ee ee een aa Mestith Shere Sul NS PO ae “aye UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MATHEMATICS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 6 1987 a 2me a ~ a> | APR i8 RED MAY 31 1995 MAY 12 SCD RBG 27 COR MAY 22 RED L161—O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign _ oe 7 = + iu ha hive ole yt a % ure ae i Ad | : , 7 7 "1 We oe | a ; ti i . he, weev Faery psa, eu he «, eae aa ; 7 em aast tiie Pr , "Ngee y J eo a Mot 1 | 7 , 2 Pee Ms ? t Mt J : 7 uy, - Jae 1 hy ay Ny ; i TABLES or LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS, AND OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS AND SECANTS, TO SEVEN PLACES OF DECIMALS; TOGETHER WITH OTHER TABLES OF FREQUENT USE IN THE STU DY0F. MAT HEM -A-PICS, AND IN PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS. BY DN THON YD. SEA Niskoy os Ae Me: Professor of Mathematics in Yale College. NEW HAVEN: DURRIE & PECK. PRINTED BY B. L. HAMLEN, Printer to Yale College. 1847. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1846, by Antuony D. Staytey, in the Clerk’s office of the District Court of Connecticut. Composition and Presswork by ; B. L. HAMLEN, New Haven. ead Stereotyped by RICHARD H. HOBBS, Hartford. Ves oe © ‘- le ee ee PREFACE. Tue following collection of tables has been prepared, chiefly with a view to meet the wants of college students. ‘Tables of much less extent would perhaps be regarded by many as sufli- cient for this purpose: and such indeed are most of the tables in common use. ‘hese smaller tables are doubtless suitable enough for the illustration of principles and rules of calculation ; but from the inaccurate results which they usually give in the solu- tion of problems, they enable the mathematical student who em- ploys them, to see but little of the use of tables to the computer. Tables in which the logarithms of numbers are carried to as many as seven places of decimals are needed for the proper solution of many of the problems to be met with in any common course of mathematics. Indeed logarithms of five or six places of dec- imals are now seldom used in calculations requiring any but the lowest degree of accuracy. In F'rance, at the examinations for admission to the military and naval schools, candidates have for several years been required in their computations to use loga- rithms of seven decimal figures. ‘The tables which are there most generally used are those of Callet. 'The tables of like ex- tent most commonly employed in England are Hutton’s: and those of Vega are most used in Germany. ‘The only similar ta- bles hitherto published in this country are Hassler’s: and these have been found so inconvenient from the smallness of the type ¥in which they are printed, that they are much less used than Sthose of Hutton and Callet imported from abroad. = 'The following work is one of sufficient extent to furnish nearly »the same aid to computers as is afforded by the tables of Hutton Sor Callet. In presenting it to the public, our principal concern is to show that proper care has been taken to secure its correct- ©ness, in carrying it through the press; as anew work of this kind | ‘inaccurately printed would be worse than useless. We therefore -state the following particulars. The pages of the tables were first made by the printer to agree very nearly with the copy. _ Four or five proofs of each were afterwards read in connection (4) PREFACE. with different tables, before the work was printed. 'T'wo and in several cases three proofs were examined before the page was stereotyped, and two proofs from the plates were examined after- wards. ‘This proof reading was done exclusively by the writer. In comparing the proofs with different tables, the corresponding columns of figures were in each case placed closely side by side, that the eye might readily detect any disagreement. An exam- ination of the proofs with the assistance of another in the ordi- nary way, would have required much less time: but the other method was preferred as better suited for the detection of errors. The tables employed in correcting the proofs were chiefly those of Vega, Callet, Hutton, Babbage and Shortrede. Babbage and Callet were most relied on for accuracy. But their tables were not found free from error. It is a common opinion with regard to works which have been stereotyped, that while they are open to correction as errors are discovered in them from time to time, they are also made permanently secure of whatever de- gree of accuracy they once acquire. But in using two copies of Callet’s tables, one of recent and one of earlier date, it was seen that some errors from which the latter was free, had found their way into the former. A notice of several errors observed in the different tables which we have had occasion to examine, will be published in another place. After the following tables were ready for the press, the editor found among the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of Lon- don an article by Mr. Babbage, in which he mentions six errors that are common to almost all the tables of logarithms he has seen. From his own table these errors are of course excluded. And as that had been used in correcting the first proofs of the following table of logarithms, we were furnished with tolerable means of forming an opinion concerning the merits or defects of the first proof reading. On referring to the proofs concerned, it was found that all the errors in question had been noticed and corrected. Our second proofs of the table of logarithms were compared with Shortrede’s table. We therefore examined this table with reference to the errors noticed by Babbage; and in it found five of them. We then referred to a list of nine or ten errors that we had discovered in the same table, and found all of these five among them; which encouraged the belief that not many errors had been overlooked in the second proof reading. PREFACE. (5) As we are informed that Babbage’s table was employed in the correction of Shortrede’s, it seems a little remarkable that all the five errors referred to should have escaped notice. But the general correctness of the latter table need not be therefore dis- trusted, as we may infer from what is stated above, that those errors form a large proportion of all the errors which it contains. Next in importance to the table of logarithms of numbers, 1s that of logarithmic sines, tangents, &c. Hutton in his table of sines, tangents, &c. gives them only at intervals of a minute each, through all except the first two degrees of the quadrant, where sines and tangents are given for every second. 'The differences of successive sines, tangents, &c. in some parts of his table are accordingly quite large, and in finding intermediate sines, tan- gents, &c. the process of interpolation is inconveniently long. ‘There is also room for considerable error in this process, unless second differences are taken into account, which would render the work still longer. In Callet’s table, sines and tangents are given at intervals of seconds for the first five degrees, and sines, cosines, tangents and cotangents, at intervals of ten seconds for the whole of the quadrant. His table is therefore much more convenient than Hutton’s. In one respect however it is less con- venient, as it fails to give secants and cosecants, which Hutton does not omit. We have endeavored to combine the main advantages of these two tables in the second table of this collection. In giving se- -eants and cosecants, our table agrees with that of Hutton. It differs from his chiefly in giving sines, tangents, &c. at intervals of ten seconds instead of minutes, for the first fifteen degrees. In consequence of this and of a special arrangement for the first two degrees, no error greater than a unit in the last place of deci- mals can happen in any part of the table, from the neglect of second differences in interpolation; whereas there would have been room for errors thirty-six times as great as this, if the sines, tangents, &c. had been given, as in Hutton’s table, only to min- utes, after the second degree of the quadrant. ‘There are many cases in which a required result cannot be accurately determined, unless the result be known approximately from some preliminary calculation. This first calculation does not commonly require to be made with much exactness: and if it be logarithmic, it ought to be made with logarithms of less than (6) PREFACE. seven decimal figures. For convenient use in hasty calculations of this and other kinds, we have added to the larger tables of logarithms and logarithmic sines, tangents, &c. smaller tables of logarithms, antilogarithms, logarithmic sines, tangents, &c. car- ried only to five places of decimals. Before we determined to embrace these tables in the collection to be made, we had intended that the two leading tables should be followed by a variety of smaller ones, useful in navigation, surveying, &c. Several such tables were accordingly selected and prepared for the press, but most of them were set aside to make room for the smaller logarithmic tables, which seemed likely to be of more general use. A few of the most important however have been retained, and will be found at the end of the volume. The table on page 338 was copied from one in common use, the correctness of which we had no reason to distrust. But after — this page was stereotyped, we observed that the numbers in it could not be depended on for accuracy in their final figures. This ~ defect may however be deemed of little practical importance, as no great exactness is called for in cases where those numbers are used, ‘The table of meridional parts, which was prepared for the stere- otyper immediately after page 338, was withheld till it could be examined, cursorily at least, with reference to such inaccuracies © as had been observed in that page. And in this table too, sev- eral numbers were found erroneous, by a unit, in the final figure. ‘These were corrected: but the table may still contain errors of — the kind in question, as the examination was a hasty one, being much less thorough than it would have been had the occasion — for it been earlier suggested. The numbers given in this table are carried to the first place of decimals. Meridional parts given in whole numbers, as they commonly are, are unsuitable for use in many cases where accuracy is demanded. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. of Logarithms Of the Table of Pegucitias of Nam bsts : ** Table of Artificial Sines, Tangents, &c. ** Table of Natural Sines and Cosines “¢ Smaller Table of Logarithms of Numbers . “© Table of Antilogarithms ** Smaller Table of Artificial Sines, Panrenes &e. ‘© Traverse Table ‘¢ Table of Meridional Parts : “Table for correcting Middle Latitude : “© Table of Logarithms for computing Compound inereee &c. *¢ Tables for interchanging Common and Hyperbolic Loga- rithms : “© Table for finding the Pawns of eieulat anes ** Tables on page 340 : TABLES. ‘Table of Logarithms of Numbers ‘Table of Artificial Sines, Tangents, &c. 'Table of Natural Sines and Cosines Smaller Table of Logarithms of Numbers ‘Table of Antilogarithms Smaller Table of Artificial Sines, Ataaget ts io. Traverse Table or Table of Departure and Difference of Tesitiida Table of Meridional Parts Workman’s Table for correcting Middle Tatitode : Table of Logarithms for computing Compound Interest, &c. Table for converting Common into Hyperbolic Logarithms Table for converting Hyperbolic into Common Logarithms Table for finding the Lengths of Circular Ares Table of Logarithms carried to thirty places of decimals ‘Table of Numbers often used Nore.—There is an error in several copies of the tables, that was occasion- ed by a mistake of the stereotyper in substituting 0 for a 6 which had been marked as imperfect, in the final proof for his use. The error is on page 205, in the cosine of 7° 50’ 40”, which should be 9.9959169 instead of 9.9959109. ' DN TT RSE Det CT UCrN: LOGARITHMS. Arr. 1. A Logarirum of a number ts the EXPONENT which shows what power* that number is of a given number. Thus if the given number is 2, the logarithm of 8 is 3, that of 32 is 5, that of 64 is 6, &c. because 8 =2?, 32=2°, 64=2°, &c. andif 3 is the given number, the logarithm of 9 is 2, that of 27 is 3, that of Slis 4, &c. ‘To distinguish the logarithms of one of these two classes from those of the other, the former are said to belong to a system of logarithms of which 2 is the base, and the latter to a_ system of which 3 is the base. ‘To make either system complete, the logarithms of all the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. must be obtained, by regarding each number as a power of the base, and finding the exponent which denotes what that power is. Thus if the base is 2, each number is to be considered as a power of 2, and the exponent denoting the power is to be ascertained, and taken for the logarithm of the number. For example, let the number be 13: this is greater than 2° and less than 2‘; and there is some number between 3 and 4, which in- dicates what power 13 is of 2: that number is the logarithm of 13; and though not assignable at once, it may be determined without difficulty by various methods of calculation which need not be specified here. Any number except one may be made the base of a system of logarithms ; for by giving the number different indices, we may form powers of it that shall equal any numbers whatever; but as all the powers and roots of one are alike, we cannot represent other numbers by any powers or roots of the number one. 2. Logarithms are employed chiefly to facilitate numerical cal- culations. And for this purpose it is best to make use of the 4 The word power is often used to denote a quantity with any index whether : 44 2 4 7-2 5 fractional or integral, positive or negative. In this sense,a*,a@ ,a areall powers of a. With this extended meaning the term is employed in these pages. B (10) INTRODUCTION. logarithms of no more than one system. 'The method of pre- paring for use a system of logarithms, is to take the numbers I, 2,3, 4, &c. in their natural order, (to a greater or less extent as occasion demands,) and considering them all as powers of the base, to determine their logarithms accordingly, and then arrange » the logarithms together with the numbers in a table. ‘The sys- tem which has been chosen as most convenient, is that whose base is 10. It is for reasons pertaining to the common mode of reckoning by tens, (and to be stated more explicitly in Art. 17,) that this system is preferred. Logarithms in the system whose base is 10, are called common logarithms or Briggs” log- arithms. The common logarithm of a number then 1s the exponent which shows what power that nwmber is of 10. When the kind of logarithms spoken of is not specified, com- mon logarithms are always to be understood. 3. The logarithms of the numbers which are exact powers of 10 are at once obvious: thus the logarithms of the numbers 1000, 100, 10, 1, 54, +25, and 10-", its logarithm must either be —(2+1) or be between -(n+1) and —n, that is, must be either —(m+1) or —(n+1)+ a decimal; the characteristic therefore is —(n-+1); so that the characteristic of the logarithm of a decimal is nega- tive, and is one greater than the number of ciphers at the begin- ning of the decimal; as is stated in the second part of the fore- going rule. 8. When the characteristic of a logarithm is negative, it is often, for convenience, made positive by the addition of 10; which can lead to no error, if it be kept in mind that such a change has taken place, and due care be taken to make allowance for it afterwards, at a proper time. Thus instead of the logarithms 1.8272047, 4.0260108, we may write 9.8272047, 6.0260108. 9. Since we have a rule by which we can readily find the characteristic of the common logarithm of any proposed number, tables are needed only to furnish the mantissas of logarithms. ‘These mantissas have been calculated and arranged in tables to such an extent as has been found convenient for practical pur- poses. It is unnecessary here to describe the manner of com- puting them; it will be sufficient to show how they are arranged for use in the following tables. In describing these tables how- ever, it is necessary to refer to certain properties of logarithms which will now be stated. 10. If L, M, N, &§c. be several numbers, and J, m, n, §c. their logarithms in a system of which the base is b, the logarithm of LMN &c. is equal to l+-m+n+e. _ For from the nature of logarithms, (Art. 1) L=0b', MW=6”", eb") Sc. hence LMN &ec. =b'b"b" Ge Hornets" 3 but. if LMN §. is the (l+m+n-+ &§c.)th power of b, /+m+n+ §e. is the logarithm of LM WN &c. as was asserted. _ Therefore the logarithm of the product of several numbers equals the sum of the logarithms of the numbers. | 11. Again, if W and N be two numbers whose logarithms are m and n, the logarithm of M—N equals m—n. For as M=b" and N=6", M—N=6b"-0"=6"—". Therefore the logarithm of the quotient of one number divided by another is equal to the logarithm of the dividend diminished by that of the divisor. (14) INTRODUCTION. 12. Again, if M is a number whose logarithm is m, the loga- rithm of M" is mn. For as M=b", M"=b""; but if M” is the mnth power of the base b, mn is the logarithm of MW". Therefore the logarithm of any power of a number ts obtained by multiplying the logarithm of that number into the number denoting the power. 13. Finally, if MZ is a number whose logarithm is m, the log- “ 1 arithm of M " is - For as M=b", M"*=b"- Therefore the logarithm of any root of a number is obtained by dividing the logarithm of that number by the number denoting the root. 14. The following definition will prepare the way for one or two inferences to be drawn from these principles. The significant figures of a number are those which remain — after rejecting all ciphers that occur either at the end or at the © beginning of the number. : Thus the significant figures of 8021700 are 80217; those of the decimal .00010408 are 10408. 15. If two different numbers have the same significant figures, occurring in the same order, their logarithms will have different — characteristics, but the same mantissa. For two such numbers may be made alike, by merely re- moving the decimal point in one of them to the right or — left; and as changing the position of the decimal point, is_ elitiontont to multiplying or dividing by 10° 100, 1000, &c.— the greater number must be equal to the smaller one onli ; plied by some exact power of 10, which we will denote by 10°, — nm being a whole number; then (Art. 10) the logarithm of the greater number must be equal to the logarithm of the smaller number increased by the logarithm of 10" which is n. Now. by adding the integer to the smaller logarithm to obtain the greater, we alter the characteristic, but leave the mantissa un- changed. The logarithms of the two numbers therefore have — hike mantissas with unlike characteristics. ‘Thus the logarithm — of 108.06 is 2+ a decimal, and that of 1080600 is 6-+- the same decimal, because 1080600 = 108.06 x 10; also the logarithm oe . S| 4 if | At LOGARITHMS. (15) .00203 is —3+ a decimal, while that of 20.3 is 1+ the same decimal. : 16. Again, if the logarithms of two numbers have different characteristics, but the same mantissa, the significant figures of the numbers must be the same, and must occur in the same or- der; and the numbers will differ only as to the position of the decimal point. For then the difference of the logarithms is a whole num- ber, which we may denote by 7; but this difference is the loga- rithm of the quotient of one of the numbers divided by the other (Art. 11); the quotient itself therefore is 10", and accord- ingly one of the numbers is equal to the other multiplied by 10"; but a number after bemg multiplied by any exact power of 10 as 10", will have the same significant figures as before, and only the position of the decimal point will be changed. If for example, the logarithms of two numbers are 2+ a decimal and — 1+ the same decimal, and if it be known that the number to which the first logarithm belongs is 231.02, then we infer that the number to which the other logarithm belongs must be 23102. For the difference of the logarithms is the integer 3, and the quotient of the greater number divided by the less is therefore 10°; but the greater is 231.02, as has been supposed ; therefore the less is 231.02~—10% =.23102. 17. What is stated in the two preceding articles will apply to he common logarithms of numbers only. Such logarithms are therefore much more convenient than others for general use; smce when the common logarithm of any number has been ‘ound, those of various other numbers having the same signifi- sant figures are obtained without difficulty, simply by changing ‘he characteristic, according to the principles stated above. (16) INTRODUCTION. Taste or Locarrrums or Numpers: pp. 1-153. i 18. This is a table of the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c. up to 100000, with the mantissas of their common logarithms, which are also the mantissas of the logarithms of other numbers whose signzfi- cant figures fall between 1 and 100000. ‘To these the proper characteristics, omitted for convenience, are to be prefixed ac- cording to the rule in Art. 6. The first three pages contain all the numbers from 1 to 1000, (except those ending with 0,) arranged in columns headed N. By the side of each number, in the next column headed Log. is to be found the mantissa of its logarithm, carried to seven places: of decimals, the decimal point being omitted, and the first three figures being separated a little from the other four, for ease of reading. Thus the true mantissa of the logarithms of 8, 37 and 809, are .9030900, .5682017 and .9079485, respectively. In the subsequent pages, in columns on the left and headed Num. are all numbers from 1000 to 10000; the first two figures being stated only at convenient intervals, as they are the same for several numbers in succession. In the columns headed 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, are the mantissas of the logarithms of numbers carried to seven places of decimals, or rather the four last figures only of these mantissas, except in the column headed 0, where to some of the mantissas, the first three figures also are given. Bach mantissa belongs to a number whose first four figures are op-, posite it in the left-hand column headed Num. and whose fifth figure stands at the head of the column containing the mantissa. And the whole logarithm of this number will be the mantissa with the characteristic 4 prefixed. These mantissas will accord- ingly be spoken of as the logarithms of the numbers composed. of five figures in the way just mentioned, the characteristic 4 being understood as prefixed to each mantissa, in conformity with the rule in Art. 6. Wherever the character » occurs, a cipher must be understood. The use of the space between the columns headed 4 and 5 is, by dividing the page, to facilitate the finding of any column sought. Also, at the beginning of each page the figures are made heavier, that as we consult the table they may more readily catch the eye. TABLE OF LOGARITHMS. (17) In the columns headed Diff. §& Mult. are several numbers placed opposite the nine digits, the number opposite 1 being in each case the difference of two consecutive logarithms in the table, and those opposite the other digits being corresponding mul- |tiples of the differences over them. 19. All this will be readily understood from the following in- dication of the meaning of the first part of page 6. Numbers. Logarithms. Numbers. Logarithms. 11200 4.0492180 11212 4.0496831 11201 4.0492568 RPO ek eh os _ 11202 4.0492956 11218 4,0499154 f §6©11203 4.0493343 11219 A.0499541 + 11204 4.0493731 11220 4.0499929 / 11205 4.0494119 11221 4.0500316 | 11206 4.0494506 11222 4.0500703 | 11207 A,0494894 Ry eT ae ee mr _ 11208 4.0495281 11229 4,0503411 | 11209 4.0495669 11230 4.0503798 : .11210 4.0496056 11231 4.0504184 ( 11211 4,0496444. &ec. &e. a | Here it is seen that the leading figures 049 are those, not only | of the mantissa of the logarithm of 11200, but also of all the ‘following ones that come before the mark ¢. : ‘This mark + which stands for 0, is used to give notice that for ‘the mantissa in which it occurs, and for all succeeding mantissas ‘to the end of the line, the three leading figures are to be found in 'the next lower line and under an asterisk standing opposite the ‘character +; whereas in other cases, the three leading figures of ‘any mantissa are in the same line with the other four, or are the ‘first to be found in a preceding line. 3 | The use of the asterisk in connexion with the sign +, 1s to ‘mark more distinctly the line in which a change takes place in the three leading figures of the mantissa. _ 20. The difference of the first two mantissas on the page be- fore us, which are .0492180 and .0492568, is if we neglect the decimal point, 388; the next difference viz. that of 0492568 and } 0492956, is also 388; the next is 387 ; and so on in the following ‘series, 388, 388, 387, 388, 387, 388, 387, 388, 387 ; these differen- ‘ces being found smaller and smaller as we proceed to the bottom of | the page, where the difference between two consecutive mantissas | Cc | | (18) INTRODUCTION. is 368. Now the differences 388, 387, 386, 385, &c. are placed in the column headed Dif. § Mult. each opposite the number 1; | and the multiples of each difference by the numbers 2, 3, 4, .. . 9, | are placed under that difference, and opposite these multipliers. _ The use of the multiples and differences will be stated below. From page 22 onward, there is a column marked Dzff. which | contains simply the differences between consecutive logarithms | in the table, and is of but little use. The manner of using the table of logarithms, may now be con- | veniently explained. To find the logarithm of a given number. 21. If after rejecting ciphers at the begining or end of the number when they occur, there are not more than three remain- | ing figures, these figures are to be found in one of the columns _ headed NV. on one of the first three pages of the table, and op~- | posite the number, in the next column headed Log. will be found | a number which with the decimal point prefixed is the mantissa _ of the required logarithm, carried to seven places of decimals. The characteristic of the logarithm must be supplied according to the rule in Art. 6. The first three pages of the table are to be used only in the case | just specified. ‘The remainder of the table must be employed in | every other case, and is available in that case also, though not so | convenient then as the first three pages. If then the first three pages of the table be disregarded, the — general method of finding the logarithm of a number is the . following. 22. First suppose the given number to consist of five integral | figures not followed by a decimal. The first four figures of the number will be found on the left | in the column headed Num. of one of the pages of the table: and if the fifth figure is 0, the required logarithm carried to | seven places of decimals, will be found opposite the first four fig- ures in the next column headed 0; or at least the four last of the decimal figures will be found there, and the place of the three — leading figures when vacant, must be supplied by those of the first previous logarithm in which all the seven decimal figures appear: but if the fifth figure of the given number is one of the nine digits, it will be found at the top of one of the nine columns which follow the column headed 0, and under this fifth figure — TABLE OF LOGARITHMS. (19) and opposite the first four will be found the last four decimal fig- ures of the logarithm sought: the three leading figures are to be looked for in the column headed 0, and opposite the other four ; and if not found there, they may be found a little above in the same column, unless the character + either stands in place of one of the four decimal figures first obtained, or is somewhere on the left in the same line with them, in which case the three leading figures are to be found directly wnder an asterisk, that stands op- posite the mark «+. The proper characteristic viz. 4, is to be pre- fixed to the seven decimal figures. Thus the logarithms of 57100, 10350, 57680, 57708, 42083, 44978, 23449, are 4.7566361, 4.0149403, 4.7610253, 4.7612360, 4.6241067, 4.6530001, 4.38701243, respectively. _ 23. Next if the number concerned consist of five integral fig- ures with a decimal fraction annexed, find the logarithm of the five integral figures by the preceding rule, and to this add a cor- rection for the additional decimal; which is found by multiply- ing the decimal into the difference between the logarithm taken from the table and the following one. Thus the logarithm of 10800.76 is found by taking the loga- rithm of 10800 from the table, and increasing this logarithm by the product of .76 into the difference between the logarithm of 10800 and the next one in the table, viz. that of 10801. Now the logarithm of 10800 is 4.0334238, and that of 10801 is '4.0334640 ; their difference viz. 402 multiplied into .76 gives (305.52, which we may call 306, taking the nearest whole num- ber. This added to 4.0334238 will give 4.0334544 for the log- varithm required. It will be observed that the difference 402 has been regarded as a whole number, whereas it is really a decimal, the last figure +2 belonging to the seventh decimal place. But this can lead to ‘no error, if after obtaining the correction 306 we make its last figure fall in ‘the seventh decimal place when we add it to the logarithm 4.0334238. The logarithms of 87012.9 and 27018.61 found in this way, are respectively 4.9395836 and 4.4316630. | _ 24. 'The rule given for correcting a logarithm as found for five integral figures of a number, on account of an additional decimal, is derived from the consideration, that whatever is the difference between the logarithms of one number and the next in the table, the difference between the logarithms of the second number and ) (20) INTRODUCTION. the succeeding one is the same, or is only one less; and so on: for, if for the difference of a unit in two numbers there is a cer- tain difference in their logarithms, and for a difference of two in the numbers, twice the former difference in the logarithms, and so on, then we may infer that for half a unit added to the least number, there should be added to the logarithm of that number half the difference between this logarithm and the next, and in short, for any decimal part of a unit added to the least number, there should be added to its logarithm a proportional part of the difference between this and the next logarithm. For example, the logarithm of 27018 is 4.4316532, that of 27019 is 4.4316693 which exceeds the former by 161, and that of 27020 is 4.4316853, being 160 greater than the preceding and 321 greater than the first logarithm: if then with an addition of one to the number 27018 there is an addition of 161 to its loga- rithm, and with an addition of two the addition to the logarithm is very nearly twice as great, an addition of .61 to the number should give an addition of .61 x 161 to its logarithm. » 25. The logarithmic correction for the decimal part of a num- ber may be considered as made up of corrections for the several figures of the decimal; and instead of multiplying the whole decimal at once into the difference of the logarithms concerned, we may multiply this difference by the first figure of the decimal, — and as this figure stands for tenths, divide the product by 10, which will give the correction due to the first decimal figure ; then multiply the difference by the second figure and divide by 100, to obtain the correction for that figure; next multiply by the third figure and divide by 1000, to obtain the correction for — the third figure, and so on; and lastly take the sum of all these — partial corrections, for the total correction required. But the labor of such multiplications may be saved by using the columns of differences and multiples given in the table; for among these diflerences we may find the difference between any — two consecutive logarithms of the table, and under it, its multi- ples by all the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 26. To obtain by this means the logarithmic correction due — to the decimal part of a number, find the difference between the logarithm to be corrected and the next, look for that difference — under the heading Diff. § Mult. and from it together with its — eight multiples as found there, select the numbers corresponding — TABLE OF LOGARITHMS. (21) o the different figures of the decimal ; then having divided the aumber which belongs to the first decimal figure by 10, that which belongs to the second by 100, and so on, add together the quotients ; their sum will be the required correction. When me of the figures in the decimal concerned is 0, there will of sourse be no partial correction due to it. To find for example, the logarithm of 98741.207. The logarithm of the whole number 98741 is 4.9944975; the lifference between this and the next tabular logarithm is 44; inder 44 in the table of differences and multiples and opposite 2 ss the number 88, which divided by 10 gives 8.8 for the first par- jal correction; the second figure in the decimal .207 being 0 nay be disregarded ; for the third figure the correction is .308, is 308 is the multiple opposite 7. The whole correction then is 3.8+.308=9.108 or 9 nearly; and the required logarithm is 1.9944984. It is more convenient and sufficiently accurate to take account xf one decimal figure only, in each partial correction. Thus n place of .3808 in the preceding example, may be substituted amply .3. 27. In ascertaining the difference between one logarithm in the table and the next, it will generally be sufficient to find the ast figure of this difference ; for this will show which of the dif- erences at hand under the heading Diff. §& Mult. is the one to »e employed, as two that end with the same figure are not to be ound near each other any where in the table, except on the 4th nage. ‘I'hus in the case of the example preceding, the difference yetween 9944975 and 9945019 is obtained by taking 5 from 9, which shows that the difference ends with 4, and then looking in he table of differences and multiples for the nearest difference mding thus, which is found to be 44. 28. If the number whose logarithm is sought has four or more lecimal figures, the logarithmic correction due to all after the hird will be extremely small, and the required correction may de obtained with sufficient accuracy from the first three figures ; he third figure ought however to be increased by one, when he first neglected figure is 5 or more. Thus instead of the num- vers 27109.345502, 10340.189601, we may employ 27109.346, 10340.19. 29. We have hitherto supposed the number whose logarithm s sought, to have five integral figures with or without a decimal (22) INTRODUCTION. annexed ; but if this is not the case, we may proceed to find its logarithm as if the first five of its significant figures were integral and the rest decimal, only taking care to substitute instead of the characteristic 4, the true characteristic of the logarithm of the given number as determined by the rule in Art. 6. For the loga- rithms of numbers having the same significant figures differ only with respect to the characteristic, as has been shown in Art. 15. If the number proposed has Jess than five significant figures, the deficiency may be made up by the addition of ciphers. 30. The use of the table will now be illustrated by a few ad- ditional examples. To find the logarithm of 870358.63. ) Logarithm of 87035 without the characteristic, .9396939 f Addition for first figure of .863 ; AO ‘ second re gar ; ; ; 3 7 third Fe : 4 : ; - Om Logarithm of 870358.63 with proper characteristic, 5.9396982 To find the logarithm of 0.14031897. ae Logarithm of 14031. ; . .1470886 © Correction for first figure of 897 ; : : 248 | es second ae ; 27.9 a third es ; 2.2 Logarithm of .14031897 . . LATL164 | To find the logarithm of 20.2147839. | Logarithm of 20214 ; : 3056523 Addition for first figure of 784 : . 149.8 Gg second 4 " ; F y 17.1 ‘ third a } , A | Logarithm of 20.2147839 : : ‘ . 1,3056691 To find the number answering to a given logarithm. 31. First suppose the characteristic of the logarithm to be 4; the number sought will then have five integral figures. The} first three figures of the given mantissa are to be found in a col- umn headed 0, and the other four are to be looked for in the same column or in one of the nine following columns; and if they are there, the number sought will consist only of five in- tegral figures, the last of which will be found over the four final TABLE OF LOGARITHMS. (23) figures of the mantissa, at the head of the column, and the other four will be found opposite the same final figures, in the column on the left headed Num.; supposing the vacant places of that column to be filled with their appropriate figures. _ Thus the number answering to the logarithm 4.3321758 is obtained by turning to a part of the table where the leading decimal figures of the logarithm are 332, as in page 23; we find chere a mantissa exactly equal to the given one viz. 3321758, and supplying 4 the omitted characteristic of the table, we have whe given logarithm 4.3321758; the number answering to which 's 21487. In lke manner the numbers answering to the logarithms 15274108, 4.8430022, 4.5270883, 4.7869643, will be found to de 33683, 69663, 33658, 61230. But if the given logarithm is not to be found in the table, calling between two consecutive logarithms found there, then the ‘ive integral figures of the number answering to the least of these ‘ogarithms, taken from the table as in the preceding case, will orm the integral part of the required number; to which is to be mnexed a decimal correction, for the excess of the given loga- ithm above the tabular one that answers to the five integral fig- wes. The correction is found by dividing the difference of the siven logarithm and the tabular logarithm next below it, by the _ifference between the two tabular logarithms next above and ext below it. _ This correction depends upon a comparison of the given loga- ithm with the two in the tables between which it falls, and is rived from the following proportion, which though not strictly eeurate is nearly so. . The difference between the tabular logarithms, is to the differ- ace of the corresponding numbers which is 1, as the difference etween the least of these logarithms and the given one, to the ifference of their corresponding numbers. _ As the third term is less than the first, the fourth will be less ian the second, that is less than 1. ‘This term, which is found y dividing the third term by the first, when annexed as a deci- .al to the five integral figures corresponding to the least of the vo tabular logarithms, will give the logarithm sought. ‘Thus, _we seek the number whose logarithm is 4.7875397, this loga- thm not being in the table, we find there two consecutive man- issas .7875384, .7875455, that with the addition of the omitted | | (24) INTRODUCTION. characteristic 4 form two logarithms, of which one is greater and | the other less than the given one; the number answering to the. least of these is 61311, which is the integral part of the required number; to find the decimal part, we divide the difference be- | tween 397 and 384, by the difference between 455 and 384; the quotient viz. 42 or .183 nearly, added to 61311 gives 61311. 183 for the number sought. | 32. In converting 1% to a decimal fraction by the common method, we annex a cipher to 13, and for the first decimal figure | take the number which multiplied by 71 will equal 130 or fall just below it; then after subtracting the product from 130 and annexing a cipher to the remainder, we proceed in the same way to find a second decimal figure, and so on. Now this process may be shortened, by aid of the table of dif. ferences and multiples : for in that we find the difference 71 to- gether with its multiples by all the digits 2,3,...9; having then annexed a cipher to 13, we see by glancing at these multi-. ples, which one equals or falls next below 130; the digit oppo- site this is the first decimal figure sought; we then subtract this. multiple from 130, and after adding a cipher as before, look again} for the next lower multiple, opposite which is the second dec- imal figure sought; and so on. | Should any remainder, after having a cipher annexed, fall be- low the difference 71 itself, the decimal figure sought will be 0, and we may proceed immediately to find the next, by annexing an additional cipher to the remainder. . 33. If instead of annexing ciphers to the remainders and sub-. tracting the entire multiples, we leave the remainders unaltered, and divide the multiples by 10, 100, 1000, é&c. we shall obtain the} same or very nearly the same result. It will be best, however, not to do this till after the first decimal figure is obtained. Thus in the preceding example, after obtaining the first decimal figure} 1 and subtracting the corresponding number 71 from 130, we) may seek the multiple which divided by 10 or with the omis- sion of its last figure, shall equal or just fall below the remainder 59; this we shall find to be 568, opposite which is the digit 8 the second decimal figure sought; 568 divided by 10 is 56.8 or nearly 57; this taken from 59 leaves 2: we are now to look for the multiple which divided by 100 shall differ least from 2; this is 213, opposite which is say number 3, the third decimal figure sought ‘| TABLE OF LOGARITHMS. (25) In ike manner let the numbers answering to the logarithms 4.8111890 and 4.1610157 be found: they are 64742.433 and 14488.243. _ 34. We have thus far supposed the characteristic of the given logarithm to be 4. But if the logarithm have a different characteristic, we must seek the corresponding number as if the oinnidtavibite were 4, ‘and instead of so placing the decimal point that the number shall have five integral figures, give it the position required by the true ‘characteristic of the logarithm according to the rule in Art. 6: ‘for if two logarithms differ only in their characteristics, the num- bers answering to them will have the same siiiificatis figures, aud will differ only as to the positions of their decimal points. Thus to find the number whose logarithm is 3.9595809, look “or it as if the characteristic of the logarithm were 4; but instead of placing the decimal point after the fifth figure, inline it after the fourth, so that the number of integral figures may. be one zreater then the characteristic 3. The number so obtained will be 9111.3124. In like manner shall we find that the numbers answering to the logarithms 1.6360175, 2. 7583012, are .43253129, .057319343, cespectively. | 35. We have then this general rule for finding the number answering to a given logarithm. ' If the mantissa of the logarithm is to be found in the table, ook opposite it in the column headed Num. on the left, for a inst four figures of the number sought, and over it for the fifth igure. Then determine the place of the decimal point from the rastcristic of the logarithm, according to the rule in Art. 6; ‘nnexing or prefixing ciphers, if necessary. ' But if the mantissa of the logarithm proposed is not to be found 'n the table, take the one next below it; opposite this will be ‘ound the fest four figures of the Pith number, and over it ‘he fifth: then to find a few additional figures, fant more than hhree,) take the difference between the mantissa of the given log- rithm and the mantissa next below it in the table, and also the lifference between the latter and the next greater one in the ta- ale look under the heading Diff. § Mult. for the latter differ- ; hike, and from it with its eight multiples given there, select the amber which is either equal to the former difference multiplied | D — (26) INTRODUCTION. by 10 or just below it; opposite this number will be found the sixth figure sought; subtract the number from the difference thus multiplied, and look for the largest multiple which divided by 10 gives a quotient less than the remainder or equal to it; opposite this multiple will be the seventh figure of the required number; find the difference of the quotient and remainder, and look opposite the multiple which divided by 100 comes nearest this difference, for the eighth figure. 36. A few examples are subjoined in illustration of the rule. To find the number whose logarithm is 6.8110210. First five-figures of number sought, 4.7.3 .441- ey. 64717 whose logarithm ends with 184. Furst additional figure for diff. of 210 and 184....... 39 found opposite the multiplier 201. : Second additional figure for diff. of 260 and201...... 8% opposite which is 536. ; Third additional figure for diff. of 59 and 53.6 or 54...... 7s Eight figures of the number then are....... 64717387 35 and the number itself is 6471738.7, having seven integral figures, — because 6 is the characteristic of the logarithm. | To find the number whose logarithm is 3.4172019. First five figures of number sought ......... 26133 First figure. oi correction) for diff. 126 ©... VL rf opposite which is 1162. ' Correction for, ditty of 1'162,and 1260 i2. ee eee Fee 5@ opposite which is 830. Gorrectaonsior aol 98iand B89," > Sa ee en 95 Then as the given characteristic is 3, the required number is .0026133759. The numbers answering to the logarithms 2.7865943,_ 0.0294236, 2.4220180, 8.7230263, are in like manner found to” be 611.7786, 1.070098, .026425183, 528477220. 4 TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &C. (27) Taste or Locarirumic Sines, Tancents, &c. pp. 155-277. 37. This is a table of the logarithms of sines, tangents, se- -eants, cosines, cotangents and cosecants, carried to seven places of decimals. ‘These logarithms are called logarithmic or artificial \sines, tangents, &c. to distinguish them from the sines, tangents, &c. themselves, which are called natural sines, tangents, &c. The natural sines, tangents, é&c. are some of them greater and others less than unity. Their logarithms must accordingly have characteristics of which some are positive and some negative. In order to render these all positive, it has been found convenient to increase each one by 10: no error can result from this if we always bear in mind that they have been thus altered. The first two pages viz. 156 and 157, being of a different character from the rest, and indeed not a necessary part of the table, may be here left out of view, to be subsequently described. For the first 90 pages, that is from page 158 to page 247, the sines, tangents, &c. are given at intervals of 10 seconds; for the remainder of the table, at intervals of one minute. At the top and bottom of each page are numbers in heavy type, denoting degrees ; next, in an abbreviated form, are the titles of the columns of num- bers of which the body of the page is composed; in the right and left hand columns are numbers denoting minutes and tens of seconds for the first 90 pages, and minutes only for the remain- ing pages: in the former case, the minutes are printed in heavier type and with the mark ’, to distinguish them from the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 denoting tens of seconds. To find the sine, tangent, Sc. of a given are. _ 38. The following is the rule for finding the sine, tangent, &c. of a given number of degrees and minutes, from 0° to 180°. _ Look for the degrees at the top or bottom of the page, and in the column at the side of the page under or over the degrees hus found look for the minutes: then if the degrees are at the ‘op, look for the name of the required number at the top, other- wise at the bottom of the page; in the column under or over hhis name, and opposite the minutes already found, will be the 1umber sought. Thus to find from the table the sine of 18° 20’, we first look for [8° which we find at the éop of the 251st page, and in the col- (28) INTRODUCTION. umn under this at the side of the page we look for 20’: we then | look for the name of the required number viz. sine, at the top of | the page, because 18° is there; and in the column under the. name sine and opposite the 20 minutes, we find the required number which is 9.4976824; the omitted characteristic 9. being | supplied. The characteristic when omitted is always to be supplied as here. In like manner it will be found that the cotangent of 126° 447 is 9.8729032, the secant of 89° 2’ is 11.7728665, and the cosine of 175° 47’ is 9.9988228. If there are tens of seconds in addition to the given number of degrees and minutes, and the degrees are found on one of the first 90 pages, then by a similar method to the one just stated, | we may find the sine, tangent, &c. of this number of degrees, minutes and seconds. We are to look for the degrees and min- utes as before, and then finding the seconds between the given number of minutes and the next greater number of minutes, look » opposite them for the number sought. Thus the cosine of | 14° 5’ 40” is 9.9867250, the omitted figures 9.986, being sup-— plied ; and the tangent of 100° 37’ 20” is 10.7268913. | 39. In all other cases the given number of degrees, minutes | and seconds will not be found exactly in the table; but the given number of degrees and minutes, and frequently the even tens of | seconds also, will be found there, with the corresponding sine, tangent, &c. and next to this sine, tangent, &c. will be found | the sine, tangent, é&c. for one minute or as the case may be for | 10 seconds more; and the required sine, tangent, &c. will fall ' between the latter and the former: to obtain it, take from the table the former sine, tangent, &c. viz. that which belongs to the given number of degrees and minutes, or degrees, minutes, | and even tens of seconds; and for the additional seconds prepare a correction, by multiplying them into the number that is found — in the nearest column headed diff. 1’, opposite the place where the number sought would fall if inserted in the table: then if | the tabular number to be corrected is the least of the two consecu- - tive ones between which the required number falls, the correction - thus obtained is to be added to it; but if it be the greatest, the correction is to be subtracted from it. Thus to find the tangent of 19° 27’ 45”.4, take from the tabla 7 the tangent of 19° 27’ which is 9.5479430, and for the seconds TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &c. (29) 15.4 obtain a correction by multiplying 45.4 into 67.03 the qumber found in the nearest column headed dif. 1” opposite the lace where the required tangent would fall if inserted in the able; for it would fall between the tangents of 19° 27’ and 19° 28’, The correction thus obtained is 3043.162 or 3043 if the raction .162 be neglected. Then as the tangent of 19° 27’ is ess than that of 19° 28’, the tangent sought is 9.5479430 +3043 x 9.5482473, the correction being applied to the decimal part of he tabular number, as it should always be. 40. In explanation of the preceding rule, it may be observed hat as the sines, tangents, &c. in the table, for the first 90 pages, we given at intervals of 10 seconds, the difference between any |Wo consecutive ones is a difference for 10 seconds; and the part f this difference due to each of the 10 seconds would be a tenth fit, if the differences were the same for all intervals of the same vumber of seconds: though this is not strictly true to any extent, vet if we regard it as true for an extent only of 60 seconds or less, he resulting error in most cases will be extremely small. Ac- cordingly, in the first 90 pages of the table, one tenth of each dif- erence between two consecutive numbers is given, with the im- ied assumption that it would be the difference of consecutive ines, tangents, &c. for intervals of 1” each, near the place where > occurs. _ And in the latter part of the table, where the intervals are a winute each, the differences given for 1” are the numbers which esult from dividing the differences of the consecutive sines, angents, &c. by 60. _ Having thus the variations of sines, tangents, &c. given for atervals of 1’, we can readily find by multiplication the varia- ‘ons for any small number of seconds, and thus from a tabular ine, tangent, &c. near the required one, obtain the required one “self; by applying to the former a correction for the number of econds’ interval between the two. _ The number of seconds for which a correction is required will lways be less than 60. 7 Al. It will be seen that each column of differences is made to nswer for the two columns of tabular numbers on each side of .; one for sines and cosecants, another for tangents and cotan- ents, and a third for secants and cosines. The reason of this vill be obvious if we consider that the natural sine of an angle nultiplied by the cosecant of the same angle, equals the square | | | ) (30) INTRODUCTION. of the radius or unity; that the logarithm of the sine added ti the logarithm of the cosecant accordingly equals 0 which is thy logarithm of unity; and if 10 be added to the logarithmic sin and cosecant severally, their sum will become 20. ‘The sum o the numbers given in the table for the sine and cosecant of thi same angle, should then be 20 in every case; and if in passin; through an interval of 1” or any number of seconds, the sine in creases by a certain amount, the cosecant must, for the same in terval of variation, decrease by the same amount. ‘The corres, ponding sines and cosecants therefore vary by equal differences but in opposite ways. The same may be said of tangents and cotangents, and also 0 secants and cosines. 42. In finding a correction to be applied to a tabular numbet we may perform the required multiplication in an abbreviated way Let the figures of the multiplier be taken in an inverted order and let the wnt figure be put under the place of tenths in thi multiplicand ; then if each figure of the multiplier be multiplie into the figure above it and into all the preceding figures of thi multiplicand, the following ones being neglected, we shall haw! several partial products, in each of which the last figure belong) to the place of tenths, and the sum of which, if we neglect th final figure, will be the whole correction sought. For example, if the difference for 1’ taken from the table 1) 67.91, and the number of seconds for which the correction is t be made, 17’.32, the method of procedure is as follows. | 67.91 23 71 679.1 A75.3 k 20.1 1.2 | 1175.7 The correction therefore if we take the nearest whole num ber is 1176. Instead of wholly neglecting portions of the multiplicand ir the manner specified above, it will be better to regard them far as is necessary to see what number must be carried from eacl to make the right hand figure of every partial product as correc | as may be. TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &c. (31) ' ‘This method of multiplication may be applied to the preceding »xample thus, 67.91 23 71 —_—_—_—_—_—_—— 679.1 AT5.A 20.4 | 14 t = Se 1176.3 The integral result viz. 1176, does not differ from that before sbtained: but in some cases one or two units would be gained a accuracy by the change in question. | _ 43. 'Two or three examples may now be given, in further -il- astration of what may be deemed the best method of using the able of sines, tangents, &c. Lo find the cosine of 123° 11/ 26”.7. cos. 123° 11’=9.7382412, diff. 1” =32.18, to be multiplied as below by 26.7. | 32.18 7 62 — 643.6 193.1 | 22.5 | 859.2 “he resulting correction 859, added to the above tabular number, ives 9.7383271 for the required cosine. | To find the cosecant of 79° 14! 17.3. _ cosec. 79° 14’ 10”=10,0077094, | diff. 1”=4.0, which multiplied by 7.3 ives the correction 29. This taken from the tabular number to scorrected, leaves 10.0077065 for the cosecant sought. To find the tangent of 168° 36’ 47.8. tang. 168° 36’ 40” = 9.3041318, ie == 18,7, 108.7 87 760.9 87.0 — | 847.9 | | l } (32) INTRODUCTION. Subtracting the correction 848, we obtain 9.3040470 for the tan-_ gent sought. To find the arc answering to a given sine, tangent, Sc. A4. As the sines, tangents, &c. given in the table are those of . an exact number of degrees and minutes, or degrees, minutes — and tens of seconds, if the proposed number happens to be the | same with one of those in the table, it will of course be the sine, tangent, &c. of an exact number of degrees and minutes, or of © degrees, minutes and tens of seconds. | Then look for the given sine, tangent, &c. in a column of the | table over or under the appropriate name ; and if it is found there, ! the number of degrees required will be found at the top or bottom | of the page, according as the name of the given number is at | the top or bottom of the column in which it is found; and. under or over the number of degrees, in the column at the | side, the required number of minutes or as the case may be of | minutes and tens of seconds, will be found opposite the given number. Thus the sine 9.9651953 will be found to be the sine © of 67° 22’. For, looking in the columns marked sin. at the top or bottom, we find the proposed number on page 255, in a column having the title szn. at the bottom; we cheregare take the number of degrees given at the bottom of the page viz. 679, | and over this number of degrees, in the right-hand column, we find 22 standing opposite the given sine, for the required number of minutes. In like manner shall we find that the tangent 9.3178527 is. the tangent of 11° 44’ 40”, the secant 10.8585473 is the secant of 82° 2’ 20”. . 45. There are two numbers of degrees at the top and also at. the bottom of each page, one less and the other not less than 90°. Their sum is invariably 179°; and under or over each is a cole umn of minutes or of nutes and tens of seconds, at the side. of the page, so arranged that the sum of every two opposite num- bers in the two columns is 60’ or 1°. This added to the for mer sum makes 180°; so that the number of degrees and min- utes, as found on the right, is in every case the supplement of the corresponding number of degrees and minutes found on the left hand. TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC: SINES, &C. (33) Hither of these numbers belongs as properly to the sine, tan- gent, &c. corresponding to it in the table, as the other; for the sine of an angle and that of its supplement are the same: so is it with the cosecant. Also the cosine of an angle and that of its supplement agree in numerical value, though they have opposite signs. ‘The same is true of the secant, tangent and cotangent. But in practice, the nature of edch case will generally deter- mine whether the required number of degrees is or is not less than 90°. _ 46. If the proposed sine, tangent, &c. is not to be found ex- actly in the table, there are however two successive ones between which it falls; then look for these, and taking that which is op- posite the least number of minutes or tens of seconds, find the corresponding number of degrees and minutes, or degrees, min- utes and tens of seconds, as in the preceding case; and to correct ‘this for the difference between the tabular sine, tangent, é&c. just spoken of and the given one, add such a number of seconds as ‘shall result from dividing that difference by the difference for 1” ,as found at the proper place in the table. The sum will be the required number of degrees, minutes and seconds. _ Thus, to find the number of degrees, minutes and seconds answering to the sine 9.9766321. On the 251st page, in the column marked sin. at the bottom, ywill be found two consecutive numbers between which the pro- posed sine falls, one opposite 22 the other opposite 23 minutes ; taking the former, we find 71° 22/ for the corresponding number of degrees and minutes: the difference between the given sine and 9.9766171 is 150; this divided by 7.10 the difference for 1” ‘as found in the table, gives 21’.13 for the number of seconds which must be added to 71° 22’ to make up the required num- ber of degrees, minutes and seconds. _ In like manner the cosine 9.8055233 will be found to be the cosine of 50° 16’ 48.88; the tangent 9.3768555, the tangent of 13° 23’ 44.21; the cosecant 10.0059330, the cosecant of 80° 33/ 03.14. | In each of these cases there is also a number of degrees, min- ates and seconds greater than 90°, answering to the proposed sine, tangent, &c. = E | (34) INTRODUCTION. A7. The number of seconds to be obtained by division accord- ing to the preceding rule, may be found most conveniently by - cutting off figures from the divisor, instead of annexing ciphers to the dividend when there would be occasion for this in the | common mode of dividing. It will be best however to add one + cipher to the dividend at the outset.. And when the dividend | is thus multiplied by 10, if we multiply the divisor also by 10, the value of the quotient will not be aflected. Now for the first 90 pages of the table, the divisors (which are the tabular differences for 1/’,) have one decimal figure, and mul- | tiplying them by 10 makes them all integral. So far as these 90 pages are concerned, the following example will serve to show how the division is to be performed. Let 2442 be the number to be divided, and 335.3 the tabular | difference for 1’ by which it is to be Biddle Then annexing a cipher to 2442 and dividing by the whole number 3353, we ob tain 7 for the first figure of the quotient and 949 fora reéninihtel if the division is continued, the rest of the quotient will be a decimal: to obtain the next figure, instead of annexing a cipher to 949, we cut off the right hand figure of the divisor and divide | i 949 by 335; the quotient is 2: this multiplied by 335 gives 670, | and if we have regard to the figure cut off, so far as to see what | ought to be carried from it to the product obtained from the other figures, we find that this product must be increased by 1, as six tenths is nearer one than nothing ; then subtracting 671 from 949 we find the remainder 278 which divided by 33 gives 8 for the third quotient figure ; multiplying by this and carrying 4 as. we should do, we shat 268; this taken from 278 leaves 10, which nivided by 3 gives 3 a a fourth quotient figure. This process may be exhibited as follows. 4 3353 )24420(7.283 i 23471 | —— 949 671 278 268 —_——__. 10 10 It will hardly ever be worth while to seek for more than neo decimal figures. ae TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &C. (35) 48. From page 248 onwards, the tabular differences for 1” are carried to two places of decimals. If these when used for divi- ‘sors be regarded as integral after the dividend is multiphed by ‘10, the quotient will be ¢en times too small ; but it may readily ‘be made correct by changing the place of the decimal point. _ For example, to find the quotient of 1182 2148 )11820(5503 ‘divided by 21.48, we may divide 11820 by 10740 2148, as in the scheme annexed, which we will give us the figures of the required quo- 1080 tient ; but in order that they may have their 1074 local values, the decimal point must be put —— after the second figure instead of the first. 6 The quotient as thus determined is 55.03. 6 , 49. The following examples may be of use in illustrating what precedes. _ fequired the number of degrees, minutes and seconds, whose sine is 9.703539 1. _ The number 9.7035329 is the sine of 30° 21/ ; the difference petween 29 and 91 is 62; the tabular difference for 1” is 35.95. Then, 3595 )620( 1.72 360 | 260 252 | —— 8 7 The answer therefore is 30° 21/ 1.72. | Required the number of degrees, minutes and seconds, whose potangent is 10.8683783. _ 10.8685308 is the cotangent of 7° 42/ 30”; the difference of 5308 and 3783 is 1525; the tabular difference for 1”, 158.4. Then, 1584)15250(9.63 14256 | , 994 950 | Ad | 48 ' The answer therefore is 7° 42/ 39/.63. {36) INTRODUCTION. We may now explain the use of pages 156 and 157. 50. By turning to page 158 and several of the following pages, it will be seen that the numbers in the columns marked diff. 1” vary rapidly, the difference for the first interval of 10” being infinite, for the next 301030, for the next 176091, &c. whereas these differences further on in the table vary slowly, being nearly the same for several successive intervals of 10’. Now in cases where the sine, tangent, é&c. are not found in the table, we cannot deter- mine them accurately by the rules we have given for the purpose, unless the differences in question vary slowly; as those rules are founded on the supposition that the differences are, for short dis- tances in the table, nearly uniform. Accordingly, the 156th and — 157th pages are prepared as a substitute for the ¢welve subsequent pages, to be used when strict accuracy is required. In the columns headed sin. tan. cot. cosec. are given the loga- rithmic sines, tangents, cotangents and cosecants, to every minute of two degrees: the columns headed sec. and cos. contain the corresponding secants and cosines; of these however, all the | figures except the last four are in each case to be found at the head or at the foot of the column. ‘The left hand column of | page 156 presents the number of seconds in each number of min- ~ utes opposite it in the next column. And in the left hand co- | lumn of page 157, is given the number of seconds for every num-__ ber of minutes from 1° or 60’ to 2° or 120% F Under the heading g—n are two columns of numbers, each consisting of four figures that are to be preceded by the figures 4.685 which stand above and below these columns. Each num- | ber in the first of these two columns is the excess of a logarithmie — sine opposite and adjacent to it, above the logarithm of the oppo- site number of seconds at the side of the page on the left; and) each number in the other column is the excess of the opposite and. | adjacent logarithmic tangent, above the logarithm of the opposite | number of seconds. "hus 4.6855747 is the excess of 7.1626960 over the logarithm of 300 which is 2.4771213; and 4.6855788 | is the excess of 7.7190026 over the logarithm of 1080 which is | 3.0334238. The numbers in the columns under the heading — g+n, are such as result from adding to each cotangent and cose= cant in the adjacent columns, the logarithm of the opposite num-= ber of seconds. Thus 15.3144197 is the sum of 12.2140492 and | TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &c. (37) the logarithm of 1260 which is 3.1003705; and 15.3144398 is the sum of 11.8460925 and the logarithm of 2940 which is 3.4683473. 51. If the sines in the column headed sin. were not given, they might be found from the numbers in the next column. Ret if q be put for the sine of any number of minutes less than 120/ or 2° and n for the logarithm of the corresponding number of seconds, the value of g-n will be given by the table; which value in- creased by 2 will be the value of q the ae sine. If for example the sine of 1° 23/ be required, we shall find by looking in the first of the columns headed g—n on page 157, that q—n=4.6855327: therefore ¢=4.6855327-++-n; but the loga- rithm of 4980 the number of seconds in 1° 23/ is 3.6972293: hence ¢=8.3827620, the sine required. In a corresponding manner may tangents, cotangents and cose- eants be found. ‘To find for example the cosecant of 0° 37’, we obtain from the table the equation g +n =15.3144335, whence g=15.3144335 —n; and as the number of seconds in 37’ is 2220 whose logarithm is 3.3463530, ¢g=11.9680805. 52. ‘The numbers in the columns headed g—n and g+n, are given only at intervals of 1’ or 60”; but they vary so slowly and regularly, that we may by a simple prs parton find the correspond- ing numbers for intervening points with facility and accuracy. To find for instance in the first of these columns the number belonging to 0° 40’ 37”, we observe that its last four figures must be less than 5651 but greater than 5646: the difference of these two numbers viz. 5 being a variation for an interval of 1’ or 60”, the part of this variation for 37” may be found by the proportion 60:37::5:c='25=3 nearly. The last four figures of the re- quired number are therefore 5648; and the number itself is 4.6855648. In like manner may we find the number that be- tongs, in either of the four columns headed q—n and g+n, to any number of degrees, minutes and seconds from 0° to 2°, _ 53, If the numbers thus found by interpolation be increased or as may be necessary diminished in each case by the logarithm of the corresponding number of seconds, the corresponding sines, tan- zents, cotangents and cosecants will be obtained. Let it be required for example to find the sine of 1° 3’ 41.79. By inspecting the solumn headed sin. on page 157, we shall find that the required sine is between 8.2630424 and 8.2698810. But to obtain it ac- (38) INTRODUCTION. curately by interpolation in this column would be inconvenient, as the differences of the numbers there are large and vary rapidly. If however, we put qg for the required sine and » for the loga- rithm of the corresponding number of seconds, we can easily obtain the value of g-n from the proper column headed q— 1: this value is 4.6855500 ; the correction for 41’.79 being nearly 6, which has to be taken from 5506. Now the number of seconds opposite 1° 3/ in the table is 3780, which increased by 41.79 becomes 3821.79 whose logarithm we shall find to be 3.5822669; this is the value of n, and since gq —n=4.6855500, g =8.2678169, which is the sine required. Again, to find the cotangent of 0° 57’ 34”. 46. gt+n=15.3143845 n= 3.5383802 ". gq +11.7760048, the cotangent sought. — 54. In like manner may these two pages be used, when the. number of degrees, instead of being 0° or 1°, is 88°, 89°, 909, | 9T°, 178° or 179°... But if the number of denver: is “art at the bottom of the page, the title of the quantity sought must be looked for there also ; and if the number of degrees is on the right | hand, the number ae minutes must be found in the right hand column; and in this case, the opposite number of seconds in the left hand column diminished by the given number of seconds, is that whose logarithm 7 is intended to represent. Let it be required to find the tangent of 88° 21’ 37”.5. As 88° is at the bottom of the page and on the right hand, we are to look for the title tan. at the bottom, and for 21 the number of minutes, in the right hand column ; opposite this number in the first column on the other side of the page will be found 5940, for the number of seconds to be diminished by 37.5 the given number of seconds; the logarithm of the remainder 5902.5 is 3.7710360, which is the value of n. Opposite 21’ and 22’, and over the title gt+n, in the column next to the column of tangents, are to be found the numbers 3051 and 3075; the proper intermediate num-_ ber for 21/375 is 3066. cheers q+n=15.3143066 ; and hence q=11.5432706, the tangent sought. | Again, to find the cosine of 91° 27’ 43”.7. gq —n=4.6855277 log. 5263.7. =, n=3.7212911 te ee - g =8.4068188, the required cosine. TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC sINES, &c. (39) To find the coseecant of 179° 19/ 52.25. gq +n=15,3144350 log. 2407.75 = n= 3.3816114 q =11.9328236, the cosecant sought. 55. The columns having the titles sec. cos. at the top, and -cosec. sin. at the bottom, may be used for finding sines, cosines, ‘secants and cosecants, in the ordinary way. T'o obtain for example the cosine of 1° 17/ 25”.5, In the column headed cos. and opposite the 17” which stands under 1°, will be found the number 8911 ; and opposite 18’, the number 8882; the proper intermediate number for 17/ 25.5 is 8899, in which we have the last four figures of the required co- ‘sine ; the preceding figures are 9.999, as found at the top or bot- tom of the column concerned. 'The complete cosine therefore is 9.9998899. Thus also the cosecant of 90° 55/ 47.5 may be found to be 10.0000572. ' Instead of the columns here referred to however, it is best to use the corresponding ones, in the twelve subsequent pages. 56. The 156th and 157th pages are likewise to be used, when with a given sine, tangent, &c. that falls within the limits of these pages, it is required to determine accurately the number of degrees, minutes and seconds to which it belongs. In em- ploying them for this purpose, we have first to find the two con- secutive sines, tangents, &c. between which the given one falls, and the corresponding values of q—norg+n. We may then determine by interpolation the value of g—m or qtn as the case may be, for the given sine, tangent, &c. itself ; which last juantity is represented by g. If q be diminished by q-n or caken from q+n, the remainder will be n the logarithm of a aumber of seconds, from which the number itself is to be found, and thence the required number of degrees, minutes and seconds. | 4 Let it be required to find the degrees, minutes.and seconds be- -onging to the tangent 8.2743291. This falls between the tan- cae of 1° 4’ and 1° 5/ opposite which in the preceding column inder the heading q—n are: the numbers 6250 and 6266; the ntermediate number corresponding to the given tangent, will be ound by ordinary interpolation to be 6260; the complete value of q—n is accordingly 4,.6856260. Taking this from q that is 2743291, we find for the value of 2, 3.5887031 which is the (40) INTRODUCTION. logarithm of the number 3878.851. The number next less than’ this in the column of seconds is 3840, to which corresponds. 1° 4’... The required number of degrees, minutes and seconds is’ therefore 1° 4’ 38”.851. : Or if we take the number of degrees found on the right hand, we must look for the number of minutes in the right hand col- umn, opposite the number of seconds next greater than 3878. 851, Viz. 3900, and take the difference of 3900 and 3878.851 for the} number of the required seconds. In this way we shall obtain: 178° 55’ 21.149 for the number sought ; which is evidently the) supplement of the one before obtained. If the title of the given quantity be at the bottom of the page, the required number of degrees is to be found there also. | 57. 'To obtain the value of g - n or g+m corresponding to the given sine, tangent, &c. we may find approximately by the gen-| eral table the required number of degrees, minutes and seconds, and take the value of g—m or g+mn as the case may be, corres- ponding to the number thus found. The required number of degrees, minutes and seconds in the preceding example, we shall rendile find on page 164 to be nearly 1° 4’ 40’. ‘Then as the numbers in the proper column headed g—mn on page 157 which correspond to 1° 4’ and 1° 5! are 6250 and 6266, the intermediate number corresponding to 1° 4’ 40” is easily seen to be 6261 nearly, which differs only a unit in the last place of figures from the result before obtained viz. 6260. And if we take 4.6856261 for the value of q—m, the value of m will be 3.5887030; which is the logarithm of 3878.85. The required number of degrees, minutes and seconds thus obtained is 1° 4’ 38.85, differing only a thousandth om a second from the previous result. 58. If the given quantity belongs to either of the columns headed sec. and cos. the required number of degrees, minutes and seconds is to be found in the ordinary way. In this case how- ever, it is better to make use of one of the twelve subsequent pages. TABLE OF NATURAL SINES AND COSINES. (A1) Taste or Naturan Sines anp Cosines: pp. 279-287. | 59, ‘This is a table of natural sines and cosines for every min- ute from 0° to 90°, carried to five places of decimals. The dec- imal point, omitted for convenience, is to be prefixed to each sine | and cosine as given in the table. | Lo find the sine or cosine of a given number of degrees and / minutes. | If the given number is dess than 45°, look for the degrees at the top of the page and for the minutes on the left: then oppo- site the minutes and under the degrees in the column headed sin. or cos. as the case may be, will be found the required sine or /cosine. | If the number of degrees and minutes falls between 45° and ,90°, the degrees must be looked for at the bottom of the page, -and the minutes on the right: then opposite the minutes and over the degrees in the column having the proper title at the foot, ;will be found the required sine or cosine. | The sine of 7° 33/ is .13139, and the cosine:of 67° 31’ is | 38241. | 60. At the top of each page and on the left hand are given the differences between consecutive numbers in the columns headed sm. ‘These differences are for intervals of 1’ or 60” each. In columns under them are given the proportional parts for every number of seconds less than 60; the part belonging to any num- ‘ber of seconds, standing opposite this number as found in the adjacent column of minutes. | There are like columns of differences and proportional parts on the right, over the title Diff. to be used in connexion with the columns headed cos. _ Lo find by aid of these columns the sine or cosine of a Liven number of degrees, minutes and snconps. _ Look for the two consecutive sines or cosines between which ‘the required one must fall ; find their difference and the propor- tional part of it belonging to the given number of seconds; this added to the sine of the given number of degrees and minutes or subtracted from the cosine as the case may be, will give the required sine or cosine. | h f i F (42) INTRODUCTION. To find the sine of 28° 43’ 51”. This must fall between the sines of 28° 43’ and 28° 44’, The sine of 28° 43’ as found in the table is 48048, and differs 25 from that of 28° 44’: 25 being a variation for 1’ or 60”, to find the part belonging to 51” look in the column of propor- tional parts under 25, and opposite 51 in the adjacent column of. minutes, where will be found the number 21; which added to the sine of 28° 43/ gives .48069 for the required sine. To find the cosine of 67° 21’ 37”. The cosine of 67° 21’ is .38510, and differs 27 from that of — 67° 22’: the proportional part of 27 for 37” is 17; which sub- tracted from .38510 gives .38493 for the cosine required. 61. If the number of degrees, minutes and seconds is between 90° and 180°, take the cosine or sine of its excess above 90°, according as the sine or cosine of the given number is required. Thus for the stne of 143° 20’ 17” take the cosine of 53° 20/ 17”, - and for the cosine of 117° 26’ 35” take the sine of 27° 26/ 35”. If regard is to be had to positive and negative signs, the cosine | of more than 90° must be taken negatively. ) 62. To find the number of degrees, minutes and seconds an- swering to a given sine or cosine. If the given number is the same with one of those in the table, the required number will consist of degrees and minutes only. Then if the column which contains the given number has the name of that number at the top, the required degrees will be | found there also, and the minutes will be found opposite the | number, in the column of minutes on the left: but if the name : of the given number appears at the foot of the column concemed, — the degrees will be found there, and the minutes on the right. | The sine .92870 is that of 68° 14’, and the cosine .87321 is that of 29° 10’. 5 When the given sine or cosine is not to be found in the table, — look for the two consecutive sines or cosines between which | it falls; one of these must answer to the number of degrees — and minutes required; find the difference between it and the — given sine or cosine, also the difference between it and the other tabular sine or cosine; then under or over the latter difference in | a column of proportional parts, find the former difference ; oppo- — site that, in the adjacent column of minutes, will be found the | required number of seconds. | TABLE OF LOGARITHMS. (43) T'o find the number of degrees, minutes and seconds answer- ing to the cosine .93208. This falls between the cosines of 21° 14’ and 21° 15/ given in the table. 21° 14’ is therefore the required number of degrees and minutes. The cosine of 21° 14’ differs 3 from the given one, and differs 10 from the cosine of 21° 15’. On page 282 in the column of proportional parts over the difference 10, will be found the number 3 opposite the numbers from 15 to 20 in the adjacent column of minutes: one of these numbers is to be taken for the required number of seconds; let this be 18, as being near the middle of them; then 21° 14’ 18” is the number of degrees, minutes and seconds required. 'T'o find the number of degrees, minutes and seconds whose sine is .82036. This falls between the sines of 55° 7’ and 55° 8’.. The sine of 55° 7’ differs 4 from the given one, and differs 16 from that of 55° 8’. The number 4 in the column of proportional parts over the difference 16, stands opposite 15 in the adjacent column of minutes: this is to be taken for the required number of se- conds. 55° 7’ 15” is then the number of degrees, minutes and seconds sought. Taste or Locarirrums or Numpers: pp, 289-293. 63. This is a table of logarithms of numbers carried to five places of decimals. The logarithms are given without any char- | acteristics; and to be fitted for use, must in each case be prece- ded by a decimal point and the proper characteristic as deter- mined by the rule in Art. 6. To find by this table the logarithm of a given number. 64. If the number consist of three significant figures, look for them in a column headed N: then in the next column headed Log. and opposite those figures will be found the mantissa of ' the logarithm sought. | The mantissa of the logarithm of 37.9 is .57864, and the whole ' logarithm 1.57864. . If the number has only two significant figures, annex a cipher, or if it has only one, annex two ciphers, and then proceed as before. | | | (44) INTRODUCTION. 65. If the number consists of more than three significant fig- ures, look for the logarithm answering to the first three signifi- cant figures, as in the preceding case: and then if these figures are found on one of the first three pages of the table, look oppo- site them in the column of proportional parts under the fourth figure, for a correction which is to be added to the logarithm of | the first three figures; and if there is a fifth figure, then in the | column under this and opposite the first three figures may be found a number which divided by 10 will give the proper addi- tional correction: the correction due to a siath figure may be found in a similar manner, the divisor 10 being however ex- | changed for 100. To find the logarithm of 30.1745. The decimal part of the logarithm of 301 is 47857; the cor- rection for 7 is 101, for 4, 5.7, for 5, .72: the whole correction | therefore is 107 nearly. Then 47964 preceded by the decimal point and the proper characteristic viz. 1 is the logarithm sought. But if the first three figures of the given number with the cor-_ responding logarithm are found in one of the last two pages of | the table, look on the right, in the nearest column headed D. for : the difference between this and the following logarithm; and look for the same difference on page 293 under the heading | D. in the table of differences and proportional parts: then opposite - this difference, and under the fourth figure of the number will be found the correction due to that figure, and under the fifth, 10 times the correction due to that, and under the sixth, 100 times: the correction due to that; whence may be easily obtained the | whole correction which added to the logarithm of the first three figures of the proposed number will give the logarithm sought. To find the logarithm of 7.41809. The logarithm of 741 as given in the table is 86982; the corresponding difference in the column headed D. is 58; opposite | this difference and under 8, in the table of differences and propor- tional parts on page 293, stands the number 46, which is the | first correction; and under 9 stands the number 52, one hun- dredth of which is the next correction: the whole correction © therefore is 46.52 or 47 if the nearest integer be taken, and thes required logarithm is .87029. In seeking the number which corresponds to a given logall rithm, the next table should be used. TABLE OF ANTILOGARITHMS. (45) | Taste or ANTILOGARITHMS: pp. 294-299. 66. ‘T‘his is a table of numbers answering to given logarithms. | n the columns headed Z. are the mantissas of logarithms carried ‘o three places of decimals. In each column headed Num. are he first five figures of the numbers belonging to the mantissas in he preceding column. Lo find by this table the number answering to a given loga- ‘uthm. _ 67. If the mantissa of the logarithm consist of only three decimal igures, look for these figures in the column headed Z. then in he next column headed Num. and opposite those figures, will ve found the first five figures of the required number. The haracteristic of the given logarithm will show where to place he decimal point in this number. _ 'To find the number answering to the logarithm 2.057. _ Opposite the decimal .057 as found in a column headed ZL. tands the number 11402 in the succeeding column headed Vum. and as the index of the given logarithm is 2, the number ought must have three integral figures: it is therefore 114.02. _ 68. If the mantissa of the given logarithm consists of more han three figures, look for the number answering to the first hree figures, as in the preceding case: and then if these figures re found on one of the last four pages of the table, look oppo- ite them on the right in the adjacent table of proportional parts nd in the column under the fourth figure, for a correction which 3 to be added to the number answering to the first three figures f the given mantissa; and if there is a fifth figure in the man- issa, then in the column under this, will be found a number vhich divided by 10 is the proper additional correction: if there 3 also a sixth figure, the correction due to'that may be found in he same way, except that the divisor 10 must be changed to 100. _ To find the number answering to the logarithm 5.830309. _ Opposite the decimal .830 in the table is the number 67608, and inder the heading 3 in the table of proportional parts is 47, the irst correction; under 9 is 141, one hundredth of which is another orrection : the sum of the two is 48 nearly, which added to 67608 “ives 67656; and as the index of the logarithm 1 is 5, the number ought must fae six integral figures: it is therefore 676560. (46) INTRODUCTION. But if the first three figures of the given mantissa with thy number corresponding, are found on one of the first two page of the table, look on the right in the adjacent column head ed D. where will be found the difference between that and thi following number, and look for the same difference on page 29; in the table of differences and proportional parts under the head ing D. then opposite this difference, and under the fourth fig of the mantissa, will be found the correction due to that figure under the fifth, 10 times the correction due to that, and unde, the szzth, 100 times the correction due to that. To find the number belonging to the logarithm 2.016439. The number answering to the decimal .016 in the table is 10375 the adjacent number in the column marked D. is 24; opposit the difference 24 in the table of proportional parts on page 295 stand 10 in the column headed 4, 7 in the column headed 3, anc 22 in the column headed 9: the correction to be added to 1037 is therefore 10+.7+.22, or 11 nearly ; and as the index of the given logarithm is — 2, the number sought must be .010386. Taste or Locarirumic Sines, 'T'ancents, &c. pp. 300-322. 69. This is a table of artificial sines, tangents, &c. to every minute from 0° to 180°, carried td five places of decimals; anc is designed for use in connexion with the two preceding tables. — To find by this table the sine, tangent, Sc. of a given num) ber of degrees and minutes. Look for the number of degrees at the top or bottom oi one of the pages; and according as this number is on the right or left, look on the right or left for the number of min} utes: then opposite the minutes, will be found the last four o five figures of the required sine, tangent, &c. in the colum i having the corresponding title at the head or foot, according as. the degrees are found at the top or bottom of the page: the preceding figures may be found either at the head or at the foot of the column in which the others occur. | Thus the tangent of 96° 36’ is found to be 10.93665. In this case the title tan. is looked for at the bottom of the page, because 96° the given number of degrees is found there, and the minutes aré looked for in the left hand column, as 96° is on the left of the ae: 4 companying number 88°. | TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &c. (47) When the numbers at the head and foot of a column are not ne same, they are marked with an asterisk, and the upper or the »wer one is to be prefixed to the numbers in the intervening plumn, according as these numbers are above or below that in yhich occurs the character + standing for 0. This number itself aust be preceded by the larger of the two numbers marked with ue asterisk. | The cotangent of 172° 54’ is 10.90463, | _ 172° 50’ “ 10.90053, | i 172° 33’ “ 10.88351. To find the sine, tangent, Sc. of a given number of degrees, nutes and sECONDS. 70. If the number of degrees is 0°, 89°, 90° or 1799, it will be jund at the beginning of the table on page 300; and the requi- id sine, tangent, &c. is to be found as in the case where page 96 is employed. ‘The method of using that page is pointed out Arts. 51, 52, &c. One or two examples will be sufficient to ‘sow how we are to proceed in the case before us. To find the tangent of 90° 23/47”. ‘This must fall between the tangents of 90° 23/ and 90° 24’. (pposite these tangents in the adjacent column stands the num- 42, which is the last part of the quantity denoted by g+n, e first part viz. 15.314 being at the top and bottom of the lumns headed g-+-n. 15.31442 is then the whole value of g+n. The number of seconds in the left hand column opposite 23/ 11380; this added to 47 gives 1427, the logarithm of which as stained from page 289 is 3.15442: this is the value of n; mnce q the required tangent is 12.16000. :'To find the cotangent of 89° 31’ 26”. ‘This must fall between the cotangents of 89° 31’ and 89° 32’, \posite which in the adjacent column headed q—m are the imbers 59 and 58, the former of which preceded by the figures ‘385 over and under the column headed g—n, gives 4.68559 for evalueofq—n. In the column of seconds is the number 1740 posite 31/ in the right hand column of minutes; which column ‘used in this case because 89° is a right hand number of degrees. 40 diminished by 26 gives 1714, whose logarithm 7 is 3.23401. ie required quantity q is therefore 7.91960. In like manner the cosecant of 179° 46’ 18” will be found to 12.39956. (48) INTRODUCTION. But if for example the sine of 90° 46’ 42” be required, it is sufficient to look for it as the sine of 90° 47’, which is found at, once to be 9.99996. 71. All of the table except the part just noticed, 1s to be used according to the following directions. Find the sine, tangent, &c. of the given degrees and minutes, and according as this is less or is greater than the one required, correct it for the additional seconds, by adding or by subtracting, the number in the adjacent column headed d. that stands op posite the given number of seconds as found in the left hand, column of minutes. | If however the sine, tangent, &c. of the given degrees and minutes be found on one of the first eight pages of the table, correct it by adding or subtracting the product of the given num- ber of seconds into the number in the adjacent column headed d. 1”, that stands between the tabular sine, tangent, &c. next greater and that next less than the required one. 4 a } { To find the cotangent of 72° 36/ 42”. The cotangent of 72° 36’ is 9.49607: and in the proper column headed d. is the number 31 opposite 42 in the left hand column, of minutes. 31 subtracted from 9.49607 leaves 9.49576 for the cotangent sought. To find the cosine of 99° 27’ 44’.6. | The cosine of 99° 27’ is 9.21534; the product of 44.6 into 1.27 the difference for 1’ as found in the table is 57 neat which added to 9.21534 gives 9.21591 for the cosine required. — A To find the secant of 166° 41’ 38”. #. | This must fall between the secants of 166° 41’ and 166° 4g! which are 10.01184 and 10.01181, their difference pettig Oo: as this is a difference for an interval of one minute, ;%; or ;'; must be the difference for 1’; this multiplied by 38 is 33 or 2 nearly, which taken from 10. 01184, leaves 10.01182 for the secant sought. \ This example is designed to show how we are to proceed in all cases when the differences for 1’ are not to be found in the table. . § To find the number of degrees, minutes and seconds belonging to a given sine, tangent, sre. a 72. Look for the given sine, tangent, &c. in a column having the appropriate title at the top or bottom, and if it be found there, | } . TABLE OF LOGARITHMIC SINES, &c. (49) the required number will consist of degrees and minutes only : then look for the degrees at the top or bottom of the page, ac- cording as the name of the given quantity is at the top or bottom of the column in which it is found; and look for the minutes on the right or left, according as the right or left hand number of degrees is taken for the required one. Thus if the quantity given is the secant 10.50004, we find it on page 309, in a column having the title sec. at the bottom. The ern Kér of degrees found there is, on the left hand 108°, ind on the right 71°; and the fiviatiber of minutes is 26’ or 34’, According as it is ued on the left or on the right. The given humber is therefore the secant of 108° 26/ or 719 34’. | 73. But if the given sine, tangent, &c. is not to be found ex- ‘ctly in the table, look for the two consecutive ones between vhich it falls, and taking that which is opposite the least num- ver of minutes, find the corresponding number of degrees and jninutes, and for the additional number of seconds due to the ‘ifference between the given sine, tangent, &c. and the tabular ne just specified, look in the left hand column of minutes oppo- ite this difference as found in the appropriate column headed d. ' Thus if the number of degrees, minutes and seconds whose osine is 9.49741 be sought, we readily find for the required umber of degrees and minutes 71° 40’, whose cosine is 9.49768, Ixceeding the given cosine by 27: then in the left hand column f minutes, and opposite 27 in the appropriate column headed d. ve find 43 for the required number of seconds. The number ought is therefore 71° 40/ 43”. ‘ If 108° be taken for the degrees instead of 71°, the minutes vill be 19/ and the seconds 17” or 18”. ' When the required number of degrees and minutes is found ‘0 one of the first eight pages of the table, the additional seconds le not to be found in the manner above indicated ; but to obtain aem, we must divide the difference between the given sine, tan- ent, &c. and the sine, tangent, &c. of the required number of legrees and minutes, “ the difference for 1” as found in the ap- ropriate column headed d.1”. Thus if the degrees, minutes ad seconds corresponding to the cotangent 10.99208 be sought, -e find 5° 48’ for the required degrees and minutes, the cotan- lent of which is 10.99321, exceeding the given cotangent by | G — (50) INTRODUCTION. 113; this divided: by 2.10 the difference for 1” as found in the aval gives 54 nearly for the required number of seconds. To find the degrees, minutes and seconds whose: cosecant is 10.00626. This falls between 10.00628 and 10. 00625,, the cosecants of 80° 17’ and 80° 18’, the former of which exceeds the latter by. 3 and exceeds the given cosecant by 2: and:as 3 is the differ- ence for 1’ or 60”, the number of seconds to which the difference 2 is due, must be 2 of 60. . | The Stinahies required 4 is therefore 80° 17’ 40”. This example will serve to show how we are to proceed in ) cases when the differences for 1’’ are not given in the table. | 74, Lastly, if the required number of degrees is found to be either 0°, 89°, 90° or 179°, look opposite the. sine, tangent, &e., nearest the given one, for the corresponding value of q - or g +n in the adjacent column, and subtract the given quantity from) g+n or diminish it by g- as the case may be, to obtain n the logarithm of a number of seconds.. Then having found the required number of degrees and minutes, look opposite the min- utes and in the column on the left, for a number of seconds: the difference between this and the number whose logarithm is n, will be the number of seconds required. 1 Thus if the degrees; minutes and seconds answering to the cotangent 7.96304 be required ; we find the nearest cotangent to be 7.96889, and the corresponding value of gq — 7 to be 4. 68559; which taken from the given cotangent leaves 3.27745 for the value of n. The number answering to this logarithm is 1894.3, as may be readily found from the table of antilogarithms. ‘The required number of degrees and minutes is 89° 28’, and 192018 the number of seconds on. the left, opposite 28’.. The required number of seconds therefore is 25.7, which 1 is the difference be- tween 1920” and 1894.3. as If however the given number belong to ¢ one of the two columns headed sec. and cos. the required number is to be found directly by inspection. Thus if the cosecant 10.00004 be the number given, we shall find it in the table with 89° 11’, 89° 12’,—89° 16’, for corresponding numbers ;. either of which or rather the mean of them viz. 89° 13’ 30” may be taken for the number sought. TRAVERSE TABLE. (51) | ‘Traverse ‘laste, on Tasie or Departure anp DirreRENCcE oF LatirupE: pp. 323-329. ' 75. In this table are given the differences of latitude and the Hepartures, to four or five places of decimals, for distances from 1 to 9 inclusive, and for courses or bearings from 0° 'to 90° at intervals bf 15’, as alk for each of the 32 quarter points of the quadrant. These distances may be reckoned as tens, hundreds, thou- sands, &c. or tenths, hundredths, thousandths, &c. if the posi- ‘ion of the decimal point in each departure and difference of lati- ude in the table be changed accordingly. | To find the departure and difference of latitude ua a given dis- lance and bearing. ' If the given bearing is less than 45°, Idole for it on the left in ne of the pages of the table, and look a the distance at the top wr bottom of the page: then over or under the distance and oppo- ‘ite the bearing, will: be found the difference of latitude in the ‘folumn headed diff. lat. and. the departure in the next column: vut if the bearing is more than 45°, look for it on the right; and hen for the difference of latitude, look in the column over the itle diff. lat. and look for the Beartic in the preceding column. | Thus for the bearing 10° 45’ and the distance 7, the difference if latitude and the departure will be found to be 6.8772 and 1.3057, respectively. And for the bearing 63° 30’ with the distance 30=3 tens, the ‘ifference of latitude and the departure are 13.3859 and 26.8480. | When the given distance has more than one significant figure, ind the departure and difference of latitude for each numeral ‘cure of the distance: having regard to its local value, and take he sum of the several differences of latitude thus found, for the thole difference of latitude, and the sum of the several depart- pes for the whole neerturel Thus, if with the bearing 54° 15/ cher be given the distance 3.049, we shall find the differences of latitude for the parts 'f the distance represented by the several figures 6, 3, 4, 9 to be ‘5.055, 1.75275, .02337, .0052582: then, Heslectine a few of ne last decimal figures we may take the sum of 35.055, 1.7527, 234 and .0053, (which is 36.8364,) for the required difference f latitude. The departure found in like manner is 51.1685. (52) INTRODUCTION. If the given bearing falls between two consecutive bearings in. the table, the departure and difference of latitude may be found by fitemnolation: in the usual way. Thus if the distance be 4 and the bearing be 6° 20’, we shall. find the difference of Jatitude to be 3.97558 and the departuig 0.44125. 76. The traverse table will serve to show the comparative: values of the parts of any right angled triangle: for if the hypot-, enuse be regarded as a distance, and one of the acute angles as a bearing, the opposite side will be the corresponding departure, and | the remaining side the difference of latitude. Of the four quantities, distance, bearing, departure, and differ- ence of latitude, if any two be given, the others corresponding to these may be readily obtained. ‘They are to be looked for at the place in the table where the two given ones shall be found to correspond. Thus if there be given the departure 3.90518 and the differ- ence of latitude 0.86576, 4 will be found for the correspond distance, and 77° 30’ for the bearing. If the two given quantities cannot be found corresporiiaa exactly in the table, the required quantities must be obtained by interpolation. | TasLe or Meripionat Parts: pp. 3380-337. bY 77. This is a table giving, to every minute of latitude, the length of Mercator’s meridian expressed in geographical miles or minutes of an arc at the equator. The miles in the length of this meridian for any latitude, are called the meridional parts for that latitude. These parts carried to tenths, are placed in the table under the degrees and opposite the minutes of the corresponding Jatitudes. ‘Thus the meridional parts for the latitude 3° 40’ are 220.2, and for 30° 27’ they are 1919.6. | Worxman’s Taste ror correcting Mropte Lartirupe: p. 338. 78. If the departure made by a ship in sailing ona single cou from one parallel of latitude to another, be reckoned in degrees, minutes and seconds upon a parallel whose latitude is a mean between the latitude left and the one arrived at, it will correspond WORKMAN’S TABLE. (53) nearly with the difference of longitude made by the ship. But that the correspondence may be exact, the departure must be reckoned upon a parallel whose latitude 1s somewhat greater than tthe middle latitude just mentioned. 'The table in question is de- signed to furnish for the most important cases, the correction that nust be added to the middle latitude to give this greater latitude. The correction may be found in minwtes, by looking under he difference of the two given latitudes and opposite the middle latitude. | Thus if the two latitudes concerned are 37° and 53°, the middle latitude is 45°, the difference of latitude 16°, and the re- yuired correction 35’; which added to the middle latitude gives 15° 35’ for the middle latitude corrected. | Tasies: pp. 339, 340. | | 79. The use of the Table for computing CP OG Interest js too obvious to require any illustration. | 80. ‘The use of the Tables for interchanging Common and Ayperbolic Logarithms may be learned from the three follow- ng examples. _ (1.) The common logarithm of a number being 2.840651, to ind the hyperbolic logarithm of the same number, with nine or ‘en decimal figures. Se a ill te SU Si ay ta go G0B1 201860 8 att Mibeha% OLBABNESOF 44 er a eR hes &, 0, 0921084087 MO yy Wet ar'er 6“). -s (O0OLBSSLSSTE : Mowe ns it te NS? 2 COMOOTEH1293 ee rr et So OK0N00023026 | Mem esled escola. , 266408406471 _ If the given logarithm has a negative characteristic, we may sroceed as in the following case. | | | | | } (54) INTRODUCTION. (2.) To convert the common ropaxifhin 6.89042 into a hyper-| bolic logarithm carried to the tenth decimal place. 6.89042 = — 5.10958 5 .... 11.5129254650 Miwa 0.2302585093 009,0h 3 vi Sea ; . 0.0207232658 0005 eee” aay 0.0011512925 00008. . 0.0001842068 om OGnSs 1. : . —11:7652427394 — 12.2347572606 (3.) The hyperbolic logarithm of a number being 3.0290119, to find the corresponding common logarithm with ten decimal figures. Spe: hi at ah etl he yee we 1,3028834457 O22 ey Rs ORO A De DOS OSES OE .009 7 POU 229 50.0089086503 .00001 Road pees Se OOO AS 420 00001. =. =. Se. 0,00000043438 0000009. eS SSS 0,0000003909 : SO290L 19 x. te dee ly 3 ein aut BIAS ; 81. To show the use of the Table for finding the lengths y Circular Arcs the following example will be sufficient. ) To find the length of an arc of 2079-41’ 38”.09, with tele decimal figures. Oa aii, : . 3.490658503989 a, 4" 0.122173047640 AQ ict Oe Saar Se . 0.011635528347 Lis shui the tea, 5 MD OOO290RER 209 S000 Sate . 0.000145444104 8” 0.000038785094. | 0”, 09 . . 0.000000436332. 207° 41’ 38”.09 . ) 3.624942633715 82. With regard to the two tables on page 340, no oon ae tion 1s necessary. 4 2 ko odes | haralpeias al Log. 8 000 0000 301 0300 477 1213 602 0600 698 9700 778 1513 845 og80 g03 0900 994 2425 041 3927 079 1812 113 9434 146 1280 176 og13 204 1200 230 4489 4489 255 2725 278 7536 322 2193 342 4227 361 7278 380 2112 397 9400 414 9733 431 3638 447 1580 462 3980 491 3617 505 1500 518 5139 531 4789 544 0680 556 3025 568 2017 579 7836 591 0646 612 7839 7839 623 249 633 4685 643 4527 653 2125 662 7578 72 0979 681 2412 690 1961 707 5702 716 0033 724 2759 732 3938 3938 740 3627 748 1880 755 8749. 763 4280 770 8520 N. 00 | 67 68 69 wh - ——__ J 812 We 819 5439 Log. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Log. 826 0748 832 5089 838 } 84g1 851 2583. 857 3325 863 3229 869 2317 | 875 0613 880 8136 886 4907 4907 892 0946 897 6271 908 4850 913 8139 919 o781 924 2793 929 4189 534 134 4985_ 939 5193 944 4827 949 3900 959 0414 963 7878 968 4829 973 1279 977 7236 982 2712 986 7717 O91 2261 995 6352 004 3214 167. 008 6002 o12 8372 o17 0333 021 1893 025 3059 029 3838 033 4238 037 4265 045 3230 049 2180 053 0784 056 9049 060 6978 064 4580 068 1859 071 8820 075 5470 082 5854, 086 3598 089 9051 093 4217 096 9100 100 3705 —_——._ | -——_—_— 103 8037 107 2100 123 8516 Log. N. 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 151 Log. 127 1048 130 3338 133 5389 136 7206 139 8791 143 0148 149 2191 152 1883 155 3360 158 3625 161 3680 164 3529 167 3193 170 2617 173 1863 178 9769 181 8436 184 6914 1875207 190 3317 193 1246 195 8997 198 6571 201 201 3971 206 8259. 8259 209 5150 212 1876 214 8438 217 4839 220 1081 N. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 221 222 293 224 295 226 227 228 229 231 232 233 303 1961 305 3514 a dah 309 6302 311 7539 313 8672 315 9703. 318 0633 320 1463 324 9895. 326 3359 328 3796 330 4138 332 4385 334 4538 N. 267 268 269 271 299 273 428 1348 429 7523 432 9693 434 5689 436 1626 © 437 7506 439 3327 440 9og1 442 47098 444 o448 445 6042 448 7063 450 2491 451 7864 336 4597 338 4565 340 4441 344 3923. 346 3530 348 3049 350 2480 352 1825 354 1084 356 0259, 357 9348 359 8355 363 6120 365 4880 367 3559 453 3183 454 8449 456 3660 457 8819 459 3925 460 8978 463 8930 465 3829 466 8676 468 3473 469 8220 471 2917 472 7564 474 2163 475 6712 222 7165 225 3093 227 8867 934. 235 236 369 2159 371 0679 372 9120 478 5665 480 0069 481 4426 Ody CT — 232 9961 235 5284 238 o461 240 5492 243 0380 245 5127 247 9733 250 4200 252 8530 257 6786 260 0714 262 4511 264 8178 267.1717 269 5129 237 238 374 7483 376 5770 378 3979. 482 8736 484 2998 485 7214 382 0170 383 8154 385 6063 271 8416 274 1578 276 4618 281 0334 283 3012 285 5573 287 8017 290 0346 292 2561 294 4662 296 6652 298 8531 263 264 265 266 387 3898 389 1661 390 9351 392 6970 394 4517 396 1993 399 6737. 4ot 4005 4o3 1205 404 8337 406 5402 408 2400 409 9331 A411 6197 413 2998 416 6405. 418 3013 419 9557 421 6039 423 2459 Pats 332 424 8816 |} 333 Log. Ne Log. A N. 487 1384 488 5507 489 9585 492 7604 494 1546 495 5443 506 5050 507 8559 50g 2025 510 5450 511 8834 513 2176 514 5478 515 8738 9171959 | 519 8280 521 1381 522 4442 Log. 1 2 N. Log. N. Log. 334 335 336 339) 338 339 341 342 343 344 345 346 | 348 349 5293 7465 525 0448 526 3393 527 6299 528 9167 530 1997 4ot 402 403 603 1444 604 2261 605 3050 N. Log. 669 3169 670 2459 671 1728 Loh 405 406 532 7544 534 0261 535 2941 536 5584 537 8191 539 0761 54o 3295 541 5792 542 8254 407 408 409 AIl Gt2 413 414 415 416 fh GOL 352 353 | 354 b 355 356 | 357 358 | 359 361 F 362 f 363 364 365 366 367 368 | 369 | 371 | 372 ioe | 374 § 375 376 1 377 378 379 ft 381 | 382 | 383 545 3071 546 5427 547 7747 549 0033 550 2284 551 4500 417 418 552 6682 4 553 8830 555 0944 097.5072 558 7086 559 go66 561 1014 562 2929 563 4811 564 6661 565 8478 567 0264 569 3739 | 437 570 5429 571 7088 572 8716 574 0313 575 1878 576 3414 577 4918 578 6392 580 9250 582 0634 583 1988 606 3814 607 4550 608 5260 609 5944 610 6602 611 7233 613 8418 614 8972 615 g5or 617 0003 618 o481 619 0933 673 0209 673 9420 674 8611 675 7783 676 6936 677 6070 678 5184 679 4279 680 3355 534 Bos 536 537 538 539 AAI 542 543 682 1451 683 0470 , 683 9471 620 1361 621 1763 622 2140 624 2821 625 3125 626 3404 627 3659 628 3889 629 4096 630 4279 631 4438 632 4573 634 4773 635 4837 636 4879 637 4897 638 4893 639 4865 640 4814 641 4741 642 4645 644 4386 645 4223 646 4037 647 3830 648 3600 649 3349 684 8454 685 7417 686 6363 687 5290 688 4198 689 3089 691 0815 691 9651 692 8469 693 7269. 7269 694 6052 695 4817 696 3564 697 2293 698 1005 699 8377 700 7037 701 5680 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. N. Log. N. Log. a -} 727.5413 | 601 | 778 eee 728 3538 729 1648 729 9743 730 7823 731 5888 602 603 604 605 606 733 1973 733 9993 734 7998 735 5989 736 3965 TXT 7 1926, 607 608 609 611 612 613 737 9873. 9873 614, 738 7806 739 5723 741 1516 741 9391 97427251 615 616 650 3075 651 2780 652 2463 384 P 385 | 386 | 387 p 388 | 389 391 392 | 393 395 396 397 398 584 3312 585 4607 586 5873 587 7110 588 8317 589 9496 592 1768 593 2861 594 3926 595 4962 596 5971 597 6952 598 7905 599 8831 399 600 9729 N. Log. 654 1765 655 1384 656 0982 657 0559. 0559 658 o1t4 658 9648 659 9162 660 8655 661 8127 663 7009 664 6420 665 5816 666 5180 667 4530 668 3859 Log. 529 531 532 533 N. 702 4305 703 2914 704 1505 705 0080, 705 8637 706 7178 708 4209 709 2700 FIO 1174 710 9631 711 8072 712 6497 AES 713 4905. 714 3298 715 1674 716 8377 7176705 718 5017 719 3313 720 1593 720 9857 721 8106 722 6339 9723 4557 725 0945 725 9116 726 7272 Los. 743 5098 744 2930 745 0748 745 8552 746 6342 747 4118 748 9629 749 7363 790 5084 751 2791 752 0484 752 8164 753 5831. 754 3483 755 1123 756 6361 757 3960 758 1546 4 | 758 911g 759 6678 760 4225 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 641 642 643 779 5965 | 780 31 780.3978 | 781 0369 = | 781 7994) : 782 789 192k 786 0412) | 786 7514) ‘| 787 4605. | 788 1684 | 738 875 789 S807" 5807 790.2852 | 790 9885. | 791 6906 7930916 | 793 7904 794 4880 802 0898 t 802 773 : 803 4571) 804 12 1394 _ 804 8207 — 805 500 806 8580, 807 5350 580 808 2110 761 1798 761 9278 762 6786 564 1761 764 9230 765 6686 766 4128 767 1559 767 8976 768 6381 769 3773 770 1153 771 5875 772 3217 773 0547 773 7864 774 5170 779 2¢ 2463 644 645 646 647 648 649 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 661 662 663 775 9) 9743 | 664 776 7012 Log. 665 777 4268 | 666 N. ’ a 812 2447 813 5810 — 814 24 M N. 668 - 669 671 | 672 | 673 674 675 676 677 678 | 679 681 682 683 654 685 686 87 688 N. a Log. 824 7765 825 4261 826 7225 827 3693 828 o151 828 6599 829 3038 829 9467 830 5887 831 2297 831 8698 667 | 824 1258 Log. N. Loge ae Log. N. 865 6961 866 2873 866 8778 867 4675 868 0564 868 6444 869 8182 870 4039 870 9888 871 5729 872 1563 872 7388 833 1471 833 7844 834 4207 835 0561 |_ 835 6906 836 3241 §36 9567 837 5884 838 2192 839 4780 840 1061 840 7332 841 3595 841 9848 842 6092 8/3 2398 843 8554 844 4772 845 7180 846 3371 846 9553 847 5727 848 1891 848 8047 849 4194 850 0333 850 6462 851 8696 §52 4800 853 0895 853 6982 654 3060 854 9130 855 5192 856 1244 856 7289 873 3206 873 go16 874 4818 877 3713 877 9470 878 5218 8o1 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 Sir 812 813 814 815 816 | 817 818 819 903 6325 904 1744 go4 MIO G05 4560. 905.7959 eliabat 906 8735 907 4114 907 9485 909 0209 909 5560 glo 0905 910 6244 gtr 1576 gtt 6902 867 868 869 871 872 873 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 938 o1gt 938 5197 939 0198 934 935 936 3 Log. | 970 3469 — 970 8116 971 2758 940 0182 940 5165 941 0142 937 938 939 971 7396 972 2028 972 6656 874 875 876 877 878 879. 881 882 883 Q12 2291 912 7533 913 2839 884 885 886 821 822 823 879 0959 879 6692 880 2418 824 825 §26 914 3432 914 8718 915 3998 915 9272 916 4539 916 9800 857 9353 858 5372. 859 1383 859 7386 860 33280 860 9366 861 5344 862 1314 862 7275 863 9174 864 5111 Log. 865 1040 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 N. 881 3847 881 9550 882 5245 883 0934 883 6614 884 2288 884 7954 885 3612 885 9263 827 828 829 831 832 833 887 0544 | 837 887 6173 888 1795 888 7410 889 3017 889 8617 890 4210 890 9796 891 5375 892 6510 893 2068 893 7618 894 3161 894 8697 895 4225 895 9747 896 5262 897 0770 898 1765 898 7252 899 2732 899 8205 900 3671 900 913 gor 4583 902 0029 902 5468 Log. 849 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 917 5055 918 0303 918 5545 887 888 889 891 892 893 894 895 896 941 5114 942 0081 942 5041 941 942 943 942 9996 943 4945 943 9889 944 9759 945 4686 945 9607 944 945 946 973. 5806 974 0509 974 au ey 974 9720 975 4318 979 8911 976 3500 976 8083 977 2662 946 4523 946 9433 947 4337 947 9236 948 4130 948 9018 949 8777 950 3649 950 8515 951 3375 951 8230 952 3080 978 1805 f 978 6369 fie 2 79 979 5484 980 0034 980 4579 980 9119 981 3655 981 8186 982 7234 983 1751 983 6263 919 6010 920 1233 920 6450 g21 1661 921 6865 922 2063 897 898 B99! gol go2 903 952 7924 953 2763 953 7597 984 0770 984 5273 984 9771 954.7248 955 2065 955 6878 904 905 906 956 1684 956 6486 957 1282 985 4265 985 8754 986 3238 987 2192 987 6663 988 1128 924 7960 925 3121 925 8276 926 3424 926 8567 927 3704 9°07 908 a? 957 6073 958 0858 958 5639 Oil gi2 g13 959 5184 959 9948 960 4708 927 8834 928 3959 928 9077 929 9296 930 4396 g3o 9490 931 4579 g31 9661 932 4738 932 9808 ; 933 4873 933 9932 914 915 916 SEZ 918 519 921 922 ( 23 924 925 926 861 862 863 864 865 866 N. 960 9462 961 4211 961 8955 988 55go 989 0046 989 4498 989 8946 990 3389 990 7827 991 6690 992 1115 992 5535 962 3693 962 8427 963 3155 992 9951 993 4362 993 8769 964 2596 964 7309 905 2017 965 6720 966 1417 966 6110 935 0032 935 5073 936 0108 936 5137 937 o161 927 928 929 31 30 969 8816 937 5179 | 933 ‘Log. N. 967 0797 967 5480 g68 0157 968 9497 969 4199 Log. 994 3172 994 7569 995 1963 996 0737 996 5117 996 9492 997 3864 997 8231 998 2593 | 998 6952 999 1305 999 5655 | Log. 4 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Num. 0 ] 2 3 4 1000 [000 0000|0434|0869| 1303/1737 OI 434114775)|5208) 5642/6076 02 | * 8677\911119544\9977|¢411 03 | 001 3009|3442)3875|4308!4741 04 | * 7337/7770/8202/8635|9067 “05 #002 1661|2093| 2525|2957/3389 ‘06 5980|641 1|6843|7275|7706 07 | 003 0295]0726)1157/1588)2019 08 4605|5036/5467|5898|6328 09 | * 8912/9342 9772 #203)}0633 10 10 | 004 3214|3644|4074|4504|4933 II #as75 2 7941 837 8800/9229 12 | 005 1805}2234/2§63) 3092/3521 13 6094|6523|6952|7380|7809 14 | 006 0380/0808) 1 236] 1664) 2092 15 4660/5088)/5516/5944/6372 16 | * 8937!9365/9792|¢219|0647 17 | 007 3210/3637|4064|4490| 4917 18 | * 7475!7904/8331|8757/9184 19 | 008 1742/2168) 25g94|3020] 3446 10 20 6002/6427/6853!7279|7704 21 | 009 0257/0683) 1108|1533!11959 22 4509) 4934|5359!5784/6208 23 | * 8756|9181 Bos #030|0454 24 | 010 3000}3424| 3848) 4272|4696 25 | * 7239/7662/8086/8510|8933 26 | O11 1474|1897|2320|2743|3166 27 5704|6127|6550/6973!7396 28 | * 9931|#354)0776/1198) 1621 29 | 012 4154)4576|4996|5420|5842 1030 | * 8372/8794\9215|9637|%059 31 | 013 2587/3008)3429|3850}4271 32 | * 6797)7218]7639|8059/8480 33 | 014 1003/1424]1844]2264|2685 34 5205|5625|6045|6465|6885 35 * 9403}9823]¢243}0662/1082 36 | 015 3598]401 7/4436) 4855|5274 37 | * 7788/8206|8625|9044|9462 38 | 016 1974)2392|2810|3229|3647 39 6155/6573|6991|7409|7827 10 40 | 07 0333}0751}1 168] 1586) 2003 4I 4507|4924|5342|5759|6176 42 * 8677|9094|9511/9927/#344 43 | 018 2843}3259)3676|4092|4508 44) * 7005/7421/7837 6953 R469 45.| 019 1163}1578 1994|2410|2825 46 5317|5732|6147|6562/6977 47 * 9467|9882|e296)0711|1126 48 | 020 3613]4027|4442|4856|5270 49 | * 7755|8169|/8583/8997|9411 10 50 | 021 1893]2307/2720|3134/3547 51 6027|6440|6854|7267|7680 52 | 022 0157/0570|0983}1396)1808 5g 4284) 4696|5109/5521|5933 54 | * 8406/8818)9230/9642]+054 55 | 023 2525)2936|3348/3759) 4171 56 * 6639|7050|7462|7873)/8284 57 | 024 0750|1161}1572|1982]2393 58 4857|5267|5678/6088|6498 59 | * 8960)/9370/9780)|¢190|0600 Num Una Bigg sh eS SE NOY EE 2171|2605|3039 6510/6943|7377 0844|1277|1710 5174|5607|6039 9499|9932|#364 38211425314685 8138/8569/g001 2451\2882|3313 6759!7190|7620 1063}1493|1924 5363|5793/6223 99 4088/0517 950|4379|4808 8238 2521 6799 1074 8666/9094 2949|3377 722717695 1501/1928 5344|5771|6198 9610) ¢037|0463 3872|4298|4724 8130|8556/8981 2384|2809|3234 6633/7058}7483 0878] 1303/1727 5120/5544|5967 9357|9780|#204 3590]4013|4436 7818/8241 |8664 2043}2465|2887 6264/6685/7107 0480|0go01}1323 4692|5113/5534 8901|9321|9742 3105}3525}3945 730517725|8144 1501|1920|2340 5693/6112/6531 9881}¢300|0718 4065) 4483}4g01 8245|8663|9g080 2421|2838|3256 6593}7010|7427 0761/1177|1594 4925|5341}5757 9084|9500/9916 3240|3656| 4071 7392|7807|8222 1540}1955/236 5684 et: 651 9824) ¢238)0652 3961437414787 8093)/8506/8919 2221/2634|3046 6345|6758/7170 0466|0878}1289 4582|4994|5405 8695/9106/9517 2804|3214|3625 6909|7319|7729 TO10|1419|1829 cen og Saee 3473|3907 7810/8244 2143/2576 6472/6905 0796)1228 5116/5548 9432/9863 3744|4174 8051/8481 2354|2784 6652|7082 0947|1376 5237/5666 9523!9951 3805] 4233 8082/8510 2355|2782 6624|7051 0889) 1316 5150/5576 9407/9832 3659} 4084 7907/8332 215142575 6391|6815 0627|1050 4859}5282 9086|9509 3310|3732 7529/7951 1744|2165 5955|6376 ¢162/0583 4365}4785 8564/8984 2759/3178 6950 Tee 1137|155 5319|5737 9498}9916 3673|40g0 7844/8260 2010|2427 6173/6589 #332/0747 4486)4902 8637}9052 2784|3198 6927/7341 1066|1479 5201/5614 133219745 459|3871 7582/7994 1701|2113 5817/6228 9928) +339 40364446 | 8139/8549 2239) 2649 = Oe, NO COA OMOB cp ei Diff. & Mult, 430] 432| 434 860| 864; 868 1290|1296) 1302 1720}1728)1736 | 2150|2160| 2170 2580|2592) 2604 3010)|3024'3038 | 3440 3456,3472 3870)3888) 3906 — ee | | | | OO OY ANH wn nh COU AOR Gv who Cw HA ab wr wed hy COI HO wy H |xo CO~AI Mah wn ~ ho CO HOW wp 424| 426) 428 — 1272|1278|1284 © 1696)1704)1712 2120/2130|2140 © 2544|2556| 2568 — 2.968)}2982|2996 — 3392|3408|3424 | 3816)3834|3852 420| 421| 422) | 840] 842) 844 1260|1263|1266 1680} 1684) 1688 2100|2105|2T10 2520|2526| 2532 2940} 2947 28 3360|3368|3376 3780|3789/3798 | 417] 418| 419 | 834| 836} 838 | 1251|1254/1259 1668|1672|1676 2085|2090|2095 2502|2508 at 2919/2926] 2933 | 3436 3344 3353 3753)/3762|3771 © 414} 415| 416 828] 830} 832_ 1242|1245|1248 | 1656|1660) 1664 | 2070|2075|2080 - 2484|2490|2496 2898|2905|2912 3375 3300 3308 3726|3735|3744 411] 412), 41d 822| 824) 826 1233|1236|1239 +4 2466 ee a 4 2877|2884] 2891 © 3288|3296|3304 | 3699/3708 3717 408| 409} 410° 816 818 ae 1224/1227|1230 | 1632| 1636) 1640 2040|2045| 2030 2448|2454|246 2856/2863| 2870 © 3264|3272|3280 3642/3681) 3 Num. 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Py LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS 13} ————. ff Num. | a ES Sy, 1540 [18 5207/54 9/5 77160536835 | 6617/0899]7183 74037735 us Siow * 42 | 188 SAA 1125 8590|8872/9154 | 943519717\9999|¢280 ee be Dk ae Bae ee eh e091 97e | 22a g593|2010| 20908978 qs ean 7 6/5348]56 : ; ‘ 6473/67547035|731717598 | 7899181601844; ae ss Laie Nebr aks ; oO ie i 9289 9566) 9847|+128}0409 | 0690\0971}1252/1533|18 6 | 1686 aun Me reyes seta cine haat ea eens 1814 | 9 | 1967 | 1974 mas, 2% 1841546515945|6026 | 63071658716868l7148|7429 | & | 2248 326 71017990/8271/8551|8832 112/9393|96 ae 25 49 | 190 Ard 0705 9112|9393|9673/9953) +234 19 | 2929 | 2950 _ 2538 at 799|1075|1355}1636 | 1916)2196}2476|2757/3037 Ree ofslelee oceceless. see eelecaoe Rox ae 7816958|7238 | 7518|7798|807818357\8637 | 4 | 556 280 53 | 191 15 ee eel 977 soe 0316}0596]0876| 1155 1435 3 a 360 2 3113/33921|3 71} 840 54 4510|4790|5069|5348|5628 | 5907 6187 6466 6245 095 erly 120 : ; 7304|7583)7862|81 42/8421 | 8700 89791925919538|98 6 wea ae : 92 sry 0375|0654/0933|1212 | 1491|1770 Ke 3308 Shon Bis p om 2 2886|3165|3444|3723|4002 | 42811455 1838 : 2607 | 2 9 1960 ; 567515953|6232(651 16789 | 7068l734717625|7904 9396 2232 | 2240 9 | * 8461|8740|9018|9297|9575 | 985 Lewes Key 7625/7904|8183 |_9 | 291} 2511 | 2520 ‘5.60 | 193 1246 803 ae poked paki 2 1524|1803/2081|235 638 6 9 | 2 2916|31g94/3 GR ere ASA ese Sinead Di Seo8l5ocol6a5ales32 | | 277 | 2 7 G4 | O8inl aonradd gee | Sonate Ryinontagiia | 3) 234 | 5 nea 4239/0701 0979} 12 5 3 :: 194 ce os 2923/3200)3478 3256 cae be oh ye 1806 4 ae 83 143]5421|5698|5976|6253 | 6531/6808 5 | 1385 | 1390 Bis bscbeclonesckalroat oe. | Sons 958119858|ex36l04r3 | > | tesa 1068 68 1521/1798 | 2075|2353|2630|2907/3 1939 | 1946 60 Sot pee apr GR | Abdi i ta7)3d99 rel see ied dep at : 9|6506|6783|7060|7336 | 7613}7890|8167|8443 Balke ie Rake A 70 | * 8997/9273/9550|9826)¢103 | 03 0656 Ue | 7 ToslaBoalboneleaeals630 3144842) S099 3975 dady | 2 4525|4802/5078|5354/5630 | 5907/6183/645 ats 249 275 | 296 ie 728717563|7839/811518391 | 866718943|92 19194 aed ie oa ee | gcse | ean ta | 4] ne | 9 2806|3081|335713633)3 the 908 | 4184)4460|473 5 | 1375 | 1380 By], seoeuosigs | Sota lin || a 78 | 198 1070|1345) 1620] 1896 Z, 9694/9969|¢244|0520}0795 fd Mca ea 71 | 2446)2 8 | 2200 | 2208 aes 3821|4096|4371|4646|4921 | 5196 5491 596 on! Boob 9 | 247 2475 3484 ce) 6571|6846/7121)7395|76 8 7395|7670 | 7945|8220/8495|876 . as 91919 ay 9868|+143/0417 | 0692|0967 oa 516255 3 Be | 9p zea atone | Baby raiotoyeed ss || 305 | Si 8 2 181|6455)|6 48 3 & 7553|826|810018374|8648 | 8qaalgrg7igd7t las iat 3} 819] 822 | 86 200 ne YS 0841/1115}1389 | 1662/1936)2210/2484|2758 3 1365 ao 87 6s 6043 ay? 3853/4127 | 4401|4674|4948)5222 5496 6 | 1638 1644 86 | « oie oS : 317|6590\6864 | 7137/7411|7684}7958|8231 | 7 | 1911 | 1 18 89 | 2 778|9052|9325/9599 | 9872|+146)0419|06 8 ¢ 89 | 201 1239)1512]1786)205 el gant eck 2184 |, 2192 ; : 786)2059|2332 | 2605|2879|3152/3425/3698 | 9 | 2457 | 2466 Brae 79 004 | 5327155101883 6x58 a5 92 | * 943r AES 7248|7521|7794 | 8066/8339|8612|8885|9158 93 | 202 3158 273 9975)¢249)0522 | 0794|1067|1340| 1612 7885 I] 271 | 272 34 | 88315156 a4aBlS2ecl5en3 | 624516678 \Groclrobal334 aalibacs: bene ofits. 460 28/5700|5973 | 6245|6518]6790/7062|7335 3 | 813 | 816 | eres 7879)8151|8424)8696 | 8968|9240|9519|9785| 05 4 | 1084 | 1088 97 3040 oat ele 1145|1417 | 1689)1961/2233/2505}2 li 6 eae $8 568 ray mr 3865/4137 | 4409|4681|4952|/5224 5406 ae Se 99 | * 8485/8756 8 6583/6855 | 7126|7398|7670|7941/|8213 fs 2168 Lye 9028'929G19571 | 9842\¢114]0385]065710928 3 aie um. 0 1 9 9 | 24 Dee PAR? | 25D: 2448 ae a ae 9 Diff. & Mult. 5 '6 7 8 9 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 5) BS 8. 9 2557/2828) 3099|3371|3642 5269 7980 0690 3397 6103 8807 1510 421i 6g10 607 2303 4997 7690 0380 3070 5757 8443 1327 3810 6490 554115812 8251/8522 0960] 1231 3668/3939 6374|6644 9078/9348 6083/6354 8793|g064 1502]1773 4209/4480 6915|7185 9618/9889 1780} 2050|2320]2590 4481|4751|5021|5291 7180|7449|7719|7989 9877|+147|0416)0686 2573]2842|3112/3381 5267|5536|5805|6074 7959|8228|8497|8766 0649}0918}1187|1456 3338) 3607|3876) 4145 6026/6294/6563/6832 8711|8980)9248|9517 1395|1664|1932|2200 4078| 4346) 461 4! 4882 6758|7026/7294|7562 9170|9437!970519973 1847|2115|2382| 2650 4523) 4790|5058}5325 7197|7464|7732|7999 9870|+137|0404|0671 2541|2808] 3075) 3342 5210|5477|5744|/6010 7878/81 44|841 1/8678 +241 2918 } 5593 8266 0938 3609 6277 8944 0544 3208 5871 8532 IIQI 3849 6505 g160 1813 0810|1077/1343) 1610 3474|3741|4007|4273 6137|6403|6669)/6935 8798} 9064/9330) 9596 1457|1723|1989)2255 4115/4381) 4646|4912 6771|7037|7302|7568 9425|9691|9956| 4221 2078] 2343] 2609] 2874 Num. 0 1 4 43 4 1600 (204 ¥200|1471|1 7438/2014 2285 or 391314185) 4456! 4727|4998 02 6625|6895/7167|7438)7709 03 | * 9335}9606/9877|+148}0419 04 | 205 2044)2314|}2585}2856|3127 05 4750|5021|5292|5562|5833 o6 7455|7726|7996|8267|/8537 O7 206 0159/0429|0699|0969| 1 240 08 2860|3131|3401|3671|3941 09 5560/5830|6100|6370|/6640 1610 | * 8259)8529)8798/9068|9338 It | 207 0955|1225)1495|1764) 2034 12 3650]3920|4189) 4459)4728 13 6344|6613}6882|7151}7424 14} * 9035/9304/9573|9842|/¢111 15 | I8 1725|1994}2263] 2532) 2801 16 4414) 4082}4951/5220}5488 17 7100|7369|7637)/7906/8174 18 | * 9785|4054)/0322/05go0|0859 19 | 209 2468)2737)3005}3273}3541 16 20 §150|5418/5686)5954/6222 a1 * Sab a cae asl 22 | 210 0508/0776} 1044] 1312}1579 23 3185]3453|3720|3988)4255 24 5860|61 28/6395|666 2/6930 95 * 8534/8801|9068) 9335/9603 26 | 211 1205/1472]1740| 2007) 2274 27 3876/41 42|4409|4676| 4943 28 6544}6811|7078|7344| 7611 29 * 9211|9477|9744|¢011|0277 16 30 | 212 1876)2142/2409/ 2675] 2942 31 4540} 4806) 5072|5338|}5605 32 7202|7468|7734|8000/8 266 33 | * 9862]¢128/0394|0660 0926 34 | 213 2521/2786)3052/3318}3584 ~ 38 5178|5443|5709|5974|6240 36 | 7833)/8098/8364|8629/8895 37 | 214 0487/0752/1017/1 283] 1548 38 3139|3404|3669|3934| 4199 39 5790|6055/6319)/6584/6849 16 40 * 8438)/8703/8968|9233)9498 4t | 215 1086/1350] 1615! 1880)2144 42 3732|3996)4260) 4525/4789 43 6376|6640|6904/7169/7433 44 | * 9018)9282|9546\9811|4075 45 | 216 1659)1923}2187)2451}2715 46 4298] 4562| 48 26)5090/5354 47 6936|7200|7463|7727|7991 48 | * 9572/9836)+099|0363!0626 49 | 217 2207|2470|2733]2997|3260 16 5o 4839|5103|5366|5629/5892 51 7471|7734|7997|8260|8523 52 | 218 0100|0363|0626/0889} 1152 53 2729|2991|3254|3517|3779 54 5355|5618|5880|61 43/6405 55 | * 7980|8242|8505|8767|9030 56 | 219 0603|0866/1128!1390|1652 57 3225|3487|3749)401 1/4273 58 5845|6107|6369|663 1 |6893 59 | * 8464|8726/8987|9249|9511 Num 0 ] 2 3 4 4464|4730|4995|5260 7114|7379|7644/7909 9762|4027|0292/0556 2409| 2673] 2938|3203 5054|5318}5583)/5847 7697/7961 |8226|8490 0339|0603/0867) 1131 2979|3243|3507|3771 5617|5881|6145|6409 8254|/8518)/8781/9045 0890]1153|1416)1680 3523|3786|4050|4313 6155)6418|6682/6945 8786] 9049/1931 2/9575 1415|1677|1940] 2203 4042|4305|4567| 4830 6668|6930| 7193/7455 9292|9554|9816) +079 1914|2177|2439)2701 4535|4797|5059)|5321 7155|7417|7678|7940 9773|4+034|0296)0558 D6. 6. OT as 552 8174 0821 3467 } O611I 8754 1395 4034 6672 9309 1943 4576 7208 9838 2466 5092 7718 o341 2963 5583 8202 0819 9 OO OWN DOB wv wv Oo OI AOR wn SO COND DM Orh won OO O11 AODNwp » OO OW OND Wd OO OA AHOAK wd ey Se a eee ae ee BS a Be te ee Diff. & Mult. | 271 272 542 544 813 816 | 1084 | 1088 ¥ 1355 | 1360 | 1626 | 1632 | 1897 | 1904 2168 | 2176 | 2439 | 2448 | 269 | 270 538 | 54o 807 810 1076 | 1080 1345 | 1350 1614 | 1620 | 1883 | 1890 } 2152 | 2160 } 2421 | 2430 | 267 | 268 534 | 53@m S01 804 1068 | 1072 | 1335 | 1340 1602 | 1608— 1869 | 1876 2136 | 2144 | 2403 | 2412" 265 | 266 530 55aR 795 | 798 1060 | 1064 1325 | 1330 1590 | 1596 1855 | 1862 2120 | 2128 2385 | 2394 | 4 bg 263 264° 526 | 528° 789 | 79m 1052 | 1096 1315 | 1390 1578 | 1584 1841 | 1845 2104 | 211% 2367 | 2376 iy 261 262 502 | 5oam 783 | 786 1044 | 1048 © 1305 | 1310 | 1566 | 1572 1827 | 1834 © 2088 | 2090 — 2349 | 2358 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 15 Dewh MR 238. 7.4 a Ob 7 8 £9 Diff. & Mult. 220 1081|1342|/1604\1866)2127 | 2389|2650|2912)3173)3435 | 4 260 | 261 3696 Aas 4219)4481/4742 | 5003}5265|5526/5788 6049 | 2 520 599 6310/6571 |6833|7094/7355 | 7617|7878|8139|8400/8661 | 3 760 (9905 aL * 8922/9184|9445/9706 9967 | +#228)0489/0750/ro11|1272 | 4 1040 | 1044 | 221 1933|1794|2055|2316|2577 | 2838]3099|3360|3621/3882 | 5 | 1300 | 1305 4142|4403 4664)4925|5186 | 5446|5707]5968|6229)6489 | © | 1360 | 1566 6750]7011|7271|7532 7793 | 8053/8314 Boc4 8835|go95 ; : Mee 1927 * 9356)9617/9877| 4138/0398 | 0658)0919|1179|1440| 1760 ie . AaBS 222 1960|2221/2481)2741\3002 | 3262/3529 3783] 4043| 4303 9 | 2340 | 2349 4563|4824)5084|5344|5604 | 5864|6124|6384|6645 6905 7165|7425|7685|7945|8205 | 8465/8725|8985 9245|9505 * 9764|¢024|0284|0544)0804 | 1064/1324 1383 1843]2103 223 2363/2622|2882/3142|3402 | 3661 3921|4181|4440]4700 e722 5219|5479|5738 aE 6257/6517/6776|7036/7295 | 1 258 | 259 7999/7814)8073/8333/8592 | 8852\/9111 9370|963019889 |} 9 | 516 | 518 224 0148|0407|0667 0926/1185 | 1444]}1704 1963|2222/2481 3 774 ary, 2740|2999|3258)/3517|3777 | 4036|4295|4554|4813|5072 | 4 | 1032 1036 5331/5590|5849/6107/6366 | 6625|6884|7143|7402|7661 | 5 | 1290 | 1295 * 7920/81 78|8437/8696/8955 | 9213|947219731|9990|4248 | © | 1948 | 1554 225 0507/0766] 1024/1283)1541 | 1800]2059|2317| 2576/2834 Z we 1813 20 2072 3093|3351/3610|3868)4127 | 4385|4644 4902|5160/5419 9 | 2322 e353 5677|5935|6194/6452/6710 6969|722717485|7743| 8002 * 8260/8518]8776|9034|9293 | 9551|9809|4067/0325|0583 226 0841) 1099|1357)1615}1873 | 2131|2389|2647| 2905/3163 3421)3679|3937 4194\4452 | 4710 4968|5226|5484/5741 7999 6257|6515|6772|7030 | 7288/7545|7803|8060|8318 # 8576|8833|9091/9348|9606 | 9863]¢12110378/0636|0893 | 1 | 256 | 257 227 1151/1 408|1666|1923}2180 | 2438]2695|2953|3210|3467 | 2 |. 512 | 514 3724|3982|4239|4496|4753 | 5011|5268/5525/5782 6039 |.3 | 768 | 771 6296/6554/6811|7068/7325 | 7582|7839|8096|8353/8610 4 ea a * 8867/9124/9381|9638/9895 | #152/0409|0666|0922/117 etd abe 228 1436 7603 hos 236 2463 2720]2 ee CRS, 390 3942 Ys pee pee 4004|4260|4517/4774|5030 | 5287 ae 5800]6057|6313 Z 3078 lez 6570/68 26/7083|7339|7596 | 7852/8108/8365|862 1/8878 9304.| 2313 * 9134/9390 9647|9903|*159 | 0416)0672|0928|1185|1441 2 229 1697|1953|2209|2466)2722 | 2978|3234|3490|3746) 4002 4258|4515)4771|5027|5283 | 5539)5795|6051|6307/6562 68 18)7074)7330|7586|7842 | 8098|8354|8609|8865|91 21 * 9377|9633)9888|+144|0400 | 0656 ogt1|1167|1423}1678 230 1934|2189|2445|2701|2956 | 321213467/3723|3978|4234 | 1 ae ti 4489|4745)5000|5256|5511 | 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| 1265 5173/5426/5679)5932/6185 | 6438|6691|6944|7197|7450 | 6 | 1512 | 1518 7793|7956|8209|8462\8715 | 8967/9220|9473/9726|9979 | 7 | 1764 | 1771 | 235 0232|0484|0737|0990| 1243 1495|1748|2001/2253}2506 | 8 | 2016 | 2024 P_2759}3011]326413517|3769 | 4022/4274|4527|4779|5032 | 9 | 2268 | 2277 O° | 2) eas ie Oe 7 ee 9 Diff. & Mult. 250 1759|2004 0 a 235 5284/5537 * 7809/8061 236 0331\0584 2853/3105 5373/5625 * 7891/8143 237 0408|0660 2923/3175 5437|5689 * 7950/8201 238 0461/0712 2.971|3222 5479|9730 * 7986/8236 239 0491/0741 2995/3245 5497|5747 * 7998 8248 240 04980748 2996/3246 5492|5742 * 7988/8237 241 0482/0731 2974/3223 5465/5714 * 7954/8203 242 0442|0691 2929/3175 ae 5663 * 7898/8146 243 0380|0629 2861|3109 5341/5589 * 7819|8067 244 0296)0543 2771/3019 5245|5492 7718|7965 245 0189}0436 2658] 2905 5127|5373 7994|7840 246 0059|0306 2523/2769 4986}5232 7447/7693 * ggo7|4153 247 2365|2611 4823/5068 7278|7524 * 9733/9978 248 2186)2431 4637|4882 7087|7332 * 9536|9781 249 1984|2228 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LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. RE See eS: 250 4200/4444 4688) 4932/5176 6639)6883|7127/7371|7614 * 9077|9321|9564|9808) 4052 251 1513}1757|2001|2244|2488 3949|4192|4435) 4679] 4922 638 2|6625/6869/71 12/7355 * 8815|9058|9301|9544\9787 252 12.46) 1489}1732)1975|2218 3675 aa 4161|4404| 4647 6103/6 * 8530/8773/9016|9258/9501 253 0956) 1198) 1441} 1683) 1926 3380 3622|3865|4107|4349 5803/6045|/6287|6529/6772 # 8224/8466|8709|8951|9193 254 0645/0886) 1 128}1370| 1612 3063|3305|3547/3789|4030 5481|5722|5964|6206|6447 * 7897|8138/8380)8621|8863 255 0312|0553|0794] 1036] 1277 2725) 2966) 3208|/3449|3690 5137|5378|5619|5860|6102 7548}7789|8030/8271/8512 * 9957|¢198)043g9|0680|0921 256 2365} 2606] 2847)/3087/3328 4772|5013/5253|5494|5734 7177|7418|7658}7899|8139 * 9582/9822|¢062|0302/0543 257 1984] 2224|2465|2705|2945 4386) 4626] 4866/51 06/5346 6786} 7026|7266/7506/7745 * 9185|9424|9664|9904| +144 258 2580 1822 es 2301|2541 3978|42 18) 4457|4697/4936 6373661 2|6852!7091/7330 * 8776|9006|9245|9484|9723 259 1158)1398|1637|1876)2115 3549|3788) 4027|4266| 4505 5939/61 78/641 7|6655/6894 * 8397 8566/8804/9043|9282 260 071 4|0952|1 191|1430| 1668 3099|3338) 3576/38 15/4053 5484|5722|5960|6199|6437 * 7867/8105|8343/858 1/8820 261 0248|0486/0725|0963) 1201 2629) 2867/3 105|3343|3580 5008|5246/5483|5721|5959 7385) 7623|786 1 |8099|8336 * 976219999|¢237|/0475|0712 262 2137 297% 2612/2849] 3087 451114748) 4986)}5223|5460 a 7121|7358}7595) 7832 * 925519492|972 6) 4203 263 1625|1862 et ie 2572 3993)|4230|4467|4704|4940 6361|6597|6834|7071|7307 * 8727|/8963\9200\9436|9673 264 1092|1328]1564)1801|2037 3455|3691|3928)4164|4400 5817|6053/6290/6526)6762 Os i eee ee 46|6589|6832|7074° Be Grog tS £9 5420|5664|5908/6151/6395 7858/8102 8346 8590/8833 0295 tate 0783) 1026]1270 2731|2979|3218|3462|3705 5166|5409|5652| 5896/6139 7599|7842|8085|8328/8571 ¢030/0273|0516|0759] 1002 2461| 2703/2946) 3189}3432 4889|5132|5375|5618) 5861 7317|7560|7802|8045/8 288 9743|9986)¢228)0471/0713 2168|2411|2653} 2895/3138 4592|4834|5076/5318/5561 701.4|7256|7498|7740|7982 9435|9677|9919|+161}0403 1854] 2096/2338} 2580}2829 427214514|/4756|4997/523 6689|6931/7172|7414 “658 9104/9346/9587|9829|¢070 1519|1760)2001| 2242/2484 3931|4172|4414|4655| 4896 63436584168 25|7066|7307 8753]8994|9235|9475|9716 1161|1402|1643|1884| 2125 3569}3810|4050/4291/4531 5975|6215/6456|6696|/6937 8380|8620)8860/9101|9341 0783] 1023|1264|1504|1744 3185} 3425|3665/| 3905) 4146 5586/58 26|/6066/6306|6546 7985) 8225|8465)8705)8945 0383) 0623]/0863} 1103) 1342 2780}3020|3259|3499|3738 5176|5415}5655) 5894/6133 7570|7809|8048|8 288 |8527 963] #202/0441|0680)0919 2354|2593|2832|3071|33i0 4744|4983)5222|5461|5700 7133}7372}761 1|7849/8088 952119759|9998] ¢ 237|0475 1907|2145)2384] 2622|2861 4292|4530|4769)5007|5245 6675|6914|7152)7390)7628 9058|9296|9534|9772|¢010 1439} 1677|1915|2153/2391 3818} 4056] 4294]4532|4770 6197|6435|6672/691 0/7148 8574|881 119049|9287|9524 0950} 1187|1425|1662|1g00 3324|3562|3799|4036/4274 5697|5935|6172|6409|6646 8069|8306|8543/8781)/g018 0440|0677\091 4] 1151|1388 2809|3046|3283/3520)|3757 5177|5414|5651|5887|6124 7544|7780|8017|8254|8490 9909|+146|0382|0619)0855 2273|2510|2746|2982)3219 4636) 4873|5109|5345|5581 6998|7234|7470|7706|7942 Gi 6 27.28,.°9 WO OT AOI wb - OO O11 Aron OO CON AAR Gy - NO OW MAOH wb B* LG Diff. & Mult. 242 484 726 968 1210 1452 1694 1936 2178 238 476 714 952 1190 1428 1666 1904 2142 236 472 708 44 18 1416 1652 1888 2124 243 486, 729 72 ah 1458 1701 1944 2187 239 478 717 956 1195 1434 1673 1912 2151 Diff, & Mult. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Dis ee ol 4 * 8178)/841 4|/8650|8886)91 22 265 0538|0774| 1010}1246}1 481 te 3132|3368|3604) 3839 5253}5489/5725)5960/6196 7609|7845|8080/8316|8551 * 4}+#199}0434|0670)0905 266 oe 3582 2787/3023 3358 4669|4904|5139|5374|5609 7020/7255|7490/7725|7960 * 9369/9604|9839| #074|0309 267 1717|1952|2187/2421|2656 4064|4299|4533|4768]5003 6410/6644|6879|71 13/7348 ‘* 8754/8989|9223|9457|9692 268 1097|1332| 1566] 1800] 2034 3439|3673|3907|414114376 5780|6014|6248|648 2/6716 * 8119)8353/8587/8821/9054 269 0457|0691|0925}1158]| 1392 2794| 3028/3261 }3495|3728 5129}5363)5596/5830|6063 7464|7697|7930|8164|8397 * 9797|¢030|0263|0496|0730 270 2129/2362/2595) 2828] 3061 4459) 4692|4925|5158)5391 6788|7021|7254|7487|7720 * 9116/9349|958 2/9815} 4047 271 1443}1676}1908|2141|2374 3769) 4001|4234|4466| 4699 6093|6325|6558|6790|7022 * 8416/8648|8881/9113 9345 272 0738|0970)1202|1434] 1666 3058) 3290)3522/3754)3986 5378}5610/5841|6073|/6305 7696|7928|8159/8391/8623 273 0013|0244|0476|0708]0939 2328/2560 2791|3023}3254 4643|4874|5105|5337|5568 6956|7187|7418|7650|7881 * 926819499/9730/9961|+192 274 1578) 1809]2040]2271|2502 3888|4119/4350|4581/4811 6196/6427|6658)/6888}71 19 * 8503/8734|8964|9195|9426 275 0809]1039]1270|1500|1731 3114/3344] 3574|3805|4035 5417|5647|5877|610816338 7719|7949|8179|8409|8640 276 0020|0250|0480|0710/0940 2320] 2549] 2779| 3009/3239 4618}4848|5078|5307/5537 6915|7145|7375|7604|7834 * 9211|9441|9670\99Q00] 41 29 277 1506|1736)1965)2194)2424 3800|4029|4258|4488|4717 6092|6321|6550|6780}7009 * 8383)/8612/8841|9070 9299 278 0673|0902/1131) 1360) 1589 2962|3191|3420|3648/3877 5250|5478|5707|5936|6164 0 3b We on A O. eO Caer ome 9358|9594|9830|+066)0302 1717|1953|2189|2425| 2660 4075|431 114546|4782|5018 6431|6667|6903}7138)7374 8787|902219257|9493|9728 1140|1376|1611/1846)2082 3493|3728|3963|4199|4434 5844|6080/6315|6550/6785 8195|8429|8664/8899|9134 0543|0778|1013}1 2481483 2891 |3126|3360|3595)3830 5237|5472|5706|594116175 7582|7817|8051/8285|8520 9926] ¢160]0394/0629)0863 2268]2503]2737| 2971/3205 4610!4844|5078/531 2/5546 6950|7183}7417|7651|7885 9288} 952219756] 9990] 4223 1626]1859)]2093|2327|2560 3962/4195] 4429] 4662|4896 6297|6530|6764|6997|7230 8630/8864] 9097|9330) 9564 0963} 1196] 1429] 1662|1895 3294|3527|3760|3993|4226 5624|5857|6090|/6323|6555 7953|8185/8418)8651|8884 0280|0513}0745/0978| 1211 2606) 2839}3071/3304|3536 4931|5163|5396|5628|586 1 7255|7487|7719|7952|8184 9577/9809] #041|0274|0506 1898} 2130/2362) 2594/2826 4218) 4450} 4682) 4914/5146 6537/6769|7001|7232|7464 8854|9086|9318)9549|9781 1171|1402|1634] 1865/2097 3486|3717|3949|4180| 4411 5799|603 1|6262|6493|6725 8112|8343|8574|8806|9037 0423}0654/0885]1116}1347 2733}2964|3195|3426/3657 5042|5273|5504|5735/5965 7350|7581|781 1/8042|8273 9656/9887] +117/0348}0578 1961|2192|2422/2653| 2883 4265)4496|4726)4956|5187 6568/6798) 7028|7259|7489 8870|9100}9330|9560/9790 1170|1 400] 1630} 1860/2090 3469|3699/3929|/4158 1388 5767/5997/6226/6456|6686 8063)/8293/8523/8752|8982 0359|0588)08 18) 1047/1277 2653/|288 2|3112/3341/3570 4946|5175|5405| 5634/5863 7238|7467|7696)7925|/8154 9528|9757|9986)4215|0444 1818/2047) 2276) 25042733 4106|4335) 4564) 4792/5021 6393|6622|6850| 7079/7307 D7 .6. o'. e ea © DI AoW wn - OO OW AO wy O OA AAR wp OO Orv AOR wp = Diff. & Mult. nt Diff. & Mult 235 236 — 470 | 472 705 | 708 4o 44 ps 785 1410 | 1416 1645 | 1652 1880 | 1888 Firs | ize LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. oe te We. 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19 Diff. & Mult. 228 454 456 681 684 g08 | 912 1135 | 1140 1362 | 1368 158 15 1816 asa 2043 | 2052 . 227 226 452 678 904 1130 1356 1582 1808 2034 225 450 675 goo 1125 1350 17) 1800 2025 295 446 669 892 1115 1338 1561 1784 2007 222 444 666 888 1110 1332 1554 221 442 663 884 1105 1326 1547 1768 | 1776 1989 | 1998 Diff. & Mult. 19 80 81 0 2 a es #4 292 2561/2982/3004|3225/3447 4776|4997|5219|5440)5662 6990|721117433|7654|7875 * 9203/9424/9645|9867| +088 293 1415|1636| 1857|2078|2299 3626/3847] 4068] 4289] 4510 5835|6056|6277|6498/6719 * 8044|8264|8485|8706|8927 294 0251/0472|0692|/0913)1134 2457| 2678) 2898}3119)3339 4662| 4883) 5103)/5324|5544 6866|7087|7307|752717748 % 9069|9289/9510|9730|9950 295 1271/1491 {1711/1931 |2151 3471|3691}391114131|435r 5671|5891|6111/6331/6550 7869|8089|830g/8529|8748 296 0067|0286]0506|0726|0945 2.263) 2482|2702|2922|31 41 4458] 4677|4897|51 16/5336 665 2|6871|7091|7310/7529 * 8845|9064/9283]9502|9722 297 1037/1256) 1475) 1694]1913 3227/3446|3665|3884|4103 5417|5636/5854|6073/6292 7605|7824|8043)/8 261 |8480 * 9792/01 1|0230/0448}0667 298 1979|2197|2416|2634|2853 4164) 4382|4601|4819|5038 6348|6566|6785 ar 7221 * 8531/8749|8967/9185|9404 299 0713|0931|1149|1367|1585 2893/3111|3329|3547|3765 5073)5291|5509|5727/5945 7252|7469|7687|7905|81 23 * 9429\9647|9864|+082|0300 300 1605] 1823)2041|2258}2476 378 1/3998|4216| 4433/4650 5955/6172|6390|6607|6824 * 8128/8345|8562|8780|8997 301 0300)0517/0734}0951|1 168 2471|2688}2905/31 22/3339 4641|4858|5075|5291|5508 6809}7026]7243)7460)7677 #* 8977/9194|9411|9627/9844 302 1144|1360]1577/1794}2010 3309|3526|3742|3959|4175 5474|56g0)5906|61 23/6339 7637|7853|8070|8286/8502 * 9799|*016|/0232|0448|0664 303 1961|2177|2393} 2609/2825 4121|4337|4553)4769| 4984 6280|6496|6711|6927|7143 * 8438|8653)8869)\9085|93or 304 0595)08 10} 1026}1242|1457 2751|2966)|3182/3397|3613 4905}5121|5336 5b 5767 7059|7274|7490|7705|7920 * 9212/9427/9642/9857| 4072 305 1363|1578/1793|2008) 2224 ati | 2439] 2654) 2869/3084|3299 ae vid) 4 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 5-6 aad a8 329 3668}3590|/4t1114333|4554 5883|/6105|6326|6547|6769 8097/83 18)8539|8760|898 2 0309|0530|075 1/0973) 1194 2520|2741|2962|3183)3405 4730) 4951|5172|5393/5614 6940|7160|7381|7602)7823 9147/9368 |9589|9810]¢030 1354}1575|1795|2016) 2237 3560/3780] 4001|4221|4442 5764/5985|6205|6426|6646 7968/8 188|8408|8629|8849 #170/0390|0610|0831| 1051 2371|2591/2811/3031/3251 4571|4791|5011|5231/5451 6770|6990/7210)7430|7650 8968/9188|9408) 9627/9847 1165/1385) 1604} 1824|2043 3361/3580] 3800] 4019] 4238 5555|5774|5994|6213|6433 7748|7968|8 1 87|8406|8626 9941|+160|0379)0598) 0817 2132/2351|2570|2789| 3008 4322|4541|4760|4979|5198 6511|6730)6949}7168)7386 8699)/8918|9136)9355|9574 0886]1104/1323]1542]1760 3071|3290]3508] 3727/3945 5256|5474|5693|591 1/6129 7439|7658|7876|8094/8313 9622|9840|+058|0276/0494 1803/2021} 2239/2457] 2675 3983) 4201|4419|4637|4855 6162/6380|6598/68 16|7034 8340|8558/8776|8994/9211 0517/0735|0953] 1170} 1388 2693] 291 1|3128/3346|3563 4868/5085 |5303/5520|5737. 7042|7259|7476|7693/791 1 9214|9431|9648}9866| +083 1386] 1603/1820) 2037/2254 3556|3773|3990|4207|4424 5725/5942|6159|6376|6593 7893|81 10|8327/8544/8760 #061/0277/0494/071 1/0927 2227|2443) 2660} 2876] 3093 4392|4608) 4825/5041 baby 6556 6772/6988) 7204/7421 8718|8935|9151/9367|9583 0880]1096}1312)1528}1745 3041|3257|3473|3689| 3905 5200|5416|5632|5848|6064 7359|7575|7790|8006) 8222 9516}9732/9948] #163037 1673) 1888} 21042319 3338 3828) 4043|4259|4474| 4690 5982/6198|6413/6628|6844 8135/8351 /8566|8781|8996 0288)0503|0718)0933}1148 4 ee ey a | Diff. & Mult. j 221 222 5} 442 444. | 663 666 884} 888 1105 | 1110 | 1326 | 1332 1547 | 1554) 1768 | 1776 | 1989 | 1998) | OO OY OOW wn 21 438 657 876 1095 1314 1533 1752 197 Oo OY Dor wb 4 218 am 436 872 — T0go 1308 15269 I 217 2} 434 3 651 4 868 5 | 1085 6 | 1302 7 | 1519 8 | 1736 1744 9 | 1953 | 1962 is ie AY 4 wer: 215 | 2100Rm 430 432 — 645 | 648 | 860 | 864 | 1075 | 1080 I2 12 | 1Bo5 ee 4 1720 | 1728 1935 | 1944 | Diff. & Mult. | = —s OO OI AAW wp LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Pak e205 4 305 3514/3729|3944|4159|4374 5663|5878|6093|6308/6523 781 2|8026/8241|8456)8671 * 9959|#174|0388|0603|0817 306 2103) 2320/2534) 2749} 2963 4250) 4465) 4679|4894|5 108 6394|6609|6823)7037|7252 * 8537|8752/8966|9180}9394 307 0680/0894) 1108) 1322 7536 2820/3035|32.49|3463|3677 4960/51 74|5388) 5602/5816 7099|7313|7527|7741|7954 * 9237|9451)9664|9878| «ob 308 1374/1587}1801/2015}2228 3509|3723/3936)4150| 4363 5644|5858|6071|6284/6498 7778|7991|8204|8418}8631 # 9910|4123)0337|0550\0763 309 2042}2255| 2468] 2681/2894 4172|4385| 4598/4811|5024 6302|6515|6727|6940/7153 * 8430|8643|8856) 9068/9281 310 0557|0770|0983}1195|1408 2684) 2896|3109|3321}3534 4809}5021|5234|5446|5659 6933}7145|7358|7570|7783 * 9056)}9269|9481)9693|9905 | 311 1178)1391]1603}1815} 2027 3300}351 2|3724|3936| 4148 5420|5632|5843|6055/6267 7539|7750|7962|8174|8386 * 9657/9868) +080|0292|0504 312 1774|1985|2197|2408|2620 3889] 4101/4313) 4524) 4736 6004|6216/6427/6639/6850 * 8118/8330|8541/8752|8964 313 0231/0442|}0654)|0865| 1076 2343|2554| 2765) 2976/3187 4454|4665|4876|5087|5298 6563/6774|6985|7196)7407 * 8672|8883|9094]9305|9515 314 0780]0991|1201|1412|1623 2887|3097|3308| 3518) 3729 4992|5203)/5413/5624|5834 7097/7307|7518}7728|7939 * 9201|9411|9621|9831|4042 315 7303|7513\r924\793412144 3405|3615|3825|4035|4245 5505|5715|5925/6135|6345 7605|7815|8025/8235|8444 # 9703|9913|¢123|0333|0543 16 1801} 2011|2220|2430| 2640 3898} 4107|4317|4526| 4736 5993|6203/641 2|6621/6831 8088/8 297|8506|8716)8925 317 0181|03g0|0600|0809}1018 pedi iy ire A na 4365)}4574|4783|4992|5201 6455|6664|/6873)}7082|7291 * 854518754189631917219360 Oh Vt a eae es S CRT 28 9 4589) 4803) 5018|5233|5448 6737|6952/7167|7382|7597 8885|9100|9315/9529\9744 1032|1247}1461|1676) 1891 3178|3392)3607)|3821|4036 5322/5537|5751|5966|6180 7466|7680/ 7895/8 109|8323 960g9|9823|¢037}0251}0465 1750|1964| 2178} 2392/2606 3891|4105}4319| 4532/4746 6030/6244|6458/667 2/6885 8168|838 2|8596|88 1 0|g023 0306|0519|0733)0947)}1160 2.442)|2655} 2869) 308 2|3296 4577|4790|5004|5217|5431 6711|6924|7138/7351|7564 8844|9057|9271|9484)9697 0976} 1189] 1402|1616| 1899 3107}3320}3533|3746|3959 5237|5450|5663) 5876/6089 7366|7579|7792|8004|8217 9494|9707|9919|4132}0345 1621/1833] 2046|2258}2471 3746|3959)4171|4384|4596 5871/6084|6296/6508/6721 7995|8207|8419|8632/8844 #117|/0330|/0542|0754|0966 2239|2451| 2663) 2875)|3087 4360) 4572|4784|4996|5208 6479|6691|6903}7115|7327 8598/88 10|9021|9233/9445 iri, Ras tier etna eas 2832|3043/3255|3466| 3678 4947|5159|5370/5581/5793 7061|7273|7484|7696|7907 9175/9386) 9597/9809] #020 1287|1498|1709|1921|2132 3398}3610}3821|4032|4243 5509|/5720|5931/61 42/6353 7618}7829/8040)/8251|8461 9726/9937|+148}0358) 0569 1833|2044|2255)2465| 2676 3940] 4150|4361}4571|4782 6045 8149 0252 2354 4455 6555 8654 0752 2849 4945 7040 9134 1227 3319 5410 7500 5 95891979 6255/6466 83598570 0462|0672 2564|2774 4665)4875 6765/6975 8864|9074 0962|1172 J 0l309 5155|5364 7250/7459 9344|9553 1437|1646 3528/3738 5619|5828 7708 7918 #007 Cie 6676/6887 8780/8990 0883) 1093 2985|3195 5985/5205 7185/7395 9284/9494 1382/1591 3478) 3688 5574|5784 7669|7878 9762/9972 1855| 2064 3947/4156 6037|6246 8127|8336 0216}0425 8 9 NO COD MAOWwnv OO MHI ArH wd = And cn Oo Cnr] SO @A Oh wn re 21 Diff. & Mult. 214 428 642 856 1070 1284 1498 1712 1926 212 424 636 848 1060 1272 1484 1606 432 09 4222|4366|4511|4655|4799 | 4943)5088|5232|5376|5521 4 576 30 10 5665) 5809 fp 6098/6242 | 6386/6531\6675/681 9/6963 A fire: II 7108|]7252|7396|7540/76841 7829|7973|81 178261 |8405 864 12 8550/8694|8838|898 2/9126 | 9271/9415|9559/9703/9847 hs 1008 13 | * 9991|¢135/0280/0424|0568 | 0712/0856} 1000/11 44/1288 2 14 | 479 1432|1577|1721|1865|2009 | 2153]2297|2441|2585|2729 QA Eeg 15 2873|3017/3161/3305)3449 | 3593)3737|3881|4025|4169 144 16 4313|4457|4601|4745|4889 | 5033/5177|5321|5465/5609 | ~~ 17 5753}5897/6041|6185|6329 | 6473/6617|/6761\6905|7048 18 7192|7336|7480|7624/7768 | 7912|8056|8200|8343/8487 19 8631/8775|8919|9063|9207 | 9350|9494|9638|978219926 ti} 143 30 20 | 480 0069/0213/0357|0501|0645 | 0788/0932|1076) 1220/1363 3 rs 21 1507} 1651/1795|1939]2082 | 2226)2370}2513|/2657/280r rei: ? 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LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Ir | * 9592/9723 12 | 520 0903|1034 i3 2214)/2345 14 3525/3656 15 4835] 4966 16 6145|6276 vy 7455|7586 18 8764/8895 19 | 521 0073|0203 33 20 1381|1512 21 2689/2820 22 3996/41 27 23 5323 5434 24 6610/6741 an 7916/8047 26 | * 9222/9353 27 | 522 0528/0659 28 1833)1964 29 3138/3268 33 30 4442|4573 31 5746|5877 32 7050|7180 33 8353)8483 34 | * 9656/9786 35 | 523 0958) 1089 36 2260)2391 a7 3562|3692 38 4863) 4993 39 6164/6294 0 #T Num 0 1 2 3 4 3280 | 515 8738|8871|Q003|9136\9268 8r | 516 0062}0195|0327|045g|0592 82 1386)1518) 1650) 1783) 1915 83 2709 2841|2973|3106|3238 84 403114164) 4296| 4428) 4560 85 5354|5486|5618/5750|5883 86 6676/6808/6940}7072|7204 87 7997/81 29/8261 8393/8526 88 | * 9318)9450|9582|971 4/9846 89 | 517 0639|0771|0903|1035) 1167 32 90 1959|2091|2223/2355/2487 91 3279341 1}3543]3675 3807 92 4598} 4730] 4862|4994/5126 93 5917|/6049/6181 |6313 6445 94 7236|7368|7500|7631/7763 95 8554|8686|88 18}8950|9081 96 | * 9872|¢004/0136|0267/0399 97 | 518 1189}1321]1453}1585 1716 98 2507| 2638) 2770| 29023033 99 3823|3955|4086)| 4218/4350 33 00 §139|5271|5403/5534|5666 Ol 6455|6587|6718/6850/6981 02 7771|7902|8034|8165)8297 03 | * 9086)9217/9349|9480|9612 04 | 519 0400|0532]0663}0795)0926 05 1715|1846|1977|2109| 2240 06 3028|3160|3291|3423|3554 07 4342|4473| 4605| 4736) 4867 08 5655|5786|5918|6049|6180 09 6968|7099|7230|7361|7493 33 10 8280|841 118542|8674/8805 9854|9985| +116 1166|1297|1428 2477|2608| 2739 3787|3918]4049 5097/5228/5359 6407|6538/6669 7717|7847|7978 9026|91 56/9287 0334}0465}0596 1642|1773]1904 2950|3081|3212 4258|4388| 4519 5565|5695/5826 6871|7002|7133 8178/8308/8439 9484)961 419745 0789]0920| 1050 2094|2225)2355 3399|3529|3660 4703) 4834) 4964 6007/61 37/6268 7311|7441|7571 8614|8744)8874 9916|¢047|0177 1219|1349}147 bn? 2657 ars 3822|3952|4083 5124/5254|5384 6424|6554|6684 2 3 4 5. OT a8 £9 400|9533|9665)9798|9930 ou 3856 89 ce, 1253 2047} 2180]231 2|2444|2577 3370]3502|3635|3767| 3899 4693|4825|4957|5089|5222 6015|6147/6279/641 1/6543 7336|7469|7601|7733|7865 8658|8790|8922|9054| 9186 9978|#111/0243|0375}0507 1299|1431|1563)1695| 1827 2619}2751|2883}3015}3147 3939}4071|4202 4334| 4466 5258}5390/5522/5654|5785 6577|6709|6840\6972!7 104 7895|8027/8159|8291|8422 9213|9345|9477|9608!9740 0531|0663}0794|0926) 1058 1848] 1980]2111/2243|2375 3165|3297/3428|3560/3692 4481|4613|4745| 4876/5008 5797|5929|6061 |6192/6324 7113/7245|7376| 7508) 7639 8428|8560|8691|8823/8954 9743\9875|+006)0137|0269 1058}118g9|1320)1452|1583 2372) 2503/2634] 2766) 2897 3685]381 7/3948] 4079/4211 4999|5130}5261|5392/5524 631 1|6443|6574|6705|6836 7624\7755|7886/801 8/8149 8936|9067|9198/9329|9461 0248|0379|0516|0641|0772 1559|1690 2870/3001 4180| 4311 1821/1952|2083 3132/3263|3394 4442|4573\4704 5490|5621|5752|5883|6014 6800|6931|7062|7193|7324 8109|8240/8371|8502|8633 9418}9549|9680)| 981 119942 0727|0858)0988)1119}1250 2035)/2166/2296/2427| 2558 3343)3473|3604|3735| 3866 4650)}478 11491 1|5042|5173 5957/6088)/6218/6349|6479 7263/7394|7525 “658 7786 8570|8700|8831|8961|g092 9875| 4006/01 36/0267|0397 1181|1311|1442|1572/1703 2486) 2616)2747)|2877|3007 3790)3921|4051/4181|4312 5094|5225|5355)5486/5616 6398/65 29|6659|6789|6920 7702|7832)/7962|8093/8223 g005|9135}9265)9395/9526 0307|0437|0568}0698|0828 1609|1740|1870|2000| 2130 291 1|3041/3172/3302|3432 4213|4343|4473| 4603|4733 5514|5644|5774| 5904/6034 6814}6945}7075|7205|}7335 Di 6 7 eB e Diff. w _ Diff. Diff. & Mult, le Cr Anh whw = WO OY ANWR whr ~] Ne) N © OY AOR ww Diff. & Mult. | LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. O71 822.1 3° 4 523 7465|7595\7725)7855/7985 8765|8895|9025/91 55/9285, 524 0064|0194|0324|0454}0584 1364|1494|1624|1753) 1883 2663] 2793] 2922|3052/3182 3961|4091|4221/4351|4481 5259|5389/5519|5649|5779 6557|6687/68 17/6946) 7076 7854|7984|81 1 4|/8 2448373 * 9151|9281/9411|9540|9670 525 0448|0578/0707|0837|0967 1744|1874|2003) 2133}2263 3040|3170]3299|3429|3558 4336] 4465}4595|4724)4854 5631|5760|5890|6019/6148 6925|7055|7184|7314|7443 8220/8349|8478|8608/8737 * 9513/9643|9772|9902|¢031 526 0807/0936) 1066] 1195)1324 2100}2229| 2359] 2488/2617 3393}3522|3651}3781|3g10 4685} 48 14|4944|5073|5202 5977|6106|6235|6365|6494 7269|7398|7527|7656|7785 8560|8689)88 18)/8947|9076 * 9851|9980/+109/0238|0367 527 oa gah fang 1528|1657 2431|2560| 2689) 2818) 2947 3721|3850|3979) 4108) 4237 5010]5139/5268)5397|5526 6299|6428|6557/6686)/68 14 7588)|7716|7845|7974|8103 * 8876/9004|9133|9262|9391 528 0163/0292|0421/0550|0678 1451|1579) 1708] 1837] 1966 2738} 2866] 2995)3124|3252 4024) 4153|4282|4410|453 531 1|5439|5568/5696 5898 6596/6725|6854/6982|7111 7882|8010|8139|8267/8396 * 9167/9295|9424|9552|9681 529 0452|0580|0709) 0837/0965 1736} 1864) 1993} 2121 2250 3020]31 48|3277)3405|3533 4304) 4432|4560|4689| 4817 5587|5715|5843|5972|6100 6870|6998}71 26/7254) 7383 8152/8280/8408|8537)/8665 * 9434|9562|9690/9819|9947 530 0716}0844}0972| 1 100|1228 1997|21 25} 2253) 2381/2509 3278} 3406) 3534] 3662/3790 4558) 4686) 48 1 4|4943\5071 5839|5967|6095/6223 6351 7118|7246|7374|7502|7630 8398)8526|8654|878 2|8g09 * 9677|9805|9933) 4060/0188 531 0955} 1083|1211|1339) 1467 2234|2362|2489 2617\2745 351 213639) 3767|389514023 Of JL 2a ae Doe Th Sa 8115|8245)/8375)8505) 8635 941519545|9675| 9805/9935 0714|0844|0974| 1104] 1234 2013|2143|2273| 2403} 2533 3312|3442|3572|3702/3831 4610|4740|4870|5000|51 30 5908|6038/6168/6298/6427 7206|7336|7465|7595|7725 8503|8633/8762|8892|9022 9800|9929| #059) 0189/0318 1096/1226] 1355| 1485) 1615 2392)|2522/2651/2781| 2911 3688/38 17|3947|4076/4206 4983/51 13|5242/5372|55o1 6278|6407|/6537|6666|6796 7572|7702|7831|7961 |80g90 8867/8996] 91 25]9255|9384 0160|0290/0419|0548|0678 1454|1583|1712|1841}1971 2746} 2876|3005|3134|3264 4039|4168)4297|4427|4556 5331|5460|5590|5719|5848 6623/6752|6881/7010|7140 7914|8043/8173|8302|843 1 9205|9334|9463)9593|9722 0496|0625)0754}0883) 1012 1786] 1915] 2044] 2173] 2302 3076|3205|3334|3463/3592 4366) 4494) 4623)4752|4881 5655|5783)5g1 2/6041 |6170 6943|7072|7201/7330|7459 8235|8360|8489)/8618/8747 9520|9648/9777|9906| +035 0807|0936|1065| 1193|1322 2094|2223|2352| 2480) 2609 3381|3510|3638| 3767/3896 4668/4796|4925 5053/5182 5954|608 2/621 163396468 7239) 7368|7496|7625|7753 8525|8653/8782|8910|903g 9809|9938| +066) 01950323 1094] 1222/1351/1479|1608 2378) 2506] 2635| 2763) 2892 3662|3790]3919/4047|4175 4945|5074|5202|5330/5458 6228|6356/6485|661 3/6741 7511|7639|7767|7896|8024 8793|8921|9049|9178|9306 #075}0203}0331}0459|0588 1356) 1485) 1613/1741) 1869 9637| 2766) 2894| 3022/3150 3918) 4046) 4174 4302|4430 5199|5327|5455 5583/5711 6479|6607|6734|6862/6990 7758|7886|801 4/81 42/8270 9037|9165|9293|942119549 0316|0444|0572|0700|0828 1595|1722| 18501978] 2106 2873) 3001/31 28|3256) 3384 4150|4278|4406| 4534) 4661 Bags 374°8) 9 Diff. 130 _ bo be) 128 Diff. 43 Diff. & Mult. OO OUI NOTH wh = ~] co ° 129 258 387 516 645 774 903 1032 1161 le CY AOR wh - ¥ Cr Hah wn - 127 254 381 508 635 762 889 1016 1143 Diff. & Mult. 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Diff. le CON ODO Gh Diff. & Mult, 128 | 256 384 512 640 768 Ss CO~ I Anh wr et Oo COI MOK Wh -» Or i] LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 2 3 4 539 0761/0887|1012|1138)1263 2016/2141 3271/3396 4525| 4650 5779|5904 7032|7158 8956/8411 * 9538/9664 540 0791/0916 2043/2168 3295|3420 4546) 4671 5797|5922 7048|7173 8298|8423 * 9548|9673 541 0798 ste 2047|2172 3296|3421 4544) 4669 5792/5917 7040/7165 8288/8412 * 9535)/965 542 0781 ee 2028/2152 3274/3398 4519/4644 5768 5889 7010|7134 8254/8379 * 9498) 9623 543 0742|0867 1986|21 10 3229)3353 4472|45 5714 pees 6956) 7081 8198/8322 * 9439 9564 544 0680/0805 1921|2045| 3161/3285 4401|4525 5641/5765 6880/7004 8119/8243 * =9358\9481 545 0596|0720 1834|1957 3071/3195)3319 4308) 4432|4556 5545)\566 6781 6908 702 8018/8141 $565 2267} 2392) 2518 3522) 3647/3772 4776|4901|5027 6030|6155|6280 7283)|7408|7534 8536|8661/8787 9789/9914) #039 1041|1167|1292 2293) 2419) 2544 3545|3670)3795 4796|4921)/5047 6047 6172|8297 7298) 7423|7548 8548|8673/8798 9798|9923| +048 1048]1172|1297 2297|2422/2546 3546|3670|3795 4794|4919|5044 6042/6167|6292 7290|7415)7539 8537|8662|8787 9784\9909|¢033 1031/1155/1280 2277|2402/2526 3523|3648|3772 4769|4893|5018 601 4|61 38/6263 7259)7383|7508 8503/8628/8752 9747|9872|9996 0991|1115/1240 2235|235g9] 2483 3478 | 3602|3726 4720|4845|4 5963/6087 ae 7205|7329|7453 8446|8571|8695 9688 |981 2/9936 0929|1053|1177 2169) 2293/2417 3409|3533|3657 4649) 4773) 4897 5889|601 3/6137 7128|}7252/7376 8367|/8491|8615 9605 9729/9853 0843|0967| 1091 2081/2205) 2329 3442|3566 4679|4803 5916/6040 715217276 8388/8512 5792 * 9253 9377 9500,9624/9747 546 0489 0612/0736 0859|0983 1724/1847 1971/2094 2218 2958 | 3082/3205 (3329)3452 4193 4316 4439 4563! 4686 oie | 2 3 4 5 6 1389|1514 2643) 276 3898 4023 5152/5279 6406/6531. 7659|7784 8912/9037 0165|02g0 1417|1542 2669|2794 3920| 4046 §172|5297 6423/6548 7673/7798 8923/9048 0173/0298 1422|1547 2671/2796 3920) 4045 5168/5293 6416|6541 7664/7789 8911/9036, 0158/0283 1405|1529 2651/2775 3897/4021 5142/5267 6387|6512 7632/7756 8876| 9001 4120/0245 1364} 1488 2607/2732 3850|3975 5093/5217 6335/6460 7977/7701 8819/8943 060|0184 1301/1425 25412665 3781|3905 5021|5145 6261/6385 7500|7624 8738/8862 9977|#I01 1215/1339 2452/2576 3690|3813 4927|5050 6163/6287 7400/7523 8635/8759 987119995 1106/1230 2341/2465 Yes Bed 1640|1765|1891 2894/3020|3145 4149|4274|4400 5403|5528/5653 6656|678 2/6907 7910|8035/8160 9163/9288|9413 0415|0540|0666 1667|1793|1918 2919|3044|3170 4171|4296|4421 5422|5547|5672 6673/6798 |6923 7923|8048|8173 9173|9298|9423 0423|0548|0673 1672|1797|1922 2921|3046|3171 4170}4295|4419 5418/5543|5668 6666/6791 6915 7913|8038|8163 9161 |9285/9410 0407|0532|0657 1654|1779|1903 2900}3025|3149 41 46|4270|4395 5391/5516/5640 6636/6761 |6885 7881|8005/8130 91 25]9250/9374 0369/0494|0618 1613|1737|1862 2856}2980|3105 4099|4223|4348 5342|5466|55g0 6584|6708)|6832 7826|7950|8074 9067\9191/9315 0308|0432)0556 1549|1673)1797 2789) 2913|3037 4029|4153|4277 5269|5393|5517 6508|6632|6756 7747|7871|7995 8986/91 10/9234 0224/0348|0472 1462|1586|1710 2700) 2824/2947 3937} 406114185 5174|5298|5421 6411|6534|6658 7647|7770|7894 8883)|9006|9130 #118)0242|0365 1353|1477|1600 2588)2711/2835 3576) 36 4810/4933 5 6 99) 3822/3946) 4069 5056 5180/5303 Lanes 9 Diff. 125 124 Diff. ie Cn Amd wnr 45 Diff. & Mult. 126 252 378 5o4 630 756 882 1008 1134 OO OW AOR wWD 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 124 248 372 496 620 744 868 992 1116 Aad cwuby » © Or] 479 246 369 492 615 738 861 984 1107 OO OI AOADRwn ww Diff. & Mult. beet La AG LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 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O2r £i4R BS V4 4480 | 651 2780 2877 2974 3071;3168 3749 3846 3943|4040|4137 4719 4815) 491 2|5009)5106 5687 5784!5581|5978|6075 6656 6753/6850!6947|7043 7624'7721|7818/7915|8012 6593 8690 8786 8883/8980 * 9561/9097|/9754|9851\9948 652 0528 0625)/0722/0819)0916 1496 1593! 1690/1786) 1883 2463 2560) 2657/2754} 2850 3431|3527|3624)3721|3817 4397) 4494/4591) 4688 4784 5364'5461|5555|5654/5751 6331 6427'6524/6621|6717 7297'7394|7490|7587|7683 8263 )8360|8456)8553)/8649 * 9229 9325'9422/9519|9615 653 ae 0291/0388)0484)0581 1160|1256|1353)}1450! 1546 2125/2222\9318)/2415)0511 3090/3187) 3283| 3380/3476 4055) 4151|4248) 4344) 4441 5019/5116)521 2/5309) 5405 5984, 6080 6177|6273|6369 6948)}7044)7141|7237|7334 7912|8008/8105)8201|8297 8876 8972/9068) 9165/9261 * 9839)9935| 4032/0128 0224 654 0802'0899}0995) 1091/1188 1765|1862|1958) 2054|2151 2728|2825)2921|3017|3113 3691/3787) 3883/3980] 4076 4653|4750| 4846) 4942/5038 5616/571 2|5808|/5904|/6000 6578|6674|6770 6866 6962 7539|7635|7732|7828)7924 8501|8597/8693/878g9'8885 * 9462\9558|9655/9751 19847 655 0423,0520|0616)071 2/0808 1384} 1480! 1577| 1673|1769 2345|2441|2537| 2633]2729 3306|3402|3498| 354) 3690 4266|4362|4458|4554| 4650 5226/5322\5418|5514)\5610 6186'6282|6378|6474'6570 7145|7241|7337|7433!7529 8105 8201 |8297/8393/8489 9064/9160 9256/9352/9448 656 0023)0119,0215)031 1/0407 0982) 1078) 1174|1270)1365 1941/2036) 2132}2228)2324 2899) 2995)|3091|3186)3282 3857/3953 40494145 4240 4815 491 1|5007|/5103 5198 5773 5869 6730 6826 7688 7784 | | 8645 8741 8836 8932) 5964 6060 6922/7018) 7879 7979 9028 * 9602 9698 9793 9889 9985 Omit 2 AS 4 ee SO RT eS 9 3265 3362/3459) 3556) 3653 4234|4331|4428)4525| 4622 5203/5300/5397|5494| 5591 6172/6269|6365|6462|6559 7140/7237|7334|7431|7528 8109|8205}8302|8399)8496 90977'9174|9270! 9367) 9464 4045/0141 0238|0335 0432 1012|1109|1206)1303| 1399 19802076) 2173/2270) 2367 2947|3044|3140 3914|4011|4107 488 1|4978|5074 5847|5944|6041 6814 6910/7007 7780|7877|7973 8746)8843|8939 9712|9808}9g905 0677|0774|0870 1643/1739}1836 2608/2704} 2801/2897] 2994 3573|3669|3765}3862|3958 4537| 4634) 4730) 4827| 4923 5502|5598)5695|5791|5887 6466|6562|6659!6 7430|7526|7623 8394|8490|8586 9357|9454|9550 0321 1284 7058!7155/7251 8020|81 16/8212 8982!19078|9174 9943! ¢039|0135 0904} 1000} 1096 1865 2249 2825 3210 3786 4074|4170 4746 503415130 5706 5994|6090 6666 6954}7050 7625 7913/8009 8585 8872|8968 9544 983119927 0503 1461 1749|1845 2420|2516/2612|2707| 2803 3378 3666'3761 4336 5294)/53¢0/5486 6252/6347 6443 6539 6635 7209'7205 740117496, 7592 81668262 8358 8454 8549 9123/9219 9315 9410,9506 4080 0176 0272 0367/0463 Dt 6°77 | Breas 97 194 388 485 582 679 779 873 I COI AOR wr = Se) (o>) Ks Cr Aah wr - Diff. | Diff. & Mult, » Diff. | Diff. & Mult, 201 | 4540 | 657 | “Al : Num. * LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 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Num. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 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LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 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Dist. | Diff. & Mult. 4} Num. 21 420 870 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 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Num. 0 1 2 3 4 7480 | 873 9016\9074|9132\9190/9248 81 * 9597|965519713/9771/9829 82 | 874 0177|/0235|0293\0351\040g 83 0757|08 15/0874|0932|0990 84 1338) 1396)1454|1512|1570 85 1918/1976) 2034|2092|2150 86 2.498) 2556) 261 4/2672|2730 87 3078/3136)3194|3252|3310 88 3658|3716|3774|3832|3890 89 4238) 4296) 4354441 2/4470 7490 4818) 4876|4934|4992|5050 91 5398|5456/5514/5572|5630 92 5978|6036/6094/6152/6210 93 6557/6615|/6673/6731|678 94 7137|7195|7253}731 1/73 99 7716|7774|7832|7890|79 96 8296/8354|841 2|8470/852 97 8875|8933|8991|9049|9107 98 9454|9512|9570|9628) 9686 99 | 875 0034|00g1]01 49|0207/0265 75 00 0613|0671|0728|0786|0844 OI 1192|1250|1307|1365|1423 02 1771|1828}1886|1944|2002 03 2349|2407|2465|2523}2581 04 2928/2986) 3044/3102|3160 05 3507/3565} 3623}368 1/3738 06 4086)}4143)4201|4259|4317 07 4664|4722|4780|4838| 4896 08 5243}5300|5358|5416|5474 09 5821|5879|5937|5995|6052 75 10 6399|6457/6515|6573/6631 II 6978|7035|7093}7151/7209 12 7996/7614) 7671|7729|7787 13 8134/8192|8249)8307|8365 14 §712/8770|8828|8885|8943 15 9299!9348)9405|9463|95 21 16 * 9868)9925)9983|+041|0099 17 | 876 0446)0503}0561\0619|0677 18 1023) 1081/1139) 1197/1254 19 1601|1659}1716|1774] 1832 75 20 2178) 2236|2294}2352|2409 21 2756|2814|2871|2929|2987 22 3333}3391|3449|3506|3564 23 391 1}3968) 4026] 4084] 4142 24 4488 |4546|4603) 4661/4719 25 5065|5123)/5180|5238/5296 26 5642|5700|5758/58 15/5873 27 6219|6277|6335|6392|6450 28 6796|6854|691 1|6969|7027 29 7373)7431|7488|7546|7604 75 30 7950|8007|8065|81 23/8180 31 8526)8584|8642 8699/8757 32 9103/9161/9218/9276|9334 33 | * 9680/9737|9795|9853!9910 34 | 877 0256|0314)0371|0429|0487 35 0833/0890}0948] 1005|1063 36 1409} 1467|1524] 1582/1639 37 1985|2043|2100)2158}2216 38 2561] 2619] 2677|2734/2792 39 3137 3105 3253/331013368 Num 0 ig ea ek OY Oahel eS ae 9306|9364|9422|9480|9538 9887/9945|¢003|0061/01 19 0467|0525|0583)064 1/0699 1048]1 106|1164/1222/1280 1628] 1686}1744|1802|1860 2208] 2266] 2324|2382|2440 2788} 2846] 2904] 2962|3020 3368)}3426}3484|3542|3600 3948|4006| 4064/41 22/4180 4528|4586|4644|4702|4760 5,108|5166/5224|5282/5340 5688|5746|5804|5862/5920 6268|6325|6383/644 116499 6847|6905|6963}7021!7079 7427|7485|7543|7600|7658 8006/8064}/81 22/8180/8238 8585|8643|8701|8759|8817 9165]9223|9281|9339|9396 9744|980219860)9918|9976 0323/0381 |0439]0497|0555 0902 ye 1018/1076|1134 1481|1539}1597|1655}1713 2060} 2118/2176)2234|2292 2639|2697}2755|2813}2870 3218]3275}3333/3391|3449 3796|3854|391 2|3970/4028 4375)|4433| 4491/4548) 4606 4953)5011|5069/5127|5185 5532|5590|5648|5705|5763 6110|6168]6226|6284/6342 6689/6746 |6804/6862|6920 7267|7325|7382|7440|7498 7845|7903}7960|8018|8076 8423}848 1 |8539|8596|8654 9001/9059/9116}9174|9232 9579|963719694|9752|9810 0157|0214|0272/0330|0388 0734|0792|0850|0908}0965 1312|1370|1428|1485/1543 1890] 1947|2005|2063)2121 2.467|2525| 2583) 2640) 2698 | 3045|3102/3160)3218)3276 3622|3680/3737/3795|3853 4199|4257|4315)4372|4430 4776|4834] 4892|4950|5007 5354/541 1|5469|5527|5584 5931|5988/6046|6104/6161 6508|6565/6623/668 1/6738 7085/71 42|7200/7258|7315 7661 |7719|7777|7834) 7892 8238|8296/8353|841 1/8469 88 15|8872|8930|8988) 9045 9391|9449|9507|9564|9622 9968 | +026}0083|0141\0199 0544|0602}0660/0717|0775 1121|/1178}1236)1294|1351 1697|1755)1812|1870|1928 2273|2331|2388|2446| 2504 2849] 2907)2965|3022|3080 342513483|35411359813656 5 6 ST eS ae Diff. 58 lo CO AOh wb - lo CUI AO wh et Dif. | Diff. & Mult. 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LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Num. 0 1 me ¥ 4 9580 | 981 3655)3700)3746)379 1/3836 81 4108| 4154/4199! 4244) 4290 82 4562| 4607| 4652) 4698/4743 83 5015/5060|5106/5151/5196 84 5468/5513)5559) 5604/5649 85 5921|5966)601 2|6057|/6102 86 6374/6420/6465)65 10/6555 87 6827/6873/6918/6963}7008 88 7280|7326|7371/7416|7461 89 7733|7778|7824|7869|7914 95 90 8186/8231/8277/8322/8367 gi 8639|8684|8729|8775|/8820 92 999219137/9182|9228|9273 93 9544|9590|9535| 9680/9726 94 | * 9997\¢042|0088]0133/0178 95 | 982 0450|0495|0540|0586|0631 96 0992/0948|0993) 1038} 1083 97 1355| 1400] 1445 1491/1536 98 1807} 1853/1898}1943/1988 99 2260} 2305/2350] 2396|2441 96 00 2.71 2}2758) 2803) 2848} 2893 Or 3165)/3210}3255)3300| 3346 02 3617/3662|3707/375313798 03 4069/41 15|4160|4205|4250 04 4522/4567! 4612!4657|4702 05 4974|5019/5064)5109/5155 06 5426}5471|5516|5561|5607 07 5878/5923/5968|601 4|6059 08 6330|6375|6420|6466/6511 09 6782|6827/6872|6918/6963 96 10 7234|7279|7324|7369|7415 Il 7686/7731|7776| 7821/7867 12 8138/8 183)/8228/8273/8318 13 8589|8635|8680/8725|8770 14 9041|9085/9132|9177|9222 15 9493/9538) 9583) 9628) 9674 16] * 9945/9990|4035/0080|01 25 17 | 983 0395}0441|0486|0532|0577 18 0848|0893|0938}0983) 1028 19 1299|1344!1390|1435|1480 96 20 1751/1796] 1841/1886) 1931 pyat 2202|2247/2292|2338| 2383 22 2654/2699] 2744] 2789/2834 23 3105|3150/3195|3240|3285 24 3556) 3601/3646] 3692/3737 25 4007) 4053) 4098/41 43/4188 26 44594504] 4549| 4594) 4639 27 4910|4955)5000/5045)|5090 98 5361|5406}5451|5496)5541 29 981 2/5857|5g02|5947|5992 96 30 6263/6308)6353/5398/6443 31 6714|6759|6804|6849 6894 32 7165|7210|725517300)7345 33 7616) 7661|7706|7751 7796 34 8066/81 11/8157|8202/8247 35 8517|8562|8607|8652 8697 36 8963) 9013} 9058|9103|91 48 37 941.9|9464|9599)9554\9599 38 | * 9869/9914)/9959|¢004|0049 39 | 984 032010365!041010455|0500 Num. gle URRY Siok ae * & 6% 7 3882| 3927/3972 4335 4380) 4426 4788 4834/4879) 5241 9287/5333) 5695|5740|5785, 6148\6193/6238 6601/6646 6691 7054|7099|7144 7507|7992|7597 7960|8005|8050 8412/8458|8503 8865)891 1/8956 9318 93639409 977198169861 0223|0269)0314 0676|0721|0767 IT2g/1174|1219g) 1581|1626|1672 2034|2079|2124 2486|2531|2577 2939) 2984/3029 3391|3436/3481 3843|3888| 3934 4295|4341|4386 4748|4793|4838 5200/5245|5290 5652|5697|5742 6104/6149/6194 6556/6601 /6646 7008} 7053/7098 7460|7505|7550 7912|7957|8002 8364|8409|8454 8815|8860)8906 9267/9312|9357 9719|9754)9809 0170|0216|0261 0622/0667/0712 1073] 1119} 1164 1525}1570|1615 1976| 2022/2067 2.428)2473}2518 2879) 2924/2969 3331/3376)3421 378 2|3827/3872 4233) 4278|4323 4684|4729|4774 §135)5180}5225) 5586) 5631/5677 6037|608 2/61 26 6488|6533)6579 6939/6984) 7029 739017435) 7480 7841|7886|7931 §292|8337|8382 8743|8788/8833) 9193\9238|9283, 9644|9589|9734 0095\o1 4ojo185. 0545!10590!0635 &. 6 2.7 Sy 4471|4516 4924/4970 (537715423 5831/5876 6284/6329 6737/6782 7190|7235 7643|7688 8095/8141 8548/8594 9001|9046 9494)9499 999719992 0359|0405 0812/0857 1264)1310 1717|1762 2169}2215 2622| 2667 3074/3119 352713572 3979/4024 4431|4476 48834928 5335/5385 5787/5833 6240/6285 6692/6737 7143'7189 7595|7641 8047/8092 8499|8544 8951/8996 9403/9448 9854/9899 0306/0351 0757|0803 1209|1254 1660) 1706 2112/2157 2563/2608 3015/3060 3466)3511 3917/3962 4368) 4413 4819) 4865 5271/5316 572215767 6173/6218 6624/6659 7075/7120 7525'!97571 7976 8021 8427|8472 8878 8923 93289374 9779)9824 023010275 0680'0725 8.49 Dif. 4018| 4063 Dif. lo Cw Amb wh w 147 Diff. & Mult. 46 92 138 184 230 276 322 368 414 45 fe) I 3. 180 225 270 315 360 405 OO CO~ AND Wh w» Diff. & Mult. 148 Nun. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. OP ah: ee P84 9640 | 984 0770 0815/0860]0905|0951 4I 1221/1266/1311|1356}14o1 42 1671/1716)1761| 1806) 1851 43 2122/9167/2212/2257|2302 44 2572|2617|2662|2707/2752 4D 3022)3067|3112/3157|3202 46 3473) 3518) 3563|3608)3653 47 3923/3968) 4013| 4058} 4103 48 4373|44 18|4463)4508]4553 49 4823| 4868) 4913}4958)5003 95 50 5273/5318) 5363)/5408/5453 51 5723/5768) 5813)5858|5903 5 6173/6218|6263/6308|6353 53 Ob esiiogsiar i? 6758/6803 54 7073\7118/7163|7208/7253 7D 7523/7568) 7613|7658|7703 56 7973/8018}8063/8107|8152 57 8422|8467|85 1 2|8557|8602 58 8872/8917|8962|9007/9052 59 9322|9367/9412|9457|9502 9660} ¥* 9771\9816)9861!9906/9951 61 | 985 0221/0266)/0311/0356jo401 62 0670]0715|0760|0805}0850 63 1120|1165|1210|1255|1300 64 1569/1614) 1659) 1704|1749 65 2019] 2064/2108} 2153}2198 66 2468) 2513/2558] 2603} 2648 67 2917|2952|3007|3052!3097 68 3366) 341 1|3456]3501|3546 69 38 16|3861}3905}3950]3995 96 70 4265|4310|4355|4399|4444 71 471414759} 4804) 4849] 4893 7g 5163|5208/5253)5298|5342 73 561 2|5657|5702|5747|5791 74 6061/6106/6151/6196|/6240 a3 6510|6555|6600|6644|6689 76 6959|7003}7048| 7093/7138 77 7407|7452|7497|7542|7587 78 7856|7901 |7946}7991 |8036 79 §305/8350/8395/8440|8484 96 80 8754|8798/8843 8888/8933 81 9202|9247|9292|9337|9382 82 | * 9551\9696/9740\9785/9830 83 | 986 0099/01 44)0189|0234|0279 84 0548}0593|0637|068 2/0727 85 0996] 1041/1086) 1131]1176 86 1445|1489/1534) 1579|1624 87 1893] 1938} 1983) 2027|2072 88 2341/2386) 2431|2476)2521 89 2790] 2834] 2879) 2924] 2969 96 90 3238] 3283)/3327|/337213417 91 3686) 373 1|3776)3820|3865 92 4134|4179|4224' 4268/4313 93 458 214627|4672|4717|4761 94 5030|5075/5120,5165|5209 95 5478|5523/5568/5613|5657 96 5926/5971 |6016 6050/6105 97 6374|6419|6464/6508/6553 98 6822/6867|6911/6956|7001 99 7270'731417359'740417449 0 Lee 3.44 ae i Ss 0996) 1041/1086) 1131/1176 1446} 1491|1536) 1581 1626 1896] 1942|1987|2032/2077 2347|2392|2437|2482|2527 2797| 2842/2687] 2932/2977 3247|3292/3338}3383)/3428 3698|3743|3788|3833/3878 4148|4193|4238|4283|4328 4598|4643| 4688) 4733) 4778 5048|5093|/5138/5183/5228 5498|5543)5588|5633)5678 5948|5993|6038|6083)61 28 6398|6443|6488|6533|6578 6848|6893|6938|6983|7028 7298|7343|7388}7433|7478 7748|7793|7838)7883|7928 8197|8242|8287/8332|8377 8647/8692|8737|878 2/8827 9097|9142|9187/9232/9277 9546|9591|9636|968 1|9726 9996|+041}0086|0131j0176 0446]0491}0535|0580|0625 0895}0940}0985| 1030} 1075 1345|1389)1434|1479 1524 1794|1839) 1884) 1929 1974 2243/2288] 2333) 2378) 2423 2693|2737/2782) 2827/2872 3142|3187|3232|3277|3321 3591/3636] 3681 |3726/3771 4040|4085|4130|4175)4220 4489|4534|4579| 4624|4669 4938|4983}5028/5073/5118 5387|543215477|5522|5567 5836) 588 1|5926)5971|6016 6285/6330/6375|6420)/6465 6734|6779|6824|6869 6914 7183|7228|7273/7318|7363 7632|7677|/7722|7766|7811 8081|8125|8170|82 15/8260 8529/8574|8619|8664/8709 8978}9023|9068|911 2/9157 9426)|9471/9516|9561|9606 9875|9920|9965|¢010}0054 0324|0368/0413)0458|0503 0772/0817|0862|0907|0951 1220]1265|1310}1355}1400 1669]1714|1758}1803|1848 2117|2162|2207|2252|2296 2565) 2610] 2655/2700] 2745 3014|3058/3103)31 48} 3193 3462/3507|3551|3596/3641 3910|3955|4000) 4044) 4089 4358|4403| 4448) 4493|4537 4806) 4851|4896|4941|4985 §254|5299}5344|5389|5433 5702/5747/5792|5836)5881 6150/6195/6240/6284)6329 6598|6643|6687/673 2/6777 7046|7090|7135|7180|7225 74931753817583\762817673 5 6. io7, Sa aa i 4 Ais, |) Diff. 45 le OMIM OR wh 180 225 270 360 lo COA Ooh wn 4o5 45 35 315% v8 r | Diff. | Diff. & Mult, Diff. & Mult, Num. 700 {986 7717/7762 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 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072 9850|"7 074 7614 .923 5003}8.076 5306 921 7386 919 9539 918 2363 916 4958 078 2926 080 0475 081 7953 083 5361 085 2700 088 7172 090 4305 092 1372 093 8371 gti 3155 909 6024 907 8960 906 1963 904 5032 gor 1368 899 4633 897 7962 896 1355 894 4812 098 8975 100 5712 102 2386 11.892 8331]8.107 2025 891 G12] 108 8446 889 5555 887 9260 886 3026 884 6852 112 1104 113 7341 115 3518 883 0738)8.116 9634 881 4683 879 8688 878 2752 876 6873 875 1053 118 5691 120 1689 121 7629 124 9333 11.873 5290}8.126 5099 871 9584 870 3935 868 8342 867 2804 865 7322 128 0807 131 2056 864 1896]8.135 8510}; 862 6523 861 1205 859 5941 856 0730 856 5573 137 3886 853 5415 852 0414 850 5466 849 0568 847 5721 146 5011 148 9015 11.846 0925 8. 153 9516 844 6179 843 1483 841 6837 840 2240 838 ian, sec. co-tang. 069 4102 i O71 2012], 783.8 095 5305)" .902 8168]8.097 2172 110 4806 ; Los S57 OL: 129 6460|_; 144 9956), 1798.5 1.0 Betis 4 1505.5 1500.4 1479.9 1474.9 | aiff, 134 TANGENTS, co-tang. 11.934 1943|10.0000294 932 3883 0296 930 5898 0299 928 7988 0301 927 0150 0304 925 2386 0306 11.923 4694]10.0000309 921 7074 O31 919 9525 0314 918 2047 0316 916 4639 0319 914 7300 0322 11.913 0030]10.0000324 gi 2828 0327 909 5695 0329 907 8628 0332 906 1629 0334 904 4695 0337 11.902 7828}10.0000340 gor 1025 0342 899 4288 0345 897 7614 0348 896 1005 0350 894 4458 0353 11.892 7975]10.0000356 891 1554 0358 889 5194 0361 887 8896 0364 886 2659 0367 884 6482 0369 11.883 0366]10.0000372 881 4309 0375 879 8311 0378 878 2371 0380 876 6490 0383 875 0667 0386 11.873 4901]10.0000389 871 9193 0392 870 3540 0394 868 7944 0397 867 2404 0400 865 6919 0403 11.864 1490]10.0000406 862 6114 0409 &61 0793 0412 859 5526 0415 858 0313 O417 856 5152 0420 11.855 0044|10.0000423 853 4980 0426 851 9985 0429 850 5033 0432 849 0133 0435 847 5283 0438 9569] 1} 11.846 0484]10.0000441 | 9.9999559}1] 844 5735 0444 9556] 5) 843 1036 0447 9553] 4)” 841 6387 0450 |- 9550} 3 840 1787 0453 9547] 2) 838 7235 0456 9544) 1 |11.837 2733 10.0000459 | 9.9999541 1 tang. | &c. sec. eel t co-sec, sin. LOGARITHMIC SINES, NE ee re es ea ee a sin. diff. t'' co-sec, tang. ditk. HY 50! 8. 162 6808 11.837 3192|8.162 7267 10} 164 1259 — 835 8741] 1641722 ae. 20} 165 5663 435.6 834 4337] 165 6128) 735" | 30} 167 co#9 1430.8 832 9981] 167 0487 a3. 4o} 168 432 Tob. > 831 5673] 168 4799 #4565 50 169 8589) 751 5 830 1411] 169 9064 457.8 518.171 2804 Aree 11.828 7196)8.171 3282 rA19.1 10} 172 6972 Ay Sam 827 3028] 172 7453 a ay 20] 174 1094 549, 825 8906) 174 1579 1407.9 30} 1755171 1403, 824 4829] 175 5658 Hae 40] 1769202 1398.6 823 0798} 176 9693 1398.9 50] 178 3188 13 bi 821 6812] 178 3682 1394.4 52''8.179 7129 38 "g| 11-820 2871)8.179 7626) | 32 fo} 181 1025 a 818 8975} 181 1525 13828 » 20) 182 4877 380.8 817 5123] 182 5381 1381.1 30} 1838685] 376°} 816 1315] 183 g192| 378 fo} 185 2450 ee. 814 7550] 185 2959 1349.4 50] 186 6170 36 ‘3| 813 3830] 186 6683] 7520") 53//8.187 9848 363.4 11.812 0152/8.188 0364 1363.8 fro} 189 3482 135 810 6518} 189 4002 +35 5 20] 190 7074 a 809 2926} 190 7597 138 3 30} 192.0624) 375 807 9376] 192 1150 Gato fo} 193 4131 1346.5 806 5869) 193 4660) 374 fF S0} 194 7596 Cita A 805 2404] 194 8129 (3702 04118.196 1020) 34°3/1 1.803 8980)8. 106 1556) 338 6 10} 197 4403 1334.1 802 5597] 197 4942 1334.4 20] 198 7744 1330.0 801 2256} 198 8286 Fado } 30} 200 10 1326.01 799 8956] 200 1590 1326.3 » 40} 201 4304 ear. 798 5696] 201 4853 eek 5o} 202 7523 13182 797 2477| 202 8076 1318.3 95'/8.204 0703) 3 3°0|11-795 9297]8.204 125g aida 10} 205 3842 Sante 794 6158} 205 4401 ‘fo 4 20} 206 6942 1306.6 793 3058} 206 7505 lob 3 30} 208 0002 1302.9| 79! 9998} 208 0568 Picat 40} 209 3024 1398.2 790 6976] 209 3593 1298.6 50} 210 6006) 43 789 3994]. 210 6579 1294.7 pe: 211 8949 ok 5 11.788 105148.211 9526 Se To] 213 1854) 9 22>| 786 8146] 213 2434) 92°" a 214 4721 hae 785 5279] 214 5304 1983.3 Jo} 215 7550| * 9 784 2450] 215 8137 scl Ge 40] 2170341 ay 782 9659] 217 0931 1275. 5o} 218 3095|!?7 6 781 6905} 218 3688) | ye 718.219 5811 ob. 11.780 4189]8.219 6408 ans 10} 220 8490 5642 779 1510 ?20,9090| B46 20] 222 1132 1abo.5 777 8868} 222 1736 1260.9 30] 223 3737 1256 776 6263} 223 4345 1a5eS 40] 224 6306 i538 775 3694) 224 oor 1253.6 Sol 225 8839 1240.6 7741161] 225 9453 rake b 5818. pi 1335 wa 11.772 8665)/8.227 7953 casey To} 228 3796 19495 771 6204] 228 4417 1242.9 20} 229 6221 1238.9 770 3779} 229 6846 1930.3 30} 230 8610 935.5, 769 1390} 230 9239 1235 8 40] 232 0965) 53,2} 767.9035} 232 1597 19393 | 50} 233 328 reakes 766 6716] 233 3920 sa08 8 199/}8.234 5568 ve 11.765 443218.234 6208 i 53 [10] 235 7818), 5515] 764 218} 235 8461] 1000. | 20} 237 0033) ae, 762 9967} 237 0680 Ane 6 (30 238 2214 eee 761 7786) 238 2865 ee \40} 239 4361 rare 760 5639 te 5o15 yaihe | 59] ai 6474 1207.9 739 3526] | 240 7132 1208.3 1308.241 8553 11.758 1447 8. iy Bik co-sin. | diff. 1'' sec. co-tang. | diff. 1'’ TANGENTS, &c. co-tang. 11.837 2733} 10. 0000459 sec, 835 8278 0462 834 3872 0466 832 9513 0469 831 5201 0472 830 0936 0475 11.828 6718] 10.0000478 827 2547 0481 825 8421 0484 824 4342 0487 823 0307 0491 821 6318 0494 11.820 2374]10.0000497 818 8475 0500 817 4619 0503 816 o808 0506 814 7041 0510 813 3317 0513 11.811 9636)10.0000516 810 5998 0519 809 2403 0523 807 8850 0526 806 5340 0529 805 1871 0533 .603 8444]10.0000536 802 5058 0539 801 1714 0542 799 8410 0546 798 5147 0549 797 1924 0552 11.795 8741|10.0000556 794 5599 0559 793 2495 0563 791 9432 0566 790 6407 0569 789 3421 0573 11.788 0474|10.0000576 786 7566 0580 785 4696 0583 784 1863 0587 782 9069 0590 781 6312 0594 11.780 3592110.0000597 779 0910 0600 777 8264 0604 776 5655 0608 775 3083 o611 774 0547 0615 11.772 8047|10.0000618 771-5583 0622 770 3154 0625 769 0761 0629 767 6403 0632 766 6080 0636 11.765 3792}10.0000640 764 1539 0643 762 9320 0647 761 hes, 0651 760 4985 0654 759 2868 0658 11.758 0785; 10.0000662 tang. co-sec, TANGENTS, &c. co-tang, | 11.758 0785 11.750 8985 11.743 8351 11.730 0437 724 4240 11.723 308t 11.716 6766 11.710 1441 11.703 7083 _ D Ne) ~l ww D aD nn tang. 10.0000662 sec. 0665 0669 0673 0676 0680 10.00006084 0687 0691 0695 0699 0703 10,0000706 0710 O714 0718 0722 0725 10.0000729 0733 o737 O74I 0745 0749 10.0000753 0757 0761 0764 0768 0772 10.0000776 10.0000800 0804 0809 0813 0817 0821 10.0000825 0829 0833 0837 o841 0846 10.0000850 0854 0858 0862 0866 0871 '10.0000875 11.691 1158)10.0000900 co-sec,. co-sin, i 9.9999338}60) 9 335) eye 9331] 4 9327] 3c 9324] as 9320} 10) 9: sae I ee 72 sin ae 164 LOGARITHMIC SINES, j 1° sin. ari LA4 co-sec, tang. dif, 1'' LO! 18.041 8553 of 6th 758 head gene 9215 10 243 0599) oor 5 736 9401) 243 1264) | j 20 548 208 SB 0 irre ies a} eetligy Thal 36 a0 sis Bye |ttgt-4 : - ¥, ee : ° 247 8451), 28, ee 49) 2479131 1! 18.249 0332 1184,8/11°79° 9668)8.249 1015 j 10 250 2180] 13,6 749 7820 250 2868 20] 251 3996 1178.5 748 6004] 251 4688 30} 252 5781 oor 747 4219 252 6476) | | 4o 293 7533 fee 746 2467| 253 8232 5o] 254 9254 1168.9 ‘745 0746} 254 9956 | 2! 18.256 0943 1465.5 11.743 9057}8.256 1649 10 257 2600) 162.9 742 7400]. 257 3310 20 258 42271, 1594 741 5773 258 4 a J 30] 259 5822), 554 5 740 4178 259 6540 40 200 7387], 153.3 He cant mete he 261 8920 a oe 738 1080] 261 964 3/ 18.263 0424 ster 11.736 9576}8.263 1153 | 10 264 1895) 1473 735 8104] 264 2630 | 50 2695 3339) 41.9 734 6661} 265 4076 | 28089] 72S] 200 ol 968 448411293] 731 2513) 268 8236 x4 Pee Na eget fis negunee 4 gee Ghee 11.730 1190]8.269 9563 10 271 0104) 1464 728 9896 271, 0860] , 20 279 13051 123.6 ie gi Sey 130] 27 2604 190.6 72 i 96} 273 308) | 4o 274 3810}, 115.9 725 6190] 274 4578 | 59} 275 4987| 114.9 fe Ae 275 5760 5/ (8.276 6136 1113. oftt 229 3864|8.276 6912 10 277 7296) 109.9 72.2.2744| 277 8036 20 278 8348) | 46.3 721 1652} 278 9132 30 279 9411) 103.6 ib Ste Rai Bae aatapealle it aii ate Ne ae 282 r4! { 1098.0 717 8546] 282 2251 2838434 | O53 11.716 7566)8.283 3234] | Be we oP cose 715 6614] 284 4190 20 285 43101, 80.4 714 5690] 285 5118 30} 286 5207 1086.9 713 4793} 286 6019 40 287 6076 4843 7123924) 287 6893 ye 6919 ropes ope! : oe He | 7! 8.289 7734 1078.9 TL.710 2266}8.289 59], J 10 ape 8923) Gog 4 709 1477] 290 9352 = en 9285 1093.5 70h sbi o cabs 0] +293 0020 1070.9 706 9980} 293 0857 1 40] 2940729) 668.3) 709.9271] 294 1570 ; “ i 244 Sp 1065.6 704 8589} 295 2256 295 2067] 563.6 11.703 7933]8.296 2 7 10 297 3997 1060.4 Uap ik flee “wt 9 che 1059.8 70 99} 298 4159 Zo} 300 4433/1023] Bo0 5568] 300 5998 So] Sor 4959)'°22"7| 6985041] 301 8850 ok ad 9 Weo%o.4 98 5041] 301 5830 9/ (8.302 5460 ae" 11.697 4540}8.302 6335 10 303 5937| 645.1 696 4063} 303 6816 20 304 6388) 675.5 695 3612] 3047271 30 4 6813 ey pa pee oF ha fo 30 70410376 Ghee Joy 8786) 2038. a ged 9911035.1 9 wn 1035.6 +0) 8.308 7941 11.691 2059 8.308 8842 co-sin, y diff. 1" sec. ve co-tang. | diff. 1’’ 91° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, Wc. 165 | Bis : ‘ . ” Js SRG - ; - . diet. 1 — tang. i ait) ad aah sec, co-sin. 00 7941 11.691 20 : i an mal FS 28a 51 2S aa 8 1 oom. Sonn Jo} 3108570), 5-3} 689 1430] 310 9479 1030.6 6h sal 0905 9095} 50 of S11 8848 pany 688 1152} 311 9761 1028.2 688 ate 9999 9091} 4o fof 312 9101],653°,| 687 0899] 313 oo19 1025.8] Gon oe 9087] 30} Ho} 313.9331|1022°| 686 06691 314.0253 1023.4) go6 sal og! 9082} 20} 118,314 9536)10°."?|11.685 046418.315 0462|1070'2 11.684 ora ogee 9078} 10F | Oh. 315 9717), 615 8 684 0283] 316 0648 1018.6 683 pes 10.0000926 | 9.9999074]/49/| | 316 9875) ,3'3} 683 0125] 317 0810 LO16.2)" ayo Boe. 9069) 50} ‘o} 318. 0008) 5+ | 681 9992] 318 0948 1013.8) ¢ 9, pao oa 9065] 4o qf aipogtss| sng) Sips ed) oles] Sl) Bol 10} 320 020 5 gt hai 9. Oo 218.321 0269 eS 11.648 ike 8.301 ae: 1006.7 _ pi ut 0948 9052] 10} ‘| 322 0309/1008] 677 g691| 322 1266 1004.9] eT 83) 10.0000953 | 9-9999047/48! |0} 323 0326 3) 676.9674] 323 1287 1002-1 646 So 0997 g043} Sof Gf Sagcdig} 9°] 675 900i] 3nd 1380] 2979) 58715] 0905] gos jo} 325 02 ot 7. ? 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ES bes '9'18.361 3150] 9°2""|11.638 685018.361 4297] 9°70 635 P72 1142 8858] 10 GBs 2304 rot 634 76 an ye 915.6 11.638 5703}10.0001147 | 9-9998853/41 1] 363 1433] 9'3-| 636.5641 363 25801 913-6 637 6547 1152 8848} 50} jo} 364.0545 9722] 635 g4551 364 1705] 9118 seh ie 117 32481 2) of sedge Sele] SATE Sona) Siybes es| aS 10 71 { 634 1287] 365 908.0 rg It 334] 20 048.366 776 909.6 7 9885 634 0115 1171 8820] 10 (3 weal £1,633 2231)8.366 8945 906.0 11.633 1055]10.0001176 5. dod88a% 4)! co-sin. | diff. 1'' sec, eétane, dir 77) cea eS EE 5° . tang. co-sec, sin, sin. | 20'18.366 7769 367 6806 368 5824 369 4823 370 3804 371 2766 21'8.372 1710 10] 373 0635 373 9542 374 8430 375 7301 376 6153 22/18.377 4988 F 10} 378 3804 379 2603} 380 1384 381 0147 1 381 8892 123'/8.382 7620 383 6330 384 5023 335 3699 386 2357 387 0998 24! 8.387 9622 1 10] 388 8229 20 } 30 1 4o 1 5o| 392 2486 125! 8.393 1008 P10} 393.9513 1 20] 394 8002 30} 395 6475 i 390 5391 | 4o 396 4930 8 397 3370] 7." 126'18.398 1793 ‘ 1 50 399 0199 399 8590/2 389 6818} 9° 391 3947), LOGARITHMIC SINES, dif. 1"' 903.7 gor.8 599.9 898.1 396.2 894.4 892.5 890.7 888.8 887.1 400 6964|93¢ 401 5392 4o2 3664|° > $27118.403 1990 10} 404 03co0 120} 404 8594 30} 405 6873 #40} 4065135 P50] 407 3382 1238'18.408 1614 408 9829)9 409 8029 410 6214 4tt 4383 412 2537 £2/18.413 0676 110} 413 8800, 20] 414 6908 30] 415 5001 Q 1 40] 416 3079 150] 417 1142 130/18.417 9190 co-sin. v1? 810.8 809. 07.8 805.3 804.8 dif. 1"! 11.633 223118.366 8945 627 8290]8.372 2915 622 5012|8.377 6223 11.617 2380]8.382 8886 591 8386]8.408 3037 11,582 0810/8.418 0679 co-sec. tang. dit "’ 632 3194] 367 7987 631 4176} 368 7010) 630 5177} 369 60142 629 6196] 370 4999 628 7234] 371 3967 626 9365} 373 1845 626 0458] 374 0757 2 625 1570} 374 9651 624 2699} 375 8527 623 3847] 376 7384 8 621 6196} 378 5045 620 7397] 379 3849 619 8616} 380 2634 618 9853} 381 1403/, 618 1108] 382 0153 616 3670} 383 7601 8 615 4977| 384 6299 614 6301] 385 4980 613 7643} 386 3643 612 9002] 387 2290 ie! -612 0378/8.388 0918) 967, 611 1771] 388 9530 610 3182] 389 8125 855.8 609 4609} 390 6703|g5 6", 608 6053} 391 5264 854.4 607 7514} 392 3808 859.8 859.5 606 8992/8.393 2336] a5 0, 606 0487] 394 0846 605 1998] 394 9340] 9 42°¢ 604 3525) 395 7818)342'. 603 5070} 396 62791977. 602 6630] 397 4724 849.8 601 8207/8.398 3152 Bin, 399 1564 83 rm 399 99591838 401 6702 834.8 402 5050 833.1 600 9801 600 1410 599 3036 598 4678 597 6336 596 8010]8.403 3381 $376 595 9700] 404 1696 8 595 1406] 404 9996 898.4 594 3127} 405 8280 896.8 593 4865} 406 6548 ae 592 6618] 407 4800 823.7 591 o171| 409 1258 ok 590 1971] 409 9463|q_ 589 3786] 410 7653 588 5617} 411 5828 587 7463| 412 3988 30.0 819.0 817.5 816.0 814.4 586 932418.413 2132 ies 586 1200] 414 0261 8543 585 3092] 414 8374 80 ; 584 4999} 415 6473 Sons 583 6921} 416 4556 or, : 582 8858] 417 2605 ee sec. co-tang. |dif.1'’ TANGENTS, co-tang. 11.633 1055 632 2013 631 2990 630 3086 629 5001 628 6033 627 7085 626 8155 625 9243 625 0349 624 1473 623 2616 622 3777 621 4955 620 6151 619 7366 618 8597 617 9847 617 1114 616 23 615 ante 614 5020 613 6357 6127710 O11 9082 611 0470 610 1875 609 3297 608 4736 607 6192 606 7664 605 9154 605 0660 604 2182 603 3721 602 5276 .601 6848 600 8436 600 0041 599 1661 598 ae 597 4950 596 6619 595 8304 595 0004 594 1720 593 3452 592 5200 591 6963 590 8742 590 0537 589 2347 588 4172 587 6012 586 7868 585 9739 585 1626 584 352% 583 5444 582 7375 11.581 9321}10.0001488 tang. sec. Sc. ani 10.0001176 Ps 1181 oO 1186 é 1191] 4 1196 120] 10.0001 206 6 1211 1216 1221 1296 1231 oO 10,0001 236 4 1241 1246 125) 1256 oO 1261 fe) 10.0001 266 fe 1271 1276 - 1281 1286 1291 10.0001 297 1302 1307 ¥ 1312 1317 1302 10.0001328| ° 1333] ° 133¢ 1343 1349 1354 10.0001 359 1362 1370 1375] ° 1380] ° 1386 10.0001 391 1396 Ni 1402 1407 1412 1418) ° 10.0001423 ° 1428 1434 1439 1445 1450 10.0001456 1461 1467 1472 1477 1483 co-sec, 0.5 0.6 8 co-sin. 533] 4 0.6 £58 2 "£19-9998544)3] 0.5/9 999 83g 8528} 3! 8 8 9.9998 523) 2 517] 512}30 3 & | f LO GARITHMIC SINES ’ p] we. 167 ___HOGARITHWIC SINES, TANGENTS, We. 167 lo : : ' : : ail co-sec. p) AI C8 ere rE a) (aa * 1 118 Mae 803.31! 1.582 0810}8.418 06 nant Us vith dats fr 12 : 419 5242 801 S81 2777 0679/853.8/11-281 932 Ae eh ae of 420 3245 800 3 580 4758 802.4 581 7183 10.0001 488 Ret ow Vebadar 1234|79°°9 579 6755 Secteth (580-305 1494| °® 9-999851 21304 oO} 421 9208 797-4 578 8766 709 579 550 1500 0.6 ke 5oj U 8.422 7168 Lie ti fH yt 422 0725 798.0 578 7255 ee NG 84e5 4 Toh 423 511317949] 596 4 3918.49 86g0|790-9 577 9275 UT o, id Bo oP . Re 848 }o} 424 3043 793.0 576 4887] 423 66zc 795.0 11.577 131014 1516| °°? 9} 20] | J 6 8484 0 425 0959 791.6 575 6957 424 me 7 3 576 33 0.0001522 a : 4 Joj 6|792-6 76 3360 22) 4.5|9-9998478 29") ) 425 8861 790.2 574 9041} 425 ag 5955 1527 , 8|792-2 79 9424 0.6 8473] 5 Jo} 426 674817597 574 1139] 426 Mleabial uno tn aes 1933 Biehl 2'/8. 787.3) 273 325 0405/72 "3 rade 467} 40} 0 vies won 185 9\" 1.972 5379 8 es 8298 ie bu a 134, 0.5 oo, 304 Bl 429 0324 thee 4 Sh 7520 tol ni 7865 I m572 3854 rie ae oy “a 20} 10 hog 8154|7°>° 7O 9676 Bs 18 785.0 571 595 -OOOT 55 “le, Io} i): h > 619:9998445)28") of 430 5971/77 540 1846] 429 .9757|783-6 570 B16) 1561| 6 ‘ 6 8439 Sol oO} 431 3773 780.2 569 4029 430 dot 782 570 02 3 1567 o 8/3 —BN8.432 1561 778.8 568 6227 ree 49 -2) 56 7 1572 0.5 433| 4ok U + 5386|78°-7| 568 2451 o6| 8428) 3 if 439 9335(7774 365 0064] 433 0 779.4) 908 4644 as Baal of 43 776.0, 207 06 150)7 78" 1584| °° 422| 20} ie) a ah sp a 566 oes ore og ita) *} ae at 10.0001 389 ne 2 fast 29 fo} 435 2574/77"? 365 57581 434 6490|77221-. bes ane 15981 09)” Bdo5 aH o| 436 771 564 7426 448) 775°) 5 1601| °° 405} So} ile36 9999772 51.363 es erp ey peer oman sate 10} 437 5690 769-1 I. 2001|8.436 96 951.1 563 808 1612| ~" 836 of \ 3 ook o| 438 3368)707°° Bess IO ares anl eel teagice 4 1618/99] 83821 10 |0} 439 1032 766.4 561 6632 138 p oe 7663 562 3680 £0.0001624 ee 9.9 5 ah | °6/9-9998376}26 | o| 439 8683|70>4 560 8968) 43 7003156 561 4 1630| : 7.0 997 0.5 8370] 5 of 440 6321/75 560 1317 460 73).65.4|. 20073 1635 83651 sol 8.4 1762.3 559 36 ; 0 0330/7072 od 1641| 0% 365) 4of of om 4 “6r.1|! 1.356 6056 8 he 297° inet 330 ee 1647 ae cae 304 0 ) 759. 557 8 : 0 : 1653| °° 353] 20] ‘OF oe “4be 736.4 557 eof me eat Lae " a “ate 10.0001658 sy 9 od fe of 444 4307727" 556 3264) 443 8 22) rool 206.9178 1664) °°)” 3336 sa ; 6 336] 504 of 445 1865 155.8, 9955693] 444 sa, o3 556 abe 1670) © ee 0 io op epee II 445 3559|720.3 5 4011 0.6 83241 30} 0} 446 6940 753-1 554 0591|8.446 5 554 64 1682 8 4) YO} i vf opie 750.8 Bo aos 446 8640 my Sine oto? ipiosonegd 0.6 8312] rol ‘ol 448 ees 749-2 551 8036 447 6164 at 555 bist 1699 ob 9.9998306)24"| ‘of 449 6536 748.0 55t 0544 oh 3675 Lye: 5B pe: 1705 0.6 Hi 5of Peet 1856 “yate Sea 5598,8.450 era el 1341 a He 8385] 20] p : 8144 ‘ 1723] °° 2) o a aad es 548 we 451 3591 746.0 Si Se! fod ies 0.6 8277] 10] ‘of 453 ia 741.6} 473275 ei Ae Le B47 8969 1735 0.6/9: 9999271 | c I \ 2 ‘ 2 6 9 5ol 10 454 1543 740.2 546 5859 45 472 4 547 A 1741 19) 8 OF 318.454 8o34\72 545 8 3 5893/77" a 1747| ° 6 259] 40 934|739"! 457) 454 33 740. 546 4107 /| 6.6 8253] 30} of 455 a7, 11.545 02 , 1753) 2: 531 30} Te) 456 an I 7366 544 ae 8.455 0699 cee Tl ey ea 1759 0.6 8247 20} o| 457 10291729 2 543 6303 ee ne ute: BAA 18 10.0001765 oe 9 9998235 10} Oo} 457 836 \734.0 542 89 r ce] Ley 543 ; 177! 0.6) 7° 235)22/f 9 a1| 457 2812|72"'2 4547 0.6 8590/51 of 458 56 \732 g) 242 1631) 45 1534 542 718 1777}. 8 91 2°} ! 8.459 3023 731.6 541 4303 498 0158 734.6 7188 1783 0.6 2231 Go} | ' 458 74 733.4 541 9842 6 821713 0} 460 0316 730°3 11.540 6987,8.45 7A92|_ 3 54t 25 1789 0. 8 7) JOF 0} 46 729: 53 ay 9 48147 mee 08 1795 0.6 211} 20% P| deo reer | 53 rl ee ee ie 11.540 5186}10.00x8o1) © 8205] 10] 0 462 91521720 6 538 AY 14 ae 9420 Lhe B30 bi 1807 0.6 9-9998199 9] o| 462 9406,729°4 537 7848 oh 6705 728.5 538 3 80 vera 0.6 8193 Ral 18.463 6649 724°3 537 0594 2 3978/7273] 53 Ho 1819 0.6 8187} 4oj ha hate 11.536 3351 Eoin 1238 726.0 536 022 1895 0.6 8181} 30k co-sin, berg -463 8486 724.8 11.536 8762 183Ro"Z 8175] 20] -tang. jdif.1'’ Bho a 9.9998162)20) ay co-sec. dW hay Sas , sin, —_— > 2 . # IO i 10 30 | 46 | 40 f 20 | 30 es 1 50 148'18.497 0784 + 50 168 1° 5o} 467 2680 141118.457 9850 468 7009 he 469 4156 470 1291 470 8414 471 5526 421'8.472 2626 472 9714 473 6791 474 3856 475 0910 Bol 475.7953 43''8.476 4984 477 2003 477 g012|7 20 479 909), 44/8. 180 re 481 3884) -. 482 0825 482 7755 483 4674 5ol 488 2800 156 18.488 9032} 7. t 10} 4896453 [20] 490 3263 3|6 E30} 491.0063). 491 6852 6 492 3630} - 47" 8.493 0398) I 10 493 7199} 49 94 3902 a 405 0638] 495 7364)? 1 50 496 4079 497 7479 499 7501 Sor 7432), po! 8.505 0447 co-sin. 478 6009) 99-7 acted’ 486 9104), 487.5957)2 498 4i63 6 499 0838 ; 500 4155). 149/18 5or 0798 LOGARITHMIC SINES, m7, oO 15.9 714.7 713.5 wee 4IT.2 710.0 708.8 707-7 706.5 705.4 704.3 703.1 JOI.g 700.9 Or CO3a»~n] 698.5 591-9 0.8 659.3 658.3 rout oa Goad 11.494 9553/8.505 2671 sec. co-tang. dif. 1'' TANGENTS, co-sec. tang. dif.1'’| co-tang. BGc,> dg’ in. 11.536 3351]8.463 8486)_., 5 ,|11.536 1514]10.0001838 62 seed Sea em a Boo] 468 on5g721-2| 333 obi 1856 ° 3 4505] 466-7360\7202| 533 36 862] ° 73 acl 469 4548(7223| 8325450] 1868 27320 : 11.532 0150|8.468 1725|7! sa p 11.531 8275 10.0001875 % 531 2991 a 889017 aps oe i ne ap Broq| a7 sr84(724| 520 6616 189312 59 Seg 70 Sa ane ae 398 hdd pe 9431 711.8) 598 3569 1906] 22 C 11.527 7374|8.472 4538 be ins ae 10.0001912] © oN ab 3206] a3 a 08.3) 596 1285 19180 525 614d] 494 598|707°2| 525 4913 131° 524 90 ; 108 184, 706.0 524 7153 133 7 524 sigs 408 9896 le 9 Bod buy 9616 11.523 5016}8.476 6933 bn, yp 11.523 3067}10.0001950} | 522 7997| 477 3959|7 sie 522 6041 195 522 0988] 478 0974 Sn. 521 9026 1962 oh Saat si pha 699.2 ae nas 1909 5 16) Aaa eneah OE ae 11.519 3068}8.480 Sha pis 8 reg 1080} 10. peat 39: at eae mt 5578 1604.8 ea 1994) 6 #17 2043) 482976310929] Sty oa38| ace 516 5326) 483 6687 ie 516 3313} 2013 s 515 8418) 484 3602 690 515 6398 2020) 6 6 7980) 11.515 1521]8.485 0505 689.2 ~|11.514 94G5;10.0002026 0.6.9: 999797 fi), 514 4635) 485 7397 6885 514 2603 2032| ° 968} a 513 0696] 487 114910879 StaBe5r| 204k I on 4 7 1149) 696" 12 I 204 ppeen be eraree rhea ieee | Brit se 8. ee it nig 3 tote oe 10.0002005 ° poe eerste Sea 308 9934) dor 2147/080-) 508 7855 84 S08 Seda} dot By4Z1079-3| 308 1088 age 507 6396)” doa SragT | voy dagah sc “sone 11.506 960218.493 2502 677-5 11.506 7498}10.0002104 . 9 - 9 626-4 749 b a ane cia rev 653 ee one 2111 50d 9362 128 268 sev Bod 9338 ss 4 303 Soar] Ape 6esG 0723] Bod S78q 35° 03 5g2t 21 I 11.502 56 8. yes 2928 671-2 ?/11.502 zh 10.0002 144) | 5022521) 497 9629 Hed: 502 0371 2150 oe Bi 498 oe 668.1 ack A a 90 9162 499 3001 Gi 390°0999 216 500 a ee oe | 2 17 11.498 9202]8.501 2982 eae 11.498 7018:10.0002183 i 498 ie Hy ate 663.0 Us sis 2190 406 33. 503 28 ee 406 i 3003 496 2759) BOS AMR ORTT| 46 obxel haat 96 2729 9481 lee 6) 496.0519 2210 495 6136] 504 6081 659 495 3919 2217 If 494 7329}10.0002224 &c. a tang. co-sec, |d. 91° | LOGARITHMIC SINES 1° ERs STANCE NDS, el call ta "> a 6417] 506 5820 657.0, 4940790 Fada] 0:6|9-9997770] 10" | gol 507 6679 0249 a9? 9864 507 2380 656. 493 4180 2237 0.7 7770 ; 50) 508 3213/0234 492 3321] 507 8930|02>"° 492 7620 a244| O°7 7763 51/48.508 9736\022"3 491 6787} 508 5470 654 492 1070 9951) 277 7756 10} 509 6559/0014 11.491 0264|8.509 2001 653.11. 49! 4930 2959 0.6 7749 MRE 510 2754 650.4 490 3750] 509 8521 659.01 11-499 7999} 10.0002264 0.7 9743 30} 510 9248/0494 489 7246] 510 5032|2!- 490 1479 pont 27 9-9997736} | aah 511 54331049 489 0752] 511 1533/00"! 489 4968 Lralbeet aaeae |50} 512 2208 647.5 488 4267) 511 8025 649.2 488 8467 2285] 0°7 7] 22 5248.512 8673 049-5 487 7792] 512 4506 648.1 488 1975 2299 0.7 7715 fro} 513 5129 04-6 11.487 1327|8.513 0978)047°2 487 5494 2298) °° 7708 O54 1572/6446 486 4871) 513-7441 646:3 11.486 9022|10.0002305] °°7 7702 (30) 514 8or1 643.6 485 8425} 514 3894 645.3, 486 2559 3310127 9-9997695 fol 515 4438 642.7 485 1989 515 0337 644. 485 6106 2319 0.7 7686 {5o} 516 085610418 484 5562} 515 6771 643.4 484 9663 2396) ° 7681 318.516 7264 640.8 i 483 9144] 516 3195 642.4 484 3229 9333 0.7 7674 ‘10] 517 3662 639.8 1.483 2736)8.516 9610 641.5 483 6805 9340 0.7 7667 laah 518 0051/0229 482 6338} 517 6016 fo.6| 11-483 0390}10.0002347 0.7 7660 30] 518 6431|03°-° 481 9949} 518 2412/0296 482 3984 23a] 0-119 997 oo fol 519 2801|037-° 481 3569] 518 8798)039-© 481 7588 aaeel Olt Aeon [50] 519 9162/23"! 480 7199] 519 5175)052-2 481 1202 2369| 0"? 7640 418.520 8514/0352 Toe DORR a na iy elon 7633 rol bor 1856|034-2|. t-479°448618.520 7909|022-9 479 8457 piel ONE vg 20} 521 8189 633.3 478 8144] 521 451 634.9 11.479 2098]10.0002388| °°7 7619] 10} 30] 522 4513 632.4, 478 1811) 522 0591 34.0} 478 5749 2395|.0°2 9-9997612| 6 40} 523 0828 631.5| 477 9487] 5226922 633.1, 477 9409 a4oo| °°7 7605 So) 523 7133/00" 476 9172) 523 324419222] 456 3078 2409] 7 7598 AY 8.524 3430 629.7 oe 2867 503 9557 31.3 476 6756 2416 0.7 7591 MBA 320-7] (75 657018.524 5860|0903 476 0443 2493 0-7 7584 0] 525 Soo 627.8 475 0283) 525 2154 629.4]! 1.475 4140]10.0002430| 2"? 7977 30) 526 2264 626.9 474 4005} 525 8439 628.5| 474 7846 2435] 2°72 9:9997970 5 fol 526 8524/020- 453 7996) 596.441610227| aoa Soba BA CR ic fol 527. 4775(0227 473 1476| 527 0983 626.7 473 5284 345 9| O°7 7555 68.528 1017 624.9 4725225) 5277241 625.8| 472 9917 2459 2-7 794E 0} 528 72500233 11.471 8983}8.528 3490) 024-9 A728 2709 Ry eae ea op 10) 529 3474 99.4, 47% 2750) 528 9730 624.0] 1-471 6510} 10.0002473 0.7 7934 So} 529 9689 621.5 470 6526} 529 5961 693.1] 47! 0270 s480\/2"7 9-999792 jo} 930 5895 620.6 479 0311} 530 2183 622.2] 47° 4039 2487 9:7 7920 no} 531 2093/0! 98 469 4105] 530 8397 21.4 469 7817 2494 0.7 791 718.531 8281 618.8 468 7907| 531 4601 620.4 469 1603 >5o1| 7 790E Gis 46, 1628-0) Goo 2239] p02 9797 19.6|__ 468 5399 2509| 0°8 7496 of 533 0630(0!7: 467 5539] 532 6984 618.7 11.467 9203}10.0002516| 2°7 7491 of 533 6794010. 466 9368] 533 3169(0'7° 467 3016 a ee ae i tb o} 534 2948 615.4} 409 3206] 533 9331 616.9 466 6838 2530] 2°7 177 o} 534 go0g2 14.4 465 7052] 534 542 616.1 466 0669 2537 OF; 7470 31)8.535 5028|013-6 465 0908] 535 1644|0!>°2 465 4508 3544) O°7 7463 o} 536 1356 612.8|1 1-494 4772/8.535 7787 614.3 464 8356 9559 0-8 7456 0} 536 ah7hjoit 8 463 8644} 536 3922 613.5] 11:464 2213}10,0002559 ‘7 744€ of 537 3585 01t-I 463 2526} 537 0048/0126 463 6078 >566| °°? 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8.503 5183 rege 11.406 0517|8.594 2832 aoe 11.405 7168 Lae es 10} 594 4838 534, 405 5162) 594 8196 335.4 405 1804 ae O8 20] 595 01871537°3| 404 9813] 595 3593/232°1) . dod 6447 3366) 5.8 30 595 5530/5 33 5 404 4470 595 8904) 3 4 4o4 109 3374) 0.9 el 2965195022 403 5805| 856 g586 022°] do3omial 33011 28 Ho} 596.6195)75. 03 380 9 ee 16! 8.507 a Oy 11.402 8483)8.597 4917 cet 11.402 5083 pais be To} 597 6834 Rain 402 3166) 598 0241|737'3) 401 9759 Pi ZN 20] 598 2143/7503 4or 7857} 598 5559|73,°,| 4or 4441 Polat 08 30} 598 7446 x) . 4o1 2554] 5g9 0871 530.5 400 919 ve: 3s So 32 2743 509.0 pa Nie es 529-9 309 3508 3441) 0-8 0} 599803372 400 1967} 600 “i i7 8.600 3317/2904 11.399 6683 ee wae: aie I 398 i Ley ay ‘10! 600 85 ‘ 399 140 OI 20 68 20) 6o1 3866 9277 398 6134 6or 7332 Ber 398 2668 i kis 30 601 9130'p79"¢ 398 0870 602 2605/5 56.4 397 7395 Eye ts 40 602 4388 5 397 5612] 602 7872/56 5 Gy 4 30.9 So} 602 964017976 397 0360} 603 3132 505.4 390 : aa of 818.603 4886 ¢ 39) £ 1-396 St (4;8.603 8386)5 5 4 9 oa a 101 4j10. 3300) 69 10 G04 0125)50 39 395 9875 604 3633/5549 ane, eg iy 20 604 5357 502 395 4643 604 8875)553 5 ort seca 8.9 30 605 0584 5507 394 9416 605 4110/7558 94 5890 see ae 40} 605 5804155 394 4196} 605 9338 500.3 304 0662 Etye ops 50} 606 1018|5) 3 393 8982| 606 4561|55 76) 393 5439 Salo 98.606 6226. 5364 11.393 3774,8.606 9777 sn 11.393 Pe edit 0 10} 607 1427/51 4.5| 3928573) 607 4987|7) 6 3 392 5013 ca ag 20 607 6622/51 2" 392 3378 608 01991576 g 391 9810 3208 a. 30 608 1811\7 163 391 8189} 608 5388 ya 391 4612 ore of 40} 608 6994 5, : 391 3006 609 0579.5 18.5 390 9421 Ps | 0.9 50} 609 2171 peer 390 7829} Gog 5764 517.9 390 4236 seen 0.8 2318.609 7341| >" 7°°|11.390 2659 8.610 0943 11.389 9057!}10.000 iboa co-sin, |dif. 1"’ Rec, co-tang, |dif.1'' tang. co-sec, a3 920 171 WTT° co-sin. .9996894'50! 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Gr olood 0943 610 6116 611 1283 611 6443 612 1598 612 6746 co-sec, 339 7498 389 2337 358 7185 388 2039 387 6899 386 6638] 613 702 386 1516] 614 2155 385 6401] 6147279 385 1291] 615 2397 384 6188} 615 7509 383 5999 383 og13 382 5834 382 0760 381 5693 616 7716 617 2810 617 7898 618 2981 618 3139/09 377 0348} 623 3480 376 5339] 623 8498}; 376 0336} 624 3511 375 5338] 624 8517]; 374 5361] 6258513 374 0380 373 5406 373 0437 372 5473 626 8485/49 49 627 3463/4 627 8435 628 6363 629 3318 629 8268 630 3211 630 8150\4 371 5564 371 0618 370 5677 370 0742 369 5813 368 5971] 631 Boro); 368 1058 367 6151 367 1250 366 6354} 633 7663 365 6578 365 1699 364 6825 364 1957 363 7094 634 7457 635 2345) 635 7228 636 2106 636 6978 352 7384 362 2537 361 7696 361 2860 360 8029} 639 6097 637 6706) 638 1562 sec. co-tang. 6263603 498. 8.3 4978 II Orr: II II. II. II. Il. II co-t ang. 389 9057} 10. 10.0003602 389 3884 3611 388 8717 3620 388 3557 3628 387 8402 3637 387 3254 3645 .386 8r11110.0003654 386 2975 3663 385 7845 3671 385 2721 3680 384 7603} . 3689 364 2491 3697 383 7384110.0003706 383 2284 3715 382 7190 3723 382 2102 B feb 381 7019 3741 381 1943 3750 380 6873] 10.0003758 380 1808 3767 379 6749 3776 379 1696 3785 378 6649 3794 378 1608 3802 377 6573]10.0003811 377 1543 3820 376 6520 3829 376 1502 3838 375 6489 3847 375 1483 3855 374 6482] 10.0003864 374 1487 3873 373 6498 3882 373 1515 3891 372 6537 3900 372 1565 3909 371 6598]10.0003918 371 1637 3927 370 6682 3936 370 1732 3945 369 6789 3954 369 1850 3963 368 6917]10.0003972 368 Igg90 3981 367 7069 3990 367 2152 3999 366 7242 4008 366 2337 4017 365 7437]10.0004026 365 2543 4035 364 7655 4044 364 2772 4053 363 7894 4062 363 3022 4071 362 8155}10.0004081 362 3294 4090 361 8438 4099 361 3588 4108 360 8743 4117 360 3903 4126 hata 9069) 10.0004135 os 6372 me og) 636g 0.9 6355 0.019:999934613 me 6337] 5 0.9 6329) 4 Oo 6320 3) 3) 6311} 0.8 0.9 6303} 0.9|9°9990 2948 6285}: 0.8 ‘, 62771 4 er 6268) ne 6259} 2] 6250 0.8 0.9|9°9995242 4, 6233} ie 62241, te: 6215) 2 6206} . °F! 6198) 0 319:9996189)3 Be 6180 2 6171 hie 6162 0.8 oa 4 m ‘Flo. ae 5 Ol 6127) ae 6118} 4) ie 6109} 3: O2 6100] i) 9 6091] 1 i 9 9.999608 2 34 ol 6073) me 6064] 4! ie 6055} 31) 0-9 6046 q ( oe 6037] 1 028)3% ae 1 , fe Soret A 2 a a: 5583 Ww ; 5974)32), 0.9)? es: 5c 3 i: a , 47) St) 0-91 5036) a OD 5929) 1 E 5 019-9995919 31 ae: 5910} 5¢ oF 5901 ae 0.9 5892 3c bei 5883) 2¢ af 5874 te 9 9-9999865 30 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS &ec. 173 — 20 W77° sin dif. 1 co-sec, tang. dif.l’’| co-tang, sec, d.i”| — co-sin, —|—— ore oe eed —_|— 348.639 6795 1.9 11.360 3204]8.640 pe 482.9 We ce rie 10. ‘igi ol? 9995865 30 ‘o} 640 1615) (6 % 359 8385} 640 57 48.4 9 ie 5 | O- Bie o| 640 6430 359 3570} 641 0584 818 358 9416 4154 46) 4o hi 641 1239 * 358 8761] 641 5402 afer. °3 358 4598 4163 5837] 30 fo} 641 6043 do 358 3957 ri fo (Bo. * aa ee yh ' ot eee oi 0841 357 9159 2 502 2 4977 : op 5634 ve ; 11.357 4366}8.642 9825 re x 11.357 0175]10.0004191 ee 9. or iy o| 643 0422 18. 3 356 9578] 643 4622)" 479.2 356 5378 4200 0.9 5800 aS rol 643 5204 os 7 356 4796] 643 9414 478.6 356 0586 4209 8 Pat Jol 643 9982 Lp 356 0018] 644 4200 i583 355 5800 4219 0.9 781| 30 fo} 644 4754 ae a 5246 pos. ats 47 6 a or fas 0.9 nak: 8 R 5 4° 355 0480} 645 37 242 7 I 8.645 4082 es g| 11-354 5718 8.645 8528 re C 11.354 1472]10.0004247] * ne °19.9995753 ed of 645 9038 1B, 354 0962] 646 3294 Th6.0 353 6706 Wie bi de oh 10} 646 3789 ar 353 6211] 646 8054 495.6 353 1946 4265) 2 , fe Jo} 646 8539/7779 353 1465] 647 2810/77 2"0) 352 7190 4276| 5) «97281 30 Br ecysa]. 20nd Grecia] tl ead) bra 28 Bort} 7/9" 21 230 I 709 7 «ae 4s 473. - ee Shy 1358 8.648 7044 vs 2 11.351 2956 10.0004303} ! 0-9 lo. 9999097 pip o| 648 7467 472. 351 2533} 6491779 Hh 350 8221 4312 ne : 10] 649 2187 te 350 7813} 649 6508 3, i 350 3492 4321 oe 3674 40 4O Jol 649 6902 471 350 3098] 650 1233 : 349 8767 4331 a6 5669} 3 eas ee Sie ee Bed ele 50 6316 349 3684 10 9 : : ae bie ey II 38 8984]8.651 5375 470. 9\11.348 4625 10.0004359| | a, 219: ares ie, of 651 5710 a 348 4290] 652 0079/7804) 347 9921 4369) 9, eo Sts 1136 20] 652 0400 468.4 347 9600} 652 4778 469.3 347 a ye 0.9 ra bs: 30] 652 5084 16 . 347 4916} 652 9471 {68.9 mane 29 a yi ened 0 % Bo 402 11-346 onesie ey 350 4678 345 6478] 10 004416} 1-0 995564)25' 5!/8.653 9107 466 4 11.346 0893]8.654 3522 465.4\2" 78] 10: |? 99972" aS 654 8430 465.4 345 1570} 655 2865 166.3 344 7135 4635) 0.9 Beat ad 655 3084 464. 344 6916) 655 7528 465. 344 2472 4 a a Re * 77° 4644 aa sa Ba ae 465.4 at 5159 ys: si 5536} 10} 656 23 ‘ 43 762 5 618.656 eae ea : 11.343 2983]8.657 1490 ee 2 11.342 8510]10. witep eine a4 319° ge ce ef co} 657 1651 163.0 342 8349} 657 6133 463.9 342 3867 4483 0.9 raw a 20] 657 6280 1604, 342 3720] 658 0772 463.4 gat 9228 4492 Nie oe - 658 0904 han 341 gog6}| 658 9406\/69 3.9 341 4594 4502 0.9 ror: ~ Seed 4 Sion eR) alk) Sea Pa 12946101 340-9862 6 3 92701402.0 111.340 0 s 10.0004531| *"°l9.9995469|23"t 8.659 4748 460.5|1t 340 5252]8.659 3573 91461.4\"1 34 o7 yi 9 Bete. 659 9353 5 340 0647} 660 3 3160.9 339 ry me aia rage 660 3952//27°2/ 339 6048} 660 8502 460.5} 329 149 ely ol Beeb as 660 8547/759°| 339 1453] 661 3107/76 "7) 338 6893 4960| 0.9 aS 661 3137/752'3) 338 6863 Oh 77OT AB ofl. Saceee toe re ee al bed 661.7723 338 2277] 662 2301 7 799° 1.0 Sd (818.662 2303 oe 5| EI .337 7697|8.662 6891 ry 11.337 3109 pte 0.9 eo a tol 662 6878 ion 337 3122] 663 1477|% 458.0 336 8523 4998) 56 ee po} 663 1449\/5 26] 336 8551] 663 6057/7- 6] 336 3943 4608] 5.0] $392) 40 3cl 663 6015 | 726 336 3985] 664 0633 Re 335 9367 4618 0.9 2 3 30 Mo Ge 5155/255} 339 Sed Ceggrselt207] aascesq] deal] Badal su io} 664 5132 4 977° 1.0 918.664 9684)42-9| 11.335 0316|8.665 4331 i, 6|1#-334 5669/10.0004647) 1 '519-9995353 a 10} 665 4231 154, 334 5769] 665 8887 155. 334 1113 qn 0.9 oe 7 20 665 8773 453. 334 1227) 666 3439 yin 333 6561 5 ee fe roe of 30 666 3310) 753" 333 66 666 7986 M549 333 2014 4 ie x RA SI 50] 687 237014225) 330 9630) 669 r000|4228| 332 sydd) 46069 S30d| 10 50 7 2370 2 7630 29 018.667 6893 493-3) 3a 3107 8. 668 1598 493.2) 57331 8402 10.0004705| ©"? 9: gy225> 20! = poate * dif, 1 sec. co-tang. dif. 1" a tang. co-sec. |d.l/ sin. hee 0 gie o* 929° 1 174 LOGARITHMIC SINES | 20° > TANGENTS, 5 INE 4 sin. lait de , |} = ° co-sec. * ) 40/1867 6893| ,<. ;|11.33a 3109 tang, fai£.1" co-tang, Aube 177° aahiees Sead ye mete 358, 8.668 1598) 554 o)11-331 84 i 10} (G68 r41i}75, 4] 331 8589} 668 6127/75, 4 331 8402|10.000470 a i 30 669 Ay: 450.9 _ 331 4075} 669 0650 452. a 3873 Le 1.0/7" 9995208) . | 40] 669 4938)", 450.4 330 9566] 669 5169 451.9 se 9350 4935 1.0 ss 85) 5c 1501 669 9437 449.9 330 5062] 669 9683 451 4 ee 4831 4735 r.0 are 14118.670 3932|449-> 330 0563} 670 4192 450.9) 3 00317 fs| °° ee S10] 670 8422/449-° 11.329 6068}8.670 8697 A505) sae 5808 4955] 12 ia 2 | 20] 671 2908)442-° 329 1578) , 671 3197/47" Jae 1303|10.0004764) °"4lg. ee 1c 1 30] 671 7389 448.1 328 7092| 671 7692 449.5 ate 6803 47 1.0 ‘999,23 9. 4o| 672 1865 447.6 328 2611) 672 2183 449.1 ae 2308 4484 1.0 So et I 50] 672 6334/447-? 327 8135} 672 6669 448.6 ai! 7817 A702 Sahih p42") 8.673 0804 446.7 327 3663) 673 1151 448.2 fal 3331 4804 1.0 220 3c 10] 673 5266/4402 ada 919618.673 5608/4477 11 326 8849 ABi Al at ma 20] 673 9724 445.8 326 4734| 674 o100\442°2 ei AaStroteaakSadl' ee i sof 30} 674 4177 445.3) 326.0276) 674 4568 446.8 ee 9900 4834| 1° 999? if | 40] 674 8626 444-9 325 5823] 674 9031\47- oe 9432 4844\ 2°? : 150} 675 3070 444.4 325 1374} 675 3490 ior ray 0969 4854 1.0 5154 a 143/18.675 7510 444.0 324 6930 675 7944 445 4 gua Io 4864 1.0 ce 3c tro} 676 1945 443.5]! 17324 2490 8.676 2393 444.9| 5 “ie. 2056 Abra 5136) ac i 20| 676 6375 443.0) 223 8055] 676 6839 444.6 =f93 7607|10.0004884| +"°|9- a IC 30} 677 0801 442.6| 323 3625] 677 1279 444.0 339 3161 4894 1.0 ‘Ee i | 40} 677 5223 442.0| 322 9199 677 5715 21443. a 8721 Agok 1.0 Srogiee bk f 5o 677 9540 441.7 322 4777 678 0147 443.2 a 4285 4914 1.0 Bes | 144/18.678 4059/44": 329 0360} 678 4573/4426 an 9853 Aang 12 506] 10| 678 8460 440.8 11.321 5948}/8.678 8996 442.3} aa! 9427 4034 1.0 ae 1 20] 679 2864 440.4 321 1540] 679 3414 441.8 a 1004|10.0004944 Pps at 1 | 50} 679 7263/4299 320 7136] 679 7828 441.4 ae 6586 4954 1.0 se ae 4o| 680 1657 439.4 320 2737] 680 2237 440.9 Be 2172 4064 1.0 Soda | 1 5ql 680 6047/4239: 319 8343] 680 6641 440-4 yt 7763 yi 1.0 sam wap J45'|8.681 0433/4300 319 3953] 681 1042/44") 3:8 3359 4684) +" Soa | nal 681 4814\2284| 38 956718.681 543/429} eee 4994\ +o Sousa 20] 681 gI9t 437.7 318 5186) 681 9829143 439.2 eae 4563|10.0005004 1.0 006] 16 f 30) 682 3563 437.2 318 0809} 682 4216 438.7 2 O17] 5o14 1.0 99994996 BL 4o| 682 7931/4208 317 6437] 682 8598 438.2] 317 5784 5o25| . 4986} 5 | 50) 683 2295 436.4 317 2069] 683 2976 437.8 aie 1402 5635 1.0 4975) 4 1161'8.683 6654 435.9 316 7705} 683 735 437.4 ae 7024 Boss is 4965) ! | 10 684 1oogi432"> 11.316 3346)8.684 1719 ‘Ol ay 2650 5ob5 1.0 my | 32] 684 5355/4350] Ste 48a] 685 eRe eee ae a 1.0), aaa 30) 684 9706 434.9, 349 4641 685 0445 436.1 oh 3916 Soasheee 9-9994935 14 | 40} 685 4047 43.4.1 315 0294] 685 4801 435.6 Bie 955 5086! 2 4925} § 50! 685 8385/432°8 314 5953} 685 9153 435.2 ae 199 See 1.0 49rd} 4 147! 8.686 9718|492°9 314 1615 686 35o0r 434.8 oe 0847 5536 1.0 4904 eae i ro} 686 7046 432.8] 1-313 7282 8.686 7844 434.3}, 5 Ease 9 hte 1.0 4894 2 } 20] 687 1371 432.5 313 2954] 687 2183 433. EF 2156|10.0005126] + °° 4864) a 130] 687 56gr/43?-0 312 8629) 687 6518|433" Soe Bran 9-9994574 at ; 40} 688 0007 431.6 312 4309 688 0848 433.0 ae 3482 5149 1.0 486 150] 688 Brg 4st! 311 9993] 688 5174 432.6 oH 9152 yaa) 1-9 45d | 448'/8.688 8625 30.7 311 5682} 688 9496 432.2 ae 4826 5167 a 4843} 3c 10] 689 2928 430.3}! 1.311 1375/8.689 3813 431.7 i at 0504-5178 I.1 4833 Px }20| 689 7227 429.9 310.7072] 689 8126 431.3 zie 6187 r0.0005188 1.0 4822) 1 130] 690 1521/4294 310 2773] 690 2435 430.9 ae 1874). 5198) °° 9: sap | 4o 690 A811 29-0 309 8479 690 6740 430.5 ne 7565 5209 ist 480 150} 691 0097 58.6, 3094189} Gor 1041 430.1 309 3260 re: men 47 49'\8.69t 4379420"? 308 9903] 691 5337|429° Sa we 522911 — 47bae fro} 691 8656 427°7 11.308 5621/8. 691 9629 429. rs, Be 4663 bake L-I 4771 a | 20] 692 2929 427.3 308 1344} 692 3917 428.8 sin 0371|10.0005250| + — 4760} 1¢ E30] 692 7198) 26.9 307 7071 692 8200 428.3 ae 6083 5360 1.0/9 9994750, We hee Aue 307 2802] 693 2479 427.9 306 1008 Bovrha te 4740} Sc 50 693 570 fi4201 306 8537 693 6755 427.6 oe 7521 Baer 1.0 4729) 4¢ 30//8.693 9980 APieneee 42701 O94 rome hese Se 5291] 1 < 4719} 3¢ OSA EMS OS: 11.306 0020 8.694 5292 426.6 305 8974 rien) tat 4709} 2 co-sin. dif. 1" Re Ok Ce ee 11.305 1208 Io. Sina te 1.0 4698} 1 sec. co-tang. dif. 1" 1 hh Maa 9.99946 8) tang. co-sec. a. . 4 3 81n. LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 175 ERG in a alain E m2 sin. dif. 1! co-sec, tang. phsccale co-tang. sec, d.l”| co-sin. 50! 8. 693 9980 11.306 0020]8.694 5292 11.305 4708]10.00053 12 4688 10! 10} 694 4232|420'2| 305 5768| 694 9555|426- 3} 305.0445), 5393) P21? °7a6 70} 50 20} 694 8480 4a44 305 1520] 695 3814\7" 5A 304 6186 5343 ih 4667) 4o \30 6 5 2724 Moho 304 7276] 695 8068 ae 304 1932 5344 Be: 4656] 30 40 695 6964 is56 304 3036] 696 2318 424.6 303 7682 5354 ee 4646} 20} : 50 696 1200 423.1 303 8800] 696 6564 ‘4 iy 303 3436 5365 aie 4635) 10 118.696 5431 pee: 11.303 4569)8.697 0806 Pe git 1.302 9194 10.0005375 Ni 9-9994625} 9! 10} 696 aan BA 303 0341] 697 5044\7 a 302 4956 5385 a 4615} 50 20} 697 3882 vy 302 6118} 697 9278|7 5 2.9 302 0722 5396 ae 4604| 4o 30} 697 8101 4a. 5 302 1899} 698 3507/7556, 302 6493 5406} 5") 4594} 30} 40] 698 2316 fart 301 7684] 698 7733 i 301 2267 5417 ay 4583] 20 So 698 6527 pron 301 3473 699 195417578 300 8046 5428 ve 4572| 10 hd 699 0734 420.9|""* 300 9266|8.699 6172 ford | 1.300 3828 10.0005438) |" 719-9994562] 8! | \10} 699 4936 419.0 300 5064} 700 0385/1 30 oo} 299 615 5449] 5°64 4551} 5of 699 9135 419.5 300 0865} 700 4594\7 o5| 299 406 5459] 4541] 4o} 700 3330 419.0 299 6670} 700 8799 4oo.1| 299 1201 5470! "5 4530} 30} 700 79201418 9 299 2480] 701 3000) (7 19.7 298 7000 9480} | 4520} 20 701 1707 418.9 298 8293} 7or 7197 419.3 298 2803 5491 a3 ; 4509 10) 8.701 5889 417.8 11.298 4111}8.702 13g0|% 419.0|1!-297 8610}10.0005502] °".|9-9994495} 7 702 0067 419.5 297 9933} 702 5980) j, §5| 297 4420 S912 ae 4488} 50 702 4242 Poe oh S297 5758] 702 9765 A181} 297 0235 5523] 5 4477) 40} 702 8412 416.6) 297 1588] 703 3946/7 76 296 6054 5533 a 4467| 30} 703 2578 416.3 295 7422 Wg) 8129\4 Aad 296 1878 5544 ve 4456 20} 703 6741 415.8 296 3259} 704 2295) boa 295 7709 5555] 54 4445) 10 14'18.704 0899) 105.5 11.295 gtor|8.704 6465 Raha: 11.299 3535 10.0005565 1 1|9:9994435] 6" | 704 5054 MnO 295 4946] 705 0630 Aes 294 9370 5576 Le 4424 50) 704 9204 MAb 295 0796] 705 4791 B85 294 5209 5587| 75 4413 4o| 705 3350 A432 294 6650] 705 8948 41 53 294 1052 5597 ae 4403 30} 705 7493 413.8 294 2507] 706 3101 14.9 293 6899 5608) 7 4392 20} 706 1631 4135 293 8369] 706 7250/4 45 293 2750 5619 ie 4381 To} 8.706 5766 AS 11.293 4234,8.707 1395 414.2) 14:29? 8605)10.0005630] 1". |9-9994370] 5! | 706 9896 “a 293 o104] 707 5537 339 292 4463 5640 a 4360} 50} 707 4023 412.3| 29? 5977| 707 ela 3.4) 292 0326 S651] 5 | 4349} 40} 707 8146 431-5 292 1854) 708 3808 aight 39" 6192 9662}. 74 4338} 30} 708 2265 Aird}. 29% 7735] 708 7937 ya é| 291 2063 5672 ig 4328] 20 708 6380 4110. 29! 3620} 709 2003/5 5.9} 299 7937 5683 a 4317} 10} 8.709 0490 410.8|!1:29° 9510}8-709 6185 Arr.9|t E290 3815}10.0005694| |" ,|9:9994306| 4! 709 4598 410.3} 29° 3402 es vy, 289 Spee 5705] 15 oe 50 709 8701 409.9 290 1299} 710 4416\7 0 | 2895584 5716] 5", 4284] 4o} 710 2800 409.6 289 7200} 710 8527 ‘166 289 1473 5726 a 4274} 30 710 6896 409.1 289 3104] 711 2633 ee: 288 7367 5737] 1", 4263} 20 711 0987 408.8 288 gor3}_ 711 6735 409.9 288 3265 5748 yi 4252 10 9718.71 5075 408.4 11.288 4925,8.712 0834 409.5 11.287 9166}10.0005759] | ,|9-9994241] 3! | 711 9159 488.6 288 0841] 712 4929/6 09.0 287 5071 5770 hs 4230} 50 712 3239 407.6 2876761] 7129019 hobie 287 vt oat 5781 hn 4219} 4o Wen F315 has 287 2685] 713 3106 408.4 286 6894 5792 ra 4208} 30} 713 1387 406.9 286 8613] 7137190 407.9 286 2810 5802) 7) 4198] 20 9713 5456 406.4 286 4544) 714 1269 1G 285 8731 5813 ae 4187 10 538. 713 9520 406.1 11.286 0480)8.714 5345 pac 11.285 4655|10.0005824) |", |9-9994176) 2! | 714 3581 Aose 285 6419] 7149417 406.8 285 0583 5835 ie 4165} 50 714 7638 tens 285 2362] 7153485 406.4 284 6515 5846 sa 4154| 4o 719 1692 hohe 284 8308] 715 7549) , se 284 2451 5857 fs 4143} 30 i 5741 404.6 284 4259} 716 1609 4e6ts 283 8391 5868 > 4132| 20 715 9787 bode 284 0213} 716 5666 05.3 283 4334 5879 are 4121} 10 8.716 3829 403.8 11.283 6171)8.716 9719 4Gko 11.283 0281110.0005890) |", |9-99941 10} 1! | 716 7867 403.4 283 2133) 717 376 404.5 282 6232 9901] Fy 4099} So 717 Hey Kea 282 8099] 717 7813 reve 282 2187 59f2| | 4088} 4o 717 9932) jo9.4| 282 4068) 718 1855 403.8, 281 8145 5923) 7, 4077} 30} 717 9999) 405.3] 282.0041] 718 5893/7 -3°3| 281 4107 5934) 4066} 20} 718 3982 Mea 281 6018] 718 99 927) 403.1 281 0073 5945 fe 4055] 10} 190/8.718 8002 11.281 1998|8.719 3.719 3958 11.280 6042110.0005956| * |9.9994044] 0! co-sin, |dif.l'’ sec. peta: dif." a tang. co-sec. |d.1” sin. Men 87° 176 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. sg 3° sin. dif.l'"} —co-sec. tang. dif.1/’| co-tang. sec. aif! 0! 18.718 8002 11.281 1998)8.719 3958 11.280 6042|10.0005956 10] 719 2017 if | "980 7943 719 7984 ee 280 2016 5967 a 20} 719 6029 T-2) 980 3971] 720 2007 Lae 279 7993 5978 sig 30] 720 0039)4°0-9 279 9962] 7206027/701'5| 279 3973 5989| 1 4o] 720 4042 we 4 279 5958] 721 0042 youd 278 9958 6000] |" 50] 720 8043/4021) 279 1957] 721 4054 peer 278 5946 Gort} | 1! |8.721 2040 teh 11.278 7960}8.721 8063 Sook 11.278 1937|10.0006022 Ay 10] 721 6034 Oe 278 3966} 722 2067 y crak th Ba 7933 6033) |", 20] 722 0024 eee 277 9976] 722 6068/30" 277 3932 6045] 5", 30] 722 4o10 ote: 277 5990] 723 0065 lags 276 9935 6056} 1 40] 7227992 9o+2 277 2008] 723 4059 rd 5 276 5941 6067 ies 5o] 723 1971 ae 276 8029] 723 8049 326 276 1951 6078] | b 2! 18.723 5946 oh 11.276 4054|8.724 2035 3283 11.275 7965} 10.0006089 pre 10] 7239918 rhe 276 0082] 724 6018 32 ; 275 3982 » 6100) | 20] 724 3886 sare 275 6114] 7249997 dle 275 0003 28 2) ae 30) 724 7850 Ce 275 2150} 725 3972 eae 274 6028 6123 as 4o| 725 1810 aks 274 8190] 725 7944 368 274 2056 6134]. 150} 725 5767 303-4 274 4233} 726 1912 306.5 273 8088 6145) 75 | 3! 18.725 9721 te 11.274 027918.726 5877 ph 11.273 4123]10.00061 56 rd 110} 726 3671 reves 273 6329} 726 9838 3 % 273 0162 6167 i $20] 726 7617 fie 273 2383] 727 3795 wy 272 6205 6179} +) 130} 727.1559 ao, 272 8441) 7277749 325 7 272 2251 6190 | 5 40] 727 5498 eee 272 4502] 728 1700 6 271 8300 6201] | | 50} 727 9434 ara: 272 0566] 728 5646 324.3 271 4354 6212) ,", | 4! 18.728 3366 ie: 11-271 6634]8.728 9589 324.0 Il.271 O41 1}10.0006224 ni 9-999 } 10) 728 7294 Say 271 2706) 729 3529/3736} 2706471 6235} | 20] 7291219 ab 270 8781} 729 7465 3 is 270 2535 6246] |’, 30] 729 5140 => 270 4860] 730 1397 325, 269 8603 6258 4 1 40] 729 9057 3 ve 270 0943} 730 5326 ae 269 4674 6269). | 1 50} 730 2972 arn 269 7028} 730 9252 aie 269 0748 6280] |, 5! {8.730 6882 a4) 11.269 311818.731 3174 rte 11.268 6826}10.0006292| , "| 10} 731 0789 300-4 268 9211} 731 7092 Pyaar 268 2908 6303) 1" 20] 731 4693 pa: 268 5307] 732 1007 3 ie: 267 8993 6314 rid 30} 731 8593 38 | 268 1407] 732 4918 508 267 5082 6326] 7 40| 732 2489 aa 267 7511] 732 8826 ai! 267 1174 6337] 37) 3663}) So] 732 6382 cena 267 3618] 733 2730/37)""| 266 7270 6348} 5, 36594) 6’ |8.733 0272 398 5 11.266 9728/8.733 6631 38 "g|1 1-266 3369) 10.0006360} ,*1|9-9993640}| 10] 733 4157|3¢8°31 266 5843] 734 0529 aay 4 265.9471 6373| 5", 3629}) 20| 733 8040/3,°"-| 266 1960] 734 4423/3974] 265 5577 6383] ;"7| 3619) | 30] 734 1919 Bate 265 8081] 734 8313 a4 4 265 1687 6394] ,", 3606 | 40} 734 5795/337°)| 265 4205] 735 2200/338'/| 264 7800 6406] ,"5| 3594) 50] 734 9567|3a4'a| 265 0333] 735 6084/3,5°°| 264 3916 6417] 5", 3583}) 7! 18.735 3535] 4965) 11-264 6465/8.735 9964)3¢_ g|11.264 0036)10.0006428) "519 9993579} | ro} 735 7400 386.5 264 2600] 736 3840 85.4 263 6160 6440 8 3560} } 20| 736 1262/300'9| 263 8738] 736.7714/3a4'9| 263 2286 6451] "| 3549) | 30} 736 5120/3¢0'5| 263 4880] 737 1583/3a6°7} 262 8417 6463| 1} 353%) | 40] 736 8975)335°5] 263 1025] 737 5450/396°3| 262 4550 6474) "3| 35264 5o| 737 2827 384.8 262 7173] 7379313 385. 262 0687 6486 yes 3514)) 8! 18.737 6675 334.4 11.262 3325]8.738 3172 385.6 11.261 6828]10,0006497 Mo 9-9993503}, } 10] 738 0519 Baas 261 9481] 738 7028 385.3] 261 2972 6509] 5" 3491 y 20] 738 4360 383.8 261 5640] 739 0881 384. 260 9119 6520 a 3480}) 30] 738 8198 333.5 261 1802] 739 4730 384.6 260 5270 6532) 7) 3468 ! 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291 91Q)} 749 I ae 10) 18.749 0553 ie 11.250 9447|8.749 7400 e 11.250 2600]10.0006848) | °5|9.9993152)47/ 1 749 4297 Bee 250 5703} 750 1157 35.4 249 8843 6860 uy 3140 a 749 8039 353.8 250 1961] 750 4911 395.6 249 5089 eh ss Bee 40) 1 950 1777 353.6 249 8223) 750 8661 obs 249 1339 ne 117} 30} 750 5513 ab. 249 ga pe ae 354.4 ae Bo ae 1.2 3093 a 750 9244 ; 249 07 751 6152 2 Ph ty OF 8.75 $673 Mah 11.248 7027]8.751 9892 es 11.248 0108}10.0006919 wa 9-999308 1 46! 751 6699 ea 248 3301} 752 3629 Boab 247 6371 eck Yond ee “oI 752 0421 bec 247 9579] 752 7364 4 247 2636 oe i sah! £Or of 752 4140 3416 247 5860} 753 1095 372.8 246 8905 929] 5 ay “OF on) 752 7856 361.3 247 2144) 753 4823/37," 240 5177 peed ea ooh iG bo) 753 1569 370.9 246 8431} 753 8547 yaa 2H Le P ae ta sial Ped 18.753 5278|4/, \11.246 4722 8.754 2269 341.8 11.245 7731]|10.000099!| , 119.999 9 5" of 753 8984 Sond 246 1016] 754 5987 3915 245 4o13 7002| |", ore s of 754 2688 al. : 245 7312] 754 9702 Sar 245 0298 7014 a sd = Po] 754 6388)370-) 2453612) 755 34r4)37,0| 244 6586 7026] "| 2974} 20 lo} 755 0085)327°41 244 9915] 7557123/370°2| 244 2877 7038) 7", 2962| 20} ha 755 3778 BAL 244 6222] 756 0829 ea 3 2.43 9171 7050 ‘a 2950 ro} 118.755 7469) 308'|11.244 2531|8.756 4531/37 0°" 11.243 5469|10.0007062| "3 19.999293€|44/| lol 756 1156 368-4 243 8844| 756 8231 360, | 243 1760 7974 me 2926] 5o} ob 756 4840 368.9 243 5160] 757 1927 369 3 242 8073 7086 13 2914 Ao} Joh 756 8529 Bk '8 243 1478] 757 5620 369.0 242 4380 7999| 1 5 2901 30} om 757 2200 365.4 242 7800] 757 9310 368.7 242 0690 Lanes we ie oF Ig 727. 9874l 36-5] 242.4126) 758 2997/3268 4) 241 7093 wine hi oR ai pe 8.757 9546 366 o| 11-242 0454)8-758 6681/3769") [11-24 8,33 1¢]10.0007 1919-999 a b} 758 3215 uae 241 6785} 759 0362 367.5 240 9638 7147 es, 285 fe) OF 758 6880 366.3 241 3120} 759 4039 367.5 240 5961 7159 4 ag) md ‘of 759 0543 65. 240 9457) 7597714)34- 240 2286 uae fs er ro) PL 759 4202)355,2) 240.5798] 760 1385/3560] 239 8615 BAS cate eA pak 1, 799.78591365.3| 2402141) 760 5054) 366 6 a 4946 ie ; 9 * cae Pe 318.760 1519 365.0 11.239 8488]8.760 8719 366.9| 11-239 1281] 10.0007207] |'3'9-999 79 ie ») 760 51621525 239 4838] 761 2381 65.9 238 7619 7220 55 2780) Sof i 760 8809! 3874 239 1191] 761 6040 365. 238 ae Ay ee he a oy 761 2453 64.1 238 7547] 761 9697 365.3 238 0303 7244) 5, rh So} 0} 76.1 6094): 63.4 238 3906] 762 3350 Bo 237 6650 ee oe art 20} , i 761 9731|323 5| 238.0269] 762 7000 364.9 237 0 ripe We q72 a 762 3366 363.9) 11-237 6634)8.763 0647 364.4|22-2 6 9353|10.0007280) | 3 9.99927 ‘O| 7626998 362.9 237 3002 763 42g! 364.0 236 5709 iad atolits 270] I 0} 763 0627/3452) 236 9373] 763 7931. 363.8 236 2069 7309) 59 aye 4 of 763 4252 360.3 236 5748] 764 1569 363.5 235 8431 aat7 oe - 0 of 964 149420") 935.8506) cea eane2522| aassred 34913] abel ao | 704 1494 , 23) 8506) 764 8836)57.~" 235 1164 7342) 5 (18.764 5111 Saghe 11.235 4889}8.765 2465 pa) 11.234 7535}10.0007354| *** 9-9992646, 40) co-sin. dif. L’’ sec, co-tang. dif. 1'' tang. 23 co-sec. dy sin, 86° 178 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 30 sin. dif. 1" co-sec. | tang. dif.1''| co-tang. sec, ag! 208.764 5111 361.3 11.235 4889,8.765 2465 362.6 t1:234 7935 10.0007354 a 9-999264 10} 764 8724 Bain 235 1276] 765 6091 360.9 234 3909 7366 a 2 20} 765 2335 360.8 234 7665} 765 9713 36o'6 234 0287 7378 1.3 | 30] 765 5943 360.4, 234 4057 766 3333 361.7 233 6667 7391] 15 4o} 765.9547}36,,5| 2340453] 766 6950/36 °°/| 233 3050 7403]. 5o]| 766 3149 35 8 233 6851] 767 0564 3654 232 9436 7419 A 121'|8.766 6747 3526 11.233 3253]8.767 4175 360.7 11.232 5825}10.0007428 Va 10| 767 0343 3525 232 9657] 767 7782 360.5 232 2218 7440 Ly 120] 767 3935 abo 232 6065} 768 1387 eee aiseet 8613 7452 at | 30] 767 7525 3586 232 2475} 768 4989/35 9 231 5o11 7465} 55 4o} 768 1111 358.4 231 8889} 768 8588). se 231 1412 7477| + 5 50} 768 46953564 231 5305] 769 2184)359°2| 230 7816 7489) 3 22/18.768 8275 354 g L123! 1725|8.769 5777 350.0] 11-230 4223}10.0007502] 5 °5|9. 10] 769 1853 35.5 230 8147| 769 9367 358.9 230 0633 7514 ae 20] 769 5428 355.2 230 4572) 770 2954 358.5, 229 7046 7526 ee | 30] 769 go00 356 8 230 1000] 770 6539 358.4 229 3461 7939 Ke 40} 770 2568) 3566} 229 7432] 771 0120 354.8, 228.9880 755) 13 Sol 770 6134/3563] 229 3866] 771 3698)3-7"F| 228 6302 75641 23/|8.770 9697 356 olf 1:229 0303|8.771 7274 35,5 11.228 2726]10.0007576 ai ‘ 10] 771 3297 345.5 228 6743] 772 0846 Hi 227 9154 7589 i i 20] 771 6814 355.5 228 3186] 772 4416 3566 227 5584 7601 ss 30] 772 0369 EE, 227 9631] 7727982 356.4 227 2018 7614 A 1 40] 772 3920 354.8 227 6080} 773 1546 . 226.8454 7626 3 | 50} 772 7468/5357 6| 227 2532) 773 5107]ar6's| 226 4893 7639) 55 124'18.773 1014 354.2 11.226 8986}8.773 8665 355.5 11.296 1335]10.0007651 13 , fro] 773 4556 35a. 220 5444) 774 2220 355 9 225 7780 7664 2M 120] 773 8096 353.9 226 1904] 7745772 354, 225 4228 7676 he 30] 774 1633 353.3 225 8367| 774 9321 3542 225 0679 7689 ce 140) 7745166 353.1 225 4834) 775 2868 3 294 7132 7701 13 | 50) 774 8697/35 3" 225 1303] 7756411 Bb A 224 3589 7714] 5 5 125'|8.775 2226 3552 11.224 7774|8.775 9952 353.8 11.224 00.48]10.0007726 13 P10} 7755751 Bhai 224 4249] 776 3490 353.5 223 6510 7739] 5 5 1 20] 779 9273 we 224 0727| 776 7025 353.9 223 2975 7751 ag | 30] 776 2793 351.6 223 7207] (7770557 350.9] 22? 9443 7764 13 | 40] 776 6309) 35, 4 223 3691} 777 4086 aru ipa 5914 F1F They | So} 776 9823/35 5] 223.0177] 777 7612 359.4 292 2388 7789| | 3 12618.777 3334 350.8 11.222 6666,8.778 1136 cae 11.221 8864/10.00078092 5 ; | 10] 777 6842)35°°5| 222 3158) 778 4657/327'3| 221 5343 7815) 7 } 20) 778 0347 356.3} 223 9653} 778 8175 35. 221 1825 7827 Re 30} 778 3850 34 ; 221 6150} 779 1690 Beas 220 8310 7840 5s 1 40] 778 7349 i a 221 2651} 779 5202 pes 220 4798 7853 s 150] 779 0846 3404 2209154] 779 8711 Praais 220 1289 7865) 7 °3 127'18.779 4340 3401 11.220 5660]8.780 2218 35 4 11.219 7782|10.0007878 ne } . | ro} 779 7831 348.8 220 2169} 780 5722 riage 219 4278 7891 < j 20] 780 Ps 348 6| 2498681] 780 9223 34 ‘gl 2190777 7903 r f 30} 780 480 348.9 219 5195] 781 2721 3405 218 7279 7916 C3 | 40] 780 8287|3 76°] 219 1713} 781 6216 3423 218 3784 7929) 5. | 50] 781 1767 34 ; 218 8233) 781 9709 te 218 0291 7941 3 §28'18.781 5244 34a.5 11.218 4756:8.782 3199 348. 11.217 6801|10.0007954 is : } 10} 781 8719 Shr 218 1281| 782 6686 aa 217 3314 7967 es } 20] 782 2190 346 217 7810} 783 0170 3481 216 9830 7980 3 | 30) +782 5659 ees 217 4341] 783 3651 34 ‘ 216 6349 7993 ¢ | 4o] 7829125 346.3 217 0875} 783 7130 456 216 2870 8005 age 50} 783 2588] 76°.| 216.7412] 784 0606 215 9394 8018] 7°35 123'18.783 6048 345.8 11.216 3952|8.784 4079 yi 11.215 5921}10.0008031 ae } J 10] 783 9506/3 72'5| 2160494] 784 7550 OE 215 2450 8044 £3 | 20] 784 2961 345 9 215 7039) 785 1017 346.5 214 8983 8057] * J 30] 7846413/377°| 215 3587] 785 4482 346.3 214 5518 8069 os | 40] 784 9862 ae 215 0138} 785 7945 345. 214 2055 8082 3 1 50] 785 3309 347 4 2146691] 786 1404 3452 213 8596 8095 hs 130'18.4985 6753/9444) 11.214 3247|8.786 4861\ 94>? 11.213 5139! 10.0008108} *” co-sin. dif. 1"’ sec. co-tang. j|dif.1'’ tang. co-sec. jd.1” 93° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 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Bed 40'18.805 8523 398.5 1 E194 1477 8.806 7422 10 20 30 Ws 5o p41/18 42/18 1 LO 4318. IO 44/18. sce) sin. 806 1808) 806 5089, 806 8369) 807 1646 807 4920 807 8192 : 808 1462 808 4729 808 7993 809 1255 809 45 I 5 3 809.7772 810 ace) 810 4279) 810 7529) 3 811 0776 8r1 4o2r 3 811 7264 812 0504 812 3741 8126977 813 0209 813 3440 813 6668 814 9556 815 2779 dif. 1"'| —_—_—= 328.1 \328.0 1.9 321.6 321.3 45'18.815 5985/3, 7") 46'/8. Io 478. 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L"’ sec. co-tang. 11.193 2578]10.0008899 192 9280 8913 co-tang, sec. lat ‘ co-sin. } : . | rk 9-9991 101] . i 1760| — 1087] 5, 192 5984 8926) | 4 1074] 4) 192 2691 8940) , "3 1060} 3) Ig1 9401 8953 ay, 1047 Py 191 6113 8967| 1 3 1033} 1) 11-191 2828}10.0008980) | "//9.9991020) 16) 190 9545 8994] 1 3 1006} 5i| 190 6264 9007] , 0993] 4 190 2986 go21 A 0979} 3} 189 9710 9035) 5 3 096 Bi) 189 6437 9048} | 4 0952] 1), 11.189 3166}10.0009062| , '3/9.9990938}I 188 9898 907 tA 0925} 5 188 6632 9089) 5 ogtt| 4) 188 3369 9103 13 0897] 3) 188 o107 9116 rd 0884] 2) 187 6849 9130 a 0870} 1) 11.187 3593|10.00091 44 1.3 9-9990856}17) 187 0339 9157 a 0843] 5) 186 7085 9171 my 0829} 4) 186 3839 9185) 1°3 081413) 186 0592 9198 me" 0802] 2| 185 7348 9212 ra 0788} 1) 11.185 4106] 10.0009226 sin 9-99907741 185 0867 9240 13 0760} 5} 184 7630 9253 9 074714 184 4395 9267 ee 0733} 3} 184 1163 9281 134 0719 a 183 7934 9295 a 0705} I 11.183 4706]10.0009309] | °3|9-9990691]L6) 183 1481 9322] 4 0678} 5) 182 8259 9336 rv 0664] 4) 182 5038 9350 hae 0650} 2 182 1820 9364 eat 0636} 2 181 8605 9378) 54 0622] 1) 11.181 5392|10.0009393| ,"3/9.9990608}14) 181 2181 940 ny 595} 5) 180 8972 9419 rbd 0581] 4) 180 5766 9433 Pr 0567} 3) 180 2562 9447) 54 0553] 2! 179 9361 9461) 1"; 0539} 1! 11.179 6162|10.0009475} 1"719.9990525113| 179 2965 9489) 4 o51t] 5) 178 9771 9503 eek 0497} 4 178 6578 9517 Ra 0483} 31) 178 3389 9531 i, 0469} 21 178 0201 9545 a _ 0455) 1) 11.177 7016]10.0009559] | "719.999044 1] | 177 3833 9573 ox 0427] 5! 177 0653 9587] 1; 0413} 4 176 7474 9601 ek 0399] 31) 176 4299 9615 * 0385} 176 1125 9629 ‘4 0371} 1 11.175 7954]10.0009643 . 9.9990357}11) 175 4785 9657 a 0343} 5: 175 1618 9671 4 0329) 4 174 8453 9685 i 0315} 3 174 5291 9599 eu 0301] 21 174 2131 9713) 14 0287] I) 11.173 8974]10.0009727 a 9-9990273}1U | ee tang. co-sec. {d.1"’ sin, a LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 18] 176° | sin. dif.l''| co-sec. tang. dif,l'’} —co-tang. sec. dl") co-sin. —_—-> 11.174 8701 8.826 1026 3156 stead 8974'10.0009727 ma 9.9990273}10) ; 3 ; o} 825 4440 3 174 5560] 826 4182 315.3 1735 18 9741 ne 0259 50 825 7579 Te 174 2421} 826 7335 SBS 173 2665 9795 ay 0245} 4o 826 0716 313.4 173 9284) 8270485 ve 172 9515 9779| 14 0230} 30} 826 3850 eee 173 6150} 827 3634 3146 172 6366 9784 ai 0216} 20; 826 6982/33; 173 3018] 827 6780 3144 172 3220 9798 ae 0202] 10 178-827 0112) 'gi11.172 9888/8.827 9924 rapa 11.172 0070, 10.00098 12 1.4|9-99901 88} 9! 0} 827 3240 Bro A 172 6760} 828 3066 3100 171 6934 9826 de 0174} 5oh 0} 827 6365)3°,°3| 172 3635} 828 6206) 3" 171 3794 9840) 15 0160} 49; 827 9488 Baan 172 0512} 828 9343 313 171 0697 9855 La 0145} 305 828 2609/3 5 | 171 7391} 829 2478)3 3°53} 170 7522 9869) 54 0131} 205 828 5728 ae 171 4272} 829 5611 313.0 170 4389 9883 ay O1T7] 104 218.828 8844/9, 4|11-171 1156}8.829 8741 312.8 11.170 1259) 10.0009897) 5", 9.9990103} 8! Oo} 829 1958/3574) 170 8042] 830 1869) 5” 169 8131 9911) 15 0089} 50 10] 829 5070 ee 170 4930] 830 4996 Anas 169 5004 9926 ay 0074| 40 0} 829 8179 Biot 170 1821} 830 8119/3575} 169 1881 9949] 14 0060} Sof jo} 830 1287/3 05} 1698713] 831 1241/37 7° 168 8759 9994) 5 4 0046} 20) yo} 830 4392|3 53} 169 5608} 831 43603, ea 168 5640 9968) 55 0032} 104 318.830 7495/3, {11-159 2505}8.831 7478 3115 11.168 2522}10.0009983} |" /|9-9990017 ay o} 831 0596)3,0'g) 168 9404] 832 0593 311.9} 107 9407|10.0009997] 5 4 9:9990003} 5o 831 3694 she 6| 168 6306] 832 3705/3, | 167 6295|10.001001 1} ,"5|9.9989989} 40} 831 6790 Aad 168 3210} 832 6816 310.8} 197 3184 0026 LA 9974] 30 831 9884 hele 168 0116} 832 9924/3, 54} 167 0076 0040) 7", 9960} 20 832 2976 es 167 7024] 833 3030 sow 166 6970 0054 aa 9946} 10 4/18.832 6066 oe 1.167 3934|8.833 6134 310.9/1 2-168 3866) 10.001 0069 14 9-9989931| 6! 832 9153/3 02's] 167 0847] 833 9236)3°°"*| 166 0764 0083] 17 9917) 50 833 2238/33) 166 7762} ' 834 2336/3, 165 7664 0097] 5 "5 9903} 40 833 5321)3°4°)| 166 4679} 834 5433 Bont 165 4567 o112| 1"y 9888] 30 833 8402/3°°"°| 166 1598] 834 8528/5°9'3| 165 1472 0126] 7" 9874] 20 834 1481|307'2| 165 8519} 835 1621/3091 164 8379 o141| 177} 9859] 10 518.834 4557 304-4 11.165 5443}]8.835 4712 rt 4 11.164 5288}10.0010155 ae 9-9989845} 5! of 834 7631 ay 165 2369} 835 7801 Re 164 2199 0169) 15 9831} 50 tof 835.0703 elles 164 9297| 836 0887 308 4 163 9113 0184 id 9816} 40 o} 835 3773 306.8 164 6227} 836 3971 308.9 193 6029 0198) 55 9802} 30 o} 835 6841 306.5 164 3159} 836 7053 308 © 163 2947 0213 “iy, 9787] 20 20} 835 9906/3 -'3| 164 0094] 837 0133)3°""a| 162 9867 0227| 5 9773] 10 8.836 2969)3.¢ 911-163 7031]8.837 3211 ae 11.162 6789]10.0010242 1.4)9°9989798 4! $36 6031)3°,'-| 163 3969) 837 6287/3°7°3| 162 3713 0256) | "5 9744] 50 836 gogo 50% 163 og10] 837 9360 puting 162 0640 02711 1 9729] 40 837 2146 ae 162 7854] 838 2432 ns 161 7568 0285 mi 9715} 30 837 5201 ee 162 4799} 838 5501 Es 161 4499 0300 ud 9700] 20 837 8254/3°-"| 1621746) 838 8568)3°5°7| 161 1432 0314) 75 9686] 10 "8.838 1304 304.8 t1.161 8696)/8.839 1633 306.2 11.160 8367}10.0010329 a 9.998967 1] 3° 838 4352\3°/'@| 161 5648) 839 4695)356;| 160 5305 0343) | 5 9657} So 838 7398 304.4 161 2602] 839 7756 05.8 160 2244 0358 Akh 9642] 4o 839 0442 gs 160.9558} 840 0814/3 05" 159 9186 0372] 1 5 9628] 30 839 3484)3°3°.| 1606516] 840 3871 305.4 159 6129 0387] 5 9613] 20 )0} 839 6523 3048 160 3477| 840 6925 305, 159 3075 0402 AY: 9598 10 818.839 9561/33 <|11.160 0439)8.840 9977/3570 |11.199 0023 10,0010416) 5 '5:9-9989584] 2! 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Ba got} 10} (918.841 7741) 305 3111-158 2250]8.842 82.45 32 11.157 1755}10.0010504) 5 5 9-9989496) 1'| 842 0764 a 157 9236] 843 1282 303 G 156 8718 o519 Poh 9481| 50 842 3784 Sci 157 6216} 843 4318 303.3 156 5682 0533) iz 9467] 4o 842 6803 Aor k 157 3197| 843 7351 303. 156 2649 0548} ay 9452; 30} 842 9819 301.4) 127 0181] 844 0382 aa a 155 9618 0563) 7 4 9437] 20} 843 2833 ay 156 7167| 844 3410 a 155 6590 0577] +5 9423; 10} 843 5845)" *"|11.156 415518.844 6437|°°?"7| 11.155 3563]10.0010592| |9.9989408} 0! co-sin. |dif.1'’ sec, co-tang. |dif.1'’ tang. co-sec. |d.l'’ sin. 86° 182 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, Wc. 40 175 sin. dif. 1" co-sec. tang. |dif.l'’| co-tang. sec, d.l'’} co-sin. 0! 18.843 5845 11.156 4155}8.844 6437 11.155 3563110.0010592 9989408) 10] 843 88553000! 156 1145] 844 9462[302"3| 155 0538 fe ‘ ore: 23 i! 20} 844 1863}3°°"6| 155 8137} 845 2485)300°°) 1547515 0622 ay, 9378}. 30} 844 4869)30°° 7, 1555131] 845 5505], 7°)| 154 4495 0636) 7; 9364] . | 40] 844 7873}3°°"t) 155 2127] 845 8524 Bort 154 1476 0651 se 9349}: 50] 845 0874)3°°"5) 154.9126] 846 1540], "7| 153 8460 0666) 7°: 9334) 1 18.845 3874) 00'5)11-154 6126]8.846 4954 301.3 E1153 5446}10.0010681 He 9-998931 10] 845 6871 , 154 3129] 846 7567 : 153 2433 06095) —* 305} ! 20} 845 9867 see 154 0133] 8470577 ie 152 9423 oni by. a ‘ | 30} 846 2860 ava 153 7140} 847 3585/37 °"4| 152 6415 0725 Us 9275]: 4ol 846 5851 i 153 4149] 847 6591 ae 152 3409 0740 ve 9260} | 5o| 846 8840],2.°9| 153 1160] 847 9595/30") 152 0405 0755] 13 92451. 2! 18.847 1827 708.5 [1,592 ae pore ich con 11.151 7403]10.0010770 aby 9.9989230} 10] 847 4812|,7,°3| 152 5188) 8485597)" 3} 151 4403 0784| 7° 216} 20] 8477795 ag 152 2205] 848 8505 Bie 151 1405 0799 1.5 fe , i 30] 848 0776 a 151 9224] 849 1590 Reidy 150 8410 0814 es: 9186) ; 4o| 848 3755|227'9| 151 6245) 849 4584|299-4) 150 5416 0829|'2| gt 7h. So 848 6732|,27 2] 151 3268] 849 7576|299-7| 150.2404) 0844 12] g 56) 3! 18.848 9707 97) 51 0293/8.850 0566 ee 11.149 9434]10.0010859 1-9 9-9989141 10} 849 2679 Pai 150 7321] 850 3553 eae 149 6447 0874 1.5 9126} | 20} 849 5650 Bee 150 4350} 850 6539 328.3 149 3461 0889 at OIII} 130] 849 8619|022'8| 150.1381] 850.9522|293°) 149 0478 0904) 1} goof. 40] 850 1585 ph ee 149 8415} 851 2504 celia BT 7496 0918 Son 9082) [50] 850 4550),98".| 1495450] 851 5483|297°2) 148 4517 0933/12} 069) 4! 18.850 7512|,2a'7|11.149 2488)8.851 8461|297"2 11.148 1539]10.0010948| 1"?!9.998905akt to} 851 0473 ee 148 9527| 852 1436 397.9 147 8564 0963 15 9037} 20} 851 3431 so 148 6569} 852 4410 ag 714 147 5590 0978 es go22 30] 851 6388 a 148 3612] 852 7381/2797"! 147 2619 0993 1.5 go007| : 4o} 851 9342 ae 148 0658] 853 0351 Pas 146 9649 1008| 12 8992] 150] 852 2295 a4 1477705] 853 3318 5265 146 6682 1023 1.5 8977] 5! 8.852 5245 sd 11.147 4755|8.853 6283|272"9| 11.146 3717|10.0011038 a 9.9988962]€ 10] 852 8193 ore 147 1807] 853.9247 po 146 0753 1053| 2] °” 8g4qp 20] 853 1140 ie 146 8860} 854 2208 seh 145 7792 1068 1.5 8932} 30] 853 4084/5274] 146.5916} 854 5168/2929) 145 4832 1084] 1-9] 8916} 4o| 8537026 sig? 146 2974] 854 8125 5G 145 1895 1099 1.5 8901 So] 853 9967 biol, 146 0033! 855 1081 3253 144 8919 1114 1.5 8886 6! [8.854 2905))2°"|11.145 7095]8.855 4034|?9P"" 11.144 5966|10.001 1129) '*?/9.9988871 Tol] 854 5842 reo 145 4158} 855 6985 a 144 3015 1144 1.5 88 20] 854 87761023"4 145 1224] 855 .9935/292°2 144 0065 1159/22} 8841 30] 855:1708|,23'7| 144 8292] 856 2882 coy 1437118 1194, 12} 8826) 4o| 855 4639 ae 144 5361} 856 5828 Rane 143 4172 1189 1.5 8811] 5o| 8557567|,25'4| 144 2433] 856 8771/294| 143 1299 1204) 1} 8796} 7! |8.856 0493), 9, "211.143 9507|8.857 1713/2947 111.142 8285]10.001 1220) !-©19.9988780f6 10] 856 3418|,,">| 143 6582] 857 4653/2949) 1425347} 1935] 1-5)” ”” 8965 290] 8566340 ae 143 3660] 857 7590 ney! 142 2410 1250 1.5 8750}: 30} 856 9261|,97'4| 143 073g) 858 05261293) 141 9474 1265| 12} 8435): 140} 857 2179 Rees 142 7821} 858 3460 ech 141 6540 1280) 1° 8720} ' 150} 857 5096 aR 142 4904} 858 6391 RN 141 3609 1295 Ly 8705} | 8! 18.857 8010 eae 11.142 1990|8.858 9321|7 7° "O\ir.141 0679/10.00113 115 x0 9-9988689)5 10] 858 0923 rie 141 9077} 859 2249 ageE 140 7751 1326| 12 8674] ! 20! 858 3834 pik 141 6166] 859 5175 292.6 140 4825 1341 1.5 8659] « 30] 858 6742|.9°"| 141 3258] 859 8099|292"4|_ 140 1901 1356| 13]. 8644). 40] 858 9649 oe 141 0351] 860 1021|29°"?| 139 8979 1372| 1-6 8628} Sol 859 2554)59°'3| 1407446] 860 3941|29?"9| 139 605q 1387/12] 8613] 4 9! 18.859 5457 7° | 11.440 4543]8.860 6859 ae 11.139 3141]10.0011402 1.5 !9.9988508)5| Lo] 859 8357 ao 140 1643} 860 9775 298-9 139 0225 1417| 1°? oe 8583 4 20] 860 1256 pie ge 139 8744] 861 2689 298-4 138 7311 1433 1.6 8567 it 30] 860 4153],07'2| 1395847] 861 5601|29""?| 138 4309 1448| "| 855ah| 4o| 860 7048 stig 139 2952] 861 8512 5 das 138 1488 1463 1.5 8537 4 50] 860 9941 Og 139 0059} 862 1420)? a 137 8580 1479 1.6 852mb 3} 10/\8.861 2833 11.138 716718.862 4327 7-7, 11.137 5673}10.001 1494 1.5 99988506 5| co-sin. = |dif. L"’ Bee, co-tang. |dif.1'' tang. co-sec, jd.1"’ sin 94° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 183 175° dif. 1"' co-sec. tang. dif.1''| co-tang. sec. ob gore ce 11.138 7167|8.862 4327 11.137 5673)10.0011494 ; 9-9988506 50! 288.9 138 janb 862 7231 wee 137 2769 1509 ; : 8491] 50 288.7) 138 1391} 863 0134 bs 136 9866 1525) 15 8475] 4o 288-61 137 8505] 863 3035|28°"s| 136 6965 1540] 31 8460} 30 | 862 4378/255°.| 137 5622) 863 5933|289] 136 4067 1555) 2] 8445) 20} 862 725 288.1 137 2741| 863 8830 rsa 136 1170 1571 Ws 8429 10] | 71301288. 11.136 9861}8.864 1725 380, 11.135 8275}10.001 1586 16 9-998841 4 49" | 287.8) "136 6983] 864 4618|259°9| 1355382] 1602| 2)” ”” 8398] 5o| 287.6] 136 4107] 864 7510/2097] 135 2490 1617| | 8383} 40] 287.3] 1361234] 865.0399 206° 134 9601 1632 1-2] 8368] 30 287.2! 135 8362] 865 3286|-00'2| 1346714 1648] 2} 8359] 20 297.0 135 5492] 865 6172 aie 134 3828 1663 v6 8337 10 pb6.6 11.135 2624]8.865 9055 eta 11.134 0945]10.0011679} 5 5|9-9988321}48 | 286-7) "134 9757| 866 1937|2593| 1338063] 1694) "21" * 8306} 50 286.4 134 6893} 866 4817 38 8 133 5183 1710] 1/5 8290} 40f 5969|2"7| 134 4031] 866 7695|2 73} 133 2305 172521 8275} 30} - 865 5999),.86 1 287.6 Baked a0 286. 134 1170} 867 0571|5¢ ui 132 9429 1741) 1 5 259] 20} 289-91 733 8311| 867 3445|237°4) 132 6555 1796| '¢| 8244) 10} 18.866 4545 285.6 11.133 545518.867 6317 fos 11.132 3683}10.0011772| 5 "5|9.9988226|47 ; 10] 866 7400 ete 133 2600] 867 9187 386. 132 0813 1787| + 6 8213} 5ok Hol 867 0253 285.3 132 9747| 868 2056 : Wher). By 7944 1803 18 8197 4O {ol 265-1] 132 6896] 868 4923|290-4| 1315077] 1818| Te] 8189] 3o| aoe 9 132 4047] 868 7787 3863 131 2213 1834 is 8166} 205 ‘lol 867 8801 age 132 1199] 869 0650 986.1; 13° 9350 1849| . 6 8151 roy | 18.868 1646 284. 11.131 8354|8.869 3511 "|11.130 6489] 10.001 1865 Nie 9-9988135146F 284.4) "131 5510 869 6370 385.8 130 3630 1881) 75 8119 SOF and, 131 2669] 869 9228 585.5 130 0772 1896 16 8104 “ie 869 0171 Belt: 130 9829) 870 2083}595 4) 1297917 1912] 5/5 8088} 30} 869 3009 coed 130 6991] 870 4937|,g5°4| 129 5063 1927) «6 8073} 20} 863 5845 pels 130 4155} 870 7789 284. 129 2211 1943 16 8057 LO} | }»8.869 8680 oH 11.130 1320]8.871 0638 384.8 I1.1 2 raw age 5 epapecy kal joy 129 8488] 871 3486 12 I 1974) | | : a oe 283.1 ie sees 871 6333 fot 128 3667 1990 ae 8010} 4o} | ; pun 129 2829] 871 9177 384.3 128 0823 2006) "5 7994] 30} g82:7 129 0002} 872 2019 284.1 127 7981 2021). 6 7979| 20 ol 871 2823 282.9 128 7177] 872 4860 983. 127 5140 2037] 56 7963 i a kag 11.128 4354|8.872 7699 aes 11.127 2301}10.0012053} 5'¢/9-9987947)44 1 Ba 198 1533 873 0536|,03.4| 126 9464 2069] 1/5 7931} 5of 872 1287 oe 127 8713] 873 3371 983.4 126 6629 2084] 6 7916 40} 872 4105 ete 127 5895] 873 6205 283.1 126 3795 2100] '¢ 7900} 30} : ats 127 3080] 873 9036),33'4] 126.0964 2116) .'5 7884] 20} pond 127 0266] 874 1866 8 'g} 125 8134 ts 6 n6 7869 0] 281.2) 17 196 7454|8.874 4694 5Bo.6 11.125 5306}10.001 2147] | '¢|9-9987853/43"| 873.5357|78 01] 126 4643] 874 7520],874| 125 2480 2163| T'e| 7837] 50 8165/2009] 126 1835] 875 0344/2325 124 9656 2179| 12} 78231 4o| 280.7 125 9028] 875 3166 pi aes 124 6834 2195 e 7805} 30} a6o.4 125 6224] 875 5987 a8i. 124 4013 2210] + 6 7790| 20} 280.3 125 3421] 875 8806 a ea 124 1194 2226 mG 7774 10} a60.2 11.125 0619)8-876 1623 8 % 11.123 8377]10.0012242| | '¢ 9-9987758]42 a7? 124 7820} 876 4438 *B 13 123 5562 2258) | 6 9942 50 Kita 124 5023} 8767251 ee 123 2749 2274) . 6 7726 40 279-6 124 2227] 877 0063 SoG 122 9937 2290| 5 5 7710] Sof 5279-4 123 9433] 877 2873 80.8 123'9127 2305 ne 7695} 20 279-1 193 6641 877 5681 8 ‘6 422 4319 2321 ré 7679 TO} 279-1111.123 3850 8.897 8487 aatd 11.122 1513]10.001 2337] | 6 9-9987663)41 ae 123 1062] 878 1291 380.3 121 8709 2353] 1/6 7647| 5o hase 122 8275} 878 4094 aan t 121 5906 2329) 1 6 7631] 4o} fae 122 5490] 878 6895 ce 121 3105 2385) 1 6 7615} 30 he 122 2707] 878 9694 279-7) 191 0306 2401] 5 6 7599] 20 shee: 121 9926] 879 2491 2797) 190 7509 2417) + 7583} 10 ie T1.121 7146|8.879 5286 279.9 11.120 4714]10.001 2433] * 9-9987967 ae dif, 1’ sec. co-tang. - |dif..1'’ tang. co-sec. dl” sin. °. 4° | 85 184 4° 94° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. rac 1 sin. oi 1 Ris co-sec. tang. dif.1'’) — co-tang. sec, d.l”) co-sin. | 20! "8.878 9854). II.121 11 7146 8.879 5286 979.4|11:120 471 4|10.001 2433 1.61% 998756 4 878 5631 ae 121 4369} 879 8080 pods 120 1920 2449 550 878 8407 he: 121 1593} 880 0872 phase 119 9128 2465 879 1181|)77°3| 120 8819} 880 3662)°72"8 £ 6338 2481 879 3954/977| 1206046} 880 6450|>75""] 119 3550 2497 50} 879 6724 ie 120 3276} 880 9237 ps p 119 0763 2513 21118.879 9493 ie ‘2'11.120 0507/8.881 2022 ple 11.118 7978} 10.001 2529 10] 880 2260 ass 6) 119 7740| 881 4805 mt 118 5195 2545 : 880 5026), 74's] 119.4974} 881 7586 ag a| 118 2414 2561 880 7789 the 119 2211, 882 0366 ri 'g| 117 9634 2577 881 0551 ra 118 9449] 882 3144 peti. 117 6856 2593 f 881 3311 ais 118 6689} 882 5920 pith A 17 4080 2609 22/18.881 6069 iets 11.118 3931}8.882 8694), (tae 73/11-117 1306]10.001 2625 ro] 881 8825 a5, 118 1175} 883 1467 Wee 4 116 8533 2641 ; 20] 882 1580 bis 117 8420] 883 4237 16. 116 5763 2657] 5 30} 882 4333 as 117 5667} 883 7006 4 78.8 116 2994 2673 : 4o| 882 7084 ae 117 2916} 883 9774\50 6.5 116 0226 oe 5o| 882 9334 iy, 117 0166] 884 2539 56. 4 115 7461 2705} 5 23/)8.883 2581 dig 11.116 7419}8.884 5303 nbs 11.115 4697|10.0012722 10] 883 5327 sy: 116 4673] 884 8065 pies *1 1151935 2738 20] 883 8072 ire 116 1928} 885 0825 oe 1149175 2754 30} 884 0814/0747) 115 9186] 885 3584/°7°-9} 114 6416 2770 go} 884 3555274") 115 6445] 885 6341|272'2| 114 3659 2786 5o| 884 6294)575°9| 115 3706] 885 go96|> 75" 4|__ 114.0904 2802] | 24'18.884 go31 ana 11.115 0969)8.886 1850 nhs 11.113 8150}10.003 2819) | to] 885 1766 fax 114 8234} 886 4601 7B 113 5399 2835 | 20] 885 4500|273'4| 114 5500] 886 7351)277°| 113 2649 2851 30] 885 7232 ee 114 2768} 887 0100 mae I12 9900 2567 4o| 885 9963 es 4 114 0037} 887 2846 ie: 112 7154 2884 5o} 886 2691 LG 113 7309} 887 5591 soa 112 4409 2900 25'18.886 5418|97°-Z]11.113 4582|8.887 8334]>77~| 11.112 1666]10.001 2916} | 10] 886 8143|772"2| 113 1857] 888 1075! Lb 111 8925 2932| 7 20} 887 0867 272-4) ry 9133} 888 3815 aes 8 rrr 6185 2949 30] 887 3588|272"1| 112 6412] 888 6553 23. el rrr 3447 2965 4o| 887 6308|77?"°} x12 3692| 888 9289|-7 aaa TIVOR 2981) | 150} 887 9027 Can 112 0973] 889 2024 ote 110 7976 2997 1 26'18.888 1743 pe 11.111 8257,8.889 4757 pe Il.110 5243 10.0013014} | 10} 888 4458 hae 111 5542] 889 7488 ey 110 2512 3030) | 20] 888 7171 tts: 111 2829] 8900218 2 109 9782 3046 ; 1 30} +888 9883 bite Ill o117} 8go0 2945 Pie fs 10g 7055 3063) | | 40] 889 2592 eet 110 7408} 890 5671 ie ve 109 4329 3079 50) 889 5300|- 70" 110 4700] 8g0 8396) 57 5.3, 109 1604 3096] | 27/18.889 8007) 575 ibe y IT.110 1993/8.891 1119 aio 11.108 8881}10.0013112| ro] 899 0711 24 oN 109 9289] 891 3840 tae 108 6160 3128) | }20] 890 3414\> 7 ; 109 6586] 8gr1 6559 ier 108 3441 3145 ; } 30} 8906116 He me 109 3884} 891 9277 i 6 108 0723 3161 | 40} 890 8815 ata 109 1185] 892 1993 pes 107 8007 3178 50} 891 1513 ed 6| _ 108 8487] 892 4707 sts 3] 1075293 3194 238'8.891 4209 ace 5|F1-108 5791)8.892 7420 ay 11.107 2530]10.0013210 10] 891 6904 ts 3} 103 3096; 893 o131 7¥-T) 106.9869 3227 20) 891 9597 we 108 0403} 893 2840 se 106 7160 3243} | 1 30} 892 2288 sb c 1077712] 893 5548 ak 106 4452 3260] * | 40| 892 4977\548'¢| 107 5023] 893 8254)°70"7| 106 1746 3276] | 5o| 892 7665 068.6 107 2335) 894 09 58\° TOA 105 9042 3293 : 123/)8.893 0351 368.5]! 1-106 9649 8.894 366012 79-7! 11.105 6340 10.0013309 ‘ 10] 893 3036) 360°)| 106 6964] 894.6361|57°""| 105 3639 3326} * 20} 8935718 268.2 106 4282] 894 9061 icon 105 0939 3342 | 30} 893 8400 364: 106 1600) 895 1758 ores 104 8242 33591 2 | 4o 894 1079 56) {| 105 8921] 895 4454|587'2| 104 5546 3375 1 50) 894 3757 “pts 6 105 6243) 8957149 563 104 2851 3392) 130'18.894 6433)7>7"|1 1.105 3567)8.895 9$42|7° 7" | 11.104 0158 10.0013409} * co-sin. |dif. 1’’ sec, co-tang. |dif.1’' tang. co-sec. : in. eet eens pinged nea: inpainaghenialani sl cea sipn die cel ees aca a LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, Wc. 185 175° sin, ae” co-sec. tang. dif.1’’| —_ co-tang. sec. d.l'’} co-sin. 894 6433 11.105 3567|8.895 9842 11.104 0158}10.0013409 9.9986591}30! } 894 9107 2 4 105 0893} 896 2533 och 103 7467 3425 is - 6575 5o} 895 1780 O65 % 104 8220} 896 5222 268.8 103 4778 3442 16 6558) 4o} 895 4451 26 104 5549} 896 7910 368.6 103 2090 3458 i. 65421 30} 895 7121 66.8 104 2879 da 0596 268.4; 102 oi py ii 1.9 6525} 203 895 9789 266.6 104 0211} 897 3280 968.3| 102 6720 3492 2G 6508 10} 4 /8.896. 2455] 5 ge'5|t1-103 7545]8.897 5963), 6g {|11-102 4037}10.0013508 ye 9-9986492)29/) 896 5120) 66°3| 103 4880} 897 8644), 69°, 102 1356 gone ry 6475} 5o} 896 7783 566.1 103 2217] 898 1324 267.8 101 8676 3541 14 6459} 40} 897 0444 66.0 102 9556} 898 4002 3676 101 5998 3558 fe 6442| 30} 897 3104 6 102 6896} 898 6678 aaa IOI 3322 3575 y: 6425} 20} _ 897 5762 265.6). 192 4238} 898 9353 obra 101 0647 3591 ae 6409 10 ‘ 8.897 8418 565,5{11:102 1582|8.899 2026 367.2 II.100 7974}10.001 3608 1.7 9-9986392/23) | 898 1073}565°3| 101 8927] 899 4698 266.91. 20° 5302 3625 ve 6375) 5o 898 3726 65.11 10% 6274] 899 7367 266.9 100 2633 3642) 5 6358] 40} 898 6377/565,o| 101 3623} 900 0036/5666] 999 9964 3658) In 6342} 30} ee ee eee $1 899 1675 264.7|.. 100 8325] 900 93671066 3 099 4 92} 46 Oo s 418.899 4322 364.5] 11-100 5678|8.900 8030 966.21! 1°099 1970 10.0013708 17 9.9986292|27"| 899 6967 264.3, 10° 3033] gor oe 466.01. -°9 9308 3725 1.7 6275} 5o} | 899 9510 BGa ah: 209 0390} gor 3352 265.9 098 6648 3742 17 6258} 4o} goo 2252 640 099 7748} gor 6or1 565.5 098 3989 3759 Hi 6241 30} goo 4892 263.9 099 5108} gor 8668 265.5 098 13 i779 16 6224 20} : goo 7531 Bais 099 2469} 9o2 1323 265.4|.. 097 8677 792| 14 6208 10} Gor 0168} > 63° 5|11-098 9832 8.902 3977) 565, [11-097 6023}10.001 3809 7 9.9986191}26'! gor 2803 O63 4 098 7197] 902 6629|54.',| 097 3371 3826 ia 6174) 50; got 5437|563",| 098 4563) 902 9279 ES Me (Alick 3843 4c 6157} 404 go1 8069)563 | 298 1931} 903 1928 VE: 096 8072 3860 Hs 6140) 30} go2 0699 262.9 097 9301] 903 4576 i645 7 5424 leg we 6123} 20) -9o2 3328 Bede OF? 6672} 903 7221 264.5}. 099 2779 389 17 6107 Jo 8.902. 5955565 6| 11-097 4045}8.903 9866 wk 11.096 0134/10.0013910) , = 9-9986090)25/) go2 8581 Boar at O97 1419} 904 2508 S64 095 7492 sy Pye 6073 50} 903 1205], 65°34] 095 8795] 904 5149 263.9 095 4851 3944] 1‘ 6056] 4o, 903 3828) 5655} 096 6172) 904 Lah 363.8 99 2212 ovat 1.7 6039} 305 903 6448|5 654, 096 aie 905 saa 56307 094 ae 377 Hi os 20} A 3.906 oe 096 0932} 905 3063)56374} 094 0937 “99 1.7 posite 904 1685/56, E 11.095 831518.905 5697|5 63 3/1 1-094 4303|10.001 4012 1.7 9-9985988|24’ | 904 4302 roy, 095 5698] 905 §330|543',| 094 1670 4029) 1.5 5971} 5of 904 6916 a61 3 095 3084] 906 0962)563°, 093 ie 4046 14 5954 4of 904 9529) 5614 095 0471] 906 3592/36’) 093 6408 4063} | « 5937} 30} 905 2140 eae 094 7860} 906 6220 sha oF See 4080 1.7 ie 20} ig 905 4750 vas 094 5250} 906 8847 562.51. °9 15 4097 ae 903 ac 905 7358 goes 11.094 2642|8.907 1472 269. 4{11:092 8528} 10.0014114 a Pee eal, 905 0955|340'2| 094 0035) 907 4096)56,°5| 92 5904 4131 he 5869) 50} 906 2570 ey 093 7430] 9076718), 60°) 092 3282 4148 4 5859| 40} b}. 905 5174 Kees 093 4826} 907 9338 261.9 092 0662 4165 A 5835] 30} 906 77765606, 093 2224 908 1957|56,.8| 09! ae 4182 Le 5818 20} : 907 0376 259.9 092 9624] 908 4575), 4, 5} 9! 42 ee 14 mi} me 907 2975 259-7 11.092 7025}8.908 7190|5 6, 5|11-091 2810,10.0014216) ; -'9-99 7 422 907 5572 259.6] 09? 4428} 908 9805|56, 5} 9! 0195 4233 1.9 5767 50) 907 8168 259.4 092 1832] 909 2417|56, 5| 99° 7583 4250 14 5750; 40} 908 0752 259.2 091 9238} 909 5029 260.9 090 4971 4267 1.4 5733} 30 903 3304105 0.1 091 6646] 909 7638/54, 81 090 2362 4284 17 5716) 20} é 908 5945 a5noke Oo 4055, 910 0246 yt 089 9754 4301 LA 5699| ot 8.908 8535| > -2'a| 11.091 1465)8.910 2853), 4. 'a| 11.089 7147)10.0014318} | 9-9989082;214) gog 1 123/358 6 090 8877] 910 5458)3 6, 3 089 4542 4335] 79 ay 50} 909 3709 958.5| 29° 6291] 910 8061 aan 089 1939 4353 14 5647 4o g09 6294 558.3} 09° 3706} g11 0663 6") 085 9337 4370 “ 5630; 30 909 887/229 5} 0901123) gir 3264 259.9 088 6736 4387] 7 5613 20) 910 1459), 53 4] 0898541) gi1 5863 35 088 4137 4404 1.7 5596} 10} '8.910 4039| ~~ "| 11.089 5961]8.911 8460 9-7) 11.088 1540,10.0014421 9-9985579 2U't co-sin. dif. L’’ sec. co-tang. |dif.l"’ tang. co-sec, |d.l’ sin. | 4° 85° | 24 Fr 186 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 4° sin, 94° dif, 1'’ co-sec,. tang. se co-tang, sec. dl” co-sin, 40'|8.910 4039), 11.089 5961!8.911 8460 11.058 154o}10. odds : 10 a 6617 wi ne 089 3983 ate tae 1096 sie 087 8944 4438 Ni $: 20] 910 9194 eG BG 0806} 912 3650 53 087 6350 4456 30] 911 1770 3354 088 8230] 912 6243 ae 087 3757 4473 fol 911 4344)527°8| 088 5656] 912 8834|5-7"| 087 1166 4490 dol grt 6916) 27""| 088 3084] 913 1424|9°2"2) 086 8576 4507 418.911 9487 wae 11.088 0513}8.913 4o12|5 5. 'g)11.086 5988} 10.001 4525 IO} 912 2057 356 4 087 7943] 913 6598 358.5 086 3402 4542 20] 912 4624 ae 7 087 5376] 913 9183)" 359 086 0817 4559) 30] 9127191 356 087 2809] 914 1767 ase 085 8233 4576 40] 912 9756 256.3 087 0244] 914 4349 rst 085 5651 4594 5o] 913 2319 256, 086 7681] 914 6930 oe ; 085 3070 4611 428.913 4881) 9-6 *!11.086 511918.914 9509 mak, 11.085 0491|10.001 4628 1o] 913 7441 aBe 3 086 2559} 915 2086 ah 084 7914 4646 ; 20] 9139999|322'9| 086 001] 915 4662/52 7".| 084 5336 4663} * 30] 914 2557 a5 085 7443} 915 7237 aaa 084 2763 4680 4o} 9145112 2es8 085 4888} 915 9810 ta 084 0190 4698 50] 914 7667 oBB. 085 2333} 916 2381 Rk ;| 083 7619 A715) | 43'18.915 0219 355.1 11.084 978118.916 4952 3568 11.083 5048 10.0014739| | ro} 915 2770 55 c 084 7230} 916 7520 256. 083 2480 4750 20] 915 5320 D548 084 4680] 917 0087 3566 082 ggi3 4767 30] 915 7868 954.4] 084 2132) 917 2653 256.4 082 7347 4784 40] 916 0415 3545 083 geo? 917 5217 256. 082 4783 4802 5o] 916 2960 a542 083 7040] 917 7779 566. >| O82 2921 4819 448.916 5504 54.9! 1.083 4496/8.918 0340 256 "11.081 9660} 10.001 4837 ! to} 916 8046 OBA. >) 083 1954] 918 2900 755.8 081 7100 4854 20] 917 0586 253. °! O82 9414} 918 5458 335 6 081 4542 4872 30} 917 3125 953.6, 082 6875] 918 8014 355. | 081 1986 4889 40} 917 5663)? 253.6 082 4337] 919 0570 aEe3 080 9430 4907 1 50} 917 8199 953,5| 082 1801 919 3123 385, 080 6877 4924 45'\8.918 0734 953.3) 11-081 9266 8.919 5675 des *!11.080 4325 10.001 4942 10} 918 3267 953 o81 6733] 919 8226)” 5A "| 080 1774 4959 20] 918 5799 353. 081 4201] 9200775 ary 2 079 9225 4977 30] 918 8329 art 081 1671] 920 3323 eee 079 6677 4994 40] 919 0858 5? 080 9142] 920 5869 cae 079 4131 5o12 5o} 919 3385 ae ‘2| 080 6615] 920 8414 ait 3] 079 1586 5029 146'\8.919 5911 See 11.080 4089)8.921 0957 eat 11.078 9043} 10.0015047 ; 10} 919 8435 Re 080 1565] 921 3499 see : 078 6501 5064 20] 9200958 mS 079 9042] 921 6039 recy °| 078 3961 5082 30} 920 3479 ope 0796521] 921 8578|* 253. 4 078 1422 5099 40] 920 5999," ms 079 4001] 922 1116)” 53.6| 077 8884 5117]. 5o] 920 8517 aot 079 1483} 922 3652 oe 077 6348 5135) + 47"'8.921 1034 ret 11.078 8966)8.922 6186 apa 11.077 3814}10.0015152 ro} 921 3550 ay 078 6450] 922 8719 293. 077 1281 5170 20] 921 6064)221-4 078 3936} 923 1251 oy 076 8749 5187 30] 921 8576 ante 078 1424] 923 3781 ae 076 6219 5205 40} 922 1087 ae 077 8913} 923 6310 aoe 076 3690 5223 So} 922 3597 aaa 077 6403} 923 8837 an Z 076 1163 5240 143'|8.922 6105 BPA 11.077 3895|8.924 1363|22?-°l11.095 8637|10.0015258 110} 922 8611 20016 077 1389) 924 3887 9024 075 6113 5276 20] 9231117 ae 076 8883} 9246410 892.9 075 3590 5293 30] 923 3620? ay 076 6380| 924 8932|722-21 075 1068 5311 40] 923 6123)22> 076 3877| 925 1452 BD2°0 074 8548 5329 150] 923 8624/°9°"l!| 076 1376] 925 3970 aBTS 074 6030 5347 49! 8.924 1123|249' 911.075 887718.925 6487/22 -2111-074 3513|10.0015364) | | 10} 924 3621 de 075 6379] 925 9003 one 074 0997 5382 1 20} 9246117 a 075 3883! 926 1517 ae 073 8483 5400 30] 924 8613)? Aa 075 1387] 926 4030 201. 073 5970 5418 40] 925 1106|249'3) 074 8894] 926 654a/22"7| 073 3458 5435 So} 925 3598/2297) 074.6402] 926 gobal2e° 073 09/8 5453) 1g 150'18.925 6089 OU ry 074 3911)8.927 1560 ‘ 11.072 8440, 10.0015471 : co-sin. |dif.l"' sec. co-tang. |difil’’ tang. | co-sec. ; in, | po Re Eee rnt es WER EE TO ee AT AR WR RAEI LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 187 175° sin. dif, 1"’ ca-sec. tang. dif. 1"' co-tang, sec, dl co-sin, 108.925 608 11.074 3911|8.927 1560 11.072 8440}10.001 : rol as $578 cee me ae pet 4067 eg he 5933 3abo : . ? sig : 926 1066) 8. 073 8934} 927 6573 ot 072 3427 5507 e 4493 30} 926 3553 apf 073 6447) 927 9077 ph ie 072 0923 5524 oo 4476 fol 926 6038 348.3 073 3962} 928 1580 ary 071 8420 5542 Le 4458 50] 926 8521 348. 073 1479} 928 4081 aa 071 5g19 5560 1.8 4440 1118.927 1003)” a 11.072 8997|8.928 6581|29°-l11.071 3419]10.0015578 'g|9:9984422 927 3484/74 “ff 072 6516] 928 go80 249-9 071 0920 5596 tie 4404 927 5963 at 072 4037| 929 1577 pre: 070 8423 5614 1.8 4386 927 8441 ae 072 1559] 929 4073 sis 070 5927 5632 1.8 4368 928 0918 ye! 071 9082] 929 6567]? 19.4 070 3433 5650) | 4350 928 3393 0453 071 6607} 929 9060 249. 070 0940 5667 ay 4333 521/8.928 5806 247°) 11.071 413418.930 1552|249-?|1 1.069 8448|10.0015685] *2/9.9984315 928 8338 eee 071 1662] 930 4042 ae 069 5958 5703 . 4297 929 0809 hg 070 9191] 930 6530 ve 069 3470 5721| 1g 4279 929 3279 5 AG 070 6721] 930 9018 me: 069 0982 5739] +g 4261 929 5746,40'7) 070.4254) 931 1504/2407) 068.8496 5757| 31 4243 929 8213 ? 64 070 1787] 931 3988 ene 068 6012 5795 1.8 4225 33!18.930 0678 ayes 11.069 9322|8.931 6471 248.3117 068 3529}10.0015793) 9\9.9984207 g30 3142 ote 069 6858] 931 8953 hae 068 1047 5811 ah 4189 90) 930 5604|2497) 069 4396] 932 1433|248-9| 067 8565 5829/8} 71 930 606512401] 069 1935] 932 3912\47:9| 067 6088 5847) 1) 4153 931 0524/242°9) 068 9476] 932 6390747-8) 067 3610 5865| 1'g| 4135 50} 931 2983 3 068 7017| 932 8866|247-| 067 1134 5883] "2 4117 '54118.931 5439 24 2|11.068 4561|8.933 1340 a4 7 11.066 8660}10.0015gor| ; ¢/9.9984099 931 7895 sie 068 2105) 933 3814 247-4) 066 6186 5919 oa 4081 932 0348 ae 067 9652} 933 6286 247 21 066 3714 5937] 1/8 4063 932 2801 oe 067 7199] 933 8756 247.0} 666 1244 5955} 5 4045 932 5252 eghih 067 4748} 934 1226 aia 065 8774 5974 ay 4026 932 7702 24 3 067 2298] 934 3693 wah: 065 6307 5992 1.8 4008 35'18.933 0150 244. 11.066 9850|8.934 6160 246.7 11.095 3840]10.0016010 3 9.9983990 933 2597 ce 066 7403} 934 8625 oe 065 1375 6028 Za 3972 -20f 933 5042|244>| 066 4958] 935 1088/2493) 064 8gr2 6046| 7's} 3954 Bo] 933 748717449} 066 2513] 9353551|240 9) 064 6449 6064) 13] 3936 40} 933 9929 7AA 2 066 0071] 935 6or2 ae 064 3988 6082 3918 934 2371 244.2) 065 7620] 935 8471 ay 064 1529 6100} || 3900 56/18.934 4811 244.011 665 5189|8.936 0929 249.8171 063 9071|10.0016119 % 9-9983881 934 7249/2438] 065 2751] 936 3386/242-7) 063 6614 6139| 1") 3863 934 9687|243'8| 065 0313] 936.5842/2420) 063 4158 6155] 3) 3845 35 2122 pete 064 7878] 936 8296 one 063 1704 6173] 13} 3827 935.4557/243°9| 064 5443] 937 0748/242"7| 062.9252 6191| 1 3809 935 6990 nape 064 3010} 937 3200 en 062 6800 6210} | 3 3790 57!18.935 9422|243:21 11.064 0578)8.937 5650| 242-9} 11.062 4350|10.0016228 *39-9983779 : 936 1852 243.0 063 8148} 937 8098 244.8 062 1902 6246 oa 3754 936 4281\24?"2) 063 5719] 93805452447 061 9455 6264) 3736 936 6709 242.0 063 3291] 938 2991 ap o61 7009 6283 re 3717 936 9135 242.6) 663 0865 938 5436 nonin o61 4564 6301] .'g 3699 937 1560|242"2| 062 8440] 938 7879|2449) 061 2121 6319) 7"5] 3681 588.937 3983 242-3} 11 062 6017|8.939 0321 244-9) + 060 9679|10.0016337| | *-|9.9983663 937 6406|242°3| “062 3594) 939 2761/244-°| 607239] 6356, 1°) 3644 937 8826 243.0 062 1174} 939 5200 cae o60 4800 6374 ‘ '2 3626 938 1246 242.0 061 8754] 939 7638 pe 060 2362 6392 a 3608 938 3664124") 051 6336] $40.0075/243°7| 0599925] 6411/1") «3589 935 6081 RAT os 051 3919] 940 2510 el 059 7490 6429 8 3571 938 8496 24TH 11 061 1504 8.940 4944 et 11.059 5056}10.0016447) | "./9-9983553 939 og10 241-4) O60 9090] 940 7376) 24 ?) 059 2624 6466 . 3534 939 3323/74" 3) 050 66-7 940 9807 a 059 0193 6484 % 3516 939 5734 sip kk 060 4266] 941 2237 24 - 058 7763 6503 % 3497 939 8144|24'-| 060 1856] 941 4605/2425] 0585335] = 6521] 3] 3479 50; 940 0553 2469 059 9447] 941 7092 PEM 058 2908 6539) | 3461 618.940 2960 240.7}, 1.059 7040}8.941 9518 242.0) 1 058 0482|10.0016558 ‘9 9.9983442} 0! co-sin, dif. 1’’ sec. co-tang. (dif. L"’ tang. co-sec, |d.l"’ sin, ; 188 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. ) 5° 1749) sin. dif.l/’) co-sec. tang. dif.1l''} co-tang. sec, dl’) co-sin. eee ere ee ~ 111.058 0482|10.0016558 _ 219.998344 2160) 76| 18)" 340d) Be | 0! (8.940 2960 doe 11.059 7040/8.941 9518 wit: 11.058 0482 nels: 10} 940 5366 059 46341 942 1942 P 057 8058 1 20 oh 7771 : cae ie 2229 Sis 4365 ars 057 5635 6595 , 3 30] 941 0174 vies 058 9826} 942 6787), 7,4 057 3213 6613} .° 1 40} 941 2576 ny ae 058 7424] 942 9207 er 057 0793 6632 : 150) 941 4976 m/s 058 5024] 943 1626 mr 056 8374 6650 ; I 1! 18.941 7376), 4. "9/11.058 2624)8.943 4o44/) ¢,'-|1 1.056 sh 10.0016668} ©" |9.9983332)59) bro} 941 .9774)037'6| 058.0226] 943 6461 he 056 3539} = 6687) | 3313} Se | 20] 942 2170), >, 057 7830] 943 8876 ase 3 056 1124 6705| | 30] 942 4565 ae 057 5435) 944 1289 sah 3 055 8711 6724 . 4o] 942 6959 nea 057 3041] 944 3702 aa} 055 6298 6742 E50] 942 9352 530, 057 0648} 944 6113 aah 055 3887 6761 2! 18.943 1743 ahs 11.056 8257}8.944 8523 240-8 11.055 1477}10.0016780} , 10) 943 4133 phe 056 5867] 9450931 ah, 054 9069 6798 }20] 943 6522 332, 056 3478] 945 3338 wtob| 034 0662 6817] 2 30) 943 8909 eb 056 rog1] 945 5744 40% 054 4256 6835) |" 4 t 40] 944 1295 538.5 055 8705} 945 8149 tikp.3 054 1851 6854 18 ) 2c) 50} +944 3680], 34.3} 055 6320) 946 0552 ioe | 023.9448 6872] | 3128] 1¢ I 3! |8.944 6063), 30°, |11-055 3937/8.946 2954 os 11.053 7046}10.0016891 af 9.9983109 | 10! 944 8445) 9, 055 1555 6 5355]2% - 053 4645 6910] |” 3090} 5c) 20 345 0826 cat 054 9174 76 9754 aoe 053 nes 6928 ie a 30] 945 3205|937°3| 0546795] 947.0152|,37"| 052 9848 6947| 13 | 4ol 945 5583'537""] 054 4417] 947 254915324) 0527451 6965) 5 ( 5ol 945 7960 3304 054 2040] 947 4944 32, 052 5056 6984 ‘9 3016} 1¢ t 4! 18.946 0335 ie 11.053 9665|8.947 7338 239-411 052 2662 10.0017003} +2 9-9982997156| 10! 946 2709 ms Bink o53 72911 947 9731 2992 052 0269 7021 #0 2979 5 20} 946 5082 this 053 4918} 948 2122 7 051 7878 7040 rae 2960 & 30} 946 7454|337°7| 053 2546] 948 4513] 532'0| 051 5487 7059) 7; 29411 8 I 40} 946 9824 036. 053 0176} 948 6902 sae 051 3098 7078 4 2922] 2¢ 50} 947 2193), 36°8| 052 7807} 948 9289 bey 051 0711 5096} ©" 2904] 1 tS! 18.947 4561/75. -|11.052 543918.949 1676 229-7) 11.050 8324 10,0017115 hrs 9:9982885}5h 10} 947 6927 aoe 052 3073] 949 4061 os 050 5939 7134 wy: 2866 5e 20] 947 9292 936.4 0520708] 949 6444 pe 050 3556 7152 ta 2848 30} 948 1656 236.9 051 8344] 949 8827 ety 050 1173 7171 i 2829 40} 948 4018 936.1 051 5982} 950 1208 aaah 049 8792 7190 p) 2810] 2 150} 948 6379 536.0 051 3621} 950 3588 7 049 6412 7209 me 2791] ¥ _ _ | 6' [8.948 8739 051 1261}8.950 5967), 5° 10} 949 1098 mee 050 8902] 950 8344 ae 049 1656 7246 20] 949 3455)0 35 g| 0506545) 951 0720 3305 048 9280 7265 30] 949 5811) 535 j 050 4189} 951 3095 0303 048 6905 7284 237.95 1.049 4033} 10.0017228 af 9.9982772 5 2 | 754] < I 40] 949 8165-524} 050 1835] 951 5468 048 4532 7303 150} 9500519 ae 049 9481} 951 7840 aie 048 2160 7322 17! 13.950 2871 935.1 11.049 7129]8.952 0211 RAMs 11.047 9789|10.001 7340 10} 950 5222 934.9 049 4778) 952 2581}5 36 9) 047 7419 3A. 049 2429 952 4949 236.8 047 5051 30] 950 9920 2 049 0080] 9527317 236.5 047 2683 5| 048 7733) 952 9682), 36 «| 047 0318 150] 95 4612)234'71 048 5388] 953 2047|732"2| 046.7953 7435| 2565] 1¢ | 8) [8.951 6957 ma 11.048 3043 8.953 Agi 2363) 11-046 Healer 745 1-9\9.9982546|52) $10 951 9300 234.2 048 0700 953 6773 336.0 046 3299 7473 ‘9 2527 OC) J 20) 952 1642 934.0, 047 8358] 953 9133 536.0} 046.0867 7492 30] 952 3982)537°0| 047 6018} 954 1493/5 35'3| 045 8507 7511] + 4o} 952 6322|533°a| 047 3678 954 3851|03-"-| 045 6149 7530} 1°2 50] 952 8660|033°4| 047 1340] 954 6208|>32'4| 045 3792 7548| * 91 {8.953 0996}. 43 'gl11.046 goo4]8.954 8564 ers 11.045 1436]10.0017567] | 10] 953 3332)933°V| 046 6668] 955 o918|-ae"4| 044 9082 7586| *°9 20) 953 5666 233.3 046 4334) 955 3272 35. 044 6728 7605 30} 953 7999]533°,| 046 2001] 955 562d) °3-'0| 044 4376 7624 40) 954 0331),33'6) 045 9669) 955 7974/5354] 044 2026 7643 20) el 043 9676 7662| 1°? 2338 5o] 954 2661|7 45° 045 7339] 956 0324 ‘a 110/)8.954 4991 ai: 11.045 5009/8.956 2672 ae 11.043 7328]10.0017682 ike 9-9982318 50) x \ co-sin, |dif, 1” sec, co-tang. |dif.1’’ tang. co-sec. |d.l! gin. 95° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, W&c. 189 5° 174° i sin. dif. 1"' co-sec. tang. dif l'’| © co-tang. Bec, d.l”| co-sin. (0'18.954 4991 11.045 500918.956 26 vn 5781507 fo) 954 7Sig\2o2 3] 045 2687 256 Borg 2347] 043 oes AT ct Ngee serene gol 954 9645|232| 045 0355) 956 7363)7249| 043 2635, 7720) 9] aabe A 30} 955 1971 304 044 8029] 956 9709 kek 043 0291 i ai face 30 nt e. EN 3323 044 5705] 957 2053 sara 042 7947 a IZ. ey af ‘5ol 9 I ; 044 3382] 957 4305 ; h: 1.9 118.955 8940 232.211 1 044 1060 8.359 6735 aes xe 3568 10 ieee do ee 10} 956 1260 32.0 043 8740] 957 9075 234.0 sev 2 ae 7798 1.9 9-998 2204}49/ 120} 956 3579 tay 043 6421} 958 7403 eo 041 8 87 ey ats ee “ch 30] 956 5897|°3°°-| 043.4103] 958 3750 233-7) 041 6250 7853-9] and 30 Mo} 996 8214/53 3 043 1786] 958 6086 ely! 041 3914 7872) 1-9 ; g el ie ' 77 eae 331d 042 9471} 958 8421 oe 041 1979 aRep 0% 3108 8 213. ‘ y ; if ; BP seo nae rebels meee potas 120 957 7468)23'"?| 042 2539] 959 5417/2341) 040 4283 chan eae “ch 30] 957 9779|535 o| 042 0223] 959.7747 233.0| G4 2253 7 68 rie 203 30 Go} 958 2088 mG 4 o4t 7912 0 0075 shh 039 9925 28 ed 413 4 50} 958 4396), 36, 041 5604} 960 2402|737"2| 039 7598 $0, ei 1993 tal ‘13']8.958 6703 “Tr1.041 3297|8.960 4728 232.6 11.039 5272|10.0018 é it 8 ot Hh 10} 958 g008 yee 041 0992] 960 7053 eat ah 36 fol 8043) 19 FFT so] 20] 959 1312 ate 040 8688} 960 cat 232d 039 bas ey av 1236 P| 30} 959 3615]53°"5| 040 6385] 961 1699 232.2) 038 8301 8084) 7° HANG 30 40] 959 5917)53,,;| 040 4083} 961 4020 2321 «038 5980 8103) 1°? 18 ‘5o] 959 8218 ms ts 040 1782} 961 6340 232.0/ 438 3660 8122| 17 1858 A '14'18.960 0517 9°2| 11.039 9483]8.961 865 231-91 1.038 1341{10.0018141| +719.998 Solace? ‘TO} 960 2815 sit 039 7185, 9620 g 23h 268 hos 8161 2.0/9 9 331 50 20} 960 5112|>°7"2) 039 4888] 962 3a eae 037 e708 8180) 1-9 oe 7 30} 960 7408 hic 039 2592] 962 5607 hi 037 4393 8169 vad i604 30 40} 960 9702), * 039 0298] 962 7921 ete 037 2079 PS ee 178 Sol 96x 1996|2294) 038 8004} 963. 0234|23'| 036 9766 823819 1462) 10} 158.961 4288)229:2) 11.038 5712|8.963 2545|25!“!|11.036 7455]10.0018257| 5 2/9.998 43|45! To} 961 6579|228""| 038 341] 963 48552301 036 5145] Ba aga ahs 90] 961 8868|720°7| 038.1132] 963 7164/2742] 036 2836 aa96| 2 aay is 30} 962 1157 ee 037 8843] 963 9472 ag 8 036 0528 $375 tps +288 30 40} 962 3444/2287 037 6556] 964 1778 230.6} 535 8229 8335/71 1665 Se] 962 5730 ates 037 4270] 964 4084 230.6 635 5916 8354) .'7 48h 106 116'|8.962 8014). 0" 7|11.037 1986]8.964 6388 230.4), + 535 3612|10.0018374| 7°°l9.9981626]44! 10] 963 0298|228'4) 036 9702] 964 8691|23°°>| 035 1309] seal Ter 7 ahor| & }4o} $63 2560|228:| 036 2420} 965 0993123072] 034 Rebs. Bhatt® 1385) do 30] 963 4861|)90°,| 0365139} 965 3293/25°"°| 034 6707 84301 -°| 1568] 30 fol 963 7141|,)- | 036 2859 965 5592|009°7| 034 4408 8451|.°7} 1549} 20 50] 963 9420 ae 036 0580} 965 7891 229-9} 034 2109 8471 aa sap 10} 17'18.964 1697|227°7|11.035 8303)8.966 0188|°9°7/11.033 9812|t0.00184 **9!9.99815 3143) 10] 964 3974|227°Z} 035 6026] 966 2483/2292} 033 Fouts - Bro 14, aod 201 954 6249 ay 035 3751} 966 4778 229.9 033 5222 8529 ay ei ol 30] 954 8523/227°4) 035 1477] 966 707112293] 033 2929 8549 2°°| 1451] 30) 40} 965 0795 ee 034 9205] 966 9363|--2"-| 033 0637 8568} *°9 1432] 20 Sol 965 3067|997"°| 034 6933] 967 1654)007')| 032 8346 8588| 7"° 1412] 10 188.965 5337|2279\11.034 4663}8.967 3944) 222'0|11.032 6056] 10.0018607] »'?'9.9981393]42! 10] 965 7606 moe 034 2394] 967 6233 228.9) 432 3767 8627 2.0/7 9737 3/5 201 965 9874 an 034 0126] 967 8520 228.7) 63a 1480 8646) 1°? 1354 46 30} 966 2141 mae 033 7859] 968 0807|774'2| 031 9193 8666} >" 1334] 30 40} 956 4406) 36'5| 033 5594) 968 3092 228.5! 031 6908 8685] pew "eh: 50] 966 6671|226'5| 033 3329] 968 5376/223'4| 031 4624 8705| 2-91 1295] 10 198.966 8934 229-911 1.033 1066 8.968 7658 228.9 11.031 2342]10.0018725 he 8 if 4 10} 967 1196|720°] 032 8804] 968 9940(228'2| 031 0060} B44 9” 1256 | 20) 967 3456 ww! 032 6544] 969 3320/2289) 0307780] / 8964 2-01 1936 4 30 967 5716 ta 032 4284] 969 4499 227-91 030 5501 8783 be: 1217} 30 40] 967 7974 ary 032 2026] 969 6777 227.8 030 3223 8803] 2°° 11 ; 2 ti 968 0231 nant 031 9769} 969 9054 aaa 030 0946 8823) 7° I a ‘8 vi ae 2487 11.031 7513/8.970 1330 a 11.029 8670;10.0018842 a 9-9981158/40! co-sin. dif. 1'’ sec. co-tang. |dif. 1’ tang. eervec.t al” sin, a a 84° 248. 968 2487), 968 4742 958 6996 958 9248 959 1500 969 3750 121118.959 5999) 959 8246 i 970 0493 970 2738 970 4983 970 7226 8.970 9468 971 1708 971 3948|- 971 6186 971 8424)" 972 0660 x 23'18.972 2895 1 10] 972 5128 | 20 t 30 I 4o 1} 50} 973 4052 | 24/13.973 6280 972 9592 972 7361 2 973 1823)" LOGARITHMIC SINES, 973 8507|727" 974 0732 974 2957 974 5180 974 7403} 25'18.974 9624 979 1844 975 4062 975 6280 979 8497 976 0712 26 13.976 2926 e 975 9562/5 977 1772), 190} 977 3980 278.977 6188 977 8394 2 978 0599|** - 978 2803 978 5006)? 978 7208 ‘ $23/13.978 9408 s 979 8200 980 0395 29']3.980 2589 : 10] 980 4781 20 39 49 | 50 930 9164 981 3541 980 6973)- 981 1353 30/18.981 5729 218.8 —_ o31 5258 031 3004 031 0752 030 8500 030 6250 030 1754 029 9507 029 7262 029 5017 029 2774 028 8292 028 6052 028 3814 028 1576 027 9340 027 4872 027 2639 027 0408 026 8177 026 5948 026 1493 025 9268 tang. .03t 7513/8.970 1330 3 970 3604 979 5878 970 8150 971 0421 971 2691 030 400118.971 4959 971 7227|., 971 9493 972 1758 g 972 4022 972 6285), 029 0532|8.972 8547|), dif. 1’ 973 9838) 5 me. 974 4346); 974 6599|>? 975 3349 11.026 3720]8.975 55975 975 7844)> 07 976 0089 025 7043} 976 2334 025 4820] 976 4577|7 025 2597] 976 6819/5 024 8156 024 5938 023 2649 023 0438 022 8228 022 6020 022 1606 021 9401 021 7197 021 4994 021 2792 020 8392 027 7105/8.974 2092| 5 24. 7 224.5 224.3 224.2 .025 0376]8.976 go60|* a4.) 977 1300 ape 978 sie 2 223. 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O19 5219] 982 4720 z 019 3027] 982 6932 019 0836} 982 9143), 018 8647} 983 1353/° 018 6459] 983 3561 11.018 4271 B, 983 5769 ‘ood .028 5041 .027 1453 020 8592 TANGENTS, 11.029 aa 10. 0018842! 8862 8882 8901 8921 8941 10.0018960 8980 go00 go020 9039 9099 029 6396 029 4122 029 1850 028 9579 028 7309 028 2773 028 0507 027 8242 027 5978 027 3715 026 9193 026 6933 026 4675 026 2418 026 0162 .025 7908}10.0019198 025 5654 025 3401 025 1150 9257 024 8900 9277 024 6651 9297 9218 9238 024 4403]10.0019317 024 2156 023 gg 023 7666 023 5423 023 3181 9337 9357 9377 9397 9417 -023 0940|10.0019437 022 8700 022 6461 022 4223 022 1987 021 9752 9457 9477 9497 9517 9937 021 7517|10.0019557 021 5284 021 3052 021 0821 9977 9597 9617 9637 020 6363} 9657 020 4135]10.0019677 020 1909 019 9684 019 7460 019 5237 org 3015 9697 9717 9737 9757 9778 019 0794)10.0019798 018 8574 018 6356 o18 4138 018 1922 10.0019079) - O17 9707 9°99 017 7493,10. 0019919) 5 017 5280 017 3068 9959 017 0857 10.0019979 016 8647 10.0020000 016 6439 10.0020020 11.016 4231 10.0020040 2.0 2.0 9-9981158 40! he 1138] 50 fo) ef) | ‘719.9981 04039) 1020} 59} 1000} 40 0980] 3oF 0961] 20} 0941} 1 OF 2.0 yy) 9.0|9:9980802) 37! 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 0703 R ys rent onal 36 “°|9.9980563}35) 05.43} 56 0523} 4 } 0503} 3¢ 0483} 20 0463} 10 ""19.9980443134 i : 0423} 50 0403} ig 0383} 30 0363} 20 0343] 10 -19-9980323133! , 0303} 5¢ 0283} dol 0263} 3o} 0243} 2 0222 9.9980202]32! 0189} 50 0162} 40 0142} 30 0122} 20) OIol} ik 5 .919:9980081 1! 0061] 50) ed 40) eb: 9. pati 4 ° O 9-9900000} 20) 2". iq 2.0|9:9979980| 10 0782] 50 0752 ‘ 40) 0743} 30 0723} 2% 9-9979960)90 Ff co-sin. {dif.1"’ sec. co-tang. dif. 1"" tang. co-sec, du” sin. 95° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 19] ° 5° 174° ff) sin. dif. 1"’ Pen eatni: MRL! ably tang. dif. jase co-tang. sec, d.l"”| co-sin. 018.981 572 11.018 4271|8.983 576 6|2 1-016 4231}10.00: rig 60130! jro} 981 bet 218.6) “018 2085 283 7978|220 016 2025 spit 8 21/0997 Oe ea j20] 982 0100775") 017 9900] 984 0181 220. 015 9819 0081} *°° 999 vt, }30] 982 2284 rh 31 0L7 7716] 984 2385 a 4 o15 7615 oror| 2° 38 ; 304 rf} 982 4466 017 5534 384 4588|770 o15 5412 otar| 2° an ; So} 982 6648 ee *| 017 3352] 984 6790|2297] 015 3210 o142| *"7 38481 to y ANG wy fei ae ; ane: ats 8. be 8991 sats 11.015 1009}10.0020162 ae 9.9970838 29) 10} 983 100 OI LORE oc 014 88 ee ro} 983 3187)°"7-9| 016 6873 285 338912198 on SBxi 9203| 2! oe mi 80] 983 5364 sel 016.4636] 985 5587 eater 014 4413 0223] 2°° aoe 30 go} 983 7540 ee 016 2460] 985 7783 929.0 6 O84 2217 0243} °° 9757|.20 So} 983 9715 ety 016 0285} 985 9979 ae O14 0021 0264] 2"! 9736} 10 218.984 1889|** 7-4) 11.015 8111]8.986 2173/71?" 411.013 7827|10.0020284) >"? 71628! to} 984 4062|7'7-"| 015 5938] 986 4367/2194) 013 5633 0305] 27! ade 50 20} 984 6234 i 015 3766] 986 6559/7197} 013.3441 0325} 2°° 9625 4o 30} 984 8404)°°7°°| 015 1596] 986 8750)2°9°2) 013 1250 0345| >| 9655} 30 fo} 985 0574 316.8| 014 9426] 987 0940 a) 012 9060 0366) 2"! 9634] 20 985 2742|> eg} 014 7258] 987 3129/9 6°28] 012 6871 0386}>"°} 9614) 10 Pi ane pire 16.6] 11-014 5090 8.987 5317 v4 3 11.012 4683}10.0020407 = 9. ibs 274 10 ro) : ‘ , Bass gofeso| 42984 987 7Eeshiaa| 122471 ofa a] $879 216 0759] 9879 518.5} of o3II 0448 9552} 4o 30} 986 1405 oe o13 8595) 988 1874 83, Or! 8126 0468| 7° 9532} 30} fo] 986 3568 216.2| 0836432} 988 4057 # 3} OF1 5943 0489 ea 9511] 20 Jo} 986 5730 are 013 4270} 988 6240)” 218; orr 3760 0509 oa) 9491} 10} 445. au 7891 3160/11 083 ph iy 8.988 8421 ae IT.011 1579]10.0020530 pa 9-9979470|26' 0] 987 0051 ; 012 89 06 : 3 ; | 20} 987 2210 ae or2 a “ae a inert ae Ase cs re ue, yi 0} 987 4367 pay 012 5633] 989 4959|217°9| 010 5041 0591| 7° ph 30} 987 6524 15 4 012 3476} 989 7136|°'7°2) oro 2864 o612| 2"! 9388] 20 987 867 915.5) 012 13211 989 9312 rid oro 0688 0632] 7° 9368} 10} 8.938 0834 I1.011 9166}8.990 1487|>) 7° 5 7| 11.009 8513}10.0020653 re 347|25! 988 2987|2!23) O11 9013 990 3661|217'4) 009 633 674) > 7 IIe 06) Bol 988 513 ee ort 4861] 9905833|217°? 66/467 Bod we ae aa 988 7290 Heri O11 2710] 990 8005 etl 009 1995 0715} 2") 9285 30 fo} 988 9440 He O11 0560} 991 0176 ae 008 9824 0735) >°° 9265} 20 jo} 989 1589 a4 8 o10 8411 ggt 2345 eet 008 7655 0756] >"! 9244] 10 8.989 3737|214-°!11.010 6263)8.991 4514|>'2°9/11.008 5486} 10.002 pity 241] o} 989 5884 MA STO 4116 1 6681|2'9-7| vo8 331 a Ase ae ae 10} 989 8030 hag O10 1970 oak 8848 216-7) G08 aoe 0878 me a ia 'o} 990 0174|214-4 009 9826] 992 1013 216.51 007 898 839] 2°" 4 fol 990 2318)214-4 68 317812165] O07 6899 083021 raul ae bo} 590 4461|2"4- Oke 5536 ae 5341 o16i3p: 907 0832 0850S big ke hag go 214. 95539) 992 5341), 565] 097 4659 0880} 5 9120} 10] it 8.990 6602 § {11009 3398)8.992 7503 11.007 2497]10.0020901| >"! 099)23! 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Sy ‘95° 84° | os, A 192 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. | 5° 174¢| sin. dif. 1” co-sec, tang. dif.1''| co-tang. sec, d.1”| co-sin, 4 To] go 76897727] 005 agri) 996 8385742) ood 1618] 2ag6l 22) Baal | 20] 994 9210 FTP tow 05 0790] 997 0527 re 002 9473 1317 at: 130} 995 1329/7? og 004 8671) 997 2667), , 3, 002 7333 1338) 5 40} 995 3447 Roe 004 6553} 997 4806 5138 002 5194 1359 ast 5ol 995 5565|7! v6 004 4435] 997 6944), 3° 002 3056 1380] , 141/18.995 7681\>! 5 11.004 2319|8.997 9081 aes I1.002 O91g}10.0021401] , 10] 995 9796 Ae 004 0204} 998 1218 3135 oor 8782 1422], 5 | 20} 996 1910)5 7 °"3| 003 8ogo} 998 3353/7377} 001 6647 1443} 5" 130} 996 4023\7''~! 003 5977} 998 5487 213.3, 001 4913 1464) 4 40! 996 6135 2TT-2) 003 3865] 998 7620 13.9) OOF 2380 1485) 5, 5ol 996 8246\7"**"| 003 1754} 998 9752 213.1| 00f 0248 1506] 5.1 42/18.997 0356|71"*°l11.002 9644]8-999 1883 913.0] £17000 8117} 10.0021527 ay 10] 997 2465 ke 002 7535} 999 4013/5 000 5987 1548] 5 5 20] 997 4573/7 °°"! 002 5427] 999 6142 ak 000 3858 1569] 5.1 | 30} 997 6680 ms: 002 3320)8.999 8270), 5 _|11-000 1730 1590] 5; 40} 997 8786 iat 002 1214)9.000 0397), 5 5110-999 9603 1611), , 50} 998 0891 ae O01 910g) 000 25221) 45} 999 7478 1632] 4 43'18.998 2994 a 11.001 7006}9.000 4647}, |, 7|10.999 5353}10.0021653} 5 | 10} 998 5097|, 6, oor 4903] 000677115743] 999 3229 1674) 55 20] 998 7199), 2) oor 2801] 000 8894 512.2} 999 1106 1695) 5 30] 998. 9300|2'°°') cor 0700] oor 1016 512.0] 998 8984 1716), , 40] 999 1399|°°7'?| 000 8601} oor 3136 a 998 6864 1737 nix 50] 999 3498|2279| 000 6502] 001 5256 Lol 998.4744 1758) 5 5 44'/8.999 5595 209-7) 11.000 4405 9.001 7375 my! 10.998 2625]10.0021780 acy 101999 7692 ae 000 2308] 001 9493), "=| 998 0507 1801] 5 20/8.999 9788 °9-P}1 1.000 0212} 002 1610 3 997 8390 1822| 0, 3019.00 1882|209-4 10.999 8118} 002 3725 a vs 997 6275 1843) 4 5 40] 000 3976 a 999 6024] 002 5840|2*"* 997 4160 1864] . 50} 000 6068|2°9'?| 999 3932] 002 7954 pies 997 2046 1885 is 45!]9.000 8160|7°9'?|10.999 1840!9.003 0066|71**? 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Bert] 7717 ta 882 2283] 121 5393 +o 878 4607 7676 sta 2324] 50 fo} 117 9308 nes 882 0692] 121 7012 aed 878 2988 7703 ra 2297] 40 fo} 118 0899 ae 881 g1o1} 121 8630 ae 878 1370 7731 a6 2269} 30 Jo]. 118 2489 ee, 881 7511] 1220248 pe 8 877 9752 7799 ae 22411 20 118 4079 588 881 5921] 122 1866 te 6 877 8134 7787 a8 2213] 10 19-118 5667 58. 10.881 4333]9.122 3482 ee 10.877 6518]10.0037815 #6 9.9962185}27! 118 7256 58. 881 2744] 122 5099 Se 877 4901 784 ae 2157} 50 ‘Q} 118 8843 58:3 8811157] 1226714 te 877 3286 7871 ae 2129] 40} 119 0431 58.6 880 9569} 122 8329 ya 877 1671 7899 = 2101| 30 HY 119 2017] 566 880 7983] 1229944 an 877 0056 7927 5S 2073} 20 119 3603]'289| 880 6397] 123 1558|"21'4) 876 8442 7955, 73) 20451 10 "9.119 5188 58.5 10.880 481 2]9.123 3171 yee! 10.876 6829]10.0037983 ei 9-9962017|26! 119 6773 58 4 880 3227] 123 4784 Mas 876 5216 8or1 oe 1989} 50 119 8357|'20°4| 880 1643] 123 6396]! 17] 876 3604 8039 28] 1961 40 119 9941|'2,°3| 880.0059] 123 8007|'g,"1| 876 1993 8067] 2° 1933] 30 | 120 1524 58.0 879 8476] 123 9618 baat 876 0382 8095 7 1905] 20 120 3106 758.0 879 6894] 124 1229 see 875 8771 8123 a 1877] 10 9-120 4688 58.1 10.879 531219.124 2839 baie 10.875 7161|10,0038151) ~" 9.9961849]25! 120 6269 Bt 879 3731} 124 4448 baci 875 5552 8179 fe 1821] 50 120 7850 58, 879 2150] 124 6057 6h 8 875 3943 8207 me 1793] 40 # 120 9430 5 a 879 0570] 124 7665 ‘Ba: 875 2335 8235 in 1765] 30 I2t 1009 rl 878 8991| 124 9272 teal 875 0728 8263 ie 1737] 20 121 2588 ry 878 7412] 125087 mat 874 9121 8291 Se 1709] 10 P/9-121 4167| 77 '9}10.878 5833}9.125 2486 "60, £|10:874 7514] 10.0038319 5 g|9-9961081/24/ , 1215744 5S, 878 4256] 125 4og1 aan 874 5g09 8347 a 1653] 50 p} 120 7322/'27"7| 878 2678] 125 5697 Maa gt 874 4303 8375 st 1625] 4o 121 8898 56 878 1102] 125 7301 bids 874 2699 8403 ie 1597] 30 )} 122 0474 he 877 9526} 125 8905 B54 874 1095 8431] >" 1569] 20 | 122 2049 5,5 -877 7951] 126 0509 baa 873 9491 8460 aif 1540] 10 9.122 3624 BA 10.877 6376]9.126 2112 ye 10.873 7888]10.0038488 isp 9.996151 2}23! 122 5198 5 877 4802| 126 3714 ore 873 6286 8516 ie 1484] 50 1226772|/27°3| 877 3228} 1265316 30 ,| 873 4684 8544) 3's 1456} 40 122 8345|'27'3| 877 1655 126 6917 bot; 873 3083 8572| o's 1428] 30] )} 122 9918 gh 877 0082} 126 8518 wie 873 1482 8600] 2" 1400} 20 | 123 1490 ade 876 8510} 127 0118 ate 872 9882 8629 4 1371] 10 119.123 3061 abe 10.876 6939]9.127 1718 aoe 10.872 8282]10.0038657 oe 9.9961 343}22! = 123 4632|'27"") 876 5368) 127 3317|157'2| 872 6683 8685] >"3) 1315) 5o 123 6202 ibe. 876 3798} 127 4915 Rig 872 5085 8713 3 1287] 4o 1237771 a 876 2229] 1276513 ree 872 3487 8742 3 1258} 30 123 9340 56.2 876 0660] 127 8110 pail 872 1890 8770 re 1230] 20} 124 0909 56.8 875 gogi} 127 9707 ray 872 0293 8798 tp 1202] 10 9-124 2477 36. 10.875 752319.128 1303 526 10.871 8697]10.00388 26 . 9.9961174]21! 124 4044 5B 875 5956] 128 2899 55 871 7101 8855 mies 1145} 50 124 5611|"22'2| 875 4389) 128 4494) 127 7) 871 5506 8883] °"3| 1117] 40] 124 7177| 56 5 875 2823] 128 6088 +34 871 3912 8911] 5 108g} 30 124 8742 56 5 875 1258} 128 7682|! ee 871 2318 8940 =e 1060] 20 125 0307 156.5 874 9693} 1289275 See 871 0725 8968) 5 'g 1032] 10 9.125 1872| ~ ~|10.874 8128}9.129 0868 T9-?! 10.870 9132)10.0038996| ~~ 9.9961004;20! co-sin. |dif.1'’ sec. co-tang. {dif.1"’ tang. co-sec. |d.1” sil. 82° To aif, 1” | LOGARITHMIC SIWNES, TANGENTS, sin. co-sec, tang. dif. 1''| co-tang. sec, ai 140'19.125 1872) 10.874 8128)9.129 0868 10.870 9132}10.0038996 : Y 125 3436 ae 874 6564 13 2460 re 870 7540 ooa5 me 120! 125 4999 be 3 874 5001] 129 4052 ft 870 5948 9053 28 | 30} 125 6562 56. 874 3438] 129 5643 ata 870 4357 9081) 4o] 125 8124 Uses 874 1876} 129 7233 wes 870 2767 ore fe) 8 0890 P50} 125 9685 Pare 874 0315] 129 8823 56 870 1177 9138) 33 086a) pe 9.126 1246 ae 10.873 875419.130 0413 15a. 10.869 9587110.0039166 & 9-9960834]1¢ 126 2807 156 0 873 7193] 130 2002] 7°) 869 7998 9195 a8 8 | 20] 126 4367|12."°| 873 5633} 130 3590] 59a] 869 6410 9223) 5 130} 126 5926 ee 873 4074) 130 5178) 56 869 4822 9252 %: 4o] 126 7485|'72'2) 873 2515] 130 6765) 70°6| 869 3235 9280] So} 126 go43 155, 873 0957 130 8351] 59" 869 1649 9309 BY 42'19.127 0600 eae 7\10.872 9400|9-130 9937 158.6) 10-869 0063}10.0039337| 5’. \9-9960663 TO! +1277 2157 ae 872 7843) 131 1523] 5o°5| 868 8477 9366 Ae 063. 20} 127 3714|'22-7| 872 6286] 131 3108|750"7| 868 6892 9394) 5 0606 | 30) 127 5269 ee 6 672 4731] 131 4692 158.4 868 5308 9423 oe 4o| 127 6825 5B. 5 872 3175] 131 6276 158.3 868 3724 9451) 5 5o] 127 8380)! 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ORO GTO Bag) 0825 tr ocak phn 169 9838 oe 830 0162] 174 7868 144.0/ 895 aes 5030 aa} 00 yi 170 3245 ae 829 8755} 174 9307 anh 825 0693 8062 3.2 pa . 170 2652 te ~~ 7348} 1750746 eS 824 oad 8093 3.1 or 20 } 170 4059 140.6 95941] 175 2184 ; 38 824 7816 8125 3:2 1854 10 Ng.170 2 dG 10. 825 (535 9. wp ae oe : 10.824 6378]10.0048156 a 9-9951844}29/ 170 6871) 7" 29 3129) 175505 824 4941 8188) 3° 170 8277 Di 829 1723} 175 6496 sa ‘h 824 3504 bate 3. i = 170 9682 act 829 0318] 175 7933 13. 4 824 2067 8251] 32 CPR to 171 1086 ios 828 8914] 175.9369 13. 5 824 0631 8283 ana 1717| 20 } 171 2490 1403 828 7510] 176 0804 823 9196 8314 $1 1686} ro} Ng.171 3893 "3|10.828 6107]9.176 2239 ' 10.823 7761|10.0048346 3,2 51654]28/ 171 52961423! 808 4704)” 176 3674 143.5 823 6326 8399] 2277? 16031 50 171 6699 ye 828 3301] 176 5108 bas 823 4892 8409 he 1591| 4 171 8101 ryt 828 1899} 1766542 mes 823 3458 8441 a2 1Sho 30 171 9503 idol 828 0497] 176.7975 ae 823 2025 8472 et 1528} 20 ] 172 0904 ton 827 9096} 176 9408 ih 823 0592 8504 oa 1496] 10 9.172 ae AKO 10. ear hee 9.177 0840 ap ; 10.822 9160]10.0048536 te 9. 9951 46d 27! i} 172 370 27 6295} 177 2272] 73° ane 28 8567] 3° 172 5105 ea 827 4895} 177 3703 ne 822 bine 8599 oo Mor i 172 6504 net ay 827 3496] 177 5134 Yee 822 4866 8631 oy 1369} 30 172 7903 cats 827 2097} 177 6565 a "822 3435 8662| 3! 1338] 20 172 9301 1328 827 0699} 177.7995 3. ©} 822 2005 8694 3.2 1306] 10 9.173 0699 9-°| 10.826 9301}9.177 9425 phe 10.822 0575]10.0048726 gs 51274|26! y «173 2097 pet 826 7903] 178 0854 142.9) “gar gt 46 8459 3.1997 1943 50 } 173 349411297} 826 6506} 178 2283|!4?-9] 891 9717 8580) 3*2 1211] 4c 173 4890 we 826 Siro] 178 3711 caine 821 6289 Bho? og 1179 30] 173 6286 326 826 3714] 178 5139 ee 821 4861 8853 3.2 1147} 20 | + 173 7682 1305 826 2318] 178 6566 : * ; 821 3434 8884 ie Tr116] ro} BP 27 307 139.3 10820 opto 78 7999) da g'0 821 2907 rocoto 9 ap-995 tobe Le : I i) 174 1866 a4 825 8134] 179 0846 po 820 9154 8480 3.2 ia ho 174 3260 323 825 6740] 179 2271 hb 820 7729 gor2 3.2 0988} 30 174 4653|"39'3| 825 5347] 179 3697|'42"7| 820 6303 9043) 21] 0959] 20 | 174 6046 ans 825 3954] 1795121 ant 5 820 4879 9075 2 0925] 10 a “i eon 10. as 256 9.179 6546 pe 3| 10-820 3454] 10.0049 107 we 9.9950893}24! 17 I 2511 179 796 820 2031 139] 5° 86 175 0222 ae 824 sand i 308 142. i 820 0607 ote ie act a | 175 1613 fant 824 8387| 180 0816 oH 819 9184 9203 2:3 0797| 30 y 175 3004 OCs 824 6996} 180 2238 ne 819 7762 9234 As 0766] 20 4 175 4394 8 Be 824 5606] 180 3660 +7 r 819 6340 9266 =p 0734] 10 (17 bad 138.9 ha aey 9.180 5082 oh ; 10.819 4918}10.0049298 ‘e 9.9950702]23/ $175 7173] 46° 24 2827} 1806503 819 3497 JO) 51% 0670] 5 We 175 8562 aay 824 1438] 1807924 se 810 aon 2369 ae 0638 me ] 175 9950) 398 824 0050] 180 9344 whips 819 0656 9394 fe 0606] 30 176 1338|'52'-| 823 8662] 181 0764| 7 | 818 9236 9426) 3". 0574] 20 iP 176 2725 sagt 823 7275} 181 2183 yeu 818 7817 9458 ye 0542] 10 119-176 4112 ‘7| 10.823 5888}9.181 3602 -9! 10.818 6398] 10.0049490 . 505.1.0}22! | 176 5499 ee 823 4501] 181 5021 ve 3 818 4979 ee 3.2|9°99 0478 BG 176 6885} 39'5 823 3115] 181 6439 i 818 326, 9554 ap 0446} 4o 176 8270 138.6 823 1730] 181 7856 pe 7| 818 2144 9586 an 0414} 30 176 9656 138.4 823 0344] 181 9273 ey 71 818 0727 9618 0382] 20 i} 177 1040 138. §22 8960} 182 0690 At 6 817 9310 9650 Se 0350} 10 119-177 2425) 30 9/10.822 7575}9.182 2106 F)|10.817 7894] 10.0049682| >" 5031 8/21! 177 3808 py 822 6192} 182 3522 ye 817 6478 9714 3.2|7°99 0286) 50 177 5192 738.3 822 4808} 182 4938 7B 5 817 5062 9746 on 0254] 4o | 177 6575|'35°5| 822 3425] 182 6353 fh 817 3647 9778] 3°, 0222| 30 i} 177 7997 138.2 822 2043] 1827767 on 4 817 2233 9810 34 0190} 20 I] 177 9339 138.0 822 0661] 1829181 ae 4 817 0819 9842 ee 0158] 10} g.178 0721] ~ “|10.821 9279/9.183 sas 10.816 9405|10.0049874 "9.99501 26}20! co-sin. {dif. 1’’ sec. co-tang c dif, 1"’ tang, So-sec, i» \dy! al! sin, ie hha 30 g]° 27 R* 40/19.178 0721 10 141./19.178 goor Io] 179 0379 20 30 40 50 179 4512 179 5888 42'19.179 7265 / 10] 179 8640) 180 0016 180 1390 180 2765 180 4139) 43'19.180 5512 10 20 30 4o 5o 180 8258 181 1002 181 6484 181 7854), 181 9223) | 182 0592 45'19.182 1960 10 182 3328 182 4695 182 6062 182 7428 182 8794 . 146//9.183 o160 183 1525 183 2890 183 4254 : 183 5618)" 183 6981\? 47'19.183 8344|" 183 9706 184 1068 184 2430 184 3791 184 5152 48'19.184 6519|_ 10] 184 7872 co-sin. 98° I 179 1797], 179 3135) | 180 6885)" I 180 9630) , 181 2373 , 44"19.181 3744 181 5114) _. LOGARITHMIC SINES, dif, 1°’ co-sec. 821 7898 821 6517 821 5137 821 3757 821 2378 4 10.821 0999|9-183 9068 : 820 9621 820 8243 820 6865 820 5488 820 4112 820 1360 819 9984 819 8610 819 7235 819 5861 819 3115 819 1742 819 0370 818 8998 818 7627 818 4886 818 3516 818 2146 818 0777 817 9408 817 6672 817 5305 817 3938 817 2572 817 1206 816 8475 816 7110 816 5746 816 4382 816 3019 816 0294 815 8932 815 7570 815 6209 815 4848 815 2128 815 0768 814 9409 814 8051 814 6693 814 3978 814 2621 814 1265 813 9909 813 8553 dif. l sec, tang. 10.821 9279|9.163 0595 183 2008 184 0478 10.820 2735}9.184 7525 184 8933 185 0340 185 1747 185 3154 : 185 4560)! 10.819 4488}/9.185 5966 185 7371 185 8776 186 o181 186 1585 186 2988 o| 10-818 6256}9.186 4392 186 5794 186 7197 186 8599 187 0000 187 1401 10.817 8040|9.187 2802 : 187 4202 979 10.816 9840}9.188 1196 188 2594 {10-816 1656]9.188 9575] 37° 189 0970 ‘ 10.815 3488}9.189 7939 189 9331], 3 190 7677 190 9067 191 0456 1gt 1845 191 3233 10.813 7198]9.191 4621 co-tang. 90 4897) 32. 10.814 5335]9.190 6287 139.0 dif. 1’’) co-tang. 141.3 10.816 0932 a 815 ee 815 8112 815 6702 815 5293 5 815 3884 "Z|10.815 2475 FA0:0 815 1067 814 9660 814 8253 814 6846 814 5440 10.814 4034 814 2629 814 1224 813 9819 813 8415 813 7012 10.813 5608 813 4206 ae 813 2803 4 4 813 1401 ay: 813 0000 Og 812 8599 40.0 10-822 7198 y 812 5798 812 4398 812 2999 812 1600 812 0202 6|10.811 8804 139-8 811 7406 811 6009 811 4612 811 3216 811 1820 10.811 0425 810 9030 810 7635 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.4 140.3 140.4 140.2 140.3 139-5 810 6241] | 810 4847 810 3454 10.810 2061 810 0669 809 9276 ‘809 7885 809 6494 809 5103 139.3 139.2 139. 139.0 138.9 138.9 138.8 138.8 dif. 1’ 809 2323 809 0933 808 9544 808 8155 808 6767 ee tang. TANGENTS, sec. 10.0050067 &c. d.1” 0099) 3 O31 o164 o196 0228 10.0050260 0292 0325 0357 0389 O421 10.0050454 0486 0518 0551 0583 0615 10.0050648 0680 O712 0745 0777 0809 10.0050842 0874 0907 0939 097! 1004 10.0051036 1069 IIO1 1134 1166 1199 10.0051231 1264 1296 132 1362 1394 10.0051 427 1459 1492 1525 1557 1590 10.809 3713}10.0051623 1655 1688 1721 1753 1786 10.808 5379}10.00518 19 902 00 02 WD WW WWW WH WW WWW WW WWW WW WWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWwww wwrs WW WW WW WH WWE WK Wi Wh WL WH KWL WHWH WH Dd WH bd WH bb WHEL WH co-sin. FA 17 5« Ke 99948769] 8736} LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 211 s° | 171° sin. aif) '’ co-sec. tang. dif. 1'' co-tang. sec es co-sin. 50/lg. 186 2802 135.5|1% 10.813 719519 191 4621 10.808 5379] 10. t0.0051819) 3, 8181 10! ro} 186 4157)! 135.4 813 5843] 191 6008 wise 808 3992 857 at 3 sabia 149} 50 go} 186 5511 135 813 4489} 191 7395 38.6 808 2605 a € 8116} 40} 30} 186 6865 135.3 813 3135] 191 8781 38. 808 1219 1917 3.3 8083} 30 Go| 186 8218 135 813 1782] 192 0168 138.4 807 9832 1950 oe 8050] 20 36 186 9571 135.9| 913.0429) 192 1553)" 138.6 807 8447 1982 33 8018} 10 519.187 0923 135.9| 10 812 9077|9.192 rat 138.4 10.807 7061}10.0052015 33 9-9947985] 9! . 187 2275 135 812 7725) 192 432 385 807 5677 2048 3. 7952} 50 20| 187 3627 135 812 6373) 192 aaa 38 807 4292 2081 i 7919] 40 30} 187 4978 135. 812 5022] 192 7092 1383 807 2908 2114 in 7886! 30] dol 187 6329) 732"') 812 3671] 192 8475 ae 807 1525 2146) 3° 7854] 20 50 187 7679 135.01. 812 2321] 192 9859 38'| _ 807 0141 2179] 3°3 7621] Lo} 92'9.187 9029 135 of 812 0971]9.193 1241 138.3 10.806 8759]10.0052212 3.3 9-9947788] 8! 188 eg 134. 811 9621] 193 2624)" 38 806 7376 2245] 3°3 97551 50 188 172 134 811 8272) 193 4006 38, 806 5994 2278 33 77221 4o 30] 188 3076) 3 811 6924] 193 5387 aa 806 4613 2311) 3°3 7689} 30 Go} 188 4425) 5 4 811 5575] 193 6768|' 385 806 3232 2344] 3° 7656] 20 ‘50 188 5772 134.8 811 4228} 193 8149 pty 806 1851 2376 33 7624] 10 93/19.188 7120 1342710" 811 2880]9.193 9529 oe °| 10.806 0471]10.0052409 3.319:9947991] 7! 188 8467 134. 811 1533] 194 ogog 3 805 9091 2442| 3°3 758] So 188 9813 34. 811 0187] 194 2288 api 9 805 7712 2475 =e 7525} 40 189 115 134. 810 8841 hod 3667 wag 805 6333 2508] 3°3 7492| 30 189 2505] 372, 810 7495] 194 5046 1348} 805 4954 2541] 3"5 Ly 20 ‘50 189 3850 34 8106150} 194 6424 30 805 3576 2574 33 7426] 10 34!19.189 5195 34 10.810 4805]9.194 7802 ae 10.805 2198]10.0052607| 3 3/9.9947393] 6! 189 6539 3x: 810 3461] 1949179 hs 805 0821 2640} 3°3 7360} 50 420] 189 7883 134.3 810 2117} 195 0556 1306 804 9444 2673) 3'3 7327} 40 30 189 9226 134.4 8100774] 195 1932 Ag 804 8068 2706 33 7294] 30 40) 190 0570 134, 809 9430} 195 3308 at 804 6692 2739] 3°3 7261} 20} i99} 190 1912) 37 809 8088} 195 4684 at 804 5316 2772| 3.3 7228] 10 55!19.190 3254 134.|!° 809 6746)9. ee 6059 ale 5|10.804 3941 10.0052805} 3 319.9947 195] 0! TO] 190 4596 134 809 5404] 195 7434 Re. 5| 804 2566 2838] 3 3 7162] 50 120) 190 5938 134 809 4062! 195 8809 1344 804 1191 2871] 3 3 7129] 40 90] 190 7278 ry 809 2722} 196 0183 1353 803 9817 2904 3.3 7096] 30 : 190 8619 ie 809 1381} 196 1556 an 803 8444 2937| 3.3 7063} 20 4 190 9959 “ie 809 0041| 196 2929 7343 803 7071 2970) 3.3 7030} 10 219-19 1299) 33 0 \10- 808 8701]9. 106 4302 13 10.803 5698}10.0053003) 3 3}9.9946997| 4! 10] 191 2638) 35 9} 808 7362] 196 5674 pas 803 4326 3036 3.4 6964] 50 #20) 191 3977| 33.2) 808 6023 196 7046 ee 803 2954 3070] 3°3 6930} 4o 30} 191 5315] 733",| 808 4685] 1968418] 377} 803 1582 3103) 3'3| 6897] 30 0} 191 6653/°33",| 808 3347] 196 9789] 1371} 803 o2rt 3136] 3'3| 6864] 20 50] 191 7991 133. 808 2009] 197 1160 wii 802 8840 3169 3.3 6831] 10 579.191 9328 33,4 10.808 067219.197 2530 aud 10.802 7470]10.0053202 3.3 9-9946798} 3! F '10} 192 0665 133. 807 9335} 197 3g00 erty 802 6100 3235} 33 6765] 50 20] 192 2001] 33'4| 807 7999] 197 5269 teas 802 4731 3268) 3° 6732] 4o] 30} 192 3337|'53°5| 807 6663] 197 6638 1362) 802 3362 3302) 3°3 6698} Jo 140} 192 4672 133 807 5328] 197 8007 96: 802 1993 3335) 33 6665} 20} 50} 192 6007 £33 807 3993] 197 9375 136.8 802 0625 3368 3.3 6632] 10} 819.192 7342 133.4 10.807 2658]9.198 0743 136.811: 801 9257|10.0053401 3.4 9-9946599} 2! | To] 192 8676 ae 807 1324] 198 2111) 94 801 7889 3435 33 6565] 50 20} 193 0010 133.3} 806 9990 198 3478) 32/6] 801 6522 3468) 3 3 6532} 4o} 193 1343|'33°3| 806 8657] 198 4844) 13,'¢) 801 5156 3501] 33) 6499) 30] . 193 2676) 33°3| 806 7324} 198 6210) 34'6) 801 3790 3534) 3; 6466} 20} |50} 193 400 133 806 5991] 198 7576 oe 801 2424 3568 33 6432] 10 199119.193 5341 ae 10.806 465919.198 8941 136. 5/10.801 1059}10.0053601 3.319-9946399} 1! | 193 6672) 33',| 806 3328] 199 0306) 34'5| 800 9694 3634! 3 3 6366} 50 193 8004) 33 806 1996] 199 1671| 36° 7| 800 8329 3667) 3% 6333] 4o 193 9334|133°°| 806 0666] 199 3035] 800 6965 3701} 3.3 6299} So} 194 0665) 33 805 9335 34 4399), 36,3, 800 5601 3734) 3.3 6266} 20} 194 1995) 3) 805 8005} 199 2| 36 3} 800 4238 3767 3.4 6233} 10 019.194 3324) ‘910.805 6676 9 199 71 (ap 10.800 2875]10.0053801! ~~ "|9.9946199} U0! co-sin, late jes sec. co-tang. dif, 1'’ tang. co-sec, 212 LOGARITHMIC SINES, g° a i ae a a eee | ; 1702 | &e. TANGENTS, sin. dif. 1" co-sec, tang. dif.l'’| co-tang Bec. d.J’’| co-sin. 0 f-i9d 33249310808 rBly-199 712830800 2875] t0.00838oH| 53 soda ol "14 Soba 1328 805 4o18| 199 9850|"25:2| 8000150] 3867 ‘* 30] 1947311 ora 805 2689! 200 1211 136. 799 8789 3901 33 fo} 194 8639 my 805 1361] 200 2573 136'4 799 7427 3934 3.4 50] 194 9966)" oat 805 0034] 200 3934/7364] 799 6066 3968) 3"3 1’ }9.195 1293 192-7! 16.804 8707|9.200 5294 "-|10.799 4706] 10.0054001} 5°3|9- 10] 195 2620 i: 804 7380} 200 6654 i, 799 3346 4034 ~ 20] 195 3946 ee 804 6054] 200 8014 135. 799 1986 4068 4 30] 195 5272 ed 804 4728] 200 9373 135.2 799 0627 4101) 3° 40} 195 6597 gk 804 3403] 201 0732 135.2 798 9268 4135 rt So] 195 7922 (39 5 804 2078] 201 2091 135.8 798 7909 4168 3.4 2! 19.195 9247 394 eee a g.201 3449 138.9 yttek: 51]10.0054202) 3"3/9- 10} 196.0571 j 03 9429} 201 480 , 7 194 4235) 4° 20 te 1895 ate 803 grb 201 6163 Hee 308 3835 4269 + 30] 196 3218 aon 803 6782] 201 7520 rp 798 2480 4302 3. 4o| 196 4541 tk 803 5459] 201 8877 135.6 798 1123 4336 o- So} 196 5864 2 803 4136] 202 0233 135.5 797 9767 4369 3. 3! 19.196 7186 192-2) 19.803 2814 g.202 1588 ‘210.797 8412]10.0054403 4 ' 10] 196 8507 ot "803 1493] 202 2944 mia! 797 7056 4436 7 20} 196 9829 aan 803 0171} 202 4299 135.4 797 5701 4470 ite 30} 197 1150/73°"0| 802 8850] 202 5653/35" 797 4347 4503} 4o| 197 2470 a 802 7530] 202 7007], 35" 797 2993 4537 oe So} 197 3790 ane 802 6210] 202 8361 13 : 797 1639 4571 Ee 4! 19.197 5110 ?-O! 19.802 4890|9.202 9714 "3|10.797 0286]10.0054604) 5/19. 10] 197 6429 ph 802 3571] 203 1067 a 796 8933 4638 3 20] 1977748 en 802 2252] 203 2419 135.9 796 7581 4671 3. 30] 197 9066 ae 802 0934] 203 3771 65 796 6229 4705 tp fo 198 0384|'31'8| 801 9616] 203 5123|152"?| 796.4877 4739) 3°3 So} 198 1702 ae 801 8298] 203 6474 135 1 796 3526 4772 “ 5! 19.198 3019 tS -7!10.801 6981|9.203 7825] © rf 10.796 2175]10.0054806 3.4/0, 10] 198 4336 ate 801 5664) 203 9175 re: 796 0825 4840 3.4 20] 198 5652 ote 801 4348] 204 0525 3 795 9475 4873 3.3 30} 198 6968 ney 801 3032] 204 1875 Vi 795 8125 4907 3.4 4o| 198 8284 131.5 801 1716] 204 3224 acre: 795 6776 4941 ie 5o} 198 9599 (Bia 801 ofo1| 204 4573 1342 799 5427 4974 3. 6! 19.199 se ‘are si go87 Ai 5922 1348 08 4078 10.0055008 a4 ; TO} 199 222 , 00 7772| 204 7270 ; 795 2730 5042! 5° bolt tho asis 131-4) 800 6458] 204 8617|134°7 795 1383 5076| 34 30] 199 4855) 737 °3 800 5145} 204 9964 134. 795 0036 5rog| 33 4o| 199 6168 313 800 3832] 205 1311 ae 794 8689 5143 3.4 5o} 199 7481 men 800 251g} 205 2658 134.6 794 7342 5197 3.4 7! 19.199 8793 : 10.800 1207]9.205 4004] _ 4 7'-|10.794 5996]10.0055211 3.4/9, 10] 200 0105 Se 7! 799 9895| 205 5350 ae 794 4650 5244 3.3 20] 200 1417 ot *| 799 8583] 205 6695 134. 794 3305 5278 3.4 30] 200 2728 Ba 799 7272] 205 8040 134. 794 1960 5312| 3-4 4o| 200 4038 Se °| 799 5962] 205 9384 34. 794 0616 5346 a 50] 200 5349 ine 799 4651] 206 0728 34. 793 9272 5380) 3-4 8! 19.200 sae ahh 10.799 3342 Fave ail: 1343 10.793 ne 10.0055413 ae 10} 20079 799 2032] 206 3415 : 793 6585 54 : 20| 200 9277, wi Be 0723} 206 4758 y i 5242 348, 3.4 30] 201 0586 sate 798 9414] 206 6101 13%: 793 3899 5515) 3-4 4o} 201 1894 rie 798 8106] 206 7443 1341 793 a 554 3.4 50) 201 3202), 3. 798 6798} 206 8784) 3 ii 793 1216 5583) 24 9! |9.201 ae Za ihe eh 9-207 ee 341 10.792 a 10.0055617 ae : ro] 201 581 798 41 207 I : 2 8533 5651] 5° 20} 201 7123 Se 708 2877 ee Be ep si 7193 5685 3.4 30] 201 8429 Aa 798 1571] 207 4147 Bho 792 bge3 5719 3.4 4o| 201 9735 : a5 798 0265} 207 5487 33. 792 4513 5753 3.4 och 5o] 202 1040 re 797 8960] 207 6826 ‘ 9 792 3174 5786 3.3 4214 ‘te . 10!|9.202 2345|"~~*~|10.797 7655)9.207 8165 9 10.792 1835]10.0055820 3:4 9.99441 80]50 co-sin. |dif, 1'' sec. co-tang. |dif.1'’ tang. co-sec. {d.1"’ sin. ¥ « LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &e. 213 | = 170° | sin. dif. 1''| co-sec. tang. dif. 1'’} co-tang. sec. d.l”| co-sin. N'o.202 2345 10.797 7655/9.207 8165 10.792 1835]10.0055820} 4 ,|9.9944180|50! bol’ 202 3650 Bee ate 6360” 207 9504)"33°2 ae 0496 5854 a 7 K66| SON lo} 202 4954 dnty 797 5046} 208 0842 733.8 791 9158 5888 34 4112} 40} bo} 202 6258 ae 797 3742| 208 2180 133, 791 7820 5922 3.4 4078} 30} 202 7561 Bo 3| 797 2439] 208 3517 33, 791 6483 5956 vy, 4044] 20} 202 8864 a 797 1136} 208 4854 133, 791 5146 59 35 4o10} 10} 9.203 0167 ae 10.796 9833]9.208 6191 1336 10.791 3809}10.0056025 3.4 9.9943975}49! 203 1469 ty . 796 8531] 208 7527 336 791 2473 6059 3.4 3941} 50} 203 2771 3 796 7229] 208 8863 ; 36 791 1137 6093 3.4 3907] 4of 'o} 203 4072 55 796 5928] 209 0199 133.5 790 9801 6127/ 3, 3873] 3of 203 5373) 150's| 796.4627] 209 1534) 53" y| 790 8466 6161) 34 3839} 20} 203 6673 ae 796 3327] 209 2868 133.5 790 7132 6195 34 3805] 10 203 7974 799-T110.796 2026 9.209 4203 133.3 10.790 5797|10.0056229 au 9.994377 148! 203 9273 wth 796 0727| 209 5536 133.4 790 4464 6263 3.4 3737] 50 204 0573 tb 799 9427| 209 6870 1333 790 3130 6297 34 3703} 40 | 204 1872|°7°2) 795 8128] 209 8203] 33"3| 790 1797 6331] 3% 3669] 30f D| 204 3170] 77°") 795 6830] 209 9536] °33"5| 790 0464 6365} 35 3635} 20 I} 204 4469 9°9| 995 5531] 210 0868 aay 789 9132 6400 3.4 3600} 10 Ng.204 5766 ata 10.795 423419.210 2200 abt 10.789 7800]10.0056434 a4 9.9943566]47/ 204 7064|'99""| 795 2936] 210 3532|'33°1| 789 6468 6468) 3°%| 3532) 50} 204 8361|'99°2| 795 1639) 210 4863|°35°)| 789 5137 6502] 3% 3498} 40} 204 9657] 152°} 795.0343} 2106194) 33°5| 789 3806 6536| 3°%, 3464} 3o} 205 0954 ae 794 9046) 210 7524 a3 789 2476 6570 35 3430] 205 205 2249 ecla 7947751} 210 8854 133 : 789 1146 6605 iA 3395} 10} 205 3545 1325 10.794 6455]9.211 0184 7% ‘°\10.788 9816] 10.0056639 34 9.9943361 46! 205 4840] 159°} 7945160] 211 1513] 139°9} 788 8487 6673) 37 3327] 5of } 205 6134 aoe 794 3866) 211 2842 ae 788 7158 6707) 3°5 3293] 40 | 205 7429 te 794 2571) 211 4170 308 788 5830 6742 aa 3258] 30 § 205 8722|'?9: 794 1278] 211 5498 page 788 4502 6776) 3 4 3224] 20 206 0016 a 793 9984] 211 6826 er 788 3174 6810 3.4 3190] TO 19.206 1309 rea 10.793 8691|9.211 8153 ag 10.788 1847]10.0056844) 3 5 9.9943156)}45! 206 2602/1?" 793 7398] 211 9480 aga 788 0520 6879) 3 4 3121} 50 Py 206 3894 129°7) 793 6106] 212 0807 ae 787 9193 6913 3.4 3087} 40 | 206 5186) 129°? 793 4814] 212 2133 139.6 787 7867 6947) 3.5 3053} 30 206 6477 $20; 793 3523] 212 3459 ns 787 6541 6982} 3 4 3018] 20 206 7765 ees 793 2232] 212 4784 1395 787 5216 7016 3A 2984] Io} 206 9059|+29°*|10.793 0941\9.212 6109 cae 10.787 3891]10.0057050} 3'5|9-.9942950}44! 207 0349 tie 792 9651] 212 7434 vas ‘| 787 2566 7085 34 2915} 50 207 1639|-°9°°| 792 8361| 212 8758 135. 787 1242 7119] 3°5 2881| 4o 207 2929-729} 792 7071] 213 0082 ee 786 9918 7154] 3°% 2846} 30 '} 207 4218 28.9 792 5782) 213 1406 nae, 786 8594 7188 aur 2812} 20 ) 207 5506 ae 792 4494) 213 2729 aa 786 7271 7222| 35 2778! 10 [19.207 6795 pe 10.792 3205]9.213 4051 vas 10.786 5949|10.0057257] 3, 9:9942743}43! Hy} 207 8083 28.8 792 1917] 213 5374 oral 786 4626} - 7291) 35, 2709} 50 bi] 207.9370 oe 792 0630} 213 6696 : eri 386 3304 7326) 3° 2674] 4o i 208 0657 ee 791 9343] 213 8017 re 786 1983 7360 34 2640] 30 I] 208 1944 a 791 8056} 213 9338 3 ; 786 0662 7394] 3.5 2606] 20f | 208 3230 £96 791 6770] 214 065 oat 785 9341 7429 3.4 2571] 10 9.208 4516 128.6 10.791 5484|9.214 1980 tad 10.785 8020] 10.0057463 3.5 9:9942537|42! 208 5802 128.6 791 4198] 214 3300 vate 785 6700 7498 3.4 2502| 5o 208 7087 108 791 2913] 214 4619 ate 785 5381 9532 35 2468] 4o 208 8372|128"9) 791 1628] 214 5939|137"°| 7854061] 7567/37) 2433) 30 208 9656 oa 791 0344] 2147258 3 2 785 2742 7601) 3'5 2399} 20 209 0940 = 790 9060} +214 8576 ea he 785 1424 7636 Be 2364] 10 9.209 2224 +: 10.790 7776|9.214 9894 ape 10.785 0106]10.0057670} 3° /9-9942330}4 1! 209 3507 8 790 6493} 2151212 at 784 8788 7705 35 2295} 50 209 4790 138 790 5210} 215 2529 3 ‘ 784 7471 7740 54 2260} 4o 209 6072 138 ‘ 790 3928} 215 3846 Bhatt 784 6154 7774| 35, 2226} 30 209 7354| on '4| 790 2646] 215 5163)°3°°2| 784 4837 7809! 34) 2T9T} 20 209 8636) 7 3"7| 790 1364) 215 6479/73 °'6| 784 3521 7843) 35 2157] 10 209 9917|*7°""|10.790 0083}9.215 7795|1°*")\10.784 2205 10.0057878 sy 9-9942122 40’ co-sin. (|dif.1’’ sec, co-tang. |dif.1’’ tang. co-sec. |d 1" sin. LOGARITHMIC SINES, go sin. dif 1" 120'19.209 991758 5 ro} 210 1198) 5 210 2479 158.0 210 3759 raped 210 5039) 4 -" 210 6318) | 7-9 9-210 7597] 97 210 8875 211 0154 211 1431 211 2709 211 3986), 2219-211 5263) | 211 6539 211 7815], 211 gogo 212 0365 212 1640 9-212 2914 212 4188 319.213 817 213 9446)" 26'|9.214 5787 214 7054 214 6321 ‘ 214 9587 215 0853} _- 215 2118 9.215 3384 215 4648 215 5913 asiG 126.1 129'19.216 8536 ee dita” Co-sin. 99° 6 10.788 4737|9.217 3556 I 4 10.787 7086]9.218 1417 - 10.785 421319.220 4917 5 ) 110.784 6616}9.221 2724 co-sec. tang. ait jl’ 2 53n-8 (an3 216 8309 a 216 9621, 217 0933 217 2245 789 788 9846 788 8569 788 7291 788 6014 HH ewe 217 4867)" 217 6178 217 7488 217 8798 218 0108 788 3461 788 2185 788 og10 787 9635 787 8360 787 5812 787 4538 787 3265 787 1992 787 0720 218 2726)" 5° 218 4034|120°8 218 7957 130.7 "5 | 10-786 9448)9.218 9264) 30 é 130.6 786 8176 786 6905 786 5634 786 4363 786 3093 219 0570 130.4 219 97031304 220 1009 3°. 3 220 2312 130.3 220 3615 Fe 130.2 785 9285 785 8017 785 6748 785 5481 785 2946 785 1679 785 0413 784 9147 784 7882 220 6219 130.0 130.0 130.0 221 1424 784 5352 784 4087 784 2823 784 1559 784 0296 221 4024 221 5324 129.8 221 7921 221 9220 te % 10.783 g033]9.222 0518 98 922 1815/5797 222 3113 - 783 7771 783 6509 783 5247 783 3985 783 2724 10.783 1464}9.222 8298 783 0203] 222 9594 782 8944 782 7684 782 6425 129. sec. co-tang. jdif. 1" 131.0 130.9 130.9 221 6623/1792 TANGENTS, co-tang. 784 0889 783 9574 783 825 783 6945 783 5631 10.783 4317 783 3004 783 1691 783 0379 782 9067 782.7755 10.782 6444 782 5133 782 3822 782 2512 782 1202 781 9892 10.781 8583 781 7274 784 2205]10.0057878 3 791 130.8 10.781 0736 780 9430 780 8124 780 6818 780 5512 780 4207 10.780 2903 780 I 780 ones 779 8991 779 7088 779 6385 10.779 5083 779 3781 779 2479 779 1178 778 9877 778 8576 10.778 7276 778 5976 778 4676 778 3377 778 2079 778 0780 10.777 9482 9777 8185 777 6687 777 5590 777 4294 777 2998 10.777 1702 777 0406 776 9111 776 7817 776 6522 776 5228 10.776 3935 tang. 7947 7982 8016 8051 10.0058086 8120 8155 8190 8224 8259 10.0058294 8329 8363 8398 8433 8468 10.0058502 8537 8572 8607 8642 8677 10.0058711 8746 8781 8816 8851 8886 10.0058921 8956 8991 9026 9061 9095 10.0059130 9165 200 2035 9270 9306 1070059341 9516 10.0059551 9586 9621 9656 é 9692 9727 10.0059762 &c. . . 2 [@>) 09 49 09 9 09 9 22 9 2 C2 CY G9 G9 G9 U9 Ho WO G2 02 22.02 02 U2 G2 U2 WL U9 U9 U9 U9 G9 G9 U2 G2 G2 G2 02 9 G9 C2 O2 U8 OO U8 9 9 G9 9 Go Go Go G2 2 Le GeOV OV OVD OVOUOWON OVO NOVA D ON OVA OF NO non n ak Anannan kh Anan aonkh and oro on djl! 3.4 co-sin. 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BOS 224 9682} | 775 0318 9:22. 225 0918} '? co-sin. ———— dif. 1'’ sec. 229 1350 229 2627 229 3905 229 5182 229 6459 229 9OII 230 0287 230 1562 230 2837 : 230 4112 . 230 6660) | 230 7933] 230 9207 231 0479 234 1752], co-tang. £017.2 ney. 10.774 9082 9 231 3024|'?7"? dif, 1" 1 co-tang. 10.776 3935 776 2641 776 1348 776 0056 775 8764 779 7472 10.775 6181 779 4889 779 3599 775 2308 775 1018 774 9729 10.774 8439 774 7151 774 5862 774 4574 774 3286 774 1999 10.774 0711 773 9425 773 8138 773 6852 773 5567 9773 4281 7 10.773 2996 ly aig Me) 773 0428 772 9144 772 7860 772 6577 : 10.772 5294 772 4012 772 2730 772 1448 772 0167 771 8886 o| 10-771 7605 771 6325 771 5045 971 3765 771 2486 771 1207 10.770 9929 770 8650 770 7373 770 6095 770 4818 770 3541 10.770 2265 770 0989 769.9713 769 8438 769 7163 769 5888 10.769 4614 769 3340 769 2067 769 0793 768 9521 768 8248 sid Soe 6976 yf tag, sec, 10.0059973 10.0060008 004 0079 O11g 0149 10.0060185 10.0060397 0432 0467 0503 0538 0574 10.0060609 0644 06380 OFS 0751 0786 10.0060822 0857 0893 0926 0964 0999 10.0061035 10.0061 248 1284 1320 1355 1391 1426 10.0061 462 1495 1534 > RK eG So 2 2 Ga Gs GaGa Ga 0 Go GS 6 2 Go Go G2 GaGa Ge Go Ge Ga ew Go oo GG d, 1" 3.6 co-sin, 5 9: 9940027 30] 6454) 15 '5| 746 3546} 260 7439/1193 Pa ee ee 0940| 3°2) 9000} 20 9.253 7609 10.746 2391\9.260 8625] ' 19.3 739 2568 0978} 3° foaat fo eae ' 10.739 1375]10.0071016 3.8 8 co-sin. {dif 1"' as tit gicind 9.9928984/40' sec. -} " 255 0292 2219-255 1444] 255 2594 255 3745 255 4895 LOGARITHMIC SINES, 255 6045 ; 255 7195 319.255 8344 ‘ 255 9493 256 0641 256 1790 256 2938 256 4085 9-256 5233]! 256 6380 256 7526)" 256 8673 256 981 257 5068 : 9-257 2110 257 3255 257 4400 ‘ 257 5545 257 6689 257 7833 : 9-257 8977 258 1263 258 2406)! 258 3548 258 4690|' 9.258 5832 258 6973 258 8114 258 9255 259 0396 259 1536 9.259 2676 259 3815 259 4955) 259 6094), 259 7232 259 8371 9-259 9509 260 0646 260 1784 ; 260 2921 260 4058 : 260 5194 30'\9.260 6330 co-sin, dif, 1’’ co-sec. 10.746 239119.260 8625 746 1236] 260 9818 746 0082. 745 8928 743 7774 745 6621 tang. 10.745 5468|9.261 5779 : 745 4315] 261 697 745 3163 745 2011 745 0859 744 9708 7447406] 262 4111 744 6255 744 5105 744 3955 744 2805 10.744 1656]9.263 0053 2 263 1240 : 744 0507 743 9359 743 8210 743 7062 743 5915] 263 5987 e 10.743 4767}9.263 7173 743 3620 743 2474 743 1327 743 o181 742 9035} 264 3099 10.742 7890}9.264 4283 742 6745] 264 5467 742 5600 742 4455 742 3311 742 2167 2 10.742 1023}9.265 1382 741 9880} 265 2564 741 8737 741 7594 741 6452 741 5310 ? 10.741 4168]9.265 8470 2 741 3027 741 1886 741 0745 740 9604 740 8464 10.740 7324]9.266 5547 740 6185 740 5045 740 3906 740 2768 740 1629 dsi, 1"? 119.3 119.3 I1Q.1 6) 10-744 8556)9.262 2921 : I 118.6 148.4 118.4 118.2 117-9 I 266 6726 : 79 10.740 0491|9.267 2613 : 739 9354 739 8216 739 7°79 739 5942 739 4806 ""|10.739 3670]9.267 9669 et sec. co-tang. dif. 1" *!10.734 8618 9 a 10.734 1530]10.0072638 TANGENTS, co-tang, 10.739 1375}10.0071016 739 0182 1055 738 8989 1093 738 7796 1132 738 6604 1170 738 5413 1208 10.738 4221]10.0071247 738 3030 1285 738 1839 1324 738 0648 1362 737 9458 1401 737 8268 1439 10.737 7079]10.0071478 737 5889 1516 1555 1593 1632 1671 10.736 9947|10.0071709 736 8760 1748 736 7572 1786 736 6385 1825 736 5199 1864 736 4013 1902 10.736 2827] 10.0071941 736 1641 1979 736 0455 2018 735 9270 2057 735 8086 2095 735 6901 2134 10.735 5717|10.0072173 735 4533 2212 735 3349 2250 735 2166 2289 735 0983 2328 734 9800 2366 10.0072405 734 7436 2Add 734 6254 734 5073 734 3892 734 2711 734 0350 733 9170 733 7990 733 6811 733 5632 10.733 4453 733 3274 733 2096 733 0918 732 9741 732 8563 10.732 7387 732 6210 732 5033 732 3857 732 2682 732 1506 2677 2716 2755 2793 2832 10.0072871 2910 2949 2988 3027 3066 10.0073105 : 10.732 0331|10.0073339 tang. NO ‘oO &c. 9-9928984140)| 39/7" ga46) Bal 8907} 4c) 8868} 3c! 8830} 2¢} 8792} 1¢ 9.928983 39) 8715} 5¢) 8676} 4c. 8638} 3¢ 8599] 2c 8561 "219-9928522|38) 8484] 5c 8445} 4c 8407} 3¢ 8368] 2¢ 8329} tc 9-9928 2911387: Baba 5c 8214] 4c 8175 x 8136} 2¢ 8098} 1¢ .9928059)36; 959 8 re oo 7517) Ae 7478} 3 7440} 2 ihn ‘IC 9-9927362}33: 7323] 5c 7284) acy 7245) 3¢ 7207| 2 7168) 1c) 9-9927 1 29) 3 7090 5¢ 7051} AC NO WOOO 00 DD DODOODO DWODOD DOD DODD WO DD DOD MO DOD DH DO DO DD DO DOE ee 100° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, We. 221 | co-sec, tang. difst”’ 10.739 3670]9.267 9669 739 2534] 268 0844 739 1398 739 0263 738 9128 738 7993 10.738 6859]9-268 6714 738 5725} 268 7887 738 4591 738 3458 738 2325 738 1192 10.738 0059/9-269 3749 737 8927 737 7795 737 6664 737 5532 117, I 737 2140 737 1010 736 9880 736 8751 ; 736 7622 ‘2\10.736 6493}9-270 7786 2| 736 5364] 270 8953 736 4236 Lr 3108 736 1980 736 0853 116.6 : 10.735 9726}9-271 4788) 66 935 8599 271 5954 116 735 7473] 2717120 m66 735 6347] 271 8286). 116.5 735 5221] 271 9451 116.5 : 735 4095| 272 0616)” 10.735 297019-272 1780 735 1845} 272 2945 735 0721 734 9596 734 8472 1106. 734 7349) 2727599). 6 3 “3|10.734 6225/9-272 8762), 6” 116.8 116.9 116.7 116.8 116.4 116.5 116.4 jo) 265 4898 734 5102] 272 9924) 16 Jo} 265 6021 apie 734 3979] 273 1087 eae jo} 265 7143 uate 734 2857| 273.2249 116 ho} 265 8265 aah 7341735} 273 3411 6. ; 734 0613 "64 733 7249 733 6128 733 5008 116.0 273 9219] 16.0 h! 9.266 7232 ei: 10. fo] 266 8352|11?°°} 733 1648 | mee eae, ES! 0529 732 9410 732 8291 7327173 _ 1 DO _ HOO 00 dif.1'') dif. 1" co-sin. sec, co-tang. poo° 169° co-tang, sec. d.1''| eo-sin, 10.732 0331 10.0073339 ai 9.9926661 30! 731 9156) 3378| 39!" 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TL£1;5 III.4 L114 jig i za YTI.A rare TIt.3 TItss II¥,2 Ill III II itt TI1.¥ mon, NY La — — e) jo LTEO _ ~ je) sO [11.0 aS: 110.9 110.8 110.9 110.8 110.7 110.8 110.7 9| 10-726 6120)9.281 1736) | 9 een ee dit. A 732 4937 732 3820 732 2703 732 1586 732 0469 10.731 9353}9.275 6584 731-8237 73 7121 73t 6006 731 4891 731 3776 10.731 266219.276 3514| 731 1548 731 0434 730 9320 730 8207 730 7094 .276 1205]! 275 0802 715-4 275 1959|, 15.7 275 31 16}! E5 275 4272 275 5428 a 275 7740} 275 8895) 1 276 0050|! es 276 2360) 276 4668)" 276 5829|" 276 6975 iE 3 276 8128 mere 276 9281 6 5 5 5 vee 5.4 5.4 5.4 TANGENTS, co-tang. 10.725 0356 724 9198 724 8041 724 6884 724 5728 724 4572 10.724 3416 724 2260 724 1105 723 9950 723 8795 723 7640 10.723 6486 723 5332 723 4178 723 3025 723 1872 723 0719 10.730 Bobt 9:277 0434 Sy ae Shro. 722 9566 730 4869 730 3757 730 2645 730 1aao 730 0422 277 1586)! 29°F 9936 277 3889 e 277 5041], 277 6192) HAs 10.729 931119.277 7343| 729 8201 729 7090 729 5980 729 4871 729 3761 10.729 2652)9.278 4242 729 1543 729 0435 728 9326 728 8218 728 7III 10.728 6003}9.279 1131 4 728 4896 728 3789 728 2683 728 1577 728 O471 114.9 278 5391 : ny 278 6539) 14.8 278 7687|" rt 278 8835 4. 278 9983 ea} ; 279 4571" 10.727 9365}9.279 8009) | Se 727 8260 7279495 727 6050 727 4945 727 3841 727 1634 727 0530 726 9427 726 8325 726 7299 726 5018 726 3916 726 2815 726 1714 726 0613 10.725 951319. 281 8585 sec, 279 9155 280 6300}! - 10.727 2737|9.280 4878) | 280 6022\|! j 280 7165 i 280 8308 a 280 9451), ; 14.3 281 05 4 rife co-tang. |dif.1" 722 8414 of 10-722 2657 722 1507 722 0356 721 9207 721 8057 721 6907 721 5758 721 4609 721 3461 721 2313 721 1165 721 OO17 10.720 8869 720 7722 720 6575 720 5429 720 4283 720 3137 10.720 1991 720 0845 719 9700 719 8555 719 7411 719 6266 10.719 5122 719 3978 719 2835 10. is 10.718 8264 7487123 718 5980 718 4838 718 3697 ihe 2556 tang. &c. sec. oe je co-sin. ‘ | 10.0075699 9. 24301, 5730 2917” 426 opt 799 5779 a8 5818 5858 Btn] 10.00759 3.9 4.0 4.0 10.0076176 6216 6255 6295 6335 6375 10.0076415 6455 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Mee 4.0 4.0 ta 10.0076654 10. 0076804 6934) 7°, 6974] 15 7014 A® 7094] 7° 7094 10.0077134 4.010 7174 4.0 7214 4 7254) 7 6 4.0 7294 7334 a 10. it bar 4.0 10.0077615 ig. 7655) 7 5 7695 4.0 7739 4ut 7779) 4.6 7816 As 10.0077856 Ae 7896 c 9-9923824)1h 3784 Pa 9-992358 h 3545) 4 u LOGARITHMIC SINES, TAN GENTS, & ’ Cc. 293 a SN A SENT STU Ges Bee 10° CORREA RR nN aE rE hd - dif. 1 co-sec. tang. if, ae 3 ; 169° 019-27 048 : TRE age Sere o° ec, Lo yee Veoh 274 1589 110.0|/? 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Sie dats Flee 4.0 9915} 50 279 7314 108.6 Lat b%6 287 6395) 73 @| 712 3605 0166) 4°! 9875} 40 } 279 8399 108.5 bs, a 6} 287 7521 : 512 2479 oe Ast 9834] 30 19-279 9484 108.5 es thes Hah 287 8647 : ro 1388 yey re Hed ts i 280 0569) 108-9 -720 0516}9.287 9773)__ ~"7|10.712 0227]10 So8b28 4.1 9752} 10 280 1653 108.4 Lae 288 0899 : 711 ror . ied 4a 9-9919711 1/ 280 2738 108.5| 7198347} 288 2024 Gil, ake 3976 aoe Aut 96701 50 1 980 3821|108-3 DAF paatedes S49 l119.5|'- THY Coa COTE fabs kame | 280 4905 ope hy. Book 288 4274) 15. 711 5726 O45 4.0 9588] 30 ‘ 9.280 5 88 108.3 719 095 288 5398 12.4 It Ab J2 4ut 9548 20 t . inbeate 10.719 401 29.288 6523 112.5], (oe ee 0493 AE ee co-sin. 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TANGENTS, Sc. 168° 0 d.l"’ sec. co-sin, 10.711 3477}10.0080534) ¢ | 9-991946 TEP 2300 0575 43 9 711 1230 0616 Ai 711 0106 0657| 45 710 8983 0698) 7, 710 7860 0739 ee 10.710 6737 10.0080780) 44 9-9919220)5 710 5615 0821 e: iia) 710 4493 0862 Ke 710 3371 0903 Ait 710 2250 0944 poe 710 1128 0985 43 10.710 0007|10.0081026 he: 9-9918974 709 8886 1067 re, 8 709 7766 1108 Ae 709 6646 1149 is 709 5526 1190 43 709 4406 1252 ay 10.709 3287]10.0081 273 ne 709 2168 1314 Rey 709 1049 1355 ik 708 9930 1396 a 708 8812 1437 At 708 7694 1478 ms 10.708 6576}10.0081520 4. 708 5458 1561 ste 708 4341 1602 ne 708 3224 1643 ds 708 2107 1684 as 708 0991 1726 ne 10.707 9874|10.0081767 i, 707 8758 1808 a 707 7643 1849 re 707 6527 1891 x 707 5412 1932 ae 707.4297 1973) 7 10.707 3183}10.0082014) 7 707 2068 2056 i 707 0954 2097 oh 706 9840 2138 i 706 8727 2180 Gs 706 7613 Pe ee 10.706 6500]10.0082263) 4°? 706 5388 2304 ve 706 4275 2345 ie 706 3163 2387) 4? 706 2051 2428 af 706 0939 2470 38 10.705 9$28]10.008 2511) 4°! 705 8716 2559) 4:1 705 7606 2594 4.2 705 6495 2635| 4°! 705 5384 2677 4.2 705 4274 2718) a 10.705 3164]10.0082760 "210, 705 2055 2801 4.1 705 0945 2843 4.2 704 9836 2884 ve 704 8727 2926 ie 74) 704 7619 2967 ie 7033) 10.704 651 1]10.0083009) *** 19.991 69911: tang. co-sec. [d.l’’ sin. | ye 29 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 225 z fae. a 168° sin. dif.1'' co-sec. tang. dif.1''| co-tang. sec, d.l"|} co-sin. | 87 048 aw ee : pet? an a 10. a ae 9: 399 raat 6.811% en a! 10,0083009 4.9\9° 9916991! 50 $987 2613)'068) 512-7387] 295 Pesca elt. Sota] alee 287 3679 106.6 712 6321| 2956813 110.8) 04 3187 3134 ye a = 287 474 7125255] 295 7920)" FO-7) 704 2080 a oA 43% ra Ss. 287 5810 ge 712 4190} 295 9027 BIOT 904 0973 391 Ate hay 0 287 6875)" 6 5|10-712 3125]9.296 0134 1T°-7!10.703 9866| 10.0083 5 in rag! 287 7940 AS 712 2060} 296 1240 110.6 703 S60 ) 3300 wile ene So 287 9005 . 110.7 4.2 iad esd 298) ait ae Me BON 288 113 ae: 711 8867] 296 4558/1 7° ) 703 5442 3405) 4:2 6575 288 2197 ee 711 7803] 296 5664 ae 503 4336 3464] 4 6333 % ; 110 f :: rey 06. 4|1° ae mi 9. At oy ioe agihe Sea 10.0083508 vn 9-9916492|48! 288 5387 an 711 4613 ep Sopa ra a3 ses Ec Ae i a 288 6449 eg 711 3551] 297 0083 110.5 702 9917 3634 Ae 6366 30 288 7512 abs: 711 2488 294 1187], me, 702 8813 3675 ef 6325] 20 288 8574 tos 711 1426] 297 2291| 11° 702 7709 3717 42 6283] 10 9.288 9636 | 0971 10.711 0364/9.297 3395)! 10-4] 10.702 6605]10.0083759} 4°?|9.9916241/47! 289 0697/2°F!} 710.9303] 297 4498|110°3] 702 5502] esas ae 289 1759 Ae 710 8241 19 5601 FEQ.S sie op 3840 41 eee ey 289 2820 ere 710 7180] 297 6704 it0.3 702 3296 3884 42 61 16 30 289 3881) 6 | 7106119} 297 7806 en 3 702 2194 3926 oa 6074} 20 ) an 106.01. 71° 5059] 297 8909 iy 5| 702 1091 3968) % wy 6032| 10} 8 Pee 06.0142" pu mei 9: se van 110-2| 10°70! 2959 10.0084010 479 9-991 5990/40} 289 8121 oe 710 ha 298 aoy4) 0 * Lint =786 ren 4.2 ye x yi 289 9181 BiG 710 0819} 298 3316 T1021 Jor 6684 4135 4.2 5k85 30% 290 0240 05 ? 709 9760] 298 4417 sept 7o1 5583 4197 4-2 5823) 20} 290 1299 mee 709 8701 298 5517 TTO-0} wor 4483 4219 44 57811 10} 9.290 2357 5.9] 19*799 7643)9.298 6618 110-6401 3382 or a gaa is 1573945! | 290 3416 ae 709 6584] 298 7718 Say oI 2282 309| 41 oie é I) 290 4474 eu 709 5526 ne 881811 10°° ue: 1182 rove 4-2 5098 el 290 5532 tie 709 4468] 298 9918 FTO-0) 701 0082 4386| 4°? 5614} 30 2g0 6589 OGa 709 3411} 299 1017 be 3 700 8983 4428 4-2 5572| 20] 290 7646 105.8 709 2354} 299 2117 Sa) 700 7883 4470 4.2 5530] 10 9 a ae ro 10.709 ae 9-299 et ool 10.700 6784]10.008451 2 419: 9915488 /44! 760 709 0240] 2 5686 FAL Ae 291 0817 “Ee! 08 9183 ie a3 oer. os 4587 phe A-2 a 3 291 1873 1086 708 8127] 299 6511 me 700 3489 4638 4-4 5362 301 agi 2929)102"5| 708.7071) 299 7609] °?'a| 700 2391 4680| 4"2} 5320} 20} 291 3985 ee 708 6015] 299 8707 to9.8 700 1293 4722)", 4.2 5278] ro} 9-291 5040 10.708 4960}9.299 9804] , 109-7! 10.700 0196|10.0084764 aa 152361431 291 6095 Apo 708 3905] 300 ogot x07" 699 9099 4806 4.2/9.9? 5194 50} 291 7150 oe 708 2850] 300 1998|'°9'7| 699 8002 4848) 4°? 3183 40 291 8205 faa 708 1795} 300 3095 aie 699 6905 4890 “pe 5110} 3of 291 9259 154 708 0741] 300 4191| 07" 699 5809 4932 ue 5068} 20 292.0313} = 4| 707 9687 300 5288|" ons 699 4712 4974 +2 5026] ro} 9.292 oa 105, 4| 10-707 8633}9-300 6383 a g| 10-699 3617 10.0085016 bee 9.991 4984142" 2 242 ’ 252 3474023] 707 6536] 300 8544 109.2 reed tamedeyr tO Daa ap | 292 4527 +6 707 5473] 300 9670 ante: 699 0330 5142 4-2 4858| 30} 292 5580} 5 707 4420) 301 0764|° 5 698 9236 5185) 49 4815} 20} 292 6632) 0>"3| 707 3368] 301 1859 to 5| 698 8141 5209) 4? 4773} 10} 9-292 7685) | x" 5|10.707 2315)9.301 2954 tod 43°: 698 7046} 10.0085 269 aa 9.991473 1/41! 292 8737 iBerks, (02 1263] 301 4048 mite y 698 5952 531q 4.2 4689} 50 292 9788} 55.5) 7070212], Sor 5142 9: 3 698 4858 5353) 4°? 4647| 4o} 293 0840) °5'5| 706 9160} 3o1 6235 F09-2| 698 3765 53095 we. 4605} 30} 293 1891 boss 706 8109] 301 7328 109.9 698 2672 5437 4.4 4563) 20} 293 2942 as 706 7058] 301 8422 a8 698 1578 5480 ‘s 4520} 10} ie 293 3993 10.706 6007]9.301 9514|*°9'?| 10.698 0486 10.0085522| “°/9.9914478)40! co-sin. j|dif. 1'’ sec co-tang. |dif.1'’ tang. Ducartne al” sin | 226 11° LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, Wc. 16), la. 1" co-sin. | sin. i et dif. 1'’ co-sec, tang. co-tang. sec, 20! 9.293 3993 10} 293 5043 20} 293 6093 293 7143 294 3437 294 4485)" 294 5532 9.294 6580 294 7627 294 8674 : co-sin. 101° 10.706 6007}9.301 9514 IT0).0 09.3 10.698 0486 10.0085522 dif. 1" 706 4957| 302 0607 706 3907] 302 1699|'° 3 706 2857} 302 2791 wee 706 1807} 302 3883 ton 9 706 0758} 302 4975 eg 10.705 9709|9.302 6066|'°9 : 2| 705 8660} 302 7157| 109: 705 7612] 302 8248|109" 705 6563} 302 933g)'O9" 705 5515) 303 0429 rey) 705 4468} 303 1519|'09-° 10.705 3420]9.303 2609 Fes 705 2373} 303 3699 ita 705 1326] 303 4788 ee 709 0279] 303 5877 ae 704 9233) 303 6966)'9°°? 5| 704 8186 303 8054) 6 10.704 7141]9.303 9143 aes 704 6095} 304 0231 ae, 704 5050}. 304 1318 ey 704 4004} 304 2406 ae 704 295g} 304 3493 rene 704 1915} 304 4580 mee 10.704 087119.304 5667 mee 703 g826| 304 6754 wo 703 8783] 304 7840 1086 703 7739] 304 8926 aoe 703 6696] 305 0012/! 703 5653 305 1097] 2G 10.703 4610]9.305 2183] 10°" 503 3567] 305 3268]102: 703 2525} 305 4353 703 1483} 305 5437 703 0441] 305 6521 702 9400] 305 7605 , [10-702 835q19.305 8689 702 7318} 305 9773 702 6277] 306 0856 702 5237} 3061939]. ~ 702 4196} 306 sone eS 702 3156] 306 4105/708"5| 693 5895 10.702 211719.306 5187 ay 3 10.693 4813 702 1077| 306 6269 pie 693 3731 693 2649 693 1568 693 0486 692 9405 - 10.692 8325 692 7244 692 6164 692 5084 692 4004 692 2924 10.692 1845 9 692 0766 691 9687 691 8608 691 7530 691 6452 10.691 5374 co-tang. |dif. 1’ ; 697 9393 697 8301 697 7209 697 6117 697 5025 10.597 3934 697 2843 697 1752 697 sa 99 9971 696 B81 10.696 7391 696 6301 696 5212 696 4123 696 3034 696 1946 10.696 0857 695 9769 695 8682 695 7594 695 6507 695 5420 10.695 4333 695 3246 695 2160 695 1074 694 9988 694 8903 10.694 7817 694 6732 694 5647 694 4563 694 3479 694 2395 10.694 1311 694 0227 693 9144 693 806) 693 6978 108.4 108.4 108. 108. 108. 108. 108. 701 4846} 307 2756 : 701 3809] 307 3836] 3" oe 10.700 966119.307 8155 700 8625] 307 .9234).07° 700 7589] 308 2313 lg 700 6553] 308 1392 ee 700 5517} 308 2470 thy 308 3548|1 07" tang. 10.0088073 5564 5606 5648 5691 5733 10.0085775 KAXRRLLARRAD b Web WKHKHKWHHDH 4,9|9°991 3978 4. 10.0086283 43 6326 6495 10.0086538) 4° 10.0086793 6835 6878 6920 6963 7005 10.0087048 7090 7133 7176 7218 7261 10.0087304 7346 7389 7432 7474 7917 10.0087560 7602 7645 7688 7731 7773 10.0087816 7859 7902 7944 7987 8030 Wwwrs Ww Wh Wyn Wh Wh b AALAR AS AR RR R28 5 RRR RRR RRR RR 5S RRR RRR 8585 co-sec. d.1!’ WwwWwrs WWwWwh WWWwh WwWWwWn WWwr 9-99144 8) 4436 401 ] 20} 3886 3844) 38024 3759 37f 9.9913717) i 3674) A) te .991 2606) 9:99 364: 2611 290 25a 2486 "519-991 244¢ 230f singe sis Mo 227 C SINES, TANGENTS, LOGARITHMI 168° " -sin. a" tang. dif.l''| co-tang. saith il z ae 30! ‘ ” ec, 2 eins dif. 1"') co-s an 10.691 5374|10. shag 23, '9. eae i! ney : 16553 10.700 3.47}9.308 4 4 10 691 4296 ek | 4.3 184t| 4o | 9.299 758 103.5 700 2412) 308 ‘i, 6g1 3219 8159 4.2 1799} 30 | 2997 103.4 700 1378] 308 iis 3 107-7 6g1 2142 Pets 4.3 1756} 20 299 She 103. ; 700 0343) 308 ee 07 691 1065 ae pee ievteas 299 9697 103.4 699 9309} 308 89 O7. 690 9988 hee 4.3 9.991 1670]29! e009! 1034. 6998276] 309 0012 107-8 10.690 891 2|10.0088330) 4°53 1627] 50 1724 03.41 rida eh ager st 690 7836 eareeownt “ea tee } 9.300 2758) 3.3 699 6209] 309 2164 107.6 0 6760 8416 4.3 1| 30 ‘b 300 ‘gg 103. 3 699 5176 309 2 6 107.6 690 5684 rie 4.3 1498 20 9300 4824) 3 3 699 4143] 309 431 107.5 690 4609 8 214.3 1455} 10 | 300 5859/03", 3111] 309 5391) 7 50's 3534 O43 2|28! 8 pi 66) 0 22| 690 nal cedars ) 300 68 9 103.2 699 2079 309 64 107. 10. 690 2459 TOx 0088 3 4.3 369 5o {300 §253/!03|10, 699 104719-309 754115 97.5 Or ieee” ooidnhiet We aoe } 9.300 aes 103.2 699 0015] 309 861 107 690 0310 867 4.3 1283] 30 |” 300 9985) 103.2 698 8983} 309 9690 107.4 689 9236 8717 4.3 1240| 20 i 3or 1017) 635 9 310 0764 8760 43 a tt 48) 103.1] 998 7952 Be ay alee Coenen BN Meu $e wor 2048) 3.1 698 6921) Sr 1838), 689 7088 46 4°3 9.9911 154127! is oa 3°79| 103.0 698 5891} 310 3285 107.3} 14, 689 6015 a gicig 4.3 Ir11| 50 $30! 41091503. fay eter Oo ae dead tee 689 4941 eave onli: 40 [9-301 51401503. 628 aBeo| 31o6r32/2°7| | 684 3668 sce 43| — lonsh So t _ 301 6170 103.0 698 2800] 310 6132 107. 689 2796 sen 4.3 0982| 20 4 301 7200 102-9 698 1771] 3107204 07. 689 1723 ce 4.3 0939] 10 Bor 8229) 43.6 698 0741| 310 8277 107 689 0651 7 4 4.3 9. opr ohgh 26! meee 999 rong} 6979712] 310 9349 707-2! 10.688 9579|10.008910 4.3 31 5of Me 2102.9), edly a har beng nn Mlben 8507 Jrhhel ee eka 4o 39.302 I. jis 102.9 697 7654] 311 et 107-1) 688 7436 7333 4.3 0767] 30 i 902 2346) 55.8 697 6626] 3rr 25 107.1! 688 6365 hea Aaa 0723] 20 E 302 3374) 558 697 5598] 311 3635 107-1) 688 5294 9277) 4.3 0680} 10} 4 302 4402) 5.8 697 4570] 311 4706 107. 688 4223 a 43 9.9910637]25! 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I E Z i id ni 10.670 401219.339 7391 °°-9! 10.660 2609] 10.0101 403 4.6 9.9898597140! co-sin. dif. 1"’ sec. co-tang. |dif.1"’ tang. co-sec. aa sin. ob 02° | Te 232 12° sin. 209.329 5988 10} 329 6950 20 329 8875 LOGARITHMIC SINES, dif. 1"’ 329 7913 7 329 9838 299 9 330 0800 9.330 1761 330 2723 330 3684 330 4645 330 5606 330 6567 22/19.330 7527 330 8487 330 9447 331 0407 331 1367 331 2326 9.331 3285 331 4244 331 5203 331 6161) 7 331 711g 331 8077 9.331 9035 331 9993 332 0950 332 1907 332 2864 332 3820 3/19-332 4777 o32°5933 332 6689 332 7645 332 8600 332 9556 9.333 o511 333 1466 333 2420 353.3375 333 4329 333 5283 9.333 6237 333 7190 333 8144 333 9097 334 0050 334 1002 9.334 1955 334 2907 334 3859 334 4811 334 5763 334 6714 99.334 7665 334 8616 334 9567 335 0517 335 1468 335 2418 9-335 3368 co-sin, 102° co-sec. tang. 10.670 4or2 9.339 7391 670 3050} 339 8400 ; 670 2087] 339 9409 670 1125} 3400417 670 0162] 340 1425 669 9200 340 2433 af, 1°" 100.9 00.9 100.8 100.8 * | 10.669 823919.340 3441} Xe) ous On Se we ie ae eae wil WAAR Ot gil. 669 7277] 340 4449 669 6316] 340 5456 669 5355 340 6464) 669 4394} 340 7471 669 3433 340 8477 ' & 10.669 2473|9.340 9484 : 669 1513} 341 0490 669 0553) 341 1496], 668 9593} 341 2502 668 8633] 341 3508)" 668 7674] 341 4514 : 9 10.668 6715}9.341 5519 668 5756| 341 6524|" 668 4797] 341 7529|" 668 3839] 341 8534 668 2881 668 1923] 342 0542 I 341 9538), 10.668 0965}9.342 1546 ‘ 668 0007] 342 2550 667 go5o} 342 3554 667 8093} 342 4557 667 7136} 342 5560 667 6180] 342 6563)" 10.667 5223}9.342 7566 667 4267} 342 8569 667 3311| 342 9571 667 2355} 343 0573) 667 1400] 343 1575 667 0444] 343 2577 10.666 9489}9.343 3578 666 8534] 343 4580 666 7580] 343 5581|* 666 6625) 343 6582 666 5671] 343 7582 666 4717| 343 8583 10.666 376319.343 9583 666 2810] 344 0583 666 1856] 344 1583]" 666 0903} 344 2583 665 9950] 344 3582 665 8998] 344 4581 10.665 8045}9.344 5580 665 7093] 3446579 665 6141] 3447578 665 5189} 344 8576 665 4237| 344 9574 665 3286) 345.0572 10.665 2335]9.345 1570 665 1384] 345 2568 665 0433} 345 3565 664 9483] 345 4562 664 8532] 345 5559 664 7582] 345 6556 10.664 6632}9.345 7552 sec. co-tang. TANGENTS, co-tang. 10.660 2609 660 1600 660 0591 659 9583 659 8575 659 7567 10.659 6559 659 5551 659 4544 659 3536 659 2529 659 1523 10.659 0516 658 g510 658 8504 658 7498 658 6492 658 5486 10.658 4481 658 3476 658 2471 658 1466 658 0462 657 9458 10.657 8454 657 7450 657 6446 657 5443 657 4440 657 3437 10.657 2434 657 1431 657 0429 656 9427 656 8425 656 7423 10.656 6422 656 5420 656 4419 656 3418 656 2418 656 1417 10.656 0417 655 5419 9 10.655 4420 655 3421 655 2422 655 1424 655 0426 654 9428 6 10.654 8430 654 7432 654 6435 654 5438 654 4441 654 3444 61 0.654 2448 dif. 1"' tang. 10.0101 403 1449 10.0101680 1726 &c. d.1" 4.6 4.7 co-sin, 9898597/44 69-5 ale 4.619-9898320}2 8274 §) j 9 ; 1 10.0101957 vy 9.9898043)8 é ft 4.6 2003 2049 2099 2141 2188 280 4 6 4.6 4 ‘7 tone nap 46 pei 3} 10.0102511 2558| 4°7 2604 2650 2697 2743 6 10.0102789 4 2836} 7 2882 4-6 4 4 4 |9:9897489 6 6 ‘7 7 7164 | 4.6 9 3021 10.0103068 : 3114 10.0103626 3672 3719 3765 3812 10.0104185 4 2\ 4 4.6 4 4. 3858| 4:6 4 4 6 tf, 6 6 Wy: 6 7 604 7 6 9-9895819 6149} 96099 ¢ A * ' i) 7442} | 7396 of 7350} } 7303} | 7257), 9.989721 I LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, W&c. 233 | 12° > 167° sin. dif.l''| co-sec. tang. |dif.l'’| co-tang. sec. d.1'’} co-sin. 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Y, |10.662 3901}9-348 1407 99:2 |10.651 $593|10.0105308| 4719.98 46 A of 337 7043 ay 662 2957) 348 2398) 971} 651 w6oo} 5355) 47 cme y 3 : of 337 7987) 24 {| 662 2013} 348 3369 99°F | 651 6611 54o2| 4-7 4598 io 0] 337 8931) 977 | 662 1069} 348 4380 99°") 651 5620 5449) 4°7 4561] 30 o} 337 9875 ors 662 0125] 348 5371/99! | 651 4629 5496 7 4504] 20} of 338 0819|24°3| 661 9181] 348 6362] 99°] 651 3638 5543|4°7| 4459 10 9-338 1762 a3 10.661 8238/9-348 7352 99-° |10.651 2648 10.0105590 4-70.08 fAr 9) of 338 2705| 94°3| 661 7295] 348 8342|99'°| 651 1658 5639] 47/7 4363) 5 o} 338 3648 ee 661 6352] 348 9332| 99°°| 651 0668 5684) 4:7 7316 40} 0} 338 4591 ee 661 S409] 349 0322 99:91 650 9678 5731 4-7 4269} 30 o} 338 5533 243 661 4467| 349 1311 9-9} 650 8689 5978 4-7 ee 20 338 6476 Lat 661 3524] 349 2301] 22°] 650 7699 5825] 4:7 4175} 10 338 7418 94°? 110.661 2582 9-349 3290 98.9 10.650 6710|10.0105872 4.7 8941 28}24! o} 338 835 94.1 661 1641] 349 427 98. 650 5721 5 i 4.7 ear e eA 338 9301 cae 661 o6991 349 5269 98.81 650 4933 B66 4-7 1034 a 339 0243] 94°7 |. 660 9757] 349 6256 9-9} 650 3944 6613|4°7| 3989 30 2} 339 1184] 94" | 660 8816] 349 7244| 93 | 650 2756 6061| 4°38} 3939) 20 9] 339 2125] 94" | 660 7875] 349 8232 98.81 650 1768 6108/47} 3899] ro] 9.339 3065 ae 10.660 6935]9-349 9220 988 | 10.650 0780}10.0106155 4-719.9893845123! 339 4006 9) 660 5994] 350 0208 gee 649 9792 6209| 4:7 Ra 73 al 50 9} 339 4946] 94° | 660.5054} 350 1195] 92 | 649 8805 6249] 47 a bib 3, 339 5887 aa 660 4113] 350 2183 98.8 649 7817 6296 47 3704} 30 339 6826 972| 6603174) 3503170] 93°7| 649 0830 6343) Z| 3657] 20 3 339 7766 a 660 2234) 350 4157 95.7 649 5843 6391 fe 360g} 10 "9.339 8706 9+ °° | 10.660 1294)9-350 5143 98.6 10.649 4857|10.0106435 a7 893562122! 339 9645 949 660 0355] 35061301 92-2| 649 3870 6485) 4°7 17 95 35) So 340 0584) 939 | 659 9416| 3507116] 93-2| 649 2884 6532/47} 3468] 4o | 4 340 1523 a 659 8477| 350 8102 98.6 649 1898 6579 4-7 3421] 30} 340 2462|932| 659 7538] 350 9088) 9g'| 649 0912 6629/45} 3373} 20 340 3400] 93°5| 659 6600] 351 0074] 9e'n| 648 9926 6674|4-7| 3326] 10 9.340 4338| 92° | 10.659 566219-351 1059| 9°°2 |10.648 8941|10.0106721) 4’7|9.9893279}2" 340 5276|92°2| 659 4724 351 2048} 9851 648 755 6268| 42-71" 73033)! 340 6214] 93° 659 3486| 351.3030| 9 | 648 boro 65161 4-8} 3184 a 340 7152|938| 659 2848] 351 4ord| 2p°¢| 648 5986 6863/47} 3137} 3of 340 S089 a, 659 1gt1} 351 4999 98.5 648 5001 6910 4-7 3090} 20 }} 340.9026 937) 659 0974] 351 5984 98° | 648 4016 6958| 45] 3042} 104 9.340 9963 10.659 0037]9-351 6968 9°°4 | 10.648 3032]10.0107005 4-7 9.9892995 201] co-sin. | dif.1"’ sec. co-tang. |dif.1’’ tang. eo-sec, |d.1’’ sin. ene atte ir lmmmiw ey bys | a 30 234 129° sin. 40'19.340 9963 10} 341 ogoo 20] 341 1836 30] 341 2773 4o| 341 3709 Hol 341 4644 41/19.341 5580 10} 341 6516 20] 341 7451 30] 341 8386 S4o] 341 9321 5o| 342.0255 42/19.342 1190 1o| 342 2124 20] 342 3058 30} 342 3992 4o| 342 4925 5o] 342 5859 43/|9.342 6792 10] 3427725 20| 342 8657 30} 342 9590 4o} 3430522 5o} 343 1454 449.343 2386 10] 343 3318 20] 343 4249 30] 343 5180 4o| 343 6111 150} 343 7042 45'19.343 7973 10} 343 8903 20] 343 9833 30} 344 0763 4o| 344 1693 So} 344 2623 46119.344 3552 10] 344 4481 20] 3445410 30] 344 6339 4o| 344 7267 5o| 344 8196 47'19.344 9124 10] 345 0052 120} 345 0979 30} 345 1907 4o| 345 2834 5o} 345 3761 48'/9.345 4688 10} 345 5615 345 6541 345 7467 345 8393 345 9319 49'19.346 0245 10} 3461170 20] 346 2095 30} 346 3020 40} 346 3945 50} 346 4870 5019-346 5794 co-sin. LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, a&c. 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Sie 202719. Se rae 5 10.645 3598} 10. eee 4 Z 9. 9891571} a ‘ 1097 4 7380| 72° 645 2620 1523) 93-01 656 o167] 3548358 97°8| 645 1642 8595, 4°8| 49g 93:0) 655 9239] 354.9336 97'8| 645 0664] 8579/44) 1428 929) 655 8307] 3550313} 97°7| 644 9687 8620] 7 1380 93:0 655 439] 355 12901 97°71 | 644 8qrol «866814 °| aa ee ee oe gers ro Abe 10.644 7733}10.0108715 y 819-9891 285}; 55 551 244,977 | 644 6756 8763 Pee 055 ioe 355 4221] 97-7 644 An bri| 48 a 98 | 655 3661] 355 5197) 97 | 644 4803 Fg | 095.2733] 355 6174 97°71 644 3826 92 | 655 1804) 355 7150] 27-6 | 644 2850 0.8 10. oe we 9. ee 8126 as 10.644 1874] 10.0109002 j 9948} 355 gio1| 7” 644 08 92-7) 654 9021] 356.0077) 979 | 643 mee. | 654 8093} 356 1052] 97°7 | 643 8948 ae 654 7166} 356 2027 pike 643.7973 9193 97 | 654 6239] 356 3002] 975 | 643 6998 9241 Pea 10. ae yt 9: a 3977 ay 10.643 6023}10.0109289 He 48 9. 9907 4385) 356 4951| 974 | 643 504 336 0664 se 654 3459} 356 bos 97.4) 643 tanh 9330148 0616)) 99-6) 654 2533] 356 6900] 97°3 | 643 3100 4: | Ome 76 654 16071 356 7873 a 643 2129 4 0520 30.6 654 0681| 356 8847 As {| 643 1153 9528) 73| 0472 92.5 10. ri ae 9. ae ase se eee pe: 10. Sead 489" ae O 92-2 6537905] 357 63 97°31 642 3333 974 48) Saal 9 a 653 6980} 357 2740 Alps 642 7260 0280 975 | 6536055, 357 3713/27") | 642 6287 0232 re 4 | 693 5130] 357 4685 97° ie 642 5315 3 0188 “110.653 4206)9. 357 5658| 97°? |10.642 4342|10. 0109863 ~|9-9890137 dif 1" | Oa sec, | co-tang. aif, 1" tang. co sec, Ss, Coy 235 Ze : = dif. 4 s co-sec, tang. dif, 1'’ nite 167° f ech Pee Es. -tang, ~ f ot “she ma 10.653 4206 9.357 5658 a Pep es tn aegis! of 3 5| 92-4 shal” aEy CRORE Cie £63) fe oe TN ) 346 Her: 2.4 653 2358): 359 nea 97-2 a 3370 ae 4.8|9-9890 1371 0! a} 346 948 92.3 653 1434| 357 8573 97-1 oe 2398} 10.0109959 4.8 ‘ 0089} 50 347 2413 92.4 653 o5tr} 357 9545 97-2 32 1427|10.0110007 4.8 a dts a 4o 347 1336| 92° 652 9587} 358 0516) 97°" 420455 OB) 4-8|9:9599992) 301 ‘of 347 2259] ?>" 10.652 8664)9.358 1487] 97-* oe 9484 6103) 4°° 9949) 20} o| 347 3182 92.3 te pik 358 2458| 97° a; ane 10.0110151 Bs 9 988384, of] of 3 92. 2 6818] 358 3429] 97°! : OI 3) i Bay s004l g2.a| Gen ged 358 feel Gat | Bae cee on] 48] 235) xoh o| 347 5948 92.2 652 4974] 358 5370 97-0 ee S600 0296 4.9 77 | 40} lg.347 6870) 2") |10 G52 agli SonGer Ey ess 0344| 4's 56 a 3 ga)” 130]9.358 7310] 97°° 2 0392| 7 ve 373 92-1 692 2208} 358 Pleo en wel 10440 4319 988°560 a 3 92.2 21287] 358 9249| 92°9 et L720 6488] S731. bie o. eee ey Mbt ous 97.0 vee 0791 omGren ae 50} 6348 1477| 92°! 651 9444] 359 1188 96.9] 6 0 9781 0584 4.8 a ‘ oe 3119.348 2397) 92°° 651 8523] 359 2157| 99-9 Gap 8 0632/4281 23681 20 of 348 3318) 9°"? Mees Tes Fe 3126 ay vs oe Hs 0680 a aaa a ‘of 348 4238 g2- 65 2 59 4094 gv: 64 5 10.0110729 "319-988 ha a | 348.5158) 92-0 1 5762] 359 5063 96-9 © 5906 on 4. 927 Ms Gs 81929) Get deco ro 603: |965| eaoseey 0873 48] 8 go R948 '6q98| 92°° 651 3922] 359 6999] 90°8 4o 3969 6873/4°° OHIO AS mi 99 651 3002 9! 06.8 640 3001 4.8 9127] 3of i 9.348 7 I 91.9 359 7967 9 0921 Lol. 348 F335 91-9 agech 2083]9.359 8935 96-8 |, an Re 0969 a ey 20} iol 348 gI. 11164) 35 i 96-7 640 1065} 10.011 1018 9 1} 10} 349 dale ane el 0245 36 3869 96.7 eae 0098 1066 4.8| abt yey A 349 1593 91-9 og 9326; 360 1836 96.7 632 ey 1114 4.8 ohne 7 340 25 91.8 50 8407| 360 2803 96.7 9 164 1162 4.8 o 9 20I1 650 6 639 71 4. 8838] 30} 9.349 3429 91.8 6 7489 360 3770 90:7 6306 97 1211 4.8 878 2 ‘ Fal 343.4843) 98 | 650 5653)” 360 5903 P| 10.634 Bx6d{r0.0111305| 48 824i 19 3 gi. 0 5703| 92"7 ; 0111307] 7 -|9. 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351 3578 91.4 6A 7 2 4988 637 5ot 7! 4: 7729] 40 Bho} 351 4401 91.3 48 6422| 362 5950 96.2} 63 2 2324| 42 “6761 30] 648 55 7 4090 33 4.8 76} 30 au 9.351 5405 gt.4 09 362 6912 9 637 3 88 72 4 7628 Ne 4 35 Tas 10.648 4595}9.362 78 96.2 Be 2 2421 2 Hf] 3316518 21°5| a Say 30 Jo%4| 95-2632 aed 2516 48),.9997501|1"| 35 8 g1.2 27 9 362 . 2 : 48 15] 351 9086 943] 648.0944] 363 97971 96:1] 636 geaal 2613 48) 1434 “el Pho} 35 ra 9 363 90.1 2615| 7 ; 1 p.8S2 ae ee 648 0032} 363 3680 96.1 oF 8281 2663 fe ee Jo} — 10.647 9120|9.363 3641 96.1 6 7320 2712 9 a 20} SE {dana aliaes 10.636 6359 10.0112761 ‘Io 8803 2 sec. co-tang, dif. we ; ——— o ha 9 0 nd 7 tang. co-sec. |d.1" si ean) in, 236 139 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. co-sin, | | j ' sin. dif.l//| — co-sec. tang. dif. 1''| co-tang. sec. d.1! 0! 19.352 0880 : 10.647 9120)9.363 3641 10.636 6359}10.0112761 10] 352 1792 2 647 8208] 363 4602 i 636 5398 2809 20} 352 2704191"? | 647 7296] 363 5562/99] 636 4438 2858 30} 352 3615/27 | 647 6385] 3636522] 92° | 636 3478 2907 Ifo] 352 4507/98? 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SEC. 209.393 6852 393 7676 393 8500 393 9324 394 0147 394 0971 9-394 1794 394 2617 0] 394 3439 - 394 4262 394 5084 394 5907 9.394 6729 394 7551 394 8373 394 9194 395 0016 395 0837 3/19-395 1658 395 2479 395 3300 395 4120 395 494 395 5761 397 7031 397 7847 397 8663 397 9478 398 0293 29/19.398 1109 10.606 3148)9.407 4189 606 2324] 407 5067 606 1500] 407 5944 606 0676} 407 6822 605 9853] 407 7699 605 9029} 407 8576 10.605 8206}9.407 9453 605 7383} 408 0330 605 6561] 408 1207 605 5738] 408 2083 605 4916} 408 2959 605 4093} 408 3836 10.605 3271}9.408 4712 605 2449] 408 5588 605 1627} 408 6463 605 0806} 408 7339 604 9984] 408 8214 604 9163} 408 gogo 10.604 8342}9.408 9965 604 7521] 409 0840 604 6700] 4091714 604 5880} 409 2589 604 5059] 409 3464 604 4239} 409 4338 10.604 3419]9.409 5212 604 2599] 409 6086 604 1779] 409 6960 604 0959] 409 7834 604 0140] 409 8707 603 9321] 4099581 10.603 850119.410 0454 603 7682] 410 1327 603 6864] 410 2200 603 6045] 410 3073 603 5227] 410 3945 603 4408] 410 4818 10.603 35g90]9.410 5690 603 2772] 410 6562 603 1954] 410 7435 603 1137} 410 8306 603 o319g} 410 9178 602 9502} 411 0050 10.602 8685]9.411 0921 602 7868) 411 1792 602 7051] 411 2663 602 6234] 411 3534 602 5418} 411 4405 602 4601] 411 5276 10.602 3785]9.411 6146) g 602 2969] 411 7017 602 2153] 411 7887 602 1337] 411 8757 602 0522 601 9707] 412 0497 10.601 8891]9.412 1366} g 87.8 87.7 87.8 87.7 87.7 87.7 87.7 10.592 5811 592 4933 592 4056 592 3178 592 2301 592 1424 10.592 0547 591 9670 591 8793 591 7917 591 7O41 591 6164 10.591 5288 591 4412 5g1 3537 591 2661 591 1786 5g1 0910 10.591 0035 590 9160 590 8286 590 7411 590 6536 590 5662 10.590 4788 590 3914 590 3040 590 2166 590 1293 5g0 0419 10.589 9546 589 8673 589 7800 589 6927 589 6055 589 5182 10.589 4310 589 3438 589 2565 589 1694 589 0822 588 9950 * {10.588 9079 87.0 87.0 87.0 87.0 411 9627] 97" 86.9 588 8208 588 7337 588 6466 588 5595 588 4724 10.588 3854 588 2983 588 2113 588 1243 588 0373 587 9503 10.587 8634 10.0137337 7390| 7444 cp 7552 7606 10.0137660 7713 7767 7821 7875 7929 10.0137983 8037 80901 8145 81 8583 10.0138307 8361 8415 8469 8523 8577 10.0138631 8685 873 8798 8847 8901 pi aaas5 goro 9064 9118 9172 9226 10.0139280 9335 9389 9443 9497 9551 10.0139606 9660 9714 9769 9823 9877 10.0139931 10.0139986 10.0140040 0094 O149 ~ 0203 10.0140258 IV CON MOY Is} OHO > e O-: ~ wr ) z Z -~— oe ci pied ae ee Se Be eS =- 601 8076} 412 2236 ye 6o1 7261] 412 3105! on 601 6447| 412 3974 862 601 5632] 412 4843 86.2 6o1 4818] 412 5712) ef 10.601 4004]9.412 6581 co-tang. 587 7764 587 6895 587 6026 587 5157 6 587 4288 oO 9 10.587 3419|10.0140584 dif. 1"’ 398 1924 398 2739 398 3553 398 4368 398 5182} 9. 30/19.398 5996) See Pe ee et ee SEY CIB LY PUI BIN ON SPURS LIN SIN OCIS Gon Gn Ory Carve Guan Go OO. be COv COUN EN ae OTE Ga Sake Se SN SP Oe ee oe RokKRoORORRORR ROKR ORARAKORAKRKRRA ORK ARKRAKRARARARRARARKRRRARARARKRARRRWARKRERAS co-sin. {aif 1 e sec, tang. 104° uU* LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 245 | 165° | sin. dif. 1" co-sec, tang. dif.1''| co-tang. sec, d.l‘’} co-sin. 398 5996 10.601 4004|9.412 6581 10.587 3419110.0140584| - -|9.0850416130! Wise 6810 a Gor 31g0} 412 7449 oie 587 235, 0639 5.5)? carers rh 398 7624] g1"4 601 2376] 412 8317] o2’ 587 1683 0693 5-4 9304t dot 398 8438 814 6or 1562} 412 9186 96.8 587 0814 0747 9.4 9253 30) 398 9252] g,°3| G01 0748} 413 0054] g6'g 586 9946 o802| 2° 9198} 20} 399 0065] g, 3 600 9935} 413 0922 86. 586 9078 0856 a 9144] ro} 9-399 0878) 3, 3 10.600 912219.413 1789 563 10.586 8211]10.01 40911 o 9-9859089)29' | 399 1691| 3,3} 600 8309 413 2657] 96° 586 7343 0966 -¥ 9034) 5of 399 2504) 3, 3 600 7496} 413 3524 86 3 586 6476 1020 “f: S980! fo} - 399 3317] 8, 3 600 6683} 413 rae 86. 586 5608 1075 By 8925 30f 399 4130} 9” 600 5870} 413 5259 ‘7| 586 4741 ito] 24 8871| 201 81.2 | 86.7 M4 | 5.5 7 399 4942| 3, » 600 5058] 413 6126 86 586 3874 1184 5 A 8816] 10 9-399 5754] 913 10.600 4246|9.413 6993 86.6 10.586 3007}10.0141238 BS 9-9858762)28)1 | 399 6567] 9, '5 600 3433] 413 7859 86. 586 2141 1293 ¥ 85071 Bol 399 7379| 85 5 600 2621] 4138726 BAG 586 1274 1347 oe 8653] 4ok 399 8199} 9,5 600 1810} 413 9592 86. 586 0408 1402 ae 8598} 30} + 399 9002] 8.5 600 0998] 414 0459 eal 585 9541 1459] 2° 85431 204 399 9813 as 600 0187] 414 1325 86.6 585 8675 1511 *¢ 8489] 10} 9-400 0625) g 10.599 9375|9.414 2191 86.5 10.585 7809}10.0141566 A 9-9858434|27'} goo 1436] 81" | 599 8564)" 414 3056] Se’ | 5856944) 1601| 24)” 8379) 5} 400 2247 re 599 7753} 414 3922 86.6 585 6078 1675 5 83251 Go} || 400 3058) g. 4 599 6942] 414 4788 86.5 585 5219 1730 vr 8270} 30 | 4oo 3868] ¢,7, | 5996132] 414 5653} 96°; | 585 4347 1785) 5" 8215} 20} | 400 4679 S16 599 5321} 4146518 86.5 585 3482 1839 a 8161] ro} 400 5489] gg 10.599 4511|9.414 7383} 94's 10.585 2617]10.0141894 22 |9.9858106 26/1 400 6299) ¢, 599 3701] 414 8248) g¢'5 585 1752 1949} 5x *8051] 50} 400 7109] 914 599 2891} 414 9113 86.4 585 0887 2004 5 4 7996} 4o} | 400 7919] 91/9 599 2081] 414 9977] 96 5 585 0023 2058} 5 7942} 30} | 400 8729} 3. 599 1271] 415 0842 86.4 584 9158 2113) F'n 7887] 20} | 4oo0 9538 rab 599 0462} 415 1706 86.4 584 8294 2168 55 7832] 108 219-401 0348} 10.598 965219.415 2570 86.4 10.584 7430|10.01 42223 5, 9-9857777|25/} for 1157 eae 598 8843} 415 3434) 96; 584 6566 2299 ce 7723| 5o} Gor 1966 rie 598 8034] 415 4298 86.4 584 5702 2332| 55 7668] 4o} © for 2975 rae! 598 7225] 415 5162) 66"3| 584 4838 2387| 5" 76131 30} for 3584) g°"'3| 598.6416] 415 6025] ge" | 584 3975 2442] 55 7558} 20} - for 4392! 598 5608] 415 6889) o¢"3| 584 3111 2497} 5 7503} 10} 9-401 5201 a 10.598 479919-415 7752| 96°3 10.584 2248]10.0142551 es 9.9857449]24'| 401 6009} go 2 598 3991| 415 8615 86 3 584 1385 2606 55 7394| 5o} 4o1 6817 598 3183} 415 9478 86.3 584 0522 2661 5 5 7339} 40 401 7625) 9.9 598 2375] 416.0341) ge", 583 9659 2716 5 5 7284] 30 4o1 8433) 5 598 1567} 416 1203 86 3 583 8797 2771) 5's 72.29] 20} § for 9240] 807 | 598.0760] 416 2066] ga") | 583 7934 2626) 55] ar7dl 10f 9-402 0048} 3°" 10.597 9952|9-416 2928] oA", 10.583 7072|10.0142881 5B 9.9857119/23'} 402 0855) 9°” 597 9145} 416 3790] 94°3| 583 6210 2936 5": 7064] 5of 402 1662] g 597 8338} 416 4693) 4) | 583.5347 2991) 5" 7009 4o 402 2469| g°°7| 5977531] 416.5514) ga") | 583 4486 3045) pf] 6955] 30} 402 3276 806 597 6724) 416 6376) 96°, | 583 3624 3100] 5"; 6900} 20 402 4082} 9" 597 5918] 416 7238 86.1 583 2762 3155 5s 6845} 10} 9.402 4889 B06 10.597 5111|9-416 8099 86.2 10.583 1901}10.01 43210 ih 99856790122" 402 5695} g 6 597 4305] 416 8961 86. 583 1039 3265 5B 6735} 5o} 402 6501 806 597 3499] 416 9822 ea 583 0178 3320 5 5 6680} 40} 402 7307 80.6 597 2693} 417 0683 86.1 582 9317 3375 B 6625} 30} 4 foo 8113 806 597 1887] 417 1544 86.0 582 8456 3430 5 6570} 20} — 402 8919) g.'5 597 1081] 417 2404) ge | 582 7596 3485 a 6515] 10 B 9-402 9724) 2 6 10.597 027619.417 3265 86.0 10.582 6735}10.0143540 a 9-9856460)21/ ~ 403 0530} 905 596 9470| . 417 4125 86.0 582 5875 3595 5 6 6405] 5o} ) 403 1335| g°'5 | 596 8665] 417 4985] g'7 | © 982 5015 3651) 5'5 6349} 4o} 403 2140 80.5 596 7860] 417 5846 Ba 582 4154 3706 5 5 6294] 30; 403 2945) 3,5) 9967055) 417 6706} 9." 582 3294 3761) 55 6239} 20f 403 3750] go. | 596.6250) 417 7565 Sat 582 2435 3816} 55 6184 10) 9.403 4554| ~~ ** |10.596 5446]9.417 8425 150.589 1575|10.0143871| ~*~|9.9856129,20'} co-sin, dif. 1’’ sec. co-tang. j|dif.1’’ tang. co-sec. |d.l’’ sin, 75° | 246 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. | 14° 165! sin dif. 1"’ co-sec, tang. dif.l'| co-tang. sec, d.l''} co-sin. 40'19.403 4554 10.596 5446|9.417 8425 10.582 1575}10.0143871 ; 10 : 403 5359 ae 596 4641 ? 417 9284 pe 582 0716 3926 at 20} 403 6163] 6°" | 596 3837] 418 0144) gn"° | 581 9856 3981| 5's | 30} 403 6967|.6°°4| 596 3033} 418 1003] 87°9| 581 8997 4036| 3". #40) 4037771 hs 596 2229] 418 1862 B52 581 8138 40911 5 6 § 50} 403 8575 ee 596 1425} 418 2721 85.2 581 7279 4147 55 141'19.403 9378 “oe 10.596 062219.418 3580 85.8 10.581 6420}10.0144202 55 ; 10] 404 0182] 2°°4] 595 9818] 418 4438) gp | 58x 5562 4257] 5’. f 20} 404 0985 ae 595 go15} 418 5297 858 581 4703 4312 5 5 130] 404 1988 853 595 $212) 4186155) g."3) 581 3845 4367] 55 140} 404 2591 803 595 7409| 418 7013 85 8 581 2987 4422] 5p 5o} 404 3394 es 595 6606} 418 7871 85.8 581 2129 4478 ae f42/19.404 4196 803 10.595 5804}9.418 8729 85.8 10.581 1271110.0144533 55 : 10} 404 4999] >| 595 5001} 418 9587] g-"3| 581 0413 4588) 55 | 20) 404 501] o>" | 595 4199} 419 0445 85. 580 9555 4643} 56 30] 404 6603 ach 595 3397} 419 1302 85. 580 8698 4699 5 5 § 40} 404 7406 a 595 2594] 419 2159 35,4 580 7841 4754 5 5 P50} 404 8207 anit 5951793} 419 3017 85. 580 6983 4809} 5,6 439.404 goog aoe 10.595 099119.419 3874 85 6 10.580 6126}10.014486 a: ; | £0} 404 9811) 9 | 595 0189] 419 4730 85. 580 5270 4920) 5'5 20} 405 0612] °F | 594 9388] 419 5587 g5.5| 9804413 4975| 52 J 30} 405 1413} ¢°"' | 5948587] 419 6444) g2"2| 580 3556 5030] 56 f 40] 405 2214 Sa 594 7786} 419 7300 85.6 580 2700 5086) 55 150) 405 3015 ak 594 6985] 419 8156 85. 580 1844 Ar 4I 56 144/19.405 3816 aa 10.594 6184]9.419 go13 85 6 10.580 0987|10.0145197] 55/9. 10} 405 4617 nal 594 5383} 419 9869 85.5 580 o131 5252 55 20] 405 5417 re 594 4583] 4200724 85.6 579 9276 5307 56 30] 405 6217 Baie 594 3783} 420 1580 85.6 579 8420 5363 5. 40} 405 7017 ak 594 2983} 420 2436 85.5 579 7564 5418 56 50} 405 7817 ‘Boin 594 2183} 420 3291 855 79 6709 5474 eh 45119.405 8617} °° 110.594 1383}9.420 4146 B55 [10-079 5854}10.0145599] 5519. to} 405.9417) °° | 594 05831 420 5001 85.5| 2794999 5584] 5 6 f20] 406 0216 £79 593 9784} 420 5856 85.5 579 4144 5640 at 130! 406 1016} 22° 593 8984] 4206711 85.5 579 3289 5695 56 40} 406 1815} 79:9 593 8185] 420 7566 85. 579 2434 5751 5.5 50] 406 2614) 79°9| 593 7386] 420 8420| ¢"4 | 579 1580 5806| p'2 46'19.406 3413 mie 10.593 6587]9.420 9275 85.4 10.579 0725} 10.0145862 55 F ro} 406 42a11| 79: 593 5789] 421 0129 85.4 578 9871 5917] 5.6 } 20} 406 5or10 ay 593 4990] 421 0983 85, 578 9017 5973} 5 6 30] 406 5808] 79-3 | 593 4rga] dar 1837| 824] 578 6163 6028] 22 4o| 406 6607 i 593 3393} 421 2691 aad 578 7309 6084] 55 50] 406 7405 wie 593 2595} 421 3544 85 578 6456 6139) «6 47119.406 8203| 79° 10.593 1797|9-421 4398 es 10.578 5602 bomb yet 56 i 10} 406 gooo ble ‘593 1000} 421 5251 85.3 578 4749 6251 ae 20] 406 9798 ie 593 0202} 421 6104 85.3 578 3896 6306 5.6 1 30} 407 0596 79: 592 9404] 421 6957) g-'3| 578 3043 6362| 55 40) 407 1393) 79-7 | 592 8607} 421 7810 85.3| 278 2190 6417] 5 6 150] 407 2190] 79°7 592 7810] 421 8663 85. 578 1337 6473) 5g 48!19.407 2987 Lg 10.592 7013)9.421 9515 85.3 10.578 0485/10.0146529 55/9: to] 407 3784 ats 592 6216} 422 0368 85. 577 9632 6584 56 20] 407 4580| 79° 592 5420} 422 1220 85.4 577 8780 6640 5.5 30} 407 5377 tide 592 4623] 422 2072 B55 577 7928 _ 6695 56 | 40} 407 6173} 79: 592 3827} 422 2924 85 9 577 7076 6751 56 5ol 407 6970 a 592 3030} 422 3776 85 9 5776224, _ 6807 ae 499.407 7766 oat 10.592 2234/9.422 4628 85.5 10.577 5372)10.0146862 56 ‘ 10o| 407 8561 oe 592 1439} 422 5480 85.1 577 4520 6918 56 20] 407 9357 Ce 592 0643{ 422 6331 85 1 577 3669 6974 5 6 30} 408 0153 rs 591 9847! 4227182 85 9 577 2818 7030 55 97 40] 408 0948 Ls 591 9052] 422 8034 85.1 577 1966 7085 56 5ol 408 1743 ae 591 8257] 422 8885 85 Sao aes 7I4I 56 50!19.408 2539 79: 10.591 746119.422 9735 ¢ 10.577 0265}10.0147197| ~" |g. co-sin. —/dif. 1" sec. co-tang, /dif.1'’ tang. co-sec. j|d.1'’ in, Pn rR SC Ta aa mer en acer a LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 247 14° 165° sin. dif, 1"’ co-sec. tang. dif.1''| | co-tang. sec. all co-sin. Vig.408 2539 10.59t 746119.422 9735 10.577 0265] 10. 0149199 7 852803 10! 408 3334 ky 591 6666} 423 0586] 821) 576 g414 ah oe Fs set be of 408 4128 a 5 591 5872] 423 1437 856 576 8563 7308 56 Ale 4O 0 408 4923 od 591 5077} 423 2287 85.0 576 7713 7364 56 2636] 30} 408 5717 2 fz 591 4283] 423 3137 85. 576 6863 7420 5 6 2580} 20 o} 408 6512 oY Bor 3488] 423 3988 85. 576 6012 7476 56 2524} 10 408 7306 ‘tp 10.591 2694|9.423 4838 84,0 10.576 5162}10.0147532) 5 5|9.9852468} 9! 408 8100 oe {| 59 1900] 433 5687 B62 576 4313 7587] 5'6 2413| 50 a} 408 8894) 777 | Sor 1106] 423 6537] ga"0 | 576 3463 7643| 5'¢| 2357] 40 408 9688 3 591 0312] 423 7387] 2 ni 576 2613 7699 5 6 2301] 30] 10) 409 0481 a 590 9519] 423 8236 roe 576 1764 77991 5 6 2245] 20} 409 1275 ase 5go 8725} 423 9085 BB 2 576 0915 7811 Bp 2189} Lo} 9.409 2068 733 10.590 793219.423 9935 84. 10.576 0065)10.0147867 5 6|9° 9852133] 8! | 0} 409 2861 aa 590 7139] 4240784 84.8 575 9216 7923] 5 6 2077} SO} 0] 409 3654 733 590 6346] 424 1633] , ny 575 8368 7979| 5 6 2021} 40 10} 409 4447 ae 590 5553] 424 2481 B42 575 7519 8035 AG 1965} 3oj 10} 409 5239 733 590 4761} 424 3330 84.8 575 6670 8090] 5 6 1910| 20} :0| 4o9 6032 as 590 3968] 424 4178 48 575 5822 8146 56 1854] 10} 319.409 6824 9 5 [1 590 317619.424 5026 84.8 10.575 4974}10.0148202| 5 '6|9. 9851798} 7! io} 409 7616 ga 590 2384] 424 5874 84.8 575 4126 8258] 5'¢ 1742| 50 fo] 409 8408 ches 590 1593] 424 6722] 973 | 575 3278 8314) 5'¢ 1686] 4o} 0} 409 9200 stds 590 0800] 424 7570 84.8 575 2430 8370] 56 1630} 30 }0} 409 9992 be 590 0008} 424 8418 84.8 575 1582 8426) 56 1574} 20 [0 - 410 0783) 79 589 9217 424 9266 84. 575 0734 8482 56 1516] 1of 9.410 1575 a 10.589 8425}9.425 aia 8 ra 10.574 9887|10.01 48538} 5" .|9-985 1462] 6! } 410 2366 ait 589 7634] 425 o960) 2 re 574 9040 8594] 56 1406] 5o} fo} 410 3157| 79" | 589 6843] 425 1807 3 mo 574 8193 8650] 56 1350} 4of fo} 410 3948 oat 589 6052} 425 2654 Bar 574 7346 8706] 56 1294] 30 | 410 4739 se 589 5261] 425 3501 84. 574 6499 8762} 5" 1238} 20 P| 410 5529 fe 589 4471| 425 4348} 16 574 5652 8819] 54 1181] 1} ti o-dr0 6320 as 10.589 3680|9.425 5194 84. 10.574 4806]10.0148875} 5¢\9-9851125) 5! | | 4107110 St 589 2890] 425 6041 84.6 574 3959 8931] 56 1069} 5of _ 410 7900 aa 589 2100] 425 6887 846 594 3113 8987 5G 1013} Go} ~ 410 8690 be 589 1310] 425 7733 84.6 574 2267 9043] 56 0957] 30! 410 9480 a 589 0520} 425 8579 346; 274 1421 9099) 56 0901} 20 411 0270 3. 588 9730} 425 9425 84.6 5974 0575 9155] 56 0845} 10} t lott 1059 ? 10.588 8941|9.426 0271 84.5 [10-973 9729 £0.0149211] 5’ -19.9850789) 4! | 12>} 411 1849 Ee 588 8151] 426 1116 84.6 573 8884 9268 56 0732] 5of >| 411 2638) 7°"? | 588 7362] 426 1962] 675 | 573 8038 9324) 5.6 0676) 4of P} 411 3427) 72°7) | 588.6573) 426 2807) 972) 573.7193 9380} 2'g| 0620] 30} >| 411 4216 ee 588 5784] 426 3652 84.5 573 6348 9436) 56 0564] 20] P} 411 5005) 7°°2| 588 4995] 426 4497] 875 | 573 5503 492| 5'6| 0508} ro} "9-411 5793 ie 10.588 4207|9.426 5342| 677", |t0.573 4658|10.0149548| 5° _\9.9850452| 3! | 4 411 6582 oe 588 3418] 4266187 84 573 3813 9605 56 0395] 50] } 411 7370 38 588 2630} 426 7031 84.4 573 2969 9661) 5g 6389 4of >} | 411 8158 58.8 588 1842] 426 7875 B45 573 2125 9717156 0283} 30] 411 8946 58.8 588 1054) 426 8720 8h 4 573 1280 9773 Ai 0227] 20 }> 411 9734 8.8 586 0266] 426 9564 844 573 0436 9830 5.6 O170] To} 119-412 0522 ia 10.587 pk 9.427 2408 84 4 10.572 9592|10.0149886) 5 ¢/9-9850114] 2! | Py 412 1309 58.8 587 8691} 427 1252 84 3 572 8748] - 9942 By 0058! 5o§ })} 412 2097 38.7 587 7903] 427 2095 844 572 7905] 10.0149999] 5 6|9-9850001} 4o })]} 412 2884 fit 587 7116] 427 2939 84 3 572 7061]1£0.0150055] 5 ¢/9.9849945} 30 )| 412 3671 Ung 587 6329] 427 3782 844 572 6218 O1tt| 5 9889} 20} At 412 4458 58.7 587 55421 427 4626 84.3 572 5374 0168} 5 '¢ 9832] To} 19-412 5245 58.6 10.587 4755|9.427 5469 84.3 10.572 4531|10.0150224] 5 ¢ 9.9849776] 1! § ) 4126031 “8.9 587 3969) 427 6312 a| 643 572 3688 0280 54 9720 50} } 4126818 58.6 587 3182] 427 7155 Bi y| 072 2845 0337] 5 6 9663} 4of 412 7604 58.6| 287 2396) 427 7997 84.3 572 2003 0393) 5 6 9607} 30} } 412 8390 “8.6 587 1610] 427 8840 84.9 572 1160 0449) 5, 4 9551} 20} J} 412 9176 =8.6 587 0824] 427 9682 84.3 572 0318 0506} 5 6 9494] 10 119-412 9962) /°*~ |10.587 0038 9: 428 2505 “110.571 9475]10.0150562) ~~ |9.9849438} 0! -¢0-sin. dif, 1’ sey sec. co-tang. dif.1"”’ yi: tang. co-sec, |d.l/ sin. 4° 75° | 248 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 15° 164 aa ame sec. d.1!'| co-sin. eT ! sin. dif, 1// co-sec. tang. dif. 1''| co-tang. —_——- J “0 9-412 9962 10.587 0038}9.428 0525 10.571 9475}10.015 0562 9-984 9438 tort 413 46747543 586 5326] 428 5575 Aaah 571 4425} = o15 ogor pee 984 909 Bal 586 o619| 429 0621 84.0 570 9379} 015 1240 i id ‘al 2} 413 9381 30) 3| 414 4082 78-35) 585 5918] 429 5661/,4°09| 570.4339 015 1580 SOT ol 4| 4148778 ve od 585 1222} 430 0697 83.43 569 9303) 015 1919|- G8 81| 51 415 3468 Heh 584 6532] 430 5727 83. 569 4273} 015 2260/7" A 6)9.415 8152 fae 10.584 1848]9.431 0753 rey ei 10.568 9247|10.015 2600); 1 71 416 2832|/ 0°) 583 7168] 431 5773 83.Go 568 4227] 015 2941 Paes 1 8| 416 7506 ee 9s 583 2494| 432 0789 83.50 567 9211} 015 3283 sata 9| 417 2174 77-29| 589 7826] 432 5799 83.49 567 4201} 015 3625 es 10] 417 6837|77°73| 582 3163] 433 0804)53°35| 566.9196) 015 3967 hs tr] 418 1495 aes. 581 8505] 433 5805 83.5 566 4195} 9 o15 4310 ap 1219-418 6148 nas: 10.581 3852]9.434 0800 83.1 10.565 9200}10.015 4653 rage 113} 419 0795 Co 580 9205] 434 5791|g3',2| 565 4209 015 4996 33 Ir4| 419 5436|77° 580 4564] 435 0776|g5">,| 564.9224] 015 5340)5"/3 f15| 420 0073 kare. 579 9927| 4355757 85. 564 4243} 015 5684 a . 116] 420 4704|77-19| 579 5296] 436 0733]g>°22| 563.9267] 015 6029)5'77 7 117] 420 9330|77°1°| 579 0670] 436 5704),," 563 4296| 015 6374 5 5 12 j18/9.421 3950 ee 10.578 605019.437 0670 85 6b 10.562 9330]10.015 6719 “7 34 328 ro] 421 8566)72°23) 578 1434] 437 5631|g0'6| 562 4369} 015 7069 v7 3 aol 422 3176)23°°3| 577 6824) 438 0587]/g0°50| 5619413] 015 7411 ‘77 Bc 21] 4227780 Lae 577 2220} 438 5538 89.45 561 4462] 0157758 ae 984 2243 22} 423 2380|72"27| 576 7620] 439 0485/g°°32| 560.9515] or5 8105 5 28} 984 1895} 7 ce 015 8452|-° 984 1 28) j23| 423 697472" 576 3026] 439 5426 to4\o.404 1563 Ge 10.575 8437|9-440 0363|,2°25|10.559 9637 Ho5) 424 6147\7 2" ¢ 575 3853] 440 5295 oe f26) 425 0726 10.015 8800), 99-984 1200} PIA on , 12 6 74 9274] 441 0222 558 9778 127] 425.5299 a 5744701} 441 5145 ae 558 4855 28| 425 9867 Tet) . 574.0133] 442 0062 pA 29} 426 4430 Lia 573 5570} 442 4975 Aap 557 5025, 016.0545 > 983 9458 3019-426 8988 ad 10.573 t012|9.442 9883 Be ; 10.557 0117} 10.016 0895 5 83/9 983 g105 31} 427 354t\7n"2°) 572.6459) 443 4786 81.65} 9905214 5 g5| 983 8789 132} 427 8089 Lai 572 1911] 443 9685 "3 556 0315} 016 1596 983 8404 833} 428 2631 I 83 571 7369) 444 4579 81.48 555 5421] 016 1948); 983 8053} 341 428 7169)7="59| 571 2831) 444 9468 Br fol 225.0532] 016 220915 'g¢ 983 7701) 35) 429 1701/75" 45|. 5708299] 445 4352)/3,"33| . 554 5648] 016 2652/5", °| 983 7a 136/9-429 6228/77", |10.570 377219-445 9232|2 °° 5|10.554 0768 10.016 3004 3 88 9.983 6996 37] 430 0750\72"2) 569 9250] 446 4107/27 "1g| 553 5893, 016 3357/z"g0| 983 6643} 38] 430 5267|77 "| 569 4733] 446 8978 Br og} 20310221 016 3710/5" 983 Gage 139} 430 9779 lesa 569 0221) 447 3843 haptt 5526157, 016 4064 eg 983 593€ 40] 431 4286)7-" 3) 568 5714) 447 870d/g'oe| 552 1296] 016 4418 tte 983 5589 41] 431 8788/7272] 568 1212] 448 3561/0°2°) 551 6439] 016 4773/52] 983 Samy 142\9-432 3285 bay 8 10.567 6715]9-448 8413|,0"" 2/10.551 1587|10.016 5128 ae 9.983 48; | 143} 432.7777/77"-2| 567 2223] 449 3260]g°°7 | 550.6740] 016 5483 3 23} 983 451 44} 433 2264\77°7 | 566.7736] 449 8102],°°23| 550.1898] 016 5839 3 23} 983 416 145) 433 6746)77°7°| 506 3254] 450 ag4olg°"s | 549 7000] 016 6195 3 25| 983 38¢ 146] 4341223 as 565 8777| 4507774 Pa 549 2226} 0166551 3 Os 983 344 147) 434 5594/77"7,| 565 4306} 451 2602/5 °" ae 548 7398] 016 6908|2"7-| 983 309: 14819-435 o161 a 10.564 9839|9-451 7427 3 10.548 2573|10.016 7265 Be 9.983 273! 149] 435 4523/7702) 564 5377) 452 2246 ise 5477754, 016 7623/2977)" 983 | $50} 435 go8o ike 564 0920] 452 7061 3 4 8 547 2939] 016.7981 el 983 201 51] 436.3532/74°°9} 563 6468] 453 1872 ae 546 8128| 016 8339 rape 983 166 1521 4307980,27 "S| 563 2020] 453 6678|g°°°0| 546 3322] 016 8698 B 2 0| 983 136 153] 437 2422 is 562 7578] 454 1479 an 545 8521} 016.9058 5 a 983 og : 1549-437 6859 Tae 10.562 314119.454 6276 sae 10.545 3724110.016 9417 i 9.983 038: 155} 438 1292 ay 8 561 8708} 455 1069 hay: 544 8931| 0169777 ee 983 022: 56] 438571917375} 561 4281) 455 5857 73) 344.4143] 0170138 pes 982 986: 157} 439 0142|73°23| 560 9858} 456.0641|79'25] 543 9359] 017 odggle'?>| 982 990 158; 439 4560|73"p5| 560 5440] 456 5420|/7'-?| 543 4580] 017 0860/4" 3| 982 otal 59} 439 8973 ey, 560 1027] 457 0194 rar! 542 9806} 0171222 ES 982 877 160,9-440 3381|7?" 7!10.559 6619|9.457 4964 79°) 10.542 5036|10.017 1584]? 9.982 8411 ! co-sin. |dif.1'’ sec, co-tang. dif, 1! tang. co-sec. |d. 1! sin. LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 32 sin. dif. 1! co-sec. tang. difl’'| co-tang. sec ld, 1") ~co-sin. ! |) SEC 0 66 yer ee Si i 440 3381 10.559 651919.457 4964 10.542 5036]10.017 1584 82 8416/60 oi 9784 Ls 559 2216} 457 9730 193. 5420270] O17 1946 aie 4 382 8054159 | 441 2182)"353| 955 7818} 458 4491 98} 241 5509} 017 2309|6 55| 982 7691/58 441 6576 ie 15, 958 3424) 458 9248 ie 541.0752] 017 2672/3°°°| 982 7328157 96 7307 557 9035} 459 4oor abe 540 5999} 017 30366"? 982 6964156 442 5349)-'48} 557 4651) 459 8749 05| 2401251] 017 3400 6.09| 982 6600]55 ng 10.557 027219.460 3492 As 10.539 6508}10.017 3764 ¢".3/9-982 6236154 te 556 5897] 460 8232 it 5 23891768) 017 4129/6 4g) 982 5871153 a 556 1528] 461 2967 7383 538 7033] 017 4494\p°°°| 982 5506)52 nf 555.7163] 461 7697 ne 538 2303} 017 4860 6 rol 982 5t4o}5t bord 555 2803] 462 2423 Baro 537 7577| 017 5226 650 982 4774]50 (ape 554 8447| 462 7145 78.6 537 2855} 017 5592 6.19| 982 4408]49 a 10.554 4096}9.463 1863 58.55|10 536 8137}10.017 5959 Bis 9.982 4041148 446 0250) 5°37| 5539750} 463 6576 8.48 536 3424) 017 6326 6.13| 982 3674]47 oe Se| 053.5409]. 464 1285 78 49, 358715] 017 6694 6.13] 982 3306|46 c na 553 1073] 464 5990 inte 535 4o10] ~=017 7062 aus 982 2938]45 a 55267411 465 0690 edad 5349310] 0177431 rh 982 2569}44 73.03 55224141 465 5386 eee 534 4614] 0177799 6.15 982 220143} 1.448 1909 v4 10.551 809119.466 0078 Ss 10.533 9922/10.017 8169 Bun 9-982 1831}42 72a, 551 3773) 466 4765 7B o5| 033.5235] 017 8538 To 982 1462/41 5% 550 9460] 466 9448 : ‘98, 33.0552}- 017 8908 613 982 1092/40 $453 550 S151} 467 4127 aes 532 5873} 017 9279 6.19 982 0721139 si 65 550 0847] 467 8802 57.85 532 1198} 017 9649 6.04 982 0351438 1.58}. 2496548} 468 3473 5 531 6527] 018 0021 578} 981 9979137] ars 10.549 225319.468 8139 An 10.531 1861]10.018 0392 6.90998 9608} 36} 3 Xe 548 7963} 469 2801 17°63 5307199] 018 0764 6.95; 981 9236/35 1035 548 3578} 469 7459 ay 5h 530 2541] 018 1137 y0| 981 8863)34 es 547 9397] 470 2112 Bot 929 7888] 018 1510 6.99} 981 8490}33 71-27) 54751211 470 6762|27 jo| 929.3238] 018 1883/2"°*| 981 8117)32 bes 547 0849] 471 1407 Lian 528 8593] 018 2256 53 981 7744131 418 ie 10.546 6582]9.471 6048 ine 10.528 3952|10.018 2630 695 9.981 7370]30 Listed Vga 2319) 472 0685 iio 5279315} 018 3005 6.05} 981 6995)29) ry 88) 5458061) 472 5318)77'78| 527 4682] 018 3380 6.05| 981 6620]28 7589} 245.3808] 472 9947177231 5270053] 018 3755 6.05} 981 6245]27 ie 5 544 9559] 473 4572 ae 526 5428] =o18 4130 6:86 981 5870}26 TO B.| 3445314) 473 gtg2 oy 526 0808] 018 4506/6") 2) 981 5494]25 yt 10.544 107419.474 3808 a 10.525 6192]10.018 4883 98/9-98E 5117/24 I ES , 543 6839) 474 8421 ee 5251579} 018 5260) -° 8 981 4740]23 456-7392 oe 543 2608] 475 3029 pee 524 6971) 018 5637/4")3| 981 4363}22 71 35, 242 8382} 475 7633 6.6 524 2367] 018 6014 3} 931 3q86ja1 a3) 542 4160) 476 2233 76.6 523 7767| 018 6392/¢"3°) 981 3608]20 6.99|.. 241 9942] 476 6829 bBia8 5233171] 0186771 6.35! 981 3229119) 70. 5|£0-541 572919.477 1421 ee 10.522 8579}10.018 7150 35/9981 2850]18 ye 541 1520] 477 6009 +6.38 522 3991] 018 7529 33, 981 2471|17) M-07\ 540 7316] 478 0592/6 33} 521 9408} 018 7909 6.33) 981 2091/16) preo 540 3116} 478 5172 Ls 521 4828] o18 8289 6.33 981 1711]15 Ao os 539 8921] 478 9748 rage 521.0252} 018 8669 6.35, 98! 1331|14 Pee 539 4730} 479 4319|/ 2° 520 5681] 018 9050 981 0950}13 69.77 [0.53 76.13 35) 539 054419.479 8887 ho 10.520 1113}10.018 9431 6.3519 981 o569}12 ua 538 6362] 480 3451 Caps 5196549} 018 9813 35] 981 o187]11 ge 538 2184) 480 8011 on 51 2191989] org o195 34} 980 9805] 10 noe 537 8011} 481 2566 bese ee 518 7434] 0190577 381 980 9423] 9) ay 537 3842} 481 7118 ear 518 28821 019 0960 6.38, 980 9040} 8 62.33 536 9677| 482 1666 an 3} 217 8334] — o19 1343 6.40 980 8657] 7 Ae 10-536 551719.482 6210 TRG 10.517 3790|10.019 1727 6.40\9:98° 8273} 6 rai 536 1361) 483.0750 Lepa 516 9250] o1g 2r11 46 980 7889} 5 ge 535 7210] 483 5286 15 53 516 4714) 019 2495 6.43 980 7505} 4 Be os| 35 3062) 483 9818 req] 216.0189] 019 288015"%,| 980 7120] 3 Boon} 034 8919} 484 4346)72 4o| 5155654) org 3265)¢" 73, 9806735] 2 BB. 534 4781] 484 8870 ree 515 1130} 019 3651|6"73| 980 6349] 1 -9110.534 0647 9.485 3390 ne 10.514 6610} 10.019 4037| ""~|9 980 5963] o dif, 1"’ sec co-tang. jdif.1’’ tang. co-sec. |d.1” sin ’ f 7] 468 8173) 8} 469 2273) A1I 113 250 ae ! sin. 09.465 9353 1] 466 3483 2| 466 7609) 3) 467 1730 4} 467 5848) LOGARITHMIC SINES, 68.83 08.77 68.68 3}. 467 9960, 619.468 40691 9] 469 6369 tol 470 0461 470 4548 12 AIG] 472 4922 N17] 472 8985)" A 1819.473 304316 63 1g} 473 7097 20 474 1146\6/ 21{ 474 5192 ‘a 22) 4749234 }23] 479 3271 2419.475 7304 25| 476 1334 26) 476 5359 271 476 9380 128) 477 3396 1291 477 7409 3019.478 1418 31] 478 5423 32] 478 9423 33] 479 3420 34) 479 7412 35}) 480 r4o1 13619.480 5385 13-1” 480 9366 38} 481 3342 39} 481 7315 4o} 4821283 41} 482 5248 6 g4219.482 9208 43) 483 3165 6 44, 483 7117 45| 484 1066\ar 46) 484 5010 47\ 484 8951 48|9.485 2858 49) 485 6820 5o; 486 07496 51] 486 4674| 150] 486 8595 53] 487 2512 59] 489 5934/6 609-489 9824 ! co-sin. 107° 9-470 8631\a_ << ATPIZIWAG A 2 14] 471 6785|07-92 15] 472 0856) ;.: 68.40 68.33| 68,27 of ae 67.17] 7.08 7.02 66.35 66.27 165.53] \10.534 0647 9.485 33g0 533 6517} 485.7907 5 co-sec. tang. 533 2391 486 2419 532 8270] 486 6928 ? 530 4152) 487 1433}2 532 0040) 487 5933 10.531 5931}9.488 0430 531 1827] 488 4924\7 530:7727| 488 9413 “ 530 3631| 489 3898}7 529 9539} 489 6380 529 5452] 490 2858 ? 10.529 1369|9-490 7332 : 528 7290} 491 1802 528 3215! 4g1 6269 527 9144) 492 0731 527 5078} 492 5190 527 1015} 492 9646 10.526 6957}9-493 4097 526 2903} 493 8545 525 8854] 494 2988 525 4808} 4947429 525 0766} 495 1865 524 6729) 495 6298 7 10.524 2696 9-496 0727 523 8666] 4965152 523 4641} 496 9574 523 0620} 497 3991 522 6604] 497 8406 522 2591} 498 2816 10.521 8582)9.498 7223 521 4577] 499 1626 519 859g} 500 9203 10.519 4615]9.50i 3588 519 0634} Sor 7969 518 6658] 502 2347 518 2685} 5o2 6721|7? fs 5178717] 5o3 1092\7 517 4752] 503 5459 10.517 0792)9-503 9822 516 6835} 504 4182 516 2883] 504 8538 5 515 8934) 505 289t|7 515 4990] 505 7240 7 515 1049] 506.1586 10.514 711219.506 5928|7 514 3180 507 0267 513.9251] 507 4602)/ 513 5326] 507 8933|7 513 1405] 508 3261 51274881 508 7586|7 g|10.512 3574}9.509 1907 511 9665} 509 6224 511 5760} 510 0539 511 1858} 5ro 4849 5107960} 510 9156 510 4066} 511 3460 sec. co-tang. dif.1"’ 74.18 FAT: 74.05 1/902 7a 73:90 73.62 73.58 73.50 73.45 ISO2 72.97 72:67 72.60 On 72.02 71-99 1.92 F109 71.78 793 dif.1''| TANGENTS, | co-tang. 10.514 66roj10.019 4037 O19 4423 6 019 4810/6 ~ 512 4067 10.511 9570 511 5076 511 0587 510 6102 510 1620 | 509 7142 rd 10.509 2668 508 198 508 3731 507 9269 507 4810 507 0354 10.506 5903 506 1455 505 7o12 505 2571 504 8135 504 3702 10,503 9273 503 4848 503 0426 502 6009 502 1594 5or 7184 10.501 29777 500 8374 493 8414 10.493 4072 492 9733 492 5398 492 1067 491 6739 491 2414 'T0.490 8093 490 3776 489 9461 489 5151 489 0844 488 6540 tang. | : 10.510 0176)9.511 7760 71.67 10.488 2240]10.021 7937 sec. org 5197 org 5585 org 5973 10.019 6361 019 6750 01g 7140 O19 7529)" 019 7919)" org 8310/7" 10.019 8701 O19 9092 019 9484 019 9876 020 0268} 7° 020 0661 10.020 1054 020 1448 020 1842 020 2236 020 2631 020 3027 10.020 3422 &c. 168 d. 1”) ~co-sin. { 2 980 5963 4 980 55977 wT: 980 519 : 980 480. ae 980 4415 6.47 6.43|7 . ” in Go Go 020 3818 020 4215 020 4612 020 500g 020 5407 10.020 5805 020 6204 020 6602 020 7002 020 7401}, 020 7802| 7° {12|10.020 8202 v3 020 8603 6. 020 9004} ." , 020 9406 6. 020 9808 6. yO OO CHS OV DBDDADBADDBARAABAARARABDRHAAAIN DDDNANAD NO ANN Orn oY &S 6.63 6,63 |6.65)7° 6.63 O7 6.65 O21 O2TI|, 10.021 06142" O21 1017 O21 1421 o21 1825)7° O21 2230), o21 2635 6. 10.021 3040}, 021 3446 6 021 3852 6. 021 4259." o21t 4666) 5" - 021 5073), 10.021 5481 o21 5889 6. 021 6298 6. 021 6707 6. Got iFL17 o21 7526 co-sec, 82| 970g 185, 978.4 9-978 2 d.1”| sim. | 7% «> | | { 109° 252 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 19° 16( | ! sin. dif.” co-sec. tang. difil''| co-tang. sec, dif} co-sin, 0/9.512 641 [0. 10.487 3581 3581 ree 971 10.463 0281]10.024 3299). 754 I Op oo8t OF De 486.9914 7 3821 7/68.37 ete 462 617 024 353417 7-27)" 56 bo: a) ol 533.3950 tae? 486 6250 335 792065", 462 2080] . 024 4170)2"5~) 975 oa 4 3} 51374101942] 486 2590] 538 2017/63"25| 461 7983) 024 4606 real 975 58040) 4) 514 1067 rie 485 8933} 538 6110/9") 461°3890} 024 5043/7") "} 975 49575} 5} 514 4721160 25 485 5279) 5390200 68. 17 460 9800} 024 5479 ns 975 pil 1 619.514 8371 a 10.485 162019.539 4287 68.07|!° 460 5713}10.024 5917|2°52/9-975 40834} | 515 2017\2°'77| 484 7983} 539 8371 68.03 3} 460 1629) 0246354 7 3o| 972 36463) 8} 515 5660/02") 484.4340] 540245316") 459 7547] 0246792173.) 975 3208] 1 of 515 9300 ied 4840700} 5406531 6 797 459 3469] 024 7231 Lag 975 2769 10] 516 2936). 52) 483 7064 541 0606 67 g- 458 9394, 024 7670 Lig 975 23309} 11] 516 656016059) 483.3431] 54x 4678|@7'37| 458.5322] 024 B109/7°33| 975 i) | 1219-517 0198 43° 482 9802|9-541 8747 6. 10.458 1253]10.024 8549) "33/9-972 1491} 13} 517 3824 338 482 6176} 542 2813]67° if 457 7187} 024 8969)-"3- 975 1011} 14) 517 7447 Bo a 482 2553] 542 6877 Ge 6 457 3123) 024 9430)7°3-| 975 05703} 115] 518 1066,2°°7) 481 8934) 543 0937 6,.6,| 456.9063] 024 9871|7"32) 975 ofa9) | 16] 518 4682)20°7| 481 5318} 543 4994)/67°5°] 456 5006] 025 0312\7°3") 974 g688K 17} 518 8295 nae 481 1705] 543 9048 6453 456 0952} 0250754 ae a cal 2463) 18]9-519 1904 ae: 10.480 8096]9-544 3100 67, fq 10° 455 6900]10.025 1196 7 138 9-974 8804) | 19] 519 5510 60.03 480 4490| 544 7148 6 habe 455 2852) 025 1639|7" 974 83611 20] 519 9112\- 3 480 0888] 545 1193 6), 38 454 8807} 025 2082 974 79189} } 21} 5202711 hase 479 7289} 545 5236 6, 33 454 4764) 025 2525 4 974 74759) 22} 5206307 ae 479 3693) 545 9276| 07 6 454 0724] 025 2969 is lays 974 70313} 23} 520 9899|79'97| 47g or01| 546 3312 on 53, 4536688} 025 3413 iy 974 65879) 24 9.521 3488 5. 10.478 651 219-546 7346|¢ its 10.453 2654}10.025 3858} 7" ps 9-974 61425) 521 7074 ae 478 2926} 547 1377 Sb 452 8623} 025 4303 ce 974 56975} 26 522 0656 5. be 477 9344) 547 5405 ries 452 4595) 025 4748 IB 974 sb ht 27] 522 4235\29'5°| 4775765] 547 9430/g7"05| 452.0570} 025 5194)?" 45| 9744 063) 28] 522 7811|27'-5| 477 2189] 548 3452 Boog) 451 6548] 025 5641/7" 73) 974 43554] 2g} 523 1383/29°°| 476.8617] 548 7471/6673] 451 2529) 025 6087)” 45|_ 974 39 i 3019-523 4953/2779] 10.476 5047]9-549 1487164 Ba) 10-450 8513] 10.025 6534|7" 4019-974 3466)} 31] 523 8518 5 a 476 1482} 549 5500\¢¢' g5| 4204500} 025 6982 7-47\" 974 30189) 32) 524 2081 5. 3 475.7919] 549 er 66.80 450 0489} 025 7430 7.47 974 257c3} 33) 524 5640|293?| 475 4360} 550 19l66.93] 4496481] 025 7878 7-43] 974 aiaai) 34) 524 9196 Be 475 0804} 550 7523 66. Are 449 2477) 025 8327 Nhe 8 974 16733] 351 525 2749 ae 5| 474.7251] 551 1525 6. 85 448 8475| 025 8776 ig: 974 1224)) 36}9-525 6398 5 10.474 3702|9-551 5524/6 660 10.448 4476] 10.025 9226 lag 9.974 07744) 37] 525 9844)27" | 474 0156} 55 g52r|° 66.55| 448.0479} 025 .9676/7°-") 974 32d} 38] 526 3387 nok 473 6613] 552 3514/gq'5°| 447 6486] 026 0127 Bo 973 9873) 39] 526 6927/38°3| 473 3073] 552 750d\ga'77] 447 2496| 026 0578/75") 973 g422 40] 527 0463\59°9| 472.9537] 553 1492\¢2'77| 446 8508] 026 1029 733 3 qr 41} 527 3997 58.9 472 6003} 553 5477 66.37 446 4523| 026 1481\7 53 973 8 19 4219-527 7526 58. g| tO 472 247419-553 9459 66. 3, 10.446 0541]10.026 1933 “he 5319" 73 | 43) 528 1053 5803 471 8947} 554 3438 66.98 £45 6562) 026 2385) 7° 55 973 7615) 44) 528 4577\n6'2-| 4715423] 554 7415|ge") | 445 2585] 026 2838 135 973 7162) ) 45} 528 8097 5B 6, 471 1903] 555 1388 66.18 444 8612} 026 3291 La 73 670 i 46} 529 1614 58.55 470 8386} 555 5359 66.1 444 4641} 0263745 lays 973 6255} 47) 529 5128 58 Bo 470 4872] 555 9327 66. 3 444 0673] 026 4199 38 73 orl | 4819-52g 8638 53 f 10.470 1362}9:556 3292 66-05 10.443 6708}10.026 1684 38 9.973 53464 49} 530 2146|59°77| 469 7854) 556 7255|en" 3! 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8703}36 457 3679} 570 8088 64.38 429 1912} 028 1767 85 971 8233}35 457 0287} 571 1951 64.33 428 8049] 028 2238 98 971 7762134 456 6897] 571 5811 64.30 428 4189} 028 2709 "85 971 7291|33 456 3511} 571 9669 64.25 428 0331] 028 3180 caf 971 6820}32 456 0127) 572 3524/6 7°55) 4276476} 028 3652 ays 971 6348}31} 10.455 674719-572 7377 64.1 10.427 2623}10.028 4124 re 9.971 5876)30} 455 3370) 573 1227 ade 426 8773} 028 4596 ages 971 5404]29 454 9995} 573 5074 64.08 426 4926} 028 5069 ch | 972 4931 28 454 6624] 573 8919 re 426 1081} = 028 5543 pa 971 4457}27 454 3255] 574 2761 6 et 425 7239] 028 6016 ic >| 97! 3984} 26 6 453 9890] 574 6601 63. 425 3399] 028 6491 ee 971 3509]25 4 10.453 6528}9.575 0438 63 ae 10.424 9562|10.028 6965 oo 971 3035}24 453 3168] 575 4272 63.87 4245728} 0287440 ye 971 2560}23 452 9811) 575 8104|¢3'93) 424 1896] 028 7916 sa! 971 2084]22 452 6458} 576 1934|43"_9| 423 8066] 028 8392 jie 971 1608]21 452 3107] 5765761\33'75| 423 4239] 028 8868 ie 971 1132}20 451 9760} 576 9585 pre 423 0415} 028 9345 ae 971 0655}19 10.451 6415|9.577 3407 63.65 10.422 6593|10.028 9822 tes 9-971 0178118 451 3073} 577 7226 63.60 4222774) - 029 0299 ce 970 9701/17 450 9734} 578 1043 63.58 421 8957} 0290777|- 23] 970 9223116 450 6398] 578 4858/¢3'55| 421 5142] 029 1256 a 970 8744]15 450 3065} 578 8669/¢3'5,| 421 1331} 02917395 igen 970 8265] 14 449 9735| 579 2479 63.45 4207521] 029 2214 ae 970 7786|13 4 10.449 6408)9:579 6286 63.40 10.420 3714}10.029 2694 8.00 9.970 730612 449 3084) 580 0090/¢3'3.} 4199910] 029 3174} 56) 97° 6826}11 448 9763} 580 3892/63°3/| 4196108] 029 3654/24} 970 6346) 10 448 6444) 580 7691\¢3"53) 419 2309) 029 4155903] 970 5865] 9 448 3129) 581 1488\65°3| 418 8512} 029 4617/24} 97° 5383} 8 447 9816) 581 5282 345 418 4718} 029 5098 8 970 4902) 7 ; 10.447 6506}9-581 9074 634 10.418 0926}10.029 5581 8.63 9.970 4419] 6 447 3199) 582 2864 ie 417 7136] 029 6063 (Os 970 3937} 5 446 9895) 582 6651\63'5_| 417 3349] 029 6546)9',_| 970 3454) 4 446 6594] 583 0435 eins 416 9565} 029 7030 San 970 2970] 3 446 3296) 583 4217 63.00 416 5783] 029 7514 eae 970 2486} 2 446 0001} 583 79976, 65 416 2003] 029 7998 8 of 970 2002] I 10.445 67089.584 1774|°*"??|10.415 8226]10.029 8483] |9.970 1517] © co-sin, dif. 1'’ sec. co-tang. |dif.1'’ tang. co-sec. jd, 1” sin, I 10° ir) 3 ; oO i119 254 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. 21° Ep! sin. dif, 1’ co-sec, tang. dif.1’’| co-tang. sec. d.1"| co-sin, 019.554 3292 10.445 6708}9.584 1774] ~ 10.415 8226]10.029 8483 ai 554 6561 pk 445 3419) 584 5549\09'°22| 415 4451] 02 | 2] 554 o868|2478) 445 0133] 584 9321/0281 415 0679 3] 555 3152/2478) 444 6848] 585 Sogr|go'g.| 414 6909 1 4) 5556433 54.63 444 3567} 585 6859 62.75 414 3141} 0300426 5} 555.9711 54 bo | 4440289} 586 0624 Bane 413 9376 030 og13 6/9.556 2987 54.53 10.443 7013}9.586 4386 62.68 10.413 5614}10.030 1400 § 7| 556 6259 5A 5 | 443 3741| 586 8147 % 3 413 1853] 030 1888 8] 556 9529/2772, 443.0471) 587 1904/60 "6°| = 412 8096 Fo} 557 2796 Bf 40 442 72041 587 5660 62.55 412 4340 fro 557 Gobo ete 442 3940 a 9413}6, 55] 412 0587 pIt} 557 9321 By es 442 0679} 5 3163 62.48 411 6837] 0303842 11219.558 2579 BA. _|10.441 7421}9.588 6912 Bri 10.411 3088}10.030 4332 13} 558 5835)-7°571 441 4165] 589 0657/65" Jol 410-9343] 030 482 t4| 558 9088 rpg 441 0912] 589 440i\@5"3<| 410 5599} 030 5313 15] 559 2338/2417) 440 7662) 589 8142|9>"3>| 410 1858 16) 559 5585 ore. 440 4415] 590 1881)65°5_} 409 8119 I17| 559 8829 ae 440 1171] 590 5617/¢9°23| 40g 4383 [18)9.560 2071|24°29| 10.439 7929|9-590 9351] A-" 10.409 0649 ito} 560 5310 aoe 439 4690] 5 408 6918 20] 560 8546!23'20| 439 1454 408 3188 f21| 5611770 a 438 8221 407 9461 f22| 561 5oro 53. 3 438 4990 407 5737 23} 561 8237)/73°7-| 438 1763 5| 407 2015 2419-562 1462 53 o> 10.437 8538}9.593 1705 6 10.406 8295 125] 562 4685/> 365 437 5315 ‘97 406 4577| 031 0738 F256] 562 7904 53.6 437 2096 : 406 0862} 031 1234 85 am 063 1121 53 54 436 8879 405 7149} 031 1730 a 28] 563 4335),3°2/| 436 5665 a 405 3439 ’ 29} 563 7546|23°,-| 436 2454) - 595 0269 4o4 9731 “ie 30}9-564 0754 53.43 10.435 9246]9.595 3975 én. : 10.404 6025 5 31} 564 3960 338 435 6040} 595 7679 61.68 404 2321] 031 3719 8 30 39} 5647163 53.33 435 2837] 596 1380 16 403 8620] 031 4217 835 33} 565 0363 53 30! 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L'' 10.426 4246}9.606 40 426 1120] 606 7732 60.5 425 7997} 607 1366/6," 5. 425 4877) 607 499765 56 425 1760} 607 8627 Go. ‘5 424 8644] 608 2254 bo 43 3 10.424 55329.608 5880 60.38 424 2422) 608 9503 60.35 422 9315} 609 3124 60.30 423 6210] 609 6742 60.28 423 3108] 610 0359i6 "53 423 0009} 610 3973 6 ’ 2| 10.422 691 2\9.610 7586 422 3817) 611 1196 422.0725| 611 4804 421 7636] 611 8409 Boe 421 4550] 6122013 bo. 3 421 1465) 612 5615 ow 10.420 8384]9.612 9214 raed : 420 5305} 613 2812 Wa 420 2228] 613 6407 at 419 9155} 614 0000 52 Bs 419 6083} 614 3591 5. 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'” 8° 61° | TANGENTS, Wc. 262 LOGARITHMIC SINES, 29° ane ar 1’) co-sin, dif.1'’} co-tang. sec. ! sin. a co-sec. tang. a 1 019.685 5712 10.314 4288]9.743 7520 10.256 2480}10.0581807| | 9.9418 19% | 936.5208] 0629811 a 299 2842] 763 7702 236 2298] 0630544 ieee 299 0666} 764 0612 235 9388] 0631278) °° 298 8492] 764 3520 235 6480} 0632012 253 298 6319] 764 6427 48.45 235 3573} 0632746) 045 10.298 4148]9.764 9334 48.49 10.0633481 12 oI? 7 298 1978] 765 2239 48.40 297 9810] 765 5143 48.40 ; 297 7643} 765 8047 48. 3 ‘ 297 5477} 766 0949) 4g - Re 297 3313] 766 3851|%0°32 0637164], 5°34] 93628 10.297 1151}9.766 6751 10.0637902 19°30 2 296 8989] 766 9651 0638640], 35 296 6830} 767 2550 0639379], 33 2 296 4671} 767 5448 0640119 12.33 9359881 39 296 2514} 767 8344 0640859 19.33 9359141 296 0359} 768 1240 0641599),5 35 9 10.295 8205}9.768 4135 10.0642340} "3 295 6053 0643082 ee 295 3gor 0643823) 5 38 295 1752 0644566} 5 38 294 9603 0645309) 5°38 294 7457| 769 8596 0646052 5th 10.294 531119.770 1485 48.13 10.0646796 ya 294 3167] 770 4373) /¢" 3 0647541) 07, 294 1025] 770 7261/78" 5 0648285 12.43 293 8884} 771 0147 18 10 0649031 12.43 293 6744] 771 3033 18.0 0649777 isda 293 4606] 771 5917 18.05 0650523 cane o|10:293 2469]9-771 8801 48. p 10.228 1199|10.0651270 f5 293 0333] 772 1684 18.03 227 8316] 0652017 bok 292 8199] 772 4566\73" 5 0652765] > 48 292 6067] 772 7447 48 6 0653514 bas 292 3936] 773 0327) ; 8 0654262 pag 9345738) 20 g| 292 1806] 773 3206 i 226 6794| 0655012 mat 9344988 10.291 9677|9-773 6084 yee 10.226 3916}10.0655762 bake 9.9344238} 18 291 7550] 773 8961 ae 0656512 ra Ao 934348 291 5425] 774 1838 0657263 5 934273716 r 291 3301] 774 4713 0658014 oka 9341986} 15 : 291 1178] 774 7588 4 0658766 fais 9341234 35.33 290 9057] 775 0462 0659518 12 55 9340482113 35 .39|£0:290 5937]9.775 3334 47.8 10.0660271 1055 9.9339729]12 : 290 4818} 775 6206 44.85 0661024 ca 9338976 ‘ 290 2701] 775 9077 1583 0661778 12.58 9338222/10 290 0585] 776 1947 can 0662533) 3") 9337467 289 8471| 776 4816 Cas 0663287|1°"27| 9336713 289 6358| 776 7685 en 9 0664043) 7>"3°| 9335957 in 10.289 4247\9.777 0552 ve 10.0664799) nip 335201 35 1s 289 2137] 777 3418 fae 0665555) 7965] 9334445 ; 289 0028] 777 6284|47°77 0666312)12°2?| 9333688 35-13) 388 7920 0667069|!2"?| 9332931 eee 288 Bar 7 0667895 ae 3339293 35.05 288 3710] 778 4875 0668585) 12" “110.288 1607/9.778 7737 dif. 1'’ sec, co-tang. co-sec. dif. 1” sin, | 264 LOGARITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, &c. | 31° ! sin. dif, 1// co-sec. tang. dif.1‘'| co-tang. sec. dif, 1"? 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Diff. and Proportional Parts. D.)1)2|3 | 4)5;6 | 7) 8/9 94] 9|19|28 | 38]47/56 | 66 7585 93] 9 |19|28 | 37/47/56 65 74/84 9219 18/28 | 37/46/55 | 64 74/83 gt | 9 |18)27 | 36)46)55 | 64/73/82 90] 9 |18]27 | 36/45|54 | 63.72/81 89] 9 |18]27 | 36/45/53 62.71\80 88] 9 |18}26 | 35)44/53 | 62 70179 8719 [17/26 | 35/44/52 | 61,7078 86] 9 |17/26 | 34|43)52 | 60 69/77 851 9|17/26 | 34/43/51 | 60 68/77 84} 8 |17/25 | 34)42/50 | 59 67/76 83}8 117/25 | 33/42/50 | 58 66)75 82 | 8/16/25 | 33/41/49 | 57 66/74 81 | 8 |16/24 | 32/41/49 | 57 65)73 80 | 8 |16/24 | 32/40/48 | 5664'72 79 8 |16)24 | 32\40\47 | 55 63)71 78 | 8 |16)23 | 31/3947 | 5562)70 97 | 8 |15}23 | 31/39146 | 54 62/69 76] 8 |5|23 | 30|38146 | 5361/68 | 75| 8 |15}23 | 30/38145 | 536068 94| 715122 | 30/37/44 | 525967 93| 7 |15|22 | 29/37|44 51 5866 72|7 |14|22 | 29)36'43 50 58,65 7117 |t4\21 | 28/3643 Si 70|7|14j2t | 28/35/42 49 56/63 69| 7 |14)/20 28/35'41 | 48 5562 6817 |14/20 | 27134141 | 4854/61 67| 7 |13]20 | 27/34\40 | 475460 66 | 7 |13|20 | 2633\40 | 4653/59 65} 7 |13}20 | 26/33/39 | 4652/59 64} 6 \13]19 | 26/32/38 | 45 51/58 6316 |13l19 | 25)32)38 | 44 50/57 6216 |12119 | 25/31/37 | 43 50,56 61 | 6)r2118 | 24/31/37 | 43.49/55 60,6 {12118 | 24/30,36 | 42 48/54 59 | 6 |12\18 | 24/30/35 | 41 47)53 5816 |r2\17 | 23)29 35 | 41 4652 5716 ]11|17 | 23}29 34 | 40 4651 5616 |t1/17 22/28/34 39 45:50 5516 |11/17 | 22/2833 | 39 4450 541 5|11|16 | 22/27/32 | 38 43/49 53|5 i116 | 2112732 | 37 42148 5215 |rol16 | 21126 3r | 36. 42)47 51}5\10115 | 202631 | 3641/46 50,5 |1015 | 20.2530 | 35 40,45 49} 5|\toj15 | 20,25,29 343944 | 4815 |tolrgG 19 24 29 34 38:43 4715} g\t4 | 1924128 33 38/42 46|5| 914 | 18/23 28 | 3237/41 4515) g|14 | 18/2327 | 32 36,41 44}-4| 9]13 | 18:22:26 | 31,35'4o 4314 eee 17\22/26 30 34 39 D.i1/2'3 | 4/5\;6 | 7I8l9o Diff. and Proportional Parts. y* 294. 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L. |Num/|D. | Num/|D. Le Num/|D.| L. Num D. 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Col Bw ~ ol = MERIDIONAL PARTS. Latitude. a a A a a ran ae 80° ; 81° |, 829° 83° 84° 85° 86° 87° 88° 89° ! 8375.2|/8739.1/9145.5| 9605.8) 10136.9 | 10764.6)11532.5}12522.1/13916.4|16299.6 6 8381.0/8745.5/9152.6] 9614.0)10146.5 | 10776.1/11546.9)12541.3/13945.2 TO307.4 15% 8386.7/8751.9'9159.9| 9622.3)10156.1 | 10787.7|11561.3]12560.5)13974.2|/16416.1} 2 8392.5)8758.3/9167.1} 9630.5)10165.7 | 10799.2|11575.8)12579.9|14003.5}16475.9] 3 8398.3)8764.7|9174.3) 9638.8)10175.4 | 10810.8/11590.3}12599.4) 14033.0)16536.8 | 4 8404.1/8771.2/9181.6} 9647.1]10185.1 | 10822.5/11605.1/12619.0/14062.8 16598.7 Ws 8409.9|8777.6/9188.8] 9655.4) 10194.8 | 10834.2}11619.6)12638.7|14092.8)16661.8} 6 8415.7|/8784.1/9196.1| 9663.7/10204.5 | 10845.9)11634.4}12658.5 14123.1|16726.0] 7 8421.6|8790.6|9203.4) 9672.1]10214.3 | 10857.7)11649.2/12678.5)14153.7 16791.5| 8 8427.4|8797.1|9210.7| 9680.5]10224.1 | 10869.5]11664.0/12698.5]14184.5}16858.3] 9 8433.3/8803.6/9218.1} 9688.9|10233.9 | 10881.4/11678.9]12718.7|14215.6|16926.4 10 8439.1|8810.1|9225.4] 9697.3|10243.8 | 10893.2|11693.9)12739.0|14247.0|16995.8 | 11 §445.0|8816.6'9232.8} 9705.7|10253.6 | 10905.1]/11709.0|12759.4|14278.7|17066.7 | 12 8450.9|8823.2/9240.2| 9714.2 10263.5 | 10917.1]11724.1|/12779.9|14310.7|17139.1 | 13 8456.8|8829.7|9247.5| 9722.6]/10273.5 | 10929.1]11739.3]1 2800.6] 14343.0]17213.0 | 14 8462.7/8836.3/9255.0| 9731.1/10283.5 | 10g4r.2|11754.6)12821.4|14375.6/17288.6 15 8468.6|8842.9 9262.4] 9739.7|10293.5 | 10953.3|11769.9|1 2842.3)14408.5|17365.8 | 16 8474.5|8849.5|9269.8) 9748.2)10303.5 | 10965.4/11785.3|12863.3|14441.7|17444.9 | 17 8480.4|8856.1/9277.3| 9756.8/10313.5 | 10977.6)11800.7|12884.5|14475.2 17525 8} 18 8486.4/8862.7/9284.7| 9765.3|10323.6 | 10989.8)11816.3]12905.8]14509.1 17608.6 | 19 8492.3/8869.3/9292.2| 9773-9|10333.7 | 11002.1]11831.9|12927.2/14543.3/17693.5 20 8498.2|8876.0/9299-7| 9782.6) 10343.9 | 11014.4 11847.5|12948.7|14577.9|17780.5 | 21 8504.3|8882.6'9307.3| 9791.2|/10354.0 | 11026.8/11863.3]12970.4] 1461 2.8)17869.8 | 22 8510.2|8889.2'9314.8] 9799.9,10364.2 | 11039.2|11879.1]12992.3]14648.0|17961.5 | 23 8516.2|8896.0,9322.3| 9808.6) 10374.5 | 11051.6}11895.0]1301 4.4] 14683.7|18055.7 | 24 8522.2|8902.7/9329-9| 9817.3/10384.7 | 11064.1/11911.0] (3036.4) 14719.7|18152.5 | 25 8528.2|8909.4,9337-5| 9826.0/10395.1 | 11076.6]11927.0}13058.6)14756.1]18252.2 | 26 8534.3/8916.1|9345.1| 9834.8}10405.4 | 11089.2]11943.1|13081.0|14792.8]18354.9 | 27 8540.3/8922.8/9352.7| 9843.5|10415.7 | 11101.8]11959.3|/13103.6) 14830.0]18460.6 | 28 8546.3/8929.6|9350.4| 9852.4}10426.1 | 11114.5]11979.6)131 26.3] 1 4867.6) 18569.8 | 29 8552.4/8936.3 9368.0} 9861.2|10436.5 | 11127.2)11991.9|13149.1|14905.6|18682.5 | 30 8558.5'8943.1|9375.7| 9870.0)10447.0 | 11£140.0]12008.3|13172.1]14944.0)18799.0 | 31 8564.5)8949.9|9383.4| 9878.9)10457.4 | 11152.8)12024.8/13195.3|14982.8|18919.7 | 32 8570.5|8956.7/9391.1| 9887.8)10468.0 | 11165.7|12041.4/13218,.6|15022.1 19044.7 | 33 8576.7|8963.5/9398.8] 9896.7|10478.5 | 11178.6/12058.1}13242,1/15061.9/19174.4 | 34 8582.8 8970.3|9406.5) 9905.6]10489.1 | 11191.6/12074.8}13265.7|15102.1 19309.3 | 35 8588.9 8977.2\9414.3| 9914.6|10499.7 | 11204.6/12091.6/13289.5 15142.8|19449.6 | 36 8595.1|8984.0|9422.1} 9923.6|10510.3 | 11217.6 12108.5|13313.5|15183.9|19595.9 | 37 8601 .2|8990.9|9429.8| 9932.6)10521.0 | 11230.7/12125.5|13337.6)15225.6|19748.7 | 38 8607.4/8997.8|9437.7| 9941.6]10531.7 | 11243.9|12142.6|13361.9}15267.8)19908.7 | 39 8613.5|9004.7|9445.5| 9950.7|10542.5 | 11257.1]12159.7|13386.4)15310.5|20076.4 | 4o 8619.7|9011.6 9453.3] 9959.7|10553.2 | 11270.4]12177.0)1341 1.0 15353.8}20252.7 | 41 8625.9|9018.5|9461.3| 9968.8)10564.0 | 11283.7 12194.3|13435.9|15397.6|20438.6 | 42 8632.1/9025.4|9469.1| 9978.0 10574.9 } 11297.0|12211.7|13460.9 15441.9|20635.1 | 43 8638.3 9032.4.9477.0) 9987.1/10585.8 | 11310.5}12229.2)13486.1)15486.9)20843.5 | 44 8644.5|9039.3\9484.9| 9996.3|10596.7 | 11323.9)12246.8/13511.4 15532.4)21065.4 | 45 8650.7|/9046.3)/9492-8|10005.5}10607.6 | 11337.5 12264.5|13537.0|15578.6/21302.6 | 46 8656.9/9053.3/9500.8| 1001 4.7 10618.6 | 11351.0/12282.3)13562.7)15625.3}21557.3 | 47 8663.2|9960.3 9508.7|10024.0]10629.6 | 11364.6)12300.1|13588.7)15672.8)21832.5 | 48 8669.5|9067.3 9516.7 10033.2|10640.7 | 11378.3}12318.1|13614.9|15720.8/22131.6 | 49 8675.7|9074.3,9524.7|10042.5|10651.8 | 11392.1/12336.2|13641.2|15769.6/22459 3 | 50 8682.0|9081.4}9532.7|10051.8|10662.9 | 11405.9|12354.3]13667.8] 15819.1/22821.5 | 51 8688.3|9088.4 9540.8) 10061.2|10674.0 | 11419.7 12372.5|13694.5|15869.3 23226.4 | 50 8694.6|9095.5|9548.9| 10070.6)10685.2 | 11433.6)12390.9 13721.6) 15920. 2|23685.4 | 53 8700.9|9102.6 9556 .g|10080.0}10696.5 | 11447.6)12409.3 13748.7|15971.9|24215.4 | 54 8707.3/9109.7|9565.0)10089.4|10707.7 | 11461.6)12427.9 13776.1|16024.4|24842.1 | 55 8713.6|9116.8,9573.2 10098.8]10719.0 | 11475.7 12446.5|13803.7|16077.7|25609.2 | 56 8719.9|9124.0 9581.3} 10108.3|10730.4 | 11489.8 12465.3|13831.5)16131.8/26598.2 | 57 8726.3/9131.1/9589.5 tor17.8|10741.8 | 11504,0|12484.1|13859.6)16186.8)27992.1 58 8732.7|9138.3 9597.6 10127.3|10753.2 | 11518.2|12503.0|13887.9|16242.7 30375.0 59 8739.1/9145.5 9605.8!10136.9110764.6 | 11532.5 12522.1113916.4'16299.6! infin. | 60 43 cc 338 TABLE FOR CORRECTING MIDDLE LATITUDE. Difference of Latitude. Lat. | 10/90 30/40/50 | 62/7/82/90] 10° | 11° 120) 13° 149/15° { 169/179/ 189) 199/208 i oo 7. ia cere Ee ER apa Oe ! ! t ! ! ! 1 ! ! ET TOS O MT Las kal 6) 9/12/15} 19 23 | 27| 31 | 35] 4o 45| 51 | 58 | 66) 74 O30 10.,5,0 2 Poet 6) g)r2|15) 18 22| 26} 30] 34} 38 | 43}49|56| 63) 71 tas bE Ss to net 6) 8lr1}14} 17 arta: | O38) Go) a9 42|48)54} 61] 68 18 | of] 1/2/3/4 6) 8i11/14) 17 20| 24] 27] 31 | 36 41 | 461} 52) 58! 66 19, F Odct hay Og 6} 7\10]/13] 16 19| 23] 26|30}34 | 40] 45|50} 56} 63 407, OT TIA 131 4 6) 7} g/t2}15 | 18] 22} 25} 29/33 | 38] 43) 48} 54} 60 oN Ope ico A 6) 7] 9|12| 15 18 | 21 | 25/29/33 | 37] 421/47] 53] 58 52° Oe LI 2S TA 6) 7} g12} 15 17| 20 | 24} 28 | 32 36| 41! 46} 51| 56 esi olarLatsa 6) 7] g}12} 15 17| 20| 24 | 28} 32 36 | 4o 45} 5o} 55 24 | ol 1]}2/3]4 6} 7} gitt} 14 | 16] tg} 23] 27] 31 35 | 39} 44} 48) 53 a5-1°O1 1121314 5} 7] gir1l} 14 16] 19| 23] 27] 31 35 | 39} 43 | 47) 52 96h OL 1:1.2 )otd 5| 7] gir1] 14 16} 19 | 22| 26] 30 34138} 42] 47| 52 Sr ven eat oo Pee 5} 7} 811} 14 16| 19 | 22 | 26} 30 33 138/42 1 AG) Se 28 | o| 1/2/3/4 5) 6} 8}1o} 13 15/10 }2t} a5) 90. 1 S37 Saq4r) 46) 51 29 | oO] 1/2|3/4 5| 6| 8}ro} 13 15) 18] 21 | 25] 29 32 | 36} 41] 45! 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Cae ee eee ie tees We, “ety a” | eet ee ee cee mn Oe 339 _ Logarithms of use in computing Compound Interest for long periods of time. Log. 03492 91104 84267 03542 97381 84548 03592 97894 56723 03642 92656 26675 .03692 81680 15720 03742 64979 40624 03792 4a 03842 14456 42459 03891 80660 30370 03941 41191 76137 .03990 96063 74097 04040 45289 14159 .04089 88880 81828 .04139 26851 58225 .04188 59214 20104 04237 85981 39876 .04287 07165 85625 .04336 22780 21130 .04385 32837 05882 .04434 37348 95107 04483 36328 39783 .04532 29787 86657 04581 17739 78270 '.04630 00196 52969 .04678 77170 44931 .04727 48673 84179 .04776 14718 96603 04824 75318 03974 .04873 30483 23968 04921 80226 70182 04970 24560 52148 .05018 63496 75361 .05066 97047 41285 67 13626 Table for converting Hyperbolic into Common Logarithms. 3 |1.30288 34457 4|1.73717 79276 5 |2.17147 24095 6 |2.60576 68914 7 |3.04006 13733 8 |3.47435 58552 9 |3.90865 03371 1 0.43429 44819 03251 82765 11289 2 |0.86858 89638 06503 65530 22578 09755 48295 33868 13007 31060 45157 16259 13825 56446 19510 96590 67735 22762 79355 79024 26014 62120 90314 29266 44886 01603 Lengths of Circular Arcs in decimal parts of Radius. 7.01745 32925 19943 29577 1.03490 65850 39886 59154 | }.05235 98775 59829 88731 '}.06981 31700 79773 18308 '|.08726 64625 99716 47885 }.10471 97551 19659 77462 |:12217 30476 39603 07038 }:13962 63401 59546 36615 }15707 96326 79489 66192 cnc - = I ~ Oo ON AoW wn 44 .00029 08882 08665 72160 .00058 17764 17331 44319 .00087 26646 25997 16479 00116 35528 34662 88638 00145 44410 43328 60798 '.00174 53292 51994 32958 .00203 62174 60660 05117 .00232 71056 69325 77277 00261 79938 77991 49437 1/|.00000 48481 36811 09536 00000 96962 73622 19072 .0000t 45444 10433 28608 00001 93925 47244 38144 .00002 42406 84055 47680 .00002 90888 20866 57216 OO OY Aw wv .00003 39369 57677 66752 .00003 87850 eae 76288 .00004 36332 1299 85824 Common Logarithms of Numbers, carried to thirty places of decimals. ~~. TABLES. Ke | ° Log. N. Log. 2 | 0.30102.99956 63981 19521 37388 94724] 43 | 1.63346 84555 79586 52640 50881 53229} 3 | 0.47712 12547 19662 43729 50279 03255} 47 | 1.67209 78579 35717 46441 42193 99449] 4 | 0.60205 99913 27962 39042 74777 89449] 53} 1.72427 58696 00789 04563 29922 91627 | 5 | 0.69897 00043 36018 80478 62611 05276} 5g9/| 1.77085 20116 42144 19026 06563 84535), 6 | 0.77815 12503 83643 63250 87667 97980] 61 | 1.78532 98350 10767 03388 57485 13757 | 7 | 0.84509 80400 14256 83071 22162 58593] 67 | 1.82607 48027 00826 43414 91316 29226) 8 | 0.90308 99869 91943 58564 12166 84173] 71 | 1.85125 83487 19075 28609 28294 35035} 9 0.95424 25094 39324 87459 00558 06510} 73} 1.86332 28601 20455 90107 43869 00470 | 1.04139 26851 58225 04075 01999 71243] 79 | 1.89762 70912 90441 42799 48213 86478) 1.07918 12460 47624 82772 25056 92704] 83 | 1.91907 80923 76073 90383 27603 52027}| 1.11394 33523 06836 76920 65051 57942] 89 | 1.94939 00066 44912 78472 35433 69702) 1.23044 89213 78273 92854 01698 94328] 97 | 1.98677 17342 66244 85178 43618 11666) 19 | 1.27875 36009 52828 96153 63334 75757 | 101 | 2.00432 13737 82642 57427 51881 78223]| 1.36172 78360 17592 87886 77771 12251 | 103 | 2.01283 72247 05172 20517 10711 94580}, 9 | 1.46239 79978 98956 08733 28467 62969 | 107 | 2.02938 37776 85209 64083 45412 39461} 1.49136 16938 34272 67966 67041 00118 | 10g | 2.c3742 64979 40623 63520 05133 07614} 1.56820 17240 66994 99680 84506 89539 | 113 | 2.05307 84434 83419 72279 52270 28609}| 1.61278 38567 19735 49450 94118 49968 | 127 | 2.10380 37209 55956 86424 69874 21827]! Numbers often used in calculation. «= Base of Napier’s System of Logarithms 2.71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 71353 | I-+ =0.36787 94412, M=com. log. «== Mod. of Com. Sys. of Log. =0.43429 44819 03251 82765 11289 18917 1+M=1~+ com. log. «= hyp. log. of 1o==2.30258 50929 94045 68401 79914 54684 1== Ratio of Circum. to Diameter of a Circle =3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83280 1-+ 7=0.31830 98862, log. =1.50285 01273 05866 14564 87317 11709 com. log. 7=0.49714 98726 94133 85435 12682 88291 log.=1.56570 55180 96748 17234 88710 81083 | hyp. log. 7==1.14472 98858 49400 17414 34273 51353 | 1 ® 9.869604 401089, 1-+ 7” =0.10132 11836, Arc of same length as Radius =180°-+ r==10800! -+- r==648000"! -- 1809=- 9 =57° .295779513, log =1.75812 26324 09172 10800’ 7==3437! .7467708, log =3.53627 38827 92816 648000!!—- 7 =206264"! £80625, log =5.31442 51331 76459 Length of Arc.1!/=0.00000 48481 36811 09535 99358 99141 in parts of Radius, == 1 +-648000, log =4.68557 48668 23540 51953 sin 1!/'=0.00000 48481 36811, log =4.68557 48668 sin 2/!==0.00000 96962 73622, log 4.98660 48624 sin 3/==0.00001 45444 1043, log =5.16269 61215 sin 4''=0.00001 93925 4724, log =5.28763 48580 sin 5==0.00002 42406 8405, log =5.38454 48710 sin 9!'==0.00004 36332 3129, log =5.63981 73762 sin 10//—=0.00004 84813 6809, log =5.68557 48665 sin sin sin sin sin 11!'==0.00005 33295 o4go, 12!'—=0.00005 81776 4170, 1! ==0.00029 08882 046, 12! =0.00349 06514 15, log =7.54290 64811 1°=0.01745 24064, log =8.24185 53184 Tropical Year 3654. 5”, 48”, 47° .588 =3651 .242217456, Sidereal Year =3654. 6". 9”. 10°.742 =3657 256374332, log =5.72696 75518 log =5.76475 61125 log =6.46372 61109 log =2.5625810 log ==2.5625978 n/1==1.77245 38509 | 24" Sol. T. =24' 3” 56° .555335 Sid. T. =24' X 1.00273791, log 1.002. . .==0.0011874 |) 24* Sid. 'T. =24—355° .gog44 Sol. 'T. 24" Xx 0.9972696, Accel” of Stars in Sol. day =3” 56°.555335 Sid. T. 39 362555900, log =2.3739328 Accel” of Stars in Sol. Gay ==3” 55°.go944 Sol. T. =235*.90944, log =2.3727453 Length of see. pend. in inch. at Lond. 39.13929, Paris 39.1285, New York 39.1012 g= Accel. Force of Gravity at London =32.1908 Eng. feet, log =1.5077315 1 cubic inch of water (Bar. 30 inch. Fahr. Therm. 62°,) =252.458--7000 in Avoir. pounds =252.458 in Troy grains, log 24021892 British imperial gallon 277.274 cubic inches, , log 0.997 . . .==9.9988126 | log 2.442909) | a gah «if Sar re de und i itr (im v 7 Ere see! * wr A i) Nar ne vey UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 512.922S$T25T C001 TABLES OF LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS AND OF L ANCA 3 0112 017081339