Prenat bateoterbace ¢ cen peder Adee . che Slt nat ar iners serapeth i rae? aN ® Feder Senet a ccaede ow bed et de as Var pga dees hh Spee ie ear ee bey 78? fe re hp pao & nai piled Ae din at) Te RNa aE vier > eae Maal 5) sh Feat 2d aie tae bea b Byers etd Ar eere evade op eGetes cq? teed g te gs jare> = § 4 ele OEP eh nagke os MERE, ea) Lt ae ha eae ; aie or 1m id add ne RU sled A eermeeeereanse baiasite Helpeionenaif> dicta pehaebateaitete Rud PeBeb pat aP edd any ete ape alls " ners sas hehe PC ide ea, tae Re vata 3 iper eistievedsited se wn es ie . Petes’ step: CO Hise ¥ Sept Se Vee ; ¥ tae Ta a ei cer eis el Sgwite ewe ye, saya rate Behe hee Wratar ri erty tate | Sata: fa a tee 014 CRM ho repiie” RTP 7 Rae ee Alas Bet ae Re tele Nee : pea Pes abi Fae eli i Wea dea aa Ce WOT arte aes ia ay a8 ie vat debtin aan as etels eeteielien FOF wie ejepatok Ws Seiya awe tere ttebge' etic CL) Ue eet ara HCAES payres ie ala vin wile ¥ 68 dedEeees ery 1S Vileneie #2 agt erat pe ay: ; ha Daas eee ae . bd enmpene ie uae arene BAT ee Speer st a) Gar “Oy ah aise be Vite peer edhe cine 5 Prd NTORET ye a raT HERS ae sie PTT POT es iw Retin Foe, ah pe hee art PEP UVES Yi GE aniey, Coa ts i iv Pope eae at eh SEP rdeietee ior : ae pet ei Pericbedes ef it vieprgr VER pewd @ nee be 4 Tesney wr PrAe he eh ae ef eheiedng refi ee Fel Cae eure pere tia sl nm ot ae ta ee a ‘5 reeueprisveiebrinliegetepriciey: HUTTE Ra: HrHCHE Hed his tee ie be inte Geis : WOE Hee Ht ie are Wt Te ey ease ee War sgcaryey © RiP ieee th cP | ; Pe meer es ae Te tery ersien ( WP Me Genet apis ev Asvrdev f Bow Wont a de peice! ot eee *Peser “Pee ee wy me . itker Heres FW AT HERR At =i bapr aera lene Bh yi dcpenreee Prathetrh ee Ret at be A boy AR WEA ete shahs Pie! seg y be Fe pers pre whrpeyeled: Hea §EP ET fice wee iis OT TF OF Herein wre was Gebsviae Pry be: Gres Meta beT Tht WEpapeT NTS 5 Se OR Hen ii h . ise Seger pees yr tere i dean meyer ey: Te Fe rn cattbeoraed-? via vege gs js" jek wre we age oF OW beer a ei ‘ ne oe eerie ew ve ie ehe leet eFeretbet shed He oeh ow ye heh ‘ SOE TT LOPIET geeahe) WeHePE mM bee Ged Moye gp gees Saw BB TW ho we ips Aw yipeths Ge OEMs GH DREN WS EOFLST 5H bee Gy yop ETB Hippy dey ek P ig de mere tel eae eu re eas ke ee Oty CS tae Filet yang PRESTO Dreger el Pire! a> ‘ eWepeiepe rarer a OOO eth = ® Wr girlie ey Poni ety a obey He Pest wey sie ss ee a " Pats Lal THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY - UT ik or REA Paniittite vil’ SIN Baty S BATE &hp PER Be * ¢ - " na - * if > oy ; Ly Pt Z . * 7 m 7 — om + < AOE ve Tot Seah F ; eee Se wid - ‘ Y Batter rh ote Sd. ley Ee strc aed r ye Ais Fe Ri OES iit S a7 7 . ’ , i ‘ 7 - - Ms : i t atch Yes al . eka ees BLATIRAL sic hes YS rs ROE 7, 1 7 ae iwlg Wie 4 a 4 ¥ At Ss a THE ‘UNITED STATES CATALOG SUPPLEMENT JULY 1921—JUNE 1924. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, DOCUMENTS ENTRIES UNDER AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT IN ONE ALPHABET WITH PARTICULARS OF BINDING, PRICE, DATE AND PUBLISHER Edited by ELEANOR E. HAWKINS Assisted by CAROL HURD, GLAFIRA DE FREITAS AND LEONORA MARTIN NEW YORK THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY 1924 j 5 > ‘ rf ) 1 ey ak ek Sa ay Me ay : i) is - PRINTED IN U.S.A. 7. WW Wie y . an rin, Dee i a Hee, * - ae + ae +) aa oa 3% ‘ way eot5. 13 \) - er U y KS ) P 5 . — A. 1921/24 PREFACE The third edition of the United States Catalog was pub- lished in 1912 and included a record of books in print Jan- uary 1, 1912. The first supplement covers six years 1912 to 1917, inclusive, and the second supplement covers the three and one-half years January, 1918 to June, 1921. The present vol- ume, continuing the series covers three years July, 1921 to June, 1924. The record of new books included in the annuals of the Cumulative Book Index for the years ended June 1922 and 1923 and in the current issues for year ended June 1924 have been cumulated in this volume. All entries have been com- pleted, revised and corrected in accordance with the latest in- formation received. According to the present plan the publication of the fourth edition of the United States Catalog will carry the sub-title “Books in print June 30, 1927” and will follow the next three- year supplement to the present United States Catalog as promptly as possible; it is hoped within a year. This volume is delivered without further charge to sub- scribers to the Cumulative Book Index. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Uroana-Champaign *net ti (before title) an- nounced. abr. abridged. add. additional,-ions. adv. advanced. annot. annotated, -ions. Ap. April. _ app. appendix. arr. arranged. auth. author; author- ized. av. average. bibl. bibliography. bds. boards. bk. book. bks. books. bxd. boxed. Gis cals: _ el. cloth. col. colored. coll. collected,-ion,-s. com. committee. comm. commission. comp. compiler, cont. containing. corr. corrected. D. duodecimo (17%- 20em. high). (D.) December. ea. each. ed. edited,-ion,-or. enl. enlarged. engr. engraver,-ing,-s. expl. explained,-plan- atory. : F. folio (30cm. high). (F.) February. facsim. facsimile,-s. Fe. 48mo. (714-10cm. high). flex. flexible. Fr. French. g. gilt edge. Soetes Lilt top. Germ. German. eM government Paenalt. hist. history,-ical. il. illustrated,-ion,-or, s. imp. imported. inci. including. introd. introduction,- ory. BEE ON ae LOIN'S KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. Ja. January. Jt JOLnt, language. lea. leather. lea’tte leatherette lev. levant. lib. library. lit. literary,-litera- ture. mor. morocco. no. number. O. octavo (20-25cm. igh). (O.) October. obl. oblong. p. pages. pa. paper. phot. photographs,- yvures., pl. plates. pop. ed. popular edi- tion. por. portrait,-s. preface. pseudonym. pts. ptd. printed pub. published,-er. Q. quarto (25-30cm. high). rep. report,-er,-s. rey. revised. sia. S. 16mo. (15 to 17% gh). September. sel. selected,-ion,-s. ser. series. Sf. 64mo. (up to T% em. high). sh. sheep. sq. square. subs. subscription. "Ti 24mo. Cl2-15 em: high). tr. translated,-ion,-or. Tt. 32mo. (10-12% em. high). unpaged. vel. vellum. Colon Abbreviations for Forenames. A: Augustus. B: Benjamin. C: Charles. D: David. BE: Edward. F: Frederick. G: George. H: -Henry. Ee° isaac. J: John. K: Karl. Abbreviations of Publishers’ Abbreviations of publishers’ Louis. : Matthew. Nicholas. Otto. ie BC ey Ae ge) o co © 5 | 2h 7 ° -O8 © to Names. names will be found in the Publishers’ Directory at the end of the Index. This directory is revised with each number of the index and the latest issue should be consulted for addresses. Names Used as Headings. Entries are made preferably under the au- thor’s real name, but under the pseudonym, when the real name is not known or rarely used; under names of editors of compilations; under names of countries, states or cities which are treated as authors of their publications and of law reports; under names of societies or conventions, as authors of their transactions, journals, reports, and collections; under names of churches as authors of liturgies, hymn-books, catechisms, ete. (local churches, under name of place); under Bible when the book is a text or & paraphrase of any part of the Bible. Entries are made under the first word of the title, not an article, of anonymous works, compilations published under collective titles, periodicals, and year-books. ‘Translations, abridgments, and indexes, are put under the original work. Parts of Names Used as Headings. Hinglish compound names are put under the first part. English surnames beginning with a@ prefix are put under the prefix; in French names, under the prefix excepting the preposi- tion de and qd’; in all other languages and in French names beginning with de or d’, under the name following the prefix. British noble- men are put under their titles; bishops under their family names; members of royal families, canonized persons, and members of religious orders under their first names. Author Entries. Author entries include fuller title than under subject, also series, paging and Library of Congress card number. Library of Congress Cards. Numbers to be used in ordering the printed catalog cards of the Library of Congress are given at the end of the main (author) entry of each book. In many government publica- tions, however, for which only subject entries are given, these numbers are attached to the subject entries. When there has been no card for a particular title but a general card for the series to which the title belongs, the series number is used and enclosed in curves. Where the card number is enclosed in [ J] it indicates that the card at Library of Congress is for a different edition of the book by a different publisher. When a book is entered before the Library of Congress card number can be procured, it is reentered in a succeeding issue of the Index with the order number attached. It will be necessary for example, to look in the current issues of the Index for the numbers of some books that were published in the preceding year and cataloged in the Index for that vear. In ordering cards by these numbers, the numbers should be arranged in columns in increasing order of the numbers. The num- ber of copies wanted should be indicated after the card numbers with a slanting line between, e. g., 5-2850/4. The price of cards ordered by numbers is 2%c. for the first copy and 1 3/10c. for each additional copy. If the order is by author and title, the price of the first card is 4c. For further information apply to the Card aang eee the Library of Congress, Washing- ton. D UNITED STATES CATALOG SUPPLEMENT July 1921—June 1924 eee G. 6. Marjorie’s confirmation. (St Christopher bks., no. 1) S 15p 5c ’24 Macmillan aM: -W. Threshold. D 239p $2 ’23 Macmillan 23-8935 A B C about collecting. 4th ed Yoxall, J. H: bds $6 Dutton A BC and X Y Z of bee culture. Root, A. I. and BE. R. $3.50. A. I. Root co., Medina, O. A BC book. Falls, C: B. $2 Doubleday ABC of atoms. Russell, B. A. W: $2 Dutton A BC of collecting old English china. 3d ed Blacker, J. F. $5 Cornhill Ale CG of color. Augsburg, De R. L. bk. co., Morristown, Tenn. A B C of combustion. Swain, P: W: pa with subs to Power McGraw ABC of drawing. Augsburg, De R. Lk. $1.50 Globe bk. co., Morristown, Tenn. A B C of dress. Collins, H. lea $5 Modern modes corp., 598 Madison av., N.Y. ABC of Indian art. Blacker, J. F. $6 Cornhill A B C of iron and steel. 4th ed Backert, A. O:, ed. $5 Penton pub. ABC of Japanese art. Blacker, J. F. $6 Cornhill A B C of life insurance. 6th ed Willard, C: E. bds Spectator co. $1 Globe B C of parliamentary law. Coe, S. L. Friedmans’, 53 W. 47th st., N.Y. . B. C. of radio. 3d ed Kaempffert, W. B. 40c; pa 25c Ray, M. H. A $1.25 A A B C of swimming. Schlomberg, B: H. pa $1 iE : A G. H. Davis, Cornwall, N.Y B C of vacuum tubes in radio reception. Lewis, H. H. $1 Henley B C’s of business. McKee, H: S. $1 Mac- millan A B C’s of calculus. Carpenter, C. C. $1.50 The author, Ada, O; A B C’s of disarmament and the Pacific prob- lems. Bullard, A. $1.25 Macmillan A.C. protective systems and gear. Henderson, J., and Marshall, C: W: 85¢c Pitman A. L. A. catalog, 1912-1921. 3d ed American library association $4 The association A.L.A. reading course on business. Cleland, E. l5e A.L.A., A. S. T. M. standards. American society for testing materials. See main entry A to Z horoscope delineator. 3d ed George, L. $4 Llewellyn pub. A to Z of pigeons, fancy and utility. William- son, J: W. lea $1.25; pa 75c Item pub. co., Sellersville, Pa. Aall, Hermann Harris Neutral investigation of the causes of the war. D 161p pa 75¢c ’23 W. Beyers, 207 Ful- cone Sts NY. Aaltio, B. See Arminen, K. V., jt. auth. Aaron, Charles Dettie, 1866- : Diseases of the digestive organs; with spe- cial reference to their diagnosis and treat- ment; 3d ed. thoroughly rev., il. with 164 engravings, 48 roentgenograms and 13 col- ored plates. O 904p $10 ’21 Lea [50s Lewis] 21-12871 Aaron, Samuel Francis, 1862-. See Whipple, W., {t. auth: Aaron West. Knittel, J: $2 Doran Aarons, S. Jervais. See Tottenham, R: E. Aaron’s rod. Lawrence, D: H. $2 Seltzer Abailard, Pierre. See Abelard, P. Abandonment to divine providence. J. P. de. $3.50 Herder Abbé Constantin. Halévy, L. $1.50 Translation pub.; 75c Dodge Abbé Pierre. Hudson, J. W: $2 Appleton Abbey, Edwin Austin, 1852-1911 Lucas, : Edwin Austin Abbey, royal academician; the record of his life and work. 2v $30 ’21 Scribne~ Abbey, R. A. See Lee, C. D., jt. auth. Abbo Floriacensis. See Abbon of Fleury Abbon of Fleury, 9457-1004 Quaestiones grammaticales ~-Bradley, H: On the text of Abbo of Fleury’s Quaestiones grammaticales. pa 35c ’22 Oxford Abbot, Charles Greeley, 1872- Everyday mysteries; secrets of science in the home. (Young people’s shelf of science) O vi,198p $2 ’23 Macmillan 23-13328 —Fowle, F: E.; and Aldrich, L. B. Distribution of energy in the spectra of the sun and stars. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 74, no. 7. Publication no. 2714) O 30p pa 25c ’23 Smithsonian inst. 23-26481 Caussade, Abbot. Julia Wade Kindergarten education, 1918-1920. (Bul. 1921, no. 19) .O 12p pa ’°21 U.S. Bdue-: 5e\ Supt. of doc. Fi21-460 —Same, 1920-1922. (Bul. 1922, no. 40) O 13p ’23 U.S. Educ.; 5c Supt. of doe. 123-36 Kindergartens past and present. (Kinder- garten eire. Snes 11) °O. bp °23 U.S; . Mduc.: 5e Supt. of doc. 23-126 —See Gesell, A. L., jt. auth. Abbot, Willis John, 1863- Blue jackets of 1918; being the story of the work of the American navy in the World war. O vii,311p il $2.50 ’21 Dodd 21-15893 Philip Derby, reporter. D 232p $1.75 ’22 Dodd [tsnode Hurst &£& Bo] 22-18650 Abbott, Alexander Crever, 1860- Principles of bacteriology; a practical man- ual for students and physicians. 10th ed rev O x,17-686p il $4 ’21 Lea 21-13864 Abbott, Anne Two worlds of attraction. D 9-1838p $1.50 ’21 Christopher pub. house 21-8597 ABBOTT Abbott, Austin, 1831-1896 Brief for the trial of civil issues before a jury; 4th ed., by W. C. Wermuth. O xxvii, 1135p $10 ’22 Lawyers’ co-op. 22-15453 Brief on the modes of proving the facts most frequently in issue, or collaterally in ques- tion, on the trial of civil or criminal cases; 4th ed., ed. by Allan J. Carter. O Iviii,1161p $10 ’22 Lawyers co-op. 22-23060 Abbott, Avery Stet : Mr Enright entertains; a possibility in one act. (Sergel’s acting drama, no. 649) D 18p pa 50c ’24 Dramatic Abbott, Charies L. : ' What comes from what; or, The relationships of animals and plants. O 48p pa $1 ’22 The author, 600 Ivy st., St Paul, Minn. 23-1920 Abbott, Edith, 1876- d Administration of the aid-to-mothers law in Illinois. See United States. Children’s bureau (comp.) Immigration; select documents and case records. (Social service ser.) O xxii, 809p $4.50 '24 Univ. of Chicago press Abbott, Edwin Milton, 1877- . Thoughts in verse. D 73p $1.50 ’22 Cornhill 22-23385 Abbott, Eleanor Dorff Sketch of Barbara Fritchie, Whittier’s heroine; including points of interest in Frederick, Maryland. O 7-26p il pa 50e ‘21 The author, 413 S. Market st., Frederick, Md. 21-12986 Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell (Mrs Fordyce Co- burn) 1872- Fairy prince, and other stories. D 295p $2 722 Dutton 22-21208 Contents: Fairy prince; The game of the be-witch- ments; The blinded lady; The gift of the probable places; The book of the funny smells—and everything; The little dog who couldn’t sleep Rainy week. D 227p $1.60 ’21 Dutton 21-12704 Silver Moon. D 264p $2 .’23 Dutton 23-14567 White linen nurse; with il. by Herman Pfei- fer. S 276p $1 ’21 Grosset Abbott, Frank Frost, 1860- Roman politics. (Our debt to Greece and Rome, 30) D vi,177p $1.50 ’23 Jones, Marshall [5s Harrap] 23-10319 (ed. and tr.) See Gentili, A. Hispanicae advo- cationis Abbott, Grace, 1878- Educational needs of immigrants in [Illinois. (Bul., no. 1) O 37p pa gratis ’20 Ill. Im- migrants comm., Springfield L21-73 Federal aid for the protection of maternity and infancy. O 8p ’22 U.S. Children’s bur.; 5e Supt. of doe. 22-27363 Immigrant and coal mining communities of Illinois. (Bul., no. 2) O 48p il ’20 Ill. Immi- grants comm., Springfield L21-101 Abbott, Henry, 1850- On the bridge. S 46p il author, 30 Church st., N.Y. Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879 Franconia stories; ed. by Margaret Arm- strong; il. by Helen Maitland Armstrong. O ix,3821p $2.50 °23 Putnam 23-12716 Abbott, Mrs Jane Ludlow (Drake) 1881- Aprilly; with il. by Harriet Roosevelt Rich- ards.: D -11=287p $1.75 (7s 6d)-’21 erp Fidelis; with il. by E. Corinne Pauli. D 304p S110 2 (COSie ue) LaIDDINCott 23-15253 Happy house. D 303p 75c ’23 Grosset Minglestreams; with a front. in color. by H. 723 priv ptd The : 24-109 Weston Taylor. D 17-320p $1.75 (s) ‘23 Lippincott 23-7993 Red-Robin; with il. by Harriet Roosevelt Richards. D 327p $1.75 (7s 6d) ’22 Lippincott 22-17558 Abbott, John Howard, 1866- Courtright (Kortright) family; descendants of Bastian van Kortryk, a native of Belgium who emigrated to Holland about 1615. O PAT pr isso e222 WwW rient, As 22-18941 Abbott, John Simpson, 1871- Food value of margarin or oleomargarine. (Buliane:7.2) 20) ine pa veratis «2i4einst.- of margarin manufacturers, 1212 Munsey bldeg., Washington, D.C. 22-8439 Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922 Crucifiers. S 98p 75c ’23 Woman’s press 23-7482 Lyman Abbott’s last book—easily read through in an hour. It is not a textbook but a series of essays on the characters of the three men who betrayed, tried and condemned Christ.—Adyv. Gospels. O 1794p il $2.40 ’06 Barnes Interpreter’s commentary on the New Testa- ment. 6v O ea $1.80 ’74-’06 Barnes Reminiscences; with an_introd. by Ernest Hamlin Abbott. new ed O xxxi,509p $5 '23 Houghton 23-15141 Silhouettes of my contemporaries. O x,36ip $3 ’2i1 Doubleday [12s 6d Allen & U.] 21-27466 Contents: P. T. Barnum; Edwin Booth; The Smiley brothers; John B. Gough; Alice Freeman Palmer; John Fiske; Edward Everett Hale; John G. Whittier; General Samuel Chapman Armstrong; General William Booth; Dan- iel Bliss; Dwight Lyman Moody; Henry Ward Beecher; Phillips Brooks; Booker T. Washington; Rutherford B. Hayes; Abraham Lincoln; Theodore Roosevelt; Jacob Abbott What Christianity means to me; a spiritual autobiography. D xi,194p $1.75 (9s) ’21 Mac- millan 21-5092 —Same. (Seventy-five cent lib.) D xi, 194p 75e (8s 6d) ’'22 Macmillan Abbott, Maude Elizabeth Seymour, 1869- MeGill’s heroic past, 1821-1921; an historic outline of the university from its origin to the present time. (McGill univ. .publica- tions, ser., 6. History and economics, no, 1) O 30p il pa $1 ’21 The author, McGill univ., Montreal, Canada 23-15948 Abbott, Walter Sidney, 1880- Study of the effect of storage, heat, and mois- ture on pyrethrum. (Bul. 771) 7p pa ’19 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Agrl19-229 Abbott-Smith, George Manual Greek lexicon of the New Testament. O xvi,512p $6 °22 Scribner [21s T. if LE [22-16781} Clark] Abd al Baha ibn Baha Allah, 1844-1921 Bahai Scriptures. See Beha’u’lah Abd Allah, teacher, healer. Lanyon, W. C. $1.25 The author, box 280, Carthage, Mo. Abdallah. Laboulaye, E. R. L. de. $1.25 Bren- tano’s Abdication. Abdomen Candler, E. $2.50 Dutton Diseases Adams, J. E., and Cassidy, M. A. Acute ab- dominal diseases. 2d ed $6 ’23 Wood Cope, Z. Early diagnosis of the acute abdo- men.o4 /21) Oxford Ortner, N. Abdominal 20 ed =$5 °22 Rebman Russell, W: Stomach and abdomen from the physician’s standpoint. $4 '21 Wood Stein, A., and Stewart, W: H. Pneumoperi- toneal Roentgen-ray diagnosis. $30 ’21 South- worth pain. Surgery Deaver, J: B., and Ashhurst, A. P. C. Surgery fs the upper abdomen. 2d ed $14 ’21 Blakis- on Finsterer, H. Local anaesthesia methods and results in abdominal surgery. $5 723 Rebman McKay, W. J. S. Lawson Tait—his life and work. $7.50 ’22 Wood Abdominal pain. 2d ed Ortner, N. $5 Rebman Abdu’l Hassan, pseud. See Seymour, G: S. Abdullah, Achmed i.e. Syyed Shaykh Achmed Abdullah Nadir Khan el-lddrissyich el- Durani, 1881- Alien souls. D 248p $1.75 ’22: McCann [7s 6d Hutchinson] 22-18853 Contents: Feud; Reprisal; The home-coming; The dance on the hill; The river of hate; The soul of a Turk; Morituri; The jester; The strength of the little thin thread; Grafter and master grafter; The logical tale of the four camels; The two-handed sword; Black poppies; The perfect way; Tao Night drums. D 329p il $1.90 ’21 McCann 21-17624 [7s 6d Hutchinson] Abdy, Anthony John, 1856- (tr.) See Moreau de Jonnés, A. Adventures in wars of the republic and consulate Abel, Annie Heloise, 1873- (ed.) See Sibley, J: Report from Natchitoches in 1807 Abel, James Frederick (comp.) Annotated list of official publications on consolidation of schools and transporta- tion of pupils. (Rural school leaflet, no 9) O 12p ’23 U.S. Educ.; 5c Supt. of doc. E23-15 Consolidation and transportation problems; report of the Second national conference on consolidation of rural schools and transportation of pupils, Cleveland, Ohio, mebruary 26, 1923. (Bul. 1923, no. 39) 0 22p oie. LaUC.;. 06 Supt... of .doc. E)23-356 - Consolidation of schools and transportation piepuplis. (bul. 1923, no. 41). Ouis3p pa. *23 feo duc.; 25e Supt. “of doc. 123-420 State aid to weak schools. (Rural school leaf- forno. 1) O-12p °22. US) Hduc. 122-680 Teacher placement by public agencies. (Bul, fo2i,.noe, 42) © 8p ’21 U.S. -Educ:; 5e¢ Supt. of doc. Hi22-272 Abel, John Jacob, 1857-, and others Future, independence, and progress of Amer- ican medicine in the age of chemistry; a report. D 5-96p pa Chemical foundation Sy shat W. (Hinman) (Mrs John Jacob e€ Successful family life on the moderate in- come; its foundation in a fair start; the man’s earnings; the woman’s contribution; the codperation of the community. (Lippin- cott’s family life ser.) O xii,251p $2 (8s 6d) ’21 Lippincott 21-16194 Abelard, Pierre, 1079-1142 Historia calamitatum; the story of my mis- fortunes; an autobiography by Peter Abé- lard; tr. by Henry Adams Bellows; introd. by Ralph Adams Cram. Itd ed O 96p bds $10 toa). A. Boyd, 4th & Cedar st.; St.Paul, Minn. 23-3788 Drama Cole, W. V. Abelard and - Universal good pub. Heloise. $1; lea $2 COLD, 3400 athe av, Fiction Moore, G: Héloise and Abélard. 2v $15 ’21 Boni & Liveright Abelard and Heloise. Cole, W. V. $1; lea $2 Universal good pub. corp., 730 5th av., N.Y. Abele, Charles Arthur. See Hazlehurst, G: H., fea eMoadae Abell, Tracy H. Celery culture for Utah. (Exper. station, circ. no. 47) O 23p il pa ’22 Utah. Agricultural college, Logan Abell, Sir Westcott Stile Sea casualties and loss of life; paper read before the North East Coast institution of engineers and shipbuilders, on the 4th No- vember, 1921, and reprinted by order of the Council. O 38p bds $1 ’21 Stechert [3s 6d Spon] Aber, Loureine We, the musk chasers. D 80p il pa $1.75 ’21 Seymour 21-20424 Abercrombie, Ronald Taylor, 1879- Venereal diseases and hygiene; arranged for publication with the permission of the author by James A. Moss and G: R. Guild. D 26p il 75e ’20 Banta 21-2613 Aberdeenshire, Scotland Browne, . On some antiquities in the neighborhood of Dunecht house, Aberdeen- shire. $20 ’21 Macmillan Abernethy, Mary Elizabeth. See Seaman, W: G., jt.. auth. Abernethy, Thomas Perkins Formative period in Alabama, 1815-1828. (Pub- lications. Historical and patriotic ser., no. 6) O 192p il ’22 Ala. State dept. of archives and history, Montgomery 23-27011 Aberrations of life. McKerrow, J. C. $2 Long- mans Aberthaw construction company Aberthaw tests of concrete in sea water, series of 1920; being the further report of an in- vestigation made by the Aberthaw construc- tion company of Boston to determine the effects, both mechanical and chemical, of the ABORN action of sea water and varying tempera- tures upon concrete piers of different com- position. Q 36p il pa gratis ’20 The hgh aetd 22-1156 Aberystwyth studies. Wales. University college. 4v v 1-3 ea $1.20; v 4.$2.40 Oxford Ability Post, W: Capacity, twin sister to character in the four big C’s. 2 pts pa gratis ’20-’22 The author, 5th & Chestnut st., Philadelphia Race, H. V. Improvability; its intercorrela- tions and its relations to initial ability. $1.50; pa $1 ’22 Teachers college Yates, D. H. Study of some high school seniors of superior intelligence. $1.25 ’22 Public- school See also Efficiency, Industrial; Leadership Ability tests. See Educational measurements; Mental tests; Trade tests Ability to sell. Ream, M. J. $1.25 Williams & Wilkins Bailey, A. E: Use of art in religious education. $1.25 Baker, C. B. Everyday lessons in religion. 2 v v 1 65c; V 2 60c; teachers’ manual $1.25 Baker, C. B. Songs for the little child. $1 Baker, BE. D. and C. B. Bivie in graded story. v 1-3 Ve Le toes Vi Qe Shaves eL.00 Benton, R. Bible play workshop. $1 Benton, R. 3ible plays. $2 Benton, R. Shorter Bible plays. $1.25 Betts, A. Mother-teacher of religion. $2 Betts, G: H. New program of religious education. 75c Bradshaw, E. O. Knights of service. 85c Brown, A. A. History of religious education times. $1.50 Colegrove, K. W. $1.75 Colson, EB. Second primary book in religion. $2 Crosby, R. L. Geography of Bible lands. $1.75 Doxsee, H. M. Getting into your life-work. $1.25 Espey, C. E. Citizen, jr. $1.25; teacher’s manual $1 Fiske, G: W. Jesus’ ideals of living. $1.50 Forsyth, N. F. Training the junior citizen. $1.50 Frayser, N. L. Followers of the marked trail. teacher’s manual. 90e "i Grant, F: C. Early days of Christianity. $1.75 Grant, F: C. Life and times of Jesus. $1 Hanson, H. P. ‘Travel book for juniors. $1 P Hawthorne, M. O. Knights of service, program guide. 75e Hawthorne, M. O. Spread of Christianity: teacher’s man- ual. $1 Hunting, H. B. Hebrew life and times. $1.25 Hutchinson, P. Spread of Christianity. _ $1.50 Knott, L. A. Student’s history of the Hebrews. $2 La Porte, W: R. Handbook of games and programs for echureh, school, and home. $1 Meredith, W: V. Pageantry and dramatics in religious education. $1.25 ° Montgomery, J: H. Social message of Jesus. $1 Moody, M. O. Tales of golden deeds. $1.25 Powell, M. C. Junior method in the church school. $1.50 Richardson, N. E. Church at play. $1.50 in recent American citizens and their government. $1,253 Sharp, G., and Hill, M. Living at our best. $1.50; teacher’s manual $1 f oe Stagg, 8: and M. B. Home lessons in religion. 2v ea $1 Stolz, K: R. Psychology of prayer. $1.25 ; Stout, J: E. Organization and administration of religious education. $1.50 ; Stout, J: E., and Thompson, J. V. Daily vacation church school, how to organize and conduct it. T5e Thomas, E. L. First book in hymns and worship. $1.25 Thompson, J. V. Handbook for workers with young people. $1.50 Tucker, R. L. Builders of the church. $1.40 Able Mclaughlins. Wilson, M. $2 Harper Abnormal behavior. Sands, I. J., and Blanchard, P. M. $4 Moffat Abnormal children. Children, Gifted Abnormalities (animals) Bishop, M. Nervous system of a two-headed pig embryo. ’23 Private ed., distributed by the Univ. of Chicago libraries, Chicago Abolitionists : Chapman, J: J. William Lloyd Garrison. 2d ed rev and enl $1.50 ’21 Atlantic monthly Aborigines. See Native races Aborn, Everett Anderson, 1859- Aborn genealogy. O 12p il pa $5 ’21 The author, Rockville, Conn. 21-8402 Aborn, T. L. Treatise to Theophilus; notes on the Gospel according to St Luke. 2v O xv,432;435-748p $6 ’24 Morehouse See Children, Abnormal; ABORN Aborn family (Samuel Aborn, b. 16117) Aborn, E. A. Aborn genealogy. pa $5 ’21 The author, Rockville, Conn. Abortion in animals Beechy, L. P. Abortion disease in cattle. ’21 Ohio state univ. Carnegie institution of Washington. Contribu- tions to embryology, no. 56, v. 12. $6 ’21 Carnegie inst. Church, H. R. Infectious abortion and steril- ity. ’21 Pa. Dept. of agric., Harrisburg Evans, A. C. Experimental abortion in @4 cow produced by inoculation with bacter- ium melitensis. ’23 U.S. Public health; 5c Supt. of doc: Hadley, F: B., and Beach, B. A. Experimental study of infectious abortion in swine. ’22 Wis. Agric. exper. station, Madison Smith, T., and Little, R. B. Studies in vac- cinal immunity towards diseases of the bovine placenta due to bacillus abortus (in- fectious abortion). pa $1.25 ’23 Rockefeller inst. for medical research Stafseth, H. J., and Huddlesen, I. F. Studies in infectious abortion. pa ’20 Mich. agric. college exper. station, East Lansing, Mich. About Annabel. McCann, R. bds $2 John Mar- tin’s bookhouse Above suspicion. Ostrander, I. HE. $1.75 McBride plies Frances Helen (Mrs Frank A. Abra- all) (ed.) See Club women of New York Abraham, James Johnston, 1876- My Balkan log. O vii,311p il $5 '22 Dutton [15s Chapman & H.] [22-12037] Abraham Lincoln, man of God. 2d ed Hill, J: W. $2.50 Putnam Abraham men. Powys, T. F. (In his Left leg) $2.50 Knopf Abrahams, Adolphe, 1883-, and Morson, A. C. Guide to urinary diseases. O vii,120p $3 ’21 Longmans [9s Arnold] [SG22-181] Abrams, Albert, 1863- Diary of a physician; il. by William Grop- per. D 96p $1.10 ’23 Modern press corp., 799 Broadway, N.Y. 23-4896 Published in 1900 under title: Scattered leaves from a physician’s diary Hudgings, W: F. Dr Abrams and the electron theory. 2d ed pa 25c ’23 New Century co., bp Juiberty st., IN. Abrams, Duff Andrew, 1880- Design of concrete mixtures. (Bul. 1, Struc- tural materials research laboratory) O 20p diags pa gratis ’20 The author, Lewis inst., 1949 W. Madison st., Chicago 21-13577 Effect of hydrated lime and other powdered admixtures in concrete; with an appendix on Further tests of hydrated lime in con- crete. (Bul. 8) O 74p il pa gratis ’21 Lewis inst. Effect of storage of cement. (Bul. 6) O 28p pa gratis ’20 Lewis inst. 22-19720 Effect of tannic acid on the strength of con- crete; authorized reprint from the copy- righted proceedings of the American society for testing’ materials; v.20; pt. 41,1920: (Bul. 7) O 31p pa gratis ’20 Lewis inst. 23-5085 Flexural strength of plain concrete. (Bul. 11) O 25p pa gratis ’22 Lewis inst. 22-20437 Wear tests of concrete. (Bul. no. 10) O 24p il pa gratis ’21 Lewis inst. 22-20719 —and Walker, Stanton Quantities of materials for concrete. (Bul. 9) O 21p pa gratis ’21 Lewis inst. 22-20436 Abrams, Julius H. Out of the house of Judah; a story of con- version to Christianity; with an introd. by John W. Hamilton. D 215p $1.50 ’23 ehegy Abrams, LeRoy, 1874- Flora of Los Angeles and vicinity. 2d ed D ae $2. a "17 Stanford bookstore, Stanford Cal Agyri9-119 Tithateeted flora of the Pacific states, hes ington, Oregon, and California. 3v v Q 568p il buck $9 ’23 Stanford univ. (23- 9984) Abrasive wheels. See Grinding wheels Abrasives Beach, L. M., and Coons, A. T. Abrasive ma- terials in 1919-1921. 8v pa ’21-’22 U.S, Geol. S. Searle, A. B. Manufacture and uses of abra- sive materials. $1 ’22 Pitman ALLELE! debaters’ handbook series. Wilson, Johnsen, + E., comp. Selected articles of independence for the Philippines. pa 75c Abridgement of practical medicine and allied sciences. 4th ed McLaughlin, J. C. $2.75; in- dexed $3 Janisch Abroad with Mark epee and Eugene Field. Fischer, H: W: 1) $2.20) DrOwneeNe alas Absentee ownership fa business enterprise in recent times. Veblen, T. B. $3 Huebsch Absenteeism (labor) American academy of political and _ social science. Attendance in four textile mills in Philadelphia. (In its Western Europe and the United States) pa $1 '22 The academy Absentism. Hackett, J. D. pa The author, 2 HiseZo0) ss teem Yas Absolute measurements in electricity and mag- netism. 2d ed Gray, A. $14.50 Maemillan Absolute relations of time and space. Robb, A. A. bds $2 Macmillan Absolute surrender. Murray, inst. col. assn. Absolution Simon, J: Faculties of pastors and confessors for absolution and dispensation according to ee of canon law. $1.50 ’22 Wagner, A. pa 30c Bible Absorption Webb, H. W. Absorption of nitrous gases. $8.50 ’23 Longmans Absorption of light Martin, W: H. Relation between light-absorp- tion and light-scattering for liquids. pa 25c 722 Sniv. of Toronto Pratt, E. R. I. Absorption of light by thin films of rubber. ’20 Univ. of Toronto Absorption refrigerating machine, elementary theory and practice. 2d ed Voorhees, G. T. $2.50; mor $3.50 Nickerson & Collins co. Absorption spectra McLennan, J: C., and others. On the absorp- tion spectra of thallium, aluminium, lead and tin, and arsenic. ’20 Univ. of Toronto Abstract of the bailiffs’ accounts of monastic and other estates in the county of War- wick, Bickley, W. B.,) tr. $11:70' Oxtord Abstract writing. See Précis writing Abstraction Stout, G: F: Nature of univeraais and propo- sitions. pa 70c ’22 Oxford Abstracis of titles Silvers, E. B. Missouri titles. 2d ed rev buck $7.50 ’°23 Vernon law bk. See also Land titles Abt, Isaac Arthur, 1867- (ed.) Pediatrics, by various authors. 8v v 1- 2 O 1240;1025p il subs ea $10 ’23 Sade iete (23-15593) Abi ’L-Mahasin ibn Taghri Birdi. See Yusuf ibn Taghri-Birdi Abydos, Egypt Winlock, H. E. Bas-reliefs from the temple of Rameses I at Abydos. pa $3.50 ’21 Met- ropolitan museum Academic degrees. See Degrees, Academic Academic freedom Meiklejohn, A. Freedom and the college. $1.75 723 Century Sinclair, U. B. Goose-step. $2; pa $1 ’22 The author, Pasadena, Cal. Vassar college. Library. List of references on college and university government and administration, 1819-1920. pa 50c ’21 The college, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. See also Free speech Académie des jeux floraux, Toulouse Dawson, J: Toulouse in the renaissance. $2.50 ’23 Columbia univ. press Académie des sciences et beaux arts des Etats- Unis de l’Amérique, Richmond Quesnay de Beaurepaire, A. M. Memoir con- cerning the Academy of the arts and sciences of the United States of America at Rich- mond, Virginia. pa 25c ’22 Virginia state lib., Richmond, Va. Academy classics. Allyn Armold, M. Essays in criticism. 50c Atkinson, W: P., ed. Short story. 80c¢ Browning, R. Selections from Robert Browning. 50c Carlyle, T: Essay on Burns. 50c De Mille, A. B., ed. American poetry. $1 Dickens, C: Tale of two cities. $1 Hawthorne, N. House of the seven gables, 80c Henderson, H. E., ed. Washington’s farewell address, [ete.] 50c Shakespeare, W: As you like it. 65¢ Shakespeare, W: Hamlet. 65c Shakespeare, W: Macbeth. 65c Shakespeare, W: Midsummer night’s dream. 65c Stevenson, R: L: Inland voyage. 65c Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia Special publications. The academy, 19th & Race st., Philadelphia Gordon, S: G. Mineralogy of Pennsylvania. pa $2.75 (1) Academy of Pacific coast history Publications. Univ. of Cal. San Francisco, California. Committee of vigilance, 1851. Papers (4) Academy of political science, New York American foreign trade relations; a series of addresses and papers presented at the an- nual meeting, in the city of New York, De- cember 9-10, 1921; ed. by Samuel McCune Lindsay. (Proceedings, v. 9, no. 2) O viii,186p $3.25; pa $1.50 ’21 The academy 21-5089 Constructive experiments in industrial co- operation between employers and em- ployees; a series of addresses and papers presented at the annual meeting in the city of New York, November 4-5, 1921; ed. by Sam A. Lewisohn and Parker Thomas Moon. (Proceedings, v. 9, no. 4) O viii,256p pa $1 22 The academy 22-5204 Law and justice; a series of addresses and papers presented at the semi-annual meet- ing of the Academy, May 9 and 10, 1923; ed. by Herman Oliphant and Parker Thomas Moon. (Proceedings, v. 10, no. 3) D v, 229p pa $1 ’23 The academy 23-18410 Money problem; a series of addresses and papers presented at the semi-annual meet- ing of the Academy of political science in the city of New York, November, 1922; ed. by Samuel McCune Lindsay and Parker Thomas Moon. (Proceedings, v. 10, no. 2, January, 1923) D 1776p pa $1.50 ’23 The academy 23-7048 Contents: Preface; The annual meeting of 1922, by S. McC. Lindsay; Price fluctuations and the value of money; The outlook for the gold standard; The agricultural credit problem; The outlook for a stable monetary standard abroad National expenditures and public economy; a series of addresses and papers presented at the semi-annual meeting in the city of New York, May 23, 1921; ed. by Frederick A. Cleveland and Samuel McCune Lindsay. (Proceedings, v. 9, no. 3) O vii,208p pa $1.50 721 The academy 21-16908 Contents: Financial retrenchment and governmental re- et ; National economy program and new expen- Railroad problem; a collection of papers on various aspects of the railroad problem and presenting many points of view and con- tending suggestions concerning its solution; reprinted from the publications of the Acad- emy of political science in the city of New York; the Proceedings of the academy, Vv. Snows sJanlaryel9205) va aO0penOn el. oly, 1922; the Political science quarterly, v. 36, no. 3, September, 1921. O 390p $1.50 ’22 The academy 23-4039 Railroads and business prosperity; a series of addresses and papers presented at the an- nual meeting of the Academy of political science in the city of New York, April 28, 1922; ed. by T. W. Van Metre and Parker Thomas Moon. (Proceedings, v. 10, no. 1) O 1380p pa $1 ’22 The academy 22-14975 Academy of the arts and sciences of the United States of America at Richmond, Virginia. See Académie des sciences et beaux arts des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique, Richmond ACCIDENTS Academy system of the state of New York. Miller, G: F: pa $1.25 The author, Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. Acadia Herbin, J: F. Land of Evangeline. pa $1 ’23 Musson bk. Towne, C: H. Ambling through Acadia. $2.50 *23 Century Acadians Longfellow, H: W. Evangeline. $3 ’22 Brad- ley, M. Richard, &. Acadie. 3v pa ea $2.50 ’16-’21 Mar- aoe pub. co., 21 Harrison avy. extension, Bos- on Acallamh na senérach Lays and ranns from the folk-lore of the Gael, by Mary Grant O’Sheridan. O 66p pa $1 ’22 M. G. O’Sheridan, Columbia college of _ expression, 34th st. & Michigan av., Chicago 23-7368 Accelerometers Norton, F: H., and Allen, EH. T. Accelerations in flight. pa 10c ’21 Supt. of doc. Norton, F: H., and Warner, E: P. Accelerom- eter design. 5c ’21 Supt. of doc. Acceptable time. Thomas & Kempis. 5c Paulist press Acceptances American exchange national bank. Accept- ances. 4th rev ed pa ’21 The bank, 128 Broadway, N.Y Bean, R. H. Elements of trade acceptance pracuicg 3d ed 5c ’21 Am. acceptance coun- ci Holdsworth, J: T. Acceptance syndicate plan for financing exports. pa ’21 Bank of Pitts- burgh N. A., Pittsburgh, Pa. Inter-American high commission. Central ex- ecutive council. Memoria sobre aceptaciones bancarias y comerciales. ’22 Gov. ptg. International acceptance bank. Acceptance financing and the International acceptance eg bds gratis '23 The bank, 31 Pine st., Irving national bank. Survey of trade _ ac- ceptance progress. pa ’20 The bank, Wool- worth bldg., N.Y. National bank of commerce in New York. Commercial banking practice under the Fed- eral reserve act. gratis ’21 The bank Steiner, W: H. Mechanism of commercial credit. $3 ’22 Appleton Ward, W. American commercial credits. $2.50 22 Ronald Ward, W. Creation of acceptance credits. pa 25e ’23 Am. acceptance council, 120 Broad- way, N.Y. Accident insurance. See Insurance, Accident Accidents Dublin, L: I., and Kopf, EH. W: Mortality from external causes among industrial policy holders of the Metropolitan life insurance company, 1911 to, 1920. $1:501222 “Casualty Actiarialssoc:, 43) Cedarist..e Now: National safety council. Analysis of public accidents, 1921. 10c ’21 The council National safety council. Trend of public acci- dents in the United States. pa 10c ’22 The council _ See also Employers’ liability; Explosions; First aid in illness and injury; Insurance, Accident; Life saving; Mine accidents; Poisons; Safety devices; Shipwrecks; Sur- gery; Wounds Prevention See Safety devices and measures; also subhead Safety measures, under Mining en- gineering; Railroads Accidents, Industrial California. Industrial accident commission. Shipbuilding safety orders. ’21 The commis- sion Chaney, L. W. Causes and prevention of ac- cidents in the iron and steel industry, 1910- 1919. pa °22 U.S. Labor statistics; 60c Supt. Ofergdoc: Chaney, L. W. dents in the United States. U.S. Labor statistics Statistics of industrial acci- pa 510c 23 ACCIDENTS Accidents, Industrial—Continued : Eaves, L. One thousand industrial accidents suffered by Massachusetts children. 10c '22 Women’s educational and industrial union Fisher, B. Mental causes of accidents. $2.50 722 Houghton : : : International association of industrial acci- dent boards and commissions. Proceedings of the eight-ninth annual meetings, 1921. 9¥ pa ’22 U.S. Labor statistics; vV dmibes We Locke supt: Of doe. International labor office, Geneva. Methods of statistics of industrial accidents. pa 30c ’°23 World peace foundation International labor office, Geneva. Studies and reports; series F, Industrial hygiene, ac- cidents and safety. 9v ’21 World peace foundation 5 Massachusetts. Industrial accidents, Depart- ment of, Boston. Annual report for the year ending June 380, 1922. °22 » : National safety council. Uniform | accident statistics for construction companies. pa 15c 722 The council : New York (state). Women in_ industry, Bureau of. Children’s work accidents. ’23 N.Y. (state). Dept. of labor, Albany Oregon. Industrial accident commission, Sal- em. Fourth report, for the year ending June 30, 1919. '21 ; United States. Mines, Bureau of. Accidents at metallurgical. works in the United States during the calendar year 1920. ’21 U.S. Mines; 5c Supt. of doc. United States. Mines, Bureau of. Coke-oven accidents in the United States during the calendar year 1920. pa ’21 U.S. Mines; 5c Supt. of doc. Vernon, H. M. Industrial fatigue and effi- ciency, p. 179-226. $5 ’21 Dutton See also Coal mines and mining—Acci- dents; Damages; Employers’ liability; First aid in illness and injury; Insurance, Acci- dent; Insurance, Employers’ liability; Mine accidents; Mine fires; Mine rescue work; Occupations, Dangerous; Safety devices and measures; Workmen’s compensation Accidents of an antiquary’s life. Hogarth, D: G: $2.75 Oxford Accomplishment ratio. Franzen, R. H. $1.40; pa 90c Teachers college (Sa aaa to Gibson. Mackail, D. G: $2 Hough- on According to her light. Dana, M. $1.75 Dor- rance According to promise. Spurgeon, C: H. pa 30c Bible inst. col. assn. According to season. Parsons, F. T. $1.50 Scrib- ner Account books Hungerford, E. A. How to get on two pay- rolls. $1 721 Bobbs Accountants American institute of accountants. Yearbooks, 1921, 1922. 2v ea $1.50 °21-’23 The institute Williams & company. Bankers’ and brokers’ directory with list of lawyers and account- ants [semi-annual]. $5 The company, 136 Liberty st., N.Y See also Accounting Examinations - Illinois. University. Circular of information in regard to the examinations for certified public accountants. ’20 Univ. of IIL. Illinois. University. Questions set at the ex- aminations of candidates for the certificate of certified public accountant of Tlinois 1903-1918. pa $1.25 ’20 The university Accountant’s dictionary. Pixley, F. W:, ed. 2v $17.50 Pitman Accountant’s index. American institute of ac- countants. See main entry Accountants’ reports. Bell, W: H. lea $6 Ronald Accountants’ working papers. Palmer, L. E., and Bell, W: H. $5 Ronald Accounting Accounting and office management [bulletins]. $5 per year Walhamore co. Automatic accounting system and tax service. $50 house Bell, S. Accounting principles. $2.50; account- ing practice set 2v pa $2 ’21-’22 Macmillan Bell, S. Theory and practice of accounting, use in managerial control. 2v $6 ’22 Am. school Bell, W: H. Accountants’ reports. lea $6 ’21 Ronald Bennett, G: E: Accounting principles and practice. 2v ea $3 ’23 Gregg (corr pub) Bennett, G: E: Advanced accounting. $4 ’22 McGraw Borsodi, R. New accounting. lea $5 ’22 Dodd Boston. Chamber of commerce. Bureau of commercial and industrial affairs. Balance sheets and profit and loss statements ana- lyzed and defined for business executives. pa ’°22 Chamber of commerce, Boston Boston. Chamber of commerce. Bureau of commercial and industrial affairs. Classifi- cation and definitions of ledger accounts. 722 Chamber of commerce, Boston Cavis, F. L. Accounting and cost keeping of the Department of engineering and con- struction. pa 75c ’22 Ohio. Miami conser- vanecy district, Dayton Cole, W: M., and Geddes, A. BE. Fundamen- tals of accounting. $3.50 ’21 Houghton Cole, W: M., and Geddes, A. E. Solutions and answers for Fundamentals of account- ing. $3.50 ’23 Houghton Cunningham, E. H. Bookkeeping and elemen- tary accounting. ’20 The author, Portland univ., Portland, Me. o p Elwell, F. H. Laboratory manual. See author entry Esquerré, P. J. Practical accounting prob- lems. pt 2 lea $10 ’22 Ronald Filfus, N., and Robinson, N. Graded exer- cises in bookkeeping and accounting. 2 pts PC L3Sis- pbs) 51220. 23 xmordspk., co, Finney, H. A. Accounting principles and book- keeping methods. v 1 $1.96 ’24 Holt Finney, H. A. Principles of accounting. 2v ea $4; loose leaf ea $3.50; solutions loose leaf 2v ea $2 ’24 Prentice-Hall Goodyear, S. H. New inductive accounting. $1 723 Metropolitan supply co., 2920 Ist av., BE. Cedar Rapids, Ia. Hayward, W: R., and Price, I: Progressive problems in, bookkeeping and accountancy. 80c ’°22 Macmillan Kester, R. B. Accounting theory and practice. 2d ed $3 ’22 Ronald Koehler, T. and T. Accounting quiz-answerer. See main entry Kohler, E. L: Accounting principles under- tying tenere! income taxes, 1924. $5 ’24 Shaw, Kokins, I. W. Scrap problem. pa T75c ’22 National assn. of cost accountants Koopman, S. B., and Kester, R. B. Funda- mentals of accounting. $1.75 ’21 Ronald Koopman, S. B., and Kester, R. B. Chapter tests and examination papers, with solu- tions, for Fundamentals of accounting. sold only to teachers ’22 Ronald Koopman, S. B., and Kester, R. B. Teacher’s manual for Fundamentals of accounting. pa 7292 Ronald Krebs, W: S: Outlines of accounting. $3.50 723 Holt ee ‘ Leake, P. D. Depreciation and wasting as- sets. 4th ed $5 ’23 Pitman McIntosh, R. J. Reference book of accounts. buck $3.75 ’23 Metropolitan text bk. co. McKinsey, J. O. Bookkeeping and accounting. vy 2 $2.50 ’21 South-western pub. Musick, W: lL. Practical bookkeeping and accounting. $2.75 ’21 Universal text bk. co., 9 S. Clintock st., Chicago Palmer, L., and Bell, W: H. Accountants’ working papers. $5 ’23 Ronald Paton, W: A. Accounting theory. $4 ’22 Ronald Racine. S: F: Elementary accounting. lea $4 792 Western inst. of accountancy, commerce and finance, Leary bldg., Seattle, Wash. Racine, S: F: Practical problems graded; series D. ’22 Western inst. of accountancy, commerce and finance, Leary bldg., Seattle, Wash. Rittenhouse, C: F., and Percy, A, L. Account- ing problems. See main entry federal ’21 Commerce clearing Accou nting—Continued Ross, F. E. Elementary accounting. pa 75c 723 Wahr ply E. A., ed. Accountants’ handbook. x 23 Ronald } Peters, tT: Ht: Problems in industrial ac- counting. $5 ’23 Shaw, A. W. ; Scovill, H. T. Elements of accounting les- sons. $3 ’22 La Salle extension univ. Sheaffer, W: A., and McIntosh, R. J. Com- mon sense course in accounting. $30 723 Metropolitan text book co. _ : Shepherd, J. M., comp. Practical accounting problems. 1920 ed 60c ’20 Am. school of cor- respondence : : Sherwood, J: F. Public accounting and audit- ing. 2v ea $5 ’22 South-western pub. Simpson, K. Economics for the accountant. 721 Appleton Bee tisy, ea S. Utilization of net income. 1922 ed pa 15c ’22 La Salle extension univ. - Sprague, C: E. eieetee of accounts. 5th e 2.50 ’22 Rona hag Asis. sand Short, Eo .G. Canadian modern accounting. 2 pts pt 1 $3; pt 2 $2 °21 Commercial textbook co., Toronto, Canada ipson, F: S. Theory of accounts. 3d ed rev Bind enl $1.50 ’21 I. Mendoza bk. co., 15 Ann st.; oN.X Vinal, E. R. Mathematics for the accountant. 8d ed $3 ’°24 Gregg Walker, R. G. Classified selection of problems in accounting. $1.50 ’22 Wahr ‘Walton, S., and Finney, H. A. Mathematics of accounting and finance. $4 ’21 Ronald Wallin, O. V. 36 accounting problems solved. 2v ea $1 ’22 Walhamore Co. Willard, R. D. System building and con- structive accounting. $4 ’22 McGraw See also Accountants; Arithmetic, Com- mercial; Auditing; Balance sheets; Book- keeping; Business; Cost accounting; Farm accounting; Financial statements; Mine ac- counting; Municipal accounting; also sub- division Accounting under headings, e.g. Banks and banking, Chemical industries, Public utilities Bibliography American institute of accountants. Account- ants’ index. See main entry : Journal of accountancy. Index, v. 17-34, in- clusive, January, 1914-December, 1922. $2.50 7292 Journal of accountancy, inc., 135 Cedar Si. Na Ys Dictionaries Bienvenu, E. Accounting and business dic- tionary. lea $5 ’22 Poynton press co., 413 Canal-commercial bldg., New Orleans, La. Pixley, F. W:, ed. Accountant’s dictionary. 2v $17.50 °22 Pitman Accounting and office management [bulletins]; ed. by O. V. Wallin. (Walhamore complete business service) $5 per year Walhamore co. Accounting quiz-answerer. Koehler, T. and T. See main entry Accurate tool work. 2d ed Goodrich, C. L., and Stanley, F. A. $3 McGraw Acevedo Lozano, Julio César Directorio hispana-americano y guia de compradores en Estados Unidos; Spanish- American directory and buyers guide in the United States. 7th ed Q 350p il $5 ’23 The author, 2 Rector st., N.Y. Achad, Frater, pseud. See Jones, C: R. S. _Achad Ha-am. See Ginsberg, A. Acheson, Arthur, 1864- Shakespeare’s lost years in London 1586-1592; giving new light on the pre-sonnet period; showing the inception of relations between Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton and displaying John Florio as Sir John Falstaff. O vii,261p bds $5 ’21 Brentano’s [21s Quaritch] 21-12586 Achievement of Greece. Greene, W: C. $3.50 Harvard univ. press ACOSTA Achilles, Edith Muthall Experimental studies in recall and recogni- tion. (Archives of psychology, no. 44. Col- umbia univ. contributions to philosophy and psychology, v. 27, no. 1) O v,80p pa $1.25 ’20 Archives of psychology 21-514 Achiridae Jordan, D: S. On the family of achiridae or broad-soles. pa 25¢e ’23 Univ. of Cal. Acids Curtman, L: J. Preliminary experiments in qualitative analysis with special procedures for the systematic detection of the acids. 2d ed $1 ’22 College of the City of N.Y., perk of chemistry, Convent av. & 140th Ss “9 . Hurd, C: D. Rearrangements of some new hydroxamic acids related to heterocydic acids, and to diphenyl and triphenylacetic ee: pa 50c ’21 Princeton univ. lib., Prince- on, N Oddy, H. G. Some preparations from maleic and fumeric acids. pa 25c ’23 Univ. of Toronto See also Chemistry; also names of acids, e.g. Hydrochloric acid Acids, Fatty Welew Fs tase Molecular rearrangements in some derivatives of unsaturated higher fatty acids. ’22 Private ed., distributed by the Univ. of Chicago libraries, Chicago Ackerman, Arthur John, 1889- Preliminary report on control of San José scale with lubricating-oil emulsion. (Cire. 260) O FL8p) ile 723 “UIs Aericss. be. Supt: vot doc. Agr23-733 Ackerman, Arthur Wilmot, 1857- Studies in Congregationalism; its history, principles, spirit and work; student’s text book. 3v O 37;37;44p pa ea 20c ’23 The au- thor, Natick, Mass. 23-6851 —Same; teacher’s manual. O 126p pa 50c ’23 The author, Natick, Mass. 23-10938 Ackerman, Phyllis Wallpaper: its history, design and use; with front. in color and numerous il. from photo- graphs. O xix,268p $3.50 ’23 Stokes [12s 6d Heinemann] 23-4797 Ackermann, Alfred Seabold Eli, 1867- Popular fallacies explained and _ corrected (with copious references_to authorities); with an introd. by Sir Richard Gregory. (Readers reference lib.) 3d ed O xvi,984p $6; readers reference binding $7.50 ’24 Lippin- cott [12s 6d Old Westminster press] [24-153] A war on 1,350 popular fallacies current in all fields— historical, literary, scientific and religious. The result is a fascinating volume bristling with curious informa- tion.—Adyv. Ackerimann, Joseph Help for the poor souls in purgatory; prayers and devotions in aid of the suffering souls; ed. by F. B. Luebbermann. Tt 480p 90c ’23 Benziger Ackley, Clarence Emerson, 1887- oat Outline history of English and American lit- erature. D 5-115p $1 ’22 Stratford 22-5006 Acklom, Moreby (tr.) See D’Esme, J. Red gods Acme book. Borden, A. H. $1 The author, 132 Chancery st., New Bedford, Mass. Acme commodity and phrase code. Meisenbach, A. C. $30 Acme code co., 311 California st., San Francisco Acme rapid calculation course. Hippenstiel, H. F. 40c Gregg Acme system of phonography. Howell, C: T. The author, 108 Morris av., Summit, N.J. Acme tables of bond values. Financial pub- lishing company. lea $25 The company Acosta, Mercedes de (Mrs Abram Poole) Archways of life. O 61p $1.25 ’21 Moffat 22-4929 Sandro Botticelli. O 49p $1.50 ’23 Moffat 23-7918 Streets and shadows [poems]. O 5ip $1.25 ’22 Moffat 22-20315 Tre ustic education. McKenzie, L. B. pa $1.50 The author, room 500, 333 Kearney st., San Francisco Acoustic impedance and_ its measurement. Kennelly, A. E., and Kurokawa, Kea pa saoc Mass. inst. of technology Acoustics, Architectural | Sabine, W. C. Collected papers on acoustics. 4 Aco =) $4 ’°22 Harvard univ. press ; | Swan, C. . Architectural acoustics. bds $1 °’20 Johns-Manville, Madison av. SIC MALSt ost aeNe yo . z ' | Watson, F. R. Acoustics of buildings. $3 °23 Wiley } ‘See also Architecture cquiring skill in teaching. Grant, J. BR: see author entry cquiring the code. Gordon, E. P. pa 50e Wire- less press credios, the veil lifted. Mortensen, M. A. $1.50 Austin pub. cres de diamantes. Conwell, R. H. $1 Strat- ford cross America by motor-cycle. Shepherd, (On | K. $4 Longmans cross the great craterland to the Barns, T: A. $7.50 Knopf ‘cross the mesa. Hall, J. $1.75 Penn \cross the plains by prairie schooner. Bonney, yi: EM af 25c The author, 1243 E. Stark st., Portland, Ore. cta apostolicae sedis; annus XIII-XVI, 1921- 1924. Roman Catholic church. 4v 1921-1923 ea $3.25; 1924 $3.75 Herder ‘\cta sanctorum ; _Delehaye, H. Work of the Bollandists through | three centuries, 1615-1915. $2.50 ’22 Princeton ere univ. press . icting inc., Congo. ments and rewards. $3 ’22 Falk pub. | Platt, A. Practical hints on acting for the ‘4 =§©6©cinema. $3 '23 Dutton : | Platt, A. Practical hints on training for the stage. $2 ’21 Dutton : way, Stanislavsky, C. My life in art. $6 ’24 Little | Talleott, R. A. Art of acting and public read- 4 ing. $1.60 ’22 Bobbs | Wronski, T. Singer and his art. $3 ’21 Ap- pleton See also Actors and actresses; Amateur theatricals; Drama; Elocution; Expression; Make-up, Theatrical; Moving pictures; Pageants; Pantomime; Theater; Vaudeville eis of alcohol on man. Starling, E. H: $4.50 Longmans Action poems and plays for children. Smith, N. A. $2 Crowell Actions and defenses Scott, A. W. Fundamentals of procedure in actions at law. $2.50 ’22 Baker, Voorhis See also Equity; Evidence (law); Forms | Giav7}; Pleading and practice - Activated sludge process of sewage treatment. | 2d ed Porter, J. E: pa $1.18 The author, c.o. General filtration co., Rochester, N.Y. Activated sludge studies, 1920-1922. Mlinois. Water survey, Springfield ctive citizenship. 24 ed Davidson, C: pa 50c Wilson, H. W ctive games for schoolroom and playground. Goodhue, L. P. pa 35¢c Ideal school ctors and actresses Parker, J:, ed. Who’s who in the theatre. 4th ed rev and enl $5 ’22 Small Pearson, H. Modern men and mummers. $2.50 22 Harcourt Stevens, A. Actorviews. $3 '23 Covici-McGee Woolleott, A. Enchanted aisles. $2.50 ’24 Put- nam See also Acting; Children as actors; Mov- ing pictures; Theater; Vaudeville hh ys Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. Goldwyn, S: Behind the screen. $2.50 ’23 Doran Klumph, I. and H. Screen acting, its require- Moore, E. Exits and entrances. $5 Stokes Stanislavsky, C. My life in art. $6 ’24 Little Actorviews. Stevens, A. $3 Covici-McGee Actresses. See Actors and actresses Acts. ieee Bible. New Testament—Single books —Acts Acts of devotion; prayers and meditations. D 55p pa 25c ’23 Macmillan [7d S.P.C.K.] Actual business correspondence. Deffendall, P. H. $1.20 Macmillan Actual business English. Deffendall, P. H. $1.20 Macmillan Actual democracy. Berry, M. K., and Howe, S: B. $1.50 Prentice-Hall Actuarial science. See Insurance, Life—Mathe- matics Actuarial society of America uta studies. The society, 256 Broadway, Murphy, R. D., and Papps, P. C: H. Construction of ele tables from the records of insured lives. $2 American-Canadian mortality investigation; based on the experience of life insurance companies of the United States and Canada during the years 1900 to 1915, inclusive, on policies issued from 1843 to 1914, inclusive. 2v Q ea $10 ’18-’19 The society 21-10432 Actuarial society of America, Educational com- mittee Problems and solutions; associateship ex- aminations, pts. 1 and 2, 1915-1919. O v,133p diags $2 ’21 The society 21-6161 Acute abdominal diseases. 2d ed Adams, J. E., and Cassidy, M. A. $6 Wood Acute cases in moral medicine. Burke, E: F. $1.25 Macmillan Acute epidemic encephalitis (lethargic enceph- alitis). Association for research in nervous and mental diseases. $2.50 Hoeber Ad Alpes. Nutting, H. C. pa 80c Univ. of Cal. Adair, Mrs Bethena Angelina (Owens) 1840- Human sterilization; its social and legisla- tive aspects. O 442p $2.50 ’22 Oregon state lib., Salem, Ore. 24-2393 Adair, Edward Robert , Sources for the history of the Council in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (Helps for students of history, no. 51) D vi,7-96p $1.25 ’24 Macmillan [8s 6d S.P.C.K.] 24-5785 Adam, Helen Douglas Hlfin pedlar, and tales told by Pixy Pool; with a foreword by John A. Hutton; drawings by the author. O xiii,184p $2.50 ’°24 Putnam [7s 6d Hodder & S.] 24-7133 Adam and Caroline. O’Riordan, C. O. $1.90 Har- court Adam and Eva. See Middleton, G:, and Bolton, G. R. Polly with a past Adam and Eve and Pinch me. Coppard, A. E. bds $2 Knopf Adam Bede. Bliot, G: See author entry Adamawa dialect of the Fulani language, First grammar of the. Taylor, F. W. $4.75 Oxford Adamnan, Saint, 625?-704 Adamnani vita S. Columbae; ed. from Dr Reeve’s text, with an introd. on early Irish church history, notes and a glossary, by J. T. Fowler. new ed rev D 280p $4.75 ’21 Oxford A21-778 Adams, Mrs Adeline Valentine (Pond) 1859- Amouretta landscape, and other stories. D 249p $2 ’°22 Houghton 22-10770 Contents: The Amouretta landscape; Bits of clay; The young lady in blue; C’est une taupe; Their appointed rounds; Speaking of angels; The Marquis goes donkey- riding; The face called forgiveness; The artist’s birthday Spirit of American sculpture. S_ xx,234p il $1.50 723 National sculpture soc., 215 W. 57th SLi ey. 23-9843 Adams, Andrew Napoleon, b. 1830- : (comp.) Descendants of James and William Adams of Londonderry, now Derry, N.H.; also a brief account of the families of Rob- ert Cochran and Joseph Morrison of Lon- donderry, and of Dea. Thomas Cochran of New Boston, N.H. O 87p $5 '94 Tuttle Addington, Sarah Boy who lived in Pudding Lane; being a true. account, if only you believe it, of the life and ways of Santa, oldest son of Mr and Mrs Claus; il. by Gertrude A. Kay. O viii, 93p $2.50 ’'22 Atlantic monthly 22-22058 Great adventure of Mrs Santa Claus; with il. by Gertrude Alice Kay. O 108p $1.75 ’23 Little W 23-28 Pied piper in Pudding lane; being the truth about the Pied piper, as Santa, oldest son of Mr and Mrs Claus, discovered it before ever he left Pudding lane; il. by Gertrude Alice Kay. O vii,97p $2 ’23 Atlantic aes 3-13 Addio. Young, S. (In his Three one-act plays) $1.35 Stewart & Kidd Addison, Charles Morris, 1856- What is mysticism? a study of man’s search for God. (Little books on religion) D 54p 75c ’23 Macmillan 23-8034 Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719 Sir Roger de Coverley. S lea $1.50 ’22 Dodge Finger, C: J. Joseph Addison and his time. 5e ’°22 Haldeman-Julius co. —and Steele, Richard Mind of the Spectator, under the editorship of Addison and Steele; with a foreword by A. A. David; comp. by G. S. Streatfeild. D 207p $2 ’23 Holt [7s 6d Unwin] [24-702] Contents: Personal; The Spectator as guide, philosopher and friend: The Spectator on men; The Spectator on women; The Spectator on marriage; The Spectator on the oddities of life; Index Selections from Addison and Steele; ed. by Will David Howe. (Modern student’s li- brary) S xx,343p $1 °21 Scribner 21-10010 Addison, Medora C. Dreams and a sword. (Yale ser. of younger poets) D 46p $1.25 ’22 Yale univ. press [6s 6d Milford] 22-10022 Addison, Peter (tr.) See Plus, R. In Christ Jesus ‘Additon family Sinnett, C: N. Additon family [typewritten]. $1 ’21 Sinnett Address to the people of the United States, on the policy of maintaining a permanent navy, by an American citizen; printed by James Humphreys for E. Bronson, 1802. (Magazine of history with notes and queries. Extra number, no. 71, pt. 1) Q 44p pa $5 ’21 Abbatt 21-12128 Attributed to Enos Bronson. MHas also been attributed to Albert Gallatin Addresses to the German G. $2 Open ct. Addyman, Frank Thornton My electrical workshop; a book for the electrical experimenter. O viii,249p il $2.50 ’20 Wireless press 21-9986 Ade, George, 1866- County chairman; a comedy drama. (French’s standard lib. ed.) rev ed D 118p il pa 75c "24 French, S. 24-5613 Father and the boys; a comedy-drama. (French’s standard lib. ed.) rev ed D 120p il pa 75c ’24 French, S. 24-5614 Just out of college; a light comedy in three acts. (French’s standard lib. ed.) rev ed DPi2Z0p We pa woe 724 HNrench;"S8- 24-5620 Marse Covington; a play in one act. D 16p pa 50c ’23 French, 24-7623 Mayor and the manicure; play in one act. D 25p pa 50c ’23 French, S. 24-7622 Nettie; a play in one act. D 25p pa 50c ’23 French, 24-7620 Single blessedness, and other observations. D vili,224p $1.50 ’22 Doubleday [6s Methuen] 22-22718 Speaking to father; a play in one act. D 27 pa 50c ’23 French, S. 24-7631 Adele Doring at boarding-school. North, G. M. $1.75 Lothrop Adele Doring at Vineyard Valley. North, G. M. $1.75 Lothrop Adele Doring in camp. North, G. M. $1.75 Loth- rop (Choice books ser.) in Maine nation. Fichte, J. ADLER Adeney, John Howard Jews of eastern Europe. (Jewish studies) D vili,94p $1.40 '21 Macmillan [3s 6d S.P.C.K.] A22- Adeney, Walter Frederick, 1849- ES New century Bible; annotated; ed. with in- trod. and notes in both authorized and re- vised versions. 34v S ea $1.25 Morehouse Adenoids Childs, L. W. Adenoids and arithmetic. pa 10e Bd. of educ., Cleveland Adept of Galilee; , a story and an argument; by the author of The initiate. D $3.50 ’°20 Dutton 7 oe Aderhold, William H. See Cooper, A. Veit. auth. Adés, Albert, 1893-1921, and Josipovici, Albert Goha the fool; with a preface by Octave Mir- beau; authorized tr. by Morris Colman. D 347p $2.50 ’23 Lieber & Lewis 23-18066 Both authors were Egyptians. Josipovici is secretary to the King of Egypt. Mirbeau says ‘‘Only on the day when I read Goha the fool, did I understand the East, did 1 live in it . . . the East with its odors of jasmine and fried food, with its broad-hipped women, its artful wan- tons, its handsome brutes, its procurers, its intellectuals, its mystics.’’—Adv. Adhesive plaster Johnson & Johnson. Adhesive plaster. pa gratis ’23 Johnson & Johnson, New Bruns- wick, N.J. Adie, C. J. M. (ed.) See France, A. Contes Adirondack mountains Coughlin, R: Adirondack mountains, Lake Champlain, Lake George. pa 35c ’21 Sant- way photo-craft co., inc., Watertown, N.Y. Coughlin, R: Adirondack region. pa 35c ‘21 a photo-craft co., inc., Watertown, Donaldson, A. L. History of the Adirondacks. 2v $10 ’21 Century Marshall, R. High peaks of the Adirondacks. 25c ’22 Adirondack mountain club, 93 State st., Albany, N:Y. See also Forests and forestry—Adirondack mountains Adjusted compensation for soldiers. man, EK. EB. gratis Univ. of Ky. Adjusting immigrant and industry. Leiserson, W: M. $2.50 Harper Adjustment of a school to individual and com- munity needs. Boyer, P. A. pa Univ. of Pa. Adkisson, Charles Noble, 1866- Household physics and social service. (College bul.-no. 81) O 13p ’20 College of industrial arts, Denton, Tex. E22-583 Adler, Alfred Practice and theory of individual psychology; tr. by P. Radin. (International lib. of psy- Fleisch- chology, philosophy and scientific method) O viii,352p $6.50 ’24 Harcourt [18s Kegan Paul] 24-4985 Adler, Cyrus, 1863- Jacob Henry Schiff; a biographical sketch. D 69p T5ce ’22 Am. Jewish com., 171 Madison av., N.Y. 22-1288 Adler, Felix, 1851- Disarmament; its ideals and _ possibilities. (Questions of the day) D 12p pa 15ec °21 Am. ethical union 22-10620 Meaning of an ethical society. O 12p pa gra- tis '23 Am. ethical union National self-determination and its limits. (Questions of the day) D 12p pa 10c ’19 Am. ethical union Punishment of children. (American home ser. 15) O 40p pa 20c '20 Abingdon press 21-391 Punishment of individuals and of peoples. (Questions of the day) S 12p pa 10c '19 Am. ethical union Reconstruction of the spiritual ideal, (Hibbert lectures, 1923) D 218p $1.50 (6s) ’24 Appleton 24-4875 World morally out of joint. D 14p pa gratis 23 Am. ethical union ; ADLER Adler, Herman Morris, 1876- Medical science and criminal justice. (Cleve- land foundation survey of criminal justice, pt. 5) O 69p pa 50c '21 Cleveland founda- tion 22-1366 Adler, Philip Historical origin of the exemption from taxa- tion of charitable institutions. See West- chester county, New York. Chamber of com- merce. Tax exemptions on real estate Administration and politics of Tokyo. Beard, C: A. $2.50 Macmillan Administration of Ireland, 1920. O., I. $10 Dutton Administrative and executive service [bul- letins]; ed. by O. V. Wallin and J. J. Brad- bury. (Walhamore complete business ser- vice) $5 per year Walhamore co. Administrative and political divisions. Laski, H. J. Foundations of sovereignty, pb. 30-102. $3.50 ’21 Harcourt ; United States. Congress. House. Committee on the census. Apportionment of repre- - sentatives. ’21 Gov. ptg. Administrative law : Freund, E., and others. Growth of American administrative law. $3 ’23 Thomas law bk. See also Civil service; Constitutional law Administrator in the making. Mann, J. S. $5.50 Longmans Administrators and. executors. and administrators Admirable Americans. Anchor-Lee Hugins, R. Grover Cleveland. $1 (1) Admiral Guinea. See Henley, W: E., and Steven- son, R. L: Plays Admirals Hart, F. H. Admairals of the Caribbean. bds $3 ’22 Houghton Stevenson, R. L: English admirals. 60c Dut- ton Admiralty Canfield, C: L:, and Dalzell, the sea. $3 ’21 Appleton Fell, E. T. Recent problems in admiralty jurisdiction. pa ’22 Johns Hopkins Senior, W: Doctors’ commons and the old Court of admiralty. $2 ’22 Longmans See also Commercial law; Maritime law Admire, Harry F. Progressive typewriting. O xiii,207p ’23 Macmillan Adolescence Davenport, F. I. Adolescent interests. $1.25 ’23 Archives of psychology, sub-station 84, INeYS Mudge, E. L. Psychology of early adolescence. 60c ’22 Abingdon press O’Shea, M. V. Trend of the teens. $1.60 ’20 L. E. Myers & co., Valparaiso, Ind. (corr pub) Pringle, R. W. Adolescence and high-school problems. $1.60 ’22 Heath Tracy. F: Psychology of adolescence. cheap ed $1.50 ’22 Macmillan Adolescent interests. Davenport, F. I. $1.25 Archives of psychology, sub-station 84, N.Y. Adoption Sce also Children—Placing in homes Adorable Jack. Kennedy, M. de L. $1 J. W. Winterich, 1865 Prospect av., Cleveland, O. Adoration of the kings and shepherds. Cook M. E. 75¢ Pilgrim press Adrenalin Connet, H. Effect of adrenalin on -venous blood pressure. pa 25c ’20 Johns Hopkins Hartman, F. A., and Lang, R. S. Action of adrenalin on the kidney. 25e ’19 Univ. of Toronto library Hartman, F. A., and Lang, R. S. Action of adrenalin on the spleen. 25e ’19 Univ. of Toronto library Adrienne Toner. Sedgwick, A. D. $2 Houghton Adrift on the Amazon. Miller, L. E: $2 Scribner See Executors G: W. Law of il $2.20 23-9203 Adshead, Stanley Davenport ‘Town planning and town development. O xvi,204p il $5 ’23 Dutton [10s Methuen] [24-11043] Adsorption King, H. H. Adsorption at liquid-vapor and liquid-liquid interfaces and some _ related phenomena. ’22 Private ed., distributed by the Univ. of Chicago libraries, Chicago McGavack, J: Adsorption of sulfur dioxide by the gel of silicic acid. pa 35c ’21 Johns Hopkins McLean, S. Absorption of gases by carbonized lignites. ’20 Univ. of ‘Toronto McLean, S. Density of absorbing materials "20 Univ. of Toronto Adult division in the church school. Halpenny, KH. W. bds 60c Presbyterian bd. Adult education. See Education of adults; Evening and continuation schools Adulterations. See Food adulteration and in- spection Adultery Bell, R. H. Some aspects of adultery. $2 ’22 priv ptd Cosmopolis press e Advance of the’ American short story. O’Brien, IDM Al Mets £224 ADyexeKo! Advanced Anglican assumption. P. 5c Paulist press Advanced auction bridge. Bascule. $2.50 Long- mans Advanced business correspondence. Hotchkiss, G: B., and Kilduff, E: J. $2.75 Harper Advanced cotton spinning. 3d ed Thornley, T: $8 Van Nostrand Advanced ear-training and sight-singing as ap- plied to the study of harmony. Wedge, G: A. $2.50 Schirmer Advanced French grammar. Marchand, C: M., and Warren, E. F. $2 Brentano’s Advanced geography. McMurry, F. M., Parkins, A. E. See author entry Advanced laboratory practice in electricity and magnetism. Terry, EH. M. $3 McGraw Advanced lessons in everyday English. Bolen- iS, EVE SL eA DK: Advanced lessons in lip-reading. Nitchie, E. H. $2.50 Stokes Advanced practical physics. Worsnop, B. L., and Flint, H. T. $8 Dutton Advanced suggestion. 2d ed Brown, Wood Advanced toy making for schools. Mitchell, D: M. $1.45 Manual arts press Advanced typewriting and office training. 2d ed Zinman, M. E. pa 60c Pitman Advantages, organization and management of Massachusetts business corporations. 4th ed North, F. A. $2 Mars tax service, inc., 8$ State st., Boston Advent Clark, R: F. Meditations for advent. 5c Paul- ist press J., S. C. Emmanuel: God with us. 5c Paulist press St Paul, Mother. Longmans Thomas a Kempis. Paulist press See «also Adventists; advent Adventist doctrines. Hull, E. R. pa 40c Herder Adventists Dexter, S. B., and Lawson, J. G. Bible against materialistic adventism. pa 10c ’20 Glad tidings pub. Sheldon, H. C. Russell’s ventures ventism. pa 25c ’21 Meth. bk. See also Seventh day adventists; Seventh- day Baptists Adventure Britt, A. Boys’ own book of adventurers. $2 "23 Macmillan Mason, A. Ocean echoes. $1.75 '22 Holt Russell, H: and H. $3.50 Ortus Christi. $1.75 °'21 Babe of Bethlehem. 5c¢ Christmas; Second in ad- Adventure—Continued . Paine, R. D. Lost ships and lonely seas. $4 ’21 Century Paine, R. D. Roads of adventure. $5 ’22 Hough- ton See also Escapes; Explorers; Frontier and pioneer life; Heroes; Hunting; Sports; Travels; Voyages Adventure (sloop) ‘ Champlin, R. Rhode Island slaver. pa '22 priv ptd G. L. Shepley, Shepley press, Provi- dence, R.I. Adventure. Stevens, T: W. pa 50c National bur. of casualty and surety underwriters, 120 Weeds. St., N,N. Adventure in Alaska during the gold excite- ment of 1897-1898. Cotten, B. bds priv ptd The author, Cylburn Melvale, Baltimore, Md. Adventure in orthodoxy. Gray, J. M. M. $1 Abingdon press Adventure into the unknown. Charles, R. H: $2.50 Scribner Adventure of living. Strachey, Putnam Adventure stories for girls. See Snell, R. J. Adventurers, Egan, M. F. $1.25 Kilner, H. L. Adventurers of the night. Hannay, J. O. - $1.90 Doran Adventures at golf. Bateman, H: M. $2.50 Holt Adventures in American bookshops, antique stores and auction rooms. Bruno, G. $2.50 ear bk. shop, 1208 Cass av., Detroit, ich. Adventures in angling. Heilner, V. C. $3 Stewart Kidd SS ccm beds Oe $5 Adventures in Bolivia. Prodgers, C. H. $3.50 Dodd Adventures in contentment. Baker, R. S. lea 90c Doubleday Adventures in Cuba. Schulkers, R. F. $2 Stew- art Kidd Adventures in endocrinology. Harrower, H: R. $1 Harrower laboratory, box 68, Glendale, Cal. Adventures in essay reading. Michigan. Univer- sity. Department of rhetoric and journalism. $1.75 Harcourt Adventures in evangelism. Thickstun, BE, $1.50 Doran; Pub. house M. E. ch. So. Adventures in humanity. Stidger, W: L. $2 Doran Adventures in idealism. Sabsovich, K. $3 priv ptd Stratford press, 406 W. 3ist st., N.Y Adventures Harper Adventures in Mother Goose Glynn, E: bds $2.25 Little Adventures in my garden and rock garden. Wilder, L. $5 Doubleday Adventures in silence. Collingwood, H. W. $1 Rural New Yorker, 333 W, 30th st., N.Y. Adventures in social welfare. Johnson, A. $3 The author, Lake av., Fort Wayne, Ind. pay cutures in Swaziland. O’Neil, O. R. $4 Cen- ury Adventures in the arts. Hartley, M. $3 Boni & Liveright Adventures in the Near East, 1918-1922. Raw- linson, A. $3.50 Dodd Adventures in the old woman’s shoe, Warren, R., and Davenport, E. $2.50 Doran Adventures in wars of the republic and con- Sulate. Moreau de Jonnés, A, $7 Dutton Adventures of a boomer op. Smith, M. E. pa $1 Smith pub. co., 540 Gladstone st., Sheridan, Wyo. Adventures of a brownie. author entry Adventures of a grain of dust. Hawksworth, H. $1.60; school ed $1.20 Scribner Adventures of a lion family and other studies of wild life in East Africa. Pienaar, A. A. $2 Longmans in journalism. Gibbs, P. H. $2.50 land. Gowar- Craik’. Di; M. See ADVERTISING Adventures of a monkey. 32p bds 35c ’21 Nelson Adventures of a _ parrot. Edwards, H. S. 50c Burke, J. W. Adventures of a tropical tramp. Foster, H. L. $2.50 Dodd Adventures of Antoine. Owen, H. C. $1.75 Mc- Cann Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Raspe, R. E. $1.25 Brentano’s Adventures of Be-Wee, the gnome. Herbert- son, A. G. bds $1.50 Cupples & L. Adventures of. Big-Foot Wallace. Duval: C. $2.50 Gammel’s bk. store, 911 Congress Sta Austin, Tex. Adventures of Brownie Bear. H. bds $1 Standard pub. Adventures of Buffalo Bill. Harper Adventures of Bulgy Billy. Jack, M. 75¢e Ja- cobs (Young folks ser.) O Shonkweiler, J. Cody, W: F: 75c Adventures of Bunny Bobtail. Low, R. I. $1.25 Small Adventures of Bunny Boys. (Twinkletoes ser.) S il bds 75¢ Stokes [1s 6d Chambers] Adventures of Diggeldy Dan. Norwood, E. P. $1.75 Little Adventures of Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. See author entry Adventures of Elizabeth Ann. Lawrence, J. $1 Barse & Hopkins Adventures of Gil Blas. See Le Sage, A. R. Adventures of Hajji Baba Ispahan. Morier, J. J. 80c; venetian mor $1.50 Oxford Adventures of Hintala. Johanson, B. U. pa 50e Crucible Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. $2.50 Harper Adventures of Imshi. Prioleau, J: $5 Little Adventures of Jane. Stone, G. $1.35 Crowell Clemens, S: Adventures of Jane Adair. Scott, I. H. $1.50 Revell Adventures of Maya, the bee. Bonsels, W. $3 Seltzer Adventures of Nancy in Sweden. Toller, P. $1.25 Macmillan Adventures of Peter Penguin. (Twinkletoes ser.) S il bds 75¢ Stokes Adventures of Ray Coon. Turner, N. B. 75¢ Rand Adventures of Squirrel Fluffytail. (Twinkletoes ser.) S il bds 75¢e Stokes [1s 6d Chambers] Adventures of the ink spots. Dyer, R. O. $1.50 ,othrop Adventures of two Dutch dolls and a golliwog. Upton, B. and F. K. bds $1.35 Longmans Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb, C: $1.50 Mac- millan Adventures of Wee Mouse. (Twinkletoes ser.) S il bds 75c Stokes [1s 6a Chambers] Adventures on the high trail. Chaffee, A. $1.50 Bradley, M. Adventures social and literary. Ainslie, D. $7 Dutton Adventuring. Tupper, T. $2 Doran Adventuring in California, yesterday, today, and day before yesterday. Parkinson, J. H. $1.75 Wagner, Harr Adventuring in New York. Frederick, J. G: $1; pa 50c Brown, N. L. Adventurous school girl. Moore. D. $1.50 Funk Advertisers Directories Advertising arts and crafts; New York di- rectory [quarterly]. pa $1 a copy; $2 per vear ’23 Lee & Kirby, inc., 28 W. 44th st., INNS: , Advertisin ‘wavfeutiaiic and publicity management [bul- letins]. $5 per year Walhamore co, ADVERTISING Advertising—Continued ran Art directors club. Annual of advertising art in the United States, 1921. bds $3.50 ’21 Publishers ptg. co., 207 W. 25th st., N.Y. Art directors club. Second annual of illustra- tions for advertisements in the United States. bds $6 ’28 Book service CO., 2b° 2. A0thi st.. N.Y. Aspley, J: Cc. What a salesman should know about advertising. an ed rev ane enl $1.60; bds $1.10 ’21 Dartnell corporatl Associated advertising clubs of the world. Ad- vertising peas for 1921-22, 1922. 2v ea 799-23 Doubleday : ‘ Pe siucburean of circulations. Scientific space selection. lea $2.50 ’21 The bureau, 202 S. Come nLcage 1: GEES WwW: E: Advertising for trade in Latin America. $3 ’22 Century |. Mites Aumueller, F. O. Mechanics of advertising. $ 99 Cramer-Krasselt co., 354 Milwaukee st., ELE ON Merchants’ manual of ad Blackmore, . O. ercha - Garueing buck $27.50 ’21 Merchants man- 1 of advertising Brewster, A*J., and Palmer, Xr: H. Introduc- tion to advertising. $2.50 ’24 Shaw, A.W. Brown, D: L. Advertising to the world. $6 ’21 cCann “. nee D: L. Export advertising. $4 23 Ronald : ; ; Bull, A. E. Business mans guide to advertis- ing. 75e ’°22 Pitman ~— é Burdick, R. L. Advertising to retailers. $3.50 °23 Ronald ed. Art of drawing for profit. Nieves esa room 2105, 949 Broadway, $1 ’22 The editor, N.Y Butterick publishing company. Butterick good will advertisements. gratis ’22 The company Calkins, E. E. Advertising man. $1.25 °22 Scribner Crowell publishing company. ket coverage. bds '23 The company, 4th av., N.Y. % Crowell publishing company. National mar- kets and national advertising, 1922. lea gratis '23 The company, 381 4th ay., N.Y. Direct advertising corporation. stones to sales success. $1 ’21 The corpora- tion, 538 N. Capitol av., Indianapolis, Ind. Dunn, A. Scientific selling and advertising. new ed $3 ’22 Harper (corr pub) Edgar, A. E., comp. and ed. How to get more business. bds $2 ’21 Advertising world, 33 W. Gay st., Columbus, O. Edgar, A. E. How to plan National mar- 381 and advertise a sale. pa $1 ’22 Advertising world, 35 W. Gay st., Columbus, ; I Fischer, A. T. Window and store display. $2 21 Doubleday Fox, I. P. One thousand ways and schemes to attract trade. 4th ed pa $1.50 ’21 Spatula ub. Times: Cc. A., and Wightman, L. I. Sales and advertising. 2v $6 ’22 Am. technical soc. Hall, S: R. Retail advertising and selling. $5 '24 McGraw Ap Harris, R. J. One hundred advertising plans outlined. $1 ’°22 Walhamore co. Herrold, L. D. Advertising for the retailer. $5 723 Appleton Higley, M. Women in advertising in New York agencies. 35c ’24 Central employment bur., 610 Lexington av., N.Y. Hopkins, C. C. Scientific advertising. bds $1.10 ’°23 Lord & Thomas, 400 Michigan blvd., Chicago Hotchkiss, G: B., and Franken, R: B: Leader- ship of advertised brands. $2 ’23 Doubleday Houston, H. S. Winning the fight for honest business. pa ’23 Associated advertising clubs of the world, 110 W. 40th st., N.Y. Hoyt, C: W. Training for the business of advertising. bds $1.50 ’22 Woolson Hubbart, G. 1’: Thirty practical lessons in ease 3 and selling. pa $1 ’21 U. P. C International correspondence schools. Inter- national advertiser’s handbook. $1 ’21 Win- ston (corr pub) Le Blanc, N. E. Rudiments of newspaper ad- vertising construction. $1 ’21 The author, box 98, Lake Charles, La. 14 Stepping — Linnings. What the advertiser and artist should know about reproduction. $5 ’21 The Linnings, 110 W. 40th st., N.Y. Lippincott, W. Outdoor advertising. $5 ’23 McGraw Luckiesh, M. Light and color in advertising and merchandising. $3 ’23 Van Nostrand McNaughton, F. Increasing direct advertising returns. $2.50 ’23 Selling aid, 1304 Jackson blvd., Chicago Manly, J: M., and Powell, J: A. Better ad- vertising. $1.50 ’21 Drake, F. J. Moriarty, : D. Economics of marketing and advertising. $3.50 ’23 Harper Namm, B: H. Advertising the retail store. $2.00 ecde Wee Corb Ke National conference on public information. Publicity methods for engineers. $1.50 ’22 Am. assn. of engineers. Nesbit, W. D. First principles of advertis- ing. $1.50; school ed $1 ’22 Gregg See author entry for publisher's descriptive note Osborn, A. F. Short course in advertising. student’s ed $3 ’21 Scribner Parsons, F. . Art appeal vertising. $4.50 ’21 Harper Praigg, N. T., ed. Advertising and selling. $2 ’23 Doubleday Propson, C. F: Export advertising practice. $4 ’23 Prentice-Hall Ramsay, R. E. Effective direct advertising. $5 ’21 Appleton Russell, T: H. Salesmanship and advertising. $3 ’21 Lincoln inst. of business in display ad- Sanger, J. W: Advertising methods in Javan, China, and the Philippines. pa 25c AL BESS See ka ieloraay xeraavaa, Seashore, C: E., and Gould, H. H: How to measure the merit of an advertisement. ’21 Univ. of Iowa Sherbow, B: Effective type-use for adver- Meine: $2 ’22 The author, 50 Union sq., Smith, R. E. Co-operation, and promotion. bds $1.50 ’21 The author, box 209, Indianapolis, Ind. Starch, D. Principles of advertising. $5 ’23 Shaw, A. W. Sweeney, J: F. Study of the New York times, 1923. 2d ed pa ’23 N.Y. times co. Swetland, H. M., ed. Industrial publishing. $4 223" Noy. business pub... assn ene. Wanderbilthawi,aeNave: LOGbe Salem yas eas ke Thompson, J. W., company. Population and its distribution. 3d ed $5 ’21 The company, 244 Madison av., N.Y. Tipper, H. Psychology in advertising. ’20 priv ptd Soc. of applied psychology, 354 4th BVale NaN Tipper, H., and French, G: Advertising cam- paigns. $4 ’23 Van Nostrand United States. Foreign and domestic com- merce, Bureau of. Shipment of samples and advertising matter to the British Km- pire. pa ’23 The bureau Wakefield, R. P. Shipment of samples and advertising matter to Europe. pa ’23 U.S. For. & dom. comm. Woodcock, B. C. Textbook of advertisement writing and designing. $5 Dutton See also. Bank advertising; Billboards; Business; Church advertising; Drug trade— Advertising; House organs; Library ad- vertising; Mail order business; Mailing lists; Posters; Publicity; Salesinanship; Shoe in- dustry and trade—Advertising; Show cards; Show windows; Sign painting merchandising Directories Advertising arts and crafts; New York direc- tory [quarterly]. pa $1 a copy; $2 per year 723 Lee & Kirby, inc., 28 W. 44th st., N.Y. National register publishing company. Agency list of the Standard advertising register. pa $20 per year The company National register publishing company. Stand- ard advertising register. $25 The company Fiction Lee, E: E. Andy Blake in advertising. $1.75 '22 Appleton Advertising—Continued Rates Crain’s market data book, and directory of class, trade and technical publications. See main entry Statistics Curtis publishing company. Table of leading advertisers, showing advertising invest- ments of advertisers spending $10,000 and over in thirty-six publications in 1920. ’21 The company Study and teaching Moore, W. C. Complete course in advertising and advertisement writing. $5 ’21 Walha- more co. Robinson, M., and others. Chicago public high school course in retail selling and adver- Lsine./°224U: Sm Educ.;:\5e Supt, iol doc, Advertising and publicity management [bul- letins]; ed. by Ronald J. Harris. (Walha- more complete business service) $5 per year Walhamore co. Advertising April. Farjeon, H., H. bds $1.25 Brentano’s Advertising art in the United States, Annual of. Art directors club. bds $3.50 Publishers’ ptg. co., 207 W. 25th st., N.Y. Advertising arts and crafts; New York direc- tory [quarterly]. O il pa $1 a copy; $2 per year ’23 Lee & Kirby, inc., 28 W. 44th Sie Ne Ye (23 -14429) Advertising campaigns. Tipper, H., and French, G: $4 Van Nostrand Advertising cards. See Show cards Advertising for trade in Latin America. Augh- inbaugh, W: E: $3 Century Advertising man. Calkins, E. E. $1.25 Scribner Advertising the public library. Ticer, W. F. pa 80c Democrat ptg. co., Madison, Wis. Advertising the retail store. Namm, B: H. $2.50 LC bol SMT yal 2) Daria oo and Horsnell, Advertising to the world. Brown, McCann Advertising yearbook, for 1921-22, 1922. Asso- ciated advertising clubs of the world. 2v ea $2 Doubleday Advice to freshmen, by freshmen. D 109p bds 75c ’21 Wahr 22-4672 Advising a woman as to her legal rights. Tucker, G: F. pa 50c Blackstone inst. Advisory Ben. Lucas, E: V. $2 Doran Aechte deutsche kochkunst. Meier, L. English- German $4.50; English $3; German $3 Wet- zel bros. ptg. co., 324 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Aelfric, 955?-1020? Old English version of the Heptateuch, Ael- fric’s Treatise on the Old and New Testa- ment and his Preface to Genesis; ed. from all the existing mss. and fragments with an introd. and three appendices, together with a reprint of A Saxon treatise concern- ing the Old and New Testament, now first published in print with English of our times by William L’Isle of Wilburgham (1623), anc the Vulgate text of the Hep- tateuch, by S. J. Crawford. (Early English text soc. Original ser., no. 160) O ix,442p $16.80 ’°23 Oxford [23-12578] Aelred, Saint, abbot of Rievaulx, 1109-1166 Powicke, F: M. Ailred of Rievaulx and his biographer, Walter Daniel. pa $1 ’22 Long- mans Aemilius. Crake, A: D: $1.40 Morehouse Aeneas Tacticus, fl. 362 B.C. Aeneas Tacticus, Asclepiodotus, Onasander; with an English tr. by members of the II- linois Greek club; ed. by William Abbott Oldfather. (Loeb classical lib.) S x,531p $2.50; lea $3 ’23 Putnam [10s Heinemann] 24-2508 Aeneid. Virgil. See author entry Aeration and air-content. Clements, F: E: $2 Carnegie inst. AERONAUTICAL Aerial flight to the realm of peace. Kayser, M. $1 Lincoln press & pub. co., 3403 Franklin av., St Louis Aerial navigation. See Aeronautics Aerial observation. Porter, H. E. $4 Harper Aerial observations. See Meteorology, Aero- nautic Aerial photography. See Photography, Aerial Aerial warfare. See Aeronautics, Military Aerials. See Radio antennae Aerodynamics Bateman, H. Decay of a simple eddy. 5c ’22 Supt. of doc. Bateman, H. Inertia coefficients of an air- ship in a frictionless fluid. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Bothezat, G. de. General theory of the steady ENA of an airplane. pa 15c ’21 Supt. of oc. Chive Damping coefficients due to tail sur- faces in, aireratt, 5e) 122, Supt. wofadoc. Diehl, W. S. Variation of aerofoil lift and drag coefficients with changes in size and speed. 5e ’21 Supt. of doc. Hersey, M. D., and others. Altitude effect on __air speed indicators. pa 10c ’21 Supt. of doc. Hoot, H: I. Effect of airfoil thickness and plan form on lateral control. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Munk, M. M. Some new aerodynamical rela- tions. 5c ’21 Supt. of doc. Norton, FEF: H. Small angular oscillations of airplanes in steady flight. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Norton, F: H. Study of longitudinal dynamic Stability in, flights b¢ 723. Supt...of.. doe: Norton, F: H., and Allen, E. T. Control in circling flight. pa 10c ’21 Supt. of doc. Norton, F: H., and Bacon, D: L. Pressure distribution over the horizontal tail surfaces of an airplane. 2v pa 15c ’21 Supt. of doc. Norton, F: H., and Brown, W: G. Pressure distribution over the rudder and fin of an airplane in flight. 5c *22° Supt. of doc: Norton 2 Ws H.,| “and Carroll,” Tit Vertical; longitudinal, and_lateral accelerations ex- perienced by an S.E.5A airplane while ma- neuvering. .5c °23,. Supt. of doc. Wilson, E. B. Dynamic stability as affected by the longitudinal moment of inertia. 5c 723 Supt. of doc. 7 Zahm, A. F. Aerodynamic plane table. 5c ’23 supt. of doc. Zahm, A. F. Influence of model surface and air flow texture on _ resistance of aero- dynamic bodies. 5c ’22 Supt. of doc. Zahm, A. F. Six-component wind balance. 5c Z2e Supt. Of aoc: Zahm, A. F., and others. Drag of C class airship hull with varying length of cylindric midships. 5¢e ’21 Supt. of doc. Zahm, A. F., and others. Lift and drag ef- fects of wing-tip rake. 5c ’22 Supt. of doc. Zanini Ae a he ead. ROLDerSs Point drag and total drag of navy struts no. 1 modified. Fie. PPh Sibhaie, Tone «foKare See also Flights Aerofoils Diehl, W. S. Variation of aerofoil lift and drag coefficients with changes in size and speed. 5e ’21 Supt. of doc. Munk, M. M. Minimum induced drag of aero- foils. 5c ’21 Supt. of doc. INOTrtOnW La ee on Ce Sa COnn Dias lane CrO= dynamic properties of thick aerofoils. 5e ’22 Supt. of doc. Norton,. EF: HH. and Bacon, D: L. Pressure distribution over thick aerofoils—model teSstsemhce-22r > Upe On doc: United States. Advisory committee for aero- nautics. Aerodynamic characteristics of aerofoils. pa 25c ’21 Supt. of doc. Aerological observers, Instructions for. United States. Weather bureau. pa U.S. Agric.; 25c Supt. of doc. Aeérological survey of the United States. United States. Weather bureau. pt 1 pa U.S. Agric.; 15c Supt. of doc. Aeronautical chamber of cOmmerce of America Aircraft year book. See Aircraft year book AERONAUTICAL Aeronautical instruments ‘ : Eaton, H. N. Aerial navigation and navigat- ing instruments. pa 10c '22 Supt. of doc. Hersey, M. D. Diaphragms for _aeronautic instruments. pa 10c ’23 Supt. of doc. |. Hersey, D. General classification of in- struments and problems, including bibliog- raph yeeoC. scrSupt. Ole doc: Hunt, F. L. Aeronautic instruments. author entry . Hunt, F. L. Oxygen instruments. pa 10c ’'22 Supt. of doc. ; Hunt, F. L., and Stearns, . O.. Aireraft speed instruments. pa 10c ’22 Supt. of doc. United States. Standards, Bureau of. Alti- tude instruments. pa ’22 U.S. Stand.; 15c Supt. of doc. United States. Standards, See Bureau of. Di- rection instruments. pa '22 U.S. Stand.; 15e Supt. of doc. United States. Standards, Bureau of. Power plant instruments. pa ’22 U.S. Stand.; 15c Supt. of doc. Aeronautics Aircraft year books, 1922-1923. 2v 1922 $3; 1923 $4.25 ’22-’23 Aeronautical chamber of commerce of Am., 501 5th av., N.Y. Eaton, H. N. Aerial navigation and navigat- ing instruments. pa 10c ’22 Supt. of doc. Hart; I. B., and Laidler, -W. Elementary aeronautical science. $2.50 ’24 Oxford Luckiesh, M. Book of the sky. $3.50 ’22 Dutton Mastery of air, by the author of Triumph of man. $1 ’22 Pitman Sykes, F: H. Aviation in peace and war. $3 *22 Longmans United States. Advisory committee for aero- nautics. Aeronautics: sixth annual report, 1920, including technical reports, nos. 83 to 110. pa 15¢e ’21 Supt. of doc. United States. Air service (War department). Aeronautical bulletin. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Wimperis, . E. Primer of air navigation. $2.50 ’'21 Van Nostrand See also Aircraft; Airplane engines; Air- planes; Airships; Aviation; Aviation land- ing stations; Aviators Bibliography United States. Advisory committee for aero- nautics. Bibliography of aeronautics, 1909- 1916, 1917-1919. 2v pa 1909-1916 $2; 1917- 1919 75e ’21-’23 Supt. of doc. Dictionaries Pagé, V: W. Glossary of aviation terms— English-French, French-English. $1 ’18 Henley History Great steam-duck. pa $4 ’20 Abbatt Vivian, E. C: H., and Marsh, W. L. History of aeronautics. $5 ’21 Harcourt Laws and regulations Bogert, G: G. Problems in aviation law. pa ’21 Cornell univ. Bibliography American bar association. Special committee on the law of aviation. First preliminary re- port to the executive committee. pa gratis ’21 The association Poetry De Jean, L: L. Songs of the air, bds $1 '23 Wagener, Warr Terminology United States. Advisory committee for aero- nautics. Nomenclature for aeronautics. pa 10c °23 Supt. of doc. Aeronautics, Commercial Pratt, H. B. Commercial airships. $6 ’'20 Nel- son United States. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce, Law memoranda upon civil aeronautics. ’23 Gov. pts. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on commerce. Bureau of aeronautics in De- partment of commerce. ’22 Gov. ptg. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on commerce. Bureau of civil aeronautics in the Department of commerce. 5c ’24 Supt. of doc. Vissering, H. Zeppelin. $2 ’22 The author, 14 EK. Jackson blvd., Chicago Aeronautics, Military Neumann, G: P., comp. German air force in the Great war. $4 ’21 Doran Porter, H. E. Aerial observation. $4 ’21 Harper United States. Aeronautics, Bureau of (Navy department) Annual report of the chief, fiscal year 1922. ’22 The bureau United States. Aeronautics, Bureau of (Navy department) Naval aviation. ’23 The bureau United States. Air service (War department). Report of director, 1920. ’20 U.S. War dept. United States. Air service (War department). Report of director of Air service comp. in compliance with House resolution 190. pa 25e °20 Supt. of : United States. Coast artillery school. Anti- aircraft defense. pa $1 ’22 Coast artillery journal United States. Joint army and navy board. Report on results of aviation and ordnance tests held during June and July, 1921. ’21 The board See also European war—Aerial operations Aeronauts. See Aviators Aeroplane motors. See Airplane engines Aeroplane performance calculations. Booth, H. $8 Dutton Oo erage stories. Robinson, E. A. pa 25c Meth. Aeroplanes. See Airplanes Aes signatum. Comparette, T: L: pa $1.25 Am. numismatic soc. Aeschylus, 525-456 B.C. Aeschylus; with an English tr. by Herbert Weir Smyth. (Loeb classical lib.) 2v v 1 S x1,425p $2.50; lea $3.50 ’22 Putnam [10s Heinemann] (23-2840) Agamemnon. (In Robinson, C. E:, tr. Genius of the Greek drama) pa 90c ’21 Oxford —Same; tr. from the Greek text of Sidgwick, by Marion Clyde Wier. O 59p pa 75c ’20 C. W. Graham, Ann Arbor, Mich 21-138 Choéphoroe (Libation-bearers); tr. into Eng- lish rhyming verse with explanatory notes, by Gilbert Murray. D 8383p 90c ’23 Oxford [2s Allen & U.] 23-11687 Oresteia of Aeschylus; tr. by R. C. Trevel- yan. 154p bds $1.50 ’23 Small Persae; partly in the original and partly in translation, with notes and introd. by M. R. Ridley. (Clarendon Latin and Greek ser.) O 76p 90ce ’22 Oxford [3s 6d Milford] 23-7391 fEsop, 619-564 B.C. Aesop’s fables; il. by Charles R. Bowers. (Bowers movie bks.) 20p $1 ’23 Harcourt —Same [selections]. T 96p 5c Haldeman- man-Julius co. Fables of AUsop; selected, told anew and their history traced by Joseph Jacobs; done into pictures by Richard Heighway. (Children’s classics) D xxv,222p $1.75 ’23 Macmillan 24-26091 —Samc; with 8 color plates and 100 line draw- | ings by Edwin Noble. Q 5-128p $2 ’21 Cro- well [6s Harrap] Herford A¢sop; fifty fables in verse, by Oliver Herford. D viii,90p il 52c ’21 Ginn 21-10246 Ysopet-Avionnet: the Latin and French texts, ed. by Kenneth: McKenzie and William A. Oldfather. (Studies in language and litera- ture, v. 5, no. 4) Q 286p il pa $1.50 ’'21 Univ. of Ill. 21-17440 Aesthetic as science of expression and _ general linguistic. 2d ed Croce, B. $7 Macmillan Aesthetics. See Esthetics Aethiopian romance. Heliodorus. $3 Dutton Affair at Flower Acres. Wells, C. $1.75 Doran Affelder, William Maurice, 1879- Contractors’ accounting practice; with pro- cedure also for owners, architects, and en- gineers. O vii,386p il $5 ’24 Ronald 24-3717 Affelder, W: M.—Continued , Principles and practice of construction cost- keeping; pt. 2, Analyzing costs. (Official publications, v. 4, no. 15) 12p 75c ’23 Na- tional assn. of cost accountants Affinities. Rinehart, M. 75c Burt Affleck, George Baird, 1876- Minimum set of tentative physical standards for children of school age. O 324-353p pa 15c ’21 International Y.M.C. A. college, Springfield, Mass. A21-1815 —See McCurdy, J. H., jt. auth. Afoot and alone, from Washington, D.C. _ to San Francisco. Wood, M. $3 Christopher pub. house : Afoot and afloat in Burma. Williams, A. H: $1 Review & H. Afoot in England. Hudson, W: H: $2.50 Knopf Africa Beer, G: L: African questions at the Paris peace conference. $6 ’23 Macmillan McEvoy, T: J. Africa. 4th ed pa 25c ’21 The author, 6 3d av., Brooklyn, N.Y See also Agriculture—Africa; Education— Africa; Hunting—Africa; Missions—Africa; Zoology—Africa Colonization Lucas, C: P. Partition and colonization of Africa. $4.20 ’22 Oxford Description and travel Bradley, M. On the gorilla trail. $5 ’22 Apple- ton . Carpenter, F. G: Carpenter’s new geograph- ical reader: Africa. $1 ’24 Am. bk. Niver, H.” By and Harrell, Ey: D. 1 Brief geog- raphy of Asia, Africa and Australia. $1 ’'22 Hinds Rabenort, W: L: Rabenort’s geography: Asia, Africa, Australia. rev ed 92c ‘21 Africa, Australia and advanced world geog- raphy. pa 60c ’21 McKnight , Shorthose, W: J: T. Sport and adventure in Africa. $5 ’23 Lippincott History Lucas, C: P. Partition and colonization of Africa. $4.20 ’22 Oxford Sec also Arabs in Africa Industries and resources Davol, R. Raw products of the world. v 1 bds $1 ’22 Davol pub. co., Taunton, Mass. Native races How, E. A. People of Africa. 40c ’21 Mac- millan Joelson, F. S. Tanganyika territory (formerly German East Africa), characteristics and potentialities. $5 ’21 Appleton Roscoe, J: Twenty-five years in East Africa. $8 ’21 Macmillan ; Willoughby, W: C: Race problems in the new Africa. $4.50 ’23 Oxford See also Ashanti; Bagesu;. Bantus; Yoruba Religion Le Roy, A. Religion of the primitives. $2.50 22 Macmillan Smith, E. W. Religion of lower races. $1 ’23 Macmillan Africa, Central Campbell, D. In the heart of Bantuland. $5 ’22 Lippincott Crawford, D. Back to the long grass. $4 ’23 Doran Roscoe, J: Bakitara or Banyoro; the first part of the report of the Mackie ethnological expedition to Central Africa. $8 ’23 Mac- millan Roscoe, J: Banyankole. $6 ’23 Macmillan William, Prince of Sweden. Among pygmies and gorillas. $8 ’23 Dutton Africa, East Akeley, C. E. In brightest Africa. $5 '23 Doubleday ; 17 AFTER Anderson, W: A. South of Suez. 2d ed $3 '23 McBride F. G: 23 Carpenter, Doubleday Hambly, W. D. Native races of East Africa. (In his Native races of the British empire, bk. 3) 3v pa ea 25c ’21 Oxford Roscoe, J: Twenty-five years in East Africa. Cairo to Kisumu. $4 $8 ’°21 Macmillan Vanden Bergh, L. J: On the trail of the pigmies. $3 ’21 McCann Wilson, T: R. British possessions in East Africa. pa ’24 U.S. For. & dom. comm. See also Kenya Colony and Protectorate; Masailand; Zoology—Africa, East Africa, German Southwest League of nations. Council. Mandate for Ger- man South-West Africa. 10c ’21 World peace foundation Africa, North Carpenter, F. G: From Tangier to Tripoli. $3 723 Doubleday Grant, C. F. Studies in North Africa. bds $3 723 Dutton Prioleau, J: Adventures of Imshi. $5 ’23 Little Vernon, P. E. Motoring in North Africa. bds $1.25 ’23 priv ptd The author, 22 Reade st., N.Y. op Ward, E. Three travelers in North Africa. $2 *22 Lippincott Africa, South. See South Africa Africa, West Claridge, G. C. Wild bush tribes of tropical Africa. $5 '22 Lippincott See also Ashanti; Gold Coast African adventure. Marcosson, I: F: $5 Dodd African adventurers. Mackenzie, J. K. $1.25 Doran African clearings. Mackenzie, J. K. $2.50 Hough- ton African education commission Education in Africa; a study of West, South, and equatorial Africa, under the auspices of the Phelps-Stokes fund and foreign mis- sion societies of North America and Europe; report prepared by Thomas Jesse Jones. Q XXV11i1,323p il $2; pa $1.50 ’22 Phelps-Stokes tund, 297e4th aves Nis 22-25406 African golf club. Branen, J. pa 25c Denison African hunting among the Thongas. Chamber- lain, G: A. $5 Harper African idylls. Fraser, D. African languages ' sy also Bantu languages; Luganda dia- ec African novels of Louis Bertrand. Cabeen, D: Cepar Univ. ot Pa. African questions at the Paris peace conference. Beer, G: L: $6 Macmillan Afro-American group of the Episcopal church, History of the. Bragg, G: F. $2 The author, 1425 McCulloh st., Baltimore, Md. After all. Hummel, G: F. $2 Boni & Liveright After death. See Flammarion, C. Death and its mystery After-dinner speeches Ethell, J: J., ed. After dinner scraps. pa $1 ’22 Bloomfield pub. See also Anecdotes; Toasts After disillusion. Wolf, R. L. $1.25 Seltzer After hours. Forwood, J. L. $3.50 Mrs J. L. For- wood, 15th & Edgmont av., Chester, Pa. After life in Roman paganism. Cumont, V. M. $3 Yale univ. press After the peace. Brailsford, H: N. $1.50 Seltzer After the war. Repington, C: 4 C. $5 Houghton After thirty-two years of bitter remorse and nights of burning anguish he leaves the underworld’s wretched humanity. Le Roy, Af pa 15c ’21 Raymer’s After 30 years. O 16p pa 20c ’21 Socialist labor party co oars $1.50 Revell F. AFTERGLOW Afterglow. Thomson, E. $2 Dutton Aftermath. Newbigin, M. I. bds $1.50; pa $1 A. Nystrom & co., 2249 Calumet av., Chi- cago Aftermath series; Pub. house M. ed. by Horace M. DuBose. BE. ch. So. Du Ente, H. M., ed. Crisis of criticism. pa 25c (pt 1, no l Kegel, M. History of the Israelitish priesthood. pa 25c (pt 1,-no 2 [Nae oe Religious reformation of Ezra. pa .25c (pt 1, no Sellin, ie EF. M. Archzeology versus Wellhausenism. pa 25¢e ) Weiner, H. M. Integrity of the Old Testament. pa 25c Wilson, R. D. Is the higher criticism scholarly? pa 25¢ (4) Afternoon tea. Pike, H. H. pa 75c Ditson Afternoons in April. Conkling, G. W. $1.50 Houghton Afterworld effect. Leute, K: M., and Ricker, C. S. $2 Christopher pub. house Agabus Fall, H: C. Review of the North American species of agabus. pa $1.50 ’22 J. D. Sher- man, jr., 132 Primrose av., Mount Vernon, Against the grain. Huysmans, J. K: $3 Lieber & Lewis Against the winds. Vermilye, K. 75c Burt Against this age. Bodenheim, M. bds $1.75 Boni & Liveright Agalamh na seanorach. See Acallamh na sen6é- rach Agamemnon. Aeschylus. Agaporus Fall, H: C. Revision of the North. American species of hydroporus and agaporus. pa $3.50 ’23 Cassino press, Salem, Mass. Agar, Frederick Alfred, 1872- Deacon at work. D 116p $1 °23 Judson press See author entry 23-12416 Manual of church methods. D 9-173p $1 ’22 Judson press 22-11671 Modern money methods for the church: D 162p $1 ’21 Am. Bapt. 21-11705 Agassiz, George Russell, 1862- (ed.) See Lyman, T. Meade’s headquarters Agate, James Evershed, 1877- Alarums and excursions. D 263p $2 ’22 Doran [7s 6d G. Richards] [22-14077] Agate lamp. Beall, L. F. $1.50 Cornhill Agatha’s aunt. Toler, S. 75c French, S. Age Prescott, D. A. Determination of anatomical age in school children and its relation to mental development. pa 75c ’23 Harvard univ., Graduate school.of education, Cam- bridge, Mass. Terhune, A. P. Now that I’m fifty. ’24 Doran See also Growth; Longevity; Old age Age and area. Willis, J: C. $5 Macmillan Age of achievement. Stimson, S. C. $1 The author, 2320 Chestnut st., Milwaukee, Wis. Age ve innocence. Wharton, E. N. 75¢c Gros- se Age of invention. Thompson, H. per set of 50v Abraham Lincoln ed $175; graduates ed $150; extra-il ed $250 Yale univ. press Age of mammals in Europe, Asia and North aii Osborn, H: F. $8.50 Scribner (corr pu eee: understanding. Stuart, L. $2 Badger, R. lea $2 od Alva, 1858- irst steps in farming. (Harper’s handbook D 186p $1.50 ’23 Harper Sekeat Agta, renee Gonzales iccionario liliputiense; espafiol-inglés. F _ T55p 25¢c; lea 35c ’21 Reilly, P. 4 Lilliput. dictionary; English-Spanish. Fe 6 25c; lea 35c ’21. Reilly, Aadeae Agelasto, Alexander Michael, 1873- . Linters. (Dept. circ. 175) O 10p pa ’21 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Agr21-636 —and others Cotton situation. (Yearbook separate, no. 877) ate oe i) pay 722 aUS eA STIG. asl oGe SUDt Ey OL (oye. Agency (law) Bays, A. W. Law of agency. (In American commercial law series, bk. 1, pt. 2) 2d ed 8v in 4 ea $3 ’21-’22 Callaghan Marvin, W: G. Agency agreements in for- eign trade. pa ’23 U.S. For. & dom. comm. Mechem, F. R. Outlines of the law of agency. 3d ed $4 ’23 Callaghan Moll, T. J: How the law of agency affects business. pa 50c ’19 Blackstone inst. Robertson, W: H: Powers of attorney for use in Argentina. ’22 U.S. For. & dom. comm. See also Brokers; Commercial law; Con- tracts; Damages; Employers’ liability ; Negligence; Receivers Agency list of the standard advertising register. National register publishing company. pa $20 per year The company Agents. See Agency (law) Agents key to fire insurance. 3d ed’ Barbour, R. P. $3.50 Speetator co. Agg, Tansy Radford. See Agg, Thomas R. AQS, Thomas Radford i.e. Tansy Radford, Resistances to the translation of motor vehi- cles. (Bul. 64. Engineering exper. station) O 32p il ’22 Iowa state college of agric. 22-27279 Agnes Surriage. Bynner, EK. L. $1.75 Houghton Hane ttle vary, Prichard-. See Prichard-Agnet- i. : Agnew, Mary A. (comp.) See United States. partment of. List of workers pertaining to agriculture Agnosticism Ingersoll, R. G. Gods, past and present. 4th ed pa 25c Crucible pub. Agony of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lelen, J. M. pa 25¢c O’Donovan bros., 221 Park av., Balti- more Agrarian Indian communities of highland Bolivia. McBride, G: M. pa 50c Oxford Agresti, Olivia Rossetti David Lubin; a study in practical idealism; [with a recollection of David Lubin by Wil- liam Roscoe Thayer]. O vi,372p $3.50 ’22 Little 22-23075 Agricola. Heitland, W: E. $16 Macmillan Agricultural administration : Handschin, W. F: and others. Horse and the tractors: palel2 Ce 2 eeUinivem OL ie Agricultural almanac. Baer, J:, sons. pa 12¢ John Baer’s sons, ine., 227 N. Cherry st., Lancaster, Pa. Agriculture, De- in subjects Agricultural and biological publications; aneres V. Piper, consulting editor. Mc- raw Garrier, L. Beginnings of agriculture in America. $3 Fernald, H: If. Applied entomology. $3.50 Gardner, V: R., and others. Fundamentals of fruit pro- duction. $4.50 Hayes, H. K., and Garber, R. J: Breeding crop plants. $3.50 Léhnis, F., and Fred, E. B. Textbook of agricultural bacteriology. $3 Mitchell, aN H: Text book of general physiology for col- Jeges. $6 Piper, C: V., and Morse, W: J. Soybean. $4 Sharp, L. W. Introduction to cytology. $4 Sinnott, E. W. Botany. Van Cleave, H. J. Invertebrate zoology. $3 Agricultural and industrial bacteriology. Bu- chanan, R. E. $3 Appleton Agricultural bacteriology. See Bacteriology, Agricultural Agricultural banks. See Agricultural credit Agricultural bloc. Capper, A. $1.25 Harcourt Agricultural botany. See Botany, Economic Agricultural chemistry Mahin, E: G., and Carr, R. H. Quantitative agricultural analysis. $2.75 ’23 McGraw Stoddart, C: W: Chemistry of agriculture. 2d ed $2.50 ’22 Lea Agricultural chemistry—Continued | Willaman, J: J. Vocational chemistry for stu- dents of agriculture and home economics. $1.75 '21 Lippincott See also Ammonia; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Fertilizers and manures; Milk—Anal- ysis; Nitrification; Phosphates; Soil bac- teriology; Soils Bibliography United States. Superintendent of documents. Agricultural chemistry, industrial alcohol, preservatives. 15th ed ’23 Supt. of doc. Agricultural clubs Farrell, G: E. Status and results of boys’ and girls’ club work. pa ‘21 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Oregon. Education, Department of, Salem. Club work of Oregon boys and girls, 1922. ’22 Seymour, H. C. Suggestions to club leaders, club series A. pa ’23 Oregon agric. college, Corvallis, Ore. ‘ United States. States relations service. ‘Or ganization and results of boys’ and girls’ club work, northern and western states, 1918-1920. pa ’20 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. See also Agricultural extension work; Ag- ricultural societies Agricultural colleges AKay ave AYE Statistics of agricultural mechanical colleges for 1919 and 1920. WS. Hduci:s5¢ Supt. of doc: : Massachusetts. General court. Joint special committee on county government. Report, January, 1922. ’22 Mass. Sec. of the common- wealth, Boston New York (state). University. New York state schools of agriculture, Alfred, Can- ton, Cobleskill, Delhi, Farmingdale, Morris- and ville. ’20 The university See also Agricultural education; Agricul- ture—Study and teaching Agricultural colonies California. State ‘and _ settlement board, a ents Report, September 30, 1920. pa Goldstein, P. R. Social aspects of the Jewish colonies of South Jersey. pa ’21 Univ. of Pa. Agricultural commerce. Huebner, G. G. $3 Ap- pleton Agricultural conference, Harrisburg, Pennsyl- vania, 1923 Report, February 20-21, 1923. (Bul., v. 6, no. 2.) © 42p '23 Pa. Dept. of agric., Harris- burg Agr23-1118 Agricultural cooperation. See Agriculture, Co- operative Agricultural cooperative credit associations United States. Federal farm loan bureau. How farmers may form a national farm loan association. ’22 The bureau Valgren, V:. N., and Engelbert, E. E. Credit association as an agency for rural short- time credit. ’21 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Agricultural credit Anderson, B: M. Agricultural credits and co- Cie Ee marketing. pa ’23 Chase national an Federal reserve bank of Minneapolis. Federal reserve bank and the farmer and stockman. 2d ed ’21 The bank, Minneapolis, Minn. Gray, L: C., and Turner, H. A. Buying farms with land-bank loans. ’21 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Meyer, E. Financing agriculture. pa ’22 War finance corporation, Treasury bldg., Wash- ington, D.C. Minneapolis. Federal reserve bank. Federal reserve bank and the farmer and stockman. 3d ed pa ’23 The bank, Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri. State board of agriculture, Jeffer- son City. Financing the farmer. ’21 Morman, J. B. Farm credits in the United States and Canada. $3.50 ’24 Macmillan Myrick, H. How to use the new Agricultural credits act of 1923. pa $1 ’23 Phelps pub. co., Springfield, Mass. ahd , 19 22% AGRICULTURAL Myrick, H. Rural credits system for the United States. $1 °22 Judd i United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on banking and currency. Agricultural credits. 2v ea 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on banking and currency. Rural credits. 5c 1235 Supt. .OLedoc. United States. Federal Farm loan primer. rev ed ’22 The bureau United States. Federal farm loan bureau. Killing off mortgages. rev ed ’21 The bureau United States. Federal farm loan bureau. Rulings and regulations of the Federal farm loan board to July 1, 1923, in matters per- taining to the Federal farm loan act. ’23 The bureau United States. Federal reserve board. Agri- cultural credit facilities under the Federal reserve act, Washington, D.C., August 22, 1923. ‘23 The board United States. Federal reserve board. Financ- ing the production and distribution of cot- farm loan bureau. ton. ’23 The board United States. Laws, statutes, ete. Agricul- tural credits act and amendments to Farm loan act and Federal reserve act. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. United States. Laws, statutes, ete. Amend- ments to the Federal farm loan act with comments and notes by the Farm loan board, November, 1923. pa ’23 U.S. Federal farm loan bur.; 50c Supt. of doc. United States. Laws, statutes, etc. Federal farm loan act, December, 1920. ’21 U.S. Fed- eral farm loan bur. Valgren, V: N., and Engelbert, E. E. Bank loans to farmers on personal and collateral security. ’22 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Valgren, V: N., and Engelbert, E. E. Farm mortgage loans by banks, insurance com- panies and other agencies. ’21 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Webb, R. Now, what about our banks? bds $1 722 Independent publisher Wiprud, A. C. Federal farm-loan system in operation. $2 ’21 Harper Wright, I. Bank credit and agriculture. $3 ’22 McGraw Wright, I. Farm mortgage financing. $3 ’23 McGraw Wright, I. Federal "22 Univ. of Ill. See niso Federal farm loan act farm loan system. Directories Farm mortgage bankers association of Ameri- ca. Directory of officers and members, Jan- uary, 1922. pa 10c ’22 The association, 112 W. Adams st., Chicago Agricultural economics, Foundations of. Venn, J: A. $5.25 Macmillan Agricultural economics, Introduction to. Gray, L. C. $2.40 Macmillan Agricultural education California. Commission on agricultural edu- cation, Sacramento. Report. ’ Georgia. State board for vocational educa- tion, Atlanta. Bulletin; agricultural educa- tional series no. 1-date. ’18-date Illinois. Board of vocational education, Spring- field. Special activities in agricultural edu- cation. ’22 Jarvis, C. D. Agricultural education. ’21 U.S. Educ.; 5c Supt. of doc. Pugsley, C: W: Relation of agricultural ed- ucation to farm organizations. ’23 U.S. ASTIC Oe LUD Or MdOG. United States. Federal board for vocational education. Effectiveness of vocational edu- cation in agriculture. pa '23 The board; 10c SUG OL aoc: United States. Federal board for vocational education. Principles underlying the dis- tribution of aid to vocational education in agriculture, bases of apportioning aid to local communities and limiting provisions under which aid is granted. pa ’23 The board; 15c Supt. of doc. United States. Federal board for vocational education. Supervised practice in agricul- ture. pa ’23 The board; 10c Supt. of doc. AGRICULTURAL Agricultural education—Continued Works, G: A. Agricultural education.. '23 U.S. Educ.; 5c Supt. of doc. See also Agricultural tural extension work; and teaching Agricultural engineering California. University. Division of vocational education. Farm mechanics for California "22. The university ‘ : H: Live stock and farm mechanics. $1.32 '22 Macmillan Ohio. Education, Department of, Columbus. Course of study in farm shop work for rural and village high schools. ’21 Popular mechanics handbook for farmers. $1 724 Popular mechanics press, 200 EH. Ontario st., Chicago Robb, B. B., and Behrends, F: G. Farm en- gineering. v 1 $2.50 ’24* Wiley Stewart, J: T. Engineering on the farm. $2.25 *23 Rand Struck, F. T. Construction and repair ‘work for the farm. $3.75; school ed $2.90 23 Houghton See also Agricultural machinery; Drain- age; Electricity on the farm; Irrigation Agricultural experiment stations Jardine, J. T. Rise, development, and value of the agricultural experiment station. ’22 Ore. Agric. exper. station, Corvallis New Hampshire. Agricultural experiment station. Digging up facts for New Hamp- shire farms. ’21 The station, Durham Porto Rico. Agriculture and labor, Depart- ment of. Annual report of the insular ex- periment station. pa ’21 The department Agricultural extension work Burritt, M. C. County agent and the farm bureau. $1.50 '22 Harcourt Lloyd, W: A. Extension program. in range livestock, dairying, and human _ nutrition for the western states. ’24 U.S. Agric.; 5e Supt. of doc: Mercier, W: B: Extension work among ne- groes 1920. ’21 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Mercier, W: B: Status and results of exten- sion work in the southern states, 1903-1921. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.; 10e¢ Supt. of doc. Wisconsin. University. College of agriculture. Extension service. First aid to farm profits; annual report.. ’23 The university See also Farm bureaus Agricultural graphics. Smedes, Univ. of N.C. Agricultural index; second three-year cumula- tion [sixth annual volume], 1919-1921; sub- ject index to a selected list of agricultural periodicals, books, and bulletins; ed. Florence A. Arnold. Q xxxiv,1226p buck ser- vice basis ’22 Wilson, H. W. —Same; seventh annual cumulation, 1922; sub- ject index to a selected list of agricultural periodicals, books and_ bulletins; ed. by Florence A. Arnold and Hazel L. Lewis. Q xxxviii,405p buck service basis ’23 Wil- colleges; Agricul- Agriculture—Study H. R. "pa $1 son, H. W. (17-8906) Agricultural labor George, M. D. English social life in the eighteenth century. $1.25 ’23 Macmillan Heitland, W: E. Agricola. $16 ’21 Macmillan International labor conference. 3d, Geneva, 1921. Technical survey of agricultural questions. 2 pts $3 World peace foundation International labor office, Geneva. Question- naire 1-5. 6v v 1 20c; v 2 50c; v 3-4 ea 20c; v 5-6 ea 10c ’21 World peace foundation International labor office, Geneva. Reports 1-8. See main entry Tater naa labor office, Geneva. Studies and reports, series K, Agriculture. 720-’ World peace foundation Et toh Lescohier, D. D. Harvest labor problems in the wheat belt. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.: pee pe gric.; 10c Supt. Oates, M. B., and Reynoldson, L. A. Stand- ards of labor on the hill farms of Louisi pa '21 U.S. Agric.; 10¢ Supt. of doc. Agricultural laws and legislation California. Laws, statutes, ete. Agricultural statutes of the state of California; corrected to November 1, 1921. ’22 Cal. Dept. of agric.. Sacramento Green, J: B. Law for the American farmer. $2.50 ’23 Macmillan Maine. Laws, statutes, ete. Laws of Maine re- lating to agriculture. ’22 Me. Dept. of agri- culture, Augusta Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws relating to the Department of agriculture. ’21 Mich. Dept. of agriculture, Lansing New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Farms and markets law, 1922. ’22 N.Y. (state). Dept. of farms and markets, Albany New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Man- ual of laws pertaining to the Department of farms and markets. ’21 N.Y. (state): Dept. of farms and markets, Albany Wisconsin. Agriculture, Department of, Mad- ison. Laws pertaining to the State de- partment of agriculture. ’22 See also Dairy laws; Drainage laws; Forestry laws and legislation; Irrigation laws; Live stock—Law Agricultural machinery Bennett, F. L. Manual in agriculture. pa 50c 22 Jee BE Olander: *co.) Prerre;y S:D: Crawshaw, F. D., and Lehmann, E. W. Farm mechanics. $2 ’22 Manual arts press Fowler, J: A. Agricuitural implements in the Netherlands East Indies and British Ma- laya Daw 22 40. Sia OTe. COM. COnim. Kranich, F. N. G. Farm equipment for me- chanical power. $2.75 ’23 Macmillan Martin, C: D. Sale of agricultural implements in foreign countries; future prospects. pa 22) Uc mare OL wasn COIs acon: Park, W: M. Agricultural machinery, imple- ments, and tractors, im the United King- dom. pa ’22 U.S. For. & dom. comm. Popular mechanics handbook for farmers. $1 24 Popular mechanics press, 200 E. Ontario st., Chicago Roehl, L: M. Farmer’s shop book. $3.25 ’23 Bruce pub. Scoates, D. Farm machinery laboratory man- ual. 5th ed pa ’23 The author, College Sta- tion, Tex. Steintorf, P. P. Japan as a market for Ameri- can agricultural implements and machinery. pa 223) 0 Seehorsac 00m comin: Struck, F. T. Construction and repair work for the farm. $3.75; school ed $2.90 °23 Houghton Tolley Hw Ra and, Church, 2M Manutac- ture and sale of farm equipment in 1920. 722 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Tractor and implement blue book, 1923. $1 ’23 Midland pub. co., 804 Pine st., St Louis United States. Census, Bureau of. Manu- facture and ‘sale of farm equipment: 1922. 2370.55) CENSUSE BOGE OUDLa.OLEGOG. United States. Foreign and domestic com- merce, Bureau of. Bringing American im- plement manufacturer and foreign customer together. ’23 The bureau Zwickel, E. M. German agricultural imple- ment industry and trade. pa ’23 U.S. For. & dom. comm. See also Farm engines;-Plows; Tractors Directories Farm implement news buyer’s guide, 1921: an- nual. 50c ’21 Farm implement news, 431 S. Dearborn st., Chicago Millard’s implement directory. 36th ed pa 50c ’22 Implement and tractor trade journal, 601 Graphie arts bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Repair Johnson, E. Care and repair of farm imple- ments. ’19 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Radebaugh, G. H. Standard mechanical prac- tices in repairing farm machinery and equipment. $2.75 ’23 Bruce pub. Struck, F. T. Construction and repair work for the farm. $3.75; school ed $2.90 ’23 Houghton Agricultural manual. Hopt, E., and Spafford. R. R: 60c Welch, W.M. 4 : Agricultural manual of New York state. New York (state). Farms and markets, Depart- ment of, Albany Agricultural organization in the United States, Wiest, E: $3.90 Univ. of Ky. Agricultural pests . Giinther, R. W: TT. Report on agricultural damage by vermin and birds in the coun- ties of Norfolk and Oxfordshire in 1916. pa $1 ’21 Oxford . Oregon. Agricultural experiment station, Corvallis. Third crop pest and horticultural report, 1915-1920. pa ’21 Wisconsin. Agriculture, Department of, Mad- ison. Control of insects and plant diseases. "21 See also Boll weevil; Fungi; Insects, In- jurious and beneficial; Trees—Diseases and pests; Weeds Agricultural physics ; f Faraday society, London. Physico-chemical problems relating to the soil. bds $3.25 ’22 Stechert See also Drainage; Soils Agricultural products Kramer, R. M. Transportation in relation to the export trade in agricultural products. Die On. eOlnse OOM ee COI. Murray, N. C., and others, comps. Imports and exports of agricultural products. ’23 GE SeeASTIC.s DCE SUDO doc: See jalso Cotton; Dairy products; products; Forest products; [Fruit Agricultural progress in western India. Kea- tinge, G. F. $2 Longmans Agricultural schools. See Agricultural colleges; Agricultural education; Agriculture—Study and teaching Agricultural science series; ed. by L. H. Bailey. Macmillan Lyon, T: L., and Buckman, H. O. Nature and properties of soils. $3.25 Agricultural societies Staples, M. H., ed. Challenge of agriculture. S12 eae le Gee Nea VLOrane wioso | Victoria. St., Toronto, Canada Wiest, E: Agricultural organization in the United States. $3.90 ’23 Univ. of Ky. See also Agricultural clubs; Farm bureaus Farm Directories Boston. Chamber of commerce. Directory of agricultural and affiliated organizations of New England, 1921. pa 25c ’21 Chamber of commerce, 177 Milk st., Boston (9) Stevenson’s official directory of Michigan farmers’ buying and shipping associations. pa $2.50 ’23 J. Stevenson & son, Adrian, Mich. Agricultural surveying and drainage laboratory manual. 8d ed Scoates, D. pa The author, College Station, Tex. Agriculture Agee, A. First steps Harper Allen, F: J. ingetarmins.) S150) *23 Studies of occupations in agri- culture, forestry, and animal industry. pa 40c ’21 Harvard univ. Armour and company. Armour's hand book of agriculture. pa gratis '21 Armour’s bur. of agricultural research and _ economics, Chicago Babbitt, S. D., and Wimberley, L. C:, eds. Essays on agriculture. $1.50 '21 Doubleday Baker, E., and others. Seedtime and harvest. '22 U.S. Agric.; 15c Supt. of doc. Benson, O. H., and Betts, G: H. Agriculture. 2d ed $1.25 ’21 Bobbs Davis, B: M. Principles of farm practice. $1.44 ’22 Heath ‘ Davis, K. C. New agriculture high schools. $1.80 ’23 Lippincott Davis, K. C. Productive farming. 5th ed rev and enl $1.28 ’22 Lippincott Doyle, K. D. Agriculture and irrigation in continental and tropical climates. $7.50 ’21 Dutton Duggar, J: F: Agriculture’ for schools. rev ed $1.20 ’23 Macmillan for southern 21 AGRICULTURE Hall, B. Three acres and liberty. 75c ’22 Mac- millan Hart, E: Our farm in Cedar Valley. bds $1.50 723 Chemical pub. Howell, J. P. Productivity of hill farming. pa 35c ’°23 Oxford Hutcheson, T: B., and Wolfe, T: K. Produc- tion of field crops. $3.50 '24 McGraw International correspondence schools. Farm and garden handbook. $1 ’22 Int. textbook International correspondence schools. Inter- national farmer’s handbook. $1 ’21 Winston (corr pub) Juve, O. A. Farm operations. ’23 U.S. Agric.; 5esSupt. wolidec: Kyle, E. J., and Ellis, A. C. Fundamentals of farming and farm life. rev ed $1.60 ’22 Scribner Lee, A. S. Agriculture; the facts condensed. pa 45c ’23 Condensed text bk. co. Waters, H: J. Elementary agriculture. $1 ’23 Ginn See also Bacteriology, Agricultural; Bees; Clearing of land; Crops and climate; Dairy- ing; Domestic animals and names of ani- mals; Drainage; Electricity on the farm; Farm buildings; Farm engines; Farm prod- uce; Feeding and feeding stuffs; Fertilizers and manures; Floriculture; Food supply; Forests and forestry; Fruit culture; Gar- dening; Grain; Greenhouses; Horticulture; Insects, Injurious and beneficial; Irrigation; Land; Land tenure; Live stock; Plant breeding; Seeds; Silage; Soils; Trees; Vege- table gardening; also headings beginning Agricultural and names of special products, e.g. Corn, Cotton, Wheat Accounting See Farm accounting Bibliography Agricultural index. See main entry Bailey, C. H. Romantic and historic back- ground of agriculture and plant study. pa met ’21 Riverside public library, Riversidé, al. Greathouse, C: H. Index to the yearbooks of the United States Department of agri- GultureM@19T1-191b2 pa, *22)".U.Se “Agric.; 25¢ Supt. of doc. Illinois. University. College of agriculture. List of books for the farmer’s library. ’22 The university Lantis, O. Books for a farmer’s library. 720 Ohio state univ. Mayes, J. Bulletin on free bulletins for the farmer. ’20 Missouri. State bd. of agric., Jef- ferson Citv Mayes, J. Most helpful books for the farm family. ’20 Missouri. State bd. of agric., Jefferson City United States. Superintendent of documents. Plants; culture of fruits, vegetables, grain, grasses, and seeds. 14th ed ’23 Supt. of doc. Congresses Agricultural conference, Harrisburg, Pennsyl- vania. Report, February 20-21, 1923. ’23 Pa. Dept. of agric., Harrisburg 4 National agricultural conference, Washington, D Gy 19220 Report, V22eGov.. pis: Dictionaries and encyclopedias Bailey, L. H., ed. Cyclopedia of farm crops. $6 ’22 Macmillan Directories Bailey, L. H. R. U. S. 2d ed $4 ’20 The au- thor, Ithaca, N.Y. Directory of agricultural and home economics leaders, United States and Canada. 5th ed $10 ’23 W. G. Wilson, 51 Chestnut st., Cam- bridge (39), Mass. United States. Agriculture, Department of. List of workers in subjects pertaining to agriculture. pts 1-2 pa '22 U.S. Agric.; 20c Supt. of doc. Economic aspects Bizzell, W: B. Farm tenantry in the United States!! 121 Text. agric: .Jexper. “station, College Station, Tex. AGRICULTURE 22 Agriculture—Economic aspects—Continued Periodicals Bogart, E. L. Economic history of American agriculture. $1.25 ’23 Longmans Burr, W. Rural organization. $2.25 '21 Mac- millan ; Cance, A. E. Agricultural industry and_re- sources of the United States. 4th rev ed pa 50c ’20 The author, Mass. agricultural col- lege, Amherst, Mass. Capper, A. Agricultural bloc. $1.25 ’22 Har- court ‘Chase, L. A. Rural Michigan. $2.50 ’22 Mac- millan Gray, L. C. Introduction to agricultural eco- nomics. $2.40 '24 Macmillan : Green, R. M. Cost and price tendencies on the farm. ’20 Mo. Agric. exper. station, Columbia : Heitland, W: E. Agricola. $16 '21 Macmillan Hibbard, B: H., and Black, J: D. Farm leasing systems in Wisconsin. ’20 Wis. Agric. exper. station, Madison Huebner, G. G. Agricultural commerce. new ed rev and enl $3 '24 Appleton i International labor office, Geneva. Studies and reports, series K, Agriculture. Tv ’20-’21 World peace foundation Irvine, H. D. Making of rural Europe. $2.50 ’23 Dutton : National Catholic war council. Committee on special activities. Co-operation among farmers and consumers. pa '20 The council Peek, G: N., and Johnson, H. S. Equality for agriculture. 2d ed pa 25c ’22 H. W. Harring- ton, Moline plow co., inc., Moline, Ill. : Porter, E. H. Constructive economic policies. 21 N.Y. (state). Dept. of farms and mar- kets, Albany Quick, H. Real trouble with the farmers. $2 724 Bobbs Sanderson, D. Farmer and his community. $1.25 ’22 Harcourt Thorne, C. Organized agriculture and its problems; production, transportation, marketing. pa gratis ’22 Ill. farmers’ inst., Springfield, Ill. United States. Congress. Joint commission of agricultural inquiry. Report. 4v ’21-22 Gov. ptg. Vance, R. Why farmers want high prices. pa ’23 Brookmire economic service, 25 W. AD thaStee Nae VIENT user At Foundations of agricultural economics. $5.25 ’23 Macmillan Wickson, E: J. Rural California. $2.50 ’23 Mac- millan Woods, K. S. Rural industries round Oxford. pa $3.40 ’21 Oxford See also Agriculture, Cooperative; Coun- try life; Farm life; Farm management; Farm produce—Marketing; Farm tenancy; Land tenure; Marketing, Cooperative Bibliography’ Schmidt, L: B. Topical studies and references on the economic history of American agri- culture. rev ed bds $1.50 ’23 McKinley pub. . . Experimentation King, C. J. Crop tests at the Cooperative testing Bstationl pa we2o sas eA criceelL0c Supt. of doc. Stadler, L. J: Experiments in field plot technic for the preliminary determination of com- parative yields in the small grains. pa gratis *21 Univ. of Mo. History Carrier, L. Beginnings of agriculture’ in America. $3 '23 McGraw Orr, J: Short history of British agriculture. $1 ’22 Oxford Juvenile literature O’Kane, W. C. Jim and Peggy at Apple-to farm. $1.75 ’23 Macmillan 3 : Laboratory manuals Hopt, E., and Spafford, R. R: Agricultural manual. 60c ’24 Welsh, W. M. Hopt, E., and Spafford, R. R. Laboratory ex- ercises in principles of agriculture combined with loose leaf record. 5th ed pa 60c '16 Welsh, W. M. Rogers, C: E. Stories farm paper. editors want. pa ’21 Kan. State agric. college, Manhattan Tennessee extension review, v. 1-date. '18- date Univ. of Tenn. Bibliooraphy United States. Agriculture, Department of. Library. List of serials currently received, exclusive of United States government publications and publications of the state agricultural colleges and experiment sta- tions. pa '’22 U.S. Agric.; 25c Supt. of doc. Societies National association of commissioners, secre- taries and departments of agriculture. Re- port of the sixth annual meeting, December 1-2, 1920. pa The association, Madison, Wis. Statistics Andrews, F., comp. Handbook of foreign agricultural statistics. pa '21 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Gist, F. W. Statistical method in agriculture. ’23 Ala. Dept. of educ., Montgomery Illinois. University. Department of agronomy. 1920 wheat, oats, and corn yields from soil experiment fields in Illinois. ’21 Univ. of Ill. Missouri. State board of agriculture, Jefferson City. Why and the how of farmer-made crop reporting. ’20 Murray, N. C., and others, comps. Miscel- laneous agricultural statistics, 1922. pa ’23 USS Agriecsinl0c Supt. vofdoc! Smedes, H. R. Agricultural graphics. pa $1 V2 om LI DEV ca Ot Nk es United States. Agricultural economics, Bureau of. Crop and _ live-stock estimates, 1910- 1922. pa "23 U.S. Agric.. 5¢ Supt? of doc: United States. Agricultural economics, Bureau of. Report, effected July 1, 1922. ’23 U.S. Agric. United States. Agriculture, Department of. Weather, crops and markets [weekly]. U.S. Agric. United States. Census, Bureau of. Fourteenth census: agriculture; bulletins. See author entry West, C. J. Market statistics. pa ’21 U.S. Agric.; 30c Supt. of doc. See also Crops Study and teaching Alabama. Education, Department of, Mont- gomery. Rules and regulations, courses of study, adopted text books for state sec- ondary agricultural schools authorized by the State board of education. ’ Alabama. Education, Department of, Mont- gomery. Teaching field crops and horticul- VULesmae California. Agricultural experiment station. Outlines of course of instruction in agri- cultural nature study for the rural schools of _California. 723. Univ. of Cal: Colvin, C. Home project in vocational agri- culture. ’22 Ill. Bd. for vocational educ., Springfield Colvin, C. State program in agricultural edu- cation for high schools. ’22 Ill. Bd. for voca- tional education, Springfield Colvin, C., and Stevenson, J: A. Farm pro- jects. $1.20 ’22 Macmillan Dadisman, S: H. Methods of teaching voca- tional agriculture in secondary schools. $2 ’21 Badger, R. G. Duggar, J: F: Teachers’ handbook to accom- pany Agriculture for southern schools. rev ed pa 40c ’23 Macmillan Eaton, T. H. Vocational education in farm- ing occupations. $2 '23 Lippincott Gaines, V: C. Job analysis applied to the Lvchine of vocational agriculture. ’22 Univ. (0) al. Getman, A. K., and others. Home project. ’20 Univ. of the state of N.Y. Gist, F. W. Statistical method in agriculture. 723 Ala. Dept. of educ., Montgomery Guilbeau, P. L. Year’s work in vocational] agriculture plant production. pa ‘19 La, Dept. of education, Baton Rouge Agriculture—Study and teaching—Continued Illinois. Board for vocational education, Springfield. Summary record of project vo- cational agriculture. pa ’20 Indiana. Public instruction, Department of. Vocational division, Indianapolis. Club and vocational training in farming and home- making in Fountain county. ’22 Missouri. Education, Department of, Jeffer- son City. Plant production. ’20 National education association of the United States. Commission on the reorganization of secondary education. Agriculture’ in secondary schools. pa '21 The association New York (state). University. Division of vocational and extension education. High school departments of vocational agricul- ture. ‘23 The university Nolan, A. W. Project in education with special reference to teaching agriculture. pa ’23 Univ. of Il. Ohio. Education, Department of. Agriculture in Ohio elementary schools. ’19 Ohio. State dept. of public instruction, Columbus Oregon. Education, Department of, Salem. Manual and outline for the teaching of agri- AM ie in the elementary schools of Oregon. 722 Pennsylvania. Public instruction, Department of, Harrisburg. Courses of study in agri- culture. ’23 South Dakota. Public instruction, Depart- ment of, Pierre. Vocational agriculture in South Dakota operating under Smith- Hughes law. ’22 United States. Federal board for vocational education. Rooms and equipment for the teaching of vocational agriculture in secondary schools. pa ’23 The board; 10c Supt. of doc. United States boys’ working reserve. Farm craft lessons. pa 10c ’18 U.S. boys’ working reserve, 120 W. Adams st., Chicago Windes, E. E. Objectives in elementary rural school agriculture. ’23 U.S. Educ.; 5c Supt. Ofedoc: Windes, KE. E. Plan for the organization of a county system of agricultural instruction in elementary rural schools. ’22 U.S. Educ. See also Agricultural colleges; Agricul- tural education Tables Ropp, C. Ropp’s farmers reckoner. 50c '19 C. Ropp & sons, 202 S. Clark st., Chicago Africa Shantz, H. L., and Marbut, C. F. Vegetation and soils of Africa. $5 ’23 Am. geographical soc. Alabama Harper, R. M. Farm incomes in the black belt and other parts of Alabama in relation to soil fertility. 10c '21 The author, Univer- sity, Ala. ' Alaska Bennett, H. H. Report on a reconnaissance of the soils, agriculture, and other resources of the Kenai Peninsula region of Alaska. pa ’19 U.S. Agric.; 25c Supt. of doc. Georgeson, C: C. Information for prospective Settlers in Alaska. pa 10c ’23 Supt. of doc. Alberta Alberta. Agriculture, Department of. Al- berta: a survey of the topography, climate, resources, industries, transportation and communication, and institutional services of the province of Alberta. ’19 The depart- ment, Edmonton Bolivia McBride, G: M. Agrarian Indian communities of highland Bolivia. pa 50c ’21 Oxford California 23 Adams, R: L. Farm management notes (for. California). cthed. $a). 21). Univ: of Cal: California. Agriculture, Department of, Sac- ramento. Annual report, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. ’20 California. Agriculture, Department of, Sacra- mento. California crop report, 1921. ’22 AGRICULTURE California. University. College of agriculture. Agricultural extension service. Agricultural ee service handbook. '21 Univ. of al. Wickson, E: J. Rural California. $2.50 ‘23 Mac- millan Canada Bracken, J: Crop production in western Can- ada. $3 ’20 Grain growers’ guide, Itd., Winnipeg, Canada Bracken, J: Dry farming in western Canada. $3 ’21 Grain growers’ guide, ltd., Winnipeg, Canada China Lee, M. P. Economic history of China. $5.25; pa $4.50 ’21 Longmans Colorado Nuckols, S: B., and Summers, T: H: Farm practice in growing field crops in three sugar-beet districts of Colorado. pa ’21 U.S. Agric.; 20c Supt. of doc. Czechoslovak Republic International labor office, Geneva. Eight-hour day act and its application to agriculture in Czecho-Slovakia. 50c World peace founda- tion Egypt Rostovtzeff, M. I. Large estate in Egypt in the 3d century B. C. pa $2 ’22 Univ. of Wis. Florida Florida. Agriculture, Department of, Tallahas- see, Sixteenth biennial report, 1919-1920 Georgia Dixon, H. M., and Hawthorne, H. W. Eco- nomic study of farming in Sumter county, Sona Dane Lian Use ASriC. #10C, Supt. OF oc. Harper, R. M. Development of agriculture in Georgia, from 1850 to 1920. 4 pts pa $1 ’23 The author, University, Ala. Hawthorne, H. W., and others. Farm man- agement and farm organization in Sumter county, Georgia. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.; 20c Supt. of doc. Great Britain Ernle, R. E. P. English farming. 3d ed $4 ’22 Longmans Hobson, J: A., and others. Some aspects of recent British economics. bds $1.50 ’23 Univ. of Chicago press Howell, J: P. Economic survey of a rural parish. pa 35c ’23 Oxford Orr, J: Short history of. Lritish agriculture. $1 ’22 Oxford Venn, J: A. Foundations of agricultural eco- nomics. $5.25 ’23 Macmillan Greece Hopkins, C. G: How Greece can produce more food. '22 Univ. of Ill. Guam Briggs, G. N. Leguminous crops for Guam. pa ?22. U.S) Agric.; 10c. Supt.,of doe: Briggs, G. N. Sorghums in Guam. pa. ’22 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Iinois Conference on Illinois agricultural policy, Urbana, Illinois. Papers presented at a Con- ference on [Illinois agricultural policy, January 26-27, 1922. pa 50c ’22 Univ. of Tl. Illinois. Farm commission, Springfield. Report to the governor. pa ’ ’ Illinois. University. Division of applied chem- istry. Potash shales of Illinois. ’21 Univ. of Til. india Higginbottom, S. Gospel and the plow. bds $1.25 °21 Macmillan Keatinge, G. F. Agricultural progress in western India. $2 ’21 Longmans Mann, H. H., and Kanitkar, N. V. Land and labour in a Deccan village, study no. 2. $3 ’22 Oxford AGRICULTURE Agriculture—Continued Kentucky Kentucky. Agriculture, labor and _ statistics, ‘Bureau of, Frankfort. Twenty-third bien- nial report for 1918-1919. ’19 Maine Maine. Commissioner of agriculture, Au- gusta. Fifteenth annual report of the state of Maine, 1916. ’17 Michigan Chase, L. A. Rural Michigan. $2.50 ’22 Mac- millan Minnesota Minnesota state agricultural society. Annual reports for the years 1921-1922. 2v "21- 22 The society, T. H. Canfield, see., Hamline, Minn. Worsham, C. G., and Boss, A. Farm develop- ment studies in northern Minnesota. 722 Minn. Agric. exper. station, St Paul Mississippi Southern alluvial land association. Yazoo- Mississippi delta. pa gratis ’20 The associa- tion, Memphis, Tenn. Missourl Dixon, H. M., and Purdom, J. M. Farm man- agement in the Ozark region of Missouri. pa ’21 U.S. Agric.; 15c Supt. of doc. Mayes, J.. ccmp. For more profitable farm- ing in Missouri. ’20 Mo. State bd. of agric., Jefferson City Mumford, F: B. Century of Missouri agri- culture. pa 50c ’21 State hist. soc. of Mo., Columbia, Mo. Montana Montana. Agriculture and publicity, Depart- ment of, Helena. Resources of Montana. ’20 Nebraska Nebraska. Agriculture, Department of", Lincoln. Annual report for the years 1920-21. 774i | Nebraska. Agriculture, Department of, Lin- coln. Biennial report, 1919-20. ’21 New Hampshire New Hampshire. Agriculture, Department of, Concord. Report for the two years ending August 31, 1920. ’21 New Mexico Ellison, E. N. Desert and the rose. $1.75 ’21 Cornhill New York (state) New York (state). Farms and markets, Department of, Albany. Agricultural man- ual of New York state. ‘22 New York state college’ of agriculture. Thirty-second annual report of the New York state college of agriculture at Cor- nell university and of the Agricultural ex- periment station, 1919. 2v ’20 The college, Pthaca: ive * North Carolina Johnson, J. M., and Strait, E. D. Farm man- agement in Catawba county, North Caro- lina. ’22 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Northwest Rich, J: H. Economic position of agriculture in the northwestern grain raising areas. 2d ed pa_ gratis Federal reserve bank, Minneapolis, Minn. Rich, J: Problems of the northwest farmer. "23 Federal reserve bank, Minne- apolis,. Minn. Ontario : Pay Staples, M. H., ed. Challenge of agriculture. $1.25 ’21 G. N. Morang, 386 Victoria st., Toronto, Canada Pennsylvania Pennsylvania state chamber of commerce. Agricultural bureau. Development of agri- culture as an industry in Pennsylvania. pa ‘19 The. chamber of commerce, Harrisburg Pennsylvania state college. Annual report for - the year 1916-1917. 2 pts ’19 The college. State College, Pa. Porto Rico United States. Census, Bureau of. Censo déci- mocuarto de los Estados Unidos: 1920; Boletin; agricultura; Puerto Rico. ’21 The bureau Rome Heitland, W: E. Agricola. $16 ’21 Macmil- lan South Dakota South Dakota. Agriculture, Department of, Pierre. First biennial report for the period ending June 30th, 1922. '22 South Dakota. State tax commission, Pierre. oui Dakota agricultural statistics, 1920. Southern states Southern alluvial land association. West side delta. pa gratis ’20 The association, Mem- phis, Tenn. Southwestern states Wooton, E. O. Relation of land tenure to the use of the arid grazing lands of the south- western states. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.; 15c Supt. of doc. Texas Bigzell, W: B. Rural Texas. $2.50 ’24 Mac- miliian Rothgeb, B. E. Cultural experiments with grain sorghums in the Texas Panhandle. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Sanders, J. ‘: Farm ownership and tenancy in the Black Prairie of Texas. pa ’22 U.S. Agric); 10c8 Supteroldocas. United States. Census, Bureau of. Four- teenth census of the United States, 1920: bulletin; agriculture; Texas. ’21 The bureau Yantis, R. E. Farm acreages, values, owner- ship and tenancy. ’22 Tex. Dept. of agric., Austin United States Baker, O. E. Graphic summary of American is debe pa’ 22> US. Agric: 206 sup OL eOOC! Bogart, E. L. Economic history of American agriculture. $1.25 ’23 Longmans Carrier, L. Beginnings of agriculture in America. $3 ’23 McGraw Montgomery, E: G. Productive farm crops. 3d ed rev $2.50 ’22 Lippincott . Spillman, W: J. Distribution of types of farm- ing in the United States. ’23 U.S. Agric.; 5e Supt. of doc. United States. Agriculture, Department of. Yearbook 1921. °22 U:S Agric:; $1.25) Supt. of doc. United States. Census, Bureau of. Four- teenth census of the United States: 1920; Bulletins; agriculture. See main entry United States. Census, Bureau of. Four- teenth census of the United States taken in the year 1920; agriculture: summary. ’22 The bureau United States. Congress. Joint commission of per cat inquiry. Report. 4v ’21-’22 Gov. ptg. United States. President. Address on agri-’ culture to be delivered at Hutchinson, Kansas, June 238, 1923. Gov. ptg. Wiest, E: Agricultural organization in the United States. $3.90 ’23 Univ. of Ky. Wilson, A. D., and Warburton, C. W: Field crops. new ed $1.80 ’23 Webb Bibliography Schmidt, L: B. Topical studies and referen- ces on the economic history of American agriculture. rev ed bds $1.50 ’23 McKinley pub. United States. Superintendent of documents. Farmers’ bulletins. 18th ed ’23 Supt. of doc. Utah Brossard, E. B. Some types of irrigation farm- ing in Utah. pa ’20 Utah agric. college exper. station, Logan Agriculture—Continued Harris, F. yw Agriculture of aUitahiwe pas!’ 21 Utah. Agric. exper. station, Logan Harris, F. S., and Butt, N. 1. Thirty years of agricultural experiments in Utah. pa *21 Utah. Agric. exper. station, Logan Utah. Agriculture, Board of, Salt Lake City. First biennial report. ’23 Vermont — Vermont. Commissioner of agriculture, Mont- pelier. Hleventh biennial report of the Com- missioner of agriculture and the _ state eprater of the state of Vermont, 1920-1922. Virginia Wysor, W. G. Field crop handbook. pa ’22 Va. agric. and mechanical college, Blacks- burg, Va. West Virginia West Virginia. Agriculture, Department of, Charlestown. Fifth biennial report, 1921- 1922. ’23 Wisconsin Schafer, J. History of agriculture in Wiscon- sin. buck $2 ’23 State hist. soc. of Wis., Madison Wisconsin. Agriculture, Department of, Mad- ison. Wisconsin agricultural statistics for 1920. ’21 Wisconsin. Agricultural experiment station, Madison. Farming the silt loams of central Wisconsin. ’22 Agriculture, Cooperative Barrett, C: S. Uncle Reuben in Washington. $2 ’23 Farmers national pub. co., ine., 1731 Eye st., Washington, D.C i Cook, O. F. One-variety cotton communities. Dawe cou USP ALlic.. L0G) SUpDL.. Of] doc. Dillon, J: J. Organized co-operation. $1 ’23 Rural New-Yorker, 333 W. 30th st., N.Y. Kenkel, J. B. Cooperative elevator movement. Mees Catnouncouniv.: Of Am: Kile, O. M. Farm bureau movement. $2 ’21 Macmillan New York (state). Farms and markets, De- partment of, Albany. List of cooperative associations in New York state, giving laws under which organized and status of organ- izations on January 1, 1923. ’23 Plunkett, H. C. Oxford and the rural problem. pa45e. 21) Oxford ‘ Price, H. B. Farmers’ co-operation in Min- nesota, 1917-1922. ’283 Minn. Agric. exper. station, St Paul Sherlock, C. C. Modern farm cooperative move- ment. $2 ’22 Homestead co. Spillman, W: J. Farmer control of farm enone ’21 Mo. State bd. of agric., Jefferson ity Stevenson’s official directory of Michigan farmers’ buying and shipping associations. pe. Pbk 23 J. Stevenson ‘& son, Adrian, ich. Wisconsin. Agricultural experiment station, Madison. Marketing by cooperative sales companies. ’23 See also Agricultural credit; Farm produce —Marketing; Farmers’ associations; Mar- keting, Cooperative f Aguilera, Francisco. See Whitman, F: W., jt. - auth. A-gypsying. Mezquida, A. B. pa $1.25 M. Cloyd, 215 Leidesdorff st., San Francisco Ahern, Albert M., 1880- Fur facts; il. by Charles Livingston Bull. O 304p $1.25 ’22 I'unsten bros. & co., Beware Ahimaaz Chronicle of Ahimaaz: tr. with an introd. and notes by Marcus Salzman. (Columbia univ. Oriental studies, v. 18) O ix,106,24p $2 ’24 Columbia univ. press Ah-Ling of Peking. Harriman, M. $1.50 Doran Ahl, Augustus William Bible studies in the light of recent research; an introductory manual for higher institu- tions of learning and thoughtful Bible stu- dents. D 312p $2.50 ’23 Lemcke [13s SO ETTAN » AIKEN Outline of Persian history based on cuneiform inscriptions. (Studies in philology and his- tory) D 129p il $1.75 ’22 Lemcke [8s 6d Luzac] 22-15319 Ahles, Inez M. See Chamberlayne, E. F., jt. comp. Ahlquist, John Everett How to make money; make money by mak- Ing your money make more money. O 42p pa 50c ’22 The author, 539 W. 142d st., N.Y. 23-5123 Ahn, Franz i.e. Johann Franz, 1796-1865 Ahn’s new American interpreter; Ahn’s neuer amerikanischer dolmetscher, fiir deutsche; zum erlernen der englischen sprache ohne lehrer. D xlvi,279p $1; pa 75c ’23 Steiger 23-16078 New theoretical- practical method for Italians to learn English; 22d ed., by N. Genzardi. D 664p $3.25 ’22 Caspar Ahrons, Ernest Leopold, 1866- Steam engine valves and valve gears; de- scribing the function, construction and oper- ation of valves and valve gears, and the construction and use of valve diagrams, for students, engine-drivers, fitters and others. (Pitman’s technical primer ser., 30) S x,112p iesoGu (25060 aeal a eitman 23-734 Steam locomotive construction and mainte- nance, describing workshop equipment and practice in the constructio of modern steam railway locomotives, with notes on inspection, testing, maintenance and _ re- pairs. (Pitman’s technical primers, 12) S x,134p il bds $1 (2s 6d) ’21 Pitman 21-21393 Steam railway locomotive, explaining the component parts and method of working of modern steam railway locomotives. (Pit- man’s technical primers, 1) S ix,114p il bds $1 (2s 6d) ’20 Pitman 21-11336 Aid in the study of grammar for junior high school. Foss, H. pa 35c The author, 725 Park av., Dunkirk, N.Y. Aid-to-mothers law in Illinois, Administration of the. United States. Children’s bureau. pa U. S. Children’s bur.; 15c Supt. of doc. Aida. Verdi, G. 35c Barse & Hopkins Alds to chemistry. 9th ed Partridge, W: $2 Wood Aids to dental anatomy and physiology. 4th ed Underwood, A. S. $1.75 Wood Aids to dental surgery. 3d ed Gabell, $1.75 Wood Aids to diseases of children. 5th ed McCaw, J: $2 Wood Aids to electro-therapeutics. $1.75 Wood Aids to geographical research. Wright, J: K. $3.50 Am, geographical soc. Aids to gynecology. 6th ed Tottenham, R: E, $1.50 Wood Aids to medicine. 3d ed Hudson, B. $2 Wood Aids to operative dentistry. Jamieson, J. D. H. $1.50 Wood Aids to operative surgery. Orrin, H. C: $1.75 Wood Aids to ophthalmology. 6th ed Harman, N. B. $1.75 Wood Aids to organotheraphy. Cobb, I. G. $1.75 Wood Aids to practical pathology. Griffin, F. W. W., and Thompson, W. F. M. $1.50 Wood Aids to tropical hygiene. 2d ed Blackham, R. J: $1.75 Wood Aiken, Charlotte Rankin ; Millinery. (Merchandise manual ser.) D_ xix, iD) ae Redding. J. M. 188p il $1.25 ’22 Ronald 22-14269 Aiken, Conrad Potter, 1889- Charnel rose; Senlin, a biography. new ed D 112p $2 ’22 Four seas Pilgrimage of Festus [verse]. O 75p bds $1.75 "23 Knopf [5s Secker] 23-11507 Priapus and the pool [verse]. O 67p bds_ $2.50 ‘go Ditnster house bookshop 22-5616 AIKEN Aiken, Ednah (Robinson) (Mrs Charles Sedg- wick Aiken) 1872- Hinges of custom. D viii,385p $2 ’23 eats If today be sweet. D 272p $2 ’23 Dodd 23-15160 Aikens, Charlotte Albina, 1868- Home nurse’s handbook of practical nurs- ing. 3d rev ed O 3814p il $2 ’22 Saunders 23-5533 Primary studies for nurses; a text-book for first year pupil nurses, containing courses of studies in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, hygiene, bacteriology, therapeutics and materia medica, dietetics, and invalid cook- ery. 5th ed rev O 545p il $2.25 ’23 Saunders 23-11842 Studies in ethics 400 nurses. 2d ed rev O 327p $2.50 ’23 Saunders 23-13040 Aikin, Wilford Merton, 1882-. See Rankin, T: E., jt. auth. Aikins, Ruth Smiling princess [poem]; with il. by Mildred Boyle. O 31p bds $1.50 ’22 Norcross, 315 5th Ave mNe ys 22-15403 Aikman, Henry G., pseud. See Armstrong, H. lab. Ailred of Rievaulx. See Aelred, Saint Ainslee, Peter, 1867- Ten lessons on how to train the devotional life. (Standard teacher training course, unit 4) ’21 Christian bd. Ainslie, Douglas, 1865- Adventures social and literary. O 13-291p il $7 ’22 Dutton [21s Unwin] 24-3098 (tr.) See Croce, B. Aesthetic as science of ex- pression and general linguistic; History; Poetry of Dante Ainslie, George Gooding, 1886- Webworms injurious to cereal and forage crops and their control. (Farmer’s bul. £258) (0 AGp il, 222U5S. Agric oC SUDO! doc. Agr22-635 —and Cartwright, W: B. Biology of the lotus borer (pyrausta penitalis Grote). (Bul. no. 1076. Professional paper) O 4 il 22 See Acrics ee bGa SU piemolmcdoc Agyr22-778 Ainsworth, Mrs Carrie (Gilbert) Following the conquerors; the story of the Caribbean sea; with an introduction. (Lake- side ser. of English readings. Ocean stories) D 5-94p il 48c ’22 Ainsworth 22-4318 Japan of today; its people, its customs, its re- sources; the mandate islands of Japan with an introduction. (Lakeside ser. of English readings. Ocean stories) D 64p il pa 18e ’22 Ainsworth 22-14371 A ee volume supplements and follows A trip to the Tien Trip to the Orient; a voyage on the steamer Ecuador, Honolulu, among islands of the Pacific, the mandate islands of Japan; with an introduction. (Lakeside ser. of English readings. Ocean stories) D 95p il 48c ’22 Ainsworth 22-4845 Ainsworth, David (ed.) Curiosities of matrimony; cover design and decorations by William J. Moll. D 78p il bds $1.25; 3%, mor $6 ’22 Stewart I ae Ain’t Angie awful. Burgess, G. bds $1 Dorrance Air See also Aeronautics; Compressed air; Meteorology; Ventilation Analysis Fieldner, A. C., and others. Sugar-tube meth- od of determining rock dust in air. pa ’21 U.S. Mines; 10c Supt. of doc. McLennan, J: C., and Elworthy, R. T: Use of the Jamin interferometer for the estima- tion of small amounts of helium or hydro- gen in air. ’20 Univ. of Toronto Air. See Asken Air, Compressed. See Compressed air Air and its ways. Shaw, N. $10.50 Macmillan Air-bladder (in fishes) Taylor, H. F. Deductions concerning the air bladder and the specific gravity of fishes. 722 U.S. Fisheries; 5c Supt. of doc. Air brake association Questions and answers on the U. C. equip- ment, 1921. D 72p il bds 50c ’20 The asso- ciation, 165 Broadway, N.Y. Air brakes Air brake association. Questions and answers on the U. C. equipment, 1921. bds 50c ’20 The association, 165 Broadway, N.Y. Brotherhood railway carmen of America. Trade educational bureau. Brake rigging facts. pa 50c ’21 Brotherhood railway car- La of Am., 522 Hall bldg., Kansas City, Oo. International correspondence schools. Inter- national Westinghouse air-brake handbook. $1 ’21 Winston (corr pub) United States. Interstate commerce commis- sion. Bureau of safety. Tests of the auto- matic straight air brake on the Norfolk & Western railway, July, 1923. ’23 The com- mission Westinghouse air brake company. Principles and design of foundation brake rigging. bds $1 ’21 Air brake assn., Nellis, sec., room 3014, 165 Broadway, N.Y. Air compressors Lamb, J: Questions and answers relating to Diesel, semi-Diesel and other internal com- bustion engines, air compressors, ete. $2.50 722 Lippincott Ordway, E. P., comp. Union engineering handbook; pumping machinery, air com- pressors, condensers. lea ’21 Union steam pump co., Battle Creek, Mich. See also Compressed air Air ports (aviation terminals). landing stations Air pumps Buckingham, E. Rate of exhaustion of a closed tank by a reciprocating air pump. 22 US. SLANG soe moult. sOLMmdoG Air speed indicators, Altitude effect on. Hersey, M. D., and others. pa 10c.Supt. of doc. Air-steam mixtures, Study of. Wilson, L. A., and Richards, C: R. pa 75c Univ. of Ill. Air supply to boiler rooms of modern ships of war. 2d ed Allen, R: W: $15 Lippincott Aircraft Judge, A. W: Aircraft and automobile ma- terials of construction. v 2 $9 Pitman See also Airplanes; Airships Aircraft handbook. 2d ed Colvin, F. H. and H: F. $4 McGraw Aircraft year books, 1922-1923. 2v 250;850p 1922 $3; 1923 $4.25 ’22-’23 Aeronautical chamber of commerce of Am., 501 5th av., N.Y. [ea 6s Low] [23-14186] Airedale terriers Baker, W: E. Airedale terrier standard simpli- fied. 4th ed pa $1 '21 Field and fancy pub. corp., 205 W. 34th st., N.Y. Hochwalt, Ace BY Airedale. S51 5b0s) Dao lea Sportsmen’s digest Airlie, Mabell Frances Elizabeth (Gore) Ogilvy, countess of, 1866- Lady Palmerston and her times. oy On 22 200p $7.50 ’23 Doran [30s Hodder & S.] [23-11770] Airliner and its inventor. Faunce, C. Q. $2 Rock- castel pub. co.. 20 E. Gay st., Columbus, O. Airman’s wife. See Bond, Mrs A. My airman over there Airplane engines Angle, G. D. Airplane engine encyclopedia. buck $7.50 ’21 Airplane engine encyclopedia co., 930 Reibold bldg., Dayton, Buckingham, E. Jet propulsion for airplanes. KGa Zon UDC. OLnGaoc Cautley, J: R., ed. Wright aircraft engines. $5 ’21 Wright aeronautical corporation, Paterson, N.J. Dickinson, H. C. High-speed engine pressure indicator of the balanced diaphragm type. 5e ’21 Supt. of doc. See Aviation Diehl, W. S. Engine performance and the determination of absolute ceiling. 5c ’23 Supt: “of (doc: : , Hallett, G: E. A. Airplane motors. ’18 Gov. pte. Airplane engines—Continued Harper, (D.R.; ‘and Brown, W: B. Mathe- matical equations for heat conductions in the fins of air-cooled engines. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Marks, L. S. Airplane engine. $6 '22 McGraw Sparrow, S. W. Performance of B. M. W. 185- oa oe airplane engine. 5c ’22 Supt. of oc. Sparrow, S. W. Performance of Maybach 300- horsepower airplane engine. 5c ’22 Supt. of oc. United States. Air service (War department). New types of American motors. 5c ’20 Supt. of doc. Wallace, J: Design of aeroplane engines. $6 720 Van Nostrand See also Spark plugs Fuel United States. Advisory committee for aero- nautics. Power characteristics of fuels for aircraft engines. ’20 The committee Lubrication United States. Air service (War department). Lubrication for airplane engines. 5c ‘719 Supt. of doc. Radiators Parsons, S: R., and Harper, D. R. Radiators LOR AIrCralt Men Ines, espa con Woes SLAC. 50c Supt. of doc. Airplane landing fields. stations Airpiane motors. See Airplane engines Airplane photography. See Photography, Aerial Airplane propellers Diehl, W. S. General efficiency curve for air propellers. 5c *23 Supt. of doc. Diehl, W. S. Relative efficiency of direct and ee drive propellers. 5c ’23 Supt. of oc. Durand, W: F:, and Lesley, E. P. Experi- mental research on air propellers, 5. pa 15c 2a Supt. Ol aoc: Durand, W: F:, and Lesley, E.. P. Tests on on propellers in yaw. pa 10c ’21 Supt. of oc. Heim, A. L., and others. Internal stresses in laminated construction. pa 10c ’22 Supt. of doc. Munk, M. M. Analysis of W. F. Durand’s and HE. P. Lesley’s propeller tests. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Airplanes Bacon, D: L. Distribution of lift over wing tips and ailerons. pa 10c ’23 Supt. of doc. Bacon, D: L. Preliminary experiments to de- termine scale and slip stream effects on a 1/24th size model of a JN4H biplane. 5c ’21 Supt. of doc. See Aviation landing Boyce, J: S. Decays and discolorations in airplane woods. pa ‘23 U.S. Agric.; 20c Supt. of doc. _Carroll, T: Study of taking and landing an airplane. 5c ’22 Supt. of doc. Coad, B. R., and others. Dusting cotton from airplanes. pa '24 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Collins, F. A. Boys’ book of model aero- planes. rev and _enl ed $2 ’21 Century Colvin, F. H. and H: F. Aircraft handbook. 2d ed $4 ’21 McGraw Faunce, C. Q. Airliner and its inventor. $2 ’21 Rockcastel pub. co., 20 E. Gay st., Colum- bus, O. Hoff, W. Analysis of stresses in German air- Dlanes., pa 15c *22 Supt. of doc. Munk, M. M. General biplane theory. pa 10c "22 Supt. of doc. Munk, M. M. General theory of thin wing sec- tions. 5c ’22 Supt. of doc. “Capea M. M. Tail plane. pa 10c ’22 Supt. of oc. Norton, F: H. Measurement of the damping a roll on a JN4h in flight. 5c ’23 Supt. of oc. Norton, FF: H. Practical stability and _ con- trollability of airplanes. 5c ’21 Supt. of doc. AITCHISON | Norton, F: H., and Bacon, D: L. Pressure distribution over the horizontal tail surfaces of an airplane. 2v pa 15c ’21 Supt. of doc. Norton, F: H., and Brown, :W: G. Complete study of the longitudinal oscillation of a VE-7 airplane. 5c ’23 Supt. of doc. Norton, F: H. and Brown, W: G. Controlla- bility and maneuverability of airplanes. 5c "21 Supt. of doc. Reid, H: J: E: Study of airplane maneuvers with special reference to angular velocities. Seu eS UDts Ol aoc. Travelers insurance company. Airplanes and safety. pa gratis ’21 The company, Hart- ford, Conn. Tucker, A. Airplanes, airships, aircraft en- gines. $3.50 ’22 U.S. naval inst. United States. Air service (War department). Handbook of instructions for airplane de- signers. ’20 McCook Field, Dayton, O. Wilson, E. B. Variation of yawing moment due to rolling. ’719 U. S. Advisory com. for aeronautics See also Aeronautics; Aircraft; Airplane engines; Airships; Aviation History Wright, O. and W. Early history of the alir- plane. pa gratis '22 Dayton-Wright airplane co., Dayton, O. Motors See Airplane engines Performance Booth, H. Aeroplane performance calculations. $8 ’21 Dutton Diehl, W. S. Reliable formule for estimating airplane performance and the effects of changes in weight, wing area, or power. 5ce’23 Supt.. of .doe: Airships Burgess, C: P. Bending moments, envelope, and cable stresses in non-rigid airships. 5c 721 Supt. of doc. Munk, M. M. Drag of Zeppelin airships. 5c 721 Supt. of doc. Pratt, H. B. Commercial airships. $6 ’20 Nel- son Tucker, A. Airplanes, airships, aircraft en- gines. $3.50 U.S. naval inst. United States. Navy department. Notes on the operation of non-rigid airships. ’20 The department, Washington, D.C. Vissering, H. Zeppelin. $2 ’22 The author, 14 E. Jackson blvd., Chicago See also Aeronautics; Airplanes Aisne, Battle of the, 1918 United States. Army war college, Washing- ton, D.C. Historical section. Aisne and Montdidier-Noyon operations. pa 25c ’22 Supt. of doc. Aitareyabrahmana Rigveda Brahmanas: the Aitareya and Kausi- taki Brahmanas of the Rigveda; tr. from the original Sanskrit by Arthur Berriedale Keith. (Harvard oriental ser., v. 25) Q xii, 555p $5 °20 Harvard univ. press 22-17235 Aitch, N. H. : (ed.) Golden book of favorite songs. 9th ed O 128p pa 15c ’21 Hall & McCreary Aitchison, Alison E. Iowa state geography. O xii,168p il 80c ’21 Ginn 21-15269 —and Uttliey, Marguerite Course of study in geography. (Extension division bul., v. 19, no. 3) O 47p pa ’19 Iowa state teachers college, Cedar Falls, Ia Aitchison, Leslie Engineering steels; an exposition of the prop- erties of steel for engineers and users to se- cure economy in working and efficiency o1 result. O 427p il $6 ’21°Van Nostrand [25s MacDonald & Evans] [22-781] —and Barclay, W: R. Engineering non-ferrous metals and alloys; with an introd. by George G. Goodwin. (Oxford technical publications) O xx,300r il $7 ’23 Oxford [21s Frowde & Hodder & S.] [23-18198) —See Ibbotson, F., jt. auth. AITKEN Aitken, William Automatic telephone systems. 3v v 1-2 Q 297; 240p il v 1 $7.50; v 2 $10 '21-’23 Van Nos- trand [v 1 25s; v 2 35s Benn] (22-8389) Contents: v. 1, Circuits and apparatus as used in the public services: y. 2, Auxiliary services and private branch exchanges Aiyangar, S. Krishnaswami es South India and her Muhammadan invaders. O xvi,258p il $6.75 ’21 Oxford [15s Milford] Ajo books for children. 4v D il bds ea 75c Knopf Contents: Doll-land; Dwarf-land; Hen-land; Monkey-land Akbar, emperor of Hindustan, 1542-1605_ Monserrate, A. Commentary on his. journey to the court of Akbar. $3 '23 Oxford Akeley, Carl Ethan, 1864- In brightest Africa; il. from photographs. O xvii,267p $5 ’23 Doubleday [21s Re aaah fl Akhnaton. See Amenhotep IV Akin, James Journal of James Akin, jr.; ed. by Edward Everett Dale. (University studies, no. 9) O 32p il ’19 Univ. of Okla. 22-8245 Akins, Zoé, 1886- Déclassée; Daddy’s gone a-hunting; and Greatness, a comedy. D 304p $2 ’23 Boni & Liveright 23-14253 Akron, Ohio. Chamber of commerce Report of the study committee on functions. 5 pa ’23 Chamber of commerce, Akron, Akron, Ohio. City council Revised ordinances of the city of Akron, Ohio, including all ordinances of a general nature in force March 1, 1921; with appendix con- taining gas franchise; rev., codified and re- arranged by H. M. Hagelbarger. O 1138p $1.25 BL MES | A TERME MA eiay ay. (0) Akron, Ohio. City planning commission Bulletin, no. 1-date. O ’20-’22 The commis- sion : 21-20358 Limitation of heights of buildings. O 15p gratis ’22 The commission, 164 S. High st., Akron, O 22-14777 Tentative zoning plan for Akron, Ohio. O 22p il, *21 The commission, , 164°°Si; Bich) st. Akron, O. 22-14773 Akron, Ohio. Municipal university Spanton, A. I:, ed. Fifty years of Buchtel (1870-1920). buck $5 ’22 Univ. of Akron, Alumni assn., Akron, O. Aksakov, Sergiei Timofeilvich, 1791-1859 Russian gentleman; tr. from the Russian by J. D. Duff. (World’s classics) D xii,284p 80c; mor $11505°23. Oxford .[2s'\\Milford# W 24-2 Contents: Stépan Mihdilovitch Bagréff; Mihail Maxi- movitch Kurolyéssoff; The marriage of the young Bagrdoff; The young couple at Bagrévo; Life at Ufa Years of childhood; tr.’ from the Russian by J. D. Duff. (World’s classics) D 446p 80e: mor $1.50 '23 Oxford Alabama. Budget commission Report, August 28, 1923..O0 19p ’23 The com- mission, Montgomery 23-27287 Alabama. Child welfare department Alabama childhood [quarterly]. The depart- ment, Montgomery H)21-464 Instructions to superintendents, principals, and other school authorities for the issuance of employment certificates and newsboys’ badges as is required by the Alabama child labor law. 8p ’21 The department, Mont- gomery Alabama. Code commissioner, 1923 Report of James J. Mayfield. O 185p ’23 Ala. Sec. of state, Montgomery 23-14780 Alabama. Conservation, Department of Alabama Bird day book. O.144p il pa The department, Montgomery First quadrennial report, October 1, 1918 to September 30, 1922. O 134p '23 The depart- ment, Montgomery 23-27119 Alabama. Courts Michie, T: J. Encyclopedic digest of Alabama reports; 12v., with 2v. supplement. buck $100 ’14-19 Michie co. 23 Alabama. Education, Department of Alabama young people’s reading circle; rural library list, for the year beginning October 1, 1923 and ending September 30, 1924. (Rural lib. list) O 3831p pa ’24 The depart- ment, Montgomery Comparative study of the elementary schools, white and colored, of the 67 counties of Alabama. O 14p il, ’21 The department, Montgomery E21-117 Education directory; 1921-22. T 28p pa ’21 The department, Montgomery Guide for administrative officers in directing vocational education; information bearing on the duties of teachers of vocational sub- jects and on the administration of federal, state and local funds appropriated for vo- cational purposes. O 15p ’22 The depart- ment, Montgomery E22-602 Manual of home-making education. O 77p ’22 The department, Montgomery E22-547 Manual of physical education. O 304p il ’20 The department, Montgomery E22-705 Rules and regulations, courses of study, adopted text books for state secondary agri- cultural board of education. O 16p ’22 The depart- ment, Montgomery 122-557 Rules and regulations governing the exami- nation and certification of teachers’ in Alabama. (Bul. no. 32) rev ed O 14p ’21 The department, Montgomery E21-118 Statistical study of education in Alabama from 1890 to 1921. O 55p ’22 The department, Montgomery 122-600 Teaching field crops and horticulture. O 111p il ’22 The department, Montgomery E22-558 Training of teachers in service; Alabama teachers professional reading course with outlines for county, city or group confer- ences, 1922-1923. O 31p ’22 The department, Montgomery E22-601 Vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise. D 29p il ’22 The department, Montgomery H22-549 Alabama. Insurance, Department of Schedule of general requirements to be observed by insurance companies applying for license or renewal thereof in the state of Alabama. O 27p ’19 The department, Montgomery 21-7783 Alabama. Laws, statutes, etc. Combined banking laws of the state of Ala-_ bama, January, 1922. O 45p ’22 Ala. Sec. of state, Montgomery 22-18727 Insurance laws of the state of Alabama; with rulings of the commissioner and schedule of general requirements. O 272p ’22 Ala. Insur- ance dept., Montgomery 22-16502 Reprint of the public laws of Alabama. O 141p ’20 Ala. Sec. of state, Montgomery 21-19989 School code including all laws relating to edu- cation, September 1, 1922. O 228p ’22 Ala. — H23-49 — Workmen’s compensation law of the stat Dept. of educ., Montgomery of Alabama; 43p pa 50c publicity bur. effective January 1, 1920. 19-18061 Alabama. State board for vocational education Vocational education under the state and fed- eral acts, 1922-1927. O 95p ’22 Ala. Dept. of educ.. Montgomery B23-116 Alabama. State board of control and economy Rules and regulations adopted by the board and approved by the governor September 20th, 1921; to become effective October ist, 1921. O 22p '21 The board, Montgomery schools authorized by the State health and medical "19 Workmen’s compensation > a o1999 | Suggestions on food and its preparation in | institutional werk. O Montgomery Alabama 68p See also Agriculture—Alabama; American literature—Alabama; Birds—Alabama; Bud- get—Alabama; Education—Alabama; Geol- ogy—Alabama; Mines and mineral resources —Alabama '21 The board 22-25929 | Alabama—Continued Bibliography Engstfeld, C. P. Bibliography of Alabama authors. 2d ed pa 75c ’23 Howard college, Birmingham, Ala. Biography Saunders, J. E., and Stubbs, E. S. Early settlers of Alabama, with notes and geneal- ogies. $5 '24 W. C. Stubbs, 701 Howard av., New Orleans, La. Church history Riley, B: F. Memorial history of the Baptists of Alabama. $2 ’23 Judson press; for sale by D. F. Green, 127 S. Court st., Mont- gomery, Ala. History Abernethy, T: P. Formative period in Ala- bama, 1815-1828. ’22 Ala. State dept. of archives and history, Montgomery Drama Lee, L. Tableaux from Alabama history. $1.25 722 Mrs P. L. Matthews, c.o. Montgomery advertiser, Montgomery, Ala. Alabama (ship) Bradlee, F. B. C. Kearsarge-Alabama battle. pa $1.25 ’21 Essex inst. Alabama Bird day book. Alabama. Conserva- tion, Department of, Montgomery. pa Alabama power company Muscle Shoals situation; a statement, March, 1922. (Ser. A, pamphlet no. 1) O 80p il pa gratis ’22 The company, Brown-Marx bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Alabaster box. Allen, J. L. $1.25 Harper Alacoque, Margaret Mary, Saint, 1647-1690 Love of the Sacred heart; illustrated by St Margaret Mary, and the Blessed John Kudes. $1.75 ’21 Benziger © Kalberer, J: Margaret. pa 50c ’23 Franciscan fathers, 42 Calhoun st., Cincinnati Wheaton, L. Pearl of Paray. 5c Paulist press Aladdin company, Bay City, Michigan Instructions for the erection of your Aladdin home. O 94p il gratis ’21 The company, Bay City, Mich. 21-18787 Alambert, Marthe Life’s oblation; the biography of Genevieve Hennet de Goutel; with a preface by C,. C. Martindale; tr. from the French by L. M. Leggatt. D 199p bds $2 ’21 Benziger [6s Burns, Oates] Aland Islands Advisory committee of jurists. Aaland islands question. 25c ’20 World peace. foundation League of nations. Aaland Islands’ question. $1 World peace foundation League of nations. Conference relative a la non-fortification et 4 la neutralisation des Nes d’Aland tenue 4a Genéve, du 10 au 20 Octobre 1921. $1 ’22 World peace foundation League of nations. Convention relative a la non-fortification et A la neutralisation des Iles d’Aland. 40c ’22 World peace foundation League of nations. Council. Advisory commit- tees. Aaland Islands question. 25c ’20 World peace foundation Alarc6n, Pedro Antonio de, 1833-1891 El capitan Veneno. (Students literal transla- tions) $1.50 ’21 Translation pub. El final de Norma; ed. with introd., notes, exercises and vocabulary by Santiago Guti- ee and E. S. Ingraham. S ix,304p 96c '22 Ce) —Same; novela, ed. with notes and vocabu- lary by Leslie Parker Brown. S xi,278p iJ $1 ’24 Ginn 24-4804 Alarums and excursions. Agate, J. E. $2 Doran Alas, that spring! Mordaunt, E. $2 Small Alaska. Board of education Report of the commissioner of education for the years 1917-20. O ’20 The board, Juneau (E21-179) ALBANIA Alaska. Labor commissioner First: biennial report from June 1, 1919, to December 31, 1920. O ’21 The commissioner, Juneau (22-17021) Alaska. Mine inspector Annual report, 1920. 72p ’21 The inspector, Juneau (GS13-573) Alaska United States. General land office. Instruc- tions relating to the acquisition of title to public lands in the territory of Alaska. rev ed ’23 The office United States. President. Address delivered by President Warren G. Harding on the territory of Alaska delivered at Seattle, Washington, July 27, 1928. ’23 Gov. pte. See also Agriculture—Alaska; Education— Alaska; Katmai, Mount; Labor and laboring classes—Alaska; Railroads—Alaska Bibliography United States. Superintendent of documents. Alaska. 7th ed ’23 Supt. of doc. Description and travel Baedeker, K:, firm, publishers. Dominion of Canada. new rev and enl ed $4 ’22 Scribner Carpenter, F. G: Alaska, our northern won- derland. $4 ’23 Doubleday Cotten, B. Adventure in Alaska during the gold excitement of 1897-1898. bds ’22 priv ped The author, Cylburn Melvale, Baltimore, Gilman, I. A. Alaska, the American north- land. $1.40 ’22 World bk. Higginson, E. Alaska. new ed $2.50 ’23 Macmillan Rand, McNally & company. Rand McNally guide to Alaska and Yukon. $2.50 ’22 Rand tutzebeck, H. My Alaskan idyll. $2 ’22 Boni & Liveright Discovery and exploration Golder, F. A. Bering’s voyages. 2v v 1 $8 per set ’23 Am. geographical soc. ’ History Nichols, J. Alaska. $7.50 ’24 Clark, A.H. Poetry Noonan, D. A. Alaska, the land of now. $1.50 val sy author, 2541 1st av., W., Seattle, Wash. Population United States. Census, Bureau of. Fourteenth census of the United States; population; population of outlying possessions. ’21 The bureau Alaska historical museum, Juneau Descriptive booklet; ed. by A. P. Kashevaroff. Q 9-61p il pa 75c ’22 Alaska historical assn., Juneau, Alaska 22-18303 Alaska nuggets. Camp, F. B. pa $1 The author, box 1381, Anchorage, Alaska Alaska, the land of now. Noonan, D. A. $1.50 The author, 2541 1st av., W., Seattle, Wash. Alaskan. Curwood, J. O. $2 Cosmopolitan bk. Alaskan engineering commission. See United States. Alaskan engineering commission Alaskan forget-me-nots. Hazelton, E. C. pa $1 The author, 906 Boylston av., Seattle, Wash. Alastrim : Leake, J. P., and Force, J: N. Experiments on alastrim. ’21 U.S. Public health; 5c Supt. of doc. Ruckers WiC.) Algstrim... 22). U.S. Public health; 5c Supt. of doc. Albach, Robert Henry Application of the teachings of Jesus to the responsibility of the capitalist to the public. (Hattie Elizabeth Lewis memorial essays in applied Christianity) O 34p pa ’20 Univ. of Kan. [23-27226] Albania Description and travel Lane, R. Peaks of Shala. $3 ’23 Harper ALBANIA Albania—Continued Economic conditions Blake, M. Economic conditions Da 2380-5. Mor we edom-. comm, Calmés, A. Economic and financial situation of Albania. 30c ’22 World peace foundation in Albania. Intellectual life Blinishti, B. Albania: general report. 20c World peace foundation Albany, New York Albany; New York. Chamber of commerce. Education in Albany. pa gratis ’22 Chamber of commerce, Albany, N.Y. Beverwyck, New York. Kleine banck van justitie, Fort Orange. Minutes of the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 1652-1660. 2v ’20-’23 Univ. of the state of N.Y. Albany, New York. Chamber of commerce Education in Albany; an opportunity and a business. O 60p il pa gratis ’22 Chamber of commerce, Albany, Ey Albany depot. Howells, W: D. pa 35c French, S. Albatross (steamer) United States. Fisheries, Bureau of. Dredg- ing and hydrographic records of the United States fisheries steamer Albatross, 1911- 1920. pa ’21 U.S. Fisheries; 15c Supt. of doc. Albe, Edmund Edward Fournier d’. See Four- nier d’Albe, E. E: Albee, Fred Houdlett, 1876- Bone graft peg for un-united fracture of the neck of femur; also for select cases of fresh fracture. (Surgical-clinic) 2v O il loose leaf $19 ’21 Southworth 21-12107 Bone joint operations; a new departure in il- lustrating surgical technique. pts 1-2 subs ’22 Southworth Restoration of function in fractured hip joint where peg graft is inadmissible owing to shortness of inner fragment, which has become practically a cortical shell. (Surgi- eal-clinic) O 16 leaves il $6 ’21 Fem ote Albemarle county, Virginia Gee, W. P., and others. Economic and social Sat | of Albemarle county. pa ’22 Univ. of an Albert, Calvin Dodge, 1876- Machine design drawing room problems. O vi,320p il $3 ’23 Wiley [15s Chapman & H.] 23-15487 Albert, Edward History of English literature; a_ practical text-book. O viii,632'!p $2.50 ’24 Crowell 23-13674 Albert, Virginia il.) See Keech, L. S. Tommykin’s adventures Alberta. Agriculture, Department of Alberta; a survey of the topography, climate, resources, industries, transportation and communication, and institutional services of the province of Alberta, by J. McCaig. Q 96p il °19 The department, Edmonton A21-1193 Alberta. Chief inspector of mines. Mines branch Annual report on the mineral resources of Alberta 1919-19202" by John SAxtAlians Q ’20 The inspector, Edmonton GS21-66 Alberta. Laws, statutes, etc. Revised statutes of Alberta, 1922. 3v Q ’22 Alberta. See. of state, Edmonton 23-14781 Alberta See also Agriculture—Alberta; Coal—Al- berta; Gas, Natural—Alberta; Mines and mineral resources—Alberta Description and travel Alberta. Agriculture, Department of. Al- berta; a survey of the topography, climate, resources, industries, transportation and communication, and institutional services of the province of Alberta. ’19 The depart- eee aap ton Valdo, : - Down the Mackenzie thr the great lone land. $3 ’23 Macmillan puee Economic conditions Canada. Interior, Department of. Natural re- sources intelligence branch. Lower Atha- baska and Slave River district. pa ’21 The department, Ottawa Canada. Interior, Department of. Natural re- sources intelligence branch. Natural re- sources of the prairie provinces. ’23 The de- partment, Ottawa Albertieri, Luigi Art of Terpsichore; an elementary, theoret- ical, physical, and practical treatise of danc- ing. Q x,140p il $15 ’23 G. Ricordi & co., InC 14 Heat 24-212 Albertis, Susan S. See Mattoon, W. R., jt. ube Albertson, Alice Owen Nantucket wild flowers; il. by Anne Hinch- man. S xiv,442p $2.50 ’21 Putnam 21-9075 — Albertson, George William, 1886- Morphological study and comparison of the mouth parts of some hymenoptera; a com- parative study of the mouth parts of vespa maculata Linn. (worker), apis mellifica — Linn. (worker), andrena perplexa Smith (female), and macremphytus varians Norton (female). O 59p il pa 60c '21 Catholic univ. of Am. 21-16725 Albertson, Mary English grammar. O 99p $3 ’21 Baldwin school, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 22-709 Albertus Magnus, bp. of Ratisbon, 1193?-1280 Paradise of the soul; a treatise on the vir- tues suitable for use in mental prayer; ed. by Raymond Devas. S_ xiii,202p $1.25 '21 Kenedy Albes, Edward, 1868-1921 Rio de Janeiro, the fair capital of Brazil. O 21p il 23 Pan American union. 2383-26701 Santiago, Chile’s interesting capital. O 30p il ’23 Pan American union. 23-26115 Albig, George®L. ie How to play the player; a description of the mechanics of an automatic piano. D 16p pa 25c ’21 The author, Ridgefield Park, N.J. Albigenses Nickerson, H. Inquisition. bds $4 ’23 Hough- ton Warner, H: J. Albigensian heresy. $1.40 ’22 Macmillan Albrecht, Arthur Emil International seamen’s union of America; a study of its history and problems, (Bul. no. 342. Miscellaneous ser.) O 120p pa ’23 U.S. Labor statistics; 15¢ Supt: of) doc: L.23 -238 Albrecht. Elmer C. (ed.) St Louis globe-democrat complete rout- ing list of all drug stores. 6th ed D loose- leaf St Louis globe-democrat, St Louis, Mo. Albright, Charles Clinton ; Fundamentals of -construction and mainte- nance of secondary type highways. neering extension service. Bul. no. 1) O 36p il ’°22 Purdue univ. 23-17403 Albright, George Leslie, 1893-1916 ’ Official explorations for Pacific railroads. | (Publications in history, v. 11) O wae pa $1.50 ’21 Univ. of Cal. Albright, Owen S., 1881- a Signal communications for all arms; revision of A. E. F. no. 2-R. O vii,158p il $1; pa 50c 99 General service schools press War21-27 El alcalde de Zalamea. Calderén de la Barca, P. pa $1.10 Longmans Alcatraz. Brand, M. $1.90 Putnam Alchemy : : ; Mercer, J: E: Alchemy: its science and ro- mance. $3.50 ’21 Macmillan See also Occult sciences Alciphron, fl. 170 A.D. Zetters from the country and the town, of fishermen, farmers, parasites, and courte- sans; tr. by F. A. Wright; with an introd. and notes. (Broadway translations) D 221p $3 ’23 Dutton [7s 6d Routledge] 24-2275 | _ Alcock, Frederick James, 1888- Reed-Wekusko map-area, Northern Mani- toba. (Memoir 119. Geological ser. 101) O 47p il pa ’20 Canada. Geological survey, Ottawa GS21-77 Alcock, Rachel (ed.) See Martinez ecuna Alcohol Kressmann, F: W: Manufacture of ethyl al- cohol from wood waste. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.; 15c Supt. of doc. Monier-Williams, G. W. Power alcohol. $7 22 Oxford Rideal, S: Carbohydrates and alcohol. $4 ’21 Van Nostrand Simimonds, C: Alcohol in commerce and indus- Eves o) 22 Pitman Ward, H: P. Action of hot calcium carbide on the vapors of some monohydric ali- Sierra, G. Cancién de ee alcohols. 60c ’23 Catholic univ. of m. See also Alcoholism; Chemistry; Chem- istry, Organic; Liquor problem; Liquor traf- fic; Temperance Physiological effect Ludovici, A. M. Man’s descent from the gods. $4 ’21 Knopf Starling, E. H:, Action of alcohol on man. $4.50 ’23 Longmans Stout, C: T. Eighteenth amendment and the part played by organized medicine. $1.50 ’21 Kennerley Vecki, V: G. Alcohol and prohibition in their relation to civilization and the art of living. $2 ’23 Lippincott Waddell, M. Scientific temperance simplified. pa 10c 23 Am. issue; for sale by Lincoln- Lee legion, Westerville, O. See also Temperance Alcohol, Denatured Farmer, R. C. Industrial and power alcohol. 85c ’21 Pitman United States. Internal revenue, Office of. Regulations no. 61 relative to the produc- tion, tax payment, etc., of industrial alco- hol and to the manufacture, sale, and use of denatured alcohol under title 3 of the National prohibition act of October 28, 1919. pa 10c ’23 Supt. of doc. Bibliography United States. Superintendent of documents. Agricultural chemistry, industrial alcohol, preservatives. 15th ed ’23 Supt. of doc. Alcohol and prohibition in their relation to civi- lizati fs ivi cj : oe the art of living. Vecki, V: G. $2 Alcoholic fermentation. 3d ed Harden, A. $2.20 Longmans Alcoholism International congress against alcoholism. Proceedings of the fifteenth International Congress against alcoholism. ’21 priv ptd The congress, E. . Cherrington, sec., 758 Munsey bldg., Washington, D.C. Pollock, H. M. Alcoholic psychoses before and after prohibition. gratis ’22 National com. for mental hygiene Sallengre, A. H. de . _H. de. Ebrietati , bds $15 °22 L. M. ‘Th rietatis y enc wmiinm. ompson, 24 Stone st., Stoddard, C. F. Manual de sobre el alcohol. pa $1 ’21 Am. issue See also Alcohol—Physiological ff ; Liquor problem; Temperance 3 aaibedeek Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 Little women; or, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy; with il. in color by Jessie Willcox. Smith. popular il ed O viii,397p $1.50 ’22 Little A22-1471 —Same; a comedy in four acts, by Marian De Forest; adapted _ from the story by arrangement with Jessie Bonstelle. D 142p il pa 75c ’21 French, S. 21-16326 verdades modernas ALDON Alcuin, 735-804 Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Alcuin. $1.75 ’22 Kenedy Alcuin club Prayer book revision pamphlets. Frere, W. H. Primitive consecration prayer. Tracts. Morehouse Duncan-Jones, A. S., and _ others, ceremonial. 90c (13) Aldanov, Mark Aleksandrovich Landau-. Landau-Aldanov, M. A. Alden, Carlos Coolidge, 1866- Handbook of practice under the Civil prac- tice act of New York, prepared primarily for the use of students, and presenting in Morehouse $1 (8) comps. Directory of See brief form, and in simplified and orderly manner, the portions essential for their consideration. 2d ed O vi,340p $4.50 ’21 Baker, Voorhis 22-577 Alden, Claire K. Wisdom of silence [quotations]. S pa 50c 721 The author, 47 Mather st., Dorchester, Boston (24) Alden, Elizabeth, and Valentine, C. I. Rainbow song book of original songs; words by Adéle Marie Shaw. Q xi,207p $1.50 ’21 Scribner 21-21678 Alden, George Ira, 1843- Study of electricity by the deductive method. O att il $1.50 °19 Franklin & Charles (corr pub) Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Johnson, R. U. Henry Mills Alden. pa 50c ’22 Am. acad. of arts and letters Alden, Raymond Macdonald, 1873- Boy who found the king; a tournament of stories; il. by W. R. Lohse. O 154p $1.75 22 Bobbs 22-18959 (comp.) Critical essays of the early nine- teenth century; with introd. and notes. (Modern student’s library) S xxvii,410p $1 721 Scribner 21-10544 (ed.) Poems of the English race. O xxv,410p $2.75 ’21 Scribner 21-10699 Shakespeare. (Master spirits of literature ser.) S xix,377p $2.50 ’22 Duffield [10s 6d Allen & Wis 22-7766 Alder, William Fisher Isle of vanishing men; a narrative of adven- ture in cannibal-land; il. with photographs by the author. D 184p $2 ’22 Century [8s 6d Parsons] 22-4090 Men of the inner jungle; il. with photographs by the author. D x,296p $2.50 ’23 Century [10s 6d L. Parsons] 23-7135 Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 1861-; Smith, C:A.; and Metcalf, J: C. (eds.) Library of southern literature. 10th ed 17v O il buck $71.75 ’23 Martin & Hoyt co., Aan Cag Ga. Alderson, Victor Clifton, 1862- Oil shale; a resumé for 1921; circular of in- formation; bibliography. Q pa gratis Colo- rado school of mines, Golden, Colo. Alderton, Nina May, 1890- Involutory quartic transformations in space of four dimensions. (Publications in mathe- matics, v: 1, no, 15) O. 345-358p) pa” 25e 23 niv. OL Cal: A 23-2312 Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor, 1870- Old inns. Q viii,149p il $7.50; autographed ed $15 ’21 Doubleday [25s Heinemann] 22-7299 Aldington, Hilda (Doolittle) (Mrs Richard Ald- ington) b Hymen. O 7-47p $1.50 ’21 Holt [3s Egoist press] 22-26308 Aldington, Richard, 1892- Medallions in clay; poems. O 13-99p bds $2 721 Knopf 21-10553 (tr.) See Cyrano de Bergerac, S. de. Voyages ~ to the moon and sun; Regnard, J. F., and others. French comedies of the XVIIIth cen- tury Aldis, Harry Gidney, 1863-1919 University library, Cambridge. (Helps for students of history. no. 46) D 31p pa 20c °22 Macmillan f6d S. P. C. K.] 22-7107 Aldon, Adair Hill of adventure: il. by J. Clinton Shepherd. D 2281p $1.75 ’22 Century 22-18100 ALDRICH Aldrich, Fred Davis, 1866-; Roulé, Claude Elementary French; the essentials of French grammar with exercises. rev ed D x,539p il Foster, I. L.; and $1.56 ’22 Ginn 22-11275 Aldrich, Fred H. World peace, or principles of international law in their application to efforts for the preservation of the peace of the world. O 2138p 793.005 21s Drake Heats: 21-14157 Aldrich, John Lakeport’s ancient homes (New Hampshire); recollections of Franconia eighty years ago and of the homes of Lakeport in 1844, with notes of their occupants then and later. D 86p il $5 ’17 Tuttle Aldrich, John Merton, 1866- Two- winged flies of the genera dolichopus and hydrophorus collected in Alaska in 1921; with new species of dolichopus from North America and Hawaii. (Proceedings, v. 61, no. 2446) O 18p pa ’22 U.S. National mu- seum —See Van Duzee, M. C., jt. auth. Aldrich, Loyal Blaine, 1884- Melikeron; an approximately black-body py- ranometer. (Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, v. 72, no. 13. Publication 2662) O 1lp il pa 10c ’22 Smithsonian inst. 22-26103 Aldrich, Myrtie Anna, 1872- Echoes from the green hills; il. by Earl Allen Titus. D 110p $2 ’22 Tuttle 22-18283 Aldrich, Paul lI. (ed.) See Packers’ encyclopedia Aldrich, Richard, 1873- (tr.) See Lehmann, L. How to sing Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 Marjorie Daw. (Merry Christmas booklets) D 8-52p il pa 25¢e ’22 Houghton Story of a bad boy; il. by Harold M. Brett. (Riverside bookshelf) O 279p $2 ’23 Hough- ton 23-15255 Bibliography Sherman, F: F. Check list of first editions of the works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. $2 ’21 priv pid Sherman, F. F. Aldrich, Truman Heminway, 1848- New eocene species from Alabama. (Bul. of Am. paleontology, v. 9, no. 37) O 32p il ’21 Cornell univ. GS21-339 Aleksyev, Konstantin Sergeyevich. See Stanis- lavsky, C., pseud. Alewife Massachusetts. Conservation, Department of. Division of fisheries and game, Boston. Re- - port upon the alewife fisheries of Massa- chusetts. ’21 Alexander VI, Burehara. a pope, 1431-1503 Pope epi VI and his court. $2 *21 Brown,. N. Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C. Newell, E: T. Alexander hoards. pa 50c ’21 Am. numismatic soc. Alexander, Father Mother’s letters; a book for young women; with a preface by Archbishop of Liverpool. D 112p $1 ’21 Kenedy [2s 6d Burns, Oates] Alexander, Alfred Musical drills for primary children. 50c Werner Alexander, Carter, 1881-, and Theisen, W: W. Publicity campaigns for better school sup- port. (School efficiency monographs) D vii, 164p pa $1.35 ’21 World bk. 21-20047 Alexander, Charles, 1897- Fang in the forest; il. 244p $2 ’23 Dodd Alexander, Charles Paul, 1889- Crane-flies of New York; pt. 2, Biology and phylogeny. O 695-1133p il ’20 ora) Sie 1-174 by Paul Bransom. D 23-15296 Alexander, De Alva Stanwood, 1845- Tour famous New Yorkers; the _ political careers of Cleveland, Platt, Hill and Roose- velt; forming v. 4 of The political history of the state of New York, 1882-1905. O xvii, 488p il $4 ’23 Holt 23-9922 32 Elizabeth (Mrs Norbert Heermann) by Charles D. Mitchell. D 310p 24-7479 Alexander, Roles: with il. $2 ’23 Little Alexander, Fred B. } How to play lawn tennis; il. from moving pictures of the author. (Spalding’s athletic lib., group 4, no. 157) S 49p 25c °21 Am. sports pub. 21-10337 Alexander, Frederick Matthias, 1869- Constructive conscious control of the individ- ual; with an introd. by John Dewey. D xxxiii,317p $3 ’23 Dutton [10s 6d pee Alexander, Georgia, 1868- Alexander-Dewey arithmetic; ed. by John Dewey. 6v D il v 1-2 ea 56c; v 3-5 ea 60c; Vv 6 42c ’21 Longmans (21-5929) Alexander, Grace Caroline, 1872- Prince Cinderella; with front. by W. B. King. D 3438p $1.75 ’21 Bobbs 21-15820 Alexander, Harold David, 1874- (comp.) See Bender’s handbook for jurors Alexander, Hartley Burr, 1873- Nature and human nature; essays metaphys- ical and. historical. O 1x,529p $3 (bs) °238 Open ect. 23-11340 Professor Alexander is dean of philosophy in the uni- versity of Nebraska. He was President of the American philosophical association 1918-1919. ‘‘Belief in God and belief in immortality are, I affirm, bound to prevail on earth,”’ is the theme of this philosopher’s creed.—Adv. Odes and lyrics. O viii,181p $2 ’22 Jones, Mar- shall 22-5395 Alexander, James Strange, 1865- Banking and its relationship to domestic business and export trade; an address. O 14p pa gratis ’20 National bank of commerce in N.Y. 22-1885 Basis of better times; an address. O 15p pa gratis ’21 National bank of commerce in N.Y. 21-17658 Future of American business; an address. O 22p pa gratis ’22 National bank of commerce iN ys 23-3090 Why we must have foreign trade; an ad- dress. O 23p pa gratis '22 National bank of commerce in N.Y. 22-11368 Alexander, Jerome, 1876- Glue and gelatin. (Am. chemical soc. mono- graphs, no. 11) O 230p $3 ’23 Chemical catalog co. 23-5294 Alexander, John E. Alexander commentaries on wills. 3v $27 Bender-Moss Alexander, John L., 1875-, and others (eds.) Songs of service; a hymn book for boys and girls training camps and confer- ences. D 75c ’20 Univ. soc. Alexander, Magnus Washington, 1870- grand "18 Living costs and wage adjustment; an ad- dress; ninth annual meeting. O at il’ pa 22 Chamber of commerce of the U.S. of Am. Alexander, William, 1848- Art of insurance salesmanship; how the life insurance agent should practice us art. (Alexander’s educational ser., no. 4) D 154p il $2 ’22 Spectator co. 22-19960 Prosperous. agent; characteristics of the successful life insurance solicitor. D 5-71p $1.50; pa $1 ’21 Spectator co. 21-8132 Alexander, Sir William, earl of Stirling, 1568- 1640 Poetical works, ed. by L. E. Kastner and H. B. Charlton. conchertey univ. Pub- English ser., 10; whole no. ccxx, hte "$10. 50 (28s) °21 (21-9176) lications. 188) 2v vil O Longmans Alexander, William John, 1855- Representative poetry. 3d ed 509p $2.50 '20 Univ. of Toronto Alexander family Sinnett, C: N. Alexander families in Maine with ancestry [typewritten]. $8 ’21 Sinnett Alexander Hamilton institute, New York Forging ahead in business [issued twice a year]. D il pa gratis ’22 The We ty age Ronn Alexander’s bridge. Cather, W. S. $1.50 Hough- ton Alexanderson system. See Radio apparatus— Alexanderson system Alexandra, consort of Edward VII, Great Britain, 1844- Trowbridge, W: R. H. '21 Appleton Alexandra Feodorovna, consort of Nicholas Il, emperor of Russia, 1872-1918 Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916; with an introd. by Sir Bernard Pares. O xliii,478p $5 ’24 McBride [24-7818] Dehn, L. Real tsaritsa. $3.50 ’22 Little Alexandria, Virginia Jackson, E. B. Romance of historic Alexan- dria. rev and enl ed pa 5Uc ’23 H. W. Wade, 304 King st., Alexandria, Va. king of Queen Alexandra. $5 Public schools United States. Education, Bureau of. Sur- vey of the schools of Alexandria, Virginia. pa ‘'24 U.S. Educ.; 10c Supt. of doc. Alexandria, Virginia. Protestant Episcopal the- ological seminary in Virginia Goodwin, W: A. kR., ed. History of the The- ological seminary in Virginia and its his- torical background. centennial ed 2v $6 ’23 Gorham Alexandria, Virginia. Washington masonic memorial Callahan, C: H. Memorial to Washington. ’23 Local memorial com. of Alexandria, Alex- andria, Va. Alfalfa Garver, S: Alfalfa root studies. pa ’22 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Harris, F. S., and Pittman, D. W. Irriga- tion of alfalfa. pa ’21 Utah. Agric. exper. station, Logan Oakley, R. A., and Westover, H. L. How to prow, alfalfa. °23.U:S: -Agric:;) 5e! Supt. ‘of doc. Oakley, R. A., and Westover, H. L. Utiliza- tion of alfalfa. pa ’21 U.S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Potter, E. L., and Dean, H. K. Fattening lambs on alfalfa. ’23 Ore. Agric. exper. sta- tion, Corvallis Powers, W. L:, and Johnston, W: W. Irriga- tion of alfalfa. ’22 Ore. Agric. exper. sta- tion, Corvallis Stewart, G: Alfalfa production under irriga- tion. pa ‘21 Utah agric. college, Logan Wisconsin. Agricultural experiment station, Madison. Make alfalfa a sure crop. ’23 See also Feeding and feeding stuffs; Fer- tilizers and manures Diseases and pests Godfrey, G: H. Eelworm disease. ’23 U.S. NWeTiCs- aoc) Supt. of. doc; Alfieri, Vittorio, count, 1749-1803 vita sconosciuta. (Cambridge plain texts) S 30p pa 60c ’21 Macmillan [1s 6d Cambridge univ. press] Alfonso, el Sabio, king of Castile and Leon, 1221-1284 Calleott, F. Supernatural in early Spanish literature, studied in the works of the court of Alfonso X, el Sabio. $1 ’23 Instituto de las Espafias, 522 5th av., N.Y. Alford, Violet Peeps at English folk-dances. (Peeps at many lands ser.) D vii,88p il $1.50 ’24 Macmillan [24-8886] Alfred Ira, pseud. See Grimm, A. F. W. Alfred university Studies. Bane author, Alfred univ., Alfred, N.Y. Norwood, J: N. Schism in the Methodist Episcopal church, 1844, $2 (1) Algae Field, I. A. Sources, preparation, and prop- erties of some algal gelatins. ’22 U.S. Fisheries; 5c Supt. of doc. Gardner, L. Genus fucus on the Pacific coast of North America. pa $2.25 ’22 Univ. of Cal. 33 ALGEBRA Howe, M. A. On some fossil and recent lith- othamnieae of the Panama Canal Zone. '18 Smithsonian inst. Hoyt, W: D. Marine algae of Beaufort, N.C.. and adjacent regions. pa ’20 U.S. Fisheries; 75c Supt. of doc. Saunders, D. Algae. 15c Washington acad. of sciences Setchell, W: A., and Gardner, N. L. Phyco- logical contributions 2 to 6. pa $1.50 ’22 Univ. of Cal. Skottsberg, C. J: F. Notes on Pacific coast algae; 2, On the Californian delesseria quercifolia. pa 25c ’22 Univ. of Cal. Algae, Fossil Howe, M. A. On some fossil and recent lith- othamnieae of.the Panama Canal Zone. ’18 Smithsonian inst. Algebra Baker, H. B. First book in algebra, $1.32 ’23 Appleton Comstock, C. E., and Sykes, algebra. $1.40 ’22 Rand Edgerton, E: I., and Carpenter, P. A. First course in algebra. $1.20 ’23 Allyn Fite, W: B: College algebra. $1. og "21 Heath Ford, W. B. Brief course in college algebra. $2.25 "22 Macmillan Ford, W. B., and Ammerman, C: Second course in algebra. $1.28 ’22 Macmillan Ford, B., and Ammerman, C: Supple- mentary exercises for Ford and Ammer- man’s Second course in algebra. pa 10c ’21 Macmillan Fordham publishing company. Examination in ar algebra. pa 28c ’23 Fordham puh. Fordham publishing company. Guide to in- M. Beginners’ HT hae algebra. pa 40c ’23 Fordham pub. ; Henderson, A. Number and the fundamental laws of algebra. pa 50c ’21 Univ. of N.C., School of education, Chapel Hill, N.C. Howard, G: EF. Outlines in algebra. 35¢e ’22 The author, 2150 Knapp st., St Paul, Minn. Leventhal, M. J. Advanced algebra. pa 53c ’20 Globe bk. Leventhal, M. J. Elementary algebra. 2d ed | and enl 60c; answers pa 15c ’20 Globe Leventhal, M. J. Intermediate algebra. 2d ed rev and enl pa 53c ’21 Globe bk Lyman, E, A., and Darnell, A. Elementary algebra, first course. $1.24 ’24 Am. bk. Marsh, H. B. Elementary algebra outline based upon college entrance requirements and examination papers. pa 40c ’22 Newson Milne, W: J., and Downey, W. F. First year algebra. $1. 20 °24 Am. bk. National research council. Committee on alge- braic numbers. Algebraic numbers. pa $1.50 "23 The council Neufeld, J. L. Elementary algebra. $1.45; 2v ed v 1 92c; v 2 96c ’20-’22 Blakiston Newell, M. J., and Harper, G: A. High school aun complete. $1.40 ’23 Row, Peterson x CO. Newell, M. J., and Harper, G: A. Second course in algebra. $1 ’23 Row, Peterson & co. Newell, M. J., and Harper, G: A. Year of al- gebra. $1.28 ’20 Row, Peterson & co. otis First course in algebra. $1.24 Regents questions and answers in elementary algebra covering the requirements of hig schools and college entrance. See main entry Rietz, H: L., and Crathorne, A. R. Introduc- tory college algebra. $1.76 ’23 Holt Rushinere, Cvs sand) Dences (Chagas High school algebra. $1.24 ’23 Am. bk. Schorling, R., and Clark, J: R. Modern alge- bra. $1.36 ’24 World bk. Siceloff, L. P., and Smith, D: E. College algebra. $1.80 ’24 Ginn Smith, D: E., and Reeve, W: D: Essentials of algebra. $1. 24°24 Ginn Tower, O. Exercise book in algebra. $1.40 '’22 Heath ALGEBRA Wells, W., and Hart, W. W. Modern first year algebra. $1.28 ’23 Heath ? Wells, W., and Hart, W. W. Modern high school algebra. $1.60 ’23 Heath See also Calculus; Determinants; Func- tions; Logarithms; Groups, Theory of; Mathematics; Permutations; Vector analy- sis History Nordgaard, M. A. Historical survey of alge- braic methods of approximating the roots of numerical higher equations up to the year 1819. $1.50; pa’ $1 ’22 Teachers college Problems, exercises, etc. Taylor, M. D. Exercises and practice prob- lems for first course in algebra. 60c ’21 Ly- ons & Carnahan Study and teaching Douglass, H. R. Derivation and standardiza- tion of a series of diagnostic tests for the fundamentals of first year algebra. pa $1 "21 Univ. of Ore. , Durell, F. Suggestions on the teaching of algebra. pa gratis ’21 Merrill, C. EB. Hotz, H: G. Teacher’s manual for First year algebra scales. 75c ’22 Teachers college Monroe, W. S., and Williams, L. W. Illinois standardized algebra test. pa sample set pa 15c; $2.50 per hundred ’20 Public-school Symonds, P. M. Special disability in algebra. $1.60; pa $1.25 ’23 Teachers college Thorndike, E. L., and others. Psychology of algebra. $2.40 ’23 Macmillan Algebra, Universal : ; Dickson, L. E. Algebras and their arithme- tics. $2.25 ’'23 Univ. of Chicago press Algebras and their arithmetics. Dickson, L. E. $2.25 Univ. of Chicago press Alger, Philip Langdon, 1894-, and Eksergian, Rupen ; ; : Induction motor core losses. (Contribution from Electrical engineering research divi- sion. Serial no. 26) F 15p il pa 30c ’21 Mass. inst. of technology 22-13565 Algeria Casserly, G. Algeria to-day. $4 ’23 Stokes Hilton-Simpson, M. W. Among the hill-folk of Algeria. $6 ’21 Dodd Warren, Lady. Through Algeria and Tunisia on a motor-bicycle. $3 ’23 Houghton Wickersham, G: W. Spring in Morocco and Algiers. $3.50 ’23 Putnam See also Medicine—Algeria Algeria to-day. Casserly, G. $4 Stokes Algonquian Indians Skinner, A. B., and Parker, A. C. Algonkian occupation of New York. pa $1 '23 N.Y. state archeological assn. Algorta, Ruperto (tr.) See Stoddard, C. F. Manual de verdades modernas sobre el alcohol Alguire, George Burt, 1878- Marketing broom corn. (Bul. no. 1019) O 32p 1 Wpaeeee UES A StiCs, LUCE OUDCMOiE COG: Agr22-467 Alha khand Lay of Alha; a saga of Rajput chivalry as sung by minstrels of northern India; partly tr. in English ballad metre by the late William Waterfield; with an introd. and abstracts of the untranslated portions by Sir George Grierson. O 278p $2.50 ’23 Ox- ford 24-4889 Alhambra Irving, W. Tales of the Alhambra. $2.50 Mc- ay See author entry for publisher's descriptive note Ali, Ameer. See Amir Ali Ali Baba and Aladdin. Arabian nights enter- tainments. $1.50 Jacobs Ali Baba and the forty thieves; in words of one syllable. T 16p il pa 50c ’21 Stoll Ali Baba’s complete fortune-teller; mystic circle and fortune-teller with the science of moles and questions and answers. D 83p pa 25c 22 Regan pub. d Ali Baba’s mystic dream book; what your dream meant; a complete dictionary of dreams and their meaning. D 86p pa 25c ’22 Regan pub. , Alias Red Ryan. Buck, C: N. $1.75 Doubleday Alias Richard Power. Allison, W: $1.75 Double- day; 75e Burt Alias the Lone Wolf. Vance, L: J. $1.75 Dou- bleday; 75c Grossett Alice Adams. Tarkington, B. Alice in Rankbustland. Otterbourg, HE. M. lea $1 W. W. Williams, 154 Nassau st., N.Y. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Carroll, L. See author entry Alien property. See Enemy property Alien souls. Abdullah, A. $1.75 McCann Aliens Curry, C: F. Alien land laws and alien rights. ’21 Gov. ptg. Herrick, H. S. International law of alien land ownership in California and other states, U.S. territories and Europe. pa $1.50 21 The author, Bakersfield, Cal. Kellor, F. A. Federal administration and the alien. 50c °21 Doran National conference on immigration. Pro- ceedings. pa gratis ’20 Inter-racial council, 233 Broadway, N.Y $1 Grosset See also Citizenship; Deportation; EKnemy property;. Immigrants; Japanese in the United States; Naturalization Aliette Brunton, Love-story of. Frankau, G. $2 Century Alington, Cyril Argentine, 1872- Eton fables. D ix,86p $1.25 (3s 6d) ’21 Long- mans 21-20302 Contents: The cedar; The match: The peace exhibition; The knight; The lost property office; The three gifts; School yard; The two palaces; The amphitheatre; The three sons; The two islands; The fruit-trees; The moving stair- case; Old wine in new bottles Mr Evans; a cricketo-detective story. D viii, 262p $2 (6s) ’23 Macmillan 23-7038 Through the shadows. O 233p $1.75 '22 Macmil- lan 22-9935 Twenty years; being a study in the develop- ment of the party system between 1815 and 1835; with 12 il. from cartoons of the period. O 208p $5.65 °’21 Oxford [12s 6d Milford] 21-17908 (ed.) See Virgil. Aeneid Aliphatic hydrocarbons. See Hydrocarbons Alkali disease Marsh, C: D., and Roe, G. C. Alkali disease of livestock in the Pecos valley. ’21 ss Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Alkali industry and trade Daugherty, T. German alkali and sul- phuric acid industries. pa ’24 U.S. For. & dom. comm. Meigs, C. C., and others. Report on Texas alkali lakes. ’22 Univ. of Tex. Alkali lands Shutt, F. T: Alkali soils. ’23 Canada. Dept. of agric., Ottawa Alkalies Daugherty, W: T. German alkali and sul- phuric acid industries. pa ’24 U.S. For. & dom. comm. Steik, K. T. Effect of alkali upon Portland cement. ’21 Private ed., distributed by the Univ. of Chicago libraries, Chicago Alkaloids Stephenson, C: H:, and Parker, C: E. Some microchemical tests for alkaloids. $4 ’21 Lippincott Alken, Henry, fi. 1816-1831 (il.) See Surtees, R. S. Analysis of the hunt- ing field All about coffee. Ukers, W: H. $15 Tea and cof- fee trade journal co., 79 Wall st., N.Y. All about dogs. Vibert, H. pa $1 Q-W laborator- ies, Bound Brook, N.J. All about infant baptism. Brooks, C: L. pa 20c Pub. house M. E. ch. So. All about Peter Rabbit. Potter, B. 40c Cupples & All about pets told in stories. Gask, L. $2.50 Crowell All about radio parts. 2d ed Benson, T: W. pa 95c BE. I. co.; for sale by Consrad co., inc., 233 Fulton st., N.Y. All about treasures of the earth. Talbot, ie A. A. $2.25 Funk All-alone house. Campbell, R. bds 50c Penn All-American cook book. Brebner, G. F., comp. $1.50 Judy pub. All American homes. Stillwell, E. W., and company. pa $1 The company, California bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. All around Brunswick. O’Conor, A. pa 75c Glover bros., Brunswick, Ga. All-fellows and the cloak of friendship. Hous- man, L. $2 Harcourt All for love. Dryden, J: (In Eliot, S: A., ed. Little theater classics, v. 4) $2 Little All God’s chillun got wings. O’Neill, E. G. bds $2 Boni & Liveright All in a life-time. Morgenthau, H: $4 Double- day , All is one. Holmes, E. G. A. $1.90 Dutton All of grace. Spurgeon, C: H. pa 30c Bible inst. col. assn. All power is given unto you. $1.50 Towne, E. All that matters. Guest, E. A. $2.50 Reilly & Lee All that matters. Weymouth, P. $2 Seltzer All the brothers were valiant. Williams, B. A. 75e Grosset All the way. Militz, A. pa 50c; lea’tte $1; mor $1.50 Master mind pub. co., 618 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. All the way by water. Payne, E. S. $1.75 Penn All the way ’round. Harrison, E. $3.50 McClurg All-the-year-round activities for young people. 2d ed Dennis, M. $1; bds 85c Christian bd. All through the day the Mother Goose way. Broadhurst, J. 75c Lippincott All-time tales. Lewis, E. P. 75c Lippincott All to seek. Patrick, D. $2 Dutton All-wool Morrison. Day, H. F. 75ec Burt Alla Breve; from Bach to Debussy. Engel, C. bds $2 Schirmer ; Allain, Marcel. See Souvestre, P., jt. auth. Allan, Dot Syrens; a novel. D 241p $1.75 ’21 Doubleday [7s Heinemann] Allan, G. A. T. i a Nurserymatograph, by a lawyer; with inter- ludicrousness by a parson; and tions by a serjeant-major. D 80p $1.25 ’2] Lane 21-10205 Allan, John Andrew, 1884- Geology of Drumheller coal field, Alberta. (Scientific and industrial research council of Alberta. Report no. 4) Q 72p il,’22 Alberta. Chief inspector of mines, Edmonton GS22-146 Allan, Luke Return of Blue Pete. D vi,9-267p $2 ’22 Doran Moody, E. S. [7s 6d H. Jenkins] 22-19159 Allan, Philip Bertram Murray Book-hunter at home; the 2d ed., rev. and enl., with illustrations. Q 275p bds $8.50 ’22 Putnam [21s P. Allan] 22-2884 Contents: 1, Adventures among books; 2, The library; 3, Books which form the library; 4, Chivalry and ro- mance; 5-6, The care of books; 7, Books of the collector; 8-9, A plea for specialism; Index Allard, Louis La comédie de mceurs en France au dix- neuviéme siécle. (Harvard studies in Ro- mance languages, v. 5) D 492p $3.50 ’23 Har- vard univ. press 23-17333 sillystra-- ALLEN Allard Brooks, Beatrice Contribution to the study of the moral prac- tices of certain social groups in ancient Pepa RO EIA, O 90p $1 ’21 Bryn Mawr col- ege Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford, 1836- Greek medicine in Rome; Fitzpatrick lec- tures on the history of medicine delivered at the Royal college of physicians of Lon- don, 1909-1910; with other historical essays. O xiv,633p $12 (30s) ’21 Macmillan [SG21-102] Contents: 1, The Fitzpatrick lectures; 2, Byzantine medi- cine; 3, Salerno; 4, Public medical service and the growth of hospitals; 5, A chair of medicine in the 15th cen- tury; 6, The rise of the experimental method in Oxford; 7, Medicine in 1800; 8, Medicine in the 20th century; 9, Palissy, Bacon, and the revival of natural science Notes on the composition of scientific papers, 3d ed D xiii,192p $2.40 (6s) ’23 Macmillan Agr23-929 Allcut, Edgar Alfred, 1888-, and King, C: J. Inngineering inspection. Q xv,187p il $5 ’22 Van Nostrand [15s Routledge] [22-17959] Allee, Warder Clyde, 1885- (comp.) Synoptic key to the phyla, classes, and orders of animals; with particular ref- erence to fresh-water and terrestrial forms of the moist temperate region in North America; based on a compilation originally made by V. E. Shelford. D viii,63p pa 75e ’23 Univ. of Chicago press [8s 9a€ Cambridge univ. press] 23-12130 Alleghany county, Virginia Morton, O. F: Centennial history of Alleghany county, Virginia. $4 ’23 J. K. Ruebush co., Dayton, Va. Allegheny college, Meadville, Pennsylvania Stephens, D. M. Old Allegheny. $3 ’21 The author, Meadville, Pa. Allegheny county, Pennsylvania Schock, H. History of the Masonic fund society for the county of Allegheny from the year 1847 to 1923. ’23 Masonic fund soc., Masonic temple, Pittsburgh, Pa. Allegheny episodes. Shoemaker, H: W. Altoona tribune co., Altoona, Pa. o p L’allegro. Milton, J: See author entry Allemong, Nettie P. Harp of life [verse]. D 114p il $2 ’22 Stratford 22-13910 Allen, A. M. R. See Lofquist, E. A., jt. auth. Allen, Albert Henry Beginnings of printing. D 54p pa ’23 ptd Lederer, Street & Zeus co. Allen, Alfred Frederick Introduction to chemical engineering; an elementary textbook for the use of stud- ents and users of chemical machinery. O Xvi,272p il $4 ’20 Pitman 21-3902 Allen, Alfred Henry, 1847-1904 Allen’s commercial organic analysis; a trea- tise on the properties, modes of analysis, and proximate analytical examination of the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manufactures, medi- cine, etc., with concise methods for the detection and estimation of their impurities, adulterations, and products of decomposi- tion; editors: Samuel S. Sadtler, Elbert C. Lathrop, C. Ainsworth Mitchell. 5th ed rev 9v v 1 O 804p $7.50 ’23 Blakiston (23-14922) Allen, Alice E. Joe, the circus boy, and Rosemary. (Marjory- Joe ser.) O 202p il $1.65 ’21 Page Marjory’s discovery; how the Rosemary twins priv 23-9498 guarded the pearl necklaces; il. by Eliza- beth R. Withington. (Marjory-Joe ser.) D 3438p $1.50 °23 Page 23-13107 Marjory’s house party; il. by Elizabeth R. Withington. (Marjory-Joe ser.) D _ 315p $1.65 ’21 Page 21-16434 Allen, Arthur Hinton Electricity in agriculture; the uses of elec- tricity in arable, pasture, dairy, and poultry farming; horticulture; pumping and irriga- tion; electroculture; and general mechanical and domestic service on farms; for farmers, agriculturists, horticulturists, supply-station engineers, electrical manufacturers, and oth- ers. (Pitman’s technical primer ser., 58) S x, 117p 85c (2s 6d) ’22 Pitman 23-1178 ALLEN Allen, Arthur Watts, 1879- ' Recovery of nitrate from Chilean caliche, containing a vocabulary of terms, an ac- count of the Shanks system, with a criticism of its fundamental features, and a descrip- tion of a new process. D xvi,50p il $2 ’21 Lippincott [6s Griffin] [21-10050] Allen, Caroline Stetson j j Lavinia, the Red cross doll; il. by Alice B. Preston. D 84p $1.50 '21 Stratford 21-22328 Allen, Charles Ricketson, 1862- Foreman and his job; a handbook for fore- men and for leaders of foremen’s confer- ences; a companion book to The instructor, the man and the job. D ix,526p il $3.50 (15s) ’22 Lippincott 22-6015 Foremanship courses vs. instructor-training courses. See United States. Federal board for vocational education Improving foremanship. See United States. Federal board for vocational education Instructor training. See United States. eral board for vocational education Allen, Chester Arthur Seasons [poems]. O 46p $1.50 ’22 Badger, R. G. 22-19937 Allen, Clifford Gilmore. See Espinosa, A. M., jt. auth. Allen, Darden Official automobile tour book. 4v ea $1.50 ’22 ee author, 416 W. Liberty st., Louisville, ye Allen, Edith, 1880- ‘ Mechanical devices in the home. O 251p il $1.75 ’22 Manual arts press 23-552 Allen, Edmund Turney, 1896-. See Norton, F: Sb safer, feu o uel al: Allen, Edward Ellis, 1861- Special features in the education of the blind during the biennium 1918-1920. (Bul. 1921, no. 16) O 14p pa ’21 U.S. Educ.; 5c Supt. Fed- of doc. 121-481 Allen, Edward Heron-. See Heron-Allen, E: Allen, Edward L. (ed.) See United New York and New Jersey Sandy Hook pilots benevolent associations. Pilot lore ~- Allen, Edwin West, 1864- Co-operation with the federal government in scientific work; prepared for the divisions of federal and of states relations. (Bul., no. IK v. 5, pt. 1) 50c ’22 National research council 23-132638 Allen, Elizabeth Roberts (comp.) Samuel L. Allen; intimate recollec- tions and letters. O 33l1p il '20 priv ptd Franklin ptg. co., Philadelphia 21-3945 Allen, Ernest Bourner, 1868- What then shall this child be? "22 Pilgrim press Allen, Eugene Thomas, 1864-, and Zies, E. G: Chemical study of the fumaroles of the Kat- mai region. (Contributed technical papers. Katmai ser., no. 2) O 75-155p il '23 National geographic soc. 23-11885 Allen, Fiske. See Taylor, E. H., jt. auth. Allen, Frank Emmett, 1884- S 22p pa 25c Practical lectures on the Book of Job; an: expository and homiletical study. D 5-303p $1.75 ’23 Revell 28-15144 Allen, Frederic Sturges, 1861-1920 (ed.) See Webster, N. Webster’s New inter- national dictionary Allen, Frederick James, 1864- Shoe industry. (American business ser.) new rev and enl ed O xxxvii,415p il $4 ’22 Holt 22-23878 Studies of occupations in agriculture, forestry, and animal industry. O x,39p pa 40c ’21 Harvard univ. 22-18878 Allen, Frederick Madison, 1879-; Stillman, Edgar; and Fitz, Reginald Total dietary regulation in the treatment of diabetes, (Monographs, no. 11) O vi,646p il pa $4.50 '19 Rockefeller inst. for medical re- search 21-18264 Allen, Gardner Weld, 1856- Trustees of donations for education in Li- beria; a story of philanthropic endeavor 1850- 1923. O vii,132p il $1; pa 75¢e ’23 Goodspeed’s bk. 23-8216 Allen, George Henry, 1876- ; French revolution. 4v v 1-2 O 340;370p il ea $10 722 Barrie (22-2753) Allen, Grenville F. Forests of Mount Rainier national park. O 3832p il pa. 20c °22 Supt. of doc. 22-26662 Allen, H. Warner (ed.) See Celestina Allen, Helen Mary (Allen) (Mrs Percy Stafford Allen) (ed. ) ‘See Erasmus, D. Opus epistolarum Allen, Henry Justin, 1868- Kansas problems; speech to the Kansas state board of agriculture; industrial justice through the law creating the Kansas Court of industrial relations; state aid for farm homes, equitable taxation and good roads, proposed in the three constitutional amend- ments to be submitted to the voters at the general election of 1920. O 21p il ’20 Kan. Court of industrial relations, Topeka 21-2286 Party of the third part; the story of the Kansas industrial relations court. O vii, 2838p $2.50 ’21 Harper 21-7194 —See Merrick, H. H., jt. auth. Allen, Henry Tureman, 1859, My Rhineland journal. O xvi,5938p il $6 ’23 Houghton 23-17485 Allen, Hervey Blindman; a ballad of Nogent l’Artaud. O bds $1 ’23 Yale univ. press [4s 6d Milford] Bride of Huitzil: an Aztec legend. O 34p il bds $4 ’22 James F. Drake, inc., 4 W. 40th st., N.Y. 22-7224 Wampum and old gold [verse]. (Yale ser. of younger poets, v. 9) 69p bds $1.25 721 Yale univ. press [5s 6d Milford] 21-16521 (ed.) See Poetry society of South Carolina. Year book for 1921 —See Heyward, D., jt. auth. Allen, Mrs Ida Cogswell (Bailey) (Mrs William Brewster Chapman) 1885- Golden rule cook book; menus for every day, suggestions for entertaining, over two hundred tested recipes. 5th ed O 144p il *21 Citizens’ wholesale supply co., Colum- bus, O. ; 21-9702 Mrs’ Allen on cooking, menus, service; 2500 recipes; il. posed by Ida C. Bailey Allen and Jack Wilbur. D xviii,1001p $2.25 ’24 Doubleday 24-7070 Woman’s world calendar cook book: balanced menus and tested recipes, canning charts, cooking time tables, monthly messages on food values. Q 96p il pa 35c ’22 Woman’s world magazine co., 107 S. Clinton st., Chicago ' 22-5409 Allen, J. C. eyere three empires meet. See Knight, BE: (ed.) See Newbolt, H: J: Book of the long trail Allen, James, 1864- As a man thinketh. D 56p 50c; pa 25¢e ’23 Regan pub. —Same. (Hollywood ser.) 60c Crowell —Same. (San Rafael ser.) lea $1.75 Crowell Allen, James Lane, 1849- Alabaster box. D 64p $1.25 ’23 Harper 23-16974 qe surucey warbler. D 208p lea 90c ’23 Double- ay Allen, James Turney, 1873- Orchestra-terrace of the Aeschylean theater. (Publications in classical philology, v. 7, no. 2)°O 121-128p pay 25e 22" Unive of Cal: A22-1810 Problems of the proskenion. (Publications in classical philology, v. 7, no. 5) O 197-207p pa 25c ’23 Univ. of Cal. A23-1792 Allen, John Edward (Jack Edwards, pseud.) Tales of the print shop: il. by Howard W. Scott. D 187p $2 '23 Oswald pub. co., 243 W. 39th SU; N.Y. 23-11237 Allen, John Robins, 1869-1920, and Walker, J. H. Heating and ventilation. 2d ed O xii,332p il $3.50 (17s 6d) '22 McGraw 22-6145 et Joseph Alexander, 1886-, and Smith, G: Fox ranching in Canada. (Bul. no. 12. New ser.) O 39p il ’22 Canada. Dept. of agric., Ottawa Agr23-611 Allen, Joseph Henry, 1859- How Christian unity came to Alpha; a story designed to show how the Christian people of a small town threw off the yoke of denominationalism, and, by combining their strength and energy and means, built up a church that became an honor to Christ and a blessing to the whole town and the community surrounding. D 241p pa 75c ’21 Standard pub. 21-5627 Allen, Lucy Grace, 1867- Choice recipes for clever cooks. $2 ’24 Little Allen, Merritt P. In Greenbrook; il. by James H. Mather. D vii, 3809p $2 ’23 Page Allen, Milton Arthur, 1890- Arizona gold’ placers. (Ariz. State bur. of mines. Bul. no. 118. Economic ser., no. 18) © 24p °22 Univ. of Ariz. GS23-111 —and Butler, G. M. Asbestos. (Bul. no. 113. Mineral technology Ser., no. 24) O 3lp 721 Ariz. State bur. of mines, Tucson GS21-265 Fluorspar. (Bul. no. 114. Mineral technology Ser:, no. 25) O 19p °’21 Ariz. State bur. of mines, Tucson GS21-322 Vanadium. (Bul. no. 115. Mineral technology ser., no. 26) O 23p ’21 Ariz. State bur. of mines, Tucson GS21-353 —See Butler, G M., jt. auth. Allen, Nellie Burnham, 1864- North America. (Geographical and industrial studies) D xiv.391p il $1 ’22 Ginn 22-10723 —and Robinson, E: K. Children of other lands; stories and sketches; il. by Marguerite Davis. S 3lp pa 44c ’23 Ginn —See Atwood, W. W., jt. auth. Allen, Percy Stage life of Mrs Stirling; with some sketches of the nineteenth century theatre; with an introd. by Sir Frank R. Benson. O 17-244p il $5 ’22 Dutton [12s 6d Unwin] [22-7470] Allen, Percy Stafford, 1869- (ed.) See Erasmus, D. Opus epistolarum Allen, Mrs Percy Stafford. See Allen, H. Allen, Philip Schuyler, 1871- (tr.) See Dumas, A. Three musketeers; Spyri, J. Heidi; Verne, J. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea Allen, Richard William : Air supply to boiler rooms of modern ships of war. 2d ed Q 149p il $15 ’21 Lippincott [42s Griffin] [23-10364] Allen, Robert Francis God of the out-of-doors; a pageant, for out-of-door presentation at Christian en- ORX;282p) 11 24-8037 M. deavor conventions, Chautauqua assem- blies, and similar gatherings. O 56p_ pa 25c ’21 Am. Bapt. 21-8392 Allen, Roland, 1869- Voluntary clergy. D viii,87p $1 ’23 Macmillan ieseoo. S.P.C.K..] A23-2264 Allen, Samuel Leeds, 1841-1918 Allen, E. R., comp. Samuel L. Allen, priv ptd Franklin ptg. co., Philadelphia Allen, T. H. . Leave the miracle to Him; a poem. inst. col. assn, Allen, Thomas George : Y Handbook of the Egyptian collection. See Chi- cago. Art institute Allen, Thomas J. See Bernard, B., it. auth. Allen, Thomas William, 1862- 3 ; ; (ed.) Homeric catalogue of ships; with a commentary. O xi,191p $7.26 *21 Oxford [16s Milford] [21-7108] Allen, Willlam Harvey, 1874-. See Amberg, E., jt. auth. 20 24 Bible ALLIED Allen, William Ray Centennial expedition to Peru. (Indiana univ. alumni quarterly, v. &§ ’21 ‘Alumni assn. of Indiana univ. Allen, William Sims, 1888- Study in Latin prognosis. (Contributions to educ., no. 185) O 41p $1.50; pa $1 '23 Teach- ers college 23-11651 Allen, Winfred Emory, 1873- Quantitative studies on inshore marine di- atoms and dinoflagellates of southern Cali- fornia in 1920; [and] Stylarioides papillosa sp. nov.; a new annelid from the San Diego region, by Christine EH. Essenberg. (Publica- tions in zoology, v. 22, nos. 5-6) Q 369-378p jah MAKE UZPL Obes cone OE DE A23-463 Quantitative studies on marine phytoplankton at La Jolla in 1919. (Publications in zoology, v. 22, no. 3) Q 329-347p pa 380c ’22 Univ. of @al A23-461 Some tide-water collections of marine dia- toms taken at half-hour intervals near San Diego, California. (Publications in zoology, v. 22, no. 9) Q 413-416p pa 25c ’23 Univ. of Call A23-1020 Statistical studies of marine diatoms of the San Diego region collected by U.S.S. Pio- neer in midwinter, 1923. (Publications in zoology, v. 22, no. 12) Q 445-448p pa 25c Poms Ote Cal A23-2335 Studies on marine diatoms and dinoflagellates eaught by aid of the Kofoid bucket in 1922. (Publications in zoology, v. 22, no. 11) Q 435-445p pa 25c ’23 Univ. of Cal. A 23-2253 Allen county, Indiana Griswold, B. J. Pictorial history of Fort Wayne, Indiana. ’17 R. O. Law co., 633 Ply- mouth ct., Chicago o p Allen family Sinnett, C: N. Allen families in Maine, with ancestry [typewritten]. $2 ’21 Sinnett Allen treatment of diabetes. 4th ed Hill, L: . W., and Eckman, R. S. $1.75 Leonard Allentown, Pennsylvania Allentown, Pennsylvania. Chamber of com- merce. Word about the churches and schools of Allentown, Pennsylvania. pa ’21 Cham- ber of commerce, 517 Hamilton st., Allen- town, Pa. Lehigh and New England railroad company. Where opportunity beckons. pa gratis ’22 The company, Bethlehem, Pa. Allentown, Pennsylvania. Chamber of commerce Word about the churches and schools of Al- lentown, Pennsylvania. O 24p il pa ’21 Chamber of commerce, 517 Hamilton st., Allentown, Pa. 21-20604 Allied and associated powers (1914-). Military board of allied supply Dawes, C: G. Journal of the Great war. 2v $10 721 Houghton Allied and associated powers (1914-). Supreme war council 7 Wright, P: E. At the Supreme war council. $2.50 ’21 Putnam Allied and associated powers (1914-). Treaties, Pee ion for the control of the trade in arms and ammunition, and protocol, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919. (International SL ap phat Py 4 m. assn. for int. conci D 29p pa ’21 A Bist rnational law documents; the treaties oO ‘Sse with Austria and with Hungary and protocols and declarations annexed thereto; with notes and index, 1920. O 2638p 65e °22 Supt. of doc. 22-26558 International law documents; the Treaty of peace with Germany, June 28, 1919; with note and index, 1919. O 204p 55c 20 Supt. of ce treati aeserer: treaties; various treaties an - Leh between the Allied and associated powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene_ state, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Turkey, together with certain other agreements signed by the Peace conference at Paris - and Saint Germain-en-Laye. (67th Cong., 91 Gov. ptg. Ist sess. S. doc. 7) O 448p 91-26487 8, no. 2) 111-140p il 50c - Ss ee il ‘control. é ’21 “Allied shi rol. Salter, J. A. $3 Ox- éord af Allies, Thomas William, 1813-1903 St Peter, his name and his office. S 290p $3 '23 Kenedy Alling, Harold Lattimore, 1888- uy Mineralography of the feldspars. (Contribu- ’ tions from the Dept. of geology of Columbia univ., v. 28, no. 5) O 193-295p pa $1 ’21 The author, 901 East av., Rochester, eS ee Allingham, Margery ; : Black’erchief Dick; with an introd. by Wil- liam McFee. D xvi,302p $1.90 ’23 Double- day [7s 6d Hodder & S.] 23-16270 Allinson, Alfred Richard (tr.) See Massy, A. Golf; Souvestre, P., and Allain, M. Long arm of Fantomas Allinson, Anne Crosby (Emery) (Mrs Francis Greenleaf. Allinson) 1871- ’ Children of the way. D 193p $1.75 ’23 Har- court 23-12871 Contents: A lively hope; The Good Shepherd; The day star; In their affliction; For an helmet; Not to the flesh; Peaceable fruit; A more excellent way; Almost thou persuadest me "Seema llinson, -4.: Greg t.maWwehs Allinson, Francis Greenleaf, 1856- ee (tr.) See Menander. Menander, the principal fragments —and Allinson, A. C. ’ Greek lands and letters; 2d ed., with a pro- logue. O xxviii,472p il $3.50 ’22 soe ters Allison, Cla , Clark, 0. 8. Clay Allison of the Washita, first a cow man and then an_ extinguisher of bad men. pa ’21 priv ptd The author, Atti- ca, Ind. Allison, Franklin Elmer, 1892-; Braham, J. M.; and McMurtrey, J. E: f f Field experiments with atmospheric-nitrogen fertilizers. (Bul. no. 1180) O 44p pa ’24 U.S. Agric.; 10¢ Supt of doc. Agr24-99 Allison, Vernon Charles, 1891-; Parker, W. Lag and Jones, G: W. Determination of oxides of nitrogen. (Tech- nical paper 249) O 138p pa ’21 U.S. Mines; 5c Supt. of doc. 21-26870 Allison, William 4 Alias Richard Power; .front. by Vera _ Claire. D vi,333p $1.75 ’21 Doubleday 21-19650 —Same. 75c ’23 Burt Secret of the sea; front. by Rudolph F. Tandler. D 3328p 75c ’22, Burt Turnstile of night; front. by John Newton Howitt. D _ vii,321p $1.90 ’20 Doubleday ; 21-9443 =——same, Dusaczip oc aaivouke Allison, William, 1851- Memories of men and horses. O 341p il $5 ’24 Brentano’s [21s G. Richards] My kingdom for a horse! Yorkshire, Rugby, Balliol, the bar, bloodstock and journalistic recollections. O 352p il $8 ’20 Dutton [21s Richards] [21-12866] Allison, William Franklin Sewage disposal for suburban homes and for isolated institutions. (HEngineering exper. station. Engineering exper. station ser. Bul. no. 16) O 3838p il ’22 Univ. of Wash. GS22-413 Alliteration Krappe, A. H. Alliteration in the Chanson de Roland and in the Carmen de prodicione Guenonis. pa ’21 The author, c.o. Mrs A G. Smith, Iowa City, Ia. Allnatt, Francis John Benwell, 1841- Studies in soul tending: or, Pastoral work in its relation to the individual: ed. by G. Abbott-Smith. D ix,144p $1.75 ’22 Macmillan [4s 6d S. P. C. K.] Alinutt of Delhi. Martin, C. H: $1.40 Macmillan w= in a prologue and three acts; tr. Allotropy Smits, A. Theory of allotropy. mans Allotte de La Ftiye, Mme Marguerite (Piche- $7 ’°22 Long- lin) Lord of death (Le maitre de la mort); a play by Louis - N. Parker. D 95p $1.50; pa 50c (4s 6d) °23 Longmans 23-10341 Alloy steels. Alloys : Aitchison, L., and Barclay, W: R. Engineer- ing non-ferrous metals and alloys. $7 ’23 Oxford American society for testing materials. List of alloys. pa $1 ’23 The society Campbell, W: List of alloys. pa $1 °23 Am. soc. for testing materials Freeman, J: R., and Woodward, R. W. Some properties of white metal bearing alloys at elevated temperatures. ’21 U.S. Stand.; 5c _Supt. of doc. Hidnert, P: Thermal expansion of copper and some of its important industrial alloys. pa 721 U.S. Stand.; 25c Supt. of doc. Ibbotson, F., and Aitchison, L. Analysis of non-ferrous alloys. 2d ed $4 ’22 Longmans Neville, R. P., and Cain, J: R. Preparation and properties of pure iron alloys: 1, Ef- fects of carbon and manganese on the me- chanical properties of pure iron. pa ’22 U.S. Stand.; 10c Supt. of doc. Rawdon, H: S., and Sillers, I*: Preparation and properties of pure iron alloys; 3, Effecr of manganese on the structure of alloys of iron-carbon systems. pa ‘22 U.S. Stand.; 10c Supt. of doe. Smith, A. W. Thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of alloys. ’21 Ohio state univ. Vickers, C: Metals and their alloys. $7.50 ’23 See Steel alloys Baird See also Brass; Metallography; Metal- lurgy; Solder and soldering; Steel alloys; Vanadium Allport, Floyd Henry, 1890- Social psychology. O xiv,453p il $2.50 ’24 Houghton 24-4464 All’s well Choice of the crowd; being a collection of those poems appearing in AIll’s well which met with the approval of the readers. D xii,66p pa $2 ’22 C. J. Finger, Fayetteville, Ark. 23-1029 Allsop, Frederick Charles Practical electric-light fitting; a treatise on the wiring and fitting-up of buildings de- riving current from central station mains, and the laying down of private installations. 9th ed rev D vii,288p il $2.50 (7s 6a? "23 Pit- man 23-13015] Allsopp, Frederick William, 1867- History of the Arkansas press for a hundred years and more. O 684p .il $5 ’22 Parke- Harper pub. co., 209 Spring st., Little Rock, Ark. 23-7074 Little adventures in newspaperdom. D 239p il $2 ’22 Arkansas writer pub. 22-11317 Revised edition of Twenty years in a newspaper office, published in 1907 Alltucker, Margaret May, 1888- Coédrdination in part-time education. (Part- time education ser., no. 4, bul. no. 3) O 44p pa ’21 Univ. of Cal. BH21-512 Allyn and Bacon’s series of school histories. A llyn , C: K., and Trent, W: P. History of the United Andrews, C: M. History of England. $2 Andrews, C: M. Short history of England. Latané, J: H. History of the United States. $2 West, W. M. Short history of modern peoples. West. W. M. Story of modern progress. rev ed $2 West, W. M. Story of world progress. Alma mater. Baltzer, F: $1 Eden pub. house, 1716 Chouteau av., St Louis, Mo. Almanacs Amalgamated, clothing workers of America. Amalgamated illustrated almanac, 1923. 50c, ’22 Amalgamated clothing workers of Am.,, 31 Union sq., N.Y, $1.80 $1.50 ee sn ie 39 Almanacs—Continued Alpern, Hymen Atlantic fisherman’s almanac, 1923. pa 50c Spanish, including '22 Atlantic fisherman, inc., 100 Boylston tions. (Globe ou Us st., Boston p@M60c '21 Globe Nic Baer, J:, sons. Agricultural almanac. pa 12c¢ Alpha omega alpha ’ '% 723 John Baer’s sons, inc., 227 N. Cherry Catalogue _of the Alpha om st., Lancaster, Pa. ary traternity, 1902-1922; ed. by William W. <.j%. Brooklyn daily’ eagle. Brooklyn daily eagle Root. O 249p $2; pa $1 ’23 W. W. Root, a! almanac [annual]. $1.50 Brooklyn daily eagle Slateryj]le Springs, N LY. -23-10205 f et pes Almanack for 1924, 50¢ °23 pipha-particles and electrons, Chemical effects —- New Hazell annual and almanack for the year of. Lind, S: C. $3 Chemical catalog co. yt 1922. $2.50 ’22 Oxford Alpha phi a) 1922 metaphysical almanac. pa ‘21 Master History of Alpha phi fraternity, 1872-1922. As mind O 3876p il $2 ’23 Century 23-872° i North American almanac, 1922. bds 50c ’21 Alphabeting gue North American almanac co., 124 W. Illi- r Childs, J. B. Rules for alphabetical filing | words in the dictionary catalog of a librar, pa ’21 The author, Urbana, IIl. See also Cataloging Alphabets Kluh, J: M. Etymologic cipher alphabet of one hundred and twenty letters, with a new > arithmetic system. $1 ’22 The author, 2842 - State st., Chicago See also Lette: nois st., Chicago Olson, EK. W:, and Benzon, P: W. Almanac for the year of Our Lord, 1923. See author entry Oxford sheet almanack for 1922-1924. 3v 1922 $2: 1923-24 ea $1.50 ’22-’24 Oxford Raymond, C. S:, and McCutcheon, J: T. Clif- Re & John’s almanack. $1.50 ’21 Reilly & ee Saint Antony’s almanac, 1924. pa 25c ’23 St 2) Antony’s almanac, St Bonaventure, N.Y. 0 p Scientific American almanac, 1924. pa 25c ’23 Scientific American pub. See author entry for publisher’s descriptive note Twentieth century almanac. 4th ed bds $1; pa 75c ’21 Allen, Lane & Scott World almanac and encyclopedia, 1922-1924. 3v ea 75c; pa 35e ’21-’24 N.Y. world See also Calendars; Yearbooks Almars, Joseph (comp.) Building a college annual. Opsspe 2s Art crafts guild, ine., 500 N. Dearborn st., Chicago 23-10202 (comp.) College annual business manage- MCHtwOnlODmilense evrtecratts 2uild.e inc, 500 N. Dearborn st., Chicago 23-2221 (comp. and ed.) See Minneapolis. Federal schools. Applied cartooning Almedingen, Martha Edith Catholic church in Russia to-day. D 139p $1.35 728 Kenedy Almond, David Hebrew religious education treated histori- cally; its American antithesis and the pro- jected remedy. O 7-95p pa $1 ’22 Schulman bros., 564 W. Randolph st., Chicago 22-20837 Almond, Linda Stevens Little glad heart; il. by Elizabeth R. With- ington. D 317p $1.65 ’22 Page 22-16971 Peter Rabbit and Jack-the-jumper; with il. by J. L. G. (Altemus’ Peter Rabbit ser.) T 5-62p bds 50c ’22 Altemus aie ee and Little White Rabbit; with by J (Altemus’ Peter Rabbit ser.) T 5-63p bds Bhs 723 Altemus Peter Rabbit’s birthday; with il. by J. L. G. (Altemus’ Peter Rabbit ser.) T 60p _ bds 50e ’°21 Altemus Peter Rabbit’s Easter; with il. by J. L. G. (Altemus’ Peter Rabbit ser.) T 7-58p bds 50c ’21 Altemus When Peter Rabbit went to school. (Altemus’ Peter Rabbit ser., no. 6) T 64p il bds 50c Alpine A B C Methuen, Alpine plants Holm, H 43 of easy rock plant | 1, comp. $1 Dutton it’ Vegetation of the Alpine regio: | Rocky mountains in Colorado. pz Supt. of doc. Ae Alpine plants, $2.75 Scribner Methuen, A. M. M., comp. Alpine A BC anc list of easy rock plants. $1 ’22 Dutton Alpine ski-ing at all heights and _ seasons Lune A. (Hae MM. $28 Duttan Alps Muirhead, F., and Monmarché, M., eds. Frenc! Alps. $3.50 ’23 Macmillan Pius XI. Climbs on Alpine peaks. Houghton Alsace oO th 308 Maecracpalf ‘ Macself, eA 19 $2 Bibliography Bibliographie alsacienne, revue critique ¢ - publications concernant l’Alsace; 1, 19) .% 1921. $2.55 ’24 Oxford Church history Reuss, R. E. Lia coastitution civile Az et la crise religieux en ee v 1 $2.10 ’24 ©xford ac 41790 - 105 ’ History Leuilliot, P. I 3 ys ee Re Jacobins de Colmar. aa Al-Shimas, Kamar, pseud. See Brand, N. F. Also ran. Reynolds, G. M. 75¢ Burt Alston, Leonard, 1875- How it all fits together; a novice’s introduc tion to the | game of life. D 158p $1.50. ’* Dutton 21-1: Altar boy’s secant ceremonial. Carr, J: a Krone bros., 161 Krone pl., Hackens ’21 Altemus et peek Same cer aia Oe tag a AN Almond-blossom. Wadsley, O. $2 Dodd; 75c sores earth, Simpson, H. L: $2.25 Pilg man Alternating current machinery. See Electri Almost an actor. Stratton, W. pa 25c Denison chiners current machinery. See Electric n Alo man. Chadwick, M. L.-P., and Lamprey, L. bds $1 World bk. Aloha around the world. Putnam Alternating current windings. 2d ed Kinzbrur ner, C. $2 Van Nostrand Alternating currents, ternating Vogel, Hee M. $3.50 : cP Kle, ‘ric currents, Al. Alone. Davis, G: W. Times-mirror Alternators. See Electric go (Iternat- Alone. Douglas, N. $3 McBride ing current ~ Alone in London. Stretton, H. pa 30c Bible Althoff, William, 1891- inst. col. assn. Value of machinery eport ava te a de il. Southerland, M. $1.60 information bul., no. 204) 6p ’24 U.S. Along aa s7pey Seg ae ; , For. & dom. comm, 24-26229 the ol Cape Ann. D9-1°") buck Altimeter aiet 8 aboevan colentae and i sa ‘assn., baie vanay o Shiau | leh Boreas Oo eons l ter, M of barometers and altimeters. ed oa Aa egies os Grantteist.. Caverns aa 10766 U.S. Stand.; 10c Supt. of doc. / ALTITUDE Ititude instruments. United States. Standards, Bureau of. pa U.S. Stand.; 15c Supt. of doc. Itmaier, Car! Lewis | Psychology. of typewriting and a psychological experiment: O 10p il pa 50c ’23 Park pub. co., 4617 Locust st., Philadelphia Itman, Blanche L. See Secrist;°H., jt. auth. Altoviti Aphrodite. Bosworth, W: W. priv ptd /aium Cohen, B. Indicators for pH control of alum dosage. ’23 U.S. Public health; 5c Supt. of oc. Miller, L. B. On the composition of the pre- \ cipitate from partially alkalinized alum Be tionE: p20 ui. EeUbplIiec) healehewocw Supe, oO oc. : lumino-thermic New Jersey ( Feralite process for corporation, Roselle Park, aluminothermic welding. O 17p il pa ’23 The corporation, Roselle Barks. Ned. 23-6810 Aluminum \ Grard; C: A. M. Aluminium and its alloys, their properties, thermal treatment and in- dustrial application. $5 ’21 Van Nostrand \Platt, W: H. H. Aluminium repairing. $1.50 | '22 Van Nostrand heriault, E. J., and Clark, W: M. Experi- ’ mental study of the relation of hydrogenion concentrations to the formation of floc in alum solutions. ’23 U.S. Public health; 5c Supt. of doc. United States. Standards, Bureau of. Solders roryalunrmnum.| 20 76d) 23 “U.Seaotand: =) ye Supt. of doc. Muminum alloys Anderson, R. J. Inclusions in aluminum-alloy sand castings. pa ’'22 U.S. Mines; 10c Supt. | of doc. Anderson, R. J. Preparation of light alumi- num-copper casting alloys. pa ’22 U.S. Mines; 10c Supt. of doc. iluminum_ chloride Ralston, O. C. Anhydrous aluminum .chloride. 728 U.S. Mines; 5c Supt. of doc. lumni directories. See College directories Varez, Alejandro, 1868- uiternational law and related subjects from \the point of view of the American nent; a report on lectures deliver in the \niversities of the United State 1916-1918, der the auspices of the Car endow- Aet for inter tiongl peace, including a cow va ati stucy of th universities of La tr iu.ica and the Ut ited States. (Di- vision of international law. Pamphlet ser., no. 48) ,Q 93p bds gratis (22 Carnegie en- dowment 22-21500 Ivarez, Walter Clement, 1884- Mechanics of the digestive | tract. O xii,192p il $3.50 ’22 Hoeber 22-6151 Ilvarez Quintero, Joaquin, 18738-. See Alvarez . Quintero, S., jt. auth. ‘var¢z Quintero, Serafin, 1871-, and Alvarez \ Quintero, Joaquin duntain of youth (La flor de Ia, vida); a / poetic drama in three acts; tr. by Samuel N. | Baker. (Stewart Kidd modern plays) D T1p | 50c ’22 Stewart Kidd 22-19566 yard, Clarence Walworth, 1868- (ed. ) Governor Edward Coles: ed. with introd. / and notes. (Collections, v. 15. Biographie / ser., v. 1) O viii,435p il ’20 I. state hist. / lib. ‘ 21-27170 (lwyn-Schmidt, Ludwig W. (ed.) See American almanac and biographic directory of, Mairdressing. Alzona, Encarnacion Some French contemporary opinions of the y Russian revolution of 1905. (Columbia univ. y jtudtes in history, economics and public Ww, vv 100, no. 2; whole no. 228) O 1177p pa OF "21 Longmans 22-3990 Am [ intruding? Johnson, F: G. pa 50c Denison Amalgamated clothing workers of America Analgamated clothing workers; the case of e union as stated by observers: 1, In e press; 2, In the court; 3, In a normal 40 market. O 30p '20 Amalgamated clothing workers of Am., 31 Union sq., N.Y. L21-54 Amalgamated illustrated almanac, 1923. Q 96p il 50c ’22 Amalgamated clothing workers of Am., 31 Union sq., N.Y. Documentary history. 2v Q ea $2 Amalgamated clothing workers of Am., 31 Union sq., N.Y. (20-23439) Report of the general executive board to the fifth biennial convention, Chicago, May 8- 13th, 1922. O 296,52p il 50c ’22 Amalgamated clothing workers of Am., 31 Union sq., N.Y Amalgamated clothing workers of America. Re- search department Clothing workers of Chicago, 1910-1922. O 424p il $2 ’22 Amalgamated clothing workers of Aiieatol UNTOnNWSG sm INeys L22-231 Amalgamated education series. Amalgamated clothing workers of Am., 31 Union sq., N.Y. Blanchard, P. Open shop movement. 5c (4) Hartman, L. Where the workers rule. 15¢c (7) Soule, G: H: Recent developments in trade unionism. 10e (3) Wolman, L. Proposal for an unemployment fund in the men’s clothing industry. pa 10c (5) Amanda. Myers, A. B. $2 Jacobs Amaranth and Asphodel. Anthologia graeca. $2.00 Houghton Amaranths. Casebeer, F. thor, 3329 2d st., San Diego, Cal. Amateur carpenter. See Verrill, A. H. Boys’ book of carpentry Amateur collector. Williamson, G: C: $3 Mc- Bride Amateur gentleman. Farnol, J. 85c Burt Amateur inn. Terhune, A. P. $2 Doran Amateur radio. ‘Grainger, M. J. $1; pa 50c Mc- Cann Amateur radio call book; a complete list of all amateur, special amateur and_ telephone broadcasting stations of United States and Canada. 3d ed O 144p il pa $1 ’22 Radio directory and pub. co., 45 Vesey st., N.Y. 22-22904 C. bds $1.25 The au- Edited hy W. B. Spiegel Amateur radio stations of the United States. United States. Navigation, Bureau of (De- partment of commerce) [annual]. pa Supt. of doc. “esateur theatricals bureau of community drama. Play produc- tion for amateurs. pa 50c '22 Univ. of N. C. Cannon, F. Do’s and dont’s for the playwright. bds 75c ’22 Denison Clark, B. H. How to produce amateur plays. new and rev ed $1.75 ’22 Little Dayton, H. S., and Barratt, L. B. Book of entertainments and theatricals. $3.50 ’23 McBride Ferris, H. J. Producing amateur entertain- ments. $2.50 ’21 Dutton Forbush, W: B. Dramatics in the home. 3d ed pa 15e ’22 Abingdon press Jones, B. E., ed. Stage illusions and enter- tainments. $1 ’23 Funk Russell, M. M. How to produce plays and pageants. $1.50 ’23 Doran Wise, C. M. Dramatics for school and com- munity. $3 ’23 Stewart Kidd See also Acting; Children’s plays; Circus, Amateur; Dialogs; Dramas—Plays for amateurs; Make-up, Theatrical; Minstrel shows; Morales Pantomime; School plays: Tableaux; Theaters, Community Srateur’s book of the dahlia. Stout, H. M. $3 Doubleday Asmateur’s book of the garden series; under the eeneral editorship of Leonard Barron. Doubleday Rarnes, P, T. Barrop, T.., ed. Barron, I. House plants. $1.75 Flower growing. rev ed $2 Lawn making. $1.75 Barron, L. Roses and how to grow them. rev ed $2 Bennett, i).D. Vegetable garden. .rey ed $1.75 Regers, W: S. Planning your garden. $1.75 Amazing race. Ridout, G: W. $1.25 Revell Amazing inneritance. Sterrett, F. R. $2 Appleton Amaziry interlude. Rinehart, M. lea $2.50 Doran Amazing story of Henry Ford. Miller, J. M. $2 Donohue Amazon river Up de Graff, F. W. Head hunters of the Am- azon. $5 ’23 Duffield Amazon triumph. Caskey, G: M. pa $1 The author, 69 Wisconsin st., Milwaukee, Wis. Ambassador’s memoirs. 2d ed Paléologue, G. M v1 $7.50 Doran Ambauen, Andrew Joseph, 1847- (comp.) Winged words; or, Famous quota- tions from the works of great authors, chiefly English, French and American; in harmonious connection with many of our familiar proverbs, phrases, mottoes and other colloquial expressions. new ed O xvi,103p pa $1.25 ’22 The author, Dodgeville, Wis. [22-425] Amberg, Eda, and Allen, W: H. Civic lessons from Mayor Mitchel’s defeat; why every democratically governed people can find encouragement rather than dis- ccuragement in New York city’s vote against fusion reform in 1917. D 96p pa 25c 721 Inst. for public service 21-15994 Soldier citizen and his home town. D 32p pa 10c ’719 Y.M.C.A., Educational bur. of war work council, 347 Madison av., N.Y. Ambition. Aminoff, C. L. C. $2 Dutton Ambition. Howie, W. D. $1 Rural index press, 423 Grant st., Fort Morgan, Colo. Ambition. Kavanaugh, K. pa 50c Dramatic Ambler, Ada (ed.) See Browning, R. Selections Ambling through Acadia. Towne, C: H. $2.50 Century Ambrose, John Edward Her guiding voice. D 13-310p il $2 ’23 Chris- topher pub. house 23-11446 Ambu-wiring diagrams. 5th ed American bureau of engineering. 5v loose leaf $15 The bureau Ambush. Richman, A. $1.50 Duffield Ameba Boeck, W: C:, and Stiles, C: W. Studies on various intestinal parasites (especially AINe@ehae)s sOlgeInahee pa woe Wes. Public nealth; = 25¢-Supt, of doc. Kofoid, C: A., and Swezy, O. On the free, encysted, and budding stages of council- mania lafleuri,*a parasitic amoeba of the human intestine. pa 60c ’21 Univ. of Cal. Kofoid, C: A., and others. On the distinc- tions between endamoeba coli and council- mania lafleuri. pa 45c ’24 Univ. of Cal. Kofoid, C: A., and others. On the genus councilmania, budding intestinal amoebae Bes in man and rodents. 25c ’23 Univ. re) al. Ameer Ali. See Amir Ali _ Amelotte, Joseph In navy yards what is overhead to productive labor. D 44p pa 25c ’21 The author, 14 N. Franklin st. court, Lynn, Mass. 21-17987 Amenhotep IV, afterwards Khunaten, king of Egypt, ca. 1466 B.C. Weigall, A. E: P. B. Life and times of Akh- naton. new and rev ed $5 ’23 Putnam Amentia. See Idiocy America Bibliography Clements, W: L. William L. Clements library of Americana at the University of Michi- gan. ’23 Univ. of Mich. 33 ios Description and travel Neville, C: E: Our continent and its neich- bors. 80c ’24 Hinds id Discovery and exploration Ainsworth, C. Following the co AN Oe g nquerors. 48c Babcock, W: H: Recent history and present status of the Vinland problem. ’21 Am. geo- graphical soc. 41 AMERICAN Bolton, H. E. Spanish borderlands. per set of 50v Abraham Lincoln ed $175; graduates ed $150; extra-il ed $250 ’21 Yale univ. press Champlain, S: de. Voyages and explorations, 1604-1616. 2v $3 ’22 Allerton bk. (corr pub) Champlain, S: de. Works. 6v v 1 ’22 Champlain soc., Toronto, Canada COX al ads, sed. Journeys of Réné Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle. 2v $3 ’22 Allerton bk. (corr pub) Fynn, A. J: North America in days of dis- covery. $2 ’23 Badger, R. G. Gathorne-Hardy, G. M., tr. Norse discoverers of America. $4.75 '21 Oxford Hackett, C: W., ed. Historical documents relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya and approaches thereto, to 1773. 4v v 1 $3.75 ’24 Carnegie inst. Mace, W: H., and Tanner, I. P. Story of old KHurope and young America. enl ed $1.35 ’22 W: L. Following Columbus. 96c ’23 Macmillan Nufiez Cabeza de Vaca, A. Journey of Alvar Nunfiez Cabeza de Vaca and his companions from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536. $1.50 °22 Allerton bk. Rolt-Wheeler, I*. W: Coming of the peoples. $1.50 ’22 Doran Rolt-Wheeler, F. W: Quest of the western world. $1.50 ’21 Doran Fiction Johnston, M. 1492. $2.50 ’22 Little Lamprey, L. Days of the discoverers. 721 Stokes America. Gould, C: W. $3 Scribner $2.50 America. Long, W: J. $1.64 Ginn America and Europe. Blake, E. pa 15¢c Abing- don press America and the Atlantic. Ballard, G: A. $5 Dutton America and the balance sheet of Europe. Bass, J: F., and Moulton, H. G. $3 Ronald America and the Permanent court of inter- national justice. World peace foundation. 5c The foundation America and the _ rehabilitation of Hurope. American academy of political and social science. $1.50; pa $1 Am. acad. America and the world liquor problem. Cher- rington, E. H. $1 Am. issue America and the young intellectual. Stearns, H. E. $1.50 Doran America and world finance. Williams, J: H: pa gratis Am. bankers assn. America faces the future. Drake, D. $2.50 Mac- millan America for coming citizens. H. $1 Scribner America in literature. See Woodberry, Appreciation of literature Goldberger, H: G: E: America in Spitzbergen. Dole, N. H. 2v_ $25. Jones, Marshall America in the World war. Bond, P. 8., and Sherrill, C. O. $1.50 Banta America, its problems and perils. Eddy, 8S. pa 10c Doran America of yesterday. Long, J: D. $3 Atlantic monthly America the peace maker. Gil, J. C. pa $1.50 Veritas publicity bur., 83 Chambers st., N.Y. America tomorrow. Northern Baptist conven- tion. Board of education. $1.50 Judson press America vs. Europe in industry. Farnham, D. T. $4 Ronald American. Gue, B. W. $2 Badger, R. G. American. James, H: $1 Houghton American academy in Rome Memoirs. 3v F 172;102;102p ea $8.35; $16.70 per set ’22 Oxford (corr pub) [18-22435] Papers and monographs. The academy, 101 Park av., N.Y. Peterson, R. M. Cults of Campania. bds $2.50 (1) Taylor, L. R. Local cults in Etruria. bds $2.50 (2) AMERICAN American academy of arts and letters ’ In memoriam; a book of record concerning former members of the American academy of arts and letters. S xi,231p il pa $3.50 ’22 The academy 22-13029 Proceedings at the formal opening of the permanent home of the American academy of arts and letters, N.Y., February 22, 1923; opening address. S 4¥p pa 5c '23 The acad- emy Public meeting in honor of William Dean Howells. S 76p pa 50c ’22 The academy Public meeting, November 20, 1909; Augustus Saint-Gaudens. S /40p pa 50c ‘’22 The academy ’ Public meeting under the auspices of the American academy and the National insti- tute of arts and letters, held at Carnegie hall, New York, November 38, 1910, in mem- ory of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain). S 1083p pa 50c ’22 priv ptd The academy 22-16382 American academy of political and social sci- ence America and the rehabilitation of Europe; ed. by Clyde L. King. (Annals v. 102, no. 191) O 217p $1.50; pa $1 ’22 Am. acad. 22-15080 Contents: Foreword, by L. S. Rowe; The industrial and financial situation in Europe and its remedies; To what extent is America’s prosperity dependent on the rehabilita- tion of Europe?; America and the debts of Murope; Amer- ica and the political situation in Murope; Is America’s co- éperation indispensable to European rehabilitation?; Amer- ica’s relation to the European situation : American economic policies since the armi- stice; a series of addresses and papers pre- sented at the annual meeting, in the city of New York, November 19 and 20, 1923; ed. by Henry Rogers Seager, and Parker Thom- as Moon. (Proceedings, v. 10, no. 4) O 231p pa $1 ’24 Am. acad. : : America’s relation to the European situation; editor in charge of this volume, Carl Kelsey. (Annals, v. 108, no. 197) O 2384p pa $1 '23 The academy 23-11037 Contents: The present international situation in Europe; The present situation in world finance; The economic basis of international peace; The Near Kast; The influence of Europe on America; What the United States can do for Europe; Book department : Annals, thirtieth anniversary index; being an index to all publications from March, 1916, up to and including July, 1921, and supplementing the twenty-fifth anniversary index published as a supplement to the March, 1916, issue of the Annals; ed. by Clyde L. King. O vii,79p pa ’21 The academy 21-17655 Centenary of the Monroe doctrine; addresses delivered at the sessions commemorative of the centenary of the Monroe doctrine, Philadelphia, Pa., November 30th and De- cember ist, 1923. (Annals; supplement to v. 111) O 7-40p pa ’24 The academy 24-5488 Child welfare; editor in charge of _ this volume, James H. S. Bossard. (Annals. v. 98, nos ISDeOsix 222) Giass aol o0ce pa sls coe The academy 21-20449 Contents: Foreword, by James H. S. Bossard; Standards of child welfare, by Julia C. Lathrop; Positive welfare for all children; Problems and programs involving special groups uf children; Child welfare programs; Appendix; The standard of living among one hundred negro migrant fam- ilies in Philadelphia, by Sadie Tanner Mossell; Index Direct primary; editor in charge of this volume, J. T. Salter. (Annals, v. 106, no. 195) C 286p $1 ’23 The academy 23-5900 Ethics of the professions and of business; with a supplement: Modern China and her present day problems; editor in charge of this volume, Clyde L. King. (Annals v. 101, no. 190) O xi,815p $1.50; pa $1 °22° Am. acad. 22-12910 Federal reserve system—its purpose and work; editors in charge of this volume, A. D. Welton, C. H. Crennan. (Annals, v. 99, no. 188) O xxvi,229p pa $1 ’22 The academy 7 22-2353 Contents: Foreword—the integrity of the federal reserve system by A. D. Welton and C. H. Crennan; Before the reserve act; The purposes of the Federal reserve act; Operation of the system; Book department; Index Industrial relations and the churches; with a supplement: A study in labor mobility by the Industrial research department, Wharton school of finance and commerce, University 42 of Pennsylvania; Anne Bezanson and others; editors in charge of this volume, John A. Ryan and F. Ernest Johnson. (Annals, v. 103, no. 192) O v,234p pa $1 ’22 The academy 22-20907 Contents: Foreword, by C. L. King; The problem of industrial conflict; ‘The social function of industry; The church’s duty in relation to industry; Industrial programs of the churches and Christian organizations; Book depart- ment; Index; Supplement International trade _ situation; editor in charge of this volume, G: B. Roorbach. (Annals, v. 94; whole no. 183) O viii,227p $1.50; pa $1 ’21 The academy 21-4957 Contents: Foreword, by editor; pt. 1, International trade since the armistice; pt. 2, The present outlook for Ameri- can foreign trade; pt. 3, Organization for international trade; pt. 4, National policies in foreign trade relations; Book department; Report of the Board of directors of the American academy of political and social science, year ending December 31, 1920; Index Place of the United States in a world organ- ization for the maintenance of peace; editor in charge of this volume, Clyde L. King. (Annals. v. 96, no. 185) O v,189p pa $1 ’21 The academy 21-15111 Contents: ‘Ihe accomplishments of the existing League of nations; The Monrve doctrine and America’s participa- tion in a world organization; The possibility of disarm- ament by international agreement; The treatment of back; ward peoples in a world organization; The function of international courts and means of enforcing their de- cisions; The essentials of an effective world organization; The payment of the Allied indebtedness to the United States; Book department; Index Present day social and industrial conditions in Austria; editor in charge of this volume, Wenzel Gleispach. (Annals. Supplement, November, 1921) O xiii,74p pa $1 ’21 The academy 21-20450 Prohibition and its enforcement: editor in charge of this volume, T. Henry Walnut; with a supplement: The business cycle: edi- tor in charge of this volume, Clyde L. King. (Annals, v. 109, no. 198) O .325p pa $1 °23 The academy 23-13066 Psychology in business; editors in charge of this volume: C. . Crennan, F. A. Kings- bury. (Annals, v. 110, no. 199) O vii,232p il pa $1 ’23 The academy 23-17636 Contents: Who’s who of contributors; Human nature in business by C. H. Crennan; Applying psychology to business, by F. 22) The digest, *22 H. 12th st., RAED American automotive products in India. Bat- chelder! iG. Cpa Us. hom, & dom. comm:; LOcmoupts of -doc: American ballads and songs. Pound, i ed. $1 Scribner American bank attorneys American bank attorneys. See Capron, J: F. American bankers and_ brokers _ telegraphic code. 3d ed American code company. $ The company American bankers’ association American bankers’ association economic sur- vey, April, 1921; reported to the executive council of the American bankers’ associa- tion at Pinehurst, N.C., May 4, 1921, by rier S. Drum. O 23p pa ’21 The associa- ion China, an economic survey, 1923. O 40p pa gratis ’23 The association 23-13970 Our situation today: a country-wide eco- nomic survey; the second economic survey of the American bankers association, re- ported at the convention of the associa- tion in Los Angeles, October 4, 1921, by John S. Drum. O 84p pa gratis '21 Am. bankers assn. 21-18970 School savings banking, during school year of 1922-23; fourth annual report on systems throughout the United States; with honor roll and comparative statistics. Q 15p pa 25c '23 The association —Same; including the standard method ap- proved by the American bankers associa- tion, savings bank division. D xi,174p $1.25 723 Ronald . 23-8786 American bankers’ association. Commission on commerce and marine Japan: before and after the earthquake. O 69p il gratis ’23 The association 24-2474 Russia; a consideration of conditions as re- vealed by Soviet publications. O 36p pa ’22 The association 22-18937 American banking. Willis, H: P. $2.50 La Salle extension univ. American banking practice. Kniffin, W: H: $3.50 McGraw American bankruptcy. reports; ed. by Fletcher A. Blanchard. v 46-49 O buck ea $5.50 ’21- 723 Bender American Baptist publication society. Religious education, Department of Church vacation school handbook; suggestions for promotion, organization, and program. O 68p il pa 35c ’22 Judson press 22-18111 American Baptist year book, 1923: a reference book of denominational activities. pa 75c ’23 Judson American bar association Report of the forty-fourth annual meeting held at Cincinnati, Ohio, August 31-Sep- tember 2, 1921. 1051p $2 ’21 The association Special session on legal education of the con- ference of bar association delegates, Me- morial continental hall, Washington, D.C., February 23 and 24, 1922. O 211p pa ’22 The association American bar association. on the law of aviation First preliminary report to the executive com- mittee (with annexed list of publications). O 40p pa gratis ’21 The association ee of publications respecting the law of aviation, p. Special committee American beginnings in Europe. Gordy, W. F. $1.12 Scribner Rico eri American bias in the war. Kelly, M. $2 Lemcke American Bible society Concordance to the Old and New Testaments; carefully compared with the authorized ver- sion and containing all the principal common words and proper names in alphabetical order. D 211p 40c ’21 Am. Bible soc. 21-17443 American board of lexicography New supreme Webster dictionary. See Web- ster, N American book-prices current, 1919-1920, 1920- 1921. 2v O ea $20 ’21-’22 Dutton American bookplate society Bookplate annual for 1921. See Bookplate an- nual for 1921 American booktrade manual, 1922; including lists, of publishers, booksellers, periodicals and organizations. O 180p $5 ’22 Bowker American bottle company Agreement and working rules; made by the American bottle company and the Glass blowers’ association of the United States and Canada to apply to machine operators. T 8p pa ‘'21 Glass bottle blowers’ assn., EOon 1006, Colonial trust bldg., Philadel- phia American boys’ book of birds and brownies of the woods. Beard, D. C. $2 Lippincott American boys’ book of wild animals. Beard, D. C. $3 Lippincott American bureau of engineering, incorporated Ambu wiring diagrams; furnish layout of wires and parts in same relative positions they occupy on each automobile; cover all electrical systems from 1912 to 1923; 3d series. 5th ed 5v O loose leaf $15 ’23 The bureau Automobile storage battery, its care and re- pair, radio batteries, farm lighting batter- ies, by O. A. Witte. 3d ed rev and enl O 532p il lea’tte $5 ’22 The bureau 23-150 Automotive electricity, home study course, covering fundamentals of electricity, storage batteries, automobile ignition and starting and lighting. 4v O $87.50 ’22 The bureau American bureau of geography Index to the Journal of geography, 1921. See Journal of geography American bureau of metal statistics Year books, 1920-22. 3v O 62;80;96p pa ’21- 293 The bureau, 115 Broadway, N.Y. (21-15719) 1897 to American bureau of shipping ; EP Record of American and foreign shipping [annual]. $40 The bureau, 50 Broad st., N.Y. Rules for the classification and _ construction of steel ships, 1862-1922. Q xxiii,358p pa $5 299 The bureau, 50 Broad st., N.Y. 22-21101 American bureau of trade extension — International directory of leaders in world trade of all countries. See _ International directory of leaders in world trade of all cuuntries American business builders, Incorporated, New York ; Independence spare-time business. plans; 137 ways to make money. 8 pts S il pa $3 ’22 Am. business builders, ine., 1133 Ea ae American business series; R. C. McCrea, gen- eral editor. Holt Allen, F: J. Shoe industry. new ed $4 Fitzgerald, J. A. Making use of a bank. Krebs, W: S: Outlines of accounting. $3.50 MacVeagh, R. Transportation act, 1920. $7.50 Stockder, A. H. Business ownership organization. $3 American casebook series; W. R. Vance, gen- eral editor. West Cook, W. W. Cases and other authorities on equity. 3v vy 1 buck $5.50 Corbin, A. L. Cazes on the law of contracts selected from decisions of English and American courts. buck $6.50 Oliphant, H. Cases on trade regulation, selected from decisions of English and American courts. buck $5.50 Scott, J. B., ed. Cases on international law. $6 American Catholic hymnal. 2d ed Marist broth- ers. $1.50 Kenedy American Catholics in the war. Williams, M. $250 Macmillan American cemetery law. Street, A. L. H. $6 Allied arts pub. co., 114 S. Carroll st., Madi- son, Wis. American ceramic society Journal [monthly] January 1918 to date. $12 a year The society, Lord hall, Ohio state univ., Columbus, O. Transactions, v. 1-19, 1899-1917; collective in- dex, comp. and ed. by E. J. Crane and Elmer Hockett. O 70p $1.50 ’20 The society, Lord Hall, Ohio state univ., Columbus, ; 1-20303 American checker association : Fifth American tourney. See Jordan, A., and Teetzel, M. D. American chemical society List of periodicals abstracted by Chemical abstracts; (with information given as to official abbreviations, frequencies of ap- pearance, 1922 volume numbers, prices, publishers, and libraries which receive the various journals). O 60p pa 25c ’22 Ohio state univ. 23-16163 Monograph series. Chemical catalog co. Alexander, J. Glue and gelatin. $3 (11) oe P. D., and Mohler, F. L. Origin of spectra. $4.50 Hawley, L. F.. Wood distillation. $3 Hildebrand, J. H: Solubility. $3 (17) Kraus, C: A. Properties of electrically conducting sys- tems. $4.50 (7) Lewis, G. N. Valence and the structure of atoms and molecules. $3 Lind, S: C. Chemical effects of alpha-particles and electrons. $3 Palmer, eile iS: ehromolipoids. indiziss, G: W., compounds. $7 Sherman, H. C.; Carotinoids and related pigments: the $4.50 (9) and Gavron, J. L. Organic arsenical and Smith, S. L. Vitamins. $4 Svedberg, T. Colloid chemistry. $3 (16) Taylor, H. S. Industrial hydrogen. $3.50 Tuttle, J: B. Analysis of rubber. $2.50 Venable, F. P. Zirconium and its compounds. $2.50 Whitmore, F. C. Organic compounds of mercury. $4.50 Wilson, J: A. Chemistry of leather manufacture. $5 American chemistry. Hale, H. $2 Van Nostrand American child health association Care of the baby; prepared by a committee of the American association for the study and prevention of infant mortality. (Supplement no. 10 to the Public health reports, De- cember 19, 1913) O 14p ’17 U.S. Public health; 5c Supt. of doc. 17-26382 Expectant mother in the house of health. (House of health ser.) O 23p pa 10c ’24 The association Health in play; a guide for all who help chil- dren in their play; il. by A. Laura Archi- bald; published with the approval of the Playground and recreation association of America. O 4383p pa 25c ’24 The association Runabouts, children from 2 to 6 years, in the Bonde of health. O 62p il pa ’23 The associa- ion Statistical report of infant mortality for 1920 in 519 cities of the United States. Q 16p pa 25¢e ’20 The association 22-14005 —Same, for 1922. in 635 cities of the United States [with chart]. Q 16p pa 25c ’23 The association Study outline of the pre-school child, prepared for the National congress of mothers and Parent-teacher associations. D 48p pa ’23 The association 23-17350 Cover title: My little child’s health Transactions of the eleventh-thirteenth an- nual meetings, 1920-1922. 8v pa ea $3 ’21- ’23 The association American child hygiene association. See Ameri- ; can child hygiene association American citizen. Lapp, J: A: $1 Macmillan American citizen series; ed. by Albert Bush- 4 nell art. Longmans ewey, - R. Financial histo f E Becartes ts ry of the United States Seligman, E. R. A. Principles of economics. 10th ed rey $3.50 American citizens and their government. Cole- grove, K. W. $1.75 Abingdon press American citizenship course in United States history. American school citizenship league. 5v v 1, 3-4 ea $1; v 2, 5 ea $1.20 Scribner 45 AMERICAN American citizenship Michigan Citizenship training through the ballot. D 15p pa ’21 The society 21-14865 American city bureau Manuals on chamber of commerce procedure, technique and ideals. 20 pts in 19v Oil pa 721 priv ptd The bureau 21-18670 American civil liberties union Truth about the I. W. W. prisoners. O 47p il "22 The union o p _ 23-6826 Year’s fight for free speech; the work of the American civil liberties union, from Sep- tember 1921, to January 1923. O 55p pa gratis 23 The union American clergyman and theologian. $10 ’23 American blue book pub., 2512 N. Halsted st., Chicago American coast artillery matériel. doc. American code company / American bankers and brokers telegraphic code. 3d ed S 132p $3 ’20 The ES American colonies in the eighteenth century. OS200d, Hs Vlawe4Ve V7 1-2 eae sosD0 eper set $20 Columbia univ. press American commerce association Analytical interstate commerce law. buck ea $6.40 ’20 The association Traftic library; prepared under the direction of the Advisory traffic council and by the Board of authors and contributors of the American commerce association, Elvin S. Ketchum, editor. v 1-14 O il buck ea $6.40 715-’20 The association (15-10957) Contents: ‘Traffic geography, markets, traffic flows, rate zones; Principles of classification (committee schedules); Special freight services (allowances and _privi- leges, pts. 1-3); Express and parcel post services (in- structions to agents); Application, construction and inter- pretation of tariffs; Railway traffic departments, organi- zation systems, freight solicitation; Industrial traffic de- partments, organization, management systems and records; Application of tariffs, official classification terr., pts. 1-2; Application of tariffs, western class terr., pts. 1-2; Appli- cation of tariffs, southern class terr. Your personal instructor in principles of classification; prepared under the direction of the Advisory traffic council of the Amer- ican commerce association; Edward J. Martin, educational director. O 59p pa ’22 The association 22-6011 Your persona! instructor in traffic geography; prepared under the direction of the Ad- visory traffic council of the American com- merce association, Edward J. Martin, edu- cational director, Elvin S. Ketchum, editor. O 52p pa ’18 The association 18-10974 American commercial credits. Ward, W. $2.50 Ronald American commercial law series. See Bays, pACLIEV Vee society, Grand Rapids, $1 Supt. of bv O products, American commission on conditions In freland Evidence on conditions in Ireland, compris- ing the complete testimony, affidavits and exhibits: transcribed and annotated by Al- bert Coyle. O xiv,1105p $1.50; pa $1 ’21 Al- bert Coyle, 35 Bliss bldg., Washington, D.C. 21-17112 Interim report. O 144p il 65c; pa 35c ’21 The commission, 35 Bliss bldg., Washington. INCE 21-15828 American committee for devastated France, incorporated Description of the work in France, 1923. O 37p pa ’23 The committee, SOthm St aN Ye Report of the library department. O 7p il pa "93 The committee, 16 E. 39th st., N.Y. American committee of justice Ae California and the Japanese; a compilation of arguments advertised in newspapers by the American committee of justice, in op- position to the Alien land law, together with the memorial addressed to Congress by the said committee. O 16p pa ’20 The commit- tee, 1904 Adeline st., Oakland, Cal. 22-24451 American committee on electrolysis Report, 1921. O 204p $1 ’21 Am. inst. of elec- trical engineers April 1, 16 E. AMERICAN American community. Woodburn, J. A., and Moran, T: F. $1.48 Longmans American concrete institute Proceedings of the 17th-19th annual conven- tions. 8v_ O_576;449;560p '21-’23 The in- stitute, 1807 E. Grand blvd., Detroit, Mich. American Congregational association ; Cobb, W: H: Seven centuries illustrated in the Congregational library. pa 25c ’21 Am. Congregational assn., 14 Beacon st., Boston American constitution. Stimson, F: J. $2.50 Scribner American constitution and the Chinese repub- lic. 2d ed McElroy, R. M. China soc. of Am. American constitutional association, Charleston Life in a West Virginia coal field; [comp. by Margaret H. Bottum]. O 58p il pa gratis "23 The association, box 391, Charleston, W.Va. 24-4457 American convert movement. Mannix, E: J. $2 Devin-Adair American corporations. 2d ed Sullivan, J: J. $2.75 Appleton American council on education, Washington, EDC; Accredited higher institutions; reprinted from the Educational record, April, 1922. O 151- 172p pa ’22 The council, 818 Connecticut av., N.W., Washington, D.C. Elementary school costs in the state of New York. See Educational finance inquiry com- mission Financial statistics of public education in the United States, 1910-1920. See Education- al finance inquiry commission Financing of education in the state of New York. See Educational finance inquiry com- mission American credo. Nathan, G: J., and Mencken, Hel io2nnopt American democracy. Hayes, B. T. $1.48 Holt American democracy. West, W. M. See author entry American democracy today. Myers, W: S. bds $1.75 Princeton univ. press American descriptive and thoughtful Cope, M. pa 75e¢ Winston American diplomacy. 4th ed Fish, C. R. $3 Holt American diplomat in China. Reinsch, P. S: $4 Doubleday American directory and who’s who in Europe. Brewster, P., ed. $5 Knopf . American directory of collection agencies, May, 1923; covers every state in the union and a portion of Canada. O 1386p pa $3 ’23 Service pub. co., Kresge bldg., Washington, D.C. (20-3558) American directory of the hosiery and knit goods manufacturers of the United States and Canada, 1922. Textile world journal. $2 Bragdon, Lord & Nagle American drama Mantle, B., ed. Best plays of 1920-1921, 1921- 1922, 1922-1923. 3v ea $2 ’21-’23 Small Quinn, A. H. History of the American drama from the beginning to the Civil war. $4 ’23 verse. Harper Woollcott, A. Shouts and murmurs; echoes of a thousand and one first nights. $2 ’22 Century See also American literature; English drama; Dramas Collections Cohen, H. L., ed. proceed a a Harcourt antle, B., ed. Best plays of 1920-1921, 1921- 1922, 1922-1923. 8v ea $2 '21-’22 Small rb ee dramatist series. $1.50 Badger, R. Longer plays by modern Day, A. M. Guiding light De Cerkez, F. E. Sintram McGuckin, M. C. Wind flowers American drug ‘manufacturers’ association Origin and history of all the pharmacopeial vegetable drugs, chemicals and preparations with bibliography, by J. U. Lloyd. D 449p il buck $6 ’22 The association, 507 Albee bldg., Washington, (22-17084) Tenth annual meeting, New York city, April 11-14, 1921. O 3878p buck ’22 The association, 507 Albee bldg., Washington, D.C. American dyes institute Statement for adequate protection to the American coal-tar chemical industry. O 31p pa Chemical foundation . World disarmament and the master key in- dustry. Q 52p '21 priv ptd The _ institute, 130. W.. 42d Jst.; NG 21-9817 American economic policies since the armistice. American academy of political and social science. pa $1 Am, acad. American education series; Strayer, general editor. Am. , Pittman, M. S. Successful teaching in rural schools. $1.40 George Drayton Russell, J. E. Trend in American education. $1.28 Stark, W: E. Every teacher’s problems. $1.48 Trabue, M. R. Measuring results in education. $2 American education week United States. Education, Bureau of. Sug- gestions for the observance of American education week, November 18-24, 1923. ’23 US. Haduce. s¢ Supts of doe: American educational directory [annual]. Pat- terson, H. L Am. educational directory co., 504 Sherman st., Chicago American educational institute { ' ’ Modern American education series. The insti- tute Fairchild, H: P., ed. Social science. set $128 (7) American electric railway accountants’ ciation Proceedings, 1921, containing -a complete an- nual report of the 25th annual convention held at Atlantic City, N.J., October 3-5, 1921. O 1838p il $2.50 °*22 The association, SEV ECOLM wast sm Ye American electric railway association Engineering manual, covering its standards, recommendations and miscellaneous meth- ods and practices. O 795p il $5 ’20 The as- sociation 22-16169 Statement of the policy of public utility com- missions in the various states in regard to the issuance of school tickets. Q 26p pa ’21 The association, 8 W. 40th st., N.Y. American electrician’s handbook. 2d ed Croft, T. W. $4 McGraw American electrochemical society Proceedings. v 38 O 469p il $3 ciety, Bethlehem, Pa. American elementary school.:Horn, J: L: $2 Century American embargo, 1807-1809. Jennings, W. W. pa $1.50 Univ. of Ia. American engineering standards committee Year book, 1924. Q 48p pa gratis The com- mittee, 29 W. 39th _st., N.Y. 24-902 American equality and justice. Semple, H: C. 5e Paulist press American ethnological society Publications. Stechert Prince, J: D. Passamaquoddy texts. bds $2.50 (v 10) American European patent company Trade mark tragedies. il gratis ’22 The com- asso- ’20 The so- pany, 1400 Broadway, N.Y. American exchange national bank, New York Acceptances; their importance as a means of increasing and simplifying domestic and foreign trade; with a digest of the amend- ments to the federal reserve act, regula- tions of the Federal reserve board, the United States warehouse act, the Edge export finance act, and the Federal bill of lading act. 4th rev ed O 108p pa ’21 The bank, 128 Broadway, N.Y. Message from Mexico. O 5-19p pa gratis ’20 The bank, 128 Broadway, N.Y. Mexico today; as seen by our representative on a hurried trip completed October 30, — Ae ee ee ee | a oe 1920. O 28p gratis ’20 The bank, 128 Broad- way, N.Y. Tax information; due dates of New York ‘city, New York state, New Jersey and fed- eral taxes, 1921. 24p °’21 The _ bank, Broadway, N.Y. 128 ae x American explorers series. Allerton bk. Bourne, E: G. Narratives of the career of Hernando de Soto in the conquest of Florida, 2v $3 Butler, W: F. Wild northland. $1.50 Champlain, S: de. 2v $3 (corr pub Colden, C. Historr of the five Indian nations of Canada. Voyages and explorations. 2v $3 (corr pub) i F. V. de. Journey of Coronado, 1540-1542. Cox, I: way eC. sieur Journeys of Rene Robert Cavelier, de La Salle. 2v $3 Harmon, D. W. Journal of voyages and travels in the interior of North America between the 47th and 58th degree of north latitude. $1.50 (corr pub) Lewis, M., and Clark, W: History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark. 38vy $4.50 MacKenzie, A. Voyages from Montreal through the con- tinent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific oceans in 1789 and 1793. 2v $3 _ Nufiez Cabeza de Vaca, A. Journal. $1.50 American exporter Export trade directory; comp. under the supervision of B. Olney Hough. 7th ed O 1936p $10 ’21 Am. exporter American express company Motorist on European roads; rules of the road, customs regulations, and suggestions for the motor traveler on the highways and byways of Europe. D 35p pa gratis ’20 The com- pany, 65 Broadway, N.Y. A21-1816 Travelers cheques and circular letters of credit. D 139p il ’21 priv ptd The company, New business dept., 65 Broadway, N.Y. 21-12281 American face brick association Architect’s portfolio; consisting of 115 half- tone prints showing various types of brick- work. Q 115p $1.50 ’21 The association Home fires. 48p $1 ’23 The association Home of beauty; a collection of architec- ‘ural designs for small houses submitted m competition by architects and _ archi- tectural draftsmen and selected from four hundred for their merit. 8d ed Q T0p ‘il pa 50c ’22 The association 22-2356 Manual of face brick construction. O 115p il bds $1 ’20 The association 21-15966 Orienting the house; study of the placing of the house with relation to the sun’s rays. S 16p il pa 10c ’22 The association Story of brick; the permanence, beauty, and economy of the face brick house. 8d ed O 53p il pa 50c ’22 The association [21-6273] American farm bureau federation Pros and cons of the Transportation act of 1920; a debate; a handbook of information and suggestions for the use of farm bureaus and others in debating the railroad ques- tion. O 109p ’23 The federation, 58 E. Washington st., Chicago A23-1683 American farm bureau federation library. Doubleday Steen, H. Codperative marketing. $2 American federation of arts American art annual. 4v v 17-20 il ea $7.50 "26-’24 The federation Comprehensive directory of art and artists in the United States. Who’s who in art, biographical directory of over 5400 living American painters, sculptors and illustrators. Lists of art museums and associations, art societies with officers, art schools, museum art and college art instructors, writers and lecturers on art, and Obituaries of American artists 1921-1923, Paintings, drawings, prints and sculptures sold at auction for $50.00 and over during 1921-1923, with buyer and price. Who’s who among art dealers and dealers in museum accessories.—Adyv. Art in our country, handbook. S 154p il bds $1.50 ’24 The federation [24-874] The first time in the history of this country that American existing art has been inventoried. The hand- book covers historical houses, modern notable buildings, Museums, private homes and collections, artist colonies, almost every famous statue, garden city, mural decoration and important park, in 672 cities.—Adv. American federation of labor Disarmament; the American federation of la- bor, its declarations and actions in support of disarmament and international peace, from the official records. O 35p pa gratis ’21 The federation L21-121 Carroll, M. R. Labor and politics. $2 ’23 Houghton Foster, W: Z. Bankruptcy of the American labor movement, pa 25c ’22 Trade union 47 AMERICAN education IVS ONS Maas Salle: sty, Chicago American fertilizer handbook, 13th to 16th an- nual ed., 1920-1928; the standard reference book and directory of the commercial fer: tilizer industry and allied trades; the buyers’ guide of the trade; where to obtain plant equipment, raw materials and expert service required in the fertilizer industry. 4v Q ea $5 ’20-’22 Ware bros. American fiction Hall, E. J. Satirical element in the American novel. pa gratis '22 Univ. of Pa. Van Doren, C.C. American novel. $2’21 Mac- millan Van Doren, C. C. Contemporary American novelists, 1900-1920. $1.50 ’22 Macmillan See also American literature; Einglish fic- tion; Fiction; Short stories league, Bibliography New York (city). Public library. Beadle col- lection of dime novels given to the New York public library by Frank P. O’Brien. pa 50e 722 The library Syracuse, New York. Public library. Gold star list: American fiction, 1821-1924. 7th ed pa 20c ’24 The library, Syracuse, N.Y. American field service Seymour, J. W: D., ed. Memorial volume of the American field service in France, Friends of France, 1914-1917. $3 ‘21 Am. field service, 50 State st., Boston American folk-lore society Memoirs, Stechert , Fansler, D. §., ed. Filipino popular tales. $5 (v 12) Parsons, E. W. Folk-lore from the Cape Verde Islands. AVOO eV okes Dty ia) American football. Daly, C: D. $2 Harper American forces in Germany, Review of the. Adams, J. G., ed. $1.50; mor $3 The editor, 1189 EH. 24th st., Brooklyn, N.Y. American foreign trade. Notz, W: F:, and Har- vey, R: S. $5 Bobbs American foreign trade relations. Academy of political science. $3.25; pa $1.50 The academy American forest regulation. Woolsey, T.' S. $3.50; pa $3 Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor American foundrymen’s association Index of the Transactions. O 191p ’21 ‘The association, Marquette bldg., art oe Rites American fruit and vegetable shippers associa- tion Standard rules and definitions of trade terms for the fruit and vegetable industry. O 1llp pa ’21 The association, 139 N. Clark st., Chicago Trade reference roster, containing names of shippers, brokers and jobbers who have signed agreements making their transac- tions subject to the standard trading rules or who are members of an association that has adopted the said rules. O 27p pa *21 The association, 139 N. Clark st., Chicago American fuels. Bacon, R. F., and Hamor, W: A. 2v $12 McGraw American funeral law. $4 Trade periodical co., st., Chicago American gas association Fourth annual convention, October 23-28, 1922, Steel pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey. 5v O 793 The association ‘ Contents: Accounting section. 75¢c; Commercial and pub- licity and advertising sections. 75c; General sessions. 75¢3 Manufacturers’ section. 50c; Technical section. o D American gas association. Technical section | Gas chemists handbook, comp. by the Chemi- cal committee, 1922. 2d ed O 608p il $6 292 The association 22-12252 i. C. Uhlig, chairman, editorial committee American gas catalog and directory; engineer- ing data covering the various operations in every department of the gas plant, and a complete directory of American gas com- panies. Q 300p lea’tte $2.50 '22 Am. gas journal, 58 Park pl, N.Y. (22-16071) Street, A. L. H. buck 537 S. Dearborn AMERICAN Anierican geographical society of New York Description of early maps, originals and facsimiles (1452-1611) being a part of the permanent wall exhibition of the American geographical society; with a _ partial list and brief references to the reproductions of others which may be consulted in the society’s library, by Edward L. Stevenson. D 20p pa 50c ’21 The society 21-9728 Index to the Journal of geography, 1897 to 1921. See Journal of geography Map of Hispanic America publications. The society Ogilvie, A. G. Geography L Outing series; R. R. Platt, editor. Torrey, R. H., and others. New York walk ed $2: special ed $4 (2) : Research series; W. L. G. Joerg, editor _ Antevs, E. W. Kecession of fe last ice sheet in New Nngland. $3 The society ( Baboos W: H: Legendary islands of the Atlantic. $3.50 The society (8) of the central Andes. $3 (1) The society book. pocket Golder, F. A. Bering’s voyages. 2y v 1 $8 per set The society (1) Taferaon, M. S. W: Rainfall of Chile. pa 75c Oxford (7; Jefferson, M. S. W: Recent colonization in Chile. pa 75e Oxford (6) Johnson, D. W. Oxford (3) _ Keltie, Sir J: S. ' versities. pa 50c Oxford (4) Battlefields of the World war. 2v $7 Position of geography in British uni- McBride, G: M. Agrarian Indian communities of high- land Bolivia. pa 50c (5) McBride, G: Mu Land systems of Mexico. $3.50 (12) Shantz, H. L., and Marbut, C. F. Vegetation and soils of Africa. $5 The society (13) Sullivan, H: B. Catalogue of geological maps of South America. $3 The society (9) Wright, J: K. Aids to geographical research. $3.50 The society (10) Special publications; ed. by G. M. Wrigley. The society Bowman, I. Desert trails of Atacama. $5 (5) Lee, W. T: Face of the earth as seen from the air. $4 (4) American geophysical union Scientific papers presented before the second annual meeting, (Bula now 1ipaveutc wept. 62) 108p $1.50 ’22 National research council 22-19381 Survey of research problems in geophysics. (Reprint and circular ser., no. 11) Q 545- 601lp pa 60c ’20 National research council American glass trade. Gauding, H: W., comp. pa $2 J. G Kaufmann, Commoner pub. co., DOXs Doon L Itisburcnesba. American government. Haskin, F: J. $2 Lip- pincott : a See author entry for publisher’s descriptive note American gynecological society Transactions. v 438-45 O 3v il ea $6 '19-’21 The society American hand-book for better citizenship. Early settlers of America. pa 15e G. S. Wyckoff, Englewood, N.J. American hardware jobbers’ directory of the United States and Canada, 1921-1924. 3v O pa ea $2.50 ’21-’24 E.. G. Baltz, 107 6th st., Pittsburgh, Pa. American historical association Directory. O 351-470p ’21 The association 21-26401 American historical series; general editor, Charles H. Haskins. Holt Fish, C. RK. American diplomacy. 4th ed $3 Frank, T. History of Rome. 50 Hazen, C: D. Jurope since ‘1815. rev and enl ed 2v educational ed $3.50; library ed $4.25 Larson, L. M. WHistory of England and the British com- monwealth. $12.50 American history; 20 years of tests; these tests in American history were taken from recent New State examinations for life certificates. (Draper’s question and answer book, no. 8) 20p pa 30c ’22 Ball pub. American home series; N. E. Richardson, edi- tor. Abingdon press Adler, F. Punishment of children. pa 20ec) (15) aay Aon: Roots of disposition and character. pa 15e 4) Kggleston, M. W. Building for womanhood. pa 20e (33) Forbush, W: B. Dramatics in the home. pa 15¢ Forbush, W: B. Education of the baby until it is one year old. 2d ed pa 1l5e Forbush, W: B. First year in a baby’s life, 2d ed pa 20c Forbush, W: B. Government of children between six and twelve. Da 25c Forbush, W: B., ed. Home kindergarten manual. 2v $11 Forbush, W: B. On truth-telling and the problem of children’s lies. 4th ed pa 20c Forbush, W: Sex discipline for boys in the home, 2d ed pa 25c Forbush, W: B. Story-telling in the home. 3d ed rey pa 20e Heller, H. H. Thumb-sucking. pa 15c (no 6) Heller, H. H. What to say in telling the story of life’s renewal to children. pa 20c (no 30) Johnson, E. C. Home kindergarten. pa 20c (16) Johnson, E. C. Nervous child. 20c (18) Kennedy, M. E. Home and moving pictures. pa 20c (35) Knox, W: J. Naticn’s challenge to the home. pa 1l5c (1) Langford, F: W: First steps toward character. pa l5e (8) Langford, F: W: Religious nurture of a little child (years four and five). 20¢e (17) Larrison, E. R. Training in thrift. 20c Lee, J. Rhythm and recreation. pa 15c (34) Lowe, M. A. Use of dolls in child-training. pa 25c (37) M., Mrs B. G. How one real mother lives with her children. 15¢ (2) Robertson, E. Worship in the home. pa 1ldc Thomas, E. L. Music in the home. 15c American homeopathy in the World war. Dear- born, F: M., ed. lea $5 Globe press, inc., LOSHMVWio4tth est. oeeNeye American honey plants. 2d ed Pellett, F. C. $3 Am. bee journal, Hamilton, IIl. American hospital association Transactions of the 24th annual conference. held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Septem- ber 25-28, 1922. (V. 24) O 418p bds $1.50 ’22 The association, 22 E. Ontario st., Chi- cago American hospital of the twentieth century. Stevens, E: F. $7.50 Architectural record American house. Keefe, C: S., ed. $10 U. P. C. American hunter. Winch, F. $1 National sports- man, inc., 275 Newbury st., Boston American hymn, Story of the. Ninde, E: S. $3.50 Abingdon press American ideals, Validity of. Mathews, S. $1.25 Abingdon press American illustrated’ medical dictionary. 12th ed Dorland, W: A. N. $7; thumb index $8 Saunders American Indian. Lindquist, G. EH. E. $2 Dorantt American Indian. 2d ed Wissler, C. $5 Oxford American Indian freemasonry. Parker, A. C. pa 10c Buffalo consistory, 168 Delaware av., Buffalo, N.Y. American Indian languages, Handbook Boas, Hee Die 2..o).50) Supt aol doc: American Indian life. Parsons, E. W., ed. $10 Huebsch American Indian stories. Bonnin, G. $1 Hay- of. worth pub. house, 629 G_ st., N.W., Wash- inz ton wD.c- ; American Indians. 2d ed Huckel, J. F., ed. bds $1.25 F. Harvey, Union station, Kansas City, Mo. American individualism. Hoover, H. C. $1 Doubleday American industrial lenders association Year book; 7th-9th annual conventions, 1921- 1923.7 38Vv7,O, 107 ;135:125p pancau Sle ole-weauerhe association, 204 Chestnut st., Harrisburg, Pa. (18-5370) American industry in the war. United States. War industries board. pa 35ce Supt. of doc. American institute of accountants Accountants’ index; a bibliography of ac- counting literature to December, 1920. O 1578p $15 ’21 The institute 21-10690 -—Same; supplement, 1921-1923; a bibliog- raphy of accounting literature January, 1921-June, 1923. O 599p $5 °23 The in- stitute Year book, 1921-1922. officers, council, board of examiners, committees, members and associates; proceedings of the annual meet- ings, 1921-1922. 2v O 167;198p ea $1.50 ’21- *23 The institute American institute of architects Filing system for architects’ offices; the stand- ard construction classification adopted by the American institute of architects, rev, << American institute of architects—Continued 1923; what it is and how to use it. (A.LA. doc. no. 172) Q 12p pu ’22 The institute, SES service com., 342 Madison av., Handbook of architectural practice. Q 13- 204p $5 '20 The institute 21-5393 American institute of architects. Committee on education Significance of the fine arts. O xxix,483p il textbook ed $3.50; library ed $7.50 ’23 Jones, Marshall 23-26051 American institute of banking Commercial law. O 480p $2 ’21 The institute 21-16307 This text-book is based on the work, originally pre- pared by Samuel Williston; ed. by Richard D. Currier and Richard W. Hill Elementary banking. O 480p il $3 ’22 The institute ; 22-13978 Standard banking. O 480p il $2.25 ’21 The institute 21-15631 American institute of banking. New York chapter Outline in bank organization and administra- tion. rev ed O 82p il $1.50 ’22 The institute, Nevemehapter, Loe Wee th) st., Nev. Leiser, A. K. History, New York chapter, in- corporated, American institute of banking, 1901-1922. pa $1 ’23 Am. inst of banking, INSYee Chapters lon WwW. o1th st., INZY- American institute of chemical engineers Monographs. Van Nostrand. Calcott, W: S., and others. Corrosion tests and materials of construction for chemical engineering apparatus. $3 (1) Transactions, v. 13, pt. 1-2, 1920-21-v. 15, pt. Pelo22-20. 4v,©0 ily 13 pt 1, wv it ea $6; vil3 Dees) wave Jo, Dt Iaso o2l-1248 Vian Nostrand American institute of child life Dramatic instinct in children. (Am. home ser., no. 21) 4th ed rev O 28p pa 15c ’20 Abingdon press Education of the child during the second and third years. (American home ser., no. 10) 2d ed O 44p pa 20c ’20 Abingdon press Problems of fighting. (American home ser., no. 13) 8d ed O 20p pa 15c ’20 Abingdon press Problems of temper. 3d ed rev O press Sunday in the home. (American home ser., no. 24) 3d ed O 30p pa 15c ’20 Abingdon press Table talk in the home. (American home ser., no. 23) 4th ed O 3l1p pa 15c ’21 Abingdon press Year of good Sundays. (American home ser., no. 25) 3d ed O 28p pa 15ce ’21 Abingdon press American institute of dental teachers Index of dental periodical literature for the year 1921. See Index of dental periodical literature American institute of electrical engineers Standards; 1921 revision. O xi,172p diags $2 (American home ser.) 23p pa 15ce ’20 Abingdon 721 The institute 21-11956 —Same, 1922 revision. O xi,177p $2 ’22 The institute 23-16826 Transactions, (V. 41) Q 900p $10 ’23 The institute Year book, 1922-1923. 2v O 477;503p ea $2 ’22- 723 The institute American institute of Marine committee Recommended practise for electrical instal- lations on shipboard (marine rules). O viii.89p $1 ’21 The institute 21-9065 American institute of graphic arts, New York Printing; a catalogue of an exhibition of print- ing held at National arts club, New York city, May 5 to June 1. O 82p il pa ’20 The institute 21-16066 American institute of homeopathy American homeopathy in the World war. See Dearborn, F: M. American institute of medicine, New York Bibliography on radium; its uses and results from its discovery up_to January, 1922. O 132p gratis ’22 U.S. radium corp., 30 Church Bure N.Y. 22-17301 electrical engineers. 49 AMERICAN Radium; abstracts of selected articles on radium and radium therapy. O 164p pa $2.50 ’22 U.S. radium corp., 30 Church st., N.Y 22-17248 American institute of mining and metallurgical engineers Handbook of mining in the Lake Superior region; prepared for the Lake Superior meeting, held in August, 1920: section 1, by Alexander N. Winchell; section 2, by Engineers club of northern Minnesota and Duluth engineers club. O xvi,260p il pa $3 ’20 The institute GS21-207 Mining and metallurgy; issued monthly. O $10 per annum The institute Transaetions [annual]. O il $6.50; pa $5 The institute American institute of park executives Official proceedings; annual convention. of American institute of park executives and American park society, held at Minneapolis, Minnesota, August, 1922; comp. from the shorthand report of the proceedings by P. BE. Nicholas, and others. O 96p pa ’22 Parks and recreation, Minot, N.D. American institute of sacred literature : Outline Bible-study courses. Univ. of Chicago press Burton, E. De W. Jesus of Nazareth, how He thought, lived, worked and achieved. pa 50c (1) Goodspeed, E. J. Paul. pa 50c American intelligence, Study of. Brigham, C. C. $3.50 Princeton univ. press American investors, Master list of. Beeching, A. B. $100 Southgate press American iron and steel institute Twelve-hour day; letters between the Presi- dent of the United States and American iron and steel institute; also interview with Elbert H. Gary, chairman, in response to inquiries by representatives of 26 different newspapers July 6th, 1923. O 15p pa ’23 The institute Year book, 10th, 1920. O 536p il $5 ’21 The in- stitute American iron and steel institute. Committee on proposed total elimination of the twelve- hour day Report, presented at the annual meeting, May 25th, 1923: D pa °23 The institute 24-79 American Jewish year book, 5682-5684, 1921-24; ed. by Harry Schneiderman. 3v v 23-25 D 423;ix,570;593p il ea $2 ’21-’23 Jewish pub. American jiu jitsu, the new art of self defense. Lanius, L. $2 Lanius pub. American Journal of hyglene Monographic series. The journal, Monument st., Baltimore, Md. Vaughan, W. T. Influenza. pa $3.25 (1) American journal of international law American society of international law. Analy- tical index to the American journal of in- ternational law. $4 ’21 The society American journal of sociology Classified index to the [journal] v. 1-25; pre- pared by Ernest R. Mowrer. O v,28p $1 '22 Univ. of Chicago press 5-31884 American journalist and author blue book; ed. and comp. under the supervision of Thomas William MHerringshaw; a _ vocational blue book of biography. O 317p $10 ’23 Am. blue bk. pub., 2512 N. Halsted st., Chicago American judge. Bruce, A. A. $2 Macmillan American labor year book, 1919-1920, 1921-1922, 1923-1924. 3v D 447;454;548p 1919-1920 $1; 1921-1922 $2; 1923-1924 $3 ’19-’24 Rand book store 1919-1920 edited by Alexander Trachtenberg; 1921-1922 ectited by Alexander Trachtenberg and Benjamin Glassberg; 1923-1924 edited by Solon De Leon and Nathan Fine American ladies’ hairdressers association American almanac and biographic directory of hairdressing—beauty culture and allied professions. See American almanac and biographic directory of hairdressing American language. Mencken, H: L: author entry American language master. 2d ed Green, B. $2 Caspar 310 W. See AMERICAN Modern. 2d ed Gilmore, E. A., eds. 25v buck $100 American law, and Wermuth, W: C:, Blackstone inst. American law of real estate agency. 2d ed Wal- ker, W: S. buck $10 Anderson American law reports annotated; editors-in- chief, Burdett A. Rich and M. Blair Wailes. v 10-24 O buck v 10-14 ea $8.50; v 15-24 ea $7.50 ’21-’23 Bancroft; Lawyers co- op.; Thompson Biennial cumulative index-digest to the American law reports annotated for the years 1919, 19203) vols. 1-9; “A... ;* com- bined indexes to cases and annotations. 503p buck $2.50 ’20 Bancroft; Lawyers co- op.; Thompson American lawyers annual. 3d ed 8v O lea $12.50 722 Am. lawyers annual co., 1007 Engineers -bldg., Cleveland, O. i American legion Summary of proceedings, fifth national con- vention, San Francisco, California, October 15-19, 1928. 4th ‘ed © 47%p gratis ’23' The legion, box 1055, Indianapolis, Ind. James, M. History of the American legion. $2.50 ’23 W. Green, 627 W. 48d st., N.Y. Warner, A. Truth about the American legion. pa 15¢e ’21 Nation press o p American legion. Clarence A. Dennis post Souvenir book of Fayetteville, celebrating completion of New street, September 5dth, 1921. Q 63p il pa 25c ’21 The legion, Fay: etteville, N.Y. American legion, Massachusetts .- Annual proceedings, 1920. O 371p ’20 Mass. Sec. of the commonwealth, Boston 21-27315 American legion, New York Legion annual; a compendium of general infor- mation regarding the various and diversified activities of New York state department, American legion; ed. by Sydney G. Gum- pertz. Q 176p il $1 ’22 S. G. Gumpertz, 101 W. 42d st., N.Y. 22-12330 American legion. Willard Straight post. New York county chapter Ruhr occupation and Europe’s crises; a call to action by the United States; to ‘Warren G. Harding, president of the United States. O 16p pa ’23 The post, 120 W. 42d st., N.Y. American library association A.L.A. catalog, 1912-1921; an annotated list of 4000 books. 8d ed Q xiv,409p $4 ’23 The association [23-13211] Book wagons; the county library with rural book delivery. O 12p il pa 15c ’22 The asso- ciation 22-19409 Booklist books, 1921-1923; a selection. 3v O 70;88;44p pa 1921-1922 ea 25c: 1923 45c ’22- pa A Td, Ae Books for vacation. S 15p pa ’22. The as- sociation Children’s books for Christmas presents. S 1l6p pa ’22 The association County: libraryerl 221 ACTA Gifts for children’s book-shelves; a list of books, comp. by the Children’s librarians’ section. S 15p pa)$2 per 100° °23. A.L.A. Help carry America’s flag to every port; seamanship, navigation and marine engi- neering. (After war reading course no. 13) D 7p pa ’21 U.S. Educ. Home planning; a short reading list. ’23 The association Library handbooks. The association Stearns, L. E. Essentials in library administration. 3d ed (1) New voter; manuals for voters and books on the responsibilities of citizenship. S 8p Dae 2h Ae is At Papers and proceedings of the 43d-45th an- nual meetings, 1921-1923. (Bul., v. 15-17, no. 4) 3v Q_ 260;400;99-337p ’21-'23 A.L.A. Schoo! library; a necessity in modern edu- cation. O 4p il pa The association Shelf of books for a one room school. § pa ’22 The association United States; a short reading list of popular books on American history, government, ideals and literature; description of the country and special regions; American re- sources, opportunities and occupations; lives of some interesting Americans; some fifty titles of historic and characteristic fiction; prepared by Theresa Elmendorf. D 19p pa 20c ’22 A.L.A. 22-3726 ba: books for the home. ’22 The associa- ion Viewpoint series. The association Tappert, K. Viewpoints in biography. pa 60c American library assoclation. Committee on work with the blind Booklist of revised Braille, grade one-and- one-half: [two numbers annually.] O pa The association American library association. War service Five hundred business books; comp. and an- notated by Ethel Cleland, with an introd. by John Cotton Dana; 3d_ ed., rev. by Jessica Hopkins. O x,62p ’20 A. L. fee Hie. American library directory, 1923; a classified list of 9200 libraries with names of librarians. Q 3038p $8 ’23 Bowker 23-3581 American library institute é Papers and proceedings, 1920-21. 2v O 58;71p pa carole 2iy ASL A American literature Boynton, P. H. American literature. $1.60 ’23 Ginn Cairns, W: B. British criticisms of American writings, 1815-1883. pa $2 ’22 Univ. of is. Canby, H: S. Definitions. $2 ’22 Harcourt Collins, J. Taking the literary pulse. $3 ’24 _ Doran Foerster, N. Nature $1.75 ’23; Macmillan in American literature. Haney, J: L: Story of our literature. $1.50 ’23 Scribner : Hinchman, W. S. History of English and American literature. $1.90 ’18 Centurv Howes, A. W. Brief American literature. rev ed $1 ’21 Heath Kramer, M. E. One thousand literary ques- tions and answers. rev ed $1.50 ’23 Sully Lawrence, D: H. Studies in classic Ameri- can literature. $3 '23 Seltzer Manly, J: M., and Rickert, E. Contemporary American literature. $1.50 ’22 Harcourt Metcalf, J: C. American literature. $1.36 °21 Johnson pub. co., llth & Cary st., Rich- mond, Va. Pace, R. B. American literature. $1.80: ’23 Allyn Pattee, F. L: Side-lights on American litera- ture. $2 ’22 Century Perry, B. Praise of folly, $2 ’23 Houghton Phelps, W: L. Some makers of. American literature. $2.50 ’23 Jones, Marshall Rankin, T: E., and Aikin, W. M. American literature. $1.40 ’22 Harcourt Schelling, F. E. Appraisement and asperities as to some contemporary writers. $2 ’22 Lip- pincott Sherman, S. P. Americans. $2 ’22 Scribner and other papers. Tappan, E. M. Short history of England’s and America’s literature. rev ed $1.84 ’21 Houghton Tassin, A. de V., and Maurice, A. B. Child’s story of American literature. $2.25 ’23 Mac- millan ° Trent, W: P., and others, eds. Short history of American literature. $3.75 '22 Putnam Van Doren, C. C. Many minds. $2.50 ’24 Knopf Whitcomb, I. P. Young people’s’ story of American literature. rev ed $2.50 ’22 Dodd Woodberry, G: E: Appreciation of literature. $3 ’21 Harcourt ; Woodberry, G: E: Literary memoirs of the nineteenth century. $3 '21 Harcourt Woodberry, G: E: Studies of a litterateur. $3 721 Harcourt : See also American drama; American fic- tion; American poetry; Authors, Ameri- can; Ballads; Canadian literature; Drama; English literature; Essays; Fiction; Humor; Newspapers; Orations; Parodies; Periodi- cals literature—Continued Bibliography Book review digest. See main entry Cumulative book index; twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth annual cumulations, 1921-22 to 1922-23. 2v price on application ’22-’23 Wil- son, H. W. De Ricci, S. Book collector’s guide. $10; ltd ed $40 '21 Rosenbach Dershem, E. Outline of American state lit- erature. '21 World co., Lawrence, Kan, Manly, J: M., and Rickert. E. Contemporary American literature. $1.50 ’22 Harcourt Publishers’ weekly. Fall announcement index. 75ce ’23 Bowker United States catalog supplement, January, 1918-June, 1921. buck service basis ’21 Wil- son, Sa Wroth, L. C. History of printing in colonial Maryland, 1686-1776. lib ed $7.50; special Itd ed $30 ’21 Typothetae of Baltimore, Guil- ford & Mt Royal av., Baltimore, Md. Collections Atlantic monthly. Story, essay, $1.50 ’21 Atlantic monthly Boynton, P. H., comp. Milestones in American literature. $2 ’23 Ginn Cunliffe, J: W:, and Lomer, G. R:, eds. Writing of today. 3d rev ed $2 '22 Century Gay, R. M., ed. Fact, fancy and opinion. $1.26 American and verse. 23 Atlantic monthly Pace, R. American literature. $1.80 ’238 Allyn Pattee, F. L., ed. Century readings for a course in American literature. 2d ed $3.50 22 Century Patterson, F. A., ed. Copy 1924. $1.75 ’24 Co- lumbia univ. press Simons, S. E. American literature through illustrative readings. $1.32 ’22 Scribner See also American poetry—Collections Outlines, syllabi, etc. Ackley, C. E. Outline history of English and American literature. $1 ’22 Stratford Hastings, W: T. Syllabus of American litera- ture. pa 75c ’23 Univ. of Chicago press Hibbard, C. A. Studies in American litera- ture. pa 50c '21 Univ. of N.C. Mindil, C. Course in American literature for the Columbia university home study courses. pa $2 ’20 Columbia univ., Home study dept., 419 W. 117th st., N.Y. Alabama Bibliography Iengstfeld, C. P. Bibliography of Alabama authors. 2d ed pa 75c ’23 Howard college, Birmingham, Ala. Ohio Atkeson, M. M. Study of the local literature of the upper Ohio valley. pa ’21 Ohio state ‘univ. South Alderman, EH. A., and others, eds. Library of southern literature. 10th ed 17v buck $71.75 '23 Martin & Hoyt co., Atlanta, Ga. Hibbard, C. A. Studies in Southern litera- ture. pa 50c ’22 Univ. of N.C. South Carolina Wauchope, G: A. Literary South Carolina. com UNLV. OF s.C. South Dakota ; Coursey, O. W: Literature of South Dakota. 3d ed $1.50 ’22 Educator supply co., Mit- chell, S.D. Virginia Gordon, A. C., ed. Virginian writers of fugitive verse. $2.50 ’23 White, West Virginia Atkeson, M. M. Study of the literature of West Virginia, 1822-1922. pa 50c ’22 The aie 1831 Lamont st., N.W., Washington, Ajeet bys AMERICAN | American live stcck and meat industry. Clemen, R. A. $6 Ronald. American live stock market. Davenport, A. C. $1.10 Drovers journal pub. co., 836 Exchange av., Chicago American looks at his world. Frank, G. $3 Univ. of Del. press, Newark, Del. ' American loyalists Chesney, A. Journal. pa $2 ’21 Ohio state univ. Siebert, W. H: Kentucky’s struggle with its loyalist proprietors. pa 50c '20 The author, 305 University Hall, Ohio state univ. American lumber industry. Brown, N. C. $3 Wiley American lumberman Your home; twenty-five attractive and prac- tical home suggestions. Q 52p il pa 25c ’22 Am. lumberman, 431 §S. Dearborn st., Chi- cazo 22-15496 American machinist gear book. 3d ed Logue, C: H. $3 McGraw American magnesium corporation Magnesium; a handbook of information and data relating to the use of magnesium and magnesium alloys as they are made by the American magnesium corporation. D xii, 177p il $2.50 ’23 The corporation, Niagara Balis Nay. 2383-17179 American malleable cast iron. $7 Penton pub. American man in the street and the allied debt. Kahn, O: H. pa 10c Com. of Am. business men, 354 4th av., N.Y. American management association Calculation of labor turnover; analysis of methods at present in use; special report of the Committee on management terminol- ogy. (Committee report ser., no. 5) O 16p $1 ’'23 The association Conferring with employees; report of Com- mittee on employee cooperation, with con- vention discussion. (Committee report ser., no. 3} O 17p $1 ’23 The association Distribution and utilization of the product of the public schools; report of Committee on relations with public schools; with conven- tion discussion. (Committee report ser., no. 10) O 23p 50c ’24 The association 24-7506 Experiences of the Pennsylvania railroad sys- tem with employee representation; conven- tion addresses by Chas.. W. Garrett and [others]; discussion at the Pittsburgh con- Schwartz, H. A. vention, November 9, 1922. O 14p 25c '22 The association A 23-531 Human organization in management; ad- dresses at the management conference at the Bankers club of America, March 14, 1923. O 16p pa 25c ’23 The association Selecting employees; report of Committee on employment plans, with convention discus- sion: EK. B. Morgan, chairman. O 25p pa $1 794 The association Selecting the supervisory forces; report of Committee on supervisory forces, with con- vention discussion. (Committee report ser., no. 4) O 15p $1 ’23 The association Stealing in the factory. (Survey report no. 11) O 7p 75¢c ’24 The association Tendencies in training methods; report by the Committee on training methods (with discussion). (Committee report ser., no. O 18p $1 ’24 The association 24-8314 American mathematical series. Holt Rietz, H: L., and Crathorne, A. R. Introductory college algebra. $1.76 American mathematical Chicago congress papers. tures) $4 The society —Same. 8th ed Q 2500p hf lea $15 ’23 The association Ba pe 4 ; SG22-134 society, New York (Colloquium lec- AMERICAN American medical association—Continued Laws (abstract) and board rulings regulating the practice of medicine in the United States and brief statements regarding medi- cal registration abroad; rev. to July 1, 1923. 33d ed D 152p $1 ’23 The association 23-13552 Nostrums and quackery; articles on the nos- trum evil, quackery and allied matters af- fecting the public health; reprinted, with or without modifications, from the Journal of the American medical association; pre- pared by Arthur J. Cramp. v 2 832p il $2 ’21 The association SG22-135 The first edition of vol. 1... was published in the latter months of 1911... A second edition was prepared which. . . did not get on to the market until the end of January, 1913... The present book, vol. 2 of Nostrums and quackery, contains practically none of the material appearing in vol. 1. . . However, the index in the present book is a double one, containing references both to this book and to vol. 1 American medical association. Council on health and public instruction Hand book on positive health. See Women’s foundation for health American medical association. pharmacy and chemistry é ; Propaganda for reform in proprietary medi- cines. v 2 O 603p il $2 ’22 The association 22-19459 Useful drugs; a list of drugs selected to sup- ply the demand for a less extensive materia medica and especially to serve as a basis for the teaching of materia medica and therapeutics, and for examinations on these subjects by state licensing boards, with a brief discussion of their actions, uses and dosage. 6th ed D 180p 60c ’23 The associa- Council on tion 23-18385 * First published in 1913, under title: A handbook of useful drugs American medical. directory. See American medical association American merchant marine library association Second annual report, year ended December 3ist, 1923. O 32p il pa ’24 The association, 82 Beaver st., N.Y. American metric association Metric weights and measures. 8d ed S 15p pa The association Tables comparing temperature centigrade with temperature Fahrenheit. Q 4p 10c ’17 The association American mind in-action. O’Higgins, H. J., and Reede, EX: H. $3 Harper peers mining congress. 22d, St Louis, 1 Taxation of mining property; papers and addresses. O 68p $2 ’20 The congress, Mun- sey bldg., Washington, D.C. GS20-264 American mining congress. 25th, Cleveland, 1922 Proceedings of the Conference on mine taxa- tion held in conjunction with the twenty- fifth annual convention of the American mining congress, Cleveland, Ohio, October 9-14, 1922. O 174p il pa $1 ’22 The congress, 841 Munsey bldg., Washington, D.C. 23-416 Proceedings of the third National standardiza- tion conference, held in connection with the twenty-fifth annual convention of the American mining congress, Cleveland, Ohio, October 9-14, 1922. O 7-387p il $1 ’23 The congress, Washington, D.C. 23-7964 Report of the proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual convention, October 9-14, 1922. O xXiv,776p il pa $2 '23 The congress, 841 Mun- sey bldg., Washington, D.C. 23-9048 American mining congress. 26th, Milwaukee, L923 Proceedings of the Conference on mine taxa- tion held in conjunction with the twenty- sixth annual convention of the American mining congress, Milwaukee, Wis., Sep- tember 2429 19 2oO 1720 par $1723.8 "Phe congress, 841 Munsey bldg., Washington, Gy 24-461 American munitions 1917-1918. Supt. of doc. American museum of natural history Anthropological papers. The museum Goddard, P. E. Notes on the sun dance of the Sarsi. pa $1.50 (v 16, pt 4) Crowell, B. $2 Goddard, P. E. White mountain Apache texts. pa $2 (vy 24, pt 4) Kroeber, A. L: Basket designs of the mission Indians of California. pa 50c (v 20, pt 2) Lowie, RK. H. Crow Indian art. pa 60c (v 21, pt 4) Lewie, R. H. Material culture of the Crow Indians. pa (5e. ¢(vi, 21R pts) ie: R. Sach Religion of the Crow Indians. pa $1.25 yy ’ p Lowie, RK. H. Sun dance of the Shoshoni, Ute, and liidatsa. pa 50c (v 16, pt 5) Lowie, I. H. ‘Tobacco society of the Crow Indians. pa $1.25 (v 21, pt 2) Pepper, G: H. Pueblo Bonito. pa $3.50 (v 27) Spier, L. Notes on the Kiowa sun dance. pa 25c (v 16 Pape Sun dance of the Plains Indians. $1 (v 16, Sullivan, L: R. Few Andamanese skulls. 30c (v 23, pt 4) Sullivan, L: KR. Frequency and distribution of some ana- tomical variations in American crania. pa 50c (v 23, pt 5) Bulletins, v. 35-41. 7v O il pa v 35 $6.50; v 36, 41 ea $5; v 37 $9; v 38-39 ea $7; v 40 $4 '16- "19 The museum Handbook series. The museum Goddard, P. EK. Indians of the Southwest. 2d ed 75¢ (2) Griscom, L. Birds of the New York city region. $1 (9) ay; F. A: Animals of the past. 6th and rev ed 75e Wissler, C. North American Indians of the plains. 2d ed 75c (1) Memoirs, new series. The museum Gregory; W:. Ik. On the structure and notharctus, pa $12 (v 3, pt 2) Osborn, H: F., and Mook, C: C. Camarasaurus, amphi- celias and other sauropods of Cope. pa $14 (vy 3, pt 3) American national economics. Byrne Gengenbach, IE. Common sense ys. prohibition in railroad rates, 1921. 3d ed pa 25e (3) James, F. B. Some phases of the transportation prob- lem. buck 50c (1) American national live stock association Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual con- vention, held at Los Angeles, California, January 30-31, and February 1, 1923. O 7- 152p il pa gratis ’23 The association, T. W. sa sec., 515 Cooper bldg., Denver, olo. American national Red cross. See Red cross. United States. American national Red cross relations of American naval planning section, London. United States. Naval records and library, Office of. 80c Supt. of doc. American negro soldier with the Red Hand of France. Mason, M., and Furr, A. $2 Cornhill American nerves and the secret of suggestion. Duryea, A. S. $1.75 Century American newspaper annual and directory, 1921- 1924. 53d-56th ed 4v ea $15 ’21-’24 Ayer American nights entertainment. Overton, G. M. 50c Appleton; Doran; Doubleday; Scribner American notary and commissioner of deeds manual. 3d ed John, E: M. buck $5 Callaghan American notes. Dickens, C: See author entry Arnerican novel. Van Doren, C. C. $2 Mac- millan American numismatic society Numismatic notes and monographs. The so- ciety Brett, A. Five Roman gold medallions or multiple solidi of the late empire. pa $1.50 (6) Brett, A. Six Roman bronze medallions. pa $1.50 (17) Gillingham, H. E. French orders and decorations. pa $2 (11) Gillingham, H. E. of honour, $2 (20) Hill, G: F. Attambelos I of Characene. pa $1 (14) Newell, E: T. Alexander hoards, pa 50c (3) Newell, EK: T. First Seleucid coinage of Tyre. pa $1 (10) Newell, E: T. Octobols of Histiaea. pa 50c (2) S. P. Coin hoards. pa. 50c Italian orders of chivalry and medals Noe, S. P. Medallic work of A. A. Weinman. pa$l (7) Perez, G. S. Mint of the Philippine Islands. pa 50c (8) Smith, D: E. Computing jetons. pa $1.50 (9) Viasto, M. P. Taras oikistes. pa $3.50 (15) Westervelt, L. Jenny Lind medals and tokens. pa 50c (5) Whitehead, R: B. Pre-Mohammedan coinage of north- western India. pa $1.50 (13) Wood, H. Commemorative coinage of the United States. pa $1.50 (16) Wood, H. Gold dollars of 1858 with notes of other issues. pa 50c (12) a: Mexican revolutionary coinage, 1913-1916. pa State coinages of New England; The state coinage of Connecticut, by Henry C. Miller; The colonial coins of Vermont, by Hillyer ee ee ae American numismatic society—Continued Ryder; The copper coins of Massachusetts, by Hillyer Ryder. Q Té6p il pa $3 ’20 The society 22-21225 American Olympic committee Report, seventh Olympic games, Antwerp, Belgium, 1920. O xi,451p il $1 ’20 The com- mittee, 6 E. 23d st., N.Y. 21-21618 American paintings. See Paintings, American American paper and pulp association Better salesmanship. (Special report, O 54p pa 25c '22 The association Conditions in paper industry as reported at the annual convention held in New York city April 14, 1921. (Special report no. 3) O 28p pa ’21 ‘The association Continuing prosperity in the paper industry; addresses at the fifth annual fall business conference, Chicago, October 11, 1923. (Spe- cial report, no. a O 32p pa 25¢c 23 The associ- ation Looking forward fe the paper industry; ad- dresses delivered at the 45th annual con- vention of the American paper and pulp association, New York, April 13, 1922. (Special report, no. 6) O 28p pa 25ce ’22 he association Perspective of the paper industry; symposi- um by manufacturers, merchants and con- sumers at the third fall business confer- ence, Chicago, November 3, 1921. (Special report, no. 4) 45p gratis ’21 The association Proceedings of April, 1922 convention. (Wood- lands section ser., no. 1) 50c ’22 The asso- ciation Return to normal in the paper industry. (Special report, no. 7) O 25¢e ’22 The asso- ciation Statement of changes desired in schedule M of the tariff act of 1913; with briefs sup- porting desired changes filed by the several associations of the paper industry; for sub- mission to Ways and means committee, House of representatives, February 5th, 1921. (Special report no. 2) O 5-64p pa ’21 The association Statement of changes desired in schedule 13 of the Fordney tariff bill, submitted to the Committee on finance, United States senate, Washington, D.C., December 21st, 1921. (Special report, no. 5) O 27p ’21 The asso- ciation o p Support by the paper industry of America of educational and research activities carried on outside the organizations of the in- dustry. (Special report no. 1) O 26p pa ’20 The association no. 4) American paper and pulp association. Income tax questionnaire committee Primer relating to special forest industries questionnaire for the paper and pulp in- dustry, form T-P, prepared by committee representing the industry appointed by American paper and pulp association (at request of Bureau of internal revenue). O pa gratis ’20 The association 20-10499 American party system. Merriam, C: E: $3 Maemillan American patriotic reader. 2d ed Evans, C: $1.50; school ed 85c Harlow American peace award Ways to peace. See Lape, E. E. American pediatric society Transactions of the 34th session held in Washington, D.C., May 1-3, 1922. O 3382p il ’22 Lyons American petroleum institute Recent increases in the prices of petroleum and its products; memorandum submitted to the Federal trade commission by the Secretary of the American petroleum in- stitute. O 24p pa gratis ’20 The institute, Pee 44th St-iiNty: GS21- 33 American petroleum refining. Bell, H. S. $5 Van Nostrand American pharmaceutical Year book, 1919. ciation, WwW. 1855 ‘Chicago association - O 7748p il $4 ’21 The asso- Day, sec., 701 S. Wood st., AMERICAN American philosophy of government. Snow, A. : $4 Putnam American phonetic alphabet. Dwyer, H: V. $1 The author, 372 Hanson av., Salt ratte City, Utah American physical education association Spalding’s field hockey guide. See Spalding’s field hockey guide American physical education association. Na- tional committee on women’s athletics Official handbook, containing the general policies of the committee and the official rules for swimming, track and field soccer, 1923-24; ed. by Elizabeth Burchenal. (Spald- ing’s athletic lib. Red cover ser. of hand- Hooks) Si144p" pa 25e *°23 Am. sports “pub. 23-13117 American plant names. Clute, W. N. pts 1-3 ea 50c The author, Joliet, II. American pocket medical dictionary. 12th ed Dorland, W: A. N. $2; indexed $2.50 Saun- ders American poems. American poems, $1.20 Am. bk. American poetry bh EK. L. American poems. pa 20c ’23 Globe k. Austin, M. American rhythm. $1.60 ’23 Har- court Bailey, E. J. Religious thought in the greater American poets. $1.50 ’22 Pilgrim press Squire, J: C. $2 Doran 1776-1922. Long, A. W., ed. Cook; 7H! "W. OuEn poetsvots today. sd rey ed $2.50 ’23 Moffat Deavours, E. C., comp. Mississippi poets. $1.65 ’22 E. H. Clarke & bro., 18 S. Main st., Memphis, Tenn. Hubbell, J. B., and Beaty, J: O. Introduction to poetry. $2.50 ’22 Macmillan Maynard, T. Our best poets, English and American. $2 ’22 Holt Poetry society of South Carolina. Year book tor 1921. pa 50c ’21 The society, D. Hey- ward, sec., 76 Church st., Charleston, S.C. Stidger, W: L. Flames of faith. $1.25 ’22 Ab- ingdon press Untermeyer, L: American poetry since 1900. $3.50 ’23 Holt Weirick, B. From Whitman to Sandburg in American poetry. $2 ’24 Macmillan Wilkinson, M. O. New voices. $2.25 ’21 Mac- millan See also American drama; American lit- erature; Ballads; English poetry; Negro poetry; Songs Bibliography Doane, B., comp. Selected list of recent volumes of American and English poetry. pa ’21 St Louis public lib., St Louis Parsons, M. P. New poetry. 2d rev ed pa 50c "2d; Wilson, ELV Collections Alden, R. M., ed. Poems of the English race. $2.75 °?21 Scribner American poetry, 1922. bds $1.75 ’22 Harcourt Bookman anthology of verse, 1922. $1.50 ’22 Doran Braithwaite, W: S. B., ed. Anthology of magazine verse. Bee main entry Braithwaite, W: S. B., ed. Anthology of Mas- sachusetts poets. $1.50 '22 Small Cooper, A. C., ed. Poems of today. 80c ’24 Ginn Dem Villers Awe: Allyn I Forbes, A. P., ed. Modern verse, British and American. $1.24 ’21 Holt Gordon, A. C., ed. Virginian writers of fugitive verse. $2.50 ’23 White, J.T. Gordon, M., and King, M. B., comps. Verse of our day. $2 ’23 Appleton Gorman, J. W. and H. S., comps. Peterbor- ough anthology. bds $2 98 Theatre arts, 7 Fea COS tamN ey « Greer, H. ise comp. Voices of the Southwest. Ai leer ay 2PAR be Sea FLOWards ) dics, American life. ed. American poetry. $1 ’23 Poems of heroism in oot 75 °22 Crowell AMERICAN American poetry—Collections—Continued Kennedy, T:, and others. Estrays. bds $1.25; pa $1 ’20 Bookfellows F Le Gallienne, R: Anthology of American verse. 95c ’23 Boni & Liveright Long, A. W., ed. American poems, 1776-1922. rev ed $1.20 '22 Am. bk. Matthews, B., ed. Poems of American pa- triotism. rev ed $2.59 ’22 Scribner Metcalf, J: C., and Wilson, J. S., eds. En- chanted years. $1.50 ’21 Harcourt Monroe, H., and Henderson, A., eds. New poetry. new and enl ed $3.50 ’23 Macmillan Neiharat, J: G., ed. Poet’s pack. bds $2-’21 Bookfellows : Nickerson, P. S., ed. Glimpses; a _ national anthology of secondary school verse, 1923. bds $1 ’23 The author, box 321, Middleboro, Mass. Peoria book of verse. pa $2 ’22 Manual arts press Philippine Islands. Education, Bureau of. Selected short poems_ by _ representative American authors. ’22 The bureau, Manila Poems for reading and memorizing. Tv bds ea 32c '19 Houghton Pound, L., ed. American ballads and songs. $1 '22 Scribner Quinn, J: F., comp. Loyola book of verse. pa 72c ’22 Loyola univ. Schnittkind, H: T:, ed. $2.25 ’22 Stratford Scribblers. Scribblers book verse. $1 ‘’23 Scribblers, Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Stevenson, B. E. Famous single poems and the controversies which have raged around them. $2 ’23 Harcourt Untermeyer, L:, ed. Modern American and British poetry. See main entry Untermeyer, L:, ed. Modern American rev and enl ed $2 ’21 Harcourt Upchurch, Mrs T: B., comp. Morning glories. $1 ’°22 A. Williams & co., Raleigh, N.C. Van Dyke, H:, and others, eds. Book of Brit- Poets of the future. of Notre Dame Univ. of Notre poetry. ish and American verse. $4; lea $5 ’23 Doubleday Wilkinson, M. O. Contemporary poetry. 88c 723° Macmillan Writers club of Southern California. Second anthology of verse. $1.50 ’23 Wagner, Harr See also English poetry—Collections; Speakers American poetry, 1922; a miscellany. D x,205p bds $1.75 ’22 Harcourt [@s J. Cape] x (20-16870) merican police administration. Graper, E. D. $3.50 Macmillan i American-Polish chamber of commerce Handbook of Poland. 2d ed O 3lp pa 20c °21 Am.-Polish chamber of commerce, 953 3d AVaso Ne Short economic survey of Poland, 1923 O 40 ( ; ; p pa 20c ’23 Am.-Polish ch b bas ta sae a ae amber of commerce, Upper Silesia in its economic relation to Poland and Germany. Q 19p il pa ’21,Am.- Polish chamber of commerce, 953 3d ay., fi -Y. Rae 21-14061 merican political classics: Jefferson, W - ington and Lincoln. Sargent, G: C2 Par a priv ptd The editor, Hobart bldg., San Francisco American political problems. Mahon, J: C. pa 50c Call ptg. co., 390 6th UV tre NR American political science: the constituti : : on of the United States. Och, J. T. $1 Pontifical ; college Josephinum, Columbus, O. Ford, H: J. Representative government. $3.50 American political science series; ed Corwin. Holt Dy ies American portable house company aon car bas: school houses. P ll pa gratis ’22 The com st., Seattle, Wash. ence American portrait painters in miniatu re, Z Bolton, T. bds $7.50 Sherman, F. ah ay tet 1922 ed 611 Alaska 54 pul: portraits. Bradford, G. $3.50 Hough- on American poultry school Dollars and sense in the poultry business. O 96p il pa ’21 The school, Kansas City, Mo. ; 21-12863 American practical navigator. Bowditch, N. $1.80 U.S. Hydrographic office American princess. Tippett, I. C. bds $1.50 Torch press American principles. Lowe, E. P. $1.40 The author, 5301 Camp st., New Orleans, La. American prison ‘association Plans and illustrations of atories. See Hart, H. American prisOn association. Committee on treatment of persons awaiting court action and misdemeanant prisoners Report presented at the fifty-first congress of the American prison association, Jackson- ville, Florida, 1921, by Hastings H. Hart. (Pamphlets, CH41) O 23p il 10c ’22 Russéll Sage foundation 23-4544 American private schools, Handbook of, 1922-23. Sargent, P. E: 2v 1922 $4; 1923 $5 The au- thor, 14 Beacon st., Boston American problems. Borah, W: E. $2 Duffield American problems. Morehouse, F. M. I., and Graham, S. F. $1.72 Ginn American prose masters. Brownell, Scribner American public health association Control of communicable diseases; report of the Committee on standard regulations appointed in October, 1916. (Reprint no. AMO oA Lo is. Public health 23-26334 Half century of public health; jubilee histor- ical volume in commemoration of _ the fiftieth anniversary celebration of its foun- dation, New York city, November 14-18, 1921; ed. by Mazyck P. Ravenel. Q xi,461p $5.25; pa $3.75 ’21 The association 22-6141 Contents: The history of public health, 1871-1921, by S. Smith; The American public health association, past, present, future, by M. P. Ravenel; The story of public health in Canada, by P. H. Bryce; The history of bacter- iology and its contribution to public health work, by F. P. Gorham; American mortality progress during the last half century, by F. L. Hoffman; The United States quarantine system during the ast fifty years, by H. S. Cumming; History of state and municipal control of disease, by C. V. Chapin; Fifty years of water purification, by G. C. Whipple; Sewage and solid refuse removal, by R. Her- ing; Stream pollution by industrial wastes and its con- trol, by E. B. Phelps; Progress in federal food control, by C. L. Alsberg; Food conservation, by S. C. Prescott; Milk and its relation to public health, by C. E. North; The history of child welfare work in the United States, by P. Van Ingen; Housing as a factor in health progress .in the past fifty years, by L. Veiller; What fifty years have done for ventilation, by G. T. Palmer; History of industrial hygiene and its effect on public health, by G. M. Kober; A fifty year sketch history of medical ento- mology and its relation to public health, by L. O. How- ey The history of public health nursing, by Lavinia L. oc Report of the Committee on municipal health department practice in cooperation with the United States public health service. (Bul. no. 136) O x,468p pa ’23 U.S. Public health; 50e Supt. of doc. 23-26880 Contents: Introductory statement; The health board and the health officer, by A. W. Freeman; Expenditures of health departments, by W. T. Fales; Control of com- municable diseases, by A. W. Freeman and W. T. Fales; Tuberculosis, by C.-E. A. Winslow and Gertrude F. Baker, Venereal disease control, by Mary A. Clark; Infant hy- giene, by I. V. Hiscock; (a) School health supervision, by I. V. Hiscock, and W. T. Fales, (b) Working paper procedure, by Bessie Bunzel; Miscellaneous activities; Pub- lic health nursing, by C.-l. A. Winslow and Margaret R. Burkhardt; Public health laboratories, by I. W. Hiscock and Margaret S. Hiscock; Milk inspection, by I. V. His- cock; Food and drug inspection, by I. V. Hiscock; Sanitary inspection and sanitation, by I. V. Hiscock; Water sup- plies, by A. W. Freeman; Sewerage and sewage disposal, by A. W. Freeman; Public health education, by George Anundsen; Vital statistics, by L. I. Dublin; An ideal health department for a city of 100,000 population, by C.-E. A. Winslow and H. I. Harris; Summary of health department prisons and reform- Wit Ge $1 organization and services in each of the 83 cities, by pee Kmerson; Schedule used throughout the investiga- tion j American public health association. Laboratory section Standard methods for the bacteriological ex- amination of milk. 3d ed O 24p ’21 The association Agr21-827 American public health association. section—Continued Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage. 5th ed rev O ix,111p $1.50 23 The association 23-10487 Standard methods of milk analysis, bacterio- logical and chemical. 4th ed Q@ 40p pa 40c Laboratory 23 The association 23-9442 American public library. 3d ed Bostwick, A. E. $3 Appleton American public school. Finney, R. L. $2 Mac- millan American racing manual for 1922; ed. by F. H. Brunell. $1.60; pa $1.10 ’22 Daily racing form American radiator company Drying of lumber, paint and varnish. Q 56p il pa gratis ’21 The company, 820 S. Michigan av., Chicago 21-17924 American railroad problem. Sharfman, I. L. $3 Century American railroads: government control and re- construction policies. Cunningham, W: J $3 Shaw, A. \W: - American railway association American railway association: historical statement, present activities. O 134p pa ’21 The association A21-2008 Report of committee of the American rail- Way association analyzing National secur- ity owners’ car pooling plan and related subjects. Q 74p pa ’23 The association A23-T54 Report of the perfect package campaign, No- vember, 1921. Q 16p pa ’22 The association American railway association. Mechanical di- vision Car builders’ cyclopedia of American prac- tice; definitions and typical illustrations of cars, their parts and equipment; descrip- tions and illustrations of the tools and meth- ods employed in their construction and re- pair; cars built in America for industrial operations and for foreign railroads; 10th ed., 1922; editor, Roy V. Wright, managing edi- tor, Charles N. Winter. F 1192p buck $8; lea $12 ’22 Simmons-Boardman 23-553 Locomotive cyclopedia of American practice; definitions and typical il. of locomotives, their parts and equipment; descriptions and il. of the tools and methods employed in their construction and repair; locomotives built in America for industrial operations and for foreign railroads. 6th ed Q 1155p buck $8; lea $12 ’22 seater ratte ASU toad American railway association. Signal section Invention of the track circuit; the history of William Robinson’s invention of the track circuit, the fundamental unit which made possible our present automatic block signal- ing and interlocking systems. Q_ viii,113p il pa $1.50 ’22 The association 22-25821 Proceedings of the session, held at Chicago, Illinois, June 6-8, 1921. 451-613p 50c ’21 The association Proceedings of the session, held at Spring Lake, New Jersey, June 14-16, 1922. O 171p pa $1.50 ’22 The association American railway association. telephone section Proceedings of the session held at Richmond, Virginia, March 21-28, 1922. O 521p il $6 ’22 The association mucrican railway bridge and building associa- on Development of turntables to meet operating conditions for the modern locomotive, showing the best improved practice. O 53p pa The association Index of subjects dealt with in the Proceed- ings, 1891 to 1920, inclusive, volumes 1 to 30; comp. by F. E. Weise. O 24p pa _ 25c ’21 The association Proceedings, 1920-1922. 8v O 220:266;296p il pa ea $1 ’21-’23 The association Railroad ice storage houses; report. (Sub- ject no. 1) O 64p pa The association Report of committee on track scales, 1913. O 7-222p $1; pa 75c ’13 The association Telegraph and AMERICAN American railway engineering association General specifications for steel railway bridges for fixed spans less than 300 feet in length. 46p pa 50c ’23 The association Manual. 1921 ed O 1004p il $8 ’21 The associa- tion 23-10899 —Same; supplement to Manual; committee on track; trackwork plans. O il $5 ’21 The association 23-10900 American Red cross base hospital no. 38 in the World war, United States army base hospi- tal no. 38. Coplin, W: M. L. priv ptd The author, Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia American Red eross nursing, History of. Dock, L. L.. and others. $5 Macmillan American Red cross’ teachers’ handbook of first aid instruction. See Red cross. United States. American national Red cross. 7 cacuers, handbook of first aid instruc- ion ‘American Red cross text-book on home hygiene and care of the sick. 2d ed Delano, J. A. $1.25; pa 70c ‘Blakiston American relief administration American relief administration in Czecho- Slovakia; a sketch of the child-feeding op- erations of the A. R. A. mission to Czecho- Slovakia, 1919-1921, Prague, Czecho-Slov- akia, 1921. Q 16p pa gratis ’21 The admin- istration European children’s fund mission to Poland, 1919-1922. Q 76p il pa gratis ’22 The admin- istration American republics Enock, C: R. Republics of Central and South America. 2d rev ed $4.50 ’22 Scribner Pan American union. Fifth International con- ference of American states. ’22 The union American rhythm. Austin, M. $1.60 Harcourt American road. ‘Tucker, J. I. $1.50 The author, 14382 W. 38th st., Oklahoma City, Okla. American road map to success. Rawson, F. S. pa $1 Rawson, F. : American hio Mechanics of correspondence, covering the practical needs of those who wish to make the business letter a greater business (Research in industrial education. Bul., no. 1) O 79p pa 35e ’21 The company, Middletown, O. 23-12248 RS dace of good correspondence. See Perry, rolling mill company, Middletown, Research and methods of analysis of iron and steel at Armco. 2d ed O 220p il $4 ’20 The company, Middletown, O. 22-11911 River shipping and industry; a compilation of historical and river shipping data on the Ohio River and its tributaries. O 117p il pa '23 The company, Middletown, O. 23-12840 American ruling cases as determined by the courts; including the fundamental cases of England and Canada, also all reviewing and illustrating cases of material value from the latest official reports, completely annotated; ed. by B. Jones. v 5 Q 1500p buck $7.50 ’22 National law bk. 22-19154 American Samoa. Naval 1910-1913 (William M. Crose) American Samoa, a_ general report by the governor. O 46p pa 10c ’22 Supt. CU as American samplers. Bolton, E., and Coe, E. J. governor, $10 Mass. soc. of the colonial dames of Am., 2 Lynde ‘st., Boston American-Scandinavian foundation, New York List of five hundred books by Scandinavians and about Scandinavia. O 3lp gratis ‘21 The foundation 21-26288 American school citizenship league | American citizenship course in United States history. 5v D v 1, 3-4 ea $1; v 2, 5 ea $1.20 721 Scribner 21-16746 Contents: General course for grades 1-8, introducing a program of type studies; bk 1, Course with type studies, for grades 4 and 5; bk 2, Course with type studies, for grade 6; bk 8, Course with type studies, for grade 7; bk 4, Course with type studies, for grade 8 AMERICAN American school of correspondence, Chicago Better foremanship. 29 pamphlets D il pa $30 ’°21 The school Railway signaling. See Denny, S. E. American school of home economics | : Home-making as a profession. 80p il gratis ’22 The school American school songs. Kurzenknabe, J: H. 30c Hall & McCreary (corr pub) American scouting series. See Tomlinson, E. T. American ship casualties of the World war in- cluding naval vessels, merchant ships, sail- ing vessels, and fishing craft. United States. Naval records and library, Office of. 5c Supt. of doc. American shoemaking directory of shoe manu- facturers, 1922; comp. by Frederick HE. At- wood. S 275p il $2 ’22 Shoe trades pub. co. American shotgun. Askins, C: $2.50 Macmillan (corr pub) American smelting and refining company Guggenheim, S. R. Answer to the attacks made upon the American smelting and re- fining company. pa ’21 Am. smelting and refining co., 120 Broadway, N.Y American social history as recorded by British travellers. Nevins, A., comp. and ed. $4 Holt American social hygiene association Boy problem. (Publication no. 284) 32p 10c °20 The association Exhibit catalog. (Publication no. 188) rev ed ilp il gratis ’21 The association Facts about gonorrhea (Italian). (Publica- tion no. 277) 4p 10c ’20 The association —Same (Spanish). (Publication no. 265) 4p 10c ‘20 The association Facts about syphilis ({talian). (Publication no. 278) 4p 10c ’20 The association —Same (Spanish). (Publication no. 266) 4p 10c "20 The association —Same (Yiddish). (Publication no. 253) 4p 10c ’20 The association Health for men. (Publication no. 283) 16p 10c ’20 The association Industrial application of army and navy ven- ereal disease statistics, by Mary A. Clark and Ray H. Everett. (Publication no. 347) 8p 10c ’21 The association Law enforcement. (Publication no. 182) 31p 10c ’19 The association Matter and methods of sex education. (Pub- lication no. 189) S 15p pa '16 The associa- tion Medical measures. (Publication no. 196) 30p 10c 719 The association Out-ostriching the ostrich. S 15p '20 Texas. Bur. of venereal diseases, Austin 21-10103 Recreation. (Publication no. 195) 22p 10c "19 The association Sex instruction through ‘English literature. (Publication no. 309) 10p 10c ’20 The as- sociation Social hygiene legislation manual, 1921. (Pub- lication no. 312) O 80p il 25¢c ’21 The asso- ciation 22-3323 Social hygiene publications; a catalog of the association’s pamphlets and reprints. (Pub- lication no. 242) 15p gratis ’21 The associ- ation Some early stages of the Chicago fight against prostitution. (Publication no. 295) 1llp 10c 720 The association Standard forms of laws. 255-260) 6 pts ea 10c ’19 The association Contents: 1, Repression of prostitution; 2, Repression of fornication; 3, Injunction and abatement act; 4, Con- trol of venereal diseases; 5, Ouster law: 6, Establishment of a reformatory for women or girls Warning about prostitutes (Spanish). (Pub- lication no. 264) 10c ’20 The association —Same (Yiddish). (Publication no. 251) 10c ’20 The association What to read on social hygiene. (Publication, no. 268) S 8p pa ’21 The association American social work in the twentieth century. Devine, “EH: T:, ‘and Brandt,” Li” pa’ 50c Frontier press American society for municipal improvements Proceedings, 1921-1922. 2v Q 648;600p il ea $7.50 ’22-'23 The society, C. C. Brown, sec., box 234, St Petersburg, Fla. (Publications ne. American society for testing materlals A. S. T. M. standards; issued triennially, 1921,. O° 890p il* $105 \ thf. lea «$11.50 21-’The society —Same; first supplement to 1921. 54p pa $1.25 °22 The society —Same; second supplement to 1921. 126p pa $2 ’23 The society Book of A.S.T.M. tentative standards. 1923 ed O 859p $8; pa $7 '23 The society Index to proceedings, v. 13-20 (1913-1920). O 189p $2.50; hf lea $3.50 ’23 The society List of alloys, prepared by William Campbell for. Committee B-2 on non-ferrous metals and alloys. O 30p pa $1 ’23 The society GS23-165 List. of standards, August 25, 1922. O 18p pa ’22 The society ‘ 1920 year book. 324p $1 ’21 The society Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual meeting held at Asbury Park, New Jersey, June 21-24, 19210 (Ve 2170 1197 pale siisepa $10; hf lea $12.50 ’21 The society Progress report of Joint committee on stand- ard specifications for concrete and rein- forced concrete. O 73p pa $1.50 ’21 The so- ciety Reports of committee D-1 on preservative coatings for structural materials for the years 1903-1914. O 567p $5 ’15 The society Tentative standards. 1922 ed 750p $8; pa $7 ’22 The society American society for the control of cancer What everyone should know about cancer; a handbook for the lay reader. O 26p pa ’22 Provincial bd. of health, Ottawa, Canada What we know about cancer; a handbook for the medical profession. O 58p pa ’22 Pro- vincial bd. of health, Ottawa, Canada American society for the excavation of Sardis Publications. Princeton univ. press Butler, H. C. Sardis. $15 (1) American society of civil engineers, New York Index to transactions, v. 1-83, 1867-1920; comp. by Elbert M. Chandler. O 272p $2 ’21 The society [6-9452] Year book, 1922-1923. 2v O 381;400p pa ea $2 ’22-’23 The society American society of heating and ventilating engineers Guide, containing reference data, 1922. O 360p $3 °22 The society 22-16069 Year book, 1921; contains lists of members, arranged alphahetically and geographically: also lists of officers and committees, local chapters, constitution, past officers, and calendar of past meetings. S 152p pa ’21 The society American society of international law Analytical index to the American journal of international law, and supplements, v. 1-14 (1907-1920) and the Proceedings, 1907-1920, by George A. Finch. Q 3321p $4 ’21 The society 22-4516 Proceedings of the fifteenth-sixteenth annual meetings, 1921-1922. 2v O xi,159;xi,146p bds ea $1.50 ’21-’22 The society (19-16063) American society of mechanical engineers American standard pipe thread. (Thread ser., no. 1) O 28p il pa 45c ’20 The society Code of safety standards for the construction, operation and maintenance of elevators, dumbwaiters and escalators. O 98p il pa 65e ’21 The society Condensed catalogues of mechanical equip- ment: with general classified directory and consulting engineers directory; eleventh an- nual volume, 1921. Q 932p $4 ’21 The society Engineering index. See Engineering index Life of George Westinghouse. See Prout, H: G. 1922 year book; containing general informa- tion regarding the society officers and coun- cil, and lists of members arranged alpha- betically and geographically, corrected_to September 15, 1921. D 1x,592p pa $2 The society ? P _ American society of mechanical engineers—Cont. Opportunity and _ responsibility of the en- gineer. O 16p ’21 The society 22-5277 Transactions, 1920-1922. 3v O ea $6; hf mor $11 ’21-’23 The society American society of safety engineers Safety code for the construction, care and use of ladders; American society of safety engineers, sponsor; tentative American standard approved July 25, 1923, by Amer- ican engineering standards committee, AKSC—no_ Al4, 1923: (Bul. no. 351. Safety. code ser.) O 16p ’23 U.S. Labor statistics; 5e Supt. of doc. L24-5 American sociological society ; Constructive social analysis. (Publications, v. 17) Q 262p pa $2 ’23 Univ. of Chicago press Factors in social evolution; sixteenth annual meeting held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 27-30, 1921. O 294p pa $2 ’22 Univ. of Chicago press Social control; managing ed., Scott E. W. Bedford. (Publications, v. 12) O vi,269p pa $1.50 ’18 Univ. of Chicago press CD22-104 Sociology and education; managing ed., Scott E. W. Bedford. (Publications, v. 13) O v,224p pa $1.50 ’19 Univ. of Chicago press CD21-67 Some newer problems, national and _ social; managing ed., Ernest W. Burgess. (Pub- lications, v. 15) O vi,280p pa $2 ’21 Univ. of Chicago press CD21-68 Contents: Kudemics, the science of national or general welfare by James O. Dealey; A theory of social interests by Roscoe Pound; The community idea in rural develop- ment by Kenyon L. Butterfield; Further inquiries of so- ciology by Franklin H. Giddings; Sociological evaluation of the interchurch movement by Edward L. Earp; The Mexican revolution and the standard by living by Max S. Handman; Social significance of mental levels by J. P. Richtenberger; Social significance of the new plan of army education by Scott KE. W. Bedford; Relation of women to industry by Susan M. Kingsbury; Processes in radicalism by William J. Kerby; The future of sociology by Albion W. Small; Round table conferences; The Ameri- can sociological society membership list for the year 1921 American specification institute Specification record. Q 398p il lea $10 ’23 The institute, 19 S. La Salle st., Chicago 23-14470 Editor: 1923—G. C. Coughlen American spirit. Shuster, G: N. pa 5c Paulist press American spirit in education. Slosson, E. E. subs per set of 50v Abraham Lincoln ed $175; graduates ed $150; extra il ed $250 Yale univ. press American spirit in the writings of Americans of foreign birth. Stauffer, R. E., ed. $2 Christopher pub. house American sportsman’s library; Whitney. Macmillan Graham, J. A. Sporting dog. $1.75 B Holder, C: F: Big game fishes of the United States. $1.75 Sage, D., and others. Salmon and trout. new ed $1.75 “ee i. W:, and Van Dyke, T. S. Upland game birds. Sanford, L: C., and others. Water-fowl family. $1.75 American squab culture. 2d ed Eggleston, E. H. $2 Am. pigeon journal co., Warrenton, Mo. American standard of living and world co-oper- ation. Jones, R. $4 Cornhill American state literature, Outline of. Dershem, World co., Lawrence, Kan. American statistical association Handbook, 1922. (Journal, new ser., no. 139, v. 18) O 60p pa ’22 The association, Con- cord, N.H. American struggle for the British West India carrying-trade, 1815-1830. Benns, F. L. $1 Indiana univ. American stud book. Jockey club. 12v ea $15 The club, 66 W. 40th st., N.Y. American students in the British Isles, Guide book for. Institute of international educa- tion. pa The institute American sulphuric acid practice. De Wolf, P., and Larison, E. L. $3.50 McGraw American Sunday-school union Union lesson guide and golden-text book; containing the improved uniform lessons, golden texts, and daily home readings, with other helpful material for Sunday-school workers [annual]. T pa 6c The union ed. by Caspar AMERICAN American system company American agency accounting system; its methods of accounting and record keeping for insurance agents and brokers. Q 27p il pa gratis ’22 The company, 23% Church av., W. Roanoke, Va. 22-21176 . American technical society, Chicago Carpentry and contracting; a practical refer- ence work on carpentry, building super- intendence, etc. rev ed 5v O il $24.80 ’22 The society American telephone and telegraph company Telephone and telegraph statistics of the world, January 1, 1922. Q il pa ’23 The com- pany, 195 Broadway, N.Y. American thought from Puritanism to prag- me tere and beyond. 2d ed Riley, I. W. $2 olt American trade association executives Proceedings and addresses, third annual con- vention, Buck Hill Falls, Pa., October 25- 27, 1922. 310p il $2.50 ’23 The association, O. B. Towne, sec., 505 5th av., N.Y. American trade unionism. Janes, G: M. $1 Mc- Clurg American travel and hotel directory American travel and hotel directory; British- America ed., 1921; containing il. and de- scriptive reports on all provinces and British colonies of the North American continent; with review of cities, transportation and hotel conditions. (Traveler’s blue book ser.) 7th ed O 200p il pa $2 ’21 Phillips, H. W. —Same; individual state ed., 1921; a further subdivision of states; with large maps folded into pocket. (Traveler’s blue book ser.) 5th ed O il pa ea 50c ’21 Phillips, H. W. —Same; Latin America ed., 1921; printed in Spanish and English, il. and describing Cuba, Mexico, and all republics and colonies south on the Western Hemisphere; with travel and hotel information. (Traveler’s blue book ser.) 5th ed O 200p pa $2 ’21 Phillips, H. W. —-Same; mother ed., 1921; contains all infor- mation regarding transportation and hotel accommodations in North, Central and Latin America; with a review of their in- dustrial activities, points of interest, climatic conditions, holidays, customs, etc. (Traveler’s blue book ser.) 7th ed O 2000p USO 2igeebillipss H.-W; —Same; United States ed., 1921; including il. descriptions of all states in the Union, in- cluding territories of Alaska and the Hawai- ian Islands; with complete reports of all communities and their hotel accommoda- tions. (Traveler’s blue book ser.) 7th ed O 900p $5 ’21 Phillips, H. W Baby travelers blue book. book ser.) 3d ed O H. W (Traveler's blue 96p pa 50c Phillips, Hotel credits; a list of attorneys in over 2500 cities of the Western Hemisphere, specializ- ing on this activity. (Traveler’s blue book ser.) 8d ed O 64p pa 50c ’21 Phillips, H. W. American travellers in Spain. Farnham, C. E. pa priv ptd Columbia univ. press American triumvirate: the Constitution of the United States of America, the Declaration of independence, Lincoln’s Gettysburg ad- dress. O 45p ’21 priv ptd Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co. 21-995 American underwriters’ pocket chart of life in- surance companies. 13th ed Phelps, B. L. 50c Thrift pub. American Unitarian association New pilgrimages of the spirit. See Interna- tional congress of free Christians and other religious liberals. 7th, Boston, 1920 Unitarian year book, 1922-1923. See Unitarian year book American university, Washington, D. C. Three nations at the American university; addresses at the annual convocation by Newton W. Rowell, Warren G. Harding and Jean J. Jusserand. D 92p il $1 ’21 The university 22-23651 American Vitruvius. Hegemann, W., and Peets, E. buck $40 Architectural bk. AMERICAN American walnut manufacturers’ association American walnut; the cabinet-wood superla- tive. 2d ed O 48p il pa gratis ’20 The asso- ciation, 616 S. Michigan av., Chicago o p 22-20027 Story of the American walnut. O 45p il pa gratis '23 The association, 616 S. Michigan blvd., Chicago American warehousemen’s association Bulletin [monthly]. O pa $5 per year The association Central bureau report; cold storage sub-divi- sion. F 75p pa $5 ’21 The association Cost finding for warehousemen. See Carruth, C. B., and Jacobsen, H. J. Directory of members, March Ist, 1923. O 40p pa ’23 The association. Proceedings of the 30th-32d annual meetings of the association. 3v O 600;531;475p il ea $5 ’21-’23 The association Report of the Central bureau committee, Gen- eral merchandise subdivision, American warehousemen’s association. 2d ed @ 36p $1 ’21 The association 21-10956 Warehouse receipts as collateral. F 24p pa 25c ’21 The association Warehousing general merchandise; an ency- clopedia. O x,415p il lea $15 ’23 The associa- tion 23-11072 American water-colourists. Gallatin, A. E. $15 Dutton American welding society Standards for testing welds; report of com- mittee on standard tests for welds of the American bureau of welding, June, 1921. (Bul. no, 1) O 16p il pa 50c:’21 The so- ciety, 33 W. 39th st,, N.Y. American wood preservers association Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting, Chi- cago, January 24-26, 1922. O 534p $6 ’22 ‘The association, S. D. Cooper, see., ¢.o, A. T. & S. F. railway, Topeka, Kan. American writing paper company Handbook of quality-standard papers: a ref- erence book covering a comprehensive line of papers and their employ in printing. O vili,412p il ’23 The company, Holyoke, Mass. 23-6403 American year-book of anesthesia and anal- gesia, 1917-1918; ed. by F. H. McMechan. $10 Surgery pub. Americana annual; an encyclopedia of current events, ed. by A. H. McDannald, and J. B. McDonnell. Q $9 ’23 Encyclopedia Ameri- cana corp., 27 William st., N.Y. (23-10041) Americana, Encyclopedia. 30v buck $180; im lea $210; mor $300 Encyclopedia Americana corp., 27 William st., N.Y. Americani di oggigiorno. Sartorio, E. C. pa 80c Bren Holland hs) Bait auths. Anderson, Paul Lewis, 1880- er, Pictorial photography; its principles and practice. 2d rev ed O 31ip $3 (12s 6d) ’23 Lippincott 23-11196 Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn, 1846- (tr.) See Brandes, G. M. C. Creative spirits of the nineteenth century Anderson, Robert Franklin, 1866- : Anderson arithmetic. 3v D xiv, 274 ;vi,282;vi, 312p v 1. 88c; v 2 92c; v 3 96c ’21 Silver Anderson, Robert Gordon, 1881- Bight o’clock stories: il. in color by Dorothy Hope Smith. O viii,269p $2.50 ’23 Putnam 23-17470 For love of a sinner; a tale with villain for hero. D 314p $2 ’24 Minton, Balch & co. 24-11236 Half-past seven stories; with il. in color by Dorothy Hope Smith. (Clock ser.) O viii, 251p $2.50 ’22 Putnam 22-24685 Isle of seven moons; a romance of uncharted seas and untrodden shores. D vi,395p $1.90 (7s 6d) ’22 Putnam 22-8047 Anderson, Robert J. f Inclusions in aluminum-alloy sand castings. (Technical paper 290) O 25p il pa ’22 U.S. Mines; 10c Supt. of doc. 22-26703 Preparation of light aluminum-copper cast- ing alloys. (Technical paper 287) O 44p il Daseee U.S. Mines; 10c Supt... of doc. 22-27496 Anderson, Robert Phillips, 1866- Handwork for junior societies. S 122p 75c ‘21 United soc. of Christian endeavor 21-15274 New junior workers’ manual; a text-book on junior work. S ix,11-187p $1 ’21 United soc. of Christian endeavor 21-14935 Anderson, Samuel Herbert, 1880- Tensions in track, cables and logging sky- lines; the catenary loaded at one point. (Engineering exper. station ser. Bul. no.13) O 26p ’21 Univ. of Wash. GS22-410 Anderson, Sherwood, 1876- Horses and men; tales, long and short from our American life. D xiii,347p $2 ’23 Huebsch [7s 6d J. Cape] 24-3399 Contents: Foreword; Dreiser; I’m a fool; The triumph of a modern; Unused; A Chicago Hamlet; The man who became a woman; Milk bottles; The sad horn _ blowers; The man’s story; An Ohio pagan Many marriages. D 264p $2 (7s 6d) ’23 Huebsch 23-7319 Marching men. 3d ed D 314p $2 Huebsch Mid-American chants. $1.50 ’21 Huebsch Formerly published by Lane Triumph of the egg; a book of impressions from American life in tales and poems; in clay by Tennessee Mitchell; photographs by Eugene Hutchinson. O xi,269p $2 ’21 Huebsch [7s 6d J. Cape] 21-21097 Windy MacPherson’s son; a novel. new and rev ed $2 ’21 Huebsch [7s 6d J. Cape] Anderson, Stewart (comp.) Sparks of laughter; suggestions to toastmasters; how to tell a funny story. 3d ed D 64p $1.10 ’22 The compiler, box 366, Newark, N.J. (21-5633) —Same; 4th annual compilation. D 300p $2 ’23 The compiler, box 366, Newark, Nees fOr sale by Baker & Taylor Anderson, Victor V. Report of the Wisconsin mental deficiency survey. See National-committee for mental hygiene Anderson, W. J. (comp.) See Wisconsin. Laws, statutes, etc. Compilation of the laws relating to the regulation of public utilities . Anderson, William, 1888- City charter making in Minnesota. (Bureau for research in government. Publications, no. 1) D ix,198p diags pa $1 '22 Univ. of Minn. 22-11006 Law of special legislation and municipal home tes in uagetet (Bureau for research in vernment. Publications, no. 2 133-331 50c ’23 Univ. of Minn. ane 9397136 —and Lobb, A. J. History of the constitution of Minnesota, eth hy first Sante anc (Studies in the lal sciences, no. Vii,323p _ il a $1.75 '21 Univ. of Minn. : P 91-5867 Anderson, William Ashley, 1890- South of Suez. 2d ed D 240p il $3 ’23 McBride Anderson, William Hamilton, 1874- Yonkers plan for prohibition enforcement; to- gether with a system of local organization which any community can use to develop a sound, active public sentiment for law and order; a text book and working manual for community use. O 96p 50c; pa 25¢c ’21 Am. issue 21-21235 Anderson, William Lincoln; Ross, A. W.; and Staples, Z. C. Clerical practice; first lessons in business. D wipeTON wile’ $1. 7°21. Am: bk; 21-7339 Forms, to accompany Clerical practice; firsr lessons in business. Q pa 80c ’21 Am. bk. Anderson, William Niclaus Determination of a spelling vocabulary based upon written correspondence. (Studies in education, v. 2, no. 1. Ist ser., no. 52) O 66p pa $1 '21 Univ. of Iowa 21-18868 65 ANDRESS Anderson county, South Carolina Wohnston 7 +©.8eD ance, others: Anderson county, economic and social. ’23 Univ. of S.C. ? Andersonville prison Rutherford, M. lL. Henry Wirz—Anderson- ville prison. 15c ’21 The author, Athens, Ga. Anderton, Basil, 1864- Sketches from a library window. O 182p il $3 ’23 Appleton [10s 6d Heffer] [23-8906] Contents: A stoic in his garden, tr. from the De constantia of Justus Lipsius, II. 1.3.; A stoic of Louvain, Justus Lipsius; In Northumbrian sunshine; The lure of translation; A gourmand’s breviary; A Newcastle seaman 100 years ago; Nature and human nature; Sir Thomas Browne; Index Andés, Louis Edgar Treatment of paper for special purposes; tr from the German. 2d ed rev and enl O 216p $3.50 ’23 Van Nostrand [8s 6d Scott, Greenwood] [LAgr23-1418] Andes Ogilvie,» A. G. Geography of the central Andes. $3 ’22 Am. geographical soc. Andiron club of New York city Colonnade, v. 14, 1919-1922. Q xx,556p $6 '22 The -club, box 84, University heights, N.Y. Contents: pt. 1, Contributions to scholarship and belles-lettres; pt. 2, The poetical works of John ‘T'rum- bull Andivius Hedulio. White, E: L. $2 Dutton Andover district. Crawford, O. G. S. pa $2.50 Oxford Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa, 1887- structure (of; the atom. © sxiv,3l4py 1) $6 +23 Harcourt [16s Bell] [24-2009] André Cornelis. Bourget, P. C: J. lea’tte $1.50 Brentano’s Andreades, A. Development of the study of law. (League of nations. Committee on intellectual cooper- ation. Enquiry into the conditions of intel- lectual work) 15c World peace foundation Greece: general report. (League of nations. Committee on intellectual cooperation. En- quiry into the conditions of intellectual work) 40c World peace foundation Andreieff, Leonid Nikolaevich, 1871-1919 He who gets slapped; a play in four acts; tr. from the Russian with an introd. by Greg- ory Zilboorg. D xiii,193p $1.50 (6s) ’22 Bren- tano’s 22-9771 —Same. O 75p pa T5e ’21 Dial pub. co., 152 Visalia Chite Slee NY 21-5631 Katerina (Yekaterina Ivanovna): a drama in four acts; auth. tr. from the original manu- script, with a preface by Herman Bernstein. D ix,181p $1.50 (6s) ’23 Brentano’s 23-16804 Little angel, and other stories. (Borzoi pocket bks.) D. 9-203p $1.25 ’24 Knopf Contents: The little angel; At the roadside station; Snapper; The lie; An original; Petka at the bungalow: Silence; Laughter; The friend; In the basement; The city; The Marseillaise; The tocsin; Bargamot and Garaska; Stepping-stones; The spy ‘ Red laugh. T 95p 5c Haldeman-Julius co. Samson in chains; posthumous tragedy; auth. tr. from the original manuscript, and a preface, by Herman Bernstein. D _ xi,207p $1.50 ’23 Brentano’s 23-13680 Seven that were hanged. T 96p 5c Haldeman- Julius co. Nom them stars. lDees4 Dm Dds ol oen(oSe OG) seat Daniels Waltz of the dogs; a play in four acts; auth. tr. from the original manuscript by Her- man Bernstein. D 141p $1.50 ’22 eens Andresen company, incorporated : Directory giving the names of executives and operating officials of the iron and_ stee/ plants in the United States and foreign countries, 1922. S 4538p $5 ’22 The company, Thaw bldg., 108 Smithfield st., Pittsburgh. Pa. (21-13978) Andress, Annie Laura (Turner) (Mrs James Mace Andress). See Andress, J. M., jt. auth. ANDRESS Andress, James Mace, 1881- Boys and girls of Wake-up Town; il. by Marguerite Davis. (Story ser, in health, Ri 2) D v,218p 76c ’24 Ginn —and Andress, Aw ilies Journey to health land; il. Laite. (Story ser. in health, 72c ’°24 Ginn Story of Rosy Cheeks and Strong Heart (a health reader for the third grade), il. by Dorothy Whitmore. (Child health organiza- tion ser.) 2d ed rev S 47p pa 30c ’22 Mac- millan A22-1103 —and Bragg, M. C. Suggestions for a program for health teach- ing in the elementary schools. (Health educ. no. 10) O 107p il pa ’21 U.S. Educ.; 10c Supt. of doc. E21-461 Andrews, Alexander B. Per capita cost of courts. 20p gratis ’21 The author, 239 Fayetteville st., Raleigh, N.C. —Same; rev. addendum of January 8, 1922. O 16p pa gratis ’22 The author, 239 Fayette- ville st., Raleigh, N.C. » 23-18926 Andrews, Benjamin Richard, 1877- Economics of the household; its administra- tion and finance. D vii,623p $3.25 (14s) 723 Macmillan 23-11197 Andrews, Charles McLean, 1863- Connecticut’s place in colonial history; an ad- dress delivered before the Connecticut so- ciety of colonial wars, 28 May 1923. O 49p bds $1 ’24 Yale univ. press 24-7527 History of England. (Allyn & Bacon’s ser. of school histories) rev and enl ed D xxi, 657,51p il $2 ’21 Allyn 21-10035 Short history of England. (Allyn & Bacon’s ser. of school histories) rev ed D xx,506p il by Blanche Fisher bk. 1) D 194p $1.80 ’21 Allyn 21-16242 (ed.) See Schaw, J. Journal of a lady of quality Andrews, Clarence Edward, 1883- Old Morocco and the forbidden Atlas; with il. from photographs. O xix,19-295p $3 ’22 Doran [15s Hurst & B.] 22-26965 Andrews, Clarence Leroy, 1862- Story of Sitka; the historic northwest coast, the chief Russian American company. 722 The author, box 1888, outpost of the factory of the O 108p il $1.56 Seattle, Wash. 22-13201 Andrews, Ethan Allen, 1859- Sperm-receptacle in the crayfishes, cambarus cubensis and C. paradoxus. 19p 5c ’21 Washington acad. of sciences : Andrews, Mrs Evangeline (Walker) (ed.) See Schaw, J. Journal of a lady of quality Andrews, Ewart Sigmund Introduction to applied mechanics. (Cam- bridge technical ser.) O ix,316p il $2.50 ’20 Macmillan 21-15261 Andrews, F. Emerson Hannah Henpeck’s vote; a mock trial. (Den- ison’s specialties) D 32p pa 30c ’23 Denison Andrews, Frank, 1872- (comp.) Handbook of foreign agricultural sta- tistics. (Bul. no. 987) O pa ’21 U.S. Agric.; 10c Supt. of doc. Agr21-1162 Andrews, Frank De Wette, 1847- (comp.) Genealogical records from old family Bibles, manuscripts and letters. G 54p pa $1 '23 priv ptd The author, Vineland, N.J. 23-14543 (comp.) Historical sketch of the First Con- gregational Unitarian church of Vineland, New Jersey; with a list of members. O 21p ae 50c ’19 priv ptd The author, Vineland, N.J 22-22247 Iogdbinesis Gertrude Nelson Finding youth; one man’s life experience. O 11-81p ’21 Youthland press, Santa Barbara, Cal. 22-2488 —Same; a human experience. D 62p bds $1 722 Atlantic monthly 22-7535 Andrews, H. P., paper company Book of samples of papers manufactured to print properly all kinds. of illustrations; together with a book of the same papers printed and lithographed in all of the prin- cipal processes used for illustrations. F 6385p il Champion coated paper co., 324 Pearl st., N.Y. Andrews, trene (Osgood) (Mrs John Bertram Andrews) 1879- Industrial health. See Kober, G: M., and Hay- NUTESts ame. —and Hobbs, M. A. Economic effects of the World war upon wo- men and children in Great Britain. (Pre- liminary economic studies of the war, no. 4) 2d rev ed O ix,255p bds $1 ’21 Oxford; pa gratis Carnegie. endowment 21-11606 Andrews, James Burton, 1890-. See Handschin, W. F:, jt. auth Andrews, John Bertram, 1880- Labor problems and labor legislation. 2d ed rev D 5-135p il 75c; pa 30c ’22 Am. assn. for labor legislation L22-330 Reducing unemployment by planning public oe O 10p ’21 Am. assn. for labor legisla- ion Andrews, Mrs John Bertram. Andrews, Lillian E. Jack Winsted’s choice. (Evangel ser., no. 4) D 3832p 10c ’22 Bible inst. col. assn. Andrews, Lorrin, 1795-1868 Dictionary of the Hawaiian language; rev. by Henry H. Parker. O xx,21-674p ’22 Board of commissioners of public archives of the territory of Hawaii, Honolulu GS23-159 Andrews, Mabel H. Dorothy’s adventure in Bedroom land; il. by Frances Hitz and Prue Durant Smith. D 60p bds $1 ’23 Century Andrews, Mrs Marietta Minnigerode Cross triumphant; a pageant of the church in England and America, based upon his- tory and tradition, with four interludes showing the influence of poetry, music, art and the drama, upon the religious thought See Andrews, I. of the world. O 28p pa gratis ’21 The author, 1232 16th st., Washington, Oa Darker drink. O 122p $1.50 '22 Badger, R. G. 22-13009 Voice of the wildflowers; a fantasy; written for the benefit of the Wildflower preserva- tion society. 8d ed O 12p il pa 50ce ’22 The author, 1232 16th st., N.W., yee er ot Andrews, Mary Raymond (Shipman) (Mig Wil- liam Shankland Andrews) His soul goes marching on. D 84p “bds 5c '22 Scribner 22-6934 Yellow butterflies. D 73p bds 75c '22 Scribner 22-24582 Andrews, Matthew Page, 1879- American history and government. D_ xii, 528p il $2 ’21 Lippincott 21-6228 Brief history of the United States.. [new ed] D xvii,410,xxviiip il $1.20 ’24 Lippincott ; 24-6125 Andrews, Melvin Brainerd How to work your way through college. O 6383p pa 75e ’21 The author, Fayetteville, INEGS 21-16068 Andrews, Nelson. See Andrews, G. N. Andrews, William, 1848-1908, and Lang, E. M. Old English towns. Q 438p il $4.50 ’23 Stokes [18s T. W. Laurie] Andrews family Sinnett, C: N. Andrews family [typewritten]. $1 ’21 Sinnett Andromaque. See Racine, J. B. Racine’s Greek masterpieces Andross, Mrs Matilda Erickson Life that wins. D 167p $1 ’22 Pacific 22-12486 Andrus family Baker, A. C. Genealogy and history of the Baker, Andrus, Clark, and Adams families. 720 The author, Decorah, Ia. O p Andy Ardion. Leland, R. D. pa 50c Four seas Andy Blake in advertising. Lee, E: E. $1.75 Appleton in Maine. oe Al Anecdotes Bent, S: A., comp Familiar short sayings of Seo men. rev and enl ed $2.50 ’20 Hough- on Kearney, P. W: Toasts and anecdotes, $1 ’'23 Clode Kieffer, H: M., ed. More laughs. 75c; lea $2 ’22 Dodge Lawson, J. G., comp. World’s best humorous anecdotes, $2 ’23 Doran Webber, A. B. Stories and poems for public addresses. $1.50 ’22 Doran See also Illustrations, Homiletic; Medicine —Anecdotes, satire, etc. Anemones Torrey, H. B. Anemones. 10c Washington acad. of sciences Anesaki, Masaharu, 1873- Religious and social problems of the Orient; four lectures given at the University of California under the auspices of the Earl foundation, Pacific school of religion. D xi, 77p $1 ’23 Macmillan 23-9505 Anesthetics American year-book of anesthesia and an- algesia, 1917-1918. $10 Surgery pub. Blomfield, J. Anaesthetics in_ practice and theory. $7.50 ’23 Chicago med. Boyle, H: E. G., and Hewer, Cc. L. Practical anaesthetics. 3d ed $2 Oxford Flagg, P. J. Art of anaesthesia. 3d ed rev $4.50 ’22 Lippincott Hadfield, C: F. Practical anesthetics for’ the student and general practitioner. $3 ’23 Wood Hewitt, F: W: Anaesthetics and their admin- istration. 5th ed $9 ’22 Oxford Ross, J. S. Handbook of anesthetics. 2d rev ed $2.75 ’23 Wood ‘ Webster, W: Science and art of anesthesia. $4.75 ’24 Mosby See also Chloroform Anesthetics, Local Black, N. Local anaesthesia. $1.50 ’21 Wood Braun, H. Local anesthesia. 2d ed $5 '24 Lea Farr, R. E. Practical local anesthesia and its surgical technic. $8 ’23 Lea Finsterer, H. Local anaesthesia methods and results in abdominal surgery. $5 ’23 Rebman Labat, G. Regional anesthesia. $7 '22 Saunders Anesthetics in dentistry : Fischer, G. Local anesthesia in dentistry. 3d ed $4.50 ’23 Lea Nevin, M. Conduction and infiltration anes- thesia. $5 ’23 Dental items of interest pub. co., 2923 Atlantic av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Steadman, S. F. St J. Local anesthesia in dental surgery. $4 ’23 Blakiston Angami Nagas. See Nagas Angel, W. H. Clipper ship Sheila, Angel—master. D 286p il $2 ’23 Lauriat [7s 6d Heath, Cranton] 24-2697 Angel adjutant of twice born men. Carpenter, M. L. $1.25 Revell Angel-face. Hincks, R. N. $1.50 Cornhill Angel of terror. Wallace, E. $1.75 Small Angel of the chimes. Du Boisgobey, F. H. A. $1.25 McKay Angela da Foligno, 1248-1309 Book of divine consolation; tr. from the Italian by Mary G. Steegmann; introd. by Algar Thorold. (Medieval lib., v. 5) O xliv,265p $1.85 722 Oxford Angelica. Holding, E. S. $1.90 Doran Angelico, Fra (Giovanni da Fiesole) 1387-1455 Highway of the cross, depicted in ten plates, reproduced by Medici quality four-colour process from the originals in Florence; with an introd. from Thomas a Kempis; text in the words of the Bible; auth. version; con- clusion from The Christian year. O bds $2 21 Medici soc. Angeline at the Seelbach. Greer-Petrie, Cr pax. 50c Angeline pub. co., 56 Todd bldg., Louis- ville, Ky. (corr pub) ANGLICAN Angeline doin’ society. Greer-Petrie, C. pa 50c ES, pub. co., 56 Todd bldg., Louisville, y. Angeline steppin’ out. pa 50c Angeline pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Angell, Emmett Dunn, 1879- Real games for real kids, as told in the Sneezy letters. O 112p il $1.75 ’23 McClurg 24-3785 Angell, James Rowland, 1869- Development of research in the United States. (Reprint and circular ser., no. 6) 19p 25c 719 National research council Angell, Norman, pseud. (Ralph Norman Angell Lane) 1874- Fruits of victory; a sequel to The great illu- sion. O xxxv,338p $3 ’21 Century [8s 6d Col- lins] 21-13423 If Britain is to live. D xiv,175p $1.50 ’23 Put- nam [2s 6d Nisbet] 23-5606 Angellotti, Marion Polk Three black bags. D 3875p il $1.75 ’22 Century 22-17454 2d ed Greer-Petrie, tos 56 Todd blidg., Angels O’Connell, R. V. Holy angels. $1.50 ’23 Kenedy Stroh, G. Gabriel and Michael: angels. pa 10c 792 Bible inst. col. assn. Angels and ministers. Housman, L. bds $1.50 Harcourt Angels at Bethlehem. Shirley, K. pa 15¢c Mac- millan Anger, Harry D. Canadian business law. O 119p pa $1 ’23 La Salle extension univ. Anger Stratton, G: M. Anger: its religious and moral significance. $2.25 ’23 Macmillan Angevin Britain and Scandinavia. G. $3.50 Harvard univ. press Angina pectoris Mackenzie, J. Angina pectoris. $9 ’23 Oxford Angiopteris Blomquist, H. L. Vascular anatomy of angi- opteris evecta. ’22 Private ed., distributed by the Univ. of Chicago libraries, Chicago Angiosperms Church, A. H: Elementary notes on the sys- tematy of angiosperms. pa $1.60 ’21 Ox- ford Angkor, ruins in Cambodia. De Beerski, P. J. $5 Houghton L’anglais tel qu’on le parle. Bernard, T. 80c Ox- ford Angle, Glenn D. Airplane engine encyclopedia; an alphabeti- cally arranged compilation of all available data on the world’s airplane engines. O 547p il buck $7.50 ’21 Airplane engine encyclope- dia co., 930 Reibold bldg., Dayton, O. 22-583 Angler’s companion to the rivers and lochs of Scotland. Stoddart, T: T. $4.50 Lippincott Anglican and Eastern churches; a_ historical record, 1914-1921. O 64p pa 60c ‘'21 Mac- millan [1s 6d S.P.C.K.] [A22-355] Anglican and Eastern churches association Anglican and Eastern churches. See Anglican and Eastern churches Anglican church. See Church of England Anglican church principles. Foakes-Jackson, Be Se $2:25 Macmillan Anglican deaconess. Hardman, O. pa 20c Mac- millan Anglican essays; a collective review of the principles and special opportunities of the Anglican communion as Catholic and re- formed, by the Archbishop of Armagh, [and others]; with extracts from the pastorals of Bishop Jayne. O x,337p $4.25 (12s 6d) ’23 Macmillan 23-10612 Anglican orders y Douglas, - A. Relations of the Anglican churches with the Eastern-Orthodox, es- pecially in regard to Anglican orders. $4.80 Morehouse Leach, H: ANGLICAN Anglican orders, Bishop Barlow and. Barnes, A. S. $4 Longmans Anglicanism. Henson, H. H. $3.25 Macmillan Anglicisms and Americanisms, Dictionary of. Barentz, M. E. pa $1.50 Caspar Anglicka skola. Kral, J. J. $2 Caspar Angling. See Fishing Angling adventures of an artist. Shirley-Fox, Jeno. 94. Dutton Anglo-American future. Gardiner, A. G. bds $1.50 Seltzer Anglo-Catholic congress. 1st, London, 1920 Report; with preface by Darwell Stone. O 207p $3.25 ’21 Macmillan [8s 6d S.P.C.K.] (A22-278) Anglo-Catholic’s thoughts on religion. Rawlin- son, G. C. $2.50 Longmans Anglo-lIsraelism Brith, L. E: P. British-Israel fallacy. 60c ’21 Morehouse Huse. S. M. Israel, prince of God. $2.50 ’24 Putnam Anglo-Japanese alliance. Dennis, A. L. P. pa Sib nive OL.Cal: Anglo-Mexican petroleum company, limited Mex fuel oil. 24 ed O xv,210p il ’21 The com- pany, 65 Broadway, N.Y 23-4030 The first edition of this book, entitled Mexican fuel oil, was published in 1914 in English, Spanish and Portu- guese Anglo-Norman dialect Vising, J. Anglo-Norman language and liter- ature. $1 ’23 Oxford Anglo-Saxon and Jew. Newman, L: I. $1.25 Bloch Anglo-Saxon language. See Old English lan- guage Anglo-Saxon verse-book. Sedgefield, W. J:, ed. $3 Longmans Anglo-South American handbook for 1921 (in- corporating Mexico and Central America); ed. by William Henry Koebel. D xxxvi,929. exivp lea $7.50 ’21 Macmillan [25s Unwin] [21-4847] Same, 1922; including Central America, Mexico, and Cuba; ed. by W. H. Koebel. D Ixxvili,888p lea $7.50 ’22 Macmillan [25s Un- win] Angora See also Turkey—Description and travel Angora goat Williams, G@: P. Angora goat. ’21 U. S. Agric.; 5c Supt. of doc. Ch aa Charles Edgar De. See De Anguérre, DE. Anhalonium United States. Indian affairs, Office of. Peyote. pa 10c ’22 Supt. of doc. Aniline Groggins, P. H. Aniline and its derivatives. $4 724 Van Nostrand Wertheim, E. Preparation of optically-active hydrazines. ’22 Private ed., distributed by the Univ. of Chicago libraries, Chicago See also Dyes and dyeing Aniline colors. See Coal tar colors; Dyes and dyeing L’anima della donna. See Ferrero, G. Soul of woman Animal A B C. Golding; H. $1.50 Sully Animal and its environment. Borradaile, L. A. $5 Oxford Animal-book. Armfield, C. $2.25 Holt Animal breeding. See Breeding Animal curiosities. Berridge, W. S. $2 Small Animal cut-outs from Arkland. Pettee, F. M. pa 40c Whitman, Albert Animal drawing book. Frank, M. L. bds $1.50 Henry Bee co., 32 Union sq., N.Y. Animal experimentation. See Animals, EXxperi- ments on Animal in art. Lemos, P. J. 75¢ School arts magazine, Worcester, Mass. Animal industry See also Domestic animals Bibliography United States. Superintendent of documents. Animal industry, farm animals, poultry and dairying. 16th ed ’23 Supt. of doc. Animal intelligence Bouvier, E. L: Psychic life of insects. $2 '22 Century Hornaday, W: T. Minds and manners of wild animals. $2.50 ’22 Scribner Kidd, B: Philosopher with nature. $2 ’22 Doran Kindermann, H. Lola. $2.50 ’23 Dutton 7 a | a > » ¥ Long. W: J. Brier-patch philosophy by Peter ; Rabbit. new ed $2 ’23 Harper See also Animals, Habits and behavior of; Instinct ¢ Animal kingdom. Thomson, J: S. $2 Macmillan Animal kingdom. Zwanziger, Dr. $3.40 Mac- millan Animal legends from many lands. Woolf, R. Y. $2.50 McKay Animal life in Africa. Stevenson-Hamilton, J. $4 Dutton ‘ Animal life in deserts. Buxton, .P.