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EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE SERIES FOR BEGINNERS. , mie) CRN ale: ‘SIMPLE, ENTERTAINING, AND INEXPENSIVE) EXPERI MENTS ‘IN THE PHENOMENA OF SOUND, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS “OF EVERY AGE, BY ALFRED MARSHALL MAYER, \%3« “Professor of Physics in the Stevens Institute of Technology. Member of the National Academy of Soiences ; of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia; of the AmevicanAeg demy of Arts and Sciences, Boston; of theNew-¥ 4 CAdEMYO, pdctences ; of the German Ast j 0 American Q vorgr ber - oe dphitainolopledl ‘Sockety, [RRARV \ AL \ a ae nef ys NEW YORK: an APPLETON AND ocean aa 549 AND 551 BROADWAY. 1879. é Uy ty ats rd COPYRIGHT BY ALFRED M. MAYER, 1878. I DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO MY GOOD FRIEND, JOSEPH HENRY. WHO INSPIRED MY YOUTH WITH A LOVE OF THE ART OF EXPERIMENTING, i ie a ES ad 4 ei & MS Bl pak WR » Lar! A : we ee 5 CEP er hee et PREFACE. Tue books of the “Experimental Science Series for Beginners” originated in the earnest and honest desire to extend a knowledge of the art of experimenting, and to create a love of that noble art, which has worked so much good in our generation. These books, though written for all those who love experiments, and wish to know how to make them with cheap and simple apparatus, will, it is hoped, be found useful to teachers, and especially to the teachers and stu- dents in our Normal Schools. The majority of those who go from these schools will be called to positions where only a small amount of money can be obtained for the purchase of the apparatus needed in teaching science. These little books will show how many really excellent experiments may be made with the outlay of a few dol- lars, a little mechanical skill, and—patience. This last commodity neither I nor the school can furnish. The teacher is called on to supply this, and to give it as his share in the work of bringing the teaching of experimen- tal science into our schools. a laa PREFACE. When the teacher has once obtained the mastery over the experiments he will never after be willing to teach without them ; for, as an honest teacher, he will know that he cannot teach without them. Well-made experiments, the teacher’s clear and sim- ple language describing them, and a free use of the black- board, on which are written the facts and laws which the experiments show—these make the best text-books for beginners in experimental science. Teach the pupil to read Nature in the language of ex- periment. Instruct him to guide with thoughtfulness the work of his hand, and with attention to receive the teach- ings of his eyes and ears. Books are well—they are in- dispensable in the study of principles, generalizations, and mathematical deductions made from laws established by experiment—but, “Ce n’est pas assez de savoir les prin- cipes, il faut savoir MANIPULER.” Youths soon become enamored of work in which their own hands cause the various actions of Nature to appear before them, and they find a new delight in a kind of study in which they receive instruction through the doings of their hands instead of through the reading of books. | The object of this second book of the series is to show how to make a connected series of experiments in Sound. These experiments are to be made with the cheapest and simplest apparatus that the author has been able to devise. I have tried to be plain in giving directions for the con- PREFACE. ty struction and use of this apparatus. In my descriptions of the experiments I have endeavored to be clear ; but in this I may have failed. If I have, I am sure that the ex- periments themselves are true, honest, and of good report, and will supply all the shortcomings of language, which, even from the best pens, gives but a weak and incomplete conception of an experiment. In Chapter II. is given an account of the order of the experiments. These have’ been carefully selected, and arranged so that one leads to the next. Each experiment has been made by me over and over again, and the series has been performed before me by beginners in the art. I therefore know that they will all succeed if my directions are perseveringly followed. The experiments are num- bered in order up to 130, so that they may be referred to from this work, and from the other books of the series. Several of the instruments described are new, and many of the experiments are so pleasing in their action that they may be of interest to my scientific brethren, and to those engaged with college classes. I would refer to the instruments or experiments described in Experiments 1, 2, 17, 33, 34, 43 to 59, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 100, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127. } A lively interest has recently been excited in the sub- ject of Sound by two of the most remarkable inventions of this century : Bell’s Telephone, and the Speaking and Singing Phonograph of Mr. Thomas A. Edison. The first 8 PREFACE. named of these inventions will be described in the fourth book of the series ; the second I describe, with two ex- cellent engravings, at the end of this volume. The experiments have been completed for the remain- ing books of the series, which will appear in the following order (I. “ Light ;” I. “Sound,” already published) : III. “Vision, and the Nature of Light ;” IV. “ Electricity and Magnetism ;” V. “ Heat ;” VI. “Mechanics ;” VII. “Chemistry ;” VIII. “The Art of Experimenting with Cheap and Simple Instruments.” Mr. Barnard, who was associated with me in writing the book on “ Light,” found that his engagements did not permit him to continue his work on the series. Since the publication of “ Light” I have received the request, from various parts of the country, that I should make arrangements with some competent instrument- maker, who will supply sets of apparatus to go with the books of the series. This I have done, and Samuel Hawkridge, instrument-maker to the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, will supply the sets of apparatus for “ Light ” and “Sound ” at the rates given in his price-list at the end of this volume. The separate pieces of the apparatus for “Sound” are num- bered to correspond to the numbers of the experiments in the book. By this plan the purchaser knows which pieces of apparatus go together, and is also informed of their uses. The student may find it cheaper to hunt up the materials, and then make his own apparatus; but so PREFACE. 9 many have desired to have the sets ready for use that I have complied with their request. Of course it will be understood that the instrument-maker must be paid for the time taken in finding the objects in the market, and for the labor and skill spent in making the apparatus, and in packing it in convenient boxes. - cL OMT. & ee “3 ur ey ape ae ving t meee . la yom gt CON TENS. PREFACE CHAPTER I. Introduction . ’ The Construction and tee of the Heliostat /The Water-Lantern CHAPTER ILI. ON THE ORDER OF THE EXPERIMENTS IN THIS Book CHAPTER III. On THE NaTuRE oF SouND CHAPTER IV. On THE NaTuRE or Visratory MOTIONS The Conical Pendulum The Sand-Pendulum . An Experiment which gives the Trace of a Vibrating Pine Rod PAGE 24 27 The Pendular Motion reproduced from the Traces of the Pendulum and of the Vibrating Rod . Blackburn’s Double Pendulum . Fixing the Curves of Blackburn’s eenaetonl on ihe : Experiments in which the Motions of Two Vibrating Rods are made _ to trace the Acoustic Curves . The Way to draw the Acoustic Curves . CHAPTER V. On A VisratTine Soup, Liquip, or GasEous Bopy BEING ALWAYS THE ORIGIN OF SOUND . Experiments with a Tuning-Fork Experiments with a Vibrating Tuning-Fork aie a Cork ‘Ball 12 CONTENTS. PAGE Experiments with a Brass Disk : : . ‘ Experiment in which a Submerged Flageolet is ifemed by forsigg Water through it Prof. Kundt’s Experiment, made with a Whistle and a Circnt Chimn- ney, showing that, as in Wind Instruments, a Vibrating Column of Air may originate Sonorous Vibrations CHAPTER VI. ON THE TRANSMISSION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS THROUGH SOLIDS, Liquips, AND GASES, LIKE AIR Experiment with a Tuning-Fork and Wooden Rod : Experiment in which Sonorous Vibrations are sent through Water Experiments showing that the Air is constantly vibrating while Sonorous Vibrations are passing through it Experiments with the Sensitive-Flames of Govi and Barry, aa of Geyer CHAPTER VII. On THE VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION OF Sonorous VIBRATIONS, AND ON THE MANNER. IN WHICH THEY ARE PROPAGATED THROUGH Exastic Bopres On the Speed with which soneriid Winestete Rees Experiments with Glass Balls on a Curved Railway Experiments with a Long Brass Spring, showing how viorelacus are transmitted and reflected : Explanation of the Manner in which Saiseees Vibrations are prop- agated Experiments with Crova’ s Disk, shorire how Sanvions Vibration: travel through Air and other Elastic Matter CHAPTER VIII. On tHE INTERFERENCE OF Sonorous VIBRATIONS AND ON THE Beats or Sounp Experiments in Interference of Sound penie with a Trainee ork and a Resounding-Bottle Experiments in which Interference of Bound is ebieined with a Fork and Two Resounding-Bottles Experiment showing Reflection of Sound ee a Flat ae Fant 3 66 69 70 73 73 74 75 80 84 84 85 87 89 91 98 102 102 104 CONTENTS. 13 PAGE Experiments in which, by the Aid of a Paper Cone and a Rubber Tube, we find out the Manner in which a Disk vibrates. 105 Experiments with Beating Sounds . 5 : a . 106 CHAPTER. IX. On THE REFLECTION oF Sound . : . 110 Prof. Rood’s Experiment, showing the eflestion of Sound ne a CHAPTER X. On THE Prrcu or Sounps . ae A ale « : 113 Experiments with the Siren . : : a hie Experiment with the Siren, in which is found the amber of Vibra- tions made by a Tuning-Fork in one Second F 118 On finding the Velocity of Sound with a sa Fork and a Rea: nant Tube ‘ 120 On the Relative Numbers we Vabcone per ven d given ns Phan Pipes of Different Length . ; ; ‘ P 122 CHAPTER XI. On tne Formation or THE Gamur. : 124 Experiments with the Siren, showing how the Sounds of the Gamut are obtained : ~ : : 4 : 124 CHAPTER XII. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER, GIVING THE SOUNDS OF THE GAMUT AND THE HaRMONICS . eked Experiments with the Sonometer, giving the Heeachic Sanncé 132 Prof. Dolbear’s Method of making Melde’s Experiments on Vibrating Cords ‘ ; 5 : ‘ : : 135 CHAPTER XIII. ON THE INTENSITIES OF SOUNDS. 137 Experiment showing that as the Swings ofa eciheting Bout cone less the Sound becomes feebler - . : : ; 137 CHAPTER XIV. On Co-VIBRATION. . P é . “ty 439 Experiments with Two ening. Tarks , ‘ 139 Experiments on the Co-vibration of Two Wires in the Renagmiee 140 Experiment of swinging a Heavy Coal-Scuttle by the Feeble Pulls of a Fine Cambric Thread j ‘ : ‘ . 144 14 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. On THE CHANGES IN THE Pitcu oF A. VIBRATING BopDy CAUSED BY ITS Mortron . Experiment in mich the Pitch of a Whistle} is ehaned By Aare it round in a Circle : . . CHAPTER XVI. ON THE QUALITY OF SOUNDS : A ‘ Experiments on the Quality of Sounds . CHAPTER XVII. ON THE ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF Sounps An Experimental Analysis of the Compound Sounds of a Pato Experiments in which we make Compound Sounds of Different Qualities by combining Various Simple Sounds : How the Ear analyzes a Compound Sound into its Simple Sounds An Experiment which shows the Motion of a Molecule of Air, when it is acted on by the Combined Vibrations of Six Harmonics . Experiments in which Compound Sounds are analyzed by viewing in a Rotating Mirror the Vibrations of Kénig’s Manometric Flames Terquem’s Experiment, which Kendens aihis the Motions of | a Vi- brating Disk CHAPTER XVIII. ON HOW WE SPEAK, AND ON THE TALKING MACHINES or FABER AND EpIson How we speak Experiments in which a Toy Tritt pet dais, and a Spchbing Machine is made Faber’s Talking Machine Edison’s Talking Phonograph CHAPTER XIX. On Harmony anp Discorp: A SHORT EXPLANATION OF WHY SOME NOTES, WHEN SOUNDED TOGETHER, CAUSE AGREEABLE AND OTHERS DISAGREEABLE SENSATIONS Price-List or Apparatus For “Ligur” anp “Sounp” PAGE 143 143 145 145 148 148 150 152 153 156 163 (165 165 167 170 170 175 180 p>. Up CHAPTER I. Pe ir ks OL EAC 1 T ONs, To know how the various sounds of Nature and of music are made ; to understand the action of the mechan- ical contrivances in our throat and ears, with which we speak and hear ; to be able to explain the cause of the different tones of musical instruments ; to know why cer- tain notes sounded together give harmony, while others make discord : such knowledge is certainly valuable, cu-. rious, and interesting. You may read about these things, but a better way is to study the things themselves, by _making experiments, and these experiments will tell you better than books about the causes and the nature of sounds. To make an experiment means to put certain things in relation with certain other things, for the purpose of - finding out how they act on each other. An experiment is, therefore, a finding out. It is the aim of this book to show you how to construct your own apparatus out of cheap and common things, and to aid you in becoming an experimenter. The student should, with patience and thoughtfulness, make each ex- 16 SOUND. periment in order, for they have been arranged so that one leads naturally to the making and understanding of the next. If the first, second, or even third trial does not give success, do not be discouraged, for the oldest and most gifted experimenters often fail ; yet they have made noble discoveries in science by their experiments, because they had patience and perseverance, as well as skill and knowledge. Do not be disheartened, and you will become a skillful experimenter. In making an experiment, we may work alone, or we may perform the work in the company of our friends, so that a large number may see what we do, and assist in making the experiment. To exhibit an experiment on a large scale, so that all the people in a room may see it, we need a magic-lantern. A lantern with a good artificial light will cost a great deal of money, but by using the water-lantern and heliostat, described in the first book of this series, and employing the sun for a light, we can ex- hibit many of our experiments in sound, in the most beau: tiful manner, before a large company, and at a trifling expense. | At the same time, the lantern is not essential, and if you do not wish to use it you can perform all of the ex- periments without its aid. THE HELIOSTAT. The word “heliostat” is formed of two Greek words— helios, the sun, and statos, standing. There is an instru- ment so named, because it keeps a reflected beam of sunlight constantly pointing in the same direction. In “Light,” the first book of this series, we have given a de- scription of a simple heliostat ; but, as some of our readers may not have that volume, we here give a short descrip- INTRODUCTION. mmm wenn ne mene sera =- : SCALE Ye Fra. 1. Sa A ee 17 18 SOUND. tion of the manner of making and using that instrument : The sun, in his daily apparent path through the sky, moves as though he were fixed to the surface of a vast globe, which makes a daily revolution around an axis. This axis is found by drawing a line from a point near the pole-star to the centre of the earth, and then continuing S. lice. Pes) @> Sols Mi or af Winler > 9/6 6" Movaste Mirror. 6X 5/2" StationanyMirror ee ee ee ee eee ee eet ee ee ee ere rer Ty Fia. 2. ‘this line beyond the earth till it meets the heavens in a spot which can be pointed out only by those who live south of the earth’s equator. This line is the axis around which the sphere of the heavens appears to revolve once inaday. The knowledge of this motion of the sun ena- bles us to construct an instrument with a movable mirror a INTRODUCTION. 19 which will reflect his beams in one direction from sunrise to sunset. Figs. 1 and 2 are drawings of the heliostat. The scale at the bottom of Fig. 1 gives in inches the size of the parts of the lower drawing. -H is a round wooden rod, which we call the polar axis of the heliostat, because it points toward the pole-star when the instrument is in the proper position for use. This axis turns freely in a hole in the board A B, and in the block AK. A wooden washer MY, which is slid over the axis and is fastened to it, rests on the block A, and thus keeps the axis from slip- ping down. The end # of the axis has a slot cut in it, and a semicircle of wood G', which is screwed to the back of a board carrying the mirror J, turns in this slot around a carriage-bolt, as shown in the figure. This movable mirror is fastened to the board either by strings or by elastic bands, which go around the ends of the board and mirror. ‘The mirror should be of silvered glass, not of common looking-glass. It is, as stated in Fig. 2, 9$ inches long and 6 inches wide. Since the sun in his daily course through the heavens appears to move as though attached to the surface of a sphere, which revolves on an axis parallel to the polar axis of the heliostat, it follows that, if we tilt the mirror V so that the sunbeam which strikes it is reflected down- ward in the direction of the polar axis H, then, by simply turning this axis with the he moves in the sky, we can keep his rays constantly reflected in that direction. The dotted line and arrow going from the mirror V to O show the direction of the reflected rays. But this is not a convenient direction in which to have the sunbeam, so we fix at O another mirror, 6 inches high and 54 inches wide, which reflects the beam from O to B, through a hole of 5 20 SOUND. inches diameter cut in the board A B. Brackets, 14 x 12 inches, with their 12-inch sides screwed to the board A B, support a shelf D, which holds the mirror 0. Each morning in the year the sun appears on the. hori- zon at a different point on the celestial sphere, so that on different days we have to give the mirror WV a different tilt toward thesun. At the equinoxes, that is, on the 20th day of March and September, the rays fall at right an- gles to the axis HZ, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and the mirror in Fig. 1 is placed at the proper tilt for those days. In Fig. 2 the tilt of the mirror is also given for the days of the summer and winter solstices. As we go north, say to Boston, the north star rises to a greater height above the horizon, so the axis of our heliostat at Boston must stand more upright than at New York, and have the position marked “ 42° 22’, Boston.” Going south, say to New Orleans, we shall see the pole-star shining above the horizon, at a height which is one-fourth less than the height it appears at in New York ; therefore, at New Orleans, the polar axis of the heliostat is lowered into the position marked “29° 58'’, New Orleans.” So we see that in different latitudes the axis of our heliostat has to be placed at different angles with the horizontal line. In order that the instrument may work correctly, the angle which it should make with the horizon is the same as the latitude of the place. These are the angles written before the places named in Fig. 2. These changes in the slant of the polar axis for different latitudes need like changes in the shape of the block A’; but if one first draws the correct line in which the axis goes through the board A B, the block # can be formed without trouble. ExPERIMENT 1.—To place the heliostat in position for use, we raise the sash of a southern window, and secure INTRODUCTION. 21 the board A B between its jambs, with the mirrors out- side and the polar axis inside the room. With a shawl or blanket closely cover that part of the window above the board A B, so as to keep out all light except what comes into the room through the hole B. The movable mirror is now turned toward the sun, and tilted so that the beam from it is reflected by the fixed mirror O into a horizontal direction, and at right angles to the board A B. If the window faces the south the heliostat will work with entire success. If the window does not truly face the south, then the board A B should be tilted sideways till it does face that direction, and any opening thus made between the board A £ and the window-sash may be closed with a strip of wood. THE WATER-LANTERN. Tig. 3 represents a wooden box containing a mirror placed inside at an angle of 45°, and supported by wood slats fastened to the sides of the box. The side of the box opposite the mirror is open. In the top of the box is a round hole 5 inches (12.7 centimetres) in diameter. In this hole rests a hemispherical glass dish, 53 inches (14 centimetres) in diameter, made by cutting off the round top of a glass shade. At the back of the box is a wooden slide carrying a horizontal shelf on its top. This slide has a long slot cut in it, and, by means of a bolt and nut fas- tened to the back of the box, it can be made fast at any required height. This slide is 16 inches (40.6 centimetres) long, 5 inches (12.7 centimetres) wide, and # inch (19 mil- limetres) thick. The shelf is 7 inches (17.8 centimetres) long and 5 inches (12.7 centimetres) wide, and has a hole 34 inches (8.8 centimetres) in diameter cut in its centre. A block of wood is fastened to the back of the box in the 22 ai Ht slot, to serve as a guide in raising and lowering the slide which carries the lens. On the hole in the shelf rests a large INTRODUCTION. 23 watch-glass, or shallow dish, about 4 inches (10.1 centi- metres) in diameter. A plano-convex lens may be used in its place. On each side of the shelf are two upright wooden arms, and on screws, which go through them, is — swung a looking-glass, 7 inches (17.8 centimetres) long and 4 inches (10.1 centimetres) wide. ExpPERIMENT 2.—Place this lantern before the helio- stat, so that the full beam of light will be reflected from the mirror upward through the glass bowl and the watch- glass.’ Fill each of these with clear water, and then place the swinging mirror at an angle of 45°. Hang up a large screen of white cotton cloth, or sheet, in front of the lan- tern, and from 15 to 40 feet (4.5 to 12.2 metres) distant. On this screen will appear a circle of light projected from the lantern. Get a piece of smoked glass, and trace upon it some letters, and then lay it on the water-lens. The image of the letters will appear on the screen, in white on a black ground. If they are not distinct, loosen the nut at the back of the box, and move the wooden slide up or down till the right focus is obtained. This water-lantern may now be used for all the work _ performed with ordinary magic-lanterns. Place a sheet of clear glass over the large lens, to keep the dust out of the water, and then you can lay common lantern-slides on this as in a magic-lantern. | 1 Dr. R. M. Ferguson first used a condensing lens made of a glass shade filled with water. See Quarterly Journal of Science, April, 1872. Subsequently, Professor Henry Morton made a watch-glass filled with water, or other liquid, serve for the projecting lens of the lantern. 2 24 SOUND. Oe Py AOELA ERY OL ON THE ORDER OF THE EXPERIMENTS IN: THIS BOOK. In Chapter I. are explained the construction and use of the heliostat and water-lantern. In Chapter IV. we begin by experimenting on the three ways in which a body may vibrate. We show that it may swing to and fro like a pendulum ; that it may vibrate by shortening and length- ening ; and that it may vibrate by twisting and untwist- ing itself. Then we study the nature of vibratory motions, and find that they are like the motion of a swinging pen- -dulum ; and the motion of the pendulum we discover is exactly like the apparent motion of a ball looked at in the direction of the plane of a circle, in which it revolves with a uniform velocity. We then, in Chapter V., experiment on those vibra- tions whose frequency is so great that they cause sound ; and show, in this and the next chapter, that whenever we perceive a sound some solid, liquid, or gaseous body is in a state of rapid vibration, and that these vibrations go from the vibrating body to the ear through a solid, liquid, or gas—air being generally the medium which transmits the vibrations. These vibrations, acting on the ear, make the auditory-nerve fibrils tremble, and thus is caused the sensation of sound. ORDER OF THE EXPERIMENTS. Q5 In Chapter VIII. are experiments which show how these vibrations are transmitted through solids, liquids, and gases, to a distance from the source of the sound. The knowledge of how the sonorous vibrations travel through the air leads to experiments in which we make two sonorous vibrations meet, and, by their mutual action, or interference, cause rest in the air and silence to the ear. This silence may be continuous, or it may be of short duration alternating with sound, and in this case we have “beats.” Chapter IX. gives Professor Rood’s very striking ex- periment showing the reflection of sound. In Experi- ment No. 73, of Chapter VIIL, I show how we may read- ily obtain reflection of sound from a gas-flame. In Chapter X. we give experiments with a siren made of card-board, and with it show that the pitch of sounds . rises with the frequency of the vibrations causing them. With the same siren, in connection with a resonant tube tuned to a tuning-fork, we determine the number of vibra- tions the fork makes in asecond. With the same tube and fork we then measure the velocity of sound in air. With the same siren, in Chapter XI., the experimenter finds that the notes of the gamut are given by a series of vibra- tions whose numbers per second bear to one another cer- tain fixed numerical relations. In Chapter XII. we experiment with a cheap so- nometer, and find the law which connects the length of a string with the frequency of its vibrations ; then, with this law in our possession, we make the sonometer give all the notes of the gamut and the sounds of the har- monic series. In Chapters XIII, XIV., and XV., are described ex- periments showing the cause of the varying intensities of 26 « SOUND. sounds, experiments on the sympathetic vibrations of bodies, and on the change made in the pitch of a sounding body by moving it. - The cause of the different quality of sounds is explained in Chapter XVI., and then follow, in Chapter X VIL, ex- periments on the analysis of compound sounds, and on the formation of compound sounds by sounding together the simple sounds which compose them. In this chapter is also found an experiment in which is reproduced the mo- tion of a molecule of air when it is acted on, at the same time, by the vibrations giving the first six harmonics of a compound sound ; also, directions for making a very sim- ple form of Kénig’s vibrating flame, and a cheap revolving mirror in which to view the flame. Chapter X VIII. .contains experiments on the voice in talking and singing. After explaining how we speak, I give experiments on the resonance of the oral cavity, and then show how a toy trumpet can be made to speak, and a talking machine made out of the trumpet and an orange. This chapter concludes with accounts of the talking ma- chine of Faber, of Vienna, and of the recently invented talking and singing machine of ‘Mr. Edison, which is in- deed the acoustic marvel of the century. Chapter XIX. concludes the book, and gives a short explanation of the causes of harmony and discord. NATURE OF SOUND. 27 CHAPTER III. ON THE NATURE OF SOUND. SOUND is the sensation peculiar to the ear. This sen- sation is caused by rapidly succeeding to-and-fro motions of the air which touches the outside surface of the drum-skin of the ear. These to-and-fro motions may be given to the air by a distant body, like a string of a violin. The string moves to and fro, that is, it vibrates. These vibrations of the string act on the bridge of the violin, which rests on the belly or sounding-board of the instrument. The surface of the sounding-board is thus set trembling, and these tremors, or vibrations, spread through the air in all directions around the instrument, somewhat in the manner that water-waves spread around the place where a stone has been dropped into a quiet pond. These tremors of the air, however, are not sound, but the cause of sound. Sound, as we have said, is a sensation ; but, as the cause of this sensation is always vibration, we call those vibrations which give this sensation sonorous vibrations. Thus, if we examine attentively the vibrat- ing string of the violin, we shall see that it looks like a shadowy spindle, showing that the string swings quickly to and fro ; but, on closing the ears, the sensation of sound disappears, and there remains to us only the sight of the quick to-and-fro motion which, the moment before, caused the sound. 28 SOUND. Behind the drum-skin of the ear is a jointed chain of three little bones. The one, # of Fig. 4, attached to the drum-skin, is called the hammer ,; the next, A, is called the anvil ; the third, S, has the exact form of a stirrup, and is called the stirrup-bone. This last bone of the chain is attached to an oval membrane, which is a little larger than the foot of the stirrup. This oval membrane closes Fie. 4. a hole opening into the cavity forming the inner ear ; a cavity tunneled out of the hardest bone of the head, and having a very complex form. The oval hole just spoken of opens into a globular portion of the cavity, known as the vestibule, and from this lead three semicircular ca- nals, SC, and also a cavity, C, of such a marked resem- NATURE OF SOUND. 29 blance to a snail’s shell that it is called cochlea, the Latin word for that object. The cavity of the inner ear is filled with a liquid, in which spread out the delicate fibres of the auditory nerve. Let us consider how this wonderful little instrument acts when sonorous vibrations reach it. Imagine the violin-string vibrating 500 times in one second. The sounding-board also makes 500 vibrations in a second. The air touching the violin is set trembling with 500 tremors a second, and these tremors speed with a velocity of 1,100 feet in a second in all directions through the sur- rounding air. ‘They soon reach the drum-skin of the ear. The latter, being elastic, moves in and out with the air which touches it. Then this membrane, in its turn, pushes and pulls the little ear-bones 500 times in a second. The last. bone, the little stirrup, finally receives the vibra- tions sent from the violin-string, and sends them into the fluid of the inner ear, where they shake the fibres of -the auditory nerve 500 times in a second. These tremors of the nerve—how we know not—so affect the brain that we have the sensation which we call sound. The description we have just given is not that of a picture created by the imagination, but is an account of what really exists, and of what can actually be seen by tue aid of the proper instruments. A body may vibrate more or less frequently in a sec- ond ; it may swing over a greater or less space; and it may have several minute tremors while it makes its main swing. These differences in vibrations make sounds higher or lower in pitch, loud or soft, simple or compound. It is easy to say all this, but really, to understand it, one must make experiments and discover these facts for himself. 30 SOUND. CHAPTER IV. ON THE NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. Tue character of a sound depends on the nature of the vibrations which cause it, therefore our first experiments will be with vibrations which are so slow that we can study the nature of these peculiar motions. These experi- ments will be followed by others on vibrations of the same kind, only differing in this—that they are so rapid and frequent that they cause sounds. A correct knowledge of the nature of these motions lies at the foundation of a clear understanding of the nature of sound. We hope that the student will make these experiments with care, and keenly observe them. EXPERIMENT 3.—At the toy-shops you can buy for a few cents a wooden ball having a piece of elastic rubber fastened to it. Take out the elastic and lay it aside, as we shall need it in another experiment. Get a piece of fine brass wire, about 2 feet (61 centimetres) long, and fasten it to the ball. The weight.of the ball should pull the wire straight, and, if it does not, a finer wire must be used. Hold the end of the wire in the left hand, and with the right hand draw the ball to one side. Let it. go, and it will swing backward and forward like the pendulum of a clock. This kind of movement we call a pendulous or transverse vibration. NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 31 EXPERIMENT 4.—Cut out a narrow triangle of paper, 4 inches (10 centimetres) long, and paste it to the bottom of the ball. Twist the wire which supports the ball by turning the latter half round, and watch the paper pointer as it swings first one way and then the other. Here we have another kind of vibration, a motion caused by the twisting and untwisting of the wire. Such a motion is called a torsional vibration. | Exprrimment 5.—Take off the wire and the paper and put the elastic on the ball. Hold the end of the elastic in one hand, and with the other pull the ball gently downward, then let it go. It vibrates up and down in the direction of the length of the elastic. Hence we call this kind of motion a longitudinal vibration. These experiments show us the three kinds of vibra- tions, transverse, torsional, and longitudinal. They differ in direction, but all have the same manner of moving; for the different kinds of vibration, transverse, longitudinal, and torsional, go through motions with the same changes in velocity as take place in the swings of an ordinary pendu- lum. These vibrations all start from a position of momen- tary rest. The motion begins slowly, and gets faster and faster till the body gains the position it naturally has when it is at rest—at this point it has its greatest velocity. Passing this point, it goes slower and slower till it again comes momentarily to rest, and then begins its backward motion, and repeats again the same changes in velocity. It is now necessary that the student should gain clear ideas of the nature of this pendulous motion. It is the cause of sound. It exists throughout all the air in which a sound may be perceived, and, by the changes in the num- ber, extent of swing, and combinations of these pendular motions, all the changes of pitch, of intensity, and of quality 32 SOUND. of sound are produced. Therefore, the knowledge which we now desire to give the reader lies at the very founda- tion of a correct understanding of the subject of this book. An experiment is the key to this knowledge. It is the experiment with THE CONICAL PENDULUM. An ordinary pendulum changes its speed during its swings right and left exactly as a ball appears to change its speed when this ball revolves with a uniform speed in a circle, and we look at it along a line of sight which is in the plane of the circle. ExpPERIMENT 6.—Let one take the ball and wire to the farther end of the room, and by a slight circular mo- tion of the end of the wire cause the ball to revolve in a circle. Soon the ball acquires a uniform speed around the circle, and then it forms what is called a conical pendu- lum; a kind of pendulum sometimes used in clocks. Now stoop down till your eye is on a level with the ball. This you will know by the ball appearing to move from side to side tm a straight line. Study this motion care- fully. It reproduces exactly the motion of an ordinary pendulum of the same length as that of the conical pendu- lum. From this it follows that the greatest speed reached during the swing of an ordinary pendulum just equals the uniform speed of the conical pendulum. That the appar- ent motion you are observing is really that of an ordinary pendulum, you will soon prove for yourself to your entire satisfaction; and here let me say that one principle or fundamental fact seen in an experiment and patiently re- flected on is worth a chapter of verbal descriptions of the same experiment. NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 30 Suppose that the ball goes round the circle of Fig. 5 in two seconds; then, as the circumference is divided into 16 equal parts, the ball moves from 1 to 2, or from 2 to 3, or from 3 to 4, and so on, in one-eighth of a second. But to the observer, who looks at this motion in the direction of the plane of the paper, the ball appears to go from 1 to 2, from is 16 9 8 4% 6; Fia. 5. 2 to 3, from 3 to 4, etc., on a line A B, while it really goes from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 4, ete., in the cir- cle, - The ball when at 1 is passing directly across the line of sight, and, therefore, appears with its greatest velocity; but when it is in the circle at 5 it is going away from the observer, and when at 13 it 1s coming toward him, and, therefore, although the ball is really moving with its regu- lar speed when at 5 and 13, yet it appears when at these points momentarily at rest. From a comparison of the similarly numbered positions of the ball in the circle and on the line A JB, it is evident that the ball appears to go from A to B and: from B back to A in the time it takes to go from 13, round the whole circle, to 13 again. That is, the ball appears to vibrate from A to B in the time of one second, in which time it really has gone just half round ae SOUND. the circle. A comparison of the unequal lengths, 13 to 12, 12 to 11, 11 to 10, ete., on the line A #B, over which the ball goes in equal times, gives the student a clear idea of the varying velocity of a swinging pendulum. THE SAND-PENDULUM. £ Nt EO E a i ITTUVUN NNO UL su | | i] i iW Tih FG. 6. Fig. 6 represents an upright frame of wood standing on a platform, and supporting a weight that hangs by a cord. A A is a flat board about 2 feet (61 centimetres) long and 14 inches (35.5 centimetres) wide. .b B are two uprights so high that the distance from the under NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 35 side of the cross-beam ( to the platform A A is exactly 41,1, inches (1 metre and 45 millimetres). The cross-beam Cis 18 inches (45.7 centimetres) long. At D is a wooden post standing upright on the platform. Get a lead disk, or bob, 3,3; inches (8 centimetres) in diameter and 2 inch (16 millimetres) thick. In the centre of this is a hole 1 inch (25 millimetres) in diameter. This disk may easily be cast in sand from a wooden pattern. , At the tinner’s we may have made a little tin cone 1-3, inch (80 milli- metres) wide at top and 24 inches (57 millimetres) deep, and drawn to a fine point. Carefully file off the point till a hole is made in the tip of the cone of about =; inch in diameter. Place the tin cone in the hole in the lead disk, and keep it in place by stuffing wax around it. A glass funnel, as shown in the figure, may be used instead of the tin cone. With an awl drill three small holes through the upper edge of the bob at equal distances from each other. To mount the pendulum, we need about 9 feet (271.5 centimetres) of fine strong cord, like trout-line. Take three more pieces of this cord, each 10 inches (25.4 centimetres) long, and draw one through each of the holes in the lead bob and knot it there, and then draw them to- gether and knot them evenly together above the bob, as shown in the figure. On the cross-bar, at the top of the frame, is a wooden peg shaped like the keys used in a violin. ‘This is inserted in a hole in the bar—at /’in the figure. Having done this, fasten one end of the piece of trout-line to the three cords of the bob, and pass the other end upward through the hole marked /’, then pass it through the hole in the key 7’; turn the key round several times; then pass the cord through the hole at G, to the bob, and fasten it there to the cords. Then get a small bit of copper wire and bend it once round the two cords just 36 SOUND. above the knot, as at 7 in the figure. This wire ring, and the upright post at the side of the platform, we do not need at present, but they will be used in future experiments with this pendulum, Tack on the platform A A a strip of wood Z. This serves as a guide, along which we can slide the small board m, on which is tacked a piece of paper. ExPERIMENT 7.—F ill the funnel with sand, and, while the pendulum is stationary, steadily slide the board under it. The running sand will be laid along ZW, Fig. 7, in a straight line. If the board was slid under the sand dur- ing exactly two seconds of time, then the length of this line may stand for two seconds, and one-half of it may stand for one second, and so on. ‘Thus, we see how time may be recorded in the length of a line. - Brush off the heaps of sand at the ends of the line, and bring the left-hand end of the sand-line directly under the point of the funnel, when the latter is at rest. Draw the lead bob to one side, to a point which is at right angles b C Fig. 7. to the length of the line, and let it go. It swings to and fro, and leaves a track of sand, @ 6, which is at right an- gles to the line Z UY, Fig. 7. NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 37 Suppose that the pendulum goes from a to }, or from 6 to a, in one second, and that, while the point of the fun- nel is just over L, we slide the board so that, in two sec- onds, the end 1 of the line Z M comes under the point of the funnel. In this case, the sand will be strewed by the pendulum to and fro, while the paper moves under it through the distance Z MZ. The result is, that the sand appears on the paper in a beautiful curve, Z C NV D MM. Half of this curve is on one side of Z MY, the other half on the opposite side of this line. The experimenter may find it difficult to begin moving the paper at the very instant that the mouth of the funnel is over Z ; but, after several trials, he will succeed in do- ing this. Also, he need not keep the two sand-lines, Z IZ and a 6, on paper during these trials; he may as well use their traces, made by drawing a sharply-pointed pencil through them on to the paper. By having a longer board, or by sliding the board slowly under the pendulum, a trace with many waves in it may be formed, as in Fig. 8. Fi¢. 8. As the sand-pendulum swung just like an ordinary pendulum when it made the wavy lines of Figs. 7 and 8, it follows that these lines must be peculiar to the motion of a pendulum, and may serve to distinguish it. If so, this curve must have some sort of connection with the motion of the conical pendulum, described in Experiment 6. This is so, and this connection will be found out by an attentive study of Fig. 9. 38 SOUND. In this figure we again see a wavy curve, under the same circu- lar figure which we used in explain- ing how the motion of an ordinary pendulum may be obtained from the motion of a conical pendulum. This wavy curve is made directly from measures on the circular fig- ure, and certainly bears a striking resemblance to the wavy trace made by the sand-pendulum in Experi- ment 7. You will soon see that to prove that these two curves are precisely the same, is to prove that the apparent motion of the conical pendulum is exactly like the mo- tion of the ordinary pendulum. Thé wavy line of Fig. 9 is thus formed: The dots on A B, as al- ready explained, show the appar- ent places of the ball on this line, when the ball really is at the points correspondingly numbered on the circumference of the circle. With- out proof, we stated that this ap- parent motion on the line A B was exactly like the motion of a pen- dulum. ‘This we must now prove. The straight line Z I is equal to the circumference of the circle stretched out. It is made thus: We take in a pair of dividers the dis- tance 1 to 2, or 2 to 3, etc., from the circle, and step this e 2 ——@ we M15 I NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 39 distance off 16 times on the line ZW, hence Z M equals the length of the circumference of the circle. In time this length stands for two seconds, for the ball in Experiment 6 took two seconds to go round the circle. This same length, you will also observe, was made in the same time as the sand-line Z M/ was made in Experiment 7. _In Fig. 9 the length Z WV, of two seconds, is divided into 16 parts ; hence each of them equals one-eighth of a second, just as the same lengths in the circle equal eighths of a second. ‘Thus the line L WM of Fig. 9, as far as a record of time is concerned, is exactly like the sand-line L M of Experiment 7, and the line A B of Fig. 9, in which the ball appeared to move, is like the line a 0 of Fig. 7, along which the sand-pendulum swung. Now take the lengths from 1 to 2,1 to 3,1 to 4, 1 to 5, and so on, from the line A B of Fig. 9, and place these lengths at right angles to the line Z WW at the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on; by doing so, we actually take the dis- tances at which the ball appeared from 1 (its place of greatest velocity), and transfer them to Z 17, therefore, these distances correspond to the distances from Z WV, Fig. 7, to which the sand-pendulum had swung at the end of the times marked on LZ @ of Fig. 9. Join the ends of all these lines, 2 2’, 3 3’, 4 4’, ete., by drawing a curve through them, and we have the wavy line of Fig. 9. : This curve evidently corresponds to the curve Z O NV D M of Fig. 7 made by the sand-pendulum ; and it must be evident that, if this curve of Fig. 9 is exactly like the curve traced by the sand-pendulum in Experiment 7, it follows that the apparent motion of the conical pendulum, as seen in the plane in which it revolves, is exactly like the real motion of an ordinary pendulum, 40 SOUND. ExPERIMENT 8.—To test this, we make on a piece of paper one of the wavy curves exactly as we made the one in Fig. 9, and we tack this paper on the board L WM of the sand-pendulum, being careful that when the board is slid under the stationary pendulum the point of the fun- nel goes precisely over the centre line Z M (Fig. 9) of the curve. Now draw the point of the funnel aside to a distance from the line Z M equal to one-half of A B, or, what is the same, from 5 to 5’ of Fig. 9. Pour sand in the funnel, and let the bob go. At the moment the point of the funnel is over Z, slide the board along so that, when the point of the funnel comes the third time to the line Z J, it is at the end © of this line. This you may not succeed in doing at first, but after several trials you will succeed, and then you will have an answer from the pendulum as to the kind of motion it has, for you will see the sand from the swinging pendulum strewed precisely over the curve you placed under it. Thus you have conclusively proved that the apparent motion of the conical pendulum, along the line A S, is exactly like the swinging motion of an ordinary pendulum. As it is difficult to start the board with a uniform mo- tion at the very moment the pendulum is over the line LL M, it may be as well to tack a piece of paper on the board with no curve drawn on it, and then practise till you succeed in sliding the board under the pendulum, through the distance Z MV, in exactly the time that it takes the pendulum to make two swings. Now, if you have been careful to have had the swing of your pendu- lum just equal to A #, or from 5 to 5’ on the drawing of the curve, you will have made a curve in sand which is precisely like the curve you have drawn ; for, if you trace NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. Al the sand-curve on the paper by carefully drawing through it the sharp point of a pencil, and then place this trace against a windew-pane with the drawing of the curve, Fig. 9, directly over it, you will see that one curve lies directly over the other throughout all their lengths. This curve, which we have made from the circle in Fig. 9, and have traced in sand by the pendulum, is called the curve of sines, or the sinusoid. It is so called because itis formed by stretching the circumference of a circle out into a line, and then dividing this line, Z © of Fig. 9, into any number of equal parts. From the points of these divisions, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ete., of Z MW, we erect perpendicu- lars, 2 2’, 3 3’, 4 4’, 5 5’, etc., equal to the lines a 2, b 3, ¢ 4, d 5, etc., in the circle. These lines in the cir- cle are called sines ; so, when we join the ends of these lines, erected to the straightened circumference, by a curve, we form the curve of sines, or the sinusoid. The sinusoid occurs often during the study of natural philosophy. We may meet with it again in our book on the nature of light, and it certainly will occur in our book on heat. AN EXPERIMENT WHICH GIVES US THE TRACE OF A VIBRATING PINE ROD. A in Fig. 10 represents a rod 4 feet (121.9 centi- metres) long, 1 inch (25 millimetres) wide, and 4 inch (6 millimetres) thick, made of clear, well-seasoned pine. This is fastened by means of small screws to the wooden box # standing on a table. This box may . be of any convenient size ; but, as it is to be used for another experiment, it may be made about 14 inches (35.5 centimetres) square and 30 inches (76.2 centimetres) high. A shoe-box will answer for the purpose. This 42 SOUND. box is placed on the table, and then filled half full of sand, and it thus gives us a firm and solid block against which to fasten the rod. The lower edge of the rod is placed about 14 inch (88 millimetres) above the table, Fre. 10. with about 3 feet (91.4 centimetres) projecting beyond the box. At the free end is fastened a small camel’s-hair pencil, with its tip cut off square, When these things are in place, get a narrow piece of board, C, just thick enough to touch the tip of the pencil on the rod when the board is laid on the table under it. Then tack down a strip of wood, D, parallel with the rod, to serve as a guide for the board. On the board tack a sheet of white paper. Dip a pen in thick black ink, and wet the pencil with it. The paper-covered board is now laid under the rod, with the pencil just touching it. EXPERIMENT 9.—Now draw the end of the rod to one side and let it vibrate. The pencil will make a trace on the paper which is nearly straight. Make it vibrate NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 43 again, and then slide the paper-covered board steadily and quickly to the left, and the pencil will make on the paper a sinuous trace. Examine attentively this wavy line. It looks very much like the curve of sines which the sand-pendulum traced for us. If it should be exactly like that curve, what would it show? Surely, nothing less than that the rod vibrates to and fro with the same kind of motion as has a swinging pendulum. ‘To test this supposition make the following experiment : EXPERIMENT 10.—Obtain a trace of the vibrating pine rod in which each flexure in the trace is of the same length. ‘This we will only get when we move the paper with a uniform velocity under the vibrating rod. Now, obtain a trace in sand, on another paper-covered board, drawn under the sand-pendulum. This trace must be . made by swings of the pendulum which exactly equal the breadth of the swings made by the vibrating rod. Draw the board under the sand-pendulum with different ve- locities, till you succeed in making the waves of the sand just as long as those made by the vibrating rod. That is to say, the distances from 1 to 2, or from 5 to 6, of Fig. 8, must be the same in both traces. Now, with a pencil, carefully draw a line through the centre of the curve traced in sand. Remove the papers from their boards, and place one over the other on a window-pane. - After a few adjustments, you will see that one curve lies exactly over the other, showing that they are exactly the same in form. Thus you have yourself found out this very impor- tant truth in science: A vibrating rod swings to and fro with the same kind of motion as has a swinging pendulum, 44 SOUND. THE PENDULAR MOTION REPRODUCED FROM THE TRACES OF THE PENDULUM AND VIBRATING ROD. We have seen that the pendulum and vibrating rod give traces of the curve of sines. We now will show how, from this curve, we may get again the pendular mo- tions which traced it. EXPERIMENT 11.—Get a postal-card and cut in it a narrow slit »4; inch (1 millimetre) wide, and slightly longer than the sinusoidal trace of the vibrating rod, or pendulum. Lay this over the trace, near one end, so that you can see a small part of the trace through the slit, as is shown in Fig. 11. Move the card over the trace, in the direction of the line A B, and you will see the little dot swing backward and forward in the slit, and exactly re- _ peating the motions of the pendulum or vibrating rod. Fig. 11. We will hereafter see (Chapter VII. and Experiments 58 and 110) that the molecules of air, and of other elastic bodies, swing to and fro in the line of the direction in which sonorous vibrations are traveling through them. In the above experiment (11), this direction is represented by the direction of the length of the slit ; or, as it is gen- erally stated, the sound is moving in the direction of the length of the slit. ExPERIMENT 12.—Another method of exhibiting this matter is to take off the pen and fasten, with wax, a lit- NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. AD tle point of tinsel on the end of the rod, so that it just touches a piece of smoked glass laid under it. Vibrate the rod and slide the glass under it, and we shall get a sin- uous trace on the glass. To prepare the smoked glass, lay a piece of gum-cam- phor, about the size of a pea, on a brick. Then bend a piece of tin into the shape of a funnel, about 2 inches high, and cut a number of little notches round the bottom. Set fire to the camphor and place the funnel over it, and then by moving the glass about in the smoke which comes from the funnel it will soon be well blackened. In exhibiting this trace in the lantern, so that several can see it at once, it is best to keep the card. with the slit still and move the glass over it, and then the audience will see on the screen a white spot on a dark ground, moving with precisely the motion of a pendulum. BLACKBURN’S DOUBLE PENDULUM. ExpErrmMEntT 13.—Let us return to our sand-pendulum. We have examined the vibrations of a single pendulum, let us now examine the vibrations of a double pendulum, giving two vibrations at once. The little copper ring 7, in Fig. 12, on the cord of our pendulum, will slip up and down, and by moving it in either direction we can combine two pendulums in one. Slide it one-quarter way up the cord, and the double cord will be drawn together below the ring. Now, if we pull the bob to the right or left, we can make it swing from the copper ring just as if this point were a new place of support for a new pendulum. As it swings, you observe that the two cords above the ring are at rest. But the upper pendulum can also be made to swing forward and backward, and then we shall ~ 46 SOUND. have two pendulums combined. Let us try this and see what will be the result. Just here we shall find it more convenient to use the metric measure, as it is much more simple and easy to re- S=S rT INTRII i ii mi \ ST I IM a | | iI | | 1 | 1 . | | | | | 2 = AA Bx =F = member than the common measure of feet and inches. If you have no metric measure you had best buy one, or make one. Get a wooden rod just 39,31, inches long, and divide this length into 100 parts. To assist you in this, you may remember that 1 inch is equal to 25,4, milli- metres. ‘Ten millimetres make a centimetre, and 100 centi- metres make a metre. NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 47 Now slide the ring 7, Fig. 12, up the cords till it is 25 centimetres from the middle of the thickness of the bob. Then make it exactly 100 centimetres from the under side of the cross-bar to the middle of the thickness of the bob, by turning the violin-key on the top of the apparatus. At D, Fig. 12, is a small post. This post is set up anywhere on a line drawn from the centre of the plat- - form, and making an angle of 45° with a line drawn from one upright to the other. Fasten a bit of thread to the string on the bob that is nearest to the post, and draw the bob toward the post and fasten it there. When the bob is perfectly still, fill the funnel with sand, and then hold a lighted match under the thread. The thread will burn, and the bob will start off on its journey. Now, in place of swinging in a straight line, it follows a curve, and the sand traces this figure over and over. Fire. 13. Here we have a most singular result, and we may well pause and study it out. You can readily see that we have here two pendulums. One-quarter of the pendu- lum swings from the copper ring, and, at the same time, the whole pendulum swings from the cross-bar. ‘The bob cannot move in two directions at the same time, so it makes a compromise and follows a new path that is made up of the two directions. 3 48 SOUND. The most important fact that has been discovered in relation to the movements of vibrating pendulums is that the times of their vibrations vary as the square roots of their lengths. ‘The short pendulum below the ring is 25 centimetres long, or one-quarter of the length of the longer pendulum, and, according to this rule, it moves twice as fast. The two pendulums swing, one 25 centimetres and the other 100 centimetres long, yet one really moves twice as fast as the other. While the long pendulum is making one vibration the short one makes two. The times of their vibrations, therefore, stand as 1 is to 2, or, expressed in another way, 1: 2. EXPERIMENT 14.—Let us try other proportions and see what the double pendulum will trace. Suppose we wish one pendulum to make 2 vibrations while the other makes 3. Still keeping the middle of the bob at 100 centimetres from the cross-bar, let us see where the ring must be placed. The square of 2 is 4, and the square of 3 is 9. Hence the two pendulums of the double pendulum must Fia. 14. have lengths as4isto9. But the longer pendulum isalways | 1,000 millimetres. Hence the shorter pendulum will be found by the proportion 9: 4: : 1,000 : 444.4 millimetres. Therefore we must slide the ring up the cord till it is 444.4 millimetres above the middle of the thickness of the bob. NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. AR 49 Mm. Mm. 2 = 1,000: 250.0........ Octave :8 = 1,000; 444.4........ vo ee Fifth. :4 = 1,000: 562.5........ : Fourth. : 5 = 1,000: 640.0........ : Major Third. :6 = 1,000: 694.4....... i ) Minor Third, ate as 1.000)8194.6. 5°, aes : Sub-Minor Third. BS ee LOOU, = 100.0 ns Bec ae | pipe Second. pO 1,000 2790.1)... aa Second. 50 SOUND. Fasten the bob to the post as before, fill it with sand, and burn the thread, and the swinging bob will make this singular figure (Fig. 14). EXPERIMENT 15.—F rom these directions you can go on and try all the simple ratios, such as 3: 4, 4:5, 5: 6, 6:7, 7: 8, and 8:9. In each case raise the two fig- ures to their squares, then multiply the smaller num- ber by 1,000, and divide the product by the larger num- ber ; the quotient will give you the length of the smaller pendulum in millimetres. Thus the length for rates of vibration, as 8 is to 4, is found as follows: 3 X 3 = 9,4 xX 4= 16, and 2*1000 —562.5 millimetres. The table (Fig. 15) gives, in the first and second col- umns, the rates of vibration, and in the third and fourth columns the corresponding lengths of the longer and shorter pendulums. Opposite these lengths are the fig- ures which these double pendulums trace. In the sixth column are the names of the musical intervals (see page 49) formed by two notes, which are made by numbers of sonorous vibrations, bearing to each other the ratios given in the first and second columns. FIXING THE CURVES ON GLASS. ExPERIMENT 16.—These interesting figures, traced in sand by the double pendulum, may be fixed on glass in a permanent form ; and, when framed, will make beautiful ornaments for the window or mantel, and will remind you that you are becoming an experimenter. Procure squares of clear glass about’ six inches on the sides, and buy at the painter’s a small quantity of French varnish, or clear spirit-varnish. Hold one of these pieces of glass level in the left hand by one corner, and, with the right, pour NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 51 some of the varnish upon the glass. Let the varnish cover half the glass, and then gently tip the glass from side to side till the varnish runs into every corner ; then tip it up, and rest one corner in the mouth of the varnish- bottle, and rock the glass slowly from side to side. This will give a fine, smooth coat of varnish to the glass, and we may put it away to dry. When-the varnish is hard, lay the glass, varnished side up, on the stand, adjust the pendulum to make one of the figures, and then fasten it to the post. Burn the thread, and stop the motion of the bob as soon as the figure is finished. Brush away any extra sand that may lie at the ends of the figure, and then take the glass carefully to a hot stove. Have some wooden blocks laid on the stove, and rest the glass on these. Presently the varnish will begin to melt, and then the glass may be lifted and carefully put away to cool, taking the utmost care not to disturb the sand. When the varnish is hard, the sand which has not stuck is re- moved by gently rapping the edge of the plate on the table. Then we shall have a permanent figure of the curve. To preserve it, lay small pieces of cardboard at each corner and narrow strips half-way along the edges, and then lay another piece of glass over these, and bind the two together with paper on the edges. The plate may now be placed on the lantern, and greatly magnified images of the curves may be obtained on the screen. EXPERIMENTS IN WHICH WE COMBINE THE MOTIONS OF TWO VIBRATING RODS. We have just seen how the double pendulum combines into one movement the motions of two pendulums swing- ing at right angles to each other. Our experiments have LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 52 — also taught us that the numerical relation between the numbers of swings of the two pendulums is shown by the curved figure produced ; so that, knowing the figure, we can tell the relative number of vibrations of each pendulum, and, from knowing the latter, we can pre- x | e aa ———————— f es dict the curved figure that the double pendulum will draw. But our experiments have taught us that a vibrat- ing rod moves to and fro with the same kind of motion as a swinging pendulum. From this it follows that, if by any means we can combine into one motion the separate NATURE OF VIBRATORY MOTIONS. 53 motions of two vibrating rods, we shall make these rods describe the curved figures traced by the double pendulum. The motions of two vibrating rods may be combined into one motion by means of a beam of light, which, fall- ing on a mirror fastened to the end of one rod, is reflected to a mirror fastened to the end of the other rod, while from this second mirror the beam is reflected to a screen. It is absolutely necessary for the success of these ex- periments that the vibrating rods should be fastened to bodies which are heavy and firm, and do not vibrate when the rods are set in motion. Boxes A and B of Fig. 16, about 14 inches square, half filled with sand, gravel, or dry earth, make such supports. The rods Cand D are of clear, white pine, 4 feet (121.9 centimetres) long, 1 inch (25 millimetres) wide, and 4 inch (6.25 millimetres)-thick. On the end of each rod is fastened with wax a silvered glass mirror, 1 inch square. The upright rod C is fast- ened to the side of the box A by two screws, which go through the rod and into the box near the edge of its top. Another screw fastens the rod to the box at a distance of several inches below the upper screws. 'The free end of this rod, above the box, is exactly 30 inches (76.2 centi- metres). The length of the horizontal rod D can be changed at will, for it is clamped to the side of the box B by screws, which go through the ends of the two pieces of wood /’ and G. Two nails are driven into the box under this rod, and serve to guide it in a horizontal direction while we slide it out-or in. i. TRANSMISSION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. VE this is so you may prove for yourself by the following experiment : Exprrmment 44,—Being careful not to move the glass plate from its present position (Experiment 43), stick it with wax to the tumbler. Pour a little silica into the tumbler, and then hold it horizontally, and vibrate the fork near its opening, observing attentively how the silica powder is acted on by the inclosed vibrating air. EXPERIMENT 45.—Take a piece of thin linen paper about 44 inches square, and having wetted it paste it over the mouth of the tumbler. When the paper_has dried it will be stretched tightly...Take a sharp penknife and carefully cut away the paper so as to make an opening as shown at B in Fig. 27. Make this opening small at first, and very gradually make it larger and larger. Hold the fork over the opening after each increase in its size, and you will soon discover the size of the opening which causes the air inclosed in the tumbler to vibrate with the fork, and thus greatly to strengthen its sound. You have now a mass of air in tune with the fork, and inclosed in a vessel which has one of its walls formed of a piece of elastic paper. With this instrument, which I have invented for you, you must make some charming experiments. Exrrrtment 46.—If the air in the tumbler vibrates to the A-fork, it will, of course, vibrate to the A-pipe, which gives the same note as the fork. Scatter some sand on the paper, and then sound the A-pipe a foot or two from it. The sand dances vigorously about, and ends by arranging itself in a nodal line parallel to the edges of the paper, in the form of a U with its two horns united by a straight line. The vibrations of the pipe can only reach the tumbler by going through the air, and, as the sand vibrates when the tumbler is placed in any position "8 SOUND about the pipe, it follows that the air all around the pipe vibrates while the pipe is sounding. ExpERIMENT 47.—Sprinkle a small quantity of sand on the paper, and then, placing a thin book under the tum- bler, so incline it that the sand just does not run down the paper, as shown in B, Fig. 27. Now go to the farthest end of the room and blow the pipe in gentle toots, each about one second long. At each toot, your friend, stand- ing near the tumbler, will see the sand make a short march down the paper; and soon by a series of marches it makes its way to the edge of the paper and falls into the tum- bler. I have, in a large room, gone to the distance of 60 feet (18.28 metres), and the experiment worked as I have just described it. ExPERIMENT 48.—Again arrange the experiment as in Experiment 47, and standing 3 or 4 feet from the tumbler try how feeble a sound will vibrate the paper. If every part of the experiment is in good adjustment, you will find that the feeblest toot you can make will set the sand marching. To keep it at rest you must keep silent. ExpPERIMENT 49.—To show these experiments on a greatly magnified scale, place the tumbler in front of the heliostat (sce “Light,” page 79) so that the sun’s rays just graze along the inclined surface of the paper. Cut off a piece of a match 4 inch long, and split this little bit mto four parts. Place one of these on the inclined paper. Of course, the image of the tumbler is inverted, so the bit of wood appears to adhere to the lower side of the paper. If a little paper mouse cut out of smooth paper is used in place of the bit of wood, it is really amusing to see the mouse make a start to every toot of the pipe. I trust my reader will not think me unscientific for making a little fun. Singing the note A, instead of sounding it TRANSMISSION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 19% on the pipe, produces the same effects in the above ex- periments. EXPERIMENT 50.—If you sing or sound some other note than the A, you will find it powerless to move the sand over the tumbler. EXPERIMENT 51.—The experiments just made with the tumbler, partly covered with the glass plate or stretched paper, may be modified in a way that makes one of the most beautiful and instructive experiments. Take a pint bottle half filled with distilled or rain water, and put into it one ounce of shavings of white cas- tile soap ; then shake the bottle. If the soap does not all dissolve, add more water till you have a clear solution. _ Then add a gill of glycerine, shake, and allow to settle. This solution is the best for making soap-bubbles. Pour out the soap-solution into a basin; then dip the mouth of a deep tumbler (one 5 or 6 inches deep is the best) into it. The glass plate is now slid through the soap- water under the mouth of the tumbler. Take the tum- bler, with the glass on it, out of the basin and stand it erect on the table. Vibrate the A-fork, and hold it over the edge of the tumbler while you slide the glass plate across its mouth, as we did in our other experiments. ‘The opening which is thus made, between the rim of the tumbler and the edge of the glass plate, will have a soap- - film over it. Adjust the size of this opening till it tunes the air in the tumbler to vibrate to the fork. When this takes place, a loud sound issues from the tumbler, and the delicate soap-bubble is violently agitated ; its surface is chased and crinkled in so complicated a manner that its appearance cannot be described. This experiment succeeds best with a very deep tum- bler, like the one we have used, and with a C-fork and 80 SOUND. pipe. The soap-film covers nearly half of the mouth of the tumbler when the latter is in tune to the O-fork. To see well the vibrating surface of soap-film, you must reflect from it the light of the sky. EXPERIMENT 52.—By the aid of the heliostat and a lens the experiment may be made one of. great beauty. With some wax stick the glass plate to the tumbler, so that the soap-film may be placed upright and inclined to the beam of light coming from the heliostat. With a plano- convex lens placed between the film and the screen obtain a magnified image of the soap-film (see “ Light,” page 79). As the soap-film is upright it drains thinner and thin- ner, While the image of the film grows more and more brilliant. Magnificent bands of reddish and bluish light appear, and stretch across the screen. Now sound the fork or pipe near the film. The vibrations bend and un- dulate the colored bands, and the colors chase each other over the screen like waves on a troubled sea. On the sound ceasing, the bands straighten, and a comparative calm spreads over the screen. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SENSITIVE-FLAMES OF GOVI AND BARRY, AND OF GEYER. EXPERIMENT 53.—In Fig. 28, A is an upright wooden rod nailed to a block D. At B is a piece of stout wire bent in the form of a ring, 5 inches (12.7 centimetres) in diameter, and then bent at a right angle and stuck in the upright rod. On the ring is laid a piece of wire gauze that has about 30 meshes to the inch. /# is a glass tube joined to a rubber tube that leads to the nearest gas- burner. To make this glass tube or jet, take a piece of glass tube, about + inch outside diameter and: 6 inches TRANSMISSION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 81 (15.2 centimetres) long, and, holding its ends in the hands, heat the tube, at about 14 inch from its end, in a spirit- flame or the flame of a Bunsen burner till it softens ; then pull it out till it is reduced about one-quarter in di- ameter. When it is cold, draw the edge of a file across this narrow part, and snap the tube asunder. Now heat in like manner the middle of this tube, and bend it into a right angle, as shown in Fig. 28, and, with wax, stick it upright on a block of wood, with the tip of the jet about 2 inches (5.1 centimetres) below the wire gauze. Turn on the gas and light it above the gauze, where it will burn in a slender, conical flame, about 4 inches high, with its top yellow and its base blue. This forms the “sensitive-flame” invented by Prof. Govi of Turin, and afterward by Mr. Barry of Ireland. 82 SOUND. If you hiss, whistle, shake a bunch of keys, or clap the hands, the flame at once roars, and, shrinking down to the gauze, becomes entirely blue and almost invisible. It is called a ‘“ sensitive-flame,” because it is sensitive to sonorous vibrations, and shows us their existence in the air. Exprrtment 54,—Mr. Geyer, of the Stevens Institute of Technology, has made an addition to the Govi-Barry flame, which heightens its sensitiveness, and makes it utter a musical note while disturbed by vibrations ; while, in another modification of the experiment, the flame sings continuously, except when agitated by exter- nal sounds. I give his experiments in his own words : ‘“‘ To produce them it is only necessary to cover Barry’s flame with a moderately large tube [see Fig. 28, in which, however, the tube is represented of somewhat too great a diameter], resting it loosely on the gauze. A luminous flame, 6 or 8 inches long, is thus obtained, which is very sensitive to high and sharp sounds. If, now, the gauze and tube be raised, the flame gradually shortens, and appears less luminous, until at last it becomes violently agi- tated, and sings with a loud, untform tone, which may be main- tained for any length of time. Under these conditions, external sounds have no effect upon it. The sensitive musical flame is produced by lowering the gauze until the singing just ceases. It is in this position that the flame is most remarkable. At the slightest sharp sound, it instantly sings, continuing to do so as long as the disturbing cause exists, but stopping at once with it. So quick are the responses that, by rapping the time of a tune, or whistling or playing it, provided the tones are high enough, the flame faithfully sounds at every note. By slightly raising or lowering the jet, the flame can be made more or less sensitive, so that a hiss in any part of the room, the rattling of keys even in the pocket, turning on the water at the hydrant, folding up a piece of paper, or even moving the hand over the table, will excite TRANSMISSION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 83 the sound. On pronouncing the word ‘sensitive,’ it sings twice; and, in general, it will interrupt the speaker at almost every ‘s,’ or other hissing sound. ‘‘The tube chiefly determines the pitch of the note, shorter or longer ones producing, of course, higher or lower tones respec- tively. I have most frequently used either a glass tube, 12 inches long and 1} inch in diameter, or a brass one of the same dimen- sions. Out of several rough pieces of gas-pipe, no one failed to give a more or less agreeable sound. Among these gas-pipes was one as short as 7 inches, with a diameter of 1 inch; while an- other was 2 feet long and 14 inch in diameter.:: A third gas-pipe, 15 inches long and # inch in diameter, gave, when set for a con- tinuous sound, quite a low and mellow tone. “If the jet be moved slightly aside, so that the flame just grazes the side of the tube, a note somewhat lower than the fun- damental one of the tube is produced. This sound is stopped by external noises, but goes on again when left undisturbed. All these experiments can be made under the ordinary pressure of street-gas, # inch of water being sufficient.” 84 SOUND. ’ CHAPTER VII. ON THH VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS, AND ON THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY AkE PROPAGATED THROUGH ELASTIC BODIES. / ON THE SPEED WITH WHICH SONOROUS VIBRATIONS TRAVEL. WHEN in the country, you have seen a man chopping wood. If you stood near him, you observed that the blow and the sound of his ax came together. If you moved. away from him, you may have noticed that, while you could see his ax fall, and hear the sound of the blow, the sound seemed to follow the blow. When you moved away several hundred feet, the interval of time separating the sight of the blow and its sound was readily noted. You may also have observed that some time passed be- tween the flash of a gun or the puff of a steam-whistle and the report of the gun and the sound of the whistle. These things convince us that sonorous vibrations take time to move through the air. This matter has been carefully examined by scientific men, and they have found that sound-vibrations move through the air at the rate of 1,090 feet (332.23 metres) in one second. This is the velocity of sound when the temperature is just at freezing, or at 32° Fahrenheit. For each degree above this, sound gains in speed one foot more. VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 85 For instance, upon a summer’s day, the thermometer may stand at 80°. This is 48° above 32°, and the sound gains 48 feet, so that it moves at the rate of 1,138 feet a second at this temperature. | The velocity of sonorous vibrations in oxygen gas at 32° is 1,040 feet per second ; in hydrogen gas it is 4,160 feet, just 4 times as great. Asa cubic foot of hydrogen weighs 16 times less than a cubic foot of oxygen, and as 4 is the square root of 16, it follows that the speed of sonorous vibrations in gases varies inversely as the square roots of the weights of equal volumes of the gases. Sonorous vibrations travel through water at the speed of 5,000 feet per second, and through iron at about 16,000 feet in a second. EXPERIMENTS WITH GLASS BALLS ON A CURVED RAILWAY, SHOWING HOW VIBRATIONS TRAVEL THROUGH ELASTIC BODIES. Experiment 55.—Fig. 29 represents a wooden rail- way about 6 feet (183 centimetres) long. It may be made of pine strips, 14 inch (3.8 centimetres) wide and 4 inch (6 millimetres) thick, laid side by side about 1 inch Fig, 29. (25 millimetres) apart, and joined together by short cross- strips nailed on them. Get six or seven large glass mar- bles at the toy-shop. These are intended to roll be- 86 SOUND. tween the two strips, just as balls roll in the railway of a bowling-alley. Place the railway on a table or board, and fasten it down at the middle with a screw in the cross-strip, and then raise each end and put a book or wooden block under it, as in Fig. 29. Place the balls in the middle of the curving railway, and then bring one to the end and let it roll down against the others. Immediately the last ball will fly out and roll part way up the incline toward the other end of the rail- 7 ee Fig. 82. way. The first ball will come to rest beside the others, and the ball which has been shot up the railway will roll back against those at rest, and the same performance will be repeated till the motion has gone from the rolling balls. Let us examine this matter, and see what happens to these balls on the railway. First, you must observe that the balls are elastic, for experiment will show that they will bound like rubber balls when let fall on the hearth-stone. ExPERIMENT 56.—To show that the ball is elastic, and jfiattens when it strikes the stone, make the following ex- periment: Mix some oil with a little red-lead, or other colored powder, and smear it over a flat stone, like a flag- VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 87 stone. Rest the ball on this, and observe the size of the circular spot made on it. Now let the ball fall on the stone, and observe the larger circular spot_made by the fall. This shows that when the ball struck it flattened and touched a larger. surface.on the.stone.. The first ball rolls down and strikes a hard blow on the side of ball No. 2. This ball is flattened between balls Nos. 1 and 3, as shown in Fig. 30. Ball No. 2 at once springs back again into its former spherical figure, and in doing so it brings No. 1 to rest and flattens No. 3, as shown in Fig. 31. Ball No. 3 now springs back into its spherical form, and in doing so acts on No. 2 and brings it to rest, and acts on No. 4 and flattens it. Thus each ball passes the blow on to the next by its elasticity, and each in turn flattens and then springs into its natural form, and thus we have a series of contractions and expansions running through the whole series of balls. The last ball is finally flattened, and, when it expands immediately afterward, it presses against the ball that gave it the blow and brings it to rest; at the same time, finding no resistance in front of it, its back-action on the ball behind it causes it to start up the railway. Thus the last ball, No 7, is shot up the railway by a force derived from ball No. 1, and which was sent through all the balls by their successive contractions and expansions. | EXPERIMENTS WITH A LONG SPRING, SHOWING HOW VI- BRATIONS ARE TRANSMITTED AND REFLECTED. ExPERIMENT 57.—Obtain a brass wire, wound in the form of a spiral spring, about 12 feet long. Get an empty starch-box or cigar-box, and take off the cover, and then stand it on one end at the edge of a wooden 88 SOUND. table, with the bottom of the box facing outward. Screw this box firmly to the table, and then screw a small iron or brass hook to the bottom of the box, as shown in Fig. 33. Slip over this hook the loop at the end of the long spiral spring. Hold the other end of the spring in the hand, letting it hang loosely between the hand andthe box. Insert a finger-nail or the blade of a knife between the turns of the wire, near the hand, and pull the turns Fre. 33. asunder. Free the nail suddenly, and a vibration or shock will start and run from coil to coil along the whole spring, and a loud rap or blow will be heard on the box, thence to be reflected to the hand, and then again to the box, and so on. Here we have a beautiful illustration of the manner in which a vibration may travel along an elas- tic substance, and make itself heard as a sound at the VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 89 other end, there to be reflected back to the place whence it came, to begin over again its forward journey. EXPLANATION OF THE MANNER IN WHICH SONOROUS VIBRATIONS ARE PROPAGATED. If the student clearly understands the actions in the experiments with the glass balls and spring-coil, he can have no difficulty in perceiving how a shock or vibration may in like manner pass through the elastic air. For simplicity of illustration, imagine a very long tube, in which, at one end, fits a piston or plug. ‘Suppose this piston moves quickly forward in the tube through a short distance—say, one inch—and then stops. If the air were inelastic, then one inch of air would move out of the other end of the tube while the piston moved forward one inch. But air is elastic ; it gives before the motion of the piston ; and it takes some time, after the piston has moved forward, before the air moves at the other end of the tube. If the tube is 1,100 feet long, and the temperature of the air 42°, it will be one whole second before the end of the air-column moves ; for it takes that.time for a sound-vi- bration to traverse 1,100 feet, and a mechanical action on air of the above temperature cannot be sent through it with a greater speed than that. Now, suppose that the piston takes 4, second to make its forward motion in the tube, how far will the air be compressed in front of it at the instant the piston stops ? Evidently the answer is found by taking +, of 1,100 feet, which is 110 feet. If the piston takes ;4, of a second in moving forward, then at the end of that time the air is compressed before the piston to a depth of 7}, of 1,100 feet, or 11 feet. The length of the column of air, com- pressed by the forward motion of the piston, in every case 90 SOUND. is found by dividing the velocity of sound by the fraction of a second during which the piston was moving. This compressed air cannot remain at rest in the tube, for it is now exactly like the compressed ball “No. 2, of Fig. 30. It expands, and in expanding it acts backward against the immovable piston, but in front it compresses another column of air equal to it in length ; this, in turn, acts like ball No. 3 of Fig. 31, bringing to rest the column of air behind it and compressing another column in front of it ; and in this manner the compression will traverse a tube 1,100 feet long in one second. If the piston moves backward in the tube, then a col- umn of rarefied or expanded air will be formed in front of the piston, caused by the air expanding into the space left vacant by its backward motion ; and this rarefaction will go forward through the air exactly as did the compression. Now imagine the piston to move to and fro in the tube ; it will send through the column of air condensa- tions and rarefactions, following each other in regular order. If we have a body vibrating freely in the open air, then it will form spherical shells of compressed and rarefied air all around it, these shells constantly expand- ing outward into larger and larger shells, and following each other in regular order and motion, like the regular movement of the circular water-waves which spread out- ward around a point of agitation on the surface of a pond. Thus the sound-vibrations are sent out in all directions from a vibrating body just as light is diffused in all direc- tions around a luminous body. In our experiments in “Tight,” page 34, we found that the illumination of a given surface varies in brightness inversely as the square of its distance from the source of light. In like manner the loudness of a sound decreases inversely as the square ~ VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 91 of our distance from the vibrating body. Thus, at 100 feet, the loudness of the sound is + of what it was at 50 feet, and at 200 feet its loudness is = of what it was when we were 50 feet distant. Now what will be the effect on any TO of air— like that, for example, which touches the drum-skin of the ear—if these condensations and rarefactions reach it? Evidently, while the condensations are passing, the mole- cules (the smallest parts) of the air will move nearer each other, then regain their natural positions, to be separated yet farther by the rarefaction which at. once follows. Therefore, the effect on any molecule will be to swing it to and fro. Hence the air, touching the drum-skin of the ear, moves forward and then backward, and forces the drum-skin in and then out. This swinging motion is con- veyed to the fibres of the auditory nerve, and causes that sensation called sound. But we have seen that vibrating bodies swing to and fro like the pendulum, hence those vibrating bodies which are causing sound make all the molecules of air around them swing to and fro like the bobs of very small pendu- _ lums, each pendulum beginning its swing just a little sooner than the one in front of it. All this, however, and much more than we have time to write about, will be taught you very clearly by an in- strument which I shall now show you how to make. ~ EXPERIMENTS WITH CROVA’S DISK, SHOWING HOW SONO- ROUS VIBRATIONS TRAVEL THROUGH AIR AND OTHER ELASTIC MATTER. ExrERIMENT 58.—In Fig. 34 A is a cardboard disk mounted on a whirling machine or rotator B, and C is a 92 7 SOUND. one for a { fae ; " yu HN mee i AIAN APA A piece of cardboard having a slit cut in it. Upon the disk are 24 eccentric circles drawn with a pen, and so placed that they can be seen through the slit in the cardboard. VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 93 The rotator can be bought of Mr. Hawkridge of Hoboken for $3.00 ; the disk you can make yourself from the fol- lowing directions : Get a piece of stiff cardboard, and cut out a disk 31 centimetres in diameter. In making this disk we will use the metric measure exclusively. Round the centre C’ of this disk draw a circle just 5 millimetres in diameter. (See C, Fig. 35, where it is drawn “full size.”) Then divide this circle into 12 parts, and number the points of division 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. The next step is to rule upon a sheet of paper a straight . line 143 centimetres long, and to mark 72 millimetres of this off into 24 spaces of 3 millimetres each, as shown in the real size at A B, Fig. 35. This we use as a scale in spreading the dividers. Then draw a circle with the di- viders spread 74 centimetres, from A to B, Fig. 35, using the dot No. 1 at the top of the circle C on the cardboard as acentre. Then spread the compasses just 3 millimetres wider, using the scale we have just made for a guide, and make another circle, with dot No. 2 as a centre. You will observe that the two circles are eccentric—that is, they are not parallel to each other, one spreading a little to the right of the other. Go thus round the circle C twice, and use each dot in the circle in turn as a centre till you have 24 eccentric circles drawn on the disk, each circle having a radius 3 millimetres greater than the one next within it. When the circles are finished, ink them over with a draw- ing-pen holding violet ink, or Indian-ink. When dry, cut a small hole exactly in the centre, and mount the disk on the rotator. Get a piece of cardboard about 15 centi- metres long, and cut in it a narrow slit about 10 centi- metres long, in which the eccentric circles will appear like a row of dots when the cardboard is held before the disk, as in Fig. 34. SOUND. CROVAS DISK, Yop, SIZE. Fra. 85. VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 95 - Now turn the handle of the rotator slowly and steadily. The disk will revolve, and the eccentric circles will move in the slit in the card. At once you have a most singular appearance. A horizontal, worm-like movement among the row of dots is seen in the slit. They crowd up against each other and then move apart, only to draw near again and then separate. ‘There seems to be a wave moving along the slit, appearing at one end and disappear- ing at the other. At one part of the wave the dots are crowding together, at another they are spreading apart. Look closely and you will observe that, although this wave appears to move over the length of the slit, yet each dot makes but a very small to-and-fro movement. No matter how fast the crank is turned, or how swiftly the waves chase each other along the slit, each dot keeps within a fixed limit, swinging to and fro as the waves pass. We have learned that the prongs of a tuning-fork vi- brate like a pendulum. Both prongs move, but just now we will only consider the motion of one. In vibrating it swings backward and forward, pushes the air in front of it, and gives it a squeeze ; then it swings back and pulls the air after it. In this way the air in front of it is alter- nately pressed and pulled, and the molecules of air next _ to it dance to and fro precisely as the first dot swings to and fro behind the slit. You cannot see the motion of the molecules of air in front of the tuning-fork, yet our apparatus accurately represents their movements so that we can leisurely study them. First comes an outward swing of the fork, and the air before it is squeezed or condensed. Then it swings back, and the air before it is pulled apart or spread out ; in other words, it is rarefied. So it happens that the fork alternately condenses and rarefies the air. The air is elas- 5 . 96 _ SOUND. tic, and the layer nearest the fork presses and pulls its neighbors precisely as described in the previous section, where we explained the manner in which sonorous vibra- tions are propagated. When the fork makes one condensation and one rare- faction, it has made one vibration; that is, it has swung once to and fro. ‘Then it makes another vibration, and produces another condensation and rarefaction. Thus condensations and rarefactions follow each other, and move away from the fork in pairs, in regular order. One condensation, together with its fellow rarefaction, forms what is called a sonorous wave. If the fork, for example, should vibrate for exactly one second, and then stop, the air, for a distance of 1,100 feet all around it, will be filled with shells of condensed and rarefied air. Therefore, as one vibration to and fro of the fork makes one shell of condensed air and its neighboring shell of rarefied air, we can find the combined thickness of these two shells by dividing 1,100 feet (the velocity of sound) by the number of vibrations the fork makes in one second. Our A-fork makes 440 vibrations in one second. Hence the depth of two shells—one of condensed, the other of rarefied air—formed by this fork is 1,100 + 440, which is 24 feet. The length thus obtained is called a wave-length. Evidently, the greater the number of vibrations a second the shorter the waves produced. Scientific men, to represent a sonorous wave, always use a curve like A C O & B of Fig. 36, in which the part of the curve A C O, above the line A B, stands for the condensed half of the. wave, while the part O & B, below A B, stands for the rarefied half of the wave, and the per- pendicular height of any part of the curve A C O, above the line A B, shows the amount of condensation of the air VELOCITY OF TRANSMISSION, ETC. 97 at that part of the wave ; while similar lines drawn to the curve OF B, below A B, show the amount of rarefac- tion at these points of the wave. The curve A C O & Bis not a real picture of a sono- rous wave ; it is merely a good way of showing its length, and the manner in which the air is condensed and rare- fied in it; for sonorous waves are not formed of heaps and hollows like the waves you have seen on the sea. They are not heaps and hollows of air, but only conden- sations and rarefactions of air. In short, Fig. 36 is merely a convenient symbol which stands for a sonorous wave. C ss R Fra, 36. ExpPrERIMENT 59.—Look at the row of dots seen in the slit when the disk is at rest, and find the two dots which are - nearest to each other ; this place in the slit corresponds to the point Cin Fig. 36. Next find where the dots are farthest apart ; this place corresponds to #& in Fig. 36. The distance from C to # is one half wave-length ; there- fore the distance between two adjoining places, where the dots are nearest together, equals the length of one whole wave. 98 SOUND. CHAPTER VIII. ON THE INTERFERENCE OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS AND ON THE BEATS OF SOUND. ExPERIMENT 60.—Cut out two small triangles of cop- per foil or tinsel, of the same size, and with wax fasten one on the end of each of the prongs of a tuning-fork. Put the fork in the wooden block and set up the guide (as in experiment, Fig. 21). Prepare a strip of smoked glass, and then make the fork vibrate and slide the glass under it, and get two traces, one from each prong. YING NY MS WADDLE LRP RIRLOS PI IOP II NL LOL LOGS INS SF NL NIRS OIE L\IV\I.\ LVI IVIL II SV\IVFINW PINS NS Fig. 387. Holding the glass up to the light you will see the double trace, as shown in Fig. 37. You observe that the wavy lines move apart and then draw together. This shows us that the two prongs, in vibrating, do not move in the same direction at the same time, but-always in op-_ posite directions. They swing toward each other, then away from each other. ExpERIMENT 61.—What is the effect of this movement of the prongs of the fork on the air? A ame experi- ment will answer this question. INTERFERENCE OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 99 Place three lighted candles on the table at A, B, and C (Fig. 38). Hold the hands upright, with the space between the palms opposite A, while the backs of the hands face the candles Band C. Now move the hands near each other, then separate them, and make these mo- tions steadily and not too quickly. You thus repeat the motions of the prongs of the fork. While vibrating the hands observe attentively the flames of the candles. When the hands are coming nearer each other, the air is forced out from between them, and a puff of air is driven against the flame A, as is shown by its bending away from the hands. But, during the above movement, the backs of the hands have drawn the flames toward them, as shown in Fig. 838. When the hands are separating, the air rushes - in between them, and the flame A is drawn toward the hands by this motion of the air, while at the same time the flames at B and C are driven away from the backs of the hands. From this experiment it is seen that the space 100 SOUND. between the prongs and the faces_of the prongs of a fork are, at the same-instant, always acting oppositely on the air, This will be made clearer* by the study of the dia- gram, Fig. 39. This figure supposes the student looking down on the tops of the prongs of the fork. Imagine the prongs swinging away from each other in their vibration. Then the action of the faces ¢ and ¢ on the air is to condense it, and this condensation tends to spread all around the fork. But, by the same movement, the space 7 7 between the prongs is enlarged, and hence a rarefaction is made there. This rarefaction also spreads all around the fork. But, as the condensations produced at ¢ and ¢ and the rarefac- tions at 7 and 7 spread with the same velocity, it follows INTERFERENCE OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 101 that they must meet along the dotted lines qg, q, q, 4, drawn from the edges of the fork outward. The full #-circle lines around the fork in Fig. 39 represent the middle of the condensed shells of air, while the broken 4-circle lines stand for the middle of the rarefied shells of air. Now what must happen along these dotted lines, or, rather, surfaces? Evidently there is a struggle here between the condensations and the rarefactions. The former tend to make the molecules of air go nearer together, the latter try to separate them; but, as these actions are equal, and as the air is pulled in opposite directions at the same time, it remains at rest—does not vibrate. ‘Therefore, along the surfaces q, 4g, q, g, there is silence. When the prongs vibrate toward each other they make the reverse actions on the air ; that is, rarefactions are now sent out from cand c, while condensations are sent from 7 and 7, but the same effect of silence along hs % 7 18 produced. EXPERIMENT 62,—That this is so, is readily proved by the following simple experiment. . Vibrate the fork and hold it upright near the ear. Now slowly turn it round. During one revolution of the fork on its foot, you will perceive that the sound goes through four changes. Four times it was loud, and four times it was almost if not quite gone. Twirl the fork before the ear of a compan- ion; he will tell you when it makes the loudest sound, and when it becomes silent. You will find that when it is loudest the faces ¢, c of the prongs, or the spaces 7, 7 between them, are facing his ear; and when he tells you that there is silence you will find that the edges of the fork, that is, the planes qg, 9, g, ¢g, are toward his ear. 102 SOUND. AN EXPERIMENT IN WHICH INTERFERENCE OF SOUND IS SHOWN BY ROTATING A VIBRATING FORK OVER THE MOUTH OF A BOTTLE RESOUNDING TO THE NOTE OF THE FORK. EXPERIMENT 63.—Get a bottle, like one of those shown in Fig. 40, holding about 5 fluid ounces when filled to its brim. Its mouth should measure 1 inch (25 millimetres) in diameter. Cut a piece of glass 1} inch long and 1 inch wide, and slide this over the mouth of the bottle while the vibrating A-fork is held over it. Fix the piece of glass with wax at the place where it makes the air in the bottle resound the loudest (see Fig. 40). Again vibrate the fork, and holding it horizontally twirl it slowly over the partly closed bottle, just as we twirled it before the ear. You will find that whenever the corners of the fork have come opposite the mouth of the bottle the sound will have faded away to silence. In this position of the fork, one of the planes q, q, ¢g, or q, of Fig. 39, goes directly down to the mouth of the bottle, and therefore there enter the bottle, side by side, at the same time, a condensation and a rarefaction. Hence the air in the bottle is acted on by two equal and opposed ac- tions ; it cannot vibrate to the fork, and we have rest and silence. The above experiment, and the following one, may be made as well with the tuned tumblers of Experiment 43 as with the bottles. “ EXPERIMENTS IN WHICH INTERFERENCE OF SOUND IS OB- TAINED WITH A FORK AND TWO BOTTLES. EXPERIMENT 64,—Fig. 40 represents two glass bottles, of equal size, and each tuned as described in Experiment INTERFERENCE OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 103 63. Set one bottle upright, and with two bits of wax hold the other horizontally on some books, with the mouths of the bottles nearly touching, as shown in Fig. 40. Make the fork vibrate, and, holding it horizontally, bring it down so that the space between the prongs will be opposite the mouth of the upright bottle, as shown in Fie. 40. Fig. 40. As it descends, you will observe that the sound first increases, and then suddenly fades away or entirely - disappears. You can raise the fork and hear it still sound- ing, so that you may be sure it has not stopped, and yet, in a certain position between the two bottles, the sound is nearly if not wholly lost. 104 SOUND. In this experiment, you will observe that while the face of one of the prongs is opposite the mouth of one bottle the space between the prongs is opposite the mouth of the other bottle. Therefore, while one bottle receives a con- densation the other receives a rarefaction. Thus opposed vibratory motions issue from the mouths of the bottles, and they neutralize each other’s action on the outside air. Hence silence is observed when the fork is in such posi- tion that the condensation or rarefaction which comes out of one bottle exactly equals in power the rarefaction or condensation which comes out of the other bottle. You know that the air is really resounding in the bot- tles, even when silence is outside of them, by the fol ing simple experiments : EXPERIMENT 65.—Slip a piece of cardboard over the mouth of one of the bottles, and at once the other bottle resounds to the fork and sings out loudly. The balance is thus broken and sound is heard. EXPERIMENT 66.—A piece of tissue-paper will pro- duce another effect, because it is thin and only partly cuts off the vibrations, and the result is a feeble sound ; partly an interference and partly a free action of the condensa- tions and rarefactions, half silence, half sound. EXPERIMENT SHOWING REFLECTION OF SOUND FROM A FLAT GAS-FLAME, EXPERIMENT 67.—By a little care you can even slide the flat flame of a fish-tail gas-jet before the mouth of the horizontal bottle, and thus make a flame act as a guard to stop the vibrations from entering the bottle. When two sonorous vibrations meet and make silence, they are said to “interfere.” ‘The experiments just made are experiments in the interference of sound. INTERFERENCE OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 105 EXPERIMENTS IN WHICH, BY THE AID OF A PAPER CONE AND A RUBBER TUBE, WE FIND OUT THE MANNER IN WHICH A DISK VIBRATES. In describing Experiments 27, 28, 29, and 30, we stated that a vibrating disk always divided itself into an even number of sectors. This fact was explained by the state- ae that the adjoining vibrating sectors of the disk were always moving in opposite directions. The truth of this ae will be manifest on making the following ex- periments, which can only be explained by the fact that adjoining sectors, at the same instant, are always in oppo- site phases of vibration. These experiments will also afford beautiful illustrations of the interference of sono- rous vibrations. ; Take a piece of cardboard and roll it into a cone about 10 inches long. The small end of the cone should have in it an opening of such a size that the cone will fit into the rubber tube used in Experiment 32. If a brass disk of 6 inches in diameter is used in the experiments, the mouth of the cone should be 24 inches in diameter. EXPERIMENT 68.—Make the plate vibrate with four sectors as in A, Fig. 23. Close one ear with soft wax ; into the other put the end of the rubber tube ; then place the centre of the mouth of the cone exactly over the centre of the plate with the cone quite close to its surface. In this position (which we will call No. 1, for future reference) no sound is perceived, or at least only a very faint one. This is so, because in this position of the cone it always receives, at the same instant, from the vibrating disk, four equal sound-pulses ; and as two of these are condensations, and two are rarefactions, they mutually neutralize each other, 106 SOUND. and the drum-skin of the ear remains at rest and no sound is perceived. ExpERIMENT 69.—Now move the mouth of the cone along the middle of a vibrating sector toward the edge of the disk. As the cone progresses the sound grows louder till it reaches its maximum when the edge of the cone reaches the edge of the disk. In this position (No. 2) the cone receives from the disk only regular sonorous vibrations, one condensation or one rarefaction alone enter- ing the disk at a time. EXPERIMENT 70.—Slowly move the cone along the circumference of the vibrating disk, keeping the edge of its mouth close to the border of the disk. The sound at once begins to diminish in intensity, until the circle of the mouth of the cone in its progress is divided into two semicircles by a nodal line. No sound is now perceived, because in this position (No. 3) a condensation and a rare- faction enter the ear together, for on the opposite sides of a nodal line the plate has always opposite directions of motion. : EXPERIMENTS WITH BEATING SOUNDS. ~ Exprertment 71.—In purchasing the two A-forks, you took special pains to get two which were tuned accurately to unison; otherwise they are of: no value for our experi- ments. ‘lake one of these in each hand and make them sound together. Hold them near each other close to the ear, and you will observe that while both sound there ap- pears to be but one note. The two sounds blend together perfectly, so that we cannot distinguish one from the other. Having tried this thoroughly, place a bit of wax on the end of one of the forks, and then make them sound INTERFERENCE OF SONOROUS VIBRATIONS. 107 while each is held upright on its resonant box (see Experi- ment 41). At once you hear something unusual: little bursts of sounds, followed by sudden weakenings and loss of power, as if the forks sang forte and then piano alter- nately. These singular quivering changes in the tone of the two forks, when sounded together, are called “ beats.” The sound seems to beat with a pulse-like motion at regu- lar intervals. Take off the wax and the beats disappear, and the two forks sound together like one instrument. EXPERIMENT 72.—Put on a larger or smaller piece of wax and the beats change their character, coming faster or slower each time the amount of wax is changed. These experiments succeed admirably by using the tumblers of Experiment 43, or the resonant bottles of Ex- periments 63, 64, in place of the resonant boxes. The tumblers or bottles should be carefully tuned, one to the loaded, the other to the unloaded fork. To understand these singular beats, you must remem- ber that each fork sends out sonorous waves, or alternate condensations and rarefactions, through the air. When the forks are sounded together (without the wax), each sends out the same number of waves in a second, and these travel out together, the condensations and rarefac- tions of each moving side by side, and reaching the ear at the same time. When we loaded one fork with wax we caused it to move slower. The processions of waves streaming out from each may start together, but they do not keep to- gether ; as the loaded fork is going slower its waves of sound are longer and drag behind. The condensations and rarefactions no longer travel side by side. A con- densation from one fork arrives at the ear at the same time that a rarefaction arrives from the other. Thus 108 SOUND. they interfere and destroy each other, and the interfer- ence makes silence, just as we discovered in our last ex- periments. The condensations and rarefactions from the two forks continue to arrive at the ear, and soon two con- densations or two rarefactions come side by side and ar- rive at the ear together, and they mutually aid or reén- force each other, and there is a sudden burst of sound as if the forks were sounding louder. The waves of sound continue to move, and one set of waves slips past the other, till the condensations of one set arrive at the ear alongside of the rarefactions of the other, and again there is interference and silence. By such con- tinuous actions beats of sound are produced. Fie. 41. Fig. 41 represents two such series of waves traveling side by side. One series is represented by a full line, the other by a dotted one. At A the condensations of one series are shown as opposite the rarefactions of the other ; but, as the waves represented by the full line are longer than those represented by the dotted line, the former pass the latter, so that at C the two series act together, and we have a beat ; while at a more distant point, B, the motions in the waves are opposed, and here there is inter- ference and silence. It is evident that the sliding of the longer waves past the shorter will cause the waves, meet- INTERFERENCE OF SON OROUS VIBRATIONS. 109 ing at B, alternately to act together and to interfere ; and thus the ear, placed at , will perceive beats of sound. It necessarily follows that, if one fork vibrates 100 times in a second and the other 101 times, there will be one beat in every second. The number of beats made in a second is equal to the difference in the number of vibra- tions per second made by the two vibrating bodies. oO a A 110 SOUND. CHAPTER IX. ON THE REFLECTION OF SOUND. PROFESSOR ROOD’S EXPERIMENT, SHOWING THE REFLEC- TION OF SOUND. EXPERIMENT 73.—Fig. 42 represents a disk of card- board 12 or 14 inches in diameter, and having two sectors cut out of it, on opposite sides of its centre. This is mounted on the rotator, so that it can be turned round quickly. Let some one sit beside the rotator so that he can turn the handle, and at the same time blow a toy trumpet, which I have found to be the best pipe for this experiment. Hold the trumpet so that it will be inclined to the surface of the disk, and with its open end just in front of one of the openings, as shown in Fig. 42. While the rotating disk is being turned steadily round, and the pipe is sounding, go to a distant part of the room, and | here you will perceive the sound of the pipe changing rapidly, alternately growing louder and then softer like beats. This effect is the result of reflection. When the solid part of the disk passes before the pipe the vibrations of sound are reflected or echoed from the card. When the openings pass before the pipe, part of the vibrations pass through the open place and are lost, and the sound to the listener appears to lose power. REFLECTION OF SOUND. 111 In performing this experiment care must be taken to place the disk in such a position that the sound will be reflected to the distant listener. As we learned in our ex- ZZ Z ZZ Z, periments in “ Light,” there is a law governing reflections. We found by our experiments that the angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence, and the same law holds good in the reflection of sound. ExprerimEent 74.—Another experiment in the reflec- tion of sound may be made with a common palm-leaf fan. Let some one sound the trumpet at one end of a room, while you hold the fan upright beside one ear. While < 112 SOUND. the trumpet is sounding, twirl the fan slowly by the han- dle, and you will observe a change in the sound. In cer- tain positions of the fan the trumpet will sound louder, and in other positions it will be softened. If you do not obtain this effect at once, try the fan in several positions as it stands upright, and, after a few trials, you will ob- tain a reflection of the sound from the surface of the fan. The sound of a locust on a warm day, or the beating of the surf on the shore, or the sound of a distant voice, may thus be caught on the fan and reflected into the ear. Echoes are also reflections. The vibrations travel through the air and meet a building, then the side of a mountain or hill, and rebound or reécho, perhaps many times. EXPERIMENT 75.—You can readily find an echo any- where in the country by walking near a barn or house and shouting or singing. The first trial may not bring out the echo, but, by changing your position, going nearer or walking farther away, and always standing squarely in front of the barn or other building, you will soon find the spot where an echo is heard. We already know that in winter, when the thermometer is at 82° Fahr., sound moves at the rate of 1,090 feet in a second. If you stand at 545 feet from the reflecting wall, and make a short, sharp sound, it will take one half second for it to go to the wall, and one half second to come back, and there will be one second between the sound and its echo. In our experiments with the tuning-fork and two bot- tles (see Fig. 40), you remember, we put a piece of card- board and a flat gas-flame before the mouth of one of the bottles. Here, also, we had a reflection of the sound from the cardboard, and even from the flame. ad PITCH OF SOUNDS. 1138 CHAPTER X. ' ON THE PITCH OF SOUNDS. ExprerimmMEnt %6.—Take one of the A-forks and the C- fork and stick them in the block of wood side by side, with the opposite prongs of the two forks inclined to each other, so that by drawing a rod between them they * will be set vibrating at the same time. Stick a piece of copper-foil on the tips of the prongs nearest each other, and arrange the smoked glass and its guide as directed in Experiment 25. Vibrate the forks by drawing the rod between them, and obtain the traces of their vibrations on the smoked glass. Take the smoked glass and carefully measure off an equal space on each trace, and then count the vibrations inclosed in this space. If the right forks have been se- lected it will be found that 174 vibrations of one fork cover as much 21 vibrations of the other. From this you readily see that, in the same time, one fork vi- brates oftener than the other. Carefully notice which fork makes the greater number of vibrations. Bring one vibrating fork to the ear, and then the other, and you will observe that the C-fork gives a higher note than the A. The C-fork makes the greater number of vibrations (21) in a given length on the trace, and the A-fork makes the smaller number (174) in the same length. We are con- 114 SOUND. vinced by this experiment that a fork giving a high note vibrates oftener in a second than a fork giving a lower note. Experiments on all kinds of vibrating bodies— solids, liquids, and gases—have proved that the pitch of a sounding body rises with the increase in the number of its vibrations in a second. This fact may be stated thus: The pitch rises with the frequency of the vibrations. From the above fact it follows that the pitch of a sound rises with an increase in the number of sonorous waves that reach the ear in a second. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SIREN. Fig. 43 shows an instrument called a siren. I will show you how to make several instructive and curious experiments with it. First, you will find out the number of vibrations made in a second by a sounding body like one of your tuning-forks ; and, having found out this, you will use the fork to determine for yourself the veloc- ity of sound. The siren will also tell you this important fact: That the numbers of vibrations per second which give the various notes of the gamut, or musical scale, bear _ to each other fixed numerical relations. To make the siren, get a piece of cardboard, or mill- board, and draw on it with a pair of dividers a circle 83 inches (21.6 centimetres) in diameter; then cut this circle out of the cardboard. Now draw four circles, the inner one with the legs of the dividers opened to 2} inches (5.73 centimetres), the next with a radius of 22 inches (6.99 centimetres), the third with 34 inches (8.26 centi- metres), and the fourth with 33 inches (9.53 centimetres). Divide the circumference of the outer circle into 24 equal parts, and to each of these points of division draw a line from the centre, as shown in Fig. 44. Divide the spaces PITCH OF SOUNDS. 115 on the outer circle in halves; this will give 48 points on | this circle. At each of these points cut a hole of about a iV Well v1 an LATTaae 3 —_ = a 7s Inch (5 millimetres) in diameter with a punch. Then punch holes at the 24 points on the inner circle. The student, on looking at Fig. 44, will see that, on the radii marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, the holes are all in a 116 SOUND. line. These holes, thus in line, divide the circle into six equal parts. Divide each of these sixths on the second cir- cle into five equal parts, and each sixth on the third circle into six equal parts, and through each of these points of division cut a hole with the punch. By following these directions you will have made on the inner circle 24 holes, on the second 380, on the third 36, and on the fourth 48 holes. Now cut a hole in the centre of’ the disk, so that it neatly fits on the screw of the small pulley of the rotator PITCH OF SOUNDS. 117 shown in Fig. 43. Then put into a piece of India-rubber tube a glass tube having its interior about the diameter of the holes in the card disk. We are now ready for our experiments. EXPERIMENT 77.—Rotate the disk slowly, and, placing the glass tube before a ring of holes, blow through the tube. You will observe that whenever a hole comes be- fore the tube a puff of air goes through the disk. If the disk is revolved faster the puffs become more frequent, and soon, on increasing the velocity of the disk, they blend into a sound. Not very pure, it is true; but yet, in the midst of the whizzing, your ear will detect a smooth note. Fixing your attention on this note, while the rotator is urged with gradually increasing velocity, you will hear the note gradually rising in pitch. This again shows us that the pitch of a sound rises with the frequency of the vibrations causing it. Two bodies make the same number of vibrations in a second when they give forth sounds of the same pitch. Therefore, if we can measure how many vibrations the disk makes in a second while it gives the exact sound of one of the forks, we will have measured the number of vibrations which the fork makes in asecond. If we count with our watch ‘the number of turns the crank C makes in one minute, we can from this knowledge calculate the number of puffs or vibrations the disk makes in one sec- ond, as follows: One revolution of the crank of the rota- tor makes the disk go round exactly five times. Now, suppose that the tube is before the third circle, having 86 holes, and that in. one minute the crank C turns round 100 times. Then in one minute the disk turned 5 times 100 times, which is 500 times. But for each turn of the disk 36 puffs or vibrations were made on the air ; there- 118 SOUND. fore, 36 times 500, or 18,000, puffs or vibrations were made by the disk in one minute, and 7, of 18,000, or 300, in one second. But it is difficult to know just when the disk gives the same sound as the fork, and it is yet more difficult to keep the disk moving so that it holds this sound, even for a few seconds. ‘To do this, very expensive apparatus has here- tofore always been needed. But I did not wish to ban- ish from our book such an important experiment, so I found out a cheap and simple way of doing it, which I will show you. EXPERIMENT WITH THE SIREN, IN WHICH -IS FOUND THE NUMBER OF VIBRATIONS MADE BY A TUNING-FORK IN ONE SECOND. ExPERIMENT 78.—Get a glass tube (the same we used in the experiment on page 50 of “ Light ”) # inch (19 milli- metres) in diameter and 12 inches (30.5 centimetres) long, -and a cork 1 inch thick, which slides neatly in the tube. Put the cork into one end of the tube, and holding a stick upright press the cork down on it. The fork is now vi- brated and held over the open end of the tube, while the cork is forced up the tube with the stick till the column of air in the tube is brought into tune with the fork. This you will know by the tube sending out a loud sound. Try this several times till you are sure of the exact place ~where the cork should be to make the tube give the loud- est sound. Now lay the fork aside, and with small pieces of wax stick the tube on the top of a block, or on a pile of books, with its mouth near the disk and facing one of the cir- cles of holes, as shown in Fig. 43. On the other side PITCH OF SOUNDS. 119 of the disk, and just opposite the mouth of the resonant tube, hold the small tube through which you blow the air. Turn the crank at first slowly, then gradually faster and faster. Soon a sound comes from the tube. This gets louder and louder ; then, after the disk has gained a certain speed, the sound grows fainter and fainter, till no sound at all comes from the tube. When the sound from the tube was the loudest, the disk was sending into the tube the same number of vi- brations in a second as the fork makes ; for the tube was tuned to the fork, and can only resound loudly when it receives from the disk of the siren the same number of vibrations in a second as the fork gives. It is, then, quite clear that, to find out the number of vibrations per second given by the fork, we first have to bring the disk to the velocity that makes the tube sound the loudest, and then to use this sound as a guide to the hand in turning the crank of the rotator. Practice will soon teach the hand to obey the check given by the ear ; _ and if the student have patience, he will be rewarded when he finds that he can keep the tube: sounding out loudly and evenly for 20 or 30 seconds. Then we count the number of turns made by the crank-handle OC of the rota- tor in 20 or 30 seconds of the watch. If we have suc- ceeded in this, we can at once calculate the number of vibrations the fork makes in one second. The following will show how this calculation is made : Experiment 79.—The cork was pushed to that place which made the air in the tube resound the loudest to the A-fork. The tube was then placed facing the circle of 36 holes. After we had succeeded in making the tube re- sound loudly.and evenly to the turning disk, I counted the number of turns I gave to the handle C in 20 seconds, 6 120 SOUND. and I found this number to be 49. For one revolution of the handle C, the disk makes exactly five. Hence 5 times 49, or 245, is the number of turns the disk made in 20 sec- onds. But in one turn of the disk 36 puffs or vibrations entered the tube; therefore, 245 times 36, or 8,820, is the number of vibrations that went into the tube in 20 sec- onds; and 3, of 8,820, or 441, is the number of vibra- tions which entered the tube in one second. The experiment, therefore, shows that the tube resounds the loudest when 441 vibrations enter it in one second. But the tube also resounded its loudest when the vibrating A-fork was placed over it. Hence the A-fork makes 441 vibrations in one second. ; ExpPERIMENT 80.—Let the student now try to find out by a like experiment the number of vibrations made by the C-fork in one second. Repeat these trials many times till numbers are found which do not differ much from one another. ' FINDING THE VELOCITY OF SOUND BY AN EXPERIMENT WITH THE TUNING-FORK AND THE RESONANT TUBE. ExpERIMeNT 81.—Our experiment (78) with the glass tube has taught us that the tube must have a certain depth of air in it to resound loudly to the A-fork. Let us meas- ure this depth. We find it to be 7% inches (19.47 centi- metres) when the air has a temperature of 68° Fahr. From this measure, and from the knowledge that the A-fork makes 441 vibrations in one second, we can com- pute the velocity of sound in air. It is evident that the prong of the fork over the mouth of the tube, and the air at the mouth of the tube, must swing to and fro together, otherwise there will be a strug- PITCH OF SOUNDS. 121 gle and interference between these vibrations, and then the air in the tube cannot possibly co-vibrate and strengthen the sound given by the fork. — We have already learned that the prong of the fork in going from a to b, Fig. 45, makes one half wave-length in the air before it. This may be represented by the curve 6 cd above the line 6 d. Now the tube 7’ must be as long as from 6 to ¢, or one-quarter of a wave-length ; so that, by the time the prong of the fork has gone from a to b, and is just beginning its back-swing from 6 to a, Fig, 45. the half-wave 6 c d has just had time to go to the bottom of the tube 7; to be reflected back, and to reach the prong b at the very moment it begins its back-swing. If it does this, then the end of this reflected wave (shown by the dotted curve in the tube 7’) moves backward with the back-swing of the prong 0, and thus the air at the mouth of the tube and the prong of the fork swing together, and. the sound given by the fork is greatly strengthened. If the depth of the quarter of the wave made by the A-fork is 7% inches (19.47 centimetres), the whole wave is 122 SOUND. 30.64 inches, or 2.55 feet (77.88 centimetres). But we have already learned that, when the A-fork has vibrated for one second, it has spread 441 sonorous waves all around it. As one wave extends 2.55 feet (77.88 centi- metres) from the fork, 441 waves will extend 441 times 2.55 feet (77.88 centimetres), or 1,124 feet (342.6 metres). This is the distance the vibrations from the A-fork have gone in one second. In other words, this is the velocity of sound in air at 68° Fahr., as found out by the fork and resonant tube. Thus we find that the most modest apparatus, when used with patience and thoughtfulness, can solve problems which, at first sight, may appear far beyond our power. The cardboard siren, the little tuning-fork, and the glass tube have measured the number of vibrations of the fork and the velocity of sound. EXPERIMENT 82.—In a similar manner let the student determine the number of vibrations of the C-fork, and then with it and the resonant tube let him measure the velocity of sound, and compare this result with that found with the A-fork. ' THE NUMBER OF VIBRATIONS PER SECOND, GIVEN BY RES- ONANT TUBES AND ORGAN-PIPES, IS INVERSELY AS THEIR LENGTHS. If the number of vibrations per second of the fork be doubled, the sonorous waves which it makes will be short- ened one-half; hence the resonant tube must be shortened one-half in order to resound to the fork. If the num- ber of vibrations of the fork are half as frequent, it will make sonorous waves twice as long ; hence the tube to re- sound to this fork must be doubled in length. These facts PITCH OF SOUNDS. 123 are stated in the following law: The lengths of resonant tubes are inversely as the numbers of the vibrations to which they resound. But organ-pipes are merely resonant tubes whose col- umns of air, instead of being vibrated by a tuning-fork, are vibrated by wind passing through a mouth-piece ; hence the following law: The lengths of organ-pipes are inversely as the numbers of vibrations which they give in a second, . 124 | SOUND. CHAPTER XI. ON THE FORMATION OF THE GAMUT. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SIREN, SHOWING HOW THE SOUNDS OF THE GAMUT ARE OBTAINED. Tue disk of our siren has four circles of holes. The innermost or first circle contains 24 holes, the second. 30, the third 36, and the fourth or outermost circle has 48 holes. EXPERIMENT 83.—Turn the handle of the rotator even- ly and steadily, and at a moderate speed, and, while blowing through the tube, move it quickly from the inner ring of holes to the next, then to the next, and finally to the outer ring of holes. No experiment yet made brings so pleasant a surprise as this one. We have already found that the pitch of sound rises with the increase in the frequency of the vibrations caus- ing it. As the tube moves from the first to the fourth circle, more holes successively pass before it in one turn of the disk ; therefore the pitch rises suddenly as the tube reaches each circle in order. But, more than this, the successive sounds evidently have a familiar musical rela- tion to each other, and this musical relation is not changed by turning the disk more or less rapidly. The pitch of the notes is thereby changed, but the same musical rela- FORMATION OF THE GAMUT. 125 tion exists no matter how swiftly the disk turns during the experiment. EXPERIMENT 84,—A few trials will convince you that, when you sing the notes DO, MI, SOL, DO, you produce sounds which follow each other with precisely the same musical intervals as when you blow air in order through the 24, 30, 36, and 40 holes in the disk. You have reached a grand truth lying at the very foundation of music. Your experiment tells you that, if four sounds are made by vibrations whose numbers per second are as 24: 30: 36: 48, then these sounds will be those of four notes which bear to each other the same musical relation as exists among the notes DO, MI, SOL, DO. In other words, these four sounds will be the four sounds of what musicians call the perfect major chord. Examining the numbers 24, 30, 36, and 48, we see that each of them may be divided by 6. Doing this, we obtain the four numbers 4, 5, 6,and 8. The ratios 4:5:6:8 are the same as held among the other numbers, but are simpler and easier to remember. Thus the perfect major chord will always be produced, if the ratios of the vibrations per second of four sounds are as 4:5:6: 8. EXPERIMENT 85.—By blowing first into the circle of 24 holes and then into the circle of 48 we hear two notes. The second is the octave of the first, and the fact is uni- versally true that the octave of any sound is obtained by doubling the number of its vibrations. With our siren we have just found out the relations of the numbers of vibrations per second which make the four sounds of the perfect major chord. But this simple instru- ment has even greater capacity than this. It can give us those related numbers of vibrations which form all the sounds of the gamut. 126 SOUND. From the proportion 4 : 5 : 6 are derived all the sounds of the musical scale. These numbers form the very foundations of harmony. ‘They should be engraved on the pediment of the temple of music. It has been discovered by experiment that the numbers of vibrations giving the notes of the gamut, or, more properly, the sounds of the natural scale of music, are re- lated as is shown in the following proportions : (1)? te OO: Ce tk ssa. (2) “pe 2) -ohOuue fare cts sale (3) 46 De-4 cic A ae, Small c and d stand for the notes of the octave above C and D. To form the gamut from these proportions, we must - decide on the number of vibrations per second which shall give the sound C or DO. Let 264 vibrations per second be fixed as giving the C or DO of the octave below Then Proportion (1) becomes C:E:G::4:5:6: : 264: 330: 396, Proportion (2) becomes G:B:d:34:5: 6% : 396: 495 : 594. Proportion (3) becomes Ct AL Bi) 6:25 4) 528 24400 352, Thus, by starting the first number of Proportion (1) with C, equal to 264 vibrations, we find that G will be given by 396 vibrations. Then starting Proportion (2) with G, equal to 396 vibrations, we find that B and the octave above D will be given by 495 and 594 vibrations. FORMATION OF THE GAMUT. 127 Therefore D is equal to one-half of 594, or 297. We start Proportion (8) with c, of 528 vibrations, the octave above C, and we obtain the numbers of vibrations per second which give the sounds A and F, We here write in their proper order these notes of the gamut, and place under them their numbers of vibra- tions. The notes of the gamut are also designated as Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, etc., so as to indicate what are called znter- vals, ‘Thus the G forms to the C the interval of the 5th. The E is the interval of the 3d to C. —— SS ee Ae 264 297 330 352 396 440 495 528 1st 2d 3d 4th Sth 6th ‘7th 8th. An examination of these numbers will show that each may be divided by eleven. Doing this, we obtain the fol- lowing series of numbers, which gives the relative numbers of the vibrations for the notes of the gamut in any octave of the musical scale : Cre lor Wie Gee Asch Dia C 24: 27: 30: 832: 36: 40: 45: 48. ExprRIMENT 86.—Of the correctness of the above mode of forming the gamut, you may convince yourself by cutting another disk for the siren having eight in- stead of four circles of holes, each circle having, in order, these numbers of holes, viz.: 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, 48. Turning the disk, by giving to the crank a uniform mo- tion of 22 revolutions in 10 seconds, while you succes- sively blow into the circles, you will hear in succession the eight notes of the gamut of the octave of C, of 264 vibrations, 128 SOUND. EXPERIMENT 87.—Even the disk with four circles of holes may be made to give all the notes of the gamut, but only four notes in each experiment. You will find on making the calculation that, if you turn the handle of the rotator 22 times in 10 seconds, you will make the C of Proportion (1); 33 turns in 10 seconds will give the G of Proportion (2); while 294 turns in 10 seconds will give the F of Proportion (3). Hence, if you blow into the four circles of holes, while the disk has in succession these three different velocities, you will succes- sively get the numbers of vibrations making the sounds of the gamut given in Proportions (1), (2), and (8). EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER. 129 “ CHAPTER XII. | EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER, GIVING THE SOUNDS OF THE GAMUT AND THE HARMONICS. Fic. 46 represents a wooden box 59 inches (150 centi- metres) long, 43 inches (12 centimetres) wide, and 43 inches (12 centimetres) deep. The sides are made of oak Fie. 46.—The Sonometer. $4 inch (12 millimetres) thick, and the two ends of oak 1 inch (25 millimetres) thick. These are carefully dove- tailed together. In the side-pieces are cut three holes, as shown in the figure. There is no bottom to the box, and the top is made of a single piece of clear pine 4 inch (3 millimetres) thick, and glued on. Two triangular pieces, 4 inch (2 centimetres) high, and glued down to the cover of the box, just 474 inches (120 centimetres) apart, form bridges over which the wires are stretched. There is also, as shown at Z, a loose piece of pine 24 inches (6.35 130 SOUND. centimetres) wide, 4 inch (2 centimetres) thick, and about 43 inches (12 centimetres) long. At a, 6 are two screw- eyes set firmly upright at one end of the box in the oak. At c,d are two piano-string pegs. From these to the screw-eyes are stretched two pieces of piano-forte wire (No. 14, Poehlemann’s patent, Nuremberg). In putting on these wires, the ends must be annealed, by making them red-hot in a stove, before they are wound round the screw-eyes or pegs. Such an instrument is called a so- nometer, and will make a useful and entertaining instru- ment for our experiments. When it is finished, the wires may be drawn up tight by means of a wrench or piano- tuner’s key, and then we shall find, on pulling the wire one side and letting it go, that it gives a clear tone that lasts some time. EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER, GIVING THE SOUNDS OF THE GAMUT. ExPERIMENT 88.—Place the sonometer (Fig. 46) in front of you, and with a metric measure lay off distances from the left-hand bridge to the right, of 60 and 30 centimetres, Tighten the wire till it gives, when plucked, a clear musical sound, not too high in pitch. Then place the block # (Fig. 46) under the wire, with its edge on the line marked 60 centimetres, and place the end of the finger on the wire at this edge of the block. Pluck the wire at the middle of this length of 60 centimetres, and listen attentively to the pitch of the sound. Then at once remove the block and pluck the wire in its middle so that the whole wire vibrates. You will perceive that the sound now given is like the one given when the half-wire vibrated, only it EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER. Ist differs in this, it is the octave below it. With the block placed at 30 centimetres, vibrate one-quarter of the length of the wire, and you will find that we have the sound of the first octave above that made by half the wire, and the second octave above the sound given by the whole wire. Our siren has proved that by doubling the number of vibrations the sound rises an octave. Therefore, when a wire is shortened one-half -it vibrates twice as often, and when shortened one-quarter it vibrates four times as often, as when its whole length vibrates. This then is the rule, or law, which governs the vibrating wire. The force stretch- ing the wire remaining the same, the numbers of vibrations of the wire become more frequent directly as its length is shortened. Thus, if the wire be shortened 4, 4, 4, or 4, the number of its vibrations per second will increase 2, 4, 3, or 9 times. EXPERIMENT 89.—Knowing this law we can readily stretch a wire on the sonometer till it gives say the C of 264 vibrations per second, and then determine the various lengths of this wire which when vibrated will give all the notes of the gamut. We have seen that the relative num- bers of vibrations which give the sounds of the gamut are as follows: LiPi a OE etl ee aenliage grin” SR Ries Me Case Be ke GaAs Boe Relative number of vibrations... 24 27 380 32 36 40 45 48 Lengths of wire (in centimetres).120 1063 96 90 80 72 64 60 We have seen that, if the whole length of 120 centi- metres of wire gives C, then 60 centimetres must give c of _ the octave above, and, as the relative numbers of vibrations of G and C are to each other as 86 is to 24, it follows that the length of the C-wire must be longer than the G-wire 1382 SOUND. in the ratio of 36 to 24. Hence the proportion 36 : 24 : : 120: 80 gives 80 centimetres as the length of the G- wire. In like manner the lengths of wire which give the other sounds of the gamut have been calculated. In the third line of the above table we have given these lengths in centimetres. Lay off these lengths on the sonometer, always measuring from the left-hand bridge toward the right, and draw lines across the top of the sonometer through these points of division and letter them in order D, E, F, G, A, B,c. If you now place the block # (Fig. 46) successively at these divisions, and vibrate the frac- tions of the wire so made, you will obtain in succession the notes of. the gamut. | EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER, GIVING THE HAR- MONIC SOUNDS. There is another series of sounds called the harmonic sounds,in which the relative numbers of the vibrations making them are as 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9: 10, ete. The law ruling the vibrations of wires and strings teaches - us that this series of sounds will be given by the sonome- ter if we vibrate its wire after it has been successively shortened 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, x, etce., of its: whole length. EXPERIMENT 90.—Again place the sonometer before you, and taking the metric measure divide the length of the top between the bridges into 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, + of 120 centimetres. This is done by measuring in order, from the left-hand bridge (Fig. 46) toward the right, 60, 40, 30, 24, 20, 17.14, 15, 13.33, and 12 centimetres. Draw lines through these points of division across the top of the EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SONOMETER. 133 sonometer, and number them in order 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, . zo: Now place the block /' at each of these lines of divis- ion and vibrate the successive fractions of the wire, and you will have produced in order the sounds of the har- “monic series. If we make the whole string vibrate the sound Colm 3 of 66 vibrations per second, then the harmonic series of this C will be as follows. The numbers of vibra- tions are written under the names of the notes. The latter are given in letters accented to indicate the octaves. a a eS SS SSS Ot ees oe er te bh Ten gin Fy 66 1382 198 264 330 396 462 528 594 660 ee te ape te A Sy ee frye oe eB oer Ob. = 10) _ The lowest sound of a harmonic series is called by the names of fundamental, or first harmonic, or prime. The other sounds are known as the 2d, 3d, 4th, etc., harmonic, or as 1st upper partial tone, 2d upper partial tone, etc., or as Ist, 2d, 3d, etc., har- monic overtones. The harmonics of the wire may be obtained in other 134 ' SOUND. ways, making the following series of beautiful experi- ments : A Vv ne uv’ B <<< a a n Vv n’ ue Ae eee } aw n vw nr v nr oe" 4. Vv Tu w n ar n uw n’ Fig. 61. vuleanite, B B, with a hole in its centre. The under side of this disk nearly touches the plate A. Its upper surface is cut into a shallow, funnel-shaped cavity lead- ing to the opening in its centre. 172 TALKING MACHINES. To operate this machine we first neatly coat the cylin- der with a sheet of foil; then we bring the point P to bear against this foil, so that, on turning the cylinder, it makes a depressed line or furrow where the foil covers the space between the threads cut on the surface of the cylinder. The mouth is now placed close to the open- ing in the vulcanite disk B Bb, and the metal plate is talked to, while the cylinder is revolved with a uniform motion. The thin iron plate A vibrates to the voice, and the point P indents the foil, impressing in it the varying num- bers, amplitudes, and durations of these vibrations. If the vibrations given to the plate A are those of simple sounds, then they are of a uniform regular character, and the point P indents regular undulating depressions in the foil. If the vibrations are those causing complex and irregular sounds (like those of the voice in speaking), then simi- larly the depressions made in the foil are complex (like the curve of Fig. 49) and irregular. Thus the yielding and inelastic foil receives and retains the mechanical im- pressions of these vibrations with all of their minute and subtile characteristics. } | Our experiment No, 121 has, however, taught us that the forms of these impressions will change with every change of distance of the place of origin of the com- pound sound from the vibrating plate A, even when at these various distances the compound sonorous vibrations fall on the plate with precisely the same intensity. Hence the futility of attempting to read sound-writings. The permanent impressions of the vibrations of the voice are now made. It remains to show how the opera- tion just described may be reversed, and thus to obtain - Jrom these impressions the aérial vibrations which made SOUND. : 173 them. Nothing is simpler. The plate A, with its point P, is moved away from the cylinder by pulling toward you the lever H G. Then the motion of the cylinder is re- versed till you have brought opposite to the point P the beginning of the series of impressions which it has made on the foil. Now bring the point up to the cylinder ; place against the vulcanite plate B £6 a large cone of paper or of tin to reénforce the sounds, and then steadily turn the crank J). 'The elevations and depressions which have been made by the point P now’ pass under this point, and in doing so they cause it and the thin iron plate to make over again the precise vibrations which animated them when they made these impressions under the action of the voice. The consequence of this is, that the iron plate gives out the vibrations which pre- viously fell upon it, and 7 talks back to you what you said to it. 174 TWARMONY AND DISCORD. CHAPTER XIX. ON HARMONY AND DISCORD. A-SHORT EXPLANA- TION OF WHY SOME NOTES, WHEN SOUNDED TO- GETHER, CAUSH AGREEABLE AND OTHERS DISA- GREHEABLE SENSATIONS. Ir, toward sunset, you walk on the shady side of a picket-fence, flashes of light will enter your eye every time you come to an opening between the pales. These flashes, coming slowly one after the other, cause a very disagree- able sensation in the eye. Similarly, if flashes or pulses of sound enter the ear, they cause a disagreeable sensa- tion. Such pulses enter the ear when we listen to two sounding organ-pipes, two forks, or two wires on the so- nometer which are slightly out of tune with each other. As you already know (see Experiment 71), these flashes or pulses of sound are called beats. You also know that the number of these beats made in a second is equal to the difference in the numbers of vibrations made in one second by the two sounding bodies. Thus, if one sound- ing body makes 500 and the other 507 vibrations in a second, then 7 beats per second will be heard. EXPERIMENT 127.—With your toy trumpet and the disk used in Rood’s experiment in the reflection of sound, Fig. 42, you can make an excellent experiment, showing the effects of beats on your ear. Sound the trumpet, and SOUND. 1%5 gradually increase the velocity of the turning disk. At first the beats of sound so caused may be separately dis- tinguished by the ear, and, though not pleasant in their effect, yet they can be endured. As the frequency of the beats increases, the harshness of the sensation becomes greater and greater, until the effect on the ear becomes actually painful. But, if the flashes of ight or beats of sound aceeed one another so rapidly that the sensation of one flash or beat remains till the next arrives, you will have continu- ous sensations that are not unpleasant. In other words, continuous sensations are pleasant, but discontinuous or broken sensations are disagreeable. If two sonorous vibrations reach the ear together and make a disagreeable sensation, then we may be sure that the Wi irerante in the numbers of their vibrations gives_a number of beats per second which do not follow one an- other with sufficient rapidity to blend into a smooth, un- broken sensation. In other words, these beats are so few in a second that the sensation of one disappears before the next arrives, and so discord is the sensation ; but, if the frequency of the beats be sufficiently increased, the sensa- tion of one remains till the next arrives, and the sensation is continuous, and we say that the two sounds are in harmony. : Therefore it at once appears that, if we only can find out the number of beats required in a second to blend sounds from different parts of. the musical scale, we shall be able to state beforehand what notes when sounded together will make harmony and what notes will make discord. By many experiments I have found the number of beats per second that two sounds must make to be in har- 176 HARMONY AND DISCORD. mony. In the following table a few of the results of my experiments are given : Vv B or N C 64 16 as = -0625 sec. c 128 26 zy = .0384 “ e' 256 44 jy = 0212 « g 384 60 as = 0166 “ c" 512 48 de = .0128 “ e” 640 90 oy —- 201 lee g" 768 109 sig = 0091 “ e” 1024 135 sis = 0074 Column N gives the names of the notes given by the vibrations per second in Column V. The c’ in this series is that used by physicists generally, and gives 256 vibrations. In Column B is given the smallest number of beats per second which the corresponding sound must make with another in order that the two may be in harmony, or, as it is generally stated, may make with the other the nearest consonant interval. If 47 beats per second of c’, for example, blend, then the sensation of each of these beats remains on the ear 7; of a second. In Column D are given these durations in fractions of a second. As these fractions are the lengths of time that the sensation of sound lingers in the ear after the vibrations of the air near the drum-skin of the ear have ceased, they are very properly called the durations of the residual sono- rous sensations. You observe in the table that this duration becomes shorter as the pitch of the sound rises. Thus, while the residual sensation of C is 7; of a second, that of c’”’ is only +4;. Let us use the knowledge thus acquired by making it aid us in a few calculations and experiments. The table SOUND. 177 shows that if ce’ is sounded with a note which makes with it 47 beats in a second, then these beats will fuse into one smooth, continuous sensation, and the notes must be in harmony. What is this note? It is found in this man- ner: c’ is made by 256 vibrations per second, and the note which will make just 47 beats with it in a second must make 256+ 47 or 303 vibrations in a second. This number of vibrations makes a sound a little lower in pitch. than be’. ‘This is the minor third of c’. ExpERIMENT 128,—Now let one sing c’ while another sings be’, and you will find that these sounds form an in- terval which is just within the range of harmony. EXPERIMENT 129.—Sing c’ and e’, then c’ and g”, and you will have yet more pleasant and smooth sensations. ExrErRmMENT 130.—But if one sings c’ while another sings d’ you have decided discord, an unpleasant rasping sensation in the ears. The reason of this is at once ap- parent : c’ makes 256 while d’ makes 288 vibrations in a second, and 288 less 256 gives 32 as the number of beats made in a second; but the table shows that 47 are needed in a second so that they may follow each other quick enough to blend. Making similar calculations throughout five octaves, we have found the nearest consonant intervals for the c of each octave from C toc’. These are here given. It will be observed that this interval contracts as we ascend the musical scale—a fact which has been well established. The nearest consonant interval of C is its major third. i 5 re “¢ “ minor third. * “ ¢’ “ minor third, less 14 semitone. ‘ 79 6c (79 tt ce 6c 66 “ce ce ¢ c 7A iT “ cc cc a“ el” cc second. wo é - “ civ “ second, less 14 semitone. 178 HARMONY AND DISCORD. Our experiments in sound have led us into music. We find that fundamental facts and laws of harmony may be explained by physiological laws—by rules according to which our sensations act. Music is the sequence and con- course of sounds made in obedience to these laws. The explanation of many of these may be beyond our power ; for the connection existing between esthetic and moral feelings and sensations which cause them remains be- hind a veil. But it may be imagined that distant ages may bring forth man so highly organized that he may find his pleasure and pastime in “ Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of barmony.” - THE END, List of Apparatus used in the Experiments on Light and Sound, with the prices, as supplied by Samuel Hawkridge, successor to George Wale § Co., Ho- boken, New Jersey. ibahCalahst Pipirsaktee ee ee ie cera aha ate A okb Aes ch sca aatE Le eR a $5 00 Water-lantern,........ Peet Nar B a hase ssh eh cia wie gh da ainda ate a 5 00 Bethe Cn cure creer estas aly eee Pees SAS Gis Suey emp eae exes Bf ED eT tee cet Pe eats ae teeing there coats ors on suets 2G o'h'g © SON 05 Square bottle for refraction........... Sa eae oie ats Fate OMe 15 EA IOUN VCR: FOU, ie ae rar a en le ele ai ation, acne to a haar aly « 75 pmall double-qouvon seman spas wales a gee weng heed vs > liners 50 Flask for condenser of solar microscope. . le 75 Glass cylinder for experiment of the ‘ifemntaved Fete he. ea with plano-convex lens in place of the large flask shown in Mt itr cea teat mek A ol ated aie La ate ace’ alare' bv o/ dig WA xhagers 's 1 50 een DV IGUE coi. kade ieee Ri e)s hed gyn eee cae e's #80 aie sores © a 50 Oe, edna sos geet oases oe, fhe ee ee tae vile Wises gee hee 10 Salcerol VeLMuiot DAE ae ea fcr ttea Uike alert incite Cewy Sdis ele Syn > 15 Cake of emerald green paint... .......60.0ecceeees Ce At Pee 15 Nuremberg violet, in powder, to be used with gum-water......... 15 Two small slips of clear glass............... re aaa ads + fade 05 $14 85 SOUND. 1. Heliostat, } 2. Water-lantern, the same as under “ Light.” 2. Plano-convex lens, . Peatverurn-Dall and: fie WilCow. ons Series ok ce Pere w et oiewe ees $ 05 18. Blackburn’s double pendulum.............. ray erat tee ee 2 50 Pe rerOL WOON aNd Oat e ak aerate 2 6 a aks o dlrab les a slue-eagpe o> 25 ie EeigecOa fine TOMS, [OP VIDTAUGEs ois ds 0 Ales halo lene tale ae eo 25 17. Boxes, to be half filled with sand, for supports.............. 1 00 Eve wor pine roday Witt MiTorase. Phe eu 665 o eaie e's 28 PAN 30 Pm ROH PTs Meet cia Pie ae tte as ates Calais dah Kats Sonne ae 75 180 49. “Tick for fo6tiori fork. 20 ees ae eee bt ks cate ee $ 10 25. Wedden slide and block for fork: .2. 5.2. 3) Studs bo ee ee ee on 25 27. Brass disk for Chladni’s figures. ...........+ wa aA eee 1 00 S24 Tin flute &, 0, ds. Slee Se bis See cats Coa wein ce oisek 15 33. Kundt’s experiment with whistle and tube containing silica... 30 34, Glass tube, 3 feet long, inch in diameter................. 10 40. .Lovers’ telephone... 2.4 smitty aoe % oes ee shellac lgawialo copes 25 64. Two resonant bottles with glass plates...............000. 15 47. Organ pipe-As cis 656 6. belnts 6 o's Whe Clale be ote oresete te eos) 54. Geyer’s sensitive-flame.. .<..).52.5545.5 .c ves bens edune ee 1 00 55. Wooden railway and seven glass marbles.............00-6-. 1 50 57. Long brass spring-cord and resonant box.............---- 1 50 58. Rotator, with four disks, viz., siren, Crova’s, Rood’s, and Maser a, (8.4545 ole > ainis) fev oiea tiene tae tinnes 10 31. Lycopodium, 2 OUNCES 2. nis sss Vi osles ncele ee ss menbeam an 10 83. Silica powder, in J-onnce bottle. 1.2... . 4-4. oi oe eee 25. Copper-toll i. cates » oste ete wins a eine vine #nit aoe eek s Sees 05 9/ Camel S-hdiriiercl (oe LoS ae tate tas erciye + 3 'e ctete me wee eee erie oe OS 24 SL AD-EOLL. «2% +. ctorate Seo ee cebrle om nists ae tis ne Renee ate coe 10 $27 50 The numbers prefixed to the above list refer to similarly numbered experiments in “ Sound ” in which these articles are used. THE EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE SERIES. SOUND: A Series of Simple, Entertaining, and Inexpensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Sound, for the Use of Students of Every Age. By ALFRED MARSHALL MAYER, Professor of Physics in the Stevens Institute of Technology; Member of the National Academy of Sciences, etc. ~ UNIFORM WITH ‘LIGHT,’ FIRST VOLUME OF THE SERIES. Neat 12mo volume, bound in cloth, fully illustrated. Price, $1.00. “Tt would really be difficult to exaggerate the merit, in the sense of consum- mate adaptation to its modest end, of the little treatise on ‘Sound’ which forms the second number of Appletons’ ‘Experimental Science Series.’ The purpose of these hand-books is to teach the youthful student how to make experiments for himself, without the help of a trained operator, and at very little expense. How successful the authors were in attaining that end is attested by the remark- able and constantly-increasing demand for the initialvolume. These hand-books of Professor Mayer shou!d be in the hands of every teacher of the young.’”’—Wew York Sun. ‘‘ The present work is an admirably clear and interesting collection of experi- ments, described with just the right amount of abstract information and no more, and piaced in progressive order. The recent inventions of the phonograph and microphone lend an extraordinary interest to this whole field of experiment, which makes Professor Mayer’s manual especially opportune.’’—Boston Courier. ‘‘Dr, Mayer has written a second beautiful book of experimental science, the subject being ‘Sonnd.’ It is a little volume, is surprisingly comprehensive, and, although intended for beginners, contains many pages that will be read with pleasure by those most familiar with the subject.”"—WV. Y. Independent. *** Sound’ is the second volume of the ‘Experimental Science Series.’ Like its predecessor, it is deserving of hearty commendation for the number of inge- nious and novel experiments by which the scientific principles are illustrated. These little volumes are the best manuals ever written for the use of non-scien- tific students, and their study will more than repay the labor devoted to them.” —Boston Gazette. ‘“* An interesting little treatise on ‘Sound.’ A carefully-prepared price-list of articles needed for tests and experiments adds to the value of the volume.’”’— Boston Evening Transcript. D. APPLETON & CO., Pusiisuers, 549 & 551 Broapway, N. Y. [EPR Ge lesguil 3 A SERIES OF SIMPLE, ENTERTAINING, AND INEXPENSIVE EX- PERIMENTS IN THE PHENOMENA OF LIGHT, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF EVERY AGE. By ALFRED M. MAYER and CHARLES BARNARD. Price, $1.00. * From the New York Evening Post. ** A singularly excellent little hand-book for the use of teachers, parents, and chil- dren. The book is admirable both in design and execution. The experiments for which it provides are so simple that an intelligent boy or girl can easily make them, and so beautiful and interesting that even the youngest children must enjoy the exhibition, while the whole cost of all the apparatus needed is only $15,00. The experiments here described are abundantly worth all that they cost in money and time in any family where there are boys and girls to be entertained.” From the New York Scientific American. ‘‘The experiments are capitally selected, and equally as well described. The book is conspicuously free from the multiplicity of confusing directions with which works of the kind too often abound. There is an abundance of excellent illustrations.” front the American Fournal of Science and Arts. ‘‘ The experiments are for the most part new, and have the merit of combining pre- cision in the methods with extreme simplicity and elegance of design. The aim of the authors has been to make their readers ‘ experimenters, strict reasoners, and exact ob- servers,’ and for the attainment of this end the book is admirably adapted. Its value is further enhanced by the numerous carefully-drawn cuts, which add greatly to its beauty.” Front the Boston Globe. *‘The volume seems well adapted to the needs of students who like to have their knowledge vitalized by experiment. The fact that nearly all the experiments described are new, and have been tested, is an additional recommendation of this handy volume. The illustrations add to its interest and value, and its simplicity, both of design and execution, will commend it to beginners and others seeking information on the subject.” From the Philadelphia Press. ‘It supplies a large number of simple and entertaining experiments on the phe- nomena of light, that any one can perform with materials that may be found in any dwelling-house, or that may be bought for a small sum in any town orcity. This actually is philosophy in sport, which thoughtful or ready minds can easily convert into science in earnest.” D. APPLETON & CO., 549 & 551 BRoapway, NEw York. THE EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE SERIES. In neat 12m0 volurmes, bound in cloth, fully illus- trated, a -rice, persvolume,. ) 1.00, q Tus series of scientific books for boys, girls, and students ot every age, was de- signed by Prof. Alfred M. Mayer, Ph. D., of the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. Every book is addressed directly to the young student, and he is taught to construct his own apparatus out of the cheapest and most common materials to be found. Should the reader make all the apparatus described in the first book of this series, he will spend only $12.40. NOW READY: I.—LIGHT, A Series of Simple, Entertaining, and Inexpensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Light, for Students of every Age. By ALFRED M. MAYER and CHARLES BARNARD. 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