LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILE MIOIS f Learning. ef the Conditions niet: the Competition for, ae and Award of the Edison Medal. WHITE BUILDING, 95 LIBERTY STREET. Racpu W. Pope, Joun W. Lis, Jr. - SECRETARY | PRESIDENT. : Grorce A. HAMILTON, TREASURER. New York, JANUARY 7, 1905. ee “To EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE “Unirep STATES OF } 4 _ AMERICA AND THE DoMINION OF CANADA: Pe Through the efforts of an organization known as the Epson Fen AssociaTion, a fund has been created to establish a medal to be known as the ‘“‘ Epison MEDAL,’ and the responsi- bility of annually awarding it has been entrusted to the AMERI- “AN Instirute of ELEctTRICAL ENGINEERS. "The Epison Mepav Association was founded by the friends and admirers of the great inventor, and in the language of the ‘deed of gift, “was organized for the purpose of properly re- counting and celebrating the achievements of a quarter of a century in the art of electric lighting, with which ihe name of Tuomas AtvA EDIsoN is a heeaieely, identified,’ and this purpose was given effect by ‘‘ the establishment of an EpIsoNn EDAL, which should, during centuries to come, serve as an 1onorable- incentive to the youth of America to maintain by eir works the high standard of accomplishment set by at ‘the illustrious man whose name and features shall live while men eee continues to inhabit the world.’ ss Yr Boe for the year ae The object of this ae ey is to attract the attention of the oe of such.institutions of learning as may seem, 40 such _ wis authorities, qualified to compete for the medal under the By- Laws of the Epison MeEpAL CommiITTEE, hereto appended; and the request is hereby made that all such institutions send, through their proper channels, their names to the “ Ep1son Mepavt CommitrEEe”’ of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELEC- TRICAL ENGINEERS, 95 Liberty Street, New York City, on or before April 1st, 1905, if desirous of competing this year. - .The members of the Epison Mepat CommiTTEE have been selected from among the members of the INstiruTE who are not now connected with educational institutions, but who have had the necessary early educational .training, and sub- sequent practical experience, to qualify them to critically ana- lyze and fairly determine the respective merits of the theses and records of research that may be offered in competition for the medal. The Epison MEDAL CoMMITTEE will promptly attend to com- munications from institutions of learning deeming themselves qualified, and desiring to compete, and will notify them early of their qualification to compete, or disqualification, as 11 case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Article ‘I. ' the appended By-Laws. It is hoped that prompt response to this letter will be ceived in order that every qualified institution shall have opportunity to compete for the medal for this year. A previous letter, under date of May 13, 1904, and at a tine when it was believed possible to award the medal for the yes. 1904, was sent by the INsTITUTE to institutions of learning to call their attention to the creation of the medal fund, and estab- lishment of the medal, and request them to compete. But it was not found possible to organize the Epison Mrepat Com- MITTEE, formulate the By-Laws, and in general perfect the working machinery to properly supervise the competition for, and award of, the medal for the year 1904. These working details are now, however, perfected, and the INSTITUTE is, in every way, prepared to award the medal for the year 1905, and thereafter. Respectfully, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, Epison MEDAL COMMITTEE, By Joun W. Howe tu, Chairman. Approved: JouN W. Liss, Jr., President. RaAtpuH W. Pope, Secretary. es ah ‘. ; A yt Ghle. + % y Ellan iv. —Precofk. 621.3 Am35 b - BY-LAWS OF THE EDISON MEDAL COMMITTEE OF -THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. Adopted by the Medal Committee, December 15, 1904. Approved by the Board of Directors, December 28, 1904. Tue Deep or Girt CREATING THE EpIson MEDAL, executed February 11, 1904, in which, as stated in the fourth preamble thereof, the ‘“‘ INsTtiruTE has expressed its willingness to under- take and perform the extremely difficult and delicate task of awarding the medal in the manner hereinafter specified,’’ con- tains the following clauses specifying the conditions under which and the manner in which the award of the Edison Medal shall be made, and which the INnstTiTuTE has agreed to under- take and perform: “ FourtH: The Institute shall, so long as the requisite funds accrue from the said investments so to be made by the Trust Company, annually cause to be executed from said die, or according to said design and specifications a gold medal, and shall, through a Committee to be duly appointed and authorized by it and known as the Edison Medal Committee, award said medal in accordance with the provisions of this clause. 1. The medal shall be awarded to such qualified student as shall have submitted to the INSTITUTE, in accordance with the provisions of this deed and of the regulations which may be prescribed by the Edison Medal Committee, the best thesis or record of research on theoretical or applied electricity or mag- netism. | 2. Each competitor for the medal, in order to be qualified, must have graduated and received a degree during the year for which the medal shall be awarded, in some course of study at some institution of learning in the United States of America or Dominion of Canada, which course of study shall include the branch of electrical engineering. The United States Naval Academy and Military Academy are included within the insti- tutions from which competitors may be qualified. 3. Not more than two students may compete in any one year from-any one institution of learning, nor may any student compete unless duly presented for competition through the faculty of the particular institution at which he is a student. 4. The course of study must be one normally requiring not less than two years of continuous residence and work. 5. The thesis or record must not exceed six thousand words not inclusive of words employed in explanation of accompanying drawings. 6. No competitor shall be of greater age than twenty-five years at the day of his graduation in such course of study. FirtH: The Institute shall, through its Edison Medal Committee, forthwith make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with any of the provisions or conditions of this deed, as may in their judgment, assist in the proper execution of the trusts herein created. _The Edison Medal Committee shall immediately upon making such rules and regulations notify the institutions of learning open to competition, of such pro- visions of this deed and of such rules and regulations as may properly be communicated to them, and through them to the students of such institutions. SixtH: The INstiruTE will further, through its Edison Medal Committee, issue to each recipient of the Edison Medal a parch- ment certificate in such form as may be prescribed by said Committee, certifying the name of the person to whom said medal is awarded, the date of such award, and such other facts as may be deemed proper by the Committee. SEVENTH: The funds required by the InstirutTE for the purchase of said medal and certificate in any year, shall, upon the certificate of the Chairman of its Edison Medal Committe be paid over to the INstiruTE by the Trust Company out of the net income then accrued from said securities during the preceding year, and the residue of said income shall be paid by the Trust Company to the recipient of said medal and cer- tificate for the year aforesaid.”’ At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the INsTITUTE, held April 22, 1904, it was: ‘“ RESOLVED: That the Edison Medal Committee shall consist of 15 members, divided into three groups of five each, and that one member of each group shall retire annually. Any member who shall serve three years, or more, shall not be re-elected to serve on this Committee within a period of three years. The Chairman and members of the Committee shall be ap- pointed by the President and confirmed by the Board of Di- rectors. At the first meeting of the Committee it shall organize 5 for its work in such way as its members may deem proper; and the members of each group shall determine by lot the length of time each member shall serve. . “In case of death, resignation, or the permanent disability of any member of the Committee, the President shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint his successor; and this successor shall serve out the unexpired term of the member whose place he takes. “The appointment of all members, except these first ap- pointed, shall be for a period of five years.’’ } In accordance with the provision contained in the FirruH CLAUSE OF THE DEED or Girt—that ‘‘ The InsTiTuTE shall, through its Edison Medal Committee, forthwith make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with any of the pro- visions or conditions of this deed, as may in their judgment, assist in the proper execution of the trusts herein created ’’— the Edison Medal Committee have framed the following rules and regulations, under the title of By-Laws, to govern their proceedings, insure an orderly and valid competition for, and a fair award of, the Edison Medal, and thereby, as required, assist in the proper execution of the trusts. In said By-Laws have been incorporated the substance and spirit of the provisions contained in the FourtTH, Firty, SIxtTH and SEVENTH CLAUSES of the DEED or Girt, and in the Resolution hereinbefore referred to, passed by the Board of Directors of the INstituter, April 22, 1904. BY-LAWS ARTIGULE-T. MEMBERSHIP. 1. The Edison Medal Committee shall consist of 15 members, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Board of Directors of the InstirutTE, and divided into three groups of five each, to serve as follows: (a) The appointment of the five members of each group of those first appointed in the year 1904 shall be for the periods of one, two, three, four and five years, respectively, from June 1, 1904, as determined by lot at the first meeting of the Com- mittee. (b) Appointments of members made after June 1, 1904, to fill the vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of re- tiring members, shall be for a period of five years from June Ist of the year in which such appointments are made. 2. Any member who shall have served three years, or longer, shall not be again eligible for membership in the Committee within a period of three years after he has ceased to be a member. 3. In case of death, resignation, or the permanent disability of any member of the Committee, the President shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint a successor to take his place for the unexpired part of his term. 4. No member of the Committee, including its officers, shall receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, emolument, ~ or reward for any Service or act done or performed, as set forth under these By-Laws. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. 1. The officers of the Edison Medal Committee shall be a Chairman, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Board of Directors of the InsTiruTE to serve for a_ period of not more than three years, and a Secretary, who shall be elected by the Committee to serve for a period of not more than three years. The Secretary shall be eligible for re-election, however, immediately after the expiration of his term; but the Chairman ~ shall not be eligible for immediate reappointment. 2. The Chairman, through the Secretary of the Committee, may call such meetings of the Committee, and at such times, as he may deem necessary. And he shall call the special meet- ings of the Committee, as provided hereinafter in Sections 1 and 2 of Article X., and such meetings at other times as the President may direct. He shall also perform the other duties assigned to him elsewhere under these By-Laws. 6 ap 3. The Secretary of the Committee, as Acting Chairman, shall fill any vacancy occurring in the office of Chairman until the President has appointed a new Chairman, and the appoint- ment has been confirmed by the Board of Directors. In the absence of the Chairman from any meeting of the Committee the Secretary shall preside at such meeting as Temporary Chairman. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceed- ings of the Committee, and perform such other duties as are hereinafter prescribed for him to do. AR TIGER LE. MEETINGS OF THE EDISON MEDAL COMMITTEE. The Edison Medal Committee shall meet as required by the provisions of Section 2 of Article Il. The regular place of meet- iMevor coe Committee shall be at the principal office of the INSTITUTE in New York City. Excepting as hereinafter pro- vided in Section 3 of Article X., and in Article XVIII., five members voting at a meeting shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote shall govern the transaction of business by the Committee. Ad EAE LV THE Epison MEDAL. The Institute shall, so long as the requisite income accrues from the investments of the Trust founded under the Deed of Gift, annually cause to be executed, as provided for in said Deed, a gold medal; and the Edison Medal Committee, in behalf of the InstiruTE, shall award said medal in accordance with the provisions hereinafter specified. The medal shall be known in perpetuity as the ‘‘ Edison Medal,” and, in accordance with the .. provisions in the Tenth Clause of the Deed of Gift, no change - shall ever be made in such name. ret tel bee ve CERTIFICATE OF AWARD OF THE EDISON MEDAL. 1. The InstiruTeE shall, through the Edison Medal Com- mittee, and in the manner specified in Article XI., issue to each recipient of the medal a parchment certificate in such form as . may be prescribed by said Committee, certifying the name of the person to whom the medal is awarded, the date of such - award, and such other facts as may be deemed proper by the Committee. : 2. The certificate shall be signed by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary of the InstiruTe, and_ shall bear its seal. It shall also be certified by the Chairman of the Edison Medal Committee, whose signature shall be counter- signed by the Secretary of said Committee. 8 AR TICE EOL: , Wuo May CoMPETE FOR THE EDISON MEDAL. 1. The Edison Medal shall be awarded to a single qualified student only, who individually shall have regularly submitted to the Edison Medal Committee, through the Secretary of the INsTiITUTE and Chairman of said Committee, as provided in Article VIII., the best thesis or Record of Research on theoret- ical or applied electricity or magnetism, of which the Committee shall be the judge; and who shall have complied with the speci- fications for competing Theses and Records of Research, as set forth in Article IX. 2. A competitor for the medal in order to be qualified must have graduated, when not more than twenty-five years of age, and received a degree during the year for which the medal shall be awarded, in some course of study normally requiring not less than two years of continuous residence ‘and work, at some institution of learning in the United States of America or Do- minion of Canada, which course of study shall include the branch of electrical engineering. The United States Naval Academy and Military Academy are included within the institutions from which competitors may be qualified. And the receipt by a competitor from either of said Academies of a commission or diploma as an officer in the United States Navy or Regular Army shall be deemed the equivalent of the receipt of a degree by a competitor from any other qualified institution of learning. 3. Excepting the United States Naval Academy and Military Academy, the Edison Medal Committee shall be the judge, and determine which of the institutions of learning in the United States and Canada are open to competition for the medal, and from which competitors may be qualified. The Chairman of the Medal Committee shall appoint a standing Sub-Committee on Institutions of Learning, consisting of three members. The appointment of members of this Committee shall be for a period of two years, but members shall be eligible for reappointment immediately upon the expiration of their terms. It shall bethe duty of the Sub-Committee to investigate the standing and curriculum of institutions of learning, and make recommenda- tions to the Edison Medal Committee as to whether such insti- tutions may be considered as properly open to competition for | the medal. The Sub-Committee, in the performance of its investigations,. shall communicate with the institutions of learning, as may be necessary, and in such manner as the Sub- Committee may decide. The recommendations of the Sub- Committee shall be presented to the Edison Medal Committee, which shall decide upon the competency of the institutions to present their students in competition for the medal under the terms of the Deed of Gift, as set forth in Section 2 of this Ar- ticle VI. The Secretary of the Committee shall keep lists of the institutions respectively qualified and disqualified by the Edison Medal Committee, and shall give a copy thereof to the Secretary of the InstitutE. The Chairman of the Medal Com- mittee, through the Secretary of the InstiTuTE, shall at once notify the institutions of their qualification to present com- petitors, or disqualification, as the case may be. : ARTICLE -VIT: PRESENTATION OF COMPETITORS FOR THE EpIsSon MEDAL. 1. Not more than two students may compete in any one year from any one institution of learning qualified to present competitors, as provided in Section 3 of Article VI. 2. No student may compete for the medal unless duly pre- sented for competition through the faculty of the particular institution at which he is a student. Each student shall be separately presented for competition by means of a presentation notice, consisting in a properly filled-in printed notice in blank in such form as the Edison Medal Committee may prescribe, and to be furnished to the institution of learning by the Chair- man of the Medal Committee, through the Secretary of the INSTITUTE, excepting that said notice shall call for: (a) The name in full of the student presented for competition. (b) The age of the student at the time of graduating and _ receiving a degree, or commission or diploma as an officer in the United States Navy or Regular Army, in the course of study as specified in Section 2 of Article VI. (c) Title of said degree, or character of said commission or diploma. (d) Character of said course of study and length of time it was pursued by the student at the institution by which such student is presented for competition; and (e) The statement that the Thesis or Record of Research will be the student’s own work. Said presentation notice shall bear the signature of the pre- siding officer of the faculty, duly certified, and the seal of the institution. The presentation notice shall be. sealed in an envelope bearing the address of the institution from which it is sent, which shall be mailed “‘ To the Secretary of the American INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (here the street address of the INstiruTE), New York City.’’ The presentation notice should be mailed to the Secretary of the INSTITUTE, as above directed, as soon as possible after, and in the year in which the student has graduated and received a degree, commission, or diploma, as specified in Section 2 of Article VI., and it must be mailed so that it shall be received by the Secretary not later than September Ist in said year. 3. The Secretary of the INSTITUTE, upon receipt of a pre- sentation notice, shall forthwith make an entry in the records of the INstiTUTE of the date of its receipt, and shall turn over the presentation notice into the custody of the Chairman of 10 the Medal Committee to be held by the latter until the medal has been awarded, when it shall be returned to the Secretary of the INsTITUTE, as provided in Section 4 of Article X. The Secretary shall also at once mail to the institution of learning a notice of his receipt of the presentation notice. 4. No student whose presentation notice for competition has not been received by the Secretary of the INSTITUTE on or before September Ist in the year on which such student has graduated and received a degree, commission or diploma, as specified in Section 2 of Article VI., shall be deemed to have been duly presented in competition for the medal unless the Edison Medal Committee receivés proof satisfactory to itself that the delay was due to accident over the happening of which the student, or faculty presenting such student for competition, had no control.. In any event the Committee shall not allow more than two months’ grace beyond September Ist in said year. 5. If for any cause a student be disqualified from competing for the medal by the Medal Committee, the institution of learning by which such student was presented shall be at once notified — by mail, through the Chairman of the Committee and Secretary of the INstTiTuTE, and reason for such disqualification shall be given. ARTICLE VIII. PRESENTATION OF COMPETING THESES AND RECORDS OF RE- SEARCH. 1. The Thesis or Record of Research of each competing stu- dent, accompanied by a written statement from the presiding officer of the faculty of the institution of learning by which such student was presented, to the effect that the Thesis or Record of Research’ is considered to be a credit to..said institution, shall be sealed in a wrapper, bearing the address of the institution, and the words, ‘“‘Competing Thesis (or ‘Record of Research ’) for Edison Medal,” and shall be mailed or expressed “* To the Secretary of the American INSTITUTE OF . ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (here the street address of the InstI- TUTE), New York City.” 2. The Secretary of the INsTITUTE, upon receipt of a com- peting Thesis or Record of Research, shall make an entry in the records of the Institute of the date of its receipt, the institu- tion from which it was sent, the title in full of the Thesis or Record of Research, and the name of the student by whom submitted, and shall hand over unto the Chairman of the Medal Committee such Thesis or Record of Research, in whose custody it shall remain, if accepted in competition by the Com- mittee, until the medal has been awarded, when it shall be returned to the Secretary of the INstiruTE, as provided in Sec- tion 5 of this Article. The Secretary shall also at once mail to the institution a notice of his receipt of the Thesis or Record of Research. 4 11 3. No Thesis or Record of Research in competition for the medal that has not been received by the Secretary of the In- STITUTE on or before October Ist of the year for which the medal is to be awarded shall be deemed to have been duly presented in competition for the medal, and shall be rejected unless the Medal Committee receives proof satisfactory to itself that the delay was due to accident over the happening of which the writer of the Thesis or Record of Research, or the faculty of the institution of learning from which it was sent, had no con- trol. In any event the Medal Committee shall not allow more than one month’s grace for the receipt of any Thesis or Record of Research by the Secretary of the INSTITUTE. 4. If a Thesis or Record of Research be Pa caten by the Medal Committee it shall be forthwith returned to the institu- tion of learning from which it was received, through the Chair- man of said Committee and the Secretary of the INsTiTUTE, and shall be accompanied with a statement of reasons for its re- jection. 5. All Theses and Records of Research that have been ac- cepted in competition for the medal shall be handed over into the custody of the Secretary of the Institute by the Chairman of the Medal Committee after the medal has been awarded. They shall be and remain forever the property of the INSTITUTE, and may be placed in its Library for use by the members of the INSTITUTE and by the public under such rules and regulations regarding such use as the INSTITUTE may determine and pro- vide. But the writers of said Theses and Records of Research are free to copyright their contents, or any part thereof, without _ prejudice, nevertheless, to their standing in competition for the medal. Before placing a Thesis or Record of Research in the Library of the INnstTituTEe the Secretary shall affix thereto a copy in full of the corresponding presentation notice referred to | in Article VII.; and shall also affix to such of said Theses or Records of Research as have been awarded the medal a copy in full of the wording upon the corresponding Certificate of Award referred to in Articles V. and XI. ARTICUBRAAX: SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPETING THESES AND RECORDS OF RE- SEARCH. 1. The Thesis or Record of Research shall not exceed six thousand words not inclusive of words employed in explanation of accompanying illustrations, orin the title-page, ‘‘ Table of Con- tents; ‘ List of Illustrations” and .‘‘ Index ’’ referred to in Section 3 of this Article. 2. The Thesis or Record of Research shall be either printed, or typewritten with double space between lines, upon one side only of sheets of strong and flexible linen paper, about 8} inches wide and 11 inches tall, unruled and without marginal lines. U. OF ILL. LIB. 12 Each printed or typewritten sheet shall have a blank margin all around of not less than 14 inches. The printing or type- writing shall be clean, clear and, in general, well executed. 3. The Thesis or Record of Research shall have a title-page, a ‘‘ Table of Contents,” by chapters, and a “ List of Illustra- tions,’ provided there be accompanying illustrations, which shall be upon separate pages immediately following the title page and there should be an “ Index ’’ at the end. 4. The illustrations shall be either drawn or mounted upon sheets of linen paper, and so as to be flexible, and so far as possible about 84 inches wide and 11 inches tall, with a blank margin all around of at least 14 inches. No sheet of illustra- tions, if it can be avoided, shall be folded more than once on one line and once crosswise thereto, and when folded such sheets shall not be more than seven inches wide, with an ad- ditional inside margin of one inch for binding, and ten inches tall. A pocket in the inside of the back cover shall be pro- vided for illustrations too large to bind. But no photographic print shall be folded, or be more than six inches wide and nine inches tall, exclusive of the sheet upon which it is mounted, which shall be about 84x 11 inches. 5. The illustrations shall be India ink line drawings, or photographic carbon, platinum, or bromide prints upon flexi- ble, unglazed or uncoated paper, or blue prints, or reproduc- tions of originals made in a similar manner upon a good quality of paper. | 6. The Thesis or Record of Research shall be neatly bound in half morocco and cloth boards, and shall bear on the outside © _ of the front cover, in gold letters: (a) The words ‘“ Thesis (or ‘ Record of Research’) in Com- petition for the Edison Medal.”’ (b) The title thereof, and (c) The year of competition for the medal. 7. The Edison Medal Committee shall be the judge as to whether a Thesis or Record of Research complies in form and substance with the specification relating thereto in the fore- going sections of this Article. If said specifications have not been comphed with the Medal Committee may, at its discretion, reject the Thesis or Record of Research, or, through its Chair- man and the Secretary of the InsTITUTE, return it to the insti- . tution of learning from which it was sent for proper compliance with the specifications, which, nevertheless, shall be made, and the Thesis or Record of Research returned to the Medal Com- mittee, subject to the provisions of Section 3 of. Article VIIL., relating to the final date before which it shall be received by the Secretary of the INSTITUTE. AR TIGER: xX; AWARD OF THE EpIson MEDAL. 1, Within two weeks following the expiration of the one month’s grace for the receipt of competing Theses and Records 15 of Research by the Secretary of the INstiruTE, as provided in Section 3 of Article VJII., the Edison Medal Committee, upon. the call of its Chairman, shall meet to begin its work of con- sidering the accepted Theses and Records of Research competing for the Medal. At said meeting the Chairman shall lay before the Committee all of the competing Theses and Records of Research, a record of the titles of all of which shall be preserved by the Secretary of the Committee, .and the members shall proceed to consider them then, and at such other times and places, and in such manner, as the Committee may determine. 2. The Medal Comntittee, upon the call of its Chairman, shall meet not later than the first week in March of the year follow- ing that for which the Medal is to be awarded for the special purpose of making said award. 3. The award of the Medal shall be determined and made at the meeting specified just above in Section 2 by a.two-thirds vote of a quorum of the members of the Medal Committee voting, either in person or by letter, in favor of the same Thesis or Record of Research. Nine members voting at said meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of awarding the Medal. No member of the Medal Committee may take part in any review, consideration, or action by the Committee, or by any of its members, upon any Thesis or Record of Research in - competition for the Medal that may have been presented by a near relative, either by blood or marriage; neither may he in such event vote to award the Medal if such Thesis or Record be one of those then voted upon. 4. After the Medal has been awarded, as provided in Section 3 of this Article, the presentation notices shall be turned over by the Chairman of the Medal Committee into the custody of the Secretary of the INsTiITUTE, by whom they shall be per- manently preserved. And the Chairman of the Committee shall give to the President, through the Secretary of the In- STITUTE, written notice, certified by the Secretary of the Com- mittee, of the full name of the student to whom the Medal has been awarded. A copy of all such notices shall be permanently preserved by the Secretary of the INSTITUTE. 5. Any award of the Edison Medal through inadvertence, mistake, or otherwise, to any person not qualified to compete for said Medal under the provisions of these By-Laws and those of the Deed of Gift, shall be null and void. In the happening of such event, and upon the discovery thereof, the Medal Com- mittee may forthwith meet and vote to award the Medal, as provided above in Section 3 of this Article, and as if no vote to award the Medal had ever been taken. 6. At any time after the award of the Medal has been made, and before the corresponding Certificate of Award has been issued and forwarded as provided in Article XI., the Medal Committee may correct any errors of omission or commission of its own making in its work of awarding the Medal, and may 14 withdraw its vote and revote to award. the Medal if it deems it necessary and right so to do. ARPICLER oe ISSUE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF AWARD OF THE EpDIsSON MEDAL. The parchment Certificate of Award, referred to in Article V., shall be issued to the successful competitor for the Medal, through the Chairman of the Medal Committee and the presiding officer of the faculty of the institution of learning by which said competitor was presented, and shall constitute the official notice to the institution and competitor of the award of the Medal. The Certificate, rolled in a tin tube and never folded, shall be forwarded by express to said presiding officer during the first week in May of the year following the year for which the Medal was awarded. The recipient of the Certificate shall give a receipt therefor to the INSTITUTE. ARTICLE. XIf. PRESENTATION OF THE Epison MEDAL. The Medal shall be publicly presented to the successful competitor by the President of the InstiruTEe at the next Annual Convention of the InstiruTeE following the award of the Medal. The recipient of the Medal shall give a receipt therefor to the INSTITUTE. ARTICLE XIII. FunpDs FOR PURCHASE OF THE MEDAL AND CERTIFICATE OF AWARD. As soon as the Medal has been awarded, as provided in Sec- tion 3 of Article X., the Chairman of the Medal Committee shall draw an order or certificate in proper form upon the Trust Com- pany for the funds necessary to purchase the Medal and Certifi- cate of Award to be presented and issued, respectively, to the successful competitor, said funds to be paid by the Trust Com- pany to the InsTiTuTE out of the clear net income of the trust funds as provided in the Seventh Clause of the Deed of Gift. ARTICLE XIV. PAYMENT OF THE RESIDUE OF TRUST FUND INCOME TO THE RE- CIPIENT OF THE Epison MEDAL. 1. Within one month after the presentation of the Medal, as provided in Article XII., an order in proper form upon the Trust Company to pay over unto.the recipient of the Medal and _ Certificate of Award the residue of the income of the trust fund, as provided in the Seventh Clause of the Deed of Gift, shall be drawn by the Chairman of the Medal Committee and mailed to said recipient through» the Secretary: of the InstirutrE. The recipient of said residue of the income of the trust fund ‘shall give a receipt therefor to the INSTITUTE. TS ARTICLE XV. RESTITUTION BY UNQUALIFIED RECIPIENT OF MEDAL. The recipient of the Edison Medal, corresponding Certificate of Award and money residue, as provided in Articles XII., XL, and XIV., respectively, shall at once reture to the INSTITUTE, said Medal, Certificate and money if at any time it be ascertained that said recipient, because of any act on the part of the re- cipient, or on the part of the faculty of the institution of learning by which such recipient was presented in competition for the Medal, was not duly qualified to compete therefor under the provisions of these By-Laws and of the Deed of Gift. ARTICLE XVI. Notice TO INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING OF THE CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE COMPETITION FOR, AND AWARD OF THE Epison MEDAL. 1. The Edison Medal Committee, through its Chairman and Secretary of the InstiruTE, shall each year notify institutions of learning of such provisions of the Deed of Trust and of these By-Laws as may be properly communicated to them, and through them to the students of such institutions. 2. Said notice shall be in the form of a printed circular letter, approved by the President of the InstituTe, and shall bear the printed signature of the Chairman of the Medal Committee, and the printed endorsement of the President, countersigned in print by the Secretary of the Institute. Four copies of said letter shall be mailed to each of the said institutions of learning during the first week of January in each year. Copies shall also be sent at the same time to one or more of the electrical journals published in the United States and in Canada. ARTICLE XVII. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE. The proceedings of the Edison Medal Committee shall be conducted in accordance with the rules prescribed in Crocker’s Parliamentary Procedure, excepting such proceedings as are to be otherwise conducted under the provisions of these By-Laws. ARTICLE XVIII. AMENDMENTS TO THE By-Laws. Amendments to these By-Laws, subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the INstiITuTE, may be made at any time by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Medal Committee in favor of such amendment. Copies of a proposed amendment shall be mailed to members by the Chairman of the Committee, through its Secretary, at least two weeks before the day for taking the vote thereon, as announced by an accompanying notice. In lieu of attending the meeting and voting in person, members may mail their votes to the Secretary of the Com- mittee. The Chairman and Secretary shall receive’and count the votes, and, if in favor of the amendment, announce the result, through the Secretary of the INsTiTuTE, to the Board of Directors for its action.