Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED Now York, Wo¥ + 7 . + “ os 5 A 7 gre ‘e ‘ "3 " a ce . rh ‘ £ ba f an — ¢ ) % " ° 4 dee 7 ES eo es ee Hart, PRINTER, Rocuester, N. Y. , ERNEST merican Wood Working Machine Co. ® SUCCESSOR TO® F. H. CLEMENT CoO., ROWLEY & HERMANCE CoO., MILWAUKEE SANDER MFG. CO., GLEN COVE MACHINE CoO., HOYT & BRO. CO., C. B. ROGERS & CO., GOODELL & WATERS, LEHMAN MACHINE CO., THE LEVI HOUSTON CoO., YOUNG BROS. CO., WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE te ly) ee NEW AND IMPROVED WOOD WOKING CHACHINERY. OFFICES: Washington Life Building, corner Broadway and Liberty Street, NEW YORK CITY. SALESROOMS : 109 Liberty Street, New York City. 43 and 45 S. Canal Street, Chicago, Ill. 94 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass. Church and Basin Streets, Williamsport, Pa. Cable Address: WOODMACHO. FIRST EDITION, 1898. * INTRODUCTORY. # at ah at se ase ak aah a TO: OURSEA TRONS: THE AMERICAN WOOD WORKING MACHINE COMPANY is composed of the following well known firms : FRANK H. CLEMENT CO. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO. MILWAUKEE SANDER MFG. CO, GLEN COVE MACHINE CO. HOYT & BRO. CO. C. B. ROGERS & CO. GOODELL & WATERS. LEHMAN MACHINE CO. THE LEVI HOUSTON CO. YOUNG BROS. CO. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO. The lines of Machines found in the ensuing pages have been selected from the above named plants on account of their superiority over all other machines of their kind, as to their mechanical perfection and power to perform the work for which they are built. This Company is not a Trust, and does not intend to make its money by inflating prices; all we want is a fair profit, and in return we give our customers the benefit of our consolidation, namely : economical manufacture, consolidated experience and a line so large to select from that our salesmen are able to give you an unbiased opinion as to the best machine or machines for your use. We have not by any means established a standard, for our aim is to improve our machines to the extent that money and brains will bring them. We have established Salesrooms at 109 Liberty Street, New York; 43 and 45 South Canal Street, Chicago, Ill.; 94 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass., and Church and Basin Streets, Williamsport, Pa. All sales communications should be addressed to our salesroom nearest to you, thus facilitating prompt attention and immediate interview by one of our sales- men when so desired. Owing to the demand for a catalogue we have been obliged to compile this, our first issue, in a hurried manner, and desire to say that it does not represent our full line of machines. As soon aS convenient we shall issue a complete catalogue compris- ing all of the various machines made by our separate Branches. Thanking you for past favors and trusting for a continuance of your patronage, we remain Very truly yours, AMERICAN WOOD WORKING MACHINE CO. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2” PLEASE BE KIND ENOUGH to acknowledge receipt of this Catalogue by postal card or letter. If in want of any machine herein illustrated, please mention it, and we will quote you prices. Suggestions to Correspondents. To avoid mistakes, give your post-office address in full; TOWN, COUNTY AND STATE. In ordering extras, repairs, supplies, or changes in machines being built, give sufficient information to enable us to fill the order intelligently and correctly. When sending anything to us, put your name and address on each package. Guess Work is Expensive. Orders thoughtlessly or carelessly made are often received with instructions to hurry the goods for- ward. ‘To avoid delay we must GUESS what is wanted, and we may guess wrong; then comes the inevitable expense of express charges, delay and consequent vexations at both ends of the line. We will send ExAcTLY what you want if you will state your wants EXACTLY. In ordering gears give number of teeth, diameter, width of face, size of hole and length of hub. Tf a pulley, give diameter, face and hole, state whether straight or crown face; and if it ts to run with another pulley (tight or loose), give projection of hub beyond the rim. Tlf saws, always state whether rip or cross-cut, gauge, diameter of hole and number of teeth. In ordering mortise chisels, say whose make of mortiser they are for, or send an old chisel shank so we can get the proper taper. Orders for moulding bits should be accompanied with patterns, showing position and size of slots, as the spring of the bit depends upon the diameter of the cutting circle of the head. When ordering blanks for moulding bits, always give the length, as we do not know the thickness of moulding for which they will be shaped. In ordering knives or moulding bits for our make of machines, state which machine they are for. If for other makes of machines, give diameter of head, and state whether the head ts solid or slotted, the size, number and position of the slots. If possible, always send a paper pattern of the full size knife that can be used. A LITTLE PENCIL SKETCH often conveys more meaning than a page of. written instructions. Many of our machines have been sold through agents, and only the agents’ names are known to us in the transaction, hence the necessity of the greatest care in ordering. A CAREFUL CONSIDERATION of the foregoing will save time and correspondence, and enable us to fill orders promptly. Terms of Sale. Strangers in ordering will facilitate shipment by sending reference. All bills are due and subject to sight draft thirty days from date of shipment, unless other terms are agreed upon. ‘Thirty days’ time is extended to purchasers favorably rated in Commercial Reports. CLAIMS FOR ERRORS must be made on receipt of goods. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery of shipment in good order to the Transportation Company, and in no case can we allow claims for dama- ges or loss in transit. All claims mast be made to the Transportation Company. If in want of any kind of machinery for working wood, write us for prices before placing order. We will save you money, and give you the best the market affords. Respectfully yours, AMERICAN WooD WORKING MACHINE COMPANY. a ‘®) -O@A\MERIGAN \AVOOD-\W/ORKING [MACHINE GO Cable Address, ‘‘ Woodmacho.’’ GENERAL CODE. A. B. C. Code Used Also. CODE TABLE OF DATES. CODE WORD, DAY. CODE WORD. DAY Dabbing 2.2 ee ee eee Ist. Daintré hs iw ee ee ee eee 17th Dabbler etek ee ee ee eee 2d. Dairy ee bd fe ILS. 18ths® Dabeéhick 22332202. 533 2eo a oe eee 3d. Dairymal dss seb ee a ee 19th. Dabovis S242. see ae ee eee ULL Dairyman 2.0220 ee ee ee ee 20th Dactillon 2. Se ee eee eee 5th. Daisied moe ee See el oe a ee 21st Dadais. 3 ee os ie ee eee ioe ee 6th. Dallagecs.4 oa eee eeabe ey Dre ea Ne ns 22d. Dad Gyn. eee ee a ee eee ee ee 7th. Dallador's.2 33 ee ee ee ee eee 23d. Daft.) ee Ae ee eee Sth. Dallianc@i225.c5501 32 ee eee 24th. Darcers yi Be Tas siete eat gee en es 9th. Dallying2 2023s eee BY Ghat ee La ae 25th. Davclock 222 3 ee a ee 10th Damask se eh ee eee 26th. Dar ormeé. 2.5 ee ee llth Dame. occ t 5 ok ee 27th: Dahlia: ys ee A ee a ea eee eee ee eee 12th Damereétick eek ese eee eee 28th Dalieoner 0S ee ee ee ee 13th Dam per eee hk otek ee Oude a) eee 29th Dainties::...0 3332 ee ee ee eee 14th Dampness.................. SnAg SoC a 30th. Daintily oe ee ee ee ee 15th Damsel iit 2h ee eee Se ee ce Daintiness 3.355 2 ee ee eg ere eee 16th CODE WORD, MONTH. CODE WORD. MONTH. DANCODS 6h ee ee January. Danrigerless 2.20 2 eee eee July. Dandelion ya a See ee ee ene ee February. Dangle (22.0.8 See ee ee Dandifiéd (se ee ee ee March. Dansant..25 2°42 52 See eee ee September. Dandlé@i2 52 ee ee ee ere ee April. Dapper. 3 nes isi ee OC Gem Dandruit i ee oes ae May Dard ers cs sie Reed November. Danew ortis2¢2. ee ee eet eens ee June Dareful so eet eee eee ee December. SHIPMENTS. CODE WORD, Daring Daringness Darken Darkling Darksome Darn Darning Dative Daubing Daughter Dauntless Dauphin Dawning Daybook Daybreak Daydream Daytime Dazzle Dazzling Deacon Deadish Deadman DeafenSe = Dealer Dean Deanery Deanship Dearling Dearness ........ Deathless Deathlike. Deathly Deathwatch CODE WORD, Deedless Deemster Darkness ............ Will ship Dashing................ Dateless 000. 0....C Daylight Penne) Wire earliest possible shipment of How soon can you ship ? We can ship at once. Expect to ship Cantshl pees ship in three days. ship in five days. ship in one week, ship in ten days. ship in two weeks. ship in three weeks. ship in four weeks. ship in five weeks. ship in six weeks. ship in two months. ship in three months. Ship by steamer from... Ship by sailing vessel from Ship by steamer to._..._..... Ship by sailing vessel to Ship by railroad at once, Ship by boat at once. Ship by express at once. Ship by express C. O. D. Shall we ship by steamer or sailing vessel ? Shall we ship by rail or boat ? ; Ship by sailing vessel from New York. Ship by steamer from New York. Ship by cheapest route. Ship by railroad if not too great a difference in cost. Ship by fast freight. Ship by steamer and insure. Ship by sailing vessel and insure. Ship as soon as possible. Ship immediately. Ship immediately, without waiting for car- load. CODE WORD. Debark. 2... Debarring Debased Debatable ____... Debating Debilement Debility .......... Debitage Dede. ee- Debris ..........=...... Debtor Debutant Decadency ..... Decalogue Decameron ... Decamp ........ .. Decampment Decapitate ._..... Decayed Deceitful Deceiver Deceiving Decency Decently ......... Deception Deceptive Decimal Dechirage Decevant.__....... Decharne ........... Decidence INSURANCE. Shall we insure ? Do not insure. CODE WORD. Deepness Deerfold Ship in carload. When and by what route did you ship ? Will a few days’ delay in shipment make any difference ? A few days’ delay in shipment will make no difference. We have nearly finished and can ship None in stock, but can ship in .......... Reply by telegraph when you can ship. When will you ship? We ship to-day. Goods were shipped. If you can ship at once, do so. We have shipped your order of... ........ We have not shipped. you ship Ship and draw with bill of lading attached. Can you ship and get through bill of lading? Will ship as soon as possible. Prepare to ship, but wait further instructions by mail. If you have not shipped, await further advice. goods are ready to ship and we await further instructions. Shall we ship? Hurry shipment as much as possible. If you have not shipped ........... Will be shipped this week. Can ship at once. Will be shipped next week. When ready to ship, telegraph us. Shipment can be made by Send shipping directions. Shipment delayed by Car load. In one shipment. | Do not ship. If you have not shipped .......... from here, answer. _, will send You may insure. Insure and let charges follow. ~@\MERICAN \AWVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2» CODE WORD, Defence... . Defendable Defendant ___. Defensive __.. Defensory CODE WORD. UNA 7 he Defunct Defying... Degener ate. Degluer Degollar CODE WORD. Deist Dejeuner....... ..... Delantera._...... Delarder Delate CODE WORD. Demater ._...... Demeaning Demeanour Demediar Demenage Demented Demeubler Demise Demisable Democracy Democratic Demolish Demonian Do not sell for less than Delayant Delayement Demency......... Demerit.__.._. Demisory ........ Demolition _.... Demonstrat Demoralize GENERAL CODE—Continued. A. B. C. Code Used Also. FREIGHT RATES, WEIGHTS, MEASUREMENTS AND HORSE POWER. ..What is the best rate of freight you can obtain from your place to ? React Rate of freight per 100 pounds, in carload lots, from to is _Rate of. freight per 100 pounds, in carload lots released from to is ..Rate of freight per 100 pounds, in less than carload “lots, from to Rate of freight per 100 pounds, in less than PRICES. carload lots released, from... LO ISe Seas What is the lowest net cash price for _....... ? What is the lowest net cash price delivered Were qOnN es ? .. [The lowest net cash price on............ ee eee Wire lowest net cash price to us delivered NeTemO Times aes Is price net, or list subject to discount ? Price quoted you is net to us F. O. B. cars at SALES. Sell at price that will net us not less than ..... “ite Do not sell unless you can get our price. Sell at price you name if you cannot do better. Vowemayesellsat. Sell at your discretion. Cannot sell at Cannot sell at price you name, but can get... aed Cannot sell at over Definable Detinative bead Deflecting Degommage Degonfler ........ lelegraph price on Degoutant Degradant Delectable Delegated _... .. Delestage Beto Have sold and wish you to replace EMIS A Fak hs What is cubic feet and weight of ? ene Cubic feet sitet What is shipping weight of ? . Shipping weight is . a What is approximate gross weight ? ..What is approximate gross weight of..........? What is net weight of ? gid ee! What horse power is required for ? Deflttous 0... horse power is required to drive to full capacity. Price quoted you is net to us F. O. B. cars at New York City. Price quoted is net cash, boxed for export and delivered on cars at New York City. Telegraph lowest price on Your price is too high. Have you sold? Have sold. Have not sold. If you have not sold, All in the works are sold. Will accept. Have written. Will not accept. Have written. Cannot accept. Have written. PAYMENTS, REFERENCES, ETC. =e Have you remitted by mail? Have remitted by mail. Will remit at once. Draw at sight. Draw at sight Bill of Lading attached. Have draw1 n at three days’ sight Bill of Lad- ing attached. ND rawr OTIS sal eeene ees Have drawn on you at sight. Have drawn on you as usual. ees Have drawn on you at sight with Bill of Lading attached. How shall. we draw? Have remitted through............ Shall we draw at sight? Will draw on you as per proposition. Shall we draw on you? How much shall we draw for? . .Have you drawn? How have you drawn? How much did you draw for? Dempster Demurely Demureness ...... Denominate - Denotable _......We refer to We refer to Have you remitted? Will you favor us with check in settlement of invoice........... : Will you favor us with check in settlement of balance ? Remit without delay. Have placed credit for.......... dollars with.......... You may open credit in our favor with New York Bank for with ..Have mailed you Bankers’ draft on New Works torte , draw at sight against Bill of Lading for balance. Have mailed you Bankers’ draft on London LOR sas draw at sight against Bill of Lading for balance. etestasy New York. Buy for me (or on our account) and hold for shipping instructions, as follows -@ AMERICAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE G0:2* A. B. C. Code Used Also. CODE WORD, Departing......... Department ... Depayser........... Depecement Depectible...... Depeindre ....... Dependency ... Depender ........ Depetrer _........ Depict.. = Depiction Depilage .. ........ Depilatory ....... Deplaisant....... Deplantage ..... Depledge Depletion Depolarize Deponet Deport Deporting Depose Depository Depraved CODE WORD, Desolate Desolating Desolatory CODE WORD. Despond Despot Despotical Dessert Destiny Destitute Destroyer Destruct Desultory Detach Detaching Detachment Detergent Determent Detestable Detester Depeche............... Depravity. ........ Despondent ... Despotism _...... Dessale...xz.. Destinate ........ eaesceseel As soon as you get through at GENERAL CODE -— Continued. TERMS AND What are your terms? Net cash with order. One-third with order, balance on shipment. One-half with order, balance on shipment. One-third with order, draft at sight against Bill of Lading for balance. Draw at sight against Bill of Lading. Notes with interest. Notes with interest secured by contract and insurance. Notes with interest secured by chattel mort- gage. Notes with interest secured by good endorser. We will allow you a discount of............ We will allow you an extra discount of Cannot make discount. Cannot make an extra discount. Cannot make discount greater than Can you make discount? Can you make an extra discount ? What discount will you make us on............ ? eperecentts Ze perecents 2% per cent. 5) pei cent: Goods not received. Send tracer. Follow with tracer. Will send tracer immediately. DISCOUNTS. CODE WORD. Deprecate......... 20 and 5 per cent. Deprehend ...... 25 per cent. Depress 25 and 5 per cent. Deprisant _......... 25 and 10 per cent. Depriver |. ........... 30 per cent. Depulsion __........ 30 and 5 per cent. Depurate _........ 30 and 10 per cent. Deputation. ....... 33% per cent. Deputy .................. 35 per cent. Derangeé. 35 and 5 per cent. Deranging ......... 35 and 10 per cent. Derayee- OP penaecent: . Deres lena 40 and 5 per cent. Derider...............:. 40 and 10 per cent. Derisive ...............45 per cent. Derition.............50 per cent. Derivative ....50 and 5 per cent. Dermal ._w... 50 and 10 per cent. Derogate.............. 55 per cent. Derogatory ....... 60 per cent. Derouter 60 and 5 per cent. Derribado _........ 60 and 10 per cent. Derrick ............... 70 per cent. Dervish. ...............70 and 5 per cent. Desabonner.._... 70 and 10 per cent. 5 per cent. Desabor ..............75 per cent. 10 per cent. Desabrido .......... 75 and 5 per cent. 15° pericent, Desadornar ........ 75 and 10 per cent. ‘20. per “cent, Desagrado __..... 80 per cent. TRACER. CODE WORD, Desopilant......... We have sent tracer. Desormais .......... Send Tracer after. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. We will forward drawings and specifications. We have forwarded drawings and specifica- tions. Can you substitute ? Can we substitute ? You can substitute. What shall we do? What shall I do? Follow up carefully. Look into the matter at once. Act quickly, but be judicious. Use caution regarding credit. Find out if possible. ..AsS soon as you can. As soon as we can. If nothing important in view, take train TOPS Waiting to see you. See them at once. Wire them immediately. Have work here for to-day. Miarstcall ones: Ube mesqeiniane We), Will leave to-night for... Will leave to-morrow for............ Will leave here immediately for... Will leave immediately for........... and return here, CODE WORD. Detonate __........... Will Sunday atl Detonation ....... Will leave fore Detonize _............ Will besa teres Detortion ........... Will Sunday here............ Detouper _.......... Will be here............ Detour ................. Arrived here this morning ........... Detract............... Arrived here this evening. Detractive .......... Arrived here last night. Detriment .......... Go at once to........... Detrude............... Cail as soon as possible on........... Devaler=..... Ask) pice Onn se: Machines, Devastie 3. 2 eee is in the market for............ rated high. Devestate .....0..00...0.... is in the market for? rated fair. Develop .0o......20..cccceeeeeeee is in the market for...... ..... rated low. Developing: 2.0.0 .......... is in the market for............ not rated. Devergence Will get special rating. Deviate Will we get special rating? Deviously ............ Come home at once. Devisable ............ On your way home stop 4t............ Deviser:.3...—.. Will be- homeo. Deviation ............ Come home, stopping on your way at... Devoid 2.33... Stopping at important points, go at once to Devolve ..............Telegraph when you leave. Devorant Send us your route and hotel list at once. Devotedly............ See route mailed. Devotement ..... Will send route from... Devotion............ Will mail route immediately. Devourer __..... You will find letter or telegram of instruc- ONS Ota tes, GENERAL CODE—Continued. ERIGAN \\/OCD-\A/ORKING AGHINE @@.@ A. B. C. Code Used Also. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. CODE WORD. Devoutly .............. Wire Instructions. Devoutness ........ Where can we reach you by letter? Dewberry ........... Please send instructions. Dewdrop ............. Sent you letter to-day to........... Dewiness ............ Sent you important letter to-day. | LS EN If) ee ee Sent you important letter om... tO Seay Dexterity ............ Getsour teleoramuat =) Dexterous _.. Get to-day’s letter. Dextral .. Get to-day’s letter before calling on Dextri: ality . eas Get our letter at.......... Diabolieal. _....... Get letter of instructions there. Diacitron ......... Shall I wait for letter and instructions ? Diaconal ............Where did you send it? Diadem ................ Will wait for instructions at............ Diagnosis ........... Have mail forwarded from............ Paaponally Bere Will get letter there. Waiting your reply to our telegram. Dial. jcc ee Please reply at once by telegram to ours ‘a Be ae Pyimieet:.__..-......: Please reply at once to ours of............ Dialogism............ In reply to your letter of............ Dialogue _..... In reply to your telegram of Dialplate Must have definite reply. BiaAlytic................. Reply by telegraph immediately. Diamantino._..... Reply by mail immediately. Diameter ........ .... Reply fully by mail immediately. Diamond ___....... Immediate reply necessary. Dianatic¢ —_. .... Did you receive our letter of........... Diaphorese ....... Have not received letter referred to ............ Diapason... Have not received your telegram referred Ons eeu res Diarian _ mOideyournecelye Our teleoran! Of, 120-5 Diaper .. ..Have received your letter referred to. Diaphanic eee Have received your telegram referred to. Diaphragm If you have mot 22. MTA T yi. Do not hold. Diastole........ What is the amount ? Diathesis..... .. Your letter came to hand to-day. Diatonie ............Our letter explains everything. Diphless =. 3.2.5) Have received your telegram “of ht es. Dibstone _.. Your telegram ‘did not reach us in time. Dictate ................. Your telegram is unintelligible, repeat it. Dictation .. _...... We mail you letter to-day, confirming this telegram. Dictionary .......... Owing to train connections, will ................. WIGACtIG =... Await letter of this date. WON Te oe Waiting your further instructions. Diedral........... Full instructions have been sent. Dietary Shall we enter your order? Dietetic... WIS If ordered at once. NET D ee hoe Wait further orders. Differing Cancel our order of. .2..2... leninitol re Instructions to cancel arrived too late. Diffidence............ We have order(s) on our books for... Difformity —......We advise you to send in the order im- mediately. If ordered immediately. Wire orders. Ditfract Diftuse | CODE WORD. Diffusive Contract to be closed............ Digerent .0...... You can wire order at our expense. Digest _.............Have you on hand? Digestible......... We have on hand. Digestion _......... Have none on hand, Digging 220... Competition is strong. Disit 2 as If yon cannot sell at our limit, telegraph best price you can get. Dignified _ Can you get cash at these prices Dignitary ........... Take the order. Digression ...... Have sold for immediate delivery. Dilapidate .......... Have sold for cash. Dilatable.0.... Will you accept? Dilate si ee Shall I accept ? Dilation...............We will accept. Dilemma |.2...... Send draft account traveling expenses to... Diligent................ Send date tO. dollars account salary On ee : Dilucid _.......... Have sent draft for............ dollarsito Dilution 0... In accordance with your instructions. Diluvial................ In accordance with our instructions. Dimble.................. Will make with extra charge. Dimensive .......... Will make for............ extra. Diminish .............0ur list price is... Diminutive _...Our list price for........... iste ee Dimity ..How soon can you furnish ? Dimmness 00... We will furnish ......... Dimpled ....... ...... Will this answer? Ding dong .... ....... Is it satisfactory ? Dinginess _.......... It is satisfactory. Dinner It is not satisfactory. Dintelar................ If satisfactory. Dipthong ........... Where can we reach you by letter? Diploite _....... Ignore telegram of........... Diploma _........ Proceed on route. Diplomatic ...... Ignore letter of instructions of............ Dipping ................ Repeat order of... ..... See page 5 in catalogue. Diptheria ........... Yourmorder ote. not understood. See page 5 in catalogue. Directive ........... If not over. Directory .. Write particulars. Diretulie Do not trade. Direness ............. Will not trade. Dirzse 2] 2] Do not quote them. Dirigent................ Onereccipuonmour letter a= Diriamant._. Nothing important. Dirimir ...... ...... Salarawoye Woreenye, ae Ate see Dirtiness............Give better address. Disability Everything as usual. Disabuse _.... ...... We will wire. Disaffect 0. Wire parties using Disagree ............. Wire parties using... Disallven =e Prepay freight to.:_..:... Disarm... Prepay freight to New York. Disarray........ .. Disastrous Disavow Disband _..Prepay freight to Boston, Prepay freight to Chicago. Use machine at store for... as at store for -@\MERIGCAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Go.» A. B. C. Code Used Also. GENERAL CODE—Continued. FRACTIONS AND GENERAL FIGURES OR AMOUNTS. WHICH MAY BE UNDERSTOOD AS DOLLARS, OR OTHERWISE, AS THE SENSE MAY REQUIRE. CODE WORD. Disfavor.. .......... Seely ee ee wy Disfisuress 6s co ee Distorest:) 33 eee ay DISS ONGC rae ee eee ees $ Disroreing =... .6 oe ee DISSrace 20 224 eee ee 4 Diserecv ate. 2.05: ee +5 Diseuises..23 5.220 eee g Distust:2..6..2...02 eee is Dishearten..:....52.) eo eee $ DisherS sick ee Dishing <4 2.35 a eee & Disincline*...2. 222 41 Disinherit;.. 222 -e 4 Disinter:22. Se 13 Disinthral eee z Disjoint ..3:3 233 ee 12 Disputerz3..) 3 ee Fels Disqualifty.. 322 ee 14 Disque Disquiet: 32525 235. eee 16 Disrevard) 23 eee, Disrepute: 3256.43.25 eee 18 Disrespect ___... eto bee ee 19 Distobe2e 23 ee eee 20 Disrobins ee Poverty es ices 21 Disruption isg3..eee ee 22 Diss@ct.282. see ee een Dissection 22-3 s ee 24 Dissemblerc a. Fe ee ae 25 Dissenter® <2 Se eee 26 Dissidence #232 "5 see De CODE WORD. Dissilient {Se 2s ee eee ee 28 DiSSipates Sica ee es ee ee 29 Dissolutes- 2} ae eee 30 Dissolvent.6:33.2 34-22 ae 31 Dissonant..... Fried eRe hee eee 297 Dissuader. Distatix see. Res ye Le eee 34 Distan tials Ss a eee 6 Distaste 2s. =o. 6o5) 2Paees 2yi/ Distemp ére.f ee ee ee 38 Distendinge +23 e 3 2 ae ee 39 Distension =3:4 35 fe eed) Distilling se ee eS, Distortion Distracted Distrainer Distraugch te eee ere Distrayant Distressed Distribute : District. ooo bo ae ee ol Disturbing... 53 Disueltosar Et ee oe ee 54 Ditch, Se ee iors es 55 Ditching ...... ....... poh Vee Meir sie hn ark 56 Ditchman................. Lao ce ae eter 57 Ditty S23 eae ce he a ee oo Diurnally 2 eee ee eee 61 Divagante ...... DIVEn 2 er eee ee 63 DIVarique... 30... eee eee eee 64 Divercent:..2 65 Diversely: cicticc eee 66 Diversion 22. Sb ee a G7, Div CSture 22 oe ee eee 68 Dividable 2.42455 ee eee Dividuous=2—.2 pee eos 70 Divination ee ees el Divinemant.................. a eee 72 Diviner-.33 es eee hs Divorcéee 2 eee Divorcible Divoreing 242 eee TG Divulsatews aa ee ee 78 Divule er. 435 oe eee 79 Divulsions233 ee eee O) Dizenier 22522 ee ere 81 DIZZINESS 5240 55 a ee ee 82 Doatingly:.. a4 ee 83 Doblad0:-224 3.5455. et Docillé: 2.25. 2 we ee ee 85 Doeility ............. Sen eee Sets oY 86 10 CODE WORD. Docimacy ............... itis ie ee 87 Docimastic.....2-.. oS eee 88 Docketi.22c. eee 89 Dockleaf... 2 ...3:) eee SO Dockyard ........... Au 93 Doctor... 94 Dodger....................- piel ee 96 Dodimer «4.2.04 Bas ne 97 Dogaresse Dogberry 2.02... 2 eee oS Dogfish: .......... U3 eee 100 Dogeerel. 22.8. eee 105 Dogleech................ hate 110 Dogma. eee Dogmatic... sian 120 DOGTroSe....._.:beiee eee Dogsmeat......2... ee 130 Dogstar.2. 3 eee 135 Dogtrot nlc 140 Dog wate... 2. scc 2 tictnee tone 4D Dogwood. 3... ha See 150 Doigtier. 2... 155 Dolaireé.. 3a eee 160 Dolamas 2.235.223 45:5. els Doleful ......... Pari Pe her ett,25. Ere 170 Dolencia 2.2. eee Dolesone. 22180 Doliman ....0..4.. 4 eee 185 Dolly:.k el eee Dolomite... 32> 2.5 eee Dolorific : Dolorous 2.222... 2242. 205 Dolphin..32.. eee 210 Doltish...c..ec se eee 215 Domadura: 2... eee 220 Domain 2.2 6S eee Domanial 4:4... eee 230 Dominant) =)... eee Domineer = 43 eee 255 Dominical ¢....24.0..4.o eee Dominion ..2.2.20c 2 ee 265 Dompteur 2... ee 270 Donary e232 ee att ar ES Donatario:: 4.27. 2 eS 280 Donship =... ae ee 310 Donzelle aS ee eee 315 Doomsday 742-3 320 Doorkeeper “@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goo» WHICH MAY CODE WORD. Doorsill Doremal Dorian Dorical Dormant Dormirlas. Dormouse Doronic Dorsifero _. _.. Dotage Dotterel Doublet UY pce na Doucement Dovecot Dovelike Dowdyish Dowered Downpour Downward Downy....... ; Dowress Dozing Drabbish Draggle Drain BE UNDERSTOOD Sn RRB Se Bre he ear ne eM indeed meine Vines a semtton amen lsie as (ea a5 SN DOT OVE ee) es WOMMIMeTA: <8 c.. oe oe kee. 365 (TET ICC) = ha RS ¥ 6) RnR Venere at ee | OXuSC ETT YES is Ste ee eae a MOC TIN We 6 els, Ses | SCIAP sc. ae tS eg oe ee LDN COLEI TIS, 8 ca ec ean a Da 1 LLCO ee ERE ae I OSOLO OVA ee eee Dratted .......... by Ata SePeety tee gt STAG Dragon............... ths Pid eae caer Dra OnAGd Giese 535 EA OM) Vows ae ee Se | Owe SSH 1012 1 ae AS DOLLARS, CODE WORD. OR OTHERWISE, GENERAL CODE—Continued. DOAN es ee ek ee _ 560 Dr aye Gall ee eee eee 565 Dramatist — _..... 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Drnins ticki = eee 1400 DPV LTO eet ay ee ee 1450 DDPyVNGSS ease ee Be 1500 DALI ST eee et ee criss Ce 1550 DubDiatereeael ty lok 20s ea 1600 DUD IOUS es tees ee Tee eee 1650 Dubitacion so oe 1700 DucadOee. 42 FG bee eee. 1800 DUC a a a ee ees: 1900 Duchess seer eae oe ens 2000 Duckhne tease ee 2250 Duck pond yet 2 ew eet 2500 Duck weed 0.0 oo... eececce cececeeeees 2750 Ducthiese: 24-2 ks ee) 3000 Ductililyee. es ee 3250 Dud S CON ere ae 3500 Duellers=] 2.3 aes 75O0) DUC Ue Og ie Bee eae, 4000 Duked oui se ee 4500 POUCA TAT ae ee ee ee ee 5000 DUI Ge ee oe ee ae ee 5500 Dulener ss... eae 6000 Dulemece eee 6500 Dullard lao bee aa eee 7000 Dulness ee 00 Dum Diy eerste es 8000 Dumfound _........-. ceeeee------ 8500 Dumbness +.) 9000 | DAV NIT 1 th ge eee Pee me ee 9500 Dunipishs-24 eee ae 10000 Dumpling ls se 2 eee eee 11000 Duncés ees Le ee ee 12000 DUN Clive 2 ee 13000 Dundiver ._.......... 5 Sd oat Set Oe Se 14000 Dune Coline Ue eee eae 15000 DUNN GS eee ee. 16000 DUP er 4 eee 17000 Dp) exes een eee eee 8000 Duplicates 2 ees ee 19000 Duplicityete ee wt ee 20000 Durables es 2a eee 21000 DUranien 52 oe 22000 DULAC O Tipe ee ee ee S000 Dureless 5 see ee Sees 24000 DurillOne eae eee ee 25000 “@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @o:2» Pivae, F.. Ho CLEMENT COsS New 54-Inch Band Re-Sawing Machine. NA 1 | i it -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE GO Fig. I. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S New 54-Inch Band Re-Sawing Machine. THE PERFECTION OF DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP. HIS machine will be found on examination to be a long step in advance of any tool of its kind yet pro- duced in the way of simplicity and directness of action, and elegance and adaptability of design. It embodies all the conveniences and attachments that are necessary or desirable for any kind of re- sawing in hard or soft wood, and it has ample power both on the blade and in the feed works for any reason- able demand; at the same time the cost has been kept below that of other machines that have far less merit. The Frame is cast hollow with cross struts and heavy foot flanges, and it has a broad base which when properly set does not permit vibration of the machine when running. The Shafts are of hammered crucible steel, and the lower one is 3% inches diameter, having three bear- ings, each 12 inches long, with automatic oiling cells and return channels. The main upper bearing is also 12 inches in length with similar self-oiling attachments. The Wheels are of a form and dimensions which have been found correct in experience, and they are both “ dished’’ so as to extend over the boxes, thereby bringing the strain of the blade directly on the bearings. The lower wheel is very heavy, with a solid central web, and the upper one is as light as possible consistent with strength. The Feed Works are driven by friction gearing, which is adjustable to vary the feed from 18 feet to 100 lineal feet per minute, and the arrangement is the most simple possible, every adjustable part being within easy reach of the operator at his post. The rolls are driven by bronze spur gears and steel worms with ball end-bearings, and the motion is perfectly smooth and noiseless even at the fastest speed. Six Feed Rolls carry the stock to the saw, four of them being 5 inches diameter and driven by gearing, and two of them solid steel idle guide-rolls close to the saw. The right hand set of rolls are rigid in their boxes, but the left hand set are elastic so as to grasp uneven stock and hold it fairly up against the rigid rolls, thus making a powerful feed even on very unequally sawed lumber. The rolls tilt to an angle to saw clapboards and the forward pair can be fluted if so ordered. The Self-Centering Attachment is so arranged that by slacking a set screw and adjusting a collar, the right hand rolls become rigid, but may be adjusted to thickness by the lower screw and hand crank. The Straining of the Blade is accomplished by a balance lever with weights which may be changed according to the work and width of the saw. There is also a cushioned connection between the tilting screw and upper box, permitting sufficient elasticity for the protection of the blade. The Guides have large hardened steel rear or safety rollers and independent side guides which are adjust- able by screws. The lower guide forms a work table for the lumber passing through, and the upper one adjusts to receive stock 30 inches wide and is counter-balanced and adjusted vertically by a large pilot wheel or by a lever and bar overhead as desired ; thus the guide can be instantaneously shifted as the lumber varies in width. The Capacity of the machine is 30 inches wide (or deep) and to the center of 16 inches between the rolls, or stock 8 inches thick can be ‘‘slabbed off’’ 1; inch and thicker, by setting the right hand rolls rigid. Dry pine or similar soft woods 10 inches wide or less has been sawed on this machine at 75 to 85 lineal feet per minute, or at the rate of 48,o0o surface feet per day ; and the same kind of stock 12 to 16 inches wide has been cut at 60 to 70 feet per minute, or at the rate of 52,000 surface feet per day. For kiln dried hard woods the speed of feed will necessarily be much less. Blades 5 inches wide and under can be used, 18 to 22 gauge thick. We recommend blades 5 inches wide and No. 19 gauge, and we send one blade complete, ready for sawing, with each machine. The Driving Pulleys are 24x8"% inches, and the loose pulley is 1 inch smaller than the tight and has a self-oiling detachable bush, lined with genuine babbitt. They should run 500 to 550 per minute. The machines are shipped crated and taken apart as far as possible, and we furnish ample directions for setting and operating with necessary floor plans. The engraving shows only the driving pulley, designed to be used with a tightener, but we furnish loose pulley without extra charge. The Workmanship is superior to that of any other machine of its kind now made, and we shall be glad to show any prospective buyer our methods. xa@> In place of the pilot wheel and shaft for adjusting the upper guides, we can furnish when wanted a T lever attachment to be hung from the ceiling, which is used with a horizontal shifting bar extending back within reach of the operator. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 1.—Complete, 54-inch Band Re-Sawing NEY) ob bs (paar ie eee aes ee etree en tess 7,200 lbs. Fabago. sy ie ih Pall HMC UAL Fig. 2. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S 42-Inch Combined Scroll and Re-Sawing Machine. : ‘HIS Machine is designed for Furniture, Carriage, Toy, Carpenter, Box, wy! LU ma | TT rill Sash and Door and Job shops, and has proved a great success. The patterns have been recently rebuilt, improvements added, and the weight in- creased, and we feel confident that it will give better satisfac- tion than ever. The Wheels are 42 inches in diameter and 2% inches face, the lower one being heavy, and the upper one quite light ; they are covered with rub- ber, ground true and perfectly balanced, and the upper wheel cc TT re =e : cae Ihe (hg » Wn ATT MN Ee Tn iin im | has a kiln dried wood rim built up of thin veneers. The Guides are the Mohawk patent, made from our pat- terns, and they are ad- justable to any width or thickness of blade. The Re-Sawing Attachment consists of six rolls, four of which are geared to- _ gether, the two smaller ones next the saw acting as guides. The rolls are strongly driven by a friction by oe wheel and disk, by means of which the speed may be instantly varied from 10 to 30 lineal feet per minute, or stopped altogether by a convenient hand lever. All the parts of the feed works, including the driving belt are immediately within the Spent reneh The Table is of iron, and is trussed underneath so as to prevent springing, and it can be tilted to cut weather boards, ete. The. Feed Works take lumber to 16 inches wide (or deep) and 4 inches thick, so as to cut at the center or any point out of the center and they will cut to the center of 7% inches. ‘I'wo panels, each 3g inch thick when planed on both sides can usually be got out of the average 1 inch stuff, or 5 pieces plump '% inch thick not planed. The whole may be removed from the table in one to three minutes for scroll sawing, the parts being supported by the bracket tables as shown in the small engraving, There is a third bearing outside the driving pulleys and a floor stand for the same. The Tight and Loose Pulleys are 20 x 6 inches, and should run about 500 per minute, Blades.—One 2-inch special blade and one % inch or 5% inch, are usually furnished with the machine, joined, filed and set so that everything is ready for the belts. a : : : Required H, P. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 2.—Complete, 42-inch Scroll and Re-Sawing Machine... PRL BSA! MCN > to05 2.900 lbs. Fable. “CAMERIGAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE Goa» Fig. 3. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New No. 4, 40=Inch Band Re-Saw. \ \ JE show herewith an illustration of our New No. 4 Band Re-saw, which has proven a very desirable machine for band or scroll work, and for re-sawing within its capacity. It isa substantial, strong and rigid machine, mechanically proportioned in every way, and built on thoroughly practical principles in every detail. The frame is cast in one solid piece, cored section pattern, shafts are all steel, extra heavy, and pulleys of proper size to give sufficient belt power. The Wheels are 40 in. diameter, 2% in. face, and are made with iron centers and spokes and | wood rims. These rims are glued up in cants and i mr | Hh then covered with canvas and pure rubber, turned I perfectly true and accurate. Our experience has Nik proven that made in this way these wheels are at), y | mae the strongest and best that can be made for the purpose, as they run light and steady. The Feed is simple, yet strong and reliable, both sets of rolls being driven. These rolls will tip for sawing bevel siding, and are placed as close to the saw as it is pos- sible to run them, ‘They are self-center- ing, or one side can be made rigid. The change is made by loosening one bolt and tightening another. Three changes of feed are provided for, ranging from 20 to 42 feet per minute. The re-sawing attach- | ment is on a swinging — ae arm, and by loosening \ i = but one clamp bolt the feed works can be swung around out of the way and the table slid up to its place, mT MA li h | Hy mh arranging the machine for xt ul HAA | 1 a q plain or scroll work. The Table is made of iron, 34in. by 42 in. in size, and is fitted with a guide for ripping. The table can be tilted if desired. We put an anti-friction patent roller guide both above and below the table on this machine. Stock up to 18 in. thick will pass under the upper guide, and to 6 in, thick be- tween the rolls. Saws as wide as 2% in. can be used on the machine. With each machine we send one saw each, 2% in. wide and % in. wide, ripping gauge for hand work, brazing clamp and tongs, belt shifter and full set of wrenches. The Tight and Loose Pulleys are 18 x 6 in. and should make 600 revolutions per minute. Floor space required oyer all, 7 ft.x 6 ft. Height of machine from floor to extreme top, 9 ft. Weight. Code Word. Bier tye COIR Ce RAC TUCLs y DATA SIR GW cote ih erases ann ersten etd ao an Vanavarde es canrneevssbisbcncaowans 3,500 lbs. Fabric. -@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE G22 Fig. 4. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New 38-inch Wheel Band Saw. WITH RE-SAWING ATTACHMENT. elt HIS is a newly designed machine brought out by us, having all the adjustments and attachments necessary on a first- class machine of this kind. The Frame is hollow and cast solid in one piece, carefully designed with reference to strength and weight. The base is much larger than any other make of machine of similar kind. The Wheels are 38 inches in diameter and 2% inch face, and are made with iron centers, steel spokes and wood rims, made from thin veneers, which make a far better wheel than bent rims in every respect, as it is almost im- possible to keep bent rims true. The covering on the wheels is made of the best of rubber, and the surface turned perfectly true. The top wheel is hung in a swinging frame and can be adjusted by the hand wheel shown in the cut at center of wheel, for regulating the path of the saw and pressure on the guides. The Shafts are steel, large in diameter and run in long bearings, lined with the best of babbitt metal. The Table is iron, 36 inches square, planed perfectly true, and can be adjusted to saw bevel- ing. The guide bar is steel, made perfectly square and counterbalanced for convenience in » adjusting, and to prevent accident by falling Timi . SS =| when loosened. We use the spring tension on Mi | | = all our different sized band saws to compensate Ze HHT for the expansion or contraction of the blades, ‘ as we have found this device to be more satis- factory than weights and .levers, i ; ] The Feed works for re-sawing are simple J and strong, both rolls being driven by use of | steel worm and brass worm wheel. This attach- o/ . eee ant Ly ment will take through stock up to 12 inches wi wide by 3 inches thick. By tilting the table, bevel siding can be made. The re-sawing at- tachment can be removed from the machine by simply loosening two bolts, leaving the machine one of the very best for ordinary band sawing. We furnish the Mohawk Dutchman patent ©), guide on this machine, as we consider it the A == NS | \ y WY : most practical guide now in use. il LAA a The machine will take in 19 inches under the guide, and 36 inches between the saw and frame. The Tight and Loose Pulleys are 14x 4% inches, and should run 500 revolutions per minute. Floor space required, 20 x 48 inches. We furnish with every machine one %-inch blade, searfing frame, soldering tongs, belt shifter, ripping guide and set of wrenches, and with the re-sawing attachment a 2-inch saw blade for re-sawing. ; ; Weight. Code Word. Fig. 4—Complete, 38-inch Band Saw, with Re-Sawing Attachment,................ eM toe awe ee 2,000 lbs. Facade. 16 “CAMERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @o:2» Fig. 5. POH. CLEMENT CO.’S 42-Inch Scroll Band Saw Machine. HIS Machine is made from a new alr and greatly improved set of pat- terns and is intended for the heavier grades of scroll sawing, such as chair backs, plow beams, wagon work, millwright work, etc., but is equally practical for light sawing, using blades from ,3; inch wide, upward. It is care- fully designed, heavy and powerful, having cored frame cast in one piece, extra heavy steel shafts, long bearings and large pulleys. The Wheels are 42 inches in diame- ter and 2% inches face, the lower one being heavy, and the upper one quite light; they are covered with rubber, ground true and perfectly balanced, and the upper wheel has a kiln dried wood rim built up of thin veneers. The Upper Guide is the Mohawk patent, made from our patterns, and the lower guide has a self-adjusting back plate and wood side guides. The guide spindle is of steel square in section and cdg MA counter-balanced. The Table is of iron or wood as ordered, secured to a strong segment bar, by means of which it can be tilted to an angle for beveled sawing. The Shafts are of extra hammered steel, and the boxes of both are adjustable for alignment, and are arranged to take up wear. There is a third bearing on the driving shaft outside of the pulleys. Our Patent Straining Lever is ap- plied to this size also. A Wide Splitting Gauge and pres- sure roll are furnished as an extra, — when ordered, for re-sawing by hand | feed. We furnish with each machine, wrench, scarfing-frame, tongs, one blade ready for use, and crate the machine carefully and deliver it at freight depot here without charge. The tight and loose pulleys are 18 x 5% in., and they should run about 350 per minute. ‘Two to four horse power will be required. Sawing space, 42 inches wide and 20 inches deep. The workmanship is first-class. Weight. Code Word. ym atete COLI Cray EI NV OOCL | DADE sree osc Muses tecuus taste weat ransats acacnndasbage Bet aschpmartact eset asi eupnsie 2,000 Facial. to } lbs. Pema pee Olt Ote MEW ICT LOS nL INC ssh gd cotecionte ts fA iV Bis Suvoasncabavdentetieentar sist nrroaWa-bemntus coc taeverss 2,200 Faciliter. Wo ae yeh Llamtiepuletit os (satioe ral ROM OL rcs ere oie cit lunatecciuenchacendnsandenser eer cosas Facteur. ~@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING [M{ACHINE Qo: Fig. 6. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Improved 38-inch Band Saw Machine. ( im My HIS is a new pattern just brought out by us, ali and it has all the adjustments and attach- ments necessary on a first-class tool of this kind. The Frame is hollow and cast in one piece and is carefully designed with reference to strength and weight ; the base is much broader than other machines of similar character. The Upper Wheel is light but strong, being composed of a rigid center piece and a hardwood rim built up of thin kiln-dried veneers without cross joints. It is, therefore, practically a contin- uous rim, and will remain true in use, which cannot be said of a cheap bent rim. The lower wheel is all iron and reasonably heavy; this we have found by long experience to be correct prac- tice, as it gives a steadier motion to the blade. For heavy work, requiring wide blades, we make both wheels of iron. The Shafts are of steel, and have extra long high grade babbitt metal bearings. The boxes of both shafts are adjustable for alignment and for shifting the blade, and are all divided and arranged to take up wear. The Patent Weighing Strain for the upper wheel is always elastic, thus avoiding a serious difficulty in counter-weighted strains, which are too rigid and inert for light blades. The Table is generally of kiln-dried cherry, glued up in strips, but of iron when ordered ; it is bolted to a heavy segment bar extending across it, planed true on all bearings, and arranged to tilt to an angle and clamp without the use of a wrench. The Guide Post is of steel, square in section, and is suitably counterbalanced. Mohawk Patent Guide, made from special patterns, is supplied on every machine ; for various reasons this is the most satisfactory guide yet in- troduced, and will save a great many breakages of the blade if properly cared for. A Wide Splitting Gauge and pressure roll are furnished as an extra, when ordered, for re-sawing by hand feed. We furnish with each machine, wrench, scarfing frame, tongs, one blade ready for use, and crate the machine carefully and de- liver it at freight depot here without charge. 375 per minute. Two to four horse power will be required. manship and materials are first-class. Fig. 6 —Complete, Wood Table and One Blade Fig. 6 A— UY Iron Fig. 6 B—Hand Splitting Gauge and Roller ae ee ae ae The tight and loose pulleys are 16x 5% inches, and they should run about Sawing space, 37 inches wide and 16 inches deep. The work- Weight. Code Word. sis iieh pecan eee 1,400 to ) Faction. sign getup ice ea Soe all Orcs eI one ea 1,600 lbs. J Factorage. DE ete ese Ton ek wi tle Oe es BA Bee apa Factory. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go. Fig. 27. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New No. 5, 37=Inch HIS isa newly designed machine brought out by us, having all the adjustments and attach- ments necessary on a first-class machine of this kind. The Frame is hollow and cast solid in one piece, carefully designed with reference to strength and weight. The base is much larger than any other make of machine of similar kind. The Wheels are -37 inches in diameter and 2-inch face, and are made with iron centers and spokes and wood rims, which makes a far better wheel in every respect than solidiron. The | covering on the wheels is made of the best of rubber, and the surface turned perfectly true. The top wheel is hung in a swinging frame, and can be ad- justed by the hand-wheel shown in the cut at center of wheel, when machine is in motion, for regulating the path of the saw and pressure on the guides. The Shafts are steel, large in diameter, and run in long bearings, lined with the best of babbitt metal. The Table is iron, 34 x 31 inches, planed perfectly true, and can be adjusted to saw beveling. The Guide-bar is steel, made per- fectly square, and counterbalanced for convenience in adjusting and to prevent accident by falling when loosened. We use the spring tension on all our different size band saws to compensate for the expansion or con- traction of the blades, as we have found this device to be more satisfac- tory than weights and levers. We furnish the Mohawk Patent Guide on this machine, as we consider ~ it the most practical guide now in use. The machine will take in 15 inches under the guide, and 35 inches between the saw and frame. The Tight and Loose Pulleys are 14 x 4% inches, and should run 500 revolutions per minute. space required, 18 x 41 inches. Wheel Band Saw. Floor We furnish with every machine one %-inch blade, scarfing frame, soldering tongs, belt shifter, ripping guide and set of wrenches. Fig. 7.—Complete, 37-inch Band Saw Weight. Be ea ry. eee pee a ee er eee 1 200 Tse Code Word. «@A\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @Q.o2 Fig. 8. FE. CLEMENT CO RS Patent Improved 36-Inch Band Saw Machine. To =I N rr = ; Mi Li \ \ JE have used especial care in designing and building this machine, so as to furnish a first-class tool in all details at a comparatively low price; while at the same time the high standard of our workmanship is maintained, and in many particulars advanced. The Frame is cast entire and is cored out in box form so as to possess the greatest possible stiffness in proportion to its weight. The Shafts, tension screw and guide spindle are of steel, the latter being square in section, and suitably counter-balanced. The Upper Wheel has hard wood rim, glued up from thin dry veneers, making a continuous rim, which is firmly secured to an iron center or ‘‘spider;’’ the hub is bushed with bronze which runs on a hard steel stud with self-oiling ar- rangements, and an adjusting screw and finger wheel controls the running of the blade. The Lower Wheel is of iron, into which the steel shaft is pressed and the whole turned true ; both are covered with pure gum bands ground true, and accurately balanced, and great pains are taken with all these processes so as to ensure perfect work. The Table (either wood or iron), is bolted to a heavy segment bar extending entirely across it, planed true on its bearings and arranged to tilt to 45 degrees and clamp tightly without the use of a wrench. The Patent Weighing Strain is always elas- tic, thus avoiding the trouble found with counter- weights, which are too rigid for light blades. Mohawk Patent Guide, made by us, is fur- nished on every machine, and there are steady guides above the main guide and at the left of the machine, to prevent vibration of the blade. The Lower Boxes are extra long, divided to take up wear and adjustable for alignment. Every Machine is supplied with one: blade made ready for use, scarfing frame, tongs aud wrench, and is carefully crated and delivered on cars at the factory without extra charge. Blades can be used from ¥ to 1% inches wide. ‘The sawing space is 36 inches by 14 inches deep. Tight and Loose Pulleys are 14 x 41% inches, and should run about 400. Two or three horse power will be required. Blades are 19 feet 3 inches long. Fig. 8 —Complete, Wood Table and One Blade Fig. 8 A= «c Iron 66 “se ms ce Weight. Code Word. PRnee ee Co eat aee Als SUE ne in hl fe a eel oe 1,100 ) Faded. to lbs. OPE ee a Re eh ane area ett, fe 1250 ) Fadeless. ~O@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Goo» Fig. 9. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S No. 4, 36-Inch Band Saw. 4 ‘HIS is a very heavy and sub- stantial machine, designed for a high grade Band Saw for pattern shops or wherever a first-class tool is desired. The Post or Frame is cast in one piece with box core, making it very stiff. The Wheel Shafts run in yoked boxes, the upper one being pivoted, the adjustment to line the wheel being controlled by a hand wheel within easy reach from front of machine. The Wheels are very light and strong, have cast-iron hub, wrought spokes and laminated wood rim with rubber tire, the iron work all being highly finished. The Guide-bar is square and has a counter-balance; the Mohawk Guide is furnished when not otherwise specified. The Table is iron, perfectly true and well finished, and is arranged to tilt for bevel work. There is a belt shifter attached to the post. This Band Saw is furnished with one '%-inch blade, 20 feet long, one brazing vise and tongs. Saws up to 14-inch may be used. Tight and Loose Pulleys are 12 x 4%-inch and should run 400 to 500 revolutions per minute. Weight. Code Word. Seem rie kane pale Silent og Son Cy Pty Ce Rare Poe OS soa 1,800 lbs. Fagot. Fig. 9.—Complete, 36-Inch Band Saw ~@\MERIGAN \A\/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 10. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Patent Improved 34-Inch Band Saw Machine. \ \ JE have used especial care in designing and building this machine, so as to furnish a first-class tool in all details at a comparatively low price ; while at the same time the high standard of our workmanship is maintained, and in many particulars advanced. The Frame is cast entire and is cored out in box form so as to possess the greatest possible stiffness in proportion to its weight. The Shafts, tension screw and guide spindle are of steel, the latter being square in section. The Upper Wheel has hard wood rim, glued up in thin dry veneers, making a continuous rim, which is firmly secured to an iron center or ‘spider ;’’ the hub is bushed with bronze which runs ona hard steel stud with self-oiling arrange- ments, and an adjusting screw and finger wheel controls the running of the blade. The Lower Wheel is of iron, into which the steel shaft is pressed and the whole turned true; both are covered with pure gum bands ground true, and accurately balanced, and great pains is taken with all these processes so as to ensure perfect work. The Table (either wood or iron) is bolted to a heavy segment bar, extending entirely across it, planed true on its bearings and arranged to tilt to 45 degrees and clamp tightly without the use of a wrench. The Patent Weighing Strain is always elas- tic, thus avoiding the trouble found with counter- weights, which are too rigid for light blades. Mohawk Patent Guide, made by us, is furnished on every machine, and there are steady guides above the main guide and at the left of the machine, to prevent vibration of the blade. The Lower Boxes are extra long, divided to take up wear and adjustable for alignment. Every Machine is supplied with one blade made ready for use, scarfing frame, tongs and wrench, and is carefully crated and delivered at freight house here without extra charge. Blades can be used from X% to 1 inch wide. ‘The sawing space is 331% x 14 inches. Tight and Loose Pulleys are 12 x 3% inches, and they should run about 450. Two to three horse power will be required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 10° —Complete, Wood’ Table and One Blades = 2,=) eens 850 Fairy. a to }lbs. Big. 10 Ax ‘4 Iron - - - V7 ms iano tvcaawab aa Renae cae oe eee a ees ena wo | Fallible. -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:2» Fig. 11. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Pattern, No. 2, 32=Inch Band Saw. \ \ JE recommend this machine for agri- cultural, bracket, cabinet, car, carpen- ter, carriage, chair, organ, piano, sash and door, wagon, pattern and job shops, planing mills, ete. It works equally well in hard or soft wood, and will carry blades up to 1% inches in width. The Main Frame is cored out and cast in one piece, well proportioned with a good solid base, and of great strength. The Wheels are 32-inch diameter, with 1% inch face, light, strong and carefully balanced. ‘They are covered with pure para rubber,securely cemented and ground perfectly true. They are provided with vertical, horizontal and angular adjustments, by which the saw can always be made to run accurately on any portion of their faces. All the adjustable parts of the machine are carefully and accurately fitted. The raising screw has square thread, and is much less liable to bind and wear than the V thread used on other makes of similar machines. A steel com- pensating spring is provided to allow for the contraction and expansion of the saw, thus avoiding the breakage of saws. The Table is made of iron or of wood, as ordered, and is adjustable to any angle not ex- ceeding 45°. It is provided with an improved belt shifter, placed convenient to the operator. The Driving Shaft and guide rod are of the best crucible steel. The Guide Rod being of steel, instead of iron used in other makes of Band Sawing Machines, is much stiffer and admits of the saw being held more rigid. Saws from 16 feet to 17 feet 3 inches long can be operated. ‘The machine will cut 15 inches thick, and being 31 inches from blade to frame, will swing a circle of 62 inches. We furnish a parallel slitting gauge, scarfing frame, one pair soldering tongs, one %-inch saw blade and the necessary wrenches with each machine. Each machine is tested on actual work before it leaves our factory, and we warrant entire satisfaction on a trial of thirty days. Tight and Loose Pulleys, 12 inches diameter by 4 inches face, and should run 400 revolutions per minute. Average H, P. Required. Weight. Code Word, Pigs 11 Complete; Iron Tilting Lables. aici ncscnctoasyseadenaseninareeenenes BN fe ee 1 to;3 1,150 lbs. Fallow. Fig. 11 A, A Siationary Wood lables. ek a: Ant oce eee: 1etOee 1,000 ‘‘ Falsetto. ~@AMERIGCAN VA/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2 Fig. 12. F. H. CLEMENT COS 30=Inch Band Saw Machine. ; ‘HIS is the lightest Band Saw that we make, and the wheels are as small as we would advise for practical use. The Frame is cast in one piece with hollow or ‘“cored’’ section, and is much more rigid and heavy than is usual in this class of tools. The Wheels are light and strong, having concaved arms and ‘IT rims. The Shafts are of hammered steel turned and polished. The Boxes are very long and adjustable for alignment and wear; loose pulley has self-oiling attachment. | LAT 2 Mohawk Patent Guide is furnished unless other- wise ordered. The Table is of kiln-dried hard wood, (or iron if ordered, ) and tilts to an angle; the belt shifter is ad- justable for any usual direction of belt. The Wheels are very carefully balanced and covered with endless gum bands ground true. All Adjustments of wheels, guides and table are made without the use of wrenches. The Tight and Loose Pulleys are 12 x 3% ins. and should runabout 500; we furnish one French blade, joined, filed and set, scaring frame and tongs, and crate the machine and deliver it on cars at the factory. We have sold several hundred of these machines and we can recommend them for light work. Blades can be used up to 34 inch wide. Iron Table extra. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 12.—Complete, Wood Table and One! Blade.) ee eee 750 lbs. Famish. Fig. 12 A, cs Maske COTS BON hone (ka Se 2 a aan ae Sane Oe ee” B50ee Famulate. -@\MERIGAN \A/COD-\WORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 13. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 2, 26-Inch Improved Band Saw. WITH IRON TILTING TABLE. N building this machine our aim has been to furnish a | Band Saw with as few parts as possible, and still have a complete machine. We believe we have succeeded in pro- ducing one of the most simple and easiest operated Band Saws now in use, and one which we can sell much below any other on the market. This Machine is built entirely of iron and steel, and arranged with iron tilting table. Our improved device for raising and lowering the upper wheel is unsurpassed for sim- plicity and ease of adjustment. There is a spring to com- pensate for the contraction and expansion of the saw. The upper wheel can be adjusted to make the saw run further forward or back on the wheel by a thumb screw, without tightening or loosening any screws or bolts. The lower wheel is also adjustable. The wheels are 26 inches in diameter, being turned perfectly true, and pure gum covering is placed around each wheel and ground true. ‘The frame is cast in one piece. The spindle carrying upper wheel runs in long connected boxes. ‘The guide raises and lowers with the guide bar, to adjust itself to thick and thin lumber, and has a capacity of 12 inches under the guide. We recommend this machine for bracket, piano and organ factories ; also for pat- tern work, planing mills, etc. In fact, the machine is suitable for general wood-working of all kinds, in either hard or soft wood. With each machine we furnish one '%-inch saw blade, brazed, set and filed; also one pair of brazing tongs. We can fit any patent band saw guide to this machine at slight additional cost. Floor space required, including the size of the table, 4 feet by 2 feet 4 inches. Saws up to 12 inches under guide. Distance between the saw and frame, 24 inches. Tight and Loose Pulley, 12 inches diameter by 3% inch face. Fig. 13—Complete, with Iron Tilting Table Should run 375 revolutions. Weight. Code Word. ee Sees eS noe 950ielbs: Fanatic. -@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 14. GOODELL & WATERS’ No. 4 Post Band Saw. a ap HE Post Band Saw is intended to go into rooms where it would be difficult to put a saw with the ordinary large frame, and for a class of work where a large saw is not needed, such as ordinary pattern work and light furniture. In designing it we have dispensed with the large base only, all the working parts being the same as in our large saws. It can be attached to any ordinary post or wall plate. It has our patent combined weight and spring for maintaining a uniform tension on the saw and providing for any sudden and unusual strain. To provide against any sudden strain in starting, we put on our patent shipper which moyes the belt on to the tight pulley gradually, but moves it off instantly. It has our patent wheels 30 inches in diameter. The wood rims have no joints across the periphery. The tables, of either wood or iron, as may be desired, are 31 inches square and can be set at an angle. The guide can be raised 12 inches, It will carry any saw up to 1 inch, 15 feet 3 inches long. One saw, brazing clamp and tongs furnished with each machine. ‘ Weight. Code Word. Hig. 14—Complete,; with Wood ‘Talila a5.) ese eee fs NN 7 eee ee 600 lbs. Fandango. Pig eld: Aeee ‘Tron < 600 ‘* Fanfaron. -<@\MERIGAN \WWOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @O:22 Fig. 15. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Improved Scroll Saw. ; ‘HIS cut represents our Improved Scroll Saw, which we manufac- ture with either stationary or tilting table, and is intended for furni- ture, sash, door and blind factories, carriage and pattern shops, eLG, The Frame is cast in one piece, making a very solid base, which allows of a high rate of speed without jar or trembling. The Table is made of alternate strips of hard wood glued together and firmly fastened to heavy cast-iron plates which prevent warping. The Strain is the best on the mar- ket, arranged to produce an unusually even tension ; admitting of high speed, and can be raised or lowered for any thickness up to 12 inches. The Under Guide-ways are so con- structed that their expansion by tighten- ing does not tighten the cross-head, which is an important feature. Instead of an ordinary tight and loose pulley the crank-shaft carries a friction pulley and combination brake by which the saw is stopped and started in- stantly by a single motion of the foot. An 8-inch diameter cast-iron plate is set in the table around the saw to prevent wearing of the table. Changing from inside to outside work is instantaneous. The saw is passed through the table and slides into the cross-head, which it cannot miss catching. It is firmly held bya steel - clamp and if the saw should break it can be used again by simply filing a small notch in it, when it is ready for use. Both upper and lower parts are ar- ranged to take up lost motion and wear. Driving Pulley 834 x 3 inches and should run 800 revolutions per minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 15 —Tiltimg Table cc. cece cece: cece en eseceee ceesseenseneennnesennehaesancenae ceenneeesneenseronsenes nt eee 600 lbs. Fangled. Fig. 15 A—Stationary Table oi... ccc ccsssssssssseescnescensseessecenneseneeseesssuesessees sennnesaneccabennurascensees ssoneeseenas 600 ‘ Fantasy. “@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:22 Fig. 16. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Improved Bolter. f, \\ - ~~ \\ ~ If YHA Ki, es : iy li il ! oN —" ie lit | is Th ui HE above cut represents our New and Improved Lath Bolter, a labor-saving machine designed for use in the manufacture of Lath and Pickets. ‘This machine is provided with feed roll in front of which is driven from the right hand side of the machine. Also provided with a gauge by which saw, Gauges are made to saw 1, 1% or Lath, Bolts, Pickets, etc., can be made without stopping the machine. inches wide without moving the main gauge, by simply swinging sectional pieces which are attached This point is found very useful, as no time is lost in changing from lath to pickets. Arbor made of steel, large in diameter, and provided There 5 to the main gauge. The saw on the imachine is 24 inches in diameter. with end box to take up lost motion; also to steady mandrel at the end where the saw goes on. The table bed is made of iron, planed true and hinged at rear of machine, so it can be raised to take off the saw. There are steady-pins made adjustable to make the saw run true. This machine is capable of bolting to the full capacity of the Lath Mill. Machine guaranteed to give satisfaction. Driving pulley, 8 inches diameter, 8 inches face; should run 1,600 revolutions per minute. is a steel spreader back of saw. Code Word. Farce. Fig. 16—Complete, Improved. Boltect: sy.) <5 eee ee Preven Re A oere <@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE Go:S Fig. 17. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Vertical Car Boring Machine. WITH THREE SPINDLES. HE machine represented by the accompanying cut, recently constructed from new patterns, is designed for boring heavy timbers with dif- ferent sizes of holes, without the delay and trouble of adjust- ing the spindle or changing the bits, necessary in single-spindle machines. \ —SSS== This machine has three spin- dies, operated by the handles connected with the weighted levers at the top, and driven by one belt from a countershaft at the back of the machine. By a heavy weight, in connection with adjusting friction pulleys, the ‘belt remains at the same tension whatever the position of the bits. The Middle Spindle has a larger pulley than the other two, for slower speed to work the larger bits. Seventeen Bits are furnish- ed, varying from 3 to 2 inches, all above 134 inch to work in the middle spindle. The Bits have a horizontal adjustment of 15 inches, and vertical throw of 16 inches. The Bed upon which the timber rests is furnished with four rollers, which can be op- erated by the hand wheel or by the lever which operates the friction power-feed attachment from the countershaft. The ma- chine is built wholly of first- quality iron and steel, and in the most substantial manner, thus making a useful and dura- ble tool for all kinds of timber boring. The Counter is attached to the base of the column, and is furnished with tight and loose pulleys, 10-inch diameter and 5-inch face, which should be speeded to 275 revolutions per minute. Code Word. Fig. 17—Complete, Vertical Car Boring Machine Fardel. “CAAMERICAN YWOOD-VWNORKING VIACHINE @o:2 Fig. 18. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S No. 2 Vertical Borer. ARGE sized machine | with bit standing 18 inches from the post, has throw of 12 inches and provided with stops to regu- late depth of hole and length of throw and has large table adjustable by hand wheel tilting forward for bevel work. Guide can be adjusted to either side of the table, bit driven by belt direct from countershaft. Bits equal to sixteen quarters are furnished with the machine. Fig. 109. C. B. ROGERS & CoO.’S No. I Vertical Spindle Borer. EDIUM sized machine, same design as above, with bit 10 inches from the post, has throw of 12 inches and provided with stops to regulate depth of hole and length of throw, bit shaft driven direct by belt. Is sup- plied with what is termed a universal table tilting for- ward and to either side. Bits equivalent to sixteen quarters furnished with the machine. . T. & Ll. Pulleys. Revolutions. Weight. Code Word, PIB. U8 sccae sabi watt aetna gi ne rr 10 500 1,250 Ibs. Fashion. SS Oat |: ee MEE omar tyr ee redroy . Pie SAU RSs 8%x3% 500 soo‘ Fasting. ~@\MERICAN \WoOoD-\WORKING MACHINE GO Fig. 20. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S New No. 3 Vertical Boring Machine. HE large sale of our No. 2 Post Boring Machine for furniture, chair and other shops, and the constant call for improved all iron machines, has induced us to offer an entirely new design, having the P ss fap same advantages as the older machines and a number ot S Men valuable improvements additional. The Frame is cast hollow in one piece with a broad and heavy base, which needs no top bracing. Ti = mL rT _———— _ The Spindle is of steel and has a self-oiling babbetted 1 box with bronze end step for the lever connection ; it hangs 12 inches from the post and moves 5 inches ver- tically in boxes that are longer than the movement, whereby the wear is greatly reduced. The Table Bracket has a screw adjustment Olel2 inches vertically with an adjustable gib on the slide ; the table is usually of hard wood glued up, but may be of iron at a slight extra charge. The Depth Gauge is threaded for adjustment and made fast with a thumb screw. ls eo hy \ \ The Method of Balancing the spindle and pulley G vn =I by means of the connecting bar which passes through the frame to the foot lever, has proved a great success ; the retracting spring has only to overcome the friction of the parts, and as a consequence the labor on the operator's foot is very light, thereby largely increasing the capacity of the machine. For quick and accurate work, and for excellent fitting of parts, we claim this machine has no equal. The Counter Shaft has three bearings, the lower one A, being adjustable vertically three feet, so that the ceiling hanger can be set for any ordinary height of ceiling. he T and L pulleys are 8 x 3% inclies and should run 1,000 to 1,200 per minute. Shipping weight 800 lbs. Self Centering Chucks can be attached without fitting, and will be furnished at the cost of the chuck extra. ; Code Word. Fig. 20 —Complete, with plain bay pert as ON Sen eee ee RINE, Ue) pe Pn er rh at pee PAUSE. Fig. 20 A—Extra, for Self erate CPC R. ae accece nn cee reenter ett arene haere Sanbertene gn enom oeesea eantens Se LEALlOss 31 nmin — ai ast a ate RWB lH : me : se - We E ‘ H ‘i ak OR bracket and job work. A very convenient Boring Machine for any purpose ; almost indispensable in any mill. Tight and Loose Pulleys 6 x 3, and should run 800 revolutions per minute. Weight, 300 pounds. Priv. 27. Fig. 28. Ce. B. ROGERS & CO.’S CG B. ROGERS & CO.’S Bench Borer. WITH LEVER AND TREADLE ATTACHMENT. Medium Bench Borer. iE i = &S we MM a ‘el HIS will be found a very handy tool. The spindle has \ CONVENIENT tool for any kind of light work, as it a throw of 8 inches, and is provided with stop collar can be set on a bench or in any convenient place, and to regulate depth of hole. We furnish with each takes up but very little room. It takes bits with shank machine a lever, connecting rod, and iron brackets, so that 2% x \, and is suited for boring holes up to 1% inch. the spindle may be operated by means of a foot treadle. Pulley is 5-inch diameter, 3% inch face, and should The Pulley is 5-inch diameter, 3%-inch face, and should make 1,200 revolutions per minute. make 1,200 to 1,500 revolutions per minute. Sale urerd Fig. 26—Rowley & Hermance’s Post Boring Machine... ose cseccescee cesneestete coeeeces castes eee. ths ee, Fennel. Berard rete s DET s BOTEE in. Gal Oe aistisa aie eare Psa nsePay hr cahadtbene oe AE EO ak Ceci, Pee Re ee Fermage. Ferment, Fig. 28—Rogers’ Medium Bench Borer ...... Seg areas eres eT a PRD eae caters ee Be ey eae ee ae -@NMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE GO: Fig. 209. THE LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S Iron Frame Multiple Boring Machine. HE cut represents our New Multiple Spindle Boring Machine, designed for rapid and accurate work. It is specially suited for boring table leaf work, furniture work and agricultural work. The Frame is iron, well braced, and planed perfectly true. The Mandrel Frames slide on planed ways, and each mandrel is adjustable to and from the center mandrel by a hand wheel, and each mandrel is driven by an independent belt. The Table works on planed ways, and is raised and lowered by bevel gears and screws operated by a crank and parallel shaft below. The treadle is connected to the table by adjust- able rods to regulate the throw of the table, which is brought up to the boring bits when the treadle is brought down, and when the treadle is released the table returns to its origi- nal position. The Clamping Device is entirely new, all the screws being operated by one crank handle in the center. One-quarter of a turn on this handle gives one-fourth inch movement to the screws, clamping the stock down to the planed surface of the table, and in connection with the end stop it is impossible to bore the holes out of line. For extension table work it sur- passes anything on the market. The machine can be made with three S Seas ae oo or more spindles; as a multiple borer it : acne =a tare : will bore from 4 inches to any required ee ee =e ee distance. > ~ a iz Speed of Counter, T. and L,. Pulleys. Weight. Code Word. Fig, 29 « == Withid pitt lester te eee es 750 10x 5% 800 Ferret. Fig. 29 A—With 4 Spindles 2 ee 750 10x5% 800 Ferrule. Fig. 29 B—With5 Soimdlesie sa eee 750 10x5% 800 Fervent. Fig. 29 C—With 6 Spindles. oo... eee 750 10x5% 800 Festal. Fig. 30. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Column Boring Machine. HE regular machine will bore a hole 1% or 134 through timbers | | up to 8x 8 and 10 feet long, without drawing the auger. It is furnished complete in every detail, with one size auger, pulleys and hangers for oper- ating. Special Sizes Built to Order. Gren F Approxi- Ah eat fee mate Code Word. ys. ; Weight. Fig. 30—Regular Machine, 94x6 1000to1100 1400 Ferny. 38 -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\NWORKING MACHINE Go Fig. 3!. F. Hy CLEMENT ,COvS Patent Double Chair Borer. HIS is a novel departure from the usual style of Double Boring Machines and is the invention of a practical chair manufacturer. The Distinguishing Features are that the boring spindles are adjustable apart on radius arms from 5 to 30 inches horizontally by a screw and hand wheel, and can also be set toa considerable angle from the vertical for chair seat work, legs, arms, etc., where two holes are necessary, one or both of which are at an angle, the table being also adjust- able to an angle transversely to the adjustment of the spindles. arn The Frame is all iron, cast in one piece, and is heavy and substantial. The base is large, so that when properly bolted down the machine will not sway or vibrate. The Radius Arms which carry the spindles are pivoted to a sleeve having the driving countershaft for a center so that the belts are always taut. Suitable clamping wheels hold the arms rigidly to a heavy segment bar when set for work, ‘The space of clearance from spindle to frame is 21 in. Blew The Spindles are of steel with ground journals, the upper end sliding in a long steel sleeve which in turn is journaled in a box 7 inches long ; the lower spindle box is a steady box, and the slack may be taken up readily when necessary. The yokes carrying these boxes are swiveled upon the radius arms and may be adjusted to a considerable angle laterally both ways, as shown in the engraving, and held by clamping screws. sssssss4 | fo yy The Table is adjustable vertically 15 inches on a gibbed way which is cast on the frame, and it also tilts to an angle to and from the column so that work angled in both direc- tions may be done without special jigs or forms. The Foot Levers are so arranged that both may be worked simultaneously or separately, and they may be adjusted to different heights to accommodate boring to oo. | 2&2 different depths, or bits of varying lengths. The connection FE q : Sm] of the foot levers to the boring spindles is by means of ball joints and swivels, which are adjustable for wear and are self-adjusting in every direction so as to avoid cramping of any of the moving parts. Adjustable Screw Stop Rods are provided for each spindle which follow the latter to any point of adjustment either lateral or angular. The Counter-Shaft is generally made 8 feet long, and noe seem ese ee the lower bearing is adjustable vertically on the column which is planed true at this point. Thus, by means of the swiveled ceiling hanger, shown in the engraving, any height of ceiling or line shaft may be accommodated. The TI. and L. pulleys are 8 x 4% inches, and should run from 1,000 to 1,200, giving the spindles 3,000 to 3,600 or more if desired. Our new self-oiling pulley is used. The Design and Workmanship is excellent, and all materials are first-class. We take especial pains with the bearings, slides, joints, etc., to have them true and in perfect line so as to do accurate work quickly without heating or otherwise requiring more than ordinary attention. Shipping Weight about 1,000 pounds. Horse power required 2 to 3. Code Word. Fig. 31—Complete, with Self-Centering CHUCKS...0........:.2cces ccsscecceoeesenceceeaeesnsnnas cnsasenne seecetiaecneunranasecsnessenentes seenenaenens Fetters. 09 Fig. 32. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Double Dowel Door Borer. ANY manufacturers are now using or expecting to adopt, the doweling system of putting up doors, in place of mortises and tenons. This is a substantial, well made Boring Machine, adapted to such work. The Frame is cast in one piece and has a broad base. The Table is supported on a heavy bracket having long ways which are cast on the frame ; this bracket supports the tables and clamping arch and is adjustable vertically by a screw and hand wheel. The Boring Arbors are of hard steel and they can be adjusted from 2 to 6 inches apart each way from a center line, by means of screwg and hand wheels, The Foot Lever js rigidly attached to a vertical lever, which moves the arbor frame toward the work by means of a connecting link, and the whole is returned by steel coiled springs. A Suitable Stop regulates the depth of the boring, which may be 5 inches or less. The Clamping Screw has a very quick pitch and the follower plate can be faced with wood or leather. The Gauges for the rails are both adjustable to and from the center line of the arbors, and they may be quickly slipped off when boring stiles. The Side Tables extend nine feet each way from the center of the arbors, and are provided with adjustable stops for boring stiles at the required points. The Design and workmanship are excellent in every detail and great pains are taken with the journals, boxes, slides and screws to have them accurately fitted. The Counter-shaft is attached and has 10 x 4% inch T. and L. pulleys, which should run about 800 per minute. Weight, about 1,200 lbs. Capacity, from 150 to 200 doors per day, Horse Power required, 3. ; Code Word. Fig. 32—Complete, with two pairs -of: bite ba aa toh 8 = eee bw scdat actin Lontcien ap ay} suedo pue uonour OU} SesToAdt YOMM ‘oUTYOeUT 9y} JO pus pULY PYS 3} UO JdAI] [YODA 9} Jo amssaid YSys ev Aq pesveot st Joop aL, ‘yutod parisap Aue ye qe[s atqeaout ay} doys [[IM pua utes 94} UO AAT] [eWWoztoYy sy} pue ‘dureps oy} Sutstosc1 Aq 1oop ay} sasvafer durepo ayy Jo pua puey YS sy} UO AAT] [eONIOA oY, ‘omssaid peuy S}I Ioop & SUTAIS a10Jaq jeued v ysnf{pe 0} Aressaoou st yf aseo ut yutod passap Aue ye uoneisdo ay} dos [[LM pus ates ay} ye 4DAI] [eWOzLIOY ayy pue ‘durepD 24} SPIES UITVUI JY} Jo pus puey yoy ay} UO Tass, yysudn ayy, ‘ouresy ay} Jo spua ay} ysurese jo peaysut sqeis aq} ysurese ureds 10 amssaid oy Sutiq YOM ‘sreyyoo pros aSzep Ty peprAoid are pue ‘qeqs Areuoneys ay} YSnoryy ssed smoios assay, ‘“Maios yova uo yu Ja0}s atqento TIM papraoid pue peor srenbs Aavoy y}IM ayaurerp a8ep pue [901s Jo ore qe[s a[qeaoutr oy} Suynesodo sMoios ayy, ‘sivas uwi0om [nyiamod Aq UdALIP SMaIOS a8re, Aq payeisdo St yoryM ‘durep) 100q psa IaMog Maing paaoiduty pue MON Ano sjyuesoidar yno STH 4 4 SS mh 3S SS SS SS I "dwWB]D J00G pss JOM0g MAIC PpoaoIdWy puBe AN S°OD ADNVWAAH ¥Y ADTMON “LE -B14 «<@XKMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE GO: Rasp Vaek ae eke Ean [en st) Sa peO tela) O lve oe Oke “uSsue]I-f Me Ot OD Ue panes OST *S91SPII-] [eUIIUON 002 ¢ ovat OST X SZI role io) it JN eaba bare cage ares bn ae Ses ak oF “9° = pdwrl) ol—* 8b) Sid “‘pioM 2pod *polmboy WSO M “DINSeaW anu “AoTNd ‘d 'H o8el1nay o1qnd Jod ‘sAdy Sulauqd “YIOM dy} aTpuLY 0} A0zeI0do ayy Jo AyTIGe at} Aq A7uO pop] ST sUTYORUT ST} Jo Ayordes ayy, “YsoM oyens0v pure prides 10F poustsap pue ‘oni} Apoej10d pouryd ‘uot Jo ATaIQUS pajoNs}suoD ST} “SMUOTJOUT OM} UT YISus] sy so1M7 JO ‘MOTOU auO UT ‘SuoT yooF 8 Aq APIA Joa} F O}F dn ozs Aue dumep [IM yy ‘gsodind yey} 10} paptaoid seq pus oy} Aq podurepo ore spud oJ, “perlsep Wot [Tet 110770 SPTAt otf} WO Poz}toxo oq WBS aimssoid paseaiout Io [ret YoRa JO WOU} dt} JO apIs Yowa uO UdArs st amssaid [enbe uy ‘“epeUl sUTYORUT 191]}0 Sue wey} YOM 19}}0q Op pue dUIT] UDATS v UT SpuTTG pUv Soop s10UT dureyo [[TM oUTYOwUE SH, ‘SUITRU 9Y} JO YPM oY} YSno1yZ UNI ze} SMoIOS OF poto}svJ SPOOYM PULY YIM preMyoeq Jo premsoy ayeyd Yorq ay} Suraou Aq ‘opeur AqIsva pue Ayyomb st Joyjoue 0} ozis suo Worf asuLY YJ, “aprAr soypourt / 0} YOUT T Woly uado [[IM a3ze]{d a_qvAow sq T, ‘padmieyo aq 0} SI Joop JayJOUR Udy preArso; 97L[d IT{} S}1e}s JAZ] 9IUvS BY} JO Pus Toy}O 9} wodn joo} ay} Jo ammssoaid yYSYs sayjouy “woHour oy} sdoys pure uoNoLy ayy saseayar A]JULISUT YOM ‘Moros apqeysn{pe uv SoYLs YUVA sy} JOS ST FT YOM IJOF PUTT oY} SoYIvor 972 [d ay} sv woos se ‘UOTeITp Joyyre UT aze[d-yoeq oy} SutAout uy ‘duepo oy} suado pue UOT] ay} sasioAeI YOUN[M ‘oUTYOeI oY} Jo WWOIJ UT JOOY oy} Ieou UMOTS ‘Ady, 9} UOdN yoo} oy} Jo ainssaid yYST]s v Aq pasveyor SI Joop oY, ‘pespem st Joop ay} [uN pasoyo depo ay} sploy pue aur] 10yUa9 oy] MoTAq APYSYs spe} por Sursuu09 oy} yutod sty} FY “AUIONIAAO aq JSNUT OUEFSISAL otf} 919I[M Jo “pasoyo Ajazeau st yutof ay} us poarfdde st aanssaid jsoxva18 ay} JUotMeSuvsre sty} Aq “SOPTTS ey} 0} poyoeze SI por sip], “por Suryosuu0s Aavay v soyesodo yor Surress uonoLy [njssmod Aq UoALp St oUlORU SIL, ‘JoyreUr oT} UO peor 19ao durepo pulyq pu Joop UOT}OUI e[SUIS W9ALIp samod ATUO pue 4sIY 9q} WO SuLq 0} sn poonput sey ‘iamod Aq poyersdo aq 0} dmeyo pulyq pue oop & 10} puettep Surmois AULystoo oy} pue ‘YOM ,, WOU} PUTTG,, OF SfaMop Jo UOTosuT oY} TOF MOT[e OF ySnous spin usdo [IM yey} surpoRyY SurdureyD e& jo juem AH (*woOHd GaITddV INALVd) ‘duwiyjy puljg pue 100g UONOW ISUIS Ps04 JOM0d S..0D ADNVWHAH ¥ AD TMON gf “314 Yon) -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING [MIACHINE @@:22 Fig. 39. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S For Code Word see page 47. New Pattern Improved Single Motion Door and Blind Clamp. LADOW’S PATENT. . K are the original builders of this Machine, and were the first to place it upon the market. Have \) \ built and sold over 1,100 of these machines, and improved it from time to time. A few firms have made an honorable attempt to produce as good a machine as above, but have not succeeded ; others have copied our old pattern machines entire (please observe the ‘‘ honorable’’ is omitted) therefore, we now introduce the strongest and heaviest machine in the market, with improvements for clamping the door or blind straight, making perfect joints on both sides (face and back) thoroughly well built, to be sold at as low a price as good work can be furnished, but do not expect to compete in price with poorly built machines. It will clamp more doors or blinds in a given space of time, doing the work perfectly, giving pressure on each side of tenon of each rail, clamping ends as well as sides, and do better work than any other machine made. It is explained by the cut, operated simply by pressing down one lever with the foot and moving the end screw by hand. It is also provided with a foot treadle for releasing the door and opening the clamp. The change from one size to another can be made in less than one minute, by moving the back plate forward or backward with hand-wheels fastened to screws that run through width of machine. It will clamp any size up to 4 feet wide by 8 feet long, in one motion, or twice its length in two motions. It is the only first-class clamp in market that is made entirely of wrought and cast-iron. ‘There are no ratchets to break, (as ratchets always will), and no pawls to get out of order. By our arrangement of levers the greatest pressure is applied when the joint is nearly closed or where the increased resistance must be overcome, At this point the cross rod passing through the four horizontal bars rises slightly above the center line, holding the clamp closed until the door is wedged. We also make a sash attachment for this machine, which will clamp sash on four sides, perfectly square, in one motion. It can be taken off or put on in five minutes. Four hundred pairs of blinds have been clamped on this machine in ten hours. 46 ~@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE Q@x2» Fig. 39 A. ; ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Pattern Improved Single Motion Door and Blind Clamp. WITH SASH ATTACHMENT. __ jou) = ey es = LADOW’S PATENT. HE above illustration shows the Sash Attachment we furnish with the clamp, when it is desired to use the same machine for clamping sash as well as doors, blinds and shutters. The plates to which the corner blocks are attached have a circular groove and the corner blocks have a turned flange on the bottom to fit this groove; thus the corners swing in a true circle. There are two lugs on the corner block, one at a greater distance from the centre than the other to allow more pressure on stiles than on the rails. It can be set quickly for any size, and will clamp the sash square. See What They Say of It. THOMAS MCGEACHIE, MANUFACTURER OF VYVENEERED DOORS, Messrs. RowLEY & HERMANCE Co., Williamsport, Pa. CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 24, 1893. Gentlemen: Your door clamp is decidedly the best clamp on the market. I have used the clamp for about two years. One boy in my employ has clamped up 27 doors in one NGUG Some time ago, being in need of another clamp, a supply firm sold me a clamp which they guaranteed equal to or better than your clamp, at less price. I used the clamp about one week when one of the legs broke and delayed work until a new leg could be sent. Since then I have had two new legs on this machine, and each broke in the same place. I finally threw it into the scrap iron pile and bought one of your 10-foot clamps which is always in repair and giving excellent satisfaction. Worth double the price of any other clamp on the market. Respectfully yours, THOS. McGEACHIE. We furnish 12 long dogs for doors, and 16 short dogs for blinds, with each machine. Cubic Approximate STYLE. Measure. Weight. Code Word. Fis, 39 —To Clamp 4x 8 feet..2........ isk ea Ric ge RR ele bel en ee A 31 1,700 Finary. Fig. 39 A—To Clamp 4x 8 feet, including Sash Attachment... 2... esses eee 31 1,800 Finely. Sak amg Nase Ql ey ce Map C0TE {11 Gately a cpa ninpereeees ee reer ean es coe en 38 1,800 Finger. Fig. 39 C—To Clamp 4x 10 feet, including Sash Attachment: 0... 2.2... .acstenw 2: 38 1,900 Finite. Fig. 39D—Blind Clamp, without End Bar, to Clamp 2 ft. wide by 8 ft. long.......... a0 NS Pe gas Finless. ANT “CAMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 40. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Single Motion Door and Blind Clamp. HE above cut illustrates our new style Door and Blind Clamp. The machine is built from entire new ef patterns of new designs, being strong, substantial and durable. For clamping doors considerable strain is used, and, to prevent any danger of breaking, we have made this machine equal to any demands that may be made upon it. The way in which we have arranged the levers in our clamp is the best in use, for the reason that when clamping a door we get the greatest leverage when the door is nearly amped, or where the greatest pressure is required. O bes > The Clamp is operated by simply pressing down one lever with the foot, and turning the end screw by hand. The clamp, being self-acting, holds securely until the foot lever is raised. The Front Slab is connected to the levers and foot treadle, and has an adjustment of 1% inches. The Back Slab is adjusted forward or backward by the hand wheel attached to strong screws, the same running the whole width of the machine. This adjustment gives the quick change to the different sizes to be clamped, which will be found on no other machine. If desired, the machine can be so regulated that a greater Pressure can be obtained on one end of the door than the other. The machine will clamp any size up to four four inches wide by eight feet long, by one single motion of the foot treadle. or can be made with greater capacity, if so ordered. With each machine we furnish 12 long dogs for clamping doors, and 16 short dogs for clamping blinds. We also make sash attachment for this machine. as shown in cut, which will clamp sash all four ways, perfectly square, at one operation. This attachment can be taken off or put on ina very few minutes. We will send one of these machines to any responsible party in the United States on thirty days’ trial, and if not satisfactory, to be held subject to our order. Weight. Code Word. ee 1,400 lbs. Firkin. Fig. 40—Complete, Single Motion Door and Blind Clamp 23 fare tee 48 “GAMERIGCAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o.2: Fig. 41. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Blind Clamping Machine. in a yy) Specially Adapted for Clamping Inside and Outside Blinds. HIS cut represents our New Blind Clamp, designed with special care, being strong, substantial and ab durable, and the amount of work it will do makes it a very desirable machine for any Blind. Factory. The Frame is entirely of iron, the necessary parts of which are planed true; it is very rigid and well braced, enabling it to withstand any demands that may be made upon it. The Clamp is operated by simply pressing down one lever with the foot, and being self-acting, holds securely until the foot lever is raised. The Front Slab on the clamp is connected to the levers and foot treadle: the back slab is adjusted to the different widths of blinds by hand-wheel attached to strong screws, the same running the whole width of machine. This adjustment gives quick change to the different sizes to be clamped. If desired, the clamp can be so regulated that a greater pressure can be obtained on one end of the blind than the other. The machine will clamp any size from four inches up to thirty inches wide, eight feet long, by one single motion of the foot treadle. We furnish with each machine sixteen short dogs, and each machine is thoroughly tested before leaving our works and fully guaranteed in every respect. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 41—Comiplete, New Blind Clamping Machine 00oo.o.o0.0...cccccccctcsccsceccee-sececosseeoeecceeec. cco, 1,000 Ibs. Firman. -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goa Fig. 42. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Improved Sash Clamp. —{ | ~ ~— tas : 2 oveee-G HE above cut represents a new and improved machine for clamping sash, and is now for the first time aL introduced to the public. The chief difficulty with all machines heretofore invented is that they cannot be depended on to clamp the sash perfectly square, and that in changing from one size to another the machine must be ‘“‘squared up’’ before the work can be done, a process causing the loss of valuable time. Every operator knows that it is cheaper to clamp ‘‘odd sized’’ sash, or a small lot of a few windows of one size, with the old style screw clamp, than to adjust any of the patent sash clamps now in use. The above machine is the first sash clamp ever made that is absolutely square at all times, and with which odd sizes can be clamped as quickly as stock sizes. The cut explains the operation of the machine. By turning the large hand-wheels the sash is clamped on all sides at once perfectly square. The pressure on the stiles and rails is independent of each other and can be regulated at will, a very important point in doing good work. Cubic Approximate SIZE. Measure. Weight. Code Word. Fig. -42—Complete, to clanrp 4:ft, x 6-ft. to: lett. x 2 ft 64 950 lbs. Fiscal. 5O “QAMERICAN \\WOOD-\AW/ORKING MACHINE GQ: Fig. 43. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Iron Frame Sash Clamp. All Four Corners Clamped at One Operation. -* ASH manufacturers have long felt the want of a good Clamping Machine that could be found always reliable in clamping sash square. We have constructed it entirely of iron and steel, as these machines have heretofore been made with wood frames, which would soon rack and not clamp sash square. The Main Frame of this machine is cast in one piece, making it perfectly rigid. The Heavy Top Rails are planed, and have long slabs or bearings on the main frames. The Corner Blocks for holding the sash are pivoted to the traveling blocks, which work on the top of the heavy rails, and are operated in and out by a right and left hand screw, whereby each corner can be moved an exact distance from the centre, and remain in a rigid, fixed position. When once adjusted for one size, and set, it always remains perfectly square. Odd sizes of sash can be clamped almost as quickly as regular sizes. This clamp is very heavy and strong in every respect. We think we are safe in saying it has no equal on the market, and, by its use, from fifty to seventy-five per cent. of labor is saved over other methods of clamping sash. It not only brings every joint up to its place, but makes the sash perfectly square, clamping the four sides at one operation by simply pressing the lever down with the foot. Hither pins or wedges can be used. Its capacity is to work sash up to 3 feet 10 inches by 5 feet, and down to 12 inches square. Weight. Code Word. treo = COmplele,mtrOne Lratnem oasis lari) mee ine wes eet cceen ede cee 950 lbs. Fishery. “@AMERICAN \AWVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @@:a> Fig. 44. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Drawer Clamp. | dit I | = ch ia ey) 1 A ) HE above cut represents a new and most complete machine for clamping drawers for all kinds of a3 furniture work. It is simple, easily operated, quickly adjusted and very powerful. It consists of a strong, well balanced frame, on which are mounted two plates; one is stationary and the other slides, by means of two screws operated by hand wheels, a distance sufficient for the length of any drawer. On these are placed upright pieces which may be adjusted for any width of drawer, and which support the front, back and ends, at the same time bringing each piece in its proper position. The Pressure is applied by a system of levers actuated by a treadle convenient to operator, as shown in cut. After the drawer has been clamped, the machine will instantly release it by slightly lifting the treadle with the foot. The Upright Parts are so arranged as to allow all surplus glue to fall below, thus preventing it from sticking to the machine and making rough surfaces. It is very substantial in all its parts and not liable to get out of repair. Cubic Approximate SIZE. Measure. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 44—Complete, to clamp 3 feet 6 inches long to 2 feet wide x 12 inches deep, 45 600 Fitful. <@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING [MACHINE GO: Fig. 45. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Dado Machine. ~T Nl r ail | | K i AMM TE ia — mae HIS machine is designed for furniture factories—for case ends, cupboard and sink ends, and any work where it is desired to cut one or more grooves at one operation. The Arbor is of steel, large in diameter, and runs in self-oiling boxes. The Heads, five in number, are adjustable to any position on the arbor, and are fitted with our Patent Corrugated Spurs, and the bits are of such form that a shearing cut is obtained, and the usual tremble produced by the cutting knives (which is always felt when using straight knives) is entirely avoided. Sharpening the knives does not change the form of cut nor diameter of cutting circle, and they are so made that when taken out to sharpen very little time is consumed in resetting them. One End of the Arbor is provided with a cut-off saw, attached to one of the heads and cutting on a line with the outer edge of the dado bit; this produces the proper form for one end of the piece being worked. This head and saw is in halves, and may be quickly removed and placed in any position on the arbor, and the heads not needed may be slipped along next the box, out of the way. The Other End of the Arbor is also provided with a cut-off saw, mounted on a sliding or adjustable collar, and the case end in one operation is grooved, and both ends accurately cut to length. The Carriage is of iron, accurately planed on the top, and runs on carefully fitted iron V ways. This machine may be belted from above or below, or at any angle. Approxi- Average STYLE. Pulley on Revs. Per Cubic mate H. P. Code Word. Arbor. Minute. Measure. Weight. Required. Fig. 45—Complete, with 5 Dado Heads and 2 Saws, eyes) 3,000 28 200% ies Fitness. 53 -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WW/ORKING [MACHINE @o.o Fig. 46. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Automatic Door Trimmer. A NEW LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. N making doors it is sometimes desired to use panels thinner than the tenons. In grooving the rails l and muntins for thin panels the groove being narrower than the tenon, it leaves material on each side of the tenon that must be trimmed off. This is usually done by hand with a knife or chisel. The above machine is designed to do this work. ‘The rail or muntin is placed against the guide and the saw trims off the surplus material for square edged doors. When O. G. work is to be trimmed the saw trims the tenon lengthwise and a boring bit (which works automatically) bores out the surplus back of the shoulder or the tenon. Tight and Loose Revolutions per Cubic He 2 Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 46—Automatic Door Trimmer, 6x 3 900 20 700 1 Fixture. 54 < alo 917 6 S550) sieht Gemerrs Fluster. “UORXN|-]'> 2 ae Oo¢ 9 $¢8 Se lS ta) a ee ee SAg][Nq 2s00’] pue yYST, yyM ‘esyxo ‘yyeYys-1ayuNOD—y 66 “Sly *po ny 8 01 9 0S9'T Al OOS. Zs Seer aah oecyeeat Bk Oe meas soa eulyory Surddry Suey paay tamog usen() T “oN— 6¢ “SLT “paom apod *polmbay VWYSIOM ‘JUOWOINSBa ‘oynuTy, tad ‘saay ‘sAo][Nd “T pue yy ‘1oqiy uo S262) o1qny Agy[ndg Surarg ‘SoTqe} UspooM 9y} pue sMeS YOUI-pT Inoj ‘Areuoye}s OM] pue afqeysn{[pe omy ‘sreTTOo SHOF SUMPICUT SIT} PIM YSIUIN} SA\ “AIG soyour p pue sprIM sayouT 97 MES TIM 3] “pus 0} pus Wo1y YPM ul uOfIUN JaquIny {Te MBS O} SUTYOCUT SIG} soJUPIeNS aM pue ‘“aqumy] aspe WyStens SULIMSUT sny} ‘Mes oy} UWIOIy AeMe SUIUUNI WO pseoq ay} ywWaacid 0} Mes ey} WOI} 9oUeYSIP B Je JaquIny 9y} Suty10ddns TOF SOUMYOCUL OY} FO vst oY} 0} 9Snes poyySiom Sursurms v yore ayy “s0qie oY} JO JWOWIUST[Y oy} Sunosayo ynoyyM uortsod oyur Sunms usq} SI Xoq pulse xy, ‘soyUIUT OM} UTTIM ssuo dievys q pooefdar pue pedouter oq ues smes eq} WsyM ‘uedo Surms 0} pamoyye st pus ayy ‘youerM PATMS IMO poyor}e St YOM 0} jJOq suo Sutuasooy ATdunis Aq ! 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zcelll ‘meg Buiddry Suey pase] as Yyouryz SOD AHHLOAG ¥Y LAOH "19°31 Kaw ’ —, RKING MACHINE ¢ OOD-\W/o qD © “@AMERICAN *IOpIO4 snrcctensees seeeeesseecc ne: cane cneneee seneeens cnnaenaeceecccas seeaeceeesscreeemae serene ceceeee wana ns cennenasseneeens teeeenns inneranareseaansseeereesiswancasisewsracesasrnes aqatdmo05 ‘meg Suispyq aSeie)—z9 ‘SIT “ploM apod ‘spunod o$g SI SUIYOeUT JOOJ-9I JO JYSIOAA ‘“PotISep JI V1I}X9 Se pdYSIUIN} yeys-19}uN0, ‘aynulw Jad SuOINjOAss OooO'z DAV pynoys pue ‘sovz soyour S “IajatWeIp seyoul BV st soqay uo Aang WL ‘your 1 ‘ajoy JO ozis {Mes YOUI-9I IO} Z[TQe}INS ‘sIoqiIy MeS z ‘ON Ie[NSa1 IMO Jo suo YIM po} Sl sUITyOR] ‘sorid yeroads je poystuimy oq [IM pelisop y}S8ue, Aue oulyoeul piepuejs IO jd} QI SI YRSueT [eNsn ‘ Zu0I}s pue yYST YW Suryeu ‘sjoued ul pawielj St oBvewaey oy ‘saA0013 UOIT ul dys poom v Aq paps pue poaou AyIsva si a8evlIIVO oy} YOIYA wo ‘dazIs pooS jo speoyM yey ‘jivde soouvjsip a[qe}ms je poord aie swe siqy} uO ‘S[eUe}sqns pue WAY AIDA PL Suryqeut ‘s}sod uoIl uo ‘pooM jo apt sI ouies4 ou ‘polisep JI osnes Surjyyds pue s[qev} yoreq Y WM peprAoid st pue ‘spreo ue yurld surjyYds 10 saspa 9y} Sujutof 10J st ouTypDeUl STH Ppertsep fl I}}TGs pue s[qe} yxoeq YA pop! I pteoq p T IAT pe 24 TyUTO} TOF St oUt “MBG SUISPT ISBIIIBAD SOD ¥ SYMDON “d “Dd ‘zQ °3I4 -@AMERICAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @O:2» Fig. 63. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Perfection Automatic Knife Grinder. WITH POWER CROSS FEED. ———"" I ii i A A HIS illustration shows our New Automatic Knife Grinder with Power Cross Feed, grinding of planing knives of all kinds, long or short. designed for rapid and accurate The Base and Frame are cast in one piece, making it very rigid and free from vibration while in operation. The Carriage has an automatic traverse movement forward and backward across the face of the wheel, and an auto- matic cross feed toward the wheel; and is provided with adjustable stops on the face of the carriage for regulating the traverse. It can be instantly stopped without stopping the wheel, by simply throwing the reverse lever out of position, and is adjus- table to and from the wheel for the wearing away of the wheel. The Automatic Cross Feed is adjustable for light or heavy cut, and is provided with a stop for regulating the cut to be taken, and when set it will stop feeding and grinding when the cut is finished. ‘Thus the operator can attend to other work while the knife is being ground. The Knife can be set with the edge up or down, or to grind on the bottom or top of the wheel. The knife can be quickly set at any angle or bevel desired. The 50-inch machine has standards under each end of the bed to insure steadiness. The Emery Wheel is 22 inches diameter by 1% inch face, with iron centre 10 inches in diameter, which greatly re- duces the cost of future wheels. To Grind Knives Ae eT Es Pulleys. Fig..63° —Up to30) inches 3e ee dl Qiexere Fig. 63 A—Up tor4ik inches sa 10 x 4 Fig. 63. B——-Up to 50’ inchesvaa. 5 pee ee 10 x4 The machine is easy to operate and keep in order, and does perfect work. Cubic Average Revs. per Approximate Measure- ie hee Code Word. Minute. Weight. ments. Required. 720 880 74 1 Foist. 720 1,000 76 1 Folding. 720 1,150 79 1 Foliage. -OAMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @Oo» Fig. 64. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Automatic Knife Grinder. WITH HAND CROSS FEED. (NN mat my i WT HIS machine is designed to meet the demand of a first-class Automatic Knife Grinder without the Power Cross Feed, and to do the same class of work. The Frame is heavy and cast in one piece, making it rigid and free from vibration. The Carriage has an automatic traverse movement across the face of the wheel, and is provided with adjustable stops for regulating the length of cut, and can be instantly stopped at any desired point. The machine is constructed in the same manner and has all the improvements contained in the ) ‘‘ Perfection,’’ except the Power Cross Feed. Built in three sizes. We furnish each machine with one emery wheel, 22 inches diameter by 1% inch face, and all necessary wrenches. Cubic Average To Grind Knives Te and 1,2 Revs. per Approximate Measure- Pet) eh Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. ments, Required. Bie Gt Up (O26 INCHES, eintenscaceret Sere) ~=6«LO KA 720 800 74 1 Follower. pea AU Py FO 30s MR CICS 25 5.5 id cogn cnacns menernncn sane 10 x 4 720 950 76 1 Folly. fe 64h UY toc 56. INCNES. fecitiond cx-camaee- teens) 10-4 720 1,100 79 1 Foment, -@AMERICAN \A/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Goo Fig. 65. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 200, Automatic Self Feed Knife Grinder. HIS machine has been designed to grind any kind of knife or bar that will lie upon a plane surface. The automatic features of this machine are: First.—A transverse reciprocating movement of the cutter bar and its supporting frame, regulated in extent, from 2 inches to 30 inches, by means of two pins set in holes in frame as shown. Second.—A movement of the grinding wheel towards the work that can be regulated to grind from 1-3000 to 1-200 of an inch to each back and forth movement of the cutter bar frame. To the outer end of the screw feed-shaft is secured, at front of machine, a disk feed wheel actuated by hand or power, the latter applied by means of the gripping device shown as engaging the rim of the wheel, providing the rates of feed above mentioned. Third.—Means for causing the machine to cease grinding at any point for which it may be set. The disk feed-wheel has in its web ten small holes. A pin set in any hole forward of the feed grip will be gradually brought around until it engages the grip, when the forward feed of the grinding wheel will be at once arrested. ‘Thus there is no danger that cutters will be overground through inadvertance or inattention of the operator. Each space between the holes allows a for- ward feed to grinder of 1-50 of an inch. By raising the curved lever below the disk feed-wheel the reciprocating movement of the cutter bar may be instantly stopped. In adjusting the feed belts put the straight one nearest the machine and the crossed one outside. Ty angele Revs. per To Grind Knives Pulleys. Minute. Belting Required, Weight. Code Word. Fig. 65. —Up to-30 inches... ae 12k 3 300 (7 ft. 5% in. of 4 in. single, ) 1,300 Fondler. Fig. 65 A—Up to 42 inches........................ WAS. © 300 (8 ft. 8% in. of 1 in. double. J 1,300 Foolery. TO -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goo» Fig. 66. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Automatic Knife Grinder. kei 7 | NOWING the necessity of having a good Automatic Knife Grinder in every mill using planers has kK induced us to build a machine for doing this kind of work, which can be sold at a price so every mill using planers can afford to have one of them. Most of these machines have been so high in price that mill men were compelled to grind their knives on grindstones or small emery grinders. The above cut represents our new Automatic Knife Grinder. This machine should be in every planing mill, furniture, sash and door factory. It recommends itself at once to every practical mill man, being both simple and durable. Its work is done quicker and better than can be done by hand. After the w ork is placed on the machine and adjustments regulated, it requires little or no attention, thus saving the time of one man. The Holding Bar, to which the knife is bolted, is so constructed that the heat made in grinding the knife will not spring it ; thus the knife is ground perfectly true and not hollow in the centre. The Wheel used on this machine is made special, so that you can use water on it if so desired, or run it dry. ‘They are warranted not to heat or draw temper on knife. The Emery Wheel used is 22 inches in diameter by 14-inch face. For parties wanting to use water on wheel, we will furnish a hood and tank for the machine’ at slight extra cost. T. and L,. Revs. per To Grind Knives Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fie. .66 Up, t0.-G2 ines 20 20 ieccctccesrcce cose matasctanctonnasthonweiotareameennee 1Q od 350 700 Foolish. Fig. 66 A—Up to 36 imches ae cceeecees ceceeceseeeceesesseeeenee cneeees coensemeennsees 1Oiscas 350 700 Footing. Fig. 66 B—Up to 50 inches ...00. 2. eee eee cones pA on attceoeiead med pa tesceee 10 x 3 350 700 Footpad. “@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2» Figs. 67: ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 1, Double End Emery Grinder. Arranged to Carry Five Wheels, with Knife Grinding Attachment. HE accompanying cut shows our Double End Emery Grinder, a heavy, substantial machine of entirely new design. The Arbor, which is made of steel, is i. a mounted in long boxes to prevent rapid MY | wear, and fitted with a cone pulley, i 7 which gives two changes of speed ; one end is so arranged as to carry four 12- <— inch wheels of various thicknesses, and i the other end one 12-inch wheel. This Machine is heavy and solid, being built in the very best manner. No planing mill or wood cutting estab- lishment can afford to be without one. ee ee Counter-shaft furnished if desired. ipa mm Fig. 68. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 2, Double Wheel Emery Grinding Machine. CONVENIENT and indispensable machine for every mill. Will operate wheels to 12 inches diameter; has 1 inch steel arbor, fitted for wheels with 7% inch holes. It is well made and thoroughly balanced. Fig. 69. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Common Knife Grinding Machine. AN be attached to any grindstone frame. The knife to be ground is set between the jaws of the clamp and fastened by hand wheels. Any Desired Bevel can be obtained by the adjust- i ing screw. ‘gos : The Carriage slides across the face of the stone, and grinds the knife perfectly straight. All screws are made of brass to avoid rust. Size of Cubic T.and I, Revs, per Driving Pulley Weight. Measure- Average Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. on Arbor. ment. lst oem Fig. 67 —No. 1, Double End, with Counter... 8 x 4 150) A be, ee 242 15 1 Foppery. Fig. 67 A—No. 1, Double End, without Counter......000. 0 ccc. ke. 4 and 6 135 12 1 Forage. Fig. 68 —No. 2, Double Wheel, with Counter... 8x3 400.) y.9 120 5 1 Forbear. Fig. 68 A—No. 2, Double Wheel, without Counter... ...... ..... 4 80 2 1 Forcedly. Fig. 69 —Common Knife Grinding. Machine 22. Jigsccsstes niche teh drcauds nuts ee a ee Forceps. Knuckle Joint Machine or Hinge Gainer. ——= Nv ni I n mn rir z alii heads for cutting the gains, and three routing saws for the knuckles, each on its own arbor, which are adjustable to any usual length of leaf or top. The stock is clamped to the under side of a true iron table, thus gauging from the top and making the gains all of the same depth when the machine is properly set. ’ | HIS is a labor saving machine for letting in butts on all kinds of fall leaf tables. There are three dado The Ways on which the table moves are provided with adjusting gibs, and the table is also gibbed under to prevent lifting. Adjustable Stops limit the length of the gains and locate the knuckle at the exact point required for the rule joint. The Clamps work with eccentrics and are adjustable to different thicknesses of stock. The Routing Saws have a simultaneous vertical movement on a supporting frame by means of a foot lever, and are driven from a sub-counter-shaft which in turn is driven from the main counter located overhead. The Gaining Heads may be adjusted to any point on the main arbor, and the latter is adjustable vertically for different depths of cut. The ordinary length takes in 48 inch stock, or less, and any usual width. All Parts are nicely fitted and details are extra heavy and carefully designed. No table factory can afford to be without this machine, as it does at one handling what has heretofore required three, and generally six movements. Our self-oiling ‘‘ jump flange’’ loose pulley is furnished. Two Counter-Shafts are furnished, and the speed of the main one should be about 600. Et wandue. Revs. per Pulleys Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 70—Machine and two Counter-Shafts, complete... 10 x 6% 600 1,700 Forded. -O@A\MERIGAN \A\/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @o:9% Figs>7!, ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Pattern Improved Hand Jointer or Buzz Planer. DTCETETTITN CNOA LOOT Tm =a Se oT i HIS machine is capable of a great variety of work, such as planing out of wind, cornering, beveling, rabbeting, cham- AR fering, squaring up, making glue joints, etc., making it indispensable in sash and door, agricultural implement, furniture, car works, pattern shops, and other wood-working establishments. The Frame is cast in one piece, making it very strong and substantial. The Tables are 7 feet long. Each table has an independent vertical adjustment operated by the hand wheels shown at each end of the machine, also an independent lateral adjustment of 7 inches each, to and from the path of the cutters, operated by the hand wheels shown on the front or working side of the machine. ‘This unusual space allows free access to the cylinder and will be appreciated by every mechanic. Our Improved Dovetailed Incline Adjustment for raising and lowering the tables makes it almost impossible to get the tables out of position, and if once out, they can be re-adjusted in two minutes. This is a great improvement over any other machine of this kind on the market. The Cylinder is made of solid forged steel, small in diameter so it can be run at a high speed, which is very essential for doing smooth work on brash or cross-grained lumber. It is provided with bolts on two sides for carrying straight knives, and slotted on the other two sides for carrying rabbeting and other odd knives. It is provided with an adjustable gauge, which can be set square or at any desired bevel, also a wooden safety guard to prevent accidents to the fingers of the operators. We furnish with each machine one counter-shaft, one set (2) straight knives for cylinder, and necessary wrenches. _ DIRECTIONS:—Never screw or fasten the machine to the floor. ‘The tables should be set level to do perfect work. Level the planer by putting thin wedges under the base of the machine. The belt on the cylinder should be endless, light and of even thickness, without any hook, rivets or lacers. ‘The laps should be cemented, and it will last longer, cylinder will run better and do smoother work. Belts on the 8, 12 and 16-inch machines should be 3% inches wide ; on the 24 and 30-inch machines 4 inches wide. oan: Revs. per Cubic Average Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 71) —Lo worl. ‘Sanches: wide aaa 8x4 780 35 1,050 tore Forebode. Fig. 71 A—To work 12 inches wide... ee wnese 8x 4 780 42 1,300 il iwoy 2 Forecast. Fig. 71 B—To work 16 inches wide................. 8x4 780 49 1,550 2 to 3 Forego. Fig. 71 C—To work 24 inches wide... 84% 780 63 1,900 2 to 4 Forehead. T4 bigs 72: -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE GQ» WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Hand Planer and Jointer, with Complete Adjustable Gauge. oy : iyi! Sri a AW \ \\ \ HU HIS Hand Planer and Jointer is a newly designed machine, and the success it is meeting with is a sure indication of its merits over all Planers of a similar kind in the market. The Hand Planer is now used for a large variety of work, and has become one of the most necessary tools in . . So glue joints, etc. always small. wood-working shops, for labor saving, and accurate work in planing out of wind, squaring up, beveling, rabbeting, making The Tables are very long, being over six feet in length, which is a very important point for smooth planing and making straight joints; each table can be adjusted vertically or laterally, working on inclines to or from the cylinder, and the throat is Both the tables can be moved to give opening enough to sharpen or set the knives; this is done by simply loosening the hand wheel at side of machine, which will allow the table to move back without changing the height of same. At the will of operator the depth of cut can be changed from one-sixteenth to one-half inch without stopping the machine. tremble. The Frame is cast in one piece, making it very solid and compact; is extra well braced inside, giving a rigid bearing for boxes, which are cast solid on the frame of machine, allowing the cylinder to run at a high rate of speed without jar or The Cylinder is made from the best refined cast-steel, slotted on two sides, the long knives being on the plain sides, so that any kind of knives such as are used for grooving, reeding moulding, etc., can be used on the slotted side. for rabbeting. Each machine is thoroughly tested before leaving our works, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. All sizes are made A WorpD To Woop-WorRKERS.—If you want a Planer that will save you hard labor in cabinet, furniture, chair, coffin and frame factories, you cannot afford to be without one of our improved Hand Planers and Jointers. Fig. 72 Pulley on cylinder is 3% in. diameter, 4 in. face, and should make 4,500 to 5000 revolutions per minute. Floor Space required, 72 in. by 34 in. —To work Tight and Loose Pulleys on counter-shaft are 10 x 4, and should make 900 revolutions per minute. (SJag bane aS) AyalaKOss 8 Je ee en ee Bias ate ee a Pig) Ss aon MOE Fig. 72 A—To work 12 inches wide..................... Fig. 72 B—To work 16 inches wide Weight. Code Word, 800 Forelay. i Re es Ss TR ee I eS, .. 1,000 Forelock. eee Se ee inate Teen ... 1,200 Foremost. Fig. 72 C—To work 24 inches wide har ee iets Ay teen atte? LOW) Forensic, in Vidi Hitli 8=inch and 12-inch Fig. 73 and 73A. ‘*Perfection’’ ie. Jal. CLEMENT CO.’S Buzz Planers and Jointers. Fig. 73 B, 73 C-and 73 D. Eee hie CLEMENT CO.’S 16=in., 20=in. and 24=in. ‘‘Perfection’’ Buzz Planers. il 30=-in. ‘‘Perfection”’ Buzz Planer. Figs 730: Bali : = 7 : |B cee CLEMENT CO.’S = = => S “lil Z = -@AMERICAN \K/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE Go.» F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Patent ‘“ Perfection”? Buzz Planers and Jointers. HESE Justly Celebrated Machines are, in the opinion of hundreds of experts who are using them, as near perfect in design and construction as any tool can be. The Frame is cast in one piece; is very heavy and strong, and has three points of bearing on the floor. The table carriages move on continuous inclined ways, and are deeply ribbed in both directions. The cutter- head is a solid steel forging, with main bearing five diameters in length and self-oiling boxes. The rear table has a rabbeting groove 5% of an inch deep, and an adjustment for making hollow glue joints. An Adjustable Bevel Gauge is provided, secured to the rear or short table, so as not to interfere with the movement of the working table. By a special system and tools the frame and tables are planed absolutely exact, so that no further fitting, adjusting or lining up is required. All Tables are 7 feet long, and are especially heavy and well ribbed. We take particular pains with the alignment in every direction, so that an absolutely straight joint can be made at any point on the cutter-head. A plain rabbeting bracket, without gauge, is furnished with each machine. The Cam Cross-Bar under the short table can be adjusted on the inclined ways by slacking the clamp screws. ‘The rear table will then drop down sufficiently to make a hollow or “‘ spring’’ glue joint. Both Tables can be drawn away from the cutter-head on a level independently of the inclined ways, so as to leave an opening about 7 inches wide ; and dovetailed slots are planed in the cutter-head into which special bolts with nuts are fitted. ‘This arrangement admits of moulding, tonguing and grooving, and other special cutters being attached without removing the straight knives. Thus surfacing and beading, surfacing and moulding, surfacing and grooving, etc., may be done at one operation. No Other Buzz Planer has the adjustments, solidity of construction, and advantages of this one, nor can others do the wide range of work of which this is capable; such as squaring, smoothing, taking out of wind, glue-jointing, beveling, chamfering, rabbeting, moulding, tonguing and grooving, beading, cornering, cross-gaining, tenoning, etc. It will also stick curved mouldings, such as casing-heads, special inside finish mouldings, etc, which have heretofore been done by hand. Note the Advantages. ‘There are no links, wedges, pin-joints, cams or eccentrics under the table to get out of adjustment or wear slack ; by putting the frame on three legs it is impossible to strain or twist it by bolting down or by the settling of the floor, and there is no projecting flange for the operator to tread upon. By means of the large hand-wheel at the right, the working table can be moved instantly either way, without requiring the operator to change his position in the least. The design and method of fitting up is such that the tables must be true and remain so, and they cannot twist, rock, strain or be displaced, no matter how uneven the foundations on which they are placed. Attachments and Extras. We Can Furnish steel lips on tables of all sizes, at a small advance on regular prices. Spring Attachments for running mouldings and similar work can be applied at any time to any size. The Rabbeting Table and gauge, shown in the first engraving, is a special attachment which is furnished only on order and can be applied at any time. A plain rabbeting support is furnished with every machine. Counter-Shafts, with our ‘‘ Perfect’? self-oiling loose pulley, are included unless otherwise ordered. T. and I. Pulleys. Speed. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 73 —To WOE eR INCHES + WECLG ie sere oot orces is eccetnsaee 8x3% 900 O50 ae 34 Forfeit. Bigs 7s A— “ eae) 2 Bie Oe re eR Saey pee eee 8 x 33% 900 1,300 ] Forfend. Figa7oB—“ “ 16° % fs Sig MS RA are eee 8x44 950 1,500 1% Forge. Biss 73 C— * eet eR ee a eee en ge cede Oa 950 1,800 2 Forked. Bie eefoD— ' pel eae Sed |e ers ees eR EE scat ches 10x54 950 2,000 3 Forlorn. Rigeio eS 300 Sap Eee cee oe EN, Se Sea 10x 5% 950 2,600 4 Formation. EXTRAS. SESS LAPS 2 cass tasaeeeee Hacecce be sacteank sta bene veered tarpaecefenccnes wp btnteamany cosnrne Sh cceemavendn snaenesvaguneas A Ae ek | ae PC) NR, et SSPE OP Formedon. Rabbeting Table and Gauge 2... ce cee ceceecee tees ce tceeene ceeeeneese cceetee seetene OAS hart aig es PR ok att ie 2a fl obae. Formless. Spring Attachment, including 4 Dovetail Bolts.................... ...- Be eee oP ie Lae Renee LAs silat Faken WERE AES re Ue ie een Forsooth. “GAMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2» Fig. 74. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S New Universal V Glue Jointer. g— TT. |e IM ATT TTT TTT —emeNt So === SS RAN ROCHESTER. Y —————= up) C — ————SSSSsSS== —aSsSSSS== Sa=_aS====== “ht ERETOFORE it has not been practical to make a tongue and groove glue joint on a Buzz Planer, on account of the stock being often crooked so that the tongue and groove were not parallel with the face of the board, and thereby losing the thickness when finished. By means of special attachments we are enabled to offer this machine as a substitute, in many cases, for the heavy and expensive clamp carriage machines now in use. The Tables, Slides and Frame are substantially the same as our well known ‘‘ Perfection Buzz Planer and Jointer and are very carefully fitted in every detail. The tables are adjustable on the inclined ways for depth of cut, and also horizontally to give access to the cutter head, and have suitable stops to prevent accidents to the knives. The Main Arbor is of hard steel and has three self-oiling bearings, one of which is readily removable by means of a clamp screw for the purpose of changing the cutters or adjusting them to different positions. The Cutter Heads are independent and each can be removed without disturbing the adjustment of the knives ; by means of collars the distance between them can be varied for different thicknesses of stock. The knives are of solid steel, milled to the required form, so that they remain accurate to shape until used up, and they are arranged to cut very smoothly. The Special Gauge or guide on the table is made to expand laterally for different thicknesses of work, so that 5¢ in. to 14 in. stuff may be jointed, and by one change of collars between the cutter heads the range can be from % to 2 in. thick. The gauge accommodates itself to crooked stock and there is thus no loss in thickness after planing. Both faces of the gauge are alike, so that a piece is finished at one handling. A Hollow or ‘‘Spring’’ Joint is obtained by means of the cam on the rear table, and this can be used in connection with the V cutters as well as for plain jointing. Springs are provided to retain the stock against the gauge on both sides. When Ordered a plain cutter-head and knives are furnished at a slight extra charge. In this case the machine beeomes a Universal Jointer, making plain, single V or combination joints, either straight or hollowing in both cases. The Counter-Shaft has § x 33 in, self-oiling loose pulley and should run about 900 per minute. The Workmanship is specially fine in every detail, and we guarantee satisfaction on fair trial. Three Forms of joint are shown in the engraving, but we can make other forms as required. No. 1 is recommended for general use, Code Word. Fig. 74 —V Jointer complete, one pair heads, special gauge and counter-shaft.........-ccccseececcecoe---s---..-.. Fortify. Fig. 74 A—Plain Jointer Head and Gauge, additional .115i. 5 io eee et eee See Fortune. “@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @O:92 Fig. 75: F. H.:CLEMENT CO.’S Pattern Makers’ Lathe, with Slide Rest. OR a great deal of Pattern Turning a fixed tool and accurate lines of feed are essential, especially on such as require if exactness of outline, To meet the demand for such tools we have just brought out two sizes, as represented in above engraving. The Carriage has a long bearing on the bed which is carefully fitted by scraping. The cross feed screw has a square thread and there is a nicely fitted gib on the tool slide to take up wear, and a take-up gib on the back of the carriage on the bed. The Apron Gearing is cut, and the pinions are steel. The tool post or poppet head is of steel, with hardened set screw, and receives tools 5g inch thick. The Head and Tail Spindles, screws, and all centers, are of steel; the tail screw has square threads, and the hand wheel is turned and polished. The Main Bearing Caps are planed into ledges on the head-stock and lined with genuine babbitt, which is carefully scraped and the journals nicely fitted, so as not to heat when started. All surfaces resting on the bed are planed true and carefully fitted down. The Head Stock Cone is of iron, specially strengthened inside but quite light, and it can be reversed, when ordered, to bring the large lift next the head center. The counter-shaft has kiln-dried wood cone, glued up in layers with grain crossed, and finished in shellac, and it is fastened at both ends to the shaft. The Main Arbor extends at both ends with reversed threads as usual, and there is a detachable yoke to take the end thrust, provided with a bronze step and a hardened steel center pin. A large face plate for the overhanging end of the arbor, and a heavy floor rest stand are furnished. A Compound Rest will be furnished when ordered, in place of the rigid cross-slide, at a reasonable extra charge. The Parts usually furnished are Head and Tail Stocks, one pair Wood Centers, one pair Conical Centers, Rosette Chuck, two Face Plates, two Rest Sockets, three T rests, Counter-shaft and Hangers, and Floor Rest Stand. We furnish 90 and 24-inch Swing Lathes on these beds, which may be 8, 10 or 12 feet long as required. Swing. T. and L, Pulleys. Speed. Length of Bed. Weight. Code Word. | TED cae Oa mR ee ee oes Rn eee 20 in. 9x 4% in. 600 8 feet. 1,300 Fossil. i Ghia yO eS a Bes ee nengeme g merrge Pree 24 in. 10 x 4% in. 550 8 feet. 1,500 Foster. Extra for Compound Rest in place of plain Cross Slide... ees ce cece eects teres steteene ne aM Mee TALE? Fought. 79 “@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:4% Fig. »70. F. H. CLEMENT Covs Improved Iron-Bed Pattern Makers’ Lathe. ~— a TTT — THE FHCLEMENTCo| ROCHESTERNY, My LAM Me OOD Working Machines with iron frames are coming more and more into use as wood-workers recog- \ \ nize their good points. To meet this demand we make either Hand or Pattern Makers’ Lathes on heavy iron beds with iron legs. These are planed true and the Head and Tail Stocks are carefully fitted to them and suitably secured by clamping bolts. The Head and Tail Spindles, screws, and all centers are of steel ; the tail screw has square threads, and the hand wheel is turned and polished. The Main Bearing Caps are planed into ledges on the head-stock and lined with fine babbitt, which is carefully scraped and the journals nicely fitted, so as not to heat when started. All surfaces resting on the bed are planed true and carefully fitted down. The Head Stock Cone is of iron, specially strengthened inside but quite light, and it can be reversed, when ordered, to bring the large lift next the head center. ‘The counter-shaft has kiln-dried wood cone, glued up in layers, with grain crossed, and finished in shellac, and it is fastened at both ends to the shaft. The Main Arbor extends at both ends with reversed threads as usual, and there is a detachable yoke to take the end thrust, provided with a bronze step and a hardened steel center pin. poumbear Suynpog *PPOH 19ND SAMP OF FLO SSOTPUH 94} pue ‘soyousiM ‘(YIOM [[VUIS 107 190 dy} “YOM AIBUIp.toO Ino& 1OJ 9U0) ‘s1d}U9D jo sited OM] pue saat JO sjos OM} oUTOeUT Yyors YIM YSstuiny 3A ‘usoyed ures wor ‘ozis paimba1 Aue pue ‘Suoy sayour 9 ‘JeoF 9 WHI} ITEM ‘Oyo ‘sayods ‘saa1j}9_FIYM ‘sprvoq pues ‘s1ayxo01 ‘stoys[oq ‘sda1}-a, Xe un} 0} pasn aq WBS }I.SB ‘[OO} 9U0 JayjJo Auv uvY} ATOJOL; UOSeA & UT anTeA Teorjovid a10ur Jo st 4 “Topinoys Jo ‘ures s1enbs ev Suravy auo ydaoxa utoyed Aue jsow MOT[OF [JIM GOR UT !dA0013 punor & nd [JIM {190d a1ENbs B UIN} [JIM 4I ‘Aep tod sapxe jo sired Aqyy 0} Ayr TOF UN} [TIM ‘WOHIITp TOy}o UT STIARIZ Peay 1a}jNo oY} pue ‘pula JoY}I9 WoIy SyIOM 4] GG 0} CLP LX GL ‘oynuTyY tod ‘aay i es 2s) “BUT ‘sAo1[Nd “I puv ‘yz, “PEPNASWOD OAD suTySeU AUB SB IING [Jam SB aq 0} FE AdTTAq aM ‘Avs UBD aM ‘ory uy “AOTABOY, YON St SUPIBI) “s9su01s youu sive sday ey} Aries Jey] speay ‘Weys ure JO pus 13]no0 107 PUBS JOOTA & Ystuiny pue 4yeyS-qng pea 3a}3ND dy} eALp 0} AoT[Nd Suypaaery, v asn ay ‘SH19q JO Ule1}s ssa] pue ‘posads 1938013 Surmoyye ‘IOpIm pue 19s1v] o1e SAdTING Ilv ‘SSULIvag JaSuo] savy pue 1981e] YOnut 318 $IBYS ITW “‘Buo1js pue Aavay AIA st au0 SIU, ‘s1aqyjo PutOS PIppe PUL ‘30 PO a4} JO Sainjzeay poos dy} [Te paureqar eABY 9M 9UO MOU Ino UT ‘SSOUIYSI S}I Butsq worsafqo ATuo sy : AJLI9A 0} WYSno (anojy udsad pue 9014} ‘OM} Suravy way} jo Aueur) SPMOPR UOSeM dy} Jo ‘jU99 tod dAy-AjOUIU UT asn sj se ‘Q4}e’T 291,-21XV PIO no uy MING SULYORUL [NFssoons s10Wl B SVM JOAdU ATQeqoid WAH OYJ] VI] =-9]XY PIAOIdWI] Md S09 YAHLOUd ¥ LAOH “FQ “S14 58 “G@AMERIGAN \AVOOD-\AW/ORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 85. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Improved Lath Mill. M Im : 4s ih i is “a | a i iil i Tr 4 us iz iN veal SEAT Mii Uw, HE cut represents our New Gang Lath Plank Mill. This machine is original in design and has many points of excellence in its various adjustments, strength and quality of material, and good construction. We claim that it cannot be excelled for the purpose intended. The Machine is provided with adjustments for taking up lost motion, The Table is so arranged that it can be set closer to the saws as they wear. The Lever shown in cut is connected with the top feed rolls, by which the operator at any time can raise the upper rolls and withdraw the bolt, if desired, or even stop the feed. The Saws used on this machine are 14 inches in diameter. The Arbor, made of steel—very heavy—is provided with end box for taking up end motion ; also to steady mandrel at the end where the saw goes on. The Feed Shafts are four in number, all driven, and the feed rolls are made with sections of small steel spurs, which make a positive feed, and prevent stock or pieces from coming back, and carry out the stock after it leaves the saw. Lath being made on this improved machine, on account of their uniformity in thickness, bring a much better price, and can be manufactured at less cost than from the old style machines. A complete shield covers the saws. This machine is guaranteed to give entire satis- faction. Capacity from 30 to 35 thousand per day. Driving pulley, 8 inches diameter, 8 inches face, should run 2,500 revolutions per minute. Code Word. atin TOG ea Pepe. sie eas ead LE Bem: 97s 00) v) (o1 Reese Bene ea er ee Sa ASP ee eee Sa Eh ai Re aes Fretful. e@AMERICAN \AWVOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @0:a2 Fig. 86. Automatic Hollow Square Chisel Mortising Machine. Tig HE above is a cut of our new Automatic Hollow Square Chisel Mortising Machine, which will prove AL most useful for mortising in Hard Woods; thus rendering it invaluable for car, carriage, wagon, furniture, blind, sash and door factories. The novelty of this machine consists in the peculiar formation of the chisel, which is square, and is fitted with an auger made to revolve inside it. The End of the Auger projects slightly beyond the edges of the chisel, and when brought up to the timber it bores a round hole. The Chisel following it, and simultaneously squaring out the four corners and sides, and with no jarring to the machine. A finished mortise of any length, from 4 inch to 1 inch square, and free from chips, is thus made. The Depths of the Mortise is regulated by the adjustments of the table or the adjustments of the stroke. The movement of the chisel is governed by a treadle placed at the side of the machine, which gives it a continuous reciprocating motion. The Stroke is variable by changing the position of the crank pin on the reciprocating frame. The Table is counter-balanced, and is adjusted vertically by a lever provided with stops by which one or more mortises can be made as in double mortising. That is, a. 34 inch chisel will make any size mortise from 34 to 1} inches by passing through twice. It has an adjustment endwise for regulating the length of the mortise by a lever operating a rack and pinion, A 34 chisel and auger is provided with each machine and a full set of wrenches. Other size chisels are extra. T. and I. Rev. per Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, Rig’. 86. IG) S:< Sh shat. 900 1,700 lbs. Friable. dO “@AMERICAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @O.2» Fig. 87. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved New Style No. 2 Power Mortiser. With Boring Attachment, Clamp Table and Rack and Pinion Feed. “HIS Machine is principally used on hard wood, and the heavier classes of building material. It has no superior for furniture, wagon and agri- cultural implement factories. The Frame is cast in one solid piece, and extends over the crank shaft, while the caps are placed below, thus the entire strain or jar comes on the frame in- stead of on the caps of the boxes, as in all other a | | de | . . . 7 fl ays I i | pa | mortisers made. ‘This is a new feature worthy of i aa 24a | (i Te attention. J 5 | The Clamp Table is simple, durable and effective. The piece to be bored or mortised is clamped and moved forward by the hand wheel which moves the | bed, and bored, and then run under the chisel and HTH mortised, without releasing it from its position. The Table can be tilted to any angle for radial mortising, and will take a piece eight inches wide. The Boring Attachment is bolted to the side of the frame and driven by gearing. It is provided with a belt shifter for starting or stopping, and can be used or not at will. It is provided with the Belt Friction Reverse, which reverses the chisel instantaneously, whether working or at rest, this reverse is acknowledged to be the best in use. We furnish with each machine five mortising chisels and five augers, one each of the following sizes: 4, 3%, %, 5@ and 3% inches. IT. and 1. Revs. per Cubic c Hi Ps STYLES: Pulleys. Minute. Measurements. Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 87 —No. 2, with Boring Attachment, Clamp Table and Rack and Pinion Feed........ I oe 3} 600 60 1,600 2 to 4 Friar. Fig. 87 A—No. 2, with Boring Attachment and Pai Tiel cp) Cee tee eee ements om ee me WA Se G 600 BY 1,500 2 to 4 Friction. Fig. 87 B—No. 2, with Clamp Table and Rack and Pinion Feed, without Boring Attach’t. 12 x 3 600 57 1,500 LEtO%S Fringe. aL “CAMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @o:2- Fig. 88. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved New Style No. 2 Power Mortiser. NNEXED engraving shows a Power Mortiser for A mortising doors, sash, blinds, furniture, etc. The frame is cast in one solid piece, and the machine is constructed in the most substantial manner, and can be run at a higher rate of speed than other machines for doing the same work. In all other mortising machines the set screws in the cap of the box on crank shaft have to withstand the full effects of the blow of the chisel, thus bringing all the strain upon the caps of the box, causing a great deal of wear and lost motion. In the machine illustrated the solid iron frame is extended over crank shaft, and the patent sliding caps — shown separately in the small detail view —are placed beneath, and the wear can be taken up by simply setting up the caps. ‘This is an im- portant improvement and will be readily understood. The outside or rear bearing of counter-shaft is a heavy cast iron arm fitted carefully in a planed seat, and by means of a set screw, the back end of shaft may be raised or lowered so as to keep the shaft at right angles with the spindle, and is held rigidly in place by four heavy bolts, which allows the babbitt in the top box to be entirely worn out before re-babbitting. The side wear of the quill box is taken up from the side, precisely where the wear occurs. When the crank passes the center the thrust of the pitman is against the side of the box, and our method of taking out the wear on the side is original with us. The bed drops 12 inches, and can be used for straight mortising in the usual manner, and is capable of being tilted to any angle for radial mortising. It is provided with the belt friction reverse, which reverses the chisel instantaneously, whether working or at rest. This re- verse motion is acknowledged to be the best in use. The shafts are all of the best cast steel, and the bear- ings are made very long. The high rate of speed at which this machine is run permits of doing a large amount of work in a given time. The several improvements on this mortiser make it the best machine of the kind in the market. We call especial attention to these improvements as shown in the above cut of machine. Mach machine is furnished with five chisels, viz.: 4 inch, 3 inch, ¥% inch, 5g inch and 34 inch. bee bale Di Revs. per Cubic Average SEVIUE: Pulleys, Minute. Measure. Weight. Ey Es Code Word. Fig. 88—No, 2, Plain Table, without Boring Attachment, 12x 3 600 EW 1,400 13 tad Friquet. 92 -G\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go» Fig. 89. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved New Style No. 3 Power Mortiser. | ‘OR mortising sash, blinds, furniture and other light work. The Solid Iron Frame extends over the crank shaft, and the patent sliding caps are placed beneath; thus the strain is upon the frame of the machine, instead of on the caps of the boxes as in other mortisers. The Box in which the rear end of the crank shaft runs is supported by a heavy arm resting in a planed seat, and may be raised or lowered by means of a set screw, so as to keep the shaft at right angles to the spindle. The Arm is secured to the frame by four heavy bolts. The Top Box which carries the quill is divided in the center, and the lost motion occasioned by wear taken up on the sides; for, as all practical men know, as soon as the Ue Mi y crank pin passes the center the pitman forces the quill i ye against either side of the box, thus causing the box to wear ee side-ways, which we fully overcome by this arrangement. These improvements are very important features, and are not found on any other make of mortiser. We furnish each machine with three chisels, one each of the following sizes: 4, 36 and % inch. \ —_ ers Fi STYLE. T. and Ly. Revs. per Cubic ‘ Average Pulleys. Minute, Measurement. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 89—No. 3, with Plain ‘Table, without Boring A teacher oy eres ce 10x2% 750 54 1,000 i tonz Frisky. “CAMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @o:2- Fig. go. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 2 Latest Improved Power Mortiser. With Clamp Table, Rack and Pinion Feed and Boring Attachment. me “4 . . . Ti. fies accompanying illustrations ON show the latest improvements in a No. 2 Mortiser for Door, Sash, Blind and Furniture Work. The machine is unusually heavy and the frame being one solid casting, facili- ties for doing heavy work, and durabil- ity in every part are thus assured. Many years of experience of a practical nature have made the manu- facturers thoroughly familiar with the requirements of such a machine, and in this Mortiser woodworkers are assured that they have one that is as near perfect as such can be made. The Frame casting is extended up over the crank shaft as shown in the small cut, and our arrangements of this part of the machine are a special feature to which we call attention. All the jar hitherto thrown on the caps of the boxes falls on the main frame and the wear is taken up by simply ad- justing the two screws shown at the top. : tn eee : : : ; ™»* ™ The Heavy Arm for the rear bearing to crank shaft is cast solid with \} | i os the main frame, and not bolted on as on similar machines of other makes. This makes the bearing immovable and the improved boxes provide for taking up the wear in a superior manner. The New Quill Box is in advance of any of the kind in use, as by its construction the use of liners is avoided, and all lost motion is taken up directly in the line of the wear which always preserves the perfect alignment of the quill. In other makes of machines this wear is taken up in the opposite side of the box to the line of wear, and the quill consequently gets out of line. This is an important advantage. The bed drops to 15 inches, and all the adjustments are simple, accurate and strong. The chisel reverse is of a new design and superior to any in use, The construction of the Boring Attachment is very modern and isa complete machine in itself, being provided with belt shifter, and made unusually heavy. The Shafts are all of steel, bearings unusually long, and the action of this Mortiser is very easy and free from noise or tremor, We invite comparison in weight, construction and every point of our machine with any No. 2 Mortiser made. We can arrange this machine with or without the Boring Attachment, and with Plain or Clamp Table, as desired. Five Mortising Chisels and five Auger Bits are furnished of the following sizes: 4%, 3%, %, 5g and 3 inches. Abe ghovel pi Revs. per Cubic Average STYLES: Pulleys, Minute. Measure, Weight. is ey Code Word. Fig. 90 —Clamp Table, Rack and Pinion Feed and Boring Attachment... 12 x 3 600 eee 1:600 See Frizzle. Fig. 90 A—Clamp Boring Attachment and Plain “labled... i See 1223 GOO" > 0 aeasecico, call Millen ee Frolic. Fig. 90 B—Clamp Table, Rack and Pinion Feed, without Boring Attachment 12 x 3 600. Ot lo eee oe ne ee Frontage. <@NMERIGAN \AWOOD-\WORKING {ACHINE QO Fig. ol. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 2 Latest Improved Power Mortiser. WITH PLAIN TABLE. HE accompanying illustrations show the latest improve- ments in a No. 2 Mortiser for Door, Sash, Blind and Furniture Work. The machine is unusually heavy and the frame being one solid casting, facilities for doing heavy work, and durability in every part are thus assured. Many years of experience of a practical nature have made the manufacturers thoroughly familiar with the requirements of such a machine, and in this Mor- tiser woodworkers are as- sured that they have one that is as near perfect as such can be made. The Frame casting is extended up over the crank shaft as shown in the small cut, and our arrangements of this part of the machine are a special feature to which we call attention. All the jar hitherto thrown on the caps of the boxes falls on the main frame and the wear is taken up by simply adjusting the screws shown at the top. The Heavy Arm for the rear bearing to crank shaft is cast solid with the main frame, and not bolted on as on similar machines of other makes. ‘This makes the bearing immovable and the improved boxes provide for taking up the wear in a superior manner. The New Quill Box is in advance of any of the kind in use, as by its construction the use of liners is avoided and all lost motion is taken up directly in the line of the wear which always preserves the perfect alignment of the quill. In other makes of machines this wear is taken up in the opposite side of the box to the line of wear, and the quill consequently gets out of line. This is an important advantage. The bed drops to fifteen inches and all the adjustments are simple, accurate and strong. The chisel reverse is of a new design and superior to any in use. The Shafts are all of steel, bearings unusually long and the action of this Mortiser is very easy and free from noise or tremor. We invite comparison in weight, construction and every point of our machine with any No, 2 Mortiser made. Five Mortising Chisels are furnished of the following sizes: 4, 3, %, 54, and 34 inches. diate ge be Revs. Per Cubic Average. STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Bees Fig. 91—With plain table, without boring attachment... 12 x 3 600 M7) 1,400 1 to 3 aD Code Word. Frontier. “GAMERIGAN \AWYOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @@.4> Fig. 92. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 3 Latest Improved Power Mortiser. HE cut herewith shows a AE new No. 3 Mortiser for sash and blind work and all kinds of light mortising. This machine is of unusual weight for a machine of the kind and with the new improvements embodied in its construction it makes a machine that for perfect work in large quantities, and durability at every point, cannot be surpassed. Many years of experience of il a practical nature have made the manufacturers thoroughly famil- : iar with the requirements of such Tn a machine, and in this Mortiser ) _/oni wood-workers are assured that mn ¥ they have one that is as near , perfect as such can be made. mr | The Frame Casting is extended up over the crank shaft as nad shown in the small cut, and our arrangements of this part of the machine are a special feature to which we call attention. All the jar hitherto thrown on the caps of the boxes falls on the main frame, and the wear is taken up by simply adjusting the two screws shown at the top. The Heavy Arm for the rear bearing to crank shaft is cast solid with the main frame, and not bolted on as on similar machines of other makes. This makes the bearing immovable and the improved boxes provide for taking up the wear in a superior manner. The New Quill Box is in advance of any of the kind in use, as by its construction the use of liners is avoided and all lost motion is taken up directly in the line of wear, which always preserves the perfect alignment of the quill. In other makes of machines this wear is taken up in the opposite side of the box to the line of wear, and the quill consequently gets out of line. ‘This is an important advantage. The Bed drops to 15 inches, and all the adjustments are simple, accurate and strong. ‘The chisel reverse is of a new design and superior to any in use. The Shafts are all of steel, bearings unusually long, and the action of this Mortiser free from noise or tremor. We invite comparison with any similar machine made. Five mortising chisels of the following sizes are furnished with each machine - M, 38, %, 34 and 34 inch. Tand I. Revs. per Cubic 4 STYLE, Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Average H. P. Code Word. Fig. 92—Plain Table, without Boring Attachment, 10x 3 600 54 1,000 1 to 2 Frugal. 96 “GAMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o.2» Fig. 93. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Heavy No. I Power Mortiser. With Boring Attachment, Clamp Table, Rack and Pinion Feed. HIS cut shows our latest improved heavy Mortiser AR with solid steel crank shaft and outside bearing, perfectly balanced and the most smooth running mortiser in the market. It is designed to do heavy hard- wood mortising, such as hardwood doors, cabinet, furni- ture and wagon work, as well as lighter work. The connection, spindle, straps and reverse are all of the best steel, with extra heavy stops on the reverse to prevent danger of breaking off. The Reversing Device is simple, positive and not liable to get out of order. The Conical Split Brass Boxes in which the quill and spindle run, and the method by which the speed of the reverse is reduced, to prevent the battering and breaking of stops, are features not found perfected on any other mortising machine. ‘These conical brass boxes are split and fitted into conical bearings. The larger or quill brass is threaded on lower end with nut to take up wear, and the smaller or spindle brass is provided with clamp or jam nuts to take up the wear. The reverse is also conical with nut on small end to take up wear. From this it will at once be seen that it is impossible for the spindle to be thrown out of line. The nuisance of re-babbitting is thus avoided, and this machine will run years without requiring any repairs. It will mortise to the center of material 5 inches wide with clamp table, and with plain table to the center of material 6 inches wide. The Tabie Tilts to an angle, is provided with clamp- ing device, substantial hold-downs and rack and pinion feed. The Treadle Device, which relieves the operator from the usual jar experienced in other machines, is acknowl- edged to be an important improvement, and saves time in adjustment. These features are fully covered by letters patent. The machine has a substantial base, convenient belt shifter for boring attachment, and is in every way first-class. Five chisels: 3-8, 7-16, 1-2, 5-8 and 3-4, and five boring bits are furnished with each machine, together with full set of wrenches. SIYLB. Fig. 93 —With Clamp Table and Boring Attachment... 0000... iissO3A—With Plain. - ‘“ « - SRS Ag ys oe od EVE 0) (a ee a Fig. 93 C—With Clamp Table 7 hal ay | Speed. 550 550 550 550 il iG Wy i" Pr arm a Tm YT. and lL. Pulleys. Weight. Code Word. VP a6 1,600 Fruitage. 12 3 1,600 Fruitless. x5 1,600 Frump. 12.13 1,600 Fucated. -@NMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Goo Fig. 94. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S Improved No. 2 Mortiser and Borer. Hk engraving represents our No. 2 Mortiser, with a boring attachment and a clamp, pinion feed and swing table. When arranged in this way this machine is calculated to do heavy hard wood mortising, as well as lighter work. As it is a well-built, substantial machine, the connection, spindle, straps and reverse are made of steel, with extra heavy stops on the reverse, so there is no danger of the same breaking off. The Reversing Arrangement is simple, positive and not liable to get out of order. What we claim as our improvements are the conical split brass boxes in which the quill and spindle run, and the mode by which | ia the speed of the reverse is reduced to prevent the battering and the ee 1 | : m1) see breaking of the stops on the reverse, which operators know has Saar TTHTTTTD heretofore been a bad feature on all mortising machines. Our Conical Brass Boxes are split and fitted into conical bear- ings. The larger or quill brass has a thread cut on the lower end, with a nut on to take up the wear, and the smaller or spindle brass aur AT fil is held with clamp’ or jam nuts to take up the wear in it. ‘The reverse is also conical, with nut on the small end for taking up the wear on same. Any mechanic will see at once that it is impossible for the spindle to be thrown out of line. There is no re-babbitting needed on this machine. It will run for years without requiring repairs. All these machines are built with tilting table, so as to be set on an angle. These conical split boxes and pulley for reducing the speed of the reverse are patented by us, and we hereby warn all parties against . infringing, or buying infringed machines. eS te — & There are a large number of these machines in use throughout gs or the country, and they are acknowledged to be the best. seep Five chisels go with this machine—3-8 inch, 7-16 inch, 1-2 Le a Ae inch, 5-8 inch, and 3-4 inch, unless otherwise ordered. The Treadle on this machine is arranged with a chain over an idle pulley to raise and lower the table, and relieves the operator from any jar. It is also very quickly adjusted by changing the T in the chain from one slot to another beneath the treadle. This is done in an instant—no bolts or screws need to be loosened, as in the old style treadle. STYLES Speed. T.& L. Pulleys. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 94 —With Clamp Table and Boring Attachment... ......... 550 IA 926) 1,200 Fuddled. Fig. 94 A—With Plain Table and Boring Attachment........00000.0....0..... 550 Zee 1,200 Fudging. Fig. 94‘ B= With. Clamp Tables. 2 pe een eee 550 WA se 3) 1,200 Fugitive. -@NMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 95. LEVI HOUSTON Improved No. 2 HE engraving appended represents our No. 2 Power als Mortiser. It is used principally for door work, but is capable of doing heaver or lighter work. It is a well built, substantial machine. The connection, spindle, straps and reverse are made of steel, with extra heavy stops on the reverse, so there is no danger of the same breaking off. The Reversing Arrangement is simple, positive and not liable to get out of order. What we claim as our improvements are the conical split brass boxes in which the quill and spindle run, and the mode by which the speed of the reverse is reduced to prevent the battering and breaking of the stops on the reverses, which operators know has heretofore been a bad feature on all mortising machines. Our Conical Brass Boxes are split and fitted into conical bearings. The larger or quill brass has a thread cut on the lower end, with a nut on to take up the wear, and the smaller or spindle brass is held with clamp and jam nuts to take up the wear init. The reverse is also conical, with nut on the small end for taking up the wear on same. Any mechanic will see at once that it is impossible for the spindle to be thrown out of line. There is no re-babbitting needed on this machine. It will run for years without requiring repairs. All these machines are built with tilting table, so as to be set on an angle. These conical split boxes and pulley for reducing the speed of the reverse are patented by us, and we hereby warn all parties against infringing or buying infringed machines. The Treadle on this machine is arranged with a chain over an idle pulley to raise and lower the table, and relieves CO.’S Mortiser. Corry st 3 ——— —— - OTT TT MAUNA — i YOR (i = operator from any jar. It is also very quickly adjusted by changing the T in the chain from one slot to another beneath the treadle. ‘This is done in an instant, no bolts or screws need to be loosened, as in the old style treadle. There are a large number of these machines in use throughout the country, and they are acknowledged to be the best. Five chisels go with this machine—3-8 inch, 7-16 inch, 1-2 inch, 5-8 inch and 3-4 inch, unless otherwise ordered. STYLE. Speed. a eee) ys Cees OL CISCS tee eet arc, a ees se ee Sa 550 T. and L,, Pulleys. IW 2 Weight. Code Word. 1,000 Fugle. e@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:.92 Fig. 96. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S Improved No. 3 Mortiser. HE engraving represents our No. 3 or Sash Mortiser. It is used principally on sash and blind work, but is capable of doing all kinds of light mortising. ‘i ; As it is a well-built, substantial machine, the connection, spindle, straps and reverse are made of steel, with extra heavy stops on the reverse, so there is no danger of the same breaking off. ‘The reversing arrangement is simple, positive and not liable to get out of order. What we claim as our improvements are the conical brass boxes in which the quill and spindle run, and the mode by which the speed of the reverse is reduced to prevent the breakage of the stops on the reverse, which operators know has heretofore been a bad feature on all mortising machines. Our Conical Brass Boxes are split and fitted into conical bearings. The larger or quill brass has a thread cut on the lower end, with a nut on to take up the wear of the brass, and the smaller or spindle brass is held with clamp and jam nuts to take up the wear in it. "The reverse is also conical, with nut on the small end for taking up the wear on same. Any mechanic will see at once that it is impossible for the spindle to be thrown out of line. There is no re-babbitting needed on this machine. It will run for years without requiring repairs. All these machines are built with tilting table, so as to be set on an angle. These conical split boxes and pulley for reducing the speed of the reverse are patented by us, and we hereby warn all parties against infring- ing or buying infringed machines. The Treadle on this machine is arranged with a chain over an idle _ pulley to raise and lower the table, and relieves the operator from any jar. It is also very quickly adjusted by changing the T in the chain from one slot to another beneath the treadle. This is done in an instant—no bolt or screws need to be loosened, as in the old-style treadle. There are a large number of these machines in use throughout the country, and they are acknowledged to be the best. Five chisels go with this machine— 1-4 inch, 5-16 inch, 3-8 inch, 7-16 inch and 1-2 inch, unless otherwise ordered. STYLE. Speed. T. & L,. Pulleys. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 96—No,.3 ‘Mortisér.2<) 408 eee 600 TORS 750 Fulfil. LO. -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2> Fig. 97. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Heavy Iron Frame Foot Mortiser. ni) LIT | | ie Ql Tame HIS is the heaviest Foot Mortiser in market for the price, and we believe it to be the best one made. The Table is adjustable, up and down and out and in. The Guides are adjustable up and down. ‘The springs are made with four leaves of the best spring steel. The Spindle is steel. The Reverse is quick and accurate. "There are cheaper machines than this, but we know of none equal to it. It is furnished with three chisels, viz.: 44-inch, 3¢-inch, and %-inch. Cubic Measure. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word, VEE ME pS Gy ere math oy gs oe ina mee he ae ere 32 500 Nominal. Fulgent. -CAMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Goa Fig. 98. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Blind Stile Boring and Mortising Machine. "—— 2s \ ‘7 Huy i aR HL Ul — Teas i i \ \ J have just placed on the market a new Blind Stile Boring and Mortising Machine of which the above cut is an excellent illustration. We claim for this machine that it is far ahead of anything yet produced for boring stiles, for rolling slats and mortising for stationary ones. The Frame is Cast in One Solid Piece, and not bolted together as in other machines, thus affording the greater amount of strength and solidity. By the use of an open Cam operated by a steel roller and weight, as shown in the cut, all lost motion, caused by the wearing of the Cam in other machines, is entirely avoided and every hole is therefore bored to exactly the same depth. The Tightener pulley is fitted with a spring which keeps the belt perfectly tight when mortising for stationary slats. 3y simply loosening a nut the large clutch pulley can be dropped out of the way of the feed gear, which can then be taken off and replaced with the small gear shown in the cut which will increase the speed one-third, thus adding largely to the capacity of the machine, when boring for pivot slats. Every movement of this machine is positively accurate, as regards spacing, boring and mortising, and covers every range of work that can possibly be done on any other machine of the kind, at the same time doing it much faster and better, We claim that it will mortise far more slats in a given time than any other machine on the market, and is so arranged that it will bore much faster than it will mortise, We desire to call the special attention of car builders to this machine, as it is pratically adapted to fine passenger car work, for this purpose it is far superior to any machine yet produced. vand: ie Rev. per Approximate Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 98—Blind Stile Boring and Mortisiig Machines 3: oe ea 800 700 Fullage. -O@A\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Goa Fig. 99. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 1 Sash Mortiser, with Relishing Attachment. 0 A SSsssssszR === sSzzz== Za NUS i 4 a il G4 EB —— — 7 BOVE Machine is intended for making the mortise for the bars in the meeting rail and top and bottom rails of sash. The work is performed by a stationary hollow chisel with an auger bit revolving inside. This Chisel and bit mortise a square hole, cleaning the chips out of mortice as perfectly as a common boring bit. The Sash Rails are placed on the table, the tenons against stops, which are adjustable to any length of rail. The table is then moved towards the chisel by the foot treadle, up to the stops which govern the depth of mortise. Suitable springs force the table back after the mortise is made. The Table is adjustable up and down for different thicknesses of sash. Different sizes of chisels can be used. For ex- ample, %-inch by %, or %-inch by 56, or 3z-inch. by 4, etc., etc. The Sash Relishing Attachment consists of a table and rip-saw on opposite end of the arbor from the Mortiser ; also a boring arbor and bit. The Table has an adjustable guide for regulating the width of relish ; also an adjustable stop for the shoulder of the tenon. The Relish is made by feeding the rail up to the stop and completing the relish with the bit, which is operated by a foot treadle. ‘This work can be done very rapidly by a boy. We sell the machine either as a Sash Mortiser, or same with Relishing Attachment. We furnish one %-inch by 7,-inch hollow chisel and bit with Sash Mortiser ; or when sold as a Mortiser and Relisher, one %-inch by ,',-inch hollow chisel and bit, one 10-inch rip saw, one 3% and one 5 bit, and two wrenches. We warrant machine to give satisfaction. STYLE. T. & I, Revs. Per Approximate Vee TSN Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Required, Fig. 99 —Sash Mortiser only, with Square Hollow Chisel 6 x 3 SOOM tee see = wees Fuller. Fig. 99 A—Sash Mortiser, including Relishing Attachment.. 6 x 3 900 700 1 Fulmar. 108 Fig. 100. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 2 Door, Sash and Blind Relishing and Mortising Machine. With Wedge-Cutting and Blind Rail Routing Attachment. f tn i" My) SF Can Witt es i i) aati iy 2 y Bee = , at —— FE take pleasure in recommending to the trade this most valuable labor-saving machine for relishing doors, sash and blind \ \/ rails, mortising sash rails, stiles and bars, and recessing the blind rail for the end of the blind rods. It embodies im- provements not found on any other machine. The Frame is very heavy and cast in one piece, with the attachments substantially fitted to it, and so designed that the various kinds of work performed on this machine can be done without interference with each other. The Mortising is performed with an oblong hollow chisel and an auger bit revolving inside, which cleans the chips out of mortise perfectly in the same operation. The depth of mortise is regulated by adjustable stops. The Table upon which the work is placed moves forward to the hollow chisel, either by foot-power or automatic power feed as ordered. With the automatic power feed the mortising is done much quicker and with greater ease to the Operator. The gauge is provided with adjustable stops, and once set, no laying-out on the work is required. The Relishing of the door rails and cutting the wedges is performed by saws, as shown in cut, by one handling. The table has a vertical adjustment by means of a foot-treadle, and is provided with adjustable stops to regulate the depth of the relish. The Relishing of sash and blinds is performed at the rear of machine (without interference, either with the sash mortising or door relishing, ) and is provided with all the attachments, including adjustable stops, gauges, boring bit and cutter-head for completing the relish. The recess for the blind rod is routed at the same time the blind rail is relished, and is performed by a vertical spindle and router cutter. This machine can be furnished as follows: As a Sash Mortiser only ; Sash and Blind Mortiser and Relisher ; Sash and Blind Mortiser and Relisher with Blind Rail Routing attachment ; or the Complete Machine, including Door Rail Relishing and Wedge-Cutting Attachment, with or without Power Feed for Mortiser, as ordered. The machine complete is furnished with one oblong hollow chisel and bit, relishing head, relishing bit, routing cutter, one set of (5) saws for relishing doors, and two saws for cutting ou t the wedges, with the Mortiser a gauge with adjustable stops. Tight and Loose Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H, P. J + Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Required, Code Word. Fig. 100 —No. 2 Door, Sash and Blind Relishing and Mortising Machine, complete with all the attachments and with foot power and feed on the Mortiser Se eg Pee ROPE ae AEA CORO SRA eae a stb BMA 1,000 76 1,500 2to3 Fulvid. Fig. 100A—Extra for Power Feed on Mortiser .___. cena PEE ee ae saa —e eee ee Fumble. Fig. 100 B—No. 2, asa Sash and Blind Relishing and Mortising Machine _ With Blind Rail Router only and Foot Power Feed on Mortiser.... ... 8x4% 1,000 76 1,300 2to3 Fuming. Fig. 100 C—Extra, for Door Relishing:A tach merit 59 se ees ane ean Ze oa: we cent act Function. Fig. 100 D—Extra, for Wedge Cutting Attachment ... Ee eee See ak ge oe oe sais Funded. Fig. 100 E—No. 2, asa Sash and Blind Relishing and Mortising Machine, without Blind Rail Routing Attachment, with Foot Power Feed on Aa Mortisen; comanae Anus a Sy aoe pM roe 8x4 1,000 76 1,200 2to3 Funeral, Fig. 100 F—No, 2, as a Sash Mortiser (only) with Foot Power Feed ... ... 8x4% 1,000 76 1,100 2to3 Fungus, c@A\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE G09 Fig. ror. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. | Bit Mortising and Boring Machine. HIS is a finely designed, substantial, well made tool, adapted to Furniture, Chair, Car, Agricultural and General Shops where boring and mortising are required. The Main Spindle is of steel and is supplied with a self-centering chuck with hardened jaws, with capacity to receive any bit shank up to 3¢ in. diameter. The Table has a horizontal movement toward the bit of 6 inches, and a vertical movement of 9 inches by hand wheel and screw, both sets of ways being provided with nicely fitted take-up gibs. There is a stop-gauge under the table for limiting the depth of the cutting. Adjustable Screw Clamps, or the eccentric clamps shown in the cut are furnished with the machine, and they are de- tachable so that any special jig or clamp can be attached. Mortises from 3g to 6% inches long and from ;, to 1 inch wide can be cut in any kind of wood. The Crank Shaft is boxed solidly on arms projecting from the bed of the machine, the latter being cast in one piece so that none of the parts can get out of line. The center of vibration of the main spindle is directly under the center of the pulley. The Foot Lever attachment for working the table is a great convenience and saves much time, as it leaves both the operator’s hands free to handle the work. All the fitting is excellent and the wearing surfaces are larger, and weight of all the parts much greater than in machines of other makers. Our New Self-Oiling loose pulley and a floor hanger for the outer end of the counter shaft, are furnished, Multiple Bit Mortiser. We manufacture also a heavy all iron and steel Multi-Spindle Mortiser for chair and other work, with two, three or four vibrating spindles, each independently adjustable for distance and stroke, complete with counter-shaft on frame. STYLE. T.& L. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. H. P. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 101 —No. 1, complete, either style of clamp, 3 bits, 8 x 44% 1,000 1% 800 Furbish. Fig. 101 A—No. 2, os 2 spindles, either clanrp,.00..c.2..< ee a ee SEN aah A A ree s fecae eh Ante oc ae Pee Furlong. Fig. 101 B—No. 3, : 3 spindles, ‘ RTS oe eon ie SAAD AOU. Sa eS ne Furnace, -@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:4* Fig. 102. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Wilbur Patent Pulley Mortising Machine and Patent Window Pulleys. | oe ee TT Sinn eee : Tt ar] PATENTED OCT, 21, 1894. Pulley Stile, showing mortises and extra long rebate for pulley ends. nv aA f i | Ht y MII = AVING made arrangements with the Patentee, we are now the sole manufacturers of H the Wilbur Pulley Mortiser, and would call your special attention to the new . Window Pulley Mortising Machine, which will do the work of any two other machines now in the market. The advantages of this machine over all others are: Ist. The Remedy of the fault which other machines have of not cutting for the ends of the pulley flanges. The Cutting of a rebate long enough for the ends of the pulley flanges to allow the screws to enter the wood without splitting, at the same time the mortises are made, thus completing the operation of preparing the jambs for the pulleys at one handling. 2d. The Durability of the bits, which, being sharpened from the ends, always main- tain their size, and having adjustable collars, admit the cutting of any thickness of stock required for stiles. 3d. The users of this machine not being obliged to use any particular style of pulley, for as many square end pulleys can be put in with its help as can be done by any machine in the market. 4th. The machine is adjustable to cut mortises up to 4 inches in length, and to different thicknesses of sash. The machine is made in a thorough manner, journals from best machinery steel, and bits from the best cast steel, and all boxes Babbitted. The machine should be speeded from 5,000 to 6,000, and is arranged to belt direct from main shaft, thereby saving cost of countershaft. Wilbur Patent Window Pulleys. We can furnish these in any desired quantity. Either plain or bronzed face, 134- inch, 2 inch or 24 inch, Prices quoted upon application. T. & L, Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 102—Pulley Mortising Machine ..00.0.... ccc. ccecceeecee-co- 7x 3% 700 600 Furtive. -@AMERIGAN \W/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @o:2» C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S | MOULDERS. OULDERS have been a specialty of the Rogers Branch for fifty years. Experience coupled with V | persistent effort in one direction should develop satisfactory results, in this case we have reason to believe that it has resulted in the production of the most complete and perfect line of Moulding Machines to-day offered to the trade. Heavy and substantial, thoroughly well made and supplied with every necessary and convenient adjustment. GENERAL. Our Inside Moulders are all built on one general design, varying only in size, weight and some few special features adapting them for particular lines of work. ‘The frames of all are low, with a planed surface on top to which all the working parts are securely fastened. This leaves all parts such as lower roll boxes, side spindle boxes and lower cylinder easily accessible for any purpose. HEADS. The Cylinders and side heads are all made from crucible steel forgings, are of large swing, slotted on four sides and take large, strong bolts; top, bottom and side heads on each machine take same size bolts and knives. Pulleys are fitted to taper and held in position by nut. BEARINGS. All Boxes are long and connected in yoke form and caps are planed to a seat. Side spindle yokes have very large bearings on flat cross bars, and adjustable across the entire width of machine and tilt in either direction for bevel work. ‘The lower box and step for side spindle is new and thoroughly satisfactory. PRESSURES. The Bonnet pressure and chip breaker for top head is provided with removable sectional shoe. This pressure swings over and the bonnet portion is jointed to drop back to allow easy access to top head. Side pressures rend in circle with the cut and are adjustable. Pressure bars next top head and over the lower one are adjusted by means of hand crank and screw, and the shoe holders attached to these bars have an independent adjustment by means of hand screw. The bars swing up, and end of bed and toe piece swings down leaving the heads absolutely unobstructed. Adjustable matcher plates support the stock while being operated upon by the side heads. REED. The Feed on these machines is exceptionally strong, four large rolls, all driven, and the top ones geared by means of our new device which does away with all short studs and connecting links, all gears being fast on through shafts, running in substantial boxes easily oiled while the machine is in operation and ample changes of feed are provided for. We belt feed to tight and loose pulleys with or without binder, or three speed cone with friction clutch as desired. The feed is controlled by levers at feeding-in end and at the side of machine opposite the side spindles. ADJUSTMENTS. All Heads are adjustable up and down and across the machine from side to side and the side heads tilt. In moving the top and bottom heads laterally the guides need not be disturbed for they are not attached to either yoke. ‘This is of special importance as referring to the lower head and will be ap- preciated by operators of other machines. Side spindles when tilted may be firmly clamped and yet adjusted across the machine and when set to proper width clamped positively, the two fastening devices being independent of each other. The long guide has a graduated adjustment across the machine. The short guides are adjustable in all directions across the machine as well as to and from the side heads and bottom cylinder. For special details of various styles and sizes of machines, see pages 108 to III. 107 oO W Z p BS © Zi 2 O -@\MERICAN \\/OOD-\A “oyqisn OOL ys 9 b's tL “SoyOUrL 9 x sotpour OL sewmsece es cccecs sonesee enasD cases su spe. Steen anes ww ee eewnmee © SORE eee eee an omen wns eww ew ennnes caw ene nn enns sew eeeeeens: Vv COL “BL ey AL 000'8 9 x tI *SOYOUL 9 x soroul cL Aemeemcccewasess anmensanmes + esewanussssaccececannstemsnens saecenscacs enwcnscens: sasacanceces caascccecescuccesnacecs COL “Si “ "plo Mm 2pod WYSIOM ‘sAaT[Nd “IT pue “yy "IZIS 4 \ “MOTE SB S9zZIS OM} UT YING ST ‘orenbs 10 punor ‘Your % 0} UMOp Yooys Buruuns jo afqedvo st ourpoem supp ‘dn Supjes usyM ouryovut jo apis oy} ye IOyesodo ay} Jo Your UIYIIM se [Jam se auTYeUT Jo ed suta1}x9 ye peovid Suleq psaj Surppuey Joy s1aaay ‘poads jo saSueyo aa1y} Surdqddns auoo uonosiy Aq 10 ‘shaynd asooy puv yyy uo zaqyrYs jo suvomt Aq poyte}s pue poddojs ‘auryoerur uo JayuN0d ure Woy UdALIp ‘Buors L19A st poo] ‘soxoq SulfIo-jjas ul Surmuni syyeys Uo ysvy Suloq sxvas [vw ‘syuly uorsuvdxa pue spnjzs yoys [Te YUM AvMe soop yorym ‘sopAep uorsuedxa yerwads fq sauo doy ‘uaaup ye ‘JoyaULIP soyoUL L soy psed ‘QOANp Suistes Joy[ered sey pvay tamoy ‘yuourjsufpe [esoy] oAvy pur adiey ore sproy ‘POYM puey puv Moros Aq ysnfpe peay doz jo yno oyj a10Jaq ainssoid apis vB pue pus Surpasy yw opms Surids oy} wed pue yoyoyes Aq afqeysn[pe os[e st apinD Suo7y oy "YIOM JaAVq IO YH pue suryorur jo YIP [[NF ssorov ysnfpe Ady} Jey} peovtd os srw pue ‘eam dn aye} 0} Gis afqnop yWM ‘seq sso yey uo poyoddns aie SONOK a]puyds Ee au L ay ‘ ‘oTUy Jo Sums ose] 10y apquysn{pe oie ssoyvorq-dryo pue sieq aimssoid qye pure ‘Jfoq puv sfx outes otf} oye} [][e Speay opis pue woyoq ‘doy, ‘saps mo} uo pa}oys orev ‘saxoq poyouuos Aavay ur Burmuns speurnol aie, savy SJopul[AD oy L ‘Ayyerods e& apeut st suo [1B UL poom prey JO Suyssaip s19YM ST[IUT soy} UL asn JOY papuozur zoey ur st Wt { paydepe jaa Apre~Moysed st Joo} si} YOUM Joy ‘Surooy poom prey jo Sursnes qoyiod se AMSUT OF Spesy ospls sq} Uoeajeq oinssoid aaytsod Aaa ve ‘peay doz ay} a10jaq ysnf pue peey IaMo] oy} JoA0 aimssaid [Jor apnyour asoyy {uodn payesedo Suraq OTT peq 94} 0} UMOp 3903s 94} Surpjoy soy soouvrdde [eroeds puv pray Jamo] ysiy aq} 19A0 samssasd [e~ads jo suontppe oy} WWM ‘Z ‘ON oy} IIIA [Boruapr st axyreur omy UO JOp[MoW oprisuy ysorvvey ory st pereds Z ‘ON oy, ‘[reJp ur ATUO Area pue UoToNAsHOD Jo uvd [erauas ouo uo IMq [Je aIe SIapMoyY oprsuy ,,s1eS0y,, AH ‘Joppno-w opisuy peissdg Z ‘ON S..09 8 SYHDON “A ‘9 "fOr *SI14 "Zo oud 30s ‘suap[no| Jo UOIdIdsog [es1ousn 10-4 108 a G o D) Z 5 a ‘uensny 00z‘9 9 X tI 9 X OL duc acocntbastpwoavcciesn teines cwteed arose naa) npnnch ves etdew veg eens nual na Cespeteyasmenssnaseessbuas ser usewew wary dhiegedusiuins® knaonienme=aoaene” Vv tO ‘BIT -Assn- 00s‘9 9 x val 9 x Cli eeuacedsGser ens ten@asésccseaNewl as scueesunsicadssans Seeuwaceesny devesenaanad sscecccesewesasceves (sum stectcsdepcns wns sadeueh sents sevsnawe damaas aa +01 ‘SI “pIoM epoD “JUSIOM ‘sAoTINg “T pue “OZIS :Sazis SuIMoT[OJ oy} UL YM| s~ ‘punor so asenbs ‘your % vB 0} UMOp Yoo} Suruuns jo aqudvo st suryovur sup, ‘dn Surjes ut spueys r10zye1odo JY} SoM UTYeUI dy} JO AIpIs dy} Je JoyjO oy} pues osUTyOeUT oy} Jo pus UT-Surpsa} oy} Je dUO pooeTd o1v SIBAZT p22} SY} 9S" JOY}e UT “pottsop se Yoo Pue Aayud poay auoo dajs-ae1} YIM peny oq Aveut zo {sfaqnd ssooy pue 3S uo rz9yrys Aq poyseys puv poddoys puv oupyoeur WoO JoyUNOD UBT UOTy WOALIp ‘Suos AIDA SI pod OWL ; 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Fig. 108. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 84, 10=Inch Inside Moulder. HIS cut represents our No. 84 10-inch Inside Moulder. While lighter than the 12-inch and 14-inch machines, it is still proportionately heavy, and where a machine is wanted to dress only 10 inches wide, this machine commends itself. It works mouldings from the smallest up to ro inches wide and 4% inches thick on all four sides at one operation. It has every advantage claimed for the Outside Machine, combined with the strength, stability and durability of the Inside Machine, and can be used as a Matcher for flooring and ceiling. It has also an attachment to the Feed Lever—not shown in the cut—whereby the Feed can be started or stopped, while the operator is setting up, at the top cutter head. The Weighted Chip-Breaker is held up to the work by a weight, which gives an even, steady pressure while the cut is being made, and effectually prevents the side head knives from tearing or splitting the edge of the lumber. This weight does not have to be removed and the old-fashioned spring substituted when dress- ing mouldings, but can be used on any and all kinds of work. Both Top and Bottom Cutter Head Boxes are yoked together, which prevents the boxes from getting ,out of line and cramping the journals. The yoke is heavy and strong, and the cutter head bed thick and solid, thus insuring good work. The yoke and top cylinder, with its boxes, chip-breakers, etc., may be removed, without in any way disturbing the bed, or any other part of the machine. The Top and Bottom Head and their boxes are adjustable cross-wise of the machine, by means of a screw for fine adjustment. We make this machine either Screw or Gear Feed, as ordered. Belting required for Screw Feed: 33 feet of 31-inch belt, 66 feet of 3-inch belt. Fig. 108 A. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 86, 8=Inch Inside Moulder. Our No. 86 8-inch Inside Moulder has the same general features as described in the No. 84, and where a machine is wanted to dress only eight inches wide, this machine will commend itself. We make this machine with either Screw or Gear Feed, as ordered. Belting required for Screw Feed: 33 feet of 31-inch belt, 66 feet of 3-inch belt. SIZES. T. & l,. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. ices me NORo4 whOUls oS emer ewe eee oe VZEE6 709 4,500 Galega. tome LOSUAC— NOM SO mE Outs sites scum a renin terres ak 14x 6 700 4,200 Galiot. ey -doyen ZI 0} OL 002 ‘6 cre Oss gx ae Romney eee apma sayoutr vA yIoM olL—aq 601 ‘By *SulpjeEH Cro OL 009°8 ISAS: OSs & sh Le hy ate Vibe eg eae ae to aa Eee rae 9pIaM seul OT YOM OT —Y 601 ‘SIT *AJOJeD ZL 0} OT 00g ‘8 OTe OSs SPRL © aes eG ey Suna Tar Sadea aati ape oe eae” oprm soyout 6 YIOM OT— 60T ‘SIT ‘ploM 2pod ‘poimnboy ‘d “H WSO M “‘JUSUIDINSEII ‘oyu ‘sAoT [Nd ‘SHZIS ISRIIAW ayeurrxoiddy o1qnyD Id9q ‘sAoy 2s00’T pue JYSLT, ‘soyousim Aressavou 3y} pue ssoys oimssoid v1yxo om} ‘Aatind psa} asuey atqnop e1zx9 9u0 ‘speayy Joyo ey JoumyS jo yes ouo ‘pray yova YYWM soaruy ureyd OM} ‘sapis Ino} UO pazjOJS ‘speoy XIS YIM poystuIM] st ouIOeU YOR ‘aynutm tod yao} [Raul] Op pue SE ‘OE ‘SZ :ZIA ‘paay Jo Sa}ywI MO] sey JJ ‘SoyOUT ZT JOMOT TIM aTqGQe} 94} pue ‘Yory] sayour %p Aq aptM soyoutr ZI pure OT ‘6 4AOM 0} ‘sazIs 9914} UT yINq oe AY, “OUTTPRY SuOC,, pooAy prey v Suyosjas usyM siaseyoind Aq poutmexs AT[NJored aq py[Noys suTYIeUT SI} Jo sainjzeay oY] ‘SOUNVIT SULIOO],T PUB SUIp[NO| Jo sayxeur 1oyj0 JaAO saseyurApe AueU sey PI pue ‘jayseur sy} UO sUIYORI SULIOO] JO Jopfnoy{ Joyjo Aue uey} ‘[eLIazyeM apeIH Ysoysip{ ef} Jo aynurm Jod yooy [eoMT] s10UI yNO IN} [TIM Y “Y10M 9} JO apls-lapun pue saspa 94} YsIuy pray Wlo}Og Jes1 dy} pue Spedayy opis sy “WoO Surystuy oq} soyem peayy doy puooss ayy, “yno jNo-Sulysno1 sy} soyeut peayy doy ysIYy sy, ‘aTqQe} ey} UO SuLtesaq [aAd]T pu dOdvJINS 9N1} B DATS 0} YOO}S 9y} sud}ySteys pue ,,‘sdumny,, 94} Yo. soyxv} peop sopug ysIy ou ‘juourjsn[pe [eoIPIOA pue ][e19}e] BUS 2pIS yuszeq Ino Aq poysn{pe oe speapyy spIS oy ‘Tenbs ou sey auryoeru sity} ‘Ystuy a[qissod ysouy 94} pue pad} jo ayer pider e ye “949 “Oo ‘s4u9qIND uspooA, ‘Uodiosep Aue jo s8uipjnoyw AAvop] JO SSUIP[NOW POOA PJLL ‘Suls00;4 oJdey jo sinjovjnueM oy} JO} pue 4[INq IAD JOp|NOW| JSOIAvVd]] puev JsaBsae7] OY} SI STH B dAey osye Ady} !ouryoeur oy} JO JUOIZ oY WoIy o[sue ue je IO YYSreIjs Joy} Jes oq UR Ady} YOM Aq ‘JoIANq ‘SIOPTNOUL Id9Y}O INO UT pouTeyWOS saseUPAPe 9} [TB SI9AOD SUTTYORUT SII], *J003 %O1 ‘UVSUOT “Sgr ‘yII Asensgo4 ‘FORT ‘YyIZI oUNE ‘FOI ‘pate Aaenuer ‘£6gQ1 ‘YIOI 19q0}9G posed INNA re i) Wy ANTTHHATTY NU wl ser —— (Et nnn AUNTIE inca coy ‘QUIIVY SUIIOO]-] PUB JOP|NOY! 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ut Aytioriodns pue S}USMDAOIC WT MOTE SeTpOqMa YOIYM ‘SUIS SUIPINOW peplS-noy youy-usasgtq pesoiduiy Ajjea13 pue Mou IMO saye.jsuy]T No :Aoqe HH [yews ay} Aq YOM JO SpuLy JWo1syIp 1OJ je} OS YO ' | PULL | {| : JOA | I va | | | I NA IM am | V l ih ‘UIOBY- SUIPpNoy; YOU[=-UsAs][y SOD ANIHDVW LYOdSWVITIIMA ‘ou “314 1a ~ ’ “GAMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go: ‘ANIHDVW dO AGIS LNOYA AHL WOUNd AGVW SLNAWLSAraV T1V “dayBaig-diyD) Surjesuadwioy yuszeg imo ospy ‘auryorut ay} Jo ory ary wor} “ASOILLON ‘FSpMOW episynO jo yeu 1oyjo Aue uo punoj aq Jouues syuousaosdu asary, a[sue ue ze AO WYSteNs JsyYe yes aq ued YP Yor q ‘sjusmjsnfpe rensue pure [eyuoztoy YIM *yOO}Speopy] opisuy s[quisnipy jU9}eq INO sey oUIyOeM sI_T— "SOgr ‘zi Aseniqa4 pue ‘Ogi ‘zi oune ‘FOgI ‘fz Asenuet ‘£6g1 ‘O01 19q0390 pojusjedg mn } == Sy ‘AIP[NOW PoplS-1n04 YOU]=sUINN ULWINJOS MON SOD HONVWAAH ¥ ADTMON “LIT * B14 -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE QO: Fig. 117. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Column Nine-Inch Four-Sided Moulder. All Adjustments Made From the Front Side of the Machine. capacity of an inside moulder with all the convenience of adjustment of an outside machine, and will do the heaviest as well as the finest grades of work. fe IS the heaviest, strongest and most durable 9-inch Moulder on the market. It has the strength and The Frame is cast in one piece, which prevents twisting and keeps all bearings in line. The Heavy, solid Column at the rear end of the machine affords a suitable and substantial support for table, under head, etc. The Heavy Outside Bearing for the top arbor extends to the floor and is braced by a solid connection to the brace of the frame, with the top secured by a heavy bolt passing through the table and frame, forming an additional support. The Feed Works are the best in use and are started and stopped with a binder. They consist of four feed rolls, each 5 inches in diameter, two above and two below, all driven by the most powerful system of gearing. The upper rolls are instantly raised by the lever shown in the cut, to permit the operator to place a form for setting up the machine for different styles of work. They also raise parallel with the bed and bear their full weight evenly on all parts of the work, whether narrow or wide, thus insuring a strong, positive and steady feed at all times. The Expansion driving the Bottom rolls is so positive that the feed is as perfect when the table is lowered to the full capacity of the machine as when at its highest position. It has four rates of feed, viz.: 20, 31, 38 and 55 lineal feet per minute. There is an Adjustable Tightener provided for the belt that drives the top head, by which the slack is instantly taken up, and in running narrow moulding or other light work, the strain can be taken off the belt. ‘This is an important feature no other make of Moulder contains. Our Patent Compensating Spring is placed under the weight bar to relieve the chip-breaker from jar. This isa new and very important feature, as it prevents friction, and, in planing roughly sawed or uneven lumber, holds the chip-breaker firmly upon the material and causes it to ride smoothly over the rough pro- jections, thus avoiding wavy or imperfect work, and the pressure of the chip-breaker is always the same. In all other machines of its class, where the chip-breaker is held down by weight only, it will jump off the lumber when it strikes a projection and at that instance the wavy or imperfect work is done. Our patent avoids this difficulty. Both of the Side Heads, the Top and the Under Heads are adjustable from the Front or Working Side of the machine. There is ample space about the heads to admit of swinging long knives. The device for raising and lowering the table and clamping it, and the adjustable Chip-breakers for the bottom head are convenient, simple and perfect. Each machine is furnished with five heads slotted on four sides, two plain knives for each head, one double spring rest, one extra double flange feed pulley, four collars, two extra pressure shoes, two extra feed spurs and necessary wrenches and springs as shown in the cut. ED and: 1, Revs, per Cubic 13 ee TO WORK. Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. Required, Code Word. Fig. 117 —Four Sides................... 1 Wf ay 850 214 4,650 5 to 8 Genteel. Fig. 117 A—Three Sides .................. Wa 2:29 CEO) Se jg aie “eather | ee ly Be een ete Gentry. Fig. 117 B—Two Sides.......... ....-...-.. We se i See Ve bee Oe Shee ae ree Genuine. Pie, 117 C—One Sides... .o 12x7 OP op ee en Oe ee Geology. y *punsan O08) Pi ees ae *PIOM 2poy “WYSIOM ‘juawamseaW “anu SCE Jad sady ‘OpIAt sayouT g Aq sayoUr g say 4 oO ‘aprm sayour g Aq yout T J22F § sO ‘apm sayout g Aq sayouUT J Jodz § BO ‘s}]J[aq pada} fopim sayour %g Aq sayour ¢ yoo} ST ‘prey epIsul : aprm sayout %¢ Aq sayour g Joaj LT ‘peay apisjno ! apr sayour F Aq sayout g yay 7] ‘pee U10}}0q ‘opiM soyour Gg Aq sayoul 6 Joos CT ‘peay doy, :sMoyjoy se o1B poaimbea1 syagq ‘10}e1ado 0} ssadoe Asva UT [2ayA\-puey vB Jo suvamt Aq pajzeisdo Sutaq oules 34} ‘3J9q pBey-JapulyAD doz ur yoR[s 94} dn Surye} 10f dd1Aap & pappe os]e savy 2M ‘sures 94} sAvaye st Sutids uo uotsus} ay} ‘paoerd st JYStaM 3y} 1eq ay} UO JUTOd yey ye SouUsIIBIp OU SOYVUL PI }eY} OS ‘1eq SY} UO S}Sa1 PUL YSIOM 9} SpIsur paoeid si Bujsds oyy “YIOM Poyrodmt 10 AABA UT }[NSII Jey} SUOTJEIGIA SuIOSaTqnOoI} ay} Surproae sny} Yere}yeum ay} uodn AywAIg eq 31ns -soid 94} Spjoy }f ‘Waasdun st }ey} 10 A[YSno1 paMes Udaq Sey }eYy} Joquiny Suruyyd ur pue ‘uoroLIy sjusscid JI se yonuiseur ‘oinjeay JuRpodmt ue st sty, “el wory 1ayxevo1q-diyo dy} dAatjar 0} ‘1eq ainssoid uo .ySleM-Zulsds Suyjesuadwods psaoiduit ino y}IM suryoRU 94} paprAocid saey ‘yurod yey} Je payiom Sutesq sy UMOp 4903s ay} Surproy jo asodind ayy 1oj ‘speal{ apis OM} 94} Wa9Mjoq BOYs=ainssaid Ve poppe ALY IA IPLU SBM yNd DAOqE JOUIS ‘oynutm tad joay Ze 0} ZZ Wlory Sursue1 ‘paajy Jo sasuevyo moj sey suryoeMm ayy “payoryje aie Soyousim 34} se ‘apem ATyoMb pue astooid aie syuaurjysn{pe ay} [[ Vy ‘aovjins }ep pue oniy B SULARUL SNY} ‘UT OS Sisur] dy} s1ayA\ oni} pourd 318 sojpuids []e uo saxog pueB sdey ay], ‘ABP-0} SISYIOM-POOM 0} pariayjo 100} 3zvpIwIs Auv sq pessedins oq JouuRs YOM Jo s0UaT]aI0X> pue ARIGeINp IO} Jey} au0 A]Tpazqnopun st dsuTyoVU ay} Ot FL hee as eran tae ti Pe eee Bae 9pIM soyoul OT yom OTST ‘SIT ‘sAaTINd “AZIS asoo’T pue YST, pue ‘WOT}W3}e [NjJsivs WdATS seq sey [rejep AlsAq “pist1 AisA die YOM ‘saxoq Suljio-jjas Suoy Ul SUIMUNI so_pUIds 251] YM “pd}}O[S SOpIs Inoj ‘[99}s pasioj pljos Jo apeul oie speayy IU L ‘sd¥o 94} JO pkajsur saxoq 94} Jo mW0W0q 24} 0} yoeq [Ind pue ‘[InjramMod puv suo] a1¥ s}jeq 24} Jo [TV ‘a]Ssue ay} Sursuevyo ynoyyM pois -op ji Aj[eoriea 10 AT[e19}e] pajsnfpe aq uvo pue ‘s[5uUe AUB 0} Jas 9q UBD SpBaqy Opis EYL ‘aUTyOeM 34} Jo 1ef to 3[qQuUI913 9y} Aq pasneos FIOM Av[Nseri Aue Sutproae pue ‘Ssursn{pe ur om} Su1aes sny} ‘Wt yWM JOMOT PUR dSTeI ‘9TGE} 94} 0} poyoR}e sutoq Ady} : 21In}eoj [eIDads B DABY SpBay] OpIg YyI0g ‘pedisop UsyM Aja}eIpauruit posy ay} do}js T[IM ‘Vyeys-19}UNOS 9y} Ivsu ‘JeAay 1334587] ONL *do} 94} Je IdAsT Trews 94} Aq FIOM Jo spuly JUsISyIp oy suryoeut ay} dn Sutjjes pues Surjsnf{pe 10; pastes Ayisvo dq UBS BSoYT, “paz stom ApIaeay, IA 318 s[[O1 do} OM} JY} pue ‘Sulivas yojisd jo Jos B Aq poqe -1odo ‘1d}S WIP UT soyoUr %E S]]OI padsj UdSALIP Ino} JO Surjstsuod Ynziamod A1dA st pray oy ‘yydap Ul MS YOUT-s914} B IYCU O} pulda}xo Wed JJIUy Yours yey} OS JORG pojsnf[pe 10 spevdy 3} O} VSO[D Jos aq ULSD SIOYS=3INss3ig PUB SIJOyBIIgG dIYyD ITV ‘siv9a83 10 SyUT] AUB SUTPSIMUODSIP JNOYPIAM SSYOUL ZL O} IA9MOT T[IM paq 34} pue “Yory} sayour Hp Aq apiIM sayoutl QT 0} ‘saps y}Oq ‘Yoo}s YOM [[IM I ‘pis pue wig ft Suryeur ‘surseo PHOS 9UO st OUTeIy Ue “psonporjur zOA SUTYORUM ARIS Aue UY} WOTPeI10d Id1vdU YW DYRU Jey} UoTjONA}suoS ut Aytrorradns pue sjustmdAcIdm Mau satpoqmia YoryM ‘SUTYORIAL SUIP[NOW pepis-inoy youy-usay, peaoiduy Ayj}vais pue Mau INO sd}eajsN{]I Mo saoqe AH | | | in WAIT WHI LUAU li } I Inn ‘OUIYIBY SUIP;NO|; Yyouy-usy] SOD ANIHOVW LYOdSWVITIIM "SIL “S14 28 1 -@\MERIGAN \AWOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @O:9* Fig. 119. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S No. 2, Nine-Inch Four-Sided Moulder. Ball Bearings to Raise Table. Md a ped, i | - ff emma mi iam 0 CT t le o> an Oy ORBIR © 4S | WE, ct I Al MI i _ TEE HE accompanying cut represents our improved No. 2, 9-inch Four-Sided Moulder, which is adapted to all the finer grades | of work usually done on expensive inside machines, and while it comprises all the advantages of an inside machine, it also has all the advantages of an outside or overhung machine. It is a well-known fact that an outside machine is much more convenient to change to different kinds of work and that an overhanging head will not do as good and perfect work as a head that has a solid bearing on each side of it. One of the main features of this machine is the solid outside bearing for the top cutter-head shaft, bolted to both frame and table. ‘The inside and outside headstocks are both adjustable and can be moved to any angle or position desired while the machine is in motion, with greater accuracy and speed than on any other machine. These side headstocks have long bearings on frame and table and the device for clamping them prevents all vibration and makes them like solid iron. The machine is provided with convenient lever device to raise the feed rolls so the work may be pulled back out of the knives. The bolt that fastens the outside bearings to the table extends entirely through the table into the gib and clamps the table to the frame immediately beneath the top cutter-head, where it is most in need of a substantial support. The table is also clamped to frame between side heads and under cutter. Side head belts pull against bottom of boxes. The Feed is very strong and powerful, consisting of two upper rolls and one lower roll, all placed very near the top cutter- head, to hold the lumber firmly while being operated on. The large roll is placed directly over the under one, and the under roll is operated independently of the top rolls. The Table in front of the under feed roll is planed one-eighth of an inch lower than the other parts of it to avoid friction, and to allow the lumber to be fed in on a line with the highest part of the table. When a table is planed straight it is necessary to set the under roll one-eighth of an inch above the surface. When this is done it raises the lumber that distance from the table and it must be bent back to a solid bearing before it reaches the top cutter-head; this requires a great deal of pressure on heavy work, and the heavier the pressure the more power is required to feed the lumber in. ; The Under Head has lateral and vertical adjustments, and the machine is provided with adjustable throat plates on each side of under cutter. It has also an adjustable chip-breaker for the inside head. It has a binder for feed works instead of a clutch, which will be found an advantage on heavy work. The Heads are all four-side, forged steel, four-slotted. We furnish five heads and five sets of straight cutters with each four-sided machine. The machine will dress four inches thick on four sides, and the table will lower fifteen inches. The following belts are required for a four-sided machine : One belt ten feet long, 2% inches wide; one belt 10 feet 3 inches long, 3 inches wide ; one belt 16 feet 8 inches long, 3 inches wide; one belt 20 feet 6 inches long, 3 inches wide ; one belt 13 feet long, 2% inches wide ; one belt 15 feet 9 inches long, 4% inches wide ; one belt 17 feet 6 inches long, 3 inches wide ; one belt 12 feet 8 inches long, 3 inches wide. TO WORK. Ae and F, Revs. per Cubic Weight. Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Bort 0 ee bone. S1deS jy kn eater t . 127 BU Smee Pa, ST Geaccn 3,500 Gesture. Bie 119 A—- Three. Sides os. heise gence cai teceeveeneste ates 12 CoO wae ote. 3,500 Geyser. -OAMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @@:22 Fig. 120. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Column Ejight-Inch Four-Sided Moulder. vee All Adjustments made from the Front Side of the Machine. ve = Ta The Side Heads are Provided with Adjustable Chip-Breakers. -_uu Patented October 10, 1893, and January 23, 1894. HIS cut represents our New Column Eight-inch Four-Sided Moulder, which is a very heavy and substantial machine built from new patterns. The frame is cast in one piece, designed to give the greatest strength and solidity. The Boxes are long, lined with the best genuine babbitt, and the journals are accurately fitted to them. It has four feed rolls, two above and two below, each 4 inches diameter; all driven by the most powerful system of gearing. The top rolls raise parallel with the table and bear their full weight evenly on all parts of the work, whether wide or narrow, thus insuring a strong, positive and steady feed at all times. They are also raised and lowered by a lever for placing a form to set the knives. The feed works are started and stopped with a binder. It has three rates of feed, viz: 32, 45 and 60 lineal feet per minute. All the working parts are easily and quickly adjusted from the front or working side of the machine, and as they are not complicated they are not liable to get out of order. The Table is firmly gibbed to the frame, and securely fastened with three bolts fitted with swivel wrenches. The Top Arbor is provided with an outside bearing, which extends to the floor and forms an additional support. The Top Head has a lateral adjustment; the bottom head has a lateral and vertical adjustment. It has an adjusta- ble tightener for the belt that drives the top head, by which the slack can be instantly taken up, or in running light work the strain can be taken from the belt. 30th the inside and outside heads have vertical, angular and horizontal adjustments, and raise and lower with the bed. Both of these heads have adjustable chip-breakers. There is ample space about all the heads to admit of using large cutters. Our patent Compensating Spring is placed under the weight bar to relieve the chip-breaker from jar. This is a new and very important feature, as it prevents friction, and in planing roughly sawed or uneven lumber, holds the chip-breaker firmly upon the material and causes it to ride smoothly over the rough projections, thus avoiding wavy or imperfect work ; and the pressure of the chip-breaker is always the same. The Arbors are of the best steel, very heavy, with extraordinarily long boxes, and all belts pull against the bottom of the boxes. The Spring Posts are held in position with our new improved clamp bolt with swivel wrench attached. It will dress 8 inches wide by 3% inches thick on four sides, and the table will lower 12 inches. We furnish with each machine one set (2) straight knives for each of the four heads, one extra cap head, one extra feed pulley, two extra feed spurs, two extra pressure shoes, two collars and all the necessary wrenches. Tight and Loose Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average TO WORK Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 120 =—Four Sides... Less 900 144 3,000 5 to 6 Giant. Fig. 120. A==Dhree Sides) ae ecae 10 mts S00") Fees ee ere 4 to 5 Gibbet. Fig. 120 B—Two Sides co.cc sscscese 10x 5 900 sec es 3 to 4 Giddy. Fig» 120 C—One Sides wes ee Oe 900, 0 i OTF lites 2 a ae 3 to 4 Gifted. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING [MIACHINE @9:» Fig. 121. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Eight-Inch Moulding Machine. i 1° Ih ne i omer Fee 41) bem | ea MUU al IMM reall ill il NIN I 7] = Ml | OF . — Si Tm il in ll HE above cut illustrates our new and greatly improved Eight-Inch Four-Sided Moulding Machine, which embodies new improvements and superiority in construction that make it nearer perfection than any similar machine yet introduced. This machine is the heaviest Eight-Inch Moulder on the market, and the entire main frame is one solid casting, making it firm and rigid. It will work stock both sides to eight inches wide by four and one-quarter inches thick, and the bed will lower to fourteen inches without disconnecting any links or gears. All Chip-Breakers and pressure shoes can be set close to the heads or adjusted back so that each knife can extend to make a 2%-inch cut in depth. The Feed is very powerful, consisting of four driven feed rolls four inches in diameter, operated by a set of perfect gear- ing, and the two top rolls are very heavily weighted. These can be easily raised for adjusting and setting up the machine for different kinds of work by the small lever at the top. The Larger Lever near the counter-shaft will stop the feed immediately when desired. Both Side Heads have a special feature ; they being attached to the table, raise and lower with it, thus saving time in adjusting and avoiding any irregular work caused by the tremble or jar of the machine. The Side Heads can be set to any angle, and can be adjusted laterally or vertically, if desired, without changing the angle. All of the belts are long and powerful, and pull back to the bottom of the boxes instead of the caps. The Caps and Boxes on all spindles are planed true where the liners go in, thus making a true and flat surface. All the adjustments are precise and quickly made, as the wrenches are attached. ‘The machine has four changes of feed, ranging from twenty-two to fifty-two feet per minute. The heads are made of solid forged steel, four sides slotted, with large spindles running in long self-oiling boxes, which are very rigid. Every detail has been given careful attention, and the machine is undoubtedly one that for durability and excellence of work cannot be surpassed by any similar tool offered to woodworkers to-day. Since above cut was made, we have added a pressure-shoe between the two side heads, for the purpose of holding the stock down while being worked at this point ; have provided the machine with our improved compensating spring-weight on pressure bar to relieve the chip-breaker from jar. This is an important feature, inasmuch as it prevents friction, and in planing lumber that has been sawed roughly or that is uneven, it holds the pressure bar firmly upon the material, thus avoiding the troublesome vibrations that result in wavy or imperfect work. The spring is placed inside of the weight and rests on the bar, so that it makes no difference at what point on the bar the weight is placed, the tension on the spring is always the same. We have also added a device for taking up the slack in top cylinder-head belt, the same being operated by means of a hand-wheel in easy access to the operator. Belts required are as follows : Top head, 14 feet 3 inches by 4% inches wide ; bottom head, 20 feet 6 inches by 3 inches wide ; inside head, 16 feet 8 inches by 2% inches wide ; outside head, 15 feet 9 inches by 2% inches wide ; feed belts, one 8 feet 8 inches by 2% inches wide ; one 6 feet 6 inches by 2% inches wide. De and) i. Revs. Per TO WORK Pulleys. Minute, Floor Space Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 121 —Four Sides pete ee sees 10x5 820 12 ft. 8 in. by 5 ft. 2 in. 3,500 Gigot. Fig. 121 A—Three Sides... 0-00 10x 5 820 Tate eins by & ft. 2-1, 3,500 Giraffe. Fig, 121 B—Two Sides 2... ce, seneeeeeses iLO ote 820 12 ft. in: byo if, 21n. 3,500 Girdless. Be ON Gide cay ace tree 10x 5 820 12it, 8 in by Sih Zin. 3,500 Gimcrack, *1P4ID 00z‘¢ Oss ] Ae Tay A) (ey Ra hia oan a eagle a gas OC Et a ee oe ere CoS att Sac i 2PIS xUO—D ZZI ‘SI -Asdin 00z‘¢ OSs LAS Le ee. gee) pt ce eae ener ee Sees ERE cae ee Ee S9PIS OMI —g ZZT “Sy ‘JO; WID 00z‘¢ OSS Lx CL SPPIS %IYL—V 771 ‘Sl “JOppID 00z‘¢ OSs hy ES CAE sepISg moy— ZZ ‘sly ‘ploM epop “JWYSIOM ‘oynurA dod ‘saay ‘sA2TINd “I BL MUOM OL ‘OpIM saul ¢ “BUOT sayoUT § Joo} ZT Haq suo faprim sayour ¢ ‘Buoy sayoUT 9 yay ZT yaq aUO + 9pIM sayOUl Hp ‘BUCT soyout 6 Joy CT Yoq auo Sapim sayour %Z ‘Buo] joa} CT W9q ao ! apiM sayouUr ¢ ‘SuCcl sayour 9 Joay OZ Yoq auo ‘SPIM saOUL ¢ ‘SUOT sayIUT g yoaqj 9T Haq 9UO + apm sayoUL ¢ ‘SuOT soyoUT ¢ Joo} OT FJ9q BUO S apIMm soayoul %Z ‘SuOT 490} OT H9q UG :OUTyIeW POPIS-4nNOy B JOY pasinbos s1v s}oq SuUIMOTJOJ oy “SOYOUT U99}JY JOMOT [IM s[qQv} oY} PUL ‘sapIS MOF UO YOIY} SoyOUT IMO} ssorp [[IM oUuTTeUT dILT "peHO|s-noj ‘Jo0}s pessoj [TB ore spvay oJ, ‘1oye1odo 0} ssao0ove Asvo UT SI SYIOM-paaj IO} Japuiq ayy, se vaig-diyy sjqujsnipy sey peopl] opisuy oy ‘Sopls Y}0q Wo sayzeyd yeory} YM papraoid st pue ‘sjuomysn{pe [eoIEA puL [e1d}e] SPY 4999ND JOpUQ aL ‘podisop Us [eLoze oy} Yo dn sTfor oy} astel 0} @dJAeP JAI] & YIM paprAoid ore syIOM paay ay, ‘uo poyesado Sureq sty ATuTIYy squint ey} ploy o} ‘peey-1ayno do} ey} seau Ara poov[d pue ‘Jor ramoy ouo pue stor saddn omy Jo Suystsuos “tnyramod pue Suois AidA St pady oy ‘yooddns yenurysqns ev jo paau ut ysour st zt a1aYM ‘peay-tozno do} ay} YyYRaUAq A]aeIpsaurU IUTeIJ 9} 0} 9TqQe} ayy sdireyo pure “qi8 ay} OyUT aTqe} oy} YSnory} AjeryUS spuls}X9 I[qQe} Iq} 0} Sulswaq apiszno at) susjsey jey} yWog eyy ‘Ayurry Ar9a ayqe} ay} Surpjoy snyy yr Jo doz ayy 0} AJerUe apis 0} Us} MOTTE 07 sv os ‘pouvld st ouresy ay} JO doVZ oY} pue ‘3Tqe] 24} JO YYPIM aoyM ay} puds}xd sMeIT ay} 0} ITqQv} 24} PlOY WY} SqID eYL “Wo pros ayy Way} SOYVUL puv voeIqIA [TB syusdcid wy} Surdurepo Joy sotaep oy} pue ‘s[qey pue auresy uo sSutwsq Buoy aavy syoo\speoy apis asory, ‘OUIYOVU Isy}Oo Aue UO UY} poads puv AovM90e 19}V9I5 YIM “UOTOUT UT ST OUTYDeUT 94} a[IM ‘patisop uontsod 10 apsue Aue 0, pacout aq uvo pure ‘afqvish{pe yoq are SYIO}JSPBO}] OPISINO pue opisuy sy ‘SSUIP[NOUt ysaT[eus ay} ATOoJ1ed Y10M 07 sv [Jom sv: Apoedvo [[nJ sz 0} dn s8urprnour Suryiom puv Surueyd 10j yoyIeur ay ur ysoq amp }L SYRUL YOTUPM SUTYORUT SITY} UO s}uoUt -sAOIdUIT aGeNTVA I9YYO aie 219}: 9[qe} puv stueIZ JOG 07 pazoq 4eys peay-1oynd doj ay} 107 SULIvIq SPIS}NO PHOS SU} SI SUTYOVUT sTy} UO Saizeay UTeUI ay} Jo 9UO ‘TeJouI WIGqeq sUMUSS THIM peul] PUL SUTPOUT UY UO sv sexog JVUINOL sy, “JoUULUT ssvO-JsIY UT YIOM Jo AyotwA v Surop jo aqedeo pue payonsysuoo [aM ‘pis puv Suoys st aurypeur spy ‘ATAVL ASIVA OL SDNINVAD TIVE Tm, “= lag) S38 A y] —— = hl are QQ G ui mon Pe fe) kz L we OS) (€ fe: SS ‘JOP[NOY PopIS=41NO-] YOUI=JYSIQ MON $.°OD NOLSNOH IAT "C21 SI A O O (SS Zi 7 al Z -O@NMERIGAN \W/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Goo» Fig. 123.. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Column Seven-Inch Four-Sided Moulder. : ; ci All Adjustments Made From the Front Side of the Machine. Z ha ON [ zg ——~ nafs \ ZA NN of) oe. a i ies \" ——— LA TL aie Patented October 10, 1893, and January 23, 1804. UR New Column Seven-Inch Four Side Moulder is the heaviest and most substantial machine of its kind on the market and contains improvements that are not found on any other make of Seven-Inch Moulders. The Frame is cast in one piece, this being very essential, as it prevents it from twisting and keeps the bearings at all times in line. The Boxes are extra long and lined with the best genuine babbitt and the journals accurately fitted to them. ‘The machine has Four Feed Rolls, two above and two below, each 4 inches in diameter, all driven by the most powerful system of gearing. The Top Rolls raise parallel with the table and bear their full weight evenly on all parts of the work either in the working of wide or narrow stock. It has the strongest and most powerful feed of any Seven-Inch Moulder on the market. The feed works are raised and lowered by a lever for placing a form to set the knives, The machine is provided with three rates of feed, 32, 45 and 60 lineal feet per minute. The Feed works are started and stopped with a binder. The table is fitted to the frame with gibs and securely fastened with bolts with swivel wrench attached. The Top Arbor has an outside bearing which extends to the floor and forms an additional support. The Under Head in rear of the machine is supported with a heavy solid column. The Top Head has a lateral adjustment while the bottom head has a lateral and vertical adjustment. There is an adjust- able tightener provided for the belt that drives the top head by which the slack can be instantly taken up or in running light work the strain can be taken from the belt. The Inside and Outside Heads are attached to the bed and raise and lower with it, they have a vertical, angular and horizontal adjustment and are provided with adjustable chip-breakers. There is ample space around all the heads to admit using large cutters. Our Patent Compensating Spring is placed under the weight bar to relieve the chip-breaker from jar. This is an important feature as it prevents friction and in planing roughly sawed lumber it holds the chip-breaker firmly upon the material and causes it to ride smoothly over the rough projections ; thus producing much smoother work than can be done on any other moulder as the pressure of the chip-breaker is always the same, The Spring Posts are held in position with our new improved clamp bolt with swivel wrench attached. The arbors are of the best steel, extra heavy and all the belts pull against the bottom of the boxes. It will plane 7 inches wide by 3% inches thick on all four sides and the table will lower twelve inches. We furnish with each machine one set (2) straight knives for each of the four heads, one extra cap head, one extra feed pulley, two extra feed spurs, two extra pressure shoes, two collars and all the necessary wrenches. TO WORK. T. and T,. Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H. P. Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. Required. Fig. 123 —Four Sides ......... ....... 10x 4% 900 138 2,800 4 to 6 Girlish. Fig. 123 A—Three Sides................ 10x 4% 900 a ee), eee 3 to § Gizzard. Fig. 123 B—Two Side@Swuie ee 10x 4% Oe ge ee mee ae Be ee 3 Gladden. Fig, 123 C—One Side: crt 10x4% SOU eee altered Pee. Z Glanced. “@AMERIGAN \\/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:2 Fig. 124. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Seven-Inch Moulding Machine. ‘Ten Ee ness = we a SO | | oe Se || eR ! an i i my a fia i nl ! mc cipal Loon — — SS oat — HE above cut illustrates our new and greatly improved Seven-Inch Four-Sided Moulding Machine, which embodies new af improvements and superiority in construction that make it nearer perfection than any similar machine yet introduced. This machine is the heaviest Seven-Inch Moulder on the market, and the entire main frame is one solid casting, making it firm and rigid. It will work stock both sides to seven inches wide by four and one-quarter inches thick and the bed will lower to fourteen inches without disconnecting any links or gears. All Chip-Breakers and pressure shoes can be set close to the heads or adjusted back so that each knife can extend to make a two-and-one-half-inch cut in depth. The Feed is very powerful, consisting of four driven feed rolls four inches in diameter, operated by a set of perfect gearing and the two top rolls are very heavily weighted. These can be easily raised for adjusting and setting up the machine for different kinds of work, by the small lever at the top, which, with the larger lever near the countershaft will stop the feed immediately when desired. Both Side Heads have a special feature; they being attached to the table, raise and lower with it, thus saving time in adjusting and avoiding any irregular work caused by the tremble or jar of the machine. The Side Heads can be set to any angle and can be adjusted laterally or vertically if desired without changing the angle. All of the belts are long and powerful and pull back to the bottom of the boxes instead of the caps. The Caps and Boxes on all spindles are planed true where the liners go in, thus making a true and flat surface. All the adjustments are precise and quickly made, as the wrenches are attached. ‘the machine has four changes of feed, ranging from twenty-two to fifty-two feet per minute. The Heads are made of solid forged steel, four sides slotted, with large spindles running in long self-oiling boxes, which are very rigid. Since above cut was made we have added a pressure-shoe between the two side heads, for the purpose of holding the stock down while being worked at this point ; have provided the inachine with our improved compensating spring-weight on pressure bar, to relieve the chip-breaker from jar. This is an important feature inasmuch as it prevents friction, and in planing lumber that has been sawed roughly or that is uneven, it holds the pressure bar firmly upon the material, thus avoiding the troublesome vibrations that result in wavy or imperfect work. ‘The spring is placed inside of the weight and rests on the bar, so that it makes no difference at what point on the bar the weight is placed, the tension on the spring is always the same. We have also added a device for taking up the slack in top cylinder-head belt, the same being operated by means of a hand-wheel in easy access to the operator. ) Every detail has been given careful attention and the machine is undoubtedly one that for durability and excellence of work cannot be surpassed by any similar tool offered to wood-workers to-day. Belts required are as follows: Top head, 14 feet 3 inches by 4% inches wide ; bottom head, 20 feet 6 inches by 3 inches wide ; inside head, 16 feet 8 inches by 2% inches wide; outside head, 15 feet 9 inches by 2% inches wide. Feed belts: One 8 feet 8 inches by 2% inches wide ; one 6 feet 6 inches by 2% inches wide. Floor space required, 12 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 2 inches. TO WORK. andi Revs. per Weight. iP: Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Fig. 124 +—Four.didesin. 2 4 ee 10x 5 820 3,200 6 to8 Glaring. Big. 1247A=— Lhree: Sideécasesaes ee 10x5 820 3;200 a Pe ee Glareous. Fig...124 B—T wo Sides. 3 see) a ee LORS 820 32 00K te erase Gleaning. Fig. 124 C—One “Sides ae ea ee ee Wyse °5) 820 3;200 en Pee cee Glebous, 134 -@NMERIGAN \\/OOD-\WWORKING NIACHINE Goo» Fig. 125. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S No. 2, Seven-Inch Four-Sided Moulder. i] L, E take pleasure in presenting this machine to the market, and beg to call attention to some of the important points of excellence over other 7-inch Moulders. ‘The first is the solid outside bearing for the top cutter-head shaft, and which also acts as a support to the table. It is bolted to the frame below the table, the bolt extending through it into the gib that holds the table to the frame, thus clamping the frame, table and outside bearings securely together, making them like solid iron. ‘The upper part of the outside bearing is dovetailed into the main standard, and can be readily removed for changing heads on top mandrel. ‘To avoid friction, the table is planed lower in front of under-roll than any other part of it, and to allow the work to be fed in on a line with the table under the top cutter-head. The Adjustable Chip-Breaker for the inside head will be found very useful, as one side of the lumber must be worked against the grain. The inside and outside headstocks can be set to any angle and fastened, and then be moved in and out or up and down accurately without changing the angle. The Top Head has lateral adjustment of one inch across the frame. The Under Cutter is adjustable vertically and horizontally. There is a slide fitted in the table on each side of the under cutter-head, so as to open to allow cutters to be stuck through the face of the table, and these slides also act as chip-breakers for the under cutter. The Feed on this machine is very strong and powerful, consisting of one lower and two upper rolls, all driven. ‘The one upper roll is weighted and the other held firmly by springs. ‘There is a connection from the feed counter-shaft to the stud of the feed pulley, which acts as an outside bearing for the stud and takes the strain off the belt. Side spindles run on patent self-oiling steps. ‘his machine has a binder for feed works instead of a clutch, which will be found much better. We furnish five steel heads and four sets cutters with each four-sided machine. Four heads are four- sided, four-slotted, and the extra head is a solid cap head. Belts required: One belt 12 feet 10 inches long, 3% inches wide ; one belt 14 feet 1 inch long, 2% inches wide ; one belt 7 feet 1 inch long, 2% inches wide; one belt 16 feet 4 inches long, 2% inches wide ; one belt 13 feet 4 inches long, 21 inches wide ; one belt 7 feet 10 inches long, 1% inches wide. TO WORK T and J,. Pulleys. Revs. per Min. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 125 —Four SGI a ah eR a Ree 10%x 5 900 1,800 Glazier. Fig. 125 A—Three CSS UG ESDP ey a i ee yee Poem tee 10% x 5 900 1,800 Gleeful. Fig. 125 B--Two Sides «0.2... seecsceseccses seescencee seeennntestsnnnesenees 10% x 5 900 1,800 Gliding. Fig. 125 C—One Sl eae ue eee a ed oo cou Nea cenacegates 10%x 5 900 1,800 Glimpse. 135 pu! ii AlN, Se Elan ments; in fact, we have used every possible means to overcome faults in other moulders and make this the best 6-inch machine in the market. ‘HIS Machine represented by this cut is entirely new in design, and has many valuable improve- The Frame is one solid casting, so designed as to fully withstand all stress occasioned by belts and working parts, and no part of the machine is contracted or crowded, there being ample space for belts, and heads carrying long knives, and at the same time allowing all parts to be easily and quickly adjusted, there being no hidden screws or nuts. It is provided with two upper and one lower feed rolls, all driven by a system of gearing which has no superior, the motion being steady and strong regardless of the position of the table, there being no occasion to disconnect the gear when the table is lowered to the full capacity of the machine. It is simple and not liable to get out of order, and is controlled by a tightener placed in a convenient position. The Arbors are of large diameter, running in long boxes provided with large oil space. The top arbor is provided with an outside bearing, which extends to the floor and is bolted to the base of the frame ; thus forming an additional support. The top and bottom heads may be adjusted laterally, and the side heads have a vertical and angular adjustment. The top rolls and hood over the top head are weighted, and heads are provided with chip-breakers and pressure shoes. The Table may be raised and lowered to a depth of 14 inches by means of a crank over the table, as shown in cut. We furnish one top head, four-slotted; one bottom and two side heads, two-slotted; all of steel, and one extra loose cap head, one extra spur feed roll, and necessary wrenches, with each Four-Sided Machine. TO WORK, aati Caley Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H. P. Code Word, Pulleys, Minute. Measurement. Weight. Required. Fig. 126 —Four Sides........... ......... 10x4% 900 110 1,700 SAtORO Glitter. Fig. 126 A—Three Sides... 10x 4% S00 Ah weg a eR 3 to 4 Globe Fig. 126 B—T wo Sides..................... 10x 4% DOO, 6 pags eee) a ee es 2 to 3 Glove. Fisw126'C—One Sides. a ae - 10x4y% D008 Mt ee Seen el ae ees 2 Gluten. 136 -@A\MERIGAN \AOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE GQ» Fig. 127. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Six-Inch Four-Sided Moulder. — Ny 7 Sa IN | SU S SS With Removable Outside Bearing Bolted to the Table. HIS machine is often used asa sticker in door and furniture factories, and while the outside bearing is used for making mouldings, it is sometimes more convenient to remove it for grooving the edges of wide pieces, or when the machine is used for general work; for this reason we furnish the machine with a removable outside bearing. This machine is built in the same manner as our heavy Six-inch Moulder, shown and described on page 136. Tight and Loose Revs, per Cubic Approximate Average TO WORK Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Be 127) = MORE Sides’. 5.2 -asiiaccest 10x 4% 900 110 1,600 3 to 5 Gobble. Fig. 127 A—Three Sides .......0...... 10x4% Slo tee oil ds Sse hed meee 3 to 4 Goblin. Page 127 B—T wo Sides; 2:2... = 1OK 4% oO ee ee Ue eee etOne Goddess. vt Jae ah Peay gil Oo ©) eal ws (6 |e eee 10x 4% DOOD war pr roe ne e220 2 Godlike. blo haly -@AMERICAN \AVOOD-\AWORKING [M{ACHINE QO: Fig. 128. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S Six-Inch Moulder. i nr ao L | =e Ul el = NN Y! : ‘ail! B=ESEEEZ/ eA, iM) az O complete our line of new Moulders, we have placed on the market a new and greatly improved Six-Inch Machine as shown, which, owing to its weight, superior construction and new features, strongly recommends itself to practical wood-workers. The Frame of this machine is in one solid casting, and the extension of the outside bearing of the top head down to the floor adds additional strength to this particular point, which is usually so weak. Three driven feed rolls are provided, the two top ones being very heavily weighted. These can be raised from the work by the lever shown at the top of the machine. The Table is substantially locked to the frame in two places, and will drop to about sixteen inches. The Outside Head can be set at any angle, and adjusted laterally or vertically without changing the angle. Ample chip-breakers and pressure shoes are provided, which are adjustable, the under head having a chip-breaker on both sides of it. These are dovetailed into the table, making them perfectly rigid when set as desired. The material in the construction of this Moulder is so disposed as to give the greatest possible strength ; provision is made for taking up the wear in a superior manner wherever needed, and all the wrenches are attached, greatly facilitating the adjust- ing for different work. Belts required are as follows: 1 belt 11 feet 4 inches by 3% inches wide ; 1 belt 14 feet 2 inches long by 24 inches wide ; 1 belt 11 feet 2 inches long by 24% inches wide; 1 belt 11 feet 8 inches long by 24% inches wide; 1 belt 7 feet 7 inches long by 2 inches wide ; 1 belt 7 feet 2 inches long by 2% inches wide. TO WORK T. and L. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute, Weight. Code Word. Figs 1289 Pour Sides a ee 10 x 4 900 1,800 Gondola. Fig. 128 A—Three Cea ae eet eee 28 10 x 4 900 1,800 Goldlace. Tig. 128 B= worSides ae. ae a eee 10 x4 900 1,800 Goloshes. Fig. 128 C-—One Side: eee 10x4 900 1,800 Goodliness. 138 ~@A\MERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE GO:2> Fig. 129. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S No. 2, Six-Inch Four-Side Moulder. Lon aft ee | i / i STE ie iy uh TRUM EE ' rn Wn 3 =F ’ pe HIS machine is designed for sticking mouldings up to 6 inches wide, and working material into various shapes within the scope of a 6-inch Moulder. The Frame is cast in one piece; is strong, rigid and well braced. Extra heavy steel mandrels are used with extra long bearings. The Top Head has lateral adjustment of one inch ; the under head has lateral and vertical adjustments ; both inside and outside heads may be set to an angle and adjusted vertically or horizontally without disturbing the angle. The feed works are powerful, consisting of two upper driven rolls and one idle roll in the bed. Four rates of feed are provided for. The Table will lower 15 inches; the tail-piece to bed is hinged and swings out from under head to give access to cutters. ‘There are adjustable throat plates on each side of under head. The Feed Belt binder is in convenient position for operator. The side spindles run on patent self- oiling steps. With each four-sided machine we furnish four steel four-slotted heads with one pair of straight bits on each, and one extra steel cap or sash head ; all necessary springs, wrenches, spur feed and filling-up collars. Belts Required: One belt 12 feet 9 inches long, 3% inches wide; one belt 16 feet 3 inches long, 2% inches wide ; one belt 13 feet rr inches long, 2% inches wide; one belt 13 feet 2 inches long, 2% inches wide; one belt 7 feet long, 214 inches wide ; one belt 8 feet 1 inch long, 1% inches wide. Toand 1. Revs. per TO WORK. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Oe 2 Wee BOUT OCR ee ascent Aras teed eerste 10% x5 900 1,500 Goodly. ype 2 A oe RNY Ge, Giles ser Boe i iecenacet tac uasvibn Senovite 10% x5 900 1,500 Gosling. Pics 29 Bal WO. OldCS ak), eee eyes ee 10% x5 900 1,500 Gospel. Le ESS EG FS LO ea ern ore amr ee ae eee 10% x5 900 1,500 Gouty. 139 -@ AMERICAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @0:22 Fig. 130. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Six-Inch B. Outside Moulder. ee =|: f ) ism II | i Ci il il 1 HIS machine is built to meet the demand for a high class outside moulder. It is thoroughly well aif made and carefully finished; has every necessary and convenient adjustment, and is giving univer- sal satisfaction. The Heads are all of same diameter of swing, take the same knife and bolt; top and bottom head have lateral adjustment, and side spindles may be tilted in either direction. All Pressures are adjustable and swing up clear of the bed, for convenience in setting up; the end of the bed swings down to admit of easy access to lower head. The Feed is exceptionally strong, there being four large rolls, all geared, and driven by belt from top spindle ; the gearing is compounded to cause but slight strain of belt; feed is stopped and started by shifting on tight and loose pulleys. The bed drops to 14 inches without disconnecting lower rolls, and is well supported at lower head by means of wrought posts. TRands, Revs. per TO WORK Pulleys, Minute, Weight. Code Word. Fig 130. -=+Four ‘Sides 1... 4353 5 -3e ee WO) s< 900 2,000 Gradual. Bis. 130 A—Chree Sides as) a eee een Rae 2 oe 10 x 5 900 2,000 Grafted. Fig. 130: B—Two' Sidescce ay 10 x 5 900 2,000 Grained. Fig. 130 G—Oneé ‘Sideways tee 10 x5 900 2,000 Grange. -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 131. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Four-=Inch Four-Sided Moulder. A Vil if | G i | | hy Be " i | | dq —_— 4 c ca ih - \l an BOVE cut represents our newly designed and improved Four-inch Moulder, especially adapted to work small mouldings, beads, trunk slats and sash, and is not excelled for running blind slats. The Frame is cast in one solid piece, strong, rigid and well braced at every point subject to any strain. The Feed Works are strong and reliable, consisting of two upper steel fluted rolls and one large friction roll in the bed; the feed works are controlled by a well arranged binder in easy access to operator. The Table will lower twenty inches, and the mandrels are all made up of the very best steel and run in boxes lined with genuine babbitt metal. The Side Spindles run on patent self-oiling steps. The under cutter has vertical adjustment and is provided with a substantial pressure foot. There is also a pressure foot directly in rear of top head. The Outside Headstock is clamped to table at two points, may be thrown to any angle, adjusted horizon- tally or vertically, without disturbing the angle. The hood over top head is adjustable to and from the knives and is also provided with adjustable steel plates that may be set up to the very cutting edge of the knives. The above points, with many others clearly shown in the cut, make this a most desirable sticker for hight work. It is decidedly modern and convenient in design and construction. We furnish five heads and four sets of cutters with each four-sided machine ; also a full set of wrenches, springs, etc. The Belts required are as follows: One belt 11 feet 8 inches long, 3 inches wide; one belt 13 feet 7 inches long, 2 inches wide ; one belt 11 feet 5 inches long, 2 inches wide; one belt 11 feet 1 inch long, 2 inches wide ; one belt 7 feet 6 inches long, 2% inches wide; one belt 7 feet 7 inches long, 14 inch wide. a, and 1; Revs. per TO WORK Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Mere Lea OLE CS tere dys Secs 8 528 edna eee saben nate pa caees 10 x 4 900 1,000 Grasp. Rae ePE Reke ETOCS) SLO Cie 22 Sree a a a ona cea dhmnnosgul acterenne sea 10 x 4 900 1,000 Gratify. OS, IEA ES EE SoG) to ie ne pin eS Se 10 x 4 900 1,060 Gravely. ay TRE: SCL Sages ae, Ene cat oie cabal censadecc seer nce aaa 10 x 4 900 1,000 Greedy. ~@A\MERICAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2* Fig. 132. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Six=-Inch Sash Sticker. With Boring and Double Grooving Attachment. ( Hg < a = IA vy , ei fi ) | | | 2 wy i H HIS Machine is designed to run sash stiles making a continuous wide and narrow groove by placing the sash stile on the Ae: table of the grooving attachment at front end of the machine, and pushing it up to the first stop, then the operator puts his foot on the treadle attached to the boring spindle and bores the hole on an incline to receive the knot of the sash cord, which pulls to the bottom of the hole when the weight is attached. He then runs the stile over the right-hand grooving head to the stop, cutting the narrow groove to the hole bored. ‘The stile is then run through the machine cutting the glass rabbet and moulding. To do this requires only the top head on the machine with the grooving and boring attachment, but when the machine is fitted with the outside and under heads in addition to the above, as shown in the cut, the machine is capable of running the check or meeting rails and muntins also. The Outside Headstock has vertical and horizontal adjustments and may be set on an angle. The Under Head also has vertical and horizontal adjustments. The Top head has lateral adjustment. The Feed works consist of two upper fluted steel rolls strongly driven, and one friction roll in bed. The Feed works are controlled by a convenient binder and the machine is provided with two adjustable pressure shoes, all necessary wrenches, springs and one extra sash head and a removable outside bearing for top head, attached to table, not shown in above cut. The Table over grooving attachment is hinged and is adjustable to cut a shallow or deep groove as desired, and the guides adjustable to suit the thickness of the material. The machine is strong, rigid and built from the very best of material and is guaranteed to be first-class in every particular. Side spindle runs on patent self-oiling step. Belts Required: ‘Top head, 10 feet 3 inches, by 3% inches wide; under head, 13 feet 8 inches, by 2% inches wide; outside head, 10 feet 10 inches, by 2% inches wide: boring spindle, 12 feet, by 2% inches wide ; rear counter, 13 feet 9 inches, by 2% inches wide ; grooving head, 12 feet 2 inches, by 2% inches wide ; feed, 7 feet 4 inches, by 2% inches wide ; feed 7 feet 7 inches, by 1% inches wide, atic. Ds Revs. per TO WORK. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 132. —Three Sides, with Double Grooving and Boring Attachment .... 10% x5 900 1,800 Greenish. Fig. 132 A—Two Sides, with Double Grooving and Boring Attachment ... OP Awa 900 1,800 Greeting. Fig. 132 B—One Side, with Double Grooving and Boring Attachment .... 10% x5 900 1,800 Griffin. 142 <@KMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 133. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Two-Headed Sash Sticker. With Plowing and Boring Attachment. HBR; Mi OR rapid work in making sash we have designed the above machine, which has many features to attract the modern sash maker. By having an outside head on a machine of this kind, check rails of sash and similar work can be fin- ished by once passing through the machine, whereas on the ordinary Sash Sticker it requires two operations. The Frame of this machine is cast in one solid piece, well finished at every point, and so constructed as to be very durable and rigid. The grooving and boring of the stile is quickly done, the stile being placed on the grooving table and pushed forward to the first stop; then by pressing the foot on the treadle, the hole for sash cord is bored and this action drops the first stop down out of the way, and releasing the treadle brings the boring spindle back into position, and the stile is pushed forward to the second stop, completing the groove, and the stile is then ready to be passed through the machine. The operator has ample time to bore and groove a stile while one is passing through the machine. The machine has two Fluted Top Feed Rolls, both driven, and a friction roll in the table. The Top Rolls are held down by a lever and weight, which makes an even pressure on the stock. The table can be lowered to 16 inches. With each machine we furnish a four-slotted steel head for the top arbor, a two-slotted one for the side spindle and a set of straight knives for each, an extra sash head with one set of sash bits, a seven-eighths inch auger bit, set of plow bits and a full set of wrenches. The machine can be used as a sash, door and blind sticker, as neither the outside head nor the plowing and boring attachment interferes with the other working parts of the machine. Belts required are as follows: Top head, 11 feet 3 inches by 3% inches wide. Side head, 10 feet 7 inches by 24% inches wide, Sub-counter-shaft, 13 feet by 2% inches wide. Boring spindle, 9 feet 9 inches by 24% inches wide. Grooving, 10 feet 2 inches by 2% inches wide. Feed belts, one 7 feet by 2% inches wide, and one 7 feet 4 inches by 2 inches wide. Floor space required, 6 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. T. and L. Revs. per Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 133—Two-head Sash Sticker, Plowing and Boring Attachment, 10x 4 900 1,400 Grigon. 145 -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @O.a2 Fig. 134: ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 5 Double Door Sticker. With Bottom Head Placed in Front. |||) | q_ WR i I |) alll OOO || MAO Ls 00 il igen mn pe) angele el iz iw iuanstente HIS machine has been designed and built from entirely new patterns, and embodies improvements not found on any other machine for Sticking Stiles and Rails for Doors and Sash. It will be found a most excellent machine, and is strongly recommended for working both edges of door rails and muntins, and sash bars and muntins or for working one edge and joining the other at one operation. The Frame is cast in one solid piece, well braced. The Table is gibbed to the frame, the gib extending the whole depth of the table ; it is raised and lowered by the crank on top of the machine. The Table will drop down to 14 inches. The Feed Rolls are two in number, and are driven by a powerful system of gearing. The rolls are provided with weight to give them the proper pressure on the stock being worked. Another feature to which we call attention is the lower head which is placed in front ; thus working the bottom part of the rail or stile first. The groove made in the rail is received by an adjustable table placed on the main bed and directly back of the under head ; thus giving a perfect surface and bearing while being operated upon by the top cutter-head. This extra table can be removed when the under head is used for jointing ; this feature alone recommends this machine to all door manufacturers as being the only practical way to work the top and bottom of the rail and stile successfully at one operation. The Top and Bottom Heads have lateral adjustments, and the groove can be run in center of any thickness. The Bottom Head has a lateral and vertical adjustment. ‘The front of the table is so arranged that it can be swung out of the way of the under cutter-head, giving the operator free access to the head. The hood and chip-breaker is adjustable to and from the top cutter head. A close examination of the cut will show you that the machine is designed throughout to meet all the requirements of a Door Sticker, and being one of the latest improved machines of its kind, it should have your careful consideration. It has four rates of feed, viz.: 20, 25, 30 and 35 lineal feet per minute. There is a binder for the feed belt instead of a clutch, giving the operator full control over his work. Fach machine is furnished with two (Shimer) O. G. Door Heads, with one set each of O. G. door cutters and the necessary wrenches. S°YLRE: Teand 14 Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H. P. a! ‘ Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 134—No. 5, with Top and Bottom Heads, (Bottom Head, Placed in Front), Including Two Shimer O. Gs Door Heads ais; eae anes 5.x: 10x 4% 900 110 1,100 1to 3 Grillage. 144 “@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE @O:9 Fig. 135. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 3 Sash Sticking Machine. With Bottom Head Placed in Front. fl | NL AO Aho TT & | i eT HE illustration represents our special No. 3 Sash Sticking Machine, with the bottom head placed in front, and has been designed for the purpose of working both edges of Stiles, Bars and Muntins of sash in one operation as it passes through the machine. One of the features of this machine, to which we call attention, is that the lower head is placed in front; thus working the bottom edge of the stiles, bars and muntins first. It joints the stock and works the moulding, giving a perfect bearing on the bed while being operated upon by the top cutter-head; thus making a smoother surface. This feature alone recom- mends the machine to all sash manufacturers. The Bottom Head has a lateral and vertical adjustment, and the table in front of it is so arranged that it can be swung out of the way giving free access to the head. An attachment for boring and grooving sash stiles can be furnished for this machine when desired ; either for the con- tinuous wide and narrow groove as shown on the sample at the base of the machine, or with the single plowing and boring attachment. ‘his attachment is shown in the cut, but is furnished only when ordered and at additional price. This machine is built to work one, two or three sides, as ordered; and can be used for general work as the Boring and Grooving Attachment is not in the way. When built as a three-side machine, the outside side-head is used. This head will bevel the check rail, thus finishing the check rail at one operation. We furnish with each machine, one cap head on top arbor, one set of sash cutters for same, one two-slotted head on bottom arbor, one set (2) jointing knives and necessary wrenches. When the attachment is ordered for making the wide and narrow groove, we furnish with it two Shimer Grooving Heads with grooving cutters, one 7% inch boring bit. For the single width of groove, one plain grooving head, one set (2) straight grooving cutters and one % inch boring bit. Tight and Cubic Approxi- Average TO WORK. Loose Revs. per Measure- mate Hears Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. Fig. 135 —No. 3, with Top and Bottom Heads, (Bottom Head placed in front). Without Boring and Grooving Attachments.......... 10 x 4% 900 72 1,300 1 to 2 Grimace. Fig. 1835 A—No. 3, with Top, Bottom and Outside Heads, (Bottom Head placed in front). Without Boring and Grooving Attachments. . 10 x 4% 900 72 1,450 1 to 3 Grinders. Fig. 135 B—No. 3, with Top and Bottom Heads, (Bottom Head placed in front). Including Boring and Double Grooving Attachment for making the Continuous Wide and Narrow Groove .......... 10 x 4% 900 72 1,450 1s toi2 Gripper. Fig. 185C—No, 3, with Top, Bottom and Outside Heads, (Bottom Head placed in front). Including Boring and Double Grooving Attach- ment for making the Continuous Wide and Narrow Groove.... 10 x 4% 900 72 1,600 1 to3 Grizzle. 145 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:9 Fig. 136. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 2 Sash Sticking Machine. With Attachment for Boring and Making a Continuous Wide and Narrow Groove, as Shown by the Stile at Base of Machine. il Il aa | 1) —— FF _————— SS i ry weg HIS cut shows our New Sash Sticker, with Improved Attachment for Boring and Grooving the sash stile at one opera- tion as it passes through the machine. The operator places the stile on the grooving table and pushes it forward against the first stop, making the wide groove ; then by pressing the foot on the treadle the bit bores the stile at an angle so the knot in the cord will draw toward the bottom of the hole when the weight is attached, and by removing the foot the bit drops down out of the way and the stile is placed over the small grooving head and forward against the second stop, completing the groove as shown on the sample at the base of the machine. The stile is then placed under the feed rolls and run through the machine. The grooy- ing and boring is quickly done, and a boy can operate it, having ample time to plow and bore a short stile while another is being fed through the machine. This machine is built to work one, two or three sides, as ordered; the one-sided machine can be used as a sash, door or blind sticker, as the attachment is not in the way. The Bed drops 16 inches. The two-sided machine, with top and bottom heads, sticks the moulding and joints the back of sash stile for sten- ciling the size of sash at one operation. It also finishes sash muntins on both sides at one passing through. When built as a three-sided machine, the outside side head is used. This head will bevel the check rail, thus fin- ishing the check rail at one operation. We furnish with each machine, one cap head on arbor, one set sash cutters for same, one two-slotted head on bottom arbor, one set (2) jointing cutters, two Shimer patent grooving heads, with grooving cutters, one % inch boring bit and the necessary wrenches. The Arbors are of steel, and run in our patent three-part ‘*Common Sense’’ journal box. Tight and Approxi- Average TO WORK, Loose Revs. per Cubic mate ls (Eat ee Code Word. . Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Required. Fig. 136 —No. 2, with Top Head, Boring and Double Grooy- . ing Attachmentt 7. ja) 4 ek ee ee Ae as 10x 4% 900 ne 1,250 1 to2 Groan. Fig. 136 A—No. 2, with Top and Rear Bottom Heads, Boring ; and Double Grooving Attachment... 10x 4% 9005) Aree IRSEY) 1lto2 Grocery. Fig. 136 B—No. 2, with Top and Rear Bottom and Outside Heads, Boring and Double Grooving Attachment............. 10x 4% 900 ees 1,500 1 to 3 Gronder. -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @o.2» Pigsei37: ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 1 Sash Sticking Machine. With Plowing and Boring Attachment. —— (a ——s a ="), ti d IM _ WUT \ | "ae | Fe Yj \\ « | iv) W2 1p fll E here introduce the first and only machine that will plow and bore sash stiles at the same time that they are being run through the sticker. The operator places the stile on the grooving table and pushes it forward against the first stop, then by movement of the foot treadle the bit bores the stile at any angle, so the knot in the cord will draw toward the bottom of the hole when the weight is attached, and by disengaging the foot the bit drops down out of the way and the stile is pushed forward to the second stop, completing the groove, as is shown on the sample of work at base of machine. The stile is then placed under the feed rolls and run through the machine. ‘The plowing and boring is quickly done, and a boy can operate it, having ample time to plow and bore a short stile while another is being fed through machine. Thus the plowing and boring of sash stiles does not cost one cent to the manufacturer who uses this machine. The machine can be used as sash, door or blind sticker, as the attachment is not in the way. The bed drops 16 inches. The Arbors are of steel and run in our patent three-part ‘‘common sense’’ journal box. We furnish with each machine one cap head on arbor, one set of sash cutters for same, one bit 7 inch diameter, one’ plain grooving head, one set plain grooving cutters and necessary wrenches. Paine Lumber Co., Oshkosh, Wis., use three of these machines. Cubic Approxi- Average TO WORK "Te atic) bs Revs. per Measure- mate H.. P; Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. Fig. 137. —No. 1, with Top Head and Plowing and Boring Acne tinche ante i eee kee 10x 4% 900 72 1,050 1atorZ Groom. Fig. 137 A—No. 1, with Top and Rear Bottom Heads and Plowing and Boring Attachment .........00.00...... 10x 4% SI0l Seater ere Ito, 2 Grope. Fig. 137 B— No. 1, with Top and Rear Bottom and Outside Heads and Plowing and Boring Attachment, 10x 4% STRUT 4? gt Sate A Ve Dera 1 tons Grotto. 147 “@AMERICAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE €9:42 Fig. 138. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Six-Inch One=-Sided Moulder. Without Outside Bearing. TATA Ua JUsoe | i \ yi ; —_ = eri | BOVE machine embodies all the improvements of our Six-Inch Four-Sided Moulder, except that it A has no outside bearing. It is used principally for sticking door stiles, door rails, sash, blinds, and any work requiring to be dressed on one side. We call especial attention to this machine, as being the strongest feeding door sticker in the market. The under roll is so geared that it feeds equally strong when the table is lowered to 14 inches as when working thin stuff. It has two upper geared feed rolls, one weighted and the other held firmly by springs, making in all three geared feed rolls. A Strong Feed is an essential point in a moulding or sticking machine, and for this reason we claim that this machine is the best 6-inch sticker in the market. The Frame is heavy and strong, being cast in one solid piece. The Table is raised and lowered by crank on top of machine. The Arbors are of steel, running in long self-oiling boxes. The Heads are also of steel. The Top Head is slotted four sides. The Extra Head that is furnished with this machine is a loose cap head. The Table is of unusual length, designed especially for long stuff, with the rear end rabbeted so an extension bed of wood can be attached to carry work any distance required ; and is gibbed to the frame, the gibs extending the whole depth of the table, and by tightening one screw, is held rigidly at any desired height. The Hood is adjustable to and from the cutters, to allow long knives to be used on head, and being weighted, acts as a combined pressure bar and chip-breaker. It can be thrown entirely out of the way to give the operator free access to the cutter head. It has four rates of feed. There is a binder for feed roll instead of a clutch, giving operator control over his work. We furnish with each one-sided machine one four-slotted head, with steel bolts, and two plain cutters, one loose cap head and set of O. G. door cutters for same, one extra spur feed roll, and four wrenches. TO WORK Tight and Loose Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H. P. Code Word. Pulleys. Minute, Measure, Weight. required, Higte138—-Onel (Sider eee 10x 4% 900 110 NaS) ORS Ground. 148 -Q@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING [M{ACHINE @O:9% Fig. 139. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Six-Inch One=-Sided Moulder. With Grooving Attachment. Y fe SO eters jive gr l WM w i Nn at uit Si A= | & iu il = nl ; | ‘HIS machine is used principally for sticking door stiles, door rails, blinds, and any work that is to be dressed on one side. It also has an attachment for grooving door stiles, which consists of a table placed over the top arbor, on which there is an adjustable guide, and a head on the arbor projecting through the table. This table is adjustable vertically by means of a screw, for regulating the depth of groove. The object of this attachment is to allow for the use of a thin door panel with grooves in the stiles narrower than the mortise. ‘The stile is first run through the machine, and while the next stile is passing through, the same operator grooves out between the mortise of the middle rail and from the mortise to the end of the stile for the top and bottom rails. It is the strongest feeding door sticker on the market, having three geared rolls, feeding equally strong on thin or thick stuff. The Frame is heavy and strong being cast in one solid piece. The Table raises and lowers by a crank on top of the machine. The Table is unusually long, designed especially for long stuff, with the rear end rabbeted so an extension bed of wood can be attached to the end of the table to carry work any distance required. The Table is gibbed to the frame, the gibs extending the whole depth of table, and by tightening one screw, is held rigidly at any desired height. The Hood jis adjustable to and from the cutters, to allow long knives to be used on the head, and being weighted, acts as a combined pressure bar and chip-breaker. It can be thrown entirely out of the way to give the operator free access to the cutter-head. It has four rates of feed, and is provided with a binder for feed roll instead of a clutch, giving the operator control over his work. Each machine is furnished with one four-slotted steel head with steel bolts, nuts and washers, and two plain straight knives, one loose cap head with one set of O. G. door cutters, one grooving head with two straight cutters, one extra spur feed roll and five wrenches. TO WORK. ands: Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H, P. Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. required, Fig. 139—One Side, with Grooving Attachment.. 10 x 4% 900 110 1,250 lto3 Grouse. 149 “@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 140. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S Special Door Sticker. ca é can 5 HE cut represents our Four-Inch Two-Sided Door Sticker, with extra long table. It has a very powerful ap feed, and is especially adapted to running door stiles. It also has an adjustable top table with an adjustable guide on it, and a head on the main or top shaft projecting through it, which is used par- ticularly for relishing door stiles, This is usually done on a separate machine built for this purpose. Thus this combined machine proves the saving of one machine in a door factory. This top table may be raised or lowered to relish shallow or deep by means of an adjusting screw. The feed rolls, arbors and heads are all made of steel, and each machine is furnished with one extra cap head. Side spindle runs on patent self-oiling step. There is a connection from the feed counter-shaft to the stud of the feed pulley, which acts as an outside bearing for the stud and shaft. The economy in labor-saving in the combination of this machine recommends it especially to careful buyers. T. and IL. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight Code Word, Fig. 140—Special Door: Stickers sae ee Ne se al 900 800 Growler, -@A\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2» Fig. 141. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Door Sticking Machine. Ni Cai) Ay Y WI ll) + OOR manufacturers will find it to their interest to read carefully the description and examine the 1) cut of this improved machine. It is fitted with Shimer’s latest improved O. G. door heads, and has a double set of springs for holding up wide door rails. The feed rolls are weighted instead of being held down by springs, and the feed is stopped and started by use of a tightener. The Under Head is Placed in Front of the Top Head and the bottom edge being finished first, the plow or groove runs on the long guide shown back of the under head. ‘This gives a true and straight surface for the top head to cut against. The under head stock is adjustable up or down, and is locked to the rear side of the machine. By open- ing the swing in front of the under head the knives can be easily sharpened, or heads quickly changed for various kinds of work. The top and bottom heads are driven by one long, open belt, and the improved adjustable tightener keeps the tension of the belt always uniform, whether table is up for narrow work or down to 14 inches. This feature will be appreciated by all practical operators. No manufacturer of doors can afford to stick the rails and stiles in the old way and compete in prices with parties using this new machine. Belts Required: One belt 13 feet 7 inches by 3 inches wide ; one belt 6 feet 6 inches by 2 inches wide ; one belt 8 feet 2% inches by 2 inches wide. Floor space, 72 inches by 32 inches. T. and L. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 141—New Door Sticker... ceeeececsecseeneesseeseeceseenssenens seenseneess 10 x 4 900 1,500 Grubber. -G@AMERICAN \AVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:3> Fig. 142. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Four-Inch One-=Sided Moulder. ul i i iN il | Hn HE above cut represents our Four-Inch One-Sided Moulder for sticking sash, doors, blinds, ete. It is a strong, durable machine. The Frame is cast in one piece. The Bed jis raised and lowered by a single screw, and cai be run down 17 inches below the top cutter head. The Arbors are of steel, running in our patent three-part Common Sense Journal Box (see cut), which takes up side and top motion or wear, thereby allowing this machine to do smoother work than any other machine made. The Head on arbor is steel—four slotted. We also furnish one extra loose cap head with each machine. The head-stock has a lateral movement, with a hand wheel, by which it can be adjusted accurately for sticking sash, grooving doors, etc. It has two steel feed rolls of large diameter, strongly geared, making a powerful feed. There are two changes of feed, for light and heavy work. We furnish with each machine one set of straight cutters for the head on arbor, one set sash cutters for the loose cap head, one spur feed roll and three wrenches. We also build this machine with two, three or four sides, as desired. Hach machine is tested before leaving our works and is warranted to give satisfaction. Tight and Loose Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average TO WORK Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. H. P. Required, Code Word. Fig. 142—One Side... cccccccscccee. coccce ) Ble erby, 900 65 1,000 LEtORZ Grudge. 152 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE GOS Fig. 143 LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S One-Sided Door Sticker. (Nr a cee op Wi i il eee I ln $5 = == © ll i ae i ci ee TTT ITNT Ht \ ) ih ! | | iD m NY | I IN \ | i ya , i qa | ll pe ( il amp & ae ie stun ull} i" \ } ‘i i © ——_—— ( EeaaPF~ i ; | ‘HE above ‘cut represents our Four-Inch One-Sided Door Sticker. It has a long table for running Door Stiles, and has a very strong feed The Feed Rolls, Arbors and Heads are made of steel ‘here is a connection from the feed counter-shaft to the stud of the feed pulley, which acts as an outside bearing for the stud and shaft. Each machine is furnished with one extra cap head The arbor should run about 7,000 turns per minute T. and I,. Pulleys. 10 x 4 Revs. per Minute. Weight. Fig. 143—One-Sided Door Sticker... 0 tee Code Word. 900 750 Grumble. 153 “CAMERIGAN \WIOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @o:2- Fig. 144. GOODELL & WATERS’ Gleen Patent Elastic Feed Moulder. \ | || a ; - ssn cnn, _ oe TTT IM HIS is a very economical machine for working centre reeds and mouldings on panels, rails and stiles, aa and we specially recommend it to sash and door makers, car builders, furniture factories and establishments where the finer grades of such work is required. The Feed Rolls are made of hard rubber so that the stock may be worked after it has been brought to the desired thickness, without injuring the surface and leaving no feed prints, and it discharges its own stock without putting in an extra piece in order to push the last piece out. A Sash Head, or a regular slotted moulder head, four inches wide, may be used on the top spindle. The Side Head carries knives 254 inches wide. The Table drops eighteen inches, and the feed rolls may be extended from the fence four inches. T. and Ll. Pulleys, Revs. per Minute, Weight. Code Word, Fig. 144—Gleen Patent Elastic Feed Moulder ees ae ae eee LORsaa6 850 1,050 Grunt. -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING [MACHINE QO» Fig. 145. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 2 New Power Feed Panel Raiser. With Attachment for Chamfering the Edges of the Panels. MT 7 ask your careful consideration of the accompanying illustration and following description of our New Power Feed W Panel Raiser. ‘The frame is cast in one piece with a large base. The cross-head carrying the two headstocks is gibbed to the inside of the frame and has a vertical adjustment. Each headstock has also an independent vertical adjust- ment, by which a panel can be raised wide on one side and narrow on the other. The headstocks are adjusted horizontally by our Patent Side Setting Device, whereby either of the spindles can be adjusted independently to any angle; these adjustments are made from the side of the machine where the operator can see his work while making the adjustment and without stopping the machine. This will be found the most convenient adjustment ever applied to a panel raiser, and will be appreciated by all operators, as it is an improvement over the old way of setting and fastening the headstocks with bolts. The Feéed works are of the latest design. The two feed shafts are connected with gears, and are adjustable to suit the various thicknesses of panels being raised. There are two rates of feed, viz: 28 and 38 lineal feet per minute. The feed is stopped and started by our improved clutch and lever, which is placed convenient to the operator. The Table, to which is fitted the front and back guides, is so arranged that it can be raised clear of the heads if desired ; both the front and back guides are adjustable. The Cutter Heads are provided with adjustable chip-breakers and pressure-shoes, which are new features on Panel Raisers. The chip-breakers can be adjusted close to the knives, and the pressure-shoes can be adjusted to the cut to hold the panel steady. This insures perfectly smooth work on either cross-grained, knurly, or brash lumber, and across the ends of panels. If these attachments are properly adjusted it will be impossible to raise a wavy panel. Our New Cutter Head we claim to be the most scientific head ever invented for the purpose of raising panels. The knives that raise the tenon have a shear or draw cut, that is the knives do not come in contact with the grain of the wood all at one time; this is the only cut that can be made to produce perfectly smooth work on all kinds of wood. On the top of this head is placed the Shimer Circular Cutters, for making any style of moulding—ogee, bevel or square raise. These cutters also have a draw cut and plenty of clearance, and the work produced by these cutters is so smooth that it requires no further preparation for oiling. There is another feature we wish to call your attention to on this machine. We have placed in the table, rear of the cutter heads, an attachment for chamfering the edges of the panels so they will fit into the groove of the door rail and stile without subsequent hand-fitting; this attachment leaves no sharp edges to be hand planed, and prevents splitting of rails and stiles. This machine will raise any style of moulding, ogee, bevel or square, on one or both sides of the panel, and chamfer the edges of the panel at one operation, from 4 inch up to 4 inches, without change of heads or cutters. If desired, can raise an ogee on one side and bevel on the other and chamfer the edges at one operation. Each machine is furnished with one set (4) Raising Cutters, one set (4) Shimer Circular Ogee Cutters, one set (4) Shimer Circular Bevel Cutters, one Chamfering Head with cutters and the necessary wrenches. Tand o1,. Revs. per Cubic 1s ah ee STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. Required, Code Word, Fig. 145—No. 2 Power Feed Panel Raiser........ 10 x 5 800 40 1,200 1 to 2 Guild, 155 <@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @Q.a2 Fig. 146. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 1 Improved Adjustable Hand Feed Panel Raiser. A) J Le) I) _—— \ J invite the attention of Door Manufacturers to the above cut, representing our new improved Adjustable Panel Raiser, for raising any style of moulding, O. G., square or bevel. It will raise a panel on one or both sides, at one operation, from ™% inch up to 4% inches, without change of head or cutters. Can raise a bevel on one side and O. G. on the other, if desired, at one operation. The Frame is cast in one piece, making it very rigid. We claim for it the following advantages over any similar machine: First.—The right-hand head setting in front of the left-hand head admits of easier and quicker adjust- ment, and the guide being on the right of the operator makes it easier to operate. Second.—It will raise a panel on one or both sides at the same time, and make any desired variation on either side up to 4% inches, without change of heads or cutters. Third.—The heads have a lateral adjustment, and as they raise and lower on an incline the tension of the belts remains the same. Fourth.—The cutters are set in a position to give a shear cut, thus making the panel perfectly smooth in brash or cross grain stuff. Fifth.—It will cut smoother across the ends of panels than any other panel raiser made. Sixth.—Each head is provided with an independent adjustable pressure shoe, which holds the work perfectly rigid. Tight and Cubic Approxi- Average STYLE. Loose Revs. per Measure- mate He Pe: Code Word. Pulleys, Minute. ment. Weight. Required, Fig. 146—No. 1, Improved Adjustable Hand Feed Panel Raiser, 9 x 4 800 45 800 TstorZ Guitar. -@ AMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING [ACHINE @o:9* Fig. 147. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S Patent Improved Panel Raising Machine. re pa yy 5 ae mi oe sec wr HIS machine is of the most modern design and substantial construction, and will work panels on one or both sides at one operation. The peculiar form of cutters gives them a drawing cut, working readily on either hard or soft woods smoothly. The machine is provided with new combination heads, which admit of changing the moulding cutters so as to produce a shoulder, bevel, ogee or any other style of moulding desired on the panel, without disturbing the other cutters. Some of the various styles of work this machine is capable of doing are shown in the above cut. The Brass Cheeks and chip-breakers are adjustable, as is also the large guide or fence on the table. The table is hinged at one end and can be swung up to give free access to the cutter-heads and interior parts. The Head Stocks are adjustable vertically both together and independent of each other. They may be set on any angle required, and are both provided with independent horizontal adjustment. The machine is provided with adjustable feeding-in and feeding-out rolls. ‘The head stocks are heavy and provided with substantial clamping devices. Nothing has been spared to make this machine all that could be desired. T. and I. Revs. per STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 147—Patent Improved Panel Raising Machine: fs. 10 x 4 900 1,000 Gullet. -CAMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goa Fig. 148. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Style Panel Raiser. Ta i ma HIS Panel Raiser is unusually heavy, weighing 1,200 pounds, and the frame is one solid casting, +18 making it very firm and rigid. An important improvement on this machine is in. the kind of cutters used and_ their arrangement. On all of the old style machines. four knives are used, being bolted on the heads, but on this Panel Raiser we make use of two patented cutters, which are perfectly solid and screw on the arbors, permitting of much quicker adjustment, and can be run at much higher speed. These make a shear cut, and we guar- antee that a better grade of work can be done on cross-grained stock and across the grain of lumber than on any other Panel Raiser. With the use of these heads small knives can be attached for cutting ogee and bevel panels without disturbing the main knives. Unless ordered otherwise we wil] furnish the machine with our speciale 7S shaped patented cutters. The Heads are arranged one in front of the other, and can be quickly adjusted in either direction for different work. Each head has an independent pressure-shoe, which holds the work perfectly rigid. Cutters can be supplied at the same price as a set of knives for our old style machine, which always gave such universal satisfaction. This Machine will raise a panel from 4% to 4% inches, on one or both sides, at one operation, with- out change of cutters, and will also raise a panel for ¥%-plow as successfully as for a ¥%-inch, which cannot be done on any other machine. The Counter-Shaft js strengthened by an outside bearing, and in every particular the machine is one that surpasses any of the kind on the market. Belts Required: One to feet 8 inches long, one 11 feet rr inches long, both 3 inches wide. STYLE. T. and L,. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute, Weight. Code Word, Fig. 148—New Style Panel Raiser... SS icine ee eee GY sre al 850 1,200 Habit. 14x 10% 850 Hanaper. FB. 151 A—30 & 120... en eenencscensceeenees eoeceees ceenenenae sneceees 14x 10% 850 f 10,000 | Handful. Bg 8— 30 X68 ent eat ee ele 14 x 10% 850 | | Handily. oh SA a ne eae 14 x 10% 850 odie | Handsel. PPE 26 12 cana cven cc cd anh dacedent Micotnemnsen cater Goisennee 14x 10% 850 | 15,000 | Handy. peed Fe — 26. XB os saennse an ee ee eee eee ents ciate eer 14x 10% 850 Hapless. “GAMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:9% Fig. 152. GOODELL & WATERS’ Patented August 26, 1884, July 9, 1895, June 16, 1806. This machine is built to Surface on two sides, 30 x 14, and as a Sizer, 30 x 14. No. 27, Extra Heavy Double Planer and Sizer. See Opposite Page for Description. 166 -@\MERIGAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING [MACHINE 0:92 Fig. 152. GOODELL & WATERS’ No. 27, Extra Heavy Double Planer and Sizer. ONSTRUCTION. It is constructed on the most improved principles and proportions. It is superior Ge in every way to any of its class on the market. The main body of the machine is about 11 feet 6 inches long, and contains the principal working parts. It has our patented improved sectional rolls and pressure bars, and entry spring pressure, combined with weighted levers, which yield when admitting ex- cessive thickness. ‘The counter annex forms support for the entry table and hoist driving device. Capacity. As a double surfacer this machine will plane two sides 30 inches wide by 14 inches thick, and as a sizer on all four sides of a stick up to 30 inches wide by 14 inches thick. “The double surfacer and sizer is provided with center guide, and will dress top and bottom and single edge two pieces, each 13% inches wide. Feed Works. ‘There are six feed rolls, powerfully geared to secure good, strong feed, and are arranged to lift parallel. The journal boxes are in halves. Adjustments, ‘The method of changing thickness is very quick and convenient. All the top rolls, head and pressure bars are raised and lowered in one operation by power. They may be raised by hand as well, and each respective part has also an independent adjustment. ‘The under head is arranged with our improved swing-down entry bar, which gives easy access to the head. Cutter Heads. All heads are four-sided, slotted on four sides. The side heads are solid forgings (unless otherwise ordered). The top and under heads are provided with our patent adjustment to prevent end play. The side heads are also provided with adjustment for the same purpose. Every Part or Piece of the machine has a number cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number of the machine and the number on the part wanted, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or by mail. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Top Head Belts, each 23 feet 10 inches long, 6 inches wide. One Under Head Belt, 23 feet 3 inches long, 6 inches wide. T'wo Side Head Belts, each 25 feet 5 inches long, 5 inches wide. One Feed Belt, 18 feet 6 inches long, 3 inches wide. For Raising and Lowering Device: One Cross Raising Belt, 11 feet 5 inches long, 3 inches wide. One Straight Lowering Belt, 11 feet 3 inches long, 3 inches wide. T. and Ly. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 152 —As a Sizer, Four STGeS ORG LA eee wenipes os Seeceecencece person putercusess 16x 10 925 16,000 Harass. Fig. 152 A—As a Double Surfacer, 30 x 14............... PRGA Sh A ean eee 16 x 10 925 15,000 Hardily. “CAMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o.2> ‘c1 x Lz ‘sapig ino wo puv ‘zI x gz ‘saplg OMY, UO advzINg 0} 3]INq st auTYORU sIqL “9081 ‘QI Jsn3ny ‘S6gi ‘6 Ajne ‘Fegi ‘oz JsN3ny pojus.wYg ES Geemee 2 =e > i ail ‘JOJUIOL PUB JOUB[G AABOTT ‘61 ‘ON SSUALVM ¥Y TIHGOOD "€S1 °B14 *UOINdIIDSOq 410} a3eq o3ISOddQ 98S 168 «@\MERICAN YWOOD-\WNORKING [MACHINE GO.» Fig. 153. GOODELL & WATERS’ No. 19, Heavy Planer and Jointer. ONSTRUCTION. ‘This machine is of entirely new design. It has our patented improved sectional @ rolls and pressure bars, and entry spring pressure, combined with weighted levers, which yield when admitting excessive thickness. It is built as shown by the engraving, or with the under head at the out- feeding end of the machine. Capacity. Will double surface 28 inches wide, up to 12 inches thick ; will plane all four sides, 27 inches wide, up to 12 inches thick. It is provided with center guide, and will plane top and bottom and single edge two pieces each 12 inches wide. Feed Works. ‘There are six feed rolls, powerfully geared to secure good strong feed, and are arranged to lift parallel. The in-feeding rolls are provided with a device by which the operator can raise them quickly to receive material of excessive thickness. Adjustments. ‘The in-feeding rolls are raised and lowered by a hand-wheel at entry end of machine. Delivering roll and plate over the under head are raised in one operation. ‘This plate can be raised for access to under head instantly. When called for, power raise will be applied to top section of machine at an extra cost. Cutter Heads. All heads are four-sided, slotted on four sides. The top and under heads are provided with our patent adjustment to prevent end play. The side head spindles are also provided with adjust- ment for the same purpose, and have substantial top support, as shown by the engraving. This can be easily removed when matcher heads are to be applied. Every Part or Piece of the machine has a number cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number of the machine and the number on the part wanted, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or by mail. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Top Head Belts, each 21 feet 3 inches long, 5 inches wide. One Under Head Belt, 20 feet 3 inches long, 5 inches wide. Two Side Head Belts, each 22 feet 6 inches long, 4 inches wide. One Feed Belt, 16 feet long, 3 ‘inches wide. In machine with under head at out-feeding end, The Under Head Belt, 23 feet 2 inches long, 5 inches wide. 1 Anis Jy, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 153—As a Sizer, Four Sides, 27 X 12... seesssseneececcsseere: ssenenneneee mesenseees 16 x 10 850 12,000 Harsh. (and will Double Surface 28 x 12.) 169 <@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Goa ‘'§ X Ot pue § XVI BUIYION, :sazZIg OM] UT JING JOYIIVY pue JOUB][d ‘QZ ‘ON SYALVM ¥ T19dG00D “FSI °SI4 ‘UOINdIIDSsa9qg 410} 93eq 9}ISOddg 90S ei) «@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE @Q:2 Fig. 154. GOODELL & WATERS’ No. 28, Planer and Matcher. ( eee This machine is designed for general planing mill and light car shop work. It is heavy and is substantially braced. All the journals are large and well proportioned. The working parts are accurately finished and run very easily. Capacity. It is built in two sizes, working 14 x 8 and 20x 8. Both machines will match or joint material to the full width. It will be readily seen that a machine of such capacity is especially well suited for mills where a wide range of work must be done on one machine. Feed Works. ‘There are six feed rolls, powerfully geared, with a strong, steady feed. The upper rolls are arranged to raise parallel with the bed of the machine. Adjustments. ‘The in-feeding upper rolls are adjustable independently by a crank. The delivery upper roll and pressure plate over the under head are set at one operation, saving considerable time over the usual method of adjusting each independently. The long guide is moved and locked by a single device in combination with the right hand side head. Cutter Heads. The upper and lower heads are four-sided, slotted on two sides. A patented device to prevent lateral motion of the heads is supplied. It works very satisfactorily and is useful when bead- ing is to be done. Every Part or Piece of the machine has a number cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number of the machine and the number on the part wanted, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or by mail. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Top Cylinder Belts, each 19 feet 8 inches long, 5 inches wide. One Under Cylinder Belt, 19 feet 2 inches long, 5 inches wide. Two Matcher Belts, 20 feet 10 inches long, 3 inches wide. One Feed Belt, 18 feet long, 3 inches wide. ear 1; Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig, 154 —To Work Four Sides, 20 8 un... ceessscecesee eesceteseersnesssenean cneeeee 14x8 900 9,500 Hatred. Fig. 154 A—To Work Four Sides, 14 8 oo... cece cecececs eter cteceee ceenstse nemnensnem 14x8 900 8,200 Haunter. "8 X 8z ‘Soplg Ino wo pue ‘g x OF ‘sapig OMY, UO doRJANG [[IM duTYySeUT SIL, 5 | ii ‘I9ZIS Poot Joyjoy Woed ‘F “ON SOD AHHLOAG Y LAOH “SS1 -314 “uOINdLIDSaq 10} 93eq 931Is0ddQ 99S 2@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE @Q:22 Fig. 155. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 4, Patent Roller Feed Sizer. E illustrate on the opposite page our No. 4 Six Roll Sizer. It will dress on one or both sides and one edge, two strips from 34 square to 12 x 8 inches, at the same time; or one strip on four sides from 34 x 2 to 28 x 8 inches. Ordinary flooring and ceiling, also double surfacing up to 8 x 30 inches, may be done on this machine. The Two First Top Rolls are each divided into two sections, and so arranged internally that although placed on a straight shaft, they have the same power to feed as a solid roll, whether used separate or together, and each section will yield independently, consequently will feed two boards of greatly varying thicknesses at the same time with perfect pressure on both. Rolls are 9% inches in diameter. The Cylinders are made of steel: Journals are 2% inches diameter, and have extra long bearings. Pulleys on upper cylinder are double flanged, and are close to the boxes. Knives are interchangeable on upper and lower cylinders. The Lower Cylinder Boxes are three in number, and yoked together ; are adjustable for more or less cut. The outer box is next the pulley, and has special take-up arrangement, should it wear faster than the others. ‘The pressure bars may be simply lifted out for convenience in setting knives, and replaced without requiring adjustment. The Upper Cylinder is double locked; has divided chip-breaker and pressure rolls. . The bed under- neath is of steel, and may be easily removed for re-dressing, should it ever become necessary. The matcher stocks are similarly arranged. The Side Spindle supports or matcher stocks are suspended from the horn bed, and may be each sep- arately and positively locked. They carry upper or third bearings, that support the 8-inch side-heads. We use counter balanced binders for upper cylinder belts (which should be endless), thus making these machines the strongest belted of any on the market. Has four rates of feed, 4o, 60, 80 and 100 lineal feet per minute. We furnish with each No. 4 Sizer the knives on the cylinders, one pair 8-inch side-heads and knives, one pair Shimer flooring heads, one pair three-wing gun metal heads, with one set each 2-inch matcher bits, 2-inch jointer bits, and 1-inch jointer bits, and all necessary wrenches. BELTING REQUIRED. For Upper Cylinder (two endless belts), 21 feet 7% inches, 6 inches wide. For Lower Cylinder, 26 feet of 6-inch. For Side Heads, 47 feet 2 inches of 5-inch. For Feed, 18 feet 10 inches, 4 inches wide. SIZE. T. and LL. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 155 —As a Sizer, Four Gidiessa 2 5) Se teehee citi aeot ager LO X10 900 to 1,000 12,000 Hazard. Fig.©155 A—To Double Surface, 30 X 8..-ectnceceescccsnceectin eee 16% 10 900 to 1,000 12,000 Heap. ‘g x 61 03 dn 1 x b wosy sapig nog uo pue ‘g x 61 ‘sapig OM], UO SLANG [IM ouryoeur sty yf, TO ‘AOZIS PUB JZDBIING pod JIJOY JWUIIVYG ‘¢ ‘ON S09 YFHLOYT ¥Y LAOH "OSI *S1-4 "UOINdIIDSs9q JO} a3eq 3}Isoddg 90S -@\MERICAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MIACHINE'GO2* Fig. 156. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 3, Patent Roller Feed SRIACCT and Sizer. HE engraving on opposite page represents our No. 3 Perfect and Powerful Surfacer and Sizer, for surfacing one side and jointing one edge of one piece of lumber only at a time. The machine will surface 19 inches wide and 8 inches thick, or will size from 4x1 up to 19 x8. The Cylinder is made of steel, and is slotted on two sides. The Spindles are 214 inches in diameter, with long bearings. The Side Head is slotted on four sides. The driving pulleys on the cylinder are 6 inches in diameter. A peculiar feature of this machine is the swinging belt tightener to the belts on the cylinder. The Main Guide is adjustable, and under complete control of the operator. It is moved to or from the side head by the hand wheel shown at the feeding-in end of machine. We combine on this machine, in the detail of its manufacture, all of the special features of our New Series Improved Planers and Matchers, using, as far as is practicable, the sane designs and patterns, but in all things having direct reference to the class of work it has to do. Where great strain comes, there great strength and weight is added. The Pony Roll and chip-break to main cylinder are the same as used on New Series Improved Planers and Matchers, and are just as perfect as can be made. The chip-break to side head has 8-inch face. ‘The side head has a top bearing to the spindle, and there is no vibration, let the cut be what it may. We send with each machine full set of knives on cylinder and side head, and all necessary wrenches. The machine discharges on four feeds, namely, 40, 60, 80 and 100 lineal feet per minute. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Endless Belts for Top Cylinder, 21 feet 8 inches, 6 inches wide. One Belt for Side Head, 23 feet 8 inches, 6 inches wide. One Belt for Feed, 18 feet ro inches, 4 inches wide. Te atids 1. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 156 —As a Sizer, Four SCOTS NG hee fe ea ee eo ee 14 x 10 1,000 10,000 Heavily. Fig. 156 A—As a Double Surfacer, 19 X 8.2.0... cece ceeseeecsee escent cneeeteete 14x 10 1,000 10,000 Hegira. NTRS -@AMERIGAN \AWOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:92. LL SR TT in n S o ww = = RS © rw By) te Sa Ss = This machine is built as a Sizer, Three Sides, 24 x 12. No. 1, Chain Feed Surfacing and Sizing Machine. WN “AN | SS See Opposite Page for Description. -@A\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING [M{ACHINE GO Fig. 157; HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 1, Chain Feed Surfacer and Sizing Machine. ‘ ‘HE engraving on opposite page represents our No. 1 Surfacer and Timber Sizing Machine, which we briefly describe as follows: The Cylinder is 32 inches long and of forged steel. The Spindles are 214 inches in diameter. The Cylinder Boxes are 12 inches long, and are yoked together on a heavy plate of iron, nearly 18 inches deep, and this is gibed on to the horns at each end with gibs 18 inches long. This insures per- fection in adjustment to thickness. To this plate or head are attached the broken rolls and chip-breaks. The bar to which is attached this broken roll, etc., is hinged at one end, and may be opened (like a gate) giving free access to the head for setting or sharpening the knives. The Two Side Heads are 12 inches high, and are slotted on four sides. They are steel, and the spindles are drawn out from the body of the forging, making head and spindles solid. Spindles 134 inches diameter. ‘here is a top or third box to the side heads, and a perfect 12-inch chip-break. These side heads are moved in and out the same as on a planer and matcher. The Chain runs on four steel laid bed pieces, 4-inch face, and has bearings lined with anti-friction metal. It is connected with our new style double steel link and %-inch rivets. These links are drilled— not punched, as is usual. We use a double sprocket gear. It has compound feed gear and double pulley weighted belt tightener. It has a pair of heavy feeding-out rolls, strongly geared. The upper one is connected by shaft and mitre gear with the cylinder yoke, and is adjusted simultaneously. It can be changed in thickness and width as well when in motion as when idle. In width it is as quickly adjusted as a gang edger. It has three changes of feed, namely, 60, 80 and roo lineal feet per minute. It will dress from 7% to 12 inches thick. Will Surface one side and one edge of two pieces at the same time, from 4x1 to 12 x 12, or the guides may be moved over and dress one side and one edge up to 24 x 12. It is belted entirely from the tail end of the machine, and yet the runner or operator has perfect con- trol of all adjustments and motion. When used for sizing two pieces at the same time, each piece may be run in the center of the broken or divided rolls. This gives full surface bearing on the lumber and equalizes the pressure. It will care for all the piece stuff of a saw mill having 150,000 capacity per day of ten hours. BELTING REQUIRED. Top Cylinder, 52 feet 2 inches, 6 inches wide. Side Heads, 40 feet 2 inches, 6 inches wide. Feed, 24 feet 9 inches, 4 inches wide. ie and, 1; Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Beet g AS A LOL, 6 PETCE? SEES PAO AD oc reracavensey lmerenaonnsenctsece ce sxenentlavaen We\o-calys 1,000 17,000 Helical. tee 158. Fig. See Opposite Page for Description. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 2, Endless Bed Sizer. ry Fw 1 )\ eg hes = = — = —LSSSS SHH!» tgpgp3zg7 — = - -& ==> ms) f TT, th CN ae F TTT OO Sw f b bala) This machine is built in two sizes, 24 x 8 and 24 x 12, and will Double Surface 30 x 14. e@\MERIGCAN \AVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE G02 Fig. 158. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 2, Endless Bed Sizer. HE cut on the opposite page represents our Endless Bed Double Cylinder Surfacer and Sizer, sur- facing 30 inches wide and from 3g to 14 inches thick. It has two side heads, slotted on four sides, and carrying 8 or 12-inch knives, as ordered. It will surface one or both sides and joint one edge of two pieces, at the same time, from 4 x1 to 12x 8 or 12x 12. ‘Two stock boards may be surfaced at same time without removing the center guide. When desired, the guide may be quickly removed. The Cylinders are made of forged steel. The Side Heads are made in same manner as cylinders, and are slotted on all four sides. They are supported by a third or top box, and there can be no tremble or vibration in the heads, let the cut be ever so heavy. ‘The spindles run on a bronze step, in oil chambers, and never heat. The chip-breakers to the side heads are laid with steel in 2-inch sections, and, as the greater portion of sizing is 2-inch, the lower section can be replaced when worn without removing the upper section. The Chain runs on three steel-laid bed pieces. The lags have patent anti-friction bearings, and are connected at each end with two steel links, each 9-16 inches thick, placed together between the lugs and connected with %-inch rivets. These links are drilled, not punched, and have a perfect bearing on the rivet. The rivet is headed down on the lug instead of the link, and there is nothing overhung as in the old way. Double sprocket gear is used, and this, with gearing for feed compounded on both sides of the machine, makes it run exceedingly strong and consume light power. This Machine is built with the divided or broken rolls, 54 inches in diameter (allowing easy entrance of the lumber), and modern chip-breakers lying near the cylinder, so connected with the large rolls as to be governed by them, and yet having the required pressure. The rolls and chip-breaks have independent oscillation and independent pressure—that is, they follow the surface of the lumber even if thick on one edge and thin on the other. These rolls and their operative mechanism are easily swung away or opened like a gate, giving access to the cylinder for setting or sharpening knives. There are two pony rolls behind the cylinder, making three rolls and the chip-break to hold the lumber down on the chain. The Pressure Bed over the under cylinder is carried with the top cylinder, and consequently is always in line. It has its separate adjustment, and is hinged or made to turn back out of the way when setting or sharpening the knives. The Machine is belted, as shown in engraving, entirely from the rear end, and has great belt power. The top cylinder is belted close to the boxes, and thus avoids danger of springing the spindles with the heaviest cut. Special attention is called to the belts to side heads. They run over a carrier and in a nearly horizontal position, giving great surface bearing on the pulleys, besides running free from shavings and dirt on the floor. With each order is sent a blue print, giving all necessary information regarding setting of machine and counter-shaft ; a full set of wrenches, and the knives on all cylinders. Feed : 40, 60 and 80 lineal feet per minute for machine with 8-inch side heads; 20, 30, 40, 60 and 80 for machine with 12-inch side heads. BELTING REQUIRED. Top Cylinder, 52 feet of 6-inch. Side Heads, 37 feet 9 inches of 6-inch. Bottom Cylinder, 21 feet 3 inches of 5-inch. Feed, 24 feet 2 inches of 4-inch. Feed, for machine with 12-inch heads, 36 feet 2 inches of 4-inch, and 16 feet of 5-inch. T. and L. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Maret DS iy Sh POI POUL SCleB, OO) 12) Pyke ake deheecue se ae Weeden eues 16 x 10 1,000 10,500 Hempen. (and will Double Surface 30x 14.) Beet obtA ASL AY OIZCL se OUP. SIGES BU) Bei sar. oc gibo. wckrasesdnsiiecon Wedoecetatinc ees 16 x 10 OOO ras 10,500 Herbage. (and will Double Surface 30 x 14.) -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING [MACHINE @0:9 The former four-sided machine will Double Surface 26 x 14 inches, © ”n a4 LL) = s ee nee ty . & + a epee aa Cc) s © 7, Patented March 12, 1881, August 26, 1884, October 12, 1886. Endless Bed Double Surfacer, with Jointer Heads Attached. We build this machine as a Double Surfacer in two sizes, working 26 inches and 30 inches wide, up to 14 inches thick; and as a | ea Four-Side Machine in two sizes, working 22 x 8 and 26 x 8 inches. and the latter 30 x 14 inches. } See Opposite Page for Description. 180 <@NMERIGAN \AWOOD-\WORKING [M{ACHINE @O:92 Fig. 1590 B. GOODELL & WATERS’ Endless Bed Double Surfacer. HE engraving on the opposite page represents the Philadelphia Endless Bed Double Surfacer and Jointer. This machine is also built as a Double Surfacer only. The Double Surfacer is built in two sizes to double surface 26 inches and 30 inches wide, both up to 14 inches thick. The same machine with jointer heads attached is built in two sizes to double surface 26 inches and 30 inches wide, up to 14 inches thick. The 26-inch Machine with center guide will work two courses at one operation on both sides, and one edge from 1 inch to 8 inches thick, and from 3 inches to 11% inches wide. The 30-inch Machine will work two courses of the same thickness as the 26-inch, and from 3 inches to 13% inches wide. ‘The 26-inch machine, without center guide, will work four sides from 1 inch to 8 inches thick and from 3 inches to 22 inches wide. The 30-inch will work four sides of the same thickness and 26 inches wide. These Machines do their work, both heavy and light, equally well throughout the whole range, planing common boards and large timbers without change except in thickness. These Machines are perfect in general construction, in the device for planing unevenly sawed lumber ; convenience of access to both upper and under heads ; and speed, accuracy and ease with which changes in thickness can be made. ‘The patent sectional rolls and pressure bars will hold down and feed equally well two courses of unevenly sawed lumber. ‘The improved sectional hinged pressure bars can be set close to the knives, working nearly on a radius with them, and can be swung clear over and away from them while filing or setting. ‘Ihe pressure bar over the under cutter-head can be turned away, permitting easy access to the knives. The Handles working the devices for raising and lowering the bed, both by hand and power are at the top of the machine and near the scale for indicating the thickness. The ways on which the lag-bed travels have automatic oilers and scrapers. The Four-Sided Machine will surface on two sides up to 14 inches thick, the full width of the machine without removing the jointer heads. The Jointer Heads are run by an independent countershaft placed at the out-feeding end of machine, and should be 6 feet from the spindles. The main countershaft should be set 6 feet from center of top cylinder on the floor line. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Upper Cylinder Belts, 16 feet 10 inches long, 5 inches wide. One Lower Cylinder Belt, 20 feet 10 inches long, 5 inches wide. One Feed Belt, 20 feet 8 inches long, 3% inches wide. T'wo Raising Belts, 11 feet 1 inch long, 2% inches wide. Add for the Four-Side Machine. T'wo Side Head Belts, each 15 feet long, 4 inches wide. dip tc hekol Gi w Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 159 —Double Surfacer and Jointer, 30 inches wide... J. 12 x 18 900 7,500 Heresy. Bue 1o9A== | i 7 * 26 ae 7 a eeedian WOR eer ae Ae 12x 18 900 7,000 Heretic. Fig. 159 B—Double Surfacer, 30 x 14 inches............... CSE Ae weg ae eee 12 x 18 900 6,000 Hereoic. Migs 159 C— i Ade SRE Bie Nig VEN Meni peer cease Bly te eee eee 12 x 18 900 5,500 Hermit. Fig. 160. See Opposite Page for Description. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 5, Patent Double Chain Feed Surfacer. \ YF | ih im ¢, | ait - HN .— = —$—= = —>S- ——— HA ~~ 1382 We build this machine to dress 26 inches wide and from 3% to 8 inches thick. -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @O:2> Fig. 160. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 5, Patent Double Chain Feed Surfacer. ale accompanying engraving shows our No. 5 Endless Bed Surfacer. The main features of this Surfacer are great simplicity in construction, more than ordinary strength and capacity, and perfect results in its work. It is made to dress 26 inches wide and from % to 8 inches thick. Has three changes of feed, namely, 40, 60 and 8o lineal feet per minute. The feed pulleys are of our shell pattern, such as we use on all of our machines, and requires but one standard feed belt, the slack being taken up by our weighted belt tightener, as shown in the large engraving. The Table is supported on four,screws, 136 inches diameter, and is guided by planed ways at or near each supporting screw. The worm nuts and gear for raising and lowering the table—all connected and operated by hand or power, as may be desired—have the merit of being very large and strong, and should last out the life of the machine. The Divided or Broken Roll on this Surfacer has connected with it a chip-breaker of superior pattern. The spring giving pressure to the rolls is very long, with ends resting on an equalizing bar, laying between the spring and rolls, and with this long spring and equalizing bar we are enabled to give a lift of 1% inches above the cut of cylinder. The Design of the sides to the Surfacer will commend themselves, in this, that they are cut away at the rear end, leaving the under cylinder and attachments all clear, and more easy of access when setting or sharpening the knives, than the upper cylinder of this or any other machine on the market. The Boxes to lower cylinder are yoked together, and are placed between the supports to the table, not outside, as is common to many double surfacers. ‘This method of building entirely obviates the vibra- tion or tremble of cylinder. ‘The bars beside the under cylinder are of new pattern, and are supported at each end on springs. ‘here are no nuts or bolts to loosen in taking out or replacing these bars. The Cylinders are made of hammered steel, with spindles or arbors 2% inches diameter and 10-inch bearings. Knives are interchangeable on top and bottom cylinders. We specially commend the chain. It is connected with steel links and % inch steel rivets, and our method in this connection commands universal approval. We use the double sprocket gear. The bearings have our patent anti-friction metal linings. This gives protection from excessive wear, and prevents cutting, as is the case where iron runs on iron or steel. The chain runs on steel laid bed pieces. BELTING REQUIRED. 41 feet 4 inches, 5 inches wide. 20 feet 6 inches, 3. inches wide. 25 feet, 4 inches wide. 27 feet 3 inches, 244 inches wide. T. and L, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute, Weight. Code Word. Fig. 160—To Double Surface 26 X 8.00.0... .:ccccecseeseceseieeeeneeeeeceteees pee EE 14x8 850 5,800 Higgler. 183 -@AMERICAN \WOOD-\NWORKING MACHINE @@:22 R | vi nN fo) Y x aa) De gas co & ‘yo ne 4 at, ize 6 a= > © am We build this machine to dress 26 inches wide and from 34 to 12 inches thick. No. 4, Patent Double Cylinder Chain Feed Surfacer. See Opposite Page for Description. 184 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE Goa» Fig. 161. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 4, Patent Double Cylinder Chain Feed Surfacer. HIS Surfacer has some special features that should sharply commend it to the trade. It is made to dress 26 inches wide and from 3 to 12 inches thick. Has two changes of feed, namely 60 and 80 lineal feet per minute, and is easily and quickly changed, using but one standard feed belt. The binder or tightener lever, with double pulleys for the feed, is attached to the table, and raises and lowers with it. There is a floor stand with idle pulley (not shown in engraving) that stands on the right hand of machine, to be used in taking up the slack of belt to under cylinder, when dressing lumber 3 inches thick and over. The Table has its support on four screws, 136 inches diameter, connected by shafts, miter gear, worm gear and nuts, all operated by hand, or by the power attachment for adjustment, as shown at the front or receiving end of machine. This is governed by the hand lever shown on top and at rear end of machine, where is placed the index. The Surfacer is built with our broken or divided roller and sectional chip-breaker, and there is no better made. ‘These rollers have a lift of 1% inches, that is they will take in lumber up to 2% inches thick when set for 1 inch. ‘There are two pony rolls behind the top cylinder, each provided with steel scrapers. The Bed over the under cylinder is hinged on swivel bolts, and is turned back like a chest lid, when setting or sharpening knives. | When using the upper cylinder only, this plate may be raised with the hand-wheel on top of bed. Our Cylinders are made of hammered steel, and carry four knives. ‘The spindles are 2% inches diameter, Knives are interchangeable on top and bottom cylinders. The Chain is a special feature. It is connected by steel links (holes drilled, not punched, as is usual with chain links), and steel rivets. Has bearings containing anti-friction metal which gives freedom from the usual cutting, and consequently long life. We use double instead of single sprocket gear. The Under Cylinder Boxes are yoked together, and are adjustable vertically. The bars beside the under cylinder rest (each end) on coil springs — holding the lumber firmly up against the bed, pre- venting chatter and largely reducing friction. There are no nuts or bolts to loosen in taking out these bars, and when replaced the machine is ready for work without further adjustment. Notice our compound feed gear on right hand side of machine. This Surfacer has a possible capacity of 96,000 feet stock boards, dressed on one or two sides, in ten hours, and has the strength to stand up under any class of work to its entire limit. BELTING REQUIRED. 41 feet 4 inches, 5 inches wide; 44 feet 3 inches, 3 inches wide; 25 feet, 4 inches wide. Tt. and I,, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute, Weight. Code Word. Fig. 161—To Double Surface 26 x 12.0 eeeeeeee Pere T ote eee” Paha: Seek Severs 14x8 850 6, 300 Hillock. 185 -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:9> N a4 aa = < ih as 2 Oe) A oe, wl =i LL) aC S S S) 26-Inch Endless Bed Single Surfacer. We build two sizes, to Surface 26 and 30 inches wide, both working 10 inches thick. See Opposite Page for Description. 186 -@ AMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE GOO” Fig. 162. GOODELL & WATERS’ 26-Inch Endless Bed Single Surfacer. Patented March 22, 1881. HIS is a very powerful light running machine, built from mew patterns and represents the latest ideas in machines of its type. It is built in two sizes, working 26 and 30 inches wide, both up to 10 inches thick. This Single Surfacer is intended for timber dressing and the heaviest grades of surfacing. All Parts of the machine are made strong and durable for this kind of work. It will do as good work as roll feed planers of like weight and capacity. We wish to call especial attention to the patent sectional feed rolls, the simplest and most perfect device for feeding two courses of unevenly sawed lumber. Changes in Thickness can be made by raising or lowering the bed either by hand or power while the machine is running. ‘The ways on which the lag bed travels are carefully prepared and have auto- matic oiling device and scrapers. The Lags are all carefully joined by a new system of links and rivets. This is an important part of a machine of this type, and much depends upon the smooth running of the bed in order to do good work. If the bed does not run with ease it is likely to cause a wavy surface on the lumber. These Machines are arranged to feed at any rate of speed desired, and customers desiring a specially fast feed should make that fact known when placing order. The Cutter Head is made of a solid steel forging, carries three knives and is belted at both ends. The Feed is under perfect control of the operator. All Adjustments are within convenient reach and may be quickly made. The counter-shaft may be placed on the floor or ceiling, whichever is more convenient. BELTING REQUIRED. One Feed Belt, 14 feet long, 3 inches wide. One Feed Belt, ro feet 6 inches long, 2 inches wide. T. and L,. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. meei62- —10 Single Surface 30 inches wide... cciesieceetennees 128 900 4,500 History. His, 162 A—To Single Surface 26 inches wide......o..02... 1 ls.csec ce ecendes snes haapate 1IZsc8 900 4,000 Hobnail. ie e@AMERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @0:9% Fig. 163. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 6, Single Cylinder Endless Bed Surfacer. pa AA a on & mM eS J 4 , Bhan eh ; 7 ll ¥4 we ‘“N . COW i je Ze =~ HIS Surfacer is made as far as possible from the same patterns as our No. 5 Double Surfacer, page 182, and has all of its simplicity, strength and capacity. It will surface from 36 to 8 inches thick, and 26 inches wide. Has three changes of feed, namely: 40, 60 and 80 lineal feet per minute. The feed pulleys are of our shell pattern, such as we use on all our machines, and require but one standard feed belt, the slack being taken up by the weighted belt tightener. The Table is supported on four screws, 134 inches diameter, and is guided by planed ways at or near each supporting screw. The worm nuts and gear for raising or lowering the table —all connected and operated by hand or power, as may be desired — have the merit of being very large and strong, and should last the life of the machine. The Divided or Broken Roll on this Surfacer has connected with it a chip-break of superior pattern. The spring giving pressure to the rolls is very long, with ends resting on an equalizing bar laying between the spring and rolls, and with this long spring and equalizing bar we are enabled to give a lift of 1% inches above the cut of cylinder. Mill men know the importance of this in dressing unevenly sawed lumber. The Cylinder is made of hammered steel, and is finished 4%4 x 4%, with spindles or arbors 2% inches diameter and 10-inch bearings. ‘The arbors are drawn out from the body of the forging, leaving head and arbors in one solid piece. Belting Required : 41 feet 4 inches, 5 inches wide; 20 feet 6 inches, 3 inches wide: 27 feet 3 inches, 2% inches wide. Tanda: Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 163—To Single Surface 26x 8... eee ae eer OR 3 14x8 850 4,700 Hollow. -@AMERICAN \AVOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @O:2» Fig. 164. GOODELL & WATERS’ 24-Inch Endless Bed Single Surfacer. HIS is a light running, strong machine, well suited for mills where larger machines are also in use, IE and for small mills where it would not be economical to use heavy machines when this one would answer. It will Surface on one side 24 inches wide up to 5 inches thick. ‘The counter-shaft may be placed on the floor or ceiling. The Adjustments are few and easily made. The Bed is Raised and Lowered by a crank at the feeding-in end, and may be done while the ma-— chine is in operation. The Feed is controlled by a tightener, the handle of which is within convenient reach of the operator. The Cylinder is forged steel, three-sided, and belted at both ends. Belting Required: one feed belt, 8 feet long, 114 inches wide; one feed belt, 10 feet 7 inches long, 3 inches wide. T. and L. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 164—To Single Surface 24 inches wide up to 8 ICES, CHICKS eos ceeeees eek 950 2,600 Homage. 189 “CAMERICAN VWOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE COO» a xo) mM uo) O oO Ay 7 a sed joa e = E eg GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S 24 inches wide ;. 8 inches hoist : No. 1, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. See Opposite Page for Description. V0) ~@A\MERIGAN \WWOOD-\WWORKING [MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 165. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 1, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. HE cut on opposite page illustrates our No. 1, 24-inch Fast Feed Planing and Matching Machine. ae It works lumber from 1% inch up to 8 inches thick, and from 2 inches wide up to 24 inches wide on all four sides in one operation. It has eight feed rolls, geared by expansion at both ends. It is a powerful fast running machine, easily set up with patent parallel hoisting device to the roll and with each roll raised by a single screw, dispensing with the usual arrangement of beveled gears and shaft. The Expansion Gear Shafts revolve in boxes, which is a decided improvement over running the ex- pansion gears on stationary studs or shafts, and these parts can be oiled while the machine is in operation. The cutter-head boxes, both top and bottom, are yoked together, which prevents the boxes from getting out of line. The yoke and top cylinder, with its boxes, chip-breaker, presser-bar, etc., may be removed without in any way disturbing the bed or any other part of the machine. The Presser-Bar or chip-breaker before the cut to the top cutter head is adjustable, close to or away from the cutting circle, upon a bar supported by radial arms free to raise and lower to different thicknesses of lumber. ‘The bar after the cut of the top cutter-head and those on each side of the under cutter-head, are supported in housings cast solidly together and made adjustable to and from the cutting circle of the head to permit the use of moulding, beading or rabbetting cutters. The Top and Bottom Cutter-Heads on all our machines are made of hard steel forged to size. The jour- nals are drawn or forged out from the body of the head, producing the most perfect journal that can be made. The Cutter-Head Pulleys are large in diameter and are carefully fitted to a true taper, and held there by a nut, which method avoids all chance of straining the spindle, or throwing the head out of balance. All the shafting is of steel. Every part or piece of the machine has a number cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or letter. All shafts and fittings, including bolts, screws and nuts, are finished to United States Standard sizes. SIZE. T. and L,. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. BEI AO esau eee wena ncn ner sper ena even en one ctenaactessvanne 14x8 960 11,500 Hood. Get -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE G0: MMMM AOD TTT u TMT ITS UTM TAT Six Feed Rolls. 160. Fig. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S 24 inches wide; 8 inches hoist ; No. 3, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. See Opposite Page for Description. es Be 2@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE QO: Fig. 166. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 3, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. HE cut on opposite page illustrates our No. 3, 24-inch, Planing and Matching Machine, weighing 10,200 pounds. It works lumber from 4 inch up to 8 inches thick, and from 2 inches wide up to 24 inches wide, on all four sides, at one operation. It has six feed rolls, powerfully geared. By our simple and effective Patent Parallel Hoisting Device, the rolls are made to bear squarely across the face of the lumber, whether it be wide or narrow, giving them great traction power and insuring perfectly straight running. Our Patented method of Revolving the Expansion Gear Shafts in Boxes, obviates the necessity of stopping the machine to oil these parts. The cutter head boxes, both top and bottom, are yoked together, which prevents the box from getting out of line and cramping the journals. The yoke and top cylinder, with its boxes, chip-breakers, pressure bar, etc., may be removed without in any way disturbing the bed or any other part of the machine. The platen plate under the cut of the top cutter head is secured to the cutter head bed by bolts from underneath the bed. Should the platen wear after long and hard running, it may be removed by loosening these bolts, planed up at a machine shop and replaced. The Pressure Bar or chip-breakers, before the cut to the top cutter head, is adjustable close to or away from the cutting circle, upon a bar supported by radial arms, free to rise and lower to different thicknesses of lumber. ‘The bar after the cut of the top cutter head is made adjustable to and from the cutting circle of the head, to permit the use of moulding, beading or rabbetting cutters. The Cutter Head journals are long and large in diameter, and run in improved self-oiling boxes. The cutter head pulleys are large in diameter, and are not put on with keys or set screws, but are carefully fitted to a true taper and held there by a nut, which method avoids all chance of straining the spindle or throwing the head out of balance. The Patented Weighted Chip-Breaker is held up to its work by a weight, and is so arranged that a steady and even pressure is always maintained. The arm does not travel on or above the surface of the matcher plate, but is pivoted below it, and rises only to a level with it, and cannot gum up or be clogged with shavings, and will always perform its proper work. The Side Heads, when set, are firmly secured in place by means of our gripping device, and no amount of pressure from the edge of the board can force them back. Above each matcher plate our adjustable pressure shoe, extending past the cut of the side head, presses upon the board at its edges only, holding it firmly down on the matcher plates, thus compelling a per- fectly straight cut by the side heads, and always in the right place. The board is held firmly at its edges where the cutting is to be done. All the shafting is of steel. Every part or piece of the machine has a number or letter cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number or letter, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or letter. All shafts and fittings, including bolts, screws and nuts, are finished to United States Standard Sizes. SIZE. T. and I. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 166—24 X 8..0......cesccessstences sceneeeneesseeseses sesnenaseaarsncenenences 14x 8 960 10, 200 Hopper. op-\ «@AMERIGAN \A/O S194] 8 ‘puxy UO [JOY IO tepul[AD I9y}e YWM ‘9 x 6 ‘gx oI ‘9 XSI :sazIS eo1Y | Ul ING “MOIA Avda pue SIOUR[G ¢ PUP | ‘SON S09 ¥ SAHDOdA “A “Dd ‘gor pue Lol ‘ssI-4 “UOIdIIDS9qg JO} 93Rq 93ISOddGQ 909 H Hoo. SiO 194 -@AMERICAN \AWVOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @o:2° Figs. 167 and 168. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Nos. 1 and 3 Planers and Matchers. HE Rogers Planers and Matchers are all built on one general line of construction and detail, varying only in size and proportion as well as in difference of position of lower heads, feeding out rolls and so forth, each machine being distinct and complete in itself and designated by numbers, as shown. The Frames of these machines are all low and below the lowest level of the rolls and cylinders, making all working parts of the machine very easily accessible and permitting the completion of each section of the machine independent of the rest, insuring perfect construction and alignment. Frames are heavy and well ribbed, making an excellent support for cylinder bed plates, roll posts, etc. The top cylinder bed plate and support for the cylinder is very heavy and substantial, boxes carrying the cylinder are 10% inches long, yoked together across the machine and sustain the pressure bar and bonnet chip-breaker, both of which are adjust- able to and from the cut to variation of projection. Lower cylinder boxes are same as the upper and connected in yoke form attached to angle plates which in turn are attached to the frame. Adjustment of the cylinder is obtained through adjusting screws with check nuts. Cylinder can be raised or lowered at both ends, or either end, independent of the other. Pressure bar arranged to swing up from either side and the bars are both adjustable, and can be completely removed when desired, to allow of easy access to lower cylinder. The Side Spindles are large, run in heavy yoked babbitted boxes with special device for supporting and lubricating the lower end of the spindle. ‘These yokes are supported on heavy flat cross bars and have very large bearing at upper end, adjusted by means of screws and nut. The nut being removable so that when worn to show back lash it can be readily replaced. ‘The yoke is held in position on the bar, by means of two loose gibs and can be clamped in position by means of large hand wheel at the back. Side head has weighted chip-breaker swinging in circle with the cut. The Feed on this machine is exceptionally strong and so arranged that cramping of the roll gears or boxes is impossible. We use a very heavy train of gears and our patented device for connecting the upper roll, which does away with all of the short studs and links used in the old style expansion. The only link in this device is the one connecting the top and first roll shaft boxes, this gear shaft box being the only one that is not fast in the frame. ‘This is held in planed ways and has a movement of about 14 inches. The rolls are raised, lowered and weighted on one side only, weights being outside of the frame and easily operated, leaving the inside of the frame entirely unobstructed. The feed is stopped and started by means of tight and loose pulleys and shifter. A range of feed can be provided from 25 to 110 feet per minute. The Regular Four Head Machines built in several sizes, as shown below and with six feed rolls, cylinder on the feeding out end or roll on the feeding out end as desired, are illustrated on the opposite page and clearly defined by numbers given below. The machines numbered 1, have cylinders on the end; machines numbered 3, have feed rollson the end. In every other respect they are alike. These machines are both made to work the following sizes: 15 x 6, 10 x 6 and g x 6, and designated by numbers given below. T. and L. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. PPMLG FeO, Mi yliticler Oar Ek) TSG ao oign ntcnceeeenscicdenny acceneetert peeessnss 16x 8 900 12,000 Horde. Fig. 167 A—No. 1, ty se JX Oise See eee ee oe ee O'S 900 11,500 Horizon. Fig. 167 B—No. 1, a ye a DEO ree ate at ONE pi Na aa 16x 8 900 11,200 Hornbug. Peerdos) NO) 3, Rolbson Bind, 5) Ge pits ad ntact ko Peete peer: 16x 8 900 12,000 Hornet. Es eee Oye eee ate” Me LER sacs Beco ak eee eeageencgs ad esha nau rsa Pannucnh 16x 8 900 11,500 Hornless. Fig. 168 B—No. 3 May pea EG Cee tee RE ete Ban toe, Seas a OREN 900 11,200 Horrific. ea) a) © O Ea Z $ ay 2 g ‘STIOW, oA 9 x.Ve “Oo “ON S]TOy. xis “O.x'SIopne ok 72S “ON “i sazic 04 ul zINg ‘SIOYOIVY PUB sJOUR]TG ‘9 PUB ¢ ‘SON SOD ¥ SYHDOU “A “OD ‘oL1 pue O91 *SSI4 *UOINdIIDSOG 10} 93eq 9}IsOddQ 90S 196 -@AMERIGAN \AVOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE Go: Figs. 169 and 170. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Nos. 5 and 6, Planers and Matchers. HE FRAMES of these machines are all low and below the lowest level of the rolls and cylinders, aR making all working parts of the machine very easily accessible and permitting completion of each section of the machine independent of the rest, insuring perfect construction and alignment. Frames are heavy and well ribbed, making an excellent support for cylinder bed plates, roll posts, etc. The top cylinder bed plate and support for the cylinder is very heavy and substantial; boxes carrying the cylinder are 10% inches long, yoked together across the machine, and sustain the pressure bar and bonnet chip-breaker, both of which, are adjustable to and from the cut to variation of projection. Lower cylinder boxes are same as the upper, and connected in yoke form attached to angle plates, which in turn are attached to the frame. Adjustment of the cylinder is obtained through adjusting screws with check nuts. Cylinder can be raised or lowered at both ends, or either end, independent of the other. Pressure bar arranged to swing up from either side, and the bars are both adjustable, and can be completely removed when desired, to allow of easy access to lower cylinder. The Side Spindles are large, run in heavy yoked babbitted boxes, with special device for supporting and lubricating the lower end of the spindle. ‘These yokes are supported on heavy flat cross bars and have very large bearing at upper end, adjusted by means of screw and nut. The nut being removable, so that when worn to show back lash, it can be readily replaced. The yoke is held in position on the bar by means of two loose gibs, and can be clamped in position by means of large hand wheel at the back. Side head has weighted chip-breaker swinging in circle with the cut. The Feed on this machine is exceptionally strong and so arranged that cramping of the roll gears or boxes is impossible. We use a very heavy train of gears, and our patented device for connecting the upper roll, which does away with all of the short studs and links used in the old style expansion. The only link in this device is the one connecting the top and first roll shaft boxes, this gear shaft box being the only one that is not fast in the frame. This is held in planed ways, and has a movement of about 14 inches. ‘The rolls are raised, lowered and weighted on one side only, weights being outside of the frame and easily operated, leaving the inside of the frame entirely unobstructed. The feed is stopped and started by means of tight and loose pulleys and shifter. A large range of feed provided for. These are regular four-head general jobbing planers, built in three sizes as shown below, with feed rolls on the end or cylinder on the end as may be desired. No. 5 is six-roll machine and No. 6 four-roll. To.and 1. Revs, per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 169 —No. 5, Six Roll, 24x 6.............. Saar eer ee, ee ne eee 14x8 1,000 7,200 Hosier. Fig. 169 A—No. 5, Six Roll, 15 X 6........ceseee cece cesses cee eeeecest tee setnites cetecteeeees 14x8 1,000 6,800 Hospice. Fig. 170 —No. 6, Four Roll, 24 X 6 2.2... ccsececccseessesecseeeees testes tennetnnae enenete 14x8 1,000 7,000 Hostage. -@AMERIGAN \VOOD-\WORKING NAACHINE @@.o+ L Vv = Yo 7 =e g te = 5g : oe a ; z Beets foc Sy aoe GL, = 5D jo) o oe) L Za . 3 —) . a Tol S Z. See Opposite Page for Description. “@A\MERIGAN \WWOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goo Fig. 171. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 5, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. ae. above cut illustrates our No. 5 Planing and Matching Machine. It weighs 8,900 pounds, and works lumber from Y inch to 6 inches thick, and from 2 inches to 24 inches wide on all four sides at one operation. It has all of our latest improvements, which consist in part of the following : Weighted Chipbreaker to side head. Opening End of Machine to get at under cutter-head. Parallel Hoist to Feed Rolls. Presser Shoes that hold edge of board down on Matcher Plate. Gripping Device to hold the matcher leg firmly in place when set. Means by which Matcher Plate can be adjusted. By our simple and effective Patent Parallel Hoisting Device, each roll is raised by a single screw, dis- pensing with the usual arrangement of beveled gears and shafts. The rolls are made to bear squarely across the face of the lumber, whether it be wide or narrow, giving them great traction power, and insuring perfectly straight running. The Cutter-Head Boxes, both top and bottom, are yoked together, which prevents them getting out of line and cramping the journals. The yoke and top cylinder, with its boxes, chipbreaker, presser bar, etc., may be removed without in any way disturbing the bed or any other part of the machine. The platen plate under the cut of the top cutter-head is secured to the cutter-head bed by bolts from underneath the bed. Should the platen wear after long and hard running. it may be removed by loosening these bolts, planed up at a machine shop, and replaced. By this device it is always easy to keep your bed plate level. The Top Cutter-Head is either raised or lowered % of aninch by each turn of the crank. The side heads are moved to or from the work ' of an inch by each turn of the crank. These exact measurements save time and trouble in setting up. The matcher plate should be kept level with the platen plate under the top head. In order that this can be done accurately and easily, that matcher bar is fastened in pockets, and these pockets are secured to the side of the frame by bolts, by loosening which the pocket bar and matcher leg can be raised up by means of one screw, until the matcher plate is level with the platen plate under the top cutter-head. This is a great improvement over the usual way of blocking them up with paper or tin. The Cutter-Heads are forged solid from hard steel. The journals are drawn out from the body of the head, and are integral with it. This makes the best cutter head in the world. The Cutter-Head Pulleys are large in diameter, giving great traction power to the belts. They are carefully fitted by a true taper and held there by a nut, which method avoids all chance of straining the spindle or throwing the head out of balance. All the shafting is of steel. Every part or piece of the machine has a number or letter cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number or letter, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or mail. All Shafts and fittings, including bolts, screws and nuts, are finished to United States standard sizes. We furnish with this machine four knives on top cutter-head, and 28 cutter-head bolts to fasten them. Two knives on bottom cutter-head and fourteen bolts to fasten them on. Four 6-inch jointer knives and 8 bolts to fasten them on. Six 2-inch jointer knives, six 1-inch and six 14-inch solid milled steel matcher bits. One pair of annealed steel mortised matcher heads, and one pair of steel jointer heads, slotted on all four sides. These jointer heads have our patent method of fastening to the side spindle, doing away with the old set screw. SIZE. T. and L. Pulleys. Revs, per Minute. Weight. Code Word. igthiy l= 04 x GF Ole ROllstie yy iin, 2 erate es 4x8 875 8,900 Hotly. 199 *JOIPI OT Ox29 “WUOIP] cl 918 *[eop] cl 94 8 aE) fe) fe) | ST 9} OT ‘osesnoy cI 93 8 *punoy ST 9} OT “*ploM 2poD *poimboy ‘d “H IBRIIAW ‘pasisag Us AA SUIQIeW |JOY-}4SIq Ue se Os|y 000°8 o0¢*s 009'8 000°6 OOT “6 008°6 WSOM ayeurrxorddy eve ere £62 £62 roe vor “‘JUIMTIINSBI]L o1qng OSL OSL OSZ OSZ OSZ OSL ‘ONAN dad ‘saay *sATINd 9so00’T pure YS, ‘SOZIS 9214] Ul ZING 3% o8 ” ” 25) y ” a JOY IM He ” ” ” yy ” ” ” SSUIG YOUl-pI—¥ ZLT atqnog youl-rI—q ZZ I[BUIS YOU-pZ—D ZLT atqnoq] youl-p7—q ZLT J[BUIS YOUI-97—Y ZLT S]]JOW Surpssy-uy peuotIIS YPM ‘iayoyePT pue AsoeJINS s[qnoq Yyour9gz7— ZLT “AZIS ‘sdoyvaig-diyd pue sjjoy Surpsaq-uy [eUuo!yseg YA “BI “Bi ‘BU “Bi ‘SI ‘Bi ‘JOYOJVW pue JovjIng sqnog pos4 pidey |[[oYy=xIC ,,uUBIqUIN]O4,, ‘ZL “BIA S00 HONVWAAH YY AD TMOU "uOINdLISS9q JO} 93¥q dIsOddQ 99S <@\MERIGAN \NWOOD-\A/ORKING {ACHINE @0:9% Fig. 172. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S “Columbian” Six-Roll Rapid Feed Double Surfacer and Matcher. With Sectional In-Feeding Rolls and Chip-Breakers. ‘HE cut illustrated on the opposite page represents our Improved New ‘‘ CoLUMBIAN”’ Extra Heavy Six-Roll Double Planer and Matcher, designed for surfacing and matching, where speed, strength and first-class work in large quantity are required; which, with the following description, should give the reader a very clear knowledge of the machine. The Frame is substantial and strong, has six legs distributed in the best proportion to give strength and rigidly support the working parts, thus avoiding all trembling and vibration, and producing uniformly smooth work under all conditions. The Matcher Headstocks are mounted on turned bars of large diameter, and arranged to take up all wear. ‘hey may be moved laterally in opposite directions to each side of the frame, so as to admit of surfacing the full width of the machine without dropping the headstocks or removing the heads. The Matcher Head Spindles are steel, of large diameter, and may be raised or lowered at the will of the operator, the lower end running on anti-friction steps, provided with large oil chambers, which can be kept filled with oil, thus providing standing oil for the spindles to run in and making it scarcely possible for them to heat. The Matcher Heads, which are the Shimer Patent, are fitted with adjustable chip-breakers and pres- sure shoes to hold the lumber in its proper place, and the piece being worked is forced against the long guide by means of the steel spring, adjustable by a hand-wheel convenient to the operator. These heads are also provided with hoods for fan connection, for carrying away the shavings. One or both heads may be moved at the same time, in the same direction, either from the side or the in-feeding end of the machine; thus, in running flooring, etc., when the knives on the top cylinder head become dull at one place, the side heads may be moved to a new place by simply turning one screw, which maintains the same relation between them, and the operation can be repeated. The long guide on the right, or grooved side of the machine, moves its entire length with the heads and needs no attention when adjusting for different widths of lumber. Both the upper and under cylinder are 61% inches in diameter, slotted on four sides, made of solid steel forgings, with the journals drawn from the body of the forging, and belted at both ends. The boxes carry- ing the top head, which are long and lined with genuine babbitt metal, are connected by a yoke running underneath the table, which admits of much more space about the head than the usual construction. The pressure bar and sectional chip-breaker are both adjustable to and from the knives, and can be set to suit plain knives or any kind of moulding knives, and be adjusted in one minute. The Under Cylinder Head is mounted in a heavy, rigid headstock, and raises and lowers for variation of cut by means of inclined planes from front or working side of the machine, which always keeps the head in line with the table. Either end of the head can be raised or lowered, however, by turning one bolt. The headstock is firmly secured by two screws, both easy of access. The table in front of the under head acts as a chip-breaker, and is adjustable to and from the head. The delivery table can be swung downward and pressure bar over the knives swung upward from either end, thus leaving the knives perfectly free. It has Six Feed Rolls, 614 inches in diameter, all driven by the best and strongest system of gearing known. Upper and lower rolls are connected at both ends by heavy expansion gears, all loose expansion gears being bushed with brass, making a durable and powerful feed. It is also supplied with a broken roll for running lumber of uneven thickness. This machine is constructed as simple as is consistent with good results, all complicated devices which are liable to get out of order and give trouble being avoided. It will plane and match up to 24 inches wide, and from % of an inch to 6 inches thick. Both counter-shafts are mounted in swivel boxes, which always align themselves to the shafts. There are three rates of feed: 50, 75 and 100 lineal feet per minute. We furnish with each machine four plain knives for the top cylinder, two plain knives for the bottom cylinder, one set (2) Shimer Patent matcher heads with one set of matcher cutters, one set (2) four-slotted jointing heads 6 inches long, with one set (4) jointing knives, two sets (4) beading bits and four wrenches. We build this as an Eight-Roll Machine when desired. 201 “@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2> See Opposite Page for Description. Fig. 173. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S “Portland”? Four=Roll Double Surfacer and Matcher. : i — _ (TTA a. rt CAC Ml y= ii" i iy || i = =I Is: VIEW OF GEARED SIDE. HE accompanying views show the opposite sides of our New ‘‘Portland’’ Four-Roll Double Surfacer and Matcher, which is a heavy, strong and compact machine, adapted for general planing mill use, and of sufficient capacity for all ordinary work up to 6% inches thick. It has a well proportioned frame with six legs so distributed as to give the greatest strength to support the working parts rigidly, thus avoiding trembling and vibration, and producing uniformly smooth work under all conditions, The Top and Bottom Cylinders are 5% inches diameter of cutting circle, made of solid steel forgings, slotted on four sides, with long journals drawn from the body of the forgings, and belted at Bora ENps. The Knife Bolts are steel, with steel washers and case-hardened nuts. The Matcher Headstocks are mounted on large turned bars, and are arranged to take up all wear. They can be moved laterally in opposite directions across the machine to admit of surfacing the full length of the knives without dropping the head- stocks or removing the heads. The Matcher Head Spindles are steel, of large diameter, and supplied with large oil chambers by which a supply of oil can be provided for the spindles to run in, making it scarcely possible for them to heat. The Matcher Headstocks are fitted with adjustable chip-breakers to hold the lumber in its proper position, and are adjustable up to 24 inches wide. One or both heads can be moved at the same time in the same direction by the crank at the side of the machine. The long guide is attached to the headstock and moves with it. By this means, when working narrow lumber and the knives become dull in one place, the matcher heads and guide can be moved over, thus wearing the knives and bed of the machine evenly. The Pressure Bars and Chip-Breakers are adjustable to and from the knives, and can be set to suit plain or any kind of moulding knives. The chip-breaker raises with the front roll to allow for variation in thickness of lumber, and is adjustable. The Top Head and Rolls raise and lower 6% inches, the bed remaining stationary. 202 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING M{ACHINE GQ Fis. 173: ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S ‘‘Portland’”’ Four=Roll Double Surfacer and Matcher. mc = OMA TTT VIEW OF FRONT SIDE. The Under Cylinder Head is mounted in a heavy, rigid headstock, and is adjustable for variation of cut by means of inclined planes from the front or working side of the machine, which always keeps the head in line with the table. Either end of the head can be raised or lowered, however, by turning one bolt. The headstock is firmly secured by two screws, both easy of access. The table in front of the under head acts as a chip-breaker, and is adjustable to and from the head. By simply turning one bolt to which is attached a swivel wrench, the delivery table and pressure bar over the knives can be swung outward, thus leaving the knives perfectly free. It has four 5% inch DRIVEN feed rolls, connected by strong expansion gears, all loose expansion gears being bushed with brass, making a durable and powerful feed. All connecting links are secured to the bearings by nuts, so that any lost motion through wear can be quickly taken up. ‘The feed rolls are weighted and the weights are adjustable for light or heavy work. The feed works are started or stopped by a belt tightener placed convenient to the operator. It can be changed to a surfacer very quickly by simply running the matcher heads to the opposite sides of the machine. The gears are made from CUT IRON PATTERNS, making them perfectly true. All Belts pull on the bottom of the boxes instead of against the sides. The machine is constructed as simply as is consistent with good results, all complicated devices liable to get out of order or give trouble being avoided. It will plane 24 inches wide, and from 4 of an inch to 6% inches thick, and match from 2% inches to 24 inches wide. It has two rates of feed: 37 and 55 lineal feet per minute. We furnish with each machine two plain knives for the top cylinder, two plain knives for the bottom cylinder, one set (2) Shimer patent matcher heads, with one set flooring cutters, one set (2) slotted jointing heads, with one set (4) jointing knives, one set (2) beading bits, one set (2) novelty siding knives, and five wrenches. We build this machine either as a Single or Double Surfacer and Matcher, or Surfacer only. Tight and Cubic Approxi- Average SIZE. Loose Revs. per Measure- mate H. P Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. Fig. 173 —24-inch Double Surfacer and Matcher............ 12x 8 900 221 5,600 4 to 8 Idolize. Fig. 173 A—24-inch Single ne ¥ J velp LG a eee 12x8 S00 ve eee oh Lh. S} Key 7/ Idylle. Fig. 173 B—24-inch Double Surfacer only... 28 SUK) Seale i eters ; 3 to 7 Ignite. Fig. 173 C—24-inch Single ye rl tte te os es 12 x8 8) I hy eS hee 3 to 6 Ignobly. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:22 wi TNA} Fig. 174. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 22, Single or Double Planer and Matcher. We build this machine 30 x 6 and 24 x 6, either as a Double or Single Planer and Matcher, with either Sectional or Straight Rolls. See Opposite Page for Description. -@AMERICAN \AVOOD-\WORKING [N{ACHINE @0:9% Fis. 174: HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 22, Single or Double Planer and Matcher. N opposite page we illustrate our New Combination Surfacer and Planer and Matcher. This machine () is entirely new in design, and is in all ways at the head in its class. It will surface 24 and 30 inches wide, and 34 to 6 inches thick, and dress and match from 2% to 12 inches wide, usual thickness. The Table is supported on four screws, all operated at the same time and with one motion. It has four rolls, 5 inches in diameter, strongly geared together. The first top roll is fluted. It is a strong and powerful feeder. The Cylinders are made of steel and carry two knives each. ‘The top cylinder is slotted on the sides not carrying the knives, allowing miscellaneous knives to be used for odd work, such as beading, drop siding, and a limited range of mouldings. It is double belted. The spindles are 214 inches on upper and 2 inches on lower heads, with long bearings. The Matcher Stocks are supported on a heavy screw, reaching across the machine, and the left hand side head, as you stand to feed, is adjusted on this screw. These matcher stocks are held to place, or upright, by two caps and bolts. When used as a surfacer the bolts are loosened; the caps turn around, which allows the heads to swing down below the line of cut. Spindles for the side heads are of large diameter, and are 11’; inches above the matcher stocks. The bottom end of spindles are supported on bronze steps, and run constantly in stationary cups of oil. The Chip-Breaker and pressure bar beside the top cylinder are adjusted to and from the line of cut, allowing the use of long knives for odd work. The chip-breaker has a support on the boxes that carry the first top feed roll, and is held in line 4-inch below the bottom line of the roll. This eases the entrance of the lumber, and makes it impossible to stick or stall the machine. The Under Cylinder is placed outside the second pair of rolls, or at the rear end of the machine. When access is wanted to it, there are two nuts to loosen, swing the caps away, turn back the bed over the cylinder, take out one or both of the pressure bars, and it is entirely exposed. We send with each machine the knives on the cylinders, one pair beader bits, and six bolts and nuts for each head; one pair three-wing side heads, with one set each 1-inch matcher and 2-inch jointer bits, and all necessary wrenches. This matcher is built both as a single and double cylinder, 24 or 30-inch machine. It has three changes of feed, namely: 30, 40 and 50 lineal feet per minute. These machines are also built with sectional rolls and chip-breakers if so desired. BELTING REQUIRED. Two for Top Cylinder, each 17 feet 9 inches, 5 inches wide. One for Bottom Cylinder, 22 feet 2 inches, 4 inches wide. Two for Side Heads, each 19 feet 7 inches, 3% inches wide. One for Feed, 13 feet 1 inch, 4 inches wide. Pe andi dy. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 174 —30 x 6, Double, Seton a pele © lL Gamera cent es tae tacts aoe ee coerce a es NEES e 7) 1,000 5,200 Ignore. Fig. 174 A—30 x 6, Single, we SON. Spt 1a I Tee a ee Peal: RE Pe i ee WEES 9 1,000 4,700 Iliness. Fig. 174 B—30 x 6, Doub leyeatr ci OS 2 aa carn grcomnasetesmteon ny) eee Wily 1,000 5,100 Iliuded. Fig. 174 C—30 x 6, Single, an it Pec ny i, ene ot een een Seer a Ae /) 1,000 4,600 Illusion. Fig. 174D—24 x 6, Double, Sectional Rolls... eee tes 14x7 1,000 4,600 Imbibe. Fig. 174 E—24 x 6, Single, “y gem Ree A eset oe hl Ns 55 Sik Se celspadugstne et ibe! 1,000 4,200 Imitator. Fig. 174 F—24 x 6, Double, Straight Rolls... ce. cece cence eee NG cay 1,000 4,500 Immerge. Fig. 174 G—24 x 6, Single, a eee se Re al ey Sierra et rey 14x7 1,000 4,100 Immit. “CAMERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE GQ Fe OV “4 WN) 5 D | ies S S) 7, oo is oo s rad = ao, 4 ie) - 5 7 5 far} 3) 2) } iN Sa Za = a = . as) (oe) = a cS A v=) i wees Re Fo & : a, 6 6 - S came q 2 LL, — : 5 12 co g = t~ v q ! - a a a UW) : 3 e See Opposite Page for Description. -@\MERIGAN \\YOOD-\W/ORKING [MACHINE @O:Q2 Figs. 175, 176 and 177. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S Nos. 26, 27 and 28 Planers and Matchers. HE engraving on the opposite page represents a new design of planers and matchers. They are alt especially adapted to hard wood flooring, and are equally efficient in dressing soft woods. The No. 26 will plane and match from 1% to 9 inches wide, the No. 27 up to 15 inches wide, and the No. 28 up to 21 inches wide. Each machine will dress from 36-inch to 8 inches thick. phe No. 28 machine is provided with sectional rolls and chip-breakers and has center guide. The Gears are large and strong, with broad face, and all parts coming in contact with the timber are faced and pointed with tool steel, for longer wear and finer adjustment, and may be replaced at little cost. The Feed consists of six 9%-inch rolls, the upper ones having a parallel lift and an improved ex- panding gear. The Upper and Lower Cylinders are slotted on all four sides, have 2'%-inch journals and are exactly alike and interchangable. They are provided with an improved arrangement for preventing end play. The Upper Cylinder Pressure consists of a parallel lifting pony roll and a tool steel-faced and pointed chip-breaker, which always retains its level position on the lumber; also a pressure bar behind, which is adjusted without the use of a wrench. There are no arms over the upper head, and all the pressure devices may be moved away from the head to do deep cutting. The Lower Cylinder Bars are adjustable for deep cutting, the first one having a tool steel point which may be placed so as to just clear the knives. The rear bars having spring pressure, for the pur- pose of holding up against the bed lumber with thin or hollow spots. The Lower Cylinder may be drawn out at one side for the purpose of sharpening or setting for the easier alignment of projecting knives. The Side Head Chip-Breaker is adjustable. The tool steel point to the long guide, as well as the blocks behind the side-heads, are also adjustable. Both Upper and Lower Cylinder Boxes are yoked. The Hold-Down arrangement is perfect. Both side-heads are rigidly locked, when in position, by a lever. The side-head yokes have tool steel bearing pieces. The Side-Head Spindles are 2 inches in diameter, and 113 inches where the head fits on. It is advisable to dress face down as it permits the removal of the surplus with the top head and leaves a limited graduated out to be removed with the lower head. This allows the pressure bar to be set much closer than any lifting upper chip-breaker can be, and permits the same grade of work at much greater speed. Both Cylinders are placed before the side-heads, and by passing the lumber over a long steel plate to the under cylinder close behind, it is worked to a perfect even thickness before it passes the matcher heads, insuring a perfect match. Every part or piece of the machine has a number cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number on the part, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or mail. BELTING REQUIRED. Two belts for Upper Cylinder, 5% inches by 22 feet 2 inches. Two Belts for Lower Cylinder, 5% inches by 18 feet 6 inches. Two Belts for Side-Heads, 5 inches by 26 feet. One Belt for Feed, 4 inches by 17 feet 8 inches. T. and 1. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Pe irs On 2c, Planer and 9 NMatetier, (2) Fe Boos oo be ccncctnnrstrocennetndnestnes 14x 8 1,000 12,500 Immure. Hig. 176—No. 27, a: YF S BL Sesto ee er de Sa erie, Se sates 14x 8 1,000 12,000 Impact. Fig, 177—No, 26, . o is USA O pena e e Riee he e e a eet 14x 8 1,000 11,500 Impale. “@AMERICAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @G;22 Fig. 178. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S ‘“New Northwest’? Four=Roll Planer and Matcher. VIEW OF SINGLE SURFACER AND MATCHER. HIS Machine, which we build either as a Single or Double Surfacer and Matcher, is designed to meet the demands of a large class of manufacturers of flooring, ceiling, siding, moulding, etc., who want a strong, durable and compact machine at a moderate price, which is adapted to general planing mill use and for all ordinary work up to 6 inches thick. The Frame is cast in one piece, well proportioned, and rigidly supports the working parts. The Top and Bottom Cylinders are 6 inches diameter of cutting circle, made of solid crucible steel forgings, slotted on four sides, with long journals drawn from the body of the forgings, and the top cylinder is belted at both ends. The Under Cylinder is mounted in a heavy, rigid headstock, and is adjustable for variation of cut. Either end of the head can be raised or lowered. The headstock is firmly secured by two screws, both easy of access. The table in front of the under head acts as a chip-breaker and is adjustable to and from the head. By simply turning one bolt, to which is attached a swivel wrench, the delivery table and pressure bar over the knives can be swung outward, thus leaving the knives perfectly free. The Pressure Bar and Chip Breaker are adjustable to and from the top cylinder, and can be set to suit plain knives or projections of moulding knives. The chip-breaker rises with the front roll to allow for variation in thickness of lumber. The knife bolts are steel, with steel washers and case hardened nuts. The Matcher Head Spindles are steel, of large diameter, and the headstocks in which they run are supplied with suitable oil chambers. Adjustable chip-breakers are provided for the matcher headstocks for holding the lumber in its proper position. It has four 6-inch driven feed rolls, connected by strong expansion gears, all loose expansion gears being bushed with brass, making a durable and powerful feed. All connecting links are secured to the bearings by nuts, so that any lost motion through wear can be quickly taken up. The feed rolls are weighted and the weights are adjustable for light or heavy work. 208 -@\MERIGAN \AVOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 178 A. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S ‘New Northwest” Four-Roll Planer and Matcher. hl AL SOT f i | t ‘A ii ul VIEW OF DOUBLE SURFACER AND MATCHER. The feed works are started and stopped with a belt tightener placed convenient to the operator. The expansion links are made of wrought iron. Outside supports or braces are attached to the right-hand side of the machine to support the intermediate gears. All bearings are of large diameter. The Gears are extra heavy and durable, made from cut iron patterns, making taem perfectly true. All belts pull on the bottom of the boxes instead of against the sides. It can be changed to a surfacer very quickly by simply removing the matcher heads and running the spindles to the opposite sides of the machine. The Machine is constructed as simply as is consistent with good results, all complicated devices liable to get out of order or give trouble being avoided. It will plane 24 inches wide, and from Y-inch to 6 inches thick, and match from 2% inches to 20 inches wide. It is provided with two rates of feed: 32 and 47 lineal feet per minute. We furnish with each machine two plain knives for the top cylinder, two plain knives for the bottom cylinder, two 2-wing matcher heads with one set (four) matcher knives for the side spindles, two beading knives, two novelty siding knives and the necessary wrenches. Aner h as (0 Oe Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 178 A—24-inch Double Surfacer and Matcher... ZS 900 4,700 Impasse. Fig. 178 —24-inch Single Surfacer and Matcher... 12x8 900 4,200 Impede. c@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:92 ‘pailsap SB ‘S]JOY POS JO [euoNSIg JOYS YSTUIN} aM, ‘SOPIS INOJ JO daIY} Jeyye ouvjd 0} ‘oprm soyour bz }INq st aUTYOVUT sAOqe ot], ‘Joye pue Jouvid ,,UOIU:,, MON S.09 ANIHSVW NVWHAI ‘OL1 “314 e "HOIdIIDSaq JOJ 93g 9}ISOddQ 99S 210 <@A\MERICAN \WOOD-\WAYORKING MACHINE @o:9° Fig. 179. LEHMAN MACHINE CO.’S New “Union”? Planer and Matcher. HE machine shown on opposite page is provided with our improved pressure bars and chip-breakers, being arranged for working flooring, novelty siding, beading, etc. The front pressure bar or chip- breaker is adjustable to and from the cylinder, to insure smooth working on either hard or soft wood, and so arranged that if forced up by a heavy cut it will not come in contact with the knives; or it may be swung clear of the cylinder for sharpening, or setting the knives for any style of work. Our improved hinged sectional pressure bars and sectional feed rolls on this machine are the most important improvements which have as yet been produced for surfacing two or more unevenly sawed boards at the same time and working all equally as well. The Cylinders on this machine are made of the best steel forgings, with all sides slotted, running in self-oiling boxes, 11 inches long. The top cylinder is double belted; the under cylinder is adjusted with the bed of the machine for the different thicknesses of stock and runs in our improved yoke boxes, making a very rigid bearing. The Head Stock is so arranged that you have easy access to the knives for sharpening. The side heads and matcher frames are hung on heavy steel screw, and are adjustable to work flooring any width up to 14 inches wide, and by a simple device with all attachments are swung or dropped out of the way when changing from flooring to surfacing, and is being very much appreciated, as it only requires one moment to make the change. The matcher spindles are of large diameter, and run in long self-oiling boxes and steps. The Four Feed Rolls are 6 inches in diameter, and fitted with the most powerful gearing ever fitted to a machine of this kind. ‘There are two rates of feed, 4o and 60 feet per minute, and can be changed instantly while the machine is in motion. The Back or Feeding-Out Roll has a scraper and oil box, and receives its pressure from large steel springs. ‘The machine has our improved mode of putting the rolls in the bed, doing away with loose plates in front and back of the rolls, thus making the bed roo per cent. stronger than the old way. The bed is dovetailed to the frame and so arranged with gibs that any wear resulting from raising or lowering the bed can be taken up, which is of great importance, as it prevents the waving or chipping off of the ends of the lumber as it passes through the machine. The Receiving End of the table has a bolt passing through the frame, with hand wheel and nut, with two heavy wrought iron truss braces, making it stronger and less vibratory, and with the weight of the bed and everything connected with it, being equally distributed from the center line of the raising screws, and making the bed rise with perfect regularity and ease. The Studs are arranged so that they can be oiled without stopping the machine. With each machine we furnish 24-inch straight knives for top and bottom cylinders, six steel bolts for extra knives, one pair of matcher heads, with bits for flooring, one pair of German siding knives, one pair of beading knives, right and left handed. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Belts for Top Cylinder, 16 feet long, 4 inches wide. Two Belts for the Matcher Spindles, 18 feet long, 3 inches wide. One Feed Belt, 15 feet long, 2% inches wide. T. and L,, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 179 —24 inches wide, to Plane Four Sides» Sectional Rolly VAS 216) ~ se 5,000 Impetus. Fig. 179 A—24 inches wide, to Plane Three Sides, Sectional Roll................ 12 x 6 te) i eae ae ees Impiety. Fig. 179 B—24 inches wide, to Plane Four Sides, Solid Roll ....................... 12 x6 } 950: Be Impish. Fig. 179 C—24 inches wide, to Plane Three Sides, Solid Rall te ee Tae, oe 950 \ Ae tee Implant. 211 -@AMERIGCAN \AWVOOD-\N/ORKING [MLACHINE @@:9% Planes 24 inches wide, 6 inches thick. ig, 180. ve } _ INE hi Tongue and Groove to 14 inches wide. Vy ei | KN Ni Fig WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S “Happy Thought” Planer, Matcher and Moulder. Built either as a Single or Double Planer and Matcher. See Opposite Page for Description. 212 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING {ACHINE @Q:9% Fig. 180. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S “Happy Thought” Planer, Matcher and Moulder. \ \ 7E illustrate on opposite page our New Four-Side « Happy Thought’’ Planer, Matcher and Moulder, of new design and from new patterns. The bed is constructed on the principle of a vertical adjust- ment to which are attached the under cylinder, the lower feed rolls, matcher head spindles, guide, etc. The machine is especially adapted for use in job planing mills, and for strong feeding, smooth planing, handy adjustment, excellent workmanship, and the price we charge for it, we are confident its equal is not to be found on the market. The Cylinders are made of forged steel, and four-sided ; two sides are slotted for holding knives to work novelty-siding, beaded-ceiling, moulding, etc. The top cylinder is double belted, has extra long bearings, lined with our best babbitt metal, ample provision being made for lubricating. The under cylinder is adjusted with the bed of the machine for the different thicknesses of stock. The table back of the cylinder is attached to the headstock ; by loosening the bolt the table is allowed to swing away from the cylinder, permitting easy access to sharpen or adjust the knives. The Side-Heads are cast steel, run on large steel spindles, babbitted in strong yoked boxes, and are adjusted to the different widths of stock by hand-wheel on working side of machine. In changing from work- ing flooring to surfacing, the yoked boxes holding the matcher spindles are allowed to swing below the bed by simply loosening the two bolts. The machine is provided with two of our improved pressure bars. The one back of the cylinder is adjusted by screw and hand wheels; the one in front is self adjusting and always regu- lates itself to different thicknesses of lumber being planed. The Table and guide are very long, which is a very important point in the manufacture of good flooring. T’he table is lowered and raised by means of a crank placed convenient to the operator. The Feed is very powerful, and consists of four feed rolls, all connected and driven by our improved expansion gearing. The Front Feed Roll is held down by connected levers and weights. This is an improved point, and a good one, as it keeps the front feed roll always level. The back roll is held by steel coil springs, making a strong and positive feed. ‘There are two changes of feed, viz.: 32 and 50 lineal feet per minute. We build these machines either as a single or double surfacer. With each machine we furnish two straight knives, 24 inches long, for each cylinder, one set each of flooring, German siding, rabbeting, beading and joining knives, six steel bolts and nuts to fasten novelty knives, etc., one pair cast steel matcher heads, and all necessary wrenches. ‘The ‘‘Shimer’’ Patent Matcher Heads are furnished with each machine at an additional cost, when wanted. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Top Head Belts, 14 feet 2 inches long by 3% inches wide. One Belt for Under Head, 18 feet long by 3% inches wide. Two Matcher Belts, 15 feet 6 inches long by 3 inches wide. One Feed Belt, 1o feet 4 inches long by 2 inches wide. Tandy 1. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 180 —Double Planer, Matcher and Moulder... eessesssseeeseseseenes Lex 16 900 4,000 Impone. Fig. 180 A—Single ss St ut Phin lee eaten 425 Sines TS al NE Bion Ws EX, 6 900 3,700 Impostor. -@AMERICAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING M{ACHINE @0:22 Fig. 181. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S ‘‘Sweepstakes’’ Planer, Matcher and Moulder. il LT 1 ( eta Ne ll HE above machine is very heavy for its size, and has the following very important improvements, viz: It is a new AE design, has solid forged steel head and steel matcher spindles, all running in the patent journal box, which is made in three parts (see cut) so that the journal can be kept central and tight until the box is worn out, thus preventing all tremble and jar of the shaft, which is very important where smooth work is required. It can be very quickly changed to a surfacer only, simply by loosening two nuts, removing the heads, and the spindle will swing below the surface of the table. They can be swung back into position, ready for work, without measuring or changing. It has four 4%-inch feed rolls, connected with expansion gear, making a very powerful feed. The Feed Works consist of cone feed pulleys, started or stopped with a belt tightener, and has two rates of feed, 32 feet and 45 lineal feet per minute. There are two pressure bars, one in front and one in rear of surfacing head. It is also provided with chip-breakers. The Feed Rolls are held down with levers bearing heavy weights, which can be adjusted to light or heavy work. The Table is long, making room for a long gauge, which is indispensable on a good flooring machine: ‘There is also an extra arbor passing across the width of the machine, in rear of matcher heads, on which there is a slotted steel head. On this head different shapes of knives can be placed for making rustic siding, beaded ceiling, moulding, etc. Mouldings from 2% to 5 inches wide can be made on this machine. The matcher heads are made of cast steel, run on heavy steel spindles, and are furnished with patent straight, solid milled matcher bits. There are over 1,475 of these machines in use, all giving the best of satisfaction. Our idea in building this machine was to furnish a strong, durable, well made, and in fact the best planer and matcher for the price in the market. How well we have attained that end the above amount of sales will show. We have from time to time improved it as occasion de- manded. We originally built this machine with the top head belted on one end only. We now build it with top cylinder arranged for belts at both ends, and have added to original price only the actual cost of this improvement. ‘We furnish with each machine one set (2) straight knives for top cylinder, one set (4) tongue and groove cutters for matcher heads, one set (2) rustic siding knives, and one set (2) beading knives for slotted head on extra arbor, also five wrenches. Best short-lap belting furnished for machine complete when desired (except belt from tight and loose pulleys to line shaft) at additional cost. Tightand Revs. Cubic Approxi- Average SIZE. Loose per Measure- mate ie0 ee Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. ments. Weight. Required. Fig. 181 —24-inch Double Surfacer, Matcher and Moulder... 2... 10x 8 900 128 3,600 3 to 6 Imprest. Fig. 18] A—Belting complete, except-from Tuc 1. pulleys to line, extras ys Impugn. Fig. 181 B—24-inch Single Surfacer, Matcher and Moulder.............. peters 10x 6 900 128 3,200 3 to 5 Impulse. Fig. 181 C—Belting complete, except from TI &.1. pulleysito line; extra sore, 6 Inachete. Fig. 181 D—20-inch Single Surfacer, Matcher and Moulder... uu... 10 x 6 900 128 3,000 3 to5 Inadvert. Fig. 18] E—Belting complete, except from 'T.-& 17 pulleys to) line, em trees eee Inanity. 214 -@AMERIGAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING [MACHINE QO: Fig. 182. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S No. 12, Planer and Matcher. HE machine shown by above engraving is a light, general jobbing planer and matcher, surfaces 24 inches wide and up to 6 inches thick and matches out to 14 inches. The Matching Attachment is so arranged that bed can be quickly cleared for surfacing full width. The General Construction and design of this machine is identical with that of the No. 12 Single and Double Surfacer. Cylinders three or four-sided as desired, double belted, swinging chip-breaker and adjustable pressure bar, rolls good size, all driven and provided with ample changes of feed. The Bed is raised and lowered by hand crank within easy reach of the operator and machine belted from the matching end so that as surfacer the operator can stand close to the bed for feeding short stock. This planer is well made and carefully finished ; has all necessary and convenient adjustments, including two step cone for quick change of feed. First feed roll is heavily weighted. Tr, and 1,, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 182—Single Planer and Matcher, 24 X 6 ....n....csscssssceeeesssescosssnerseesossnennececasen Lets 6 900 3,500 Inborn. -@A\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE GO: Fig. 183 GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S 14 inches wide; 6 inches hoist; Six Feed Rolls. No. 35, Heavy Hardwood Flooring Machine. il See Opposite Page for Description. 216 ~@ AMERICAN \N/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE’@O:22 Fig. 183. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 35, Heavy Hardwood Flooring Machine. HE cut on opposite page represents our No. 35 Special Hardwood Planing and Matching Machine. It weighs 7,000 pounds, and works lumber from }{ to 6 inches thick, and from 2 to 14 inches wide, on all four sides at one operation. Its particular features may be designated as follows: Two Sets of heavily weighted carrying-in rolls, 7 inches in diameter ; a bottom head following immedi- ately after the top head, with a positive presser bar over the same, to which are attached long shoes that keep the board under absolute control, until all the cutter heads are passed ; a combined chip-breaker and hood that completely covers the side heads, thereby preventing chips or shavings from being drawn into the machine from these heads, but which, by merely raising the top locking plates and unhooking the weights, may be swung completely out from the heads, thus rendering them easy of access; one set of carrying-out rolls, also 7 inches in diameter, with a scraper and cover on the first set to keep all shavings from being pressed into the top surface of the board; to adjust: the bottom cutter head vertically the supplemental frame is raised or lowered, as the case may be, thereby bringing the bottom head presser bar, matcher plates, rolls and fifth cutter head bed in line with same by the single adjustment, or it may be independently adjusted by means of the set screws shown under the yoke. This cutter head yoke may be drawn out at the work side of the machine for sharpening and setting the knives. he board is dressed top and bottom before it passes to the matcher heads, which are but 14 inches from the bottom head, bringing the entire cutting operation within the short space of 20 inches. The Patent Weighted Chip-Breaker to side head maintains an even, steady pressure against the edge of the board, swings close to the knife, and prevents splitting or tearing out of knots by the side heads. The piece on the end of this chip-breaker is adjustable for either long or short knives. By our simple and effective Patent Parallel Hoisting Device, each roll is raised by a single screw. The rolls are made to bear squarely across the face of the lumber, whether it be wide or narrow, giving them great traction power and insuring perfectly straight lumber. The Cutter Heads are forged solid from hard steel. The journals are drawn out from the body of the head, and are integral with it. The journals are 12 inches long and 2% inches in diameter, and run in im- proved self-oiling boxes. The heads are square and slotted on all four sides, so that all kinds of solid and sectional knives may be used. Thc Cutter Head Pulleys are large in diameter, giving great traction power to the belts. They are not put on with keys or screws, but are carefully fitted to a true taper, and held there by a nut, which method avoids all chance of straining the spindle or throwing the head out of balance. All the shafting is of steel. Every part or piece of the machine has a number or letter cast or stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number or letter, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or mail. All Shafts and fittings, including bolts, screws and nuts, are finished to U. S. Standard Sizes. We furnish with this machine 4 knives on top cutter head and 20 cutter head bolts to fasten them on. Two knives on bottom cutter head and 10 bolts to fasten them on. Four 6-inch jointer knives and 8 bolts to fasten them on. Six 2-inch jointer knives, six 1-inch and six 14-inch solid milled steel matcher bits. One pair of annealed steel three-winged mortised matcher heads, and one pair steel jointer heads, slotted on all four sides. ‘These jointer heads have our patent method of fastening to the side spindle, doing away with the old set screw. pe atia. Li; Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 183 —14 x 6, Six Rolls... cesses cess eeeeee ccs ceeecescenente centee seeseeesenessenesanensas 14x8 1,000 7,000 Incensor Fig. 183 A—10 x 6, Six Rolls 0c ceeeceeceee: cesses ceseeeeesees cenneneeee eeennnenae cneeene coneeen 14x 8 1,000 6,800 Incentive. «@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE €0:92 ‘STOW pee WSrY ‘slog sayour g ‘{apiMm soyour +1 SUIYOVYY SUIIOO][-] pooMpsB_] AABOT]T ‘OG ‘ON S09 ANIHOVW HAOD NAD ‘Fel “314 *UOIdLIDSa9Gg 10} 93eq 9}1ISO0ddQ 30S 218 s@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING IACHINE QO: Fig. 184. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 56, Heavy Hardwood Flooring Machine. E illustrate on opposite page our No. 56 Heavy Hardwood Flooring Machine. It works lumber from 1 to 6 inches thick, and from 2 inches to 14 inches wide on all four sides at one operation. Its particular features may be designated as follows : Two Sets of heavily weighted carrying-in rolls, eight inches in diameter; a bottom head following immediately after the top head, with a positive presser-bar over the same, to which are attached long shoes that keep the board under absolute control, until all the cutter-heads are passed ; a new form of matcher legs, which, while stronger than the old form, may, by simply removing the clamping wedge, be at any time readily removed from the machine while in the mill, for any purpose whatever ; a combined chip-breaker and hood, that completely covers the sideheads, thereby preventing chips or shavings from being thrown into the machine from these heads, but which, by merely raising the top locking plates and unhooking the weight, may be swung completely out from the heads, thus rendering them easy of access ; two sets of carrying-out rolls, also eight inches in diameter, with a scraper and cover on the first set to keep all shavings from being pressed into the top surface of the board - a fifth head at the extreme carrying-out end of the machine, with an unyielding adjustable presser-bar, both before and after the cut ; a supplemental frame carrying the bottom head, matchers, carrying-out rolls and fifth head bed, supported on four heavy corner screws, which, in turn, are connected by sprockets and chain, so that by turning one of these sprockets with a wrench, furnished for that purpose, this frame and all the parts supported by it, are raised or lowered in a perfectly parallel relation to each other and to the machine ; to adjust the bottom cutter-head vertically, the supplemental frame is raised or lowered, as the case may be, thereby bringing the bottom head presser-bar, matcher plates, rolls and fifth cutter-head bed in line with same by the single adjustment, or it may be independently adjusted by means of the set screws shown under the yoke. This Cutter-Head yoke may be drawn out at the work side of the machine, for sharpening knives, etc., after loosening two clamp bolts. The machine has eight feed rolls, and is a powerful fast running machine, with unusual conveniences for setting up. This machine also has valuable features which have rendered our other machines so acceptable to the trade,—Patent Weighted Chip-breaker to side head; Patent Parallel Hoisting Device to the roll; Patent Gripping Device to side head, and the numbering of parts, so that by simply giving the number or letter, duplicates may be readily ordered by wire or by mail. Circulars giving further detailed description will be furnished on application. 1 and: 1, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Big. 184—14 x 6, Hight Rolls. occ oc sessencstesnenesertneecsnsaeearsreneeesteenertencorssencnsenoes 14x 8 1,000 10,000 Inchord. 219 -@\MERIGAN \A/VOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:4 ‘STOW pert XIG :j4sloy sayour g faprm sayour oF oo =| || i \ In ——$—$ — — — $—<) ey ay ‘ouely JO Pus WO SIapuT[AD Jo pvajsul s][or sey jt ydeoxe ‘z ‘ON Sv SazIS DUIeS ay} UT yINq SI p -on “euleIy JO pus UO JopurTAD Sutavy ‘9 x 6 pue 9g x OI ‘g X SI SHIOM Z oN —S2ZIG JaI,J, UI YIN st ouTYORM aaoqe ay th SJOYIIBYY pue sJouvi[d ‘~ pue SOD ¥ SYHDON ‘d ‘Dd ‘O61 pue OgI ‘s3I4 C O "UOINdIIDSOq JO] 93eq 9}1ISOddQ 90S <@AMERIGAN \AWVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:9% Figs. 189 and Igo. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Nos. 2 and 4, Planers and Matchers. f ie... machines are built on the same general plan and design as the Nos. 1 and 3, but are sup- plied with a fifth or additional under head placed between the feeding-in rolls and arranged to dress the stock on the under side before it passes to the top cylinder bed plate, a very important feature in connection with machines for working hard wood or band-sawed lumber. The Adjustments about this lower head are most convenient. It is drawn out toone side of the machine for convenience in setting and sharpening the knives, and the roll and plate in the bed just before the cut of this head is arranged to raise and lower by means of hand-wheel at the side of the machine to regulate the cut. The pressure is ample and adjusts with the feed roll. These machines have been found most successful in operating on band sawed lumber, avoiding the necessity of surfacing the stock first. The Top Cylinder Bed Plate and support for the cylinder is very heavy and substantial, boxes carrying the cylinders are 10% inches long, yoked together across the machine and sustain the pressure bar and bonnet chip-breaker, both of which are adjustable to and from the cut to variation of projection. Lower Cylinder Boxes are the same as the upper and connected in yoke form attached to angle plates, which in turn are attached to the frame. Adjustment of the cylinder is obtained through adjusting screws with check nuts. Cylinder can be raised or lowered at both ends or either end, independent of the other. Pressure Bar arranged to swing up from either side and bars are both adjustable and can be completely removed when desired, to allow of easy access of lower cylinder. The Side Spindles are large, run in heavy yoked babbitted boxes with special device for supporting and lubricating the lower end of the spindle. These yokes are supported on heavy flat cross bars and have very large bearing at upper end, adjusted by means of screws and nut. The nut being removable so that when worn to show back lash it can be readily replaced. ‘The yoke is held in position on the bar by means of two loose gibs and can be clamped in position by means of large hand-wheel at the back. Side head has weighted chip-breaker swinging in circle with the cut. The Feed on this machine is exceptionally strong, and so arranged that cramping of the roll gears or boxes is impossible. We use a very heavy train of gears, and our patented device for connecting the upper roll, which does away with all of the short studs and links used in the old style expansion. The only link in this device is the one connecting the top and first roll shaft boxes, this gear shaft box being the only one that is not fast in the frame. This is held in planed ways and has a movement of about 1144 inches. The rolls are raised, lowered and weighted on one side only, weights being outside of the frame and easily operated, leaving the inside of the frame entirely unobstructed. The feed is stopped and started by means of tight and loose pulleys and shifter. A range of feed can be provided from 25 to 110 feet per minute. Psy oY le By, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, Fie.1s9 —No..2, works 15x 6, Cylinders on End ..W...02..2..... “aE Sete eee 16x8 925 12,500 Indent. Fig. 189 A—No. 2, soe Os ie pe VAs sak, 8 a ea Ss LOE 925 11,900 Inditer. Fig. 189 B—No. 2, ee 9x 6, e pre se teh hee ee hee. ae ee LOS 925 11,800 Indoor. Pee a= NO vA eo LS x G8 ROLLS ON EG oo 6 2 ee gssccendean adh DAS 925 12,500 Induct. Fig. 190 A—No. 4, yy LOE Ohmi ei yh Sarre es re, Sates eeee me} Ae L6ns Ss 925 11,900 Indulge. Fig. 190 B—No. 4, OMeegep Sadi ec ae ny eB RA WN 8 16x 8 925 11,800 Indurate. <©@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\AWORKING MACHINE @o:@» i os = I9l. Fig. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S 18 inches wide; 6 inches hoist; Six Feed Rolls. No. 8, Fast Feed Planing and Matching Machine. See Opposite Page for Description. <@NMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE GO.» Fig. Iol. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 8, Fast Feed Planing and Matching Machine. HE cut on opposite page illustrates our Fast Feed Planing and Matching Machine. It weighs 8,200 ag pounds and works lumber from 14 of an inch to 6 inches thick, and from 2 inches to 18 inches wide on all four sides at one operation. For parties who do not want a machine as wide as 24 inches, and wider than 14 inches, this machine will commend itself. It is especially designed to do a large amount of work and has all of our latest improvements, which consist in part of the following : Parallel Hoist to Feed Rolls. Weighted Chip-breaker to side head. Opening End of Machine to get at Under Cutter-Head. Presser Shoes that hold the edge of the board down on matcher plate. Gripping Device to hold the matcher leg firmly in place when set. Means by which the matcher plates can be adjusted. This machine has six feed rolls, and is a powerful fast running machine, with unusual conveniences for setting up. The Chip-Breaker before the cut, and the presser bars after the cut of the top and bottom heads are adjustable close to and away from the cutting circle of the head, permitting the use of long knives for rabbet- ing, beading or moulding. Our Patented Presser Shoes for holding the edge of the lumber firmly down to the matcher plate, while the side heads are acting upon it, insures perfect work. These shoes are adjustable for different thicknesses of lumber. Our Patent Weighted Chip-breaker to side head maintains an even, steady pressure against the edge of the board, swings close to the knife, and prevents splitting or tearing out of the knots by the side heads. In order to enable the matcher plate to be kept level with the platen plate, the matcher bar is fastened in pockets, these pockets are secured to the side of the frame by bolts, by loosening which the pocket bar and matcher leg can be raised up by means of one screw until the matcher plate is level with the platen plate. It is important that these parts be kept level, and with this arrangement it need never be otherwise, as it takes but a few moments to level them up. The Journals are long and large in diameter, and run in Improved Self-Oiling Boxes. The heads are square and are slotted on all four sides, so that all kinds of solid and sectional knives may be used. Every part or piece of the machine has a number or letter cast upon it, so that by simply giving the num- ber or letter, duplicates may be ordered by wire or mail. All shafts and fittings, including bolts, screws and nuts, are finished to United States Standard sizes. We furnish with this machine four (4) knives on top cutter-head, and 24 cutter-head bolts to fasten them on. ‘Two knives on bottom cutter-head, and 12 bolts to fasten them on. Four 6-inch jointer knives and 8 bolts to fasten them on. Six 2-inch jointer knives, six 1-inch and six 14-inch solid milled matcher bits. One pair of annealed mortised matcher heads, and one pair of steel jointer heads, slotted on all four sides. These jointer heads have our patent method of fastening to the side spindle, doing away with the old set screw. Te and J. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig, 191—No. 8, 18 % 6, Six Rolls... eecesenseceseesceeeeees sceseesrsecenes senenenameeseeeses 14x8 875 8,200 Inertly. -@AMERICAN \A/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @6:42 Co) 3 9 aa} 2 8 . cc v S268 Sts 5 . wy a OF Sane oe as Fa ay ace oF MAC HTN. 10 inches wide; 2 inches hoist; T'welve Feed Rolls. MAMI hl 3 = eT J See Opposite Page for Description. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @0:22 Fig. 192. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 46, Double Decker. HE machine on opposite page represents one of entirely original and novel construction. Its object is to do a large quantity of work in the most superior manner. As will be seen, the machine is a double one, or, as we call it, a ‘‘ Double Decker.’’ There are two feed-ways, one directly over the other; two sets of Feed Rolls (one set of these rolls for each feed-way), two upper and two lower cylinders, and two side spindles, each of them carrying two matcher heads, one above the other. Everything is compact, simple, strong and durable. The Cylinders are very stiff, with long bearings that run cool and steady. Either deck may be run independently of the other, that is to say, either the upper or the lower one may be in use while the other is standing still, or both may be run together, giving with a moderate feed on each a large aggregate of perfectly dressed lumber. Each division of the machine is complete in itself and capable of running at as high a speed as any single machine and doing as good work. ‘The main object, however, is to secure the advantage of a moderate feed which prevents splintering or tearing out of knots, and insures first class work, while the amount of lumber passing through the machine would be very large. The Double Decker works lumber up to to inches wide and 2 inches thick, and takes no more room than a single machine of that width. It requires no more belts and no more pulleys than a single machine, and no greater expense for attendance. As with all of our machines, the cutter heads are of steel, forged solid, with their journals. ‘The cutter head boxes are yoked together, effectually preventing the boxes from getting out of line. Presser bars and chip breakers are adjustable. The Feed Rolls have our parallel hoist. The side heads have our patent Presser Bar for perfect matching. The rolls may be raised separately or together. All necessary guides are furnished to hold the lumber in its place while being worked. Every part or piece has its number cast or stamped upon it to facilitate ordering duplicates by wire or mail. All the shafts and fittings, including bolts, screws, nuts, etc., are finished to United States Standard sizes. All shafting is of steel. iy atic ib, - Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Hig, 192—No. 46, 10 x2, Twelve Rolls... 0... Oe ee eee 14x8 875 10,000 Infancy. 231 e@ AMERICAN \\/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:9% IF lo wy == Six Feed Rolls. 6 inches hoist ; Fig. 193 GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S 10 inches wide ; No. 52, Fast Feed Flooring Machine. See Opposite Page for Description. -O@\MERIGAN \X/OOD-\WWORKING [{ACHINE @O:2° Fig. 193. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 52, Fast Feed Flooring Machine. N many mills—especially those running Southern pine, or in which flooring is made a specialty—it is i not necessary to have a wide machine; for that reason we have designed our No. 52, 10-inch wide, and raising with 6-inch hoist. The Rolls are 8% inches in diameter, and it is a powerful, fast running machine. All the working parts are easily accessible, and the machine can be changed quickly from one class of work to another. Among its many valuable features are the following: Parallel Hoist to Feed Rolls. Weighted Chip-Breaker to side head. Opening End of Machine to get at under Cutter Head. Gripping Device to hold the matcher leg firmly in place when set. Means by which the Matcher Plates can be adjusted. Presser Shoes that hold the edge of the board down on matcher plates. The Matcher Bar is fastened in pockets, and these pockets are secured on the side of the frame by bolts, by loosening which the pocket bar and matcher leg can be raised up, by means of one screw, until the matcher plate is level with the platen plate under the top cutter head. In this way it takes but a few minutes to level them up. The Presser Shoe in holding the edge of the lumber firmly down to the matcher plates, while the side head cutters are acting upon it, make sure of perfect work, as these shoes catch the edge of the board before the side head strikes it, thereby enabling the operator to dress warped lumber accurately, so that when it is laid there will be no projecting edges. The Cutter Heads are forged solid from hard steel. The journals are drawn out from the body of the head, and are integral with it. This makes the best cutter head in the world. The Cutter-Head Pulleys are large in diameter and this gives great traction power to the belts. They are fitted to a true taper and held there by a nut, by which method all chances of straining the spindle or throwing it out of balance are avoided. All the shafting is of steel. Every part or piece of the machine has a number or letter stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number or letter, duplicate parts may be ordered by wire or mail. All shaftings and fittings—including bolts, screws and nuts—are finished to United States Standard sizes. Circulars giving further detailed description will be furnished on application. T. and L. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. uetey aD She Coe Fe aD og otaney ea Ka) BE Ree Oe et ae ee nite more eon ere eee ee 14x8 1,000 7,200 Infective. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goa D) = = 3 | = a i) fa S ¥ oO a! ed LL) oe c Zz 6 z op a 3 $ 2 OL Z fa : wo oO a SD 2 fj) (ae ‘ i e 40 17; : = 2 So ok 3 Lt) + Lf ) Z. See Opposite Page for Description. -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GO. Fig. 194. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S No. 55, Fast Feed Flooring Machine. HIS cut on opposite page illustrates our No. 55 Fast Feed Flooring Machine. It weighs 7,800 and works lumber from 4 inch to 6 inches thick and from 2 inches to 14 inches wide on all four sides at one operation. The rolls are 8% inches in diameter, and it is a powerful fast running machine. All the working parts are easily accessible, and the machine can be changed quickly from one class of work to another. Among its many valuable features are the following: Parallel Hoist to Feed Rolls. Weighted Chip-Breaker to side head. Opening End of Machine to get at under Cutter Head. Gripping Device to hold the Matcher Leg firmly in place when set. Means by which the Matcher Plates can be adjusted. Presser Shoes that hold the edge of the board down on Matcher Plates. The Cutter-Heads are forged solid from hard steel. The journals are drawn out from the body of the head, and are integral with it. This makes the best cutter head in the world. The Cutter-Head Pulleys are large in diameter and this gives great traction power to the belts. They are fitted to a true taper and held there by a nut, by which method all chances of straining the spindle or throwing it out of balance are avoided. The Matcher Bar is fastened in pockets, and these pockets are Becca to the side of the frame by bolts, by loosening which the pocket bar and matcher leg can be raised up, by means of one screw, until the matcher plate is level with the platen plate under the top cutter head. In this way it takes but a few moments to level them up. The Presser Shoe in holding the edge of the lumber firmly down to the matcher plates, while the side head cutters are acting upon it, make sure of perfect work, as these shoes catch the edge of the board before the side head strikes it, thereby enabling the operator to dress warped lumber accurately, so that when it is laid there will be no projecting edges. All shafting is of steel. Every part or piece of the machine has a number or letter stamped upon it, so that by simply giving the number or letter, duplicate parts may be ordered by wire or mail. All shaftings and fittings—including bolts, screws and nuts—are finished to United States Standard Sizes. Circulars giving further detailed description will be furnished on application. Te and Ls Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, Peer LAIN Oc eign eA MO ToS PRU Sag goes see et cee icnive ne dun pubes ndestuns on skites Sabatacants 14x 8 1,000 7,800 Inference. 235 “O@AMERICAN \AVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @6:42 Special No. 55 works 14 x 6 and the Special No. 52 works 10 x 6. Nn ° Y LL) 3 g Ses a » = fe aS oo > Lt © 13) Fé aa} =| , The above machine is built in ‘wo Sizes Special Nos. 55 and 52, Fast Feed Planers and Matchers. See Opposite Page for Description. -@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 195. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S Special No. 55, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. “HE cut on the opposite page shows our ‘‘Special’’ No. 55, and represents a new departure in con- ‘| struction, from the fact that it has three pair of Feed Rolls in front of the cutter head, having no carrying-out roll. This prevents roll or shaving marks from showing on the smooth face of the lumber, where piping is imperfectly done. ‘This trouble exists to such an extent in some mills, where much pitch pine is run, that it is customary not to use the carrying-out roll for dressing the best grades of flooring, but by placing the three pair of rolls in this way, a strong, powerful feed is assured, and the danger of roll marks is eliminated. This machine has the same valuable features that have made the Regular 55, page 235, so popular, and is especially designed for rapid, first class work, and is easily set up. Fig. 196. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S Special No. 52, Fast Feed Planer and Matcher. ie many mills using a large number of machines and running exclusively on flooring, a narrow machine is in many cases more acceptable than a wide one, and for that reason we build this Special No. 52, 10 inches wide. In general features, it is the same as the Special No. 55, shown in the cut on opposite page, only that it is to inches wide instead of 14 inches. The narrowing up of a machine adds to the strength and accessibility, that together with the valuable features of the Regular No. 55, page 235, commends itself as a first class Floorer. Te and iG. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, ii Bt 0s — Speciale Non 558 14% Gi oe pin estes cn de aniston eet |14 x 8 1,000 8,100 Infested. Fig. 196—Special No. 52, 10 X 6.. nc... esses. cccssce: neeeeesstecsseeeeeneesnses aennemeeresenseseaanes 14x8 1,000 7,500 Infidel, ROE &S — “QAMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE *o}IUIUY 000‘6 006 SS Pee ges ee Seed pe neta PT a eee Prine Ae ge ens Panne ae ea SIIOW XIS ‘9 X CT ‘OF “ON—Z6I “81 "pIoM apop “JUSIOM ‘aMUTL Jad ‘saay ‘sAo[[Ingd “I pue vy “*IZIS ‘SPIM SaTUT %E ‘Buoy yey ST [aq paey auo : OpIM sayour ¢ ‘SuUOT say SUT ¢ JoaF [TZ Toa ‘S}]9q PREY] apls OM] !apIM sayoUT ¢ ‘Buoy sayour g yooy ¢€Z ‘WJ9q pea Jopun auo ‘OPI sayour ¢ ‘Buoy sayour Z yoo} 6T Yous ‘s}Jaq pray doy omy, : pasmnboy surnjog ‘[reur Aq Jo a11M Aq potapso aq ued sazeordnp ‘payuem jed uo saquinu pue sure ay} Jo zaqumu ay} Sutras Aqdums x Z syIOM QI “ON :S9ZIG OMY, UI YINq ST oUIYORU sAOge st, -_——— — — t | | Hk \ i| | | \ ) \ | H | | | NY ‘SJOYDILY PUB SJOUR]d [JOY=XIS JOpul[ADd QIZUIS ‘Z] pue OT “SON S°O9 AXdHLOAd Y LAOH ‘Goz puv Foz ‘s3I-f ‘uoIdIIdseq JO} o3¥eq 931S0ddQ 309 -OAMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GO: Figs. 204 and 205. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S Nos. 16 and 17, Improved Single Cylinder Six-Roll Planers and Matchers. f ‘HE engraving on the opposite page represents one of our Second New Series Improved Planers and Matchers. ‘These machines are very much lighter and of less value than our New Series Improved. The Framework of the Second New Series Improved is modern and simple, reference being made to great strength and convenience of access to working parts. The extreme length is twelve feet over all. The rolls are six and one-half inches in diameter and have a parallel lift. They may be adjusted from either side of the machine. Strong pressure is used: for the rolls. Weuse large driving feed pulleys (which may be very quickly changed), giving high speed to feed belt, so very little tension is required. Our Cylinders are made of steel, and are slotted on all four sides. The spindles are two inches flush in diameter, and have long bearings. Spindles to the side heads are of large diameter, and the side heads are bored 1 5-16 inches. We use our standard matcher stock with oil cup or receiver at the bottom of the spindle, and that end runs constantly in a cup of standing oil. They have their end support on bronze steps. The Bed Plate under top cylinder of these machines can be quickly removed when necessary for re- dressing. ‘The matcher stocks are similarly arranged. The side head belts run over a drum pulley inside the frame, and are carried parallel to the pulleys on the spindle. These Machines have a perfect chip-breaker to the top cylinder that is quickly and easily adjusted, and may be set close to the line of cut or back far enough to allow for any reasonable swing of the knives. All bearings may be oiled without stopping. On each corner are projecting lugs, which are dressed perfectly true. In setting machine, place straight-edge on these, and be sure they are level. We build these matchers in two widths. No. 16 has a 7-inch cylinder. No. 17 has a 14-inch cylinder. Either will surface from 34 to 4 inches thick. The feed belt is held taut with a double pulley and weighted binder lever. They discharge on three feeds, 40, 60 and 80 lineal feet per minute. We send with each machine the standard knives on the cylinder, one set beader bits, one set 1-inch Shimer flooring heads, one set gun metal heads, with one set each 1-inch matcher, 2-inch jointer and 36-inch ceiling bits, and all necessary wrenches. BELTING REQUIRED. 35 feet 8 inches, 5 inches wide, for cylinder. 38 feet 8 inches, 4 inches wide, for side heads. 14 feet 3 inches, 4 inches wide, for feed. Tt. and 1; Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. esee ree A =O Gye, WOLKS ae Ae ace ce heen geen sc nets bs sncnonees teas sapwavance Ase 1,000 4,400 Inkling. Fig. 205—No. 17, works 14 x 4............ Sree Sek eke Pree as 5 Sea LAs 1,000 5,000 Inkpot. Figs. 206 and 207. See Opposite Page for Description. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S =Roll Planers and Matchers. Nos. 18 and 19, Improved Six = y eS = ig i ll UVNUUUNAVEN GAARA =A 4 Ln CANINE ENG CO. cyt ||| ea rere ee a ee ee eee SSS SS a ieee i ive Nea, er te Ce ee Ig works 14 x 4. 18 works 7 x 4 and No. No. The above machine is built in T'wo Sizes: Hither will dress from 3@ to 4 inches thick. -@NMERIGAN \AWOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goo» Figs. 206 and 207. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S Nos. 18 and 19, Improved Planers and Matchers. HE engraving on the opposite page represents our Second New Series Improved Planers and Matchers. The framework is modern and simple, reference being made to great strength and convenience of access to working parts. The extreme length is 12 feet over all. The rolls are 6% inches in diameter, and have a parallel lift. They may be adjusted from either side of the machine. Strong pressure is used for the rolls. We use large driving feed pulleys (which may be very quickly changed), giving high speed to feed belt, so very little tension is required. Our Cylinders are made of steel, are slotted on all four sides; are alike top and bottom, so that knives are interchangeable. ‘The spindles are 2 inches flush in diameter, and have long bearings. Spindles to the side head are of large diameter, and the side heads are bored 1 5-16 inches. We use our standard matcher stock, with oil cup or receiver at the bottom of the spindle, and that end runs constantly in a cup of standing oil. They have their end support on bronze steps. The Under Cylinder Boxes are yoked together. The pressure bars are quickly removed for con- venience of setting knives, and replaced without requiring adjustment. Notice that the draft or pull of the belt to the under cylinder is not on the bolts that hold the boxes to place, but against a bracket cast on the frame, and while very simple in its construction, it is important in giving a solid support to the cylinder bear- ings. ‘The bed plate under top cylinder can be quickly removed when necessary for dressing. The matcher stocks are similarly arranged. ‘The side head belts run over a drum pulley inside the frame, and are carried parallel to the pulleys on the spindles. These machines have a perfect chip-break to the top cylinder that is quickly and easily adjusted, and may be set close to the line of cut or back far enough to allow for any reasonable swing of the knives. All bearings may be oiled without stopping. On each corner are projecting lugs, which are dressed perfectly true. In setting machine, place straight-edge on these, and be sure they are level. We build these matchers in two widths. No. 18 has 7-inch cylinders. No. 19 has 14-inch cylinders. They will dress from 36 to 4 inches thick. The Feed Belt is held taut with a double pulley and weighted binder lever as shown in engraving. They discharge on three feeds, 40, 60 and 8o lineal feet per minute. We send with each machine the standard knives on the cylinders, one set beader bits, one set 1-inch Shimer flooring heads, one set gun metal heads, with one set each r-inch matcher, 2-inch jointer and 36-inch ceiling bits, and all necessary wrenches. BELTING REQUIRED. 35 feet 8 inches, 5 inches wide, for top cylinder. 21 feet 2 inches,. 4 inches wide, for bottom cylinder. 38 feet 8 inches, 4 inches wide, for side heads. 14 feet 3 inches, 4 inches wide, for feed. T. and I. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 206—No. 18, Works 7 X 4 on. eeessecseeseees coeeseseseeceecees cesennenenees 14x7 1,000 5,200 Innocence. Fig. 207—No. 19, works 14 X 4.000... cssesessossssesetseserscsesesssnses eosenneneey 14x7 1,000 6,000 Innovate, "8 X Qt SBDBJING %8 ‘ON pue g xX OF SadRJING g ‘ON :S9ZIG OMY, UI IINq STI oUTyOeU dAOqe at], SS v> ii ‘SIOOBIING poo] J9TJOY JUV *%Q pue g ‘SON SOD YHHLOAd Y LAOH "607 pue goT “SSI4 *u0I}d1IDS9q JO} 93¥q 9}ISOddQ 33S <@\MERIGAN \WYOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @O:22 Figs. 208 and 209. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S Nos. 8 and 84s, Patent Roller Feed Surfacers. E illustrate on the opposite page our No. 8 Six-Roll Double Surfacer, which will dress from % to 8 inches thick and 30 inches wide. No. 8% is the same machine, made to dress 26 inches wide. The Two First Top Rolls are each divided into two sections, and so arranged internally that although placed on a straight shaft, they have the same power to feed as a solid roll, whether used separate or together, and each section will yield independently, consequently will feed two boards of greatly varying thickness, at the same time, with perfect pressure on both. Rolls are 9% inches in diameter. The Cylinders are made of steel. The spindles are 21-inch diameter, and have long bearings. Pulleys on upper cylinder are double flanged, and are close to the boxes. Knives interchangeable on upper and lower cylinders. The Lower Cylinder Boxes are three in number, and yoked together. Are adjustable for more or less cut. The outer box is next the pulley, and has special take up arrangement, should it wear faster than the others. The pressure bars may be simply lifted out for convenience in setting knives, and re- placed without requiring adjustment. The Upper Cylinder is double locked. Has divided chip-break and pressure rolls. The bed under- neath is of steel, and may be easily removed for re-dressing, should it ever become necessary. We use counter balanced binders for upper cylinder belts (which should be endless), thus making these machines the strongest belted of any on the market. Has four rates of feed: 40, 60, 80 and 100 lineal feet per minute. We furnish with each machine the knives on the cylinders and all necessary wrenches. BELTING REQUIRED. T'wo Endless Belts for Upper Cylinder, 21 feet, 7% inches, 6 inches wide. Four Lower Cylinder, 26 feet, 6 inches wide. For Feed, 18 feet 1o inches, 4 inches wide. SIZE. T. and L,. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. GONG) Oh. — SSUREACES A) iGo 8 nag crrcst yar acca antec Vetere oie 16 x 10 900 to 1,000 11,000 Inscribe. Be 209-0. 89%, DULEACES 26 FB .2 ese cccac so saeeeceemermte sare ersen se rsa 16 x 10 900 to 1,000 10,400 Insect. 249 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE G0. ‘STOW pee YOUI-OI XIG ‘JsIoy SayoUr ZI : aplay sayour Of ‘JOOBLING sJqnog jJOY PpoplAIg. AAvoy S09 ANIHOVW HAOD NHID “OIZ “SI "UOINdLIDSaq 103 33eq o}IsoddQ 93g 250 -@A\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MLAGHINE GO Fig. 210. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S “Kid”? Heavy Divided Roll Double Surfacer. HE cut on the opposite page represents the ‘‘ Kid’’ Heavy Divided Roll Double Surfacer, which al: will dress from 34-inch to 12 inches in thickness and up to 30 inches in width on two sides at one operation. ‘Ihe massive proportions of this machine, its strength, simplicity, and accessibility of all its parts, will attract the attention of every mill man. Its operation is controlled by two simple levers, without any additional bolts, jam nuts, etc. The entire hoist from 3-inch to 12 inches is accom- plished in one minute. The Lower Bed, cutter-head, etc., are stationary, while the upper head and rolls are raised and lowered by a single motion of the lever at the work side of the machine. The Head and Rolls are each independent of the other in their adjustment for ‘‘lining up’’ and are connected with a single hoisting device for the quick adjustment of the machine for different thicknesses. By the arrangement of the patented rock-arm device, the frame, when lifted by either the hoist screws or the varying thickness of the lumber, all four corners rise with a parallel movement. The four sectional rolls work in slides and are controlled by springs to the extent of an inch before the frame can rise. Should an extra thick piece of timber pass through the machine, it will act only on the rolls driving it, and when those have gone their entire limit of independent action, the whole frame will rise with an increased pressure. The action of one set of rolls does not interfere with the other set, as their pressure springs will keep them down to the bottom of the ways. The Intermediate Shaft is driven by bevel gears secured in three good bearings, and with a key- way long enough to allow a bevel gear to slide up and down the requisite 12 inches. This shaft, which is 2 inches in diameter, makes but 38 revolutions to a feed of 100 feet per minute, and correspondingly less as the feed is decreased. The Bevel Gear on this machine is of bronze metal, and has a long hub provided with a feather firmly dove-tailed through the entire length and is controlled by an extra box or bearing around the outside of this hub, which is grooved to prevent end wear and to guide it up or down the vertical shaft. All these bevel gears are neatly housed in casings that completely exclude all dirt and shavings from their teeth and working surfaces. "This driving mechanism does away with the expansion gears that, on so high a hoist, would occupy so much more space, and in other ways not be as efficient as the principle here adopted. The bottom cutter-head yoke is so arranged that by loosening the heavy clamp bolts, it may easily be drawn out at either end of the machine, for access to the head and knives. Circulars, giving further detailed information, will be mailed on application. sy and 1: Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 210—Double Surface 30 X 12.00.00... cess Sere Tee Og ae Oe Bes I es er Se 16 x 10 1,000 11,500 Insertion. ~@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 211 GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S “kid Jr.’’ 26-inch Divided Roll Double Surfacer. 26 inches wide; 8 inches hoist; Four Feed Rolls. See Opposite Page for Description. 252 -@\MERICAN VWOOD-\WORKING MACHINE 0:2 Fig. 211. GLEN COVE MACHINE CO.’S ‘Kid Jr.’ 26-inch Divided Roll Double Surfacer. : ‘HE cut on opposite page represents our Four-Roll, 26-inch, ‘‘ Kid Jr.”? Surfacer. This machine meets the demand for a four-roll, rapid feed, double surfacer, which can do the finest work on hard wood. It will double surface hard lumber from 1% inch to 8 inches thick, and any width up to 26 inches. This is accomplished— First.—By building the machine in such compact form that the carrying-in and carrying-out rolls are brought within 36 inches of each other, and Second.—By constructing the,entire machine of such strength and weight that it will double surface all kinds of lumber at as high speed as the operator shall desire. Where an extra rapid feeding machine is desired, as for box shooks, the broken roll is built in four sections, and the top head chip-breaker in eight. This facilitates the feeding of four narrow pieces of lumber through the machine at the same time. The Broken Rolls are arranged in slides in a yoke casting, and each has an independent action, to the extent of one inch, backed up with spiral springs to give pressure on the lumber, and with the patented rock-arm device attached to each sectional roll to give a parallel motion. After one or more of the rolls has raised the inch limit allowed in these slides, it brings up against the yoke, which in turn has another allowance of one inch, under pressure of two more heavy spiral springs, giving in all two inches or more raise for the varying thickness of the lumber fed. By this arrangement the raising of one of the rolls does not interfere with the free action of the other one, or of the other three as the case may be. The yoke casting is also attached to the patented rock-arm device to prevent cramping in its action, and has also two long hoist screws attached to either end for adjustment. Saving of Time being a matter of importance, a Power Hoist is applied to this machine, and is operated by a single lever at the work side. It will completely hoist or lower the entire upper works in one minute. The Machine can also be adjusted and operated from the work side, without the assistance of a wrench, as the hand wheel and levers are all attached where it is necessary to use them. By building this machine with the roll and roll supports entirely independent of the cutter heads, it will double surface lumber accurately, and will stand a gauge even after a long run. This principle is also applied to the bottom head and lower works, as they are supported directly to the solid frame, and consequently are not affected by any jar or vibration of the machine. The bearings throughout the entire machine are all provided with grooves to allow a free circulation of oil, and have tubes leading to convenient places for the filling when necessary. Circulars giving further detailed description will be furnished on application. ‘Te rand 17, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 21]—Double Surface 26 X 8.........ccccceseescccseeesceeneseeeeeeecenenes ceceeereeennenanes 4x8 1,000 7,000 Insipid. bo Ol “@AMERICAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:2» 'g X Qc pue ZI x gz ‘gx Of ‘ZI X OF YIOM 0} ‘S]JOY pest XIG YUM ‘sozIg Inoy ur yMY aeeiaatn-casnontmaemnsnnstenmmeeee te eA ‘JOOBLING 3qnog ,,Joyeyw Aouop,, S°OD ANIHDVW AAO TD ‘ziz ‘SI “UOINGIIDSOG JO} 93eq 2}ISOddQ 93S 254 -@\MERIGAN \A/COD-\WORKING MACHINE @O:9* Fig. 212. GLOBE MACHINE CO.’S ‘‘Money Maker” Double Surfacer. HE In-Feeding Rolls are divided ; top rolls 8% inches in diameter, bottom rolls 10 inches in diameter. | The Top Rolls have a parallel lift, thus giving the full friction surface of the rolls when in operation, an important feature that many machines do not possess. The Chip-Breaker jis divided into four sections, each section provided with an independent roll to assist the chip-breaker in raising and relieving the friction. The chip-breaker can be adjusted to ¥%-inch of the cut and swing on a radius with the head, insuring perfect work in heavy as well as light cuts. The Cylinders are made from one solid piece of open hearth forged steel throughout and are four- sided, slotted or solid, as desired. The Journals are 2'4 inches diameter and 11 inches long, both top and bottom and run in self- oiling boxes. The Cylinder Pulleys are 5 inches in diameter and 7 inches long, double flanged and both top and bottom are double belted, and will carry 6-inch belts. The cylinder posts and bed plate are cast in one piece. The platen is bolted to the bed and is in two sections, and in case the platen wears, it can be re- moved for trueing up. The Pressure Bar over bottom head can be thrown up out of position without loosening a nut or bolt and when thrown back is self-locking. The Mouth Pieces or chip-breaker for bottom head are adjustable and easily removed for sharpening the knives. The counter shaft is detached from the machine. The Main Counter-Shaft extends across the stands and is supported at each end by floor stands. The pulleys driving lower head are on short shafts or stubs and are adjustable for tightening the cylinder belts independently. The Feed Pulleys on counter-shaft are in two sections and can be changed from slow to medium or fast in two minutes by loosening two set screws. The main feed pulleys are on a swinging frame and make a tightener for the feed belt. Tececdels, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. lite SALES Mester’ 28 S€0) UCNMRGLU S g We on ingly so ea eee eee Pea 14x 10% 850 Insolate. ig 212 iNe=Syee TONE RIDES” tele OR ee ee ee ee 14x 10% 850 ( 12,000 ) Instate. Me ee si Rolls 26 elo ead, See ere oll 14 x 10% 850 ij aa Instep. pee eat ROIS 2G) Ce toetacepet ces ox ncphas ered nnne cca sciaagasent ce detaBes 14x10% 850 Instinct. ‘OI X gz pue ZI x gz ‘OI X OF ‘ZI X OL FIOM 0} ‘S9ZIG MOY Ul YING ‘s9.RBJING sJqn0g AAO] ., 666» Saag "8 X Qe pue g xX OL FIOM 0} ‘S8ZIS OM], UI YING ..4If 666» ‘SIDIBIING s,qnog AABOT .. IL 666,, PUB ..666;, SOD ¥Y SAADOA “d “dD ‘Fiz pue Cz *ssI4 "UOIWdIIDSOG JO} o3eq oIsOddQ 999 -@\AMERIGAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @o:2» Figs. 213 and 214. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S “900” and “999 Jr.”’” Heavy Double Surfacers. HE machines illustrated by the prints on the opposite page are of a type comparatively new, yet on AR the market long enough to have demonstrated fully their value. These machines are all built on the same general principle involving, first, the position of the cut of the lower head and, second, the arrangement and power of the feed. The demand for machines capable of dressing band sawed lumber satisfactorily necessitated the turning out of machines so arranged that the stock could be dressed on the lower head first; to do this, and make all the adjustments on the lower cylinder accessible, it was neces- sary to pull this head out to either side for easy access for setting and sharpening knives. This can be done with a little or no waste of time. The Adjustments for the cut of this lower head are accomplished by the use of an auxiliary bed at- tached to and being a part of the main bed, but adjusted independent of it. ‘This adjustment is made by means of a hand wheel at the feeding-in end of the machine, and operated just as the front table of a Buzz Planer is adjusted. This is entirely independent of the adjustments for thickness. The main bed for this purpose being raised and lowered by power friction device, raising the bed 8 inches in one minute. Both Cylinders on these machines are very heavy, with large bearings in yoked boxes. Chip-Breakers and Pressure Bars are all adjustable, and there is a flexible but ample pressure over the lower head. ‘The feed of this machine is exceptionally strong. There are eight feed rolls, two pair of divided rolls before the cut and two pair of solid rolls after the cut of both heads. While these machines are built to take stock up to 12 inches thick, the special value of the various adjustments given are best appreciated in shops where quantity and quality are important items in dressing the thinner classes of stock, as in sash and door factories, furniture factories, and general jobbing mills ; quick changes and wide range both being prominent features. The 999 is very heavy, and dresses 10 inches and 12 inches thick and 26 inches and 30 inches wide. The Jr. is built on the same plan but considerably lighter, being a very heavy surfacer, weighing between 9,000 and 10,000 Ibs. These machines work 26 inches and 30 inches wide, 8 inches thick. ‘Te and Jy. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 213 —30 X12, 999... cecseees eeteeeee cr eenee eeetateettetseenenees Festaghicesencesvareee 14x 8 1,000 12,500 Insular. FUE, 213 A—30 X 10, 999 nnn... eccceesese ssssseenesesceassers neenneeesaecensessveneccentnanan sraaseeaact 14x 8 1,000 12,000 Insulter. Hag 213) B26 x NO eres see case neegne nee wee seco nenn=anu=ousncanertaen craaemes=hencsns ar a=o== 14x8 1,000 11,700 Intact. Big, 213 C—26 & 10, 999 nnn nscs._-ccnc-sensnnsnsecene sencseasoeee ceseenntneescnceamsaneancnesneasceaseessets 14x 8 1,000 11,200 Integer. Hic. 214 —30x 38, Uae gen tar one epee an dese = aEnneouanmaeh crac coeensenncees Pe siscoacd 14x 8 875 9,800 Intellect. Fig. 214 A—26 x Sy, gel bps ay SE oo Een IRE eee eee eee ee 14x 8 875 9,300 Interim. 257 -OAMERICAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 215. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Heavy Double Surfacer. FRONT VIEW. UILT in two sizes with 4 or 6 solid or divided feeding-in rolls to work 30 x 10 and 26 x Io. This machine is built as either a Single or Double Surfacer of sizes as shown above, and in follow- ing types. As a Six-Roll Machine with either solid or divided feeding-in roll. The extra pair of rolls being placed beyond the lower cylinder and arranged to swing out to admit of easy access to lower head. Asa four-roll machine with either solid or divided feeding-in roll. Cylinders are large, slotted for three or four knives as desired, and run in heavy yoked boxes to insure perfect alignment. Bonnet Chip-Breaker and pressure bars are all quickly and easily adjusted. Lower Cylinder is readily set for any desired cut, and end of the bed swings down to admit of easy access to head for sharpening or setting knives. The Bed is raised and lowered on four screws by hand or power ; when power is used an adjustment of eight inches is accomplished in one minute. For rear views and further description, see next page. 258 -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE Goo Fig. 215. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S Heavy Double Surfacer. REAR VIEW. UILT in two sizes with 4 or 6 solid or divided feeding-in rolls to work 30 x 10 and 26 x Io. We would call particular attention to the fact that when set to proper thickness, the lower cylinder,’ while firmly attached to bed, is also clamped to the sides of the frame, insuring perfect solid support. The Feed on this machine is very powerful, rolls being large and the gears on the rolls about twice as large in diameter, giving proper leverage. Each pair of feed roll boxes are connected in yoke form to avoid possibility of cramping, and all links are hung on boxes instead of on roll shafts. Feed is driven direct from top cylinder through two feed shafts. This machine is very heavy, thoroughly well made, and adapted to a full line of single and double surfacing on all kinds of lumber. Tang is Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 215 —26x 10, Solid Roll, Four Rolls... 2. cee eee 4x8 900 6,150 Interlope. Fig. 215A—30x10, “* “* ps SE othe eRe 2 SN See Ph eae 14x 8 900 6,400 Interlude. Fig. 215 B—26 x 10, Divided Roll, Four Rolls... ..-eeseeeeeeee eect eee 144x8 900 6,200 Intermise. Fig. 215 C—30 x 10, ni i as o 144x8 900 6,450 Intermit. Fig. 215 D—26 x 10, Solid Roll, Six Rolls 14x 8 900 6,450 Intersect. Fip:-215 E—30 x10, * ee Ses 14x 8 900 6,700 Interval. Fig. 215 F—26 x 10, Divided Roll, Six Rolls... tescee eee seeeeee teteee etree 14x8 900 6,500 Intestate. Fig. 215 G—30 x 10, a hi a MS eis ict Rete en a teh Be Bie RP ba aos 14x8 900 6,750 Inthral. ‘at BuO ye peuL{d aq 0} ssouyory} jenbaun jo saooid oA} pIUIpe 0} ‘svg oInsseIg pue S]TOW [BUOTJPIISG “Yor, soyour OT ‘osprM soyour Sz Suryiom ‘pag SuLtaMo’] [[OY-XIS Z 8 ay ci ‘JOOBIING sqnog AAR] ‘¢ ‘ON SUALVM ¥ TIHCO00OD “QIZ “314 ‘uoIndIidseg 10} o3eq syIsoddQ 99S 2o\M 260 -@NMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE GQ: Fig. 216. GOODELL & WATERS’ No. 3, Six=Roll Double Surfacer. OTE this Comparison. In nearly all Double Surfacers, whether with lowering or stationary bed, the N counter-shaft is at the in-feeding end of the machine, occupying the room necessary for the free movement of the operator; compelling him to stand near fast-running shafts and between fast- running pulleys and belts, and taking space which can be much better utilized for piling lumber and other purposes. In designing this machine, the counter-shaft has been placed at the out-feeding end, with the fast and loose pulleys located where the room is least desired. The advantages of this arrangement are obvious, removing the counter-shaft from an objectionable position and allowing a radical change in the method of driving the upper cutter-head. New Method of Belting. ‘This is done by what is called a ‘‘ Triangular’’ method of belting (Patent applied for). A sub-counter is placed near the in-feeding end, not extending beyond the machine. The belt extends around the pulleys on the main countershaft, around the pulley on sub-counter, and over the upper cutter-head pulley. The strain of the belt is always down, and steady on the pulley. It has been found a belt driven in this manner runs with less vibration and has much better adhesion to the cutter-head pulley than when attempted to run it around the pulley and immediately return it to the main counter-shaft. Dividing the Cut. Ifa heavy cut is necessary, it can be divided between the upper and lower cutter- heads. The cut of the under head can be set instantly by merely turning a crank, which is within easy reach of the operator, raising or lowering the in-feeding table and lower rolls in the same manner as the table of a wedge jointer or buzz planer. Changing the cut of the lower head does not affect the thickness of the material when dressed, but divides the cut between the upper and lower heads. In many instances this division of cut is a great advantage, as the full reduction may be made in passing the material through once, and better work will result than if the whole cut was required of the upper head. Adjustments and Capacity. This machine is provided with sectional rolls and pressure bars to admit two pieces of unequal thickness at one time. It will double surface 28 inches wide up to 10 inches thick. The bed is raised or lowered by power on four large screws. A lever within convenient reach operates this device. Slight changes of thickness can be made by hand. Both heads are four-sided. The upper head is double belted. The under head is single belted. The under head slides out for access to the cutters. Principal Points of Merit. Removal of counter-shaft from objectionable position, giving free access to all parts of the machine. Dividing the cut between the upper and lower heads, which can be done accurately and very quickly without stopping the machine. Improved method of belting. Every part or piece of the machine has a number cast or stamped upon it so that by simply giving the number of the machine and num- ber on part wanted, duplicates can be readily ordered by wire or mail. BELTING REQUIRED. Two Top Cylinder Belts, each 15 feet long, 5 inches wide. One Under Cylinder Belt, 18 feet 6 inches long, 5 inches wide. One Under Cylinder Countershaft Belt, 15 feet 6 inches long, 5% inches wide. One Tightener Feed Belt, 11 feet long, 334 inches wide. Two Raising Belts, each 7 feet 7 inches long, 2 inches wide. Countershaft for Under Cylinder should be placed 6 feet from center of cylinder to center of countershaft (floor-line). and: 1, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight Code Word. Big, 216—Dovble Suriace, 28 LO s5e onsen. eancontsanssscntncnssnsnnseannssiesssvesnneesntenst 12x 8 1,000 7,200 Intimate. -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @0:2> = A Na aaSaSsSsSsSSS55 | il yl yd SAY Fig. 217. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 14, Six=Roll Double Surfacer. \ a Z \\/all : i il The above machine has Six Feed Rolls, and will Double Surface 30 x 12. See Opposite Page for Description. -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GO Fig. 217. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 14, Six=Roll Double Surfacer. ()* the opposite page we illustrate our new No. 14 Surfacer. It will dress from ly inch to 12 inches thick and 30 inches wide. We use what we call pony rolls to hold the lumber fimly to the bed, also to lift the chip-breakers so they will not stall on heavy cuts. These pony rolls, the chip-breakers and the first two feed rolls are broken so that two boards of greatly varying thicknesses can be fed at the same time and have perfect pressure on each. Although intended for a planing mill surfacer, it will dress quite short stuff, as the chip-breakers and pressure bars lie very close to the cylinders. This fact, together with the close proximity of the cylinders, enables one to do very fine work at a rapid feed. It is almost impossible to clip either surface at either end. The Cylinders are of steel, and carry four knives each, which are interchangeable. They are both double belted onto pulleys of extra large diameter, so no hesitancy should be caused by extra heavy cuts. The journals are 2% inches in diameter on upper head, and 2% inches on lower head. The Lower Head can be drawn out one side for setting or sharpening knives. The pressure bars can be simply lifted out and replaced without further adjustment. The Table may be raised or lowered by hand or power. The bed underneath upper cylinder is of steel and may be easily removed for re-dressing should it ever become necessary. The patented expansion gearing is of very superior design, and is connected both inside and outside by links or straps, so that crowding apart is impossible. We employ one set for each top roll instead of driving all top rolls with one set, as many do. We use elliptical spring pressure applied to each broken section of the feed rolls, so the operation of one section has no effect on the pressure of the other. This, together with our weighted feed belt tightener, makes the feed exceedingly strong. Our Split Feed Pulleys are very quickly changed, the tightener making the employment of more than one belt unnecessary. The counter-shafts may be so arranged as to drive from overhead if desired. here are three rates of discharge, 40, 60 and 80 lineal feet per minute. BELTING REQUIRED. For Upper Cylinder, 42 feet of 5-inch. For Lower Cylinder, 31 feet of 5-inch. For Feed, 17 feet 4 inches of 4-inch. For Raising and Lowering, 20 feet 2 inches of 3-inch. ‘Tt, and I, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute, Weight. Code Word. Fig. 217—No. 14, Double Surface 30 X 12.02... eeseeecseeeec ees eeicenees reeeenenene ceesenteens 14 x 10 850 9,400 Intonso. 2638 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MIACHINE @0:92 Fig. 218. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 22, New Roller Surfacer. Wa i): ) GB) | bs ~~ nr 24 I ii 1 mit yg ll il il Kgl KA : W. / bl | I Ee Ww —SSSS I | asi set MLS 22 Matcher. This machine is entirely new in design, and is in all ways at the head, in its class. It will surface 24 inches wide, and 3% to 6 inches thick. The Table is supported on four screws, all operated at the same time and with one motion. It has four rolls 5 inches in diameter, strongly geared together. The first Top Roll is fluted. It is a strong and powerful feeder. The Cylinders are made of steel. The Spindles are drawn out from the body of forgings, and are 2 inches in diameter, with long bearings. Genuine Babbit Metal is used where high motion is re- quired, on all of our machines. The Heads carry two knives. The Top Cylinder is double belted. The Chip-Breaker and Pressure Bar beside the Top Cylinder are placed very close to the cut, thus in- suring nice work. The Chip-Breaker has a support on the boxes that carry the first top feed roll, and is held in line one-quarter inch below the bottom line of the roll. This eases the entrance of the lumber, and makes it almost impossible to stick or stall the machine. The Under Cylinder is placed outside the second pair of rolls, or at the rear end of the machine. When access is wanted to it, there are two nuts to loosen, swing the caps away, turn back the bed over the cylinder, take out one or both of the pressure bars, and it is entirely exposed. We send with each machine the knives on the cylinders, and all necessary wrenches. This surfacer is built both asa Double and Single Cylinder Machine. It has three changes of feed, namely, 30, 40 and 50 lineal feet per minute. Belting Required: ‘Two for Top Cylinder, each 17 feet, 9 inches, 5 inches wide; one for Bottom Cylinder, 22 feet, 2 inches, 4 inches wide; one for Feed, 13 feet, 1 inch, 4 inches wide. \ \ JE illustrate above our New Surfacer, made as far as possible from the same patterns as our No. T. and L. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig: 218) :=—Doubles Suriace yg] 4 rica Gis tence eee ee ee ene Des 2% 1,000 3,900 Intrepid. Fis. 213 A--Single Surtace 24 cre ese ect ee ree te eee ee WL se 7/ 900 3,000 Intricate, -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go.» Fig. 2109. LEHMAN MACHINE CO.’S Improved Cabinet Surfacer. l ale i: Pr S ut male Mal ANNI HN = Pn ce I = i IM i] ] Ml BOVE we illustrate our improved 26-inch Double Surfacer. It is recommended as being a substantial and complete machine for working a perfectly smooth surface on either hard or soft wood. The Cutter Heads are solid forged steel. The Top Head is four sides slotted, and driven by two belts; the under head is two sides slotted, and driven by one belt. The Journals are of extra large diameter and long bearings. Both Upper and Lower Cylinders have lips made in such a manner that the knives hug them firmly, thereby relieving the chips and allowing very smooth work to be done. There are two pressures—one on each side of the cylinder. The front pressure bar or chip-breaker is adjustable to or from the cylinder to insure smooth working on either hard or soft wood, and so arranged that if forced up by a heavy cut it will not come in contact with the knives ; or it may be swung clear of the cylinder for sharpening or setting the knives. The Pressure Bar over under cylinder is adjustable and hinged to the frame, so that it may be swung up out of the way for sharpening or adjusting the knives. ; We build this machine with our improved hinged sectional pressure bars and broken feed rolls, and we claim them as being the most perfect mechanism of this kind ever produced for the surfacing of two unevenly sawed boards at the same time. > The Four Feed Rolls are 6 inches in diameter and are driven by the most powerful as well as the most perfect feeding device ever applied to a machine of this kind. The machine will work from 1-16 to 10 inches in thickness. There are two rates of feed, 40 and 60 feet per minute. The back or feeding out roll receives its pressure from large steel springs. The shaving hood is so arranged as to prevent any shavings from getting under the smooth rolls and marking the lumber. ‘The machine has the latest improved mode of putting the rolls in the bed, doing away with the loose plates in front and back of rolls, making the bed one hundred per cent. stronger than the old way. The bed is dovetailed to the frames and so arranged with the gibs that any wear resulting from raising and lowering the bed can be taken up, which is of great importance. The machine is built with two or four raising screws, as desired. The machine is so constructed that clipping the ends of stock is entirely prevented. Ty atid: 1, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 219 —Double Surface, 30 x 10 Sectional Roll .......... 12x38 900 4,500 Intrigue. Fig. 219 A—Single Surface, 30 x 10 Sectional Roll....... .... 12x 8 900 4,100 Intrinsic. Fig. 219 B—Double Surface, 26 x 10 Sectional Roll........... 12x 8 900 4,200 Introduce. Fig. 219 C—Single Surface, 26 x 10 Sectional Rolla aay 12 xe8 900 3,850 Intrude. Fig. 219 D—Double Surface, 24 x 10 Sectional Roll........... 12S 900 4,000 Intwine. Fig. 219 E—Single Surface, 24 x 10 Sectional Roll............ 12x8 900 3,600 Inundate, -@MERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE QQ Fig. 220. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S ‘‘Peacemaker’’ Double Surfacer. e> lu! | Bess LL —— CA ms ‘MI Se [= ut! SN =! — ae HE engraving shows our New Double Surfacer, which is a heavy, strong and compact machine, designed for doing If smooth and rapid work, for use in planing mills, jobbing shops, furniture factories, etc., etc. It will plane from ¥ of an inch to 8 inches thick and 26 inches wide. The top and bottom heads are made of solid forged steel with long bearings of large diameter, and the top head is belted at both ends. The bed is very rigid, solidly ribbed under the cylinder and gibbed in the slides to take up lost motion, and by our new device can be quickly and securely clamped to the frame, making it as solid as the frame itself. The Chip-Breaker and Pressure Bar are carefully fitted. The Chip-Breaker rises and falls with the in-feeding roll. Both work close to the knives and are adjustable to the lumber independent of each other and the feed rolls. The Feed Works are very strong and the gearing extra heavy. The rolls are set as close to the cylinder as possible and are all driven. The Gears are made from Iron Cut Patterns, and all adjustable gears are bushed with brass, and travel together so as to be uniform mesh and not rise on the points of the teeth, making a very positive and powerful feed. ~ . The Upper In=Feeding Roll is fluted and weighted, and adjustable for light or heavy cut; and being connected with our Improved Compensating Weight Levers, equal pressure is secured on the lumber the entire width of the machine. This machine is furnished either with sectional or solid in-feeding rolls and chip-breakers, as ordered. The feed is started or stopped by belt tightener placed convenient to the operator. The under head is adjustable for variation of cut, and is easy of access. The Pressure Bar over the Under Head raises and lowers by hand wheel, either end of it, however, can be raised or lowered independently. It has two rates of feed: 45 and 64 lineal feet per minute. We build this planer either double or single, as required. Tight and Loose Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. H.P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 220 —26-inch Double Surfacer, with Sectional In-Feeding Roll and Counter-Shaft .. . 10 x8 900 112 3,500 3 to 8 Inure. Fig. 220 A—26-inch Double Surfacer, with Solid In-Feeding Roll and ‘Counter-shafts (22 \ ia) snreach'scr aaa om eens oa eee (Single Surfacer, see page 275), 10x 8 900 112 3,300 3 to8 Invader, <@AMERIGAN \AYOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:92 Fig. 221. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 4, Heavy Double Surface Planer. HIS is the same machine in all essential particulars as our No. 4 Single Surfacer, and is an extra heavy and finely fitted machine in all details. The Main Bed is raised and lowered on long inclines, and the under cylinder and its attachments are made vertically adjustable upon it just behind the rear feed rolls. This adjustment is effected by means of screws with miter-gears, and a cross shaft with hand wheel outside of the framing. The Lower Cylinder is a solid steel forging provided with two knives, and the bearings are unusually long and very carefully ground (not filed) and the boxes are scraped to them, so the machine will start off in close boxes without heating. The Pressure Bed is also adjustable by two screws, with gears and connecting cross-shaft, so that it is always retained exactly parallel to the main bed. The Delivery Plate is adjustable to the cut, independently of the cylinder adjustment, and by taking out two screws it can be removed entirely, giving easy access to the knives. The Divided Feed Roll and bonnet can be supplied, when ordered, at an additional price. Two Counter-Shafts are furnished, one of which is located directly in the rear of the machine to drive the lower cylinder, The main counter can be over the machine or below the floor, as desired. The range of thickness is from j, inch to 7 inch. ‘Deandels, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 221 —Double STI Re aS i ieee ee ee a ee Scena deuseesccess 12x 8Y 850 6,200 Invalid. Fig. 221 A—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra 2.2... lessees csemencceeecenetee nesses nett Invective. Fig. 221 B—Double Surface, 30 X 7 .nn..ce-ceecececeseees ene oe cceeeeeecene nneteetees seetees 850 5,700 Inveigh. Fig. 221 C—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra ...cccceesececscesseccsceseesnnsesses neeeeneeeeee sees intron Inventor. Fig. 221 D—Double Surface, 27 X 7... sess seseeee cece seseeenenee teeenneetees naennecencees 850 5,400 Inverse. Fig. 221 E—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra oo cccceseecccscssesseesssscessssencennan cenrseecensy tenes ate Invest. Fig. 221 F—Double Surface, 24 X 7 w..cessessseccescesuseesseesesseesenesseneceeemenseatemsesscs 12x 8% 850 5,000 Invite. Fig. 221 G—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra 2... cesses ceeeeeteeeennee eee eee 8 eae: ae Involve, (Single Surfacer, see page 272.) 267 -@\MERICAN \AK/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @0.42 Fig. 222. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S No. 12, Double Surfacer. O. 12 DOUBLE SURFACER, to work 24 inches wide and up to 6 inches thick. This machine is N a very substantial one, an excellent tool for general shop purposes, has good strong frame, well spread out at the base, cylinders babbited in heavy boxes and the lower cylinder boxes yoked, upper ones prac- tically yoked as they are a part of the frame itself. Cylinders are good size, made for either three or four knives and slotted, upper one belted both ends. The pressure bars and chip-breakers are all adjustable and pressure bar over lower cylinder and toe piece at the end of the machine swing off to admit of easy access in setting and sharpening lower knives. The Feed is strong, all four rolls being driven and geared back to cause but slight strain on the feed belt, feed being stopped and started by tightener and supplied with three changes of feed by means of cone feed pulleys. Cones are well separated to give good belt power. This machine weighs 3,100 pounds, is furnished with two countershafts, one for the top cylinder and a short one for driving the lower cylinder which must be placed on the floor about six feet between centers. T. and J. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig, 222—Double: Surface, 24020 6c accra eeen e eee W se 6 900 3,100 Inwrap. (Single Surfacer, see page 276.) 268 -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @O:22 Fig. 223. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 4, Double Surfacer. (( | ‘ “a | ie [ e INDING a demand for a planer heavier and with stronger feed than our small planers, we have placed upon the market the No. 4 Surfacer, which is faithfully represented in the cut above. This planer, in weight and strength, comes between the Pony Planers and the heavy ‘‘ Williamsport’? Surfacers. This machine weighs about 2,800 pounds and the frame is in one solid casting. Top Cylinder is belted at both ends. ‘There are two changes of feed anda tightener on feed belt ; also adjusting crank and attachment for stopping the feed, handy to the operator. The Front Roll is weighted and connected with rockshaft, making the feed rolls raise parallel at all times. This will be found a great improvement over the old way of weighting feed rolls. Improved pressure bar and chip-breaker are provided, and the heads are of solid forged steel. Gearing is very strong, belts well proportioned, and bearings of unusual length. The Table is gibbed to the main frame, and is provided with loose gib for taking up the wear, thus preventing the planer from clipping ends. No expense has been spared to make this planer a standard on the market. We also build it as a Single Surfacer. TT, and 1, Revs. per Floor Space Average SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. H. P. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 223—Double Surfacer, 24 x 8 ............ 12 x 6 900 58 x 56 inches 7 2,800 Jabega. (Single Surfacer, see page 278.) -@\MERIGAN \AVOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:@ Fig. 224. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 3, Double Surface Planer. With or Without Divided Feed Roll and Bonnet. HIS machine is our No. 3 Double Belted Surfacer, with the addition of the lower cylinder anda special counter-shaft for driving it. The Cylinders are solid’steel forgings, with capping lips, and the journals are 2 inches and 134 inches diameter respectively, very carefully fitted and boxes scraped to them. The box caps are planed into recesses to avoid side motion. The upper cylinder is driven from both ends. The Feed Works are especially strong and well arranged, and all adjustable gears travel together so as to be in uniform mesh at all times, a feature not found in other machines. The Forward Feed Roll is geared at both ends so that there is equal pressure on the lumber for its whole length, the pressure being obtained from levers and weights in the most approved manner. The Pressure Bars are carefully arranged and fitted, and when working hang about 2% inches apart ; thus, pieces 4 inches long may be planed smoothly without dubbing the ends. Both bars are adjustable to the lumber independently of the rolls. The Feed Rolls are set close to the cylinder and arranged to hold the lumber hard down on the bed. The upper in-feed roll is usually fluted but may be smooth when so ordered. All rolls are geared and driven, and the feed is very strong, being taken directly from the cylinder, and made variable by cone pulleys; the range of feed can be from 15 to 60 feet per minute, The Lower Cylinder is driven by an independent counter-shaft, whereby the cylinder need not run when not in use. The Pressure Plate is adjustable by a hand wheel and cross shaft and is attached to a rigid casting securely bolted to the frame of the machine. The Lower Cylinder Yoke is also adjustable vertically by a hand wheel, gears and cross shaft, and the delivery bed may be easily set for any depth of cut, and detached to get access to the knives by removing two screws. All Materials and fittings are first-class, and we test every machine on various kinds of work before shipping. Broken or Divided Feed Roll and chip-breaker are furnished when ordered at a reasonable extra price. SIZE. T. and IL. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 224 =-Double Surface,(36 07 sey ere 12 x 8% 850 4,600 Jabler. Big. 224 A—Divided Rollvand Botte ty cx ral er einen ae ee noe Jabuco. Fig. 224 B=Double Surface, 30 fin ci ee 12 x 8% 825 4,200 Jacara. Fig. 224 C—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra ie \ ae nes ee Jacinto. Fig. 224 D—Double. Suntace 26 7 ee 12 x 84 800 3,850 Jackal. Fig, 224'K—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra. 2i0..652.54.020e ee Jacket. (Single Surfacer, see page 272.) -<@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE GQ.» Fig. 225. GOODELL & WATERS’ Double Surface Cigar Box and Panel Planer. HIS Machine is designed especially for surfacing cigar box stuff, panels, furniture and cabinet stock, and all kinds of hard and soft wood. It will surface 16 inches wide and 1% inch thick, and as thin as one-thirty-second of an inch in a very superior manner. It is fitted with the latest improved adjustable pressure bars. The out-feeding end of the machine may be swung either to the right or left entirely clear of the under cylinder, leaving easy access to file and set the knives and adjust the pressure bars. shaft is on the floor, it should set six feet from centre of top cylinder. ‘be and. 5. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Be ee SOT DES FMT OCG LO LG ee och senna bdecaart sna fooeplosdnrecntanermspenioi a. 10 x 6 1,100 1,500 When counter- Code Word. Jacobin. Fig. 226. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 4, Heavy Double Belted Furniture Planer. ll 1 \ 5 = = Ef iN Ne (| oo TTT W|I ers SS = Wi || \| : i . ul} Loin the cylinder boxes. The Cylinder isa solid steel forging with bearings 2% inches in diameter and 10 inches long. The journals are nicely ground and polished (not filed), and the boxes are accurately scraped to them. Thus the cylinder will start off at a high speed with"close boxes without heating. It is belted at both ends and may be driven from above, or below, or horizontally. =~ The Main Box Caps are planed into deep ledges to prevent side vibration, and the babbitt metal is rigidly secured by a new system of dovetails, causing it to shrink in tight. Large covered oil chambers are provided. ---- The Bed is planed the whole length, and is raised and lowered on specially heavy and well-fitted inclines, the lower or movable one sliding on tracks cast upon the framing. All these surfaces are carefully scraped to a bearing, and ample provision is made for oiling. ‘The lower incline is moved by two heavy square threaded screws worked together by cut gears and operated by a large central hand wheel ; one revolution of the wheel gives ;'5 inch vertical motion to the bed. The Bed Plate proper, or either outside section, may be removed for planing or facing, without taking the machine apart. The Feed Works are exceptionally heavy, well proportioned and powerful. The gears are 24 inch face all around, and their arrangement is the most simple and compact yet devised, reducing the number of the parts and bearings and conveying power directly to the rolls. All rolls are driven, and every gear is in even mesh at all times ; all intermediates being arranged to adjust with the adjustable roll gears. The upper forward roll is geared at both ends. The Roller Boxes are babbitted on a new plan, preventing looseness even after long wear. The roller shafts are of steel, pressed in. The Pressure Bars are very carefully fitted and hang about 2% inches apart when working, whereby pieces as short as 3% inches may be surfaced perfectly true. The bonnet or chip-breaker is steel-faced and swings concentrically with the cylinder, within the limits of the cut. Large Housings are provided to cover the gearing on both sides of the machine. ‘These may be lifted off by slacking two Screws. Divided Feed Roll and bonnet are furnished when ordered at an extra price. SIZE. T. and L. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig: 226 ~—Single Surface 36 x yeas ee 12x7% 850 5,100 Jaconet. Fig. 226 A—Divided Rolland Bommet, extraee es ire teen ee meee eo Jade. Fig) 226 B—Singsle (Surface, 30: 7a 12x7% 850 4,700 Jagged. Fig. 226 C—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra ........... FS Ee Be eI | an ee er Jailer. Fig. 226 D—Single Surface. 2757. ee eee 12x7% 850 4,500 Jalap. Fig. 226 B—Divided Roll ‘and Bonnet, extra. .7 go se ee Jambon. Fig.°226 F—Singlé Surface, 245% 7) ee i2= 7% 850 4,300 Jangle. Fig. 226;G—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra Janitor. _ (Double Surfacer, see page 267.) -@A\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING [MACHINE @O:92 Fig. 227. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 3, Double Belted Surfacer, Improved. my eg ip __— : 4 | rr TTT UT AMMAN ni Van Hi = yi) ual. i] T IN «|| » Vl o\\ S is being done on it than on much heavier and higher priced machines of other makes. : ‘HIS planer has come into use in a large number of Furniture, Chair, Carriage, Car and Jobbing Shops and smoother work By this means the cylinder caps may be kept The Frame is very rigid and has three points of bearing on the floor. close down without heating, and perfectly smooth work may be done. The Bed is deeper and stiffer than any other planer on the market, and has six points of support on the fran to take up lost motion. The ways being outside of the frame and rolls, it is evident that the pressure on the top roll ber cannot spring the bed and allow the cylinder to dub off the ends, as is the case with all centrally guided beds. Bed adjusts from 1; to 7 inches thick. The cylinder bed-plate is detachable for replaning. The Cylinder is a solid steel forging with three knives and capping lips, and the journals are 2 inches diameter and 9 inches long, very carefully fitted and boxes scraped to them. The box caps are planed into recesses to avoid side motion and the cylinder is driven from both ends. The Feed Works are especially strong and well arranged, and all adjustable gears travel together so as_to be in uniform mesh at all times, a feature not found in other machines. The Forward Feed Roll is geared at both ends so that there is equal pres pressure being obtained from levers and weights in the most approved manner. proved method of gearing. The Pressure Bars are carefully arranged and fitted, and when working, hang about 2% inches apart ; thus pieces 4 inches long may be planed smoothly without dubbing the ends. Both bars are adjustable to the lumber independently of the rolls. The Feed Rolls are set close to the cylinder and arranged to hold the lumber hard down on the bed. The upper in-feed roll is usually fluted but may be smooth when so ordered. All rolls are geared and driven, and the feed is very strong, being taken directly from the cylinder, and made variable by cone pulleys with three speeds. Counter-Shaft is furnished unless otherwise ordered, including our “‘ Perfect ’”’ self-oiling loose pulley. Divided Feed Roll and Bonnet to order. 1e with gibs on the lum- sure on the lumber for its whole length, the Other makes of surfacers do not have this im- SIZE. T. and L. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Tbe 22 Foy ru le Ur ACO SO in Sac caspecare cnrenns cnn eten se segnteneven 12x 7% 850 ; 3,100 Jarnut. Fig. 227 A—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra 00... cseccseccsee | ssegeemennes stance seen Jaspear. Fig. 227 B—Single Surface, 26 X 7 .......cscscscccsecsssscnesenneseets seteneesene 12x7% 850 2,800 Jaundice. Jaulita. Fig. 227 C—Divided Roll and Bonnet, extra cece cee ees (Double Surfacer, see page 270.) -@\MERICAN \AWWOOD-\WORKING [MIACHINE QQ Fig. 228. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 2% Double Belted Surfacer, Improved. aa | sh fast work, for casket, furniture, carriage, sleigh, chair, fine door and panel work, etc., and embodying many new and valuable features. The Frame is unusually rigid and heavy, and it has three points of bearing on the floor. By this means it cannot be strained or twisted, either by bolting down or settling of the floor, and the cylinder boxes can be kept screwed down close on the journals when running at a high speed, without heating, thus avoiding wavy work. The Bed is very rigid, the web being 10 inches déep and solidly ribbed under the cylinder, and it has six points of support on the frame with gibs to take up lost motion, so that vibration under the cut is entirely avoided, and also dubbing the ends. The bed plate is separate and can be easily removed for replaning. The Cylinder is a solid steel forging, with bearings 134 inches diameter, and 8 inches long, and is very carefully fitted and balanced, special pains being taken to have the journals round, by careful grinding and polishing (not filing), and bearings care- fully scraped to them. The box-caps are planed into recesses to prevent vibration sideways, and have large oil cups. The Feed Works are particularly strong and well arranged, and the gearing is extra heavy. All adjustable gears travel together so as to be in uniform mesh and not ride on the points of the teeth, a weak spot in nearly every other machine. The Pressure Bars are carefully arranged and fitted, and pieces 4 inches long, or even less, can be planed smooth, without dubbing the ends. The forward pressure bar rises and falls with the in-feed roll. Both bars work very close to the knives and are both adjustable to the lumber, independently of each other and the feed rolls. The Feed Rolls are set as close to the cylinder as possible and arranged to hold the board down firmly to the bed. The upper in-feed roll is fluted, and pressure is obtained by weighted lever in the most approved form. Every detail has received careful attention, and the fitting is done by experienced mechanics. All machines are belted up and tested before shipping. The Cylinder is double belted, and the feed works are driven from it by means of a tightener and cone pulleys. All the rolls are geared together and driven, making a very strong and uniform feed, This pattern of planer makes a very satisfactory general machine for hard or soft wood for medium work. Counter-Shaft is included unless otherwise ordered, and is provided with our “ Perfect’’ self-oiling loose pulley. r | ‘SHE engraving shows a new and fine design for a Single Surface Planer, made with special reference to doing smooth and aS ANG ys Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig..228 ‘Single Surfaces 24 om 720 gees pee eee 10 x 64% 800 - 2,250 Javelin. Fig. 228 A—Single Surface, 20 7.5 yatta eee ee eens eee 10 x 6% 800 2,000 Jealous. <@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\AJORKING MACHINE @0:@2 Fig. 229. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S ‘‘Peacemaker’’ Double Belted Single Surfacer. py \ one HIS cut illustrates our New Double Belted Single Surfacer, to plane from 1% of an inch to 8 inches thick and 26 inches wide. It is a heavy, strong and compact machine of new design, for doing smooth and rapid work in planing mills, jobbing shops, casket, furniture and carriage factories, etc., and has many new and valuable features. The Cylinder is made of solid forged steel, with long bearings of large diameter, and belted at both ends. The Bearings are carefully fitted and the boxes scraped to them. The Bed is very rigid, solidly ribbed under the cylinder and gibbed in the slides to take up lost motion, and by our new device can be quickly and securely clamped to the frame, making it as solid as the frame itself. The Chip-Breaker and Pressure Bars are carefully and accurately fitted. The chip-breaker rises and falls with the in-feeding roll. Both the chip-breaker and pressure bar work close to the knives and are adjustable to the lumber indepen- dent of each other and the feed rolls. The Feed Works are very strong and the gearing extra heavy. The Rolls are set as close to the cylinder as possible, and are all driven. The Upper In-Feeding Roll, which is a fluted roll, is weighted; and being connected with our improved compensating weight levers, equal pressure is secured on the lumber the entire width of the machine. This machine is furnished either with sectional or solid in-feeding rolls and chip-breakers, as ordered. The Gears are made from iron cut patterns, and all adjustable gears are bushed with brass, and travel together, so as to be in uniform mesh and not ride on the points of the teeth, making a very positive and powerful feed. The feed is started and stopped by a belt tightener placed convenient to the operator. It has two rates of feed: 45 and 64 lineal feet per minute. We build this machine either single or double, as required. Tight and Cubic Approxi- Average SIZE. Loose Revs. per Measure- mate 13h 12 Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. Fig. 229 —26-inch Single Surfacer, with sectional in-feeding Geld gy ReTAW Toy Ley Acs U1 gle RA sad ane ee oe oer 10x 8 900 88 2,900 2 to 6 Jerk. Fig. 229 A—26-inch Single Surfacer, with solid in-feeding roll atidycoutter-siatta res. ee, Peer Vis Pees fae erence cet nes 10x 8 900 88 2,700 2 to 6 Jester. (Double Surfacer, see page 266.) Prey -@\MERICAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @G;2% Fig. 230. C. B. ROGERS & CO.’S No. 12, 24-Inch Single Surfacer. HIS is a very substantial machine, designed expressly for general surfacing, works 24 inches wide and up to 6 inches thick. Has a good spread of base with feed counters well separated to give ample belt power. The Cylinder on this machine is made from crucible steel forging, slotted on three sides, with sub- stantial bearings in heavy boxes. It is double belted. The Chip-Breaker swings up in circle of the cut, and pressure bar adjustable, both set close to the knife. The Feed is strong, belted direct from the cylinder to counter on frame. Cone Feed Pulleys allow for three changes of speed, changes being quickly made. ‘The bed is raised and lowered by means of a hand-crank at the operator’s end of the machine. This whole machine is very carefully constructed, nicely finished and is in every respect a high-grade surfacer. Counter-shaft is included with the machine. antd) 1, Revs, per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 230—Single Surface, 2406 \aresy sae ee eta 12 x 6 900 2,700 Jesuit. (Double Surfacer, see page 268.) -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @O.2» Big e241. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 1, Planer and Smoother, Improved. HE engraving shows a new and fine design for a Single Surface Planer, made with special reference to doing smooth work, for casket, furniture, carriage, sleigh, chair, fine door and panel work, etc., and embodying many new and valuable features. The Frame is unusually rigid and heavy, and it has three points of bearing on the floor. By this means it cannot be strained or twisted, either by bolting down or by settling of the floor, and the cylinder boxes can be kept screwed down close on the journals when running at a high speed, without heating, thus avoiding wavy work. The Bed is very rigid, the web being 8 inches deep, and solidly ribbed under the cylinder, and it has six points of support on the frame, with gibs to take up lost motion, so that vibration under the cut is entirely avoided. The Cylinder is a solid steel forging, with bearings 15¢ inches diameter, and 7 inches long, and is very carefully fitted and balanced, special pains being taken to grind the journals perfectly round, and scrape the bearing carefully to them. The box-caps are planed into recesses to prevent vibration sideways, and have large oil cups. The Feed Works are particularly strong and well arranged, and the gearing is extra heavy. They are driven from the counter-shaft by cone pulleys, and there is a lever to stop the feed by shifting the first pinion out of gear. The Feed Rolls are set very close to the cylinder, and arranged to hold the board down firmly to the bed. The upper in-feed roll is fluted, and pressure is obtained by weighted levers in the most approved form. All the rolls are 3% inches in diameter, and the upper ones are driven by the gearing. The Pressure Bars are carefully arranged and fitted, and pieces 3% inches long, can be planed smooth without dubbing the ends. ‘The forward pressure bar rises and falls with the in-feed roll, and both bars work close to the knives and are both adjustable to the lumber, independently of each other and the feed rolls. Every detail has received careful attention and the fitting is done by experienced mechanics, All machines are belted up and tested before shipping. Counter-shafts are included, unless otherwise ordered, and are provided with our “‘ Perfect’’ self-oiling loose pulleys. T. and L,. Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute, Weight. Code Word, dire) Were IO 1G PLE CE 24 eG xen 2 ik hudnnndlanen steno erinedee canton 10x 5% 800 1,800 Jetudo. Fig. 231 A—Single SIE EAC CHRO iy OL ere Metts oe eerste ReneS Roh taciconcse 10x 5% 800 1,600 Jeturus. pea aah eyo EA GD Lt SLT ACS gL G1 yecceececeaec avn ancvsnwivncantediente Ws. wisogaccnpnnacsive 10x 54% 800 1,400 Jewess. -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\W/ORKING [MIACHINE QO: Fig. 232. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 3, Single Surfacer. a SS = INDING a demand for a Planer heavier and with stronger feed than our small planers, we have placed } upon the market the No. 3 Surfacer, which is faithfully represented in the cut above. This planer, in weight and strength, comes between the Pony Planers and the heavy “ Williamsport ’’ Surfacers. This machine weighs about 2,400 pounds and the frame is in one solid casting. Cylinder is belted at both ends. There are two changes of feed and a tightener on the feed belt; also adjusting crank and attachment for stopping the feed, andy to the operator. The Front Roll is weighted and connected with rockshaft, making the feed roll raise parallel at all times. This will be found a great improvement over the old way of weighting feed rolls. Improved Pressure Bar and Chip-Breaker are provided, and the head is of solid forged steel. Gearing is very strong, belts well proportioned, and bearings of unusual length. The Table is gibbed to the main frame, and is provided with loose gib for taking up the wear, thus pre- venting the planer from clipping ends. No expense has been spared to make this planer a standard on the market. We also build it as a Double Surfacer. } T. and LL, Revs. per Average SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word, Fig. 232—Single Surface, 24 x 8.222 cicssstasnov scenttensanaeedenentebtereuiees nctane 12 x6 900 2,400 5 Jillet. (Double Surfacer, see page 269.) Fig. 233. “@AMERIGAN \WOOD-VYORKING MACHINE GOS» WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New and Improved Surface Planer. !) a ; eas) HIS machine has been designed and built with the best care, for doing the smoothest work possible on either hard or soft wood. We present it to wood-workers as the highest point yet attained on light Surface Planers. ‘‘It is really a large planer in a small way.” The Frame is cast in one solid piece; is the best adapted for strength and strain. | The Bed is also cast in one piece, and fitted in the frame with special care, making it a very rigid and substantial machine for planing all kinds of hard or soft lumber, and makes what every manufacturer wants—a cut free from ridges, and leaving ends perfectly smooth without being clipped off. The Cylinder is made from the best grade of steel, with the bearings and head forged in one piece, making this the rolls and marking the lumber. best cylinder now in use. The Shaving Hood is so arranged as to prevent any shavings from getting under the smooth e Two Pressure Bars, one on each side of the cylinder, thus insuring steadiness, even when planing short or There ar thin stock, and preventing tearing out or clipping of ends. The Front Pressure Bar is self-adjusting, always regulating itself to the various thicknesses of lumber being planed. There are Four Feed Rolls, extra large; the front feed roll is weighted and, being connected with our improved rock shaft connections, makes it impossible for one end of the feed roll to raise and the other end stay down, thus allowing the ge of the stock, as is the case with most planers where the weights and levers are not con- feed roll to press only on one ed nected with rocker shaft. The back feed roll receives its pressure from steel coil springs. The Bed is raised and lowered by a hand wheel, giving quick change to different thickness of stock. This machine will plane from one-sixteenth of an inch to six inches thick, and as short as six inches in length. T. and L, Revs. per Floor Space Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. 10x 4% 900 4 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 1,500 Jilting. 900 4 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. 1,350 Jobard. SIZE. Fig. 233 —Single Surface, 24 x AC eee Re Th ahve a 10x 4% Fig. 233 A—Single Surface, 20 x 6% 279 “<@AMERIGAN \AYOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @@:2 Fig. 234. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S “Prize” Pony or Panel Planer. planing door panels and cigar box stuff it is equal to any in the market. In placing this machine upon the market, we claim for it the following advantages : It has our Patent ‘* Common Sense ’’ Three-Part Journal Box. The Frame is cast in one piece, making it very rigid. The Design of the pyramid-shaped frame, base being wide, insures great strength. The Two Pressure Bars, one in front and one in the rear of the head, the front being hinged and weighted, is self- adjusting for different thicknesses of stuff ; both bars are placed close to the head to prevent clipping or tearing out. The Forged Steel Head, very smallin diameter, makes it perfectly safe to run at a high rate of speed, which is very essential in planing brash or cross-grained lumber. The Steel Scraper attached to the delivering roll, which prevents it from gumming and marking the lumber. The Shaving Guard, arranged to prevent shavings from getting beneath the smooth rolls and imprinting the work—an important point in the purchase of a smoothing planer. That it is the heaviest Pony or Panel Planer in the market for the same amount of money. It will plane long or short stuff, even as short as 4 inches, without clipping the ends, 18 or 24 inches wide, and from 7 to 6 inches thick. It has two geared feed rolls and two rates of feed, 22 and 32 feet per minute. A STRONGLY built, well finished small planer for general use in door shops, box and furniture manufactories, etc. For Pulley Cubic Approxi- Average SIZE. on wth Joan by, Revs. per Measure- mate 18h ae! Code Word. Cylinder. Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. required, Fig. 234 —24-inch Single Surfacer without Counter ae ee eee ee A x55 eae ee 4,000 to 5,000 57 1,400 2 to 3 Jockey. Fig. 234 A—Counter-shaft (if wanted), extra ........ 10 x 6 O00 2a ay 2OO% Bs ee Jocose. Fig. 234 B—18-inch Single Surfacer without Courter 2 fe ay ee eee 4ixt5 | eee 4,000 to 5,000 5] 1,200 2 to 3 Jocular. Fig. 234 C—Counter-shaft (if wanted), extra ....... 10 x 6 9003 Gl ies See 250 tgs teres Jocund. Norr.—Counter-shaft is never included in the price for these machines, but is invariably quoted separately, for the reason that the majority of our customers buy these machines without counter-shafts. 280 -<@A\MERIGAN \AVOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Goo» Fig. 235. GOODELL & WATERS’ Panel Planer. Ml MU I \ UY My na LL It is designed to work Panels, Door Stiles, Cigar Box Stuff HIS is the smallest Planer we build. and all light work. The Adjustment for thickness is obtained by raising and lowering the bed by means of a crank at the side of the machine, and convenient for the operator. The machine is strong and compact, and no pains have been spared to make it as perfect as pos- sible. It will work 18 inches wide and 3 inches thick. TT. and 1, Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. pee Rey oe Re pe ee Ree ee a 8x4 1,000 700 Jointed. Fig. 235—Panel Planer, to work 18 x 3 281 -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @0:9% Fig. 236. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Norris Patent Improved Diagonal Planer and Polishing Machine. i l TT ro Ma es fel mo ay LOT i 1 ' oe il as (yl | | i tte — __— 2 \ iil y ot ll Tinie, ET = Sa - T i uA bh Ty i ea) Jj BS 3 Ne Halil z =( | ie < Capacity, 500 to 600 Doors in Ten Hours. HIS machine will trim the wedges, plane and sand-paper doors, sash, blinds, shutters, base, door panels, casing, furni- qr ture, etc., etc., doing as much and better quality of work than twenty-five men can do by hand, or from four to five times as much work as can be done on any other machine. It is equally valuable in small as well as large shops, as the saving is in the same proportion. One man only operates - four to six horse power runs it. All articles have a perfect uniformity of thickness and of surface; there is no clipping wre of cross-grained places or splitting of corners, or dubbing off of ends. The Planer Head is placed at an angle of 45 degrees, which gives a uniformity of cut on stiles and rails of doors, sash, and other work having grain of wood at different angles, which insures a perfectly smooth surface, regardless of knots or cross-grained places in material being worked. The knives on this head are ordinary straight planer knives. The polishing disc is sufficient diameter to polish as wide as the head will plane. The sand-paper is fastened by means of steel segment frames, and can be cut without waste from the ordinary size of roll sand-paper, and can be quickly and easily renewed. The Planer Head and Polishing Disc finishes the top surface of the work, so that the operator can at all times ex- amine the quality of the work as it passes through the machine. This cannot be done on any other polishing machine made. The finished appearance of the door rails and stiles, and other light work, is the same, while all machines having a sand- drum or cylinder, finish the stiles and muntins with the grain, and the rails across the grain, giving a very different appear- ance to the work when completed. This is a very important feature. It planes and polishes, or planes or polishes only, as may be desired, from 3 to 3 inches thick, at the rate of 16 feet per minute on the slow feed, to 20 feet per minute on the fast speed. The bed raises and lowers on inclines, and can be changed for different thicknesses of work in one minute. If desired, a cutter head can be added for joining the edges. Size, 10 feet long by 6% feet wide. We are the only makers of this machine for the United States. Tight and Cubic Approxi- Average SIZE. Loose Revs. per Measure- mate HP: Code Word, Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. . Fig. 236 —To Plane and Polish 36 inches wide. ..........s-c-2-04: AZo 650 240 4,500 4 to 6 Joists. Fig. 236 A—To Plane and Polish 42 inches wide... i Wge Es 650 284 5,400 6 to 8 Joker. Fig. 236 B—To Plane 36 inches wide, without Polisher ............ Ws 7) 650 200 3,500 3 to 4 Jollity. Fig. 236 C—To Plane 42 inches wide, without Polisher ............ IW S87) 650 240 4,050 ASL Ones Jolter. Fig. 236 D—To Plane and Polish 36 inches wide, with Two Polishing) Dist60 7. diareeha ee 14x8 650 360 6,000 4 to 10 Journal. Fig. 236 E—To Plane and Polish 42 inches wide, with Two Polishitie* Discaaen [a..5. secre eee eee 14x 8 650 420 - 7,500 4 to 10 Jovial, -@\MERIGAN \W/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE QO: Fig. 237. i ql ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Box Board or Hand Matcher. W* here present a machine that has two sets of saws or cutters on same arbor—one for grooving, the other for tonguing—and will work up to 114 inches thick. It is particularly designed to meet the wants of box makers, but is suitable for other light work. Pulley Revs. Cubic Approxi- Average on per Measure- mate Tahoe Code Arbor. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. Word. Pig. 237.......: 4x5 3000 PER wy asthe 1 Joyful. Ts ye Fig. 238. ‘ey ne 5 a . os aataaeaeeaaeeaall Wars GLOBE MACHINE CO.’S or el GLOBE venom mV MACHINE ay segs aT Power Feed Box Matcher. HIS machine is especially fitted for taking the place of the hand matcher now commonly in use. Material from % inch to 2 inches thick can be worked. Narrow or Wide Boards can be fed over the heads and from any length from 8 inches up. Tongue, groove and halving or ship-lap can be done with the same heads. ‘The machine has adjustable table and can be used with either saws or Shimer heads. The Rolls are adjusted in a manner that holds the board close to the table while passing over the head, thus preventing splitting or tearing the boards. Feeds 100 feet per minute over each head. Can be made with slower feed if desired. The Heads are on one arbor, which enables the operator to feed both heads at the same time. Feed rolls, 6 inches diameter and 3% inches high and g inches between centers ; arbor, 15% inches. The machine is supplied with special counter-shaft. T. and L. Pulleys. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 238. pnccenisscssssesnscernecesconsserssdssncnceennscnnncesenssemssenennennaes aerator 10x 4% 800 1,800 Jubilant. 283 ~-@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MEAGHINE @Q:a Fig. 239. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Blind Jointing, Rabbeting and Beading Machine. WITH SASH PLOWING AND BORING ATTACHMENT. ill i HE cut illustrates one of the most effective machines of its kind on the market for Rabbeting, Jointing and Beading lf Blinds, and contains improvements which will not be found on any similar machine. It is quickly adjusted to any size of blind, and the work is performed in one operation in the most satisfactory manner. The head on upright arbor rabbets and joints, and is constructed so as to give the knives a draw cut, which leaves the work smooth. The Head on the horizontal arbor for beading the stile is adjustable for variation in cut, and being placed on an incline, the belt is always of uniform tension. The Spring that holds the blind up to the guides is fastened to the table on which the blind rests, and is adjustable for different widths. ; The Guides are intwo parts: the one in front of the cutter-head can be adjusted to take a heavy or light cut; the guide in rear of cutter-head is always set forward the depth of the cut, by which means the blind is jointed perfectly straight. This is a very important feature. Six hundred pairs of blinds can be jointed, rabbeted and beaded on this machine in ten hours. We also build this machine as a Blind Jointer, Rabbeter and Beader without the Sash Plowing and Boring Attach= ment, and, if desired other attachments for Sash work may be used on this machine for sand-papering and jointing the meeting rail. Tight and Approxi- Average STYLE. Loose Revs. per Cubic mate oe Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Required. Fig. 239 —No. 1, Blind Jointing and Beading Machine 8 x 4 800 65 1,000 tone Judger. Fig. 239 A—No. 2, as Sash Jointing and Sand-Papering Machine ior y)) eran, seers eel et ree ean 8 x 4 800 65 1,000 I wor Judicial. Fig. 239 B—No. 3, as Sash Jointing and Sand-Papering Machine with Plowing and Boring Attachment...... 8 x 4 800 65 1,100 1 to 2 Juego. Fig. 239 C—No. 4, as Sash Jointing and Sand-Papering Machine with Plowing, Boring, Blind Jointing, Rabbeting and Beading Attachment oo. «8 x4 800 65 1,100 1 to 3 Jugated. Fig. 239 D—The Horizontal End Boring Attachment for Boring the; Bnd selolessEixtira eee eee ee Bee geste oe byes ibiee © TT e. Juice. -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE GO: Fig. 239. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Combined Sash Jointing and Sand=Papering Machine. With Plowing and Boring Attachment, also With End Boring Attachment for Boring the Connecting Hole. ROWLEY&HERMANCE CO.MNFRS. WILLIAMSPORT, PA E were the first to offer to manufacturers of sash, a machine to joint and sand-paper the meeting rail of sash. This cut illustrates our new improved machine, which is simple in construction and rapid in operation. It Joints and sand-papers the meeting rail square and straight in one motion, better than can be done by hand, and it can be operated with cheap labor. The sash is placed on movable carriage, and meeting rail rests against adjustable stops, by which means a heavy or light cut can be obtained. Springs hold the sash in position while passing through, thus leaving meeting rails all one thickness. The Plowing and Boring Attachment, the table of which is set on an incline, as shown in cut, is very simple in its construction and easily operated. The sash is placed on the grooving table next to the inside guide, and push forward to the first stop, then by pressing the foot on the foot-treadle the bit bores the stile, and by disengaging the foot the bit drops down out of the way and the sash is pushed forward to the second stop completing the groove, and the second hole is bored by a similar operation. ‘The sash is then placed next to the outside guide, and by movement of the foot-treadle operating the horizontal boring bit, bores the connecting hole between the two large holes. This horizontal attachment is only furnished when ordered, and at additional price. We can also add the Blind Jointing and Beading attachment to this machine, if desired. This improvement makes it the most complete and valuable machine in use, and a close examination of the cut will show that the machine is designed throughout to meet all the requirements of a combined Sash Joint- ing and Sand-Papering Machine, and being one of the latest improved machines of its kind on the market, it should have the careful consideration of planing mill men. Hight hundred windows can be jointed and sand-papered on this machine in ten hours. See opposite page for Code Word and Sizes. 285 -OAMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @O:2% Fig. 240. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Combination Sash Jointing and Sand=Papering Machine. With Bevel Check Rail Sand-Papering Attachment. - AATUATN - PPMMOPenOrvoooQO UU oon On Q00000001]) m pM I ul LT == iit = = EN UNS I, i /| hs —= HIS machine is designed for jointing and sand-papering the meeting rail and sand-papering the bevel check rail of sash at one operation. It is simple, quick and efficient, and can be operated by cheap labor. The Head on the upright arbor joints the meeting rail, and is constructed to give the knives a draw-cut. The Sand-Papering Disc next to the jointing head has vertical and horizontal adjustments, and sand- - papers the top of the meeting rail and the ends of the stiles and bars. The Bevel Check Rail Sand-Papering Disc has vertical, horizontal and angular adjustments, and sand-papers the bevel of the check rail. The Sash is placed on a movable carriage with the meeting rail resting against adjustable stops, by which means a heavy or light cut can be made. Spring Rollers hold the sash in position while passing through, thus leaving the meeting rails all one thickness. Kight hundred windows have been jointed and sand-papered in ten (10) hours on this machine. Tight and Approxi- Average STYLE. Loose Revs. per Cubic mate Jet lee Code Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Weight. Required. Word. Fig. 240 —wNo. 5, Sash, Jointing and Sand-Papering Machine with Bevel Check Rail Sanding Attachment... 8x4 800 58 950 were Julep. Fig. 240 A—No. 6, the same Machine, including Plowing and Boring yA sta e kame ra beta pene ee 8x4 SOO anaes 950 1to2 Jumble. -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @O:2» Fig. 241. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Blind Rabbeting and Jointing Machine. TUTTE UU nati i wi Ii AUT TEETESSTTSTETTTTTO pee machine for this work that has been offered to the market. Following are some of the advantages of this machine: The blind is fed on its edge, doing away with a wide table, to admit of a wide blind being rabbeted ; the bead is stuck on the same side with the guide, avoiding the unevenness usually found in beads on blinds; the headstock carrying the rabbeted head is set on a miter with the face of the blind, which makes a free cut on both sides of the rabbet ; the headstock is adjust- able vertically and horizontally while in motion by means of screws ; both feed shafts are hung in pivoted boxes and the idler on opposite side of machine is adjustable to take up slack on jointer head, The Table on this machine is long and the after part is adjustable in line with the cutters, which insures straight work. The blind is held firmly by means of springs, and is fed through by two rubber balls, one before and the other after the cutters. The first roll is fitted with a spur or fluted roll on the lower end, which operates on the part to be cut out, making a strong feed and much better work than can be done with the usual method of pushing the blind through by hand. The blind is jointed on both edges at the same time it is rabbeted and beaded. This machine will take in a blind up to 26 inches wide. With all these advantages, the low price of this machine especially recommends it to the market. Belts Required: One belt 8 feet 5 inches long, 2% inches wide ; one belt 12 feet 9 inches long, 2 inches wide for jointer ; one belt 8 feet 6 inches, 114 inches wide; one belt 9 feet 2 inches long, 1% inches wide. z ‘HE accompanying cut represents our Blind Rabbeting and Jointing Machine, which is the most complete, handy and T. and I. Revs. per STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 241 —With Jointing Attachment 0... esses ce etter ett 10x 4 550 700 Jumento. Fig. 241 A—Without Jointing Attachment oe eee 10 x4 550 700 Jump. -@NMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @@:9» Fig. 242. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Single Motion Relisher and Wedge Cutter. HE cut herewith represents a new Door Relisher and Wedge Cutter, the weight of which commends ap it as a substantial machine for the work intended. The Frame js cast in one piece, and by the arrangement of the carriage and rail on which it slides, the operator is permitted to get closer to the saws than on the old style machine, thus facilitating the handling of work considerably. The Cut explains the machine. The First Arbor is perpendicular, the second upright arbor is thrown forward on the right angle to give the bevel to the wedge, and can be adjusted to give different bevels to accommodate different widths of tenons, or can be moved to a perpendicular. ‘The two horizontal arbors are adjusted by screws, and can be moved up and down to cut any width of relish. The Two Small Saws are fastened on end of arbors with screws, the heads being flush with face of saws. The Sliding Bed moves the length of machine on tracks, ‘The rail to be relished is placed on its worked edge, on the bed, with shoulder against the stop, (which can be adjusted to any depth of cut, ) and run through machine, thus cutting the relish and wedge in one movement. One man can relish the rails and make the wedges for 1,000 to 1,200 doors in ten hours. Tight and Floor ' Average STYLE. Loose Revs. per Space Weight. a 1s Code Word. : Pulleys. Minute. Required. Required. Fig. 242—Single Motion Relisher and Wedge Cuttet........ 10x 4 700 52x 56% inches. 1,000 7AKore © Juncate. 288 “@AMERIGAN \AVOOD-YA/ORKING MACHINE @o:9+ Fig. 243. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Single Motion Wedge-Cutting Relisher. | | _ > INTO if) Patented April 6, 1875. OMBINED Relisher and Wedge-Cutter, for relishing the rail and cutting the wedges at one oper- (F ation. ‘The cut explains the machine. The First Arbor is perpendicular, the second upright arbor is thrown forward on the right angle to give the bevel to the wedge, and can be adjusted to give different bevels to accommodate different widths of tenons, or can be moved to a perpendicular. The Two Horizontal Arbors are adjusted by screws, and can be moved up and down to cut any width of relish. The Two Small Saws are fastened on end of arbors with screws, the heads being flush with face of saws. The Sliding Bed moves the length of machine on tracks. The Rails to be relished are placed on their worked edge, on the bed, with shoulders against the stop (which can be adjusted to any depth of cut), and run through the machine, thus cutting the relish and wedge in one movement. One man can relish the rails and make the wedges for 1,000 to 1,200 doors in ten hours. Tight and Floor Average STYLE. Loose Revs. per Space rit Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 243—Single Motion Wedge-Cutting Relisher.... 9 x 4 700 3x4 600 2 to 4 Junior. 289 -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE QQ Fig. 244 G. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved “New Champion” Re-Sawing Machine. j / fy ‘ nnn S mw | Li rT — h, \, z ie Ss =| io . | ‘HE above cut represents our 38-inch New Champion Re-Sawing Machine. ‘he frame is very heavy. It is cast in one piece and is especially designed to rigidly support the working parts. The arbor is made of steel and is heavy. It over- hangs the box next to the saw, which admits of the saw being easily removed. The Saw Arbor boxes are connected by a heavy yoke and gibbed to the frame, and are moved to and from the rolls by means of a screw, keeping the saw always in line with them. The Rolls move upon the platen in pairs, and readily adjust themselves to unequal thicknesses of lumber, and are per- fectly self-centering. They open 6 inches, and a 1-inch board may be cut from a 4-inch plank, One pair of rolls may be made stationary, and lumber of even thickness cut upon that side, and all inequalities in thickness be confined to the other side. The Table upon which the lumber rests is very close to the rolls, which adinits the sawing of narrow boards. The Lumber is guided by adjustable arms on each side of the saw ; both arms are fitted with springs and may be swung entirely free of the saw by simply removing a pin. The Feed Works are strong and reversible, and by a slight movement of the lever shown at front of machine, the lumber may be run from the saw more rapidly than it is fed to the saw. The Feeding Gears are large, strong and not liable to wear out nor break by hard service. The Platen that supports the rolls turns upon a center for sawing beveled sidings, ete., and is regulated by a graduated index plate, which can be conveniently seen by the operator. By means of a novel attachment the saw may be easily lifted out of the frame and kept suspended on a pin in the center, thus avoiding the bending and twisting of the teeth, which often occurs when the saw is rolled out in the usual way, as the teeth are very thin and the saw heavy. The Saws are furnished either segment or solid plate, and are ground taper to No. 16 gauge unless otherwise ordered. The segment saw of large size will not buckle when hot, as the joints permit the expansion of the metal, and will cut picture frame backing as well as the thickest plank. The saw is filed and set, and the machine is thoroughly tested before leaving the works, and is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. See opposite page for Code. 290 <@AMERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 244 K. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved “New Champion” Circular Siding Saw. 24-INCH RE-SAW. HIS machine is especially designed for making bevel siding and general re-sawing up to 10 inches wide. The Frame is cast in one piece and very heavy, insuring strength and solidity. The arbor is of the best steel. The Saw can be moved up to the rolls to allow for wear. The Rolls are self-centering for any thickness up to 6inches. One pair of rolls can be made stationary, and lumber of even thickness cut upon that side. The platen that supports the rolls turns upon a center for sawing beveled siding, etc., and is regulated by a graduated index plate, which can be conveniently seen by the operator. he Lumber is guided by adjustable arms on each side of the saw; both arms are fitted with springs and can be swung entirely free of the saw by simply removing a pin. ‘The feed works are strong and positive. The rolls are opened and the lumber released by placing the foot on the treadle shown in the cut. For further description, see page 290. Counter-shaft furnished for the 24-inch machine at an extra cost when ordered, with tight and loose pulleys, 12 x 8, and should run 500 revolutions per minute. Size of Cubic Approxi- Average SIZE OF SAW. Width of Pulley on Speed of Measure- mate Einer. Code Word. Cut Mandrel. Mandrel. ments. Weight. Required. Fig. 244 —60-inch Segment Saw .................... 27 in. 24x 12 650 200 5,500 12 to 15 Juniper. Fig. 244 A—54-inch a Dog oe te ens Doha 20 x 10 700 190 5,000 1Zstoel Kaoline. Fig. 244 B—50-inch ae Ee Sea pnt ce Doras 18 x 10 750 185 4.600 10 to 12 Keenly. Fig. 244 C—44-inch a aes eke ee 740) 9% 18 x 10 850 175 4,200 10 to 12 Keeper. Fig. 244 D—42-inch a Fed tn eee ey 18 x 10 850 170 3,900 9 to 10 Kennel. Fig. 244 E—42-inch Solid Plate Saw............... 1D oe 18 x 10 850 170 3,900 9 to 10 Kentish. Fig. 244 F—38-inch Segment Saw ................... phe 14x 8 950 132 3,700 8 to 10 Kerolite. Fig. 244 G—38-inch Solid Plate Saw................ as 14x 8 950 ile 3,700 8 to 10 Kestrel. Fig. 244 H—34-inch Segment Saw ........ ........... phy 14x 8 1,050 120 3,400 6to 9 Ketchup. Fig. 244 I —34-inch Solid Plate Saw............ 15 “ 4x 8 1,050 120 3,400 6to 9 Kettle. Fig. 244 J—30-inch ‘‘ e Hipeay een g LS. ie ZC 1,200 112 3,200 4to 8 Keyhole. Fig. 244K—24-inch ‘“ a Pr eae wee LOae aha U6) 1,500 80 2,000 4to 6 Kicker. Fig. 244 L—Counter-shaft for either of the Re-sawing Machines. If wanted, extra nies ecceececceetecneeneesseneesneseeeeeeees Kidnap. iO -@AMERICAN \A/OOD-WWORKING [M{ACHINE COD Fig. 245. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 7, Re-Sawing Machine. A re = ‘alll 2 5 pe £ Da a a ) —\ Hl =— == ——S= Sas ane jas ss = HE above cut represents our No. 7 Re-Saw, carrying a 38-inch Taper Ground Saw, and will split 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick or less. The Frame is one solid casting. The Feed is very strong, and may be stopped, started or reversed instantly. There are Bearing Pieces attached to the Main Bed, for the purpose of carrying narrow stuff near the top of saw. By loosening four bolts, these may be turned down or removed in very little time. By shifting a Spring Pin from one hole to another, one pair of rollers become rigid, thus enabling the operator to take off a thin piece from one side. The Arbor and its Boxes are adjustable to and from the rolls. To remove the saw it is only necessary to loosen two bolts, releasing a part of the table, which may then be removed. Siding may also be done on this machine. The Feed Works are so hung, that, were the machine set for splitting any thickness of stuff in the center, after tilting the feed works (by means of a screw) to a stop, and drawing the rolls together, simultaneously, the machine would be properly set for doing ordinary siding. There is no Counter-Shaft belonging to this machine. ‘The Feed Belt should be 8 feet 1% long, and 3 inches wide. SIZE. Pulley on Arbor. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 245——No. :7, S8=1eli Re-Saw aor c eee acre a eee 14x8 1,100 to 1,200 2,100 Kilted. 292 -O@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE Goa Fig. 246. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 6, Improved Circular Re-Sawing Machine. Vid pr FOR WIDE BOARDS. HIS Re-Saw carries a 32-inch Taper Ground Saw, and will split lumber 12 inches wide and 8 inches thick, le It is a very simple, strong machine. Has four Feed Rolls, six inches in diameter, twelve inches high, all strongly geared, their pressure being given by a weight. A Treadle enables one to instantly open the rolls, for the removal of work, should it become necessary. The Feed may be started or stopped at will. Siding may also be done on this machine. ‘To make the change, loosen two handles, and tilt rolls by means of a screw to a stop, which will give the required bevel. The Arbor and its boxes are adjustable to and from the Rolls. To remove the saw, it is only necessary to loosen two bolts, releasing a part of the table, which may then be removed. An Under Jointer or a Double Jointer Rig may be used on this Re-Saw, although when used it will only carry One pair may be rigidly locked. a 24-inch saw. Belting Required: 8 feet 6 inches, of 4 inch. For Feed, 18 feet 6 inches, of 2% inch; for Under Jointer, 5 feet, of 3% inch; for Double Jointer, SIZE. Pulleys on Arbor. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word, - Fig. 246 —32-inch Re-Saw, with Double Jointers.....0. 0 = 10x 8 ( 1,400 > 1,800 Kindle. Fig. 246 A—32-inch Re-Saw, with Under Jointer.......... 0... ee 10x 8 to 1,800 Kindred. 10x 8 | 1,600 1,800 Kingdom. Fig. 246 B—32-inch Re-Saw, without Jointers....... oo. e cee eee -@A\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE Go Fig. 247. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 5, Improved Circular Re-Sawing Machine. eo —— Tn RT; "ill Biss Lt ag \ UAE TTP TU i a ; Alle Pai r lege \ HIS cut represents our Double Jointer Siding Re-Saw, or our No. 4, with the Double Jointer attach- ‘lh ment. It is a very useful machine wher one wishes to dress siding on a surfacer, thereby relieving their matchers. | Has four Feed Rolls, all strongly geared, their pressure being given by a weight. These rolls will open _ eight inches. One pair may be rigidly locked. A Treadle instantly opens the rolls, for the removal of work, should it become necessary. The Feed may be started or stopped at will. To set for Siding, loosen two Handles and tilt rolls by means of a screw toa stop, which gives you the required bevel. The Arbor and its Boxes are adjustable to and from the rolls, and carry a 24-inch Taper Ground Saw. T’o remove the saw it is only necessary to loosen two bolts, releasing a part of the table, which may then be removed. Belting Required: For Feed, 18 feet 6 inches of 2%4-inch ; for Double Jointer, 8 feet 6 inches of 4-inch. SIZE. Pulley on Arbor. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 247—24-inch Re-Saw, with Double Jointer Attachment........ 10x8 2,000 to 2,200 1,850 Kingless. -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\AORKING MACHINE Goo Fig. 248 A. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S No. 4, Improved Circular Re-Sawing Machine. xX _AwY ae? ~ eS - . HIS cut ‘represents our Siding Re-Saw. It is a simple, strong and effective machine. Has four Feed Rolls, all strongly geared, their pressure being given by a weight. ‘These rolls will open eight inches. One pair may be rigidly locked. A Treadle enables one to instantly open the rolls for the removal of work, should it become necessary. The Feed may be started or stopped at will. To set for Siding, loosen two Handles, and tilt Rolls by means of a Screw to a Stop, which gives the required bevel. The Arbor and its Boxes are adjustable to and from the rolls, and carry a 24-inch Taper Ground Saw. To remove the saw it is only necessary to loosen two bolts, releasing a part of the table, which may then be removed. The Under Jointer and its pressure, shown in cut, does not necessarily go with the machine, but is very complete in its arrangement. A Double Jointer Attachment can also be applied, which will joint both edges of material from three to six inches wide. Belting Required: For Feed, 18 feet 6 inches of 2%-inch ; for Under Jointer, 5 feet of 3%-inch ; for Double Jointer, 8 feet 6 inches of 4-inch. SIZE. Pulley on Arbor. Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. Pip.248 —24-inch Re-Saw, without Jointers......c.cccccsccenscessess ssesntenee 10x8 2,000 1,600 Kinsfolk. to Fig. 248 A—24-inch Re-Saw, with Under Jointers...o........cccece cesses ceeeen 10x 8 2,200 1,600 Kinsman. -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE QO» Figs. 249 and 250. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Blind Slat Re-Sawing Machines. ae pe Fy i ZZ 7A) Gs No. 1 Machine, with Under Feed. No. 2 Machine, with Top Feed. HIS machine is designed for sawing blind slats, small mouldings, trunk slats, etc., etc. The Frame js very heavy and is cast in one piece, having the arbor carrying the saws, table and feed works nicely fitted to it, and all sufficiently strong to meet the requirements of a machine of this class. It has a bearing on outside of driving pulley. The Feed Works are very powerful, and will feed from 30 to 50 feet per minute. The No. 1 Machine is constructed with the spur feed roll placed in the table, while the No. 2 Machine has the spur feed roll placed on top, as shown in cut. Hither style of feed will be furnished as ordered. The Stuff is held down by an adjustable spring, which also forms a shield over the saws, and is adjustable to the thickness of stock being sawed. The Iron Strips between the saws are adjustable, and by using extra collars, different thicknesses of stuff can be sawed. The Feeding Spurs, (same thickness of saws) are arranged to run directly in front of saws. A small boy of 12 years or upwards can feed it, thus saving more expensive help. The machine can be furnished with either two or three 10-inch saws, as ordered. Pulley on Revs. per Floor Space Pies Sa fa 5), Arbor, Minute. Required. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 249 —No. 1, with three Saws.............. 5x5 3,500 3%x2% DL 0) 7 650 Kissing. Fig. 249 A—No. 1, with two Saws............... 5x5 3,500 3%x2% ito 2 650 Kitchen. Fig. 250 —No. 2, with three Saws............. meet 3,500 3%x2% 1 to 2 650 Kitten. Fig. 250 A—No. 2, with two saws............. fs 3,500 3%x2% LEGON, 650 Knack, 296 -@\MERIGAN \AYOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @Q.o» Fig. 251. GOODELL & WATERS’ Power Feed Slab and Universal Re-Saw. “PATENTED __ MAY 5.1896. : Patented May 5, 1896. HIS is a thoroughly practical, strong, simple and inexpensive machine, intended for re-sawing planks, boards, slabs and also short, small logs (12 inches and under diameter) into any desired size, also veneers, picture and looking-glass backing. It is made in two sizes. The No. 1 Machine, as shown in cut, has a 32-inch saw for sawing any width up-to 13 inches, adapted for re-sawing ordinary sized slabs, boards and planks. The No. 2 Machine is for heavier and wider stock up to 16 inches wide, and has an extra pressure roll to hold the upper edge of stock close to the fence or guide. This machine has a thin 4o-inch flanged saw, exclusively for sawing thin stock. This saw can be removed and an ordinary one substituted for slabs and coarse lumber. The Feed consists of two fluted rolls in front of the saw, for plank and boards, and a fluted roll beyond the saw to assist in feeding out the material. An additional set of rolls having large saw-tooth points for slabs, etc., is also furnished. The Feed Rolls yield 6 inches from the line of the saw and have two rates of feed, 30 or 60 feet a minute. Both machines will saw any length and any thickness up to 6 inches, the thickness being regulated by a hand-wheel shown in the cut, each turn of which moves the guide % of an inch. Every part and piece of the machine has a number stamped or cast upon it so that by simply giving the number of the machine and the number on the part wanted, duplicates can be readily ordered by wire or by mail. Descriptive circular, giving further details, will be mailed upon application. SIZE. Pulley on Arbor, Revs. per Minute. Weight. Code Word. oes tee Nom) Machine, to cut 13 inches wide... cis :.se-cceteeneeesadee 12°*x 10 1,100 2,200 Label. Pige25 1 A-——No.2 Machine, to cut 16 inches wide... 2. ccccee: sittn sencerstes 18x 9 800 2,300 Labrose. -CAMERIGAN \WOOD-\W/ORKING [MACHINE @O:9* See Opposite Page for Description. Fig. (252. MILWAUKEE SANDER MFG. CO.’S “ Milwaukee” Eight-Roll Triple Drum Sander. ma |l! =) \}\ 4 AN ai = fA alt s ! (=a (3\or——_\ \Ge a x OF T LEN = SSS , 5 Nmm ( mi /! fh ll Ht i (! hi (i inl “tt At il — Patented January 20, 1891, February 29, 1892, August 28, 1894, September 4, 1894. 298 -@\MERIGAN \AWOOD-\W/ORKING MACHINE @O:9% Fig. 252. MILWAUKEE SANDER MFG. CO.’S “Milwaukee” Eight-Roll Triple Drum Sander. HE «MILWAUKEE” SANDER illustrated on opposite page is massive and compact, although in no ali. wise cramped for space where room is needed. The necessary adjustments are all easy of access and convenient to make. No working parts, except cylinders, inside the frame. The Cylinders are the vital part of every sanding machine, and no matter how perfect all the other parts of such a machine work, or how prepossessing the same may be in appearance, if the sand-cylinders are not perfect the whole machine is defective. It is on this particular part that we claim superiority over every other sanding machine made. The Cylinders of the ‘‘ Milwaukee’’ are provided with an Automatic Paper Tightener, a device by which any slack in sand-paper, whether caused by work or dampness, is automatically taken up the moment it appears, while machine is running or idle. The effect of this device is a continually even tension of the paper on the periphery of the cylinders at all times and under all conditions. It is obvious that with such equal tension all parts of the paper cut alike, that the work must be uniform, and that the paper will wear uniformly and not through on certain spots while others are not yet touched. The treatment of the Surface of the Cylinders is also of the highest importance. The old method of thick, soft padding resulted in round ends and edges, as well as an uneven surface, because from the great elasticity of the cushion the soft parts of the grain were cut out deeper than the hard ones, thus giving the work a mottled appearance. We have, therefore, discarded the old method and use only a covering of a hard grade of canvas duck on first and second cylinders, and a light felt for the third or polishing cylinder. ‘Thus the two cutting cylinders are left practically as hard as the iron surface itself, in consequence of which the surface produced is absolutely straight and even, leaving all edges and ends absolutely sharp. Each Cylinder, moreover, is made of one piece of casting, hence they are very stiff and not subject to tremble; they are finished on a grinding machine while running at full speed, therefore absolutely true. The combination of Automatic Paper Tightener with hard surfaces ground to a mathematically true shape make our cylinders as perfect as mechanical means can do it. We desire to call attention to our Oscillator, which comes next in importance. It moves in a straight line in a plane running through the axis of the cylinder shaft, thus avoiding all lifting up or pulling down. The device for regulating the cut is another neat and practical feature. It operates instantly, even while machine is running, and is exceedingly convenient. The general mechanical construction throughout is the best that skill can produce, every detail even to the minutest part has been studied with great care, hence we are prepared to give an iron-clad guar- antee for strength, workmanship and high grade work. The machines are made in sizes ranging from 24 to 60 inches wide, to work up to 4 inches thick. andl; Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Floor Space. Code Word. Fig. 252 —24 inches wide... xs8y 500 5,200 4 ft. 10 in. by 5 ft. 8 in. Laceman. Fig. 252 A—30 inches wide... 2.0 nx 8% 500 5,600 Ab age, KO) aba, Vey fey she, “abil Lacerate. Fig. 252 B—36 inches wide........................ 14x 10% 500 6,000 A fit. 10) in) by 6 ft. 8 1n- Lackey. Fig. 252 C—42 inches wide...................... 14x 10% 500 6,400 Avie OMimD Yay tard, 10. Laconic. Fig. 252 D—48 inches wide...........3.......2... 14x 10% 500 7,300 Sits | 4.1. Dy. Sits Lacteal. Fig. 252 E—54 inches wide... 18x 10% 500 8,000 Settee 4.10, by 8 ft. 6 in. Ladder. Fig. 252 F—60 inches wide... esses 18x12% 500 8,800 5 ft. 4 in. by 9 ft. Ladify. 299 See Opposite Page for Description. Fig. 253. MILWAUKEE SANDER MFG. CO.’S “Columbia” Eight-Roll Triple Drum Sander. Z : IRN = 2 = = \ AUKEE SANDER MFG’.CO, GREEW Left Hand View of ‘‘Columbia’’ Sander. -@AMERIGAN \WYOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:2% Fig. 253. MILWAUKEE SANDER MFG. CO.’S “ Columbia” Eight-Roll Triple Drum Sander. ali. ‘« COLUMBIA ”” SANDER is an evolution of the ‘‘Milwaukee,’’ described on another page. While the ‘«« Milwaukee ”’ is as much ahead of previously built sanders as electric over candle light. A four years’ observation of its operations has shown us many points which could be improved. This led to the designing of the ‘* Columbia.”’ The Sand Cylinders are the same as used on the ‘*Milwaukee,’’ with the same automatic paper tightener. Are accurately ground and have hard surfaces. They are, however, a little smaller in diameter, which insures a great many advantages. They can be more accurately balanced ; can take in 30 inches sand- paper, and the distance of the feed rollers, as well as the opening of the drums, can be materially contracted. The new features introduced into the ‘*Columbia”’ are greater weight and increased rigidity of frame, the latter is obtained by two additional girts running obliquely from ends towards center. Self-Oiling Boxes on cylinder shafts, oscillators and counter-shaft. Automatic Compensation of wear on top raising screw, a feature which is of the highest importance and patented by this company. As soon as there appears back-lash in the raising screws the top feed works are lifted up where work is fed through in front, while the back end is still down, as the stock reaches the last set of feed rollers the back end is also lifted while the front end drops as soon as stock has passed front feed rollers. ‘This causes a rocking motion which is very apt to make gauges and round ends. From this it is obvious that an automatic take-up of this back lash is a very valuable feature. A Separate Regulation of the spring tension of every top feed roll which enables the operator to increase the spring pressure of feed rolls at his discretion. A Separation of feed drive from oscillation which enables us to change the feed speed while keeping the speed of oscillation constant. A Variable Speed Feed. ‘his is a want long felt in shops where sanders are used for all purposes. It is clear that a pine base board or shelving does not need such a high finish, hence, it can be fed through the machine at least three times as fast as a veneered door, requiring the highest grade of finish. The device employed for this purpose in the ‘‘ Columbia ’’ permits change from 9 to 21 feet per minute. We have also added an instantaneous feed stop and a brush. The enumeration of the foregoing additions and improvements, most of which are entirely new and original, is proof that nothing has been omitted to make the ‘‘ Columbia ” the foremost machine of its kind. What has been said about the general mechanical construction, quality of material and workmanship of the ‘«« Milwaukee,”’ applies to this machine with equal force. hese machines are made in sizes from 30 inches to 60 inches wide, to work up to 4 inches thick. TT. -and 1: Revs. per SIZE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Floor Space. Code Word. Pip 255.00 itches Wide response to a demand for a first-class Hand Drum Sander we have designed the machine shown in the engraving. It is an indispensable tool for chair and furniture shops, and for cleaning up bent work of many kinds. The Drums are built up with iron centers and kiln-dried lagging, well bolted together, and covered with felt or carpet. They are usually turned a little tapering, so that endless sand-paper bands may be forced tightly over them. . The Shaft is of steel, and the boxes are four diameters in length and lined with a fine quality of babbitt. The Frame is cast in one piece, and the boxes are bolted firmly to it, avoiding all vibration. The Drums are usually 13 inches diameter and 16 inches face, but may be varied to order. Tandy. Revs. per 2k, Deh STYLE. Pulleys. Minute, Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 261 —Complete, Iron Frame............ccscnsscscoscusssscscsrssrssees 8x4% 1,200 450 about 1 Landscape. Fig. 261 A—Complete,, Wood “Frames. yt-scrSee eee 8x4% 1,200 300 about 1 Landsman. 310 <@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\AW/ORKING MACHINE @6:9 Fig. 262. ROWLEY & HERMANCE,CO.’S Double Disc Sand-Papering Machine. tg i Na \I| i il \ Se HE above machine is expressly intended for sandpapering one or both surfaces of door panels, blinds, outside and inside shutters, mantels, window jambs, drawer fronts, cupboard doors, etc., etc., at one operation. It has two vertical discs running opposite to each other, one of which has a lateral motion, governed by spring, to adjust to irregularities of work. This machine is now coming into general use in blind factories for sandpapering and finishing both sides of the blind or window shutter at one operation, doing the work better than can be done by hand. ‘To meet this demand we now build two sizes of this machine to work 13 inches and 20 inches wide, and from \-inch to 4 inches thick. It will sandpaper panels for 500 doors per day on both sides. [he 20-inch machine will finish 200 pairs of blinds in 1o hours. T. and 1. Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average H. P. STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 262 —Complete, with 20-inch Discs ...... 10 x 6 730 42 1,675 1 to 2 Landward. Fig. 262 A—Complete, with 13-inch Discs ...... Nore (6 730 38 1,500 1 to2 Languid. d11 -@\MERIGAN \A/OOD-\AW/ORKING MACHINE @@:9% Fig. 263. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Double Sand Disk Machine. WITH 30-INCH OR 36-INCH DISKS. The Frame is cast in one piece in box form and is rigid and heavy. The Main Arbor is steel with long babbitted boxes and provided with our ‘“‘ Perfect ”’ self-oiling loose pulley. The Disks are glued up in three thicknesses of kiln-dried wood 30 or 36 inches diameter with the grain crossed, and the center plates are secured with bolts through and through. : The Clamp Rings lie in a ‘‘rabbet’’ turned in the face of the disks, and they draw the sandpaper down over a rounded shoulder without ridges or laps on the flat surface. No wrenches are required for this operation. Plain disks with outside clamping rings can be furnished if preferred at a lower price. The Tables are usually of cherry glued up, but they may be of iron if so ordered. One of these is usually made to adjust to an angle with the disk and one is stationary ; both may be adjusted vertically by slacking the clamp wheel on the bracket. All Materials and Workmanship are first-class. Aa is a new design just introduced by us and comprises all the requirements of such a tool. Fig. 264. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Disk and Drum Sander. We make also on this frame, using one disk and tilting table, a combination sander with a tapering drum or drums on the end of the arbor opposite the disk, upon which endless sandpaper covers are forced similarly to our double drum sander. This is a very convenient and labor-saving machine in any wood shop. Dance: Revs. per 180) 234, STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 263 —No. 1, Complete, with one Disk and one Tilting Table.. 10x 4% 450 about 2 750 Lanifice. Fig. 263 A—No. 2, Complete, with two Disks and two Tables .......... 10x 4% 450 about 2 950 Lankey. Fig. 263 B—Plain Disk with Outside, Clampitus Rips) cio cegas ee ree Lankness. Fig. 264 —Complete, 30-inch Disk. and 13-inch Drum... 000... 10x 4% 450 about 2 650 Lantern. «<@(\MERIGAN \AWWOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @o:2» Fig. 265. HOYT & BROTHER CO.’S New Double Disk Raised Panel Sander. N presenting the trade with this new and perfect Sander for ] raised panels it is but necessary that we call your attention to the engraving, which is in itself as fully descriptive as any- thing we can say. Notice that the pedestal and supporting arms on each side are cast in one piece; that the arbor boxes are cast in a yoke, and are themselves adjusted to or from the center ; that the left hand disk is held up to the work by a coil spring in the socket, as shown, and the pressure is regulated by the set-screw in the end of socket. That it has a gauge to regulate depth of work, and another gauge to hold panels in line with the disks. There is a ‘‘ take-off’’ on opposite side of machine, not shown in engraving, to which may be attached pipe connection with exhaust. Fig. 266. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Patent Irregular Belt Sander. HIS is the Latest labor-saving machine for chair, carriage and furniture works. It is AR capable of working out smoothly a great variety of forms on the edges at a speed as great as two or three expert bench hands, and much better, and it can be run by a bright boy. The engraving gives a good general idea of the machine, which consists of two pairs of light wooden pulleys, with clamping hubs and continuous rims covered with gum cloth. Each pair of wheels carries a canvas sand-belt, which is prepared in a peculiar way, and runs against guides placed on the table. The guides have various shapes, and those usually sent with the machine are convex and triangular on the working faces, and generally meet all requirements. The Table is of kiln-dried cherry, and can be tilted for beveled work. On its upper sur- face are secured the smaller working tables, which are adjustable to the requirements of the work. The Guides are of hardened steel, and are bolted to small iron plates or sub-tables, which are also adjustable on the surface of the main table. The Shafts are of steel, and the upper ones run in independent boxes, and the belts are strained by independent screws. The lower shaft is usually in two sections with a slip coup- ling, so as to carry the tight and loose pulleys outside of the belt wheels for convenience in removing the sand belts. Flat Belts up to 4 inches wide can also be used in the ordinary way, thus making an excellent combination sander especially adapted to chair and carriage work. We send with each machine six sand belts properly prepared, and one arch and double guide attachment, and furnish printed directions for starting and operating. For Polishing irregular sawed edges of almost any shape it has no competitor. It will save its cost in a very short time. ——Thinny OPEN T i Muir ettiin es Sens. Revs. per Hy P STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 265—Complete, Double Disk Raised Panel Sanders 6x3 1,100 about 2 300 Lapdog. Fig. 266—Complete, Patent Irregular Belt Sander.....................- 12x 4% 250 about 2 1,000 Lapicide. 315 -@A\MERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE GQ Fig. 267. F..H. CLEMENT CO.’S Improved Sand Belt Machine. HIS is a compact, convenient and very durable machine for carrying endless polishing belts, and it has become a necessity in a first-class outfit for chair or furniture work. The Frame is in box form cast in one piece, with heavy base flange. The Main Shaft is turned steel with bearings seven inches long, having ample oil cells. The Straining Slides have take-up gibs and the pulleys run on studs with provision for oiling. Each belt is strained independently ; the length of the belts with the regular pulleys is eleven feet. The Tight and Loose Pulleys are 10 x 4% inches and the loose pulley has our improved self-oiling attachment, of which we have several thousand in use. ‘They should run about 1,000 per minute. The Belt Pulleys are ordinarily 20 and 14 inches respectively in diameter, and 6-inch face. We can make the machine with single belt when required. Shipping weight about 650 pounds. Fig. 268. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Double Vertical Sand Belt Machine. This a similar machine to the one shown above except that the belts are nearly vertical and the parts are secured to a hard wood frame. The same tension try-slides, sand belt, pulleys and bearings, are used as above, and the driving shaft is located at the top of the frame so as to be conveniently belted from the line shaft. "The working ‘‘run’’ of the sand belts lie at quite an angle from a vertical and the travel is upward. Materials and workmanship are excellent in every particular. T. and J. Revs. per vel Vet, STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 267 —Complete, on Tron siramie as ee 10x 44% 1,000 2 650 Lappet. Fig. 267 A—Complete, for one Belt only. cic ee te cm ereees 10x 4% 1,000 2 650 Lapse. Fig. 268 —Complete, with Wood Frame .o.o......c.cceseccsessserssneenceenne 10x 4% 1,000 Z 500 Lapwing. «<@AMERIGCAN \A/OOD-\AWYORKING MACHINE @0:2* to 17 oy i MI, BML a 4 | mt y Fig. 269. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Post Sand=Papering Machine. HIS machine is intended for sand-papering doors, sash, blinds, furniture, coffins alt and all plain surfaces, and is the most rigid machine of its class in market. It has no suction fan or table, but is made to meet the want of those who cannot afford a more expensive machine. When desired we add the Pin Boring Attachment, as shown in cut, to the Post Sand-Papering Machine. ii a | : it ' a Ty andel, Revs, per Cubic HP STYLE, Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Required, Weight. Code Word. Fig. 269 —Complete, without Pin Boring Attachment ....... 8x4 650 7 1 375 Larceny. Fig. 269 A—Complete, with Pin Boring Attachment.............. 8x4 650 7 1 400 Larder. -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE G94 Fig. 270. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved Hollow=Arm Post Sand=Papering Machine. HIS machine is intended for sand-papering doors, sash, blinds, furni- ture, coffins and all plain surfaces. It is constructed on the principle of our Nichols’ Patent Sand-Papering Machine, and arranged to be connected with a fan. By attaching tin pipes with the exhaust fan and the hollow arms, which are cored throughout, the dust can be drawn through the arms from the disc and carried away from the building ; keeping the surface of the work and the shop free from dust. It is simple in construction, admits of any swinging or doubling necessary to accomplish its object, and is the most rigid machine of the class on the market. We call special attention to the Center Pulley from which the disc is driven. An examination of this pulley will show that it is a Double Pulley, and driven by two belts from the counter-shaft, which give an equal strain on the pulley and much more power than if it were simply a single belted pulley like those of other makes. Attention is also directed to the shape of the arms at the disc, center joint, and where connected with the frame at hanger. ‘These arms are constructed to admit of the free passage of the dust from the disc to the fan or main exhaust pipes on a continuous upward curve. In other machines the arms have either square joints or downward curves, which quickly fill with dust and obstruct the passage, thus defeating the object for which they are constructed. It carries its own counter-shaft. i I f = Om ae | The driving shaft is 8 feet long (or can be made longer if desired), and can be driven from above or below the frame. To those whose business will not warrant the expense of a Nichols Sand-Papering Machine with the Suction Fan Attachment and Table, we recommend this machine as the best on the market. The cut explains itself, and an impartial comparison of it with those of other makes of similar machines will convince any fair minded person of the superiority of this machine. We can furnish a special Exhaust Fan with this machine if required. We build this machine in two sizes. Ty. and E, Revs. per Cubic STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Measure. Fig. 270 —Complete, No. 1, with Arms 4 feet 8 inches long............ 8x4 650 7 Fig. 270 A—Complete, No. 2, with Arms 7 feet 11 inches long............ 8x4 650 8 Fig. 270 B—Special Exhaust Fan, for either machine, extra fA Weight. Code word, 375 Larigot. 450 Larking. een Larmier, <@A\MERICAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GQ2+ Fig 271. C. B. ROGERS CO.’S No. 1, Large Railway Saw. —- | ne | Ss Saye HIS machine is very heavy and durable, and adapted for use in car-shops for cutting up heavy lumber. It has a heavy iron frame, firmly braced. The arbor and boxes are confined to a sliding frame, which moves backward and forward on iron ways. The arrangement for belting is such that the tension of the belt is always the same, and the saw driven by the tight part of the belt. A weight and pulleys are attached, to assist the operator in draw- ing the saw through the stuff. The Arbor is very heavy cast steel, suited for a 24 to 36 inch saw, and can be used for cutting up hard wood plank 6 to 8 inches thick. The Saw traverses and it will cut across 4 feet. We have recently improved this machine by the addition of an Iron ‘Table, adding to the value and cost of the machine. The size of hole required for the saw is I1% inch. We do not send the saw unless specially ordered, in which case we furnish at manufacturers’ prices. Belting Required: 1714 feet of 7 inch belt. Driving belt should be 5% inch. 4 bone as ey Rev. per Hee: STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 271—No. 1 Railway Saw, Iron Frame, with Table............ 12 x6 400 6 1,850 Larynx. Fig. 272. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved No. 1, Lightning Self-Feeding Rip Saw Table. With Iron Table, Outside Bearing and Improved Table Raising Attachment. ee LL a3 So <> OS L vel i—| heel ‘we Patented July 18, 1893. HIS Improved Self-Feeding 'Rip Saw Table is intended to take the place of the ordinary hand-feed rip "saw table, for ripping lumber into strips of any width up to 16 inches wide and 6 inches’thick, It will pay any user of rip saws to replace their hand-feed rip saws with this machine, as it will double their capacity with less hard work, and Jessen the liability to accident. The Iron Frame is cast in one piece, very heavy and strong, with a substantial outside bearing for saw arbor. The Table is iron, with an opening around the saw, into which an iron plate is accurately fitted, which is taken out when saws are to be changed ; thus avoiding the lifting up of the table. The Feed works are powerful and reliable, capable of doing rapid work, and are started and stopped by a tightener. ‘The feed roll marks are taken out by the saw, leaving no mark on the lumber. There are three rates of feed, slow, medium and fast, 45, 100 and 160 lineal feet per minute respectively. The method of changing from self-feed to hand-feed is simple, rapid and easy. The Patent Setting Device is entirely new and novel. The gauge can be set at any mark on the index plate, or at any fraction of an inch, and by a slight movement of the lever is locked rigidly in position. The Iron Table is raised or lowered vertically by our improved patent table raising device, with a crank at the front end, as shown in the cut. The table is provided with two long idle rolls, which relieve it from friction and wear. A Shield covers the saw when in operation, and the table is supplied with a spreader, making it absolutely impossible for a board or short pieces to be caught and thrown over the saw, thus avoiding accidents from that cause. This machine is particularly adapted for ripping boards, moulding stock and general planing mill work. We furnish one 14-inch saw, one feed saw, and necessary wrenches, with each machine. ‘Two or more saws can be used at one time if so desired. We build No. 1, with iron table hinged. No. 1, with iron table and patent table raising attachment. Pulley on Revs. per Cubic Approximate Average STYLE. Arbor. Minute. Measurement. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 272 —No. 1, Lightning Self-Feed Rip Saw 0... cccccece sos. 6x6 2,800 to 3,000 99 1,500 2 to 4 Lass. Fig. 272 A—Counter-shaft furnished at extra cost when ordered, with Tight and Loose Pulleys ..00.00 ccc ccsecceecesicce.a 106 900 5 250 sik ager Latchet. Fig. 272 B—Bevel Siding Attachment, if wanted, extra. 4. 009) Latency. Fig. 273. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 2, Lightning Self-Feeding Rip Saw Table. With Iron Table, Outside Bearing and Improved Table Raising Device. TS ee | = — ay lil pS ‘Ss Patented July 18th, 1893. HE accompanying engraving represents our New Improved Heavy No. 2 Lightning Self-Feeding Rip Saw Table, adapted to all kinds of ripping for which the No. 1 Machine is intended, besides being much heavier and suited to a greater variety of work. The Iron Frame is cast in one piece, very heavy and strong, with a substantial outside bearing for the saw arbor, strongly braced to the side and the bottom of the frame. d The Table is iron, 3 feet 8 inches wide, by 5 feet 2 inches long, with an opening around the saw, into which an iron plate is accurately fitted, which is taken out when saws are to be changed, thus avoiding lifting up the table. The Iron Table is raised or lowered vertically by our Improved Patent Table Raising Device, with a crank at the front end, as shown in the cut. The table is provided with two long idle rolls, which relieve it from friction and wear. The Feed works are powerful and reliable, capable of doing rapid work, and are started and stopped by a tightener. The feed roll marks are taken out by the saw, leaving no mark on the lumber. It is the strongest feeding machine on the market. There are three rates of feed—slow, medium and fast, 72, 132 and 190 lineal feet per minute respectively. Our method of changing from self-feed to hand-feed by means of a hand wheel, shown at front of machine, is simple, rapid and easy; and the feed arm is self-adjusting for irregularities in thickness of lumber. The Patent Setting Device for adjusting the gauge is entirely new and novel. The gauge can be set at any mark on the index plate, or at any fraction of an inch, and by a slight movement of the lever is locked rigidly in position. A Shield covers the saw when in operation, and the table is supplied with a spreader, making it absolutely impossible for a board or short pieces to be caught and thrown over the saw, thus avoiding accidents from that cause. ‘his machine is particulary adapted for ripping boards, planks, moulding and general planing mill work, It will rip up to 18 inches wide and 8 inches thick. An attachment for sawing straight or bevel siding is furnished at extra cost if desired. A 24-inch saw can be used, but one 18-inch saw only, with one feed saw and the necessary wrenches, are furnished with each machine regularly. Two or more saws can be used at one time, if so desired, by having extra collars for the saw arbor and feed arbor. This machine can be built as a right or left hand machine, but is always furnished as a right hand machine unless otherwise ordered. Pulley on Revs. per Cubic Hee: Sr vib: Arbor, Minute. Measurement. Required. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 273. —No. 2, Lightning Self-Feed Rip Saw..... ...... eine tS 2,000 132 PASO 1,800 Lateness. Fig. 273 A—Counter-shaft furnished at extra cost when ordered, with T. and L. Pulleys .......... ...........------ 12x8 700 Si a eee 300 Laths. Fig. 273 B—Bevel Siding Attachment, if mraiited: @xiva, oath te I ete pees Lathing. Fig. 274. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 3, Heavy Pattern Lightning Self-Feeding Rip Saw Table. With Out-Feeding Roll, Iron Table, Outside Ff Bearing and Improved Table Raising Device. ve SANSA Lables AN AAS as i ZT Bsa lin : gggeen/AN Meas ea y -— => ~-AZ7 em Tl la SSSSSS55555 a = Sh Zi i> LU qaalay- li; “ys “7 - ON SA > Sse } j = ‘i e. “Sea, a i SI a4 main — \ \ Patented July 18th, 1893. HE above cut illustrates one of the latest improved, heaviest and most powerful Self=-Feed Saw Tables now built, and is | designed for all kinds of ripping of any width up to 18 inches wide and 8 inches thick. The iron frame is cast in one piece, very heavy and strong, with a substantial outside bearing for the saw arbor, strongly braced to the side and the bottom of the frame. The Table is iron 3 feet 8 inches wide by 5 ft. 2 inches long, with an opening around the saw, into which an iron plate is accurately fitted, which is taken out when saws are to be changed, thus avoiding lifting up the table. The iron table is raised or lowered vertically by our Improved Patent Table Raising Device, with a crank at the front end, as shown in the cut, The Table is provided with two long idle rolls, which relieve it from friction and wear. The Feed works are powerful and reliable, capable of doing rapid work, and are started and stopped by a tightener. The Feed Roll marks are taken out by the saw, leaving no mark on the lumber. The Out-Feeding Roll of the saw is an important feature to the power feed, as it carries all the stock out clear from the saw ; also prevents the lumber from twisting and coming in contact with the back of the saw. Itis the strongest feeding machine on the market, has three rates of feed—72, 132 and 190 lineal feet per minute. Our method of changing from self-feed to hand-feed by means of a hand wheel, shown at front of machine is simple, rapid and easy ; and the feed arm is self-adjusting for irregularities in thickness of lumber. The Patent Setting Device for adjusting the gauge is entirely new and novel. The Gauge can be set at any mark on the index plate, or at any fraction of an inch, and by a slight movement of the lever is locked rigidly in position. We furnish with each machine one 18-inch saw (a 24-inch saw can be used). The in-feeding and out-feeding rolls are fitted with feed saw and spreader. ‘Two or more saws can be used at one time if so desired, by having extra collars on the saw arbor and the feed rolls fitted accordingly. This machine can be built as a right or left hand machine, but is always furnished as a right hand machine unless otherwise ordered. Cubic Average Pulley on Rev. per Measure- Approximate AS © ey STYLE. Arbor. Minute. ments. Weight. required, Code Word. Fig. 274 —No. 3 Lightning Self-Feed Rip Saw... 8x8 2,000 132 2,000 2to5 Lattice. Fig. 274A—Countershaft, if wanted, extra, with Tight and Loose Pulleys ........ ... 12x 8 700 6 S00 SAL) en eee Lauder. Fig. 274B—Bevel Siding Attach’t.af wanted, extra,ust)) 0) nao) vale Laundry. -@ AMERICAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GO: Fig. 275. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 2, Iron Frame Rip Saw Bench. ctr om U0 t= LF ZZ =—— HIS is a heavy, well-proportioned machine, with large table, for ripping stuff up to 6 inches thick and 24 inches wide. The Frame is cast in one piece and the arbor yoke is heavily ribbed and firmly bolted in, so as to avoid vibration of the saw. The Arbor is of steel, 154 inch in diameter, and the arbor pulley is usually 7 inches by 7% inches, unless otherwise ordered; the three boxes are all self-oiling, with return drips, so that oil is used again and again, and does not drop on the floor. The Table is usually of iron, 38 inches by 54 inches, and is hinged at the back of the frame, and adjustable at the front by a screw and held by clamping segments. The Ripping Gauge adjusts in a T slot in the table and is usually made with solid face, as shown, but we can furnish it adjustable for bevel sawing when required. There is also provision for adjusting the gauge to the saw, either ‘“‘open’’ or “‘closed’’ at the back. The Shifting Lever and index is an attachment for matching up stock, and is provided with an instan- taneous clamp on the quadrant (not shown in cut). Saws may be used up to 21 inches in diameter, and a 16-inch saw with 1%(-inch eye is sent with the machine. Saws 16 inches in diameter project 4 inches above the table. Counter-Shaft is furnished on order. Hardwood table can be supplied at a reduction from the regular price. T and 1. Pulley on Revs. per US, Et STYLE. Pulleys. Arbor. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 275 —lIron Table, no Counter-Shaft.............. 12x84 TxoIh 2,000 to 2,200 5 900 Laurel. Fig. 257 A—Iron Table, with Counter-Shaft.......... 12x 8% T7x7% 2,000 to 2,200 by 1,100 Lavaret. <@\MERIGAN \AYOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @O:@% Fig. 276. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Combination Saw Bench. ‘ta iit LAAT STAT \y 7 4 iil he i in Mi SS HE accompanying cut represents our New Saw Bench, which is especially designed for furniture and carriage factories, moulding and planing mills, for cutting miters and all kinds of bevels. It is so constructed that it does this class of work very accurately and quickly. The machine is as well adapted to ripping, cross-cutting and dadoing as for mitering. It will be seen from the cut that the saw can be raised and lowered and set to any angle up to forty-five degrees. Both Tables have End Adjustments. The one used for cross-cutting runs on ways with roller bear- ings, which make it very easy to operate. The machine is provided with all necessary guides for ripping, cross-cutting and mitering. A Compensatory Idler is attached to the frame to give the proper tension to the belt at any position — of the mandrel. The entire machine is made of iron and steel, the frame being cast in one solid piece, very heavily braced, and will be found a decided improvement over any machine for this purpose yet placed on the market. Belt Required: One belt 8 feet 8 inches long, 4 inches wide. Dandy Revs. per SDYiE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig.+276° -—With) Dado Head 2 igs tees ee ere er a a (eas) 800 1,400 Lavendar. Fig. 276 A— Without: Dadowti¢ad 2 oes tee eee ee 7x6 800 1,400 Lavish. -O\MERIGAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE G99 Fit) 277; ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 7, New Pattern Improved Combination Saw Bench. © =f oe Ky Te ie = a | y : is “aml HE Machine represented by the above cut is an entirely new design, and we believe the most complete, thoroughly con- structed and easily managed Combination Saw and Dado Machine on the market for cutting-off, ripping, miter and bevel sawing, dadoing, etc. It does the work of several machines and occupies the space of but one. The Counter-Shaft is placed in such a position that the machine may be belted from above. The travel of the saw pro- duces only a very slight movement of the tightener frame. The belt is very wide and the tightener pulleys unusually large, thereby producing a powerful machine and reducing the stress on the belt. The Saw may be brought forward a distance of 23 inches by means of a foot-treadle, which allows the operator the use of both hands to handle the board, by which arrangement he can accomplish more work than can be done on any other kind of saw table. The Right Hand Table is pivoted to the frame and may be swung upward, thus exposing the carriage and all the surrounding parts, while the left hand table is arranged to slide outward by means of a handle, as shown in the cut, which is so constructed as to always keep the table parallel with the saw, and is also fitted with a screw which enables the operator not only to adjust the stop accurately, but to maintain the adjustment in case it is necessary to remove the saw or head during the execu- tion of a certain job. ‘The table may also be securely locked in any position. The Machine is provided with a ripping gauge which may be set at any angle. The cross-cut gauges are instantly clamped to the table, and are so arranged that by loosening two nuts with the stationary wrenches they are at once changed from stationary to sliding gauges, and may be set at any angle not exceeding 45 degrees. The gauges can be reversed so that the saw will force the board against the face of the gauge if desired. A sliding stop is used to prevent the saw from going entirely back when it is desired to make short cuts. The Machine will cut four inches thick, and will cut through a one-inch board twenty-one (21) inches wide. We furnish with each machine one 14-inch saw, one belt and the necessary wrenches. Tightand Revs. Cubic Approxi- pee STYLE. Loose per Measure- mate = dey Code Word. Pulleys. Minute. ments. Weight. Required. Fig. 277 —No. 7, with Combined Rip and Bevel Gauge, one endless Belt, one 14-inch Saw, without Dado Head.............-...-+-1.---+ 10x5 850 68 1,260 1 to 3 Lawitul. Fig. 277 A—No. 7, the same Machine including Expanding Dado Head..10x5 850 68 1,260 1 to 3 Lawless. Fig. 277 B—No. 7, as a cut off Saw only, with Plain Table, one 14-inch Saw, without Dado Head and Gauges............ sees ceeeesee reese sees OR eee OOO 68 1,260 1 to 3 Laxation. -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE @0:9+ Fig. 278. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Improved Double Saw Bench. “TT “HE engraving shows a new medium size saw bench arranged with two arbors for carrying a cut-off [ and a rip saw at the same time. It is all iron and steel, and the frame is cast in one piece, and is strong and massive. The Arbors are 144 inches diameter; collars are 4 inches, and pulleys are 4 inches by 5 inches face. The arbor frames swing on a heavy steel trunnion shaft, and the end next the operator is guided in a vertical way, so that there can be no side motion to the saws at any part of their adjustment. The Adjusting Screws are very convenient, and the shifting of both arbors occupies only a small fraction of a minute. The Table is all iron, 44 x 48 inches surface, and has no crosswise slots, the splitting gauge being arranged on a way outside of the table. This gauge is adjustable to a miter and is accurately stopped at both miter and square, and can be set at any intermediate angle. A Large Throat Plate admits both saws, and an iron plate fills the opening, and can be lifted out instantly to get access to the saws. One arbor extends beyond the nut to accommodate cutter heads of various kinds. Cut-off Gauges are provided, one of which is adjustable to a miter, and they may be used on either side of the saw. Every part of the machine is conscientiously fitted, and table, gauges and arbors are carefully aligned and adjusted so as to do accurate work. A Screw Adjustment for end play is provided on the arbors, and the journals are nicely fitted to scraped bearings so they will not heat with fair treatment. Saws 16 inches diameter are used, and ordinarily the hole should be 1% inches, but this can be varied to order. A 10-inch saw projects 2 inches above the table. The Counter-Shaft should be located on the floor, about 4% feet from the center of the arbors. One each, cross-cut and rip saws are furnished, 16 inches diameter. fe and 1. Revs per ee, Sia: Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 278 —Double Saw Bench, with Counter-Shaft.......... 10x 6% 600 PEALOY 1,250 Laxative. Fig. 278 A—End Stop Cut-off Gauges, extra... Gena? VSRSt ee, ig Geol een ee ee ee Laxity. -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING MACHINE QO: Fig. 279. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 1, Variety Saw Bench, with Boring Attachment. mg ITT demand for it has greatly exceeded our expectations, and often our facilities for manufacturing. Having many calls for a Boring Attachment for this machine, we herewith present an engraving of the complete machine. The Frame is made in box form, cast in one piece, and is heavy and substantial, with a broad base flange and rigid slide ways for the table bracket or yoke. The Table is of iron, and rises and falls 5 inches on gibbed ways by means of a screw and large hand wheel made con- yenient for the sawyer. It tilts upward from the right hand side to 45 degrees, and one of the cut-off gauges shown is also adjustable to a miter in either direction, and may be used on either side of the saw. Special End Stop Gauges are furnished when ordered, in place of the ordinary cut-off gauges. Jointing, Dadoing, Grooving and Rabbeting heads may be used by means of a large detachable throat plate surround- ing the saw. The Boring Attachment consists of heavy slide ways rigidly secured to the frame, upon which a strongly braced table bracket is gibbed. The table slide is gibbed in turn to ways on top of the bracket, and provision is made on both sides for taking up wear. Usually a wood table and bar, as shown in the cut, is furnished, but an iron table will be substituted at a slight extra charge. All the Fitting is first-class and the parts are adjusted very exact, so that fine jointing may be done on the saw and accurate boring with the bits. ‘The saw arbor has self-oiling boxes and there is provision for taking up the end motion. A Special Jointing Table and gauge is furnished, when ordered, at an extra price. This is detachable from the saw- table, and one half of it may be adjusted to the cut, like a buzz planer table. A Plain Bit Socket is sent with the machine, with % inch hole or a Morse taper hole, as desired, but if preferred, Little Giant self-centering chuck can be supplied at the cost of the chuck extra, The Counter-Shaft is usually attached to the floor, four to five feet from the machine, but it may be located below the floor. Either of these positions is far more satisfactory than attaching it to the frame of the machine. The table surface is 36 x 44 inches, and stuff 20 inches wide may be slit. An 8-inch saw projects 14% inches above the table, and 15-inch saws may be used. This Machine is particularly recommended for jobbing in connection with the jointing attachment and special cutter heads. A great variety of work may be done on it in the very best manner. N O machine that we have ever brought out has given better satisfaction than our No. 1 Variety Saw Bench, and the Ty andl: Revs. per 1S atl oe 8 STYLE. Pulleys. Minute, Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 279 —No. 1, Variety Saw Bench, with Boring Attachment...... 8x5 700 to 800 2 1,000 Laziness. Fig, 279 A—Self-centering Chuck, extra. cscccovecceestetcioeintcemeteieens ceeetcctact semereantne 0 ssaannis sooner Leader. Fig. 279 B—End Stop Cut-off Gauges, extra ............. AEN ae eed” (2, EP iy Si ae ea ins Leafage. Fig. 279 C—Jointing Head, with Two Kriives ...nssscsscccssessseesee: cectemeny 0 arennnnny 0 annnens 0 asans Leafless. Fig. 279 D—Jointing Table, Gauge and Adjusting Screw cjscctcc tere eens arene nanan League. -@AMERIGAN \X/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @0:9% Fig. 280. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 2, Combination Saw Bench. HIS is a practical all around tool, embodying all the conveniences and attachments required for general work, either light or heavy. The Frame is cast in one piece, and is strong and massive. It stands 30 x 36 inches on the floor, and 33 inches high to top of table. The Table is all iron and is 38 x 50 inches, with suitable longitudinal grooves for the gauges. It is firmly bolted to the frame and has a central throat 6 x 20 inches filled with a separate iron plate slotted for the saw. By this means saws can be changed easily, and dado heads or other cutters attached to the saw arbor. A finger hole in the plate makes it easy to remove, and wooden throat plates can be fitted in at any time for special jobs. The Arbor is of hard steel 134 inches in diameter, and is ordinarily fitted to receive saws with 14-inch hole, but this may be varied to order. ‘The pulley is 4% x6 inches and the bearings are long, nicely ground and fitted, and the boxes are self- oiling. The arbor frame swings on trunions at the rear, and is raised and lowered by the screw and hand wheel shown, which are attached to a stiff vertical way or guide for the arbor frame ; this latter is thus held very rigidly and will not spring or vibrate. Three Gauges are provided; one slitting gauge arranged to tilt to 45 degrees or less for bevel sawing ; one adjustable and one stationary cut-off gauge, which may be connected by means of an iron yoke for cutting long stuff and fine jointing. The slitting gauge is carried on an adjustable track attached to the edge of the table, thus avoiding all cross slots in the surface of the table. The cut-off gauges are graduated to degrees and the slitting gauge to inches, and quarters. A Boring Attachment is furnished at an extra charge, consisting of a bit socket on the outer end of the arbor, a sliding table having a vertical adjustment by a screw and crank, and suitable stops and gauges. Both sets of V slides have adjustable gibs to take up wear. A Counter-Shaft is provided unless otherwise stipulated, and it should be located on the floor about 5 feet from the center of the arbor. The table throat will receive a 20-inch saw or cutter heads 5 inches wide, and a 10-inch saw will project 1% inches through the table. One 16-inch saw is furnished with the machine. T. and L. Revs. per Vale ae STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 280 —No. 2, Combination Saw Bench, with Counter-shaft ..... 12 x 6% 600 2 to 3 900. Leapfrog. Fig. 280 A—Boring Attachment, extra 2. 55.)oeer sale eee eee ieee te oe ne Learned. Fig. 280 B—End Stop Cut-off Gauge; extra a co aeecgee uc teeter eee no Lease. Fig: 280 C—Self-Centering Chuck, exttag i. osutcscsressscscetes ceo eee ec an Leathery. -ONMMERIGAN \WOOD-\WA/ORKING MACHINE GQ Fig. 281. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 9, Wood Frame Combination Saw Table. MRA « ey, y o | ] ———$—<4 SET u = inl mae 7 —=-= => excellent machine for cutting-off, ripping, mitering and bevel sawing, dadoing, etc. The Frame is made of seasoned hard wood, mortised together and securely held by joint bolts. The Table is made of hard wood strips, glued up and bolted together, hinged at back end, and has a raising screw in front, on which there is a hand nut that holds the table securely when set at any required height. The Arbor is of the best steel, the boxes are firmly fitted to the frame, allowing perfect work to be done in mitering and dadoing. The Machine is provided with adjustable cut-off and rip-saw gauges, which are nicely fitted to dovetailed iron guide plates. The cut-off or miter gauges can be adjusted to 45° in either direction, and can be used on either or both sides of the saw. They are slotted so as to receive wooden gauges of any length. The Iron Throat Plate in the center of the table can be quickly removed to facilitate changing the head or saw. Wooden throat plate can be used if desired. All parts are accurately fitted and adjustments true and square, so that a fine joint can be made without subsequent hand fitting. We furnish with each machine two adjustable cut-off gauges, one rip gauge, one 14-inch rip saw, one 14-inch cross-cut saw “ | SHIS Machine has been designed to meet the demands for a low price Combination Saw, and will be found a most and necessary wrenches. A Combination Rip and Bevel Gauge, for straight or bevel sawing, if desired, can be furnished at additional cost. The table is 4 feet wide by 4 feet long. . Cubic Approxi- Average STV EE. Pulley on Revs. per Measure- mate Hy bs Code Word. Arbor. Minute. ments. Weight. Required. Fig. 281 —No. 9, with two Adjustable Cut-Off Gauges, One Rip Gauge, one 14-inch Rip Saw, one 14-inch Cross- Cut saw, without Dado Head 0... co. as ents 2 XG 2,800 85 500 latoss Leaven. Fig. 281 A—No. 9, with Dado Head and five Sets of Cutters ...... 5x6 2,800 85 500 1 to 3 Lecturer. Fig. 281 B—Counter-shaft, if wanted, extra, with Tight and BOSS aE LC YBa iia rape ch canes a Sesaeavasernsarcenveen canny nonsense 10 x6 700 5 Fes] UES ie gee teen Ledger. ~@AMERIGAN \S/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @Q:.9 Fig. 282. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S No. 1, Iron Frame Slitting Saw Bench. ccc -_ | : | / a i HIS is a heavy, well proportioned machine, with large arbor and drive pulley, and is intended for split- ald ting rough lumber up to 4 inches thick, in all kinds of wood working shops. The Frame is cast in one piece, planed level on top, and the arbor yoke is heavily ribbed and bolted in so as to avoid vibration of the saw. The Arbor is steel, 134 inches diameter, and the driving pulley is usually 6 x 6 inches, unless otherwise ordered ; the boxes are extra long and nicely scraped to the journals, and they are self-oiling with return channels. The Table is of kiln-dried cherry, glued up in strips 40 x 54 inches surface, and is hinged at the back of frame, and is adjustable by a raising screw and held by clamping segments at both sides, which are tightened by one wheel. The Ripping Gauge adjusts in an iron dovetailed way let into the table, and is also adjustable to slit at any angle from square to miter. The improved gauge is all iron. Saws may be used 20 inches diameter if necessary, and a 16-inch saw is usually sent with machine. Counter-Shaft to order. By the addition of a cut-off gauge and iron way let into the table, this makes a good general saw bench for any kind of work. Saws 12 inches diameter project 2% inches above the table. Speed of arbor for 16-inch saw, about 2,500. Jae hotell 3B, Revs. per igh a STYLE. Pulleys. Minute, Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 282° —Woodfablé,-no Counter shattes e 600 3 to 4 500 Leech. Fig. 282 A—Wood Table, with Counter- Shaft Fee Ne ea 12x 6% 600 3 to 4 700 Leering. 328 -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WORKING MACHINE QQ» Fig. 283. LEVI HOUSTON 'CO.’S No. 1, Improved Variety Saw. lie ) CT ANNI ili I cil I Lu Mu UTTTETETCETTTETTATCE TT vidi) COTTON TT > Be Z ee Ue y HE above Machine being all iron and steel, the great variety of work it can be adapted to, and the 48 precision and accuracy with which it can be handled, the convenience of adjustment, and the strength and durability of all parts, stamp it as a standard machine for ripping, cross-cutting, beveling, cropping, grooving, mitering, etc. The machine is self-contained, the frame being a cored pedestal supporting the table and carrying the counter-shaft. The Table is of cast iron, well ribbed and braced, and can be set plumb, or at right angles with the saw, or adjusted to any bevel up to 45 degrees. The table is raised and lowered in planed, gibbed ways, with adjustment for wear. The Mandrel is of best cast steel. The Fences can be used on either side of the saw, giving the operator every advantage and convenience, especially when using the table on a bevel. ‘This point will be appreciated by a practical sawyer. One 14-inch saw is generally furnished with the machine, and should run 3,000 revolutions per minute. Furniture, chair and bracket factories, planing mills, carpenters, pattern and wood shops of all kinds will find this machine one that can be quickly adjusted for almost any kind of sawing. T, and J,. Revs. per ; STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 283—No. 1, Variety Saw.........o..cc2-- sccscscenssssessesees cseneene sucrnmencenees enenses cencenss 10x 4% 750 1,000 Legalist. 329 -@AMERIGAN \AVOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @@;22 Fig. 284. FP. ne CEEMENT CO7Ss No. 1, Variety Saw Bench. md HIS is a new and fine design for a general cutting off and splitting saw bench and combination machine for pattern, carpenter, chair, furniture, car, wagon and job shops, for light and accurate work. The Frame is cored out in box form and cast in one piece, and is rigid and heavy. The Table is all iron, and rises and falls five inches in a direct line on gibbed slides, by a large hand wheel and screw, and it also tilts upward from the right hand side to 45 degrees. Iron cut-off and splitting gauges are provided, the former of which can be adjusted to 45 degrees in either direction, and may be used on either or both sides of the saw. The Adjustable End-Stop Gauges, shown in left hand cut, are furnished only when ordered, at an extra price ; but one plain swivel, one square cut-off gauge and one splitting gauge are included in the price of the machine. : Jointing, Dadoing, Grooving, Rabbeting and moulding heads may be used, and the large iron throat plate in the center of the table can be removed instantly to facilitate changing heads or saws. Wood throat plates may be used, as desired. A Boring Attachment is added when ordered, with sliding and vertically adjustable table, having all necessary stops and gibs, and a fence for holding work. All Parts are nicely fitted, and adjusted true and square, so that fine jointing can be done without subse- quent hand fitting. The arbor has self-oiling boxes, carefully scraped to the journal, and there is provision for taking up end motion. The Counter-Shaft is usually attached to the floor, four to five feet from the machine, but it may be located below the floor. Hither of these positions is more satisfactory than attaching it to the frame of the machine. The table surface is 36 x 44 inches, and stuff 20 inches wide may be slit. An 8-inch saw projects 1% inches above the table, and 15-inch saws may be used. This Tool is particularly recommended as a jobbing machine in a small shop, and when boring attachment, jointing and rabbeting head are ordered with it, a great variety of work can be done on it in the best manner. A Special Jointing Table, made detachable, is also furnished when required. ean a7 Revs. per : ley Wb STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 284 —No. 1, Saw Bench and Counter-Shaft...0.... 2... ae nt | 700 to 800 ZHtOxS 900 . Legacy. Fig.. 284 A—End Stop: Cut-off Gauges, \extra 77 ee en Legend. (For machine with Boring Attachment see page 325.) -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\NWORKING [MACHINE @O:2» Fig. 285. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S No. 8, Adjustable Saw Table. \\\ 7 = ill I) HIS machine has a heavy, substantial frame, cast in one piece, which makes it very rigid. It has an Iron Table, arranged to work straight or on a bevel, which raises and lowers in a direct line on gibbed slides by simply turning the large hand wheel shown on the front of the machine; and the slides have an adjustment for taking up any wear that may occur at this point. It tilts on large circles to 45 degrees, and is easily and quickly tilted by loosening one nut, and when it is set it is rigidly held in place. The Arbor is placed in the frame and held by solid cap boxes, which hold it firmly in position ; thus allowing perfect work to be done in mitering and dadoing. It is also provided with a Degree Index Plate, shown on the circle in front of the machine, for setting the table at any angle with the saw. The machine is fitted with Adjustable Cut-off and Combined Rip and Bevel Gauges. The Cut-off Gauges can be adjusted to 45 degrees in either direction, and can be used on either or both sides of the saw. They are all slotted to receive wooden gauges of any length. The combined rip and bevel gauge is adjustable for straight or bevel sawing. Dadoing, Grooving, Jointing, Moulding and Rabbeting Heads can be used on this machine if it is desired. The large Throat Plate in the center of the table can be quickly removed to facilitate changing the head or saw. Wooden Throat Plates can be used if desired. All parts are accurately fitted, and adjustments true and square, so that a fine joint can be made without subsequent hand fitting. We furnish with each machine two adjustable cut-off gauges, one combined adjustable rip and bevel gauge, one 12-inch cross-cut saw, one 12-inch rip saw, two wrenches and a counter-shaft This table is 36 inches wide by 39 inches long. Pulley on arbor is 4 inches in diameter by 5 inches face, and should run 3,000 revolutions per minute. STYLE. ‘eand. Ly. Revs. per Cubic H. P. Pulleys. Minute, Measurement. Weight. Required. Code Word. Fig. 285 —No. 8, with two adjustable cut-off gauges, one combined adjustable rip and bevel gauge, one 12-inch cross-cut saw, one 12-inch rip saw, two wrenches and counter-shaft (without dado head)... cesses secs 10x5 700 42 850 Tetons Legerete. Fig. 285 A—No. 8, with dado head and five sets of cutters... 10 x5 700 “re 850 IStous Legerity. 331 <@\MERIGAN \AYOOD-\WORKING MACHINE Go: Fig. 286. GOODELL & WATERS’ Small Adjustable Top Saw Table. WITH BORING ATTACHMENT. HIS is the smallest of a series of sawing machines we are now producing, and merits particular attention because of the progress made in this class of wood-working machinery. The Table is 34% inches long and 28 inches wide, and can be tilted at any angle to 45 (a The positions for cutting angles are shown by a graduated scale at the fastening screw. The Perpendicular Elevation of the table, and the tilting of the table are wholly independent of each other, so that either can be changed without effecting the other. The Saw-Arbor is conveniently arranged for change of saws and the use of groover-heads. The rear end of the arbor is fitted for boring implements and drills, and together with the bracket sliding- table, form an excellent boring and drilling machine with elevating adjustment and sliding carriage. The edges of the table top are planed perfectly parallel with the saw, so that cut-off and miter gauges may easily be fitted if required, and still have the table top solid and clear from all obstructions, easily changed and instantly removed when required. The Slitting Gauge will open 14 inches, and slides on a bar at the front of the table, and is easily moved to the right or left of the saw, making it both a right hand and left hand machine ; and can be instantly removed when not wanted. Hole in saw, 1 inch. iopanic Te Revs. per STYLE. Pulleys. Minute, Weight. Code Word. Fig, 286 -—With Borer and Counter-Shaft.2 05530 an dn ee 8x 4 500 500 Legible. Fig. 286 A—With Borer, Without Counter-Shaft.... a, ee 500 475 Legion. Fig. 286 B—Without Borer, with Countershaft...........c.cs-cccsess ncsccnceces cocsceeeee 8x4 500 450 Legless. Fig. 286 B—Without Borer and Cownter-Shaft 0... cccecccsccseccrtesseeceeonse eee 500 450 Leisure. -@\MERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING JACHINE Qo: Fig. 287. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 3, Combination Saw and Dado Machine. 4 ee lll = TTL Mim mT a 7 LL Bil | ia r Sail f I} MU 0 itl AT \ ( f im yaa pueZZ i — ae i Z| HE above cut represents our new Combined Ripping, Cross-Cutting and4yDadoing Machine, which possesses many new and valuable improvements. Im designing this*machine we ‘have used every means, regardless of expense, to make it the most economical of its class, i. e., a saw*bench which is capable of executing work with despatch and absolute accuracy, while the time required for adjusting the parts for different kinds of work is reduced to a minimum. The Frame is one solid casting, with the metal so disposed as to form the most rigid support for working parts. The Belt which transmits the power from counter-shaft to saw arbor is endless, of unusual length and width, and is strained by a tightener, placed in such a position that during the entire travel of the saw the tightener moves vertically less than three inches, thus producing an even tension at all times, the weight being sufficient to maintain the speed of the saw up to its full capacity. At the same time the belt is well preserved, as all the pulleys over which it passes are of large diameter, thus reducing the speed of tightener pulleys and extending the life of the boxes. The Saw Carriage is mounted on rolls, and travels on a heavy, rigid frame, which is adjusted vertically to regulate the depth of cut by means of worm and worm wheels so constructed as to make a quick adjustment—a device which is perfectly accurate and not affected by sawdust or dirt. The Saw, which is 14 inches in diameter, will cut up to four inches thick, and travels a distance of 24 inches. The length of travel and relative position of the saw and table, however, is controlled by the stops acting on the foot treadle at front of machine, as shown. The latter, an entirely new device for operating the saw, is provided with counter weights, which are adjust- able in all directions. The system of levers is such that the foot need only be raised 10 inches off the floor to move the saw its full stroke—24 inches. The Right Hand Table is arranged to swing upward, thus exposing the saw carriage and all surrounding parts, while the left hand table has a lateral adjustment sufficient to place or remove saws or dado head, and is absolutely accurate in its move- ment, thus preserving the alignment of tables and gauges at all times. The Tables are graduated, and the cutting-off gauges may be set at any angle not exceeding 45 degrees. They are also fitted with tongues and auxiliary studs, which admit of using them either as stationary or sliding gauges ; the change from one to the other may be made instantly. The machine is also provided with a ripping gauge which is simple, effective and accurate, and can be set to any angle up to 45 degrees instantly, and it requires almost no time to apply it to the machine. Tard ty. Revs. per Floor Space STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 287 —With Dado CAG pane eee te: 10x 5 900 50 x 73 inches. 1,600 Lender. Fig. 287 A—Without Dado Head sen ees 1G) eS 900 50 x 73 inches. 1,600 Lenient. 799 -@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WORKING MACHINE @o:o2 Fig. 288. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 2, Combination Saw and Dado Machine. WITH COMMON FOOT TREADLE. — = — = a i ALATA HE above cut illustrates our new Combination Saw and Dado Machine, with common foot treadle. This machine has Af been designed for the purpose of ripping up lumber, sawing at any angle up to 45 degrees, plowing, grooving, dadoing and squaring up. Also used in the manufacture of door and window frames, and for mitering heavy moulding, furniture, work, etc. In fact it is the most complete machine ever offered to wood workers. The Arbor is made of steel, and runs in babbitted boxes in a strong yoked carriage. This carriage is fitted with rollers, which travel on ways, thereby greatly reducing the friction. The ways are carefully fitted to the main frame of the machine, and are raised or lowered by worm or worm wheel, operated by the crank at front of machine. This makes a quick and positive adjust- ment and requires no set bolts to keep it just where it is wanted, as it can only move by turning the crank. When operating the machine the crank can be slipped off in an instant, if so desired. ‘The machine is provided with hand-wheel on the side of frame for adjusting the sliding tops apart for using the dado head, changing saw, etc. This machine differs from the No. 1 Combination Saw in one respect only, viz.: It is in the device used in moving the carriage. The Carriage is operated by placing the foot on the treadle and bringing the saw carriage forward at any rate, from 5 to 100 feet per minute, at the will of the operator, thus enabling the operator to regulate the feed for dadoing through knots, or cutting cross-grained lumber, etc. By removing the pressure from the treadle, the saw carriage is returned to its position by the swing-tightener, which answers a double purpose ; one is that it draws back the carriage to its proper position, and the other is that it keeps the driving belt always tight. With each machine we furnish an endless driving belt, 12-inch cross-cut saw and cut-off and ripping gauges; and with the dado head, five sets of assorted cutters. ‘The iron tops are laid out in degrees for cutting at any angle desired to 45 degrees. Dandy. Revs, per Floor Space STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word, Fig. 288 —With Dado Head... 8x4 900 Suis oe Soe, Chabal 1,000 Lenitive. Fig. 288 A—Without Dado Head............ 8x4 900 3 ft. x3 it, 4 wy 1,000 Lentil. O34 -@\MERICAN \X/OOD-\WWORKING [M{ACHINE QO: Fig. 280. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S No. 1, Combination Saw and Dado Machine. Be mi ng ii nu oo iia oh TT i] i} lll) I 7 N J S S SS Ss IS S S aia ll hil wt lete machines ever offered to wood- (ome ey as rooving, dadoing, ete., and in fact is s, mitering heavy mouldings, plowing and grooving door and HIS Improved Combination Saw and Dado Machine is one of the most comp workers. It is intended for ripping, sawing at any angle to 45 degrees, plowin indispensable in the manufacture of door and window frame ab window jambs, etc. The Arbor is made of steel, and runs in babbitte which reduces the friction. The Ways are fitted to the main frame of the machine the crank at front of machine. ‘This adjustment is positive and requires no s only move by turning the crank. When operating the machine, the crank c The Hand Wheels on sides of the machine are for adjusting the sliding tops The Latest and most important point to which we would call your special attention is e foot treadle which connects the power to the saw carriage an It is operated by th ator. carriage. 5 to 100 feet per minute, at the will of the oper The Treadle is placed close to the floor so t moving the treadle ;{; of an inch, connects the power the power is disconnected and the carriage is returne one is that it draws the carriage back to its proper position, and brings the carriage forward. at any angle desired to 45 degrees. Floor Space machine we furnish an endless driving belt. The Iron Table tops are laid out in degrees for cutting Tandy Revs. per STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. pe eee 8x4 900 Sit. 3 it: 4 in: 8x 4 900 A itewi gift, 4 in. Fig. 289 —With Dado Head Fig. 289 A—Without Dado Head............. 3.55 d toits position by the swing tightener, which answe and the other, that it keeps the driving belt always tight. With each d boxes in a strong yoked carriage, fitted with rollers that travel on ways, and are raised or lowered by worm and worm wheel, operated by et bolts to keep it just where it is wanted, as it can s an be slipped off in an instant, if so desired. apart for using dado head, changing saw, etc. our friction device for moving the d brings it forward at any rate from nthe treadle, and by hat the operator stands with heel on the floor and toe o By removing the pressure from the treadle, rs a double purpose ; Size of table, 3 ft. x 3 ft. 4 in. Weight. Code Word. 900 Leonine. 900 Lepadite. c@A\MERIGAN \WOOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE @o:22 Fig. 290. Fo CLEMENTECO;S Sliding Gauge Double Cutting-off Saw Bench. HE engraving represents a new and convenient Saw Bench, for accurately cutting off both ends of short stock, such as is found in Chair, Furniture, Sash and Blind, Carriage, and other works. The Frame is in box form, well ribbed internally, and thus not liable to spring or twist. The Saw Arbor is of steel, 1 +? inches diameter and runs in long self-oiling boxes which are rigid on the frame at each end. Two Turned Steel Bars support the narrow tables, and the sliding gauges; these bars are also rigidly secured to the frame, and cannot vibrate. The Tables are 5% inches wide and 48 to 60 inches long, and can be adjusted to any point on the side rods between the saws ; or for very short work one saw may be located between the tables. They can be tilted up to slip a saw under, and when required, an adjusting screw can be supplied at a slight extra charge. The Gauges are fitted to swivel to 45 degrees and are attached to long tongues which move in slots in each table. For long work they are tied together by a rigid bar which is slotted at both ends for adjustment. The Saws are bolted to the face of the collars and they may be slipped along the arbor and secured to any point by means of a concave key and set-screw; they can be removed for sharpening in a few seconds. Saws from 12 inches to 16 inches diameter may be used. A Dadoing Attachment can be made for this machine at a moderate expense. The Workmanship is excellent in every particular, and the machine is very rigid and accurate in all details. The Counter-Shaift is steel and has our ‘“‘ jump flange”? self-oiling loose pulley, and can be located in any required position. Teand: Ts Revs. per 18 Det STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required, Weight. Code Word. Fig. 290—Cuts off 6 inches to. 42 "inches... en = oe eee 12x 6% 750 3 1,350 Leporine. -@AMERIGAN VA/COD-\AWYORKING MACHINE @0;9% Fig. 2091. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Improved Double Cut-off Saw. vex £2 pocaesSteN ht i a CLE PATENT PENDING. HIS is an entirely new design, embracing many improvements which have been suggested by ex- perience. The Bed is very heavy and rigid and has three bearings on the floor, preventing twisting and consequent derangement of the table alignment. The Head Blocks are cast in one piece with four tie bars in each, and bearings for the counter-shaft in the rear. The Arbors run in self-oiling boxes with return channels, and the yoke carrying the boxes is adjustable vertically and horizontally ; in addition to this it has a longitudinal adjustment on planed ways to take up the slack of the belt by means of ascrew. ‘This is not found on any other similar machine. The Arbor Frames or saddles swing vertically on trunion pins at the rear and are guided on vertical ways in front with screws and hand wheels for adjusting them ; thus the saws are kept perfectly rigid in the cut. The Tables are planed perfectly true and firmly bolted to the head block and have longitudinal grooves to receive the gauge tongues. ‘he left hand table is provided with a rip-gauge, moving on an adjustable track attached to the edge of the table. This gauge is adjustable for bevel sawing to 45 degrees. | The Cut-Off Gauges consist of one expansion gauge for general work, adjustable for various lengths up to full capacity of the machine, and one swivel gauge adjustable to 45 degrees either way. ‘The expansion _ gauge takes the place of all the double tongue gauges shown in cut. The Counter-Shaft is turned steel and has four bearings: the tight and selt-oiling loose pulleys are 12 x 6 inches and should run about 600 per minute for 16-inch saws. The Capacity of the machine is from 5 inches to 6 feet 9 inches in length, 4 inches thick, and 21 inches wide, but this latter can be increased to 24 inches or 30 inches on order. The Workmanship is of the same character as all our output, viz.: The Best. Ge andely. Revs. per 131 Se . STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 291—Improved Double Cut-off Saw ................. 12 x 6% 600 2 to 5 3,200 Leprosy. -O\MERIGAN \A/OOD-WWORKING [MACHINE QQ: ‘uoIdlDsep 4194}41Ny 105 a3ud ozISoddo sag “SUOTIpmoo sACqB 9} Jost P[HOYS SUTYOVUL SIY} JO SUIIOJ OM} STI, ‘mor}etodo ur 9}e1 nooe pure Asva ‘uorjonsysu0o ur a[dus st yoIM “Yous MEG Yo-yn) s[qnod peorid umrpeut e aimbai satiojoey Aue “MBS JJO-JND VIGNod }Ys!I] ‘7 “ON “SOAUd DNNOA *z6c *SI4 338 -@\MERIGAN \S/OOD-\WORKING [MJACHINE GO.» *uosso’] 000°Z v 009 WO S87 Chee eae en ae ee) aes et ajajdutos ‘meg yo-nD sIqnoq ‘Z% “ON —76Z BI *uviqso’] 009 'T v 009 %9X ZI “9 57duI00 ‘MES YO-jND stqnod ‘T “ON—£6z ro) 0 | *pioMm 2poD WWSIOM ‘paimbay ‘d “H ‘wu tod ‘saoy *sAo|[INd “I pure “L TALS “paystuny ore SMBS OM, “posn ST faynd asooy Surjto-jjas podoidun uv pue ‘paysruiny st jyeys-tOyUNOS ajotdui0o Vy “YO SaOUT p pue ‘ap SoTpOUL PZ ‘Suoy sayout 9 yoy 9 : Apoudey ‘Q3RLLIVD dq} 0} PUL Iaq}O Yovd 0} VUoTojer YIM SMS 9} Sunsn{pe jo pus1ed 0} sv os ‘suoreip Yoq Ul JUSTUUSITe oy afqeysufpe are saxoq Joqie sy} pu ‘sMoIOS Aq yuory ut AT[eotjzea atquysn{pe ore pure ‘ouryoeut ot} JO Teor otf} ye suomi] Uo Sums Z6z *3i4 Ul somes JOgIY 94 ‘saSne8 yno-ssoio loys Sutsn 107 shvM puv JUSUITIe}e asnes-diu e Suraey ‘yootq prey Areuonejys ey} IoAo sTqv} poo prey B papraoid osye st atay} pue : ATTe}WOZTIOY SB T[PA\ SB Ayyeorsea atquysnf{pe ore ses pue sioqie oy} YOM UT WLIO} peyeordiros aio B SMoYs TOT “BI ‘ be Revs, per STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 312, No.3, Single, Heads anditwo! Copesieeccecssessese ner tesa cease sean 10 x4 900 1,000 Liturgy. Fig. 312 A—No. 3, Single Heads and one Cope naan cites cree epee asec 10 x 4 900 1,000 Livelong. Fig. 312. B—No, 3, Single Heads and no Cope 262) sme eee et encores 10x 4 900 1,000 Livery. Fig. 312 C—Cut-off Saw Attachment, extra 0c c5 sec ccek We cts ctaee so eac eee ae cts te ee eee a Loafer. -ONMERICAN \A/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GO Fig. 313. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S New Patent Improved No. 3, Tenoning Machine. th cial ai —— 1 1 = a] ooo HIS Machine is adapted for Tenoning Sash, Blinds, Furniture, Spokes or other light work. It will cut tenons of any required thickness up to three inches, and from % inch to 3% inches long in once passing through, and by passing through twice, up to 534 inches long. Either Headstock can be moved up or down independently. The Top Headstock can be adjusted horizontally, to permit the shoulder to be cut at uneven distances from the end. By a simple but effective arrangement the upper and lower heads are instantly connected, and both heads can be raised and lowered without changing the thickness of tenon in the least. The Cutter Heads are 31 inches in length, and are provided with our patent Corrugated Spurs. A single belt drives both cutter heads at same speed. This belt is tightened by a self-adjusting idler pulley, operated by a weighted lever, with ratchet and pawl, which keeps the belt always at proper tension. The Copes are attached to main headstocks and move vertically with them. Each has also an independent horizontal and vertical adjustment. ‘They are driven from the vertical counter-shaft attached to the rear of machine. The Hold-Down Bar is convenient to operator and can be adjusted for different thicknesses of work. The fence is adjustable to any angle desired. T. and L,. Revs. per Cubic 18h ee STYLE: Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 313 —No. 3, Single Heads and two Copes............ 9x3 900 58 tor 1,200 Loamy. Fig. 313 A—No. 3, Single Heads and one Cope............ 9x3 900 58 1to2 1,200 Lobated. Fig. 313 B—No. 3, Single Heads and no copes ............. 9x3 900 58 1 to2 1,200 Lobby. Fig. 313 C—Rear Cut-off Saw Attachment, extra... ....... ee NSO had | Me et ang Sea Lobbing. Fig. 313 D—Front Cut-off Saw Attachment, extra. ees ee eden, Soe Sides Lobworm. -<@\MERIGAN \A/COD-\WORKING MACHINE @G:9% Fig. 314. LEVI HOUSTON CO.’S New Style No. 3, Tenoning Machine. HE above engraving represents our Improved No. 3 Tenoning Machine, which has a very substantial iron frame and is finished in the best manner. It is used principally for sash and blinds. The Cutter Heads are made small so that they can be run at great speed. The Top Headstock is adjustable up and down and in and out, and both headstocks can be moved up and down to- gether without changing the thickness of the tenon in the least. The Bottom Headstock and the main standard are in one piece, and are gibbed to the inside of the frame, and raised and lowered by a screw. Both top and bottom cutter heads are run by one belt at the same speed, and this belt is provided with a self-operating weighted tightener having vertical and horizontal adjustment. : This machine is provided with our Combination Roller Table, greatly facilitating the work both in ease of operation and quantity turned out. In this device the top part of the table travels farther in a given time than the under part not requiring the extra long ways. The Table is perfectly secured to ways with safety gib and stops, so it cannot be thrown from the ways or into the knives. It is perfectly rigid and cannot be thrown or worn out of line. It is provided with a positive hold-down, conve- nient and instantly operated, and by which the shortest piece is firmly held in place. The Guard and cleaning device prevent chips accumulating on ways. The Fence is adjustable to any required angle. The Cut-off Attachment is adjustable to any length tenon desired (by means of a screw) without stopping, and is run with the same belt as the heads. Belts Required: One belt 10 feet long, 3 inches wide; one belt 7 feet 4 inches long, 2% inches wide; one belt 6 feet 2 inches long, 2 inches wide; one belt 6 feet 2 inches long, 2 inches wide. ceanowl, Revs. per STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 314 —No. 3, Single Heads:and= Two Cope ii. ctncsnecneee erase iane cere 10x 4 900 900 Lobelet. Fig. 314 A—No: 3, Single) Heads and One (Cope 23 aes roe eee 10x 4 900 900 Lobelia. Fig, 314. B—No.,3, Single Headsjand no: Cope ca. 6 eee een 10 x 4 900 900 Lobster. Fig. 314 C—Cut-off ‘Saw Attachment, ) ex tea 2orcccte ces tesee anes tesepesc ena tteawear teeter ee erie ner Locality. <@AMERIGAN \A/OOD-\WWORKING MACHINE @@:9% Fig. 315. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S Improved Cabinet Tenoning Machine. NE of the main features of this machine is that the cut-off saw operates first on the work, whereby the tenons are left smooth and clean at the ends, and ready to enter the mortises freely without danger of pushing the glue ahead of them. The work is all done on the forward run of the table and this necessitates a special arrangement of the parts with refer- ence to the driving mechanism, which cannot be had in the ordinary form of sash or door tenoners. The Frame is cast in one piece and is compact and strong, allowing access to all parts for oiling and adjustment. ~ The ways are bolted firmly to it and are so shaped asto resist springing in any direction. The Main Arbors are of steel and are belted between the journals and are adjusted by screws on V slides which have care- fully fitted gibs. The Cutter Heads are very carefully made and balanced, and the knives have a shearing cut. The upper head has an endwise adjustment by a screw, and both heads may be raised and lowered together, or the lower one separately. The Saw Arbor runs ina yoke frame which has an endwise adjustment of three inches on gibbed ways with screw and finger wheel. A ten-inch cut-off saw is usually furnished. All Arbor Boxes are carefully scraped to an accurate fit on the journals, so that the machine can be started off without heating or ‘‘ wearing down”’ to a bearing. The Table runs on four friction rollers with one square slide with adjustable side gib, and it is also gibbed under, so that it cannot lift by the action of the lower cutter. The movement of the table is thus very easy, without any slack on the ways. The tracks are protected from shavings and saw dust. The Stop Gauge is very simple and effective, and will take work from 3% inches long and upward and to 16 inches wide, and the extension bar may be made to take 6 feet if ordered. The clamp lever is adjustable to different thicknesses and widths of work. ‘he tightener keeps a constant tension on the driving belt for any position of the cutters. As usually made, the heads cut 3 inches wide, but they can be made wider if necessary. Hundreds of these machines are in use in leading cabinet works. The workmanship is the dest. Te asicede. Revs. per el Le STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 315 —Cabinet Tenoner with two Copes 0.02.0... cesses eee 8 x 334 900 2 850 Located. to to Fig. 315 A—Cabinet Tenoner with one Cope..............:e cee 8 x 334 900 3 1,050 Location. Fig. 315 B—Cut-off Saw Attachment, extra 0. .eseeseecseseeeciees eeeeeees ete Ree Lockless. -@\MERICAN \WOOD-\WWORKING |[M{ACHINE Q@@:9% Fig. 316. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S New Double End Tenoning Machine. uF i AAA ; =| AAA TT a" Ke T" an i a_i } i — — == i= o = : Y - MUTT MM =r = (MI CMM | 4 =| ll E| == \ f Sy i | | = Mein] oiitin© E = ————— ae. Pp: =m _ ECM = = — = _ — mT = 1 ail A rr ee. = i -— i. {Ui | ._f ail WITH OUTSIDE BEARING ON COUNTER-SHAFT. Dens Tenoning Machines with automatic continuous feed have become a necessity in all large, well-ordered sash, door, car, furniture and similar factories, and our illustration shows a greatly improved machine of this kind which will be appreciated by users. The Frame is unusually deep and heavy, and is flanged so as not to spring sidewise, a common fault with such beds ; and it has three points of bearing on the floor, thus preventing twisting. The Head Blocks are arranged to carry saw arbors in front and the tenoning spindles at the rear, so that the stock is cut off before it is tenoned. One head block adjusts by means of a screw and crank along the bed on gibbed ways which are scraped to an accurate bearing. The Arbors are all of hard steel, and run in self-oiling boxes with return channels. The vertical adjustment of the tenon heads is obtained by screws and hand cranks, and the upper arbors have also a longitudinal adjustment with screws. The Feed Chains are of steel and bronze, very carefully milled, and drilled to gauges, and the driving sprockets are milled to correspond, so that the chains run smoothly from the start; the idler sprockets are adjustable to take up wear. The Feed Works are operated from the counter-shaft through gears and cone pulleys, by means of which a variation of speed can be had from 9 feet to 18 feet per minute; and by means of the hand lever in front of the machine, the feed can be stopped or started instantly. The Pressure Bars are adjustable vertically to different thicknesses of stock, and elastic pressure is obtained by flat steel springs set close together along the lower edge, and polished where they come in contact with the lumber ; thus narrow stuff is held down firmly. An End Stop or fence made adjustable longitudinally is provided in front of the cut-off saws, to guide the stock accurately on the chains. The Capacity of the machine is from 2 inches to 24 inches wide or more if ordered, and from \{ inch to 4 inches thick ; and the head blocks can be set to tenon from 6 inches to 4 feet 9 inches between shoulders. This makes a good double cutting-off machine independent of the tenoning, the cut-off saws being adjustable from 6% inches to 5 feet 6 inches ; the tenon arbors can be adjusted out of the way when thus used. By special order the machine may be made to tenon 434 inches between shoulders. The Tenon Heads shown are known as “ single,’’ 3 inches wide, but ‘‘double’’ heads can be furnished, cutting to 7 inches wide ; the spurs on the heads and the extension of the driving lugs on the chain prevents splintering at the edge of the lumber. Tightener Pulleys take up the slack in the main driving belts by means of weights on sheaves, which operate gears and racks on the arbor boxes. The Workmanship is excellent in every detail, and a great deal of pains has been taken in the preparation of the patterns and special tools for fitting up the small parts. The Counter-Shaft is of turned steel and has four self-oiling bearings on the frame and one on an outside floor hanger. Anvands yy; Revs. per 120, 12, STYLE. Pulleys. Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 316 —Single Heads and Cut-off Saws, no Copes............ 12% 7% 850 6 to 8 4,000 Locular. Fig. 3164A— ‘< ih * ‘co ower Copesiin, ele sete 850 6 to 8 to Loftiness. Fig. 316 B— “ 5 et ‘te Both Copes..as 12 = 7% 850 6 to 8 4,500 Lodestone. Fig. 316 C—Double “Heads, extra sicaiss sss sscneeninceeceetient cn caeBenegh i eehcceceee NUS e cc Lodgeable. Eigse 3i7: ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved Patent Self=Feed Slat Tenoner. HIS cut illustrates our Improved 2, me Machine for Tenoning slats for a Cam Je pom ll both outside and inside blinds. Owing to the constant wear of the side cutters used in making blind slats, there is more or less variation in the width of the slats, and when the Slat Tenoner is set for one width some of the slats will be so wide they will bind, mak- ing it very difficult to feed them; while others will be so loose they will not fill the holder, in which case the tenons will not be cut round. This is a common fault with all other makes of slat tenoners. To overcome this objection we have invented a holder with self-tightening and self-releasing jaws. These jaws hold the slat firmly while it is being tenoned and release it when the tenon is completed, making each tenon round and true. These Jaws will allow a variation in width of slats of %of aninch., This is an entirely new feature and patented. It will tenon slats from 7% of an inch to 2; inches in width, and from 1% inches to 24 inches in length. The device for holding the slats is self= centering, thus always making the tenon in the center of the width of the slat, but it isso arranged that the tenon can be placed nearer one edge if it is desired. The Slat is firmly held while it is being cut, and is not released till the tenon has been completed and the slat cut off. The Slat is moved to the saws and two tenons cut and divided by one motion of the foot treadle, thus performing the operation quickly and accurately in the shortest possible time. The stop which determines the length of the slat is simple and positive, and admits of no variation in the length of the slats. The Saws being easy of access, can be quickly taken out when they become dull. As there are no delicate or complicated parts to get out of repair, the machine can be run by a boy. Patented July 18, 1893. Tight and Loose Revolutions per Cubic Approximate Average Pulleys. Minute. Measurement. Weight. H. P. Required. Code Word. Fig. 317—Self-Feed Slat Tenonet........ 6x2% 900 18 400 ul Locus. - Fig 318. igs pecan Saree ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Improved Ellis Patent Blind Slat Tenoner. Clie best, simplest and most perfect machine for tenoning slats for outside blinds. It is always ready for use, and has a working capacity of 25,000 slats per day. The wear of the brass discs has always been an objection. We have entirely overcome this by an improvement which is found on no other machine. The iron circles holding the discs are made in two parts, and are adjustable to take up the wear. It is quickly changed to work long or short slats, and the size of tenon adjusted to suit different widths and sizes. Tight and Revs. Cubic Approxi- Average Loose per Measure- mate EP Code Pulleys. Minute. ment. Weight. Required. Word, Big S13 cee 6x2% 600 24 250 ¥% tol Lodgers. 359 c@AMERIGAN \AVOOD-\WORKING [MIACHINE @0:92 Fig. 319. F. H. CLEMENT CO.’S New Chair Back Tenon Machine. | e ja WA, ] Ny sil HE engraving shows the latest improved machine of this kind, and one having greater capacity than any previous design. Many new styles of chairs require backs six to ten inches wide, and therefore the regular patterns of Back Tenoners have not been equal to such work. Two Sizes are made from the above design: No. 1, which is our regular stock size, taking backs from 1% inch to 7 inches wide; No, 2, taking backs from 2 inches to 12 inches wide. The Frame is cast in one piece and carefully designed for strength and rigidity. There are two tenoning heads, one with cut-off saw and two relishing heads. These are all driven by an endless belt furnished with the machine. An Adjustable Binder with self-oiling loose pulley is arranged to take up the slack of the belt when required. Three Cutter-Head Arbors are adjustable endwise by shouldered screws and finger wheels. These arbors are hard steel with ground journals, and the heads are attached with a thread. The boxes are carefully scraped to the journals. The Carriage has an adjustable eccentric clamp and a self-adjusting bed underneath, which accommodates itself to any back. There is also an automatic stop which prevents relishing either edge, and the adjustable end stops can be set to prevent relishing altogether. A reversible catch allows relishing on both edges when required. All the parts are adjustable for different thicknesses, lengths and shapes of backs. The Tenoning Heads are of solid steel, of fine quality and the teeth have a shearing cut ensuring smooth work. The arbor saddles have a vertical adjustment by a screw and crank, shown in cut, and accurate adjustments may be instantly made to thickness or shoulder line. These heads are usually made 5g inch thick and square on the face, but can be made any shape or thickness to order. The Counter-Shaft is attached by self-adjusting boxes. The loose pulley has our improved self-oiling separable bush. Teand i Revs. per ieee. SLY LE: Pulleys Minute. Required. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 319 —No. 1, Four Heads and Cut-off Saw................ 10x 44% 900 3 1,000 to 1,100 Logic. Fig. 319 A—No. 2, Four Heads and Cut-off Saw..............--+. 10x 44% 900 3 1,000 to 1,100 Lofty. -@\MERICAN \\/OOD-\A/ORKING MACHINE GO: Fig. 320. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Hand Miter Machine. SIZE. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 320 _—To cut 2% inches wide............ 30 Logan. Fig. 320 A—To cut 3. inches wide........... 45 Lonely. Fig. 322. mmm il WILLIAMS PORT, WANT PA: | Fig. 321. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Double Blind Wirer. a ~~ Le STYLE. Code Word. Big 321) =—Double Blind swWairer 20... dtiecsdesicancteraten Looby Fig, 32) A—Single Blind Wirer 2.0... inkics eaneece Lordly Fig. 322. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Common e e Foot Miter Machine. SIZE. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 322 —To cut up to 2 inches wide.... 120 Lotion. Fig. 322 A—To cut up to3 inches wide... 140 Lovely. Fig. 322 B—To cut up to4 inches wide... 170 Loving. Fig. 323. ROWLEY & HERMANCE CO.’S Large Foot Miter Machine. For Rabbeted Mouldings and Picture Frames. This machine has our attachment to support the rabbet, which prevents the kuife from splintering the wood. SIZE. Weight. Code Word. Fig. 323 —To cut up to2\% inches wide 130 Lozenge. Fig. 323 A—To cut up to 3. inches wide 160 Luckily. Fig. 323 B—To cut up to4 inches wide 190 Lucre, 361 -@\MERIGAN \X/OOD-\WORKING |M{ACHINE aaron Fig. 324. WILLIAMSPORT MACHINE CO.’S New Blind Slat Planer. — pi: 7 oe) | ee es ~ yi, Se Sail J i : . Ti y ‘ | / G) CO li NSC ® at " Ss LD £m em at, A T (i Mh Hi err ( INA) Hil WS \ ie o) VO) pa | S : ) le 5 00) Mortisers,,Bit.. 2:0) oes eee ees ees 105 a for) Blind Si. pe aeews perenne res 41, 102 ee Door Sashiand) Blind ees 103, 104 uy BOOt. 2. eee ee a ee Se rea 101 if Hollow Chisels 90, 103, 104 ce POWET 2 ee ee eee 91 to 100 inclusive. Me Pulley vce 2 see. tee eee eee otek: 106 | ; Moulders, Bdge (2 eco itige st ae eee 334 to 350 inclusive. Re Inside 107 to 115 inclusive. oy Ouisidess 2a eee ee 116 to 154 inclusive. Multiple Borers 33, io.c-actcec te ee me N Nichol’s Patent Sand-Papering Machine .............. 304 Norris Diagonal Planer and Polishers .............-..... 282 O Outside Wilonl ders ieee ee ee ene eres 116 to 154 inclusive Pp Panel: Ratsersapee: nite eee oe eee 155 to 158 inclusive. (~~ Satiders 20 eee ee ae eee ees: Smale. Si! Pattern Makers” sljathesiy eee eee 79 to 82 inclusive. Pin: Borerses Fes ne ee ee eee 42 ‘« Making and eee Machine. ciscsie bad 59 Planers, Blind Slat... Beet eta shee 362 Cabinet... ......-.... 265 to 281 inclusive. “ Civaty Boxes | hr deere awe Peron on eee 271 7 Bridless, Bed: 1 ey heen 180 to 189 inclusive. - Diagonal Planers and Polishers ............_ 282 be FIANG 2 eae te are sees © ae ee toe ae ‘74 to 78 inclusive. me Heavy Double .. ..... 248 to 264 inclusive. # and Matchers, Heavy. . 190 to 207 inclusive. “s ss Medium... 208 to 215 inclusive. es . a Hardwood......... 216 to 247 inclusive. Jt Pony eee ee ee ra 9 SLONZ SIMI NCLUSIVes A Maimbete eee eee es LOO tO OOmITOLiIsives Pony *PlanerS\ eaten ee eee 279 to 281 inclusive. Post Band Saw .. aS Pie cr Rarer, e745) SE" BOLERS RY: criete as ee ene Fee ae ee 36, Siete 0. Saisders es Stat Pee ere eee Slomeolo Power Feed Door and Blind Clamps................. 44, 45 ut “SS PaneluR aisers eee ee ee eee LOO Pulley Mortiser 5 tere ce ee ee ee ae 106 R Rabbeters, Jointers and Beaders, Blind and Sash, 2h” RAN SA) Sar Ae ee ne 284 to 287 inclusive. Railway Savy 4 igs eo eee ce one mee 317 Relishers and Mortisers, Door, Sash and Blind ie hes ln en eet see BP OE 103, 104 Relishers and Wedge Cutter ...0o.2.,ccecee-ces 288, 289 Re-Saws,,. Band 24 ieee ee eee 12 to 16 inclusive. - BlindiSlatsie ete rel ree tee ree 296 oy Circulars) Shes eens 290 to 297 inclusive. iG vlab;sPower Feeds tae o eee 297 Rip Saws; Ganges eta oe ee 60 to 67 inclusive. aN Self- Feed ain te series 318, 319, 320 Rod and Dowel Machines, Power Feed... 57, 58 thal i Ss Handi et aoe 58, 59 AP te “" (Compressorseee cen aya tee ne ees 59 re PAGE. Sanders onc sccsosedccsssesseeenceniecesemnsensativmoret ase 298 tO*SLGsauaen meas GPA SIT) a cts hic Ld teat need Cue me 304, 315, 316 Me ESOL. 52.5 cielo Rear cy ce ee ees 313, 314 IRIE 8 yoru RpER TA A Remi Refers We Rann hg pe Me OC OE UTM tees, 3 ene ee eee eee ee 305, 308, 310, 312 i 5 0) a ne Ne Ar oe Nn oS 307 ss foiiere Rabbeters and Beaders 284 to 287 inclusive. PO” Nichol ses.5 Gots oes ate once haere are ee 304 Ebr” Patil pire ae orce ee ce ane ecw encore Slo le REN OSU arc ee seer ar ae Be aca eae Slo eal ¢ ft Spindle wmeck, © ey one ere, 306, 308, 309 tv S SUTACe ee ee Ae ee eee 305, 308, 319 ed at cle NB qhhirGarl-taivy, bark cer wrnes 5. 298 to 303 inclusive Sash, Clamps w2e2255. 5. oo eeniesee tee cee 50, 51 is Dovetdiler ein. enna eee 6 ‘‘ Mortisers and Relishers .. . 103, 104 ‘« Jointers, Sanders, Rabbeters and Beaders oo Sevan 284 to 287 inclusive. 12 to 16 inclusive. 16 to 26 inclusive. rs Stickers . Ait ee Cae eee SESE to 149 inclusive, 152, 153. Saws, Adjustable:s cc 22 ceretmaeiin acreaer eaters 33}, 332 Barid. &R6j:22 See eee eee eens OT BAT Conse eed ee Rep er sole ee ee ') Box Boards ae ee ee 340 st Combinations == 322; 323, 320; S20, OL Tenee oe S30; 8331,) 332,330) Sots oe oe Doubler Cut-oft eae ees 324, 336 to 339 inclusive. MEO) Mill ders csAes ee eee ee 60 to 66 inclusive. és Railway Cuteomt e003 fscsoultcetg esate MS Scroll ei eae en te PAT ) Self Heed: Rip in gee ees 3185 319 e270 peers Mens bol tee mates Ce MOE EE 321, 328 60 Us Sythe ae eave ee ees ee 341, 342, 343 5S Se Variety: ov cate eee ee 325 #Oco maou Scroll:Sawie Ss fa .3 ee ne ee Zh Self-Feed Gang Rip Saws BS Rip Saws Shapets 2.222 ia eee 55, 344 to Shaper, Saddle ‘Seat-.....2e. ee Single Spindle Shapers 347, 348, Sizets 1.7. AAs catsig ig ae 318, 319, “ Re-Saw see e ee een nee cece ence e ees eee seen ee te reeeew eee necee 60 to 66 inclusive. 320 350 inclusive. 350 349 179 inclusive. 297 362 359 296 153 inclusive. Surfacers, ‘Cabinettc #1. eee eee 265 to 281 inclusive. as Heavy Double.......................---.. 248 to 264 inclusive; SWins Saws ss vue eee ae eee ee 341, 342, 343 T Téponers yi ee ee 351 to 360 inclusive. ey Cabinet 354 to as Chair, Back 20-252, or. . ee e ue Double Hind =. eee ee Biligeplind Slat. 1: eoeee eee vis Self-Peed = Blind Slat, -o. = =e Three-Spindle Borers oe 38, 42, 43, Aimbeige Planers eer crete ee eee 160 to eirimmen eA TtOnIa tic a) 00 tee eae eee Lripie: Dowel | BOTerS ee en ote, oe ‘Liiple. Drum joangerss. 5 ree eee _ 298 to Turning Lathes 357 inclusiye. 105 © 303 inclusive. 79 to 88 inclusive. U Universalie Ve Gives |Ointetke see. ene ere 78 Vv VatietySaw Benches 22 yan 325, 329, 330 as SHAPErSIe at |. leataecd Bea he et 55, 344 to 350 inclusive. Vertical: Borets,.4. 3... 30; Sly 32.5360 37% 1c0eee vt (CAN BOT OT os, acy sch ttn ae rc 29 es and torzontal Boren lis. pea ee 32 WisGliee JOUMECr RE: eS soe oe Se ee em tee ae tres ae 78 W Wedge Cutting Relishers and Mortisers....... 288, 289 Wirets, Bid Vaio 2 ee eee 361 Wood! Durnitic “lathes a. aii ere etek: 79 to 88 inclusive 364 4)4t at. te fe * tele hele x 4 yr. ele U cree ten is 4a) tet 144 nih 4) 7 Teleieta) aa bey a