Taken before me,
§ 25. Form of commitment:
County of Mobile.
To the Jailor of Mobile County:
On examination of A. B., charged with the offence of
,it appearing that such offence has been committed,
and that there is sufficient cause to believe that ane ts
guilty thereof,
} Mayor's Office of City of Mobile.
You are therefore commanded to receive him into your
custody, and detain him until he is legally discharged—
admit to bail in the sum of $ |
Dated day of , 18
§ 24. For each bond taken and approved, there shall be
collected the sum of fifty cents, which shall be accounted
for by the officer receiving it to the chief of police, who
shall pay the same over as other moneys of the city are
25. Whenever an appeal bond has been taken and
approved, it shall be the duty of the chief of police, or
acting chief of police, to forthwith deposit the same with
the city attorney, together with a transcript of the case
from the mayor’s docket, signed and certified by the mayor,
and a list of the witnesses to establish the charge, and all
the facts of the case within his knowledge.
§ 26. Be it ordained, That where the word ‘“ conven- Convention.
tion” is used in these ordinances, it shall mean a conven-
tion of the mayor, aldermen and common council of the
city of Mobile, or in the absence of the mayor, the acting
mayor shall be the presiding officer of the convention.
§ 27. That the words used in these ordinances in the Meaning of cer-
tain words i in
past or present tense, include the future as well as the this code, past
past or present. Words used in the masculine gender pee i
include the feminine and neuter. The singular includes {fy Speut"
the plural, and the plural the singular, the word ‘‘ person” Person.
includes corporation, as well as natural person, writing Writing.
includes printing on paper, oath includes affirmation, oath.
signature or subscription includes mark, when the person Signature.
cannot write, hisname being written near it and witnessed
by a person who writes his own name as a witness.
The word ‘property ” includes real and personal pro- Property.
The words “real property” are co-extensive with lands, Real property.
tenements, hereditaments and permanent fixtures thereto.
The words “personal property” include money, goods, Personal pro-
chattels, things in action, evidences of debt, bills, bonds, vhs
notes, deeds, and conveyances. ,
The word ‘‘vessel” shall include steamboats, steamers, vessel.
boats, barges and all water craft.
§ 28. That the municipal year shall commence on the Municipal year.
first Monday in January in each year.
The municipal year for the commencement of the terms
of officers, not otherwise expressly provided for, shall
commence on the first day of January, in each year.
§ 29. All official bonds shall be made payable to the oficial ponds.
mayor, aldermen and common council of the city of
Mobile, and shall require security, and be conditioned
‘Faithfully to perform the duties of his office according
to the provisions of the charter of the city of Mobile, and
all orders, ordinances, by-laws, and resolutions of the
mayor, aldermen and common council of the city of
Mobile now in force or hereafter to be made, to the
satisfaction of the said mayor, aldermen and common
council.” ;
§ 30. The form of the bonds of the city officers and
Official bond
Form of oath.
agents shall be in substance as follows:
City of Mobile. Mayor’s Office.
We, , acknowledge ourselves
to be indebted to the mayor, aldermen and common council
of the city of Mobile, and their successors in office, in the -
sum of dollars, for the payment of which, we bind
ourselves and our heirs, executors, administrators, and
assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents.
Signed with our hands and sealed this day of :
in the year of our Lord one thousaud eight hundred and
On the condition, that whereas, the said , was on
the day of , A. D. 18, elected (or appointed)
by the (mayor, aldermen and common council) of the city
of Mobile, , for the municipal
year ending on the thirty-first day of December 18
If he shall well and truly execute and perform all of
the duties of the said office according to the provisions of
the charter of the city of Mobile, and all orders, ordi-
nances, by-laws and resolutions of the said mayor, alder-
men and common council of the city of Mobile, now in
force or hereafter made, to the satisfaction of the said
mayor, aldermen and common council, then this obligation
to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and
[L. S.]
[L. §.]
[L. 8.]
Witness. rors}
§ 31. Every officer in the service of the city shall take
the following oath (or affirmation) before he shall discharge
any of the duties of his office:
I solemnly swear, that I will support the Constitution
of the United States, and of the State of Alabama, and
the charter and ordinances and by-laws of the city of
Mobile, while I remain a citizen thereof, and that I will
truly and faithfully execute and discharge the duties of
of the city of Mobile to the best of my
knowledge and ability, so help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, }
this day of 1s
§ 32. When any vacancy occurs in any office, it shall be Vacancies, how
filled at once. In the case of the mayor or any one of
the aldermen or common council, as is provided by the
charter. |
In all other cases, by the body or persons originally elect-
ing or appointing.
And the mayor is authorized to fill all vacancies until
such election or appointment. hee
In every case, the mayor is authorized and empowered to; Mayor may sus-
suspend any officer or agent of the city from the discharge °°"
of any or all of his duties, until (where the officer is elected
by the convention) the boards of aldermen and common
council shall direct such officer to resume his duties.
In all other cases, for such time as he may see fit, or he Mayor may
may remove such person from office. Aer ey
§ 33. That a complete record shall be kept in the office Record of ordi-
of the clerk of the city, of every ordinance, by-law and be kept fr the:
joint resolution of the city, with the date of approval and “5%
publication, and all proclamations of the mayor, with full
and complete indexes thereto.
An Ordinance to create and define the duties of City Attorney.
§ 34. Be tt ordained, That there shall be elected annually yyection of
by the convention, a city attorney, whose duties shall be 4ttomey and
To institute and carry on all actions at law, and in equity, Conduct suits.
in favor of the city, to final judgment, and to defend all
suits brought against the city where a defence should be
Appearandat- ‘T'o appear before the police court, when notified by the
tend at police
court when mayor, and prosecute all. persons charged. with a violation
fee! Y of any law or ordinance of: the city.
Investigate To investigate all titles on behalf of the city, when re-
’ titles. : .
quested, and furnish reports thereof.
Togiveopinions To give his opinion in writing on questions of law to the
mayor, and boards of aldermen and common council, when-
ever requested.
To write con- To reduce.to writing all contracts where. the city is a
pee party, and approve such written contracts before the same
are perfected.
To inform the To furnish the mayor with a statement in agenrols if
ace et required, previous to the trial of every case pending, where
the city is interested, fully advising him as to the legal
points, the testimony necessary for the city, and all other
confidential matters, relating thereto.
To inform the To furnish the mayor and both boards with a written
eee statement of suits pending, wherein the city is interested,
at least twice in each year, and oftener if necessary.
To pay over all To pay over all money collected by him as attorney for
ahs the corporation, within five days after the collecting thereof.
Attorney to § 35. He shall keep a record of all official opinions given
PEE ina by him in writing, with the request therefor, and an index
account book. thereto; and an account book, showing all claims placed
in his hands for collection, all moneys received by him on
account of the city, and all payments made by him into the
city treasury.
Also, adocket | He shall also keep a book or docket in which he shall
of cases, . : : :
enter an abstract of all suits pending, and all judgments in
favor of, or against the city, in tabular form, substantially
aS follows: Names of parties, suits when brought, in
what court, nature of action, names of witnesses, abstract
of proof for the city, what steps taken at last term, what
preparatory steps necessary for next term, cause of contin-
uance at last term, amount of judgment, date of execution,
to what officer delivered, when returnable, the judgment
Books tobe how Satisfied, or what other return, remarks, &c.; all of
delivered to his
successorin Wich books and docket shall be delivered by him to his
sees successor in office.
Books to be It shall be his duty, as soon as practicable after the pas-
provided by the t . . °
city. sage of this ordinance, to procure the books above indica-
ted, at the expense of the city, and to enter on the docket
book all judgments remaining unsatisfied in favor of the
city, and to use all practicable and proper efforts to collect
the same.
That for the collection of all judgments rendered, prior Fees for collec.
to his election, he shall be entitled to a commission of ten °°”
per cent,
Assistant counsel may be employed in any case, at the Assistant coun-
diseretion of the mayor and the presidents of the two eas ilar
§ 36. That he shall give such bond, and be paid such Bondanda
salary, payable quarterly, as the corporate authorities may “""™
from time to time determine,
CWA DPE hh. Lit.
An Ordinance to regulate and prohibit Balls, Bells, Drums, Fire
Crackers, Rockets and Kites.
§ 37. Be it ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any masked or pub.
person to give or hold any masked or other public ball, or Ze pirciendne
any party where licentious or disorderly persons may con- Bormtted by
gregate within the city, unless with consent of the mayor
in writing, under penalty not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 38. That no person shall ring any bell within the city Bells larger
of Mobile, larger than an ordinary hand bell, except it be ae ee bene
church bells, tavern, shipping, or steamboat bells, and bells
giving an alarm of fire, insurrection.or riot, and the market
bell, under penalty not exceeding twenty dollars.
§ 39. That no drum shall be beaten in the city, except on No drum to be
occasions of military, fireman and society parade, under?" °*°P~
penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars.
§ 40. That it shall not be lawful for any person to fly any Unlawful to fly
kite in the city of Mobile, under penalty of not exceeding
fifty dollars.
§ 41. That it shall not be lawful, for any person to dis- No person abil
explode fire
‘charge or explode any fire crackers, rockets or fire works, crackers or
: . - , rockets, &¢,
in the streets or on the side walks, without the consent of
the mayor, under penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars,
Bodies not to be
buried at any
other place.
_ Persons owning
lots shall con-
form to regula-
Unlawful to tie
horse or mule to
any tree or
Treasurer shall
open an ac-
count, ‘the
cemotry fund.” -
To pay to sex-
tou monthly.
To improve
An Ordinance regulating Burying Grounds,
§ 42. Be it ordained, That the three lots of land lying in
the city of Mobile, and now used as burial places, be and
are hereby established as public burying grounds.
§ 43. That the bodies of deceased persons shall not be
buried at any other place within the limits of the ‘city,
under penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 44. That all persons owning lots in said cemetries shall
in fencing the same and in planting trees or shrubs, con-
form to the regulations adopted by the city, under penalty
of twenty dollars, and such fence, tree or shrub shall be
§ 45. That it is unlawful to hitch or tie any horse, mule,
or other animal to any ornamental tree or shrub, that is or
may be planted in either of the burying grounds, under
penalty of ten dollars.
§ 46. That the city treasurer shall open an account to be
known as the cemetery account; crediting such account
with all money received from the city clerk for the sale of
lots and permits, orders, &ec., and charging the same, with
the amount paid to city sexton, clerk, and expenses proper-
ly appertaining thereto. It shall be his duty to pay to the
city sexton monthly, on an order signed by the mayor, all
money reported by the sexton for fees for interments in the
city cemeteries, first deducting therefrom twenty per cent,
of said amount.
This sum of twenty per cent., together with all other
sums accruing under this ordinance, shall be set apart for
the improvement and embellishing of the city cemeteries.
Two hundred dollars of it shall be first set apart for the 200 for clerk.
extra payment of the city clerk.
The amount received for embellishing the city cemeteries Improvements
shall be expended under the direction of the joint committee putisd oe
of public grounds and property, who shall report such P*)Y? sounds:
expenditures to the boards.
The treasurer shall pay the amount so expended on an How expended.
order signed by the mayor and chairman of the committee.
The treasurer shall make monthly reports to the boards Treasurer to
7 - ; ake month]
of the receipts and expenditures of the cemetery fund. repentant
§ 47. That there shall be elected annually in convention Sexton clected.
a city sexton, who shall give such bond and receive such Bona.
fees or compensation as the corporate authorities may from
time to time determine.
His duty shall be to take care that the walls and fences
are not injured,
To keep the walks and inclosures of the cemetery clean Keep walks,
and in good order. wih ees) re
To permit no encroachments to be made therein, and no
defacing of tombs or monuments, or profanation of any
kind to take place.
He shall direct or oversee the digging of all graves and Direct the dig.
cause each grave to be dug at least five feet deep, and to be £25 %
piaced in conformity to the plan or plot of the grounds
and avenues, and to be so dug that all monuments may
face the respective avenues, unless otherwise directed by
the mayor.
The decision of the mayor shall be his guide in all cases mayor to decide
of disagreement with any lot owner. on
He shall cause every grave to be properly covered, and He shall be noti-
- fied of the open-
every tomb or vault properly opened and closed; and in ing of graves
case of the remoyal of a body from the graveyard, by any 3h Gnova ore
other than the city sexton, he shall first be notified, and
the city sexton shall record the removal and see that the
grave or vault is properly filled or closed; and if the re-
moval be from one lot to another in the graveyard, it shall
be done by the city sexton exclusively, and he shall receive
reasonable compensation therefor.
Keep map. He shall keep a map of the grounds with all the names
of the lot owners, names of avenues and walks, which map
must be kept ciean and neat, and at the expiration of his
term of office, shall be deposited by him with the city clerk.
Paupers to be § 48. The city sexton shall bury such paupers, free of
ee charge to the city, as the corporate authorities may from
time to time determine, and shall furnish a plain pine
coffin therefor, and carry the corpse from any point in the
city to the new cemetery and there deposit it in the grave.
Wo pody suibe § 49. That no “body” or ‘‘ corpse” shall be removed for
interred with-
out a certificate interment in the city cemeteries, or in any cemetery out of
ee ag the city, without first having obtained the certificates of
Physician shall the attending physician, or of two eitizens, stating the
give certificate. ; 4 4 Sea ee ee :
name, age, sex, color, nativity, disease of the deceased, and
date of death, and if the physician refuses or neglects to
give such certificate, he shall be fined such sum as the
In case of mayor may inpose, not exceeding fifty dollars. Or in case
‘de Ae y
lence, Of death by murder, fraud, force, violence, or casualty, then
the certificates of the coroner, or jury, which certificate
Clerk tomake Shall be presented to the city clerk, who shall thereupon
register os enter the particulars set forth in the certificate, the num-
order burial. er of the lot or place wherein the corpse is to be interred,
in a book properly kept, known as the “‘register of deaths ;”
the clerk shall then issue the permit and order for burial
directed to the sexton, and require the payment of such
fees as the corporate authorities may from time to time
Incase of sick. 1n case of sickness of the clerk, and on the Sabbath day,
ween muay act He May provide the sexton with blank permits to be used
when necessary.
The sexton shall be held accountable for their lawful
application in the same manner and to the same extent as
the clerk.
City clerkshal! The city clerk shall pay over to the city treasurer weekly
opived t> —-s Al Moneys received by him by virtue of this ordinance,
erhiir 8 er and shall make report of the same to the boards. He
Shall keepmap. shall keep a map similar to the one kept by the sexton,
He shallse—! Upon which he shall make the same entries. It shall be
the lots, &e- ‘his duty to sell any lot or lots, and issue deeds therefor.
Salary. of lore: For all of which services he shall receive the sum of two
hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly out of the
cemetery fund.
It shall be the duty of the city sexton to keep at. his Sexton to keep
y of register
office a copy of the “register of deaths,” and to make a of deaths, ret
monthly and annual report to the boards of aldermen and oaks only
common council of all of the particulars contained therein.
' It shall not be lawful for the city sexton to be interested Not to be in-
either directly or indirectly in the purchase or sale of any mae are
lot in the city cemeteries except for his own family use.
For the violation of any of the provisions of this ordi-
nance, he shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars.
The clerk shall issue permits for the burial of paupers Clerk to issue
without any fee, but he shall require a certificate from the yak
sexton, signed by the attending physician or by two ered-
ible citizens, that deceased was a pauper.
An Ordinance respecting Carts, Drays, Wagons, &c.
§ 50. Be it ordained, That the owner of each and every License.
dray, cart or wagon kept for hire or employed in hauling,
or used for any purpose within the limits of the city, shail
obtain a license to run such dray, cart or wagon, to be
issued by the mayor under the seal of the corporation, and
countersigned by the clerk, and shall give such bond, and Bona.
pay such sum for said license per annum as the corporate
authorities may from time to time determine.
The clerk shall number said licenses, beginning with No. Clerk shall
1, for each, and terminating in each case with the highest er nk
number issued during the term of one year, commencing on
the first days of January, April, July or October of each
year, and terminating first day of January thereafter.
This ordinance shall not extend or apply to wagons and Polite extend
to produce
carts employed in hauling for the owner, the products of wagons, &c.
his farm, and wagons and carts used for private family use
where no money is received, nor to carts employed solely in
the service of the city.
§ 51. That the owner of every dray, cart or wagon re- Owner to num-
quired to take out a license, shall cause the same to be hae
numbered on both sides with the number of the license
Clerk to keep a
book of names.
Bonds given
shall be entered
and kept in a
~ book.
Transfers to be
Driver of cart
or dray com-
pelled to take
Load defined.
issued for said dray, cart or wagon, with plain and con-
spicuous figures, such as may be furnished by the clerk of
the city.
No dray, cart or wagon shall be used without being so-
licensed and numbered.
§ 52. That the clerk of the city shall keep a book in
which he shall enter the names of all owners of drays, carts
or wagons, and the number and date of each license, and
also a book in which shall be entered all the bonds given
by them for the faithful performance of their duties as
public carriers, which book shall also contain a complete
index of the names of the principal and sureties.
That every sale or transfer of any dray, cart or wagon
shall be made known to said clerk at his office, and he shall
make an entry thereof; and if the owner fail or neglect to
notify the clerk, of the sale or transfer, within five days
thereafter, the license is declared to be forfeited.
§ 53. That every driver of a cart or dray used for public
hire, when unemployed, shall go to any place in the
inhabited part of the city to which he may be directed, and
there load his cart or dray, and shall not refuse to take
such load to such other place in the inhabited parts of the
city as he may be required, under penalty of not exceeding
fifty dollars.
§ 54, That every driver of a cart or dray shall, if required,
take upon his cart or dray a full load and no more.
A full load is 3 bales of cotton.
5 barrels or 20 kegs of lard.
1 hogshead of tobacco.
- 30 bushels of corn.
1 hogshead or 5 barrels of sugar.
2 tierces of rice.
3 barrels of molasses.
10 coils bale rope.
8 sacks coffee.
12 pieces bagging.
5 barrels pork or other salted provisions.
8 barrels loaf sugar.
5 barrels mackerel.
8 barrels flour.
8 barrels coal.
4 bales hay.
RRS Es RMT ae ela Md tad SA Ae en
5 barrels potatoes.
4 bales moss.
8 barrels beans.
12 kegs nails.
10 boxes tobacco.
2 casks bacon.
© barrels tar.
7 sacks salt.
6 barrels rosin.
40 bushels of oats.
1 pipe brandy.
8 barrels apples.
2 casks claret or other liquor.
4 barrels whiskey or other liquors.
And a load of any article not enumerated, or of which
only a part is enumerated, shall not exceed in weight fifteen
hundred pounds.
§ 55. That every driver of a cart or dray shall be entitled Drayage ana
to demand and receive of the person who employs him “"*° **
such fees or compensation as may from time to time be
determined by the corporate authorities.
Any person who shall charge more than the rates fixed penalty.
by the corporate authorities, or shall otherwise violate the
provisions of this ordinance, or who shall aet improperly
or corruptly in the performance of his duty as a public
carrier, he shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, and the mayor may, at Mayor may
revoke license
his discretion, revoke his license. for overcharg-
ing, &e.
§ 56. That every driver of drays, carts, wagons, and Driver of cart,
carriages of burthen or pleasure, driving in and through Pak ey cate
the streets, lanes and alleys in the city of Mobile, where f/8) side ot
there is sufficient room for two to pass, shall keep on that
side of the street, lane or alley which is on his right hand
in the passing direction, under such penalty as the mayor Penalty.
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 57. That no person shall sit or stand in or upon any Shall have
dray, cart, wagon or carriage of burthen or pleasure, or on * "="
any horse or beast harnessed thereto, unless he shall have
strong reins or lines fastened to the bridle of the horse or
beast, and held in his hands, sufficient to guide and restrain
them from running, galloping or going at immoderate
speed through the streets, lanes, or alleys of the city.
Not to gallop,
License for
cab, &e.
Hack and cab
Penalty for
&c.; mayor
may revoke
Penalty for
refusing, to
carry persons.
To be number-
ed on lamps.
That no person driving or riding any horse or beast in
the city shall permit or suffer such horse or beast to go in
a gallop or other immoderate gait.
An Ordinance respecting Coaches, Carriages, Cabs, &c.
§ 58. Be it ordained, That the owner of every carriage,
hack, cab, omnibus, buggy, gig, or sulkey, kept for hire or
for the conveyance of passengers, shall pay annually in
advance into the city treasury, such sum for license or
licenses as the corporate authorities may from time to time
Which shall authorize them to run within the city under
the regulations and penalties of the city ordinances.
§ 59. That the drivers of such vehicles shall be permitted
to charge such compensation as the corporate authorities
may from time to time determine, and shall not be permit-
ted to charge double rates after 10 o’clock at night.
Any person who shall charge more than the rates fixed
by the corporate authorities, or shall otherwise violate the
provisions of this ordinance, or who shall act improperly
or corruptly in the performance of his duties as a carrier
of passengers, baggage, or other property, shall be fined
in such sum as the mayor may impose—not exceeding fifty
dollars—and the mayor may, at his discretion, revoke his
§ 60. That any owner or driver of a carriage,: hack or
cab, who shall refuse either to a number of persons, or to
a single person, to convey him or them according to the
provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than
five nor more than fifty dollars.
§ 61. That every carriage, hack or cab, shall have the
number of the same painted on the lamps, in figures, in a
conspicuous manner not less than three inches long and |
properly proportioned.
§ 62. And said lamps shall be lighted every night, Lamps to be
moonlight or dark, at dusk, and continue so lighted w hile pee
in the streets or elsewhere on hire, under penalty of not Penalty.
less than five nor more than fifty doilars, to be imposed on
the owner or driver.
§ 63. That it shall not be lawful for any owner or driver Not to stand in
of any carriage, hack, cab, buggy or vehicle kept for hire Heeling my
or the conveyance of passengers or otherwise, to occupy Sosentot
with the same, any place or stand in any of the streets of °Y"”
the city, in front of any dwelling house or store, against
the consent of the owners or occupants, longer than is
necessary to set down or take up passengers, except in the
places hereafter designated.
It shall be the duty of all drivers of public vehicles, Driver shall
when employed in conveying passengers, and during the caicenieoperth
time they are waiting for passengers or employers, to con-
duct themselves in a quiet, peaceable and orderly manner.
To take up and set down their loads as expeditiously as Duties of
possible; to give way for the drivers of other vehicles to
deposit or receive their loads; and not to encumber or
block up any passage-way or street; to avoid all collisions
or interference with other vehicles, and to avoid all conten-
tions, disputes, altercations and affrays with other drivers
or persons.
It shall be the duty of every driver of a public vehicle,
while at the stands, to remain in his seat or within ten feet
of his horse’s head; and on all and every occasion of
leaving their vehicles they shall leave their whips in them,
and it shall not be lawful for any driver of any vehicle to Shall not sleep
sleep in the same while on the public stand. pouie meena:
§ 64. That no person shall engage in racing with car- sap at bh
riages or public vehicles, or drive at a speed to endanger fined.”
the safety of persons of passengers.
§ 65. That every owner or driver of a public vehicle shall Driver to keep
é : é f . é a copy of this
obtain from the city clerk a printed copy of this ordinance, érdinance
and any amendments thereof hereafter made, at the time Bee ie
of getting his license, which he shall keep at all times
posted or hung up in a conspicuous place inside of his ve-
hicle for the inspection of his passengers.
§ 66. That the public stands for carriages, cabs, and other Where public
public vehicles for the conveyance of passengers and bag- ames ar i
gage, and public use, shall be fixed at the following named
places, viz: On the east side of Royal street, between
Government and St. Louis streets, up to 12 o’clock M.; on
the west side of Royal street, between Government and St.
Louis streets, atter 12 o’clock M.; on the west side of St.
- Joseph street, between Dauphin and St. Francis; on the
north side of Government street, between Royal and St.
Emanuel streets ; and on the south side of St. Louis, be-
tween Royal and Water streets ; and not elsewhere.
Shall not re- And if any owner or driver of any public vehicle stop in
cance front of any store, dwelling, or other house, other than
papinstor those fronting such public stands for a longer time than is
necessary for taking up or putting down a load, or waiting
for an engaged load, or shall violate any gther provisions
Penalty. of this ordinance, he shall be fined such sum as the mayor
Vehicles may may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars: Provided, This
Sfulucsot Shall not prevent such public vehicles from standing in
Seen} front of any places of public amusement at night.
An Ordinance to regulate Chimneys and Chimney Sweeps.
Chimneyama § 67. _Be it ordained, That it shall be the duty of each
ate owner or occupant of every house, within the limits of the
f : ; .
if boildinesto, city, to Sweep, or cause to be swept, at least once in every
have chimney
Soton ts three months, every chimney in which he, she, or they
Penalty for habitually keep a fire; and if any chimney shall take fire
on through neglect of being properly swept and cleansed, the
occupant of the house, room, or apartment to which such
chimney appertains, shall pay such fine as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
License may That upon the application of any person, a license may
chimney sweep. be granted to carry on the business of a chimney sweep,
He shallkeep Which shall be deemed a third grade license; and such per-
an office. ;
son shall have an office or place of business where he can
be found, or where orders may be left by any resident de-
Compensation. Siring to have his chimney cleansed, and he shall be
authorized to charge for such service such sum as may be
just and reasonable.
An Ordinance to create and define the duties of City Clerk.
§ 68. Be it ordained, That there shall be annually elected Elected.
by the convention, a clerk of the city, who shall give such Bona.
bond and receive such salary as may be from time to time Salary.
established by the corporate authorities, and keep his Oftice.
office in the municipal buildings, where he shall attend
from 9 o’clock A. M. till 3 o’clock P. M. of each day.
Whose duty shall be:
To keep a correct record of all the proceedings of the Duties.
board of aldermen and common council.
To attend at all the meetings of the board of aldermen,
and make proper entries and records of all orders, resolu-
tions, ordinances, opinions, and proceedings of the board.
To keep a separate book, in which shall be entered in full
all ordinances, by-laws, and joint resolutions adopted by
the city, with full and complete index thereto.
To carefully file and preserve in his office all books and
papers which may be delivered to him by virtue of his
office, and to mark and number such papers.
To keep at all times the office free and accessible to any
person having a right or claim of business therein.
He shall notify the city printer of all called or special shai notify
meetings of the board of aldermen, or meetings of a con- Ciletorspecial
vention, and report to the mayor any failure of the city Pens’ {ne
printer to have a reporter present at any called or regular ©o7ve"
meeting of the said board or convention.
He shall cause to be printed, on appropriate cards, the Duties of clerk.
ordinance to regulate ‘coaches, carriages, cabs, We.,” and
at the time of issuing a license to any owner, agent or
driver of a public vehicle, he shall deliver with the license
a copy of such printed ordinance to such owner, agent or
driver, to be posted up in each public vehicle; such cards
shall contain a list of the rates or charges for such public
vehicles, established by the corporate authorities, conspic-
uously printed thereon.
Shall keep a
bulletin board
He shall, as soon after the passage of this ordinance as
of all the taxes, practicable, make out and at all times keep on a bulletin
fees and
charges which
affect the
Shall make the
changes on
bulletin board.
Fees to be paid
to clerk.
board, for public inspection, a complete and accurate list
of the rate of taxes on real and personal property and.
sales, and rates of licenses on business pursuits and pro-
fessions, and rates of all other fees, deeds and licenses ;
also a complete and accurate list of the rates of charges
allowed to be demanded and received by all owners, agents
or drivers of public vehicles, of all kinds, for the convey-
ance of freight and passengers.
He shall from time to time, as such taxes, licenses, or
other charges are changed by the corporate authorities,
make the appropriate change on the bulletin boards, so
that the public may at all times, by reference thereto,
know what is the law on those subjects.
He shall also, at the same time, make out and furnish to
the chief of police a like list, to be kept on a bulletin board
at the police office for the inspection of the public, and make
the appropriate changes on that list when necessary.
To perform all other duties required by the city ordi-
nances or by-laws. |
§ 69. That he be required to demand and receive the
foliowing fees, which shall be paid by the applicant to the
clerk, who shall pay the same to the city treasurer:
For issuing license for each dray, cart, wagon, car-
riage, or other vehicle, - - - - . - $1 00
For issuing license for retailing spirituous liquors, - 2 00
For any certificate required by any person, — - . 50
For any copy of the records, or of any papers in the
office under one hundred words, — - . . - 50
For any copy over one hundred words, at the rate of 50
for the first hundred words, and thirty cents for each
additional hundred.
To perform all other duties generally, under the direction
of the mayor, which clerks of cities are required or accus-
tomed to perform.
An Ordinance to regulate the establishment of Candle and Soap Factories.
§ 70. Be it ordained, That no person shall establish with- not to ve
in the city, the boiling of any materials for the manufacture S\inout license.
of soap or candles, or any factory of soap or candles, unless
he shall first obtain the written certificate of the board of
health that the location which he has selected for that
purpose, will not prove injurious to the health or comfort
of the neighborhood.
This certificate shall be submitted to the mayor, and if
he approve of the location, he shall grant a license for the
establishment of the factory at the place named in the cer-
Any person violating this ordinance, shall be fined in penalty.
such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
An Ordinance to regulate Partition Fences.
§ 71. Be it ordained, That all partition fences in the city, A¢ the cost of
shall be erected, built, and kept in repair, at the joint pcre ak
expense and cost of the person whose grounds shall be
inclosed or separated thereby.
That in all cases where any dispute shall arise, as to the pispate, how
sum or sums of money to be paid by either party for the *°t¥e*
erection, building or repairing, any partition fence, the
party aggrieved may complain to the mayor.
The mayor shall appoint three respectable freeholders of
the city, as inspectors, whose duty it is, to examine said
fence, and report to the mayor the sum to be paid, and to,
and by whom.
Duties of
Thereupon the mayor shall make an order, requiring the
delinquent, within the term of ten days, to pay to the per-
son to whom the same may be due, the sum so reported, by
a majority of the inspectors.
And if the delinquent shall neglect, or refuse, after due
notice of the order, to pay said sum of money, the person
so neglecting, or refusing, shall be fined in such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance concerning the Fire Department.
§ 72. Be it ordained, That there be established such num-
ber of fire engines, hook and ladder, hose and bucket com- |
panies, as may be deemed expedient by the city. For the
management of each, there shall be a company enrolled and
organized agreeably to such by-laws as said companies may
deem expedient and proper, for the purpose of compelling
the attendance of such members of said companies, in case
of fire, or an alarm of fire.
Such companies may elect from their number such offi-
cers to command the same as they may deem proper.
The officers, when elected, shall have and exercise the
power of compelling the attendance of the members accord-
ing to the by-laws, and to demand and collect all fines that
may be incurred by such by-laws.
§ 73. That it shall be the duty of each company to take
care of and keep in good order their respective engines,
hose, hooks, ladders, and other apparatus, and to have them
at all times ready for use.
FIRES. 109
That each officer, member, honorary member, and the Members
fire wardens of the fire department, shall be exempt from port.”
paying a city head tax.
§ 74. That it shall be the duty of the foreman or officer Duty of
in command of each company, to cause their engines and °°"
apparatus to be worked at least once in each month, by
the company, under penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 75. That as often as a fire shall break out, the firemen Duties in case
shall repair at once, upon the alarm thereof, to their respec- ° ""™
tive engines or other fire apparatus, and convey the same to
the place of the fire, unless otherwise directed by the chief
or other engineer, and there, in conformity with the direc-
tion given by the chief engineer, manage the engines and
other apparatus to the best advantage.
And when the fire is extinguished, shall not remove
therefrom but by the permission of the chief or other en-
gineer in command.
§ 76. That no fire engine or other fire apparatus shall be No engine to
removed or taken from its house unless a member of its Cceopt by a
company shall be present, under a penalty of not exceed-"™°™"*™
ing fifty dollars.
That it shall be the duty of the officers of every fire com- Oftcers shall
j ; : : * ‘eport any
pany to report all violations of this section to the chief or Vidlation of
other engineer. | this.
§ 77. That the fire department shall be under the control Department |
of one principal or chief engineer, and two persons to be of chief and
called 1st and 2d assistant engineers. ele
They shall be elected from among the fire department riectea.
annually, on the third Monday of April, by the qualified
white firemen of the several fire companies, and the fire
wardens of the city. |
Said election to be conducted under the management of How.
an officer or delegate from each fire company, or by any
three of said officers or delegates.
§ 78. In the event of the death, resignation or vacancy vacancy, how
of the office of chief engineer, at
It shall be the duty of the fire department, under the
direction of the first assistant engineer, within ten days
after such vacancy shall occur, to elect some person to fill
the vacancy, in the manner prescribed for the election in
Vacancy, how
No one but
those named
shall vote.
Lists to be
Duties of
Duty of
Persons at-
tending fires
required to
And the person so elected shall hold office till the next
election in April.
§ 79. That if from any cause the office of the first and
second assistant engineers or either of them become vacant,
The chief engineer shall, within ten days thereafter, fill
the vacancy by his appointment from among the fire depart-
ment, and the person so appointed shall hold office until
the election in April thereafter.
§ 80. That no person except fire wardens shall vote at
the election for officers of the department who has not
been elected a member of one of the nipapsnrt thirty days
previous to said election.
It is the duty of the secretaries of the Seanad to fur-
nish an attested list of the members of their companies.
§ 81. That the several officers commanding the compa-
nies, shall obey all orders of the chief engineer or of the
assistants, when emanating from the chief in command,
either in time of fire or at an alarm of fire, under such
pevalty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
That the engineer in command shall place himself in the
most advantageous and conspicuous station for giving
directions to the firemen, and the orders of the engineer so
in command shall be paramount to all others.
§ 82. That the engineer in command shall inspect the
several fire engines, hose, hooks, and ladders, and other
fire apparatus, as often as he may deem necessary, but not
less than once in each month.
If any of the engines or apparatus should require any
extensive repairs, he shall report the same to the mayor,
aldermen and common council, that it may be done at the
expense of the city.
He shall make a report of the state of the several com-
panies once in each year, together with the names of all
the members of the department, and the companies to
which they may belong, which report shall be published in
the official journal of the city.
§ 83. That all persons attending fires, not members of
the fire department, may be required to assist the firemen
if called on by any officer of the department, or of a com-
pany, or by either of the fire wardens.
FIRES. 111
CURR o te Sod Se
Any person refusing or neglecting to render reasonable
aid shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 84. The chief engineer and the assistants shall be fined Penalties.
such sum for any neglect of duty, as the mayor may im-
pose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 85. That the engineer in command shall be authorized, Engines att
with the concurrence of the other engineers or of the remove or pull
5 down building,
mayor, or of one of the aldermen or councilmen, to pull &e., in case ~
down or remove (or cause it to be done,) any building, *”"”
matter, or thing, which they may deem necessary, in the
exercise of a sound judgment, to suppress the ravages of
the conflagration.
§ 86. That each of the engineers shall be furnished with Engineer to
a trumpet, and a fire cap such as is now worn, at the ex- trumpet, &c.
pense of the city, not exceeding seventy-five dollars in any
one year. .
The caps are to be painted blue and lettered “ chief
engineer,” ‘ first assistant engineer,” “second assistant
§ 87. That to all such companies as fully conform to all Annual appro-
ordinances of the city, adopted for their government, there eighty
shall be appropriated annually on the first of April, out of
any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated:
To the fire engine companies five hundred dollars each.
To the Mobile hook and ladder company the sum of two
hundred dolars.
Payable quarterly thereafter on the order of the fore-
man, countersigned by the secretary.
§ 88. That no company shall permit any person to be- No person to
come a member of it, under the age of eighteen years, whe iy eidee 18
Nor any person who has been expelled from any of the eer che Seka
companies of the department, unless he has been re- aase he
instated in the company expelling him.
§ 89, That there shall be one fire warden elected for right fire
each company by the firemen at the same time and in the ste
same manner of electingthe engineers, whose duty it is to Duties.
repair at once on the alarm of fire to the place where it
may be, and to assist in the preservation of property, and
to keep all idle and suspicious persons at a proper distance
from the fire and its vicinity.
§ 90. That the fire wardens may choose out of their atin
number a president and secretary, at such time and in dent and
STS 1 MCSA Re Oe ee EO, RO PERSP OCR Re re ete
Duty of mar-
shal and chief
police, on an
alarm of fire.
Night police not
to ieave his beat
to attend fire.
4‘ Fire depart-
ment of the
city of Mobiie,”
Fines under
this ordinance
to go to
fireman’s fund,
Fire limits.
such manner as they may see fit, and may make stich rules
and impose such fines as in their judgment may best
secure the performance of their duties.
§ 91. That it shall be the duty of the chief of police and
all police officers, to repair at once on an alarm of fire, to
the place where such fire may be: Provided, That no night
policeman shall leave his beat while on duty to attend
any fire.
And it shall be the duty of all police officers, there to
report themselves to the chief of police, and to obey such
orders as may be given by the mayor, or aldermen, or com-
mon councilmen, or engineer, for the preservation of the
public peace, and the removal of all idle and suspicious
persons, or others not actually and usefully employed in
aiding or extinguishing the fire, under such penalty as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 92. That the engineers, fire wardens, and the fire com-
panies, are hereby authorized and empowered to form an
association to be called ‘* The Fire Department of the City
of Mobile,” and to make such by-laws, as they may deem
expedient for the government of said department: Provided
said by-laws shall in no way conflict with the city ordi-
nances, the laws of Alabama, or of the United States.
§ 93. That all fines imposed by this ordinance, are an-
propriated to the fireman’s fund, for the benefit of the sick
and disabled firemen and their families.
An Ordinance to establish Precautionary Measures.
§ 94. Be it ordained, That the fire limits in the city of
Mobile shall be as follows:
Commencing at the river in Canal street, running along
the centre of Canal to Royal street, along the centre of
Royal to Eslava street, along the centre of Eslava to
Joachim street, along the centre of Joachim to Monroe
street, along the centre of Monroe to Cedar street, along
the centre of Cedar to Government, including both sides
of Government to Bayou, along the centre of Bayou to St.
Francis street, along the centre of St. Francis to Cedar
street, along the centre of Cedar to St. Anthony street,
along the centre of St. Anthony to Jackson street, along
the centre of Jackson to Adams street, along the centre of
Adams to Joachim street, along the centre of Joachim to
Hunt street, along the centre of Hunt to Royal street, along
both sides of Royal to the One Mile Creek, thence along
the One Mile Creek to the Mobile River, and from thence
to the place of beginning.
That within those limits no building shall be erected or
constructed of wood, under penalty of fifteen dollars for
each and every day that any person shall permit, or be
concerned in erecting such wooden building.
§ 95. That the fire wardens shall examine the dwelling puty of fire
houses and other buildings, in their respective districts, in
the months of May and November of each year, and
oftener if they think proper.
To ascertain violations of this ordinance, to examine the
fire-places, hearths, chimneys, stoves and the pipes thereto,
ovens, boilers, kettles, and everything which in their opin-
ion may be dangerous in causing or promoting fire.
And upon finding any of them defective or dangerous,
either of them may direct the owner or occupant by
written notice to alter, remove, or amend the same, in such
manner and in such reasonable time, as either of them
may deem necessary.
To enter and examine all buildings, livery or other
stables, hay boats, or vessels, and places where gunpowder,
shavings, or other combustible materials may be lodged,
and give such directions in writing, in the premises, as
may be deemed necessary, relative to the moving thereof.
And any person failing to observe and obey the direc- Persons
tions of the wardens, or either of them, shall be fined such obey, fined.
sum for each day that such neglect or refusal continues, as
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 96. That no person shall have in his possession in the No coal or
city, any coal, wood, pales, planks, stayes, shingles, lumber ¢
or fuel of any description, combustibles, or materials that
may occasion hazard, or danger of fire, unless the same
shall be placed or secured in such situation and in such
manner, aS the mayor, or any one of the aldermen or
common council shall consider safe, or secure from danger
of fire.
wood, &c., or
Pena ty. And any person failing to remove such articles, when
directed to do so by the mayor or any one of the aldermen
or common council, shall be fined such sum for each day
of such neglect or failure, as the mayor may impose, not
exceeding fifty dollars.
No fire-arm to § 97. It is not lawful for any person to discharge any
be discharged ° 4 :
inthecity. gun, pistol, fowling-piece, or fire-arm, nor to let off, or dis-
charge, any rocket, fire-cracker, squib, or other fireworks,
in any street, court, yard, lot, walk, or public highway, or
from the door of any house or building, or near any house
or any inhabited part of the city, on any pretext, under a
Penalty. penalty of such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
ing fifty dollars.
Exception. This section shall not extend to military reviews.
Burning brands. It shall not be lawful to carry, or cause to be carried,
A 1 4
lehted cigar any burning coal or brand, or to smoke, or carry any
not to be carried liehted cigar or pipe in any warehouse or yard where
where cotton is
nyhracl cotton is stored or compressed, under such penalty as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to establish a Board to investigate the origin of Fires.
Board toinves- § 98. Be it ordained, That there shall be appointed an-
peate origin of Tually a board for the investigation of the origin of all
fires in the city.
To consist of one member of each of the boards of
aldermen and common council, the chief engineer of the
fire department, one member of the board of fire wardens,
to be chosen by them, and three firemen to be chosen by
the fire companies in such manner as they may determine.
Duties. That the said, board shall make inquiry into and in-
vestigate the origin of all fires, which may occur, and to
report to the mayor the result of their investigations.
Duty of mayor. That should their investigations warrant the belief, that
the origin of any fire was not accidental, but proceeded
from wanton or malicious intent; or from an intent to de-
fraud, and should individuals be designated with sufficient
grounds for suspicion of having so caused such fire, they
shall report to the mayor, who shall take cognizance, as
the case may warrant.
An Ordinance respecting Gaming.
§ 99. Be it ordained, That no person shall play with Bo gemingoatsh
cards or dice for money, or at any faro bank or gaming ee
table, by whatever name, letter or figure the same may be
known or called, nor at any game of chance for money or
other valuable thing, nor bet or wager money or other
valuable thing on the side or hands of such as do game,
with dice or cards or any faro bank, or at any gaming
table, under such penalty as the mayor may impose, not Penalty.
exceeding fifty dollars. °
§ 100. That if any person shall keep or exhibit any No gaming
gaming table of any name or description whatever or any bakenees a
faro bank, or bank for gaming of any kind, by whatever
name it may be called, or be concerned therein directly or
indirectly, he shall be fined such sum as the mayor may Penalty.
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 101. That if any person who has a license to keep a Hotel, &c..
bearding house, hotel or tavern, or to retail spirituous permit gaming,
liquors, shall knowingly permit any gaming, prohibited in
either of the two last sections, in his premises, or any
building in his occupation, he shall be fined such sum as Penalty.
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, and his
license may be revoked.
An Ordinance to regulate Hawking and Peddling.
§ 102. Be it ordained, That there shall be paid for each Hawker and
license to any hawker or peddler of any goods, wares or ones aa
merchandise in the city, such sum per annum or otherwise
as the corporate authorities may from time to time
Peddling, &c.,
in the streets
Board of health.
Any person hawking. or peddling any goods, wares or
merchandise without such license, shall be fined in such
sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 103. That the hawking and peddling in the streets of
the city of any meat, game, poultry, vegetables, or any
other article usually sold, or vended, in the market, is
prohibited, under such penalty as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars; except that this does not apply
to persons who lease stalls in the public market, after 9
o’élock, A. M., during week days.
An Ordinance to secure Public Health.
§ 104. Be it ordained, That it shall be the duty of the
board of health in the city of Mobile, organized and ap-
pointed, under the provisions of an Act of the legislature
of the State of Alabama, incorporating the ‘ Mobile
Medical Society,” passed December 21st, 1843, to prescribe
and enforce such rules and regulations as, in their opinion,
may conduce to the health of the city.
To examine into any and all cases of malignant, in-
fectious, pestilential, and epidemic diseases, which may
originate in the city, and the cause thereof.
To enforce such measures as they may deem necessary
to effect the removal of, or to check the same.
To examine into all such nuisances as may tend to affect
or endanger the health of the city.
And to report weekly to the mayor, aldermen and com-
mom council of the city.
§ 105. That if any person neglect or refuse to comply Persons
neglecting or
with the requisitions of the board of health, or shall pre- yefusing to com-
vent any member of the board from examining the yards, PO ir vou,
lots or out-houses of any person in which there is cause to * Pe *ne4-
believe that nuisances exist, he shall be fined such sum as
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 106. Be it ordained, That the owner or occupant of Yaras, &e., to
every house, yard, stable, stall, lot of ground within the ’**P*¢*™
inhabited parts of the city, shall keep the same clean, and
shall not at any time suffer kitchen-stuff, oyster-shells,
shavings, chips, dung, trash, or filthy matter of any kind,
to remain upon his lot, grounds or property, under such Peaalty.
penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
§ 107. That the mayor shall be authorized to prevent Mayor may pre-
the landing from any vessel, boat or water craft, and the of hides, poe:
introduction in any way, within the city, of all hides,
peltry, coffee, salt provisions, or other damaged or infected
articles, (which in the judgment of the board of: health
will endanger the health of the city) under such penalty Penalty.
as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
That any such articles found in the city shall be imme- Such may be m-
diately removed out of the city, by the person in whose mieiin
possession such article is found, under such penalty as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 105. That it is not lawful for any person to leave any Dead animals,
dead animal, or carrion, or any filth, putrid or putrescent jen "°* “ ay
matter, in any place in the city (except on the ground to
be designated by the mayor from time to time, and there
buried in a hole of proper depth,) under such penalty as Penalty.
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 109. That no slaughter or butcher-house or pen, shall No slaughter or
be established or carried on in the city, under such penalty theete
as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars for *°"™
every day it shall remain.
§ 110. That it is not lawful for any person to excavate OF Earth not to be
dig the earth from any lot or parcel of ground in the city, “"® “*
in such a manner as may cause water to remain therein,
Penalty. under such penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
- ing fifty dollars.
Trash, filth,&c., § 111. That the owner or occupant of every house, store,
to be deposited
on Tuesday, Stable, or other tenement, or any lot, yard, or enclosure,
gatuniay ““* shall on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in each week,
between the hours of five and eight o’clock in the morning,
collect and deposit in front of their property, and as near
thereto as may be, in a tub, barrel or other vessel, all trash,
filth, shells, manure, or other putrid or putrescent matter
Penalty. that may have accumulated therein, under such penalty as
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
Power of city § 112. That when in the opinion of the mayor, aldermen
authorities. and common council, any lot or piece of ground in the city,
should be filled up, cleansed or purified,
Or when any of the sections of this article shall be vio-
lated or disregarded,
The mayor may, if necessary to the enforcement of this -
article, cause its provisions to be complied with at the ex-
pense of the delinquent.
That if the delinquent fails to pay the amount so incur-
red within three days after the payment by the city, he
shall be fined such sum as the mayor may impose, not ex-
ceeding fifty dollars, for each day that he fails or neglects
to do so.
Quarantine to § 115. Be it ordained, That there shall be established a
"strict system of quarantine, to be enforced against all ves-
sels arriving in the bay of Mobile, from any port or place
where “yellow,” “malignant,”.or ‘pestilential” or ‘‘ infec-
tious” fever, or other infectious or dangerous disease is pre-
Or having any person on board suffering from such
That this article shall only be in force when so proclaim-
ed from time to time by the mayor, with the advice of the
board of health, and every proclamation shall define the
length of time that it shall continue in force.
Physiciantobe § 114. That the convention shall elect a quarantine phy-
pane sician, who shall proceed at once to the execution of his
duties. He shall receive such salary or compensation as
the corporate authorities may from time to time determine.
That such attendants and employees as may be required
at the station, shall be employed and appointed by the
§ 115. That it shall be the duty of the physician to Duties of physi-
attend at the quarantine station.
To board all vessels entering the bay or harbor of Mobile.
To fully examine into the condition of the vessel and
cargo, and the health of all persons therein.
To examine as many or such persons on board under oath,
to learn and obtain any facts that he may deem essential
and necessary.
To detain all vessels.coming from any infected port or
place, or that has any case of disease described in the first
section of this article, on board, the cargo, and every per-
son on board, for any length of time that he may deem
necessary or expedient.
To direct such measures to be taken as may be necessary
to purify the vessel, and supervise the same at the expense
of the captain, owner or consignee of the vessel.
To direct the discharge of any cargo, or portion thereof,
and supervise the same, at the expense of the captain,
owner or consignee of the vessel.
To remove any person from any vessel who may be sick
of any malignant or infectious fever or disease to the quar-
antine hospital, and it shall be his duty to give his profes-
sional services to said person.
To sign all permits for vessels and persons to pass the
And all discharges for vessels or persons leaving the
quarantine, without which no vessel or persons shall be
permitted to leave or pass the quarantine station.
And any person violating any of the quarantine regula-
tions, he, or the owner and captain, together with the
vessel to which he may belong, or be a passenger, shall be
fined such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding
fifty dollars.
§ 116. That it is the duty of every person acting as a
pilot, or revenue, or boarding officer, of the custom house,
to deliver to the officer in charge of every vessel, coming
into the bay of Mobile, a copy of these regulations, or so
Daties of pilot
Persons receiv-
ing medical at-
tendance shall
pay $5 per day.
When unable,
captain, owner
or consignee
shall pay.
Not apply to
New Orleans
mail line.
Duty of officers
of y O.
much as may be wanted for the use of the vessel, of which
the mayor shall have a sufficient number of copies printed.
During the existence of the quarantine, all pilots and
other persons having charge of vessels, entering the bay of
Mobile, shall bring such vessels to anchor at the quaran-
tine station, and no vessel shall leave such anchorage until
it shall have been boarded by the quarantine physician
and shall have received permission from him to do so.
Every pilot or other person violating this section, shall
be fined such sum as the mayor muy impose, not exceed-
ing fifty dollars,
§ 117. That all persons who may receive medical treat-
ment under this ordinance, shall pay for the use of the city,
five dollars for each day of such treatment.
And where the persons so treated shall be unable to pay
the charge, the captain, owner or consignee of the vessel
to which he may belong, shall pay the same.
§ 118. That the provisions of this article shall not apply
to New Orleans and Mobile mail line steamers, but it shall
be the duty of the captain or clerk, or person having in
charge of each one of these steamers, to furnish the quar-
antine physician with a certificate of health of every person
on board, each time that one of these steamers may enter
the bay of Mobile.
For this purpose the steamers shall be brought to anchor
as near the quarantine station as it is practicable, and there
remain until examined by the quarantine physician.
If any person on board of either of these steamers be
sick, it shall be the duty of the person having charge of such
steamers to inform the quarantine physician of the fact.
If on examination such person is found to be sick with
the yellow fever, or any malignant, pestilential or infectious
disease, he shall be conveyed to the quarantine station.
If any person is taken sick on one of these steamers,
after having left the quarantine station, and before arriving
at the wharf at Mobile, it shall be the duty of the captain,
clerk, or person having charge of the steamer, to report it
to some member of the board of health, or to the mayor of
the city, and it shall not be lawful for such person to leave
- the steamer until he shall have been examined by a mem-
ber of the board of health.
If it be found that such person is suffering from an
attack of yellow fever, or any malignant, pestilential or
infectious disease, he shall not be landed from the steamer,
but it shall be the duty of the person in charge of the
steamer, to convey the patient to the quarantine hospital
on the same day, or to convey him to New Orleans on the
return steamer.
The New Orleans and mail line company shall be liable
for all fees accruing for attendance on any person carried
from any one of their steamers to the quarantine hospital,
where such person does not pay the same.
Any violation or disregard of any of the provisions of
this article shall be punished by a fine in such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 119. The word vessel wherever used in this ordinance, Meaning of
shall extend to boats, steamers, and water crafts of every ‘“***
description. hi
§ 120. That no vessel shall take on or discharge the No vessel to
cargo of any vessel at quarantine, without a written permit charge cargo,
ens unless, &c.
from the quarantine physician, under such penalty as the Penaity.
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, on the
owner, consignee, or person in charge.
§ 121. That the mayor and board of health, when the Mayor ana
- = ' board of health
public health may require it, may order any vessel at the may remove
wharves of the city, or in the vicinity thereof, to the quar- Meventted
antine station, and may require all persons, articles, or
goods, introduced into the city from such vessels, to be
seized, returned on board, or removed to the quarantine
If the owner, master, consignee, or person having charge Penalty.
of such vessel, fails or neglects to obey such requirements,
each of them shall be fined such sum as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
And if he cannot be found, or if he neglects and fails to
remove the vessel, the mayor and the board of health shall
have power to cause such removal at the expense of the
This ordinance applies to vessels lying at anchor in the Extends to
: Fi . vessels in the
bay of Mobile and not performing quarantine. bay.
That the harbor master and port wardens of Mobile, Duties of
shall notify the mayor or chief of police in writing of every cee
infraction of this article that shall come to their knowledge. Pt Ye":
And it shall be their duty to see that in every instance,
_ vessels arriving at the wharves of the city shall have a
Fees of two
cents per ton
to be collected
on all vessels.
Paid to clerk.
Port wardens
to notify clerk
of the arrival
of vessels.
Not to apply
to N. O.
steamers, &c.
Len ath of time
to remain in.
Duty of pilots.
proper permit signed by the quarantine physician, giving
him liberty to pass the quarantine station.
Any vessel failing to have such a permit, shall not be
allowed to remain at, or in the vicinity of, the wharf, but
shall at once be ordered to the quarantine station, as pro-
vided for in section 9 of this article.
The harbor master or port wardens, failing to give
prompt notice of any violation of this section, shall be
fined such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding
fifty dollars.
§ 122. That two cents per “a according to the register-
ed tonnage of each vessel, shall be established as the quar-
antine fee for all vessels entering the port of Mobile, and
that the master, owner, or consignee thereof is hereby
required to pay the same to the city clerk, who shall pay
the said fees to the city treasurer. Such tonnage fees shall
be paid within five days after arrival of the vessel in port,
under such penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
ing fifty dollars, for each day’s neglect or refusal to pay
the same.
And it shall be the duty of the port wardens to report to
the city clerk the arrival of every vessel and the name of
the master liable to pay these fees, and if they neglect to
make such reports they shall be subject to such fine as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars: Provided,
That this provision shall not apply to vessels running reg-
warly between this port and New Orleans.
§ 123. Quarantine rules and regulations for the port of
RuLE I. The quarantine station shall be on Mobile Point,
in the rear or north of Fort Morgan, or such other place as
the corporate authorities may from time to time determine.
RuLE II. The quarantine physician shall in every in-
stance determine the length of time that a vessel shall
remain at quarantine, and the time that all persons on
board such vessel shall remain in quarantine.
RuLE III. It shall be the duty of the pilots or other
persons, bringing a vessel into the bay of Mobile, to hoist
a flag at half-mast at the fore, until the vessel has been
visited by the quarantine physician.
RuLE IV. No person shall leave a vessel nor visit a Not to leave
vessel at quarantine, without a written permit to do so, by Linas ha te
the quarantine physician.
RULE V. The quarantine physician shall make a monthly Monthly report
report, on the first day of every month, to the city author- ” phiypiniane
ities, of the number and class of vessels quarantined,
The number of patients treated at the quarantine hos-
The amount of fees collected, and all other information
connected with the station, as may be necessary and proper.
RuLE VI. All vessels at quarantine, shall keep a flag at et $ ute
half-mast at the main, during the day, and the lantern in vessels in f
the same position at night. eats
RuLE. VII. Any violation of these rules and regulations Penalty.
shall be punished by a fine in such sum as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance for the regulation of Hospitals.
§ 124. Be it ordained, That the buildings and premises City hospital.
bounded on the south by St. Anthony, east by Jefferson,
and west by Broad streets in the city of Mobile, are estab-
lished as the “ City Hospital.”
§ 125. That there shall annually be apiowa ted by the Hospital
president of the board of aldermen, three members of the cen ie
board; by the president of the common council, two mem-
bers of the board ; who, with the mayor, shall be a com-
mittee for the government of the city hospital.
Powers and
| § 126. That this committee shall have a general superin-
duties of
committee. -
When they
apply for
money, shall
state the ob-
Physician and
surgeon elected.
Duty of
To report
tendence of the hospital, and shall prescribe such rules for
its government, as they may deem proper, with the consent
of the mayor, aldermen and common council.
They shall make regular visits to the hospital, at least
once in each week.
They shall make monthly reports of its condition, receipts
and expenditures, to the boards of aldermen and common
council. .
They shall have the exclusive privilege of admitting
patients into the hospital.
They shall approve all contracts made with persons
employed therein, as students, nurses, cooks, laborers, and
for all articles of food, raiment, medicines, and fuel neces-
sary for the use and maintenance of the hospital.
§ 127. That whenever the committee shall apply for money
to be expended for the use of the hospital, they shall dis-
tinctly set forth the object for which such money is asked,
excepting salaries to those officers elected by the city.
§ 128. Be it ordained, That on the first Monday in March,
18 ,and biennially thereafter, there shall be elected in
convention, a physician and surgeon of the hospital, who
shall give such bond and receive such salary as the corpo-
rate authorities may from time to time determine.
§ 129. That it shall be his duty to visit said hospital
twice in each day, and oftener, if necessary, and to admin-
ister to the sick therein.
To see that the stewards, students and nurses faithfully
perform their respective duties and promptly to report any
dereliction therein to the hospital committee to be laid
before the boards, of aldermen and common council, who
may take such action as they deem necessary.
To report quarterly to the mayor, aldermen and common
council the number, situation and condition of the patients
in the hospital, together with such other information as
may be deemed necessary or important. When a case or
cases of small-pox shall be presented for treatment, he
shall attend such patient at the pest-house, provided by
the city for the treatment of such diseases. For which
services he shall receive such remuneration as may be
deemed proper by the city authorities.
§ 130. That the hospital physician shall appoint, with Two students
the approval of the hospital committee, two students of °°???"
medicine, who shall board and ledge in the hospital, and
give bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, whose duty
it shall be, |
To act as, and perform the duties of, apothecary.
To prepare and administer all prescriptions of the physi-
cian and surgeon,
And to perform such other duties as may be prescribed
for them by the physician and surgeon, for the comfort
and well-being of the patients.
No student shall be appointed for a longer or shorter
term than one year,
But he is eligible for re-appointment.
§ 131. That at the same time that the physician is elected, stewara
there shall be elected by the convention, a “steward” of °°
the hospital, who shall give bond in the sum of
dollars, and receive a salary of dollars, and shall
board and lodge in the hospital. He shall also have the
privilege to board and lodge his wife and minor children
in the hospital. )
§ 132. It is his duty to superintend the duties of the Dutics,
nurses, cooks, servants and laborers; to see that the direc-
tions of the physician and surgeon are faithfully and pro-
perly executed; and to attend to such other duties as the
physician may prescribe to him.
He shall enter in a bound book to be kept by him for
that purpose, the names of the patients admitted into the
hospital, their age, place of birth, occupation, date of
admission, their disease, and the date of their discharge,
or death: which book shall at all times be subject to the
inspection of the mayor, or any of the aldermen or common
council; and shall remain in the hospital as a book of
record and reference.
He shall enter in a book kept for that purpose, an in-
ventory of all articles of furniture, bedding, clothing,
utensils and all other property belonging to, or purchased
for, the hospital, which book shall be examined quarterly
by the hospital committee.
All articles reported as worn out or useless, must be
inspected by the committee before they are condemned or
He shall collect all amounts due to the hospital by pay-
ing patients, and pay the same over to the city treasurer,
accompanying the payment with a report of the names of
such patients, the number of days of treatment, &e.
He shall enter in a book kept for that purpose, the name
of every pauper patient and the date of his entry in the
He shall keep a correct account ofall moneys, clothing
and effects, that any patient may have in his possession
when admitted into the hospital, and enter them in a book
kept for that purpose, subject to the inspection of the mayor
or any of the aldermen or common council, and in case of
the death of such patient, the money, effects, &c., shall be
disposed of according to law, under the direction of the
hospital committee.
He shall furnish such articles of bedding, clothing, food,
medicines, furniture and cooking utensils, on a requisition
made by the mayor or chairman of the hospital committee,
as may be needed for the comfort, necessities and well-being
of the patients, that may be sent to the pest-house.
He shall also secure the services of such nurses and ser-
vants aS may be needed, and make such contracts with
them as may be approved by the mayor or chairman of the
hospital committee.
Paupers § 133. Be it ordained, That all pauper applicants for ad-
applying: mission into the hospital, shall present to the steward a
permit signed by the mayor or any one of the hospital
Paying patients Paying patients shall present a like permit, stating who
applying: will be responsible for fees incurred.
These permits shall be regularly filed and remain on
Paying patients § 134. That all paying patients shall be charged two
dolJars for each day that they remain inmates of the hos-
§ 1385. That when private or paying patients may be sent Pest-house
to the pest-house, such patient shall be charged five dollars ait
for each day that he may be under treatment at that place.
That in case of private or paying patients being sent to
the pest-house, the surgeon or steward of the city hospital
shall, before receiving the patient, require of the applicant
a receipt from the city treasurer, showing that the sum of
one hundred dollars has been deposited in the city treas-
ury, to secure the payment of such charges as are above
§ 136. That whenever any inhabitant of said city shall Respecting
be declared a lunatic, in accordance with the provisions of lunatics.
chapter 12, title 2, part 3, of the code of Alabama, and no
guardian shall have been appointed, and such person is
permitted to run at large, it shall be the duty of the mayor
or acting mayor, upon the complaint of any person, under
oath, that such lunatic is disorderly, or dangerous, or a
nuisance, to cause such alleged lunatic to be brought before
him, and to make an investigation of the facts; and if it May be
be found that such person has been so declared a lunatic, city hospital
and is disorderly, or dangerous, or a nuisance, and has no
visible means of support, and that there is no person liable
for such support, within the meaning of section 1212 of the
code of Alabama, to cause such person to be removed to
the City Hospital, there to remain for care and safe-keep-
ing, and for such treatment as may be deemed necessary
and proper by the hospital physician, until removed to an
asylum for the insane, or until declared to be restored to
sanity, as provided in chapter 12, title 2, part 3, of the
code of Alabama.
§ 137. Be it ordained, That it shall not be lawful for any yow estab.
person to establish or have in use or operation in the city, wigs
any hospital or infirmary for the cure of diseases, unless
they shall have obtained the consent in writing of a major-
ity of the citizens living on the squares immediately adjoin-
Mayor and
committee to
have access at
all times.
To be licensed
for one year
to retail spirit-
uous or vinous
Amount of
license to be
fixed by the
eity. —
License te sell
in theatre for
six months.
Not to sell
more than a
quart to be
drank on the
Not to sell
All public
houses te have
ing, and the square on which such hospital or infirmary is
proposed to be kept or established, and the consent of the
mayor, and boards of aldermen and common council and
the recommendation of the board of health, under penalty
of fifty dollars, and twenty-five dollars for each day it is
That the mayor and the hospital committee shall have
free access at any and all times to such hospitals or infirm-
OPA PLE baes ve ks
An Ordinance to regulate and license Inns, Public Houses, &e.
§ 138. Be it ordained, That no person shall retail or sell
in quantities less than one quart at one time, any spirit-
uous or vinous liquors in the city, unless a license shall
have been granted by the mayor, to do so for one year,
setting forth the location of the house or place in the city,
and the name of the person to whom such license shall
issue. For any other place or person it shall be of no
That such sum shall be paid to the city treasurer for
license to retail, as the corporate authorities may from time
to time determine.
That a license may issue to retail in the saloons of the
Mobile theatre for the term of six months, on payment of
such sum as the corporate authorities may from time to
time determine.
That no person shall sell any vinous or spirituous
liquors, in quantities larger than a quart, if the same be
drank on the premises of the seller. -
That no person shall sell any unwholesome or adulter-
ated drink, vinous or spirituous liquors.
§ 139. That no person shall keep a tavern, boarding
house, coffee house, restaurant, eating house, or any other
house of entertainment unless he shall have a license
therefor; the amount of such license to be fixed from time
to time by the corporate authorities.
§ 140. That it shall be the duty of every person. having Keeper to
conduct him-
a license and earrying on business under it, to conduct self orderly and
himself, and to see that those he may exitbetian shall con- Bxgvent ts
duct themselves in an orderly manner on his premises, and
to prevent all persons who may be there after ten o’clock
at night, from disturbing by cries, noise, songs, or other-
wise, the peace or tranquility of any of the neighbors.
That he shall not permit any disorderly conduct nor
riotous conduct on his premises. Any person violating Penalty.
the provisions of this chapter, shall be fined such sum, for
each day that such violation shall continue, as the mayor
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, and the mayor
may annul and revoke the license of such person, if in his
judgment it should be done.
An Ordinance to provide for the Inspection of Hay, Lumber, Wood,
Work, and Weights and Measures, &c.
II. os ‘¢ LUMBER.
cele Fae ¥ «“ FIREWOOD.
rf vi. ee “ GAS METRES.
An Ordinance to provide for the Inspection of Hay.
§ 141. Be it ordained, That there shall be elected an- Tnspector
nually in convention an inspector of hay, fodder, shucks ° rppcea
and other forage packed in bales, who shall give such bond
and receive such fees as may from time to time be de-
termined by the corporate authorities.
Shall weigh
hay, fodder
and shucks.
Shall enter
weights in a
book, and give
a certificate.
Shall make
fair deduction.
Shall mark net
Inspector to
require seller
to produce a
business license
_ § 142. That every bale of hay, fodder, shucks, or other
forage packed in bales, brought to the city for sale, shall
be first weighed by the inspector, and the owner or con-
signee thereof, shall pay to said inspector the fees allowed
by law, under such penalty as the mayor may impose, not
exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 143. It shall be the duty of the inspector to keep a
book, in which he shall enter the weight of every bale
weighed by him, and he shall give a certificate of the
weight of each bale, for whom weighed, the marks, and
the date when weighed.
He shall make a fair deduction from the gross weight of
every bale weighed by him, for the wood and bandages
used in putting up or securing the bales, and shall mark
only the net weight on each bale, which shall be done with
good black ink or paint.
Before weighing any hay, fodder, shucks, or other for-
age, in bales, brought to the city for sale from another
State, it shall be the duty of the inspector to ascertain
whether the owner or consignee thereof, has obtained a
business license for selling such merchandise, and he shall
not weigh any of such provender until the proper license
is exhibited to him.
Any inspector who fails, neglects or refuses to comply
with the provisions of this section, shall be fined in such
sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to provide for the Inspection of Lumber.
§ 144. Be it ordained, That there shall be elected annual-
ly in convention, an inspector of lumber, who shall give
bond in such sum and receive such fees as may from time
to time be determined by the corporate authorities.
§ 145. That he shall perform the same duties in the city,
and be subject to the same penalties as the inspectors of
lumber are liable to, under the statutes of Alabama.
An Ordinance to provide for the Inspection of Fire Wood.
§ 146. Be it ordained, That there shall be elected an- Inspector of
nually by the convention, two inspectors of wood, one for “°°
the division north, and the other for the division south of
Dauphin street, who shall give such bond and receive such
fees as the corporate authorities may from time to time
§ 147. That all fire wood brought into the city, or ex- Ail fire wood
posed for sale, shall, before it is sold, be inspected and inapected
measured by the inspector, or his deputy.
That the said fire wood shall be full four feet in length, Dimensions.
and a cord shall be four feet four inches high, and eight
feet long—in cording, it shall be piled in a neat and com-
pact manner.
That all unsound and short wood shall be rejected, all unsound ana
large and straight wood shall be placed at the bottom, and "9°"
all small and crooked wood at the top of the pile.
All deficiencies in measure, caused by crooked wood, Deficiencies,
shall be supplied, under the direction of the inspector. Se
That all short and unsound wood shall be forfeited to the Unsound and
use of the city hospital, and shall be sent by the inspector forfeited to
immediately upon such forfeiture, to the city hospital, and heeetalie
he shall inform the steward thereof on the same day.
§ 148. The inspector shall cause all drays and carts that Drays and
may be employed in carrying wood, to be provided with Rate
side stakes or other fixtures; on which shall be marked
‘one-third of a cord of wood,” and no cart or dray drawn No more than
by one horse shall be permitted to carry more than one- agers a
third of a cord of wood at a load. a
§ 149. That it shall be the duty of all persons selling
wood in the city, to cause posts to be set up to contain be-
tween them one-third of a cord of wood, one-half, and one
cord, under the direction of the inspector.
And the posts shall be so marked that any person may
see the quantity of wood purchased by him.
§ 150. That each inspector shall keep an office where he snan keep
may be found, and at which orders may be left. Orie:
He shall keep an accurate account of all the wood in- ghan keep
- spected and measured, and the forfeitures that may accrue, *°°°"**
Shall not deal
in wood.
Shall mark.
require seller
to produce
business license
City gauger
Not to apply to
liquids owned
elsewhere and
in transitu.
and report the same to the mayor, aldermen and common
council on the first day of January, April, July, and October.
He shall not deal in fire wood, nor purchase it, nor shall
any person deal with or sell to him, except for his domestic
He shall receive such fees for the inspection and meas-
uring of wood, as the corporate authorities may from time
to time determine, which shall be paid by the seller.
He shall mark conspicuously on the end of a stick on
each parcel or pile of wood the quantity each parcel or pile
contains, and the date of the inspection.
It shall be his duty, before inspecting any wood brought
to the city for sale, by boat or otherwise, to ascertain
whether or not the captain or owner of the boat, or the
owner or proprietor of any wood yard, has obtained the
proper license for such business.
He shall not inspect any wood until the proper licenses
are exhibited to him. |
Any failure or refusal by any inspector to strictly carry
out any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined
in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
An Ordinance to create a City Gauger.
§ 151. Be tt ordained, That there shall be elected annually
in convention a city gauger, who shall give such bond and
receive such fees as the corporate authorities may from
time to time determine.
It shall be his duty to gauge and prove all liquids im-
ported into the city for sale, or brought into the city to be
sold here, and afterwards sent elsewhere; or marked and
shipped for Mobile as its destination; or owned and stored
in the city; or held as agent, on commission or otherwise:
Provided, This section does not apply to liquids landed
here, and owned elsewhere, in transitu through this city.
That he shall brand his name upon each cask, barrel or
package inspected by him, with the contents of each. And
of spirituous liquors the proof of the same, of which he
shali keep a record, open to inspection, and grant certifi-
cates when required: Provided, That this ordinance shall
not be held to apply to lager beer, ale or porter.
That all persons receiving liquids required by this ordi- Persons shall
nance to be inspected, shall report the same to the eity ?""*"°"""
gauger, at the place designated by him as his office, under
such penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
It shall be his duty, before gauging or inspecting any Shall require
liquids, to ascertain whether or not the owner, agent or Shea bisa
consignee has obtained the proper business license. Aa
He shall not inspect or gauge any liquids until the proper Penalty.
business license is exhibited to him, and for failure or
refusal by any gauger or inspector to comply with the pro-
visions of this section, he shall be fined in such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to provide for the Inspection of Staves.
§ 152. Be it ordained, That there shall be elected an- mspector of
nually in convention an inspector of staves, who shall give see
such bond and receive such fees as may be determined
from time to time by the corporate authorities.
That all staves brought into the city for sale shall, before He shall inspect
they are sold, be inspected and measured by the inspector, prouahs to the
or under his direction, after they are landed. eS eh
That merchantable staves shall be made of good white Quality of
oak, not less than one inch thick, four inches wide, and of ieee
the following lengths: barrel, thirty-six inches; hogshead, Description
forty-six inches, and pipe, fifty-eight inches, and that they ene
shall be rejected as unmerchantable, and classed as cullings,
unless of the quality and description set forth in this
section; they shall be piled in a neat and compact manner,
and the fees for inspection shall be paid by the seller, and Fees.
a certificate of such inspection shall be furnished if
required. |
It shall be the duty of the inspector to keep a book, in mspector to
which he shall enter the number of staves inspected, for peel hi ny
whom inspected, and the date of such inspection. ibiheg a
Persons shall § 153. That all persons receiving staves required by this
report to hime ordinance to be inspected, shall report the same to the city
inspector, at the place designated by him as his office,
under such penalty as shall be imposed by the mayor, not
exceeding fifty dollars.
On Ordinance providing for the election and defining the duties of
Inspector of Gas Metres.
Inspector of § 154. Be it ordained, That as soon as practicable after
gas meres to the passage of this ordinance, there shall be elected in
convention, an inspector of gas metres, who shall act as
such for the balance of this municipal year, and shall again
be elected in December, 1866, and annually thereafter by
Rnd: said convention. He shall receive such compensation and
give such bond as the corporate authorities may from time
to time determine.
His duties. § 155. It shall be his duty to examine once in each year,
and oftener if required by any gaS consumer, every gas
metre in the city, whereby gas is consumed, whether the
same be used in a public or private building, and to see
that the same justly, correctly, and uniformly indicates the
quantity of gas consumed; if he finds any gas metre work-
ing improperly, so as not to indicate the actual quantity
being consumed, he shall adjust and correct, or repair the
same at the expense of the party gaining by the irregu-
Penaltyfor larity; and if he shall, on examination of any gas metre,
causing false find that the same has been set or disarranged for the
gas metre. purpose of making a false indication of gas consumed, he
shall report the same to the mayor, who, on examination of
the charge, shall adjudge any one guilty of the offence,
shall impose such fine as the nature of the case may war-
rant, and the metre shall be corrected at the expense of
the guilty party.
Noonemust 1t Shall not be lawful for any one to hinder, prevent, or
tor in discharge Pesist the inspector of gas metres in the performance of any
of his duties. duties required in this ordinance; or to refuse him entrance
into any building at a seasonable hour, to inspect, repair,
Penalty. or adjust any metre, under such penalty as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
If any proprietor, clerk or agent of any gas company, Or Shall not make
out false bill.
any proprietor, clerk or agent of any gas works, shall
knowingly demand and receive any false or incorrect bill
for ges; or if any proprietor, or managing agent, or clerk Penalty.
of any gas company or gas works, shall knowingly make
out, or cause to be made out for demand, any false or in-
correct bill for gas, he or they shall be fined in such sum
as the mayor shall impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 156. It shal! be the duty of the inspector of gas metres, erat Ss
nish gas of infe-
in case of complaint made that the gas company is furnish- rior quality.
ing gas of inferior quality, to examine into the cause of
complaint, and if it be found that the gas is of inferior
quality, he shall report the fact to the mayor, who shall
immediately notify the gas company, requiring them to
furnish good gas, and the company shall make a reasonable
and proper deduction from the price of the gas used during
the time of the existence of such inferiority, such deduc-
tion to be made by order of the mayor upon the report of
the inspector, and if said owner or proprietor refuse to Penalty.
obey the order of the mayor, he shall be subject to a fine
not exceeding fifty dollars.
That no gas company shall ever be allowed to make out Average bills
-average bills, but all bills shall be based upon the actual pag ae
amount consumed.
Nor shall any gas company refuse to supply gas to any Must not refuse
to supply gas.
occupant of a building, because a previous tenant of a
building may not have paid his gas bill.
And said inspector shall perform such other and addi- Must perform
tional duties as may from time to time be sedi ahi of him quired.
by the corporate authorities.
An Ordinance to provide for the Inspection of Weights and Measures.
§ 157. Be it ordained, That there shall be annually iad Se
elected in convention, an inspector of weights and measures,
who shall give bond in such sum and receive such fees as
the corporate authorities may from time to time determine.
§ 158. It is his duty, as soon after his election as is prac- Duties.
ticable, to call on every person in the city who may have
seales or weights or measures of any description, to be
used in the purchase or sale of goods or merchandise in
the city.
He shall inspect them by the city standard of weights
and measures, and if found to be correct and stamped by
any former inspector, to give a certificate for the same, for
which he shall receive one dollar from the owner.
That if he find the beams or patent balances or scales
of any description, or weights or measures, or any portion.
of the same used by any person for the purchase or sale of
eoods or merchandise, to be incorrect, by the city standard,
he shall correct them at the expense of the owner, and he
shall brand the dry measures with the letters M.S., (mean-
ing Mobile standard,) and stamp the wet measures with
the same letters, in such manner that the said brand or
stamp cannot be obliterated. All yard sticks or devices of
any kind used for measuring goods, shall also be branded
in like manner. He shall also brand or stamp all beams,
balances, or scales, used in the sale of goods and wares or
other commodities. .
No personmusts Any person using any beams, balances, scales, or weights
use scales, ‘
weightsor and measures, for the sale of any merchandise or other
eae commodity, without first having the same inspected, brand-
shee" ed or stamped by the inspector, shall be fined such sum as
Renalty. ‘the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars; and the
proximity of all beams, scales, balances, weights and meas-
ures to goods, wares, or other articles exposed for sale,
shall be evidence of their use.
Use of spring That no person shall be permitted to use for the sale of
balances pro- ° ;
‘ihited: any goods, wares, meats in the public markets, or other
commodities, the scales commonly called “spring balances,”
under such penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
ing fifty dollars.
Standard to § 159. The standard of weights and measures to be used
conform to
standard of the in this city, shall conform to the standard prescribed by
orthisState the laws of the United States, or the State of Alabama.
Inspectionto § 160, That he shall twice in each year, once in each six
be made once
i anne months, make an inspection of all balances, beams, scales,
econ weights and measures, and receive the like fees for each
Weights and Upon any information being lodged with him that any
measures ma :
be seized and person has sold by weight or measure any commodity
which has proved to be of short weight or measure, he
shall inspect the balances, beam, scale, weight, and meas-
ures of the person informed against, and if any of them
are found to be incorrect they shall be seized and forfeited
to the city.
That he shall report to the mayor, aldermen and common Penalty.
council all balances, beams, scales, and weights and meas-
ures liable to seizure, and ‘forfeited to the city, and all
persons liable to penalties by this article.
That it shall be the duty of all persons engaged in the puaty of an
sale of goods, wares, or other commodities, to have their sigpeaeateatts
scales, beams, balances, weights and measures properly aes ae
inspected before using the same.
§ 161. That if any person shall refuse to produce his Any person
refusing to
balances, beams, scales, and weights and measures, to be present his
inspected, or shall prevent the inspector from discharging *°* &*
his duty, or shall have sold or knowingly bought any mer-
chandise by any imperfect. balance, beam, scale or weight
or measure, he shall be fined such sum as the mayor may penalty.
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
That for the violation of any of the provisions of this tspector may
ordinance, or for the improper or negligent performance atrenectetee
of any of the duties herein prescribed, by the inspector, ee 5
shall subject the inspector to such fine as the mayor may _
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to establish Standard Weights of Corn, Grains and other
§ 162. Be tt ordained, That the following grains and other standara
commodities, when sold as merchantable in the city of Mavi”
Mobile, shall be sold at the following number of pounds °™™"°"%*
(avoirdupois) to the bushel :
The standard weight of corn in the ear, per
bushel, shall be - - “th ts - - 70 pounds.
Shelled corn, per bushel, — - . - - 56 As
Oats, a 6 66 ‘s 4 a 2c tabi BS 66
Wheat and beans, per bushel, - - - 60 “
Rye, per bushel, - : - : - - 56 sf
Sweet and Irish potatoes, per bushel, 60 ff
Flax seed, per bushel, - - - : - 56 pounds.
Barley, Rs Mie : . . F 48 és
Bran, ef é . z Z . 20 &c
Onions, a 66 é : F a 57 rT
Dried peaches, per aes: + ee sh jee. BE -
Dried apples, “ $f say i - - - 24 +
Salt, 6c 66 . . = - 50 14
Castor Beane: ae OA tee - - : 46 Ae
Purchaser may Any person offering any of the above described articles
thant to weigh, OF Commodities for sale, who shall refuse to have the same
weighed, or who shall refuse to give the number of pounds
per bushel, described in this article, or who shall sell any
of said articles without giving the foregoing established
Penalty. weights, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may im-
pose, not exceeding fifty dollars, for each and every offence.
An Ordinance to provide for Inspection of Work done on Buildings.
Rote misior § 163. Be it ordained, That there shall be annually
mechanics t0 elected in convention four master mechanics who shall be
called “the Committee of Mechanics of the City of
a hatine. § 164. When any difference shall arise between persons
interested in any work done to or on any building within
the city of Mobile, concerning the said work, the said
difference shall be at the suggestion of either of the parties
interested—referred to the said committee of master me-
chanics, in manner and form hereinafter provided.
Persons § 165. That any person or persons wishing to avail him-
ree to give Self or themselves of the privilege of this ordinance, shall
ae give notice in writing to said committee, that a difference
has arisen between himself or themselves and other or
others, touching the quantity of work done or the quality
thereof, as the case may be, on any building or buildings,
Dutyofcom- describing the same; whereupon it shall be the duty of
notice. the said committee, or a majority of them, to give private
notice in writing, to all parties interested, if the same be
practicable; and if not practicable, public notice in some
newspaper printed in the city of Mobile, that they intend,
at a certain time and place, to be mentioned in said notice,
the time being not less than two, nor more than ten days,
from the service or appearance of the said notice, to pro-
ceed to measure the quantity, or estimate the quality as
the case may be, of such work ; and at the same time and Shall measure
place so appointed, the said Paoitantetees or a majority are
thereof, shall proceed to measure and estimate as afore-
said; and shall thereupon give to the party at whose
instance the same was done, and to such others as may
require it, a certificate, setting forth their doings in the
premises; and the said certificate, under the proper hands Certificate
and seals of the said committee, or a majority of them, eviience.
shall be held and deemed in any court in this State,
evidence as to the quantity or quality of work in question;
and also to any notice required by this ordinance: Pro- Party
vided, That nothing contained in this ordinance shall pre- Seca alla
vent any person or persons who may feel him or them-
selves aggrieved by any such survey, from the right of
§ 166. That with regard to the quality of any work done Work not well
as aforesaid, the said committee shall, when it shall seem ee a
to them or a majority of them, that the same has not been
done in a workmanlike manner, barely certify the per
centage that shall be deducted in consequence thereof.
§ 167. That any vacancy or vacancies which may occur Vacancies,
by death, resignation, absence or removal, shall be supplied "°” —
by the mayor, aldermen and common council aforesaid,
and that a continued absence from the city of Mobile sixty sixty days
days, shall forfeit membership, which absence shall be star SO
certified to the clerk of the city of Mobile.
§ 168. That the said committee shall be entitled to re- Fees.
ceive the following rate of per centage as a compensation
for their services, viz:
For measuring and estimating all sums of five
Of twenty “ Sune -efifteenw,
And all sums over twenty thousand " -
hundred dollars, and under, - - : 5 per ct.
Of one thousand and over five hundred - ih hs.48
Of five i “ one thousand - = Midlety +. $F
Of ten ‘“ “five “6 ‘ Be 66
Of fifteen “ “6 666 ten 66 . Eos Gh: $6
How suit
Oath before
entering on
Inspector of
flour may be
Weight of
barrels and
Shall not be
interested in
sales of flour
only for private
Which compensation the said parties in the said work
shall pay share and share alike.
§ 169. That all suits brought by the said committee for
the recovery ‘of fees, shall be in the name of the com-
mittee of mechanics of the city of Mobile.
§ 170. That every member of the said committee shall,
before he enters upon the discharge of the duties of his
office, take and subscribe an oath faithfully and impartially
to discharge the duties of his office, so long as he may
continue therein; which oath shall be filed in the office of
the clerk of the city of Mobile.
An Ordinauce creating the office of Inspector of Flour.
§ 171. Be tt ordained, That the flour inspector, elected on
the 28th day of December, 1865, shall serve for the term
of three years, ending the 1st day of January, 1869, and
shall be elected in convention at the municipal election for
officers, every three years thereafter. He shall give such
bond and receive such fees as may from time to time be
determined by the corporate authorities.
It shall be his duty to inspect, classify and weigh each
barrel or half barrel of flour, brought into the city for sale ;
if in sacks or bags, he must inspect, weigh and class, and
mark on each barrel or half barrel, sack or bag, its weight,
quality and class.
Each barrel of flour shall contain one hundred and
ninety-six pounds of flour, English weight; and each
half barrel, or sack intended to represent a half barrel
of flour, shall contain ninety-eight pounds of flour, net
weight; and if intended for the first quality, shall be brand-
ed ‘‘extra;” if intended for the second quality, shall be
branded ‘extra superfine ;” and if intended for the third
quality, shall be branded “superfine ;” all of which brands
shall be accompanied with the initials of the inspector, with
the words ‘City of Mobile” added: which shall entitle the
flour to be sold as bearing the quality thereon described.
§ 172. No inspector shall be directly or indirectly inter-
ested in the purchase or sale of flour, other than for his
own private use for the consumption of his family, under
penalty of dismissal from ‘office.
§ 173. All persons receiving flour for sale, shall report the setter must
same to the inspector, at the place designated by him as his er deanta th
office, for inspection, as soon as the said flour is received in P°°"
the city of Mobile, and before it is offered for sale; and
for failure or refusal to report the flour as provided in
this section, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, and it shall be the duty
of the inspector to promptly inspect all flour when receiv-
ing notice.
§ 174. That for the inspection of flour, the inspector shall Inspector must
bore into and
‘provide himself with a half-inch barrel auger, with which examine each
each barrel, half barrel, or sack of flour, shall be bored into, marie
_ so as to satisfy himself of the quality of the flour. If he Penalty for
shall brand any barrel, half barrel or sack, without boring ape Satna
into it and examining its quality; or if any barrel, half "°”
barrel, or sack, shall turn out to be inferior in quality to
the brand he places upon it, he shall be subject to such fine
as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, and
moreover he and his securities on his official bond, shall be
liable to an action for damages to the party injured..
§ 175. And if the owner of any flour shall offer the same Penalty for
for sale, after it has been inspected and condemned, either ouneal: aoe
as unfit for use or containing a mixture of Indian meal, or
any other mixture, without making known to the purchaser
its true condition, he or they shall be fined in such sum as
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
If any person shall alter or erase any brand or mark of No one shall
the inspector, he shall be fined in such sum as the mayor brand. me
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars. |
It shall be the duty of the inspector, before inspecting Must require
any flour, to require the owner or consignee thereof to rice bisuieas
exhibit his business license, authorizing him to carry on "°"**
business in the city of Mobile; and for any failure of the
inspector to cpmply with the provisions of this section, he
shall be fined such sum as the mayor may impose, not
exceeding fifty dollars,
Jurors failing
to attend
fined $10.
To be fenced.
Cleansed when
Where owner
is unknown.
An Ordinance to punish Defaulting Jurors.
§ 176. Be it ordained, That every person summoned by
the authority of the mayor, aldermen or common council,
to attend as a juror for any purpose authorized by the laws
and ordinances of the city, who shall fail to attend within
the time and at the place specified in the summons, shall
be fined ten dollars. ‘
An Ordinance respecting Vacant Lots.
§ 177. Be wt ordained, That all persons owning or pos-
sessing lots that are vacant in the city, shall fence them
with a good and substantial rail or board fence, and shall
cleanse and clear them off whenever so directed by the city
authorities, of which ten days’ notice shall be given in time
of health, under penalty of five dollars, and five dollars
for every day the neglect or refusal continues: Provided,
That the mayor shall be authorized to have any lot enclosed,
whenever in his judgment it shall become a nuisance.
§ 178. That where no owner, possessor or agent can be
found, the same proceedings shall be had as are provided in
the ordinance relating to making and repairing side-walks.
An Ordinance to establish and regulate Markets.
An Ordinance to establish Markets.
§ 179. Be it ordained, That the three market buildings Established.
erected in the city are established as public markets.
That located on the square bounded by Royal, Church, southern
Water, and Government streets, shall be called the ™™**
‘Southern Market.”
That located at the intersection of Dauphin street, Dauphin street
Spring Hill Road, and Wilkinson street, shall be called ae
‘“ Dauphin street Market.”
That located at the intersection of Spring Hill and Ann street
Three Mile Creek Road, shall be called the ‘‘ Ann street assets
An Ordinance to provide for the Renting and Allotment of Stalls in the
§ 180. Be it ordained, That on or before the first Monday minimum to
in October in every year, the mayor and the joint market popiiied,
committee shall fix the minimum price of the stalls and
stands in the market, and when made, the mayor shall
publish it in the official newspaper of the city.
That on the first Monday in November in every year, 1st Monday in
the stalls and stands in the market shall be rented for one sthlles Ae to
year, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, un- °° ""**
der the direction of the mayor and joint market committee,
Treasurer to
give receipt.
Two stalls to
be set apart as
public stalls.
Fish market.
Portions to be
allotted for
meat, vegeta-
bles, fish and
country pro-
Not to be let,
nor to be occu-
pied by others.
But may sell
out, provided.
No person shali
enter into any
combination to persons,
prevent fair
sale of stalls.
and no bid under the minimum price shall be received;
and any stall or stand not rented at auction, may be rented
by the joint market committee in such manner and on
such terms as they may deem expedient.
The city treasurer shall give a receipt therefor, specify-
ing the number of the stall, which receipt shail entitle the
holder to the occupation and use of such stall for one year.
§ 181. That the mayor and joint market committee shall
select and set apart two stalls in the meat market as
public stalls, for the use of country persons and others not
regular butchers, who may, from time to time, Sell
butchers’ meat in the market.
§ 182. That a certain number of stalls, to be determined
by the mayor and the joint market committee, shall be set
apart at the eastern end of the meat market, as a fish
§ 183. That the mayor and the joint market committee
shall, from time to time, determine what portions of the
market shall be occupied for the sale of meat, vegetables,
fish, country produce, and articles sold in the market.
§ 184. That it is not lawful for any person renting stalls
in the market to re-let the same for any time, nor permit
others to occupy jointly, or to sell any marketable commo-
dity from or on their stalls.
But every person may make a full and complete sale of
the residue of the term for which any stall is rented, if the
seller shall notify the city clerk of such sale, with name of
the purchaser; and no sale or transfer shall be valid until
this is done.
If any lessee of stalls or stands, or any other person or
shall enter into any combination or conspiracy, to
prevent the market stalls or stands from renting at auction
for more than the minimum price; or if any person or per-
sons shall threaten with violence, or in any way intimidate
or prevent any one from bidding on any stall or stand
rented at auction, he shall be fined in such sum ag the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to provide for the Election, and define the Duties of the
Clerk of the Market.
§ 185. Be tt ordained, That there shall be annually elect- clerk elected.
ed by the convention, ‘a clerk of the market,’ who shall Bond and
. . . . 8a,
give bond in such sum and receive such compensation as
the corporate authorities shall from time to time deter-
mine; he paying all expenses for keeping the market in a
neat and cleanly condition.
§ 186. That it is his duty to attend at the market- Howaé Duties.
during market hours. To maintain order and enforce obe-
dience to the rules and regulations of the market, prescribed
in this chapter, and report to the mayor any infraction
To decide all disputes between buyers and sellers, as to
the weight, measure, or quality of any article offered for
sale, or sold.
To procure and have sealed at the expense of the city,
at least two complete sets of measures, of the capacity of
from a bushel down to half a peck; and one complete set
of scales and weights, conforming to the standard of mea-
sures and weights of the State of Alabama, which shall at
all times be kept at the market-house.
To seize and destroy all, or regulate and correct any un-
lawful weight, scale, or measure.
To seize all impure meat, fish, and provisions, and dis-
pose of them as the mayor may direct.
To cause to be swept, washed, and thoroughly cleaned,
every day as soon aS market hours are over, all parts of
the market, and market premises, and to see that the same
be always kept clean, and free from every description of
To keep the market-place, avenues, alleys, walks, side-
walks, and streets surrounding or adjoining to the market,
free from all obstructions, and to remove, or cause to be
removed, all horses, carts, wagons, drays, and vehicles,
and all and every article or thing which may prevent or
interfere with, the free passage, and approach to, through
or around the market or market-place.
§ 187. To ring the market bell half of an hour previous
Market hours.
Shall sell by
Meat not to
remain in
market from
June to
Nor to be hung
up, except—
No skins to be
Nor offer
unsound meat.
How weighed.
to the time for closing the market, on every occasion.
To light, or cause to be lighted, the lamps in the market,
as follows: At early candle light, only four lamps in the
market. At four o’clock in the morning, such others shall
be lighted as convenience or necessity shall indicate, and
all shall be extinguished at early daylight.
On Saturday evenings the lamps shall be lighted at early
candle light, and as soon as the market is over to ex-
tinguish all but four, which shall be extinguished at early
daylight in the morning.
§ 188. That he shall collect from each unsold vacant or
public stall, for the use of the city, a daily tax from such
person or persons as may occupy them.
An Ordinance to regulate the Market.
§ 189. Be it ordained, That the regular market hours
shall be from daybreak until ten o’clock in the morning
each day; and on Saturday evening from three o’clock,
.P. M. until nine o’clock, P. M., and on Sunday mornings
from daybreak until 9 o’clock in the morning.
§ 190. That every butcher occupying a stall in the mar-
ket shall sell meat in any quantity, by retail, that any
person may want. But he shall not be required to sustain
an evident loss by such sale, of which the clerk of the
market shall determine.
Nor shall meat of any description be permitted to re-
main in the market-house after market hours, from the
first day of June to the first day of October.
Nor shall any butcher hang up or keep his meat in any
other place than at his stall, or butcher-pen, and when
hung up at his stall it shall be hung in the rear of the
stall and not in front or on the side.
Nor shall he exhibit any skins of beeves or other slaugh-
tered animal in the market-house.
§ 191. That no person shall offer for sale at the market-
house any unsound or impure meat, fish or provisions.
§ 192. That all articles sold in the market by weight or
measurement, shall be weighed and measured by scales,
beams, weights, balances and measures according to the
standard of the State of Alabama, and unless the seller
has them sealed and inspected by the inspector of weights
and measures, he shall use those kept by the clerk of the
§ 193. That no person except those who lease stalls in the No person,
public market, shall hawk or peddle about the streets of of stalls shall
the city, any meat, game, poultry, vegetables or any other el oP ana
article or commodity, usually sold or vended in the market,
nor sell or offer to sell at retail any such articles (eggs,
potatoes, melons and vegetables excepted,) at any store,
stand, street or place in the city, except at the public mar-
kets: Provided, that retailing herein shall not be so con- Commission
strued, as to prevent merchants who receive beef by the quar- Say aril boot
ter in the regular course of their business, from the eoun- °° @rer-
try, on commission, from selling the same by the quarter.
And those leasing stalls shall not hawk or peddle about Lessees must
the streets, any meat, game, poultry or vegetables, or other until after 9
articles usually sold in the market, until 9 o’clock A. M. of °7°°* 4 ™
the day.
§ 194. That any person residing out of the city may sell Non-residents
and retail meat by the pound, at the public stalls in the pablio stall
meat market, or if those stalls be in use at any other place
assigned, that may be assigned by the clerk of the market,
and such persons shall be subject to all of the provisions of
these ordinances.
That it shall not be lawful for any of the regular butchers Butchers
in the market, or any person connected or interested with "**
them directly or indirectly, to rent or use any of the public
stalls, or molest or interfere with, in any manner, the per-
son who may for the time have the occupancy of any public
§ 195. That it shall not be lawfull to sell or expose for Fish, how
sale until after 12 o’clock, M., any fish in any place in the pie
city other than in the fish market. That no ice box shall
be kept in the fish market.
§ 196. That all persons who use any of the public or va- tees for public
cant stalls or stands, and all carts or wagons which use
the same, shall pay such tax or fees as may be from time
to time imposed by the corporate authorities.
§ 197. That no person shall, during market hours, buy or wo monopoly,
contract for any provisions, or article usually sold in the iomatalltiee
Nor specula-
-Fee to be paid
to each market
where anything
is sold or
No article to
be taken with-
out consent.
Stalls to be
Not to inter-
fere with lights.
market, in such quantities as to prevent others applying at
the same time from having an equal share thereof, or so
much as the clerk of the market may consider that the
several applicants are entitled.
Nor shall any person, during market hours, buy or con-
tract for in the market any provisions or article usually
sold in the market for the purpose of retailing or making
a profit thereon.
Nor shall any hueckster or other person buy any article
or marketable commodity, in one market, to be sold in
another, without paying a fee to each aaa
Nor shall any person, under any pretence of any NENT
take or carry away any article without having paid there-
for or without the consent of the owner.
§ 198. That every butcher occupying a stall in the mar-
ket shall, once in every day, under the inspection of the
clerk of the market, wash and scrape down his stali and
benches, and keep the same clear from all kinds of filth.
And all persons occupying any stall, stand, cart or wagon,
in or near the market, shall cause the same to be washed
and cleaned at least once every day.
§ 199. That no person shail meddle with lights or extin-
guish any of the public lamps in the market, except the
clerk of the market.
§ 200. That any one violating any provision of this chap-
ter shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to establish an Armory for the First Volunteer Regiment.
§ 201. Be it ordained, That the second story of the stores
in the southern market, (except the room over number 13,)
on Church street, with the room under the stairs and the
stairs leading thereto, is hereby established as an armory
for the city of Mobile, to be under the control and direction
of the officers of the first volunteer regiment, for which
they shall pay annually the sum of
MILK. 149
To be used as a place of deposit for their arms and
equipments, and for their safe keeping, and for such other
purposes as the officers of the regiment deem necessary for
the proper discharge of the duties of the regiment.
§ 202. That they shall have entire and exclusive control Regiment to
of the said armory, except when in cases of invasion, in- tseot ccepl-
surrection, rebellion, riots, or civil commotion, it shall be
necessary, for the time being, to quarter an additional
number of police or troops.
In such cases the city authorities shall have the right to
use such part of the armory as may be necessary for such
§ 203. That no alterations or additions shall be made to no alteration
the building, except with the consent of the city authorities. pean aes
§ 204. That whenever there shall be any riot, rebellion, m cases of
insurrection, invasion or civil commotion, the mayor shall?!”
make a requisition on the officer in command for such com-
panies or number of men and arms as in his judgment may
be necessary.
And such officer shall detail such men and supply stich Duty of officer.
arms with promptness and dispatch.
An Ordinance to prohibit the sale of Impure Milk.
§ 205. Be it ordained, That no unwholesome, adulterated Milk to be pure
or watered milk shail be sold in the city, under such Penalty.
penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
§ 206. That any person peddling milk, or driving a milk Peddler or
wagon, who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance, ea
may be prohibited from the sale of milk for such time as
the officer trying the case.may determine, and if he shall Penalty.
sell any milk within such time he shall be fined in such
sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to establish Citizen Patrol.
Chief of police § 207. Be it ordained, That the chief of police shall keep
namesotai & book in which shall be recorded the names of all the free
Sipe t white male citizens over the age of sixteen years, residents
of the city.
To which list he shall add from time to time, and at
least once in three months, the names of all such persons
as may hereafter become residents of the city, if they
shall have resided therein ten days. That all such shall
be subject to patrol duty (unless they are exempt by some
law or ordinance), under the direction and supervision of
the regularly appointed police officers.
Patrol to be § 208. That whenever it may be deemed necessary by
selected by lot. the city authorities to establish patrols, the chief of police,
under the direction of the mayor, or in his absence one of
the aldermen or common councilmen, shall select by lot
from the names of citizens as recorded, such number as
may be necessary to guard and protect the city each and
every night.
Urhanisitk or And in case the person drawn shall be absent or unable
me) _ to perform his duty by reason of sickness, his name shall
be replaced in the Jot, to be drawn again.
Chief of police § 209. That the chief of police shall cause all persons
shall notity. whose names have been drawn to be notified at least six
hours before they are required to attend and perform the
service of patrol for one night, specifying the time and
Penalty for place for their attendance, and if he fail to attend and
puns toat faithfully perform the duties of patrol, he shall be fined
such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
dollars. .
Regulations § 210. That the patrol shall, under the direction of the
oho police officers, have full power and authority to stop and
apprehend any suspicious person, or any person who may
be guilty of disturbing the peace and good order of the
city. It shall be their duty to disperse all unseasonable,
riotous, or disorderly meetings of all persons.
On Ordinance concerning Pawnbrokers.
§ 211. Be it ordained, That no person shall carry on or To be licensed.
conduct the business or calling of a pawnbroker in Mobile,
unless he give such bond and pay such license as the cor- Bond.
porate authorities may from time to time determine.
The condition of the bond shall be, that he will in every Person injurea
particular conform to the provisions of this or any other HEN Of ketlon
ordinance which may be passed concerning pawnbrokers, ”— sale
and every person injured by him in any dealing or trans-
action with him as a pawnbroker shall have a right of
action against him on such bond until the penalty is
Any person who loans money on deposit or pledge of per- Defined.
sonal property, or who deals in the purchasing of personal
property, on condition of selling the same back again at a
stipulated price, is defined and declared to be a pawnbroker.
§ 212. Every person so licensed sail keep at his place shall keep
of business a book, in which he shall enter in writing a °°"
minute description of all property received on deposit,
pledge, or purchase, as aforesaid ; particularly mentioning
any prominent or descriptive marks that may be on such
The time when received,
The name and place of residence of the person from
whom received.
Which book shall be kept clean and legible, and no entry
therein shall be erased, obliterated or defaced.
Any pawnbroker who shall violate any of the provisions Penalty.
of this ordinance, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor
may impose for each violation, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 215. That every person so licensed shall, during the Book to be
ordinary hours of business, when requested by the mayor, Poy eeomi.
chief of police, or any police officer of the city, submit and "*°™
exhibit such book to. their inspection; and shall exhibit
any property that may have been so left with, or received
- by such pawnbroker, under penalty of fifty dollars.
Mayor, head
of police.
Aldermen and
common council
co-operate, &c.
Numbers to be
desinated by
GHAP TH Bree ~
An Ordinance respecting the City Police.
§ 214, The mayor shall be the head of the police de-
partment, and shall superintend and direct the police gen-
See that the several members are prompt and faithful in
the discharge of their duties, and at all times shall take
such measures as he may see fit for the preservation of the
peace and good order of the city, and enforcing the laws
and ordinances of the city.
§ 215. The aldermen and common councilmen shall co-
operate with the mayor in preserving the peace, and
enforcing the laws and ordinances. As conservators of
the peace, they may arrest, or cause to be arrested, with or
without process, and taken before the proper tribunal in
the city, all persons who shall break or threaten to break
the peace; and may commit or admit such persons to bail.
They may arrest, or cause to be arrested, all persons
who shall be found committing or violating, or who may
be reasonably suspected of having committed any crime or
misdemeanor, or violated any ordinance of the city, for the
preservation of the peace and good order thereof,
And shall have power to detain, or order the detention
of all such persons in custody, in the city prison, over
night, and over the Sabbath, and until such person can be
examined or tried by a competent court or magistrate,
unless he give bond according to law.
That there shall be appointed annually by the mayor of
the city, aS many policemen, as may be designated from
time to. time by, the boards, to guard and. protect the city.
And shall be subject to his control in the discharge of
their duties, and may at any time be removed by him for
any misconduct or neglect of duty.
§ 216. The chief of police shall be the chief of the acting Chief of police.
police, under the mayor.
It shall be his duty to cause and see that the public Duties.
peace is preserved, and whenever any violation thereof
shall come to his knowledge, or be reported to him, he Shall report.
shall cause the requisite complaint to be made, and see
that the evidence is procured for the successful prosecution
of the offender.
He shall obey, and cause the police officers under him to Obey mayor.
obey the directions of the mayor, and see that they per-
form their duties promptly and faithfully.
In case of tumult, riot, insurrections, or threatening mm case of
thereof, he shall take command (under the direction of the "> &*
mayor) in person of the police, and direct their movements
and operations in the discharge of their respective duties.
He shall attend at the mayor’s court, at the mayor’s office, Attend mayor's
and at the office of the city prison, at such times as the °"™
mayor may direct.
He shall keep; and cause to be kept, and made at such Shall keep
time and such manner, all records, registers, books, and °°“* “*
reports concerning the affairs and operations of the police
department, as may be directed by the mayor.
§ 217. The assistants, and all other police officers, shall, Assistant chief
in all things, obey and assist the chief of police in the sia SS
charge of his duties.
§ 218. The captain of the night watch shall be ig: Captain of the
chief executive officer (under the mayor and chief of po- peta ah
lice) of the night watch, and shall direct them or any mem- Duties.
ber of them under him. And he shall obey, and cause the
members of the night watch under him to obey the rules,
orders, and regulations prescribed by the mayor and the
ordinances of the city.
He shall be responsible for the efficiency, general con-
duct, and good order of the night watch.
§ 219. The heutenants shali aid and assist their supe- rieutenant of
rior officers in the discharge of all their duties, and shall $° 2"
obey all directions that they may give, and see that his
subordinates are efficient, prompt, and faithful, in the dis-
charge of their police hen
Police officers
or privates.
Shall report for
Devote their
time, &c.
Preserve order,
Power to
Shall serve
Same powers
as State officers
in certain cases,
No person shall
resist or inter-
fere with any
§ 220. The police officers are required to devote their
attention to the preservation of the peace, quiet, and good
order of the city, and the enforcement of the city laws and
They shall severally report themselves for duty at such
time and place as the mayor, chief of police, or captain of
the night watch shall direct, and render such prompt and
energetic assistance as may be required of them or the. ex-
igencies of the service demand.
They shall devote their time and attention to the dis-
charge of the duties of their office according to the regula-
tions prescribed by the mayor.
They shall preserve order, peace and quiet, and enforce
the laws and ordinances throughout the city. |
They shall have power to arrest all persons in the city
found in the act of violating any law or ordinance, or aid-
ing or abetting in any such violation, and all dangerous
and suspicious characters, and all persons found under sus-
picious circumstances, and shall take such persons to the
police stations to be committed to the city prison, unless
they give bond according to law.
They shall have power and authority m the city, to serve
and execute warrants aud other processes, for the appre-
hension and commitment of persons charged with or held
for examination, or trial, or taken in execution for the com-
mission of any crime or misdemeanor, or violation of any
law or ordinance of the city.
§ 221. And while making such arrest or while executing
or serving, or assisting in the execution or service of any
such warrant or process, shall be vested with and have all
the powers and authority conferred on such officers by
chapter V, title 4, part 2, of the Code of Alabama. |
§ 222. Any member of the city police who neglects or
reiuses to perform any duty required of him by the laws or
ordinances, or the mayor, or in the discharge of his official
duties shall be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression,
favoritism, partiality, or wilful wrong, or neglect of duty, or
injustice, Shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars, and be discharged from office.
§ 223. If any person shall resist any police officer in the
discharge of his duty, or shall in any way interfere with or
hinder or prevent him from discharging his duty as a police
officer, or offer or endeavor so to do, or assist any person in
custody of any policeman to escape or attempt to escape
from such custody, or rescue or attempt to rescue any per-
son so in custody, he shall be fined in such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 224. All persons when ealled on by any police officer An persons
shall promptly aid and assist him in the execution of his Sieoee ston
duties, under such penalty as may be imposed by the “*?°™
mayor, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 225. If any person shall falsely represent any of the No person
members of the city police, or shall maliciously or with in- Seevecent
tent to deceive, use or imitate any of the signs, signals, ?°'°* **
devices, or similar uniform or number adopted and used by
the city watch, he shall be fined such sum as the mayor
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 226. The officers and members of the police shall, as Police to be
soon as practicable after the passage of this ordinance, be to: meets ya
uniformed and numbered, and the officers thereof shall and number.
wear a badge of office, which uniform and number shall be
prescribed and designated by the mayor and joint police
The uniform and number shall be worn at all times when In case of
on duty, and when any officer or member thereof shall Hon, oot
h b
resign, be discharged, or term of office expires, he shall to bedelivered.
deliver his number to the chief of police, who shall be held ;oicc” *
accountable for the same; and in case of death, the chief
of police shall procure his number from his family or other
person who shall be in possession of the same.
Such number shall be worn and at all times attached to number worn
the front of the hat or cap, so that the same may be dis- * es at hes
tinctly seen.
If any policeman, after resignation, discharge, or expira- Penalty.
tion of office, shall fail or refuse to return his number, he
shall be fined in such sum as the ayON may impose, not
exceeding fifty dollars.
The number and the badge shall be furnished at the ex-
pense of the city, and the uniform shall be furnished by
the police at their own expense.
City prison,
location of.
Mayor shall
appoint keeper,
deputy keeper,
and three alarm
Deputy keeper.
Duty of keeper.
Shall give
Take receipt.
Keep book to
keep account
of all articles
received or
taken from
Shall furnish
Shall keep
prison clean.
Shall make a
weekly report
to the mayor.
An Ordinance to establish and regulate the City Prison.
§ 227. Be it ordained, That the building on the south
side of Conti street, between Royal and St. Emanuel streets,
now occupied as the city guard house, be, and is estab-
lished and called the city prison, and shall be the place of
confinement of such persons as are imprisoned for viola-
tion of the city laws, ordinances and by-laws, and for the
temporary safe-keeping of persons arrested by the city
§ 228. That there shall be appointed, by the mayor, a
keeper of the city prison, a deputy keeper, and three alarm
§ 229. The keeper of the city prison shall have the
charge and keeping of the prison, and the custody of all
persons confined therein.
§ 230. The deputy shall in all things obey and assist him
in the discharge of his duties.
§ 231. When any person is committed therein he_ shall
give to the officer or person who may have the custody of
such person, a receipt stating the alleged name, the charge
against him, and from whom received, and when such per-
son is discharged or placed in custody of any other officer
or person he shall take a like receipt, a copy of which he
shall keep in his office.
He shall keep in a book, kept for that purpose, a full
account of all articles or property taken from any person
placed in his custody, or received of any person in custody,
for which he shall give a receipt to such person, setting
forth the date, name of the person and description of the
articles, and upon the discharge on bond, or otherwise,
of the prisoner, shall deliver such articles as belong to
him, unless they have been used as the means of committing
a felony, or necessary to be used in evidence.
He shall furnish to all persons who are confined therein,
proper food and diet, according to the regulations that
may from time to time be made by the city authorities.
He shall keep the prison clean and well ventilated.
He shall weekly make a report to the mayor, of the
names of all persons committed, discharged and remaining
in eustody, accompanied with the vouchers for the dis-
§ 252. He shall deliver, or cause to be delivered to any Prisoner to
: . ue £ oc ‘ have food and
prisoner confined therein, any food, drink, wearing apparel, clothing deliv-
or bed clothing (wine or spirituous liquors excepted) piso
which may be brought to the prison for any prisoner.
It shall not be lawful for the keeper of the city prison, Prisoner to
: fs J : A have communi-
or any police officer, to prevent a prisoner from having in- cation with
- ° ‘ C . ‘ a]
terviews with counsel, relations or friends, in the day time, and relatives.
for a proper purpose. Such interviews may, at his discre-
tion, be in his presence, or in the presence of some police
officer under his direction, or the direction of the chief of
The keeper of the city prison shall inspect all articles of Keeper of
: ° ° : ‘ison to
food or clothing brought to the city prison, tor a prisoner, examine arti-
to see that there are no tools or implements thus conveyed Cisoners..
into the prison to aid in the escape of any one.
Any keeper of the city prison, or any police officer, who
shall violate the provisions of this section, shall be fined
in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
dollars, and shall be discharged from service.
§ 233. He shall demand and collect for the city from Fees of prison.
every person confined therein for any violation of the or-
dinances of the city:
For commitment, = - 2 z é : : - $1 00
And for every day that he may continue there, - 30
And for every bond, - - - - Seer 50
§ 234. That one of the alarm sentinels shall be at all Duty of alarm
times on the bell tower, to watch and observe the city. = “™"
He shall cry the hour of night, or strike the bell, at each shail ery the
half hour through the night, till daylight, as he may be sha heals
directed by the mayor.
§ 235. Whenever there is any alarm of fire, he shall onan alarm of
strike the bell to indicate the alarm for all parts of the engi ae pen.
city south of Dauphin and east of Royal street, with one tap.
All north of Dauphin, east of St. Joseph, two taps. Fire limits
All south of Dauphin, west of Royal, and east of Frank- °°!"
lin, three taps.
All north of Dauphin, west of St. Joseph, and east of
Franklin, four taps.
All south of Dauphin, west of Franklin, and east of
Broad, five taps. .
All north of Dauphin, west of Franklin, and east of
Broad, six taps.
All south of Dauphin, and west of Broad, seven taps.
All north of Dauphin, and west of Broad, eight taps.
5 f 6
Qy =
peter 2
For riot, é&c. For riots or civil commotion, rebellion or insurrection,
double the number.
Viz? 151 372) 253,33 Ff, 43 OG Or Os 1, vs, Oo.
An Ordinance to establish a Secret Fund.
§ 236. Be it ordained, That there is appropriated from Appropriation.
the city treasury an amount equal to ten per cent. on the
total money paid by the chief of police, to be called the
‘ Seeret Fund.”
§ 237. This amount shall be paid by the treasurer to the To mayor.
mayor, who shall take his receipt within five days after it
is paid into the treasury.
To be under his sole control—to be used as he may see Under his
fit in facilitating the operations of the police, and to make tte cced
them efficient. |
He shall make monthly exhibits to the presidents of the He shall make
two boards as to the disposition of the fund, and annual exhibits.
reports to both boards.
§ 238. If it appear to the mayor and the two presidents puty of
at any time, that the fund is larger than is necessary for }ielmeo”™
its purpose, such surplus shall be paid to the city treas-
urer, taking his receipt for it.
An Ordinance creating the Office and defining the Duties of City Porter.
§ 239. Be it ordained, That the mayor shall, as soon as Gity porter to
practicable after the passage of this ordinance, appoint a py en
city porter, who shall hold his office for the balance of this
municipal year, and shall be annually appointed thereafter
by the mayor, and who shall be removed at the pleasure of
the mayor for any reasonable cause or dereliction in the
performance of his official duties.
He shall receive such salary as the corporate authorities
may from time to time determine.
§ 240. It shall be the duty of the city porter to have all puties of
the offices of the public officers of the city in the municipal °°
buildings, properly cleaned and prepared for their occu-
He shall attend
the meetings of
the boards,
committees and
Keeper elected.
Shall keep book
pancy by 9 o’clock of each day, with fires lighted, and sup.
plies of coal provided in said offices, whenever the same
may be necessary.
It shall also be his business to be in attendance at the
municipal buildings during office hours, and as long as any
of the city officers may be engaged in their offices, and to
attend to the lighting of the rooms and fires at each regular
and called meeting of the boards of aldermen and common
council, or conventions, and to remain until after such
boards or convention adjourn, to perform any services that
may be required of him by them. He shall also attend at
the municipal buildings as long as any committee of either
board shall be in session. He shall go on all errands that
may be required of him by an officer on official business,
and to do and perform such other duties as may be required
of him from time to time by the corporate authorities.
For any violation by the city porter of any of the provi-
sions of this ordinance, shall subject him to such penalty
as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to regulate the keeping of Gunpowder.
§ 241. Beit ordained, That there shall be annually elected
in convention a keeper of the powder magazine, who shall
give such bond and receive such compensation as the cor-
porate authorities may from time to time determine.
§ 242. That he shall keep a book in which he shall note
and enter every keg and package of gunpowder received
into and delivered from the magazine, or transferred while
in the magazine, as well as the owners’ names, and the
marks and numbers thereof. And he shall render an
account quarterly, and oftener if required by the city
authorities, of all gunpowder stored. ~
§ 243. And for his services he shall receive fifteen cents
for the first keg of powder delivered to any person, and
eight cents for each additional keg delivered, which shall
be regarded as sufficient compensation for furnishing and
feeding his horse to be used for delivering said powder.
He shall, monthly, and up to the end of each and every Shall make
month, present to the mayor, aldermen and common coun- Parts of money
cil, a full, exact, and correct account of all moneys received ““°Y""
by him for receiving, storing, and delivery of powder, and
pay the same to the city treasurer.
He shall keep at all times, and in good repair, a covered shall keep a
wagon or cart (to be furnished and provided by the mayor, ““"°"
who is authorized and required to provide it at the expense
of the city) for the transportation of powder to and from
the magazine.
§ 244. That the house and premises now occupied for the Magazine
storage, located at or near the mouth of Chickasabogue, ““’""**
is established as the ‘powder magazine” for the city of
Mobile. |
§ 245. That it is not lawful for any person to keep more no powder tobe
than twelve and one-half pounds of gunpowder in one *°?*°°?'
parcel, nor more than two parcels in his store, warehouse,
dwellinghouse, or outhouse, in the city, at any one time ;
and such gunpowder shall be kept in tin canisters.
§ 246. That no vessel having powder on board shall be wo vessel shall
permitted to be alongside of any wharf in the city more Wiiiowa
than twenty-four hours.
§ 247. That no person shali land any gunpowder at any now landed.
of the wharves of the city in any box, tierce, or package,
other than the original keg or barrel, unless the same be
legibly marked “powder.”
That no person, except the keeper of the powder maga- How carried.
zine, shall carry gunpowder through the streets of the city.
That every owner, agent, or consignee of any powder Shall be deliv-
landing from any vessel, shall deliver it over immediately “°* '° "°°?
to the keeper of the powder magazine to be stored.
Every person violating this ordinance shall be fined. in penaity.
such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
§ 248. That for every keg or package of gunpowder, of not Pees for storage
more than 25 pounds, received into the magazine for stor-
age, there shall be paid in advance, for the first six months,
75 cents, and in that proportion for large packages. And
if the powder remain in the magazine for a longer time than
six months, there shall be paid in advance one half of these
rates. And so on for each and every succeeding six
Powder remain-
ing more than
six months for-
Fire warden to
direct the stor-
ing of rosin, tar,
turpentine, oil,
Any merchant
may keep five
barrels on sale.
buildings de-
The mayor's
court room.
months. .
That if the ownership of any powder shall be changed
while on storage, the keeper may collect fifty cents for
every transfer, for the registry thereof.
That every person having powder in the magazine shall
indorse on the back or margin of every order for powder,
the time to which the storage of such powder has been
§ 249. That all powder remaining in the magazine six
months, on which the storage has not been paid, shall be
forfeited to the city, and sold at auction.
§ 250. That rosin, tar, pitch, spirits of turpentine, petro-
leum oil, and kerosene oil, shall be stored at such place or
places as may be designated by the fire wardens and ap-
proved by the mayor: Provided, that any merchant or
other person may keep five barrels of each for sale in his
place of business; and any person violating this section
shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose, not
exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance respecting the Municipal Buildings.
§ 251. Be it ordained, That the second story of the centre
building of the southern market, fronting on Royal street,
with the stairs leading thereto, is established as the muni-
cipal building of the city of Mobile, within which the mayor
or some one of the aldermen or common councilmen of the
Court tobe held City of Mobile shall, on each day of the week, except Sun-
day, hold court for the trial and determination of all
offences against, or violations of, the by-laws and ordi-
naneces of the city, which shall be called “The Mayor’s
Court,” at which times may be heard complaints against
persons charged with offences against the laws of the State
of Alabama, in a room to be called the mayor’s court room.
§ 252. The board of aldermen shall hold their meetings Aldermen's
in another. eae
§ 253. The board of common council shall hold their Common coun:
meetings in the room assigned to the city treasurer.
§ 254. The mayor shall have his office in another. Mayor.
§ 255. The city treasurer in another. Treasurer.
§ 256. The city clerk in another. Clerk.
§ 257. The city tax collector in another. Tax collector.
§ 258. The city assessor in another. Assessor.
§ 259. The city engineer in another. Engineer.
§ 260. The chief of police and his assistants and the Chief of police.
Assistants and
officers of the police, shall have an office in another. ofticers of police
§ 261. The city police shall have an office in another. Police.
§ 262. And a guard-room for the safe-keeping and secu- Sesh for
sa eeping.
rity of persons who may be in custody, awaiting (tempo- ae
rarily) the hearing of the case against them.
An Ordinance respecting Public Parks.
§ 263. Be it ordained, That the square bounded by Bienvitle
Dauphin, St. Francis, Conception, and St. Joseph streets, ?*™*
is established as a public park, to be be called Bienville
§ 264. That the square bounded by Charles street on the Washington
east, on the south by Augusta street, on the west by
Chatham street, on the north by Maine and Charleston
streets, is established as a public park, to be called Wash-
ington Park.
§ 265. That no person shall use or occupy any portion Not to be occn-
of either of the public parks, nor deposit any lumber, ?°
timber, wood, brick, or any other material, nor hang clothes
nor clothing, nor permit it to be done without the permis-
sion of the city authorities.
Trees, &c.,not § 266, That no person shall cut down, bark, or in any
to be injured, bie
manner injure, cut, or break any tree, shrub, or flower
planted in or about either of the public parks.
Horses, &c.,not § 267. That no person shall turn into either of the parks
to be turned any horse, cattle, or any animal whatever, nor permit it to
be done.
Nuisances for § 268. That for any intrusion upon, or interference with,
Soe either of these parks, not heretofore specified, calculated
in any manner to injure or deface, and for every nuisance
Penalty. committed therein or thereon, and for any violation of this
ordinance, shall be subject to such fine as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
Duty of police. § 269. That the police officers shall take any property or
animals that may be found in either park, and place it in
safe keeping, subject to the order of the chief of police,
and give notice thereof to the owner at once. If no owner
be found, or if he fails to pay the fine‘and costs, the chief
of police shall sell it as follows:
May seliprop- § 270, At. the expiration of one week from the time it |
oe out ab was taken, he shall give three days’ notice in the official
aes newspaper of the city, that it will be sold to pay the fine
and costs, at which time he shall sell it to the highest
bidder, for cash, in front of the municipal buildings, and
the excess shall be paid to the owner, when known; if
unknown, it is forfeited to the city.
An Ordinance respecting City Property.
Stores in south: Ԥ 271. Be it ordained, That the stores erected in the
torent.’ southern market property shall be rented by the joint mar-
ket committee, in such manner and at such time as, in
their opinion, may best promote the interest of the city.
Directionsasto § 272. That all leases shall expire on the first Monday in
prac November of each year. That before executing a lease, or
giving possession to any person, the committee shall take
notes with securities approved by four of their number.
Each note to be for three months’ rent, and made payable
to the order of the city treasurer (who shall have the cus-
tody of them) at the Bank of Mobile.
§ 273. That all property belonging to, or pertaining to An other prop-
the city, not provided for, or regulated by any of the ordi- oumerdt OF ine
nances of the city, shall be under the control and disposal Sanies pe
of the mayor and the presidents of the board of aldermen °°"
and common council, subject to approval of the mayor,
aldermen and common council.
§ 274. That no person shall injure or deface any of the Lamps, &c., not
lamps nor lamp-posts, nor anything pertaining thereto, of Saupe
the city, or extinguish the light thereof.
Nor injure, nor destroy, break down, nor deface any No property to
building, nor carry away any property whatever belonging yee
to the city, under such penalty as the mayor may impose, Penalty.
not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to provide for the Impounding of Animals.
§ 275. Be it ordained, That the mayor is hereby author- inspector of
ized, as soon as practicable after the passage of this ordi- erichcel te
nance, to appoint some suitable person as inspector of “°™9°"
animals and pound keeper, who shall hold his office until
the end of this municipal year, and that he shall be ap-
pointed by the mayor annually thereafter, and be removed
at the pleasure of the mayor for any reasonable cause, or
for any dereliction in the performance of his official duties.
He shall give such bond and receive such compensation Bona.
or fees as the corporate authorities may from time to time
§ 276. It shall not be lawful for any horned or other cattle, Animals not to
horses or mules, to go at large within the following pre- Tyastyrseosst
scribed limits of the city of Mobile, to-wit: Commencing *"°®*
at the foot of Congress street, westwardly along Congress
to Royal, southwardly down Royal to State, thence west-
wardly along State to Jackson, southwardly along Jackson
to Monroe, thence eastwardly along Monroe to Conception,
southwardly along Conception to Eslava, and thence east-
wardly along Eslava to the Mobile river; and hogs shall wogs not torun
: , : : le j
not be permitted to run at large in any part of the city. Pat Fae aity.
Pound tobe § 277. That there shall be erected at the expense of the
erected at ex- ° ; Ay
pense of the Clty, on such grounds és the mayor and police committee
tis may select, a high and substantial inclosure, to be known
as the public pound, where all animals found going at
large in violation of law, shall be confined in such manner
and under such rules and regulations as hereinafter pre-
Pound keeper § 278. It shall be the duty of the pound keeper to reside
hear thepoand at or near the public pound, so as always to be near when
a 1 ce a hg bd Z
oe eaten mes animals are brought to be impounded. He shall keep a
FEES ina of book in which he shall enter the name of the owner of each
ane animal impounded, if known, with the date thereof, as also
at the same time a description of each animal so impounded,
and report daily to the chief of police the number and des-
Description of Cription of all animals impounded, which shall be placed im-
ary ree ntin Mediately on a bulletin board and hung up in a conspicuous
beard at police lace in the guardhouse, so that the public may at all times
Public. see the number and description of all animals confined in
He shallfeed the pound. He shall take proper care of all animals in his
and water“! charge, feeding and watering the same. He shall release
Seth all animals in his charge upon proof of ownership and the
payment to him of all fees and charges hereinafter provided ;
and if in making proof of ownership, the party claiming the
property shall think that he is unfairly dealt with, he shall
submit his proof of ownership to the mayor, or, in his ab-
sence, to the acting mayor, whose decision shall be final.
eles ofpound § 279. That it shall be the duty of the inspector of ani-
; mals and pound keeper to take up and lodge in the public
pound all cattle, cows, calves, horses, mules and hogs that
may be found running at large in violation of this ordi-
nance; and if any person shall attempt to arrest from the
proper officer or either of his assistants any animal in his
or their charge, or in any manner interfere with him or
them, while driving, leading, or in any other manner con-
veying any animal to the public pound, the person so
offending shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars. .
Public saleof § 280. That it shall be his duty to hold a public sale at
spas a the public pound at the hour of 12 o’clock M. on every
sabia Monday of each week. !
Animalstobe . Lhat he shall on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday
advertised be- mornings advertise in some newspaper published in the
city of Mobile, the number and accurate description of each
and every animal so impounded and to be sold on the fol-
lowing Monday; and in said advertisement shall give
notice that all animals not called for and the charges and
expenses paid thereon by 11 o’clock of the day of sale, will
be sold aecording to the provisions of this ordinance.
That he shall proceed to sell (after giving the lawful Net proceeds
notice as aforesaid) all animals impounded whose owners the eitytreas
have not come forward and made the proper proof.and "*
paid all the charges herein provided, to the highest bidder,
and the proceds of which sales, after first paying all fees,
charges and expenses, shall be paid over to the city treas-
urer, with a full exhibit of the sale and all transactions
connected therewith: Provided, That in the cases of horses,
cows and mules, not less than ten days’ notice of the sale
to take place shall be given.
§ 281. That whenever any horse, mule or cow, or animal owner may re-
of the like description, shall be sold under the provisions aye steht
of this ordinance, the owners or agents thereof shall have
thirty days from the date of such sale wherein to redeem
the animals thus sold; and if the owners or agents of ani-
mals sold as aforesaid do not apply to the keeper-of the
pound within the time before mentioned and pay or tender
to him the original purchase money which such animal
sold for, together with twenty-five per cent. on such
amount, he, she or they shall be forever barred from
recovering the same: Provided, however, That it shall be city treasurer
the privilege of the owner of any such animal sold in the O22o0 Pre
manner aforesaid, within thirty days after the sale, to de-
mand and receive from the city treasurer the net amount
(less fifteen per cent.) of the proceeds of the sale of any
such animal belonging to the party making such applica-
tion, and ‘which was paid to said city treasurer by the
inspector of animals; but in the case of hogs, they will be proceeds of sale
sold as provided for i in this ordinance, and after deducting eh ok, arate
charges, the balance, if any, will be forfeited to the city.
§ 282. That the following fees are hereby established, pees for im-
and the inspector of animals and pound keeper authorized Poynting ant
to collect the same—and in all cases the animals will
be held liable for the payment thereof before delivery—
to wit:
Dog not to re-
main in the city .
without a collar
and payment of
Collar must be
lettered C. T. P.
For impounding each mule, horse or cow, or animal
of like description, . - - - - - $2 00
For impounding each half grown mule, horse or comay
or animal of like description, patah Ligeed ‘41 00
For impounding each hog over 40 pounds, - ai ohrO0
For impounding each hog under 40 ee and over
10 pounds, - - . - - - - 50
For impounding each pig under 10 pothis : - 25
For feeding and taking care of each grown horse,
mule, cow, or snimal of like description, per day, 1 09
For feeding and taking care of each half grown
horse, mule, cow, or animal of like description,
per day, - - . - - - - - 50
For feeding and sadiiine care of each grown ne8 per
day, - . . - - - . 7 50
For feeding and taking care of each shoat iabuee 40
pounds and over 10 pounds, - - - - - 40
For feeding and taking care of each pig under 10
pounds, - - - - - - - . - 25
For selling each grown horse, mule, cow, or animal
of like description, - - : : - - 2 00
For selling each half grown horse, yap cow, or
animal of like deseription, = - - : - - 1 00
For selling each grown hog, - - - - 1 00
For selling each hog under 40 Sadie and over 10
pounds, - - . - - - - 50
For selling each pig under 10 oud : 7 25
§ 283. No dog shall be permitted to be and remain jirvriit
in the limits of the city of Mobile, as now established by
law, unless the owner thereof shall have caused the tax
imposed by this ordinance to be paid, and shall place on
the neck of said dog the collar hereafter described. The
tax for each dog over six months old, per annum, shall be
two dollars, and for each slut or bitch over six months old
three dollars, which shall be collected by the city tax col-
lector. The owner of each dog on which the city tax has
been paid, shall keep a collar of metal or of leather, with -
a metallic plate thereon, on the neck of said dog, on which
shall be inscribed the letters, to be plainly seen, “OC. T. P.,”
together with the figures indicating the year for which the
tax is paid; and if any owner of a dog shall permit such
collar to be on any dog, without having paid the tax, or
shall fail to put on said collar, (the tax being paid) shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in such sum
as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 284. It shall be the duty of the inspector of animals, Dogs to be im-
a baa A F pounded if with-
and his assistants, to take up and impound in a suitable out collar.
place, to be designated by the mayor and the police com-
mittee, all dogs which are found in the corporate limits
without collars, marked as above provided, and it shall be
his and their duty to inquire from time to time from the
city tax collector as to the persons who pay taxes on dogs,
and if any dog is found with such collar on, without the tax ponatty,
being paid, he shall forthwith arrest the owner and cause
him to be brought before the mayor, and unless a sufficient
cause be shown for such neglect, he shall be fined in such
sum as the mayor may inpose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 285. Every householder or head of a family, suffering Dog not to re-
main on preim-
a dog to remain on his or her premises, without having ises without
such collar on, or reporting the same to the inspector, he Penalty.
or she shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars.
The inspector of animals shall be entitled to receive a fee Fees for re-
of two dollars for the redemption by the owner or other “™?%
person of every dog impounded, and twenty-five cents per
day for feeding, watering and taking care of each dog;
and if the owner does not redeem within five days, any
other person paying the fee may redeem; and if no one Dogs may be
comes to redeem within seven days, it shall then be the Si if notre
duty of the inspector to have such dogs slain, and he shall
be entitled to receive from the city treasurer one dollar for
each dog slain, the slaying to be done in the presence of
the chief of police or one of his assistants. The city treas- Fee of inspector
urer Shall be authorized to pay the one dollar to the in-
spector for each dog so slain, upon the certificate of the
chief of police, approved by the mayor. But no one shall
redeem any dog until he first pays the proper tax to the
city tax collector. Every dog slain under the provisions of
this ordinance shall be buried in a hole of proper depth, in
some unfrequented place.
§ 286. Any slut or bitch found in heat running at large Any bitch in
in the streets of the city, whether she have a collar on or Mpa. be
not, shall be slain by the inspector, his assistants or any ‘”-
police officer.
Owner of dan- If any fierce or dangerous dog shall be at large in the
gerous dog sub- 4 ‘
jecttoafine Streets, or in any enclosure untied, shall endanger any per-
and dog may be . :
killed. son passing along the public thoroughfare, the owner shall
be subject to such fine as the mayor may impose, not ex-
ceeding fifty dollars; and it may be a part of the sentence
upon said conviction, that said fierce or dangerous dog be
killed, and if so, it shall be the duty of the chief of police
to cause said dog to be killed.
Inspector to The inspector shall place on the bulletin board at the
place descrip- . . : .
tion of dogs on police office, every morning after the taking up and im-
bulletin board : . eas ‘
at police ofice. DOUNding of any dog, a full description thereof, showing
the date of his being impounded, which shall remain there-
on for seven days, unless in the meantime the dog shall
have been redeemed.
Meaning of The word “dog,” whenever used in this ordinance with-
word dog. P A ate ;
out qualification, is intended to mean a female as well as a
male dog.
Owners maybe § 287. Whenever it shall, in the opinion of the mayor,
required to : : .
keep their dogs Nake it necessary for the public safety, or to prevent the
pa gnee Prem yrevalence of hydrophobia, it shall be his duty to issue a
proclamation notifying owners of dogs to keep the same
well secured on their premises; and any dog found at large
in any street or public place, at the expiration of two days
after such proclamation has been issued, shall be killed
immediately, unless muzzled and accompanied by his own-
Penalty. er; and the owner thereof shall be fined in such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
Inspector may § 288. That if the inspector of. animals, pound keeper or
fhe any of his assistants, shall, in any manner, violate any of
the provisions of the foregoing ordinance, he or they shall
be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
ing fifty dollars.
An Ordinance defining offences affecting public safety or convenience.
§ 289. Be it ordained, That whoever shall, in the streets Animals not to
of the city, ride or Hive any beast of burden, beyond a Piaidcraty i
moderate gait, (unless in case of urgent necessity,) or shall “ptt
ride or drive any such animal by intentionally and wilfully
causing any animal, or vehicle thereto attached, to come in
collision with, or strike, any other object or person, or shall Cruelty to ani-
inhumanly Bei cruelly beat, injure or otherwise abuse any Ponty
dumb animal, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may
impose, not Be ouadin® fifty dollars.
§ 290. In all cases of persons meeting each other iM Ve- Persons and ve-
hicles in the streets, or on foot on the side walks, each per- ringer pty
son so meeting shall turn off and go to the right side of the ™#"*
street or side walk, so as to enable such vehicles or persons
to pass each other without accident or collision.
§ 291. Every person violating the provisions of this or- penaity.
dinance, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may im-
pose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to prohibit Vagrancy, Quarreling, Riotous, Immoral and
Disorderly Conduct.
§ 292. Be it ordained, That no person shall be guilty of no fighting on
fighting, quarreling, or any riotous, indecent, blasphemous oe yt
language, or disorderly conduct in the streets, houses, or Pousnass
anywhere else in the city, nor of abusing, provoking, or
disturbing, either by word or action, any person in, or
walking in any street, road, or public way.
Nor scandalous Nor shall show or expose in public any writing, sign,
seh drawing, print, caricature, statue, or any other object
which may excite scandal, or has a tendency to disturb the
public peace.
Drawg pic- Nor shall write or draw any obscene or vulgar language,
catures forbid. OF Grawing, or caricature, on any wall, house, fence, or
es other public place.
Nor injure any Nor shall break down, destroy, injure, or carry away, any
fence or any part thereof, or the steps, or blinds, or doors,
of houses.
Nor deface any Nor shall deface, break, or carry away any sign, board,
Sisnorplate. or plate, indicating the name, residence, occupation, or
business of any person.
Norinjure any Nor shall destroy, break down, mutilate, or deface any
tombstone. 1
tomb, grave, or sepulchral monument, erected in any bury-
ing-ground, or in any way violate the same, under such
penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
Allpersons va- § 293. That all vagrants, idle, dangerous and suspicious
fisorderly, &e. OL disorderly persons, or persons of evil life or ill fame—all
persons that have no visible means of support, or are
Or beggars, or likely to become chargeable to the city as paupers, all per-
drunk, or loiter- A c
ers, or no busi: SONS who may be found begging, all persons drunk in or
pai about the streets, all persons loitering in or about bar-
rooms or tippling-houses, all persons who have no reasona-
ble course of business in the city,
Ornoplaceof All who: have no fixed place of residence, all who are
residence, or
publicly inde. grossly indecent in language, person, or behavior publicly
tutes oc keep, in the streets, all public prostitutes or such as lead a
Pre of Tigtous , notorious, lewd or lascivious course of life, all persons
See occupying houses in the city who shall keep the same in a
riotous or disorderly manner, or permit such conduct on
his premises, shall be subject to such penalty as the mayor
Persone fined May impose, not exceeding fifty dollars: Provided, That he
may give bond. nay release himself from such penalty by giving bond in
such sum as the mayor may prescribe for six calendar
months, conditioned to be of good behavior for sueh time,
and to indemnity the city against any charge for his
support, or he may, at the discretion of the mayor, be
permitted to leave the city; and for dangerous and suspi-
cious characters, may be sent therefrom without their
§ 294. Whoever shall bathe, wash or swim in the Mobile Bathing in bay
. : . : , ot Mobile and
river, or in Mobile bay, or in any other water course, pond, river in city
pool, or in the intrenchment ditches, between one hour be- "rd"
fore sunrise and one hour after sunset, being naked or in-
sufficiently clothed to prevent improper exposure of his
person, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may im- Penalty.
pose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 295. Whoever shall appear in any public place in a state No person shall
of nudity, or in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or nt belouzing >
in an indecent or lewd dress, or shall make an indecent ex- sex"
posure of his or her person, or be guilty of an indecent or
lewd act of behavior, or shall exhibit, sell, or offer to sell, sening 1ewa
any indecent or lewd book, picture, or other thing, or shall (oc nibitea
exhibit or perform any indecent, immoral or lewd play, or
other representation, shall be fined such sum as the mayor Penalty.
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 296. Whoever shall, in this city, disturb or disquiet pisturbing re-
any congregation met for religious worship, by making a panic?
noise, or by rude and indecent behavior, or profane dis-
course within the place of worship, or so near the same as
to disturb the order or solemnity of the meeting, shall be Penalty.
fined in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding
fifty dollars.
That the mayor be, and he is authorized and required, to
suppress all night assemblages of noisy and disorderly per-
sons, and all such as may disturb the rest and quiet of the
neighborhood ; and all persons engaged in such collections
or assemblages shall be liable to such fine and penalty as
the mayor may impose, not to exceed fifty dollars, or not
exceeding six months in the work house.
§ 297. Whoever shall be guilty of sticking or putting up no posters or
in any street, avenue or alley, or on any wall, fence or other py itaeieee
public place in this city, any indecent or gross printed or fe &¢
written advertisement, bill, or notice of his professional
skill or remedies for the curing of venereal, or what is
usually called secret diseases, or causing the same to be
stuck or put up, or shall cause any such indecent or gross
written advertisement, either as a bill or circular, whether
enclosed in an envelope or in any other form, to be left in
any yard or premises attached to any dwelling house, or
shall put under the door, or to be given to any servant in
or about such dwelling house, shall be fined in such sum as penalty.
the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
An Ordinance to regulate the observance of the Christian Sabbath Day.
No person over § 298. Beit ordained, That no tradesman, laborer or other
fifteen years 4 iy
shall break the Person whatsoever, over the age of fifteen years, shall do
Sains or exercise any worldly labor, business, or work of their
ordinary calling, on the Christian Sabbath, (works of ne-
cessity, charity, and the necessary occasions of the family
Penni excepted) under such penalty as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars. |
Novstorsiake. § 299. That no person shall publicly expose for sale, nor
to be open.
sell in any store, shop, warehouse, or otherwise, any goods,
wares or merchandise, upon the Christian Sabbath ; and
all stores, shops and warehouses in which goods of any de-
scription are kept for sale, shall be closed during the en-
tire day, from twelve o’clock Saturday night to twelve
Penalty. o’clock Sunday night, under such penalty as the mayor may
impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
Exception, ho. This section does not apply to keepers of hotels, board-
eet ing houses, or public eating houses, where no spirituous
liquors are kept for sale, nor to apothecaries in their busi-
ness as such.
No drinking § 300. That every keeper of a drinking house or shop,
ot ;
vere cpiita: Where spirituous or vinous liquors are kept for sale by the
ous or vinous
liquors arekept ZlaSs OF drink, who shall allow the same to be kept open,,
or shall sell, or permit to be sold, any vinous or spirituous
Penalty. liquors on the Christian Sabbath day, shall be fined such
sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
No sportsor ' § 301. That no sports, public exercise, or exhibitions, or
gamesexhib- ames of any kind shall be allowed on that day, under
such penalty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
Billards, ten- § 302. That any owner or keeper of any billiard table,
pinsand public, : :
amusements nine or ten pin alley, or any other place of public amuse-
forbidden. ment, who shall keep or permit the same to be kept open
for use or amusement on that day, shall be fined in such Penalty.
sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 303. That no person shall buy any goods or thing's Shall only pur-
“ ; ‘ » chase necessa-
whatever on that day, except in cases of sickness and for ries.
the necessaries of life, under such penalty as the mayor Penalty.
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 304. That no wagoner, carter, drayman, driver, or Ser- No drivsr shall
° A load or unload
vant, shall, with his cart, dray or wagon, load or unload cart, dray, &e.,
ee : : acaq OF drive sheep,
any goods, wares, merchandise or produce, or drive horses, horses, cattle,
wae &,
cattle, sheep or swine in any part of the city on that day, “°
(except in case of necessity) under such penalty as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 305. That if any person shall disturb any congregation Plapclor seen
4 Ship shali not pe
of people lawfully assembled at any church, or public place disturbed.
of worship, to perform divine service,
Or shall at any time cause any riot or disturbance in any Penalty.
of the churches or public places of worship, of any sect of
religion within the city, he shall be fined such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 306. That barbers may keep open their shops on that Barbers may
. D eep open un
day until 12 o’clock at noon, and not after, under such pen- 12M.
alty as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 307. That the provisions of this ordinance shall not Not to apply to
: . por vesels arriving
apply to steamboats or vessels, or railroad trains arriving or departing.
or departing on that day.
Nor to ice houses, livery stables, fruit or melon stores or Nor to ice
houses, livery
stands, nor to milk carts furnishing the usual supply of stables, milk
carts, gas-
milk to families, nor to gas works, nor to newsboys deliver- works news-
ing papers, nor to bathing establishments. pe peer
An Ordinance to regulate Shows, Theatres, Exhibitions, &c.
§ 308. Be it ordained, That it is not lawful for any person Unlawful to ex-
pants . : hibit theatrical
to exhibit any theatrical or any equestrian performance, or equestrian
; LL performance,
panorama, diorama, or paintings, or any rare Or UNCOMMON Ke.
animal, or person, or any rope dancing, or feat of strength
Or public balls.
Or street musi-
cians to perform
without license.
Mayorand pres-
idents of two
boards to deter-
mine tax.
Police shall at-
tend all such
Shall be admit-
ted free.
At request,
mayor may ap-
point four police
officers to at-
Duties of such
or agility, or any performance or show where the public
are admitted for money or reward, nor to have or hold any
fancy, or masquerade, or public ball, where the public are
admitted for money or reward.
Nor for street musicians to perform upon any musical
instrument in any street of the city, for money, unless they
shall have a license fixed by the mayor and the presiding
officers of the two boards, under such penalty as the mayor
may lnpose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 309. That the mayor and the presiding officers of the
two boards shall assess the tax to be paid for such license,
and the length of time.
§ 310. That at least one of the police officers shall attend
all such performances and exhibitions, and preserve good
And the person having such license shall admit him free
of charge, under such penalty as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars. :
§ dll. That the mayor, at the request of the managers
of any theatre, may appoint four police officers to attend
the theatre every night of performance, who shall be paid
by the managers for their services, and whose duty it is:
To preserve strict order and decorum within the theatre.
To arrest and eject from the theatre any person who
may be creating riots or disturbing, either by loud and
boisterous talking, whistling, swearing, or hallooing, or any -
ungentlemanly or indecent acts or conduct.
And they are vested with full power and authority to
call upon any person to assist or aid them in the peform-
ance of their duty.
§ 312. That any person guilty of any of the acts pro-
hibited by the last section shall be fined such sum as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, and when
arrested by the police may be required to give good secu-
rity for his appearance before the mayor, on that or the
next day, and in default thereof may be committed to the
city prison.
An Ordinance to regulate the building of Passenger Railways in the city
of Mobile, and their uses.
'§ 313. Be it ordained by the mayor, aldermen and common Passenger rail-
council of the city of Mobile, That whenever, hereafter, any desing to con-
company or corporation shall desire to construct a railway fey peeaner ak
for the conveyance of goods or passengers along any of the *hotes-
streets of this city, they shall be required to petition the
corporate authorities for the privilege, stating the street
along which they desire to build such road, and the points
between which they desire to build the same. And if they
do not commence to build within six months from the time
of obtaining permission, the corporate authorities may
grant the privilege to others; and if, after commencing Road must be
the company shail for two years leave any part of the road ae vine
uncompleted, or decline to complete any part of Such road,
then, as to the part of the road so uncompleted, the corpo-
rate authorities may grant to others the privilege of build-
ing and using the part of the road so uncompleted.
§ 314. Be it further ordained, That whenever permission Au tracks must
: ‘ be laid under
shall have been obtained, the company or corporation shall direction and
proceed to lay the track along the centre of such street, porate authot-
unless otherwise authorized, complying with the surveys, "°*
regulations and gradients that are now, or may hereafter
be adopted by the city, and shall use such rail as the com-
pany and corporate authorities may determine on, and
shall so lay the same as to furnish no greater obstruction
to the free use and enjoyment of the street than the speci- -
men rail now in the office of the city engineer, and at a
gauge of five feet two and a half inches, which shall be
certified to by the city engineer and shall be filed in the
city clerk’s office, before any cars shall be allowed to run on
said road; and shall build and keep in repair all bridges, They shallbuild
we 3 and keep in re-
turn-outs, water-ways, &c., crossing the track, paving or pair all bridges,
shelling the track between the rails, and for three feet on ““™°"™ <
the outside of each rail, as may be determined by the city
Penalty. at any time; and should any company or corporation
violate any of the provisions of this section, the company
so violating the same shall be liable to such penalty as the
mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars for each and
every day they shall be proven to have violated the same
after due notice given by the city engineer.
Company may § 515. Be it further ordained, That such company or cor-
suis bur out poration shall and may make such turn-outs and sidings
“ipa for enabling the cars, when traveling in opposite directions,
to pass, as the business of the road may demand, and shall
be empowered to use and run aS many cars as they may
think proper.
Mustemployso. § 316. Be it further ordained, That such company shall
ber, careful
drivers, andnot employ careful, sober and prudent drivers, who shall not
et aera run the cars at a speed greater than six miles an hour, and
ye dee shall use all exertions to avoid collision, giving due notice
Penalty. to the drivers of other vehicles to prevent the same, and
any infraction of this section shall be punished by a fine
in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
dollars; but this fine shall not exempt the company from
the penalties and responsibilities of such violations or acts
committed by their drivers.
Tivee ust § 317. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of
give way 0s, the driver of any car to give place or stop to allow any
cart, carriage, dray, or other vehicle to cross the road,
provided the same be traveling along any of the streets
crossing the road.
Horse power § 318. Be it further ordained, That said company or com-
omy wltbe panies shall use no other motive power, unless specially
permitted, for the conveyance of passengers and freight,
than horses and mules, and that whenever it shall be ne-
cessary to attach two horses, they shall be driven abreast.
Shallrunecars § 319. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty
on week days
and on Sundays Of Such company to run a car on week days at least as
at certain hours Often as every hour, from 7 o’clock A. M., to 9 o’clock P.
M., and oftener if required by the corporate authorities ;
and that they shall not be required to run at all on Sun-
days, except between the hours of 9 o’clock A. M., and
2 o’clock P. M., nor between these hours shall they be re-
quired to run oftener than once an hour. But this section
shall not be construed to prevent trips at shorter intervals
during the whole night, should the company so desire ;
and said company shall not demand nor receive more than Rate of fare.
cents for fare between any two points on the road ;
Provided, however, that one fare may be collected from each
passenger going and another fee from each passenger re-
turning ; and for every violation of this section, such com- Penalty.
pany shall be subject to such fine as the mayor may im-
pose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 520. Be it further ordained, That every car on each Shall havenum
road shall have the number of the car painted on each side, Bota tate
in such place and manner as shall be plainly seen, and ths at night.
shall carry at night a lamp in front and rear, with the
number thereon, and shall be fully and properly lighted
inside, under such penalty as the mayor may impose, not Penalty.
exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 321. Beit further ordained, That any company building Company shall
a road, shall obtain the necessary lines and grades from cial pewnee font
the ihe engineer, and shall be liable to a fine in such sum “Y 2°"
as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, for
any violation of this section.
§ 322. Be it further ordained, That if any company shall If cars are not
refuse or neglect to run sai cars, as provided by this of three months
ordinance, for a period of three months, then the corporate Ma neha high
authorities of this city shall rent the same, at public out- °° “4
ery, for the account of the company, for a period of twelve
months, and if the same should not be rented, but should
be idle for a perid of twelve months, then the said authori-
ties may have the same taken up, the materials and furni-
ture sold to the highest bidder, and after deducting the
expense of taking up the road, selling the same, and re-
pairing the street, the balance, if any, shall be paid to the
legal representatives of said company.
§ 323. Be it further ordained, That if any person shall smoking in cars
smoke in any car of any city a or otherwise in any ?*°"”***
way improperly conduct himself or herself, he or she shall penalty.
be liable to such fine as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
ing fifty dollars, for each and every offence.
§ 324. Be it further ordained, That it shall not be lawful Cars not to stop
for any driver or conductor of any passenger car on any of nitsetnroan aie
the city railroads to stop their cars so as to obstruct the ™®*
streets intersecting the line of the railroad; nor shall they
obstruct the foot crossings of the street, but it shall always
be their duty to drive beyond the intersecting street and
Penalty. the crossing before stopping, under such penalty for each
violation of this section as the mayor may impose, not ex-
ceeding fifty dollars.
Rights granted § 325. Be it further ordained, That no privilege or author-
interfere ante ity herein granted shall be so construed as to interfere with
ea veg ramet the operations of the fire department of the city, but in all
peices instances, in case of fire, the use of the streets where rail-
road tracks are laid, shall be subservient to the necessities
of the fire department.
Conductorand § 326. The conductor and driver of each car shall keep a
ernbatwaten Vigilant watch for all vehicles and persons on foot, especially
to prevent ac- children, either on the track or moving towards it, and on
RL Ser Epon the first appearance of danger to such vehicles or persons,
Re of the car shall be stopped in the shortest space and time possi-
ble. The conductor shall not, under any circumstances,
allow ladies or children to leave or enter the cars while the
Penalty. same are in motion; and for the violation of this section,
. such fine may be imposed as the mayor, in his discretion,
may think proper, not exceeding fifty dollars.
Right reserved § 327. Be it further ordained, That the corporate authori-
eo fmze ™'S ties reserve the right to alter or amend the foregoing ordi-
nance, whenever circumstances may require it.
An Ordinance regulating Streets.
An Ordinance to establish, open and repair Streets.
§ 328. Be it ordained, That upon the written application vpon written
of the owners of at least one-fourth in quantity of the onetomeh ine
property through or over which any new street, or any hroemeh et
alteration, improvement or repair is desired. to be made in pe snened al
existing streets, or where any water shall settle or stand, [4'ec: & zepair-
one-fourth of the owners of property adjoining such place ™y be made.
shall petition the city to drain such place, the mayor shall Aavertise-
give thirty days’ notice of such application, in the official ™°"”
journal of the city, calling on all persons interested therein
to signify their objections thereto.
The city engineer shall then investigate and ascertain as Surveyor's
near as practicable the probable cost and expense of the “""**
work petitioned for, and inform the mayor thereof.
At the expiration of the time given in the notice, the Mayor's duties.
mayor shall report the probable expense to the two boards,
together with what he has done, and submit any objections
that may have been filed.
§ 329. That if the mayor, aldermen and common council rf directed,
shall ordain that the work be done, the mayor shall then 723°°*
cause one of the police officers to summon. a jury of twelve
citizens to assemble at a given time and place, of which
notice shall be given in the official newspaper. At the Assess.
appointed day the mayor shall impannel a jury, to assess
’ the amount that the different pieces or parcels of the adja-
Form of.
ments for pro-
Contractor give
How paid.
Where the
street termi-
nates in the
cent property shall contribute and pay to make up the
amount of the probable cost and expense, in form as
follows :
We, the jury impanneled to assess the amounts to be
paid for (opening of or repairing Dauphin) street, do find
that the costs of the (repairs) will be (five hundred) dollars,
and we assessthat A.B. shallpay - - - $100 00
B. C., executor of C.B., - + - EMT poe 100 00
The vacant lot on the north side of Dauphin,
between Cedar and Warren streets, commenc-
ing 100 feet from Warren, then running east
55 feet, with a ite of 110 feet, the owners
pWeatai - - - 100 00
The president and flinsbtols of the Bank of Mobile, 200 00
A. B., and eleven others,
(the twelve signing.)
Which shall be recorded by the city clerk, and a certified
copy thereof by the clerk shall be a sufficient warrant for
the tax collector to collect the said assessments, in the
same manner as the taxes on real estate are collected. ©
§ 330. That after the assessment shall be made the
mayor shall advertise in the official newspaper for 10 days
for sealed proposals to do and complete the proposed work ;
on such proposals coming in, the mayor shall determine
which is the best.
The contractor whose proposal shall be accepted, shall
give bond and security in double the amount of the con-
tract for its faithful performance, and he shall not receive
any money from the city, but shall be wholly paid as the
work progresses, from the money collected from the assess-
ment in the last section.
§ 331. That where the alteration, improvement, or open.
ing of the street terminates on the water or extends by the
bank thereof, that a sufficient bulkhead or abutment shall
be made of square and sound timber, not less than 12 inches
square, to be secured with braces and iron fastenings, and
so made as to carry off the water from the street, and shall
be kept in repair by the owners of the property benefited
by the improvements, alterations, or openings.
That all streets and extensions of streets now opened 1! streets now
and laid off in the city, however or whoever made by, are olared Bevtid
hereby declared to be public streets, subject to be regulated
and disposed of only by the city authorities. .
§ 332. Whenever the corporate authorities deem it expe- Corporate an-
dient to open any new street, or make any alteration, im- einen
provement or repair in any existing street; or grade, pave “"°*"
or shell any street at its own expense, as provided by the
charter, it shall be the duty of the city engineer to ex- Duty of city
amine into and report to the boards the probable expense”
of the proposed opening, alteration, repair, paving, or
shelling any street, and if after such report has been made,
said boards then deem it expedient to have the proposed
work done, they shall so direct by resolution, approved by
the mayor, and pass the necessary appropriation to pay for
the same.
Said work shall be done under the direction and to the Weebtabe
satisfaction of the mayor and street committee. ete ae of
street com-
§ 333. Be it ordained, That no person shall lay pipes of Pipes, how laid
iron, lead, or other metal, or of wood, for conveying water, or ™ “"° “"°°:
for any purpose, in any of the streets of the city, nearer
to the centre of the street than four feet. |
That no person shall destroy or remove the bolts or other Bolts, &c.. not
marks, indicating any lines of the streets.
§ 334. That no person shall erect, rebuild, or enlarge any No building or
house, building, or fence fronting on any street in the city, erected unless
unless he shall have called on the city engineer to desig- Gaentlines
nate the line of the street.
And any house, building or fence, which may be placed Declared a
so that it encroaches on the street, is a nuisance, and shall eae
be removed back to the proper line of the street.
§ 335. That it is not lawful for any person employed in Materials how
pbuilding or repairing any house, store, or other building, "°°"
to lay or place bricks, boards, timber, or any material for
building, in the streets so as to occupy more than one-third
of any street.
§ 336. That no person shall obstruct nor incumber any No cotton &c.,
street in any way, nor throw nor deposit in any street or to ibs epoalesil
i in the street.
gutter, ditch or drain, any cotton, lumber, firewood, cart, 0" *""
No earth to be
No earth to be
taken from any
Tf fails.
Nor to injure
any tree.
Tf surface of
the earth be
disturbed must
be left in same
dray, wagon, or any article, nor any hay, straw, dung,
kitchen stuff, broken glass, parings, or bits of leather, pa-
per, or cloth, nor any shavings or chips, nor any kind of
filth or trash whatever.
Nor dig, nor haul, nor carry away, any earth or materials
of any kind from any street, nor from any ditch opened or
And if any person digs or nets away any earth or ma-
terials from any street, as herein prohibited, he shall, in
addition to the fine for such offence as may be imposed by the
mayor, which shall not exceed fifty dollars, be required to
return the earth, or materials, so removed, to the place
from whence taken, and if he fails or refuses to do so, he
may be fined in such sum as the mayor, or acting mayor
may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars, for each day’s
failure or refusal.
No person shall cut, fell, break, strip off the bark; or
damage in any manner, any tree, or tie any animal there-
to, which is planted in any walk, square, street, road, or
public way.
§ 337. It shall be the duty of any person, company or
corporation, having the privilege of disturbing the surface
of any of the streets, for any purpose, to leave the same in
like condition as before disturbance, by filling and packing
the earth so as to produce a level surface; and for any
violation of this provision of the ordinance, they shall be
“subject to such fine as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
Nor injure any
oe plate,
Nor permit any
erection to re-
main which
mayor directs
to be removed.
Nor haul so as
to drag the
How to plant
ing twenty dollars, for each and every day’s violation
Nor pull down, remove, nor deface, injure, or destroy any
_ board or plate indicating the name of any street.
Nor permit any wall, house, or other building or erec-
tion, to remain standing, if the mayor notifies him that he
is of the opinion that they are liable to fall and endanger
the lives of persons passing.
Nor haul, carry or transport through any street of the
city any timber, lumber, or any other article, in such man-
ner that any inte: thereof shall drag upon or touch the
Nor plant any trees in the street, unless they are placed
on the outer edge of the sidewalk, and not more than eight
inches within the line of the curb-stone.
Nor shall erect any building, sheds, or inclosure of any Nor erect any
kind, east of Front street, on the west side of the river. onat of Bont
§ 338. That there shall be placed the name. or sign of Sasnd-of sitet
each street, in legibly painted letters, on one of the corners °° "°°"
at the intersection of each street, north of Charleston, east
of Broad, and south of Hunt streets, including these
streets, upon a conspicuous place.
That Front street shall be of the width of seventy feet, Width of Front
measuring from the building on the west side of the street, pics
sixty of which shall be used as a roadway for vehicles.
§ 359. Be it ordained, That on and after the passage of
this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the mayor to employ
some competent person who, under the direction of the
city engineer, shall number each house and. vacant lot in
the city of Mobile, so far as the same may be practicable.
Thatit shall be the duty of the person so employed to take Person em-
Dauphin street as the base starting-point for numbering Bae tases and
all houses and vacant lots on streets running north and ie
south, and the Mobile river as the base of streets running
east and west.
§ 340. That the person so employed shall be required, Houses and lots
within a reasonable time after his or their employment, to ‘??°"™™""
affix the proper number.on all houses and vacant lots front-
ing on any street in the city of Mobile, for which the per- Fee.
son so employed shall be entitled to demand and collect
from the owner or owners of any house or vacant lot the
sum of fifty cents as his compensation for the proper num-
ber so affixed.
If any person shall refuse to pay the fee required, or pre- Penalty.
vent the affixing of the proper number, he shall on complaint
be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceed-
ing twenty dollars.
§ 341. That it shall be the duty of the person or persons Furnish engi-
employed to do the numbering, to furnish the city engineer 3; onnee
with the numbers and names of the owners of houses or
lots as fast as the same shall be ascertained by him.
§ 342. That the person or persons employed as aforesaid, Under direction
shall be under the direct supervision of the city engineer, a al
and shall be by him when, in his judgment, the person em-
ployed shall refuse or fail to execute the provisions of his
contract in good faith, reported to the mayor.
Name of street
to be placed on
street lamps.
One-third of
owners may
Boards may
Work done un-
der supervision
of street com-
He shall report
Mayor and city
engineer shall
He shall certify
to tax collector.
Form of.
§ 343. All public street lamps shall have the name of the
street painted in a conspicuous manner on the side which
faces the street or streets on which they are placed, which
shall be done at the expense of the city, under the direc-
tions of the mayor.
An Ordinance to provide for the Shelling and Paving of Streets.
§ 344. Be it ordained, That whenever the owners of at
least one-third in quantity of real estate fronting on any
street, shall in writing petition for the shelling or paving
of such street within the city, it shall be lawful for the
mayor, aldermen and common council to order such street
to be shelled or paved.
§ 345. That the work shall be done in such manner as the
mayor may direct, under the especial supervision of the
street commissioner, and it shall be the duty of the city
engineer, before the commencement of the work, to furnish
the proper grade of the street to be shelled or paved.
§ 346. That when the work is completed, the city engineer
shall ascertain and report to the mayor the expense of it.
That then the mayor and the city engineer shall assess
the proper amount to be paid by each owner of property,
(or piece of property when the owner is unknown) fronting
on the street where the work has been done. |
They shall certify the assessment to the city tax collec-
tor and the certificate shall be full authority for said tax
collector to collect the assessment.
It shall be in the following form :
Crry oF Mositz. § ayor’s Office.
To the Tax Collector of the City of Mobile:
The city engineer having reported to the mayor of the
city of Mobile that the expenses of (shelling or paving on
street) amounts to five hundred polars,
We assess that A. B. pay, - - - $100 00
3 ef C4) dulkpe aha niliodcnigatil of the estate
of C. D., - - . - - - - - 5000
We assess that vacant lot on north-west corner
and , with front of 55 feet and
depth of 110 feet, - - - . . - - 6000
We assess that E. F., | - . . . . - $300 00
And the tax collector is commanded to levy of the goods
and chattels, lands and tenements of the said persons, and
to attach and sell the said lots to make the said several sums
of money and costs, and that he have the money in the
office of the city treasurer of Mobile, on or before the
day of 186 .
J. M. WITHERS, Mayor.
Given at Mobile this
day of
City Engineer.
§ 347. That it shall be the duty of the tax collector to Tax collector's
collect without delay the several amounts assessed in the “"™
same manner and with the same authority as he has in col-
lecting the ordinary tax on real estate, and be entitled to
the same compensation.
§ 348. Be it ordained, That no person, upon any pretence, No diteh to be
- shall cut any ditch across or along any of the public streets witheat Berets
in the city, unless leave be specially granted by the cor-™*°™
porate authorities.
That when such leave may be granted, such ditch shall When granted
be well barricaded, and guarded during the time it may be °°"? &""™°"
necessary to remain open.
§ 349. It is not lawful for any person to carry or cause to No burning
be carried, in the streets, any burning coals, or brands, oa he aie *
unless the same be inclosed in a covered vessel. hee
§ 350. That the street commissioner, under the order and Names to be
direction of the mayor and street committee, shall from pets oa thio
time to time, at their discretion, be required to place on *”°**
one of the corners at the intersection of each street, the
name of each street on some conspicuous point on the
corner in legibly painted letters; and that any person who Penalty.
shall pull down, remove, deface, or destroy said name or
sign, shall be fined in such sum as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars.
And it shall be the duty of the mayor and street com: Mayor to have
names placed
mittee, as early as practicable after the passage of this on certain
streets as early
ordinance, to place the names of the following streets on 4s practicable:
the corner of each intersection, as above provided for, -
to wit: Charleston, Augusta, Savannah, Selma, Elmira,
Texas, Montgomery, Davis Avenue, Washington Avenue,
Beauregard and Manassas streets, the names of which
were fixed by ordinance, approved August 16th, 1861.
Not to obstruct .§ 351. No person shall obstruct, embarrass or incumber
maywey any street or sidewalk with cotton, lumber, fire-wood,
carts, drays, wagons, goods, wares or merchandise, or any
article. Nor drive any horse, cart, dray, wheelbarrow or
carriage over the sidewalk, (except to cross it to enter the
No auction. Nor sell or offer for sale at public auction or outcry in
the streets or on the sidewalk any horses, cattle or live
Nor expose Nor expose for public or private sale in the streets or on
Sage the sidewalks, any goods, wares or merchandise, without
the consent of the mayor.
Nor erect gates. Nor to erect gates to open on the street, nor permit
them to remain when erected.
Tobemadeand § 002. Be it ordained, That the owner or claimant of
kept in repair >
pyowneror eVery lot of ground shall make or cause to be made and
ye ane keep in repair a sidewalk or pavement to the whole extent
and front of his. property.
Width. Upon every street and exclusive of the gutter,
Over thirty and under forty feet wide, - - six feet
Over forty and under sixty feet wide, - eight feet
Over sixty and under one hundred feet wide, -. ten feet
One hundred feet wide, - - - - fifteen feet
Grade, According to the level slope and graduation to be furnished
by the city engineer.
Material in fire That the materials used within the fire limits shall be of
yar whole hard. bricks or stone flagging of good quality, and
for making bank-heads shall be of stone four inches thick
throughout and fifteen inches deep, and not less than three
feet long with hewn sides so as to form close and fair joints,
and present fair surfaces and a proper level at the top.
And the portion before gates for the passage of carts or
other vehicles ‘shall be paved with stones or brick, laid
§ 353. Outside of the fire limits and upon every square Not in fire
on which there shall exist more than one building, the side. ™"*
walk may be made of sand or any material capable of being
smoothed and made hard. It shall be made _ sloping
towards the street in such way that the water may not
remain on it, that the bank-heads shall be of stone or pine
stuff not less than three inches thick and fifteen. inches
wide, and there shall in all cases within and without the
fire limits be a proper covered gutter across the sidewalk,
to lead the water from the yard or lot into the streets.
§ 354.-That no veranda or balcony attached to any No erection —
building shall be erected at a less height than twelve feet, watk less than
12 feet hig
nor any gallery, awning, sign or other projection attached are tate a
to any building shall be erected at a less height than nine {o.7grsess
and a half feet above the sidewalk,
Nor extend over the street more than the width of the Nor to extend
sidewalk in front of the building. ire er
The posts or columns to support the verandas and bal- Posts and
conies shall be composed of iron, and placed on a line °’"™"*
within four inches of the outer line of the curb of the
Nor shall any other projections be so constructed as. to Other pro-
be supported by any posts or pillars erected in the street eae
or on the sidewalk. Nor shall any other posts or pillars be No posts or
erected in the streets or on the sidewalks, (except tempo- die soak A>
rarily while building) but those used to support the tele-
graph wires, and for gas-lights, and iron posts placed on How placed.
the outer edge of the sidewalks to tie horses to, which
shall not be less than four feet nor more than five feet high,
under penalty of fifty dollars. Penalty.
Nor to permit any walls, houses or other buildings that Nor permit
are ina broken or ruinous condition, liable to fall or en- wares to
danger the lives of persons passing by, to remain or other. °""™
wise obstruct any sidewalk.
§ 355. That no engine, hose cart, or hook and ladder ear- Engine, hose,
riage, shall be run on the paved sidewallc of the city, ex- reper pe
cept in the immediate vicinity of the fire. Pa thea
And all posts or pillars now standing, not composed of Posts or pillars
iron, in compliance with this section, td declared a nui- waste Sip
sance, and shall be abated. en,
§ 356. That all persons tenants of houses, yards, lots or To be swept
grounds fronting on any street, shall sweep or cause to be before ten.
Trees to be
Duty of police
ofticer when
owner of nui-
sance is
Proceeds, how
disposed of.
Injury to walk
to be repaired.
If minor, ap-
prentice, or
When owner is
Owners of
buildings to
keep gutters in
Water to be
earried off
through cover-
ed drains.
swept, and to clean or cause to be cleaned, that part of the
sidewalk that lies before their premises, every day, before
ten o’clock in the morning.
§ 357. That where any tree is growing or standing on
any sidewalk, and any branches or boughs extend over the
sidewalk or street, that the owner, or in his absence, the
tenant, at the expense of the owner of the lot before which
such tree stands, shall cause it to be trimmed to the height
of twelve feet above the sidewalk.
§ 358. That when any article is found obstructing or
ineumbering the sidewalks or streets of the city, and the
owner is unknown, any police officer, under the direction
of the mayor, shall cause such obstruction to be removed ;
if of value, to be taken to some place of safety, to be held
five days; at the expiration of that time it shall be sold,
after giving three days’ notice in the official newspaper, of
the time and place.
The proceeds shall be paid into the city treasury, after
deducting the expenses and costs, and if the proceeds are
not called for by the owner within sixty days, it is forfeited
to the city.
§ 359. That every person who shall injure any sidewalk or
gutter, shall cause the same to be repaired within twenty-
four hours thereafter.
If the injury or damage be committed by a minor or
apprentice, or by any animal, the father, guardian, minor,
or owner shall be bound to eause the repairs to be made
at his expense, and shall pay the fine, and if the owner of
the animal is unknown, such animal may be taken by any
police officer, as is provided for the disposition of articles
found obstructing or incumbering the sidewalks or streets,
and shall be disposed of, as is therein provided.
It shall be the duty of owners of buildings within the
fire limits to keep all the gutters overhanging sidewalks,
and the pipes and conduits leading therefrom to the side-
walk in good repair, so as to prevent water from falling on
the sidewalk, and the water passing through such pipes
or conduits, shall be conveyed to the street through drains
over or under the sidewalks. y
Nor shall any water or drain from yards or lots be per-
mitted to run over the surface of any sidewalk.
§ 360. The owners of property at the intersection of Stone crossings
streets within the fire limits, shall lay stone crossings of ern wba ben
street gutters from the sidewalks to the streets of proper “""
length and height to permit the free and unobstructed
passage of the water, and such stone crossings shall be of
the width of the sidewalk to which they are connected.
The sidewalks on all the streets shall be of even and sidewalks to be
uniform surface, and of a width proportioned to the width gine”
of the street as defined in this ordinance, and shall slope
uniformly from the inner to the outer edge, so as to carry
off the water, and the fall or slope and width of each side-
walk shall be as provided in this ordinance; and it shall
be the duty of all owners of lots, to have the sidewalks
in front of their property to conform to this ordinance as
soon as practicable, and to repair all broken and uneven Water not to
surfaces so as to prevent any water from standing on the = eg
sidewalk. And if any person shall fail or refuse to comply Penalty.
with any of the provisions of this ordinance within a
reasonable time after such notice, as may be prescribed by
the mayor, he shall be fined for each day’s failure or refusal
in such sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty
§ 361. All entrances to alleys, yards, lots or door-ways Entrance to
across street gutters shall be by bridges or covered ways shail be bridged
which shall be made of iron, stone or brick within the fire Watcs. itn
limits, and outside of the fire limits may be made of wood,
and in all cases must be so constructed as not to interfere
with the drainage of the streets, or the grade of the street
or sidewalk.
§ 362. For any violation of any of the provisions of the streets.
ordinances regulating streets and sidewalks, or the failure
or refusal to perform any duty enjoined therein or doing
any act therein prohibited, the party shall be fined in such
sum as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 363. Be it ordained, That the present term of the city city engineer,
engineer expires on the first day of January 1869, and 2°” “°°
that at the annual municipal election for-that year and for
every three years thereafter, there shall be elected by
Office and office
His duties.
Records and
Shall report.
Shall make
maps ana field
notes, and keep
in a book.
Ascertain size
of lots and
No record but
of actual sur-
Shall mark out
all streets, &c.
Survey all
Ascertain the
grades of
streets and con-
tinue them.
the convention some competent person who shall be
called the city engineer. He shall give bond in such sum
and receive such salary as the corporate authorities may
from time to time determine.
§ 364. He shall have his office in the municipal build-
ings, which he shall keep open every day, except Sunday,
from 9 o’clock A. M. until 3 o’clock P. M. unless engaged
at his official duties.
He shall safely keep there all records and maps pertain-
ing to his office, subject to the inspection of the mayor or
any of the aldermen or common council; such records and
maps Shall remain and be the property of the city.
He shall report to the mayor all houses, walls or build-
ings in a broken or ruinous or other condition, which are
liable to fall and endanger the lives of persons passing in
the streets.
And whenever required he shall report to the mayor,
aldermen or common council, information on all subjects
pertaining to his office; when any contract for grading,
shelling, paving or guttering any street, lane, alley or
other property pertaining thereto, shall have been made,
he shall be furnished with a copy, which he shall record
in a book kept for that purpose in his office.
§ 365. It is his duty to make full and accurate maps of
all parts of the city, making full and complete field notes
of them, and entered in a book kept in the office, which
shall be open to every person, under his supervision.
To ascertain as accurately as possible the different
squares and lots, giving to all persons interested due
notice, so that they may designate their property...
He shall not record or place in the books of the city any
map or notes, unless they shall have been prepared from
actual survey.
§ 366. That it is his duty to mark out all streets, lanes,
alleys, sidewalks or foot-ways whenever the same shall
have been ordered or accepted by or have become the pro-
perty of the city.
. To survey, when required, all lands belonging to or in
the occupancy of the city.
To ascertain as early as practicable the grades of the
different streets in the city, and so make them that the
graduation may be carried out under his supervision, and
of his successors in office, beginning in the central parts
of the city, and extending gradually to the city limits, so
that the whole city may be properly drained.
To furnish the scale of graduation of all new streets, rurnish scale.
and all streets to be paved, shelled or repaired, and to
report to the mayor any person improperly marking out or
graduating any street, alley, lane or sidewalk.
To make the plans, specifications, estimates and exami- Make plans.
nations provided by these ordinances, and whenever called
on to do so by the mayor, aldermen or common council, and
keep a record thereof in his office. To see that all contracts see that con-
for making or repairing any street, lane, alley or sidewalks Risadwithes |
are faithfully executed.
To determine and fix all corners of streets and fronts of To fix course of
lots, and give a certificate thereof when called on by the Fonte of lots.
owner, who shall pay two cents per running foot to the
surveyor therefor.
To furnish the running lines and levels for the erection Furnish lines
or repair of all buildings, houses, walls or fences fronting “"" “"""~
on any street, or for making and repairing sidewalks.
And to provide the lines of, the streets, alleys, lanes, rines of
fronts, sidewalks, &c., he shall take such steps for the per- “°° “*
manent marking and defining them as he may deem advisa-
ble, and keep a record in his office of all such marks as he
may make, or such bolts, blocks, or bench-marks as he may
§ 367. The city engineer shall procure, at the expense of He must pro-
the corporate authorities, eight suitable well-bound books, books.
one for each ward, on the back of which shall be lettered
the name and number of the ward, and he shall cause an
accurate plat of each square of ground divided into lots in
each ward to be drawn and numbered in the appropriate
ward book, in a neat and skillful manner. The plat of said shal enter
squares and lots shall be made from actual surveys, and {feccn scuato
the name or names of the owner of each lot in each square Fiat eae
shall be plainly written on pages following each plat.
That whenever any lot is sold in said city at private, proper entry to
public or judicial sale, the purchaser shall within three ieee at =
days after the sale, report the same to the city engineer at
his office and cause the change of ownership to be made on
the proper ward book, and if any purchaser or his agent Penalty.
shall fail to make said report, within the time prescribed,
he shall be fined in-such sum as the mayor may impose,
not exceeding fifty dollars.
City enzineer § 368. And it shall be the duty of the city engineer to
records toxee ©=eXamine from time to time the records in Mobile county,
oe cernt of and report to the mayor any purchaser who fails or refuses
ace to make the report therein required. And in order to aid
the engineer in making a correct record of the ownership
of lots, heis hereby required to give notice by advertise-
ment in the official journal of the city, for owners of property
to produce their title deeds to lots and lands in said city,
Penalty. or otherwise show claim or ownership thereto, and any
owner or agent who shall fail or refuse to respond to said
notice within a reasonable time, shall be subjected to such
fine as the mayor may impose, not exceeding fifty dollars.
Fees forinfor. And if any person shall apply to the city engineer for in-
Ararat ot formation as to the ownership or dimensions of any lot, it
ate a shall be furnished by the engineer, who shall be entitled
to receive therefor the sum of fifty cents.
He shall attend It shall be the duty of the city engineer to attend the
fees, city tax collector’s sales of lands for non-payment of taxes,
and to perform the duties prescribed in the ordinance en-
titled an ‘‘ordinance for the assessment and collection of
taxes and licenses.”
Assistantmay The mayor and presidents of the two boards shall ap-
be appointed. noint some suitable person‘as an assistant to aid him in
making the plats, surveys, and ascertaining and recording
the ownership of the lots and squares as provided herein,
and do such other work in the office as said engineer may
Salary. require of him, and such assistant shall receive a salary
at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, payable
monthly, until otherwise provided, by the corporate
Streetcommis: § 369. Be it ordained, That there shall be elected in eon-
sioner elected. “Vention at the annual election for the year 1867, and every
year thereafter, a street commissioner, with the other city
Bond. officers, and he shall give such bond, and receive such sal-
ary aS the corporate authorities may from time to time
It shall be his duty, under the direction of the mayor, Under the may-
i exercise 3 Lo Beil hd hak reve ov to supervise
oO exercise Immediate supervision over the streets, lanes, streets, «ec.
alleys, sidewalks, &c., of the city, and to direct and con- And street
7 5 force.
trol the force, laborers, horses, carts, and other working
power that may be provided for the working of the streets.
To keep a correct record of the time they are employed To keep record
\ , . of employment
from day to day, which he shall report monthly to the city and repoit.
To keep a correct account of all implements of every de- To ing
. . : . ; count or prop-
scription belonging to the city, and used on the streets, erty, and report
7 rE every three
which may be in his custody, charge or keeping ; and make monihs.
a report thereof at the end of every three months, account-
ing for loss or destruction of any; and any deficiency not Accountability.
accounted for satisfactorily, shall be charged to him, and
deducted, by order of the finance committee, from his
And whenever, in his opinion, it may be necessary to re- Report as to
. 4 bridge.
new or erect any bridge or bridges, he shall report the same
to the engineer, who shall make an estimate of the prob-
able cost and expense of it, and report the same to the
mayor. x
He shall daily examine the streets, lanes, alleys, vacant Daily examine
bi a Fe yy “ ; streets, &c.
lots and sidewalks of the city, and cause them to be kept Duties.
P Report to
clean and in good order, and to report to the mayor all mayor.
persons who may be guilty of violating any of the ordi- .
nances relating to streets.
That all work pertaining to the drainage or grading of Plans of work
i ees ¢ to be furnished
streets, or making or repairing of sidewalks shall be done by city engi-
according to the plans and under the direction of the city ““"
He shall remove all nuisances that may be found in the He shallre-
. . Move rui-
streets or on the sidewalks—and report to the mayor all sances and
, : bury dead
persons who obstruct the streets or sidewalks, or who animals.
create nuisances, or who fail or refuse to remove their
dead animals, and in case the owner of dead animals can-
not be found, or is not known, it shall be his duty to re-
move them to such place as may be designated for their
deposit, and there bury them in a hole of proper depth.
And he shall do and perform such other duties as may Ana perform
h otl
be from time to time required of him by the mayor and Qutiesas may
street committee. be required.
Property and
estate to in-
What distinc-
tion may be
made i in assess-
License not a
Head tax of $1
An Ordinance to provide for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes
and Licenses.
§ 370. Be it ordained, That real property or estate when
referred to in this ordinance shall include real property
as defined in section 27 of this Code, and land, houses,
hereditaments, permanent fixtures or attachments thereto,
out of the city, if extended to and attached to real estate
within the city, if by means thereof such property out of
the city is made an adjunct to the carrying on of any
business in the city, including water-works and gas-works
for supply of the city.
And personal property or estate when referred to in-
cludes personal property as defined in section 27 of this
Code, and all matters of a temporary or movable property
in which a right can be had or riches consist, and income, :
(except salary and wages for hire, which ‘shall not be
§ 371. That in assessing property no distinction shall Be
made as to persons, but may be made in the property taxed
as shall seem meet and proper by the mayor and the
presidents of the two boards, or the corporate authorities.
That a license to carry on any trade, business or pursuit »
shall not be deemed a tax on the property employed or the,
income derived from it.
A head tax of one dollar shall be laid and assessed on
all male adults in the city between the ages of twenty-one
and sixty years,
§ 372. That at the annual municipal election once in
three years after the expiration of the term of the present
incumbent, there shall be elected in convention, from the
resident free holders in the city, an assessor of taxes for
the term of three years, who shall give bond in such sum, Term.
and shall receive such annual salary, payable monthly, as , Bandand
may be determined from time to time by the corporate
When a vacancy occurs by death, resignation or removal Vacancy, how
from the city, the convention shall elect a person with the
same qualification, who shall hold office for the unexpired
term of his predecessor.
He shall keep his office in the municipal buildings and Duties.
devote his entire time and attention to the duties apper- coeieigels :
taining to his office, and shall hold the books and papers °™™""*
relating to his office, at all times during business hours,
open and free to the inspection of every person, and at
the end of his term shall turn them over to his successor
in office.
That each municipal year he shall make a full and com- ghau make
plete assessment of all the real and personal property in oth oar to be
the city, which shall be completed for each ensuing muni- pra e”
cipal year before the first Monday in February. Tera
In order to aid him in doing this, the city clerk shall cterk shall fur.
each year furnish him by the 15th day of December suc- tiphaveticd
ceeding every annual municipal election, with an alpha- ¥** of voters.
betical list of the voters in the city, who voted at the
then last election, the names to be arranged in the wards How arranged.
in which they voted. /
And as each person whose name is on the list, is assessed, Note each
he shall note it opposite to the name. ©
And every person whose name is not on the list, shall be names to be
added thereto when he is assessed. bi he
And on the next list made by the clerk he shall add such clerk to make
names as appear from the assessor’s last returns, and not jj." °°
found in the list of voters. So that each year’s returns of
names by the assessor and the voter’s list, may aid him in
making full assessments.
§ 373. He shall begin not sooner than the Ist of Oc- commence ist
tober, and as soon thereafter as practicable shall appoint Ociver'?
in each ward in the city a time and place for taking assess-
ments, notice of which shall be given by advertisement for Notice.
ten consecutive days of publication in the official news-
All persons
shall give their
Tax collector
shall collect.
Assessor shall
attend and
assess all -
Ascertain all
persons and
property sub-
‘Shall compare
with clerks
Then with
Notice is hereby given that on the day of
18 ,I will attend at on Munroe street, between
Royal and Water, between the hours of (9 A. M.) and
(4 P. M.) to assess the property in the (5th ward) at which
time and place all persons are required to give in their
assessment of property.
2. A. LEWIS,
City Assessor.
At which time’all persons shall be required to give their
assessments at such of the places as they please, and any
person failing so to do shall pay the assessor fifty cents,
which shall be collected by the city tax collector and paid
over to the assessor.
§ 375. At such time and place he shall attend and shall
well and truly assess the property of every person, setting
forth a list and description of the property assessed, (using.
the city maps when applicable,) its value, the name of the
party assessed and his business, in form substantially as
A. B. , Broker, Mobile, | House and lot, north side Dauphin,
between Royal and Water streets :
oo feet front; 110 feet deep, © -. -
4horses,- - - - -
Vacant lot, south side Pas: be-
tween Royal and Water streets :
60 feet front; 120 feetdeep, - -
Unknown owner,
He shall use all diligence to ascertain all persons and
property that are subject to assessment, and assess them.
When he has filled his appointment in each ward of the
city, he shall (aided by the clerk) compare his assessment
with the lists made by the clerk, and note all that are not
He shall then (aided by the city engincer) compare the
property assessed with a correct map of the city, and ascer-
tain what real estate is omitted in his assessment, and shall
assess if.
He shall then assess all persons on the list not already Shai assess
those not as-
assessed, and allothers whom hecan ascertain have not been sessed.
Risdatod: }
And where owners are not known he shall assess the Unknown
same to “unknown owners.”
In ascertaining all assessments, the property to be as- May admin-
% . Pte ister oath.
sessed, the owner, its value, its description, or any other
matter within the range of the duties of assessing the
property, he is authorized and empowered to administer
an oath in the following form :
I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that the list I have de- Form of oath.
livered contains all the taxable property I have in any
manner in my possession, within the limits of the city of
Mobile, subject to taxation, and that I do not know of any
other, so help me God.
At Ds
Subscribed and sworn to }
before me,
City Assessor.
Which shall be filed in the office of the city clerk, that sap
ith clerk
he may ascertain the value of property subject to ASSeSS-
ment from the oath of the person, any information that he
may obtain, or from his own knowledge, but the only rule Cash valuation.
of appraisement shall be the cash value of the property.
§ 376. And if any person shall refuse to make oath as Hee oe
UusINE tO take
above, he shall be assessed double. That when his assess- oath masdlsed
ment shall be complete, he shall arrange and copy alpha- When com-
leted, shall
betically in plain and legible hand-writing, in books to be Jopy alpha:
provided by the city, lists of the assessments, and shall Toyo o5n.
have the books completed and properly made up for the pif Miniay in
inspection and use of the city authorities, on or before the *°™"y-
first Monday in February in each year.
That the assessment shall be returned to the city clerk Assessment to
5 : be returned to
as soon as compieted, not later than the first Monday in clerk.
wih Not later than
February, verified by the oath of the assessor as follows: eo
THE STATE OF ALABAMA, } , = hui to.
“orm of oath.
I, Reuben A. Lewis, assessor of taxes for the city of
Mobile, solemnly swear that I have assessed all of the tax-
able property, both real and personal, so far as I know or
have been able to learn after the most diligent endeavor
Clerk shall file
And notif:
mayor an¢
Mayor and
presidents shall
And make an
order of pub-
lication that
the assessment
is ready for in-
spection, and
that objections
may be made.
Form of notice.
Clerk shall see
that notice is
given at once,
and inquiry, that I have valued the property so assessed
and. set it forth in the tax list, according to the best of my
knowledge and judgment.
City Assessor.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day, 18
J. M. WITHERS, Mayor.
Which shall be written at the end of the assessment lists.
The clerk shall file the same and enter a copy of it on
the records of the city.
And on the day that the assessment list is filed and re-
turned into his office he shall notify, in writing, the mayor
and the presidents of the two boards of the fact.
§ 377. That as soon thereafter as is convenient, the mayor
and the presidents of the two boards shall meet and form a
court, and assess the number of cents on the dollar to be
taxed on the property listed and returned by the assessor.
They shall make an order of record requiring ten days’
notice to be given in the official newspaper by consecutive
publications, that the assessment lists are ready and open
for inspection by all persons interested, and that all objec-
tions thereto must be made within twenty days after the
date of the first publication of the notice, and set a day
not less than twenty days after the first publication of the
notice for the hearing of all exceptions thereto.
The notice may be as follows:
Mobile, 18
Public notice is hereby given that the assessment lists of
taxable real and personal property in the city of Mobile for
the year 18 have been completed and returned to the
mayor, aldermen and common council, by the assessor, and
are open for inspection at my office.
All persons feeling themselves aggrieved by the assess-
ment of their property are hereby requested to make and
file their exceptions in my office on or before the
day of at which time the same will be heard.
City Clerk.
And it shall be the duty of the clerk to see that the
notice is given immediately.
§ 378. The city clerk shall attend all meetings and record Clerk shall
all of the proceedings of the said court throughout their ac- mactttiehy &e,
tion on the assessment lists.
He shall receive and file all exceptions to the assessment
lists, and shall make a docket thereof, which he shall lay
before the said court.
On the day appointed for the hearing of exceptions to on the day set,
the lists, or on such day to which the court shall continue renee daly
such hearing, they shall meet in the mayor’s office, and Jections and
shall take up, hear and determine each exception filed,
and shall decide thereon as a majority of them may deem
just and right.
They shall distinctly and clearly state the decision made what shall be
on all exceptions, and that all exceptions filed have been *“““
heard and decided, and that, save as excepted to and
altered upon the hearing of the exception, their previous
actions are in all things confirmed, and that the assessment
and the number of cents to be paid as assessed by the
court be and are fully determined as assessed and laid as
taxes on property in the city for the municipal year. Said and ordered to
entry shall contain an order that the action taken by the Bore tomo
court be at once reported by the clerk to the mayor, alder-
men and common council.
§ 379. The clerk shall at once give the notice to the on notice, the
boards of aldermen and common council, who shall sepa- (oavenc and
rately convene, attended by the city clerk, and shall cause 2¢P5s
an entry to be made reciting that they have received said yay we?
notice and have met, and that they find the proceedings ™Y°"
conformable to law, and that they are approved by them,
which shall be approved by the mayor.
§ 380. That the city assessor shall at once prepare a Assessor shall
duplicate list of the assessment so made containing a de- pate list ob
scription of the real property, with its valuation and the 7?"
tax assessed and laid thereon.
And the amount of the personal property assessed to And personal
each person, with the tax assessed and laid thereon. ae se
And the name of each person liable to a head tax, and And head tax.
the amount of such head tax, and shall submit said list to
the mayor, who shall issue his warrant in favor of the city Mayor to issue
ep warrant to cit
assessor on the city treasurer for one hundred and fifty assessor.
Mayor's war-
rant to tax .
Form of war-
rant. ;
Tax collector
Bond and com-
He shall be ac-
countable for
whole tax.
Who excused.
The mayor shall thereupon append thereto his warrant
to the tax collector of the city, as follows
Crry or Mosrix. $§ 2/ayor’s Office.
To the Tax Collector of the City of Mobile:
Whereas, The mayor, aldermen and common council of
the city of Mobile, did, on the day of
18, assess and lay upon the assessed value for the. year
eighteen hundred and of the real and personal
_property hereafter described, the several sums set opposite
thereto, and also the head tax as therein set forth, for a tax
for the municipal year eighteen hundred and
as follows: [Here set out the list.]
Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded to make levy
and collect of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements
of the said persons, the said several sums of money set op-
posite the real and personal property above described, and
the head taxes herein set forth as the taxes therein, for the
year aforesaid, and to attach and sell the said lots and
lands to make the said several sums of money and costs,
and make return of this warrant with your proceeding
thereon on or before
Given at Mobile, this day of | 18
J. M. WITHERS, Mayor.
§ 381. Be it ordained, That there shall be annually elect-
ed in convention a “tax collector,” who shall give bond
in such sum, and receive such remuneration as shall be de-
termined by the corporate authorities.
He shall be charged with and accountable for the whole
amount of the assessed taxes in each year, and he shall
only be released from such lability by showing the entire
insolvency of the person assessed, of whom he has failed
to collect the taxes,
And by showing that the amount of his account cannot
be collected by the exercise of the utmost diligence, and
the use of all the means given by law.
§ 582. That if any real property shall be assessed to un- Property of
known owners, or to persons who are known, and the taxes ents
or dues assessed on them are not paid within sixty days
from the time when the said taxes or dues are required to
be paid,
He shall give notice (in the official newspaper, or by Notice to be
printed sheet circulated therewith, and kept for publie in- *"”
spection at the mayor’s office, as shall be deemed most ex-
pedient and least expensive) of the lots and real estate on
which the taxes are unpaid, describing them so that the Description.
lot may be pointed out, and that he will, at a certain time
and place named, proceed. to sell such of the lots and lands Sale.
upon which the taxes and dues are unpaid, or so much
thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the same.
And on the day and at the time appointed, or on such Shall sell.
day as he may then adjourn it to, he shall proceed to sell
any and as many lots on which the taxes and dues are not
paid, or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax, and two Fee.
dollars as a fee for the advertisement and sale, and a cer-
tificate thereof, which sum of two dollars shall be paid by
the purchaser, and in case the corporate authorities become
the purchaser, the tax collector shall retain in his hands
the amount of the expenses of sale out of any moneys in
his hands not paid over.
§ 383. The city engineer shall attend such tax sales, and City engineer
shall bid off, in the name of and for the mayor, aldermen one ane
and common council of the city or Mobile as purchaser,
all the lots and lands on which the tax collector cannot get
a bid, from other persons, to the amount of the taxes and
expenses of sale; and said engineer shall take possession City engineer
of such lots, lands and tenements for said city, and if any Rear, Jots.
person shall resist or molest him in the discharge of said sitine nT”
duty, he or she shall be subject to a fine, to be imposed by “"'"*”
the mayor or acting mayor, not exceeding fifty dollars; and
said engineer is hereby authorized to call on the mayor for
any force or assistance necessary to take and keep posses-
sion of said property.
Any person may acquire the title and possession of Said Any person
may acquire
corporate authorities to any of the lots and lands so sold, title paying
by paying the taxes due, twenty-five per cent. per annum five percent.
thereon, and all charges and expenses of said sale, subject, “"* ° Ll * $ S - tl > cit Te
performs all the duties required of him by this ordinance. eh guile
They shall report to the boards semi-annually, or oftener Tittee to see
that superin-
if required, the condition of the wharves, all construction tendent attends
to his duties.
or repairs of wharves, and all other information necessary. fai! report to
The said committee is also authorized and empowered smiannually.
when directed by the corporate authorities, to obtain or mittee to pur-
u chase wharves,
purchase from any person owning any wharf property in Ne i Tested
yy corporate
said city, the title thereto,.and to report their action for authorities.
ratification to the mayor and the two boards.
The rates of dockage and wharf charges and fees. shall Rates and fees,
be established from time to time as the corporate author-
ities may determine.
All bills created in the construction, management or re- Wharf com-
mittee to audit
pairs of the wharves of said city, shall be audited and an bitis for re-
pairs construc-
passed for payment by said committee, and the draft for tion or man.
the amount thereof, signed by the chairman of the com- mentor
mittee and countersigned by the mayor, shall be paid by [Rey are pre:
ves ri payment.
the city treasurer. Mayne to
, - : i s : countersign
Said committee shall have power to appoint from time Counters oa
to time, such clerks or assistants to aid the superintendent ™. .
’ Committee to
of wharves, as may be necessary for the proper manage- np ahiere
ment of said wharves and collecting the revenue thereof, tendent.
who shall receive such compensation as the committee compensation.
may determine, until otherwise provided by the corporate
authorities—and such clerks shall be subject to the order, clerks to be
and under the direction of the superintendent of wharves. set, oon.
§ 408. Be it further ordained, That there shall be elected {01,0f superin-
as soon after the passage of this ordinance as practicable, Superintendent
a superintendent of wharves, who shall act as such for the
balance of this municipal year, and shall be elected there-
after at the annual election of officers for the year 1867 and
annually after said last election, and he shall receive such gona ana com.
compensation, and give such bond, as the corporate au- ?°"*%°™
thorities may from time to time determine.
His duties shall be to collect all the dockage and wharf paties of
charges belonging to said city, and make reports thereof to “PeTimtendent.
the boards.
dent shall per-:
sonally super-
vise, control,
collect the
revenue and
manage the
whaves under
the direction of
wharf com-
dent shall pro-
cure books and
shall act as
clerk to the
wharf com-
dent shall per-
form all duties
required of him
by the city
Docks to be
kept clear.
Certain vessels,
boats, &c., may
be removed.
He shall personally superintend and control the construc-
tion or repairs of said wharves, and to generally supervise
and manage the same, under the direction of said commit-
tee, and shall see that all the ordinances and regulations
respecting wharves are complied with, and report any
violations of: the same to the mayor.
§ 409. He shall provide, at the expense of the city, suit-
able blank books, and make entries therein of all moneys
collected by him, showing the dates, amounts and sources
from whence collected.’ He shall also act as clerk of said
committee, at all of their meetings, and keep a record of
their proceedings in said books. The books so kept by
him shall be open at all times to the inspection of the said
committee, the mayor, or any member of the two boards.
§ 410. He shall perform such other duties in relation to
wharves as may be required of him by the corporate
authorities or said committee.
§ 411. That the owner of every wharf shall keep the
docks or slips, to the distance of thirty feet on each side of
the wharf, from end to end, cleared and free from logs,
timber, brush-wood, sea-weeds and every kind of filth or
§ 412. That all vessels, boats, barges, and other water
craft, which may at any time contain stagnant water, or be
in any manner in any impure or unwholesome condition,
_about the wharves or docks of the city, shall be removed
Linits of
whart front.
to such place as the mayor may designate.
And in case that the person having control or charge of
such vessels, boats, barges or craft shall neglect to remove
it, to be cleansed or purified, it shall be removed or sold at
the expense and risk of the owners.
If sold it shall be at public auction, and five days’ notice
shall be given of the time and place of sale; after paying
expenses of the sale, the proceeds shall be paid into the
city treasury, and if not claimed by the owner or his agent,
within six months after the sale, shall be forfeited to the
§ 413. Be it ordained, That no wharf nor any other
structure shall be built or constructed or extended, nor
if built, constructed or extended, shall remain on the west
side of Mobile river, if it projects east beyond a line
commencing at the northern line of the city at a point
from which a line running south six degrees east shall
strike a point in the northern line of Hunt street, extended
a distance of three hundred and thirty-eight feet east-
wardly from the west line of Front street, thence by a
straight line to a point in the north line of St. Anthony
street, extended two hundred and fifty-two feet eastwardly
from the west line of Front street, thence by a straight
line to a point in the north line of Conti street extended
one hundred and sixty-five feet eastwardly from the west
line,of Front street, thence by a straight line to a point in
the north line of Church street, extended two hundred and
fifty feet eastwardly from the west line of Commerce street,
thence by a straight line toa point in the north line of
Theatre street, extended one hundred and ninety-five feet
eastwardly from the west line of Commerce street, thence
by a straight line to a point in the north line of Maine
street, extended two hundred and ninety-five feet east-
wardly from the west line of Water street, thence by a
straight line to a point in the north line of New York street,
extended five hundred and fifty feet eastwardly from the
west line of Water street, and thence by a line running
south twenty degrees and twenty minutes east to the bay.
§ 414. That no wharf shall be constructed in the city How con.
unless it is on piers or posts of hewn timber, and from an
abutment extending east at least two hundred and fifty
§ 415. That no person shall cast or throw any animal or No filth to be
thrown into the
vegetable filth, or putrescent matter or thing whatever
from any of the wharves, or into the river or docks within
the city.
An Ordinance establishing a. Work House, House of Correction, and for
working for benefit of the city, and prescribing rules and regulations
Establishing § 416. Be it ordained, That until otherwise provided, the
work house and Salas . .
house of cor- building and premises on Royal street, now occupied as a
rection. ° ° 8
city prison and work house, or house of correction, shall
be known and used as such, in which shall be confined all
offenders against the city ordinances, as well as dll persons
sentenced by the mayor or mayor’s court to the work house,
or house of correction, or to: labor for the benefit of the
. city for a limited time.
Failure to give § 417. Be tt further ordained, That all persons convicted
hontsnay |
contented to, siethe offences: enumerated in sections two hundred: and
Rhee he ve ot ninety-three, two hundred and: ninety-six, and two hundred
ore and ninety-seven of the ordinance entitled ‘ An ordinance
to prohibit vagrancy, quarrelling, riotous, immoral and
disorderly conduet,’? being in chapter thirty-one of this
code, and who fail to give the bond required by the mayor
for such offences, as directed by section thirty of the city
charter, may be senteneed by the mayor to the work house,
or house of correetion, not exceeding six months, to labor
May give bond for the benefitof the city: Provided, Such person shali have
before time ex- A ‘ A : - i
pires. the right to give the bond required at any time before the
expiration of the sentence, and be discharged.
§ 418. Be it further ordained, 'That all persons sentenced
to the work house, house of correction, or to labor for
the benefit of the city under the second section of this
ordinance, or under any ordinance in this code, or here-
after adopted, shall be governed and controlled in such
labor by the following rules and regulations:
Rules and regu- That hereafter, and as soon as practicable, the male
prisoners sentenced by the mayor or mayor’s court to work
on the streets and public works, shall be worked in chain
gangs, or with ball and chain, if their bad conduct and safety
require it, and shall be worked under the direction of a
superintendent and two assistants, and where the number
of prisoners are as many as fifty, thero shall be three assis-
tants, and as many as seventy-five, four assistants, and an
assistant for each twenty thereafter. Said superintendent
and assistants may be appointed by the mayor, and the
superintendent shall receive $100 per month, and the as-
sistants $75 per month each. The whole chain gang to be
under the:chief direction of the superintendent while at
work, and in going to and returning therefrom. And the
white laborers shall be worked in separate gangs from the
negro laborers, and confined in separate cells at night.
They shall work eight hours per day, and shall leave the
prison in time each day to work the requisite number of
hours. )
The superintendent shail receipt to the chief of akin
or ofiicer of the day, each morning, by name and number,
the prisoners taken to work; and he shall be responsible
for their proper treatment, their faithful labor, and safe
return tothe city prison each evening, by or before twi-
The superintendent shali procure, under the direction of
the mayor, and at the expense of the city, necessary chains,
and a ball and chain for each prisoner, when required, of
such weight and character as not to seriously impair his
capacity for labor, and he shall be responsible for the safe
keeping of this and any other property of the city used for
publie work.
The female prisoners shall cook for the male prisoners,
and the white female prisoners shall wash for the white
male prisoners, and the black or negro female prisoners
shall wash for the negro male prisoners; but when there
are an insufficient number of either class to perform this
labor, for the male class, designated, the other class shall
be required to assist, of which the superintendent is to be
the judge, and in his absence with the out-door laborers, the
chief of police. The superintendent shall also direct and
apportion said labor among the female prisoners, and in
his absence the chief of police, the latter seeing that the
work 1s properly and faithfully performed during the day.
Ail of said prisoners shail be fed with wholesome food at
the expense of the city and the mayor shall make eontracts
to the best advantage for furnishing provisions at the
prison, the bills being payable monthly. The prisoners
shall be kept at the city prison for the time being, the
sexes being separated, and shall be locked up every night
by or before dark.
Each prisoner shall be entitled to receive each day
ounces of bread, ounces of meat, either salt or fresh,
and ounces of potatoes, which the superintendent shall
give out each day to be cooked, and he shall be responsible
for the proper and economical use of said provisions.
The superintendent is authorized to direct his assistants,
or either of them, to assist in the performance of any
duties required of him in these regulations.
For any improper or negligent performance of any of the
duties required herein, the superintendent, or either of his
assistants, shall be fined not less than one or more than
fifty dollars, and may be removed by the mayor at any
time from office.
In consequence of the frequent changes which, ex-
perience has shown, are made from year to year in the
rates of Taxes, Licenses, Fees of public Vehicles, and
other charges, fees, &c., provided for by the various ordi-
nances herein; it has been deemed best not to include
any such matter in this code, but to leave them to be fixed
and defined by ordinances kept in manuscript, and record-
edin the Book of Ordinances, as they are adopted or
changed, from time to time, and inasmuch as it is made
the duty of the City Clerk, to keep a correct list of all the
existing taxes, rates, licenses, fees, and charges posted on
a Bulletin Board in the office of the City Clerk and in the
Central Police Station.
The public are therefore referred to the bulletin boards
for the law on these subjects.
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All power vested in mayor to be performed,
Clerk shall keep with treasurer, of all money,
nies, -
Of hospital, shall be kept by steward,
. 46,69, 122
Of expenditures, shall be furnished by secretary of fire compa-
Inspector of fire-wood shall keep and report quarterly, -
Keeper of powder magazine,
Assessor shall, to mayor, for licenses,
Cemetery, kept by treasurer,
Assessor shall make weekly reports and pay over
the treasurer,
Tax collector shall report weekly, and pay over
the treasurer,
Keeper of city prison shall keep an,
Treasurer shall keep,
Wharf committee shall audit,
Printed by city printer,
Of assessment of taxes,
OF collector’s tax sales of property,
Indecent forbidden,
Sales of stalls in market,
Of objections to taxes,
Of milk prohibited,
Of liquors, -
Is included in ‘ oath,”
Duties of in reference to gunpowder,
Bell, how rung for fire,
“ec sé sc
Duty of police, when,
ae «ec
fire wardens,
(see Frres,)
riot, tumult, or commotion,
all monies to
all monies to
Police shall wear, - - - - . -
Form of, - - - - - - -
Aldermen and councilmen may take, - - -
Children or minors, how to give, - - -
How inspected—shall be, - - ~ . "
Duty of clérk of market as to, - - - -
What to be used in market, “ . - ~
How erected over side-walk, - - - - -
Masked or public unlawful, except by the permission of mayor,
Not to be exhibited, &c., - - - -
Included in word “ vessels,” - + - -
Sunday ordinance does not apply to, - - - -
In bay and river, within city limits, forbidden, - .
How dealt with, - - - - =
Shall be inspected, how, - - - .
Duties of clerk of market as to, - - - -
What used in market, - - - - -
Driver of, to have good reins or lines, - 5 -
Not to be driven rapidly in streets, - - - -
Dead, not to remain on premises, - ~ - -
«¢ how removed, - - - - -
Not to run in public parks, — - - - - -
If injure side-walks, owner shall pay for, - - -
If owner is unknown, shall be sold, — - - - -
Not to be thrown into the river or docks, - - -
If larger than hand bell, not to be rung in streets. except—
Market bell, how rung, - - - - =
Fire and alarm, how rung, - - - - -
How dealt with, - - - - - -
Established, (see Pustic Parks, 263 to 270,)__ - -
Licensed, (see page 25 City Cuarter,) = - -
Forbidden on Sunday, - - Z ‘
BOARD OF HEALTH, - 4 Ss Hy 2 é
18, 19
Not to permit gaming in, - - - - - 101
Shall be licensed, - - - - - - 139
Duty of keeper, - - - ™ m 2 140
Sunday ordinance does not apply to, unless— - - 299
Included in ‘ vessels,”’ - - - - - 27
Fire wardens shall examine, - - - - 95
If nuisance, shall be removed, how, - - - - 412
Official bond, made payable to, = - - - - 29
For minors, how given, - - - - . 12
Form of official bonds, - - - - - 30
To answer offense against State, - - . - 19
Appearance bond, - - - - - - 18
For witness, - - - - - - - pws
Offender may give, . - - - - 7
Stay bond, - - - - - - - 20
Appeal bond, - - ~ - ~ - 25
If not paid, execution shall issue, - - - 7
Contractor for opening, &c., streets, drains, and shall give, 330
Of city printer, - - - : - - v4
‘* office, - . - ° - - . 30
‘* treasurers, - - - - - . 30, 395
‘* attorney, - : - - - - 36
“* sexton, - - - . - - - 47
“Vclerk,%) 3 - - ~ - - - 68
‘* physician of hospital, - : - - - 128
‘* steward, aa - - - - 131
‘‘ inspector of hay, - - - - . - 141
“* city gauger, - - - - - - 151
** inspector of lumber, - - - - - 144
. - fire wood, - - - - 146
s = weights and measures, . - - 157
My ae staves, - - - - - 152
“A is gas metres, - - - - - 154
Re sé flour, - - - . - 171
** street commissioner, - - - - - 369
‘* superintendent of wharves, - - - - 408
** clerk of market, - - - - - - 185
‘¢ chief of police and assistants, - : 445216, 217
“* keeper of powder magazine, - : . 241
‘* city engineer, - - - - : - 363
‘* assessor of taxes, - - - - - 372
“* collector of taxes, - - - - - 381
“* pawnbrokers, - - . - - ° 211
Persons sent to work house or house of correction, may give
bond, - - - - - - 7, 293, 417
No burning, to be carried in the street, . - - 97
Drivers of cabs shall not be guilty of, - : 63
Not permitted in public houses, - - - - 140
Duty of citizen’s patrol as to, - : : . 910
‘* aldermen and councilmen as to, - - - 215
«police as to, - - - - - 216
Porbidden, - neat) + - - - 292, 293
‘ at theatre, &c., - - - - 311
To prevent and punish, - - - - - 293
Offenders may be required to give bond, - - - 12
In case of minor—parent, guardian or employer may give,
bond, - - - - - - - 12
Within fire limits, - - - - - - 94
Pawnbrokers regulated, - - - - 211, 214
Licensed for hire, - - . - - - 58
Duties of drivers in passing in the streets, - - - 290
When and by whom pulled down during fire, - - 85
How erected within fire limits, 4 - - - 94
Wardens shall examine, - - . - 95
Chimneys of, shall be swept, - - - - > 67
Fire-arms nor works to be let off in, - - - 97
How much powder may be kept in, - - - . 244
Municipal, - - - - - : ~ 251
Shall not be erected until line is designated, - - - 334
Shall not be removed, if dangerous, - - - 354
None to be erected east of Front street, - - - 337
Engineer shall report if any are dangerous, : - 364
Place of, - . - - - - - 42
Certificate of age, sex, &c., before, - - - 49
All persons shall have license, except— - - : 388
General regulations, - - - - - -
Old and new graveyards established, + 4 - 42
All bodies to be buried therein, - . - = 43
Sexton elected, bond, and duties, - - - - 47
He shall take care of fences and walks, - - - 47
5 prevent defacing of tombs, &c., - - - 47
bury paupers, how, - - - ° : 48
«« _superintend the opening and digging of all graves
and, vaults, - - : i 47
In cases of dispute, mayor shall decide, - - é 47
He shall keep map of the grounds, - - - 47
No corpse to be buried until a certificate is given of age, sex,
disease, &c., - - - ~ - - 49
Clerk shall record the certificate, - - - - 49
Record shall be called Register OF DEATHS, - - 49
Shall issue order for burial, - - -. - 49
When clerk is sick, sexton may act, how, , - - - 49
Shall pay over weekly to the treasurer, - - - 40
‘* keep map, entries to be made on it, - - - 49
*. sell lots, d&c., -- - - - - - 49
Sexton shall keep copy of register of deaths, - - - 49
Shall make monthly reports to boards, - : - 46
‘¢ not be interested in the sale of lots, - - - 49
Treasurer shall open cemetery account, - - . 46
s ‘ paysexton monthly, - . - - 46
Committee on public grounds shall expend the cemetery fund
for embellishing, - - - - - 46
Owners of lots shall conform to regulations, - - 44
Unlawful to hitch or tie animal to tree or shrub, - - 45
No stone or monument to be injured, - - - - 292
Regulations concerning, (see MARKET,) - - - 180, 200
Houses or pens forbidden, - ps - - - 109
To be published, - - - ~ - - 3
How enforced, - - - - - - 6-14
Attorney shall prosecute, - - > - - 34
Clerk shall keep record of, = - - - - A 68
Of fire companies, - : - . - . a2
Mayor shall enforce, - - - - - - 215
Aldermen and councilmen shall assist, - - - 215
Chief of police, duty of, as to, - - - - 216
Police, - - - - - - - 220
Treasurer shall keep record of council, - - 396
Shall be licensed, - - - - - - 58
Fare, - - - - - “ - 59
Shall not charge double rates after 10 o’clock, : : 59
Drivers of, shall take loads, - - - - 60
Shall have lighted at night, and numbered,~ - - * 4261) 62
Duties of drivers, - - - - - - 63
Shall not be engaged in racing, - - . 64
Shall place copy of ordinance in conspicuous place, - 65
Shall not be driven on side-walks, - - - > 351
Fee for license to clerk, - - - - - 69
Penalty for extortion, - - - - - - 59
Shall not stand in front of dwelling or store, z > 63
Driver shall not sleep on stand, - - - - 63
Defining where public stands shall be, - - - 66
Shall not remain elsewhere, - - . - - 66
May stand in front of places of public amusement at night, 66
How established, - : ‘ :
Appointed, (see PoLicer, 220,) -
Duties of, - - - -
Office in municipal buildings, - -
Not to be played for money, - -
Shall be licensed, and fees fixed, -
Owners shall give bond, - “ o
a ‘* number, - -
3 ‘« report any sale or transfer, -
Exceptions to licensed vehicles, -
Duty of drivers of, when used for hire, -
Shall keep on the right side of road, -
‘¢ have good reins or lines, - -
‘* not be driven rapidly, - -
Fee for license to clerk, - - -
Not to obstruct market premises, -
Keeper of powder magazine shall have, -
Not to be used on Sunday. - .
Sunday ordinance does not apply to milk,
Not to be left in streets, - -
Not to be driven on side-walks, = -
Penalty for extortion, - - -
Not to be left on premises, - -
Nor thrown into the docks, - -
How removed, - - - -
Not to be tied to tree or shrub in graveyard,
Dead not to be left on premises, = - -
How removed, - - -
Not to run in public square, : -
Not to be driven in streets on Sunday,
How sold if obstructing streets, - -
If injure side-walks, owners shall pay, or be sold,
Established, (see BuRY1nG GRouND,) -
No stone or monument to be injured in,
Of tax title to purchaser, - - :
Owner shall have chimney cleansed, -
License may be issued to chimney sweep, -
He shall keep an office, - -
May charge reasonable fee, - : -
Chimneys shall be examined by wardens,
50, 55
53, 54
108-9, 411, 369
108-9, 369, 411
Elected—of fire department, - - : - - 77
Vacancy, how filled, : - - - - 78-79
Duties, (see Fire DEPARTMENT, ) - - - - 72-93
Bonds for, how given, - - - - - 12
If injure side-walks, parent or guardian shall pay for, - - 359
Observance of, (see SasBatu,) - - . 298, 307
Not to be disturbed, - - - : - - 296
How punished, - - - - - - 417
Public, of the city, - - - - - - 251-274
Not to be injured, - - - - - - 274
All under direction of mayor and two presidents, except— 273, 274
Mayor to appoint, - . = * - = 239
‘¢ may remove, - - . - a = 239
Salary, - - - - - - - 239
His duties, - - - - - - - 239
Established, and duties ef, - - ~ - - 207-210
Licensed, and how exhibited, - - ~ - - 308-312
Not permitted on Sunday, - - - - - 301
Police shall attend, - - - - - “ 310
’ See Streets, - - - - - 336-337
Elected, bond, salary, - - - - : - 68
Office and office hours, - - - - - 68
Duty to keep record of ordinances, &c., - - : 33
Keep record of board of aldermen, - - - 68
Keep names of owners of licensed vehicles, - - - ae
Shall enter bonds of licensed vehicles in book, - - 52
Shall make index thereto, - - - - - 52
General duties, - - - - - - 68
Fees to be paid to treasurer, - - - = 2 69
Duties as to burying ground, . - - - 49
% ‘« issuance of licenses of carts, drays and wagons, - 69
If bond not paid shall issue execution, - - = 7
Shall record assessment of jury on streets, - = - 329
‘¢ furnish assessor with list of voters, - - - 372
‘¢ aid assessor of taxes, - - - - - 372
“ file return of assessment, - - ae = 376
Duty thereupon, - - - - - 377, 378, 379
‘* as to action of mayor, - - - - 378
Shall file and record tax collector’s receipts and reports, - 387
Duty as to license tax, - - - - - 390
Shall notify printer of meetings of board of aldermen or con-
ventions, - - - - - - - 68
Shall notify mayor of non-attendance of reporter, - 68
‘“« have printed on cards ordinance regulating coaches, &c., 68
‘¢ deliver printed card with each license, - - . 68
** keep a bulletin board with rates of all fees and charges, 68
‘« keep bulletin boards at clerk’s office and police office, 68
** collect tonnage fees, - - - - - 122
‘* furnish assessor with alphabetical list of voters, - 372
“¢ file assessment list and oath, - ~ - - 376
‘« give notice to mayor and presidents of the board, = - 376
‘* give public notice that assessment lists are filed, and to
tax payers to object if they think proper, - 377
Shall attend all meetings of court of assessment and record
proceedings, - > - - ; - 378
Shall report action of assessor’s court to the boards, - - 379
Elected, bond, salary, - - - - - 185
Duties of, - - - - - - 186, 187, 188
See regulations for (CaBs.) - - - - - 58
No burning coals to be carried in street, - - - 349
Not to be carried into cotton warehouse, - a 97
What is load of, - - - - - - 54
Shall not be placed in a dangerous place, - - - - 96
To be licensed, - - - : - - 138, 139
Duties of keeper, - - - - - - 140
To be placed as mayor, or one of aldermen or common coun-
cilmen may direct, = = ; - - (96
Fire wardens shall examine as to, - - - - 95
Member of may try all violations of ordinances, &c., : 6.7
Attorney shall advise when requested. : - . 34
Record of two boards kept by city clerk, - - - 68
May authorize buildings to be torn down to check fires, - 85
Duties of, as to fises, - . - - * 91
One of board to investigate origin of fires, - . - 98
Two of, on hospital committee, - - - 126
Duty of, as to citizen’s patrol, r - - 208
Shall co-operate with mayor in enforcing ordinances, - 215
Duties of president, as to secret fund, - - ” 238
Duty, as to assessment of taxes, ~ -
Form of, - - - - - - - 23
May be made by aldermen and councilmen, when,_~ = - 215
hi 7 police, when, - - - . 220
es +s ‘¢ in cases of disorderly conduct at shows,
theatres, &c., - - - - - - 311
Shall be licensed, - - - - - : 308
Police shall attend, nl - - - - - 310
What is, and how punished, - - . . 8
Shall be examined by city attorney, - - - - 34
Hospital committee shall approve when, - - - 126
For opening streets and drains, how made, - " - 330,
City engineer shall record all, > - - - 364
eS es duty as to, - - - . - 328
Forbidden, - - - - - ‘ 292
+ in public houses, - - - - - 140
ch on Sunday, - - - - - 305
vie at theatre, - - - - ” - 311
Drivers shall not be guilty of, - - . - 63
Meaning of in this code, - “ ~ 7 = 96
Shall elect city printer, - - “ - - 9
Attorney, - : - - a - - 34
May direct officer suspended to resume his duty, - - 32
Shall elect sexton, - - - - - 47
sh ths’ ot clerk: aby oity,e. - - : 68
“« “physician and surgeoii of hospital, - “ 128
cen +S steward, - > - - ‘ 13a
‘Oops Sanapectorof hays) - - sha ee 4 141
‘Ca ACity, fuarzer, - - - . P 151
«¢ «inspector of lumber, - - i 144
ee ss of wood, - - - * 146
J ele weights and measures, - - - 157
2S eas es gas metres, - - - - 154
‘6 o6 rT flour, - - ‘s " . 171
a3 73 6 staves, - ba a n . 152
6 street commissioner, . - ~ e 369
«¢ superintendent of wharves, - - “ 408
«clerk of market, - - Za us 185
‘« four master mechanics, - - - é E 163
«< «* ‘Keeper of powder magazine, - - 24]
‘¢ “ city engineer, - - : . j 363
=a ‘* assessor of taxes, - 3 . 379
‘6 = collector of taxes, - i a n 381
treasurer, - = “ a = 395
See PEsTILENTIAL DISEASES, - - - . 104, 113
Board of health, - - - - : 104
Quarantine, - - - - - - 113-123
Of register of deaths, - - - - 49
Fees of clerk for making, - - - - - 69
How inspected, : - - - ~ 147
Unsound and short, forfeited to hospital, - - - 147
Drays shall carry only one-third of a cord, - > 148
Seller shall set up posts, marked, : - 149
How buried, &c., (Buryinc GrounDs,) = - 42-49
Includes “person,” ~~ - - ° - - - 27
Three bales is aload fora dray, - : : 54
Shall not be deposited on side-walk, - - - - SOL
Shall not be deposited in street, way, ditch, gutter or drain, 336
Shall have public stalls in market, fees, &c.,
Powers, &c., of, - - ot Rts
May punish for contempt, - -
Chief of police shall attend, - .
Shall be held in municipal building, -
- 181, 194, 196
- 6,7, 9,251
5 “ 8
- 216
. - 251
Duties of, - - - - - 377, 378, 379
Not to be discharged or fired, - : - - . 41
Mayor may prevent introduction of hides, goods, &c , 107
See Boarp or HEALTH, - - - - - 104
Contagious diseases, - “ - - 104, 113
Pest house, - - - - - - - 135
Quarantine, - - - - - 113-123
How, (Buriat, anD BuryinG GrounpDs,) - - - 45-49
Not to be left on premises, - - ~ “ 108
Nor thrown in docks, - - - - - - 415
How removed, - - . - - 9, 369
Clerk shall keep, . - - - - - 49
Sexton shall keep copy of, - - - - 49
To be buried only in graveyards, - - . 3 3
See Buryine GrounDs, - . - - 42-49
For land sold for taxes, fas ~ - - - 383
How punished, - - - - - - 176
How dealt with, (ORDINANCEs,) - - - - 6-14
ei, ‘¢ in fence disputes, - - - - (a
test Nig ** in nuisances, - - - - - 106-111
As to citizen’s patrol, - . - ° - 209
Tax payers, - - - . - . - 382-386
‘* license payers, - - - F = 388-393
Regulated and organized, (see F1rEs,) - - - 72-93
Shall be licensed, - - - - - - 308
Police shall attend, - - - - - - 310
Shall not be played for money, - - - - 99
None to be excavated from street, - - - - 336
7; rT; 66 66 lot, _ m8 .. = 110
Nor dug or haulded from street or ditch, - - "6 336
If removed to be returned, - - - - 336
Shall not be cut in streets, - - > - - 348
No trash or obstruction to be placed in, - - - 336
No dirt removed from, - - - - - 339
Forbidden in public houses, - - ~ - : 140
Persons shall not congregate at balls, etc., - - 37
Drivers shall not be guilty of, - - = - - 63
Persons shall be kept from fires, - - - - 91
Duty of citizen’s patrol as to, - - - ° 210
oh aldermen and councilmen as to, - - - Oth
‘* police in case of, - - - - - 220
Forbidden, - - - - - - - 292, 293
* at theatre and shows, &c., - - - - 311
To prevent and punish, . - - - - 292-3
Mayor to suppress assemblies of disorderly persons, - - 296, 417
Precautions against, (Boarp or HEALTH, ) - : 104
Contagious and pestilential, - - : : - 113, 129
Pest house, - - - - - - + 135
Quarantine, - - - - - - - 113-123
Alarm bell, to denote, - - - - - 234
Not to be obstructed, (see WHARVES,) - - - 411
Trash shall not remain, - - - = BN Ase 415
Ogg i De ag ee
Respecting, (see Pustic PounDs,) - - - 283, 283
Shall be licensed, and fees fixed, - - - 50, 55
Shall give bond, - - - - - - 50
Sales and transfers of to be reported, - - - ay
Duty of driver, when used for hire, - - - - 53, 54
Fees—what is a load, - - - - - D4) 50
Shall keep on right side of road, - - - - 290, 56
‘have good reins or lines, - ~ - ah o7
** not drive rapidly, . - - - - 57
Fees for license, to clerk, - - - - - 69
Not to obstruct the market, - - - - - 186
Not to be used Sunday, - . - - - 304
Not to be left in street, - . - - - 336
Not to be on side-walks, - - - - - 351
How made, - - - - - - - 328
No trash, cotton, lumber, filth, &c., deposited in, - 336
Not to load or unload on Sunday, - - : : 303
Duties of, of carts, - - - - 50, 5i
‘i cabs, - - - - - = 1 BS 46
se drays, - - . - - SOAd
Shall take loads, - - - - - - 53, ¢
Fees in drayage, - - - - : : 5.
Shall keep on right side of road, - - : - 56, 290
Of carriages, hacks, cabs, &c., shall take loads, - 60
Fare, - - - - - “ ‘ 5 59
Regulations for, of carriages, hacks, cabs, &c., —- - 63, 66
Forbidden, — - - ae Sigs - - 57, 64, 289
Shall not be beaten, except on parade occasions, - . 39
Persons in streets, how dealt with, - - - - 293
DUTIES. (See various HEADS.)
Shall be licensed, - - - - - - 139
Duties of keeper of, - . - > - - 140
Sunday ordinances does not apply to, unless, - . 299
May give bond for minor, - - - - - 12
Regulated, (see Frres,) - zB - . =)/°7Q=09
Shall not run on pavement, - - 35)
Chief elected, - - - - - - - 77
Assistants elected, - - - - - - 77
Vacancy, how filled, - - : - - - 78,79
Shall"be furnished with trumpets and hats, - - - 86
See Fires, - - - > - ; - 72-93
Of city elected, - - - - - 363
Office, office hours, duties, - - - - - 364
Duty of as to streets, - - - - 365, 366, 367
- ty numbering houses, - - - - 339
¢ % shelling, &c., streets, - - - 366, 332
No building erected unless applied to, - - - - 334
Shall make maps, field-notes, &c., - - - - 365
Mark out all streets, the grades, &c., - - - - 366
Shall aid assessor of taxcs, - - - - - 375
He shall procure ward book, - - - - - 367
Shall enter each lot and square therein, - - - 367
s¢ #* in said books when lots are sold, - - - 367
** examine public records in relation to sale of lots, = - 368
Fees for information as to ownership of lots, - - - 368
Shall attend sales of lots for taxes, - > - 368, 383
Shall take possession of lots purchased by city at tax sales, 383
Mayor and presidents of the boards may appoint an assistant, 368
Shall report to mayor housesand walls in dangerous condition, 364
Forbidden, - - - - - - - 197
House of, shall be licensed, = - - - - 139
«duties of keeper, - - - - - 140
Precautionary measures for, (BoaRD oF HEALTH,) - - 104
‘‘ Pestilential’’ diseases, - - - -/ - 113
Pest house, - - - - - - - 135
Quarantine, - - - - - - 113-123
Shall be licensed, - - - ~ . : 308
Police shall attend, - - - 2 : 310
May be removed, when, - ss 2 a : 9
Not to be made of house, unless on application to city en-
gineer, &c., - - - - - - 334
Of partition fences, how made, - - - Hi Vaal
May be pulled down during fire, - 7 - - 85
No erections east of Front street, - - ~ - 337
Form of, - - - - - - - 1b eed |
Shall be licensed, - a ice
Not permitted on Sunday, - -
On the cemeteries, how made, - -
Account of shall be kept by treasurer,
To repair fire apparatus by city, +
To buy trumpets and hats for engineers,
Hospital committee shall report, -
Of secret fund, mayor shall report,
Of streets, how made, - =
Not to be, unless by consent of city,
All now open are public, - -
The act of, a dedication, - .
Soap and candle, how established, -
Persons of, how dealt with, -
Shall be licensed, . = a
Of cabs, carriages, hacks, &c., -
Drays, carts and wagons, - =
Forbidden, - ~ -
Forbidden, - - ~ =
Burial, - - a
Clerk’s, paid into treasury, - -
Inspector of hay, - - A
City gauger, - « -
Inspector of lumber, - =
ry fire-wood, - -
“s staves, - -
a gas metres, - -
a flour, - -
Chimney sweeps, . - -
Master mechanics, - -
Clerk of market, - - -
City prison, - - 3
Keeper of powder magazine, - -
For bond, - ° s :
Tax collector, - - - bs
Tax assessor, - = 4
Includes ‘ masculine,” 4 :
c 308
- 301, 302
57, 64, 289
- 49
: 69
: 141
alah Ex
: 144
: 146
4 152
Z 154
: 171
J 69
: 168
- 233
- 243, 248
“ 381
374, 380, 389
Partition, how erected, - - - - . rig
Disputes in relation to, how settled, - - - - rat
In graveyards, - - = - - - 47
Not to be injured, - - - - - 292
When to be erected or changed, shall apply to city engineer, 366
(See Contactous DisEasEs,) to prevent, &c., - - 113
‘* Boarp oF HEAaLTH,)~ - - - > - 104
“QUARANTINE, ) - - - - - 113, 123
““ Pest Housk,) - - - - - - 135
Not to be left on premises, - - : - 106, 108
«« remain in docks, - - - - - 415
To be placed in front ef premises, when, - - - 111
Not to be thrown in street, drain, gutters, &c., - 336
aie ot docks, - - - - 415
To prevent and punish, (see QUARRELING,) - - - 292
Shall be for the benefit of the city, how enforced, - 6
Limited from one to fifty dollars, - - - - il
Not affected by repeal of ordinance, - - - 14
Of fire department, how appropriated, - - - 93
Fire department organized, - - - - 72
Powers, duties and privileges, - a - > Se be Fr
Duty of each company to keep apparatus in good order, - 73
Members, &c., exempt from head tax, . - - (ec:
Duty of foreman, - - ; - - - 74
Duty of members when an alarm of fire, - - - 75
Engine not to be moved except by members, - - 76
Officers must report, - - - - - - 76
Chief engineer and assistants elected, - - - 77
Vacancy, how filled, of engineer, ~ - - - 78
yy < as assistant, - - - - 78,79
Who qualified to vote for officers, - - - > 80
Secretary shall furnish lists of members, - ~ - 80
Duties of chief engineer, - - - + -. $1, 82
Duty of officers to obey engineer, - - - 81
All persons attending fires shall assist when called on by an
officer or fire warden, - - - - - 83
How buildings may be pulled down, = - - 85
No expelled member or person under 18 to be .admitted a
member of company, - - - - - 88
One fire warden for each company elected, ques &e., - 89
May elect president and secretary, - = -S 90
Duty of police on alarm of fire, - - ° é 91
Engine, hose cart, &c., not to be run on pavement, - 355
Fire department association, - - a ~ - 99
FIRES.— Continued.
All fines under fire ordinance to be paid to,
Fire limits, no wooden buildings within,
Wardens shall examine buildings, yards, &c.,
Chimneys shall be swept,
Combustibles shall be placed as directed by mayor, &c,. -
Fire-arms nor works to he let off or discharged,
No burning coals nor brands to be carried in streets,
Board of, to investigate origin of,
Duties, - - -
Fire alarms, how made,
Not to be let off or discharged, -
Organized, &c., (see Fires, )
Companies organized, &c., (see Fires,)
Organized. See Fires,
Not to be let off or discharged, = -
How inspected, (see Woop,) -
Only one-third of cord to be hauled by one horse,
Unsound and short forfeited to hospital,
Seller shall set up aad mark posts, to measure,
Wardens shall examine,
Stalls in market set apart
Fees for vacant or public
Not to be sold, except in market, -
Inspector, how elected,
Bond and fees, -
Duties, - - -
Weight of barrel or half barrel, -
Inspector not to be interested in purchase or sale of,
Owner to report receipt of flour to inspector,
Must examine each barrel and half barrel,
No one shall sell condemned flour, nor erase or alter brand,
Inspector must require seller to produce license,
Unlawful, - -
Prohibited in market, -
(See Hay.)
How enforced, - - - - - - 6
From one to fifty dollars, © - - - - 11
Inspector of fire-wood shall report, - - - 147
a weights and measures shall report, - - 160
Of proceeds of nuisances, when sold, - Cae 270, 412
No erections east of = - - - - - - 337
Shall be 70 feet wide, - - - - ; 338
Not to be placed where it is dangerous, - - - 96
Provided and regulated, - - - - - 236, 238
Includes ‘ present,” = - - - - - - oF
How erected over side-walk, - - - - 354
Prohibited, - > - - » - - 99
Tables prohibited, - : - - - - 99
No licensed retailer, hotel, tavern or boarding-house shall
permit, - - - - > nif - 101
No games or sports on Sunday, = - - . - 301
Inspector of, how elected, . . - . - 154
Bond and compensation, - - : - - 154
His duties, - - - - - - - 155
Shall report irregular metre to mayor, - - - 155
No one shall resist him in performance of duty, - - 155
Must examine and report quality of gas to mayor, - 156
How taxed, - - - - - - - 370
Sunday ordinance does not apply to, - - - 307
Shall not make out false bill, - - - - - 155
Must not furnish gas of inferior quality. - - - 156
Must not make out average bills, - - - - 156
Must not refuse to supply gas, - - : 156
Not to open on streets or side-walks, - > - - 351
Elected, - - - - - - - 15t
Duties of, - - - - - - - TSE
Fees, - - - - - - S 151
Shall brand each cask or package, - - - - 151
Not to apply to lager be: r, ale or porter, - - - 151
Nor to liquids in transitu, - . : - - 151
Shall require owner to produce license, = - : 151
Shall be licensed, - 8 + : : < 58
May be removed if nuisances, - - - - 9
Licensed to hawk and peddle, how, - _- - 102
Mayor may prevent introduction of damaged, - - 107
Not to obstruct street or side-walk, - - = 336
Bonds for, how given, - - - - - - 12
To be preserved by police at all shows, exhibitions, &c., - 310
At theatres, to be preserved, - - - - - 3L1
To be preserved, - - - - - - 292,299
Of streets, to be made, - -. - - > 328
Shall be ascertaiied by city enginecr, when application to
shell or pave, - - - - - - 344
Of side-walks, - - - - - - - - 366
Of licenses for business, = - - - - 388
Standard weight of, — - - = - - - 162
Must be sold by standard weight, - - ~ - 162
How dug and protected, (Bury1nc GRrounDs,) - - 42, 49
Organized and duties, (see Pottcr,) - - - 220
Office of, in municipal buildings, - - - - 261
Established, &c., (see City Prison,) - - - 227
May give bond for minor, - - - - 12
Shall pay for minor’s injury to side-walk, - - - 359
Not to be discharged in city, - ~ ~ * 4 97
Keeping provided for, (see PowpER, ) - - - 241, 250
Fire wardens shall examine where it is stored, - - 95
Shall be licensed, - - - . < ‘ 58
Fare and load, - “ - - - - =i D9; 0U
Shall have lamps lighted at night, - - - - 62
Duty of drivers, - > - - - - 63
Not to be engaged in racing, - - ct - 64
Shall have copy of ordinance in each, - - - 65
Fee for license to clerk, — = - - -- - 69
Not to be driven on side-walk, - - > - 351
Shall notify mayor of violations of quarantine ordinance, jp le
Shall see that vessels have quarantine permits, - - 121
Shall report to city clerk arrival of vessels liable to pay
quarantine fees, - “ u 2 is 199
Shall be licensed, = s 4 s Z 7“
Of meats and vegetables, prohibited, except, - -
Inspection of, - - - - e “
What is a load of, - . - - z 2
Not to be deposited in street, drain, &c., - . -
Fees of inspector, - - - a 2 r
Duties of, - - 7 “ a A
On all males between twenty-one and sixty, - -
Fire department exempt from, - - - -
Organized, duties, - - - - ~ :
Citizens shall not prevent or obstruct, - ~ - -
Trash or rubbish shall not remain on premises, = - -
Nor in docks, - - ~ = ss bs 4
Mayor may prohibit introduction of damaged goods, hides, &c.,
No dead animal or filth to be left on lot, except, - -
No slaughter-pen or butcher-house, - - -
No excavation where water may stand, - - -
Filth and trash to be placed in front of premises, on Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, - - - -
Regulations may be enforced by mayor at expense of owner,
Quarantine established, but not to be enforced until proclaimed
by mayor, who shall define the length of time for its con-
tinuance, = - ~ - “ = -
Soap or candle factory, &c., shall not be permitted until board
of health assent to, = - - - .
Wardens shall examine, ~ - - - -
Mayor may prevent introduction of, - - -
Regulated, &c., (see STREETS,) | - . “
Companies, of, (see Fires, ) - - - -
Authorized, &c., (see Fires,) - - - -
Carts, ss : 3 be .
Not to be tied to tree or shrub in graveyard, - . -
Drivers of to have good reins or lines, : - -
Not to be driven rapidly, . - : - - o7,
Drivers shall remain near, - . - - -
Dead not to remain on premises, - - * ie
Not to obstruct the market premises, - . -
Not to run in public parks, - - - - i
Not to be driven on Sunday, - - - ‘
141, 142
o7 1
105, 106
333, 343
72, 93
Not to be driven on side-walk, - - - - 351
How sold in streets, - - - - - 351
Posts may be set up to tie, - - - - - 304
City hospital established, - - - - 124
Hospital Committee, - - - - ‘° - 125
Duties of, - - - - - - 126
When applying for money shall state object, - - 127
Physician and Surgeon elected, - - - - 128
Duties of, - - - - - - - 129
May appoint two students, how, - - - 130
Students to act as apothecaries, &c., - - - - 130
Steward to be elected, . - - . - Tal
Duties of, - - - - - - - 132
Regulations as to admission of paupers, - - - 133
“ te paying patients, - 134, 135
Pauper lunatics may be removed to, - - - 136
Pest House, - - * - - - - 135
: security to be given, = - - - 135
Private Hospital, how established, - _ - - 137
Mayor and committee to have access to at all times, - 137
Short and unsound wood exposed for sale forfeited to city
hospital, - - - - - - - 147
To be cried by alarm sentinels, - - - - 234
Chimneys shall be swept, - : - - - 67
Nor fire-arm or work to be discharged in, - - - 97
No gaming permitted in, - ~ - - 101
Out-houses may be examined by board of health, - 105
Filth, &c., not to remain on premises, - - - 106
Filth to be placed in front, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday gl
Retailers licensed, conditions and duties, - - - 138
Tavern, boarding-house, coffee-house, restaurant, eating-house,
and all houses of entertainment licensed, - - 139
Duties of keepers of, - - - - - - 140
Shall not be kept in a disorderly manner, - - + 140
How much powder may be kept in, - : - 245
How assessed, - - - - . - . 375
Carriages, hacks, cabs, buggies, &c., shall not stand before,
except, - - ° - - + - 66, 63
Wooden shall not be erected in fire limits, 7 * - 94
Fire warden shall examine, = - - . - se 95
Chimneys shall be swept, - - - - : 67
No fire-arm or work to be discharged in, - ° < 97
Out-houses may be examined by board of health, - - 104
Shall be kept clean, - - - = = a 106
Butcher and slaughter, forbidden, - - - =. 109
HOUSES.-— Continued. SECTION
Filth, &c., not to remain on premises, - - - 108
ot placed in front, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 111
How much powder may be keptin,_— - - - - 245
If front on street, not to be erected until city engineer desig-
nate Jine, - - - - - - - 366
To be removed, if dangerous, - - - ~ 364
City engineer shall report, - - - - . 364
Ay e ‘¢ number houses, - . - 340, 342
Side-walks, before, to be swept every day, - - - 356
Offender failing to pay fine, confined in, - - - 7
Building occupied as city prison to be used as, until otherwise
provided, - - - - - - 416
Prisoners sentenced by mayor’s court to be confined therein, - 416, 418
Board of health may direct as to, - Cie - - 104
Not to remain on premises, — - . - - 106
To be placed in front of house on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, - - - . ~ - - LEY
Not to be thrown into street, drain or gutter, - - 336
Not to be injured, &c., - -— - - - 397
See WaTER Works, - - - - - 397, 406 —
ICE. 7
Sunday ordinance does not apply to ice-house, - - 307
ai How dealt with, - - - - - - 292, 293
Shall not congregate at balls, &c., - - - - 37
Shall be kept away from fires, -" - - - 91
Persons of, how dealt with, = - - - - - 293
May be imposed when fine is not paid, = - - - 7
= “7 *« “arrested, until examined, by order of
aldermen or councilmen, - - - - 215
No person shall appear in dress not belonging to his or her sex, 295
Indecent or lewd behavior forbidden, - - - 295
Selling lewd books and pictures forbidden, = - - - 295
Disturbing religious worship forbidden, —- - - 296
Posting indecent advertisements or notices forbidden, - 297
May be sent to work house or house of correction unless bond
be given, - - - - - - - 417
Of records, shall be kept by clerk, - - - 68
Forbidden in public houses, — - - - - - 140
To prevent and punish, - - - - = 292, 293
Forbidden at public exhibitions, - - “ = 311
Shall not be guilty of, . - - - = 292,293
244 ' INDEX TO
Duty of hospital physician as to, - - - 129
+ board of health, - - - - 104
Pest house, - + - - - - 135
Quarantine, - + - - - - 113, 123
See Pustic HouskEs, - - oh ES aoe - 138, 139, 140
Of hay, fodder, &c., regulated, = - - - - 141
“* liquids regulated, - - - - - 151
‘¢ lumber - - - - - 144
“ fire-wood regulated, - ~ - - 146
‘* weights and measures regulated, - - - 157
‘* work done on buildings és + - - 163
“staves regulated, - - - - 152
‘¢ gas metres regulated, | - - - - 154
‘« flour regulated, - - - - - 171
‘* master mechanics, - + - - - 163
Inspector of hay elected, ~ - - - - 141
Duties and fees, - - - - - 142, 143
Shall keep book of weights, and give certificate, - 143
Shall mark net weight, - - - - 143
Gauger elected, - - - = - - 151
Duties and fees, - - ee tie ae - 151
Duties of owners of liquids, - - - - 151
Inspector of lumber elected, - - - - 144
Duties and fees, - - - - - 145
Inspector of fire-wood elected, - - - 146
Sha!l keep an office, duties and fees, - - . 146
All wood to be inspected, how, - - - 147
Short and unsound forfeited to hospital, - - 147
Duty of as to carts and drays, not more than one-third of
a cord at a load, - - - - - 148
Persons selling wood shall set up posts to measure the wood, 149
Inspector of weights and measures elected, - - 157
Duties and fees, - - - - . 157, 158
All persons shall permit inspection, and shall not sell by
incorrect weights, - - - - - 158, 161
Committee of master mechanics elected, - : 163
Duties of, - - - + - - 164
Vacancies, how filled, - - - - 167
Fees, and mode of recovery, - - ° ° 168
Oath, - - - - . - 170
Inspector of staves elected, - . - - 152
Duties and fees, - . - - - 152
Owner shall report to him, - - - - 153
Inspector of gas metres elected, - - - 154
His duties, - - - - - m 155
Inspector of flour elected, - - - - 171
His duties, - : - - - - 172
Not to be interested in purchase or sale of, : 172
Of partition fences, - - . - - 71
(See Pusitic Pounps,) - - - - - 275,288
Duty of mayor in case of, - - - - : 204, 202
< chief of police, - - - - - 216
- aldermen and councilmen, - - - 215
“ police and watchmen, e - - - 216, 221
iB alarm sentinel, . - . - - 235
Posts and columns on side-walk to be, except, - - 354
Not subject to license tax, - - - - 388
Tn opening, &c., streets, &c., - . - - . 329
Defaulting, how punished, - - - - 176
Of powder magazine elected, - ~ ~ - - 241
Duties, (see PowpER MaGaAZINE,) - - - 242, 250
Of city prison appointed, - - - - - 228
Duties of, - - - - - - 229, 233
Shall give and take receipts when persons are committed ,
and discharged, - - - - - 231
Shall keep book setting forth particulars, cid se 231
‘¢ furnish proper food, &c., to prisoners, - - 231
‘< keep prison clean, &c., - - - - 231
“« weekly report to mayor names of prisoners, - 231
Fees, . - - - - - - 233
Shall deliver to prisoner all food and clothing except— 232
‘* permit interviews with relatives and counsel, - 232
“* inspect all articles of food and clothing, - 232
Unlawful to fly, - - - - - - 40
Shall not remain on premises, - - - - 106
‘« be placed in front on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 111
Not to be thrown in'street, gutter, drain, &c., - - 336
Adjudged for non-payment of fine, - - - 7
Failing to give bond, confined to, - - - - fa
What is day’s work, - - - - - 418
Not to be performed on Sunday, - - - 298, 305
In carriages, cabs, &c., to be lighted, - - a, 62
In the market, - : - - - - 187
In the streets, not to interfere with, - - - BS 274
Shall have names of streets painted on, - - S 343
How taxed, ~ - - - - - - 375
Drivers in to keep on right hand side, - : - 290)
City Engineer shall supervise work on, - - - 366
For stalls in market, = - - - ae 180, 272
“* stores” ra . - - - - - Die
« How dealth with, - - . - - - 292
Shall not congregate at balls, &c., - - - - 37
May be sent to work-house or house of correction unless bond
be given, - - . - - - 417
For carts, drays, and wagons, - - - - - 50
‘“‘ cabs, carriages, hacks, and gigs, . - - 58
** omnibus, buggy, sulky, - - - - - 28
‘* soap and candle factory, - ~ - - 70
‘¢ sale of spirituous liquors, - - - - - 138
‘* tavern, coffee-house, boarding-house, - - - 139
‘* restaurant, eating-house, - - - - - 139
And all houses of entertainment, - - - - 139
For retailers, - . - - - - - 101
Revoked, if gaming is permitted, - < - - 101
To hawk and peddle, - - - - - - 102
‘* pawnbrokers, = - - - - - Pa
For shows, theatrical exhibitions, balls, - - - 308
“* feats, musicians, &c., - - ~ - - 308
Who subject to license tax, - - . - - 388
Assessor shall assess—objections to, how made, - - 389
All business pursuits and professions shall have, - - 388
Mechanics, journeymen, laborers, clerks, book-keeper, minister
of the gospel, teacher of school, salaried officers, &c.,
except, - - - - - - 388
Retailers, &c., not within its operation, - - - 392
Fees to clerk for issuing, - - - - - 69
LICENSED HOUSES. (See Licenses.)
Shall not congregate at balls, &c., - - - - 37
How dealt with, - - - ee pa - 293
In carriages, cabs, &c., - . - - - 62
“* markets, - - - - - - 187, 199
“* streets, not to be interfered with, or extinguished, - 274
Fire limits established, . - iP hs - 94
No wooden buildings shall be erected in, - - : 94
How side-walks made in, - - - - - 352
‘s oe * outside, - = . : 353
To be inspected, - ag i A : 4 151
Duty of owners, - . 4 A 7 3 151
LIQUOKS.— Continued. : SECTION
What is load for dray, &c., - - : - 54
Retailers of Spirituous, - . - . 138
Not to be adulterated, - . ‘ 3 138
Of property for taxes, - - - J ‘ e 389
‘* voters for assessment, - - - ~ - 372
** assessments, - - - = . c 376
Mayor's warrant to collector, - - . 4 380
Appointed, - - - - ° . f 219
Duties of, - - - - - = : 290
Office in municipal buildings, - - 3 pi 260
Fire warden shall examine, a - - 95
Shall be kept clean, - - - — A as 106
Sunday ordinance does not apply to, - - - 307
Manure not to be deposited in street, drain, &c., - - 336
How removed, - - - - : : 106, 108
Of dray, cart, &c., and fee, - - - . =, 104, 55
** vehicle for hire, - - - ‘ si 59
Driver of dray, cart, &c., shall take, - - . Fs 53
e carriage, cab, hack, &c., shal take, - - 60
May be examined by board of health, - - “ 104
Vacant, shall be fenced, - - - - 177
Nuisance not permitted on, - - - a ‘ 106
In graveyard, how sold, &c., - - . 49
Fire-arms or works, not to be discharged in, - - a 97
Shall be kept clean, - - - “ 2 106
Earth not to be excavated so that water may stand on, - 110
Mayor may require to be cleaned and purified, - - 112
Filth, &c., to be placed in front on certain days, - - 111
Owners shall make side-walks, how made, - - 352
Side-walk before, to be swept every day, - - ¢ 356
City engineer shall survey, - - ° . 366
~ How inspected, &c., - - = . 2 144
Duties of inspector, - - - as s 145
Shall not be placed where it is dangerous, - - w 96
sie ‘¢ in public square, - - A 365
How placed, when building in street, - - * = 335
Shall not be placed in street otherwise, - . 336
“ ‘¢ hauled so as to touch street, - > is 337
Not to be deposited on side-walk, - . - 4 336
May be removed to city hospital, - - = : 136
MAD DOG. (See Pustic Pounps.)
Relating to, - - = - - - 283
See PowpeERr; regulations of, - - - - - 241, 250
Duty of hospital physician as to, - - - -
ee board of health, - - - me -
Pest house, - - - - - “
Quarantine, oo be - - - = ~
Shall not remain on premises, - - - -
How may be removed, - ~ - - -
Not to be deposited in street, drain, &c., - - -
MAP. .
Sexton shall keep, of graveyard, and, — - - .
Clerk shall keep copy, - ~ , - -
City engineer shall make, of city, and keep, - - -
Vehicles shall have numbers marked on, - - -
Hay shall have weight, - - - L e
Southern, Dauphin street and Ann Street, established, —-
Mayor and market committee shall fix price of stalls in, -
Renting, how, when, and terms of, - - 180,
Public stalls set apart in, - - - ~ -
Fish stalls, - - = a a A
Mayor and market committee to determine what portion of
market shall be used for sale of different commodities,
Lessee not to sub-let, but may sell entire term, - ~
‘¢ on selling shall notify city clerk, - - -
Clerk of, elected, bond, salary, - * A =
Duty, to attend, maintain order, decide disputes, keep
weights and measures, to seize and destroy false weights
and unwholesome provisions, to cause market to be
swept and kept clean, to ring the bell, and light the
market, - - - - - -
Fees, - - - - - - °
Market hours, - - - - - 187,
7 y on Sunday, . 5 é .
Butchers shall sell by retail, - - - ut
Meat shall not remain in stall in summer, - - -
“« how hung up, skins not to be exhibited, - -
No unsound or impure provisions shall be offered, - -
How meat, &c., weighed, - - - - -
No one but lessees of stalls shal] hawk or peddle in the streets,
Commission merchants may sell beef by the quarter; -
Regular butchers not to use public stalls, - - -
Non-residents may sell on public stalls, —- - .
How and when fish may be sold, - - s :
Persons using vacant stalls, carts and wagons, shall pay, -
Forestalling and speculating forbidden, - - -
No article to be taken without consent of owner, - -
MARKET.— Continued.
Butchers and all others shall wash the stands they occupy, - 198
No person shall meddle with lights, - - - 199
Stores in Southern to be rented, - 5 te : . 271
‘¢ directions for, - - . = * 972
No person shall buy in one market to sell in another, without
fee to each, - - - - = < ‘ 197
Not to be held unless permitted by mayor, — - - - 37, 308
Includes feminine and neuter, - - - - 27
May try all violations of ordinances, - - - - Gyid,
May select ordinance to try offender, : - - 10
Powers of persons acting as, - ~ - - - 9
May suspend or remove any officer, - - - 32
Vacancy, how filled by him, - - : - - 32
May permit masked or public balls, ~ - - 37, 308
Shall issue dray, cart, &c., license, - - . - 50
Duties, in dispute, about fences, - - - - 71
‘« when board to investigate fires report to him, - 98
May prevent introduction of hides, goods, &c., - - 107
‘¢ remove vessels that are nuisances, how, - - 9
‘¢ enforce health regulations, - - - 104, 105
sé st quarantine, how, - - - - 121
‘* grant permits to paupers and paying applicants te city °
hospital, - - - - - - - 133
‘¢ suppress assemblages of disorderly persons, - - 296
‘¢ with president of the two boards appoint wharf com-
mittee,- - - - - - - - 407
Shall cause names of streets to be placed on corners, - 350
Mayor and presidents of the two boards shall appoint assistant
to city engineer, - - - - - - 368
Mayor and presidents of the two boards shall assess taxes and
licenses, - - - - - - 371
Mayor and presidents shall hear and decide objections to
assessments, - - - - - - 378
Shail issue warrant to assessor, - - - - 380
a s = tax collector, - - - - 380
‘* appoint superintendents and assistants of chain gang, 418
May appoint superintendent of animals, - - . 275
, ‘ city porter, - - - - - 239
‘¢ authorize buildings to be torn down to check fires, - 85
Shall have free access to private hospitals, - - 137
May revoke licenses to public houses, - + - 101
Duty as to renting stalls in market, - - 181, 182, 183
~ May call out military, - - - - - - 204
Duty as to citizen’s patrol, - - - - 208
$ pawnbrokers, - . - - - 213
af city police, - - - . . 215
MAYOR — Continued. SECTION
Duty as to keepers of city prison and deputics, . - 228
by alarm sentinels, - - - - 228
% secret fund, - - - - - Pays
Duty to act on hospital committee, - - - 125,
Court room, - : - - - - “ 251
Place of office, - . eA . - - 254
May appoint police for theater, - + “ = S11
‘license shows, exhibitions, &c., - - - 308
Duty as to opening, &c., streets, - - ~ 020; 329
ie shelling, paving, &c., = - - - 346
ss assessment of taxes, - - - 377, 378, 379
May issue blank license to assessor, - - - 390
Attorney shall advise when requested, - - - 34
Shall provide wagon or cart for keeper of powder magazine, 243
May require wal], house, or erection, to be removed if of
opinion that it is dangerous, - - - - 337
Inspection of, and weights, - - - - 157, 161
Duty of clerk of market as to, - - - - 186
What are to be used in market, -. - - - 158
Butcher shall sell in any quantity, how, ms = “ 190
What part of market shall be set apart for sale of, - 183
Peddling and hawking of, prohibited except, - - 193
Impure, unwholesome or unsound to be seized, = - 191
Not to remain in market in summer, - - : fh 190
Commission merchants may sell beef by the quarter, - 193
Committee of, elected, &c., = - - - - 163, 170
Exempt from license tax, when, = - - J 388
License for peddling, - - . - - « 102
Ist vol. regiment armory, - - - - - 201, 202
Mayor may call out, - - - - - - 904
Impure or wartered not to be sold, - - € 205
Sunday ordinance does not apply to carts, - - = 307
If required to give peace bond, guardian may give, . 1937
If injure side-walk, parent or guardian shall pay, - - 359
Includes ‘‘ negro,” - - 238 rt 2 27
Declared, - - 4 is c bs L 951
Mayor’s court in, - - - Q : ag LAY
Aldermen shall meet in, - - i ; ‘ 952
Common council shall meet in,
Mayor shall have an office, - - - - - 254
Treasurer shall have an office, - - -
City clerk, ‘
Tax collector,
“sc 7 ¥ e x!
‘“c ‘“ es 3 4
Assessor, - - - - -
Engineer, - - - - - -
Chief of police, assistants, and police officers, ie
Police or watchmen, - - - -
Guard-room or lock-up, - - - -
Sales before, - - - - -
Year commences Ist Monday in January, - -
Re # for terms of office, Ist day of January,
Shall commence, - - - - -
xd = for term of officers, - -
Street, how licensed, - - - - -
Printer shall publish in, what, —- - -
Report of chief engineer shall be published, - -
Sales of stalls in market shall be published in, -
“* nuisances, - - - - -
Sunday ordinance does not apply to newsboys, —-
Notice of assessment of taxes, - - -
ants AEN age cer ‘“« objections thereto, -
. ‘¢ unpaid taxes, - .
Includes ‘ masculine,’’ - - - -
Organized, &c.,(PoLicEe,) - - - -
Shall have office in municipal buildings, - -
Captain of, duties, - - - see es
Lieutenants of, duties, - - -
Duties and powers of police, - - :
How punished for improper conduct, - -
Duty of all persons called on to assist, - -
No person shall interfere with or resist, >
«shall falsely represent, &c., - -
Duty of alarm sentinel on bell tower, —- -
Shall be uniformed, - - 3 el a
Licensed. (See Ciry CHarrer, page 25.)
Forbidden on Sunday, - - - -
To be printed by city printer, - - - -
Of objections by assessor of taxes, - -
Of assessment of taxes, - - ° -
= bi ‘¢ objections thereto, -
To be given by collector of unpaid taxes, - ~
NOTICES.— Continued.
Of application for opening streets, drains, &c., + -
Mayor may give to owner of erection, that it is dangerous,
when it shall be removed, . - é s
Indecent notices forbidden, - - - . d
Of vehicles shall be marked on them, - - -
May be removed, - - ‘ 4 i zs
‘« inquired of by board of health, - - -
Not permitted on lots, - - - je
sd vi in docks, - - ° z L,
Mayor may prevent introduction of hides, goods, &c., -
Dead animals and filth not to be left except where mayor may
direct, - - - - = = s
No slaughter-pen or butcher-house, - - bs
Filth, trash, &c., to be placed in front of premises, on Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday, - - =" =
No excavation where water may stand, Miinet toe +
Regulations to prevent, may be enforced by mayor at expense
of owner, - - . “ - ,
Vacant lot shall be cleaned, - * P “
In public parks forbidden, - ~ - - .
On side-walks by erections forbidden, - < <
Proceedings where owner of is unknown, - : F
No filth permitted. in docks, - “ . 2
Erections on streets declared to be, - - : ‘
sé shall be abated, - - - “ %
If owner unknown, how disposed of, - - . ¥
Vessel may be removed when, - - . é
Includes ‘ affirmation,” “ - rt i
Of officers, - - - - ~ 4 be
“* master mechanics, . - - - x «
May be removed, - - - - u 3
Not to be on side-walk, . < - a 3
“6 “ yemain in docks, - - s < t
«permitted around markets, - - = 3
“ ‘ in streets, drains, guttcrs, &c., - -
ty # on side-walks, - - . am G
Vacancy, how filled in, - - La pea “
Oath of, ~ & 4 . bs rh “i
Bonds of, - . . e oe A 5
Terms of, commence, - = a: 4
Mayor may suspend until, &c., — - - - i
297, 417
354, 9
351, 354
32 °
Not to remain on premises, - - - - - 106
Board of health may regulate, - - - - 104
Not to be thrown in streets, gutters, drains, &c., ~ - 336
Shall be placed in front of premises on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, - - . - - - 111
Shall be licensed, - - . - - - 58
Fare, - - - fi - - - 59
To be printed three days before in force, ~ - - 4
Book of, to be kept by clerk, - - - - 33
Violations of, tried by mayor, alderman or common council-
man, - - . - - : - 6,7
May be selected by mayor or other officer, - - 10
How enforced, - - ~ - - - 6,14
Construction of, - - - > - - 9, 10
Election of, made, and such held to, - - - - 10
Persons violating, or threatening to, shall give bond, - 12
Repeal of, does not affect matters pending, or in fleri, - - 14
Meaning of certain words, when used in, - - - 26,27
Records of, to be kept in clerk’s office, - - - 33
Attorney shall prosecute, - - . - - 34
Duty of mayor aste, - - - - - - 214
* chief of police as to, - apoay - 216
Ka police or watchmen, - . ~ - ~ 220-224
Treasurer shall keep record of council, - - - 396
Shall not remain on premises, - - > - - 106
To be placed before premises on certain days, - - 111
Exhibitions of, licensed, - - . . - 308
To be licensed, - . - - - - 308
How erected and built, - - - - - 71
Shall give bond for child, - - : - - 12
If child injure side-walk, shall pay, - - - - 359
Bienville, established, . - - ~ > 263
Washington 3s - - - - - 264
Trees not to be injured in, - > - > - 266, 336
Horses, &c., not to be allowed to run in, - - - 267
Nuisances in, torbidden,' - - - - . 268
Duty of police as to, - : - - . - 269
Reguletions for vehicles to carry in city, ~ ks -. ‘58-66
: ‘ ‘ 59
Fare, - - -
Includes “future,” - ; pe “4 r,
How regulated, - - - - - 207, 208,
Shall be licensed, and give bond, - - - -
Regulations for, - - - -° - -
Shall keep book open to officers, - - -
Person injured may have right of action on bond, - -
How done, - - - - - - -
City engineer’s duty as to, - - - - -
PAVEMENTS. See Pavinae.
Engine, hose cart, hook and ladder carriage, shall not run on,
How admitted into hospital, - - - -
How buried, - - =
POLICE, CHIEF OF.—Continued.
To be uniformed and wear badge and number, ~~ - -
In case of death, resignation or discharge, number to be de-
livered to chief of, - - - - -
Number shall be worn in front of hat or cap, - -
Number and badge to be furnished by city, - -
Uniform to be furnished by police, - - - .
City Prison established, - - - - -
Keeper, deputy, and three alarm sentinels appointed, -
Duty of keeper, - - - - -
‘« deputy keeper, - . - - -
Book shall be kept, keeper shall give and take receipts
from prisoners, shall keep prison clean, and give
proper food, and make weekly report to mayor, of
prisoners, - - - -
Shall deliver to prisoners any food or clothing that may be
brought to prison for them, - - - >
Shall not prevent prisoners from having communication
with counsel or relatives, - - -
Shall inspect all articles of food or clothing brought to
city prison, - - - - - -
Fees, - - - - - - -
Duty of alarm sentinel, - - - ~ -
Shall strike fire alarm, and for riot, &c., - -
Secret fund provided, - - * - - -
How disposed of, - * - ° ~
Office ef officers, - _- - - . -
s privates, - - - - - -
Guard room, - - - - - - -
Duty of, as to public parks, - - - -
BE 4 shows, exhibitions, &c., - - .
us = theater, = - : _ .
‘¢ when owner of nuisance is unknown, - -
‘¢ as to summoning jury for streets, - ~ -
Inspector of animals to be appointed by mayor, - -
Bond and compensation, — - - - - -
Duties of pound keeper, - - - - Bs
Limits of animals running at large, - - -
Pound erected at expense of city, - - - -
Inspector shall enter description of animal in book, .
Sale of impounded animals once a week, - - -
Inspector to pay net proceeds into city treasury, .
Owners may redeem animals in thirty days, - ° -
Net proceeds less 15 per ct. to be paid to owner, -
Proceeds of sales of hogs forfeited, - - - -
Fees for impounding animals, - - 4 .
No dog permitted to remain in city without payment of tax
and to wearacollar,. - - a. ;
Found at large without collar to be impounded, - -
369, 370
Not to remain on owners premises without collar, - : 285
Fees for redemption, - - - - . 985
If not redeemed to be slain, - - - ’ x 285
Bitch in heat at large to be slain, - « . 286
Fierce or dangerous dogs may be killed, + - - 286
Description of dogs impounded to be placed on bulletin boards, 286
Meaning of the word dog, - - - 2 ™ 286
Mayor shall issue proclamation to prevent hydrophobia if
necessary, - ~ - - - - 287
See Pustic Pounps, - - + - - 275, 288
Shall not be peddled, except, - - - _ 103, 193
PORT WARDENS. (See Harsor Master.)
If over side-walks, how erected, - - - : 354
If over side-walks, how erected, . - - a 354
Magazine established,» — = - - - . 244
ef regulated, - - - . - 245, 246, 247
ee keeper elected, - - - - : 241
= duties of, and fees, - . - o = 242,243
Duties of owners of powder, . - - ‘ 247,248
Vessels containing, shall not lay at wharf, - - = 246
How landed at wharf, . - - - > 247
Fire wardens shall examine where stored, - . * 95
Fees of keeper for feed of horse, - - = 243
To prevent fires, = . - - - « 94,07
> «sickness, duty of hospital physician, - - 129
we board of health, - - 104
Pest house, - : - - . - 135
Quarantine, - - - = - - - 113-123
To prevent injury from gunpowder, . - - 241-250
Duty, in reference to secret fund, : - - - 237, 238
‘* as to licenses for shows, &c., - - - 309
vr ‘* court of assessments, . - - - 378, 379
“« to appoint assistant engineer, - - - 368
a “ wharf committee, - - - . 407
Duty, in reference to secret fund, - - - - 237,238
** as to licenses for shows, &c:, = - - - . 309
=f: ** court of assessments, - - - - 378, 379
‘‘ to appoint assisstant engineer, - - . - 368
aa - wharf committee, - - - 407
Included in ‘ writing,” - . - - - 27
Elected, bond, salary, - - - - - 2
Shall print and publish all ordinances, advertisements, by-laws,
public acts, resolutions, notices, &c., - - - 3
Shall print on second and third pages of newspaper, - - 4
‘“« have reporter at every meeting of boards and conven-
tions, - . - - - - ~ +)
Shall print proceedings in three days, - - - 5
On failure, fined fifty dollars, - - - - - 5
Established, (see PoLice,) - - - - 227
Offender, failing to pay fine, confined in - - - 7
For contempt, - - - - - - 8
Failing to give bond, - - - - ~ 12,7, 417
Aldermen and councilmen may commit to, - - 215
Chief of police shall attend at when mayor directs, - - 216
Keepers and sentinels appointed, - - - - 228
Duty of keepers, - - - - - - 231, 232
“« Sentinels,- - - - - - - 234, 235
Fees of, - - - - - - - 233
Shall be furnished with receipt for articles taken from them,
and shall give when discharged, - - - . 231
‘« have proper food and diet, - - - - 231
Names shall be reported weekly to mayor, - - . 231
Fees, - - - - - - > 233
May have food and wearing apparel brought to them in prison, 232
st interviews with counsel and relatives, - < 232
How established, - . ° - - - 137
Wagons or carts containing, need not be licensed, - 50
Stalls for sale of country, “ - - - - 181
_May be removed, - - - - - - 9
The word includes “ real” and ‘ personal,” - - 27
Meaning of real, and of personal, - - - ~ 370
How taxed, - - - - - = - 371
Public of the city, - - - . - - 251, 270
Not to be injured, - - - ; - 274
Stores in market, how rented, - - - 272
All under direction of mayor and two presidents, ° 273
Public parks, - * * ° a . 263, 264
Municipal buildings, - - - 2 a L3 251
City property, - - - - fe z 271
To punish, - - - - - - 293, 417
May be sent to work-house unless bond be given, - 417
Record of, kept by clerk, - - - - - 33
To be printed by city printer, - . - - 3
Mayor to issue as to quarantine, . - - - 113
Ordinances, resolutions, &c., to be published, - - 3
Property of the city, - - - - - . 271
All under control of mayor and two presidents not other
wise provided for, - - = - - - 273
Not to be injured, - - - - - 274
Parks, Bienville, - - - . - - 263
Washington, - - - - - - 264
Not to be occupied, - - - - - 265
Trees not to be injured in, = - - - - 266
Horses, &c., not to run in, ~~ - - - 267
Nuisances in, forbidden, - - - - 268
Duty of police as to, - - - - - 269
Houses shall be licensed, - - - - 138, 139
Not to permit gaming in, - - - . - 101
‘¢ be kept disorderly, - - . - 140
Buildings, market, - - “s - - - 179
City prison, - - - - - - 227
Powder magazine, - - . - - 244
Municipal officesin, - - - - . 251-262
Not to be injured, - . - - - 274
Stalls in market, (two,) - - -* - . 181
«may be used by country people, - - - 183
‘* not to be used by regular butchers, - - - 184
Bails, not to be given, unless by permission of mayor, - 37, 308
Animals not to be driven at immoderate speed, - - 289
Cruelty to animals forbidden, . - - - 289
Persons and vehicles meeting will keep to the right, - 290
Shall be made before in force, - - - - 3, 4
Not to remain on premises, . ~ - - 108
«be thrown in dock, - - - - - 415
To be placed in front of premises on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, - - - - - - 111
Established, but not to be enforced until proclaimed by mayor,
who shall define the length of time for its continuance, 113
Physician elected, - - - - - - 114
Duties of, - - - - - > 115
+ of pilots, &c., - - - - - 116
Sick persons shall pay $5 per day for attendance, . 117
Not to apply to New Orleans steamers, regulations for them, 118
No vessel shall take on, or discharge cargo, - . 120
Mayor and board of health may remove vessels to, - - 121
Duty of harbor master and port wardens, - - 121
Quarantine rules, - - . Fe re = 123
Tonnage fees, how collected, - - - - 122
Forbidden, - j E a “ A 999
Drivers of cabs, &c., shall not be guilty of, - - 63
Not permitted in public houses, - . - 140
- Ay at theatre, - - - : - 311
Duty of citizen patrol, as to, - - . P 2 210
*¢ aldermen and councilmen, as to, - - 215
‘« police, as to, - - - - - 215, 216, 220
To prevent and punish, - - - 2 : 293
May be sent to work-house unless bond be given, - =P, Ale
Not permitted in streets, + - = 2 64, 57, 289
Sunday ordinance does not apply to, - ” - , 307
How taxed, - - - - = J 370
Meaning of real property, : . - i : 27
Duty of mayor in case of, - - - - - 202, 204
How bell to be struck in case of, ° = - = 2935
Duty of aldermen and councilmen in case of, - - 215
‘¢ chief of police in case of, - 4 8 ms 216
Of common council, kept by treasurer, - - = 396
‘¢ board of aldermen, ‘clerk, 3 “ 68
‘* ordinance, by-laws, &c., = - - : f Z 33
‘‘ licenses and transfers of drays, &c., - - - 52
‘‘ both boards, by clerk, - - : « m5 68
Clerk’s fees for copies of, - - - : ‘ 69
Of police, chief of police, shall keep, - - 216
‘* maps, notes, &c., city engineer shall keep, : 364
Treasurer shall keep, - - : . m ‘ 396
Of tax collector’s receipts by clerk, - - Ws 387
To appear for offenses, - = - » b M19 718
Aldermen and councilmen may take, - - ~ 215
Of land sold for taxes, - - - - - 383
Forbidden, . Z 4 i . 197
Shall be kept, - . a - ¥ ‘ > 49
1st volunteer armory, &c., - - - - 201, 204
Disturbance of forbidden, - - - - - 296, 305
May be sent to work house, or house of correction, unless
bond be given, - - - - - - 417
Of stalls in market, — - - . . - 180, 181, 184
“ city property, - - - - : ol BE ty alo
How to make, - - - - - - - 328
Bulkhead, when street terminates at water to be kept in
repair by owners, - - - - - 331
Duty of city engineer as to, - - - - - 366
To be published, - - - - - - 3
Record of, to be kept by city clerk, - - - . 68
% council, treasurer shall keep, - - - 396
Shall be licensed - - - - - - 139
Duty of keeper, - - - - - - 140
Shall be licensed, - ~ - - - - 138
Duty of keeper, - - - - : - 138
License revoked if gaming is permitted, - - - 99
Not permitted in streets, - - - - a7, 64, 289
Forbidden, - - - - - - 4 » 292, 293
Alarm bell for, - > - - - - 235
To quell, volunteer regiment shall obey orders of mayor, - 202
Duty of aldermen and councilmen, - - - - 215
“ “ chief of police, - » ° - - 216
«« “ police at shows, exhibitions, &., ~ - - 310
May be sent to work-house unless bond be given, - - 7, 417
Not toebe let off in city, - - « Fe - 4h
Exhibitions of licensed, - - - - - 308
How and where stored, - - - “ ¢ 250
Merchant may keep 5 barrels in store for sale, - - 9250
Shall not remain on premises, - > - > - 106, 108
oP basse 2s ** docks, - - - - - 415
To be placed in front of premises, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, - - - - - 7 ‘. 111
Not to be thrown into street, gutter, drain, &c., - - 336
No person over 15 years of age shall violate,. - - " 998
“« store not to be open, - - - - . 299
** drinking-honse not to be open, - - : aR 300
' Nolabor, - + - - . - - 304
““ games, sports, &c., forbidden, . - - - 301
Nothing but necessaries to be bought, 303
Barbers may keep open until 12 o’clock, - - - 306
Not to apply to steamboats or vessels, railroad trains, ice-
houses, livery-stables, nor milk-carts, - - 307
If clerk is sick, sexton may issue permit for burial on, - 49
Of city printer, - - - > - 2
7. attorney, - - - - - - 36
=: sexton, - - - - - - 47
6 clerk, - - - - - - - 49, 68
ie physician of hospital, - - - = 128
a steward of “4 - - = eae - 131
oe clerk ef market, - - - - - 185
a engineer and assistant, - - - 363, 368
‘43 assessor of taxes, - - - . 372
oe treasurer, - - - - - - 395
Tax collector, - - - - - - . 38k
Street commissioner, - - - - - 369
Superintendent of wharves, - - - - - 408
Gas metre, - - - - - - sore 154
City porter, - - . - - - - 239
Inspector of animals, - - - - . 275
Shall be inspected, how, - - - - 158, 161
Duty of clerk of market as to, - - - 186
What are to be used in market, . - * - 192
Spring balances not to be used, " - a - 158
Shall collect trash, &c., on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 111
Established, ~-- “ - - - . - 1
Shall be on licenses, - - - - - 50
Provided and regulated, - - - - 236, 238
Wardens may elect, - - - - - 90
Duty of, of fire companies, - . - - - 87
Alarm appointed, - > - - > - 228
Duties, - - - - - . 234, 235
Established and regulated, (DRAINs,) - - - 328, 336
No trash or filth to obstruct. - * . - 336
Elected, bond, duties, - - - - - 47, 48, 49
How erected over side walk, - - F . “ 354
Not to be driven in street on Sunday,
: 304
344, 345, 346
Howstreets may be, - - - -
Duty of city engineer as to, - - - : 346
Not to remain on premises, = - - - - - 106
To be placed in front of premises, Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday, - - - - - . 111
Shall be licensed, how exhibited, - - - 303
Not permitted on Sunday, - - - : - 301, 302
Police shall attend, - - - - - - 310,311
See DIsSEASEs, - - - - - 104,113, 129, 135
Articles may be sold on Sunday in case of, = a 298
Required, how made, - - - + > 352
Engine, hose cart, hook and ladder carriage, &c., not to run 2e 300
Fireworks or arms not to be discharged or let off on, - if
Around markets to be kept clean, - - : - 186
How trees planted on, - - - - - 337
How made in fire limits and before gates, - - : 352
seis COULG Offence - - - - - 393
Shall not be obstructed in any way, - - - - 354
No auction on, except by permission of mayor, - - 304
Walls, houses, or buildings that are dangerous not permitted
to remain on, - - - - - - 337, 354
How projections over shall be erected, - - = 354
Posts and columns on shall be of iron, except, - - 354
To be swept every day, - - - - - 306
Trees on and over to be trimmed - - - - 357
Where owner of obstruction is unknown it shall be sold, . 358
When injury is done to, it shall be paid for, - » 359
If done by animal of unknown owner, it shall be sold to pay for, ~359
Nuisances shall be reported by city engineer, - - - 364
City engineer shall furnish grade, and supervise work on, - 366
Duty of city engineer as to, - - - - - 364, 366
Includes mark, - - . - - - 27
Includes “ plural,” - - - . - 27
With name of streets, to be placed at corners, - - 350
How erected over side-walks, - - + - 354
Not to be injured, - . - - - 292, 337
Not to be let off in city, - - - -
- 41
Prohibited, - . -
Shall be kept clear, (Docks, WHARVES,)
Trash shall not remain in, -
See Orrat and Kitcuen Sturr, -
Not to remain on premises, —-
How disposed of, shall be placad in front of premises, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday,
Not to be thrown in street, drain or gutter,
Duty of hospital physician as to, -
‘“ “ board of health, -
See DisEAsEs and QUARANTINE, -
How established, - -
Sale of, licensed, - - “.
Not to be adulterated, - -
Shall not be sold on Sunday, -
Persons loitering about where sold, how dealt with,
How inspected, . - 4
Forbidden on Sunday, - -
Not to be let off or fired, -
Warden shall examine, - -
Shall be kept clean, - :
Filth, &c., from, to be placed in front of, on Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday, - - -
Sunday ordinance does not apply to,
In market, to be rented annually, -
Shall be kept clean, -
How rented, - - -
Two shall be set apart as public,
Inspector of, how elected, - -
His duties and fees, ~ -
Quality and description of, -
Shall keep an office, - -
Shall not be placed where dangerous,
Includes “vessels,” ~- -
Sunday ordinance does not apply to,
Shall not be injured, - -
Of hospital elected, - - - 4 131
Duties of, « . a ‘ : , a 132
How rented, - ~ - - - a¢1, 272
Wardens shall examine, 2s - - - . 95
Ditch shall not be cutin, - - - - 348
No fire arm or firework to be discharged in, . . 41
Hose cart nor engine to run on side-walk, - 355
No burning coals or brands to be carried in, + - - 349
Hawking and peddling of meats, &c., prohibited, except, 103
City engineer’s office, - . - - - - 364
Proceedings, to open, alter, improve, repair, or drain, &c., 328
Jury to asses damages, and how collected, = - - - 329
How proposals and contract made, - - 330
Bulkheads, when street terminates at water, - - - 331
All streets, now open, are public, - - - Sak
Not to be opened without permission of city, - - 332
Opening, is a dedication, - - - - 331
Regulation of, - - - - - 333
Pipes, how laid, bolts and marks not to be moved, - 333
No house to be erected on, or enlarged, unless on application
to city engineer, - - - = 334
Building material not to fill more than one-third of, - - 335
No cotton, wood, lumber, &c., to be left in, - 336
‘* earth to be dug or disturbed in, ortree dug in, - 336, 337
Nor any board or sign to be injured, - ~ 336
‘* erection east of Front street, - e # * 337
How trees to be planted in, - - - 337
Name of, at the corners, - - - - - 338
Front street to be 70 feet wide, - - - 338
Houses on to be numbered, -~— - - - - - 340
Name of streets on lamp posts, = = - - 343
How shelled or paved, - - - - - 344
Side walks kept in repair, - - . - 302
How made in fire limits, - - - - - 352
be ‘* if not in fire limits, - 353
Not to be obstructed in any way, - - - - 351
Walls, &c., leaning over, if dangerous, shall be moved, - 354
No erections over, less than 12 feet high, how, - - 354
All fronts on, swept every day, . - : 356
Trees to be trimmed over, - - - - - 357
Animals to be removed from, ~ - - 359
Not to be injured, if so, to be paid for by owner of the animal,
or the person committing it, - - - - 359
City engineer of, elected, - - - - 363
His duties, - - - - - - 364, 365, 366
Around markets, to be kept clear, - - - 186
/ Quarreling and disorderly conduct, forbidden in, - : 292
No sign-board, steps, blinds, door-plates, to be injured, - 292
Musicians to be licensed, - - + - - 308
Persons drunk in, how dealt with, - - - 293
Street commissioner shall place names of streets on corners, - 350
House encroaching on, declared a nuisance, - - 334
Persons disturbing surface of, to leave in good condition, - 337
Names shall be placed on certain streets, - . 350
No public auction permitted on, except, - - 351
‘ gates to open on, - - - - - 351
‘¢ water to run on side-walks, from yards or lots, - - 359
Gutters over side-palks to be kept in good repair, - 399
Stone crossings to be laid within fire limits, —- - 360
Side-walks to be of uniform surface, | - - - 360
Water not to stand on side-walks, - - - - 360
Entries to alleys and lots to be bridged, - - . 361
Elected, bond and salary, - - - - - 369
Shall supervise streets, and street force, under direction of
mayor, - - ~ - - - 369
Shall keep account of implements and property of city, - 369
Shall report the necessary repairs to bridges, - - - 369
Shall daily examine streets, lots, and side walks, - - 369
Shall do work according to plan of city engineer, - - 369
Shall remove all nuisances, - - - - 369
Shall remove and bury dead animals, - - - - 369
Shall place numbers on street corners, - - - 350
Shall keep record of, and time of street force, and report, = - 369
Persons desiring to construct may petition corporate author-
ities, - - - - - - - 313
Road must be built in two years, - - - - 313
Track to be laid under direction of corporate authorities, - 314
Bridges and turn-outs to be kept in repair, - - 314
May make turn-outs, - “ - - - . 315
Shall employ sober and careful drivers, - - - 316
Shall not run oyer six miles per hour, - - 316
Shall give way to vehicles, - - z - 317
Horse power only shall be used, - - - - 318
Shall run on Sundays at certain hours, - - - 319
Rate of fare, - - “ - - - - 319
Shall carry lamp at night, - - . - - 220
Shall obtain grade from city engineer, -, > - 321
If cars not run for three months, shall be rented out to
highest bidder, = - - - - : - 322
Smoking in cars prohibited, - - - - 323
Cars shall not obstruct street crossings, - - - 324
Must not interfere with fire department, - - “ 325
Must be stopped at appearance of danger, = - - - 326
In hospital, - - - - - - 150
Form of, - - - - - - - Lg
Jury by police officer, - + : - - 329
Includes ‘f mark,” - oa - - - - 2a
Licensed, - - - - - - ~ 58
No person over 15 years of age shall break, - - - 298
** stores not to be open, - - - - - 299
*“* drinking-houses not to be open, - - - . 300
‘‘ labor, = - -— - - - - 304
‘* games, sports, &c., prohibited on, - - . 301, 302
Nothing but necessaries to be bought, - - - 303
Places of worship shall rot be molested, - - - 304
Not to apply to steamboats or vessels, railroad trains, ice-
houses. livery stables, nor milk carts, - - - 307
Barbers may keep open until 12, . > - . 306
If city clerk sick on, sexton may issue permit for burial, - 49
Of hospital, elected, duties, &c., - - - 129, 128
To be made by engineer of city, - - - - 364, 366
Duty of police as to, - - - - - - 220
Not to be driven on Sunday, - - > - 304
Injury by to side-walks, owners shall pay for, - - 399
If owner unknown, shall be sold, - _ - - 359
Prohibited, - - - - - - - 99, 101
How and where stored, - - - “ - 250
Merchant may keep five barrels in store for sale, - - 250
Not to permit gaming in, - : . - - 101
Shall be licensed, - - - - - + 101
Duty of keeper, - - - - - 140
Tax lists, how printed, - - - - - 3
Assessor of, office, elected, - - : . 372
Property subject to assessment, - - - 370, 371
Directions as to, - - - - - - 371
Head tax of $1, - - - - - : 371
Members of fire department exempt from head tax, - 73
Assessor shall make assessment each year, - - - 372
¢ shall commence lst October, - - - 373
Form of notice, - - - . - - 374
TAXES.— Continued. SECTION
All persons shall render their property to, - - 374
Form of and duty of assessor, - - . - 375
Assessment to be completed by Ist of February, - -. 372, 376
To be returned to city clerk, - - - - + 372
Mayor and two presidents shall examine, - - 376
And make orders, - > - - - - PAS
Notices to be given, - - - : 2 377
Duty of clerk, - - - - iS " 378
‘« mayor and two presidents, > - - 378
‘6 two boards, - - - - - - 378
Mayor to issue warrant to tax collector, - - - 380
Tax collector elected &c., - - ~ .- be 381
His liabilities, - - = . 381
Proceedings to enforce collection, may sell, - : 382
Shall give certificate of sale, - . - s 385
Purchaser failing to pay, how to proceed, - - 384
Assessment is a lien, > - - - . 385
Collector’s duty as to property not assessed, - - a 385
License tax, who subject to, - Be . : 388
Assessor shall determine, - - - - 389
Penalty for failing to take license, - . ~ 391
Assessor shall rurrender all blanks, furnished to him by mayor, 389
Proceedings before mayor as to delinquents, - - edie 391
City engineer shall attend tax sales, - - - 385
he ms ** take possession of lots purchased by the city, 383
Any person authorized to acquire the title of the city by pay-
ing the taxes, twenty per ct. and expenses, - - 383
Failing to pay taxes by Ist July, shall pay cumulative tax of
ten per ct., - - ° - : ‘ 384
Tax collector shall give notice to give in sales of
merchandise, &c., - - - - 386
Penalty for failing to give in sales, - ae a 386
4! ‘* false accounts of sales, - Ee - . 386
Collector shall pay over weekly, - - - - 387
Provisions of this ordinance not to extend to those cases
where licenses are granted under section 52 of the city
charter, - - © a . 5 s 399
Elected, bond, salary, - = . aM 2 391
Office in municipal buildings, - 2a - - - 257
Shall collect assessment for shelling, &c., streets, - 346
General duties, - - - - “ 381, 382
Liability, - - - - oc dit! Maite “ 381
Duty when taxes are not paid, may sell, - - 382, 385, 384
Shall give certificate of sale, . - « 383
On failure of purchaser to pay may sell again, - - 384
His duty as to property not assessed, - - - 385
Shall give notice to give in sales of merchandise, - - 386
Fee for sale of real estate for taxes, - ° = 382
May retain per ct. of any money in his hands, in certain cases, 382
Shall collect tax on dogs, - - - - - 283
Licensed, (See Ciry CHARTER, page 25.)
Forbidden on Sunday, . - - - - 302
Shall be licensed, - - - - - - 308
Regulations for, ~ - : - - 310, 311
In street, drain, &c., forbidden, - - - - 336
Not to remain in docks, - - - . - 415
Not to be placed where it is dangerous, - - - 96
How inspected, - - - ~ - - 144, 145
Not to be placed in public square, - - - - 265
How placed in streets when building, - ~ - 335
And not otherwise, . - - - - > 336
Not to be hauled so as to touch or injure street, - - 337
“« “deposited on side-walk, - - - - 338
Persons loitering about, how dealt with, - > » 293
Protected, - - - - - - - 47, 49
Not to be injured, - - > - - 292
License for, ay a - - - - 388, 394
Shall not remain on premises, - - - - 106
Not remain in docks, - - - - - - 415
** to be thrown in street, drain, or gutter, &c., - - 336
To be placed before premises on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, - - - - - - 111
Or sale of any cart, dray, or wagon to be recorded by clerk, 52
So too as to market stalls, - - - - < 184
Elected, bond, salary, - - - - - 395
Shall keep office in municipal buildings, - - ~ 396
His duties, - - - - - - - 396
Shall open cemetery account, - - - - - 46
‘* make monthly report of cemetery fund, - - 46
Duty of, as to renting market stalls, - - - - 180
Ss “ secret fund, - - - - - 237
Shall notify city printer of all called and special meetings of
common council, - - - - - -'* 391
Shall notify mayor of failure of city printer to have reporter
present, : - - - - - 391
Shall receive money for licenses for public vehicles, - - 950, 58
7 4 s “« _* retailing spirituous liquors, 138
' How planted in graveyards, -
Horses not to be tied to in graveyards,
In public squares not to be injuted,
In streets, &c., ‘* §& i
How planted in streets, -
Shall be trimmed, how, - -
How and where stored, -
Merchant may keep five barrels in store for sale,
Duty of mayor in case of, -
‘¢ chief of police, - -
Alarm bell for, how struck, —- -
To be dispersed by citizen’s patrol,
Duty of councilmen as to, -
‘¢ aldermen as to, - ~
Hew filled, - - -
Chief Engineer of fire department,
Assistants, Le Lt
Committee of master mechanics, -
Shall be fenced, - -
Shall be cleared off and cleansed when city authorities
direct, - - -
To prevent and punish, :
Shall be sent to work house, or house of correction
May give bond before expiration of sentence, and be dis-
charged, - - -
See Buryina GrounDs, -
Peddling of prohibited, except, -
What part of market shall be sold in,
Fees for vacant or public stalls in market,
Not to be thrown in dock, ~
Shall be numbered, -
f licensed, - -
Drivers of shall stand, - -
Fare of when licensed, -
Shall take loads when offered, -
Not to be engaged in racing, -
Shall have copy of ordinance, in every one,
‘« not stand before dwelling house, or store,
Drivers shall not be guilty of disorderly conduct,
Fee of license to clerk, .
2, 204
177, 178
177, 178
103, 193
Not to obstruct market premises, - - - - 186
Meeting, shall keep to the right, - - + - 290
Summoned and returned by police, - - - 329
How erected over sidewalk, - - - “ ~ 354
May be removed, - ° - - - . 9,121
Includes ‘‘ steamboats,”’ ‘* barges,’’ and all water craft. ~t27, 119
If nuisance, how diposed of, . : - - 412
Containing powder not to lay at wharf, - - - 246
How powder shall be landed from, - - - 247
Sunday ordinance does not apply to, - - : ° 307
Fire wardens shall examine, - > - . 121
May be detained at quarantine, when from infected port, —- 115
Quarantine not to apply to New Orleans steamers, > 118
Shall not take on or discharge cargo without permit, - - 120
Muyor may require removal of, to quarantine station, - 121
Sale of, licensed, - - - - - - 138
Not to be adulterated, - - - - - 138
Hs sold on Sunday, - - - - - 300
Persons loitering about where sold, how dealt with, > 293
How inspected, > - - - - - 151
Armory for, - - - - - - 201 204
Who qualified to, for engineers, &c., of fire department, - 80
For fire wardens, - - - - - - 89
Not to remain standing, if dangerous, - - - 304
Engineer shall report, - - - - - 364
Shall be licensed, give bond, and fees fixed, - - + 5450.55
Sales and transfer of license, to be reported, - - a2
Owner shall number, - . . « - - 51
Exceptions to licensed vehicles, - - - - 50
Driver of, shall keep on right side of road, - - - 56
Shall have good reins or lines, - ° - - o7
Not to be driven fast, - - - > - - 57
Fees for license toclerk, - - - - - 69
Not to be used on Sunday, except in case of necessity, - 304
Keeper of powder magazine shall have a wagon, - - 243
Sunday ordinance does not apply to milk carts, - - 307
Not to obstruct side walk, - - - - 336
One for each ward elected, duties, &c., - . - 89
May elect president and secretary, - - - 89
Shall examine buildings, - - - - - 9
‘Form of, - - - - - Law Reth Fi 16
Powers and duties of police as to, - - ae ee e20, 221
Established, (see Pustic Parks, 263 to 270,) > - 264
Included in “‘ vessels,”’ - - - . - 27
Where streets terminate, bulkheads shall be made, how, - 413, 414:
No building, shed, or inclosure erected on, - - - 337
Width of Front street shall be 70 feet, = - - . 338
Established and limited, - - - - - 413
Standing, how drained, &c., - - - - 328
No person shall injure, - - - - - 397
Nor injure reservoir, - - : - - 398
“« use water of, unless permitted to do so, - - - 399
“ sell water, = - - . - “rut | 400
‘¢ waste, - - - - - - 401, 402
Workmen on, to be under direction of lessee, - . 403
Penalties, - - - - - - 403, 404
How taxed, - - - - - - 370
How pipes shall be laid in streets, = - . - 333
Shall furnish pure and wholesome water, - - - 405
This ordinance to apply to new water-works, - - . 406
Appointed by mayor, (Poticr,) - - . - 215
Captain of, duties, aa tO ee se . - - 218
Lieutenant of, “ - - . - - - 219
Duties of, or police, - - - - - 220 225
How punished, when guilty of improper conduct, - - 222
Duty of all persons to assist, when called on, - - - 224
No person shall interfere with, or resist, - - - 223
No person shall falsely represent, - “ - - 225
Duty of alarm sentinels on bell tower, - - - 235, 234
Shall have office in municipal buildings, - - - 261
Inspector shall be elected, = - - - - - 157
Bond and fees, - - - - - - - 157
Duties of Inspector, - - - - - 158
Not to be used unless inspected, - . - - 158
Use of spring balances prohibited, - - - 158
Standard of, according to laws of United States or this State, 159
Shall be inspected once every six months, - - 160 Xs
False weights and measures to be forfeited, - - - 160
Duty of clerk of market as to, - - - - MaUAgE
Shall be inspected, how, : ‘ : 158, 161
What to be used in market, = - - - 158
Spring balances shall not be used, - - - - 158
a oe
Mayor and president of the two boards shall appoint com-
mittee of, - - - - - - 407
Committee shall have control of wharves, - : “ 407
¢ ‘¢ report to boards semi-annually, - - 407
it authorized to purchase wharves, - - sid 407
: may appoint clerks, - - - . 407
= shall inspect books of superintendent, - L 409
5 “audit accounts, - - . - 407
Superintendent shall be elected, - Rot - = 408
Bond, compensation and duties, - - - - 408, 409
‘Docks near, shall be kept clear of obstructions and filth, - 411
Vessels and water-craft that cause nuisance, to ke removed, 412
Vessels containing powder, not to lay at, - - sy 246
How landed at, - . - 2 247
Limit of front, > - - ospth " B 413
How constructed, - - - - - s 414
No buildings constructed east of Water street, - = 413
No filth, &c., to be permitted in dock or slip, - =| 415
Shall be appointed by mayor and two presidents of the boards, 407
“« have control of, - - - - : 407
May purchase wharf property when directed, - - 407
Shall appoint clerks and assistants, : 407
‘« audit accounts, - - - - - 4 407
*« inspect books of superintendent, - - - 409
Elected, bond and salary, : apis - = . 408
His duties, - % a = - 408, 409, 410
Blinds of not to be injured, - - - : 299
Not to be erected in fire limits, = - - - - 94
Shall be inspected, how, - - - es 146, 147
Not to be placed in dangerous location, - - : 96
All short and unsound forfeited to hospital, -— - S 147
Carts and drays to be marked, and not to carry, with one
horse, more than one-third of a cord at a load, - 148
Sellers shall set up posts to measure, - - - = 149
Inspector of, shall have office, keep account, and report, - 150
Fees for, - - - - a ; 2 150
Shall mark each parcel of, - - - ~ = 150
‘¢ require owner to produce a license, . - - 150
Not to be deposited in public square, . - - 265
| af ‘é “« streets, - - - ‘ 336
On buildings, how inspected, - - - - 163, 170
- 168
Fees for, - - - . das :
' Offender failing to pay.fine, confined in, = - - - 7
Building occupied as city prison to be used as work-house
until otherwise provided, - - - + - 416
Prisoners to be confined therein, - - - - 416, 418
Rules and regulations for the working of prisoners sentenced
by the mayor’s court, - - : - - 418
Places of religious, not to be disturbed, - - - 296, 305
Includes “ printing,” - - - - - - a7
Of house, shall be kept clean, - - - - 106
May be examined by board of health, uve - 104, 105
ef “1 “* fire wardens, - - - 95
Fire arms, or works, not to be discharged in, - - - 97
Filth, &c., from, to be placed in front of premises, ‘Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, - . - - 111
Mayor may require to be cleansed and purified, - 112
Side-walk before, be swept every day, - : - 336
i required, how made, - - - 352, 353
Municipal, what is, - - - - > 28
What is, for licenses, - - - - : ° 28
66 (73
taxes, - ‘ - - rs 372
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