hall to the left, or south of the center aisle, is devoted to the Old World, while the section to the right is given to the New World. There are four rows of table cases in the hall and each row or tier constitutes a unit, or part of a unit, and should be examined in order, beginning next the entrance and going towards the opposite west wall. The first table case on the left gives a key exhibit for the Old World. Here is shown the order of development of several of the most common The Evolu- tools, weapons, utensils and ornaments, ranging, as in tion of the case of the ax, from crude “‘eoliths’’ many thousands of Cultures years old up to the metallic forms more or less like those in use at the present time. The various stages of improvements are arranged in levels and new forms of tools, with correspondingly new arts and industries, will be seen to make their appearance in each of the successive levels, as the case is viewed from front to back, beginning at the left end. The succeeding cases in this row take up all the different levels here indicated, treating each one as fully as the available arche- ological material permits. The adjoining row of cases on the left, next the windows, gives the stratigraphically determined order of cultural development for several separate localities in the Old World, such as France, the Baltic region, Switzerland and Egypt. Here are shown the fragmentary, but strictly scientific, details of the story told in simplified form in the first row of cases. The northern half of the hall, and the wall cases devoted to America, will when completed be arranged on the same general plan. The wall frescoes in the southern half of the hall are copies of early European cave art; those in the northern half are copies of American Indian art, most of late prehistoric date. In the circular, or tower room, in the southwest corner, an exhibit for the racial history of man is in course of preparation. In the left wall case The Evolu- near the entrance to this room is an exhibit showing the tion of important face and head differences in modern man and Races also the instruments and methods for measuring faces and heads. On the opposite wall is a similar demonstration for body measure- ments. The adjoining cases on either side of the entrance to the tower con- tain the skulls and bones (casts) of fossilmen, the ancestors of modern man. West WING COLLECTIONS FROM AFRICA Opening to the north from this hall of North American Archeology is the African Hall. This differs from other halls in containing besides ethnographical specimens a number of characteristic African mammals. The Forest Hogs, the rare Okapi and the so-called white Rhinoceros are particularly noteworthy, and three cases are devoted to Antelopes, characteristic of Africa. The future extension of the Museum will provide room for groups of African mammals, including elephants. The installation is roughly geographical, i.e., as the visitor proceeds through the hall from south to north he meets the tribes that would be found in passing from south to north of Africa, and the west coast is represented along the west wall, the east coast along the east wall. There are three aboriginal races in Africa: the Bushmen, the Hotten- tots, and the Negros. In the north the Negroes have been greatly influenced by Hamitic and Semitic immigrants and become mixed with them. At the south end of the hall the wall is decorated with reproductions of cave-paintings made by the Bushmen, the most ancient and primitive of African natives. Nothing is more characteristic of the Negro culture, to which the rest of the hall is devoted, than the art of smelting iron and fashioning iron tools. The process used by the African blacksmith is illustrated in a group near the entrance, on the west side, and the finished products, such as knives, axes and spears, are amply shown throughout the hall. The knowledge of the iron technique distinguishes the Negro culturally from the American Indian, the Oceanian and the Australian. All the Negroes cultivate the soil, the women doing the actual tilling, while the men are hunters and, among pastoral tribes, herders. Cloth- 48 BIRDS OF THE WORLD 49 ing is either of skin, bark cloth, or loom-woven plant fiber. The manu- facture of a skin cloak is illustrated by one of the figures in the group to the left of the entrance; bark cloths from Uganda are shown in the northeastern section of the hall, while looms and the completed gar- ments are shown in the large central rectangle devoted to Congo ethnology. The most beautiful of the last-mentioned products are the ‘pile cloths’? of the Bakuba, woven by the men and supplied with decorative pattern by the women. Very fine wooden goblets and other carvings, especially a series of ivories from the Congo, bear witness to the high artistic sense of the African natives, who also excel other primi- tive races in their love for music, which is shown by the variety of their musical instruments. A unique art is illustrated in the Benin case in the northern section of the hall, where the visitor will see bronze and brass castings made by a process similar to that used in Europe in the Renaissance period. It is doubtful to what extent the art may be considered native. The religious beliefs of the natives are illustrated by numerous fetiches and charms, believed to give security in battle or to avert evils. Ceremonial masks are shown, which were worn by the native medicine- men. Return to Central Pavilion. SoutH CENTRAL WING BIRDS OF THE WORLD Going north we enter the hall containing the general collection of birds. In the first four main cases on the right the 13,000 known species Birds of are represented by typical examples of the principal groups the World = arranged according to what is believed to be their natural relationship. The series begins with the Ostriches, the ‘“‘lowest”’ birds (that is, those which seem to have changed least from their reptilian ancestors), and goes up to those which show the highest type of develop- ment, the Singing Perching Birds such as our Thrushes and Finches. The remaining cases on the right wall and all of those on the left show the geographical distribution of the bird fauna of the world. The specimens are grouped according to the great faunal regions, the Antarctic, South American Temperate, American Tropical, North American Temperate, Arctic, Eurasian, Indo-Malay, African and Australian realms. These cases in connection with the accompanying maps give opportunity for a comparative study of the birds of the different parts of the world. In each region, as in the Synoptic Collection, the birds are arranged in their natural groups to the best of our present knowledge. 50 EXTINCT BIRDS THE DODO Restored from Old Dutch paintings. This gigantic, monstrous pigeon, was abund- ant in Mauritius when the island was discovered, but was quickly exterminated jby the early Dutch navigators. Down the middle of the hall near the entrance are several cases con- taining birds which have become extinct or nearly so. The Labrador Duck, once a common visitor to our Long Island shores, became extinct for no known reason. The Great Auk and the Dodo were flightless species which bred in great numbers on small islands and were easily and quickly killed off by men. The Passenger Pigeon of North America lived by the million in such dense flocks that Extinct Birds EXTINCT BIRDS ol . i ia % - » A ‘ Z ‘ é e RA DS a RS wn aunt - THE PTARMIGAN IN WINTER One of a series of four small groups showing the bird’s seasonal changes of colors brought about by molting and feather growth. vast numbers were slaughtered with ease, but the last individual died in captivity Sept. 1, 1914. The Heath Hen formerly had a wide range on our Atlantic seaboard, but as a game bird it was so continually perse- cuted, in and out of the breeding season, that it is now extinct except for a colony under protection on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Specimens of all of these birds are shown here, the Dodo being repre- sented by an incomplete skeleton and by a life-size reproduction copied from an old Dutch painting. Others of our splendid game birds, such as the Trumpeter Swan and Eskimo Curlew, are nearly, if not quite, gone, and more, like the Wood Duck and Wild Turkey, will soon follow them if a reasonably close season and limited bag be not rigidly enforced. Still others—the beautiful Egrets and the Grebes, for example—have already gone far on the same road owing to the great demand for the plumage for millinery purposes. Also down the center of the hall, and in certain alcoves as well, are several cases designed to illustrate the general natural history of birds. LIBRARY HINIVERSITy OF ILLINOIS | LS) BIRDS OF PARADISE LABRADOR DUCKS, NOW EXTINCT From the Group in the American Museum. The widely different plumages (varying with age, sex, season, or all three) often worn by one species, will be found illustrated in the General Ptarmigan case and in the case containing Orchard Orioles, Topics Snow Buntings, Scarlet Tanagers and Bobolinks. The relationship between structure and habits, the many forms of bill, feet, wings, tail, etc., and the different ways of using them are illustrated in other cases, particularly by one showing the feeding habits of some birds. Other cases show instances of albinism, hybridism and other abnor- malities; the excessive individual variation in a bird called the Ruff; birds of prey used by man in hunting; a few domesticated birds (an ex- tensive collection of which will be found in Darwin Hall); the growth of the embryo and the structure of the adult bird; Archzopteryx, the oldest fossil bird; and a map-exhibit of migration. In the alcoves to the right the first egg case contains the Synoptic Collection of Eggs, which shows the variation in the number in a set, size, shell-texture, markings, shape, etc., and tells some- thing of the laws governing these things. The succeeding cases contain the general exhibition collection of nests and eggs, princi- pally those of North American and of European birds. Near the center of the hall is a nearly complete collection of the Birds of Paradise, presented by Mrs. Frank K. Sturgis. This family of birds Birds of is confined to New Guinea, Australia and some neighbor- Paradise ing islands. Their feet and bills show their close relation- ship to the Crows and Jays, which they resemble in nesting habits as well. Their chief characteristic is of course their gorgeous plumes, wonderful as well in variety of form and position as in beauty. For these plumes the birds are still being killed in such large numbers Eggs BIRDS OF PARADISE Ox ~~ that unless the demand for them soon ceases all the finer species will be exterminated, as the Great Bird of Paradise is already believed to be. More Birds of Paradise have been sold at a single London auction (23,000 in two sales) than are contained in all the museums of the world. In this hall, too, are a number of groups of local and other birds which are placed here only temporarily. In fact, much of the arrangement of the hall will be changed as soon as circumstances permit. Finback Suspended from the ceiling is the skeleton of a Finback Whale Whale, sixty-two feet in length, and a reproduction of the Giant Ray or Manta, among the specimens intended for the Hall of Ocean Life. j 4 - Pal THE WHOOPING CRANE A bird almost extinct. Shown in the ‘Habitat Groups. ”’ SHUVHS ANTA AO ATINVA V wt RECENT FISHES D: (ORRIDOR OF CENTRAL PAVILION RECENT FISHES The exhibit of fishes occupies the center of the north end of the-hall of the birds of the world and the corridor beyond the door leading to the gallery of the Auditorium. The exhibit includes typical examples of the various groups of back- boned animals popularly comprised in the term “‘fishes,”’ and is arranged in progressive order. The visitor should first examine the case of hag- fishes and lampreys facing the large window, near the end of the corri- dor. These rank among the most primitive ‘‘fishes.””. They are with- A PORTION OF THE PADDLEFISH GROUP out scales, without true teeth, without paired limbs, and their backbone consists of but a rod of cartilage. One of the models shows the way Hag-fishes in which a newly caught hag-fish secretes slime, forming and around it a great mass of jelly. In the same case are Lampreys lampreys, and one of them is represented attached to a fish, which it fatally wounds. The nest-building habit of lampreys is illustrated in a neighboring floor case; here the spawners are prepar- ing a pit-like nest and carrying away stones, which they seize with their sucker-like mouths. Next to be visited are the silver sharks or Chimaeroids, shown on the other side of the shark group. They are now known to be highly modified sharks: their scales have failed to develop, and their o6 FISHES. WINDOW GROUPS heavy ‘“‘teeth”’ appear to represent many teeth fused together. These fishes are now very rare and, with few exceptions, occur in the deep sea. The present models show the characteristic forms. Between these ex- hibits is a group showing the blue shark with its young. The visitor should then inspect the cases of sharks which are situ- ated on the south side of the corridor. These include various forms of sharks and rays, selected as typical members of this ancient group—for the sharks have numerous characters which put them in the ancestral line of all the other groups of fishes. An adjacent case pictures the three types of surviving lungfishes, and the models are arranged to indicate the life habits of these interest- ing forms. Thus they are shown going to the surface of the water to breathe; and their poses indicate that they use their paired fins just as a salamander uses its arms and legs. In fact, there is reason to believe that the land-living vertebrates are descended from forms closely related to lungfishes. One sees in this case also a “‘cocoon,”’ in which the African lungfish passes the months when the streams are dried up and during which time it breathes only by its lungs. Returning again to the cases of sharks, one sees on a panel above them two huge sturgeons and two large garpikes. These are examples of the group known as Ganoids—fishes that represent, as it were, a halfway station between lungfishes and sharks on the one hand, and the great tribe of bony fishes on the other—such as perches, basses, cod, etc. A further glimpse of the Ganoids may now be had by viewing the spoonbill sturgeon. (paddlefish) group, on the side opposite. In this group a number of these eccentric fishes are shown side by side with gar- pikes and other characteristic forms from the lower Mississippi. This group was secured through the Dodge Fund. In the window are groups Window showing the shovel-nosed sturgeon, and the spawning Groups habits of the bowfin and of the slender-nosed garpike,— all Ganoids. Passing now through the door leading to the Bird Hall, we are con- fronted by a case containing additional examples of the Ganoids. Here one sees garpikes, sturgeons, the mudfish (Ama), together with the African Bichir, a curious Ganoid encased in bony scales and retain- ing structures which bring it close to the ancestral sharks. The remaining cases in the center of the bird hall give characteristic examples of the various groups of modern ‘‘bony fishes,” or Teleosts. There are fourteen cases of them in all, but they offer little space in which to illustrate the 10,500 species. For these are the fishes which are dominant in the present age, contributing over nine-tenths of all existing forms and including nearly all food and game fishes such as bass, cod, eel and herring. Sharks Lungfishes Teleosts DEEP-SEA FISHES od The eases should be examined in the order in which they are arranged; and one may pass in review the catfishes, carps, eels, trout, salmon, pike, mullets, mackerel, basses, wrasses, drumfishes, sculpins, cods, flat- fishes and anglers. The end case exhibits the grotesque fishes from deep water, in which they occur to the surprising depth of over 3,000 fathoms, or more than Deep-Sea 3% miles. They are usually soft in substance, with huge Fishes heads and dwarfish bodies, and are often provided with illuminating organs like little electric bulbs, which can be ‘‘shunted”’ off or on by the fish, and enable the fishes either to see their neighbors or to attract their prey. A group representing a number of these fishes as they are supposed to appear in the gloom of the profound depths, lit up only by their luminous organs, is shown in an enclosure next to the Paddlefish Group mentioned above. Before the visitor has completed his view of the hall, he should examine the two wall cases, on either side of the doorway, which explain the characteristic structures of fishes of different groups, and the way in which the groups are related to one another. In one of these wall eases various kinds of fishes have been arranged in a genealogical tree, and the lines and labels give an idea of their evolution. Above the cases hangs a reproduction of the Giant Ray or “devil- fish’’ over sixteen feet across, taken by Mr. Coles, with whom Colonel] Roosevelt made the expedition described in Scribner’s for October, 1917. Return to the Elevators. A DWELLER IN THE DEEP SEA ALLEN HALL OF NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS 58 NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS a9 P > nS ( “4 Vtae tes es Ae and , CALF A CHARACTERISTIC MAMMAL The big game of North America is described in Guide Leaflet No. 5, North American Ruminants. NORTH AMERICAN < BISON COW AND SOUTHEAST WING MAMMALS OF NORTH AMERICA Continuing east beyond the elevator corridor, we enter the hall devoted to North American mammals. At the right of the entrance is a bronze tablet in memory of Dr. J. A. Allen who, for thirty-six years, was Curator of the Department of Mammals. Something like 2,000 kinds or species and subspecies of mammals have been described from North America, and the purpose of the exhibits is to show those that are pe- culiar to that region or characteristic of it, the more important, or more striking, being displayed in groups that tell something of their home life or of the region in which they live. The individual specimens give some idea of the variety of species found in North America. The appearance and arrangement of the hall is impaired by the Boreal Mammals placed here in order to provide room in the adjoining hall for the great group of African Elephants and other mammals, 60 NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS The first mammal to catch the eye is the Giant Moose of Alaska. Back of this is a group of Moose from New Brunswick, and beyond Moose this the American Bison; these groups, mounted years Bison ago, are still among the finest as well as the largest examples of their kind. See Leaflet “The Story of Museum Groups.” THE WEASEL IN WINTER One of the groups representing the small mammals found within fifty miles of New York City. The others of the series show opossum, red and gray foxes, skunk, mink, muskrat, woodchuck, rabbits and squirrels. The list includes some ‘‘fur- bearing” species; weasel fur is often used instead of ermine and the muskrat has become one of the most important species. Immediately at the left of the entrance are the Grizzly and Alaska Brown Bears, the latter the largest members of the family. The larger groups in their order are the Virginia Deer, Timber Wolf, Beaver, Roose- velt Elk, Mountain Sheep, Puma and Pronghorn Antelope. The habitat groups proper show the animals in some characteristic occu- pation and, whenever possible, in a family group. The smaller groups, mostly shown in floor cases, include a number of species ‘“‘found within NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS 61 fifty miles of New York.’ Among them are the Skunk and Opossum, Gray Fox and Brown Bat, Weasels, summer and winter pelage; Otter and Mink, Coney and Say’s Chipmunk, Pack Rat and Jack Rabbit, Red Fox, Woodehuck, Chipmunk and Flying Squirrel, Rabbit, Hare and Red Squirrel, Coyote and Wild Cat. PART OF PRONGHORN ANTELOPE GROUP This animal is peculiar to North America and is the only hollow-horned ruminant in which the horn sheaths are shed yearly. The Opossum, noted for its cunning and tenacity of life, is the sole representative in the United States of the Marsupials, or pouched Opossum mammals. The skunk is a useful, though much abused and Skunk = animal, now valuable for fur which is sold under the euphonistic name of Alaska Sable. While it occasionally destroys poultry and other birds, its principal food consists of injurious Insects and field mice. Its defensive weapon is an excessively fetid fluid secreted by a pair of glands situated near the base of the tail. It has the ability to eject this fluid to a considerable distance. 69 UOL UP SIY Iopun po}noex9 pu S[OYIIN JLBGoH Aq poudisap dnoay OdVaOTO) NI SHA TOM YAPWIL “TIVUL AHL NO NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS 63 The Virginia, or white-tailed deer, found over a large part of North Virginia America, is shown in its summer coat; other species of Deer our deer are displayed in the adjoining cases and some beautiful albinos may be found in the hall above. Weasel, The weasel, in summer and winter dress, the otter and Otter the mink are three important fur-bearing animals still and Mink found near the towns and cities. Weasel fur is often used in place of ermine. One of the most beautiful and at the same time simplest groups in Timber the Museum is that showing part of a pack of timber Wolf wolves following the tracks of deer. See page 60. Opposite this is a group of Muskrats. Owing to its wide distribution, the rapidity with which it breeds, and the growing scarcity and increasing demand for furs, the muskrat has become one of the most important of fur-bearing animals and its skins are sold literally by the millions. The cats, wolves and foxes, and the host of small creatures like bats, moles, squirrels, rats and mice, are represented by numerous character- Cats, Wolves istic examples. Here are the jaguar, the largest of the and Foxes American cats, the puma, the well-known coyote or prairie wolf and the little-known white Arctic wolf from the extreme north of Greenland. Here too is the Arctic fox in its two-color phases, the valuable blue and the more common white, the one bringing as much as $140 for fur, the other worth only $12 to $60. The beaver, formerly the most important from a commercial stand- point of North American mammals, and one intimately connected with the early history and exploration of the continent, is represented actively at work. At the end of this hall is a group of Roosevelt elk found in the Coast Muskrat Beaver Roasavelt Range from British Columbia to Northern California. Elk and Once abundant, they have become much reduced in Mountain numbers, though an effort is now being made to preserve ee them. On the opposite side of the hall are the mountain sheep or bighorns. Near by is a group of Atlantic walrus, a huge relative of the seal, once found in vast herds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and still fairly abundant along the shores of Greenland. The seal and walrus are the animals which play such an important part in the life of the Eskimo. From these animals come the principal food supply, skins for clothing, for fishing and hunting gear, boat covers, and harnesses for dog teams; from bones and tusks are made knives, harpoons, and other hunting and cooking utensils. | Walrus #9 ‘olay UMOYS SB PUB] UO Way} JondysuOD UazJO Avy} poysopour jou oie AY} ooYA JNq “To}BA\ OY} UL SasnoY IY} pling AT[B1IUIs SIOABOG, “UIYJIM SIOAKG Of] oY} MOYS 0} AVMG UO} JIBd YIM esnoy BST punodso10} oY} UT “‘sosnoy puB sulep SuUIp[INg IO} puv POO} LOJ Soot] SUIAND VIV SIOATOG P[O OY, “AAVO oY} JO afl] oMOY PUB YOM oY} SMOYS STULL, YAAVAd NVOIYANY AHL BOREAL MAMMALS 65 Pronghorn The handsome pronghorn antelope, peculiar to North Antelope America, once found in vast numbers on the western plains, Is now verging on extinction. pecars The peccary, one of two species of the pig family peculiar to America, is really an intruder from South America. Though naturally vicious, it is readily tamed. Placed here for lack of room elsewhere are the Polar Bear and other “boreal mammals.”’ The polar bears obtained by Peary belong with the boreal mammals as do the muskoxen which inhabit the Arctic barrens, living mainly on Polar Bear —_ willow leaves which they paw up from beneath the snow. Muskox An effort is being made to protect and domesticate these animals, not only for their flesh but for their long wool. COYOTE OR PRAIRIE WOLF One of the small groups in the Hall of North American Mammals. 99 ‘[[B@H Uwollyy oY} JO 19}Ue0 oY} 10} papusj}UyT SLNVHddaTaA NVOIYAY AO dNOUD NEED FOR A NEW BUILDING 67 Several species of caribou or reindeer are shown: Grant’s caribou from western Alaska, the fine woodland caribou which inhabits Newfoundland, and Peary’s caribou, the smallest and northernmost of the group. Although fourteen species of caribou occur in North America, none has been domesticated, though the species brought from Siberia by our Government to furnish food and transporta- tion has increased rapidly. Owing to lack of an appropriation, no additions have been made to the Museum building for the past ten years, but a new wing is now in course of erection. Due to the continued work of the Museum expeditions, all space in the Museum, and especially the storage rooms and workrooms, have become badly congested. When Mr. Akeley began the preparation of the group of African Elephants, intended as the central piece for the projected African Hall, it was necessary to clear out the Southeast Pavilion in order to provide necessary space; when the collections were received from the Congo Expedition, the collection of fishes was removed from the Central Corridor to the Bird Hall to furnish a little storage room. The beautiful Reptile Groups are installed in temporary quarters in the Central Pavilion, Second Floor, while nothing can be done at present toward properly exhibiting the collection of Mammals of the Sea. Caribou THE PROJECTED AFRICAN HALL GROUP OF ELEPHANTS The future extension of the Museum will include a hall with gallery, devoted to Africa, in which the characteristic mammals will be shown in groups amid their natural surroundings; in the center of the hall will be placed the monumental group of African Elephants recently placed on exhibition and the square-lipped rhinoceroses shown near by. This hall, both from an educational and artistic viewpoint, will be the greatest and most instructive exhibit ever planned, the object being to give and preserve a comprehensive view of the won- derful mammalian life of Africa, which for numbers, variety and size of individuals surpasses all other portions of the world combined. The plans for this hall as well as for the groups have been drawn by Mr. Carl E. Akeley, and include many new features in the way of con- struction, arrangement and lighting. This great undertaking will naturally require many years for its completion, and in view of this fact, although no appropriation has as yet been made for the building, the preparation of the groups has been commenced. As the work progresses, examples of the animals to be included in these groups will be tempo- rarily displayed here. Return to the Elevators and ascend to the Third Floor. pre Z s LZ WOOU .SaaaWaW FHL 89 WORTH PUBLIC EDUCATION OF oHeEecls BIRD LIFE NORTH AMERICA HABITAT GROUPS : | ett }} ee onkeys Peay MAMMALS OF tay s IVING THE WORLD 5 INDIANS OF APES ANY tae OUTH AMERICA p PREM ITIVE S| 1 MEN WHILES IN SEC LIFE 3 SOUTH (4 1. Elevators 2. Members’ Room 3. Public Health THIRD FLOOR EAST CORRIDOR To the left of the elevators is a room set apart for the use of honorary or subseribing members of the Museum where they may leave their Members’ wraps, rest, write letters, or meet their friends. It contains Room the portraits of the Presidents of the Museum and of Mr. Choate and Professor Bickmore who played a most important part in the founding of the Museum. Here too may be found books by mem- bers of the Museum staff, in many cases based on or deseribing the ex- peditions in which they have taken part. Near by is a bronze tablet in memory of Jonathan Thorne, whose bequest provides for lectures and objects for the instruction of the blind. . The “Anglers Collection”? of noteworthy game fishes is temporarily displayed on this landing. SoutTH PAVILION APES, MONKEYS AND LEMURS The Systematic Series of Primates, intended to give some idea of the number of species in this order, and their range in size, form and color, begins on the left with examples of the principal races of mankind and is continued in the wall cases around the room, ending with the lemurs. Horse-Tailed Species of especial interest are shown in groups, the first Monkeys to meet the eye being the beautiful black and white horse-tailed monkeys. African At the opposite end of the hall is a group of Pigmies from Pigmies the Congo illustrating the simple life of this little-known people. 69 EAST JOHN GORILLA OR JOHN DANIEL The well-known little Gorilla for several years a member of Miss Cunningham’s household. 70 "2 PROBOSCIS MONKEY One of the many interesting forms in the Primates Hall. The orang utans, on the south, or left side, show a family of these great apes feeding on durians. This group, one of the first groups of large animals to be mounted in this country, was looked upon as a daring innovation. The red monkeys, engaged in rolling up sheets of moss, as one would Ine a rug, to get at the insects beneath, illustrate the point Red Monkeys that some monkeys feed largely on the ground. ; At the other extreme are the spider monkeys, so named ae from their slender, spidery limbs, and howling monkeys who dwell in the tree tops under the roof of the jungle. Noteworthy among the single specimens is the gorilla, largest and most powerful of apes; ‘‘Mr. Crowley,’ for many years a resident in the Central Park Zoo, and the curious proboscis monkey from Borneo. Most interesting of all is the little Gorilla known here as John Daniel, noted for his intelligence and _ docility. Skeletons of man and the large apes illustrate the similarities and differences in structure between them, and there is an important series of skeletons of monkeys and lemurs. The fruit bats, often known as flying foxes, the largest members of the order, and found only in the warmer parts of the Old World, are represented by a small portion of a colony from Calapan, Philippine Islands. Such a colony may number several thousands, and be very destructive to bananas and other fruits. Orang Utans Fruit Bats N ™~ *p a7 Y Sve > r " > > td > Te) 5S ‘ Vale BOBZLIC) JUNLO TT O} }SdITO J peotdowy Jy} IIAO ‘BoUBA Oly out jo AJ[[BA dq SSOLIB OULYOOT ST LIALISGO IUD dNOUSD VAVZINO AHL BIRD GROUPS 73 DUCK HAWK ON PALISADES OF THE HUDSON Realism and artistic effect have been achieved in the ‘‘ Habitat Bird Groups,” and they present vividly many stories of adaptation to environment. SoutH CENTRAL WING BIRD GROUPS Here are the “Habitat Groups’? of North American birds. This unique series of groups shows the habits of some typical American birds in their natural haunts. The groups have been prepared under the immediate direction of Frank M. Chapman, curator of ornithology, who collected most of the specimens and made practically all of the field studies necessary for their reproduction. In the course of this collecting, he traveled more than 60,000 miles. The backgrounds are reproductions of specific localities, painted from sketches made by the artist who usually accompanied the naturalists when the field studies for the groups were made. Practically all sections of the country are represented: thus the series not only depicts characteristic bird-life of North America, 74 ORIZABA GROUP but characteristic American scenery as well. The backgrounds of the groups were painted by Bruce Horsfall, Charles J. Hittell, Hobart Nichols, Carl Rungius, W. B. Cox and Louis A. Fuertes. The foliage and flowers were reproduced in the Museum laboratories from material collected in the localities represented. Each group is fully described in the label attached to the case. [See Guide Leaflet No. 28.| Beginning with the case at the right of the entrance and passing on to the right around the hall, we find the groups arranged in the following sequence: The distribution of birds, notwithstanding their powers of flight, is limited in great measure by climate. Thus in traveling from Panama Orizaba north to Greenland there are zones of bird-life corre- Group sponding to the zones of temperature. This condition is illustrated on the mountain of Orizaba in Mexico, where in traveling from the tropical jungle at its base to its snow-clad peak the naturalist finds zones of life comparable with those to be found in traveling north on the continent. Thus the Orizaba group, so far as the distribution of life is concerned, is an epitome of all the groups in the hall. Among our most beautiful and graceful shore-birds are the terns and gulls, which (because of their plumage) have been so ceaselessly hunted Cobb’s Island and slaughtered for millinery purposes that now in their Group breeding-places there are only hundreds where formerly there were thousands. The group represents a section of an island off the Virginia coast where the birds are now protected by law. The duck hawk may be found,nesting on the Palisades of the Hudson almost within the limits of New York City. It builds nests on the ledges Duck Hawk of the towering cliffs. This hawk is a near relative of the Group falcon which was so much used for hunting in the Middle Ages. It often comes into the city for pigeons. In August and September the meadows and marshlands in the vicinity of Hackensack, New Jersey, are teeming with bird-life, but this is Hackensack rapidly disappearing before the march of ‘improve- Meadow ments.”’ In the group showing these Hackensack meadows Group are swallows preparing to migrate southward, bobolinks or “rice birds” in autumn plumage, red-winged blackbirds, rails, wood ducks and long-billed marsh wrens. The wild turkey is a native of America and was once abundant in the wooded regions of the eastern portion of the United States, but is now very rare. It differs slightly in color from the Mexican bird, the an- Wild Turkey cestor of our common barnyard turkey, which was intro- Group duced from Mexico into Europe about 1530 and was brought by the colonists to America. (Reproduced from studies near Slaty Forks, West Virginia.) “SNAKE-BIRD” es) The great blue heron usually nests in trees. The Florida bird flies with Great Blue itsneck curved Heron Grouphack on its body and because of this habit can readily be distin- guished from the crane, with which it is frequently con- founded. (Reproduced from studies near St. Lucie, Florida.) In the ‘‘bonnets”’ or yel- low pond-lily swamps with Water Turkey Cypresses and or cabbage pal- ‘“‘Snake-bird”’ mettoes, the Group shy water-tur- key builds its nest. It receives the name “turkey”’ from its turkey-hke tail, and the title ‘‘snake-bird”’ from its habit of swimming with only the long slender neck above water. (Reproduced from studies near St. Lucie, Florida.) The sandhill crane builds its nest of reed in the water. Sand-hill Unlike the Crane Group herons in this TegpeCt, tt differs also in As shown here, the birds carry their plumes its manner of flight, always only during the nesting season; killing the stretching its neck well parents means the slow starvation of the young. when on the wing. (Re- produced from studies on the Kissimmee Prairies of Florida.) Pelican Island, on the Indian River of Florida, has been made a reservation by the United States Government and these grotesque birds Brown Peli- now breed there in comparative safety, though at times canGroup disturbed by thoughtless tourists and twice suffering loss from storms and other natural causes. The view shows a section of the island at the height of the nesting season. Notwithstanding the hundreds A PORTION OF THE EGRET GROUP 92 ‘ABO 0} SPLIG OY} pasnva IO S}seU ay} poAOI}Sop oAvY YOIYA “IoyyVoM JOY puv sep} YSty Aq pouezvety} useq sey AUO[OD oY} JO dou -}SI1x9 04} MB] Aq pojoojoid YSnNoyITY ‘9ATP9yo ysour oY} pedeprsuod AuvuI Aq puU® SpdIq UROTIOUTY YON Jo sdnory yeiIqQeVyT oy} JO ouGQ ; dNOUD NVOITAd NMOU CALIFORNIA CONDOR “I “Il of young birds that are clamoring for food, observation has shown that the parent bird ean pick out its own offspring with unfailing accuracy. (Reproduced from studies at Pelican Island, Florida.) This beautiful bird has been brought to the verge of extinction in this country through the use of its “aigrette plumes” for millinery American purposes, and is now confined to a few protected rookeries Egret Group of the South. The birds have these plumes only during the nesting season, at which time the death of the parent means the starvation of the young. (Reproduced from studies in a rookery of South Carolina.) The turkey vulture, or ‘“‘buzzard,” is one of the best-known birds of the South, where it performs a valuable service in acting as the scavenger Turkey of the streets. On this account it is protected by law and Vulture by publie sentiment and has become both abundant and Group tame. (Reproduced from studies at Plummer Island in the Potomac River, near Washington.) The California condor is the largest and one of the rarest of North American birds. It is not so heavy as the condor of the Andes, but has California a Slightly greater spread of wing, eight and one-half to Condor eleven feet. In the group the visitor is supposed to be Group standing in the interior of the cave, where the bird has its nest, and is looking down on the river of the cafion, which is more than five thousand feet below. (Reproduced from studies in Piru Cafion, California.) The foreground of the group shows a detail of the island that is painted in the background. The young birds are feeding, and it will Brandt’s be noticed that one fledgling is reaching well down the Cormorant mother’s throat after the predigested food. (Reproduced Group from studies at Monterey, California.) Formerly this area was an arid place with a characteristic desert bird San Joaquin fauna. Now the ranchmen have irrigated the land and Valley Group aquatic bird-life abounds. This group is a good illustra- tion of the influence of man on the bird-life of a region. There were estimated to be two thousands nests in this colony but of late years its numbers have been greatly reduced by taking the young for Flamingo food. The flamingoes construct their nests by scooping Group up mud with their bills and packing 1t down by means of bills and feet. The nests are raised to a height of twelve or fourteen inches; this protects eggs and young from disasters due to high water. Only one egg is laid in the nest, and the young is born covered with down like a young duck and is fed by the mother on predigested food. The briliant plumage of the adult is not acquired until the fifth or sixth molt. (Reproduced from studies in the Bahama Islands.) 78 GOLDEN EAGLE In this group is shown a portion of a coral islet on which three thousand Booby and _ boobies and four hundred man-of-war birds were nesting, Man-of-War the former on the ground, the latter in the sea grape Bird Group bushes. (Reproduced from studies in the Bahama Islands.) The abundance of bird-life in one of these rookeries is quite astound ing. In this group are roseate spoonbills, snowy egrets, American Florida egrets, little blue herons, Louisiana herons, ibises, cormo- Rookery rants and water-turkeys. Because of the great inac- Group cessibility of this island it has been one of the last places to feel the depredations of the plume-hunter. (Reproduced from studies in the Everglades of Florida. ) The golden eagle is one of the most widely distributed of birds. In North America it is now most common in the region from the Rockies Golden Eagle to the Pacific Coast, although it is found as far east as Group Maine. Stories to the contrary notwithstanding, the eagle never attacks man, even though the nest is approached. Its food consists of rabbits, squirrels, woodchucks and occasionally sheep. (Reproduced from studies near Bates Hole, Wyoming.) These two groups have recently been added, though provision was Whistling made for them in the original plan for this gallery. The Swan and whooping crane is so nearly exterminated that not only Whooping ~— was it impossible to obtain a nest and young, but it EEE was necessary to use old birds taken many years ago. The abundance of bird-life in this western lake beneath Mt. Shasta, which is seen in the center of the background, is astonishing. Here is Klamath an example of how the normal nesting habits of a bird Lake Group may be changed by its being driven into a different locality. It is sad to record that the breeding ground shown here, with its wonder- ful bird-life, has been destroyed by ill-advised drainage. In the group are white pelicans which usually make a nest of pebbles, Caspian terns, which commonly build their nests on sand, and cormorants that nest on rocks, all nesting together here on the tule or rush islets of the lake. (Repro- duced from studies at Klamath Lake, Oregon.) The scene represented in this group is above timber-line on the crest of the Canadian Rockies, 8,000 feet above the sea. Although these Arctic-Alpine Mountains are in the temperate region, the altitude Bird-Life gives climatic conditions that would be found in the Far Group North, and the bird-life is arctic in character. Here are nesting the white-tailed ptarmigan, rosy snow finches and _pipits. (Reproduced from studies in the Canadian Rockies.) Sage Grouse This group shows a stretch of western plateau covered Group with sage brush. In this brush is seen the male sage grouse strutting and wooing a mate. (Reproduced from studies at PRAIRIE CHICKEN 79 Medicine Bow, Wyoming.) The prairie chickens are akin to the common grouse. Prairie The group repre- Chicken sents a typical Group scene during the mating season. The male birds go through most surpris- ing antics in their efforts to attract the females. They in- flate the orange-colored sacs on the sides of them necks, dancing and strutting about and uttering a loud, resonant, booming note. (Reproduced from studies near Halsey, Nebraska. ) The wild goose is one of the “ee a gd first birds to migrate north in Love-making of the prairie chicken. In : this position and with orange-like air sacs ing. _hests among. the spring. It 8 inflated, he produces a booming sound which the lakes of Canada even may carry a distance of two miles. before the ice is melted. To Wild Goose secure the young birds for this group it was necessary to Group hatch the eggs of the wild goose under a hen, so difficult is it to find the young in nature. (Reproduced from studies made at Crane Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada.) The grebes are aquatic birds which build their nests in the water. During the incubation period the parent bird usually covers the eggs with grass and reeds when leaving the nest. Nesting at the same lake with the grebes was the redhead, a duck which lays from fifteen to twenty eggs. (Reproduced from studies made at Crane Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada.) The loon is justly famed for its skill as a diver, and can swim with great speed under water. Its weird call is a familiar sound on the northern New England lakes. Many loons pass the winter at sea fifty miles or more from land. (Reproduced from studies at Lake Umbagog, New Hampshire.) This rocky island thirty miles from shore in the Gulf of St. Lawrence affords some protection to the sea birds which still nest in considerable Bird Rock numbers on and in its cliffs, although the colony is a mere Group shadow of what it was even fifty years ago. Seven species are shown nesting in the group—the razor-billed auk, Leach’s Grebe Group Loon Group 80 PUBLIC HEALTH petrel gannet, puffin, kittiwake gull, common murre and Brunnich’s murre. (Reproduced from studies at Bird Rock, Gulf of St, Lawrence.) This was the Museum’s first large group, though not completed as originally planned. Return to the South Pavilion containing the apes and monkeys. West CoRRIDOR PUBLIC HEALTH Returning to the South Pavilion where the monkeys are, and passing to the right, we enter the West Corridor containing the exhibits of the Department of Public Health. The Hall of Public Health is dominated by a bronze bust of Louis Pasteur, the founder of scientific bacteriology and preventive medicine, which was presented to the Museum through the courtesy of the Pasteur Institute of Paris. Near the head of the stairway is a reading table where pamphlets bearing on insect-borne disease and other public- health problems may be consulted. The first section of the exhibit deals with the natural history of water supply as it affects the life and health of man. The large frieze at the entrance to the corridor on the left illustrates the primary source of water supply, the sea, which by way of the clouds supplies the secondary sources, rivers and lakes. Diagrams, models and a relief map show the variations in rainfall at different points in the United States. Relief maps of the region about Clinton, Massachusetts, before and after the construction of the Wachusett Reservoir for the water supply of Boston, show the way in which surface water supplies are collected by impounding streams, and, further on, a model of a well sunk through impervious clay or rock down to water-bearing strata shows how ground-water supplies are obtained. Samples and models illustrate the variations in composition which occur in natural waters, from the swamps of Virginia to the deep wells of Iowa and.the turbid rivers of the Ohio Valley. Some of the principal micro-organisms, Algze and Protozoa, which grow in reservoirs and impart tastes and odors to water, are represented by a series of glass models. The effect produced by the pollution of water by disease germs is illustrated by relief maps and diagrams show- ing the course of famous typhoid and cholera epidemics. Models are displayed which illustrate the purification of water by storage, filtra- tion and disinfection, the filter models being elaborate representations of the plants at Little Falls, N. J.,.and Albany, N. Y. Diagrams indicate the results of water purification as measured in the saving of human life. Water Suppl BACTERIA SI Finally a series of relief maps shows the growth and development of the water supply of New York City, the location of the reservoirs and the course of the new Catskill aqueduct. Following the water-supply exhibit is a series of models illustrating the dangers from improper disposal of the liquid wastes of the city Disposal of | and how they may be avoided. Actual points of danger City Wastes jin the neighborhood of New York are shown where polluted harbor waters, bathing-places, and shellfish beds constitute a menace to health. Modern methods for the treatment of sewage on scientific lines are illustrated by a series of models of screens, sedimenta- tion tanks, and filter beds of various types. The cases near the window are devoted to the group of Bacteria, espe- cially in their relation to human life. Glass models show the various shapes and relative sizes of these minute forms, and in particular of the principal types which cause disease. Ina near-by case are displayed actual colonies of a number of species of bacteria, including some which produce disease and others which are beneficial to man by their effect upon soil fertility or from the fact that they may be utilized in the production of substances useful as foods or in the arts. A group of transparencies at this window shows some of the more important disease bacteria as they appear under the microscope. Another series of exhibits deals with the transmission of disease by insects, notably by the fly and flea and by the mosquito. The Insects most striking features are greatly enlarged models of the and Disease fly, the flea, the louse and the yellow-fever mosquito. Each of these, the finest models of the kind ever made, required a year or more of constant, exacting labor. The egg, larva and pupa of the fly and the eggs of the louse are also shown. Following the water-supply exhibit on the east side of the hall, the relation of the flea and the rat to the terrible disease bubonic plague is Bacteria The Flea illustrated in considerable detail. Wall charts picture the and Bubonic spread of the great historic epidemics of this disease, and Plague reproductions of sixteenth and seventeenth century drawings show with what terror the Black Death was regarded in prescientifie days. Specimens of some of the principal animals which harbor the plague- germ and serve as reservoirs from which it is carried by the flea to man (the black, brown and roof rats, the wood rat and the California ground squirrel) are shown, and the manner in which the disease is disseminated is illustrated by a copy of a corner of a rat-infested house in California. The original from which this was copied, as well as many of the rats 82 MALARIA and squirrels, were obtained through the courtesy of the U. 8. Public Health Service of Washington. A habitat group shows a. typical family of ground squirrels on a rocky hillside in central California, during the breeding season in May. Preventive measures used against the plague are illustrated by models of a farm with buildings rat-proofed, of a rat-killing squad, equipped for work in San Francisco, of a ship at dock with rat-guards to prevent the access of rats to the shore, and by specimens of various types of rat traps. THESECEA One of the enlarged models made by the late Ignaz Matausch from his original studies and now shown in a case devoted to Insect Carriers of Disease, in the Hall of Public Health. In a window case are shown various stages of the common mosquito, Culex, as well as of Anopheles, the carrier of malaria, and Aédes, which is responsible for the spread of yellow fever. In the same case are specimens of other insect carriers, such as the flea, the bedbug and the louse. A wall case devoted to the natural history of the mosquito illustrates the world distribution and seasonal prevalence of malaria and yellow Malaria and fever in relation to the habits of their mosquito hosts, the Yellow Fever breeding-places of mosquitoes, the life history (shown by specimens) and the money cost of malaria to the United States. Here are also shown some of the practical methods of control by ditching, oiling, stocking with fish, and encouraging enemies such as the bat, bite cures, and repellents and finally the practical results in the reduction of malaria which have been obtained in Italy. A second mosquito case contains a series of small-scale models, attractively worked out by Otto Block, illustrating some of the methods SLEEPING SICKNESS 83 and results of tropical sanitation as applied particularly to yellow fever. Control of . A hospital at Panama is shown as it was during the French Mosquito- régime, with mosquito-breeding pools all about and with borne Disease the legs of the beds and the flower pots set in dishes of water to keep off the ants. In contrast there is illustrated a modern hospital with all stagnant water removed, and wards screened and venti- lated. Other models show the sanitary squads on the Isthmus which fought the yellow-fever mosquito in the town by fumigation, and the malaria mosquito in the country by ditching and oiling. The same case contains oil paintings of the completed canal and of the camp near Havana where the secret of the transmission of yellow fever was dis- covered and the foundations of tropical sanitation laid in 1900. Photo- graphs of the four American Army Officers, Reed, Carroll, Lazear and Agramonte, to whose researches this advance is due, are hung upon the wall near by. Near the entrance to the hall a relief map of the State of Arkansas illustrates the coincidence between low swampy lands and the prevalence Mosquitoes of malaria, and another shows the heavy incidence of and Malaria malariain the vicinity of marshlands near Boston. A small relief map indicates the type and arrangement of drains used for lowering the water level and eliminating mosquito-bearing pools, and diagrams illustrate the progress made in mosquito control in New Jersey and the financial return which has resulted. An adjoining case is devoted to certain insect carriers of disease of special importance in tropical and semi-tropical countries. Scenes Typhus and _ during the Serbian epidemic of typhus fever are illustrated Sleeping by photographs and models with the disinfecting train Sickness used by the American Mission in the destruction of the lice which are responsible for the spread of this disease. Below are shown specimens of the Glossinas which transmit sleeping sickness and the nagana disease in Africa and of the ticks which spread Texas fever of cattle and relapsing fever, African tick fever and Rocky Mountain spotted fever of man. Photographs and models illustrate the ravages wrought by this disease and the methods used for the control of sleeping sickness in Africa by the cutting of the brush along the banks of swamps where the Glossinas breed, by the destruction of infected villages and the isolation of infected persons in concentration camps. Models in the next wall case deal with the life history of the fly, show- ing its various stages in their natural size and actual habitat, and illus- trate the large numbers of flies which may breed in a single pound of manure and the enormous progeny which may spring from a single pair and their descendants during the breeding season. 84 ae) THE HOUSE OR TYPHOID FLY Enlarged model by Ignaz Matausch. MILITARY HYGIENE 85 The deadly work of the fly in carrying typhoid fever is illustrated by graphic presentations of typhoid statistics of the Spanish-American War and of the relation between flies and ‘‘summer disease”’ of children, as worked out by the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor in New York City. Near by are two models showing unsanitary and sanitary conditions onasmall farm. In one, pools of stagnant water and uncovered manure heaps and general uncleanliness favor the breeding of mosquitoes and flies, while the open doors and windows give these insects free access to the house. In the other, the swampy land is drained and cultivated, the windows screened, the shallow-dug well replaced by a driven well; the conditions are sanitary, and health and prosperity replace sickness and poverty. Various types of traps for larvee and adult flies are shown with models illustrating how fly-breeding may be prevented, how human wastes may be protected from their access, and how manure may be cared for so as not to be a medium for breeding flies. The next wall case shows a group of the natural enemies of the fly: the cock, phebe, swift, the bat, spiders and centipeds, in characteristic surroundings as they may be seen in the corner of a New York State farm on a late August afternoon. Adjoining this case is a series of re- markable colored drawings of fifteen of the principal species of flies found in eastern North America. One wall case is devoted to the subject of military hygiene, which has become of such immediate moment and was, on the whole, so Military successfully solved during the Great War. Diagrams Hygiene illustrate the relative deadliness of disease germs and bullets in earlier wars; and their lesson is reinforced by a representation of the relative importance of injuries received in action and of the results of typhoid fever during the Spanish War. One company, con- fronted by a cannon, suffers the loss of one man wounded, while the other, facing a tube of typhoid germs, has one dead and thirteen in the hospital. Other models show how camp wastes are disposed of, and how water supply is sterilized, and still others, how the soldier’s tent is protected against mosquitoes and how a field hospital is equipped. The field ration of the soldier and the preparation of anti-typhoid vaccine are illustrated by specimens and models. Two tree trunks, one normal and the other infested with fungi as a Vital result of mechanical injury, illustrate the important fact Resistance that the normal plant or animal is able to resist disease, and Disease while anything which tends to lower vital resistance may open the way for the invasion of pathogenic germs. 86 AUDUBONIANA A noteworthy collection of objects relating to the life and work of John J. Audubon occupies the stairway hall. It includes original . sketches and paintings by Audubon and his sons, some of the copper plates of ‘‘Birds of North America,’’ illus- trations in various stages from ‘‘ The Quadrupeds of North America,”’ and a portrait of Robert Havell, the engraver and publisher of the first edition of the ‘‘Birds.’”’? Of more personal interest is the gun car- ried by Audubon on many of his expeditions and the buckskin suit he wore. These objects were mainly presented by his granddaughters, Maria R. and Florence Audubon, but the largest piece, a covey of pheasants, was given by Miss M. Eliza Audubon, and other gifts have been received from Doctor Edward H. Rogers, Miss Anna HE. Roelker and Robert Havell Lockwood. Audubonian THE YELLOW FEVER MOSQUITO THE PERUVIANS S7 SOUTHWEST WING INDIANS OF SOUTH AMERICA Passing through the west corridor, where the exhibit of the Depart- ment of Public Health is installed, and on into the adjoining hall to the west, we find the collections from South America. Just in front of the entrance is a case of striking ornaments of gold, fabled to have formed part of the treasure being assembled for the ransom of Atahualpa, but TREPHINED. SKULLS FROM PREHISTORIC PERUVIAN GRAVES really made by a more northern race, the Chimus, and buried—we know not why. Other objects of gold or silver illustrate the skill of the ancient Peruvians in working these metals. The greater part of the hall is Indians of filled with archeological material illustrating the various South forms of culture existing in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, America Bolivia and Chile, in prehistoric times. The remains found in Peru, in parts of Central America and in Mexico, show a degree of culture far in advance of that attained in any other part of this con- tinent in prehistoric times. Unlike the ancient peoples of Mexico and Central America the Peruvians had no written language. They were tillers of the soil and raised maize, potatoes, oca, quinua, beans, coca and cotton. They had domesticated the llama, which was used as beast Sd THE PERUVIANS of burden. They excelled in the manufacture and decoration of pottery vessels, in metal! work, and in textile fabrics. In the cases directly in Gold and front of the entrance the gold and silver objects such Silver as beads, cups, pins and ear ornaments, show the high degree of skill attained in the beating, soldering and casting of metals. In weaving they were perhaps preéminent among prehistoric peoples, many of their specimens exhibited here being unsurpassed at the present day. The materials used were cotton and the wool of the llama, alpaca and vicufia. In the first cases on the right are examples of these textiles with looms and shuttles. [Guide Leaflet Textiles 3 re ee — Pe ae ers ee en Hd Skt) oo * é aa < . PIECES OF CLOTH FOUND WITH PERUVIAN MUMMIES The prehistoric Peruvians were familiar with modern weaves, including the finest gobelins, and produced highly decorative effects by harmonized colors and a repetition of woven-in designs. The Museum’s collection of mummy cloths is one of the largest in the world, and is much used by teachers and students of art. THE PERUVIANS SY No. 46, Peruvian Art, deals with the meaning of the figures shown in textiles and pottery.| The alcove cases are geographically arranged, showing exhibits from the north toward the south of South America, then up into the interior of the continent. In the wall cases extending across the entire western end = “* 3 se ran J = = = .= = Za ONT é~. a, SAARANNCALY PERUVIAN MUMMY BUNDLES AND MUMMY The ancient Peruvians wrapped their dead in fabries of fine cotton and wool, then covering with a sack of strong cloth. The mummy “bundle” thus produced was often = ° ec 9) = > + given a “‘false head”’ of cloth filled with cotton or vegetable fibre. No attempt was made to preserve the bodies but climatic conditions in Peru have preserved these mummies and their wrappings during many centuries. of the hall will be found a remarkable collection from Nazca, Peru. The prehistoric people of Nazca excelled as colorists, particularly in the decoration of their pottery vessels, which are certainly the most beautiful so far discovered in South America. On the south side of the hall is shown a collection from Iea, Peru. In this exhibit are some rare and beautiful shawl-like garments of these prehistoric peoples, in a good state of preservation. 90 CHILEAN MUMMY The special exhibits in the gallery rail cases include quipus used to keep accounts, charms and medicines, coca which was chewed with lime, and shells that were found in mummy bundles and in the graves. A number of the chicha jars are on exhibition on top of the cases. In the first case to the left (south side) is a collection of skulls showing Trephined many examples of trephining, artificial deformation, and Skulls pathological conditions, together with a number of normal Peruvian skulls for comparison. The wall case at the left of the entrance contains mummy bundles and various objects showing the burial customs of the Peruvians. In no part Mummy of America are found so many and so extensive burial Bundles places as in the coast region of Peru. Here were interred countless thousands of the ancient dead. In the huacas or graves, with the bodies, were placed such articles as had been most useful and highly prized during life, and such as it was considered would be most serviceable in a future life. To this custom we are indebted for no small part of our knowledge of the daily life of the ancient Peruvians. From the mummy bundles and graves all the objects in the extensive collections in this hall, illustrating their civilization, have been obtained. The wonderful state of preserva- tion shown in the textile fabrics and other perishable materials from the coast regions is due to the extreme dryness of the climate and the nitrous character of the soil.. The mummy in the case at the west end of the room was found in a copper mine at Chuquicamata, Chile. The body is that of an Indian Chilean miner who was killed by the falling in of rocks and earth Mummy while engaged in getting out the copper ore (atacamite) used by the Indians in making implements and ornaments in prehistoric times. The tissues of the body have been preserved by copper salts with which it is impregnated. The implements he was using at the time of his death are shown beside him in the case. ; On the south side of the hall are the ethnological collections from Brazil, British Guiana, Paraguay and Colombia. War implements, basketry, featherwork, musical instruments, etc., are arranged in these cases. ) The archeological collections from the West India Islands have been temporarily placed in this hall, and will be found on the south side. The largest and most interesting of these collections 1s from Porto Rico. It contains many of the “‘stone collars”’ concerning the use of which so many ingenious theories have been published and nothing actually known. — West Indies ANCIENT BRONZES 9] SOUTHWEST PAVILION CHINESE AND SIBERIAN COLLECTIONS If we pass on into the hall at the extreme west end of the building, we find collections from eastern and northern Asia. The arrangement is Collections geographical. Specimens illustrating the culture, indus- from Asia tries, religion and manufactures of China are on the left; others showing the mode of living, the costumes, and the war im- plements of Siberia, are on the right. ANCIENT CHINESE BRONZES Rr he furwork, costumes and rugs of the people of eastern Siberia reveal remarkable skill in workmanship. Two models show respectively sum- mer and winter scenes in Siberia. In the rear are collections from the Ainu and the Amoor River tribes noted for decorated fabrics and pictur- esque costumes. Swinging frames contain a large series of fabric designs. The collections on the left side of the hall deal mainly with the every- day life of the modern Chinese and have a special value, as they were made just before the sweeping changes of the last few years took place. These abolished many of the customs in which these objects were used; for example, the series of weapons and objects showing the tests to which a soldier was submitted on entering the army have been rendered obsolete by the introduction of modern weapons and tactics. Bamboo, porcelain, basketry, inlaid work, cloisonné enamel, agricultural implements, carv- 92 SHELLS ings in wood, ivory and stone, and embroidery, are shown to advantage. A special collection of great value is found in the ancient bronzes shown in the wall cases near the entrance, and in one of the alcoves on the west side is a series of objects from Tibet, illustrative of the cos- tumes and religious rites of that little-known region. West WING SHELLS The collection of shells installed in the West Wing contains altogether about 100,000 specimens representative of nearly 15,000 species. These show extraordinary range of color and ornamentation. The arrange- ment of the collection is as follows: first, in the south wall cases a series showing briefly the classification of mollusks; second, in the eight table cases at the north and south ends of the hall the collections of land shells; third, in the upright railing cases the bivalves or mollusks which have two shells like the common clam; fourth, in the metallic cases the univalves, mollusks which have only one valve or shell like the snails; fifth, special exhibits of shells in the north wall cases. Other cases con- tain exhibits illustrating the anatomy and habits of mollusks; colored transparencies show them in their habitats. A series of colored photo- graphs (north end rail cases) illustrates stages in the pearl-button indus- try of the United States. Facing the entrance is a huge shell of the giant clam, Tridacna, measuring 43 by 27 inches and weighing 579 pounds, one of the largest examples on record. Short descriptive group labels will be found in the cases, and on the walls, pictures labels of important families of shells, together with small Maps of Distribution defining the occurrence of the same throughout the world. An interesting collection of deformed shells is seen in the north case, and a series illustrating the ornamental uses of shells. Cases of especial beauty in their shell contents are those holding Murex, Fusus, Volute, Conus, Oliva, Strombus, Cyprea, Trixia. Return to the South Pavilion, containing the apes and monkeys. DECORATION FROM THE SHELL HALL MODEL OF WHALE 93 SOUTHEAST WING MAMMALS OF THE WORLD Continuing east from the hall where the apes and monkeys are, we pass the elevators to enter the hall of the Southeast Wing, devoted mainly to a series of exhibits illustrating the characters of mammals, their principal groups, or orders, the main subdivisions of these, known as families, and various interesting peculiarities of habits and structure. Each family is, so far as possible, represented by a mounted specimen and a skeleton. Walking around the room from left to right one passes from the egg-laying Platypus to man, represented by the figure of an Australian native, armed with the characteristic boomerang. Inciden- tally one sees among other things the modifications of form and structure for various modes of locomotion, notices the superiority in brain of mammals over other vertebrates, learns that animals that outwardly look alike may be very distantly related, sees illustrations of albinism and melanism, and is shown how the coat of the hare changes from brown to white. Small cases contain rare or interesting mammals. Of special note are the skeleton of Jumbo, the largest elephant ever brought to this country, and the skull of the largest elephant shot by a woman. The latter was killed near Mt. Kenia by Mrs. Akeley and has tusks weighing respectively 112 and 115 pounds. Above the cases is a frieze representing marine scenes, which serves as a background for groups of porpoises, dolphins and other small mem- bers of the whale family. The most striking object in the hall is the life-size model of a sulphur-bottom whale, seventy-nine feet in length. Modaliot The original of this specimen was captured in New- Sulphur- foundland, and the model is accurately reproduced from bottom careful measurements. This huge creature is not only Dele the largest of living animals, but, so far as we know, the largest animal that has ever lived; a specimen of this size weighs from sixty to seventy tons, twice as much as Brontosaurus. Although whales and porpoises live in the water, they are not fishes, but are warm- blooded and breathe by means of lungs, not gills. The whale must come to the surface to breathe and the so-called “spouting”’ is merely the result of the warm air being expelled from the lungs when he breathes. A whale does not spout water, asiscommonly supposed. Models to scale of the other whalebone whales, and the toothed sperm whale, and repro- ductions of smaller whales and porpoises are hung near for comparison, among them one of the fierce Killer, the worst enemy of the larger whales, and the Pigmy Sperm Whale or Kogia. 16 ‘sayeyM JaS1B] oY} JO AWoUe A[PBap PUB BOS BY} JO J[OM OUT, ATVHM YATIIA AHL INSECT LIFE 95 The additions to the Museum building now in course of construction include a large hall to contain whales and other marine animals. In the railing cases are exhibits which aim to give the visitor a general view of the enormous class of insects. This series is, at present, being extended and improved. When finished, it will include representatives of all the principal families, exotic as well as native. A special exhibit of the common butterflies near New York City, another of the ‘ Moths of the Limberlost”’ and another of spider webs have been installed. There is also one showing butterflies found in North Temperate America. Species from the eastern United States are arranged with extracts from Dr. Lutz’s ‘‘ Field Book of Insects”’ as labels, and a collection of insects from a suburban yard shows how many species may be literally taken at our doors. Exotic insects will be added later. There are nearly half a million species of insects in the world so that, even when finished, this series can contain only a small part of the total. Furthermore, many of the species would fade rapidly if exposed to the light. The general study collection of insects is on the fifth floor, and while it is not on exhibition, the curators will be glad to show it to visitors who can make use of it. See the Southeast Pavilion for the study collection of local insects. SouTHEAST PAvILION — HALL OF INSECT LIFE Proceeding east, we enter the Insect Hall. The installations in this hall point out the relationships, through origin and mode of life, of insects to each other and to the other members of the Animal Kingdom, espe- cially to man. The exhibits are arranged in a continuous series, and are numbered so that we can easily follow the plan beginning at the pillar farthest to the left and making two complete circuits of the hall. First is an introductory section illustrating by diagrams the impor- tance of insects as shown (a) by the large number of species compared Importance with other animals [there are more species of insects of Insects = than of all other animals put together] and (b) by their great influence on human interests. In the United States the economic loss by insects is more than five times as great as by fire, and there are more than twelve times as many deaths from insect-borne diseases as from railroad accidents. On the other hand, many of our crops and all beautiful flowers are largely dependent upon pollination by insects. Following this are a number of sections illustrating the anatomy of Classification insects, explaining the terms used in the classification of Insects of insects, and exhibiting typical examples of the principal families. Insect Life THE BUTTERFLY GROUP tterfly —migrating; the group contains over 1200 Specimens. Monarch But Che r INSECTS 97 After a number of sections devoted to general phases of entomology, such as the relationships of insects to each other and to other inverte- General brates, the color of insects, the four stages of an insect’s Information life history, and the seasonal activity of insects, a series of exhibits is given which shows the principal insects of special situations and plants. Under the former heading we note aquatic insects and those associated with decaying material. The exhibits concerned with insects associated with special plants lay emphasis upon those of economic importance and are followed by a study of household insects, insects and disease, and insecticides. It is shown that man’s efforts to combat noxious insects are supplemented by the activities of lower mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and of insects themselves. Although certain insects destroy plants, some plants destroy insects. These and other eco- logical interrelations of insects and plants, in- cluding pollination, are shown on the east side of the hall. Among insects are found carpenters, ma- Occupations SONS, Weav- of Insects ers, paper- makers, and other sorts of laborers. The mak- ing of silk is one of the principal insect activi- ties, and several sec- tions are devoted to silk, looking at it from both the entomological and the human view- points. Following this, such subjects as art, the Bible and other litera- ture, medicine and superstition in their relation to entomology are treated. Photographs and short biographies of prominent entomologists of the past are given. Evolution is a large subject, but the principal points involved in the present-day theories are illustrated in a series of sections treating PART OF THE CICADA GROUP 9S EVOLUTION OF INSECTS such problems as mimicry, protective coloration, adaptation, variation, Evolution of mutation, geographic distribution, selection, and inheri- Insects tance (Mendelism). The north side of the hall is devoted to social insects and their relatives. Here are found several groups showing the activities of these interesting creatures. The final series includes a variety of things, being answers to the questions most frequently asked the curator by the general public. Visitors desirous of studying the local insects more in detail are cordially invited to do so by consulting the nearly complete collection to Local be found in this hall under the custody of the New York Collection Entomological Society. It is primarily intended to be an ald in identification of specimens and is not a part of the general exhibi- tion series. Return to the elevators and ascend to the Fourth Floor. mines, | CECROPIA MOTH ~OG Tr GEOLOGY TRIBES ees? East (INVERTEBRATE: TOR ICAL PHILIPPINE ISLANDS LIVING F* Wis FOSS COLLECTIONS FOSSIL FROM ‘ SOUTH SEA MINERALS OSSiL MAMMALS , EPTILES. ISLANDS (4 as TopDoNs) DINOSAURS) Elevators Fossil Fishes FoturtTH FLoor FOREWORD OF FOSSIL VERTEBRATES In the East Corridor, and the South Pavilion at the left, as well as in the East Wing and Southeast Pavilion at the right, are displayed the fossil mammals, reptiles and fishes. In a general way, fossils are the petrified remains of plants or animals that lived at some past period of the earth’s history. Sometimes, as with the bones of the great Irish elk, the objects have been buried in swamps or bogs, and in a few rare instances, as with the mammoth and woolly rhinoceros, entire animals have been preserved for thousands of years in ice or frozen mud. Fossils are found in localities where the dead animals or plants have gradually been buried under layers of sediment to such a depth and for so long a time that they finally became petrified. Later, through upheaval and erosion, they are again brought to or near the surface of the earth. Petrifaction is the slow replacement of animal or vegetable material by such minerals as carbonate of lime or silica, which are carried in solution by the underground waters. The process is very slow and for this reason flesh is never petrified. Fossil beds are found in every continent. In our own country, Texas, Montana, Wyoming and the Bad Lands of South Dakota are famous for their large fossil beds, and many of the finest and rarest fossils in the Museum were obtained in these localities. As it takes thousands of years for the various layers of earth to accumulate over the bones, and for the latter to become petrified, the study of fossils and the strata in which they are found is an important aid in determining the age of the earth and the succession of life thereon. The skeletons exhibited in these halls are of animals which lived from 30,000 to 20,000,000 years ago. To prepare a specimen for exhibition 99° v 100 FOSSIL SEA REPTILES the matrix in which the bones are imbedded is carefully chipped away and the missing parts restored in cement and plaster. The bones are then assembled as in life. In the specimens on exhibition the restored parts differ in color from the original parts of the skeleton and can readily be distinguished. As a whole, the Museum collections of fossil vertebrates are believed to be the finest in the world, if we take into consideration not merely numbers, but also variety, quality and perfected methods of preparation and exhibition. East CORRIDOR FOSSIL SEA REPTILES The most noteworthy object here is the skeleton of the flying reptile Pteranodon, having a spread of wing of twenty feet, the greatest flying creature. Above is a great fish, Portheus, with teethlike spikes, and below the sea reptile Tylosaurus: all these lived in or about the sea that covered Kansas and adjoining territory in the Cretaceous period. Opposite are several Ichthyosaurs, sea reptiles from the ancient seas of western Kurope SoutTH PAVILION HALL OF THE AGE OF MAN The South Pavilionis devoted to early man and his contemporaries, the mammoths and mastodons and the giant ground sloths of South America. Down the center of the hall is the collection illustrating what is known of the early history of our own race as shown by the remains of early man and the implements used by him. As fossil remains of man are rare and usually very fragmentary, these are represented mainly by casts, but they include examples of all the more perfect and more noteworthy specimens that have been found, from the Neanderthal and Gibraltar, to the Piltdown and Talgai. [See Leaflet No. 52, The Hall of the Age of Man.] On the left is a group illustrating the famous asphalt trap of Rancho la Brea and fossils from South America, the most striking of which is the Early Man Fareti group of giant ground sloths. There are also good examples Mammals of of the Glyptodon, a gigantic relative of the armadillo, of aouer the camel-like Macrauchenia, the rhinoceros-like Toxodon, merica and other strange extinct animals which evolved in South America during the Age of Mammals, when it was an island continent WARREN MASTODON 10] as Australia is to-day. Here, too, is the great sabre-tooth tiger, one of the host of northern animals that invaded the southern continent upon its union with the northern world, and swept before them to extinction most of its ancient inhabitants. The principal exhibits on the north side of the hall are the mammoths and mastodons and the series of skulls showing the evolution of the elephant. The first skeleton is the Long Jawed Mastodon of the Pliocene, a predecessor of the true Mastodon in North America. The ‘‘ Warren Mastodon” is a classic specimen. It was found near Newburgh, N. Y., Warren in 1846, and is the finest specimen of its kind that has ever Mastodon been discovered. Next to it is a fine skeleton of the mammoth; portions of skin, hair and other fragments of a mammoth carcass discovered in Alaska are also shown. While modern elephants are confined to portions of Asia and Africa, fossil remains of elephants and mastodons show that, at one time or another in the past, they were found over the greater part of the northern hemisphere. [See Handbook No. 4, Animals of the Past, and Guide Leaflet No. 48, Mammoths and Mastodons.]| Around the walls is a series of paintings by Charles R. Knight, portraying some of the more striking animals that were contemporary with early man in Europe and America, and whose skeletons are shown below. Here are the Great Ground Sloths, the Woolly Rhinoceros, the Mammoth and Mastodon and the strange moose-like Cervalces. ANG Vy NY KN ( nf SINS \ Ape ‘ “An we / i ‘ Cy ( : RRS x SWAY : SRS i - rho? yf ERURNCHOTNS SNA EAS 2 0 2 ell “ \Y NY A Nay) AQ Tm ( \ é a See = NY on q é 7 SS RUT . od _/, THE WARREN MASTODON As restored by Charles R. Knight ‘UBIT JO ASV oY} JO [[BH Oy} Ul speanyY ey} JO. oUQ ‘auINeY)-np-jU0q Jo UBABD oY} UI SYJOUIWEI Jo UOIssad0Id ay) SuUTEg AONVYA NYAHLNOS AO SLSILYUVY NONDYIW-OUD 1ySr.sfidog EVOLUTION OF THE HORSE 103 SOUTHEAST WING HALL OF THE AGE OF MAMMALS FOSSIL MAMMALS OF THE TERTIARY PERIOD The particular feature of this hall is the wonderful series in the cases by the entrance and in the first alcove on the right showing the evolution Evolution of the horse in nature. The Museum is justly proud of this of the collection. Not only is it the largest and finest series of Horse fossil horse skeletons in the world, but it is larger than the combined collections of all other institutions, and it contains the earliest known ancestors of the horse, the little four-toed Hohippus, which was no bigger than a fox and on four toes scampered over Tertiary rocks. As may be seen by an examination of the skeletons of the horse and man in another hall the modern horse walks on the tip of his middle finger and toe. The front hoof bone corresponds to the last joint of the third finger in the human hand, and the other bones of the leg correspond bone for bone with the structure of the finger, wrist and arm of man. In the modern horse the remaining fingers or toes of the fore and hind foot have entirely disappeared, or remain only as vestiges, the so-called “‘splint bones.”? The structure of the modern horse shows that it developed from a five-toed ancestor. This ancestry has been tracked back to the four-toed stage. [See Guide Leaflet No. 36, The Evolution of the Horse. | In the wall case at the right of the entrance is given a synopsis of the evolution of the foot and skull of the horse and the geological age in which each stage is found. Across the alcove the visitor will find skeletons of Hohippus, the four-toed stage of the horse and the earliest form that has been discovered. These are specimens from the Wasatch and Wind River beds of Wyoming and may have lived 3,000,000 years ago. It is interesting to note that while there were no horses found in this country by the white settlers, America is the original home of the horse. Passing from skeleton to skeleton the changes that have taken place in the development of the horse are easily distinguished. The exhibit is made more lifelike by plaster restorations of the animals and by water- color sketches showing primitive horses in their environment. These paintings and models are by Charles R. Knight. In the later types of the three-toed stage the two lateral toes have lost their original function of support and are gradually becoming vestiges. The three-toed horse in the center of the alcove is one of the most complete and finest examples ever unearthed. Opposite the horse exhibit on the other side of the hall are series of specimens illustrating the evolution of the camel, deer and other cloven- EVOLUTION OF THE HORSE The Ancestry of the Heres hee been traced Rack throvgh « tong series of RUCCHRRIR StogeEs, repre- sented by foxet skaletonn fousd it tie successive farmatioss “of the Age of Manuais, to small progeni- tors with four toes on the fore fost, three ae the bind foot, witlr fom croqned. einige testy, anusif brains, aut various other foeturas semmat to af primitive aiaemats. ies coasors fave tee mecuene Nigkig agente! ko grasng wns cet rankum, ax emteceed peaey Ce ee Ow ORV aenaK weeps.” The geemecnat tages 5 BE Keoiesioos Res Wivateated Ay Roe Mes sperompees hums Ge Hie amet, ond by See amubet skesonnok Os ather Garh ak Res gkave.- The et seomoree se Kose st See Aicke. Gomn Gond gasgheasece: aemeeaatore RE De WERK ote he copdinkbe SESS Saeststioe ot He teins. Kecettnnniog of See qonecast ob ke sock and centered OE Thee pinto ges Yoone $7 es WP VERDES. Fey CSIR PRAT Sete uate ke thee SI RE cE towty of oe tae Su gaie Se Ss eR ee : === EOCENE === carreras Daccedenetiann on een Sr och a ces pe tegen es ethene orden Scares aS EVOLUTION OF THE HORSE One of the panels showing the evolution of feet and skull. 104 CAMELS 105 hoofed animals. These animals, like the cow of to-day, walked on the tips of the third and fourth fingers, and the gradual disappearance or reduction to useless vestiges of the other fingers and toes can be traced, as in the horse series. Restoration of Eohippus, the four-toed horse. This ancestor of the modern horse, scarcely larger than the red fox, lived some three millions of years ago. It comes from the Lower Eocene of Wyoming and New Mexico. The large blocks, showing groups of skeletons of early camels, skulls and bones of primitive ruminants in their natural position Camels ? < : in the rock, show how these specimens are sometimes Giant Pigs found and raise questions as to how they got there, and Pigmy more easily asked than answered. The giant pigs, or Hippopotamus = e|otheres, and the pigmy hippopotamus will repay examination. The primitive rhinoceroses are shown near the center of the hall on the right. As here indicated great herds roamed over the fields in the Tertiary Period and their fossil remains are found imbedded in the sandstones and clays of the badland forma- tions. A block from Agate, Nebraska, containing remains of rhinocer- oses, besides those of afew other animals, shows their wonderful abundance in bygone days. Opposite these are shown the ancestors of the dogs, cats Rhinoceros 106 RHINOCEROS and other carnivores and the Creodonts or Primitive Carnivores of the early Tertiary. Next to these are the small mammals—the insectivores, rodents and marsupials; and the fossil lemurs and monkeys, fragmentary but interesting because of their bearing on the ancestry of man. On the south side on the right are skeletons of titanotheres, on the left of uintatheres, huge, extinct, horned animals peculiar to North America. SKULL OF MONOCLONIUS A huge, horned Dinosaur suggesting a Rhinoceros from the Cretaceous deposits of Alberta. One of many specimens obtained by the Museum expeditions. TRACHODON 107 SOUTHEAST PAVILION DINOSAUR HALL FOSSIL REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS AND FISHES The visitor now enters the Southeast Pavilion containing the dinosaurs and other fossil reptiles and also fishes. This hall is badly crowded, DUCK-BILLED DINOSAURS, TRACHODON owing to the delay in constructing a new wing. These animals belong to a more ancient period than the specimens just examined. They lived from 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 years ago, during the Age of Reptiles, when dinosaurs and great marine reptiles held the place of the various land and sea mammals which had not yet come into existence. The dinosaurs, of which the Museum has a large collection, include a great variety of extinct reptiles very different from those of the present day. The more or sol ‘YjABd OY} POY[BM Jade yVyy Aord JO 4ysvoq ta[qepIUlIOJ SOUT oY TL, SNUNVSONNVAYAL ANVSONIG SNOAYOAINAVD LVAUYSD AHL AO TINAS GREAT DINOSAURS 109 less complete skeletons of fifteen species are displayed and new examples are added from time to time. They were long legged, mostly large or of gigantic size. Some were inoffensive herbivorous creatures, others active and ferocious beasts of prey. Some went about upon all fours; others walked or ran upon the hind legs. One group had large heads with powerful horns; another group was completely covered with bony armor plates. In the wall case on the left is a portion of the skeleton of the dinosaur Diplodocus; this was the first of these specimens to be unearthed by the ¢ ft 4, 4 mae me Vl Liang fa 5 4 Aer pA TBE Se REN AN, «Ce fee a see na Oh! Mi iy J 9 hf E 4A i : Section of the skin of Trachodon showing the small scutes with which the animal was covered. About natural size. The Dinosaur Museum, while on the right are the skeletons of several Diplodocus kinds of dinosaurs obtained from the Cretaceous formations of Alberta, and mounted as they lay when three million years ago their carcasses were buried in the sand and mud which in the course of ages was gradually converted into the sandstones and shales through which the Red Deer River cuts its way. The gigantic skeleton in the center of the hall is the huge extinct reptile, the dinosaur Brontosaurus, found in the Jurassic beds of Wyo- ming. It is mounted in a walking or wading position, for it is believed to have been an amphibious animal. About two-thirds of the skeleton is the original petrified bone, the rest modelled from other specimens. It is sixty-six feet eight inches in length, sixteen feet in height and is estimated to have weighed, when alive, thirty-five tons. Brontosaurus is one of the largest giant reptiles and as is indicated Brontosaurus 110 MUMMIED DINOSAUR by its teeth was herbivorous, probably living on the rank water weeds of the nearly sea-level marshes of Wyoming. Contrasted with the herbivorous Brontosaurus is the carnivorous dino- saur Allosaurus, mounted to represent the animal feeding on the fallen carcass of a Brontosaurus, upon which it preyed. This is not a fanciful mounting, for these very skeletons were found in close proximity to each other in the Jurassic beds of Wyoming, and the skeleton of the fallen Brontosaurus shows gouges made by the teeth of Allosaurus as it tore the flesh from its victim. Near the Allosaurus group is a skeleton of Tyrannosaurus, the last and most powerful of the carnivorous dinosaurs. This huge carnivorous reptile rivalled the Brontosaurus in size and was far more active and ferocious, preying upon the duck-billed and horned or armored dinosaurs which lived at the same time. Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus RESTORATION OF NAOSAURUS One of Nature’s jokes. Professor Cope, who was also a joker, suggested that the high fin served as a sail, by means of which Naosaurus sailed over the lakes near which it lived. To the left of Brontosaurus are two complete specimens of the duck- billed dinosaur T’rachodon. One shows the animal erect and standing on guard, while the other is shown feeding on shellfish and plants of the Cretaceous swamps of Montana. Most wonderful perhaps of all the specimens shown here is a “mummy” of Trachodon in which the texture of the skin is preserved. Mummied ‘The animal is lying on its back and, in spite of its crushed Dinosaur condition, its form is easily distinguishable. It probably died on a sand bank or near a shoal where the hot winds dried up the Trachodon GIANT FOSSIL SHARK lll flesh until the skin adhered to the bones like a close-fitting glove, and was subsequently buried by a flood. [See Handbook No. 5, Dinosaurs. | Other specimens shown in the hall include the smaller carnivorous dinosaurs, the horned dinosaurs with, in one instance at least, a skull seven feet in length, and ancient birds possessed of teeth. There is also a fine collection of the very ancient reptiles of the Permian period, mostly from Texas and South Africa. Among them are the finback lizards, Diadectes, a reptile with a solid-boned skull, and Hryops, a primitive amphibian. The finest collection of fossil turtles in the world will be found on the south side of the hall. In the Tower of the Southeast Pavilion are displayed the fossil fishes which belong to a much earlier period than the mammals and reptiles, some of them having lived twenty to fifty millions of years ago. Many of these forerunners of backboned animals are quite unlike any living fishes and are probably only very indirectly related to them; some were small, curiously encased in shells; others, shown in the three cases in front of the visitor, attained large size and were evidently formidable creatures. One of them, in fact, Dinichthys, shown in the middle of the gallery, was probably among the most destructive creatures that ever lived in the sea. Its jaws were so strong that it could crush a plate of bone as thick as one’s hand. Such an actual specimen, fractured in life and showing the marks of ‘‘teeth,’”’ is shown in a neighboring case. The collection is so arranged that he who makes the tour can see the principal kinds of fossil fishes and is able, in a measure, to outline the history and pedigree of the entire group. He can trace the rise and fall of the early plate-covered fishes; the era of the sharks which on the one hand supplanted the earliest fishes and were in time replaced by the more efficient lungfishes and ganoids; the age of ganoids when the waters were filled with these enamel-scaled fishes; finally the age of the bony-fishes, or teleosts, the multitudinous forms of to-day, the herrings, cods, perches, whose method of swimming, feeding and breeding are far more efficient than those of any of their predecessors. Above the entrance are the jaws, ‘‘models,”’ spreading nine feet, of a huge fossil shark in which the actual teeth are arranged as in the sharks Fossil Fishes Jaws of of to-day, in the usual banks or rows—the teeth in the Giant Fossil hinder rows serving to replace those in front, nature Shark having dealt more kindly in the matter of teeth with sharks than with man. Such a shark probably measured from seventy to ninety feet and its race may well have became extinct, when for various reasons the enormous volume of food necessary to support it could not be maintained within its range of sea. 112 GANOIDS In the first alcove to the left, by the window, is a “fossil aquarium”’ Fossil in which a number of models of these earliest fishes Aquarium are arranged in a group, as though alive in the sea. In the next alcove are the early fossil sharks which superseded the tribe of plated fishes just mentioned. These sharks had soft skeletons, simple fins, and a number of other primitive features which lead to the belief that all the higher fishes, and the higher back-boned animals therefore as well, were descended from them, their simpler structures becoming more complicated in many directions. In one of the early sharks here exhibited, impressions of soft parts such as muscles and gill filaments have been preserved. In the third alcove appear rare fossils of silver sharks or Chimeeroids, which appear to have been developed from a primitive race of sharks. Curiously enough fossil egg capsules of these forms are sometimes preserved, and examples are here present. In the neighboring cases are shown ancient lungfishes and ganoids— groups from which all land-living quadrupeds are believed to be descended. In the fourth alcove are shown the ganoid fishes which dominated the waters during the Age of Reptiles. They were of many kinds and sizes, most of them with lozenge-shaped scales of bone, with enamelled surface. In the fifth alcove are the petrified fishes of the Age of Mammals. By this time nearly all of the primitive fishes, like sharks, lungfishes and | ganoids, had become extinct; and the common forms were bony-fishes, or teleosts, closely related to our herrings, perches, mackerels and daces. Return to the South Pavilion or Hall’of the Age of Man Sharks Chimeroids Ganoids Teleosts SoutH CENTRAL WING GEOLOGY AND INVERTEBRATE PALAXCONTOLOGY Turning northward at the center of the Quaternary Hall containing the mastodons and mammoths, the visitor enters the South Central Wing of the building and is in the Hall of Geology and Invertebrate Palzon- tology. Paleontology is the science of the ancient life of the earth; its field is the study of the fossilized shells and other hard parts and the various kinds of imprints left by the animals formerly inhabiting the seas and lands, and preserved in deposits which now form our stratified rocks. As normally the upper layers of a series of strata are more recent than the lower, the fossils reveal the succession of life forms in the earth’s TYPES 113 crust and thus are of the highest value and interest to the student of historical geology. Since, however, the remains of only a small propor- tion of the animals living at a given period are permanently preserved in the marine, river, lake and subaérial deposits of that period, the geological record of animal and plant forms is far from complete. Inas- much as invertebrate animals are far less free in their movements than the vertebrate forms, they are accepted as the best determinants of the geological age of a bed or rock, even when remains of both kinds are found together. Invertebrate life, too, appeared on the globe far earlier than vertebrate, and remains of certain species are abundant in the lowest, ‘‘oldest,” of our stratified rocks. At the left near the entrance to the hall there has been installed a topographical or relief map model of the Bright Angel section of the Grand Grand Canyon of the Colorado. The scale is large enough Canyon to give the visitor a vivid idea of the extensive erosion Model that has taken place in a famous region where the geology lies spread out so plainly that he who runs may read. Opposite the Grand Canyon model is one of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands with the neighboring vast ocean ‘‘deeps.’? Farther on in the hall are the relief map models of Mt. Washington and vicinity, New Hamp- shire, showing typical glacial cirques and other glacial phenomena in an area of crystalline rocks; the Watkins Glen—Seneca Lake district of central New York State, showing moraine deposits and other features due to the advance and retreat of the continental ice sheet over a region of horizontal beds of limestone, sandstone and shale; and the Mt. Tom- Mt. Holyoke district in western Massachusetts, showing a great trough traversing the ancient crystalline rocks and later filled with the sands and muds deposited in Triassic time and their associated old lava flows. At the north end of the hall on the west side is the relief map model of the Standing Stone district near Monterey, Tennessee, showing normal subaérial erosion and the production of sink holes in a region of nearly horizontal conglomerate, sandstone, limestone and shale. These are part of a series of models which have been planned to occupy the ends of the upright cases throughout the hall, illustrating the most evident and striking results of the action of geological forces. In the desk cases down the center of the hall are about 8350 type and figured specimens used by James Hall, R. P. Whitfield and others in the original description and naming of species, or in their further elucidation. The specimens in the cases on the left or west side of the hall are being arranged to illustrate stratigraphic geology, beginning at the south Types FIT ‘ASO[OI‘) JO [BH 9} UI Solses B JO 9UG OdVuYO TIO) AHL AO NOANVOD GNVUD AHL AO TAGOW AAITAYN “ARY GIVHS OLNOL © Alpena 2 4SOnNyv 42093 "GNOLSaWit FIV MGA 42008 BNOLSENVS GNI 44002 PNOLS tenet HesIs =A NIOd Wid x ANIOd 180 ANIOd OWOM BidwsiVvAga | | 3 a1dWaL B1dW3. VWHYd vuaang / | dinvaAdsdO3HS wldWal. VAIHS OM FIGWSL YALSVOUOZ _ | BQVNNON0D 2uL i138 dO 4aMOL ay NOANY3 39NV LHO1UE colder date ANIOd OALL awa siso ¥33ND UVEID @ ¥ZO i 4NiOd TAONV LHOIGa AVBinid avaiv4 - SIdWal SISi COPPER QUEEN MINE 115 Stratigraphic (entrance) with the Archean rocks, which are the lowest or Historical and oldest of all and contain no fossils, and advancing Geology regularly through the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Jurassic, Triassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary. Most of the specimens on exhibition are from American localities and the species are arranged according to their position in the scale of life, the lower, or simpler forms being placed first. The specimens shown are those particularly characteristic of the various horizons, the object being to give an idea of the general character of the life of different periods of the world’s history. At the entrance of the second alcove is placed the first of a series of eight models illustrating critical stages in paleogeographical develop- ment of North America. This represents the supposed distribution of land and water in Ordovician time. | The specimens on the east, or right, side are being arranged to illus- trate biologic geology, the classification and relationship of the plants Biologic and animals of past geologic times. The series starts Geology with the plants and is followed by the various subdivisions of the animal kingdom, again beginning with the lower, or simpler forms and continuing to the highest. In the first aleove on the right is the stump and part of the roots of a large tree from an anthracite coal mine under Scranton, Pa. Millions of years ago, in the geological period known as the Carboniferous, this Fossilized tree grew upon the top of a thick swamp deposit of Tree Stumps decaying vegetation which ultimately became a most valuable bed of coal. The stump was left in the roof of the mine when the coal was extracted for commercial and domestic uses. It fell to the floor years after the gallery had been abandoned and was discovered only through the chance visit of a miner. In the end of the fourth upright case on the left side of the hall is the stump of a large fossil tree-fern of Ham Iton or Middle Devonian age from a new quarry opened in connection with the great engineering work of the New York City Board of Water Supply. These are the oldest trees known. The northeastern corner of the hall is devoted to the Copper Queen Mine Model and a series of ores and other specimens from the famous Copper QueenBisbee-Warren copper district in southern Arizona. ‘Two Mine Model models have been prepared as a result of several years of and Exhibit extremely painstaking and skillful work. A large model, some 18 by 12 feet in dimensions, shows on a scale of twenty-four feet to the inch all the surface features and mine and other buildings over four of the principal mines (Holbrook, Spray, Gardiner and Lowell) 116 COPPER QUEEN MINE belonging to the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company, while a painted background represents the surrounding mountains and the town of Bisbee. The sides of the model give vertical sections to the depth of about 1,200 feet illustrating the geology of the area and showing the general manner of getting out the ore and hunting for new deposits. There were produced in about 30 years (1880-1912) from the mines at Bisbee belonging to this company 7,729,922 tons of copper ore of an average copper content of 7.16%. The metal production in this period was Copper—1,106,605,775 pounds (553,308 tons) Gold —104,775 ounces Troy (8,731 pounds) Silver —6,107,421 ounces Troy (508,952 pounds) Near the large general model there has been installed a small model on a scale of six feet to the inch showing the usual methods of extracting the ore by “‘stoping.’”’ Drilling, picking, timbering, filling old cavities, transporting, raising ore to the surface, and other operations are illus- trated as well as is practicable on the scale adopted. The shaft is equipped with its cages, which are arranged so that they go up and down by means of automatic machinery. Specimens of ore, minerals and rocks from the mine and the adjacent country illustrate the geology of the region. Chief of these specimens are velvet malachites that were taken from the original ‘‘Queen’”’ mine, the Open Cut, in the early eighties and a great block of malachite and azurite weighing about four tons taken from the mine in 1892 and included in the Arizona mining exhibit at the Columbian Exposition in 1893. The northwest corner of the hall contains a display of caves and cave material including a reproduction of part of a beautiful cave that was discovered early in 1910 in mining operations at the Copper Queen mine. The cave was formed by the dissolving action of water traversing joints in limestone, and its walls, roof and bottom were afterward coated with calcite (cale spar) incrustations, stalactites and stalagmites, some of which are dazzling white while others are colored green with copper salts or pink with manganese compounds. Alongside the Copper Queen cave is a reproduction of a chamber in Weyer’s Cave, Virginia. Weyer’s Cave is in a region of much heavier rainfall than Bisbee, which is probably the principal factor in producing a greater wealth of regular stalactite and stalagmite growth than adorns the Copper Queen cave, and this exhibit illustrates not only the great variety in form but the reasons for this extraordinary diversity. Caves THE HORSE UNDER DOMESTICATION DRAFT HORSE, PULLING HEAVY LOAD West CorrIDOR THE HORSE UNDER DOMESTICATION This hall, which formerly held the Gem Collection, is now devoted to exhibits illustrating the great modifications that man has brought about by selection in adapting the horse to his various needs. Under his management speed has been increased in the race horse, weight and strength in the draft horse, while for purposes of pleasure the Shetland Pony has been reduced to a diminutive size. The great modifications in the skeleton that have accompanied these changes are well shown :in the series of beautiful skeletons, while other exhibits illustrate the structure of the skull and teeth and the changes that take place with age. The similarity in structure (homology) of the skeletons of horse and man is brought out in the exhibit of a rearing horse, controlled by man. A comparison will show that although very different in proportions the bones of the one correspond with those of the other. The collection includes some noteworthy horses such as Sysonby and the Arab stallion Nimr. SIT SWAD GNV STVYANIW AO TIVH NYDYOW AO MAIA TVWYANAD MINERALS AND GEMS 119 MALACHITE FROM BISBEE, ARIZONA SOUTHWEST WING MINERALS AND GEMS The southwest wing comprises the Morgan Memorial Hall of Minerals and Gems. This hall, through the gift of Mr. George F. Baker, has been remodeled to contain the General Collection of Minerals and the Morgan Gem Collection, thus constituting a memorial to the great services of Mr. Morgan as a founder and benefactor of the Museum. Of these, the General Collection of Minerals is without question one of the finest mineral collections to be found in the world, ranking with that of the British Museum and the Jardin des Plantes. It is chiefly composed of the well-known Bement Collection, presented to the Museum in 1900 by the late Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. Although remarkably complete in its representation of most of the mineral species known to science, this collection is especially noteworthy for its assemblage of splendid examples of the commoner and more widely distributed minerals. The visitor should begin with the first of the table cases, to the left of the entrances, and proceed from left to right along each side of every ease advancing through the south row of cases and returning through the north row. The different species are divided within the case by 120 MINERALS AND GEMS narrow strips between the mounts and each case is furnished with a descriptive label referring to its contents and indicating the wall case which contains large and handsome specimens of the same species. To the right of the entrance will be found cases in which the subject of Crystallization is presented by a series of models. This series as well as other explanatory exhibits in adjoining cases, constitutes an impor- tant key to the understanding and appreciation of the general mineral collection. The cases occupying the middle of the hall contain the Morgan Gem Collection comprising the valuable series of gems and precious stones also presented by J. Pierpont Morgan, to which have been added from time to time noteworthy specimens given by other friends of the Museum. The Morgan collection includes the series of American gems assembled by Tiffany & Company for the Paris Exposition of 1889 and the series of foreign gems and gem stones exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1900. The installation comprises examples of those minerals which are used for gems and for ornamental objects and consists of rough, uncut material and of fashioned gem stones and carved objects. All of the specimens exhibited have been chosen with great care and are not only thoroughly representative but include many examples which are unique in size, beauty of coloring and perfection of execution, reflecting the very highest standards of the art of the lapidary. Here again explanatory labels are used to give meaning and weight to the exhibit not merely as a display of jewelry material but as a complete visual exposition of the knowledge of gem stones. The visitor should proceed from the entrance along the north row of cases, returning along the south row. The case containing the Sapphires and Rubies, near the beginning of the series, presents a particularly fine display of these gems. Close by will be found a large and varied assem- blage of Aquamarines embracing many gems of exceptional size and color. The cases devoted to Rock Crystal contain a number of carved and en- eraved objects of rare beauty and value. The handsome semiprecious stone Kunzite is represented by especially large and fine examples to be found toward the middle of the series. An interesting exhibit illustrating the primitive and antique use of gems is displayed in cases in the south row near the entrance. This includes many engraved cylinders of great age and the famous Babylonian ax-head of banded agate. An exquisitely carved statuette of blue Chalcedony, the gift of Mr. Charles Lanier, will be found in the center of the installation. COLLECTIONS FROM THE PACIFIC ISLANDS 121 SOUTHWEST PAVILION COLLECTIONS FROM THE PACIFIC ISLANDS om ee ie TAHITIAN FIRE-WALKER Ii #, On entering the Southwest Pavilion beyond the Hall of Minerals the visitor faces eroups representing } the natives of the Pacific Islands. Directly in the center is a Tahitian priest taking part in the fire-walk- ing ceremony, in which the participants walk over heated boulders of lava. On each side is a group showing natives engaged in typical activities,—grating coeonut, preparing kava, or weaving mats. Attached to a pillar near the entrance there is a fine Hawaiian feathercape, such as was formerly worn by the highest ranks of Hawai- ian society. Redand yellow honeysucker feathers com- pletely hide the netted twine foundation. The value of these garments was proportionate to the enormous labor expended on their manufacture. The hal! is roughly di- vided into two main sec- tions. In the eastern half are exhibited the collections from Polynesia and Micro- nesia, while the western half is devoted to New Guinea, Melanesia and Australia. However, it proved impossible to separate Melanesian Fiji 122 COLLECTIONS FROM THE PACIFIC ISLANDS from Samoa and Tonga, and for practical reasons the New Zealand specimens are displayed on either side of the tower. In the Polynesian section the examples of decorated native bark cloth (tapa) are especially noteworthy, and a number of canoe models remind us that these people are daring seafarers. A series of ceremonial adzes from the Cook Islands in the northeastern quarter of the hall shows aboriginal carving at its highest level. HAWAIIAN FEATHER CLOAK In the western section the elaborately carved sacred masks about 14 feet back of the Tahitian priest illustrate the westhetic tendencies of Melanesia, which are also apparent in a totem pole set on top of a vertical case. Very different from these artistic manifestations are the carvings of the New Zealanders (Maori) characterized by the dominant spiral motive. A series of dried and tattooed Maori heads forms one of the most remarkable exhibits in the Museum. | Near the boundary between the two main sections are the Australian cases with numerous boomerangs and very crude stone tools, which should be compared with those in the archeological hall (p. 47). In the northwest corner of the hall are shields, clubs, carvings and household utensils from New Guinea. COLLECTIONS FROM THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 125 WEST WING COLLECTIONS FROM THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS The hall due north of the Pacific Islands hall is devoted mainly to the Philippine Islands, but some of the cases in the northwest corner house collections from other parts of Malaysia, such as the interesting series of marionettes from Java. At the right of the entrance is a case containing life casts of faces, nose and hair from the different races represented in this hall. Also charts of stature and head form, with distribution maps. (See Handbook No. 8, The Peoples of the Philippines.) Near the entrance and in the center aisle may be seen the model of a woman weaving a garment on a native loom; at the far end of the hall a native tree house dominates the scene; and east of it there is the model of a bamboo-walled and thatch-roofed house. The visitor should note that like the African Negroes, but unlike all other primitive stocks, the Malayan tribes represented in this hall used iron tools. The numerous iron weapons—spears, battle-axes, and krises (daggers with serpentine blades)—are especially remarkable. On the west side of the hall will be found a number of synoptic exhibits of native krises, shields, fabrics, basketry and ceramics. Pottery is not highly developed in this area, but the textile arts flourish to a remarkable degree. The industrial lite of the Bagobo of Mindanao is particularly well illustrated in the collections. Much more primitive in their culture than the other Malaysians are the Negritos, a dark-skinned and frizzly-haired pigmy stock forming with similar grcups in other parts of the world a distinct division of the Negro race. They are everywhere hunters using the bow and arrow and ignorant of agriculture. Their simple implements are shown in a table case in the northeastern section of the hall. MORO BETEL BOXES i, WEST NOQTH OFFIC EDS eG LAB ORATORTEES OF THE SGUEIN Gs) EliGe sD EIA OFFICES ¥&6 LABORATORIES ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS LIBRARY EADING ROOM FtrrH FLOoR The fifth floor is given over to the administrative offices, the offices and laboratories of the scientific departments and the brary which con- tains over 100,000 volumes on natural history, anthropology and travel. The library now contains over 15,000 volumes on zodlogy, com- prising many of the extremely rare and interesting monographs in ornithology; an excellent collection of 3,500 volumes in entomology, including many of the rare classics, and a 2,000 volume collection in conchology containing the standard works of Kuster, Reeve and Binney. There is also a well selected collection of 2,500 volumes in anthropology, including many of the older works relating to the North American Indian; an excellent collection of 3,500 volumes in geology enriched by the library of the late Professor Jules Marcou; a collection of 5,000 volumes in paleontology, to a large extent included in the Osborn Library of Vertebrate Paleontology located in the southeast wing; also an unusally complete collection of more than 25,000 volumes of natural science periodicals. The reading room of the library is located in the west corridor and, with the exception of Sundays and holidays, is open free daily, from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., to all who may wish to consult the books. Besides the current issues of the more important periodicals, it contains the more general works of reference, while other volumes will, upon application to the librarian, be furnished to those who wish to consult them. On this floor, too, are the workrooms of the Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, where the skeletons of fossil animals are prepared and mounted, and the laboratory where are made the beautiful models of invertebrates. These, like the other laboratories, are of necessity not open to the public. 124 EAtoi bho _ or ADMINISTRATION THE HISTORY AND WORK OF THE MUSEUM HE American Museum of Natural History was founded and incorporated in 1869 for the purpose of establishing a Museum and Library of Natural History; of encouraging and developing the study of Natural Science; of advancing the general knowledge of kindred subjects, and to that end of furnishing popular instruction. For eight years its temporary home was in the Arsenal in Central Park during which time many important collec- History tions were secured. The cornerstone of the present building in Manhattan Square was laid in 1874 by President U.S. Grant; in 1877 the first section (South Central Wing) was completed, and on December 22, 1877, the Museum was formally opened by President R. B. Hayes. The Museum building is one of the largest municipal structures in the City, and has cost approximately $5,000,000. The South Fac¢ade is 710 feet in length; the total area of the floor is 470,789 square feet, or about 10 acres, of which 271,886 square feet are open to the public. The building when completed is designed to occupy all of Manhattan Square. The building is erected and largely maintained by the City, through the Department of Parks. Building funds are provided for by issues Administration Of Corporate Stock, which have been made at intervals and Support = since 1871. The annual appropriation, known as the Maintenance Fund, is devoted to the heating, hghting, repair and supervision of the building and care of the collections. The Museum is under the control of a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees, which has the entire direction of all its activities as well as the guardianship of all the collections and exhibits. The Trustees give their services without remuneration. The funds which enable the Trustees to purchase specimens, to carry on explorations and various forms of scientific work, to prepare and publish scientific papers and to enlarge the library, are raised by contri- butions from the Trustees and other friends. These contributions come from three sources—namely, (1) the Endowment Fund, (2) Member- ship Fund, (3) voluntary subscriptions. The interest of the Endowment Fund, which includes the magnificent bequest of Mrs. Jesup, may be used for additions to the collections, research, and for publication. It cannot be used for the care or repair of the building, construction of cases or other maintenance work that is properly the province of the City to provide for. 126 PURPOSES OF MUSEUMS The Membership Fund, derived from the subscriptions of Members, may be devoted to any purpose and is of particular importance in the educational work of the Museum. Voluntary contributions may be used for general purposes or for such special object as the donor may designate; some of the most valuable and important collections have been obtained by such gifts, as for example the Morgan collection of gems and the Juilliard collection of ancient Peruvian pottery and textiles. There are at present about 6500 members. Annual Members con- tribute $10 a year for the support of the Museum; Life Members make a single contribution of $100. Member- ship fees are of great service in promoting the growth of the institution. In the last edition of the Century Dictionary a museum is defined as: “A collection of natural objects, or of those made or used by man, Definition of Placed where they may be seen, preserved, and studied. a Museum Neither the objects themselves, nor the place where they are shown, constitute a museum; this results from the com- bination of objects, place, and purpose, display being an essential feature. The objects, or specimens, may be shown for general purposes only, or for the illustration of some subject or idea, the tendency of modern museums being, by the display of objects and the manner in which they are arranged and labeled, to illustrate some fact in nature or in the history of mankind.” And E. Ray Lankester as Director of the British Museum of Natural History stated that: “The purposes of a great national museum of natural history are: (1) To procure by its own explorers or by the voluntary assistance Purposes of of independent naturalists the actual specimens upon Museums which accurate knowledge of the animals, plants, and minerals of the earth’s surface, and more especially of the national territory, is based; to preserve and arrange these collections for study by all expert naturalists, and to facilitate, directly or indirectly, the publication (in the form of catalogues or monographs) of the knowledge so obtained—with a view to its utilization, not only in the progress of science, but in the service of the State. (2) To exhibit in the best possible way for the edification of the public, at whose charges these collections are made and maintained, such specimens as are fitted for exposure in public galleries, with a view to the intelligent and willing participation of the people in the maintenance of the Museum.”’ As the Museum is emphatically “for the people,” special attention is given to making the exhibits attractive and interesting as well as instructive. Membership PURPOSES OF MUSEUMS 127 While the American Museum of Natural History cannot claim to have originated the idea of displaying animals amid their natural sur- roundings, it was the first large museum in this country to adopt this method, which it has since carried out on a large scale in (see Leaflet “The Story of Museum Groups’’) the well-known habitat groups. How it has been developed the visitor may judge by comparing the group of Robins with the great Florida Group and the Hopi Group. In the Museum were also developed the methods of preparing and mounting the skeletons of extinct animals that have resulted in such mounts as Brontosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, and the series showing the development of the horse, so that they might be something more than an assemblage of uninteresting bones. The Museum not only maintains exhibits ‘‘for the edification of the public,’ but supplements the educational work performed by these How These 2d their accompanying labels by lectures and publications Purposes are of a popular nature. A course of evening lectures Is given parse ott every Spring and Fall for the Members, to which admission is to be had by ticket; also courses of Science Stories are given on Saturday mornings for the children of members. Another series of lectures, free to the public, is given in conjunction with the Board of Education on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Still another series. under the direction of the Museum’s Department of Public Education, is given forthe children of the Public Schools, and there are special lectures for the blind provided for by the Jonathan Thorne Memorial Fund. The educational work of the Museum is carried still farther by means of its circulating collections for illustrating nature study which are sent free to the schools of Greater New York. The extent to which these collections are used is shown by the following statistics for the last five vears: Lectures 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 Number of Collections in URE ote eas ee se 629 668 S87 S69 824 Number of Schools in Greater New York LV 8] 5) bse ase nr a ane 419 385 448 477 475 Number of Pupils Study- ing Collections........| 790,346 | 850,992 | 1,176.055 | 1,247,515} 1,648,608 In 1916 the work of the Museum was extended by the establishment of local lecture centers, or courses of lectures given by members of the Museum staff in certain of the public schools. AWONOULSY DNIAGOALS GNITA AHL Wenonah . " ities: epee ete ee STUDY COLLECTIONS 129 Arrangements were also made by which the large series of lantern slides, numbering more than 25,000, were loaned to teachers for use in classrooms. The scientific side of the work of the Museum is based upon its explorations and study collections. The Study Collections, as the name implies, are not only for the Study benefit of students but preserve a record of our vanishing Collections — animal life and of the life and customs of our own and other primitive peoples. In the case of Natural History the vast majority of the specimens are in the study series, not only because they would ultimately be ruined by exposure to light but because the display of all material would only con- fuse the visitor. Moreover, no museum has room to show everything, and a careful selection is made of objects of the greatest educational value and these are so displayed as to enhance their interest and attrac- tiveness. The Study Collections are, briefly, as follows: Anthropology—Ethnology.—On the attic floor of the west wing and the northwest pavilion there are thirty-three fireproof storerooms con- taining the ethnological study collections of more than 100,000 catalogue numbers, comprising extensive series of the Philippine Islands, Siberia, China, Africa, South Africa and the various culture areas in North America. The human skeleton material is largely from western States and South America. About two thousand crania have been classified and made available for study. Archexology.—In archeology there is a large type series of stone objects from the various States of the Union. Full collections from excavated sites in British Columbia, Washington State, New York State, Kentucky, Arizona and New Mexico are here, together with a special series from the Trenton Valley. There is much material from Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Europe. Geology—The study collections comprise, among other things, the Hitchcock series of rocks illustrating thirteen geological sections across the States of Vermont and New Hampshire; a complete set of duplicate specimens from the United States geological survey of the Fortieth Parallel; a series illustrating the early geological survey of Pennsylvania; a complete typical series of rocks and microscopic thin sections illus- trating Rosenbusch’s manual of petrography; large series of American rocks; a complete series typifying the rocks encountered in driving the Simplon tunnel, Switzerland; many ores and economic specimens. HOW SPECIMENS ARE CARED FOR How skins of Mammals are stored 1350 STUDY COLLECTIONS 131 Invertebrate Palzontology.—Great numbers of fossil invertebrates, too numerous and varied to particularize, but representing many of the important groups and including a large number of types. Foremost among these is the James Hall collection comprising about 7,000 types of New York State fossils, though most important additions have been made, especially during 1917. Ichthyology.—The collection of fishes comprises about 7,000 cata- logued specimens, preserved in alcohol and kept in tanks and jars. The fossil fish collection is one of the largest, if not the largest, in America, comprising about 10,000 catalogued specimens; it includes the Newberry, the Cope and several smaller collections. Herpetology.—The collection of frogs, salamanders and reptiles num- bers about 15,000 specimens. Invertebrate Zoélogy.— General Invertebrates — About 60,000 specimens of protozoans, sponges, polyps, starfishes, sea-urchins, worms, crustaceans, spiders, myriapods and chordates. Insects —(a) Local collection comprising insects within fifty miles of New York City. (6b) General collection including more than 500,000 specimens, among them the types of many species. Shells —The Molluscan collections of the Museum, exclusive of fossils, include about 15,000 species, comprised for the most part in the Jay and Haines collections. Mammalogy.—The study collection of mammals contains about 35,000 skins, skulls and skeletons, exclusive of the material obtained by the Congo Expedition, which has not yet been fully catalogued, but comprises about 5,800 mammals, 6,200 birds, 4,800 reptiles and 6,000 fishes, besides 3,800 ethnographical specimens and more than 100,000 invertebrates, the results of six years’ work. The Museum is especially rich in South American forms. Mexico and the Arctic are well represented; from the latter region there is a large and unique series of the beautiful white Peary’s caribou and of the Greenland muskox, comprising about 150 specimens. The collection of whales is one of the finest in the world. Ornithology.—The study collection of birds consists of approximately 150,000 skins and mounted birds, about nine-tenths of which are from the West Hemisphere, and several thousand nests and eggs. South America is represented by a large collection from Matto Grosso, Brazil, and very extensive collections from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Trinidad. From North America, there are important collections from Mexico, Nicaragua, California, Texas, Arizona and the Middle Atlantic States— the Rocky Mountain region being most poorly represented. Of special 132 PUBLICATIONS collections, the George N. Lawrence and Maximilian collections are of great importance from the hundreds of type specimens which they contain. Mineralogy.—Most of the mineral specimens are on exhibition, but the overflow from the public cases forms a study series of no mean proportion. Vertebrate Palxontology—The study collections comprise about 15,000 catalogued specimens of fossil mammals, 6,000 fossil reptiles and amphibians and a few hundred fossil birds. Most of these are from the western United States. The collections of fossil horses, Eocene mam- mals and Cretaceous dinosaurs are unrivaled. The fossil rhinoceroses, camels, oreodonts, carnivora, Fayum, Pampean and Patagonian mam- mals, Jurassic dinosaurs, Permian reptiles, turtles, ete., are lkewise of the first rank. They include more than nine hundred type specimens of fossil mammals and several hundred type specimens of fossil reptiles and amphibians. The Museum Library, located on the fifth floor, contains about 100,000 volumes on various branches of natural history (save botany), anthro- pology and travel. It is particularly strong in vertebrate paleontology and_ scientific periodicals. Like other museum libraries, it 1s of necessity a reference library, but, except on Sundays and holidays, may be freely used by the public during the hours when the Museum is open. The Osborn Library, founded by President Osborn, is also on the fifth floor and contains works on vertebrate paleontology and related subjects. The publications of the Museum, aside from the Annual Report, fall naturally into two groups: scientific and popular. The former, compris- ing the Memoirs, Anthropological Papers and Bulletin, contain information gathered by the various expeditions, or derived from the study of material collected; they are from the nature of their subjects mainly of a technical character. The Memoirs consist of the larger, more important papers, or those that call for unusually large illustrations. These are issued from time to time as occasion may demand. The Bulletin comprises the shorter papers, those that contain information that it is desirable to issue promptly, and a volume of about 400 pages is issued annually. The scientific papers are distributed, largely in exchange, to museums and libraries throughout the world. The popular publications include the Journal, Leaflets, Guides and Handbooks, and are intended for the information of the general public. The Journal, now Natural History, begun in 1900, is the means of promptly informing the Museum members of the work of the institution. Library Publications STUDY COLLECTIONS 133 giving the results of the many expeditions, telling of the collections made, or more important information gathered. It also describes at length interesting or noteworthy installations, and notes the accessions to the various departments, changes in the personnel of the Museum, and elections to Membership. The illustrated Guide Leaflets deal with ex- hibits of particular interest or importance, such as the Habitat Groups of Birds, the Evolution of the Horse, Meteorites, the Indians of Manhattan, ‘alling attention to important objects on exhibition and giving informa- tion in regard to them. The Handbooks, eight of which have been issued, deal with subjects or topics rather than objects. Thus the Plains Indians Handbook, by Dr. Wissler, is not merely a guide to the exhibition hall, but tells of the life and customs of these Indians, their language, political organizations, religious beliefs and ceremonies. The distribution of these popular publications is a part of the educa- tional work of the Museum, as are exhibits and lectures, and so far they have been necessarily often sold below the cost of publication, as is done by other museums. An important part of the Museum, not seen by the public, is the workshops, located in the basement and provided with machinery of the most improved pattern. Here, among other things, are constructed the various types of cases used in the Museum, including the light, metal-frame case, devised in the institution. Another most important part is the fully equipped printing estab- lishment where all the printing of the Museum is now done. Still other rooms, which, of necessity, are not open to the public, are the laboratories, wherein is carried on the varied work of preparing exhibits, work which calls for the services of a very considerable number of artists and artisans. Here are cast, modelled or mounted, the figures for the many groups from Man to Myxine; here leaves are made to grow and flowers to bloom as accessories for beasts,! birds and fishes, to say nothing of reptiles and amphibians, and here, with painstaking care, are slowly created in glass and wax the magnified copies of invertebrates. From all this may be gathered that a museum is a very busy place, much more so than the casual visitor is apt to imagine. In fact, a very good museum man has said that a museum Is much like an iceberg, seven- eighths of it under water and invisible. Workshops See Guide Loafict No. 43. MEMBERSHIP For the purchase or collection of specimens and their preparation, for research, publication, and additions to the library, the Museum is dependent on its endowment fund and its friends. The latter contribute either by direct subscriptions or through the fund derived from the dues of Members, and this Membership Fund is of particular importance from the fact that it may be devoted to such purpose as the Trustees may deem most important. There are now more than six thousand seven hundred Members of the Museum whoare contributing tothis work. If you believe that the Museum is doing a useful service to science and to education, the Trustees invite you to lend your support by becoming a Member. The various Classes of Resident Membership are as follows: Annusak Mem beri) ie ee ee Tall $10 Sustaining Member... . . . . . _ (annually) 20 LifeaMembery™ Bin aes dellhs ey OR) oe cee ee ce 100 Fellowsk: "steer oe Bey ee tes 2 ne ee 500 Patron aes igs. OEY al Cot Peach ee ah ae 1,000 Associatesbenelacton.. = 2 © eek. ea ee 10,000 Agsociate:Houndéte-e tees ee ee en es 25,000 Benefactor at OE EY Pi de OP 50,000 They have the following privileges: An Annual Pass admitting to the Members’ Room. Complimentary tickets to the Members’ Room for their friends. Services of an Instructor for guidance through the Museum. Two course tickets to Spring and Autumn Lectures. Current numbers of all Guide Leaflets on request. Current numbers of the American Museum Journal, Natura. History. The President’s Annual Report, giving a full list of Members. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP In order that those not residing within 50 miles of New York City may be associated with the Museum and its work, the class of Associ- ate Members, whose annual dues are $3, was established in 1916. These Members have the following privileges: Current issues of NATURAL History. The President’s Annual Report, giving a full list of Members. An Annual Pass admitting to the Members’ Room. This large room on the third floor is given over exclusively to Members, and is equipped with every comfort for rest, reading and correspondence. Two complimentary tickets admitting to the Members’ Room for distribution by Members to their friends. The services of an Instructor for guidance when visiting the Museum. INDEX Page numbers of illustrations are set in heavy facet ype. Administrative Offices 124 African collections 48 “ Ahnighito”’ meteorite 11 Albinos 93 Allosaurus 110 Amphibians 37-41; Fossil 107 Amundsen Sledge 27 Annulates 32 Antelope Group 61 Apache Group 24 Arapaho Dancer 19 Archeology, Mexico and Central America 43, of North America 47; West Indies 90 Aretic-Alpine Bird Life Group 78 Arthropods 32 Assembly Halls 9 Auditorium 15 Auduboniana 86 Auk 50 Aztecs 44, 45 Bacteria 81 Baskets: African 49; Chinese 91; Indian 13, 17, 19, 21- 25; Pacific Islands 122 Bat, Fruit 71 Bears 60, 65 Beaver Group 63, 64 Bement Collection 119 Bench Mark 9 ‘Big Tree”’ of California 27 Bird Feeding Group 52 Bird Groups 42, 51—53, 72—S0 Bird Rock Group 79 Birds, Local 42 Birds of paradise 52 Birds of the world 49 Birds, Seasonal collection 42 Bison Group 59, 60 Blankets, Chilkat 12, 13; Navajo 25 Blind, work with 127, 128 Booby and Man-of-War Group 78 Brandt’s Cormorant Group 77 Brontosaurus 109 Bronzes from Benin 49; from China 91 Brown Pelican Group 75, 76 Bryozoa Group 35 Bubonic Plague 81 Building Stones 15 Bullfrog Group 39 Bust of Bickmore 15; of Darwin 30; American Men of Science 11; Pasteur 80; Sargent 27; Burroughs 43 Butterflies 96 Calendar Stone 45 Canoe, Haida 13, Dugout 16 Caribou 67 Catlin Paintings 20 Cave Man 47 Cave, Copper Queen 116; Weyer’s 116 Chichen Itza 45 Chilkat blankets 12, 13 Chimeroids 55, 56, 112 Chinese collections 91 Cicada 97 Clam and Oyster, Models 32 Cobb’s Island Group 74 Cobra Group 39 Codices 43 Condor Group 77 Congo Collections 48, 49, 131 Copperhead Snake Group 39 Copper Queen Cave 116; Mine 115 Corals 33 Coyote Group 65 Crane Group 58, 75, 78 Crustaceans 32 Darwin, Bust 30 Darwin Hall of Invertebrates 30 Deer 63 Demuth Collection of Pipes 16 Devilfish 57 Dinosaurs: Allosaurus 110; Brontosaurus 109; Diplodocus 109; Duck-billed 107, 109, 110; Horned 106: Mummied 110; Trachodon 107, 109; Tyrannosaurus 108, 110 Dodo 50 Dog Feast 20 Dogs 35 Duck Hawk 73, 74 arth Goddess 44 Eggs, 43, 52 Egret Group 75, 77 Elephant Group, African 66, 67 Elk 68 Eohippus 105 Eskimo collection 15; Woman Cooking 14; Fish- ing 15 Extermination 51 Feather Cape 121, 122 Fire Walker 121 Fishes, Bony 56; Groups 54, 55; Flamingo Group 77 Flatworms 31 Flea, Model 82 Flea and Bubonic Plague 81 Florida Group 41, 78 Fly, Model of 84; and disease 85 Food 28, 29 Forestry, Hall of North American 26, 27 Fossil Aquarium 112 Fossils: Age of 99; Fishes 111, 112, 113; Formation of 99; Invertebrate 113; Man 100; Reptiles 107; Sea Reptiles 100; Sharks, 111, 112: South American 100; Tertiary 103; Tree Stump 115 Fowls 35 Fur Seal Group 37 Fossil 111: Recent 55-57 Deep Sea 57: Luminous 57; Ganoids, Fossil 112; Recent 56 Gar Pike 56 Gems and Precious stones 118, 119, 120 Geology 112, 113, 114; biologic 115; 115; of Manhattan Island 15 Glacial grooves 9 Glacial Pothole 9 Gold and silver work 43, 46, 88 Golden Eagle Group 78 Goose (Wild) Group 79 Gorilla 70, 71 Grand Canyon 113, 114 Grebe Group 79 Ground Sloth Group 100 Groups: Birds 42, 50-53, 73-80; Fishes 54-57; Insects 95-97; Mammals 37, 38, 58-67; Man 13- 25, 120; Marine Invertebrates 30-36; Rep- tiles and Amphibians 39-41 historica Habitat Groups 73 Hackensack Meadow Group 74 Haida Canoe 13 Heron Group (Florida Blue) 75; (Snowy) 75, 77 Hopi Group 23 Horse, Evolution of the 103-105 Horses, Skeletons of modern 103, 117 Incas 87—90 Indians: Alaskan 13; Apache 24, 25; Arapaho 19, 20; Blackfoot 20, 21; British Columbia 13; Chilkat 13; Cree 18; Dakota 21; Dela- ware 17; Haida 13; Hopi 22, 23; Iroquois 17, 18, 19; Manhattan 17-19; Menomini 18; Navajo 23; New York 17; Penobscot 17; Pima 23; Plains 20, 21; Pueblo 22; Seminole 19; Tlingit 13; Woodlands 17; Zuni 22 Information Bureau 9 Insects 95-98; importance 95; local collection 98 Insects and disease 81, 83 135 156 Invertebrates, Fossil 113; Iroquois Warrior 18 Recent 30-36, 131 Jade Boulder 11 Jesup Collection of North American Woods 27 Jesup Memorial Statue, 8, 11 Jesup Tablet 27 Jumbo, skeleton 93 Keith Collection 43. 46 Killer Whale 93, 94 Klamath Lake Group 78 Labrador Duck 52 Lampreys 55 Lectures 15, 127 Library 124, 132 Lizard Group 40 Lobsters, record 32 Loon Group 79 Magnolia 26 Malaria 33, 82, 83 Mammals, Groups 37, 58, 67,93; of Africa 48; of North America 58-67; of the Polar regions 59, 63, 65, 67; of the World 93-95 Mammoth 101 Man, Evolution of 47; Early 47, 100; History of 47 Man, Hall of the Age of 100 Manta 57 Maori Heads 122 Marine Invertebrates 30-36 Masks, Melanesian 122; Tlingit 14 Mastodons and Mammoths 101, 102 Mayas 41, 438, 45 Medicine pipe 21 Melanos 93 Membershin 125, 134 Members’ Room 68, 69 Memorial Hall 10, 11 Meteorites 11, 15, 16 Mexican Archeology 43-45; Textiles 41 Military Hygiene 85 Minerals 119 Mink 61, 63 Moceasin Snake 39 Mollusks 32, 33, 36, 92 Monkeys 69, 70, 71 Moose Group 58, 60 Morgan Memorial Hall 118, 119 Mosquito models 33, 81 Mosquitoes and malaria 83 Mummy bundles 89; cloths 88; Chilean Copper 90; dinosaur 110 Mural paintings by Knight 102: by Stokes i5; by Taylor 12, 15 Museum building 2; administration 124; admis- sion to 4; definition of 125; history 125; loca- tion 4; membership 126, 134; purposes of 126; support 125 Musk Ox 65 Muskrat 63 Natural Naosaurus 110 Navajo blankets 23, 25 Nazca Pottery 89 North Pacific Hall 13 Opossum 61 Orang Utan Group 71 Otter 63 Orizaba Group 72, 74 Pacific Islands Collections 121-123 Paddlefish Group 55 Peary Bust 11 Peary Sledges 27 Pelican Groups 75, 76, 78 Penguin Group 38 Peruvian Collections 87—90 Philippine Collections 123 Pigmy Group 69 Pigs, Giant Fossil 105 Pioneers of American Science 11 Pipe Bags 21 Pipes, Demuth Collection 16 Plans of Halls, 6, 9, 37, 69, 99, 124 INDEX Polar Expeditions 27 Polar Maps 27 Polyodon Group 55 Polyps 30 Pothole, Glacial 9 Pottery: Chinese 91; Inca 89; Indian 19, 22, 23; Maya 43; Philippine 123 Power Room 16 Prairie Chicken Group 79 Prehistoric Man of Europe and North America 47 Proboscis Monkey 71 Protozoa 30 Ptarmigan 51 Publications 132 Public Health, Hall 80 Pueblo Indians 22 Quipus 90 Reptiles 37-41; Fossil 100, 107-111 Robin Group 42 Roosevelt Elk 60, 63 Rotifers 31 Roundworms 31 Sage Grouse Group 78 Salamander Group 41 Sandhill Crane Group 75 San Joaquin Valley Group 77 School Collections 127, 128 Sea-Mats 31 Sea Stars 31 Seismograph 27 Sewage 81 Shark, Giant Fossil 111 Shark Group 54 Sharks .56 Shells 31-338, 92 Siberian collections 91 Skunk 61 Sledge, Amundsen’s 27; Peary’s 27 Sponges 30 Squirrels 61 Staff, Scientific 1 Starfish 31 Stele 43-45 Struggle for Existence 36 Study Collections 129-132 Sun dance 21 Swan Group 78 Synoptic Series of Animals 30-36; of Mammals 93 Tahitians 121, 12 Tertiary Vertebrates 101—103 Textiles, African 49; Chinese 91; Haida 13, 14; Mexican 41; Navajo 25; Pacific Islands 121, 122, 123; Peruvian 87-90 Thorne Tablet 69 Tipi 21 Toad Group 41 Totem poles 13 Trachodon 107, 109, 110 Trephined skulls 87, 90 Trustees, Board of 1 Turkey Vulture Group 77 Tyrannosaurus 108, 1:0 Variation 35 Vertebrates (Synoptic Series) 32; Fossil 99 Virginia deer 63 Visitors’ Room 9 Walrus 63 Wampum 17 Warren Mastodon 101 Water Supply 80 Water Turkey Group 75 Weasel Group 60, 63 Whale, finback 53; sulphur-bottom 93; killer 94 Whales 93 Wharf Pile Group 33, 34 Whooping Crane Group 53, 78 Wild Turkey Group 74 ‘“Willamette’’ meteorite 11 Wolf Group 62, 63 Woodchuck 61 Woods, North American 27 Workshops 133 ; was i Pepe nan comm, we Dew, feet ee ae pane le ne es ULNA FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDUCATION FOR SCIENCE { \ oh ij ae hr ae vo pe 1 a iB By h7e : a ieee h Abe ag Mis, EAT ete! t Hin 1 s } a7! 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