i y PROPOSED RULES Construction, Installation, Inspection and Maintenance of Steam Boilers STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION ALBANY NEW YORK OFFICE, 230 FIFTH AVENUE BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL CODE 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: BUFFALO | UTICA Monday, April 9th, 10:00 A. M. Thursday, April 12th, 9:30 A. M. Room 225, Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce ROCHESTER ALBANY Friday, April 13th, 10:00 A. M. Chamber of Commerce, Arkay Building NEW YORK CITY Tuesday, April 10th, 10:00 A. M. Chamber of Commerce SYRACUSE Tuesday, April 17th, 10:00 A. M. Wednesday, April 11th, 10:00 A. M. Bureau of Industrial Code, City Hall 230 Fifth Ave., Room 2015 Copies of these proposed rules can be had by applying to the Bureau of Industrial Code, 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City. ree \ Fe A DTRA | / it Athy if wi in Fi ooh a Walt Hy Wh tas) cg ji bn D BD ah i a yew ph eh Lan ih \ : ie Lae 44 Ha) Vee o 00: I7ELS BOILER CODE STaTE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Rules for the construction, installation, inspection and mainte- nance of steam boilers as provided in sections 91 and 124 of the Labor Law. | Section 91. Boiler inspection. The commissioner of labor shall cause to be inspected all boilers used for generating steam or heat for factory purposes which carry a steam pressure of ten pounds or more to the square inch, except where a@ certificate is filed with such commissioner, or shall have been heretofore filed with the state fire marshal under the provisions of former section three hundred anf fifty-seven of the insurance law, by a duly authorized insurance company, in conformity with the rules or regulations of the officer with whom such certificate shall have been féled, and certifying that upon such inspection such boilers have been found to be in a safe condition. Every such insurance company shall report to the commissioner all boilers insured by them coming within the provisions of this section tncluding those rejected, together with the reason therefor. A fee of five dollars shall be charged the owner or lessee of each boiler inspected by the inspector of the department of labor, but not more than the sum of ten dollars shall be collected for the inspection of any one borler for any year. Such fee shall be payable within thirty days from the date of such inspec- tion. If a certificate of inspection, heretofore filed in the office of the state fire marshal, or hereafter filed an the office of the com- missioner of labor shows a boiler to be in need of repairs or in an unsafe or dangerous condition, the commissioner of labor shall order such repairs to be made to such boiler as in his judgment may be necessary and he shall order the use of such boiler discon- tinued until such repairs are made or such dangerous and unsafe conditions remedied. Such order shall be served upon the owner or lessee of the boiler, personally or by mail, and any owner or lessee failing to comply with such order within a time to be specified therein, which shall be not less than ten days from the service of the order af served personally and not less than fifteen days from the mailing thereof if served by mail, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for each day’s neglect thereafter. Every owner or lessee of any such boiler who shall use or allow a botler to be used by any one in his employ after recewing notice that such boiler is in an unsafe or dangerous condition shall be subject to a penalty of not to exceed fe dollars for each day on which such borler zs used after the receipt of such notice. Owners and lessees of boilers shall attach to such bowlers the numbers assigned by the commis- 2 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE AM.SOC.ME. sioner of labor, under a penalty of five dollars for each day’s failure so to do after such numbers have been assigned. The provisions of this section shall not apply to cities in which bowlers are regularly inspected by competent inspectors acting under the authority of local laws or ordinances. § 124. Inspection of steam boilers and apparatus; steam, air and water gauges. All boilers used in generating steam for mining or tunneling purposes shall be kept in good order, and the owner, agent, manager or lessee of such mine or tunnel shall have such boilers inspected by a competent person, approved by the commissioner of labor, once in six months, and shall file a certificate showing the result thereof in the mine or tunnel office and a duplicate thereof in the office of the commissioner of labor. * * * Each boiler or battery of boilers used in mining or tunneling for gener- ating steam, shall be provided with a proper safety valve and with steam and water gauges, to show respectively, the pressure of steam and the height of water in the boilers. Every boiler-house in which a boiler or nest of boilers 1s placed, shall be provided with steam gauge properly connected with the boilers, and another steam gauge shall be attached to the steam pipe in the engine-house, and so placed that the engineer or fireman can readily ascertain the pressure carried. Rule 800. All boilers used for generating steam or heat for fac- tory purposes, shall be subject to a regular internal and external inspection each year, and all boilers used for generating steam or heat for mining, tunneling and quarrying purposes, shall be inspected externally at least once in six months and subject to a regular internal Ua aW each year. Rule 801. Whoever owns, uses or causes to be used a portable boiler subject to inspection, as provided in sections 91 and 124 of the Labor Law, shall report the location of such boilers to the Indus- trial Commission on J anuary first, or within thirty days thereafter, of each year. Rule 802. The owner or user of a boiler or boilers herein required to be inspected shall, after fifteen days notice, prepare the boiler for internal inspection, or hydrostatic pressure test, 1f necessary. To prepare a boiler for internal inspection, the water shall be drawn off and the boiler thoroughly washed. All manhole and handhole covers, and washout plugs in boilers and water column connection shall be removed, and the furnace and combustion chambers thor- oughly cooled and cleaned. Enough of the brick work shall be removed to determine the condition of the boiler, furnace or other parts, at. each annual inspection, if necessary. The steam gauge shall be removed for testing. BOILER CODE 3 Rule 803. If it is found that steam or hot water is leaking into the boiler, the source of such leakage shall be disconnected and so drained as to cut out such steam or hot water from the boiler to be inspected. Rule 804. If the boiler is jacketed so that the longitudinal seams _ of shells, drums or domes, cannot be seen, and if it cannot otherwise be determined, enough of the jacketing, setting wall or other cover- ing shall be removed so that the size and pitch of the rivets and such other data as may be necessary can be determined at first data inspection. Rule 805. In preparing a boiler for hydrostatic test, the boiler shall be filled to the stop valve. If boiler to be tested is connected with other boilers, that are under steam pressure, such connections shall be blanked off unless there be double stop valves on all con- necting pipes, with an open drain between. : _ INSPECTION BY INSURANCE COMPANY Rule 806. All boilers subject to periodic inspection by duly authorized insurance companies shall be exempt from regular annual inspection by the Industrial Commission on the following conditions: a.The insurance companies’ regulations shall conform with these Rules. b. The insurance companies’ inspectors who inspect. boilers oper- ated in this state shall hold certificates of competency issued by the Industrial Commission, as hereinafter provided. ce. Reports of all inspections shall conform to the requirements, and shall be made upon forms approved by the Commission. d. A copy of all internal and external inspection reports shall be ' filed with the Commission within twenty-one days after the inspection is made. 'e. Insurance companies, whose Pe nantih hold certificates of com- petency, shall immediately report to this Commission the name of the owner or user, and the location of every boiler on which insurance has been refused, cancelled or discon- tinued because of existing dangerous defects and shall within a reasonable time report all other refusals, cancellations or discontinuances. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY Rule 807. Cer tificates of competency and commissions as inspec- tors of steam boilers shall be issued to persons in the employ of duly authorized boiler insurance companies who pass a written examina- tion as to their knowledge of the construction, installation, main- tenance and repair of steam boilers and their appurtenances. 4 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE AM.SOC.ME, Provided, however, that a person holding a certificate of com- petency as an inspector of steam boilers for a state that has a standard of examination equal to the standard set by the Industrial Com- mission of the State of New York, shall, upon written request of a duly authorized boiler insurance company, by whom such person is employed, be granted a certificate of competency and a commis- sion as an inspector of steam boilers for the State of New York without further examination. The commission shall be retained by the insurance company and shall be immediately returned to the Industrial Commission when the inspector ceases to be employed by the said company. Inspectors’ certificate shall be issued by the Industrial Commission upon recommendation of an examining board appointed by the Industrial Commission, composed of one repre- sentative of each of the following interests: a representative of boiler | manufacturers, the duly authorized boiler insurance companies, the operating engineers, the Boiler Inspection Division of the Industrial Commission, and such others as the Industrial Commission may designate. Rule 808. An applicant who fails to pass an examination shall not be granted a new examination until after the expiration of ninety days. GENERAL Rule 809. A certificate of inspection upon the form approved by the Industrial Commission shall be issued and shall be con- spicuously posted under glass in the engine or boiler room. Rule 810. In case a defect affecting the safety of a steam boiler is discovered, the owner or user of the boiler shall immediately dis- continue the boiler from service and notify the Industrial Commis- sion. An inspection shall be made and a certificate of inspection issued before the boiler is again placed in service. Rule 811. Any boiler in this state at the time these rules take effect, if hereafter installed, may be operated after a thorough internal and external inspection and a hydrostatic pressure test and a cer- tificate issued. ‘The maximum allowable working pressure on such boiler shall be determined as provided in Par. 378, Rule 850. Rule 812. No boiler shall be operated at a pressure in excess of the safe working pressure allowed by the annual inspection certificate, which pressure is to be ascertained by means of these rules. Rule 813. No person shall remove or tamper with any safety appliance prescribed by these rules, and no person shall in any man- ner load the safety valve to greater pressure than that allowed by the certificate of inspection. Rule 814. If there are valves in the connections between water column and boiler, at least one steam gage shall be connected directly BOILER CODE oT to steam space of boiler, with but one cock between said gage and boiler. Rule 815. The discharge of safety valves, blow-off pipes, or other outlets, shall be so located that there will be no danger from scalding. Rule 816. Safety valves, try cocks, water column and water blow-offs on boilers, operated at a pressure of more than fifteen (15) pounds to the square inch, shall be tested daily when the boiler is in operation. Rule 817. All patches on a boiler shell or drum, which exceed twenty-four inches in length, measured on a line parallel to the longitudinal seam, and between the center lines of the extreme rivet holes, shall be calculated for safe working pressure from said patch seam, the efficiency of which shall be determined in the usual manner. ‘The efficiency of the patch seam may then be increased by multiplying said efficiency by a factor which is determined by the angularity of the inclined patch seam to the girth seam, , according to the following table: Angle Factor Angle Factor DUP IOR BOR fe en teens alone ToL) ou degrees ahaiidy AIR Rae R ck a pk eM 2 ORS 1.20 35 Sons Bile eRe er aera UC ase Ee aR LCs 5 ete ie Weal neh Dina aa | Bee he ta aa Bs 1. 15 40 “RUGS es LO Wh RNR oe ea 1.34. 60 SUP gil ar 5! MANN aN IN, ee 1.11 45 ie EA CN ae Th Oo PUL os UCT UE RMD Ne 1.08 Rule 818. A table of areas of grate surfaces, in square feet for other than direct spring-loaded safety valves, follows: Maximum Pressure Allowed Per Zero to Square Inch on the Boiler 25 Lbs. Over 25 to Over 50 to 50 Lbs. 100. Lbs. Diameter of Valve, | Area of Valve, in eS Tenia Sauate Inehes Area of Grate, in Square Feet 1 . 7854. 1.50 LS75 2.00 1i M2272 220 2.50 3.00 14 LOL 3.00 Seo 4.00 2 3.1416 5.50 6.50 7.25 24 4.9087 8.25 10.00 11.00 3 7.0686 11.75 14.25 16.00 34 9.6211 16.00 19.50 21:75 4 12.5660 21.00 25.50 28.25 44 15.9040 26.75 32.50 36.00 5 19.6350 32.795 40.00 44.00 6 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE AM.SOC.ME, Rule 819. A table of areas of grate surfaces, in square feet, for direct spring-loaded safety valves, follows: 75 100 160 160 200 240 w= —— ns = =—=——_—_——. as 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 Psi hz 1) GS Pe= BES P= i120 P= ,190 P= 240 A=.401 Sa (RIG ON AS OO Asa 244) i Ae Sie Maximum Pressure Zero Over 25 Over 50 Over 100 | Over 150 Over allowed per Square to 25 to 50 to 100 to 150 to 200 200 Inch on the Boiler Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Diameter Area of of Valve, Valve, in . Area of Grate, in Square Feet in Inches Square Inches 1 7854 2.00 PAs 0 2D. 3225 3.5 Boho 13 hui ite 4.00 4,25 5.00 tava Avo 13 1.7671 4.50 5.50 6.00 C20 8.0 8.50 2 3.1416 8.00 9.75 10.75 13.00 14.0 15.00 23 . 4.9087 12.50 15.00 16.50 20.00 22.0 23.00 3 7.0686 breeds 21.50 24.00 29 .00 ohyS 33,25 34 9.6211 24.00 29.50 oe D0 39.50 43.0 45225 4 12.5660 31.50 38.25 42.50 51.50 56.0 59.00 44 15.9040 40.00 48 .50 53.50 65.00 71.0 74.25 5 19.6350 49.00 60.00 66.00 80.00 88.0 92.25 | Rule 820. When the conditions exceed those on which the table (Rule 819) is based, the following formula shall be used: W 70 Aa ——— Fig. 1 STANDARD F'0RM OF TEST SPECIMEN REQUIRED FOR ALL TENSION TESTS OF PLATE MATERIAL thickness of material as rolled, and shall be machined to the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 1; except that bend test specimens may be machined with both edges Prati 33 Number of Tests. a One tension, one cold-bend, and one - quench-bend test shall be made from each plate as rolled. b If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Pars. 28 and 29, and any part of the fracture is outside the middle third of the gaged length, as indicated by the scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. ITV PERMISSIBLE VARIATION IN GAGE 34 Permissible Variation. The thickness of each plate shall not vary under the gage specified more than 0:01 in. ‘The overweight 14 REPORT.OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, limits are considered a matter of contract between the steel manu- facturer and the boiler builder. V. Fryisu 35 Finish. The finished material shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish. VI MarxkiIne 36 Marking. a Fach shell plate shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturer with the melt or slab number, name of manu- facturer, grade and the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range as specified in Par. 28, in three places, two of which shall be located at diagonal corners about 12 in. from the edge and one about the center of the plate, or at a point selected and designated by the purchaser so that the stamp shall be plainly visible when the boiler is completed. b Each head shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturer in two places, about 12 in. from the edge, with-the melt or slab number, name of manufacturer, grade, and the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range as specified in Par. 28, in such manner that the stamp is plainly visible when the boiler is completed. c Each butt strap shall be legibly stamped by the manufacturer in two places on the center line about 12 in. from the ends with the melt or slab number, name of manufacturer, grade, and the minimum tensile strength of the stipulated range as specified in Par. 28. d 'The melt or slab number shall be legibly stamped on each test specimen, | VIL INsPEecTION AND REJECTION 37 Inspection. ‘The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities — to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests (except check analyses) and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere un- necessarily with the operation of the works. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 15 38 Rejection. a Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with Par. 27 shall be reported within five working days from the receipt of samples. b Material which shows injurious defects subsequent to its ac- ceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manu- facturer shall be notified. | 39 Rehearing. Samples tested in accordance with Par. 27, which represent rejected material, shall be preserved for two weeks from the date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. SPECIFICATIONS FOR BOILER RIVET STEEL THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME AS THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIG- NATION A 31-14, A REQUIREMENTS For RornED Bars I MANUFACTURE 40 Process. he steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. II CuHemicaL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 41 Chemical Composition. The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition : NAGS Ge aisle a: ain wigg these! # oy Scie ait) n =o 5 lets ellen aige 0.30-0.50 per cent MSIE es) sn ssh sy os) sre kei lak the tele: c's) a) ye: claplad ai'alle tg not over 0.04 per cent SORE MMURDEE MMR ey i's Ss JN ain) abain qi¥l gifetta alae) a'a! o's] aaa nai ahs Niel ahs not over 0.045 per cent 42 Ladle Analyses. An analysis to determine the percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 41. 43. Check Analyses. Analyses may be made by the purchaser from finished bars, representing each melt, which shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 41. 16 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTHE, AM.SOC.M.H, Ill PuHysicAt PROPERTIES AND ‘TESTS 44. Tension Tests. a The bars shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Tensile ‘strength, Th. per! sq. ty Cee Ee eae 45,000-55,000 Wield! peat, Tagg): UY pervs aa 00 ahs. Shane ava CON NS Santis lo elec 0.5 tens. str. rc Elongation jn! 8.in, min. percent. se aul ei mele islet amie Beet but need not exceed 30 per cent. Tens. str. b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. 45 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tests—The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself without cracking on the out- side of the bent portion. b Quench-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a light cherry red as seen in the dark (not less than 1200 deg. fahr.), and quenched at once in water the temperature of which is between 80 deg. and 90 deg. fahr., shall bend through 180 deg. flat on itself without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. 46 Test Specimens. Tension and bend test specimens shall be of the full-size section of bars as rolled. 4” Number of Tests. a Two tension, two cold-bend, and two quench-bend tests shall be made from each melt, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified. b If any test specimen develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Par. 44 and any part of the fracture is outside the middle third of the gaged length, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. 48 Permissible Variations in Gage. The gage of éach bar shall not vary more than 0.01 in. from that specified. V WorkMANSHIP AND FINISH 49 Workmanship. The finished bars shall be circular within 0.01 in. 50 Finish. The finished bars shall be free from injurious - fects and shali have a workmanlike finish. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS , 17 VI. MarxkiIne 51 Marking. Rivet bars shall, when loaded for shipment, be properly separated and marked with the name or brand of the manu- facturer and the melt number for identification. The melt number shall be legibly marked on each test specimen. VIL INsprcTIoN AND REJECTION 52 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the bars ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the bars are being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests (except check analyses) and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere un- necessarily with the operation of the works. 53 Rejection. a Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with Par. 43 shall be reported within five working days from the receipt of samples. 6 Bars which show injurious defects subsequent to their ac- . ceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manu- facturer shall be notified. 54 Rehearing. Samples tested in accordance with Par. 43, which represent rejected bars, shall be preserved for two weeks from the date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. B REQUIREMENTS FOR RIVETS I PuystcaAL PROPERTIES AND ‘TESTS 55 Tension Tests. The rivets, when tested, shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties specified in Par. 44, except: that the elongation shall be measured on a gaged length not less than four times the diameter of the rivet. 56 Bend Tests. The rivet shank shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself, as shown in Fig. 2, without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. 18 REPORT OF BOILER CODH COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, 57 Flattening Tests. ‘The rivet head shall flatten, while hot, to a diameter 214 times the diameter of the shank, as shown in Fig. 3, without cracking at the edges. 58 Number of Tests. a When specified, one tension test shall be made from each size in each lot of rivets offered for inspection. b ‘Three bend and three flattening tests shall be made from each size in each lot of rivets offered for inspection, each of which shall con- form to the requirements specified. Il WorRKMANSHIP AND FINISH 59 Workmanship. The rivets shall be true to form, concentric, and shall be made in a workmanlike manner. 60 Finish. ‘The finished rivets shall be free from injurious de- fects. Fig. 2 THE BEND Fie. 3 THE FLaAtT- TEST FoR RIVETS TENING TEST FOR RIVETS Ill Inspection AND REJECTION 61 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the rivets ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the rivets are being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 62 Rejection. Rivets which show injurious defects subsequent to their acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 19 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STAYBOLT STEEL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROLLED BARS 63 Steel for staybolts shall conform to the requirements for Boiler Rivet Steel specified in Pars. 40 to 62, except that the tensile properties shall be as follows: ese a Perera Ler 8G. Is. acre as vo ee Cae ae ee aa 50,000-—60,000 Peet psiteesaitat. Ty per Bhs WS. hd Uae ls Woe tot atin «hs elute 0.5 tens. str. 1,500,000 Supression it, 8 1.,, 101,,” Per Cotibs . L) ile esis «, aidheie oedeueldin deme om —— Tens. str. Also with the exception that the permissible variations in gage shall be as follows: Permissible Variations in Gage. The bars shall be truly round within 0.01 in. and shall not vary,more than 0.005 in. above, or more than 0.01 in. below the specified size. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL BARS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE ABSTRACTED FROM THOSE FOR STEEL FOR BRIDGES OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 7-14, I MANUFACTURE 64 Process. The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. Il CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 65 Chemical Composition. The steel shall conform to the fol- lowing requirements as to chemical composition : Ie | peo ia A sia Hen) RS fs eal Wie not over 0.06 per cent ee Baie ee not over 0.04 per cent OL a el eld lel ba rE ls not over 0.05 per cent 66 Ladle Analysis. An analysis to determine the percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur shall be made by the manufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representa- tive. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 65. 20 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E. III PHysicaALt PROPERTIES AND TESTS 6% Tension Tests. a The material shall conform to the follow- ing requirements as to tensile properties: Tensile strength, Ths per BQe I eke tans pis aiatecae ai whats oo terre 55,000-65,000 Yield) point, \min., ‘per sq. we ae OSD ee rea es 4 0.5 tens. str. 1,500,000 Mion gation in! 8 in Min. Per Conk Ts y ves yeh ak clave eae a ogee Tens. str Elongation in 210," min. percent. i... sik ek aes oles 22 *See Par. 68. 6 The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. 68 Modifications in Elongation. a For bars over 34 in. in thickness or diameter a deduction of 1 from the percentage of elonga- tion in 8 in. specified in Par. 67, shall be made for each increase of 14 in. in thickness or diameter above 34 in., to a minimum of 18 per cent. 6 For bars under 5/16 in. in thickness or diameter a deduction of 2.5 from the percentage of elongation in 8 in. specified in Par. 67, shall be made for each decrease of 1/16 in. in thickness or diameter below 5/16 in. 69 Bend Tests. a The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, as fol- lows: For material 34 in. or under in thickness or diameter flat on itself ; for material over 34 in. to and including 144 in. in thickness or diameter around a pin the diameter of which is equal to the thickness or diameter of the specimen ; and for material over 114 in. in thickness or diameter around a pin the diameter of which is equal to twice the thickness or diameter of the specimen. b The test specimen for bars over 11% in. in thickness or diameter when prepared as specified in Par. 70, shall bend cold through 180 deg. around a 1-in. pin without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. 70 Test Specimens. a Tension and bend test specimens except as specified in b, shall be of the full thickness of material as rolled. They may be machined to the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 1, or may have both edges parallel. 6 Tension test specimens for bars over 14% in. in thickness or diameter may be of the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 4. Bend NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS yA test specimens may be 1 by 14 in. in section. The axis of the specimen shall be located at any point midway between the center and surface and shall be parallel to the axis of the bar. ‘1 Number of Tests. a One tension and one bend test shall be made from each melt; except that if material from one melt differs ®g in, or more in thickness, one tension and one bend test shall be made from both the thickest and the thinnest material rolled. b If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted. c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Par. 67, and any part of the fracture is more than 84 in. from the center of the gage length of a 2-in. specimen or is outside the middle third of the gage length of an 8-in. specimen, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the spedimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. IV PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE 72 Permissible Variation. The thickness or cross-section of each piece of steel shall not vary under that specified more than 2.5 per cent. (Nore: Overweight variation is a matter of contract between the steel manufacturer and boiler builder.) VV. FINISH %3 Finish. The finished material shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workmanlike finish. VI MARKING %4 Marking. Bars shall, when loaded for shipment, be properly separated and marked with the name or brand of the manufacturer and melt number for identification. The melt number shall be legibly marked on each test specimen. VII INSPECTION AND REJECTION %5 Inspection. 'The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works pi) REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. ; 76 Rejection. Material which shows injurious defects subsequent to its acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL CASTINGS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE ABSTRACTED FROM THOSE FOR STEEL CASTINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 27-14, 77 Classes. These specifications cover two classes of castings, namely : Class A, ordinary castings for which no physical requirements are specified. Class B, castings for which physical requirements are specified. These are of three grades: hard, medium, and soft. 78 Patterns. a Patterns shall be made so that sufficient finish is allowed to provide for all variations in shrinkage. b Patterns shall be painted three colors to represent metal, cores, and finished surfaces. It is recommended that core prints shall be painted black and finished surfaces red. 79 Basis of Purchase. ‘The purchaser shall indicate his intention to substitute the test to destruction specified in Par. 87, for the tension and bend tests, and shall designate the patterns from which castings for this test shall be made. I MANUFACTURE 80 Process. The steel may be made by the open-hearth, crucible, or any other process approved by the purchaser. 81 Heat Treatment. a Class A castings need not be annealed unless so specified. b Class B castings shall be allowed to become cold. They shall then be uniformly reheated to the proper temperature to refine the NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 2 grain (a group thus reheated being known as an “annealing charge’), and allowed to cool uniformly and slowly. If, in the opinion of the purchaser or his representative, a casting is not properly annealed, he may at his option require the casting to be re-annealed. II CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND T'EsSTS 82 Chemical Composition. The castings shall conform to the following requirements as to chemical composition : Class A Class B Clax bp isagtes seve Ss, Hot over OBO Pereent Mee a WN eT, RUOsD bu ox.) 4) 48, 0).:80088 not over 0.06 per cent not over 0.05 per cent COSTS Sah OA Re APES Wa eR me Pa Ce not over 0.05 per cent; 83 Ladle Analyses. An analysis to determine the percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur shall be made by the man- ufacturer from a test ingot taken during the pouring of each melt, a copy of which shall be given to the purchaser or his representative. This analysis shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 82. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in. beneath the surface of the test ingot. 84 Check Analyses. a Analyses of Class A castings may be made by the purchaser, in which case an excess of 20 per cent above the requirement as to phosphorus specified in Par. 82, shall be allowed. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in beneath the surface. b Analyses of Class B castings may be made by the purchaser from a broken tension or bend test specimen, in which case an excess of 20 per cent above the requirements as to phosphorus and sulphur specified in Par. 82, shall be allowed. Drillings for analysis shall be taken not less than 14 in. beneath the surface. III PuHysicsL PROPERTIES AND TESTS (For Class B Castings only.) 85 Tension Tests. a The castings shall conform to the follow- ing minimum requirements as to tensile properties: 24 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTER, AM.SOC.M.H. Hard Medium Soft Tensile. strength, Ib. per sq.ims.. 5.5 eG oe, « 80,000 70,000 60,000 Wield "point, thy per BOL In. sees ah viewee ae 36,000 31,500 27,000 Elongation in 2 in., per cent....,......... 15 18 22 Reduction of. area, per cent... 20 25 30 b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. 86 Bend Tests. a The test specimen for soft castings shall bend cold through 120 deg., and for medium castings through 90 deg., around a 1-in. pin, without cracking on the outside of the bent portion. b Hard castings shall not be subject to bend test requirements. 8% Alternative Tests to Destruction. In the case of small or un- important castings, a test to destruction on three castings from a lot may be substituted for the tension and bend tests. This test shall show the material to be ductile, free from injurious defects, and suitable for the purpose intended. A lot shall consist of all castings from one melt, in the same annealing charge. 88 Test Specimens. a Sufficient test bars, from which the test specimens required in Par. 89, may be selected, shall be attached to castings weighing 500 lb. or over, when the design of the castings will permit. If the castings weigh less than 500 lb., or are of such a design that test bars cannot be attached, two test bars shall be cast to represent each melt; or the quality of the castings shall be determined by tests to destruction as specified in Par. 87. All test bars shall be annealed with the castings they represent. 6 ‘The manufacturer and purchaser shall agree whether test bars can be attached to castings, on the location of the bars on the castings, on the castings to which bars are to be attached, and on the method of casting unattached bars. c Tension test specimens shall be of the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 4. Bend test specimens shall be machined to 1 by 4% in. in section with corners rounded to a radius not over 1/16 in. 89 Number of Tests. a One tension and one bend test shall be made from each annealing charge. If more than one melt is repre- sented in an annealing charge, one tension and one bend test shall be made from each melt. b If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded; in which case the manufacturer and the | purchaser or his representative shall agree upon the selection of an- other specimen in its stead. : NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION JI, POWER BOILERS 25 c If the percentage of elongation of any tension test specimen is less than that specified in Par. 85, and any part of the fracture is more than 34 in. from the center of the gaged length, as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. IV WorRKMANSHIP AND FINISH 90 Workmanship. The castings shall substantially conform to the sizes and shapes of the patterns, and shall be made in a workman- hike manner. 91 Finish. a The castings shall be free from injurious defects. b Minor defects which do not impair the strength of the castings may, with the approval of the purchaser or his representative, be Fie. 4 STANDARD Form or TEST SPECIMEN REQUIRED FOR ALL TENSION TESTS OF STEEL CASTING MATERIAL welded by an approved process. The defects shall first be cleaned out to solid metal; and after welding, the castings shall be annealed, if specified by the purchaser or his representative. c¢. The castings offered for inspection shall not be painted or covered with any substance that will hide defects, nor rusted to such an extent as to hide defects. V INSPECTION AND REJECTION 92 Inspection. 'The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the castings ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the castings are being furnished in accordance with 26 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.H, these specifications. All tests (except check analyses) and inspection shall be made at the plaee of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere un- necessarily with the operation of the works. 93 Rejection. a Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests made in accordance with Par. 84, shall be reported within five working days from the receipt of samples. b Castings which show injurious defects subsequent to their ac- ceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manu- facturer shall be notified. 94 Rehearing. Samples tested in accordance with Par. 84, which represent rejected castings, shall be preserved for two weeks from the date of the test report. In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests, the manufacturer may make claim for a rehearing within that time. } SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRAY IRON CASTINGS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 48-05. ° 95 Process of Manufacture. Unless furnace iron is specified, all gray castings are understood to be made by the cupola process. 96 Chemical Properties. The sulpkur contents to be as follows: hight “astines 2000. . Ral OPENS aes EMERG is shun dee a ee not over 0.08 per cent Medium: castings 4 6.i.". cides ie Se, QL not over 0.10 per cent Fleavy Castine iii ghee aebiten 3 lee ete NT RNs teat ok not over 0.12 per cent 9% Classification. In dividing castings into light, medium and heavy classes, the following standards have been adopted: 98 Castings having any section less than 14 in. thick shall be known as light castings. 99 Castings in which no section is less than 2 in. thick shall be known as heavy castings. 100 Medium castings are those not included in the above classifi- cation. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS PAG PuHystcaL PRoPERTIES AND TESTS 101 Transverse Test. The minimum breaking strength of the “Arbitration Bar’ under transverse load shall be not under: MME MO. ei) Be Pla ua ea a, aie ail Od ike cul 2500. Ibs. REIS ay LAM a a chs of dks ata alal spoils, cal dee, dig Aah ital Ha acl else cts 2900 Ibs. Heavy castings In no ease shall the deflection be under 0.10 in. 102 Tensile Test. Where specified, this shallenot run less than: PMPUPERE COMAMEMUR A? 2. oP) EUS cle) soll siuct's's GR a oie GME & G) o's) 4% 410) oe 18,000 Ib. per sq. in. DLGMUMI SEARO. Lida a eo) Ge Wie ew hie sie Het Be heist aT ahtotigrat'ait 21,000 Ib. per sq. in. Uh oe cs RAS Aaa eg Ae) OR ND, Se a 24,000 lb. per sq. in. >” Std. Thread K 4 YNM) S S : RS 8 ~~ Ny iY A Ly eee A ay it |K~--- J" ---=- eZ re - = -- [into ae gre =-+ 7/7 71 Fic. 5 STANDARD Form or Test SPECIMEN REQUIRED FOR TENSION TESTS OF GRAY-JRON CASTING MATERIAL 103 Arbitration Bar. The quality of the iron going into castings under specification shall be determined by means of the “Arbitration Bar.” 'This is a bar 144 in. in diameter and 15 in. long. It shall be prepared as stated further on and tested transversely. The tensile test is not recommended, but in case it is called for, the bar as shown in Fig. 5, and turned up from any of the broken pieces of the trans- verse test shall be used. ‘The expense of the tensile test shall fall on the purchaser. 104 Number of Test Bars. 'Two sets of two bars shall be cast from each heat, one set from the first and the other set from the last iron going into the castings. Where the heat exceeds twenty tons, an additional set of two bars shall be cast for each twenty tons or fraction thereof above this amount. In case of a change of mixture during the heat, one set of two bars shall also be cast for every mixture other 28 ' REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.H, than the regular one. Each set of two bars is to go into a single mold. The bars shall not be rumbled or otherwise treated, being simply brushed off before testing. 105 Method of Testing. ‘The transverse test shall be made on all the bars cast, with supports 12 in. apart, load applied at the middle, 1/0” Pipe Cope -. ‘POURING BASIN PATTERN NANANANAANARRAAND >| ‘ SI N ‘ N N | | 15” ---->- SS ee ee “ 10° Fipe bored with vert holes -- FIZZ N N N N N NF: Nee N N N \ N N N \ N N Mealy 53 a A Pie. 6 DETAILS OF PATTERN AND Moxp REQUIRED FOR ARBITRATION Bars IN TESTING GRAY-IRON CASTING MATERIAL and the deflection at rupture noted. One bar of every two of each set made must fulfill the requirements to permit acceptance of the cast- ings represented. 106 Mold for Test Bar. The mold for the bars is shown in Fig. G. The bottom of the bar is 1/16 in. smaller in diameter than the top, to allow for draft and for the strain of pouring. The pattern shall not be rapped before withdrawing. The flask 1s to be rammed up NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 29. with green molding sand, a little damper than usual, well mixed and put through a No. 8 sieve, with a mixture of one to twelve bituminous facing. The mold shall be rammed evenly and fairly hard, thoroughly dried and not cast until it is cold. The test bar shall not be removed from the mold until cold enough to be handled. 10% Speed of Testing. The rate of application of the load shall be from 20 to 40 seconds for a deflection of 0.10 in. 108 Samples for Analysis. Borings from the broken pieces id the “Arbitration Bar” shall be used for the sulphur determinations. One determination for each mold made shall be required. In case of dispute, the standards of the American Foundrymen’s Association shall be used for comparison. 109 Finish. Castings shall be true to pattern, free from cracks, flaws and excessive shrinkage. In other respects they shall conform to whatever points may be specially agreed upon. 110 Inspection. 'The inspector shall have reasonable facilities afforded him by the manufacturer to satisfy him that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall, as far as possible, be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MALLEABLE CASTINGS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 47-04, 111 Process of Manufacture. Malleable iron castings may be made by the open-hearth, air furnace, or cupola process. Cupola iron, however, is not recommended for heavy nor for important castings. 112 Chemical Properties. Castings for which physical require- ments are specified shall not contain over 0.06 sulphur nor over 0.225 phosphorus. PuysicaAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 113 Standard Test Bar. This bar shall be 1 in. sq. and 14 in. long, without chills and with ends left perfectly free in the mold. Thiee shall be cast in one mold, heavy risers insuring sound bars. Where the full heat goes into castings which are subject to specifica- 30 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, tion, one mold shall be poured two minutes after tapping into the first ladle, and another mold from the last iron of the heat. Molds shall be suitably stamped to insure identification of the bars, the bars being annealed with the castings. Where only a partial heat is required for the work in hand, one mold should be cast from the first ladle used and another after the required iron has been tapped. a Of the three test bars from the two molds required for each heat, one shall be tested for tensile strength and elongation, the other for transverse strength and deflection. The other remaining bar is reserved for either the transverse or tensile test, in case of the failure of the two other bars to come up to requirements. The halves of the bars broken transversely may also be used for the tensile test. 6 Failure to reach the required limit for the tensile strength with elongation, as also the transverse strength with deflection, on the part of at least one test, shall reject the castings from that heat. 114 Tensile Test. The tensile strength of a standard test bar for castings under specification shall not be less than 40,000 Ib. per sq. in. The elongation measured in 2 in. shall not be less than 2l4 per cent. 115 Transverse Test. The transverse strength of a standard test bar, on supports 12 in. apart, pressure being applied at the center, shall ” not be less than 3000 lb., deflection being at least 14 in. 116 Test Lugs. Castings of special design or of special impor- tance may be provided with suitable test lugs at the option of the inspector. At least one of these lugs shall be left on the casting for his inspection upon his request therefor. 117% Annealing. Malleable castings shall neither be “over” nor “wnder” annealed. ‘They must have received their full heat in the oven at least sixty hours after reaching that temperature. 118 The “saggers” shall not be dumped until the contents shall at least be “black hot.” 119 Finish. Castings shall be true to pattern, free from blemishes, scale or shrinkage cracks. A variation of 1/16 in. per foot shall be permissible. Founders shall not be held responsible for defects due to irregular cross sections and unevenly distributed metal. 120 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have all reasonable facilities given him by the founder to satisfy him that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall be made prior to ship- ment. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS Bt SPECIFICATIONS FOR BOILER RIVET IRON THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE AN ADAPTATION, WITH SLIGHT MODI- FICATIONS IN THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS, OF THE SPECI- FICATIONS FOR ENGINE BOLT IRON OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS. A REQUIREMENTS FOR ROLLED BArs I MANUFACTURE 121 Process. The iron shall be made wholly from puddled iron or knobbled charcoal iron, and shall be free from any admixture of iron scrap or steel. 122 Iron Scrap. This term applies only to foreign or bought scrap and does not include local mill products free from foreign or bought scrap. Il Pwrystcat PROPERTIES AND TESTS 123. Tension Tests. a ‘The iron shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Meaeeeoourenoi, Fa, per arin divie. eul Liduke Coane oll ded 48,000-—52,000 eM ONNE, NI, LOL BEL ATA oi ice) sill ipsa ole bir e 6 sy aye mri + eemice m meme 0.6 tens. str, Meereemrreredeme 17) 111), TAA, OR GONG ied ielgie seine dane deleieieceee als 28 PeemouMenY OL APCH. Mit.) Per) COUL..).. yc sede ei We ecw ene a 45 b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. The speed of the cross-head of the machine shall not exceed 11% in. per minute. 124 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tests—The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself without cracking on the out- side of the bent portion. 6 Hot-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a bright cherry red, shall bend through 180 deg. flat on itself, without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. ce Nick-bend Tests-—-The test specimen, when nicked 25 per cent around with a tool having a 60-deg: cutting edge, to a depth of not less than 8 nor more than 16 per cent of the diameter of the specimen, and broken, shall show a wholly fibrous fracture. d Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows. 32 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.B. 125 Etch Tests.1 The cross-section of the test specimen shall be ground or polished, and etched for a sufficient period to develop the structure. This test shall show the material to be free from steel. 126 ©Test Specimens. All test specimens shall be of the full sec- tion of material as rolled. 127% Number of Tests. a Bars of one size shall be sorted into lots of 100 each. 'T'wo bars shall be selected at random from each lot or fraction thereof, and tested as specified in Pars. 123 and 124; but only one of these bars shall be tested as specified in Par. 125. b If any test specimen from either of the bars originally selected to represent a lot of material, contains surface defects not visible before testing but visible after testing, or if a tension test specimen breaks outside the middle third of the gage length, one retest from a different bar will be allowed. III PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE 128 Permissible Variations. The gage of each bar shall not vary more than 0.01 in. from that specified. IV FryisH 129 Finish. The bars shall be smoothly rolled and free from slivers, depressions, seams, crop ends and evidences of being burnt. V MARKING . 130 Marking. The bars shall be stamped or marked as desig- nated by the purchaser. VI - INSPECTION AND REJECTION 131 Inspection. a The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with 1A solution of two parts water, one part concentrated hydrochloric acid, and one part concen- trated sulphuric acid is recommended for the etch test. “NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 33 these specifications. Tests and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. b The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. ‘Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 132 Rejection. If either of the test bars selected to represent a lot does not conform to the requirements specified in Pars. 123, 124 and 125, the lot will be rejected. B REQUIREMENTS FOR RIVETS * J PHysricaAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 133 Number of Tests. When specified, three rivets of each di- ameter shall be taken at random from each lot offered for inspection, and if they fail to stand the following tests the lot will be rejected. 134 Bend Tests. a ‘The rivet shank shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself, as shown in Fig. 2, without cracking on the out- side of the bent portion. b The heads must stand bending back, showing that they are firmly joined. c¢ When nicked and broken gradually the fracture must show a clean, long and fibrous iron. II WorKMANSHIP AND FINISH 135 Workmanship. The rivets shall be true to form, concentric, and shall be made in a workmanlike manner. 136 Finish. The finished rivets shall be free from injurious de- fects. III INSPECTION AND REJECTION 137 Inspection. The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times, while work on the contract of the pur- chaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the rivets ordered. The manu- facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the rivets are being furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspection shall be made at the 34 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E., place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the opera- tion of the works. 138 Rejection. Rivets which show injurious defects subsequent to their acceptance at the manufacturer’s works will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. SPECIFICATIONS FOR STAYBOLT IRON THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIALe DESIGNATION A 39-14. I MANUFACTURE 139 Process. The iron shall be rolled from a bloom or boxpile, made wholly from puddled iron or knobbled charcoal iron. The puddle mixture and the component parts of the bloom or boxpile shall be free from any admixture of iron scrap or steel: 140 Definition of Terms. a LBloom—A bloom is a solid mass of iron that has been hammered into a convenient size for rolling. b Boxpile—A boxpile is a pile, the sides, top and bottom of which are formed by four flat bars and the interior of which consists of a number of small bars the full length of the pile. c Iron Scrap—This term apples only to foreign or purchased scrap and does not include local mill products free from foreign or purchased scrap. Il PHyscrAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 141 Tension Tests. a The iron shall conform to the following requirements as to tensile properties: Wengile strem cath. Tb. myer ak Ne ii) ele ale a ae ue SCD 5a ea La 49,000—53,000 Wield paing, Mins) LD. er Ge. aM. wil sie ere tas 2 tle Nie ak Ue ic a 0.6 tens. str. Eitomratton 178 i0., Mi., Per Colts -16 ie)! «+ © a's wir pete kee Der 30 Reduction of ‘area, mi: per ‘cent. a. es we he we raked MA, 48 b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. The speed of the cross-head of the machine shall not exceed 114 in. per minute. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 35 142 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tesis—The test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. flat on itself in both directions without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. b Quench-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a yel- low heat and quenched at once in water the temperature of which is between 80 deg. and 90 deg. fahr., shall bend through 180 deg. flat on itself without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. c Nick-bend Tests—The test specimen, when nicked 25 per cent around with a tool having a 60-deg. cutting edge, to a depth of not less than 8 nor more than 16 per cent of the diameter of the specimen, and broken, shall show a clean fiber entirely free from crystallization. d Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows. 143 Htch Tests. The cross-section of the test specimen shall be ground or polished, and etched for a sufficient period to develop the structure. This test shall show the material to have been rolled from a bloom or a boxpile, and to be free from steel. | 144 Test Specimens. All test specimens shall be of the full sec- tion of material as rolled. 145 Number of Tests. a Bars of one size shall be sorted into lots of 100 each. ‘T'wo bars shall be selected at random from each lot or fraction thereof, and tested as specified in Pars. 141 and 142; but only one of these bars shall be tested as specified in Par. 143. b If any test specimen from either of the bars originally selected to represent a lot of material, contains surface defects not visible be- fore testing but visible after testing, or if a tension test specimen breaks outside the middle third of ‘the gage length, one retest from a different bar will be allowed. ce When retests as specified in b are not permitted, a reduction of 2 per cent in elongation and 3 per cent in reduction of area from that specified in Par. 141, shall be allowed. III PErRMissiBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE 146 Permissible Variations. The bars shall be truly round within 0.01 in., and shall not vary more than 0.005 in. above or more than 0.01 in. below the specified size. 1A rolution of two parts water, one part concentrated hydrochlorie acid, and one part concen . trated sulphuric acid is recommended for the etch test. 36 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, ITV FINIsu 147 Finish. ‘The bars shall be smoothly rolled and free from slivers, depressions, seams, crop ends and evidences of being burnt. V MARKING 148 Marking. The bars shall be stamped or marked as desig- nated by the purchaser. VI INSPECTION AND REJECTION 149 Inspection. a The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manu- - facturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with these specifications. Tests and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. b The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 150 Lejection. a _ If either of the test bars selected to represent a lot does not conform to the requirements specified in Pars. 141, 142 and 143, the lot will be rejected. | b Bars which will not take a clean, sharp thread with dies in fair condition, or which develop defects in forging or machining, will be rejected, and the manufacturer shall be notified. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 37 SPECIFICATIONS FOR REFINED WROUGHT-IRON BARS THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS, SERIAL DESIGNATION A 41-13. I MANUFACTURE 151 Process. Refined wrought-iron bars shall be made wholly from puddled iron, and may consist either of new muck-bar iron or a mixture of muck-bar iron and scrap, but shall be free from any ad- mixture of steel. Il PuHysicaAL PROPERTIFS AND TEsTs 152 Tension Tests. a The iron shall conform to the following minimum requirements as to tensile properties. Pee ecren Ll, Wile M Der SON ATe Ya) ical 5: sh bull eae did @ ale aie « byslaies a.s Me's wise 48,000 (See Pars. 153 and 154.) ECAR A AD). DOL UMC TE aa cradle Visi s\ ete le ia te wie Gyaialtrale sien aided eee wus 25,000 Pie oniiod in Si, per, CONUE ES Hs oe ea lad ds SOW bale 22 (See Par. 155.) b The yield point shall be determined by the drop of the beam of the testing machine. The speed of the cross-head of the machine shall not exceed 114 in. per minute. 153. Permissible Variations. Twenty per cent of the test speci- mens representing one size may show tensile strengths 1000 lb. per sq. in. under, or 5000 Ib. per sq. in. over that specified in Par. 152; but no specimen shall show a tensile strength under 45,000 lb. per sq. in. 154 Modifications in Tensile Strength. For flat bars which have to be reduced in width, a deduction of 1000 lb. per sq. in. from the tensile strength specified in Pars. 152 and 153, shall be made. 155 Permissible Variations in Elongation. ‘Twenty per cent of the test specimens representing one size may show the following per- centages of elongation in 8 in.: ROUND BARS Sip WOE ROU CL, LOSLOG AS SOMO cis sa 4s ule wastes e's ele t eee lulata tte 20 per cent Piacerrsassm Tested AB TOLLEC DU.) Cesc u sok Ue seule a grc a eee 16 per cent BROCCO OF ACTEM TR a Ds ssh, Bia CeaNe Whar el: bal Wharurahe, Siete day, oes la erwmtan'a Git 18 per cent So gla REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, FLAT BARS . 36 ‘in. on Over, PESted ASOLO 2). Fi). tsleveiefeiaye ae s/c 5 Wee s Sie nee 18 per cent Under! 3% ‘in., tasted asi molbedh. ois i's jo a 'o:ls jam laid ote lo nee yo eve omy ~ SBper..cent Regu ced) yah Bia Chee es pita saci pi servetings| bbs wel ay deers ee eee 16 per cent 156 Bend Tests. a Cold-bend Tests—Cold bend tests will be made only on bars having a nominal area of 4 sq. in. or under, in which case the test specimen shall bend cold through 180 deg. without fracture on the outside of the bent portion, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to twice the diameter or thickness of the specimen. b IHot-bend Tests—The test specimen, when heated to a tempera- ture between 1700 deg. and 1800 deg. fahr., shall bend through 180 deg. without fracture on the outside of the bent portion, as follows: for round bars under 2 sq. in. in section, flat on itself; for round bars 2 sq. in. or over in section and for all flat bars, around a pin the diameter of which is equal to the diameter or thickness of the specimen. c Nick-bend Tests—The test specimen, when nicked 25 per cent around for round bars, and along one side for flat bars, with a tool _ having a 60-deg. cutting edge, to a depth of not less than 8 nor more than 16 per cent of the diameter or thickness of the specimen, and broken, shall not show more than 10 per cent of the fracture surface to be crystalline. d Bend tests may be made by pressure or by blows. 15% Htch Tests.t The cross-section of the test specimen shall be ground or polished, and etched for a sufficient period to develop the structure. This test shall show the material to be free from steel. 158 Test Specimens. a ‘Tension and bend test specimens shall be of the full section of material as rolled, if possible; otherwise the specimens shall be machined from the material as rolled. The axis of the specimen shall be located at any point one-half the distance from the center to the surface of round bars, or from the center to the edge of flat bars, and shall be parallel to the axis of the bar. 6b Etch test specimens shall be of the full section of material as rolled. 159 Number of Tests. a@ All bars of one size shall be piled separately. One bar from each 100 or fraction thereof will be selected at random and tested as specified. b If any test specimen from the bar originally selected to repre- sent a lot of material contains surface defects not visible before test- ‘A solution of two parts water, one part concentrated hydrochloric acid, and one part con- centrated sulphuric acid is recommended for the etch test. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SHCTION I, POWER BOILERS BS ing but visible after testing, or if a tension test specimen breaks outside the middle third of the gage length, one retest from a different bar will be allowed. III PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE 160 Permissible Variations. a Round bars shall conform to the standard hmit gages adopted by the Master Car Builders’ Association given in Table 2. TABLE 2 PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN GAGE FOR ROUND WROUGHT-IRON BARS Nominal] ~ Maximum Minimum Total Diameter, Diameter, Diameter, Variation, Inches Inches Inches Inches SOS ECHL CRIES BIO HOY OIRO blot cae e 0.2550 0.2450 0.010 SORE OUOIOAE CES HiGIGI L REI E RE teak Ge 3180 0.3070 0.011 eT ee ae ie ays) sted Sims ovate NYY Baw eat gL 0.3810 0.3690 0.012 ee eo a Das ae Ok EMS U4 Aieiied RE OE Sg) SO Sa 0.4440 0.4310 0.013 LIRR oP a PRY ery eyes IA Mine repens 2 TWN Dy ean 0 5070 0.4930 0.014 18 SHAVER Dut EL ates Pacts tre erouae ee A Men icy eer ont a 0.5700 0.5550 0.015 Aen ete Pr STEM AE ROP NRA Urs AGB FRR ena AN PO 0.6330 0.6170 0.016 DAT oe osdic es SAMS Te RU ee sks 0.7585 0.7415 0.017 WE BRS 1s ERP ROSE RSIS IERIE le SER Re OR 0.8840 0.8660 0.018 Meh ar oe sche eka, O ehehs es SUR a eS, lta Dots eiseel & 1.0095 0.9905 0.019 1 BEA ss ae | Br A CT aR Ty COSt NRE a 1.1350 1.1150 0.020 8 AE elas. OL Sie Dich Sa art) 11) MBNA RM RA 1.2605 1.2395 0.021 b The widths or thicknesses of flat bars shall not vary more than 2 per cent from that specified. IV FINIsH 161 Finish. The bars shall be smoothly rolled and free from slivers, depressions, seams, crop ends and evidences of being burnt. V INSPECTION AND REJECTION 162 Inspection. a The inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, free of cost, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in ac- cordance with these specifications. 'Tests and inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to shipment. b The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance or rejection of material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser. 40 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E., 163 Rejection. All bars of one size will be rejected if the test specimens representing that size do not conform to the requirements specified. SPECIFICATIONS FOR LAPWELDED AND SEAMLESS BOILER TUBES Approved by the Boiler Tube Manufacturers of America September 25, 1914 I MANUFACTURE 164 Process. a Japwelded tubes shall be made of open-hearth steel or knobbled hammered charcoal iron. b Seamless tubes shall be made of open-hearth steel. Il CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTS 165 Chemical Composition. a The steel shall conform to tl:e following requirements as to chemical composition: APRT DOM hihesiciphis tails hl sal sita'te (a allele (hie te pois ib Veta ta an ae 0.08-0.18 per cent Man ra nese oi) ieee ad's cle hig c a ais aed RRM eveme alata Met nce gl 0.30-0.50 per cent PROSTHOMAS viciag Hil olels wh bs) ale iy a BUAlnte Geet iAla ie aria Sb le a teat ans not over 0.04 per cent , SST 0 SS ORANG hw LRN ea ere EEN hat arate iterate not over 0.045 per cent ' b Chemical analyses will not be required for charcoal iron tubes. 166 Check Analyses. a Analyses of two tubes in each lot of 250 (or on total order if less than 250) may be made by the purchaser which shall conform to the requirements specified in Par. 165, Drill- ings for analyses shall be taken from several points around each tube. b If the analysis of only one tube does not conform to the re- quirements specified, analyses of two additional tubes from the same lot shall be made, each of which shall conform to the requirements specified. ITI PuHysicAt PROPERTIES AND TESTS 167 Flange Test. a - Fig. 10 EXAMPLE OF TUBE SPACING WITH PITCH or HoLEs UNEQUAL IN EvERY SECOND Row b When the pitch of tube holes on any one row is unequal (as in Figs. 10 or 11), the formula is: p—nd P = efficiency of hgament NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 4% where p = unit length of ligament, in. n = number of tube holes in length, p. d = diameter of tube holes, in. Example: Spacing shown in Fig. 10. Diameter of tube holes — 3 9/32 in. p—nd 12—2X3.281 = 0.453, efficiency of ligament Hzample: Spacing shown in Fig. 11. Diameter of tube holes <= 3 9/32 in. p—nd 29.25—5 3.281 — p 29.25 = 0.439, efficiency of hgament yr. 54 ~ --6§"- me wee ee a ee Longitudinal Line ————> Fig. 11 EXAMPLE oF TUBE SPACING WITH PitcH oF HOLES VARYING IN Every SECOND AND THIRD Row 193 When a shell or drum is drilled for tube holes in a line diagonal with the axis of the shell or drum as shown in Fig. 12, the efficiency of the ligament between the tube holes shall be determined by the following methods and the lowest value used. 0.95 (p,—d a oe = efficiency of ligament 1 —d b avai apt efficiency of ligament where p, = diagonal pitch of tube holes, in. d = diameter of tube holes, in. p = longitudinal pitch of tube holes or distance between centers of tubes in a longitudinal row, in. The constant 0.95 in formula a applies provided e is 1.5 or over. 48 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, Example: Diagonal pitch of tube holes in drum as shown in Fig. 12 = 6.42 in. Diameter of tube holes = 4 1/32 in. Longitudinal pitch of tube holes = 111% in. 0.95 (6.424.031) 6.42 11.5—4.031 11.5 = 0.353, efficiency of hgament b = 0.649, efficiency of ligament The value determined by formula a is the least and is the one that shall be used in this case. Longitudinal Line ———>. Fig. 12 EXAMPLE oF TUBE SPACING WITH TUBE HOLES ON DIAGONAL LINES 194. Domes. The longitudinal joint of a dome 24 in. or over in diameter shall be of butt and double-strap construction, and its flange shall be double riveted to the boiler shell when the maximum allowable working pressure exceeds 100 lb. per sq. in. The longitudinal joint of a dome less than 24 in.-in diameter may be of the lap type, and its flange may be single riveted to the boiler shell provided the maximum allowable working pressure on such a dome is computed with a factor of safety of not less than 8. The dome may be located on the barrel or over the fire-box on traction, portable or stationary boilers of the locomotive type up to and including 48 in. barrel diameter. For larger barrel diameters, the dome shall be placed on the barrel. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 49 ~ Disuep Heaps 195 Convex Heads. The thickness required in an unstayed dished head with the pressure on the concave side, when it is a seg- ment of a sphere, shall be calculated by the following formula: RDM PML $e +6 where t = thickness of plate, in. P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. TS = tensile strength, lb: per sq. in. I, = radius to which the head is dished, in. Where the radius is less than 80 per cent of the diameter of the shell or drum to which the head is attached the thickness shall be at least that found by the formula by making L equal to 80 per cent of the diameter of the shell or drum. Concave Heads. Dished heads with the pressure on the convex side shall have a maximum allowable working pressure equal to 60 per cent of that for heads of the same dimensions with the pressure on the concave side. When a dished head has a manhole opening, the thickness as found by these Rules shall be increased by not less than 1 in. 196 When dished heads are of-a less thickness than called for by Par. 195, they shall be stayed as flat surfaces, no allowance being made in such staying for the holding power due to the spherical form.: 19% The corner radius of an unstayed dished head measured on the concave side of the head shall not be less than 114 ’in. or more than 4 in. and within these limits shall be not less than 3 per cent of Jem) Par. 195: 198 A manhole opening in a dished head shall be flanged 'to a depth of not less than three times the thickness of the head measured from the outside. BRACED AND STAYED SURFACES 199 The maximum allowable working pressure for various thicknesses of braced and stayed flat plates and those which by these Rules require staying as flat surfaces with braces or staybolts of uni- Bo REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E. form diameter symmetrically spaced, shall be calculated by the formula: {? TOE AN BB ) where P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. t = thickness of plate in sizteenths of an inch P = maximum pitch measured between straight lines passing through the centers of the staybolts in the different rows, which lines may be horizontal, vertical or in- clined, in. C= 112 for stays screwed through plates not over 7/16 in. thick with ends riveted over C= 120 for stays screwed through plates over 7/16 in. thick with ends riveted over C= 1385 for stays screwed through plates and fitted with single nuts outside of plate C= 175 for stays fitted with inside and outside nuts and outside washers where the diameter of washers is not less than 0.4p and thickness not less than 7. If flat plates not less than 8 in. thick are strengthened with doubling plates securely riveted thereto and having a thickness of not less than 2/3 ¢, nor more than f, then the value of ¢ in the formula shall be 34 of the combined thickness of the plates and the values of C ‘given above may also be increased 15 per cent. 200 Staybolts. The ends of screwed staybolts shall be riveted over or upset by equivalent process. ‘The outside ends of such staybolts shall be drilled with a hole at least 3/16 in. diameter to a depth ex- tending 14 in. beyond the inside of the plates, except on boilers having a grate area not exceeding 15 sq. ft., where the drilling of the staybolts is optional. 201 When channel irons or other members are seeurely riveted to the boiler heads for attaching through stays the transverse stress on such members shall not exceed 12,500 lb. per sq. in. In computing the stress, the section modulus of the member shall be used without addition for the strength of the plate. The spacing of the rivets over the supported surface shall be in conformity with that specified for staybolts. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 51 202 The ends of stays fitted with nuts shall not be exposed to the direct radiant heat of the fire. 203 ‘The maximum spacing between centers of rivets attaching the crowfeet of braces to the braced surface, shall be determined by the formula in Par. 199, using 135 for value of (. The maximum spacing between the inner surface of the shell and lines parallel to the surface of the shell passing through the centers of the rivets attaching the crowfeet of braces to the head, shall be determined by the formula in Par. 199, using 160 for the value of C. TABLE 3 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PITCH, IN INCHES, OF SCREWED STAYBOLTS, ENDS RIVETED OVER Thickness of Plate, In. Pressure, Lb. per Sq. In. vs | 3% | 16 % 16 % | is Maximum Pitch of Staybolts, In. 100 514 636 fs ART CRRA FTG ey SA ce SR 110 5 6 7 SS S-ia eR EW cM Chem Nai as ANT atk ian at 120 434 534 634 fof TR MC ED, Ba RAN Pe pee 125 434 5% 65% it CORFE RRM IS) RL UA at ) CRU 130 454 5% 64 LOSE Oe Danaea GTR g Waughs 140 414 53% 614 7% SoMa tile w See a ganas te 150 44 5% 6 7% ie Oa (Sah are MSMR CaS 160 414 5 5% 6% 6 SN VA Ce amt hi 170 4 4% 5% 634 7% SPT We es aa DB ON Gs Oi, Tote ia deh: 434 5% 644 73% Big Velen ak ey 35 SHCA DME Cig pvias 45% 538 63% 7% Co HRM Reon a SOU all ss aN Da ett 49 54 6% 7 734 84 Pe eS TAPS ER ee 414 47% 5% 614 7% 8 > 512 Ae ne Saga PY 4 45% 544 64 6% 75% DUO aie Terie rmrnmums ese Sel ys 44 5 554 614 7 204 The formula in Par. 199 was used in computing Table 3. Where values for screwed stays with ends riveted over are required for conditions not given in Table 3, they may be computed from the formula and used, provided the pitch does not exceed 81% in. 205. The distance from the edge of a staybolt hole to a straight line tangent to the edges of the rivet holes may be substituted for p for staybolts adjacent to the riveted edges bounding a stayed surface. When the edge of a stayed plate is flanged, p shall be measured from. the inner surface of the flange, at about the line of rivets to the edge of the staybolts or to the projected edge of the staybolts. 52 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E. 206 ‘The distance between the edges of the staybolt holes may be substituted for p for staybolts adjacent to a furnace door or other boiler fitting, tube hole, hand hole or other opening. 20% In water leg boilers, the staybolts may be spaced at greater distances between the rows than indicated in Table 3, provided the portions of the sheet which come between the rows of staybolts have the proper transverse strength to give a factor of safety of at least 5 at the maximum allowable working pressure. 208 The diameter of a screw stay shall-be taken at the bottom of the thread, provided this is the least diameter. OOOOOCOOOOOOO ~ —R ~ ~ ~ ~ Fig. 13 METHOD OF DETERMINING Net AREA OF SEGMENT OF A HEAD 209 The least cross-sectional area of a stay shall be taken in caleu- lating the allowable stress, except that when the stays are welded and have a larger cross-sectional area at the weld than at some other point, in which case the strength at the weld shall be computed as well as in the solid part and the lower value used. 210 Holes for screw. stays shall be drilled full size or punched not to exceed 14 in. less than full diameter of the hole for plates over 5/16 in. in thickness, and 1 in. less than the full diameter of the hole for plates not exceeding 5/16 in. in thickness, and then drilled or reamed to the full diameter. The holes shall be tapped fair and true, with a full thread. 211 The ends of steel stays upset for threading, shall be thor- oughly annealed. : 212 An internal cylindrical furnace which requires staying shall be stayed as a flat surface as indicated in Table 3. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 53 213 Staying Segments of Heads. A segment of a head shall be stayed by head to head, through, diagonal, crowfoot or gusset stays, except that a horizontal return tubular boiler may be stayed as pro- vided in Pars. 225 to 229. 214 Areas of Segments of Heads to be Stayed. The area of a segment of a head to be stayed shall be the area enclosed by lines drawn 3 in. from the shell and 2 in. from the tubes, as shown in Figs. 13 and 14. 215 In water tube boilers, the tubes of which are connected to | drum heads, the area to be stayed shall be taken as the total area of the head less a 5 in. annular ring, measured from the inner circum- ference of the drum shell. YOOVTOO OO OOO® ae & ™ Fic. 14. METHOD OF DETERMINING NET AREA OF IRREGULAR SEGMENT OF A HEAD When such drum heads are 30 in. or less in diameter and the _ tube plate is stiffened by flanged ribs or gussets, no stays need be used if a hydrostatic test to destruction of a boiler or unit section built in accordance with the construction, shows that the factor of safety is at least 5. 216 Ina fire tube boiler, stays shall be used in the tube sheets if the distances between the edges of the tube holes exceed the maximum pitch of staybolts given in Table 3. That part of the tube sheet which comes between the tubes and the shell, need not be stayed when the distance from the inside of the shell to the outer surface of the tubes does not exceed that given by the formula in Par. 199, using 160 for the value of C. | 54 REPORT OF BOTLER CODE COMMITTRE, AM.SOC.M.E. 217% The net area to be stayed in a segment of a head may be de- termined by the following formula: it eae 2 (R—3) ST EE? 0.608. Pin —0.608 = area to be stayed, sq. in. where H = distance from tubes to shell, in. FR = radius of boiler head, in. 218 When the portion of the head below the tubes in a horizon- tal return tubular boiler is provided with a manhole opening, the flange of which is formed from the solid plate and turned inward to a depth of not less than three times the thickness of the head, meas- ured from the outside, the area to be stayed as indicated in Fig. 14, may be reduced by 100 sq. in. The surface around the manhole shall be supported by through stays with nuts inside and outside at the front head. TABLE 4 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR STAYS AND STAYBOLTS Stresses, Lb. per Sa. In. Description of Stays For Lengths between|For Lengths between Supports not Exceed-| Supports Exceeding ing 120 Diameters 120 Diameters @ Unwelded stays less than twenty diameters long screwed through plates with ends riveted over. .| 7500 & Unwelded stays and unwelded portions of welded stays, except as specified in linea............ 9500 8500 e Welded portions Of stayS..........scecereeees 6000 6000 219 ‘When stay rods are screwed through the sheets and riveted over, they shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 6 ft. In boilers without manholes, stay rods over 6 ft. in length may be screwed through the sheets and fitted with nuts and washers on the outside. 220 The maximum allowable stress per square inch net cross sectional area of stays and staybolts shall be as given in Table 4. The length of the stay between supports shall be measured from the inner faces of the stayed plates. The stresses are based on tension only. For computing stresses in diagonal stays, see Pars. 221 and 222. 221 Stresses in Diagonal and Gusset Stays. Multiply the area of a direct stay required to support the surface by the’slant or diagonal NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 55 length of the stay; divide this product by the length of a line drawn at right angles to surface supported to center of palm of diagonal stay. The quotient will be the required area of the diagonal stay. axl. a where A = sectional area of diagonal stay, sq. in. a = sectional area of direct stay, sq. in. _ £ = length of diagonal stay, as indicated in Fig. 15, in. 1 = length of line drawn at right angles to boiler head or surface supported to center of palm of diagonal stay, as indicated in Fig. 15, in. SS FBS SSS SSSI FPO SSS | AE ma BUTTS. WITT ! 7 « Poa Fic.. 15 MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINING STRESSES IN DIAGONAL STAYS Given diameter of direct stay = 1 in., a = 0.7854, L = 60 in., 1 = 48 in.; substituting and solving: By 0 . ie ae oo = 0.981 sectional area, sq. in. Diameter = 1.11 im. = TA in. 222 For staying segments of tube sheets such as in ovata return tubular boilers, where L is not more than 1.15 times / for any brace, the stays may be calculated as direct stays, allowing 90 per cent of the stress given in ‘Table 4. 223 Diameter of Pins and Area of Rwets in Brace. The sec- _ tional area of pins to resist double shear and bending when secured in crowfoot, sling, and similar stays shall be at least equal to three- 56 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTER, AM.SOC.M.E. fourths of the required cross-sectional area of the brace. The com- bined cross section of the eye at the sides of the pin shall be at least 25 per cent greater than the required cross-sectional area of the brace. The cross-sectional area of the rivets attaching a brace to the shell or head shall be not less than one and one quarter times the re- quired sectional area of the brace. Each branch of a crowfoot shall be designed to carry two-thirds of the total load on the brace. The net sectional areas through the sides of the crowfeet, tee irons or similar fastenings at the rivet holes shall be at least equal to the re- quired rivet section. All rivet holes shall be drilled and burrs removed, and the pins shall be made a neat fit. TABLE 5 SIZES OF ANGLES REQUIRED FOR STAYING SEGMENTS OF HEADS With the short legs of the angles attached to the head of the boiler 30” Boiler 34” Boiler 36” Boiler Leight i of Angle Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle | Angle D eer. Segment, | 37x24” 47x38” |314"x3"| 4”x3" | 5’x3” | 4x3” | 5”x3” 167x314) "0? Dimension B a ie in Fig. 16 | Thick- Thick- Thick- | Thick- | Thick- | Thick- | Thick- Fig. 16 ness, ness, ness, | ness, | mess, | ness, | ness, inches | inches | inches inches | inches | inches | inches }| inches 10 3 vs ts ae bat aT — IRE 6M 11 16 3% te vs te i Tag Goat 7 12 is is 3% is ts is ts ey % 13 7 Ye 16 % Ys 1s % ma aa 14 —~|— | % | «1 % | & | % | 8% 15 —~{|—]— —-|% |x] | % | 9 16 — — — o> — — 54 224 Gusset stays when constructed of triangular right-angled web plates secured to single or double angle bars along the two sides at right angles shall have a cross-sectional area (in a plane at right angles to the longest side and passing through the intersection of the two shorter sides) not less than 10 per cent greater than would be required for a diagonal stay to support the same surface, figured by the formula in Par. 221, assuming the diagonal stay is at the same angle as the longest side of the gusset plate. 225 Staying of Upper Segments of Tube Heads by Steel Angles. When the shell of a boiler does not exceed 36 in. in diameter and is designed for a maximum allowable working pressure not exceeding 100 Ib. per sq. in., the segment of heads above the tubes may be stayed by steel angles as specified in Table 5 and Fig. 16, except that angles of NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 57 equal thickness and greater depth of outstanding leg, or of greater thickness and the same depth of outstanding leg, may be substituted for those specified. The legs attached to the heads may vary in depth 1% in. above or below the dimensions specified in Table 5. 226 When this form of bracing is to be placed on a boiler; the diameter of which is intermediate to or below the diameters given in Table 5, the tabular values for the next higher diameter shall govern. Rivets of the same diameter as used in the longitudinal seams of the boiler shall be used. to attach the angles to the head and to connect the outstanding legs. -_— = — _-_L Not over 8-..-~SS a NS - =_— = See Table Ss _ = = = _-— Se ee Fic. 16 Staying or HEAD WITH STEEL ANGLES IN TUBULAR BOILER 227% The rivets attaching angles to heads shall be spaced not over 4 in. apart. ‘The centers of the end rivets shall be not over 3 in. from the ends of the angle. The rivets through the outstanding legs shall be spaced not over 8 in. apart; the centers of the end rivets shall be not more than 4 in. from the ends of the angles. The ends of the angles shall be considered those of the outstanding legs and the lengths shall be such that their ends overlap a circle 3 in. inside the inner surface of the shell as shown in Fig. 16. 228 The distance from the center of the angles to the shell of the boiler, marked A in Fig. 16, shall not exceed the values given in | Table 5, but in no case shall the leg attached to the head on the lower angle come closer than 2 in. to the top of the tubes. 58 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.H. 229 When segments are beyond the range specified in Table 5, the heads shall be braced or stayed in accordance with the requirements in these Rules. 230 Crown Bars and Girder Stays. ‘Crown bars and girder stays for tops of combustion chambers and back connections, or wherever used, shall be proportioned to conform to the following formula: 2 Maximum allowable working pressure eee where W = extreme distance between supports, in. P = pitch of supporting bolts, in. D = distance between girders from center to center, in. d= depth of girder, in. T = thickness of girder, in. C = 7000 when the girder is fitted with one supporting bolt C = 10,000 when the girder is fitted with two or three sup- porting bolts C' == 11,000 when the girder is fitted with four or five sup- porting bolts C = 11,500 when the girder is fitted with six or seven sup- porting bolts C = 12,000 when the girder is fitted with eight or more sup- porting bolts Hzample: Given W = 34 YiuP [= Toa, 20 d = 7.5. in., 1 =.2 In.;/three stays per girder, C=) 1O;000) tien substituting in formula: Maximum allowable working pressure = 10,000 X75 X75 C2 (384—7.5) X 7.75 X34 231 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure on Truncated Cones. Upper combustion chambers or vertical submerged tubular boilers made in the shape of a frustum of a cone when not over 38 in. diam- eter at the large end, may be used without stays if figured by the rule for plain cylindrical furnaces (Par. 239) making D in the for- mula equal to the diameter at the large end. When over 38 in. in diameter, that portion over 30 in. in diameter shall be fully supported by staybolts or gussets to conform to the provisions for the staying of flat surfaces. 232 Stay Tubes. When stay tubes are used in multitubular zs PG Pieter pen St], Ate NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 59 boilers to give support to the tube plates, the sectional area of such stay tubes may be determined as follows: Total section of stay tubes, sq. in. = Ae where A = area of that portion of the tube plate containing the 3 tubes, sq. in. a = aggregate area of holes in the tube plate, sq. in. e P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. I = working tensile stress allowed in the tubes, not to exceed 7000 lb. per sq. in. 233 The pitch of stay tubes shall conform to the formula given in Par. 199, using the values of C as given in Table 6. TABLE 6. VALUES OF C FOR DETERMINING PITCH OF STAY TUBES. When tubes When tubes Pitch of Stay Tubes in the Bounding Rows have no Nuts are Fitted with Outside of Plates; Nuts Outside of Plates Where there are two plain tubes between each stay tube.... 130 Where there is one plain tube between each stay tube...... 150 Where every tube in the bounding rowsisa stay tube and exch algernate tube-nastaomie sous a teiel oe cdlae esses okie 170 When the ends of tubes are not shielded from the action of flame or radiant heat, the values of O shall be reduced 20 per cent. The tubes shall project about 14 in. at each end and be slightly flared. Stay tubes when threaded shall not be less than 3/16 in. thick at bottom of thread ; nuts on stay tubes are not advised. For a nest of tubes C shall be taken as 140 and S as the mean pitch of stay tubes. For spaces be- tween nests of tubes S shall be taken as the horizontal distance from center to center of the bounding rows of tubes and C as given in Table 6. TUBE SHEETS OF COMBUSTION CHAMBERS 234 The maximum allowable working pressure on a tube sheet of a combustion chamber, where the crown sheet is not suspended from the shell of the boiler, shall be determined by the following formula: (D—d) TX27,000 eo WXD 60 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE. AM.SOC.M.E, P = maximum allowable working pressure, lb. per sq. in. D = least horizontal distance between tube centers, in. d = inside diameter of tubes, in. T = thickness of tube plate, in. W = distance from tube sheet to opposite combustion chamber sheet, in. | Example: Mequired the working pressure of a tube sheet sup- porting a crown sheet braced by crown bars. Horizontal distance between centers, 41 in.; inside diameter of tubes, 2.782 in.; thickness of tube sheets, 11/16 in.; distance from tube sheet to opposite com- bustion chamber sheet, 3414 in., measured from outside of tube plate to outside of back plate; material, steel. Substituting and solving: Lee ; 6875 XK 27,00 P= Uber eres o = 176 lb. per sq. in. 235 Sling stays may be used in place of girders in all cases cov- ered in Par. 234, provided, however, that when such sling stays are Fig. 17 Proper LOCATION of STAYBOLTS ADJACENT TO LONGITUDINAL JOINT IN FURNACE SHEET used, girders or screw stays of the same sectional area shall be used for securing the bottom of the combustion chamber to the boiler shell. 236 When girders are dispensed with and the top and bottom of combustion chambers are secured by sling stays or braces, the sec- tional area of such stays shall conform with the requirements of rules for stays and stayed surfaces. 23% Furnaces of Vertical Boilers. In a vertical fire-tube boiler the furnace length, for the purpose of calculating its strength and spacing staybolts over its surface, shall be measured from the center of rivets in the bottom of the water-leg to the center of rivets in the flange of the lower tube sheet. 238 When the longitudinal joint of the furnace sheet of a vertical fire-tube boiler is of lap-riveted construction and staybolted, a stay- bolt in each circular row shall be located near the longitudinal joint, as shown in Fig. 17. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION I, POWER BOILERS 61 239 Plain Circular Furnaces. The maximum allowable working pressure for unstayed, riveted, seamless or lap welded furnaces, where the length does not exceed 6 times the diameter and where the thick- ness is at least 5/16 in. shall be determined by one or the other of the following formulae: a Where the length does not exceed 120 times the thickness of the plate ~= ee : (18.25 T)—(1.03XL) b ao the st exceeds 120 times the thickness of the plate p _ 4250xT eA Sp 9, where P = maximum allowable working pressure, Ib. per sq. in. D = outside diameter of furnace, in. I = length of furnace, in. T = thickness of furnace walls, in sixteenths of an inch. Where the furnaces have riveted longitudinal joints no deduction need be made for the joint provided the efficiency of the joint is greater than PXD divided by 1,250 T. Example. Given a furnace 26 in. in diameter, 94 in. long and 1% in. thick. The length exceeds 120 times the thickness of the plate, hence the formula ()) should be used. Substituting the values in this formula: 9 Ye eee = JIT Ib.\ per sq. in. 240 0600O0MhoeW0—=$~—$—@mmsms$m9m9mqmsmsm>ow>—s>s>—a>a>sa>an 90 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.ME. 388 Rivets. When the diameter of the rivet holes in the lon- gitudinal joints of a boiler is not known, the diameter and cross- sectional area of rivets, after driving may be ascertained from Table 10, or by cutting out one or more rivets in the body of the joint. SAFETY VALVES FOR PoWER BOILERS 389 The safety valve capacity of each boiler shall be such that the safety valve or valves will discharge all the steam that can be generated by the boiler without allowing the pressure to rise more than 6 per cent above the maximum allowable working pressure, or more than 6 per cent above the highest pressure to which any valve is set. 390 One or more safety valves on every boiler shall be set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure. The remaining valves may be set within a range of 3 per cent above the maximum allowable working pressure, but the range of setting of all of the valves on a boiler: shall not exceed 10 per cent of the highest pressure to which any valve is set. 391 Safety valve capacity may be checked in any one of three different ways, and if found sufficient, additional ai oan: need not be provided: a By making an accumulation test, by shutting off all other steam discharge outlets from the botler and forcing the fires to the maximum. The safety valve equipment shail be sufficient to prevent an excess pressure beyond 6 per cent as specified in Par. 389. 6 By measuring the maximum amount of fuel that can be burned and computing the corresponding evaporative capacity upon the basis of the heating value of the fuel. See Appendix, Pars. 421 to 427. c By determining the maximum evaporative capacity by measuring the feedwater. The sum of the safety valve capacities shall be equal to or greater than the maximum evaporative capacity of the boiler. 392 In case either of the methods outlined in sections 6 or ¢ of Par. 391 is employed, the safety valve capacities shall be taken at the maximum values given in Table 8 for spring loaded pop safety valves, or 0.66 times the maximum values given in Table 8, for lev er safety valves. 393 When additional valve capacity is required, any valves added shall conform to the requirements in Part I of these rules. 394 No valve of any description shall be placed between the safety valve and the boiler, nor on the discharge pipe between the NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION II. 91 safety valve and the atmosphere. When a discharge pipe is used, it shall be not less than the full size of the valve, and the discharge pipe shall be fitted with an open drain to prevent water lodging in the upper part of the safety valve or in the pipe. If a muffler is used on a safety valve it shall have sufficient outlet area to prevent back pressure from interfering with the proper operation and discharge capacity of the valve. The muffler plates or other devices shall be so constructed as to avoid any possibility of restriction of the steam passages due to deposit. When an elbow is placed on a safety valve discharge pipe, it shall be located close to the safety valve outlet or the pipe shall be securely anchored and supported. All safety valve discharges shall be so located or piped as to be carried clear from running boards or working platforms used in controlling the main stop valves of boilers or steam headers. FIrrines AND APPLIANCES 395 Water Glasses and Gage Cocks. Each steam boiler shall have at least one water glass, the lowest visible part of which shall be not less than 2 in. above the lowest permissible water level. 396 Each boiler shall have three or more gage cocks, located within the range of the visible length of the water glass, when si maximum allowable working pressure exceeds 15 lbs. per sq. except when such boiler has two water glasses with dlentdent connections to the boiler, located on the same horizontal line and not less than 2 ft. apart. Exception should be made where the height of the segment above the tubes on the boiler does not exceed 12 ins.; in which case, at least two gage cocks located within the visible range of the water glass must be used. 397 No connections except for damper regulator, oil burner regulator, feed water regulator, drains, or steam gages, shall be placed on the pipes connecting a water column to a boiler. 398 Steam Gages. Each steam boiler shall have a steam gage connected to the steam space or to the water column or to its steam connection. The steam gage shall be connected to a syphon or equivalent device of sufficient capacity to keep the gage tube filled with water and so arranged that the gage cannot be shut off from the boiler except by a cock placed near the gage and provided with a tee or lever handle arranged to be parallel to the pipe in which it is located when the cock is open. Connections to gages shall be of brass, copper or bronze composition. Each boiler shall be provided with a {-in. pipe size valved con- nection for attaching a test gage when the boiler is in service, so that the accuracy of the boiler steam gage can be ascertained. 92 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.ME. 399 Stop Valves. Each steam outlet from a power boiler (except _ safety valve connections) shall be fitted with a stop valve located as close as practicable to the boiler. It is recommended that when two or more boilers are connected to a common steam main, two stop valves, with an ample free blow drain between them be placed in the steam connection between each boiler and the steam main. Also that the discharge of this drain valve be visible to the operator while manipulating the valve and further that the stop valves consist of one automatic non-return valve (set next the boiler) and a second valve of the outside screw and yoke type; or two valves of the outside screw and yoke type may be used. 400 When a stop valve is so located that water can accumulate, ample drains shall be provided. 401 - Bottom Blow-off Pipes. Each boiler shall have a blow-off pipe fitted with a valve or cock, in direct connection with the lowest water space practicable. 402 When the maximum allowable working pressure exceeds 125 lbs. per sq. in., the blow-off pipe shall be extra heavy from boiler to valve or valves, and shall run full size without reducers or bushings. All fittings between the boiler and valve shall be steel, extra heavy malleable iron or extra heavy cast-iron. 403 When the maximum allowable working pressure exceeds 125 lbs. per sq. in., each bottom blow-off pipe shall be fitted with an extra heavy valve or cock. Preferably two (2) valves, or a valve and a cock should be used on each blow-off in which case such valves, or valve and cock, shall be extra heavy. 404 A bottom blow-off pipe when exposed to direct furnace heat, shall be protected from the products of combustion by fire- brick, a substantial cast-iron removable sleeve, or a covering of non-conducting material. 405 An opening in the boiler setting for a blow-off pipe shall be arranged to provide for free expansion and contraction. 406 Feed-Piping. The feed pipe of a steam boiler shall be provided with a check valve near the boiler and a valve or cock between the check valve and the boiler, and when two or more boilers are fed from a common source, there shall also be a valve on the branch to each boiler, between the check valve and the source of supply. When a globe valve is used on a feed pipe, the inlet shall be under the disc of the valve. The main feed in boilers shall not enter the boiler through the blow-off unless clearly impracticable to introduce it elsewhere. When a pump, inspirator, or injector is required to supply feedwater to a boiler of over 50 horse power, more than one such mechanical appliance shall be provided. NEW INSTALLATIONS, PART I, SECTION II. 93 It is recommended that wherever possible the feed water entering boilers shall be not less than one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit. 407 Lamphrey Fronts. Each boiler fitted with a Lamphrey boiler furnace mouth protector, or similar appliance, having valves on the pipes connecting them to the boiler, shall have these valves locked or sealed open. Such valves, when used, shall be of the straightway type. Hyprostatic PRESSURE TESTS 408 Test Pressure. When a hydrostatic test is applied the required test pressure shall be one and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure. The pressure shall be under proper control so that in no case shall the required test pressure be exceeded by more than 2 per cent. 409 During a hydrostatic test of a boiler, the safety valve or valves shall be removed or each valve disc shall be held to its seat by means of a testing clamp and not by screwing down the com- pression screw upon the spring. APPENDIX EFFICIENCY OF JOINTS 410 Lfficiency of Riveted Joints. The ratio which the strength of a unit length of a riveted joint has to the same unit length of the solid plate is known as the efficiency of the joint and shall be calculated by the general method illustrated in the following examples: TS = tensile strength stamped on plate, lb. per sq. in. t = thickness of plate, in. 6b = thickness of butt strap, in. P = pitch of rivets, in., on row having greatest pitch d= diameter of rivet after driving, in. = diameter of rivet hole ie bee wee oe ae ee ae © ©: Fig. 21 EXAMPLE or Lap Jornt, LONGITUDINAL OR CIRCUMFERENTIAL, SINGLE-RIVETED a = cross-sectional area of rivet after driving, sq. in. s = shearing strength of rivet in single shear, lb. per sq. in., as given in Par. 16 S = shearing strength of rivet in double shear, lb. per sq. in., as given in Par. 16 c = crushing strength of mild steel, lb. per sq. in., as given in» Par. 15 n = number of rivets in single shear in a unit length of joint N = number of rivets in double shear in a unit length of joint. 95 tc SG REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEHR, AM.SOC.M.E. 411 Kxample: Lap joint, longitudinal or circumferential, single- — riveted. A =strength of solid plate=PxtTS B=strength of plate beween rivet holes = (P—d)tXTS C =shearing strength of one rivet in single shear =n Xs Xa D=crushing strength of plate in front of one rivet =dXtXc Divide B, C or D (whichever is the least) by A, and the quotient will be the efficiency of a single-riveted lap joint as shown in Fig. 21. T'S = 55,000 lb. per sq. in. c=95,000 Ib. per sq. in. t= in. =0.25 in. A =1.625 X0.25 X 55,000 =22,343 P=154 in, =1.625 in: B= (1.625—0.6875) 0.25 X 55,000 = 12,890 d=i¢ In, =0.6875 in. C =1 44,000 X0.3712 = 16,382 a =0.3712 sq. in. D =0.6875 X0.25 X95,000 = 16,328 6 =44,000 Ib. per sq. in. Fig. 22 EXAMPLE OF Lap JOINT, LONGITUDINAL OR CIRCUMFERENTIAL, DOUBLE-RIVETED 12,890 (B) =0.576 =efficiency of joint 22,343(A) sec 412 Hzample: Lap joint, longitudinal or circumferential, double- riveted. A =strength of solid plate=P XtxTS B=strength of plate between rivet holes=(P—d) txT'S C =shearing strength of two rivets in single shear =n Xs Xa D=crushing strength of plate in front of two rivets=n Xd Xt Xc Livide B, C or D (whichever is the least) by A, and the quotient will be the efficiency of a double-riveted lap joint, as shown in Fig. 22. TS =55,000 lb. per sq. in. c=95,000 lb. per sq. in. Ae 5 in: = 0/3125 in: A =2.875 X0.3125 X 55,000 =49,414 =274 in, =2.875 in. B=(2.875—0.75) 0.3125 X 55,000 =36,523 d= in.=0.75 in. C=2 44,000 X0.4418 =38,878 a=0.4418 sq. in. D=2X0.75 X0.3125 X95,000 = 44,531 s = 44,000 Ib. per sq. in. 36,523 (B) =0.739 = efficie f joint 49,414(A) Tar igual APPENDIX | 97 413 Hzample: Butt and double strap joint, double-riveted. A =strength of solid plate=P Xt TS B=strength of plate between rivet holes in the outer row = (P—d) txTS C =shearing strength of two rivets in double shear, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear =N XS Xa-++n Xs Xa D=strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear in the outer row =(P—2d) txTS +nXsXa Fic. 23 EXAMPLE OF BuTtT AND DOUBLE STRAP JOINT, DouUBLE-RIVETED E=strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet in the outer row = (P—2d) XTS+dxXbxXe F =crushing strength of plate in front of two rivets, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet =N XdXtXc+nXdxXbxXce G=crushing strength of plate in front of two rivets, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear = N Xd Xt Xc-+n Xs Xa H =strength of butt straps between rivet holes in the inner row =(P—2d) 2) TS. This method of failure is not possible for thicknesses of butt straps required by these Rules and the computation need only be made for old boilers in which thin butt straps have been used. For this reason this method of failure will not be considered in other joints. Divide B, C, D, E, F, G or H (whichever is the least) by A, and the quotient will 98 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTER, AM.SOC.M.E. be the efficiency of a butt and double strap joint, double-riveted, as shown in Fig. 23. : TS =55,000 lb. per sq. in. a=0.6013 sq. in. i= 34m. =0.375 in. s =44,000 Ib. per sq. in. b= 75 in. =0.3125 in. S =88,000 Ib. per sq. in. P=47 in. =4.875 in. c = 95,000 Ib. per sq. in. d= % in. =0.875 in. Number of rivets in single shear in a unit length of joint=1. Number of rivets in double shear in a unit length of joint =2. WZ, fOlO_o6!1 61616. 7 | Ne: Pues Fig. 24. EXAMPLE OF BuTT AND DOUBLE STRAP JOINT, TRIPLE-RIVETED A =4.875 X0.375 X 55,000 = 100,547 B=(4.875—0.875) 0.375 X55,000 =82,500 C =2X88,000 X 0.6013 +1 X44,000 x 0.6013 = 132,286 D = (4.875—2 X0.875) 0.375 X 55,000 +1 44,000 x0.6013 =90,910 E = (4.875—2 X0.875) 0.375 X55,000-++0.875 X 0.3125 X95,000 =90,429 F =2X0.875 X0.375 X95,000 -+0.875 X0.3125 X95,000 = 88,320 G =2 X0.875 X0.375 X95,000 +1 44,000 X0.6013 =88,300 82,500 (B) 100,547 (A) = 0.820 =efficiency of Joint 414 Hxample: Butt and double strap joint, triple-riveted. A =strength of solid plate=PxtxTS 4 =strength of plate between rivet holes in the outer row = (P—d) txTS C=shearing strength of four rivets in double shear, plus the shearing strength oi one rivet in single shear = N XS Xa+nXs Xa D=strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear in the outer row=(P—2d)tXTS +n Xs Xa APPENDIX 99. EH =strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet in the outer row =(P—2d) é xXTS+dxbxXe F =crushing strength of plate in front of four rivets, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet =N Xd Xt Xc+n Xd Xb Xe G =crushing strength of plate in front of four rivets, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear =N Xd Xt Xc+n Xs Xa Divide B, C, D, E, F or G (whichever is the least) by A, and the quotient will be the efficiency of a butt and double strap joint, triple-riveted, as shown in Fig. 24. TS =55,000 lb. per sq. in. a=0.5185 sq. in. t= 3 in.=0.375 in. s =44,000 Ib. per sq. in. b= ys in. =0.3125 in. S =88,000 Ib. per sq. in. P=6% in. =6.5 in. c =95,000 Ib. per sq. in, = 42 in, =0-8125 im. Number of rivets in single shear in a unit length of joint =1. Number of rivets in double shear in a unit length of joint =4. A =6.5 0.375 X 55,000 = 134,062 B=(6.5—0.8125) 0.375 X55,000 = 117,304 C=4X88,000 X0.5185-+1 X 44,000 X0.5185 = 205,326 D=(6.5—2 X0.8125) 0.375 X55,000-+1 X44,000 x 0.5185 = 123,360 E=(6.5—2 X0.8125) 0.375 X55,000-++0.8125 X 0.3125 X95,000 = 124,667 F=4 0.8125 X0.375 X95,000-+1 X0.8125 X 0.3125 X9 5,000 = 139,902 G@ =4X0.8125 X0.375 X95,000 +1 44,000 X 0.5185 = 138,595 117,304 (B) =().875 =efficiency of joint 134,062 (A) hele ull 415 Hzample: Butt and double strap joint, quadruple-riveted. A =strength of solid plate =P xtxTS B =strength of plate between rivet holes in the outer row =(P—d) txT'S C =shearing strength of eight rivets in double shear, plus the shearing strength of three rivets in single shear =N XS Xa+n Xs Xa D-=strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear in the outer row=(P—2d) txTS +1Xs Xa FE =strength of plate between rivet holes in the third row, plus the shearing streneth of two rivets in the second row in single shear and one rivet in single shear in the outer row = (P—4d) tx TS +n Xs Xa F =strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet in the outer row = (P—2d) t xTS+dxXbxXe 100 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E. G=strength of plate between rivet holes in the third row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of two rivets in the second row ahd one rivet in the outer row = (P—4d) t* TS+nXdXbXc H =crushing strength of plate in front of eight rivets, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of three rivets = N Xd XtXc+nXdXbxXc I =crushing strength of plate in front of eight rivets, plus the shearing strength of two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row, in single shear =N XdXtXc+nXs Xa Divide B, C, D, E, F, G, H or I (whichever is the least) by A, and the quotient will be the efficiency of a butt and double strap joint quadruple-riveted, as shown in Pig, 25) Wat WZ (5 | Fig. 25 EXxaMpLe oF Butt AND DOUBLE STRAP JOINT, QUADRUPLE-RIVETED TS =55,000 lb. per sq. in. a=0.6903 sq. in. t= Win.=0.5 in. s =44,000 lb. per sq. in. b= zs in. =0.4875 in. S =88,000 lb. per sq. in. P:=15 int | c=95,000 lb. per sq. in. d= 2% in. =0.9375 in. Number of rivets in single shear in a unit length of jomt =3. Number of rivets in double shear in a unit length of joint =8. A =15 0.5 X55,000 = 412,500 B= (15—0.9375) 0.5 X 55,000 =386,718 C =8 X88,000 < 0.6903 +3 x 44,000 X 0.6903 = 577,090 D=(15—2 0.9375) 0.5 X55,000-++1 x 44,000 X0.6903 =391,310 E = (15—4X0.9375) 0.5 X55,000-+3 X 44,000 0.6903 = 400,494 F =(15—2 X0.9375) 0.5 X 55,000 +0.9375 X 0.4375 X 95,000 = 399,902 G=(15—4 X0.9375) 0.5 55,000-+3 0.9375 X0.4375 X 95,000 = 426,269 H =8X0.9375 X0.5 X 95,000 +3 X0.9375 X 0.4375 X 95,000 = 473,145 I =8X0,9375 X0.5 X 95,000 +3 X 44,000 X0.6903 = 447,369 386,718 (B) =(0.937 =efficiency of joint 412,500 (A) a APPENDIX 701! 416 Eaample: Butt and double strap joint, quintuple-riveted. A =strength of solid plate=P xt TS B=strength of plate between rivet holes in the outer row = (P—d) tx7S C =shearing strength of 16 rivets in double shear, plus the shearing strength of seven rivets in single shear =N XS Xa+n Xs Xa D=strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear in the outer row =(P—2d) txTS +1xXsxXa E=strength of plate between rivet holes in the third row, plus the shearing strength of two rivets in the second row in single shear and one rivet in single shear in the outer row = (P—4d) tXTS+3 Xs Xa Fic. 26 Exampie or Burt AND DouBLE STRAP JOINT, QUINTUPLE-RIVETED F =strength of plate between rivet holes in the fourth row, plus the shearing strength of four rivets in the third row, two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row in single shear = (P—8d) tX TS+nXs Xa G=strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet in the outer row =(P—2d) t xXTS+dXbXc H =strength of plate between rivet holes in the third row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row = (P—4d) tXTS+3 XdXbXc I=strength of plate between rivet holes in the fourth row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of four rivets in the third row, two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row=(P—8d) txXTS+n xdxXbXce 102 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEHR, AM.SOC.M.E. J =crushing strength of plate in front of 16 rivets, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of seven rivets=N Xd XtXc+nxXdxXbxXc AK =crushing strength of plate in front of 16 rivets, plus the shearing strength of four rivets in the third row, two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row in single shear = N Xd Xt Xc-+n Xs Xa Divide B, C, D, EH, F, G, H, I, J or K (whichever is the least) by A, and the quo- tient will be the efficiency of a butt and double strap joint, quintuple-riveted, as shown In Fig. 26 or Fig. 27. T'S'= 55,000 Ib. per sq. in. a =1.3529 sq. in. = 34 1n.=0;78 Im s =44,000 Ib. per sq. in. b= 14m. =0.5 m. S =88,000 Ib. per sq. in. P36 in, c =95,000 Ib. per sq. in. d= bee)in. = £2125 in: i— 4 + EO - DDO | ha AS N N XG, Q He SUA WANT AN) QZ Fig. 27. EXAMPLE OF Butt AND DOUBLE STRAP JOINT, QUINTUPLE-RIVETED Number cf rivets in single shear in a unit length of joint =7. Number of rivets in double shear in a unit length of joint =16. A=36X0.75 55,000 = 1,485,000 B =(36—1.3125) 0.75 X 55,000 = 1,430,860 C =16 X88,000 X1.3529-+7 x 44,000 X 1.3529 =2,321,576 D=(36—2 X1.3125) 0.75 X55,000-+ 1 X44,000 X 1.3529 = 1,436,246 F=(36—4X 1.3125) 0.75 X55,000-+3 X44,000 x 1.3529 = 1,447,020 F =(36—8 X 1.3125) 0.75 X 55,000 +7 X 44,000 X 1.3529 = 1,468,568 G = (36—2 X 1.3125) 0.75 55,000+1.3125 X0.5 X 95,000 = 1,439,064 H =(86—4 X 1.8125) 0.75 X55,000-+3 X 1.3125 X0.5 X 95,000 = 1,455,472 I =(86—8 X1.3125) 0.75 X55,000-++7 X 1.3125 X0.5 X95,000 = 1,488, 141 J =16 X1.3125 X0.75 X95,000-+7 1.3125 X0.5 X95,000 = 1,932,266 KK =16 1.3125 0.75 X95,000-+7 X44,000-X 1.3529 = 1,912,943 1,430,8€0 (B) =0.963 =efficiency of joint 1,485,000 (A) AN APPENDIX 108 417 Figs. 28 and 29 illustrate other joints that may be used. The butt and double strap joint with straps of equal width shown in Fig. 28 may be so designed that it will have an efficiency of from 82 to 84 per cent and the saw-tooth joint shown in Fig. 29 so that it will have an efficiency of from 92 to 94 per cent. rp (ee eee ’ MOCK it: OD ILLUSTRATION OF Butt AND DovusLE Strap Joint witH STRAPS oF EQuAL WIDTH ==" ae ee LOC ES Fic. 29 ILLUSTRATION oF BuTT AND DovuBLE Strap JOINT OF THE SAW-TOOTH TYPE 104 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEH, AM.SOC.M.E. BRACED AND STAYED SURFACES 418 The allowable loads based on the net cross-sectional areas of staybolts with V-threads, are computed from the following formulae. The use of Whitworth threads with other pitches is permissible. _ The formula for the diameter of a staybolt at the bottom of a V-thread is: D— (P X 1.782) = where D = diameter of staybolt over the ree in. P = pitch of threads, in. = diameter of staybolt at bottom of pveran in, 1.732 = a constant When U.S. threads are used, the formula becomes DP KAS eX 0 toys Tables 11 and 12 give the allowable loads on net cross-sectional areas for staybolts with V-threads, having 12 and 10 threads per inch. TABLE 11. ALLOWABLE LOADS ON STAYBOLTS WITH V-THREADS, 12 THREADS PER INCH : : Diameter at Net Cross- Allowable Load Opeade i boar via Botrore of oe heen pty « 7500 Lb, “‘hrea at Bottom o tress, per Staybolts, In. In. Thread), Sq. In. Sq. In. x 0.7500 0.6057 0.288 2160 4 0.8125 0.6682 0.351 2632 KB 0.8750 0.7307 0.419 3142 4a 0.9375 0.7932 0.494 3705 1 1.0000 0.8557 0.575 4312 ly 1.0625 0.9182 0.662 4965 1k 1.1250 0.9807 0.755 5662 14% 1.1875 1.0432 0.855 6412 1% 1.2500 1.1057 0.960 7200 1s 1.3125 1.1682 1.072 8040 1% 1.3750 1.2307 1.190 8925 1G 1.4375 1.2932 Deole 9849 1% 1.5000 iescoor 1.444 10830 APPENDIX 1065 TABLE 12. ALLOWABLE LOADS ON STAYBOLTS WITH V-THREADS, 10 THREADS PER INCH : : Diameter at Net Cross- Allowable Load cae ih 2 ab te Fae tise sikee i 7500 Lb. ‘ : fo) read, at Bottom o tress per ei ra In, Thread), Sq. In. Sa. In. 1% 1.2500 1.0768 0.911 6832 1% 1.3125 1.1393 1,019 7642 13% 1.3750 1.2018 1.134 8505 1s 1.4375 1.2643 1.255 9412 1% 1,5000 1.3268 1.382 10365 1% 1.5625 1.3893 1.515 11362 1% 1.6250 1.4518 1.655 12412 419 Table 13 shows the allowable loads on net cross-sectional areas of round stays or braces. TABLE 13. ALLOWABLE LOADS ON ROUND BRACES OR STAY RODS Allowable Stress, in Lb. per Sq. In., Net Cross-sectional Seton re Net. ; Area iameter ross-sectiona of Circular Area of Stay, 6000 8500 9500 Stay, In. in Sq. In. eNO IS em PS PPE A eae Zs IN eae A Oe Allowable Load, in Lb., on Net Cross-sectional Area 1 1.0000 0.7854 4712 6676 7462 1? 1.0625 0.8866 5320 7536 8423 1% 1.1250 0.9940 5964 8449 9443 14% 1.1875 1.1075 6645 9414 10521 1% 1.2500 1.2272 7363 10431 11658 1% 1.3125 1.3530 8118 11501 12854 1% 1.3750 1.4849 8909 12622 14107 1% 1.4875 1.6230 9738 13796 15419 1% 1.5000 1.7671 10603 15020 16787 1% 1.5625 1.9175 11505 16298 18216 1% 1.6250 2.0739 12443 17628 19702 1# 1.6875 22365 13419 19010 21247 1% 1.7500 2.4053 14432 20445 22852 14 1.8125 2.5802 15481 21932 24512 1% 1.8750 2.7612 16567 23470 26231 134 1.9375 2.9483 17690 25061 28009 2 2.0000 3.1416 18850 26704 29845 2% 2.1250 3.5466 21280 30147 33693 2% 2.2500 3.9761 23857 33797 37773 23% 2.3750 4.4301 26580 37656 42086 2%. 2.5000 4.9087 29452 41724 46632 2% 2.6250 5.4119 32471 46001 51413 234 2.7500 5.9396 35638 50487 56426 2% 2.8750 6.4918 38951 55181 61673 3 3.0000 7.0686 42412 60083 67152 420 Table 14 gives the net areas of segments of heads for use in computing stays. 106 REPORT OF BOILER CODE COMMITTEE, AM.SOC.M.E, TABLE 14. NET AREAS OF SEGMENTS OF HEADS ee eee Height Diameter of Boiler. In. from f Meet 24 | 30 | 36 | 42 48 | 54 | 60 66 | 72 | 78 | 84 | 90 | 96 fo) Shell, In. Area to be stayed, Sq. In. 8 28 383 37 40 43 AT 51 53 Do 58 60 63 65 814 35 41 46 5h e. 59 63 66 70 74 76 80 82 42 49 56 62 67 72 76 82 86 90 92 95 98 914 55 58 66 70 80 8&6 91 96 101 105 ai} 116 119 a1 V4.1 88 1100 | 110 [391.. 113808) 1 138 147°} 155 | 161 7 $1690) 172 aes EEBG BB OO J. 142 f 1D4 fb 23H $746. | 156 165 | 173] 181 | 189] 196] 204 12 911109 | 125 {139 | 151 {163 | 174 184} 194] 203} 213] 219}| 230 121 120°) 9 138) 158° 1167 (4 180) 193 204 | 216] 224] 2341) 248] 252 132 | 151 | 168 [183 4|197 | 211 224.1, 285 | 247 || 256'| 2671 279 13% 143 | 164 | 183 | 200 | 216 | 230 246 | 258] 270!] 282] 293] 302 14 155 | 178 | 199 | 217 | 234 | 250 266 | 280] 294] 305| 319] 331 141% 167001 192 OOS eae. oad Toe 287 | 303 | 318! 333 | 3451 360 178 | 206 | 231 | 252 | 273 | 291 309 | 3261 343] 357] 3721 386 in AY ARDS ANG DORE TE BON 847 Oe MOOT it BTS 332 | 3501 368] 382] 400] 417 6 os eae 235 | 263 } 289 | 312 | 384 355 | 374] 394] 411 | 423] 443 1 Ry, RET RAR 249 | 281 | 308 | 332 | 357 380 | 399 | 420] 436] 457 | 475 she Sain: RRA ty Dane 264 1297 | 326 | 353 | 378 402 | 425 | 447| 4671 486] 502 PRD HT BOY ea ie 314 | 345 | 374 | 400 426 | 449| 471 | 494] 516] 536 Cea SPRUE ENE 831.] 365 | 396 | 424 450 | 476 | 500] 520| 548] 564 A es 1349 | 384 | 417 | 448 476 | 501 | 526| 552 | 577] 598 DO) yr a 1366 | 404 | 439 | 47 500 | 529| 555] 580] 604] 631 0 In Is a Ty ORR 384 | 424 | 461 | 496 528 | 558] 584] 613] 641] 663 RE CUO RUA RAMAN 401 | 444 | 483 | 519 552 | 5831 613 ]° 642 | 667] 699 BOLE Veil b nT? |e RN BU kel 464 | 505 | 543 578 | 613 | 6431 675} 706! 729 4 husk Cl PULA REA) AR, SO 485 | 528 | 568 604] 640] 673 | 705 | 733 | 766 OT te ea Oa oe oii ig 505 | 551 | 594 632 | 669 | 703] 739 {1 766 | 797 OR 2h) DAM MOA AS RR asl 526 | 574 | 618 658 | 697 | 7341 769] 800] 835 ae ANN WANPE AE DSRS Ny 9 EUR SNE BBS AMET sau 597 | 643 687 | 726] 765 | 800] 835] 867 BTS: Renney 5" SA Mae a) 620: | 668 713 | 754] 796] 830} 869] 906 Ee eat ON RE Ma | 5) Sy te Li 642 | 695 740 | 784 | 8271 866} 904] 945 7 Mane VRRP Bia hn NN tay Ke 667 | 719 768 | 814] 859] 897] 9391] 978 PY TN DRM ag SPAR VY a NCAT 689 | 745 797 | 843 | 892| 934] 975 | 1018 PUT PRON S IRONED FRO 0 RNY BAL ROR Ti 771 825 | 875 | 922] 966 | 1010} 1051 GLE Wa et YRS Ue RR ee cele 737 | 798 855 | 907 | 956 | 1003 | 1047 | 1092 OP MORI | (UC ACR IR ee Ue 8" Re 761 | 824 882 | 936] 987 | 1035 | 1083 | 1126 >A “000 PRR RV, SO a