The Effect of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide On the Development of Certain Cold Blooded Vertebrates By Ada Roberta Hall A. B. University of Oregon, 1917 A.M. University of Oregon, 1919 AY DIGEST-OP A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ZOOLOGY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1921 Reprinted from Ecology Vol. V, No. 3 p. 290 and Ecology Vol. VI, No. 2 p. 104 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign abt [Reprinted from Eco.oey, Vol. V, No. 3, July, 1924.] THE. EFFECT OF OXYGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF EGGS OF THE TOAD, BUFO AMERICANUS? Apa R. Hat University of Illinots INTRODUCTION The success of a species in a given habitat depends largely upon the part which environment plays in the development of the individual, and the loca- tion of the most sensitive periods in the life history. The toad, Bufo americanus Le Conte, lives and breeds in warm, temporary, stagnant pools, thick with suspended mud and decaying matter, subject to many fluctuations in temperature and all other environmental factors, while the whitefish,” must have clean cold water comparatively free from decaying materials, pre- senting the minimum of daily fluctuations. This paper is an attempt to deter- mine the effects of variations in dissolved gases, of a magnitude common in the toad habitat, upon development, and to locate the sensitive stages in the early life history. An index of sensitivity was also sought in the amount of oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide. MATERIALS AND METHODS It was found that the toads at Urbana, Illinois, breed in a variety of places from barnyard pools thick in manure and mud, to temporary pasture puddles. A plentiful supply also breed in a small artificial lily pond on the campus of the University of Illinois where the adults may be easily captured. They begin laying early in the morning and will continue until noon or after when brought into the laboratory. This affords a continuous supply of freshly fertilized eggs throughout the morning, and is more satisfactory than artificial insemination. A further advantage that these eggs possess for such a study as this is the fact that the time from fertilization to the functioning of the internal gills at 16° C. is very short, about twenty days. This makes it possible to watch their growth from hour to hour and to see the effect of changing the conditions. The eggs are large enough to see the stages well under a hand lens. The pH was determined by the use of Hynson, Westcott and Dunning indicator sets with additional tubes for high and low values. The oxygen determinations were made by the Winkler method. As the amounts of Contribution from the Zoological Laboratories of the University of Illinois.244 2 Studied for comparison, results to be published later in FcoLocy. 290 No1833 ( 291 ADA R. HALL Ecology, Vol. V, No. 3 B it! ip - / Fic. 1. Apparatus for measuring the oxygen content of small amounts of water by the Winkler method. A, large tube 2.2 cm. diameter by 6.5 cm. length, capacity 26 cc., total length from I to 2 is 17 cm. R to R heavy black rubber tubing enclosing glass rings B C and D, diameter I cm. outside, .6 cm. inside. July, 1924 EFFECT OF OXYGEN ON THE TOAD 292 water in the experimental dishes were small, 200 to 400 cc., the use of 250 cc. bottles was impracticable. A piece of apparatus was therefore devised that would handle small amounts of water (Fig. 1). By raising and lowering the mercury cup, water was siphoned into the apparatus from the experi- mental dish, and the cocks 1 and 2 closed. B was filled with manganous chloride (sol. I, Winkler method), C with potassium hydroxide-iodide (sol. IT), and D with concentrated hydrochloric acid, and clamps 3, 4, and 5 closed after each addition. The clamps were then removed one at a time in the same order and the liquids mixed by means of gravity, and a glass bead inserted with solution I. The 26 cc. of water which the apparatus holds was then titrated against N/4o sodium thiosulphate and the oxygen in cc. per liter calculated. . EXPERIMENTAL DATA A. Physiological Life History from Fertilization to Internal Gill Stage In this work on physiological life history several types of experiments were performed: (1) Keeping the pH constant (8.0) the oxygen content was varied, four concentrations, .4 cc., .9 cc., 1.41 cc. and 4.64 cc. per liter being used. (2) Keeping the oxygen about the same in all dishes, .4 cc. to .8 cc. per liter, the pH was varied from 6.1 to 8.0. (3) Eggs were sealed into abcd ¢€ fghi jy k om n ° Paodtes t BDicds Cel teh) Tal} wen n S ahs 1s 1. I Fic. 2. Toad eggs put into experimental conditions: I at 1 cell stage, II 2 cell stage, and III 4 cell stage. a fertilization, b 2 cell, c 12-16 cell, d early blastula, e late blastula, f blastopore lip, g yolk plug large, h yolk plug medium, i yolk plug small, j early neural folds, k late neural folds, m elongation, n tail differentiating, o tail 1/4 body, p tail 1/3 body, r tail 1/2 body, s tail 2/3 body, t tail equal to the body (7 days), u 8 days, v 9 days, x point of death. 293 ADA R. HALL Ecology, Vol. V, No. 3 known quantities of water with differing oxygen content and the time and extent of development noted. Time for normal development of toad eggs at 16° C., plotted as a straight line in graphs of figs. 2 and 3, is as follows: Fertilization o hrs.; first cleavage (2 cell), 3 hrs. and 20 min.; 4 cell, 4 hrs. and 30 min.; 8 cell, 6 hrs.; 12 to 16 cell, 8 hrs.; early blastula, 10 hrs. and 30 min.; late blastula, 23 hrs. and 30 min.; blastopore lip, 28 hrs.; yolk plug-large, 31 hrs: and 30 min.; yolk plug medium, 41 hrs.; yolk plug small, 48 hrs.; early neural folds, 51 hrs.; late neural folds, 62 hrs.; elongation, 72 hrs.; out of jelly—tail dif- ferentiating, 95 hrs.; tail 1/4 length of body, 114 hrs.; tail 1/3 length of body, 123 hrs.; tail 2/3 length of body, 143 hrs.; tail equal to body, 168 hrs.; gills three, 192 hrs. — TasLe I. Time in hours for reaching various stages of development in the toad experiments Read down the columns; embryos died where the number is underscored. Series I. Put in 25 Min. Series II. Put in at before Ist Cleavage 2 Cell Stage A-1 | A-4 | C1 C-2 A-1I A- GI C-2 1 Sythe 3 eects eae 8.0] 8.0 | 5.8-6.6 | 6.0-6.4 8.0 8.0 |5.8-6.6 | 6.0-6.4 Oxygen Content (c.c.).. 4| 4.64 8 4 4 4.64 8 4 Time from fert. to: TStACleaVage ee es eis 2254s. 3.5 Be 5 3.5 3.5 25 3.5 Farly ‘blastula ie sacs See BAe eats Mee | utiee de @ Ieee are: Nate 24 24 Late blastula........ 24 56 24 24 24 24 (Sate Ae SO Blastopore lip....... on Woah ode 56 56 60 5On) § | Senet leeeem sere Wolk plug: larve (eee sock), ey ed eee ot oe ee ene 734 ll, Sage sce Seer 73 Wolk plug medians enogi ss... s| ease FB 0 | Sisiete! choos | Saetere cea chee ee | peers rete ae Haas May neural foliage. | o..-< oem hee Pte 7 3 te eee hs RS eo ath pol is conse ote neural folds act 73. |ncen eee 95 95 Zien Reeds PR Cis abies” Blonyation 15ee6. eee tie Tew led nee 123 123 Oot, doen eam ail iditter peers 95 else Aletsic is So cal Se od py) Mian Wilbon sea aso. Jail 4 body: the roc} 123 “YI23 | case ae ee Prodi awehS tale 2 Se alle doers: Maileyasbodyacrencroe 1 be Mega eee Pept Mie UE A deka te ce |i il Read UAONET cto htatod. coco Tail ibody..ea.4: TOSP ph TAS Ti aega el cle iene oc eet LOB Me. eae ee atioe Lae Taylt24 ibody aaarnac LOZ) | LOB. ei cee APA eer 5 ees reiesetel cliche ete | ceca cts gee Cail s=sbody oi aise s als Fea 64 LO QUI fd nate aie ole a ate heptiene wher sllhe 2s inc eee In the first type of experiment eggs were put into the experimental dishes at different stages of development, and the effects as shown by retardation, acceleration or death noted. These results were tabulated in Table I, while the A series and the same results are shown graphically in figures 2 and 3. In making the graphs, normal development was taken arbitrarily as a straight line from fertilization at o hours to the internal gill stage at 196 hours. Time in hours was plotted as ordinates, and the stages of development, or abscissae, were obtained by dropping perpendiculars from the normal de- velopment line to the + axis according to the number of hours required to July, 1924 EFFECT OF OXYGEN ON THE TOAD 294 reach that development. All experimental curves were then drawn with both time and period of development fixed by the normal curve. When the ex- perimental curve rises above the normal line retardation is indicated; when it drops toward the normal or below it, acceleration is indicated. Curves parallel to the normal denote normal rate of growth. = ab cd Cn tig hell a m n ° Pp 0 F Fic. 3. Toad eggs put into experimental conditions: I at late blastula, II at yolk plug, and III at blastopore lip stages. Notation same as Fig. 2. Using a pH of 8.0 and four concentrations of oxygen, .4 cc., .9 cc., 1.41 cc., and 4.64 cc. per liter, we find that a certain degree of development was attained regardless of the concentration, death not occurring in any of the experiments short of the yolk plug stage even when the oxygen was as low as .4 cc. per liter. Eggs put in before the first cleavage (Fig. 2-I) show marked retardation up to the late blastula stage then some acceleration so that further development approaches normal. Eggs exposed to the experi- mental conditions between the first cleavage and the late blastula stage (Figs. 2 and 3) show a period of eighteen or twenty hours with little or no retarda- tion and then a period of quite marked retardation occurring in the blastopore or yolk plug stages. Later development for the higher concentrations of oxygen again approaches normal. Eggs put in after the late blastula stage (Fig. 3) show general retardation for the lower oxygen concentrations but fairly normal development for the higher concentrations. The results of this type of experiments show that where the oxygen was as low as .4 cc. to .9 cc. per liter death occurred in part of the experiments, but at higher concentrations only retardation showed the effects of exposure. At the late blastula and blastopore lip stages the higher concentrations even caused acceleration of growth. The most sensitive stages appeared to be from fertilization to the first cleavage, and the gastrulation stages. 295 ADA R. HALL Ecology, Vol. V, No. 3 _ The second type of experiment was where the oxygen was low (.4 to 8 cc. per liter) and the pH varied, 6.1, 6.4, and 7.0 to 8.0. The stages reached in development are shown in the graphs of Figs. 2 and 3. Exposures to these conditions beginning before the four cell stage gave death with retardation in 24 to 120 hours, c to k. The same effect is seen in eggs put in after the eight cell stage. Those exposed between the four and eight cell stages show the greatest development (198 hrs.) which is past the sensitive stages. With small amounts of oxygen the effect was much more rapid and deadly with a pH of 6.1 to 6.4 than with a pH of 6.4 to 6.8. In the third type of experiment a dozen eggs were placed in an eight dram vial (about 26 cc. of water) supplied with a two-holed stopper having the inlet tube extended to the bottom of the vial and the oulet tube even with the stopper. Both tubes ended outside the stopper in short rubber tubes. Water of the desired oxygen content was run through the bottle until all oxygen due to air was flushed out and then a clamp on the two rubber tubes sealed the bottle. Development was watched by means of a dissecting lens until growth stopped. The oxygen content was then determined by adding the chemicals through the inlet tube, being careful to avoid air bubbles when inserting the pipettes in the rubber tubes. The cleavage of a dozen eggs proceeded to the late blastula stage regardless of the period of development when put in or the amount of oxygen present (.1-5.7 cc. per liter). Further development was roughly proportional to the amount of oxygen present, as was also the time to death. B. Reaction of Eggs to Hydrogen Peroxide as Development Progresses A universal property of protoplasm (both plants and animals) is the abitilty to liberate oxygen from hydrogen peroxide. What this property is due to is a debated question at present, but in general it is ascribed to an enzyme called catalase. Several theories have been advanced as to its sig- nificance in animal life. References are given to these in the literature cited (Becht ’19, Burge and Burge ’21, Zieger ’15). As a measure of the sensitivity of the developing egg at different stages in the early life cycle the reactions to oxygen and carbon dioxide (acidity) have been discussed. It was thought that a study of the amounts of oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide at various periods of development might be of significance. Ac- cordingly a series of determinations was made with the toad egg using the method outlined by Burge (16), Fig. 4A. A second series was made for the toad eggs the following spring using eight dozen eggs instead of one dozen and shaking the material by machine instead of by hand (Fig. 4B). A com- parison of A and B shows a striking parallelism and the two curves seem to confirm each other. From a study of these curves (Fig. 4) it may be seen that there was a de- crease in the power of liberating oxygen from hydrogen peroxide from the July, 1924 EFFECT OF OXYGEN ON THE TOAD 296 unfertilized egg to the fertilized, an increase from fertilization to the early blastula, a decrease from early blastula to elongation of the embryo, and from this point to twenty-one days a steady increase. The stages most sensitive to low oxygen and high acidity were (1) fertilization to first cleavage, and (2) the gastrulation stages. These were the low points on this curve. Is there a correlation between sensitivity and a lowered power of liberating oxygen from hydrogen peroxide? | | cc icslonsed by 200(10 18049 160}8 10075 | ae : Samat eel 8074 | pe sag ec | 6073 - ov ab cd Sur ehh ey key im n ° p r s t u v Fic. 4. Amounts of oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide at different stages of development of toad eggs. Series A determinations were made with one dozen eggs in 1920. Series B was made using eight dozen individuals in 1921. Winternitz and Rogers (’10) have shown a definite increase in what they call catalase for the different stages of the hen’s egg, as development pro- ceeds. Burge and Burge (’21) have shown an increase in this power from egg to adult for the Colorado potato beetle. Zieger (’15) has found a definite rythm for catalase in the insect life history, reporting that the power is high where rapid growth or metamorphosis is going on (early larval stages, pupal stages) and low during resting stages. Child in his book “ Senescence and Rejuvenescence’”’ has shown that metabolism is high during the more sensitive stages. Burge believes that increase in catalase brings about an increase in metabolism. This curve for the toad egg seems to be a contradic- tion of one statement or the other since it shows the power of splitting oxygen from hydrogen peroxide to be low at the sensitive stages. More work is needed on complete life histories before definite conclusions can be drawn about this point. I wish to thank Dr. V. E. Shelford, at whose suggestion this work was undertaken, for his helpful advice and kindly criticism during the course of the investigation. I am indebted to Dr. W. E. Burge and Dr. H. B. Lewis for suggestions in the enzyme work. 297 ADA R. HALL SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Conditions of high carbon dioxide or low oxygen content such as may occur in the normal environment and which are tolerated by the other periods of development, cause great retardation and even death at sensitive stages. The effects of low oxygen are much more detrimental in acid than in alkaline water. 2. There are two definitely sensitive stages in the early physiological life history of the toad (a) one cell stage; fertilization to first cleavage, (b) the gastrulation stages; blastopore lip formation to the small yolk plug stage. 3. There is a decrease in the amount of oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide at the sensitive periods which roughly corresponds in magnitude to the decreased resistance. LITERATURE CITED Becht, F. C. 1919. Observations on the Catalytic Power of Blood and Solid Tissue. Am. Jour. Physiol., 48: 171-1901. Burge, W. E. 1016. Relation between the Amount of Catalase in the Different Muscles of the Body and the Amount of Work Done by these Muscles. Amer. Jour. Physiol., 41: 153-161. Burge, W. E., and Burge, E. L. 1921. An Explanation for the Variation in the In- tensity of Oxidation in the Life Cycle. Jour. Exp. Zool., 32: 203-206. Coventry, A. F. 1011. Note on the Effect of Hydrochloric Acid, Acetic Acid, and Sodium Hydroxide on the Variability of the Tadpole of the Toad. Arch. Entw. Mech., Band 31: 338-341. Hall, A. R. 1918. Some Experiments on the Resistance of Sea-urchin Eggs to Sul- . phurous Acid. Pub. Pug. Sd. Biol. Sta., 2: 113-1109. Jenkinson, J. W. 1010. The Effect of Sodium Chloride on the Growth and Variability of the Tadpole of the Frog. Arch. Entw. Mech., Band 30: 349-356. Winternitz, M. C., and Rogers, W. B. t1g10. The Catalytic Activity of the Developing Hen’s Egg. Jour. Exp. Med., 12: 12-18. Zieger, Rudolph. 1915. Zur Kenntnis der Katalase der neiderer Tiere. Biochem. Zeitschrift, 69: 39-110. {Reprinted from Ecoxocy, Vol. VI, No. 2, April, 1925.] EFFECTS OF OXYGEN AND CARBON DIOXIDE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WHITEFISH? Apa R. Hatt University of Illinois Introduction A subject of vital interest is the rhythm of events in the physiological life history of any species, and the manner in which this rhythm may be affected by environmental factors. Accordingly this work has been undertaken for the purpose of: (1) finding out the relative sensitivity of the stages in the early life history of the Whitefish; (2) testing the resistance and reactions of normally hatched individuals as compared with the reactions of those hatched under experimental conditions. Materials and Methods The material for this work was the lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeiformis Mitchill. Some work was done on fertilization and early cleavage stages at the U. S. Hatchery, Put-in-Bay, Ohio. The major part of the work, how- ever, was done at the Vivarium, University of Illinois, on material shipped from the hatchery in ice. The temperature of the lake water was about 8° C. at the beginning of the season. It had a pH of 7.0 and an oxygen content of 4.08 cc. per liter. At the Vivarium the stock was kept in water from the University wells aerated to about 2.6-3.3 cc. per liter, and with a pH of 7.8. It was cooled to 10° C. by means of brine coils. The water (pH 8.0-9.0; carbonates 232 + parts per million) for all the experiments was boiled free of all dissolved gases, and part of the salts precipitated (Shelford ’18). The apparatus used for varying the pH and oxygen content is shown in figure I. Bottle 1 contained approximately N/4 sulphuric acid which siphoned over into the mixing bottle 4. The stopcock 2 controlled the flow which could be measured by counting the drops through the glass bulb 3. Thus a known amount of the acid was added to a known flow of the boiled water which entered at W. This water was also 10° C. The water leaving 4 had a known pH, and was oxygen free. Since it contained carbonates, acids set free carbon dioxide which changed the pH. The oxygen was controlled by adding compressed air (see fig. 1 and explanation). Three such sets of apparatus were used giving three hydrogen ion concentrations, each with three oxygen concentrations. 1 Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Illinois, No. 256. 104 105 ADA R. HALL Ecology, Vol. VI, No. 2 The pH was determined by the use of Hynson, Westcott, and Dunning indicator sets with additional tubes for high and low values (Clark ’20). Brom cresol purple (5.8-6.6), brom thymol blue (6.6—7.6) phenol red (6.6— 8.0), and thymol blue, alkaline range (8.0-9.2) were used. The colorimetric nee alias Fic. 1. Apparatus for the control of experimental conditions. Method of varying hydrogen-ion concentration and oxygen content. 1, N/4 sulphuric acid; 2, cock for con- trol of acid by drops at 3; 4, mixing bottle for acid and boiled water from W; 5, 6, and 7, jars, to which air from A is added in varying amounts; C, cocks for control of air flow; 8, 9, and 10, half-pint sedimentation glasses for eggs; M, mercury manometer for keeping air flow constant. standards were checked electrometrically by Dr. R. E. Greenfield. Oxygen determinations were made by the Winkler method with an apparatus which used only 26 cc. of water for a determination (Hall ’23). Experimental Data EXPERIMENTS AT THE HATCHERY All the experimental work was done at 10° to 11° C. at the U. S. Hatch- ery. The length of life of eggs and sperm was tested. Three sets were run (a) dry eggs and sperm, (b) dry eggs and sperm mixed thoroughly with water to uniform milky fluid, and (c) dry sperm and eggs standing in lake water. With wet eggs and dry sperm eight minutes was the latest time at which fertilization was possible. With wet sperm and dry eggs nine minutes showed a small number of fertile eggs. But with both eggs and sperm dry fertilization took place at seven and a half hours. It may have been possible after longer time as such an experiment was destroyed and could not be veri- fied. April, 1925 DEVELOPMENT OF THE WHITEFISH 106 In early development the eggs were exposed to constant oxygen (4.08 cc. per liter) but with varying pH. Normal lake water had a pH of 7.0. Acidity (pH 6.2-6.6) was produced by adding sulphuric acid, and alkalinity (pH 8.4-8.6) by adding sodium hydroxide. Dishes of standing water were used and changed frequently. Eggs fertilized directly in the solutions were normal at the end of twenty-four hours (32-64 cell stage). This experiment was then repeated using lake water boiled until the oxygen content was 2.9 cc. per liter. Fertilization and development occurred in all the dishes, but there was a marked difference between the acid and alkaline waters. With a pH of 6.2 and 6.6, respectively, 80 per cent and 25 per cent fertilized and developed; with a pH of 7.0 only 3 per cent, and at a pH of 8.4 but I per cent. A hydrogen ion concentration which is too great to favor later de- velopment appears best for fertilization (Cohn 718). EXPERIMENTS WITH SHIPPED Eccs In the work on later stages with treated running water at the University of Illinois, special attention was paid: (1) to keeping conditions as near constant as possible from day to day; (2) to watching the stages of develop- ment reached in each concentration and comparing these with each other and the control stock; (3) to working out the death rate and the percentage hatching for each concentration; and (4) to testing the vitality and reactions of the larvae hatching from the different stocks. In this work apparatus was set up in triplicate (fig. 1). Values of pH 6.4, 7.0, and 8.0-9.0 respectively were used, each pH with an oxygen content of I cc., 3 cc., and 4.5 cc. per liter; pH was taken in all the dishes each day, and oxygen was determined every two or three days. The eggs were obtained from the hatchery in four lots. The first lot, spawned December 2, was in the thirty-two cell to early germinal cap stage when received December 3. The second lot, spawned December 5 and re- ceived December 24, had the tail just elongating and the fin buds starting. The eye vesicles had formed but no pigmentation had occurred. The third lot, spawned December 7 and received January 31, were only slightly far- ther along in development than lot two. They had just begun to show the pigment in the eyes. The fourth lot, recetved March 12, were fully devel- oped and started to hatch immediately. A comparison of the chemical analyses of Lake Erie water (the average of Huron at Port Huron and Erie at Buffalo, Clarke ’20, p. 70) and the boiled University water is important in connection with the experimental re- sults obtained with the whitefish, and is given in Table I. The four stocks differed in: (a) the length of time in these two kinds of water, (b) temperature at hatchery and in experiments, and (c) the stage at which shipment was made. 107 ADA R. HALL Ecology, Vol. VI, No. 2 Tas_e I. Comparison of Lake Erie and boiled University of Illinois water Lake Erie Water Boiled U. I. Well Water DE (COs) paket Beet ere 7.0 9.0 GOr 5 Beka Sone ek bee ee 54 ppm. 250 ppm. SOG Say foe Rahn ae che eee pee 10 ppm. trace Oy MPA ao et att tat char hs fy Shite 5 ppm. I ppm. Cas Sher Sah een rs 27 ppm. 33 ppm. IMS aachote wicteca cee Ie ae tee ee 7 ppm. 27 ppm. Nasik oc) ie esi ce ce eee ee eee 5 ppm. 16 ppm. ‘Lotal sods a, oo ttn, ve aoe eee 112 ppm. 248 ppm. TABLE II. Showing the development of whitefish eggs under different conditions Figures are days to stage indicated on left. Dates of spawning, receipt at Urbana, and beginning of experiment, respectively, follow each series number. Series II and III are stock 1; series VIII is stock 3. The entries in italics indicate that embryos died soon afterward. Oxygen all given in cc. per liter. A-I B-1 C-1 A-2 B-2 C-2 A-3 B-3 Series II; 12/2; T2/39 12/6: DIderan Se emer meee 6.2-7.5| 5.8-8.9| 6.4-8.1| 6.4-8.0] 6.2-8.9] 7.9-8.5| 6.6-8.3| 6.8-9.2 pHimea nine ges vee: 6.2 6.2 6.4 7.0 We We Fest » Oh ENG Oxygen range....... o—.9 0-1.04 | 0-2.08 | 0-.9 0-1.24 | .0I-3.7] 0-.9 O-1.7 Oxygen average..... cD 2 6 is LZ a7. gi 3 Cap small cells...... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Embryo forming. ...| 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Post ring large...... 6 6 6 6 Post ring small...... 7 7 7 ii 7 7 7 10 Eye vesicle......... Pailtilat. fee see Io 10 9.5 IO 10 9 10 10.8 ailestartin awe see 12 II rt 10 II Tail elongating...... 13 1g 13 II Tails, Doadye «:. eae 13 Series III; 12/2; fofss 12/17, pHiiangers! ..cieere 5.9-6.9| 6.8-7.0] 6.8-9.0 cae 6.8- 7.0] 6.8-9.0 Be 6.8-7.0 DHtMednt eee 6.4 8.5 6.4 8.5 6.4 Oxygen range....... .4-2.4| .4-2.2] .2-1.7] 1.3-3.1| 1.9-3.7| I.7-3.2] 3.2-5.3] 3-3-4.9 O: © ~eniaverage: ..... 1.64 .88 1.07 2.32 2.56 2.49 4.37 3.96 i ‘igmented...... 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Fitrays!short. .2--.|19 19 7 IQ 17 17 19 17 Fin rays 4 fin...... 21 21 21 Tail near head...... 26-27. |20 26 26 26 ‘Dail totheadiver-es 27 27 27. 2 Wail-toveyene erm Hatching ray o Punta on = 2 | = 6 Sse 6 —— 6— 6 a = = va 7 7 = 7 v 7 =] = = 8 8 8= 8 oa — = 9 cy = 9 9 ie) oO Biv \ ra oO ee lirtethorrtrlareeliegieds KH i" P be bP o reer Perie LEA rR TD patti Fivvtthrraielorerelorseleceibipesebieeediresebercedicens wm ARLE) OR SE y = tae) ] a Lav) Bn ay oo | 3 pretep deer ey deen lervoncseeclareeetorteetertertoccelyreeodeeseloreaeteoreelirebesecatcgn | ol Wiss tn in ra w PT riedalretiadaria Firticlrrtrbrrteideeridtereroe eee eee purus jitret l Pri lirteeletcertereeeberirs lrretcdoveeqhisseadrcreetiriectisseetereecbcichoeliceetiererticeeelietra beetle beeee tees 4 kaye = -14- —14- = = SS i= ap, ——— ==, fa Psat 5 as = ee ee = = a 1 si —15—- =e = —15- | = == =S = = =a a —, — Sos hes a Epa — 16 acs a6— Sea eee Sa z ——— Pea =a ale L z= 17= =e le ee at eee 17 aa E> == = ac = = = ey pee es a Od 18— 18> =18— All =18—- ee ee, a es 5g ae ae 56 See isi:f ol —20- <= 20— Fic. 3. Reaction of larvae of the four stocks to a permanent gradient. A long, narrow tank was used with water of the desired pH entering at each end, making a permanent gradient for the entire period of the experiment. The fish swam freely in the tank for the time recorded in the marginal figures. A, control larva from stock 2. B, larva from stock 2 raised through the period of heart and blood formation in a pH of 8.6 to 9.0. C, larva from stock 2 raised through the period of heart and blood forma- tion in a pH of 6.4. D, larva of stock 4 raised in lake water, but hatched in pH of 6.4. E, larva of stock 4 hatched in a pH of 6.4 and given a choice of 8.0 io 9.0. 115 ADA R. HALL Ecology, Vol. VI, No. 2 end several times before it escaped to the more favorable water. We there- fore find the point of preference clearly marked. The fish hatched and kept in water of a pH of 6.3 show a preference for the acid end of a gradient (fig. 3 D). Those hatched and kept at 9.0 at first seemed to choose the 9.0 end of the gradient but they gradually worked down into the acid end and stayed there. Wells (15) states that if a gradient is entirely confined to pH above neutrality, 8.0 to 9.0, that fish will choose the more alkaline end even though preferring an acid pH when given a choice of 6.4 to 9.0. I found that this was true of the whitefish larvae (fig. 3 EF). The larvae hatched in acid water (pH 6.4) chose more exclusively the part from 8.8 to 9.0 than those hatched in 9.0 water, although the latter turned at 8.4 and spent most of their time in the 9.0 end. Yet both would normally choose the acid end of a gradi- ent from 6.4 to 9.0. Wells believes that fish are avoiding pH 8.0, and indi- cates that if given a choice of pH 8.0 and 9.0 they will choose the latter. This seems to be a general reaction. Plankton studies of vertical distribu- tion show the smallest number of individuals at the thermocline (pH 8.0) with increasing numbers each side of it in either acid or alkaline waters. The whitefish larvae reared through the period of heart and blood forma- tion in experimental waters which were high in carbonate, and both quanti- tatively and qualitatively different in salt content generally from the lake waters from which the eggs were taken, behave in a gradient differently from fish reared in lake water but hatched in experimental waters. This difference lies in the direction of breaking up the preference, otherwise shown, for acid rather than alkaline waters, causing all larvae to prefer a pH of 7.2 to 8.2 (regardless of the pH of the rearing waters). Gilbert (18) and Snyder ((23) have shown that the salmon return to the tributary in which they were hatched. These experiments suggest that the chemical condition of the water during heart and blood formation modifies the reactions of fishes. The salt content and the hydrogen ion concentration of streams up which salmon run differ (Van Winkle ’14). These experiments suggest that the solution of these migration problems may be comparatively simple. Summary and Conclusions 1. Hydrogen ion concentrations favorable for fertilization are too high for later development. Optimum hydrogen ion concentration is gradually lowered as the embryo becomes older. 2. The most sensitive stages in whitefish development seem to be the first cleavages and early gastrulation. 3. Fry hatching at one, two, and four months after spawning differ in size of body but not in size of yolk; those hatching at four months are 4 to 6 mm. longer than those hatching earlier. The later fry also live longer than those hatching earlier, in spite of having the same amount of yolk available. April, 1925 DEVELOPMENT OF THE WHITEFISH 116 4. Eggs raised through the period of heart and blood formation in water high in carbonates and differing from their normal environment show a dif- ferent type of gradient reaction to hydrogen ion concentrations. Such larvae raised in both acid (6.3) and alkaline water (9.0) choose the alkaline end of the gradient when 6.3 to 9.0 is offered. 5. When exposed to water with a pH of 6.3 obtained by adding CO, di- rectly, the larvae died earlier in the acid water than in the alkaline with a low oxygen content. A high oxygen content antagonizes the CO, present, pro- longing the life of the larvae. 6. In a gradient of 8.0 to 9.0 larvae of both acid and alkaline hatching environment choose the alkaline end (8.8 to 9.0). I wish to thank Dr. V. E. Shelford, at whose suggestion this work was undertaken, for his helpful advice and kindly criticism during the course of the investigation. The whitefish eggs were secured through the courtesy of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries from the hatchery at Put-in-Bay. I wish to thank Mr. Downing and his associates for making my stay there both pleasant and profitable. The Bureau of Fisheries extended me the privileges at Put-in-Bay through Dr. H. B. Ward of the University of Illinois. LITERATURE CITED Clark, W. M. 1920. The determination of hydrogen ions. Baltimore. Williams and Wilkins. Clarke, F. W. 1920. The data of geochemistry. U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 695. Cohn, E. J. 1918. Studies in the physiology of spermatazoa. Biol. Bull, 34: 167-218. Gilbert, C. H. 1918. Contributions to the life history of the sock-eye salmon (no. 5). Rep. Comm. of Fisheries of British Columbia, 1918. Hall, A. R. 1923. The effect of oxygen and carbon dioxide on the development of the toad (Bufo americanus LeConte). Ecology, 5: 290-310. Huntington, E. 1918. World power and evolution. Chapter V. New Haven. Yale University Press. Loeb, Jacques. 1904. On the influence of the reaction of the sea water on the regen- eration and growth of Tubularians. Univ. of Cal. Pub. Physiol., 1: 139-147. —. 1912. Mechanistic Conception of Life. Uniy. of Chicago Press. Osterhout, W. J. V. 1914. Antagonism between acids and salts. Jour. Biol. Chem., 19: 517-520. Powers, E. B. 10920.° The variation of the condition of sea water, especially the hydro- gen ion concentration, and its relation to marine organisms. Pub. Pug. Sd. Biol. Sta., 2: 369-385. Shelford, V. E. 1918. Equipment for maintaining a flow of oxygen-free water and for controlling gas content. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., 11: 573-575. Snyder, J. O. 1923. A second report on the return of salmon marked in 1915 in the Kalamath River. Calif. Fish and Game, 9: I-90. Wells, M. M. 10913. The resistance of fishes to different concentrations and combina- tions of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Biol. Bull., 25: 323-347. ——. 1915. Reactions and resistance of fishes in their natural environment to acidity, alkalinity, and neutrality. Biol. Bull., 29: 221-237. Van Winkle, W. 1914. The quality of the surface waters of Washington. U. S. Geological Survey water supply paper No. 3309. VITA Ada Roberta Hall was born in Florida in 1890. She received her preparatory training in the Lincoln High School, Portland, Oregon, gradu- ating in 1908. She taught in country grade schools until February, 1911, when she entered the University of Oregon. During the period of her undergraduate work she taught the primary grades at Fern Ridge and Wendling, Oregon, for two years and a half, and was senior Playground Director in the City of Portland Parks for three summers. She was labora- tory assistant in Zoology at the University of Oregon during her senior year, and was a member of Scroll and Script, Senior Honorary Society. She received her A.B. degree with Highest Honors in Zoology in 1917. She continued at the University of Oregon for two years as graduate assistant in Zoology and received her A.M. degree iti 1919. The summer of 1918 was spent at the Puget Sound Biological Station, Friday Harbor, Washington. In the fall of 1919 she went to the University of Illinois as Fellow in Zo- ology. During the year 1920-21 she was elected to Sigma Xi and in the fall of 1920 to Iota Sigma Pi. The summer of 1920 was spent at the University of Michigan Biological Station at Douglas Lake. She completed her work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in June, 1921. During the period of she published the following papers: 1. Some Experiments on the Resistance of Sea Urchin Eggs to Sulphurous Acid. Pub. Puget Sd. Biol. Sta. 2:113-119. 2. Regeneration in the Annelid Nerve Cord. Jour. Comp. Neur. vol. 33, No. 2:163-191. ——SSa SS = i —— ———S my | 3 AN I ~