py : Rite Rta | TA aint Nee Alte At 5 ys Pty iz a i sos ; ray 3 " a ; mi Re, , ry 4 ) fo] led 18 MN Ty pe tj i 7 Wace « r rt , Y Aw feonty | “yt x } ree ky Rl arte ' Oo Hep St, . \ ; x Wy Q Wee 4 : Way hss ¢ ‘ \ if ‘ ty ' : ive AND MOISTURE CONTENT Metz Reference Room Civil Enginesring Department, B106 C. EH. Building ‘ University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 THESIS ° | "SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1925 _ UNIVERSITY OFILLINOIS | LIBRARY “ AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ‘ ENGINEERING URBANA, ILLINOIS ¥ i HJ ¥ deh ft yy \ 4 p UOT Pal BY tA wy | VM vu tetra y Ey Ne od We ap , Te WR 4 at sn OY z* aw ay ve A, r BY py NS -ILMAR OSCAR JAHLSTROM ye B. S. State College of Washington, 1923 ety \ . ve Kis deus SHRINKAGE OF CONCRETE DUE TO CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE ~ i. SHRINKAGE OF CONCRETE DUE TO CHANGE IN TEMPERATURBE AND MOISTURE CONTENT BY ILMAR OSCAR JAHLSTROM B. S. State College of Washington, 1923 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1925 URBANA, ILLINOIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Uroana-Champaign Alternates TABLE OF conTEnTS | Page Le Pralicinory | BG Ry Historiont Gorcury of Previous Tnvestigeiiane 4 | be Obj oot end Goope of Present Inveeticai ion we | &y Aoknowledgnent as | * MATERIALS, SPSCINENS AND METOD OF TAKING READINGS 1, Materials pe . | Se Soeeimene end Their Preparation | 20 ; Se Gonditions of Eaposure ar &, Apparatus | | 355 Ge Readings | : des | , oe Auxtd tory Seecinens oe 7. Qoefficien?t of Excanesion Seeotmens 4a RIMMNTAL DATA AND DISGUSSTON | i, Explanation of Piguree 4? &, Sxplonetion of Phote graphs | 49 $3. Explanetion of Tevles t 6g &, Explenctiion of Curve Diagrasa : #8 &. Phonesena ef Toate 3 a2 Oe Anelyoie of Shr inkage Styroceos bg (a) Competicon of Surfece and Core y BRoagureoents oo (») Therm Coofficions of Conarate Se (so) Shrintace Stresece in Bicol - Ga {a S€Ceot of Moiavere Content upon | Shr inkams GE Vener ete §5 Pe Summary | « iV BEBLTocAarity : 107 f : Di eae es ‘ih, a ag Aaa ew ,, Pee : ’ » Pe if Oe he ie & : ? ? LIST OF TAPLES he Thoread Qoett totont of Bxpanodon Expansion Goolficient ‘Shrinkage Goeiiicient Sieve Anolysis ef Gravel Sieve Anolyois of Sond Tension Test of Sand Determination ef Coulfigient of Eapana ion LIST OF DEAGHANS — Control Cylinder ie Aince Dind Specimen A Amea Disk Specimen B Sivein Oouse Conarete Svecinen & a # o Ca BR . * Hteol ® A Avarova Gurvea Speaimen A r) ° # B Goin ond Loea in Noisture Specimen A we ” tt ® 8 fecperature of Conorcte ae " it " * Tenvilie Arch Dinerans Me a a i A toad 4 fe ih OM : i. " speatcen A (clove w) mane e’ 2. Sti Weset, oe aA Ce RP , Pe S Or BORGIUEY Gee SO OME he inwh aah 4 pais, gray for turing sooe Died Roost st ah begaene med ah ZT, IsTRODUCTION. 2, Preliminary The use of concrete hae grown to such an extent in recent years that a better knowledge of ite behavior under temperature and moisture changes is needed, Concrete, like steel, expande and oontracts with changes in temperature. The thermal coefficient of steel is practically uniform, while that of concrete varies with the richness of the mixture. Investigations show that concrete contracts when thez is ® lose in moisture, and expands when there is an absorption of dutehure:. This phenomenon of concrete deforming under different conditions of moisture content is of great importance in large concrete structuree, such as arches. What stresses this deformation of the concrete due to moisture changes produces in an ereh, for example, is not known at present, At present investigations are being wade to study the effect of moisture content on concrete. With more information in fegard to changes produced in concrete due to temperature and moisture variations, valuable data useful in the design of concrete wtructures will be added to the present meagre knowledge. Bee, “iV FR ipo R 7 ai : _¥ te “yd + »¥ Ln 73 @ tie eV COnre o Yo env @ , \ 4 Se no te ( Pepe bos VL. ' we « _ 4 .* ely tf} Sie M | Nas coo eat \eandeteg oa “uvelor te sods ta a, “aocwvirs ster * Le : ’ Sib Us sod of FL UIAD edt % i. ne 7 2 a vat Soh a2 ,8 gee ; ; be | tovpotg BA et rag « a i-th) 2 vt ae a . , ° a wee ) Oe Veet aon, bree om T8 tam’ a | Ree = , “a @ &° 2a Ge eas SULDEING OS iasicav «¢ : ‘in water expanded and contracted when expoaed to oif, ibe 34 HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS ODSERVATIONS : In the following paces « tric? eusmary of the observations eeade on the contrastion and expancion of conerete due to varying seistare content will be civen. Articles by the authors referved to can be found in the bibliostaphy. | One of the earliest exyerimenta alone this line was Made jointly by Eserson and Peatody, students at the Cause Senesi of Applied Golense, Although thelr experiments were not on « laggee gcele they showed quaiitatively the setion of sonorete when iemersea in water and when Grieg in alr. They found that oonorete “ In those teste as in aloost eli the following, $e oises ef the apeciamme were Gmoli, Eaergon used apeolacns % ine by G in. by 39 in, in size. | As Ry Binney sade observations on the effect oi temperature on & blegk ef granite cunatele 190 ft, long ond one foes aquere im ofees geatians 34 was Dullt to feat on rollers and free to expand in 21 Ajvosticna, Movement of the blogs wae Meiguyod vy vernivra attaghea toe the ends ond mov Lag azainat pillere detoohsd from the block iieelé, Readings were token over ® poxiod of thrwe yeata, It was noted that the expansion ond con tragtion of the sonerete was greotly influenged by the condition oe) =a ewe Oe of the atuoephere, in wet Genther the expansion duc to absorption of noisture wag often oo ouch aa thet due te euener heut, Taking the average of a1] conditiona in various states of weather, the expane fon Whee Ge90GERS inoh for & rise in Sonperature oF " ¥. for % ies 100 Pte long and i ft. SQUAT Gs fo observe the ebeorption of no ietare by oonerete, & @8ke of conerete 1 ft, on & alice wae auspended vou & Stooleyard projecting through che wail of & eenll bud iding, oxpesing its 6 a4. £t. te the weathers fn 24 hours a oadn in woicht of 2 Lbe. Vea notods His tests vere wade on wather emall epegimene. The tuets ineluded oben vovet tone on heat dacan’ and On mortars | The neat sexent bere 1 in, by i ins by 4 in, in ¢ise wore afied in a Food at shout the aan’ tcaperatare for 4 years, One thicd the ahr inknce geourred in the firet week, sorte than one holt in the first aonth and aleost ‘#ih in the first »our. A total ohF inkace af Oe8R8 percent wea noted in ‘ yoara, of Swhich 84-0 pare ‘gent eoourred in the first your, Shrinkage at the od of tHe years was ‘praotitenily the sane for aged and fresh oenent. Beat oement were kept in water at a gonetant temperature for A el three ¥ eare Ghored en expansion of O407 « O06 peroent Gh the end of the first year and elicht expansion from Shen on. Katurel rock eouent showed an exponeion of 0049 percent. > fhe bass were then drica in aig at Room temperature Tor 5 days, Tho larsest soentreation shown eae 3415 peroent and the gm llest Osh percent, Three cub of the four apeciwens gontrasted ginv't ern wae i he further than to the initial volume, hen again placed in water the expansion was rapid, in one day 90 gercent of the length, lost in contraction in 69 days drying, was recovered and expansion slowly continued until three of the four were longer than in the previous imaersion. Bars which ha@ shown almost no change under water from the first to the third year, dried out at a rate of 1,7 in, per 100 ft. in air and in one day, when brought in contact with water, again expanded 1.6 in. per 100 ft. Tests were also made on a 1:3 mortar made of standard Ottawa sand. Eight bars of the same size as the others were used, Bars kept continually in water expanded during the first few weeks as much as .05 per cent; they contracted later and usually expanded again, the final expansion being not greater than .05 per cent, Bars kept continually in air showed greater volume changes than those kept in water, the contraction after three months averaging about 0.0% percent and up to 0.10 percent. When the bars were changed from the dry state to a wet state and vice versa, the change in length was about 0.06 percent, The use of water proofing compound showed no favorable action when tried out, A compound bar composed of one layer of neat cement and one layer of 1:3 mortar expanded and contracted together but at different rates and degrees; the differential expansion varied from 00 - 6.15 percent, A. T. Goldbeck These tests were made by the Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Department of Agriculture to determine effect of moisture on concrete, Jwt a ia é WE : * ‘ ot? s ot fwosig «lege come, - t? to tasoxsg OC yah ens 0 th BI ot of viwofs aolersexe Ara betevooet saw ,BAnysS eyab 8 nt a - ‘vera at? At amed? teutel eter tyot ade to 6erne ites. 2% tetite cehmr-eiento ott becela uvedh AAG - ° =v of I bolzh ,s#ey bussit of? oF sides -* - veb eno af bees als al f re 4% OOf seq .af Gt bencagee Ai satunde to ebae 100 :$ ¢ Bo ebes cals etew efeet Ape , row a@tervo off ec te eman ov to exad Fai beoe But Ol Fagii eas pats p.aeqxe to?av af yl Couns 28 e00 ial ‘ % hobracxe mo tet: twoo yodt :fmeo 16a 20, 22 ger ? ‘ero % 2D, medé x toe wmuled soltenscxe LIanJt od3 alee gato 9 -_ m bewods «tte al \ i Lesaidaoo > fucds arice&irove sddeoe te mokteuatiace ed? soem a < J ede cm? ,tamoteq O£,0 of qo Bam raped i tow ood | ‘ote few s of ofate yxb ot = } > naltoer: totew te een ef! , taeeteq 30.0 ducds oow ats ted Bete tuo be! iw gogtes aldexovat © | Bs Sh © woraem 7: taya( exo Lan tapepo Faen to tes i om atest gpeteltio ga tid rotitegot bet pent: 785039 Cc 8 ~» h) ois bo lipy wo lensque rer ls Ps ad i vee q*,? = 2 ‘ S&F —@ ~~ to woouwl ed? YC Ghea STOW BPEeF Gi i 7 are id af ++ > 7 | ah. “ j sinuvaliow te tostie eakmtese. oF pre ietus op: oar a inne iu gor i a oe cslbet i ¢ i ah » pha : ‘ay. Se 2 ol preeerhiaen: of sonetete sere wood, o 19844 mix gi - uses man, ‘wf very vet and very ary goneieteneies, Plain ond Peinformaé apedinene wore teated, The porventage of etcol eee Wee 0,63, The specinens were 8 in, by @ in. im oroas section na & ft, lone ee ‘el ; The apesiaens vere cured in aiy and in weter, Cortect~ i: on + "fons wore made for teaporature éiffovenves, Frow these teste the i a f “following gonglesions were drawn, A 14394 mixture GOREL Oa le more oe? fe than a 19636 aintere, and that the grester portion of the con slo 5, traction tokes pleve inside the giret theres senthe ond fully 0 aa , ‘pereont in the fire% oonth, The ooxieuwn sentragtion in gix months | i 9400089 inoh per inch of length in 1¢43¢ concrete, The nah nats a gontraction for reinforced conerete wes 0.0005 inch per ineh of Mongthy The apeoinen wader water expended var he vol — Gpprominately 300901 ingh per inoh of Leneth, marine after one —e remaming cea annie constant, 2 ni n e | | Mishois ana Notudienss muie obearve tions on the pepe, - tonperature ahances in two orehes, Tn oennechion with these a teat block of gonerete 10 iny by 3 ins by 36 in. wis aade to | detarmine ‘ahr inkage of the oonoerecte os weed in the aroh, A 14094 ts was we eis The tost block was kept at uo songtant temperature cM hel Pe fox 199 gays, in waioh tine 16 B20%ed & Gh¥inkOge of ga see - Mattaien nae teste om one inkage and tine effects in Loree: const ote, The resulta of hig teste on shrinkage only oh ‘ ; 7 eae Paar : C6 52H, IG RRL elketindom RIG A r 5 _~ os ‘ i ‘ a > . ; hs "ay? , id - iG 4s fring ne Sys , ey i Sn te ; i ~; 2 oTrr & Viwb.t el pir nae : al - 4 : n? & A Ht thet ’ - e ‘ oe ? Lae - - « (Wa t ey ca . i _ , . , * a . Ad» ™ . - sd @ au 9 ‘ - ft p 8 Py | “6 ee 7 ae f rs wae ot) fee j i ‘ « ie 7. ; b : eal 7 Ae) a ,Y aoe me 2a ittie ae 4) tee se ne tae 4 fil wy t» ‘ « of ’ ° Se. Fr ve ¥ Pal . veeye abel ta en erpiih tilt ealiimeaaala peu .'y ; ff ’ : ie 4 Z ~ i ee Je ; . ® a ‘ ’ “4 ) 7 ) i A A 7 y 7 = .2 } : : 4 7 F > wv a 4 ’ 7 @ f ‘ : ; la) a ae Ud ai ri a . , > oe at 5 he } - - Ge WA be given here. A boom 4 ins by G in, by 46 ins exposed to aix after the fires day showed extremely rapid shrinkage during the firet month. A @lichs oxpensien in the summer was noted when moist air from the outeide wee allewed to enter thy roon. in winter ohrinkage again commenced due to the ary cir of the Foon and during the eleventh vonth showed « fapic vise, In one | year the shrinkage wae neurly 6.0005 ineh-por inchs | Observations were then eade on S$ beams < in, by 5 in. by 49 ine, Gf 29554 iliestone cororete with Uso percent reinforee- went. The beane were cured alike under wet sucka for 5 days, after hich one wee left oven to the olf, one kept 16 weeks under Set Gacka, end the other alternately severed ond epen, The beans were kopt im such & wey thet no other influenes exespt differ once ef eoisture content was present. It wee found from these tosis that the total ehrinkace wee independent ef the sendition of geuring; the specimens 612 being aliowed to ary out after the sixth ms "that they are feote uade on oylinders cured winklerly exvept/not ‘Reswettod at the 190th day dtie bentdmco tadtle yagee so@RsTTAb ¢ at # atootie doltw efote 2 ol grinkaoet Io _ bens : ake a | cuvoo oc] heten oata egaw aolbfantéaeo digtie . ~ a. = ‘ Ws nies ree | jw .eavtiow dyed cew pena rit eer i ii 9 etd 30 ELA : anrenisce a #5 m afoot te havoos 4 aus SOW LOI eu tots betea eae ded Bs Foe o Sp53k Ba ~Le ' - =) t ei oaivzet aotovotaier ox emma ovens a58 Sh tim automrits yiselozoe ap ak teosneg 20.0 2 ec? al weo se0cto @epatiotade é | gixueow ed? foset . ®,f woled al ivets a yeb cactte epndnlics ont rengite ellenw?d ofaniiisz a ) 2. s oxy al taaue ozolaket to 4 : Sinlttce al easstess om ® ew soe ovaslily al ocastont edd a . ' veel. en ror? tasde ated eevly tobcal .f, ae a of tutoqg of stab esodt petsd 3 ak, tonen sihotonoe Alaly « a0 Bestveser ac > La nolvasmctal Ieede of sort o " phi .cowboees Dectclalst at , Snot ul oi 1 poe B @gucts 3 act ta | fierto? Leu sty tas? Poort ot? Iwo ott be aixde of oud otatemie bas Loose oad “ al e tooqe egtal ai Siot ton nvod {2 | a / vr ¥ - f La a outs at 7 ral 5 4 2) ~ 7 i ¥ ae £51) , y, ¥ ox fF p; { ¥ wes 9 Pit f 4 re ae As as : : I alee > tee ? Laie ay pen Poesy, |F ’ ese 4 . } ., b j j ‘ p eid fay WW. ; He 58 eee te satnen unde Btrein gage observations on tuo of na t io ‘eronos on &@ Peingorsea sonevete Widge ot Paiswont, J, Va. ie ‘Fron bio obeorvations tent he congludss that ehrimkace etwenses qe ore iuportant, shat 9 Mei when location on the arsh due to of im, . exposure, nearness of erotdebeans XX 3 ie we @ deflection of 2" dzep ot the orown wae observed, which wse due ie ie to shrinkage of the conoratas 7a em / im Olc, In tuo youre oe Sec | It will be roted that in ell the above exper iuente 7 i Reger ding ohr inkage due te soisture eontent, the slag of the Opeul- f gens was rather ened. fuie allows a rather unifors eoistyre : vontent throuchout the Gpeciuend. In wonar ote atrucotures ti is eondition samnot be approached #o that 1t gay be expected that Be the agisture aga sent and therefore the deforuation will very. ; 8 Yoasonable to euppese that in large otruvtures expensed to (i Ne a: bi Weather the center conarete remains at a protioally uniform vata N iN ite “sontent, the exposed portions varying nere pooording to the i , Hy ae | | Hot auch attention wea given in the previous ebservatian, A, ‘ ¥ with the oxeeption of T. Matsumotota work, to the amount of solsture — ea: <2 - Aibaorption.s Oonorete in generel pract ise “ould not be subjeot to it _ gush iumereions e¥ expoaures te soeisture as in these laboratory With euch eua}d apediaen pieces © date Was obtained nthe relation between the shrinkage and aontrastion ef the a Fenton ag compared to the interior region of the spegimen. : 1 i Oh ‘ A . ue 7 ' he at’ aA - a ’ 7“ pied Pai roe on ; By SOC ee Rtas oe hah ate sata SE me awe | EPR AY «¥ ORAS Ou Mb ivd tins + ep be : ry ~ a qisy Aa yi Wav, mt és > " “=| a? eer ey ol ie i ai S he i alka hal a i edema ii. Tt would be oxpested that the exterior region woula show mere gator tion, having Llecee restraint te covenent than the interior Tt ie interesting to mete that A, Ny Buite fount tm hie expoerinents thet bers omde of 140 aericr after axpanding under water eterted to ventraot after euveral weeks iuuersion and then czpand agein. 1, Mutousete ebmerved the seme phenomenon, he | foun: thet « 1g] mortey had contracted 0.035 percent in 70 duya @lthough ite meleture cectent eas larger thon the Initial amount. A alicht contraction was aloo netiood by Matousote in sonercte | ain whioh the miletere oentent was kept unifora. il ite ; } Ae ee ee Ow >i ¥ a oe a ce lie Wy Ky Hatt Profesor W, Ks Hatt, of the Engineor ing Bap cr dnant Station of Pardug University, had omie « otudy of the effect of moisture oh Gonercte. | Hie inveailestion vorsisted mainly of tivo perta, (i) obacrvations on « oonerete rood clat 7 ine Shick y 42 The wide ond as f%e dome with &® doweled longitudine,’ joint through the oonter, (2) teste of Girencth end length onongea of a@mcll beams with vary ing mistare conditions. | The eiab waa cured ander water Jo deye and then dried by oiroaleting air atove and Rolow the @labs Tho slab rested on * perous oravel subereie which gould aloo se saturat ed with water. Biter 49 days of aryine, the sore ragha drying 62 the top surtaes QoPNar wk Qeds ifte Gt ine anerohen edges, no further shaven opourred, The diavenmale shortened 3.075 peresRt, alter J monihe of Surther drying, the ole bok beocee Ury throu aout and aubstantie shiy Level, with « diagonal shortening of Geueld purcent. The elad wus thon eudject<4a to woleture at the bolton. ithe &% Daring 119 daye ef saturation, tow Slab warped upward 0460 the sorners and 7.009 in, 15 the unbroken edges, cimultaneously a diagons) ahortening of 0.0070 peroent eaourred in the top of the slob, ef which 40% 400% places in 3 Boure, and nearly all in 3 deyo. A tenperature rise of 45° F, warped the gorners downward “G,083 in, oF Sl percent of the tot.2 warping iin aa) ae thot pointe The invectigntion ineluded voluse chencea of saunenta and vonoretes, Buell specimene vere used for thie putpoe@, Oxinse in, ss apovisen fox she neat aonent tonin, whl 407 eas in. Lor the eoner ote SUBlS y | | Honsuregiants were token & deys eiter woulding. The | woluce sheteoae siFeverst bramdea of senent witled arestly. The expannion in eater during 10 aay a a0 PPow 04605 to 0.00G percent. The contraction in air for 06 days subsequent to imwersion was 9964 te O,145 porsent. Gravel consrete of « Lpetd 2/4 mix while under water 40 days: exparded .005 ver. cent, while in air 90 days contracted .041 percent, and while in an oven it contracted 050 4 mere, Grave) sonmerete of 4 1g] 1/695 wis «ith « abvierent senent, emperichod a8 peragnt in water, contyedted 0,918 pereent 4m wiv, ond 4,0888 percent in the oven, dur int the gage cerinds as before. | Ti apucers that aenente vhick exeand moat in waber aube Soh hb Be tel eoquentiy i/o Leoet in aft. Heat eenent ptigws exp unde kn wate? 49 tiews ac euch sa the coneretse boas ond ountQacted neca Ly five times a¢ wach oo the anoreto, Gowe ioourtant scaulte vere aloo obtsien ives ebsorvat Lome wode Of & concrete staciwe at Purdue Univers ity. Gauge points were placed Gh the open decks oni reveteownt of the etediun, & avon in tal tesperature of 32° Fy opoected os & atop of Geer, in @ porepet wall 6 in, thick, teinforocd with 1.5 percent teingoreing moth wagyay The well da iatesral sith a heavy founds Gion weli, The therael aeeliictent of experoian toa O,0))07780 im. por degree FP, at the top of the wall and 9.00000006 In, at the bases Te see rw 3S . Ae 7 . ; i . ~ . i* Viti P : ’ 4 fe ; ; ~ pay | -* U. buD oe tToe * ao ke me sovensnt narosa a fins erack in the middle of a 4 ate Length, of ‘this parageat wed wom 0.000072 in, por degres F, end as the bottos sercns the oragk Gyr,io7k? Ame | Wado @ avop of ale taxperoture of 33 degrees F., she avep in the gonercte in the oven deck aeoction of the siwiive san oY degrees, ond of the gonarete in the revetuent 25 degrees, The bo end MwelLigient of thersed ameonoton of the open deck wae 0,000) of the ravutuont Gal hg The offecte of rainkali, followed by « dvog in tesperature of 10 decrees ,, Dalanced cash other, no chance in lemcth being HOD Seconded, Thia aerree ponds $6 & thegeald caetiileien’t of 9,000¢ 7 em & Orelling oF G.005 potoent, Gone of the cungiustons arrived ot by Professor U, By Hatt oe ey | ! Gaturated gonersate hae BbeBU pereunt of the Strength of avy congrats, Tha thercal gootfielent of expane ion turdce with the tenperature end ranger from 0630000460 at 05 decteca to 0.0000080 bogun after the indtdal hardening of oon orete show that oonerete May axpend 0401 percent dus ¢o eheorpt ion ef moteture and Goy contract 0.06 nePoent then ovpored to ary BAP Theag ghanges oort inugs fo these valuge ehould be added the OE ‘4m Length during initial soting of the conorete. | A sowubination ef ehrinkoge with drying ang a feild in temperature whl produce avwiewn aheinkare streine, & goebinat fon ef a azep in Semperatug wd & YHingull sey retain the oonarete a¢ or. previous Length. A) ey ane ase Nn Ye any wy wh > Ler, 1 i Y va, . smn sera" jut f J ) < S| . Ve wat ox ee fh oe wine mt er pty $, Lae OBSERVATIONS ON A GUNGRETE ANOH AT DARVILLE, ILLINOIS Pros eober We Me Vileon, wi she Unkverelty of Tilincis, has been teking oxiersive obearrations on & vonerete argh bridge ee Donvilie, aitinoie, The Weisice coreints ef six argh spans and tse approach epere, firsin couse readings were taken on- the @egend serch opan from the north ond, The concrete waa aboutg Feats Glu “at the begining of she cheorvations, ‘Those teadines are token ot the hownehes, at the erown, and at top pointe near the erown whee the solid @pandrel trace Becine, & totsai of five sete of oheorvations, The roidincs are faten truncvergely to the oreh giv, & Poadine an beth the top and ‘patten of the vib fe token event ot the orewn where only the Wetter ie sogesei ble, This itvaetic:¢icw ef the deforusiion: produced in a Gongrate ofeh due to texowrature chonees end oshox eances ia pictebly the agst oxhanet ive yok undertaken, The tmresticotion tea other ebearscticns which noed not be discussed heres | Groatey oare eas wed in taking thase Pee dings than hae been done oroviowsly in work of thie kind, A standard var of tnyar atcel wees onedes ad in & wooden bex with @ thermoneter ettagheds The otrain guage gould be sonvenietly eheveked at ell tiaes “eink the worresgunding benporeture ef the standard por noted. The temperature of tae eonerete Wee deterained fren a) noroury thevwexeters pleased in temperature wells Grilled inte the teak Pid, Those tonperoture wells hod oup qrocae in thes prom toeted by % @oPk through which wae & hele for insertion of the | thermometers a + eee a4 79a \ e ‘etgs™ Pb inte he ~° 96 é : f oe . . | re «ait weg ’ ® Pt: oliteacen heels TO ave Aaa in. otruin gauge veo wed in tuking the reading, . The chearvud deformas tone WYeS plotted with the @efermation due te texceroture ahu ges, The Mares] cooffteiens of expansion of senevete wa taken oe Oe0000082 » & Calas shich gives the beat averuge value for both tp ond boston of the ribs The difference between the teaperatwre end observed deformasion ie the doformation dae to solsture chences and ciher causes, thie gurve io plotted on the vane ghoct. A study of the ourree plotted (496 pp, 21 to 25) for onan aeotion ghows thet the temperature and observed recdings wusy in the seme way, The wurves egreeing very nicely et tines, iniioating thit during this period preetically e114 of the Geternaiien von ae to tenperabure chonce aLonGg.s | The curve ghaetine deforant hon due to other causes than temperstiure chences indleativs hes ihe batten of tha arch cib aareank sont imapos Ly ftou the initial trending, ratcghing o saxinum Garing the hot eumner conthea, The lagi reniing ahews on expansion, being token tn & wtiod of daup meathat, Tha top of the aroh rib ehows very little vwariaticr sithe way until rexiince token during the fo11, then expaneton was shown, Paring “he winter xnomthe and uo to the Auat reacing taken in the apYing, expareion ie shown. This difvferense in the top and bottom deforemtions of the orch rib due 46 other than temoerature changes, oan largely be explained by the feet that the botton io better, protected trou wieture in the for of fain and other pregipitet on, . oy ‘ ‘ha? : : cvs. rf an a5) ' (+ A e iw we a eats ae . _* . A WY : ey es oy Wr take a: wat pany: at base ye eed < axe fein BOF? wy ro ony 14 Py f Event? sj? <4 t °o al ’ SW iid 1 g eA Dats Or eer de) ae os . ’ tar Ate » TL? | faa a y vi Sce, 1A XK i ¢ ap ¥ at ye : . tS 1 bs Ta ree way, mnt: Doe ‘ nee a ’ : av 1K b> noe sane .- eee eowh hs ge wotrake ae A we 2h « sed ; mio @ mw wets. 20 0 ile A j ed we r hd , * ty “4 7 e ‘as ia . . ct . 94 Ph ’ ww j ‘ ‘ i 77 ' n 07 a | sory hy tal @ 4 {9 cilbite. geod Saad yee ot weg witht Balin tj werd? 66 cose #6 spe “en oe hp. ; Tho AN ataaged Mmaiwus onrinkays tor the five sestions duc to causes other thon temperature io 0.007] percent. A noteworthy pein’ ie the wetked aateoment af the Badal fox the five seetions ind boet ane pre oare er excellence en the wbeayes tunes i a : +4, eat ; oe a ' he e i : : ve | ’ ave ald \g mot } 77 ~ > 4 n° %.¢ r _ bp ae Galion ie, MaRS il ede om) . ° , - _ © t bat) r Sabet Gy 7 c 7 ’ Py "ee } i fy! , as a 4 les a TU ar te ia, SUOl “St He Pur caqaueyp Sf "UE G Sumspoods = "2 oOht POS 9f9 2 6*ete*ett gsett piety sottiy BU0g8 GeE“T 49H ‘a ‘A "tH 30 ff opouNsyeg "yh S°*2 = woqaoy “E “gp opyuarg “we *V “atEn BTqot (B0G0G “ss Lie : ra a exe f hard # S006 « OS 8 4 Gf ctatt 2 o50°G ~ SO"G “SP OL a 8 ou 93%Z °R *s # ® & SiGG"C e a * « @%c%Tt e # go00"G a & % » $8gst | # Geuel wuss jo yusgscd b eo6 tae © “ep Og a a “O00 ERTL oOFeMSgee “yZ es... ao"G = 9O°6 « 7 6 e soa git * "Gh TxTep “cots St°S = 46°C « 2 & # ae eats . C6T"O s G —— “ot S9iqe @ Tieqtnmp 8 e0"o = & ay a eto"o “ah FT rn # a 6 Che'"s “Of 8 ® e03208 git a SeO"O e & i e 2 8 Te0"G “ah fT ® # 2 OT Je “40 Sh0°O “ee ¢ r se “OE BG"S * ry] # “SeToL og a # ® SEGdOa FIT «STP Uy Eile i * Fapoa ® B mn “SUPOS go ae ES * Pee a 8 « moydoe Ett “8? 06 ® 8 “or6 * ©& = s # « & # i * e % e ® SU4IOS FIT “aé 6 ® “ou 8 e 8 w 8at Fy ® ® #23L08 EFT @ ge “ae ‘Seams item an oom gucwes gro a “FepOs os | rs * os $ 44 8** ER AEE 56 woRLOG WO tENEy e a) mee Ee 9 DOH ot ae B” © gs ee ae es ao ee. ee ee Se "0 ~ 8t"G See REE See Se ets re ry oA Sas 8 - — a e = eee ae ae er ~ - 4 ed oe P ~ Me a\ UJ 4 x “. »4 “ rane | 5 i a - t BRE BPKAHE Gee SRS BRReuereeecascee Ce EXEVMILUNGe CACSARE AY SE! SRT GRERAR Ee RRS ES URE he DA LeReE MSEC RSSLES ee ee eee EkCESCCUERE CRERR REE Se RARE RS SER 7 RoSRRS RRRRSSEE AS ee ee a [cUSESeRCSKSECOGSAs HCenearesseaeeHeceee pee 4 4 : A ES SE a ee Se A a nn ft OR At PR BS : UL Rake ee eee SSSERaS E BARES SERS EEERE | SRUERREE CRUSE SRE CONES ALES RORR OSES E SER OR ORS USERS SRR RERSALE SRB a8 TT ith z2 a pe te rie SES. BECSERr. BS “AES “AAS 5° oe LS ‘His SRE ~R ORES Te -hR e e RaRRE Bis Se NY EREER. 2 8 Op NS Pee ape pyr ep a ae | z mi4< Sid ri | Te ee oe EE EE A | ae Lj SESBSER SRE SSESSRRSSR OSE C ECTS R ESE R GE SE A SESE AROSSRENES EEE | Peeled 44 BERRED LOOP” 1 ho xt t Beaks and eee RekRea itaka KVERZERESCHELE PASSER ERRE VPCKASERHRA ZR AOREASE RRS CRS AS RAS KARST SL SRORAARHHE BARR SRE RE SS BREAST SERRA SEAR SAER SE SESH KE AAA ¥Y , ee s Oe ee ae ee ee ya ttiriiii ts ) : EREREOEREEL LERE EPs Eh ERBEREE BH AN. AE He Tryarr tia Nt GRRE ESR * we A ae Be Bc rity BB \ ESF OEE BR ru SSSSREGS, Go EEBR Inn Ee Ta. a a NT Eb Sas ee oo x ee Ge: oe EE ee Fe Beers eae on Bee =. Ew Ree ee ae MS Ee Se ee ORE Oe RS SE ES BR ES yt ES ee ERP EO ce GER te Ae of Te } a : ej i H = ‘ EEBESEGER TEM SuSEE SERE RE ) as N22 SBE BEE 8 SCRRRESSEEY.S gee | / i een fi 4 TRS EEG. SRE SARE ——— : top 3 - > at 8 4. , va oa me | - ’ + wn | | ; | i } : : : | h ; tt Sb Ae Oe GS Be ee en Ree BABw : HEGRE CGEERESE RS | : | : : : | EE : . 1 $3) 2 ei d H . 4 , a | : . | _—_ ie ee ee ae Wee, fee ime ee CD = ee = Bes i i a Pe Se | 4 / | oe oo Sp SAE: Baer aa cor oo stop on ee i j | | ae ee | i } . i | ‘ painted ah eo | : ae a — | | | z | } i i j iH | | = A SRS aso GS Ses Ee SE Sa a oo oo ee | z H eK Be ES : | j : i Se ae 2 Set : | 4 Fe EE: ie eS 4. i Ee OE eG SY A gD Ge He Le er set! Reaoree | | j 3 ; | 3 | TS ae : H g we: i .>a 4.5 BO BS a ek BO WWE Ee | aa me Se 4 aeee een ! BRERSESHKAYS THe Se eS SRSkSERBRRY i : BE: me WR fan eS 1 : 1-4 : : - y / : tr. ee Sx te | » Kael SBD. UGA Le Gis Seve ears 9 Ts a QE Us a a OM a PS IS- Gh Ge ow ee A OP EB Ge a Re i ey OD Se ket Go Se CA es ESE ee | Vi Sk css SACRA ESE STRHE SOLES eee : , et ESF SSRN RAS LES ERRERSERASEE ek OR PSR SS Se SRE BRR = BRS fee er etd 3 y a a A ee OE AR RoR 20s eRe Sai as a Bek ae aoe ge t ee EY Set ES Rac Mat OR Gn ees eee ee Ss Gabe Meee tebe Rk PKERESRRSt Bey BEL eos : : it : : S55 LESUUSSEGE CLOSURES SUGGS R8NS PESERESRI.7 RE f /SURRRG GUM GeesGe rs” saa5GUR000SNSGSHG0G8 penr=acuaeGusaucekes SuensGEseececseeenes \eusvccaRemenee =” ee Se ee ee ee eet ee Be S hae SS SSSES ESSE SEE RET SESE REE | eS ee 2 bia QQ oO a id SGRTERRPER ENORRE eae S SEGRSCSC CO CGREmEaE | 2 Coe aS ee oe Sbarsaseacacsnsassceceseussnsscesssertcs caceenseeseceseeetua "9%, rertsgusaeeaees("caui S= Tel" sercsees Ee Pi gio i SUBBRSGRRESGOGGGGGe JUG UGESERESCUEGEEENE Paes Tas CGEERSEGSHEE) en CEacECTS No eee 2 =~ EGN Bi.“ BSS Ee ; : : ; i i : t BEERS UG6 PAUORRSENS ESR SRSORE CERT RRRE ASS fa BET en Bs EERE J0/, 006 tar HOITe IO par ere | aaGees SUSERC e0..ELASEA ic 2ESOEe am eer, Same ee i a OF ae a ee = SBA Dee Bene pote Ser ee, ae ae o a ' a 4 t ‘ nT Eon Cua. Go eRe Senn Oe +4 BS h~ eRe ie ee CER. ERE Ze % iw ee Iie Se oes SR Ge SERELRSHRKe XR SRE: RERBRARE OS ZRERERERRRRERG i: HR RERRARERERERS CE SRESRAKEARREG | BARREL RARPERLERE FE BRERBSMERAAERE " SHRELTEKESBESTRRAS BB LISECRERETRRSSL. LECKRRRRARKEKK BROS Be ) AEF SEMA REER ARRSRSKE RS SRLERALR EE BH = SRS SURV KAMA SORRRERERE SREB RERES ER if Per fe Lf SOREGSSESSRESCRERSGH CRRERSGH ER TEOMA eke | 4 ) SHH RA CASERREL SSRRKK SSE Se EERSSSRDSEE GUESERSR RE ACRERER “Eek REREEE RE REE BP rd » POM vane a seabed’. 2p Pee geet Py ators ae utes y — enue 4 : Deke gloge « 6 ta%8 a ~~ ae aa pyr - * 6 | 4 of MBoetaeden & seemed yeobtpd gieeeie GRRE ‘ vi. ) rhe MLA) gts "eT | ry ic a Gale & seguds Koad Yoeniah , asco : - ‘i (ia i io! os G & vs hy, aaa? ike a * ’ ’ : i - at 6 * > , 7 g pe thor Ay 54 i . a | 4 he 44 Vr a“ ae Ui etaej Jo) Rs ’ 5 > - 7 4 ‘iL i ; | | ass Loa : veo pigh fi - my tf t tty fewoet ee Sattaaae Ye @ co wee o3; a6? often, dae wht w oat, iy is weretfo tee tdagt eff Lit i AGO sores, De coat Ba — SER wy, BT Sieve Analyois of Gana Sise of Seoregn SE 8S aes (over 299) Avs & Determinations Rota ined On hei Bet GD ot #o,8 2305 4203 Lite? to By TAPLE 5. 30. Poscont Pose ing F389 ‘aes Fel 4008 Giave Anolysie of Groewol Avs of 2 Doterainat ions Sise of Gorcen Percent Re~ Peresnt mine ot Opening tained on Poaa ing RIA aT Ss x 3 a yy E £ Sy it ; if nM it ih = ae i ¢ rs S p58 | gontinuenely at she Pozen Me Asay ond bauping the as ee {dia 326 His ond Proaedure of Pouring «=» fo be a faiviy reprasentae tive gonerate ao wuedly sod in Pork of thie chorectur, & aie of | a6 Petia of oenent te angregttes w00/sheoans Pho sah am wee “eoneloted of 2 port socent ‘be 28 porte tung te 99 porte grovel, thia miniure gave the woat verkuble rahe ef shes ratios The secont, and aggregntou wore. enaoRed in Doses mide et goreees alee, the suanls.oee of the bones being Steuek anogen oooh thhes fho cater for each batch woe teighed on Plstiora BouLaas The oovent, cond ont cvavek core put in giret ead the wabor poured — lest, The w.terials were then wited Lear uu ninubee in @ awekd i Gta £6, anpactty electric driven re One set we Btetdonod wea of core than ordinery inynanay De te the anro i» nanaur ing sng, toe to ond water, conereto of vasiora done ae born 3 @btained througheut the ‘spoeisona ena tn the ive. separate A a The moletuce sontens of the sand an apovel wa kept whiforis by tixing the rocaire’d acount of aond and gravel ve a p Wea oen Oot ®iatenoy just bovore So oo baer ‘ wa the reingoresa epentyen « ana we pourva firet, Fiewres 1-5 pages: 37 to 41 ‘show the loastien of the atvain scwre Linea, Aces die]. Linus end the ‘tom, orubore wolde. Plaeing @teel and Avtancing Gauge Linca The Rolnforve. ment iin @oeeioon A aonsiete of 62-inch plain equare of3a oveal tore, toy mk HOSters ALL bare wore node flush with. tho onde of the Diecka, To *oep the steel Im the prepo® pegition, sanil nails J hi RE = | ‘ As, yi : oe j Puls ate oy i pert { g he ah. 2 gtd | WEA i ad ya yD bod ‘ 1 ; J ry D4 rl é: : : ‘ 7 1 ees. j , ] ) e wh A . -_- i te- . at io 2 . ue : 5 ix ‘ ag: f pee $i ’ Le Yo a my . Gal vot 3 SS wetatyna tte . oe? alow” a ( A a ? 7 fr, | = foni-fL 2 \¢ ane hoe ite y Y - ” v) in o 7 . aa 4 ? fs 4 6 GaGysedo Be wore dviven through the end fomue at the aorreat :loges and these» Rell onde rejected inte the Aves cial gouge Roles in the ands Of the otcol bara, To Keep the weight of the eonsrste from proneing the tee) com on the vottes, wood blocks vere inserted under the Ware at the 7%, stYain sauge points, After thea teres vare reseed, tue blocks wore taken owt and the atce] geare points exposed. Po - Beep the top atec] gouge pointe exposed, lengths of 4 ins gine were @ut With sleta in them te f1t over the steel bore, Theee eure Lett in place ond served co noldeve for wooden pluy pisced to prevent engoneive ®: 7 Aw ¥ 14 j Ric teen , ” tate whl WE MO hae 1a Oh tus 7 ee @ iis eae io oh! Ae > P U 4 (3 : , Ly . \ LS i é v 7 x - " Ran oo iM { ne Ne 4 GEPES F PePORSIe OF COTS ices OF BePasicg READING SPRCTINN WSTOET TRPCRATORR == STRAT. caoee 1d. of. ‘hers. §1 Thems.72 (Corrected) 1 a © Sf S.20°r, 72.0°R. 426? 2 bee. in hot room” 5 28 4.0 4008 | “Stee. outdoors a i ann BB Beg. En Rot room 2.3 1.2 «28 eee pe 96.0 0 4525 2 brs. in hot room GLS6 0000047 2 fo of *® @ » ~*~ 4 A & & SB fe) see esses se gases RES 3 i 3 6 @.58 96.6 «Bie a7e Ve f ay : 7 } } Pig. 1 pace OT, Ghows the location ond arrangecent of ih | the strain qauce Lince on the tep of Specinen A. The tusber ing ie is started from the west tide. Other dutaiic ave shown quite | gheariy on the figures On the pet ber of Specisen' A, bhe exrongenant of the ee a pauge Lines ia etudior be ties on bE wr, @rcept thas these is i ge ee Nee Specimen B haa no steel exace linet, fhe oonerete Hy he Bs gouge line for steel, i ss ae Lines are aimiler in arrangeusnt to thoae on Specimen As ob ‘ ct ‘ie he Fics 38 pogo 38, ohews tho location and arrenqenans of a the oonere.o seuce lings on the sides of Specimens A and By GY 14 : ) % y denotes the woat side, the oust sive sauge Lines are By, By, ees | Fize & page 39, shows the avrangesent of the Aces Dial x ss Pinta on the onde of Specingns A end B, The top Line of peinta y \Z ds marned Line A, the oonter Bing B, anid the Bott ee Line Cs Point Bi 7 | mumbo? 1 fe on the west side, Pho figures chow the differance _ Ri ~~ > > ia ne ; belween the Gposicens rather gloorly wilheutsS Purther digeuas lon. in Sy ine Mik View 4, pore 40, share the arrangeaent and loostion of ne 2S Ps _ - —— a ee ee ee of the tesperatare woilea on Soeoinen Ay Tao pion view chores the owen —— | temernture velia on the top, oni the side elevition the wolle | an an the aides. | ae - Spesiaen B hae & gialler arrangement and nuaber of wella ring che Le in, wolia top and botton, of whigh there are nip = - ry ' Nooah pertains Theee are losated one ot each edge and one of t the epee, a ae : x tal inns ‘ 4 \ a d Oe fl i) ‘iy Wi as ite hig a hI tee h + re a : 7 hd A i rs rng 4 a ? . z ' is oe. oY’ Ms werk 2 . | é PR re >) ea Nags obnee A ry hah : wat tee qa 08 ae | . | Tete ps W wad ees oe hs a ast ia ¢ : - 4 ? - % : yl © fC iste y i \ Pa y ie ren , hl is om E a hea. Sy page 41, » shows the Aivieione end general makeup ah, ‘ne ffoune uaed in teking the Aves Died geuadings, The rod for nt i bs - gheok ing wp the Syacw io aleo shawn, The igure shows how the 7 u fren wa eae Pagia by fastening cucset plates te the thet bare | by aeans Gt vgs wri viveted natis. “Tho photoxraph oppontte » page $2 shove the sedans 124s ik ¥ “outaide the norta ena gf the strugtural laboratory, Spesinen A ee are the Lefts ond speoinen Bon tae right. Pua Ph ia | The. ance of the epeoluana bave & eoating of nd te panty vite ea $55 <“ ee (eae Ree ae | this van pub on te pravant whaad acluture omorption at she ARIE @ 1 Ok a &fter aeverad pgnths af enpoouge the paint de spelling eff to aoe ; by Pe yey — Mote tn Speeison B the te-perature wells on the side, — ey ie Me | ‘the dark spote on the omt of Spasiven B are patehee of grout, tne — is } ae ‘ae being Moker acuerhat when taten outdcorm, naan Lat ing the. i 4 _ -Reeaetting af 90, pinges A siallece pateh is acen on the south ond | a. the oentor. | books . i The photor®agh eels paige 33, shows ihaaiedsuie ‘ with. , psbpaal an. Panes sor Mate the Ames odud ruodings, The iets i perss ee 4 i ip . ‘ i t M i i : eng by ais kr ties ih dear lh ‘ qth ) \ Ns ; vy, mk j 1% 4 ae a’, 1 1 ue * 4 . es a ors ye ih See ED ee ‘ee =) ‘ ‘f i "hs , vy x : at 5 f Ps bit f Bea at Misy ¥ | . ive ‘e Le ‘ P - a ee pees ees Sy PROSE pid 4 i | 7 3 a teokd ane Ve . r- mw ined nat cei abvi- a ww ; v Rae I 7 See iy ag Wal a ie ‘ Y a a teu CNG. q re i : 1 Py ¢ readings, since ae are taken oe en, LST, _ ey oo —- “ae . ea “bs, J par oe a ‘ ments » % 7. 57 6 on the frame after each set of observations. There is a chance, however, that in moving the frame from one line to the next, the frame being somewhat flexible, that some change may occur. Pe 75 1 vA yy a ow) ae J Ang 6 al 58. "0s ¥ Shs inkage an gonerete gon Be detutu ined by GtPain nonsutee mente bul the aitese due to ehxinkace is not oO exeily determined, ‘Peforestion ta plein oonerete 4@ pot on inglecction ef etress einse the comerete flows gradanlly when aubjested te stress beocuse of iia phan ia notbere, | ik sonerete is retnforacs wtih @teel end shrinkace takes plece, tha steel ia put inte Comptes tot, Thie is beoause at eel dowa net flew under BLP GRG The soenorete io owk inte tenaion fer the reason that the ateol resiate the tiginkece ef the comrecte, To deteraine the streseca set up duo to shrinkage, several, emporimetiashove token at7ain seamutesents on apeclauens of plain conerete end seagenion speciogene of reinforesd sonorete te i ind the ~~ Feledlon baleen Gon Toaeivre e°nogsea if @¢e8l ond coneraie due te shrinkage, Prob. idy the beat and mat Posent inveatigat ion along lk thie line was waade by Porats Betemaste at the Univers ity of Tilineis, His investigations were conf ined altogether $e: Wael ay :00 LEN» wo gises of opeciwena were used, one velng « by 3 by 34 in. and ‘the ovaer being O by OG by SA ing Be found thet screates up to the | ellovable working etter af wild @t¢el ahy be ¢et tp duc to the f she inka ef the eenetetes | He dabused formulae for avlauloting the coupresatve otrese in $he. Stee) and tensile etveon in the sonerety from the unit | H; & it By | deforeation of plein gonareie due te shrinkage, Tho derivetion of ba aa tneee formulue oath ba fous OM Poe S0eE1, Bulletin: 136, Univereity wl om 90H ne ogame’ Att si aay 3 b aoe’ > 10) ate: of mvc amet erie 7. . ‘ Tewwry 5 oe ae ol ou “4 th TH rintpy ITO wed ates toate An) iis tf) r 4 “FP é fs |; 1 a a ¥e t 4 ie ; Seats 4 ee the formulas rot For the aasdews wnt gaupeeseive atwens in the ateak | L ap For the waxkinm anit Gentle stress in the aonsrote; Oy ®. i, = Bf Waere Ey + meiuhus of elostialty of the steel —. | p * yotio of otegl ares to the concrete area ® © ahrinkaye in 6 wii leacth of plain concrete Theme equations are bened on tho folleving sasumyt lone {i} The steel reatreine the concrete uniforaly sneilsisdae oub ite oroos agotlot, {3) The bond stress io oxoportions, te the aiep one ment ef the gouner ete, (3) There to wm aligging of the b ots the bora ateens daing uiniwwn ot the of) ond ere of the gente?, Tha morkern soupreneive Si8e0o Wil thereliere acour 16 the counter. | Assumption (1) ecannet epply to any except apecimens of @uni gress sustion, se wed in T, Hateuscteta teste, For | Spoainen ef iseges arene aoution, the action of the steel will te | «Audited to o tox kow body of conerects adjacent to the bot, The aeeusption that. there ig mm glippiag of tao bor is not atrietly wie hense che bond oteese wilh not vary oe tae ordinates of a bs uate ang erecke im the aonerete will alee ai feat shoe Ath palut WEAN Bos we 7 eent " a aha h& re - " 7 ba lal add ot F a : . nhs i * FL eit wate ee oe "ele ? ey ad AW sewebe onde an ie if Ht eh cee he ©) « 4c, os: ance apie ¢ 99D EE IP Pore tek + 7 yee be @ 7 7 7 ; ta i) aa? me sou ae a o Bae Ae Phe total deforastion at the tep of Specimen A ae iF deterainad by the Avnoe died io given om oie 194 The outer? pointe yh Been ate the outer ete@) tore on whieh the strain gauge readings were } taken, Tao huge kine for enct day of oboePvation chives the deforsetion tras the initial reading. A tonde ny ovard a sreeter esrinkegs 6b the edieces oon Be acen. On pare le? the totel deformation fer the tep rev of ; @pesiwon B ie given, The survee do not ahone encugh uniforadty yale to Gree ony acneinaions. , On paze9l6S and leathe total deferuction for the senses ‘ | «Rew Of plugs of Bpeoinens A ond 8 are plotted. The dofernaciona | 7 Seg Father union agrese whe wi ath of the Opecicena, the last tro readings show & sar tot ton in Gowohs on Be 08 pose 196 the ueforeatione for she bettes row of Specieen A are plotted. Speoisen B hed tee plugs lecacned during the revovel outdeove op that they could not ba gonpared to the other readings, The gurves for the lotton of 8: rs a, & are walformly higher on the east aide tham en the west aide, The reseon fer this | | ie net known, eilthough it @icht have been coused by an errer in the ba Mitial roodings, A evsdual ohipping of the fraxe while the ¥ 4nitial rosdings were being tuken would cegount for this tentenay, Phas scene to be teasonable gingy G1 the curves vary in the cane | oye If tie ourves were orlented go ws te be tetizontel, the Yes shrinkage of the outer bere would be Groktar thsh shat of the — te Su. Hhe el eb et: ra mat 30 od le be et Bor : Ms OmV Ey a Rede ar ats ‘s at mar.” eish ehiek> ss eins ie ite Ate soe 0) Ween @ tt 2 x | arti { we r Ps Ure ‘ ‘ . ; ‘ set ¢ Pi > ? g ‘ 1 Ww . re é . ‘ » & 4 “ , ! is 7 po 4 car wate We ’ . i a | 4 y, } ’ 6: . a R kegé , 2 : te! ; + ‘ ¢ + »? . > y ge h/ ’ e e 4 é r\ a | ' * * «@ ; yh ; oT; ’ ? “> Moe we : , s* ; ' , tv cue oJ or } ‘s ‘A *% : & ws ' j @ nag + 3 h 4 a shall foe : os ) ye 7 . f ‘ Ks A wt of utr tad : ; a 5 y > ¥ a =} erg genebie? hah BH olive te urtod om a soba Nrbaiss : PA his Gidea aihine wt Lib ese ll eem aa i Li , ; j AR a ts @ | ) i fi ud dee gniGi fy seit. ae i? t aoe ae ee pee. * j t els ta Si dias nn 7 " g > iF _ en ae tne | il éter cekhions were ateraged for cook xow of both epooicens: and pleted on pages 182-183 to. see if there was any variation ‘tn & Var$iee’ plene, Roth apes lawne shew thet the Og: 8nd bettos ehrunk sore then the center, The slopes of the | “A ours es WoRy, Ghie in en indieat 20% has there le no initials erpor AS entering in. if The average deformation of the middle vow B of the Anes 0 dial po Gy towether with the overage ef the 84 in, strain eet ie vy Feedings os the Coy bolton pnd aides of oth apeainens eare we plotte’, Phges are shown on pave? 1e9 and 181 | Those ourves Were platted to ecu whet vadation there woe in the unit Mi deforeantion in the oonoreta Sevens the oentrod portion ef the. 4 : @peainens 3 Agbetiined iy the ‘etre Pa] aoange Teaiings oh the : | «Sites, the top ond kottem, wma vou the Aves G01 Poedings token i ty on the eenter vow of gluge ai the ints | The gurves aued Spegine A dhew hat the strain gous . renting age we nigely wish each other, the rian dial gurve however fr «AB @oneigerenly above the GUL, vary’ ng sore hha HETAVSL Mund ed pergent fron the average readings i Ay oy In qurvea ser Soeotaen B, the Aces Jil curve ogress - : tuiedy wail wlth the top end aides, The geuce line curve fox the | ia | bottos is sougwhat above the evoruge varying sfound 04 percent ; : sen ibs | | | pe ‘ A AY ate . Phe éhawtene on pages sresrrghor the tober deforsa tion H of the sonar ete ae the “P tnd boston of Speelocns h ond Bao | ie ght the 3 sty ihe anata gauge, These atagrase a sot | oe i: y ant | a a ‘ ww my) Baers ee! a Feat ie UH mee ele 7) f ; ed Te ay?! $ ; vy q : ‘ ' " | + me ¢ \- é | G20 | ‘email ona attatia, 1% should be noted, however, that the euteiae” geage Lings ove 7 in, from the edme of the block, The dingraae indivn 6 Shid the Geierwation he Wilors betwom pointe Y ins i, feo the eiae of tha bieck, thare lo ne data imiieot ing theag this i Mh hig, deforantion ia/unitorn Wp GO Ge @Gge6, than at the center. ‘ The abore Gisounedon bin v8oughs oni the following bene hat Sete 2 ae of the THVHAE Boss. : The shrinkage at ‘the’ top and at the bottom of a concrete” | block, like the ones used in these tests, is ereater at the extreme edges than at the center. | | The Gefermation in the ceniral portion of the black ad wntforn, hoeth an the Oy BIKE HOE LO. oy ‘ : Phe ceteris tony, across the middle of the Blowk is ieothealy unitore from adee ta - PhS «Fhe average suave for the top, aeant er and beliten rows i of 4aeea G18) plage ee hunger & sPonter abrinkace for tha toc and betters rows. than for the middle row. The Usunl deeumotlon that the entire avose eootion bao tha eoxe ohginkage 1¢ not kere out by this teat, In other words & plane geetion before ahFinkage dees not resin clane after shrinks k | fhe ate of the oerteat themool cecff isiens 4a vary - taportont in working Bp the ae gash of obteined in his toot. The ble rho ef deriving the pRoper opeffialent tox a OOnOE GSS fees in tite teat wan dinousned on pages 44 and a Te ian found re this aonorete had the Bone Savaind say parent hacks * a otote ws bia a any abnter ‘the Vich ales mt wit woe a iene ne o : ih ae a . a et ie é i i 7 < 7 j q oe uit tet eth: $e ei ha A 2 : WA a At Aer ‘ ‘ : 5 feted 2 = . ™ 4 uy r Loe , n>) ° \ A mvEe « inthis ( » i ¥* wldie “ " % vite ° rt] ° ~} ? ; ' SAE *, tha ve TOM p phy 7 << y e > , 4 nye te c ‘ ge ONy Mepieeé 6cs Te adsl Ae Ft se subaney ah iors a7 ue | | | hot) Oe ee “agate a ee 7 J ( mn 4 * ‘4 * 7 $ .( & ar : ie i 4 ‘ . p .) ' e . r ¥ poe _F on 6k ty pas tgerisd? Jo cnatarzee es: ¢% 4 oa Pig T fa agai Li ee a oat ‘ ce hg ted, MS eo ——s im r 4« he > . as peel ee é dpm - «gee eg ate wo a= “= 7. SUMMARY y Although fe fing) goncliusions oan be draun trem the > prenent investigotien tie So Sto Lieited natare, « brief aucuary of the wain pointe srought cut will ve given. | Le A POA seotiin welore shrinkage dows nob remain phane efter shyinkuge, _ ¥ : | S. The atcrage unit deferostions of the sentral areas of $e top, tities, and vottan generally ieee fanitiy weil, oS. In the plein oecoioen the unit defereation of the Miidle ror of Anes dod pointe (sore af Blook), Agveed raxawkiably weld 4th the unit deforamtions ac getorsinad froin the Guier auriaces , . in the Peinforesd agesieah taia Que cenent wae not ao wood, $e The therand coeffiuient of wet ons avy semerete is the HONE, being JGR for conerete as ueed in thie toot. oe feu oreture GOtoroationrs Bagouns cox & large part of the tot«) doforustions and ay asvount for 211 sf 1% during soxce POF LodG | } & Uniess long cont inacd, che affect of scleture is noo apparent in the cde ody of Latge o)ooinens on wed in thie teat. 4s She inkace SiPaegeas in the Oteel aa deteroined tress delornntbions on plain gonarete eo ao agtue WIth Kenaured siresees, fs. The prevent investigetion po insta out the need of further inveatiowtion and ciudy ef the geforsations in sonerete ~prédused by tesperature and moleture ghon-eo. | | vere, a x) rege ry ay ‘ © ee 5 . : Ne Set EP Va naa 4 : ie ‘ “ay ray a Sih ss v7 ae - (9 SREB S AAOHFK LE J FER AE CBS CUOREDE: ¥ELSE LSet . AS ev HR QRPHE we &SSARE SREZ she t- Ba oA ve eee = AS CReanva 2ae68 Sel sense vey weR Sear 3228 Easanaves e@neura 2 w penee 25 S9P Rar eae enaene oe S2BaeShSeRVeATAE caSs oe SSRNOHRVS we bd sa iesce tae aes he > OU RTRY SEW As OB WES aes Asus ey oe oY Ge ak erp chee ee = te me 2% oe oe & / AU RRP EGE = BOSS LARSAROCRA BOS: «& ii es 15 2 puae FRIGRBES SP HGV45 GSK eR ® et ee § va 4 t iS OO ees 3 ms Ty, AoC AMPs S BEE Gane "FAAS ar DFP MER AER AROS as Rasen * 4S OP ORE Ke aD Be ey Fe > Pad: ae a she & 2s * Se . tt Seasekente 38 4 a3: et oe Fe 2 meses 2 zum mre z cf . FF SP e nF ae REE I= ti 2. ake is Hee 8 ee3 i: s Pierre Be wantae i sep MRD x * S82. PRAIA VER eee Bo ei Sees “enunr Geass Fhwaan a a ; Hert Schad ‘| ae ee sesvcaee ae RBSserwew seetiseat: te ea 3 eS MS Ss Beans ae owen ee 5 atten: Asty ich sehery 3 =H ae a re aaeme es, oR Seen x i 39 SORE pape g either Petre He sonia : sine ag sanSESRE eS eee & seen 4°? " Shed % & i 2 TRS Seay “se “) ABGRRG eee KAN SHGHS mer =aeEe sete: aif + ns Sh ADEE Seed taaeae tans get Oncmegemeses seat sects fe fur ceens fas leet: nent tvset ax Pesespatetoerescs2sc6s aaa 3 ee j oe t i : i ets ataee : reer ¥ : oe: oh ica Sass A> SBHEASARED & AWS 6 SOE = hi RY SEER SSERE Ses hs awe b URSA DeSAH LEE SSUES RSE we eR BRPUR® * : POURS CONE SROKE OG OHRET > RY 2 EN Sesea an i REFEREES GE SRK DA RSeseeey COG es SOP SVE SRAHE HHE ES CR ee SRESCRHREA ZU fs ty feat i ey age a ,-e Sen. thane aS Py Rewer gary ra sseaer SES SELHERGNBREE 3 eR, eee cee ee P| Bowes S25 Seer feeewe, | SaR Ue Re sract = ‘2Gheat ees * Sa fa ee eha~teae RGte: AF. Bhs .% Bers” VSe 22 2 ES He tet ot SVES eas SHRP S ea SH* GARE 4 CSAS Fee Cee PS Mie ewe SORES B. [eeu So Pe SRE AENRS WSR UNSES ORS RENE ieee a BERMe TALKS VEE nowneeenena Sua eta ss cage é see eeere~ rave Pe 3 ¥ $ ENERU AWM SE BES DS SER. FRVSes Pe Sk CSAS Ra TS eR Se CRE RESRe BRFSS SER SCRCLS Sees + £ebaF~ ISPS ete re VESSOR“$ ASRS" * SEs Cakes ~~, 688 ~~ £atee - SABE ON. FSSA Cee Sahwee bite 4 2 Fh ee Sw | SRAAIG SE FSG FSA POM Se EO RAWKGRHO OR APRS haduiboha dad Sect BREE MBACE PES Ud Ke Bee OOo WS HSES CESSES RESP SE SeS PERF CERES RP Cee vee SERS CROSS & eee PRES CCE Pe sew eee = RPORA Cease SHH WRSRESPAY Ah easeae eects es ewest cape cezen oemen ewan ae a im Sak Ov RO ae “he SR wee wire 2 QUE EEGs TERS FxEU EES w SRERS SURG TRARY SREY RSANMASSeS CORA ‘a x“ a2 fGen sensei nase Cte OU ee S \ £909 O0ES5 theeee ¥ OSCR EVES CHRES wv Bakes sree BaeSe ae & « ERAS FHSS wae St eevee We SHE we Heer pope dat oy) 3 » ® so J bd 1G EH By fp “a was oth Seere A eae ead S2USiRes? nore eoaee CXS CAL NT SSS Ss SRS nek BUD CHAPS Te wee oe, i Mino eea tte tte) Pee ee ry SEARS SAY CORY HOBBES DK e38ea2 fiasnesksensaceds Oe ae aE YE re ae SE ae Ae Be 8 ee Al ee ra 82) Bae ee sspeepes Ad ae uae a e] & eR 7 Scgnaaessassceses| : SAP aw RUCRNR Tas 22S SRR RY Tew aeaaee SLANE RV ERS Sn ® ¥ a 2 ¥ sewKs OM d bos. 4s eR ED Pad Baa, SREASE . CHS PTS Rew -~ TAFSER URES FU See SKE ASSL ee us REYES EVESG ELBE BSCS RS we wath is Kees ew Bm MATES RARNSARN AT OER spss THER SY 5 OHS aRe we Be ‘A eeunanae Saaueupens y aeaKeasa 4 We Gilt 2h a SH a7 RERMS AE BSG Te see hans aD RI a aes #2 wae wD, a if mane wea 2 ‘ mW a Ss # AMER RRE SS We ae Rls nets ; 3 ff. wo ewe » TRE Bg A SESE GN “Ys Pee a n 3 att Re Bhanne ieuwa SROUEN EK SE CPS Ww wna 288s oe fo See Seatac rse me ui i ars tt (~ 3 A C AR ean a3 P Pity is B ¥e RD Tas 3 em a ariz once SHOP SERS we RVEER*E CHW IV SARSN wwe SE TER © ae era ® ® RESEGL ESKER OL RE FERS bee acy SSEu ru as Bape Seen =e eeas ee 26RS . (RGSS VERRY & fd % GREE BE RRD KE bod im a ¥ ia La ees ~ 2m ze ayes mr ae Wem ots Soez_ paticubenuititrtae: "tana 4 aesneeese RGSS Bee @ (GHLSRAKK SYK oes Bes HD 4+ LY & wre se caamee is SuAsRS ganna as: Beet CapECEREEEE a REx Pay ae bg F & Sfae & 8 fe | hat De ot wr e £ = Fahd e eos esta BR) SERB RE SBS Aoi! | Raz t+ " 7 we etter tit tt et | 5 tke ak aneeeaen aD if FS ELE CASH S ARBRE See a4 Bahama gaenne a 23 O See 78 FAS Rae eS on AL AW SOS ; s cE eA eee CAE. LY ERR Kern me x : i OFS OS De 6 Re REN OE ww Rah. seme eangag’ PEL Tete ie ee ete ese "cgi 88 OF he a SASS, “Shh LACS RR SH SLA ERP PP sae suk os SSE he Soe & RBS wee wn fo lg © SVR Hew 1 ygart ty Shown pRSRB SA a Ow hee) L wee SV oe —“ SHAT aR P HW 2 : Peete ea et ttt ty Sectwuehmany a Ht % WESEE 8 Bae ® MEEPS & SEHHWS MAM w Hat 2: as rey Seuneees ut ARTS RS ae a Beane REO’ Fa RES SE Ra 1 - tem eas is z hy * <5 13) eS kde = CORRS Te RE daenaey ooamewaee, RANA REARS ES Us rN oe OS Ae or ee 15 He hs mgeesaesy tenee Re ake s Seg ee ws hibes {SER ROK ‘En 2S poy CananeEEe ieee he bidet eo rt eke . cea S EBie spotty Fists Rowe @ 7 : —7 WHEE HRS ERS). VHw 7eve oe * ca ty t aaaeoenes ie SRS : % Bt. Re Me, Mar a in anes at pee A SPanes auxean > teases: By Weees ines eek. sa5 SSeS becnae, | SEA» ae $5 Ryn hanna! anes em Le pesen hoses, ta 2a Wea speesepece ~eeeeees hey 7 Ae ae Hs a ep SER away ave ts dated Eveia feat Be penenn veka oe Davsen segue Ree Ges e = & i Liat cr ss iH Nees a b eR AS ‘ot peat Feuecenne Pee? Per pirestessess eee Remy zee to yi SUS SR” HE CSERE CURE ~ I saee BS BW Oe a ce EPI ARR Vi gS an ® S25 ae WH Re Re Eihk do Sk Ka FEU Ss Xe Ue ORD es BS, aeue ae eee ware ee ois CuneEAG ces JARRREASREGRTSUEET SNE OSM Dee CAP ABR RE eRe SEER LETHE RSUeeeeieaease iat Ce DORR ORE RR Ree we & eee. AERESE aperer Beer eeecueness BES RS ch lennse beens pitta tr seane Taba sna aun sSatestecane Be SARC Rwaoe Bee & as Seeeoent Save SORGe iM ees BASS ORB sartgvstncnacarece one es CT DEAE Se Oe Ue ee et hancgouene cok 22 OF BPG ey Sumged Gana auaoan fase tf tan eid see eee Ave Rae he Bp ik Bh iehbobl dddap kt td Rive adoes te ease ® a SOs SAM eH RA He SERA eS Saw RURLS SLOP RAER Www SE ee enere a Hp es = BHM SK SHSECOLEVEARY Ow we bet pe pe te yy -44-$- fecal 5. FERS aoe SPBeTty ines rs] qacenage a th ee ease § £85 \ Chama kewte REG “hSTBSAaeus SPELT “SRR RKee te SOERs aveeeen se Shwe be ee # 3 ee ee ae se sh RAVE GRR ee oy Tx renee se 8D RM See Serer ttt Ages Teaae Pits pa Da is = HIMES Pe Re ewe R +H eee eget 1 dence eas anwee umes Re DRE ASAE Seo Seneieeacees oeenae pas ; ti ae gene Rangwase : Beane i i 0% & * sSuxce waa te 2auuBan s ce z ~| 4 srt torent aeagantes cgiteeserats Beeeeee se i _ ae a Sibi hiedbok--bereod Balad pry td ee Saee Eat Be ne Bete a aun am a ate prstes 4 Sanne teyeau yn eugeaeen i oe : ze ret4 Crd ae . Br ¥ Bates aia Sane a ap rz Beegan oa Be caesar susnee © aoe sae re ie ey HA let wee mae Sas f zpee Hetiates ae faite iti i = Rie ree Berge ane ae sepedsee af Ht Aleit ae a: Sexe tri Sooke eae aie cates Snag ae Ee aiket 2 22 a Bay e ate + toi Saas RRA iinet BEsseEEe oP wear 2 eeeer nee. 5 2 2 ® * ; i , 7 a ig ay | Bed 4 e%i PY eat e Sire ee fe fe) Sa VEREA SHSE SLASH SAAS z omaae 2223 RRR’... te a 7" £ARSSE SCL AE RAAB G < SES SRF ATS CAMGERRASP SORPARRESA SANE EHEERE AEs ERE SECHS FETE EESAR ED’ 2c RRATASRASE PERC ARE RA LTS 4 = RAG AVES’ SRS *KSSSEAC CHAS HAEKAK SK SSS SHG REKARD SHAK “ et eae ’ reRae ‘ ue ad SERN Stem = SISAP SUPA CHR AS Los GESTS DEPT OR KES ERRELVOHKN TERS us Sacaceaseuns 5 : “ PI e YOSRSANCS RS CONE EL AST RSMRASAK KLEE See SHES STRELA SPARE GRAVAGE RES KEEGY SHBRARKAAASCERSCV RP RSA NBER L TMRER BREESE COR ARSeRE BREE CLAS SEL RRRKTKT LSB ET SS SERA AREBZA SAVESCSRES FRE S225 Sr SERRE SERS Se SS 2eRReevene v BReGRa AEBGRRSRBESS SEEPRES SOK CASHHES CE CASPARERARSX EWESSAKRKI ALE TSERKE SEPNERRACARSASTE REESE PERMEGERRK ESE BE eeeukeened Sue % SESSCSSSSR FRATE BELL UISR SURE SME AS Be SRE FS SSS ERLE 26S eRe Se SRE DY Baz ® SUVEcAeX Seas ene wy RP Hae SAVER RHE an RSS a eweeD HeGRSRS ESR SDETS ASS Seetee ee ees: Seeearas s #GaeEUee eBeras VUeresearseus apcee eieeck ct SR ASE ORL ERRES Ase? AHS SOSSE SS aserrtney Seaee Bes tds + ER yarns BS UBS ES be cuwene teane a s REBSEs se0ce sERES RRtereaus 62 18848 S& 2% B RESRRe eee aang si beaae your & ERRSGSERTRRR REAR AT EACH GHRBS RH QRQEGE ATNARRSRA RORSASERER mo SRERAS RABAa Khe eURRs ABRKAREEBSLS Fes awe BER SK FES MSESE ESS SEs RSF eS Skene BEES R see teens eeeues S es ie ie ae ak Lah ab aff i i SABULAAe PS BHP RAR Ba ee > e&Pastegeer era 28 SY 48 SRSER MES & a nr” anes ear seasons Gane meee wae AREZAA LBS aree = 33 BBSER aes euses™ eS & ® a BRE # t+] we. ® Hl hee eeRe * new Panes ROS ATH SKABU ARE BONA KS KS BEY aopea ; uae Me ie 7 CaBAawr SRP CRS AS OH SLRS x erie ry SRBMY sw sO ee i Te ee & J ft i ose SARw MUP Sah OKA Se lngukaabey rans % BE STM wes OL Mae ee Lae tera s ee eee anes pte cre Caan | Luh dd Sheol ae HH ei neha Sater 8 3 oe 4 xa Hz : are eR RES fail ah srigtiict eateanes sit a ait hae ¥ ° sunsenucedetusn Lichedeadeed iaghanas =e agazee a . pis sea @ > a se BO Baw ERNE CEN Bone c23zrhwans) aan ptr: meee seenee r we jee aH 4+ +4 | > aaah ie Sane anaes tien te e PRES SARAS ITA TESTS Se Mibat WERE RE Bane es Gee Ss5sU RETR R sD ORs Ae re — we ~+ ~ be —— H 4 rr m1 pi te ot Ex ae Suse eae Ome RD mt : yt Seo au 0 pale ee apegugege sews coos chs ttt anes fob eye WS 6 BRE! . “ eae 40 rp ee Be ae ye Ld Me os ak EK ss t aSOAP ABER: tos LL i Li i Sk VE PSS SSIS CANT SRSSE T SaSae 65H Ki i i a4 : : 3 Atsattes : aa speennetacteeciaei an sapasnetes iets Ett spaucge Geer abaesssaeaah=ts t ian : sbtaees a8 dees Sa iaké +H ink panaea . oa eeueneee & ett : + +P 4 A auge | ones Bh atd= ig SENSES Se Ee i a t Rs asus : LH 4 b . + seated s > a “i } i a a af ae ie Be 4 aa ; i+ } : ss SS ; i : oh Ss 8 jt efet +++ eas ct +4 ; : ' ’ s ne a: 2 ee 5a asn | aa eg = : a + fi ie eee ok Es ee na it re we tI ee FASB BH _ ee me —Y ae i rane a 5 RNS eS ee puasiirua pile 8 a ea a as z { ce ees 6 peucervat ~~ 27 trite ; “ry : : ; ~ * 1 : . i: “bbe : hee aes or his ted tal thee anno Orta ee ee fei “Tt on o #3 2B a» ; : a 4 ¥ ES A ema be ‘ ‘+4 . Er eee: : { te, ; r 2 ee! ~ ' 77 T 2 Ts . ] 4 TT rT } . ' me - a = = i ' i | rt chee cease pueaenecn cae Ssssccoesseesse aed 5 (BBS TAM ASS SE hey KecRe Ve ees BEI i SANS SQREE SS = ~, ," a, a = 594 33 i) + r- , eees ree 4444 ~t 4 t+ Se Enaan, ns a fn ie i st har anes pa z on i = i i al sab Sina: wa ee ‘5 e rite 4 i i a isknnnesee tense caus Cesncsunncaeussee suet icuea tanita 7 : a metha. allt is te 8 oa fe ae + : i ce oe ine a : BZ 3 B 4 ate _ skanace teed -_—e > Esseransss : r rege sees a : _ Higmelasetsancan ue negra che Ga na Tee i aM, 75 i Feu ee tii: Te ee HL TES fae oe sae oe EP Livia asad te cera Hawa coeet ieee fiegeaazeerenE ca eierraasits | oo ee HABE ee He He et See i a paarintee ee ele He He a irrrreeee 7 Hie Hut inutiy HE ae a SHH Ae cee om oo ee mireca | Condbale drape anal sutwue path : : ie Hg iin aipue ee ana — eat HH eae shee a ee abe beseree Hgunaire e Lad & ie a SHSUNE DSUR TH i SuSUUm s2 aaa ; ’ ae % ~ ess aH a eeeae canons 7 a I ‘ yaeuna * pe am Rewey 25 SBOE RG: 1 yA HV: Sa wi roan ree 3 +t. 2 4 = $4 J 3 J , b 3 a tS = ” gh ae : j 4 + fe m + att oa sane “$ eal Ha setttdie ae ae 2+ -) Rn al ST Te ees i] + Petter! hit + Rae ee af oom oe 4 To Rawee int btn} ® &. 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ABS BOWL i} 2 ei REGS) | NEORSRE a Sa SKAB ERE v 2S 28. mt Bamee 4 Ne e : #2 SBS x TOE De mass se geuce Fy | a2 i mil lop fete ey top th EE eee = = £3 = ee zea=nene x see FRREL OM ARLES OMUBSE HE : : ry B2u5 paoes & at ¥@ ® ie! See & RF LERPe 9 AWS As Aa ee Te a ” a FaRRA 33% ae x2 SEs SMe Ce to ee rs SBS ORS SH ots eS Bt " f SR ee Seen ee sae re SVKEE PENT. CREST SSSOS” CHASBASERS “CAN SSSSNS BASH = “ rs, @- 2ERPanens #2he 7-2 + | : SERA ASE” 2ESVERAGS CABESLOAE: Peue : 3 ‘ pes bet ra SSG8f 2B! ad eds tae > oe z . BRESSE SPREE RIB ET* RULERS * &cRaeS ss 2M Ph ag ¥ z [gk - PLEPE ASS cee ss THRs suse ¥ wR RAE Ss z. 2° SSSRa SS AP ICPRATEL ES 14 FESR 4ESS an Soap 2 a Sa’ Maer oy f te . 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Ps BY 5 s aa 7’ wé = at = 2B Hy ah LJ a Perey OF We a BY incon % af Ey La me 2 Wes Pd, OE WA es wi we ™ 2 ” i bt a! ae BASHA ESE Bi teh Bran so x 225 ek Azan cna ae a . Ce CORR e bea Be 2 BESKAREH WtSASt ACL ee eG 8 guar suun + we * LADS TE Os Ss kw & % Sacueeceene a9 RSS VRET aee BAB SASS ‘Wt ob HOH a BD we Meee SEREEE = PSUR : ; VERE SD Hit gai woe hal Pea a ate ivi * badasd ae ae = 4 is ee Sa oe RPCRH LECH WA, See tf state tt < ti? nota. ¢ oe pe MAS ROMRES Le AMuADe Sa SISHRSRUNG HK SHARIA iM £fQ2 Sateve aQaee S82 xSRHE SMART CRSRS siete aes’ KES GR 5 . ‘ ay bd it Age + ce ant : oe ea caches > Da € CORSA fe 2 BEL eee one a eRe & 500 0 a OR e ene Scams Whew ti ce MBIA ra Per RLS wi Rot AN r aes A EASLSa Bane RaSReiee ene 1 nan Se Han se Pe en Oe ti: ane # ” =+ rf on Granta : en +g: 4308 app ste key DAS- SF Lab Py iw pet paad byt! 2 ee GS = Pie 25 SNP EY MGS se ee Se k. Mise Aaeees we BSEEEGE AE die ae penn ahs 2 RSS : am ~é ae BOS seleetet 2 ta Po Gt. Aeeeit act aoe im ¥ HOES HR ae Sapags aud Le BEF eT, TRY aeecean sy sartacst bt ffl beet i okued sa 428. gt 3 oe ri prepare x % 4 aessapee 4 SRIRAM eo my edt 0 es HAD a a SCA a ey bs SSSe Veer ew wnt punietuaett RH VPPAR HMM Snare Rae. ARGHHLSARROH Se an ounes Bi ten case Brees yn Re SUreedsap ee wee st ame ore & oH Hy ae bees bith rRareee peuey se 4 e ¢ ‘ a) 4 Et #4 | i ite asaece a pens a ae ae ae He ae raft resee 3 r@+3 ee EAE Ruste aoe iG Hob PA i Ha i ee et ta see ane i 5! @: ~‘ k ‘ aie ft ah an ie se 4 seeana ten: pans Soaps ress py eet 28 Torley pees may © rite ae * Sa aE Se RES UF a® 2 > baad & FRACS Ee Pee A _— +4 seer ie bik eahip babes i ae wee tad + es +> 24a s fects tet ter sis sens 4 pages a = BRC Oe ghsoanunaae = dd or 'e SeSee st FeRee use Oe auee My H AOGARe a a # PROM Bien & APSGass RELRAST RAT ARCA PUES Ae eran Pion , ~ aw '@ #2eee ef % es oe i » sas: ee fe ue 5 iF . He Lie *S % x at, “4 ; Sa ir 22h6 e423 -“ me rs oe 7? a z; : - pig ' : + < + = pig oft Tae righ - 4 3: 6 Owe! SBNETIRES ESR i+ ut aan teen : 5 FR ia SLT Ee . : =k) a Saeoee 72. eS EEE A: ort ae ’ > = 2 ra € oe packs” apr eerrs ewe 2 i = mL Pett 444 4 ; - s om: ¥ q i <2 4 =4 ’ é . - Bild ue Sop > . . : Rees . pit Be 4 PRS ee * 8 BSS SS f % RCS * 7 ask BR EASL 3 - + Say $y a Tal Faun ume gu CoRR TMI EE © sto 3344 b> ; atom, or. oa : ee ¢ ‘ a> oe ares $3 tht sense prsts see a i € oBas if Be Bea EE we i FS a= 4 = ad ee ® vee Mitts pasuce + pte: - aoe r anes ee aed 7 1BSnraer Boreese Sets sar TE : mae G wit Siew Hasee BEER rey ee: Sp anne sree TeSHESTHeeCs in ieteets. Eis : ea = “ 8 a cae Hh Hi He te Eenasess fee os st ees zs meas [Ree SeRSS ct +GRVKEPSSR 3 es REE casgien : 28en8 e BRW* ARB Bae are canna gai HH tH aa eease snes rare ate oe fence nuns i! é! = restr htt Sta Soak le tT + 4 7 Pag fi) tH Err CEG fit: fre lis ‘. ett Ne SLE! % — ‘s es setae Ge = deep teeny Suit: siogstmppytetsts an « “7 1 ~~ ; Wr ae Be eek a4 - Then Ty Str San aah on ; +4 care | ~<-6 Bre atts : ee og ADRSTVAd orm Siourssseseeresgees aks Pet rer x. PSHE 2? 22RRSS et pe EE »iSSe SMPASHSws oe a» (‘e824 ee srasdseucson @euEr- sees anne on as serous Hie eves cuuny” sansa ne 4u@. @aeers - TI Pane sn , y ; , f M : : Re ° ae. : 7 fo : +tTi . 3 : =e : 7 : are my : re ? ; 5s AS " f ot tate eee hd : ; : ? : 4 tit y 2 a 2 eS a & : ai - ~ _ {+¢- + : ; sotict J The of ie a 1} Steers sede es Tay seseh cease a bay ona a zt setsts = a a J wae vintages 3 n os bad @ Ba e3e708 sat wa Agios Sscsnonase ars Ratnan’ sanest cones . 3 * He BA bd hae Ras 4a au i] Het ee pais : ipirui cbeee rei | ao es Bececae tHcy Hie an % a cE NETH Gh BAe YRS OS ae ae aR Er S hidd shal @ a Be eases BRARORE KEORER 48 SEA st bien iota b@Gee kes » Ss amet @ es name 8BE BEERS Se SAA ASB AR 0 Bt Heeger 4 Eeeeeses SbRRRSE Bee an : ES é é arnue = xz - : : @ 22% eet s seexreY 3 : 224s 4, ao ick, 2% 2 = == AER ; 2 es ShCAECRRP YR 3h Ls Serae = sist: ie cw ef! Crt Maoh Seuvaare Aud a tae pevenan Shea Sar anne 38 SWS ey we sist PSE EMME MES TS (ete See aBGKES SSE =. 4 z hee af e . Pe tar - - . ae wba dally " BRS: 4 x. es RRe ‘ Sr L$. ~ ane a £ fz = & . oF a SEALS y awvote o4. TRA KSSSUASSEX alVEs 5 De ae Use mf ‘: Bie BEAMS S. MMS wae HURER Cause Bsa ewe ae ae MAE eB Se ee We BOG FhK a4 aeowat = . 39 penas taaK RAGMVEY. BATTER SUGN. Ca DAES Se aeE KTR MK PABRGE SA - Cee rr eK ; : BERS SOHNE SLE BES R § Ae ee oe ai ReOPe THA er a5 sKOA (ARIANA *Sesar S208 : © 28a! YGRED @aua\ eeteeetea. Siar n= & 3 cue eee Game Pi ayes aes > Be + cae Oy aw Bi Ete Ss has 65 2%a. a¥R CePAE SUNS ex quae Seeee camusexseae Ax ORE BF, £>oee OS BROT KORTE WOAP EL 2S 2A EAA MEER DEN ERE RO = Beer eset goes 2 tte S ‘ a rns CRS ase ee fi KBTE ABR Y' Oe PND etre: EG OTEK ARS RM Tee 3 PeesINe - eR Pope aNe ae 2 i: nang BBn cae Hb pe pp tok op ane SEH i eeaaraa"s cists Seay sr eee caetssees iy iti maenaes: sbus aa ’ , . . Sewe wi 8 “1 E » oe aa. » meg tt i! iB . patient be ah ih BH... ‘4 ‘ ‘ ne r i " oe eae . Sagere _- + i oe a a ewe A S LJ slate FRG CREA PAKIAKVSHAR ia : * * el a a 3S) uk wae z Fe an a Ou aaeseensre am iT aaaSe | fi aa -” wae wv casoneuneeus. uae ai i aw Be ae a ed watt ee ie ta “hey tires i ot oe Vesraares BROCK YE FARaw -. 2 SRRA SSUES * KESTHGe a Szeteauas eovane » £hSFSS ESO . “m= > @wvaewe - - 0 . . REPS Ca BERS a Ya ee re ewe CRESS SO SUSr. aewa >) (9285 DSRS E Re e “ SCHUSTER Re”“SeeCeraes SHES SESS cas s ae Saant ger + rt: ree TRAORRP ¢ . 7 ° i : Pt canaae ‘ ; P= BRD US ha Sananee § ‘ : FRSSRA RENARD E OE HA * 3 $44 8 . ot é a Sox 220908 O42 CEBHS FH e THEE es i Tre) Ba ttepes fo stat bux i t n ei &z : 4 ‘= ~ = 3 AF ceGnsee, P- BH CLL hABRaS SSO ws RSLS EK Rae Re we Bate x « ate Bese rtd He aoe Pe t's 2 a :. Web w eesseeee o & EAAZE ARERR ERER USE I AMA aK GES, G SoH ZAMS 2645 DER ATO Re Csr hie a eeeres om Be, ea. 8 pee regng es em SRB ereve PER. 2 ILL CHSASRR KN CRRA K 2 FP es esees eoaae OP Reeth BNVAM AVES i aan RENE Tes $ Peas is tit BRE HBR ‘ = yak en nue if it oe & cea rhe 2 mane eke 205 haw Preis a ta bol & J « £4 2 2® wet SARS OES “ Mp see atgbergs, BAS ESek See sass hen tsc? wees ae Stes tax = #9 . + it ‘ . Praga) secstt? sa aar , a. Babee. ueuseaneuees ENS ee ee rs 44 nSax® J z- SSEu a2 ‘oon Rew ex; 0 bene $4 > FOO PAS Re i SE Sn, nee oo CaeodResin = aeaes att He RYBSS & = 4 SP De a ih Hatt ne w7eu eene Ft E awe : a ay gRSBastcs eh ibeceages 6 gesarauctibseitustiscestias A». is Hs, . 5 4 i & P t 3 J m maeauaeeeuann 2x : et re -- ASS | BEES EN wi i Petits Te pete Fe : Van spatew fie ey eee Sea Soest TH ae 8 5 ; _ Ls +4 rit - : Wt Sane r ; ad ani ae, fated a iiken anes inane tei i + steerer : < > - : _wes = s' ee eee ee ee ee : : eee ; i RE TAF ; nD Oa BE ke sees. rt y fi PE Tj ttt ts] . 4 a z . 7 ‘ . : ‘ 7 : 7 : 2: — pee Om A < v on ~ * Ae ae! Pwr Cane va i. ree ee A Se ee ae hr tite : PETER Itt ee ah Be ae HEE ite eH TH Hite as ee oe | f Ht ao Re Aa HRT ee fie ag al Se Naf eeaeeaueoienrrn Bs fa fe oe inde isaeeeiae oo tt | ORE RUG Mts Soi Zune SF an i oe - ne cite FLA a Hae fee siues ceecitit aeetatt a 8 ABLES Leama a io i a eee ae He ae = HEE 4 pin [ie — gees HAR oG i stat desreaniesis: a ee HEH fee eed ag e a ES coe eeaeiet ect feat HEHE a slit ce Hk 2 ce ae He acre ae | Hit Srerreectceeeeeeeseteeeeeaet oe a if a Hae Ht Ee seit seanew ceean con tT ae ae EE oe ae fi Seckebuas sone = eee “EaBR aaeea ae inunaaeeme rH ; el ie Lp te ie aa aE a Se at vit rece aba ae it " £m Ma y iG Bhi & , ‘ha j . 6 ae WS UR 6 RA SNS SSCREH & KS PCEOTPEAS ROASOKATN SSK ALT RAHAS SH AHTHDAKD H aucene seeee s B2as88 s2tbaereeree CXNSS CEUCROCROR IDES Bae SPAS CRAP BANANAS CASES REUD iseeraaty ® | vans semen B2 fa br ast} 9 ciftisiseeaitess sesun 3 GRR Ke Crane pte 1 Siase if eeESS Stars serecteess tsessesvsatanessse aie ated v2eee a2 LOSRRRRS eae P44 ae rat s 2 So .tme REN TAR Me BRE s eee sa wo Os ee is rh : Bea : a come OSTA CEES SFE CMADY CRGe s * 2 2 a ; a = 8 a ] S. = a 3 ‘e HH ee He SeMMRER SAUER Uae ew LeRseVe Kase Sees ont cower Rh Se RMS dagcee femtouagas fepscetae © 168; ‘ 2O55 38 SSEREAE CHAR ABADH a= oT tt Tr Seaseees im OELKS FOHRS AHPAS ABRARKHSLS gusks BUeesnearesgesd BE ARSC SREd Ee SSEBKERG CL DKRKLSRAED RBS fan Buen aasenaaeen Saesa SRo2! SHRERSARS SOnre 2 SSS SS ASRS} UOSES ESSERE SNSSRSESS Pee aire seeesee ee tee eee S68 see atar 4 pi tten Ea a fied ES° S08 xRa s & Be oF Soares HE Hees ae 26 SARK? SURO SHR! PeecUpandanedesd 28 an = igemene. 40488 GSSRR B rr we ner ;eaae", aEcs haavacnen ts gakesre PH a 3h3 rt ssupes scars ae gar as PUR bite’ bd we: = ete ob esi aS ag eee: gaan see 2a none ‘ fais tas SSR Cees ae as i sie i ae 4: ft Ba tt te BORNE. aes ar i see HAE ia si f | sft segue teers a BeLeasen Hie E aot sucbesk hasson cum 3 pass g Bas. sees ceess cotssees 4a it BRA SER. Oot - 5 “tT z . J. a &. : ~ + ; UNE ZHSR s Bawa statin iis: : eure : beauuaeags pene ntneueas } tt ; eatery ae oS rraety Tiss aus = ee to BEECSLFSOSET ANSE ER gest: parse a A - pee 8 E > : $ ests He cpinieciiteetny | : ; is Bs : 1) t i 2 5 ; ene ease ae Sms Sel ¢ - ; baaecnar 3 Tr its Seance seneetensssunas sa ie RS wae Neneaaaese sce . a em. aes sare SIRI ST KASS Sa r a "= - = oe ~ Pert . a aveaeer ee ae aan ait gisssecesesesess ) 28 es SNtean ROWS ST 2804 Oats aeeAe aes ssiss bessateeesdes Rigesce cetstes se eezES 289 BO SEe SK tH wa VARS TK He SERS, rea arty SELECT ep te ee be & Spee ep £ Race tet Ha 44 _ Po ed Sree. SRARTSVSAE USHA RAZA AVE 22 bezus BRARE ALAS TRIAGE GARSS RUa8Es exasvad See eaens tants Sanaxns RGREL SAEED Ihe Ss #8 HERBS e * hee ne ew REL ew ' Sestsess ee aes aetbet a ba ae if a : ue x Ppl Ld ie Ha sei He i sine fit tf S2EnV SERS Sanne i ita RASSER SER FTAOSSSSOAUSHAMW UH 3 RS VARSS APP RS, Saaee mac ap me wages 4 meet anedstocse Gites fesor esses Sieue avendeasaucee=* pee PHA CHS AC SE CENAP KRAUSS & tages RRSeRY SEK eaieete morn ame abe aetbesce fucctesees aeeeead nanan #RESRS SRO ate Eb a i rytTr rr Og Gr OT ae ET R2EUK Sear Sema ea wR Hila Rsoncemsuaaneansems - aa ceaen ‘se ¥ » © hie ee ay. id aff Serene BH ABI M SDT. mT Hast ~ 4 a? . aeons Suomen UW. 8. a 3 SLE: # Seeks 3 a a” oy ea & As. © 3am ABO sg > eer * Cr Peer 2khan £4em if . j tt. a beter ccaneaste s RFS ASSESS Re CO Se CRT Eee ‘TRS Pw we bent ie a56 bor toa tee BBOPAA BE ri SH ue = eeu sb ape : ares Suareess 55 eR tate '® PRUORVLAH TERK A am 2 Be Sere x to 2 > REREVS UES Z2OP So URILKGSE PRA TR HERAT ESS J O2Se RSSTCK eV RAGES 2 2 PRSESUELSEE 28" WE DEER Aen rR 8 4OSSA Pp CHARS VES Seeee ase REEGRE CO SSTSMRO REAR ZEEE Ee f CT es 2 BME Sa SNe Oo Ea we ae ae SSR APRRSHY COKKLE HY RSA OH AE & © SH 50 PaMPR RLS op tte ae RBASSAECHSKE RPGS PR BAGAS AR ‘ Swans 3 wenn ct SE RHR SEH SE HAH LARGE ee LaPN ae RRAHY PHUA NE PHOS Re SR THX oR ae > oY 2 SeueLESSY = aH Hid eure 3 i arene etre Siu fe fem ehug anaes Sh tah ae, 7,6 4Ra8 on a Sect eSecenee anes ans es mm: f ety e8s x cunean aa Ree EO ea seeseese Sense Ke 4 . ee ae > ite = + es } ox ae Cunha e BES ter P2 = { H s: HE ene ae . <9! a * ee . Peet pesbaeee & “ . ; Zz 3 . -- 5 . . i s < a < . GER . e a. 7 b bebo! 4 Pt Ui Chianae reace be : a een 25 f h 7 ; +. . : . - : +4 Rk wile a oe , Varese Shae Kee eee oe Ea 3 tae i. GSE: iat ‘Sm 2en apes THe: $-3-+ 4 Prpthrts 7 ae th Hay ae eae Sreetisesecesabset : Ta = | ae cet at: oe sree Taowage Riiscipet hice genet Beers see ce i ae oe age oe — . IH a ae goer we i Sa BE HS BE Faney s~ _ buasea aoa ao Hastibeess penrsresneees seevsseearenpaeveas? anon i aH 2865 sssazsaateasuatisat Ae8 ae aaa anys Heda gel foe at tee > . SesT ieee Atte : age : a : = Sn Seek TAs nsseeres rt eset sii ne a Sree Pcaeeent tae u # rt Sie i. = Be i ; if : Ld wa seas egaseue scigeitess geusbecsescseas Hi ee nanece Gra SH oH opt teh * te Esler ac pa Rrewitegeic: sabadvestecsstsssessossteesees > ’ Ree “hy # ; . TTIDT IIIT rey ety Poe SR we ae Siesta iets assse i opemeedeoaesaees i bp i 3 a ier WEABD MWe 2 «pee Hala ms 4 Bs i | a Teta ere Sonud Cauwuouenane assed Se GCeeveue ae IN ves aay Lhd Sacanshnes ys Hues aera meter a Uae ann fe Hin ice itiinee i eet : tt soe ae ware * Paeeee se im Sd 5 al * Rec Ht ap te 2a CLES LESEA : ee FRERY SAAEA CH SRK GS SSD VASMARS AAS BER ett tt REE eT, 7 = seeks thee i ue i ul at oa a su retenbeesee guegess aus caE HEH - 2 ' 288 - ri eerass sctase ® * Sa at & tet Beeeee = BERS DS CRS ET MUS CHL GAGMNOMAT . UR Oe SRSeK Sys Pal TBRAh eVaGIK ABsa & +44 LS SHAR S * BRS RERRRRRES ASS a. SERSARSO SUS Sev t4cuRKRESS SEE ERAS. B4SZRSE SRR KK EaRye a *ekaAMe Se oe 26a iy Ae A VBE. ‘aa a’ & : Beae : . , Sebasta: e2he ds a a fs a - | : : rt st 4 thee tees aeeee zen eobaece sercrxne ae @U S64 RSRBE FUREZRSSAE eaee eee ban BS UPS SSA He: eT eM a ooo s TAG MEH S 8 fs anes ae ae pre PRECET SNS UC Sey ~ Beskeenasnne bas w i? ¢- sé BES SOS ESSN 2 e BERP Spsceape”Seessr. =) se53: tee S¥a * 2 esame “ hive PES AD RBH VS SRTAKARRRAEE EDS LE SSRAtCREr~ . ot Bats Biensebnues SHUSADA CSUSRARAY SERS OO EH « CEBSE (SRPSRMER BREN RAS NS BPE CRO eR “SSF RACE SS SARER TLE SPAS RESTS CHR AG ” (ESR S 6 OReRBEESH SACLE REA HG RHEE S DO? eh AP QSSMA USAR APY aasone SACRA tw Pee SRR BH USHe Vases 2 60 WP De HRS WP BG HD. be ee Pitts it. GPS T PERSACMEEDNRABK ee e < Zz 4 e n z AG eeE Reeve SPSUATSY SSSt s4kaatn ang ABSe RAGE LV SlSS ( KRAGRPA Se WSS SRS is pt bee S85 AME SORe AERTS SRARTE RG RERRSES OE HBEL EE aoe SERZZUHSRSAPRRU ARES 4 SSUPR NT SHE SCE 27 OR BRE CEE MEPS CED S8ese 961 ¥ 25RBe eee srr hp een Spee eseegunn pennece gan nack succes ewee = m4 EStaausnuee ; VECERES Se OSH CTP OKRERERS PUMATAN SE OHA LH OBS OWE Nhe eRe TAT RWG Ae Oe ee ou ek eas i] o hal BSecusnan BORCPRVIH SA Swe aVen ChSRBERLM HY RBe,. BPOU SES Y SHS ett 4 SAS CEC SEOUa ® La @H#2 AB. Wh SkBES RE HAD & $0 @ceces ar eeare Samoa do cas a 293 ce Seay’ suse “6 shaess 2,4 ea An RATER REY aan ONS BR ORK RASHES we a TIM tre tt st. SeS60 CRUE S SERRE FERES ES 2) 2a4 Re ex ORG. we was & ieee ia tf OSMAN Se SRN e Ae: as 44 ae Ro 444 = » ae BS AROSE SSERN ES OSGCRRE BASLE SKS BR HRA PA seae x EKG PT ARS NS CR Aee SHACARKANS £GGKu FRU SHHRS SOLA BRAVE SE : SULKT CERT Seu « PL ee a Meee gj FREER HAP AS . SSeS Rs eney ie SE we Rese DT eM AER S ane se ; [ = bi? Sth sagesestrssens aeer @Beo. astee RASHL SY ROS Kaw CARR HUNSS Linuepee BSRESAIGRKS > Sees PSHAe Saceaas ‘ es Su 323 2Sae we ee ee Ss EO TR ace Stanny sa- hd AE Bid : ecesesseces AMS ES wee Rue eh ew + 4 SRaees arse =e oy = tb PH sa os On eden ant + j ee 33; aa & | > pe ee aia a eee we wr + ) b a: : r a howe gee tr ; Cee Ee he P Ss AMSA S Cee Bate at BEe/ Bete HSVBROKSSE Thee Sas / | TERVSREKSE © * z a Se Sisey een ea sens af 2628 Hy » SLEEPS See2 Sa PER RES wah. tae aes Saas Stneansxaaccducssaa Sanus eee es Eekantdaanh anennennad oon 82) ew URC Se Sau puee smswe nee Sivek Trawe Setanta SegSes BS £ eae Seance scares Es ae « ee ed tageeeaas i | wate rts 28 Oe Cr ao a oe Ff specaeunete figzeeas % % > e — iit ane Be Hd eee, a e igueactas? ise anne OS. att 28 b2082 APP £SSVSE KSA TER OS KM ORK E RPRRS CKKSS CUSHS HLS KEKE Hs OeeSE Er RSS hod baked bs verseegp ase wane ran ae : i QSES FLAT K 2aUSeR TESS uu SSk SRA RWARS TASSA OEAES ET ANS R SES ee +] SHEL Hee Hy BRORE EA ROH SAAECSTASEAA CS2Y > SASREE KEN EEN OR A ee On wr Oe a OY " parueecaen ne oY es Bs Set SHURE CEASE SAUCES bad ve i es ah ae é NEGESe $i = Lt sae ax i me, SRES LT LSHRSVAE PRM ae SEE BES UD SFX AAR ees “ % rr hod ® Be * s ddbock 1 # an” em eee SAE US CHEERY 4B 555 SREEE SEWER ERSES SES Eu RO TS? T ReAee route see Pe ESAs UTS REKSS CR GE A RNR SORAZATSTS SABRES Lane S29 SEAR AHOLALENEE Sk NES SSE oi SF see ees Bae Se hSSae PREY a Be TVA e ceases i 223% PAS AML SE RRR Ssaeenes Sevan es &S 2 CUROP Bh ” » Ld a Cs » “ s s « a we ® * SP SHXER SEMA E ¥ RYE Tae oe Se eee S & 2 bal " % a = La hal we « Zz pagcearsarsee BER SHUM 2: Rat npay a ae ~ s n 22 PCHRSUBAN Sawa s hans au ee SE ae GP Oe Ge te at Be RE TS SHEDS UBER CTH DSSS ORS pipet tap pee etn by ped Lb gh HRAGEL GAH CR SS ROARS VAM mo UF GRREY GR OS SiS Ye eeu & HEME Tee BRE H pot b pPeg http ett Rade s = : " = a = r = s Histiiceieare se & = BEBE sear sis Pid SAG ae was SREB c8eus wa CQAsaweRce ame oe whe BH CCVRS TOK 2 Oy VK & ew bh ee ead ot a wa owaeEe esaee 2 me we: ee HH SisesavenGuansrace sane sneer seane = 5 : : : & 3 3 KOVKVYRE KE HS 1 ° &. re beLacded Pate WEVs THRTS CABLE ONTOS & MH RAHA tae Sdceesea.shee fETGak Vw We Sa ee wees eees Hq sese 2 2 = Keteevnae aS RRwea Hae * BERARS HE, wt ppm ett ttt Obed dot late tk ORR ORE Sew a HAT ALAS ASH SMEARS DAP ae cea ch 2LR BS COLBASCVORS SRE VA OK Y RHEKS CLHALE STOPS eHMEAELS Kae TBE NEPTER EAS RNAKAPS VS ThOK SN Be we % RL VURADS PERSCRRBWES AKA K KEG OAM RS WE co REE SRV HRCA ROAST SRVE Sane AY Sry, cKO CUSBRE SVE GAUKG AE SO DE HD: ROE RAS, “ OMASH PRAGA RARPR OHNE ETH MASE CHL, CREO BHAT EERE Kees OSs ee Oe 4 Seep note PEER NAG OF CRR LEVEE HSUEH PSUS UROeT ~ 48 avean HBFGVEUCCE HM AROVKS CRU OR RST ORE °>) PRBS oR, MEEWK GEMS 6 FRORALSRTROEP AG ene SRF SSS Reagne BRE LAKE Re GHA SAGAR “CRT CWA ROAST”) chee CASCHE CRRRLEH ASS Sens ERAS CRRRES bAOSER. NAS EAS NS Lee pee eensneneannnesess BRHAA ah Roe RE SSeS ESES _) ae 4@@RXK THSCLELS BS PSe ae cideenee: “svar Shee <* «8% SOLES EVE CEM Ale Eee Kd = Sein (UPSSRKCUE SUED RURe TRGASASORTUMERE soe Raoweee yD PRO DST SHA LKHK ERS CHS Oo BOKIH CAST RAK HS Saw use mer mS a: (2m Re miner Pre pf hae ta 2% S22 0ue hee ae Oe eM REVarseaea os we eR Ketagess surabenenes se BQREae SaSe ee soewe ae 3 SRERREGE = zs B ee Be OSH Sueneee SHA Re. ete Ba ee Bee = at 2 & gaa denel gereuesen: Ghanteanes cost ans CaP now bad es 8 ® 2% ee ad a4 ae ae wx bt 4 Sebo a eeneusuaw Pe Ne BR2G2e hes & GMD RSF HES S2ERRT e aore. @8 $855 28 z rq & Ge BR 2 a er as ans | ss She 429565 sooo CKERARARSS KES OC S8K Nes SE SCRES See RM: She kU SVS Vale BSH OeSaR =e a pas eeeesees, 3 as 2 SSee SESSSd Ch 2 = overe % gases S x Se 23% w Baca Ree s KE Bs ESS UVRSEEE ceae ba LZ * +] Oe ae GD rd pn ded st pab Lg = & ae sfecepases i a saat a 2 % 3 a iF . eee Zz seRenne Bw Wy VPSUS LH wee HUY OPERA ERO SRS SP Te blsdok dt tBab del Bee bP be eg Seance Ran PenREs ees Ld 2 e SEA NESS AS WY PARES EHSTRRRHS© Toe wes Css VAS PRARCA RLY 1" 2x0 . OAReR STR KSRBA CE PEP DE OVE SOT NR FRUGHS SHANK BPCBSEE CHU CBANSS HE RVKE ORS CBA ae es Be eRmiee SOP SOUSAURTOS BAURAEKS TSS CSRORR EES POSES APART SARS eA THU tied lt ee at LL Be, ht tl wy, * eeu eae Sch ee BE Bi a ey ~ PREF SES Ne Gh CARERS PARES TNS en CEE RH AOS LORS AARNE H RB ee ae n * @ Zavese wwe FS dnb RL 2 AS i eG Ae eS A RE DOO ME FH w ee le +44. Wee ZOE OR LRH BUST PR YD ae w Sabin alae eavneen mae s% BUiKs ORE TERRA ERED. 2 Lhe, bal dubbed Tiere: bl eel | bse ep “Bh. Sewe SET LK AOR THEE AUMRNS sR CES 9.45 Ga "Re FFs REUSE AE ONC CREWE? 4UOR USER NERD OER e UEP CSA DoH Oe POCUNS’ OS RE Phe BO DEEe, (bee whe ry miey w GLEAES GREG BARE DR NED SaaS. FE PM VEC OM! ORD ONT CH ROE HE UGA TRC in WO” LESERRAH RS Sw MWR s Lew ‘ Te ig Api erect rp trate isa we pasukanas pieecne Se ieresa Kee” 9 CENHESRMAS CF VLU IER YR BER Pearce sets aden tonousee CS PUA UE Bw Ve Tw MP SASF . ORAL FOAMS RHEY BRECK OKA? CARLES SOK Bo seme ARs TDe REO R PR we eT paseses casei Bn ] en est re FAUNA See STS kee = eo hit 7 a ¥ 2 & at = ® (he ane aes cK a3 wae # 2B% aoe nee a: ) Re Pre eee Ee x be * Cu auUSs Seaeeeese ae% Bam bs WPERRGS> - NERA Ree PI lec eeR es Sotamsaneae menses aa Tt td Din bod te RECAP’ LATER AewSKe ok Mark Re 2 Bet ts aoe pt +4 BSUEtH Y SSE RIAR SY Seo e aS Eeucew se & Oa Se SB is we is Ces Wee wos es a7 arcane eet BERS HEWES £2 OHS EK SSL ARE Ge Se Ewe as ERS +e PRK NE & Rar peas FRSA IVINS bjt a wees wietyte sprinter peens : SS SMIVeSusee ¥ & ak s am ‘~s 8 £ saaey of Seaa: guens. 4 * FH Tt tee ORTH, SRETA SRA eS >= ig say BAP CSF BVInes “= =F a > i K A4UVRMRELYWAERSTS HF OHEY WERE OND SP Tet et ile Leek tT Ld a Buaany AGREMU SWAG A pipet tb pd lad A? 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Lf HSH ey SEREASSSOSASSS RS nH “5 ag ene wry cs . /S°SRan é et te oe Hise a ee FRSC PHRRVKRS SROKA SaTe ae rt fla tH pi Eh “ } Epcuasnenascauan tense + 4 on dekh te hie ss FRRAACKeGHAy “EEE 7% j A eT Ger "Rilcle manemn w ot ae abe x WEStSes ¥usy ber ttt . a1 ONY Jae Se VHES od EARATERSRORES REBOR E 8 SS EORRRELTENeee Ae Prawn vaseNcy ae unes F CRA PRSLR KB ERS Se CROCUS h OAR ADEE SE pape sacne sentcautee ® bd e iege a e ete OM ae ee St Baw es y ioe lite s. , | eee RSoOSee WM eee Hieiebecs REP oe Rages ZISSeeseane sd} PSABE ae hte sl SPER VAT SS CHS BHaNE SEES GSeesERer at tt CFGSRABIS TH é Se eeane ceeees ivaesae geuss Oe : < a SUR Ses Se See eas wesas Shuseecueereuyr tr CROSS CSASEHE ARTS SSSEf 20 VR NUTS £4582 Ge 08 RES opt fee ey Bees Seal Hee nese euur eee ener ee A ae he s UVSHRs RE. eee ease ee Ht Senne Bir % Ss 20a8 ee x 4 (aae - SOP SSR SHEEE SSE oS 2S SS CRs RHHSTSIAPS Feu sR Ses ess s EVE Rn eg : baeneeae 3 REALE GEVSH SHUBH SSRAE CALE M Sk eee a eee CHET SSS g 3 Aelita Peet eze ~ SRST BLESS 6) (EH ee Baneseagss RESTRE RHR GS HeDseVASHe SACS aan sone See 27 SG865 522 ea—4' S58 an “= 28 Baume « z ~2ee8 Sa8e0 epee et HE SEAR SON TS CS PRs SH 4A HERES + SBS SSS TEREREY AEEO “895 SSSTKR ESR Oe Saeeee RERSIOIE Sa Haag seAD SELL SIESS OHRes LEE bases ERVEE #¢ Petts tty HGEUU CURSE BANGS OHEWS = - 1uve ~-anee BS oe agce wt * eSSat .. SAReERee as WiGacAaeneanes Seeusesee . team, 2 AEP eR CESS ee2zax PT Titi it rt itt | _ THRSSloRSes , RECVS CORSA UESWSE eaaws i SSSBS CHESS SEESS ee Seka SB eww y au cessseuga Suse sauce jatar teebisetaseee beEs seeks . sect ¥ fees # RARE euree. sce ASERGE Ke ses ee 4 saunwen s v EY eae & sal Sarenn syisitesseess SHSG! \ RR eaeR cceaeee ues RSH ais RARHKS HACER SEER aehenstee aaau ee cts ete faa an Bawah +4 a ‘- SucRayv E i hie FE Hieae dee ane LJ [id ¢ M4 ATTY BR RH Bo {Mea age beeene reg a) - Sd J Ls s. @ a ; r 018 8 BL 1 > it H rr 34 ast asene s ae : + esse bath ee =, ~ 4. : thes ee oid vbed & ee eer wey hae fed debe ne a weded =. s aH oh sag Bans : neg ft Mi Bae | 4 M : ‘1 & ¥ 4 oe & Lit I 3 2 8 Be ae b iB ts en oy ¥ a : + } : i+ 7 ~ 2 i SOM Bee aH es caeeeeea seems ieee ets caseseeeee beac sia eerste ee | tkgeasewrss : 5 et nae nase eee aa BARSUAR ® iiss waltneene et 242809 anew e gudaseun aerreee sete act suissisageeeritsseaisearies : fate fe aa eoes sass coasucrat teeastetet te Se flesrese see BEreareosasqaes sett ae aia! 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US2ee8R 5 wea SS LUST e SRBSE BR ZERESH seeenene eaeane C28 CHER EH i Soha BM UTAK SPSheweres Sees geescase> ceccuseuas SSCRSCARS CBRE G Ze SPSet AOAC 825 SOR AW SANs a se peeee evaa AUTRES RA Ga AM SERRA ARES Y eS gi skepagwecsucens Seaecces tseccteces eessceges : SISEG SHEKK EELS | SSGSESES ER MUS cone Ld ue areseceets RUVSREVR RAPT ee ReR RARER SaSee RAST KR CARRS HSS Serer RUC CRS CARN KBE nase’ one ts gestscsrs: se attei of is Sgusasge Segecessaesd pe sane - 7 Ree Tihs . 445074 Ett = sthe Pi = 4 - rt oo2e° Ss abs 3 : - €' _ = «8 a ES a: : bi ’ : jee 6) a at] ia. “1 ¢ Ses ee RE A BS ‘ 2 { 4 a 16 S Bf . + SaRERR ) tay BF) SB 8 o% 33 nae wh wt 3 as 4 NZS eruee ssteetet Sieg: rh is et ts HE Fs Eaonee cae Tob us Fs ‘ Baa EE ed 8 ne RM RE SS BBs Cec as A se ifr arene Reeey Pid pte ease it BRBLLKGCOCA SSS Saesaa eEcnenn Saran wart he bad ee na 5 ER i S208 * © % 8 see « SE ae CURA gesens eee SRS 29S 5H 8 ABHA HOR at tees bey eat BR : a ¢ ieee Se eS eR oe : : eee eae. on relied p r sab ickcdTaasbseteiestsde > jammenees. eeenasaen. 3 28 RR Re aU RARBE mae an \oaes f ane 3S Sasa he i: BLOCH ER siunbeen ene 5 SREB BESSA Cee - LSELSER EMSS Se ase SEKERAAR SGA RK eoeeat panesene vie a Tae a = a _ : | ee 7 a ea ee ee ie a eee HES Peete ae irae naa Senin Hiatt 2 i ae OGceece le Brestee iene ret fine sities sec ae tH Sesser = oe 2 Bean a success foceceescee en i) coenue ae ne ae soeseessarse siriseieteietgiesuittd ee m Sieeet aH rt seageaes tas Buen eek BG RReeE peaees ane Betssesssce re causes saee ae Be ee ae bob agate 4 SURSaER suneaes 2 ee PW Ts a & i aes os aan } : stats eens _. Be epee ge ) ae PEP a arid faues a | = ee a ae ee eee js 2 er; abee= a Pe rt we icase z : AE ee «VR Gutta: ane, Oh «OF. att aegeoees” x ar ana + wn rea ite b Gee: + 4 ue S yareeue sens ats ta aeER @ Ese HH We by 2 eeee Serge * SRERAF URS *O4/* anos ue Rsuers saveeeene 4 i Sennsuun i 2 4 5 gecctess ceesesebess ae’ a * wOnk eRe ! scustaan a Babee tae ih oacesaranane ‘ie = mae A +: tia | Einar nas fee an eaaaee Be A AGRA WORST CR fy euey va eae - ae . + mn PERSeS ¥RARES ORAL GBS #eo 6S ie Hee oragci esssvett aastaapiesnaae : #2 REREAERAAe Cet Wk ee req < ue cadshaasnes Siiccanetesneoa * i = Shae pan bene rae GF EW ea 7 ee mosaics Fea ¢ , ban RY gReT a a6 (2h SERAGREGERESEN SS ORFRZERE Bauacue seeune masses een Recceaaneee ume 8 SAGES wR Sita dicsseisessecee oS t Sosceiceccet vibe ae Becaurae eee ae pa reinae eeiaay ee ae : siiirsastiit Ravatieitiee rH cr LJ patra ae it aes eke eee tae HE ae aibeesceseersne sete at Soseesteeecereseeeeee ee ae a oe et ce PHT TY +F "0 teaete Meth x acaue y mae cists oa ey ere SaaS os fier ace Seed ire,ccuagtcaafarcasatcaze itt : ti) _- sgieeesisspesnaeerisast iste Bette : it var Sane ttt ations faeee ‘Se ceesumeae ee Rw rs < eae rherrrty ters enae Hf ne on ae ® 7 of : “ee * y Riss ’ va vy a Pal yA by. ee ; & z ; - Se a et | san8 YEvERE ESHUSGCE@0D PRMASZaGaR Sa E¥e@ha? . WS zeRsearek es @%) ZENBSAKES OS BH ESLSu baer Senawanas nse ase whe EF ah t& v7 s 2 FRR SS i Rae as zak as bbe bal Be s % scnuse SIRES SERS 40RH Rl HP UES ia AMAFRIPAPSSNT LACEY ENESZ aE SUERERRE ceeK LANES Eres oS PSERSS” CL LACRNESA RRS Ste rer BAB RETHAASCSZEL ABE asta bate SERS TE See SAYS S ER a SEVRES SKAUFESLESRS = ® & oo Sanedanas Bnee weno eb RSURHR CATE errtt irr ty . , 3 «7 spas Pe ene wae 2 HS RH om Sas a nd " ee : peas +4 4 4 SF sa riz sar oe ‘T3a Tre me P2585 es > Sn (hata aS ex te me ae ese st Tari et yy ta tae 2 2 ag Be a tis sok peeiee Se é ha Trt? Mi ie oo oe Rees msteers ; - aes, = Era = si S25; 3eccneeaerstat os sth, i Pi & dw Bo % tsi SRE re Yevasde wees prey a Piss: FR Tes BREN 8 S 5 re “ : mh E ; ; =e - sa =, 5 . ok. OPFVIs SIEM YE Le vs oe x ke dah . +89 ¥O3 : eee ae nage ae 3252558 tae ax% one betreni = be ~ ase ical SREESLALCRR SRD c apeaee CERES S60 RReR KTR CEO Se eax dunes ee Hd sh thats ouee ieee : A 8 a I A a t REN i a th i bs rr w * pe =£* * BRA Bre ae Yas. 4 mar f - € am 2 we ; =H SbbEt giigetecgopancs saraeseers osqeet urea segueasecn © Bonsgaeen io gevczeauasee= zie? SRSZEZDCOE 22 Sua gneeaeeess paseesesses a + Tpaney : ee EMRS GER ® SASHA RR. BEBE ~< 8S RS ER « w SPOR CRAP oF or semabeat. ceasete dowel teatipres rset. 0D eee reE ee teat th cer aaceiters: eyeegesessnanes pyaspaae* lees Signe es eenoes ou c20h- Snot tsaceteeks tae z pH ee “1&3 - : ont endings ns Rms dieds's See cuere H 2% Anne Fey t4 Lt BGS BARGER RE™ & et “x specres ibs : 2 Pst $9 RENE H US ae +4 irs fre eS ee Bs ists Pane +44 be eh | FEE — al . jax E SIREN © “sR SC aaew’ (+e es Seer + ber SUBSE Swear Sh Tt] Berg aces test recs terete (Base rene. Seesyes es: age ; = Sot “Lobel se . if ts ty s Bao LAR a s% 2h, . pa ~ oY ” ae FHSUSIOMK TAKS aro SSS CHR SSAVSHASG! . PERRS FRPP HRASET P25 SUlRS SEGKE UK S. ~ HSEE Bs VMQAS CME KE SRANLNG SSO! BRAGRE ARATE FAM! SVS CHP CREAR LRES AT SRERT EAAFERKYE Se APke £OESS EF CHRKRULET OSE KAEE & AGS VF RAE SHURA AN4 9 NASD BHORAPA A298 TAFRAR SANE YE RANE CHM TORE NS eR aRS BMA? MAMBO N CRE APSRE RAMEE RE Beans VA. AUVS SCRE EKERP su sTALCAaKES * HST COURRABRN 2 RBKRERSA TS SSPSCFeRT OFS ane SUSE HORSES E RRS ES ae SAS UABASe’ BHR BOR BBeS CARES ST RLARY « THRE TES CA PPREY VARS BE SEP RES. LMA RALSP SERA CGSSSURRE (PREM SK. UP RED FU KABER SC STHLLEDAE . <9 BNE. t SRQRS EMEA c " wr SEIsh WHE SRLTE FOWKE GR *@ SEBS 4OSeE > "08 FSae9 Ieee? 3 SS2PMH URUT ESRD A> ewe 5.onN e ; ¥ Sane =" PGS 2eCCE SF US : a rs wee aaeeaes CS#SQRTRH RY RAM RKMES : r ; {$a lk Oe Leaaee : 2% 2 - Se Bere Soe Beers i° me > * ~ TT? td De ¥ oe > RRP SSH ErY SAKE Raorey w@ieree VR ARSED Mf aaa ees y = x Lad ba] nee SRRSRGENRY s w x * Yoanskeeuns \AS2ABUReT LOO MTAF & REP te on Sete Oe Tae BY sPvarn es Baa TYS SUaN® es Pt FRVRSCUNAR AS i toot ee Lahoe eee eS eS SAEs SHE OA EeOH ASe we OPaehe CARTES FR LeSAd ee eee BRAne MAB eBe eee (UMS vas rasan acee 4 a] BUR FAN ERMA G AS Pe FRU RRNA S OF AME SS OES Sy Bee, Faw * Nf WR Se VE we ahs cue ba im er aur FRAUWVADVARS 2z Aes FOACw ee ae HRS S TE MAR a eR ee SOeGeTEN Amu 8 th MMS He RA HE re tT tei tly MARES Ree oo im ewe Oe ow Meee aes oe e SSK e SS aDawe Som ae aT RPORK MAE ad ROW ASE S SH EARGL AAP ARRMS CACHE Rae Re: « 8 m2 Tt #eusine® ig a Pe Be TNE MOOR % wt BRAPRRS AAS Gg eeanvsae peewee 2 a « 2 g w. BERG NO TeR ern we a ee2 aa 2% Lb] ee a ae Bd! t S26 42 ‘he aeRO Ray aw Scan SRERALE % im ee ae Aww + bl s oe + ae ee Sa ¢ Bee) 2am J #2PnRe Leer tee Sagas) eRe BGCwheocren Zheens FULT PSE SARSERSE TH LYH ARS ASS SPSCVUSRH TAD SRE AP OG iseeeere a C8 ner? Seek s4entw SFU PABLO ARS OAT eo € bd = = SPOGat oe * a ed BREE eTARe AS SB RASRSs) RK AP SRLS ASH G4 “SSES OTR ALTH™S “SS VRS TA Rae SPR PRG AMES ARSE? CSKHHA§ ‘PR ACKKE MESnSSEERECA “CKBPLE CE we. RR Uy f CESS SHCA SAGER Faker. Cau KOw PEK VARSBE BASSE LES 2B ESRURG ERE OKO LHL DS S SEER LSS iA SKS ASI RGALS VRTRALLYL “bs 2A ¢ \EU48 VRS £42 BUF VE CCAGS RAE YS PEANZE WHS ESE &- 4k (FROGS FS. CAV AKAS Re ak: SSVVSHs ACAVe “SET SHS TSRARS RES £ Be SKK AD CVSEMA BHT RR AEE OS AVE GHZ. oH STC Be BRE Se D RIP HEM Lu 4S OMY NODES SBE ME HPO we CH. & pd AAARS CVO NE SPSAS CIBKLA USES ES *, / KRGRKLSRAEME EGS SSR any RAPER AS TRAOES Bata Se OF RBH RAS SURRABS Ae Ome BAUMAN SS SMe z mwa Be ~ Ou» ; o be a" ts eter LRRERKSESSIUNS PTAs PaBas & o CEES FHV OK eee VY ALSBSL VEST # ERBMWAGED on oe¥ Rem ae he se KES CECA SA HAE Re EPEST SEN CUSS et SUH OAS BAL AR Sa S¥A2S DGHME Fe SOTK ¥ 2a Se Rus ABA RABEeRY © = sare vessee St evans ane PSP VRS Oh Rew wy oe ek neeeerk 1 8 Fat eare Bw BMS FS} = “ ate ease SARE SEE ROR Pass PRS ere SAS so 4 7 PROS ASRS AAW A Y 5 12 e wine wre Aw 2 Se 2% 3458 BHO eAM SRA Seu SPMVIAL TEED: BARBUS OR Be 22k SAT Pe R RA EewRE at 1 PRAM & me ee PA OT = LOSS GAs A t & wemwe Fiat Gm 2 iin 0 eae 2 ¥ ue GNees CK aOR eM wee Par Fi PERSP 2S SBARR SREP Shae ESeTte Peeen 2PCReeeeRBES KeRSBSASCaPaes BERESV AGA SRE SS SRI UART VEX ASeS OS . Selah heettenesutne 4 TERRA KS ESSE CSAS PER *S2eveat Ig fe Rerer SBSH FRESE TSS Soe 2480 < hetaee fem oe hy UH 1 PRVELSAN ¥ Sy See ead ¥& + BSNS PLA eR BP? Mins COR EH e 9969p TEER aE eS BReS va Saaee ESLER PR Fes FAS APE RE HOLLER STS Fe SALSSLEZOMA Pee KEUG4S SVHUS ced LeCesSSSUHE SH Aee th Sivenees SaB9 RS RRS * GHURERRH Pe lal SUBCH CXRORAKAH ane LSP Rae eer ae y 5 a SMELLY 4 ohm evi ey BeBSchor 2¥e FRSER KEE Ee INESLAG*~ NEHAS 2 o [26s FPS as se 2 Fee Seauae 8 wi NIe EVR we we! ‘ SSARPaNB SUS SUR SEF PE BEY BAY Beaune ewe 8 XRREM FLAKE 72% R2UBES a A thcbecake de tad £ 2H SSD | Ae KS ER TORBPN ARSE CEP SEE Hes - Ssheahes- caaegseereaueunsa288s) cnx 2 K EL Bae ewan PEMD AME H & NASR Ae BOR we BULRABHNS Se SO RSERSE ROR SCVSARSC SEH RS MRE ae ae KARPSR ACS GANK ASRS TR SSBMH FLARH SE) QAR OBPET: aoe dees FREES TASER ESOMN GS TERS (ees saRRB See Sean e Sane RRs SESS S Pees eee i, a ci tt mm aon eae avwursgeay areaee at CED © PRAMS AWEy = Se FELESt BRASTPSG A ZERE OF 7687S 4 SET Ge BSS ke FE ‘3 % & t Laae eaaree aed ee a ee? Aeeee FRAY RA a eunegne Ree nvr we pal cd e eekuge rt Tt Ve a se Saws SESPSKR ST EEHS t KD Sw Weer AC OS. VR Ew 2 a” > S am Che we Fe Oa ee we & PRM SD We AS A, FoR eS 6 Hs fr 4 WNL SE LD Ne tn OF Shao 34 Ree eRe ame Sad BUSF2 SS SHE SS > a Sores tanssaases ease=aees sasepees tvs: Sz25Fr ga se J 22 < © LS TatE CETES SANT RUSER . TKO SKEGK o HRT 2 i vase bad P «© FS SSS PBEM nae Lette ts ttt reese SOERZS CLAS. & 3A OSG8S SORE LES +e x “FE POPE RL ORB s e & CARS BBS oe AEH gece haave % (.§GEEEe. ESFSUy tar SRERRSS te SERIES VS AP EeRYO OS ® = a6 zy «* at Pal Seer wT & ary AR eu rtaen HRS PSC HPEGE . AH Ce awe P a cgrse SA 8 BRT OTMED eoP%- 1% Sie S nage. 2s * KAREV™ SHBTPS RES UBS i SYSwsee CHER i oF eS aeeae A tee eH +5 THETA RORRS ERE S: ARG ESET $ De oF EASE CLD Te Y Bytes QUOk CRABS CREE ESTES Ke Seeee? “tesa : enseces ESS9Es 4k EK CESS SESS ” BERS ial fad) tah ee Ceo agers’ sues ssgcastes. coagetansseer: SACS GBES2 i * a nae 4 Gnsecak? 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G SRA ARSRE [LAM aS Fae RSRKCE OUASE EES VE Sea. et | ¢RBUSRRS MOM Sear SkeRVAKg2eeR BEBE se BASE SOL RIAA SRCRERELS CURES ap q e RSS g PeSEN SAN Se 23x x (SG SOSRH RHE oe Lh ERARS ORRSE NREL 2 AH CEARSE wy ae SBE SCENE RH RSS BRD’ og i a J CALSRAASAHVRDA® Seu ee * wee wre we © veaan viune SSRP RAR VEER Ge wwe ue RL Ae? > ad NES SBP SSS WHSE « SHRUBRARYR ee. kena RPRRSE TREY S « Fatrtaxwazsr ZS SEREZETS KSZe24GR ESE Pe oussaeee ~ Beta tt es SARRVTERAG &SRRT SR SEM E Sassizsacetar ewe Sepesessseges aa ane ; a sage 2 bettie is re hl OG A 0 = Vasan eo ‘RAGES eeZasKe Le&HBARASUBESEWE 85D SUH RKAPRARVS ag (82 eC REARESSY RENAS EAQMRBRNE? . = fQuZe 26, Ls 2aRe SBay . fe et fy Mele ert Wee tek TT Tart tT Se eRese Less : 3 zee dereb aatusver RUG OD oe ree OM? 2 kee Bee ek SCR TREN & SHRGSAT HHS of 2M ON LANRZAGE TAKS 6 ® = J a Set 26a 2% nt GaAs sey Gs EWM, : + = - . - = : RET SASS RRETE R) es 4 Fe : % , E) 7] he ; : SAP SA ED BH OM BESE S SORAHRESRSD i ; ; ; : j uid SEES? 5 ate Pe 20% ch 14284 w BAF oe Re ERNEST PARA 5 ‘s '. vRSSASR AR: er “i Sane Sees ee SVAS FEHME CHK SP Lo KAR ELRSH OL SAGRAYSET SBURE LAMY TK ARBSENE 7 tas i ee ete ee , ies FSRS ST IH sf : ¢ ‘Ee rw ane uae : ‘ R eae as Pia r OS We EE HB tka HF He He it! ik re : cata : Hit ff ae Pr aS on™, pers — ped deen hhh ad STP errs ict aoa es eG ET arise Se ‘ SkESR ERR Ss io rrr ie ae wos het me heey ti ee SEE NERS ; : : _ tp fee epee eg pt tpt tek . ; : ae duet eUSes 0 SF EWES w Re. pon ee we ee be ee ep 5 oe SAL ee? , ae ee eee eee eee aw ae ey ee eis S iaies eee | H Antes : Se Rs i Ht + £54 t bo} bab SES SSS Eee ht y <4-{. $d . ee SS wt ; ; a4 "* ‘ (Tele SC LER RASS 5 VSOKP VHABS CN BE (SMe 2 SORE KS VERS RSASVSCSARE CHAE 3 i i fue a Rees gous Bees iisect gsdez? BRE ie aasee ee Vaeee s aeece | i cf 4% 2S88% BGM MRA BR Wonscanadenaure ous a Bee re He te g SBC GOMES Chee FA Ue UV FerSroantx Axnnes S$ Sees nee “SSCS Reese 5 we - = SMS: FvOet AeA, REALS SE STS _ « =< pes fs: 3 Sesgastes REMAP LOSE CRRA eP RY a Beas Ggcese , Prep pT tiTit wo Unk? TTI ALI cn ee % = ane ee ae eth ae oh 2 oF sihasetgadee pu b STISAD EE a2eaee an CAm * ay ae Hae i a uals : a Ld bal & Lhsdaad ig ane, CSA ee e e & HY if ee : or" vO ees ae 3 id ae t eetithet he OO Gate ” RES a ok al 285 a Ld Cad im pretties at tote st sctriee : : ope } : eae 3 ~ et y te : : 3 LaF ce wt « : 2 =) z ee Sh: : ae imo se Ess nena aee~ - j -.. ah neers =~ 2 ise d ~ 4 4 woe fae al aS55soaF me fh : $oegaean =e =s an : a a = we : : o> ees Fr oe eX Ee c PSE SS Bak HF te . ¥ 20 gee i : | fe J aes : 4 - eh . % = # c as iF dal , RB : Nesey Ree Rae : FAG F = 2 Tadeo 8 ‘ : BSB BSE > RM Rxter Sewage. ALex 5 ‘ & 4 = = 2 ae ZRLACL? S ANRRRER AVY VUBAADSSSEDO RS’. ex Pitt : “7 A Beene z Ca we ‘3 see Sedan ewes BAT SRST OP a scgtaateasaesncess ¢ s : ® x 2 “ » part scpagga seg nner: par paaeneses ca Seyas cede peso ores wed segece? Jer seges sew ‘ Saar e \s JPR RA RS 246 eX ee FSi ee eae AER SPR SF CPCS ARP > 5 x > QR . Bee eee Sm - s ie Be at ea Sune . Vey AA Kore ates ake beer Seta SRAM aE « Lyewon Sana e aM See a eng ze Y SESE EN Ste eter’ em ~ en fs S° SRRSGASCSE GUNS Si OH Sez ¥ SREGUS SAA VTY COGTH WEA RE Bw nee caer ape ’ She. gan aoe MEAS VEB5A% SPAT SE Sd ALEKS & SE CURS SEs ee CVHSs esrasyar hy SP eCRASRES CLE RS LRBEPES THRART OU IkPe aSERFEBSED RESCCESBAY AHS KS = os hak Andes banda} « Cit th | am Ue ta 4 & BY SRR BE Be Ce ee @ , EDBCSBRS ow é ; Svaxsenesee tt a3 ins “(25 G2 See Bees ea tneeeeran s a . Se Rees @ s wre go hese: > = wa ee 2a a rq ageradeesetees . Pe rirer tt 1 ts > suo ae Bi Bama? ee SETS ie 3 wm ot Perce RKLKA MSAK @ Hy “T. BARRE ese s PREY 6 ah vw cite: si ae ti sates € 7 #1 eee ean me! milstaseee a ee 4 ea ne MI aH itee toa Fs & Ete ‘ Sas ws ne cee tas i ue we ameoers fe sis cptanttins OO ee Bh ae ae eh tH Hecgkeeee EE ea com fo saew y ; eet Tt : = : is ; tate tts | 4 a 49 os Peis PET Sree Mey to abe cae : 25 chee os oe ai soune suureseees dguessnsacfasuats isisSseteaee Spe seatseta cseeguecaiss PEE Se che Snaat deen se fe ae reeherprertete bie Saree se bs st ay ath 4 eo bee < a4: : +3 Ske SvRSS 2S S j ’ 2 ipa a e232 3 ‘ : $4 ; ao es & = ua * $x Bs rr itd cz ‘ z , ; ee t oe fbrass , : | } : | naees ee & mit siess i fs caaee :s bade &2ee: el Sease + = b at Hi ie EZ ee pesperepesscs oy. isc. ees See R ee 8 iS nae Sse sieee fw caine a eK z 25 Z is is LSS # * 3 ;, ae fa 9 ‘i : > © j {pert ’ fo bag : 2 r Sates = He §- - fc - bd : ; 3 : ‘ 3 2 SS is cry ess Suse w Teeter t eee eet te cs Seka ae “ede “ iH ; fe ee Re , SS e BK: 3 , 4 3 b 2 ; Oe “+ - et ? igi = a aes belg eh ee a ek Hay ~ > 4 : +o z Zz: t i en get | ty ee oe ee oh 4 aid tot . 3 - Lae P eon5 c oe Se f seueweaktrs ba : ei ! ea ie 4 F a hese os HS ; * ‘ue Be } " ~ 925 ‘ 5! : : at “7 f eae 2 ee eek ies es ee ota Rate oe ane Es aa a Hi, AXP cseeaaw Siicriecane 23 mh sift! wee saz ene ae : } -f lie ii ; § + { he im +: ae Hae RAs aD is HH HH 4 i 4 ‘J t1 ue iy 4% Ss Ls AH GRS euan taker ee Seas bn oe <-t~- abd a £ - CASAS kee HFeersue se sbeagstostbessesc reat Pe Ly sever Bus Tie @RxS 2 SGRGRSR SUSHY CHA eee Abe EES SHAD AGRA A ee. Se i ps ES TM aR pt x UREA GREED eas oY he, ST SPARE SRKRAS SS 1? * 3 r BY ARS SROENE eeegueecs SZRBE RE tern ota Tr ‘26 F s te : iets eae ShoSheasS RHR WBS as eanesagt z Fag ti he ieeesaes Bee HE Sevaecsuceesaae SER eG eens SaX ABESAA FREE BRSE ARO s wis £ ss ee PHERIIEAFE CONES bit ches ase 22 ah Peehey iit & BEORESR A. BOSS? 56 4K S222 QAR TESGtCCHER BLE UNM A S SER GPARRR es Sr S SSHAn SEE & azCeQean £28 34 R SRAM ZES ARMM 2egee : bp sbadead iipsrzeta: setizcs Re 26 = hd tha: se Tee ge *han- = SE * bie Sars a ee Be Mae eet 4 "S0an ee peaeee sis, Siistapetrpeaseseesertsis a Pseag MESSER Hee pecetae cs 2059 Sgr A — ie e OS45 5 SOUKS YR acy save OAs 8 AES ie Od eS He BREIL Le SARS LESH PARTAKVSAKS RENE S46 (482s CS SS ORDH 2E56 G2 a8 cae Sacua taeee ne Ree, ptr * 2 ae Ltd ecb t : puiaatts Sage ae Prey iees tact se cm om SRECLADOWRARA 3 PSA Ute Os AO Biaie kee Ee ithe SBCeEr es Se itethens “a tithe ae ese Sec ee * 7 wer teh NPE PMOCL OR VY ED &, BaRER > Rs, we ae “ veterans & ter: ai ¢ * a on cyeoueeg 2 < ; ? Rate aecties= xoe ah a : ef BF ens data RERSS GEL Eea eR eT at i a ) See % abt te it .) 4 i sal /. Po ae a" oi ~~ Sa 14 SA9ES ER RuS Fue 4. DS Merrit 3s 2m i ms ~ Typ : HoH Prtitt i’ ‘4 P é 4 - 4 are) » s@us ee nal ae ne ae 1d gary av aM ‘ a 7 % : FT aR ee Mest ipa an x SOS KOSS TPeeE FESS VUSEDE : 6 GVERP UTS Rae Ba SANCDACASS CRRORS =< 2 es Ct SSRGRS ARATE SH 22°73 UESPR SHBER Reta & 3 rr 3 ete es tt PR REE eG wigRawnne rt Buates @vaavas rH us Hh poe pet He . BRIER -Vehes ee a S2edu Roum ey Wie ease we - x zanwew kt auvawes eae 2* VECRA Be HR as SQVAVP Ass ane Suu 2: = . SETSIa3ze7 BA2nenw aunagsces Isn8s 2h Oren s REGS AD OR ‘ 2 tr Sas Bees a ’ Saaoetaesuee . Yak FERRR BSE awe RD peisse 4 is brs 2 8 eT ke a a ee TE ® imsaroewe Sensesk gus taseeen | paneer SEF R/NENSESRRRETKSZARSEE agen: 58 e Fas NS ae, te 2 Seeeicarscaauen, We eegeea | 4 t; f 4 €R. Pena : i - cr. : Bae 3. at ; ~ ~ ; 4 Pes < - ° =“ Te HH tt hep trtrttd is tas ssee: cee ei a2 CSRa2ee &See Bae & ae ear RPEBRE RERSeGR ae & a m Sees ae oh babel See BS oa see soe pane 22 om RERTS SES aS PARLE RRS SRRFA SATE FR SH SEES REFAHY CASALE Zeketeon es Thiet RASS CAPS Fae : ] ) % a 4 is a F] a aeuauae ma ee COURSE Re 8S See Bw. Saas See MBs URS abet 9 sseuuse am We, 8 & Gane cane we eet Lal to hedsiadad-of ay me veer ae ARDWAY SLURS LACES ddd SRENSE VE & RA wee 1 ee anus HESEGA TRANS CAVE VRAAT TRBAS ies SARE ale CN EM ke ee eeaee we hid Resa sine enews ia ERB ew ni ti ae tae eae SRA SAU ae an ae one re gi i] aa SO“ad KFS un ote me oi on 2 gages Beg td Sdaneese eed & a de wee ew Bom war mee tiie fou a * a 2 a + we 3 = ‘ 5S fa ae sti ae' BELNEHS aoe BESS Ser reece sce dala i hs cP Mi Hh Oa. a aaesanae a2ea cae ere Beg ize 2 zt \ 1+ : es rasta ie S on | inSas Raa: Terrrr Pewee se SS: Gp “sao erg: SS ECE oes ag raeacce pases Vip Gog #3 | So nq adeem Greaio ; ~ oo — ea a ne ht, se hr ee ¥ 9 # ee, ya te | ry Ca a i eh a ae Sel < he ee ‘ baie Serre ccpespeurcsesas S2URVESKK SY CERUT ee Reeereeats B aeeeee RVR S, sGonaea chee Ld * TTT Tht... SSanes 5 eh BE CE Sy 2s +411... ceamee i+ sal gens CORR Lait ate Aaans hk ; er CHS ee K as an aie on ae HER a a sare wa ee z a peti setae BSR*S bs Ed Sh agua eeey "= oN URE ER eee ea thee: Hue Sissscapeecccssetse: ce RR SM Beasts RE «PS BRAasw sortee geste ied * Hae seist t4 soa BANS: ban AS srane nan pe re oma B a Bi avi B BR SS Ras COGS OBS ztbrt iin ee a HH st 2 1 ; cages neee Gaegatae. ps3 ae : ie Eee Ld a. : site oe ee mae yeh Dt 2 oe HE a ie 7 ene ete dans Sng . « id Fee VRE HWS. & ct ee PRS BERRRS BY Seaane se as (SPEEA ERE SRRSBASS BAe Basse MEBH RS Y 22 Saeed ce ies LzSeRN SMS LH /S2RERARSH ARES LER BGA SNAS aS Se awens ar Re ! Bue cacaeeee SERV URA OV OUP WARES BEAR PACRAKREMED ww LARVAE eS HERA SETS Vat ee we Petit ttt) sy ht S Les RES BA SUasn Bees te SG BAL MEO UO RGHKS veuvecaes eRe e AB SRREY VERS e ee ek % Pa See we * RBPRBBRBL I Um ah wy THOME ODMR Het sme PRS DAYS Ee one Cu VERY Cee we eaPhe e408 wR # a % : wees agae ge ERE Fees [AmGS TH Ge SHAS SESE Re eeeoeene JUPAS OH CASAL eaes ” 5 {RES SSLCPAHS CARAKA S BOR SSTAAEKH cecrksreat LSRRESRES HCE CR SIRT H aSRS BREA SBR HBGES KLEZERS - PSLASHeA RRS tES US RARSM OTE LH TTS SARs ae HOWE Re SS82URS 295 : BRE CEKSSSAI LE SPREVRKE LBS UV HRSA YD RSS LEER BROTH ER Rs ces . [SR8eue FSERSE 14314 3 2%, f% TORR ARS BAR? 2s 9 q PRRRTEPHAER SMT AR 3 s i ? [CS PEPER ARASY Cee we (4b GS ASST Saher Pee Rae BAPSBAL ASSRCOBKR: bf UaWH TS RHKOKARSOS BAAS . UEP SSSEF SASS SSA ETRSERe PTT EeALEt cet ttt) r SRLIs*say , G22 Seen een ~ aac 4. re SRA REDO O BPH HCAwE SG & cP ALS eae 14a Rae a SUGESe LzA £5 SU aR Serer de Cees 25h one SRwSH y SSH LACHRAS ESLER PROUT SAV MS MEOHR CESK S46 OF BSF AVSASPHKANK TERS KERAR PS w ROKR SHY Me “Ten anwe MOR? Oe PhO ow are ta be }ARE PAROS BQ Ruweeee Lee ee LRPMSS SF RALAKLRRSERD ARPA eSA5 *Panew SIPGAFEKEG ueur Fee SHARE RA CHS ORG K OD m # a ~ s f > sae s ENSURE OEBH Rs See UeReaNs sheer ane sane we Paar er eRe a . & # a a € SSORRASH SVSSSe TEXRASELVA RPACASCT ESA ESUSS OE AHN RP KTSK AW S2 OP ene PERK ERE AERTS DoeeR ERGLGHS SPN TY ANT KBERE TS HS we SSARVVELE SHSERAEH AH be be | RSERLPASOSE €TSKE VEE HC VESS CESS LC SKKEA CR LAS SAS + KBERET SEVSLECNPE ARERR sa! Se SR Ce PER AVee . Seeenegs aSEEa DEGEKe SRR HeR FCA GER SOO Re ESECER* AZ SESENATAAAC ER See ‘ b 2 SPMUSETE F490 459088 429206 E 5a z eee aaeavetoe SESFLAS See Seer * 24 BSF EEK CHORES BEML SRN ER CERES SSR’ x os WM fy Me ow At? 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Memento res ” £ SASK SE SARE EHS na nh CaBansneee cuaceem ae BLAKSCEHSH AE SHA GAGES PIEIGEE Shee Bx Rt tease sheen 2eaeres sstcyepesesanagsbeatie # % 6 we De See Al me oe pee Sonn 2 Sr ieeck tanec bey : geannane eaeee BILRSSH 2X sae CRNA ae SRS ers Eh i, TEN htt aR cae iegusees capeee att Hie 2 ee POR CREM wane at Sel hig BE es : 7 Sees sats a = ® 8 tty yt tt ae ® 4 98 PS eaves “sk 8. Pitt Watww ASR ww @p vy id © ee wee ARP aRee gees Pe SSSCS SAS TASRKES FAVAT SUCRE ELESS CE Es VIPS Ss SS AK CORRE VERSA RASHES ROGET PST 42 FE LZ CALS Se RE GE AED PGES Fa AES BPETY RS OH. SOO ORES TS ER OS ERU RARE RE SER SMRSA .. EOSRAES Se aee D wie = ttre PR ee ASR 2Aseae ¥ Lend . > a «eget oaSe Sian ; sreaeise: : eee cae eal : Riene ShSSSc se beens gees ak Ba mae vas mae c Si. 7” 1e Be ® ro. 4 ean 3 ) en ip ebe ay ) AE the H zg 2 As i a mS * * & : ; : =e oo: ae ae 23 4 VUSLS CE BA 7 Tritt oi Be SReskas ceeee BER AA d 45 I : te " sssnes eg OF SEU SR SSE “ eR 2 a Siders Euagestossseesssssssse ERM on 8 rrr gassuntestexases + i 48 2 ft 4S bbet by wlan he eer heir Septet be le : 3 es : Hehe - : a > : f i vy 45-6 + Saya - 9 ie arn aoe Eaeba 16 2 Re ett Pos Be ry aes - oe J ees: et : . * SRA RS SE? * : ; 7 +t if J Vs loa =} ~ i> , 7 -s 5.» ‘ s a, - > ‘ ay —. - 3 . af “ a / : ‘Horr wit sf: rere: heer + euesers ~ papa g ey r4t- sae 4 a we Ss >. a : 5 ; . e : +4 et e ; : eo 3-4 : ’ trot rT ; - y « 3 a me bn fei see eed x oa a: & SS Bie e . ; “pid 444-5 , +4 a ae IY A Hh eB SO MIND TS IS HE a 24 / jah eam F y 2 “1 ‘ 4 bbe : : 4 : ? : aed ) § “3 ~ Oe HN fe Osan 2 ee ae at Ha a8 eae Te . Hat Rested red ri ow eae sue Aon ‘ +t ba j Hate i Cx. pit | ROuSBe 2 te Re t ao * a! ae? ee Ae, PU SEED SS Fs. PAUP USwSt nes-ee 2aS | ebwar RAST ee TAX BUSIAveur ety (EAA UU i + 3 i ¥. : > Ther 4. bo a agetper iste ee « + Rgzss pisectst Bakes CPTI Tee Soe tgnchsessscantcco tes sgzEreessz vines Pate : pice! an nantes apene Thr SHES EL : sacl er ung adres eve ge ee ee etre ER ane ETE eee ER PRARKSR @ RPSRE SETS FS RASESE oS 4 Rit fleur a Hi Be atigte i * &. 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PUP DRABE LRH 2 f RARE eR oVe e xt SR he Bil Pert ieet e BOvak ASA *e Be. seues Sues ret ry =: is rp tt * BRVATKS HH (eo He WEA Gee oe RES hee 22h ~ BK Bass ea eeere Bee KEm oe Aa 4 £OT St RR Su? SRM 2 SEF TESS US - eees = vu PEER CS CSc awe! . : S ; Tt y shies } a ce a. + ele fons eg * Sees ; re $1 Sigs 258 th RRags Oe 5 ReEE BaR* - . ’ i . ‘ . ak {HSCF eS Law as Be ® #2 é - p Serstcsaes tiereeeweaieed ash hoes sd epee ore , a Feaateapers Ses Bees a sceeee Ye ee th ae ae : i ‘ 4 jon A Bie G&S. hee SP Oe SaaS: eS ee Se ; > be oe ray geese hawe 45 47 ge + : FER: i+ ee 2 es RNS ve 7 a eaceas . RUBS Ete auSee ae yoeea ris eer eee ay nega acageanwes 25 rt CEE Per ees Ly p RED PERS Ke RENAL : : Ebsisnceaes Raaee Sy ee eer at ee De es oes . : ™ : rt x 2" [es Pe gw a hd ids 21° Fs 2 ene reese cane- tbanen ae f : : * 4 Reeee Saene ; RS Eeagies ; bth © chase = : . SRE Pe eeKs 2 a ' : oy . 8 ‘3 Seas e: 2 BS : : } ie “@ feu ’ Creer. rae 3 ree 3S “°F. . tC oe + aes shaseicts SS jnnse asthe saaiters digit ae Hs sorsres ron ae Se Re we Fee keRSe pets a wat meted RUNS mw T aac sie i fe , re E nippy tok Veeee 4 Ue 4 « bry ae as & Laat St A [A eO Seat ee ERG 3 : ie %, : ate ase dame ~ 1% ' pon aprwetetinn ere ~ gE aie . a: ti. ‘ HA : sam r: : 2 ag 3% bbegd to dat SSAA RECA SES : He i aoe eas ibebeyeg sens ee SSH Eeuite ce . ’ t ttt = fn So apehan tee 0 ~ ee “Pht + b + ee oe $4. itd 1 sabe of he a4 ria a 4 oe oR Bie mt teh at Pet . Pet ora ch : Sie 54 +4 pilin aes ae 2 * 2 6 ret > a Rabi aa Hu fer ites i flrtial aaa E Este oe E Guar . et ae — ant a fs a an oe a oe Ram eA ee ae SY «BY seetrepsdeczsts ta 4 an | tet rae secs ee ee os nae fet pUEert +4 Lt eat a Hee seas gat we Ht ceereaeee a : Tae > Ahi 3-4 ah taaees 1 er ee: Rasen Suessceae sii i Beeeeeeer = 2 Seeeu keer venne oe fizteax rt ttt +4 tte a Se he z gs x uy eaaR Ke a , r+ neue: rocea® cme 200 <8 QRaNe eee S96 PA2Se wee se sere Sears = * a 7 ‘s ae as oa. se Shes Ser seeee ret 2 a ® @. heal uR Le * i] we e * —» Asi * <@ 18 sd s J 73 a = ~ » . = ® s » Ps a % a ** * ba ¥ hei a s Pal bo “ * » * a ® ® ae » a ~ a 4 * a v9 oa : ‘ ' ST lo toh te oe Cook ob bed Seges Suans oR aey s@aeegaanhe 3 SSCue en 2 RRC ee * ad We 6 KEY AE ORS ae SBR + SANSESAS OD Be trae: BeaeVeweee Petites ties . se pave Jt \ oe dave UeRtak eaves eee ¢ * ¥ m5 4 4 ed ae = ik tauee fant ; i [ batt td [BBO ee aa :- ee oe pies nee is © aD: irre Lob = te pe ageer tes ease taf * CHRUE BRK D> Ld see se mim 2 Sauye i sam nem PO OR By Oe si 444 Sec ars owt 23 aH FE Hues mage SEsBo ees sane galvenes gosapani tsi cssessesss rte SPER SOT THA E icone ad ree as RI Re aA “+46 2a Sonatas | pid ng SA Gite | 5 ——. oe atten deme a te hk ee i ts sate he . Wa Ag ae ar . ; > arte >. ey - eS Le oe tee Diairec iN ids ogee ts. eas ee cast Laem 6; 5 me iy 4 - F5 da is ae va at ape ‘ * - al ¢ + ‘ Pa ee wees. = tae 4 i Sine Meera ’ r > ‘ > 1 <: Ya A see) alge = Nn gy Be A na ae Pes 9 M ef Bi | 7 “ ges Yt ps be ee 2 % . 4 4 ce ~ ad tee ‘ - > - ; " he ; - : 4 ; rs ~ os : . J ¥ . es hes Pe ae ; * SSEOR ERAGE N ROSS PAREN EA ST SSCS SHUNT EREKT HR SHY BAR a Se BH SuES eee ee eees aaa esnesne BAKGBATE FSSSSE We whe #552898 id SD SRS EK bd = * BHZESEEED Pet ek Aes » dele Huds Heel eeatamsaasnt itt: ze 2 RBLAGSSRET PORTH HAM SA LHL SH RAY WT KASSIS SUSE ER EVS SORE ARES San ige fE Ly ESET ED Py = OS SVASERRVAG ISSO KR CHGS Se UP 2 as ; = VSRSHCSE RCN S ERVAC SANT FCT HS SSS SE CAs SRE SSARP LOLS & GERSP RSG Awd & « oR CHER SBE ASHES EO BKK aHah v BSNTHSe oF 3 ™ et 72 Me Oe PT! oe Se pe Rane i = 2 « MSE SSR SUK SRS 2 : : i ween ne cute awux ante 1dr : He Es BADER 1 at g : Pt BEAR ReBKATENRSR CH! ® i anaes Rae + i i ao +44 ‘ : Ld SASS? teSHPAesSt GREE x Be o s S uae en ReLBASChY ae [Bsn se es ie TO SP ae A ee eA Rear Seay ub SE GR RBM SEUOS Ge YER tent euRwn a aaa t+ Ete | SGNECA EBRRASSSeS FRLERA SOVEARARAR ew Seutnnna : @! See nae Meas age porta | iO 9 BS Re F ieee sagesteteaterseas sneseene | re : “SES Laaas seats sgee Esesths FA a RERARe ' jesases Rae ah @ oe in a * EB rf d : att] b.Sonee z He secats re ' i ha Fd ae 5oe oPs SAS eet “3 ¥ a 4 ‘ # Ld agit tal wee is fyanietes 5 Nett He 2 sett a : and oy + rer ry ; bs be ES AL TS ELE RT xe § a 4 7 ser’ t “ . - spceade Ret - aati seit sal apt srt TE arti reas : if : id ase ee ee Hie a +3 5 eM eS ree + w “ * + ie at - 2 eT. Y gt Fe: Seeres tent 7 aes! : EZ cE% Sie : j Eee? is qavawey $tdny ew cA SESE SS oes it > -_ eae os 268. ® Bera ST4 Tek § : bis os ez 7 anrpt rt) ; Fe) roses it TE Sidi Rocke her eme ABeeeo Se eee oes enon oon caeee cee R2eRseek Ou Pda Rees he Z ‘ ; a > £ , aay FR 4SSTHsesge ise” Gages Reagesoass eear SR wause ra n@cuea KEW KRG aK See VA eS eee Fea 5 .% asad J a rs 6 suaes % aamaes oie Sea ee Visas . Baeeass Rese ¥ saga tt, att AVZASHALRG SH EAS Cho a ee +4 4th sereceee tt e ne ry ean co ee SUSERS & CSNRS CORT ow fA ee : : seks S| . ET aed 2 im srsceets is. a sees s Bee see ae LCR: Be Se a PAREN: Pane Stee ee Ld tE * 7 wvane pestetesccccctetant is S2senenereee ss igs ci ae aT 7 ® ee hcges rit ras Sgacteessurs RES a reach neoens é ae is SEB FRx a SBa peas FASRSsa 2 > 9E2% a » SUS4ER.. heer = sakes oar aeavaaeaae ows veer sres . MH Hr ive EP t e d Se te Fee eRe 2 4 fe 4 4s ey. 4% teh tec é i SES Me xt i oy ke Lapel ih ee mame Sabeeneant 2eTe 29 98 22 SSUSSR : a eeant 22 chon hd ey ie a , 8 soa . oe Ke Dig HRM % Sines i “7 SKE SCAS ee i Ba: seuos® Fadl BQRAT2zENee we Son gitacs sores Balance ree aoa vy” didestcfes sapttt bi bd ei ee Sc ' i fcoelit eae Bis aE Sa eee ae ag BM sg saute aren AID BP ai a areas ¥ 53 ce ee apee Rees" )- ore a at ee » | ereeciaass eee : Pyrat a Hgnrareers amie ee an a Gaeenne age ae Enna ee Hise earenganruane am a sneweer’ sitit ra eneeeneexnee % sferiessresesnsas sae ; oo z ae i n Bane ci was ah eersss te aa ane ee we sueane ao 2 co ee dere ASaneab seonaR nes ean bedi ; a Pei +t+ 4 wet CUeeaans * ° oh % +i say r f ea : ; ATT: ae 4 A, mime eon: seinen ua 5x } Rae i epi RIND » eae a hth wie Beat hw eee se heacers ae ROORAY Ree cwENee ese 2 me PA: am ae bef et inh el c rr = + ro] cue th Pt tt inbaes cave Seesaeaitee FOS Sicw we tae Fy eR OED MT RES eee eax +75 i tt aa Sesscanuns Sse Teeurs CSECCRARHSK SRSCSSBHALS SPLIASHREKSONT CR SKSBEEES eechesaneed ainswe es ) ShASh ENED uw © Susanne ae stsuzee i Zz Cees ter eee ey) : i £ + ; i : an : : 4 H ) ; a3 ~a 7S ER gasee ee i = m 282 tLe. tb Ck Ao wTsarehe hel od oo Sanka: AR Sense as ee Euscaees iste Se 5neen 5 peseunaudanvee 4 s Guoxeur syne ti 25% ay Ue a ame 2 at me eae Cate ae euxavas Ld ake SH 4 Sam @: Hi ae ba Sena Baresit : cekeee fey | Ate BS BS wee: SOOM ee PSRHSHERRAZ EH had ett tit 4 Titan seaee cusdsmee se Boe shess peer my pass i pats > * aig ae on. AGSRSSA CLRAGSRST ae ed e a ewe See Y 7 etitet on =f beet eet tt 5 RE RT SR Be: + + apae Ww and - ARB KASSE CORSE HT ti b : eouns sae! a Y2 : Z {rg re tor. 5 NE Soa ne ax . ak en ne ee ee ee - Lee es SSO : . a eres LR Oe Mak Ti ee Tne hee AAS . Hap eare d=, 2 whe. — - ee 4 : 4 ‘ 4% =! ¥ KE EVER SERS O4S TE FV SHS ORV FLSA KH ENTE SAE C4 GROVE KBAKGY (LARKROLZ YU « GEECALA URN HEE & PASE Let ET Pe eee eee MEESE OE BN SN OSSE KEAN SH Ow HES ERS, SRST PKACE LABSEK CRETRAO RSV ABE sonnepe i & B RESEAMCZLSS . 1H Ss SRBRSE AGM Db Gis ERS EA SBRRAFSCASS CHORE’ VHHSESE RE 4 x ec Sanpete ieee: csths sesscegeeccneseiy : * : +4 i 2. od a pare F » u Sa aR2 es wR mace &% @ 4) , io an 2 ~~ : : a a! Trt we <4 4 ate rt VEEL DS: S 2k G8 al +4 ; barter Sen e 4 +t ee rt ‘ cess esses HOSE ; 7 cane a8 7 1? Re Pe er oy = ee O44 Lge ie & be hgrk se £9 4S ‘> pe ghed thee < bo 4 - * ++ - ee oe heen s id ¢ ——+ +++ i+ ee +4 i ee eee ee JENS tek ft ieee ae es eh ; a ne pS BUS | ae : | » ¥ S42 53an * - ers 4 tae e.. Hip ’ « a Poeitlidat these TB wn oe ee Peas ~waiiaun ies ie a : bide ae ors ORR eye : Cite i k i errtrtt +7 at ieee Peete : Ue Oe is BN He : Hea 4 6 2 Be am 3 PEs s f ‘ ‘ at : ; ‘ eee 8 Gi 88 Seeeease SEVER ATA wer EY ee * f . es ae ls + & Lab Od tot Loh Sd sadsacect. feasaueds: peste cer reaneaee CEE LL : | Sigstiestcssce 1 ee tee mA . eine So ehes 2 as me 4 ft, = . ese eer Saige sty Lets ceebry er : & ee tit z 3 Aa gig : 2 : mae " i . errr tt FPR ERRELAETNG TERRE TSN wm ae TT rrerss sme % $2 2 : RERERE § = Me hi ge em BRERA SS AS: i SORES KEM os be Phe de®, 3 ah [SEESE MESA vere FECY CARS EHD ee ener et eae R i 4 . Boer ee re rh bi 2s ; ER ESEGSNS SE SBRS § SRAM ABAD we SS BS BH RES NKS > 2 ; WE SE ms Rie SPARE RAPRA COPERABE VS ese eee SRAALASKREREAT ECABLARS : 3 CUE biaane ee eahs Res. Sac PUREE? Pitti 2s aH SPARS SHH nage apetten famines neneaecas aE PH a Hy arabes « ass 4 rt &. ] & Bro gure : va! RAPS CR SUA © THN AS a ak Soo scnesedats tecsgncszs PEsATKRS es cercesee rkanecenauteper cohen twcae a rr sebesesnes Sbreseebed bared cates resi: an sage aa? He tt hee Sha! FCRER. CERT RRDAE SEXY 6S ER SE rg oo DY Lt: at Beaponeae #4 Se ee D, POM Rew ee Ban oSee Hise 2 chnaeaan REARS 2aSBa Bra tor fa — Rese 2Q8P8; tae KMAKES, LL baked 4 it «1 oe ei Pek GAR SVASR Fee BRE 3 ie sanwe SP OCR AS Fe S S20". S556 . RRRSAT ZEUS pabatense : “a s¢ : ; P im 7 3 = s * & = 0 OB ae Se Ry, s Hs 5 2s =m ro a 2 es q Rew i 4 Perret rrrters tri tet? SU BBSE LOATH EDESS EL GRAN Pees AE 505 SE SES FA SRVE SUR LA OREE B SRE OS REAAG KPRIS CURLS BSR i E@MSEVESAE LaPSU RUMP Bae ee 4 & FUECNRO TKS SESSLER SE S BM! SERER GRE oe , +3 =see ft ~ rhea tom hesdab Rind su tod WED wee 28 RRS XS EERE €. Suter a SR ASOSACS Ram BERSSSBs FARE BRM aS efryeseece: gees ex bibesace tcnestsemncexe= Fe] BPRee t229 é -j 2ST j s2tenr af aPae We of a eR ee befed bapm ppt 14 tate prs a % 4 es (aw met S@eeRKAENE aesnu RAMP STARRGHMSS i =aéhae BRUGRARREABY ® Shear GRA it Te p++. SE S< sen we aR E ; SERS s RES 3 $4 CIRREUSLLS SPCC UAVS AER. aes te paeeesedos nace KSKER ees Vadenses am $2¢ arene Reases okaseatads $ , d Ve * VAAL - ae saueabane oe ¥ pl aap dsp bai RE * mks an ne Eacesene Pe, Ae i a 3 eae Be bs h tthe 9 $8 aig iret | sisase hate = Hine eee he * Lt sce FALRAABA eRe! = BBCsets Hae oRSS. ; AVANT Fee VNSS aL AAY K SH Rasa oe Sa re * Oe Mplrs, ir ee or 0 Oe RA Oe as al bse cedtase SRS ae Be TEE peo Fe HES aE iSebecs asta cassie we stake set aanaee Raustecaar amen 4 33 asa virtainies dant ett st Fr ae i i : : H 4 RAH Favazecuws siti ie 3 Hi eR 3 Ewe Tiss petted mee PTUTIT TEI TUT Tree er ee ‘ r <5 TTT rf TIT a ec BERULEARS DG SHUR KRAMER CANES Hes , ; sane r) beapue i ; 2a 4 nee OS2U (HART KKaAe Se DER SEES ARG RKTT RS Suny S , 4 BS EBAUAKGAME BAEC BE § - aa " me tery Bs oem aa : rs : BME es 2s geaama ; , Y a8 ; a Ee a a i i Be — ts aclgp eae ert +54 + erntee ; 25 BB aan a os ame ~ pep : : Spt a mR aT 3 7 ; Sas a ~ hd hen he. ren - a 1. yt pe ny = nooo es P rg y -¢ x ozs 7. PES Sibeken 2% y le oe AS rs =) y 2 ag a < ; : x - " = tS ». ra is . = he sh the ? . e Py ss a 44 M 2 i} : 5 & Sd Se - + > aay ™ - ; + a é x ; < Sy £ te, 2 <= 24’ i+ tian 7 aoa z, ideys tesa tatetiases bets oe - os LITRES : wm Sar : SSESSSsess t a4 ¢ £ 7 oy a Piss. hess, 2 : A SUNT 6 Ve es ww EZ, Bas gauce ZERSKERS BAR SRS ae = us 2 » Hoe . + et = “a WR Beem gor rents taee SACESUTSR wean Stee one s "2 ee Bore Se “ Tat + i ~~ 4 ‘ HE * wise ec ioe es ve 4 | ands! 7 . we SK WARS. i s Pigs eset sa c e fa Sezee BMAP noe ew Ete See zs ect ft RAR IM ate chia nal ¥ wee Vd ] SESS P< SEP SE Bae ws: Fp rat x SFOSERA * hele ny Ke RON DAS Es BARES 84 Ae a Be ABE ee HEDBEHL ¥ gy SMe: senae aisitiee c & oat tae wmviee a sseztariss. EOnee & sone 2S) 3 eS iaf 2 Sot + tb —4.4-43 >" Fide! = ct. 4 Se 2 * < CHS, F itr} i abe : 5 Be ROMS ¥ Se rr : ¥ See : 4 are 5 ii i bm de Se : wea 3t we: : &t ; a! $ ae = S ties = | F e 2 3 ‘3 1 i le we 5% ; ABs B ve ws 4 - a saneeesas MSRERC UU’ LAHTVK ED AVE BRERA Hor peisee Berane Suuex se SRENG CHES Setceecats desitiene t ae Ru mst # : Be : oe ee ieeeesces Boetete "Sem ed Seasgaseasans.. 5 ane - 3 7 peace 28 ge iecaas anzg +t Ra r one Hae it He, i im ae eS wancasarscws ee - ae agama spears a aur iy gg Fo het ; on 4 We +4 ts tomb ” rane bata | See ¥ is zt Ey ® ENE SA awe Se Bear ™ SEeabe ces z i BRE DSS BE EOS S of wees EAS Res = seRae $29 RSSSE RES YA ies eRthe i Moe a ee pl a ee ; “sd i 4 or vw. ee th ROLES RuABS oye wep, ARESCKHL IGE 28 i ph tay thet sf InNSBuee . KSPERA RL SBSe o CAPE CAE OT B RAK ELAE SMAAK CAGES ERRAR J RYARKES CRUPFPSKHREA BEN ERY ey ZSCHRSY SE UAe R&S He EPL et SlERe2LADRA RV VUK SP ASS SVUGAMERARRGNSE CHS Se LENSE SSL SXHRS LMUARARZSS ASBCKCCELE ARVAG ELH & SSc THVGs CheVBPASekS ERPS -; z 3s fala UP OS CLS ATHSS EBA 4 Bh SMOBRE OUST SLED*E SRD ARMRASH S 2 ® a © hawan ARK CuN Ke ee eas ary 0.2 EX SEGRE SAC LOE BE ENB S6aE ENE Suen ase zawme Beeren HOF f2aR® RRS OROWS LS SSRES SRACVALEE S SN SRATHAE : = TRAS e SH ee eae AT a 2 SA SRA BHR MED CHCASHKAaRE Bes SHES BRLKHES CANNES KRSVHLSERACHSLS LERSR ECS EHS SASG58 SEU ar Re SS an et Re £ Lee ve 2 ican 72S ORERa APS TSALELTISGES ATH SS te RtPCURSEVSQRS SR2R CR SS SED A VER RAPUES USAR SSB SERRTS AS See CREReRE AZE Abaege #2 €22R0aB ae Apes eee 83 See =f oa bane ane > & 2 = a 2 a & OS my ee ee, ye = ee5enees Sew BONS Rae Ho PEERS alse re SSeS EFS & THES POSE 2 nd gure pn BS* Ss the FORE SERS oy eb eaet parte be Fe Ee RRS : SEER oe ‘ RR Re : : erase : ; pe ese a9 Rita ne AE ae 5 dxeake aan SSaROER "OR e CA RA ASS A EURAR SASS AR ° # e % % & 2 = y

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Ener eats =e Hy S238 subsiss EIST 4 " ~- t 4 7 5 " eae Stee pa ’ <= - oy eat ot - Se oe tr? aa. a +f * > - ~ on = . : r =) eh 2 ee oy “ ao : t } 430% -% 5 + r bo + at T pean Ms ea & Fane Jobat ~~ 7 ~ '. tio} oo Ae a at Las - : tvese S84 FAS SS AAAS ES: pe ee a ase iene: : Eid ze wae tice | ie ea a ae ee brats scenes gece FEI $332 i i ae Se +t BR PASE SHANE TERRA SE SSR AMS DR PTS tT it titi iest yo i ers nt iia a i — eee ks @ a irae . ma) a oe iS: sas 2ae genmace Fy & aes ik a5 neue ce ee Piaseas 2 f eesre — ~ SSR2 cee Beette SSCRSERSRE MACee See sesees enees Bese A i Sei x nae taped tte we iS etesenages : Hesceetcrea x s 2S: beast sat e meee ae eo Bes >’ PSS Ee eH bances endeseess ti He Ag Asses ’ Re awe seer : BAGG OM ae sot 3 neva ee faite ‘es ae ertterr KERR E x 4 4. ~ ++ e sates bry ae ‘ t eee i tt : a> i : i nee eee es hha ee ; ’ @ Sanees a9s f ze. pee P 7 & Seaws ve’ . 8 ret nee : 7 + 7 ee. BeREesss ue aS ew sae : RSPR EDR A Du SS9 a 6% Bet 8 was i x ews dl’ : ptt te ft 5 be Lb deere ae See eee ee ee oo eS Pee Mee Io ce — cs ae So ae a Pad ile 23) sar peta : opens te : SS aes Fe: cs og kaye leg ere abeeseasr: san Tene aos 3 a ee we BRAn Ga Guwa cu AR' ras OP ue qaevunenGan cane Sauna me wewaen tease: Hewunausaa ae sues eee aie ee ace sainaas Sees ee ies > ' ~ + - ae { 7 asa #X ‘= a Ligski te * inl * 97, gan os 43 nae Ge 7 efest te: Fife seipesteitts ; ante Sor eivt - pie ¥ neve see on mans ae : ee ie ee eo Sade deg tornn onan ae Se age atti an Rae E Ss a Sh in oe 3 oo Fscaathn tee PRE. rH ge?" pe ttexe 2355 ee, =a» , Nee ee fae Se by elias siiutditiciee ceuiHietoe ee aifuits inne eee J & mot oot Beuuxes fisatesse EScesttta TS cuees hanne Sian. arse Semase starts pascecsee * eeeee aaeateats cudeisteat A Ld 288 renee ee week ee aa ee au se SRM 4 HM © : m : = eee Oe S2@et ae ne 2 22 UKRES AP HRS eset: ~b sit FSUNe TERRE OR Kaede ESeeg sGaRt CENTRE Srsenese Sut ang FaREe R244 aeae ; rt ee Bese a6 tte wets i Sh fete Soe : Cabins suSoe Tope pe Fs So ae Pa * en Sas ee ee at SPeeaerw Bhs Seuuy eaeaT as ve wed: bod skazrw & 2 Lats wah ao pohi ry b fbn gataf | Mamie La Samak Sac dunes Ree areas ee he Ther ek wes ARP ARES ES £2543 84SS5 dvag as § » BRIN RE OSS SeRES BOSATES 4 DERE Pb ceeeeee a itit LEE SEMA citiisast eee Spare ee maewane.: ¢ . ans SRSSz PGaneeee pee J * eeanee speesires BE BP PTS SABA USA BCAKASOK BAAGH HEE SS : 4 seaumans awuee che pa dtid | V ei a renal a= consis oo Ses ee Bee mane! elite Ra, Eee aces .. i BeBe cure 4 a” See were Pt tt! 2 ¢ Baw ey oe Pacer Aeer eae Sesee reused AP eae . 2 hse AP GR mreh PEK ADDS POMBER AMOR Ewe ets © ae saz "Une rer pecke TETESEISe Sa © ati BP eae yy) ee a @o-s HH) Binet: Piatt . $ i Me a gr anbuncises auaene ihe sete aah nee iia ass Lapa rt tt et Pt a ot4 eee gee e egiotiee satctiete aes g eeot cometeneee Sener peapesenae FE Esbciescerteestane 2 Sees: dence ne ssogtee iea ESO Fe a? Sanne ‘ SS TO ae Be Se & OF BOP PS AST STRR VALE i eSeucanang sanade Seagnapaene tegen ar Sicaesbestaie swe aos hh ee nn Oe aE eae tt seus S2e"az eR ser aes SERN US KY Sn Ser Deke Gg RR aw a] FRSCMAGHE &_ CESAaLE a % Brat 2. . 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Be. ms a LETS coruia e +i ax at + fe : 2s 4 5b rrr B smase e: ¢ mass rr geen ~~ ¥ : . ohh Bit re CHE. PES SS See ees SAN VRBEREMRRA BART. Coe rates Pub yee , t tie 4 my i ae am; at "| ” Py Phe i Mad ts ay PN ead aa +. ; = % as a bal abos Rages ag eaaeee sobtene oe oes oes pease: Peeeripert p14 ae Fes, we SS ee ee : RES S * . i 3 aa Seon Sen ca Oe CRS FS OR 5TH 4X ae 2 Ue Dae muvee 9 ot ote wecaee Rane Ser & esbaatncane ourgracags Saeurname Shh Fuse Saeene | kd PARR R TAS an aw we Re ery 4.0 Peed 25% BS SERA Fe ae tBae S 2ORF RE eth Bab oks en BORER BUSRARR H a 5 s eecue Ce HOG ae 45437 fa we OG 18 LP SS MH BEM BDA OH CER STEKO Pe ew ee Sk we eit $2732 Marth Rees CEES KMLM AER n 2 Se eeax ae ae fy fed Se Bim OSE bk dead, btu sendienee PR Sr Pt ae Blerannwnse Di Mage ee HY Been kee weet agengeue SP PAP BEGINS Aase he RRR = renee twas saearr 4 a4 a Wr TP APS actas ARBSK AO VHe * ae. okt ed td @ RBEKAD REE sh OA CReRe caaeanen SREle zKK ESSS9IFEERS SRARKEECH cre seu 122 2e & map om 4 ora Re gi bos: acteurs ais seats "4 = Sane e a ait wh Aid eaters hie tt uu uaa’ izend peRcceeees Ae He cH a mueuiacttt Shosd rort + 22 2 BE CASK AK TS boner era TUB SRSSERUMO WS . Cid wee? ot $8 2984 5an pSREe RERA EeteD BBSS SSSE OHHH ARE RAE RHRKRE KEE BARS PEELS Cit bob t tee Bananas. TeSe% st ” ine 2 4 OER NS ieee BWR Cit tony 2] BABE ws eww A RLKLOT QRRZEE ae Seo £ReRaS icsent resez 258 tears ERE £ BOe Me we Bo £ irae pe ee z ¢ a ® é < LY] CRUNK KET SE nied ag =| ar UR RT VE WE Sa spor ES On 9 PR URe > ie Pe PY pe os . on BECP OAK AS 2 SRA KH a? 4ORGh De BRGY TRA A KOH KM, oe SR PP Be WH eo x RRRPRH BA. ret ea8 thasaene ae ARE Peta s AXRSUBERY CRBSEBH SGushesenve Srtvcasnen elt 1 '9eew a a az * 4 a ae =e ae p Pome tah fate nian og weERae es £2 Tigaaey ery BS PY we TRE GUE EAUD Bex "om heh -dea aan enee i. shes shaberteenqvecceenes spay saans «% 4 RBSkK RERRERRE LE DY ASTRSTUD EARH ve = 4 eS SORALHSS PABKR ARS He FiXLASCASAE DAS UH o BO BKOTS FE PRA TERRE AS HSS SEREE AGE AA RAMAS PERKS KSEE ROAR BOSE RAVARSSSLT CALS CU wS % REWRAKAAT OSKORAH KES OH eeesas SOSKe IT SS FhGEee HRreseBvTs RUNERSSYA SAAN ENOTe CLAMP LARS PL S®ekeae tena Py yy Se aAuas Bee SHRRRSASES CASHE STOR SLVALVABUSRAKRKSRA SCARS BES TUS RH HRPRTE VES & gheeszazganay sass z SALeXBatee SEARSSPASE PARC HESS MEP aR gene REVAS Sige Ke cP ED HVERPAAL SAGAR PT ERAS she RPSARRS SH “Vee TS SOURESERER ASARESRHPLAD Res BAN SeRS ¥i SRESZ S Seacne ESR Se ay. tens g ae + HOTLRS PEF CREAR MD Quran SHS TPRRE RTA So eee OCuBmeriree Sraeae oe aAPR SSS Rane BEM Oh, Ce RRARWARA RRA Y N# SEDER SUSE 4 choo oe aes Bw MW VE BAILA SA RBA VA eo, + KWH sdaate | R WEE TROT Sa ee Ae IM, - = Oh RQEEY KeVANAAeE es one porns ARG We oe Sie a BSECE SAH we | Supapasen eae AMESY SSS OR nm we hw SGN FU Vee su 4K POae 2 Ba we 2 s enn aRwE oe PSKHRSRURUAR ed SESe SUNUS ROGER 78S Re eS we pegdebasageanacuesbees Held te pe id Pt 4. 4eecre ROGIER ANY SAS aedh @ Hy ae i 2 we we dead RS". OROR Ot & BOR’ AMBLISAET EASES REE YS DEW SRS RPM HP Ve | dnl daeeted Penkeasce Seawe Sone + rItsti 2beene Geog ROSE Sener ae ~*~ Rn 233 mt dofedahe 2B SOG LM Pica: scaesacee ae z ti {y5J Oona ™ Ae SV w ey a APaeuce aye tae SA ETS RS Ra Feree aeakune Th Ne hE a SQKAPs Sek BE QE He Oe ry MERASERSRUS EERE ER : - se ree BSESERRE SVOAS PBRRA fo LAKGKEBE AS FSkSRN RAN @ =: ¥ aun ryt he) tg bpd > ate a av : ¥ ere ae » i DE & UE CHTRA SOS SHS we ne Te ite ee er PS RR SRK ow eS ie a RR as eG 4 Shan hbietaat etree tre 62 222 PM RRR S ATER BE 2eRv aL eval eee REVSATCER FEE LaH4u EA SaE Bees ERHHER Suse CANE M Pe RUSARSGA KAS Se BRS ; SHEET ESOS BSH SHE NAS SSOSABERNE BSQCH EY Hike SECKERCUSETE SC OARERE VER TRRAL REUSE SEGAn smart ser ts ray See FER CTSA e YFOS 8 SABES SS7EESESEE ARRAS CURSE TELAT Efe avers x SRREDSSSEM CLAD 5 GERGAK RS CA SCHER SH EDR GO VEDBS OO HKESBBER @ASSA4 aS 6A GER S22 URRAGRe PRLS AMNVA GSS CHSBPLR Sas MSS LARSOLBMAE 1 OTMY PERS OR ARETE SES RESVE KES PORES NS ASK MOE SPOCSSEE HSH OT ROE E ORGY RR OU E QUE eo tee R bg Chhms Sax [ [A aR NS RGSS Soe Weippe Rt ee a S02 256 BURSL RASS E # F CAKER RREUSSDAL A PORES LERSE BMARVA TAL Agae BEERES CLARE RK SE ERRRE ETERS SR RSE BARE a Pt by had TS PEP et eee A ELTKACCASK ZAK PRES EO RASS ICRKE RACeE SeRLE SH SARE & aA > Geutane REM FSERC RHPA CS RHR ESeT st eS GRROESUK DEAE ET OAD RAK EOE HVE BH Be SSuSASe 1SeeR SSSP @ PAS ea BRERE KDE QAX SK SCRE ABER By " anne F BERce Ae 4 es oe = ae Het i a Geame Fa: w% oe mesiee om Ecapenae xQoe i ARES EVHAA CLES Iz R2GH~, SEPRA EGE BPS aehe oPReR cSSSeot Ss SUCCES Sha st ERE 29 SL SvVL uae He ESSIMABRSEE Peet | 2 FCs Reh KS Pee MR ARGS PRES SRETK SBS SSK Bo een MEFESAESR: CORES ASSES BHD é EG Fr obese Sheen ee OT es a eS y k - CUTRES UKE KS EHO OR SRSRE BEE Pe neg SURE RALRE BPR e EPSARARBAS FSWT ao vee + sue Barus ume sas &Saes Ow SREP BRER KPBS BIER EOR "eu etew 2 se z= vase tonase be eRSSee ABLE» Ze RRB E # 398s: #¢ # PERE BS ARS se & % FENZL CLAM ERET ae SEP SAE TH LOVES RSS Se Oe 2K Ow ee Re Es I 4 eudane Sak a” sits aE ae ar Res Re t.)4 fs Sue as SRK #ESEIRSS * OR. OSE EB ER, UR, AEA Ke > % 2 m Lt = ¥ PERF AR KSSH Re 2H REC SPOTS SSeS da ae 8 a * itt ett secee ry aR Ct ates ER NOME 4’. SA SMe Tem Be BH h CHAT PH GRAS bd Ld cea RN. av hat il WAP ie es bt pay bbs as dd we Sanees e . S28 (h88R ae 24248 C28N0S a o MRE ¢ bd fal gen shanty cedtris dad fave BREF AVERZEae OOS LH BY: Saaetwonh Saueee ie muse we ee area pa > 7 a 4 2 Ha CRISES SrPRE AS r +; RESTRS” AM EVV CMY VR mB wees wHae ue Ee i wee PP hetet £4 5 nanesase ae: tsueeeteac Saunecceee SREaREAR ada Li Neet CSASH 2eu PGVSeKe 22 OM IQ CARRE BROT Pw & OE ARHOe wee 2 af a *% < a 3 2 e Rae em me wee SA2ES2 Se neGea aneeane Rpm BRS ARERR i SEF RSRS8 Pie so apes we Salen nage VRRRewn se - var ee ae Sieh: FH Bestasteeseceeet * » ADP Oe aepe> 7 eears dae: btw} a ew v5 We > tbe “Ty Se + 4-4-4 4-4 att; Rm EMM oe eS a ROSSER, gan o3 Ee: perms itt) eect re He CE mao zr: be FO 2 ME AR ORY CFR R TERE EY RB KE GE ZSOHOM FASE BORE pe MRE HES RSS S. CASE CS AS DARE AP PD Oe AS Pe Be Geis FS OE ws | et ate ? io sheet i : sxunee 4th ie oe Hn : ae eee uae oo ce ae agai He _ a oe fee siyeter eatee te Bate ante on tae ssicitace : Bw em = : ¥ < | fibers ) : f sl 3 war ares “i ae Fa 4 a3 4 he y wes th ae oe 3 om 5 LI atari ReESBE ere ‘O.°2) * 4 SRO”. ne . 1 Ber ee BR 7 rage a Hy 7 see wae cet 2 ciiitece Bon ee 7 ooeay ‘atm Va .3u ae a” ® a oi Deacon eT Ly 2 _—s es | ae a 5. Gad adessueaeeeae sewed ane Be VURee. kee aS * rae sath co ne He c ; se -. pa mereae- a Hd We : os aw x saery ea ¥ « . ue ee RE enn Se ae Hap Ebest een = Te a sue ; sastars = ee : ccessive = 3 Babee: -}+4 cep = Ame me bP Se a tee ibsaiiessiee: : ae SEM 4 BE BLE ESSSr 5 a ge tte par ry] rS ¥ PRR D saa + sapss : i om vis oe re ue ine eee ae a bi £Gr 2 ) £ a Lied ae FA Se an SRBRS OMe * Pe es PH eeertee : Hine gegar oat 5 2 ijepae Lids oie 2 4 hes mea wae Bo we Funeus ie supees m GAR BASSE Ane TR SERA CE : a se GPE URSOR ENUPSE MARS ESV CAGES LARS AAA 4 ett at eg 1 pi fb i ca BZASUT COKLS CERNE SARE KRERES AK aeeaee SS RM ALBEE POR Sy > BRE RECTATRALEARHA D fe " Cd id i: BE 53 2 »s SRO ECRTCKSE STRASRBEAREMAKERESRY aes ECU SHA RS & iw ee Base cr tasan \ HG Sue RWS oe " 2 2 2 ae & 2s ‘ee : * ® x a *, S Be, > 2 oo ; bas RAMS eBRE whee WEE 6 ER eK BB =a ios tae Rae ne ee csegeges S662 Fin ak SaR ERPS TATA Sete & Pe rer} tot ed we Dw RARE EKG Re EH BI ere eam SASS SRE ¥ SELF GWRK He SR EHRS SH 6 BR pao KROBPM CRD G % ae ie rt Gf RABOSEPE SRNR RASA a RE SERA AAK SANE SLRS 26 2OR* otau SERRA ZESS ZReU SR Eaee RARRShe Bees VANS SH ae HA 8 a » UEROHMS Te ROVE : Det td RE CERAEERERE ] = ‘e EPS SBAN sae Az Dass Saneeene. SETA RR awe J = 2 22x F408 SSVAA EB N@nes ® a Caeatee keer aeve he aah one BASH s CSR SHRRoter pets Hed sn og Sas ow Bann Gases encgeentow. FELFACS Pee Be u Se eparyeed anx YeGeenwee ‘eUgenus, Gsigs Ssuszsssevgatesea, ?ccseaseegaceciases a hase rag ae bei ae Hi CU CVS RSS eh we we AR TESROH BDRY toy aa Terr 28 ieee ROU Fe eee . +4 een at peene 2ue2zen 4 J . 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Ail = | HENS: 94 + RA TD cae ao 2 ts STE On + == ye bea tt ~ $f $ +4 ' areal : Mbp ee ~¥d = s anneaae pet: ah r = r : : : +f 4 a> fig rs * oa) ’ 2 4 i a~: pr deyt mS 4s $ : £ ra 7 ity { ras ee & rf ei seras sei fide Seeeees censeeas . Gyptp ote cas ; STuet ate agen. +45 ates oewase: ~ ie “fi2 ee : 1 t é i 3 | ; i BRI Ey . aay te mee Senuee rt! eames Huahine | fie Sei ate a % 2 5) tae > ShUGs Hane Ee es ee ee 8 ae % 5 rei Hy ewe 229 we? ei 4 , G : x es 9 ; 4 :. BE Unk eNO PER ee Cis ass ee. kt Beer FASTER REE LAGA $3 be {en nk BUSAD SERS we hed wee 3. ei t e Sy $. rs e - OOTTITII rl eee TT Surses eos oy ‘ RABNOERSURE HRW RAMS CBSElS eee ShORE 2B ae axe s FebcuReema ams SKGLFLYRSSAR IRA 4 iiitiaan SERRE 4a) 53898 2 | he eh dl we aa 2a ae 28 BUS AHFRS UNDA Seats seas cesen ele ree eps ®. : BERS Fag ee Sa aae vem a4: ee OLR E AALS S See Re e2ee RACKS SSS St €82 TSS“ enae- BSSLEBASR « PH aRe et . a" i 4 e ie um Hh : HE ne anen shee inet 4 : — oa RSESs Genes a eae * 3 : 3 sbeee a ies oases youn es -asesey ‘ =! -_ -. ; < ; 7 tt Gey oo = te + ee +4} 3 Se eee t-} SK SH abs 5 aah Sees me ae ae ? ss ses 7 u Leh veERES 4H SA SCARRLECTVASHIME SH GRHs seaceeticeesz ie eae 2ESPEPR MRR SREKSESSS . Ue SRL Zheeeeeeee CRESS SSAE® a ae 2 AL SCALT VURLSNALSE RAL (RSH ONENESS SeneRs ras Ss EERAKE SAL NWRSE CERAS TUES BOS AE HA ee we 7 AALS SO GARERARS MRK BADE ¥ “a . : OF Se GORE ERSVSCHSASSSOSH RR ERS Habe §KGASES HST KSSH Se : SRS MPLS EKSHeo 2 Ze et et ee SRRARMEY GO RO% % eanex Sane ‘ RP HERS CRETE 34 AGSUEO RAK Ramee d dated ot *“T siecnae SEP CRAB KREIS & PRRs De we FS we - r x m = & em BARAASA Ree ANDO wee M e x 7 SWANS APRR Ee OT BW ee sa6 2 aS SHR BATRSPIASEAARS V4 C CRGRAL CASRN ESR? FAS I PREM EREIS ME STAY + BUF LA GVE SUGAR CESSK CPBRAERARES EE ORK SCE SPS SARA CESKY oH BAS SSS 4858 “ SEV SESTA SARK AGEL EASE SHE RVR ¥ S27 28 tae ee @ RAGRE VSAKS SHR USREWAS PRARA4EARR CESO Sec ws SCSRMHNBAH KE Ler ae Sue tues aeuen & Sep Se 4 ann WGRL PRS BPRSu eee ME eRe 1% “ ARaM #24 SENSES CMRP TSE [HS SE METER RAP UE Ee 22RV SEG LHL ms Ke Fase om 2eEnas wee we aes LRSR SH osut es SEV PEW E Cee © ; ‘ : ; o: ’ . s : BEESA SHAPE DURE SUE RBSSe SS : . ‘ om He iz SSG EEE> set ESE RS YRS te REGEN CRERKFA Gee 1 S25 NE RACES CAS ° : : 2 # a0 358 SRK SR RES ARAST PSE E URSA C8 SCASHRER EES 4 new VQSRSRRS Ae ST RVE eH wee 4 Sie ta ars ts [SRA SKS & XSQRAER URS GELS RMSHR IT BHTZAY S rk VERE * ARH AMS Ree ¥ SBASEA c & | & ERSBECSEKAG FAKEVKRFE & wap TT REN SERE CKSVLAM REESE SMES» ASSO 2ENRe ee J s = RS SSSA AK KRAS (MBAS HARS C a BERET GABSSORANORH ALAESRAKS SL FR GEEZE CED ate Lit eet RK SSSSRAK CSS LL AHT HPV AES ISA SY RAVSESAVCEG SRRER HERA ES SBR ALALERwUA SAA BAS 7~S2G0 S ASHER ARR OSE RSS ‘ Al FSLHKRBRKRAPT ASS ERR e AS Se RR RAMEE Be . AEHAARM ERE eRe eS SEUSSEC ASR eee SRE AAA SRENE bea ee tseaer - & &F "RES SRH ase Ce KEBLE AEMOEL se ® » LVARRE AARC AK AE ENSSIRT ASHE FH Re A ak Oak ee UR ae a sa BF RY VRS SEVBSSERNS EKER BO #4526 6XKRS CH SEGASANRE RCL EL ET BUSA RA LARD Raw 9 Ra RGR FKeSSe ie £5 MELAL AVS TH SCALE PKAAE BA BESREDASS SUR Sut ea sass ERGESlESS tes SQSGERK AZ VEE PSESMRESCRE ELS BRECK ESASHEAWARS RE 2h EDR FeUEEL aue TESASReHe ee: ~ 14ee Senn f SaeR _ oer BPs TUR CESSES OAS ERATE AS SVP? BORA ARERERRESS t“SER SVS SACRA RAS TASES TSS BOE STP KRSHESPETERS BER e F Aig ot PRAT AANZUS KBRES A SSE™~ STS ENVERAALSAD BHRRORSS? ene eee Oe eae BR wae “ BhP LGM RE FBS S 3 « = J ba = i oe a ot a REDD OBA Tritt a 5 a PCR CK VERE TS be ® KemWe RS VEEP RE FAM AS ae @ when een 1 Oe Oe Ole ay sw ts RHP HY S Hee ~ (etaeeay ® Lo PE el a Pw te (a2 Ae Ae he s saute bi % Axe SMA a Sm wom SRNR WE MMSE ORE Lae ae a 7b 2 eR Se Diab dual AE rr ‘a ag BFA Awe Yom Oe ite m4 ord ite aonr wrane fem Soh COCRO VAT Ae D. 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FaPrR CED err oo ge aaap ares ewaee Pid = 2 Bssee eotes Seresee Ves ee we x BPE OSEES Be Sxhenewce se as | Hs seine : ae : cia eee a a - une va oe 14h i ho tis | Bie a aes ae : te a SRS RSHe meSee va 3 stske Sth Breeiave eae Fug Jease i Seeastyets. 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Meee IN / % 3 aabsucraag Sezer fas MeuERerese Enaceeee S25 ¢ + t met 4 * . re ATPCHREN “Az ; z peeoee peeeeetece pear topes fh am ena ae ste ee « mie oe scart aa xeee &. ; guzete ge 8 “ee Soiscseceasteass| e*san »* , oe ee Baaaee e .° SUReeuwe z*. sites rohik pas Reo 7) vee A phe ¢ | a : ‘i a gE Faw rots. t- tit = t F cee +--+ eee 3 sas = ot BERS a asi . 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SUneeree a &. ESS adduct ee acgeasreseed gst aaes eee stdy iets feet pt terafaee feed tat cae Has Rig ur gran TnitiE tem amaeee:ec son MRD Seseta sed g iseziees MSee S825 paaeecasas ettettin tate soeaeGsaseeed se aunsen Ay @ mae: Beeeees eo =, tt RESLE CH TRABS ASz pares ae Aceees ewens Genes genus SS BA & ER ee BBSEESERS Suny (Sbaseesse: Se coger asens dase seeed cheedeccessntat pare seseseecens sade neakive ORES OS RET BWA Sane SSasDaAUrecnnaen sampoe Hs an SEs ses SASSAESUEE oe @ Serta my Ld 28 ‘HERS ® ae 55 3 Ch SUSSS KXa SAND OeuaAR a fe & pt Euwas eee REGS $20 CMLIE CALLS FAGEA OBHRHRVBAE a a 2a BARES Sh 335 é Y CHSRSFERSE D5ee7 RAVER ane 2a Rake See sees & Ry RE PEO» ic. — ~SEBE OF RETESTED OENAM BRR a SSRAF then : R555 b ears s a > ene & MERkon ~~ “KS THESE USNR REGNR BERS POS ~ - 1 2 sanen a SkRSe ean we __ --wasuadGa deeds ecse. - . 2 moe Ra RMEES 84 Te pee ema! 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Specinen G: kus : 2 = pies ; : + ny ‘+ Ae H i He ; 4 + ; a é <4 mt 4 Rani OS TEs ant ered be ASL eA LS on oe eee i PAE RH ABA eA Rees Ras ‘ sagt ig oe Serene a4 ; : aie ' 4 a . | ; Tf cy : ; ’ Zee yn swans ok : ; e425, | i at ae SE | ; } i th pupensress vars Shnnapescess oa i ot Bea isiiie rei Eee pres Fo 2 5 OE as Dam a SUN 2ee ok + : a o ie i t3 ; 4 5 4 ; t BEES ts Bites beeests cgeeeayeees! tog > cckeicgees | Gaede Aton ng Ebamn Gane E qty (Sie a Lees (i Reoe f eerees nes 2 5 Par % ig ; . oe % | as +4 bare rig soe ; { _ ; sa As fae: €@ va aeag") as grees erage +4 me, ~ ~ SRE aa ee aan ase sp eee. bp pee M b ee Set uf oe > ed t= ae po tate wet ap rt + ’ + 4 ; eas’ bay ‘ + : > > rf iS RBEN: : a - “ } +4 . r eres ele BRP Cee BA nee He SS Gs Sa Se ean oe pretts : _ + 4 ree ao h i EES M4 4 ; is ; t oS Se eee eee t+ 4-44 2 ae mc ws | ee Pete o . : Se ak te eK Tet 8 ok a et Best « + tolled Ce ase ote SY t =e Betting. pa ae ie ty : ts | +t . a en te t oats 4 “i r Prin hhh apelin Sareea, ageee sto Seertnars a oe & spy ay fa . ¢ Ee 5 fy pe ee Panp> t ? ae fan t = 2 ay fos ‘- Fs cb adn egeanteseanb mh ie ow By +3 ; 1990000 | gh deep tye ge agama ae i ee at iae re are ce! +3 feds Bab wo ae ee ee en es 4b tna Ne PETER ESS BE SS 3 e # 5 ‘ as OE COS wa pe ors eee aad ttt ew = Sasererees ES Bes k & © aq) # fas SR SOS Rie HESS SMBH et pa es tte, + ‘ can 4 é Sua 6 4, thet Bo j ap tet d aed eae eee hee ep Astin $2 ora rere wis cae pereaeesss = by dib op-dd tits Be eae ae Ae stig! yr peel j j fares ie) reyes + 44 4 + bef s ® rh BOP COSI SEEN 0 FEE th SRG OE Ee Pt tpt pew ated +a re ape yep aes ey ee + $+ oe a a rod vas * : pal ayas, a ae 4 tr cer ro pee’ ele amin FSCS ES SOE SS TTA SS F Ceetew a ia ‘ ' t o¢ 4 So +> 4 b+ aS 2 t . 4 } t ? 7 } BEES I. 6 : Ramee pa :. 7 ay —_ a) oe) 4° 4 $ et ie of a hoe a . t 7: ‘ ~ ~ es + y2 = y ft + i : } a2 — Ol=- 4 wey : . im = 3 —~ , , + * : H S he + ° 4 , ws . aE "4 : i f ’ 4 i + t ‘ i Hf t 5 . fe bed ; s : jie pole ; He + ;. eg tng epee nnd tans a eee ere tae j IN Ri te Re Mata J dshiving i ma ; 4 ; a + . + a } § L¢ - : ; { hee ; +g ie ‘ ’ p es ; f d vee si a eae “¢ oh mine rene painted . oe mee Fae a aka Ho Nee: i2 yt : + , t i oe Lae Bef 4 eS REE SRR ESES 6 Bai pl OS ++ : ‘ a ws ¢ G we Pe aes ae aoe : a & ; { : ee ee * he moms re r pa 24 ~ ee Lind? ete 4 : Mes : 3 $ : ' ee + a t 7 ot ~ Spe - : ~ a oe ap fperrrt+ SRE IN 2 a Tt J a La ee 5 font nt a em gd eng gle dn ae F ue 4 F Dae + , - aan f 7 ‘ ae wo EH eS SS ie! 4-40. “ at a t ams RBeme | ee t 14 & : ! 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Nog ne ee ere cet - ivr a mpeg she wpe SOTA DB ns PR Bw HE ap EEG AAD BF iat & tH Archie hr eae be tipster dnd soe Dial - Nee Specinen & res mcs Rony. .& 1 ho Steen | Aenea Meee: % eee: 2 Fe ‘240 S9N Urq “PRES sasqwan pro — sydi0e4. Ia coag. =a ria Shacatante acteenenad ecaerirauan eee RE peteerate angers RS ees Apart ding OG. $G at] © Giofeg aie SGojernt q ne Feag q : we - ow PaaeT { es a ; i ‘ ! OE oe Nag ‘ a + } 4 j : foyer de 4 ‘ H 44 é 407 $4 ioe ea aa +44 eat , od Ae : +> =f : alban aleat a = » j : ‘ - { H 4 : s b . Tits $ ; 4° 5 oe oe eases 3 892 In Days: Be. (-SRAGEST. 5 -Snnboat (> BGRTStE *- S0se0e/ > baedbel (> Suantees “Saneed! {\ uoksen) uoeenbe | 3: cboreed, BPA ke. rit ae Tar ake » ® SHEL PS BARE Bie aR ves es ee Bete RENAB segnes cece 2 a € oP ELSRM IE & A eS BUG hei 1 Eihae ani (OMmee Z ane (aces ——— gspaup en eee SEES ars aie 44 Be ea sieeee ere ene % * 5] ¥ 8 a a . a fae sume ress oe oc ane bSEE pb ¥ saree BaRK asee obs5 $23 au Hite oo. Ace SOB. sme be = aes ahi ail Hie Seves Gente Seeeeps ene a — SE auits: Eesrscsces® RAN OVER seaas assis a fat paegue st £2822 susddeasensnie == Het Hiss Senane oesies fee ; it EL 2 Hi sees bt ieee 2 Be oH pote lame 2 i ei nie Spliseesssaisobesseeeyeoesestiazss: se : — eee Be cobeaistas fen: ? ro ae OF es ay peat ee ae eEaaSSSGs sae 5 ERBEoes rasa 7 ————s a i : Seereitteee™ eeette She aaa «i 3 Pe eerRLEET a ni 4mm See § i sggealgesdustns acs cscs eee cep Rae sats fesevisess seats | Ste ag ph “7 aSGRSsG039 50000 1055. enamenene a ee wey Pan sp cee, 4 ethos Ne A Be 2% Bae nen TS te ye Suge = \ ome Rha - oe frac) -4 : SES ee eer eeres a ) PES D> Ae bast ‘ , ee ae £ i+ WSS wee Bie bes jouaeen : pare ta Odd Nes Steel , Even Nes Conc. Qmes Dial We 1o +o9 Specimen Ames TVDial Row C Betton e S 6 4 2 ~ = > gues . 7 ; a - + hs S ‘ jritwbbegs Bal.’ ; ’ i OT See ene “ a a 9 ome) of * 4 ' % C rea we “2 hath eh CLE E LR i » aaa aioe tet Wore pee canes gol B ; ori dy i j x 4 : ; ’ + uv bape grasses star 2S ae | ye Gtog = farg seg sia epludy I Pe : : . hoyn Gu aofaq ; ot IZING QIVTA) ° oG « ~ 7S tick + — ++ + + . \ ; 44 oe abR-B a y . - 2 o j re BBE Gh Sr eed Pps. Eehing ng - > y Bd SRORS GSS %: Ty +- + - tedium oni rgd cope =e Fi 8 } pal ets Ea ante salieertindalinedes dhanaeiade asd 5 <1 eit t Loam ff: Pete te ae ees + ah Soar ekeete KH it + - te oe eok bo4-f i 44% eee eee bie 4 t eg d . ‘ Pitas ms ©. pee pita reg ote o~-—- 4 iS ha + +. 4 t banks aed eae eee oe secbapaaar see 74 : aa? he | 4 : ROSAS BSA S526 SARS | ; i ie awash SAPSTPRRES 6 ae f oo too +¢ tug oe , re { i4 27> : * ord ' tty bee ; popes Reta ty | 4 raat | 444 ++ + 4 : 1 neat sig epuleee arteases ; 4 ; SUR BSN Be tt SBE “oe rae | rag ae 4 ' +-{— 7 fe a5 5 me and Bates, yo tee ee ‘ t .] aes Pe ete ee didur bebe vn | PEE HE GLI | Sad TEERA OREN PRED RUST ET LEAD oS Pr ‘ : -~t tees y - — po ‘9 r 2 : reikiae es + | gael } ba Se | <2 f + ‘ + : i = : - - : prt, - _ deep 5 1 it i > + _— ~ ~- <- ~ me neescuetelh Ghamenia a 4 ee ey —s > on 7 > ; 2 ree $455 =e ud | Lm me 2 a ie - ; j t it eam Ped Ss ROSES rey a SE Se Be : } $ ! “| | : - - 4 + S - ; ‘ } ee ya | oi gee 4 I } i é : { Q a a {ro t f ; ’ - ons ‘ >+ + r : H ‘ ' 4 o> 9; ‘ ++ — a te ae — - - a a. ete 5. i : A "| 2 sok . — at . + oso tee Bt owe 4 wee 80} Fahren het 3 a Ss tx ° ~ Degrees Temp: Soe ~ we 10 ue Sapa ieee pines a ce gape seppessifieh pnetiopsigety } | | \+ + i j i 4 : : } i : Avr. ne “4 ; ; Je iS PER cas eabcetdbenzsts Cr ee BR Pea teers tate i sa imetaitetr ie of. Pet eae i secuengene ' Ay. Gmes pial row B Eeemte : MPG ced ama ee yassas denon sonsnussne oot ives ‘Top edb iaskab ages? 5 1 red shwaseas 8 bs iz ea bcd : > gop ish oni eaten SES im ie “ t aac 8 me abe es Saeaten wena ‘ + } i { 7 or ‘ F + i-< ie ? 1 - H Sd ai x Bri foceenes 1) Seveene cenenue” ’ pmneeeh | lees fat oO. Be. taba OO 2 PPO phe Liat headh dpnteedhihicnd-dpedvedad SHFR nee Oem Benne SUR SRSFe OK SER SEUNS SD SURE seahbetess s 2 4 AREBKRSS YB Ss SCRRNBS vases aeak FRGRS ERR LAPSE SLAAS KKS BE BRT SHER gacasEnens WCAHS ARFAS SR EHELEASBES é Hf Ht i thy ete 8s sae an fs nh i a é i ed ‘ . } “ eee = eo “ bape ps 4 * ” ! +4 a ; SRS RE SRSA KV SE SHS LSSTH ES SHS FCSSTS CHS SSEVT ERT SHEP PAUST SCALE A SASSHESULST SAT SAHSHSVE CHK SRBC RAKEKEES mt = a eeu SRE uiaae = as aaecnoe SAIS SS prt deere Boos saeee is aaee san hase ae Runvane heb d aaa aed Ree Be Sek es aree Yaen PUTTS BESRe CK RAKG US SSER SERGE ER Mt te beet fee fe dG #62 tp TE ° inese 5 we Leded aistecrcheatsees pail TKR a4 =Sweave = ate eosee tetenenaee gaz aueee Se SB aes denggen oe ¥ a H Deb bcbah ad 5 Be 8 S en a Lae e Lr ttre Hatten 2 5 = # Bs Saeerer ome ages Pr ea br Tk | 4 2B es 4 + eer ih $5 J seese feaaaum Seer anaes apne wuaskawesee SCAPSRAGHE DHEA bepecas if TEE i han an Sgeriicsrecssieisniss) GapiSeesDeEstey; sebuaee MBLAN, FAAF SACHS HHA BSH SERVANT ASE SPRRARTSERE ST LAETR PASE NE SKS CAE Hiigit ae toe ease H 7 AHUSEEE 2B Prin po byt s2OUR PHEW BRET A A SAA SESRRBOKE SS iw how PO i a YL # SG iw Bhbn conuneahen seaeoon Beestccseces eeuess : eee = 2 OAS ENOA ANGE ON DASE See Ye . af r 7 - am : sigs Setccees: - ieee te aes Ee gs aabi ceca teees - 2 Mae Ay ogesaguecssaaszecnes sere ae estectieny 44- : ejeese ease sence ne + Scsnaectansant.° oee=— SSR ESSRRD PEPE ee ee sEesdHsstteessi ies: = gees bbedand rf : ete an me Hla a +t MY AR SRAGRALS aay ou SADEAAR ODS 4A AR pauunas Rekene 2haas desk tate OO Mie me { Pe 4a ort HS Seoeere Rar’ KS OCRANSE AUST ESLER e aa Ht : Rhtacxnkanen, “HEH ree ted thas pets Saaaer $3 z 28 [Pewee HH egaaaettasaeageneeeaia fess Se bed . ky Rea SkeacBs : a Bee mane bonne t} ‘ " + | patsene He ie ft Hate aaa > t i athe age RANT RE hem oe Fw Ld - im a A shim rH am ane te 2 Bi Sapsnesan nae $8 teats Be an me Stet tr He, t ba nadledd ae ee feta it litt pas <4 2 Rae < - 4 @ sane dhes na tue é fcranavaas LT a nem ca oe Van ase SEsan - FE 4 PI see spase syanacsee gee Hy Ba sees - : ° » a ee & SRD BR Sue taeeEe aeeeuse aeken Aaa we 8 SL BN ad ae ne oene ane 7a ae 8 an : i +4 ahoww Pt ° o ’ ome See eel ne i ” ss terseapes a i iit eens Hy us sua gumeaes cuurne seenaze suze + [I eee ert tee tre “ne e202 2 #8 S238 5 = pede be chen asada nntachaawe aa ase & ae a Be ar eps it * £44829 C4608 4S ASSEN STGaARe BABE DSRES & Ci S ~ are i fitti Seae e Hi i e ae Fat H 3 savensdme ee Be a8 oa oH na ie HH ae He trite etre si etees cee Suse eaten i i ie 5 van we eae es ai ree eal sce a RSHLG [Bt SELES SSE SHAG as -s %. TS eb ee es hee CHER Bh & H xe S ehade seid sunaageune yaw Sadunete Soineseens ak See * sscteiee we ASBOwee so cue ener ie ates Bitees utes Sersanenesce een ie rH ape sates Be ree jgaees 2ene Seteieir teeee 4SRSOR OTe to i ua a s x bck Del Rok uiad BeAR we if aus £ pu a i : gee SSEse ane ae : 32 mt. UA a” * CRaBrsse Re ORBRE 2 Fe He fe bar ~ o cuss saeEs : a3 AzGeRgeR 3) 4% Eick a a ; See 2 & ad ye 198 t . ye e tery = et tw RS ee Dan soeien. 3 AH £ Ls D3 mn BRERE OSE a ae See Re PP UES 3 Bi Us s =OREe EC eal 2s ‘¢ : & bet 3d paces Seas oy ray ¢ & NES ERPRSATH KA SHOBSRERS St CAEL Perry Bae Bo. ¢ SPER DE Kee aeRe SGRES eRe ea nWAY ERE S— 4 252 2 : ci Bas kes spear ¢ faah see ee a = as oe dal b Xee ew sae u oH i oe ae x ops ae eae: a ; : i : *, Wa. 36 Sea. ern es. ah A (ERE ONES 9 ‘ Seo ae . *elwag goo ee as ee): aise Peek Re Se : eke Fae PE PEE Ot te ET tip tg ia a € wee ee vay ae 4 : : \ —.° ae ok ox alae z : Ke 7 per ’ Kate * : re Rs RRS EOP Rin EORS. SAN St seat apy = oh Eis aur eo H a CROSS DHAKA ARLE Aw sccm i Het insite et oe EAS TS a ae Hie a ee ue ae Hibs - : he oO HE pans sam fo saseebseestes Sanag sae ce Ble 68 ces: oe itunes susaue See iseteeose + . i HE erase ee i} oe z cee eee a eb arate esrehewa se oT Binee fe Sage Ame bute fo Se ws 2 SE inetitnn ws Savas2 oa pees ae mae [Bard ® eager ean ay siiduiesserertite aici eet aan a aia ay) ee penenmvesa See RR AGE oh fawn ene ttitater erent & Sous gee ue ae caeeune rae ah Peete trtier ser ewtere HE i sans Saree weet eee seer a tee 4. + od bt fea te. ~~ pi] g Suaescesss Sel teams th 19 wen se Se Pn ae | % a $i SAEGEe FECT PEERY seh RETRAMR SPD BSLGKEEEIS RB2RETED + Sap e. “tee is * £2G2etn -@ i 22s Ree POPS. “GSSP RP Ser ea SLRS RSH ANE Re “ERRE SHE EY Seunt cuz é 2: Sd SALAS VAs ae Lola) RERUNS AVE SRSGRRGR & © (EBS ROBY HT wun aeeamn awe Dee SS anreqg Hessen ore ene SSDERNRE £HHTALE BRSE MAAS FaK CON SHOES SCANS CREE Y PSOS Bees SERVESECE HK VS Se STUS CESSES ELELS RHs toon aa Raues sees } 6225 RR 2E855 65 Poth S TT mew ©: St wt PUSS ROW Te i i agegee sense 7 igess sence svepmauaassecesae oe a ee : see : steenstae eee a¢t@eore See snuans ; n eon im i Pott ty eres Ldap ya ww Sases ue Esshiteses +t + SSS 8 SS ee ES SS AD tee ere a See tasedores: 4 2S AS HERS SAF Y 268: m L. ~ ceacetcceace A BS BS ace sobeeaewe ; Es Labs = 8 aus 3s ooucnupswe kouan at tee: Laan ate ieantT Et H saan on wis w ry Pers iecteetcs sais aesas si sPesschG2zbsc 3k Om sees se agssn SOK BASHH ROHS TAS wD SceeReneEeees a | af Heeeiiatin! : ie Re ne Gem mw %. % ee Sisae anne SCE Kaser vseeease SRERT SERRE RS Swag tee eases = ee aeae: Batty PuSeeR eee tH a s Tearagpne saoceees ‘Ratan e ee ro aeabe Ber Hee i i or ri C4 wee UNwRee sees Ap WeakcunboneneesWeane ae ane Bc ouR ae eae se aot SOP US Shee? NS¢ D4 RENE CHRP S iy as Ladasd oe gseGhene segs shen Scene caus Supeeee bri rite SS 4Oe. 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NE ee ’ v : J ps ae ae “<3 ae pitt r saseue gupgas aXstewcea seecees yes or BSW . Bette 4 Aas deeds my Pett i ‘ : . 2 { : 2EVK VFRRM AN EMS OM 52% 1Bz aakan ‘ z t } SRICK SEARLS “He ee aS SRaLSOR2 , : Seeue ad Baee Seaeed SL agP Ege eh wena ; SRSK Be eRe eaee tpanee Lda) Saan8 ‘e: mee RCKS VGH pitt Seeeee BI RAMEZ LEE ” e PASS HS BAPTA IDEVER t r+ ¢ : ’ / spade EPSRSE AD LSE SEM ERFONRENRS SPL OF Get ie Ge SRA SAswe Be GGL we amo mi Lt] -aSR ARES ERM HRUaE SH Re ba OGUa0 Rare RE ee a a 3 ite! eittas i HY aunt fi arr aa = + 1207 a sonia, ta Gs ! be Ganon ae conowet« t h “ } ‘ é y « } € 1 Lo, Ain Au iat fe eat ; 7 ‘ f b 1 is haw vey + ‘f : 4 , ' 7 A ‘ 4 2 ‘ PACE \ y F , : : Ti 4 y ¥ ' as a hie. Ve LOG, be Sled, aleo Ey F, A142 B BO» y Tare Yowh Gity,.o6, 252 mint % 4 ty ond Bagh, he We Reinvorced, Bonerete. Shrinkoce Stresses duc to Sotting end mere Shrinkage SeresGene Pe Lites | Weolacn , te Ty ly Mriveatage hom of Thor. Ganiuctivisy of Gonerete ond | the Btieat ok Heat upon ito Btrenchh and Els Proportice, Prog. Bi » Boo. Fant, at» Vu Gy Ps 455050 SG henerona, by Op oy Petes on Expemaion and Gonttaciien of Conoreta Strugture By By Ve OF, Bu Die | Te Bxpension end Contraction in Qencrete Structur ve | Be He Ve 8%, px 623-024 footecn, fe Be oy peedaretiaes af Thora fondunhivaty ef Digferent Con» ae i | . 45 | ant iid B ' 4 - wich £ Fa , 4 " F , ; : 4 eo? 4 OF he he , » a Ola DRE : — Po] * 4 hae . t ’ vs , ’ A | . . » . : . . ' ‘ , 4 e © 5 O . . dias a4 ee +t . ‘ tA a AT ie eal as whe Ne iy A i - Ml 4 oa ‘ad -; * MP i | : 1%. a ae | ‘ Seeonaory Strewesa in ents oe te Par inkages P. 190. 8, B, Pub, Oo.,%.Ts ter, & ., one Looklitur, Uy He Bere hac - ry | aye in Volume of Gonarete ae : Siri Herdening Ported, Yess Biote GolRege Exp, Sta. f: ay ane Bulletin Magee Ve by Pa CPO as “h hh ‘Bene , Themed Proportion of Gonorets pees ee Be Res Boas B, 1020 - MOA Brooke, Jy Pe Me Rointoresd Conarete Uolrawelila, N, Ve The Pomporature ghange facies ana Lee wis eat ON Cote oxete she inkace @ TOLL Aa Gh She devdgn of gonex ate ee Strughuros, pe Lided Beets Oe ii ie Ss Chaniacey ana Poeting of Gonent. Azno hi, Londen | pe 120, Phoory sdvangod thant shiv inkige 4 due to loss “ih in co datures Patent) er i | | Waite, Ay Me | ey i, 145 Dodteuction of eancnt morsare ‘and sonorete through Ae age ; Ng Wey 7 | -empamaton and qonttections Prod. Ams Goce Tost, Bate 5 ae Wels ay Pe BOlkG, B, Bay ¥4 00, po BGeS0 ee. i Pore, bis Te | BY aii 1. tnflucnos of Moisture on the Expenaion one Contraction thal oeanad he Ry, Oats f 1918 she ai thet AEE mouth ion + Od eh ‘we , , ; P i ‘ 4 aig i i 99. my " ry elke acacia Tova State Gollene Sxps Ba, Burl. 30 fins Bly As By ea “4 i aa ‘ter iuence ot Toxpersture om Btrenyth of Gonerste abe tate, of 112, Enge Exp. Sta, Bull, 22 Ww, | Shrinkare ana fine Eifeota in Reinferesd Gonerate | ine. Baal flo. Bs Univ. of Binneseta Peul, Ou. H. an Mayhew, Rete haus BO. Anterior Tenperstur ee in Mase | Prods, Ams Inab, Civil Bue, Viel, py Pedeahs, Ads Ba Be Ved, ve 985 «2910 )=«- Gulliauain, PN Sl. Traneveroal Shrinkage of Gonorete Structures Comptes rendue dae Seunoes de WAcniente des Sotenaes “¥, 169, Pe 25im? “1821 oat « Me ity ie Mls siesta come mpnesetien, an Pasoege Structures bi Bi ba beet, ony Hateunere, % tay ys Study of the. Bifeot of Moisture Ro elle upon the “Bxpensdon and Gontroetion of Plain ond Re inforsed _ Seneretay Univ. of ILL. Bros xp. Bton, Bul. #1960 aed ‘She snkage oma Tenporsture shonees in Reinforced emanate, ctablane Vs ee a Soles Fi a of . AeByGeBe, } : 1) i2e 4 wa . ipa ak & Senate tee ie V4, teh See yi is ; aay © y A ee ies Vey || » § ! ‘ >