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SS 5 5 RAIS FAVE: LAN WAS sili. lini iin it, Milli: li, li: lili wh ui, ii Ml ul li l,l. lil lil ul 2 ; Vi AN ROODHOUSE GITY SGHOOLS. 4699-1900— SGdO? -~-1903. $s ; ee zt < LAW OAS J g ay . od q BS rs paige zt AANA BAAS My eS nye ype “aye “Mg yy “BIE SU SSA SUS yg See MgC Sa SS ‘ay AU MESH Sse aie Se a a MY NS Vill eB ag, ee 5 BS : 35 5 8 Af S Ww “3 NK x S Sy Aw y iS / 8 PAWS ig ve o, 35 \ AP Asis EF on Bs 3% %& Asis ota Rea ‘me “MPC SIC Se Sivan’ “Sy Sag Sgr nS A sig Me ag as AA air ig pail ine aul in, ying uli vii, wile. air. vie spill sili ili ulin xin, PGR i il i 3 ik a af yd me mae SNC ‘mC sue “se “ME "Syne Se Exe aa ame myn SMMC yg NC sit sie bits Me ule aul. 2M. il, xila.ulin yuilline, setting ail ail. oil xl. aul xil, Ose ill ins, utr aii, aul, alte Wf Nx ee J ye 5 ya site oe pitas ay Mya SMS NSN Sy “age SMe se Sie “ge” a CS A MSS SSS SS res si Mi. il nr te WY aN SA ae ! 7 << Bat > 6m MANUAL GFE Rac borise (city Schoofs: CONTAINING Rules, fRedulations, AND Course of Study, Revised and Adopted by The Board of Education, September, 1899. The Eye-Herald Print, Roodhouse, I//inois ROARD © OF © EDUCATION. Members. J. W. STaRKEY, : : term expires 1902 J. Topp, - - - : os a 1902 J. W. Roopuouse, 5 ma - “ ef 1gol ! G. H. Roney, - - - B 03 Igor C. ROGERS, - - ; : a ihe 1900 W. H. ArnsworTH, 3 . ee oe [goo eeeeeeee Officers of the Board. H. C. Worcester, President. J. W. STARKEY; Secretary. sees twee Standing Committees. Building and Grounds, - Roney, Topp, RoGERs. Finance, . - AINSWORTH, STARKEY, RONEY. Supplies, - - STARKEY, Topp, ROGERS. Visitation and Discipline, ENTIRE BOARD. TEACHERS=1899-1900. she +R, Superintendent. eeteseee High School. ELE 9 Og age Bu ee ee mae Principal. meta Livy feooy Paes First Assistant. eee wees Washington School. MATTIE YOUNG, Eighth Grade. ~ BELLE SHORT, - - - Seventh Grade. CELIA SAWYER, : - Sixth Grade. Love Goon, - - Fourth and Fifth Grades. Cora JONES, 4 - Second and Third Grades. EUPHEMIA SHIELD, - - - Primary. eeeo veces Jefferson School. JESSIE Pore, Principal, - Fourth and Fifth Grades. Eva Post, - - - Third Grade. AbDA HopkKINS, - nie : Second Grade. NANNIE WIESER, - - : Primary. PREFACE. Education is wisely described as a growth. As the educa- tion of the boy or girl progresses with each year of development, so educational methods and systems develop from year to year. The revision of the school course of study from time to time is the truest evidence that the school officers desire to keep abreast of the leading educational ideas of the day. ... be State fund). (OU. ous eee ntege tte olla ae aa a eV Vir bie de eo bape © ab kee SN ame aaeneerier 25 or, Total go Ge ol Lestat tel: 3 aaa EXPENDITURES. For teachers’ Salartes: 03.6.6 sis +3 > oa ee For Bond-and Interest... 6:0 Gabe. t).) 5. eee eae For Janitors’'Salaries\ 3. ace ee es. For Coalta. 2. xc ot a eee yy For Secretary’s Salary vs) ave al - 3-2). For Miscellaneous Supplies and Repairs. ..$2244 44 For Balance on hand-July 1st, 1899......6 497 55 Total. oo eee Amount of Tuition collected. a .. as TOT LOO Outstanding bonds—-One Done Old cevee Twelve Bonds New Series. Number of males in District between 6 and 21..390 Number of females in District between 6 and 21.340 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 43 Statement of Enrollment and Attend- ance, 1898-1899. Summary of Statistics For 1898-1899. MSEC EONS ONT OME Rts hase 4 Me a aide celle ela (ate kane BOF Dimon Days CDrOled fee i My i oe Men ealda ) 1233 Peirce ee LUIS ERTOMEC cy Fy SW. n' seri) oh eats wate wow 354 imei rorteas ners Ctiployved 8 op. fore suk eked Rie cc ie yl ES Piwagoirol tase teachers: employed. yc. fe cy Se cate es 3 Number of female teachers we HAS ee fe) ROU ARE ar aka Ro, Average number enrolled. aug alate es ye at aha weer a uate\a alnk N Average daily attendance. Sy a NORE A Re Uae a Aiea An ech Per cent. of attendance ate on Pectivent pra btcce key a tc Per cent. of attendance based on average area eae Gator Oe Number of days attended by non-resident pupils.........1047 Average number of days attended by each one enrolled... 123 ern atta tA UE Ne rn ne cats ute) hc By Re NV BOR Branches taught during term: Reading, Spelling, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, U. S. History, Physiology, Civil Government, Geometry, English Literature, Rhetoric, Botany, Zoology, Physical Geography, Algebra, Natural Philo- sophy, General History, Astronomy, Latin, English Composi- tion, Chemistry. JOHN W. STARKEY, Secretary of the Board of Education. 44 THE ROODHOUSE CITY SCHOOLS. [;ist of [kext Books. ALGEBRA, Wentworth’s School. ARITHMETIC, White’s First Book, White’s Complete. ASTRONOMY, Todd’s. Borany, Gray’s Lessons, revised. CiviL GOVERNMENT, Illinois and the Nation. CHEMISTRY, Shephard (briefer course). GEOGRAPHY, Appleton’s Elementary, Appleton’s Higher. Monteith’s New Physical. GEOMETRY, Wentworth’s Plane and Solid. GRAMMAR, Reed and Kellogg’s Graded Lessons, Reed and Kellogg’s Higher Lessons. History, Barnes’ Primary, Barnes’ United States, Barnes’ Ancient Peoples. LANGUAGE, Reed’s Introductory. Latin, Leighton’s Lessons, Allen & Greenough’s Rev. Gram- mar, Harper’s Caesar, Harper’s Vergil. LITERATURE, Shaw’s New History, Seven American Classics, Seven British Classics, Riverside Series, selected Nos., English Classic Series, selected Nos. PuHysics, Avery’s Elementary. PHYSIOLOGY, Hutchison’s. READERS, Barnes’ Series. RHETORIC, Waddy’s. 7 SPELLER, Reed’s Word Lessons. WRITING, Copy Books, Nos. 1-5. ZOOLOGY, Packard’s (briefer course). o i ' |