@) @ mest)... . . No. SOL: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. HovusE OF REPRESENTATIVES, April 29, 1891. The committee on Railroads, to whom was referred the petition of J. Q. Adams and others for an act of incorpora- tion as the Quincy Electric Freight Railway Company, report the accompanying Bill. For the Committee, FREDERIC W. BLISS. BZ 9% Q - 2 QUINCY ELECTRIC FREIGHT RY CO. [Apr. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-one. AN ACT To Incorporate the Quincy Electric Freight Railway Company. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1 SeroctTion 1. John Q. Adams, Henry L. Hig- 2 ginson, Charles H. Porter, Wm. G. A. Pattee, 3 Philip L. Saltonstall, George H. Armstrong, John 4 R. Graham, their associates and successors, are 5 hereby made a corporation under the name of the 6 Quincy Electric Freight Railway Company, for @ the purpose of locating, constructing and operat- 8 ing a railway with electric motive power, for the 9 transportation of freight in the city of Quincy 10 and vicinity, with all the powers and privileges, 11 and subject to all the restrictions, duties and lia- 12 bilities created by the general laws, which now 13 are or hereafter may be in ‘force, relating to street 14 railways and railroads, as far as the same may be 15 applicable under the provisions of this act. > 1891.1 HOUSE—No. 501. 3 OoMmanN nak wWbhd ke a ee ee | ner WY = © 16 dD bo wR ee oe Oo O Oo AI Sas a 3 32 Sect. 2. The location of said railway shall be subject to the approval of the city council of the city of Quincy, so far as the said railway is located in the streets of said Quincy, except so far as herein otherwise provided, in substantial con- formity with the following routes, viz.: beginning at a point on the northwesterly side of Weymouth Fore river, near the stone derrick, in that part of said Quincy, known as Quincy point, thence run- ning over private lands and a private way called _ Wharf street to Washington street, thence west- erly on said Washington street to a point near South street, thence over private land to South street, thence over South street and Howard street to the head of Bent’s creek, so called, thence westerly, southwesterly and westerly over private lands, crossing said South street in two places, to New road, thence over said New road to Quincy avenue and across said Quincy avenue to private lands, thence over private lands cross- ing Phipps street to Franklin street at its inter- section with Independence avenue, thence cross- ing said Frankin street and along Independence avenue in a southwesterly direction to a point > nearly opposite the pumping station of the Quincy Water Company, thence in a westerly direction over private lands and underneath the tracks of the Old Colony Railroad Company to land of the Quincy Water Company, thence over lands of the Quincy Water Company and private lands in a northerly direction to Liberty street near its intersection with Brooks road, so called, + 243380 4 33 34 35 36 30 38 39 40 41 42 43 4d 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 QUINCY ELECTRIC FREIGHT R’Y CO. [Apr. crossing Lawyers lane, thence across Liberty street, making a turn to the left and running over private lands in a general northwesterly course, nearly parallel with Brooks avenue, and across Intervale street to Centre street, near its junction with Albertina street, thence across Centre street and along Albertina street, in a general westerly course for about three hundred feet, thence in a northwesterly direction over private lands to Sta- tion street, thence along Station street, and across the location and tracks of the Granite branch of the Old Colony Railroad Company, by means of an overhead bridge at said Station street, thence over private lands in a northwesterly direction to West street, near Doble street, so called, thence across West street and over private lands to Willard street, near a private road leading to the quarries, thence along said Willard street: in a northerly direction to the West Quincy station of the Granite branch of the Old Colony Railroad Company, but not crossing the tracks of said railroad company. Then beginning on Willard street, near said West Quincy station, on the northerly side of the tracks of said railroad company, thence along Willard street to Rogers street, thence along Rogers street for a short distance, thence in a northeasterly and easterly direction over private lands and across a branch of Furnace Brook to Common street, thence across Common strect and along Quarry, Granite, School and Marsh streets to the yard of the Old Colony Railroad company near the Quincy Adams station. 1891.] -HOUSE— No. 501. 5 66 Also a branch which leaves the main line at the 67 junction of School and Pleasant streets and runs 68 69 70 71 72 13 74. 75 76 ai 18 79 80 81 emt aonrrk wb ee ee ee an rrk WN & © along Pleasant street to Water street, thence along Water street, crossing the tracks and loca- tion of the Quincy and Boston Street Railway Company and over private lands to Liberty street, thence along Liberty street to a junction with the main line near Brooks road, so called, together with all the necessary side tracks and spur tracks to the various quarries, stone sheds, polishing | shops and other business establishments along the line, but said Quincy Electric Freight Railway Company shall not take any land of the Old Colony Railroad Company, nor cross its location at grade, without its consent and the consent of the railroad commissioners. Sect. 3. Said corporation may locate, con- struct and operate its railway, with convenient double or single tracks and all necessary sidings and spur tracks, upon and over the streets and ways in the city of Quincy hereinbefore named, and upon and over such other streets and ways as may from time to time be determined by the city council of said city, and may erect and use such poles and wires, and make such alterations in streets as said city council shall approve. The proceedings for the fixing of the route, location and construction of said railway in the streets and public ways of said city and keeping the same in repair shall be similar to those pre- scribed by general laws in relation to street rail- ways, except as herein otherwise provided. 6 16 mo bo QUINCY ELECTRIC FREIGHT R’Y CO. [Apr. Srcot. 4. Said corporation may locate, con- struct and operate its railway, with convenient double or single tracks and necessary sidings and spur tracks over the route substantially herein- before described, and for such purpose may take and hold by purchase or otherwise all necessary real estate. It may acquire by purchase all necessary real estate for its freight yards, power stations and other uses incidental to the proper maintenance of its railway. The proceedings for the fixing of the route, loca- tion and construction of said railway over all the route lying outside of the streets and public ways . of said city, and for the taking of private prop- erty therefor, shall be similar to those prescribed by general law in relation to railroads, except as 7 herein otherwise provided. Sect. 5. The location of said railway, outside of public streets and ways, shall not exceed fifty feet in width, and the gauge of the track shall be four feet eight and one-half inches throughout. SecT. 6. Said corporation may unite its tracks with those of the Old Colony Railroad Company, with the consent of the latter, and may enter into arrangements with said company for the handling of its cars and general transaction of business. Sect. 7. The Quincy and Boston Street Rail- way Company may enter upon and unite its tracks with and use the location and tracks of the 1891.] HOUSE — No. 501. 1 f 5 Coon oc womaAnNnNanrk WW KF =e He © a or Nw oe DAAMRWNEH Quincy Electric Freight Railway Company upon Washington street from Wharf street to South street in said Quincy upon such terms and condi- tions as may be prescribed by the city council of the city of Quincy. SEoT. 8. Said corporation shall not lay out or construct its road or any part thereof, until the certificate required by section eighty-six chapter one hundred and twelve of the Public Statutes shall have been filed with the secretary of the Commonwealth, whereupon said corporation may proceed to organize in accordance with the pro- visions of the first clause of section forty-five of said chapter. For the purpose of carrying out all provisions of law preliminary to said organization, the incor- porators herein named and their associates shall elect from their number a provisional board of nine directors, who shall appoint a clerk and -treasurer. Seor. 9. The capital stock of said corpora- tion shall be three hundred thousand dollars, but may be increased or decreased, in accordance with the general law applicable to street railways, and in all other matters, not herein otherwise provided, the general law controlling said corpora- tion shall be that governing street railways as far as applicable. Sect. 10. Said corporation may from time to time by the vote of the majority in interest of its FON AAA 8 QUINCY ELECTRIC FREIGHT RY CO. [Apr.’91. stockholders issue coupon or registered bonds to 3 an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for a term not exceeding twenty a t 5 6 years from the date thereof, provided that no 7 issue of bonds shall be made unless there shall 8 have been actually paid in an amount of the | 9 capital stock equal to the amount of such issue. @ 10 To secure payment of such bonds with interest 11 thereon, the said corporation may make a mort- 12 gage of its road and franchise and any part of its — 13 other property, and may include in such mortgage _ 14 property thereafter to be acquired, and may 15 therein reserve to its directors the right to sell or 16 otherwise in due course of business to dispose of i , 17 property included therein, which may become — 18 worn, damaged or unsuitable for use, in the . 19 operation of its road, provided that an equivalent 20 in value be substituted therefore. : ro: 21 The bonds issued shall first be approved by 22 some person appointed by the corporation for 23 that purpose, who shall certify upon each bond 24 that it is properly issued and recorded. ; Sect. 11. Unless said corporation begins and substantially completes the construction of its © ae, Aira 1 2 3 road within three years from the passage of this — 4 act its corporate powers and existence shall be at a & S | an end. 1 Sect. 12. This act shall take effect from ind’ ; 2 after its passage. a =e a % - 3 Ms A ’ c e Sa CPS