5 eres tae ee eee ee ne at te ae a ee eee ot Me a a ee a” ar re ee ee reer ee a APPROPRIATIONS — _ CITY OF DETRO 7 T. ie FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1909 ein aaa LIBRARY TE HE ts 1k MOA AL AS dL; EWP Lench se 189E SUV VIF Gn) * - + yy — a 1 ts ry ae - a Ld < a a © x > @ b d & Ps j at . . we & ¢ ; Ve » . a z we 4 } roe & ‘ i Aa ¥ 9 os >, at . 1 : ¢ & “a ee ale APPROPRIATIONS for the Maintenance and Improvement of the Government of the CITY OF DETROIT During the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1909, as finally adopted. OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER, July 1, 1908. Houghton-Jacobson Printing Co, Detroit, Mich. eg a yi D a + th be eS Bet et HTS tee as, ting 1. At ied Sb Septhees eaisO7 7 She 4 ie va *y ‘i? a; | up fe aie rapa itl” Avene? ae ae 4 ¥ ae inj) eiaxsa? fio 5 = gid ign 4 & ita lee Wis ied oeeate ter y ie b * Aa’ patie ton (198 oe eS 4 : Breas i by Cia wales ,’ | Lepesant RD Hees eR es Chip’ > rte Shas pie, he sae) ora as “eae cits OE d fire G2 ertiigk nM ta iy t | iene Sa od Pat. paaed - 2 Fines (Recorder’s Court Fund) Incandescent lighting, rental of poles, ete. (Public Lighting BAR) | ius ep Mee ivlahs bla lies Court fines (Public Library FUME ML s disis aye cto Oe RO ee Library fines (Public Library 105,000 00° 1,200 00 20,000 00 1,270 00. 3,800 00 650,000 00 4,000 00 . 29,100 00 1,250. 00 1,500 00 10,000 00 9,900 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 17 i ee a sh ccc ee 2,600 00 Interest on balances (Public Bibracy) Hund) nahi. oF. Re. 850 00 922,070 00 OGGGL elae cat sea a dav kd 6 cee eee $2,716,921 25 Recapitulation— wyte. appropriations \.... . 0... deni d> ane $7,920,922 41 Estimated resources and revenue........ 2,716,921 25 Amount to be raised by taxation...... $5,204,001 16 18 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS RAISED BY TAXATION. Detroit: City -Sinkine-Fund...... 00008 $ 45,050 00 Sinking Fund, Annexed District.............. 3,750 00 Trt ce a Ne ere ay 222;539 71 Generel. oir ohne ore a re ee Meee a 293,183 70 Public Entertainment, Fund sain sv 0.0 eh vee wee 1,150 00 Street Opering Fund.-.) oc... MI 86,287 66 Fire Department, Retired and Pension Fund.. 23,305 00 Police’ Pension "Paid. aoos he es SRE ae 2,640 00 General Read: Lunds. 3 NRPS OA! 1,284,724 00 Grade; Separation oP Und: oo) othscekas «ss Paeek « 49,000 00 Pablic Sewers Pundcs cise: sobs. ea ks see cee eee 78,501 00 Ly) RW, APOMOrel sc PUN oe ie cere iba eh re ae 61,949 20 Pubile"Batid tae Fat erecta bs ecie a aes 25,634 60 Public ‘Bath Houre und. = oda ee 7,084 25 Belle, Isle, Bridge. Pun ik Sei ce ddy Silom se dle 11,250 00 Market: oF ind 4, wus Suauilek 4 leech cee vc ee cee 2S 8,016 00 (FAT DAR dU. ies eiske iiss ie cele ck sh ei et I 63,453 09 Park ‘and: Bovlevart) Fund vie. cs eee oleae see Sav,le2 St Public HEAT) "Us os ake helo: c-o ltt te ala eas pend Gin eee Fire: Commissar “Wun, 5.300 eb ee sles hacktes alee 974,963 50 PGOr AJOTMMN SSO: aR 2.6 see ice ke blocs Ste Cee hs kes ee POM GELUE UII | a cals baw ola ate cae es Genelec emma ee 637,571 00 Superannuated Police Fund........... Ss Ais 8,000 00 Board. of Education: Pane siwiis ek © clades fet 592,359 26 Recorders Courts Funds: ds teneeew chan ss eke 13,910 00 PUD GC : Lien ting Bx: 4 ce hee aoe, Uae es 273,347 91 Public "TAUrATY” 2 O00 vice fo leek 0s Soe escent At 71,608 50 Water “Conmmission “und. if. ews os 0s whloas oes 75,000 00 Tata ais. Rees RE pia epic ae Nie Ree 4 Seventh annual installment of 2% per cent on $100,000 Park and Boulevard Bonds, from Feb. 15, 1908, to Feb. 15, 1909 (issued Feb. LEW UDO Ri tis Sy the Pte eek etait OS og Seventh annual installment of 2% per cent on $63,000 Public Sewer Bonds, from July 1, 1908, to July 1, 1909 (issued July 1, 1902)... Seventh annual installment of 2% per cent on $77,000 Public School Bonds, from July 1, 1908, to July 1, 1909 (issued July 1, 1902)... Fifth annual installment of 2% per cent on $100,000 Park and Boulevard Bonds, from Jan. 15, 1908, to Jan. 15, 1909 (issued Jan. PORTH Peart glee, tee oin & Pika eae Nea sea ite ee oe. Fifth annual installment of 2% per cent on $81,000 Public Sewer Bonds, from Jan. 15. 1908, to Jan. 15, 1909 (issued Jan. 15, 1904). Fourth annual installment of 3 per cent on $50,000 Detroit Museum of Art Bonds, from Sept. 1, 1907, to Sept. 1, 1908 (issued Sept. 2,025 2,500 1,575 1,925 1,500 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Fourth annual installment of 2% per cent on $190,000 Public School Bonds, from Jan. 16, 1908, to Jan. 16, 1909 (issued Jan. 16, 1905).. Fourth annual installment of 2% per cent on $90,000 Public Sewer Bonds, from Jan. 16, 1908, to Jan. 16, 1909 (issued Jan. 16, 1905).. Fourth annual installment of 2% per cent on $120,000 Public Building Bonds, from Feb. 1, 1908, to Feb. 1, 1909 (issued Feb. 1, 1905)... Third annual installment of 2% per cent on $100,000 Boulevard Improvement’ Bonds, from Aug. 1, 1907, to Aug. 1, 1908 (issued PRE OA TD he secre i EES, Wei aks » dee bok i ica Fourth annual installment of 2% per cent on $43,000 Public Sewer Bonds, from Feb. 1, 1909, to Feb. 1, 1910 (issued Feb. 1, 1906)... Second annual installment of 2% per cent on $92,000 Public Sewer Bonds, from March 1, 1908, to March 1, 1909 (issued March 1, 1907) To redeem $5,000 Boulevard Improvement MOnGS dUC mA Ras OU ok ys oe ae, ce First annual installment of 2% per cent on $250,000 Public School Bonds, from Jan. 15, 1908, to Jan. 15, 1909 (issued Jan. 15, 1908).. 4,750 2,250 3,000 2,500 1,075 2,300 5,000 6,250 $ 645,050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ° MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 21 SINKING FUND—ANNEXED DISTRICT. To Pay the Debt of the Territory Now Comprising the Eighteenth Ward. Issued by the Village of Delray: General bonds for paving street intersections, STEER TES RG eB he gi a Pea Ieee eR th Cored A $ 3,700 00 INTEREST FUND. Interest Accruing on the Bonded Debt of the City During the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1908. On bonds issued by the City of Detroit: $4,268,000 bearing 4 per cent interest......... $ 170,720 00 $100,000 bearing 3 65/100 per cent interest.... 3,650 00 $3,132,000 bearing 3% per cent interest....... 109,620 00 One month’s interest at 3% per cent on $5,000 Boulevard Improvement Bonds maturing Aug..1) 1908 2220 UE 40. PRR I OTS OPS 14 58 Five and one-half months’ interest at 31, per cent on $250,000 Public School Bonds, issued eSATA TS SRR RP aclu hal SON aig alate Raia aahalata Sale! goats 4,003 42 On bonds issued by the territory now com- prising the Highteenth Ward:— Bonds issued by the Village and School Dis- trict of Delray: $76,000 bearing 3% per cent interest......... 2,660 00 $75,000 bearing 4 per cent interest............ 3,000 00 $115,500 bearing 5 per cent interest.......... 5,775 00 $3,750 bearing 6 per cent interest............. 225 00 % 22 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Five and one-half months at 6 per cent on $3,750 of bonds maturing Dec. 15, 1908...... Bonds issued by Village of Woodmere: $93,000 bearing 3% per cent interest.......... Bonds issued by the Township of Spring- wells, proportion assumed by the city: $50,000 bearing 4 per cent interest............ Bonds issued by School District No. 4, Springwells: $13,000 bearing 4% per cent interest......... Bonds issued by School District No. 7, Springwells: $36,000 bearing 4 per cent interest... .-.s..+ Bonds issued by the Village of Fairview: $152,182.42 bearing 414 per cent interest; esti- mated proportion assumed by city, 84 per ROSE LOM pie do W teats ah: ae CM Ae ene a he we Oke neds Bonds issued by the Township of Grosse Pointe: $165,000 bearing 4 per cent interest; estimated proportion assumed by city, 18 per cent.... $50,000 bearing 4% per cent interest; esti- mated proportion assumed by city, 18 per GONG ge wien aye j Gikg be SI ee Boete caaete Siete ete 103 3,253 2,000 1,188 405 13 00 00 00 00 49 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Bonds issued by School District No. 8, Town- ship of Grosse Pointe: ’ $8,000 bearing 5 per cent interest............ 400 00 $20,000 bearing 41% per cent interest......... 900 00 PORTE el eee ee $ 315,696 62 Credits: Estimated percentages (so-called), being pen- alties collected on tax levy for fiscal year CTCL SP ULIees UU Ee eG hk hese ieee ees 8 $ 30,000 00 Surplus: Bi baa 0O eter ok OE es Pena eras ilies ode «a tle die diate 6,466 61 Transferred from Highteenth Ward account... 4,190 30 Estimated receipts from interest on daily bal- RIM Sc Cec cas ow ae ies aera e sia ioe « Beets 52,500 00 Total ‘GPOGTCR CRORE ss eis OY ee By Zp $..93,156:°91 RECAPITULATION. Total: InterGee: POO 8 cs Giese pee hab aed geet oe $ 315,696 62 GIR CITB Ai atereek a crechic aes bho eka s ses 93,156 91 DiOi A LORRI nett cook cdc cs sake migra a ee es $ 222,539 71 24 ‘DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS - ‘GENERAL FUND.: EXECUTIVE. Mayor’s Office: MaSOR wurde ik Shaw Shee oe eee ties: $ 5,000 00 Secretary )..keg. Aw, Adraligcrsee b . 2,500 00 Stenographer ..... Rh. a Sewn ace 1,200 60 LFURMION s Cdick Sek te cab ala a ade hal aah s i 480 00 Stationery ; CG. i kien ay ot cla oe ee cane 500 00 CONLIN SUL Lee cb sine Were Cite ae 500 00 a $ 10,180 00 LEGISLATIVE. Common Council: 36 Aldermen at $1,200 each....... $43,200 00 Messenger, 52 sessions, at $3...... 156 00 Stationery, newspapers, supplies, Bt Ra Sa aS Ee i's hie yeas 1,000 60 a 44,356 00 City Clerk’s Office: Cty RUG Ler hoe a ene Core on Ba: $ 4,000 00 Deputy CiHyC ter ewcs eis are cea 2,000 00 CRIOTRUCIETK (hy Matsa ate gees iace hk By iene 1,500 00 Journad ‘Glere sg. 904 Gewt JHkI a 1,500 00 Two Clerks at $1,200 each........ 2,400 00 SUGTIOS TADDON. Seiii wie ews Cai oistwee aie 1,034 00 Meshenwtete libs. nhs. tess Aes P84 360 00 Printing proceedings of Common Council and Board of Hstimates. 6,500 00 w Or MAINTENANCE OF ‘THE CITY GOVERNMENT Printing, stationery, postage, man- eke. a uals, newspapers, binding Coun- cil proceedings and Annual ‘Re- ports, and other supplies and of-- NCE CXUGMEOUI SE « ececccessdadnea 3,000 00 Common Council Committees: SOCTOLATY. ne sel at tices: «oy ea nhs $ 2,100 00 Clerk: bird gin: snaaiee «: TE athe ote oe. Gat OO Stationery, printing, postage and other miscellaneous expenses... 650 00 Automobile livery for committees. 750 00 ——— 4,100 vv Board of Estimates: Twenty meetings of Board at $205.$ 4,100 00 Auto service for committees...... 300 00 4,400 00 FINANCE. Controller’s Office: CONLTOMES Bh AAR Se ccsfe cca btoa ods $ 4,000 00 PIO DUCY = COMATORIBOD ocr oie <5, ere s00lb wae 2,500 00 General Bookkeeper ............. 1,500 00 Appropriation Bookkeeper........ 1,500 00 Pie SIE POLer. ate a's 45'4 Cs ss tao anal 1,500 00 Chief Clerk, General ere ory eanies foe 1,500 06 Entry Clery vi. foo ED 0, SG 1,500 00 Warrant. Clerk 2... AS. SR AIRS 1,200 00 Stenographer ...... Wh Ratt Pats Vansant 1,034 00 One CISL Va, FR. oN Spareetatordsstcndeet, 1,034 00° One GIST Vi, Feed. 4b Return teasctetstat ate 1,034 00 26 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Books, stationery, postage, print- ing estimates, annual report, ap- propriation books and miscel- laneous office supplies and ex- DENSS:... WE UW is daeeei bee oe 4,500 00 —_— City Treasurer’s Office: City LYCABUICr. cron vans ceaer ts $ 4,000 Deputy City Treasurer........... 2,000 Superintendent Tax Department.. 1,500 CESUtEl aie bea ck Gh Ce Tae eae 1,400 Agsintnnt Cashier. iwuis«s ae sh oes 1,200 PAVUIABLOL aries bin ots eee ka eee 1,320 Assistant Paymaster 2.334 oi 3 ooh 1,100 Bookkeepers (two) at $1,320 each. 2,640 Clerks (15) at $1,084 each........ 15,510 Messenger and Assistant Clerk... 600 Books, stationery, postage, tax re- ceipts, printing, annual reports, office supplies, incidentals, etc.. 3,200 Extra clerical help during July and MAME VISE SMe aaltepet gate atamn ath: 4,500 Personal tax collection §...0.0../0.".*. 500. Board of Assessors’ Office: Three Assessors at $3,000 each....$ 9,000 Three Assistant Assessors at $1,- BOO MRCOG: SOBEE wus Aces looses Ss 5,400 Chief i Clarke pee.es 05. 2aeeu ee, 2,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22,802 00 39,470 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Probate Récord CGlerk......#28.'). 1,034 00 Draughisma@n G2)... 0.2.05; cabaret na. beoe OD Twenty Clerks at $1,034 each..... 20,680 00 TRE TOTLE COIN © Wo er i 800 00 Books, stationery, printing postage, supplies and incidental office ex- DPOUBG Vera s vars ctr tre cre ree 3,000 00 Cmiet ACCOmnESNC, . oa. care vincals oieigat $ 2,250 00 First Assistant Accountant....... 1,200 00 Stationery and office expense..... 50 00 Sinking Fund Commission: Rent of StQOrnbiiOs 2 foun on bso unnsewdoKiano License Collection: Books, blanks, license tags and badges..... LEGAL. Corporation Counsel’s Office: Crinaration Couneel ys ask cise. $ 5,000 00 Chief Assistant Corporation Coun- SOUS s 75k CN ek eae a aa 2 3,000 00 One Assistant Corporation Counsel 2,500 00 One Assistant Corporation Counsel 2,000 00 Two Assistant Corporation Coun- Sela. S35 Min ORCI, vrata «+ 4.064 «0 3,600 00 One. Chief Wlert... 2... b echoes 1,200 00 One Stenographer ............... 1,200 00 One Stenographer ............... 900 00 44,448 00 3,500 00 200 00 1,000 00 28 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS One Street Opening Clerk........ 1,200 MeSBeNZOR Ty et ad diel Sew ida dies 480 Printing, stationery, postage, law books and miscellaneous sup- plies and office expense......... 1,200 Medico-legal expert to assist Com- mittee on Claims and Accounts and Corporation Counsel in the trial of damage cases, personal iN 1NPICE ine. WworaHAe. .s oA ko sia 1,200 JUSTICE. Police Court: Two Police Justices at $4,000..... $ 8,000 GIGEK. OF COUPE .o. bcais essa oat sess 1,800 Three Assistant Clerks at $1,500.. 4,500 Furniture, repairnig furniture, etc. 200 PUBLIC SAFETY. Boiler Inspector’s Office: . Boller Insect fo aioe a wo $ 1,800 Three Assistants, each $1,000..... 3,000 HG One ae ea eas Brace oti gs oe 1,034 Transportation for assistants..... 400 Transportation for office......... 120 Office supplies, etc........... Ligh oe 150 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $ $ $ 23,480 09 14,500 00 6,504 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 29 Department of Buildings: Chief Inspector of Buildings...... $ 2,000 00 MOURBEATY Go aae esac vee ei dee des 1,500 00 One Plan Examiner (who shall TNSTIO) OPEC DS ahve Saree « cluksi al os 1,500 00 One Inspector Elevators and Fire Becapesy MMos. waicp Peed eats 1,000 00 Three District Inspectors, $1,200 SAChies.aee nek: S5..GUBR.. s,....6000 3,600 00 Furniture and office supplies...... 500 00 Printing and incidentals.......... 250 00 a 10,350 00 Building Inspector’s Office: Onsie), Buildinge--Imnspeetor:........56.6. decease $ 1,200 00 ELECTIONS. Election Expenses, 1908-1909, 144 Precincts: Enrollment, August, 1908: Election houses, putting up, repairs £0, LUD, AGC ORD sos tess thasenche Ge tees) $ 1,500 00 432 Registrars, one day, at $4 per GAG. i 2c a a aes Oe CE Cty ke ON 1,728 00 PA PCUBAIN Eo Ne. ee tgs oe ene « 150 00 PGRES TIS De oe Saike. a. 5 aeons x 100 00 PRIUS Soca ete ay feet Coe 200 00 Copying enrollment books........ 200 00 Supplies (2.0020. Jae bie. bres 200 00 Maps eros Me: 800.0 6.0... 89% - Bae 50 00 —_———_—$ 4,128 00 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Primary Election, Sept. 1, 1908: Election houses, repairs to, fuel, Eh Uy Prien eee teh ecre ee ELS, $ 300 864 Inspectors, 1 day, at $4 per day 3,456 144 Gatekeepers, at $3 each....... 432 Advertising Cats. sands deeiebees 150 Posting notices”... OMFS) gin 100 SUDDIICS Ser ce reek Ce cee ee ore 200 Moving and preparing ballot boxes 206 RR I Poe a a le ik oo a's 2h Bee ele 300 Central Counting Board, tally GEER NOLO! 5.52. dss eee eee 500 Primary Election, Sept. 21, 22 and 23, 1908: Election houses, repairs to, fuel, Bic.) HE MRSS Hee oe ena $ 600 432 Inspectors, 3 days, $4 per day. 5,184 Advertisingyic Ree eh ih cis Pace lecats ane 275 Posting notices,.....Sek Ae Fe tet 125 FG SOOKE Bias > 2 B00 150 00. Poll’ DOOES ppBtG) im ‘se he e.g ew os . 225 00 Moving and preparing ballot boxes 250 00 Election Commission ............ 1,000 00- Printing jot G'c 2. & smaly cle eh ieee tlk 200 00 Central Counting Board, clerks, ; tally sheets, supplies, etc....... 1,000 00 Spring Registration, 1909: 432 Registrars, 2 days at $4 each. .$ 3,456 00 SSITHIGS cal abil e. wi tatieis a oh cae 275 00 Spring Election, 1909: 864 Inspectors, at $6 each........ $ 5,184 00 288 Clerks, iat @@-each,,.......-:: 1,728 00 144 Gatekeepers, at $3 each....... 432 00 Advertisingiak H66 ...esved: detlact « 150 00 POSting -NOMOCORG Bs eo eke 2 ee 75 00 SHUDILCS «Ab Me > se bane coe va be 200 00 Mapa. Vee nee a etn sas “ 75 00 POL DOOKS; PEGS. 6b ide ve ae ee 250 09 Moving and preparing ballot boxes 275 00 Hlection Commission ............ 1,250 00 Printings 2 oi sn ab 4 cia ee eS 200 00 Central Counting Board, clerks, | tally sheets, supplies, etc....... 2,500 00 Storage of 17 voting machines............ .- 6,703 00 3,731 00 12,319 00 60 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 33 PUBLIC ADVERTISING. Official advertising, including tax Slee 2 ee. Ee hed ae aes Ges oes $ 6,500 00 Legal Advertising: Such advertisements as are re- quired by law to be published -in one paper in addition to the official papBRéA .0D. Maa w . TI 000.00 Foreign Advertising: Advertisements in foreign lan- guages, limited by law to $3,000 BUSI eae cee re eho Ces 3,000 00 —$ 10,500 00. MISCELLANEOUS. r Storekeepenwurwienseen?. foe Rk. J $ 1,034 00 Assistant Storekeeper ............. 1,034 00 Custodian of City Records......,.>.2% + 1,034 00 Water for charitable institutions.... 1,500 00 Band concerts at Water Works Park 500 00 a —$ 5,102 00 To pay the city’s portion of the ae claim of the Cleveland Trinidad ag AY VR _ Paving Co. against the Village of Po Veles - Fairview, amounting to $46,571.29, Et a for paving Jefferson avenue, as- signed to the First National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio, estimated at 85 per cent Vi.idicedevecie doe OOPS $39,585 59 34 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS City’s portion of interest, at 5 per cent, on $11,328.29 from Nov. 26, 1906, to July 1, 1908, estimated at SHOPS VSWR ONAN As oie cr mrernerns. es 766 35 City’s portion of interest, at 5 per cent, on $35,248, from Dec. 10, 1906, to July 1, 1908, estimated at S65" per cent, ......5 dle hope ear! 2326/76 DETROIT MUSEUM OF ART. Maintenance: Salaries ii cere. COs oy AL ee Bw. k $11,000 00 CEU Rats Te cc ty ns vohatahe oki ede tls te 1,000 00 Repairs and improvements....... 1,500 00 General Cxpenges o...- 0.2 sseesees 1,100 00 RL GE A ce wieet sg 2 eee the tna ie aia che 600 00 TARO CTADG TOWEL oboe ste ele Ca, wale 50 00 BUC) oie cee bs oe ER ore Bree 600 00 UNG Ra Ce eae UR a ay tate larg 200 00 LADPATY 4. coke ee eee ee Oe oe 200 00 HSnipifions,’, Pre bes suka e tere tee 700 00 Purchase additions to Museum col- leGtions vee tree eee tere ee eters 1,000 00 To pay outstanding note.......... 6,800 00 Mepis Lil Seren tea te ath ecate leek aia osedell “score MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE. Estimated balance July 1.......... $ 12,000 00 Estimated income from licenses, franchises, @toiiawolina. deh. oso 105,000 00 Net totabttenerab Pung iii. ..5 ess cme oes 42,678 $ 24,750 $ 410,183 $ 117,000 $ 293,183 79 00 = 79 i 00 70 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERN MENT PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT FUND. For commemoration of Memorial Day, 1909...$ 400 For general entertainments and celebrations. . 750 Total Publie Entertainment FPund........ $ 1,150 STREET OPENING FUND. To pay the city’s portion of the assessments for opening the following streets: Award of jury in matter of opening Beau- bien street from Smith avenue to north- erly. Oty. AsmeER ss Gus ba Hb be ok es Xs Rieke oe $ 86,287 Court expenses; expert testimony, interest on TTL. AWE NAE BLES 2 tS essere bees: Pe 5,000 Common Council Commitiees: Draughtsman to assist Committee on Street Openings, under direction of Secretary of Committees, in making and preparing maps and assessment districts, etc....... 720 OUD ae elude pidea bi hepietitn Simian dd erie (e's = ulin dis $ 92,007 Less estimated balance July 1....3.......... 5,720 66 00 00 66 00 66 36 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS FIRE DEPARTMENT RETIRED AND PENSION FUND. (See Secs. 441-452, Chapter 16, City Charter.) Pallas YOO EO th tele tees foci aid merical? iia iene $ 300 00 Sei cR OL GEE vt UPTO oct. ot, en ag ae ig ee 300 00 Catharine Coughlan ¢ 4:15’. vis apcetesinn tabi ie 300 00 Biaieeeth. FLODPISOR: 4), tac. vr satis bts kale saaeeaaiee 300 00 VAI DORE VG MOIS O Ys OU ee ga hue dace So 577 50 PULLER CEAE A EMV So's )G Gee Cates noel tale © aimtce be ik aie 300 00 Roe TL ae CAT ga a ee eh ik oe eed 577 50 HOBO ENE LOLS tas scbh Lic -x 5k eu ae Med SAG ei ee 300 00 PE OEM ts be geal ng Bnei 6 Ue nu ok 300 00 WIIG CVV 8) SAT CLOW 5 cn Gk ohn 6 a od sty ee 450 00 ESO BEL CAPES” ie yeas enlaces einile te ony os 6 enenerah een 425 00 Esther Fortuneid, fisanck a0. wed eset. ad. Wats 300 00 Wan. Poley ..d Sins ) aeswus itioe®. aio thee _ 450 00 TASER CRO PT Oi sc so be iv sb yo o'atunlew alu REMMI. TR 300 00 Mary Dianivan, dun catiohs ibeesest caus seins baie 300 00 Catherine F.Gonane : «sh sss. ss 66 «emaeee 300 00 (Fearee Ws Lig ee re ne tel eee eee 450 00 Bertha M. Regentine:s sc. dc ss sual cette 300 00 EE CAG Yc dl ER UE Ce are SANK ME iy ORE ANE 450 00 PrODYG Mh. BRQUOCR. Sc seu cole s ainy & uly eae aie ried 600 00 JOU DECKCOTTON 4... x. singe. Duet eae kok seats wiele 575 00 Peter Cfuwite acer ee ere tates cee ete. is 600 00 award: C, Danwei sh. J vied calle Gay aateetehd atace 6 480 00 SOG IW CWO. PUG Ad o's ws Sen well he ata 450 00 Tilia 1, Taverne. Peele REI Ce ee ey 300 00 Caroline J. McNamara? .i..0. TiN. 9O0leN. ek 300 00 Write PerTia oe 5 oe via ete eh eas hele web te te ites 450 00 Willan Sermtanawyrs balietiden Ceecianssdesensncke 240 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Papiace’o, HOGER <8 e8 SOe Sadetab.' 300 00 Tose Branta yy. 67.62 Es a Oe 450 00 PEP IVC VILL es ea ee Pe ea ik he ee teeta 300 00 woorge- "A. “Ropineons. es Phi rw. shiek) mate 600 00 ee es MOOT arty es Po Se a ee 600 00 Varma WEIS Wor Pets ve tse teas Mae 450 00 Brack Welteel ©. eee ene ek eee 625 00 eines J: ‘MeKomanr.. islet. ee oeln 600 00 SERN FRTOUMERERTL, Wetace We temiaer fa aotie: o,b-s,0. 5,3, 0\e/atseyh,e oR 300 00 em ech. Brera OSS ee kk ae 300 00 peg ME SCS 92: ok On a ea ae a a 1,000 00 miperadO Maver r. fe Pee ia eee ee ae 600 00 SERIA WOGE OU she. fh. ee eee Pea eee 600 00 WOME ODOR as iy tke eA eee eee ok git 2,000 00 Giierres s MEMIChsel ere Frere Pee ae ee ee es 550 00 Pee TR, cea See eden Pinte a eke onsale cl he eave 500 00 Matthew HE. Plunkete.y. 408. 44Rayiee.. 2. 400 00 nrieries:. Goebel. 225. tei). ba ewes oe es 500 00 Pi gh OVE TT, PRES MIRE DOE peeked IAN WA etre AR ON ra 450 00 MowardiB.. Stephane ¢ Pee ACG. ccc cease 500 00 EY SGT Rehr Pes ARLE TCRR ICRRY ay ae MpO NU RA 300 00 Anna Staub, including pension from February a4 rane aU SoU PGT ANMUMt. |r. tessa eee es 405 00 ta ae Fe). TI ee el Tee oa $ 23,305 00 POLICE PENSION FUND. (See Secs. 699-706, Chap. 22, City Charter.) Ida’ Shoemakenos . ws). 22. oi}. wards hnvews. wih $ 300 00 CR. AS VE et ia alate thats alate legate 300 00 Wideitie F. Kimball... sf. 0. os (aaa sod 300 00 DCGMM Se tOwWart ook... UST ways) of wnt 60 00 38 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Charlotte A. Heigho........ bene ete tole tote oe ee wes 300 00 Hargid Heighe sew... ccea rete cts dena d oe 60 00 Rachel E. Daley.......... SURED DEDLEDN NE Oe 300 00 Theresa Betzing ...... eee Tee EE 300 00 Elmer Betzing ...... oy ta 4 Me Me MNS SSS ee 60 00 RPOOTES Betzing? <5... 600k CERAA SASS HEREN 6 OT 60 00 RJOCHIA BOLZANE. oi ses anvcn een ssGaG sneer were 60 00 Siivmetina Wailson .csissasnknnsun eee eee 300 00 PARTIES WILSGRe on win ke nde ayers ean eeueme wae 60 00 PiGied) VV 11SOTh. 4.45546 eeh eu ee setae ann ON 60 00 MING AV IIBOR: we cain teas ces eee ca onan Tete 60 00 GUNG WIKON cn ens cne keene Sansn rebate heen 60 00 ROLAL: AGN 044 4 CARR ENNALS ESHER RR HERR Me $ 2,640 00 GENERAL ROAD FUND. Maintenance of Streets: PAVEMENTS. REPAIRING, PATCHING AND RESURFACING. ASPHALT—Labor and material for resurfacing the fol- lowing streets: Alexennrin’, Third to Fourth. ote $ 1,450 Canned: "THInd to WOuUrel: Poss o'elsicre te wets le ake 1,410 Canfield, Collins to Mt.’ Blliott. 2.2.0. .2.47..... 10,185 CLAP, (DEK BOC TI BEAT. slew sin pete sels «hala dew 5,385 Columbia, Woodward to Beaubien............ 7,000 Commonwealth, Grand River to 50 feet south POLS OIGEN “(CC a CER ewe S RW Wen ie AN REO 1,225 Forest, Twelfth. to -Wabash.s...e. cs ean He 4,850 Fourteenth, Bagg to Grand River............. 33,471 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 00 00 Fourteenth, Grand River to Putnam...... ae 9,050 Fourteenth, Kirby to Boulevard.............. 26,750 Jefferson, Woodward to Wayne.............. 10,125 John R., Woodward to Broadway............. 2,720 Jos. Campau, Sherman to Waterloo.......... 11,391 Monroe, Woodward to Randolph (north side). 4,565 Palmer, Brush to St. Antoine........5.0...... 3,700 Sibley, Woodward to Cass................... 4,260 Third, Selden to Alexandrine................ 2,440 Trumbull, Grand River to Alexandrine........ 6,255 Twelfth, Michigan to Myrtle...............0 ~ 16,805 Vinewood, Fort to Lafayette................. 3,460 Warren, Humboldt to Twenty-fourth (north RIGOR BAe ocean se vine eth Hie east EEO, St. 9,000 Willis, Third to Greenwood.................. 3,615 EMR a oh ake seat e ban) te WRAARE OL REN, $ 179,112 For patching sheet asphalt pavement......... 25,000 Pee Gs SRITETONG LS LP EL LEG: 6) oh nea as orloy WN Urtgve au.evind a4 oho Pode? wba 204,112 00 BRICK—Labor and material for resurfacing the following streets: Abbott, Trumbull to Twelfth (between tracks) .$ Champlain, Dequindre to St. Aubin........... Champlain, Mt. Elliott to Boulevard.......... Chene; Catherine to Gratiot yy ee Gene; Canfield to Perrys sis: sar ceie nk oe Chene, Milwaukee to Boulevard.............. Borest, Hastings to Russell oon esis wns eneione Grand River, Kirby to old city line........... GraGetrY ant Dyke to Cranes ios ccecee awe Sa 1,175 31,050 18,009 00 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Howard, Seventeenth to Twenty-third........ 11,175 00 Humboldt, Michigan to Butternut............ 4,990 00 Jefferson W., McKinstry to. Junction.......... 8,391 00 Jos..Campau (tracks), Sherman to Waterloo.. 3,390 00 Mt. Elliott, Waterloo to.Mack. w. ..% «ive. . 18,850 00 Porter, Fourteenth to Twenty-fourth.......... 20,043 00 Porter, Vinewood to Scotten. .seccice. oie dyed 6,950 00 Riopelle, Canfield to Hancock,.. s.s.......00% 5,770. 00 Rose, Eighteenth to Twentieth............... 3,015 00 St. Antoine, Canfield to Forest............... 3,651 00 St: Aubin, Guoin to Atwater. .....0. 02. Heel: 2,240 00 Seottens Buchanan to Warren, sitstew?. 22 .% 13,150. 00 Sixth, Locustdte; Baggiyuciyieovw Tl. os . bode 5,550 00 ak imetien. pace to Linden. . Wo «esa 4 ce mune 12,690 00 Tenth, Howard to Leverette................. 7,884 00. Twelfth, Marquette to Boulevard............. 6,352 00 Watson, Hastings to Russell................. 4,775 00 LUST heestors Set Ne teeters © ce ki ater oe Fee ee ers $ 243,824 00 Kor patching brick DAVEMeENE: case eee coos ob 25,000 00 Total DriGks sce ve. onc eee Oh. kee DI Be $ 268,824 00 CEDAR—Labor and material for resurfacing the following streets: Alexandrine, Lincoln to Commonwealth...... $ 1,880 scot.,Orleans to St: AUDIN. Ack ays eenel dite 2,920 Standish, Twentieth to Beecher.............. 1,880 Dhith.jefterson to Mort... 643s. ss swine ne. ee 3,065 LOLRL A Sistas PSEC co Nee sks eee canes Pen $ 9,745 For patching cedar pavements............... 25,000 MOtAl CEdaY va.. bi. \ss s:0.00% oe wee eee A $ 34,745 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 41 CREOSOTED. BLOCK—Labor and material for resurfacing the following.streets: .. Feetvarwen. 0 Grand: River. So) 2. s. os heer $ 11,560 00 SUT ae OLA VV ee oe te ere oe ere ee 10,462 00 Total creosoted blocK::...:.......e.eee00s $ 22.022 00 MEDINA BLOCK—Labor and material for resurfacing the following streets: Twelttm Jefferson to. Ports... .icduss od. ola $ 4,340 00 For resurfacing and repairing pavements be- tween and along tracks,.Detroit Railway...$ 25,000 00 Recapitulation—Resurfacing, Patching. em UMTS LEU. hei cae aoa ae te te © Scala eho eimiets $ 204,112 00 Te MERSIN rc a: arn Ceara te ek oa a We cane ued has 268,824 00 PE a REE aE TRIE SoS I aR SE AN a a READ ET ap Ol 34,745 00 CMMI CCD LOC Vis bs a see Ua 8 oe aise fae ae ad ok 22,022 00 Reais OIIOK Cake oleh tek deka on so 4s Sead rs 4,340 00 RIEU Wet ay | LEAS ic 5 & bcc omis sds bt.6.uncmue ae 25,000 90: Total repairing and resurfacing.......... $ 559,043 00 REPAVING. papas Asphalt: ¥ Bagg, Wabash to Sixteenth.................. $ 8,660 00 Eemeee rete FATED Oi ok kia melee db teaoes 12.460 00 Clinton, Jos. Campau to Elmwood............ 9,752. 00 Fifth, Michigan to Grand River............... 27,860.00: Jos. Campau, Waterloo to Hendricks......... 5,825 00 Mullet, St! Aubin to. Jos: Campaw............. 8948 13,390 00 42 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Orchard, Grand River.to Fourth.............. 10,060 Plum; Fifth’ to Brooklyn... 2. 0... .aietds. aelw 6,120 Seotten, diafevette to Dix... 5. scyeyea-m pre ibs 20,210 Second, Michigan to Grand River............. 13,320 Goruce wii to rumbulss oie i.e os elev wees 13,310 Third, Alexandrine to Canfield............... 7,570 PR OLAT ASUS tenn eid RWS ala bn sad ate een $ 148,537 Brick: Adelaide, Riopelle to Gratiot...............5. $ Toth Beacon, Beaubien to St. Antoine............. 3,860 Columbia, St. Antoine to Rivard.............. 10,250 Division, Orleans to St. Aubin................ 7,410 Elmwood, Hendricks to Mack................ 19,105 Howard, Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth...... 3,022 AM ViNten PEE ERY A PLOTE Os hie ginyy Subp via atelels o ees 8,530 Larned, St. Antoine to Russell... .... 0000.0... 17,000 Mt. Hilliott, Jefferson to: St."Pauli i. seal. 23,585 Orieans. Atwater fo, PTankiin. occ ..ccce ce ce 3 4,000 Porter, s. of bridge, Fourteenth to alley E.... 790 Twenty-fourth, Jefferson to Fort.............. 4,060 Woodbridge, Woodward to Bates............. 2,680 ee brigk 4 20y 4 ke ole eee eee ae $ 111,867 Dressing stone and other miscellaneous repav- ing) expenses .........- Rea Pe Rb nas WPA TS $ 7,009 PEEPORE ERED ALE 15, ote WLrets & caer a aicke Minn alee Bia aetna 2 $ 148,537 PPC et seh eae en Cee kates AE RRs pn WM 111,867 TITESIO eR ORLONe A OhES MR Nee ak a oa ee ore ole 7,000 Wetal repaying. ..;... moped wel at aid $ 267,404 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0) oY 00 00 00 00 00 00 OH. 00 bet) 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY :GOVERNMENT 43 CLEANING AND SPRINKLING STREETS AND ALLEYS. SRI Bh a i ile ae os i ee $ 27,000 00 Ward....2. «. *ea..pe0tinneiatod. .ciedes - bite. .: 22,000. 00 Ward 3. .Secccceccccccsccssece 3s. PE TITIAR « 12,000 00 Ward 6 45.0 SPO oe ea ee OO Peet Pee ee 17,000 00 Wards Os 0 Tana, oes ae aren BAUS. Ba Sane 10,000 00 Wg aps Re Nin Sy Ali LT Gee Rie eee tia .. 10,000 00 WEP at ee ON fone, eer en Toa 10,000 00 WV OEOMASe BRINE, a oe es Ne ee dt) LO ORr Ee MEGLAN ENO, ROMA Te PAS RP OMEN Gis eee TREE ban REN 9,000 00 Ward 10........ 2 lh RIP EN RRR 5 SRN .. 11,000 00 (WOITIN . e aa ca cs s BH ES Weble ockele demos 9,500.00 Ss RE Py eer ees eS ge ee ae ee ee ere ree 9,000 00 W arenes. Os Pp tgre en: Soe aee. RAM 9,000 00 NUR ND MEIN cE PE, hah cereus teas Nins vad lc fer a G's serosa het wtatsvatane 8,500 00 Ad Si pA RD 0 baoty) MO an a Dar at eth Fae ad Manan 8,500 00 Ue YAEL oe ee bt ck Belay seed Sb odd oe its 9,500 00 Ward. dl. oc.0. 5: as. ke soabiii: os Ht pa LK 14,000 00 Warde l8s 00 Ol; Resse phelilas caste tebe st alan thine 0 13,000 00 White Wing service WAIAPR Peay, WSR. 8 tifa. 45,000. 00 Flushing streets ..... SORE TERRE opt 25,000 00 Machine sweeping ............ VAR 3 oars Btha 11,000 00 Repairs to street cleaning machinery......... 1,000 00 Biggniies SMOG 106 6 ket rise ne ne a we ee 5,000 00 Sprinkling streets, newly paved and around DORN MOURA ER ike Sachs ts ich Ble decinn oh «0 8, Gah 0 tha 1,500 00 ‘Total cleaning and sprinkling............ $ 307,500 00 44 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS SIDEWALKS. Lumber for general repairs to sidewalks, cross- walks, new and repair, intersections, new BM MAN oIY, CUIVOTLE LOLl. os caa a ae ch ncan us nae $ 20,000 00 Labor and material (except lumber) for repair- ing wood sidewalks, building wood cross- walks, intersections, culverts, etc.......... 13,000 00 Sidewalk inspection ................eeeeeeee 3,744 00 Lumber INEDECLOP 4. bce ay nck ve ance See 720 00 Cement walk Russell and Erskine, sides East- OER WL aE Egle TR Goa Mapes lad Saige Slag MRP AE ol ge ah ab 0k 350 00 Building and repairing stone intersections and repairing natural stone sidewalks.......... 25,000 00 OL SSO WEL Rd tak ins oh emeks $ 62,814 00 BRIDGES, CITY DOCKS AND FOUNTAINS. ‘ Bridges: W. Fort St. River Rouge Bridge, sal- Gaggeotitendér sciud Sows Aku Fits ss $ 100 00 W. Jefferson River Rouge Bridge, re- TIGER ety, 35 ki ois Gives ie kiko Siete) 400 00 Fifteenth St. Bridge, resurfacing RCL OPIVOWEAY oh, crt ase Was 4 alte 1,500 00 Twelfth St. Bridge, repairs......... 7,000 00 General repairs to bridges Pee 5,000 00 —— $ 14,000 09 Docks: ‘General repairs to docks..... AVIA TA BSIEGS 1,000 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Fountains: Repairs and maintenance.............6.... agsee AAU Bagley Fountain: Cleaning, repairs, care and ice............... 500 Total bridges, city docks and fountains...$ 16,500 GENERAL MAINTENANCE. Storage Yards, Etce.: Eastern Yards—Yardmaster, watchmen and SRDMOEGE, TAME ois eek 5 de tras oe ae ay a8 $ 4,500 Western Yards—Yardmaster, watchmen and TOTO Ry VER ie vd oe Rlade Geld’ s ein did ee vee 4,500 Spur track into Eastern Storage Yard........ 2,000 Repairs to buildings, fences, etc.: Va MRR ORE URMRRE Sec rn Vacs car aia Gig a a wah ss)4 648 500 POMBCOrU WOM a he Cet aoe ea dina s tacg ee. 250 Fence on old reservoir site............0.000. 450 Road rollers, engineers, etc., repairs and sup- Te eet le alata ea tara ace oe Bias wie aed 6 4 tes 4,000 Transportation for City Engineer’s Dept...... 1,400 Setting stakes and cost of same.............. 2,500 Tools and repairs to same, instruments and WISE TEE ie is do heike wi inh te shih ob ga d< Bg 2,500 POREAROn BTC ORE TEED 6 ioc als ob bikie od nae Melvin ¥ 900 Team for district superintendents............ 1,050 SOMME TTR Be eins ce ta ice o 45 4+ ede medis 800 Hauling old materials from streets to storage DOERR FSR eas es MS hohe ojo. ce aig nie 0.6 ie p diel ys 3,000 Removing dead and dangerous trees.......... . 2,000 PACS sess cae didarenotenh wueealle 1,000 45 00 00 00) 46 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Automobile of Commissioner, maintenance and EARS GS coos vo is in, ie oop aah», b digesta 4 SRC LPAD Ces oo eh Se tie, ek Ci ML ite tm COBLINESNCIOS ic. cs suo n vhs chs aoe ee Total general maintenance..............- $ - IMPROVEMENTS. Improvement of Streets— Pavements: For paving intersections, streets and alleys, Original Paving. 6s... 5.608 $60,000 00 Inspection, assessment work........ 10,500 00 Grading newly opened streets....... 7,500 00 $ Greenwood Ave. Subway, balance account M. General Improvements: Street signs and labor putting up....$ 500 00 One street flushing machine........ 1,000 00 Total improvement streets............06- $ Miscellaneous Improvements— Cement walk, west side Scotten, be- teen Porter and Howard........ ..3 300 00 New bridge on Alter road.......... 1,000 00 Two new bridges at Light House.. 3,000 00 New Dock, foot of Dubois street, east Ge mmeraay (oS? REY Me eee 1,350 00 . 1,200 600 250 33,400 1,500 79,813 5,650 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT ASPHALT PLANT. Maintenance— Salaries: BULL. EAS IeL GG vc ccc atevahd en alele a's $ 3,000 00 Superintendent for both plants...... 1,500 00 POPGMaN? svacetw ets ere ec eetal cern. 1,200 00 crs Sundries: Tools and repairs to tools and plants.$ 750 00 Supplies for laboratory............. 300 00 HGR) COTE Bie hee wcaissa oe mma oe 250 00 PEOLGIATHAIILOMOAD COME. wii Wt hl swe sacs edd $ improvements— Additional appropriation for stone aid sand siete. . 4 38h. ee $ 500 00 TWE000l Wamani cio tae) ha 68 8 REE TE 100 00 Total improvements, BADDSIE: BIRR id cs ete $ RECAPITULATION. Repairing, patching and resurfaceing......... $ RepPSvinw ss Se Sivek ces eee eiA Rh, .. 2702s Cleaning and sprinkling streets and cleaning GOVE) So UU AUT Ee Bel dd tdnalg ail ddine MSO: Sidewalks, crosswalks, intersections, new and repair (wodd? am@. @tone)...n0 86... ee Bridges, docks and fountains................. General maintenance....... ciabs iwteia'd bias Wate elas 1,300 7,000 559,043 267,404 307,500 62,814 16,500 33,400 47 00 00 00 00 48 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Improvement of streetS...'..... ic: iy? ok) Sa 79,813 00 Miscellaneous improvements...............85 1: 5,650 .00. Asphalt plant, salaries and maintenance...... -- 7,000 00 Asphalt plant, improvements.............eee. 600 00 Total General,Road Fund...........++...5+ $1,339,724 00 Credits: Estimated balance June 30, 1908....$60,005 06 Less unexpended appropriation al- lowed for construction of Munici- ea Brick “Plaats ie des. saateltg ode 44,994 94 —#——_ 105,000 00 Net total General Road Fund.............. $1,234,724 00 GRADE SEPARATION FUND. Improvements. Balance of award Greenwood avenue.$10,000 00 Awards, Junction avenue........... 39,000 00 LOCAL is se piss pn abd PAT RACH Rit fy IA i PU ie WeaEage $ 49,000 00 PUBLIC SEWER FUND. Maintenance. Public Sewers: Cleaning And .repaiirS.. .0ic.ecieieiees $ 8,000 00 Old receiving basins, cleaning and ROPORIA. |s Sisewn wena ween k eee eee 15,000. 00 » Repairs to Swain ave. sewer outlet. 1,500 00 $ 24,500 00 MAINTENANCE OF ,RHE- CITY {OVERNMENT Lateral Sewers and Manlioles: - : Cleaning and pepeirs Be Te Mirhinf...v¢ ‘e. .. OS “s%dp a General Maintenance: ' eid Three chief sewer inspectors on pub- lic and lateral sewers, 52 weeks +} at $24 per week, each..........,.$.3,744 00 Three sewer superintendents, pe weeks at $27 per week, each, Cinding Norge: |. 2. vexemihe le Okey 4,212 00. One clerk, 52 weeks at $21 per week, . including Sundays .,......... aes 1,092 .00. Cement. inspection. . : deat.» > ane rept 800, 00 Tools and repairs for same......... 800 00 Car fare—tappers and laborers.... 800 00 Automobile for sewer. department Leneineera? V2.4.....+ ameenay apie tye _ 1,300. 00 Maintenance,Of Same... ..csesseesss 500 00 Fence for Solvay Co. account Schroeder avenue sewer.......... 489 00 FAIRVIEW PUMPING STATION. Maintenance and Salaries: Crier PHSINGET SS OA, $ 900 00 Two assistants, $720 each........... 1,440 00 Coal, Oll, WASLOR ORGS 0 56 ois ee cece ys 880 00 Contingencies, repairs, etc.......... 200 00 Total Maintenance 49 16,000: 00 14,787 00 3,42 00 58,707 00 50 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Improvements. - : baal Waterman avenue, Sec. 3—from al- [OF IN. Gal POLG TO Ui Ki cents he 0 e050 $36,080 00 Waterman avenue, Sec. 4—From Dix tosSouthern. oo)... ee 28,517 00 Waterman avenue, Sec. 5—From Southern to Michigan............ 24,097 00 Fort street, from Field avenue to POLY HBi ss Lae wiki biiolere Seemeatee ore oo 13,160 00 Twenty-eighth street, from McGraw to atley. orth. aac ae + ee ee ets 1,215 00 Carbon avenue, Sec. 1, from Carbon and Woodmere avenues to Fort street: o4 scemet ct stele wekae ee 33,350 00 Carbon avenue, Sec. 2, from Wood- mere, in Fort street, Elsmere, Blackstone and Lawndale avenues, to Homer “aventie. bfesssegreeeed: 27,695 00 Campbell avenue outlet, extend 149 OGL). chink saeka eke eee eee ee es 10,830 00 Sewer arm in Porter street, between Vinewood and West Grand Boule- Yard ....A82 Ne oe. ee. 3 1,750 00 In Gratiot avenue from Woodward avenue to Farmer street.......... 2,800 00 ————$ 179,494 00 Lateral Sewers, Miscellaneous: Oity arms) i MOe Mom eck cs sececccd $ 8,000 00 Inspection of lateral sewers, cement ' for same, manhole covers, cast- ings, grates, ete., for public and fabergl SeWeNR eUIGU. cea adeeb awd 2,000 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 51 EN ee eS ee Labor and material, building new. re- GOealie DABTNNE Gs os swe eaeh ss 30,000 00 Advertising for public and lateral sewer contracts and material..... 300 00 40,300 00 SOCAL 1MMBTO VOU ONUS ac... concrete Piss woe at $ 219,794 00 RECAPITULATION. Raintonantee ie we eee $ 58,707 00 ORES ER Regaine Mpeg Me Ra ag ei 219,794 00 -Total Public Sewer Fund...... $ 278,501 00 Less estimated balance July 1..... $ 20,000 00 Less estimated balance public and lateral sewer assessments and re- DPELER ToCe yy Ree ee Ste ee 5,000 00 Awe NMR Tae 2 ae ee $ 25,000 00 Net total Public Sewer Fund........... $ 253,501 00 ($175,000 to be in bonds.) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL FUND. Maintenance—Salaries. COMM iasion em: hee ys 5 Apes LAS > $ 5,000 00 Secretary’s Office: BOCTEtAET OR HP PORE ee $ 2,500 00 ‘Ghiet Clef POk win ekie vw’ 1,500 00 a DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS $ Stenographer ...... wee. Whats ee tees 900. 00 BookKkeepane DRGs eee cw ae acces 1,500 00 First Assistant Bookkeeper.:...... ' 1,200 00 Paving and Sewer Record Clerk... 1,100 00 @ Veoticher Clerics... cies cee's 1,034 00 MONE OUAGLOI iais5 . Gatas 5 beh date onc 1,034 00 Assessment Roll Clerk...........: 1,034 00 TUCO UGE Co sas hola. Sivbise bunds Sb eids 1,034 00 Description Clerkyv.cgiys. ssi ets 1,034 00 Two Sidewalk Clerks, $1,034 each. 2,068 00 MACE YAN STIOCUOR ose a'k sy Bink a alate : fe BO POM VEOX DOULA gece ie ide cei tata Giors 1,500 00 Two District Superintendents, MTORR: RUPUCIN GS Wicca tc ahd oa ceca seh neha eee Bate 3,200 00 One Superintendent .............. 1,500 00 Superintendent of Permits........ 1,800 00 PTDL Cle a Lea he ee eee le Male 720 00 City Engineer’s Office: CACe. ee eC ee cay eases | pete ee $ 4,000 00 General AHRISERNT) 40 screws a cols 2,000 00 Asarstant "Engineer. >... ss... 1,500 00 Assistant Hngineéer. « .ssn.ia » Lae 1,500 00 ABBIBtANt PO SinGOl oer. eaisle arts 1,500 00 Assistant Kngineer ............-. 1,400 00 Assistant formimmeer ..-... ors teu. 1,200 00 Map'‘and Record Clerks}: oda nncncs 1,500 00 DPAURDISMEN sais cea chee Naren ee 1,200 00 Draughtsman ..... Tisieovveediss 1200 O Dravghtaman” Wye. oer Mk 1,200 00 Transitmane ae 2, Ape eet eeehe 1,200 00 Transit app BAA weiwasd sy ed eek 1,200 00 30,358 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE: CITY GOVERNMENT 53 Clerk, Assessment Rolls.......... 1,100 00 Lie VeEler pny 0 BOE 5s djcicacisctaeerne chee 1,100 00 Draughtsm@P 08... . ........<. a tksttles 1,034 00 DYaugnts pan -ses eee de ei eae: 1,034 00 Rodmen (five at $1,034 each)..... 5,170 00 ——————-$ 30,038 00 Otel ORM dee, aio ede ae cuca eae 60,396.00 Less estimated receipts from Gas POR RORED epea I Ba RLY NEL’ Galare wand fo; ete ae. $ 59,196 00 Printing, supplies and stationery............. 2,500 00 Gas Inspector’s Office: APParatus MNGi BUP oles . ee e eeeee e s ren ' 175 00 Transportation: V. ose rs A. ion lw anda eh by on f, © shanty te 73 20 Stationery ...... a ee a wove eed a oe ee re 5 00 IGE LOLA WIA DN 2 Doct wa ae oe'co ads 2 baie ewe § $. 61,949 20 PUBLIC BUILDING FUND. CITY HALL. Maintenance. Engineer’s Department: Salaries, Etc.: cans EGRET [Oe TT ee a a $ 1,200 00 Assistant Engineer (Elevator and Lighting Department), 366 days BU Sel Bt als BGK wc viens hile vintaleate ath 1,006 50 Three Elevator Conductors, at S720: cachis... Rowden bil nek 2,160 00 54 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Fuel dor hestts WW... ce ew AS 3,000 00 BURL D TRL s VO Ne adh cs ai nace tate teen telte tates 100 00 Elevator insurance ........e.ee-. 80 00 ——_—__——-$ 7,546 50 General Maintenance: Carpenter and helper............. $ 800 00 General repairs to building....... 600 00 Washing painted walls........... 250 00 Painting roof of City Hall........ 100 00 ’ ere 1,750 00 Janitors’ Department: Chief SADILOD! five hte fee ferrePes $ 900 00 Four Assistant Janitors, at $720 BON yc Pel oP e ES OSS VENT USAT 2,880 00 Eight Janitresses, 314 days each, BU SL. DO Sy oa ero eet dees toes 3,768 00 One Matron, Ladies’ Toilet Room, BRS At SO ioe soe 471 00 Supplies, including ice, disinfect- POG OL Gude os le cate cae oR Re 600 00 neat 8,619 00 Miscellaneous: SAP OL CLOCKS. .G wcikik sais ae $ 250 00 LAMNGLY iBOLT LCG tas os + 7k 6 a heels 250 00 500 00 Total maintenance, City Hall...... ie $18,415 50 Improvements. MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING. Salaries, Etc.: Elevator Conductor . assess el. $ 720 00 Chief Janitor. i. .<. 1 Seas eteeules. 900 00 WaasBa eS anitor o.oo. cyst cnc anise 720 00 Three Janitresses, 314 days at ee eC ee ee Ae 1,413 00. Heating yA era eae, 8 1,950 00 Supplies, including ice, disinfect- mrt, OlOle tee stase « salal's 0 Caw prern 250 00 Elevator insurance ............-+. 40 00 Replacing elevator doors......... 350 00 General repairs to building, plumb- ET CC et ae dvi apaiecicsaaoivivsantisiedeie 500 00 $ 6,843 HEALTH BUILDING. General TEPAITS-. 14000 Ves QO A IG! 200 Total maintenance Municipal Building and Héalth Building AAigpeimiay, . oc... cee $ 7,043 RECAPITULATION. City Hall, maintenanc@? . YORE, ooh). cA. $ 18,415 City TAREE TMG yOmliente. Fee FESS Pees te oon alee 176 Municipal Court and Health Buildings........ 7,043 Total Public Building Fund.............. $ 25,634 00 00 00 50 10 00 60 56 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS PUBLIC BATH HOUSE FUND. PUBLIC BATH HOUSE, ORLEANS STREET. ' Maintenance. Salaries and Supplies: SUDSTINTONUSHG * 1 sat Two Janitors, 365 days, at $2.. One Clerk, 365 days, at $2...... ove ee 6 © 0 6 @ © OLs eee ere eee eee e Three Janitresses and Laundresses, 314 days each at $1.50 per day....... One second-class Engineer, 365 PONTOE AYER TEEOL cee aon aia gk oe we oe REL TEL Grae eis a aE ob atelatets eft taps SORE OU eee ewe eal BIRT ghia o tak facts i ee ate a days, at $2.25 * © 60 ® 696 wa 2 2 S.'0 7™OCC ORES CEB OS eeereeeoeee sees Supplies for laundry—wringers, mops, etc... Total Public Bath House Fund........... BELLE ISLE BRIDGE FUND. Maintenance. Salaries: PAVIOME Bi Pei...) vecnae ie nines Supplies and Maintenance: Coal, oil, waste, ice, brooms, pairs to boilers, etc.......... Painting bridmedscit. ssc an een Total Belle Isle Bridge Fund eee ereeeee eevee re- ... 4,000 00 900 1,460. 730 1,413 821 1,000 "120 250 45 125 20 200 7,084 7,000 4250 11,250 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT MARKET FUND. CITY MARKETS AND HAY SCALES. Maintenance. Salaries: Clerk of Eastern Market......... $ 900 00 Assistant Clerk, Eastern Market, Mee GAYE Bi Oad os gram date iee eee were 416 00 Clerk of Western Market......... 900 00 Two Weighmasters and Pound- masters at $900 each.......... -. 1,800 00 Supplies, Etce.: Fuel, supplies and repairs to hay scales and pounds, including new gutters and conductor pipes....$ 300 00 Cleaning Eastern and Western PIGV; MEER GCE ae vb ro cao ha ae 300 00 Labor and material, replacing roof on Eastern Hay Market......... ~ 600 00 Repairs to roof, Eastern Vegetable | EES RED EE Rin mare erat 3,200 00 Otal, Mere u. BA « bade cs meet esha, beriotinns $ 4,016 00 4,400 00 8,416 00 400 00 Coated 8,016 00 58 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS GARBAGE FUND. Maintenance. Salaries: superintendent .... .. caxrcrabecetee $ 1,200 00 RSM ABE LSCANT 61.11% sls eet Shee Os Bos 800 00 Br ORT “apa gig Ul siete OG Selichean gh Berry AM ae. 800 00 General Maintenance: Feed and shoeing for 65 horses. ..$12,000 00 65 men (collection force), at $13.50 DEY WEGKACHOD 2. oo. sis oss os obeys 45,630 00 Sunday work: 7 men, 52 Sundays, at $2.25..... 819 00 5 men, 52 Sundays, at $2.00..... 520 00 Services of Veterinary Surgeon... 200 00 Rent of telephone............200- 24 00 10 harnesses, replaced............ 160 00 Scoop shovels, pails and iron bars. 150 00 Stable SUDRIGain sects een cbenea ngs 200 00 Depreciation of equipment (per Fear) “Loree yea ces Caen See 2,500 00 Lighting and ‘fuel. ..: Sie eecitess 5 “200 00 BUNGIMES "5.4 dana dce ee see cs aie te 200 00 SERRE 62,603 00 TPotal-maintenanee “<2 aa. ts oes oy en $ 65,493 00 Improvements. Equipment: Téthorse blankets: ccc cican dew hard dada, { $ 50 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 59 RECAPITULATION. Maintenance ..-...... Pas Fen Ee TE Boe a's te es $ 65,403 00 PUIDTOVOIMENUS oN So ic os a eke wae b> Neokeple Salus ee eee’. 50 00 UGAL: GOPDARG MCHC 2 2 coe « laid oad sabato $ 65,453 00 Estimated balance July 1, 1908............-.. 2,000 00 Wee total (Garbage Mund: v.28. soe e bikes $ §6©63,453 00 PARK AND BOULEVARD FUND. General Maintenance: Administration: Contnrssioner s (salary: sicisiactcreadneiscet es $ 5,000 00 MOOTOCEIY BiMEIRCY el paecte a Lr ee eter 4 cll acaba 2,500 00 General Superintendent’s salary.............. 2,000 00 Chief Clerk and Bookkeeper’s salary......... 1,500 00 Stenographer and Clerk’s salary............. 900 00 Maintaining office, stationery, printing, post- age, annual report, incidentals, chauffeur, BO ae er Te RD cle EN eae tid piss ok claret 1,890 00 Engineering Department: Salaries, supplies, preliminary plans, etc...... 2,600 90 Greenhouses: Stock, seeds, supplies, propagating, including planting fiowers in beds, fuel, etc.......... 8,500 00 Barn Department: Forage, care of horses, repairs and painting vehicles, maintaining two autos, harness re- pairs, barn supplies, city barn rent, veteri- nary and overseer’s salaries, etec............ 21,000 00 60 Purehase and repair Engineer, fuel, repairs, etc DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Tools and Implements: Steam Road Rollers (3): Stone Crusher: Se Ups o.0 G56 8 ie 6 © e886 © (a Ste Ee Be: A Engineer, crusher jaws, repairs, fuel, etc..... Nursery: Forester, supplies, stock, fuel, digging plants, PRA ONC! ie 6 ede ‘oy he laa teks elec kil paces Ua a ee Tilling and ditching Fertilizer: 2 6 @ 6 © & @ ¢ 9 2 a8 6 oe 5 F 2 eos) es & C8 Purchasing, hauling, storing and composting SiAMMGe, GUC Vein ka cad se sa sak a Bt eee Band Concerts: Concerts on Belle Isle and Clark Parks....... Total general maintenance Belle Isie Maintenance: General: BOS 6 eo ee. 8 CU le we Including grounds, lawns, fields, trees, roads, walks, drainage, water system, canals. la- Forage, labor, etc goons, skating lake, fountains, plumbing,. cesspools, closets, sprinkling, minor repairs to buildings and docks, tresses, fuel, overseer’s salary, etc Zoological Department: caretakers, 2.8 6 C16 646) lets oe jani- oY ees Sele © fe! 60 e oe Oe 6 eo 01k eb! 6 hee oe @ Bear den, concreting floor, pools, repairs to STAaVINE Cte? fc wih ROR, CR 3,000 00 32.000 00 4,500 00 300 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Deer shelter, painting, repairs, etc........... Zoo fences and cages, paint and repairs, ete.. Ostrich shelter, paint, repair, etc... ....6+s es Phaetons: Park wagon service, including wages of cash- iers, ticket collectors, drivers, minor repairs, ee a eae ok a Yo aba tiles aN A Roads and Walks: Resurfacing where required, etc............. Bath House: Wages of bathmaster and other employes, sup- SM Ce ity 9. AMR e day Ga wla/ala mete we travis His. LOWEIS, Ole cc ce nen co te ae Patrolmen: Four from May 1 to Nov. 1 at $2.25 per day.. Boathouse: IML re,, SAI TRINOOG S001 os ould duis sed weet seas Skating Pavilion: Platform and concrete steps, etc., on south side PTOVBut ding ... ..:cunn-, VIMO TREO. lead, Be Inselruhe: Shingle roof, ‘repairs, etc... .. gees sees ih Barn: Efm‘piank’ for stall floors,. tempi uke. Picnic Pavilion (Northeast of Central Ave. Bridge): Foundation and roof repairs, painting, etc... 200 500 150 4,000 10,000 450 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Pienic Pavilion (Vista Ave.): Peidtibneg, ete). -aiwietiagas . jae Ais Rowe. fs Athletic Shelter: Painting, Tenney teiect-, ai 5d «wae See beat Athletic Grounds: COATS OEEE We Ce Pes pa es ed c cook ae aan SE mene Mien Band Stand: PUT EUT EVA ce oe hata Gs an ae rye ad ak ele waa es hs Gg PP Horse Shelter: PAIN COLO ocak sho ee ae Sales Oe RTOS Inselruhe Dock: Rebuild, including launch landing, etc........ Rustic Work: Repairs to tables, settees, fountain shelters, WT ee SS Ge Meat BPR lai epb a lena tette alle cl Wha isuctw ha Meda tote aka Painting and Repairs: Tables and chairs at skating pavilion........ SAH teRR ANd’ DEHCNES oie ees 5 micas pilekin Git eee Tables. in, picnit @roundsal) 2000.21 aa Swings, teeters and merry-go-rounds......... Bridge: At ige house, to. recOnstruct..44.6 007.6% een. Forest: Care of trees and reforesting........./. Ria. é Canals: Cleaning canals under bridge to keep current. Chukting weeds ..cicu. oatiigiaw .ork iste’. Yeti 350 455 800 100 T00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 63 Heating and Power Plant: 3 engineers, 8 firemen, fuel, repairs, supplies, [a a a, A ee Site tee Ae 9,140 00 Additional to pay fireman, $2.25 instead of $2. 280 00 Additional to pay head engineer, $1,200 in- MERGE SIT ieee Pte oo aman 05 14-oicdaie cones 120 00 Additional to pay two engineers, $1,000 in- TS Te GMOs aR 4 11 11 Vee TA arabe a CARL Breas (Ph of 200 00 Aquarium: Director, aquarists, laborers, matron, janitress, stock, fish food, supplies, repairs, etc...... 11,500 00 Conservatory: Horticulturist, two florists, watchman, sup- ORR OELC, ha ed ciele wits Gawieda cclate ee eT ee ete 4,000 00 Shut-off valves on main lines of heating pipe TOTLOUROGA | eT eo Wabtabels s.¥% oe Wee ankle ern 140 00 Oiled Roadways: To oil roadways to save sprinkling and to pro- LOUGH CHB Oto eee trek ce er deere ‘ 1,200 00 Total Belle Isle maintenance............ $ 96,066 006 Palmer Park Maintenance— General: Including grounds, casino awnings, lawns, trees, shrubs, roads, walks, lakes, rustic work, plumbing, water system, fountains, minor repairs to buildings, fuel, janitresses, Oversecrad. salary, 6tOiii sti oe U8G... 008! i$ 8,500 00 64 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Painting and Repairs: BS es. O.. aad ere’: eel eewds bee. sia eee oes 90 00 ieee) (LOO ROUSE 5 \.). stesso se be peer EEE RE 75 00 Pump house, windmill, tanks, etc............ 118 00 TGOn OURO’ \. cp eect le deigwin Oe Bole Rie ett aor em ence ea Te aN PIGRIEOSNGILOr et Ms. ss se bee schans cee eae 100 00 ieee SOCLOLICT NBIGG. coc G son esis tote Wie oterete ste male are 30 00 Women’s toilet: Inside, 20 ere Ae. Sa. ie 50 00 Roads and Walks: TOT ORUTERCONGEC .%.6 ol b's wus ta's oe deat a see indi 500 00 Oiling to protect them and save sprinkling... 250 00 Total Palmer Park maintenance......... $ 9,791 00 Clark Park Maintenance— General: Including grounds, lawns, trees, shrubs, roads, walks, flower beds, fountains, skating lake, swings, tables, benches, drainage, water system, ice water, caretakers, janitress, la- bor fivel Setaey ve ees. 5 lc quien ele Win ee epee $ 4,000 00 Roads and walks, to resurface, etc........... 500 00 Total Clark Park maintenance... a»... $ 4,500 00 City Parks Maintenance— General: Including grounds, lawns, trees, shrubs, walks, flower beds, fountains, settees, drainage, Water system, /eCLC... eiciees eee ev eetn ss $ 7,000 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Owen Park: ena tOVdocks ex, .4hs cee ek wees eae eek} 100 Caretakers: 19 caretakers from April 1 to Nov. 15 at $1.75 DOr. GAY .. 0.2 ee cue CTMMOME DIIGO. eG 7,614 AliemaeiPark CATGLAKGr 4s aceces os edness 350 Convenience Station: General maintenance, including wages of 3 men and 3 women, supplies, heat, ete...... 7,000 Total City Parks maintenance........... $ 22,064 Grand Boulevard Maintenance— General: Including center grass plats kept as lawns, flower beds, walks, trees, shrubs, drainage, fountains, water system, roadways, intersec- a MR Ved bet AR CTE Sih ete de a ge oR) Aree PN 14,000 Trees and Shrubs: Trimming, spraying, watering, etc........... 1,200 Caretakers: 15 caretakers from April 1 to Nov. 15 at $1.75 RiP Fak es is Oo ho nben wa) He's oie Oe MORE 6,000 Patrolmen: ds ratrolimed at $2.25 per days ..ws osc « abiepeh we ) dap Roadways: Resurfacing where most required............ 15,000 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Oiling roadways to save sprinkling and to pro- TEC TNGM ate e ea os ccute yc 3 eieoee aaa aa ee 3,000 60 Total Grand Boulevard maintenance...:.$ 42,485 00 Lafayette Boulevard Maintenance— General: Including trees, walks, intersections, pave- ment, alley crossings, etelvlicl. .acesarel 750 00 Caretakers: White wings, sweeping street, removing ice and snow from intersections, etc........... 1,500 00 Roadway: Repairing asphalt pavement from Griswold to © Pi Vig RAREST 8 a) Sy SRORON PRES, APY op Abas, Benois alee Ayr dean 500 00 Total Lafayette Boulevard maintenance. .$ 2,750 00 General |mprovements— Horses: PUREE ees: | CORK aly. these Ais aeer Mel as eitele cia ik bcs alder $ 1,900 00 Harnesses: 3 sets work harnesses and collars............ 180 00 Wagons: Sgt en hs Cae Wee Se on se ciate ds absences 500 00 1 Piant warzon trae eek eee eee ee 400 00 Cobble or Other Stone: Purchase or to take from streets when paved. 2,000 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Greenhouses: Hot bed ‘pits)sash? ete An PE, Pea LE, Nursery greenhouse addition............. BATS Steam Road Roller: Purchase 10-ton steam road roller............ Automobile: a Fer COU AME TDP ANNI es ees wes oe ck te es ee Total general improvements............. $ Belle Isie Improvements— Fountains: SCOP Macers arinkine’’ fOUntAlNs fie cad be eh bed ess Settees and Swings: Bere Ts SOT TIA nae Sk ee hy, Ga ed wh cast hose a Pienic Tables and Stands: PUPen See OF TORIC ele coun boy a ee vos nile Slag: Hauling for foundations of roads, walks, etc., When teams’ are Not DUS 2 6s Vwi ie ean Aquarium: 4 skylights in center of aquarium, to provide more light for center side tanks........... Water System: Hydrants, gates, sprinkling pipe system, etc.. Machinery: Purchase 20-horsepower motor for carpenter shop® .: . eolindwal oilale cities det coitiand .bsis 67 700 00 300 00 2,750 00 800 00 §,630 00 750 00 750 00 500 00 600 00 400 00 1,000 00 450 00 300 00 68 . DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS | Conservatory: Purehase ferns, palms, rare plants, preparing emnibit, herbarium, etc... .ssidij phe saci ob ye Barn: Erect south wing to present barn for storage of hay, oats and to provide more stall room, the old buildings being dangerous.......... Shelter Station: To install heating and toilets for men and UAPIIGTL HERG dns xewiie a eis Tae Rs >. pice debe elias Filling and grading roads and walks around SDGIEOR SSCL palocActe we hihi a. eis ss. bdo eee Animals: PUPCWASO Of sic foie ok a ae cue ns ee ee Bath House: Additional to construct..... 72728) 3. S49 aes Park Rest: Construction of men’s toilet room in basement, using old: ClOsEtS trom CasimO,..s.a- sms es Bridge: No. 22, construction of stone and iron over Marsh Run on Riverbank Road and to dredge from south side of the bridge north to the river channel to cause current............. New Casino: To complete the purchase of furniture, fixtures, fittings, et@P/ Heise: wes. Co, Sta papi: Grounds around casino, to complete, including walks, roads, terrace; eter... 0. J ii. ~] oi Oo 10,000 850 35,000 500 6,000 7,300 2,500 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ———————————— oe -Sl MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Cannon: o CANTONS, $0: MOUNT. 6 PL aes say aionte hs ye 200 New Canal: ie To complete, including bridges... -1.da nace on §,000 Total Belle Isle improvements........... we 11,010 Patmer Park Improvements— General: Including walks, lawns, sprinkling pipe system, landscaping, collection of plants for arbo- retum, drinking fountains, etC@.:........... $ 2,000 Lodge: Move and raise lodge, including heating, etc. COs Bahl OECIY « TOU oa soy i wictewis's wie ate a 1,000 Seitees: ; es POLY 8 ah viaen'a de 3 °R woe aieael dt ck ida Mas as 300 Swings: Purehas@ wt OF tOmmabeh is... kc iswcwadsté done 150 Barn: L@anMto addition «0 eee R/CTRN A. ACO 564 Shelter: To add heating apparatus, toilet rooms for men and women, electric fixtures, etc...... 1,100 Roads and Walks: COPE CT IOT QC a dale: did oven Adha, Veet dha. Ale «Ate 800 Big Log: Remove bark from big log and treat with hot oil to preserve log, which is badly decayed. © 200 Total Palmer Park improvements....... $ 6,114 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Clark Park Improvements— General: Including trees, shrubs, grading, wading pool for children, benches, swings, picnic tables, BRE has Seed Wii a piee Comite dk a Vals iene ani ania 1,500 Settees: Purchase or to make,..,... 0°32 US" Sat. 150 Total Clark Park improvements......... $ 1,650 City Parks Improvements— Atkinson: Grading, «ball seroundss-eicustibwings .aalen. oxi $ 300 Owen: General improvement, including pergola, rivu- ML ILY ‘PON. Walks, CbC dsr rit vive ay wey alee 500 Perrien: General improvement, including asphalt walk around wading pool, planting, etc.......... 600 Voigt: General improvement, including sprinkling pipe system, fountain, tool house, trees, SHIUDS, | WALKER. CLOLi > sacs!» 6) oxy sis a3 +. cna OE 800 Other City Parks: General improvements, including settees, Dis eTOUNGS 9 O8G elise ikt ont) be wba Kaked sles 1,000 Total city parks improvements........... $ 3,200 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Grand Boulevard Improvements-— Gates: Shuto »gates at. hydrantés...6 «ss itiwns wins $ Sprinkling Pipe System: Surface sprinkling system laid in lawn from Visger to Holden, to save hose............ Basins: To construct catch basins at intersections where! requirediinesee ee ee mort one. Trees and Shrubs: Planting where most required............... Sidewalks: Construction of from Toledo to E (under sub- Wonlal ucadttiar tach atti te ese tate e cre cee ie Roadway: Bitulithic roadway from Toledo ave. to E st.. Roadway Intersections: Construction of macadam intersections where not laid or ordered opened by Common COPTER Ee ahs ake Seek oP arse aimed SOM dial ie ce Brick intersection at Grand River avenue.... Brick intersection at Beaubien, between tracks QPS CVCOTNAIIE BE Oe. hey iste ddd sal bee yeu Rock asphalt intersection at Mt. Elliott, in- cluding brick between tracks of 8c car line. Dock: To grade, seed, sod, landscape, etc.......... To extend water main from north of railroad to shelter dock....... Obed hore. (ATARI OA 300 2,140 300 1,200 900 7,700 71 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 72 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Fairmount Park: General improvement, etc...........c.ve0e8. 500 060 Center Lawns: To grade and seed center lawns between Vis- ger and Heolden.- avenue ited: cee teow > ariiein 1,000 00 Total Grand Boulevard improvements....$ 21,435 00 Lafayette Boulevard Improvements— General: Including grading, seeding and planting be- tween Grand Boulevard and Scotten avenue.$ 300 00 Total Lafayette Boulevard improvements. $ 300 90 Street Trees: TYititieue | LU TaD time es cre cok seca ies $ 5,000 00 Recanitulation— Maintenance: General .....6h ITH, IOFR PARY $ 64,340 00 Belle Isle. 20072" BAe Tae Perens 96,066 00 Pee SL ue shins otras 3 ete eho nie 9,791 00 CHAT EERTE. fcr CAP Toe tale eee co ee nS 4,500 00 CHEADEERR! SER Weer ca to ates ee 22,064 00 GEA ROVIOV AT ie ee o's » ba otig NOON ake 42,485 00 Lafayette Boulevard . .<.. cswesnene 2,750 00 Petal maintenance) sone sk... 5 abe $ 241,996 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Improvements: ON, FIR oe DOBRO SA Od Sen .-$ 8,630 00 Reale es cubmareivitacses 4902 77,375 00 BR RT es ao. ba an ado Senne 6,114 00 COACRE Bark. ccm pnw ane vnacevR Or 1,650 00 Reet SPE eS ee a ae a 3,200 00 Gland Boulevard. ............4lwuied 21,435 00 Lafayette Boulevard ............. 300 00 Htréee trees .......2iebuyk .ietiaaah 5,000 00 TotaL. improvements. ,.. 8s. bwoaes, .ouk.: $ 123,704 oe Sate Om fog 28 an een apeRmmy A) ee 0h Beare ee $ 365,700 Less estimated receipts........... $20,000 00 Less appropriation for speedway... 5,977 13 BE CSCO PRL CS is y S e, Li 9h ae! Shed dleksh pls sh aes ae & + ane a Are Peet. COUR od nea do nae doa es odene ode Yyrere $ . 339;722 PUBLIC HEALTH FUND. Maintenance. Salaries— Seah OM cen Pee ro Ye ee $ 5,000 BeceStary SPIE ob ss mince saio se aaldants “ko ta 1,500 Gauiléary:. Pngindety «20.55 . bevlaek.. beset 1,600 Andlyst and. Bacteriolosisiys p36 o.4.4.- ondees 1,800 Four Milk and Dairy Inspectors............. 3,600 Three Medical. Inspectors..........,uicaeleote. 2,700 Twossfeat Inspectors... ... aiorsequmdl. +i. Aue 1,800 73 00 00 87 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 _. DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS TRO WIGU aisha sss oS: Slek, eas. ow we we ec ee Cee SIOKO TNS HOGI iG s..%. cine +54 +5 bea be eo oun Assistant Smoke INSpector. ......ccesvevcccve Nae ari DIG... o's Wav bi hs ae etl vs ees 8 Three Quarantine Inspectors..............0+6. SDGCIA MOISISIDOORE Ba. iui as wwhle we SAA eek ele ee Medical Inspectors of Schools........... 5%. Two Guards|iSmallpox Hospital......liasolus Two Guards Smallpox Hospital, Sundays..... Clerk... Sanitary Department... s). 4. ealeess oes Permit Clerk and. Typewriter....... a) ose uy PORMEADMEOPVAUE 825 0's Ricidis Docaiced bee ace bee Le DADO, GeManox: ELOSDI1 tall o. cccscscordencrsis: sansecre Pane Supplies— Pmtttowi nes Bo... s. EOS STEM aes OUR FEE AE ED PAL Daya ere oh re la seas eceeetedhde nue ets La eee Ba ee Care “Door ) DATION, 2.5 irene eiiren sp cee icwc = 5 DISET ESC UGLIL LE 5 fesse a 5 eater | eae @ AD IK 218 aoe he kee oe BMC}. oso nln soo SELW Be Pn OWEN eI ee ooo zoueGral’ CXHCNSE | 2.654.534 45 see eee nee es ees TIOBDITAl TOPAUTS © ads scals date g's wh eae Oe ae eee Hospital SUBDIR ohio ct cre adan sparevet haber eee ueetae RPT wranesportation:.of-patientsuc..si. \s case vo vino + > ae eee 10,000 00 Water supply repalrsay 60.6410 00% > eo ee - 28,000 00 TREMBANGE : ba bith. seer ebir® ~ Remy beacon ds s 2,165 00 ie OTE ia esi a aihice Vases bos a 8 mw s\n ee 10,000 00 Hose to replace that damaged or destroyed.. 11,000 00 Six months’ maintenance of engine house in vicinity of McKinley and Hancock......... 7,252 50 Six months’ maintenance of engine house in PEN EGOM UR MV aid oii le esol goons bv ie aiabncnlenes oe 7,252 ,50 Six months’ maintenance of ladder house in Hightecnth AWard iis Cea edad ~ > oe LORIE Ss 6,947 50 i a ee ee ee ee ee) ee $172,197.50 Dotal for Maintenance’ ccenin es eee. 91,160 me oeormen: Gt SFO «5.52. keke. a ne eR 23,400 Be PetPoimen, at. $810... 0.5 s coe sd ves eOORR » Be 8,100 LWPattolman. doe - potind)...6 5, ln CURR ops 1,100 SMFCRT T= Ph aaa ka eas Oa OAH COR oe Visieaine a $ 670,530 Employes: ee ee ee tote oe ee Bae are ack He Rt et pA pt DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Pay Clerk*4) 20.2.3 SS ASTM Se, 1,500 PHCENES CLOriey Ss ak 05.4444 eek ee s CAKE 1,034 BLCTIC RTA Via seu oust s ae eae 6 bam we 900 FE AE cig oT eg eatpecmeay omens diy Weetete ei fa URS PTY Bs i aw ei th ty Lo. yh 1,500 SUPBEON %.s.-. 1. erste eres ral hte ota Me bete tate tote ne" « Shee 1,300 Clerk, Superintendent’s office.............. 1,200 Clerk and: Photographer? : i... 00. 09. 09). YY 900 Operators (Superintendent’s office)......... 2,700 Operator (Harbor Master’s office)......:.. 600 Matrons at: $600... cnet ue eed OM 4,800 Janitors at: $660; ..2..382T eee Ae eee 1,320 SAMTESS sessiieasdss TRA TPL ee 300 Hostier (foreman) ::::::; 03704 «968 74.). 04 720 Flostiers “at "$660 wo ecw IPP a. 5,280 Dog Wagon Drivers at $600................ 1,200 POCA . Pies dectiegcsy eg oes wen nda te, A! $ 29,554 Signal Corps Department: i Superintendent .¢scacedever ev iol A 8 rats 1,800 Assistant Superintendent ..........0. 00006. 1,200 MAA OHUBISE «teu ccyetsceishless Seretere tered ke. OER MS 900 TMBITUIENE “BEAR ss soci adas sb isan s sNUOt 24.08 900 PPC LEI « 6 50inchisetotaretersepeteteretata totes See 0 Oi re 900 Tasremen ats $9005 vicsassa capi od ee. ak 8 3,600 Gpéerators vat $900 s ss.ctsccaconn ANd. MAR 8 5,400 Timelkrepers sat Se0s vo eek eee see oe 2,520 LOIRE AEE G1 CO, ss 4 loud wagstecnbaay oaeavebases himilareserae 660 Total ta Tie A eet ek ee pear $ 17,880 Potal salaries :isssisikcatsecde. Vee ees $ 717,964 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Current Expenses— Books, stationery and La leecte ipa H. eee... aie $ mete Mmanplies ) Ahi sey eae eos ores 3 tes minprion Ani TSURIS .. cl. Peels ee uheter sree RMTIOOTIIE Sar oe | aes tere ae alecate et a crs BONG ag cso Lae ee he le he bettas Palins Wee ate Bey Gees Furniture, carpets, bedding, etc............. RU EMEMMNL oy na ines din Seen T te cians SULT Gast ties 8 cate aed ie ieee Hay, grain, horse bedding, etec.............6. FiIptuevenoeiint TUL ee TPIT Te! OE. OR ain, | PISS BUA Tepaire os lee. Jr. AGRE See. OCASUUNES HIST LLL LELIET 2, fetta ens noose de a aw veces «4 Sete POST CSE ohs CORA POOLS APP Bee. OH meee Band) leodsingat: Vee is. A M822 Medical service and supplies................ PUTO BUD DILCR UA a be teialalldelcta do adedae Newspapers, directories, advertising, etc..... PORTA iin alate tote lateetet SO eRe Ue 5 SE OE Fuepairs, -paintitig,etes ss. 4 4: sel es sta VEY Rent 'of telephones....:.+.:./. 208 he IR To BMT IOL WMIGINAY IStHEON. . a iiin wie wx ose ottloin dle. wes Rent of night barn at headquarters.......... Bactet, Service’ 2.5.00). orhek «... WA Mipamtiame ibekOtasy . Aglhs Ge woe + ace seeds dale TIMES Soc ne ee nnat leis 4 Pala nl a ein ee ren Wagons--and repairs, C€0........ ccc cence eens Washing ‘and - cléaning 4 Sel cic eceeresevcal Contingencies ....... cae. Wierda ell . apadis Care of life preservers, Harbor Master’s office. Fuel and repairs to boat, Harbor Master’s of- neerz er... PETE re ind eo © aired Pees pas Rent of boat house, Harbor Master’s office... 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Testing weights and scales, supplies, ete. (City Sealer 6. Grae) i. sic ERS necaon a ee Sue 75 HORMEL UNE WADE fol outs chien ch ou wae kes 25 Impounding dogs ............. OOS Ree Hie 1,200 Food, supplies and fuel (dog pound)......... 250 Signal Service department............ceeccee 4,766 (ane;of three’ mMmoOLlorcycies.., ..« sob keer - non ace 100 Rent of telephone, Delray Station............ 350 MO? MBINCSA ENCE’ tiie, wi nee oe cies ee ed $ 762,270 Improvements— 3 motorcycles to regulate speed traffic....... 1,000 Barn for new station in 17th Ward.......... 5,000 Lepabrol Wad, . 66.6 i+.5.s:hcs,0. +05 eben es Bees cea 700 pas) ee ee Se REE NRE TNR uM! rey 300 Laight Wagon. ... sic ote eee 220 Boawinament. for 10 men. ....s05.5...... meonde 211 Total nprovementa’ tt... Ate o's bats ace S $ 7,931 Recapitulation— Mrairverainceyt ayes fs oc eevin te eee $ 762,270 Tm Orovensente: - WAGG. be the ak Ae ieee eee 7,931 PSL ELE 5s bone by als ustedes avy cate ie art hy San einai ie $770,201 Estimated balance fiscal year end- ing June 3092003. 12/4, Jaden. $16,000 00 Less estimated receipts ........... 3,800 00 ——$. . 19,800 IEE VUOURE Ue ck etus Aels cd acs Re Ee eee $ 750,401 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 85 SUPERANNUATED POLICE FNUD. Shortage, Superannuated Police Fund, fiscal Voerr endine* Jane ov, S900. c. oc. Doctors «tn $ 8,000 00 BOARD OF EDUCATION FUND. Maintenance Fund—tTeachers’ Salaries. Salary for all employes in the educational de- partment, including principals, teachers, clerks and vacation high school for year be- tT PRUETT OUR Oy teins aay sche ens d $1,231,820 00 Salary increase—5 months...............000. 5,700 00 Salary evening school teachers.............. 26,050 00 To increase high school teachers’ salaries as SERPIUBOL . BOTIOUIG ) wc od ak ot aoa Go Se aor 6." 3,850 00 Total . inc /eelGl Ul. ae Pode MH. Seow $1,267,420 00 Miscellaneous Revenue Available for the Reduction of Taxation. Pemiary, SCHOO! MONG). «ss. .+ +05 > «uaebvolées Jeemmeeads DG CLROLE Bi i a ie ae ee Le Cala Additions and improvements to Eastern High School building, including architects’ and engineers’ services /ui tizewl. oul al aeiblin §-room addition to Amos School building, in- cluding architects’ and engineers’ services.. 3,500 75,000 7,000 65,000 1,500 65,000 15,000 65,000 7,000 11,840 350 180 5,000 20,000 100,000 25,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT 87 §-room addition to Columbian School building, ’ including architects’ and engineers’ services 25,000 00 Completion of addition to Central High School, ; building and: grounds... ccc cee es bee 10,000 00 Furniture and equipment, Central High addi- TIES a ss OOP ee CeO TP os eet 5,000 00 Furniture and equipment, Western High addi- PION ee oe Pee ae ATT ODA OTS OEP Te 2,500 00 Lockers, Central High School building, old part 2,000 00 Higgins, motor for ventilating fan............ 900 00 Newberry, heat regulation.......000.. 0.000.000. 1,400 00 New heating plant, Palmer School............ 7,100 00 Heat deflectors, Palmer School............... 200 00 Fire escapes, school buildings not yet equipped 5,000 00 Additional land adjoining Amos School........ 3,500 00 Additional land adjoining Campbell School.... 4,000 00 Additional land adjoining Columbian School... 5,000 00 Additional land adjoining Duffield School...... 400 00 Additional land adjoining Higgins School..... 2,200 00 OER se AANOMBU OD Re a iicrlis hes ood o'skdcn ef ee Re 408 68 Installing new-hardware : sic. en csies cekbic wee. 2,000 00 Changing electric wiring in schools.......... 3,000 00 Telephone system, electric light fixtures, pro- gram clocks and bells for additions to the Central and Western High Schools......... 6,700 00 Basement entrance inclosures and inclosures BRIE TPONTOOL, OOTSs « biswiass Ana bidiew sf aad ees 10,500 00 Outside fireproof stairways, etc............... 36,300 00 Lillibridge School, six-room addition.......... 25,000 00 Installing auxiliary fire alarm system in schools 6,300 00 87 fire:alarm boxes, including installation... 12,036 70 Fitting up rooms for manual -training.......... 3,060 00 GYaVOHAS ..cccecsseracareteraeein PROS 1,742 50 88 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Grading and SOddiN Sy 4 estes «pdr ied comes’ } lee wee 2,000 Gemiahbhewalksuitweus -‘eraadntorey dave “ntas bitin 6,000 New fences .tandald. dedbl deabeahiat theo 1,000 Wardrobes, Stll School, ......5.0,-:0'+»».+. ac pcoisuse » be 1,200 Wardrobes, Thomas School........-0.ceccee 1,300 Floor in chemical laboratory, Eastern High... 1,500 Metatiic ‘weather, stripe isi. jclewth |. Sitemptcsey -f 500 Goaltnew build ines: FP. PSN e eS. Se, POE, 200 Insurance, new. buildings stews dasa dy lene Sire 100 PCH AL | 55 slags ose nye vege ose ee» pan eda a ae $ 761,417 Credits: Less estimated balance July 1...... $ 5,147 21 Less money heretofore appropriated for condemning property adjoin- ing Washington NormalSchool.... 28,000 00 Less money: appropriated for pur- chase of lot adjoining Palmer Pik ek dias) eis ood ‘dn acta vee ane ae 800 00 PGtalicn sceveeins . Aoki a4. qutieie: aitte $ 33,947 Net total Building Fund...........0..... $ 727,470 Maintenance Fund—Other than Teachers’ ‘-Salaries— Officers and Employes’ salaries: Bupearintende nt, oak duw\pebevie pide erate rede aunts Ganoe 3,8 ite alee eee Cartale 0G TReae Wt ahs xa sides, as © nee late © ie Automobile maintenance, (2).........0cpe2008 Horses and wagon maintenance.............. Repairing and rebinding books............... Books, for indigents.......... SRC aE seat alk ta hare , Clensise STUM@NALION, | LUG at 5 aio kk nee Beek Manis PE Were, ee oie 6 IRE Wo a vce, ieee we bonis Text books and Library books—day and even- HAM, BEHOOIS 6s sos bv os ecqprp ehecvart nee eam mnns 3 Edueational supplies...... en ey ee eT aR PS Educational supplies—High Schools.......... 1,800 1,800 1,600 10,000 125 283 258 1,000 150 250 47,000 1,100 316 550 1,000 150 2,481 600 1,500 500 3.000 79 4,500 10,225 20,000 13,500 8,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Kindergarten Supplies: EMESIS 6 oie wd o's uidielain eden wd aig pew. $ 1,800 PGeMeION -. ARM. £SRGU0RAL USA PROTO. .0eRO. 1,400 Manual Training: DRMIITIE —“GRDCTIBCS. oo. ee ew et rw we geen $ 7,803 ST nk. s DESO er lies ce tat. | 28,556 New Schools: 91 00 00 50 00 PEM ISOMER ec alg Sard. VPS ET Fe ne dae $ 1,371 60 OS BESET G7 CFS): Gon ee 420 00 MEERUT EATLCH SUDDIICS,, wx oc s< ciate @ wicls s wh eaters 397 38 PURTEETIIROTICIOS. uc. os ns POTMSIOAGIAME i cc Se 1,000 00 Adjustment of indebtedness of annexed School District No. 3, Springwells, principal....... 5,000 00 Interest, April 1 to July 1, 1908, 5 per cent.... 62 50 District No. 1, Grosse Pointe, principal...... 610 61 SEGRE RG INOR ka Ck Sandy Pad Hat's? ae Pea hah adera eye $ 398,818 59 Credits: interest on daily balances on all funds except teachers’ salaries....$4 000 00 Dividends and accrued interest, City maronens bank failure; . ices. oo aes 29,100 00 Back taxes returnable by County Treasurer on Highteenth Ward ME LE VIOME ha ie os ede ae Pens aes 1,250 00 OE Festa here bane POU SRS a PM $ 34,350 Net Maintenance Fund, other than teachers’ EAN ee. Fe, ee aN ee eas clea s $ 364,468 00 59 2 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS Recapitulation— Bai E uM o ik. ces aw oon ew dled a nee $ 727,470 Maintenace Fund, other than teachers’ | sal- PLR ORIEL Gis wrstite,. c's lata stata oe oa eae ae 364,468 Maintenance Fund, teachers’ salaries......... 100,420 Net total Board of Education Fund....... $1,192,359 ($600,000 to be in bonds.) RECORDER’S COURT FUND. Maintenance. Chee SUC LO. Peers ce Pee en he eee eae ea eee $ 2,500 MTT SUL ciclo cae aotearoa Te he ee titers a micah epee 2,500 RSET ais Ca aed te ety eee an an hie cle nl oecraencostane ete 3,000 PICDULV ECC LOL Re Ries Vie eee at ns otto, dearer a tae 1,700 Three Deputy Clerks, each $1,500... 0.1... 4,500 stenographer Clerk's ‘Ome. Tonks teas cee 960 $ 15,160 Witness fees, ordinance casSes............0.4. 300 Furniture for court rooms and offices........ 200 Printing, stationery, Ghost vit Tae Sh. BONIS, Be 600 Total sexx 25% )5 4 ets ES: oekin, wl ata ale dae. $ 16,260 Miscellaneous Revenue—Available for the Re- duction of Taxation— Estimated receipts from fines................ $ 1,500 Estimatedhbalance, July 1, P908t.. 850 67 59 00 26 00 00 ee PE Ble. oie atin td hana 3. toe ete os bene, oS AL ee $ 2,350 00 ; MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Recapitulation— SERA Ole tise. 20 UOT. BAe Oa $ Peete a. ey dere . etiawes 2. ar. De song PUBLIC LIGHTING FUND. Maintenance. For operation and maintenance of 3,810 are lamps for the fiscal year 1908, at $33.25 16,250 2,350 13,910 i AE SG FD ofc) ile UG ge ai ag $ 126,682 For operation and maintenance of the incan- descent service in public buildings for the fiscal year 1908; estimated output for the year, 1,875,000 kilowatt hours, at .01986 per Bioware Doar FIA 0). Fea We. Gat For operation and maintenance of 56 arc lamps in Woodmere for six months, January Ist to July ist, 1909, at $33.25 per lamp per year For operation and maintenance of 203 arc lamps, new locations, for three months, April ist to July Ist, 1909, at $33.25 per MRMRRMT CTS ORS Patsy avy cal dune aos ¥cb um 6Ye So aatueue For operating 135 gas lamps in Woodmere for six months, July ist, 1908, to January Ist, 1909, at $25 per lamp (per contract)....... For operating 72 gas lamps in Woodmere for six months, January ist to June 30th, 1909, ,. at.$25 per lamp per year (contract)........ 37,237 931 1,662 1,687 900 95 00 00 00 50 50 00 50 50 00 94 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS For operation and maintenance of 35 arc lamps in that portion of the Village of Fairview recently annexed to the city, for one year, July ist, 1908, to June 30th, 1909, at $67.50 perslamp tier year, (Contractjancis c.....c0cet 2,362 For current furnished for incandescent service and power in that portion of the Village of Fairview recently annexed to the city, for one year, July ist, 1908, to June 30th, 1909, POOUETRCE) 2.2 oR uaa ae Se hese ate oue F 401 : Otal °.S 4". 19 Oe ee ne edo $ 171,865 Improvements— For one 2,000 K. W. Turbo-Unit, with con- denser, air, circulating and feed pumps, and all necessary apparatus to duplicate the present unit now in the plant.............. $ 64,000 For building a concrete dock in rear of the Public Lighting Commission plant......... 10,009 For 200 alternating enclosed arc lamps, with transformers, regulators, instruments, etc., etc., for new locations, at $41 each......... 8,200 For installing 200 arc lamps on the overhead lines; at $120). pertlanip 02. .clct..18s. Miva 24,000 For 56 alternating enclosed are lamps, to re- place gas lamps in Woodmere, together with regulators, transformers, instruments and apparatus and installing the same......... 12,485 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT For Sub-Station Feeder, to increase the capac- ity of the Custer Avenue Sub-Station for additional street lamps to be fitted up in the territory supplied by same............. Connecting the Commission’s lines for incan- descent service to the Engine and Ladder houses named below, and also furnish the necessary lamps and transformers: Engine house, McKinley and Hancock avenues Engine house in Seventeenth Ward.......... Ladder house, West End avenue.............. For apparatus and lines to be provided for furnishing current for incandescent lighting and power to the addition built to the Cen- tral High School; also to fit up lines to equalize voltage at a number of schools connected during the past year to the lines of the Public Lighting Commission, as per request of the Board of Education......... For connecting service to Shelter Station on Beile Isle, as per request of the Depart- ment of Parks and Boulevards............. For labor and material required to build con- duit and lay cable to relieve the John R. and Beaubien circuits, which are now overloaded For installing arc lamps on the underground system, at the following locations: Whit- ney Opera House alley, Boulevard north of _ Kercheval, Riopelle and Gratiot............ 4,977 345 750 220 2,830 165 626 1,985 95 84 00 00 00 36 00 80 91 96 DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS For labor and material required to fit up lines from Scotten avenue and Spring street to the Shelter Station, and furnish the neces- sary lamps ‘and’ transformer. “oo. FS. 2: 385 For connecting service to Shelter Station at Palmer Park, as per request of the Depart- ment of Parks and Boulevards............. 512 Total for extensions and improvements..$ 131,482 Miscellaneous Revenue—Available for the Re- duction of Taxation— Estimated receipts from incandescent lighting.$ 6,100 Estimated receipts from rentals.............. 2,600 Estimated receipts from sale of old material.. 1,300 Estimated balance July 1, 1908..........2... 20,000 et) Ri Ren ind Pte bee nis aceon ninanla aledh pope age Se ete Samrat eas Recapitulation— 00 00 91 00 Total for operation and maintenance......... $ 171,865 00 Total for extensions and improvements...... 131,482 91 4 80 8 NOS 2 oh hte ie eet Ta ie ES ee ENS $ 303,347 91 Less estimated receipts from sources other than tacalion es Toe te ees oe ee 30,000 00 meet: total 3 SUS eras eke 2 eres $ 273,347 91 MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND. Maintenance. Salaries: REET De aed, arene a's veo Beis w aed o asa eee Canwaued PERE uo a eo cts me ea maces aie taths RRC i cto - Michigan Avenue Branch: Rent (9 months) a.:5 2°68 @ 1896 Sie O18 CB ve 6 6 ek4 'p 6) ee 8) we 6 1.06 Two Assistantsrf9 ‘mMonthiays vik. cen. a eee ee. JaMiLor service {9 months Vins he Sec. cae oe pay 8 ee Subseriptions ... Punivure ... 76. Betse fue, Fee ie. | Pace a SOMONE ea ee Miscellaneous Revenue—Avallable for the Re- Bi. Gu). 108 "9s 6 © © He * OR ee we Si Se 6 Ve Be 0) oie 1b @ 4.8 6 S65? 2 6. BLS Be B00. 6 6 Se ele re ee O50, 6 2p as BS 68 9 Sa 6. eS D2 SO 4. 0 (07 Oe Wit4¥ Ouk © ave e bee 2 2 Re Ss 2s le 1eee Se see duction of Taxation— Court fines...... Library fines.... Interest on daily SO ws 6 8 6 210 SS 6.08 © S68 8 2) 816 eS we @ 8 2 © 2 & @ e 6 8-2 8 © 0.0.4) 8°2 ee 2° C'S 2 SM & 62 208 PAIANCEH Lo. poo ee ae ee Estimated balance July 1, 1908: . 2. ca. ee ee Total credits er So o — 9,000 2,600 850 900 13,350 09 90 00 00 00 —S ———_- MAINTENANCE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT Recapitulation— . EMR PIO kis ticle wk aie ¢ wie elo ee Wiles Maintenance, Michigan Avenue Branch........ EE RP ES Sia cade 9.0 eee Ace els ee ee os eee peeenve WATER COMMISSION FUND. For interest and Sinking Fund (see Sec. 658, Chap. 21, City Charter and Laws).... ie hp ts hr 75,000 99 00 Met ne “a i ae ay MM Died Vn hae Fay ty ee ry’ > ih {J Wi eOd BuRERY ae eer, fi. ‘a a wend Raga edges - a ewe POR 00-0 : ~ a a) PU as ha a aa eh. »)) Li t "hs Canpages 1, 95 1 , fi a BOLD Boss tepeutessonde ten age see ta ae t ‘ | s ae ge ms Tal tf i cA erty Be ; CAM a © Rew 1 yk AY Moa? e. i I aes v pas ™ 4 te ae " ei. ; ; A 1 ; i ' 4 } e+ , ’ 7 Paha! fer) reineaiaid hs Ths fot AL iiay al 2 ee, << aaa Ad) ued Way" sah F op ,. , es he ¥ Heh . nat «aD ie dail’) rs oa mike ie! : VE oh at i ) ‘| tA a” ‘ a f & 43 « i Ws N Fue I af #. eal ak aly cn 7 ’ ' iy 1) fae i 3 . a \ o , } be Pet Out ‘Gedlnit (f Lea deta patie tears seta G yt i? ° . * a iM Hares i ea beri Fuge Le) hee , ot / a! ? . 1) ' f 4 i ¢ t ti : aha , kt) Oe nd iN y meg lg as a fang ' ‘ ’ aA DLA ae he ey eee ’ pean ; takes i" Wan mi i \ / iy i ¥ ey ms %, . hs ‘hi ae , Oe 8 ia Ri ‘I uA a hy rey ‘deta re Lah te) h he ,) vat Wa Wie * ¢ if Sn) " Pato tds ohalyh: Saute Be aa rie ae ee) i i ic Malaise Se ns) hal 2 eine are Ba beat twee’ : | or, ' ber ri ee | ear vy ee Bn ch seb * ie a , Gand 2 oe a inte re eae aes om os Se Se : ee Oe ean x Oe ‘s os cn ie ge hae one eres Bn ais int os ie zens vat ae a oe eee Nes Honea tae hee & Ye & % cites ale ae et a ys ae 4 oes gi “it aK v “0 43 ee % tea een: a oa see IN il ih i i