ee Pee ou ; ‘sbdeng Be OS ky ss a "4 ) Ei } ' ry Hy ‘that in on WLS, i Most in | | i@ should bo given’ an opportuni is ‘for ample rocding and ne ha Sees woraturoe, The teaching of the mochanics 15 worth], u foe oweca by guidance. of what to rend, To guide onch indiv Gun ier rough his natural testes in roading requircs thet the tosenor Weeirector) undorstand his needs, limitations, end desires, The feencher's work is not to scrmonize on aced and bad books but to jsuggss provide eeec-DOOkS that will be rend. with «.focling of compsnicnship. thie reading they have done. h i@auits responsible, In "A Handbook of Childron's Litcrature” by pordner seoeenomsey, is found this stctomont. veriminally Sagara ant. isst but not feast, it may bo n beste scllcr much Sora and discussed by adults - but for all that uni ifomro., weak and cphomerals; for ig datos ot representing Lifer is is eer es ee DeCHutifully and sanoly ent ba, the pest-sollor often makes everyday life sccm tame, ee iol nan, and unintoresting, CICERO CLASSIFIED BOOK LIST Introduction Oy js =) Peeeo eu Cnoughn to teach tho *pupil the mochanies cf read [ererrovinc the oncs nescaesary, Tt is vitrl tc sugeest or moe content of a bock should cneblo the pupil to uncerstend amd enjoy more fully his immediste onvironment, or (Glso pease ‘him, through his imagination, to erg? many and varied expericnces fae poer tl tO him, It is this cmotionel appcal.which causcs \WaeepOy Or girl to rend and pauneet eortain books or types of Dookg, meer ocn ore neturolly imaginntive and often insist upon 1 Seaton v>o World; the chernctcr of which is cften ge-verned pF weenie rooding donc at home is of no intcrest te t u t "War too many cdults rest in sumg sccurity if the children of the Peay ore owey from bad companions of the strect onc abscroud jos Seerarne Dy thoir cwn firesides, Of what chearaetur thet recding appears tc these.parents to be immatcrinl, It may be cenrse ond L wulgor; it may be sic ole aNinegiy insipid and medioc Si mer oC 7 ry my Uc Ge ae lid i? (2) wn i meen be SsCrics? Pupils road thesc books, 80 similar, becnaus Shear Similhrity pleases them, for their OW wWRpOrLencos: im Site and litereture are limited, Thesc bocks arv casily rend, a point in ‘their favor, from the pupils! point of vicw, Howover this Us one oF serious criticisms of the "series," When pupils enjoy the jcompanionsh tap eof ee Re nS thoy mect, they anxd: susly await other jmoc tings 4H new situctions; hence theo ‘serics," Some pupils read the serics" books for. few Pont. and then turn to other books}; while jothers ae read once sct after another for a period cf two or three lycars before becoming intcrestvud in others, Beem pupil has his own intcrests, which though doubtful, may femeeetorod by suiding him to bocks he witl rend and cnisy and thenee: ho those thab induce reading without guidance. ) When a teacher can offer gucd liternture end have it accented iy vee pupils, for they are the fincl judges, then end cnly thon fine Nepe tO overcome the poor and commcnvolacs with books that frter pormenent enjoyment and stimulste! cleor thinkine that mekes "or growth. 3 : "Books are keys to wisdom's troasurc; BOOKS are getcs to lands sea Aa Bocks are paths that upward ‘lead pooks sre friends. Come,let us road," Emilie Poulsson "As I get big and read more books, . How large my land will SrOWs & And if I rend thro ough many years, How many fricnds I'll Rnow," "'Give a good man a gocd book, and the two will mount to heights undrcemed of," says fn“old vwritcr.! "Give «a good child: good book, and he, too, will soe visiéns, Give a bad chiid a gocd book,,and, with 11 seales af prejudice removed from your-cyes watch results, Give a goed child a bad book, and cven angels might wecp at the insidious trail it lenavas behind, . "eye THE LIBRARY ‘" | | OF THE | 3 MMIVERSITY OF tLtssots sews — LO Phils t Pr) Chow et 1 hig ' yA Hay, Ar ms Ye & Pa ‘ + ae 4 “elasst Re ated as a a8 5 “hay to re a edad a cs uy si pa hak akc poon madods itutes for the cheap book that - pupil may be reading. “thoip plees ¢ Gg ae tee ‘stones tc those moro generslly | ] is ACTIVITIES 1. Book Club nm, werap hocks = {1} Glippings, picturus, cdvertiscmonts, for bo.ks (2) duthors - bicgraphics (3) Char-cters (4) List of favorite books Db, Committees cf Sulection Select a group of bocks of varied material and thought for a special shelf or library table. To be cable to choose is outcome cnough if the bocks are not noticed br others, GC. Committee on Advertiscoment (1) Use of the bulletin board (2) Posters (3). Book Plates (4) Clippings of books - Invitation to parents j (5) Urge Exhibits d. Committee on Program {1) Care of Books (2) Vacation Rending = lists of books under differont LOpiacs. (3) Plays ye A bay Fi 2. Book Exhibits a, Selected exhibit of books placed attractively in 4 cone BYicuousS placo in the Sei eee (This may be secur od : from the Public Library) 3. Book Store Coeoperation 2. List compiled in collaboration with oa student! ‘car an oWnor Of book store, Urgo that these be displayed in the store for a brief period from time to time, 4, Local Newspaper a, Onc school be responsible for book matecrial published for one ontire month, This mitcerial may bo veried as each tveacker- or school goes fit, (1) Suggested favorite list (2) Original poem of books (3) Essays (2) On favorite books (b) On care of books (%) Book Club work (d) On favorite characters 5, Programs = class or asscombly - a, Pageant of book i ehroe ih in costume db, "Living Bookshelf" - a ade of pupils with placard coats to represcnt am covers, e. Book ploy = Personnel is made up of. characters from bool: pupils have cnjoyed, ad, Films + Many pupils have film machines and film recls ') may be rentod at 2 low rate, tee roryanour =~ .Uregchpupila to toll storios worth tho time interest of oan audicnco, =. Doclamations and readings - Give ‘seloctions of intorest, | @njoyment and value from books that pupils heve read, ida] ge Talks - Explain how pupils "carned-a-book" during ta caonth. Pupils will find interest in a contost or gamo of “"camienebe: h, Civic. Organizationse These organizations arc dene inte: osted:and willing to give assistance to any activity spons.r- ed by ithe school, 6, Exhibition of Library Routine a. Librarians will enjoy demonstrating how they carry on the routine of charging.and discharging books. 7. Rewards Oo, For number of books read = receive own choice from a list of ' books b. For number of books "earned" during the semester or year, CAE es ee i 7 oe ~~ «= pion. aa ae aa Vv Vey he ee Oe. ee ee : - > eo) - i ‘ i / F » ¥ | > ) ’ ‘ ? ‘ ie 40 i “it sry 6 & fy) he vt i } j ay nl 314 , eis ats Doe . a7 nS ee Ny ae ua! “aL & im a) "t . r | '. t ; sa - t 4 | i eva 4 id we ‘ wae 7) | - — a ee oe oh a eid *E ‘ roe ‘* ee etd & et ‘ a j i - ' « ’ ‘ hens | rv ee Ame Cree Re boas 1a ie Soe | pl 7 fi Ls te pee } ¥% Su Sh wae Sf, bir hia sah ia dake Clic MP a cent neat too : i PROy pia ve Pine ae fh ma Wadd 24 0 # yt Fas ee 2 hail Daal on “1x pa vig G3 s be ae f ~ ‘ en a . ; ral - ee 7 + om ¥ f pt deter rpireiar ie top eelie hy Brinks ee, 4 ) b t, a et ree?) ia ra | +2 * eta a ‘pe AOL rats Pee SS SF? ' 4 ae eicud) Ee iw Re ae SG Ee aoa . ; f er 4 hed hin f Erie: : oh $15" ci Ala ee et Mf ars |: ae wedge as 98020 Gee) ao) ER Car BG A eke oe 6 ee re wen’S.. a6, nd - - “tf Tithe BAe “St LR Od NL eae dood xo Aa F ty ots byt hut ho, OReaeo ng ae Se oras ae | agekecat bo. alas Dio emia se be ng ahs “wre dem io, te Of hed, 9 kRRn anos en ea “ys 0 @ RO ee ovat, ot “EE bis eee ona or Te avi BY Ea Yeo ) ant eae oat ee Sa i chive nostinds file qi a bias Sig : * ey ae «Mo aplshSa tel RY Oa tae Vi ae et té 2. if Pe a ey ome: Bey wi. by pe oe uh Me teiey! artery Shaw! ae wel isiey “rg ee ae ey isa 3 By 3 vid "TS AER ‘ "noes fi “aepeet d tit guthe? Mie Jeol vehie Mis 4 oe cee Cae ae 7 wUMee ee Re EVES. od: . ‘ | — / Peta remy red | f _> Ae ee - ee c- Geeihe g , A os Rey gs ip i ie va le ae THs INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPARATION OF RWDIN GRADES SIX, SEVEN, AND BIGHT Piagrae wre: two kinds of cards, tho burr dak pret > Cemetery alte a) Fwrteadpmeaghens tame lie se tinsel eae ‘ ~) at F ‘ ies Peri 4 5 4 ot > : a ¢* @ VRC ee. rh, ; Tia ; Biv broetintd ° de mn - Lats Atle apn sapere pgnabaidve 25% an nel wed ae oe oe . ' ad Ve ve hot bike Fe ii ent 5 bcp een ng aaa Rees oe oes . . ’ oor “eerie eeroaey maids SA ag ; "i ’ * ee ere ee a eR a + At Pe) 9 te eee Lo eet hs pene em ert hetero ema a em ml Sy a a hileatighar on riticltalnd penned —_" cen or . alee rn * Ry 1 ; nfar sited Jct ts arsine eats siobiesehe~ become atlheys men ete Aditi ibis sor are iin nema lace? diet AR i nh fa ~ wee ee M han Ni 4 id “ Pe ee ee ee ee abirecnnaninte ie nape trn tee enn t , ht pening a +e ate + Seat ey eee : _ Oe © RRO OEE Hm ee tam ae ener igcecin- tae 7 ‘ ua at emmy eae op sali litem teste eran senate sb wil meee on ’ ER RE Rn nem A ’ ° pot satan apr Me a af mre edt ON HOE elt, ahigeaatiinenit penile womatinnpantie en ) Community BATEC “ood =u Urn Heme RLeOCL PLGott wLoott Br your peanticeid Deland Dickons Gilson Babbcrton Hughes Jowott Johnston hascrlof Mactorlinck . patos Sie] ry Pe hCG erry es Pe Se rol mest! Ree pEOCKtON Thompson Thorpe on 3 Fel bey wakpole toy Con th fy 3 as G vu ser ws YY } = es Cy ta MOLLore een aa fe See 8 Olt. Crump ibioee a ee Duncan @ronftell vi ait “dq Hi cg Ke ¥ oGiuiGad¢ iS Thon on Scouts Board Burgess Was trian Eaton Finncmore Hoylicer.’ . Tho ificad Book Bi Roading GicoTro, CLegeifi for Individual Gradca 6='7eS em ra cree ee Fricndly Talcs Tio Macrican Comunity Longmans BLOG O omen PECL. Srewn Bittle: Mon Tittlic. Brevm Jots Bcys Little Bone Lire in china LO Tee CI GOCLOUs. tndcratood Bcusy Pave SeLoOreN Harpo? Pre Gr? Cx Hoart Rand Teche tic bats Grosset He lonts Stokes Phe OL Povey Botty Le igen ot hee Ee anew a Macmillan Libiccrons Dutton Blucbird ren Dodd Methor MacMillan Wik Gigs QOL ats Burt Mrs, “Yiecs « he Cabbage) eae Castle Bladz (Patch) oath Rudder Granr Seribnor hls PE SAE Ghigo oat E Home Grosset Who AHiaobe © Have Known Seribner Bovicitor’ of THio.Rich DLbeLe Jeoromny Doran Mother Ceroy's Chickcns Hovweni on Mepocce, Of Burnyorcoki Farm Houghicn tee Sywase Peni ty Pmobinson Harper Me Yidow OVcallerhan's Boys McClure ae ae Land Houghtcn WMuichweoy Pitti yoars ALtor Sceribne Timer eGcani eo tiean) or Bh .Bok Seribucr Sievert Lio Shedov Doran Micraicens By AGopeion Atlantic Mon.Ppres C Crowell Chithovoe Bays Making OF bat eee ory he eee genes ee Ore CHO eL ly Coun Pilerins eG Rod cross Communicy Pires To and in COLOR Le Ties The Pp Oo ete OM A oy et 1 A Boar Cox Aaa ny my} Cp ae) ~~ Tie sue, borts Book of Faremon 7 4-1 a 3 a Yr, cuaAk e or J LN eee OR HED DG - ah em, ‘ime | bh on Wee Be Dr, SGrort ahi 2) rari sh LY Lairecor. Dceior Fighting pole Weltem peed cud YorLlow Guarding a Groat City iy Exporicne in Scotland SHOTS] QIns7y WUeOu Thea “YokLx Patrol How Suro Pacrol Loader “MWooderarit Can Milton Bra dLoy MacMiilan Merrivil Revell Dodd Rovoll Hougt aD.OR century Fever McClure rte 3 nAa4K Horpor Yard Doubleday Lippincott Penn LEbeLe Yildec Machi llan dle. Grosset =a ie \ ae avs: ode Ae ~ Gr, 6-7-8 Cicero Classified Book List Grades 6-7-8 page C2 ae oo 3 ‘OF e FS fe @ Q; td Oo o, r¥ int = 92) cr P) Sceovilic Boy Scouts in the Yilderncss east "arbe Ll Boy Scouts! Life of sapere achMillean veLlace Trooppine: ch tie, Dabrad Revell Ss ch Coo LE: ‘Lei Hearts A Schecieboy's Journal Crowell ANS Torrance irom’ Yoxas Contury Ashmun sabel -Crrictoutns Yoor MacMillan ashmun Heart of Isabel Carlcton MacMillan Barbour Hperan oF the eenool Appicton Bonnett UdyiOL York Hilt Hou cota Brom Two College Girls Houghton Burnett Little Princess eee Chase Tne Girl from the Big rn Country Channon Ancricon Boy at, Henley Litsle Conner Gleng Serry Schcol Days Revell Coolidge What Katy Did at Schoc Little Du Bois Loss ef Sliver sword Concury neEgiestcn HoceJem Schoel. Boy Scribner Bilictt Texes Blucdonnet page Gollomb That Year at Lincoln High MacMillan Hale New England Boyhood LiLuele moyligor ep et Appletcn Hughksces Pom ovm's Scheol Days MacMillan Johnscn The aap Little Brown King Cadct Days Harper ha Flosche Middle Fine Small Martin Eany Lou Gro 836% Lor Boys, Of St. Timothy's Scribne (The) Lone Scout of rat Hizhecro: Mehitat ble sley THY Wines ton Lippincott Macifillean ue 30 Forter Geneviove Dutton Singmaster hen Seren jent to School Houghtecn Smith SOL Goo fines 2b School Tivtle Stevenson Tommy Rerington's Battle Century Tappan Letters :rrom Colonial Children Houghton Yaile Orcutt Girls Wilde webster Daddy Long Legs Grosset hie Just Patty Grosset lebstcr “hen Patty vient to College Grosset wlature Ball Star e- Land Ginn enford Up and Down the Brooks Houghtcn Baskett Story Gr the rishes SE ea Beard Curious Homes d@ their Tonants Appleton Fairy Lend of lence Apr yleton Bucklgy Burgcss a rie) Burgess B wy is ro) “) ta cle Sas ird Book ' ane a wa LLttLe Burgess (fhe) Burgess ower ales Bitte Burrou,h Bifas and Bets Sharp Wyss, etc. Houghtcn Burroughs Squirrels and other Pur-Bearer: Houghton Chapman ' Bird=life: A guide to the stud ef our common birds Appleton pane How to Know the VJild Flowers Scribner Dana Plants a thei myehpidroen ay Bie CO. Doubledey How to Attract Birds Doubleday ee Returo's Garcon Doubleday Gi bern The eR Mic ancy Deep & That ve Know Bit Lippincett Gibson Blossom Hosts and insect Guests Newson Grey The Young Forester Gresset eae Strange Adventures of a Pebble Scribner Holland Butterfly Book Doublecey Howard Insect Book Doublede~ Ingersoll The Bock of the Ocean Century Ingersoll “Jild Neighbers Mactillan Johonnot Some Curicus Flyers, Creepers AM, BX, CO. and Swimmers ¥ 4 ne ie es ‘ ces LA 4 ' re este iG ae pate nA "ts a ie ee . tan i as Bree ; f ee re 4 od J . a ed 4 J E a r a ) i, © fee : mt . fe ’ i, , f ? . ic’ * rye ' a is Peoky, 3 ee &5 + De - . Pit ee 3 a AT a a Lo a a ¥: f ye ae! } AR RG ONES, Bg A POTS ete s de Fat ike A re "ESEaD beh Ge ’ . i wee + tr. y 5 eye: ais aa cee ana A We Aaa yk sats 4 ea VAs SL Lilo ee Rae st bh FLT ihe PANES de: ¢ oer : ‘ wad t On Rena: ese oy ne ; ’ MR 3 fa a aes OGitt ‘ou as , Yee ee | 2 £4, 2s pee : hk ee. at 9 syn rd ad Ay ee : er, o2 posi tony WA) Lea me es oh East ee Nature (Continued) ! v oe ore til, ABR S ear ete iF ie Bisse eRe: 6 abe via ee ~ ape Nee ere 9 “y te Dae aot hed * Bech) BL hi ge z : ¥ ey uae et " Piet Y pan > is ‘| re ea ie as eh a fA : os 3 ov 1 he ' * ” e es » | ay, : eh ' wih ; ee a. ae von tanebees Falah 4 Hera ieee PE i 4 Ba UO aan | %;, Teh hes “$e err \ELLADRES why De aes ay? avast oth ig saree i e ay g ie ‘ hed ee om rs Bis 2. eged wi PORES" : re oe oie Bo erg Ad ’ s a ¥.o2 i] i ae : . . Oty ier f Ba = ae reg | ork LOD oe tn a | Beno» : Thee ts 12 ARS His ‘s ki ‘, APES 1 MEPS aire yee | MERMEME Teo te Br — big j ott Mieke “Dabste chong co a qadioa |) ig ae iia Acar SIT cotade ane uae 20. GOBBLE tbe ; ; it 4s ae | : , id naet Loasioe ro. Me j rt EH bey VB ad Fy cis oF fe « : be 4 ee. 4 po > ‘ . Se LaAeventure Ces elit ch ade ell Alden Borup ‘Boyesen Defoe Du Chaillu Du emai liu Dunean Ory Sane French Grenfell Howes Hough Tier La Varro adon Maseficld Mosefield Munrce Munrce Munroe Wunroe Munroe Py ice hanine ton Schultz Bot on Sicnkicwicgz Stofanason Stevenson $ tovenson Stocktcn Stoddard Tolman Wallace Valtiace Wallace Mat lace Travel Raams Amnbresi Coolidge Coolidesc Dana ea Chaiiiu ee tit LL Du Chaillu Ewing Fenn Franck Hasicell d= Henty Hornaday 2.cere Classified Book List Grades 6='7=8 Page 4 Poseurs Ho. gi OKs: Et oat bu okes Scribner Storics of Adventure Cruise of the Canoe Club Tenderfcot with Peary Norseland Taiecs Lire of Robinson, crus Country of the prea in african Forest and Jungle sorioner Adventures of: Billy Topsail Revell Post Pole ee bory ct e. Train’ Boy ilde Tey psy ra) (The) Golden Beagle Scribner AOPITG On an seni Houghton The Mutineers Little Young Aldaskens Harper An Aztec Treasure House Harper Up the Magaruni For Diamonds Marshall ruise of the Dazzler CGntury Jion Daya Grosset Little Harper Harper Harper Snow=Shocs and Sledges Harpexs Thite Conquerors Scribner Story of Jack Ballister's Fortune Century Pony Tracks Harper Canoemcate S Martin Hyde S Derrick st erLing The Quest cf the Fishedog Skim Houghtcen Two Little Sevaces Seri bner In Desert tnd tVildcrness Loh ae es" Hunters of the Great North Harcourt Kidnapped Seribner Troasure island Sc rioire Kate Bonnet AppLavon Lost Gola of ths Montezumas Lippincot Jim Spurling, Fisherman Farpor Gritea-=-Plonty Revell The Long Labrador Trail McClurg Tare e. Lae Rep radeor: iid Revell Wilderness Castaway Midsurmer MachHiillan Wien [ Was a Girl in Italy Lathrceo Boynocd in Norway Scribner Wee Ones of Japan Harper Dp Cocha VLD Wouldn't Blow Gruise of the Tho Wind thet? Clover in High Vy, lley Two Years Before the Mast Wild Lifo Under the Eqiator Land of the Long Night Appilcton Dutton Little Little Boughtc Harper Seribner OT -, a My Apingis Kingdom Harper Six to Sixtoen Harcourt rystal Hunters ippleton Working My Way Around the World Century oh Hoart San Page Cat of Bubast e of ancient Baypt Scr. ones Two Years in the Jungle Scribner Knocking Round the Rockies nerpcy Alhambra Maciillen ata MeLoushl in Bes J ons ma lnm , a . os cd < Travel (Continued) Jgohnson Kennan King hRipling Knox TOS Laboulay Lucas Lumnis Macaulay . MacGregcr MacGregor Martineau Meigs Melville Mitton Mukerji Ober Parkman Peck Plummer Putnean Putnan spyri Starr Stefanss re) On Stockton Suginato Taylor Garon Ly Verne Verrill Biography Abbott Antin Baldwin Bolton Bolton Brooks Brooks Butterworth Carnegie Cheney cody Cohen Custer Garland Gilbert Golding Gordy Hagedorn Hanmond Bill Wusband Keller Mathews Meadowbroft Cicero Classified Book List page 5 - Grades 6-7-8 Along French Byways Tent Life in Sibcria Round About Rambles in Northern Europe Kin Boy Traveller Adventures of Two Youths ih Journey thru Africa Guest of the four-leaved Clover The Slowcoach MacMillan Putnan Lathrop & Lec Doubleday Harper Harper Ginn MacMillan Some Strange Corners of Our Country Century Lady of the Decoration The fob Roy om the Baltic Voyage Alone in the Yawl Rob Roy Feats on the Fiord The New Moon Typee Children's Book of London Hari, the Jungle Lad Storied West Indies Oregon. Trail Seven Wonders of the New World Roy & Ray in fo) David Goes 4-yYoyagin n POSES & Pee ee ni P — a ~ Davia Gocs te Greenland Heidi Strange Peoples Kak, the Copper Eskimo Personally Conducted ushter of the Sanurai Deu Boys of Other Countrics Hawaii and its People; the land of Rainbow and Palm around the “Jorld in Highty Days Panama Past and Present Ban Les Boone | Century Low DAttis Dutton MacMillan Page MacMillan HuUrten Appleton Littie Methodist Bk Holt Putnam Putnam Winston,Ginn Heath Putmen Silver Scribner Dedd Dead Houghton eer Bk, COV, a pers corres Lives of Girls ‘Iho Becane Famous Crowell Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous Crowell Historic Girls Putnan True Story of Christopher Columbus Lothrop fie boyiodd or Lincoln Appletcn dutobicgraphy Houghton Loyisa eee mL OOCts her Lite letters, and journals Little Adventures of Buffalo Bhll Harper Out of eve Shadow Deran Boy General Son of the Jtiddle Border, More than Conquerors Story of havid Livingstone Abraham Lincoln Boy's Lifc cf Roosevelt The: Boy's Life of Steinmetz on hie Trail of Washington imericans By Adoption story of My Life Livingstone, the Path Finder Bow! s Fifa af BPaitsan p ‘ r >) Scribner MacMillan Century Dutton Scribner Harper Century Appleton Atlantic Grosset Missionary Educ, Movem, Farper da) Ne? Diba eee i . ane t Sit L ri 7 . Py . bs | * cae | i bi ; = : y Pr re : he dus ad’ ‘ : y v 5 ¥ ‘ “TS j ov WO E v7 oe = “ BB | 5 j * of SAM nn MT z es “2 -" i ‘ ' . Pr * j 9 >! rey , rays tii a om ahhstta - iad j } 9 if eS HES tae ot , Ge ing, oor rope i yk? Fa MT ‘ ofa ; ta ms en We pw mit fee : i Ad f bh \ 0: A MEPNERS. Far 28) ies ) * dates or Ie 4 7 * a eA EY ze role Pit oo pa ki mr. Y “ey rhe beads eh ae oe oS ts cere SEF. Sie 2 ne °. : Oty elt i Ay 8 PONY ST Fa 2ST bites ‘i ; le ents yr ke: Te % ; st: Meo 5 i : sith ee ee nme ‘He see Sige en a | ea emir inci idee ea Ma Bieta a, PAK re aes § ea ate . ae ert : be Cate ae | % ‘ ata Cicero Classified Book List Grades 64788 Page 6, Biography (Continued) Morgan Lincoln, the Boy and the Man MacMillan Moses Life of Louisa May alcott Appleton Muir Story of My Boyhood and Youth Houghton Nicolay. Boyts Life of Lafayette Harper Nicolay Boy's Life of Lincoln Century Paine Boy's Life of Mark Twain Harper Richards Hlizabeth Fry Appleton Richards Joan of ‘Arc Appleton Riis Making of an smerican MacMillan Rogers Drake's Quest Doubleday Roosevelt Letters to His Children Scribner Sabin Boy's Book of Indian Warriors Jacobs Scudder George Vlashington Houghton Scawell & Virginia Cavalier Harper Sparks Worth-ewhile americans Weidenheimer Stoddard The Boy Lincoln ~ Appleton Tarbell Boy Scoutta Life of Lincoln Machillan Thomas Boy's Life of Colonel Lawrence Harper Washington Up Prom Slavery Doubleday PatYictism Bailey Broad Stripes & Bright Stars Milton Brad milson Side Lights on American History MacMillan Hale Man Without a Country Little Hulme Flags of the orld Worne Lanier The Book of Bravery Scribner Smith Peace and Patriotism Lothrop Heppes & Heroines - Patriotic Service Boyesen Against Heavy Odds scribner Driges Hevoes of Aviation Little Ewing Jackanapes Harcourt Fraser Heroes. of the Air Crowell Gilbert More than Conquerors Century Humphrey Worion in American History Bobbs Lindbergh Vio Putnam Lodge Hero Vales from Amcrican History Century Parlman Heroes of To-day Centuny Parkman Heroines of Sorvice Century Richards Florence Nightingale Appleton Riis Here Tales, ca the Far North Maciillan : fappan Heroes of Progresa Heughton Yonge Book of Golden Deeds MacMillan MacMillan Bxploration Hall Qur Ancestors, in Burope Silver Borup A Tenderfoct with ‘Peary Stokes oradley Caravans and Cannibals Appleton Bridges The Young Folk's Book of Discovery Little Pr Crump The Boy's Book of Arctic Exploration Dodd By Right of Conquest; or with Henty Cortez in Mexico Scribner Jenks Boy's Book of Explorations Doubleday Roht-Vhecler Quest of the Westorn World Doran Goloniel Life Austin Standish of Standish Houghton Barr Trinity Bellis Dodd Bennett Barnaby Lec century Burton Story of the Iydians of New England Silver Curtis A Little Maid of Virginia Penn, Pub. Dix Blithe McBride MacMillan Dix Soldicr Rigdale | MacMillan mee Sie Rie : OSs 3 ar xy aly 4 ll Rs La } eb ™ ‘ ‘ . A Poe ba ee tL eo 4 t I : ar . : Be ame et ans fey rey fi : f tt 44 Aen F ’ ais ' bas, bre ht Aer iia dna eee aii, Bes Stata - BR ie rae e | nd z ¢ f ee ete ey aia fe iva if sab ’ a ; ; f wv Cn sy Ciccro Classified Bask List Grades 6-7-8 Page tf ;Colonicl Life (continued) Earle Stege Coach & Tavern Deys MacMi Knipe ; a Cavalier Moid MacMi Meigs The Trade Winds Little Scudder Boston Town Houghton French & Indian War ne a te Canavan Ben Comes MacMillan Revoluti cary War Century Co, Contury Reacings in, U.S.History Century cCoffin Boys of ''76 Harper as Curtis van its Rao SAE Ag Drake Woeteh F Du Bois White F Mood Gs) Old Phicsceiphia \Pen.Pub.Co, res (oF) 4'76 Lathrop & Co. ros Century GQ fe See Se, Dudley The King's Powder Lathrop Knipe the Lucky-Sixpence Century Knipe imei pos i 76 ; MacMillan Knipe Poliy Trotter, Patriot MacMillan Mason Tom Strong, Washington's scout Holt Mcigs Mastor Simon's Gerden MacMillan ponaman The Sapphire Signet Cent Century Smith Out Nation's Plag in History & Incident (?) True Scouting ror Washington LCE Truc Morgan's Mon Little ~—e ee Barnes Loyal Traitor . Herper Marshall Old Hicksrw's Prisoner Appleton hsheler The Guns of Bull Appleton Althshetla: Phe suns 36F Shit Appleton Althsheoter The Rock of Chicka Appleton Althsheler Tie PeCOUTS Of Stone Appleton Althsheler Tre star of Gottysburg — Applston Althshcier The. Sword of Antictan Appleton.. filthshelcr Theatres of Apnomettox Appleton Andrews The Ferlect..ribute Scribner Andrews ihe Counsel Ass signed ocribner Bocheller Mean for the Ages Grosset Barnes Son of Lighthorss Harry Harper Bishop Tom af the Riders Harcourt Beriscell Prong Of Gl ivil War Lethrop .& Lee Caurchill he Crisis Go. Fin Boya of ' Coffin My Days a Coffin Winning His Way Estes Egeleston The Bale Marked Circle {X) Lathrop Century Co. Fomous have noures & Prison Escapadcs of the Civil War Century Fox Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Sceripner Goss Jed Crowell Goss Tom Clifton Crowell Goss Jack Aldon Crowell Greene A Linecln Conscript Houghton were ke i (Onwdearueil Or pant & Lee Apploton Kierfer Recollections of a Drurmmcr-boy Houghton Knipe Girls of '64 MacMillan Knipe The) DOse Leo le, Lady Century Lincsay PAL VCPEGOL Lathrop basen Tom Strong, Linceln's Scout Helt Page | Two Little Confederates . Scribner Pendleton King Tom and the Runewe eae Appleton Pittenge Groat Locomotive Ches Penn. Pub. Co, Singmaster A Boy at Gettysbur¢e Houghton Singmastcr Emme Line Houghton a) 1 is oe . 3 MacMillen ts) Rstes n id Nights Gn the Seattlefield Estes a . + u (a Cicero Clessified BScok. Li Grades 6-788 Page 6 Civil Var (oontinued) Sinemaster Gettysburg Houghton Stoddard Battle of New York apploton Tarbell Ay Reporter for Lincoln Machillan Thomad Captai in Pra oLt Tomlingon The Yourg Sharpshooter Houchton Trowbridge Cudjots Ceve Lathrop & L Tro owbridge The Drummer Oy hee: & Shear Trowbridge Three Scouts Tee & Shepa. Reconstruction ‘Dixon The Clansman Doubleday Lynn The band cf Promise Luocle W Expansion Witshneler The Last of the Chiefs appleton Altsheler The Young Trei lers Appleton mocsnelor Horsemen of the Plains Appleton Alvsheler Young Trailers Appleton Bush i Prairie Rose Littls Carruth Frack'!s End Harper Cheley The Mystery of Chimney wilas chute he Mutiny of the Flying Spray Sears Beeleston The ‘gin sy pos iW eLory or, Contury Aoreham Lincoly Reeleston Jack Shelby Lathrop Egeleston ) Long Knives Lathrop Garland Long frail Harper Grinnell woud “hunters Grosset Harte The Luck of Rearing Camp Houshton Bough the Covered ‘Vvagon Grosset LOX Benjamin ef ohio American Bk Lange The Shaywnee's Yarning Lathrop MeNcil Totem of Plack Hawk Dutton Meader Down the Big River Harcourt Meclker Ox Yeam pars on the Oregon Trail Yorld. Bk Otis Seth of Colorado Am, Bk, Parkman The Boy's Parkman Little Parknan Oregon Trail Little Roosevelt Daniel Boone and the Founding of Kentucky Century Sabin Gold Seekers of '49 Lippincott Sabin With Carson and Fremont Lippincott Tabor Breaking Sod on the Prairies Yorld Bk. Thompson Gold $Ceking on the Dalton Trail Little ponLinson Scourcines with it Carson poudledarz “hite Daniel Boone, ““ilderness Scout Doubleday; Whites The Blazed Trail Grosset D) Wilson The “nite indian Boy World Bk, = Yorld Bar Abbot Blue Jackcts of 1918 Dodd > Driges The Adventures of arnold Adair ld. ttLle Dyer Pierrot, & Dog of belgium Doucleday Dyer . Ben, the “attle ttorse Holt Aldon | The Island of Appledore MacMillan Andrew His Soul Goes Marching On Serioner Atkinson MPoiiu, 2 Dog of Roubaix Harper Bishop Bob Tho ro »Sley Fighter in the Lafayette Flying Corps Farcourt O O A. wat 4 4 4 } bg A we 4 we ’ A i, ee via 6 : a : oe | a) ty ve as ay Pea es ne pay tar ‘ ? “4 ; ae ; ae ds in , - ‘ r - ¢ ‘pees F ; { ate rs % ae é , . i 2 ; } i’ Oo oy fa I A rt >. r . oe 4] < ¥ é a ”~ wa ' : ; Y r % . Ne icy. a « h ‘ a ; ‘ om Be gtiane , * ri we i . ‘ = * oa . ‘ 4 : % ly se 7 ‘ D) eet Ee Mee é b. og tard F i i q » ‘' «= : rare 4 weit WA) fe od a? — . ree,» SRG rG e res 4 he fhe abi be mia tebe » ; ~~ a : ‘ a aun : Lh - i Pr ne Bt ie Lae) =% Anat ethane i nemtie ay Sandie kha . World “Yar (Continued ) Haines Haskell Knipe Paine Rowell Wilecn Western Life Hamp AK 168 Brooks Brooks Brooks Canfield . Custer Doubleday Garland Grey Grey Grinnell Grinncl Grinnell Grinnell Hazard Lummis Muir Munroe Reosevelt Roosevelt echultz Schultz Eastman Team Yiork = Co-operation Hudson Muir workers & Their Bond Bond Center Duncan DuPuy rcer Lansing Lubschez Meadowcraft Nelville Methley Moffett Munroe Otis Rochdcau RolteJheeler Stoddard Surface Twombly “lade liaking the Most of One's Bennett Work « Cicero Classified Book List Gradcs 687-8 Page 9 The Dragon Flies Houghton Katrinka Dutton Vive La France Century Ships Across the Sea Houghton Leaders of the Great War Machiillan The Post of Honor Dent Co. Treasure on jushroom Rock Putnam Curly ‘of "Circle Bar Century Boy Settlers Soriboner Boy Emigrants Scribner Master of the Strong Hearts Dutton Boys of the Rincon Ranch century Boats << Boldiers: or Life’ in Dakota with General Custe Harper Seas Ranch to College Doubleday Life on the Prairie MacMillan nue Last of the Plainsmen Grosset Wildfire Harper Jack Among the Indians; or A Stokes Boy's Summer on the Buffalo Plains Jgack in the Rockies Stokes Jack the Young Ranchman Stokes sack the Young Trapper Stoke Indians & Pioncers Silver King.of the. Broncos Scrionex Story cr My Boyhood & Youth Houghton Campmates Harp r Storics of the Great West Century Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail Century Lone Bull's Mistake Grosset With the Indians in the Rockies Houghton Indian Boyhood McClure Far Away and Long Ago Dutton The Cruise of the Corwin Houghton industry Pick, Shovel and Pluck With. Men Who Do Things The Yorker and His York adventures of Billy Topsail Odd Jobs of Uncle Sam The Rese of Rubber Food and Life story of the Motion Picture Boy's Life of Edison Moby Dick; or the White How the Vorld Travels Careers of Danger and Daring Fur Seals Tooth \ Lobster Catchers: a story of the coast of Maine Great fmerican Industries Series Boy with the U.S,.Fishcries Men of See The Story of Sugar The Romance of abor onder tiorkors C CG Whale Self - Choosing a Career Master gkylark Munn Munn Lippine Revell Feath Century Ginn Van Nostrand Harper Macliillan Stokes Century Harper Ot Dutton Flanagan Lothrop Scribner Appleton Machiiillan Little Century qlee alee th Raye Oe Wa Ce ’ ah \ ar * v7? F : Tie | m* Fd » eT . Rye i Ne i AEE RT ib sab, he tM ele tl , PA a ie : ral ee r, —. ie a ‘ . mh whe > rise 4 ® iF au f, ti ee ax. ee a r tam r Bay Oat Rae Hat a q ti yy 4 Ny 4 : ¢ A fn) aa : P a is ' ¥ ay ) pee ‘ os RO ist ph ' we | FE) 4 s+ rh ee ‘; : aes . 5 2 Be e ér are > a oe 4 + ae a LOO arrose PO) iy \ -, - > ™ m “ f 4ii Woah & af seo . ep - 5 + ' ra r c > (EF. URE Ay gered Ot be aes « oh on '¢ ) fe ban ¥ 3 Psy rg 2 , : } i, ; yest a ’ ‘4 a ‘oO , aps apareey r+ (s : liken A i i 4 Oe 1 } bart ‘ t < eu e v Pt - ‘ f yh . I Ko hin oa At tat Perey ¥ vd (id fy” j we er ‘ es a 7 ’ i : . e «4% re 3 A he “4 rs io “s = = Sa od de Manes é ’ n Lap ' 4 #4 ' , Se . ’ ¢ % > P t : ' e - _ im J p + a ae t os Ses : eq i” ; > * oma’, 1a Sa ee eo zt La Soe Cy ot 2) i eee Hy. ESE ‘ . CMAN be L This ©, eh ee ae Ure « oy aa nM Sein! kee = et Se » ba Aa SR PY . < » aie aa , , ee fe ” fee —_ ‘ K om fouls Gee aga larg 4 4 . ~ r 4 a e Ee tt MRT ss my piiesssaal Ppa ou marae ate a . amine at BoA syake th, el Re At. ; wt < t x ' ; lene F " oa hap , : ~~ Pb ah ; : Ai a Paks Chute Wy Sky Wide Rae tae hee F wre! Nha a4 + i ¥ is es P rir & rea 4 a ar r Pol Si FON OCF AS ates Bil ine - ¢ 7 a 4 Ten a) ig Lia LL ae a we hay, i \ Ser es og uh maar, x | > yeot mia. ig atc gers KoseIo! a oe hag , ae Tae: 9 ee "¢ tehoe pad ¥ . ie TERE N: 1908 volt eae dhcp, teen Ee ~ oe . Ve es cee ast. 1d Li eae . Bass A Rim. oe eh emi eesns coy won ] ee ea Crowell Munn Scribner Excelsior MacMille Siiver B, Century ce OtwW LIne Macraé Sie Henley Houghton Little Th GuLe ely Told Donahue Houghton - Houghton Heath Grosset Harper Scribner Scribner Houghton Lothrop Lane MacMilléen MacMillayr Blackie Stokes Century ara on Ae Harcourt Doubleday Heath Century Norse Stories Retold from the Fddas Dodd Story of Odyssey McMillan bdo st eA RTS Ue A Fle wee, owes ie (ae vf ey? “Ty hie. gre! t ; }e | -~ a . 5 a , mee eK : att ne seth b. LERor see ee ' ta: eX: belie cae he > “aes . oe as s 7 tie | N Gs, 7isurets tae ae ah rey ace : 5 SAT ayes 8g ra frye ara) RG) cae aN . Ps Byod is DS eo ok nat ney = hes Ah) soe Doprreee f A ie) Gap bar f ~ met aes) Oe OR ANea Rea — a ae ruc Notte YA a o megs ed Ayeghy 2 ts &S NaS G ur ee means a eM erste aE REISS | Bes ; * 1 os is * * ’ r ee Ry ve a ei ’ i. : ’ ¢ ot Me te: “= " - regen * Se) Shee) P) oe aot ay: : Pht : a ot 7 we ok ~ \ ‘ if t 4 : “-« . Ethene 7 ’ eet eee, oy we eee ney - Gee ee 3 aaah wor « ee | eer : a i. = i rears hale Bey Grids se. Aer 9 I . 3 7 i t ” oe. ar (% £4: fers teier 7 4 o ae y ita me eS re ci 75 as af ue a Sa ¥ ft raatases > ae Aah ba on ; . & ‘ ‘ Ff be se we i ae | . (ct EN k ae as GTi fae inet | ees Ae x Mi i ie 4 ita i : bi ¥ rac 2 4 a en ane Pie Pe ; é } aaa ) by is ie ? nam eg | My oa ere j b Hp ge ely ‘ he Lise te net Siena Reread Ory ; ka fe, ri ‘ , ass ~~ . « i P t s yee pea ype) ae i Gas ens ete Srattod : ; 7 eis. we e. * ‘ ; t s eek ‘ : ’ - a eg | 1 J Vata eT 8 YT a) ihe r Bee . Ls - . . Let . be S ae’ 7 res aye 3 ; ‘ : ni mS aL iv 3 i F - ee% ) ree + * y ey ec ee ial 9 é . ' Pp ‘ Sane BES. Yo rus Jf . , res bi 0 il ah SRO AR Red, Mi lye Lin ‘ . «-_ T » r * * iw — © % i Ps < . a , af Fe i Baits. s; re ys a ae a ise ri : a ive Ty : j i pp Oh Gee, cine Be) ee ped “a P ~ v,. a 4 : : ay % : ' : ry obs AEP, ae 7) ae te aL itis ‘ nS ee be 4 } ace Vee ‘s Si ee : é- as ae } 4 ‘ ) bc he ma . m Oy fhe {lag Ay ee Te i Ee y's ' whe *, . Fie ee Leh gs Peppy Ay F hb ore’ > ta “LG Be. : a 3 i) : 7 oe ; , PY ‘ I ie jolkd ‘he bh é 7 iy Peis Paint % ‘eis ee ~y tbh 1"! ei f ile ae ee ' : _? . wh j , % 4 ‘ad * a, cae. | F alee ine Y as irs Reals wee Faruaeks Wey dae ot ‘i _ ~ pia : Post +" ey WV; 4 o t* ‘ SL ai ‘ a3 .- . ey Pe otal! * 3 Al a - LAS * van. ~~ 4 i y al et - Sfis } Legends (continued) Marvin Mebinogion Macatlay MacLeod Pyle Pyle Pyle Snell Stephens Wilson Craddock Dodge “Doyle Foa Knipe Meigs Singmaster Harper Humphrey Jewett McSpadden Olcott sawyer Schauffer Van Dyke Yan Dyke Primitive Life Dopp Kurmer Quennell Tanner Van Loon Yaterloo Wells Rome and Greece Baker Church Lamprey Lamprey Robinson Snedeker Snedeker Whitchead Legendary History Bill Brooks Du Chaillu Detective and Mystery Cicero Classified Book List Grades 6-788 Page 11 Adventures of Adysseus Knightly Legends of Wales; or Diueeon Scribner (The Boys! Mabinogion by Sidney Lanier) Lays of Ancient Rome Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights Garden Behind the Moon Merry Adventures cf Robin Hood Story of King Arthur and His Knights Told Beneath Northern Lights Irish Fairy Tales Steryiofr the Cid Down the Ravine Donald and Dorothy Adventures of Sherlocl O Mystery of Castle Pierref Treasure Trove rool oc: Siars John Baring'ts House Holidays and Special Occasions Legend of the Christmas Rose Stories of the World's Holidays Betty Leicester's Christmas Book of Holidays Good Stories for Great Holidays This Way to Christmas Our american Holidays The First Christmas Tree Story of the Other Wise Man The Barly Cave-Men The First Day of Man Longmens Stckes Scribner Scribner Scribner Littles MacMillan Lathrop MacMillan Houghton Cr O b tJ by LJ LEDs Shee KR ¢ we) 3 = @ oi Ha | anc a a = boy Oo = > CRS erie ra + Oo oY O55-a an} Rand Doran _ Everyday Life in the old Stone Age Putnam The Story of Mankind Stories of Old Greece and Rome The Burning of Rone Children of Ancient Greece The Children of Rome Days of Alkibiades Perilous Seat Theras and His Town The Standard Bearer Clutch vol the Corsican A Boye or *the First. Rupire Ivor, the Viking Rand Boni & Livee- right, Doubleday MacMillan MacMillan LECeie PL Gwe Longmans Doubleday Doubleday AingBk, Co. Atlantic hic: Century Scribner , . 7 - oe , ok Ss es ; 3 ee . whet 4 ‘ Was ‘ : d eo a Yi : vn ia 4 My ~ ar a5 ’ ie tat é ? v . hi aed sr f 4 i eae 5 At ! ‘ x 4 i > , aay as 4 Fats _ ey © Ps . ate . tif t iets ome | ai Ms + vt . j * 4 - Ce ae a5 . (Are r= 5 Cicero Classified Book List Grades 6-7-8 Page 13 Poetry Chisholm The Golden Staircase Putnen Grahame Cambridge Book of Poetry for Children Putner Ingpen ' One Thousand Poems for Children Jacobs Palgrave Children's Treasury of Lyrical Poetry MacMillan Smith & Book cf Verse fpp Boys Oxford and Girls Universit: Stevenson Home Book of Verse fov Young Folk Holt Thasher Listening Child Maciillan Untermeyer This op ee World Sem ee rt Wigein Goldsn Numbers Houghton & Misccllancous Abbott ‘Story Ga Our Navy Dodd ee Adans Red Caps and Lilies MacMillan Alcott Garland for Girls Litt, Aashmun Marion Frear'ts Summer Parris Peter. and Wendy. Scribner Barrie Little Minister Grosset Barrie Sentimental Tommy Séeribnes Deland Katrina Wilde Bliot Silas Marner as 1ten Fox Trail of tne Lonesom Pine Grosset Haines Cockea-doocdlic Hill Folt Haines Luck of the Dudley Grahams Holt HUso Les Miserables Dodd Huge Story of Joan Val jean Ginn Irving The Sketch Book MacMillan Lamb & Lamb ' Tales from Shakespeare Harper Logie From Columbus te Lincoln Lyons & Carnahan i ayaa Re) From Lincoln to Coolidge Lyons & C. Mabic Bock.of Old English Ballads MacMiilan Montgomery Anne of Green Gables page Nash Poiiy's.seeret Little Prouty Bobby, General Ue asked Stokes ryls Garden Behind the Moon Seribnex Rice Loviy Mary Century Fi Roosevelt Letters to His Children Scribner Schultz Story of Colette Appleton Seaman Jacqueline or the Carrier Pigeons Maciiillan Snedeker Downright. Dency Doubleday Swift Gulliver's Travels MacMillan Tarkington Seventeen Grossot ; Twain é Praneg sand) Pex Der Harpe Verne Twenty Thousand Leqgues Under a tie Seng Grosset Wallace Ben Hur Harper Waller Woodcarver cf tLympus Little Wiggin Golden Numbers Doub iLedea; ‘ Wiggin | ' Summer in a Canyon Houghton Yonge j Dove in the Eaglets Nest Maciillar UCI 3 0112 061943814