-#REPORT#- 8 OF cilaiy and Bivasiied EE Deo sa TT Segre Se PSE _ ke Mechanical sollege =—oNOugr eo Ie Coa’ ere OF err x Ag? : JONEAK, 288%. 2 1884: . : GEO, BUNLOP, PRINTER, BRYAN, TEXAS. eee ae Se Fp vs SN, Fy Eee ©) Ey OF SEGRETARY AND TREASURER Hon. Gro. PFEUFFER, | Pres’t Board of Directors A. & M. College of Texas. COLLEGE STATION, Texas, June, 1884. Sir:—I have the honor to submit the following Report, as Secretary and Treasurer, for the fiscal year beginning June 21, 1883, and ending June 15, 1884. As far as I know, every legitimate debt due to, and by, the College has been placed upon the books. THE FOLLOWING THIS DAY: BALANCE SHEET, JUNE 15, 1884. E E Fitzhugh, J C Ellington, N W H Childress, J O Makansan, B H Hollingsworth > x cr ped woul, & owotle SS lSae) L F Fuller, Cole Bros., Chem. Appr. Bookstore, Profit and Loss Math. Appr, Matriculation, pAg 1) Appr Laundry, Hospital, Rep. Prof. Houses, Rep. Main B’'I'd’g. SHOWS THE LEDGER BALANCES ON. J F Jones, 16 67 J F Parker. 30 00 R Fisher, 24 50 I Lawler, 3 35 H L Pickett, 30 15 J W Oglesby, 1 50 W LBringhurst, 41 27 L L McInnis, 60 380 H H Dinwiddie, 15 00 8tate vs. Peter Winter, 165 20 State Appropriation 10,000 00 Mech. Appr. 446 48 Board 109 91 Expense 3,405 61 Med. Attend, 274 40 Rep. Mess Hall 1,039 31 Room Furniture, 148 39 Cont. Appr. 24 60 Ag’l Dept. 667 23 $16,808 75 Mech. Dept. 19 06 Cash 3 341 30 $16,808. 75 The following is asummary of my receipts and disbursements by months, for the verification of which I submit my receipt, draft, cash and bank books, and warrants drawn on me by the agent of the Board, and paid by me: ee TREASURER’S ACCOUNT FROM JUNE 21, 1888, TO JUNE 15, 1884. A. & M. CoLLEGE oF TEXAS, In Account with Louis L. McInnis, Tréasurer. 1883. Dr. June 21.—To Balance as per last report $ 468 43 Aug. 1—To warrants paid June 21 to Aug. 1 Nos. 1-24, Sept. 1—To warrants paid in Aug. Nos. 25-49, 1,526 '79 Oct. 1—To warrants paid in Sept. Nos. 50-148, 6,014 05 Nov.1—To warrants paid in Oct. No. 149-252, 7,882 33 Dec. 1—To warrants paid in Nov. Nos. 253-297, 2,305,46 , 781 54 1884. Jan. 1.—To warrants paid in Dec. Nos. 298-369, 4,782 91 Feb. 1—To warrants paid in Jan. Nos. 370-482, 3,407 70 1883. Cr. Aug. 1—By Receipts June 20 to Aug. 1, Nos. 1-4, 295 76 Oct. 1—By receipts Aug- 1 to Oct. 1, No. 5, 20,000 00 Nov. 1—By Receipts for Oct. Nos. 6102, 4,545 84 Dec. 1—By receipts for Nov. Nos. 103-113, 390 40 1884. Jan. 1—By receipts for Dec. Nos. 114-189, 2,446,71 Feb. 1—By receipts for Jan. Nos. 190-219, 11,303 64 Mar. 1—By receipts for Feb. Nos, 220-285, 2,028 38 Apr. 1—By receipts for March Nos. 286-824 1,239 98 Mar. 1—To warrants paid in Feb. Nos. 483-495, 5,079 76 Apr. 1—To warrants paid in Mar. Nos. 496-573, 3,324 08 May 1—To warrants paid in Apr. Nos. 574-686, 5,411 54 June 1—To warrants paid in May Nos.. 637-697, 4,420 43 June 15-To warrants paid June 1-15, Nos. 698- 780, 4,164,97 49;069 99 To Balance $ 3,341 30 May 1—By receipts for Apr. Nos. 825-387, 1,900 69 June 1—By receipts for May Nos. 388-414. 742 96 June 15-By rec’pts June 1-15 Nos. 415-460 834 33 By balance 3,341 30 $ 49,069 99 SUMMARY, The total receipts have been The total expenditures have been Excess of Expenditures over Receipts Add Balance at last report Balance as above $ 45,728 69 48,601 56 $ 2,872 87 468 48 $3,341 30 The following shows the Financial condition of the College, as shown by the books in this office : 1884, LIABILITIES. Due Sundry Bills, $ 170 36 ‘“* JS Fowlkes &Co., 3,341 80 $3511 66 Balance excess of Lia- bilities over Assets, $2,442 02 1884. ASSETS. Due by Sundry Parties, $ 527 62 ‘* from State Approp, 542 02 Balance, 2,442 02 $3,511 66 It is proper to state that the above simply shows the condition of the College from the College books. On account of the various changes at the close of the last session it was impossible to get inventories of all supplies and property belonging to the College at the beginning of the fiscal year. I have received the inventories at the close of the fiscal year, and will have same entered on the books for the next year. The fol- lowing is astatement of the assets and liabilities made up from the inven- tories on file in my office, This statement is exclusive of the State ap- propriation, and simply shows the financial condition of the College proper: LIABILITIES, ASSETS, Due Sundry Bills, $ 170 36 Due by Sundry Parties; $527 62 ** JS Fowlkes & Co. 3,041 30 ‘* from State Approp., 542 02 Book store stock as per inventory, 691 65 126 cords of wood as per inventory, $1 75, 220 50 Farm Produce, estima- ted as per inventory, 1000,00 Mess hall supplies on hand as per inventory, 160 10 Balance, 269,77 $3,511 66 3,511 66 Balance excess of Lia- : bilities over Assets, $269 77 The following statement shows the actual results of the business of the College for the fiscal year, as indicated by the fictitious accounts : PROFIT. AND Loss, In Account with A. & M. CoLLeGE or TEXAS. Dr. Cr. To Matriculation, $1,620 By Board, $109 91 ‘* Book store, 181 24 ‘: Expense, 8,405 61 ‘* Mechanical Dep’ts, 19,06 ‘‘ Statevs. PeterWinter, 165 20 ‘* Profit and Loss, 360,08 ‘* Agricultural Dep,t, 667 23 ** Balance, 2,442 02 ‘* Medical Attendance, 274 40 $4,622 35 $4,622 35 By Balance Loss, - - : - $2.442 02 It is proper to state again that this loss will be offset to some extent by the assets on hand as shown above. I herewith submit an itemized account of all warrants of the agent of the Board, paid by the Treasurer June 21, 1883, to June 15, 1884. Exhibit H. STATE APPROPRIATION. At. the last annual meeting of the Board of Directors the following distribution was made of the $40,000 appropriated by the 18th Legislature. I For tue CoLLEGR PROPER. For Laundry and Fixtures $ 2,000 00 For Hospital and Furniture 2,200, 00 For Repairs of Professors’ Houses 1,500, 00 For Repairs and Improvements of Mess Hall 4,000 00 For Repairs of Main College Building 3,000 00 For Room Furniture 200 00 $ 12,900 00 Il For THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. For Farm and Stock purposes $ 15,000 00 For Agricultural Chemistry 2,250 00 For Contingent Expenses 1,850 00 $19,100 00 il For THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT, 6 For Building Workshop @ 4,500 00 For Tools, Machinery, &e., 2,800 00 For Engineering Instruments, 700 00 $ 8,000 00 Aggregating $40,000. The following abstract from the Ledger will show the condition of each of these appropriations June 15, 1884. The exhibit referred to is marked ‘‘A,” and herewith submitted in manuscript. Exhibit ‘‘B,” also in manuscript, is a list of the vouchers deposited in the Comp- troller’s office in January last. Exhibit ‘‘C” isa list of the vouchers now on file in my office to be deposited with the Comptroller, when ex amined and approved bythe Board of Directors. Amount of Exbibit B $ 15,655 06 Amount of Exhibit C 14,789 67 > $ 380,444 67 To which add bills unpaid, 190,386 F $30,635 03 The abstract from Ledger will show a total expenditure of $30,542 02 This difference is due to some small amounts belonging to other accounts, but which were included in bills charged to the State Appro- priation. The corrections were then made through the Journal. The aggregate of these $93 01, which added to above, gives $30,685 08. From the exhibits which are ready for the examination of the Board of Directors you will be able to see the detailed statement of these ex- penditures, the cost of the different improvements, repairs, etc. I have also exhibits showing in detail the expenditures for board, expense, and Agricultural Department. I deem it but justice to Prof. CuRTIS to state that when he took charge of that department, October 1st, 1883, there was a balance against the department of $291 74. The Eighteenth Legislature appropriated $800 to pay expenses in suit State vs. Peter Winter. Previous to my last report there had been drawn, to pay expenses of said suit, $258 95, leaving balance $541 05- The expenses attending the compromise of said suit were $706 25.. There is therefore a deficiency in that account of $165 20. ABSTRACT OF LEDGER, STATE APPROPRIATION. AGRICULTURAL APPROPRIATION. Dr. Cr. To amt. chgd, to this act. By amt. appropriated as per exhibit $ 7,736 78 by Board $ 15,000 00 To balance 7,802 72 By Sundry credits 39 50 $ 15,089 50 $ 15,039 50 Balance unexpended, $ 7,802 72 MECHANICAL APPROPRIATION. iri Cr. To amt. chgd to this act. By amt. appropriated as per exhibit $ 7,758 73 by Board $ 7,300 00 By cash rec’d, 12 25 By balance, 446 48 $ 7,758 73 $ 7,758 73 Amt. overdrawn $ 446 48 CHEMISTRY AND Puysics APPROPRIATION. Dr. 4 Cr. To amt. chgd. to this act. ae amt. appropriated as per exhibit $ 2,167 14 Board $ 2,250 00 To balance 90 66 By ga rec'd 7 80 $ 2,257 80 $2,257 80 Balance unexpended h $ 90 66 MATHEMATICAL APPROPRIATION. Dr. Or. To amt. expended as per By amt, appropriated exhibit, $ 656 91 by Board, $ 700 00 To balance 43 09 $ 700 00 $ 700 00 Balance unexpended, € 43 09 FURNITURE FOR DORMITORY. Dr. ‘To amt. expended as per exhibit, Amt. overdrawn, 848 89 ~ 348 89 148 39 Cr, By amt. appropriated by Board, By balance, CONTINGENT APPROPRIATION. Dr. To amt. expended as per exhibit, Amt. overdrawn 2.085 09 2,035 0 ~ 24 60 Cr. By amt. «appropriated by Board, By snndry credits, By balance, 200 00 148 39 348 39 2,035 09 REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS OF Mass Hatt APPROPRIATION. Dr. To amt. expended as per exhibit, Amt. overdrawn, 5,866 67 5,366 67 1,039 31 CR. By amt. appropriated by Board, By sundry credits, By balance, RepaArIRs oF Marn BurnpDING APPROPRIATION. Dr. To amt. expended as per exhibit, To balance, Balance unexpended, 2,946 28 85 22 8,031 45 CR. By amt. appropriated by Board, By sundry credits, REPAIRS OF PROFESSORS’ HovusES APPROPRIATION. Dr. To amt. expended as per exhibit, To balance, Balance unexpended, 1,191 24 422 387 1,616 61 Cr. By amt. appropriated by Board, By sundry credits, 4,000 00 327 36 1,039 31 5,366 67 000 00 8, 31 45 3,031 45 85 22 1.500 00 116 61 ————_ 161 661 425 37 HosprraL AND FURNITURE APPROPRIATION. Dr. Cr. To amt. expended as per By amt. appropriated exhibit, 1,080 380 by Board 2,200 00 To balance, 1,169 70 2,200 00 2,200 00 Balance unexpended, ; soe 1,169 70 LAUNDRY AND FIXTURES APPROPRIATION. Dr. Cr. To balance, 2,000 00 By amt. appropriated by Board 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 Balance unexpended, 2,000 00 The following is a summary showing amount of State Appropria- tion yet unexpended. SUMMARY. Dr. Gr Mechanical, 446 48 Agricultural, 7,802 72 Furniture, 148 89 Chem. and Phys. 90 66 Contingent, 24 60 Mathematical, 43 09 Mess Hall, 1,039 31 Main Building, 85 22 Balance, 9.457 98 Professors’ Houses 425 37 Hospital, 1,169 70 Laundry, _ 2,000 00 11,116 76 11,736 76 Balance unexpended, 9,457 98 REMARKS. On the first day of each month I have drawn off a balance sheet from the Ledger and submitted the same to the agent of the Board. These balance sheets are on file in my office, and are respectfully sub- mitted to the Board for their inspection. I herewith respectfully submit for examination of the Board of Directors all the books, vouchers and papers belonging to my office. On the first of last October I requested from each officer of the College an inventory of all property belonging to his department, but owing to the changes which had been recently made it was impossible for all torespond atthat time. JI received inventories from the Profes- sors of Chemistry, of Agriculture, of Physics, and of Mathematics, and from the Steward. In May last I served each and every officer of the College with a copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors, requiring an inventory to be furnished on or before June 15. I am happy to be able to state every officer promptly responded. I have on file in my office, for the inspection of the Board, inven- tories from the following officers: Agent of the Board, Treasurer, Professors of Chemistry, Mathematics. English, Languages, Agricul- ture, Physies, Mechanics, Librarian, Commandant, Keeper of Book Store, and Steward, In addition each. professor and officer has fur- nished list of College property in his personal possession. It is safe to say that no such complete inventory of the College property has ever before been recorded. I respectfully recommend that each student be required to deposit five dollars on entrance, to cover any damage to College property, which may be done by him during the sessinn. Said deposit to be re- turned to him should no damages be charged to him. SECRETARY’S REPORT. As Secretary of the Board I have drawn since Oct. 1, 1888, warrants for pay of Professors and Officers of the College, amounting to $14,- 489 92. I have obtained from the Governor’s office all papers belonging to the College, classified and filed them in this office. The correspondence curing the year has been quite voluminous. The letters are on file in this office. Respectfully submitted, LOUIS L. McINNIS, Sec’ty and Treas. A. & M. College of Texas. Pa ; at 2 ight, he =<" ex as NY il 05956541 INI at 3011