Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED sihnonl of Oumiuvree Ohin Untuersity Athens, Ohin COURSES OF STUDY | Calendar 1909 Summer Term Opens June 28th Summer Term Closes August 6th Fall Term Opens September 13th Fall Term Gloses December 24th 1910 Winter Term Opens January 3d Winter Term Gloses March 18th Spring Term Opens March 28th Gommencement June 16th Summer Term Opens June 20th Summer Term Gloses July 29th Fall Term Opens September 12th Fall Term Gloses December 23d Conunercial Course Leading to a Diploma and open to Graduates of first-class High Schools. FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM Accounting). si. . bs. c's stele eel pi ts cn (5) American History 202000. oC. 0 0 ee (4) A Modern Language or Stenography..............-- (5) Mechanical Drawing, Lettering.............0-+-««- (2) SEGOND TERM Accounting s'. 5 ascc's visa se seus ule oh (5) American Mistery... se 00. 05453 0 « = 9 eee eee (4) Gommercial | Law. ...\.:.5 <...«.s% sap ew on eta (3) A Modern Language or Stenography ................ (5) THIRD TERM Office ‘Practice: «s «oss id do» is mesa tee ale (5) American History... 6... 1.0 ope vow ce ee eee (4) Gommercial: Law. . . 2.0 !i.... 1. + visa 0) citi a (3) A Modern Language or Stenography..........-.---- (5) SECOND YEAR FIRST TERM Garporation: Accounting « ..05 si-c'sea Ge do oes ne (3) Gollege Rhetoric. . ... 2 4.12.3 hen eve o> sikhen ae (3) ‘Rolitical’ Economy ¢s). <:<'. .. swale « + 2 = (2) Ethica o's ioc ile hice whee miners aha ck ae eee er (3) AModern ‘Language... 2.6... s he ce ee ae iy = (4) Gommercial >Seminar.\\'5).....4.... ss des ose (1) SECOND TERM Gorporation and Trust Finance............-.eeee0> (3) English). i ¢iss ccs vege « oc sont cumin tbl eit een (4) Sociology’: os a5 oc see ec vce sisele oe aie en (3) Political Economy . ..4)0 9) 10% dci2le ses oe 2 (2) A’ Modern Language’. .:.:: . .... 5) ss» saree oe (4) Gommercial, ‘Seminar..;i. «<< »'s seis ese Dees chee (1) THIRD TERM Office: Practice...) is cass \ ote e's Fels Rae eee (2) Money and‘ Banking... 0 oss. 0 8 a8 2 ee ee (3) Accounting Problems and Systems............eeee0- (3) English . . 3 ccc. sies ss 60:85 » oe hed oe (3) A Modern \Language. ... 0:01» «0004 ou) oe pee (4) Seminar 24). oe) cieee va aelek en) cone (1) The figures in parentheses indicate the number of recitations per week. Crachers’ Course in Stenagraphy Leading to a Diploma and open to Graduates of first-class High Schools. FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM A Era A PRAT ih 3. ok Bi di ed a Reale ay, eager a ta (5) Typewriting MU Mee vchatiors tech aha uheycheiane: stale ene) sal omut cha tens isis (sie) Collagen nantes e ey ee ee Me oe mS (3) Pat ig en (ee a Re oar eg he Pave WE een & (4) Plactiveia see ne tate se Sk alas cle ale se poe ew bus (3) SECOND TERM SSLOMGNETM TORE iia fae ees nes Shes eedivic deitbre cise cus (5) Ty pewritingee atic s ee ole Pea SU abe ed (2) College: Eetintee hie ae rc i tlecs Ste Wei kjo on aeons (3) A matican: Li cataew acc ce a ets oo keis biae eens «wetland a (4) Risctives scat mice eee Sere. wht: aim. dae! \ (3) THIRD TERM SteNOPEMONY came ete ea ee au re Beri ede iece plete (5) Typewritiniie ca aa ay oe tin bcire a ads Bod eaias (2) Golleget Bratalire oiaesici ire ee hue ence haw s (3) American Eistorya.cie pele tele otra lee cele sole pews (4) Eleative eee Utils pie Slee cis cTe wk aa al sis olin. dodo nete voce (3) SECOND YEAR FIRST TERM DUSNOMIARNT, an asta a oe ite aa Week 6 oe ole 0 0.00 (4) Gollege® Ristoriciim ates eae tee ce (3) Introdietory Paycholdgy.. canes s «ad nd oc leaye wae diy es (5) Dlectivaes eas oh ace ee eine an ie Gets pe eae ehelae (5) SEGOND TERM DSlenOMr ame Mates eee eee ee viele bse Os bees (4) Introduction to Principles of Education............+. (3) Amaniiensis’a Works ater dowel as els deicde b oS a awd carats (2) Gollege English....... ee re Att cadens a SITE a sh aid (3) Blectivecnigau4 she ren ecclesia erat cs hae cea oe (5) THIRD TERM SLSNGerepinyis eats rere ate Core vb iete oe shertcesn iste acklases (4) Introduction to Principles of Education.............. (3) Amanmantiaa Wore ac airs Os 2 lihelD aCe i oe cehd vs (2) Golleetetinm tale tty Pate o eek tle codes wis eects (3) Elective eta site ic CNS fe bai ais aie din tinjdindecels oo geile (5) Substitutions in the above courses may be made upon the consent of the faculty. UTM Diplomas and College Credit. Diplomas will be granted to those who complete either course offered in the School of Gommerce. Students in the regular courses of the University may take commercial branches as elective work in their courses. Students who have com- pleted a course in the School of Gommerce will be granted a degree upon their completion of the additional work leading to that degree. Fees and Expenses. All students pay a registration fee of $6.00 per term. In addition to this there is an extra fee of $5.00 per term for Stenography. The fee for the diploma is $5.00. Furnished rooms in private families average $1.00 per week. Board in clubs $2.50 to $2.75. Board and furnished rooms in Ladies’ Halls $3.25 to $3.50. Special Students. Persons wishing to take only Bookkeeping or Stenography will be admitted as special students for that purpose. Begin- ning classes in these subjects are formed each term, and a year's work in either is intended to prepare good students for efficiency in office work. Sperial Advantages. Students in the School of Commerce have the same privileges in the library, reading rooms, gymnasium, literary societies, Christian associations and all other University activities and enterprises, as students in the regular courses, and they may enter any regular class in the University without extra charge. For further information or a general catalogue of the insti- tution, address G. M. GOPELAND, ALSTON ELLIS, Director School of Commerce. President Ohio University.