* 3.68 /4: ‘Bulletin No, 51 Me July 26, 1922. M. M. LEIGHT® COMMON EALTH OF PENNSYIVANTA DEPARTMENT OL DNTERNAL APPATRS James F, Woodward, Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHI@G AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist Ott POOL Att TD TOUTE and. GAS POOLS NEAR. CORRY AND MEADVILLE, PENA. By M,. &. ‘Johnson Geciog st, VNUs DULVE Ys Maecoveries of oil and sas in northwestern Pennsylvania early in June, 1922, were deemed of sufficient interest to warrant sending 2 mati geologist to that region in order to gain first-hand ine Orme Extewerane queries concerning these new pools, The pools were vi&l June 28-350, Pidioute Oil. Pool, Warren County. Gitvat Tidioute is nothing new. Back in 1860 oil was first dis- covered in this region and considerable production was obtained by Sinking shallow wolls to the Second end Third Venango oil sands. . At that time wells a thousand feet in depth vere considered to be very deep and after two or three wells had been sunk to that depth without - encountering ony 011 below the Third sand, it was tazxen for granted thav no O11 existed in the Tidioute region below that sand. Later, as the art ‘of drilling was improved and holes were put down deenpcr and deeper, two or three holes more than 1500 fect deep were sunk in the vicinity of Tidioute. These holes were also dry and merely con- firmed the opinion of most people that drilling below the Third sand in the Tidiovte region wan a fruitless undertaking, Ui The production of oil in the Tidioute region roaches d 2 maximum in 1866-67 when the Dennis Run pool was Tevute sn) Following that period production gradually declined until about 1904 when the Pidioute oil pool, which had been flooded previously, was unwa aan by pumping and good production was obtained. Constant pumping of the wells Since that time has practically exhausted the supply of ‘oil in the Second and Third sands, but the Wells are still pumped for the asoline that can be extracted from the rich gas obtained. bh mM HG yeue ly Vinatnt’ Ah i" he , In addition to the oil pools developed in and around Tidioute, G28 was discovered in a deeper sind on Queen Creek about four miles southeast of the town, For want of 2 better suideresi this sond was called the Queen sand. wells in this pool encountered the top of the Oueen sand about 700 feet below the top of the Third sand, The sand averaged 100 feet in thickness, When Charles Carnahen decided to drill on the Siggins farm in the Spring of 1922, (at is reported that a dream induced him to do it) he had perseverance enough to keep on drilling even though no production was obtained in the Third sand and for a’ depth of considerably more than 700 feet below tho top of that sand, The bit finally entered pay Sand about 750 feet below the. top of the Third sand on or about June 1, 1922, The flow of gas was so strong at first that it sprayed oil all around the well, Production at first was at the rate of only 20 bbls, a day, but on drilling: further into the sand, the production waS increased to over a hundred barrels a day. ey have been Pcie 2d ayia heyerss ta down as fas how, The map gttached te™this report shows the these wells as of June 28, 1922. since the armehan discovery well was dr oh rae Proauction PULL eno so ubareces in barreis, XG Neele~ Camahan No, liwell *on )Siseins farm... | 100 ite bang nee " Nos. 2 1 1¥ TY Y rare j No. 3 = : i feponvet Kop (farm 4.2 30 No. 4 ~ Clinger No. 1 well on Hunter estate... 200 No, 5 pen ny No, yy WT ty WY 'Y x ‘ h A400 Ronee vornenan to, 1 well om Jernnines farm. . £30 No. Yi; ar YW Nos 2 'y Liki J "Y La Z 5 250 No, 8 - | POSS Ws BRING Midna hegre ww sae ae Yt k's 300 No. 9 - " CARRIE ID ECT OS ES 04 ol Tey eee RB ie RAE Bg No,10 - Brockichurst & Kapp well on Yeager farm . ary Pees eo k Company WOU ies ke Oe ew EBL ere ru COMPANY Way) 4 wi a ka! eM we 8 wy meee dry PREY Sp SUNS: 100 of RE ee ae gn a dry or eee ne We a ihuae We woe ee we | ULE Up The biggest well brought in to date is the Clinger No. 2 well on the Hunter estate. This well was reported July 17th as coming in at 800 barrels. ite biggest reported production of the Clinger No. 1 well was 700 barrcls, At the time the fie ola was visited (June 28th the latter well was being deepened and was at that time making abou 500 barrels of high eravity (47.7°Beaume ) Orr va dey.) “fhe National Transit Bipe Line Co, was taking the production from ali the produc- ing wells, Recently this company has had to install a S-inch line in addition to the two 2-inch lines already laid, in order to take care of ali the production. i 09 i Prereae, ae be rea pat oth 7 '. Ai vier All of the producing wells are getting oil from the Queen sand. From data at hand it would appeor that this sand is at about the same stratigraphic horizon as the well-known Clarcndon sand. In the Starbrick well put down just west of the city of Warren, the Glade sand was encountored at 1. depth of 67 fcoet below the bottom of the pink rock and the Clarendon at about 167 fect. In the Clinger No. l well (listed above) the Qucen sand was cncountorod at 2 depth of 200 fect below the bottom of the pink rock, Wear the town of Clarcndon the producing sand (Clarendon) was cneountered at 2 slightly greater ere but in general the two sands scem to occupy about the same orizon, Exposures are poor and infrequent in the vicinity of the new pool at Tidioute. Those outcrops Seen, however, indicated’ Ss very centle dip to the south, It is possible that there may be a terrace here in the widespread sovthward-dipping monoclince of northwestern Pennsyl- vania and New York, If such were the ease it would account for:the Location of the oil pool. Until further ficld:work can be donc, however, one can only hazard a gucss cs to the truce reasons for its Location. The wells all start at about the, stratigraphic horizon of the First sand (Venango group), this sand occurring near the top of the Devonian system. The surrounding hills are cappod by Pottsville con- glomerate, Boulders of this formation cover the hillsides and effectually conecal the rocks beneath the conglomerate. It is know howcver that there is an unconformity at the bese of the latter in this region and that the strata below the conglomerate dip at a greater angle to the south than docs the conglomerate itself, The Mauch Chunk formation is not present. in this region, ) All of the wells brought in to date are gusher wells, flowing naturally at intervals when the accumulated pressure of the gas in the wells is sufficient to raise the columm of oil in the hole. The Oil is light-colored, greenish-yellow, and very similar in appearance to a light-bodied lubricating oil. The gravity is 47,79 Beaume',. As yet no use has becn made of the gas which accompanics the. oil. It is bélieved that the newly-discovered oil pool will not be of jarge extcnt. The oil sands in this region change in character very quickly and it is thought that this characteristic of the sands would Limzt, the pool to 3 small-area evon if structural conditions wore favorable over 2 much larger area,’ Already the pool has been defined by dry holes on the south and northwest, Gas Pool near Corry, Erie County. In the istter haif of 1921 4 small gas pool has been developed about 25 miles east of Corry, Eric County, Pennsylvanis, and holf a mile south of Columbus, Warren County, This is in wildeat territory, hitherto thought unproductive, The nearest production of any impor- tance is 25 milos away along the lske shore at Erie. All wells are about 800 feet deep and small producers, The first well was drilled completely through the sand and was soon drowned out by water. The sand is only threc feet thick - probably a local stray - and it is vetk, Sen probable that the pool will be very short-lived. At present five wells are producing and the gas is being piped to Corry. The wells start at 2 geologic horizon sbovt one hundred feet below the base of the Pottsville conglomerate, No logs could be obtained of any of the .wells but the producing sand must be sSoncwhere ncar the horizon of the Glade sand, Gas Pool at Meadville, Crawford County. ‘June i4th, 1922 2 gas well was brought in on the E. A. DeVore farm, 2783/4 miles south of Meadville, Pa, The well showed on initial rock pressure of close to 150 pounds and an initial volume of 900,000 cubic fect. It was brought in at . depth of 512 feet. The well is only 200 yards west of a well which hed been put down previously and pronounced dry. The whole region around iead- ville hss been pretty thoroughly punctured with holcs and it is thought probable thet further drilling will not develop an extensive pool, A slight roll in the rocks nearby probubly accounts for the ‘presence of gas 1% this point. The well starts near tho top of the Devonian, the producing sand: being near the horizon of the Third Venango sand... Tho thicknoss ot the sand has not yet been determined. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding trom University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/newoilpoolattidi00Ojonn_O PP ceeine ‘ we? s 3ro UPy air wror @ on : : Lanclerga \ } yt \ LS ae (> \% \ ye | ae, oe { } “OQ G anedler 5 \ fe. j wD. 4 ba R \ VA léy Be mal 4 N Cc ate, ‘ Pf 9 os 1 On + ~% A RIV) Sintsvilie tay ‘ y by “y) Wien t a ) ~ | }- “a ‘NG aN $ a> sy x v Wie ’ —= i ra ad es \3 H is ' 5 S)) . ,& | } {a ies } { Li 4, : =) em ; OD} Myf Fes i 3 ! >| DEEP WELL \ ‘ iss ee \ \ oO Youn gp dyilte 4, $0 Ye Obed Shr a 140m weds ; - . or .Z FAOSIN EK East Branch ae oat ‘ {io / } : Se, “a i : * Wey: ry ee Roath & y OTOP PY AAS ~ “ al Bia 3 "sand wens 3 sor i ~~ ee, u | Scale. hs / - a : I: 2 3/4 Miles a/ ( ACRE oar a ~.) 4 ¥ eS © % & SAY / rad 3 OA J nf £018 ite) AC pe tl 4 oie i \ ~a5 pool , fe ; / Fagundus Teer. ae ph ai baal i Enterprise iA 270o-> fey kane 7 B pati ee beens he een nea ee Set eee en pede Fal, bigest sen —_— ae a ee ae Pio ~ e ll 3 in/ (is Aas. 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