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Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161—O-1096 q7 43. 5A P<69° \923 v,l Gathic Archiltrchiure ree Selected trom Parious Ancient oe in Gnaland A: an QIv.Jugin vot FIVE VOLUMES IN TWO Complete Reprint without text of “Specimens of Gothic Architecture” 2 volumes, plates 1-113 “Examples of Gothic Architecture” 3 volumes, plates 114-337 Origina! Edition published 1821-1838 “Clevelaid AN Anse Caxton Puilding 1923 The Lincoln Press Cleveland, Ohio Ue Si7Ag UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY, j 5 6S Wate gt - Qs Vb gap } 948 PUGIN—GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE—TABLE OF CONTENTS VOL. I PLATES—1-176 V,/ PLATE 9/23.542, P9Sgo 2 192 Vsl P C2 rae 3 a-/E-5 oS 3 DOORWAYS Various Modes of Forming Arches. Jew’s House, Lincoln, Window and Door. Ancient Gateway, St. Mary’s Guild, Lin- coln. 3-A Ancient Gateway, Lincoln, 1150. oo 32 33° 34 35 36 3 38 39 40 Al 42 43 44 New Shoreham Church, Sussex East End . Ancient Doorway, Atherton Place, Lincoln. Doorway, St. Mary’s Church, Lincoln. Specimens of. Doorways from different buildings. Four Specimens of Doorways, from West- minster and Lincoln. Door of Bishop’s Palace, Lincoln. West Door of the Collegiate Church, Tat- tershall, Lincolnshire. South Door of the Same Church. Entrance to the Canon’s Refectory, Wind- sor Castle. WINDOWS St. Mary’s Church, Lincoln, Windows and Detail. John of Gaunt’s Window. Arched Window of the same Palace. Specimens of Windows at Lincoln. An Oriel, and other Windows at Oxford. Specimens of Buttresses at Oxford. Other Specimens at Oxford. York Minster, Lower part of Pinacle. York Minster, upper part of same. Mullions of Windows from York and Beverly Minsters. Brackets and Pedestals, from Westminster and Lincoln. Pinnacles, ete., at Oxford. Parapets and Battlements at Oxford. Font in St. Mary’s Church at Lincoln. Stone Sereen in Lincoln Minster. Specimens of Panels on the sides of Tombs, etc. Palace, Lincoln, Oriel Tracery in the Spandrils of Arches at Westminster Abbey, etc. Groined Vaults at Lincoln and West- minster. Bishop Fleming’s Chapel, Lincoln Minster, Elevations of part of the front with details, etc. WESTMINSTER HALL Section of part of Roof. Compartment of the Roof, etc. Elevation of Great North Window, etc. Side Window, Brackets, etc. St. Mary’s Church, Oxford; Plan, eleva- tions and section of Spire. Tattershall Castle, Fireplace. Another Specimen. Windsor Castle. Two Fireplaces. Chimney-Shafts at Windsor and Lincoln. Chimney-shafts at Eton College, Bucking- hamshire. LONDON. Parts of the roof of the Council Chamber. Window, and part of Roof and Hall. Sections, etc., and parts of the same roof. 1 CROSBY-PLACE PLATE 45 63 64 _ OXFORD. Oriel Window in the Hall with Details. LINCOLN. cHANCELLOR’S HOUSE Gateway in the West Front. Oriel or Bay Window. St. George’s Chapel, in Windsor Niche in South Aisle. Door and Window. Castle, Two Doorways. Parapets and Battlements. Compartment of Aldworth Chapel. WESTMINSTER. Part of North Aisle. Specimen of Tracery. HENRY VII’S CHAPEL Part of the Brass Sereen around the Found- er’s Tomb. Tracery in Panels. Door and Window with Details. Flying Buttresses and Turret. LINCOLN MINSTER BISHOP LONGLAND’S CHAPEL Part of the Front, ete. Parapet, Pinnacle, etc. HAMPTON COURT PALACE Open Parapet over the Entrance Tower. Gable of the Great Hall. Gable in the West Front. Chimney-shafts in the First Court. Chimney-shaifts in the First Court and in the Fountain Court. Elevation of part of Inner Court. Oriel Window above the second Gateway. Arch, Groining, etc., to the second Gate- way. Transverse section of the Roof of the Great Hall. Longtitudinal section of the Roof; with De- tails of Ornaments. Elevation of the Music Gallery in the Great Hall. Doorway opposite the Oriel Window in the Great Hall. Elevation of the Oriel, etc., in the With- drawing Chamber. Ceiling of the Withdrawing Chamber with Plan and Section. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Transverse Section of the Nave and South Aisle. Compartments, etc., of the South Side of the Nave. PORCHES AND ENTRANCES South Door of Iffley Church, Oxfordshire. Western Door of St. Saviour’s Church, Southwark. Doorways to Melton College, Oxford, and to Christ Church. Porches of St. Michael’s Church, Oxford, and Trinity Church, Cambridge. Two Gateways in King’s College, bridge. Doorways of All Soul’s College Oxford, and Hotel de Guise, at Callais. Gateways at the Hotel de Guise, Callis, and all Soul’s College, Oxford . Doorway of St. Mary’s Church, Cambridge, Cam- 84 Doors in the Cloisters of New College, Ox- ford, and Edward the Confessor’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey. WINDOWS 85 Specimens in St. Mary Magdalen’s Church, etc., Oxford. 86 Rose, or Catherine-Wheel Window in the South Transept of Westminster Abbey. 87 Windows of King’s College, Cambridge and Baliol College, Oxford. 88 Oriel Window of the Hall of Jesus’ College, Cambridge. 89 Windows, Parapets, and Turrets to the En. trance Tower of Brazen-Nose College, Oxford. SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS, ETC. FROM WESTMINSTER ABBEY 90 Prince John of Eltham. Obiit A. D. 1334. 91 King Edward III. 1377. 92 Section of Staircase Turret to the Monu- ment of King Henry V. 1422. 93 Elevation, ete. 94 Stone Canopy on a Tomb to William Dud- ley, Bishop of Durham (by mistake called Lady St. John on Plate). 95 Abbott Fascet. 1500. 96 Part of the Screen to the Abbott Islop’s Chapel. 1522. TABERNACLES FOR STATUES; AND STALLS 97 Niche, or Tabernacle in Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster. 98 Niches at Oxford. 99 Stall in Henry VII’s Chapel, Westminster. 100 Canopy to the Same Stall. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS 191 Stone Pulpit in Worcester Cathedral. 102 Stone Pulpit in a Court of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. 103 Chest in the Possession of G. Ormerod. 104 Triforium, or Middle Story, in the Nave of Westminster Abbey. 105 Turret and Gable in King’s College, Chapel Cambridge. 106 Vaulting in the Lady—Chapel of St. Sa- viour’s Church, Southwark. 107 Bases and Capitals of Columns. 108 Capitals and Columns. 109 Brackets and Sculptured Ornaments at Oxford. 110 Sculptured Ornaments from Westminster Abbey. 111 Cornices and Parapets of Screens, Westmin- ster Abbey. 112 Chimney-Fieces in Queen Elizabeths’ Gai- lery, Windsor Casile. 118 Details of Ornaments to the same. OXFORD. MERTON COLLEGE 114 Compartment of the Chapel. 115 Doorway to North Transept. 116 Speciments of Ancient Stained Glass. 117 Compartments of the Chancel. BALLIOL COLLEGE 118 Oriel Wind w. Section and Details to Window. NEW COLLEGE 120 Part of the Cloisters. 121 Gable and Details of the Chapel. ALL SOUL’S COLLEGE 122 Entrance Tower. PLATE 125 124 125 126 127 128 Vaulted Roof of a Passage Leading to the Chapel. Compartment of the Chapel. Back of the Stalls in the Chapel. ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE Entrance Tower. Vaulted Roof of a Passage Leading to Gar- den. Tracery on the Great Doors. MAGDALENE COLLEGE Western Porch of the Chapel. Section and Details. Details of Ornaments. Compartments and Details of the Chapel. Chimney-Head and Turret. Oriel Window in the West Front. Blevations of the Inward and Outward Fronts of the Entrance Tower. (Double Plate.) 2 Ornamental Details of the Entrance Tower Details of Mouldings, etc. BRAZENOSE COLLEGE Outward Front of the Entrance Tower. ST. PETER’S CHURCH South Porch. Sections and Plans. ST. MARY’S CHURCH Compartments and Details of Nave. Compartment and Details of Chancel. Stone Stalls in the Chancel. LONDON. Sst. CATHERINE’S, TOWER HILL Canopy of a Stall. HERTS. st. ALBAN’S ABBEY Two Doors to Chapels. SURREY. BEDDINGTON CHURCH Sereen in the Chancel. Tomb of Sir Richard Carew. TEDDINGTON MANOR HOUSE Lock on the Hall Door. ARCHIEPISCOPAL PALACK, AT CROYDON Transverse Section and Details of Hall. Compartment and Section to Bay Window in the Guard Room. Plan and Transverse Section of Chapel. Longitudinal Section. KENT. ELTHAM PALACE Groined Roof of a Bay Window. Sections, etc., of Ditto. Windows and Details of Hall. Transverse Section and Plan of * the Hall. (Double Plate.) North Door. Pendent and Details of Roof. NORFOLK. oLD WALSINGHAM CHURCH Carved Oak Seat. NEW WALSINGHAM CHURCH Oak Ceiling. FAKENHAM CHURCH Western Door. Details of a Niche. OXBOROUGH HALL North of Outward Front of the Entrance Tower. Turret and Details. Sections and Plans. Inward Front and Plans. Details of a Window and other parts. gy OF ILLINOIS wide LIBRARY. é I00q pue MOpUTA, - NIOONTT ‘ASNOH S.MOL Z Id — NS STE attnwcesaln) nedatnetee, gy seretrseneencssiome of | | ie SUITS Es rae Es ‘ SS SS RSS RSS ; Tea #2 fl Pld Gat 4 ice E By ee a | al ee as ey ih 3 AAACN ~S > == SSP Se ORNS AAS) } See oue I ! Kd ee sige fg mea Laas H 2) | Reed reer | glig cl pace _ Cy, BO. OS FS HY | ee SSD, SS o> § 5) : SD So Ss) 2) > DD Yj 4 SHHOUV ONINAOA AO SHGOW SNOLAVA T °F#Iid pong diye Peepers Bty] eR Gases VAAN AANA EY RN AY Pe AC a OG ALAIE S e Qe; E Ry mee pete at ie ie f Hi 6 We 1. pone it Pe - Plate 8—A ANCIENT GATEWAY, LINCOLN ANCIENT DOORWAY, LINCOLN Plate 3 1150 pug seq XHSSNS “HOUNHO WVHAHYOHS MUN G 938[d cose J ——— = —- Fay ~ Gone Qo pe PSs —ybe oe fe Snare re ot 9 FE 5} St ae 88, PE a 3 NIOONIT ‘AVMGLVD LNAIONV y °ld i “ AS WV WW WN 3 | 4 in i 1A | | - Horn Church. Bfsex. Tattershall Castle PS cases omeesamaeereaasal. 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MARY’S CHURCH, LINCOLN Doorway on South Side ‘oy0 ‘LOO peareg YM AeMIOOG ujooury ‘q ‘p tshemio0g ‘eg ‘Zz ‘T ON | - NTIOONIT ‘A0V1IVd S.dOHSIG HOWNAO AGTEV UHLSNINLISAM ses E } 8 Id een a eae ae © x. ~~) pp J ws ET Fe En oh | RS vee bes Karon tere reer neren Naren nerert Xx DX XMPOO || -POXXPO FACE | DAN SARS | [FE Naren VPN REARS || PSA || OCR oN Ne ee A re 2 aoe es Plate 10 TATTERSHALL CHURCH, LINCOLNSHIRE Plate 11 TATTERSHALL CHURCH, LINCOLN West Doorway South Doorway Sat STI, cag ee a a ey Re ee ee eS ae) al a m * ‘yomnyD 4suyD ‘fp pue g ‘SON ‘edo [0D ouslepseyy ‘Gg pue Z “SON $48SVh OU} UL SI0JOg “4S ‘T ‘ON aduoaxo rene LT °38[d SMOCNIM WO SNAWIONdS 9T 938[d : YH a “S 2 De u SS ’ ‘ WZ i es IN Y, . 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MM MMNMWnd_ GST Iffley Church St. Peters Church “a \ ~ cr \< 4 \\ \ ? : i | x x eee SS SET XS aes siete aie = I: S \ = 3S fener | aS = ei « al Bal SITES | 3 = ) Og a a ef aa go la Lod ie kee tea » i s 5 21 Plate YORK CATHEDRAL Pinnacle on South Side of the Nave, Upper Part Plate 20 YORK CATHEDRAL Pinnacle on South Side of the Nave, Lower Part Teapeyyeg youn ION “6 ‘ON ‘]]@H doysutwysom ‘f ‘ON fupoouryT ‘g ‘eg ‘son ‘Aoqqy Jaysururysem ‘) ‘9 ‘Gg ‘Z ‘T “SON STVLSAdad GNV SLOMOVaE 83 4¥ld e Hy 3 Z 5 )y Ui es G __ OE FL ‘ST ‘ZL ‘IL ‘OT ‘aaqsurpy Aproaog $6 ‘g ‘L ‘9 ‘ce “PF ‘ge ‘z ‘LE ‘suorny, Jo suetg IVYUGHHLVO MYUOA ZS OVI NG \S : me aul \\ DNDWDRP\R \ RY S NS ; Peete a or oN Prore C1 daa noue eps ene Oo ON aSoqfop s,Nog ITV Jo JodeyD oy} 07 opeuurg ‘g “ON -Lospurm ‘JedeyD s,Aosfom, [eurpreg ‘Gg ‘ON ‘odsaT[0oD sus[epsey ‘p ‘ON faSo][oD ouspepSey, Jo Jouany, ‘Zz ‘ON fopoeuuUTg ‘T ‘ON ‘jedeyg ouorepSeyy ‘g ON {48eq ou} Ul Stoqeg “49 ‘Z ‘ON fyoanyoystAyO ‘T ‘ON ; es Guyouxo SLINAWAHILLVEa GNV SLAdVaVvd VS 93¥8[d GS 9381 d H y eae : H a, i TAS f : : ' k 3 H H fi -4 t r at He I] ‘ { ice! ! | ee be) ; Ti : . t H wy : : Fr t & i & i [ : H Paes i i H i ie H ' i i é s Behn H : : ioe ; 4 ¥ at : i aig) ts ae ws = ! = H 4 | : e | A ; f UU “ ; ; | H . re by [ ‘ =TitT | ba oe AE laste hate ; a i rn i { ! f i ‘ : } ) ; \ i T : “i p A alent H y } \ \ i ¢ QM i Reve f = i : * Wage Wigs. he 5 EWSS™ } i 4 1 - ie rt : th: H ' 2 L.- I, i ; i : ate i i : : , ' i y i © eS po % os N « : : ‘dyo ‘OYDIN ‘400q YIM UseI9G 9U04S TIVAUCHHLVO NIGONIT NTIOONIT ‘HOUNHO S.AUVIW “LS NI LNO Lé 24%1d 92 28Id ‘ 4 7 | SOS ANY NV gs L ey y Z EROARIIOY Paani SHOE Pirey) a v= - iF ees” hl i j Var Uj WJ by 4 Sais tee i. id? Lar ia : : Crk , oe. | Peo .f bei ‘> younyo Aeqqy Jeysuruysem wory ‘§ “G “E “SON ‘roysuruysoM ‘JedeyO sJTA AtueH woz ‘OT ‘6 ‘L ‘9 “HS ‘T “SON STUANVds 66 9481 d Henry 7™Chapet. Areal eading to Canopy Abbey Wooden. Westm’ JS‘ frasmus Chapel, eeu above Entrance Door Henry 7 “hape. STANVd HO ALAIYVA 86 aqeld y | S AAS 4 SD) NCW sassor}yng UMALSNIA NTIOONT’ ‘F ‘E “SON - NIOONIT “Idd VHO SONIWNADTA dOHSID rere ; AUTAV UALSNINLSHM ‘Z ‘TE “SON » BOO ET SF —— Daler 22 Se ee ee pie “ esiey 42 syaeg YUM Jooy Jo quoujszeduroy sud a7 NOGNOT “IIVH UYALSNINLSUM SE 981d 1 a ae a Py - 2 Ora +? 2 es 7 ae ; 2 ———S——— — SS OE ao ee esieT 3 SyIeq YIM Jooy jo Jey Jo uonoog NOCNO' “TTVH YALSNINWALSAM PPPs me nce rept Legs m ey pees i | aay See | < ty 7 a BS é Ff ge odin Pat H [ ) Seas oi ; i one ws: St NES =: = = — Leiner Se Ne Plate 35 Plate 34 WESTMINSTER HALL, LONDON Window in West Side and Brackets, ete. WESTMINSTER HALL, LONDON South Window eS ae Sete FO) enrpentoecserrmtemss Fireplace PP: ere ae TATTERSHALL CASTLE, LINCOLNSHIRE fhovrrrereeenessencensetsnntceneretinnanaenntnnnnnneetedinnnente - ft Bf... Plate 37 Plan of Mouldings at B. at B Quarter Plan a Sek ee YY eee ee Plan of Window. SRL SR ee oe = ee Pe MARY’S CHURCH, OXFORD Plan, Section and Elevation of the Spire ST. Plate 36 —ewe, f.. ———— e ee 5 WINDSOR CASTLE Two Chimney Pieces Plate 39 vi J a4 ; i ‘ 1 . ey: i = . = eee 1 I a a rises. I ia so al is | Se CA a sara : een | oS So Seen et oe Sven oecaen aa em (IE 2 anaes ees ae eae Sa BT aS 4 < T pile Ps ioe sepok co oats | , e es ae SEs Fel a) ial 4 pt ea DEBS { I ‘ae Ee aes) ; | Bs in a cli ies TATTERSHALL CASTLE, LINCOLNSHIRE Fireplace Plate 38 syyeyg Aeuuyo AD)ATION NOLA upoouTT “g§ ‘ON ‘q ‘Jedryg s,esi10er “49 ‘P pue Z ‘SON ‘aT}segQ AOSPUIM ‘T “ON Ty °38[d SLAVHS AHNWIHO OF ¥Id pete | LOLS fb tcmor fant eos —— 2, — —— 5,6 ae oe a SY AES ED OF Or" eth 40? al i. a. ee ‘i y “oy 1 Cove aaa ae at Dr. Dead 7 *) . ae = Prom oeeeeenenremacnnmennesse IEG “Tovveretsesee aceestrencem menses, | Gas Wie ——— Xs — Cal rel SSS = SS SSS i SP BD LO PD TS FIED So see seeestt cd 21D ACE: WRCELIY Renato sete one stream el Tiihe SOPOT TRTTVDPLTTTPOTLDDAG Plate 43 Plate 42 CROSBY HALL, LONDON Part of Roof and Window with Details CROSBY HALL, LONDON Details of Roof, ete. CAP ~f hier aed Vo [ ane cl SAHABHHHEE AE | 3.542 : N \ \Wh MWA 1 7 | 96g0 en 4 H WA | eG b923 | a h Z Vel ae i 1 |e K = ; Ihe Se | ise eee oy £ a sS Ha - - & Poa | Nie: eS 3 i! & H ia = 3 : 4 1 ao d . i uy ys N > 4 Nise 8 aut | M4 | | ‘| g | { G A iTS is o | His IS \ me | ee | g ix Ls | | | | | im ie See ‘ festa eal! EL rf 2 thi “ oy = Ay ‘ é 3) S Ae > fe) 7 si A - i pen AS eee aR Poe Me leceeet ch wre cae ee pees Z 5 | ae Hs , . ps = a SS St ‘ | a A ay : q g | ae | n o © | Plate 44 r an 1 ak a pp seater ad Gee eras ¥ ‘ i o % cir ¢ . MOPUIM [2Q NIOONIT “HSQ0H S.MOTISINVHHO eee NIOONTI ‘AVMALYS SAlOTISONVHO ; . vainly a : ‘ DOP Dott LN RIV aN ode HL RP ee) | A ‘8 7 oe ral i) WZ, ceosssats Naqmmeneqreremaneinaeecetemasnsenmena = thane yes ; “ oe ) i ' ' : ‘ A ‘ ' = he 4 "te { = ha? ; Me cd Se . ay asa od = ae pee yi s 7 ‘ al B Sar . t AP . - me | i i & ot = A, S eee eae ~~ 2 ey ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL, WINDSOR Doorway Cloisters, Window, S. Aisle Plate 49 ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL, WINDSOR Plate 48 Niche to Bishop Beauchamp so te ” _. afd Restos oct ae ® : oS oe * 8 he Fp erin pte Pi a ete sjyedeieg popyqequay | ArysoA 03 ABMIOOG E esnoy quioy, 03 AweMs00(T zs YOSACNIM “IHdVHO S.ADYORD “LS f | Ta ld YOSGNIM “THdVHO S.ADUOHD LS Ag eee ‘ : ' ‘ 7 _ . % - 8 ~~ S ; ‘~ Se et oe 2 ee eee SP ee i ac 7 : ; eo WR SS SE \ \ oy AN . : i x H ¥y | > | Us an a re ec So eee Me Ua > : ips 4 : ' i x | e . & | : : | J . i a j é 0 i QISTY YUWON 0} souvrQUTT THdVHO SJIA AUYNAH Jedeyg yyvomply jo yuoujredu0yg YOSGNIM “IAUVHO S.ADYORD “LS Gg 9}8Id 21feot) 4, \ 2 MMaQanyry an aes iy as Pete as Feet mentees, . 4 N ~ « te ) Y 4 . Foe t= a \i a. mii§| —<— i ce a eo — NA OES 32335355=SS SSS eee GAR SS 4) eee & &S HENRY VII’S TOMB, WESTMINSTER Plate 55 TRACERY, TIME OF HENRY VII Plate 54 Part of Monumental Screen Principle Explained MOpUuIM pue 100g YALSNIALSAM “IddVHO SJIA AUNHH ¥) { a . SE CNC) of SERA SO 2. REE RESET EL = =! Yy lige in, Y I el a a oe (i SONIGTNOW AWAOVAL 99 321d WK CG RR AWWA \ A i ¢ 7 ae . A ; Ade 4 4 Spee te ba itremeennpa esis = iit JedeyD s,puvjsuoTy doystg jo uowmyavdutog TVAUCHHLVO NIOONIT 6 948d eee KAA VY VY 1 a ] | =a if las | = NVANV ANAS VAS aL qolIn], pur sosseiyyng Suid] UALSNINLSAM “IGdVHO SIA AUNAH 8g 4¥Id Keg ty Seem = Wop gy cn Ere eb ) Wi: “ VV 2 shurpnopg, fo uomas eee ded ra mn . he ' ' Ont ey Pal - Se is | a ¢ ‘aya ‘apaevuulg “yodeieg ‘ jedeyD s,purjsuoy doysig JOMOT, sduvijUuy 1910 yodvairg usdO IVUGCHHLVO NIOONTT AOVIVd LYNOD NOLAdWVH : 09 938d T9 241d : \ WG Gh SS NN \ aL HHH AAR He Ee Merete HANS Tout 1 ieee E Scale tor the parts , WW \\ ca ce ee er | 2 i 7 Fi ile nate ee ‘Oplg yynog ‘OPIS YON = “JAN JSUT syeyg Aouwryo GOWIVd LUNOO NOLdWVH QUOI ISOM OUP UT OTE — “TBH OTH oyy Fo oqey e9 94R%I1q AOV1IVd LYNOO NOLdNVH 69 °38I1d ‘ SRnnnGL aa | | Neill : Po ma fi a re (ine ies ee I i fills Sai sae ce | iis te ll Sere ert ee come | rer ai | Ptr 1 ean e\ Nits: : Mm _] oy Ae th . aE aad cae - or _] 3 ta Ri ir] MT a Sree ral ees OE aie | 4 ; qnoH AouuT FO aeq FO UOlpeao[y qanog urezUNO,T FO opts {SOM "JANOD 4SAIY OY} JO OPIS SoM a HOVIVd LUNOOD NOLUWVH eee SLIVHS AHNWIHO HOVIVd LYNOOD NOLINVH Bia See ae ema ee ree : ir / : an a LI Pon a bs ie ah ae eee teh ey " = Ww ers aI iy {: id : t = Fed he =r WG SG Vm A RX S S WG Ss iS RSS S SS SSS S SSH SS SSE \ SS SS XS Gg Gy SSAA \ WS : : ASSESS ¥ a eS p= , Se SS SSS RSS SS YH nowenwevanasaneecomncoeersberenecncnes/ Gn erenrererrecternnn soenenrnrnetesentonne ss parame BREET | ‘gt “ss j * 4 | "3 eaaeadetebeiietel 1H at seetrmemaneteaneetig g # gremennsmmcsseteememtentctesins 4 os rs i ie agey Fag agage yy pas so meee //// YY rt tH Lt 1g srvananencerenennneneeremenemearsecemerantonte ff 4 gpancwencstere snccnmerstensnsseomateannaarentensennaranentnsembpregeesnnennssiatinnsn = HHH ro LESas KRESESRESS ARES SINNSES wCRNES L RP Cs ASae ak RSE if x at HOVE Sr ST ae ease BAR Tala A ee ARIAS = ol - - COT SS f. iw Reeser eyy «ys 7 faa HITE ES Plate 66 HAMPTON COURT PALACE Oriel Window Above the Second Gateway Plate 67 HAMPTON COURT PALACE Arch Groining, etc., to Second Gateway | JOoy JO uorpog [euIpnzsuoy Tey Wwery . GoVIVd LYNOD NOLdNVH oer JooYy JO uoryjoog [estoasuva], ‘[[V]T }eeI4) 89 4%Id AX — eonbesntcesssaprnscones eeseceesevotanssstneeanccmmey passes eo aste eyyei se Sloe tN I es caret ri ve : | PRCT iE t mae Cc F ; f =H oe s e i ‘ | 2 ©, 5y Ce 4 ‘ Py) C, : & ——— (as vous ait ies SLUR 2S ae ee Cen \< \\\ A“ aah ~~ Se ee a ll) ml Plate 70 Plate 71 HAMPTON COURT PALACE Elevation of the Music Gallery and Great Hall HAMPTON COURT PALACE Doorway Opposite Oriel Window of Great Hall re) | aa id uoljoeg pue uUR[g ‘zequivyg SUIMBIPYIM oY} fo suIplaD GOVIVd LYUNOO NOLIWVH EL °4%Id - ee TAT; ' ; J wey eh NU ha =~ ’ - = y j ‘ = . j i 2 é i ‘, oo " 7 ‘ { i i e \ Yy a 5 5 i ] . ‘ , =; d | ; , aA, i c J ’ . 4; ‘ % af ‘ ¥ i oe : s ‘ : i . i : i ~~ ba i ’ thas , ‘ i ‘ ’ i" ‘ ha - ao at s * hae wire Me Day ~~ : tS a? a ate - res 3 ae 7 yt She berésad of ‘ Ee sg — : | ; cenee fa ad x ae teen A WF WN PRIQN| | 28 6, 2 eG Plate 99 SSS] == 1 |eo———-$ ee eee ae rl eee eee! x ke. ea HENRY VII’S CHAPEL, WESTMINSTER NICHES AT QXFORD Corpus Christi College. Plate 98 Seat or Stall All Soul’s College Merton College. YET vommnegnsnnnenn st ah Bi sneesecen AMB ae = a 2 S Plan of Soffit B Plate 101 oa all > Oe ek i ' : iy : ier Se ; Bherdh | veri ~ < et ae Ba al Laie ” * 2+ +} + SS ee . q ‘ ' 4 } H t a Plate 100 WORCESTER CATHEDRAL Stone Pulpit North Side of Choir HENRY VIVS CHAPEL, WESTMINSTER Canopy of One of the Stalls I : yd[Nq 9u0jg ‘OSH “‘COUAWUO ‘DY AC NOISSASSOd AHL NI LSHHO duoOdxe ‘ADATION ANATIVAGDVH SOT 931d : COL 981d “VV 29 wy Luo “ee au es ’ PRBHRBeA Bo gee Ne / . - z g 3 OWED { ‘ = Ps pee eee ee a ee = =. ee a eee - ee ee ee ee aqey pue yorliny, GDqGIuYaWVO “IGdVHO ADATION SOND COT 93%Id a 7 N q Ba ee PETEFET ELI et ET TT MOREHE LEER D Ty Ty SSeS BS E2Bee { Sa gee) ee OABN UWINILOFILY, HOUNHO AWAAV YHLSNTALSAM DOE 981d y e Ree Es Rg) BS An \\ \\ \ ee: \\ \\ AN § a, eo tO €, & aa p1ogzxO ‘younyD sArepl “IS ‘FON a ‘yoinyg Aeqqy teysuiuyseM “8 “ON SyoaINYyO S8,4no0lae“g “49 ‘Z ‘T “SON a : > = =f ioe - j > — + bees | s i S * = * - . ui & a * * » t 3 me) . _ aS Naeoe area ee : 1 ' “ Ss 2 fee S| 4 LADD ~, iia SE? e y ) aN Po He ote Boom mp teetet Se--e- free SASVA ANV SIVLIdvO LOT 9481d poet H 1 » Bs = = — 5 . 2 A: bial a Hy 2 oe GP rT \\y jedeyg Apey oy} jo Zurutoay MUVMHLNOS ‘HOUNHO S.ANOIAVS ‘LS 90T 981d i 4 meee peep hear » ; ; < BRACKETS, ETC., AT OXFORD Nos. 1, 6, 11, Brazen-nose College; Nos. 2, 9, 10, 12, 14- Magdalene College Nos. 5, &, Schools; Nos. 7, 18, St. Mary’s Church No. 8, King’s College Chapel; No. 4, Corpus Christi College; Fiate 109 ——————— aa err. Saviour’s Church, Southwark CAPITALS Nos. 1 and 2, South Trancept Westminster Abbey Church; aly INOS eo ang ©4;, ot. ] } 4 y Plate 108 ° ‘ 7 aj . oa —— on See an os eT * “aca ok Ah 9 eal = gp rear em, poe ee : a ean aol me wors ve oi ‘ : yaanyg Seqqy roqsutuysem ‘F “ON {9 pure ‘g ‘g ‘Z “T “SON ‘TOUVYD SATA AtUOH SLUdVUVd GNV SHOINHOO ‘OLA ‘HOUNHO AWATV YALSNIWLSAM WOU SLNAWVNYO TTT 93%ld OTT 3¥%Id SSS. io i Wooden Screerv § Ale, a Goren man em ncrenenatennnensens a Neceeeeerennsecnrnnentenaerrermernsnsses ALI[VHY S.Yjoqeziy useny ‘sdoig Asuwi1yO jo spiejyeq WILSVO YOSANIM SIT °4%Id : Aqoy[eyH s,yyoqeziy uoengy ut sde1d-souw1yy AILSVO YOSANIM : GIL 938%[d 3 4 | I | { nS | * | : | We ee | OU a te Sa a 6 alg Petit es | nee aces J I pnnwncemn ae ecene me ncenemert neem Er ey ere = | SS ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee a ee ee ¥ ; oS Daye 4 ee MOpUIA\ FO quivp ‘F ‘ON es) qdosueay, yXION 0} LBM100q ‘q jo suvj[g pue opeuurg ‘eg “ON fuoTJIES ‘Z ‘ON ‘UOTWBADTITY ‘T “ON 9 = ; qydosueviy, YON JO oplg yseqy uo yuowyIedWOD * ee a LIOR Lt GUYOAXO ‘IddVHO ADATION NOLUAM | ’ GIT 981d VIET 981d . Ss Joint Boge - of Cojumn TT, ee. | ee ne ot OL Gy apne afl { i ‘ F a 3 . 4 a ¥ Can) r a gS z ; os = 7 $3 x a 2 ag = ; ry e ca g4 F 3 3 a ne , 4 z Hone sits 4 ts 1 : S a 2 = : = € Z : 3 ~~ é * = i eo i ee é a i M3 7 if e 0 Q ' 2 g 7 2 S34 i ae 3 ae { ogg . ° ‘00 1. AS 2 3 a; i B 3 2 @ £ |: = 5 2 : do 6 « 4 a 3 ° : G5 ay /0° H aoa ! 6 5 ‘8 ; a = aa & io —a Be OF = ir. ea feat ier 2 3 ww : SSPE Pay 3 2 a —i | ate ee SS ed | . Nel 1 Ph : le \ ' AG E 4] s o me 3 a ° er a re 3 e = ° ¥ ¢ Ss JoouryD JO apis YAON Uo qUoUTZIEdULOD LOL1E4yX duouxo “IGdVHO FOATION NOLYAWN LIT °481d Z ee kee L.. 3040 Width of Chapel. cs] ! j Ne | = So ' Lah coe (e (ED r } si SMOPUIM, SSBID pouleyg jo suowtoedg Guorwxo “Idd VHO ADATIOO NOLYAN OTT °4"%Id a[suvrpenY Jo eplg YON MopurM [PO Jo ‘T Id UOTBAITY JO odie] ye szaVg pue UOlzIE aduyOuAXO “ADATIOO 'IOIIVa a[suerpend Jo eplS YON MOpyIM [PLO aquowuxe “ADATIOO TOIIVa 6TT 99¥Id SIT 3%I1d ‘ozts Teo yy Jo a sTeep - iS is eee id | qyyos Bumoys vy yewo WH a ae a aha ' SRE ATT .yeag ous ‘tn USO lov Asoviy jol uopesobsr ih aa OR -~-———--- } vv ve uonaas Br ponte Pie. f fon dourep ‘oye, ot AQ a Pa Oe | why 4h u fy 7 ~ » Sr “ *H/ SES <=) AN oo dst leinapah a bill psf phe “yet f on, tlk Are og ar oun ke! ‘ vars ec? Be dare + Bawwenents of Nurets = eet oo x Spd Section through Douay: 72! ' ' ' ' 1 ' Hl 1 ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' a] ' 1 i ' fae ' ' ' ' he g s ' ‘ a ink one =} | fo | i Sede ee poor Plate 121 Plate 120 NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD Centre and Adjoining Compartment of Cloisters NEW COLLEGE CHAPEL, OXFORD No. 1, Gable of West Front . ? . > No. 2, Niche at Large No. 4, Plans of D.; No.5, Pinnacle at Large No. 8, Profile of Niche . mea" AA eae SuUIUIOIN, SUIMOYS ABMayeX Jo uLTg ‘e ‘ON JodeyD 0} Surpvey osesseg jo Suturory “uewyredu0g ouo a[suBIPeENg sprvMoy, uoryeAad;[qy ‘Z “ON {4S YSIE{ sparemoy, UOTIeATTY ‘T “ON aduyO4XO “ADATIOO S-1INOS T1V GuOuXO “ADATION S.TNOS TIV AO AVMALVD So °3"8Id ool 93"%1d roar “quowesuerte Soy Stimoye wep | ic @ at Yj ee } # ] “ y Wid le rie 3 werd ¢ sees oy inpE a feinose ina : . A - ; ‘ ae } eth J a a les edd WYfllu’ Mad Oe, eee a see! ee ? Wise, “urTg 10 JP UONdag S][@qg FO sowg ye Aatddery, 3e2O auyoudxo “ADATIOO S/INOS TIV jedeyo fo apis yjnog—juouyIvedwog "VW GOT 938Id GduOuxo ‘ADATIOO S-INOS TIV Vol 938d Tope sec ereceer nee gt ~ Ldap gai-= noon ened | p----------- + = il I “% es | fr be ts ee HL I I ‘ ‘S, 4 is I ( Dagrttecncceseessssecec ty $e - PH ) TY ” x ‘Seon Gi seeemueranpinn: GO paseneinesntn aan Ds Ao ls: 4 Plate 126 Plate 127 ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE, OXFORD No. 1, Elevation; No. 2, Section; No. 3, Plan of Entrance Gateway ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE, OXFORD Stone Groined Ceiling of Passage Leading to Garden ! eB er i. XC \ Lr: J ai AGAS S / j WSS \ \ b = Lae Foot (Glas EGER we i Nel = ¥ As Vv if q GA eae Scale for N°# Plate 129 Plate 128 MAGDALENE COLLEGE CHAPEL, OXFORD OXFORD No. 1, Wooden Door of the Entrance Gateway St. John’s College; No. 2, Wooden Tracery of Stalls; Merton College Chapel Doorway at the West End ABMIO0dG 4S9M JO sireyaq snore puy 4seM ye ABMIOOG Jo ssIVT Je SSUIP[NO|, pue uol4Ieg GduoOuxXO “INdVHO ADATION ANHIVGDVAN | duodxO “IGdVHO ADATION ANDIVGDVI TEE "ld . OST 93¥%Id i | ec fe == a pals © eyes 5 of it ab ay225 & = IN + 7 yuamsavg ee ee Se Ms op ee ss nl to ae ae ene ae ee if ’ em AUMINOP PAOGE PINow pon | 7 | | | | | a | | : | eae os ant ie BS % ' a | | H fe 4 | = I i a 7 | : eae ad monoes ¥ — | tonParay vo bi 4 ques jo ULL a fom a FI sd . % wus [B21 94) § TONPAS[Y UO s i zo 1. Buppooyt jo suonssg vis a@rsnooZuuis go uonoes SPUATUIIDUE Ul OGOIN a 3 Supine woweseg ~ Or ie a ee « a ae ¢ y Dai “J vee'y Lu NIN ot q ’ : = ue iz oh ABMOYeH 4BIAID JO o[suy ysveyyNo, UO JolaNy, ieNsuezO ‘Z ‘ON ‘4FRYs-AOUWIYD ‘T “ON quo4xX0 “ADATION ANWIVGDVA SET 481d | 2 x a - | Plan of’Turet at A. ‘eet. ee VF a OT ee Pinnacle above Chimney Shaft Sh - 2 a ene * 2 i% Plan aur Se ee | | eplg YyNOYg oy} uo yUsUIZABdWOD B JO s[Ieyaq pUe UOI{DeNG ‘Z ‘ON fUOTIBADTY ‘T “ON duOuXO “IHdVHO ADATION ANWIVADVN GET 981d J Spe zoy eprog pare eee eee a a ee ma FF Olena oS Vee a (ree anne Romana H i F LIE ~-—-—---- - -- - --+ ---- =n 2-2-2 = ee > 2 {Sg Emm wren enim ns mmm ae ea Tae ets Rete See ape ene eT a el Sr nae 1 ' 7 H E> i : | it i P= i Pham, i i a . { fl pas se 7 ' | Ht PL ead | |¢ tl rome! on sal dite: | | H | rt | T + ' =i H 4. i : i : paige 1 4 | a> ie H q |--—- “7, | | | a | Cy | : ‘ ! acie- VV 18 tomes tronVAeLT re 4 re 1 Nn Ne ses ° UP al rm as Ye oe? 7. aa,» art ee > aly is . Yves wt : a AeMYoIV oY} punoy squowvUIO ‘e “ON SATOOVIY, ‘g “ON AVMozV) JO UOT ySoM ‘foydIN Jo osvg pue AdourD jo sjieyeq ‘T ‘ON duoO4xXO ‘ADATION ANWIVGDVN SZIR Mets I/ Yy Yyy Uf, Wp eee 5 CAG Lee BFE cower enn en a nnn nee nnn ne 50: ; ks J 1 7 ! Z Yy i a Yy Yy ' L, i Yi 1 Wit : YW yj H amu? ! tenga Ne nnn nn nme n en LET °3%1d VUIOS Fo werd Via va ANoi9 JI \ 5 of x Ne terete, adUBIyUY Yoel AVON MOPUIAA [eLO ‘ADATION ANAIVAGDVW qduouwxo ~— op---+ +--+ ole --- erye --- | ae wD ow m2 b> wee ee oe =~. PEL 481d ¥ bog ( q[Suripeng puoseg ey} 0} SuipvoT AvMoyey souRIyUy JO sur[g pue suolqeAoly quowxo ADATION ANWIVGDVI +8 9ST—GET 998% Id = —— ———— a ; | x i ; i y Ss : | - at & < q. Soe 4 3 | A. % FR 7. BR. . Ae $ East Elevaton townids O Si t 1 - n , is tet Let Petiky 7 i H ss f 8 ee eee j 4 Se es re ie ee es ae : lnoeed a Fs “4 sg | ' 4e Feet SPeior. ried ‘Plan of Second Floor at B. a ( Suh eg a) es at ay See & t | Zz ae Be | _ at 7. | a : an } 4 1, K s . Ty SE Tu --- 2087 eet eae ae 2 “ars [Nt Salem BL nn nt re ee er = a armen phy ae H HE ES-ES ie 2h a Mf AG a Le a 4 vl [eee y - 5 Ie —) {Preer Zier 3 E32 7 Scale of |i vy ey pF snd we BRAZEN - NOSE COLLEGE, OXFORD Plate 139 MAGDALENE COLLEGE, OXFORD No. 1, 2, 3, Details of East Elevation of Entrance Gateway Plate 138 Lie om Exterior, Elevation of Gateway No. 4, Part of Groining of D. ry oe <2 a=. % Re ae See “ed - ® Vlan at A, pe Plan at B 4n Section. Showing, Growing Plate 141 Plate 140 ST. PETER’S CHURCH, OXFORD ST. PETER’S CHURCH, OXFORD . ? Porch on the South Side No. 1, Longitudinal Section; No. 2, Transverse D Porch on the South Side No. 4, Plan . > No. 3, Elevation of the West Side @ - a #5 be. 7 eh mela ¢ pay 4 on ee Mua We aes we ‘d FO sete J ON ‘[oouvyD Jo eprg yynog Jo quoW}Iedwuoy 1OL1eyxY ‘T “ON : CUOFKO ‘HOYNHO S.AUVIN “LS : ; SPL 981d P | . : ; ; a tT ; | ‘ | z : | i Sectionot Water Tables s Secuon BT ye Sees SE PABN JO APIS YINoG quoutytedwiog s0110}xq duOuXO ‘HOYUNHO S.AUVN ‘LS GPT 38Id dow Sillat £. Win 6s isemamen pty uns Section af Water tables. Jamb Mouldings atD. Yy Secnon of Basement £--+---- yay ------ —— Ve COL ies eens Be S][VIS 843 Jo suo 03 Adouvy fo sjivjoq pue UOTvIg ‘UOTBAOTT | TTIH YAMOL ‘ANIVAHLVO “LS 40 HOUNHOD jaouvyy oy} UL [eUOIssezUOD v fo sfIeyeq ‘Z ‘ON ‘UOT}Deg pue UOTVeASTY ‘T “ON GuOdxO ‘HOUNHO S.AUVW ‘LS GPT ¥I1d FPL Id {g 0 0 vowas * e 2 ee Fey * Ve eee ae a ip -n- pf —-o- ee ees ee a 7 wt (sae OT a S Z4, Se Y oy NFS RAS fa vw ¢ syomng jo ueig HURL UOD oN NO NEF NERA QAR Nt Sat Sa hie ‘Trem Jo syeuyory, a cw Setgeuty i At ? (Q723.547-- ee P96q. per he LA 1923 Li-4 Vv, SS 4 Plan of Col? showing Bases epi 4 i cre et ocles uf IMiw1. © 4 { ity ra) v ti Da a Anno Dom mCCLY “il . leno is Meorwrn ne well .\ {Qa a \ Vo MS ° ° ° fe) te) fe) fe) ie) oO Section at Large —— in, % he Ly Mile ty Plate 147 Plate 146 ST. ALBAN’S ABBEY No. 1, Oak Door of the Chapel of St Alban; D. D., of Abbot Ramryges Chantry BEDDINGTON CHURCH, SURREY No 1, Compartment of Chancel and Oak Screen; No. 2, Details at Large of Screen, ete. UOTJDITIOD S,LOYNW wWoIT Yo pue spuey uoay ‘g pue gz son ‘TI@H 94} Worz Yoo] worl IH ‘T ‘ON AGUUNS “ASNOH UONVW NOLONIGdA 6PT 81d WOez Patan oy Bases NY Sieeie EO SCD a OO, BT A IY YI EA IY an e, PF, Pg ZF") | | - A | et | Cele ts = f 1) SSI ee aie we PIM = SS prt ea een a ZIZZO CEE RA DEED AIR) N OE aa OT (EE AE AAT REE AEEATAT ie a UG LIES EES PA OFF, SF GG.FO LG <; (AINA A Na a SNF SSIS | 4 Be és ME z PWNS ee tan) (KS Ai — == Se of amma) 4 Real Size. * Lenire par snew4g Kevnow MOIV) prlVyoIy IG Jo Juounuopy AWYUNS ‘HOYUNHO NOLONIAGdGaAg SFI 21d uONneBAeT oprs ° MOPUIM JO poy] ‘F ‘ON {[[VH JeeIyH Jo uoNdeg [eurIpnySuoT ‘eg ‘on ? ; 3 "d doltozxq “Z “ON ‘quowyreduioD sol1quy “T “ON uUv[g’ UO VV 3@ (4seqy Suryoo,) [[VH yeerH oy} Jo uooeg esaoasuBIy, : NACAOYO ‘AOVIVd S.dOHSIMHOUV ite CINE Rie eS pe wld 4 Rubble Plastere< : i TLL AL | Rubble Plastered over ————~ 7 i Ce ts sor] Prem Sarat fect I ara Se Seat allt sh | Anabaena SuUI[IoQ UspooM SuUIMOYS 4UuoWzIedW0D jo ur[g ‘Eg ON uv[q [e1euey *Z ‘ON *4S0M\ pue 4sSey SUIYOOT SUOT}Oeg oSTeASUBIT, ‘T ‘ON NAHCAOWO “AOVIVd S.dOHSIAHOUV “Id VHO 6ST 981d : Te : KBR: a ah nn 1 ac iq i | if ' ee a Hy | i | in in wooy paren Jo eptg yynog uo sfiejoq pure MOpUT AA keg NAGAOUO “AOVIVd S.dOHSICHOUV cSt 938%Id \ IO ogre naan ee nsaeactennentcmesseectha |= ase has ae Bh cS pags PS se a eit Fo SEE ATS Per Ose WY MN MM fl a as oe OT ee ee ee ee see my x e UOIZDOG [VUIPNyLsuOoT ‘g ‘ON fUseTDg USpOOM JO ose] 4e Sze ‘Z “ON E Il?H FO eplg YON uo Mopulp, Avg fo sulUuLlory UO MEL UPAMIOL) 5900) $0 Oe Sea Peta een | & ai NHCAOUO ‘AOVIVd S.dOHSIGHOUV “IAdVHO LNAM WOVIVd WVHA : ; PSL 41d GST. Seid | Mabe ge we we ¢ | ITH Jo toLrenuy é 3 L et fan a Sy FESSENS ESE i 2a =m | i = 7 Hh € == i ER ‘4 || |B) F | y ‘ mt . fl @ = ep SS BSS SES fe We os WE Do ona woe c J) Ez al r fez - foo aws goed nearer ewer pare tet bg tied : 4 «ef ie Sree, Wey ae, 2 ae ig} Alara ' | ea a ee " adIVT 4B JoyovVIg ou04g puv MOpUTA ‘E puv Z ‘SON ‘TIV@H }e01y SMOPUIMA JO JUSUeSUBITY IOLIOqUT ‘T “ON ; II@H FO 2pls WON uo Mopurm Avy FO SUIULOIY ING ‘AOVIVd WVHLTG INGM ‘A0vVIVd WVHLTG . ; L&T °48Id 9ST 381d Flan of Tracery eceduckca ace ee WGN ee ead ee iss sie TRH Agu BEtMoe Sapo totnoey peri euduoy we De 6 oa LL if? : 4 5 : 2 {4 SS SSS si = : {ae SSS A eae SEES ee f - ya eee oye vary aed ere y a Asoo we oe hs ; | . % yynog Suryooy ‘mopuryy, Avg Surmoyg “q Jo uonyoag [eurpnysuoy *Z ‘on : uel d [eiouor) uo ‘Gg “VV "Ss OV. 48 Il[®?H Jo UOT}IIG SL ALUES F Ag “ON LNG ‘AOVIVd WVHLIE | 6ST—8ST °3%1d sMOpTYA Wnorp Wey JW shommog yFnomp ueyl Fe ty LiL VV eur] vO woMDeS Il@H JO Jooy uspooM fo “o3a “uapueg INOW “AOVIVd WVHLTE if] -------------—-----------+----- £4/9 ---------~-- == Ce t eee ae dn Surmgot rei if / Sialaieiainieiaiaiehinatenaiaiieiaitane emetic T9T 981d auory Ut wees Pra ‘qd jo oseg pue [eyideD ‘sue[g ‘s[lapueds ‘fF ‘eg ‘Z ‘son ‘T1@H JO epls YON uo Aema00g ‘T ‘ON ING “AOVIVd WVHLTE O9T 938%Id swausueceee as Line of Door. Flan of Jamb at A. shewing mouldm¢s above Capitals at C showmg Bases at B showmg Capital ems cs flan of Spandnl at D Wsayle Bens 1 ees Hm eee wee S, ST . eyomung 4 A 27S hee Z - . of ae et VAS pee Pa ee a er ae eh ae ss in Sink acta Molies “aC aISTY YING Burpeg yxO WIOAUON ‘HONNHO WVHDNISTVM MAN sjeog jo syoeg [vjueweuIQ ‘F ON ‘adie ye “q Jo ssulpinoyw ‘g ‘oN {4eeg pue Yyseq Yeo ‘g pue T “SON MIOMUON “HOUNHO WVHDNISIVM ATO o9T 981d * pide eget gd Jo WONdeg “s jo ods uoTIIeg Ys, yy Les | %, Ee RK NO Veuldings at Large 01 8 wa Section i Be ‘ee . > 2 y 4 Plan cut at the at the spring, showing, Kah ea: Base, showing the at wy Pee Soffit 2 “2 “¥=" Pedestal ke. No. 3, Niche Complete FAKENHAM CHURCH, NORFOLK No. 1, Canopy, Plan and Pedestal of Niche; No. 2, Section of D A Showing, The Battlements. Plate 165 OSU OPIS GS OSH OO Lav CH Pose koe ee wera St eee) KSC oe AO, | IBC GRO IORI IS CSCS : ed Soule i Reseed RK K ie OXBOROUGH HALL, NORFOLK No 38, General Plan Section Through Centre of Nos. 2 and 3, Plans of D. . > Entrance Gateway, No. 1 : q723.542 r96g0 1g23 Vel WMMILMETION | és \_ Seale Inch toa Foot. LS 6, wy Ss ae 7 | Slee eee 1 ik de wee e a -— a rceenere | ee een Loophole and Strmgeourse on the Great Octangular Towers Scale an Inch to a Foot Plan of Mouldings of Gateway on North £levaton ‘Window above the Gateway!Z Half an Inch to a Foot. 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