NEW LAW SCHOOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN, OKLAHOMA NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING THE LIBRARY PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMED sry, WITH OUTLINE OF COURSIBITY OF I! Lien OPENING OF THE NEW LAW SCHOOL AT THE STATE UNIVER- SITY OF OKLAHOMA AT NORMAN ON SEPTEMBER 14th. The State University of Oklahoma announces that the new School of Law will open at Norman, Oklahoma, September 14th, at the same time as the opening of the University. The Regents have had the good fortune to secure as Dean of the new school, Professor J. C. Monnet, professor of law at George Washington University, Washington, D. C., whose record in scholar- ship, as a lawyer, ex-editor of the Harvard Law Review and teacher is of the highest character. Mr. Monnet has been an honor man from the high school up. He took a bachelor’s degree at Iowa Uni- versity and then finished the law course there. After completing the course he practiced law for eleven years with decided success and then enrolled at the Harvard law school and took the complete course, graduating with the highest honors. He has been professor in the George Washington University since leaving Harvard and is recommended as a highly successful teacher and an executive of ability. The course as outlined by him will cover three years. The law school will be conducted under modern methods and the latest and best ideas of the legal educational world will be put into force. Series of special lectures by leading lawyers in the state are being arranged for. Students intending to enter should make application on or before the opening of the University, September 14th. TUITION WILL BE FREE. Address A. Grant Evans, President, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma COURSE OF STUDY The following will constitute the course of study which will be subject to slight variations until the school is thoroughly organized. FIRST YEAR SUBJECTS Contracts—Williston’s Cases on Contracts, three hours a week. Torts—Ames and Smith’s Cases on Torts, two hours a week Criminal Law—Beale’s Cases on Criminal Law, two hours a week. Property I—Gray’s Cases on Property, two hours a week. Common Law and Code Pleading and Practice, two hours a week. Constitutional Law—Boyd’s or McClain’s Cases on Constitutional Law, one hour a week. SECOND YEAR SUBJECTS Agency—Wambaugh’s Cases on Agency, two hours a week. Evidence—Thayer’s Cases on Evidence, two hours a week. Equity—Ames’ Cases on Equity, two hours a week. Sales—Williston’s Cases on Sales, two hours a week. Property I]—Gray’s Cases on Property, two hours a week. Domestic Relations—Smith’s Cases on Persons, two hours a week. THIRD YEAR SUBJECTS Corporations—Warren’s Cases on Corporations, two hours a week. Mortgages—Wyman’s Cases on Mortgages, two hours a week first semester. Suretyship—Ames’ Cases on Suretyship, two hours a week second semester. Conflict of Laws—Beale’s Cases on Conflict of Laws, two hours a week. Property III—Gray’s Cases on Property, two hours a_ week. Bills and Notes—Ames’ Cases on Conflict of Laws, two hours a week. Trusts—Ames’ Cases on Trusts, two hours a week, first semester. Damages—Beale’s Cases on Damages, two hours a week, second semester. yO UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN. OKLAHOMA FALL SEMESTER BEGINS SEPTEMBER 14th Work is offered in the following schools: Graduate School College of Arts and Sciences College of Engineering School of Law School of Fine Arts School of Medicine School of Pharmacy School of Mines Preparatory School Tuition Free except in School of Fine Arts. 15 units of high school work, or the standard four year high school course will admit you. If you lack any of these units you can make them up in the Preparatory School. Over 450 different courses offered The best library in the state Faculty of 65 teachers New equipment and supplies New Engineering Building New Administration Building costing $200,000 Address, The President, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma,