HISTORY AND ROSTER OF THE August 6, 1917, to November 11, 1919 STATE OF KANSAS ' BEN S. PAULEN, Governor eee Ses ee M. R. McLEAN The Adjutant General PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT B. P, WALKER, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA 1925 10-4436 mee menace eat rit me ten tts PO Gm tt te ete te RON CR Ae eet et at A ANE en AN II MORSE nN LO EN A ET OC OIG HISTORY AND ROSTER OF THE KANSAS STATE GUARD Avcust 6, 1917, Tro NovemMBsEr 11, 1919 STATE OF KANSAS Ben 8. PAuLpn, Governor M. R. McLEAN The Adjutant General ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE Topeka, May 15, 1925. PRINTED BY KANSAS STATE PRINTING PLANT B. P. WALKER, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA 1925 10-4436 Lee f MF ‘ Nene IS Meh UX \;vea2eq EMeLl FOREWORD. The 1923 legislature appropriated $1,000 for the compilation of a history of the Kansas State Guard, in order to perpetuate the memory of that organization and its service during the World War. All available data has been used in the publication of this volume and it is the best that could be prepared with the limited amount of funds provided for the purpose. , The Kansas State Guard took a very important part in the world’s greatest conflict. In addition to training the youth to enter the fed- eral service, performing guard duty, and assisting the various drives to finance our combat troops, they maintained the patriotism of the communities at high ebb and inspired all civilians to revere the name of America, which was an invaluable aid to the state. I take this opportunity to express the appreciation of the state of Kansas to the former officers and men of the State Guard who so willingly gave their time and financial assistance to protect our citizens while the National Guardsmen were on the firing line. M. R. McLEAN, The Adjutant General, Kansas. (3) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE The Home Guard 5c vie eee oy cide ein a0 heed fa eee te eae 5 The Wyandotte Home Guards. ....°0.5..0 2. see0 1.55 sss en 7 The Kansas State Guard. 2) 0.04.5 0 0. ies 146s eee ee 10 (0) 0) (= a REMAP ae 10: OrganiZatiOn: ~... «dua p ie oe euisln Saisie wane. eye leas eg ae ae ce 1% Designation. 5.5 < aesan! oS ieuie + 5 Wik oan everest ees ee + ‘a 11 Membership |< 6% ks. 0 ok Barleen, Dale. Robison, George W. Privates: Berner, Clifford, discharged. Bowley, Edmund G., discharged. Brown, George A., discharged. Artificer: Johnson, Joseph D. Privates: Allen, Orville M. Anderson, Arthur Ray. Bachtel, Charles E. Banley, Alfred H. Barnhard, Merrill Jacob. Barrows, Murlin C Becotte, Fred. Beyer, Nicholas. Bonar, Leonard R. Bullimore, Thomas. Cassity, Floyd D. Coates, John P. Cook, Ray M. Cusac, George H. Demarteau, Alva. Demarteau, Charles. Dolan, George K. Dolan, Max. Dyer, William H. Finkbinder, Elmer. Flora, William. Ford, Elmer. Gallagher, George. Gardner, Guy C. Grate, Lewis Henry. Harbaugh, Malcom E. Harper, George H. Harris, Adelbert Smith. Haynes, Carrol. Haynes, Scott. Head, Ivan Francis. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Dolon, Claire H., discharged. Foster, Lawrence, died. ’Glasco, Fred A., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Hill, Elmer. Hurley, Jesse Sam. Jansenius, August. Johnson, Ralph. Jones, William D. Lakin, George. Lisher, Stanley. Loyd, Earl C. Loyd, Emory. Marisette, Alfred E. Murdock, Wiliam H. Ostrander, Wallace H. Peterson, Peter. Pinder, Thomas B. Rand, Roy. Raines, Cecil. Raines, Lanel Otis. Rhodes, Louis. Roberts, Lorenzo D. . Roy, Walter A. Sager, Bert M. Sager, Gilbert E. Shields, Clyde. Steinmetz, Theodore. Temple, Kenneth A. Temple, Ray D. Truex, Dean S. Turner, Edmond J. Walters, Warren W. Watson, Nordice J. Woody, Merle R. Wright, Benjamin F. Young, Ralph L. Young, Walter C. Privates—Concluded. Graves, Charley L., discharged. Wood, Maltbic B., discharged. Company D held semi-weekly drills on Tuesday and Friday nights. School for noncom- missioned officers was established and continued. Exhibition drill at Palmer, June, 1918. Participated in battalion drill at Morganville, July 4, 1918; Wakefield, in battalion manuev- ers, July 18, 1918. Participated in competitive drill Clay Center, August 18; Clifton, State Guard picnic, August 22 and 23; exhibition drill August 22, 1918. Held competitive drills August 23, 1918, with twelve companies competing, under supervision of Major Carl M. Worley, Major Deweese of the national army, Camp Funston, acting judge of contests. Bat- talion drill at Morganville, August 18. Kansas State Guard. 97 Company “E,” 197TH Barration, Wakefield. Captain: George W. Smith. First - Spapteiemaae Henry S. Carez. First Sergeant: Heskett, Kelly R. Quartermaster Sergeant: Workman, Edwin A. Sergeants: Alsop, John R. Brodhead, John E. Gates, William P. K. Guy, Arthur L. Williams, Clifford S. Corporals: Billingham, Edward J. Hawes, George E. Jevons, William. Marshall, William L. Martins, Robert R. McIntire, James B. Reed, Claud L. R. Privates: Avery, Henry A. Avery, Herman W. Second Lieutenant: Elmer A. Myers, resigned. First Sergeant: Brown, Stanley M., discharged. Corporals: Hawes, Elmer N., discharged. Show, Harry, discharged. Privates—Continued: Barnes, Ira. Batchelor, Arthur P. Batchelor, Percy F. Beatty, John Pp, Billingham, Walter G., Jr. Bradbury, Howard. Budden, Sidney 8. Cowell, Chas. S. Cross, James R. Decker, Ralph G. DeYoung. Pete. Dodson, Fred. Eustace, Allen L. Exley, Lawrence. Faidley, Curtain. Faidley, Floyd. Faivre, Adrian L. Faulkner, David H. Frazee, Hile. Gardner, Glen G. Gaston, William .C. Gates, Andrew P. Guy, Richard. Haden, William. Heath, Henry H. Helm, Niles E. Hewitt, Walter H. Koerner, Henry. Kregar, George. Kregar, Leroy. Kregar, William H. LOSSES. Privates: Baker, Harry F., discharged. Billingham, Walter S., discharged. Broadhead, Richard, discharged. Faidley, Jeremiah, discharged. Fentein, Harry, discharged. Fentein, Henry, discharged. Gardner, Ralph, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded: Kynaston, William J. Lockridge, Robert M. Marshall, John P. Martin, Guy A. Mickey, Chester A. Moyer, John M. Moyer, William. Myers, Fred C. Myers, J. W. Myers, William H. Neimoller, August. Neimoller, Benjamin. Nelson, Jacob. Price, ‘Albert E. Ring, James M. Schaules, Ross B. Shepperd, Lee. Shiltz, John M. Sparrowhawk, Lawrence. Sparrowhawk, Norman R. Streeter, James B. Swezey, Harold R. Towle, Charles A. Walter, Percy R. Walters, Levi S. Weaver, Jesse C. Wofford, Wallace. Younkin, John M. Privates—Concluded: Mitchell, Jesse J., discharged. Myers, William, discharged. Reed, James J., discharged. Shepperd, William T., discharged. Sparling, Harry M., Sparrowhawk, John, discharged. Weaver, Leonard H., discharged. Company E was recruited and mustered into state service on June 27, 1918, by Captain George W. Smith, Kansas State Guard, and drilled twice weekly until the signing of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. The unit participated in two battalion drills and two competitive drills; drilled several members of the national army in the first rudiments of military tactics, also assisted in Red Cross and Liberty loan campaigns. 7—4436 98 Adjutant General’s Department. HEADQUARTERS, 20TH BarraLion, Washington. Major: Charles R. Reist. No activities reported. Captain and Adjutant: Charles E. Rust. Company “A,” 20TH BatrraLion, Washington. Captain: Bowen R. Shaffer. First Lieutenant: Vernon L. Tewksbury. Second Lieutenant: William E. Schmidt. First Sergeant: Brunner, Thomas L. Supply Sergeant: Deidrichs, F. A. Sergeants: Hamilton, J. H. Petty, John. Sawin, Leroy E. Shaffer, Raymond W. Corporals: Bailey, J. Harry. Chase, Ralph E. Denman, Ben A. Hanni, Adolph. Hutton, Egar C. Smith, Ora H. Captains: Charles R. Reist, discharged. Charles E. Rust, discharged. Corporals: Baldwin, Frank C., discharged. Labaugh, William D., discharged. Company A took an active part in the third and fourth Liberty loan campaigns and as- sisted in Red Cross drives. Musicians: Pitcher, Charles M. Wells, William A. Privates: Asch, Lewis T. Arney, Charles E. Brown, John J. Burnett, Frank D. Campbell, J. E. Carl, Frank. Cornell, Floyd L. Cot, Charlie Edward. Cristie, Archie. Cupp, Glenn B. Evans, Charles W. Fletcher, Floyd J. Frazer, Harry M. Glasgow, William P. Henderson, William 8. Henthorn, Calvin J. Hilton, George A. Hyland, James R. Keen, Louis G. Keesecker, Pim P. Kenniburgh, D. B. Lamoreaux, Samuel James. Landon, Ray M. Landrum, Charles H. Leroy, Lloyd D. LOSSES. Privates: Allen, Ralph, discharged. Back, George M., discharged. Clark, Simpson, transferred. Clasen, George H., discharged. Combs, Otis, discharged. Fisher, Other E., discharged. Frazer, Harley, transferred. Howell, Ralph P., discharged. Lasler, M. H., transferred. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Lloyd, William T. * Miller, Harry. Morrow, J. C. McClaughey, Wilburn. McLeod, Daniel W. Patrie, Ellra G. Pauli, Edward R. Panack, Lloyd William. Pettey, Jesse A. Potter, Isaac Henry. Rencin, Noble Wayne. Rosenkranz, William. Rush, Ivin C Rust, Re Di Sackett, Elijah G. Scheetz, Harry P. Soller, Albert William. Stratton, Frank W. Throop, Bert Allen. Tubbs, Car] Leroy. Van Kirk, Charles E. Warthen, Charles E. Wayland, W. Claud. Wheeler, Ray W. Williamson, Elmer T. Worscow, Herman C. Yoder, Frank A. Young, George M. Privates—Concluded. Longwell, W. S., died. Low, William H. J., discharged. McBride, James E., discharged. Rutherford, Earl, transferred. Throop, Vern E., transferred. Weckeley, Henry J., discharged. Wertenberger, Fred, discharged. Kansas State Guard. 99 Company “B,” 20TH Barrauion, Barnes. Captain: Connie Collins. First Lieutenant: Henry A. Jennings. Second Lieutenant: William A. McDonald. First Sergeant: Morrissey, John. Quartermaster Sergeant: Shannon; Ernest E. Sergeants: Alton, George I. Grimes, John. Hogue, Harry C. Pifer, James. Corporals: Bartley, Jesse. Caley, Hugh H. Coan, Edwin E. N. Hay, Charley W. Hiltgen, William J. Holt, Ben A. Irwin, Warren C. Morris, John E. Smith, Cora B. Spence, Daniel. Wanamaker, Wallace. Cook: Reboul, George B. Buglers: Cerveny, Valentine A. Kappel, George M. Artificer: Bartley, Ora. First Sergeant: Wright, Franklin T., discharged. ‘Corporal: Jennings, Elmer S., discharged. Musician: Hite, Harvey P., discharged. Cook: Shamo, Charles A., discharged. Privates: Bokemeier, Clarence L., discharged. No activities reported. Privates: Baker, Joseph C. Ballard, Earl. Ballard, Harley G. Ballard, Penuel. Ballard, Ralph C. Barker, Charles W. Barker, Henry L. Bartley, John. Bartley, Neil A. Bledsoe, Harold L. Bowers, Fred. Burke, Charles J. Clark, Jesse M. Clark, Merritt. Clark, Warren L. Cook, Claude O. ' Cook, Enoch E. Coonhad, Alvin H. Crissman, Raymond. Dalrymple, John. Dickinson, Frank K. Farrell, John P. Fisher, Fredienond. Fiske, Frances E. Flear, Fenley F. Flower, James. Gano, Alfred W. Gano, John W. Gnagy, August H. Gnagy, Ernest. Gnagy, M. Gnagy, Seigel A. Hanna, Harry H. Heltgen, Conrad E. Herrmann, Ed. Herrmann, William M. Hogue, Ed. Hogue, Frank. Hogue, Walter B. Hogue, William C. Holte, Lewis B. Jackson, Earl A. Johnson, Fred G. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Brandt, Howard M., discharged. Cook, Bert C., discharged. Dalrymple, Brice, discharged. Dalrymple, James I., discharged. Ferguson, Albert W., discharged. Ferguson, Lewis W., discharged. Ferguson, Roy J., discharged. Gnagy, Gail, discharged. Gnagy, Leevie, discharged. Hansen, Louis W., discharged. Hill, Ira D., discharged. Kamp, Thomas F., discharged. Privates—Concluded. Johnson, Lyle H. Kineaid, Vernon. Knedlick, Matt G. Knedlik, Milos. Kufover, Jasper. Mason, Harry E. Mayes, James I. Monk, Squire P. Moore, Robert M. Morrissey, Thomas. McClaud, William A. Otney, Leonard. Pettey, Frank. Poland, Jesse T. Quincy, Daniel. Reed, Artie E. Reitzel, Leroy W. Ricard, Joseph N. Roberts, Grover. Savage, William H. Schleier, Albert J. Schleier, William A. Scholfield, Ezra L. Sedlacek, Frank. Sedlacek, George E. Sedlacek, Joseph. Smith, William C. Taylor, Harvey L. Tracey, Ellis R. Vogler, Max. Wagoner, Raymond J. Wanamaker, Fred A. Wanamaker, Glen A. Wanamaker, William. Wesche, Frank J. Wilkinson, Ernest F. Wilkinson, Ray. Wise, Edwin R. Wise, William M. Woodward, Reuben, Wright, Curtis C. Wright, Eugene. Privates—Concluded. Kufover, Raymond J., discharged. Rogers, Lapierre, discharged. Rosebaugh, William L., discharged. Spurgeon, Ravmond E., discharged. Tracey, Earl, discharged. Tracey, Nelson C., discharged. Wagoner, Charlie L., discharged. Wanamaker, Jay, discharged. Wesche, Warren H., discharged. Woodward, John, discharged. 100 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 20TH BaTTaLion, Greenleaf. Captain: Edward A. Hood. First Lieutenant: Albert W. Ban. Second Lieutenant: Louis F. Nelson. First Sergeant: Holden, Edgar W. Quartermaster Sergeant : Rathbun, Perry M. Sergeants: - Ayres, J. Forrest. Fagan, Glen E. Fickinger, Edward W. Thorman, Forrest W. Corporals: Durham, Harley 8S. Gilliam, Arthur B. Heisterman, Arnold S. Lameraux, Theodore B. Roper, Walter L. Wilson, Charles L. Musician: Armstrong, Fred L. Privates: Fickinger, Paul, discharged. Flear, Paul L., discharged. Gilliam, Drena B., discharged. Glasgow, John H., died. Privates: Ayres, Andy C. Bennett, William A. Cairnes, James W. Carrier, Milton E. Combow, Clarence L. Cook, George L. Cook, John H. Cope, Donald M. Crayton, Walter L. Dickey, Frederick B. Dickson, James T. Dunbar, William Eaton, Leslie G. East, John L. Fagan, Walter H. Feeley, Charles F. Fickinger, Donald E. Finley, Wilbert M. Flear, Claude W. Fowler, Alvin F. Gnagy, John L. Gotfredson, Albert P. Hanson, Christian R. Hodges, Orville E. Holte, Horace M. Isham, William J. Kohlmeyer, Henry D. Kohlmeyer, Wilbert F. Lane, George H. D. Lane, Herman F. LOSSES. Privates—C ontinued. Peterson, Chris A., discharged. Robert, George M., discharged. Stilley, Louis E., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Lindeman, Theodore, Miller, Francis M. Miller, William L. Montgomery, Walter J. Neer, Earl E. Nelson, Hans C. Osbourne, Sail W. Pauley, William M. Perkins, Benjamin E. Perry, Henry Dwight. Peterson, Harry M. Quincey, Raymond R. Rickenberg, Arnold M. Sachs, Fred A.. Sachs, Phillip F. Schoenborn, Adam J. Scholfield, Ora H. Shelton, Houston C., Shaw, Clifford M. Shum, Howard M. Simon, Chester S. Skovgaard, Thole P. _ Stanford, Victor W. Stoll, John M. Talbot, Fred D. Talbot, Leo G. Williams, Herbert D. Wisner, Ben A. Wisner, Fred E. Privates—Concluded. Talbot, Artie C., discharged. Talbot, George P., discharged. Wurtz, Louis C., discharged. uni Company C participated in the fourth Liberty loan and the Red Cross campaigns and the ted war activities drive. Participated in two battalion reviews. f The organization took second prize in competitive drill in competion with five other ecom- panies of the battalion. Kansas State Guard. 101 Company “D,” 20TH Batrauion, Hanover. Captain: Henry Duever. First Lieutenant: Galloway, R. N. Second Lieutenant: W. E. Williams. First Sergeant: Imming, F., Jr. Quartermaster Sergeant: Campbell, Charles G. Sergeants: Baker, A. F. Koenig, Adolph H. Merk, John, Jr. Scheetz, George G. Corporals: Hrouda, Charles. Kile, George D. Kuck, George H. Walker, William A. Corporals: Cudahy, Edward J., discharged. Schniederjans, Joseph B., discharged. Privates: Bennett, John R., discharged. Blocker, Ray E., discharged. Cook, Edward D., discharged. Curtis, Frank, discharged. Daehele, Henry J., discharged. Daehele, Vincent J., discharged. Musicians: Schwartz, Charles. Triska, George W. Privates: Allen, Charles V. Boettcher, Albert A Confal, Barney V. Daihele, Sylvester B. Dieker, B. H. Dunn, Walter T. Dusch, Clarence J. Dusch, James. Flaherty, Ollie A. Gedlicka, John J. Golden, Cyrus C. Havekorst, Henry G. Hora, John F, Hora, Thomas C. Imming, Sylvester C. Jones, Lawrence. Kamphaus, Henry J. Kersting, Andrew A. Kreinsieck, John G. Krim, John G. Leubkin, Vernon E. Lippka, Albert E. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Eckart, Peter, discharged. Gerlene, Oscar A., discharged. Guenther, Edward G., discharged. Guenther, Henry, discharged. Hellman, Clarence, discharged. Kass, Edward W., discharged. Kuck, Rualph, discharged. Leigh, William H., discharged. Lindner, George A., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Ludiveek, John J. Meerian, Frank J. Munger, Charles W. Murphy, John T. Powers, Thomas T. Richardson, Edward F. Richtien, Joseph J. Roth, Harold J. Scheetz, Edward G. Scott, Walter E. Smith, Charles N. Spandel, John S. Triska, Frank T. Triska, Mike A. Triska, Tony T. Vlock, Joseph, Jr. Vlock, William A. Vonwooden, Ernest C. Walker, Herman O. Welch, Bernard W. Welch, Harry. Wenke, John F. Zumbahlem, Joseph J. Privates—Concluded. Mahlmann, John H., discharged. Meyer, Herman D., discharged. MeMillan, Robert, discharged. Prall, Earl H., discharged. Rhoades, Fred H., discharged. Richardson, John M., discharged. Schmidt, Henry A., discharged. Tamey, Andrew, deserted. Company D took an active part in Red Cross drives, also, Y. M. C. A. drive. Also, took an active part in several patriotic celebrations, pertaining to Liberty loans. ; : At a battalion competitive drill, composed of all companies of the 20th Battalion, this company was awarded first prize. The organization has put on several exhibition drills in our home town to help instill patriotism into the people here, and aided the war council of this place by taking an active part in all of their work. 102 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “E,” 20TH BartraLion, Mahaska. Captain: Corporals—Concluded. William G. Arnold. McAtee, Lloyd. Reesor, Leshe R. First Lieutenant: Leo A. Love. Privates: Second Lieutenant: Ahrens, Henry J. Charles L. Ruhlen. Bonham, George C. Bowman, Max L. Bright, Wayne S. Brouse, John 8S. Brouse, William M. Burch, Charley F. Coonrod, Harley H First Sergeant: Wall, Victor J. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bland, George ID. Sergeants: Deegan, Jack. Hanene, Sterling P. King, Floyd B. Livingston, Walter A. Deegan, Edward E. Deegan, William L. Dragoo, Charles V. Edwards, Madison. Emrick, Ulysis G. Emrick, William A. Garber, Merrill R. Grubbs, Charlie A. Hatch, Merrell A. Hook,. Roy. LOSSES. Privates—Continued : Corporals: Hatch, Perry. King, Lloyd. Lakel, Robert J. First Lieutenant: William T. Razor, resigned. Summers, Walter L. Alldredge, Amariah M. Alldredge, Clifford K. Dawson, Helms Lee. Kennedy, Joseph M., Privates—Concluded : Kerr, John D. Kerr, Robert H. Kethcart, Bert. Koroush, Albert. Livingston, John E. May, Zenas. Melvin, Lafayette B. Morey, Grant W. McAtee, John A. Nims, Arthur G. Peake, Harry C. Peterson, Henry M. Piper, George C. Razor, Otis. Sellars, James M. Short, Joseph L. Slater, Joseph L Spradling, James A. Spradling, Wilber. Summers, James T. Summers, Ralph. Taylor, Archibald H. Privates—Concluded: Whitney, Loren R., discharged. discharged. ; Privates: Koroush, James L., Wilkenson, Hee W., : discharged. discharged. ee eee Larabee, Fernando L. j discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company E participated in all community activities to inspire patriotism and support the war program; exerted a decided influence in the suppression of pro- -German and unpatriotic utterances. Assisted in the Liberty loan drives both collectively and individually. Partici- pated in a competitive battalion drill for the promotion of the fourth Liberty loan. Fur- nished preliminary military instruction for three men called for the national army and several men who were subject to call under late registration. Assisted in Red Cross and war chari- ties organizations. Responded to all requests for assistance in all patriotic demonstrations, and paraded at two towns in connection with the Armistice celebrations. Kansas State Guard. 103 Company “F,” 20TH Bartration, Linn. Captain: Simpson Clark. First Lieutenant: Don R. Crum. Second Lieutenant: Vern E. Throop. First Sergeant: Johnson, Clarence A. Quartermaster Sergeant: Kappleman, Henry H. Sergeants: Dodd, Thomas C., Jr. Frager, Harley E. Lenszler, Marshal H. Rutherford, Ear] E. Corporals: Abrams, Archie. Beeson, Benjamin F. Elliott, Ernest A. Johnson, Herbert W. Lohrengle, George. Porter, Howard C. Cooks:* Johnson, Houston A. Wells, William H. Sergeant: Kelley, Clair M., discharged. Cook: Dunnuck, Egbert A., discharged. Musicians: Cozine, Harold R. Pfeiffer, Fred. Artificer: Morgan, Jacob F. Privates: Back, Willie E. Beaty, George D. Belousek, Frank. Belousek, Henry. Billings, Willis J. Bisping, Edward. Bisping, Otto H. Bond, Allen J. Borchart, William. Boyer, Arthur M. Boyer, Frances M. Brown, Owen E. Cairns, Will H. Candor, John. Chittenden, Ernest G. Coder, Floyd L. Coder, Ralph C. Duitsman, Hilert W. Elliott, Edward L. Enfield, George D. Faris, Harry L. Frerking, Edwin. Hatesohl, Ernest. Hoerman, Lawrence. Herda, Paul. Johnson, Merril F. Justis, Ray. LOSSES. Privates: Buch, Charles, discharged. Morgan, Roy L., discharged. Pfeiffer, Clarence A., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Laird, Alfred. Laxton, John. Logan, Will T. Lohmeyer, Albert F. Lohmeyer, Clarence. Lohmeyer, John H. Lohmeyer, Lawrence. Lohmeyer, Louie D. Lohrengle, Dave W. Lupher, Lake L. Maintz, R. W. Mickel, Claud. Mueller, Phillip C. H. Pauley, James R. Peters, Ernest C. Peters, Otto H. Rahe, George. Randall, Russell. -Rebbeke, George A. Roche, David F. Roche, David H. Rohe, Rufus R. Simmons, Edward. Simmons, Roy. Slipsager, Fred J. Smart, Sherman. Snow, Riley E. Stuenkel, August W. Timme, William. VanWinkle, Frank. Wallace, George M. Wallace, Oscar R. Whipkey, Elmer B. Woerner, Fred. Privatecee Contided: Raven, Marvin, discharged. Simmons, Warren L., discharged. Company F participated in the battalion competitive drill at Washington, Kan., on Thurs- day, October 3, 1918, in support of the fourth Liberty loan drive; and went over the top in the Christmas membership drive for the Red Cross, December 25 to 31, 1918. Made a drive for old clothes for the Red Cross in April, 1919, which was very successful. The unit participated in Decoration Day services, May 30, 1919. 104 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “G,” 20TH Batration, Haddam. Captain: C. H. Meckenstock. First Lieutenant: G. O. Sutton. Second Lieutenant: A. F. Larabee. First Sergeant: Wood, Alec Everett. Quartermaster Sergeant: Shaffer, Ina J. Sergeants: . Bowman, Ernest L. McKenzie, Raymond. L. Novak, Frank 8. Simon, Clarence H. Corporals: Dart, Leroy F. Flouesch, Innocent I. Jones, William J. Morey, Joseph F. Buglers: Foster, George H. N. Graves, Spencer H. Private: Bobbitt, Raymond C., died. No activities reported. Privates: Allen, Otis W. Anderson, Archie J. Anderson, Emil. Bashear, Spencer L. Beelenger, Dan F. Brick, John C. Burt, Ralph H. Cavey, Owen C. Chapp, Frank. Chne, Howard N. Conn, Clifford O. Cornwell, Ralph C. Cox, Roy J. Dillingham, Alva. Drips, Ralph P. Dwab, John Marion. Falkner, Howard M. Falkner, Louis W. Fence, Ed R. Fence, Henry A. Foster, Delbert F. Graves, James S. Gray, John M. Green, John C. Greenwood, Benton G. Hansen, Roland J. Hare, James M. Hevenik, Walter J. Janeway, Malcolm E. Laflin, Jesse S. Lancaster, G. S, LOSS. Privates—Concluded. Larabee, Edwin L. Luell, James. Luell, Wayne C. Miller, Vernon M. Morton, Glen. Neidar, Albert G. Novak, Emrie C. Odgers, Richard 8. Oliver, Guy. Prather, Ronnie C. Rogers, John M. Runnells, Clifford R. Rutz, Henry. Rutz, Jacob. Selmer, Albert P. Shara, Stanley R. Shaw, John M. Skipton, Jesse O. Slough, Leroy J. Stone, Elmer Ray. Stroud, Ray. Swab, William H. Torbert, James L. Waltman, Adolph. Weeks, Bert. Whitney, Loyd R. Kansas State Guard. 105 Company “H,” 20TH Batraion, Palmer. Captain: Walter F. Cawood. first Lieutenant: Roy M. Dean. Second Lieutenant: Edmond A. Poutre. First Sergeant: MelIntosh, Robert M. Quartermaster Sergeant: Alvin H. Tegeler. Sergeants: Bernecker, Robert M. Braynard, Herbert H. Casper, Andrew J. Meyer, Herman. Corporals: Damman, William. Fajen, William. Rowley, John A. Timme, August. Weeke, Herman H. Cooks: Thompson, Clarence. Weeke, Clarence. Musicians: Gingles, William H. Hornbostel, Ernest H. Artuficer: Songster, George W. Privates: Anderson, Clarence. Anderson, Claude. Austin, Oscar C. Black, Merle. Damman, Dick. Damman, Emil. Damman, George. DeBauche, Anthony. Ellis, George A. Erhard, John J. Fajen, Clarence. Fajen, Walter. Ging'es, Ralph. Greenwood, Bryant. Grover, Willis E. Hanson, Andrew. Hanson, Raymond. Happ, Joe. Happ, Nick. Happ, Peter, Sr. Herchenroeder, Henry. Hicks, Pearl. Knox, Arthur. Knox, Clint. Knox, Hiram E. Knox, Phalis T. Knox, Roy. Knoop, John D. Laird, John M. Lange, Carl. Lange, Herman. Loeer, Walter W. Meyer, Ernest. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded: Miller, William. Molyneaux, John A. Molyneaux, William H. MeAtee, Oscar. McCall, Louis. Nauman, John. Newhouse, William. Olson, Martin, Jr. Oullette, Delphos. Oullette, Henry. Oullette, Paul. Palmer, Evan H. Peterson, Walter. Rabe, William. Rafield, Emil G. Ragge, Chris, Jr. Ragge, Fred, Jr. Ragge, Fred, Sr. Ragge, Theodore. Slipsager, Marion. Stuenkel, Henry D. Thompson, Elmer. Thompson, George. Veesart, Bernard. Veesart, William. Voss, John. Wilgers, Rudy. Wilson, Aubrey, Wilson, Henry. Company H held regular two-hour drills twice every week until November 1, 1918; was then interrupted by the influenza epidemic. continued until about March 1, 1919. Started drilling again in December, 1918, and The organization took part in all Red Cross and war community drives, also paraded as a company on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, helping the public celebrate the successful termination of the great World War. 106 Adjutant General’s Department. HEADQUARTERS, 21sT BATTALION, Garnett. Major: Captain and Adjutant: Captain: Charles W. Garrison. Frank J. Hunt. Atwell Lee Benton. Captain and Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Wesley Charles Gerhold. J. A. Milligan. No report of activities furnished. Company “A,” 21st BarraLion, Kincaid. Captain: Privates: Privates—C oncluded. S. S. Irwin. Anderson, Glen. Hutton, Lonnie. Blunt, Harold. Logan, Charles. First Lieutenant: ae Fred. pee pes oo : antrell, George. Marsh, Leedy. EBs ter Cantrell, William. Merrifield, Charles. Sorpeante: Chestnut, Benjamin. Moore, Floyd. Rdwardss Rinkard Dary, Maurice. Pecord, Lawrence. Liberec: pauses Eddy, Dennis. Povenmire, John. Merrifield, Leonard. Foster, Dean. Powers, Elgie. : Reynolds, Bryan. Garrison, Charles. Prather, Romie. Green, Roy. Reynolds, Robert. Corporals: Green, Ruby. Schooley, Claude. Brothers, Edmon Q. Hardin, Ed L. Sharon, John B. Chandler, Earl. Hargis, Ernest. Sharon, Paul. Dixon, Estel. Harshbarger, Wilbur. Shields, James 8S. Matthews, Glenn. Heider, Louis. Shields, Rohe 8. Nichols, Ira. Heider, William. Sisson, Walter. Hobert, Guy. Stites, Clarence. Hobert, Wesley. Thompson, Charles F. Hosley, Harold. Varnau, Victor. Williams, Claude. LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Privates—C oncluded. Joe Sisson, discharged. Anderson, Merle, Ferguson, Lynn, discharged. discharged. Corporals: Barnes, Harold, died. Green, John, died. Lombard, Earl, discharged. Barnes, Lawrence, died. Hosley, Russell, discharged. Wilson, John W., Caldwell, Archie B., Lowery, Guy, discharged. discharged. discharged. - McBratney, John, Cushing, Ira, discharged. discharged. _ Bugler: Edwards, Lewis, Reeder, James, oy Croan, Orrin, discharged. discharged. Yon y Wallace, Lynn, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A drilled twice every week from the date of its organization to date of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. The organization participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross drives made during its existence. Both officers and men performed the part assigned to them and assisted the com- mittees in putting over every drive in their township. The company was never furnished arms or equipments and was not called for guard duty. Uniforms were purchased at the expense of a committee, on June 1, 1918. Kansas State Guard. 107 Company “B,” 21st Barraion, Greeley. Captain: Arthur R. Finley. First Lieutenant: George S. Herrick. Second Lieutenant: Vernon H. Harper. First Sergeant: Iniming, Frank B. Corporals: Bryant, Walter C. Carlson, Carrol] A. Cunningham, Ora E. Farren, John W. Fink, Ear] A. Liebst, Benjamin F. Morgan, Rudolph. Palmer, William E. Privates: Adams, George W. Aziere, Charles E. Baker, J. M. Benson, Glen R. Captain: James G. Blunt, _ discharged. Privates: Bryant, Dale M., discharged. Bryant, McCurdy, discharged. Carlson, Carl A., discharged. Decanniere, Henry, discharged. Privates—Continued. Bergin, James H. Blair, Andrew G. Blanden, H. C. Brady, John R. Britton, Otto M. Cotter, Lawrence B. Cunningham, te A. Cunningham, Merle R Cunningham, Perry. Draper, Robert G. Duensing, Henry A. Dyker, Clyde E. Fawkes, Andy H. Fawkes, Clio H. Fox, Ren. Friek, Charles E. Gehr, Louis D. Gerhold, Frank 8. Hamilton, Howard. Hall, Clarence L. Hunt, Thomas F. Huttenmueller, Joseph F. Jockman, Joseph. Jockman, Jules. Katzer, Frank. Katzer, Rudolf J. Kratzberg, Edward J. Liell, Philip J. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Fox, Loy G., discharged. Gerhold, Wesley G., discharged. Gerth, Loy G., discharged. Howell, Evert P., discharged. Jones, Frank A., discharged. Jones, Mayme D., discharged. ACTIVITIES. The captain of this organization drilled the company complement of officers were appointed and trained. The company participated in every Red Cross and Liberty loan drive as individuals, and also as a company, besides attending all funerals of soldiers, which were conducted in military form. On August 14, 1918, the bank of Greeley was robbed. gave chase. Two of the company’s men, Privates Rogers and Blair, were wounded. The cap- tain placed a guard of four men at the bank building for four nights until the vault could be repaired. Privates—Concluded. Litch, Mathew. Markey, Leo T. Martin, Floyd E. Miller, George D. Moore, Walter G. McClure, Ernest. Newbold, James F. Osborn, Lee F. Otten, Walter F. Pingry, Marlie E. Price, Thomas. Renzenberger, Charles F. Rogers, Floyd J. Rommelfanger, Nicholas G. Seifert, Joseph J. Setter, Edwin W. Smith, Steven A. Spencer, Andrew B. Sutton, Green D, Tippin, Roy C. Vandyke, Wily A. Walter, James D. Wittman, Frank. Wright, James H. Wright, Walter C. Wustefeld, Chris E. Privates—Concluded. Kelsey, Thomas B., discharged. Mills, Lewis D., discharged. Pontious, William, discharged. Sutton, Mike S. M., discharged. Templar, Chester A., discharged. nearly every evening until a full The company with other citizens On September 3, 1918, the company guarded the Missouri Pacific freight wreck at this place for twenty- four hours. About thirty-five members of our company bought and paid for their own uniforms. 108 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 21st Barration, Garnett. Captain: Privates: Privates—Concluded. George C. Rutter. Allman, Dell W. Manspeaker, Edwin. First Li . Carpenter, Bertrand. Meisenheimer, Glenn. irst teutenant Carpenter, Ora M. Meyers, Frank. Dewitt M. Stiles. pelea Joseph D. Milligan, Harry. ; : , ; arrier, Nolon O. Mize, Guy H. Second Lieutenant: Cassel, Lester R. McKee, ieee Edwin E. Davis. Casyty, William M. Nichols, Roy A. ; Congdon, George B. Rolla, Jay C. Sergeants: Cullison, Robert. Seip, Frank D. Brown, Walter W. Dart, Addem J. Smith, Glenn. Cullum, Ward R. . Eckerman, Max M. Southerland, Edward. Drake, Chauncey M. Eckerman, Ralph T. Spradlin, Ralph E. Foster, Lloyd C. Elliot, Lloyd L. Stephens, William. Galloway, Byron. Emmons, Marion. Swell, Earl E. Howell, William L. Fishburn, Claude. Tippin, Elmer. Wagner, Claud. Ford, James E. Trimmell, Donald T. Wassmer, John W. Fraker, Ralph C. Trimmell, Guy C. Wilson, John T. Frazier, Claude. Trombitis, George. j Henderwon, John W. Turner, Quincy L. Corporals ; Holcomb, Thane M. Vangilder, Eugene. Grenman, Lawrence. Horn, Ovid L. Wagner, Roscoe. Knauss, Harley A. Hull, Irwin W. Welsh, J. Earl. McGlincky, Lawrence. James, Clarke E. White, Robert L. Parris, Walter H. Johnson, George H. Williams, Chettie. Schroeder, John W. Lawellin, Delos. -— Wollen, Lloyd. Spindler, Ancil. Mace, Clarence R. Yocum, Dewin W. Woods, Charles H. Mace, Wilbur M. No activities reported. Company “D,” 21st Batrauion, Garnett. Captain: Privates—Continued. Privates—Concluded. Harry Morris. Cook, Bernard W. Knight, Henry A. 4 Cortright, Osborn W. Moon, Carl J. First Lieutenant: Craig, DeWit M. Murdock, Foster . r Ms : Crozier, Albert C. McDowell,, Edwin N. Georeg ea stOrer Sees ae . McKee, ee E. Second Lieutenant: rum, Elmer G. Neff, Urllis. of k a odes Crum, George L. Nichols, Herman H. pas ek Tl nh Currier, F. B. Oman, Howard C. First § ae Davis, Claron A. Plake, Sherman B. oh Reet? CERAL 5 Davis, Ralph. Rice, Kennith H. Lawellin, Marion C. : one Charles W. Riley, John. 3 : Densler, John J. Seglea, Lafayette S. Privates: Dewar, Charles. Sewell, Eliza. Ashburn, George M. Embry, John C. Smith, Charley W. Ayres, Jesse L. Enochs, William H. Smith, Frank H. Bailey, Avery S. Garris, Walter. Smith, George E. Barley, John W. Grear, Edwin H. Squires, Frank L. Baxter, Thomas P. Grennan, Joseph F. Stephens, James J. Beck, Elon L. Hull, George M. Stine, Edward J. Bell, Mont H. Hutchinson, George T. Thomas, Ben W. Berry, James C. Hutchinson, Joseph B. Thorman, Elmer C. Borror, Noah A, Jackson, Smith L. Vaughn, John H. Campbell, John Arthur. Johnson, Harry. Wait, John D. Campbell, William C. Jones, Wilson. Warbutton, Curtis. Childs, Agustin. Kennedy, Charles H. Warbutton, John C. Congon, John. R. Knight, Audie L. Ware, William L. No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 109 HEADQUARTERS, 22D BaTTaLion, Stockton. M ajor: Joseph A. Bonebrake. No activities reported. Captain and Adjutant: Hugh C. Sweet. Company “A,” 22p BatraLion, Stockton. Captain: Robert C. Johnston. First Lieutenant: Clinton C. Drotts. Second Lieutenant: Lee Watts. First Sergeant: Colson, Fred N. Quartermaster Sergeant: Butler, H. A. Sergeants: Bigge, Benjamin. Maddy, Merle M. Roelfs, Leroy M. White, Ed J. Corporals: Allen, Wallace W. Ballard, Roy. Bigge, Edward F. Dryden, Orville B. Gallagher, Emmet. Risley, Charles C. First Lieutenant: Iven L. Perkins, transferred. Second Lieutenant: H. C. Sweet, transferred. Sergeant: Beam, William, transferred. Privates: ~ Barnes, Raymond, discharged. Cooks: Coalbaugh, Samuel J. Stroup, Clifton. Artificer: Boyd, Richard J. Musicians: Behrens, Richard J. Fealey, Ray. Privates: Allen, Arthur. Armstrong, J. J. Beeson, Chester R. Bessey, Lymon R. Bishop, Frank. Book, Noah L. Boylan, Herbert M. Bray, Carl E. Burlin, Donald F. Clayton, Floyd E. Collier, John. Dopita, Frank. Eades, James H. Edwards, William E. Evens, Walter. Foaser, John C. Foster, Raymond L. Gallagher, Paul J. Gerrnwood, George E. LOSSES. Privates—C ontinued. Bryant, Roy A., discharged. Buck, Norman, transferred. Burlin, Ralph, transferred. Coolbaugh, Charles, transferred. Cooper, Carl F., discharged. Cooper, John, discharged. Green, Clarence J., discharged. Griffin, Ralph H., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Hale, James. Hill, N. F. Jepson, Mathias. Jones, Clement L. Kenworthy, Clyde W. Kenworthy, John R. Kriley, Frank J. Lamkin, Arthur E. Matheson, John T. Mendenhall, Orville F. Moore, Carle E. MecMichiel, L. Omer. MeNulty, Phillip J. Osborne, Wayne. Parmenter, Harry L. Reeves, Perry M. Rose, Kenneth 8. Saunders, Charlie. Skinner, William K. Smith, Adolphius G. Street, Francis E. Thayer, Albert E. Thompson, Arthur W. Turnbull, Daniel. Vandoren, C. J. Weiland, John F. Wells, John M. Wildrix, Harold H. Wooden, Evert C. Wright, Asa R. Privates—Concluded. Hindman, Duffie, transferred. Jones, Paul L., discharged. Lesperence, A. P., transferred. Morrison, David, transferred. McNulty, Leon, discharged. Robinson, William, transferred. Ruhaak, Edgar B., transferred. Simons, Ed, discharged. Wilcox, Charles D., discharged. Company A, 22d Battalion, Kansas State Guard, was mustered in March 22, 1918, and on May 16, 1918, took an active part in the Red Cross drive, the company contributing $365. On May 30, by order of the governor, the company assembled and participated in the Decoration Day program. : On September 4, 5 and 6, Companies A and B, 22d Battalion, held a three-day encamp- ment at the Rooks county fair, doing guard duty, both for the city and fair association. The unit also participated in a battalion drill and took part in a comparative drill. The company drove to Logan on September 13, 1918, and participated in the battalion drill and ceremonies. In October all drill and other activity was stopped by the influenza, and the company was ordered mustered out April 29, 1919. 110 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “B,” 22p BaTrauion, Stockton. Captain: Iven L. Perkins. First Lieutenant: Ralph M. Burlin. Second Lieutenant: Edgar B. Ruhaak. Quartermaster Sergeant: Long, Ernest R. Sergeants: Coolbaugh, Charles. Hebrew, Lenard G. Hindman, Duffie A. McMillen, John W. Robinson, William A. Corporals: Beckley, George. Beeson, Oliver C. Bishop, Claude M. Buck, Norman H. Dryden, Charles G. Hampton, Wade. Cooks: Bronson, Harley I. Moddy, Elmer. First Lieutenant 3 William B. Beam, transferred. Sergeants: Ballard, Frank W., discharged. Heling, August, discharged. Company B, 22d Battalion, was mustered into service May 24, 1918, holding weekly drills. The company participated in Decoration Day program, May 30, 1918, by order of the gov- ernor. Company assembled for three days’ encampment during the Rooks county fair, Sep- tember 4, 5 and 6, and performed police and guard duty; also, participated in a battalion and competitive drill. The organization acted as funeral escort at different times for Rooks Artificer: Balderstore, Lester. Musicians: Felroy, Joe E. McCauley, John W. Privates: Barr, Edward B. Bassford, Henry E. Beam, Joseph. Boyd, Alfred. Boylan, J- 0: Crowe, Willard L. Doughty, Raymond C. Dryden, Rupert F. Fry, John. Hammond, George H. Hammond, Frank H. Hammond, James E. Hance, Ray. Hansinger, William E. Hendricks, Dwight. Hunter, Eldie L. Johnston, Lark. Law, Alexander D. Law, Alexander L. Law, Allen D. Law, Commodore W. Law, Erwin Bradley. Libenan, Lenard G. Linworthy, Clarence. LOSSES. Corporal: Morrison, David L., discharged. Privates: Albrigh, Albert F., discharged. Bishop, Frank R.., discharged. Daughty, Homer M., discharged. ACTIVITIES. county boys who died in United States service. Regular drills were stopped October, 1918, on account of the Spanish influenza. Privates—Concluded. Look, Byran H. Lorbeir, Ernest F. Muir, Floyd G. Muir, George A. Muir, Leigh W. McCauley, Howard W. McCormick, Arthur C. McMichael, Ray C. Newbery, Ernest C. Ochampaugh, Lawrence. Risley, Jerry B. Rose, Charles E. Silvers, J. D. Silvers, M. F. Silvers, Roy D. Simmons, William H, Simons, Charles W. Simons, James W. Sissell, Alvin E. Bissell, George C. Smith, Burnie O. Stroup, Morris W. Swaney, John M. Thomason, Lawrence E. Thrasher, Robert S. Tudor, Buford. Valette, Ed. : Valette, Joe P. Wallace, Delbert E. Wallace, Gussie A. Wyatt, H. O. Privates—Concluded. Hendricks, Dwight, discharged. Jepson, Christian A., died. Merri, Andrew S., discharged. Weldrix, Alvy L., discharged. Kansas State Guard. dria! Company “C,” 22p Bartration, Plainville. Captain: U. Sidney Green. First Lieutenant: Roy H. Wise. Second Lieutenant: Beeson, Ellwood W. First Sergeant: Travis, John W. Quartermaster Sergeant: McReynolds, B. B. Sergeants: Cox, Jay R. Rogers, Leigh F. Corporals: Dorr, Frank C. Dryden, Albert A. Gardner, F. B. Gardner, William N. Jackman, Harry J. Keas, Hiram. Sawyer, Jesse J. Williams, R. L. Surgeon: Barber, Charles E. Musician: Glennon, Edward F. Captain: G. E. Giggey, resigned. First Lieutenant: Arthur L. Anderson, resigned. Sergeants: Gilbert, Clarence A.,*: discharged. Harris, Milton, discharged. Corporal: Williams, Kansas T., discharged. No activities reported. Chaplain: Hubble, Tod V. Artificer: Norrish, James. Cook; Killian, Dave J. Privates: Anderson, Guy. Anderson, William G. Bartlett, Harold. Bissett, Alfred G. Bissett, Arthur A. Bright, Minson T. Bryant, Arthur W. Bush, Thomas P. Carlton, Arthur L. Couture, Julian. Crandall, Clarence S. Curry, William M. DeuPree, Gilbert R. Fike, Vernon J. Ford, Randall. Frye, Harry C. Gebhart, Carl J. Gillespie, Earl T. Hammar, Charles. Harrison, Clyde. Hauser, Ed J. Henderson, W. O. Hill, William A. Jones, Boyd. Keas, Chester L. LOSSES. Privates: Bedwell, Frank W., resigned. Beisterfeld, W. Nicholis, discharged. Bement, Ray O., discharged. Bissett, Leo N., resigned. Breitenstein, James N., discharged. Cronin, Frank E., resigned. Fike, Christian K., resigned. Kkeas, Elmer L., discharged. Privates—Concluded: Lambert, Charles R. Mayhew, John O. Mellott, Timothy. Mitchell, Joel T. Morton, Roy. McCormick, T. E. McReynolds, Parel E. Nicol, Everett. Perkins, Vinton A. Phillips, Cecil R. Pittman, Carl O. Plott. RoyeD: Posegate, Paul D. Pugh, John. Reddick, Lenard W. Reed, Fred H. Reed, Harry E. Reeder, Ralph L. Rempe, Frank J. Rempe, Martin. Sawyer, Roy M. Shaw, Harvey R. Sleichter, George. . Toelkes, Joseph. Ward, Sherman. Weaverling, A. W. Westhusing, George. Wise, Ernest R. Wise, Fred W. Wise, R. D. Privates—Concluded. Keas, Harley E., resigned. Lee, John H., resigned. Shup, Arthur C., discharged. Sleichter,«Everett E., discharged. Stagner, Everett J., resigned. 112 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “D,” 22p Barraution, Woodston. Captain: William J. Morrissey. Second Lieutenant: Grover C. Brittain. Sergeants: Macy, William C. Marple, Robert V. Minnick, Clarance. Morrissey, James A. McCall, Mac J. Stechley, William M. Vanderlip, Oscar. Vandyke, Harmon. Corporals: Farwell, Clay S. Graves, Ben. Guthrie, George. Nelson, Haver. Pauley, George R. Tallman, William A. Triplett, Howard L. Williams, Ernest. Artificer: Aldrich, Charles. Musicians: Tallman, Oliver. Michener, William. Cooks: Lewis, William A. Morrissey, John. Company D participated in Red Cross relief work, and in removing debris after a tornado. The organization attended various meetings held in public halls and churches in the inter- est of a deeper patriotism, and reported regularly for drill, twice a week during the summer of 1918; did guard duty during the harvest time in the summer of 1918. memorial services on Memorial days, and Memorial services held in honor of soldiers killed in action. The unit attended the funeral rites of Melvin LaRue. who died in hospital, Great Lakes training camp. Watched and kept down improper propaganda; fostered loyalty, and Privates: Alexander, Hector. Allen, Ellis J. . Allen, Glen H. Aldrich, Roy. Atkinson, Elmer. Avery, Hugh. Bodine, Irving. Casteel, Roy E. Cochell, Robert W. Crawford, Orville C, Denman, James A. Dennis, Warren H. Downing, L. A. Dunlap, ‘Clyde. Dunlap, Walter. Elder, Charles. Elder, Walter. Emrich, Fred. Engler, Ira. Gager, Clyde. Gager, Ira F. Gager, Karl. Goodwin, Harold. Goodwin, John. Grimes, Chester A. Grimes, Oscar. Hale, Ray. Hammond, Charles M. Haines, John H. Hassell, Louis V. Hennerling, Rollo M. Hollen, Harold. Johnson, Earl. Johnson, Frank R. Johnson, Pat. Johnson, Paul. Jones, John L. ACTIVITIES. promoted patriotism throughout the community. Privates—Concluded. Macy, Walter. Martin, Frank. Meyer, Ed G. Miller, Frank L. Miller, Harris. Murphy, Elton J. Murphy, Frank L. Murphy, Wagd. Musgrove, James B. McCall, Carl. McGhghy, Alonzo. McIntire, Ralph B. MeNutt, Charles. Orr, Frank. Owens, Asa. Parmer, Edgar C. Richards, Dan. Smith, Samuel C. Stillwell, Grover H. Thogmartin, Mack. Thomas, Lawrence W. Thomas, William. Triplett, Rupert. Vanderlip, Arthur J. Vandyke, Azel U. Van Dyke, Paul. Williams, James Y. Wiren, Ephrim. Yoxall, Everett P. Took part in the Kansas State Guard. 113 Heapquarters, 23p BarraLion, Larned. Major: Arthur D. Smith. Captain and No activities reported. Albert M. Peters. Supply Officer: Captain and Surgeon: Bert L. Stinson. Company “A,” 23p Batrauion, Larned. Captain: Charles T. Burleson. Musicians: First Lieutenant: Harry H. Wolcott. Cook: Marlatt, Second Lieutenant: , Walter E. Smith. Mechanic: Duff, William R. First Sergeant: Van Horn, Elmer M. Privates: Bach, Clair J. Beryman, William L. Bilke, Edwin E. Bilke, William R. Blount, Everett E. Quartermaster Sergeant: James A. Carr. Sergeants: Case, Charles C. Henderson, Frank L. Magolis, Leopald. Burnett, Corporals: Fairfland, Chandler W. Fell, William G. Lanman, Addison E. Logan, Merville. Moore, Hale H. Freese, Niederee, Vogt, Raleigh G. Christian, Edward. Clark, Leroy E. Crane, Ted J. Croft, Edwin T. Easter, Turner. Evans, Fred S. Emmerson, Ernest E. Hugh T Grove, Henry D. Hess, Fred D. Privates—C oncluded. Hunsley, Archibald. Johnson, Louis. Keast, Albert W. Kennedy, Emerson §S. Kennedy, Leo. Kennedy, Rudolph. Lowrey, George S. Miller, Neil A. Paramore, Fred W. Peacock, Chester D. Pease, Guy S. Preston, Willie T. Price, Charles H. Rhea, William, Jr. Robinson, Louis. Sandstrom, Carl. Schneck, Lawrence I. Sewell, Clarence W. Simpson, John H. Steele, Robert Todd. Thomas, Fred. Wheeler, Alvin W. Wheeler, Ransler. Whitmer, Leroy G. Williamson, Monroe. Wonsetler, Oscar F. Zook, Tillman W. Walter L. Frank W. Perry A. Hoover, Theodore. LOSSES. Sergeants: Privates—Continued. Privates—Concluded. Devlin, John, Fox, Abe W., Lawton, Edgar R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Funk, George V., Frizell, George L., Lewis, Eyerett A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Gabel, dew rns beet bs rporal: discharged. ischarged. ee Aah ee) ohn Grove, Harold, Patton, Alex L., an char ecd ay discharged. discharged. = Lee Grove, Fence He kath Sater E., . : discharged. ischarged. Rees Hopkins, Loris R., Scott, William A., Berryman, Charles S., died. discharged. discharged. Ingel, Anson B., Jr., Smith, Robert L., Brown, Leo M., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jacquart, Roland, Urton, Mark T., Brown, Robin L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Johnson, Wilber S., Vogt, Edward F., Bruckert, John R., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jones, Laural E., Watkins, Ernest, Danley, Roy C., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jones, Oliver L., Wingert, Roy F., Dodge, Homer, discharged. discharged. discharged. Koons, Joseph R., Evans, Albert M., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A assisted in all Liberty loan, local police in rounding up slackers from the harvest fields, for the funeral services of deceased soldiers. 8—4436 Red Cross and other war activity drives; assisted and furnished all escorts needed 114 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “B,” 23p Barration, Kinsley. Captain: Musician: Henry J. Drant. Cox, John E. First Lieutenant: Privates: Archie R. Demoss. Atwood, Oatha J. Barnett, William E. Baugh, Thomas E. Beckwith, E, O. Burke, Ralph T. Second Lieutenant: John E. Stowell. First Sergeant: Cole, F. N. Burke, Charles E. Cole, Ray E. Delander, Edwin. Dixon, Clarence. Ehlers, Earl G. Fletcher, Fred. Ford, Ralph. Prary Eo o8,. Haney, LeRoy. Hatfield, Charlie. Hoffman, G. D. Johnson, Vernon. Joy, W. J. Key, Harry. Kirkbride, Clifford. Kirkbride,’ Elmer. Lafferty, W. F. Mack, James C. Matheny, Edward. Matteson. Charles. LOSSES. Quartermaster Sergeant: Manuel, Samuel T. Sergeants: Rockenfellow, J. W. Weyrich, Daniel, Jr. Wilcox, Howard J. Wilson, John T. Corporais: Amrine, Charlie L. Barlow, James A. Broadie, Wilber E. Hatfield, Roy. - McKellip, O. A. Willman, Frank L. Corporals: Privates—Continued. Beezley, William, Hampton, Clifford A., discharged. discharged. Finch, Ray A., discharged. Hargadine, Gaylord, Reeder, Ivan, discharged. discharged. Hildenbrand, Frank B., Privates: discharged. Amrine, Abram, chee i Rees G., discharged. _, discharged. Carson, Clarence, Kirkbride, M. D., discharged. discharged. __ Coover, Morris Lund, Bernard, discharged. discharged. ” Mekemson, Archie R., Gordley, Edward C., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Christopher, Robert. Privates—Concluded. Misner, Arthur H. Montgomery, William. Motz, Charles L. Neel, Robert E. North, Roy. Ott, George H. Peterson, Edward G. Pickard, D. L. Pixley, Joe C. Raker, Robert R. Shaffer, Kenneth. Sherman, William. Smith, Vane, Tate, Jesse. Thompson, Harley F. Troutman, William. Vang, Joe. Welsh, Arthur. Weyrich, Frank. Privates—Concluded. Mitchell, R. F., discharged. Mullikin, Robert A., discharged. Nickolson, L. H., discharged. Ott, John, discharged. Panting, Jim, discharged. Riisoe, Fritz, discharged. Sims, V. K., discharged. Warren, Hubert, discharged. Wilson, Fred, discharged. Company B performed guard duty twice; once at a fire, and at another time guarded gov- ernment airplanes. It, also, took a prominent place in the program of a Red Cross picnic given for the purpose of raising funds. At this time we gave a sham battle which was quite an attraction and drew a large crowd. A number of the members at different time were the leaders in this county in soliciting for the Liberty loans and Red Cross. The unit, also, on numerous occasions, acted as an escort for funerals, departing soldiers leaving to join the colors, and for soldier home-coming celebrations. Kansas State Guard. Company “C,” 23p Barrauion, Pawnee Rock. Captain: A. S. Allphin. First Lieutenant: C. M. Lightfoot. First Sergeant: DeKalb, Verne H. Quartermaster Sergeant: McKechine, Pete H. Sergeant: Schmidt, Barney J. Corporals: Fliek, E. E. Gilbert, Cecil F. Gilbert, L. L. Jantz, Adolph. Smith, W.. L. First Lieutenant: E. F. Bloom, died. Quartermaster Sergeants: Heynes, Frank E., discharged. Woods, Austin M., . discharged. ‘Corporals: Daniels, A. Guy, discharged. Holland Paul, discharged. Musician: Flick, Jesse. Cooks: Goatley, J. O. Nichols, Tobias P. Privates: Armstrong, Eugene 8. Bennett, Arthur. Bowman, Donovan. Brady, John D. Brady, Louis A. Damm, Ed. Daniels, Ronald. Davis, Charles E. Deekert, Jake. Goatley, W. H. Hill, S. C. Huntington, F. W. Keeley, James E. Kell, Leonard, LOSSES. Corporals—Concluded. Nairn, Charles Robert, discharged, Quincy, Floyd, discharged. Privates: Bowman, Ralph, discharged. Hill, George K., discharged. Jantz, Dan, discharged. Jantz, Arnold, discharged. Lainb, Robert, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Kell, Winfred. Kenssvater, Sam. Lewis, C. C. Logan, H. Earl. Mosbarger, Sherm. McKechine, Joseph Ronald. Nairn, Perry C. Nichols, Ralph W. Quincy, Clifford. Rhoades, Ralph. Russell, Clay. Russell, Edward. Russell, Lionel H. Schmidt, Antone. Sherpy, Roy F. Starks, Christian. Twitchell, Ronald. Unruh, Andrew H. Unruh, Clyde. White, Herbert M. Williams, John J. Wycoff, Paul. Privates—Concluded. Lile, Albert, discharged. Mesbarger, Lloyd, discharged. Nichols, Claud, discharged. Norman, Converse, discharged. Smith, Glen, discharged. Swickard, John, discharged. Twitchell, Ralph, discharged. White, Floyd, discharged. White, Henry L., discharged, Company C performed police duty for the city for a period of six months; officer of the -day at county fairs of Pawnee and Barton counties, and furnished military escorts at funerals -of deceased soldiers returned from camps for burial. 116 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “D,” 28p Batrauion, Great Bend. Captain: Leslie J. Caraway. First Lieutenant: N. J. Berscheidt. Second Lieutenant: R. W. Jones. First Sergeant: Kramer, J. S. Quartermaster Sergeant: Vollmer, W. O. _ Sergeants: Chambers, L. C. Cornish, James. Hart, E. B. McMullen, J. K. Rothgarn, C. H. Corporals: Banta, A. C. Clark, C. V. Olmstead, John 8S. Rupart, William. Schinzler, R. W. Seward, E. W. Musician: Evans, Roy. Privates: Athey, Ralph A. Austin, L. J. Bailey, O. B. Private: Witte, Henry F. W., died. mobilization camp. The organization furnished escorts who conducted military funerals for eleven soldiers who. Privates—Continued: Baker, W. V. Barriclow, Cloud. Blair, E. S. Blakey, M. G. Britton, George. Brown, E. V. Bubeck, G. L. Burns, W. V. Bush, F. M. Butler, -H. M. Campbell, H: J. Chapman, J. B. Coss, Clark. Coss, J. E. Crozier, W. S. Dawson, O. W. Dirks, A. E. Doty, John Batey. Duckwall, W. F. Eaton, James B. Edam, Will. Evans, James W. Evans, L. M. Everett, William. Ford, James R. French, J. W. Frisbie, F. B. Gardner, B. A. Garver, J. A. Hammond, Will. Hood, Joe. Howell, Ernest C. Hutchinson, R. D. Jacobs, W. L. James, E. R. Jones, C. E. Keegan, T. M. Kirkpatrick, L. W. LOSS. ACTIVITIES. Company D acted as escort of honor when the various groups of drafted men entrained for died in service and were buried in Barton county. The company attended a camp of instruction for two days in August, 1918, and partici- Privates—Concluded : Kopietz, Edmund M. Krause, A. L Lescheskey, Charles. Lowe, Jewell M. Marx, Ed 8. Mathews, A. B. Mirick, Robert. Mitchell, F. 8S. Morrison, C. E. Morrison, Lem. McNutt, F. L. Nelson, Lee. Nelson, W. S. Northrop, Ralph A. O’Connell, William. O’Neal, C. T. Orm, Harold. Parker, J. H. Peyton, Frank. Pinney, H. E. Post, Frank J. Pratt; (Soe Ruble, S. A. Russell, F. V. Scoles, Earl J. Scott, Othel. Seeber, F. C. Shepherd, Leo. Stanly, J: oN: Stinson, Bert L. Swain, J. G. Townsley, Will. Turner, R. M. Vollmer, E. C. Wade, G. L. Worden, A. H . Younkin, C. F. pated in the celebration of the signing of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. Acted as escorts, welcoming the return of the soldiers of Company C on their return from overseas. HEADQUARTERS, 24TH BATTALION, Sterling. Major: A. B. Pinnell. Captain and Adjutant: William T. Brown. No activities reported. Captain and Surgeon: James M. Little. Captain and Supply Officer: John S. McElroy. Kansas State Guard. 117 Company “A,” 24TH BaTrTaLion, Sterling. Captain: William M. Hall. First Lieutenant: Ralph Anderson Newman. Second Lieutenant: Joseph R. McKnight. First Sergeant: Warnock, Arthur D. Quartermaster Sergeant: Wilson, Charles E. Sergeants: Buckles, Harry B. Detter, Charles Lee. Stubbs, Louis A. Weyand, Glenn E. Corporals: Benz, William E. Carlisle, Ray M. Carter, Curtis L. Hopper, John L. Murray, Bloomville J. Cook: Boyse, Joseph P. Captain: Andrew B. Pinnell, discharged. Second Lieutenant: William TT. Brown, transferred. Privates: Barry, Raymond A., transferred. Brown, Loren M., discharged. Bennett, Silas C., discharged. Cantwell, Oscar R., discharged. Caskey, Floyd E., discharged. Company A held semiweekly drills. A good interest was manifested by the personnel. Musicians: English, John H. McDonald, Samuel M. Artificer: Atkinson, Arthur A. Privates: Bentley, Herbert M. Branch, Ransom D. Bruce, Harley C. Bunn, Robert L. Burgess, Weldon. Calderwood, John O. Calderwood, Robert O. Colby, Grant. Coleman, Dewey L. Connery, James R. Cuthbertson, Arthur A. Daenzer, Charles H. Denning, Robert W. Dilley, Condit W. Dougherty, Milton. Dymond, Ernest R. Edwards, Melvin L. Farmer, R. Wayne. Fleeson, William H. Guttery, Max W. Hanks, Walter L. Hanlon, William. Hartley, Linton J. Hawkins, Seth W. Henry, Charles L. Higbie, William B. Hall, G. i. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Cooke, Charles I., transferred. Elstun, Ora E., died. Fabin, Andrew, discharged. Fleeson, Richard W., discharged. Goerke, Louis A., discharged. Johnson, Earl R., discharged. Little, James M., transferred. Lupton, Norman L., discharged. Moore, Merrill V., discharged. McElroy, John §., transferred. McKelvey, Lester J., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Hutchins, Clarence T. Johnson, Vern. Lakey, James M. Langel, Ernest R. Lavielle, Alfred H. Lavielle, Everett B. Lavielle, J. E. Lavielle, M. I. Lyon, Charles H. Mahoney, Clem V. Mead, Charles. Miles, K. E. McCandless, Walter. Nichols, Frank P. Park, Earl G. Prall, Angus W. Richardson, Delbert E. Richardson, Melvin E. Ross, Harry R. Rudolph, Harry E. Snowden, David H. Stiggins, George H. Thompson, Howard L. Timbers, William G. Toner, Walter O. Ward, Lewis M. Watters, Clarence M. Warren, Ted R. Williams, John B. Williams, Marion E. Wilson, Robert W. Wilson, Lester V. Wingett, Cyril. Wyatt, Robert E. Young, Thomas C. Privates—Concluded. Newby, Orlando C., transferred. Partington, Clarence H., discharged. Ross, Floyd W., discharged. Sills, Elgin H., discharged. Straney, Milo D., discharged. Stubbs, Frederick, discharged. Thompson, William John, discharged. Toner, Clare Lee, discharged. Walton, Sidney E., discharged. Young, Orville C., discharged. A weekly noncommissioned officers’ school was held. During the later months, drill work was © interfered with seriously by the influenza epidemic which prevailed. A fair degree of efficiency ‘was reached in the drill movements. The members looked eagerly toward the time when they should be provided with arms, but they were disappointed in not receiving them. The com- pany was fully uniformed and the expense of the same was borne by each individual member. The company participated in several Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, battalion pa- rades at Lyons, Sterling and Aldan, and took a very prominent part in a local ‘‘peace cele- bration.”” The company served as police on Hallowe’en night, 1918, for the city of Sterling, and conducted one military funeral for a local soldier boy, who died in camp, and one for their own deceased member. The organization participated in the exercises at the opening of the S. A. T. C. at Cooper College in Sterling, Kansas. 118 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “‘B,” 24TH BatTTaLion, Lyons. Captain: Thomas R. Caruthers. First Lieutenant: A. E. Brown. Second Lieutenant: Lyra Welty. First Sergeant: Six, O. H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Torey, Stanley. Sergeants: Blair, Donald. Blair, Joe. Kelley, Raymond. Moore, Ray. Noble, Leslie R. Porter, Ora L. Sims, Levy. Corporals: Bobb, John P. Gibson, George. Gray, Lawrence. Kaltenbach, Enloe M. Mauch, Edwin. Taylor, Frederick. Taylor, Glen. Privates: Ainsworth, Arthur. Alderman, Donald. Ball, Richard. Barnes, W. H. Blair, A. S. Bohrer, Dean. Brown, Leslie. Captain: E. G. Osen, died. First Lieutenants: William Dressel, resigned. Frank Mueldener, resigned. Second Lieutenant: Leslie Vasconsells, resigned. Privates—Continued. Buckley, Perry. Burfield, John J. Case, Rufus. Chapin, Cecil. Chew, Clarence C. Chew, William. Crandall, Harry C. Cross, D, F. Demel, J. M. Densmore, Robert. Diskey, Jasper N. Dressel, A. E. Ebright, E. D. Ellison, Paul. Ernst, Henry. Flake, James A. Forney, Leslie E. Gill, Walter. Gould, Roy. Hefner, Dan, Heikes, Rama. Hendricks, A. Benton. Holdren, W. H. Holmes, Alve C. Hooker, Lerton W. Hoyt, Bert. Hoyt, Frank E. Jordan, Alexander C. Jung, Melvin C Keesling, Hugh. Kenderick, Alvah. Kimple, E. S. Kuhn, Jake. Lansing, Kent B. Lanto, Alex. Lewis, Lester. Liby, John H. Martin, A. B. Merchant, Lyle. Meyers, Charles. Meyers, Jessie P. Middlekauf, Ray H LOSSES. Privates: Bell, Garth W., discharged. Bradbury, L. A discharged. Brown, Ernest L., discharged. Conklin, Gerald M., discharged. Dressel, George, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. McAllester, Edwin S. McAllester, E. E. McCabe, George. Naden, Ernest. Naden, Frank. Nash, Dan M. Nebel, O. J. Needham, Lewis C. Nickols, Walter. Nickols, Willie. Noble, George. Nodruft, Vera H. Nodruft, William D. Ogden, C. A. Park, Carl E. Park, Harry 8S. ‘Purdy, Charles A. Purdy. Richards, Arba F. Richards, Joe. Seribner, Ralph C. Seely, Joseph R. Sheilenberger, 12 toe Ge Shenkel, Claude W. Shoemaker, WwW. C. Smith, Lewis A. Stewart, Clyde. Stewart, Lee R. Stoltenberg, Arthur H. TR tus3" yee Townley, David. Wagoner, Grover C. Walker, Lester F. Warren, Albert W. Warren, George R. Welsh, Lloyd. Wiggins, Stanley. Workman, Willis. Wykoff, Leo C. Young, Ray G. Zile, Cecile H. Privates—Concluded. Mann, Ralph, discharged. Sallee, James L discharged. Waggoner, Lester, discharged. ¥ ] Company B held regular drills twice a week from the date of organization until October 15, 1918, at which all public gatherings were prohibited on account of the epidemic which passed over the country. Company B, 24th Battalion, always arn out well to drills and the members seemed to take a great interest in the same. There was to be a ‘‘home coming” or county fair at Lyons on October 17, 18 and 19, 1918, at which there was to be prizes given to the best drilled company of Rice county. Of coursé, company B expected to win the first prize and were working hard for it by drilling every night for three weeks previous, but the “home coming’ was called off on account of the quarantine in October, 1918. The 24th Battalion had several battalion dress parades and reviews at Lyons, which were attended by large crowds from all over the county, who seemed to be well pleased with the parade. Company B participated in several Liberty loan and Red Cross drives. On November 11, 1918, company B took part in two large peace parades which were car- ried out very successfully. Kansas State Guard. 119 Company “C,” 24TH Barrauion, Frederick. Captain: Harry 8S. Chase. Second Lieutenant: John W. Black. No muster-out roll furnished. Company “D,” 247TH Barraion, Bushton. Captain: Frank Herzog. No muster-out roll furnished. Company “E,” 247TH Barration, Geneseo. Captain: Clarence E. Kent. First Lieutenant: Carl P. Biehler, discharged. First Lieutenant: Ashley M. McCullough. LOSS. Second Lieutenant: Clare S. Newkirk. No muster-out roll furnished. Hrapquarters, 25TH Batra.ion, Pratt. Major: Ralph Judkins. Captain and Surgeon: Paul K. Gaston. Captain and Adjutant: Merrill C. Brooks. Captain and Supply Officer: Fred W. Tierney. No report of activities furnished. Company “A,” 25TH Barration, Pratt. Captain: Arthur 8S. Farmer. First Lieutenant: Fred E. Hardesty. Second Lieutenant: Edward F. Search. Quartermaster Sergeant: Roll, Jerome J. Sergeants: Crick, Reuben F. Gay, C. E. Peacock, Walter W. VanVranken, Ernest P. Corporals: Chapman, Jerome G. Comb, Frank Clay. Hattibaugh, Francis C. Hess, William B. Jenkins, Mike C. Utz, Karl C. Chaplain: Brooks, Merril C. First Lieutenant: Fred W. Tierney, discharged. Artificer: Newby, John L. Cooks: Goodman, Jess M. Gray, Robert F. Privates: Anderson, Ralph D. Barbour, O. P. Barnes, Edgar R. Beck, Joseph W. Blackstone, James C. Bonecutter, O. E. Brown, Allott. Burris, Robert H, Cole, R. F. Corrie, J. F. Day, James. Eggleston, Edward E. Everett, Melvin. Ezell, James P. Farmer, Louis N. Gardine, Frank A. Gorsulousky, Charles. Goyen, Ormond. Harris, John J. Henderson, William D. Herrel, Ross A, LOSSES. Corporal: McDaniels, Benjamin F., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Heston, Charles F. Hodges, Milton F, Howard, Zach L. Knight, Ellis C. Link, Forest. Mawdsley, Charles R. Miller, Orlen L. Moody, George L. Moneghan, E. E. McCrary, D. E. McKown, Clyde C. Neidhart, William. Norris, George. Reece, Nate E. Rich, Cecil P. Rieniets, William A. Roll, Osear J. Rush, Henry P. Sappington, James K. Shockey, Stan'ey L. Smith, Lester L. Stewart, Ortie K. Stroble, R. J. Tarpley, Henry C. Tobias, Milo. Udry, Frank. Wells, Walter E. Wood, J. D. Woolwine, George. Private: Cordray, Milo, discharged. Company A drilled once every week for a period of one and one-half to two hours per drill. Had guard duty once each month; was active in Liberty loan drives and Red Cross cam- paigns. Escorted all drafted soldiers to railway station when leaving for camps. : The organization conducted five military funerals for Pratt county deceased soldiers, and paid honor to deceased soldier from Liberal, when the corpse was transferred from train to undertakers at Pratt. Held rifle practice once each week the last three months of service and participated in all patriotic meetings and war activities. 120 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “B,” 25TH BaTTaLion, Preston. Captain: Melvern H. Hays. First Lieutenant: Lester C. Mosier. Second Lieutenant: Charles C. Staleup. First Sergeant: Hays, Loyal W. Quartermaster Sergeant: Coburn, Ralph L. Sergeants: Gray, Charles L. McMillen, Clifford B. Walker, Lee. Corporals: Allen, Harry. Collins, Nichas A. Cook, W. Logan. Kelley, Joseph B. Laroux, Floyd. Meskim, Vesy E. Williams, Clarence E. Musician: New, Dickins. Privates: Barcus, Martin J. Bennett, Walter N. Bennett, Will C. Benton, Isaac W. Brown, Wilbur H. Chaffin, William J. Compton, James A. Cooper, J. Roy. Cordry, F. Ray. Dietz, Jacob. Dikeman, R. E. Dikeman, W. F. Dockacil, Joe. Edwards, John T. Ellison, Charles E. Ellison, Earnest R. Fletcher, John T. Geist, Clifford C. Gifford, Lee J. Gilchrist, E. Borden. Gilliland, Earnest E. Greenwell, Walter. Haines, Perry C. Haines, Ralph B. Hartman, Benjamin H. Haskinson,' Joe. Hawes, Herbert T. Hoff, Arthur C. Hoffman, Edward. Hoover, C. Floyd. Huffman, William J. Haufman, Moses M. Privates—Concluded. Lakins, Charles H. Lakins, David W. Langley, Clarence O. Long, Ansel Lee. Long, Chester A. Lynch, Charles F. Maas, Charles P. Martain, Oscar. Miller, Earl H. Miller, Wallace C. Musselman, Albert O. Nichols, Frank J. Payne, Layton F. Peiper, Thomas O. Phelps, Jay L. Piedpont, William E. Potter, George B. Reynolds, Fred B. Sawtell, Delpha O. Schlem, John G. Seig, Everet. Sillin, Edwin J. Smith, Arthur T. Spencer, George W. Trimpe, Lewis. Trinkle, Roy C. ° VonDolsh, Leonard. Von Voet, Phillip. Waters, Walter. Whitman, John E. Williams, Charles E. Wirt, Frank W. Artificer: Haynes, Edward A. LOSSES. Sergeant: Corporal: Privates: Williams, Alfred B., Waters, Floyd W., Lewis, Wesley P., discharged. discharged. discharged. Nill, F. Herbert, discharged. Shaw, Wesley O., discharged. __ Waller, Robert, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B was not called on to do any special service, guard duty, etc. Several squads did duty as such both in Red Cross and Liberty loan campaigns. The organization, also, conducted military funerals for two boys, of this place, who made the supreme sacrifice for our country, and attended the memorial services at the church and cemetery as a unit, and did the honors for our country’s dead in a creditable way. I am sure that company B would have shown the same spirit, had the opportunity pre- sented itself as it did to our boys in the Argonne. They are true Americans and were ready for the call to active service. Kansas State Guard. 121 Company “C,” 25TH Barrauion, Coats. Captain: Louis L. Orr. First Lieutenant: Wade Eubank. Second Lieutenant: A. E. Horney. First Sergeant: Wright, Grant L. Sergeants: Stitt, Blatchley. Wood, Robert G. Corporals: Fitzgerald, John. Harrooff, Ralph. Johnson, Edgar L. Miller, Arthur. Shriver, Jacob N. West, William. Privates: Alexander, Garnett E. Basye, Alfred. Sergeant: Arbuthnot, Clyde P., discharged. Corporals : Chinn, Chester C., discharged. Company C drilled twice every week. Privates—Continued. Basye, David. Bishop, Vernon. Branson, Ralph R. Buck, Fred L. Chinn, Aca B. Chinn, Burrell. Clements, John Bruce. Coe, Frank L. Diven, Wallace. Durall, Oscar. Faires, Glen. Flannery, Herbert. Frazier, Jay H. Freeman, Ivan A. Freeman, Scott W. Gillett, Loren. Harper, Emory E. Harper, Charles. Henthorne, William. Horney, Elmer O. Jacks, Ernest F. Johnson, Edward M. King, John W. Lambert, William H. Lyman, Frank E. Milligan, Delbert. Moore, Russel R. MecAdas, Oren. LOSSES. Corporals—Concluded. Lyman, Dwight, discharged. Williams, Edward F., discharged. Privates: Bates, Howard F., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. McAndrews, Joseph M. McCalla, Raymond. McGaughey, Orien E. McGaughey, Roy. Nash, Warren I. Norris, Thomas. Notter, Albert C. Notter, Fred E. Notter, John D. Notter, Judd P. Parker, Fred C. Pearce, Jess H. Plummer, Ernest H. Shore, Glenwood. Shore, Homer L. Shore, Howard. Shriver, Isaac N. Shriver, Jack Klondyke. Smith, Ambrose. Snyder, Claude B. Staats, Abram. Stranderman, William. Wilson, Charles. * Wilson, Leo Oscar. Privates—Concluded. Chinn, Oscar, discharged. Hammond, Miles G., died. McKenzie, Lorenzo D., died. Staats, Herschel, discharged. A guard of four men was posted each night, from July 10 until September 15, over grain elevators and railroad yards. : The organization had charge of funerals of privates McKenzie and Hammond, also, Private Roy Allphin, United States army, and other deceased soldiers. Company C drilled and assisted in the celebration at the signing of the Armistice. ' Private Orien McGaughey was severely wounded by accidental discharge of his gun while on guard duty, but fully recovered. 122 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “D,” 25TH Bartazion, Greensburg. Captain: Charles E. Cooke. First Lieutenant: Homer J. VanFossan. Second Lieutenant: Charles H. Bissitt. First Sergeant: West, Roy. Quartermaster Sergeant: Franklin, Oscar M. Sergeants: Caplinger, Jesse L. Fleener, Weaver L. Hemphill, Mearl. Moorhead, Joseph W. Corporals: Fleener, Orlie E. Fullerton, James R. Landrith, Orton H. Partridge, Herbert J. Pennington, James P. Smith, Oliver M. Corporals: Conover, Ora C., discharged. Noland, Edward, discharged. Privates: Abbott, Carl G., discharged. Allen, Guy S., died. Banta, Charles, discharged. Barnes, James discharged. on Musicians: Bertram, John. Olson, Clarence H. Privates: Awood, Charley. Boxley, Troy. Bruner, Elmer O. Burris, Robert H. Caplinger, James Marshall. Carrier, Harvey Vernon. Chase, Frank O. Davison, Chester. Dern, Frank. Dixon, Frank Lloyd. England, Winfred L. Gates, Jerry P. Grove, Hammond. Hayes, Edgar B. Hutchinson, Edmond B. Johnson, Lawrence. Keller, William G. Kirch, William. Klug, Paul. Kyle, Jesse W. Lyon, Luther. Martin, George A. Mattingly, Joseph P. Meschke, Adolph. Neas, Arthur. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Bradley, Cecil, discharged. Chandley, Landon S., died. Dennis, Will G., died. Graves, Benjamin H., discharged. Hubert, Edward, discharged. Miller, Riley H., discharged. Northrup, Harold, discharged. O’Connor, Melvin E., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Northrup, F. Arthur. Palmer, Ira W. Palmer, Niles J. Palmer, Norris. Palmer, Ray G. Palmer, William L. Paxton, Claud. Peden, James P. Porter, Hobart. Ratliff, Roy. Reed, Don. Robertson, Elmer. Roessel, Karl A. Spainhour, Charles A. Stevenson, Craig A. Swaffar, Gus. Towle, Edward F. Wacker, Henry W. Washburn, William W. Williams, Daniel W. Williams, Geter S. Woods, Walter L. Woods, Zach B. Privates—Concluded. Olinger, Paul, discharged. Palmer, Floyd Earl, discharged. Reed, Alfred C., discharged. Robertson, Charles L., discharged. Smith, Lawrence, discharged. Stephenson, Marvin, discharged. Company D performed guard duty during the influenza epidemic; participated in Liberty loan drives and other patriotic activities, and assisted in burying deceased soldiers and sailors with military honors. Kansas State Guard. 123 HEADQUARTERS, 26TH BaTTraLion, Attica. Major: George Scott, Jr. Captain and Adjutant: Keith S. Simpson, died. No activities reported. Captain and Surgeon: Mahlon A. Riggs. LOSSES. Captain and Supply Officer: Volney B. Ballard. Company “A,” 26TH BatraLion, Attica. Captain: John M. Garrison. Second Lieutenant: W. M. Seaman. First Sergeant: Hunter, Harry H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Tomlinson, George P. Sergeants: Clark, Richard B. Crowell, George F. Farner, Elmer F. Kille, John G. Corporals: Berry, Hubbard T. Campbell, William A. Hildebrand, William C. Reed, Stacey B. Roberts, Linsay D\. Musician: Shannon, Val L. First Lieutenant: Volney B. Ballard, discharged. Sergeants: Johnston, Carlos M., discharged. Potter, Samuel P., discharged. Corporals: Carmean, Wallace J., discharged. Corbett, Charles W.., discharged. No activities reported. Cooks: Giggy, George F. Grant, George. Artificer: Colberg, Albert C. Privates: Ables, Charles Wesley. Andrews, Harvey G. Andrews, Loyd G. Arnold, Emery E. Arnold, John J. Baird, Joseph W. Bateman, Allen C. Bell, Glenn E. Biberstein, Frank J. Brock, Werlly E. Cleveland, Grove C. Delhotal, Robert H. Detweiler, Uriel F. Drake, Grant E. Eralow, Habeo R. Field, Harry E. Harnden, Allen C. Harnden, John C. Harrell, William H. Hewitt, Edward L. Holeomb, George D. Holland, Wiliam L. LOSSES. Musician: Oldfather, Marion D., discharged. Privates: Bolin, Benjamin B., discharged. Chase, Charles E., discharged. Clark, Tully H., discharged. Cushenberry, Hiram 8., discharged. Privates—Concluded. Imel, Loyd 8, Jacobs, Charles H. ° Konger, Oliver Joseph. Lockhart, Joseph C, Martin, Carlysle E. Martin, Fred A. Martin, Henry L. Mifflin, Willie H. Morse, Harry A. McKaig, John Wolfe. Nagel, Gus. Neal, Thomas F. Oldfather, Herbert R. Oliver, Emery 8S. Pond, Alonzo A. Potter, Charles G. Potter, Harry H. Pryor, Paul C, Reed, Robert H. Ryan, Vincent A. Schoonover, Howard HE Sileott, Eston C. Sims, Frank G. Trent, George A. Wareheim, M. M. Welch, Rafael §. Welch, Wilbur G. West, Newman. Wine, H. J. Privates—C oncluded. DeVault, William T., discharged. Manwarren, Raymond O., discharged. Montyuigo, Edward R., discharged. Pishney, Anton M., discharged. White, Chester L., discharged. Yocum, Charles T., discharged. 124 Adjutant General’s Department. ComMPANY “B,” 26TH BaTTaALion, Kiowa. Captain: Earl G. Thompson. First Lieutenant: Albert B. Rumsey. Second Lieutenant: Neil B. Blumberg. Quartermaster Sergeant: Miller, James M. Sergeants: Burt, Jasper L. Kendall, Joseph B. McCoy, Cecil C. Corporals: Botkin, Carl. Brandhuber, Frank 8. Dainton, James E. Mason, Harry L. Nichols, Joseph H. Captain: George Scott, Jr., discharged. First Lieutenant: Charles I. Dunn, resigned, No activities reported. Cooks: Ellis, George R. Streeter, Roy C. Musicians: Primm, Reuben P. Samson, John P. Privates: Bailey, Lloyd H. Bainbridge, Roy 8. Baker, Ollie M. Botkin, Billie. Cavin, Edgar. Clark, Sam. Coryell, James E. Cowden, Henry R. Dixon, Carl R. Goforth, Roscoe L. Good, Forest A. Griswold, Hugh. Hendricks, William R. Henson, Cecil E Henton, John R. Horsburgh, Thomas. LOSSES. Privates: Ikerd, Roscoe A., discharged. Rea, Harry, discharged. Privates—Concluded. Jacobs, Sherman. Jacobs, Thomas. Jeffries, Homer. Leishardt, Preston H. Lenhardt, Henry. Low, Samuel. Mason, Albert L. McCoy, Daniel W. McHone, Newton R. Newkirk, Jesse D. Nichols, John H. Nida, Martin. O’Dell, Charles P. Parker, Roscoe C. Rea, Burl R. Skilling, Charles C. Thornburg, Thomas. Thornton, John F. Tibbetts, Zeph H. Tucker, George A. VanWinkle, Francis J. Whitton, Herbert E. Wing, Jera W. Privates—Concluded. Records, Harvey D., died. Williams, Arthur L., discharged. Company “C,” 26TH Batration, Harper. Captain: James E. Burke. No muster-out roll furnished. First Lieutenant: Samuel F. Brown. Second Lieutenant: Lemuel R. Galloway. Kansas State Guard. 125 _ Company “D,” 267TH Bartauion, Medicine Lodge. Captain: James H. Trice. First Lieutenant: Randall J. Shaw. First Sergeant: Thompson, Melvin E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Pierce, Lloyd. Sergeant: Benefield, C. C. Acting Sergeants: Dill, George C. McCollough, Glen. Timmis, William. Corporals: DeGeer, Frank. Ewalt, Sim. Knight, William P. McCumber, Owen C. Newsom, Herbert M. Captain: Kieth §. Simpson, died. First Lieutenant: Mahlon Riggs, discharged. Sergeant: Southworth, Otto C., discharged. Corporals—Concluded. Richardson, G. White, H. S. Woodward, Hugh T. Privates: Axtell, Harvey. Axtell, Ned. Basey, Paul. Benefield, Fred W. Benefield, Ray. Branham, G. M. Carpenter, C. Ernest. Case, Gordon M. Cavin, Leaford S. Chance, Douglas. Dillman, W. L. Eby, Franklin. Elliott, A. T. Field, S. I. Frederick, Mike. Fullerton, L. W. Goodwin, John N. Griffin, Sam. Hall, Dan. Hart, W. L. Knight, William F, Lake, E. Ervin. LOSSES. Privates: Cochran, Oran C., discharged. Fair, H. D., discharged. Folkers, William J., died. Friend, Walter, discharged. Horney, William J., discharged. Knight, Louis, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Lonker, Ralph. Mooman, Fred. Moore, John. McCollough, Tom. McCune, C. M. McCune, J. W. Newkirk, Harry W. Nixon, H. B. Orr, Albert L. Pelton, Harvey G. Pepoon, Oran. Post, Russel T. Rackley, Charles R. Reed, C. F. E. Reeves, Thomas. Sheldon, Ralph C. Sims, Joe C. Stevens, Lawrence W. Stirewalt, Fred. Stockstill, L. A. Stone, Howard S. Stout, W. E. Thom, Oscar T. Thomas, E. A. Woodard, J. H. Yoke, Earl. Privates—Concluded. Manning, Leonard, discharged. Moss, Harry, discharged. McCracken, Robert, discharged. Raynor, Lewis, discharged. Rogers, Ray, discharged. Smith, R. J., discharged. Stout, Wyatt, discharged. Company D participated in all Liberty loan, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Salvation Army, and Seven-in-One drives, after its organization, in whatever capacity the committees of the above requested. HEADQUARTERS, 27TH BaTTALION, Seneca. Major: Lon H. M. Williams. No activities reported. 126 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “A,” 277TH BaTTALIon, Seneca. Captain: Frank L. Geary. Cook: Jenkins, Frank A. Privates—Concluded. Maze, John B. McMurray, Stanley. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Palmer, Edward L. John R. Emery. Hart, Charles C. Plummer, Kennison. Ps Rechow, Munford A. ates: Riley, Frank W. Robertson, Floyd. Rooney, Thomas E. Shackelford, Earl C. Sheley, George F. Sheley, Jasper. Smalley, Neil G. Smith, Mills. Staver, Edward. Stine, Arthur R.- Sweetland, Herbert. Thompson, J. Osear. Thomson, John M, Townsend, Frank W. - Wetmore, George A. Wetmore, Cyril. Second Lieutenant: Roy Datarpender: Choywette, Henry. Clifton, John R. Clowe, Ralph _B. Conwell, Simon. Cowell, John W. Cross, Paul. Davis, Lloyd H. Firstenberger, Christopher C. Ford, Lewis M. Grindle, John C. Gurney, Charles M. Hailey, George E. Hawkins, Ralph S. Jermane, Paul A. First Sergeant: Jenkins, Clyde H. Quartermaster Sergeant: Krotzinger, Jake F. Sergeants: Mathews, Ned C. Plummer, Edward. Price, Lyle P. Corporals : Johnson, Cleve. Wheatley, James L. Emery, Rufus M., Jr. Kall, . Jack. Wheeler, Fred O. Fuller, John III. Koelzer, Mathias S. Wood, Floyd. Maze, Walter 8S. Lueb, J. Henry. Wood, James B. Shepherd, Ralph. Martin, Albert A. Wylie, George R. LOSSES. Captain: Musicians: Privates—Concluded. Lon H. Williams, Goodrich, Ear! F., Jermane, Charles A., discharged. discharged. discharged. Myers, Chester A., Koelzer, Urban E., ye ; discharged. discharged. First Sergeant; Kramer, Joseph A., Troughton, John F., Cook: discharged. discharged. Moore o Robert Da Lawson, James M., transferred. ; discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant: Potten, resi = are aE : ischarged. saan eke William, Privates: Schlaegel, Sidney C., : Barrows, Herbert, discharged. discharged. Strathman, Joseph H., Corporals : Everhart, Charles O., discharged. Brown, Ward E., died. Volz, Charles J., resigned. Everhart, Logan Dewey, discharged. Shurtleff, Elmer, Jr., died. Vorhes, John S., died. discharged. Hendersen, Owen M., Jr., Zimmerman, Berlin B., discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A was originally organized on December 14, 1917, as the Seneca Home Guard, through the activity of its first captain, Chfford W. Baldwin, and continued as a company of the Home Guard until it was mustered in as a company of the Kansas State Guard,.on April 14, 1918, Clifford W. Baldwin having been commissioned captain, who, together with Second Lieutenant Lon H. M. Williams and First Lieutenant Albert A. Reichart, subsequently re- signed. Thereupon Lon H. M. Williams was commissioned captain and took charge of the company, with John Emery as first leutenant and Roy D. Carpenter as second leutenant. Upon the formation of the 27th Battalion, Kansas State Guard, Captain H. M. Williams was commissioned major, and Frank L. Geary was commissioned captain and took charge of the company. ; Company A saw no active service and was not called upon for any service of a public nature other than guarding and assisting in a large Red Cross auction, and visiting a few who had refused to contribute to the allied war drive, because of the signing of the Armistice. Through our explanations and suggestions we obtained a largely increased, if reluctant, contri- bution to the fund. Twelve members of the organization enlisted, or were inducted into military service; seven additional young men enlisted in the 8S. A. T. C. and since the date of the muster-out of the company, four other members have enlisted in the regular army. Kansas State Guard. Company “B,” 27TH BatrTation, Sabetha. Captain: B. F. Staubus. First Lieutenant: G. R. Moore. Second Lieutenant: Charles Miller. Quartermaster Sergeant: Steward, M. D. Sergeants: Derstine, William. Felmlee, Charles E. Ladd, Azel O. Meisner, Hiram. Reinhart, Clyde E. Snyder, Elmer. Corporals: Moulton, Harry 8. Myrick, William. Witzel, John J. Company B drilled twice every week until the Armistice was signed, and took an active Privates: Aukney, Martin J. Barnes, Frank. Bell, Wayne. Bentley, Charles E. Biere, Andy. Biere, Davis. Breitweiser, Harry F. Brumbaugh, Clarence. Carpenter, George R. Cashman, Roy. Coulin, Harold. Crawford, Platte M. -Davisson, Wilbur. Deshins, Paul. Dubach, Rene A. Ellwood, Orville. Feik, Silas. Feik, Walter. Fenner, Ned. Graves, William. Hennigh, Harry. Hennigh, Roy. Henry, Robert. Holcomb, George. Holdren, Wilbur. Horn, Jesse. Johnson, Alvin. Jones, Harlan. ACTIVITIES. part in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. ! Privates—Concluded. Keck, George. Lamperter, Ernest. Lanning, Harry. Leffler, Thurman. Maynard, Robert. Meisner, James. Miller, Curtis. Morris, Edward. MeLaughlin, Charles. Norris, Roy. Potter, Earl. Potter, Grant. Prosig, Charles. Ridenour, Noah. Robbins, Grant. Schlupp, Benjamin. Sherbin, L. J Spooneymore, Homer. Stephenson, Guy. Strahm, Derrey. Strahm, Peter. Stratton, Robert. Summers, Peter. Tennel, Ralph. Thomas, Elzie. _ Welch, Carl E. White, John A. Whitehead, Loyal. Woodbury, Hilton. ° = 128 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 27TH BaTTALiIon, Centralia. Captain: Frank L. Schubert. First Lieutenant: Sam Ayers. Second Lieutenant: Charles F. McGhee. First Sergeant: Ice, Fred. Quartermaster Sergeant: Condit, Jay. Sergeants: Carson, Frank. Mathew, Ruben E. Wohlford, John R. Wohlford, William A. Corporais: Andrews, John C. M. Durland, Harry J. Gaston, Karl H. Lohmuller, Richard L. Murphy, Marvin W. McCaig, Roy C. Tinker, Jesse C. Young, George O. First Sergeant: Kern, George, discharged. Sergeants: Hartman, Ray H., transferred. Wells, Harry W., discharged. Corporals: Clark, Roy I., discharged. Colwell, Raymond H., discharged. Privates: Armstrong, James. Atkins, Clinton E. Ayers, Robert H. Ayers, Thomas M. Baird, Eugene C. Barrett, Hamer C. Blair, Donald W. Blake, William E. Brower, Bruce B. Butler, James. Cahoon, Asa E. Campfield, Raymond G. Case, Herbert F. Chambers, Arthur F, Chaney, Hurley F. Colwell, Dale H. Colwell, Elzie C. Conley, Sherman. Cook, Clyde C. Curd, Luther. Darr, Oscar J. Debord, Emmet. Gilford, Harvey. Grey, Francis M. Grey, Marion R. Hales, John W. Hardy, Charley F Hicks, William E. Holenbeck, Danial C. Horth, Elmer J. Howard, Charley W. Huber, Albert L. Huber, Forest R. LOSSES. Corporals—Concluded. Green, James, discharged. King, Brice J., discharged. Smith, William E., discharged. Privates: Armstrong, William, discharged. Baird, William, discharged. Hailey, John W., discharged. Hiskey, Glenn, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Huber, Frank R. Ice, Duane. Jenkins, Okley. Kock, Wencel. Lohmuller, Walter J. Mathew, Roland. Meyer, George R. Meyer, Orville. Meyers, Fred M. Miller, Orley L. McClary, Chester H. Newman, Oscar W. Pfiester, Ernest M. Philipps, Ben C. Robbins, Arthur J. Schober, Fred. Schueller, Charles D. Schueller, Walter A. Shaffer, Arthur A. Smith, Daniel. Spicer, Walter C. Sthrom, Win D. Sullivan, Lawrance M. Tannehill, Ernest H. Thomas, George W. H. Thompson, Lloyd. Tietz, Ellsworth. Tinker, Truman. Warrenburg, Earl J. Wells, Clarence H. White, John L. Wilson, Clarence. Wilson, Glen X. Wright, Chalmer E. Privates—Concluded. Kirchen, Gustave E., discharged. Knox, Robert L., discharged. Koch, Andrew, discharged. Lohmuller, Burton L., discharged. McCaig, Claude L., discharged. Robenson, William R., discharged. Smith, William, discharged. Company C participated in the fourth Liberty loan as individuals only on account of the state quarantine. The organization gave exhibition drills at the Nemaha county fair, September 5, 1918, state guard day, and at Onaga, September 6, 1918. é Kansas State Guard. 129 Company “D,” 277TH Barration, Wetmore. Captain: Merle Z. Wilson. First Lieutenant: George Grubb. Second Lieutenant: Percy G. Worthy. First Sergeant: Rion, Robert E. L. Quartermaster Sergeant: Campbell, Edgar W. Sergeants: Calwell, Charles A. Noe, LeRoy E. Pool, Austin R. Smith, Frederick E. Corporals: Hough, John C, Martin, James E. Moyer, Robert E. Noe, Harrison R. Richardson, John B. Williams, Carl. First Sergeant: Lee E. Geyer, -resigned, Quartermaster Sergeant: Roderick, James E., discharged. Sergeants: Roderick, John W., discharged. Thombunou, Samuel E., discharged. Wesley, Hubert R., discharged. Cooks: Kelly, Guy W. Levick, George R. Musician: Reeves, George V. Artificer: Porter, Abram T. Privates: Achten, Harold M. Anderson, Frank L. Asher, William R. Bennett, Lawrence L. Binkley, Henry E. Brady, Lloyd M. Brown, Glen E. Callahan, John F. Cassity, Ray W. Chase, Clarence E, Cole, Don H. Conwell, Van E. Courter, Richard J. Dean, Claud L. Dickson, Lloyd A. Drown, Harold L. Friar, Frank W. Gereu, Percy E. LOSSES. Corporal: Holmes, Morton, discharged. Musician: DeForest, Carol H., discharged. Privates: Anderson, Leonard E., discharged. Berridge, Wesley W., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Griffin, Paul M. Hall, Faneuil G. Haynes, Landon C. Hendershot, Roy A, Hewitt, Earle S. Jones, Wesley. Lapham, Augustus P. Levick, Albertus C. Loveall, Lawrence C. Lynn, George W. Moyer, Ray. Newlin, Edward. Nissen, Carl F. Noe, James Wiley. Oliver, Donald B. Purdum, John R. Rolfe, George A. Rolfe, Walter T. Saxton, Albert H. Simmons, William E. Smith, Fred P. Turley, James E. Vine, George E. Walters, William G. White, James M. White, Leonard A. Privates—Concluded. Goodwin, James H. E., discharged. Hart, Raymond L., discharged. Minton, George E., discharged. Turrentine, James S., discharged. Williams, Harold H., discharged. Company D participated in the 27th Battalion review at Seneca, Kan., July 7, 1918, at which Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman was reviewing officer. Companies A, B, and Cs were present. The organization drilled and held guard mount at a picnic at Soldier, Kan., August 21, 1918. 9—4436 130 Adjutant General’s Department. HEADQUARTERS, 28TH BATTALION, El Dorado. Major: Frank W. Loyles. No activities reported. Captain and Supply Officer: Alfred William Pennell. Company “A,” 28TH Batration, El Dorado. Captain: William C. Ribb. Sergeant: Thurlow, Ralph G. Corporals: Fagan, Edward. McCreight, Harvey E. Perryman, Josephus Bane. Privates: Albertson, John. Baker, Lee. Beers, Clarence S. Bennett, Walter. Captain: Frank W. Loyles, discharged. Privates—Continued. Coolman, Everett. Davis, Pearl. Delano, Charles E. Delano, Frank. Eckstein, William. Ewing, William I. Franklin, Mack F. Frazier, Emil B. Freeman, Albert. Fry, Harold C. Goodwin, Howard. Hamilton, Ross. Harris, Jesse E. Hobert, William. Huddlerton, Wissis G. James, Owen. LOSSES. First Lieutenants: Byron C. Cox, discharged. Floyd F. Fuller, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Knightlinger, Harold. Leathers, Forest W. Manion, Lee. Martin, Charles 8S. Miller, Henry O. Mitchell, Jesse E. Miller, Jacob B. McKanna, Clarence A. Perryman, Paul. Rogers, William. Sanders, Bynum L. Smith, Forest W. Stroup, John. White, St. Elmo. Wikoff, Marvel. Second Lieutenant: Ralph Rhodes, deserted. Private: McCoy, Wayne, deserted. « Company A was called out on December 10, 1917, as the home guard to assist the sheriff to quell a riot caused by the girls telephone strike; also, on April 5, 1918, to assist the officials of the city of El Dorado to quell riot, caused by the roughs of the city; August 1 to 6, 1918, the unit was on duty in anticipation of trouble by the rough element of the city; August 31, 1918, called out to ass‘st the city officials to quell a riot; February 15, 1918, called out to assist the city officials with the rough element; September 5, 1918, called out to assist the city authorities quell a riot. : Turned out on every occasion to escort the drafted men to trains on their being called to the United States service, and assisted in all Liberty loans. army train that toured the country in the interest of the Liberty loan. Helped guard the United States Kansas State Guard. 131 Company “B,” 28TH BattTaion, Douglass. Captain: Charles A. Alger. First Lieutenant: J. L. Walker. Second Lieutenant: Fred E. Jones. Quartermaster Sergeant: Pratt, E. J. Sergeants: Blackwell, Virgil. Darter, J. O. Guyot, Paul R. Corporals: Carr, Ed. Douglass, Clayton. Greenland, R. L. Guyot, Walter. Scott, Ira O. First Lieutenant: Joseph Guyot, discharged. First Sergeant: Lamb, John E., discharged. Quartermaster Sergeant : Harrigan, Patrick, discharged. Sergeant: Waggoner, Charles, discharged. Corporals: Harrigan, John; discharged. Musicians: Gaskins, Walter. Seal, Homer. Wyncoop, C. G. Artificer: McCreery, James. Privates: Adams, John. Andree, St. Clair. Bare, Floyd. Bare, Paul. Berger, Herbert. Bledsoe, O. W. Brooks, Arthur. Clay, Bill. Cobb, Cecil J. Cook, James R. Diller, C. O, Durham, James G. Duryea, H. B. LOSSES. Corporals—Concluded, Olmstead, Delos, discharged. Rader, Henry J., discharged. Cooks: Harrigan, Jim P., discharged. Prassnell, F. H., discharged. Privates: Burger, John, discharged. Coughlin, Clinton E., discharged. Holcomb, Noel, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Elder, Barton. Essex, John. Farnsworth, O. A. Garrison, Guy. Goley, Carl. Jones, Frank. Jones, Robert. Jones, Walter. Lewis, George L. Martin, Omer. McMahan, Jamie. Olmstead, Joe E. Purselly, C. F. Reecer, Frank. Scott, Arthur W. Scott, Clare 8S. Sutton, Lloyd A. Tinus, Robert. Valentine, Edgar. Watkins, Arthur. Willis, Jack. Privates—Concluded. Holmes, Samuel O., discharged. Lewis, Alvin D., discharged. Martin, Paris E., discharged. McMillan, Lester V., discharged. Rollins, Elmer L., discharged. Scott, John H., discharged. Smith, Floyd E., discharged. Walk, John C., discharged. Company B assisted at the funerals of several deceased soldiers; attended two battalion drills, and participated in a public meeting. 132 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 28rH Batration, Potwin. Captain: Mechanic: Robert M. Poe. Poe, Milo C. First Lieutenant: Privates: Jesse F. Thompson. Second Lieutenant: Ralph 8S. Wilson. First Sergeant: Thompson, David C. Quartermaster Sergeant: Harper, Millard A. Sergeants: Artz, Pete E. Eccles, Henry W. Smith, Albert E. Watkins, Fred 8. Corporals: Adams, Raymond E. Dewitt, James O. Penner, Arthur. Poe, William F. Smith, Kenneth H. Watson, Clarence. Musicians: Raleigh, Joseph. Marshall, Ryland M. Sergeant: Poe, James S., discharged. Privates: Bowyer, Frank O., discharged. Adams, Joseph A. Ball, George W. Bowyer, Arthur L. Burton, John D. Clawson, Daniel W. Edwards, John D. Farni, Christian H. Ferrier, Leonard L. Ford, Eddie C. Foulk, George A. Foulk, John C. Fou!k, Robert W. Geer, George. Hall, Verne R. Hall, Zernie H. Harper, Raymond R. Harvey, Theodore E. Heuston, Oren 8. Higdon, Arthur Philip. Higdon, James H. Hosman, Erliss R. Jacobs, Homer H. Kennedy, Paul V. Kimberlin, John L. Kimberlin, Leonard J. Kimberlin, Orland J. King, Melvin. Laird, Charles E. Laird, Edwin A. Laird, John W. Lamb, Miles D. LOSSES. Privates—C ontinued. Dean, Harry M., discharged. Patterson, Guy J., discharged. Perriman, Reuben T., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Lintner, Oscar B. Lyon, George P. Mertz, Albert L. Moody, Charles E. Moore, Claude E. Newbury, George. Palmer, Otto H. Petty, William J. Powers, William T. Rice, Floyd J. Poe, Cecil H. Russell, Elzy 8S. Schmidt, Edward. Shockley, John H. Shunk, Roscoe 8. Smith, Floyd C. Smith, George W. Smith, James E. Smith, Otto V. Smith, Pearl G. Snorf, Milton C. Snyder, Frank M. StahIman, David C. Tomlinson, Clarence J. Vandeventer, Vernie. Watkins, Arthur P. Watkins, John F. Watkins, Joseph W. Watkins, Rodger W. Whitmore, George O. Whitmore, Roy W. Whiteside, Willie E. Wilson, Clarence A. Privates—Concluded. Slocum, Jerry C., discharged. Scrivner, Roy A., discharged. Watson, John &., discharged. Company C assisted the Grand Army of the Republic in the services on Memorial Day, May 30, 1918. Participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. The organization made special survey of Potwin oil field and Potwin refinery to prevent. fires. Our activities were handicapped on account of the lack of arms and equipment. Par- ticipated in guard of honor to Governor Capper and Adjutant General Huffman at El Dorado. Participated in battalion drill with Augusta and Douglass companies at Augusta. Company “D,” 28TH Batrauion, Augusta. Captain: Rodney M. Schell. No muster-out roll furnished. Kansas State Guard. 133 HEADQUARTERS, 29TH BaTTaLion, Cheney. Major: Fred Zimsmerman. No activities reported. Captain and Adjutant: Ralph M. Oldfather. Company “A,” 29TH BaTTaLion, Cheney. First Lieutenant: Paul A. Lindholm. Second Lieutenant: Floyd W. Walter. First Sergeant: Heath, M. W. Quartermaster Sergeant: Bennett, W. E. Sergeants: Morss, Lawrence. McHenry, George. Corporals: Gardner, L. E. Jones, George. Millhorn, Roy. Captain: Rex G. Williams, resigned. First Lieutenant: Paul T. Blakey, resigned. Sergeant: Nester, Earl, died. Privates: Armstrong, George. Aucherman, Harvey. Beckett, Charles, Sr. Beckett, Charles, Jr. Bellew, S. E. Black, Lester. Bomholt, Ambrose. Bomholt, C. O Butts, Fred. Clawson, Fred. Dewey, Roy E. Dibbens, Claude. Dibbens, Clyde. Englehart, Charles E. Fearey, Harry. Fitzgerald, Harvey. Garrison, J. L. Grett, John. Handkins, Edwin. Hartley, Earl. Hartley, Harry W. Hessel, Grover C. LOSSES. Privates: Bennett, Floyd, died. Flinn, James, discharged. Green, Earl, discharged. Hessel, Cicero J., discharged. Metz, Avery, discharged. Minges, Charles J., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Howard, Fred. Kane, Mike. Koster, H. J. H. Lansdown, Ralph. Lansdown, Roy. Liggett, Raymond. Mason, Bill T. Morss, Clarence. Padgett, Harold. Parker, Alois R. Payne, Leland. Riggs, Earl. Rodman, Forrest. Rutherford, Ernest B. Schaar, William. Shiply, Charles. Sinsley, Frank. Thorp, William, Jr. Thresher, W. V. Trexler, P. H. Walker, Jess. Woods, Robert. Woodward, Merlin. Privates—Concluded. Northeutt, T. L., discharged. Pryer, Elmer, discharged. Sweet, Alva, discharged. Walker, John, discharged. Wolter, Herbert, discharged. The company drilled five months as Home Guards with two drills a week, and over an hour at each drill _Company A as State Guard, had uniforms, furnished by Major Zimmerman, and afterward paid for by the individual members. ; F Number of regular drills held by Company A, sixty-one, which consisted of close order, extended order, guard duty, bayonet exercise, and ceremonies. three; held by Goddard, Wichita, and Cheney. Number of battalion drills, At these, close order, extended order, guard mount, and dress parade, also due honor paid to the band playing the National Anthem, and this was a thrilling treat to the spectators. The company attended the funeral of Floyd Bennett, a member of the Cheney company, and conducted the funeral of Lieutenant Cunningham, United States army, with full mil- tary honors. The company furnished guards for the town ten days, after two grain elevators had been set afire on the same day. marshal was shot by a burglar. occasions. Guards were furnished the city for twenty-seven days after the The guards were out looking for auto thieves at night on two The battalion major, without remuneration drilled the high-school students daily for a period of six months, and they became real snappy in the work. The school cadets aided in all the war drives. Five joined the army, although none were over eighteen years old. 134 Adjutant General's Department. Company “B,” 29TH BarraLion, Goddard. Captain: Privates: Privates—Concluded. L. A. Adler. Aaron, Joseph M. Jeffrey, Charles. Bahull, James. Limebur, O. N. ’ First Lieutenant: poe Ray. Miller, R. E. allahan, A. B. Mitchell, L. S. i hg le Carpenter, W. D. Mooberry, E. M. : Clark, Leslie. McClallan, George S. eres : Edwards, George. McGlynn, John B Reece, Mevill W. Garnett, Ernest W. McGlynn, Pat. Scholidon, Peter D. Garnett, T. E. Nelson, Albert E. 7 Gosney, W. H. Parks, Loyd E. Corporals : Hagerty, N. E. Riley, Ott. Coleman, Delbert H. Halderman, Robert H. Setzer, C. W. Coons, F. C. Harvey, George W. Stemple, John 3. Rishel, Walter. Havens, Frank. Wood, R. C. Sherman, Harry C. Hendrixson, Joe. Woolf, M. O. Hutchinson, S. LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates: Privates—Concluded. Gregory, R. W., Burhns, John, discharged. Sallberg, Eric., transferred. Duggan, George M., transferred. transferred. Stroebel, Charles, died. ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. Company “C,” 29TH BartraLion, Clearwater. Captain: Privates: Privates—Concluded. Warren Matthews. Abel, Herman. Kimmel, Don. Bencer, J. Kraft, Stephen. First Lieutenant: - roe Edward. Kuhl, J. D. arr, Fred. Laebel, Joseph. BN Carr, Harry. Lobel, Joseph. r . ; Cassidy, Joseph. Lohman, Fred. ge Sl sons Chambers, Hobart. Long, Lawrence. J. A. Giesendorf. Chambers, J. C. Lucas, Robert. , Chambers, Worth. Lupton, Claud. First Sergeant: Colver, Merl. Magill, Clyde. Finley, L. Lee. Cook, Claud. Mathews, Kenneth. Daran, Harry. Matthews, Fred. Quartermaster Sergeant: a es McCapperity, Lee. uncan, L. B. McLaughlin, Harold. oie Fst) English, H. Popp, Albert. % a Geisendorf, Leon. Richiy, V. P. pe gees: Graham, Wallace. Sautter, Louis. Dale, Frank M. Gregory, Lon. Small, Edward. Hammers, Robert. Hammers, L. A. Smith, Joab. Harrington, Walter. Snonely, Hebert. Corporals; Hope, A. B. Snyder, R. V. Carpenter, M. Hope, Clifford. Tallman, Sam. Hall, Fred. Jent, ‘Cecil. Twiggs, D. E. Richards, Frank. Jent, Sam. Whittaker, C. A. Rochette, Will. Johnson, Carl. Winn, Charles. Tjaden, Jacob. Johnson, George. Winn, Roy. LOSSES. Second Lieutenant: Corporal: Privates: Harry Burchell, discharged. Webb, Frank, discharged. Carter, Ernest, discharged. Moon, S. A., discharged. Riggs, Ralf, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company C attended all battalion drills, and maintained weekly drill. Participated in the Liberty loan parade at Wechita, April 10, 1918. Maintained order at a Red Cross pienic at Peck, Kan., July 4, 1918. Guarded and maintained order at the city park during the week of August 18 to 23, 1918; took charge of the local celebration November 11. Equipped and kept up company at expense of the members of the organization. The organization furnished firing squad and had charge of exercises May 30, 1918. Gave military funeral with full honors to Lorenzo Wolf, aviation department, United States army, October 16, 1918. Kansas State Guard. Company “D,” 297TH Barra.ion, Viola. Captain: Charles A. Thrift. First Lieutenant: Ernest L. Clark. Second Lieutenant: John R. Small. First Sergeant: Grimsley, William N. Sergeants: Dobbin, Thomas M. Porter, Joseph C. Corporals: Dalbom, Leonard. Porter, Walter G. Spitler, Orville O. Privates: Dobbins, Blair E., discharged. Dobbins, Glenn, - discharged. Artificer: Miller, Edwin B. Cook: Thompson, Thomas G. Privates: Coates, Ernest B. Dalbom, Carl M. Dobbin, Stewart. Elliott, Robert. Ewing, Glenn G. Ewing, William R. Faulkner, Carl. Faulkner, John, Foster, Philip E. Goll, William J. Grier, Andrew 8. Grimsley, James E. Grimsley, John A. Hare, Lawrence W. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Ewing, Charles A., discharged. ' ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded: Hart; (Ora: Johnson, Herman G. Kimel, Chester L. Lindsay, James E. Miller, John C. More, Leroy J. Nighswonger, Jay. Nighswonger, Percy P. Porter, George E. Poschen, Joe. Rairden, Ralph H. Robinson, Thomas D. Robinson, William J. Sisson, Alva R. Stinson, Max W. Swaney, Harold F. Taylor, Calvin R. Thomas, Charles W. Wasson, Roy H. Wise, Dewey H. Privates—Concluded. More, Harry, discharged. Company D participated in Decoration Day exercises at two places, and in Thanksgiving services in 1918. Individual members of the organization ass'sted in the Liberty loan, Red Cross, Five-in- One, and American relief drives. Company “E,” 29TH Batration, Mount Hope. Captain: Samuel Mullin. First Lieutenant: Christopher R. Rankin. Second Lieutenant: Albert Larsen. First Sergeant: Bardshar, Harry. Sergean ts: Adams, Harry O. Stamback, Roy. Wright, Aris L. Corporals: Adams, Carl D. Black, Cloyd W. French, Clark. Porter, Edward M. Sergeant: Allen, John L., discharged. Privates: Adams, Grover D. Anderson, Ola F. Baird, Fred C. Baird, Robert. Beltz, Lewis. Bense, Pearl F. | Brewer, Charles E. Brewer, Robert G. Callias, Eugene. Caple, Orvil R. Congdon, Morrison W. Dow, Fred. Dow, Lloyd. Frazee, Charles. Grier, Cyrus N. Hazlett, William E. Hoover, Frank. Horseman, Delmar. Horseman, Jay R. Ives, Walter R. Johnson, Sydney R. Keller, Oscar F. LOSSES. Privates: Astle, William H., discharged. Cauble, Wilbur L., discharged. Hill, Chester, died. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Kissick, Claud. Kissick, Dewey. Koch, Fred H. Koch, John A. Lauterbach, Christopher. Matzek, Lewis. Moore, Charles H.~ McCormick, Harvey. McCormick, Stewart C. Osborne, Otha. Porter, John A. Rimbey, Leonard C. Salome, William C., Sr. Salome, William C., Jr. Schneider, Floyd R. Smith, Lewis 8. Smith, Stewart J. Snively, William F. Wilkinson, Francis H. Privates—Concluded. Hunsberger, Howard G., discharged. Kissick, Harold, discharged. Lauterback, Bernard, discharged. Company E participated in all Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns. 136 | Adjutant General’s Department. Heapquarters, 30TH Batrauion, Blue Rapids. Major: Charles E. Drumm. Captain and Adjutant: Eugene Gordon. No activities reported. Captain and Supply Officer: Clarence A. Hodges. Captain and Surgeon: Robert Leith. Company “A,” 30TH Batrauion, Blue Rapids. Captain: Arthur J. Brice. First Lieutenant: John Frost. First Sergeant: Ambrose, Roland B. Quartermaster Sergeant: Dean, Aubrey R. Sergeants: Brown, Walter B. Houston, James H. Murrell, George W. Rodkey, Clyde K. Ryan, James E. Tibbetts, Livy B. Corporals: Axtell, Willis E. Brown, John C. Danheim, Henry N. Elhott, Joseph H. Gilson, Samuel W. Hodges, George A. Captain: Clarence A. Hodges, discharged. First Lieutenant: Guy E. McCarthy, discharged. Sergeants: Deiderich, Egon, discharged. Hunt, Wiliam W., discharged. Corporals: Carlson, Robert, discharged. Frost, Earl W., discharged. Mann, Leland, discharged. Pishney, Edward J., discharged. Privates: Adams, George W., died. Bailey, Charles, discharged. Benedict, Murray L., discharged. Brooks, Louis R., discharged. Corporals—Concluded. Skalla, Fred. Strange, Joseph M. Watters, Ora S. Artificer: Farrar, Romeo G. Musician: Cockerell, Wallace E. Privates: Adams, Roy. Albin, Grover C. Anderson, John. Ashburn, Ernest W. Bartlett, Arthur E. Beacham, Carl R. Blair, James Dana. Blauer, Philip W. Conz, Lee. Coulter, Clarence. Coulter, William W. Cummings, Galan. DeYoung, Aaron. Drake, Howard. Ewing, Grant. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Brown, Henry L., discharged. Coulter, Clarence K., discharged. Crissman, James Ira, discharged. Elliott, Jesse W., discharged. Fincham, Fred, discharged. Fitzgerald, Isaac F., discharged. Foreman, Homer, discharged. Hunter, William F, S., discharged. Jette, Charles E., discharged. Johnson, Walter, discharged. Kaump, Henry F., discharged. Kendall, William W., discharged. Lake, Warner, discharged. Lamb, Harry T., discharged. Lamb, William J., discharged. Lambert, Carson E., discharged. Privates—Concluded. Ewing, Levi G. Fincham, Emmet. Fitzgerald, Donald E. Foltz, John E. Frost, Clyde D. Griffee, James I. Griffith, John E. Harland, Earl. Henderson, Charles W. Hoag, Germ Holcomb, Arthur H. Honeycutt, Isaac. Honeycutt, Robert. Hula, Will J. Hurlburt, George W. Hurlburt, Kenneth. VanValkenburg, Frank. Vernson, Henry H. Warren, Walter W. Watters, James. Watters, John. Weeks, Byron. Weeks, Walter. Wells, William B. Worthington, William. Zulek, John. Privates—Continued. Land, Robert C., discharged. Layton, Fred M., discharged. Leeson, Nathanial, discharged. Lorig, Hugh L., discharged. Marvin, Albert A., discharged. Marvin, Frank, discharged. Mickel, Otto, died. Miller, Vern, discharged. Monteith, Walter, discharged. Moore, Harry L., discharged. Moore, John C., discharged. Murrell, Kenneth, discharged. Musil, Emil, discharged. Musil, Otto, discharged. McGinnis, George E., discharged. McKee, Clarence, discharged. McKee, Ross, discharged. Nelson, Robert T., discharged. Netz, William, Jr., discharged. Kansas State Guard. 187 Company “A,” 30TH BaTtTaLion, BLUE Rapips—Concluded. Privates—Continued. Privates—Continued. Privates—Concluded. Netz, William C., Reedy, Burton H., Stauufer, Frederick L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Nevins, James W., Reedy, Thomas W., Stocks, Fred L., discharged. discharged. discharged. Norton, Jesse O., Rodgers, Charles N., Tempero, C. W., discharged. discharged. discharged. Old, S. Job, discharged. Rodkey, Clayton, Tibbetts, Charles C., Peacock, Edward F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Rodkey, Fred S., Tibbetts, Harlow, Peacock, William F., discharged. discharged, discharged. Rundus, Joseph, Tolbert, Fred, discharged. Pishney, John F., discharged. Troutner, Melvin, discharged. Rundus, Paul, discharged. discharged. Quinn, Robert E., Sabin, William H., VanHouten, William G., discharged. discharged. discharged. Robb, Henry, discharged. Skalla, John, discharged. Whiting, Frank, discharged. Reeder, Hal C., Smith, Fred, discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. February 10, 1918, Company A helped to promote a patriotic meeting, which was ad- sige by Dr. Frank Loveland, in which $370 was raised to supply ambulances to go to rance February 16, 1918, a pro-German near Blue Rapids had become rather bold in his utter- ances against our country. The guard went to his home and brought him to the Commercial Club rooms. He was persuaded to kiss the flag, swear allegiance to the United States, and to pay $100 to the Red Cross. This prompt action of the guard checked pro-Germanism and aided in the collection of the Red Cross funds. | February 14, 1918, attended a patriotic meeting at the Methodist church as an organiza- tion. March 21, 1918, the prisoners having broken out of the county jail at Marysville, the sheriff called on Company A for help to guard bridges to the south. Guards were posted on three road bridges and one railroad bridge all night. March 31, 1918, there were rumors of pro-Germanism at the dedication of a German church some miles south of Blue Rapids. Company A hiked out that way and drilled near, while several guards, in plain clothes, who understood German, attended the services and re- ported nothing wrong. April 6, 1918, gave a parade and attended in a body a patriotic meeting, addressed by J. E. Nugent, of Kansas City. May 30, 1918, took charge of Decoration Day services. - June 3, 1918, attended the funeral, at,Breman, of Fred Rengstrof, a soldier who died at unston. June 30, 1918, attended the Memorial services at Irwin for Lieutenant Milton Drumm, the first Marshall county soldier killed in France; also participated in battalion drill. July 7, 1918, gave drill and took part in "Red Cross drive. July 10, 1918, the city water pump was broke, and the guard patrolled the city as a meas- ure of fire protection. July 14, 1918, attended a Red Cross rally at Breman and took part in an exhibition and battalion drill. July 28, 1918, was reviewed and inspected by Adjutant General Charles S. Huffman at Frankfort. September 25, 1918, gave military funeral to George Adams, a member of the company. October 8 and November 11, 1918, the Marshall county State Guard was reviewed and inspected at Blue Rapids, by Captain C. A. Dempsey, 164th Depot Brigade, Camp Funston; also took part in competitive drill; took charge of policing the grounds for the Marshall county fair and participated in the fourth Liberty loan drive. October 26, 1918, gave a military funeral to William Netz at Irving, a soldier who died at Funston, also a former member of Company A. November 10, 1918, gave a military funeral to Myron Swank at Cottage Hill, who was a former member of Company A and had just enlisted in the national service. November 30, 1918, gave. a military funeral to J. M. Snodgrass, a Civil War veteran. December 4, 1918, promoted and attended in a body a lecture by Trooper O’Conner. February 9, 1919, attended the Roosevelt memorial services at the Presbyterian church in the morning and the Lincoln memorial at the Baptist church in the evening. March 31, 1919, gave a military funeral to Major John McPherson, a Civil War veteran. April ‘7, 1919, gave a military funeral to Charles Edinborough, a Civil War veteran. May 30, 1919, took charge of Decoration Day services. September 20, 1919, auto was stolen at Marysville. The guard turned out to assist the marshal and guarded the roads. We recovered the automobile at Blue Rapids, but the thief got away. Investigated several fires caused from trains in grain fields, also notified the state fire marshal of one incendiary fire of gran stacks, who sent a man to investigate, made an arrest, but the case has not yet been tried. 138 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “B,” 30TH Barration, Bigelow. Captain: C. E. Drumm. First Lieutenant: R. A. Smith, Second Lieutenant: Robert S. Shope. First Sergeant: Hunt, Daniel H. Sergeants: Bronaugh, Clarence A. Brubaker, Nathan A. Cope, Harry M. Lynch, Andy R. Raymond; Fea B. Rucker, John W. Corporals: Abbott, Bernard V. Chitty, Wyman. Jones, Louis T. Klein, Louis H. Morton, Perry O. MeNelly, Eli L. Raymond, George B. Rinehart, William. Smith, Robert E. Walls, Charles A. No activities reported. Privates: Bolejack, Lloyd. Bronaugh, Loren M. Carlson, Melvin E. Carlson, Walter W. Carpenter, George G. Colton, Emry R. Cook, Harold A. Crawford, Henry C. Cromwell, Leonard C. Dodd, Everett M. Drager, Clyde A. Dunham, Frank. Dunham, Oren M. Dunham, Thomas J. Everson, Nathan. Grove, Vernon Delbert. Hale, Robert E. Harrison, Edwin O. Harrison, Jesse. Hartwell, Clyde M. Henry, Frank. Hoig, Bennie J. Jones, Earl. Jones, Floyd L. Kapitan, Rudolph A. Lacy, Arthur L. Lundry, Elber E. Melton, Christain. Melton, H. Alonzo. Meyer, Thomas A. Mills, Norris A. Morton, Frank G, Morton, George L. Morton, George L., Jr. Privates—Concluded. Morton, Lancelot A. Morton, Perry, Jr. Musser, Clinton O, Myers, Clarence. Osborne, Leroy G. Raymond, Nelson A. Rinehart, Frank. Rinehart, Wilbur. Rucker, Henry A. Sabin, Alexander W. Seldon, James W. - Seldon, Mark H. Seldon, Roy R. Smith, Guy R. Smith, James A. Sparks, Clarence P. Stedman, Albert E. Summers, Marion A. Summers, Loyd W. Tebbutt, Frederick W. Tebbutt, William. Tietz, Paul. Vaughn, George. Wagner, Matt F. Wagor, Charles A. Warren, John T. Whaley, George A. Whaley, Samuel F. Wilbur, Adrian L. Williams, Finley J. Williams, Joseph E. Williams, Marion W Wright, Samuel J. Kansas State Guard. Company “C,” 30TH Bartration, Irving. Captain: Charles G. Fulkerson. First Lieutenant: Carl Peterson. First Sergeant: Durland, B. K. Sergeants: Blaney, William. Carney, Walter. Gillette, James. Kautz, F. R. Stiles, H. T. Tyron, A. L. Corporals: Boyd, O. 8. Gould, Raymond. Jones, Gilbert. Jones, H. B. Jones, Paul. Miller, Earl. Sabin, Maynard. Privates: Alleman, A. W. Austin, Kenneth. Bieler, Ray.. Boatman, O. Boyd, George, Boyd, John. Private: Strader, Aaron, died, Privates—Continued. Boyd, Thomas. Bromwell, Harold. Bromwell, J. J. Budenbender, Joe. Burroughs, L. R. Carlson, Alfred, Carlson, John. Carney, William 8S. Christie, Ray. Cooper, Clarence. Corptein, John. Dawhins, J. F. DeShazer, Frank. DeShazer, Ralph. Dunlap, Lloyd. Ewing, John. Fairbanks, M. Forbes, B. Frank, Harry. Gronquist, Conrad. Haddan, Ed. Hawk, A. Helton, Walter. Horalek, Frank. Horalek, William. Huffmier, Harry. Hull, Marion D. Hull, Willis. Jones, J. R. Judd, Garwood. Katspish, Stephen. Lane, Floyd. LOSS. ACTIVITIES. Company C drilled twice a week for eight months. Privates—Concluded. Layton, J. M. Lyon, Oren. Netz, Harvey. Netz, Theo. Newberry, Earl. Newberry, Ed. Nowak, Joe. Osborne, D. L. Piper, F. J. Rickey, D. P. Rohe, John C. Roseman, H. Shaeffer, Herbert. Shipp, Bert. Slifer, O. W. Smercheck, P. Stewart, Harry. Stiverson, Frank. Stiverson, George C Strahm, E. L. Strange, Roy. Tenopee, John. Thomas, A. Thomas, M. Thomas, Robert. Thomason, Donald. Vanscoter, D. E. Wacek, C. A. Wacek, Frank. Warders, C. E. Wells, J. F. Wilkinson, Lloyd. 139 140 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “D,” 30TH BatTaLion, Waterville. Captain: James Stevenson. First Lieutenant: G. W. Shearer. First Sergeant: Fitzgerald, F. E. Quartermaster Sergeant: Berner, Robert E. Sergeants: Geyer, Auther F. Giles, Roy G. Noll, J. P. Thomas, P. R. Thompson, James W. Corporals: Aganbright, Glen T. Byers, Peter J. Copeland, C. E. Fitzgerald, Frank R. Gordon, D. Jacobson, D. Larson, Martin. Ricews Gian Scheinkoeing, John A. Solt, Lowell E. Youngerberg, Harry. Musicians: Benfield, O. E. McAtee, Ernest. Privates: Alderson, Loyd. Anderson, Ed. Anderson, Elmer. Second Lieutenant: Eugene Gordon, discharged. Privates—C ontinued. Anderson, Simon. Arganbright, Arch. Arganbright, Charles R. Arganbright, Will W. Bartley, Clarence. Bartlow,, W. R. Blasier, F. J. Brener, Paul. Buckner, Glen H. Bull, Archie J. Burt, Lawrence. Campbell, Robert J. Christensen, Dennis. Dahm, John W. Davidson, Kelsy. Davidson, Roy. Earl, Jay. Giles, William. Gordon, Chester. Gordon, Foster. Hayward, Warren. Heckard, Eli. Hirt, Charles. Holbrook, C. C. Honstead, F. H. Honstead, Fred. Hubbard, L. R. Johnson, Andrew. Johnson, Edwin. Johnson, Theodore. Jones, Raymond. Keefover, M. A. Lamoreaux, Harry G. Lewis, John. Larson, Karl R. Larson, L. A. Larson, Lewis. Lillibridge, Fred. Linquist, E. T. Livergood, G. E. Mapes, Auther V. LOSSES. Privates: Flook, O. A., discharged. Hubbard, J. W., Corporals : discharged. Baker, Waldo R., Jacobson, R. E., discharged. discharged. Paul, G. H., died. Nordquist, Charles A., Finley, Leonard J., died. discharged. No activities reported. Privates—Concluded. Mills, Charles H. Mills, J. G. Modean, J. S. Nelson, Harold. Nelson, Rengus H. Nelson, Richard E, Nelson, William E, Nider, Bryon J. Nider, Gilbert O. Paul, Roy. Peterson, Fred. Peterson, Hans E. Pishney, V. E. Roepke, George. Roepke, Walter. Sawin, Carl G. Seih, William. Shirck, Harvey. Shrick, Howard. Sisco, Elmer. Springer, Gerald. Stenson, Ira P. Stryker, Bennett T. Stryker, John C. Sucharcht, Roy. Summers, W. R. Tommer, John J. Tommer, Joseph R. Traxler, Ralph E. Welch, E. Wetenberger, David B. Zellar, Edward. Zellar, Melvin. Privates—Concluded.. Palmer, E. R., discharged. Reboul, W. A., discharged. Schreck, Herman, discharged. Stewart, F. C., discharged. Stewart, W. J., discharged. HEADQUARTERS, 31st Batrauion, Frankfort. Major: Captain and Surgeon: Fred K. Barrett. Mark A. Brawley. No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 14] , Company “A,” 31st Barraion, Frankfort. Captain: Theodore James Rhodes. First Lieutenant: Russell L. Hazzard. Second Lieutenant: William J. Gregg. First Sergeant: Kennedy, Henry. Sergeants: Leonard, Albert J. Melcher, Wilham H. Nauman, Irving. Pennington, Lawrence. Tobin, Frank H. Corporals: Auld, George W. Black, John O. Doty, Fredrick H. Farrant, Melvin B. Hood, D. E. Murphy, H. L. Nichols, Robert G. Rickson, Fred. ; Smith, Floyd. Privates: 4 Adams, Joseph F. Anderson, Andrew. Anderson, James Leo. Auld, William D. Barrett, W. W. Briner, Chester O. Briner, George F. Burke, Peter F. Cairy, Thomas J. Chandler, James F. Sergeants: Barkes, J. M., discharged. Cannon, J. L., discharged. Hazzard, R. L., discharged. Corporals: Barrett, R. C., discharged. Cook, Ivan, discharged. Harland, Charles H., discharged. Hartman, Allen P., discharged. MecRuer, Duncan, discharged. Privates: Bronoughs, Ralph O., discharged. > Brooks, Angelus, discharged. Comfort, C. H., discharged. Privates—Continued. Chitty, Joseph G. Colvard, Benjamin R. Culhan, John. Cummings, Abe R. Cummings, Ralph 8. Curtis, Albert L. Davis, Joseph 8S. DeLude, William G. Denlinger, Bert. Dodge, George Franklin. Dunlap, James H. Farrar, Forrest W. Feldhauser, William J. Ferris, Mike. Ferris, William H. Flin, Amos M. Foye, Oliver H. Gingles, Thomas B. Gregg, Edward M. Griffee, Archie. Gumm, Elmer G. Halsel, Harold. Hartman, Frank M. Hartshorn, J. V. Kaskin, M. M. Hendricks, Luther L. Hersh, Frank. Hersh, Gerald A. Hessel, Clemet J. Hibner, George J. W. Hileker, C. Bertrand. Hilcker, Charles H. Horigan, Lawrence J. Horr, Harry O. Jillson, Dwight D. Jones, David. Jones, Russel H. Kennedy, James. Leupold, Glen L. Lukens, Marion E. Lutz, Elmer T. Mackey, Michael T. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Connors, John, discharged. Connors, Stafford, transferred. Coxley, Gustave, discharged. Elstrum, E., discharged. Ferris, M. M., discharged. Flaherty, Vincent, died. Flin, Hannon B., discharged. Harrison, Jesse, transferred. Hartwell, Earl, discharged. Heisse, Victor, discharged. Hessel, Arthur, discharged. Howland, Samuel, discharged. Hull, Paul T., discharged. Johnson, C. H., discharged. Mathews, Samuel A., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company A participated in all war-time activities. Privates—Concluded. Mackey, Richard C. Manges, William. Marksman, Joseph A. Martin, Fred E. Martin, William. Milikan, Richard M. Miller, Claude E. Morse, Arthur D. Museil, Joseph K. Myers, Howard E. McConchie, Joseph M. Nester, George W., Jr. Ogren, Victor. Osborn, Benjamin R. Osborn, James R. Patzka, Andrew A. Quick, Thomas R. Reust, Cornelius F. Reust, Hobart. Reust, Ranse. Rickson, Evan. Robinson, Charles H. Rogers, Charles. Ryan, John W. Schafer, August. Schneider, John C. Shearer, Andrew. Shearer, George H. Sheehan, Michael. Smith, James W. Smith, Thomas J. Snodgrass, William H. Taylor, Roscoe A. Tilley, Charles A. Tilley, Lavern, Jr. Walters, Russel J. Warner, Fred T. Welch, James M. West, G. M. Williams, Charles V. Wolfe, James A. Privates—Concluded. Miller, Albert, discharged. McGurk, Thomas, discharged. Norris, L. J., discharged. Osborn, Gene, discharged. Overbaugh, Phil, discharged. Pendergrast, T. V., discharged. Potter, Edgar, discharged. Pratt, Grover, discharged. Pumell, John, discharged. Rickson, John, discharged. Schiller, W. J., discharged. Seldon, J. S., discharged. Seldon, Mark, transferred. Seldon, Roy, discharged. Snodgrass, Howard, discharged. Stromer, E. E., discharged. Vaught, W. D., discharged. Warren, J. T., discharged. 142 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “B,” 31st Barrauion, Frankfort. Captain: Carroll Walker. First Lieutenant: Herbert A. Sherarer. Second Lieutenant: James M. Rhodes. Sergeants: Campbell, William. Crooks, James W. McGee, Robert S. Shearer, D. W. Snodgrass, T. W. ‘Pyrl, Arthurs .. Corporals: Auld, Frank W. Carver, Ivan P. Mackey, Richard H. McCullock, Clark. Musician: Ludwick, David W. Privates: Arnold, Joseph E. Barnett, Albert G. Bigham, Matthew T. Black, Frank R. Blackney, Arthur E. Bonnell, Charles W. Bonnell, George P. Botzenhart, George J. Briner, Charles G. Brooks, McKinley. Brophy, John M. Carpenter, James H. Clena, Joseph F. Conoway, Albert B. Cooper, John E. Cox, Elmer Willis. Culhan, John. Curtis, Clarence. Curtis, Reamy. No activities reported. Privates—Continued. Dalton, Oliver L. DeBord, Otis F. Dwinnell, Frank C. Eby, Frank D. Ellis, Murray J. Farrell, John E. Feldhausen, Harry. Fitch, Austin D.: Flinn, Owen. Foltz, Harry B. Ford, Roy O. Ford, William H. Foster, Earl C. Fox, Thomas A. Gano, George E. Gough, Charley D. Gough, Robert Eugene. Griffee, Wait O. Gruntzmacher, Rudolph E. Hardman, William H. Harrison, Edwin A. Haskin, Harold. Hobson, Orlando K. Hopkins, John F. Horrigan, Daniel. Horrigan, John 8S. Huff, Earl R. Johnston, Erskin W. Johnson, William H. Jones, Hugh C. Jones, Jacob W. Kelly, Charles W. Kelly, Miles. Kirby, Otis H. Lane, Howard H. Larson, Carl L. Lefler, Charles. Lesslie, Joel S. Lobley, John W. Lord, Samuel W. Lucas, Winfred B. Lutz, Davton K. Lutz, Ollie I. Lyman, Clarence A. Mackey, Leo J. Martin, Carl. Massie, Edwurd W. Privates—Concluded. Miller, Westev C, Morton, Cnarles 8. Morton, R. N. Myers, Arthur E. McCouchie, U. S. Grant. Neal, Winifred. Nestor, Fred H. North, Jacob. Osborne, Sidney R. Overbaugh, Nelson. Parmentier, Fredrick M. Peahcer, William H. Potter, Harry D. Rachstraw, Mark. Radcliffe, P. F. Reynolds, Toney M. Ricker, Peter James. Ryan, James H. Scholtz, Walter T. Scott, Z. Z. Severns, Shirley. Sheehan, Peter. Shinkle, Jay B. Shumate, Herbert N. Siemotter, Paul R. Smith, Dale. Solt, Burnie W. Stillwell, Lester L. Sullivan, John J. Thomas, Warren F. Tilley, Alva H. Tilley, Clyde R. Tilley, John W. Tilley, Victor. Turner, Thomas B. F. Twidwell, Leonard C. Wanklyn, George F. Warner, Robert J. Waxler, Ewing. Waymire, Allie. Waymire, Carlton A. Weis, Rudolph R. Wells, Thomas 8. Wendling, Fred. Wendling, Raphael. Kansas State Guard. 148 Company “C,” 31st Barration, Vliets. Captain: Herman B. Johnson. First Liewtenant: Clarence E. Hull, Second Lieutenant: Clarence D. Steele. Sergeants: Hubka, Alvin. Jacoby, Wayne P. Johnson, John A. Rundquist, Abner J. Talbot, Lesley R. Corporals: Carlson, Verner E. Dewalt, Arthur J. Dierking, Otis L. Hubka, James. Johnson, Edward, Johnson, Emil J. Lofdalh, Elmer. Owen, Earl. Privates: Allen, William. Barnes, Oscar B. Brophy, Edward J. Brown, Adolphus. Buck, William T. Carney, John. Privates—Continued. Cobb, Andrew. Connet, Ray M. Dewalt, Chester. Dierking, Clifton J. Drotts, John E. Evans, Albert. Ewing, Willard. Gates, Ralph A. Gerardy, Albert L. Glasgow, Walter R. Grable, Lee. Gustafson, Edward, Handley, Orlie. Hasellgren, Jacob E. Heath, Charles. Heath, George. Hendrickson, James. Hill, Ernest. Howell, Elmer W. Howell, Frank E. Hubka, Ferdinand. Jackson, William T. Jellison, Lowene W. Jellison, Silas D. Johnson, George V. Johnson, Hans J. Johnson, Leonard. Johnson, Sigel R. Johnson, Virgil W. Kasper, David. Kasper, Oscar E. V. Kenworthy, Julius J. Lew, Albin. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Lindeen, Albert. Little, Charlie. Lofdalh, Arvid. Lofdalh, Martin. Lofdalh, William. Martin, Clarence. Martin, Clide. Martin, Henry. Mitchell, Jeff. Mitchell, Lawrence. Mitchell, Merriam O. Nelson, Arthur J. Nelson, Oscar N. North, George C. Olson, John. Owen, Ira. Palm, Lars. Palm, Walter L. Porter, Guy E. Reust, Alva. Reynolds, Frank. Rosball, Osear. Rudeen, Chester. Statts, Charlie. Stevens, Ralph. Swanson, Arvid. Swanson, Carl E. Vandorn, Arthur. Waxler, Herman. Waxler, Lonnie. Wentz, John. Wilson, Edgar. Witty, Fred. Company C as an organization did not participate in any war-time activities, but as in- dividuals they were all more or less active in this work. 144 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “D,” 31st Batrauion, Vermillion. Captain: Ernest Schubert. First Lieutenant: Frank R. Goodwin. Second Lieutenant: Robert Lee Davis. Sergeants: Arnold, Fred W. Buckles, Charles C. Law, Fred W. Stewart, William E. Wassell, Herbert C. Wiseman, Perry L. Corporals: Hodges, Charles E. Nelson, Everett W. Orchard, Herman. Ray, Jesse M. Schafer, Charles S. Privates: Acker, William. Arnold, Eugene G. Artis, Wilmer. Barnes, Edwin J. Barnes, Henry G. Barnes, Louis E. Bowers, Howard W. Bullock, Earl. Bullock, Frank. Bullock, Leroy. Carlson, Ebben J. Cashman, Lawrence. Second Lieutenant: Ed C. Alverman, discharged. Privates: Andrews, Dean, discharged. Clear, Arthur E., discharged. Cooke, Everett J., discharged. Duffy, Lawrence W., discharged. Florence, Clarence, discharged. Grable, Glen E., discharged. Hodges, Ray, discharged. Johnson, Arthur W., discharged. Law, Walter, discharged. Little, Dan H., discharged. Little, Harry, discharged. Marble, Albert C., discharged. Myer, Orville, transferred. No activities reported. Privates—Continued. Caswin, William W. Chadwick, Fred A. Chadwick, Willie J. Chfton, John. Clifton, John P. Cooke, Arthur M. Coulter, Lawrence L. Curtis, Samuel. Daniels, John P. DeWalt, Charles L. Duffy, Arthur W. Florence, Fred. Florence, William A. Founds, Fred. Gabrielson, Karl. Grable, Herman. Grable, Leonard A. Gregory, Edward A. Gruby, John H. Havens, Hugh G. Hayes, John W. Herda, William. Hogle, Edward B. Howard, Orville. Haword, Ralph W. Hybikunaun, Elton W. Hybikunaun, Peter H. Johnson, Andrew. Johnson, Arthur. Johnson, Joseph H. Johnson, Walton. Jones, Clifford. Kenworthy, Joseph E. Kjellberg, Andrew. Kjellberg, Elton. Labbe, Antonio D. Leonard, J. Marcus. Meyers, Ralph D. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. McAtee, Alvin A., discharged. McCarty, Charles M., discharged. Nash, Virgil F., discharged. Orchard, Harry, discharged. Owen, James Edward, discharged. Piercey, James R., discharged. Polson, Arthur L., discharged. Polson, Victor, discharged. Rogers, Malcom W., discharged. Russell, Owen, discharged. Sarver, Alvin L., discharged. Smith, Daniel, transferred. Smith, Leslie F., discharged. Smith, William D., discharged. Privates—Concluded. Malcom, William B. Meredith, William H. McCleary, George. McKlindes, O. C. McLeod, Thomas F. “McMichael, Harry. Niper, Albertus. Owen, Jesse D. Packard, Clarence L. Peck, George E. Peterson, B. S. Peterson, Martin W. Polsan, Albin. Potter, William C. Punteney, John O. Quakenbush, Solomon. Ray, Alva T. Ray, Walter Harrison. Rogers, Joseph L., Jr. Rogers, Joseph L., Sr. Russell, Henry F. Sandland, Will H. Schafer, Howard C. Schuyler, Thomas. Smith, Thomas F. Starr, Cleo. Starr, George I. Steckel, Guy. Steckel, Howard. Stewart, Sam. Tate, Lester T. Tate, Milo O. Ward, Edwin Lloyd. Watson, William H. Weeks, Frank O. Wilson, Wallis L. Wiseman, Donald. Wright, Edward. Privates—C oncluded. Starr, Merle A., discharged. Stowell, Muriel V., discharged. Taylor, John W., discharged. Tate, Jesse R., discharged. Tillery, Warren I., discharged. Tompkins, Willard L., discharged. Warner, Charles R., discharged. Wells, Solvender H., discharged. Winquist, Frank R., discharged. Wiseman, Roy, discharged. Witham, Guy R., discharged. Witham, Willard, discharged. Woodman, Frank R., discharged. Ylander, Victor, discharged. HEADQUARTERS, 32D BATTALION, Oswego. Major: Elmer S. Nance. No activities reported. Kansas State Guard. 145 Company “A,” 32p Barrauion, Oswego. Captain: William T. Tarkington. First Lieutenant: Wilbur H. Condon. No muster-out roll furnished. Second Lieutenant: Robert W. Slane. Company “B,” 32p Batrauion, Oswego. Captain: Walter J. King. First Lieutenant: Robert Deming. No muster-out roll furnished. Second Lieutenant: S. L. Van Alstine. Company “C,” 32p Barration, Chetopa. Captain: Charles W. Bush. First Lieutenant: Quinby Leap. Second Lieutenant: Sig Lehman. First Sergeant: Lisle, George. Sergeants: Emert, Elmer. Emert, George. Huston, Homer. Rex, H Corporals: Conderman, R. J. Huggins, William. James, Albert F. Lyons, George. McCormick, Henery. Wade, Herbert. Privates: Casey, Joseph P., discharged. Cochran, Frank, discharged. Falkenstien, Luke, resigned. Hackleman, Earl, discharged. Bugler: Finley, Elmer. Privates: Asbell, Marion. Barton, Edward J. Carpenter, Charles B. Carter, Glen. Cloud, Wilber H. Colter, Sam, Jr. Columbia, H. W. Cottingham, R. L. Crooser, Jim. Dollor, W. T. Elliott, Wilmer. Fulkerson, Wheaton. Gail, Raymond. Gearty, G. William. Gerty, J. Andy. Goudy, Homer. High, Eddie C. Jackson, Dave W. Kefford, Charles. Kelley, William H. Lackey, William. Miller, John E. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Hackleman, J. F., discharged. Hamestreet, Howard, died. Howell, Charles, discharged. Kirkland, Leslie, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded, Moore, Marion. Mullhnour, Ed. McCormick, Dell. McCormick, Henery. MeKnight, Alfred S. Phelps, John. Riddle, W. M. Shaw, Harry. Smith, James P. Turner, Albert G. Walker, J. Scott. Wilhams, Frank. Witt, Clarance. Witt, Pleas. Yookam, William A. Privates—Concluded. Leicester, W. B., discharged. Thrift, Sunley J., discharged. Upshaw, Platt W., discharged. Company C participated in all Liberty loan, Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. campaigns; conducted six military funerals, and held memorial services for the boys killed in France. No guard duty was performed by the organization. Company “D,” 32p Batrauion, Labette. Captain: Second Lieutenant: Ray A. Bray, Walter C. Owens. LOSS. Captain: Paul C. McConnell, resigned. No muster-out roll furnished. 10—4436 146 | Adjutant General’s Department. Company “E,” 32p BatrTauion, Edna. Captain: First Lieutenant: Ralph Parcue. Richard T. Gray. LOSS. Second Lieutenant: Willard R. S:mons, resigned. No muster-out roll furnished. Heapquarters, 33p Batrauion, Phillipsburg. Major: Captain and Supply Officer: Ralph W. Pope. Giles I. Crampton. No activities reported. Captain and Surgeon: Harrison Johnson. r Company “A,” 33p BaTra.ion, Kirwin. Captain: Privates—Continued. David C. Butler. Campbell, A. M. s Campbell, H. A. Campbell, L. F. Chanca, Charles. Chvojka, Joe. Clay, Elbert. Cloggett, Steve. Cloggett, W. T. Cox, Bert. Cox, Stanley. Cushman, M. Dick, A. W. Dillon, A. B. Dovill, Ben F. East, David J. Corporals- East, Samuel. BibaeCMe Edwards, George D. Coyswell, A. K. : E Ew; i Elliott, Forest. wing, tomer. Fisher, Arthur L. First Lieutenant: Frantz P. John. Second Lieutenant: U. S. Grant Willis. First Sergeant: Townsend, Charles O. Second Sergeant: Swim, Frank E. Ewing, Roy. i Hainline, B. Fisk Hal We pony e = : Fisk, Fred. Wier! ith Fuller, Earl. Garrett, John. Gray, James F. Gray, John M. Gray, Will F. H. Hally, Roy. Hoag, Willis M. Huffman, Ruperi. Inman, Roy. . Johnson, Richard H. Privates: Johnson, Robert H. Atchison, Gill. . Kelly, Joel: W. Atchison, Thomas J. Kelmer, William Ni, Bairghman, Lloyd. Kincaid J. A. Bartlett, John. King, Harry Hi. Berthoff, Joe. Klowles, Leslie. Boyce, J. E. Koons, Sherman. Butler, Charlie E. Lana, Ed. Butler, Frank. Landes, Harry P. Byers, Floyd. Landes, Joseph J. Nichols, L. P. Porter, Ira E. Stagg, Ralph. Stuckman, H. Townsend, Frank. Trolls EC; Willis, Bob. Camp, Carl. Lemon, Chase M. LOSSES. Corporal: Johnson, Harrison H., discharged. No activities reported. Privates—Concluded. Lemon, James W. Lemon, Lee W. Lindsay, Clarence A. Logan, Gorden. Marples, John. Mason, Clarence. McFadden, Alfred. McFadden, James E. McQueen, Orville. Nedron, Melvin. Oelke, Will. Palmer, George T. Palmer, Will E. Parsons, Will. Perkins, Irwin. Perkins, Karl T. Perkins, Roy W. Reynolds, Ed. Riley, Ray B. Ronau, James. Schiller, Frank W. Scholonsky, George. Scott, Fred L. Scott, James E. Simon, George. Smith, Charles R. Smith, D. W. Smith, M. S. Smith, Owen. Smith, Thomas B. Sorechet, Dwight. Stagg, Art. Stanley, Roy. Stuckman, Harry W. Stuckman, Ted F. Thomas, Sam. Thompson, James C. Townsend, Guy A. Townsend, Wynn M. Tyler, J. M. Whitehead, Alvin. Willis, Paul T. Wills, Tommie. Kansas State Guard. Company “B,” 33p Barranion, Agra. Captain: Fred Underwood. First Lieutenant: Geer Heath Reid. Second Lieutenant: Robert W. McLeod. Sergeants: Bailey, Martin A. Crampton, Giles I. Halbert, William C. Munyon, Grover C. Wheelbarger, Elvin F. Whitney. Carl A. Corporals : Eversoll, Moses O. Gilliland, Clyde E, Haugh, Cecil G. McCord, William H. Roath, Charles W. Sargent, Ray. Schrock, Clarence O, Cooks: DuMars, Charles C. Faubion, Glen H. ~ Hirst Lieutenant : DeForest M. Bradley, resigned. Second Lieutenant : J. Theodore Dubois, resigned. a Sergeants: Halbert, Clair, discharged. Heaton, William M., discharged. No activities reported. - Musician: Clark, Lester L. Artificer: Gilliland, Arthur P. Privates: Addie, William. Atchison, Samuel C. Bailey, Curtis L. Baker, Albert R. Beedy, Flovd W. Bethman, William. Bierman, Albert. Bigelow, Walter. Brooks, Lonnie G. Capps, Walter H. Carroll, Harvey L. Case, Robert Glen. Crown, Joseph E. Crown, Noah W. Dixon, Charles F. Dubois, William C. Eversoll, Earl. Furlong, 8. T. Gowarim, Charles A. Halbert, Louis R. Halbrook, Clarence W. Hall, Frank. LOSSES. Corporals: Farley, Walter shee discharged. Gilliland, Arthur Lee, : discharged. Trus, H. Carle, discharged. Reid, Charley A., discharged: : Musician: Couch, Arthur B., died. Privates—Concluded. Hensen, Carl. Haugh, Arthur R. Haugh, Elsworth N. Hayes, Archie Y, Jirs, Albert H. Jirs, George R. King, Cecil A. Munyon, Amos. Munyon, Joseph. Musick, Joseph. Owens, James C. Peterson, Charles. Redfield, G. A. Sargent, Hazen A. Smedley, Charles A. Smith, Charles E. Smith, Francis J. Smith, Jasper C. Smith, Robert. Smith, William E. Thompson, Marion M. Underwood, Edward L. Underwood, Harry M. White, Ernest A. Whitney, Wilbur C. Whitham, William J. Whitman, Jacob 8S. Womer, Leonard E. Privates: Gerritt, D. Hollander, discharged. Gilliland, Mulford A., discharged. Hopkins, Marion L., discharged. Moore, Frank S., discharged. Portermeir, Oscar E., discharged. Post, Jacob A., discharged. Wilson, James W., discharged. Wilson, Jesse A., discharged. 148 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 33p Batrtrauion, Logan. Captain: George S. I'rancis. First Lieutenant: William W. Chestnutt. Second Lieutenant: Lewis W. Slinker. First Sergeant: Clark, Wesley F. Quartermaster Sergeant: Noone, D. L. Sergeants: Meyer, John Boyd. Norrish, Henry W. Pauley, Nicholas L. Septer, Dean D. Corporals: Albright, Samuel B. Chapman, Thomas A. Meyer, Max E. Morton, Algernon R. O’Connelk, Neil. Schooler, John A. Cooks: Wilson, Earl. Wilson, Roy Alvin. Musicians: Clark, Ward O. Graham, George. Artificer: Lively, George E. Captain: Abraham Tracy, resigned. First Sergeant: Clark, Henry T., discharged. Sergeant: Noel, Jake P., discharged. Corporal: Noel, Robert P., discharged. Privates: Albright, Fredrick C. Albright, Samuel C. Alsdorf, Edwin. Alsdorf, Otto. Apel, Henery N. Becker, Lawrence. Becker, William M. Boethin, Carl M. Boyd, Frank. Brady, Joe. Brasted, Charles P. Brimlow, Morgan L. Brunson, William. Chapman, Mark E. Chrane, Charles. Clark, Arthur. Clark, Floyd. Clark, Harry. Danewood, Ora. Davis, Thomas G. Dugan, Lucius H. Emeric, Clair F, Evans, Alle E. Fitzhugh, Hiram. Fox, Lesley G. Francis, Alfred V. Gates, Harry. Graham, Edward W. Griffin, Asa R. Hein, Herbert W. Henry, Grant 8S. Henry, Jesse H. Highley, James R. Highley, Milton R. Holmes, Oliver W. Jakubowski, Louis. Kemp, Frank. Lappin, John C. Lappin, Robinson O. Lawson, Eudard L. Leonhardt, George L. Lesperance, Armond P. Lively, John H. Cook: LOSSES. Archer, Luther T., died. Privates: Baird, James W., discharged. Brunson, Clarance C., discharged. Campbell, Carl Thomas, discharged. - Elliot, Leo B., discharged. Francis, Allen V., discharged. Francis, John E., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Loveland, Paul G. Marvin, Frank L. May, Lawrence E. Meyer, Fred A. Meyer, Victor H. Meyer, William G. Mitchell, Vincent. Morford, Myron E. Mosher, Ralph. Muir, Robert E. McMahon, Charles B. MeMurphy, John C. Noel, Fred W. O’Connell, Chester E. O’Connell, Ivan. O’Connell, John M. Palmer, William E. Paromore, Warren G. Parr, Lewis W. Patton, George. Peak, Ernest F. Pfannkuch, Carl. Pfannkuch, Fred G. Phillips, Lon. Richard, Harry L. Rodabaugh, Will. Rogers, Oscar R. Rundle, William M. Rundle, Richard. Selbe, Cecil B. Selbe, Edward H. Shearer, Harry. Snider, William Wesley. Strickler, George L. Sukr, Lester. Teeple, Edgar M. Tishenor, Anson. Troup, Abram. Troup, Francis C. Wills, Leonard K. Wilson, Fred C. Wiltrout, Edgar I. Privates—Concluded. Francis, Ralph, died. Harper, F. J., discharged. King, Hugh M., discharged. McDonald, Glenn, discharged. O’Chonnell, Dan G., discharged. Owens, Othe C., discharged. Snyder, Charies H., discharged. Wiley, Abner, discharged. Company C was not called upon to p rform any active duty. The organization drilled twice a week and participated in a competitive drill. ~ Kansas State Guard. 149 Company “D,” 33p Bartrauion, Phillipsburg. Captain: Samuel Lee Bracken. First Lieutenant: Moody S. Couch. Second Lieutenant: Herman L. Miller. Commissory Sergeant: Atkinson, John T. Sergeants: Foerst, Robert J. Hoover, Edward. Hurt, Herbert E. McDowell, Roy E. McKay, Frank. McKenzie, Jacob O. Whitten, Ira A. Corporals: Abbott, Leonard O. Boyd, Francis W. Churchill, William L. Cole, E'verett E. Kelly, Fred W. Laughtery, Dave. Smith, Karl. Stoneman, Harry C. Musicians: Bridgegroom, Howard D. Hoyt, Frank V. Artificer: Lawler, Joseph C. First Sergeant: Cummings, Sylvester O., died. Privates: Adee, Glen. Ayres, James W. Blue, Andrew B. Bradley, Harvey E. Charvat, John. Clearwater, Charles O. Coffin, William J. - Cole, Earl E. Covert, Floyd M. Cutshaw, Earl J. Drake, Harry M. Drake, John W. Edwards, Bert W. Edwards, James W. Ellis, Ross A. Ewing, George E. Faubion, Wilbur L. Getz, Harmen. Greenstreet, Emmett. Gundle, Henry. Gundle, John. ? Haggard, David D. Hahn, Charles E. Hahn, Clarence C. Hahn, Otto F. Hebrew, Marshall E. Heikes, Levi L. Hite, Garland. Hoover, Russell. Hopson, Dan. Howard, Joseph M. Imm, Alfred G. Jacobs, Francis. Jacobs, Roy J. Jones, Arthur. Lamphere, Seth C. Mayhew, Hobart. LOSSES. Privates: Brinson, Clarence C., resigned. Campbell, Carl T., resigned. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Mercer, Otto L. Michelsen, Albert E. Michelsen, Roy E. Miller, Guy. Morton, Frank B. McDowell, Irwin C. McKnown, Harley. Nay, Carl F Nay, John F. Patterson, Virgil W. Patterson, Walter O. Pembridge, George D. Pembridge, William E. Poling, William E., Rivers, Claude E. Roach, Wilbur W. Robb, David A., Jr. Selbe, Dow L. Selbe, John C. Shoemaker, Charles L. Simpson, Robert R. Slick, Roy M. Smith, Perry. Stephensen, Earl L. Strong, Adolph V. Strong, Leland O. Van Winkle, Arthur J. Wallace, O. K. Weston, Fred W. ‘Whelan, Leroy A. Whitney, P. D. Williamson, Arthur E. Word, Samuel S. Yowell, Lee F. Privates—Concluded. Clark, Henry T., resigned. Tackwell, Jake W., died. Company D assisted in the various Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, also in Dec- oration Day services, and worked to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and loyalty in this community, Heapquarters, 34TH Batration, McPherson. Captain and Adjutant: Bernard Regier Major: Isaac K. Fretz, resigned. No activities reported. Captain and Supply Officer: James A. Cassler. LOSS. Captain: Jacob H. Enns. 150 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “A,” 34TH BaTTaLion, Canton. Captain: Artificer: Privates—Concluded. Roscoe H. Evans. First Lieutenant: John W. Coons. Second Lieutenant: Cloyd C. Kalb. First Sergeant: Shaw, Charles B. Quartermaster Sergeant: Johnson, Wiliam M. Sergeants: Bowen, George G. Elder, John F. Farver, Edger M. Wilson, John W. Corporals: Bacon, Sam G. Farver, Abner. Gorsulowsky, Henry J. Privates: Alldritt, Nate G. Bacon, Charles E. Bair, Clarance. Bair, Homer. Bivens, Charles. Blehm, Ezra. Brucker, Albert J. Brucker, Fred. Corbin, Leon C. Coughenour, Melvin. Cunningham, Arthur. Doane, L. J. Edgerton, George G. Edgerton, William M. Evans, Charles V. Farver, Newton. Fisher, Asa J. Fitzsimmons, Lee J. Frick, John A. Ganson, Ralph. Ganson, Wilham L., Jr. Gettys, James F. Jones, Lester. Kalb, Clyde. Kelly, Edward. Kiddoo, William E. Lake, William E. Linesnmayer, Walter. Miller, Lyman L. Minear, Irvin G. Morrison, George. Musick, Ernest. McGill, Kenneth. McMurray, Hubert H. MeVay, Alvah L. Oldfield, Theodore. Overman, Charlie E. Porter, Chancy. Porter, George. Ripper, Guy E. Robb, John N., Rogers, Joe B. Selzer, Clarence M. Sharp, Fred H. Smith, Henry E. Somers, C. Asher. Souders, Clifford L. Spurrier, Zene E. Gephart, Lewis R. Ledbetter, James M. Merrick, George. McMurray, Guy R. Strickler, William 8S. Wilson, Ira G. Giner, Jesse L. Swalander, Albin C. Godown, Chester E. Terry, Charles H., Jr. Hedinger, Fred. Thomas, Iven. Hedinger, Otis M. Travis, Ward. Humble, Terry L. Waln, Preston. Hungerford, Walter. Ware, Chester M. Ingram, Claire. Webster, Benjamin H. Buglers: Jacobson, Lee. Webster, Daniel C. Armour, Lee T. Johnson, Horace N. Webster, Lee. Griswold, Lile A. Johnson, Melvin. Wells, W. A. Johnson, Ralph J. Westbrook, Ben. LOSSES. Sergeant: Privates—Continued. Privates—Concluded. Lacquement, David A., Ginder, Paris L., Ledbetter, Alpha G., discharged. discharged. discharged. : Gray, Charles L., Maddox, Ralph E., Corporals : discharged. discharged. Doane, Charles L., Griswold, Glenn J., Persinger, Charles G., discharged. discharged. discharged. Jones, Lee, discharged. Griswold, Lester, Porter, Paul S., : discharged. discharged. Privates: Hill, Gerald, discharged. Selzer, Charles W., Ballard, Bennett, Holcomb, Floyd F., discharged. discharged. discharged. Swalander, Albin C., Banta, C. O., discharged. Ingram, Lester L., discharged. Berry, Glen D., died. discharged. Swalander, Edwin, Colby, Lester E., Jones, Claud, discharged. discharged. discharged. Lacquement, Fabian A., Westbrook, Herbert, Day, Harry E., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. This company was organized as Home Guard, November, 1917, and reorganized into State Guard, February 15, 1918. The unit held regular drills twice weekly for the entire company, and officers’ school each week until June 20. For two weeks prior to that date the company drilled daily, and discontinued drill thereafter for three weeks, while squads went to the sur- rounding farms each evening to assist in harvesting and threshing the wheat crop. Exhibition drills were held on all legal holidays, either at the armory or in surrounding towns. Company A participated in the battalion drill at Lindsborg, Kan., on September 2, 1918, and was re- viewed by Adjutant General Charles 8S. Huffman at that time. Our company furnished ‘ twenty-five United States service men, several of whom won early promotions by virtue of the proficiency in drill attained while members of this company. The grain elevators and ware- houses at this point were guarded by this company thirty consecutive nights while stocks of foodstuffs were largest, during the months of July and August, 1918. members being on duty in two details of four men each; each detail on duty four hours nightly. Assisted at the burial of two deceased soldiers, one S. A. T. C. student, and one member of this company. Company A was the first company organized in this county ; the officers were directed by the adjutant general to assist in the organization of other companies in the county. Assistance in this respect was rendered at both Moundridge and Inman. Kansas State Guard. 151 Company “B,” 34rH Barration, McPherson. Captain: Musician: Privates—Concluded. Alfred G. Lindgren. Hapgood, Clarence E. Hull, R. B. ; , ; Hultquist, Carl A. First Lieutenant: Artificer: Jackson, Frank. Telie E. Nafziger. Jacobs, John P. Johnson, Glen A. Johnson, William C. Second Lieutenant: Privates: Jones, 8. M. Carl M. Anderson. Aspergrean, Charles O. ee aca in : Barber, Frederick W. aces) Oscars First Sergeant: Beam, Frank K. Rnowles! ae if Tallbott, Orton. Hoe ages) Wade Lindholm, Wendell. ower ; ; Ne ake L : : Quartermaster Sergeant: Brewer, Marion J. MiB Ree Holmes, Grover R Brown, Wi. Mattson Ben Burwell, D. D. Miller, Lee. Nevccantas pe ae ys Modine, Carl G. Bixby, Louis E. Cox, Loren N. ected eoaranr Dorst, Dena E. Cramsey, Samuel, Sr. MeKuigne Clifford C Elliott, Roy E. Dean, Charles. McPherson, William J Emmert, V. M. Dean, G. R. Olson, Jak ; Grant, Carl A. Dennison, Moody D. Poeson law g Ennis, Albert E. Oe oy Ce ine Corporals: Finkle, Lee E. Reddell. H. S Bonberger, C. R. Frank, Carl A. Roney, Arthur Ferguson, Clifford C. Going, W. H. Rostine, W. E. Finkle, Merrill. Gregory, W. E. Russell, H. S.. Gleckner, Homer L. Groves, D. G. Sellerg, Ernest. Lindgren, Hobert G. Hapgood, Frank R. Smith, Albert E Lonberger, G. N. Hawkinson, Milton. Sienaetiarenccel Pettitt, Charles S. Henderson, O. R. Wedeen, C.L. ._ Smith, Paul M. Hendrickson, Sam. Williams, Harvey. VanNordstrand, Roe. Hendry, Alex S. Williams, Marlin. | Hill, Frank A. Winnans, G. I. Cook: ea L. Zimmerman, S. L. Ranstrom, Andy. Hoover, G. W. LOSSES. First Lieutenant: Corporal: Privates—Concluded. James A. Cassler, Stone, M. A., discharged. Hansen, Elmer V., discharged. discharged. Privates: Rodgers, Earl B., Atnip, Gilbert, discharged. discharged. Cramer, Ray, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company B participated in Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns; drilled Monday and Friday nights, and guarded trophy train one night while it was in McPherson. 152 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 347TH Barration, Marquette. Captain: Harry Van Horne. First Lieutenant: Oley L. Ledington. Second Lieutenant: William Westling. First Sergeant: Nelson, Earl T. Quartermaster Sergeant: Roney, Frank. Sergeants: Johnson, Arthur C. Muller, Don B. Olson, Martin R. Yowell, Glover C. Corporals: Elmquist, Frank. Engstrom, Arthur W. Gustafson, Emanuel G. Johnson, Ernest M. MeNickell, Jessie M. Westling, Leroy. Quartermaster Sergeant: Harry K. Bruce, discharged. Sergeants: Hokinson, Emil O., discharged, Corporals: Blake, Frank R., discharged. Johnson, James C., resigned. Johnson, Martin I., discharged. Peterson, Percy, resigned. Van Horne, Hiram A., resigned, Cook: Liljestrand, David D., discharged. Musicians: Liljestrand, Paul, discharged. Artificer: Loomis, Walter, discharged. Privates: Alstatt, David L., discharged. Cooks: Floer, Henry. Harter, Homer E. Artificer: Burnison, Julius. Musicians: Hawkinson, Arthur. Zimmerman, Rimber W. Privates: Anderson, Helmar. Benson, Johnnie C. Berg, Carl G. Berg, George. Berg, Leo. Broman, Albert. Claypool, James H. Carlson, Clarence W. Carlson, Ernest F. Carlson, Maurtz W. Cous, Harold E. Crane, Roy. Dahlberg, C. H. Ek, Hugo E. Engdahl, Carl A. Flohr, Eben. Flohr, Lester A. Gile, Rome. © Grubb, Theodore. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Anderson, Fred F., discharged. Betterson, George W., discharged. Burnison, Dewey, discharged. Carlson, Arthur C., discharged. Engstrom, David C., discharged. Ericson, Harvey, discharged. Gustafison, Arron W., discharged. Hokinson, Rueben, discharged. _ Jackson, Benhard, discharged. Johnson, Carl O., discharged. Lilijstrand, Enock A., discharged. Lillia, Arron R., discharged. Lindstrom, Amos, discharged. Lindstrom, Fred, discharged. Muller, Roy, discharged. Nelson, C. Warren, discharged. Nelson, Melbourne, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. . ‘Gustafison, Clarence W. Hanson, Henry. Hawkinson, Willard. Haywood, Rufus. Hetzler, H. E. Holt, Gust C. Hopp, Oscar. Hughes, John R. Ingermanson, Alfred. Johnson, Karl. Larson, Amos. Lindberg, Nels L. Martin, Otto. Murry, Paul R. MeDoual, David J. MeMickell, Onley L. Nelson, Frank P. Nelson, George R. Nelson, John. Nordin, Olof. Olson, Roy. Peterson, Gifford. Rouey, William M. Sandell, Carl. Shepard, Harvey. Sjogrew, Waldo E. Stark, Otto S. Swenson, Edwin. Wann, Evert W. Yowell, Silas O. Privates—Concluded. Norris, Euyard, discharged. Nostrom, Amos, discharged. Nostrom, Richard, discharged. Nyquist, Robert, discharged. Olson, Emory C., discharged. Ostenberg, Walter, _ discharged. Palmquist, Cecil, discharged. i Peterson, Cecil H., discharged. Peterson, Howard, discharged. Sharkey, Earnest, discharged. Sjogrew, Harold O., discharged. Thompson, Waldo H., discharged. Uhler, Ray E., discharged. Ulander, Carl G., discharged. Van Horne, Raphel, discharged. Wickstrom, William L., discharged. Wynn, Bryan, discharged. Company C drilled once and twice a week, and conducted memorial services on Decoration Day, 1918. Participated in a Red Cross meeting at Lindsborg, Kan., and met with the bat- talion at McPherson in a battalion parade and company drill. Also, met with the battalion at Lindsborg, and held a battalion parade and review and were inspected by Adjutant Gen- eral Huffman, and gave a company drill. ‘Kansas State Guard. 153 Company “D,” 34TH Barration, Lindsborg. Captain: Carl Patrick. First Lieutenant: Edward O. Johnson. Second Lieutenant: Ben T. Orlowski. First Sergeant: Deere, Emil O. Quartermaster Sergeant: Goodholm, Ruben F. Sergeants: Berggren, Carl Arvid. Henmon, Sidney A. Jukes, Wray. Lundstrom, Walter A. Corporals: Ebling, Eugene E. Goodholm, George H. Hanson, Harry. Johnson, Oscar E. Morine, Josef A. Pearson, Alfred. Musician: Hawkinson, Ernest A. Artificer: Palmer, E. Warner. Sergeants: Ferguson, Alfred J., discharged. Peterson, Gordon A. R., discharged. Corporals: Hegberg, Boad, resigned. Levin, Valdie, discharged. Swensson, Arthur A., discharged. Musicians: McDowell, Joseph, resigned. Rhine, Charles Franklin, resigned, No activities reported. Privates: Ahlstedt, Arthur S. Ahlstedt, Elmer. Altenborg, John A. Anderson, Anton L. Anderson, David. Anderson, Gustaf. Axelson, Carl G, Barry, John. Baustain, Henry F. Beckstrom, Andrew. Bengtson, Erland. Blaine, M. Howard. Boline, Edwin N. Chandler, E. Percy. Christian, C. Leslie. Davis, Lester H. Edberg, Armor, H. C. Ekberg, Frank B. Ekberg, E. William. Erickson, Carl W. Erickson, Gustaf A. Falen, Arthur C. Fredrickson, Albert J. Gibson, Arthur S. Gunnerson, Reuben. Hagstrand, Elmer W. Hagstrand, Reuben L. Henry, John D. Holm, Richard. Holmberg, Oscar F. Holt, Edwin F. Hovander, Harry. Jacobson, Emil. Jacobson, Herman. Johnson, Carl. Johnson, C. J. Oscar. Johnson, David. Johnson, Edward R. Johnson, G. Edwin. Jukes, Lee. LOSSES. Privates: Backlund, Alim Th., discharged. Beckstrom, Carl W., discharged. Benson, Lawrentius J., discharged. Bishop, John W., resigned. Carlson, George C., discharged. Engberg, David, resigned. Exline, Orville, discharged. Hendron, Rutherford B., resigned. Isaacson, Carl, discharged. Kulin, Carl A., discharged. Larson, Oscar E discharged. ge} Privates—Concluded. Larson, Arvid E. Lilian, Carl W. Lindberg, Robert F. Lindey, Nelson O. Lindholm, Paul G. Lofgren, Oscar. Lundgren, Arthur J. Lundstrom, Amos B. Lundstrom, Clarence L. Lundstrom, William. Mogenson, Charles. Mohlstrom, Elmer L. F. Nelson, George A. Nelson, Joseph E. Nordstrum, C. Marion. Oakes, G. Herman. Ogle, Ed C. Olson, Arthur L. Olson, Henry. Olson, Herman. Olson, Theodore J. Olson, Victor E. Patrick, Arthur G. Peterson, Carl A. Pihl, Victor S. Pihlblad, Ernest F. Pohlman, Carl. Rooth, Carl R. Simonson, Earl R. Steele, Walter A. Stoneberger, James C. Swanson, William J. Thompson, James C. Wallin, Arvid N. Wardell, Linus C. White, Henry E. Winblad, Hjalmar J. E. Wistrand, Carl- O. Woodburn, Percy A. Privates—Concluded. Levin, Joseph, discharged. Miller, Carl, resigned. McDowell, Neil, resigned. Peterson, Albert J., discharged. Peterson, Arthur, discharged. Pihlblad, Helge, resigned. Pihlblad, Terrance, resigned. Siemson, Bert M., discharged. Skytte, Arthur, died. Sundquist, Charles, resigned. Swensson, Lester R., resigned. 154 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “E,” 34TH Barration, Moundridge. Captain: H. G. Vetter. First Lieutenant: James E. Orndoff. Second Lieutenant: Carl L. Payne. Sergeants: Durst, Harry L. Dyck, Frank E. Regier, Peter P. Santee, Raymond. Vetter, Carl H. Corporals: Crawford, E. B. Durst, E. P. Handke, H. R. Haury, John W. Ruth, John J. Santee, John J. Captain: George D. Heintzelman, resigned. First Lieutenant: Ben Regier, transferred. Sergeant: Duby, Jessie C., discharged. Corporal: McCaslin, Ray, discharged. Cooks: Kutnink, Herbert. Toevs, Peter W. Bugler: Smith, Earl V. Artificer: Horchheimer, H. Privates: Albertson, J. D. Altman, Delbert. Beutler, C. M. Beutler, H. L. Bliss, A. D. Bolinger, Adolph. Cook, Bert. Davis, C. E. Demieville, H. Dirks, H. E. Doty, C. E. Duby, William. Gick, Erwin. Glazier, H. W. T. LOSSES. Bugler: Leatherman, Joel J., discharged. Privates: Altman, Elmer, discharged. Block, Jacob, discharged. Block, Peter, discharged. Bruner, Cecil, discharged. Chavez, Roy, discharged. Dyck, August E., discharged. Finkle, J. R., discharged. Koller, Otto, discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Gray, I. B. Harris, Charlie. Herms, Gorden. Holderman, A. Holderman, R. D. Hurt, R. W. Janzen, J. M. Krehbiel, Bertram. Krehbiel, Homer. Lagree, Mat, Jr. Mulvaney, Edd. Myers, Dewey, McCaslin, J. H. McConnaughy, Clarence. Parks, Roy. Regier, Walter P. Reinecker, Joe. Schlender, Milton. Schlender, Ralph. Sheffler, W. A. Simonson, John J. Suenram, Paul. Suenram, Pearl. Wall, P. L. Weatherby, Oscar C. Privates—Concluded. Kutnink, Hermann, discharged. Lagree, Fay, discharged. Razook, Sam, discharged. Ruth, Dr. Gabe discharged. Schowalter, Paul, discharged. Schowalter, Ray, discharged. Suenram, Carl W., discharged. Werner, Chester J., discharged. Company E held regular drill every Tuesday until the Armistice was signed. Participated in the battalion drill at Lindsborg on September 2, 1918. ceased soldiers sent home from camp. fourth Liberty loan. Paid military honors to two de-~ Attended public speaking at the park to ass st in the Kansas State Guard. ASD Company “F,” 347TH Batration, Inman. Captain: Cooks: Privates—Concluded. Albert N. Blake. Deupree, William P. Jones, William. , é Gatz, Irvin C. Klassen, Nalia C. First Lieutenant: f Kliewer, Abe. Nichilas F. Enns. Musicians: Kliewer, Pete G. Knackstedt, Edward C. Kreker, John F. Second Lieutenant: Luty, Harry. ue, peer Cc Meyer, Arther C. Walter A. Brenneman. Artilieee: Meyer, Herbert J. First S 3 Debrinskie'G Meyer, Rudolph J. irst Sergeant: ebrinski, Guss. Moore, Bert. Enns, Edward H. McKnight, D. A. Privates: Nelson, William. Quartermaster Sergeant: aap pes ive Nickel, Henry J. Wiseapad. Prank HH. alam, Richard. Roberts, Bert G. gen, frank tf Calam, Richard, Jr. Rutledge, Charles. Sergeants: Calam, William. Stansel, James M. D Carol A Carmichael, John. Stansel, Marvin. riod at ae Davis, Jack. Thiessen, Henry K. teh ig Sea Doerksen, Mart M. Vogt, Peter H. i ier, Elmer F. Dych, Peter. Waller, John A. Slabach, Menne D. Enns, Diedrich C. Waller, Robert T. . Enns, Elmer. Warner, John. Corporals: Enns, Henry. Wiegand, Larance F. Busby, Charles E. Fisher, David W. Zimmerman, William A. Dick, Arron. Gatz, George. Hahn, William. Gatz, Roy L. Hargis, Robert R. Graves, Brookes W. Stansel, Roy B. Hahn, Henry W. Vogt, Cornelius. Hebert, Isaac. Voss, George V. Holden, John H. : LOSSES. - Privates: Privates—Continued. Privates—Concluded. Briggs, Walfred C., Heim, Robert H., Roberts, Edward J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Enns, Jacob H., Jones, William, Smith, Claud J., discharged. discharged. discharged. Hargis, Robert S., Klassen, John C., Vogt, Frank, discharged. discharged. discharged. Hayden, Charles B., Pauls, Abe A., Wiens, David F., discharged. discharged. discharged. ACTIVITIES. Company F participated in a Red Cross sale which was held at Inman in May, 1918. It was a decided success and was due mostly to the hard work of the company. The unit, also, took an active part in the various drives in the interest of the Red Cross, Liberty loans and other war activities. In August, 1918, the Guard went on a seven mile hike to the Little Arkansas river, where the boys received a little touch of camp life. The company had charge of the celebration on signing of the Armistice. A big bonfire in the evening and the band of our organization gave a concert. On Memorial Day, 1918, the guard marched to the cemetery and decorated the old soldiers’ graves and held short services. The guard also conducted a military funeral on April 1 for an old veteran, William K. Heller, who passed away on March 31. 156 Adjutant General’s Department. HEADQUARTERS, 39TH BatTation, Mankato. Major: L. L. Burceliinal. No activities reported. Captain and Adjutant: William C. Polley. Company “A,” 35TH BaTTaLion, Jewell. Captain: William T. Fay. First Lieutenant: Fred V. Kreamer. Second Lieutenant: Schumacher, Arthur J. First Sergeant: White, O. E. Corporals: Cluster, Burt. Crandall, A. E. Fitch, Elmer T. Frank, J. H. Peattie, Clarence E. Trapper, Lenard C. Musician: McClung, George W. Privates: Abrams, Fred Herman. First. Lieutenant: Henry W. Laffer, discharged. Privates: Applebee, Albert W., discharged. Battorf, Frank A., discharged. Bennett, Kenneth O., discharged . Berry, O. N., discharged. Carpenter, Walter J., discharged. Collier, Wiliam R., discharged. . Earl, Richard V., discharged. Evans, Neal, discharged. Company A had no active service. men, coming under the selective draft, their preliminary training. Privates—Continued. Abrams, R. L. Atkins, Marshall L. Bartholomew, Jesse Elmo. Betts, Putnam Berg. Bohnert, Clarence. Bohnert, Harold. Bortch, Charles G. Bortch, John L. Brake, Ralph R. Carter, J. Henry. Chilcott, Oscar M. Clark, Eugene B. Dival, Leo J. Drake, John R. Dye, Charles T. Edwards, Howard C. Ely, Alonzo C. Eychner, George B. Flinn, John H. Folsom, Burt L. Fortner, W. A. A. Frank, George Welley. Frank, William N. Giger, Lauran E. Gordenier, Fred J. Gray, Fred L. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Fisher, Emerson D., discharged. Fulton, Clif E., discharged. Gann, Guy, died. Gavin, Lewis O., discharged. Gray, E. B., discharged. Hoel, H. S., discharged. Horn, Irvin W., died. James, Alvah W., discharged. Kemmurer, Ferd E., discharged. Kuffer, Alden S., discharged. Lenon, Chnton D., discharged. Matter, Clifford E., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Green, Clyde I. Griffis, George E. Hanna, John C. Henninger, W. S. Hoffer, Phares M. Johnson, Daniel V. Laffer, John O. Larreau, Joseph E. Matson, William A. Menhusen, John H. Menhusen, Minert H. Miller, Harry D. Moore, John B. McDill, Roy. Nixon, Guy. Peterson, John O. Petrie, W. W. Price, P. G. Reynolds, Claude. Ruggles, Francis E. Shaver, Alfred M. Tatman, Frank M. . White, Hallie C., Jr. Wolf, Fred E. Woolsey, Earl. Young, E. Privates—Concluded. Meeker, Olin R., discharged. Plowman, Carl W., discharged. Plowman, Harry J., discharzed. Reynolds, George E., discharged. Sheldon, Charles W., discharged. Slattery, Edward, discharged. Smith, Alfred E., discharged. Smith, Loyd L., discharged. Stanley, Albert, discharged. Whitney, C. C., discharged. Their principal work consisted in giving the young Also, members of the or- ganization took part in all war drives, investigating any citizen who needed an investigation as to his patriotism. As a whole, I wish to commend Company A for their faithfulness and strict attention to duty. Privates: organization. Kansas State Guard. 157 Company “B,” 35TH BatraLion, Formoso. Captain: Dick Rex. Second Lieutenant: W. B. Waggoner. Sergeants: Alderson, C. L. Baird, John. Blanding, M. I. Cunningham, A. W. Dunstan, Henry. Hale, G. B. Jacobson, Ralph. Leydig, Earl. Corporals: Barricklow, Edward. Blanding, Ira. Briggs, Alfred. Dixew EO. Frye, William. Livers, Vyrl. Stewart, Charles. Cooks: Butler, George. Hale, R. E. Adams, Fred, — ; Baird, George, discharged. Baird, Kenneth, discharged. Burchinal, L. L., discharged. Carlson, Archer, discharged. Clark, Elmer R., discharged. Dunn, Mick, discharged. Musician: Hyde, Oran. Artificer: Spotts, Benjamin. Privates: Andrews, Joseph. Ault, Ivan. Baird, William. Balch, John, Jr. Barricklow, Danial. Briggs, Ralph. Clark, William. Cross, Homer. Doxon, Charles. Dunstan, Samual, Dunstan, William. Dyas, David. Dyas, Ramond. Dyas, Thomas. Eiler, Leroy. Fall, W. A. Griffin, William. Hall, John. Hyde, Elisha. Hyde, Jerome. Jacobson, E. H. Johnson, Ramond. Isaacson, Charles. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Esther, Wilber, discharged. Fulton, B. H., discharged. Higbee, Harry, discharged. Higbee, Jay, discharged. Howland, Charles, discharged. Lee, G. D., discharged. Marr, James, discharged. Miller, A. W., resigned. Payne, W. E., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Isaacson, Henry. Keeler, Charles. Keeler, Roy. Lake, Lester. Lawerence, Loyd. Livers, J. J. Mahaffey, S. G. Mathes, W. F. Morris, Joseph. Neil, Lee. Noble, Ellis. Nywall, David. Osbourne, F. M. Parsons, R. M. Payne, Bert. Rhodes, A. M. Sarver, William. Shackelton, Lewis. Shaw, J. A. Shedden, Thomas, Jr Smith, Frank. . Sutherland, M. D. Swihart, George. Thornburg, H. E. Walters, O. K. Welden, J. O. Wescot, Merwin. Wilson, A. B. Privates—Concluded. Ramsey, Robert, discharged. Slaughter, Orvil, discharged. Stichelman, John, died. Stone, John, discharged. Sullivan, E. D., discharged. Wallen, Lenord, discharged. Wing, Arther, discharged. Wlof, Joseph, resigned. Company B participated in every Liberty loan, Red Cross, and other campaigns after ita The unit conducted four military funerals for deceased United States soldiers. 158 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “C,” 35TH Batration, Mankato. Captain: L. H. Cauthorn. First Lieutenant: C. O. Kirkpatrick. Second Lieutenant: Tyler, Eugene M. First Sergeant: White, Jesse R. Quartermaster Sergeant: Kramer, George R. J. Sergeants: Cole, John A. Thompson, Arthur T. Urban, Joseph. Corporals: Candler, LeRoy, Ehly, George P. Sergeants: Pierce, Everett, discharged. Walker, Russell, discharged. Corporals: Faubion, Charles, discharged. Green, Victor, discharged. Musician: Moody, Homer, discharged. Privates: Axtell, Newell, discharged. Borland, Forrest H., discharged. Compton, Porter, discharged. No activities reported. ‘Corporals—Concluded. Ferguson, John. Lutz, Ignatus L. Schlagle, Albert W. Wilde, Clifford. Bugler: Ellison, Carl A. Artificer: Davis, Elmer E. Privates: ‘Beale, Walter F. Beam, William H. Blair, Levi. Bonecutter, Arch. Carter, Henry. Chilcott, I. N. Craig, Robert B. Davidson, Vernon H. Drake, Lewis. Dramond, Frank C. Everson, Edward G. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Crangle, Paul D., discharged. Crangle, Roy I. discharged. Dunn, Frank, discharged. Gebrett, Floyd H., discharged. Grant, Hobert, discharged. Hancock, Harvey L., discharged. Harness, Harold, discharged. Howell, John W., discharged. Howell, Oren C., discharged. Jacobs, Phinehs, discharged. Jacobs, Ralph George, discharged. Keist, Clarence H., discharged. Privates—Concluded. Finch, Ernest O. Grant, Virgil C. Gunlick, Gustav F. Hancock, Clarence E. Handley, Clarence. Hardenck, Lowell. Henderson, Dan. Hooker, Raymond. Jones, Amwel E. Kxennion, Orville H. Lawrence, Elmer R. Mead, Harold G. Mower, Ciare C. Murray, Henry W. Murphy, Levi. McNabb, Bryan. McNabb, John. Ralston, Lester. Stanley, Mason. Stohr, Charles 4. Swope, Clyde. Vermillion, Charlie D. Walker, Andrew F. Wilson, Harold L. — Privates—Concluded. Loomis, Vernon B., discharged. Metz, Roscoe, discharged. Monroe, Raymond I., discharged. : Moser, Hallie, discharged. Park, William M., . F ' discharged. Parsons, Ross H., discharged. Russell, Ralph W., discharged. Smith, Harley L.,. discharged. .; Smith, Murray,.... ,. discharged. aa Smith, Walter, discharged. Stanley, Frank W., died. Walker, Marion E., - discharged. Wright, Walter R., discharged. Kansas State Guard. 159 Company “D,” 35TH Barration, Lovewell. Captain: Wesley V. Griffitts. First Lieutenant: Hollis T. Cook. Second Lieutenant: Jacob H. Switzer. First Sergeant: Edgar, Lewis H. Sergeants: Angle, John R. Hendricks, Ralph. Kinyon, Dewey. Ross, Fred L. Smith, Archie. Corporals: Lovewell, Frank Marr, Curtis. McDonald, Francis L. Rothchield, Fred C. Swihart, Fay. Privates: Altman, Earl R. Alton, Dean. Corporal: Simmons, Clifford B., discharged. Company D was very active in the Red Cross, and Liberty loan campaigns, and the Five- Privates—Continued. Arbuckle, Johnnie. Ballard, Rollie E. Barringer, George I. Billing, Albert. Bothwell, Carl L. Burns, Dwight. Calhoon, Ross J. Cook, Earl T. Dannifer, William E Filch, Clarence E. Fordham, Jesse. Gertson, Edward K. Heldt, Albert W. Hutchins, Leroy C. Imler, Earl E. Jacobs, Lester R. Kinyon, Robert R. Leece, Charles E. Leece, Henry L. Leece, John. Lovewell, Cecil R. Lovewell, Grant. Lovewell, Stephen R. Lowe, Fred Y. Mitchell, Ernest W. Osborne, Irvin. Osborne, Oliver. Owen, George H. Phillippi, Archie L. Pool, Charlie.: LOSSES. Privates: Benbou, Robert A., discharged. Helfer, Henry D., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Powell, M. Leslie. Price, John 8S. Price, Paul. Quick, William W. Ricewick, William F. Ross, Edwin. Scrivner, Robert E. Shuler, Christian D. Simmons, Alva. Stansbury, Edwin F. Stone, Charley E. Stratman, Raymond E. Swihart, Ira M. Swihart, Lloyd C. Swihart, Ray. Thomas, Elmer E. Truax, Homer E. Vadu, Ellery 8. Vadu, John H. Van Meter, A. P. Van Meter, Chester. Van Meter, Martin. Warren, Chattie V. Warren, Orvil G. Warren, William T. Watt, Frédé 8. Wurth, Edward E. Privates—Concluded. Lee, Garold, discharged. Lee, Wilham W., discharged. Winter, Claude E., discharged. in-One drive; our community always exceeded the quota. which we were to raise. The organization, also, gave exhibition drills. 160 Adjutant General’s Department. Company “E,” 35TH BatraLion, Republic. Captain: Orville W. Albertson. First Lieutenant: James C. Powers. Second Lieutenant: Perey B. Graham. First Sergeant: Nutter, G. Grafton. Quartermaster Sergeant : Stromberg, P. A. Sergeants: Ambrose, John L. Hunter, Perry G. Polley, W. Hugh. Corporals: Cardwell, Charley A. Cure, Emerson. Powers, Zoe T. Rakestraw, Walter. Ruddell, Royd. Stafford, Floyd L. Musicians: E’skenbrack, William M. Artificer: Cardwell, John W. Second Lieutenant: William C. Polley, transferred. Sergeants: Figgins, Jesse L., discharged. Charles, Eugene, discharged. Corporals: Keennon, George, discharged. Nystrom, Ernest, discharg.d. Williamson, Clarence A., discharged. Privates: Beck, Evan L., discharged. Bissenden, William T., discharged. Boylan, Orville E., discharged. Boylan, Wesley J., discharged. Bruns, Fred, discharged. Cundiff, Leo B., discharged. Privates: Baldwin, Jesse A. Beck, Frances E. Beck, Ralph T. Belden, John T. Blackburn, Melvin G. Boylan, Lawrence. Boylan, Philip E. Chick, Charles E. Clabaugh, B. Ray. Conzelman, Emmett E. Davis, Harvey W. Dumback, Joe L. Eddy, Lee V. Emmert, Benjamin M. Emmert, William A. Evans, Joe S. Figgins, James A. Fesler, Otis T. Fischer, Harry. Fischer, Raymond. Fleming, John J. Fredell, Fred H. French, Guy E. French, Robert. E. Fruend, Wayne S. Gant, John H. Gant, Walter G. Gardner, Harry A. Hall, John B. Harbour, Earl O. Helfer, William H. Howard, Ivan C. Johnson, Clarence. LOSSES. Privates—Continued. Denoyer, Leonard J., discharged. Denoyer, Twin G., discharged. Eastman, Frank L., discharged. Eastman, Glenn, discharged. Elliott, Glenn, discharged. Frankamp, Lewis G., discharged. French, Glenn, discharged. Gossard, Charles E., discharged. Gribble, Leo B., discharged. Hobson, I. Ray, discharged. Mann, Kenneth E., discharged. Mercer, Raymond, discharged. Milner, David G., discharged. Milner, Earl R., discharged. Mitchell, John H., discharged. ACTIVITIES. Privates—Concluded. Johnson, Glenn E. Keennon, Charles R. Landreth, Bert O. Mahagan, Clarence. Mann, Hartley B. Mercer, Elmer. Morehead, Carl. Morehead, Murlin J. Morehead, Orra L. Parker, Charles B. Pugh, J. Fred. Perkins, Duncan A. Roberts, Alvin E. Ruddell, Everett W. Simms, Grant H. Smee, H. Ross. Smith, Earl J. Smith, Glenn H. Somers, Carleton J. Stafford, Clarence E. Stafford, Samuel A. Stafford, Willis P. Strom, Ernest B. Taylor, Cyril J. - Taylor, Guy T. Tedrow, Dale. Throne, Walter. White, John R. Wood, Ernest. Privates—Concluded. Moore, Raymond, discharged. Morehead, W. Archie, discharged. Nitcher, Simon A., discharged. Polley, Robert E., discharged. Powell, Kiley L., discharged. Rasmussen, Frederick B., discharged. _ Rasmussen, Ralph, discharged. Rodefer, Albert, discharged. Sisson, Clarence, discharged. Sisson, Floyd, discharged. Smith, Leonard W., discharged. Stafford, Clifford, discharged. Strom, Alfred V., discharged. Strom, Clarence W., discharged. Tarenner, John E., discharged. Company E drilled weekly, but was not called out for active service nor performed any guard duty. The company stood state inspection, by invitation, with the 17th Battalion at Concordia, Adjutant General Huffman, inspecting officer, _ : The company headed the parade at Belleville, November 11, 1918, at the celebration of the signing of the Armistice. Kansas State Guard. 161 Company “F,” 85TH BarraLion, Webber. Captain: Frederick W. Maxey. First Lieutenant: Jonas V. Larson. Second Lieutenant: Charles A, Crispin. First Sergeant: Humiston, Frank A. Sergeants: Graham, George W. Latzenmyer, Harvey J. Wilson, Jess G. Corporals: Broyles, Harry. Larmer, Charley E. McKeown, Tom. McKinney, Gus W. Ross, Oscar E Yerian, Frederick J. Private: Blair, Wilbur R., discharged. No activities reported. 11—4436 Musician: Dahl, Erling. Privates: Aberg, John. Blair, Albert H. Blair, Lyman W. Browning, Frank E. Broyles, Frank L. Christiansen, Elmer. Crispin, John I. Dahl, Haakon. Davidson, Ernest D. Dort, George W. Drake, Wilbur E. Dye, Charley E. Dye, George W. Dye, Verne. Eisenmann, Ernest V. Eisenmann, Walter O. Ewer, Warren E. Graham, Harry B. Graham, Owen E. Hall, Frank M. Hall, Mack Henry. LOSS. Privates—Concluded. Harding, Mont W. Hendricks, Hollis. Jeffries, William J. Jennings, Bert A. Kirkpatrick, Wiley R. Lundy, William C. Paynter, Cecil A. Peck, Clayton. Powell, Frank Grey. Powell, Homer E. Plukett, Wilmer. Plunkett, Bert. Ralston, Lester. Rothchield, Elwood. Singer, Tillman. Smith, Mark E. Stratman, Raymond. Taylor, Perry B. Vader, Irvin S. Vale, Wilbur D. Vestal, Floyd. Wyatt, Albert E. Wyatt, Hewlie A. 162 Adjutant General’s Department. HEADQUARTERS, 36TH BaTration, Meade. Major: Captain and Adjutant: Captain and Surgeon: Brother Buis. John F. Sweet. William F. Fee. No activities reported. Company “A,” 36TH BattTaLion, Meade. Captain: Cooks: Privates—Concluded. James L. Stamper. Edmondson, Mitchell T. Evans, William J. Schmecker, Elmer A. Fairchild, Wilbur R. First Lieutenant: a Fletcher, Ernest W. Elbert E. Innis. pile ‘ Fletcher ae