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The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew Cail Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEC 50 2006 DEC 0 5 2006 L161—O-1096 33 if Ak THE BLOWFLIES OF NORTH AMERICA BY DAVID G. HALL Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine United States Department of Agriculture THE THOMAS SAY FOUNDATION 1948 “Tn Sree Hf Batt < Ls oe ; Pai by 1 es ire Be hee ‘s- ” | se: es Se het | P LA. . i ve s ¥ 7) FF Ne 2 ‘a = oa K Aa ' ' ue ‘ i rs oe, re r : : J c ; us > i “WJ i ‘ f 6 , me . ees ie SO Sa eee Te GY. a} Se. NP GD ae We ee ee ‘iin ; : ; , ; ; j [ > ae ‘i Pe + x ° \ ¥ “g 2 is - q >, ei ° 7 : a - ; % R ' 7 " f vars 7 ie: P A ‘7 t i - $ .) 7 ; . hal We . iam 4. a ew | A) . 2 ¥ = = : ‘~ fi if : 2° ae ~ “5 * a ; . | handling of animals shipped in ears or trucks should be avoided. The shearing of sheep and goats should be carefully done, and cuts should be treated every day or two until they are healed.» Operations such as branding, castrating, or dehorning, and the- birth of animals should be planned, if possible, for the cold: INTRODUCTION 25 months of the year when blowflies are not abundant. If these precautions cannot be taken, the animals concerned should be placed in sereened hospital stalls or confined in a small hospital pasture, where they can be kept under observation until their wounds are healed. The Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the U. S. Department of Agriculture recommends either one of two materials for the treatment of myiasis eases in stock. The first, consisting of benzol to kill larvae and pine-tar oil to repel ovi- positing female blowflies, has been used by stockmen for many years with excellent results. The second, and preferable one, ealled ‘‘Formula 62,’’ is not designed to repel the flies but to kill the larvae in the wound and to prevent reinfestation by destroying any young larvae that hatch subsequently. The benzol-pine tar oil treatment is given as follows: Benzol (90 pereent) is applied to infested wounds by means of a rubber bulb syringe, and, after a few minutes, more benzol is applied and a cotton plug is inserted in the opening of the wound. Several minutes later the maggots will be either dead or stupe- fied, and the cotton plug and larvae may be removed with blunt- tipped forceps. Upon the removal of all maggots, blood and serous fluids may be cleaned from around the wound. If the animal is to be turned out where it may be reinfested, the wound must be protected from ovipositing blowflies, and this may be accomplished by an application of pine-tar oil (dehydrated, acid- free, specific gravity 1.065). The animal should be inspected every day and new applications of pine-tar oil made until the wound has completely healed. Formula 62 is prepared according to the following prescription: Diphenylamine (technical grade) .... 314 parts by wt. Petco melee Pi bicacvim cid, GAR fides 314 parts by wt. Turkey red oil (pH 10 or neutral).... 1° part by wt. Marsa? DIAG PEN Otte. Ceci oe te. 4 2 parts by wt. The diphenylamine is dissolved in the benzol, preferably by allowing the mixture of these two materials to stand for 12 to 24 hours. Turkey red oil is added and the mixture thoroughly shaken. Lamp black is gradually stirred in and the mixing con- tinued until a consistency of molasses has been reached. The mixture is best applied to screwworm wounds by means of a l-inch paint brush. Precautions that should be observed in the preparation, storage, and use of this serewworm remedy are as follows: (1) As benzol is a highly inflammable liquid, lighted cigarettes, cigars, or open 26 THe BLOWFLIES oF NortTH AMERICA flames should be extinguished during the preparation or use of the remedy. (2) As benzol is a highly volatile liquid, and will evaporate quickly, it should not be left in an open container. When not in use it should be kept in a tightly closed container in a cool place. If the preparation becomes too thick through loss of benzol by evaporation, additional benzol may be stirred in to bring the mixture back to its original consistency. (3) Infested wounds near eyes of animals should be treated with care, for the preparation is irritating to the eyes. When an excessive amount of the mixture gets into an eye of an animal being treated, the eye should be washed immediately with plain water. (4) Other substances, such as oils or greases, may destroy the efficiency of the preparation and should never be added to the formula. Animals being treated for screwworm infestation must be inspected every few days and additional quantities of Formula 62 applied until the wound is entirely healed. CONTROL OF OTHER BLOWELIES. The cluster fly is a parasite of earthworms. It occurs in dwellings only during winter months, coming in late in the autumn in search of hiber- nation quarters. Usually it enters homes by crawling up outside walls and into attics or upstairs bedrooms through cracks about window casings or between the side walls and roof. Such entranee into houses may be prevented by sealing these openings. A thor- ough application of one of the various fly sprays, particularly one containing DDT, in attics, closets, and upstairs bedrooms during late October or early November will alleviate this cluster fly plague. ' Control of the various species of Apauwlina is an exceedingly difficult task. It has been suggested that pupae of these flies, which may be found in nests of birds, should be destroyed as soon as nestlings have left; but this is nearly impossible when these parasites are abundant, and the procedure would obviously be costly. METHODS OF COLLECTING BLOWFLIES Adult blowfly collections may be made during most of the year in North America, at least from southern Canada south- ward. During warm periods of the winter, species which hiber- nate in the adult stage may be collected in favorable situations, but the best collecting for almost all the species is accomplished during the breeding season. In general, blowfly collecting may be divided into three different types: general collecting, trapping, and breeding or rearing. The last two methods are most productive. INTRODUCTION 27 General collecting. General collecting with a hand net is often rather nonproductive unless one has a previous knowledge of some of the habits of blowflies. Since many of the species are earrion-breeding forms any type of earrion should yield speci- mens, particularly when decomposition is not too far advanced. Fresh excrement of carnivores, soured but not rotten fruit, and melons during certain stages of decay are often favorable attra- hents. Many ecalliphorids may be collected upon foliage in sun- light with a hand net, particularly between the hours of 8:00 and 11:00 in the morning. After that time, during the heat of the day, adult flies are too active to be caught in numbers by this method. Male specimens seem to predominate in collections made upon foliage, where they appear to congregate while feeding upon honeydew or seeking moisture. Parasitic species are not often collected in a hand net unless a breeding area is located. Species of Apaulina, for instance, may be abundant during the height of their breeding season where bank or cliff swallows are nesting. Callitroga americana may be collected about the wounds of warm-blooded animals. Trapping. Methods of trapping carrion-breeding blowflies have occupied much time, thought, and effort in this country, in southern Africa, and in Australia. Traps have been used not only in determining the status of certain species in various local- ities but also in the control of economic forms. Traps large enough to hold entire careasses dragged into them by horses have been designed for the control of one species; some have conerete bases. Other traps employ a wind-power apparatus which continually stirs baits composed of carcasses and water. Such traps catch enormous numbers of blowflies which are at- tracted to carrion. One small wire screen trap, such as indicated in figure I, will usually supply more specimens of the common blowfly species than may be desired for taxonomic purposes and, if used: at intervals over a period of a year or two, will yield al- most all the carrion-breeding species of the locality. Such a trap may be constructed according to plans given by Bishopp (1916), or may be purchased. Beef or hog liver, or the carcass of some available small animal, is the usual bait placed in the open con- - tainer below the funnel of the trap. Water sufficient to cover the meat is then added. Slight alterations in the bait will attract a different series of blowflies. For example, freshly exposed carrion attracts species of Phaenicia predominantly. Baits sev- eral days old attract species of Callitroga, and baits still a few days older, Calliphora and Cynomyopsis during the periods of the year when species of these two genera are abundant. Sar- 28 Tue BLOWFLIES or NortH AMERICA cophaga species are commonly attracted to baits which are very old and strong. Even in the Luciliini there is a strongly marked difference in preference for baits of different ages, Phaenicia sericata and pallescens preferring baits slightly older than Lucilia illustris and Bufolucila silvarum. Fig. I. Standard conical type blowfly trap. Designed by Bishopp and Laake, this trap has been found to be the most effective type for making collections of blowflies. Menard, Tex., August 23, 1929. Rearing. Few dipterous insects are more easily reared in numbers than many species of calliphorid flies. Most of the carrion-breeding forms can be reared continuously with a minimum of effort in either artificial or natural light, and they may be inbred for years without apparent weakening of the strain. Miller (1940) has inbred Phormia regina and Phaenicia INTRODUCTION 29 sericata for over 200 generations in 10 years. He observed that “‘these cultures have lost nothing in vigor and are well adapted to laboratory rearing and uses.’’ Female flies are brought to the laboratory in small glass vials with cotton plugs and transferred to incubation cages. Those caught in the open have usually copulated and will deposit fertile eggs. . The most convenient cage is made from a pint-size ice cream container with the center of the removable top replaced by a wire or cloth screen. Such cages are inexpensive, light, easily replaced, and convenient to handle. Adult flies must always have an ample quantity of fresh water. They may be fed upon small bits of banana and yeast; in fact, it has been found that they will live longer on this food than on any other. The ovaries of female blowflies will not develop if there is an absence of protein in their diet; this is readily sup- plied by placing small quantities of ground beef in their cages. Eggs will usually be deposited upon the under side of the ground beef. According to Lennox (1939), the percentages of eggs of Phaemcia cuprina hatching upon alkaline media are in- variably higher than those hatching upon acid media. Blown meat should be removed daily and placed upon several inches of slightly moistened, clean sand in another ice cream container. This container should be equipped with a regular top since mature larvae migrate and may escape through wire or cloth netting. | Ground beef is a satisfactory larval food for the carcass- breeding species; fat beef, owing to its high acid content, becomes rancid and is not favorable. Mackerras and F'reney (1933) stated that an alkaline reaction was apparently favorable to the devel- opment of blowfly larvae, while an acid reaction was compara- tively unfavorable. Lennox (1939) also found ‘“‘that the rate at which the medium is liquefied by larval growth is more rapid the higher the pH value,’’ and that the pH range of food media at which Phaenicia cuprina developed satisfactorily was wide, between pH 4 and 9. He found that the final reaction of the medium was apparently little influenced by the initial pH value. In all cultures in which the number of full-grown larvae was not less than 20 per 10 gms. of medium, the ultimate pH value was always between pH 7 and 8. It has been demonstrated within the past few years that saprophagous species of blowflies can be reared upon a sterile artificial medium. This is important to laboratories in hospitals where certain blowfly larvae are reared for surgical use. Lennox 30 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA (1939), in experimenting with various media for the rearing of blowflies (particularly Phaenicia cuprina), found the following formula to produce full-grown larvae, under sterile conditions, in the same time as beef liver. Agar solution (one and one-half percent) ...... 93.0 Yéast) (dried bakers’) svast. neste eee ee 6.7 sodiumscehloride te. sae ee Pe 8 The addition of fresh egg white instead of: agar solution pro- duced larvae in about 24 hours less time. A method of rearing larvae of Callitroga americana, an obliga- tory parasite on warm-blood animals, which have never been found to complete their growth normally on cold-blood animals, carcasses, or other nonliving media, has been developed by Melvin and Bushland (1936 and 1940). Their most recent formula for this medium is as follows: Water” .aausc aks 5 Sere er eee ame ol 1 liter Formalin (39 percent formaldehyde)......... 6 ce. Beef (finely ground muscle tissue) .......... Inks Blood, beef (citrated at the rate of 3 gm. per liter) ‘‘The ingredients are thoroughly mixed in the order given in a No. 2 galvanized tub approximately 15 inches in height by 2 feet in diameter. The rearing tub is kept in a warm room (tem- perature range, 85 to 100 degrees F.). Newly hatched larvae are placed on the medium and begin to feed immediately. They are allowed to feed for three days and are then transferred to a tub of fresh medium where they feed for three or four days more before completing larval growth. During the first three days, ' several thousand larvae may be grown in one rearing tub but during the second three days, about 2,000 larvae will exhaust the food supply of a fresh tub.”’ These authors state that the formula given does not need to be followed strictly for satisfactory results but that the amount of formalin is important, for bacterial decomposition renders the medium unsuitable for larval development. The volume can be regulated according to the number of larvae being reared, it being important only that, regardless of the size of the con- tainer, the medium should fill it to the depth of approximately 1 inch. Warmth, moisture, shelter, and aération are essential physical conditions for larval development of carrion-breeding species of ealliphorid flies, INTRODUCTION 31 The larvae mature in from 8 to 4 days in warm weather and then migrate from the food. They will enter the sand to pupate if it is not too moist or too dry. The food should be removed when all the larvae have left it, and the wire or cloth screen top may be placed on the cage when all the larvae have pupated. The sand in the cage should not be allowed to become dry; with a little experience one learns to judge the amount of water to be added daily. The pupal period varies with the species and also with the season of the year. Many of the species overwinter as mature larvae. In some instances a few days in an ice box and a gradual warming will hasten pupation. With favorable temperatures delayed pupation is usually the mesa he the sand’s being too dry or too moist. Certain calliphorid species cannot be reared in this way. Pol- lena rudis and species of Onesia which are parasitic upon earth- worms may be reared according to the technique of Keilin (1915) or Decoursey (1927). Sinee Apaulina larvae suck avian blood, the rearing of such species is a difficult procedure and each different species group may require different methods. Many of the species have never been reared and few facts are known concerning their biologies. The above procedure is satis- factory, however, for the majority of the species which have saprophagous habits in the larval stage. PRESERVATION OF SPECIMENS Emerging adults should be fed upon granulated sugar and banana for at least 24 hours before being killed and pinned. This procedure is necessary to fill out and harden the body wall and to allow sufficient time for the color to develop fully. The empty pupal ease should be placed upon the pin just below the adult specimen. In order to obtain specimens of the different instars, some larvae should be preserved upon hatching from the egg, others 24 to 48 hours later, and still others when they start to migrate from the food source. Selected specimens should be killed by immersion in boiling water. I prefer to preserve muscoid larvae in a solution prepared according to the following formula: PEO US DCCC sys) i a tas oo ia tal d ‘suop sao 85 ee. PIAL aOR DELCO. (28 22s icccie pics wots scenusme 10 ee. SAR UY Pry ad OEE ERR ae ate aed SNL A Rain a D Ce. Specimens preserved in this solution retain their shape and color indefinitely and, after perforation with a fine needle, may a2 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA be boiled in caustic potash solutions when cleared parts are needed. If sufficient time is available larval specimens may be dropped alive into a warm Hetherington’s Solution which must be made fresh every few days. This solution is made according to the following formula: | Absolute alconel 3: > oc eeteei tact cee oe ee eee 60 ee. Chloroformiaee. cues ei ee ee ee 45 ee. Glacial’acetie acid 8. pn a ee ee 157éG; Pheénolé¢rystalS Su. cues os ee ee ee 30 ee. Specimens are left in this solution for about 24 hours, then transferred into a solution composed of 50 percent Hethering- ton’s Solution and 50 percent oil of wintergreen for an hour or two, and finally into oil of wintergreen for a period of 24 hours. This procedure gives an almost transparent larva in nearly natural shape, with all the sclerotized parts in their natural loca- tions and in nearly perfect view. Both the buececopharyngeal mechanism and the spiracles are seen to best advantage by transmitted light. Such parts may be dissected from the larva and placed upon a microscope slide in balsam. It is necessary to pass specimens preserved in 70 per- cent alcohol solutions through the alcohol and xylol series before placing them in balsam, but specimens in oil of wintergreen may be transferred directly to balsam. In the latter instances better specimens are obtained if a few drops of oil of wintergreen are added to the balsam. Detail in sclerotized areas may sometimes be studied best when stained. Such areas do not stain very well, but a saturated solu- tion of picrie acid in absolute alcohol combined with a saturated solution of saffranine in absolute alcohol will give satisfactory results in about 24 hours. Destaining may be accomplished in xylol if necessary. The advantage of this stain is mainly in the fact that it is not necessary to retrace steps from Hetherington’s Solution to weaker alcohols or water, then back to absolute alco- hol and xylol. EXPLANATION OF TERMS Only a few of the terms used in this study require explana- tion. Most of them have been used in the taxonomic literature of Dipteria or are in the taxonomic literature of other zoological forms, and such terms are explained in detail in most glossaries. Some of those employed here, however, are either new or have been used infrequently; these are explained below. INTRODUCTION 33 Intrapostocular cilia are minute setae placed in a more or less well-defined row immediately behind the rear margin of the eye and in front of the first row of postocular cilia. This is a new term. The small setae are often difficult to discern and can be seen to best advantage only under high magnification and with good illumination. The row is most obvious in Callitroga and Paralucilia, less so in Onesia, Acrophaga, and Melanodexia. Proportional and dimensional characters were made with the aid of a cross-line dise placed between the lenses of the ocular in the binocular microscope. (The measurements given in this paper were secured with medium high power, and the same magnification was used throughout. ) Measurements are given in micrometer units instead of in millimeters. These measurements were secured by averaging the actual measurements in a series of specimens. The figures therefore represent relative and not actual lengths and widths. They are to be used as a basis of comparison between parts of the same specimen or as a basis of comparison between different species. Obviously, actual measurements of parts in individual specimens are of only minor importance. Extremes may be of great value in the future when series of specimens of the same species have been reared or collected, but for several of the species only single specimens have been available. Proportional measurements in specimens of the same species remain nearly constant. Those given may vary only as much as one-half unit in one direction or the other. Where greater differ- enees occur in series considered to be a single species, the instances are discussed in the text. In several cases where the character seems to lose its specific value, it is possible that more than one species exists in the series, or that the species is hetero- zygous for the character. There is the possibility that too many forms will be recognized as distinct species when reliance is placed on differences in measurements, but usually other charac- ters have been discovered to support the conclusions based on such measurements. Characters of this sort may be confusing at first to students not familiar with them, but a little practice will show that such differences may be as easily observed as others. It has been found that they may be trusted to show real specific distinctions more accurately than many other characters. Ten specimens of each sex were measured when this number was available, including the largest and smallest individuals, specimens from the extremes of the distribution, and several of average size. 34 THE BLOWFuIES oF NortH AMERICA Measurements of the height and length of the head are taken in profile view. The length of the head at the antenna is the average length in micrometer units from the visible posterior margin of: the head (most often visible just behind the postocular cilia) to the.antennal base. The length of the head at the vibrissa is the average length in micrometer units from the. lower rear margin of. the metacephalon to the vibrissal angle. The height is the average distance i in micrometer units from the lowest mar- gin of the head to the upper ocelli. . The eye height is the distance in micrometer units from the lowest, point. to. the, uppermost, margin. The buccal height in relation to. the eye height is obtained by dividing the number of micrometer units in the height of the eye into the number of micrometer units in the height of the bueea (distance from the lower margin of the head to the lower eye margin). : The width of the front at the PSs in relation to the head width is the fraction obtained by dividing the number of micrometer units between the eyes across the inner vertical bristles by the number of micrometer units in the entire head width. The width of the front at the narrowest portion and at the lunule are obtained similarly. The width of the parafaciale is the distance from the margin of the eye to the slight angle where the parafaciale widens ‘to: meet the frontale, just above the first antennal segment and nearly at the lunule. The width between the vibrissae is the distanee between the bases of the largest bristles. The costal margin of the wing is divided into a series of sections by the terminations of the longitudinal veins, and the relative proportions of these sections to one another are expressed by the average number of micrometer units in: each section. In the Mesembrinellinae the character is of great value, but in the Luciliini and Calliphorini it is not so useful because of variation in specimens of what appear to be ‘the same: species. However, such figures do aid in indicating the eS of certain wing veins. The terminology applied. ‘i the leg bristles in. ‘thi: paper 1s that now in common use by. students of the taxonomy of the Anthomyiidae.. When rows of bristles occur regularly upon a certain leg surface, or when a. constant number of. bristles has been found in certain positions throughout the species of a genus, then this fact is noted in the generic description. When the number of bristles or the position of certain bristles upon a vxiven lee surface has been found to vary from one species to INTRODUCTION 35 another, such variation has been considered to be of possible specific value and such differences have been noted in the specific descriptions. VARIATION _ The general impression seems to. prevail among students of Diptera that few characters of color and chaetotaxy are suf- ficiently constant to be useful in the recognition of the different species of Calliphoridae. This feeling, however, is apparently based upon cursory examinations of series of specimens sup- posed to represent a single species but exhibiting very different metallic colorings, the mass of synonymy published in catalogs, and, at least in part, upon published papers dealing with ‘‘variation’’ in Lucilia and Calliphora. That variation occurs in characters employed in this paper to distinguish between species of Calliphoridae cannot be doubted; but careful study of an immense mass of material has demonstrated that certain char- acters, ordinarily ignored as too variable, are definitely usable. Usually adults of Diptera acquire normal color within a few hours after emergence; but in many Calliphoridae the typical coloring may not develop for 24 hours, especially in humid weather. In some of the species of Phaenicia the typical color- ing may take on a bronzy hue after 2 or 3 days, and this change may become even more pronounced later. Such changes are most obvious when green or blue is the predominant color. Specimens may change in color even after they have been killed, although such changes are slight in the case of deep blue or yellowish species, provided the specimens are fully developed when killed. . It is true that some variation exists in the chaetotaxy of mus- eoid flies (See Townsend, 1914, p 112). It seems only necessary to state here that most of the characters used were selected from those proved to be relatively constant in long series of specimens reared from egg masses deposited by single females, which, in some eases, were from second- and third-generation rearings. When such series were not available, characters were chosen that had been found to vary little in long series of closely related species. ss It has been known for many years that large individuals of a species have more strongly developed bristles and hairs than do small individuals of the same species. In many cases weak bristles tend to become hairlike (or are rarely absent) and may be overlooked unless searched for carefully. The actual position of certain bristles may vary slightly in some specimens of a 36 Tur BLOWFUIES oF NortH AMERICA reared series, but this happens rarely and does not seriously interfere with the use of the bristle arrangement as a distinguish- ing character. In a number of reared series of several species obtained from widely separated sources in the United States, reduction and duplication of bristles occurred in the dorsocentral or acrostichal series in slightly less than 5 percent of the individuals. Dupli- eation occurred nearly twice as often as reduction. Such varia- tion occurred on one side or the other, rarely on both sides in the same specimen. This matter is discussed more fully under sections dealing with Phormia regina and Phaencia sericata. In cases where variation seems to be significant, this fact has been noted in the description of the species; characters show- ing too wide variation have not been used in the taxonomic treatment of the species concerned. Only a few species have been ‘separated upon characters of chaetotaxy alone, although it would have been possible to do so in many instances. Just how much reliance may be placed on the position of bristles on the legs is questionable at the present time. A given number may remain constant in a single species, but the actual position of one or more of these may differ slightly among speci- mens which otherwise appear identical. Whether these differ- ences are specific cannot be ascertained now, and such characters have not been employed in the separation of species. As a rule, several characters have been given in the keys for the separation of each species. Usually one or two of the key characters pertain to chaetotaxy and one or more to propor- tional measurements of certain parts. Finally, a supplementary color character is often given. Although it is felt that any one of the characters will usually separate the species concerned satisfactorily, all characters mentioned should be fully considered before arriving at a definite conclusion as to the identity of a specimen. In several supposedly cosmopolitan species small differences can be noted among Australian, African, and North American specimens, but such differences are minute and may possibly be of no real significance. They can be distinguished in a long series but not always in individual specimens, so I have not attempted to differentiate between these forms. For example, the Phaenicia sericata of Europe and North America appear to have slightly different average frontal widths. Protophormia terrae-novae from Europe agrees with the Alaskan terrae-novae treated here, but specimens of this species from the southern part of its dis- tribution appear to have slightly different buccal and eye-height INTRODUCTION 37 al proportions. Pollenia rudis also varies widely in eye size, but I am unable to find characters for separating distinct segregates. TECHNIQUE Since the male genitalia are diagnostic in many species, it is usually necessary to relax dried specimens in order to observe and study the various parts. Internal structures are seen to best ad- vantage in fresh material placed in proper fixing and killing solutions. The following technique applies only to the external sclerotized structures of the male and female. Relaxing of such specimens may be accomplished in several ways, but the method which I find most satisfactory requires merely a deep glass evaporating dish, a piece of cork, and a towel or two. The dried specimens are pinned to the cork, which is then placed in the evaporating dish; the towels are saturated with water, folded, and then placed over the top of the dish. Even the oldest and driest of specimens may be fully relaxed in from 24 to 48 hours. When the specimens dry, they usually retain all the color and pollinosity existing before treatment. There is little or no op- portunity for specimens to become moldy during relaxing be- cause both the dish and the towels may be sterilized frequently and the cork can be changed as desired. In nearly 120,000 male specimens relaxed in this way, only a very small percentage became damaged and these because of stain due to the presence of grease. This grease was removed with varying success by placing such specimens in ether or chloro- form for a day or two. Under this treatment they usually re- gained their former appearance. In certain instances when a hurried identification of a dry male specimen is desired one of two methods may be employed to relax the genitalia. Ammonia water may be applied to the tip of the abdomen with a camel’s-hair brush at 10-minute intervals until the parts have softened; this will usually allow the genital parts to be removed, often without damage to the rest of the specimen. The hazard to the wings and legs, however, is great, and the abdomen is sometimes broken during the process. If a specimen is of no particular value, the abdomen may be re- moved completely and placed in boiling water until the parts have relaxed. In some eases such abdomens can be dried in alco- hol and ether, then glued back in place upon the specimen. In order to pull the male genitalia into view without breaking the specimen or spoiling it during the process of extraction, a set routine has been developed. The relaxed specimen is removed from the relaxing jar and gently but firmly held be- 38 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA tween the thumb and forefinger of the left hand with the head of the fly toward the palm of the hand and the legs upward. The hands are then placed on the microscope stage, backs down, with the middle fingers placed firmly together. The dissecting needle is held like a pencil in the right hand (see Fig. II). This method assures steadiness and a minimum of damage to’‘speci- mens. Middle or high magnification ‘is ‘desirable. Dissecting needles most suitable for this work are made by forcing a slight- ly hooked minuten nadeln or No. 00 steel insect pin into a suitable handle. Sealing wax will usually hold the pin in place per- manently. The needle is gently thrust between the genitalia and the edge of the fifth sternite. The hook is then slightly turned toward Fig. II. Method of holding specimen and position of hands during dissec- tion of the genital segments of the male. the genital capsule and carefully retracted in an attempt to break the muscle attachments between the genitalia and the terminal portions of the abdomen. This action should be per- formed several times on each side until the entire genitalia ap- pear loose but still remain intact with the tip of the abdomen. The needle is next hooked to the tips of the inner forceps and by gentle retraction the parts are rolled outward into view. If com- plete dissection is necessary, attachments are finally severed with the needle. If not, the dissection is complete as soon as the parts are fully exposed. The genitalia to be fully dissected are placed in a small ecru- cible containing 10 percent potassium hydroxide and carefully brought almost to the boiling point. A quick inspection under the binocular microscope will show the progress of clearing. The clearing should not be carried too far, for certain internal fea- INTRODUCTION 39 tures can then be seen only with difficulty. After being cleared, the genitalia should be washed for 10 minutes in water. Com- plete dissection is accomplished under glycerine in a watch glass under a high power of the binocular microscope. Several methods of storing such dissections have been used. The one preferred involves small glass vials, glycerine, and small corks. The glycerine is placed in the bottom of the vial, the dissected specimen is immersed in the glycerine, and the cork (the tip of which is covered with balsam) seals the preparation. Balsam and glycerine apparently do not mix and vials corked in this way for a number of years have remained in excellent con- dition. The vial is subsequently placed on the pin with the speci- men; thus the adult, the labels, and the vial enclosing the geni- talia may be kept together on a single pin in the collection. Various other methods of preparation have been used, such as slide or point mountings, but such mounts either discolor, are partly obscured, or must be stored separately. SYNONYMY Much of the synonymy given is that proposed by the late J. M. Aldrich, who examined type specimens of many North American species in European museums. In some instances his new synonymy was left only in note form. Synonymy in the Luciliini is that given by Aubertin in 1933. I have studied most of the types of North American ealli- phorid flies in North American museums but have examined only a few which are in European museums. The keys to the Chryso- myini were sent to all European museums in which type speci- mens of North American species are deposited and these type specimens were run through the keys by competent dipterists. In some respects this course was not entirely satisfactory, but it was the only way in which the identity of many of the old types eould be determined. ‘ A considerable part of the synonymy given by Bezzi in the 1907 Palaearetie Catalog of Diptera is not repeated for species supposedly occurring in both North America and in the Palae- arctic Region. In many points this work has been found to be erroneous and only type examination will clarify such synonymy. CLASSIFICATION The purpose of the key to larger groups in this work is to de- fine the family Calliphoridae. No attempt is made to show ac- tual affinities of calypterate or acalypterate flies other than those of the calliphorid stem. 40 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA As stated by other authors, the genotype of Musca is vomitoria Linnaeus by designation of Latreiile (1810, p. 444). There is no question that the designation was a valid one under the Rules. When the economic importance of the common housefly became recognized early in the present century, Townsend designated domestica Linnaeus as genotype of Promusca, realizing that vonutoria and domestica are but distantly related. But the name Musca domestica had become of world-wide interest within a period of about 20 years, and, in order to preserve this well- publicized combination, the International Commission on Zoolo- gical Nomenclature suspended the Rules for the acceptance of domestica as genotype of Musca (Opinion 82), notwithstanding the fact that vomitoria stood as genotype for Musca for well over 100 years. In accordance with the ruling of the Commission, vomitoria is therefore accepted as the genotype. of Calliphora. The species included here under the subfamilies Mesembrinel- linae and Rhiniinae are aberrant in the Calliphoridae. They have been placed with Pollenia and others in a separate family recently, but Pollenia shows affinities to Calliphora which are not possessed by Mesembrinella or Rhinia. Both are treated in the traditional sense because of the similarity of the genitalia. More information on their biology and immature stages may eventually indicate more clearly their true relationships. The affinities of Phormiini and the Phormia-like species are not yet entirely clear. These species seem to be more closely related to the Calliphorini than to the Chrysomyini, but no very definite evidence to support this conclusion was found. On the contrary, characters of the larvae and the ciliate remigium lead me to place them with the Chrysomyinae. KEY TO MAJOR TAXONOMIC UNITS OF NORTH AMERICAN MUSCOID AND CALLIPHORID FLIES 1. Second antennal segment without a laterodorsal longitudinal seam; thorax without a complete transverse suture on dor- sum anterior to wings; abdominal spiracles 1 to 5 lo- cated in membrane (except in Chloropidae and Ephydri- dae); lower calypter normally undeveloped; posthumeral bristles absent; postalar callosity normally undeveloped; anterior orbits usually separated above from lateroverti- eal plates or latter alone are developed and bear fronto- orbital bristles (if frontoorbital bristles are located on orbits, the lower bristles are closer to eye margin than upper); subcostal vein often incomplete or imperfect; fourth. veiny usually straightwasc.. .. >. #.. Acalypteratae. Second antennal segment with a complete laterodorsal longitudinal seam; thorax normally with a complete transverse suture on dorsum anterior to wings; abdominal spiracles 2 to 5 located in tergites (except in Glossinidae) ; lower calypter usually large; posthumeral bristles usually present; postalar callosity usually developed; anterior orbits not separated above from laterovertical plates and bearing a row of converging frontoorbital bristles which are more distant from eye margin toward lunule than toward vertex; subcostal vein always distinct and ending anmeostalavellt cys, stl al ea Aone losis « Calypteratae....2 2. Hypopleuron usually without hairs or bristles below meta- thoracic spiracle; pteropleuron usually without vestiture; when three sternopleural bristles present, these usually arranged 1 + 2; ventral abdominal membrane more or less exposed, usually distinct; fourth longitudinal vein straight or but slightly curved, and usually extending to wing margin behind wing apex.............. Anthomyiaria. Hypopleuron usually with hairs or bristles in one or more rows below the metathoracic spiracle; pteropleuron usually pilose or setose; when three sternopleural bristles present, these usually arranged 2 +- 1; ventral abdominal membrane usually hidden; fourth longitudinal vein ecurv- ing or bending forward, most often narrowing the apical CE eG ates cere oe: Oestromusearia. 3 4] 42 Tur BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA 3. Metanotum strongly biconvex, the postscutellum well-de- fined; edges of sternites usually overlapped and at least partially hidden by margins of tergites; abdomen often with discal bristles. Larva parasitic upon immature stages of insects or warbles or bots in mammals; posterior spiracle always with a definite ‘‘button’”’ ....Oestroidea and Tachinoidea. Metanotum not biconvex, the postscutellum absent or weakly developed (if more or less prominent, the metathoracic spiracular covering is not in two parts but covers the en- tire lower portion, leaving a small opening in the middle above); first sternite overlapping lateral margins of tergites; abdomen rarely with discal macrochaetae. Larva saprophagous, parasitic upon insects or animals; posterior spiracles with or without a button.......... 4. 4. Hypopleuron with weak hair not arranged in rows, or bare, the pteropleuron either pilose or bare (if both bare, then fourth vein with rounded angle or evanescent). Larva saprophagous; posterior spiracular openings short, radial- ly arranged, sinuous, or bent (if more or less parallel, then with each opening pointed at inner end); rarely with distinct fusiform pads on lateral margins of seg- TEN ES eo. ban aos yo, Sis As ei ee Muscoidea. Hypopleuron setose, with one or more rows of bristles below metathoracie spiracle; pteropleuron setose; fourth vein usually with a definite angle or bend. Larva saprophagous or parasitic upon other animals; posterior spiracular aper- tures elongate, usually slender and subparallel; margins of posterior depression with tubercles or processes, three laterally on upper margin, and generally four on lower THAPO Ine sy cme aoe ees APS SC AS oy Sarcophagoidea. 5 5. Intrapostocular cilia always absent; usually four notopleural bristles; spiracle 8 of abdomen sclerotized and located an- terodorsally to outer forceps in membrane*; propleuron and prosternum usually bare (if pilose, then never with long and thick-set pile or hair); arista plumose, pube- . — seent or bare, the apex always bare, the plumosity rarely long or extending beyound the basal four-fifths; abdo- men usually grey or black tessellated, sometimes orna- mented with golden pollen (metallic green or blue in sev- eral Neotropical genera); greater ampulla usually knob- “According to Patton (1934). Taxonomic Units of NortH AMERICAN Muscorw Furs 43 like and round. Larva with dorsal cornua of cephaloskele- ton divided or incised; spiracles in deep depression (ex- cept in Sarothromyinae); peritreme usually open, the ‘*putton’’ indistinet or. absent.......... Sarcophagidae. Intrapostocular cilia present (except in Rhiniinae and oc- casionally in Melanodexia and Onesia); only two noto- pleural bristles developed (rarely with an adventitious weakened third); spiracle 8 of abdomen absent; propleu- ron and prosternum pilose (except in Polleniinae) ; arista with plumosity usually long and extending nearly to apex; abdomen usually metallic blue, green, bronze, or black; ereater ampulla reniform. Larva with dorsal cornua not divided or incized; spiracles not in deep depression; peri- treme usually closed, the button usually distinct and in peritreme (except in Chrysomyinae)....Calliphoridae. 6 . Metanotum with small but distinct postscutellum; meta- thoracic spiracle ovate and very large, the opening on the dorsal margin; bucea narrow, hardly one-fifth eye height; fourth vein with a broad sinuous curve toward costal mar- gin; female without sclerotized and membranous oviposi- tor, the larva developed within well-defined uterus. Larva with sclerotized area on ventral surface of third seg- SAIC eel ee ad L se,» vel atanent Mesembrinellinae, p. 60. Metanotum without postscutellum; metathoraciec spiracle not as described; bucea distinctly higher in comparison with eye height; fourth vein usually with a distinct angle; female with sclerotized and membranous ovipositor, the larva not developed within a well-defined uterus. Larva without sclerotized area on ventral surface of third BOO UICULT sass Pp OD Ce Pra gee Te a ee EES amen Aart 7 Sereeerc Onc iateiabOvelt on: atte He eke cows eke ee lds « 8 Beer at reraDOVGU- Tr eh Oey een yee aw Fe be wo 9 . Occipital orbits very narrow; intrapostocular cilia inconspi- cuous or absent; greater ampulla either bare or but faint- ly pubescent; lower calypter always bare on upper sur- face, rounded at apex, the lateral margin nearly straight. Third-instar larva with spiracular ‘‘button’’ within closed peritreme which extends between each slitlike aperture; dorsal cornua of cephaloskeleton having the appearance of DEM aIvIGed. Coles es 2 eee apart 6 .. Rhiniinae, p. 89. A4 THE BLowFuies or NortH AMERICA Occipital orbits wide, the intrapostocular cilia very distinct, greater ampulla often pilose or setose; lower calypter trun- eate posteriorly, slightly to considerably concave on the lateral margin, and on the. upper surface always pilose at base, as in Phormiini, to setose on the dise as in Chry- somyini (bare in Hemilucilia and Chloroprocta). Third instar larva with spiracular ‘‘button’’ not within closed peritreme which does not separate each slit-like aperture; cephaloskeleton not appearing divided ............... ee es eee oo etn ce SRR: eee ee Chrysomyinae, p. 95. 9. Prosternum and propleuron setulose or pilose; vestiture of parafaciale not reaching lower eye margin; thorax without crinkly hair. Third-instar larva with closed, strongly sclerotized, peritreme .......... Calliphorinae, p. 202. Prosternum and propleuron bare; parafacials setose to lower eye margin; thorax with crinkly hair. Third instar larva with weakly sclerotized closed peritreme....Polleniinae, p. 340. FAMILY CALLIPHORIDAE Although most of the diagnostic characters of calliphorid flies known to me are employed in the preceding key, a summary of characters which all such flies have in common is given here. MALE AND FEMALE CHARACTERS HELD IN COM- MON. Head usually, and often considerably wider than high, sometimes wider in female than in male; clypeus flush to deeply impressed, and most often half as wide as long but sometimes either wider or narrower; faciale usually slightly bowed; vibris- sae usually strong; proboscis rarely exceeding head height, usually one-half to two thirds as long; labella large; cheek grooves deep; palpi filiform, cylindric, or clavate, sometimes flattened, rarely short; antenna with first segment erect and usually flush with frons in profile, second segment two to four times as long as first, with a few strong setae dorsally, and with a laterodorsal longitudinal seam, third segment two to eight times as long as second, the lateral margins more or less parallel, the apex rather rounded; arista considerably longer than third antennal segment, penultimate segment of arista short and often somewhat bulbous, apical segment slightly thickened at base only, then gradually tapering toward apex, usually with long hairs which are sometimes less numerous and shorter below, rarely pectinate,* pubescent or bare; vertex narrower in male than in female; ocelli three; ocellar triangle often slightly raised; eenoorbital bristles absent; intrapostocular cilia present except in Rhiniinae and occasional specimens of Onesia and Melano- dexiini. Thorax with metanotum not divided except in Mesembrinel- linae in which the postscutellum is slightly raised; greater am- pulla raised, reniform; lesser ampulla swollen and differentiated from rim of postparapteron; hypopleuron with a well-defined row of bristles; intrahypopleural bristles undifferentiated; ptero- pleuron usually setose on posterior half or slightly more; pteropleural bristles in a well-defined tuft, none long; meso- pleuron bare on about anterior fifth; mesopleural bristles in a well-defined row; notopleuron setose; notopleural bristles usually two, rarely an adventitious third one between these; intrasterno- *Williston (1908) defined the term ‘‘pectinate’’ as follows: The arista is said to be pectinated if the hairs are fewer, stronger, and confined to one side. 45 46 THE BLowFuies or NortH AMERICA pleural row of bristles undifferentiated ; lateral postscutellar plates setose. Wing with fourth vein angularly or roundly bending toward wing apex; third costal section nearly as long as fifth and sixth together; anterior cross vein usually oblique, near the middle of the second section of the fourth vein; posterior cross vein sinuate to doubly arcuate, rarely almost straight, considerably beyond middle. of third section of fourth vein; last section of fifth vein rarely more than one-third as long as preceding section; first and fifth veins bare, third with setulae toward base; sixth vein never extending to wing margin; seventh vein usually short, and straight; lower squamal lobe considerably larger than upper, both lobes of medium to large size. Legs rarely short, usually of medium length, never ereatly modified; fore femur with dorsal, posterodorsal and posteroven- tral row of bristles; fore tibia with anterodorsal row of small setae; middle femur with posteroventral row of bristles and with from one to several anterior bristles near middle; hind femur - with anterodorsal and anteroventral rows of bristles; tarsi usually as long as corresponding tibiae, rarely modified or orna- mented; claws and pulvillae usually as long as proceding tarsal septfient. Abdomen either broad, round ovate, or oblong ae and ene ly more elongate in male than in female; sternites exposed and usually overlapping tergites, first usually wider than second; ventral membrane rarely narrowly exposed (widely exposed in Mesembrinellinae) ; spiracles in tergites; eighth spiracle absent. Genital segments of female in form of extensile ovipositor and usually concealed in fourth abdominal segment (except in Mes- embrinellinae). Genital segments of male small to large, often ventral, but sometimes terminal to fourth abdominal segment. MORPHOLOGY OF ABDOMEN AND GENITALIA. The genitalia of the calliphorid flies are of the same general strue- ture almost throughout the family and, with the exception of those of the females of species of Mesembrinellinae, may be used for family distinctions. In this they differ considerably from those of the many species of Sarcophagidae in which there is so much diversity of form, position, and ornamentation of the vari- ous parts. The genitalic structures of the calliphorid flies are somewhat difficult to use as a means of specific differentiation. While specific differences usually exist, they are not obvious. — Since the structure of the genitalia is so similar almost through- out the family, it seems unnecessary to describe it for each Faminy CALLIPHORIDAER 47 genus and species.’ Instead, a generalized description of the parts is offered below. The terminology employed is that pro- ~ posed by Lowne (1890-1895) unless otherwise noted. Abdomen. The abdomen, as the term is used in taxonomic literature of the muscoid flies, is composed of the first five seg- ments, the first tergite being fused with the second (indicated mainly by the presence of its spiracle), so that the abdomen is apparently four-segmented dorsally. The sclerite formed by the fusion of the first and second abdominal tergites has always been called the first in taxonomic literature and I adhere to this prac- tice. The first sternite is large and may be seen without dif- ficulty, the second to the fourth sternites are usually smaller and narrower, and the fifth and last obvious sternite often large and deeply emarginate. Each apparent tergite, except the first, bears a pair of spiracles, one on each side. These five segments comprise what has been“termed the ‘‘abdomen.’’ The remaining segments, with their appendages, have been referred to frequently as the ‘‘postabdomen.’’ Genital segments of male. In the male, the sixth tergite is nearly fused with, and often considered a part of, the following segment. It is a narrow ribbonlike sclerite, and usually bears one or two rows of strong marginal bristles. The homologies of the remaining tergites and sternites are un- eertain. What is herein termed first genital segment (GS I) is the first large dorsal sclerite behind the fifth tergite. This seg- ment bears a spiracle on each side, and has often been considered the combined seventh and eighth tergites, but Crampton (1936, 1941) shows it to be a composite segment composed of sternites seven and eight. Another spiracle anterolaterally in the tergite is possibly the sixth. According to Patton (1934) the species of Calliphoridae lack a sclerotized eighth abdominal spiracle. The next large dorsal sclerite is called second genital segment (GS II). Sehrdder (1927) considers the segment to be composed of circumvested sternites because of the looping of certain internal sexual parts over the rectum and Crampton (ibid.) concurs in this opinion. By others this segment is considered to be the ninth tergite. It is the actual genital segment. 1For further information on these parts, see Lowne (1890-1895), Briiel, (1897, p. 511-618), Schréder (1927), Townsend (1934), and Graham-Smith (1989). Comparisons of the internal anatomy of these flies are mainly from the published works of Townsend (1934-1937) for Pollenia, Callitroga, Proto- phormia, Calliphora, Lucilia, Phaenicia, and Cynomyopsis; Keilin (1915) for Pollenia; Dufour (1844-45) for Rhyncomyia and Stomorhina; Lowne (1890-1895) for Calliphora; Siebold (1838) for soceted Graham- Smith (19389) for Calliphora. 48 Tue BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Within the segments lie the genitalia proper, the whole com- plex of structures beyond the fifth abdominal segment being termed the terminalia. It has also been called the postabdomen, hypopygium (which term should actually be applied only to the anal plate), genitalia and many other terms. In the present pa- per the parts composing the terminalia are referred to as the genital segments (Fig. III). GSI ~=GSII a AC) AHPH = PRPAIPPAP GME Fig. III. Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy. Male genital segments, sclerotic morphology. A. Apodeme. IF. Inner forceps. AC. Anterior gonapophysis. OF. Outer forceps. B. Phallobase. PC. Posterior gonapophysis. EP. Epiphallus. PP. Paraphallus. GSI. First genital segment. PRP. Praeputium. GSITI. Second genital segment. V. Vineulum. HPH. MHypophallus. When genitalia are exposed to view, the most obvious in- ternal appendage is the phallosome (P), which is a sclerotic and membranous tube, the various sclerotized areas of which appar- ently do not change materially in position, and within which lies the apical portion of the ejaculatory duct. The phallosome may be divided into three rather distinct portions: the phallo- base (B); the middle portion, or paraphallus (PP); and the apical or terminal portion, or praeputium (PRP). The phallobase is short and heavily sclerotized and bears pos- teriorly a single long thinly-sclerotized process, the epiphallus Faminy CALLIPHORIDAE 49 (EP), the lower surface of which is smooth. The paraphallus, composed of membrane and sclerotized areas, has a pair of stout, curved, ventral struts which end distally in outwardly directed barbs or spurs. On the distal section of the upper wall is a heavily-pigmented sclerotized area, the hypophallus (HPH), which is partially covered in most instances with short spines, from which strong lateral processes, cornua, project distally, more or less parallel, and close to the barbed processes of the paraphalli. In a median line, a single process projects distally and another proximally to support the membrane. The praeputium is strengthened on the dorsal surface by the median distal process of the hypophallus and laterally by projections of the cornua. This apical section terminates in a small, funnel-like expansion at the base of which the ejaculatory duct opens. The phallosome is attached basally to the apodeme by means of a short, narrow, sclerotized ribbon. The aedeagal apodeme (A) is a strongly sclerotized, more or less curved rod which is often nearly as long as the phallosome. It is longitudinally depressed posteriorly and strongly concave from side to side. The anterior surface possesses a median longi- tudinal carina or ridge. which divides near the basal end, each branch terminating in a cup-like depression. The apical end is free, but the basal end is attached to the base of the phallosome. The vinculum (V) is a sclerite divided into two parts. The apical section is an elongate, somewhat sclerotized plate with the tip free; the basal section is attached to the genital segments. The body is a broader and more heavily sclerotized plate which ar- ticulates upon each side with the ‘‘quadrilateral plate’’ (Gra- ham-Smith, 1939), but lateral to the articulation a strongly sclerotized prong passes ventrally and posteriorly to form a bent lateral process. The lateral process articulates with the anterior end of a rod, which is an anteriorly directed prolonga- tion from the outer forceps. Aside from general habitus, some of these parts have not been found to be of particular value in the specific determination of the flies concerned and, because they obscure more important details, have been omitted from the illustrations of such parts. The quadrilateral plate is a median structure, concave on its lower surface, which articulates with the body of the vinculum and is fused with the anterior gonapophyses. It has usually been omitted from the illustrations. The gonapophyses are a pair of sclerotized, plate-like struc- tures which lie laterad of the quadrilateral plate. The anterior 50 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA { gonapophysis (AC) (here called the anterior clasper) has a wide base which is fused to the under surface of the quadrilateral plate. The ventral edge is often ornamented. The posterior gonapophysis (PC) (here called the posterior clasper) is usually a stout, elongate plate which is often heavily sclerotized at the base but less so apically. The ventral surface may also be or- namented. The shape and ornamentation of these parts are sometimes of specific importance, but the perspective from which the plates are viewed often distorts these characters. The inner forceps (IF) and the outer forceps (OF) are the hindmost genital appendages. The inner forceps lie on each side of the anal opening or slightly below it. These articulate at their bases with the outer side of an inner distal process of the second genital segment. Just anterior to these are the outer forceps, which articulate basally on the outer side with an inner distal process of the second genital segment and also with the inner forceps at their bases. Basally and anteriorly, these forceps ar- ticulate with the posterior end of the basal plate of the outer forceps which unites the forceps and the vinculum. Both the inner and outer forceps afford characters which are often visible in some degree without special preparation. The inner forceps may appear hook-like in profile, the outer foreeps — andr more pad-like. Internal sexual organs of male. The ‘teen sexbal organs of the male blowfly (Fig. IV) consist of a pair of testes (T), one on each side in the posterior portion of the fourth abdominal seg- ment, their ducts (VE) (vasa efferentia), a pair of vehicular glands (VG) (paragonia), an unpaired vas deferens (VD), an ejaculatory sac (ES), and the ejaculatory duct. In the various species of Calliphoridae the testes are usually pyriform, often with an hour-glass constriction at the lower third (which apparently acts as a pump), surrounded by an envelope of fat cells, and extending into a short vas deferens. The vehicular or accessory glands open by means of a very short duct and accompany the distal ends of the vasa efferen- tia into the vas deferens. The latter usually tapers gradually for about half its length into a tube of more or less uni- form diameter which opens into the ejaculatory sae or bulb, from which the thin and extensile ejaculatory duct passes to the terminal portion of the phallosome. The testes in Pollenia (Polleniinae) are long subpyriform and taper distally. In Rhyncomyia (Rhiniinae) they are fusiform in thick hoods of tissue. In Callitroga (Chrysomyinae) males have testes that are more or less elongate and also in tissue hoods, Faminy CALLIPHORIDAE 51 while in Calliphorinae most of the known species have testes which are more or less elongate, rather constricted on the distal third, and are enveloped in tissue hoods of varying thicknesses, The vasa efferentit in Pollema are about one-third as long as the length of the testes, while in Rhyncomyia they are short. In Callitroga they are a little longer than the testes, but in Phor- mia, Protophorma, and Apaulina they are nearly twice as long as the testes and taper to the insertion. In Cynomyopsis and Lucilia the vasa efferentia are very long and slender. In the former they are about half again as long as the testes, while in Lucila they are more slender on the terminal one-third to one- half. / | > * / | \ pee} es PGET VE VD AES. Fie. IV. Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius). Internal. reproductive system of male. ‘ A. Apodeme. VD. Vas deferens. ES. Ejaculatory sac. VE. Vasa efferentia. T. Testes. VG. Vehicular gland. The vehicular glands are oval to elliptic in Rhyncomyna, gut- like in Callitroga. In Phormia, Protophormia and Apaulina they are curled and from one-fourth to one-half longer than the testes. In Calliphora they are gut-like and more or less swollen basally. In Cynomyopsis they are about one-fourth longer than the testes and in Lucilia they are about two-thirds longer than the testes. - The vas deferens in Pollenia is but little longer than the glands. In Rhyncomyia it is slender. In Callitroga it is longer than the vasa efferentia and somewhat stouter. In Phormia, Protophormia, and Apaulina it is twice as long as the testes and tapered to the insertion in the oval ejaculatory bulb. In Calliphora it is not 59 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA long and is widest at its commencement, appearing more or less swollen at the head. In Cynomyopsis it is about one-third longer than the testes and rather stout, while in Lucilia the basal fourth is enlarged, the dilation tapered toward each end. The ejaculatory sac in Callitroga is usually as wide as or wider than the testes. In Calliphora it is rounded to oval, and in Luctha it is very large, flattened, and ovate. The apodeme within the ejaculatory bulb varies considerably in size, shape, and sculp- ture. I do not find it to be of any great importance in the speci- fie separation of these flies. It is generally more or less similar throughout the species known to me, in Calliphora being more or less typical of the entire stem. Genital segments of female. Except in Mesembrinellinae (the anatomy of which is described on page 61) the postabdomi- nal portion, or ovipositor, is composed of a series of small sclero- tized tergites and sternites surrounded by large areas of mem- brane, the terminal segment of which is equipped with four eercl. The ovipositor is capable of considerable extension and is totally unlike the heavily sclerotized postabdominal segments found in the females of typical sarcophagid ‘species. Internal sexual organs of the female. The internal sexual organs of reproduction in the female blowfly (Fig. V) as typi- fied by Calliphora consist of paired ovaries (O) and short ovari- an ducts (OD) which lead from them, these uniting to form a a common oviduct (CO), two long accessory glands (AG), three spermathecae (S), and a membranous and sclerotized uterova- gina (UV). The internal sexual structures of onesiine flies are unknown to me, but these species are said to be larviparous and, if so, they can searcely have the type of sexual structures de- scribed here. The structures in Mesembrinellinae are so modified that they are described in the subfamily characteristics on page 62. Ovaries of typical sexually mature blowflies may nearly fill the posterior half or more of the abdominal cavity. Each ovary is oval, more or less concave on the dorsal and median surfaces and convex on the ventral and lateral surfaces, and is enclosed in a thin membrane. In Calliphora vicina, a large species, an ovary measures about 3.5 mm. in length, 0.3 mm. in transverse dia- meter, and 1.5 mm. in thickness. An ovary consists of a group of tapering, cylindric units which are termed “‘ovarioles,’’ and these are further divided into ege chambers, the foremost of which is smallest and most rudimentary. In Pollenia an ovary is composed of many ovarioles; in Rhyncomyia, of only 10 to 12, each about 1.5 mm. in length. In Callitroga the ovaries are com- posed of from 70 to 100 ovarioles each, as are those of Phormia FAMILY CALLIPHORIDAE 53 and Protophormia. The ovaries of Calliphora consist of up to 300 ovarioles each; of Cynomyopsis, about 60; of Cynomya, 50 to 75; of Cyanus, 75 to 100; and of Lucilia and Phaenicia, about 100. The ovarian ducts typically commence as funnel-shaped ex- tensions of the ovarian capsule and unite on a median line to form a common oviduct. In Phormia these are somewhat elong- UV TG 4 Fig. V. Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus). Internal reproductive system of female. AG. Accessory gland. OD. Ovarian duct. CO. Common oviduct. S. Spermatheca. O. Ovary SD. Spermathecal duct. UV. Uterovagina. ate; in Rhyncomyia they are short. In Lucilia they are nearly one-half as long as the common oviduct. The common oviduct is extremely extensile, averaging about 2 mm. in length in the retracted ovipositor of Calliphora vicina, or considerably more than that length when the ovipositor is ex- tended. This passes posteriorly just ventral to the rectum as far as the posterior portion of the rectal pouch, where it bends abruptly to pass into a ‘‘preuterus,’’ then into the uterovaginal 54 THe BLOWFLIES OF NorTtTH AMERICA tube. In Rhyncomyia the common. oviduct is short while in Phormia it is somewhat elongate. In Cynomyopsis it is nearly twice as long as a single egg. In Melanodexia it is as long as the preuterus. The spermathecae are small, three in number, and lie dorsad of the common oviduct, usually two more or less united on the right, and one on the left side. They are united to the utero- vagina by long, thin, spermathecal ducts, one to each sperma- theca. In Rhiniinae (Rhyncomyia) these ducts are long and slender. In Chrysomyinae they are short in Callitroga but as long as the spermathecae in Protophormia. In Calliphorinae two are united in Calliphora, but this is not so in Cynomyopsts and Cyanus. In the latter two genera they are elongate, subcylin- dric, in thin tissue hoods, their ducts nearly as stout as the sper- mathecae, and nearly three times as long. In Lucilia and Mel- anodexia they are enclosed in thick hoods, and two are in a double head and have their ducts united; in Lucila the latter are curled in the middle, while in Melanodexia they are straight, and in both they are nearly as long as the common oviduct. The uterovagina is usually a wide, horizontally directed canal into which the ‘‘saeculus’’ (of Lowne) passes. The anterior two- thirds is often called the uterus; and the posterior one-third, the lining of which is entirely sclerotized, is often termed the ‘‘va- gina.’’ Except in the Mesembrinellinae, there is no typical ‘‘uterus’’ in the ealliphorid flies so far as I know, although it has been stated that females of Onesia have a double-sac type of uterus. In Pollena and Melanodexia the uterovagina bears a pair of elongate, oval vesicles behind the origin of the sperma- thecae, and each of these contains a strong, curved, sclerotized rod; this is not so sharply pointed in the latter as in the former. In the Calliphorinae, Rhiniinae, and Chrysomyinae the utero- vagina is simple and regular. The accessory glands are two elongate cavities surrounded by a thick, transparent, medially united, sclerotized capsule, and these open on the dorsal wall of the preuterus which forms a large tuberosity. In Rhyncomyia they are elongate and club- like. In Callitroga, Phornuia, and Apaulina they are swollen at the free end, and in the latter genus they are six times as long the spermathecae. In Calliphora they are elongate, often swollen terminally; in Cynomyopsis they are longer than the common ovi- duct and a little stouter than the spermathecal ducts except at the broadened tips. In Melanodexia they are half again longer than the common oviduct, convoluted, their ducts almost as long as the glands, FAMILY CALLIPHORIDAE — 55 Internal sexual structures of the females of the Sarcophagi- dae differ from those of the Calliphoridae in having a heart-- shaped, or cordate, uterus. This is short and has two dorsal saes, or pouches, developed laterally from the anteroventral walls. These two sacs and the uterovagina together form the uterus. The uterus contains eggs until the enclosed embryo has developed to the fully formed maggot ready for deposition. On the basis of the female internal sexual organs, the sarecophagid flies divide into at least three major groups: (1) the typical Sarcophaginae, as noted above; (2) the Miltogramminae, which have a thick, short-set V-shaped uterus, the arms of which are anterior pro- ductions of the lateroventral walls; and (8) the melanophorid genera, some of which do not have an incubating uterus but a uterovagina capable of incubating but a single egg, and others which have the more typical double-sae type of uterus. -EGG.. The oviparous species of Calliphoridae have from small to large, macrotype, more or less cylindrical, reticulate or longi- tudinally fluted to rather striate eggs. Eggs of Pollenia are of medium size; Rhinia eggs are small to medium. Those of Calli- phora are large, elongate, more or less cylindric, reticulate, and with a micropyle anteriorly, from which a shallow, dorsal groove extends almost to the posterior end. In Callitroga the species have large eggs which are elongate and ovicylindric; the dorsum is marked by a well-defined groove. In Cynomyopsis and Cyaanus the eggs are feebly striate longitudinally. OVIPOSITION. Blowfly females of typically saprophagous species usually deposit their eggs upon carrion. They will, how- ever, deposit upon a wide range of fresh and decaying types of refuse when carrion is not present. Products of bacterial action are not essential attrahents. Eggs of oviparous species are ap- parently deposited in much the same manner. Typically, they are deposited one at a time in rapid succession on or near food sources. The females extend the telescopic terminal parts of their abdomens and push the eggs down, one after another. The eggs slip into place, often completely filling a crevice, sometimes becoming arranged in fan-shaped masses. Under exceptional circumstances one or more eggs may hatch in the uterovagina and these may be deposited as active larvae. Eggs soon dry upon be- ing exposed to air, and they then stick to each other and to blown surfaces. When dry they have a more or less waxy appearance and are difficult to wet with aqueous solutions. Females often de- posit composite masses of eggs and numerous females depositing in the same localities near an attractive location may produce aggregate masses of thousands of eggs of one or more species, 56 THE BLOWFLIES OF NorTH AMERICA Clean healthy animals are rarely attacked by blowflies. Moore (1937, p. 227) suggested that some abnormal attrahent must be present on fleece of sheep to attract ovipositing females. He considered such attrahents to be possibly the remains of urine and feces on the wool, foot-rot, wool-rot, discharging wounds, or dips grossly contaminated with urine or feces. Temperature and humidity are important factors in the de- velopment and growth of ovaries. High humidity is apparently favorable and low humidity is not. Evans (1935b) considered humidity to exert little effect upon oviposition at temperatures of 10° to 35° C., but low humidity to be unfavorable at 40° C. LARVA. The larvae of blowfly species have the posterior spir- acles nearly flush with the rim of the anal. area and the dorsal cornua is entire. The larvae of Sarcophagidae have the posterior spiracles within a deep depression and the dorsal cornua is incised or divided. However, the larva of Sarothromyia femoralis (Schiner), a widespread Neotropical sarcophagid, does not have the typical deep posterior depression, and the larva of Stomor- hina lunata (Fabricius), a blowfly species occurring in Bermuda, misleadingly has the dorsal cornua with a longitudinal clari- fied area which sometimes appears as a division. The usual custom of describing the three obvious larval instars attained by two moults is followed in this paper. Apparently, however, there is another larval instar which is usually over- looked. Fraenkel (1938) stated ‘‘The cuticle of the third instar becomes the puparium by a process of contraction, darkening, and hardening, which is generally called pupation. The third moult is the prepupal moult, by which the puparium becomes separated from the hypodermis; the fourth moult is the pupal moult, which separates off the thin sheath—from the now-com- pleted pupa; and by the fifth moult the emerging adult frees it- self from the pupal cuticle.’’ The three obvious instars of blowfly larvae may be easily rec- ognized by characters found in the posterior spiracles. First-in- star larvae have little or no indication of peritreme surrounding the posterior spiracles and the two ovate apertures in each spir- acle are nearly or actually united basally. Such larvae are also metapneustic. Differentiating characters in this instar are dif- ficult to discern and formal descriptions of the stage are usually omitted. Second-instar larvae are amphipneustic as are third- instar larvae, the anterior spiracles found laterally at the base of the second segment, have circular openings radiating fanlike from main trunks. The peritreme surrounding each posterior spiracle is more definite than in the previous instar although it is Famimy CALLIPHORIDAE Bq often indistinct about the ‘‘button’’ area. The two oval apertures are distinctly separated. Third-instar larvae have each posterior spiracle with three slitlike, nearly parallel apertures, the peri- treme is distinct, and the ‘‘button,’’ if present, is obvious. The cephaloskeleton (pls. 83B, 34H, or 48D) which lies within the first to third segments, is divided into paired sclerotized ar- ticulated segments. The labial sclerite (lsc) is that portion of the cephaloskeleton which is curved or hooked ventrally and acts as a tooth or mandible. Immediately below is the minute dentate selerite (dsc). An unpaired accessory sclerite (alsc) lies between the paired labial sclerites in some species; this is present in the Calliphorini, not in the Luciliini. Articulating with and posterior to the labial sclerite is the hypostomal sclerite (hsc) which in turn articulates with the pharyngeal sclerite. Immediately below the hypostomal sclerite is a small infrahypostomal sclerite (ihsc). The pharyngeal sclerite is winged and is the hindmost as well as the largest of the sclerites composing the buecopharyngeal ap- paratus. This is divided into an upper and lower wing which are termed dorsal (dc) and ventral (vc) cornua; the anterodorsal prolongation is termed the dorsopharyngeal sclerite (dphsc) or dorsal arch; a ribbonlike parastomal (pssc) or suprahypostomal selerite extends dorsally over the hypostomal sclerite. The posterior cavity (pl. 84G, pc) has three pairs of tubercles on the dorsal margin; these are termed inner (7), median (m), and outer (0) pairs. The lower border is provided with three or four pairs of tubercles and these are designated in the same way. The anal protuberance (pl. 34G, ap) has two prominent tubercles between which lies the anal opening. The posterior spiracles lie within the so-called posterior cavity, ‘and each is partially (pl. 34D) or completely (pl. 42D) sur- rounded by sclerotized peritreme (p) in the third instar. The sear produced by the casting of the external portion of the spir- acle in the previous instar is called the ‘‘button’’ (6), and this may or may not be evident. The ‘‘button’’ is obvious within the peritreme in the Calliphorinae, not in the Chrysomyinae. The position of the two or three more or less oval and nearly paral- lel slitlike apertures yields characters of considerable signifi- cance, but the ornamentation within the slits is of apparently no taxonomic value. The so-called ‘‘sun-ray’’ structures, or peri- stigmatie glands (of Keilin, 1975), have usually been omitted in the illustrations. LARVAL HABITS. The larvae of most blowfly species are saprophagous and are usually found feeding upon decomposing substances, most often flesh. Decomposing flesh, however, is not 58 Tur Buowruies or NortH AMERICA necessary for their development, and they occasionally oceur in mixed garbage and other kinds of refuse. Although they develop normally in decomposing media, they are often injured by ex- cessive putrefaction. Thus, upon emerging from the egg, the larva feeds for a short time upon the surface of the food in the vicinity of the egg mass, then it bores into the comparatively fresh food within, preferring that to the putrid decomposing ma- terial outside. Wounds in which such species occur are usually old, pustular, and suppurative. With only few exceptions they have a tendency to feed outside a myiasis wound if the wound is in a long-fleece animal. Larvae of blowflies are extremely sensitive to ight and react negatively to it. The response becomes more marked with age. Ellsworth (1933) found that larvae of sericata were protected — from overstimulation by light through the retraction of the en- tire photoreceptor organ and the infolding of the chitinous -eollar. The effects of temperature and humidity upon larval develop- ment of several species were studied by Bishopp (1915), Herms (1928), Smit (1928), and Wardle (1930). Larvae of sericata be- come active when careass temperature reaches 50° to 55° F., according to Deonier (1940), and it is possible that the larvae of most species react similarly. Hydrogen ion concentration in the digestive tract of larvae of blowflies was studied by Hobson (1931) and Waterhouse (1940). These authors found the pH to be 7.0 in the crop, 6.5 in the an- terior portion of the midgut, 3.0-3.5 in the middle portion of the midgut, 7.5-8.3 in the posterior portion of the midgut, and 8.0- 8.5 in the hindgut. The latter author found these pH values to be essentially similar in all species studied. DIAPAUSE. When fully developed, blowfly larvae leave their food and enter the prepupal stage. According to Mellanby (1938, p. 392) ‘‘The prepupa is externally indistinguishable from a larva, but it does not feed and it possesses other physio- logical properties.’’ After several days of favorable conditions, the larva becomes rounded and the skin becomes hardened to form the puparium. Under unfavorable circumstances, such as low temperature or lack of sufficient moisture, they are able to suspend pupation and may remain active for months without fur- ther apparent development. This cessation of development is called ‘‘diapause.’’ The diapause presumably ends when the pre- pupa has acquired sufficient water to overcome any effects of desi- cation and is stimulated to pupation by suitable temperature. Famity CALLIPHORIDAE 59 PUPATION. Fraenkel (1935) stated ‘‘ Proofs have been estab- lished for the action of a hormone inducing pupation in the blow- fly. This hormone is secreted from 16 hours before pupation at 20° C. The hormone producing organ is either the ganglion, or in its immediate neighborhood. After the hormone has already been discharged, pupation can be successfully accomplished with- out the cooperation of the nervous centers (ganglia).’’ PUPARIUM. The puparium is the sclerotized, more or less shrunken, cast skin of the third-instar larva. It therefore pos- sesses the major external characters of that instar and has been deseribed for only a few of the species. The depth in the soil at which pupation occurs may be characteristic of species within a genus, and this information is regularly given when known. ADULT HABITS. The adult blowfly usually emerges from the puparium in the morning. The metallic species are first grayish brown in color, then various metallic shades, and after a few hours are typically colored. Some of the species gradually change in color from yellow gray to bronzy green over a period of 3 to 4 days. Most of the species differ markedly from each other in adult habits. Some of these differences are so obvious that one can identify certain species in nature by flight habits or other essen- tial peculiarities. Some of these differences are discussed in the text under species headings. Individual blowflies may live for a considerable time in cap- tivity. Salt (1932) secured sterile eggs from a female of sericata 91 days old and he reported upon another female which lived for 104 days. He found the average length of life in sericata to be 56.6 days in the female, 41.0 days in the male. Limited larval food supply and delayed pupation will cause variation in the size of adult blowflies. Delayed pupation will also result in the production of ‘‘monsters’’ manifest in wings that will not fold, lack of muscular coordination, or atrophy of abdomen or appendages. Individuals of this kind often emerge from puparia subjected to low temperatures and high humidi- ties. Such individuals die within a day or two. SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE The flies which belong to this subfamily differ considerably from typical Calliphoridae. They are mostly testaceous with metallic-colored abdomens, and are the largest of the North American calliphorid flies. Little is known concerning the biology of any of the species which belong here. Both males and females are more or less erepuscular and are never found in bright sunlight. During periods of bright sunlight adults retreat into the darkest por- tions of the jungle. In early morning and late afternoon, or when the sun is concealed by clouds, they may be collected in open areas in the forest. Both sexes may be collected commonly on decaying fruits, feces of birds and animals, juices of vegeta- tion, fermenting substances, and other decaying substances. They rarely fly more than a few feet above the jungle floor. Males often congregate on low foliage near sources of attractive food. Females may be collected either on foods or as they fly slowly through the shadowed jungle. The adults of these species are among the most abundant of all flies in American tropical rain forests and in behavior they are unlike any of the other ealli- phorine flies I have ever collected. All specimens belonging to the subfamily Mesembrinellinae possess the following characters in common. MALE AND FEMALE. Head wider than high, length at an- tenna and at vibrissa half or less greatest width; length at oral margin and at vibrissa nearly equal; epistoma gently warped for- ward from clypeal plane and nearly or quite as wide as clypeus; metacephalon not apparent and the lower posterior margin of head rounded in profile; bucca comparatively narrow when com: pared with eye height; eye large, elongate-oval, set nearly straight in head, bare; inner vertical bristles strong, decussate; postvertical bristles weak, proclinate; interfrontal bristles pres- ent in female, absent in male; ocellar bristles large, proclinate; postocellar bristles weak, proclinate; clypeus sunken, shallow; _ facial carina absent or not apparent; parafaciale bare; faciale slightly coneave in profile, the edge rounded, low; vibrissa slight- ly above oral margin, with a second elongate bristle slightly below this, and often with a third and a fourth bristle at or near juncture of the lower anterior margin of head with the lower margin of the epistoma; proboscis about two-thirds head height; haustellum nearly five-eighths length of proboscis, stout, sparse- ly setose; palpus clavate, thickened apically; antennal base at 60 SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 61 or near middle of eye with head in profile; bases approximate; third segment of antenna reaching nearly to vibrissa; arista nearly twice as long as third segment, penultimate segment short, terminal segment elongate, thickened only at base and uniformly tapering to apex, with long ciliation above and below; back of head flat or but slightly rounded in profile. Thorax with propleuron bare; presupraalar bristle one; no- topleural bristles two; prosternum narrowed posteriorly, widen- ing anteriorly, setose; postalar declivity with tuft of hair in center; sclerites at wing-base with only preepaulet setose; tym- panic pit bare; greater ampulla slightly reniform posteriorly; postalar bristles two, one weak; postdorsocentral bristles three; intrapostalar, intrapostsupraalar and intrapostsutural bristles absent; postintraalar bristles two; postsupraalar bristles three; spiracles large; scutellum with under surface finely setose, the setae short, and with one discal and one apical bristle. Legs elongate and slender; hind coxa setose posteriorly; fore tibia with one posterior bristle near apical third; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical third and one ventral bristle near apical third; hind tibia with one anteroventral bristle near apical fourth and two posterodorsal bristles toward base. Wing without costal spine; subcostal sclerite with fine pube- scence; remigium bare below (ciliate posteriorly above in Mes- embolia) ; only third vein with setae; bend in fourth vein widely rounded; anterior cross vein at or near middle of second section of fourth vein; upper squamal lobe small, bare, rounded; lower squamal lobe of medium size, ovate, bare. Abdomen with tergites not overlapping sternites, the ventral membrane usually widely exposed in both sexes; first and sec- ond segments without dorsal bristles; fourth segment often with discal and usually with strong marginal bristles. Genital sezments of male large, terminal, globose, and obvious in repose; of female, not in form of extensile ovipositor. MORPHOLOGY OF INTERNAL SEXUAL STRUCTURES. It has been stated previously that the Mesembrinellinae are aberrant in the Calliphoridae. The reproductive habits, the structures of the internal organs of reproduction, and certain details of external morphology in the female are not as in typical blowflies. However, these flies are treated here as a subfamily of Calliphoridae because the male genital structure is very similar to that found in typical Calliphoridae, and the adult fly possesses most of the characters considered calliphorine. 62 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Female Mesembrinellinae produce second-instar larvae and the female reproductive system (Fig. VI) is modified for this purpose. It appears somewhat different from the type found in Calliphora, but most of the parts are homologous. The postab- dominal segments (pl. 10, A) are modified to allow for the de- position of large larvae and there is no telescopic sclerotized and membranous ovipositor. Tergites 1 to 5 are asin Calliphora; ster- nites 1 to 5 are very small and the ventral membrane is obvious. QIAN Fig. VI. Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius). Internal reproductive system of female. AG. Accessory gland. OD. -Ovarian duct. CO. Common oviduct. R. Rectum. GO. Genital opening. S. Spermatheca. O. Ovary. U. Uterus. Tergites 6 and 7 are united and have two pairs of spiracles; tergite 8 is strongly sclerotized; tergite 9 is less strongly sclerotized and has a marginal-row of macrochaetae; this is the last obvious abdominal tergite. The anus is located above a strongly-selerotized, flattened plate which appears similar to, and possibly is, a sternite, and between a pair of terminal para- procts; the genital opening is located immediately below and is surrounded by membrane capable of considerable distention. The uterus is of the simple, sac-like, incubating type, com- posed of thin white membrane capable of remarkable distention; SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 63 it incubates a single egg at one time, retaining the developing larva well into the second instar. .There is no chitinous vagina. The nulliparous uterus is very small and lies just ventrad of the rectum in the sixth and seventh segments. The developing larva within the uterus has the oral hooks near the anteroven- tral uterine wall and its posterior spiracles at the genital open- ing. The ducts of the spermathecae and accessory glands open into the center of a thickened membranous area on the antero- dorsal third of the uterus. This thickened area extends anterior- ly into the common oviduct, which divides into the lateral ovi- ducts, these beginning in the ovaries which are composed of only three or four ovarioles each. One ovariole usually develops dur- ing the period when a larva is developing within the uterus. The spermathecae are three in number, two on the right side and one on the left. These are in the form of long, sclerotized, tu- bular coils which are enclosed in thick tissue hoods. Their less sclerotized ducts are about as long as the accessory glands. The membranous accessory glands are two in number and are re- latively short. The ovarian egg is sometimes 2 mm. in length and 0.75 mm. in diameter. Only one egg develops at one time and it continues to grow while it moves from the ovaries through the ducts and hatches in the uterus. The fully developed first-instar larva occupies almost the en- tire posterior half of the abdominal cavity, the anterior half of which is filled with air-sacs. The common oviduct extends to the foremost portion of the uterus and the lateral oviducts then extend to the ovaries located posteriorly on the ventrolateral surfaces of the uterus. The spermathecae and accessory glands, portions of the digestive tract, rectum, and Malpighian tubules, ' with numerous tracheal branches, are imbedded in fat body and tissue in the hindmost portion of the abdominal cavity. There is no evidence of placental development nor is there evidence of parental feeding, although Townsend (1934) stated, ‘‘The larva is apparently enveloped in a placenta trachealis.’’ Weber (1933, p. 5384) stated that the food of such larvae is supplied within the ego. I was unable to find secretory glands and it seems doubtful that sufficient food material is supplied by this means to yield larvae of the size produced by Huascaromusca bicolor (10-12 mm.) or by H. facialis (12-14 mm.). The external and internal genital structures of male mesem- brinelline flies (Fig. IV) are similar in general appearance to those of the typical calliphorine flies. The ejaculatory bulb and its apodeme are proportionately larger than in Calliphora vomi- 64. THE BLOWFUIES OF NortTH AMERICA toria; the vas deferens is elongate and narrowed apically, the anterior sixth is thickened. The hourglass-shaped testes and the ego-shaped vehicular glands are very small; the latter are about half as large as the former, and, with the vasa efferentia, are en- closed in tissue hoods. The vasa efferentia are about as long as the testes. Giglio-Tos (1893) designated Musca quadrilineata Fabricius as genotype of his genus Mesembrinella. His quadrilineata was a misidentification. Aldrich (1922) redeseribed the quadrilineata of Giglio-Tos (nee Fabricius) as Mesembolia bellardiana. Town- send (1931), considering Mesembrinella to apply to quadri- lineata Giglio-Tos, not Fabricius, proposed Humesembrinella, naming quadrilineata Fabricius as genotype Most of the species treated by Aldrich (1922) under the name of Mesembrinella be- long in the genus Huascaromusca Townsend, which has (cru- ciata Townsend) =xanthorrhina Bigot as genotype. Townsend saw Giglio-Tos’ and Fabricius’ type specimens and Aldrich saw the Fabrician type. Mesembrinella and Mesembolia do not occur in North America so far as I know. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES OF NORTH AMERICAN MESEMBRINELLINAE 1. Posthumeral and preacrostichal bristles present........ 2 Posthumeral and preacrostichal bristles absent .......... Te e's ee Promesembrinella semrflava (Ald.), p. 65 2. Two preintraalar bristles present’ ........').... 7) ee 3 Presutural -intraalar bristles. absent ..7...... ) ose 5 3. Sixth section of costa less than one half as long as pre- ceeding section; width of parafaciale opposite lunule 0.30 or less of distance between vibrissae ............ 4 Sixth section of costa more than one-half as long as pre- ceding section; width of parafaciale opposite lunule 0.40 of distance between ae ade s ogee 4. +e) 4. Front of male 0.07—0.08 of head width, with a small proclinate frontoorbital bristle nearly opposite fore- most ocellus; female with only one proclinate fronto- orbital bristle.. +... eee ded ates ae Ae z SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 65 Front of male 0.02—0.023 of head width, without fronto- orbital bristles; female with two or three proclinate PEOULOUGOLUL MOLISE LES: nay ae eh, Wek. te: SIN Oe 5. Fourth abdominal segment with a row of strong discal INS ES ae Sek OR aS CR, Om Re let i an ee 6 Fourth abdominal segment with only marginal bristles... .8 6. Femora, pleura, and abdomen blue-green to blackish. ...7 Femora, pleura and base of abdomen yellow orange........ RT eee Huascaromusca tibralis (Ald.), p. 81 7. Two to three rows of postocular cilia; only one lateral seutellar bristle; thoracic spiracles with orange hair.... Sart ie Neat ita echaratae Huascaromusca uniseta (Ald.), p. 84 Only one row of postocular cilia; with two lateral seu- tellar bristles; thoracic spiracles with dark brown hair Ph aay sO aah. Huascaromusca xanthorrhina (Big.), p. 86 8. Faciale low, rounded, and setose only at vibrissae......... 9 Faciale high, sharp, and setose to middle .............. EET ere Huascaromusca facialis (Ald.), p. 72 9. Legs, pleura, and base of abdomen largely orange or ° Dov Lee renee he PIE is. Wadd oda lite ane 10 Legs, pleura, and base of abdomen blue green .......... ee em ek Huascaromusca spicata (Ald.), p. 79 PO mOimonespreacrostichaln bristles Wee. oa. she. dle ee Bee Rae eS eee Huascaromusca formosa (Ald.), p. 77 BO ME LeACl OSUICHIGPRTISULCS er. i. tt tas ok Oe oy ast oer ee ate Pilger itera ne ate Huascaromusca flavicrura (Ald.), p. 75 PROMESEMBRINELLA, NEW GENUS Male and female. Head length at antenna greater than at vibrissa, causing frontal profile to appear protuberant at an- tennal base and the parafaciale to be considerably narrower below than toward lunule; faciale low and rounded; elypeus short and wide. Thorax with posthumeral and preacrostichal bristles absent. Wing low and rather narrow. Female without frontoorbital bristles. Genotype, Mesembrinella senuflava Aldrich. 66 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA This genus differs from other genera in the subfamily by lack- ing posthumeral and preacrostichal bristles. It differs from — Huascaromusca in head proportion as well. Promesembrinella semiflava (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella senuflava Aldrich, U.S. Natl. Mus., Proc. 66(18) : 14-15, 1925. (Type, male from La Suiza de Turrialba, Costa Rica, No. 26799, U. S. National Museum.) A yellowish to brown species with faintly infuseated wing, front, antenna, palpus, and legs orange, the dorsum of thorax and the third and fourth abdominal segments metallic blue. Male. Head width at greatest 14.0; length at antenna 6.2 and at vibrissa 5.2; eye height 11.0; head height 12.0; elypeus with length fully twice width, orange, rather silvery pollinose; epis- toma but very slightly warped forward from clypeal plane; bueea 0.10 of eye height, orange, golden pollinose, with a few scattered black hairs, some pale hairs before the metacephalic suture; frontale totally obliterated at narrowest portion of front, orange anteriorly; frons at narrowest (about two units below the foremost ocellus) 0.03 of head width, 0.10 at vertex, and 0.20 at lunule, orange in ground color anteriorly, dark brown to black posteriorly, golden pollinose, without fine hair outside frontal rows of bristles; vertex dark brown to black, brown pollinose; frontal row of bristles vestigial posteriorly, fading out at narrowest portion of front and composed of about five bristles, only the anterior ones strong; parafaciale golden pol- linose over orange ground color, 1.2 in width opposite lunule, narrowing to about 0.6 below; faciale low, rounded, broad, with only a few small black setae above the vibrissae; vibrissae at oral margin, set 3.6 apart; antenna orange, third segment three times as long as second and reaching almost to the vibrissae; arista orange brown, darker apically, the ciliation dark brown; palpus orange, 3.5 in length; back of head dark brown to black above; metacephalon orange, the former silvery pollinose, with one row of postocular cilia and with orange colored hair. Thorax orange, dorsum dark brown to bluish black metallic, with some white pollen which is particularly noticeable anter- iorly, and with two dorsal, longitudinal, shining black stripes outside the dorsocentral rows of bristles which extend posteriorly to the seutellar suture, and with less distinct and narrower stripes outside the acrostichal rows of bristles, which do not extend beyond the suture; pleura slightly silvery, with orange hair; propleuron slightly silvery, with fine orange hair; pro- pleural bristles two; sternopleural bristles two, both strong; SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 67 sternopleuron with an additional bristle set on the posterior margin of the sclerite and ventrad of hindmost sternopleural bristle (this bristle has not hitherto been noted and may be termed the ‘‘ poststernopleural bristle’’) ; mesospiracular bristles two, these set farther posterior than normal; postacrostichal bristles two; thoracic spiracles with orange hair, the meta- thoracic spiracle without black hair ventrally; sclerites at wing base orange; smaller ampulla brown; scutellum with one lateral bristle, the under surface with fine orange hair; postscutellar plates orange pilose. Legs with coxae, trochanters and femora orange, tibiae and tarsi dark orange brown, darker apically; middle tibia with an elongate anterodorsal bristle near middle, two posterior bristles, one near the basal third and one near apical third, and one posterodorsal bristle near middle; hind tibia with two antero- dorsal bristles, one near basal third and the other near middle, one anteroventral bristle near the apical third, and two postero- dorsal bristles, one near basal fourth, the other much longer, near the apical third. Wing hyaline, brownish; basicosta and subcostal sclerite orange, the latter orange pubescent; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 100:85:128:85:6; third vein with one to three basal setulae; squamal lobes brownish. Abdomen with first and second segments yellow to orange, the hind margin of the former narrowly metallic purplish, the posterior fifth of latter deep purple, the band considerably wider laterally, both segments with a single lateral bristle; third seg- ment slightly orange laterally and basally, posteriorly metallic purple, and with long erect marginal bristles; fourth segment entirely dark metallic purple, with long erect discal bristles in a row at middle of segment, and with a weaker row of marginal bristles; ventrally, mostly yellowish or orange with orange pile; all sternites orange to orange brown with orange pile; fifth sternite as illustrated (pl. 10, C). Genital segments dark orange brown to blackish brown, with fine erect black hairs. Internal anatomical features and posterior view of forceps (pl. 10, B and D), as illustrated. Female. Head height 12.0; eye height 10.0; bueca 0.08 of eye height; length of head at antenna 7.0, and at vibrissa 6.0, width 15.0; width of front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.17 of head width, the margins narrowly diverging anteriorly to within 1.5 of the lunule, then suddenly diverging to 0.27 of head width at lunule; frontal row of bristles extending posteriorly only about half the distance from the lunule to the foremost ocellus, weaker 68 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA posteriorly, and consisting of five or six bristles; parafrontale with a few dark setae outside the frontal row of bristles; frontale with nearly parallel margins, red orange anteriorly, darker posteriorly, and wider than parafrontale; third antennal seg- ment 3.4 times as long as second; parafaciale 1.6 in width opposite lunule; vibrissae set 4.4 apart; palpus 4.0 in length, orange. Wing (pl. 8, A) with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 110:90:150:80:14. Otherwise like male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 9-10 mm. Originally described from three males and two females col- lected from February 23-28 to March 16, by Pablo Schild. (A. L. Melander’s collection. ) P. ngrifrons (Bigot) has the eyes in the male contiguous for a short distance rather than distinctly separated; the costal margin in both sexes is heavily infuseated beyond the second costal section, and there are three dark stripes on the dorsum of the thorax separating four pollinose stripes. This species is Neotropical and specimens are at hand from Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru. HUASCAROMUSCA TOWNSEND Huascaromusca Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 6:155, 1918. Genotype. (Huascaromusca cruciata Townsend) = Somomyia xanthorrhina Bigot. (Monobasic.) Male and female. Head (pl. 1, A) length at antenna and at vibrissa equal or the length at antenna only slightly greater than length at vibrissa; front in female usually with parallel margins, narrow in male; clypeus about as long as wide; para- faciale usually narrowed above. Thorax with posthumeral and preacrostichal bristles. Wing long but not particularly nar- rowed as in Mesembrinella and Promesembrinella. Huascaromusca abaca, new species A yellowish to blackish-brown species with hyaline wings, the head, appendages, and base of abdomen yellow. This species is usually determined under the name bicolor, to which species it is closely related. The two are almost identical in superficial appearance. « Male. As in bicolor except head with small proclinate fronto- orbital bristles which are nearly opposite the anterior ocellus, no weak accessory ocellar bristles; width of front at narrowest 0.07 to 0.08 of full head width; vibrissa only slightly above the oral margin. SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 69 Thorax blackish brown, darker on dorsum; sternopleuron with pale hair only; mesothoracie spiracle without dark hair on the lower margin. Abdomen with first segment yellow, the posterior margin narrowly purplish black; second segment yellow, the posterior margin widely purplish black in center on dorsum, more nar- rowly so laterally; third and fourth segments deep metallic purplish or greenish black. Genital segments (pl. 10 E and F) orange with black setae. Female. Similar to male, with the usual normal sexual differ- ences, and differing from the female of bicolor in having but one proclinate frontoorbital bristle. Length. 9-11 mm. Type. Male, No. 53112, in the U. S. National Maen Type locality. Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama. Thirteen specimens including the holotype were collected in fruit fly traps during August and September 1936 by James Zetek; 13 additional specimens were collected during January 1929 by C. H. Curran in the same locality; 2 specimens are in the collection from Higuito, San Mateo, Costa Rica, ecol- lected by Pablo Schild. The species is not uncommon in the tropical rain forests of both east and west coasts of Guatemala and Nicaragua during the month of May. Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius), new combination Musca bicolor Fabricius, Systema Antliatorum, p. 291, 1805; Wiedemann, Aussereuropaische zweifltigelige Insekten, vol. 2, p. 392, 1830. (Type, female from South America, in Copenhagen, Denmark.) Calliphora socors Walker, Roy. Ent. Soc. London, Trans, (n. ser.) 5:311, 1858. (Type, female from Mexico, in the British Museum.) Leptoda bicolor (Wiedemann), Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zwei- fligler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 6, no. 3, feeloe, Lous, Mesembrinella bicolor Giglio-Tos, Mus. di Zool. ed Anat. Comp. R. Torino, Bol. 8(147) :4, 1898; R. Acad. Sei. Torino Mem. (2)45:11, 1895; Sureouf, Paris Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Nouvelle Arch. (5)6:70, 1919 (in part). Mesembrinella aeneiventris Van der Wulp, Biologia Centrali- Americana, Insecta, Diptera, vol. 2, p. 301, 1896. (Cotypes, [both sexes] from Mexico, in the British Museum.) 70 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortTH AMERICA Ochromyia bicolor (Fabricius) Surcouf, Paris Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Nouvelle Arch. (5)6:70, 1919 (in part). Mesembrinella bicolor (Fabricius) Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 62:13, 1922; Engel, Konowia 10(2) :185, 1931; Town- send, Rev. de Ent. 1:69, 1931. A yellowish brown species with faintly infuscated wings, crange head, antennae, palpi and legs, the abdomen metallic bluish to purple except at base. Male. Head width 16.0; length at antenna 7.7, and at vibrissa 7.4; eye height 11.8; head height 13.8; bueca 13.5 of eye height, orange, with scattered black hair, no pale hairs before the metacephalic suture, and thinly silvery yellow pollinose; frontale fully 0.60 frontal width, orange; frons narrow, at narrowest 0.02-0.03 of head width, 12.6 at vertex and 0.20 at antennal base, orange, yellowish-silvery pollinose, bare; frontal row of bristles composed of 9 or 10 bristles, only the anterior ones strong, the rows diverging as they follow the margin of the frontale; inner vertical bristles strong, decussate; ocellar bristles long and strong, with a pair of accessory ocellar bristles immediately behind the posterior ocelli, these about two-thirds as long as the normal pair; vertex orange, pollinose; clypeus orange, yellowish- white pollinose; parafaciale 1.2 in width opposite lunule, orange, bare; faciale rounded, somewhat concave in profile, bristled only slightly above vibrissae; vibrissae 0.8 above oral margin and separated by 3.8, with a strong bristle just below at the lower anterior margin; proboscis orange; palpus orange, 4.1 in length; antenna bright orange, third segment 2.4 times as long as second; arista orange at base, brown apically, the ciliation brown; postor- bits brown, silvery pollinose; back of head dark brown above, orange below, yellowish silvery pollinose, postvertex orange red, one row of postocular cilia and with scattered yellowish hair. Thorax yellow orange to orange brown, dorsum rather reddish brown with whitish pollen in certain lights and with indistinct shining longitudinal stripes; humerus yellow to yellow orange, with scattered tawny and black hair, and with three humeral bristles; preintraalar bristles three, the foremost one weak; presutural supraalar bristle one; preacrostichal bristles two, . strong; predorsocentral bristles two, strong; propleural bristles one or two; mesospiracular bristle rather distant from suture; sternopleuron with scattered black hair above, pale hair below; sternopleural bristles three; hypopleural bristles arranged in a wide ‘‘V’’, sclerites at wing base orange; postacrostichal bristles two; both mesothoracie and metathoracie spiracles with orange SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 71 hair, the latter with fine long black hairs ventrally; scutellum concolorous with dorsum, the under surface with yellow pile; lateral bristles two large and two weak; postscutellar plates with jong tawny hair. Legs with femora orange, tibiae and tarsi dark orange brown; middle tibia with two posterior bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third, and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; hind tibia with two anterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth and one near middle. Wing (pl. 8, B) hyaline, slightly tinged with orange brown, especially along the costal margin and basally; basicosta orange; subcostal sclerite orange, with orange pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 100:84 :123 :66:16; third vein with only one or two basal setulae; upper squamal lobe hyaline, orange brown apically; lower squamal lobe orange brown. Abdomen with first segment yellowish to orange, the posterior margin purplish; second segment purple over orange ground color; third and fourth segments shining purple over brown, the third with a marginal row of strong, erect bristles, the fourth with a marginal row of rather weak bristles; abdomen usually more orange ventrally than dorsally; fifth sternite (pl. 11, B), as illustrated. Genital segments large; first segment dark metallic, with black setae; second segment orange, with black setae. Internal ana- tomical details (pl. 11, A, B, and C), as illustrated. Female. Head width 16.3; length at antenna 7.7, and at vibrissa 7.5; eye height 11.0; head height 12.8; bueca 0.12 of eye height; frontale 0.60 of frontal width at lunule, wider pos- teriorly; proclinate frontoorbital bristles two or three; frontal row of bristles consisting of five large and three or four small bristles, the rows not divergent anteriorly, extending to the base of the second antennal segment; front with nearly parallel margins from vertex to within 1.5 units of the lunule, 0.27 of head width at vertex, 0.30 at antennal base, with a few pale hairs outside the frontal rows; parafaciale 1.7 in width opposite lunule; vibrissae set 4.0 apart; palpus 4.6 in length; third. anten- nal segment 2.5 times as long as second. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 100:95:140:70:19. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. There is considerable variation in the number of bristles in certain series in this species. The acrostichal series may have two or three bristles anterior to the suture, and two, three or four posterior to the suture. There may be either two or three sterno- pleural bristles, usually three. A first impression of a long 72 Tur BLOwF.UIES of NortH AMERICA series of this species is that more than a single species may be represented, but the differences are apparently not of specific significance. Length. 9-12 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: North as far as Cozumel, Quintana Roo Province, Yucatan, Mexico, and south as far as Paraguay. This species is the most abundant of the genus in the tropical rain forests of Central America and may be collected during every season of the year. No specimens were collected at eleva- tions over 500 feet. They are most numerous in the dense tropical rain forests along coastal sections. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Egg: Large macrotype, 2.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. in diameter, smooth, membranous, with- out apparent sculpture. The egg is withheld in the uterus until hatched and it is apparently enclosed in a membranous covering. Larva. First instar: Length 3.0-8.0 mm. Nearly white, trans- lucent, smooth, segmentation not apparent in newly hatched larva but obvious in more mature larva. Metapneustic; posterior spiracles (pl. 32, C) large, each with two well-defined, nearly horizontal, ovate apertures; newly hatched larva with posterior spiracles located dorsally in weak depression nearly one-third the distance toward the cephalic segment normal in situation in more mature specimens. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 32, A and B) with pharyngeal sclerites weakly developed but labial sclerites re- markably well-developed, divided, eee sclerotized, weakly curved, spatulate. The developing larva protrudes into open air through the genital opening of the female; many female specimens have been examined with the larva so exposed. Huascaromusca facialis (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella facialis Aldrich, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 62(11) :17, 1922. (Type, female from Costa Rica, No. 25248, U. S. National Museum.) A yellowish brown species with the fourth abdominal segment nearly black. This species differs in some respects from other species in- cluded in the genus Huascaromusca, but too few species have been seen to judge the significance of these differences. The genotype has the tympanic ridge clearly bare, but this may be only a specific character in the genus. Female. Head width 16.4; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.5; eye height 11.0; epistoma strongly warped forward from clypeal plane; clypeus deeply sunken but wide; head height. SuBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 43 13.0; bueca 0.21 of eye height, dull orange with thin whitish pollen and with both dark and pale hairs before the metacephalic suture; frontale almost twice as wide as parafrontale anteriorly and nearly four times as wide posteriorly, orange red; front with nearly parallel margins, at vertex, 0.23 of head width, 0.26 at lunule, reddish orange in ground color, and thinly silvery- yellow pollinose, with a few dark hairs outside the frontal rows of bristles; these rows consisting each of about five bristles and extending posteriorly only about one-third the distance from the lunule to the foremost ocellus; parafaciale reddish orange, covered with silvery-yellowish pollen, 1.6 in width opposite lunule; faciale with dark, thick-set, short bristles which ascend nearly half the distance from the vibrissa to the antennal base; vibrissae only slightly above the oral margin and set 4.0 apart; antenna yellow to yellow orange, third segment 3.5 times as long as second; arista orange at base, darker apically, with brown ciliation which is darker toward apex; palpus orange, 4.0 in length; back of head dark brown, postorbits with thin silvery pollen, one row of postocular cilia and with scattered yellow hair. Thorax yellowish to brownish, darker on dorsum, with thin whitish pollen which, when viewed from behind, extends in three dorsal longitudinal stripes; preacrostichal bristles two, the hindmost set 2.5 before the suture; hindmost predorsocentral bristle 2.0 before the suture; dorsum, dorsal margin of sterno- pleuron, and posterior margin of mesopleuron with fine black hair, but elsewhere with fine orange hair; postacrostichal bristles in prescutellars only; sternopleural bristles three; sclerites at wing base yellow to orange; spiracles with yellow hair, the meta- thoracic spiracle with several long black hairs on the posterior margin; tympanic ridge wide and strongly setose, the setae black; secutellum concolorous with dorsum, under surface later- ally with pale hair, with black hair in center, lateral bristles two, with a weaker bristle just anterior to basal; postscutellar plates with long pale hair. Legs varying from yellow basally to brown apically; coxae with soft yellow pile; middle tibia with anterodorsal bristle near middle and ventral bristle near apical third. Wing (pl. 8, C) hyaline, clouded with brown, and strongly yellowish brown along the costal border; subcostal sclerite and basicosta orange, the former with soft, fine, orange pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 110:84:140:50 :20; anter- ior cross vein very short; squamal lobes brown, with a nap of very short fine pile above. Abdomen colored like thorax, shining, the posterior margin of 74 Tre BLowFules or NortH AMERICA each segment darker; third segment with posterior margin dark metallic purple and with strong marginal bristles; fourth seg- ment with dark brown pollen in certain lights and with a marginal row of bristles; sternites light brown but darker toward fifth, each with long and strong erect black marginal bristles and with several scattered discal bristles. Male. Head height 18.0; width 22.0; length at antenna 11.0 and at vibrissa 9.4; eye height 15.0; bueca 0.16 head height; frons at vertex 0.08 of head width, only a narrow line at narrowest, but widening to 0.26 at lunule; frontal row consisting of about seven bristles, the rows diverging anteriorly with the frontale, and obsolete at the narrowest portion of frons; parafrontale narrow, bare; parafaciale 1.6 in width opposite lunule, narrower below; vibrissae placed 5.0 apart; palpus 6.2 in length. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 120 :120:150 :54:32. Otherwise like female except for normal sexual differences; details of genital segments (pl. 11, D and E) as illustrated. Length. 14 mm. Distribution. Coastal eastern Central America north as far aS Belize, British Honduras, south as far as Panama, and inland as far as Flores, northeastern Guatemala. The female description is based upon the holotype, and the male description upon a male specimen selected from a series trapped in Panama. A series of facialis was collected during August and Septem- ber, 1936, in fruitfly traps on Barro Colorado, Canal Zone, Panama, by James Zetek. Several of the specimens of this series were gravid upon capture and had large larvae of apparently the second instar partially protruding from their abdomens. These larvae varied from 7 to 9 mm. in length. Larva. Length 3-14 mm. Translucent pearly white in early hours, the segmental lines distinet but with little or no indica- tions of spinose bands of more mature specimens, the pigmented and spinose areas becoming more apparent with development and causing the specimen to appear banded. Cephalic segment (pl. 32 D) large, with three or four horizontal oral grooves and with sclerotized pigmented areas laterodorsally toward posterior mar- gins, these gradually extending around the entire posterior margin; second segment in early hours of development with an area of minute single-pointed spines on anteroventral and lateral margins, these becoming more definite, the spines larger and more pigmented as specimen matures; posterior half or more dorsally and posterior third or more posterolaterally pigmented black; third segment posterolaterally toward middle with pig- SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 15 mented areas and toward anterior ventral third with pigmented sclerotized plate; sixth to eleventh segments each posterodorsally and posteroventrally with narrow spinose bands, strong anterior spinose bands posteroventrally, the individual spines long and black in more mature specimens; ventral pad on the eleventh segment with weak spines in younger specimens, but strong, black and hooklike in more mature specimens; spines around posterior cavity long and hairlike; anal protuberance and ventral view of posterior portion (pl. 32, F and G), as illus- trated. Posterior cavity shallow, the ventral margin with six weak tubercles, the dorsal margin with eight tubercles. Meta- pneustic; posterior spiracles (pl. 32, H) in early part of instar each with two slitlike apertures, these partially joined ventrally; in more mature specimens the plates separated by one-fourth the width of one plate, each plate more or less heart-shaped and with two distinct slitlike, nearly horizontal apertures; peritreme very weak and hardly apparent dorsally but strong around the button area. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 32, E) weakly developed in very young larvae but more heavily sclerotized and pigmented in more mature specimens; labial sclerites divided at tips but united basally, elongate and strongly hooked; hypostomal sclerite very short; pharyngeal sclerite weakly pigmented, the dorsal cornua short, weakly sclerotized except at dorsopharyngeal area, the ventral cornua without longitudinal grooves or furrows, elongate, weakly sclerotized; no accessory sclerites. It was impossible to determine whether one or two instars are included in the above description. All the larvae at hand are metapneustic, a condition usually considered indicative of first- instar development. The smallest larvae are 3 mm: in length, the largest larvae fully 14 mm. It is difficult to understand how sclerotized parts of a single instar could attain the extremes exhibited by these larvae. It may be that the larva of this species is deposited nearly ready for molting into the third instar and the free larval stage is therefore a very short one; perhaps this is a necessity in the tropics. Huascaromusca flavicrura (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella flavicrura Aldrich, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 66(18) : 16, 1925. (Type, male from La Suiza de Turrialba, Costa Rica, in A. L. Melander’s Collection.) A blue-black species with orange head and appendages. Male. Head width 13.6; length at antenna 6.4, and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 10.0; head height 12.0; bueca 0.12 of eye height, orange, with golden pollen, and with only black hair before the 76 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA metacephalic suture; frontale yellow orange anteriorly; frons at narrowest only 0.01 of head width, 0.08 at vertex, and 0.18 at lunule, orange in ground eolor, covered with golden pollen anteriorly, brownish posteriorly, and with only a few weak hairs outside the frontal rows of bristles; frontal row of bristles not extending posteriorly beyond narrowest part of frontale, consisting of about eight bristles, only the anterior ones strong; ocellar triangle with strong proclinate accessory ocellar bristles immediately behind posterior ocelli; vertex brown, brownish pollinose; parafaciale orange, golden pollinose, 1.0 in width opposite lunule, slightly narrower below; faciale with only a few dark setae above the oral margin; vibrissae set 3.4 apart; palpus orange, 3.0 in length; antenna with third segment 2.5 times as long as second; arista orange brown at base, darker apically, and with dark brown ciliation; postorbits brown, silvery pollinose; back of head dark brown, gray pollinose, with one row of postocular cilia and with tawny hair; metacephalon orange. Thorax faintly silvery and without distinct stripes; humerus orange, laterally with tawny hair; humeral bristles three; most of fine thoracic hair dark; lower and anterior pleura orange brown; propleural bristles two; mesospiracular bristles three, both sets of bristles placed rather posteriorly among long pale tawny hair; sternopleural bristles. two; preacrostichal bristles two, the hindmost placed slightly anterior to hindmost predorsocentral bristle which is set 2.0 before the suture; preintraalar bristle one, the posterior one absent; posterior half of pteropleuron with long fine tawny hair; postacrostichal bristles two; sclerites at wing base brown to black; tympanic ridge with several brown hairs; postalar declivity with a tuft of brown hair toward center; spiracles with orange hair, the metathoracie spiracle with a few dark hairs ventrally and posteriorly; seutellum with lateral bristles two, only the basal one strong; under surface with black hair in center and yellow hair laterally; postscutellar plates yellow setose. Legs with orange coxae, these with yellow pile; femora orange, apically orange brown; tibiae and tarsi dark orange brown; bristling as in bicolor except femoral hairs longer and in more continuous series. Wing (pl. 8, D) hyaline, anteriorly brownish; basicosta yellow; subcostal sclerite brownish with brownish pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 90:60:110:80:10; squamal lobes mostly hyaline, the upper lobe with lateral portion of rim brown, the lower lobe with inner portion brown. SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 17 Abdomen bluish purple, the first segment orange except at the posterior margin, where it is narrowly dark on dorsum and more widely dark laterally; second segment slightly yellow basally on sides; first and second segments each with one lateral bristle; third segment dark metalle purplish, with a marginal row of strong erect bristles; fourth segment with a marginal row of weaker bristles. Genital segments orange brown, of medium size, and with erect black hair. Internal anatomical features (pl. 12, A and B) as illustrated. Female. Head width 13.4; height 11.2; eye height 9.1; bucca 0.20 of eye height; length at antenna 6.5, and at vibrissa 6.3; parafaciale 1.4 in width opposite lunule; distance between vibris- sae 3.4; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.22 of head width, 0.29 at lunule, the margins but slightly divergent, anteriorly brown with brownish pollen toward vertex; third segment of antenna 2.6 times as long as second; palpus 3.3 in length. Thorax with whitish dorsal longitudinal stripes outside acrostichal rows of bristles, these extending slightly beyond suture. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 95:70:120:100:13. Other- wise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 7.0-8.5 mm. The type series, collected from February 8 to July 26, 1923, by Pablo Schild, are the only specimens known to me. Three paratypes, one male and two females, are in the National Museum. The above descriptions are based upon these specimens. Huascaromusca formosa (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella formosa Aldrich, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 34:25, 1932. (Type, male from Santa Emilia, Pochuta, Guatemala, in the collection of J. Bequaert of Harvard University.) An orange and brown species which has the apical portion of the abdomen metallic blue. This species differs from flavicrura, which is apparently the most closely related described species, by having but one pre- acrostichal bristle, the antennae partially blackish, the epistoma not prominent, the pleura and tibiae more yellowish, and the front of the female considerably wider in comparison to the head width. Male. Not seen. Described by Aldrich as having eyes nearly contiguous, front at narrowest only half as wide as anterior ocel- lus; parafaciale and postorbit with silvery-white pollen which is nearly imperceptible on buceca with the yellow ground color s 78 Tur BLOWF.LIES or NortH AMERICA showing through; parafaciale at narrowest not so wide as the third antennal segment. Female. Head width 15.3; height 12.0; eye height 10.0; length © at antenna 6.9, and at vibrissa 7.2; bueca 0.12 of eye height, orange, with thin whitish pollen and with black hair, a few pale hairs below and posteriorly; front orange red anteriorly, brown- ish black posteriorly, silvery yellow pollinose, 0.27 of head width at vertex, the margins gradually diverging anteriorly, then flaring to one-third of head width at lunule; six large frontal bristles anteriorly, four weaker frontal bristles posteriorly, with a few weak hairs outside the frontal rows; frontale orange anteriorly, graduating toward dark brown on the posterior two- thirds, occupying considerably more than one-half the frontal width; vertex dark brown, silvery to brown pollinose; parafaciale orange, covered with silvery yellow pollen, 1.7 in width opposite lunule and narrowing very slightly below; faciale rather. rounded, but high from clypeal plane, and with some black setae above vibrissae which ascend about one-fourth the distance to the antennal base; vibrissae slightly above the oral margin and set 3.8 apart; antenna orange, third segment dark brown on the dorsal half or more and 2.6 times as long as second; arista brown, with long brown ciliation; palpus yellow, 4.1 in length; back of head black, postvertex dark brown and mostly shining, but with some gray pollen, with one row of postocular cilia and with scattered tawny hair; metacephalon orange. Thorax dark brown with silvery or silvery yellowish pollen, leaving a shining middorsal longitudinal stripe extending to scutellar suture, and with another stripe outside the dorsocentral row of bristles which does not extend quite so far; fine thoracic hair mostly dark; pleura orange to brownish with thin pollen; humerus orange to orange brown, with pale hair laterally and ventrally and with three bristles; propleural bristle one, among long fine pale hair; mesospiracular bristles two or three, usually only one strong, these also surrounded with long fine pale hair; sternopleuron with considerable pale hair ventrally and on the posterior margin; sternopleural bristles two; pteropleuron with posterior half covered with pale hair; preacrostichal bristle one, placed 2.8 before the suture; hindmost predorsocentral bristle placed 1.6 before the suture; preintraalar bristles one; postacro- stichal bristle one; selerites at wing base yellowish brown; lesser ampulla black; postalar declivity in center and tympanic ridge with a few pale hairs; thoracic spiracles with pale yellow hair, the metathoracie spiracle with long tawny hair on ventral margin; scutellum concolorous with dorsum, the under surface SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 79 with pale hair, lateral bristle one; postscutellar plates with long fine pale hair. Legs yellow to orange at coxae, the color graduating through orange to dark brown toward tarsi; coxae with fine yellow hair; chaetotaxy as in bicolor. Wing (pl. 8, E) brownish along all veins and yellowish anter- iorly and basally; basicosta yellow orange; subcostal sclerite orange brown with long brown setae; costal segments 2 to 6 in the proportions 100:110:143:68:10; squamal lobes hyaline and brownish, the upper lobe with brown rim, the lower lobe brown on the inner third. Abdomen with first segment orange at base, metallic blue over brown ground color on the posterior margin; second, third, and fourth segments brown, metallic bluish, with thin, shifting, silvery pollen; no lateral bristles on first or second segments, third with strong erect marginal row, fourth with a marginal row of weaker bristles. Length. 8.2-9.4 mm. Three paratype females of this species are in the National Museum (No. 48882) and three are in J. Bequaert’s collection. Huascaromusca spicata (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella spicata Aldrich, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 66(18) :13, 1925. (Type, male from La Suiza de Turrialba, Costa Rica, No. 26796, U. S. National Museum.) A blue- or purplish-black species with brown legs, hyaline wings; the face, clypeus, palpi, and antennae orange. The genital structures of the male of this species are unique in the subfamily. The external structure of the abdomen (pl. 12, C and E) and postabdominal segments are reminiscent of certain sarcophagid species, particularly pone ae argentea Tns. and S. importuna Wk: Male. Head width 12.8; length at antenna 6.4 and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 10.0; head height 12.0; epistoma orange; bucca orange with golden pollen, 0.16 of eye height, with black and golden hair, frontale as wide as parafrontale, orange anteriorly, orange brown posteriorly; frontal row of bristles consisting of about 11 bristles, large and strong anteriorly only, weak and hair-like toward the narrowest part of the front; front at nar- rowest, 0.10 of head width, 0.15 at vertex, and 0.23 at lunule, orange anteriorly, brownish posteriorly, with golden pollen and with a few dark hairs outside the frontal rows; vertex dark brown with brown pollen; ocellar triangle with a pair of acces- 80 THE BLOWFLIES OF NorTtH AMERICA sory ocellar bristles located rather far behind the posterior ocelli; faciale sharply defined, with black setae ascending nearly one- third the distance to the antennal base; parafaciale orange, with golden pollen, 1.4 in width opposite lunule and slightly narrower below; vibrissae set 3.8 apart; antenna bright orange, third segment 3.5 times as long as second, and rather wide throughout; palpus orange, 4.0 in length; back of head black, silvery pol- linose, with one row of postocular cilia and with abundant yellow hair; metacephalon orange with silvery pollen. Thorax blue black, the pleura. rather brownish, with thin whitish pollen, and with three longitudinal stripes on dorsum; humerus with three bristles, laterally with fine yellowish hair; preacrostichal bristles two, the hindmost set 2.2 before the suture; hindmost predorsocentral bristle set 1.5 before the suture, preintraalar bristle one; postacrostichal bristles two; fine hair on thorax black except anteriorly on sternopleuron and posteriorly on pteropleuron; sternopleural bristles two; mesospir- acular bristles three or four arranged nearly in a row; pros- ternum with black setae except posteriorly where the hair is pale; sclerites at wing base dark brown to black, the greater ampulla with fine silvery pubescence; postalar declivity with black hair in center; tympanic ridge nearly bare; spiracles with brown hair, metathoracic spiracle with long black hair on ventral margin; scutellum with fine dark orange to brown hair on under surface, lateral bristles two, a third weaker lateral bristle just anterior to basal bristle; postseutellar plates with dark brown setae. Legs brown, the color graduating to brownish black apically; coxae with pale hair; chaetotaxy as in bicolor. Wing (pl. 8, F) hyaline, rather brownish anteriorly and basally, and infuseated at anterior cross vein; basicosta and sub- costal sclerite dark brown, the former with silvery pubescence, the latter with dark brown pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 90:60:105:80:12; squamal lobes rather milky white basally, rims dark brown with dark brown ciliation. Abdomen metallic purple over dark brown ground, with faint silvery pollen and rather erect dense short black hair, and each segment with a marginal row of bristles; sternites progressively wider and shorter toward fifth which is very short and wide (Cplal2e Db): Genital segments large, black, shining, with abundant black hair; inner forceps with inner margins not divergent, their bases posteriorly united and swollen into a hump, this divided into two arms extending posteriorly toward anus and bearing SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 81 striking, black, converging hair-tufts which touch on the median line. Internal features as illustrated (pl. 12, E and F). Female. Unknown. Length. 8.3 mm. Huascaromusca tibialis (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella tibialis Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 62(11) :16, 1922. (Type, male from Porto Bello, Panama, No. 25247, U.S. National Museum.) An orange-brown species with the dorsum of the thorax brown, dorsum of abdomen except at base metallic blue, and the tibiae and tarsi dark brown. Male. Head height 12.4; width 15.4; eye height 11.0; length at antenna 7.0, and at vibrissa 6.0; bucca 0.12 of eye height, deep orange, mostly shining, and with both black and orange hair; frontale orange brown; parafrontale orange; eyes contiguous for a short distance; front at vertex 0.10 of head width, 0.18 at lunule; frontal row of bristles not continuing posteriorly beyond the narrowest portion of front and composed of about five bristles, only the anterior ones strong; a few weak dark hairs on parafrontale outside frontal row; parafaciale 0.8 in width opposite lunule, narrower below; faciale low, rounded, with a few black hairs above the vibrissa; vertex brown, brown pol- linose; ocellar triangle with weak postocellar bristles behind posterior ocelli; vibrissae slightly above oral margin and set 4.0 apart; antenna deep orange, third segment 2.5 times as long as second; palpus orange, 4.0 in length; metacephalon orange; back of head black, grayish yellow pollinose, with one row of postocular cilia and tawny hair. Thorax deep orange, dorsum orange brown with brown pollen, with a shining middorsal stripe and a lateral stripe outside the dorsocentral row of bristles, neither of which extends to the seutellar suture; fine thoracic hair mostly black; humerus orange, with two bristles, and with fine black hair; sternopleural bristles two; preacrostichal bristle one, this placed 2.7 before the suture; hindmost predorsocentral bristle placed 1.6 before the suture; postacrostichal bristle one; sclerites at wing base orange to orange brown; lesser ampulla dark brown; propleural bristle one; mesospiracular bristle one; spiracles with orange hair, the metathoracie spiracle with fine long black hairs on the ventral margin; scutellum deep brown, rather metallic purple in certain lights, under surface with dark hair, lateral bristles two; post- scutellar plates with black setae. Legs with coxae, femora and pulvilli orange, the femora 82 THE BLOowF.LiEs oF NortH AMERICA darker apically; tibiae and tarsi dark brown; coxae with some fine orange hair; bristling as in bicolor. Wing (pl. 8, G) brownish, orange basally, basicosta and sub- costal selerite orange brown, the latter with orange pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 90:70 :100:80:10; squamal lobes orange brown, rims brown with tawny ciliation. Abdomen with first segment orange at base, the posterior third dark metallic purple on dorsum, with one lateral bristle; second segment with only ventral margins of tergite orange, the posterior third shining purple, with one lateral bristle; third segment with posterior two-fifths shining purple and with two rows of strong erect marginal bristles; fourth segment brownish pollinose over purple ground color, with a row of strong discal bristles and a row of weaker marginal bristles. | Genital segments large, globose, dark brown, with black hair. Internal morphological features (pl. 13, A and B) as illustrated. Female. Unknown. Length. 8.7 mm. The holotype, which was collected March 18, 1911, by Busck, is the only specimen known to me. Huascaromusca umbrosa (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella bicolor Van der Wulp (nee Giglio-Tos), Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Diptera, vol. 2, p. 301, 1896. (Two females, Mexico, in the British Museum. ) Mesembrinella umbrosa Aldrich, U. 8. Natl. Mus. Proe. 62(11) : 12, 1922. (Type, male from Costa Rica, No. 25246, in the U.S. National Museum.) A rather, uniformly dark brown species with the abdomen metallic blue over a brown ground color except at the base. This is the largest of the calliphorid species known to me. It is one of the most strikingly colored species of Mesembrinellinae. Male. Head width 21.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 9.8; eye height 17.8; bueca 0.11 of eye height, deep orange with yellow pollen, and with only black hairs; frontale deep orange, not as wide as parafaciale at the lunule, and obliterated at the narrow- est portion of front; frontal row of bristles extending anteriorly only to the antennal base and not further than the narrowest portion of front, consisting of eight or nine bristles, the anterior ones strong; vertex dark brown and dark brown pollinose; front at narrowest 0.01 of head width, 0.11 at vertex, and 0.24 at lunule, orange, golden pollinose, and practically bare of fine hairs; inner vertical and ocellar bristles weak but elongate; SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 83 parafaciale orange, with golden pollen, 1.8 in width oppo- site lunule and but little narrower below; faciale with short orange brown setae for about one-third the distance from the vibrissa to the antennal base; vibrissae slightly above the oral margin and set 4.4 apart; antenna orange to orange brown, third segment twice as long as second and reaching four-fifths the distance to the vibrissa; palpus orange, 3.5 in length; arista orange brown at base, darker apically, the ciliation dark brown; back of head dark brown to black, silvery yellowish pollinose, the postorbits silvery, with one row of postocular eilia and with yellowish hair. Thorax with dorsum dark brown anteriorly and laterally, with brown pollen, and with indistinct longitudinal stripes on dorsum; pleura with golden brown pollen; humerus with three humeral bristles, and black hair dorsally, golden hair laterally; preacrostichal bristles two or three, if three, then the foremost weak, the posterior one set 4.0 before the suture; hindmost pre- dorsocentral bristle set 2.4 before the suture; preintraalar bris- tles two or three, if three, then the foremost weak and often out of line with the normal series; postacrostichal bristle one; sterno- pleural bristles three; dorsum, posterior and dorsal margins of mesopleuron, and upper half of sternopleuron with fine black hair, elsewhere the fine hair is tawny to golden; pteropleural tuft of hair orange; sclerites at wing base orange except lesser ampulla which is black; tympanic ridge with fine orange hair; prosternum with orange hair; thoracic spiracles with orange hair, the metathoracic spiracle with long fine orange hair on the ventral margin; under surface of scutellum with abundant short orange hair, basal lateral bristle strong and with a lesser lateral Price anterior to it, discal bristle set rather postenor ya from normal position. Legs deep orange, darker apically; coxae and trochanters with fine orange hair; chaetotaxy as in bicolor. Wing brown basally and yellowish anteriorly, strongly in- fuseated along the veins but the cells paler toward center; basicosta and subcostal sclerite orange brown, the latter with some long fine orange brown hair; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 140:160:140:70:44; upper squamal lobe brown with dark brown rim, the lower lobe orange brown with brown pubescence. Abdomen orange brown with metallic bluish to purple reflec- tions except at base, mostly shining, but with golden to golden brown pollen basally and ventrally in certain lights; first and second segments without lateral bristles, third and fourth seg- 84 Tur BLowFrures or NortH AMERICA ments each with a marginal row of weak bristles; fifth sternite with a V-shaped incision and with black hair. Genital segments comparatively small, dark brown, with black hair, lying almost parallel with sternites. Internal fea- tures as illustrated (pl. 18,,C, D, and E). Female. Head height 17.4; eye height 13.6; bueca 0.22 of eye height; length at vibrissa and at antennal base 10.0; width 21.0; frontale orange to red orange, occupying three-fifths of frontal space, the margins nearly parallel; frontal row con- sisting of about 12 bristles, only the anterior 4 or 5 large; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.26 of head width, the margins nearly parallel or but slightly divergent, these flaring outward anteriorly to 0.82 of head width at lunule, with a few brownish hairs outside the frontal rows; third antennal segment twice as long as second; vibrissae set 4.6 apart; parafaciale 2.6 in width opposite lunule; palpus 6.0 in length; vertex orange brown, golden brown pollinose. Wing (pl. 8, H) with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 145 :160:180:80:45. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 18-15 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Costa Rica, south to northern South America. As pointed out by Aldrich (1922), some specimens placed under this name have fulvous hairs on the pleura, coxae, femora, and tibiae. Huascaromusca uniseta (Aldrich), new combination Mesembrinella uniseta Aldrich, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proe. 66(18) :13- 14, 1925. (Type, male from La Suiza de Turrialba, Costa Rica, No. 26797, U. S. National Museum.) A blue-black species with dark brown to black legs, hyaline wings; the face, anterior portion of bucca, palpi, and thoracic spiracles bright orange. . Male. Head width 12.8; length at antenna 7.0 and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 10.0; head height 10.8; bucea orange anteriorly, black posteriorly, 0.10 of eye height, with dark hair only; frontale red orange on anterior third, black at vertex, and twice aS wide as parafrontale at narrowest; frontal row of bristles extending anteriorly to nearly opposite base of second antennal segment but not extending posteriorly beyond the narrowest portion of the front, consisting of about six bristles; parafrontale black, silvery pollinose, bare; front at narrowest 0.14 of head width, 0.19 at vertex, and 0.25 at lunule; vertex black, slightly silvery, parafaciale orange, golden pollinose, 1.2 in width oppo- SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 85 site lunule and narrowing below; clypeus red orange, silvery pollinose; vibrissae only slightly above the oral margin and set 3.6 apart; faciale rather flattened, with only a few short setae above vibrissa; antenna orange, third segment three times as long as second; arista orange at base, dark brown to black apically, with black ciliation nearly to apex; back of head black, silvery pollinose, with two or three rows of postocular cilia and with yellow-orange hair which is particularly noticeable below. Thorax indistinetly striped, with thin whitish pollen that is visible from a posterior view mainly; all lesser thoracic hair black; preacrostichal bristles two, the posterior one 2.4 before the suture; hindmost predorsocentral bristle 2.2 before the suture; postacrostichal bristles two; sternopleural bristles three; prosternum with black setae laterally and yellow hair in middle; selerites at wing base dark brown to black; thoracic spiracles with orange hair, the metathoracic spiracle with long black hairs on the ventral margin; under surface of scutellum with brown hair laterally, and with one lateral bristle and a weak bristle just anterior to it; postscutellar plates with black setae. Legs as in bicolor except with longer hair, this more abundant on the middle and hind femora, particularly on the anteroven- tral and posteroventral surfaces. Wing (pl 8, I) hyaline, slightly infuseated basally and at cross veins; basicosta and subcostal sclerite orange brown, the latter darker and with brown pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 80:60 :100:84:12; squamal lobes orange brown to brown, the rims darker. Abdomen blue black with purple reflections, whitish pollinose anteriorly and ventrally in certain lights; first and second seg- ments each with one lateral bristle; third segment with a mar- ginal row of long strong erect bristles; fourth segment with a distal row of from four to six bristles, and with a marginal row of weaker bristles; sternites black, fifth as illustrated (pl. 14, B). Genital segments large, black, shining, with black hair. In- ternal features (pl. 14, A and C) as illustrated. Female. Head height 10.4; width 13.0; eye height 9.0; bucca 0.20 of eye height; length at antenna 7.4 and at vibrissa 6.0; parafaciale 1.6 opposite lunule; distance between vibrissae 3.6; frontal 2.0 times as wide as parafrontale anteriorly and wider toward vertex, orange red on anterior half, black posteriorly; frontal row of bristles not extending posteriorly beyond middle, composed of about four bristles; only one proclinate and one reclinate frontoorbital bristle; front at vertex 0.25 of head width, the margins nearly parallel to within one unit of lunule, then 86 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortTH AMERICA diverging to 0.32 of head width. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 90:70:100:100:12. Abdomen with several elongate bristles on each sternite. Otherwise like male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 8.0-8.5 mm. Only the six males and four females of the type series, which were collected February 22 to March 29, and September 5 to October 1, 1923, by Pablo Schild, are known to me. These were originally from the collection of A. L. Melander. Huascaromusca xanthorrhina (Bigot), new combination Calliphora xanthorrhina Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France Bull. CLXXX, 1887. (Type, male from Mexico, in the Collin Collection at Newmarket, England). Somomyia xanthorrhina Bigot, Soe. Zool. de France Bull. 12: 602, 1887. (Same description of same material above). Mesembrinella chrysorhea Brauer (Moritz Ms.), Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1)106(1) :596, 1895. (Specimens from Venezuela, in Vienna). New synonymy. Auascaromusca cruciata Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Men- struus 6:166, 1918; Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 62 (1): 15, 1922. (Type, female from Peru, No. 53745, U. S. Na- tional Museum). New synonymy. Mesembrinella bequaerti Séguy, Eneye. Ent. (B II) Dipt. 2:195, 1926. (Type, female from Peru, in Paris). New synonymy. Mesembrinella decrepita Séguy, Eneye. Ent. (B II) Dipt. 2: 195, 1926. (Type, male from Colombia, in Paris). New Synonymy. A blue-black species with hyaline wings and orange front, antennae, and palpi. Female. Head width 12.8; length at antenna and at vi- brissa 6.5; eye height 8.8; head height 11.0; bucea 0.23 of eye height, orange, shining, with scattered black hair, no pale hairs before the metacephalic suture; frontale 0.60 of frontal width at lunule, orange anteriorly, brown to black posteriorly; front at narrowest (at vertex), 0.22 of head width, the margins nearly parallel anteriorly to within 2.0 units of lunule, then widening to 0.31 of head width at antennal base, with yellow pollen over orange ground color, and with some hairs in rows extending anteriorly to foremost frontal bristle; frontal rows of bristles extending to the base of the second antennal segment and not or but little divergent anteriorly, each row consisting of five or SUBFAMILY MESEMBRINELLINAE 87 six bristles; vertex subpollinose, black; clypeus golden over red- dish ground color; parafaciale 1.5 in width opposite lunule, orange, yellowish silvery pollinose; vibrissae 0.6 above oral margin and set 3.3 apart; palpus orange, 4.5 in length; anten- na orange, third segment two and one- half times as long as second and reaching four-fifths the distance to the vibrissae; arista brown, ciliation brown; back of head silvery over black ground color, the postorbits orange pollinose, with one row of postocular cilia and with yellowish hair. Thorax black with thin whitish pollen anteriorly and on pleura, with indistinct shining longitudinal stripes on dorsum which do not extend to suture; pleura lightly silvery; humerus concolorous, and with three bristles, all strong; propleural bristles two or three; preacrostichal bristles two, the hindmost placed 2.6 before the suture; hindmost predorsocentral bristle placed 1.6- before the suture; sternopleuron black setose; ster- nopleural bristles three; mesopleuron on posterior four-fifths, hypopleuron on posterior fourth, pteropleuron on _ posterior half and prosternum entirely, with black setae; sclerites at wing base black; postacrostichal bristles two; mesopiracular bristles three or four, almost in a tuft; thoracic spiracles with dark-brown hair; scutellum concolorous with dorsum, the under surface generally with yellowish-brown hair, lateral bristles two, the basal one strong. Legs brown to black; coxae without fine pale hair; nndute femur with one eaterion bristle near middle, about Pont antero- ventral bristles basally and four to six ventral bristles basally; middle tibia with one posterior bristle near basal fourth and usually one posterodorsal bristle near apical third (one speci- men has one bristle near basal fourth on this surface on one side); hind tibia with two elongate anterodorsal bristles, one near basal third and one near middle; claws and pulvilli a little shorter than last tarsal segment. Wing (pl.8, J) hyaline, brown basally; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 95:75 :135:86:18; third vein with two or three basal setulaé; subcostal sclerite and basicosta dark brown; fourth vein entering costa 1.0 before wing apex; both squamal lobes brown especially on posterior margins, the lower lobe with a fringe of dark brown hair. Abdomen black with purplish reflections and silvery pollinose in certain lights especially ventrally; third segment with a mar- ginal row of strong bristles; fourth segment with strong erect discal bristles in a partial row, and with a marginal row of weak- er bristles. 88 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Male. Not seen. Length. 8-9 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Southern Mexico southward to Peru. Remarks. Shortly after the appearance of the description of Townsend’s cruciata in 1918, Collin wrote to Aldrich suggesting that xanthorrhina Bigot might be an older name for the species, and that Townsend’s description of cruciata exactly fitted the type of Bigot’s xanthorrhina. Aldrich hesitated to adopt the name of xanthorrhina for this species because of the difference in the localities given. But in 1929 he compared specimens of the Peruvian cruciata with the two Bigot types of xanthorrhina from Mexico and concluded that they were the same. Aldrich saw the types of bequaerts Séguy and decrepita Séguy in Paris in 1929, indicating in his notes that they were this species. It is interesting to note that no males of this species have been in collections seen by me. Notwithstanding the fact that I made extensive collections through Central and South American coun- tries, no specimens of this species were ever found. It is possible that some of the specimens included in this paper under another name may prove to be males of xanthorrhina. Aldrich’s identi- fication of the type of decrepita Séguy as this species would ap- pear to indicate that the male is essentially like the female. Brauer mentioned the manuscript name Mesembrinella chrysorhea Moritz in his 1895 paper, the specimens being from Venezuela. The name was never published by Moritz, and Brauer must assume the responsibility for the name since his was the first published description of the species. SUBFAMILY RHINIINAE Members of the Rhiniinae lack intrapostocular cilia, have very narrow occipital orbits, and most of the species have the epistoma protuberant. Since only one species is known to occur in the Western Hemisphere, no attempt has been made to give a synopsis of the characters for the subfamily, for those noted in the key will apparently suffice. GENUS STOMORHINA RONDANI Idia Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol 5. p. 9, 1826. (Preoceupied). Genotype. (Ida fasciata Meigen) =Musca lunata Fabricius. (Designation of Brauer and Bergen- stamm). Stomorhina Rondani, Diptera Italicae Prodromus, vol. 4, p. | 9, 1861 (change of name for Jdia Meigen, preoccupied) ; Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifliigler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 186, 1889; ibid, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 89, 1898; Townsend, Indian Mus. Rec. 14:191, 1917; Senior-White, Indian Mus. Ree. 27:92, 1925; Malloch, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 18:499, 1926; Linn. Soe. N. S. Wales, Proc. 52:329, 1927; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 52:375, 1928; Amer. Mus. Novitates 506:15, 1931; Bequaert, Amer. Mus. Novitates 539:3, 1932; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 154, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 108, 1937. Stomorhyna Rondani, Diptera Italicae Prodromus, vol. 5, p. 226, «Ali | Stomorrhyna Rye, Zool. Ree. 12 :275, 1875. Stomorrhina Seudder, Nomenclator Zoologicus, Sup. List, p. 319, 1882. Stomathorrhina Bezzi, Ztschr. f. syst. Hym. Dipt. 6:53, 1906. Stomatorrhina Bezzi, Ztschr. f. syst. Hym. Dipt. 6:144, 1906. Stomatorhinia Malloch, Linn. Soe. N. 8S. Wales Proe. 52 :329, LO2T: Male and female. Head (pl. 1, B) width about one-sixth great- er than head height;length at antenna less than at vibrissa in male, nearly equal in female; oral margin strongly produced, 89 90 THE BLowF.uies of NortH AMERICA the epistoma as long as clypeus, greatly produced, erectly por- rect, and strongly warped forward from the elypeal plane; meta- cephalon flat; bueca high; eye long-ovate, the longitudinal axis nearly parallel with posterior margin of head; frontale in male obsolete at narrowest portion, in female slightly narrower than parafrontale, striate; eyes in male nearly contiguous, in female separated by nearly one-third head width, with a few scattered hairs on the parafrontale outside the frontal row of bristles; frontal rows of bristles extending anteriorly to the middle of the third antennal segment and widely divergent; inner vertical bristles straight; outer vertical bristles absent in male but pres- ent in female; postvertical bristles absent; frontoorbital bristles absent in both sexes, the female with a row of short setae.in place of these; ocellar bristles minute; postocellar bristles proclinate; clypeus wide, nearly flush with facial profile; facial carina short, wide, high, and with a median furrow separating antennal bases; parafaciale of uniform width, setose on the upper two-thirds; faciale rounded, strongly bowed, with only a few bristles above vibrissae, haustellum half head height; palpus two-thirds length of head at vibrissa, thin, strongly flattened and clavate; anten- nal base below eye-middle when head is viewed in profile; third segment of antenna about twice as long as second and reaching nearly four-fifths the distance to the vibrissa; arista with short penultimate segment, long pectinate above for slightly more than half the distance to the apex; back of head flat or dished in profile, without intrapostocular cilia; occipital orbits very nar- row. Thorax with two humeral bristles; propleuron bare; prein- traalar, predorsocentral and preacrostichal bristles not differ- entiated; posthumeral bristle absent; presupraalar bristle one; sternopleural bristles two; prosternum flat, of medium size, nar- row, pilose; postalar declivity bare; tympanic pit bare; postalar bristles two; postacrostichal and postdorsocentral bristles in prescutellars only; postintraalar bristle one; postsupraalar bristles two; scutellum without discal bristles, lateral bristles two, no apical bristles. Legs with anterior coxa finely pilose, posterior coxa bare posteriorly; fore femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of bristles, the posterior surface with considerable hair but no rows of bristles; fore tibia with a few short anterodorsal bristles toward middle, one of which near the apical third is stronger than others, and with one strong posterior bristle near apical third; middle femur with one strong anterior bristle near middle, and with anteroventral and posteroventral rows of bris- SuBpFrAMILY RHINIINAE 91 tles which are strong only basally; hind femur with anterodorsal, anteroventral, and posteroventral rows of bristles, the latter row strong only basally; hind tibia with an anterodorsal row of bristles, two or three of which are stronger than others in the series, one anteroventral bristle near apical fourth, and three posterodorsal bristles, one near basal third, one near middle, and one near apical third; male tarsi slightly flattened ventrally; female front tarsi flattened and widened; claws and pulvilli as long as preceding tarsal segment. Wing without costal spine; remigium posteriorly with long cilia above, bare below; third vein with two or three basal setulae; fourth vein with apical section or fold, the angle rounded and bent obtusely toward apex; apical cell clearly open; anterior cross vein beyond middle of second section of fourth vein, oblique; posterior cross vein arcuate; last section of fifth vein from 0.12 to 0.15 as long as preceding section; seventh vein straight; upper squamal lobe bare, small, rounded; lower squamal lobe large, ovate, bare. Abdomen without discal or median marginal bristles; third and fourth segments each with a marginal row of short re- cumbent bristles; first and second sternites of male covered by margins of tergites; female third and fourth sternites but nar- rowly exposed; fifth sternite of male cleft. Male genital segments of medium size, first segment rather globose; second segment large, rather flattened. Larva with ‘‘button’’ in peritreme, posterior spiracles with oval apertures, and stigmal field outlined by elongate tubercles. Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius) Musca lunata Fabricius, Systema Antliatorum, p. 292, 1805. (Type, male from Madeira, in Copenhagen). Idia fasciata Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekann- ten europdischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 9, 1826; Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifliigler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol 7, no. 4, .p. 22, 1894. (Type, France, apparently lost). Idia lunata (Fabricius). Wiedeman, Aussereuropadische zwei- fliigelige Insekten, vol. 2, p. 351, 1830; Loew, Stettin. Ent. Ztg. 5 (1) 18-20, 1844; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 309, 1868; Fauna Austriaca, Die Fliegen, vol. 1, p. 579, 1862; Pandellé, Rev. de Ent. 15:148-149, 1896. Idia cinerea Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, vol. 2, p. 422, 1830. (Type, Isles de la mer d’Africa, in Paris). 92 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Idia rostrata Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, vol. 2, p. 421, 1830; Wiedemann, Aussereuropdische zweifliige- lige Insekten, vol. 2, p. 352, 1830; Villeneuve, Revue Zool. Africaine, vol. 3, no. 8, p. 485, 1914. (Type, Isle de France, in Paris). Stomorhyna maculata Rondani, Soe. Ital. di Sei. Nat. Atti 8 :288, 1865. (Type, Europe, apparently lost.) Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius), Bezzi, Katalog der Palaarkti- schen Dipteren, vol. 3, p. 523, 1907; Villeneuve, Revue Zool. Africaine, vol. 3, no. 3, p. 485, 1914; Townsend, Indian Mus. Ree. 13:192, 1917; Senior-White, India Dept. Agr. Mem. Ent. Ser. 8 (4) :43, 1923; Spolia Zeylanica 13 :109, 1924; In- dian Mus. Rec. 27:93, 1925; Suster, Jassy Univ. Ann. Aci. 16 (1-2) :222, 1930; Townsend, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 8:372, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 154, 1935; Frey, Finska Vetenks. Soc. Comm. Biol. 6 (1) :139, 1937; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 5, p. 108, 1937; Senior- White, Fauna of British India, Diptera, vol. 6, p. 191, 1940. This species is the only known North American calliphorid fly with a pectinate arista. Male. Head height 11.0; width 13.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 7.5; bucca 0.40 eye height, with abun- dant medium-length yellow hair or pile, much of which is pale before the metacephalic suture, black, thickly covered on the posterior three-fourths with yellowish-white pollen; frontale red — brown; frons nearly obsolete at narrowest, at vertex 0.15 of head width, 0.26 at lunule, thinly greyish pollinose over black ground color; vertex shining black, elypeus black, silvery pollinose; para- faciale 1.0 in width opposite lunule, black, thinly silvery pol- linose; vibrissae 1.4 above the oral margin and separated by 3.0; palpus black; antennal segments brown to black; back of head black, with two rows of postocular cilia and abundant yellowish- white hair. Thorax olivaceous green, thinly whitish or silvery pollinose, dorsally with thin erect black pile and suggestions of darker longitudinal stripes which extend to the apex of the scutellum; a black area at base of each bristle, giving the whole a punctate appearance; pleura slightly silvery or yellowish pollinose, with considerable yellowish and whitish pile; mesopleuron with black pile on posterior four-fifths; sternopleuron whitish pollinose anteriorly, with a tuft of long whitish pile; pteropleuron with white to yellowish pile on posterior half; prosternum with long whitish to yellowish pile at center; sclerites at wing base black, SUBFAMILY RHINIINAE 93 the greater ampulla with thin tawny pile; mesospiracle with white hair; under surface of scutellum with fine white pile. Legs black, silvery pollinose; anterior coxa with white pile. Wing hyaline; subcostal sclerite with white pubescence; basi- costa black; squamal lobes white, the upper hyaline on apical half. Abdomen brownish black, slightly olivaceous green, silvery pollinose in certain lights and shining in others; black at bases of setae; first segment black on dorsum, second to fourth seg- ments each with large yellowish lateral spots; ventrally mostly yellowish. | Genital segments black, shining, with seattered black hair. In- ternal anatomical features (pl. 14, D, E, and F) as illustrated. Female. Head height 10.0; width 12.0; length at antenna 5.0, and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 6.4; bucea 0.53 of eye height; width of front at vertex 0.380 of head width, 0.40 at lunule; parafaciale 1.6 in width opposite lunule; third segment of anten- na slightly more than twice as long as second. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-7 mm. Distribution. Holaretic: Southern Europe, northern Africa, southern Asia, North America. The species evidently occurs in North America only on the island of Bermuda. Although I collected on many of the islands in the Caribbean over different seasons, especially in the Bahama eroup, No specimens were ever seen. One specimen which was collected in September 1922 is in the American Museum of Na- tural History. Dr. Curran informs me that the species is not rare in Bermuda. Biology, habits and immature stages. Portschinsky (1894, pp. 120-121) reared lunata as a parasite of egg pods of certain species of Palearctic Acrididae. Senior-White (1923) confirmed this observation in India. Williams (1933, p. 473) reported that lunata was the chief natural enemy of locusts in Kenya, Africa, and Cuthbertson (1933) found up to 95 percent of the locust egg pods in Rhodesia, South Africa, were preyed upon by this species. It thus appears quite certain that lunata departs from the gen- eral saprophagous habit of the Calliphoridae in being predaceous in the egg capsules of certain locusts. As many as 50 eggs of lunata have been found in a single egg capsule of the host. Ac- cording to Potgieter (1929), the flies are very active at the time of oviposition by the host and as soon as one of the latter with- draws its abdomen from the ground, the female flies rush to the spot and deposit eggs in the still fluid covering of the egg mass. 94 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Oviposition may also take place in partially hatched egg cap- sules. Larvae have been noted to migrate from one egg capsule to another to complete feeding. Usually 2 or 3 puparia are found in a single capsule, but the number may be as high as 12. The species is not exclusively predaceous upon locust egg masses. Cuthbertson (1935) reared lunata from larvae which he found in soil beneath dung heaps infested with termites, also from larvae associated with dead and dying termites in the broken down fungus beds of a termite nest. The following descriptions of immature stages are based upon collections of lunata forwarded to me by Mr. Cuthbertson; the notes upon the stages are from his 1935 paper. Egg. About 1.5 mm. in length, 0.30 in diameter; with a fine- ly reticulated pattern. The incubation period is from 18 to 24 hours during summer conditions. Larva. First instar: Length 1.5-1.75 mm. Metapneustic. Pos- terior spiracles more or less heart-shaped, each with two ovate apertures which appear united; peritreme and ‘‘button’’ in- distinct. Cephaloskeleton weakly sclerotized. This stage lasts only 14 to 24 hours under favorable cireum- stances. Second instar: Length 3.5-6.0 mm. Anterior spiracles each with 6 or 7 circular openings. Posterior spiracles each with two oval apertures, peritreme distinct, the ‘‘button’’ enclosed in almost imperceptible peritreme. No indication of spinose rings or bands on any segment. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 33, B) strongly sclerotized, the upper cornua with appearance of being divided into two sections, these being united by a non-pigmented area. Anal area (pl. 33, D) large, surrounded by 8 elongate tubercles. During January and February in South Africa, this instar requires 36 to 48 hours for development. Third instar: Length 5-14 mm. As in previous instar but sclerotized areas heavier and more deeply pigmented. Posterior spiracles with three oval apertures (pl. 33, A) and cephaloskele- ton (pl. 38, C) as illustrated. The aie instar requires 2 to 3 days to ornare development under favorable conditions. Puparium. Length 7-7.5 mm. Dark brown, with most of the external characters of the mature larva. The pupal stage lasts for 10 to 16 days during the summer months in South Africa. The entire life cycle appears to cover less than 30 days under ideal conditions. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE The ‘‘serewworm”’ species, the “‘black blowflies’’ of authors, and the ‘‘nestling screwworms’’ of this country belong to this subfamily. Buiologies, habits, and immature stages of only a few of the species are known. All the species belonging to the Chrysomyinae have the remi- cium ciliate posteriorly at the base. The subfamily may be di- vided into two tribes upon superficial examination. The species of Chrysomyini have blue or green metallic bodies, bright orange heads, reddish or black legs, and most of them have dark longi- tudinal stripes on the dorsum of the thorax. The species of Phormiini are dull olivaceous-green or bluish-green species with black heads and legs. Flies of the tribe Chrysomyini are the abundant blowflies of the tropics of North and South America. None of the species of the tribe Phormiini apparently occur much farther south than Mexico City. Almost every rotting animal and vegetable sub- stance in any locality has its fauna of one or more of the various species which belong to the tribe Chrysomyini. Not even the abundant housefly, Musca domestica L., is more numerous in the market places in the American Tropics, and only in the immediate vicinity of stables and corrals are blowflies outnumbered by any other flies. The North American representatives of Chrysomyinae have the following characters in common. Male and female. Head width greater than height; front nar- rower in male than in female; inner vertical bristles present; postvertical bristles weak, reclinate frontoorbital bristles usually, and proclinate frontoorbital bristles usually absent in male, but one or two proclinate and one reclinate frontoorbital bristles usually present in female; ocellar bristles proclinate in male, pro- clinate to divaricate in female; facial carina absent or very slightly developed; proboscis two-thirds to three-fourths head height; haustellum one-third to one-half head height, setose; labellum of moderate size; antennal base at or but slightly below middle of eye in profile, the bases either approximated or but slightly separated; arista with the terminal segment elongate, slightly thickened at base, and gradually tapering to apex, plumose above and below two-thirds to four-fifths the distance from base to apex. Thorax with propleuron strongly pilose; propleural bristle strong; notopleural bristles usually two; pteropleuron bare on 99 96 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortTH AMERICA anterior half, the bristles in a short tuft; greater ampulla strong- ly reniform posteriorly; intrapostsupraalar bristles absent; scutellum usually without apical bristles. Legs of medium length; fore tibia with several short antero- dorsal bristles; middle femur with a posteroventral row or partial row of bristles; middle tibia with one ventral bristle; hind tibia with a dorsal bristle near apex; tarsi with claws and pulvilli as long as or just slightly shorter than last tarsal seg- ment. Wing without costal spine; remigium ciliate above posteriorly at base; only third vein setulose; anterior cross vein at or near middle of second section of fourth vein; posterior cross vein sinuate to doubly arcuate; fifth vein with last section one-fifth to one-sixth the length of preceding section; sixth vein usually short. Abdomen with ventral membrane exposed in female; discal and median marginal bristles absent on intermediate segments. Male genital segments small, nearly ventral and often almost hidden. Larva. Second instar with oral hooks enlarged near tips. Pos- terior spiracle of third instar with incomplete ring or peritreme, the ‘‘button’’ absent or poorly defined and situated in the gap of peritreme. KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES OF NORTH AM ae CHRYSOMYINAE 1. Hind coxa aildes poeenneye one presupraalar bristle. Lar- va eel Senate EE in postspiracular plate. . Cow 2h peed O7. gee say wis EEO A ES Gat Chrysomyini 9 Hind coxa thon fine hair or pile posteriorly; two presu- praalar bristles (except in Phormia). Larva with definite ‘“button’’ in postspiracular plate......:.Phormiini. 13 2. Parafaciale bare; preintraalar bristles two; predorsocentral bristles two or three; back of head concave in profile; sternopleural bristles, except occasionally, two; postdorso- central bristles three or four, only the prescutellar large és jaime a+ eile bib det oi. eee 3 Parafaciale setose; preintraalar bristles and predorsocen- tral bristles absent; back of head in profile protuberant, flattened, or but slightly concave; sternopleural bristles three; postdorsocentral bristles two or three.......... 8 SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 97 . Epistoma short, nearly as wide as elypeus; vibrissa but slightly above oral margin; postocellar bristles absent; posterior thoracic spiracle neither elongate-ovate nor ET igclee Cu Bae pe Fm Sky ay a Re ee ge ene + Epistoma long, either slightly or considerably narrower than width of elypeus; vibrissa distinctly above oral margin; postocellar bristles present; posterior thoracic spiracle large, elongate-ovate, transverse ...............0000. D . Legs and base of abdomen always, and humerus and anterior pleura usually, yellow to yellow orange or orange brown. SNeOCLOpicah) VetAe® Fes) ohig2).. poly elnino ally... GA TEANE NE: rps. Hemilucilia renter (Fabricius), p. 107 Legs, base of abdomen, humerus, and anterior pleura brown to black with greenish overeast. (Neotropical)........ Rte ne eee Hemilucilia flavifacies (Engel), p. 106 .. Posthumeral bristle present; intrapostsutural bristle pres- ent; postintraalar bristle one; intrapostalar bristle pres- ent; remigium below posteriorly at base with several fine hairs; lower squamal lobe pilose above .............. 6 Posthumeral bristle absent; intrapostsutural bristles absent; postintraalar bristles two; intrapostalar bristles absent; _ remigium below usually bare posteriorly at base; lower eC MAE SUOVG ec heels bees ee cea aes 7 6. Thorax almost entirely shining or with two indistinct dark longitudinal stripes on dorsum; buecca brown with tawny hair; anterior thoracic spiracle with brown hair (Neotrop- Be beta So ee Mynolucilia fulvinota (Bigot), p. 112 Thorax slightly silvery pollinose and with three distinct dark longitudinal stripes on dorsum; bucea orange with golden colored hair; anterior thoracic spiracle with yel- low hair (Neotropical) Myiolucilia lyrcea (Walker), p. 113 7. Squamal lobes white to yellow orange; legs usually yellow orange to orange brown (Neotropical) ................ i aes Chloroprocta fuscaampennis (Macquart), p. 117 Squamal lobes infuscated especially on the apical half; legs usually dark brown to black (Neotropical) ............ _Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy), p. 119 8. Palpus short filiform; epistoma elongate, distinctly narrower than elypeus; front of male at narrowest 0.05 or more of head width, of female, 0.28 or more of head width; in- trapostalar bristle absent. Third-instar larva without ac- Peers Crab sclevite gery A. ics dnl mata wa Siersiaei css 9 98 Tur BLowFrures or NortH AMERICA Palpus elongate clavate; epistoma elongate but not much narrower than clypeus; front of male nearly obliterated at narrowest, 0.34 of head width in female; intrapostalar bristles present. Third-instar larva with well-defined ac- cessory: oral .sclerites.4 si) dssiecks |i.) Ga) ae 12 9. Parafrontale with light hair anteriorly outside frontal row of bristles; male basicostal scale and legs yellow orange or orange brown and phallosome nearly straight; female occiput brown to black, and with one or two proclinate frontoorbital bristles seen sei ess 5s Siocon ee 10 Parafrontale with dark hair anteriorly outside frontal row of bristles; male basicostal scale and legs usually black, phallosome bent ventrally and enlarged apically, the anterior gonapophysis deeply notched apically; female with occiput usually reddish orange to brown and rarely with proclinate frontoorbital bristles, (Nearctic and Neo- tVOp CA) oo s svncecs, 0 oGhie «lt = 5 dee atte eae ccs see Be eee Callitroga americana (Cushing and Patton), p. 125 10. Fourth abdominal segment strongly pollinose laterally; male without frontoorbital or outer vertical bristles and an- terior gonapophysis without well-developed basal acces- sory. sclerite 0.0. oo. e a spilt bene oe 11 Fourth abdominal segment nearly shining and with only a trace of pollen laterally; male with one reclinate fronto- orbital bristle opposite middle of ocellar triangle, with strong outer vertical bristles, and phallosome elongate, the apex narrow and reduced in size. (Neotropical) ........ MPRA codes OU ae BU ree Callitroga mimma (Shannon), p. 148 11. Thorax usually bright metallic yellow to blue green, a mid- dorsal longitudinal stripe not extending over scutellum; female usually with two proclinate frontoorbital bristles; male phallosome of but moderate length, the apex well- developed. (Nearctic and Neotropical) ............... aipieo Mie eA Oe Callitroga macellarva (Fabricius), p. 138 Thorax usually metallic dark blue to black, a mid-dorsal longitudinal stripe extending over scutellum; female with one proclinate frontoorbital bristle; male phallosome heavily sclerotized apically and projecting into well-de- fined hooks, the posterior gonapophysis large, elongate, and but weakly hooked anteriorly. (Neotropical) ...... is: bugetad Yo heen Callitroga aldricht (Del Ponte), p. 123 12. Squamal lobes dark brown, almost black (Nearctic)...... : bps. > Ge et he eae Paralucilia wheelert (Hough), p. 153 13. 14. HES 16. 17. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 99 Squamal lobes white, rarely orange or orange brown. (Neo- propneal er ealy Paralucilia fulvipes (Maequart), p. 157 Mesonotum conspicuously flattened on dise; eyes in male dis- tinetly separated (except in several species of Apaulina) ; mesothoracie spiracle with dark hair (dark ee brown REED DOMLITIDC NUBIUILO ieee One, edd s basse) dads Hehe Wola «4 14 Mesonotum convex; eyes in male very narrowly separated or contiguous; mesothoracie spiracle with bright orange naire Holarctic) .). Phormia regina (Meigen), p. 161 Mesothoracie spiracle small, the propleural area not reduced; head not conspicuously elongate; cilia of arista long; api- eal cell open; hindmost preintraalar bristle present ..15 Mesothoracie spiracle much enlarged, the size of the pro- pleural area reduced; head elongate; cilia of arista very short; apical cell closed in wing margin; hindmost pre- intraalar bristle absent (Holarctic).................. ee en ae Boreéllus atriceps (Zetterstedt), p. 170 Preacrostichal bristles present, elongate; lower margin of head convex; head at vibrissa shorter than or as long as its length at antenna; upper squamal lobe without black setae above; three postintraalar bristles present; preintra- SATEEN: VS GRABS 9 Oh WETS 0h ee 16 Preacrostichal bristles absent or vestigial; lower margin of head straight; length of head at vibrissa greater than at antenna; upper squamal lobe black setose above; two or three postintraalar bristles present; preintrapostalar bris- Teg WAT Tea ON al 2S A Pee a 2 ee ee ..Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy ), p. 174 Front wide in both sexes, in male at narrowest 0.14 or more of head width, in female 0.28 or more; parafaciale op- posite lunule wider than distance between vibrissae... 17 Front in both sexes narrower, rarely exceeding 0.11 of head width in male, 0.26 of head width in female; parafaciale opposite lunule usually narrower than distance between WIDTISSAC S eoe i Her a: ple OF S22 Bu ee een oe er ae Ie Fore tibia with one posterior bristle; scutellum without api- eal bristles but with normal subapical bristles; outer for- ceps of male fully one-third to one-half as wide as HOEIIEES 20-3 5 Deve Eee) Blac AP GEREN Oe ER PIP ema SS pr 18 Fore tibia with two posterior bristles; scutellum with apical bristles; outer forceps of male hardly one-fourth as wide SEMEN CO LCT GUE ear de alt) eras lnlde aoa sock Aa neem ea ate aes 100 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Front at narrowest 0.14 of head width in male, 0.28 in fe- male; parafaciale opposite lunule slightly narrower than distance between vibrissae in proportion 2.0:2.2 in male, cane only slightly wider in female, 2.0:1.9 (Nearctic) . . ea HEY ee Apaulina basingert, new species, p. 190 Front at narrowest 0.15 of head width in male, 0.30 in fe- male; parafaciale opposite lunule wider than distance be- tween vibrissae in proportion of 2.4:1.8 in male, 3.6:3.2 in female” (Nearetic) ii 255 0.. .. 2s DOI £3878. & Apaulina avium (Shannon and Dobroscky), p. 186 Reclinate frontoorbital bristles present in female; front at narrowest considerably wider than 0.05 of head width in male (except in aenea which has orange brown squamae), and wider than 0.20 in female; parafaciale opposite lunule in male narrower than half the distance between vi- brissae! 550. SNSL ee oe dic are uae taa ed terete ee 20 Reclinate frontoorbital bristles absent in female; front at narrowest 0.05 of head width in male, 0.20 in female; parafaciale opposite lunule about half as wide as distance between vibrissae in male, in proportion 1.2:1.6 in female GNearctie) oro asics eas 60 0 0 so Pale woe epi ee be Gt Apaulina hirudo (Shannon and Dobroscky), p. 192 Squamal lobes tinged with orange or brown ............ 21 Squamal. lobes clearly white! «.4:. 2: ic. 3. 4 23 Squamal lobes brown in male but yellowish or orange in fe- male; width of parafaciale opposite lunule less than dis- tanee between vibrissae in the proportion 1.2-1.5:2 in male, 1.6:2 or nearly equal in female; front at narrowest 0.06 of head width in male, 0.24 in female; male body color metallic blue but rome body color aeneous or! CUpreous green i.c\. ese oe ie 22 Squamal lobes infuseate in both sexes; parafaciale opposite lunule less in width than distance between vibrissae in the proportion 1.8:2.0 in male, 1.6:1.8 in female; front at narrowest 0.07 of head width in male, 0.27 in female; body eolor metallic blue in both sexes. (Nearctic)........... .. Apaulina hesperva (Shannon and Dobrosecky), p. 192 Male with parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in the proportion 1.2:2.0; female body color bright aeneous green with silvery pollen, the fourth ab- dominal segment cupreous with whitish pollen, the squa- mal lobes strongly tinged with orange; middle femur with SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 101 one or two (usually only one) anteroventral bristles near basea, eNearctipitel susie. idee ¥: ol. lieadtees. ol. e i on Apaulina aenea (Shannon and Dobroscky), p. 185 Male with parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in the proportion 1.5:2.2; female body color blackish cupreous with thin whitish pollen, the squamae lightly tinged with yellow, the third abdominal segment sometimes and the fourth segment always highly polished cupreous; middle femur with two or three (usually two) anterodorsal bristles toward base. (Nearetic)........... bite aauciis nels Apaulina cuprina, new species, p. 191 23. Front at narrowest less than 0.09 of head width in male, 0.27 in female; parafaciale opposite lunule less in- width than distance between vibrissae in metallica, equal in BORETCISSS ug dial "lle ew AE SRA Mite a a 24 Front at narrowest 0.10 or more of head width in male, 0.28 in female; parafaciale opposite lunule equal in width to distance between vibrissae. (Nearctic).............. .... Apaulina hirundo (Shannon and Dobroscky), p. 196 24. Head length at antenna and at vibrissa approximately equal in both sexes; distance between vibrissae greater than width of parafaciale opposite lunule in proportion 1.4: 2.4 in male, 1.7:2.0 in female; body color of male metal- lic blue, fourth abdominal segment of female bright metal- Herewnercise ( Nearetiey El POLI Ie. OF BASH! “Ato Apaulina metallica (Townsend), p. 196 Head length at antenna greater than at vibrissa in approxi- mate proportion 7.0:6.5; distance between vibrissa and width of parafaciale opposite lunule nearly equal; body color metallic blue in both sexes. (Nearctic)........... met Ari rs Apaulina sialia (Shannon and Dobroscky), p. 201 KEY TO KNOWN LARVAE OF CHRYSOMYINAE!? 1. Second and third instar (ef. Callitroga americana) without dorsal spines on posterior margin of segment 11; without definite ‘‘button’’ in posterior spiracle................ DANTE. betcemtt. HK sis Seas Serie Chrysomyini. 2 Second and third instar with dorsal spines‘on posterior mar- gin of segment 11; with definite ‘‘button’’ in posterior NC rt A en es ine hohe oh Wig Phormiini. 5 1Adapted in part from Knipling (1936, 1939, 1940), and Laake et al, (1936). 102 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA 2. Second and third instars with spines on anal protuberance arranged in V-shaped group; dorsal spines on segments B-LO ve AEF AEE Uae 3 Second and third instars with spines on anal protuberances not arranged in V-shaped group; dorsal spines absent on segments 8-10.00 Ny 0 EE a”, tA Chloroprocta fuscaamipennis (Macquart), p. 119 3. Second and third instars with tracheal trunks leading from posterior spiracles not pigmented.................+.. 4 Second and third instars with tracheal trunks leading from posterior spiracles pigmented, dark brown to black .... .... Callitroga americana (Cushing and Patton), p. 132 4, Second instar with ratio of distance between inner tubercles on upper margin of posterior cavity and distance be- tween inner and median tubercles on each side approxi- mately 1.5:1.0. Third instar with accessory oral sclerite absentiiAveetes Callitroga macellaria (Fabricius), p. 144 Second instar with ratio of distances between tubercles men- tioned above approximately 1.1:1.0. Third instar with ac- cessory oral sclerite* present. 22252. (02. 2 ee i a ay Rr Paralucilia wheelert (Hough), p. 155 5. Second instar with dorsal spines present on posterior margin of segment 10. Third instar with larger tubercles on up- per margin of posterior cavity distinctly longer than one- half the width of one posterior spiracle;-dorsal spines present on posterior margin of segment 10 ............ 6 Second instar with dorsal spines absent on posterior mar- gin of segment 10. Third instar with length of larger tubercles on upper margin of posterior cavity less than one-half the width of one posterior spiracle; dorsal spines absent on posterior margin of segment 10.............. TEES Oe they oe e582 Phormia regina (Meigen), p. 166 6. Cephalic segment small, nearly bare, rounded, second seg- ment flattened, and with numerous marginal rows of minute spines which are longer toward margin........ 1 2 7aO Apaulina avium (Shannon and Dobroseky), p. 188 Cephalic segment as in Phormia, second segment not flat- tened, and without numerous rows of minute spines as deseribed 3..5,0-4's empavacdebvates. 9 ve sittia deve cieneee eae ee ..Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy), p. 177 Nav I( IG Hall ) CHRYSOMYINI Color Plate I.—Callitroga americana (Cushing and Patton). Adult female, dorsal view, X 10. SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 103 TRIBE CHRYSOMYINI (The screwworm flies) The species placed in this tribe (color plate I) have fine pile posteriorly on the hind coxae, and have but one presupraalar bristle on the thorax. None of the larvae of these species has a well-defined ‘‘button’’ in the posterior spiracle. The names Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy, Mya Rondani, Somomya Rondani, Compsomyia Rondani, and Pycnosoma Brauer and Bergenstamm have been used in the taxonomic and economic literature of North America. It is therefore considered necessary to review a part of the taxonomic history of Chry- somya and other names that have been confused with it in this country, for the genus Chrysomya does not occur in the Western Hemisphere. Robineau-Desvoidy (1830, p. 444) proposed the generic name Chrysomya without designating a genotype. Rondani (1863, p. 27) included Musca marginalis Wiedemann (1830) in Chry- somya and designated it as genotype. Bezzi (1907, p. 544) stated that Chrysomya regalis Robineau-Desvoidy, an originally in- eluded species, was a synonym of Musca marginalis Wiedemann. Coquillett (1910, p. 523) accepted (marginals) =regalis as geno- type of Chrysomya. Townsend (1916, p. 6) drew the same con- clusion. Rondani (1850, p. 175) proposed the generic name of Mya for a group of similar species, but this name was preoccupied. In 1856 (p. 90) he proposed (Musca vomitoria Fabricius) = vomi- toria Linnaeus as the genotype; Mya is thus an isogenotypic synonym of Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy. Coquillett (1910, p. 571) designated Musca segmentaria Fabricius as genotype for . Mya, but this designation cannot be considered valid because of the prior selection of vonutoria by Rondani. Rondani (1861, p. 9) proposed the name of Somomya for the segregate which he had previously described under the name of Mya. In 1910 (p. 606) Coquillett erroneously designated Musca segmentaria Fabricius as genotype of Somomya, but Somomya is an isogenotypic synonym of Calliphora; its genotype is Musca vomitoria Linnaeus. Rondani (1875, p. 425) proposed the generic name Compso- mya for several European and Asiatic species, without designat- ing a genotype. Brauer and Bergenstamm (1894, p. 12) select- ed Musca macellaria Fabricius as genotype for Compsomyia, but Villeneuve (1914, p. 256) and Townsend (1915, p. 646) showed that this species is unavailable as genotype and the latter author 104 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA showed that macellaria is not congeneric with any European or Asiatic species. Coquillett (1910, p. 526) designated Musca dux Escholtz as genotype for Compsomyia. Brauer and Bergenstamm (1894, p. 12) erected the genus Pycnosoma for the reception of Musca marginalis Wiedemann. This name is a synonym of Chrysomya through synonymy of the genotypes. According to Bezzi (1907, p. 543), Paracompsomyia Hough is also a synonym of Chrysomya. HEMILUCILIA BRAUER Hemilucilia Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien. Math-Nat. Kl. Sitz- ber. (1) 104:598, 1895; Surcouf, Paris Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Nouvelle Arch. (5) 6:54, 1919; Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proe. 62 (11) :6, 1922; Seguy, Paris Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Bul. 31:440, 1925; Townsend, Rev. Mus. Paul. 15:213, 1926; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 28 (6) :125, 1926; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 66:473, 1934; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 163, 19384; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proce. 39 (7) :196, 1937; Townsend, Manual of My- | iology, vol. 5, p. 128, 1987. Genotype. Musca segmentaria Fabricius. Monotypiec. Male and female. Head (pl. 1, C) with short epistoma which is nearly as wide as clypeus and warped forward into horizontal plane but not strongly curved downward after the warp; meta- cephalon rather flattened in profile; eye large and slightly oblique; frontale almost obsolete 2.0 units anterior of foremost ocellus; parafrontale nearly obsolete toward middle and posteri- orly; frontal rows of bristles obsolete at narrowest portion of frontale but extending anteriorly to the base of the second an- tennal segment and moderately diverging as they follow the margins of the frontale; outer vertical bristles absent in male; postvertical bristles weak, proclinate; female with one reclinate and two proclinate frontoorbital bristles; ocellar bristles of mod- erate size, proclinate in male, divaricate in female which also has two or three lesser accessory ocellar bristles posteriorly; elypeus almost twice as long as wide, sunken, deep, narrow, rather box- like; facial carina absent; parafaciale narrowed above; faciale rather rounded, steep, with small setae in three or four rows _ which ascend nearly three-fourths the distance to the antennal base; vibrissa only slightly above the oral margin; proboscis 10.0 in length; haustellum 5.0; palpus long clavate; antennal base near eye middle when head is viewed in profile, antennae with bases approximated; arista with long plumosity above and SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 105 below to apex; back of head concave above, slightly rounded below with head in profile, and with one row of postocular cilia. Thorax with humeral bristles three or four, weak to moderate- ly strong; preintraalar bristles two, the posterior one of which is placed about 1.0 before the suture; posthumeral bristle pres- ent; preacrostichal bristles absent or vestigial; predorsocentral bristles four, two weak and two strong, the posterior bristle placed 1.0 before the suture; presupraalar bristle one; meso- pleural bristles about six, strong; sternopleural bristles two; prosternum large, wider anteriorly than posteriorly, pilose; postalar declivity setose in center; hypopleural bristles about seven; postdorsocentral bristles four, only prescutellars strong; postalar bristles two; postacrostichal bristles two, only the pre- scutellar strong; intrapostsutural bristles present; postintraalar bristles two, intrapostsupraalar bristles absent; intrapostalar bristle differentiated; mesospiracular bristles long; mesothoracic and methathoracic spiracles large, the latter ovate; scutellum with one discal bristle (sometimes one weaker discal bristle laterally), and three lateral bristles, the intermediate one of which is weak. | Legs with hair and short pile on coxae; anterior tibia with about three anterodorsal bristles, these evenly spaced from basal fifth to middle, and with one posteroventral bristle near apical fourth; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle, one anteroventral bristle near basal sixth, three posteroventral bristles, these evenly spaced from base to basal third, and with several apical bristles ranging from posterior to posterodorsal surface; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical third, two posterior bristles, one near basal fourth and one near apical third, and one posterodorsal bristle near apical fourth; hind femur with unevenly-spaced anteroventral row of bristles, about three near basal third, one near middle, and two or three near apical third, and one posteroventral bristle near basal fourth; hind tibia with three anterodorsal bristles, one near basal third, one near middle, and one near apical fourth, two antero- ventral bristles, one near middle and one near apical third; elaws and pulvilli small. Wing with subcostal sclerite strongly setose anteriorly and apically; fourth vein without apical section or fold, the angle rounded and rather obtuse; apical cell clearly open and ending 0.8 before the wing tip; anterior cross vein 1.0 beyond the middle of the second section of the third vein and strongly oblique; posterior cross vein doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-fifth as long as proceeding section; upper squamal lobe small, 106 THe BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA long, pilose on upper basal surface; lower squamal lobe of mod- erate size, ovate, bare. Abdomen with discal bristles only in scattered erect hair on fourth segment; second, third and fourth segments each with a marginal row of weak short recumbent bristles; female with ventral membrane widely exposed. Male genital segments slightly flattened and situated ven- trally when in repose; first segment large, globose; second seg- ment of moderate size and rather flattened. Hemilucilia flavifacies (Engel), new combination Strongyloneura flavifacies Engel, Konowia 10 :138, 1931. (Type, female from ‘‘Nord-Chiquitos,’’ Bolivia, in the collection of Dr. E. O. Engel, Stuttgart). Hemilucilia fuscanipennis Aldrich (nee Macquart), U. 8. Natl. Mus. Proce. 62 (11) :7, 1922; Shannon, Wash.Ent. Soc. Proce. 28 (6) :126, 1926; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 66: 473, 1934; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 39 Geiicn i ire This species is usually determined as Hemilucilia fuscanipennis (Macquart) but is not that species. Dr. Engel’s name is ap- parently the correct name for this well-known and abundant tropical species. Brown species with metallic yellow-green body, orange to orange-brown appendages and mottled wings. Male. Similar in most respects to segmentaria but head with eight or nine frontal bristles, the rows becoming obsolete about half way to the ocellar triangle, the upper bristles very short and hairlike; front at lunule 0.24 of head width and 0.12 at vertex; upper posterior margin of vertex more convex; third antennal segment about five times as long as second. Thorax bright yellow green but appearing metallic bluish in certain lights, the humerus, postalar callosity, anterior part of mesopleuron greenish or bluish black; greater ampulla and lesser ampulla dark brown with a greenish luster; mesothoracic spiracle with whitish hair; metathoracic spiracle with dark brown hair. Wing (pl. 8, K) with remigium basally below without cilia. Legs orange brown, the color increasingly darker apically. Genital segments (pl. 15 A, B, C and D) as illustrated. Female. Similar to male except for wide front, which is black almost to lunule, where the color abruptly changes to bright orange yellow and for normal sexual differences. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 107 Length. 7-9 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Mexico, to Paraguay and Brazil. The species is not uncommon along the coastal sections of eastern Central America. Biology. Adults of this species are commonly attracted to meat-baited traps. They occur with considerable frequency in open areas in tropical rain forest country where they appear to have the habits of Callitroga macellaria. Specimens may be eollected upon dead animals along roads or on low shrubbery in the immediate vicinity of such animals. The immature stages are undescribed. Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius) Musca segmentaria Fabricius, Systema Antliatorum, p. 292, 1805; Wiedemann, Aussereuropaische zweifliigelige Insek- ten, vol. 2, p. 401, 18380. (Type, female from South America, in Copenhagen). Calliphora femorata Walker, Roy. Ent. Soe., London, Trans. (n. ser.). 5:310, 1858. (Type, female from Mexico in the British Museum; now with thoracic characters obliterated). Lucia nubipennis Rondani, Truqui Studi ent. 1:77, 1848. (Type, in Florence or lost; sex not stated). Mya senidiaphana Rondani, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna (3)2:177, 1850; Coquillett, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 37(1719) : 571, 1910. (Type, in Florence or lost; sex not stated.) LTuciha segmentaria (Fabricius) Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifligler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 5, no. Bee hoe tool. Chrysomyta segmentaria (Fabricius) Hough, Kans. Univ. Quart. 9 :204, 1900. Somomyia segmentaria (Fabricius) Malloch, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)17:504, 1926. Hemiluctla segmentaria (Fabricius) Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1)104:598, 1895; Aldrich, U. 8. Natl. Mus. Proce. 62(11) :6, 1922; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28(6) :125, 1926; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:71, 1931; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 66:473, 1934. An orange brown species with metallic yellow-green humeri, sometimes overcast with blue, the head, humerus, base of abdo- men, and appendages orange to orange brown, the wings with dark areas. 108 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Male. Head width 17.5; length at antenna and vibrissa 7.2; length at oral margin 7.5; eye height 12.6; head height 15.5; bucea 0.21 eye height, thinly golden pollinose, with abundant medium length golden hair, the anterodorsal margin with an area of dark hair; frontale orange to orange brown, smooth; front at vertex 0.10 of head width, 0.28 at lunule, silvery yellow pollinose, with a few dark hairs in a single row extending to the foremost frontal bristle; frontal bristles about 11; vertex brownish black, subpollinose; clypeus yellowish golden; para- . faciale 1.0 in width opposite lunule, golden pollinose; faciale with minute yellowish setae; vibrissae separated by 2.6; palpus yellow orange, 3.2 in length; antenna yellow orange, third seg- ment five times as long as second and reaching 0.85 the distance to the vibrissa; back of head brownish above, orange below, with sparse yellowish hair, below with longer orange hair. Thorax metallic yellow green to bluish black with darker dorsal longitudinal stripes, little or no pollinosity except imme- diately behind head on dorsum which is thinly whitish in certain lights; pleura mostly orange, shining or but slightly silvery; humerus yellow orange; propleuron whitish pollinose; meso- pleuron with yellow pile except on anterior fifth; sternopleuron with scattered long yellow hair except anteriorly; hypopleuron with yellow hairs; pteropleuron and prosternum with scattered yellow hair, the former only on posterior half; postalar declivity with tuft of long yellow hair in center; sclerites at wing base yellow orange; tympanic pit yellow pilose on outer rim; greater ampulla yellow with fine yellowish white pile; lesser ampulla black; postalar callus orange brown to black; mesothoracic spiracles with orange hair; halteres yellow orange; scutellum concolorous with dorsum, the under surface laterally with fine yellowish pile; lateral postscutellar plates with pale yellow pilosity. , Wing (pl. 9, A) hyaline with infuseated pattern as illustrated; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 92.5 :57 :120:45:10; sub- costal sclerite orange; remigium below basally with fine pale hair; third vein setulose 0.35 the distance to the cross vein; upper squamal lobe tinged with pale brown; lower squamal lobe yellow brown to orange. Abdomen metallic green to bluish with thin silvery pollen, first segment yellow orange basally, greenish blue on posterior margin; second, third, and fourth segments greenish blue; with yellow hair on light portions and below on sternites, else- where with black hair. Genital segments with scattered black hair, the first segment SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 109 black, second segment orange brown, both shining; internal anatomical features (pl. 15, E and F) as illustrated. Female. Head (pl. 1, C) height 16.0; head length at antenna 7.0 and at vibrissa 7.5; parafaciale 1.2 in width opposite lunule; distance between vibrissae 2.6; eye height 11.0; bueea 0.30 eye height; third segment of antenna six times as long as second; palpus 4.2 in length; head width 18.4; front at vertex 0.27 of head width, 0.21 at narrowest (1.5 units anterior to foremost ocellus) and 0.27 at lunule, the frontal margins converging anteriorly; frontale bright red orange 0.68 of front just anterior to ocellar triangle and narrowing to 0.50 of front immediately posterior to lunule; inner vertical bristles decussate; outer ver- tical bristles divaricate; frontal rows of bristles following the margins of the frontale, diverging anteriorly and reaching to about the middle of the second antennal segment, each row con- sisting of about 12 bristles; vertex black; area posterior to ocellar triangle orange red; back of head blackish brown with one row of postocular cilia and with orange hair. Thorax anteriorly yellow orange on pleura, elsewhere as on dorsum. Abdomen with bristles in marginal rows, less elongate and more recumbent than in male. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 8-10 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Cozumel, Quintana Roo Provinee, Yueatan, Mexico, to northern Chile; most abundant in Vene- zuela and the Guianas. Biology. Adults of this species are commonly collected in meat-baited traps, and in nature they appear to act very similar to Callitroga macellaria. They occur most frequently in open areas near dense rain forests where they feed on rotting sub- stances, particularly well-decayed careasses of animals. The immature stages are unknown. Hough (1900, »p. 204) considered Chrysomya hyacinthina Robineau-Desvoidy to be a synonym of this species but this is an error as is indicated elsewhere. MYIOLUCILIA, NEW GENUS Paralucilia Townsend (nec Brauer and Bergenstamm), Insecu- tor Inscitiae Menstruus 4:11, 1916; Rev. de Ent. 1:70, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 163, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 129, 1937; Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 66(18) :17, 1925; Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann, 18:456-457, 1925. Medium-sized blue and black species with shining bright blue- 110 Tre BuowFuiss or NortH AMERICA metallic reflections, dull orange and brown heads, orange-brown antennae and black legs. Male and female. Head (pl. 1, D) height usually less than width in proportion of 12:16 in female, 14:16 in male; length at antenna half head height, length at vibrissa somewhat greater; epistoma short, nearly as wide as clypeus, warped forward from elypeal plane and then not warped strongly downward; meta- cephalon rather flattened and but slightly produced posteriorly in profile; eye large, ovate in both sexes but upper and lower ares equal in female, the upper are much less than lower are in male; front obliterated in male at narrowest portion, the eyes nearly contiguous; frontal rows of bristles obsolete posterior to narrowest portion of front, moderately diverging anteriorly as they follow the margins of the frontale, and extending anteriorly to the base of the second antennal segment; inner vertical bristles decussate; outer vertical bristles absent in male; post- vertical bristles weak, proclinate; frontoorbital bristles absent in male, one strong reclinate and two weak proclinate in female; elypeus a little wider than one-fourth the length, deeply sunken, narrow; parafaciale narrowed above, bare; faciale rounded, steep, with two or three rows of short black setae which ascend nearly four-fifths the distance to the antennal base; vibrissa strong, above oral margin by 1.0; proboscis three-fourths of head height; palpus one-half as long as proboscis, clavate, the tip flattened; base of antenna slightly below eye middle when head is viewed in profile; antennal bases distinctly separated by a short and inconspicuous carina; third antennal segment reach- ing four-fifths the distance to the vibrissa; arista with plumosity, which is long above and short below, extending almost to apex; back of head in male concave above in profile, less obviously so in female, both sexes with one row of postocular cilia. Thorax with humeral bristles three, rarely four, strong; propleural bristles usually one, but sometimes two; preintraalar bristles two, the presutural bristle present; posthumeral bristle present; preacrostichal bristles absent or vestigial; predorso- central bristles two or three, weak, the posterior one placed 1.0 before suture; presupraalar bristle one; sternopleural bristles usually three but sometimes only two; hypopleural bristles arranged in wide ‘‘V”’ along the posterior and dorsal margins of sclerite; prosternum large, wide; postalar declivity in center and anteriorly with hair tuft; preepaulet setose; tympanic pit thickly setose; tympanic ridge with a few short setulae; greater ampulla pilose or setose; postalar bristles two; postsupraalar bristles three; postacrostichal bristles one or two, only the prescutellar SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE Bat one large; postdorsocentral bristles four or five, usually strong only in prescutellars; intrapostsutural bristle present; postin- traalar bristle one; intrapostalar bristle present; mesothoracic bristle one, long; mesothoracie spiracle large, oval; metathoracic spiracle as long as squamopleuron, transverse; scutellum with three discal bristles, one of these rather subapical, and with three strong lateral bristles. Legs with fine hair on coxae; anterior tibia with about six short black dorsal bristles and with one posteroventral bristle near apical third; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle and about six long ventral bristles in a row which extends from base to near middle; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical third, one ventral bristle near apical third, one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; hind femur with posterodorsal row of long, thin bristles which are set closely together, and with a posteroventral row of bristles which are not set closely together, the two apical bristles longest and strongest; hind tibia with one dorsal bristle near apex, about five antero- dorsal bristles in a row which extends from base to near middle, one anterodorsal bristle near apical fourth, two anteroventral bristles near middle, and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; tarsi brownish to black, claws and pulvilli short. Wing with subcostal sclerite setose on anterior edge; remigium below with several fine hairs at base; third vein setulose about one-fifth the distance to the cross vein; fourth vein without apical section or fold; seventh vein long, curved; lower squamal lobe short, subovate, narrowed posteriorly, pilose on anterior half or more of upper surface. Abdomen without discal bristles but fourth segment with erect and scattered hair; no median marginal bristles; male with row of rather long and erect marginal bristles on second, third, and fourth segments, these bristles short and recumbent in female; ventral membrane narrowly exposed. Male genital segments rather large, first segment large, with- out marginal row of bristles posteriorly; second segment smaller and rather flattened. Genotype. Musca lyrcea Walker. A further discussion of this genus will be found on page 152 under the heading of Paralucilia Brauer and Bergenstamm. It will suffice here to state that Townsend (1916) recognized the fact that Brauer and Bergenstamm had at least two species in a mixed series before them when they described the genus Paralw- cilia, designating Calliphora fulvipes Macquart as genotype. Since this designation must stand for Paralucilia according to 112 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA the Rules of the International Code, it is necessary to give the second segregate a new generic name. Myiolucilia fulvinota (Bigot), new combination Somomyia fulvinota Bigot, Soe. Ent. de France Ann. (5)7:251, 1877. (Type, female from Mexico, in the British Museum.) Paralucilia fulvipes (Macquart) Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifliigler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 480, 1891 (in part). Chrysomya desvoidyt Hough, Kans. Univ. Quart. 9 :208, 1900. (Type, male from Chapada, Brazil, in the American Museum of Natural History.) New synonymy. Paralucilia brauert Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 4:11, 1916; Rev. de Ent. 1:70, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 163, 1934; Manual of Myiology, vol. 5, p. 129, 1937. (Type, female from Chile, in Vienna.) New synonymy. Similar to lyrcea Walker, but with the dorsum of the thorax somewhat shining or with two faint longitudinal, middorsal stripes; mesothoracic spiracle with brown hair; bueca brown, thinly whitish yellow pollinose, with tawny whitish hair. Internal morphological features of male genitalia (pl. 16, A) as illustrated. Distribution. Neotropical: Mexico southward to Brazil. Although the species seems to be generally distributed, it is abundant only from the southern portion of Central America toward Ecuador and the Guianas. Biology. In nature, the habits of the adults of fulvinota are very similar to those of Callitroga macellaria. They are attracted to carrion and both sexes may be easily trapped with a decaying- meat bait. The immature stages are unknown. Mr. Smart informs me that Walker’s type specimen shows little or no indication of longitudinal striping on the dorsum of the thorax, but that is not unusual in this species. The illumina- tion must be very favorable or the stripes are not apparent. Aldrich indicated in his notes and also in correspondence with Aubertin that he considered fulvinota a synonym of Paralucilia callipes (Bigot). This is an error. The latter name is a synonym of Mytolucilia lyrcea (Walker), a prior name for the species com- monly known in North America as Paralucilia desvoidyi (Hough). Hough’s type of desvoidy: and a series of about 80 specimens collected in British Guiana are in the American Museum of Natural History. The bodies of these are shining blue. The SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 118 hodies of most of the specimens in the U. S. National Museum are more metallic greenish. Two specimens, marked ‘‘? types,”’ from the Chapada, Brazil, type series of Hough at the Field Museum in Chicago and two cotypes in the University of Kansas collection are like the series in the National Collection. Myiolucilia lyrcea (Walker), new combination Musca lyrcea Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 873, 1849. Type, male from Montevideo, Uruguay, in the British Museum. ) Musca verena Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 877, 1849. (Type, female from Venezuela, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. Musca caruca Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 877, 1849. (Type, female from Chile, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. Musca gamelia Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 878, 1849. (Type, male from Montevideo, Uruguay, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. ; Somomyta callipes Bigot, Soe. Ent. de France Ann. (5)7:249, 1877. (Type, male from Mexico, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. Male. Head width at greatest 15.8; length at antenna 6.5, and at vibrissa 7.1; eye height 10.4; head height 13.7; bucca orange, 0.28 eye height, thinly golden pollinose, with abundant medium- length whitish-yellow to golden hair, and with some dark hair anteriorly and above; frontalia obliterated at middle, widening toward lunule, orange red; front almost obliterated, consisting of merely a faint line beginning 1.5 to 2.0 units below anterior ocellus and continuing for 2.0 units, at vertex 0.11 of head width, 0.16 at lunule, brown to black with golden pollinosity, and with some small setae in rows extending to foremost frontal bristles; frontal bristles about eight to nine; vertex subpollinose, black; ocellar bristles of moderate size, proclinate; clypeus golden; vibrissae separated by 2.2; haustellum with whitish setae; palpus 3.8, orange; antenna orange, third segment 3.8 times as long as second; arista orange at base, black at tip, with dark brown plumosity; back of head black, dark brown above 114 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA occiput, and with a number of medium-length whitish-yellow hairs which become longer below. Thorax dark metallic bluish green to black, with thin whitish pollen anteriorly, and with three faint, blackish longitudinal stripes on dorsum which do not extend posteriorly beyond the scutellar suture; pleura lightly silvery anteriorly; humerus con- colorous; propleuron yellow pilose; mesopleuron with scattered black setae on posterior four-fifths; sternopleuron with scattered dark hair above and tawny below; hypopleuron with brownish pile on posterior four-fifths; pteropleuron with thick-set pile on posterior three-fourths; postalar declivity anteriorly and in center with dark hair; preparapteron dark brown; preepaulet black; squamal process brown; postparapteron brown to black, its rim brown; greater ampulla brown, with short brown recum- bent pile; postalar callus concolorous; mesothoracic spiracle with yellowish-white hair; metathoracie spiracle dark brown, with several long brown hairs on anterior and ventral margins; halteres orange; scutellum concolorous, the under surface later- ally with tuft of whitish-yellow pile toward base; lateral post- scutellar plate with dark-brown setae. Legs dark brown to black; coxae thinly whitish pollinose with whitish hair. Wing (pl. 9, B) hyaline, infuscated (sometimes nearly black) toward base; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 80:58 :100 :30:10; subcostal sclerite orange brown; remigium basally below with a few fine hairs; third vein setose one-fifth the distance to the cross vein; fourth vein with a rounded angle which is first bent toward anterior margin of wing at nearly 90 degrees, then toward wing apex, and ending 1.0 before the apex; upper squamal lobe hyaline on inner half, infusecated on outer half; lower squamal lobe infuscated. Abdomen usually shining dark metallic bluish green with purple reflections but sometimes greenish with thin whitish pollen in certain lights; first tergite shining black; second, third, and fourth tergites with shining purplish hind margins; all tergites below strongly whitish pollinose and with soft pale hair; first and second sternites with long whitish pile; third and fourth sternites with dark hair; fifth sternite as illustrated. Genital segments black, shining, with black scattered setae. Internal features (pl. 16, B, C, and D) as illustrated. Female. Head (pl. 1, D) width 16.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.5; eye height 9.7; head height 12.8; bueea 0.45 of eye height; frontale 0.5 width of front, orange to orange brown; front at narrowest (about 1.0 above lunule) 0.25 head width, SuBrAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 115 0.27 at vertex, 0.28 at lunule; frontal rows of bristles following the margins of the frontale, each row consisting of about 12 bristles; parafaciale 1.3 in width opposite lunule; vibrissae separated by 2.4; palpus 4.0 in length; third antennal segment four times as long as second; otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 8.0-9.5 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Carmen, Campeche, Mexico, south- ward to Chile. It is apparently a grassland species which is most abundant at elevations of from 500 to 1500 feet. Not many specimens have been collected and the species is possibly rather localized in distribution. Most of the specimens I have seen were collected in the vicinity of Merida, Mexico, in Panama, or Bolivia. Biology. Adults of both sexes are attracted to carcasses and they may be trapped in meat-baited traps. In nature, the habits of this species are similar to those of Callitroga macellaria. The immature stages are unknown. CHLOROPROCTA VAN DER WULP Chloroprocta Van der Wulp, Biologia Centrali-Americana, In- sects, Diptera, vol. 2, p. 296, 1896; Williston, Manual of North American Diptera, p. 342, 1908; Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 62(11) :7, 1922; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proe. 28(6) :126, 1926; Townsend, Rev. Mus. Paul. 15:218, 1926; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 168, 1934; ibid., vol. 5, p. 123, 1937; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proce. 39(7) :197, 1937. Genotype. (Chloroprocta semiviridis Van der Wulp) = Lucila fuscanipennis Macquart. (Monobasic. ) Small dull dark brown species with metallic greenish reflec- tions, orange head, antennae and palpi, and dark brown wings. Male and female. Head (pl. 2, A) width greater than height in proportion 7:6; length at antenna slightly more than half head height; length at epistoma slightly greater than length at an- tenna; epistoma elongate, distinctly narrower than clypeus and warped forward from clypeal plane; metacephalon rounded in profile and very slightly produced; bucca produced downward; eye large, ovate, nearly contiguous above and the upper facets enlarged in male, widely separated in female; frontal rows of bristles extending anteriorly to middle of second antennal seg- ment and diverging with margins of frontale; inner vertical bristles decussate, strong; postvertical bristles proclinate, moder- ately strong; frontoorbital bristles absent in male, two small 116 THE BLOowFutsts of NortH AMERICA proclinate and one small reclinate in female; vertex small; ocellar bristles proclinate, weak in male, nearly divaricate in female; postocellar bristles proclinate, weak; clypeus twice as long as wide, deeply sunken, narrow; facial carina absent; parafaciale narrowed above, bare; faciale rounded and with two or three rows of very short black setae which ascend almost two-thirds the distance to the antennal base; vibrissa slightly above the oral margin; proboscis about half head height; palpus cylindrical and clubbed at tip in male, clavate in female; antenna at or but slightly below eye middle when head is viewed in profile, the bases approximated; third segment reaching fully four-fifths the distance to vibrissa; arista long plumose above, shorter below for four-fifths the distance to the apex; back of head concave above and rounded below in profile, with one row of postocular cilia. Thorax with three humeral bristles of medium size; propleural bristles strong; preintraalar bristles two, weak, the middle bristle absent; preacrostichal bristles absent or vestigial; pre- dorsocentral bristles two, weak; posthumeral bristle absent; pre- supraalar bristle one, strong; sternopleural bristles two; hypo- pleural bristles usually arranged in ‘‘V’’ along posterior and dorsal margin of the sclerite; pteropleuron bare on anterior half, thickly covered with black setae on posterior half; prosternum large, wide, setose; postalar declivity with tuft of setae in center; tympanic pit setose; postacrostichal row represented by one large prescutellar bristle; postdorsocentral bristles strong only in pre- scutellars but sometimes with three or four in the row, all weak; intrapostsutural bristle absent; postintraalar bristles two; intra- postsupraalar bristles absent; intrapostalar bristles absent; mesospiracular bristle one, large; thoracic spiracles large, ovate; scutellum with one large and often with two or three smaller discal bristles, one sometimes simulating subapical bristle; lateral bristles three, strong. Coxae with thin pile, the hind coxae sometimes almost bare posteriorly; anterior femur with a partial posteroventral row of bristles which extends from the middle to the apex; anterior tibia with about three dorsal bristles, one near basal third, one near middle, and one near apical third, and with one posteroven- tral bristle between middle and apical third; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle, one long anteroventral bristle near basal sixth, three long posteroventral bristles basally, and a close-set row of smaller posteroventral bristles extending from near middle to apex; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical third, one ventral bristle near apical third, two posterior bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third, SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 117 and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; hind femur with dorsal and posterodorsal rows of bristles which are long basally and apically, about three ventral bristles basally, and with long seattered hairs which are not in rows posterodorsally; hind tibia with one dorsal bristle near apex, usually four anterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth, two near middle, and one near apical fourth, two anteroventral bristles, one near middle and one near apical third, and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; claws and pulvilli not as long as last tarsal segment. Wing with subcostal sclerite setose; only third vein setulose; fourth vein without apical section or fold, the angle rounded and bent obtusely toward apex; apical cell open and ending before apex by a narrow margin; anterior cross vein slightly before middle of second section of fourth vein, oblique; posterior cross vein double arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-fifth as long as preceding section; seventh vein long, curved; upper squamal lobe small, bare, rounded; lower squamal lobe large, bare, ovate. Abdomen with tergites overlapping sternites in male, ventral membrane narrowly exposed in female; third and fourth seg- ments each with a marginal row of weak and recumbent bristles. Male genital segments small, almost hidden; first segment ' slightly larger than second and with several weak but erect bristles on posterior margin. Chloroprocta fuscanipennis (Macquart), new combination Lucilia fuscanipennis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 4, no. 2, p. 223, 1851. (Type, male from Bahia, Brazil, in Paris.) Chloroprocta semiviridis Van der Wulp, Biologia Centrali- Americana, Insecta, Diptera, vol. 2, p. 296, 1896; Aldrich, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proe. 62(11) :7, 1922; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28(6) :126, 1926; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:71, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 163, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 128, 1987; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 39(7) :197, 1937; Knipling, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 32(2) :366, 1939. (Type, male from northern Yucatan, Mexico, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. Male. Head width 14.7; length at antenna 6.7 and at vibrissa 6.9; length at oral margin 7.0; eye height 11.0; head height 12.9; bucea 0.13 eye height, orange in ground color, heavily golden pollinose, with scattered medium-length dark hair on upper and anterior three-fourths, with golden hair below and posteriorly; frontale anteriorly one-half frontal width, orange red, striate; front but a thin line for nearly 3.0 below ocelli, but widening to 118 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA 0.11 of head width at vertex and 0.20 at lunule, with moderate golden pollinosity and with some setae outside the frontal rows of bristles which extend anterior to the foremost frontal bristle; frontal rows of bristles extending to about the middle of the second antennal segment and obsolete or vestigial near middle of front, each row consisting of about 7 to 9 bristles; vertex sub- pollinose, brown; clypeus yellowish; parafaciale 0.8 in width op- posite lunule, orange in ground color, golden pollinose; palpus 3.9, orange; antenna yellow orange, third segment three times as long as second; arista yellow, black at tip, plumose, the hairs dark; back of head dark brown above, orange below, and with abundant yellowish hairs of medium length. Thorax dull metallic greenish blue over brownish to black eround color, with thin whitish pollen anteriorly and with indis- tinct fuscous longitudinal stripes which do not extend posteriorly over the scutellum; pleura lightly silvery; humerus concolorous; propleuron whitish pilose; mesopleuron black setose except on anterior one-fourth; hypopleuron with only a few hairs above and posteriorly; pteropleuron with black setae on posterior half; prosternum with scattered yellow setae; postalar declivity in center with black setae; preparapteron yellow orange; pre- epaulet, squamal process, postparapteron and its rim, brown; greater ampulla dark brown with fine decumbent pile; meso- thoracic spiracle whitish; metathoracic spiracle orange; lateral postscutellar plate with black setae; under surface of scutellum with fine brown setae. Legs orange brown; coxae yellow orange with some yellow pile; tarsi reddish brown; claws black, pulvilli brown. Wing (pl. 9, C) infuseated; costal sections 2 to 6 in the pro- portion 70:50 :100 :40:8; third vein setulose one-third the distance to the cross vein; squamal lobes tinged with yellow orange. Abdomen brownish in ground color, metallic greenish blue with thin whitish pollen; first segment yellowish orange at base below; with a narrow shining longitudinal middorsal stripe extending from the first to fourth segment, least apparent on third; fourth segment with erect discal hairs. Genital segments brownish with a slight bluish green luster; both segments with scattered black setae. Internal features (pl. 17, A, B, C, and D) as illustrated. Female. Head (pl. 2, A) height 10.0; eye less elongate and more ovate than in male and bucea higher in proportion to eye height; front at narrowest (1.5 units above lunule) 0.24 head width, 0.29 at vertex, and 0.380 at lunule; frontal row of bristles extending anteriorly to antennal base; parafaciale 1.4 in width SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 119 opposite lunule; vibrissae set 2.0 apart. Otherwise similiar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 5-6 mm. Distribution. Nearetic and Neotropical: Southern Texas through Central America to Brazil. Although not exactly coastal in distribution, the majority of specimens I have seen or collected have been from along the Gulf of Mexico (Port La- vaca, Texas; Tampico, Vera Cruz, Carmen, Cozumel and Chet- umal, Mexico), the coastal sections of the Caribbean (Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, Gold Fields, Nicaragua and LaGuaira, Venezuela), and inland in British Guiana and Dutch Guiana. No specimens were collected by me in the mountains of Cen- tral America, or along the Pacific coast of Central or South America. Biology. Little is known of the immature stages or biology of this species. The anal area (pl. 33, E) of the puparium is as il- lustrated. Adults of both sexes are attracted to carrion and they may be easily trapped in meat-baited traps. In nature, adults act very similarly to those of Callitroga macellaria and they may be captured on low foliage in the vicinity of dead ani- mals. Knipling reared larvae on hamburger at Edinburg, Texas, March 29 to April 14, 1937 (Bish. No. 27206). The lar- val characters given in the key are from Knipling (1939). Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy) Chrysomya idioidea Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 445, 1880. (Type, female from Brazil, in Paris). 2?Chloroprocta sp. Van der Wulp, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insects, Diptera, vol. 2, p. 296, 1896. (Two males and one female from northern Yucatan, Mexico, in the British Mu- seum. ) Similar in both sexes to fuscanipenms, but differing from that species in having the squamal lobes infuscated especially on the apical half, and in having the legs dark brown to black. Seemingly, idioidea is smaller and the wings appear to be more deeply brownish. . Length. 5.5 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Mexico, to northern South America. The species is either uncommon or extremely local in distribution, although I have collected speci- mens from Chetumal, Quintana Roo Province, Yucatan, Mexico; Flores and San Jose, Guatemala; Costa Rica; Panama; Colom- 120 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA bia; west of Maracaibo, Venezuela; British Guiana; Dutch Guiana; and Paraguay. Biology. Males and females are attracted to carcasses and they may be collected in meat-baited traps. The immature stages are unknown. CALLITROGA BRAUER Callitroga Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Denk- sehr. (1)47:74, 1883; Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zwei- fliigler des Kaiserlichen Museums -zu Wien, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 106, 1893; Townsend, Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 5:645, 1915; Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 4:6, 1916; Johnson, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 41:439, 1919; Stiles and Hassall, U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. 150 :330, 1928. Genotype. Musca macellaria Fabricius (By present designation). Compsomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm (nee Rondani), Zwei- fligler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 12, 1894; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math. “Nat. Kl. SHeibes (1) 108 2, 1899 (in part). Cochliomyia Townsend, Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 5:646, 1915; Rev. Mus. Paul. 15:218, 1926; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 165, 19385; ibid., vol. 5, 125, 1937; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 11 :106, 1923; Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 66(18) :17, 1925; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proce. 28 (6) :124, 1926; Shannon and Del Ponte, Inst. Bact. [Argentina], Rev. 4 (5) :568, 1926; Aubertin and Buxton, Ann. Trop. Med and Parasitol., 28 (8) :245, 254, 1934; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 39 (7) 196, 1937. Genotype. Musca macellaria Fabricius. (By original desig- nation. ) Paralucilia Coquillett (nec Brauer and Bergenstamm), U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc. 37 (1719) :584, 1910. Small to medium-sized dull-metallic or bright green and greenish-blue species which have orange heads, dark longitu- dinal stripes on the dorsum of the thorax, yellow-orange to orange-brown antennae and palpi, the latter short and filiform, the legs orange red to black, and the wings hyaline. Male and female. Head (pl. 2, B) width slightly to consid- erably greater than height; length at vibrissa greater than at antenna; epistoma elongate, considerably narrower than cly- peus, warped forward from clypeal plane, then projecting downward after the warp; eye of moderate size, ovate, the facets SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 121 of nearly equal size; frontale in male nearly obliterated below ocelli, then widening toward lunule; parafrontale with num- erous hairs which extend from vertex to parafaciale outside frontal row; frontal rows of bristles but slightly divergent an- teriorly in female and only moderately so in male; inner verti- - eal bristle present in both sexes; postvertical bristle present; frontoorbital bristles absent in male, usually two proclinate and one reclinate (rarely one or both entirely absent) in female; ocellar bristles of moderate size, proclinate in male, nearly di- varicate in female; clypeus deeply sunken and narrow; facial carina short, narrow, low, separating antennae by a very nar- row margin; parafaciale below one-half as wide as elypeus, narrowed above, and with medium-length hairs which are scat- tered generally near eye; faciale sharp, steep; vibrissa strong, well above oral margin; proboscis three-fourths head height; haustellum nearly half head height; palpus short and filiform; antennal bases slightly below eye middle when head is viewed in profile, narrowly separated by the short and narrow carina; third segment of antenna elongate, from three to four times as long as second, and reaching about four-fifths the distance to the vibrissa; arista thickened slightly at base, plumose on about the basal four-fifths, the hairs long above, shorter below. Thorax with humeral bristles one strong and two or three weaker; propleural bristle strong; preacrostichal bristles absent or vestigial; presupraalar bristles one strong, and often with a weaker one anteriorly; sternopleural bristles three, the middle or lower bristle often very weak but rarely absent; hypopleu- ron bare of fine hair except on posterior margin; prosternum of moderate size, wide, pilose; postalar declivity thickly pilose in center and anteriorly; tympanic pit with a few long hairs; post- supraalar bristles three; postacrostichal bristles two, only pre- scutellars strong; intrapostsutural and intrapostsupraalar bristles absent; mesopiracular bristle long; mesothoracic spiracle small; seutellum with three strong lateral bristles, the under surface laterally pilose, without apical bristles; lateral post- seutellar plates with fine hairs. Legs with fine pile on coxae; fore tibia with one posteroven- tral bristle between middle and apical third; middle femur with a short row of long posteroventral bristles toward base, one pos- terior bristle and one posterodorsal bristle near apex; middle tibia with two anteroventral bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third, one ventral bristle slightly beyond middle and two posteroventral bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third; hind femur with anterodorsal row of short, V2 Tur BLowFuists or NortH AMERICA closely set bristles, a short row of anteroventral bristles toward apex, and a partial row of long posteroventral bristles toward base; hind tibia with a dorsal subapical bristle, two anteroven- tral bristles toward middle, and two posterodorsal bristles to- ward middle; claws and pulvilli small. Wing hyaline; remigium below with a few setulae at base; only third vein setulose; fourth vein bent toward anterior margin of wing at 90 degrees, the angle slightly rounded; apical cell open; anterior cross vein strongly oblique and at or but slightly beyond middle of second section of fourth vein; posterior cross vein doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-fifth as long as preceding section; seventh vein short and curved; lower squamal lobe ovate, wide behind, pilose above in depression and anteriorly. Abdomen with ventral membrane narrowly exposed in fe- male; no discal or median marginal bristles on intermediate segments; third and fourth segments each with weak and re- eumbent bristles in marginal row. Genital segments large, globose, the first rather flattened. The generic name Callitroga is validated by Brauer (1883) by citation in specific synonymy. The genotype must be selected from one of the three names originally associated with it, namely Calliphora anthropophaga Lesbini, Weyenbergh and Conil, Compsomyia macellaria (Fabricius) and Lucilia hominworax Coquerel. The only information pertinent to this problem is that presented by Brauer (1883). This is as follows: ‘‘Calliphora anthropophaga Lesbini, Weyenbergh et Conil. ‘Myiasis’ Act. Acad. Nat. Buenos Aires, T.III. Entr. 2. 41-98. Arch. d. Zool. experimental. T.9. 289 (Conil) Ann. d. Scien. naturell. 6, ser. T. X. Nr. 4 = Compsomyia (Rond. 1875) macellaria F. conf. Lucia homimvorax Cog. (Lucila O. S8., Callitroga Sch., Musca olim.) E. Lyneh Arribalzaga, Anales de la Sociedad cientifica argentina. Tome X. p. 70-84.’’ Under Article 25, as interpreted by Opinions 1, 4, and 53 of the International Commission, Callitroga is validated although merely cited in synonymy. Townsend (1915) considered it in- valid but later admitted its validity. It must be noted that since Brauer, in the publication cited, deals with species and not, with genera as such, the synonymy cannot be regarded as generic. In other words, it cannot be considered that Callitroga is here synonymized with Calliphora, Compsomyia, Lucilia, or Musca, but that the species which Brauer here calls Compsomyia (F.), with its synonyms Calliphora anthropophaga Con., and Lucilia SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 123 hominivorax Coquerel, was placed by Schiner (in MS) in the venus Callitroga. In view of this, Townsend’s action in designating Musca dux Escholtz, the type of Compsomyia, as type of Callitroga cannot be accepted. Brauer was dealing, not with the genus Comp- somyia, but with a single species, macellaria (F.), and two sup- posed synonyms, anthropophaga and hominivorax. The specific synonymy given does not restrict the genotype to Musca macel- laria F., and all three names, and these alone, are available for genotype designation. Musca macellaria Fabricius is hereby designated genotype of Callitroga Brauer. Callitroga aldrichi (Del Ponte), new combination Cochliomyia aldrichi Del Ponte, Rev. de Ent. 8 (3-4) :274, 1938. (Type, male from San Salvador, West Indies, No. 53114, U. S. National Museum). Cochlhiomyia laniaria Aldrich (nee Wiedemann), U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 66(18) :18, 1925; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28 (6) :124, 1926; Curran, Scient. Survey Porto Rico and Virgin Islands, vol. 11, pt. 1, p. 92, 1928; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 39 (7) :196, 1937. Wiedemann’s name was first given as taniaria (1830, p. 406) but this may have been a typographical error for Wiedemann later changed the name to lanaria (p. 683). As stated by Ald- rich, Wiedemann, in mentioning that this name had been given to a certain fasciate variety of macellaria in Count Hoffman- sege’s collection, added that the specimens under this name were not otherwise different from macellaria. Aside from stat- ing that lamiaria differs from macellaria in possessing white dor- sal abdominal pollinose spots or interrupted cross bands, the note seems to indicate that macellaria has similar fasciate mark- _ ings. Wiedemann’s species was described from Brazilian specimens and Del Ponte, surmising that Aldrich’s laniaria was different from Wiedemann’s, gave Aldrich’s segregate a new name. A small grayish-black species with faint metallic reflections, orange buceca and antennae, three wide black longitudinal dor- sal stripes on thorax extending to apex of scutellum, and with fourth abdominal segment cupreous. Male. Similar to macellaria but head height 10.2; width 10.8; length at antenna 5.0 and at vibrissa 5.3; eye height 8°3; bucca 124 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortTH AMERICA 0.22 eye height, shining orange, with whitish-yellow hairs below and posteriorly, but with dark hairs on upper anterior area; front at vertex 0.13 of head width, 0.06 at narrowest (1.5 an- terior to foremost ocellus), and 0.29 at lunule, black with dense yellowish-silvery pollen, and with numerous whitish hairs out- side the frontal row; vertex subpollinose, black, with consider- able black hair; frontale very narrow below ocellar triangle but gradually widening to lunule, usually black but sometimes orange brown; postocellar bristles minute; frontal row of bristles following the margin of the frontale and extending an- teriorly almost to the middle of the second antennal segment, consisting of 13 or 14 bristles, these shorter and hairlike pos- teriorly but apparent nearly to ocellar triangle; antenna with first and second segment orange brown; third segment three times as long as second and dark orange brown; faciale with several rows of short black setae which ascend nearly four- fifths the distance to the antennal base; vibrissae set 1.6 apart; parafaciale 1.0 wide opposite lunule, orange red to black, with whitish pollen, and bare on lower third, the upper two-thirds with short yellowish hair along the eye margin and toward antennal base; back of head blackish, with scattered yellowish hair which becomes longer and more abundant below. Thorax black, metallic bluish, with thin whitish pollen, and with three wide longitudinal stripes on dorsum which extend to seutellar apex, the intermediate lighter stripes strongly metal- lic bluish in certain lights; bristles anterior to suture small, but two or three predorsocentral bristles apparently larger than: surrounding hairs; preintraalar bristle one, strong; mesopleu- ron with seattered erect black hair except anteriorly; sterno- pleuron with scattered whitish hair which is especially abun- dant and long below; postscutellar plates with black setae; meso- thoracic spiracle with white hair. Legs black, with considerable soft whitish hair; middle femur without anterior bristles; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; hind — tibia with two well-defined anterodorsal bristles, one near mid- dle and one near apical fourth. Wing infuseated basally; costal sections 2 to 6 in the propor- tions 61:38 :77 :28:7.4; third vein setulose one-fourth the distance from base to cross vein; subcostal sclerite and basicosta yellow, the former setose; upper squamal lobe hyaline, white; lower squama tinged with pale yellow to brown. Abdomen dull blackish aeneous with metallic purple and eu- preous reflections and with very slight pollinosity except for SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 125 small lateral spots on segments 2 to 4 which show quite heavy whitish pollen in certain lights especially on lateral margins of tergites; a middorsal longitudinal stripe beginning at the an- terior margin of the second segment and continuing to a point a little beyond the base of the fourth segment, posterior third of third segment shining, coppery aeneous; fourth segment red- dish coppery-aeneous. Genital segments with first segment coppery aeneous, second orange brown to black, both with long scattered black erect hair; forceps orange brown. Internal features (pl. 17, E and F) as illustrated. Female. Similar to male except head height 10.0; length at antenna 4.7 and at vibrissa 5.3; eye height 7.5; bueca 0.25 eye height; head width 12.0; front at vertex 0.29 head width, 0.34 at lunule, the margins very slightly curving inward from ver- tex to four-fifths the distance to lunule where front is narrowest; frontal rows of bristles narrowly converging anteriorly; fronto- orbital bristles one reclinate and one or two very weak pro- elinate; parafaciale 1.2 in width opposite lunule; vibrissae set 1.7 apart; palpus 2.3 in length; back of head blackish above and yellow orange below. Legs with one long anterior bristle near middle on middle femur. Length. 5.5-7.0 mm. Distribution. Nearetic and Neotropical: Key West, Fla.; West Indies; Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba, San Salvador, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. Lucila taeniaria Thomson (nee Wiedemann, var. b of ma- cellaria) (1869, p. 544) is the same as Paralucilia fulvipes (Mac- quart). Biology. Male and female specimens may be collected fre- quently while they feed upon fresh horse manure which is apparently very attractive to them. On the Island of Nassau, Bahamas, during May, 1943, many specimens were taken in meat-baited traps. Males may be collected on low foliage near leaking water faucets and females on or near carrion, particu- larly dead fish and mollusks on ocean beaches. The immature stages are unknown. Callitroga americana (Cushing and Patton), new combination (The screwworm fly) Cochliomyia americana Cushing and Patton, Ann. Trop. Med. and .Parasitol. 27 (4) :539, 1933; Laake, Cushing and Parish, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. & P. Q., Tech. Bull. 500:1-4, 19386; Cushing and -Hall, Ent. Soc. Wash. Proe. 126 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA 39 (7) :196, 1987. (Type, male from Texas, No. 53115, U. S. National Museum. ) ?Chrysomya alia Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 447, 1830. Type, from Brazil, in Paris). *?Chrysomya affinis Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myo- daires, Paris, p. 445, 1830. (Type, from Brazil, in Paris.) ?Chrysomya ltherminiert Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myo- daires, Paris, p. 446, 1830. (Type, from Carolina, in Paris). *2Chrysomya caerulescens Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les My- odaires, Paris, p. 447, 1830. (Type, from Carolina, in Paris). *?Chrysomya plaei Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 448, 1880. (Type, from Antilles, in a ruined condi- tion, in Paris). ?Luctha hominiworax Coquerel, Ent. Soc. de France Ann. (3) 6:173, 1858; ibid. 7:233, 1859; Laboulbene, Ent. Soe. de France Bull. (4) 8:xxxvi, 1868; Aubertin and Buxton, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol, 28 (38): 245-254, 1934; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 6:485, 1936; Del Ponte, Rev. de Ent. 8 (3-4) :273-275, 1938. (Type, from Guiana, South America, in Paris). ?Calliphora wnfesta Philippi, Ztschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. 17 (6): 513-514, 1861; Ann. Univ. Chile 1:729, 1861. (Type, ap- parently lost). ?Calliphora anthropophaga Conil, in Lesbini, Weyenbergh and Conil, Acad. Nac. de Cien. Exactas Buenos Aires, Actas 3: 43-98, 1878; Acad. Nat. Cien, Arg. Rep. Bol. 3 (4) :296- 325, 1881. (Type, apparently lost). Somomyia fulvobarbata Bigot, Soe. Zool. de France Bull 12: 598, 1887. (Type, male from Mexico, in the British Mu- seum) . Compsomyia homicida Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1) 108:525, 1899. (Type, male from Cayenne, in the British Museum). Compsomyia macellaria (Fabricius) Austen, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 18:238, 1896; Townsend, Calif. Acad. Sei. Proc. (2) 4:619, 1895. Chrysomyia macellaria (Fabricius) Lynch-Arribalzaga, Soe. Cient. Argentina An. 7:253, 1879; Murtfeldt, Insect Life SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 127 4:200, 1893; Riley and Howard, Insect Life 6:56, 1896; Ward, West. Med. Rev. 12 (12) :483-485, 1907; Johnson, Psyche 15:60, 1908; Lahille, Bol. Dir. Gen. Ganad. Min. Agric. Buenos Aires, 1915. Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) Shannon and Del Ponte, Inst. Bact. [Argentina], Rev. 4 (5) :566, 1926; Aguirre, Soe. Argentina Patag. Reg. Norte Tucuman, 7 Reun., 2: 797, 1931; Reed, Chile Nat. Hist. Rev. 36:143, 1932; Be- quaert, Carnegie Inst. Wash., Pub. 481:565, 19338; Del Ponte, Soe. Biol. Montevideo Arch., sup. 5:1299-1301, 1930. It has been very difficult to decide upon the correct name for this important species of blowfly. The name that may ultimate- ly be used is possibly one of the five proposed by Robineau- Desvoidy which are questioned. According to Séguy, who had been provided with a copy of the key presented in this paper, the type specimens of those species run to americana, two defi- nitely so, three questionably, but since the genitalia of these types were not inspected, the specimens may not have been correctly identified. The type of Lucilia hominworax was run by Séguy to Hemilucilia flavifacies Engel in the same key; but the biology of the species, as given by Coquerel, seems to indi- cate a species of Callitroga and, since other authors have placed the name here, I leave it in the above list with a query. The only name fully available at the present time for this species is fulvobarbata Bigot, but this is not accepted here because it ap- pears almost certain that earlier names will be found available. M. Séguy informs me that the type specimens of the species marked with an asterisk are in poor condition but that they may be questionably determined as this species. The biological information given in the references included above under the name macellaria (F.) seems to indicate that americana is the species under consideration. It has been vir- tually impossible to straighten out all references in the economic entomological and medical literature dealing with North Ameri- can screwworms although an attempt has been made to do so. Specimens of flies reared from maggots collected in connection with cases of subeutaneous myiasis in which the clinical history indicates ‘‘unclean,’’ ‘‘cattarrhal,’’ or ‘‘pustular’’ lesions, would seem to suggest that some other species of blowfly was involved, for americana does not normally occur under such conditions. Cases of subcutaneous myiasis in northeastern North America are usually caused by larvae of Wohlfahrtia vigil (Walker) and those in northwestern North America by Wohlfahrtia opaca 128 THE BLOWFUIES oF NortH AMERICA _ (Coquillett). Callitroga americana is not known to occur in these areas. It was pointed out a good many years ago that several species of blowflies were confused in studies upon screwworm infesta- tions in the Americas. Lahille (1915) correctly diagnosed the situation and showed that two species were involved in the con- fusion, one being clearly saprophagous, the other a species of identical superficial appearance, the one responsible for myiasis of man and animals. He showed how these species might be separated by the use of characters which he found in the male genitalia. This species differs most obviously from macellaria in having the anterior portion of the parafrontale clothed with black hair instead of pale yellowish hair. It is also deeper blue and less: greenish in color, it is generally larger and more heavily built, and. the male genital structures are distinctly different. Male. Head length at antenna 7.1 and at vibrissa 8.0, this difference being largely due to the posterior production of the metacephalon; head height 13.8; width 16.0; eye height 9.8; bueea 0.37 of eye height and bright shining orange with but a trace of golden pollen and with abundant golden-orange hair; frontale narrow just anterior to- foremost ocellus but plainly discernible and widening to about one-half the width of the front at the lunule, orange brown anteriorly, black posteriorly; front at vertex 0.11 of head width, 0.06 at narrowest (just an- terior to foremost ocellus) and 0.31 at lunule, with heavy golden pollen, and with abundant scattered short black hair outside the frontal row of bristles which extends almost to the base of the antenna where the short hairs of the parafaciale are golden; frontal row of bristles following the margin of the frontale, ex- — tending anteriorly to about the middle of the second antennal segment, and consisting of about 12 or 14 bristles; postvertical bristles weak, decussate; facial carina less apparent than in macellaria, practically vestigial, separating the antennal bases by a distinct but narrow space; parafaciale 1.6 in width op- posite lunule, not so markedly narrowed above, with heavy gold- en pollen over bright orange ground color, and with numerous oolden-orange hairs of medium length which are most abundant near eye; faciale with several rows of short black setae which ascend about three-fourths the distance to the antennal base; vibrissae separated by 2.2; antenna with third segment 3.2 times as long as second; back of head with abundant golden-orange hairs of medium length which become longer below. Thorax much as in macellaria but considerably stouter, es- SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 129 pecially at the humeri; black middorsal longitudinal stripe ex- tending anteriorly only slightly beyond suture; coloring tend- ing toward bluish or purplish black instead of bluish green; predorsocentral bristles weak but usually present (three may be counted in some specimens); preintraalar bristles two, the an- terior bristle stronger, the posterior bristle often weak and hairlike or occasionally absent; presupraalar bristle one, strong; pleura with mostly black hairs except for a small area of tawny hairs on posterior margin of sternopleuron and another im- mediately surrounding the mesopleural row of bristles; pros- ternum with scattered black hair; postalar declivity with a de- finite tuft of black and tawny hairs near middle; seutellum with one large and usually one smaller diseal bristle, but sometimes with three or four smaller discals beside these, the under sur- face with black hair laterally; lateral postseutellar plates with black setae. Legs black, sometimes brownish black, and often with bluish green luster; anterior coxa with a few whitish hairs toward base; anterior femur with dorsal and posteroventral rows of bristles and with long seattered hairs posteriorly; anterior tibia with five to seven dorsal bristles; middle tibia with one an- terodorsal bristle near apical third; hind femur with anterodor- — sal and anteroventral rows of bristles with an incomplete row basally on ventral surface; hind tibia with anterodorsal row of short closely-set black setae. Wing considerably infuseated toward base and with wing veins dark brown to black; costal sections 2 to 6 in the propor- tions 91:68 :109 :31:8.6; subeostal sclerite orange brown, darker at base, and with some rather short but distinct setae basally on anterior margin; basicostal seale dark brown to black; upper squamal lobe hyaline, brownish on outer portion; lower squamal lobe usually white, but. orange brown in a few specimens. Abdomen deep bluish black with purple luster, with pollen which appears silvery whitish in certain lights, the first seg- ment mostly shining; a shining middorsal longitudinal stripe extending from a wide base on the anterior margin of the see- ond segment, rapidly narrowing posteriorly to a narrow line on the fourth segment; ventral margins of tergites with heavy whitish pollen; fourth segment with rather erect scattered dis- eal hairs. Genital segments strongly metallic greenish over a black ground color, mostly shining; first segment with a rather well- defined row of marginal bristles. Internal features (pl. 17, G, H, and I) as illustrated. 130 Tae BLowFuiEs of NortH AMERICA Female. (Color plate I). Head (pl. 2, C) length at antenna 7.1 and at vibrissa 7.6; width 15.9; height 13.5; eye height 9.5; bueca 0.36 of eye height; front at vertex 0.27 of head width, 0.38 at lunule; frontale with nearly parallel margins, slightly widening toward lunule and narrowing toward ocellar triangle, with several scattered interfrontal setulae which are not paired or consistently placed, bright reddish orange anteriorly, red orange to brownish from vertex to occiput; normally without proclinate frontoorbital bristles; third segment of antenna 3.7 times as long as second. Abdomen colored as in male and dif- fering most obviously from that of macellaria in lacking bright silvery-pollinose spots laterodorsally on the fourth segment. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 8-10 mm. The coloration of this species depends somewhat upon ecologi- eal conditions. Tropical specimens are often noticeably smaller, more brilliantly orange yellow and metallic bluish, with legs tending toward deep brown, and wings more deeply brownish. Specimens from the United States, especially from the Middle West, are definitely more metallic bluish black and the legs are shining greenish black. The usual variations in the color of - such specimens are in the basicostal seale, the occiput, the sub- costal sclerite, and the legs. Investigations by Melvin in Texas indicate that the intensity of the color of these parts may be determined by temperature. Under normal conditions in na- ture a large majority of specimens of this species can be sep- arated from macellaria by the color of the legs, basicostal scale, and occiput. There are, however, so many constant characters by which to differentiate the species that it should not be neces- sary to refer to those which are known to be variable. Distribution. Nearetic and Neotropical: United States south- ward to southern Brazil and northern Chile. This semitropical species occurs throughout the southern part of North America. Its range sometimes extends northward to central California in the West and to northern Iowa and Indiana in the East. It has not been collected northeast of South Carolina. It occurs in south Florida and south Texas during the entire year. Specimens of americana are often found in collections identi- fied as Paralucilia fulvipes (Macquart) or Chrysomyia wheeleri Hough. Small specimens may sometimes be found under the name Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius). The specimens dis- cussed as Compsomyia macellaria (F.) by Townsend (1895, p. 619) and later determined as Compsomyiops fulvipes (Maeq.) by Aldrich, are americana. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 131 Biology, habits, and immature stages. Callitroga americana larvae are found in nature only in wounds of man or animals and never in decaying meats. It is not saprophagous. Except Fig. VII. Callitroga americana female ovipositing on wound on goat. Note the shingle-like arrangement of egg clusters. in very rare instances, adults of americana have not been cap- tured in hand nets and have been obtained in numbers only by rearing the species to the adult stage. Eggs. Egg masses (Fig. VII) are usually deposited on or near edges, or on dry surfaces, of wounds, occasionally on scab or 132 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA dry tissues and rarely on moist surfaces. The ege mass con- sists of from 10 to 393 eggs and is oval, shinglelike, and usually tightly glued to the surface of the wound, although it may not have the characteristic flat shinglelike appearance when attach- ed to wool or hair near a wound. Individual eggs (pl. 33, F and G) are approximately 1.04 mm. in length and 0.22 mm. in diameter; reticulated, glistening white or slightly tinged with cream color, rounded posteriorly, somewhat flattened anteriorly, with a dorsal ridge or seam ex- tending from anterior end almost to posterior end, dividing at anterior end and extending ventrally around micropyle in a broad band, giving the appearance of a circular cap. Under natural conditions the duration of the ineubation period ranges from 11 to about 21 hours. Eggs deposited on wounds probably are subjected to a more or less constant tem- perature. It has been observed that eggs of americana which were exposed to temperatures near 30° F’. were killed. _ Larva'. First-instar: Elongate, more or less cylindrie in shape, with 12 apparent segments, tapering anteriorly from sixth segment; the last three segments slightly tapering posteri- orly; length and width at time of hatching 1.2 mm. and 0.23 mm., respectively; fully developed first-instar larvae an aver- age of 3.6 mm. in length and 0.57 mm. in width at widest point. Armed with large dark single-pointed recurved spines arranged in more or less irregular rows near margin of segments; spines in anterior rows largest, larger spines measuring approximately. 20 microns in length. Segments 2 to 9 each completely encircled with a band of spines at anterior margin; segment 11 without spines on dorsum, laterally reduced to two or three rows of small, more lightly pigmented spines; segment 12 with spines confined to ventral and ventrolateral surfaces; segments 6 to 12 ventrally each with the band of spines wider and transversely divided by a narrowed spineless area; each segment posteriorly devoid of spines except for two or three rows of small spines on ventral surface of each of segments 5 to 12; segments 5 to 10 lat- erally each with fusiform areas which are provided with a group of spines. Twelfth segment depressed behind, with the two pos- terior spiracles located dorsally in the depression; each spiracle comprised of two small broadly oval apertures, each of which is encircled by a delicately sclerotized ring, from which finger- like projections extend toward the’center of the opening; fre- quently the two openings are so closely joined at the inner ven- ‘This description, modified, is that by Knipling (Laake et al, 1936, pp. 5-12). SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 133 tral border as to appear bilobed; peritreme (easily distinguish- ed in later instars) not apparent; anal protuberance, located - ventrally on last segment, with two conical fleshy projections, the anal tubercles; a group of spines situated anteriorly and posteriorly on anal protuberance; two or three rows of spines also present between anal protuberance and lower margin of posterior cavity; tubercles bordering posterior cavity poorly de- fined. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 34, A) consisting of a pair of large pharyngeal sclerites, composed of paired dorsal and ventral cornua and a rather short anterodorsal projection; pharyngeal selerites apparently not joined anterodorsally as in later instars; ventral portion of pharyngeal sclerites extending anteriorly and joining the hypostomal sclerites, which in turn articulate with a ventral basal portion of the labial selerites; parastomal sclerites paired, slender, extending anteriorly from pharyngeal sclerites just above hypostomal sclerites; labial selerites paired, small elongate, bearing a group of about six small hooklets; above and between labial sclerites the unpaired supralabial selerite which is present only in first-instar larvae; length of cephaloskeleton from tip of labial sclerites to posterior extremity of dorsal cornua ranging from 0.24-0.27 mm. (average of 10 specimens 0.26 mm., average width at widest point 0.27 mm.). Second-instar: More robust than previous instar, length and width of newly molted specimens approximately 3.5 and 0.6 mm., respectively; fully developed second-instar larvae from 6.3 to 7.4 mm. in length and approximately 1.5 mm. in width. Heavily armed with large dark spines, the larger ones measur- ing approximately 55 microns in length, each with one to three points, more often with one or two; segments 2 to 9 each com- pletely encircled anteriorly with spinose bands; segment 10 with band generally interrupted by a narrow space on dorsum; seg- ment 11 with bands reduced to two or three rows of smaller spines laterally, these never completely encircling segment; seg- ment 12 with spines confined to ventral and ventrolateral sur- faces; ventral and lateral fusiform areas as in first instar; seg- ment 11 completely encircled posteriorly by a spinose band of about three rows of smaller anteriorly recurved spines; seg- ment 10 with irregular ventral and lateral rows, and a few scattered spines which may extend to the dorsal surface but not arranged to form a complete band; sometimes a few scat- tered lateral spines on segments 9 and 8 and a few ventrally on segments 7 and 6. Anterior spiracles paired, small, fan-shaped, one situated on each side near base of segment 2, generally with seven to nine fingerlike processes or branches; posterior 134 THe BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA spiracles (pl. 34, C) paired, small, each with two slits partly surrounded by a ring or peritreme which is incomplete ventrad of slitlike openings, narrowed, and lightly pigmented dorsally; greatest diameter of spiracular plates 0.1384-0.168 mm. (aver- age about 0.15); main tracheal trunks provided with dark pig- ment, the pigmented portion extending approximately one-half the length of segment 12. Posterior cavity more depressed than in first instar; upper border provided with three pairs of rather low, broadly rounded, fleshy processes; inner and outer pairs poorly defined; on lower border of cavity the median pair some- what the largest and the outer pair larger than the inner pair which are poorly defined; relative positions similar to those of third instar; anal protuberances rather small, with two promin- ent anal tubercles; spines on anal protuberance similar to those in third instar. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 34, B) with two prominent labial sclerites, each with a more or less rectangular basal por- tion; and with two long broadly curved labial sclerites; pharyn- geal sclerites produced anterodorsally and connected by the dorsopharyngeal sclerites; length of cephaloskeleton from 0.67- 0.688 mm. (average of 10, 0.67 mm.). Third instar: Rather robust, tapering toward cephalic segment from sixth segment and slightly tapering toward posterior end on last three segments; length from 6.4-17.0 mm., and width from 1.6-3.5 mm.; fully matured larva (pl. 34, E) usually 15-16 mm. in length; newly molted larva creamy white in color; mature larva with slightly reddish tinge. Heavily armed with large one- to three-pointed, more often one- or two-pointed, spines (sp) ; ante- rior margins of each of segments 2 to 9 completely encircled with a band of spines arranged in irregular rows, those in anterior rows largest; segment 10 with anterior band of spines somewhat narrowed and usually interrupted on dorsum as in second instar; segment 11 with anterior band never completely encircling seg- ment and spines laterally smaller and greatly reduced in num- bers; segment 12 with spines restricted to ventral and ventro- lateral surfaces; posterior margin of segment 11 provided with a loose band of two or three rows of anteriorly curved spines; segment 10 with spines ventrally and ventrolaterally, a few scattered ones laterally and dorsolaterally; segments 7 to 9 each with spines at posterior margin reduced to one or two rows and confined to ventral surfaces. Anterior spiracles (asp) each provided with from 6 to 11, usually 7 to 9, fingerlike branches (average of 120 spiracles, 8.3 branches per spiracle) ; posterior spiracles (pl. 84, D) large, each with a prominent dark- pigmented peritreme (y~) which apparently does not completely SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 135 surround the three more or less oval slitlike apertures; greatest diameter of spiracular plate from 0.39-0.46 mm. (average of 10, 0.43 mm.); the two main tracheal trunks darkly pigmented, the pigmented portion extending anteriorly to tenth or ninth segment. Upper border of posterior cavity (pl. 34, G, pc) bearing three pairs of low broadly rounded tubercles; inner (7) and outer (0) pairs approximately equal; median (m) pair greatly reduced and closely approximated to outer tubercle; lower border of cavity provided with similar tubercles, median pair largest and outer pair larger than inner pair; an additional pair of small tubercles situated medially near lower margin of posterior cavity; anal protuberances (ap) comparatively small, with two prominent conical anal tubercles; rather prominent spines located anteriorly and posteriorly on anal protuberance; short rows of three to four minute spines situated on lower portion on depressed area and on lower margin of posterior cavity. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 34, H) essentially as in second instar but the parts larger and rather different in appearance in mature larva; a narrow pigmented strip arising at anterodorsal margin of pharyngeal sclerites and extending posteriorly (this is not visible in younger third-instar larva but appears as the larva matures); entire cephaloskeleton from 1.40-1.56 mm. (average of 10, 1.49 mm.). When the larvae penetrate tissues, they assume a characteristic head-downward position in the wound, with the posterior spiracles usually exposed to the outside air. Larvae of this species are obviously gregarious, rarely move about in the wound (pl. 34, F) when once embedded in the flesh, and cause a typical pocketlike (fig. VIII) injury. They may feed from 99.5 to 198 hours according to experiments conducted by Cush- ing, in Laake et al. (1936, p. 16), at Sonora, Tex. He found that _ the majority of mature larvae leave the wound between the hours of 9 am. to 2 p.m. When fully developed they drop to the sround and pupate in the soil. Travis, Knipling, and Brody (1940) showed that larvae of americana begin to migrate from a carcass immediately after the death of the animal, practically all of them leaving within 48 hours. They found that 69 percent of such migrating larvae pupated under the careass and that none migrated further than 2 feet. Puparium. Of typical calliphorid shape and appearance, averaging approximately 10.2 mm. in length and 4.3 mm. in diameter, dark brown in color, otherwise with the external characters of the mature larva. The pupal stage of americana was found by Laake et al. (1936, 136 THe BLOwFuiEs or NortH AMERICA p. 19) to vary in Texas from about 7 days during midsummer to about 54 days during winter. Travis, Knipling, and Brody (1940) conducted detailed experiments upon the depth in the soil at which americana larvae pupated. They found that in nature all puparia of this species are found within the top 14% inches of the soil, the majority within 14 inch of the surface. They also noted that larvae tended to pupate in clumps of vege- tation if such were present, that pupation was slightly deeper Fie. VIII. Callitroga americana myiasis wound in steer initiated by acid-branding operation. Note the deep pocket-type wounds. Savannah, Ga., May 12, 1935. where the vegetation was more sparse, that larvae migrated farther where there was no vegetation than when the vegetation was dense, and that pupation occurred somewhat deeper in moist soil in the laboratory than in the field. Sixty-six percent of the puparia were found in a vertical position, 30 percent at an angle between vertical and horizontal i Aa and 4 perce in a horizontal position. Adult. The adult usually emerges from the pupae between the hours of 4 to 7 a.m. The preoviposition period is from 5 to SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 1387 10 days. A female may deposit as many as 300 eggs in from 4 to 6 minutes, and a total of as many as 2,853 eggs. In captivity one female was kept alive for 65 days when fed upon meat, sugar water, and bananas and exposed to an average room temperature of about 80° F. (H. O. Schroeder and C. N. Smith, at Washington, D. C.), but the species probably does not live this long in nature. Adults of americana do not seem to be as active as some of the other species of blowflies. In cages they apparently prefer to remain motionless. In nature they have been observed feeding upon wounds, fresh manure, and fresh meat. It is obvious that they are strong fliers. Parish (19387, p. 743) found female flies capable of flying 9 miles. Gravid females are most: frequently attracted to wounds from 2 to 10 days old, according to Knipling and Travis (1937). Oviposition does not occur at temperatures of less than 65° F’. Short exposures to a minimum temperature of 24° F. will not kill adult females in nature, although con- tinued low temperature will apparently kill all adults. The average life cycle at Dallas, Tex., during September and October is 24 days, according to Laake et al. (1936, p. 21). According to the same authors (1936) americana oceurs in nature with macellarza in the ratio of 1:590, as determined in a study on the attraction to fresh infested and uninfested necrotic wounds in eattle at Menard, Tex. In standard meat- baited traps these authors determined that one specimen of americana occurred to 2,427 specimens of macellaria. Evidence secured by various agencies indicates that americana is a primary obligatory parasite which initiates most of the cases of external or subdermal myiasis of man or other animals in North America. Necrotic lesions are subject to continuous attack and the species has been obtained in pure culture from nearly 80 percent of all cases of cutaneous myiasis in Texas, according to Laake et al. (1936). Specimens of americana have never been bred from carcasses of animals in nature so far as I know except in instances wherein larvae occurred in the animal before it died, and in nature females have not been observed to oviposit on wounds other than those of living warm-blooded animals. It is the only North American ealliphorid known to be _ entirely parasitic upon mammals. An animal which has become infested with larvae of americana usually dies unless treated. 138 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA ) Callitroga macellaria (Fabricius) © (The secondary screwworm fly) Musca macellaria Fabricius, Systema Entomologiae, p. 776, 1775; Entomologia Systematica, vol. 4, p. 319, 1794; Systema Antliatorum, p. 292, 1805; Olivier, Encyclopédie méthod- ique. Dictionnaire des Insectes, vol. 8 p. 14, 1811; Wiede- mann, Aussereuropaische zweifliigelige Insekten, -vol. 2, p. 405, 1830. (Type, female from West Indies, in Copenhagen. ) Chrysomya viridula Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 445, 1830. (Type, from Brazil, in Paris.) New- | synonymy. ?Chrysomya tibialis Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 446, 1830. (Type, from Jamaica, in Paris or lost.) New synonymy. ?Chrysomya decora Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 448, 1880. (Type from Antilles, in Paris or lost.) Chrysomya hyacinthina Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 450, 1880; Hough, Kans. Univ. Quart. 9:204, 1900. (Type, from middle America, in Paris.) New synonymy. Luciha durvillei Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 299, 1843. (Type, from Payta, Peru, in Paris.) New synonymy. Luciha macellaria (Fabricius) Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 304, 1848; Bigot, Sagra’s Histoire Physique, Politique et Naturelle de 1’Ile de Cuba, p. 820, 1857. Lucilia vittata Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 298, 1843. (Type, from Nouvelle-Hollande, in Paris.) New synonymy. Musca certima Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 873, 1849. (Type, female from Florida, in the British Museum. ) Musca phauda Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 896, 1849. (Type, a teneral male specimen from the Galapagos Islands, in the British Museum.) Mya alia Rondani, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 7-8:13, 1850. ?Lucilia rubrifrons Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 4, no. 2, SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 139 p. 223, 1851. (Type, female from Buenos Aires, in Paris or lost.) ?Lucita tibialis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 4, no. 2, p. 215, 1851. (Type, male from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in Paris or lost.) Musca fasciata Walker, Diptera Saundersiana, vol. 1, p. 337, 1856. (Type, female in poor condition from Brazil, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. ?Musca turbida Walker, Diptera Saundersiana, vol. 1, p. 336, 1856. (Type, from Jamaica, in the British Museum, or lost.) New synonymy. ?Lucilia curvipes Thomson, Eugenies Resa, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 544, 1868. (Type, female from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in Stock- holm or lost.) New synonymy. Lucilia picicrus Thomson, Eugenies Resa, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 548,. 1869. (Type, female from Panama, in Stockholm.) New synonymy. Lucilia porticola Thomson, Eugenies Resa, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 544, 1869. (Type, female from ‘‘Callao,’’ in Stockholm.) Lucia quadrisignata Thomson, Eugenies Resa, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 544, 1869. (Type, male from Galapagos, in Stockholm.) Somomyia aztequina Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France Ann. (5)7:252, 1877; Giglio-Tos, Ditteri del Messico, vol. 4, p. 5, 1894 (Chrysomyia); Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1)108:523, 1899 (Compsomyia). (Type, male from Mexico, in the British Museum.) Somomyta flavigena Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France Ann. (5)7:249, 1877; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. K1. Sitzber. (1)108:522, 1899 (Compsomyia). (Type, female from Mexico, in the British Museum. ) Somomyra tridicolor Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France Bull. CLXXXI, 1887; Soe. Zool. de France Bull. 12:599, 1887. (Type, male from Central America, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. | Callitroga macellaria (Fabricius) Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl]. Denkschr. (1) 47:74, 1883. Chrysomya lynchi Lahille, Bol. Dir. Gen. Ganad., Min. Agric. Buenos Aires, 1915. Compsomyia macellaria (Fabricius) Lynch, Soc. Cient. Argen- tina An. 10:70-84, 1880; Van der Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent. 140 THE BLowr.ies or NortH AMERICA 25:38, 1882; Blanchard, Soe. Ent. de France Ann. 65 :654- 668, 1896; Austen, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6)18:238, 1896; Meaden, Trinidad Field Naturalists’ Club Jour. 2:279, 1895. Chrysomyia macellaria (Fabricius) Giglio-Tos, Ditteri del Messico, vol. 4, p. 5, 1894; Osborn, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent. Bull. (n. s.) 5:123-133, 1896; Hough, Zool. Bull. 2(6) : 288, 1899; Banks, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. Tech. Bull. 22:19, 1912; Bezzi, Philippine Jour. Sei. 12:180, 1917; Parman, Jour. Eeon. Ent. 13(4) :341, 1920; Bishopp and Laake, Jour. Agr. Res. 21(10) :729-766, 1921; Cole, Calif. Aead. Sei. Proce. (4)12(25) :470, 1923; Townsend, M. T., Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 21:127, 1928. Buvel Konowia 10(2) : 138, 1931. Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) tet Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 5:646, 1915; Aldrich, U. 8. Nat. Mus. Proc. 66(18) :17, 1925; Cole, Calif. Acad. Sci. Proce. (4)16(14) :489, 1927; Shannon and Del Ponte, Inst. Bact. [ Argentina], Rev. 4(5) : 566, 1926; Bequaert, Rice-Harvard Exp. to Amazon, p. 238, 1926; West, an Leonard, Mem. 101, Cornell Univ., p. 826, 1928; Curran, N. Y. Acad. Sei. 11(1) 92, 1928; Dunn; Amer. Jour Trop. Med. 9:502, 1929; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:70, 1931; Felt, Jour. Econ. Ent. 24:1288, 19381; Cushing and Patton, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol. 27:539, 1933; Aubertin and Buxton, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol. 28(3) :245-254, 19384; peti Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 163, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 125, 1937; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. oe! Pres 39(7) :196, 1987; Del Ponte, Rev. de Ent. 8(3-4) :275, 1938. A green-bodied species with orange head, reddish legs, and hyaline wings, the thorax with black longitudinal stripes on the dorsum. Male. Head with length at antenna less than at vibrissa in proportion of 5.7:6.3; head height 11.2; head width 12.8; eye height 8.4; bueca 0.25 of eye height, golden, with abundant pale orange to yellowish hair of medium length, and shining or with a trace of golden pollen; frontale nearly obliterated just anterior to foremost ocellus and widening toward lunule where it occupies about half the frontal width, orange-brown, slightly striate; front at vertex 0.11 of head width, 0.05 at narrowest and 0.29 at lunule, with coarse golden pollen on a blackish ground, and with short yellowish to white hairs outside the frontal rows extending downward on almost the entire parafaciale; frontal SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAB si 141 row of bristles not very well-defined above, extending anteriorly to the base of the first antennal segment and consisting of 13 or 14 bristles, the rows moderately diverging as they follow the inner margin of the frontale; vertex subpollinose, black; elypeus gvolden; facial carina narrowly but distinctly separating antennal bases; parafaciale one- half clypeal width near middle, 1.2 wide opposite lunule, narrowed above, with golden pollen; faciale with a row of short black hairs which ascend about halfway to the antennal base; vibrissae above oral margin by 1.75 and separated by 1.7; palpus 1.6 in length, yellow orange, with black setae; antenna with first and second segments orange, third segment 2.8 times as long as second, yellow orange to orange brown; back of head with abundant whitish yellow medium- length hairs which become longer below. Thorax bluish green and metallic black, with pieeish luster, with pollen which appears whitish silvery in certain lights, eon- spicuously so anteriorly, and with three black longitudinal stripes on dorsum which do not extend beyond seutellar suture; pleura shining or lightly silvery; propleuron with whitish pile; no bristles on dorsum anterior to suture except one or two pre- supraalars; if two, then the anterior one usually weak; meso- pleuron with uniformly scattered whitish hair on posterior margins; sternopleuron with well distributed whitish hair on posterior three-fourths; hypopleuron bare except on posterior margin; pteropleuron with uniformly distributed black hair on posterior half; prosternum with scattered white hairs; postalar wall with tuft of black setae; preparapteron orange brown, with fine whitish decumbent pile; preepaulet black, setose; tympanic pit. with several long white hairs; sclerites at wing base black; sreater ampulla with a green luster and with short fine decum- bent whitish pile; only prescutellar bristles of the postacrostichal series strong; shorter.pair often immediately before these; post- | dorsocentral bristles two, only the presecutellar strong; meso- thoracic spiracle rather large, its flap with whitish yellow hair; metathoracie spiracle small, with dark brown hair; halteres orange; lateral postscutellar plates with fine whitish hairs; under surface of seutellum laterally with fine whitish pile. Legs orange brown to dark brown; coxae orange brown to black with a greenish-metallic luster; anterior femur usually dark reddish brown basally; anterior tibia usually orange red and with about four short bristles dorsally; middle femur usually dark reddish brown and with from one to three bristles anteriorly near middle, middle tibia usually orange red, with one ventral bristle near middle and two posteroventral bristles; 142 THe Buowruises or Nortao AMERICA hind femur usually orange reddish or brown; hind tibia usually orange red to brown and with a row of short fine anterodorsal setae; tarsi orange brown, sometimes nearly black; claws black; pulvilli whitish. Wing slightly tinged with orange brown toward base and with wing veins usually orange brown to dark brown; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 78:56:96 :30:6.6; subcostal sclerite orange, setose; basicostal scale orange brown; remigium bare basally below; third vein setulose about one-third the distance to the cross vein; fourth vein usually without but sometimes with a very short apical spur or fold; apical cell open and ending before apex of wing by one and one-half times the length of sixth costal section; upper squamal lobe hyaline white; lower squamal lobe with long white hairs anteriorly and in the depression, and usually white, rarely brownish, or occasionally yellowish. Abdomen bluish green, sometimes purplish, rarely metallic yellow green or bronze; hind margins of segments with purple reflections and rather shining; with a narrow shining middorsal longitudinal stripe, the pattern more or less fixed; with silvery whitish pollen; fourth segment laterally and edges of tergites ventrally strongly pollinose. First genital segment black, with metallic greenish luster and occasionally silvery pollinose, with scattered setae, and with- out a defined marginal row of bristles; second segment smaller, dark orange brown to black, with scattered setae. Internal features (pl. 18, A and B) as illustrated. ; Female. Head (pl. 2, B) length at vibrissa greater than at antenna in proportion of 5.5:6.7; width, 13.9; height, 10.8; eye height 8.0; bucca 0.30 of eye height; front at vertex 0.28 of head width, 0.38 at lunule, gradually widening from the narrowest part (at vertex) toward the lunule; frontale 0.56 of frontal * width at vertex and narrowing to 0.41 of frontal width toward the lunule, with numerous scattered interfrontal setae; frontal bristles not shorter posteriorly; outer vertical bristles divaricate and almost as long as inner; frontoorbital bristles one reclinate and usually two proclinate; ocellar bristles almost divaricate, and often followed by several shorter divaricate bristles; third segment of antenna 2.9 times as long as second; palpus 2.3 in length; back of head bulging and slightly flattened, but less so than in male. Abdomen laterally on fourth segment with well- defined silvery pollinose areas which are visible from above. Wing with basicostal seale yellow orange to orange brown. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-9 mm. SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 143 Distribution. Widely distributed in the Nearctic and Neo- tropical regions, from southern Canada throughout the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, and South America southward to Chile and Argentina. Certain variations in coloration occur. Northern specimens often have considerably less orange-red color than southern specimens, while specimens from southern states or from the tropics are rather greenish in certain lights when freshly col- lected. Adults from relaxing jars are usually more metallic blue to purple than adults in nature. The typical coloring of the legs is yellow orange to red orange, never black. It is possible to produce most of these variations in macellaria by varying humidity and temperature during the immature stages. Aldrich indicated that the three specimens of this species which are in the museum at Copenhagen are probably not the Fabrician types, but these specimens were accepted as types by Townsend. Both Aldrich and Townsend agreed that they repre- . sent the species now known under this name. Synonymy of macellaria by older authors cannot be accepted without question and relatively few names previously listed as synonyms have been found actually to refer to this species. Some of the names listed above as synonyms of macellaria were so identified from type specimens in European museums by Aldrich in 1929, but the synonymy may not be correct in all eases, for Aldrich was not aware at that time of the existence of americana; he often identified the latter species under the name of Paralu- cilia fulvipes (Macquart). Biology, habits and wmmature stages. Egg. Deposited in a yellowish, rounded, loosely cemented, irregularly flattened mass, the average number in a single mass being from 40 to 250 eggs (maximum observed, 1,228). The individual egg is approxi- mately 1 mm. in length and 0.2 mm. in diameter, smooth, glist- ening whitish, rounded at posterior end and somewhat flattened at anterior end, with a narrow dorsal longitudinal band or seam, the narrowness of which causes the cap to appear small. When live animals are blown by this species, the egg masses are usually deposited among wool or hair in irregularly arranged patches and loosely or not at all attached to the skin. Such egg masses may be composite depositions from several females, and a suitable location near an attractive wound may contain thous- ands of macellaria eggs. The incubation period is approximately half that required for americana. Melvin (1934) found almost 33 hours were required for incubation at 64° F. and that few eggs hatched at tempera- 144 Tur BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA tures much below this; less than a 10 percent hatch occurred at 59° F. At 104° F. incubation was completed in 6.73 hours, but no hatch was obtained at 109° F. The optimum temperature for the hatching of eggs of this species appears to be at about 89° F., .at which temperature it requires 8.13 hours to complete ineuba- tion. Larva.* First instar: Size and general form similar to those — of americana. Spines small and brownish in color, all spines with a single point, the larger spines approximately 6 microns in length. Last segment slightly depressed behind. Posterior spiracles similar to those of americana. Tubercles bordering pos- terior cavity poorly defined. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 35, A) dif- fering significantly from that of americana, the pharyngeal sclerites each with a prominent anterodorsal projection and join- ed at anterior extremity, the parastomal sclerite broader and the labial sclerites greatly different in structure, these consisting of a pair of irregular elongate sclerites with a large number of small hooklets closely grouped at anterior extremity; the cephal- oskeleton considerably larger than in americana, the length rang- ing from 0.33—0.34 mm. (average of 10, 0.836 mm.; average width at widest point, 0.125 mm.). Second instar: Shghtly less robust than in americana. Spines small, length of larger spines approximately 20 microns; spines in anterior rows of each band generally with two and oceasionally with three points, those in posterior portion of band more often with one point. Anterior margins of each of segments 2 to 9 completely encircled with spines, segment 10 with band inter- rupted on dorsum and segments 11 and 12 with spines restricted to ventral and ventrolateral regions; dorsal and lateral spines wanting posteriorly on margins of all segments, while in ameri- cana the posterior margins of segments 11 and 10 are armed with several lateral and dorsal rows of spines. Anterior spiracles. more often with 9 or 10 branches. Posterior spiracles (pl. 35, C) more lightly pigmented and smaller than those of americana (average greatest diameter approximately 0.12 mm.); tracheal trunks leading from posterior spiracles not pigmented. Tuber- cles on border of posterior cavity larger and more conspicuous than in americana, the general appearance of last segment es- sentially as in third instar. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 35, B) with labial sclerites comparatively short and not so broadly eurved as in americana; length of cephaloskeleton from 0.73-0.80 mm., average width approximately 0.38 mm. *This description is a modification of Knipling’s, in Laake et al. (1936, pp. 12-18). SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 145 Third instar (pl. 35, D): Far less robust and slightly smaller than americana. Spines (sp) comparatively small, with one to three points but more often with two. Anterior margins of each of segments 2 to 9 completely encircled with bands of spines ar- ranged in more regular rows than in americana; segment 10 with band interrupted on dorsum, and segments 11 and 12 with spin- ous area restricted to ventral and ventrolateral regions; spines wanting on posterior margin of all segments, except for one or two rows of small spines on center of segments 7 to 12. Anterior spiracles (asp) short’ with rather short branches, the number of branches varying from 8 to 12, usually 9 to 11 (average of Fie. IX. Callitroga macellaria larvae on sheep. Note the ‘‘honey-comb’’ type of lesions in bare area which are caused by feeding larvae, and the migrating larvae in the wool. The original wound is located on the upper edge of this bare area. Valdosta, Ga., September 12, 1935. 120 spiracles, 9.81 branches per spiracle). Posterior spiracles (pl. 35, E, psp, and F) smaller and more rounded than in americana, greatest diameter of spiracles 0.342-0.370 mm. (av- erage of 10, 0.856 mm.) ; tracheal trunks leading from posterior spiracles not pigmented. Posterior cavity (pl. 35, E, pc) out- lined with conspicuous conical tubercles, the inner (2) and outer pairs on upper margin equal in size, the median (m) pair small- er; on lower margin, the outer pair slightly larger and the inner pair smaller than the median tubercles; an additional pair of small tubercles situated medially near lower margin of posterior cavity; anal protuberance (ap) large, with two pigmented, coni- eal, anal tubercles (at) ; spines on anal protuberance in a more or 146 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA less V-shaped group extending upward on outer side; border of posterior cavity armed with numerous rows of three or four spines. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 35, G) with labial sclerites smaller than in americana; pharynx with longitudinal ridges, whereas in americana it is smooth; pharyngeal sclerites large with dorsal cor- nua slightly elevated; pigmented strip of varying extent just above dorsal cornua in more mature third-instar larvae; length of cephaloskeleton from 1.43-1.63 mm. (average of 10, 1.56 mm.). As the eggs hatch, in myiasis cases, the emerging larvae be * gin to feed upon necrotic tissue, migrating considerably from one place to another. They have no definite type of attack in carcasses. They are active when internal temperatures of the carcass reach 41-50° F., according to Deonier (1940). In wounds larvae of this species do not form the typical pocketlike injury characteristic of americana, but often migrate into the wool or hair (Fig. IX) about the wound. On long-fleeced sheep the lar- vae have a tendency to feed outside the wound in the wool; in short-haired animals they tend to feed in the wound. They at- tain maturity in from 6 to 20 days, then migrate from the car- eass or drop from the wound and then burrow into the soil or crawl into shelter to pupate. Puparium. Similar to that of americana but not quite so large and not so barrel-shaped. It averages about 7.6 mm. in length and 2.8 mm. in diameter and has the external characters of the mature larva. Melvin, in Laake et al. (1936), found that macellaria larvae pupated in about 1.385 inches of clay soil, 1.41 inches of heavy black soil, and 1.76 inches of sand, and that 5 ~ inches was the maximum depth at which pupation occurred. He found the length of the pupal stage to be approximately half that of americana under conditions in which the pupae of both were exposed to the influence of outside weather factors. Adult. The preoviposition period in macellaria is from 3 to 18 days according to Bishopp (1917, p. 325). Females oviposit principally upon carrion, occasionally upon live animals. One female may deposit as many as eight egg masses, the period be- tween depositions ranging from one to seven days. The average interval seems to be from two to four days. Gravid females will deposit enormous numbers of egg masses upon a single ecar- eass; Babeock and Bennett (1921, p. 5) stated, ‘‘One will often see a mass of eggs half as large as a man’s fist where many screw- worm flies have been depositing.’’ Part of such a mass might have been composed of eggs deposited by other calliphorids, for example, Phormia regina or species of Phaenicia; but in south- west Texas, where these observations were made, most of the SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 147 eges making up such masses found during summer months had probably been deposited by macellaria. The total developmental period varies from 9 to 39 days, ac- cording to Bishopp, (1915, p. 326), depending upon the tem- perature and humidity. The numbers of adult macellaria usually increase from early spring until frost although a normal decrease in their abundance usually occurs during midsummer when the weather is hot and dry. Rainy periods are apparently productive of the greatest abundance, for a warm humid atmosphere is best suited to the rapid development of the species. The number of these flies is limited mainly by weather conditions and by available ear- easses. Bishopp (1917) judged by rather careful estimation that one carcass might produce upwards of a million flies of this species. This species occurs in southern Florida and southern Texas during the entire year. In South Carolina during the winter of 1931 adults were collected throughout the winter in the neigh- borhood of the Charleston city dumps. Deonier (1940) observed ecopulating and ovipositing adults in Texas when atmospheric temperatures were 58° EF. and he reported the minimum tempera- ture for activity for adults to be from 50-60° F. Bishopp (1915, pp. 325-326) stated that from 10 to 14 broods are produced in southern Texas. The species seldom becomes abundant in north- ern United States. It is apparently killed by early frosts. In the extreme northern part of its range it appears about June 1-15 in Ohio along the southern shore of Lake Erie. It is not abundant in the northern Middle West but most carrion there seems to have its peak population of macellaria during the month of Au- gust. The species practically disappears in Ohio by late Septem- ber, although a few individuals may be found as late as Novem- ber first. 7 The average life of the adults is comparatively short, ranging from two to six weeks. In nature they feed upon a variety of foods, ranging from garbage refuse to the nectar of certain flowers'. Much of the life of this species is spent about carrion; vegetation surrounding a carcass may swarm with thousands of adult macellaria. The obvious predilection for decaying meat ex- hibited by this species has played a conspicuous part in attempts to control it. Bishopp and Laake (1921, p. 765) found that adults of ma- cellaria would migrate as far as 8 miles in 24 hours and 10 miles *Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa); also flowers which give off an odor resembling that of carrion, i.e. Aristolochia spp. 148 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortTH AMERICA in less than 48 hours; they observed a maximum migration of 15.1 miles. Economic importance. As already stated, macellaria is a ‘‘secondary’’ mylasis-producing species of minor importance. Only twelve cases of myiasis caused by macellarra were reported in 1936 from the southern United States by Knipling and Rain- water (1937). Sarcophaga plinthopyga Wied. occurs more fre- quently in pure cultures in cases of myiasis in southwest Texas than macellaria, and Phormia regina is of more importance in the southeast. According to Knipling and Travis (1937, p. 783), the larvae apparently kill infested animals, but the species is not of par- ticular importance in areas where americana is not present ex- cept under certain conditions where soiled wool or other factors render sheep susceptible to severe maggot infestation. Callitroga macellaria is frequently involved in the blowing of meats in shops and homes and, when abundant, is of consider- able economic importance in abattoirs. It is the common fly about the market places in the American tropics. Callitroga minima (Shannon), new combination Cochhomyia minima Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proe. 28 (6): 124, 1926; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 39 (7): 196, 1937. (Type, male from San Francisco Mountains, Santo Domingo, West Indies, No. 28886, U. S. National Mu- seum). A small species with the same general appearance of macellaria, — but the fourth abdominal tergite cupreous. Male. Similar to macellaria but head height 9.0; width 11.1; length at antenna 4.6 and at vibrissa 4.8; eye height 6.8; bueca 0.26 of eye height, with dark hair above which becomes yellowish below and toward the metacephalic suture; eye larger than nor- mal for the genus, the facets on inner and upper margins slight- ly larger than those laterally and below; frontale black, approxi- mately 0.5 frontal width at narrowest; front at vertex 0.16 of head width, 0.07 at narrowest (slightly anterior to anterior ocellus) and 0.25 at antennal base, blackish, with silvery pollen which is slightly tinged with yellow, and with pale hairs outside the frontal row, these continuing anteriorly on the parafaciale; frontal row of bristles, about 11 in number, becoming vestigial toward occiput, the rows diverging anteriorly as they follow the frontale, and extending to the base of the second antennal seg- ment; reclinate frontoorbital bristle one; vertex with dull black SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE *40 pollen, and with considerable short black hair; back of head blackish with thin yellowish silvery pollen and with considerable whitish hair; parafaciale greatly narrowed above, blackened on upper half, with silvery to yellowish-silvery pollen, and bare on lower half; clypeus about one and one half times as long as broad; epistoma not so strongly narrowed from elypeus but strongly warped forward, then briefly downward toward oral margin; antenna orange brown, third segment dull brownish, four times as long as second; palpus 2.0 in length. Thorax blackish with metallic blue-green luster, with con- siderable dull fuseous and silvery pollen, and with three wide, dorsal, longitudinal stripes which do not extend beyond the scutellar suture;. predorsocentral bristles two, the anterior bristle weak; preintraalar bristles with the middle one of the series absent and the anterior bristle weak; presupraalar bristle one, stronger than other presutural bristles; posthumeral bristle weak; intrapostalar bristle a little longer and stronger than sur- rounding hairs; mesopleuron with seattered short black hairs except on anterior fourth; squamopleuron with short fine de- cumbent brownish pile; lateral postscutellar plates with dark hair. Legs dark brown; midtibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical third; coxae and basal sections of femora with soft whitish hairs. Wing hyaline, not strongly brownish basally; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportions 60:40:80:28:6; basicosta and subcostal sclerite orange, the latter setose; anterior cross vein slightly be- yond middle of second section of fourth vein; bend in fourth vein rounded and without apical spur or fold; upper squamal lobe hyaline, brownish on apical fifth; lower squamal lobe hyaline at base but strongly infuscated on apical three-fifths or more. Abdomen colored as thorax, mostly shining but with thin whitish pollen especially laterally and along edges of tergites in eertain lights; fourth segment bright aeneous with metallic bronze, gold, and yellow green. Second genital segment orange yellow. Internal anatomical features (pl. 18, C, D, and E) as illustrated. Female. Head height 7.4; length of head at antenna 4.0 and at vibrissa 4.4; eye height 5.6; bueca 0.29 of eye height; para- faciale opposite lunule 1.2 in width; distance between vibrissae 1.4; head width 9.4; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.31 of head width, 0.36 at antennal base; palpus 2.5 in length. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences, Length. 5.5-8.5 mm. 150 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Distribution. Neotropical: Evidently limited to the West In- dies. This species may be uncommon or extremely local in distribu- tion. The type series was collected during September 1905 by August Busck. In addition I have seen 15 specimens from Cuba in the American Museum of Natural History which were collect- ed in May and September. The extremely long phallosome is diagnostic of the male, and a small accessory sclerite connecting the posterior paramere with the base of the phallosome is a character not seen in other species of Callitroga. The aeneous metallic luster of the fourth abdominal tergite of the female is also diagnostic of the species. Biology. Adults appear to have habits similar to those of aldricht and macellaria. In the vicinity of LaFe and Guiane, western Cuba, both sexes were trapped with meat-baited traps. Males apparently have a predilection for fresh horse manure. The immature stages are unknown. PARALUCILIA BRAUER AND BERGENSTAMM Paraluciia Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifligler des Kaiser- lichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 87, 1891; ibid., vol. 6, no. 3, p. 92, 1898; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.- Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1) 107:469, 1898; Townsend, Insecutor In- scitiae Menstruus 4:11, 1916; Aldrich, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proe. 66 (18) :17, 1925; Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 18:456-457, 1925; Shannon and Del Ponte, Inst. Bact. [Argentina], Rev. 4 (5) :566, 1926; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:70, 1931; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 66:472, 1934. Genotype. Cal- liphora fulvipes Macquart. (Monobasic). Compsomyiops Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 6:153, 1918; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 11:106, 1923; Townsend, Rev. Mus. Paul. 15:213, 1926; Rev. de Ent. 1: 70, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 163, 1935; ibid., vol. dD, p. 127, 1987; Cushing and Hall, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proce. 39 (7) 197, 1937. Genotype. Calliphora fulvipes Macquart. - (By original designation). A species with the general coloring and appearance of species of Callitroga but usually larger and with elongate palpi. Male and female. Head (pl. 2, D and E) width always con- siderably greater than height; length at antenna somewhat less than length at vibrissa; oral margin slightly protuberant; epi- stoma warped forward from eclypeal plane and then downward and squarely cut off at oral margin; metacephalon produced pos- ~~ SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 151 teriorly and slightly downward; eye of medium size, elongate oval, set nearly straight in head; front very narrow in male, wide in female; with long and abundant hairs, not arranged in rows, situated outside of frontal row of bristles and extending an- teriorly to the middle of the parafaciale; frontal bristles vesti- gial posteriorly in male; outer vertical bristles absent in male, present in female; frontoorbital bristles absent in male, one re- clinate in female; ocellar bristles proclinate in male, almost ex- actly divaricate in female; clypeus about one and one-half times as long as wide, deeply concave; facial carina absent; parafaciale narrowed above, with numerous scattered hairs which are main- ly near eye; faciale slightly convex in profile, with short black setae in several rows which extend nearly to antennal base; vi- brissa above oral margin; palpus elongate clavate; antennal base somewhat below eye-middle when head is viewed in profile, the bases approximated; third segment of antenna reaching fully two-thirds the distance to the vibrissa; arista elongate, slightly thickened at base, and with long plumosity above, shorter be- low, for about four-fifths the distance to the apex; back of head, especially in male, flat or slightly coneave in profile, with one row of postocular cilia. Thorax with two humeral bristles; propleural bristles strong; preintraalar and preacrostichal bristles absent; predorsocentral bristles usually absent but sometimes the usual presutural a little larger than surrounding hairs; presupraalar bristle one; sternopleural pristles three; hypopleuron setose on posterior and dorsal margins; pteropleuron bare on anterior half; prosternum flat, large, narrow behind and widening rapidly anteriorly, se- tose; postalar declivity setose in center and anteriorly; tympanic pit with several long hairs; postacrostichal bristles two, and post- dorsocentral bristles two or three, only the prescutellars strong; intrapostsutural, postintraalar and intrapostsupraalar bristles absent; intrapostalar bristles differentiated; mesospiracular bristles one strong and two weak; metathoracic spiracle with long hair on anterior margin; scutellum with one discal bristle, under surface with fine hair; lateral postscutellar plates setose. Legs without fine pile on coxae but posterior coxa setose pos- teriorly; claws and pulvilli short; fore tibia with about five or six short black dorsal bristles and with one strong posteroventral bristle near apical third; middle femur with a long, well-defined row of posteroventral bristles; middle tibia with one antero- dorsal bristle near apical fourth, one ventral bristle near apical fourth, one or two posterior bristles, sometimes one near middle and always one at apical third, and one or two posterodorsal 152 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA bristles, one always at apical third, and one sometimes near mid- dle; hind femur with complete posteroventral and posterodorsal rows of bristles, and a partial basal anteroventral row of bristles; hind tibia with one dorsal bristle apically, about three antero- dorsal bristles distributed from base to near middle, two antero- ventral bristles near middle, and two posterodorsal bristles near middle. Wing hyaline; subcostal sclerite setose on anterior apical mar- gin; remigium bare at base below; only third vein setulose above; fourth vein without apical section or fold; anterior cross vein at middle of second section of fourth vein; posterior cross vein gently sinuate; last section of fifth vein one-fifth as long as pre- ceeding section; seventh vein long, curved; upper squamal lobe of medium size, pilose on lower basal section, the posterior mar- gin rounded; lower squamal lobe large, ovate, widened posterior- ly, pilose on depression and anteriorly above. | Abdomen with ventral membrane usually narrowly exposed; no discal or median marginal bristles on intermediate segments; second and third segments each with a marginal row of weak de- eumbent bristles; fourth segment with a marginal row of longer and more erect bristles. Genital segments with first segment large, narrow, globose, and without a row of marginal bristles; second segment small, rather flattened. The problem of the genotype selection for Paralucilia Brauer and Bergenstamm must be settled on the basis of the short ori- ginal description of the genus: ‘‘Bei Lucia bildet eine n. G. Musca (Calliph.) fulvipes (Blanch. 8.). Dritte Ader nur basal _gedornt. Paralucilia n. Chile.’’ In this reference the ‘‘ (Blanch. S.)’’ refers to Blanchard and Schiner. The species fulvapes Mac- quart appeared in publications of each of these writers previous to the publication of Paralucila. In using the names of Blan- chard and Schiner rather than that of Macquart, it is possible that Brauer and Bergenstamm attached no particular signifi- eance to association of the original author’s name with the spe- cific name. However, there is no evidence within the original ref- erence to indicate that they were restricting their concept of the genus Paraluctlia to certain specimens determined by Blanchard and Schiner or that they were excluding Calliphora fulvipes Macquart; and there is no doubt that Musca (Calliph.) fulvipes (Blanch. 8.) is nomenclatorially the same as Calliphora fulvipes Macquart. This being the case, the identity of the material be- fore Brauer and Bergenstamm when they described Paraluctlia has no bearing on the nomenclatorial problem. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAB 153 Townsend’s conclusions differ materially from the above. He considers the Brauer and Bergenstamm generic description to refer to a specific female in the Schiner collection, which was misidentified as Calliphora fulvipes but which belongs in the genus Myrolucilia. Paralucilia wheeleri (Hough), new combination Chrysomyia wheelerti Hough, Zool. Bull. 2 (6) :284, 1899; Town- send, Inseeutor Inscitiae Menstruus 6 (7-9) 154, 1918. (Type, male from Monterey, Calif., No. 53120, U. S. Na- tional Museum). Paralucilia affinis Shannon (nee Robineau-Desvoidy) (in part), Wash. Ent. Soe. Proe. 28 (6) :127, 1926. Somomyia callipes Aubertin and Buxton (nee Bigot), (in part), Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol. 28 (3) :246, 1934. This North American species has long been confused with ful- vtpes. .It may be easily separated from that species, however, by its dark squamal lobes and its considerably larger size; it is the largest of the North American chrysomyine flies. A large blue-green-bodied, red-legged species with the general aspect of Callitroga americana, but the palpi elongate and the squamae dark brown. - Male. Head width 16.9; length at antenna 7.7, at vibrissa 8.6, and at oral margin 8.8; eye height 10.1; head height 14.2; bueea 0.36 eye height, orange, rather shining or with thin golden pollen, and with abundant yellow hair; frontale orange red, nearly obsolete for 2.0 below foremost ocellus but gradually widening anteriorly; front at narrowest 0.02 of head width, 0.13 at vertex and 0.23 at lunule, black, with thick silvery gray pol- len; frontal rows of bristles nearly vestigial posteriorly, but ex- tending anteriorly almost to middle of the second antennal seg- ment, diverging with the margins of the frontale, and each row consisting of 10 or 11 bristles; vertex subpollinose, black, with considerable erect black hair; ocellar bristles of medium size; elypeus golden; parafaciale black above, orange below, with silvery pollen along eyes; vibrissae above oral margin by 1.2 and separated by 2.2; palpus orange, 2.8 to 4.6 in length; anten- na with third segment 4.1 times as long as second, orange red to brown; arista orange in middle, black at base and tip, back of head black above, orange below, and with abundant yellowish hairs which are longer on metacephalon. Thorax bluish green to black with metallic green luster, and with three black longitudinal stripes which do not extend upon | A 154 Tre BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA the seutellum, the intermediate blue-green stripes strongly whitish in certain lights; pleura lightly silvery; propleuron with black pile; notopleuron strongly setose, the setae long; meso- pleuron with black setae; sternopleuron with black hair but with a few pale hairs on the posterior margin; hypopleuron with black hair on posterior margin and yellow hair on dorsal mar- gin; pteropleuron with thickset yellow hairs posteriorly; pos- talar wal! in center and posteriorly with tuft of black setae; preparapteron yellow, with fine, white, decumbent pile; pre- epaulet black, tympanic pit with black hairs; sclerites at wing base black; greater ampulla black, with fine, white, decumbent pile; mesothoracic spiracle with yellowish white hair and meta- thoracic spiracle with brownish white hair, the latter with long black hairs on the anterior margin; lateral postscutellar plates with black setae; under surface of scutellum with fine black hair. Legs black and orange; coxae black, fore femur black basally and orange red apically, fore tibia reddish brown to brown at base and orange red apically; hind femur orange brown at base and orange red apically; hind tibia orange red to brown; tarsi orange brown to black; claws black, pulvilli brown. Wing (pl. 9, D) infuseated at base; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 91:62:98 :32:9; subcostal sclerite orange at base, brown apically, third vein setulose one-fourth the distance to the cross vein; fourth vein with angle at 90 degrees, then gradually. curving toward wing tip and ending before apex by 1.0; squamal lobes brownish to black. Abdomen metallic bluish with green and black luster, and with thin pollen which appears silvery in some lights; second and third tergites with a shining, longitudinal, middorsal stripe which extends from a widened base on the anterior portion of second segment to a very narrow line posteriorly on third seg- ment; ventral margins of all tergites with whitish pollen; fourth segment with scattered weak erect hair; fifth sternite (pl. 19, C) as illustrated. , 7 First genital segment black, metallic green, shining, with scat- tered setae; second segment black, shining, with scattered setae. | Internal anatomical features (pl. 19, A, B, and D) as illustrated. ‘Female. Head (pl. 2, D and E) height 18.3; length at an- tenna 6.9 and at vibrissa 8.4; eye height 8.8; buecca 0.51 of eye height; parafaciale opposite lunule 2.3 in width; distance be- tween vibrissae 2.3; front at vertex 0.34 of head width and 0.41 at antennal base, the margins obviously bent outwards below ocellar triangle and curving inward again anteriorly; frontale orange red with numerous, scattered, short, black hairs, es- SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 155 pecially on the margin of ocellar triangle (which is longer than in other North American chrysomyine flies), wide at ocellar tri- angle but still wider just anterior to foremost ocellus, then nar- rowing to narrowest point at lunule; head width 17.0; eye more oval than in male. Length. 9-11 mm. Distribution. Nearetic: The species occurs rather commonly from southern Mexico to the state of Washington and as far east as Colorado and western Texas. It is most abundant in the far Southwest in high altitudes, especially in forested areas, but during the winter months specimens may be collected on the Pacific Coast in considerable numbers at low altitudes. It is a relatively abundant species during the summer in the moun- tain ranges of New Mexico, Arizona and California. It occurs in the southern portions of the San Jacinto Mountain Range in southern California during the winter, but only in high altitudes in the summer season. It was not found by the author on the Coachella Desert or in Imperial Valley in California, although specimens were collected in an arid section east of Yuma, Ariz., in November 1950. In southwest Texas specimens may be col- lected during the winter, being most abundant in April. Specimens of this species are often found in collections under the name Cochliomyia macellaria. Many of the specimens of Callitroga americana found in the National Museum collection had been determined as Chrysomyia wheelert. Superficially, americana and wheelert appear similar, since they are of about the same size and of much the same coloring. Boology, habits and rmmature stages. Paralucilia wheeleri is saprophagous like Callitroga macellarva and is of little economic importance. Larvae may be found breeding in carcasses, or occasionally in myiasis wounds, of animals throughout its range of distribution, and generally occur with larvae of Callitroga, Phormia, or Lucilia. Breeding takes place under favorable temperature conditions in late fall or early spring but is probably continuous throughout much of the year in favorable situations in southern latitudes. Egg. Macrotype, large, hatching in from 20 to 24 hours un- der favorable temperature conditions. According to Deonier and Knipling (1940), a single egg mass may contain 350 to 500 eggs. Larva. Of typical calliphorine shape and habitus. With a mean temperature of 69.5° F. the larva matures in approximate- ly five days. Deonier and Knipling (1940) state that this period is increased with a decrease of temperature; at 58.5° F., for in- stance, 10 days are required to complete development. Mod- 156 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA erately cool weather is apparently favorable for development, but the larvae will not mature under continued low tempera- tures. First instar?: Length 2.5-3.9 mm. Complete spinose bands on each of segments 2 to 9; segment 10 without or with only a few spines on dorsum, on segments 11 and 12 these restricted to ven- tral or ventrolateral surfaces; spines on posterior margin of seg- ments restricted to a single row each on venter of segments 7 to 12. All spines light to dark brown, each with a single point, the larger spines 6 microns in length. Three small tubercles above and three small ones below posterior cavity. Posterior spiracles each with two slits appearing confluent below and not surrounded by peritreme. Amphipneustic. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 36, B) as illustrated. Second instar: Length 4.0-9.5 mm. Spinose bands and dis- tribution of spines essentially as in previous instar, but each spine with one to three points, usually with two; a V-shaped group of spines located on anal protuberance similar to that in Callitroga macellaria. Tubereles located as in previous instar. Posterior spiracles each with two slits surrounded by incomplete peritreme. Anterior spiracles each with about 12 branches. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 36, C) as illustrated. Third instar: Mature larva (pl. 36, A) 8.5-17.0 mm. in length. Segments 2 to 9 each provided with complete spinose bands at anterior margin; segment 10 with band incomplete on dorsum; segment 11 with band generally restricted to ventral and ventro- lateral surfaces; posterior margin of all segments without spines on dorsum. Anterior spiracles with about 12 branches each. Posterior spiracles (pl. 36, E) relatively large and provided with a broad peritreme, the greatest diameter of one spiracle av- eraging 0.387 mm.; tubercles three on upper, and three on lower, margin of posterior cavity; inner and outer pairs on upper mar- gin approximately equal in size, the median pair somewhat smaller; inner pair separated by less than two-thirds the distance between inner and outer tubercles on each side; outer tubercles on lower margin larger than median, and inner tubercle greatly reduced. Anal area (pl. 36, F) with two prominent tubercles, the spines of which are arranged in a V-shaped group. Cephalo- skeleton (pl. 36, D) approximately 1.6 mm. in length, resembling that found in Cochhomyia but possessing an accessory oral selerite not found in closely related genera. Prepupa. This stage is 3 to 7 days in duration at a mean air *Adapted from Deonier and Knipling (1940). Many of the biological notes on wheelert were abstracted from this paper. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 157 temperature of 69.9° F. In periods of cooler weather the stage may be prolonged to 15 days. Pupartum. The puparium of wheelert, as in all ecalliphorid species, has most of the external characters of the mature larva. The pupation period covers 8 to 14 days at a mean air tempera- ture of 72.2° F., but may be prolonged to 49 days or perhaps longer, depending upon weather conditions. Adult. Both sexes of wheelert may be collected in careass- baited traps; as many as 3,072 were collected by this means in Arizona during the latter part of March, 1938 by C. C. Deonier (Deonier and Knipling, 1940), who found that captured gravid females deposited readily on lean meat. He also collected gravid females in nature upon a dog carcass. The specimens which I have collected were attracted to myiasis wounds, to carcasses, or upon foliage where the adults apparently sun themselves during the early morning hours. Paralucilia fulvipes (Macquart) Calliphora fulvipes Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 289, 1848; Blanchard, in Gay, Historia fisica y politica de Chile, vol. 7, pp. 434-435, 1852; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 309, 1868. (Type, male from Chile, in Paris or lost). ?Calliphora rufipes Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 286, 1843. (?Type, male from America, in the Paris Museum). ?Calliphora violacea Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 285, 1848; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. K1. Sitzber. (1) 108:522, 1899. (Paralucilia). (?Type, from America, in the Paris Museum). ?Lucilia cyanicolor Rondani, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna (3) 2:178, 1850. Change of name for Calliphora violacea Mac- quart, preoccupied. Calliphora tibialis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 215, 1851. (Type, male from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the Paris Museum.) New synonymy. Lucilia taenitaria Thomson, Eugenies Resa, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 544, 1869. (Type, female from Buenos Aires, Argentina, in Stockholm.) New synonymy. | Paralucilia fulvipes apparently does not occur in the North American fauna, but, since fulvipes and wheelert have been confused under one name for many years by all authors except Townsend, it has been necessary to obtain considerable informa- 158 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA tion in regard to the synonymy of fulvipes as well as of wheelert. This information is therefore included. Although the range of distribution of these species may well overlap in Central America, I collected no specimens of fulvipes there in al- most a year of intensive collecting. Male and female. Squamal lobes usually white, rarely orange or brownish; often smaller than wheelert and more metallic greenish in color. Paralucilia fulutpes and wheeleri are very much alike but these characters will apparently separate them satisfactorily. Male genital segments with internal features (pl. 19, E, F, G, and H) as illustrated. Length. 8-10 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: Argentina to Venezuela and Colombia. The type specimens of this species are apparently lost. They are not in any of the European museums with which I have been in correspondence; nor did Aldrich or Townsend find them. There seems little question, however, that the name is properly applied. The name Chrysomya affinis Robineau-Desvoidy was applied to fulvipes by Shannon in 1926. He did not distinguish between fulvipes and wheeleri. The type specimen of affinis is Callitroga macellaria (F.) according to Aldrich who examined it in the Paris Museum in 1929, and M. Séguy tells me that it is a species of Callitroga, questionably americana. Calliphora peruviana Robineau-Desvoidy was listed by Shannon in 1926 as a synonym of fulvipes. Aldrich stated that one specimen of each sex of this species is in the Paris Museum, that they are in too poor condi- tion to permit positive specific identity, but that they are Calliphora. A homotype of peruwviana by Macquart is also in the Paris Museum, and M. Séguy tells me that this specimen is Call- troga macellaria. Lucilia durvillei Macquart, listed by Shannon aS a synonym of fulvipes, is also a synonym of macellaria. Calliphora annulipes Philippi, often listed as a synonym of fulvipes, is unknown to me. The description appears to apply to fulvipes. The original description of Calliphora rufipes by Macquart gives the type locality as ‘‘Java,’’ so the specimen under this name in the Paris Museum labeled ‘‘ Amerique’’ may not be the type. The original description of Calliphora violacea Macquart gave the type locality as ‘‘Africa.’’ Brauer transferred the name to Paralucilia, a genus which apparently does not occur in Africa. Séguy told me that the supposed type is a female in poor condition labeled “‘Amerique,’’ and that it is a specimen PHORMIINI Color plate II.—Phormia regina (Meigen). Adult female, dorsal view, X 10. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 159 of Paralucilia fulvipes. I have not seen specimens of fulvipes from Mexico. In view of this situation, the placement of Mac- quart’s name as a synonym of fulvipes must be questioned. The name being preoccupied, cyanicolor was proposed by Rondani to replace it. Aldrich saw the supposed type of Calliphora tibialis Macquart in the Paris Museum and he considered it to be a specimen of Callitroga macellaria (F.) but, according to Séguy, it is fulvipes. Blanchard’s and Macquart’s fulvipes were identical. The latter author described the Gay dipterous material. Schiner stated that he had a Macquart type of fulvipes in his collection; others were sent to him and at least three males from Chile were determined by comparison with the Macquart type. This is the series upon which Paralucilia was based. | Biology. The habits and immature stages of this species are similar to those of Paralucilia wheelert. Adults collected near Cochabamba, Bolivia, during June, 1948, had habits indis- tinguishable from those of wheelert. TRIBE PHORMIINI (Black blowflies) The tribe Phormiini includes black and dark blue or olivaceous green flies (Color plate II) which differ from the species belong- ing to the Chrysomyini as follows: The posterior coxa is bare pos- teriorly; most of the species have two presupraalar bristles; and the larvae of members of this tribe have a definite ‘‘button’’ in the postspiracular plate. PHORMIA ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY Phormia Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 465, 18380; Soc. Ent. de France Bull., p. V, 1849; Histoire Naturelle des Diptéres des Environs de Paris, vol. 2, p. 845, 1863; Hough, Ent. News 10:66, 1899; Zool. Bull. 2(6) :288, 1899; Hendel, Wien. Ent. Ztg. 20:29, 1901; Aldrich, Wien. Ent. Ztg. 20:68, 1901; Bezzi, Katalog der Palaarktischen Dipteren, vol. 3, p. 530, 1907; Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:123, 1908; Villeneuve, Wien. Ent. Ztg. 30:84, 1911; Rodhain and Bequaert, Bull. Sci. de la France et Belg. (7) 49(8) :248, 1916; Malloch, Canadian Arctic Expedi- tion Rpt., vol. 3, p. 59e, 1919; Engel, Ztschr. f. Wiss. Insek- tenbiol. 15(10-12) :255-257, 1920; Shannon, Insecutor In- scitiae Menstruus 11:107, 1928; Séguy, Eneyel. Ent. (A) 9:169, 1928; Lundbeck, Diptera Danica, vol. 7, p. 138, 1927; 160 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Patton and Cushing, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol. 28(3) :305-314, 1934; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 171, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 168, 19387. Genotype, Musca regina Meigen by designation of Robineau-Desvoidy. Calliphora (Phormia) Pandellé, Rev. de Ent. 15:2138, 1896 (in part). Euphormia Townsend, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 56(2301) :542, 1919; Rohdendorf, Ent. Mitt. 13 :282, 1924. (Isogenotypic with Phormia.) Male and female. Head (pl. 3, A and B) with length of antenna and at vibrissa nearly equal; bucca almost one-third eye height; parafaciale narrowed above and hirsute; faciale bristled about half the distance to antennal base with three or four rows. of short setae; front of male narrow and widening anteriorly, with parallel margins in female; outer vertical and frontoorbital bristles absent in male; palpus clavate; arista with long plumo- sity above and below for nearly three-fourths its length; back of head coneave above in profile, evenly rounded below; intra- postocular cilia absent above, a few laterally and below. Thorax with dise of mesonotum convex; humeral bristles five; propleuron strongly pilose in center; propleural bristles three or four; preintraalar bristles two, the presutural present; preacros- tichal bristles three or four; posthumeral bristles usually one (sometimes two); postintraalar bristles two; preintrapostalar bristle absent; notopleural bristles two large, one medium, (rarely a still smaller fourth) ; sternopleural bristles two or three (usually three); prosternum laterally setose; preparapteron and greater ampulla with fine, short, decumbent pubescence; post- acrostichal bristles two; postdorsocentral bristles four or five; mesothoracic spiracle elongate-oval; metathoracie spiracle tri- angularly ovate, the anterior edge with long hairs; scutellum with one or two (usually two) discal bristles, three to five lateral bristles, only the basal and angular ones strong, apical bristles absent, and under surface pilose in center. Legs with fore femur without anteroventral row of bristles; tarsi as long as tibiae; claws and pulvilli as long as last tarsal segment. Wing with subcostal sclerite bare; remigium below at base with some long ciliae; only third vein setulose; fourth vein bent toward wing apex at 85-degree angle; apical cell widely open; anterior cross vein beyond middle of second section of fourth vein in proportion of 5.0:4.5; posterior cross vein oblique and not strongly arcuate; last section of fifth vein about one-fifth as long as preceding section; upper squamal lobe bare, rounded; SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 161 lower squamal lobe large, apically rounded, the inner margin more rounded than outer, bare. : Abdomen with scutellar depression extending nearly four- fifths the distance toward posterior margin of the first segment; all tergites with fine short hairs; intermediate sezments without diseal or median marginal bristles; third segment with a row of longer marginal hairs. Genital segments of male generally retracted and hidden, more or less globose, the first segment without a marginal row of bristles. Phormia regina (Meigen) (The black blowfly) Musca regina Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 58, 1826; ibid., vol. 7, p. 292, 1838; Schiner, Fauna Austriaca, Die Fliegen, vol. 1, p. 589, 1862. (Lucilia). (Type, probably from Europe, apparently lost.) | Musca thalassina Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europdischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 54, 1826; Macquart, Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Diptéres, vol. 2, p. 254, 18385. (Type, female, in Paris.) Phormia philadelphica Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myo- daires, Paris, p. 466, 1830; Histoire Naturelle des Diptéres des Environs de Paris, vol. 2, p. 848, 1863. (Type, male from Philadelphia, in Paris.) Phormia fulvifacies Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 467, 1830. (Type, in Paris or lost.) Phormia mollis Walker, List of the Dipterous Insects in the Col- lection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 892, 1849. (Type, a headless specimen from St. Martins Falls, Albany River, Hudson Bay, in the British Museum.) Musca proxima Walker, Insecta Saundersiana, vol. 1, p. 241, 1856. (Type, from California, in the British Museum.) New synonymy. Lucila stigmaticalis Thomson, Eugenies Resa, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 544, 1869. (Type, female from California, in Stockholm.) New synonymy. Lucilia rufipalpis Jaennicke, Senckenb. naturf. Gesell. Abhandl. 6:340, 1867; Hough, Zool. Bull. 2(6) :288, 1899. (Type, from Illinois, in the British Museum.) 162 THE BLowr ies or NortH AMERICA Lucilia nigrina Bigot, Ent. Soc. de France Ann. (5)5:247, 1877; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1) 108 523, 1899 (Calliphora) ; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38:429, 1933. Type, from Illinois, in the British Museum. ) Somomyia rupicola Bigot, Soc. Zool. de France Bull. 12:603, 1887; Soe. Ent. de France Ann. 7:clxxx, 1887; Aubertin, Linn, Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38:431, 1933. (Type, male and female from Rocky Mountains, in the Bigot Collection, Newmarket, England.) Somomyia rufigena Bigot, Ent. Soc. de France Bull. 7:clxxxi, 1887; Soe. Zool. de France Bull. 12:598, 1887; Hough, Zool. Bull. 2:288, 1899; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1)108:521, 1899. (Type, male from Rocky Mountains, in the Bigot Collection, Newmarket, England.) Lucilia infuscata Townsend, (in part), Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51 :123, 1908. Phormia regina (Meigen). Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 466, 1830; Histoire Naturelle des Diptéres des Environs de Paris, vol. 2, p. 847, 1863; Hough, Zool. Bull. 2(6) :288, 1899; Townsend, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proe. 56(2801) :542, 1919 (Huphormia); Engel, Ztschr. f. Wiss. Insektenbiol. 15(10-12) :257, 1920; Mueller, Arch. f. Natur- gesch. 88A (1-3) :69, 1922; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proe. 28(6) :128, 1926; Séguy, Encyecl. Ent. (A) 9:169, 1928; Wainwright, Roy. Ent. Soc., London, Trans. 76:237, 1928; Séeuy, Eneyel. Ent. (BII.) Dipt. 5:78, 1929; Patton and Cushing, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol. 28(3) :307, 1934; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 171, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 168, 1937. A slender, olivaceous or lustrous green and black species, the anterior spiracle with orange hair. © Male. Head (pl. 38, A and B) length at antenna 5.5, and at vibrissa 5.6; eye height 8.7; head height 11.5; bucea 0.30 of eye height, with abundant black hair; frontale 0.5 frontal width; front at narrowest 0.01 head width, 0.17 at vertex and 0.21 at lunule; with gray pollen, with some scattered hairs outside frontal bristles extending to about the middle of the parafaciale; frontal rows of bristles extending anteriorly to about the base of the second antennal segment, and but moderately divergent, each row consisting of about 14 bristles which are short and hairlike posteriorly; inner vertical bristles long, thin, decussate; ocellar triangle with numerous long erect black hairs posteriorly; SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 163 parafaciale with gray pollen and with hair of medium length scattered above; palpus 3.0 in length, yellow orange; third antennal segment three times as long as second, yellow orange to brown; arista black, with long black plumosity; back of head black, silvery, with two rows of postocular cilia and abundant short whitish hairs. . Thorax black with metallic bluish-green luster, with thin silvery pollen anteriorly just behind head and with darker black longitudinal stripes on dorsum extending slightly beyond suture; pleura mostly shining; humeral bristles of moderate length; pro- pleuron with whitish-yellow hairs; propleural. bristles moderately strong; preacrostichal bristles weak to strong, the hindmost one placed anterior to suture by 1.5; postacrostichal and postdorso- eentral bristles differentiated mainly in the prescutellars; meso- thoracic spiracle with bright orange hair; metathoracic spiracle with dark yellowish brown hair, the anterior edge with black hair; scutellum with minute subapical discal bristles which simulate apicals, and the under surface with fine, short, scattered, whitish hairs. Legs black, shining; fore tibia with a complete dorsal row of bristles and without a posterodorsal row; middle femur with two anterior bristles near middle, one anteroventral bristle at basal fourth, without long hair ventrally, and with four anterodorsal bristles toward basal third; middle tibia with two posterior bristles, one at basal fourth, one near middle, and one postero- dorsal bristle near middle; hind femur with complete antero- dorsal and anteroventral rows of bristles and three long ventral basal bristles; hind tibia with incomplete anterodorsal row of bristles, the row better defined and the bristles set closer together toward base, two anteroventral bristles, one near middle, the other near apical fourth, and three posterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth, one near middle, and one near apical fourth. Wing (pl. 9, E) hyaline, shghtly infuscated toward base; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 80:60 :95-100 :30:8; sub- costal sclerite orange brown to black; remigium basally below with fine orange-colored pile and with some black cilia; third vein setulose almost one-half the distance to cross vein; fourth vein usually without, but sometimes with, a very short fold at bend; upper squamal lobe usually hyaline but sometimes yellow- ish white; lower squamal lobe yellowish white. Abdomen slightly olivaceous or bluish green to black, shining. Genital segments greenish black, with scattered erect black hairs. Internal anatomical features (pl. 19, I and J) as illu- trated. | 164 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Female. Head length at vibrissa and at antenna 6.5; head width 14.0; eve height 8.25; head height 11.0; frontale 0.30 frontal width, with numerous interfrontal bristles; bucca 0.33 eye height; front at vertex 0.31 head width, slightly wider near middle and 0.41 at lunule; outer vertical bristles two-thirds as long as inner; frontoorbital bristles two, moderate in size, pro- elinate. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-11 mm. There is considerable variation in certain characters of Phormia regina, even in series of reared specimens. Specimens from the southern limits of the known distribution have smaller eyes than specimens from the northern limits, which results, of course, in a variation in the buccal and eye height proportion: Southern specimens have the buccal height 0.16 to 0.20 the eye height. Some specimens, particularly females, have the length of the head at the vibrissa slightly greater than the ena on the head at the antennal base. Viable puparia of an inbred strain of this species were kindly forwarded to me by Dr. David F. Miller, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, who has continued the strain through more than 200 generations in 10 years. The original parent stock consisted of one male and one female collected during 1930 in Washington, D. C. Variation in head proportions has been reduced by inbreeding in this strain, but variation in several bristle series has persisted and is identical with such variation in specimens found in nature. In nature, adults of regina usually have three sternopleural bristles on each side; there is one large bristle posteriorly and one large and one small bristle anteriorly, the latter of these two being situated slightly below and caudad to the former. Oc- | easionally, specimens are collected which have three sterno- pleural bristles on one side and two on the other or have only two sternopleural bristles on each side. The observed variation per 100 specimens collected in nature is: Three on each side, 47 percent; three one one side and two on the other, 37 percent; two on each side, 16 percent. This variation agrees with that found in the inbred strain. Invariably, the missing bristle is the small anteroventral one. The usual number of discal scutellar bristles in field-collected specimens of regina is two on each side; one occurs almost anterior to the strong apical marginal bristle and the other, a weaker bristle, is usually situated an- terolaterally. Sometimes specimens collected in nature have SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 165 - but one discal bristle on each side; more commonly, two bristles occur on one side and only one on the other. The observed varia- tion per 100 specimens collected in nature is: Two on each side, 52 percent; two on one side and only one on the other, 36 per- cent; one on each side, 12 percent. This variation, again, agrees with that found in Dr. Miller’s inbred strain. Invariably the weaker lateral discal bristle is the one that is absent. The varia- tion in these two characters does not appear to be correlated with sexual differences or with each other. Only one specimen in nearly 500 has been found that had at the same time only two sternopleural bristles and only one discal scutellar bristle. Distribution. Holaretic: Commonly found during the spring and fall throughout the United States, and occurring as far south as Mexico City, Mexico, at high altitudes. It is abundant during the spring months in the southern states. Australian: Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, at 1000 or more feet elevation. Aldrich found in the Paris Museum in 1929 a specimen of . regina labeled Chrysomya philadelphica Macquart. He indicated in his notes that this specimen might be Meigen’s type of regina. There are two species in the cotype series of Somomyia rufigena Bigot. Hough synonymized the name with Phorma regina (Meigen), but did not examine the type series. Brauer pointed out that one species should be referred to a new genus near Myio- trica. Aldrich, in 1929, found one species to be Myiophasia metallica Townsend, the other Phormia regina. I select the male specimen of Phormia regina from the Rocky Mountains as the lectotype of Somomyia rufigena Bigot. Biology, habits and immature stages. Eggs 1.5 mm. long, elongate, elliptic, tapering slightly toward one extremity; macro- type, large whitish (resembling those of Callitroga americana in coloration); usually deposited in agglutinated masses of vary- ing number among hair or in wool. The egg masses are some- times found in or near edges of wounds in animals and, in such instances, they resemble the egg masses of americana. Melvin (1934) found that, at a constant temperature of 59° F’., it required nearly 52 hours for eggs of this species to hatch, while at 104° F., only 8.7 hours were required. He also found that none of the eggs hatched at 109° F. The optimum tempera- ture for the incubation of eggs appears to be approximately 99° F’., at which temperature 8.13 hours are required to complete incubation. The embryology of the eges of Phormia regina has been studied by Miss Mary Auten (1934, pp. 481-506). 166 Tue BuowFruies or Norta AMERICA Larva. First instar?: Length 2-3 mm., diameter 0.3 mm. — Tapering slightly to the anterior segments, which taper sharply, the segmentation distinct, each body segment marked with a series of transverse bands of short dark chitinous points. Cepha- loskeleton (pl. 37, A) very characteristic in this stage, the labial selerites slender, nearly rectilinear, and at the anterior extremity with paired stomal plates, each of which has six minute teeth; hypostomal sclerite with a long rectilinear anterior process, the main part a broad dorsoventral bar of chitin produced posteri- orly at both the dorsal and ventral angles as a tapering and re- latively narrow process; dorsal sclerite slender, strongly looped and uniting the two lateral pharyngeal plates. Metapneustic; posterior spiracles each with one well-developed, narrowly oval orifice and a rudimentary second. Second instar: Length 3.5-6.0 mm., diameter, 1.0-2.0 mm. General characteristics about as in previous instar but spinose bands not so apparent. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 37, B) with labial sclerites moderately heavy, somewhat decurved and irregular, | united by a broad dorsal process; pharyngeal sclerite a broad dorsoventral plate with a curved process on anterodorsal angle, and another longer one on posteroventral angle, the dorsal cor- nua rather broad and elongate. Structure of anterior spiracle rather indistinct but with 10 or 11 circular orifices; posterior spiracles (pl. 37, D) each with two distinct ovate slitlike aper- tures. Third instar: Length 9-17 mm., diameter 3-4 mm. Typically muscoid in habitus, creamy translucent white, yellowing with maturity. Segments 3-9 anteriorly with complete spinose bands, segment 10 with band weak dorsally; segment 2 dorsoanteriorly with spines; all segments except cephalic one with ventral spinose bands; segments 11 and 12 without dorsal spines; segments 8-11 posteroventrally with weak bands of single-pointed spines. Spines on anterior segments small; spines wedge- or dome- shaped with from one to four pointed (usually two sharp points), and pigmented only on tips. Anterior spiracles each with 10-11 rounded, radially arranged orifices; posterior spiracles (pl. 37, E) each with three subparallel, slitlike apertures, the peritreme incomplete, the ‘‘button’’ hardly apparent. Anal area with spiracles located in depression somewhat deeper than typical for ealliphorid larvae, distinctly cup-shaped; dorsally with six near- ly equidistant, low tubercles, median tubercles separated by a distance approximately one and one-half times the diameter of a spiracular plate, outer tubercles largest; ventrally with six *Adapted from Felt (1913). SuBrAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 167 tubercles, outer and median largest, inner tubercles situated ventrally and out of line with median and outer, which are closest together. Anal protuberance large, the tubercles widely separated; below and between tubercles with spinose areas. Ceph- aloskeleton (pl. 37, C) with labial sclerite stout, heavily sclero- tized, strongly decurved; hypostomal sclerite short, irregular; pharyngeal sclerite with a pigmented process on anterodorsal angle, another less obvious at posteroventral angle; ventral longi- tudinal grooves apparent. The total larval stage ranges from 4 to 15 days, according te Bishopp (1917). The larvae of regina are normally saprophagous and may be found in great numbers in careasses of animals. They also occur in abundance in the paunch contents of slaughtered cattle, es- pecially if some blood is mixed with these. On the open range, especially during the fall and winter, carcasses of large animals are responsible for the development of the vast majority of these flies. Paine (1912) found the larvae breeding in great numbers in the city garbage in Massachusetts, as did Walton in New Mexico (1915). In eases of myiasis the larvae of regina sometimes cause a bloody discharge, which seems to indicate that a certain amount of destruction of tissue may take place. In such instances the wounds sometimes superfically resemble those produced by Cal- litroga americana. Puparitum. Length 9.0-9.5 mm., diameter 3-4 mm.; color light brown to almost black. The anterior extremity narrowly rounded and somewhat constricted subapically; each segment with a double transverse band of sclerotized points; posterior extremity contracted subapically and easily recognized by the submedian spiracles located in a somewhat ill-defined depres- sion margined with irregular short, broad, sclerotized tubercles. According to Bishopp (1915, p. 323), the pupal stage is 3 to 13 days in duration in the vicinity of Dallas, Texas. The total developmental period covers 10 to 25 days. Adult. The adults of regina may be found during the en- tire year but are most abundant during the spring and fall months. This species is typically a cold-weather blowfly, occurring most abundantly during early spring months. Carcasses found in nature during the winter season in southern United States, where the species breeds during much of the entire year, literally swarm with maggots of regina. The species becomes less abun- dant with the approach of hot weather, and it constitutes only 168 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA a very small percentage of the total blowfly population during the summer months except at high altitudes and in northern areas. Adults may be collected rather frequently in early fall months, and they hibernate when temperatures drop too low for adult activity. Hibernating adults may be found in numbers in tunnels of various wood-boring insects. A few adults may be collected upon the sunny side of buildings on warm days dur- ing winter months. Females will not oviposit at this season of the year. | The preoviposition period ranges from 7 to 17 days, according to Bishopp (1915, p. 327). Adults of Phormia regina will migrate as far as 11 miles in less than 48 hours, according to Bishopp and Laake (1921, p. 765). Spermatogenesis and fertility of regina were studied by Cowan (1932), and its olfactory responses by MeIndoo (1933). Economic wmportance. Phormia regina is a well-adapted fac- ultative saprophagous species capable of causing wound myiasis and serious injuries to man and domestic animals under certain environmental conditions. It appears to be of especial impor- tance where soiled wool, or other factors not necessarily associa- ted with wounds, render sheep or other animals particularly sus- ceptible to its attack. It is also found commonly in wounds caused by castration and dehorning, such wounds occurring most frequently from November to March in southern states and during early spring or late fall in the Middle West. Parish and Laake (1935) state that during the spring months this species constituted 67 percent of all adults reared from larvae which developed in wounds of domestic animals in the Menard area of Texas. They concluded that it is of more importance than Callitroga americana until as late in the season as May 14. Knipling and Rainwater (1937) found regina to be the most im- portant ‘‘secondary’’ myilasis-producing blowfly in southeastern United States. Larvae of regina have been used in postoperative surgery, and methods for the rearing of sterile maggots of this species are given by Haub and Miller (1932) and Robinson (1933). When fresh blood is present in abattoirs, regina often becomes extremely abundant and annoying. BOREELLUS ALDRICH AND SHANNON Boreellus Aldrich and Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus. 11:107, 1928; Enderlein, Gesell. f. naturf. Freunde Sitzber. 4-7 :245, 1935; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:71, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 5, p. 139, 1987. Genotype, (Boreéllus aris- SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 169 tatus Aldrich and Shannon) = Phormia caerulea Malloch (1919), preoccupied, = Sarcophaga atriceps Zetterstedt. (Monobasiec). Mallochomyia Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 14:25, 1926. Genotype, (Mallochomyia johansent Townsend) = Sarcophaga atriceps Zetterstedt. (Monobasic). Male and female. Head (pl. 3, C and D) elongate, with length at vibrissa greater than at antenna; parafaciale narrowed above and hirsute; faciale concave in profile, and bristled about five-sixths the distance to the antennal base; palpus elongate, clavate; third antennal segment about twice as long as second; arista with short plumosity above and below about three-fourths the distance to the apex; back of head bulging. Thorax with mesonotum conspicuously flattened on disc; hum- eral bristles three, rarely a fourth present; propleuron nar- rowed due to enlargement of mesothoracic spiracle, strongly setose; propleural bristles two; preintraalar bristle one, the pre- sutural absent; predorsocentral bristles two; notopleural bristles two; pteropleuron bare on hind margin but with a tuft of thick- set hair postmediodorsally; prosternum setose; postacrostichal bristle one; postdorsocentral bristles four; postintraalar bristles two; no preintrapostalar bristle; prothoracic spiracle much en- larged, long-ovate; mesothoraciec spiracle slightly enlarged; the anterior margin without long hair; scutellum with one discal bristle, two lateral bristles and usually a long weak third bristle between these, apical bristles absent, under surface of scutellum with scattered hair. Legs with anterior femur without anteroventral row of bristles; tarsi as long as tibiae; claws and pulvilli as long as last tarsal segment in male, a little shorter in female. Wing with subcostal sclerite with fine long hairs; remigium basally below with some cilia; only third vein setulose above; fourth vein without apical section or fold at angle and bending gently toward wing tip at almost 45 degrees; apical cell closed in wing margin, the third vein curved posteriorly to meet fourth vein in costa; anterior cross vein before middle of second section of fourth vein in proportion 4.0:4.5; posterior cross vein gently doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein about one-seventh pre- ceding section; upper squamal lobe with dark setae on upper side, rounded posteriorly and the inside apical margin truncate; lower squamal lobe rather large, ovate, pilose on margin. Abdomen with scutellar depression extending about one-half the distance toward posterior margin of first segment; all ter- gites with rather long erect hair and with several long lateral 170 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA marginal bristles; third segment with a marginal row of about. 16 to 18 long thin bristles; fourth segment with abundant, long, erect, scattered hairs; first sternite longer than broad, each suc- cessive sternite smaller. This is the most distinctive genus in the tribe Phormiini. The head is elongate, the apical cell is closed in the wing margin, and the arista is pubescent. Boreellus atriceps (Zetterstedt) Sarcophaga atriceps Zetterstedt, Diptera Seandinaviae, vol. 4, p. 1311, 1845; Bonsdorff, Finlands Tvavingade Insecter, vol. 2, p. 1438, 1866; Holmgren, Ent. Tidskr. 4:165, 1883. (Type, female from Mullsjo, Sweden, in Lund). Phormia boganidae Erichson, Middendorff’s Reise in den Aus- sersten Norden und Osten Siberiens 1843-44, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 67, 1851; Rohdendorf, Ent. Mitt. 13 (6) :283, 1924; Vil- leneuve, Soe. Ent. de Belg. Bull. et Ann. 70:42, 1930. (Type male in Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Science). New synonymy. Melinda atriceps (Zetterstedt). Hendel, Wien. Ent. Ztg., 20:33, 1901. Onesia (Sarcophaga) atriceps (Zetterstedt). Becker, Mem. Imp. Acad. Sei. St. Petersburg (8) 18 (10) :5, 1907. Onesia atriceps (Zetterstedt). Frey, Acad. Sci. Russ. Mem. 29 (10) 33-5,91916: Phorm caerulea Malloch, Canadian Arctic Expedition Rpt., vol. 3, p. 59¢e, 1919. (Type, male from Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, in Canadian National Collection). Boreéllus aristatus Aldrich and Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 11:107, 1923. (New name for caerulea Malloch, preoccupied). Mallochomyia johanseni Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Men- struus 14:25, 1926. (New name for caerulea Malloch, pre- occupied). Phorm atriceps (Zetterstedt), Collin, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 16 :335, 1925; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 7:78, 19381. Boreellus atriceps (Zetterstedt), Aldrich, Brooklyn Ent. Soe. Bul. 22:22, 1927; Johnson, Psyche 36 (2) :141, 1929; Mc- Dunnough, Nat. Mus. Canada Bull. 53 :119, 1928; Villeneuve, Soc. Ent. de Belg. Bull. et Ann. 70:42, 1930; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:71, 1931; Enderlein, Gesell. f. naturf. Freunde SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 171 Sitzber. 4-7:245, 1925; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 5, p. 166, 1935. A dark blue to bluish-black species with lustrous blue black abdomen, black head and appendages, and hyaline wings. Male. Head (pl.3, C and D) with eye height 5.7; head height 8.4; length at antenna 6.1 and at vibrissa 6.9; bucca 0.44 of eye height, with long abundant black hair; front at narrowest 0.26 of head width, 0.40 at vertex and at lunule, mostly shining black but some thin gray pollen anteriorly, and with some long black thin hairs outside frontal bristles which are especially abundant on vertex and extend anteriorly to slightly above middle of para- faciale; faciale bristled about four-fifths the distance to the an- tennal base; frontal row of bristles consisting of from 10 to 12 long thin erect bristles which extend anteriorly to middle of the second antennal segment, the rows only moderately diverging anteriorly; inner vertical bristles long, hairlike, decussate; para- faciale narrowed above, with very thin pollen; palpus yellow orange, 4.0 in length; third antennal segment 2.2 times as long as second, brown to black; arista black, with short black plu- mosity for three-fourths its length; back of head with one well- defined and four to six ill-defined rows of postocular cilia and with abundant elongate black hair. Thorax blue black with purple and green luster, with silvery pollen, and with darker dull black longitudinal stripes on pro- thorax which do not extend beyond scutellar suture; pleura shin- ing, with thin gray pollen below; propleuron with dark hair; predorsocentral bristles long and erect, the hindmost posterior bristle placed 1.0 before suture; prosternum with scattered black setae; preparapteron and greater ampulla with fine short de- eumbent white pubescence; postacrostichal bristles long and hairlike, only the preseutellar strong; postdorsocentral bristles three strong, the second weak and sometimes absent but the row spaced for four; prothoracic and metathoracie spiracles with ~ dark brown hair; scutellum with lateroapical discal bristle, un- der surface with ane brown hair. Legs black, mostly shining; middle tibia with feet: placed dorsal row of bristles and with a row of posterodorsal bris- tles; middle femur with two anterior bristles near middle, an ir- regular anteroventral row and a ventral row extending from base to near middle; middle tibia with four anterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth, two near middle and one near apical fourth, two posterior bristles, one near basal fourth, the other near middle, and four posterodorsal bristles, two near basal fourth short and fine, and two near middle longer and stouter; 172 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA hind femur with anterodorsal and anteroventral rows and a par- tial ventral row on apical half; hind tibia with anterodorsal row extending from base to apical third, two anteroventral bristles near middle and a series of posterodorsal bristles, the basal ones set close together. Wing (pl. 9, F) hyaline, shightly infuscated basally and an- teriorly; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 75:52 :105:41:0; subcostal sclerite orange brown to black, with dark brown pile basally, and with long black hairs; third vein setulose from 0.25 to 0.35 the distance to the anterior cross vein; upper and lower squamal lobes with dark brown pile, brown. Abdomen bluish black, rarely greenish and sometimes slight- ly purplish in certain lights, shining; all tergites with erect black hair; fifth sternite (pl. 20, D) as illustrated. Genital segments similar to those of Phormia regina. Internal anatomical features (pl. 20, A, B, and C) as illustrated. Female. Head width 11.7; length at antenna 6.7, and at vibrissa 7.5; eye height 5.8; head height 9.0; bueca 0.30 eye height; front at narrowest 0.46 head width, 0.46 at vertex and 0.52 at lunule; outer vertical bristles long and thin; fronto- orbital bristles two, long, thin, proclinate or almost divaricate; ocellar bristles slightly divaricate. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6.5-8.5 mm. Distribution. Holaretic: North of the Arctie Cirele. From published reports and from specimens which have been seen during this study, Boreéllus atriceps (Zetterstedt) is evidently widely distributed in the northern part of the Holarctic Re- gion. It is not commonly collected. The above description was prepared from the following speci- mens: Three cotype specimens of Boreéllus aristatus, one male and two females (in poor condition) from Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, Canada (Canadian Arctic Expedition), May 1915 and 1916, and one male, Sigmia, Baffin Land, Aug. 2, 1897 (Schuchert and White), in the U. S. National Museum; one paratype male of Phornmua caerulea from the type locality, one female, Umanak, Greenland, June 1, 1914 (M. C. Tanquary), one female, Nettiling Lake, Baffin Land, June 25, 1925 (J. D. Soper), and one male and one female, Greenland, in the Ameri- ean Museum of Natural History. The first North American record of atriceps is that by Malloch (1919), who redescribed it under the preoccupied name Phormia caerulea from specimens collected at Bernard Harbour, North- west Territories. Aldrich and Shannon (1923) proposed aristatus SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE Lh as a new name for the species because of the preoccupation and selected it as the genotype of their new genus Boreéllus. Their specimens were Malloch’s paratypes. Townsend (1926) pro- posed the name Mallochomyia johansent for the same purpose. Townsend (1931, p. 71) gave the correct binomial after seeing the type of atriceps. | Collin (1925) distinguished between this species and Phormi groenlandica (Zetterstedt) and stated that the two were un- doubtedly congeneric. The latter is a synonym of Protophormia terrae-novae (R.-D.). Villeneuve (1930, p. 42) indicated that the deseription given by Rohdendorf (1924) for Phormia boganidae Erichson exactly matches that for Phormia atriceps (Zetterstedt) and assumed that the species was synonymous with Phormia terrae-novae. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Collin (1925) reports upon specimens reared from a dead fox in Greenland. It is saprophagous like Phorm regina (Mg.) and Protophormia terrae-novae (R.-D.). Larvae were collected from a walrus head during July at Dundas Harbor, Devon Island, Baffin Land, by A. J. Duval and C. O. Handley, U. 8S. Department of Interior. Pupae and adults from these, as well as larvae, were forwarded to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine for identifi- eation too late for larval descriptions to be included in this work. ~ PROTOPHORMIA TOWNSEND Protophormia Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51(18038) :123, 1908; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 28(6) :119, 1926; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 5, p. 166, 1937. Geno- type. Phorma terrae-novae Robineau-Desvoidy. (Mono- basic. ) Male and female. Head (pl. 4, A and B) with length at vibrissa greater than at antenna; parafaciale narrowed and with minute scattered hairs above; faciale bristled for about three- fourths the distance toward antennal base; palpus long, clavate; third antennal segment about twice length of second; arista with long plumosity above and shorter plumosity below, for about two-thirds its length; back of head evenly rounded. Thorax with disc of mesonotum conspicuously flattened; humeral bristles four; preintraalar bristles two or three; pre- - aerostichal bristles absent or vestigial; predorsocentral bristles two, sometimes a weak third anterior to normal row; notopleural bristles two, sometimes a weak third between them; prosternum setose; preparapteron and greater ampulla with fine short de- 174 Tie BLowFruirs or NortH AMERICA cumbent pubescence; postacrostichal bristles weak; postdorso- central bristles four to six, usually five; postintraalar bristles two or three; preintrapostalar bristle absent; mesothoraciec spiracle long ovate; metathoracic spiracle triangularly ovate and normal, the anterior margin setulose; scutellum with one discal bristle, four lateral bristles and no apical bristles, the under surface with scattered hairs. Legs with fore femur with anteroventral row of bristles; tarsi as long as tibia; claws and pulvilli as long as last tarsal segment. Subeostal sclerite with long setae its full length; remigium setose basally below; only third vein setulose above; fourth vein bent at 90 degrees toward wing apex; apical cell widely open; anterior cross vein beyond middle of second section of fourth vein in proportion 5:4; posterior cross vein gently doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-sixth as long as preceding section; upper squamal lobe pilose below and rounded; lower squamal lobe large, ovate, and bare. Abdomen with scutellar depression extending about two- thirds the distance toward the posterior margin; intermediate segments without dorsal bristles; third segment with a marginal row of longer hairlike bristles; fourth segment with considerable long erect hair on dorsum; first sternite large, each successive sternite smaller. Genital segments in general as described in Phormia. Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy) Phormia terrae-novae Robineau-Desvoidy. Essai sur les Myo- daires, vol. 2, p. 467, 1830; Hough, Zool. Bull. (6) :289, 1899; Hendel, Wien. Ent. Ztg. 20:30, 1901; Parker, Ent. News 28 :281, 1917; Aldrich, Psyche 25:38, 1918; Parker, Ent. News 29(4) :144, 1918; Malloch, Canadian Arctic Expedi- tion Rpt., vol. 3, p. 59e, 1919; Weiss and Dickerman, N. Y. Ent. Soe. Jour. 29 :144, 1921; Villeneuve, Soc. Ent. de Belg. Bull. et Ann. 68:148, 1928; Tao, Amer. Jour. Hyg. 7:752, 1927; Lundbeck, Diptera Danica, Vol. 7, p. 189, 1927; Roberts, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 23:791, 1980; Patton and Cushing, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol. 28(3) :307, 1934. (Type from North America, in Paris or lost.) Musca groenlandica Zetterstedt, Insecta Lapponica, p. 657, 1838; Diptera Seandinaviae, vol. 4, p. 13830, 1845. Bonsdorff, Fin- lands Tvavingade Insekter, vol. 2, p. 149, 1866; Staeger, Naturhist. Tidsskr. (2)1:363, 1845; (Calliphora); Holm- gren, Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Ofversigt af . . . Forhandl. SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 175 29(6) :101, 1872; Verrall, Ent. Monthly Mag. 18:152, 1881; Strobl, Naturw. Ver. f. Steiermark, Mitt. 30:70, 1898; Pandellé, Rev. de Ent. 15:215, 1896; Riedel, Allg. Ztschr. f. Ent. 6:152, 1901; Neilsen, Meddelelser om Gronland, vol. 43, no. 2, p. 46, 1917. (Type, male and female from Westro- bottnia, Lapland, apparently lost.) Tucilia terrae novae Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 4(2): 224, 1851. (Type, female from Terre-Neuve, in Paris.) New synonymy. Phormia mnigripalpus Robineau-Desvoidy, Histoire Naturelle Diptéres des Environs de Paris, vol. 2, p. 846, 1863. (Type, female from France, in Paris.) New synonymy. Pollema groenlandica (Zetterstedt). Rondani, Dipterologiae Italicae Prodromus, vol. 5, p. 194, 1862. Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy). Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:128, 1908; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28(6) :128, 1926; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 168, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 166, 1937. Phormia groenlandica (Zetterstedt). Engel, Ztschr. f. Wiss. In- sektenbiol. 15(10-12) :255, 1920; Mueller, Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien. Verhandl. 73:75, 1923; Arch. f. Naturgesch. 88:69, 1922; Collin, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (10)7(37) :78, 1931; Collin, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)16(93) :335, 1925. Phormia caerulea Robineau-Desvoidy Bezzi, Katalog der Palaarktischen Dipteren, vol. 3, p. 530, 1907; Frey, Acad. Sei. Russ. Mem. 29(10) :3-6, 19, 1915; Wainwright, Roy. Ent. Soe., London, Trans. 76 :237, 1928; Boving, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 27(2) :32, 1925. Protocallphora terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy). Séguy, En- eyel. Ent. (A) 9:168, 1928. A dark blue species with greenish-blue abdomen and black legs. Male. Head (pl. 4, A and B) with eye height 8.2, head height 10.7; length at antenna 6.6 and at vibrissa 7.1; bucca 0.24 of eye height, buccal hairs black, abundant, long; frontale 0.4 of frontal width; front at narrowest 0.13 head width, 0.21 at vertex and 0.29 at antennal base, with thin gray pollen and some scat- tered hair outside frontal bristles which extend anteriorly to about the middle of the parafaciale; faciale bristled three-fourths the distance to the antennal base; frontal rows of bristles extend- ing anteriorly to the base of the second antennal segment and narrowly diverging, each consisting of about 12 bristles which are hairlike posteriorly; inner vertical bristles long, decussate; 176 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA parafaciale with gray pollen; faciale with three or four,rows of setae; palpus 4.0 in length, yellow orange; third antennal segment orange brown to black, 2.2 times as long as second; arista black, with black plumosity; back of head with one well-defined row of postocular cilia and three or four scattered rows, and with sparse whitish hairs of medium length. Thorax blue green lustrous black, without pollinosity, and with darker dull black longitudinal stripes on dorsal prothorax which extend but slightly beyond suture; pleura shining; pro- pleuron with dark hair in center; hindmost predorsocentral bristles placed 1.0 before suture; postacrostichal bristles and postdorsocentral bristles with only prescutellars strong; meso- thoracic spiracle with some long black setae; scutellum with the — under surface with very fine white hair and only the basal and angular lateral bristles strong. Legs black and shining; fore tibia with a complete dorsal row of bristles; middle femur with three or four anterior bristles near middle, a row of short fine anteroventral bristles on apical half, one long thin ventral bristle near middle, and scattered fine posteroventral bristles, usually one slightly before middle, one slightly beyond middle and often one near basal third (a pre- apical bristle might be considered to belong in the row), one posterior bristle near apical fourth, and two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth and one slightly beyond middle; hind femur with seattered dorsal, anterodorsal, and anterior bristles, complete anteroventral and ventral rows, and with seat- tered posteroventral bristles; hind tibia with a complete antero- dorsal row, with three anteroventral bristles, the first near middle, the third near apical fourth, and with two posterodorsal bristles near middle. Wing (pl. 9, G) hyaline, slightly infuscated basally; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 60:53:108:41:47; subcostal sclerite brownish black; third vein setulose for 0.40 the distance toward the anterior cross vein; fourth vein usually without but sometimes with a very short fold at angle; upper squamal lobe brown, with black setae below; lower squamal lobe brown. Abdomen shining, dark bluish green to black tending toward dark greenish blue or purplish in certain lights. Genital segments with internal anatomical features (pl. 20, E and F) as illustrated. Female. Bucea 0.33 eye height; pues 0.6 frontal width; front at narrowest 0.87 head width, 0.37 at vertex and 0.44 at antennal base; outer vertical bristles two-thirds as long as inner; frontoorbital bristles two of medium size, both proclinate; ocellar SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 1h7 bristles divaricate. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6.5-12.5 mm. Distribution. Holaretic: This species occurs in considerable numbers in northern Europe, Asia, Alaska, and Canada. It occurs less abundantly in the United States but has been col- lected as far south as central Texas and northern Georgia. In the western part of the United States the species may be collected at high altitudes during the summer. The inner and outer forceps of the species vary somewhat in length, but are usually about equal. Northern specimens are usually darker, more purplish and show less tendency toward yellow orange on the antennal segments and at the vibrissal angle than do southern specimens, but reared material from a single ege mass shows both types of coloration. Northern specimens may be more distinctly bristly, and these bristles are apparently more erect and hairlike. Several specimens have been seen in which the remigium on one side lacks cilia below. Bezzi (1907) accepted the name caerulea Robineau-Desvoidy (1830) as having precedence over terrae-novae, which is described further on the same page. There appears to be no justification for this action. Robineau-Desvoidy (1849, p. 4) stated that his caerulea and regina were male and female of dispar Dufour (1845), which is a synonym of azurea Fallen (1816), although that conclusion has not been supported by later investigations. There are no apparent differences between numerous speci- mens which have been determined as Phormia groenlandica (Zet- terstedt) by various authors and the species considered here as Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy). Biology, habits, and immature stages. Egg as in Phormia but larger and more elongate, slightly curved, the chorion longi- tudinally fluted. — Larva.t First instar: Dorsopharyngeal sclerites broad; hypostomal sclerite with anterior portions bent sharply dorsally; dorsal and ventral prolongations longer than in Phormia; labial sclerite composed of one median hook with two short rods and eroups of tooth-like structures basally. Complete anterior spinose bands on segments 2-9; annulus incomplete on tenth, absent dorsally on eleventh, and restricted to ventral region on part of lateral surface; narrow posterior ventral bands present on segments 6-11, the last with a few dorsal spinose rows; lateral fusiform areas on segments 6-10. Spines not heavily sclerotized; dome- and wedge-shaped. No tubercles on posterior end. ‘Adapted from Tao (1927). 178 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Second instar: Cephaloskeleton more heavily sclerotized, and the dorsal and ventral cornua closer together than in Phormia, with two labial sclerites. Anterior spiracles each with 10 to 12 branches. Posterior spiracles each with two ovate apertures, the plates broader transversely than longitudinally, closer together than in Phormia. Six tubercles on upper and four on lower portions. Segments 2-11 with complete anterior spinose bands; posterior bands on segments 10 and 11; posterior bands ventrally on segments 6-9. Lateral fusiform areas on segments 5-8. Spines almost all wedge-shaped, with two or three points, and arranged in short rows. Third instar: As in second and third instars of Phormia regina except as noted. Posterior spiracles (pl. 37, F) as illustrated. Puparium. With external characters of mature larva. This saprophagous species is seemingly the northern counter- part of Phormia regina, which is not abundant north of the Canadian Border. It is an early spring species in the United States, although occasional specimens may be collected in the summer months. I have collected terrae-novae in considerable numbers on flowers of wild parsnip during early July in northern Michigan, but never in southern Ohio. It occurs in Utah from March 27 to June 29 at altitudes of 4,000 to 6,000 feet, being most abundant there during the last week in May; but specimens may be collected in high altitudes as far south as southern California during June, and it is not uncommon in Colorado above 7,000 feet during July and August. During July terrae- novae is a very abundant species in the subarctic region especially in southern Alaska, Greenland, and in the vicinity of Hudson Bay, Canada. ; Economic wmportance. In Alaska terrae-novae is the common blowfly during the summer season; it acts much the same as Phormia regina in Texas. In western North America, where it sometimes attacks soiled wool of sheep, it is the ‘‘black blowfly’’ of various authors. In Alaska, Hadwen and Palmer (1922) stated that larvae attack living reindeer and often kill the animal. In the northern Middlewest it is often found to be the cause of © myiasis in dehorned cattle and in docked lambs during early spring months. In Scotland it is found in the role of a ‘‘primary’’ blowfly in cases of myiasis in sheep during the early part of the season; it sometimes occurs along with Phaenicia sericata accord- ing to MacLeod (1937). Larvae of terrae-novae have been re- ported as parasites of nestling birds in Europe by Séguy (1929), but not in North America. SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 179 APAULINA, NEW GENUS (Bird nest screwworm flies) Protocalliphora Hough, Ent. News 10:66, 1899 (in part); Bezzi, Parasitol. 14:32, 1922; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Men- struus 11:107, 1923; Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:249, 1924; Dobroseky, Biol. Bull. 48(4) :275, 1925; Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28(6) :128, 1926; Séguy, Eneyel. Ent. (A) 9:161, 1928; Eneyel. Ent. (BII.) Dipt. 5:63, 1929; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 168, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 166, 1937. Phormia (Protocalliphora). Villeneuve, Soc. Ent. de Belg. Bull. et Ann. 68:148, 1928; Konowia 10:72-73, 1931 (in part). The genus Protocalliphora Hough does not occur in North America. North American bird parasites previously included by various authors in this genus should be referred to Apaulina since they differ from species of the Palearctic genus Protocall- phora by the characters given in following key. 1. Middle of postalar declivity without tuft of hair or setae; tympanic membrane or pit bare; scutellum without apical bristles (except in sapphira); remigium without cilia basally below; fore tibia usually with one posterior bristle. . Middle of postalar declivity with tuft of hair in middle; tympanic membrane or pit setose; scutellum with apical bristles; remigium basally below with cilia; fore tibia with two posterior bristles............ Protocalliphora Hough. In addition to the above characters, species of Apaulina appear to be considerably smaller and with heavier silver pollen, than the species of Protocalliphora. Male and female. Head (pl. 4, C) wider than high; length at oral margin and at vibrissa approximately equal; metacephalon gently rounded in profile, and only slightly produced behind; bucea less than one-third eye height and with numerous setae; front narrowed on middle in male, wider and the margins nearly parallel in female, facial carina absent; parafaciale hirsute in middle above; faciale with two or three rows of ascending bristles; vibrissae above oral margin by 0.4 to 0.75, somewhat approximated and slightly closing epistoma which is gently warped forward from the eclypeal plane; palpus clavate; anten- nal bases at or near eye-middle when head is viewed in profile, bases approximated; arista with penultimate segment as long as 180 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA diameter, thickened only at base and uniformly tapering to apex, with long plumosity~-for fully three-fourths its length; back of head evenly rounded; slightly concave above occiput especially in male, with one well-defined and several ill-defined rows of postocular cilia. , Thorax with preacrostichal bristles strong; posthumeral bristles present; notopleural bristles two; sternopleural bristles three, the lower anterior bristle always weak but very rarely absent; hypopleuron bare on anterior half or more; prosternum narrow, laterally setose; postalar declivity bare; squamopleuron, ampullae and preparapteron covered with fine short decumbent pile; postintraalar bristles three; preintrapostalar bristle pre- sent; postsupraalar bristles three; mesothoracic spiracle elongate- oval and of moderate size; metathoraciec spiracle angularly rounded and of moderate size; scutellum with subbasal and apical lateral bristles long and strong and usually with three lesser lateral bristles, subapical discal bristles present, apical bristles absent (except in sapphira). Legs with hind coxa bare posteriorly; fore tibia with one pos- terior bristle at or near apical third. (except in sapphira) ; fore femur with dorsal, posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of bristles; middle femur with two or three short anterior bristles near middle and with one long thin anteroventral bristle near basal fourth; hind tibia with posterodorsal row of bristles. Wing (pl. 9, H) with subeostal sclerite setose; remigium basally below bare; third vein setose at base; fourth vein bent angularly toward wing apex; apical cell open and ending con- siderably before wing apex; anterior cross vein oblique and at or near middle of second segment of fourth vein; posterior cross vein doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-fourth to one- fifth as long as preceding section; upper squamal lobe small, rounded apically, bare of black hair; lower squamal lobe large, elongate-oval, convex on inside margin, rounded apically, bare. Abdomen without discal or median marginal bristles; the third and fourth segments each with a marginal row of bristles. Genital segments of male globose, black, setose, the first with- out a marginal row of bristles. Genotype. Protocalliphora avium Shannon and Dobroseky (1924). Several North American authors have published notes upon the habits of North American species of Apaulina under the name Protocalliphora chrysorrhoea (Meigen). Hendel (1901a, p. 210) indicated that Meigen’s description applies to a different genus from Schiner’s and that Meigen’s species might be an SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 181 Onesia. The accuracy of the determinations by these authors cannot now be established. It is probable that Banks (1912) had sialia. Many of Walton’s specimens reported upon in 1915 have not been located, but those that are in the National Museum are sialia and hirudo. | ~The species of Apaulina are well distributed throughout the northern part of the United States and southern Canada. At least one species occurs in Alaska; but no species of Apaulina has been noted south of Virginia. In response to a request for such information several southern ornithologists have stated that they have never observed nests of birds infested with species of Apaulina. In addition Mr. H. J. Reinhard, Entomologist, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, informs me that there are no southern specimens of Apaulina in either his collection or that of the Texas Experiment Station. It would appear that some of these parasites should occur considerably further south in the United States than the present records indicate; many of the species of birds in the following list nest as far south as Arkan- sas. For instance, the yellow-breasted chat, which may appear as early as April 10 in northwestern Arkansas, nests frequently in that area. It is obvious that the forms of Apaulina are very closely re- lated taxonomically and biologically. Some of the species are so close that they can be separated only with considerable difficulty. Different species are often reared from a single nest and such series may not always indicate a proper association of the sexes if different but closely related species are involved. Our knowledge of the taxonomy of the entire group is especially restricted by the lack of specimens from known strains. The present study has been made from series of specimens reared from nests of birds or from specimens collected in the field in hand nets, and it is impossible to know the range of variation within a single species or whether diversity considered of specific value in this study is genetic or caused by ecological conditions. The first segregations made in this study were based princi- pally upon the differences in the male genitalia; differences in head structure were then correlated with these. Additional specifie differences were found in chaetotaxy in several instances, or, finally, color differences were utilized as supplementary char- acters for the separation of the species. There are apparently three species groups of Apaulina in North America. The first includes aviwm, basingert, and perhaps sapphira which apparently belongs here on head structure although the genital structure is similar to that found in metal- 182 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA lica; it is aberrant in either group. The second group includes only hirudo, which lacks reclinate frontoorbital -bristles in the female and has different habits in the larval stages. The third group includes metallica and its allies, these differing from each other in minor head proportions and in coloration. The true interpretation of the American species may have been shown by Shannon when he divided the forms into three species and grouped the rest of the segregates around these as varieties and subspecies. It is possible, however, that there are many more than three species and that the groups mentioned should have subgeneric rank. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Since the habits of all the species are more or less similar, all available notes are briefly summarized here. Members of both Apaulina and Protocalliphora are obligatory, bloodsucking parasites upon nestling birds. Eggs are deposited singly or in small masses in new nests. The larvae are nocturnal in habit and are apparently intermittent feeders. The larval period is from 10 to 13 days. When the larvae mature, they either pupate within the debris in the bottom of the nest or drop to the ground and pupate in the soil. The method of hibernation is not known. According to Dobroscky (1925) the species prob- ably overwinter as adults; they may be similar to Phormua in this respect. Certain types of bird nests seem to be preferred by females of Apaulina, those of passerine birds apparently being most attrac- tive. Mason (1936) was able to show quantitative figures proving the tree swallow to be the preferred host in New England and the blue bird the second choice. He suggested that these prefer- ences were due to differences in nest construction. There seems to be no question that hole-nesting species suffer greatly from these parasites and that nests built upon the ground or in the open rarely contain specimens of Apaulina. This explains, at least in part, the large percentage of hole-nesting species in the following host list. It is usually necessary to observe nestlings within nests in order to secure records of parasitism of those species which build in trees or in shrubbery. Apaulina metallica was found in large numbers in nests of Riparia riparia riparia in New York State by Dayton Stoner (1936). He stated that the larva of this fly is the most injurious external parasite of the bank swallow in this region. The larvae seemed to confine their activities largely or entirely to young birds in nests, particularly in late June and throughout July. Their occurrence appeared to vary considerably, and to be SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 183 dependent upon local, seasonal, or possibly other conditions. As many as 77 larvae were found upon one nestling. These were well distributed over the young birds, prevalent particularly in auricular openings, on rumps or on wings. Such parasitized nestlings often had the bases of the tail feathers matted with excrement and had blood oozing from wounds made by the mouthparts of the larvae. The soles of the feet and the skin between the bases of the toes seemed to be especially vulnerable. As many as three larvae were taken from the external ear open- ing of one bird; two engorged larvae were taken from the external nasal passage of another bird. Stoner discovered that these larvae might be found upon fledgling bank swallows throughout the day. The feeding larvae were not easily detached and the birds evidently made no effort to remove larvae from themselves or from each other. Opinions regarding effects of Apaulina larvae upon birds differ considerably. Appreciable injury to nestlings does not always result from attacks by these parasites according to McAtee (1929), Thomas (1939), and Sargent (1938). But they are considered to be a serious menace to fledglings by Plath (1919), Johnson (1929), and Mason (1926). Important intan- gible effects were noted by Mr. Edward S. Thomas in a letter, dated January 9, 1940, who contends that the larvae of Apaulina might be a contributing factor to nest desertion and that they may weaken some nestlings to an extent that their chances of survival might be seriously affected after leaving their nests. Mason (1936) pointed out that in New England there is a coincidental emergence of both Apaulina and its pupal parasite Mormoniella about the middle of June. The following species of birds! have been reported to be hosts of various species of Apaulina.? Accipiter coopert (Bon.), Cooper’s Hawk Asio wilsonmanus (Less.), Long-eared Owl Bombycilla cedrorum Vieill., Cedar Waxwing *This list indicates that almost every family of Passeriformes is affected by species of Apaulina, and it is probable that almost every species will be found to be similarly affected. It will be observed that the nests of the species concerned are of considerably diverse habitat, in a wide range of climate, and of very different nest construction. It will also be seen that although many of the species of other orders are parasitized, the number may be limited, at least in part, by the construction of the nest. "These records have been secured from the literature and the specific name of the parasite and the data secured from the rearing have been omitted. There appears to be little, if any, host specificity, and it is probable that any of the species of Apaulina will attack any of the above hosts within its own range of distribution, 184 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Buteo borealis borealis (Gmel.), Red-tailed Hawk Buteo lineatus lineatus (Gmel.), Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo swainsoni Bon., Swainson’s Hawk Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis (Say), Common House Finch Carpodacus purpureus californicus Baird. California Purple Finch Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos Brehm, Eastern Crow Dendroica aestiva brewsteri Grinn., California Yellow Warbler Dendroica caerulescens caerulescens (Gmel.), Black-throated Blue Warbler : Dendrotca discolor discolor (Vieill.), Northern Prairie War- bler Dumetella carolinensis (.), Catbird Helmitheros vermivorus (Gmel.), Worm-eating Warbler Hirundo erythrogaster Boddaert, Barn Swallow Hylocichla ustulata ustulata (Nutt.), Russet-back Thrush Icterra virens virens (L.), Yellow-breasted Chat Iridoprocne bicolor (Vieill.), Tree Swallow Lanius ludovicianus gambeli Ridge., California Shrike Melosyiza melodia melodia (Wil.), Eastern Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia beata Bangs, Mississippi Song Sparrow Melospiza medodia morphna Ober., Rusty Song Sparrow Melospiza georgiana (Lath.), Swamp Sparrow Mimus polyglottos leucopterus (Vig.), Western Mocking Bird Myarchus crinitus boreus Bangs, Northern Crested Flycatcher Otocoris alpestris occidentalis McCall, Montezuma Horned Lark Passer domesticus domesticus (.), English Sparrow Passerina cyanea (l.), Indigo Bunting Penthestes atricapillus atricapillus (L.), Black-eapped Chick- adee Petrocheliidon albifrons albifrons (Raf.), Northern Cliff Swallow Pica pica hudsonia (Sab.), American Magpie ~ Pimlo maculatus oregonus Bell, Oregon Towhee Pipilo fuscus crissalts (Vig.), California Brown Towhee Piranga erythromelas Vieill., Scarlet Tanager Progne subis subis (L.), Purple Martin Psaltriparus minimus minimus (Tns.), Coast Bush-Tit Richmondena cardinalis cardinalis (L.), Eastern Cardinal Riparia riparia riparva (L.), Bank Swallow Sayornis saya saya (Bon.), Say’s Phoebe Sialia sialis sialis (L.), Bluebird Spinus psaltria hesperophilus (Ober.), Greenbacked Goldfinch SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 185 Spinus tristis salicamans Grinn., Willow Goldfinch Spizella arborea arborea (Wilson), Eastern Tree Sparrow Spizella passerina passerina (Bech.), Eastern Chipping Sparrow Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris L., Starling Thryothorus ludovicianus ludovicianus (Lath.), Carolina Wren Toxostoma rufum (L.), Brown Thrasher Troglodytes aedon aedon Vieill., Eastern House Wren Turdus migratorius propinquus Ridg., Western Robin Tyrannus vociferans Swain., Cassin’s Kingbird Zenaidura macroura marginella (Wood.), Western Mourning Dove Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmel.), White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys (Forst.), White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli Ridg., Nuttall’s Sparrow The names used above are as given in ‘‘Check List of North American Birds,’’ American Ornithologists’ Union, Lancaster, Pa., Ed. 4, 1931, and further checked by Dr. Herbert Friedmann, Curator of Birds, United States National Museum. A paulina aenea (Shannon and Dobroscky), new combination Protocalliphora splendida variety aenea Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 14:251-252, 1924; Curran, Ontario Ent. Soe. Ann. Rpt. 55:101, 1924; Johnson, Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Occas. Papers 7(15) :216, 1925. (Type, female from Franconia, N. H., No. 26860, U. S. National Museum.) Body of female bright aeneous green and the uence lobes orange brown in both sexes. Male. Head height 10.5; head width 13.7; length at antenna and at vibrissa 7.0; eye height 8.8; front at est 0.06 head width, 0.13 at Wertes and 0.382 a lunule; parafaciale opposite lunule narrower than width between vibrissae in proportion of 1.2:2.0; bueca 0.28 eye height; squama infuscated, particularly on rim. Similar to male of metallica in coloration, chaetotaxy, and male genitalia. Female. Head height 9.5; head width 13.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.5; eye height 7.8; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.24 head width, 0.41 at lunule; parafaciale narrower than width between vibrissae in proportion of 1.6:2.0; bueca approximately 0.23 eye height; squama yellowish white to orange. Body bright 186 Tae BLOwF.ulEs oF NortH AMERICA yellow green with bronze luster and covered with whitish pru- inosity. Otherwise similar to female of metallica. Distribution. Nearctic: Widespread from central California to British Columbia and eastward to New England but evidently not abundant anywhere. In addition to the original type series, there are four specimens of aenea in the National Museum collection reared from nests of the swallow Petrochelidon albifrons albifrons, during August and September 19387, Kamloops, British Columbia (G. J. Spen- cer), and four specimens reared from a sparrow fledgling, July 2,1936, Hamilton, Mont. (C. B. Philip). A paulina avium (Shannon and Dobroscky), new combination Protocaliphora avium Shannon and Dobrosecky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:250, 1924; West, 7» Leonard, Mem. 101, Cornell Univ., p. 827, 1928; Jellison and Philip, Canad. Ent. 65(1): 26-31, 1933. (Type, male from Ithaca, N. Y., No. 26856, U.S. National Museum. ) Protocalliphora avium var. asiovora Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:250, 1924. (Type, male from McElroy Lake, Wash., No. 26858, U. S. National Museum.) New synonymy. Parafrontale wide in both sexes; the outer forceps of the male half as wide as long. Male. Head length at vibrissa 8.0 and at antenna 9.0; eye height 9.25; head height 12.5; head width 15.0; bucca 0.27 of eye height and with abundant rather short and stubby black hair; frontale black, 0.60 frontal width; front at narrowest 0.15 head width, 0.23 at vertex and 0.40 at lunule, black, with light yellow to golden pollen, and with several rows of small setae outside frontal row of bristles which descend to below the middle of the second antennal segment, none near eye margin; frontal bristles about 12, these shorter and more hairlike toward vertex, the rows slightly divergent and extending anteriorly almost to the base of the second antennal segment; parafaciale about 0.46 clypeal width and widening above, opposite lunule wider than distance between vibrissae in proportion of 3.6:3.2, black, with thin silvery yellowish pollen and with scattered setae above; faciale bristled one-half the distance to antennal base with two rows of short stout setae; palpus 3.5 in length, yellowish orange; second antennal segment orange red; third antennal segment 1.6 times as long as second, dark orange SuspraMiIty CHRYSOMYINAE 187 brown; back of head with one well-defined and three or four ill- defined rows of postocular cilia and with considerable scattered whitish yellow hair. Thorax blue black, metallic purplish and blue green, with thin gray pollen which is particularly noticeable immediately be- hind head on dorsum, and with three to five black stripes, the middle stripe extending to the apex of the scutellum; pleura with thin silver pollen; propleuron with long tawny hair; preintraalar bristles with hindmost one placed anterior to suture by 0.5; preacrostichal bristles three, the hindmost placed 0.5 before suture; predorsocentral bristles four, the hindmost placed 1.0 before suture; postacrostichal bristles four, long and strong, often with fifth bristle between first and second and the row spaced for six; postdorsocentral bristles with row spaced for four bristles but the second often weak and sometimes absent; mesothoracic spiracle with dark yellow or tawny hair; meta- thoracic spiracle with dark yellow hair, the anterior edge with or without long black hair; scutellum with one discal bristle and one subapical discal bristle and with scattered short white hair below. Legs black, middle femur with one anteroventral bristle at basal fifth, and a posteroventral row extending from base to apical fourth; middle tibia with one subapical dorsal bristle, three anterodorsal bristles, one at basal fourth, one near middle, and one near apical fourth, one ventral bristle near apical third, two posterior bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third, sometimes a third bristle in this series slightly basad of these, and with two posterodorsal bristles near basal third; hind femur with one dorsal subapical bristle and with anterodorsal, anteroventral and posteroventral rows of bristles; hind tibia with anterodorsal row of long and strong bristles, one dorsal subapical bristle, four anteroventral bristles in a row on apical half, and a row of four posterodorsal bristles. Wing hyaline, somewhat brownish basally and toward ea costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 90:52 :127 :37 :9; saheostal sclerite dark orange brown to black, with black setae; third vein setulose two-fifths the distance to cross vein; fourth vein with a short fold or section at the right-angled bend, the vein then gently curving toward wing apex; anterior cross vein at or near middle of second section of third vein; posterior cross vein gently doubly arcuate; upper and lower squamal lobes white. Abdomen colored as in metallica; scutellar depression extend- ing about three-fourths the distance to the hind margin of first tergite; fourth segment with scattered erect bristles of medium 188 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA length; first sternite large, following sternites successively smaller. Fifth sternite (pl. 21, B) as illustrated. Genital segments with internal anatomical features (pl. 21, A and C) as illustrated. Female. Head height 11.5; eye height 7.6; head width 15.5; length at antenna 8.0 and at vibrissa 7.0; bucea 0.34 eye height; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.30 head width, 0.42 at lunule; frontale approximately 0.70 frontal width, and usually with interfrontal bristles; parafrontale and parafaciale usually with dull bronzy golden pollen; outer vertical bristles about two- thirds as long as inner ones; frontoorbital bristles two proclinate and one reclinate; parafaciale at middle one-half as wide as elypeus and wider than distance between vibrissae in proportion 2.4:1.8 opposite lunule. Abdomen usually with heavier white pollen than in male. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-10 mm. Distribution. Nearetic: Northern United States and southern Canada; apparently most abundant in the northeastern Great Plains region. No differences have been found to support the distinctness of the variety avium asiovora Shannon and Dobrosecky, which was based upon one male from the state of Washington in the U. S. National Museum. As stated by Shannon, this variety is darker in color than the typical avium, the basicosta is lighter in color, the mesonotal hairs are longer, and the outer forceps are some- what truncate apically. A long series of specimens from Mon- tana exhibit characters intermediate between the typical avium and its supposed variety asiovora. Northwestern and northern specimens of most ecalliphorids often are darker in color, the orange parts therefore appearing lighter by contrast. The hair of northern specimens is often longer, thinner, and more erect. In spite of these apparent differences I hesitate to use the varietal name until additional material has been examined. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Eggs are deposited in small masses in newly constructed nests of passerine birds. The individual egg is apparently undescribed. Larva. Third instar: Length 10-15 mm., greatest diameter 3-5 mm., of typical blowfly larva habitus, creamy white to slightly brownish in color, usually with an internal reddish tinge when first collected due to presence of avian blood. Each segment with integument covered with numerous minute single- pointed spines, these longer on anterior segments and especially abundant and longer along segmental margins; first segment SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 189 rounded, nearly bare and without trace of oral grooves; second segment flattened, with the spines arranged in rows and increas- ing in length toward margin. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 38, B) heavily sclerotized and pigmented; labial sclerites small, strongly eurved, nearly triangular; hypostomal sclerites slightly longer than hooks, broad, strong; parastomal sclerite broad, shortened; ventral cornua broad, short, without longitudinal rows on ven- tral margin; dorsal cornua long and strong. Respiratory system with anterior spiracles each with seven or eight apertures in fan- shaped arrangement; posterior spiracles (pl. 38, A) each with three well-defined, nearly parallel apertures, the innermost aper- ture set slightly apart from other two, ‘‘button’’ nearly trans- parent but still distinct, peritreme nearly indistinct ventrally but well defined dorsally, ovate below but nearly round above. Anal segment subtruneate, the spiracles in a shallow cup-shaped mid-dorsal cavity which is margined by six low bare anal pro- tuberances, these distinctly marked by encircling rows of minute spines. Pupa. With most of the external characters of the mature larva; 7-10 mm. in length and 3.5-4 mm. in diameter; of typical ealliphorid habitus. According to Dobrosecky (1925), the larva of avium was described and illustrated under the name Protocalliphora azurea (Fallen) by Coutant (1915), who collected larvae from nests of Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos Brehm (Eastern Crow), at Ithaca, N. Y. Coutant states that these larvae were in- termittent feeders on the blood of this host and that such larvae may be found crawling about through the feathers of nestling birds. He was not able to rear such larvae to maturity by feed- ing them upon solid flesh, either fresh or decayed. Jellison and Philip (19338) stated that every occupied nest of magpie and crow examined by them in the Bitterroot Valley, southwestern Montana, contained aviwm larvae, as many as 373 larvae being taken from a single magpie nest. These larvae were confined to the fibrous mass of rootlets and stems which line such nests and to the accumulation of very dry scaly duff that had sifted through this mass to the tight mud-plastered floor. The larvae were not found on or near the fledglings, but bright red blotches of undigested blood showed plainly in the foregut. Larvae were dissected and stained smears of gut contents showed nucleated erythrocytes of avian blood. The pupal period of 983 reared specimens was found to average 11.02 days at room tem- perature (approximately 24° C.) during May and June. Jellison and Philip said ‘‘The nests of magpies and crows appear to offer 190 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA an optimum type of habitat for Protocalliphora avium, and it is possible that these birds are the usual hosts, while in nests of smaller, beneficial species, the parasites may be injurious and even fatal to nestling birds as reported in the literature. Cer- tainly, the magpie nestlings observed by us appear healthy and of good flesh, with only minute lacerations on the breast to indicate feeding by the generous infestations of maggots present.’’ The pupal parasites Muscidifurax raptor Girault and Sanders, Mormomella vitripennis (Walker), and Morodora armata Gahan have been reported as having been reared from aviwm, the latter species being originally described as supposedly from this host. Apaulina basingeri, new species The head and genitalia of the male of this species shows it to _be closely related to avium, from which it differs in having the front and parafaciale narrower. Male. Head height 10.6; length at antenna and at vibrissa 7.2; eye height 7.8; front at narrowest 0.14 head width, 0.17 at vertex and 0.36 at lunule; head width 13.5; parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in the proportion 2.0:2.2; parafrontale and parafaciale black with dull gray pollen; basal segments of antenna orange; coloration and chaetotaxy as in avium. Genital segments with internal features (pl. 21, D) as illustrated. Female. Head height 10.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 7.0; eye height 7.5; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.28 head width, 0.40 at lunule; head width 13.5; parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in the proportion 2.0:1.9; parafrontale and parafaciale either with dull silvery or brassy pollen. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual dif- ferences. 3 Length. 7-9.5 mm. Type. Male, No. 54929, U. S. National Museum. Type locality. San Diego, Calif. The type series consists of the following specimens: Three males, including the holotype, June 28, 1917, San Diego, Calif. (J. M. Aldrich); four males, June 4, 1936, Temecula, Calif., two females, from nest of house finch, July 1936, Anaheim, Calif., one male, September 20, 1934, Corona, Calif., two males, May 18, 1934, Forest Home, Calif., and one female, May 4, 1934, Riverside, Calif. (A. J. Basinger) ; two males and three females, from nest of mourning dove, June 10, 1938, Le Grande, Calif. (J, A. Neff) ; one male, July 4, 1929, San Diego, Calif., one male, SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 191 July 22, 1935, Sargent, Calif., one male, June 24, 1935, Lock- wood, Calif., and three males, July 6, 1929, Laguna, Calif. (R. H. and Jack Beamer). Apaulina cuprina, new species The male of cuprina is similar to the male of metallica in color- ing and in the genitalia, but it differs from that species, by hav- ing the squamal lobes infuscate, and in head proportions. The female of cuprina has the fourth abdominal segment similar to that of metallica except that it is highly polished. Male. Head height 10.3; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.8; eye height 8.3; front at narrowest 0.06 head width, 0.15 at vertex and 0.30 at lunule; head width 13.8; parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in the proportion 1.5:2.2; parafaciale and parafrontale black, with thin gray (sometimes brassy) pollen; coloration and chaetotaxy as in metallica, but the squamal lobes infuscate, the rims strongly so. Genital seg- ments with internal features as in metallica. Female. Head height 9.1; length at antenna 6.8 and at vi- brissa 6.4; eye height 7.5; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.26 head width, 0.37 at lunule; head width 12.9; width of parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in the proportion 1.8:1.9; middle femur with two or three (more often two) an- teroventral bristles toward base; body color and chaetotaxy as in metallica but the third abdominal segment often, and the fourth segment always, highly polished, and the squamal lobes are tinged with yellow or orange. Otherwise as in male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-9 mm. Type. Male, No. 54930, U. S. National Museum. Type locality. Riverside, Calif. The type series consists of the following 23 male and 35 fe- male specimens: 28 females and 17 males, reared from House Finch, Goldfinch, and Phoebe nests, May and June, 1936, River- side, Calif. (A. J. Basinger); 5 males and 3 females from the nest of a wild canary, June 1935, Ravalli County ,Mont. (W. L. Jellison) ; 1 male, Mt. Moscow, Idaho, July 1, 1932, (J. M. Al. drich) ; 2 females, ‘‘Ex nest of western robin,’’ Seattle, Wash., (O. E. Plath); 1 female, Mt. Hood, Ore., July 29, 1921, (A. L. Melander) ; 1 female, Marys Peak, Oregon (A. L. Lovett). This species has usually been determined as splendida or metallica, especially in western states. Part of the series of specimens upon which Plath (1919) reported are this species. It 192 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA is probable that many of the reports of splendida, metallica, or aenea from western states are cuprina. A paulina hesperia (Shannon and Dobroscky), new combination Protocalliphora hesperia Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:251-252, 1924. (Type, male from Ainsworth, British Columbia, No. 26861, U. S. National Museum). This species appears to be closely related to metallica as indi- eated by Shannon. The general form of the male genitalia is similar to that of metallica, but the outer forceps are wider and the inner forceps seem to be more heavily sclerotized. Other dif- ferences are noted in the description and key. Male. Head width 14.0; head height 11.2; lenatn at anten- na and at vibrissa 6.5; eye height 8.7; bucca 0. 24 eye height; front at narrowest 0.7 of ined width, 0.14 i vertex and 0.35 at lunule; parafaciale opposite lunule less in width than distance between vibrissae in proportion 0.8:2.0; squamal lobes infuseated; colora- tion and chaetotaxy mainly as in metallica. Male genital seg- ments (pl. 21, E and F) as illustrated. Female. Head width 12.5; head height 9.7; length at an- tenna 7.0 and at vibrissa 6.2; eye height 7.0; bueca 0.26 eye height; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.27 head width, 0.40 at lunule; parafaciale opposite lunule less in width than in dis- tanee between vibrissae in proportion 1.6:1.8; coloration as.in fe- male of sialia. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Distribution. Nearetic: Northwestern United States and wes- tern Canada. In addition to the type series, I have seen one male, reared from a puparium collected in a nest of Petrochelidon albifrons albifrons (Raf.) (Northern Cliff Swallow), September 3, 1936, at Kamloops, British Columbia, by G. J. Spencer, and a long series of both sexes collected from nests of Goldfinch and Phoebe, May and June, 1936, in southern California, by A. J. Basinger. A paulina hirudo (Shannon and Dobroscky), new combination Protocalliphora hirudo Shannon and Dobroseky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:252, 1924. (Type, male reared from war- bler’s nest in Colorado, No. 26862, U. S. National Museum). ?Protocalliphora hirudo var. cuprea Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 14:253, 1924; Johnson, Bull. N. E. Birdbanding Assoc. 1:53, 1925; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Oc- eas. Papers 7(15) :216, 1925; Bull. N. E, Birdbanding As- SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 193 soe. 5:30, 1929; Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22:133, 1929; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Bull. 59:21, 1931. (Type, female from Puget Sound, Wash., reared from Turdus migratorius propinquus (Western Robin), No. 26863, U.S. National Museum). ?Protocalliphora hirudo var. parva Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:2538, 1924. (Type, male from Colorado, No. 26864, U.S. National Museum. ) A small species with habitus and general color of metallica but with different head proportions and reclinate frontoorbital bristles absent in the female. | Male. Head width at greatest 11.2; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 7.5; head height 9.0; bucea 0.21 eye height, with thin gray pollen; frontale extremely narrow, obli- terated at narrowest, but one-half frontal width at lunule; front at narrowest 0.05 of head width, 0.12 at vertex and 0.33 at lunule, with thin yellow-golden to bronze-colored pollen, and with some seattered setae extending anteriorly to tip of second antennal segment; frontal bristles about 12, thin and hairlike near mid- dle and nearly obsolete posteriorly, the rows extending anterior- ly to the base of the second antennal segment, and moderately divergent anteriorly as they follow the margins of the frontale; vertex shining black; parafaciale opposite lunule 0.20 Awe width, 0.5 the distance between vibrissae; faciale bristled one- third the distance ‘to antennal base with two or three rows of setae; vibrissae above oral margin by 0.4 and separated by 2.0; palpus orangé yellow; second antennal segment brown to black; third segment ‘one and three-fourths times as long as second, reaching four-fifths the distance to the vibrissa, reddish brown; back of head with one well-defined and two or three ill-defined rows of postocular cilia and with abundant whitish-yellow hairs. Thorax greenish metallic blue to lustrous black, with thin whitish pollen which is especially noticeable immediately behind head on dorsum, and with darker black longitudinal lines extend- ing slightly posterior to suture; propleuron with yellowish brown hairs; preintraalar bristles four, the posterior bristle placed 0.60 before the suture; preacrostichal bristles three strong, with a smaller fourth often present, the hindmost bristle placed be- fore the suture by 1.0; predorsocentral bristles three, and usually with a weaker fourth, the hindmost bristle placed anterior to suture by 1.0; notopleural bristles two, sometimes with a weaker third; selerites at wing base with whitish pubescence; posta- erostichal bristles four, all strong; mesothoracic spiracle a lit- tle smaller than normal in Apaulina, with orange to brown hair; metathoracic spiracle with orange to orange brown hair; post- 194 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortTH AMERICA dorsocentral bristles four, sometimes only three apparent with the second weak (rarely with two or three adventitious bristles in the row but the row always spaced for four); under surface of scutellum with fine whitish yellow setae. Legs black, middle femur with three bristles near middle an- teriorly, and four or five basal ventral bristles in row; middle tibia with two anterodorsal bristles near middle, one ventral bristle near apical fourth; two posterior bristles, one near basal fourth and the other near apical fourth, and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; hind femur with anterodorsal, antero- ventral and posteroventral rows, and with one dorsal subapical bristle; hind tibia with bristles of irregular size, anterodorsal row usually represented by two longer bristles, posterodorsal row with about five bristles, anteroventral row apically with about three bristles, and one dorsal subapical bristle. | Wing hyaline, lightly infusecated basally and anteriorly; cos- tal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 70:40:90 :30:2; basicostal seale bright orange; third vein setulose from one-third to one- half the distance to the cross vein; fourth vein with or without an extremely short fold or stump at the angle, bent at about 45 degrees toward apex of wing; posterior cross vein only slightly doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-fifth preceding sec- tion; upper and lower squamal lobes infuscated. Abdomen metallic bluish green to black, with thin silver pol- len; scutellar depression extending four-fifths the distance to the hind margin of first tergite; third and fourth tergites each with a row of weak marginal bristles; first sternite longer than broad, each successive sternite shorter and narrower. Genital segments about as described in Apaulina metallica. Internal features (pl. 21, G) as illustrated. Length. 6-8 mm. Distribution. Nearetic: Colorado and New Mexico. The type male and the allotype female were reared from pu- paria collected in a warbler’s nest in Colorado (M. A. Palmer) ; one paratype male was reared from a maggot collected in a spar- row or goldfinch nest in Colorado (W. W. Arnold); two males and two females were reared from larvae found as subcutaneous parasites of a horned lark nestling at Koehler, N. Mex. (Web- ster No. 7707, W. R. Walton). Walton (1915), in discussing a collection of Apaulina (among which was this species), stated, ‘‘This fly was reared from a fledgling of horned lark (Otocaris alpestris) by Mr. Wildermuth, June 11. The larvae were contained in purulent sores on the SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 195 sides of the body near the legs and on the neck. The bird, al- though weak and emaciated, was able to flutter away after the maggots were removed. It was first discovered by John R. Sandige.”’ The variety hirudo cuprea was deseribed by Shannon and Dobroscky from a female which differed from the typical form in being yellow green with metallic bronze luster, and covered with whitish pollen, about as in aenea. I find no other differences. Perhaps male specimens might show distinctions; but, until such specimens have been found and differences noted, it seems best to synonymize the name with dirudo. Johnson (1925, 1929, and 1931) reported the rearing of two maggots of this variety from the neck of a sparrow at Middleboro, Mass., but Ihave seen no eastern specimens of hirudo. The variety hirudo parva was described by Shannon and Do- broscky from one male and one female. The female lacks the middle and hind legs and the abdomen, and the male head and part of the thorax have become lost; neither, therefore, is suit- able for further description. Except for the lack of a weak third notopleural bristle, the subspecies hirudo parva fits the deserip- tion given for hirudo by Shannon and Dobroscky. However, since so many important parts of the two specimens are lacking, I am not able to draw definite conclusions. The specimens are very small, due possibly to insufficient larval food, and bristle development is often considerably reduced under such condi- tions. The squamae are infused with orange brown. The type locality given for hirudo parva is Kansas, but this is an error. Dr. L. L. Adams originally received these specimens from S. W. Williston, who collected the material at Greeley, Colo. Adams sent the material to Aldrich and he passed it on to Shan- non. , Two specimens, one male and one female, reared from larvae collected under the skin of nestling yellow warblers, at Fort Collins, Colo. (Mrs. 8S. H. Fry), pupated June 28, 1911, and emerged as adults July 10, 1911. The male differs slightly in head proportions and the female in color, but in all other char- acters these specimens agree with the typical form. The three varieies were separated by Shannon and Dobroscky by means of the following characters. 1. General color dark, with rather heavy pruinosity........ 2 General color bronze. .hirudo cuprea (Shannon & Dobroscky) 2. Squama darkened...hirudo hirudo (Shannon & Dobroscky). Squama white...... hirudo parva (Shannon & Dobroscky). 196 THE BLowFulEs oF NortH AMERICA A paulina hirundo (Shannon and Dobroscky), new combination Protocalliphora splendida var. hirundo Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sei. Jour. 14:251-252, 1924. (Type, male from Stratford, Wash., No. 26859, U. S. National Museum). Male. Head width 138.0; head height 10.2; eye height 9.0; leneth at antenna 6.6 and at vibrissa 6.1; buecca 0.19 eye height; parafaciale opposite lunule as wide as distance between vibris- sae in proportion 1.6:1.6; front at narrowest 0.10 head width, 0.19 at. vertex and 0.34 at lunule; with coloration and chaetotaxy of stalia and metallica. Male genital segments with internal features (pl. 22, A and B) as illustrated. | Female. Head width 138.0; head height 10.0; eye height 7.7; length at antenna 6.6 and at vibrissa 6.2; parafaciale opposite lunule as wide as distance between vibrissae in proportion 2:2; front at vertex (which is narrowest) 0.28 head width, 0.388 at lunule; coloration of sialia. Otherwise as in male except for the formal sexual characteristics. Distribution. Nearctic: Washington and British Coluithia! The type series, comprising three males and five females, was collected from a nest of Petrochelidon albifrons albifrons ( Raf.) (Northern Cliff Swallow), on July 4, 1920, by R. C. Shannon, who found many of the nests examined to contain dead young birds. Five specimens were reared from larvae collected in a nest of the same host on August 16, 1987, at Kamloops, British Columbia, by G. J. Spencer. Apaulina metallica (Townsend), new combination ?Calliphora splendida Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 1, p. 196, 1846; Harbeck, Ent. News 18:216, 1908. (Types tite: male Fireag Galea: Tex., apparently lost). Phormia metallica Townsend, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 12 376, 1919. (Type, female from Fredonia, N. H., in U. S. Na- tional Museum). Protocaliphora metallica (Townsend) Bezzi, Parasitol. 14:33, 1922; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 11:107, 1923. Protocalliphora splendida (Macquart) Shannon and Dobroscky, Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 14:252, 1924; Johnson, Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Occas. Papers, 7(15) :216, 1925; Bull. N. E. Bird- banding Assoc. 1:53, 1925; Séguy, Ene. Ent. Dipt. 2:86, 1925; Woods, Bull. N. E. Birdbanding Assoe. 2:12, 1926; Johnson, Bull. N. E. Birdbanding Assoc. 3:2, 1927; Lloyd, Canad. Field Nat. 12:3, 1927; West, in Leonard, Mem. 101, SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 197 Cornell Univ., p. 826, 1928; McAtee, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proe. 31 (6) :107-111, 1929; Johnson, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22: 133, 1929; Johnson, Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Bull. 59 :23, 1931; Whitehead, Jour. Eeon. Ent. 26:298, 1933; Johnson, Bird- banding 3:26, 1932. Male. Head (pl. 4, C) length at vibrissa and at antenna 7.0; eye height 8.7; head height, 12.0; head width 14.5; bucea 0.24 eye height, buccal hairs black, abundant, of moderate length; frontale 0.72 frontal width; front at vertex 0.13 head width, 0.07 at narrowest and 0.33 at lunule, with dull silvery or lead-colored pollen and a considerable number of scattered setae to below the middle of parafaciale; frontal bristles about 10, those toward ver- tex considerably weaker, the rows extending anteriorly only to base of second antennal segment and gradually diverging; para- faciale one-third elypeal width, of about equal width above and below, black, with slightly yellowish silvery pollen, and with scattered setae above but none immediately near eye; faciale bristled nearly halfway to antennal base with two or three rows of short setae; palpus 3.4 in length, yellow orange; third an- tennal segment 1.5 times as long as second, dark brown to black; arista with long cilia above and shorter cilia below, the plumosity extending four-fifths the distance to the apex; back of head with one well-defined row and two or three ill-defined rows of postocular cilia, and with abundant scattered whitish-yellow hair. Thorax blue black with metallic bluish-green areas in some lights, with thin gray pollen (except immediately behind head on pronotum where it is densely white or silvery), and with three to five black stripes which extend to slightly beyond suture; pleura lightly dusted with silvery pollen; propleuron with black or brownish-black setulae; preintraalar bristles three, the hind- most placed closer to the suture than the hindmost presupraalar bristle; preacrostichal bristles three, strong, the posterior bristle placed before the suture by 0.5; predorsocentral bristles three or four, the foremost weak and sometimes absent, the posterior bristle placed before the suture by 1.4; notopleural bristles two; preparapteron and greater ampulla with white pubescence; post- acrostichal bristles four, strong; postdorsocentral bristles four, the second weak, sometimes absent; mesothoraciec spiracle small, with yellow-brown hair; the anterior margin with or without long hair; scutellum with fine short white hair below. Legs black, middle femur with two anterior bristles near mid- dle, one or two (more often one) strong anteroventral bristles at basal fourth, and with a row of long thin posteroventral 198 THE BLOWFLIES oF NorTtTH AMERICA bristles, these shorter and more closely set apically; middle tibia with four anterodorsal bristles, three toward middle and basally and one on apical half, this one the strongest, and with two pos- terior bristles, one near middle, the other on apical half; hind femur with complete rows of bristles on anterodorsal and an- teroventral surfaces, a partial posteroventral row of bristles to- ward base, and one dorsal apical and one posterodorsal subapical bristle; hind tibia with complete anterodorsal and posterodorsal rows of bristles and three anteroventral bristles near middle and apileally. Wing (pl. 9, H) hyaline, lightly infuscated toward base; cos- tal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 81:42:92:40:7; subcostal sclerite orange to brown, with fine short white pubescence at base, setose apically; remigium bare posteriorly below; third vein setose one-half the distance to the anterior cross vein; fourth vein angled at about 80 degrees and then curving toward apex of wing; anterior cross vein at middle of second section of fourth vein; posterior cross vein doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-fourth preceding section; upper and lower squamal lobes white. Abdomen blue black with reddish violet reflections, with thin gray pollen; scutellar depression extending four-fifths the dis- tance toward the posterior margin of the first sezment; third and fourth tergites each with a marginal row of bristles; fourth tergite with numerous long setae; first sternite about as long as broad; each successive sternite narrower. Fifth sternite (pl. 22, D) as illustrated. Genital segments about as in Phormia regina. Internal features (pl. 22, C and E) as illustrated. Female. Head length at vibrissa and at antenna 6.5; eye height 8.2; head height 10.0; head width 14.0; bueea 0.22 eye height; frontale bare and 0.62 frontal width; front at vertex (narrowest) 0.27 head width and 0.34 at lunule; parafrontale and parafaciale with silvery pollen, definitely tinged with brown, a darker brown or silvery-brown spot opposite lunule; para- faciale 0.30 clypeal width; a row of small setae outside frontal row; vertex subpollinose; frontal rows strongly divergent an- teriorly; outer vertical bristle about two-thirds as long as inner; frontoorbital bristles two proclinate and one reclinate. Fourth abdominal segment bronze or metallic bronze in color; entire abdomen more heavily pollinose and tending more toward bluish green than in male. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. T-9 mm. SuBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAB ; 199 Female specimens of cuprina which have the squamae only slightly tinged with yellow will run to metallica in the key, but females of metallica have the anteroventral surface of the mid- dle femur with one or two (usually only one) bristles toward the base. Distribution. Nearctic: Most abundant in northeastern United States but occurring rarely as far south as Virginia and even more rarely as far west as California; not common. As noted by Townsend in 1919, Coquillett identified this form as Calliphora splendida Macquart. He was followed in this by Aldrich and Shannon, who used the combination Protocalliphora splendida (Macquart). Macquart’s species, said to be from Gal- veston, Tex., was described as being 5 lines (10 mm.) long, with the thorax and scutellum black, the abdomen greenish blue with tip golden, the basal antennal segments short and fuscous, and the wing fuscous on the costal border. An unsuccessful attempt was made to locate the type of Calliphora splendida Macquart. So far as can be ascertained, species of Apaulina do not occur in Texas and specimens rarely approach 10 mm. in length. Mas- quart’s description of splendida does not accurately cover the species known under the name of splendida in North America and because of this the name metallica Townsend is used for this form. It would not be surprising to find the Maecquart type an entirely different species for, aside from the golden fourth ab- dominal segment, the description will fit many of the larger species discussed in this paper. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Larva. Third instar: Length 8-12 mm., greatest diameter 2.5-4.0 mm. Translucent pearly white; freshly fed larvae with reddish tinge, migrating larvae brownish. Cephalic segment nearly bare; second segment (pl. 38, D) with a fringe of elongate and narrowed setae on posterior margin; each successive segment with numerous spinose bands of minute single-pointed setae, these least numerous at segmental lines. Posterior spiracles above median line (pl. 38,C) in the weak posterior depression, small, separated by a dis- tance equal to two or three times the greatest diameter of one spiracle; anterior spiracle with eight or nine radially-arranged apertures. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 38, E) with small labial sclerites which are not strongly curved ventrally; hypostomal sclerite stronely sclerotized; parastomal sclerite rather short and thick; pharyngeal sclerite strongly sclerotized; no longitudinal ridges or grooves on ventral cornua. The third-instar larva of metallica differs from that described for avium chiefly in that body spines are smaller, the rows of 200 _ Tue BLowr ies or NortH AMERICA spines on the second segment are set more closely together, and the individual spines in these rows are longer and more hairlike. Whitehead (1933) collected 121 puparia of this species from a nest of purple martins in Quebec; the chalcidoid parasite Mor- momella vitripennis (Walker) was reared from 92.74 percent of them. A paulina sapphira, new species This interesting little species differs from. the typical Apaulina in having two posterior bristles on the front tibia and in having apical bristles on the scutellum. These characters are found in Protocalliphora, but not in other species of Apaulina. In other respects its affinities are definitely with Apaulina. The propor- tions of the head are similiar in many respects to those in aviwm, but the parafaciale is considerably narrower. | Male. Head height 9.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 6.5; bucca 0.33 eye height; front at narrowest 0.15 head width, 0.21 at vertex and 0.43 at lunule; head width 11.4; parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae in pro- portion 1.8:1.8; parafrontale with golden pollen; entire head black, vertex shining; antenna black, second segment orange red at apex, third segment only a little longer than second; palpus orange brown. Thorax metallic blue black; propleuron with a few distinet black hairs; predorsocentral bristles three, strong in presutural bristles only; scutellum with one discal bristle and with minute apical bristles. | Legs with fore tibia with two posterior bristles, one near mid- dle and one near apical third; middle tibia with three posterior and three posterodorsal bristles. Wing hyaline. Abdomen bright metallic blue green with purple reflections, with whitish pollen, this changing under shifting illumination; with a mid-dorsal longitudinal shining stripe. Genital segments apparently similar to those of hesperia, the outer forceps being about four times as long as broad. Female. Head height 8.5; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 6.4; bucea 0.31 the eye height; head width 11.0; front at narrowest (vertex) 0.30 head width, 0.43 at lunule; para- faciale opposite lunule equal in width to distance between vi- brissae. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 7.5 mm. Type. Male, No. 53264, U. S. National Museum. SUBFAMILY CHRYSOMYINAE 201 Type locality Naknek Lake, Alaska. One male and two females (paratypes) were collected at Sa- vonoski, Naknek Lake, Alaska, August 1, 1919 (J. S. Hine). These three specimens were included in sialia by Shannon (1924, p. 252). Apaulina sialia (Shannon and Dobroscky), new combination Protocalliphora splendida variety sialia Shannon and Dobro- secky, Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 14:251, 1924; Johnson, Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Oecas. Papers 7 (15) :216, 1925; West in Leonard, Mem. 101, Cornell Univ., p. 827, 1938; Johnson, Psyche 34:33, 1927; Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22:132, 1929; Birdbanding 1:169, 1930; Birdbanding 3 :26-28, 1932; Mc- Atee, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 31 (6) :105, 1929. (Type and type locality not stated). Male. Head width 13.8; head height 11.0; length at anten- na 7.0 and at vibrissa 6.5; eye height 9.0; bueca approximately 0.20 eye height; front at narrowest 0.08 head width, 0.16 at ver- tex and 0.31 at antennal base; parafaciale opposite lunule and distance between vibrissae equal, 1.7:1.7; propleural hair often yellowish brown, legs with three posterodorsal bristles on mid- dle tibia as in avium, but with two anterodorsal bristles, one near middle, the other near apical fourth, two posterior bristles, and two posterodorsal bristles. Otherwise apparently similar to metallica. Genital segments (pl. 22, F) as illustrated. Female. Head width 14.0; head height 10.5; length at an- tenna 7.5 and at vibrissa 6.5; eye height 7.5; bucca 0.380 eye height; front at narrowest (vertex) 0.26 head width and 0.40 at lunule; parafaciale opposite lunule equal in width to distance between vibrissae, 1.8:1.8. Body coloration differing from typical metallica in having abdomen completely dark bluish black, the apical segment not bronzy metallic. Otherwise similar to male except for usual sexual differences. Length. 6-8.5 mm. Distribution. Nearctic: North of Virginia in the United States to southern Canada, apparently most abundant in the north- eastern sections of the United States. This species is found in many collections determined as Pro- tocalliphora splendida (Macquart) or Phormia chrysorrhoea (Meigen). The male genitalia show it to be closely related to metallica. The female is easily separated from metallica on the basis of color differences, but the male is separated from metallica and aenea only with considerable difficulty. SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE The typical bluebottle and greenbottle flies belong to this sub- family. All the species have the prosternum and the propleuron setulose, the parafaciale bare on the lower third or more, and are without crinkly hair on the thorax. The presence or absence of pile on the upper surface of the lower squamal lobe divides the subfamily into the tribes Luciliini and Calliphorini in North America. While the two tribes appear to be very dissimilar upon superficial examination, and certain authors have accorded each subfamily rank, well-defined characters to separate them have not been found. Characters supporting supergeneric differentia- tion are often difficult to find and such groups become less dis- tinct as additional material is studied. It is possible, however, to indicate the relationships among the several genera in the Cal- liphorinae by the following tribal characterizations: The Lu- ciliini includes small to average-sized, somewhat shining bronzy gereen (color plate III) or blue-green to purple species. The tribe Calliphorini includes small to large species with pollinose thoraces and shining to pollinose metallic greenish to bluish abdomens (color plate IV). Most of the species belonging to this subfamily are saprophagous, although a few are parasitic upon toads or earthworms, and several others may be found as tertiary blowflies in cases of myiasis. It must be remarked here that representatives of this sub- family are not abundant in the tropics. Not only are there few species but those that may be found there are not particularly abundant. Of all of the species included herein, only a few of the species of Phaenicia, one of the genus Calliphora, and Cyno- myopsis cadaverina (R.-D.) apparently occur in Central Ameri- ca. Of the last two species, these apparently occur with fre- quency only in the Mexican highlands. I did not see them in the mountains of Guatemala, Honduras, or Nicaragua. The North American representatives of this subfamily possess the following characters in common. Male and female. Head width greater than head height; epi- stoma warped forward from clypeal plane; bucea usually high in relation to eye height; vibrissae at or but slightly above the oral margin and well separated; faciale convex in profile; eye ovate and set more or less obliquely in head; outer vertical bristles (ef. Eucalliphora) and proclinate frontoorbital bristles usually absent in male; parafaciale bare on lower fifth or more; postocellar and postvertical bristles weak and proclinate; front- 202 SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 203 ale longitudinally striate; arista with long cilia above and be- low, the tip often bare. Thorax without long crinkly hair; propleuron setose; noto- pleural bristles two; mesopleuron bare on anterior fourth; sterno- pleuron bare on anterior fifth; prosternum setose; pteropleuron bare on anterior half or slightly less; intrapostsutural and in- trapostsupraalar bristles absent; scutellum without apical bristles. Legs of moderate length; hind coxa bare posteriorly. Wing with remigium bare above and below; only third vein setulose and this only at base; fourth vein ending in costal mar- gin eonsiderably below wing apex; apical cell clearly open; upper squamal lobe rounded, small, bare; lower squamal lobe large, posterior margin often wide. Abdomen oviconical to ovate, often considerably more conical in male than in female. Larva. Second instar with labial sclerite enlarged toward tip. Third instar with posterior spiracle with complete peri- treme or ring in which there is a distinct ‘‘button.’’ KEY TO SPECIES OF NORTH AMERICAN CALLIPHORINAE 1. Lower squamal lobe bare above; parafaciale usually entire- ly bare; parasquamal tuft present; arista usually with ejlia almost to apex. Larva without accessory oral selerite between labial sclerites...... (Luceiliini, p. 211) 2 Lower squamal lobe pilose above; parafaciale usually partially setose; parasquamal tuft absent; arista with or without cilia apically. Larva with accessory oral sclerite between labial sclerites. . (Calliphorini, p. 271) 15 2. Vibrissa above oral margin; arista with penultimate seg- ment short, the cilia long above and below; preintraalar bristles three; back of head in male flattened or con- BAY CRIMEEOTOLL Ghoti Wet usin et et AN ene REE AER 3 Vibrissa at oral margin; arista with penultimate segment from one and a half to two times as long as its diameter and with rather short cilia above and below; prein- traalar bristles two; back of head in male rounded in profile (Alaska) Francilia alaskensis Shannon, p. 213 ~ 38. Subcostal sclerite with only short soft pubescence ; ocellar triangle not reaching halfway to lunule in female.... 4 Subeostal sclerite with wiry bristles; ocellar triangle large, ' reaching halfway to lunule in fell: (Holaretic). . Re ee ee Lucila illustris (Meigen), p. 294 204 4. THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA ¢ Length of head at antenna and at vibrissa more than half head height; second abdominal segment with long and erect median marginal bristles....................6- Length of head at antenna and at vibrissa less than half head height; second abdominal segment without median marginal. bristles. s.<<. $2.95 5. 4s. Eh apf - 5) eee ee . Two postacrostichal bristles; front at narrowest 0.14 of head width in male, 0.35 in female. (Nearctic)...... pu CAR eee re ae Bufolucilia elongata (Shannon), p. 216 Three postacrostichal bristles; front at narrowest 0.08 of head width in male, 0.31 in female, (Holarctic)...... tr aan See Aa Ie Bufolucila silvarum (Meigen), p. 219 . Three’ postacrostichal’ bristles :....0).s 1... ..ctenee ee Two: postacrostichal bristles. : 3.0. 0)).... 222.10). dene . Male with but one ocellar bristle and front rarely ex- ceeding 0.12 of head width; bucea in both sexes greater than 0.25 eye height, metasternum setose, and body color ‘light or dark blue-green... 12)... eee Male with two proclinate ocellar bristles, the posterior bristle weak; front at narrowest 0.18 of head width in male; bucea in both sexes about 0.25 eye height, metasternum bare, and body color aeneous or yellowish green. (Nearctic) Phaencia pallescens (Shannon), p. 247 . Male with front at narrowest 0.11 of head width, parafaei- ale opposite lunule 0.66 of width between vibrissae, bueca 0.34 of eye height; female with frontal margins nearly parallel, front 0.34 of head width; bueeca 0.38 of eye height. (Holarctic), . 1.04. 0. +us% «se ee FE i es | Phaenicia sericata (Meigen), p. 259 Male with front at narrowest 0.05 of head width, parafaci- ale opposite lunule 0.33 of distance between vibrissae, and bucea 0.28 of eye height; female with front 0.32 of head width at vertex, the frontal margins narrowing anteriorly so that front is but 0.31 of head width slightly above lunule, and the bucea but. 0.27 of eye height. (Nearctic) Phaenicia thatuna (Shannon), p. 269 . One row of postocular cilia; second abdominal segment with a weak row of marginal bristles................ Two or more rows of black postocular cilia; second ab- dominal segment without a row of marginal bristles. (Nearctic) Phaenicia mexicana (Macquart), p. 2438 SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 205 . Male with eyes obviously separated, front at vertex at least 0.13 of head width, eye facets not enlarged; fe- male with bucea 0.25 eye height or more, parafaciale opposite lunule less than 0.40 the distance between vibrissae; color in both sexes bright green, blue green DEP OUVACCOUSLE TCE aia ee oie inte Vad Wahersig 4 Pip wal cree 11 Male with eyes narrowly contiguous and front at vertex but 0.10 of head width, the eye facets enlarged dor- sally; female with bucca 0.30 of eye height, parafaciale opposite lunule .0.40 the distance between vibrissae; color in both sexes deep blue to red violet, the third and fourth abdominal segments shining. (Neotropical).. SE ay al Les Phaemcia purpurescens (Walker), p. 254 . Male with one reclinate frontoorbital bristle slightly an- terior to foremost ocellus; female with black hair an- teriorly on parafrontale outside frontal row of bristles. 12 Male without frontoorbital bristles; female with pale hair anteriorly on parafrontal outside frontal row of Bet a a ies Sather s tds oie sc, wie, Oe Ree 13 . Length of head at antenna and at vibrissa nearly equal; male with parafaciale opposite lunule 0.7 in width; fe- male with bucca 0.25 of eye height and margins of front converging anteriorly; legs black in both sexes. (Nearctic) Eee Phaemicia caerulewviridis (Maecquart), p. 232 Length of head at antenna less than at vibrissa; male with parafaciale opposite lunule 1.2 in width; female with bueea less than 0.25 eye height and frontal margins not converging anteriorly; legs orange brown in both sexes. (Neotropical) Phuemcia problematica (Johnson), p. 253 . Parafaciale orange to orange brown in ground color; male with front very narrow, 0.03 to 0.04 of head width; fe- male with parafaciale opposite lunule not more than 0.46: distance between vibrissae...............0000. 14 Parafaciale black in ground color; male with front at narrowest 0.10 of head width; female with parafaciale opposite lunule 0.61 of distance between vibrissae. MINGATULIC BIG INCOULODICAL) Fo... eect ce sec reeh sons eer, le eee Phaenicia cluoria (Walker), p. 286 . Bueea with black hair, no pale hairs before the metacep- halic suture; middle tibia with two posterior bristles and one posterodorsal bristle. (Neotropical and Neare- (1c) | Seen irk ee Phaemcia eximia (Wiedemann), p. 239 206 15. 16. it Rss 19. 20. C 21. 22. Tse Buowr.ies or Nortuo AMERICA Bueea with dark hair dorsally and anteriorly, pale yel- lowish brown hair anteriorly and posteriorly; middle tibia usually without posterior bristles and two or three posterodorsal bristles. (Neotropical)................ TAG GAPS LAR £8 Phaenicra reca (Shannon), p. 257 Faciale with strong ascending bristles; accessory ocellar bristles’ present. «7.5. 0... 00. we ee ae 2 oe 16 Faciale without strong ascending bristles; accessory ocel- lar bristles absent oc. 2... ..0< 4 +ss«5 62 awradh +0ge een 17 Front at narrowest 0.21 of head width in male, 0.38 in fe- male (Nearctic) ..Hucalliphora lilaea (Walker), p. 284 Front at narrowest 0.18 of head width in male, 0.32 in fe- male (Nearctic) Hucalliphora arta, new species, p. 287 Seutellum with four or more strong lateral bristles; arista usually with long cilia almost to apex... -.. 5... 93 18 Scutellum with three strong lateral bristles; arista usually ciliate only three-fourths the distance to the apex. .25 Hindmost preintraalar bristle present .,........ 2m 19 Hindmost preintraalar bristle absent (Holarctic)...... ee Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich), p. 290 Three) postintraalar bristles ,.4: s.a..) ...). aa 20 Two postintraalar-“bristles)s. .2...00.50.% ) 0. a 21 Bucea reddish and 0.44 of eye height; front of male 0.13 of head width; parafaciale opposite lunule in female 0.89 of distance between vibrissae. (Nearctic)...... DP ac A AACR Calliphora coloradensis Hough, p. 294 Bueea black and 0.82 of eye height; front of male 0.05 of head width; parafaciale opposite lunule in female 0.52 of distance between vibrissae. (Nearctic).......... Ce) ea Calliphora lwida, new species, p. 296 Bucea entirely black; basicosta black; male with front at — narrowest from 0.04 to 0.06 of head width....... "gta 22 Bucea reddish on anterior half or more; basicosta often yellow to yellow orange; male with front at narrowest 0.09. to. 010.0f head: widths:,( Holarctic).. 7.7. fee SES de, tape Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, p. 307 - Cheek grooves yellow to orange red.................-. 23 Cheek grooves black (Nearctic)........... 0.000000 0% r Ef tha hola een Calliphora mortica Shannon, p. 299 23. 24. 20. 26. 21. 28. SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 207 Base of wing not strongly darkened; rims of squamal lobes whitish; male genital segments of moderate size...... 24 Base of wing strongly blackish; rims of squamal lobes dark brown to black; male genital segments large and glo- DOStURIUNCOULODICA att cree ad fot sles a. othe tan ai EBs oreo ge Calliphora peruviana Robineau-Desvoidy, p. 301 Bucca 0.37 of eye height in male, 0.54 in female, black, with hair mostly black; length of head at antenna 0.87 that at vibrissa in both sexes; middle tibia usually with two posterior bristles. (Nearetic) <2. sd .+« laws os os naaig toe Se ners Calliphora terrae-novae Macquart, p. 303 Bucca 0.47 of eye height in male, 0.65 in female, black, with mostly reddish-orange hair which is most abundant posteriorly; length of head at antenna and at vibrissa nearly equal in male, but antennal length 0.94 of the vibrissal length in female; middle tibia usually with three (posterior bristles. ¢ Holarctio)i.. 34). 0b 6 reo) eee ee Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus), p. 313 Abdomen clearly pollinose; second abdominal segment usu- ally with row of strong, erect marginal bristles; lower squamal lobe rounded on posterior margin............ 26 Abdomen somewhat shining, often without trace of pollen; second abdominal segment without, or with a weak, appressed marginal row of bristles; lower squamal lobe rather wide and truncate posteriorly............ 33 Epistoma nearly as wide as clypeus; fourth vein with a distinct angle beyond bend; fifth sternite of male large, produced ventrally in profile; male genital segments large, the second segment nearly twice as long as WWAChee es: ANGE ee eRe hee ORR id Des bie k Epistoma well narrowed from the eclypeal width; fourth vein nearly straight beyond bend; fifth sternite of male small, not produced ventrally; male genital segments rather small, the second segment hardly longer than WiC M pee Saree, Sets eee Rete OE Sra. 32 Parafaciale orange in ground color on lower half or more. .28 Parafaciale entirely black in ground color.............. 29 Hindmost preintraalar bristles absent. (Nearctic)...... ee, Se Ee Acronesia abina, new species, p. 274 Hindmost preintraalar bristles present. (Nearctic)...... vat htives bE oo awh aata’ Acronesia anana, new species, p. 278 208 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. THE BLOWFLIES OF NoRTH AMERICA Squamal lobes white; ss 2944) .aeGe. ce 30 Squamal lobes brown 2.0% “i A 31 Second abdominal tergite with a marginal row of strong bristles; third tergite with strong discal bristles. (Nearctic)...... Acronesia collin, new species, p. 279 Second abdominal tergite with a marginal row of strong bristles; third tergite without strong discal bristles. (Nearctic) ....Acronesia popoffana (Townsend), p. 280 Middle tibia with three anterodorsal bristles; hind tibia with two anteroventral bristles; back of head with mostly black hair. (Nearetie) 737, -63..9 5 «<0c ke cL ire Rp 8 se ta Acronesia aldrichia (Shannon), p. 277 Middle tibia with one or two anterodorsal bristles, usually with but one; hind tibia with one anteroventral bristle; back of head with mostly light hair except for one or two rows of postocular cilia (Nearctic).............. Ri Ate MOSCA AT Acronesia alaskensis (Shannon), p. 275 Two preacrostichal bristles; male with two posterior bristles on fore tibia (Nearctic).................05. Ue 2 EE A Onesia bisetosa, new species, p. 322 One preacrostichal bristle; male with but one posterior bristle on fore tibia. (Nearctic)............ ar at seargr ae PSR Paria eh, | eae Onesia townsendi, new species, p. 324 Faciofrontalial profile strongly protuberant, the parafacio- eye angle strong; male with reclinate frontoorbital bristle opposite ocellar bristles; one or three postacros- tical bristles, os. oes ahs cca se oltey os nes 8 Faciofrontalial profile not protuberant, the parafacio-eye angle not strong; male without reclinate frontoorbital bristles; two postacrostical bristles (Nearctic)....... Cynomyopsis cadaverina (Robineau-Desvoidy), p. 326 Hindmost preintraalar bristle absent; one postacrostichal bristle; male with second genital segment much longer than the first and with a ventral bristle on the middle — CUDA oa ee ee are Ce Fn pe oe eee 35 Hindmost preintraalar bristle present; three postacros- tichal bristles; male with second genital segment hardly longer than the first and without ventral bristles on the middle tibia. (Nearctic)...................008 t JOT ER Cyanus elongata (Hough), p. 332 SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 209 35. Eye short; bucea 0.42 of eye height in male, 0.50 in female; width of parafaciale opposite lunule less than 0.70 the distance between vibrissae; frontal width at vertex in male about 0.80 greater than at narrowest where it iespute U5 ol ead ewidth.«.{ Holarctic).. <5 «.r:e «'. hae La? Cynomya mortuorum (Linnaeus), p. 337 Eye elongate; bucea 0.35 of eye height or less in both sexes; width of parafaciale opposite lunule greater than 0.80 the distance between vibrissae; frontal width at vertex in male only about 0.60 greater than at narrowest where it is approximately 0.23 of head width (Nearctic) ee ictal ce A irate ad Cynomya hirta Hough, p. 339 KEY TO KNOWN THIRD-INSTAR LARVAE OF CALLIPHORINAE* 1. Accessory oral sclerite absent.................. Luciliini 2 Accessory oral sclerite present.............. Calliphorini 8 2. Pharynx without pigmented area below posterior extremity Per eCS COLIC Gr a mre ta eens.» .'. eek an Soe 3 Pharynx with a prominent pigmented area below the posterior extremity of the ventral cornua............ PERE tes ote! 2 Lucilia illustris (Meigen), p. 228 3. Dorsum of segment 11 posteriorly spinose.............. 4 Dorsum of segment 11 posteriorly bare................ saath ee ee Phaenicia exinia (Wiedemann), p. 248 4. Median pair of tubercles on upper border of stigmal field distinctly smaller:than..outer pair. ..........0s.e.0% +) Median pair of tubercles on upper border of stigmal field equal to or but slightly smaller than outer pair (anterior half of segment 12 smooth on dorsum and dorsolateral surface of segment 11 devoid of spines) (Cf. caerulei- viridis) ...... Phaenicia mexicana (Macquart), p. 246 5. Inner tubercles on upper margin of posterior cavity separ- ated by a distance approximately equal to the distance between the inner and outer tubercles................ 6 Inner tubercles on the upper margin of posterior cavity separated by a distance approximately equal to? the distance between the inner and median tubercles...... *Most of the following key to the larvae of Luciliini and the larval de- scriptions are modified from those of Knipling (1936). 210 6. 10. 1B, THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Tubercles bordering stigmal field not prominent; inward projection of peritreme between outer and middle slits of posterior spiracles absent or at least not prominent; anterior spiracles generally with from 5 to 7 branches. . Tubercles bordering stigmal field large; the spiracular plate heavily pigmented, large, and with a prominent inward projection between the outer and middle slits; anterior spiracles generally with from 7 to 10 branches. aia Sa A os i Phaenicia caeruleiviridis (Macquart), p. 235 . Posterior margin of segments 9 and 10 without dorsal spines and the posterior margin of segment 11 with three or four irregular rows of dorsal spines; peritreme between outer and median spiracular slits not projecting IT Weld eee Phaenicia pallescens (Shannon), p. 251 Posterior margins of segments 9 to 12 completely encircled with spines, and segment 11 with six to eight rows of dorsal spines on posterior margin; peritreme between outer and median spiracular slits projecting inward.... ae ey > Bufolucila silvarum (Meigen), p. 222 . Labial selerite with width of basal portion and length of entire sclerite subequal, the apical tooth-like portion S110) deh ee ee EIEN Labial sclerite longer than broad, the apical tooth-like portion usually much longer than the entire width of basal portion... es... fe en tl. eben fee 10 . Labial sclerite with length of basal portion less than length of apical tooth-like portion... 03. . 02>... oy a wore ft een ae Cyanus elongata (Hough), p. 333 Labial sclerite with length of apical tooth-like portion as long or only slightly longer than length of basal portion SANTIS AEE Solan AES Eucalliphora lilaea (Walker), p. 286 Segment 9 bare anterodorsally.......0.......s: ee Bi Segments 2 to 9 spinose anterodorsally................ 12 Spines small and lightly pigmented; tubercles on both dorsal and ventral margins of anal area nearly equi- distant; anal protuberance with only a few lightly pigmented spines Calliphora coloradensis Hough, p. 296 Spines large and deeply pigmented; median and inner - tubercles on dorsal surface and median and outer tubercles on ventral surface of anal area approximated; anal protuberance with numerous pigmented spines. . <4 2 keds GS ce et Calliphora lida Hall, p. 299 oe ea dg fk: x y a} A! aes dig ne of eo, Se wad oN } - rie oaey yey ‘sy . * a a "hs LUCILIINI Color plate II1].—Phaenicia sericata (Meigen). Adult female, dorsal view, X 10. SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 911 12. Segment 9 with complete posterior band of spines; anterior spiracles each with 8 (7-9) rounded orifices.......... 13 Segment 9 bare posterodorsally; anterior spiracles each WithwLOe @LU-LL yo roundeds oriices....7..-2: 22s sce ls ie. Aer Calliphora terrae-novae Macquart, p. 305 13. Labial sclerite with tooth-like apical portion longer than Creates wiGtieGl, DASH. DOLtlOle. ok Av ct ae). scene eos one stale Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, p. 310 Labial sclerite with tooth-like apical portion as long as ereareste width 01 sbasal “Portion: »....0.....cs se Cynomyopsis cadaverina (Robineau-Desvoidy), p. 329 TRIBE LUCILIINI (The greenbottle flies) All species which belong to this tribe (color plate III) have the lower squamal lobe bare above, a parasquamal tuft of setae, and the arista usually plumose to the tip; their larvae lack an accessory oral sclerite between the labial sclerites. Male and female. Head with epistoma elongate, nearly as wide as the eclypeus, and warped forward from clypeal plane; meta- cephalon not or but very slightly protuberant posteriorly in profile; female with two proclinate and one reclinate fronto- orbital bristles; clypeus approximately twice as long as wide; parafaciale usually entirely bare; arista usually with cilia nearly to tip. : Thorax with propleural bristles one to three; preacrostichal bristles two; predorsocentral bristles three; presupraalar bristle one; posthumeral bristle present; sternopleural bristles three; parasquamal tuft present; postalar bristles two with a weaker third medianly to the posterior bristle; postdorsocentral bristles three; mesothoracic bristles either one or two; scutellum with diseal bristle one and lateral bristles four. Legs with fore tibia with one posterior bristle slightly beyond middle; middle tibia with one ventral or anteroventral bristle near middle and two posterior bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third; hind tibia with an anterodorsal row of short bristles, several of which may be longer and stronger than others in the row; tarsi of medium length; claws about two- thirds as long as the last tarsal segment, the pulvilli slightly shorter than the claws. Wing with anterior cross vein oblique; posterior cross vein sinuate to doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein from 0.15 212 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA to 0.20 the length of the preceding section; lower squamal lobe bare. FRANCILIA SHANNON Francilia Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:73, 1924; Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28(6) :129, 1926; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:72, 1931; Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 171, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 149, 1937. Genotype. Francilia alaskensis Shannon. (Monobasic.) Male and female. Head (pl. 4, D) longer at vibrissa than at antenna, the metacephalon, which is somewhat longer than in Phaenicia, sufficiently produced posteriorly to cause the head to appear more or-less square in profile; parafaciale bare, wide above and below; ocellar triangle longer than in either Lucilia or Phaenicia; vibrissa at oral margin; elypeus twice as long as wide, shallow, coneave in profile; facial carina distinct between basal antennal segments, very narrow opposite first segment and widening opposite second, then widening and flattening toward middle of third segment where it practically disappears; palpus long-clavate; faciale almost straight and nearly vertical in profile, slightly convex toward vibrissa, and with several rows of short setae above vibrissa which ascend about one-third the distance to the antennal base; proboscis two-thirds head height; haustellum two-thirds as long as proboscis; antennal bases slightly separated by the narrow carina; first and second seg- ments short, third segment considerably wider than normal in Luciliini; arista with penultimate segment one and one-half to two and one-half times as long as diameter, the terminal seg- ment thickened for about one-half its length, then gradually tapering to apex, with short cilia above and below for about two-thirds its length; back of head rounded. Thorax with four humeral bristles triangularly atranged, three laterally in a row and one medianly; propleuron thinly setose in middle toward the anterior margin; propleural bristles three, one strong and two weak; preintraalar bristles two, the hindmost absent; preacrostichal bristles two; prosternum flat, setose, narrow posteriorly but strongly widening and bulging anteriorly; postalar declivity setose. in center; tympanic pit bare in center but with upper expansion and ridge setose; post- acrostichal bristles three; postsupraalar bristles three; meso- spiracular bristle strong; spiracles smaller than in other species of Luciliini; scutellum with under surface laterally with setae. Legs as described for the genus Phaencia. Wing with doubled costal spine; fourth vein with nearly SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 213 rounded angle; anterior cross vein slightly basad of middle of second section of fourth vein and oblique; posterior cross vein doubly arcuate; last section of fifth vein one-seventh as long as preceding section. Abdomen with second segment with a row of long and re- cumbent marginal bristles; third segment with long and suberect marginal bristles; fourth segment with considerable erect hair and a marginal row of bristles; ventral membrane narrowly exposed in female; sternites wider than long, the fifth sternite of male long and obvious in profile, somewhat resembling that found in Phaenicia pallescens. Male genital segments small but prominent, with long and erect setae. Francilia alaskensis Shannon Francilia alaskensis Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12: 73, 1924; Townsend, Rev. de Ent. 1:72, 1931; Manual of Myi- ology, vol. 2, p. 171, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 149, 1937. (Type, male from Old Crow, Alaska, No. 26690, U. S. National Mu- seum). Lucilia alaskensis (Shannon). Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. - 28. (6) 129, 1926; Aubertin, Linn. Soc. London, Jour., Zool., 38. (260) :3898, 1933. A medium-sized blue-green species with black legs and hyaline wings which has the vibrissa at the oral margin and the penulti- mate segment of the arista elongate. Male. Head width 10.4; length at antenna 5.6 and at vibrissa 6.6; oral margin slightly protruding beyond vibrissal angle in profile; eye height 6.7; head height 8.5; bucca 0.26 of eye height, black, with thin gray pollen and with scattered black hair; fron- tale dark reddish brown at lunule, black posteriorly, striate, 0.6 as wide as front; front at narrowest 0.138 of head width, 0.27 at vertex and 0.27 at lunule, with bright whitish-silvery pollen over black ground color, and with a few minute black hairs out- side frontal row of bristles; frontal bristles about 10, the rows extending to about the middle of the second antennal segment and diverging as they follow the margins of the frontale; ver- tex black, subpollinose, grayish in some lights; accessory ocellar bristles behind and between posterior ocelli; clypus black, with silvery pollen; parafaciale 1.2 in width opposite lunule, black, covered with bright whitish silvery pollen; vibrissae set 2.3 apart; haustellum black, with black setae; palpus 3.7 in length, dark yellow brown to black, with black setae; antenna black, third 214 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA segment slightly orange brown basally, 3.4 times as long as second; arista with black ciliation; back of head black, with thin silvery pollen, with three or four rows of postocular cilia, the first row composed of longer cilia; below with only black hair. Thorax shining metallic blue green with bronze and purple reflections, very thinly silvery on pleura, dorsum from anterior view with dark stripes laterad of acrostichal row of bristles which extend slightly beyond suture; humerus concolorous and longer than in Luctlia or Phaenicia; propleuron with white pollen and with thin dark setae; hindmost preacrostichal bristle and hindmost predorsocentral bristle placed 1.8 and 0.8, respectively, before the suture; hypopleuron bare on anterior three-fourths; *pteropleuron with black setae on posterior half; prosternum with black setae laterally; postalar declivity with a few short black setae in center; sclerites at wing base dark brown or black; posta- lar callus concolorous and with dark brown hair. Legs black or slightly brownish; middle femur with one an- terior bristle near middle, about four longer anteroventral and posteroventral bristles; middle tibia with one ventral bristle near middle, and one posterodorsal bristle near middle; hind tibia with an anterodorsal row of about six or eight bristles, two or three of which are stronger than the others in the series, one or two anteroventral bristles slightly beyond middle, and two _or three posterodorsal bristles, one near middle and one near apical third always present, one near the basal fourth either present or absent. Wing (pl. 9, I) hyaline, only slightly brownish basally; basi- costa dark brown; subcostal sclerite dark orange brown, darker apically, with fine dark brown recumbent pile; costal segments 2 to 6 in the proportion 55:39 :85:38:7; third vein setose from three-fourths to four-fifths the distance from base to cross vein; squamal lobes infuscated, white, the inner posterior margin of the lower lobe brown. Abdomen colored like thorax, with thin whitish pollen in cer- tain lights; first segment black; second segment with a shining middorsal longitudinal stripe which extends from anterior to posterior margins. Genital segments black, slightly metallic greenish, and with long black setae, the first segment without a marginal row of bristles. Internal anatomical features as illustrated (pl. 28, A, B, and C). Female. Head (pl. 4 D) height 9.0; eye height 6.6; bueea 0.36 of eye height; length at antenna 6.0 and at vibrissa 6.8; parafaci- ale opposite lunule 1.4 in width; distance between vibrissae 2.8; SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 215 head width 12.0; front at narrowest (which is about 1.5 above lunule) 0.86 of head width, 0.88 at vertex and 0.38 at lunule; third segment of antenna 5.4 times as long as second and very wide from base to apex. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 80:50:110:40:8. Abdomen with marginal row of bris- tles on second segment strongly recumbent, those on third and fourth segments more erect. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 7-8 mm. The holotype male and one paratype male are from Old Crow, Alaska. A female from Camp 334, Alaska Engineering Com- mission, collected by Aldrich on July 12, 1921, one female from Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska (without other data), one female from Savonoski, Naknek Lake, Alaska, July, collected by J. S. Hine, now in the Ohio State Museum, and three females from near Churchill, Manitoba, Aug. 5-6, 1937, collected by R. H. Daggy, are presumably the same species. Biology, habits, and wmmature stages. Unknown. BUFOLUCILIA TOWNSEND Bufolucilia Townsend, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 56(2301) :542, 1919; Rohdendorf, Ent. Mitt. 17(5) :336, 1928; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p..172, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 140, 19387. Genotype. Lucila bufonivora Moniez (Monobasic). Xerophilophaga Enderlein, Deut. Ent. Gesell. Mitt. 4 (8) : 120, 1933. Genotype. (Onesia lucilioides Van der Wulp) = Lucilia silvarum (Meigen). Male and female. Head (pl. 5, A) with elongate epistoma narrowing slightly in male, as wide as clypeus in female, and a little warped forward from clypeal plane in both sexes; frontale as wide as parafrontale in male but one and one-half times as wide as parafrontale at vertex in female; frontal margins only slightly divergent anteriorly in female; parafaciale bare and of nearly equal width throughout; faciale slightly convex in pro- file; third segment of antenna reaching four-fifths the distance to the oral margin; back of head in profile flattened in male, slightly rounded in female; palpus clavate or nearly subfiliform; antennal base at eye middle when head is viewed in profile; arista with long cilia about and below for two-thirds its length. Thorax with preintraalar bristles three; prosternum narrow; tympanic pit with tuft of setae; metasternum setose; postin- traalar bristles two; intrapostalar bristle weak but present; meso- thoracic spiracle small. 216 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortTH AMERICA Legs with posteroventral row of bristles on middle femur, these longer and more closely set apically. Wing (pl. 9, J) with minute costal spine; posterior cross vein sinuate. Abdomen with two to four strong erect median marginal bristles on second segment; third and fourth segments each with a row of strong erect marginal bristles. Bufolucilia elongata (Shannon), new combination Lucila elongata Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12: 76, 1924. (Type, female from Mt. Constitution, Orcas Is- land, Wash., No. 26688, U. S. National Museum). Lucila bufonwora Moniez, Aubertin, Linn. Soc. London Jour., Zool. 38 (260) :419, 1933 (in part). This species has been generally listed as a synonym of the Palearctic species bufonivora Moniez, but this is an error. Bufo- lucilia bufonivora has the front of the male at the narrowest 0.09 of the head width, while the front at the narrowest in elongata is 0.14 of the head width; in the female, the front at the vertex in bufonivora is 0.29 of the head width, while in elongata it is 0.35. Both stlvarum and bufonivora, as determined by Villeneuve, Séguy, and Townsend, have three postacrostichal bristles while elongata has but two. Aubertin (1933) pointed out that the latter character is not entirely reliable in stlvarum and bufom- vora ‘‘as the chaetotaxy is rather variable in each species.’’ A blue-green species with strong median marginal bristles on the second abdominal segment and with two postacrostichal bristles. Male. Head width 11.5; length at antenna 5.6 and at vibris- sa 5.8; eye height 7.0; head height 9.0; bueca black, 0.29 of eye height, with scattered black hair and with silvery gray pollen; frontale as wide as parafrontale at lunule and narrowing pos- teriorly, dark reddish brown anteriorly and black posteriorly near ocellar triangle; front at narrowest (1.0 before foremost ocellus) 0.14 of head width, 0.20 at vertex and 0.30 at lunule, with bright silvery pollen; parafrontale with a single row of . minute black hairs outside frontal row of bristles which extends slightly anterior to foremost frontal bristle; frontal bristles about 12, the rows extending to about the base of the second an- tennal segment and diverging considerably anteriorly as they follow the margins of the widening frontale; vertex black, sub- pollinose; ocellar bristles strong, proclinate; clypeus yellowish SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 217 toward epistoma, black above, with silvery pollen, about one and one-half times as long as wide; facial carina slightly developed between basal segments of antennae; parafaciale 1.1 in width opposite lunule and only slightly wider below, with bright silvery gray pollen; faciale with several rows of short black setae which ascend about one-fourth the distance to the antennal base; vi- brissae placed 0.8 above the oral margin and set 2.3 apart; pal- pus 3.7 in length, brown; third segment of antenna three times as long as second and reaching four-fifths the distance to the vi- brissa; arista with black cilia; back of head dorsally slightly flattened, rounded below, black, with thin silvery pollen around occiput, with three or four rows of postocular cilia and black hair. Thorax shining metallic blue green with bronze colored re- flections, somewhat purplish in certain lights, with ‘only thin silvery pollen except on pleura, with indication of longitudinal stripes lateral to acrostichal row of bristles which do not extend posteriorly much further than suture; humeral bristles three strong and one weak, the latter placed between and slightly an- terior to the two median bristles; propleural bristles two, strong; preintraalar bristles three; preacrostichal bristles two, the hind- most placed 2.2 before the suture; predorsocentral bristles three, hindmost placed 1.2 before the suture; presupraalar bristle one; prosternum of medium size, widening slightly anteriorly, with black setae laterally; sclerites at wing base dark brown to black; greater ampulla dark brown, brown pubescent; postacrostichal bristles two; mesospiracular bristles two; thoracic spiracles smaller than in most species of Luciliini and with dark brown hair; scutellum with under surface laterally with black hair, one discal bristle placed about one-third the length of the scutellum before the apical lateral bristles, and four lateral bristles. Legs black; fore tibia with posteroventral bristle near apical third; middle femur with two or three anteroventral bristles near middle and about four posteroventral bristles near middle; mid- dle tibia with one ventral bristle and one posterodorsal bristle near apical third; hind tibia with a series of about four antero- dorsal bristles basally, two anteroventral bristles set close to- gether at apical third, and two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth and one near apical fourth. Wing hyaline tinged with brown basally; basicosta dark brown to black; subcostal sclerite brown to black with brown pubescence; costal spine weak but discernible; costal sections 2 to 6 in the pro- portion 65:35 :90:30:9; third vein setulose about 0.55 the dis- tance to the cross vein; fourth vein with second and third sece- 518 Tue BLowF.izs or Nort AMERICA tions in proportion 65 :80; apical cross vein almost straight; last section of fifth vein one-fifth as long as preceding section; upper squamal lobe of medium size, white, slightly orange posteriorly; lower squamal lobe widened posteriorly, whitish at base and orange brown apically, especially on inner margin. Abdomen colored like thorax, nearly entirely shining; first segment black or but faintly metallic; second segment with faint suggestion of polished middorsal spot anteriorly, and with a marginal row of strong erect bristles, the middle pair or two much longer and stronger than those next in row; third and fourth segments with numerous erect black hairs; all sternites of nearly equal width and with rather long black bristles. Fifth sternite with numerous long black bristles. : Genital segments larger than in Lucilia or Phaenicia, black, shining, with numerous long black setae. Lateral view of for- ceps (pl. 23, D) as illustrated. Female. .Head width 12.4; length at antenna and at vibris- sa 6.6; eye height 7.4; head height 10.0; epistoma elongate, nar- rowing but slightly, almost as wide as elypeus; bucea 0.32 of eye height; frontale as wide as parafrontale at lunule but widening to one and one-half times width of parafrontale at anterior ocellus; front at narrowest (at vertex) 0.35 of head width, the margins almost parallel to about 1.5 above the lunule where the front is only slightly wider, then diverging more widely to 0.44 of head width at lunule; frontal bristles seven or eight, nearly all strong; outer vertical bristles one-half as long as inner verti- eal bristles; ocellar bristles nearly divaricate; third antennal segment 3.2 times as long as second; parafaciale 1.8 in width op- posite lunule; vibrissae set 2.8 apart; palpus 4.0 in length; back of head rounded and not at all flattened. Legs with an addi- tional posterodorsal bristle on hind tibia, this placed just before middle. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-9 mm. Shannon described elongata from a single female specimen. There are now two male specimens in the National Museum col- lection which are presumably this species. One specimen is from Pullman, Wash., June 2, 1907 (collector unknown), and the other from Bellfountain, Ore., May 27, 1922 (A. L. Lovett). The above description of the male was drawn from the Oregon speci- men. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Unknown. SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 919 Bufolucilia silyarum (Meigen) Musca silvarum Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bek- annten europaischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 53, 1826. Lucilia silvarum (Meigen). Zetterstedt, Diptera Seandinaviae, vol. 4, p. 1818, 1845; Moniez, Bull. Biol. de la France et Belg., 8:25, 1876; ibid., 9:67, 1878; Bezzi, Katalog der Palaarkti- schen Dipteren, vol. 8, p. 541, 1907; Townsend, Smithsn. Inst. Mise. Collect. 51:120, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 6:252, 1913; Mueller, Arch. f. Naturgesch. 88A(1-3) :57, 1922; Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien, Verhandl. 73:55, 1923; Shan- non, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:75, 1924; Richards, Roy. Ent. Soe., London, Trans. 74(2) :256, 1926; Lundbeck, Diptera Danica, vol. 7, p. 143, 1927; Wainwright, Roy. Ent. Soe., London, Trans. 76:238, 1928; Stewart, N. Y. Ent. Soe. Jour. 38:45, 1980; Roberts, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 23:790, 1930; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour. Zool. 28:418, 1933; Balzae, Soc. Ent. de France Bull. 42(12) :181, 19387. (Type, female from Germany, apparently lost.) ?Lucilia brunicosa Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 459, 1880. (Type, from North America, apparently lost). Luciha mgripalpis Townsend, Smithsn. Inst. Mise. Collect. 51: 120, 1908. (Type, female from Ohio, No. 10888, U. S. Na- tional Museum.) Lucilia sylvarum (Meigen). Schiner, Fauna Austriaca, Die Flie- gen volt pool, 1862 Houch, Zool, Bull, 2..(6) :287,,.1899: Calliphora silvarum (Meigen). Pandellé, Rev. de Ent. 15:219, 1896. Onesia lucilioides Van der Wulp, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Diptera, Vol. 2, p. 288, 1896; Enderlein, Deut. Ent. Gesell. Mitt. 4 (8) 120, 1933 (Xerophilophaga). (Type, from Mexico City, Mexico, in British Museum. ) Bufoluciha silvarum (Meigen) Townsend, U. S. Natl. Proc. 56 (2301) :542, 1919. Similar to elongata but with three postacrostichal bristles. Male. Head (pl. 5, A) width 11.2; length at antenna 5.1 and at vibrissa 5.9; eye height 7.2; head height 9.1; bueca 0.27 eye height and considerably produced forward; frontalia mostly black, sometimes brownish toward lunule; front at narrowest 0.08 of head width, 0.16 at vertex, and 0.24 at lunule, with heavy 220 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA silvery pollen and with a few scattered minute black setae out- side frontal row; ocellar triangle with a number of erect black proclinate hairs; elypeus black, with heavy silvery pollen toward lunule; parafaciale opposite lunule 0.9 in width, somewhat wider below; faciale rather strongly convex in profile; vibrissae 1.0 above oral margin and 2.2 apart; palpus 3.2 in length, dark brown to black; antennae slightly separated at base by low nar- row carina, broadening immediately below first antennal seg- ment and-extending to about middle of clypeus but decreasing in height toward epistoma; antenna dark brown to black, third segment 2.9 times as long as second; arista black, with long black cilia for three-fourths its length; back of head with some lhght hairs, particularly below on metacephalon. Thorax colored as in elongata; propleural bristles in tuft; post- acrostichal bristles three, strong; scutellum similar to that of elongata, but under surface with black setae laterally nearly to middle. Legs with middle tibia usually with two posterodorsal bristles. Wing (pl. 9, J) with subcostal sclerite dark brown, black apically; basicosta black; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 62 :39 :86 :30:8; third vein setulose from 0.3 to 0.6 the distance to the cross vein; upper. squamal lobe white, often orange to brownish on rim; lower Sena lobe white basally, darkening to brown apically. Abdomen colored like thorax, second segment with an obvious dark shining spot anteriorly on the middorsum, and usually with a pair of long erect median marginal bristles but often with several pairs, the closest lateral bristles small and inconspicuous, the median bristles more noticeable by contrast. Genital segments black, greenish metallic on dorsum, each segment with long black erect bristles. Internal anatomical fea- tures (pl. 23, E and F) as illustrated. Female as in female of elongata except head width 11.6; height 8.6; length at antenna 5.2 and ut vibrissa 5.9; bucca 0.27 of eye height; frontale red orange at lunule but darker posteri- orly; front at narrowest (slightly above lunule) 0.81 head width, 0.32 at vertex and 0.33 at lunule; third antennal segment 3.2 times as long as second; parafaciale 1.3 in width opposite lunule; vibrissae set 2.4 apart; palpus 2.4 in length. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 66:40:86 :34:9; squamal lobes light in color, usually more orange than brownish. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 5-8 mm. 7 Distribution. Holarctic. Europe; Asia; North Africa; North SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE PAE America: Southern Canada to as far south as District of Colum- bia and northern Virginia, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and California. ‘The original spelling of the specific name was emended to sylvarum by Schiner (1862), and this spelling has been com- monly used. The small carina described for silvuarwm is more apparent than that in elongata and it separates the antennal bases more ob- viously. It is similar to the carina of bufonivora, but the anten- nal bases are not separated so far in the latter species. Heim de Balzae (1937, pp. 181-182) stated that silvarum and bufonwora differ only in small details of chaetotaxy and in slight modification of the genital apparatus of the males. He considered silvarum to be a saprophage and bufonivora to be a parasite. Both species, however, are clearly parasitic upon toads and frogs. Biology, wmmature stages, and habits. The biologies of the several species of Bufolucilia are not well-known. While a con- siderable number of interesting facts about the species have been published, the whole story is not yet available. Moniez (1876 and 1878) first noted parasitism in the toad, and Balzac (1937, pp. 181-182) and Brumpt (1934, pp. 120-126) published upon cer- tain phases of the parasitism and biology of bufonivora in Europe. The latter author was able to obtain eggs of this species only upon live toads; he concluded that it was a true parasite of toads and that females of bufonivora were not attracted to any other type of food. He reared it from egg to egg upon this host. He found the species to have three generations each year in France, the diapause to be dependent upon climatic conditions. The diapause in bufonivora was studied by Cousin (1933), who stated that the species had but two generations each year, the second instar being followed by the diapause. Stadler (1930) discussed the parasitism of silvarum in Bufo vulgaris, and illus- trated, by photographs, the effect upon the host by larvae of this species. Full discussions of the known habits together with good bibliographies may be found in Kryger (1921) and Brumpt (1934.) | Wardle (1930) stated that silvarum will oviposit during lat afternoon when the intensity of light is low and when atmos- pherie temperatures may also be low. It cannot always be ascertained whether records of parasitism of toads and frogs as reported from the Palaearctic Region are based upon silvarum or bufonivora, because some authors have not distinguished between the two species. Such parasitism is supposedly of rather common occurrence in Hurope. 229 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Bufoluciha silvarum has been reared from frogs in North _ America in only one instance so far as I know; Mr. W. B. Cart- wright, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, kindly furnished me with the following record. In November, frogs (Rana catesbeiana, eastern bullfrog introduced into Cali- fornia) were found on the moist banks of a slough of the Moke- lumne River, south of Franklin, California, infested with maggots of this species. Of 59 frogs examined, 22 had appar- ently been killed by these larvae, 11 living frogs had both eyes infested, and 15 living frogs had one eye infested. The larvae were milling around in a mass in the orbits of the eyes but had not penetrated the eye balls. Some larvae were observed to migrate from one eye to the other. Thirty-two larvae were found in an eye of one frog. Those reared emerged as adults late in February or early in March. Larva. First instar: Spines distinct, heavily pigmented; complete band of spines at anterior border of segments 1 to 9; segment 10 usually without spines dorsally; posterior border of segments 9-12 completely encircled with spines; segment 9 with band narrowed to one or two dorsal rows; spines restricted to lateral and ventral surface on segment 8; border of stigmal field provided with long brownish hairlike spines. Tubercles of last segment as in illustris. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 39, A) with parts rather well-developed, the principal distinguishing feature being the broad pharyngeal arch, which is much broader than in other species. Second instar: Segments 2 to 9 each provided with a complete band at anterior border, spines present on lateral surface of seg- ment 10, but absent on dorsal surface; posterior border of segments 9-12 with a complete band, narrowed to one or two irregular dorsal rows on segment 9. Relative position of tubercles on stigmal field as in third instar, broad at base and somewhat pointed at tip. Pharyngeal sclerite (pl. 39, B) rather lightly pigmented, labial sclerites rather narrow and the dorsal posterior prolongation of basal portion narrower than in all other species except pallescens; shape of dorsal cornua about intermediate between that of allustris and caeruleiviridis. Anterior spiracles with five to seven branches, more often with six. Third instar: Spines encircling body at anterior border of segments 2-9; on segment 10 several rows of spines extending almost to dorsal surface, and on segment 11 two or three irregu- lar broken rows of spines present laterally; posterior border of segments 9-12 with complete band of spines; segment 11 with six to eight irregular rows dorsally, segments 9 and 10 with SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 223 about three and four rows respectively; segment 8 sometimes with a single irregular dorsal row but this usually absent for a short space; segment 12 very finely scabrous over entire dorsal surface, this area being smooth in the other species except illustris, which usually has a small, irregular, smooth area. Tubercles outlining stigmal field smaller and less conspicuous than in other species except pallescens, median pair on upper and inner pair on lower border of stigmal field less than half as large as others; tubercles on anal protuberance low, broadly rounded at tip. Posterior spiracles (pl. 39, D) rather small; peritreme wide and irregular, inner projections usually absent but there may be a short, pointed, pigmented projection between middle and lower slits. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 39, C) with dorsal and ventral cornua close together. Anterior spiracles with small short branches, the part external to cuticle approximately half the length of spiracular chamber; the number of branches in 52 spiracles from two series of larvae examined ranging from 5 to 7 (8 with 5 branches, 23 with 6, and 21 with 7.) Adult. Bufolucilia silvarum is not a common species in North America, but it may be found in woods and pasture land during midsummer. It is an active fly and occurs upon foilage in early morning or late afternoon. Adults are not often attracted to decaying meats in traps and are rarely collected upon decaying substanees. Parker (1918) trapped but a single individual in a privy vault trap at Laurel, Mont. The species may be collected from April to September in southern Ohio, becoming most abundant during June and July. In northern Virginia specimens have been taken during the last week in March and until October. In central California adults may be found as early as February. LUCILIA ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY Lucila Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 452, 1830; Macquart, Soe. Sci. Arts Lille Mem. 1833 (— 1834) :162; Schiner, Fauna Austriaca, Die Fliegen, vol. 1, p. 589, 1862; Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifligler des Kaiser- lichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 89, 1899; ibid., vol. 6, no. 3, p. 92, 1898; Hough, Ent. News 10:66, 1899; Zool. Bull. 2:287, 1899; Williston, Manual of North American Diptera, p. 3438, 1908; Townsend, Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 51:118, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:241, 1913; Townsend, Ent. News 25:111, 1914; Shannon, Insecutor In- scitiae Menstruus 11:107, 1928; ibid. 12:72, 1924; Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Res. 17 :236, 1927; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 224 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA 52 :368, 1928; Patton, Philippine Jour. Sci. 27:402, 1925; Malloch, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 17:503, 1926; Linn. Soe. N. S. Wales, Proc. 52:320, 1927; Senior-White, Indian Mus. Ree. 28 :130, 1926; Richards, Roy. Soe., London, Trans. 74 (2) :255, 1926; Townsend, Rev. Mus. Paul. 15:224, 1926; Lundbeck, Diptera’ Danica, vol. 7, p. 140, 1927; Rohdendorf, Ent. Mitt. 17 (4) :336-338, 1928; Wainwright, Roy. Ent. Soc., London, Trans. 76 :237, 1928; Séguy, Eneyl. Ent. (A) 9:145, 1928; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38 :389-436, 1933; Patton and Cushing, Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasitol., 28 (1) :107-121, 1934; Séeuy, Encyl. Ent. (B. II) Dipt. 8:1384, 1935; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 172, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 151, 1987. Genotype. Musca caesar Linnaeus by designation of Maequart (Insectes Diptéres du Nord de la France, vol. 5, p. 162, 1833). Male and female. Head (pl. 5, B) slightly longer at vibrissa than at antenna; oral margin protruding a little beyond vibrissal angle when viewed in profile; inner eye facets of male slightly enlarged; front of male very narrow, wide in female; ocellar tri- angle large in female, reaching nearly halfway to lunule; para- faciale narrowed above; elypeus moderately sunken; faciale slightly convex in profile especially toward vibrissa; antennal bases very slightly separated by a small and narrow carina; third segment of antenna reaching about five-sixths the distance to the vibrissa which is above the oral margin; arista with long cilia above and below nearly to apex; back of head flat or slightly concave above in profile, especially in male. Thorax with humeral bristles three; preintraalar bristles three; postalar declivity setose, postalar bristles two strong, with a weaker third bristle medianly beside the hindmost one; post- acrostichal bristles two; prosternum of medium size, wider an- teriorly, setose; intrapostalar bristle weak but present. Wing with subcostal sclerite with some short wiry bristles; posterior cross vein doubly arcuate; lower squamal lobe nearly as wide as long. Abdomen with marginal bristles only on third and fourth seg- ments; ventral membrane narrowly exposed in female. Lucilia illustris (Meigen) Musca illustris Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekann- ten europadischen zweifltigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 54, 1826. (Type, from Germany, apparently lost.) SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 225 Musca parvula Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekann- ten europaischen zweifltigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 55, 1826. (Type, Europe, ? in Paris Museum. ) Musca equestris Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 57, 1826. (Type, Europe, ? in Paris Museum.) ?Lucilia lepida Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 453, 1830. (Type, France, in Paris or lost.) ?Lucilia consobrina Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 3, p. 217, 1848. (Type, male, ‘‘ Amerique septentrionale,’’ apparently lost. ) ?Lucilia fraterna Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 3, p. 217, 1848. (Type, female from ‘‘ Amerique septentrionale;’’ ap- parently lost.) Musca muralis Walker, List of the Dipterous Insects in the Col- lection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 888, 1849. (Type, Saint Martin’s Falls, Hudson’s Bay, Albany River, in the British Museum. ) Calliphora simulatrix Pandelle, Rev. de Ent. 15:218, 1896. (Type, France, in Paris Museum.) ?Lucilia infuscata Townsend (?in part), Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:123, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:254, 1913; Townsend, Ent. News 25:112, 1914; Shannon, Insecutor Inseitiae Menstruus 12:73, 1924. | ?Luciha purpurea Townsend (? in part), Smithsn. Mise. Col- lect. 51:122, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:254, 1913; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:73, 1924. Lucilia caesar of North American authors, nee Linnaeus, Town- send, Psyche, 1:468, 1893; Hough, Zool. Bull. 2(6) :288, 1899; Kans. Univ. Quart. 9:203, 1900; Van der Wulp, Biolo- gia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Diptera, vol. 2, p. 297, 1896; Howard, Wash. Acad. Sei. Proc. 2:563, 1900; Coquil- lett, Wash. Aead. Sei. Proc. 2 :440, 1900; Morgan, U. 8. Dept. Agr. Div. Ent. Bull. 30:25, 1901; Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:121, 1908; Herms, Jour. Expt. Zool. 10 :167, 1911; Tothill, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 6:248, 1913; Whiting, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:257, 1913; Parker, Mont. State Bd. Ent. Bien. Rpt. 44, 1914; Ent. News 27:281, 1917; Ent. News 29(4) :144, 1918; Bishopp, Jour. Econ. Ent. 10:273, 1917; Cole and Lovett, Calif. Acad. Sei. Proce. (4)11(15): 1921; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:75, 1924; Strickland and Roy, Parasitol. 17:168, 1925; Essig, Insects 226 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortTH AMERICA of Western North America, p. 587, 1926; Richards, Roy. Ent. Soc., London, Trans. 74(2) :256, 1926; Townsend, M. M., Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 21:124, 1928; Roberts, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 23:790, 1930; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 61:89, 1930; Kingsecote, Ontario Ent. Soc. Ann. Rpt. 62 :92, 19381; Aubertin, Linn. Soc. London Jour., Zool. 38 :400, 1933. Lucila illustris (Meigen) Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38 :402, 1933. Lucilia caesar (l.) as determined by Villeneuve, Lundbeck, Stein, Aubertin, Richards, Riedel, Engel, and other European dipterists, apparently does not occur in North America, but since it occurs in eastern Asia, as well as in Europe, it might perhaps be expected in collections from Alaska or western Can- ada. The Lucilia caesar of North American authors is usually Lucila alustris (Meigen). Coquillett determined a number of species of both Phaenicia and Lucilia as caesar, as did other North American dipterists early in the present century, and many of the early references to either caesar or to tllustris may be inaccurate. Because caesar may occur in North America, the following key is presented to separate allustris and caesar. 1. Male with frontale obvious throughout and almost as wide as parafrontale at lunule, with epistoma slightly narrowing and vibrissae set 2.3 apart; both sexes with hindmost prea- erostichal bristles usually placed 2.8 before the suture; fe- male with front at narrowest 0.32 of head width, 0.35 at lunule and. vibrissae set 2.6.apart.......... . 1.00 PR ot rn Ue Ase ea eee Lucilia illustris (Meigen). Male with frontale obsolete at narrowest portion of parafron- tale, the eyes nearly contiguous for a short distance, epistoma nearly as wide as clypeus and the vibrissae set 2.8 apart; both sexes with hindmost preacrostichal bristles placed 2.6 before the suture; female with front at narrowest 0.31 of head width, 0.84 at lunule, and vibrissae set 0.30 apart ACE 250 Ee I) ARS ies Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus). A blue-green species with strong wiry bristles on the subcostal sclerite. Male. Head (pl.5,B) width 11.9; length at antenna 5.2 and at vibrissa 5.6; oral margin considerably protruding beyond vibrissal angle in profile; eye height 7.6; head height 9.8; epis- toma orange; metacephalon produced slightly posteriorly and — SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 237 obvious in profile; bueca 0.32 eye height, black, moderately gray- ish pollinose, with numerous black hairs, no pale hairs before the metacephalie suture; frontale obvious throughout but very narrow at narrowest portion of front, dark brown, widening to twice width of parafrontale at lunule; front at narrowest 0.05 head width, 0.16 at vertex and 0.24 at lunule, black, with silvery white pollen, and with a few scattered minute black hairs out- side frontal row; frontal bristles about 13, the rows extending anteriorly to about the middle of the second antennal segment and moderately diverging as they follow the margins of the frontale; vertex shining silvery over dark brown ground; para- faciale opposite lunule 0.9 in width, wider below, with silvery pollen; faciale with several rows of short black setae which ascend nearly halfway to antennal base; vibrissae 0.6 above oral margin and placed 2.3 apart; palpus orange, 3.3 in length; antenna with first segment black, second usually orange apically, third 3.3 times as long as second and dark brown to black; arista dark brown to black, with long dark cilia; back of head black, with silvery pollen below, with three or four rows of postocular cilia and black hair, some pale hair on the metacephalon. Thorax metallic blue green with bronze and purple reflections, with thin silvery pollen on dorsum between humeri in certain lights and on pleura, with a darker dorsal longitudinal stripe laterally to acrostichal row, this extending posteriorly to just beyond suture; propleuron with black setae; hindmost preacros- tichal and predorsocentral bristles placed 2.8 and 1.2, respec- tively, before the suture; hypopleuron with black setae; pro- sternum laterally with brown setae; postalar declivity with a few black setae in tuft near middle; sclerites at wing-base dark brown to black; spiracles with dark brown to black hair; lateral postscutellar plates with black setae; under surface of scutellum bare in center. Legs black; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near middle, two posterior bristles, one near basal fourth and one near apical third, and one posterodorsal bristle near middle; hind tibia with two anteroventral bristles near or slightly beyond middle, and two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth and one near apical fourth. Wing hyaline, brownish basally; costal spine absent; basi- costa dark brown to black; subcostal sclerite dark brown to black, with numerous black wiry bristles; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 70:45:90:35:8; third vein setulose from one- half to two-thirds the distance to the cross vein; fourth vein with rounded angle; apical cross vein nearly straight; anterior cross 228 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA vein near middle of second section of fourth vein; upper squamal lobe white at base, brown apically; lower squamal lobe brown. Abdomen colored like thorax, thinly whitish in certain lights especially on venter; first segment metallic and dark brown; second segment with a faint indication of a middorsal spot. on the anterior margin and with a marginal row of fine and hardly apparent bristles, these longer laterally; third segment with long erect marginal bristles; fourth segment with long erect scattered hairs and a marginal row of bristles. Fifth sternite (fig.98,B) as illustrated. Genital segments black metallic, of medium size, apparent in profile with abdomen in repose, and with scattered erect black setae. Internal anatomical features (pl.28,G and H) as illus- trated. Female. Head height 10.2; eye height 7.38; head width 13.0; bucea 0.37 of eye height; length of head at antenna 5.9 and at vibrissa 6.3; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.4 in width; vibrissae set 2.6 apart; front at narrowest 0.32 of head width, only slightly wider at vertex and 0.35 at lunule, the margins almost parallel anteriorly to about 1.5 above lunule; third antennal segment 3.8 times:as long as second; palpus 3.7 in length. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 76:50:94:38:10. Other- wise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. An extra lateral scutellar bristle often occurs on one side (rarely on both sides) between the basal and the median lateral bristle. Northern specimens seem to develop such adventitious bristles more often than specimens from the southern part of the species range. The normal number of lateral bristles in Lucilia is three. Length. 6-9 mm. Distribution. Holaretic. In North America from southern Canada to northern Mexico; common in the middlewestern part of the United States. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Egg. Wardle (1930, p. - 561) stated that Lucilia illustris seems to be less sensitive to light than Phaenicia sericata and that it will oviposit when the sky is overcast. Eggs are often deposited upon decaying meats, and during the summer in the middlewestern United States car- casses of animals are usually blown by this species in competition with Phaenicia sericata. “ Larva. First instar: Distribution of spines rather difficult to determine owing to lack of pigmentation on some of the seg- ments; segments 2-9 each bordered anteriorly with a complete band of spines; segment 8 with spines lighter in color on lateral SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 229 and dorsal surfaces; segment 9 with spines almost colorless; number of rows of spines reduced to one or two on segment 9; segment 10 with several rows of light-colored spines laterally which may extend to laterodorsal surface but do not join to form a complete band; posterior border of segment 11 with two or three rows of rather dark spines dorsally; on segment 10 the spines narrowed to one or two rows of lighter spines; dorsal surface of segment 9 with or without one or two irregular rows of almost colorless spines at posterior border; border of pos- terior cavity with small pigmented hairlike spines. Tubercles on segment 12 with inner pair on upper border separated by a distance approximately equal to distance between inner and outer tubercles; median pair on upper border and inner pair on lower border inconspicuous. Cephalopharyngeal sclerite (1.39, EK) comparatively strong and heavily pigmented; dorsal and ventral cornua approximately equal in length and width; an- terior projection of pharyngeal sclerite rather short and joined by a narrow dorsal arch; hatching spine well-developed. Second instar: Segments 2 to 9 each having anterior border provided with a complete band of spines; dorsal spines absent on segment 10 but one or two rows sometimes extending well up on laterodorsal surface; posterior border of segments 9-12 each with complete band of spines, reduced on segment 9 to one or two irregular rows; segment 8 with spines restricted to ven- tral and lateral surfaces. Tubercles on upper border of last segment broadly rounded and in relative size similar to those of third instar; inner pair on lower border approximately one- third as large as the median and outer pair; distance between inner tubercles on upper border as great or greater than distance between inner and outer ones. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 39, F) with dorsal cornua of almost uniform width to posterior end where it sharply tapers to a point; dorsal posterior projection of basal portion of labial sclerites broad and bluntly rounded. Anterior spiracles with six to eight branches. Third instar: Spinous bands encircling body at anterior mar- gins of segments 2-9; segment 10 with band of spines generally incomplete dorsally fae a short space; segment 11 with spines above venter restricted to one or two irregular dorsal rows; posterior border of segment 11 with five or six irregular rows of spines on dorsum; segment 10 usually with one or two irregu- lar dorsal rows, sometimes incomplete; dorsal spines generally absent on segment 9 and those anterior to it. Conical tubercles or fleshy protuberances outlining stigmal field rather large and prominent; inner and outer pairs on upper border nearly equal 230 THe BLOowFLIES oF NortH AMERICA and about twice as large as the median, the two inner tubercles separated by a distance greater than the distance between the inner and median tubercles and approximately equal to distance between inner and outer ones (as in mexicana); outer and median pairs on lower border large, approximately equal in size and much larger than inner pair; inner pair on lower lip smaller than outer pair on upper border; tubercles on anal protuberance slightly shorter and less pointed than the two outer pairs on lower border of stigmal field; segment 12 generally smooth to finely scabrous on dorsal surface. Posterior spiracles (pl.39,H) comparatively large, heavily pigmented, and with usual form; peritreme prominent, with well-developed inward projection be- tween outer and middle slits. Cephaloskeleton (pl.39,G) large and heavily pigmented; dorsal cornua broad and widely sep- arated from ventral cornua; at posterior end and below ventral cornua with a pigmented porous area, possibly representing a more heavily pigmented portion of the pharynx which is not conspicuous in other species of Luciliini here described; labial selerites pointed slightly upward and curved downward. An- terior spiracles with comparatively large prominent branches; external portion equal to or only slightly longer than stigmal chamber (pigmented portion of trunk); anterior spiracles gen- erally with 6 to 8 branches. Of 80 spiracles, 5 had 5 branches, 23 had 6, 20 had 7, 22 had 8, and only 2 had 9. Puparwm. According to Bishopp (1915) the pupal stage lasts from 5 to 16 days in Texas during fairly warm weather. During periods of fairly high temperatures in Texas he found that the larval period lasted from 2 to 5 days and that the puparia were formed from 38 to 12 days after the hatching of the eggs. During periods of low temperatures, however, the third larval stage was sometimes extended to several weeks. Adult. In the Middle West alustris appears on the first warm days of spring, although a few adults may be collected in favor- able situations during protracted warm periods in midwinter. Wardle (1930) stated that this species formed 24 percent of the total blowfly population in Minnesota during July, August, and September in 1927. Overwintering of illustris is supposedly in the larval or the pupal stage, although the appearance of adults during midwinter may indicate hibernation in that stage under certain conditions. The preoviposition period is from 6 to 20 days, according to Bishopp (1915); the flying range of the species was tentatively fixed at 3.5 miles by Bishopp and Laake (1921). It seems that allustris is an open woodland and meadow species. SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 931 Adults may be collected in large numbers upon flowers of wild parsnips in Ohio during July. They are attracted to fresh human excrement sometimes, but most frequently to freshly exposed meat and are one of the most abundant green flies on freshly killed animals. The larvae are found most frequently in carrion. Kingsecote (1932) reports that larvae of this species often kill young foxes in two or three days by causing subdermal myiasis, but it is probable that another species may be concerned. PHAENICIA ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY Phaemcia Robineau-Desvoidy, Histoire Naturelle des Diptéres des Environs de Paris, vol. 2, p. 750, 1863; Bezzi, Katalog der Paldarktischen Dipteren, vol. 3, p. 539, 1907; Coquillett, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proce. 87:563, 1910; Townsend, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 4:8, 1916; Malloch, Linn. Soe. N. 8S: Wales, Proc. 52:321, 1927; Rohdendorf, Ent. Mitt. 17 (4) :336, 1928; Aubertin,; Linn. Soe. London Jour. Zool. 38 :392, 1938; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 5, p. 162, 1937. Genotype. (Phaenicia concinna Robineau-Desvoidy) = Musca sericata Meigen. By designation of Townsend (1916). All the known species of Phaenicia in North America have the following characters in common. Male and female. Head (pl.5,C) with epistoma warped a little forward from clypeal plane and nearly as wide as clypeus; meta- cephalon short and only slightly produced behind; inner vertical bristles decussate or reclinate; ocellar triangle hardly reaching one-third the distance to the lunule; clypeus well-depressed, slightly concave; facial carina absent or apparent only in a short narrow low keel between the first antennal segments; faciale slightly convex in profile and usually bristled only at vibrissa; vibrissae above oral margin and well-separated; pro- bosecis two-thirds to three-fourths head height; palpus clavate; antennae inserted at or slightly below eye middle when head is viewed in profile, their bases approximated; arista with penul- timate segment short, terminal segment elongate, with long cilia above and below nearly to apex; back of head flat or slightly depressed. Thorax usually with three humeral bristles and a weaker fourth bristle anterior to these; propleural bristle strong; pre- intraalar bristles three, the foremost bristle usually weak; pro- sternum large, wide, setose; postalar declivity setose; preparap- 232 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA teron with fine pile; tympanic pit setose; greater ampulla pubescent; scutellar bridge setose; squamopleuron pilose; post- supraalar bristles three; postintraalar bristles two; intrapostalar bristle minute but rarely absent; mesothoracic bristle strong, mesothoracie and metathoracic spiracles not enlarged. Wing (pl.9,K) without costal spine; subcostal sclerite without setae. ; Abdomen without discal or median marginal bristles on inter- mediate segments; second segment with marginal row of re- cumbent bristles; third and fourth segments each with a more. erect and stronger marginal row of bristles. The genus Phaemcia differs most obviously from Lucila in the character of the ocellar triangle and in the subcostal sclerite. Phaenicia caeruleiviridis (Macquart), new combination Lucila caerulewiridis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 5, p. 133, 1855; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. K1]. Sitzber. (1) 108:522, 1899; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38:421, 1933. (Type, female from Baltimore, Md., in the Bigot collection, British Museum. ) Lucilia australis Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:122, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:254, 1913; Shannon, In- secutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:79, 1924; Curran, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. 61:89, 19380. (Type, female, from Tennessee, No. 10894, U. S. National Museum.) Lucilia oculata Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:123, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 6:255, 1913. (Type, female, from Kentucky, No. 10896, U. S. National Museum.) A brilliant blue-green species with the third and fourth ab- dominal segments highly polished. | Male. Head width 13.0; length at antenna and at vibrissa 5.6; eye height 8.7; head height 11.1; epistoma shorter and wider than in sericata; metacephalon hardly apparent in profile; bueca 0.25 of eye height, deep mahogany to black in color, with thin dull gray pollen, and with black setae; frontale very narrow for nearly 3.0 starting about 1.0 anterior to foremost ocellus, reddish brown and almost 0.35 of width of front at lunule; front at narrowest (2.0 below foremost ocellus) 0.03 of head width, 0.14 at vertex and 0.18 at lunule, with dull silvery pollen, bare except. for a single row of minute dark setae just outside frontal row; frontal row consisting of eight or nine bristles, those posteriorly at narrowest part of front very weak, the rows extending an- teriorly to lunule and diverging as they follow the margins of SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 233 jf : the frontale; a reclinate frontoorbital bristle present (located about 0.30 anterolaterad of foremost ocellus) ; vertex black, with thin silvery pollen; elypeus orange red to brown, lighter in color toward epistoma, and with silvery pollen; parafaciale dark red- dish brown to black, with dull silvery pollen, 0.7 in width oppo- site lunule; faciale reddish brown, nearly straight in profile, with short black setae which ascend about 0.30 the distance toward the antennal base; vibrissae 1.0 above the oral margin and set 2.4 apart; length of proboscis 9; haustellum 5.5; palpus orange, 3.3 in length; antenna with first segment dark brown to black, sec- ond segment reddish brown, lighter at apex, third segment 4.1 times as long as second, orange to orange brown at base, darker apically; arista with long black cilia for four-fifths its length; back of head black, with whitish pollen around occiput and below, with one row of black postocular cilia and numerous pale hairs which are particularly noticeable on metacephalon. Thorax metallic blue green with purple and bronze colored reflections, mostly shining but with very thin whitish pollen in certain lights, this mainly apparent on pleura; humeral bris- tles three; propleuron with tawny pile; hindmost predorsocentral and hindmost preacrostichal bristles placed 0.8 and 1.4, respec- tively, before the suture; prosternum with brown setae; posta- erostichal bristles two; lateral postscutellar plates with black setae. Legs dark brown to black, the femora often greenish metallic; coxae with only black hair; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle, about four anteroventral bristles toward base, and from three to five posteroventral bristles from middle to base; middle tibia with one ventral bristle and one postero- dorsal bristle near apical third; hind femur with anterodorsal and anteroventral rows of bristles and with three to five ventral bristles from middle to base; hind tibia with an anterodorsal row of very short bristles among which two or three are conspicuous, one anteroventral bristle at apical third (4 of 23 specimens examined with two, this additional bristle placed toward middle), and with two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third. Wing hyaline, slightly brownish anteriorly and darker basal- ly; basicosta yellow to orange brown; subcostal sclerite yellow orange, to orange, with fine short decumbent orange pile; veins orange to orange brown; costal segments 2 to 6 in the proportion 62 :42:87:34:9; upper squamal lobe white or rather yellowish; lower squamal lobe white basally, light orange to brownish apically. 934 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Abdomen mostly shining metallic blue green; first segment blackish; second segment with faint indication of polished mid- . dorsal spot on anterior margin and with a marginal row of recumbent bristles the middle pair of which may be slightly longer than the others (not to be confused with median marginal bristles) ; third segment highly polished apically and with a well- developed marginal row of bristles; fourth segment highly pol- ished and with seattered black hairs. Genital segments black, often slightly metallic greenish on dorsum, small, with scattered erect black hair. Internal anatomi- eal features ( pl. 24,A,B, and C) as illustrated. Female. Head width 14.7; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.0; eye height 9.0; head height 11.4; bueca 0.25 of eye height; frontale widest at foremost ocellus, gradually narrowing to lunule where it is nearly twice as wide as one parafrontale, black posteriorly and orange brown anteriorly; front at narrow- est (about 1.0 above lunule) 0.25 of head width, 0.29 at vertex and 0.28 at antennal base, with some minute tawny-colored setae outside frontal row, the foremost of which is sometimes slightly anterior to foremost frontal bristle; frontal bristles about seven, all strong; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.2 in width; vibrissae set 2.7 apart; palpus 3.7 in length; antenna with third segment 4.4 times as long as second; vertex and back of head black, with thin whitish pollen and usually slightly metallic bluish-green. Wing with squamal lobes white. Otherwise similar to male exeont for normal sexual differences. Length. 6-9 mm. Distribution. Nearetic: Common in southeastern United States, particularly from Maryland to Florida, and north to Michigan and Wisconsin; less abundant west of the Mississippi River. Tothill (1913, pp. 254-255) identified the male of Lucila oculata Townsend as Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus) and the female as Lucila pilatei Hough. He identified the female of Lucilia australis Townsend as Lucilia pilatet and the male as caesar. The types of Townsend’s two species are caeruleiviridis as I determine the species. Lucia caesar of North American authors has usu- ally been Luctla alustris. Aubertin (1933) stated that the type of caeruleiwiridis in New- market is a female, but Macquart indicated that his specimen was a male. Biology, immature stages, and habits. Egg. Melvin (1934) found that eggs of this species did not hatch at temperatures of less than 79° F., and at this temperature 11.05 hours were re- SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 235 quired to complete the incubation period. No hatch occurred at temperatures greater than 99° F., and at this temperature 7.75 hours were required to complete the incubation period. Larva. First instar: Distribution and appearance of spines as in silvarum. Second instar: Distribution of spines as in silvuarum. Tuber- cles on border of stigmal field rather large, median pair on upper border not much smaller than outer; inner pair on lower border more than one-half as large as outer and median pairs; distance between inner tubercles on upper border distinctly less than distance between inner and outer ones but greater than distance from inner to median tubercles. Cephaloskeleton (pl.40,A) with dorsal cornua tapering to posterior end; labial sclerites rather short and broad. Third instar: Segments 2-9 each with a complete band of spines at anterior margin; segment 10 with the spines extending well up to laterodorsal surface but not joining; spines rather variable at posterior border of segments; segments 10 and 11 with spines dorsally, six to eight rows Peale present on dorsal surface of segment 11; segment 12 generally smooth on dorsal surface; segment 9 with the lateral spines sometimes joined by a single irregular row to form a complete band. Tubereles outlining stigmal field very large and prominent, the outer and inner pairs on upper border approximately equal and less than twice as large as median; distance between inner and interme- diate tubercles not so great as distance from inner to outer ones; the two outer pairs on lower border larger than those on anal protuberances and usually larger than larger pair on upper border of stigmal field. Button area of spiracular plates (p1.40, C) rather well-developed, with a cylindrical pigmented inward projection below which is visible only when mounted plates are examined; peritreme well-developed, inward projection of peri- treme between inner and middle slit prominent; spiracles, in general, heavily pigmented as in wlustris, especially at the border and around slits, degree of pigmentation however varying con- siderably with age of specimen. Cephaloskeleton (pl.40,B) similar to that of silvarum and mexicana but ventral cornua produced posteriorly beyond hump to a greater extent than in these two species; labial sclerites curved slightly upward, then downward. Anterior spiracles with number of branches ranging from 6 to 10 (In one series of 62 spiracles, Knipling (19386) found that 4 spiracles had 6 branches, 16 had 7, 21 had 8, 18 had 9 and 3 had 10; while in another series of 24 spiracles, 1 spiracle had 7 236 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA branches, 5 had 8, 8 had 9, 9 had 10. Thus in one series there was a predominance of 7-, 8-, and 9-branched spiracles, with only a few 9- and 10-branched ones; in the other series, 8-, 9-, and 10-branched spiracles’ predominated, only a few having 7 branches). These branches are small, short, and the length of the external portion is approximately equal to that of the spiracu- lar chamber. Adult. Davis (1928) gave a note upon the oviposition by females of this species upon a thin and emaciated kitten in Virginia. The eggs were deposited in the fur, particularly near the tail. So far as Davis could ascertain, the animal was weak and ill for want of food but was not wounded. McAtee (1929) reported that he reared this species from a nest of starlings in Virginia. Donohoe (1937) stated that Phaenicia caerulewiridis is of considerable importance in the northern part of the Sac- ramento Valley, Calif., in areas where the drying of certain fruits is carried on commercially. Phaemcia caerulerwiridis is a common species in the woods and fields, where it may sometimes be collected upon human excre- ment. It does not seem to be abundant about houses, but may be collected in large numbers in traps baited with decaying meats when such traps are placed in urban areas. It appears about May 10 each year in the vicinity of Washington, D. C. Phaenicia cluvia (Walker), new combination Musca cluvia Walker, List of the Specimens of Dipterous In- sects in the Collection of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 885, 1849. (Type, from the West Indies, in the British Museum. ) Lucilia pilater. Hough, Zool. Bull. 2 (6) :287, 1899; Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:122, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 6:254, 1913; Johnson, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 32:76, 1913; West, 7. Leonard, Mem. 101, Cornell Univ., page 828, 1928. (Type, male, Tifton, Ga., in the Field Museum. ) Lucia cluvia (Walker). Aubertin, Linn. Soc. London Jour., Zool. 38:418, 1933. A species with the general habitus of caeruleiviridis. Male. Head width 10.9; length at antenna 4.7 and at vibrissa 5.1; eye height 7.4; head height 9.3; epistoma short but wide, warped abruptly forward almost to vibrissal profile just below vibrissa; metacephalon hardly apparent in profile; bueca 0.22 eye height, with thin silvery pollen over reddish brown ground SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 237 eolor anteriorly, brownish black posteriorly, and with scattered dark hair anterodorsally, yellowish or tawny hair below and posteriorly; frontale half frontal width, orange brown anterior- ly, black posteriorly; frontal row of bristles consisting of 12 to 14 bristles, these strong anteriorly, weak posteriorly, the rows diverging anteriorly with margins of frontale and reaching to base of second antennal segment, the foremost bristle most divergent; inner vertical bristle strong, cruciate; clypeus with yellowish silvery pollen over orange-red to brownish ground eolor; front orange brown to black, with silvery pollen and with a few pale hairs outside frontal row, at narrowest 0.10 of head width, 0.18 at vertex and 0.29 at antennal base; faciale yellow orange to orange red, nearly straight in profile, with three or four rows of short stubby black setae ascending one- fourth the distance to the antennal base; parafaciale opposite lunule 0.9, dark brown to black in ground color, with silvery pollen; vibrissae only 0.5 to 0.7 above oral margin and set 2.0 apart; proboscis a little over half head height, haustellum half length of proboscis; palpus yellow orange, 3.0 in length; an- tennae set rather far apart at base, first segment dark brown to black, second orange to orange brown, third usually darker than second except at base and four times as long, reaching 0.85 the distance toward the vibrissa; arista orange to orange brown at base, black on apical half, with long black cilia for four fifths its length; back of head black, with silvery pollen especially around occiput, with one row of postocular cilia and with numerous pale yellowish hairs which are particularly abundant below occiput. Thorax bright metallic blue green with coppery-colored reflec- tions, mostly shining but with silvery pollen anterodorsally and on lower pleura in certain lights from anterodorsal aspect with bronze-colored dorsal longitudinal stripe just laterad of acros- tichal row not extending posterior to suture, and with a sugges- tion of a stripe laterad of dorsocentral row just posterior to suture; humeral bristles three; propleuron with tawny setae; hindmost preintraalar bristle 0.6 before suture; preacrostichal bristles two, the hindmost placed 2.0 before suture; dorsocentral bristles three, the hindmost placed 1.2 before suture; prosternum with tawny-colored setae; postalar declivity with a few dark hairs near center; postacrostichal bristles two; scutellum as in sericata. Legs brownish black; hind coxa bare posteriorly but elsewhere with fine tawny-colored hairs; hind trochanter with tawny- colored hairs; fore tibia with three, sometimes four, short stubby 938 Tur BLowruizs or NortH AMERICA bristles on dorsal surface, one near basal third, one near middle, and usually one between apical third and fourth; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle, three or four anteroven- tral bristles toward base, and with four posteroventral bristles toward base; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle at apical third, one ventral bristle near apical third, two posterior bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third, and one postero- dorsal bristle near apical third; hind tibia with from one to three anterodorsal bristles, always one at basal third, usually one at or near middle, and rarely with one near basal sixth, with one anteroventral bristle at or near apical third, and with two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth and one near apical third. Wing hyaline, yellowish toward base, with yellow orange to orange brown veins; basicosta yellow orange to orange brown; subcostal sclerite with golden pubescence; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 56:31:73 :27:8; lower squama lightly yellow- ish to yellowish brown. Abdomen brilliant shining metallic blue green, with thin sil- very pollen on venter; first segment black on dorsum; second segment with a purplish or black middorsal spot on anterior margin, the hind margin purplish or black, and with recumbent marginal bristles; third seginent often with hind margin nar- rowly purplish or black and with a marginal row of erect bris- tles; basal sternites usually with considerable fine tawny-colored hair; fifth sternite brownish, divided, the arms rounded apically. Genital segments brownish, metallic dorsally, internal anatomi- eal structures (pl. 24, D and E) as illustrated. Female. Head height 10.9; length of head at antenna 5.1 and at vibrissa 5.4; parafaciale 1.3 in width opposite lunule, vibrissae set 2.1 apart; head width 12.3; eye height 7.8; bucca 0.21 of eye height; front at narrowest (about 1.0 above lunule) 0.28 of head width, 0.29 at vertex and 0.34 at antennal base; frontale one-half frontal width at ocellar triangle and narrowing an- teriorly, black at vertex, orange to orange brown at lunule; frontal row of bristles only very slightly diverging anteriorly as they follow the frontale, each row consisting of eight or nine bristles; outer vertical bristle 0.65 as long as inner and divaricate; frontoorbital bristles two proclinate and one reclinate, the foremost proclinate bristle usually considerably larger than the following bristle; ocellar bristles almost exactly divaricate and with a lesser pair of ocellar bristles immediately behind and between posterior ocelli, these also nearly divaricate. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 939 Length. 6-8 mm. Distribution. Nearctic and Neotropical: Cuba and Puerto Rico, north to North Carolina and west to southern Mississippi. The species occurs in Florida in late summer and in the north- ern limits of its range during October. It is present throughout the year in the West Indies and on some of the Florida Keys. Phaenicia cluvia was reported from the state of New York by Leonard (1928, p. 828), but no specimens of the species from north of Virginia have been seen during the course of these studies. Aubertin (1933, p. 418) placed Johnson’s species Lucilia prob- lematica questionably as a synonym of cluvia, but problematica is a valid species and is so treated elsewhere in this paper. Biology. The habits of the adults of this species are exactly similar to those of caeruleiwiridis, from which cluvia is difficult to distinguish in the field. Many specimens of both sexes may be collected in the vicinity of Miami, Florida, during August and September, where they congregate on fallen fruits and de- caying materials. The species is attracted to carcasses and many specimens may be trapped in meat-baited traps. The immature stages are undescribed. Phaenicia eximia (Wiedemann), new combination Musca eximia Wiedemann, Zool. Mag. 1 (3) :538, 1819; Ausser- europaische zweifltigelige Insekten, vol. 2, p. 3899, 1830; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38:423, 1933 (Lucilia). (Type, female from Brazil, in Vienna.) Musca ochricornis Wiedemann (in part), Aussereuropdische zweifliigelige Insekten, vol. 2, p. 408, 1830. (Type, female from Brazil, in Vienna.) Lucilia eximia Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 456, 1830, = Orthellia lauta (Wied.) (Type, in ‘Paris Museum.) Lucilia ruficornis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 1, p. 198, 1846; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 304, 1868; Roeder, Stett. Ent. Ztg. 46:347, 1885; Williston, Roy. Ent. Soe. London, Trans. 1896:367; Wolcott, Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. 7 :225, 1928. (Type, male and female, from Colombia, apparently lost.) Lucilia punctipennis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 3, p. 216, 1848. (Type, from Brazil, in the Bigot Collection, Newmar- ket, England.) 240 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Musca insularis Walker, Insecta Saundersiana, vol. 1, p. 340, 1856. (Type, from West Indies, in the British Museum.) Somomyia amazona Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France Ann. (5) 7:255, 1877. (Type, in the Bigot Collection, Newmarket, England.) Somomyia mutabilis Bigot, Soe. Ent. de France Ann. (5) 7:248, 1877. (Type, Mexico, in the Bigot Collection, Newmarket, England. ) Somomyia orenoquina Bigot, Soe. Ent. de France Ann. (5) 7:253, 1877. (Type, from Brazil, in the Bigot Collection, Newmarket, England.) Somomyia pueblensis Bigot, Soc. Ent. de Franee Ann. (5) 7:250, 1877; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. Sitzber. (1) 108:522, 1899 (Lucila). (Type, in the Bigot Collec- tion, Newmarket, England.) Somomyia sylphida Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France Ann. (5) 7:45, 1877; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. K]. Sitzber. (1) 108:528, 1899 (Lucilia); Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6 :256,1918. (Type, New Orleans, La., in the Bigot Collec- tion, Newmarket, England.) Lucilia hirtiforceps Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 28 (6) :133, 1926; Curran, Scient. Survey Porto Rico and Virgin Islands, vol. 11, pt. 1, p. 98, 1928; Roberts, Ecology 14 (3) :309, 1938. (Type, male [with female in cop.| from Canal Zone, Pan- ama, No. 28892, in U. S. National Museum.) A blue-green species with the abdomen highly polished. Male. Head length at antenna 4.9 and at vibrissa 5.4; height 10.8; width 12.8; eye height 8.5; bucea 0.23 of eye height, orange to orange brown in ground color, covered with coarse yellowish to golden pollen, and with scattered dark hair, no pale hairs before the metacephalic suture; metacephalon slightly protuber- ant posteriorly; frontale dark reddish brown, obliterated for at least 1.0 unit below anterior ocellus but wider than either para- frontale at lunule; front at narrowest 0.04 of head width, 0.13 at vertex and 0.22 at lunule, with silvery to yellowish pollen, and with a few short pale hairs outside frontal bristles which extend anteriorly to foremost frontal bristle; frontal rows of bristles extending anteriorly to about the base of the second antennal segment and diverging as they follow the margins of the frontale, each row consisting of about 10 bristles which are long anteriorly and weak or nearly vestigial posteriorly; vertex subpollinose, dark brown to black; elypeus with thin yellowish silvery pollen over yellow orange to orange ground color; epistoma often with SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 241 weak setae between vibrissae; parafaciale opposite lunule 0.7 in width, much wider below, and with thin yellowish silvery pollen over orange brown ground color; faciale nearly straight in pro- file and with several rows of short black setae which ascend about one-third the distance to the antennal base; vibrissae 0.5 above the oral margin and set 2.3 apart; proboscis 6.0 in length, haustellum 3.0; palpus yellow to orange, 3.5 in length; antenna with first and second segments orange brown to brown, third segment 3.8 times as long as second, reaching 0.85 of the dis- tance to the vibrissae; arista brown and with long ‘black cilia for 0.85 its length; back of head black, with yellowish white pollen around the occiput, with one row of postocular cilia and considerable whitish yellow hair, especially below on metacepha- lon. Thorax shining metallic blue green, sometimes strongly blue with greenish reflections, and often with bronze-colored reflec- tions in certain lights, usually with very thin whitish pollen anteriorly and on pleura; humeral bristles three; preacrostichal and predorsocentral bristles two, the posterior one in each row placed 2.8 and 1.4, respectively, before the suture; preintraalar bristles two or three, the foremost sometimes absent; presupra- alar bristle one; propleuron and prosternum with tawny hair; postalar declivity with a small tuft of black setae near middle; selerites at wing base dark brown to black; postacrostichal bris- tles two; lateral postsecutellar plates with black setae. Legs brown to brownish black; anterior femur and tibia as in sericata; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle, about three anteroventral bristles, one at basal fourth, one at basal third and one at middle, and about four posteroventral bristles toward base; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical third, two posterior bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third, and two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal third and one near apical third (1 of 10 specimens without basal bristle); posterior femur with anterodv.sal and anteroventral rows of bristles (anteroventral row usually with bristles at base and apex considerably longer than those near middle), and with about three posteroventral bristles toward base; posterior tibia with an anterodorsal row of short fine bris- tles (usually two or three of these longer), usually two antero- ventral bristles, one at about basal third and one between middle and apical third (1 of 10 specimens without basal bristle), and with two posterodorsal bristles, one near basal fourth and one near apical third. Wing hyaline, brownish anteriorly, considerably so at base; 242 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA - veins dark brown; basicosta brown to brownish black; subcostal sclerite yellow brown basally, darker apically, with fine short brown pile; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 64:47 :89 :37 :11; upper squamal lobe white at base and brown on margin; lower squamal lobe brown. Abdomen shining metallic blue green or sometimes rather bluish with green reflections, the hind margin of the segments often purplish or black, and with only a trace of thin silvery pollen ventrally; first segment black; second with a slightly darkened area on anterior middorsal margin, and with a marginal row of rather weak recumbent bristles; third segment highly polished, particularly on posterior dorsal half, and with a mar- ginal row of erect bristles; fourth segment entirely shining and highly polished; all segments ventrally with rather long black hair. Genital segments black, very slightly greenish, small, with seattered black setae. Internal anatomical features (pl. 24, F, G, and H) as illustrated. Female. Head height 10.9; eye height 8.6; bueca 0.22 of eye height; length at antenna 5.4 and at vibrissa 5.8; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.2 in width; vibrissae set 2.6 apart; head width 13.2; frontale black posteriorly, reddish brown at lunule, and narrowing toward lunule where it is a little wider than either parafrontal; front at narrowest (about 1.0 unit above lunule) 0.24 of head width, 0.29 at vertex and 0.29 at lunule; frontal row of bristles consisting of about six bristles nearly equal in size; outer vertical bristles divaricate and about three-fifths as long as inner vertical bristles; frontoorbital bristles two, pro- clinate (the anterior one the larger) and one reclinate; ocellar bristles almost exactly divaricate, and with a posterior pair of lesser divaricate ocellar bristles behind and between the pos- | terior ocelli; vertex black, somewhat shining, and usually green- ish in certain lights; epistoma rarely with weak setae between vibrissae; palpus 3.6 in length; third segment of antenna 3.8 times as long as second and usually more orange than in male. Thorax with slightly more whitish pollen than in male. Wing more yellowish or yellowish brown at base, squamal lobes white, orange on rims. Abdomen highly polished on last two segments, particularly on dorsum. Otherwise like male except for normal sexual difference. Length. 6-8 mm. Reared and teneral specimens of eximia are often bronzy green instead of the typical steel blue green. Specimens are frequently seen which are almost entirely blue with only suggestions of SuBrAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 943 green, and these often tend toward purplish in certain lights. The cause of such color differences is not fully understood, but they are not of apparent taxonomie significance. Male specimens of typical color often turn bluish in a relaxing jar. Distribution. Neotropical and Nearetic: South and Central America, and extending northward to Port Lavaca and Uvalde, Texas. Biology. Adults of both sexes may be collected throughout Central America on materials of decay. It is the common green bottlefiy of the market places of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicara- cua, Panama, Venezuela, and the Guianas. Specimens may be collected upon rotting fruits and garbage as well as upon ear- casses and they are commonly attracted to meat-baited traps. Although other species of the genus are uncommon in the tropics this species apparently occurs at nearly all altitudes and in nearly all situations from the tropical rain forests along coastal regions to pine flats in the mountains of Guatemala. Larvae have been recovered and adults have been reared from rotting fruits in Panama, and from decaying meat in Puerto Rico (Jan. 6, 1936, Dozier). Lopez (1938) reared specimens from epithelial detritus on the feet of a fowl infested with Cnemidocoptes mutans Robin. Roberts (1933) found that eximia often occurred in trees in the vicinity of Uvalde, Texas. Phaenicia mexicana (Macquatt), new combination Lucilia mexicana Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 300, 1843; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38 :422, 1933. (Type, male from Mexico, in the British Museum. ) Lucila unicolor Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:121, 1908; Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:78, 1924; Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 28 (6) :133, 1926; Roberts, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 23 :790, 1930; Ecology, 18 (3) :309, 1933. (Type, female from New Mexico, No. 10892, U. S. National Museum.) Lucilia infuscata Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:123, 1908. (Type, male from New Mexico, No. 10895, U. S. National Museum. ) Lucilia caesar Tothill (nee Linnaeus), in part, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:248, 1913. Townsend deseribed Lucilia infuscata from nine males and six females from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, New 244 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Mexico, Arizona, and British Columbia, Only the male holotype is now in the National Museum and apparently it is mexicana. Lucilia unicolor was described by Townsend from five females collected in New Mexico, Mexico, and British Columbia. Only the female holotype is now in the National Museum, and appar- ently it is also mexicana. Lucilia mexicana does not seem to have the distribution noted for infuscata, and it is concluded that the two series of type specimens included more than one species. Rob- erts (1930) states that one specimen of mexicana was collected in a trap at Ames, Iowa, on October 29; the distribution, there- fore, may be considerably wider than indicated. A species which is very similar to caeruleiviridis, but has two or more rows of postocular cilia. Male. Head width 13.2; height 11.0; length at antenna 5.4 and at vibrissa 5.9; eye height 9.4; bucca 0.31 of eye height, orange brown to dark brown, with thin silvery pollen and with dark hair, no pale hair before the metacephalic suture; frontale red- dish brown at lunule and darker brown toward ocellar triangle: very narrow at the narrowest part but as wide as parafrontale at lunule; front at narrowest 0.05 of head width, 0.14 at vertex and 0.23 at lunule, dark brown to black and with bright silvery pollen, and with a few scattered dark setae on parafrontale; frontal rows of bristles considerably divergent anteriorly as they follow the frontale and extend almost to the base of the second antennal segment, each row consisting of about 14 bris- tles which are strong anteriorly but weak at the narrowest por- tion of the frontale; a reclinate frontoorbital bristle slightly anterior to and opposite foremost ocellus; parafaciale opposite lunule 0.9 in width and considerably wider below, with bright silvery pollen over orange-brown ground color; faciale orange brown to dark brown, with a row of short fine setae which extend less than one-third the distance to the antennal base; vibrissae placed 0.6 above oral margin and 2.4 apart; palpus 3.4 in length; antenna with first and second segments dark brown, the latter orange at apex, third segment orange at base and eradually darkening to dark brown apically; arista brown with long brown cilia; back of head black with whitish pollen around occiput, with two rows of postocular cilia and numerous pale hairs which are most apparent on the orange colored meta- eephalon. Thorax metallic blue green with purplish reflections, mostiy shining, but with thin whitish pollen in certain lights especially on dorsum anteriorly between humeri and on pleura; propleuron with black setae; basal selerites at wing base dark brown te SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 245 black; hindmost preacrostichal and predorsocentral bristles 2.6 and 1.2, respectively, before suture; postacrostichal bristles two. Legs usually black but sometimes brownish on femora and tibiae. Wing hyaline, faintly brownish anteriorly and toward base; basicosta dark brown to black; subcostal sclerite orange brown basally, darker brown apically, with fine decumbent brown pile; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 73 :50 :90 :39 :9; second and third sections of fourth vein in proportion 74:67; third vein setulose nearly one-half the distance to the cross vein; squamal lobes white at base, the lower lobe brown apically. Abdomen colored like thorax, first segment dark purplish; second segment with only a suggestion of marginal row of bristles; third segment with marginal row of strong bristles; fourth segment with scattered erect bristles. Genital segments brown to black, slightly greenish dorsally, with scattered erect black hairs. Anatomical features (pl. 24, I) as illustrated. Female. Head width 15.5; height 12.0; eye height 8.6; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.4; bucca 0.33 of eye height; frontale narrowed anteriorly, orange red to brown; frontal rows of bristles consisting of about seven each, the rows strongly diver- gent anteriorly; vertex black, slightly silvery; parafrontale at narrowest 0.29 of head width, only slightly wider at vertex and 0.32 at lunule, silvery, with a row of minute setulae near eye which extend anteriorly to nearly opposite foremost frontal bristle; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.7 in width; vibrissae set 3.0 apart; antenna with third segment 4.7 times as long as second; palpus 3.9 in length. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 81:57:112:45:11; both upper and lower squamal lobes white. Otherwise similar to male except for nor- mal sexual differences. Length. 6-9 mm. Distribution. Nearectic and Neotropical: As far south as Brazil and as far north as Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Ineubation period: Melvin (1934) found that incubation of eggs of this species did not occur at temperatures below 75° F., and at this temperature 14.03 hours were required for the eggs to hatch. No hatching occurred at temperatures higher than 99° F., and at this tem- perature 8.12 hours were necessary for complete incubation. The optimum temperature for the incubation appeared to be at about 94° F., at which temperature development y was com- pleted in 7.77 hous: 246 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA Larva. First instar: Spines heavily pigmented as in caeru- lewwiridis and silvarum; segments 1 to 8 each with a complete band of spines at anterior border; segments 10 and 11 provided with posterior border of spines on dorsal surface; segment 9 with bands of spines at both anterior and posterior margins narrowly interrupted. Tubercles on last segment and cephalo- skeleton similar to those of allustris. Second instar: Spines forming a complete band at anterior border of each of segments 2-8 and extending almost to dorsal surface on segment 9; segments 11 and 12 each usually with complete band on posterior border (sometimes restricted to ventral, lateral, and dorsolateral surfaces). Relative distribu- tion of tubercles on last segment as in third instar. Tubercles broadly rounded at tip, the median pair on upper border and inner pair on lower border only slightly smaller than the others. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 40, E) similar to that of caerulet-- viridis but labial sclerites more slender, the basal portion with a longer posterodorsal projection. Anterior spiracles with six to eight branches. Third instar: Distribution of spines variable; anterior margin of each of segments 2-8 generally completely encircled with spines (in some specimens the complete band may extend to seg- ment 9, while in others it may extend only to segment 7); pos- trior margin of segment 11 generally provided with three to four dorsal rows of spines, but spines sometimes absent at pos- terior margin of all but segment 12. Tubercles (pl. 40, G) out- lining stigmal field rather prominent; inner pair on upper border equal to or only slightly larger than the other two pairs which are nearly equal in size; on lower border, outer and inter- mediate pairs large, the inner pair comparatively large (in other species the inner tubercles on lower border are always distinctly smaller). Posterior spiracles (pl. 40, D) with peri- treme narrow and not heavily pigmented; a rather long narrow inward projection of peritreme between inner and lower spiracu- lar apertures. Pharyngeal sclerites (pl. 40, F') similar to those of caerulerviridis but with shorter ventral cornua. Anterior spiracles in one series with 5 to 8 branches (in a total of 24 spiracles, 1 had 5 branches, 7 had 6, 12 had 7, and 4 had 8); in another, with 6 to 11 branches (total of 84 spiracles distributed 3, 28, 33, 15, 4 and 1); size of lobes and form of spiracles as in sericata. Most of the series in the National Museum collection are from Brewster’ County, Reagan Wells, Dallas, and Uvalde, Tex. It is not an abundant species in North America except in the SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 247 Southwest. In Menard Co., Tex., Parish and Cushing (1939b) found adults to oceur throughout the year, but most abundantly about the first of June and again about the first of August. It was the most abundant species of Phaenicia in this area. Speci- mens from Arizona were collected at an elevation of 5,300 feet. Notwithstanding the fact that mexicana occurs throughout Cen- tral America, it is not an abundant species south of Mexico City and Campeche in Mexico. Only a few specimens were collected at Tapachula or Ixtapee in southern Mexico, and none in any of the other Central or South American countries. Phaenicia pallescens (Shannon), new combination Lucilia pallescens Shannon, Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:78, 1924; Wash. Ent. Soe. Proce. 28(6) :181, 1926. (Type, male from Wilmington, N. C., No. 26689, in U. S. National Museum. ) Phaenicia argyrocephala Malloch (nee Macquart), Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)17:506, 1926. Luctia cuprina Shannon (nee Wiedemann), Wash. Ent. Soe. Proc. 28:1381, 1926; Malloch, Linn. Soe. N. S. Wales, Proce. o2:021, 1927; Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Res. 17 :288, 1926. Phaenicia pallescens (Shannon) has been considered to be a synonym of Lucila argyrocephala of South Africa or of Lucilia cuprina of Asia and Australia. All three names have erroneously been treated as synonyms by some authors; but Oriental, African, and Australian specimens identified as Phaenmcia cuprina differ from typical specimens of Phaenicia pallescens of North America in having the front at the narrowest not so wide in comparison with the head width, the bueca proportionately higher in com- parison with the eye height, the lateral margins of the para- frontale in the female narrow from the vertex toward the lunule. and narrowest about 1.5 to 2.0 above the lunule. Because of the apparent biological differences between the Australian cuprina and the species that has been known as cuprina in North America, series of larvae were sent to Mr. E. F. Knipling, Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, and reared adults were forwarded to me by Mr. I. M. Mackerras of Canberra, Australia. Patton (1920) had reported that the anterior spiracles of the oriental larvae of cuprina were comprised of from six to eight branches, Fuller (1932, p. 83) had described the anterior spira- eles of third-instar larvae of the Australian form as having 248 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA seven or eight branches, and Knipling (1936) found this num- ber to be from four to six in the North American form. Mr. Knipling sent to me the following summary of his exami- nations: ‘‘A comparison of the immature stages of the Aus- tralian cuprina and the American species known under that name indicates close relationship. However, recognized Ameri- can species possess no greater larval difference than these that differentiate these two forms. On the basis of the taxonomic differences discussed in this report (anterior spiracles, tubercles, and spines) it is concluded that the Australian and American forms are distinctly different. Whether or not the observed differences are of specific or varietal significance can be judged better by considering the larval differences in conjunction with adult differences. ’’ Phaencia cuprina (Wied.) is the most important blowfly in Australia. Approximately 90 percent of all ‘‘strikes’’ of sheep in Australia are due to this species according to Mackerras and Fuller (1937). The species is said to cause a loss of several millions of dollars each year to stock-breeders in that country. It is practically the only species to initiate ‘‘strike’’ in sheep in the Canberra District during the warmer months, and its distri- bution extends well into the drier sections of Australia. It reaches its greatest abundance in the tropical and arid parts of Australia during the spring and autumn months according to Mackerras, who considers the species an introduced one into the country. Fuller (1932) found the larva of cuprina to differ from that of sericata in having the posterior spiracles rounded, smaller, the peritreme thicker and wider ,and the slits shorter and wider. In South Africa the form usually considered under the name of cuprina is of little or no real economie significance so far as published records indicate. Lewis (1933) reported upon a num- ber of myiasis cases in sheep; both this species and Muscina stabu- lans were reared from one of these cases. Rearing of the latter species, in cases of myiasis, indicates that the wound was an old and suppurating one. Cuthbertson (1933) stated that this form is common everywhere in Cape Colony, South Africa, and that it is considered a nuisance in buteher shops and about abattoirs. It appears that the African form resembles pallescens of North America in biology and habits. It has generally been considered that Phaencia pallescens, cuprina and sericata are closely related. While several characters of chaetotaxy place the species together, sericata is very distinct. According to Heim de Balzac (1937), Villeneuve is inclined to SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 249 regard cuprina (including pallescens) as a parasitic race of ° sericata slightly modified from the true form by its parasitic mode of life. It may be true that such habits tend to modify anatomy and account for differences between Australian speci- mens of cuprina which have been reared from eases of strike in sheep and the North American pallescens which is of no economic importance, but the differences between the cuprina-pallescens and sericata groups are so sharp.and clear-cut that there should be no reason to confuse them. A ecupreous green species similar in general habitus to older and smaller individuals of sericata but with the metasternum bare. Male. Head height 9.1; eye height 7.2; bueca 0.23 of eye height; length at antenna 5.2 and at vibrissa 5.3; epistoma elon- gate and nearly as wide as clypeus but shorter and flatter than in sericata, the facial profile more arcuate; metacephalon hardly apparent in profile; bueca reddish brown in ground color, with rather thin bright silvery pollen and with numerous short black hairs; frontale about 0.48 of frontal width, reddish brown anteri- orly, often black or brownish black particularly posteriorly; front at narrowest 0.28 of head width, 0.18 at vertex and 0.31 at lunule; head width 11.0; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.3 in width; vibrissae set 1.9 apart and placed 0.75 above oral mar- gin; parafrontale with bright silvery to yellowish silvery pollen, with a few seattered dark hairs outside the frontal row, these not extending anteriorly to the foremost frontal bristle and most numerous at vertex; frontal row of bristles consisting of about seven or eight bristles which are rather short and hairlike posteriorly; a pair of well-developed divaricate accessory ocellar bristles immediately behind and between posterior ocelli; vertex -subpollinose, slightly silvery over brownish black ground color; faciale bristly only at or but sliglttly above vibrissa; proboscis about one-half head height, haustellum about one-fourth head height; palpus 3.0 in length; antennal segments usually black but often orange to orange brown; third segment three times as long as second; back of head black, usually metallic greenish, with two rows of postocular cilia and with pale hairs, the latter most apparent on postoral margin and above toward occiput. Thorax pale yellow green with a metallic cupreous luster es- pecially in certain lights, with several metallic cupreous longi- tudinal stripes on dorsum which are difficult to distinguish un- less viewed anterodorsally, one outside acrostichal row extending from anterior margin to slightly beyond suture, and another out- side dorsocentral row extending from suture toward scutellum, 950 Tue Buowriirs or Norra AmeriGA neither of which extend to seutellum, with thin whitish pollen which is most apparent in certain lights just behind head on dorsum and on pleura; humeral bristles three strong with usually one smaller bristle anterior to and between inner and middle bristles; hindmost preacrostichal and predorsocentral bristles placed 1.0 and 2.2, respectively, before suture; postalar de- elivity with only a few weak hairs; metasternum bare. Legs as in sericata except middle tibia usually with one an- terior bristle near middle (this sometimes absent) and usually with but two or three anteroventral bristles toward base; middle tibia usually with but one posterodorsal bristle near middle; hind tibia usually without anteroventral bristles (if present, re- duced in size). Wing hyaline, yellowish basally and all veins yellowish; basicosta whitish yellow; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 64:38: 79:31: 7; anterior cross vein slightly basad of middle of second section of fourth vein. Abdomen usually ecupreous greenish, with whitish pollen in certain lights especially on venter; first segment dark, only slightly metallic greenish; second with darkened shining mid- dorsal longitudinal stripe beginning at anterior margin and widening posteriorly, often extending upon anterior portion of third segment. Fifth sternite (pl. 24, M) strongly produced pos- teriorly and ventrally, giving the abdomen a ventrally-curved habitus. Genital segments shining black, setose, large, globose, con- siderably hidden dorsally by posterior margin of fourth ab- dominal segment and ventrally by the elongate arms of fifth sternite. Internal anatomical features (pl. 24, J, K and L) as illustrated. Female. Head height 9.4; eye height 6.8; bueca 0.26 of eye beight; length of head at antenna and at vibrissa 5.5; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.8 in width; vibrissae set 2.1 apart; head width 12.0; front at vertex 0.40 of head width, at narrowest (only slightly posterior to lunule) 0.39, and at lunule 0.42; front with nearly parallel margins or these slightly narrowing anteriorly; frontale slightly wider than parafrontale and narrower an- teriorly, reddish orange anteriorly and black posteriorly; ver- tex cupreous greenish over black or brown; parafaciale and parafrontale often considerably yellowish; third segment of antenna 2.6 times as long as second. Wing with costal segments 4 and 5 longer than in sericata. Abdomen with much more con- spicuously whitish pollen especially on venter. SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 951 Length. 5.0-8.5 mm. Distribution. Nearctic: Southern United States. Biology, immature stages, and habits. Egg. The eggs are de- posited in batches of approximately 100 on carcasses, especially in or near crevices about the natural openings. Melvin (1934) found that eggs of pallescens failed to hatch at temperatures below 74° or above 104° F. At the lower limit 15.06 hours were required to complete incubation and at the upper limit 8.91 hours. He also found the optimum tempera- ture to be apparently about 99° F., at which development was completed in 7.72 hours. Larva. First instar: Spines almost without pigment, their distribution difficult to determine; segments 2-7 each with com- plete band of spines at anterior border; posterior border of seg- ment 11 with two to three dorsal rows of heavily pigmented spines, but these apparently absent on dorsal surface of each of segments anterior to segment 11. Tubercles on segment 12 small; in same relative position as in later instars. Cephalo- skeleton (pl. 41, A) very small and weakly developed; labial seclerites not prominent and hatching spine short; pharyngeal sclerites narrow, ventral cornua narrow and tapering to sharp point; anterodorsal projection of pharyngeal sclerites long, ap- proximately two-thirds as long as dorsal cornua. Second instar: Spines small and colorless to light brown; segments 2-7 each with a complete anterior band of spines; seg- ment 8 with spines usually absent or very small and lghtly pigmented on dorsal surface; posterior border of segment 11 with several dorsal rows of spines; segment 10 without dorsal spines. Tubercles on border of -stigmal field small, relative posi- tion as in third instar. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 41, B) distinct and easily distinguished from those of other species, the most striking difference being in the appearance of the labial sclerites; entire leneth from tip. of labial sclerites to tip of dorsal cornua 500-550 microns (in other species this length is at least 600 microns and sometimes it is greater than 700 microns). Anterior spiracles with four to six widely separated branches, more often with five. Third instar: Spines not prominent, lightly pigmented; seg- ments 2-8 each completely encircled with spines at anterior bor- der; segment 9 generally with one or two irregular and broken dorsal rows, but these may be absent for a short space; spines restricted to ventral and lateral surfaces on segment 10; segment 11 posteriorly with three to four dorsal rows of spines; segment 10 without dorsal spines; distribution of spines as in sericata 252 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA but spines smaller, less pigmented, and seemingly less variable in distribution; segment 12 smooth on dorsal surface except pos- teriorly. Tubercles around stigmal field not nearly so prominent and much smaller than in sericata; outer pair on upper border distinctly larger than inner tubercles and more than twice as large as median ones; inner pair on lower border less than one- half as large as the other two pairs; relative position of tuber- cles similar to that in wWlustris; tubercles in anal protuberance about twice as large as the larger ones on the lower border of the stigmal field. Posterior spiracles (pl. 41, D) small and broad, usually broader than long; apertures short; peritreme without inner projections. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 41, C) small, ap- proximately 1.0 mm. in length, this being considerably smaller than in other species; pharyngeal sclerites comparatively short and broad. Anterior spiracles with five to six branches (in 64 spiracles 40 had 5 branches, 24 had 6); portion of anterior spiracle external to cuticle approximately one-half as long as internal pigmented trunk. Like all the species of Phaenicia in North America, pallescens is a typical saprophage. If the larvae are fed decaying meat the species may be easily reared from egg to adult in the laboratory. The larval stage lasts about 72 hours under favorable tempera- ture conditions. The prepupal stage of pallescens lasts but a relatively few hours during the warmer periods of the year. The pupal stage may be as short as 6 or 7 days during the summer months, but emergence may be delayed for several weeks or even longer in cold weather. Adult. Phaencia pallescens is essentially a southern species. While sericata and pallescens may often occur together, the for- mer is found most abundantly in cooler climates, the latter throughout the southeastern part of the United States, particu- larly in the more humid areas. The adults are most numerous in market sections of cities where they may be easily collected upon decaying produce. In the vicinity of Washington, D. C., adults usually appear about the first week of June and remain abundant until about the first of September, although a few lingering specimens may be collected as late as November first. In southern Florida, especially in the vicinity of Miami, palles- cens is extremely abundant during the spring and summer months. Both sexes may be collected in numbers upon rotting fallen fruits and it is the abundant species of Phaenicia in meat- baited traps. SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 253 Phaenicia problematica (Johnson), new combination Lucilia problematica Johnson, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6(4) 448, 1913. (Type, male from Bermuda, West Indies, No. 40793, U.S. National Museum.) A small black-bodied species with orange-colored appendages. Male. Head height 11.0; length at antenna 5.2 and at vibrissa 5.8; eye height 8.2; bucea 0.29 eye height, dull mahogany brown with scattered black hair and thin gray pollen; head width 12.4; front at narrowest 0.02 of head width, 0.19 at lunule and 0.14 at vertex, dark brown to black, with whitish pollen and with a few very small black hairs outside frontal row; vertex subpollinose, thinly silvery; parafaciale 1.2 in width opposite lunule, dark brown to black, with much silvery pollen, bare; faciale orange to red orange, slightly convex in profile, with a row of short black setae which ascend slightly less than 0.30 the distance from the vibrissa to the antennal base; vibrissae 0.4 above the oral margin and set 2.8 apart; frontale dark mahogany red, al- most obliterated at narrowest portion of front; frontal row of bristles consisting of about nine bristles, those toward the nar- rowest part of the front hairlike, none present toward vertex; antenna with first and second segments orange, third segment 3.6 times as long as second and darker orange in color; arista with long dark brown cilia for four-fifths its length; palpus 3.6 in length; back of head black, with only thin silvery pollen, with one row of postocular cilia and with pale hair, especially on the metacephalon. Thorax black with metallic olivaceous green luster, bronzy reflections, and thin silvery pollen which is noticeable especially on pleura; humeral bristles three; propleuron with tawny hair; prosternum with pale hair; hindmost preacrostichal and pre- dorsocentral bristles placed 1.8 and 0.8, respectively, before the suture; lateral postscutellar plate with black setae; postacros- tichal bristles two; sclerites at wing-base orange except greater ampulla which is dark orange brown, lesser ampulla black and preepaulet dark brown. Legs orange brown; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle, two anteroventral bristles, one near basal third and one near middle; middle tibia with one ventral bristle near mid- dle, one anterodorsal bristle near middle, and two posterior bristles, one near basal fourth and one near middle; hind tibia with one anteroventral bristle and two posterodorsal bristles Wing hyaline, yellowish, veins yellowish; basicosta and sub- costal sclerite bright orange, the latter with fine orange pile; 254 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 60:46: 95:40: 8; third vein setulose. about one-fourth the distance to the cross vein; second and third sections of fourth vein in proportion 75: 65; both upper and lower squamal. lobes orange brown, the former paler. Abdomen colored like thorax; second segment with marginal bristles, the median pair or two rather erect, but not considered typical median marginal pairs; third segment with long mar- sinal bristles; fourth segment with long scattered erect bristles. Genital segments dark brown, rather large, with scattered erect black hairs, mostly shining, and with only faint traces of metallic luster. Anatomical features (pl. 25, A and B) as illus- trated. Length. 7mm. Distribution. West Indies, and uncommon. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Unknown. This species was synonymized with Lucilia cluvia by Aubertin (1933) ; it was not treated by Shannon (1926) in his synopsis of American Calliphoridae. It is colored very differently from any known North American species. In fact, its particular type of coloring is approached only by Lucia graphita Shannon, described from the Hawaiian Islands, which is almost entirely black. Johnson described the holotype of problematica as being a male specimen collected in Bermuda on June 30, 1905, by Professor Kineaid. This specimen is now in the National Museum collection . erroneously marked ‘‘Cotype.’’ Phaenicia purpurescens (Walker), new combination Musca purpurescens Walker, Linn. Soe. London, Trans. 17 :355, 1837; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38 :426, 1933 (Lucia). (Type, from Santa Catharina, Brazil, in the British Museum.) . Lucilia brunnicornis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 299, 1843. (Type, female from Mexico, in Paris.) Lucia violacea Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, sup. 2, p. 99, 1847. (Type, male from Mexico, in Bigot Collection, New- market, England.) Somomyia pallidibasis Bigot, Ent. Soc. de France Ann. (5) 7:247, 1877. (Type, female from Mexico, in Bigot Collection, New- market, England.) . SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 255 2Lucilia praescia Giglio-Tos, Mus. di Zool. ed Anat. Comp. R. Univ. Torino, Bol. 8(147) :4, 18938. (Type, from Tampico, Mexico, in Torino or lost.) Lucilia ocularis Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 28(6) :182, 1926. (Type, male from Costa Rica, No. 28890, U. S. National Museum. ) A large shining purplish or purplish-green species, the males of which have the anterodorsal eye facets enlarged. Male. Head height 13.3; eye height 10.6; length at antenna 6.2 and at vibrissa 6.4; width 15.4; bucca 0.25 eye height, brown to black, with very thin gray pollen, and with scattered black hairs, posteriorly and below with light hairs; eye with enlarged facets anterodorsally; frontale orange brown, wider than para- frontale at lunule and greatly reduced posteriorly; front dark brown to black, almost obliterated at narrowest, only a thin line apparent between the eyes for a short space about 1.0 an- terior to foremost ocellus, 0.10 of head width at vertex and 0.16 at lunule, with dull silvery pollen, and with only a few hairs outside the frontal row; frontal rows of bristles diverging an- teriorly as they follow the margins of the frontale, each row consisting of about eight bristles, the foremost placed almost opposite the base of the second antennal segment, the bristles shorter posteriorly and vestigial or absent toward the narrowest portion of front; clypeus dark brown toward epistoma; para- faciale much narrowed above, 0.7 in width opposite’ second antennal segment, mostly red orange to brown, with thin silvery pollen, bare; faciale red orange to brown, nearly straight in profile, and with a row of short black setae which ascend nearly one-half the distance to the antennal base; vibrissae 0.8 above the oral margin and set 3.0 apart; palpus 4.0; antenna orange to brown, first segment always lighter apically, third segment 4.2 times as long as second, and usually lighter at base; arista orange to orange brown, lighter basally, the cilia long, light in color toward base and darker apically; back of head black, with whitish pollen except above, metacephalon orange, one row of postocular cilia and considerable pale hair which is most appar- ent below. Thorax dark blue with greenish to almost entirely reddish purple luster, mostly shining but with thin whitish pollen in certain lights especially anteriorly on dorsum and on pleura; humeral bristles three; propleuron with tawny hair; hindmost preacrostichal and predorsocentral bristles placed 3.0 and 1.2, respectively, before suture; prosternum with both dark and pale 256 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA hair; postacrostichal bristles two; thoracic spiracles enlarged, brown. Legs brown to black; middle femur with one anterior bristle near middle; middle an with one posterodorsal bristle; hind tibia with ane posterodorsal bristles. Wing hyaline, brownish anteriorly and basally; basicosta brown; subcostal sclerite orange brown, darker apically and with short fine decumbent brownish pile; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 82:58:115:42:12; second and third sections of fourth vein in proportion of 8:9; third vein setose only at base; upper squamal lobe more or less hyaline, brown; lower squamal lobe infuseated, nearly black. Abdomen colored like thorax and with thin whitish pollen ventrally; first segment usually black, often with slight greenish luster; second segment without dorsal shining spot anteriorly and with a marginal row of rather weak recumbent bristles; third segment considerably polished and with a marginal row of strong upright bristles; fourth segment highly polished. Genital segments black, small, with scattered erect setae. Ana- tomical features (pl. 25, C and D) as illustrated. Female. Head height 13.5; eye height 9.6; length at antenna and at vibrissa 6.8; bueca 0.30 of eye height; head width 15.4; eye with normal sized facets; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.8 in width; vibrissae set 3.3 apart; front at narrowest (about 1.0 above lunule) 0.26 of head width, 0.29 at vertex and 0.30 at lunule, black, with only a few dark hairs outside frontal row, and with heavy whitish pollen, often slightly yellowish toward vertex; frontale black, slightly reddish at lunule; frontal rows of bristles nearly parallel or converging only slightly anteriorly except in the foremost one or two bristles, each row consisting of about eight bristles; vertex black, subpollinose, often greenish or purplish. Abdomen with first segment rather strongly metallic. Otherwise like male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 7-9 mm. Most specimens are a deep reddish purple in color and easily recognized as this species. Some specimens, however, are blue green with only purple reflections, and they cannot be dis- tinguished from eximia by color differences alone. Distribution. Neotropical: Southern Mexico, through Central America and South America to Argentina. Biology, immature stages, and habits. Although the species is well-distributed, it 1s apparently uncommon or extremely local- ized where it does occur. Considerable effort was expended in an attempt to collect and study this species in the field, but no. SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 257 specimens were ever seen in nearly a year’s collecting. The im- mature stages are unknown. Aubertin (1933, p. 427) stated that all the specimens identi- fied as Calliphora praescia G. T. by Van der Wulp in Biologia Centrali-Americana are purpurescens. Maequart mentioned the enlarged eye-facets in the male in his deseription of Lucilia violacea; his earlier (1843) Lucilia violacea is another species. Phaenicia rica (Shannon), new combination Lucilia rica Shannon, Wash. Ent. Soc. Proce. 28(6) 132, 1926; Curran, N. Y. Acad. Sei. 11(1) :98, 1928; Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38:424, 1933. (Type, male from Antigua, West Indies, No. 29145, U. S. National Museum.) 2Luciha azurea Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires. Paris, p. 455, 1830. (Type, in Paris.) 2Somomyia semiviolacea Bigot, Soe. Ent. de France Ann. (5)7: 46, 1877; Brauer, Akad. der Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. KI. Sitzber. (1) 108 :523, 1899. (Type, female, in very bad condi- tion, from Puerto Rico, in the British Museum.) 2Somomyia soulouquina Bigot, Soc. Ent. de France (5)7:47, 1877. (Type, female, in very bad condition, from Haiti, in the British Museum.) As indicated by Aubertin (1933), Somomyia soulouquina Bigot and Somomyia semiviolacea Bigot, both of which were described from the West Indies, might be older names for this species. Brauer (1899) stated that the ‘‘inner facets are larger’’ in the type of semiviolacea. Aldrich noted in 1929 that both types are females in a poor state of preservation, and that it was doubtful if either could be accurately determined. Aubertin (1933) indicated that Lucilia azurea Robineau-Desvoidy might also be an earlier name for rica, but that the label on the speci- men is “‘Saint-Severe, (Lanes).’’ She concluded that the speci- men was of a South American species approximating rica and not ‘‘common”’ as indicated by Robineau-Desvoidy. Because of the indefiniteness of the locality she did not use the name. A medium-sized greenish-blue species with the habitus of eximia. Male. Head width 11.4; length at antenna 4.6 and at vibrissa 5.0; epistoma orange, on level with vibrissa in profile, rather short, as wide as clypeus, and warped forward from clypeal plane; eye height 8.0; head height 10.2; bueca 0.25 of eye height, 258 Tut BLowrules or NortH AMERICA orange brown in ground color, with dark brown hair anteriorly but with tawny to orange hair posteriorly, and with thin yellow- ish white pollen; frontale dark brown, hardly apparent at nar- rowest portion of front but as wide as parafrontale at lunule; front at narrowest 0.03 of head width, 0.18 at vertex and 0.21 at lunule, black in ground color, with silvery pollen tinged with yellowish, and with a few fine whitish hairs outside frontal row; frontal rows of bristles obsolete at. narrowest part of front, not continuing toward vertex, extending anteriorly only to lunule, and moderately diverging as they follow the margin of the fron- tale, each row consisting of about seven bristles; postvertical and postocellar bristles yellow, weak and proclinate; clypeus brown, with thin silvery pollen; faciale orange to red orange or brown, straight in profile except as it curves forward at vibrissa, and with a row of short black setae which ascend about one-third the distance to the antennal base; vertex black, with faint brown pollinosity; only minute carina present; parafaciale opposite lunule 0.6 in width, almost as wide below, reddish brown in ground color, and with silvery pollen which appears yellowish in certain lights because of the ground color; vibrissae very slightly above the oral margin and set 2.4 apart; palpus orange, 3.4 in length, and slightly protruding beyond oral margin in pro- file; antenna with first segment brown, second and third segments orange basally, darker apically, the latter 4.6 times as long as second and reaching six-sevenths the distance to the vibrissae; arista slightly thickened at base, orange to brown, with long brown cilia above and below for four-fifths its length; back of head black, with silvery pollen around occiput, with one row of postocular cilia and with numerous pale hairs, especially below. Thorax dark blue green with purple reflections, and with sil- very pollen on dorsum especially between humeri and on pleura, © and with faint indications of darker longitudinal stripe outside acrostichal row which extends only slightly beyond suture; humerus with mostly yellow setae; postintraalar bristles two; postacrostichal bristles two; postsupraalar bristles three; hind- most preacrostichal and predorsocentral bristles placed 1.8 and 0.8, respectively, before the suture; pleura with considerable pale hair; under surface of scutellum with pale hair laterally; lateral postscutellar plates with black setae; postalar declivity with pale and brown hair anteriorly and at middle; sclerites at wing-bases brown to black. Legs black, often slightly brownish; coxae with considerable pale hair; middle tibia without posterior bristles; otherwise like sericata. : SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE | 259 Wing hyaline, brownish anteriorly toward base; basicosta orange brown; subcostal sclerite yellow to yellow orange with fine soft orange pile; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 46:38: 80:34:10; third vein setulose from one-third to one-half the distance to the cross vein; mouth of apical cell more widely open than normal; apical cross vein very slightly curved; upper squamal lobe hyaline, brownish apically, rim brown; lower squamal lobe white basally, brown apically. Abdomen colored like thorax, basally with whitish pollen in eertain lights; first segment black; second segment purple on posterior third and with a marginal row of bristles; third and fourth segments shining, mostly purplish, each with a marginal row of strong erect bristles; basal sternites with considerable short pale hair. Genital segments brown to brownish black, with black hair. Anatomical features (pl. 25, E) as illustrated. Female. Head height 11.3; eye height 8.7; bucca 0.25 eye height; length at antenna 5.6 and at vibrissa 6.0; head height 13.7; front at narrowest (slightly above lunule) 0.26 of head width, 0.27 at vertex and at lunule; palpus 4.0 in length; third antennal segment 3.9 times as long as second; frontale orange brown at lunule, black posteriorly, twice as wide as parafrontale at ocellar triangle but only slightly wider at lunule; postvertical and postocellar bristles black; parafrontale with silvery pollen over dark brown ground; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.3 in width and slightly wider below; with silvery pollen over orange to orange-brown ground; vibrissae set 2.8 apart. Wing with basi- costa more orange in color than in male; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 70: 46:95:43:12; upper and lower squamal lobes whitish basally, orange to brownish apically. Length. 6.5-8.0 mm. Distribution. Neotropical: West Indies. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Unknown. Although many of the islands of the West Indies were visited and con- siderable collecting was done on some of them, this species was never encountered. It may be distinctly seasonal, or very local in distribution. Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) Musca sericata Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekann- ten europdischen zweifligeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 53, 1826. (Type, from Germany, apparently lost; but may be in either Paris or Halle.) 260 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA Musca nobilis Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekann- ten europdischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 5, p. 56, 1826; Linall, Insect Life 5(1) :36-87, 1892 (translation) ; Hough, Ent. News 10:66, 1899; Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:256, 1913. (Type, from Europe, apparently lost; but possibly in Paris. ) Chrysomya capensis Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai sur les Myodaires, Paris, p. 451, 1830. (Type, from Africa, in Paris.) Musca pruinosa Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung der bekann- ten europdischen zweifliigeligen Insekten, vol. 7, p. 294, 1830; Villeneuve, Deut. ent. Ztschr. p. 318, 1910 (Lucila). (Type, female, type locality not stated, in Paris.) Lucilia basalis Maequart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 305, 18438; Séguy, Encyel. Ent. (BII.) Dipt. 2:98, 1925. (Type, male from America, in Paris.) Lucia flavipennis Macquart, Diptéres exotiques, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 296, 1848. (Type, male from Ceylon, in Paris.) Musca lagyra Walker, List of the Specimens of the Dipterous Insects in the Collections of the British Museum, vol. 4, p. 885, 1849. (Type, from Fayal, in the British Museum.) ?Luctha latifrons Schiner, Fauna Austriaca, Die Fliegen, Dip- tera, vol. 1, p. 590, 1862. (Type, sex and type locality not stated but probably Austria, possibly in Vienna.) ?Luciha sayr Jaennicke, Senckenb. naturf. Gesell. Abhandl. 6:375, 1867; Schiner, Fauna Austriaca, Die Fliegen, vol. 1, p. 590, 1862; Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifltigler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 122, 1893. (Type, from Illinois, in the British Museum.) ’Lucilia sericata var. latefrons Schiner, Strobl, Wien. ent. Zeitg. 12 :104, 1893. Lucilia giraultt Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:121, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 6:253, 1918; Shannon, In- secutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:73, 1924. (Type, male from Paris, Tex., No. 10890, U. 8S. National Museum.) Lucila barber: Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:121, 1908; Tothill, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:253, 1918; Shannon, In- secutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:73, 1924. (Type, male from Williams, Ariz., No. 10891, U. S. National Museum.) Lucilia frontalis Aubertin, Linn. Soe. London Jour., Zool. 38:411, 1933; Brauer and Bergenstamm, Zweifliigler des Kaiser- chen Museums zu Wien, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 116, 1891 on nudum). (Type, from Egypt, in Vienna.) SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 261 Lucilia sericata (Meigen), Townsend, Smithsn. Mise. Collect. 51:120, 1908; Bezzi, Soe. Ent. Ital. Bol. 39:85, 1908; Portici Lab. Zool. Gen. e. Agr. Bol. 6:81, 1912; ibid., 8:295, 1914; Whiting, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 6:257, 1913; Johnston, Queensland Agri. Jour. 1922 :273; Shannon, Insecutor Insci- tiae Menstruus 12:77, 1924; Patton, Philippine Jour. Sci. 27 :403, 1925; Richards, Roy. Ent. Soc., London, Trans. 74(2) :256, 1926; Essig, Insects of Western North America, p. 587, 1926; Senior-White, Indian Mus. Ree. 28:131, 1926; Lundbeck, Diptera Danica, Vol. 7, p. 145, 1927; Bezzi, Bull. Ent. Res. 17:238, 1926; Wainwright, Roy. Ent. Soe., Lon- don, Trans. 76 :238, 1928; Brannon, Jour. Parasitol. 20(3) : 190-194, 1934; Miller, Cawthron Inst. Sci. Res: Monog. No. 2, p. 04, 19389; Senior-White, Fauna of British India, Dip- tera, vol. 6, p. 54, 1940. Phaenicia sericata (Meigen), Malloch, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)17:506, 1926; Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, Proc. 52 :321, 1927; Bezzi, Bul. Ent. Res. 17:238, 1926; Townsend, Manual of Myiology, vol. 2, p. 172, 1935; ibid., vol. 5, p. 162, 1937. Although the type locality given for Lucilia basalis Macquart is America, Séguy and Aubertin state that the label on the sup- posed type specimen indicates that it is from Mogador. The type of Lucilia giraultt Townsend is a male lacking the © abdomen and one wing and ean no longer be identified with abso- lute assurance, but the remains of the specimen indicate that it falls into the group of species to which sericata belongs. The rest of the type series is no longer in the National Museum collection. Since this name has customarily been placed as a synonym of sericata, I leave it here. Lucilia barbert1 Townsend, represented in the National Museum collection by a single male specimen, is apparently a synonym of sericata. A yellow-green to aeneous- or cupreous-green species (Color plate III) with whitish pruinescence, with three postacrostichal bristles and with setose metasternum. Male. Head (pl. 5, C) width 18.2; length at antenna 5.7 and at vibrissa 6.2; height 10.5; length at oral margin slightly greater than at vibrissa; eye height 7.9; epistoma elongate, only slightly warped forward from elypeal plane and nearly as wide as cly- peus; bucea 0.34 eye height, black, with abundant short- to medium-length black hair, no pale hair before the suture, and with moderately heavy gray pollen; frontale approximately three-fifths frontal width, orange red anteriorly, black pos- teriorly; front at narrowest 0.11 of head width, 0.19 at vertex 262 THE BLowFruiss or NortH AMERICA and 0.32 at lunule, with rather heavy gray pollen, and with some scattered short black setae outside frontal row which extend to just anterior to foremost frontal bristle; frontal rows of bristles extending to about base of second antennal segment and narrowly diverging anteriorly as they follow the margin of frontale, each row consisting of about eight or nine bristles; inner vertical bristle strong, decussate or reclinate; frontoorbital bristles ab- sent; vertex subpollinose, black; ocellar triangle black, often metallic green; clypeus about twice as long as wide, silvery; parafaciale opposite lunule 1.4 in width, as wide below, silvery; vibrissae above oral margin by 1.4 and separated by 2.1; proboscis 9.0 in length; haustellum 0.33 head height; palpus orange, 3.6 in length; antennae with bases approximated, brownish black, third segment 3.2 times as long as second and reaching four-fifths the distance to the vibrissae; arista elongate, black, with long black cilia above and below almost to apex; back of head black with — greenish overcast and whitish pollen, with three rows of postocu- — lar cilia and with abundant medium-length black hair. Thorax metallic yellow green, slightly bluish in certain lights, rarely purplish, with very thin whitish pollen or shining, and without dorsal longitudinal stripes; pleura shining or with a trace of whitish pollen; humeral bristles three strong, with a weaker fourth anterior to these; propleuron with abundant black setae in center; preintraalar bristles three, the foremost usually weak, the hindmost bristle placed anterior to suture by 0.5; preacrostichal bristles two strong, the hindmost bristle placed anterior to suture by 1.5; predorsocentral bristles three strong, the hindmost bristle placed anterior to suture by 2.5; sterno- pleuron with black setae except on anterior fifth; pteropleuron with anterior half brown, posterior half metallic green; proster- num laterally with black setae; postalar declivity anteriorly with scattered black setae; preparapteron brown, with short fine decumbent white pile; hypopleuron setose on posterior half; preepaulet black; tympanic pit with tuft of long black setae; squamal process brown; postparapteron brown to black; greater ampulla black, with short fine decumbent brownish pile; scutellar bridge with long black setae; squamopleuron with soft. short tawny pile; postacrostichal bristles three strong; mesothoracic spiracle and metathoracic spiracle with dark brown hair; halters orange brown; scutellum with under surface laterally with fine brownish- blacks setae and discal bristles located laterally and pos- teriorly; lateral postscutellar plate with black setae. Legs black, anterior femur often greenish metallic; anterior tibia with one posteroventral bristle near apical third; middle SuBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE , 263 femur often greenish, with two short anterior bristles near mid- dle, an anteroventral row of bristles extending from base to about middle, and a posteroventral row of much longer bristles which extends from the base to near apical third; middle tibia with one anterodorsal bristle near apical fourth, one ventral bristle near apical five-eighths, two shorter posterior bristles, one near basal three-eighths and one near apical five-eighths, and with two posterodorsal bristles of about the same size near the same locations; hind femur with a partial posteroventral row of bristles extending from base to near middle; hind tibia with anterodorsal row of bristles which are short basally and longer apically, two anteroventral bristles, one near middle and one near apical third, and with a posterodorsal row of bristles, only three being long, one near base, one near basal fourth, and one near apical fourth; tarsi black, normal; claws and pulvilli black, former about two-thirds longer than latter. Wing (pl. 9, K) hyaline, usually rather yellowish at base; basicosta whitish yellow; costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 76: 49: 89:38: 6.9; subcostal sclerite yellow orange with yellow orange pubescence; third vein setulose three-fifths the distance to the ecross-vein; fourth vein without apical section or fold, the angle rather rounded and entering costal margin 2.0 before apex; anterior cross vein at middle of second section of fourth vein; posterior cross vein sinuate; last section of fifth vein one- fifth the length of preceding section; upper and lower squamal lobes white, the lower wide behind. Abdomen metallic yellow green, often shining or with thin silvery pollen especially below; first segment usually black; sec- ond segment with a narrow middorsal black spot on anterior margin; second segment with short marginal row of bristles. Genital segments small, black, shining, globose, with scattered setae, the first without marginal rows of bristles. Internal ana- tomical features (pl. 25, F and G) as illustrated. Female. Head length 12.6; length at antenna 5.4 and at vi- brissa 5.8; length at oral margin 6.0; eye height 6.5; bucea 0.38 eye height; head height 9.5; front widening only a little anteri- orly, the frontal rows slightly converging anteriorly as they fol- low the narrowing frontale; front at narrowest (at vertex) 9.38 of head width, and 0.41 at lunule, with bright silvery pollen; outer vertical bristles about two-thirds as long as inner; fronto- orbital bristles two proclinate and one reclinate; ocellar bristles almost exactly divaricate, and with another smaller pair just behind the posterior ocelli; vertex with silvery pollen; parafa- ciale opposite lunule 1.8 in width; distance between vibrissae 2.2; 264 THE BLOWFLIES OF NorTH AMERICA third segment of antenna three times as long as second. Wing with costal sections 2 to 6 in the proportion 65: 43:78: 33:4. Abdomen with considerably more whitish pollen laterally and ventrally in certain lights than in male. Otherwise similar to male except for normal sexual differences. Length. 6.0-9.5 mm. The difference in the number of postacrostichal bristles is one of the major characters distinguishing the sericata-pallescens group from a larger group composed of caeruleiviridis, mexicana, cluvia, and others. Consideration of this bristle series alone will permit placement of most specimens into their proper grouping. But several previous authors have questioned the value of the difference because of variation noted in the number of bristles on each side. For instance, the majority of specimens of sericata and pallescens have three postacrostichal bristles on each side, but some have three on one side and four on the other, and a few have four on each side. Because of such observations reared series of several of the species were obtained from different parts of the United States and these were studied and compared with each other. While the typical number of postacrostichal bristles in. both sericata and pallescens is three on each side, some specimens have four on one or both sides. The additional bristle is usually a weak one in advance of the regular series but it is sometimes as large as the normal bristle following it. If the following nor- mal bristle is absent, (it is missing in six out of 100 specimens) this causes the row to have the normal number of three bristles but the row is spaced for four. Of a total of 608 specimens reared from egg masses obtained from isolated females, 259 males and 239 females of sericata (82 percent) had the typical number of three postacrostichal bristles on each side, 28 males and 62 females (14 percent) had three postacrostichal bristles on one side and four on the other, while 3 males and 16 females (3 percent) had four postacrostichal bristles on each side. One male had two postachrostichal bristles on one side but three on the other. The series of reared pallescens showed nearly identical percentages of variation in the postacrostichal series. An inbred strain of sericata showed wider variation than F, generation series from Menard and Dallas, Texas. Two postacrostichal bristles normally occur on each side in caeruleviridis and mexicana. Specimens of the former species in the F, generation, specimens of the latter species in the Fy generation, and numerous specimens of both species collected in nature exhibited no variation in this number. SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 265 If any conelusions can be drawn from this preliminary survey, the figures seem to indicate that females develop supernumerary bristles in the acrostichal series more frequently than do males, that specimens of sericata and pallescens rarely, if ever, occur with only two postacrostichal bristles on each side, and that these two species can be separated from caerulewiridis, mexicana, and probably most of the species which have only two postacrostichal bristles on each side by this sole difference. Distribution. It is often stated that sericata is cosmopolitan in distribution but this is doubtful. No specimens were collected in Central and South America in 1942 and 1948, nor on any islands of the Central or Southwest Pacific in 1944 and 1945, al- though over 100,000 such flies were collected in those areas. It is the most abundant species of Phaenicia in North America, occur- ring most frequently in collections in northern United States and southern Canada. Biology, habits, and immature stages. Egg. Macrotype, large, pale yellow with thick chorion which is striate and faintly reticu- late. Wardle (1930) and Melvin (1934) studied the effect of tem- perature and humidity upon the incubation period of sericata eggs. The latter author found that 42.37 hours were required at 59° F., but only 8.09 hours at 99° F.; no eggs hatched at tem- peratures above 99°. The optimum temperature for development of eggs of this species appeared to be about 94° F., at which tem- perature only 8.10 hours were required to complete the stage. Larva. The larvae of sericata are usually found feeding upon decomposing flesh. In one instance larvae of sericata were found in small numbers in hen manure (Illingworth, 1923), and Thom- sen and Hammer (1936) found occasional larvae in pig manure. In the vast majority of cases, however, the larvae of sertcata will be found in decomposing meat or animal matter. First instar: Wardle (1930) stated that this stage is a short, nonfeeding period, terminated by a molt within 2 or 3 hours after hatching. Spines lightly pigmented, segments 2-7 each completely en- circled with spines at the anterior border; on segment 8 spines absent on dorsal surface except on 12, which is provided with long, almost colorless spines on border of posterior cavity. Second instar: According to Wardle, this is the true feeding period, lasting from 114 to 914 days, depending upon tempera- ture; it is also terminated by a molt. Segments 2-7 each bearing complete bands of spines at the anterior border, segment 8 usually with a narrow dorsal spine- 266 Tuer BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA less area, but sometimes with a complete band of spines; seg- ment 9 with spines extending from ventral to laterodorsal sur- faces but absent on dorsum; generally restricted to ventral sur- face on segment 10; posterior borders of segments 11 and 12 with complete bands of spines, these narrowed to one or two irregular rows, or sometimes absent, on dorsal surface of segment 10. Distance between inner pair of tubercles on upper lip approxi- mately equal to distance between inner and median pairs and never equal to distance between inner and outer pairs; anterior spiracles more often with seven to nine branches; cephaloskeleton (pl. 41, E) as illustrated. Third instar: Wardle (1930) called the third stage the pre- pupal stage and defined it as a ‘‘non-feeding, edaphic, mobile phase of the blowfly life cycle which intervenes between the ~ second larval moult and the commencement of pupation. It is a stage spent within the soil or close to the soil surface.’’ Average length 14 mm.; deep cream tinged with purplish; comparatively slender and cylindrical, all segments except cepha- lie of about same circumference; second segment constricted be- hind cephalic segment; ventral pads on abdominal segments with minute spines; spiracular pit with almost perpendicular face, the posterior spiracles on posteriorly directed face. Distribution of spines rather variable. Segments 2-8 each provided with com- plete encircling band of spines at the anterior margin; segment. 9 also with spines sometimes forming a complete band on dorsal surface, but these more usually absent for a short space; seg- ment 10 with or without one to two irregular broken rows on lateral surface; distribution of spines apparently more uniform in series from a single egg mass; in one series a large majority of the larvae with a complete band of spines on segment 9, in an- other a few larvae provided with a complete band of spines on this segment; posterior border of segment 11 with about four rows of spines; segment 10, bare on dorsum, spines usually re- stricted to the ventral and ventrolateral surfaces; segment 12 smooth on dorsal surface. Tubercles outlining stigmal field and on anal protuberance large, those on latter much larger than on former, comparative size of tubercles on border of stigmal field as in illustris, distance between inner tubercles on upper border approximately equal to distance between the inner and median ones and never separated by a distance equal to that between the inner and outer ones. Posterior spiracles (pl. 41, G) with usual form, peritreme narrow, yellowish, never black or dark brown, inner projection of peritreme usually faint and poorly developed if present, but often absent. Cephaloskeleton (pl. 41, SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 267 F) with dorsal cornua rather widely separated from ventral. Anterior spiracles with a variable number of branches, more often with 7 or 8, these rather prominent, the portion external to euticle approximately equal in length to stigmatal chamber. Fuller (1932, p. 82) found the number of branches in the an- terior spiracles to be 10 in Australia, Patton and Evans (1929), 10 to 11 in England, Knipling (1936, ». 283), 5 to 10 in North America. Pupa. The length of the pupal stage of Phaencia sericata varies from 3 to 5 days during July and August. Herms (1928) noted that 4 days were required for those individuals having the shortest larval feeding period and 7 days for those having the longest larval feeding period; and Wardle (1930) and Evans (1935a) recorded in some detail the effects of temperature and humidity upon the duration of the pupal period of this species. Roberts (1930) observed that puparia of sericata may be found in soil at a depth of approximately 114 inches, and Smith (1929) found that adults were able to emerge from puparia buried under 4 feet of loose soil. From depths of more than 3 feet, 50 percent of the emerging flies reached the surface. Generations. According to Wardle (1930), there were four generations of Phaenicia sericata each year between May and October in the vicinity of St. Paul, Minn. There are probably aS many as eight toward the southern limits of the distribution of the species. Hibernation. Overwintering of serrcata is accomplished in the larval or prepupal stage in North America. According to Holda- way and Evans (1930), this species successfully overwinters principally as larvae; puparia formed during the fall months were mostly parasitized by Alysia manducator Panz. Adult. The preoviposition period probably lasts from 5 to 9 days. Ovipositing females of sericata are attracted to media exposed to bright sunshine, although they actually oviposit upon the shaded portions of the medium’s surface. Oviposition usually occurs between the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. when the sun- shine is at its maximum intensity. This species is the first of an ecological succession of sapropha- gous insects to attack dead animals. Oviposition begins within a few hours after death of the animals. Fresh meat is attacked within a few minutes after exposure. Salt (1932) reported one female sericata that produced 1, 330 eggs, while Mackerras (1933) recorded one which deposited 2,373 eggs and another (a hybrid between sericata and cuprina) mitch 268 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA deposited over 3,000 eggs. The latter investigator found the average number of eggs produced at one time by females of sericata to be about 182, this number depending upon the size of the individual and therefore upon the amount of food obtained by it in the larval stage. Although some adults of sericata were found to migrate a maximum of 1.2 miles, Bishopp and Laake (1921) asserted that they had tested too few individuals to give reliable information on their disseminating tendencies. Smit (1929) stated, “‘It has been found that the flies will fly at least ten miles from their breeding place within a few days.’’ Wardle (19380) noted that the maximum abundance of sericata in nature might be expected in the vicinity of water courses in areas of low rainfall, in areas undergoing severe winter tempera- tures, and in urban districts where the prepupae have greater opportunities for securing positions of shelter from frosts. Specimens of adult. sericata may be collected in nearly every part of the United States and southern Canada, and during late June and early July this is the most abundant species of Phaens- cia in middlewestern United States. They frequent open habitation and are most active upon bright warm sunny days. Adults may be collected in abundance on al- most any kind of garbage, particularly when it is mixed with meats of various sorts or with damaged fruits. In urban districts they may be collected on foliage where they apparently feed upon honey dew. Considerable numbers may be found under leaves of cucumbers and melons, on leaves of vines and on flowers of wild parsnip and wild carrot. Economic wmportance. Reports of cutaneous myiasis caused by larvae of this species occur from almost the entire range of distribution of sericata. Bishopp (1915) stated that it ‘‘doubt- less is the principal cause of cases of blown sheep which occur in midsummer in this country.’’ Davies (1934) found it in 180 of 182 cases of sheep strike in Wales, and Radcliffe (1935) ob- served that, with only one exception, sericata alone was involved in sheep strike. Lewis (1933, p. 264), however, did not find seri- cata to be an important species in Kenya Colony, Africa, and Mackerras (1937) noted that it was concerned in sheep strike during only 1 year at Sydney and Canberra, Australia, and then apparently as a secondary invader. As high as 92.6 percent of drying fruits were found by Dono- hoe (19387) to be contaminated by this and several other species of flies, and this is of considerable importance to fruit-drying industries in certain sections of California. SUBFAMILY CALLIPHORINAE 269 This is the greenbottle fly involved in experiments on the virus of poliomyelitis discussed by Sabin and Ward (1941). Use wm surgery. 1089, -p. 66. Hall, David G. 1945. Air Surg. Bull. 2(3) :71-73. Harris, Moses. 1776. Exposition of British Insects, London. Harvey, W. Henwood. 1934. Parasitology 26(2) :306-307. Haub, J. G. and Miller, D. F. 1933. Jour. Expt. Zool. 64:51-56. Hendel, Friedrich. 1901a. Wien Ent. Ztg. 20:28. 1901b. Zool. Bot. Gesell. Wien, Verhandl. 51:210. Herms, William Brodbeck. 1911. Jour. Expt. Zool. 10:167-226. 366 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA 1928. Jour. Econ. Ent. 21(5) :720-729. 1939. Medical Entomology, ed. 3, p. 344. and Gilbert, Q. O. 1933. Ann. Int. Med. 6(7) :941. Hobson, R. P. 1931. Biochem. Jour. 25 :1458-1463. 1932a. Jour. Expt. Biol. 9(4) :359-360. 1932b. Jour. Expt. Biol. 9(4) :462. Hoepph, R. and Watt, J. Y. C. 1933. China Med. Jour. 47:1298-1306. Hoffmeister, H. 1845. Die bis jetzt bekannten Arten aus der Regenwiirmer, Braunschweig. Holdaway, F. G. 1930. Nature (London) 126(3182) :648-649. 1933. Jour. Anim. Ecol. 2(2) :263-265. and Evans, A. C. 1930. Nature (London) 125(3155) :598-599. and Smith, H. Fairfield. 1932. Austral. Jour. Expt. Biol. and Med. Sei. 10:247-259. Holmquist, A. M. 1926. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 19 :395-426. Hough, Garry de N. 1899. Zool. Bull. 2(6) :283-290. Hudson, H. F. 1914. Canad. Ent. 46:416. Huff, Clay G. 1925. Ent. News 36 :239-243. Hyslop, J. A. 1938. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent. and P. Q., E 444:1-57. Illingworth, J. F. 1923. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proce. 5(2) :270-273. 1927. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 6:298. James, H. C. 1928. Ann. Appl. Biol. 15 :287-316. Jellison, Wm. L. and Philip, C. B. 1933. Canad. Ent. 65(1) :26-31.. Johnson, C. W. 1925. Bull. N. E. Birdbanding Assoc. 1:53. 1929. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22:133. 1931. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist. Bull. 59:21. 1932. Bird-banding 3(1) :26-29. Johnston, T. Harvey and Tiegs, O. W. 1923. Roy. Soc. Queensland, Proc. 34:77-104. LITERATURE 367 Keilin, D. 1909. Soe. de Biol. (Paris) Compt. Rend. 67 :210-213. 1915. Bull. Sei. de la France et Belg. (7)49(1-2) :15-198. 1919. Parasitology 11(3-4) :430-455. 1924. Parasitology 16(2) :239-247. Kingseote, A. A. 1932. Ent. Soc. Ontario, Ann. Rpt. 62 :91-95. Knipling, E. F. 1936. Iowa State Col. Jour. Sei. 10(3) :275-293. 1939. Ent. Soe. Amer. Ann. 32(2) :376-383. and Rainwater, H. T. 1937. Jour. Parasitol. 23(5) :451-455. and Tate, H. D. 1935. Jour. Econ. Ent. 28(2) :472-475. and Travis, B. V. 1937. Jour. Econ. Ent. 30(5) :727-735. Kryger, J. P. 1921. Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kjb. 72 :112-113. Laake, E. W. 1939. Amer. Jour. Trop. Med. 19(2) :193. and Cushing, E. C. and Parish, H. E. 1936. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull. 500 :1-24. and Parman, D. 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Jour. 15(4) :410-418. 374 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 1] Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius) Head of female. Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius) Head of male. Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius) Head of female. Myiolucilia lyrcea (Welker) Head of female. Se Slee PLATE 1 ae Ty ritaecsee 379 376 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 2 Chloroprocta fuscianipennis (Macquart) A. Head of female. : Callitroga macellaria (Fabricius) ‘B. Head of female. ‘. Callitroga americana (Cushing and ‘Patton) C.. Head of female. Paralucilia wheeleri (Hough) He Head of female D. Lateral view. E. Front view. PLATE 2 ‘ j oe (rusting ye Basle | a 378 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 3 Phormia regina (Meigen) Head of male A. Left lateral view. B. Dorsal view. Boreéllus atriceps (Zetterstedt) Head of male C. Left lateral view. D. Dorsal view. PLATE 3 379 380 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 4 Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy) Head of male A. Dorsal view. B. Left lateral view. Apaulina metallica (Townsend) C. Head of male. Francilia alaskensis Shannon D. Head of female. PLATE 4 381 382 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA -PLATE 5 Bufolucilia siluarum (Meigen) A. Head of male. Lucilia illustris (Meigen) B. Head of male. Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) C. Head of male. Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus) D. Head of female. PLATE 5 \ \\I AN A - aii! 383 {PLATE 6 sl Acronesia aldrichia (Shannon) oN _ .A. Head of male. 5 i. ie : -Eucalliphora lilaca (Walker) ait B. Head of male. is | Onesia bisetosa Hall ) . C. Head of male.’ Cynomyopsis cadaverina (Robineau- Desvoidy) -? D, Head of male. PLATE 6 385 Tae BLowFules or NortH AMERICA PLATE 7 Cyanus elongata (Hough) . Head of male. Cynomya mortuorum (Linnaeus) Head of male. Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) Head of male. Melanodexiopsis grandis (Shannon) Head of male. PLATE 7 387 ° 388 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 8 Promesembrinella semiflava (Aldrich) A. Wing of female. Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius) B. Wing of female. Huascaromusca facialis (Aldrich) C. Wing of female. Huascaromusca flavicrura (Aldrich) D. Wing of female. Huascaromusca formosa (Aldrich) E. Wing of female. Huascaromusca spicata (Aldrich) F.. Wing of female. Huascaromusca tibialis (Aldrich) G. Wing of female. Huascaromusca umbrosa (Aldrich) H. Wing of female. Huascaromusca uniseta (Aldrich) I. Wing of female. Huascaromusca xanthorhina (Bigot) J. Wing of female. Hemilucilia flavifacies (Engel) K. Wing of female. PLATE 8 389 390 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 9 Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius) A. Wing of female. Myjiolucilia lyrcea (Walker) B. Wing of female. Chloroprocta fuscianipennis (Macquart) C. Wing of female. Paralucilia wheeleri (Hough) D. Wing of female. Phormia regina (Meigen) E. Wing of male. Boreéllus atriceps (Zetterstedt) F. Wing of male. Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy) G. Wing of male. Apaulina metallica (Townsend) H. Wing of male. Francilia alaskensis Shannon I. Wing of male. Bufolucilia silvarum (Meigen) J. Wing of male. Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) kK. Wing of male. PLATE 9 392 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 10 Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius) A. External portion of female genital segments. Promesembrinella semifiava (Aldrich) Genital segments of male B. Left lateral view of composite. C. Fifth sternite. D. Forceps, rear view. Huascaromusca abaca Hall Genital segments of male E. Left lateral view of composite. F. Forceps, rear view. PLATE 10 \\\ \ Aa + \ | {NN ind NRCS t/ \ YM Ha 393 394 THe BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 11 Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Huascaromusca facialis (Aldrich) Genital segments of male D. Left lateral view of composite. E. Forceps, rear view. Ge PLATE 11 . \\"' NS AY SIM ‘x a \ : f | SRT SSS * +79 foes ey SSeS - So Ss CN a : ey SSS \\ ANI A A » i \ \\ | ~y | ih \ \ AV Prey WY i) Aaa ul \ | \ \ \\4 VAL AM) \ KINA WK} | i) :\ el BANS j ' ada sng p A\\ 4 | hid ia in / 395 396 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 12 Huascaromusca flavicrura (Aldrich) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. Huascaromusca spicata (Aldrich) Genital segments of male Abdomen, left lateral view. Sternites. Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. > Ae o PLATE 12 397 398 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortTH AMERICA PLATE 13 Huascaromusca tibialis (Aldrich) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. Huascaromusca umbrosa (Aldrich) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Sie Ho PLATE 13 x \\\\\\} Mi \S uy | N *) Mi) Nh ho) A \\\\ AN /| KA AK | Nigant SA TM iy) My NN Ss . Vasa A \\\\Y AN Me ) ‘2 * Vi Mui Sy ye 399 400 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 14 Huascaromusca uniseta (Aldrich) Genital segments of male A. Left lateral view of composite. B. Fifth sternite. C. Forceps, rear view. Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius) Genital segments of male D. Fifth sternite. E. Forceps, rear view. F. Left lateral view of composite. PLATE 14 401 402 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 15 Hemilucilia flavifacies (Engel) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of aedeagus and composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. Hemilucilia seqmentaria (Fabricius) Genital. segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Foreeps, rear view. Dave PLATE 15 403 404 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 16 Myioluciia fulvinota (Walker) Genital segments of male A. Left lateral view of composite. Myiolucilia lyrcea (Walker) Genital segments of male B. Aedeagus with accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. D. Left lateral view of forceps and second genital segment. Q PLATE 16 405 406 ae Yaw pr Ha THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 17 Chloroprocta fuscianipennis (Macquart) Genital segments of male Aedeagus with accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Foreeps, rear view. Forceps and second genital segment, left lateral view. Fifth sternite. Callitroga aldrichi (Del Ponte) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Foreeps, rear view. Callitroga americana (Cushing and Patton) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Aedeagus and accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. PLATE 17 Fe 5 yew Ppa) eT, 7 oA ea ua a ye 1h: Pais pa g thepossids mi Bi is PEN Y hes? tak i! oe he ae fae, Dae Phnet NAB Rae) Be? Bets CALEY SENG te m I ? . ET WONT IE LS ee 5 oo xs “8 the 407 408 The BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 18 Callitroga macellaria (Fabricius) Genital segments of male A. Left lateral view of composite. B. Forceps, rear view. Callitroga minima (Shannon) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Foreeps, rear view. Fifth sternite. Hoo PLATE 18 409 410 THE BLOWFUIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 19 Paralucilia wheeleri (Hough) Genital segments of male Forceps, rear view. Aedeagus and accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Fifth sternite. Foreeps and second genital segment, left lateral view. Paralucilia fulvipes (Macquart) Genital segments of male Forceps and second genital segment, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. Fifth sternite. Aedeagus and accessory sclerites. Phormia regina (Meigen) Genital segments of male Forceps, rear view. Left lateral view of composite. PLATE 19 411 412 Trnz BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 20 Boreéllus atriceps (Zetterstedt) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Aedeagus, rear view. Foreeps and second genital segment, rear view. Fifth sternite. Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Foreeps, rear view. Faw p> PLATE 20 = (> ive % =— Se va pe 413 414 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 21 Apaulina avium (Shannon and Dobroscky) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Apaulina basingert Hall . Genital segments of male. Left lateral view of composite. Apaulina hesperia (Shannon and Dobroscky) Genital segments of male E. Left lateral view of composite. F. Forceps, rear view. Apaulina hesperia (Shannon and Dobroscky) G. Genital segments of male. Left lateral view of composite. J ob PLATE 21 415 416 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 22 Apaulina hirundo (Shannon and Dobroscky) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. Apaulina metallica (Townsend) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Apaulina sialia (Shannon and Dobroscky) Genital segments of male. Forceps, left lateral view. n> HH YO PLATE 22 — 417 418 Tue BLowF.uirts or NortH AMERICA PLATE 23 Francilia alaskensis Shannon Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Posterior portion of abdomen. Forceps, rear view. Bufolucilia elongata (Shannon) Genital segments of male. Forceps, lateral view. Bufolucilia siluarum (Meigen) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Lucilia illustris (Meigen) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of eomposite. Fifth sternite. Sa ions) Aa PLATE 23 419 420 ‘THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 24 Phaenicia caeruleiviridis (Macquart) Genital segments of male Aedeagus and accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Forceps, lateral view. Foreeps, rear view. Phaenicia cluvia (Walker) Genital segments of male Aedeagus, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. Phaenicia eximia (Wiedemann) Genital segments of male Aedeagus and accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Forceps, lateral view. Forceps, rear view. Phaenicia mexicana (Macquart) Genital segments of male. Foreeps, rear view. Phaencia pallescens (Shannon) Genital segments of male Aedeagus and accessory sclerites. lateral view. Forceps, lateral view. Forceps, rear view. Fifth sternite. OO es Sew sok pee ar SeA a PLATE 24 yale OL OAaa DD 421 422 THE BLOWFLIES OF NoRTH AMERICA PLATE 25 Phaenicia problematica (Johnson) Genital segments of male A. Forceps, lateral view. B. Forceps, rear view. Phaenicia purpurescens (Walker) Genital segments of male C. Forceps, lateral view. D. Forceps, rear view. Phaenicia rica (Shannon) E. Genital segments of male. Forceps, rear view. Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) Genital segments of male F. Left lateral view of composite. G. Forceps, rear view. Phaenicia thatuna (Shannon) Genital segments of male H. Aedeagus and accessory sclerites, left lateral view. Forceps, lateral view. J. Forceps, rear view. = PLATE 25 423 424 THe BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 26 Acronesia collinti Hall . A. Posterior portion of male abdomen. (After Collin.) Acronesia abina Hall B. Genital segments of male. Rear view of forceps. Acronesia alaskensis (Shannon) Genital segments of male C. Left lateral view of composite. D. Forceps, rear view. Acronesia aldrichi (Shannon) E. Genital segments of male. Left lateral view of composite. Acronesia anana Hall Genital segments of male F. Forceps, lateral view. G. Foreeps, rear view. Acronesia popoffana (Townsend) Genital segments of male H. Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. i \ yi \) ie pean HM 425 426 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 27 Eucalliphora lilaea (Walker) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. Eucalliphora arta Hall ; Genital segments of male. Forceps, rear view. Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich) D. Genital segments of male. Left lateral view of composite. Calliphora coloradensis Hough Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Calliphora livida Hall Genital segments of male H. Forceps, left lateral view. I. Forceps, rear view. Calliphora peruviana Macquart Genital segments of male Forceps, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. o> Ac = mk B 427 428 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 28 Calliphora terrae-novae Macquart Genital segments of male A. Forceps, left lateral view. B. Forceps, rear view. Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy Genital segments of male C. Forceps, left lateral view. D. Forceps, rear view. Fes Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Onesia bisetosa Hall Genital segments of male H. Forceps, rear view. I. Left lateral view of composite. PLATE 28 SS Saal ; i; = \ NNN Nis: \\\ : ne ISS 429 430 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 29 Onesia townsendi Hall Genital segments of male Forceps, left lateral view. Forceps, rear view. Cynomyopsis cadaverina (Robineau-Desvoidy) Abdomen, ventral view > Male. Female. Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. aa OO 432 Ture BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 30 Cyanus elongata (Hough) Genital segments of male A. Left lateral view of composite. B. Fifth sternite. . C.. Forceps, rear view. Cynomya mortuorum (Linnaeus) Genital segments of male D. Fifth sternite. E. Forceps, rear view. F. Left lateral view of composite. PLATE 30. “is \\\ Wy ‘] h a Ag aay, 433 434 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 31 Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Forceps, rear view. Melanodexia glabricula (Bigot) Genital segments of male. Forceps, rear view. Melanodexia satanica (Shannon) Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Forceps, rear view. . Melanodexiopsis tristina Hall Genital segments of male Left lateral view of composite. Fifth sternite. Melanodexiopsis grandis (Shannon) Genital segments of male I. Left lateral view of composite. J. Forceps, rear view. GOs me ao PLATE 31 436 Tur BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 32 Huascaromusca bicolor (Fabricius) Larva, first instar Cephaioskeleton, left lateral view. Cephaloskeleton, dorsal view. Posterior spiracle. Huascaromusca facialis (Aldrich) Larva Qu Pp Cephalic segments Cephaloskeleton. Posterior segments, ventral view. Posterior spiracles and stigmal field, posterolateral view. Posterior spiracle. He eo PLATE 32 437 438 oe a THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 33 Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius) Larva Posterior spiracle, third instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar; dphsc, dorsopharyngeal sclerite, dc, dorsal cornua, dsc, dental sclerite, hsc, hypostomal sclerite, ihsc, infrahypostomal sclerite, lsc, labial sclerite, vc, ventral cornua. Anal area, third instar. Chloroprocta fuscianipennis (Macquart) Larva. Anal area, third instar. Callitroga americana (Cushing and pation) Egg End view. Lateral view. PLATE 33 439 440 Bs Cie are Tur BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 34 Callitroga americana (Cushing and Patton) Larva, cephaloskeleton, first instar. Larva, second instar Cephaloskeleton. Posterior spiracle. Larva, third instar Posterior spiracle; b, ‘‘button,’’ p, peritreme. Mature larva, left lateral view; asp, anterior spiracle, sp, spines, psp, posterior spiracle, at, anal tubercle. Typical position of americana larvae in wound (navel of calf). Anal area; ap, anal protuberance, 7, inner tubercle, m, median tubercle, o, outer tubercle, pc, posterior cavity. us Cephaloskeleton; dc, dorsal cornua, dsc, dental sclerite, dphs, dorso- pharyngeal sclerite, hsc, hypostomal sclerite, lsc, labial sclerite, pssc, parastomal sclerite, vc, ventral cornua. PLATE 34 442 te aw Pe De Trt BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 35 Callitroga macellaria (Fabricius) Larva, first instar. Cephaloskeleton. Larva, second instar Cephaloskeleton. Posterior spiracle. Larva, third instar Mature larva; left lateral view, sp, spines, asp, anterior spiracle, ana, anal area. Anal area; psp. posterior spiracle, 7. inner tubercle, m, median tubercle, 0, outer tubercle, ap, anal protuberance, at, anal tubercle, pc, pos- terior cavity. Posterior spiracle; b, button, p, peritreme. Cephaloskeleton; Isc, labial sclerite, Ir, longitudinal ridges, dc, dorsal cornua, vc, ventral cornua. OD , y SCHON fo ashe ees a Ae (oes PLATE 35 Dr a prions : § ind Sp j ae oe tA a OL; a‘ $ = \ tae en ie al aes ay ¥ f Pa taed ae gti” Pade ay a 38 . el s ha ‘ Tele 6 ' Cees ne ey $1 : , Pig ‘ar Publ TH AMERICA TH “MERIC ' Tue Buowruies or No PLATE 36 ; ‘ 4 ae Sf - Paralucilia wheeleri (Hough) a Larva, Mature larva, left lateral view. oa" lg Cephaloskeleton, first instar. gi Cephaloskeleton, second instar. ae Cephaloskeleton, third instar. . mee ieee Posterior spiracle, third instar. se Bi ee Anal area, third instar. _ (a 8 ae he re ¥ oF e ; E , 4 ~—e ws —_ Ve we E. 3 * he! ; Lee Sree eam oA oo PLATE 36 445 446 Tuer BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 37 Phormia regina (Meigen) Larva . Cephaloskeleton,. first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, second instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Protophormia terrae-novae (Robineau-Desvoidy) Larva, third instar. Posterior spiracle. Bae ood Pp PLATE 37 447 448 THE BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 38 Apaulina avium (Shannon and Dobroscky) Larva, third instar A. Posterior spiracle. B. Cephaloskeleton. Apaulina metallica (Townsend) Larva, third instar C. Posterior spiracle. D. Cephalic segments. E. Cephaloskeleton. PLATE 38 449 450 Tur BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 39 Bufolucilia silvarum (Meigen) Larva Cephaloskeleton, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Lucilia illustris (Meigen) Cephaloskeleton, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Heme Sane PLATE 39 452 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 40 Phaenicia caeruleiviridis (Macquart) Larva Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Phaenicia mexicana (Macquart) Posterior spiracle, third instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Anal area, third instar. QW & Ome o PLATE 40 454 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA. PLATE 41 Phaenicia pallescens (Shannon) Larva Cephaloskeleton, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) Sab > Larva Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. PLATE 41 ° 456 THE BLOWFLIES OF NorTH AMERICA PLATE 42 Eucalliphora lilaea (Walker) Larva Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, second instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar; p, peritreme. Calliphora coloradensis Hough Larva, third instar. 2 ee Posterior spiracle. Cephaloskeleton. PLATE 42 457 458 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 43 Calliphora livida Hall Larva, third instar Posterior spiracle. Cephaloskeleton. Calliphora terrae-novae Macquart Larva, third instar tb C. Posterior spiracle. D. Cephaloskeleton. PLATE 43 459 460 THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PLATE 44 Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy Larva Anal area, third instar. Cephalic segments, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton. third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus) Larva. third instar BeOS Posterior spiracle. Cephaloskeleton. aise PLATE 44 462 THe BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA ' PLATE 45 Cynomyopsis cadaverina (Robineau-Desvoidy) Larva Cephaloskeleton, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephalic segments, left lateral view, with cephaloskeleton, third instar, anterior spiracles omitted. Posterior spiracle, third instar. Cyanus elongata (Hough) Larva, third instar Cephalic segments, left lateral view, with cephaloskeleton. Posterior spiracle. wie rte ae PLATE 45 63 4 464 Tuk BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PLATE 46 Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) Egg Dorsal view. Lateral view. (After DeCoursey.) Larva Cephaloskeleton, first instar. Cephaloskeleton, second instar. Cephaloskeleton, third instar. Posterior spiracle, second instar. Anterior spiracle, third instar. Posterior spiracle, third instar. FQ SA or o> PLATE 46 SRT, fl ‘ei % un TY xd NS 465 INDEX Valid names in Roman, synonyms in Italics. PAGE A abaca Hall, Huascaromusca.............. 68 abina Hall, Acronesia...............0.ce00 274 ABONESIA Villeneuve ...............0000 320 AOALYPTERATAE Macquart ......... 41 accepta Malloch, Onesia.................. 320 ACRONESTIAS Halleeicit...cchcncoe-deess00 272 MDI ELOLL Oo veacperccoes atocs.cccess oovs-osae8 274 alaskensis (Shannon) _................ 275 aldrichia (Shannon) .............s.ce008 277 AN ATA ELAN cicccces ces eecetstesdesesewa scones 278 COLIN MU BL Boccsvectsnessctcscdstessnecervscetae 279 montana (Shannon) ............ceceeees 280 popoffana (Townsend) ............006 280 Acrophaga alpina (Zetterstedt)........ 275 stelviana Brauer and _ Bergen- BEAM Di gacecescsecsspecasecscsesseetscocncnnces oreo 275 aculeata Shannon, Onesia, =Onesia BFOWNSODGL GILL, crccvsesccsvercasercscenes 324 aenea Shannon and Dobroscky, Pro- tocalliphora, see Apaulina........ 185 aeneiventris van der Wulp, Mesem- brinella, m=Huascaromusca _bi- COLO EMC Ea) Bisse tinee ch estenn ori tac oa caastace 69 afinis Robineau- Desvoidy, Chry- somya, —?Callitroga americana eB 9 Soll BAL ae a early ofS, a ee 126 afinis Shannon, Paralucilia, — Para lucilia wheeleri (Hough), in DOL Uianccrcescisteeesetaners aac tiiaces ers lansaencs 153 agilis Shannon, Onesia, =Onesia DISCLORA! DLAI D .ccnctac dies cssancca arouses 322 alaskensis Shannon, Francilia (Luci- NTA) ) ras ree ad reheat coeccptechaccesdscscaunecicate s 213 alaskensis Shannon, Steringomyia, BOOP ACTONEBIA cccracacecct-stee~seceteectse 275 aldrichi Del Ponte, Cochliomyia, see STILT ORR Wes cucy.cestscoieerserss voanauesewcts 123 aldrichia Shannon, Steringomyia, SEQ WA CYONCBIO Goo. ar. ese. cr tease csnsese st 277 (ALDRICHIELLA Rohdendorf) , =ALDRICHINA Townsend...... 288 grahami (Aldrich), see Aldri- CIUINLA ie scicces Se cee ih cte NOS Sores scecbiersostces 290 ALDRICHINA Townsend ................ 288 grahami (Aldrich). ..............c..seccees 290 alia Robineau-Desvoidy, Chrysomya, = 7Oallitroga americana (C. & ee) Bevesdtccvecaracede tea create iesseartespecaee> 126 alia Rondani, Mya, =Callitroga RITA COLATIS Ge Gli) om) acneetaces ates carene ts 138 Allantoin, in myiasis wound............. 14 alpina Shannon, Steringomyia, = (Macq:)s..-... eee Lb uralensis Collin, = Calliphora terrae-novae Macq. <....cscesccscccceee 303 vicina Rohineau-Desvoidy ............ 307 violacea Macquart, = ?Paralucilia fulvipes ~(Macquarnt)) jet: ecreee eee 157 violacea Meigen, Calliphora.......... 297 viridescens Bezzi, —=Calliphora terrae-novae Macq. ...........s0ceeeees 303 viridescens of North American authors, =Calliphora livida Pra ii cceess sochoectoae saree saben aeeeeemne 296 vomitoria, (linniaeuts)\= -.5--.eeeee als xanthorrhina Bigot, see Huascaro- INNUWSGA pc ccsnionsac des sacceviaseoncasecnente reece 86 OAR DE PO RD AR: iesescdsacc eee 45 CATT HOR DN AH Seren ccccetr aren nee 202 GAWEP FO Ril Nola pte .ccasece cree Reiss rag (a CALLITROGA Brauer ...... psaeacth sade 120 aldrichi “(Del Ponte) x7 geccseseeetee 123 americana (Cushing and Patton.. 125 macellaria (Hab~iciws) \ sc..ssccc.seusee 138 MINIMA, AG SHANN OW) geet eee. ease eee 148 CALYPTERATAE Robineau-Des- VOIGY “A hstxevdieien tecreseat tes eo een 41 capensis Robineau-Desvoidy, ‘Chry- somya = Phaenicia sericata CM 27), ocectacsdresctocigceee a cease eee 260 CARCINOMYIA Townsend, =Cy- NLOMY.B HRD Sa. ei ctenencs cee eeeveseeves 335 mortuorum (Linnaeus), see Cy- TOMY B .cacsdiccscsodecesesescesssoschaascaceeemte 335 carnivora Fabricius, Musca, =Calli- phora vomitoria (L.)......... Machete OG caruca Walker, Musca, lyrcea (Walker) CEPHYSA = Myiolucilia Robineau-Desvoidy, SP olleniannGh.-Dy) Swine muscidea Robineau-Desvoidy, Se OMEN Ag TOA sae Gl Wis. . ecto certima Walker, Musca, =Callitroga MmAacelaryiai CHS a. coveteom meee ES CHETOLOXES Dumeril .................. CHLOROPROCTA Van der Wulp.... fuscanipennis (Macquart) ............ idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy)........ semivii idis Van der Wulp, =Chloroprocta fuscanipennis AVM GV Vied neces: eaves colunlen vieueneaanenisceanss a CHRYSGMYA Ropes a: -Desvoidy... afinis Robineau-Desvoidy, = 20al- litroga americana (C. & MP JI: alia Robineau-Desvyoidy, = ?Calli- troga americana (C. & P.)........ caerulescens Robineau-Desyoidy, = /Callitroga americana (C. & PPE). ) csccasctee-osctueracesose 139 femorata Walker, Calliphora, = Hemi- lucilia segmentaria (F.) ........... 107 flavicrura Aldrich, Mesembrinella, see IU SSCALOMUSCS c-cs.ccscrearcecseratessce V5, flavifacies Engel, Strongyloneura, see Hremmil cilia toe. crccstececceescanccntaasns 106 flavigena Bigot, Somomyia, = Calli- troga macellaria (F.)...........ccs00c0 139 flavipalpis Macquart, Cynomyia........ 273 Tre BLOWFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PAGE - flavipalpis (Macquart), Steringomyia 273 flavipennis Macquart, Lucilia, =Phaenicia sericata (Mg.)...... 260 formosa Aldrich, Mesembrinella, see HIUAaSCATOMUSCA <.2.-cccraccousceceer eases T7 PRANCILIA (Shannon \e.t:..c..c0cscseeeeees 212 alaskensis Shammon ........ccsccsccseceee 213 fraterna Macquart, Lucilia, =Lu- Cilia, illustris) +(Mg-))...cc.s.ccseresssese 225 Frogs, blowfly parasites of............0. 222 frontalis Aubertin, Lucilia, —Phae- nicia sericata (Mg.).............c000 260 fulvibarbis Robineau-Desvoidy, Calli- phora, =Calliphora vomitoria Ti.) eucancdecseechesnsesesscensoncaaes Gaatter sete 313 fulvifacies Robineau-Desvoidy, Phor- mia, =Phormia regina (Mg.).. 161 fulvinota Bigot, Somomyia, see My- Jolt Cilia .7...cssecke+csseescesspaevsareseteent 112 fulvipes Brauer and Bergenstamm, Paralucilia, —Myiolucilia fulvi- nota (Bigot), 1m) Part.:.sccseereves 112 fulvipes Macquart, Calliphora, see Paralucilidn .sccso-cecossssjsesestevnerente 157 fulvobarbata Bigot, Somomyia, =Cal- litroga americana (C. & P..)...... 126 fuscanipennis Macquart, Lucilia, see Chiloroprocta | ..cestssccossceseeneeuedoedars a E7/ Fungus, puparial disease of Calli- DI OLB es ies essisduchecensesceces ons oeacteeeenanaeee 312 G gamelia Walker, Musca, =Myio- lucilia lyrcea (Walk..)..........scc00 113 germanorum Villeneuve, Calliphora 306, 317 giraulti Townsend, Lucilia, — Phae- nicia sericata’ (Meg.)\......-sssuses 260 glabricula Bigot, Nitellia, see Melan- OUCXIG oo oncnasesnocesnersscestocateceeeremeeen 354 glabricula (Bigot), Pollenia, see Melanodexia \c....s0.c..veataaceocesberteen 354 GLOSSINIDARY sic.cacsesossccacocyseeseseeeen 7 grahami Aldrich, Calliphora, see Aldriching onl ccs<.sserseseecenstearee eee 290 grahami (Aldrich), Aldrichiella, see Aldrichina’.~ ss..+:.seccoc:ccvcterscoee eee 290 grandis Shannon, Melanodexia, see Melanodexiopsis .........ssscseseeeeeees 357 graphita Shannon, Lucilia ................ 254 groenlandica Zetterstedt, Musca, =Protophormia terrae - novae CRi=D.).” Konnsaceshuvseatecohes ptoseesenaaeeees 174 groenlandica (Zetterstedt), Calli- phora, =Protophormia terrae- Novae CR.-Ds) civcc-csecorssscecesesenasen 175 groenlandica (Zetterstedt), Phormia, =Protophormia terrae-novae (R.-D.) groenlandica (Zetterstedt), Pollenia, =Protophormia terrae-novae BO3-D is) es csvecdespcetdontnctacesueetaeneeeena 175 H HEMILUCILIA Brauer ...........:..<:+ 104 flavifacies. (HMingel)® \ciz--..ccess-coneseetes 106 fuscanipennis Aldrich, =Hemi- lucilia flavifacies (Engel)........ 106 segmentaria (Fabricius) .........s0c6 107 hesperia Shannon and Dobroscky, Protocalliphora, see Apaulina.... 192 Hetherington’s Solution, use in lar- Val “technique: .-.s ccccdeccconcemencenatenee 138 LUCID LUNE ae cota tien teeta 211 lucilioides Van der Wulp, Onesia, =Bufolucilia silvarum (Mg.).... 219 lunata’ Fabricius, Musca, “see Sto- MOV al bias sec sete a pce eee etter 91 lunata (Fabricius), Idia, see Sto- Miorhin a. ...2.se00 aeteotong 91 lynchi Lahille, Chrysomya, =Calli- troga macellarial 7(I)) sh. 139 ‘lyrcea Walker, Musca, see Myio- Tet ad ie icsons oases dsteach caetete aoc cee eee 113 M macellaria Fabricius, Musca, see Callitroga ...... BOE ER 50 éawiiten SotE 138 macellaria (F.) of author, in part, =Callitroga americana (C. D's) padadsccentstassnctpavononeene on ae tea 126 MACRONESIA Villeneuve ..............0. 320 MACROPHALLUS Mueller ............:. 320 maculata Rondani, Stomorhyna, = Stomorhina, lumata\. (WF )).c-ceee 92 MALLOCHOMYIA Townsend, = Boreellus Aldrich and Shannon 169 johanseni Townsend, =Boreellus ALMICEPSieC Letty) ceunsccnee secre een 170 marginalis Wiedemann, Musca, see ChYrY SOM aioe sci vescoeteeont odes eee 103 melanaria Van der Wulp, Calliphora 318 MELANODEXIA Williston .............. 352 californica, Hall .t..is-;ciecn seen 354 glabriculas (Bifot) me. see eee 354 grandis Shannon, see Melanodexi- ODSIS. 2 sage ans caetacecotdonseneaceste meee eat Satanica, Shanmom geccss-seeceseees eee 355 tristis Shannon, = Melanodexiop- SIS tristine Fliall Qepnas secede seme 359 tristis Williston, =Melanodexia glabriculaa:(-Bir.), Sescccseiee eee 3854 NE TxA IN OiD HUXGL UNG secosenesaes seeeeeeeaee 351 MELANODEXIOPSIS Hall ............ 356 grandis. (Shannon) (..cuseteeseeee 357 idahoensis Hall, S...t.ecacs seneck ae eee 357 NOX all yvicetcavcoveedettnn ovess cease eee 358 pacitica ; Halls. cchte.teasescsn eee 359 tristina:S ELall 113 fulvinota (Bigot) «.......s..stsveeves-ses 112 groenlandica Zetterstedt, = Proto- lyrcea A Wial Ker). Oren ccaiecces.cetaencsesber. 113 phormia terrae-novae (R.-D.).... 174 myoidea Robineau-Desvoidy, Calli- ilerda Walker, =Eucalliphora phora, =Cynomyopsis cadaver- Tea ee WALKS air. cease tay ter svase cos xe 284 PTE EG=L) ot) dlkctios Sone aban isa soeoeceeea des 326 illustris Meigen, see Lucilia.......... 224 insularis Walker, =Phaenicia ex- NEMO CHA on sconvesecoemtetvccettccdersutvene Psa. CW eee ee 240 Neopollenia stygia (F.)....... seneaeeesenens 318 474 PAGE Neta chilensis (Walker)............ ate ee8 301 nigribarba Shannon, Calliphora, = Calliphora terrae-novae Macq..... 303 nigribasis Macquart, Calliphora, = Calliphora peruviana R.-D......... 301 nigribucca Shannon, Calliphora, = Calliphora terrae-novae Macq.... nigrifrons Bigot, Somomyia, see Pro- 303 mesembrinell ay vrssescs-ss.ssedereensseeess 68 nigripalpis Townsend, Lucilia, = Bufolueilia silvarum (Mg.)........ 219 nigripalpis Robineau-Desvoidy, = Protophormia terrae-novae (R.- Mi icecbecsevatersectsuisieccsscaagsestenct eek 175 nigrina Bigot, Lucilia, = Phormia Terina) CM eo) a teederacses-desscccaveses estes 162 Nitellia glabricula Bigot, see Melano- (ORG: sigresed ssccceeasesencusteseseeasdesns one 354 nobilis (Meigen), Lucilia, =Phae- nicia, ‘sericatay CME?) Aiccicccssetee se 260 nobilis Meigen, Musca, =Phaenicia sericatay @Mg.). ‘ctsaeiirstsccstssseeeesss 260 nox Hall, Melanodexiopsis..............0. 358 nubipennis Rondani, Lucilia, = Hemilucilia segmentaria (F.).... 107 O obscura Bigot, Pollenia, =Pollenia Tudis. CHS). Seisvetesessaceetsavaatceseseesse 345 ochricornis Wiedemann, Musca, in part, —Phaenicia eximia (Wd.) 239 Ochromyia bicolor (Fabricius), = Huascaromusca bicolor (F.)...... 70 ocularis Shannon, Lucilia, = Phae- nicia purpurescens (Walk.)...... 255 oculata Townsend, Lucilia, = Phae- nicia caeruleiviridis (Macq.).... 232 OESTRUS Linnaeus ................ ss 4 OESTROIDEA Townsend .............+ 42 OESTROMUSCARIA Townsend ...... Al ONESIA Robineau-Desvoidy ............ 318 accepta Malloch] ticscc..cscsccsse vss eteres 320 aculeata Shannon, —Onesia town- SONI Mall BA. sere secareresstensweeusesenss 324 agilis Shannon, —Onesia bisetosa PV a ie ae a Re ae ae cece es 322 atriceps (Zetterstedt), see Boreel- TUR iP cecatnste onccvoncesdeccneaverestaenentene’ 170 ‘bisetosay Hall \ iu ieresiesecvivec.ascesocmeores 322 lucilioides Van der Wulp, =Bu- folucilia silvarum (Mg.)............ 219 townsendi “Hall er acct dossecestetees: 324 opaca (Coquillett), Wohlfahrtia........ 127 orenoquina Bigot, Somomyia, = Phaenicia eximia (W4d.)............ 240 ORIZIA Robineau-Desvoidy, =Pol- Tenia® RicD Fie aiccedexesectecesssaceateces 343 conjuncta Robineau-Desvoidy, = Pollenia™ rt disw (Ws) Pere eccoeeer eters 843 iP pacifica Hall, Melanodexiopsis.......... 359 Paedogenesis in blowfly larvae...... eis eiilal pallescens Shannon, Lucilia, see Phaenicia Pi wiescscstcce eo: 247 pallidibasis Bigot, Somomyia, = Phaenicia purpurescens (Walk.) 254 PARACOMPSOMYIA Hough, = OhrysomyaeRi-D soccer tence 104 PARALUCILIA of Coquillett, =Cal- litroga Brauer in part; of Townsend, =Myiolucilia Hall PARALUCILIA Brauer and Bergen- SEAMIMN : 6 sesscecsesteccecedanecottacstestmecetses 150 afinis Shannon, =Paralucilia wheeleri (Hough) in part, = Paralucilia fulvipes (Macq.) in THE BLOWFLIES OF NortH AMERICA PAGE part brauert Townsend, =Myiolucilia fulvinota ¢( Bigot)” ects 112 desvoidyt (Hough), = Myiolu- cilia fulvinota (Bigot) ........... eer LAL fulvipes (Macquart)) 4..sscscescsseeeteee 157 fulvipes Brauer and Bergenstamm, =Myiolucilia fulvinota (Bigot) IN. Part siscscsscsvessgessacacabys seers violacea (Macquart), (Ma cq) 20n vicscclecsdesiestanes meres wheeleri, (Hough) ..:..c.sec0.css.sereeeee Parasites of Calliphoridae 183, 190, 200, 267, 312, parva Shannon and Dobroscky, Pro- 112 157 153 349 193 225 158 301 tocalliphora, —Apaulina hirudo (Shannon and Dobroscky)........ parvula Meigen, Musca, =Lucilia iluistris2a¢( Meg.) Ake ee perurviana Robineau-Desvoidy, of - Macquart, =Callitroga macel- laria® (INS) sic ee ee eee peruviana Macquart, Calliphora, = Neta chilensis’ (Walk?) nt.c.c.ee peruviana Robineau-Desvoidy, Calli- PHOLVA o6ie seule acstveseecoceeesenenomeneene PHABNICIA Robineau-Desvoidy...... argyrocephala (Macquart) ............ argyrocephala of Malloch and Shannon in North America, = Phaenicia pallescens (Shannon) in Part’ cis. .ccvdsschcatertucee ts geeteceeneteees caeruleiviridis (Macquart) .......... cluvia.- setts dociap ns CaS aD AMER SABRES ERE 240 rufigena Bigot, =Phormia regina (CREE: tt treme saben ernie Seas rupicola Bigot, —=Phormia regina Cio) Eee e ence te cena cation ete re ates 162 segmentaria (Fabricius), see ELGrmulinenltelpes cererereretarmecercece eke sent 107 semiviolacea Bigot, = ?Phaenicia ACA, OLAITIVOM cs enetesetecs cease rtee PROT soulouquina Bigot, = ?Phaenicia Tel (GSN NEP TTEIT)” eakdnbaenehactucsenan: 257 sylphida “Bigot, mPhaenicia ex- Tanase wPSCViCL eRe seeee Setevac cose tcoease teen 240 xantho rhina Bigot, see Huascaro- TINS Caror tans etanca caediaeiecreehatocn wanes 86 soulouquina Bigot, Somomyia, =? Phaenicia rica (Shannon)........ 257 NSH OKXCHBEG) Téa aI HIG aAb dathe rene noeche ses sanecone ne, 13 spicata Aldrich, Mesembrinella, see LMS GABOMUS Gans aeateetsec tethers 79 splendida Macquart, Calliphora........ 196 splendida (Macquart) of authors, Protocalliphora, =Apaulina MCCAIN Cama CLINse pee ires et sacha senate 196 stelviana Brauer and Bergenstamm, ACTOPNAS A pace erence cette 275 STERINGOMYIA Shannon, = A CHOMES tee lial weeeaeeace.seten cer ceeees 272 alaskensis Shannon, see Acronesia 275 aldrichia Shannon, see Acronesia 277 alpina Shannon, =Acronesia an- ana Hall, mAcronesia abina Hall flavipalpis® (Macquarh)) canes nee: 273 montana Shannon, see Acronesia 280 popoffana Collin, =Acronesia col- lin Era ll ae co ceteeesetaee ieee eee: 279 popoffana (Townsend), see Acro- NLGS1 A =. cc ects stntet obese trarene eee eeee 280 stigmaticalis Thomson, Lucilia, = Phormiay regina (Mics ieee a.e- 161 THe BLOwFLIES oF NortH AMERICA PAGE STOMATHORRHINA Bezzi, =Sto- morhina Tivomd ani’ c2gs..cqssess cee 89 STOMATORHINIA Malloch, =Sto- morhina Rondani (incase 89 STOMATORRHINA Bezzi, =Sto- morhinga, ~Rondanie ..snasesseteeete ‘ep 109 STOMORHEN A. Rondant...c...sseueese es 89 lumata’ CHabriciuis) a. wiucseue. tenes 91 STOMORHYNA Rondani, =Sto- MOrhinas ONGAN IS .s.ceseeesadese eee 89 maculata Rondani, =Stomorhina lunata, » GH). ccveesceecstemosteasac denen teres 92 STOMORRHINA (Scudder, =Sto- morhina “Rondanictes-cseeee ees 89 STOMORRHYNA Rye, =Stomorhi- Nal Romdani wsszisc.cccc acesseeassseneae 89 Stomoxys species in myiasis wounds 14 STRONGYLONEURA Engel, = Hemilicilia” Br: in (partes 106 flavifacies Engel, see Hemilucilia 106 styfia® Habricius, ) Musca) orc sesmemeetee 318 sylphida Bigot, Somomyia, = Phae- nicia eximia. (Wd.)i- >..sceeeeeeee 240 sylvarum (Meigen), Lucilia, =Bu- folucilia silvarum) GNMes)meeee ees 219 ft TA GH EN LD AUD 5: svascpteensctaie tacnsee se ceenene € TACHINOIDHA Townsend .............. 42 taeniaria Thomson, Lucilia, = Para- lucilia. fulvipes - CMacq:)iesecues 15%, taniaria Wiedemann, Musca, =Cal- litfroga, macellatia: GH.) = ...sseses 123 Technique: collecting, 27: rearing, 28; trapping, 27; extiacting male genital segments, 37; preservation of genital dissec- tions, 39; relaxing of dried specimens, 37; staining, 327 larval study, 32; degreasing adult specimens, 37. Terminology, 32; genital, 46; leg bristles, 34. terrae-novae Macquart, Calliphora.... 303 terrae-novae Macquait, Lucila, = Protophormia terrae-novae (R.- DD.) ccevebsbadeudsesacaees, sbeteaceaen aeeeeeame Is terrae-novae Robineau-Desvoidy, Phormia, see Protophormia R.- DD. o wasocscdcccisabaeeenteen ane stees ingens 174 tecensis Townsend, Calliphora, = Cynomyopsis cadaverina. (R a) sheohoedssteseattveas «ceca scbtencteeeteeee 327 thalassina Meigen, Musca, = Phor- mia regina, (Me.) .2..c-.scsesuceneees 161 thatuna Shannon, Lucilia, see Phae- MLGTO odie ge thastasew us depcasdegusttee Vanes 269 tibialis Aldrich, Mesembrinella, see TAU aSCAYOMIUSCA secc--ccsteeeneteneemeees 81 tibialis Macquart, Calliphora, = Paralucilia fulvipes (Macq.).... 157 tibialis Macquart, Lucilia, = ?Calli- trofa Macellania | (CH) wos 139 tibialis Robineau-Desvoidy, Chryso- mya, = ?Callitroga macellaria 5) eAeeanres Slacdveusienescditedesncfgedle area meee 138 TIP ULAR HS. Latreille ts s. ssccssessa eee 5 Teads, host of Bufolucilia species.... 221 townsend, lal, Omesia,seascssssssescetees 324 tristina Hall, Melanodexiopsis.......... 359 tristis Shannon, Melanodexia, = Melanodexiopsis tristina Hall.... 359 tristis Williston,’ Melanodexia, = Melanodexia glabricula (Big.).. 354 turbida Walker, Musca, = ?Calli- troga macellaria (F.) «........:00. 139 INDEX PAGE Typhoid fever, transmission by blow- HLT UEE Se. Ace Bocce eae cate casknuees sense beces's 10 U umbrosa Aldrich, Mesembrinella, see PANES GAT OMIUSCHa neesicaccasccataccedsesces 82 unicolor Townsend, Lucilia, = ; Phaenicia mexicana (Macq.).... 243 uniseta Aldrich, Mesembrinella, see (EPUB CATOIIUSCE © cocvarcsssoedsressdesteees 84 uralensts Collin, Calliphora, =Calli- phora terrae-novae Macq........... 303 Wr@ar i MViaSis: WOUNGS, ...cceteseses sc. 14 ng verena Walker, Musca, = Myiolucilia VA COR MAMG VW GTEC) 0 ceccsvedcocconesses