= University of Illinois Duplicate Scie micene Library at Uninersity of Minnis ti Urbana-Champaign Oak Street NIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION UNCLASSIFIED BULLETIN No. 5 (Revised, February, 1919) SEp — 5 7 THE Os ‘ Amended Regulations | GOVERNING High School Certification Adopted by the State Board of Education as provided by law (Section 1519, Political Code) CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1919 44096 » ie i it Dy ae a AMENDED REGULATIONS GOVERNING HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFICATION. 1. Regular Certification by County Board of Education. The law provides that the State Board of Education shall prescribe general rules under which county boards and city and county boards of education may grant regular certificates of high school grade. This revision has been made in the interest of clearness, and to bring the California requirements into harmony with the best practice of other states and recent legislation. These regulations shall apply to all candidates receiving their university recommendations after January 1, 1919. I. REQUIREMENTS. High school certificates may be issued by county and city and county boards of education under the provisions of the Political Code of California, to candidates who meet all of the following requirements, to wit: (1) Requirement of Bachelor’s Degree. Each candidate shall have received a bachelor’s degree from a standard college requiring not less than eight years of high school and college training. (2) Requirement of One Year of Graduate Study. Each candidate shall submit evidence that in addition to the academic and professional courses required for the bachelor’s degree, he has com- pleted at least one year of graduate study, doing full regular work, though not necessarily a candidate for a degree, in an approved gradu- ate school as hereinafter defined (page 4). Such graduate study shall include at least one full year course of advanced or graduate work in at least one of the subjects in which candidate expects to be recommended for certification. (See ‘‘Exemptions’’ on pages 5-6.) (3) Requirement of Fifteen Units of Work in Education. Each candidate shall also submit evidence that he has completed in undergraduate or graduate standing, or the two combined, not less than fifteen units (semester hours) of work, in courses listed in the department of education in the institution in which the graduate work is completed, or courses in other departments of that or other institu- tions accepted as preparation for teaching by the department of educa- tion. These fifteen units of work shall include the several courses in education hereinafter prescribed. (See ‘‘Required Work in Education’’ on pages 4 and 5.) 4 oe Il. DEFINITIONS. (1) Approved Graduate Schools. Approved graduate schools referred to above in Requirement 2 (graduate study), shall include the University of California, Leland Stanford Junior University, the University of Southern California (for graduate work done after 1911-1912), and such other universities or colleges belonging to the Association of American Universities, or Association of State Universities, approved by the State Board of Education as offering graduate academic and professional preparation equivalent in quality to that offered by the University of ae The institutions so approved are as follows: University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. b Heetaca! of Wisconsin, Madison, is Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. ee ae: of Virginia, Charlottesville, a. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Catholic University of America, Wash- ington, D. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Columbia University, New York CIE. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. J ari Hopkins University, Baltimore, d University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Ohio State University, Columbus, O. Northwestern University, HEvanston, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. Illinois. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. The following institutions are aceredited with the proviso that this accreditation shall not extend to postgraduate work done prior to the academic year 1911-1912: | University of Washington, Seattle, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Wash. University of Texas, Austin, Tex. (2) Full Regular Work. The department of education of the institution in which the graduate work is done shall define what constitutes full regular work, referred to in Requirement 2. (3) Work in Department of Education. = The department of education of such institution shall have full charge of the acceptance of work of a professional nature referred to in Requirement 3. (4) Required Work in Education. The required fifteen units of work in the department of education shall include the following courses: | (a) A course in school and classroom management, or equivalent work—a minimum of one unit. (b) Work in actual practice of teaching, with conferences—a min- imum of four units. (c) A teacher’s course in at least one subject in een the candidate expects to be recommended for certification, if such course be given in ai, ae the institution and be accepted as or listed under the work in educa- tion—a maximum of three units for all such courses. (d) A course in secondary education, presenting particularly the purpose and attainable goals of high school work—a minimum of two units. (ec) Such other courses relating to the theory, function and adminis- tration of education, as are necessary to complete the required fifteen units. (See ‘‘Exemptions’’ on pages 5-6.) (5) Practice Teaching. ; The work in practice teaching shall be done under the general supervision of the department of education of the institution in which the year of graduate work is taken, and may be done in schools of elementary or secondary grade, though preferably in secondary school work of the kind the candidate is preparing to teach, and under the direction of competent instructors in such work. The work in practice teaching may also be done in connection with the training school of any California state normal school. (6) Teachers’ Courses. Each teacher’s course shall be a bona fide teacher’s course and shall be made as concrete and practicable as possible, and shall have for its purpose the preparation of teachers-to give intelligent instruction in the subject in the high schools of this State. (7) Basis of Recommendation. The department of education of each university shall fix the standard of requirement in the several subjects, and each program as a whole must be approved by the head of the department of education. lil. EXEMPTIONS. 1. Candidates who have taught for not less than one year (eight months) in any elementary or secondary school, and who present credentials showing that they have done so with reasonable success, may be excused from four of the fifteen units of education represented by the practice teaching, and may also be allowed to substitute other work in edueation for the course in school and classroom management. 2. Candidates who have taught for not less than seventeen months in this or any other state, and who present credentials showing that they have done so with reasonable success, may be excused from one- half of the year of advanced academic work required subsequent to the conferring of the bachelors’ degrees, including all requirements of pedagogical work set forth in IT, 4, above. 3. Graduates of California state normal schools, or of other normal schools accepted by the State Board of Education as of equal rank, may be exempted from one-half of the graduate study, including all te tt eae required courses in education, except the course in secondary education, and the teachers’ course or courses in the special subject or subjects in which the candidate expects to be recommended for certification, if such be offered in the institution. 4. Candidates may complete one-half of the year of required post- eraduate work in an approved graduate school, as hereinbefore defined, and the other half-year in any California state normal school which offers a special half-year (or two terms) of full-time instruction, espe- cially selected for college graduates preparing for high school certifi- eation in California, and approved by the State Board of Education, and upon completion of a full year of postgraduate work arranged according to the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to the same exemptions from the required work as are given normal school eraduates who complete their work in an approved university, as stated in Exemption 3 above. The half-year of normal school work may precede or follow the half-year of work in an approved graduate school, as the candidate may prefer. 5. Holders of bachelor’s degrees granted by the University of California, Leland Stanford Junior University and the University of Southern California, who have completed the required fifteen units of work in education, including practice teaching, and who have com- pleted one major and one minor in subjects taught in the high schools of the State, may elect to spend such year in postgraduate study at the California State Library School, following a course especially selected for college graduates preparing for high school certification in this State, provided that each candidate entering the California State Library School shall first secure the approval of the head of the department of education of the university from which he expects to be recommended for the high school certificate. A major is hereby defined as not less than twenty-four units of work in a subject, of which twelve units must be in advanced courses. A minor is hereby defined as not less than twelve units of work in a subject, of which six units must be in advanced courses. Only advanced courses taken during the junior, senior, and graduate years shall be counted toward the advanced work required. 6. The holder of a bachelor’s degree granted by the University of California, Leland Stanford Junior University, or the University of Southern California, who has completed all the required work in edu- cation except practice teaching and classroom management, and who has also completed one major and one minor in subjects taught in the high schools, may, with the approval of the head of the department of educa- tion of the university granting the recommendation, elect to spend at least one year in a California state normal school devoting full time ChE 7 eine to special preparation for teaching a subject in which such normal school is authorized to grant a recommendation for the special certifi- cate of secondary grade. Upon receipt of a statement from such normal school, that the candi- date has fulfilled all the conditions required for the special certificate of secondary grade, and is qualified to teach the special subject in the high schools of the State, the accredited university may accept such work as meeting the requirement of postgraduate study and may recommend such candidate for the high school teacher’s certificate. (For definition of major and minor, see III, 5, above.) IV. RECOMMENDATIONS. (1) Recommendation from Graduate School Required. When the graduate work required for the recommendation for the high school certificate is completed to the satisfaction of the university in which such work is done, such university shall prepare a formal recommendation to county and city and county boards of education, stating that the candidate has satisfactorily completed all the require- ‘ments established by the State Board of Education for reeommenda- tions for the high school certificate in California, and that the candidate is worthy, in the judgment of the university issuing the recommenda- tion, to receive a high school certificate in any county or city and county in this State. Hach recommendation must be countersigned by the Secretary of the State Board of Education before it may be recog- nized as a valid credential. If the candidate has elected to take one half-year of the required geraduate work in an approved graduate school, and the other half-year in a California state normal school, as provided in Exemption 4 above, the university in which such graduate work is done shall recommend the candidate in the academic or nonprofessional work and the normal school in which the professional work is done shall recommend the candidate in such professional work. (2) Major and Minor Subjects to be Set Forth. Each recommendation shall state on its face the major and minor subjects which the holder thereof has taken in the institution, or the kind of work the candidate is qualified to do. A transcript of record showing the courses taken in the university and the numbers of units obtained in each course shall accompany the recommendation when it is submitted for countersignature. (3) Form of Recommendation. All recommendations shall be on printed forms, bearing the name of the university issuing them; shall be issued by the recorder, registrar, or secretary of the university; shall bear the approval of the head of 3 36105 0112 1158 pis ge the department of education in the university and shall state in which college or university the bachelor’s degree was taken. In ease the candidate has elected to spend one-half the etadnsite year in a California state normal school, following the special course for college graduates hereinbefore defined, the recommendation shall so state, and the president of such normal school shall make the recom- mendation covering the professional preparation of the eandidate, and the recorder, registrar or secretary of the university shall make the recommendation covering the academic, nonprofessional work. In recommendations for the high school certificate issued m accord- ance with III, 5, above, the university, through its recorder, registrar, or secretary shall vouch for the undergraduate work of the candidate; the head of the department of education in the university shall vouch for the courses in education, and the State Librarian shall vouch for the postgraduate work. In ease the candidate has had seventeen months of successful experi- ence in teaching and has completed all of the required academic work, including a half-year of postgraduate study, according to the regula- tions of the State Board of Education, and shall present a recommen- dation covering such academic work signed by the proper officials of the approved graduate school in which the work was taken, the Seere- tary of the State Board of Education may consider proofs of such experience in teaching, and whenever he is convinced that the candidate has met the requirements of the law concerning teaching experience, he may sign the certificate of exemption from the remaining half-year of postgraduate study. No recommendation granted by any approved graduate school shall be valid wnless approved on its face by the Secretary of the State Board of Education. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, By WILL C. Woop, Superintendent of Public Instruction and ex officio Secretary of the State Board of Education.