Berkeley Divinity School MIDDLETOWN, CONNECTICUT ENDOWMENT AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS 1912 ’ ee cote OOHOS ALINIAIG AJ 13Y39 (Scale, 120 feet to the inch.) GIFTS FOR ENDOWMENT AND SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS —_—@———— The following pages contain a statement of the gifts which have been made to the Berkeley Divinity School since its foundation, either for the general purpose of providing it with suitable buildings and an endowment fund from which the cost of administration and instruction might be met, or for the. special purpose of assisting the students who should require personal aid while pursuing their studies. It will be seen that the School owes much to its friends of both earlier and later times, and their names should always be held in grateful remembrance. It will also be seen by the interested reader, that there has been little increase of the general endowment fund during recent years, although necessary expenses have greatly increased. We make, therefore, an earnest appeal for gifts, the income of which can be applied for such general but urgent purposes as the enlargement of the teaching force, the increase of salaries, the maintenance of valuable buildings, and the like. The Bishop Williams Memorial Fund should be increased at least to its originally intended limit of $75,000; and other funds should be strengthened or established.