vanston Free Public Library. x oH “SCHOOL LIBRARY No. 2. mm Selected and Graded by Elizabeth P. Clarke. Evanston, II}. gels Rie ‘ on {0 is \ _ Puss in Boots Series, 2v. ra Beckwith. Brooks. Burroughs. Chase. Davis. Ford. Hoffman. Kelly. Pierson. Sadlier. Baldwin. Chapman, ed. Firth. FOR GRADES 2-3. _ In Mythland. Educ. Pub. Co. Stories of the red children. Educ. Pub. Co. Little nature studies, 2v. Ginn. Stories from Birdland. Educ. Pub. Co. Stories of the U.S. Educ. Pub. Co. Nature’s byways. Morse. Slovenly Peter. Leaves from nature’s story book. Educ. Pub. Co. History of the U.S. Routledge. Heroes of history. Routledge. FOR GRADES 3-6. MYTHOLOGY. Old stories of the East. Amer. Bk. Co. Arabian Nights for young readers. Donohue. Stories of old Greece. Heath. GRADE 35 I-2 .40 2 25ea 2-3 50 2-3 .40 233 .40 2 75 3 .60 3 1.00 3 .16ea 3 1.00 2 GRADE “45 3-4 25 4 eBO. Sat 54 Forestier. Echoes of Mist-Land. Griggs. Francillon. Gods and heroes. —_ Ginn. Grinnell. Blackfoot Lodge tales. Scribner. Hawthorne. Wonder book. .- Educ. Pub. Co. Holbrook. Round the year in myth and song. Amer. Bk. Co. Jacobs. Book of wonder voyages. Macmillan. Johonnot. Stories of the olden time. Amer. Bk. Co. » Litchfield. Nine worlds. Ginn. Knatchbull-Huguesson. Crackers for Christmas. Ginn. Maud. Wagner’s heroes. Arnold. Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Routledge. Pratt. Legends of Norseland. Educ. Pub. Co. Red Ridinghood & other nursery tales. Dutton- NATURAL SCIENCE. Bamford. My land and water friends. Lothrop. Gaye. Great world’s farm. Houghton. Johonnot. Neighbors with wings and fins. Amer. Bk. Co. —_—--—-— Some curious flyers. Amer. Bk. Co. e235 1.50 1.50 .40 .40 “ie Kelly. Meadowcroft. Parker. Pratt. Scudder. Trowbridge. Ware. Chase & Clow. Crowninshield. Kirkland. Lukin. Church. Coursen. Dickens. Norton. Leaves from Nature’s story book. Educ. Pub. Co. -A BC ofelectricity. Educ. Pub. Co. Uncle Robert’s geography. ; Appleton. Storyland of stars. Educ. Pub. Co. Life of a butterfly. Holt. Three boys on an electrical boat. Houghton. Three little lovers of Nature. Flanagan. USEFUL ARTS. Stories of industry, 2v. s Educ. Pub. Co. All among the lighthouses. Lothrop, Dora’s housekeeping. McClurg. Amongst machines. Putnam. LITERATURE. Pictures from Greek life and story. Putnam. What the dragon-fly told the children. Lothrop. Children’s stories from Dickens. Educ. Pub. Co. Heart of oak books, v.1I-2. : Heath. GRADE .60ea 2.50 75 1.75 .50 .30ea 5-6 4-5 3°4 Henley. Pratt. Richardson. Ruskin. Scott. Carroll. Knox. Miller. Pratt: Schwatka. Lyra heroica. Scribner. $1.25 Stories from old Germany. Educ. Pub. Co. .60 Stories from old English poetry. ' Houghton. .60 King of the Golden River. Ginn. 25 Lady of the Lake, ed. by Rolfe. Houghton. 275 Marmion, ed. by Rolfe. Houghton. ors TRAVEL. Around the world. Morse. -40 Boy travellers in S. America. Harper. 1.00 Little children of Asia. Dutton. 2.50 ~ People & places, 6v. Educ. Pub. Co. .60 . In the land of thé cave and cliff dwellers. Cassell. 1.00 6 HISTORY, HISTORICAL STORIES AND BIOGRAPHY: Baldwin. Brooks. Four great Americans. Werner. $ .50 Century book for young Americans. Century. 1.50 Historic boys. Putnam. 1.50 Historic girls. Putnam. 1.50 GRADE 44 man. ionnot. GRADE Story of the Amer. sailor. Lothrop. $2.25 5-6 ~ True Story of Columbus. ; Lothrop. 1.50 4-6 Tie story of Lincoln. _ Lothrop. 1.50 4-6 true ad of the U. S. Lothrop. 1.50 4-6 True story of Washington. | Lothrop. 1.50 46 Old times in the Colonies. 4 Harper. 2.00 5-6 Magna Charta stories. Lothrop. 1,00 5-6 Stories of our country. Amer. Bk. Co. 49 4-5 Stories of heroic deeds. a Gr Amer. Bk. Co. Stories of great inventors. ‘* : a Educ. Pub. Corye * Among the camps. Scribner. tt: Cortez and Montezuma. 7 q Educ. Pub. Co. 50: 4 Amer. history series, 4v. Educ. Pub. Co. 50ea 3-4 = Stories of Colonial children. : Educ. Pub. Co. .60 3-4 ies of Massachusetts. Educ. Pub. Co. 75 4 les of New York. Educ. Pub. Co. 60. 4 Butterworth. Eggleston. Ewing. Jewett. Leighton. Munroe. Otis. Richards. Sidney. Stockton. Wesselhoeft. tn aERER True to his home. Appleton. Hoosier school-boy. Scribner. Six to sixteen. Roberts. Betty Leicester. Houghton. Olaf the Glorious. Scribner. Flamingo feather. Harper. Toby Tyler. ~ Harper. Mr. Stubbs’s brother. Harper. Joyous story of Toto. Roberts. Five little Peppers, 3v. Lothrop. Jolly fellowship. Scribner. Flipwing the Spy. Roberts. Little girl of Jone ago. Houghton. x Oliver’s problem. Houghton. mmer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s life. Houghton. $1.50 1.00 .50 1.25 ‘1.50 1.00 7900 1.00 1.25 1.50ea. FSO ca 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.00