9 | Od CPrgar fungdsed o§2.04 23m Jodo} tof usargun7g tans nanos ) a0 Fe gee 294012 7*990) St 30) | eee eae a4 $ psueabo a 4 pasting aye ah} UN ba Tyndale, 1525. God in tyme past diversly snd many wayes, spake vnto the fathers by. prophets: but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by hys sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thyngs: by whom also he made the worlde. Which sonne ‘beynge the brightnes of- his. glory, and. very ymage off his sub- ‘stance, bearynge vppe all thyngs with the worde of his power, hath in his awne per- son pourged oure synnes, and is sytten on the right honde of the maiestie an hye, and is more excellent then the ‘angels in as moche as he hath ‘by inheritaunce obteyn- ed anexcellentername then have they, For vnto which off, the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou arte my sonne,.this daye begate I_ the? And agayne: I will be his father, and he shalbe ‘my: sonme. And a- gayne when he bryng- eth in the fyrst be- gotten sonne in-the worlde, he sayth: And all the pngels of god shall worshippe hym. And vnto the angels he sayth: He maketh his angels spretes, and his ministers flammes of fyre. But vnto the sonne he sayth: God thy seate shal be for ever and ever. The cepter of thy kyngdom ‘is a right cepter. Thou hast loved rightewes- nes and hated ini- quitie: Wherfore hath goa, which is thy god, anoynted the with the oyle off gladnes above thy felowes, “ 1 Coverdale, 1535, God in tyme past dyuersly and many wayes, spake vnto y® fathers by prophetes, but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thinges, by whom also he made the worlde. Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory,.and the very ymage of his sub- staunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne per- sonne pourged. oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye: beynge even as méch more excellent then: y° angels, as he hath optayned a more ex- cellent name “then they. For’ vnto which of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou art my sonne, this -daye have I begotten the? And agayne: I ,will be his father, and he shalbe my sonne: and agayne, whan he bryngeth in the fyrst begotten’ sonne in to the worlde, he sayeth : And all the angels of God shal worshippe him. And of the an- gels he sayeth: He maketh his angels. spretes, and his myni-- sters fiammes of fyre. But vnto y* sonne he sayeth: God, yi seate endureth for ever and ever: the cepter of y! kyngdom is a right cepter. Thou hast loved ¢ and hated iniquyte: wherfore God (which is thy- God) hath an- | God oynted the with the oyle of gladnesse a- hove y! felowes, righteousnes,: SPECIMENS Matthew, 1537, God‘ in tyme past dyuersly and many wayes, spake vnto the fathers by y* Pro- phetes but in these last dayes he hath spoken ynto vs by hys sonne, whom he hath ‘made heyre of all thinges: by whom also he made yé worlde. Which sonne beynge the brightnes of his glory, and very ymage of hys sub- stance, bearynge’ vp all thynges wyth the worde of hys ‘power, hath in hys awne person purged oure synnes, and is sytten on the righte hande of the maiestye on hye, and is more excellent then the angels, in as moche as he hath by inherytaunce obteyn- ed an excellentername then haue they. For vnto whych of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou arte my sonne, this daye begate I_ the? And agayne: I will be his father, and he shalbe my sonne. And a- gayne when he bring- eth in the fyrst begot- ten soune into the worlde, he sayth: And all the angeis of God shall worshyppe hym. | And of the angels he sayth: He maketh hys angels spretes, and hys ministres flammes of fyre. But vnto y® sonne he sayth: God, thy seate shalbe for ever and ever. The scepter of thy kyng- dome is a ryght scep- ter. Thou hast loved ryghtewesnes and hat- ed iniquyte. _Where- fore God whych is thy od, hath ‘anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue_ thy felowes. OF THE ENGLISH | Great Bible (Crom- well’s), 1539. God in tyme past diuersly and many ways, spake vnto the fathers by Prophetes: but in these last dayes he hath vs by ae awne sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thinges, by whom also he made the worlde. Whych (sonne) beinge the brightnes of hys glory, and the very ymage. of hys substance rul- ynge all thynges wyth the worde of hys pow- er, hath by hys awne ‘persun pourged oure synnes,and sytteth on the righte hande of the maiestye on hye: beynge so moch more excelient then the an- gels, as he hath by in- erytaunce obteyned @ more excellent name then they. For vnto whych. of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou art my sonne, this daye have I begotten the? And agayne: I will be his father, and he shalbe my sonne. And agayne,when he bring- eth in the fyrst begot- ten sonne into the worlde, he sayth. And let all the angels of God worshyppe hym. And vnto the angels he sayth: He maketh hys’ angels spretes, and hys ministres a flamme of fyre. But vnto the sonne he sayth: Thy seate (O God) shalbe for ever andever. The scepter of thy kingdome is a ryght scepter. Thou hast loved ryghtewes- nes, and hated ini- quyte. Wherfore, God, even thy God hath an- oynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes, spoken vnito | | The Gene 15 1. At son and in divi God spake time to ou?’ the Prophet 2. In these he hathe s: us by his So) he hathe n all things, also he : worldes, 3. Who brightnes < rie, and forme of h and bear things by i worde, hat self purged and sitteth : hand of th in the high 4, And is much mor then the A muche as obteined a lent name 6. For vn the Angels anie time, my Sonne begate I th gaine, I wi ther, and my sonnet 6. And aga bringeth i begotten | the world And let ali t of God wo! 7. And of he saith, the Spirits ' gers,and h a flame of 8. But vn? | he sath, throne és 1 euer: the scepter of 9. Thou righteousr ted iniquii fore God, God, hath thee with gladnes ak lowes. Tyndale, 1525, God in tyme past diversly snd many wayes, spake vnto the fathers by. prophets : but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by hys sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thyngs: by whom also he made the worlde. Which sonne beynge the brightnes of- his. glory, and. very ymage off his sub- ‘stance, bearynge vppe all thyngs with the worde ot his power, hath in his awne per- son pourged oure synnes, and is sytten on the right honde of the maiestie an hye, and is more excellent then the ‘angels in as moche as he hath by inheritaunce obteyn- ed anexcellentername then have they, For vnto which off the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou arte my sonne,.this daye begate I the? And agayne: I will be his father, and he shalbe my: sonme. And a- gayne when he bryng- eth in the fyrst be- gotten sonne in the worlde, he sayth: And all the angels of god shall worshippe hym. And vnto the angels he sayth: He maketh his angels spretes, and his ministers flammes of fyre. But vnto the sonne he sayth: God thy seate shal be for ever and ever. The cepter of thy kyngdom is aright cepter. Thou hast loved rightewes- nes and hated ini- quitie: Wherfore hath god, which is thy god, anoynted the with the oyle off gladnes above thy felowes, Coverdale, 1535, God in tyme past dyuersly and many wayes, spake vnto y® fathers by prophetes, but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thinges, by whom also he made the worlde. Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory,.and the very ymage of his sub- staunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne per- sonne pourged oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye: beynge even as moch more excellent then y® angels, as he hath optayned a more ex- cellent name ‘then they. For: vnto which of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thon art my sonne, this daye have I begotten the? And agayne: I ,will be his father, and he shalbe my sonne: and agayne, whan he bryngeth in the fyrst begotten’ sonne in to the worlde, he sayeth : And all the angels of God shal worshippe him. And of the an- gels he sayeth: He maketh his angels spretes, and his myni-- sters fiammes of fyre. But vnto y® sonne he sayeth: God, y' seate endureth for ever and ever: the cepter of y! kyngdom is a right cepter. Thou hast loved and hated iniquyte: wherfore God (which | is thy- God) hath an- oynted the with the oyle of gladnesse a- bove y' felowes, righteousnes, SPECIMENS OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE Matthew, 1537, God' in tyme past dyuersly and many wayes, spake vnto the fathers by y* Pro: phetes but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by hys sonne, whom he hath ‘made heyre of all thinges: by whom also he made yé worlde. Which sonne beynge the brightnes of his glory, and very ymage of hys sub- stance, bearynge’ vp all thynges wyth the worde of hys power, hath in hys awne person purged oure synnes, and is sytten on the righte hande of the maijestye on hye, and is more excellent then the angels, in as moche as he hath by inherytaunce obteyn- ed an excellenter name then haue they. For vnto whych of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou arte my sonne, this daye begate I the? And agayne: I will be his father, and he shalbe my sonne. And a- yne when he bring- eth in the fyrst begot- ten soune into the worlde, he sayth: And all the angels of God shall worshyppe hym. And of the angels he sayth: He maketh hys angels spretes, and hys ministres flammes of fyre. But vnto y°® sonne he sayth: God, thy seate shalbe for ever and ever. The scepter of thy kyng- dome is a ryght scep- ter. Thou hast loved ryghtewesnes and hat- ed iniquyte. .Where- fore God whych is thy God, hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes. Great Bible (Crom- well’s), 1539. God in tyme past diuersly and many ways, spake vnto the fathers by Prophetes: but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto. vs by hys awne sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thinges, by whom also he made the worlde. Whych (sonne) beinge the brightnes of hys glory, and the very ymage of hys substaace rul- ynge all thynges wyth the worde of hys pow- er, hath by hys awne ‘person pourged oure synnes,and sytteth on the righte hande of the maiestye on hye: beynge so moch more excellent then the an- gels, as he hath by in- herytaunce obteyned amore excellent name then they. For vnto whych. of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Thou art may sonne, this daye have I begotten the? And agayne: I will be his father, and he shalbe my sonne. And agayne,when he bring- eth in the fyrst begot- ten sonne into the worlde, he sayth. And let all the angels of God worshyppe hym. And vnto the angels he sayth: He maketh hys’ angels _ spretes, and hys ministres a flamme of fyre. But vnto the sonne he sayth: Thy seate (O | God) shalbe for ever andever. The scepter of thy kingdome is a ryght scepter. Thou hast loved ryghtewes- nes, and hated ini- quyte. Wherfore, God, even thy God hath an- oynted the with the oyle of gladnes above thy felowes, The Geneva Bibie, i5 ‘te i. At sondrie times | and in divers maners God spake in y® olde time to our fathers by the Prophetes : 2. In these last dayes he hathe spoken vnto ust S e.whome he hathe mu rv of all things, b yme als n 18 the worides : W ho 11 tae brightnes of tne gio- rie, and th» ingraued forme of his persone, and bearing vp_all things by hs mightie worde, hath by him self purged dur sinnes, and sitteth at the right hand of th} maiestie in the high st places, 4, And is made so much more excellent then the Argels in as muche as he hathe obtemed a ore excel- lent name tien thei, 6. For vn which of the Angels aid he at anie time, Thou art my Sonne, this day begate I thie? and a- gaine, I wilbe his Fa- ther, and he shalbe my sonne? ‘6. And agaiie when he bringeth i) Ads first begotten fonne into the worldé he saith, And let all .he Angels ‘of God wovhip him. 7. And of he Angels he saith, [¢ maketh the Spirits lis messen- | ' gers, and hs ministers: a flame of fre. 8. But vniiithe Sonne he saith, '| God, thy throne is {¢ ever and euer: the icepter of thy kingéme’ is a scepter of righteous- nes, 9. Thou Jast loued | righteousné ‘and ha- ted iniquiti. Where- fore God, euen thy God, hathe anointed thee with /* oyle of gladnes abce thy fel- lowes, BIBLE. 1568. 1. God which in tyme past, at sundrie tymes, and.in diuers maners, spake vnto the fathers in the prophetes : 2. Hath in these last- dayes, spoken vnto vs. in the sonne, whom he hath appoynted perry of all thynges, y whom also he made the worldes. 3. Who beyng the bryghtnesse of the glo- rie,and the very image of his ‘substaunce, vp- holdyng all thynges with the worde of his power, hauing by him- selfe pourged our Sinnes; hath syt on the ryght hande of the maiestie on hye: 4. Beyng so much more excellent then the Angels, as he hath by inheritaunce ob- tayned a more excel- lent name then they. 5. For vnto which of the Angels sayde he at any tyme: Thou art my sonne, this day haue I begotten thee ? 6. And agayne, I wyll be to hym 2 father, and he shalbe to me asonne? and agayne, when he bryngeth in the first begotten sonne into the worlde, he saith: And let all the Angels of God worship hym. 4. And vnto the An- gels he sayth: He ma- keth his Angels spi- rites,and his ministérs a tlambe of fyre. 8. But vnto the sonne |. the sayth] Thy seate God [shalbe] for euer and euer: The scepter of thy king- dome [is] a scepter of ryghteousnesse. ¥. Thou hast loued ryghteousnesse, and hated iniquitie: Ther- |. fore God,euen thy God, hath annoynted thee with the oyle of glad- nesse, abone thy fe- lowes. ! ‘The Bishops’ Bible,| The Rheims New Testament, 1582, 1 Diversely and many Vvaies in.times past God: speaking to the fathers in the pro- 2 phets; last of al in these daies hath spo- ken tovsinhisSonne, vvhome he hath ap- pointed heire of al, by vvhome he’ made vvorldes. the brightnesse of his glorie, and the figure of his substaunce, and carying al things by the vvord of his povver, making pur- gation of sinnes, sit- aiso the 3 VVho being teth on the right hand of the Maiestie in the high places: 4 being made so much better then Angels, as he hath inherited a® more excellent name aboue them,’ 5 For tovvhich of the ‘Angels hath he said at, any time, Thow art my sonne, to day haue Lt begotten thee? and againe, J vvil be- to him a father, and he shal be to-me a 6 sonne. And vvhen againe he bringeth in the first begotten into the vvorid, he ‘saith, And let al the Angels of God zdore 7 him. And to the An- gels truely he saith, He that maketh his Angels, snirites: and his ministers, a 8 flame of fyre. But to the Sonne: Thy throne 6 God for euer and euer: arod of equitie, the rod of 9 thy kingdom. Thou hast _loued iustice, and hated iniquitie : therfore thee, God, thy God hath anoint- ed vvith the oile.of exultation aboue thy Jellovves, The Authorised Version, 1611. 1 God who at sundry times, and in diuers manners, spake in time ast vnto the Fathers y the Prophets, ‘2, Hath in these last dayes spoken vnto vs ‘by his Sonne, whom he hath appointed heire of gll things, by whom also he made the, worlds, e 3.*Who being the brightnesse of his glo- ry, and the expresse image of his person, and vpholding all things by the word of his power, when. hee had by himselfe purged our siInnes, sate down on y° right hand of the’ .Maiestie on high, 4 Being madesomuch better then the An- gels, as hee hath by inheritance " obtained a moreexcellent Name then they. - For vnto which of ‘the Angels said he at any time, Thou art my sonne, this day haue [ begotten thee? And a- gain, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Sonne. 6 And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, hee saith, And let all the Angels of God worship him. 7 And of the Angels he saith: Who maketh his Angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. 8 But-vnto the Sonne, he saith, hy throne, God, is for euer and euer: a scepter of righteousnesse zs the scepter of thy king- dome. 9 Thou hast loued righteousnesse, and hated iniquitie, there- fore God, ewen thy God hath anointed " thee with the oyle of glad- nesse aboue thy fel- lowes, The Revised Ver- sion, 1881. 1 Gop, having of old time spoken unte the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in di- 2 vers manners, hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made 3 the worlds; who be- ing the effulgence of his glory, and the very image of his substance, and up- holding all things by the word of his power, when he had made purification of sins,sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 4 having become by so much better than theangels,as he hath inherited a more ex- cellent name than 5 they. Forunto which of the angels said he at any time, 7 «thou art my Son, This day haye [ begotten thee? and again, Iwill be to him a Father, And he shall be ta me a Son? 6 And when he again bringeth in the first- born into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. 7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels winds, And his ministers a flame of fire : 8 but of the Son he saith, Thy throné, 6 God, is for ever ‘and ever; And the_sceptre of-uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 9 Thou_ hast! loved righteousness, - and hated ini- quity; — Theretore God,thy God, hath anoin- ted thee With the oil of gladness above thy fellows, detieisa Nn AP - Abaiiard, 443, 496. Abrabanel, 413. Accommodation Theory, 46r. Accommodative sense, 390 sqq. . Acta Pilati, 142 sq. Acts, apocryphal, of the Apos- tles, 145 sqq ae Paul and Thecla, 147 uit ‘St. John, 148; —of St. Peter and St. Paul, 148 sqq. 5 —of St. Thomas, 148 sqq. Addai, the Teaching of,’ 150 sqq. Agobard, 494. Albertus Magnus, 68, 443. Alcuin, 330, 442. Alexandrian, Canon, 32 sqq.; —Text, 256 ; —School, oo, Sqq-, 431, 486. Alexandrinus Codex, 245 sq., 281. Alford, 253, 465. Alfric, 105, 342. Allegorical, Interpretation, 417 SQq-, 423, 427 $qq5 —Sense, 388 Allegorism of Origen, 434 sqq. Allen, W., 337, 346. Ambrose (St)., 121. Analogy of Faith, 400 sq. Anagogical sense, 388 sq. Anglo-Saxon Versions, 389, 417 340 sqq. Anselm (St.), 495. Antigonus of Socho, 408. Antilegomena, see Lusibius on the Canon. Antiochian, School, 435 sqq., 449, 466, 489, 491; —Text, 256. Antoninus (St.), 71. Aphraates, 289, 293, 437. Apocalypse, of Elias, 133; —of Esdras, 123 sqq.; —of Paul, 158 sq.; —of Peter, gg. Apocrypha, 75 sq., 83 sqq., PLO ete, TRING aes XxX’, Apocrypha! books, of the Old Testament, 118 sqq.; —of the New Testament, 137 Sqq. Apologists, early, 95 sqq., 428 sqq. Apostolic, constitutions, 1203 —Fathers, method of inter- pretation of the, 427 sqq. Aqiba, 199, 278, 285, 409, 449. Aquila, 197, 219, 284 sqq. Arabic, Gospel, 140; Lan- guage, 179; Version, 293. Aramaic, Language, 176, 179, 184; Targum, 215, 218 sq.; Writing, 186 sq. Aristeas, Letter of, 263 sqq. Armenian Version, 304. Arminian school, 116, 456.. Articles of the Church of England and Biblical In- errancy, 502. Assistentia Divina, 547. Assumption of Moses, 133. Assyrian, Language, 179; —Writing, 187 zote. Athanasius (St.), 50, 52, 65, 121. Athenagoras, 46, 431, 483 sq. Augustine (St.), 61, 70, 73, ROduM oT. 262,) .etG:) ¢his method of interpretation, 440 sqq.; his views on in- spiration, 492 sqq. Authenticity of the Vulgate, 333. Sqq. Authorized Version, 350, 360 sqq.; —rules given to authors of the, 361; silence which surrounds the prepara- tion of the, 362; publica- tion of the, 363: uneven value of the parts of the, 364; literary and critical value of the, 365 sqq.; Protestants’objections to the, 367 sq.; reasons for revision of the, 369. Babelon, E., 397. Bacon, Roger, 443. 601 Bacon, Fr., 460, 500. Baer, S., 210. Baier, 499. Barnabas, Episcle of, g4 102 480 sq. Baronius, 510. Basilides, 98. Basili\(St.); 52.125, 92. Bauer, Bruno, 14, 463. Baumgarten, 500. Dai whee rises 1N2) Se, 438, 490, 463. Beardslee, 379. Bede, Venerable, 340, 442. Beelen, 467. Belgic, see Confessions. Bellarmin, 337, 506. Bengel, J. A., 253, 457, 499- Bensly, 296. Berzeny o.oo: Bernard (St.), 443. Bessarion, 282. Beza, 251; Codex of, 246 sq. Bible, Definition and various names, 113 Divisions, 13 Sq.; 34,413; Unity, Beauty, and Influence of the, 15 sqq.; Meaning of the threefold division of the Hebrew, 34 sq.; inspir- ing and elevating charac- ter of the, 518 sqq.: superhuman structure and contents of the, 522 sqq.; organic unity of the, 527 sqq.; inspiration of the (see Zzspzration). Biblical Interpretation, tory of, 427 sqq. Bickell, G., 213, 293, 466. Bishops’ Bible, 360, 367. Bisping, 466. Bohairic Version, 298 sqq. Bomberg, editions of, 209, Bonaventura (St.), 68, 443, his- 495. Bonfrére, 453, 506. Books, number of sacred, 12; arrangement in Hebrew Bible, 13; order in Vul- gate and LX X,123sq.,41 602 Book of the Law, 37. Book of the Wars of Yahweh, 182. Breen, A. E., 20, Briggs, Chas A., 21, 214, 418, 425, 465, etc. Brown, Fr., 214. Burgon, J. W., 258 zote. Burkitt, 296. Buxtorfs, 211, 499. Czadmon, 340. Cajetan, 72, 106, 332, 446. Callixtus, 457. Calmet, A., 397, 453, 506. Calovius, 457, 499. Calvin, opposition of, to deu- tero-canonical books, 73 ; views on Biblical Inspira- tion, 497. Canus Melchior, 82. Canon, notion of the, 25; origin and growth of the Canon of the Old Testa- MENG ZO SO. 24) SUG. close of the Canon of the Old Testament, 29 sqq.; Old Testament Canon in the Christian Church, chaps. ii and iii; —of the New ‘Testament, chap. iv ; —of Muratori, 99. Canonical, books, 26, 70; etc.; —Proto- and Deutero-, 26, 31, 41 Sqq., 75 Sq-, 93, 111; —Gospels, 94 sqq.; etc. Cappadocian Fathers, 438. Cappel, Ik, 211,457. Carafa, 282, 337. Carlstadt, 73, 110, 450, 497. Carthage, councils of, 60, 73, $24. Cassiodorus, 121, 329, 441. Catenz, 441 sq. Cavensis, Codex, 105. Cellérier, 384. Challoner, 349, 351 Sqq. Chauvin, 21, 379, 550. Chemnitz, 10. Cheyne, 465. Chrysostom (St.), 62, _ 436, 489 sqq., 492. Ciasca, 2092. Clair, 466, Claromontanus Codex, 246 sq. Clement, of Alexandria, 46, 100, I2T, 264, 431, 486; —of Rome (St. ); 45, 93, 427 Sq., 480 sq. Clement V, 444. Clement VIII, 338. Clementine, Homilies, TE 7° —Recognitions, 152 SQ., 430. Clericus, 457, 499. Cocceius, school of, 456. Codex, origin of the, 2293 —Argenteus, 305. T21, INDEX. Coins of the Machabees, 186. Collections, primitive, of New ‘Testament writings, 91 sqq. Complutensian Polyglot, 251 281. Confessions, Protestant, Faith, 83, 111 sq., 460. Coptic Versions, 298 sqq. Copyists, general methods of, 72s Corinthians, Third Epistle to tiie; e15 4. Corluy, 58, 324, 467, 513. Cornely, 20, 308, 379, 467. Cornill, 213, 290. Corrections of the Scribes, 197. Correctoria Biblica, 331. Council, of Carthage, see Ca7- thage ; —of Florence, on the Can- on, 71, 73; 78;* On iIn- spiration, 503 sq.; —of Hippo, 60, 121; —of Laodicea, 52, 73, 109; —of Nice, 60 ; —of Trent, on the Canon, 77 8qq., 106 sqq.; on the Vulgate, 333 sqq.; on in- spiration, 505 sq.; —of the Vatican, on inspira- tion, 509 sqq. Coverdale, Miles, 359. Crelier, 466. Critical Editions of the Greek New Testament, 252 sqq. Criticism, notion of, 163 ; con- structive and destructive aspects of, 164; Higher, Lower, see the words. Cureton, 295. of Cursive, MSS., 248; writing, 189, 231 Sqq. Cyprian (St.), 46, 121, 300, 438, 486. Cyril (St.), of Alexandria, 499 ; —of Jerusalem, 51, 262, 490. Damasus (St.), 60, 61, 240, 315 Sq. Davidson, A. B., 465. —Samuel, 394 sq. De Broglie (Abbé), srr. Dehaut, 466. De Hummelauer, 467. De Rossi, Az., 212, 413. Delitzsch, F., 210, 464. Descartes, 460, 500. De Smedt, 513. Deutero-Canonical books, 26, 33, 41 SQq., 93, IIT, 313, ere: De Wette, 463. D’ Hulst, 512 sq. Diatessaron of ‘Tatian, 292, 297 Sq. Di Bartolo, S., 512. Didymus, 316, 490. Diocletian, edict of, 240. Diodorus of Tarsus, 436. Dionysius, of Alexandria, 46; —of Corinth, 97; —the Carthusian, 71. Dixon, 400, 508. Dorner, 503. Douay Version, 345 sqq. 3 qualifications of its au- thors, 347; critical and literary value of the, 348 sqq.; revisions of the, 35: sqq. Drach, 466. Driver, 213, 214, 465. Dupin, Ellies, 82, 506. Duval, R., 293, 297. Ebrard, 464 zoe. Edessa, school of, 437 sq. Egyptian Versions, see Coptic Versions. Eichhorn, 308, 462. Ellicott, 367, 369, 465. Elzevir Editions, 25r. Encyclical on inspiration, 513 $qq-, 543 Sqq. English Versions, see Douay, Authorized, Rez 2sed. Enoch, Book of, 50; ap- parently quoted Inet, Jude, 133; character and contents, 134 Sq.; relation to New Testament writ- ings, 135 sq. Ephrem (St.), 289, 293, 437 Sq. Ephreemiticus MS., 246, 281. Epiphanius (St.), 52, 53, 292s 490. Episcopius, 499. Epistles, apocryphal, 153 sqq. Erasmus, 72, 251, 332, 446, 503, 508. Ernesti, 460. Esdras, 29, and the early scribes, 406 ; Third book of, 50, 78, 121 sqq.; Fourtn book* of 72050310, 150,176. 123 sqq., 48o. Estienne, R., 209. Estius, 453, 505. Ethiopic Version, 303. Eucherius (St.), 328. Eugenius IV, 71, 73, 106. Eusebius of Czsarea, on the Canon, ror sq.; —and the Hexaplar Text, a7g/ ee Euthymius Zigabenus, 442, 494. Ewald, H., soz. Exegesis, definition of bibli- cal, 383 ote. —of ‘the early reformers, 448 sqq. External evidence, 172. : Faber, Fred. W., 365. Farrar, 502. Fathers of the Church, unan- imous consent of, 400; see also, Canon, [iter- pretation, Inspiration, etc. Feilmoser, 508. Field, 282. Fillion, 466 sq. Flacius, Illyricus, tro, 498. Formula Concordia, 455. Formulas, Protestant, of faith, 83, 111 sq., 460; see Confesstoits. Fouard, 467. Frankel, 290. Franzelin, 512. Frédégis, 494. Fuldensis Codex, 105. Fiirst, 415. Gallic Confession, 83. Geiger, A., 213, 415. ~ Gelasius (St.), 151. Gemara, see 7almud. Geneva Bible, 360 sq., 367. Gerhard, 499. Gerson, 445. Ginsburg, 210. Glossa ordinaria, 69, 442. Godet, 258. Gospel, preaching of the, S8 sq. —of James, 139; —of Thomas, 140; —of Peter, 144; —of the Nazarenes or ac- cording to the Hebrews, 144. Gospels, apocryphal, 138 sqq. Gothic Version, 283, 303, 305. Gould, 465. Grabe, 282. Gratiani Decretum, 495. Gratz, 213. Great Bible, 360. —synagogue, 30, 21r. Greek idiom of the New Testament, 221 sqq. —text of the New Testa- ment, 226 sqq} —copies of the New Testa- ment, soon and_e ex- tensively adulterated, 236 sqq. Green, W. H., 465. Gregory, C. R., 308. Gregory (St.), the Great, 66, 105, 329, 441 3 —of Nazianzen, 315, 438 5 —of Nyssa, 438. Griesbach, 253. Grotius, H., 457, 499. Gutberlet, 466. 51, 53, Hackett, 465. INDEX. Haggada, 407 sqq., 422. Hagiographa, 13, 35, 38, 189, 219. Hahn, 253. Halacha, 407 sqq., 422. Hamelius, 505. Hampton Court Conference, 360 sq. Hanneberg, 52, 506. Harkel, Thomas of, 208. Harman, H. M., 21. Harnack, 115. Hauptj be nae Havernick, 464. Hebraistsand Purists, 221 sq. Hebrew Bible, first printed, 209 } —language, 83, 176 sqq.; —writing, 185 sqq.; —rolls, 188 sq.; —-orthography, 189 sq.; —=fEXt loss Lod, U2 T4,e 1G sqq., 268 sqq. Hellenistic dialect, 224 ; —school of interpretation, 415 qq. Helvetic Confession, 83. Hengstenberg, 464. Hermas, 45, 480 sq. Hermeneutics, 20, 383, 384 sq., etc. Hesychius, 208, 283. Hexapla, 197, 278 sqq., 288, 300. Hexaplar Text, 279 sqq., 284, 304. Higher Criticism, notion of the, 165; problems of the, 166 sq.; methods and results of the, 167 sq. i Hilary (St.), of Poitiers, 54, 103, 311, 439. Hillel, 408. Hippo, Council of, 60, 121. Hippolytus (St.), of Porto, 486. —of Rome, 46. lahayabey, Wie 1Bhy sdey, Holden, 507 sq. Hollaz, 499. Holmes and Parsons, 282. Horne, T. H., 502, 522 sq. Hort, 302. Houbigant, 212. Hozley, 297. Hugo, a St. Caro, 68, 331, ree ee —of St. Victor, 67, 443, 495 Sq., 502. Ignatius (St.), of Antioch, 93, 480Sq. Inerrancy of Scripture, 503, 507, 514 Sq. | Innocent I (St.), 61, 67, 104, 121. 603 Inspiration, notion sqq.; difference Revelation, 472; state- ments of the Sacred Books regarding, 473 sqq.: according to Jewish Rabbis, 477 sqq.; in the Christian writers of the first two centuries, 48o sqq.; in the Fathers of the following centuries, 485 sqq. —and the human element in Scripture, 485, 488, 493; Views on, during the Middle Ages, 494 sqq.; Views of Luther, and the other early Re- formers on, 496 $qq., 503 ; Orthodox Protestant theory of, 499; Rational- istic views of, sor sqq.; Mechanical theory of, 5o1 sqq.; Natural theory of, 501 sqq ; Partial In- spiration, theory of, 502 ; Ulumination, theory of, 502 sq.; in the Catholic Church since the Middle Ages, 503 sqq.; and in- errancy, 503 sqq., 507, G4 S5o5 Sd Cugeotes= tant proofs of, 517 sqq. ; Catholic proofs of, 537 sqq-; Grounds common to Catholics and to Prot- estants in favor of, 537 sqq.; Nature and extent of, 542 sqq.; Common teaching of the Church regarding the nature of, 544 sqq.; Questions freely debated regarding, 545) Sd. ca theory. of Verbal, 548 sqq. ; limited Illumination, theory of, 550; the two tendencies regarding the extent of, 550. Sqq. Internal Evidence, 168, 172. Interpretation, rules of, 3098 sqq.; methods of, adopted by Our Lord, 421 sqq. Irenzus (St.), 45, 100, 262, 264, 430, 484, 538. Isidore (St.), of Pelusium, 436. \ Isidore (St.), of Seville, 105, 329, 441. Itala, 307 sqq: of, 471 from Jacob ben Chayim, 20g. Jahn, 166, 213, 397. James I and the Authorized Version, 360 sqq. Jansenius, C., 452. Jerome (St.), an opponent of the Deutero-Canonical 604 books, 56 sqq., 61, 73, 813 the author of Latin Vul- gate, 314 sqq.; principal writings of, 316 sqq.; Reviser of the old Latin Version, 317 sq. ; begins new Version from the Hebrew, 318 sqq.; quali- fications as a translator, 3198q.; his Hebrew text, 321; method of render- ing, 321 sqq.; excellence of his translation, 325 sqq.3; opposition met with by his work, 327 sqq.; method of inter- pretation of, 439; on in- spiration, 491 sqq., 513, 557: Jewish interpretation and the New ‘Testament Writ- ings, 420 sqq. John (St.), of Damascus, 65, 442 5 John, of Ragusa, 70 ; John, of Salisbury, 68, cos. Vosephus, 920, 33,5 120, | 531, 264, 277, 330, 478 sq. Junilius Africanus, 441, 490. Justin (St.), 47 sq., 95 sqq., 262, 264, 429, 433, 482, 538. Kabalists, 410 sqq., 418. Kant, 461 sq. Karaites, 410 sq. Kaulen, 20, 308, 379, 467. Keil, 47, 464. Kennicott, B., 212. Kenrick, 354, 367, 467 ; origin and value of his Bible, 356 sqq. Kenyon, 293, 297. Kimchi, 413. King James’s Version, Authorized Version. Kirkpatrick, 465. Knabenubauer, 467. Kouvy Acadextos, 223 ; in the New Testament, 224 sqq.} in the Septuagint, 267 sqq. Kostlin, 114. Kuenen, 502. see Lachmann, 253, 355. Ladd, 502, etc. Lagarde, 282. Lagrange, 500. Lamy, B., 82. Lanfranc, 331, 442. Langton, 68. Language, see Hebrew, Greek, etc. Laodicea, Council of, 52, roo. Laodiceans, Epistle to the, 154 Sq. : Latin, old, version, 307 sqq., INDEX. 3213 importance and principal characteristics of the, 312 sqq. ; —Fathers, method of in- terpretation of the, 438 sqq. Latin Vulgate, see Vulgate. Law, the, or First Canon, 37. Le Hir,*467, 550. Lenormant, Fr., 397, 508, 510 sqq. Leo (St.), the Great, 439. Leo XII1I and Inspiration, 513 Sqq-, 543 Sqq. Leontius of ‘Byzantium, 65. Lessius, 505 sq. Lévesque, 473, 550. Levita, Elias, 413. Lewis, Mrs., 296. Lightfoot, Jno., 368, 457 ; —-J. B., 465. Lingard, 354 sq.” Literal sense, 385 sqq.; rules regarding the, 401 sqq. Loisy, 20, 49, 58, 467, 550, 554- London Polyglot, 252 zofe. Lower or Textual Criticism, name of, 165; starting point of the, 170; mate- rials of the, 171 ; Canons of, 173: Lucian, 279, 281 sqq., 305. Luther, opposes deutero- canonical books, 73 sqq., 109 sqq.: his interpreta- tion of Scripture, 448 sqq.; his connection with Rationalism, 459; his views on inspiration, 497. Maas, 467. Machabees, Thirdand Fourth books of the, 130 sqq. Maimonides, 413. Maldonatus, 453, 505. Manasses, Prayer of, 119 sq. Mauuscripts, as materials for Textual Criticism, 171 ; Hebrew, 188 sq.; Public and Private, 207 sq.; of the New Testament, 228 sqq., 241 sqq.; of the old Latin Version, 312 ove; of the Latin Vulgate, 332 note. Marcion, 08. Martin, Greg., 347. —J. P., 213, 258. Masius, 452. Massorah, 198 sqq., 209 ; --Greater and Lesser, 204, 208. Massoretes, Textual Criticism of the, 202 sqq. Massoretic, points, 191, 205, 208 3 —text, 206 sqq., 210 sqq., 22K; eos seks SUC. Matignon, 508. Matthew’s Bible, 359 sq. Mazella, 512. McEvilly, 467. Meignan, 397. Melanchthon, 459, 498. Mendelssohn, 414. Melito (St.), 48 sq., 289. Mesa, Inscription of, 185, 190. Mesrob (St.), 304. Metaphorical or Figurative Sense, 386. Methodius (St.), 47, 490. Michaelis, 457. Midrashim, 410. Mill, Jno., 252. Mishnah, 200, 409 sqq. Moabite stone, 185, 190, 526. Montfaucon, 234. More, Thos., 465. Morin, J., 211, 453. Moral sense of Holy Writ, 388. Motais, 466. Munk,:-415. Miinster, S., 209, 332. Muratori, Canon of, 99 sq. Mystical sense, see Typical sense. ' Mythical sense, notion of the, 393; various kinds of the, 393 ote ; how far found in Holy Writ? 394 sqq. Nary, atranslator of the New Testament, 353. Neander, 502. Nestorians, Canon of the, 64, Neteler, 466. Newman, Jon Teepe tion, 510 sqq.; F. W.. 502 New Testament writings their origin, 88 sqq. ; ex egetical methods in, 42, sq. Nicephorvs, 66, 109. Nicholas I. 68. Nicholas de Lyra, 68, 444. Nickes, 467. Notker, 67. Novatian, 485. (Ecolampadius, 73. (Ecumenius, 442. Old Latin versions, 307 sqq 321. Old cetera Name, 11; —Canon, 24 sqq. ; —-Text, 175 sqq.; —Deute ro- Canonical, books of, 26 zote. Olshausen, Justus, 213. Onkelos, Targum of, 219. Oracles of God, 471. Origen, on the Canon, 46, 49, 54, 82, 102 ; on adultera- tions of the Greek Text of the New Testament 238 sq. ; Hexapla of, 278 sqq., 281 ; methods of in- terpretation of, 433 sqq.; on inspiration, 486 sqq. Originals of New Testament, publication of the, 226. Orthodox, Protestant school, If2. Orthography, Hebrew, 189. Osiander, 332. Palestinian Canon, 32 sqq., 42. Palimpsest MS., 246. Pantanus (St.), 431. Papyrus Rolls, 228 sq, Parchment MSS., 228 sqq. Patrizi, 467, 511. Paul (St.), and Seneca, 155 sq., and St. Peter, 113 sq. Paul of Tella, 64 xote, 283, 288. Paulus, 462. Pentateuch, the Samaritan, 194; compared with the Hebrew Text, 216 sqq. Perowne, 465. Pesch, 512. Peshitto Version, 288 sqq. Peter, Gospel of, 144 ; Reve- lation of, 157 sq. Peter (St.), Chrysologus, 439. Peter Lombard, 495. Philippi, 464. Philo, 33, 264, 276, 417 sqq., 431, 478, 484, 498. Philoxenus, 298. Photius, 442. Pietists, school of the, 456. Pighius, 504, 508. Pilati, Acta, 142 sq. Plummer, 465. Plumptre, 465. Points, Hebrew, rgr. Polycarp (St.), 480 sq., 538. Priscillian, ro4. Private pease right -f, 450, Prosper Gt ), of Aquitaine, 328, 4 Priphets. (the), or the second Canon, 38. Protestants, their test of Canonicity, 73 sqq., 83 sq., 109 sqq.; their con- fessions of faith, 83, 460, etc. ; their translations of Scripture, 338 sqq.; ex- egesis of the early, 448 sqq.; early Protestants on inspiration, 496 sqq. ; their appeals to authority to prove biblical inspira- tion, 530 sqq. Psalter of Solomon, 128; Psalterium, (allicanum, 318; Romanum, 318. Purists and Hebraists, 221 sq. Puritans, 360. INDEX. Rabanus, Maurus, 329, 442. Rabbinical schools of inter- pretation, 406 sqq. Rabbula, 292. Rashi, 412. Rationalism, rise of, 455; method of interpretation of, 458 sqq ; connection with Luther, 459; and inspiration, 500 sqq., 543- Recensions, 239. Regula fidei, 454. Reimarus, 500. Relative truths in Scripture, 554 Sqq.- Renaissance, and its biblical scholars, 443 sqq. Reusch, 508. Reuschlin, 446. Reuss} E., 21,747; 74: Revelation of Peter, 157. Revised Version, 367 sqq. Rheims Testament, 346 sq. Rickaby, 467. Riehm, 464 zote. Right of private judgment, 459; 459- Ritschl, rr4. Robert, U., 308. —Ch., 397. Robertson, F. W., 502. Rogers, 359. Rolls, 188 sq., 207, 228 sqq. Rooke, 528., Rufinus, 54 sq., Rupert, 67. 104, 315. Sabatier, P., 307. Sahidic Version, 273, 298 sqq. Samaritan Canon, 29; Pen- tateuch, 194, 216 Sqq., 274. Sanday, 308; 465. Schaff, Ph., 375, 465. Schanz, 466, 472, 494, 557: Schleiermacher, 502. Schmid, 386, 512. Schmidt, 457: Scholastic interpretation Holy Writ, 441 sqq. Scholz, 466. Schools, Protestant, 111 sq., etc. Schottgen, 457. Scribes, their freedom in tran- scribing, 196 sq., 214 Sq. of their carelessness, 237 _Sqq- Scrivener, F. H., 247, 258, 298, 350, 362. Selden, J., 362. Semitic languages, 149 sqq. Semler, S., 85, 461, 500 sq. Senses of Holy Writ, see literal, figurative, moral, etc. Septuagint Version quoted in _the New Testament, 41 sqqa.: historical imnor- 605 tance of the, 261 sq. ; in- spiration of the, 262; origin of the, 263 sqq.; character of the, 267 sqq5 compared with the He- brew Bible, 270 sqq.; subsequent history of the, 275 sqq.; rejection by the Jews, 277 sqq.;3 alterations in, 277 sqq.; Hexaplar Text of the, 279 sqq., 284, 304: MSS. of the, 280 sqq.; printed text of the, 281 sqq. Sidon, inscriptions of, 186. Siloam, inscription of, 185, 190. Simon, Richard, 38 sq., 211, 506. Sinaiticus MS., 242 sqq., 254, 258, 280. Sixtus of Sienna, 82. Sixtus V, 263, 282, 337. Smith, i. B., 465, 503: smyth, J. P.,.519 Socinian School, 456, 460. Socinus, F., 459; L., 499. Spalding, M. J., 366. Spencer, 355. Stanley, 417, 465. Stephens, R., 250, 252, 332. Strabo, Walafrid, 67, 329, 449. Strauss, 463. Stuart, M., 465. Suarez, 505. Swete, H.B.; 123,282,465. Symmachus, Version of, 197, 278, 226. Synagogue Rolls, 207 sq.: the Great, 30, 211. Syncretists, school of the, 456. Synoptic Gospels, 90, 355- Syriac language, 179; Ver- sions, 288 sqq. Syrian Text, 249, 256. Talmud, 30, 187, 191, 199} contents of the, 200. Talmudic school and its ex- egesis, 408 sqq. Talmudists and their textual criticism, 199 sqq- Tanquerey, 550. Targum, see Onkelos; Ara- mate. Tatian, 292 sq , 297. Taverner, 360. Tertullian, 30, 46, 438, 486. Testament, rr sqq., etc. Text of the New Testament, 226 sqq. IOI, 309, Textus Receptus, 215, 230, 249 sq. Thalhofer, 466. Theodore of Mopsuestia, 436, 4Q0. Theodoret, 62, 292, 436, 490- 606 Theodotion, 197, 278, 300; origin and leading fea- tures of his Version, 285 sqq. Theophilus (St.), of An- tioch, 431. Theophylact, 442. Thomas Aquinas (St.), 443, ., 495) 555: Tiberias, school of, 202, 205. Tischendorf, 242 sq., 253 sqq., 282, 296, 365. Toletanus Codex, 105. Tollner, 500. Torah, 13. Tostat, 71, 446. Toy Ca tlm. 466 Transmission of the original text of the Old Testa- ment, 193 sqq.; of the New Testament, 236 sqq. Tregelles, 253, 255. Trench, 369. Trent, see Councit. Trochon, 20, 308, 379. Tropological or moral sense, 388. Trullan Council (or in Trul- lo), 65, 109. Tiibingen school, 113, 116, E52. Tyndale, Wm., 359. Typical sense, 387 sqq., 404, 488. Ubaldi, 20. INDEX. Ulfilas, 305. Uncanonical books, 118 sqq. Uncials, 230 sq. Unity, organic, in the Bible, 15, 527 sqq. Unpointed text of Old Testa- ment, 190 sq. Valentinus, 98. Van Steenkiste, 467. Variations in Hebrew manu- scripts, 193 sqq.; all im- portant in Greek text, go back to a very early period, 244 sq. Vaticanus Codex, 103, 241 Sq. 254, 258, 273, 280. Verbal inspiration, theories of, 548 sqq. Vercellone, 338. Versions, see Septuagint, Vulgate, Armenian, Gothic, etc. Vigouroux, 20, 49, 308, 379, 6 467. Vincent of Lerins (St.), 328. Vitringa, 457. Vogué, L., 409. Volumen (Roll), 188. Vowel points, ror, 205, 208. Vulgate Version, 263, 307, 3133; author of the, 314 sqq. ; component parts of the, 320: critical and literary value of the, 321 sqq.; divergences from Hebrew text, 321 sqq.; excellence of the, 325 sqq.; history of the, 327 sqq. ; authenticity of the, 333 sqq.; official edition of the, 336 sqq. Walton, Brian, 252, 282. Ward, B., 467. Weiss, B., 464 xote. Wellhausen, Jul., 213. Westcott, 47, 74, 320, 465, 528. Westcott and Hort, 253, 255 Sqq., 258, 293, 355+ Western text, 256. Wetstein, 457. Winer, G. B., 223. Wiseman, 307, 352, 354- Witham, a translator of the New Testament, 353. Wolf, 460, 500 sq. Wordsworth, 338, 465. , Writing, cursive, 189 ; uncial, 230; Semitic, 191 sq. Wycliffe, 343 sqq. Xantes, Pagninus, 332, 446. Ximenes, 72, 209, 249, 281 332. Vahweh, 182. Zeller, 114. Zunz, 415. Zwingli, 73, 450, 497: PRINTED BY BENZIGER BROTHERS, NEW YORK. 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