UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Directory ot Graduates September, $926 3 its SEP 1 41936 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, OHIO COL LEGHSssO hain hin Rot ive GRADUATE SCHOOL McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION COLLEGE OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF LAW (Cincinnati Law School) SCHOOL OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCHOOL OF APPLIED ARTS SCHOOL OF HOUSEHOLD ADMINISTRATION 4 a TABLE OF CONTENTS RECEP CE CUmBNLECICING metrete ee ietcls a ee et eeriet a ele: page 7 VLCC Cale Colles Cs Ole) 0 eete otets cies niet page 7 Maat VLedicd ts COMCIGr ee wa stu ole a «Sree page 40 Ohio-Miami Medicak Colleges... ........... page 57 Gollemesor Wied seiner corswe setts oe oitie sate fins page 63 SCHOOIOIPN ULSI Oran: Clea tite ier ses parens2Z College of Law (Cincinnati Law School).......... page 81 McMicken College of Liberal Arts (Includes Teachers College and Household Arts)..... page 125 WASTE beer besten tue a bree Wott ca tial sot ope taka: same ts page 125 IVE CRAP rie eee Penn ee ee iis aie Parans (ste at page 174 College of Engineering and Commerce............ page 208 Geographical Classification ...< 2. .)...+ 5. ojo. +s ee page 231 PRR Ae) T OaIn ZALLONS Moise et. orale al ob eiatelere se euehereys page 259 Alphabetical List of all Graduates................ page 261 Pee een nic noaC lass cit l020-4 Sosy eae seseoreis * Ope OfT ~~ ° PREFATORY NOTE Through the kindness of the Board of Directors of the University of Cincin- nati, the second volume of this directory is offered to our alumni with the hope that it will enable them to keep in closer touch with their classmates and the University. The information regarding graduates has been collected from various sources and in some cases there may be slight inaccuracies. We hope that alumni will notify us of any error, because it is only in that way that we can correct the mistakes. Any corrections or criticisms which can be offered will be of invaluable aid to our successors in the compilation of the next edition. We have incorporated into this volume a geographical classification which should be of assistance not only in the organization of Cincinnati Clubs in other cities, but also for our alumni and the University authorities who may visit these: cities. The thirty cities having the largest number of alumni were selected and ultimately it will be possible to include alumni in every state and city of the United States and foreign nations. The class lists contain the names and addresses of living graduates only, but at the end of the volume will be found a complete list of all graduates with an asterisk indicating those who are dead. It is our hope that the next issue will cover not only graduates, but also all former students of the University, and that our successors will have available the funds to publish a volume containing a business directory and a more complete geographical classification of all graduates and former students. The editors wish to acknowledge the kindness of the Board of Directors, the assistance of the University authorities, and the untiring efforts of the members of the Alumnal Committee to make this book a success. DIRECTORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ALUMNI, Howarp E. Stapleton, Chairman; Henrietta M. Brapy, Vice-Chairman; Mrs. Wo. HeEcner, Vice-Chairman. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 7 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI ALUMNI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF OHIO Class of 1863 Richeson, William; 547 Manomin Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Class of 1864 Ayres, Stephen C.; The Auburndale Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chinn, George W.; Frankfort, Ky. Class of 1865 Conard, George R.; New Vienna, Ohio. Class of 1866 Earhart, Isaac S.; Mulberry, Ind. Peters, David C.; Zanesville, Ohio. Class of 1867 Bowles, Thomas J.; Muncie, Ind. Dudding, George W.; Hope, Ind. Gerstmeyer, Charles P.; 15 South Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Class of 1868 Carpenter, George P.; 521 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Conklin, William J.; 17 East First St., Dayton, Ohio. Frame, Adolphus B.; 509 N. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Hamer, Stafford A.; 314 Mercantile Building, Denver, Colo. Holcomb, Leray S.; Pennsville, Ohio. Lyle, Arthur W. T.; Fischer’s, Indiana. Murray, William J.; 2612 Alms Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1869 Covington, Perry D.; Bellefontaine, Ohio. Rafferty, Theodore N.; Robinson, Il. Class of 1870 Jones, Philo E.; 492 East 48th St., Portland, Ore. Lutz, George W.; 534 Pythian Bldg.; (r) 2228 N. Pennsylvania Ave.; Indianapolis, Ind. McMaster, James N.; 76 North Adams St., Akron, Ohio. 8 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Mackal, B. H.; 109 East Church St., Barnesville, Ohio. Patterson, Newel; Riverton, Wyoming. Robeson, D.; Greenville, Ohio. Class of 1871 Hall, John W.; 303 East Main St., Portland, Ind. Hottendorf, Louis P.; 810 Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Isaac D.; 1024 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Songer, ©. T.; 45 Holman St., Ashland; Ore: Vail, Jonathan B.; 1525 Lockwood St., Lima, Ohio. Waggoner, D. R.; 831 North Colorado Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Class of 1872 Carver, Robert T.; Columbia Falls, Mont. Crumbaugh, S. S.; 1723 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio. Darnall, G. D.; West Union, Iowa. Davis, John T.; Seventh and North Sts., Zanesville, Ohio. Grier, David D.; Gays, Moultie County, Ill. Hays, John W.; 1222 Main St., Albion, Ind. Johnson, Charles B.; Kariher Building, Champaign, III. Mendenhall, Abijah B.; 132 Washington St., Cicero, Ind. Myers, Noah D.; Wait Building, Decatur, III. Nichols, John H.; 2937 Third Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Parker, G. G.; 18 North Mulberry St., Mansfield, Ohio. Ray, James B.; Scioto, Scioto County, Ohio. Richardson, J. V.; Fort Recovery, Ohio. Rosson, J. B.; 407 South “G” St., Tulare, Calif. Class of 1873 Belt, Richard C.; Milford, Ohio. Bloomer, F. H.; Lagro, Ind. Brayton, William G.; Carey, Ohio. Brown, James H.; Centralia, Kan. Dillon, Jeptha; Eureka, Kan. Freeman, B. R.; Peyton Building, Spokane, Wash. Granger, F. M.; Russel, Highland County, Ohio. Jones, H. E.; Circleville, Ohio. Jones, W. J.; unknown. Motter, James R.; Gillespieville, Ross County, Ohio. Parcels, W. H.; 15 Chestnut St., Lewistown, Pa. Rutherford, James W.; 1538 North Thirty-second St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Steely, Ed. A.; Anna, Ohio. Stewart, Charles; Ashville, Ohio. Stone, J. S.; Healdsburg, Calif. Vincent, Edwin B.; Sunman, Ind. Wilson, H. L.; unknown. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Class of 1874 Anthony, James R.; 1609 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Averdick, James A.; 434 West Eighth St., Covington, Ky. Booth, A. D.; 110 South Ninth St., Noblesville, Ind. Boyd, Gaston; Newton, Kan. Carter, J. T.; Tridelphia, Ohio County, W. Va. Clark, Henry C.; R. F. D. No. 2, Falmouth, Ky. Marsh, John L.; Brownsburg, Ohio. Monahan, William H.; East Main St., Jackson, Ohio. Mundhenk, L. R.; 1534 Central Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Pierce, James A.; Sandypoint, Waldo County, Me. Worthington, Richard R.; Indianola, Vermillion County, IIl. Class of 1875 Baker, M. D.; Carbondale, Ill. Brown, Walter R.; Ross, Ohio. Cluthe, William; 913 Linwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. Dawson, B. E.; unknown. Diller, J. M.; Sekitan, Hamilton County, Ohio. Garr, J. O.; Jefferson Street Park, Kokomo, Ind. Glenn, J. A.; Ashland, Ill. Gove, D. A.; Orting, Pierce County, Wash. Halderman, S. S.; 826 Gay St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Harrison, L. D.; Clarksdale, Miss. Keister, B. F.; 402 North Salem St., Dayton, Ohio. Lewis, J. F.; Dupont, Jefferson County, Ind. McClure, William; Claypool, Ind. McMurray, James; 60 W. Liberty St., Hubbard, Ohio. Mead, C. W.; 25 Columbia St., Detroit, Mich. Niemiller, A. H.; Browns, Il. Oilar, Martin L.; Russiaville, Howard County, Ind. Rogers, B. F.; 409 W. 62nd St., Kansas City, Mo. Spitler, S. W.; 111 East Harvey Ave., Wellington, Kan. Wheeler, Cortez H.; 1253 E. Eighteenth St. Portland, Ore. White, D. A.; Newton, Kan. Class of 1876 Axline, Charles O.; Fultonham, Ohio. Bell, John W.; 4889 E. Lake Harriet Blvd., Minneapolis, Minn, Berry, A. C.; 7924 Aberdeen Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bunker, Henry A.; 184 Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fisher, S. R.; R. F. D. No. 5, Carlisle, Ky. Fouser, Alvin K.; 67 South Broadway, Akron, Ohio. French, G. G.; unknown. Galbraith, W. T.; 13518 Gainsboro Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Gilfillen, Alexander; Russelville, Ohio. Hine, L. S.; Oakalla, Tex. Hunter, Freeman S.; 2108 South “I” St., Bedford, Ind. 10 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Jones, Herbert C.; 928 N. Stevenson Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Jones, Howard E.; Circleville, Ohio. Leslie, John M.; 94 North High St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Mercer, Askelon R.; 2311 Eighth Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. Miller, R. H.; Nashville, Ind. Mitchell, Thomas A.; Owensville, Ohio. Pynchon, Edwin; Columbus Memorial Building, Chicago, III. Rankin, M. W.; 25 South Broad St., Ridgeway, Pa. Robeson, W. C.; Ft. Recovery, Ohio. Spitler, Levi; 1225 W. Grand Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Sutton, so ie eA arora, (nd: Swimley, George W.; Bunker Hill, Barkley County, W. Va. Sylvester, J. E.; unknown. Wrenn, J. O.; Fairchild Bldg., Placerville, Calif. Class of 1877 Alderman, William N.; 10 S. College St., Athens, Ohio. Andre, Orrin C.; 212 E. Second St., Waverly, Ohio. Ballinger, John B.; 104 W. Wood St., Versailles, Ohio. Brower, J. Hamilton; 1229 West Fifteenth St., Spokane, Wash. Bullard, Robert H.; R.F. D. No. 2, Wheeling, Ohio County, W. Va. Buttemiller, John C.; 3136 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio Duckwall, Francis A.; 115 North Valley St., Dayton, Ohio. Edmonson, James J.; 500 Fifth Ave. New York City. Freeman, Edward D.; Osgood, Ind. Furnish, J. G.; 4 E. Tenth St., Covington, Ky. Gilbert, A. K.; Clayton, Ind. Heilman, Elwood C.; Third and Main Sts., Ida Grove, lowa. Henderson, A. T.; 111 East Winchester Ave., Ashland, Ky. Horne, William N.; 504 West Eighth St., Anderson, Ind. Hous, G. W.; 18 Bond St., Dayton, Ohio. Loughead, James T.; 826 North Ninth St., Terre Haute, Ind. McKerrihan, S. B.; 847 Eighh St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Miranda, W. F.; Walkerton, Ind. Moore, Peter R.; Effingham, Kan. Pruitt, George A.; 203 Seabright Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif. Remy, George O.; 311 Main St., Ainsworth, Nebr. Riley, Fletcher T.; 168 Cedar St., Milwaukee, Wis. Rupert, Archie M.; address unknown. Samuel, John H.; Maysville, Ky. Smith, Homer L.; Uniondale, Ind. Smith, John S.; Galveston, Cass County, Ind. Tinker, Kossuth; 1452 W. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Woodling, Marvin E.; Las Vegas, N. Mex. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Class of 1878 Bates, Smith L.; Box 215, Adrian, Bates County, Mo. Bayless, Herman G.; 1351 Ingraham St., Los Angeles, Calif. Bennett, Cass A.; Withamsville, Clermont County, Ohio. Boice, John M.; 317 Diamond St., Sistersville, Tyler County, W. Va. Bucher, Jacob C.; Wheatfield, Ind. Casey, William M.; Seymour, Lagrange County, Ind. Daugherty, Herzon U.; Mountain Grove, Mo. Dissinger, Hiram; Canal Fulton, Ohio. Hawkins, Eugene, 18 South Vine St., Greencastle, Ind. Hendricks, W. E.; Martinsville, Ind. Holtzman, W. H.; unknown. ~ Hord, George Y.; Keyesport, Ill. Jones, Stephen W.; 409 Vermilion St., Danville, Ill. King, Charles W.; 223 North Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Lisman, John W.; New Lebanon, Sullivan County, Ind. McMurray, R. J.; Saint Francisville, Ill. Marcus, Joseph C.; 214 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Melchers, Edward; 1434 Harvard Blvd., Toledo, Ohio. Miller, Cyrus L.; Makanda, III. Owen, Henry C.; Olathe, Kan. Parry, John R.; Monroe Bank Bldg., Woodsfield, Ohio. Porter, Miles F.; Physicians’ Defense Building, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Spaulding, John A.; Piedmont, Mo. Spaulding, L. A.; Bluffton, Ind. Taylor, Asa P.; McClelland Building, Lexington, Ky. Thornburg, Frank; Middletown, Ind. Class of 1879 Adair, Samuel G.; Beverly, Ohio. Barton, Orran L.; Loomis, Placer County, Colo. Batson, James R.; Cynthiana, Ky. Block, Jacob; Chambers Building, Kansas City, Mo. Boland, Elisha S.; 809 East Broadway, South Boston, Mass. Bragdon, Ernest W.; Bethel, Ohio. Caldwell, Henry E.; 3009 Moosewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Corson, Orrillus M.; 402 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. Fall, William R.; 200 S. State St., North Vernon, Ind. Gifford, Samuel A.; Laurel, Franklin County, Ind. Hays, Harmon H.; Porter St., Cleves, Ohio. Hill, L. Butler; 224 West Second St., Seymour, Ind. Houk, George W.; 1814 Reid Ave., Lorain, Ohio. Howe, Louis; Cody, Bighorn County, Wyo. Huffman, John William; Prescott, Adams County, lowa. Kirkpatrick, James B.; 1929 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Krouse, Louis J.; 842 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leeds, Harry M.; unknown. 12 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Masters, George B.; Macdonaldton, Pa. Myers, Park L.; 808 West Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio. Neff, Wallace; 104 E. Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richards, Finley B.; Lake, Stark County, Ohio. Schwab, Emanuel; 2532 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Skeggs, C. W.; Green Spring, Seneca County, Ohio. haylor, Jon: bos ty .Patil ind. Treon, Frederick; Chamberlain, Brule County, S. Dak. Wallingford, J. T., 314 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. Weaver, Charles W.; Healdsburg, Calif. Wickersham, J. W.; The Samaritan Hospital, Detroit, Mich. Williams, Myron H.; Nashville, Ind. Wilson, Charles A.; 185 Washington St., Atlanta, Ga. Witham, Samuel L.; Fortville, Ind. Workman, Theo. W.; 744 Wooster Ave., Akron, Ohio. Class of 1880 Aitkin, Charles William; Spates Ave., Flemingsburg, Ky. Bates, Alvin C.; Cambridge, Ohio. Bell, Finis E.; 1304 Broadway; (r) 1116 Edgar Ave.; Mattoon, III. Boyd, John M.; Walnut Bottom, Cumberland County, Pa. Brackett, Anson R.; 17 N. State St.; (r) 941 Glengyle Place, Chicago, Ill. Butt, Samuel E.; 252 Port St., Nelsonville, Ohio. Cable, Charles W.; 246 W. Columbus St., Nelsonville, Ohio. Campbell, William A.; 424 North Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Cromley, James B.; Fifth Ave. and Forty-second St., New York City. Dawson, William B.; Switzer, Franklin County, Ky. Driver, O. P.; Bremen, Fairfield County, Ohio. Fee, F. M.; Briggsdale, Colo. Fowler, Thomas B.; 62 Main St., Springville, N. Y. Frank, Johnston, Jr.; Farmers’ Branch, Dallas County, Tex. Gerlach, Henry P.; 708 Washington Drive, West Palm Beach, Fla. Gordon, Patrick A.; 836 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Gray, Frank; Touraine Building, Ft. Worth, Tex. Kennedy, Charles L.; New Richmond, Ohio. Kincaid, James W.; 2419 Broadway, Catlettsburg,. Ky. Leonard, Ben S.; 44 W. Beard St., West Liberty, Ohio. Liddle, John R.; R. F. D. Harrison, Ohio. Lucas, William M.; 458 West Sixty-third St. Chicago, III. McLaughlin, A. W.; 9139 Commercial Ave.; (r) 9038 Houston Ave., Chicago, IIl. Mefford, William T.; 2159 West Madison St., Chicago, IIl. Mills, Charles D.; 254 W. Sixth St. Marysville, Ohio. Mills, William Henry; Lynnville, Ind. Morrison, Winifield Scott; Minonk, Ill. Myers, John Ezra; Fairbanks Bldg.; (r) 1104 N. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. O’Ferrall, R. M.; 516 North Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Raynor, Willis J.; Grand Island, Nebr. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Rutledge, Rudolph; Rickly Memorial Hospital, Springfield, Ohio. Sargent, A. M.; unknown. Scott, William; Second and Jackson Sts., Loveland, Ohio. Smith, W. Walter; 2111 Robinson Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. Smith, Webster $.; 3 North Robert Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. Souder, Cloyd L.; Columbia City, Ind. Stallard, Pitts.; unknown. Trobaugh, William A.; Cutter, Ind. Watts, James W.; Vinton, Ohio. Class of 1881 Allen, James P.; Williamsburg, Ohio. Armstrong, H. L.; unknown. Baker, J. Eugene; 766 E. Center St., Marion, Ohio. Blau, John M.; 1244 Everette Ave., Louisville, Ky. Briggs, Eldorado; Wilmington, Ohio. Brock, Leonidas G.; R. D. No. 5, Waynesville, Ohio. Cosby, George O.; Elizabethtown, Ind. Curry, Frank C.; Main St., Milford, Ohio. Danford, Edmund F.; 41 Fairlawn Ave., Glouster, Ohio. Deam, John M.; 266 North Valley St., Dayton, Ohio. Death, Hugh J.; Franklin, Ohio. DeBeck, David; 4229 Twelfth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Evans, J. G.; 718 Church St., Winfield, Kan. Fenner, Hiram W.; Carmel by the Sea, California. Finley, W. H.; 21 W. Second St., Xenia, Ohio. Grayston, C. E.; 312 W. Tipton St., Huntington, Ind. Grim, J. G.; unknown. Harmon, F. W.; 210 Juniper St., San Diego, Calif. Higgins, John W.; 601 Mack Bldg.; (r) 1080 Sherman St., Denver, Colo. Hinkle, James S.; 459 E. Morgan St., Martinsville, Ind. Hopper, Milton S.; 469 Broadway, Gary, Ind. Howard, George L.; Berry, Ky. Huber, Charles; Harrison, Ohio. Ingles, David F.; 1334 North Market St., Wichita, Kan. Jones, Asa N.; Walton, Ky. Jones, Charles C.; Doctors’ Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelley, William H.; 1006 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Kirkpatrick, H. L.; Mohegan, W. Va. Mackey, C. W.; North Meridian St., Portland, Ind. Miller, Daniel L.; 113 East Washington St., Goshen, Ind. Moore, N. W.; Box 135, Cynthiana, Ky. Muret, James A.; 398 Pike St., Vevay, Ind. Rulman, R. A.; Minster, Ohio. Ryan, Michael; 172 South McClure St., Dayton, Ohio. Ryerson, C. D.; West York, Crawford County, III. Scott, N. Irwin; 2518 Norwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Shoff, Jacob S.; unknown. 13 14 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. ae Slater, Chas. R.; Erlanger, Ky. Snavely, William H.; unknown. Thompson, John H.; Mescalero, N. M. Thrasher, A. B.; 230 Senator Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Webb, James E.; 20614 South Main St.; (r) 1148. North Main St.; Tulsa, Okla. Wells, Joseph E.; 321 East Pike St., Cynthiana, Ky. Class of 1882 Allen, Charles Oscar; 188 West Main St., Logan, Ohio. Anderson, Frank M.; 600 West Williams St., Decatur, IIl. Bartholomew, J. N.; Santa Anna, Calif. Brannon, Londus, Joliet National Bank Bldg.; (r) 313 Richards St.; Joliet, Ill. Brooks, Isaac J.; Beardon, Knox County, Tenn. Burton, Albert R.; 211 North Main St., Princeton, Ind. Byars, James; Columbus, Tex. Caldwell, Frank; 7510 Cornelia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cline, Galen L.; Perintown, Clermont County, Ohio. Craig, Cassius M.; 618 West Hill Ave., Champaign, III. Cupp, M. F.; Metamora, Franklin County, Ind. Fitzpatrick, Bart; 1203 Franklin Ave., Columbus, Ind. Grosvenor, Alvah W.; 336 North West St., Sidney, Ohio. Harris, Robert L.; 1927 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Hart, Romeyn B.; 225 Gilman St., Marietta, Ohio. Henderson, James L.; Curtin St., Osceola Mills, Pa. Hervey, William E.; 5906 Callowhill St., Pittsburg, Pa. Hines, G. L.; Williamsburg, Ohio. Holden, James L.; 34 South Fourth St., Zanesville, Ohio. Humphreys, Frank; Mt. Victory, Hardin County, Ohio. Jenkins, J. Oliver; 29 West Eighth St., Newport, Ky. Kinsey, Frank L.; 912 East State St., Fremont, Ohio. Lyle, Benjamin F.; 203 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCormick, M. S.; Eminence, Morgan County, Ind. McDaniel, Arthur S.; Moore Block, San Antonio, Tex. McDougal, John G.; 554 Main St., New Lexington, Ohio. Marshall, S. A.; Jeffersonville, Fayette County, Ohio. Maxwell, J. F.; Resaca, Duplin County, N. C. Mitchell, Edwin W.; 19 West Seventh St.; (r) 2628 Essex Place; Cincinnati, Ohio. Newland, Charles W.; Dexter, Mo. Nixon, John; Farmland, Ind. Paulding, E. L.; Branch and Bridge Sts., Arroyo Grande, Calif. Peckinbaugh, George R.; 200 Upper Second St., Evansville, Ind. Pence, LeRoy; 901 Bellefontaine Ave., Lima, Ohio. Prendergast, John W.; 2214 Wellington Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. Rachford, B. Knox; Pear! Market Bank Bldg.; (r) 1961 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rood, Myron G.; Stevens Point, Wis. Schoenfeld, Henry; Trenton, Butler County, Ohio. Sexton, John C.; 408 Penway Building, Rushville, Ind. Smith, John S.; Galveston, Cass County, Ind. & ce COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Stephens, W. L.; Barnesville, Ohio. Stewart, A. H.; 814 Gore Ave., Lawton, Comanche County, Okla. Stewart, Robert W.; Auburndale Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Henry L.; 812 Lowry Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Thomas, Orange H.; 1022 Birchard Ave., Fremont, Ohio. Townsend, S. M.; Madison, Ind. Tuggle, Thomas W.; 523 West 149th St., New York City, N. Y. Class of 1883 Andrews, John H.; Goshen, Ohio; and 2861 Ashmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Austin, George M.; Wilmington, Ohio. Binkley, John Thomas, Jr.; 2440 Albatross St., San Diego, Calif. Blunden, Milton G.; 3801 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burhans, Charles A.; 1063 Wesley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Caldwell, Edson K.; 1100 S. Nineteenth St., Oakland, Calif. Chittick, Andre J.; Burlington, Carroll County, Ind. Collins, Frank C.; Lancaster Hotel, Georgetown, Ky. Coppess, R. F.; Kenton, Ohio. Coryell, Daniel R.; Myrtle Creek, Ore. Cotteral, C. Frank; 310 South Elm St., Guthrie, Okla. Dwyer, W. R. Levy; New Plymouth, Vinton County, Ohio. Fullinwider, Cassius H.; Mt. Vernon, Ind. Gray, Frank $.; Allendale, Wabash County, III. Harrison, R. H., Jr.; 300 Drew Ave., Houston, Tex. Hiddleson, Clifford $.; 405 Flatiron Building, Akron, Ohio. Holmes, A. Fritz; Albany, Athens County, Ohio. Hull, W. H.; 303 Eastern Heights Blvd., Elyria, Ohio. Iuen, William C.; 1500 Grand Ave.; (r) 2701 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Jones, Robert C.; 2373 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. ; Keller, Lester; 1281 Poinsetta Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. King, George W.; South Point, Lawrence County, Ohio. Lang, George A.; Rayville, Ray County, Mo. Linville, P. R.; Mt. Olivet, Ky. Ludlow, Edwin; 127 W. Market St., Urbana, Ohio. McCord, T. Chester; 315 South Central Ave., Paris, III. McDougall, Charles S.; 15 East Washington St., Athens, Ohio. Magee, Irvin L.; Ocean Park, Calif. Mason, James L.; Lowell, Washington County, Ohio. Monical, Grant S.; 850 N. Fifth Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Murnan, John R.; 506 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Neufarth, Christian; Sunman, Ripley County, Ind. Neufarth, Lafayette; 9 West First St., Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Nichols, Grant B.; Wapakoneta, Ohio. Otto, Anthony E.; 120 E. John St., Alexandria, Ind. Overly, John Edward; 1453 East Main St., Columbus, Ohio. Paxson, J. C.; West Liberty, Jasper County, Ill. Rohrbaugh, Clark L.; Belington, W. Va. Shallioll, Peter; Winesburg, Holmes County, Ohio. 15 16 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Smith, Frederick; unknown. Smith, Harry H.; 15 S. Main St., Oxford, Ohio. Tipton, Morris; State Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Tripp, Frank $.; unknown. Wanzer, Charles M.; unknown. Welch, Frank; Front and Main Sts., Bloomington, III. Class of 1884 Adams, Charles F.; 219 Glenn Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Caldwell, Charles E.; Seventh and Race Sts.; (r) 1108 Cross Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Carter, Clarence C.; 348 South Columbus St., Lancaster, Ohio. Clayland, John M.; 150 Hewes St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cone, Frank B.; 417 Franklin St., Oakland, Calif. Crigler, Frank D.; 109 Elm St., Ludlow, Ky. Ewing, U. B. G.; Knollenberg Annex Building, Richmond, Ind. Fattic, John B.; 1014 Jackson St., Anderson, Ind. Fitzgerald, Frank P.; Derby, Pickaway County, Ohio. Flanagan, John A.; 740 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Francis, Elmer E.; 514-15 Exchange Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Gray, Albert L.; 2716 Olive St., St. Joseph, Mo. Gunkel, Frederick C.; Clifton, Green County, Ohio. Haines, W. D.; 1606 Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hamblin, Ira B.; 2414 West Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Hamilton, Benjamin F.; 218 North Park Ave., Shawnee, Okla. Hawes, Sylvester A.; 124 W. Fifth St., Greenville, Ohio. Hetzler, William W.; Germantown, Ohio. Holmes, W. E.; Brownsville, Licking County, Ohio. Hunt, John S.; unknown. Jenkins, Wilbur O.; Dennison Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. Jones, John T.; Queen City, Mo. Junkerman, G. §.; 4013 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. King, James E.; 24 South Ninth St., Richmond, Ind. Knisely, Alan Fesch; Lima Club, Lima, Ohio. Leming, John E.; Stanton, Ky. Limerick, Robert E.; R.F.D. No. 3, Corinth, Ky. Longnecker, EK. W.; 2315 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio Lummis, George D; 201 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. McKim, Frank E.; 323 Second St., Marietta, Ohio. Makemson, Winfield S.; unknown. Messenger, A. C.; North Galloway, Xenia, Ohio. Michael, Luther; 1479 East Fourteenth St., San Leandro, Calif. Minnich, Charles $.; Palmer, Merrick County, Nebr. Musekamp, George H.; 3527 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Patterson, Leonidas S.; Unionville, Appanoose County, Iowa. Petty, Baily B.5-R. DONo: 6, Cynthianay Ky: Pratt, H. Fuller; 1118 Taylor St., Topeka, Kan. Reese, Joseph M.; Cynthiana, Ky. Reynard, Edward G.; 330 North Columbia St., Union City, Ind. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 17 Roberts, George W.; 734 Twenty-fourth St., Spokane, Wash. Romans, C. D.; 1832 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio. Rudy, Albert S.; 215 West North St., Lima, Ohio. Scott, Benton H.; Harrison, Ind. Tufts, Charles W.; 8359 Burns Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Walden, Leonard; 845 North Broadway, Dayton, Ohio. Walker, A. Rudolph; 2530 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, ae Ward, James William; Harveysburg, Ohio. Wellons, James W.; Barnesville, Ohio. : Wilder, William H.; 122 South Michigan Ave.; (r) 5811 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IIL. Withrow, John M.; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, James West; 521 North Main St., Kokomo, Ind. Yenne, Charles H.; 202 East Flora St., Washington, Ind. Class of 1885 Abbott, William R.; Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, James Harrison; Centralia, Kan. Buchanan, Cassius M. C.; unknown. Cook, Luzerne H.; 429 Market St., Bluffton, Ind. Duncan, Edwin W.; Burlington, Ky. Flack, Alexander C.; 303 North Eighth St., Fredonia, Kan. Frederick, George W.; 715 W. Mulberry St., Kokomo, Ind. Freeland, John L.; 83 South Broadway, Denver, Colo. Hannah, James Blain; Addyston, Ohio. Hays, Clinton J.; 604 Bowery St.; (r) 356 Fernwood Ave., Akron, Ohio. Hendley, Frank W.; 2336 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hirons, John B.; 229 W. McCreighton Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Little, John Lewis C.; Oconee, Shelby County, II. Martin, Josephus A.; East Pike St., Cynthiana, Ky. Mentzer, Simeon E.; Monroeville, Ind. Middleton, Ward B.; Millersburg, Ohio. Phelps, Albert V.; Pawtucket, Westerly, R. I. Randall, Charles F.; 1001 Taylor St., Amarillo, Tex. Riddle, Joseph P.; unknown. Ryan, Charles F.; Fletcher, Ohio. Stephenson, Benjamin M.; 402 Third Ave., Peoria, IIl. Stoker, William A.; Kankakee State Hospital, Kankakee, Il. Sulton, H. Thomas; 38 South Sixth St., Zanesville, Ohio. Terrill, J. D.; 980 Dauphin St., Mobile, Ala. Wickham, John J.; 150 New York Ave., Rochester, Pa. Williamson, Milton E.; 232 North Ludlow St., Dayton, Ohio. Winn, John J.; 4621 Casiet Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Wynn, Frank B.; unknown. Class of 1886 Bacharach, Fred; 739 South Berendo St., Los Angeles, Calif. Barbour, George H.; Clark and Benton Aves., Helena, Mont. Belt, William Alvin; West Franklin St., Kenton, Ohio. 18 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Bird, Robert Lee; 18 E. Southern Ave., Latonia, Ky. Bonifield, Charles L.; 409 Broadway; (r) 1763 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Boyd, B. Y.; 13% North Vermilion St., Danville, Ill. Cameron, Otis L.; R. F. D. No. 1, Station M, Cincinnati, Ohio Cecil, Aaron A.; 1022 Kirby Ave., Muncie, Ind. Courtwright, W. T.; Sedan, Kan. Cristler, John W.; Midland, Pa. Dine, Colston L.; Minster, Ohio. Driscoll, William B.; Pagoda, Calif. Dunham, Isaac; 4548 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freeman, Leonard; Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. Giffin, Schuyler O.; 505 St. Clair Ave.; (r) 816 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio. Graham, W. Taulman; address unknown. Grant, Robert L.; 621 Hickory St., Texarkana, Tex. Grube, Robert H.; 215 East Main St., Xenia, Ohio. Harvey, William D.; Clayton, Ind. Henry, Jesse Malcolm; Sadieville, Ky. Herman, John D.; Conde, Spink County, S. Dak. Junkerman, Charles G.; 204 Grand Ave.; (r) 625 Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Kerlin, John D.; Gettysburg, Ohio. Knox, Thomas Rodger; Walde, Tex. Kugler, Joseph C.; Carter Building, Jackson, Mich. Lightner, Samuel Cary; Kingston, Ohio. Miller, James M.; 222 South Second St., Decatur, Ind. Parker, Charles T.; Johnsonville, Il. Powers, W. B.; Jacksboro, Tenn. Prather, Porter, 203 East Main St.; (r) 343 Ayesford Place; Lexington, Ky. Price, Robert F.; 2210 North Eleventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Pritchard, Arthur L.; 86 Columbus St., Neisonville, Ohio. Reavis, William J.; 718 Baker Ave., Evansville, Ind. Samson, Frederic B.; Berkshire Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sommerfield, J. E.; 220 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Speidel, Gustav C. E.; 167 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tyler, George P., Jr.; 12 West Second St., Ripley, Ohio. Vanden, George W.; 339 Third Ave., Gallipolis, Ohio. Waters, Price T.; White Cloud, Newaygo County, Mich. Webb, Albert D.; Williamstown, Ky. Webb, William C.; Higginsville, Mo. Class of 1887 Angle, Edward John; 407 Funke Bldg.; (r) 2219 “B” St., Lincoln, Neb. Bailey, Alvin L.; Chesaning, Mich. Boggess, Edward M.; 1335 South “A” St., Elwood, Ind. Brown, John Edwin; 730 East Town St.; (r) 1680 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Bugher, Corwin E.; Ladysmith, Wis. Buker, S. Hilton; Killbuck, Ohio. Careaywils Feo Ro Ho Do NG. Ze Crntivenan Koa. Conley, Willard T.; Dresden, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. bates: Dunn, Louis; 3040 Lyndale Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Guise, John M.; 206 East Lima St., Findlay, Ohio. Hart, Thomas P.; 446 East Fifth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holden, Ward Andrews; 8 East 54th St., New York City, N. Y. -Hosick, William R.; 205 Prospect St., Granville, Ohio. Irwin, Samuel J.; Tarlton, Pickaway County, Ohio. Iuen, Frank J.; 1500 Grand Ave.; (r) 3310 Pennsylvania Ave.; Kansas City, Mo. Jessee, George M., Jr.; 3894 University Ave., East San Diego, Calif. Kallinwoda, Hector; 164 West 63rd St., Los Angeles, Calif. Lyons, James H.; 514 Lumber Exchange; (r) 135-38th Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. McKelvey, T. Wilferd; Berea, Ohio. Miller, Thomas J.; Norwich, Ohio. Myers, Noah; Fairbanks Building, Springfield, Ohio. Ogan, Frank W.; Limestone and Xenia Aves., Jamestown, Ohio. O’Neill, Martin Joseph; address unknown. Pifer, John D.; address unknown. Poole, Allyn C.; 2906 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, William D.; 3031 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ramsey, Russ T.; 566 Metropolitan Building; (r) 2373 Albion St.; Denver, Colo. Sandfeld, Bernard, 2350 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sneve, Halder; Lowry Building, St. Paul, Minn. Spohn, George W.; 1101 Indiana Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. Stemm, William H.; 218 Walnut St., North Vernon, Ind. Terwilliger, Thompson R.; 202 Masonic Bldg.; (r) 1526 Westwood Ave.; Lima, Ohio. Van der Volgen, William; Emerson, Wash. Class of 1888 Baldridge, T. R.; Reibold Building; (r) 807 Five Oaks Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Bell, J. Nelson; R. D. No. 6, Muncie, Ind. Beverly, W. F.; Nicholasville, Ky. Bonifield, W. D.; Warren, Ind. Boyce, Nelson V.; 610 Sandusky St., Kansas City, Kan. Champion, Joseph A.; Eighth and “H” Sts., Colton, Calif. Clippenger, Wilbur F.; R. D. No. 4, Evansville, Ind.; (r) McCutchonville, Ind. Coleman, Warren; Water and Plum Sts., Troy, Ohio. Colyer, J. R.; St. Petersburg, Fla. Davis, George W.; 230 Mill St., Lockland, Ohio. Derbyshire, S. Justin; 318 Cincinnati Block; (r) 306 S. Pierce St.; Lima, Ohio. Dimmitt, Hamilton W.; Germantown, Ky. Fisher, E. A.; 6 Main St., Yorkshire, Ohio. Fomorin, John Louis; Marathon St., Marathon, Clermont County, Ohio. Genoway, Charles V.; 1805 State St., Boise, Idaho. Hamilton, Albert G.; Thermopolis, Wyo. Hays, Thomas W.; 2204 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Houston, J. Frank; Alexandria, Ky. Hover, William Edgar; Sarasota, Fla. Huestis, E. L.; 707 Tejon Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Humphrey, Lee; Malta, Morgan County, Oho. 20 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Kramer, S. P.; 826 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. LeSage, I. R.; 1123 Eighth St., Huntington, W. Va. McCormick, Edgar; Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio. Mills, Cassius C.; 107 Western Reserve Building; (r) 400 East Adams St., Muncie, Ind. Moore, William R.; Industrial Commission of Ohio, Medical Dept., Columbus, Ohio. Mumaugh, Shelby; 1025 West Market St., Lima, Ohio. Newman, Horace Wayne; Falmouth, Ky. : Parker, Charles G.; 136 First Ave., Gallipolis, Ohio. Pinguely, Julius E.; Melbourne, Ky. Ryall, George W.; Wooster, Ohio; also, 8314 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ryan, James W.; 211 West Seventh St., Coffeyville, Kan. Sayler, Lurton Roscoe; 1421 Wayne Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Schooley, William A.; R. F. D. Waldron, Ind. Sill, Elmer C.; 340 South Second St., Hamilton, Ohio. Stevenson, Titus; Winchester, Adams County, Ohio. stewart, J. Bs; 103: Main St., Bradtord, Pa: Swartz, Douglas A.; South Whiteley, Ind. Thomas, George F.; Peebles, Adams County, Ohio. Wilson, John Edwin; 311 Main St., Falmouth, Ky. Wolfstein, David I.; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1889 Anderson, Everett A.; address unknown. Bennett, Homer Clark; 311 South Cole St., Lima ,Ohio. Boswell, Asa C.; Westport Ave. and Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Bruce, Wm. E.; Caldwell, Ohio. Bussey, J. C.; Louisa, Ky. Butler, Elmer; Quenemo, Osage County, Kan. Carter, Harvey H.; 1437 West Third St., Dayton, Ohio. Chase, Herbert S.; U. S. Veterans’ Bureau, Lexington, Ky. Collins, M. T.; Ilgenbritz Building, Sedalia, Mo. Digby, James M.; 319 East Tenth St., Newport, Ky. Ford, O. P. Morton; Centerville, Ind. Francis, Albert W.; Ripley, Brown County, Ohio. Greiwe, John E.; 1801 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heck, Stanton; 345 McKinley Ave., Salem, Ohio. Heffernan, William Thomas; Calexico, Calif. Holmes, Truman H.; Bremerton, Kitsap County, Wash. Hoppe, Herman H.; 3 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ireton, Ed. C.; Marathon, Clermont County, Ohio. Jewett, Frank W.; Lakeview, Ohio. Kent, F. Marion; Bellevue, Ohio. Martin, Edgar J.; 275 South Sixth St., Columbus, Ohio. Mason, Walter S.; Stafford, Ohio. Mathews, George A.; Wray, Colo. Miller, Will W.; Gotebo, Okla. Moorehead, Matthew T.; West Lafayette, Ohio. od COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. AI Obrist, John W.; 615 Gay St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Peachey, Henry H.; 47 West 76th St., New York City, N. Y. Pieck, Charles G.; 523 Main St., Covington, Ky. Pollitt, Samuel E.; Minerva, Ky. Ramsey, John P.; 606 Main St., Vincennes, Ind. Ramsey, Murray E.; Westfield, N. J. Rynerson, Benjamin F.; address unknown. Sale, Fleetwood H.; Dillsboro, Dearborn County, Ind. . Schmidt, Theodore W.; 4 Bavaria Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwallie, W. A.; Honolulu, Hawaii. Scott, William T.; Martinsville, Clinton County, Ohio. Shepherd, Clayton; 709 West Washington St., Dayton, Ohio. Shields, Edmund; 2134 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smart, George L.; Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Smith, Augustus K.; Logan, Ohio. Straehley, Erwin O.; 2828 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sturm, Max; 711 Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wadsworth, Charles R.; Greenwood, Ind. Welch, James C.; Salem, Mo. Class of 1890 Abbott, Elijah Redding; 10 West Compton Road, Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Alban, D. R.; 172 North Washington Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Barden, Frank M.; Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Bausman, Samuel Nelson; Pleasant Hill, Ohio. Beam, Alexander H.; 2806 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bettmann, Henry Wald; 3593 Bogart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brady, Mifflin Brodhead ; 322 Tusculum Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Broughman, S. A.; 108 Troy Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Brown, W. Richard; 1234 Londen Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carothers, Robert Barr; 409 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Carr, Charles B.; 110 Wingerter St., Kenmore, Ohio. Chandler, Walter S.; Mt. Olivet, Robertson County, Ky. Clark, Sylvanus R.; Petersburg, Ind. Creps, Adolphus H.; Sanford Block, Lima, Ohio. Cromer, Leonard G.; Union City, Ind. Cunningham, S. A.; First National Bank Bldg., Marietta, Ohio. Davis, Jeptha D.; Ft. Thomas and Manor Place, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Davis, Will S.; Corona, Calif. Druley, Oran Edgar; Farmers’ Trust Bldg., Anderson, Ind. Eckman, B. Frank; Homestead, Fla. Elfers, Joseph Clemens; 1425 Indiana Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Falconer, R. Craig; 6216 Central Ave., Lexington, Ky. Forchheimer, Walter B.; Auburndale Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freiberg, Albert H.; 3577 Alaska Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Galloway, William A.; 110 West Main St., Xenia, Ohio. Goetze, William F.; 2530 Francis St., St. Joseph, Mo. Gregg, Grant W.; Ashland, Ore. Ze UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hahne, Henry Anthony; Riebold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Hill, Frank Edwin; 215 West Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. Horsman, Arthur T.; Devil’s Lake, Ramsey County, N. D. Jay, Milton T.; Portland, Ind. Lightner, Frank G.; Howard St., Sabina, Ohio. McKenney, William Andrew; Falmouth, Ky. Marshall, William C.; Yellow Springs, Ohio. Middleton, John T.; Edinburg, Ind. Nelson, Lockhart; Hillsboro, Ohio. Oglesbee, William Ernest; 6007 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Payne, Arthur L.; Opera House Block, Eau Claire, Wis. Porter, W. J.; Peoples Exchange Bank Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Queal, Emley B.; 833 Spruce St., Boulder, Colo. Rankin, Robert M.; 609 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Rinear, Edwin; 713 Monroe St., Traverse City, Mich. Roberts, Harvey H.; Georgetown, Ky. Rosenthal, Maurice I.; 336 West Berry St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Shetterly, Wm. R.; 182 Macon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Shaw, Albert M.; Adrian, Hancock County, IIl. Solar, Frank M.; 1603 Westwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stevenson, S. D.; 2300 Summit Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Sweet, Edward M.; Martinsville, Ind. Townsend, Reece C.; address unknown. Ussery, Wm. Calvin; 7 West Fifth St., Paris, Ky. Weaver, Walter B.; 3044 Wold Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1891 Akey, Will Tuttle; address unknown. Axtell, William H.; 413 Maple St., Bellingham, Wash. Beall, Edgar C.; 448 Central Park West, New York City, N. Y. Brandebury, Henry A.; 929 Sixth Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Cadwallader, J. Clifford; 4320 Montgomery Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Carroll, Travis; 113 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Chio. Christian, Wm. I.; Verona, Ohio. Clark, R. E.; 735 South Harrison Ave., Shelbyville, Ind. Cluthe, Charles F.; 913 Linwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. Dickson, Henry J. S.; 1901 Highland Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Ely, Walter M.; Anacortes, Wash. Fitzgerald, Howard; P. O. Box 147, Eagle Lake, Texas. Garrigues, I. D.; Morristown, Ind. Gragg, Logan O.; R. F. D. No. 3, Lexington, Ky. Guyon, Edwin F.; Montpelier, Bear Lake County, Idaho. Hamilton, Edwin A.; 299-15th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Hawes, John F.; 1024 West 63rd St., Chicago, IIl. Heistand, Horace L.; Aberfelda Hall, Springfield, Ohio. Herman, Henry J.; Webster, S. Dak. Hervey, Samuel W.; 315 West Staats St., Fortviile, Ind. Horton, William A.; Grayson, Carter County, Ky. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Hussey, Millard F.; 833 Ohio Ave., Sidney, Ohio. Hutchings, Robert K.; Union League Club, San Francisco, Calif. Jacobs, Harold Hill; address unknown. Johnston, George P.; Citizens’ Bank Bldg., Cheyenne, Wyo. Johnston, W. Ross; Charlottesville, Hancock County, Ind. Kahler, J. Frank; 325 Broad Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Keller, Frank G.; 419 N. Harrison St., Alexandria, Ind. Kendig, Willard C.; Probate Court; (r) 1 Berkshire Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Landy, Edwin F.; Mitchell and Lowry Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leist, George G.; Circleville, Ohio. Lemmon, J. F.; Elk Creek, Glenn County, Calif. McKibben, James T.; 2115 Sinton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKibben, W. H.; 384 Stoddard Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Mendenhall, William C.; Trotwood, Montgomery County, Ohio. Miller, V. M.; 328 West 108th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Mounts, Leonard; Morrow, Warren County, Ohio. Pindar, Leonidas O.; Versailles, Ky. Powell, John L.; address unknown. Reck, Levi E.; 620 South Main St., Piqua, Ohio. Schaeffer, J. Horner; Cridersville, Ohio. Scheel, John O.; 738 Sycamore St., Hamilton, Ohio. Schoolfield, G. Clarence; 104 A, Broad St., Charleston, W. Va. Singleton, John B.; address unknown. Smith, William W.; 320 Pieasant View, Louisville, Ky. onively, J. H.; care R. D. Justus, West Lebanon, Clinton County, Ohio. Snook, Charles W.; Clarksville, Cinton County, Ohio. Stricker, Louis; 338 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tate, Magnus A.; 231 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thain, George; 813 Harrison Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Thomas, Lewis A.; Middleport, Ohio. Trobaugh, Wm. A.; Cutler, Ind. Williams, Lewis A.; 2585%4 Third Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Wolf, Jacob; 702 Jenkins Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Class of 1892 Biddle, Thomas Rollin; 29 Park Place, Athens, Ohio. Bloom, Selma (Mrs. F. W. Eddy) ; 383 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brite, Jacob R.; Westwood P. O., R. D. No. 3, Cheviot, Ohio. Carroll, Robert J.; address unknown. Clark, Elbert E.; San Gabriel, Calif. Creighton, Basil B.; Montcalm Sanitarium, Manitou, Calif. Frederick, Geo. W.; 516 West Walnut St., Kokomo, Ind. Geyer, Harry R.; 603 Laurel Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Goodman, Emanuel; 3163 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Hays, Henry Cornwell; Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Helfrick, T. Orlando; Spangler, Pa. Hervey, John L.; Martins Ferry, Ohio. Johnson, Wallace; 123 Crawford St., Middletown, Ohio. 23 24 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Kerr, W..W.; Volga, W.Va. McCollum, E. O.; Calera, Okla. Mack, Milton H.; 30 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. Shellabarger, David W.; Potsdam, Miami County, Ohio. Southgate, F. H.; 25 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Stephan, Jos. Edward; National Soldiers Home, Maine. Teachnor, Wells; 187 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Willke, Alois J.; 1017 Lockman St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1893 Anderson, William Wesley; 231 East Sixth St., Newport, Ky. Atherton, Andrew L.; Atlantic City, N. J. Bauer, Arthur Charles; Mimogco Mineral Springs, Milan, Ind. Berauer, Jos. Martin; 1355 Madison Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Brown, Edgar M.; 120 North Seventh St., Zanesville, Ohio. Busching, Ellsworth T.; 504 Walnut St., Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Caraway, S. H.; 1810 Montcalm St., Indianapolis, Ind. Coffee, William; 430 East 65th St.. New York City, N. Y. Dabney, Wm. R.; Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Dowd, Ralph P.; Fisher, Champaign County, III. Edwards, S. G.; address unknown. Gabe, Harry Edwin; Hume Mansur Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Gillette, Arthur Edwin; 1885 Taft Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Good, Peter William; 305 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guntrum, William E.; Greenville, Darke County, Ohio. Hart, Frank E.; 620 Second St. and Raff Rd., Canton, Ohio. Hartzell, Jonas D.; North Star, Darke County, Ohio. Hawes, Ira H.; Arcanum, Ohio. Hockman, B. Frank; South Ave., Sumner, Ill. Jones, J. Bolling; 431 West Washington St., Petersburg, Va. Kearns, Charles, Jr.; Third and Greenup Sts., Covington, Ky. Khuon, Edwin; 425 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Latterner, Frederick H.; 1907 South Arlington Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Laughlin, Elmer O.; 110 South Main St., Paris, Ill. Marvin, Stephen B.; 6169 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mills, Daniel C.; New Lebanon, Ohio. Musekamp, Walter G.; 3919 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfafflin, Charles A.; 1844 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Robinson, Harry C.; R. F. D. No. 2, Nampa, Idaho. Robinson, Rameal Dudley; 522 Highland Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Rothenberg, Samuel; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rowse, Robert Q.; 2100 Summit Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. Sater, Pearl M.; 228 Main St., Hamilton, Ohio. Seely, Abrane Cary; 304 East Cass St., Roseburg, Ore. Shepherd, Arthur Frazier; 135 Central Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Simpson, Edward N.; 3625 DeCoursey Ave., Covington, Ky. Spargur, Harry Van Allen; 426 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomasson, William J.; 942 York St., Newport, Ky. ) 1 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Pe) Whipple, Myron Treadway; 6340 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wintermeyer, Adolph C.; 1014 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Class of 1894 Askew, Francis David; address unknown. Bohlender, Edmond E.; 1920 East Third St., Dayton, Ohio. Brown, Francis William; Weissinger-Gaulberth Apts., Louisville, Ky. Bryant, Guy DeVere; Phoenix Bldg., Butte, Mont. Busch, August C.; 2836 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conner, Friend; Reinbeck, Iowa. Cook, Louis Elmer; 3532 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cook, Robert H.; Oxford, Ohio. Cooper, Harry Oliver; 220 North Cooper Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Davis, John B.; Ottawa, Kansas. Eaton, William Oliver; 721 Winchester Ave., Ashland, Ky. Elliston, Arthur Gill; New Castle, Ky. Gau, Henry Frederick; 2525 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gilbert, James Lewis; 117 Eleventh St., Logansport, Ind. Grothaus, John B.; Collinsville, Ohio. Heflin, William Robert; Virginia Bldg., Newport, Ky. Held, Henry William; 615 Busseron St., Vincennes, Ind. Henslee, Olly J.; 125 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hermann, George Joseph; 705 Washington Ave., Newport, Ky. Heistand, Clinton M.; 1145 North Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. Kreidler, Anthony G.; 1054 Academy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kugler, Frank Elbert; 3423 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Littell, Willis R.; Cambridge City, Ind. McCurdy, Lyman G.; 116 South Sixth St., Coshocton, Ohio. McDowell, Marshall; Cynthiana, Ky. Rakestraw, Chauncey; Box 228, Chester, S. C. Reynolds, Charles W.; 48 West Fourth St., Covington, Ky. Richards, Robert L.; 59 El Camino Rd., Berkley, Calif. Riffe, James Powell; 2039 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Schmidt, Ernest Emil; 1325 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Shaw, Clayton W.; Alexandria, Campbell County, Ky. Waterhouse, Samuel M. (Colonel) ; care Surgeon-General’s Office, Washington, D. C. Wolverton, Orlando Price; Greenville, Ohio. Young, William B.; Fifth and Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1895 Bausman, Albert J.; 1004 Covington Ave., Piqua, Ohio. Biddle, David H.; Washington St., Athens, Ohio. Carter, John Lawrence; 317 South Brown St., Dayton, Ohio. Dunham, H. Kennon; 3011 Vernon Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eckman, William Guy; 2 Cohen Bldg., Covington, Ky. Filliott, Richard; Jenison Bldg., Connersville, Ind. Fee, Frank Edgar; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foertmeyer, Charles George; 3562 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 26 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Friedlander, Alfred; 19 Garfield Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldberg, Samuel J.; 319 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grear, Louis; 304 Hazen Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hanna, James Finley; Adena, Jefferson County, Ohio. Hess, Robert; R. D. Mt. Sterling, Fivepoints, Ohio. Heyn, Daniel Samuel; 75 Groton Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Horne, Brose Summerville; Gas City, Ind. Howell, Robert A.; Patriot, Ohio. Jones, Robert John; Greenfield, Ohio. Keelor, Theodore Ellison; 10 High St., Lebanon, Ohio. Kiser, Charles R.; Madison Ave. and Second St., Madison, III. I,asance, Christopher J.; 1606 Church St., San Francisco, Calif. Loyer, Albert Emanuel; New Washington, Ohio. Lucas, William H.; 265 West 70th St., New York City, N. Y. Ludlow, Walter Scott, Jr.; 6426 Commercial Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCormac, James F.; Verona, Boone County, Ky. McLean, Charles Clyde; 37 South Williams St., Dayton, Ohio. McQueen, Daniel W.; Camden, Ohio. McVean, William A.; 1645 Van Ness Ave., Fresno, Calif. MacDonald, Everett A.; 126 Cajon St., Redlands, Calif. Marsh, Miron Isaac; Cedarville, Ohio. Meitus, Joseph; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Montenyohl, Edward A.; Martin Bldg., El Paso, Texas. Moots, Charles William; 2485 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. O’Hara, Charles D.; Williamstown, Ky. Pancake, Arthur; 149 West Liberty St., Springfield, Ohio. Parker, Claude Bradbury; Gallipolis, Ohio. Petty, Charles M.; Independence, Kenton County, Ky. Protzman, Elmer S.; Kenton, Ohio. Rees, John Milton; Cynthiana, Ky. Richardson, Harry L.; Colorado Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. Riley, Eden T.; Greensburg, Ind. Roberts, David M.; (Major) U. S. Medical Corps, U .S. Army, 2620 Grays Ferry Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. Rouse, W. O.; St. Petersburg, Fla. Rowe, James William; 3964 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shields, Lawrence; 231 East Second St., Xenia, Ohio. Tate, Ralph Booth; 830 North Park St., Columbus, Ohio. Thomas, J. Dunham; 8 Bella Vista Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thorne, Harry; 10 North Broadway, Dayton, Ohio. Truesdell, William Ernest; 15 East Sixth St., Newport, Ky. Vanden, Walter Henry; Crookston, Cherry County, Nebr. Waldeck, George N.; 1237 Jefferson Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Wallingford, J. Stuart; 520 Pleasant St., Paris, Ky. Wylie, Alexander; Ripley, Ohio. Class of 1896 Abbott, Cornelius C.; 3579 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 27 Abbott, Dewas H.; 1717 Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Armstrong, Claire E.; 105 Mason St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Arnold, George Beal; 11 Arcadia Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brosier, Alexander; Amistad, Union County, N. M. Brown, Arthur L.; 614 West 14th St., Riverside, Calif. Campbell, B.; address unknown. Chaney, Grant; 825 South Meridian St., Portland, Ind. Chenoweth, William J., Jr.; 129 East Williams St., Decatur, Ill. Chidester, Walter C.; Hillsborough, San Mateo, Calif. Craven, Oscar M.; City Hall, Springfield, Ohio. Davis, William Carle; 336 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. DeMotte, Jerome; Odon, Ind. Dunkel, John L.; Fremont, Ind. Elliott, Gilbert D.; address unknown. Frickman, Oscar A.; 724 York St., Newport, Ky. Gribble, LeGrande; Pomeroy, Ohio. Griggs, Samuel Otis; 209 Sixth Ave., Dayton, Ky. Heineman, Edwin; 507 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Hewetson, Joseph E.; Amanda, Fairfield County, Ohio. Hickman, John M.; Westville, II. rota eller H;; 215 East Cotrt-st., Paris, Ill. Huston, Edwin M.; 715 Washington St., Dayton, Ohio. Johanning, Edward; 1057 Bader St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, James Francis; Apt. No. 4, 454 Ft. Washington Ave., New York City, N. Y. Keever, Claude M.; Bellevue, Wood County, W. Va. King, Frank C.; 1268 East Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knapp, Victor K.; South Main St., Nevada, Ohio. Larkin, John Charles; South High St., Hillsboro, Ohio. LeFever, O. E. W.; 196 Front St., Marietta, Ohio. List, William George; 167 McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Littler, William D.; 1201 Washington St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Lucas, William A.; 410 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. McClure, John B.; 310 Second St., Marietta, Ohio. McVeigh, James A.; Professional Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Martindell, Edwin M.; Chesapeake, Gallia County, Ohio. Matthews, David Jones; 116 North Sixth St., Zanesville, Ohio. Miller, Raphael Wolf; 3559 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paul, Charles Moore; Oliver Rd. and Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Perry, Edward R.; 2403 South 54th St., Tacoma, Wash. Ramsey, Allen; 19 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ratterman, Frank L.; 4 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rigresh, George A.; Pearson Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Robinson, Dana E.; Surgeon General’s Office, Washington, D. C., and U. S. P. H. S., San Juan, Porto Rico. Robinson, Will Briscoe; Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Schwenkmeyer, George F.; 3648 Zinsle Ave., Kennedy Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sharrer, Harry E.; Citizens National Bank Bldg., Hammond, Ind. Sizemore, John; Prestonburg, Ky. 28 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Smith, Estell Otis; 19 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stammel, Charles A.; 3539 Idlewild Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephan, William; 2548 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Swarts, Willard W.; 202 North Main St., Auburn, Ind. Taylor, Martyn, Jr.; 5427 Gallea St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Taylor, Van Derveer; 88 Hoffman Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Thesing, John H.; Rosemont and William Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tittsworth, Archie W.; 16 East Center St., Marion, Ohio. Vermilya, Joseph C.; Bloomington, Ind. Williamson, Charles H.; 1517 Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, III. Yancey, Harry M.; May’s Lick, Mason County, Ky. York, John B.; 1109 Stuart Ave., Houston, Texas. Young, Nelson H.; National Military Home of Indiana, Indiana. Class of 1897 Barbour, Max Wilson; Penwell Block, Helena, Mont. Beard, Everett Riley; 28 East Union St., Liberty, Ind. Berry, Walter Durant; East Long Meadow, Mass. Bird, Charles Robert; 227 East Washington St., Greensburg, Ind. Bond, Roscoe R.; 941 Manhattan Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Bragg, William N.; 115 Pike St., Reading, Ohio. Brown, Edward Leo A.; 661 Keowee St., Dayton, Ohio. Burley, S. Vincent; 542 Oberlin Ave., Lorain, Ohio. Campbell, Theodore A.; 16 Park St., Wapakoneta, Ohio. Counts, William L.; 58 East Second St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Cover, Harry E.; Bantam, Ohio. Cowen, Joseph; Shuler Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Davis, Emory Francis; 531 Fairbanks Bldg., Springfield, Ohio. De Neen, De Enna Darrell; Dawson, N. M. Dennison, Wilbur W.; Milford, Ohio. Emmick, Thomas Clyde; 115 West Second St., Mount Vernon, Ind. Fitch, Marvin D.; 1450 North High St., Columbus, Ohio. Ford, Andrew Starr; 61 Auburndale Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Forster, Thomas H.; Amelia, Ohio. Geier, Otto Philip, 1609 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gerding, William John; 1026 Central Ave., Newport, Ky. Gibson, James T.; Main St., Lynchburg, Ohio. Gumley, Charles Henry; address unknown. Hahan, Charles D.; Royal Court Apts., Baltimore, Md. Hancock, Clinton J.; Greenup, IIl. Hatfield, James F.; Walton, Cass County, Ind. Hilleary, Jesse G.; Anaheim, Calif. Hillkowitz, Philip; 730 Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. Howell, William E.; Gallipolis, Ohio. Hunter, Richard B.; Winchester, Ky. Jacobs, Arthur G.; 1491 Carr Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Johnston, Fred B.; 1025 South Brazo St., San Antonio, Texas. Keefe, Edward M.; 3947 Beechwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 29 Koons, Harvey H.; 1425 Indiana Ave., New Castle, Ind. Laughlin, Samuel Albert; Aberdeen, Ohio. McCormick, George Warren; 54 North Fourth St., Zanesville, Ohio. McLeish, John Lewin, 1346 Broadway,. Cincinnati, Ohio. McMichael, William A.; Keene, Coshocton County, Ohio. Marshall, Charles Cogley; Aurora, Ind. Marting, William F.; 311 South Fifth St., Ironton, Ohio. Marxmiller, Harry G.; 4500 West 16th St., Los Angeles, Calif. _ Miller, Emmet N.; 2950 Merrill Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Miller, John; 1707 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, James W.; Carlisle, Warren County, Ohio. Morrison, John S.; Brown and Seventh Sts., Lafayette, Ind. Muhlberg, William; 3439 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nye, Albert F.; 129 Wadsworth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Parrish, Marion F.; Sturgis, Mich. Peelle, Frank A.; Locust St., Wilmington, Ohio. Pool, Frank A.; address unknown. Porter, Matthew; Ludlow Arcade Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Prine, Robert T.; Ripley, Ohio. Ray, William A.; 721 Sixth St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Risinger, William Edward; 727 South Cincinnati St., Dayton, Ohio. Sanz, George; Unity Bldg., Webb City, Mo. Sauer, Louis O.; 2157 Slane Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Smedley, Anderson L.; 10 North “B” St., Hamilton, Ohio. Snider, Frank; 4740 Whetsel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spangler, Milton Howard; Briggsdale, Colo. Spilman, Frank J., Jr.; Jemison Bldg., Connersville, Ind. Swartsel, S. Carey; 1786 Elmore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sweny, Clifford Paul; 19 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tarbell, Robert C.; 327 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Tyree, Fred Werner; Hitchins, Ky. Urmston, W. B.; Moore Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Wadsworth, William Wallace; 306 Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. Ware, Howard J.; 2197 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. White, H. Clay; 3823 DeCoursey Ave., Covington, Ky. Willan, Carl E.; Trafalgar, Ind. Yarling, John E.; 117 East Fifth St., Peru, Ind. Class of 1898 Beeghly, George W.; 1462 West Third St., Dayton, Ohto. Berlin, Charles Cicero; Mechanic and Willipie Sts., Wapakoneta, Ohio. Blanchard, Robert Moore; Surgeon, U. S. Army, care War Department, Washington, D. C., and Ft. Sheridan, Il. Edwards, Orange; U. S. Veterans’ Bureau, Seattle, Washington. Flowers, Joseph C.; 600 Western Ave., Joliet, Ill. Francis, Robin W. C.; U. S. P. H. S., U. S. Veterans’ Hospital, Maywood, Ill. Graber, C. Lee; 15701 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Harlan, Earl; Colusa, Calif. 30 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Iglauer, Samuel; 701 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knee, Lorin; 805 “A” Ave., Lawton, Okla. Link, Joseph A., Jr.; 14 North Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. Markley, Stephen C.; 34 South Seventh St., Richmond, Ind. Marshall, Thomas Elder; Sheridan National Bank Bldg., Sheridan, Wyo. Martin, Henry W.; Nanzanola, Colo. Mason, George M.; Summerfield, Ohio. Meyer, William Henry; 901 Center St., Chicago, IIl. Seidel, Oscar; 1638 Western Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Arthur Howard; 321 Fourth St., Marietta, Ohio. Sprague, Albert A.; Silverton, Ohio. Troute, Thomas; Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Van Pelt, George F.; Gordon, Ohio. Walton, Louis A.; 405 Mill St., Milford, Ohio. Weatherhead, David Este; 3016 Reading kd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wood, Elmer U.; 645 Franklin St., Columbus, Ind. Class of 1899 Baer, Carl J.; Planters Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Baker, Charles; West Milton, Ohio. Bernheimer, Herman L.; Fourth and Wabash Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Bramkamp, Allan L.; Banning, Calif. Coontz, William H.; 13800 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ellis, William Clyde; 125 West Monroe St., Phoenix, Ariz. Foltz, Edgar B.; 58 South Broadway, Akron, Ohio. Furry, John Edd.; 529 West Pleasant St., Springfield, Ohio. Graham, Nathan Powell; 1919 North Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Hazen, Roland; Paris Hospital, Paris, Ill. Higbie, William E.; McCurdy Block, Canton, Ohio. Keeney, Palmer Cunkel; 703 Fairfield Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Kress, George Henry; 245 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. McCullough, George E.; Franklin and Plum Sts., Troy, Ohio. Mente, William F.; 4035 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, James W.; 3318 Bonaparte Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monroe, Henry Everett; Shelbyville, Ill. Myers, William P.; R. D. No. 5, Anaheim, Calif. O’Donnell, Robert J., 431 Springfield Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Perry, Frank; Maple Bldg., Norwood, Ohio. Prince, Walter Norman; 644 Wittenberg Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Rayl, William L.; address unknown. Reynolds, Orrin Lyle; 115 West Fourth St., Covington, Ky. Ross, Joel Baker; care Dr. L. S. Ross, Ft. Thomas, Ky.; Wosan Christian Hospital, Wonsau, Korea. Savage, William E.; 486 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schrickel, Louis C.; 3923 Hazel Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Schoolfield, Edw. R.; 223 E. Rensselaer St., Bucyrus, Ohio. Sinks, Edward D.; 427 South Jamison Ave., Lima, Ohio. Thompson, Edward; 19 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Topie, Andrew; 4711 Carthage Pike, St. Bernard, Ohio. Webb, Dudley; 409 Broadway, ‘Cincinnati, Ohio. Whitacre, Marion; 2206 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williamson, Joseph; 29 West Goodale St., Columbus, Ohio. Class of 1900 Ashburn, James K.; Batavia, Ohio. Ashfield, Charles Sumner; 3922 Elsmere Ave., South Norwood, Ohio. Ayres, Wylie McLean; Groton Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. © Barker, Virgil F.; N. Burton Bldg., Covington, Ky. Browne, Robert Austin; 79 South Balch St., Akron, Ohio. Burns, Frank Moore; 2615 Essex Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Byers, Peter Wesley; North Main St., Arcanum, Ohio. Cain, Benjamin Franklin; 100 Bell Block, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cummins, George Marion; 324 North Third St., Hamilton, Ohio. Davis, George; 141 East Main St., Xenia, Ohio. Delscamp, William Henry; 1000 Fidelity Medical Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. De Vore, Fred Fernando; Court House, Toledo, Ohio. Eckstein, Joseph G.; 506 West Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fihe, Clement Carl; 37 The Verona; Cincinnati, Ohio. Graf, William; Perrysville, Ohio. Griffin, Thomas R.; 648 Eighth Ave. S., St. Petersburg, Fla. Gustetter, Albert Louis; Terrace Ave., Nogales, Ariz. Herman, Percival; Selins Grove, Pa. Mackenbach, Charles W.; 527 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Maddox, Robert Daniel; 22 Villa Place, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Mallow, Edgar H.; 235 S. Summit St., Dayton, Ohio. Morgenroth, Simon; 645 Diagonal Rd., Akron, Ohio. Price, William Harrison; address unknown. Rhoten, William G.; Logan, Ohio. Schoenling, Edward H.; Harrison, Ohio. Schwarz, Theodore Edward; U. S. Veterans’ Bureau, Denver, Colo. Shank, Rienzi Rush; Trotwood, Ohio. Shanklin, Richard Varr; Gary, McDonell County, W. Va. Snively, George W.; Dalton, Ohio; and West Lebanon, Ohio. Souders, Samuel Mott; Redlodge, Carbon County, Montana. Stix, Walter Henry; 2359 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tanner, Kirby L.; 2611 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Teachnor, Kirke R.; Hillsboro, Ohio. Todd, John; Sixth and Park Ave., Newport, Ky. Totten, Evan Churchill; Madison, Ind. Wallace, H. Clay; 27 North Main St., Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Weaver, W. Burnett; Miamisburg, Ohio. Webb, Arnold Grant; 6123 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wiglesworth, Tandy; Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. Williams, James N.; 344 Doctors’ Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. - Windeler, Charles Edward; 627 Groveland Park, Chicago, III. Young, Henry H.; 1604 Kanawha St., Charleston, W. Va. 32 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 190i Abel, Virgil; Valonia, Ind. Baehr, Edmund M.; 3459 Observatory PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barton, Edward Williams; Alhambra, Calif. Bazell, Roscoe G.; Winslow, Ariz. Beck, Tilden Jacob; 1209 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beneke, John P.; 1634 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. B’Hymer, Homer E.; Taylorville Pike, R. F. D., Covington, Ky. Bishop, John P.; Carrier, Garfield County, Okla. Braxton, Thomas N.; 807 North 24th St., Empire Bldg., Boise, Idaho. Brudno, Emil M.; 848 Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Burdsall, Richard E.; Seven Mile, Ohio. Buttemiller, George S.; 351 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Caldwell, James Asher; Walnut and Electric Aves., Newport, Ky. Cannon, James L.; Harper Block, Lima, Ohio. Carr, Alvin H.; 307 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Coe, Oliver Parker; 4 Brighton Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Corwin, Charles H.; Lebanon, Ohio. Davis, Edward Francis; 434 West 19th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Dickins, Giles Mitchell; Martinsville, Ind. Gilbert, Joshua Allen; Selling Bldg., Portland, Ore. Hahn, Jesse Edwin; Warsaw, Ohio. Halderman, Henri Gorath; 826 Gay St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Hodges, Clyde Wheeler; Ohio Bldg., Akron, Ohio. Hussey, Albert E.; 3457 Dury Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kaylor, Frank B.; 131 East Columbus Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Keller, William L.; United Cigar Bldg., Akron, Ohio. King, Clarence Joseph; 4082 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kobert, Charles Bismarck; State Board of Health, Louisville, Ky. Leever, William Edward; Owensville, Ohio. Lloyd, Harry Clay; Hobart, Okla. Loughry, J. Wilson; 4568 Edgewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McClure, Charles Richard; Selling Bldg., Portland, Ore. Mallon, Otis B.; U. S. P. H. S., U. S. Veterans’ Hospital, Maywood, III. Matthews, William Thomas; New Vienna, Ohio. Metcalfe, Columbus; Walton, Ky. Micklethwait, William Dever; 1211 Lincoln St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Morgan, Thomas James; 1805 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Nieman, Samuel Clifford; National Military Home, Dayton, Ohio. Ockuly, John Frank, Ottoville, Ohio. Oxley, Francis Marion; 3946 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Podesta, Joseph Sant; 428 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Reynolds, Otis E.; Miller Ritter Bldg., Huntington, W. Va. Ricker, Joseph W.; 1522 South Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. Sander, Lawrence H.; 1223 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Saur, Charles; 4007 Montgomery Rd., Norwood, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Shaw, Clarence W.; Patriot, Ind. Smith, Clement D.; 505 South Main St., Dayton, Ohio. 33 Staley, Ralph W.; 19 West Seventh St.; (r) 222 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sullivan, Harry William; 628 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Theiss, Frederick Charles; 2627 University Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vilter, William Fred; 2100 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodward, Henry Lynde; 2922 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1902 Altemeier, George Charles; 2517 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Austin, Homer M.; Wellman, Iowa. Axline, Moreton Homer; U. S. Veterans’ Hospital No. 51, Tucson, Ariz. Birchett, William Gremmere; Francis Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Bowles, Herman §S.; 324 North Vine St., Muncie, Ind. Cook, Edward; 404 South Fourth St., Hamilton, Ohio. Davis, Earl A.; 112 South Highland St., Chanute, Kansas. DeCourcy, Paul; 2850 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dreyfoos, Max; Madrid Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferris, Frank Fenton; 1003 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, Donald Eugene; 432 South Main St., Los Angeles, Calif. Hegner, Casper Frank; Metropolitan Bldg.; (r) 1528 Steele St., Denver, Colo. Heyn, Louis Goldberg; 4 West Seventh St.; (r) 3971 Beechwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ihle, Clarence Abraham; Fidelity Medical Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Keeney, Bayard G.; W. Broadway, Shelbyville, Ind. Lever, Frank H.; Second and Jackson Sts., Loveland, Ohio. McDiarmid, Norman L. (Major) Surgeon-General’s Office, Washington, D. C. McGrath, Edwin R.; 2481 Saturn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McManigal, Samuel Lawrence; Garrettsville, Ohio. Maertz, Charles; 1209 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monger, John Emerson; Bureau of Vital Statistics; (r) 1585 North Fourth Columbus, Ohio. Patterson, John M.; Eilerman Bldg.; (r) 533 West High St., Lima, Ohio. Perin, Charles Theodore; 2974 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Randail, Cassius G.; Harveysburg, Warren County, Ohio. Salzer, Moses, 3577 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schayer, Isadore; 1615 Hampton Ave., Columbia, 5. C. Smith, Walter J.; Arcanum, Ohio. Souther, Charles Thaddeus; 2227 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stemler, John Earl; 103 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stoehr, Carl H.; Big Stone Gap, Va. Tauber, Elmore Bernard; 19 West Seventh 5t., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tomlinson, Samuel S.; 139 Market St., W., Canton, Ohio. Van Orsdall, Finley; 5 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Vereker, Martin F.; 328 South Second St., Hamilton, Ohio. St., 34 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Wittkamp, Theodore Miles; 1437 Walnut St.; (r) 3644 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zinke, Stanley Gustav; Romaine Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1903 Bates, Merrick Linley; 2345 Glenside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blunden, Joseph Emil; 824 Mt. Hope Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Boyd, Marie Clare; Cynthiana, Ky. Cofield, Robert B.; 2331 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elder, Elmer Anderson; Miami, Florida. Fritsch, Louis E.; 1111 East Franklin St., Evansville, Ind. Gilbert, Albert Irwin; Kewanna, Ind. Gillham, Paul William; Cambridge, Ohio. Goosman, Charles; 22 West Seventh St.; (r) 730 Froome Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guinn, Edward; Antlers, Okla. Hauser, Charles Edwin; 27 East Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langdale, Charles Andrew; 1908 Union Central Bldg.; (r) 633 June St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lange, Sidney; Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawrence, Wade W.; Cambridge, Ohio. Linss, Louis P.; 1129 East Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCartney, Jesse T.; 127 East Main St., Barnesville, Ohio. McHenry, Oscar Edwin; Wamsley, Ohio. McKim, Gordon Frank; 1908 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKinniss, Clyde R.; Western State Hospital for Insane, Torrance, Pa. McMecham, Francis J.; Lake Shore Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio. Marsh, Hanson H.; Seven Mile, Butler County, Ohio. Miller, George William; 2950 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Milliette, Delphis Russell; Anna, Shelby County, Ohio. Morris, Earl Herbert; Fifth and Wilkinson St., Dayton, Ohio. Murray, Charles E.; 513 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nelson, Leo Isaac; 548 Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ogier, William J.; Wellston, Ohio. Pfeiffer, Arthur; address unknown. Pinney, Oliver H.; (Captain) Medical Corps, U. S. Army, Fitzimmons General Hospital, Fitzimmons, Colo. Preston, Henry B.; Petersburg, Mich. Price, Carroll P.; (Captain) Medical Corps, U. S. Army, Ft. Humphreys, Va. Shelton, Richard B.; Georgetown, Ohio. Shilling, Harry E.; 113 North Market St., Troy, Ohio. Smedley, Clement Dare, Jr.; 325 South Pearl St., Youngstown, Ohio. Stephens, William Emory; Barnesville, Ohio. Strohbach, George; 247 Albion Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Treon, James Frederick; Gibson Bldg., Aurora, Ind. Vos, Arthur; 3209 West Fairview Pl., Denver, Colo. Youtsey, Claude; 721 Washington Ave., Newport, Ky. Yungblut, Albert A.; 19 West Seventh St.; (r) 3426 Berry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Zerfass, Frank P.; 13514 North Third St., Hamilton, Ohio. Zwick, Karl G.; 3444 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1904 Arthur, Lewis T.; Covington, Ohio. Baker, Oliver Dustin; 121 West 12th St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Bartel, Arthur W.; National Military Home, Leavenworth County, Kansas. Bausman, Charles W.; Bradford, Ohio. Behrman, Oscar; Jamestown Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Berghausen, Oscar; 19 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. DeCourcy, Carroll William; 3014 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Earley, Arthur H.; 830 Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. Fry, Melvin; Shawnee, Okla. Gholson, Norman Glasgow; Holly Springs, Miss. Haberly, Samuel Stinson; Wapanucka, Okla. Heffner, Edward F.; Wapakoneta, Ohio. Heisel, Charles Daniel; 3120 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hughey, William Renick; Coyle and Richardson Bldg.; (r) 1563 Quarrier Charleston, W. Va. Johnston, Walter Scott; 127-Central Block, Pueblo, Colo. Martindill, William Clifford; Greenfield, Ohio. Nelson, James Van Dyke; National Military Home of Indiana, Indiana. O’Conner, John M.; 20 West 50th St., New York City, N. Y. Osmond, Arthur Edwin; 1268 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ransohoff, Joseph Louis; 2305 Salutaris Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roessly, George R.; 907 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rogers, Joseph Edward; 3603 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Charles Wolff; Townsend, Mont. Sofge, Frank J.; 3036 McHenry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Solomon, Edwin P.; 4 Fairview Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Speidel, Thomas A.; Felicity, Ohio. Stephens, David W.; Pike and Madison Aves., Covington, Ky. Stuntz, Harry; Sabina, Ohio. Swing, Frank Ulmer; 450 Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Swing, Frederick Conkling; 6021 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tetrick, Paul W.; Mason, Ohio. Tillotson, James R.; 428 St. Charles St., Lima, Ohio. Traul, Lee Earl; Middleburg, Logan County, Ohio. Waddell, Norman Clarke; 16 Stanley Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada . Wayble, Harry C.; 4821 Carthage Pike, St. Bernard, Ohio. Weakley, Bertram M.; 4620 Rookwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Weaver, David E.; 844 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Witherspoon, William H.; Harrodsburg, Ky. Class of 1905 Bertling, Francis E.; 1928 East Sprague Ave., Spokane, Wash. Boiarsky, Julius W.; Janet Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. 35 36 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Brown, Herbert A.; 895 Clinton Springs Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burdsall, Harry L.; 2317 Pleasant Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Bush, Walter Herbert, Emporium, Pa. Chamberlin, Charles J.; 712 Ross Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Conard, Robert; 3739 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Espey, Paul Denton; 122 North Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. Fayen, Emmett; 2842 St. Charles Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foertmeyer, Adolphus William; 3322 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Furste, Wesley L.; 2911 Lincoln Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Galley, George M.; 600 Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heap, James E.; St. Marys, Ohio. Hendricks, Charles McChristie; 4415 Pershing Drive, El Paso, Texas. Kramer, Francis F.; 1628 Baymiller St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Longworth, Thomas, Felicity, Ohio. Pansing, Holley H.; 611 Kenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Spitzlberger, Lawrence Matthew; 502 Clay St., Dayton, Ky. Stacey, Lester W.; 4106 Main Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Strietmann, William Hurley; 230 Grand Ave., Oakland, Calif. Swartz, Ernest Osborne; 4019 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Tedesche, Leon G.; 416 Catherine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, Robert W.; 2867 India St., San Diego, Calif. Wertheimer, Charles L.; 3131 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Werk, George H.; 1181 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woolf, Leslie Allen; Ravenna, Ohio. Zimmerman, Henry A.; Holsopple, Somerset County, Pa. Class of 1906 Austin, Howard H.; 135 South Kensington Pl., Springfield, Ohio. Batte, John Thomas; 831 Maple Ave., Newport, Ky. Caldwell, John Hadley; Flat No. 17, 628 Elm St., Cincinnati, O.; (r) Eighth and Monmouth, Newport, Ky. Detrick, Frank E.; Quincy, Ohio. DuBois, Charles Clifford; 800 East Center St., Warsaw, Ind. Firth, Robert Harry; 1607 Wayne Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Fisk, Daniel Augustus; Kenmare, N. D. Ghazuli, Ayad Abdulla; Mallaway, Upper Egypt. Heterick, Robert H.; San Pedro, Calif. Ireton, Frank A.; Batavia, Ohio. Laham, Amin Tannus; Bahr El Gazal, Soudan, Egypt. Lusher, Homer Virgil; Mercerville, Ohio. McGuire, Lee W.; 322 Pleasant St., Malden, Mass. McKay, Roy Hayman; 581 North Portage Path, Akron, Ohio. Micklethwait, Oscar Richard; 1211 Lincoln St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Myers, William P.; R. D. No. 5, Anaheim, Calif. Neal, William E.; 611 Fifth St., Huntington, W. Va. Nelson, Harry G.; 124 Forest Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Newman, Oscar Clarence, Shattuck, Okla. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. ) 37 North, Emerson A.; 715 Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Palmer, Dudley White; 3539 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pribble, Eugene B.; St. Elmo, III. Ricker, Elbridge Gerry; Monticello, Ind. Robinson, Wilbur; Sunman, Ind. Runyan, Raymond W.; Panama, Republic of Panama. Townsend, Calvin E.; 101914 Marne Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Tuechter, Jacob Louis; 365 Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wallenstein, Millard; 321 Northern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1907 Blissard, John Morton; La Jara, Colo. Brumm, Frederick Hurbert; Coldwater, Ohio. Coate, Charles Rufus; 538 N. Comstock Ave., Whittier, Calif. Coulter, Thomas Bennett; 1346 South Norfolk St., Tulsa, Okla. Davis, Cora Rich; 902 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Dickson, Thomas Reynolds; No. 1 Plaut Bldg.; (r) 2460 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Dos, Ermia; Assuit, Egypt. Enz, Edwin W.; 235 Erkenbrecker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ertel, Edward; Ellendale, Minn. Fisk, Owen C.; 3444 Liston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guthrie, Austin Lee; 731 W. 18th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Hardwick, Richard; Washington and Fourteenth Sts., Huntington, W. Va. Hossler, William Heilman; Immigration Station, Ellis Island, N. Y. Hotten (formerly Hottendorf) Lewis Theodore August; 306 South Figuerva St., Los Angeles, Calif. . Hulsman, Louis Frank; Parsons, Kansas. Kennedy, Joseph T.; 3327 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kleckner, Ralph Edward; 330 West 86th St., New York City, N. Y. Leeds, Howard Nelson; Observatory and Cryer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. List, Walter E.; Superintendent General Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. McClure, Ulysses G.; 502 Morris St., Charleston, W. Va. McCord, Harry E.; 184 Elm St., Ludlow, Ky. McHenry, Joseph Bostock; Minerva, Ohio. Meek, John Risk; 218 Sterrett Ave., Covington, Ky. Neal, C. Aleshire; 4427 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Prince, Frank Joseph; Stevensville, Mont. Schroder, Charles H.; 114 Laurie St., Duluth, Minn. Silver, Harry; 4020 Jacob St., Wheeling, W. Va. Simmonds, Earl Stanley; 3806 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, J. Richard; 7917 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Smith, Samuel Henry; 3540 Stettinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stammel, Julius G.; 3539 Idlewild Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weber, Kenneth L.; National Military Home of Indiana, Indiana. Wilson, Marcus Earl; Legion, Pa. 38 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1908 Ailes, Arlington; La Salle, Il. Allgaier, Edw. D.; 3001 Junietta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brubaker, Elbert R.; 1003 North Fountain Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Casey, Ott; 402% North Ninth St., Clinton, Ind. Dauch, Sophia Bertha; 230 East Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. DeCourcy, John Fred; 1140 Beech Ave., Cachan Ohio. Donnelly, Charles Adorno 927 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 2618 Aberdeen Rd., Birmingham, Ala. Fakhry, Racheed Latoof; Mt. Lebanon, Syria. Glenn, Thomas James; 1432 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heffner, Franklin .-Clarence; 19 West Seventh St.; (r) 156 Wentworth Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Howard, Charles Elliotte; 6034 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hull, William Harry; 303 Eastern Heights Rotlevard: Elyria, Ohio. Ibraheem, Aziz; Senouris, Fayoum, Egypt. Ibrahim, Saweerus; Sohag, Egypt. Light, Arthur John; 284 McCormick PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monroe, Frazer F.; 74 Boston Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Mussey, Robert Daniel; 411 Fourth St., S. W., Rochester, Minn. Schlanser, Adam E.; (Major) U. S. Army, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Schomaker, George Herman; address unknown. Shaw, Joseph Hughes; 213 Exchange PI., Santa Rosa, Calif. Stewart, William Thomas; Oxford, Ohio. Strasser, Emil M.; 226 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stump, Erra Delafield; 11914 Summers St., Charleston, W. Va. Yeager, William S.; Leipsic, Ohio. Class of 1909 Adams, Edwin, Myron; Red Lodge, Mont. Blair, Faris Morell; College Club, Seattle, Wash. Bowdle, Ralph A.; East Ely, Nevada. Butt, Charles C.; Nelsonville, Ohio. Dorger, Philip H.; 721 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. DuCasse, Ralph R.; 3137 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ertel, Robert J.; 1801 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Fogel, E. Israel; 830 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gaines, Benjamin, W.; U. S. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Hyndman, Howard C.; 403 Tusculum Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Irvin, James; 2803 Dubuque St., Davenport, Iowa. Krumpelback, Albert C.; Niagra, Wis. Kudwani, Yenni Tadrus; Cairo, Egypt. McVay, Frederick R.; Botkins, Ohio. Miller, Alvin C., (Major); U. S. Army, Ft. MacArthur, San Pedro, Calif. Mombach, Gilbert; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Prince, John H.; 233 West Ash St., Piqua, Ohio. Puterbaugh, Charles F.; R. F. D., Arcanum, Darke County, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 39 Ramsey, Thomas LeRoy; 3339 Cherry St., Toledo, Ohio. Smith, Edith; 4321 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strathmann, William H.; 1028 Virginia St., Toledo, Ohio. StuhIman, Oscar H.; 58 Linden Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Wagener, Edward A.; 3104 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wenger, George N.; 508 Wales Ave., Massilon, Ohio. Wolf, Sigmund; 704 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 40 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. MIAMI MEDICAL COLLEGE Class of 1867 Knode, Robert S.; 127 N. 42nd St., Omaha, Neb. Yost, William N.; 324% Main St., Findlay, Ohio. Class of 1869 Bitz, Lawrence B.; 816 West Franklin St., Evansville, Ind. Kendall, Jacob; Covington, Ohio. Lambert, Lucian, S.; 357 N. Academy St., Galesburg, Ill. Rogers, Thomas C.; Wellston, Ohio. Selvey, Samuel S.; Dunkirk, Ind. Stoneberger, William L.; 609 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Class of 1870 Baum, Zachary T.; 245 E. Wood St., Paris, Ill. Lyons, Ira A. E.; 801 E. South Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Riley, Cassius M.; 5776 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Talbot, R. C.; Broken Bow, Neb. Class of 1871 Hopkins, William H.; First National Bank Building, Norwood, Ohio. Lambert, Curtis Allen; Charleston, -Ill. Metz, Charles L.; 6113 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Warren, John Nelson; 2813 Nebraska St., Sioux City, Iowa. Wenning, William Henry; 3466 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Worthington, L. $.; Paris, France. Class of 1872 Ashburn, Allen W.; Batavia, Ohio. Brill, James H.; 3916 Carrollton St., Indianapolis, Ind. Deckard, J. W.; Richfield, Juanita County, Pa. Filley, H. R.; Box 173, Brimfield, Ill. Hall, Rufus Bartlett, 723 Ridgeway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hancock, Walter De Camp; R. D. to Millville, Hamilton, Ohio. Hurd, Frank H.; Hiram, Ohio. , Jones, John G.; Columbus, Ind. Lindsay, Johnson C.; address unknown. Manning, Isaac S.; Manchester, Ky. Oatley, Asa C.; 4714 Franklin Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Priest, W. A.; Emerson, Iowa. Class of 1873 Billings, James M.; State Bank Bldg., Lebanon, Mo. Boucher, Alvin W.; Tipton, Cal. Chapman, William C.; Toledo, Ohio. Cowan, Edw. H.; 418 S. Grant Ave., Crawfordsville, Ind. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. French, Pinckney; 2308 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gray, Isaac E.; Pikeville, Ky. Howe, Abdallah M.; 115%4 North Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Kan. Leepen, Samuel M.; Fredonia, Ky. Marshall, Robert P.; Kittanning, Pa. Moxley, Nathaniel; Ironton, Ohio. Ratterman, Bernard J.; 1532 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Henry R.; 327 E. Washington St., New Castle, Pa. Class of 1874 Conway, Eli B.; Alma, W. Va. De Krafft, Samuel Chase; Tagoloan, P. I. Jackson, David Prentice; 492 Logan Ave., Sharon, Pa. Jones, Chas. E..; 327 N. Pine Ave., Chicago, IIl. Peariinic..Cnas. W.: Urbana, “Ill: Meserve, Arthur G.; 504 West Locust St., Robinson, III. Mizell, Wm. R.; New Burnside, III. Neave, James Lupton, Dresden, Ohio. Reynolds, John; Salem, Ore. Routh, Geo. Edw.; 537 Hollly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Sigler, Daniel; 305 S. Anderson St., Elwood, Ind. Class of 1875 Brauth, John Herman; address unknown. Clark, Gilbert La Fafayette; Centerville, Pa. Muscroft, Chas. Sidney; 2525 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Post, Geo. M.; Montour Falls, N. Y. Sattler, Robt.; 210 West 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, David Owens; Sandusky, Mich. Tudor, Omar Hasson; 311 East Columbus St., Kenton, Ohio. Walters, Hamlin Jos.; 109 North Main St., Rockford, Ill. Wainwright, John Williams; Cherry Valley, N. Y. Woodward, Augustus Janvier; 2122 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zenner, Phillip; 2947 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1876 Avery, Wm. Riley; R. R. No. 1, Hutchinson, Kan. Coblin, Louis; Buckner, Ky. Feurt, Wm. Henry; Procterville, Ohio. Finley, John; Caldwell, Ohio. Marshall, Andrew; Avalon, Mo. Marshall, Reuben, Cowan, Ind. Oakes, Isaac Newton; North Ridgeville, Ohio. Strother, John Wilson; Grayson, Ky. Williams, Joel Onsley; address unknown. Wire, Geo. Washington; Wilmington, Ohio. Wishard, Wm. Niles; 2050 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Al 42 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1877 Burket, Albert Homer; McKees Rocks, Pa. Cleland, David Thompson; Harlansburg, Pa. Johnson, Calvin R.; Eminence, Ky. Lalor, Geo. P.; Montour Falls, N. Y. McClymonds, Sam. Erkine; College Springs, Iowa. Reagin, Gallaway Garner; address unknown. Wallace, Robt. A.; 318 Highland Ave., New Castle, Pa. Viseman, ‘Sam. Vinton; 3444 Walworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1878 Bailey, Wm. Newil; Fifth and Jackson Sts., East Liverpool, Ohio. Cheeseman, John Coulter; 55 Scotia St., Crafton Branch, Pittsburg, Pa. Davis, Gilman Robinson; 1213 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. Dean, Marshall Henry; 301 Masonic Building, Denver, Colo. Dunn, Oscar Beasley; Fourth and Railroad Sts., Ironton, Ohio. Fisher, Sevear Zerah; Randolph, N. Y. Gebhart, Erastus Manfred; 5424 Locksley Ave.,, Oakland, Calif. Gibbons, Andrew Jackson; Carmichaels, Pa. Hayden, John Valentine; Salem, Ky. Hewins, Wm. Augustine; Chandler, Ind. Holley, Samuel Louis; 191 Stanton Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hough, Chas. Alvin; Lebanon, Ohio. Huffman, David Cross; Poneto, Wells County, Ind. Jenkins, Morgan J.; Plain City, Ohio. Laughlin, Chas. Edmund; “Woodmere,” Evansville, Ind. Lawson, Wilson Terah; 248 N. Marion St., Danville, Ind. Savage, John Pleasant; U. S. Veterans’ Bureau, Washington, D. C. Schofield, John Vandolak; address unknown. Smith, Chas. Franklin; 859 South Chicago Ave., Kankakee, Ill. Spinning, Pierson Taylor; R. D. No. 6, Springfield, Ohio. Taylor, David Henry; address unknown. Wright, John Augustine; 1812 Cherry St., Toledo, Ohio. Class of 1879 Abbott, Nathan Wallace; 938 Clark St.; (r), 158 Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bishop, Elisha; R. F. D.No. 1, Turner’s Station, Ky. Bonner, Horace; Reibold Bidg., Dayton, Ohio. Cole, Charles Knox; address unknown. Dodds, Edwin Sterrett; address unknown. _Huleatt, Arthur Charles; Arkansaw, Wis. Manley, Paul Gibson, Epes, Ala. Masters, James Madison; Newport, Tenn. Newton, Granville Oscar; Dana, Ind. Robinson, Alfred; 269 Oakland Park, Columbus, Ohio. Skinner, Geo. Calvin; 235 Buckeye St., Hamilton, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 43 Trueblood, Jesse Clark; Loogootee, Ind. Tucker, Geo. Wilbur; address unknown. Class of 1880 Coffin, Wm. Vestal; 519 Earlham Drive, Whittier, Calif. Cunningham, Alexander Austin; 450 S. Broadway, Denver, Colo. Fletcher, Wm. James; Eureka, Ohio. Forman, Henry Melvin; Bradford, Ohio. Gavin, William James; 360 West 21st St., New York City, N. Y. Gordon, Lucien Winslow; 334 Main St., Equality, Ill. Grabill, John Franklin; 354 Second St., Elyria, Ohio. Graham, Robt. Francis; 1129 Seventh St., Greeley, Colo. Hershiser, Anthony Emmett; address unknown. Horn, Wm. Cornelius; Pennville, Ind. Leever, John Collins; R. D. No. 8, Defiance, Ohio. Lougbridge, Wm. E.; 111 Brinkerhoff Ave., Mansfield, Ohio. Phillips, Geo. Harrison; Mountain View, Okla. Sampson, Geo. Palmer, 310 W. Aspinwall St., Winslow, Ariz. Tucker, Alfred A.: Cincinnati Post Office; (r), Hotel Metropole, Cincinnati, Ohio. Utter, John Charles; Mt. Carmel, Ill. Wilson, Samuel Smart; 5307 Central Ave., Tampa, Fla. Wrede, Frederick; 1357 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IIl. Class of 1881 Bange, Theodore; 345 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beal, Chas. M.; Clarksburg, Ind. Beatty, James Lambert; New Market, Ind. Bivins, Franklin Pierce; Shelbyville, Ill. Burnett, Geo. Washington; 253 East 3rd St., Greenville, Ohio. _ Campbell, Cassius Lightner; 611 Poplar St., Atlanta, Ia. Davis, John Lindsay; 4415 W. 2nd St., Los Angeles, Calif. Langdon, Frank Warren; 4003 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. La Rue, Henry Dallas; 624 Cherry St., Mt. Carmel, III. Nusbaum, Wm. Henry; address unknown. Scudder, Chas. Prentiss; 607 East Van Tress St., Washington, Ind. Shumaker, Ephram Lutz; Bible Grove, III. Stevens, Edw. Somerville; 8 E. 126th St., New York City. West, Benj. Franklin; 1806 E. 55th St., Seattle, Wash. Class of 1882 Ayers, Henry Fugene; Wenatchee, Wash. Berteling, John Bernard; 215 South Taylor St., South Bend, Ind. Flinn, Edw. Ambrose; address unknown. Greene, Lindley Murray; 121 North Painter Ave., Whittier, Calif. Hartly, Jefferson Tavlor; Liverpool, Jackson County, W. Va. Kay Clarence Henry; 666 North Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. McCoy, Geo. Thomas, 1127 Pearl St., Columbus, Ind. 44 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Price, Horace Duane; 802 Market St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Probst, Chas. Oliver; 185 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Redmond, Robt. Everett; 141 N. Pitt St., Reading, Pa. Twitchell, Herbert Eugene; Roys, Ill. Class of 1883 Allen, Horace Newton; 2248 Parkwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Bell, Frank M.; 55 Meikle Place, Portland, Ore. Bourland, Isaac Newton, Jr.; Equality, Ill. Bush, Nathaniel S.; 4805 Oak St., Norwood, Ohio. Caldwell, James Sterrett; 410 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cook, Peter Meyers; Bloomfield, Ind. Goode, George Henry; John Hughes Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Greenfield, Frank; 1220 West 26th St., Erie, Pa. Johnson, Joseph M. B.; Jemison, Chilton County, Ala. Morrow, Edw. Payson, 405 South Cleveland Ave., Canton, Ohio. Nippert, Louis Albert; 808 Physicians’ and Surgeons’ Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Orr, Clarence Williamson; 3767 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Punton, John; 1014 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo. Read, Horace Greeley; Tipton, Ind. Stewart, John Orr; Cedarville, Ohio. Wood, Oliver James; Miami Ave., Cleves, Ohio. Class of 1884 Birchard, Almon Dwight; 3209 West Fairview Ave., Denver, Colo. Dannetelle, Fenelon F.; Eighth and Mound Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Henry, Rolando Hamilton; 510 South Main St., Princeton, Ill. Keever, B. W. D.; Centerville, Montgomery County, Ohio. Kelly, Richmond; 1005 Stevens Bldg.; (r), 1051 Gladstone Ave., S. E., Portland, Ore. Knight, Amos Wesley; Attica, Ohio. Latham, Edw. Hempstead; Nespelen, Okanogan County, Wash. McClellan, Benjamin R.; 636 South Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. Marquart, Oscar M.; Bushnell Building, Springfield, Ohio. Milholland, David Mering; R. R. No. 10, Defiance, Ohio. Patton, Fred W.; 5847 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Rodgers, Everett D.; 4947 Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. Rush, Andrew Wilson; 125 West 3rd St., Greenville, Ohio. Sayres, Konn Baker; 3422 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thompson, John Albert; Brookville, Ind. Van Zant, Charles Burton; 462 Metropolitan Building, Denver, Colo. Wallace, Charles E.; New Sharon, Iowa. Class of 1885 Brown, William Gustine; Lewisburg, O. Davis, William Seymour; Corona, Calif. Gillen, Joseph Pierpont; 1612 West 16th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Hawley, William Harry; College Corner, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 45 Henderson, James Paul; P. O. Box 376, Chicago, III. Oliver, John Chadwick; 2233 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reed, Charles Anderson; 26 North Mercer St., New Castle, Pa. Rosenbaum, Moses; 821 West Ninth St, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sherman, William Calvert; Brownville, Union County, Ind. Smith, Daniel McClellan; North Second St., Newark, Ohio Williams, William Marius; Delaware, Ohio. Class of 1886 Bates, Calvin; 202 South Ninth St., Cambridge, Ohio. Farber, James Hazzard; 28 North Perry St., Dayton, Ohio. Bell, William Herbert; 3754 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buchanan, John McIntire; Hamilton, Mont. Chabot, George Washington; Peebles, Ohio. Clevenger, Richard E.; 1535 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio. Fletcher, Lowell Rush; Porter, Ohio. Grubbs, John McElheny; Seward, Westmoreland County, Pa. Holt, Oliver Paxson; 134 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kimmel, Alva J.; Hudson, Ind. Snorf, Herschel Anderson; Greenville, Ohio. Talley, Charles Francis; Powell, Ohio. Tribbett, Clayton A.; Box 94, Westboro, Ohio. Truscott, Charles Ogden; Cisne, III. Van Dyke, Frank Howard; Williston, N. D. Wendland, E. G. F.; 1775 Westwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1887 Albaugh, Andrew Phillips; Box 186, Tarpon Springs, Fla. Biggs, Dennis Elmore; 511 E. Holly St., Bellingham, Wash. Bohl, Jacob; 212 Maple St., Marietta, Ohio. Dennis, George James; 25 East Washington St., Chicago, Hl. McCool, Henry Franklin; 1514 Walnut St.; (r), 1001 Linwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. Muench, Otto Lewis; 207 Jefferson St., Washington, Mo. Murphy, Abraham Daniel; 4 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nincehelser, Oram Alonzo; Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Radebaugh, Peter; 111 S. Prospect St., Sturgis, Mich. Spence, Jesse Austin; 37 Parkwood Blvd., Mansfield, Ohio. Steddom, Francis White; 3201 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. Sturgill, William Franklin; Ceredo, W. Va. Van Meter, Cooley Baldwin; 333 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Thomas William: 23 E. Church St., New Harmony, Ind. Class of 1888 Allen, Samuel Ellsworth; 1724 Madison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, William Martin; Council, Adams County, Idaho. Colter, Le Roys; 3410 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferris, Edgar Sargent; 514 Broad St., Columbus, Ohio, and R. R. No. 1, Powell, Ohio. 46 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Gaylord, Harry Garritt; 1066 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Porter, Herbert Kent; 3137 James St., Soma Portal, San Diego, Calif. Prees, Griffith William; Cambria, Wis. Warnock, Horace Hampton; Hanford, Calif. Zimmerman, Harry Alfred; 109 Rayen Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Class of 1889 Ballard, Charles Barber; 205 Scammel St., Marietta, Ohio. Carson, Archibald Irwin; 46 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Francis, John; 230 Ludlow St., Hamilton, Ohio. Haynes, John Tennyson; Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Sandusky, Ohio. Heflebower, Robert Colwell; 3595 Outlook, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kyle, John Johnson; address unknown. Last known is Indianapolis, Ind. Ludwick, Verner Delaskie; 503 West Fifth St., Connersville, Ind. Neal, Benjamin E.; address unknown. Last known is Denver, Colo. Richards, William Dallas; 330 Sixth Ave., Dayton, Ky. Thomson, Orion Kemper; 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, II. Tucker, William Walter; Greencastle, Ind. Witham, John Ellsworth; Waynesville, Ohio. Class of 1890 Bailey, William Wilson; 2619 Cook St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barr, Dorwin Deloss; Taylorville, Ill. Behrens, Theodore Jacob; address unknown. Bowers, Joseph Franklin; 727 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo. Cassidy, Archibald Wallace; 5 West 91st St., New York City. Cowing, Hugh Alvin; 210 High St., Muncie, Ind. Dent, William Henry; address unknown. Durram, Aquallia H.; Nyers, Ky. Row, George Samuel; Hume-Mansur Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Shook, Nelson J.; Corunna, Ind. Sims, Samuel Cryor; address unknown. Travis, John Lawrence; Germantown, Ohio. Vail, Derrick Tilton; 24 East Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wall, Albert Samuel; 826 South Norton St., Los Angeles, Calif. Wheeler, George Whitefield; address unknown. Zurmehly, Samuel Lutz; Rushsylvania, Ohio. Class of 1891 Beard, Michael Jacob; address unknown. Beery, George Orman; 108 North High St., Lancaster, Ohio. Crocker, Fletcher Lovell; 721 W. Henry St., Pontiac, Ill. Davis, Francis Weyland; 426 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hardy, John Walter; Sumner, Mo. Hawley, Crittenden Augustus; New Paris, Ohio. Heard, Eugene Nelson; address unknown. Hogle, George Washington; Mt. Vernon, Iowa. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 47 Huggins, Raleigh Russel; Westinghouse Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Kline, Fred; address unknown. Lehman, Benjamin Franklin; 6624 Parkland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. MacMillan, Wade; Oxford, Ohio. Martin, Harry H.; 247 Bull St. and 721 East 41st St., Savannah, Ga. Nippert, Henry Theodore; 339 Lowery Annex, St. Paul, Minn. Rice, William Edgar; Raton, N. M. Schenck, William Edw.; 19 W. Seventh St., Cincinnati, O. Sellards, Howard C.; 1735 Franklin Blvd., Portsmouth, O. Shaffer, Walter St. Clair; address unknown. Snorf, Parker Lee; 400 Caldwell St., Piqua, O. Stevenson, Alexander Thomas; address unknown. Thomas, James Newton; address unknown. ; Twitchell, George Bernhardt; 845 Dayton St., Cincinnati, O. Wooley, Charles Henry; address unknown. Class of 1892 Brady, Albert Smith; 110 Front St., Greenup, Ky. Duncan, J. McClelland; address unknown. Duncan, William Francis; Aurora, Ind. Ferris, Cary Sargent; 112 S. Main St., Decatur, IIl. Grafft, John A.; 19 North B St., Hamilton, Ohio. Gray, Leven Justus; address unknown. Gregg, Frank Benham; Wellington, Ohio. Hamma, Charles Butler; 1555 S. Limestone St., Springfield, O. Inman, Edw. Lorimer; address unknown. Miesse, Charles; 62 East 5th St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Millikin, Mark; 311 South Second St., Hamilton, Ohio. Rank, Willard Curtis; 79 North Second Ave., Newark, Ohio. Rosenstein, Moses; address unknown. Shields, Edw. Hugo; 617 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Harvey Hubble; Oxford, Ohio. Southwick, George Edwin; Pawnee, III. Williams, John Gay; 3603 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1893 Bailey, Gilbert Langden; Newton Park, Lexington, Ky. Bertenshaw, Edwin James; address unknown. Chaffin, Robert Eliel; address unknown. Clifford, Charles Morton; address unknown. Cobbs, Alfred; Damascus, Ohio. Fagaly, Arthur Thomas; 240 Short St., Lawrenceburg, Ind. Foster, John; address unknown. Gormley, James Renrick; 1008 Penn Ave., Monaco, Pa. Grafft, James George; Trenton, Ohio. Griffith, William Layne; Pedro, Ohio. Ingram, Robert; 12 Norfolk Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. King, William Walter; Milnor, Sargent County, N. D. 48 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Longfellow, Victor O.; Urbana, Ohio. Noble, Thomas Benjamin; Michigan and 48th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Paxton, Eli John Thomas; Rushville, Ind. Sargent, Edw. Evan; LeRoy, Illinois. Sayre, Frank Lee; Dixie Highway, Florence, Ky. Tucker, Arthur Warren, address unknown. Van Deman, Ralph Henry; care Adjutant General, Washington, D. C. Wakefield, John Dillon; 3436 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walter, Charles Albert; address unknown. Webster, Daniel Jefferson; 323 Park Ave., Ironton, Ohio. Wiseman, John Sheridan; R. F. D. No. 2, Pedro, Ohio. Class of 1894 Brown, Mark Atkins; 2518 Salem Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Campbell, Frank Dillon; 1915 South 6th St., Ironton, Ohio. Cavagna, Julian C.; 2616 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. De Forrest, Perry Alfred; “La Ligniere,’”’ Gland Vand, Switzerland. Dunham, Henry Kennon; 3011 Vernon PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferciot, Bert John; East Canton, Ohio. Juler, Edw. C.; 2854 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lord, Frank R.; R. D. No. 13, Dayton, Ohio. McCann, Frank Bright; address unknown. McCormack, Matthew Eric; 202 East Martin St., Martinsburg, W. Va. Pucklitsch, Ernest Otto; Evergreen, Colo. Schillinger, Richard, Jr.; 118 N. Eighth St., Richmond, Ind. Timberman, Andrew J.; 318 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Van Osdol, Dawson Dwight; Rushville, Ind. Wampler, John Montgomery; 33 N. 10th St., Richmond, Ind. Wendel, Henry Charles; 18 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1895 Allen, Harry Sherwood; 332 N. 6th St., Ironton, Ohio. Bloom, Harvey Grant; Oxford, Ind. Bowman, Norton West; Flora, IIl. Chrisman, Claude North; 304 South Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio. Cross, Frank Bradley; 2709 Johnstone Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Daly, Harry Currington; address unknown. Diekmeier, Henry Philip; 125 W. Twelfth St., Cincinnati, O., (r) 2614 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Earnshaw, Louis Putman; address unknown. Edwards, Frank Mott; 131 E. 15th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Elliott, Hugh Henry; address unknown. Emmert, Edw. J.; Lawrenceburg, Ind. French, Edw. Harwood; address unknown. Halton, John; Sarasota, Manatee County, Fla. Kautz, Frank Alexander; 214 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly, Simeon; 535 Linden Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Kendall, Charles Hill; Falmouth, Ky. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 49 Langdon, William Carson; 2038 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, George E.; Anna, Ohio. McClintock, Alexander Wiley; address unknown. Norris, W. Lee; Eitel Building, Seattle, Wash. Quigley, George Washington, Jr.; address unknown. Replogle, Francis Marion; Bradford, Ohio. Remy, Thomas Henry; 328 Chestnut St., Ironton, Ohio. Silbaugh, William Henry; address unknown. Spence, Arthur Densmore; South Lebanon, Ohio. Terrill, S. Smith; 1662 York Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Van Meter, Ross; address unknown. Williams, John Davidson; Ashland Nat. Bk. Bldg., Ashland, Ky. Class of 1896 Carl, Omer U.; Telephone Bldg., Peru, Ind. Cochnower, Robert Stewart; 2616 University Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cone, Stephen Edwin; 194 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conley, Edward Vincent; address unknown. Devers, Albert Barker; 3400 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ellis, Wilbur Sibley; address unknown. Freericks, Arthur Henry; 1616 Ruth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hannah, Ralph Bolender; Georgetown, Ohio. Henderson, James Decator; Holston National Bank Building, Knoxville, Tenn. Hoffman, Charles Patrick; Baum Building, Danville, Il. Hogan, William Everett; R. D. No. 2, West Milton, Miami County, Ohie. Jones, Gomer E.; Oak Hill, Ohio. Justice, Joseph Benjamin; address unknown. Lippert, Alfred Benedictus T.; care Wm. Morgan, 3817 Davis St., Cheviot, Cin- cinnati, Ohio; Joannde, Cameron, West Africa. Magruder, James William; address unknown. Mason, Clarence Howard; Felicity, Ohio. Massie, Henry Franklin; Haver Hill, Ohio. Meyers, Charles Henry; 3455 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Molony, Louis Allaire; 628 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murrell, Ulysses Grant; Wilmington, Ohio. Oettinger, Bernard; 1321 E. 3rd St., Long Beach, Calif. Schaeffer, George Christian; 854 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Scheerer, Frank; 805 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Robert Ernest; R. F. D. No. 8, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Class of 1897 Andre, George B. M.; Wheelersburg, Scioto County, Ohio. Cavey, John Ewing; Stratton, Colo. Coblin, Reuben M.; 305 Ann St., Frankfort, Ky. Cooksey, Thomas Lynch; 205 Marshall St., Crawfordsville, Ind. Francis, Edw.; U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Gaither, Alfred; 134 E. Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gallagher, Cornelius; Ninth and Scott Sts., Ironton, Ohio. 50 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Goff, W. Mitchell; Marysville, Ohio. Gorbold, Alfred Arthur; Ross, Butler County, Ohio. Grabel, Frank; address unknown. Griess, Walter R.; 19 W. Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ° Hall, Joseph Arda; 3598 Washington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, Wm. Carleton; 43-46 Groton Building, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 3050 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hastings, William Edw.; Zionville, Ind. Jaquith, Orville Sullivan; 601 Medical Arts Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Klayer, William Henry; 1923 Cleneay Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Minor, Charles L.; Fairbanks Building, Springfield, Ohio. Murphy, Walter Eugene; 707 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nichols, Henry Dodge, address unknown. Ramey, John Henry; Rock Camp, Ohio. Ray, Victor, Sr.; 3584 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohie. Rogers, Charles Butterfield; Orchard Springs Sanatarium, Dayton, Ohio. Rothert, Herman; Memphis, Mo. Sattler, George Gordon; 2638 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Smith, Charles Stanley; Somerset Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, George Foster; Lawrenceburg, Ind. Tatman, Oliver Perry; 39 West Second St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Vermillion, Clyde W.; address unknown. Weinstein, Joseph Hamilton; 128 South Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Wilson, Edgar M.; 932 Elm St., Lima, Ohio. Class of 1898 Beeson, Charles Francis; Roswell, New Nexico. Boggess, John Samuel; U. S. Public Health Service, U. S. Marine Hospital No. 7, Detroit, Mich. Crall, James Madison; address unknown. Dean, George Brookhouse; address unknown. Kautz, Frank Alexander, Jr.; 214 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ketcham, Charles Lincoln; Leesburg, Ga. Mason, Matthew; address unknown. Miller, Charles Edw.; 917 E. Main St., Muncie, Ind. Roller, Walter C.; Wilshire, Ohio. Wood, Thomas H.; 21714 S. Broadway, Rochester, Minn. Class of 1899 Bell, Albert James; 3641 Kendall Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blanchard, Robert Moore; care Surgeon Gen. Office, Washington, D. C., also Ft. Sheridan, II. Chapman, George Little; 21 Bronson Pl., Toledo, Ohio. Conzett, John Jacob; 443 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elder, John Munford; Niles, Ohio. Gray, Dan Feurt; 522 East Noble Ave., Guthrie, Okla. Hines, Harry Hayes; 442 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Daniel Elmer; Arcade Building, Dayton, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Miller, William Fulton; address unknown. Milner, William Lee; 3131 Lookout Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ranz, William Eugene; Federal Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio. Roush, Winbert Franklin; St. Petersburg, Fla. Severin, Louis; Bluffton, Ind. Stanberry, Henry; 556 Doctors’ Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Webster, Joseph Samuel; Racoon Island, Ohio. Class of 1900 Bledsoe, Robert Walter; 1005 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Bunn, Ralph Alonzo; Reibold Building, Dayton, Ohio. Dale, George Pendleton; Reibold Building; (r) 931 Ferndale Ave., Dayton, O. Davies, Daniel Jenkin; 2315 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ehrnsberger, Charles Thomas; 713 East Franklin St., Lima, Ohio. Goetz, James Samuel; 3534 Pine St., Omaha, Neb. Hamilton, Nathaniel Crew; 207 East Mulberry St., Kokomo, Ind. Hunter, Ira Ellis; Commercial Bank Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Iliff, Charles Edwin, Jr.; 2551 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, William Francis; McCook, Neb. Lamb, Fred William; 209 Prov. Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Light, Alvin Lucien; 850 Broadway, Dayton, Ohio. McKee, Emilius Morancy; McClelland Building, Lexington, Ky. Mottier, Guilford Dudley Allsop; 65 Richelieu St., Indianapolis, Ind. Pritchard, William H.; State Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Sachs, Abraham; address unknown. Schmidter, William Charles; 97 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Silver, Horatio Zimmerman; Eaton, O. Stover, Charles Jacob; 216 S. High St., Muncie, Ind. Taylor, William Jordan; 71 Vindonissa Building, Cincinnati, O. Zepin, David; 1418 West Main St., Belleville, Ill. Zumstein, Fred. Ernst; 5105 Second Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Class of 1901 Ashley, Thad W.; 466 Park Ave., Kenosha, Wis. Beekley, Clarence Joseph; 3117 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Burkert; Shandon, Ohio. Conwell, Clayton B.; Cumberland Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crabtree, S. A.; Martinsville, Ohio. Cragg, Harry C.; 50 Groton Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohto. Dell, John Augustus; 5th and Main Sts., Middletown, Ohio. Dupuy, Elbert Stevenson; Beckley, W. Va. Easton, John Crockett; 40 East Ward St., Springfield, Ohio. Elliott, R. H.; Jamieson Bldg., Connersville, Ind. . Hulick, Thomas; 3615 Montgomery Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hyde, Arthur Gordon; State Hospital, Massillon, Ohio. Krone, Henry, Jr.; Central and Washington Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Lamb, F. H.; 940 McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCreight, Granville C.; Willard, Ohio. 51 52 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Miller, George W.; East Chicago, Il. Pierret, Geo. Aug.; 4733 Whetsel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sater, Clifford; 688 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schneider, William; Davey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spink, Thos. Francis; 105 S. East Second St., Washington, Ind. Spence, Raymond H.; Wyoming, Iowa. Class of 1902 Alcorn, James G.; 106 South Champion Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Brenton, T. M.; Osgood, Ind. Caldwell, John Alexander; 1650 Glen Parker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eckler, Clyde Achilles; Dry Ridge, Ky. Ellison, John Noble; 1423 Franklin Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. Hater, 4... 3/2 Kenner ote Ludlaw, Ky. Herman, William C.; 19 West Seventh St.; (r) 3350 Ruther Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herndon, Robert Hughes; Leathers Road, Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Kendig, R. C.; 1129 South Main St., Akron, Ohio. Knoop, Edgar T.; 972 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McAuliffe, Denis Lane; 312 Lawrence Ave., North Vernon, Ind. Newman, Samuel E.; Metropolitan Building; (r) 4900 Pershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Nippert, Edw. F.; 1026 Rives-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.; also 2328 Live Oak Drive, Hollywood, Calif. Patton, H. F.; 533 West High St., Dayton, Ohio. Schroer, Harry; 513 Wade St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaffer, John Samuel; Montgomery, W. Va. Shank, P. J.; 5816 Main Ave., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sharkley, Bryan; 109 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. Shook, Ben. O.; Spencerville, Ind. Tappan, Paul W.; Marathon Hills Park, Dayton, Ohio. Wendt, Edgar Shafer; 926 West Delaware Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Wilkinson, R. R.; 11% East Eighth St.; (r), 952 Marion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1903 Abernathy, J. W.; 154 S. Main St., Williamstown, Ky. Barger, Frank F.; 113%, North Main St., Urbana, Ohio. Bruns, E. H.; Ft. Bayard, New Mexico. Curry, E. A.; 239. Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Duckwall, F. C.; Scott, Ohio. Flenner, Merle D’Aubigne; Third and Dayton, Hamilton, Ohio. French, Louis H.; 4202 Chilberg St.; also Joshia Green Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Garrison, Clinton Dudley; 3263 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gilmore, Park McConnell; 2210 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Grossman, Joseph Hershall; 15815 Chadbourne Rd., May County Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Harris, James Clifford; 1900 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Hermann, Edward; 17 E. Sixth St., Newport, Ky. Hunter, Alexander Clyde; 20 West Dayton St., West Alexandria, Ohio. Jacobs, William George; 38 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 53 Johnson, Howard Hiram; 210 San Leandro Way, San Francisco, Calif.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Kehoe, Edward Joseph; Northwestern Branch National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, National Home, Wis. ‘Kirgan, Joseph William; 3236 Hardisty Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koneger, Fred William; 45 S. Seventh St., Rchmond, Ind. Lahke, Herman Henry; 1824 Carll St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Longfellow, Victor Othello; Urbana, Ohio. Lynd, William Wilson; 1212 South Sixth St., Ironton, Ohio. Markley, Arthur Jackson; Metropolitan Building, Denver, Colo. Martin. jonn RK. Bos Re D. No, 2.:Gap; Pa. Mullikin, Hugh Mathews; Rose Dispensary Bldg., Terre Haute, Ind. Nelson, Elon Howard; 28 South Hamilton Ave., Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Nicholas, Louis Albert; 1530 Elkston Place, College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Osburn, Craven Worthington; 2211 North Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Parker, Gary Gibbon; 18 North Mulberry St., Mansfield, Ohio. Rank, Harrison Dellinger; 40 East Locust St., Newark, Ohio. Tracy, Wallace Burtram; Fremont, Ohio. Waggoner, William Clark (Major) ; 574 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Warden, Charles Cary; Newark, Ohio. William Wright Charles; 503 Jefferson Building, Peoria, Ill. Class of 1904 Beauchamp, Harry Hirchell; 929 Forum Bldg., Sacramento, Calif. Chidlaw, Benjamin W.; Citizens’ National Bank Bldg.; (r) 21 Wildwood Rd., Ham- mond, Ind. Cromer, Mary O.; 627 N. Columbia St., Union City, Ind. Cunningham, Terrence John; 2622 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Davison, Owen Clarence; Bethel, Ohio. Dennis, Glenn Kennedy; 307 Columbus St., Wilmington, Ohio. Greenwald, Harry Adkins; 792 Kensington Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. Hollingshead, Francis Murdock; 1028 Marine Trust Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y. Hinnen, Gustav A.; 4 West Seventh St.; (r) 1343 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hutchins, John Wesley; Sciotoville, Ohio. Keller, William Sebald; Groton Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindner, Eaton George; Ocala, Fla. McCormick, Frank Earle; address unknown. McCoy, George Washington; 636 Security Building; (r) 314 South Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Manning, Mary Pearlee; Third and Buckeye Sts., Hamilton, Ohio. Mytinger, George Sylvester; 176 W. Water St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Poling, James Bishop; 730 West Market St., Lima, Ohio. Powers, Hale; U. S. Veterans’ Hospital, Northampton, Mass. Reed, Connor O.; Bellingham, Wash. Shafer, Edw. Elmer; 20th Ave. Bank Bldg., Huntington, W. Va. Southworth, Rufus; Fountain Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Troy, Anderson; West Milton, Ohio. 54 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1905 Bange, Theodore, 345 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bulla, Mora Simeon; Elizabeth City, N. C. Cliness, George Wylie; address unknown. Cusher, Louis M.; 3965 Warwick Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dickson, David Judkins; 2174 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Garrison, Sherwood P.; 205 Van Voast Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Gaston, Raymond E.; 842 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haveman, George A.; Grant Hospital, Columbus, Ohio. Hutchins, John Wesley; 5701 Gallia St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Irwin, John Walter; 100 S. Broadway, Dayton, Ohio. Kautz, William S.; 1209 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kineon, George Goodhue; Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, Gallipolis, Ohio. Landman, Michael Louis; 311 W. 97th St., New York City. O’Hare, Michael A.; 510 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Poling, Jacob C.; Ansonia, Ohio. Sauer, William Walter; address unknown. Schaar, Miriam; Hamburg, Germany. Scott, Thompson P.; Carlisle, Ky. Smith, Fred. J.; East Moline, Ill. Smith, Ralph Henry; 310 Brady Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Urner, Martin Harley: 2600 Union Central Building; (r) 2105 Fulton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. . Woods, Charles Jefferson; 1552 EF. 17th Place, Tulsa, Okla. Class of 1906 Broeman, Clarence J.; 1359 Fleming St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Butler, Robert H.; 321 E. Chillicothe Ave., Bellefontaine, O. Cook, John H.; 444 N. 8th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Craig, Edw. M.; 4340 Main Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Dickinson, Townsend H.; 232 Kenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Doughty, William M.; 628 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Farley, Angela B.; 2642 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. George, John C.; Oteen, N. C. Gregg, Walter D.; R. D. No. 16, Dayton, Ohio. Halton, Joseph; 212 Cocanut Ave., Sarasota, Maratte County, Fla. Hunt, Charles T.; 102 South Fifth St., Miamisburg, Ohio. Keller, Corliss R.; 146 North Third St., Hamilton, Ohio. Krieger, George M.; 701 Washington Ave., Michigan City, Ind. Lee, John M.; Rushville, Ind. Leeds, Lenore (Mrs. Wm. Doughty); 628 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis, William H.; Harbin Hospital, Rome, Ga. Little, Charles E.; Rockbridge, Ohio. Macready, Charles F.; Monroe, Ohio. Pirrung, Joseph E.; 1218 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 59 Schulze, Herman H.; 2937 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thorne, Olive (Mrs. Olive T. Basket) ; Wilbmar, Minn. Wamsley, Carey E.; Third and Washington Aves., Newport, Ky. Class of 1907 Allen, Robert C.; Greenville Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Bausch, J. Frederick; Ross, Butler County, Ohio. Box, Harry M.; 271 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Case, Frank W.; 2750 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crume, William R.; Gratis, Ohio. Edwards, Stephen; Van Wert, Ohio. Griffith, Mose S.; 286 N. Academy St., Galesbury, III. James, Howard S.; 200 Worthington Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Jennie, James J.; 418 Provident Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Knapp, G. H.; (r) Chase and Florida Ave., North Side, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lynsky, Christopher H.; address unknown. Metz, Charles W.; 6113 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miketta, Franz H., 1616 Knowlton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monger, John E.; Bureau of Vital Statistics; (r) 1585 North Fourth St. Columbus, Ohio. Ranshaw, W. H. T.; 1021 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Siegel, Francis X.; 231 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1908 Abbott, William R.; 166 Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrews, Stanley B.; 213 Rockingham Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Blair, William E.; Lebanon, Ohio. Brenner, R. Roxie; Evansville, Ind. Bronson, Malcolm; R. D. No. 1 and Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Bussdicker, David; 248 Volusia Ave. and 1104 Far Hills Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Cade, William T.; Westgate, Los Angeles, Calif. Davis, Edw.; Salem, W. Va. Gerber, David F.; 228 South Broad St., Middletown, Ohio. Lautenschlager, H. W.; 1101 Manhattan Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Porter, Eugene O.; Ninth and Baymiller, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ranz, Joseph M.; 357 Lorain Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Richards, James W.; address unknown. Class of 1909 Bauer, Edw. O.; 62 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. Boswell, Grace M.; 3441 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bradley, George H.; 4805 Wesley Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Braunlin, Carl G.; 1764 11th St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Cutter, Earl M.; Georgetown, Ohio. Daehler, J. Walter; 9th and Offnere Sts., Portsmouth, Ohio. 56 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Davis, Edward; Salem, W. Va. Early, Charles S.; R. D. A., Lakeland, Fla. Ferguson, Charles L.; 1920 Baird Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. Glenn, J. B.; Greenfield, Ohio. Godfrey, E. Bruce; 460 E. 32nd St., Chicago, Ill. O’Maley, Joseph M.; Summit Lane, Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Peters, William H.; 2595 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosenbaum, Jacob D.; address unknown. Ryan, James A.; 703 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Shilling, Harry E.; 434 W. McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stueve, Amos E. W.; 3756 Warsaw Ave., Price Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 57 OHIO-MIAMI MEDICAL COLLEGE Class of 1910 Berry, John Hoadly; State Hospital for Insane, Athens, Ohio. Bloom, Oscar Edwin; 67 E. Archwood Ave., Akron, Ohio. Brock, Earl Ernst; 1016 Chase St., Anderson, Indiana. Burton, Casper; 108 S. Third St., Ironton, Ohio. Ervin, Charles Kenneth; 3426 Berry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Finney, John Montfort; S. 1200 Grand Blvd.; (r) 517 Sound Ave., Spokane, Wash. Fouts, John Daniel; Marathon Hills Park, Dayton, Ohio. Gaballah, Rizgallah; Miniah, Egypt. Getelson, Joseph; Argyle Building, Kansas City, Mo. Graf, William Joseph; 3031 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Griffith, Oliver Harrison; 93 Maryland St., Wheeling, W. Va. Hamsher, John Fremont; Saint Paris, Ohio. Hansell, George Hart; R. F. D. No. 2, Rising Sun, Ind. Harris, Fred H.; 2760 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heath, Earl Eugene; Advance, Indiana. Heizer, Lewis Wade; 1812 Baymiller St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunter, Joseph Nathaniel; Rayland, Ohio. Jones, Charley Curtis; No. 656-19 Garfield Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy, Charles P.; 3729 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy, Clifford C.; 2369 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio. King, George Wesley; South Point, Lawrence County, Ohio. Korb, David Adam; 4723 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langdon, Fletcher; 4003 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lisle, Howard Cochran; 137 High St., Springfield, Ohio. Littell, John Charlesworth; Kessen Bldg., Cheviot, Ohio. McCullough, Ernest C.; care Procter & Gamble Co., Staten Island, N. Y. Pohlmeyer, Herman F.; 673 Elsmere Park, Lexington, Ky. Schneider, Henry Michie; 456 Doctors’ Bidg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schriver, Louis Howard; 604 Doctors’ Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. shinkle, Clyde Earl; 2138 St. James PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Francis Glenn; Reily, Ohio. Stammel, Charles August; (Captain) U. S. A. M. C. Army and Navy General Hos- pital, Hot Springs Nat. Bank, Arkansas. Stitt, Howard Leigh; 3561 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stoffregen, Charles Henry; 963 Greyton Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Topmoeller, George B.; Resor Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Twachtman, Eric R.; 1402 Union Central Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tyler, George P., Jr.; J2 W. Second St., Ripley, Ohio. Van Pelt, Stanley Hull; Blue Rock Pike, Barnesburg, Ohio. Class of 1911 Arn, Elmer Raymond; 805 ManhattanAve., Dayton, Ohio. Bachmeyer, Arthur Charles; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. 58 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Backsman, Elmore Bernard; 816 Washington St., Newport, Ky. Boehme, Raymond G.; 709 W. Main St., Springfield, Ohio. Braunlin, Edgar Louis; 1900 Wayne Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Braunlin, Walter Albert; 1301 Ninth St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Chaney, Only J.; 808 Bowery St., Akron, Ohio. Coleman, David Coryell; Lucasville, Ohio. Conway, Marinus Willett; Cheney, Wash. Davidson, Marion Tabb; 3448 Cliff Rd., Birmingham, Ala. De Courcy, Giles A.; 1041 Academy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elliott, Reuben Jay; Junction City, Kan. Feid, Louis, Jr.; 4451 Carnation Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fineirock, Harvey A.; 103 W. Baird Ave., Barberton, Ohio. Gerlach, Earl B.; 708 Washington Drive, West Palm Beach, Fla. Gewert, Arthur C.; 3161 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Giffen, Guy C.; Fidelity Medical Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Hofling, Charles Andrew, Jr.; 3230 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly, Thomas H.; 490 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. King, Allen Thurman; Flat No. 7, 628 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Larabee, Gilbert Brown; Osgood, Ind. Levy, Max Abraham; 189 Grand St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lurie, Louis Aryah; 3932 Dickson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McClelland, Donald Charles, 405 Schultz Bldg., Lafayette, Ind. McDevitt, Charles Joseph; 210 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Charles Earl; Lynn, Ind. Mayberry, Irvin W.; 2841 3rd Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Miller, Eli Aesar; Hale and Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rapp, Harry Floyd; 1521 Gallia St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Rasetti, Georges; Paris, France. Renneker, Alvin F.; 210 W. 9th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reuscher, Leo G.; 420 Prov. Bk. Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spelman, John Dillon; Liberty Apts., New Orleans, La. - Storer, Elroy Remplin; 1331 First Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Whallon, Arthur James; 29 S. Tenth St., Richmond, Ind. Wiechelman, Clement John; 34 Court St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zielonka, Samuel; 852 E. Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1912 Ailes, Melville D.; Sidney, Ohio. Bekheet, Boutros Girgis; Assuit, Egypt. Benjamin, Julien Emil; 3635 Washington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benus, Howard; 360 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Boyd, Foster Jackson; 4524 Circle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bussey, Harry Stewart; address unknown. Carroll, Harry Ralph; 113 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, William Clifford; 3058 Madison Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Clear, James Thomas; 1549 Baymiller St. Cincinnati, Ohio. Coulter, Philip Louis; (Major) Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. ; COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 59 Davis, Roy Hamilton; 1209 West Howard Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Dyas, Alexander Douglas; St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada. Dyas, Ira Everette; Eastport, Maine. Ervin, Humphrey N.; (Major) M. C., U. S. A., Camp Meade, Md. Fennel, Eric Adolphus; 2310 Ferdinand Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. Fox, Leon Alexander; (Major) Fitzsimons General Hospital, Fitzsimons, Colo. Gardner, William A.; 437 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gilfillen, George C.; 143 Squirrel Rd., Dayton, Ohio. Heisel, Clifford Newell; 703 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Herold, Lambert John; Eagle Paint Colony, Rossford, Ohio. Hjelm, C. Emmett; 309 Rose Blvd., Akron, Ohio. Hord, Winn Estelle; Maysville, Ky. Judkins, Robert John; U. S. Veterans Bureau, Court and Vine Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. King, Edward; 819 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Klein, Elmer A.; 19 West 7th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lautenschlager, Thurman Holmes; 72 East Burton Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Lose, Carl William, Flushing, Ohio. Majoewsky, Leo R.; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Milton Bradford; 1515 Jewell Ave., Topeka, Kansas. Minges, Theodore; 933 York St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monnig, John Edward; 433 Rose Blvd., Akron, Ohio. Moore, Edwin F.; 718 State Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murayama, Mitogoro, 860 A St., Fresno, Calif. Mytinger, Walter Henry; Leipsic, Ohio. Okrent, Samuel; 549 Prospect Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reid, Robert W.; Union City, Ind. Reynolds, Charles O.; Miller Ritter Building, Huntington, W. Va. Saltzman, Nathan L.; 215 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schlemmer, Elmer W.; 901 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schulz, Julius, C.; Wellsburg, W. Va. Schwarz, John G.; Gallipolis, Ohio. Shular, Ivan James Daniel; 5715 Palatine Ave., Seattle, Wash. Silberstein, Emanuel; 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spitler, Roscoe H.; 150 Squirrel Rd., Dayton, Ohio. Tangeman, Horace F.; 1601 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Terwillegar, Clyde Byron; 153 North Fourth St., Steubenville, Ohio. Tobin, Peter Arthur; Fresno, Calif. Topmoeller, William Joseph; 211 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Townsend, Oscar E.; 237 Ohio St., Elyria, Ohio. Tunison, Clarence W.; 1228 Ida St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Westlake, Ida M.; address unknown. Williams, Charles A. S.; 528 Second St., Marietta, Ohio. Wright, Allison B.; 1093 South Main St., Akron, Ohio. Class of 1913 Brown, Harry Mollyneauz; Kings Mills, Ohio. De Courcy, Joseph Luke; 2990 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fitzpatrick, Harry Watterson; 416 South Anderson St., Elwood, Ind. 60 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hammond, Harry Joseph; 1058 Elk St., Buffalo, N. Y. Hans, Clarence Louis; 2900 Graselli Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hutzelman, Jacob Casper; Sharonville, Ohio. Keckert, Howard Ray; 177 Oakdale Ave., Akron, Ohio. Keller, Webster Fels; 1058 West Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Kennedy, Edward; Milford, Ohio. Kiely, Charles Edward; 4 Hedgerow Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Koch, Arthur Eugene; 405 Bell Block, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuck, Edward; 444 Riddle Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mahoney, Thomas William; 107 North Greenmont St., Springfield, Ohio. Neal, Charles E.; 2300 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Petty, Lawrence A.; 305 Jefferson St., Charleston, W. Va. Reuter, William James; Ohio City, Ohio. Scott, Verner Trenary; (Captain) M. C., U. S. A., Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, Hawaii. Shannon, William L.; 910 Union Central Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Skinner, Dan M.; Third and Buckeye Sts., Hamilton, Ohio. Smith, Warde Byron; Frankfort, Ohio. Thompson, Gilbert F.; Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Sandusky, Ohio. Van Leue, Joyce Warwick; Gettysburg, Ohio. Vaughen, Ray; Cedar Mills, Ohio. Williams, James S.; 1611 Wellman St., Massillon, Ohio. Williams, Robert P.; (Major) M. C., U. S. A., Camp Lewis, Washington. Class of 1914 Carr, Haviland; 1101 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Coppock, Frank Marion, Jr.; 426 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Foertmeyer, William A.; (Major) M. C., U. S$. A., Letterman General Hospital, San -trancisco, Calit, Gardner, Mabel E.; 129 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. Goldenberg, Frank; 3320 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hatt PRODETIGVY be Uy os ke ites oe alata el: Hawely, ‘Paul Rs; (Major) M: Cy°USS. AS ‘Camp Custer Mich: Johnston, Douglas Alexander; 1515 Groesbeck Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCarthy, Merrick Fiefield; 2700 Union Central Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. McGowan, John Vincent; 234 Hartwell Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Ratterman, Helena Teresa; 1532 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Paul Morton; U. S. P H. S., Surgeon Generals Office, Washington, D. © Class of 1915 Betzner, Clarence W.; 2627 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Samuel Cranford; Cherry Fork, Ohio. Freyhof, William Louis; 3819 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisk, Harley Bruse; 108 East Southern Ave., Covington, Ky. Gerish, Nettie Luella; 1626 Spencer St., Omaha, Neb. Hofman, Albert Peter; 127 West Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kreft, Frank George; 2915 LaGrange St., Toledo, Ohio. Lamb, Benjamin Harrison; 2637 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Lowe, Henry H.; Leesburg, Ohio. Metzger, Frank Curry; 505 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Charles LaMont; Schomer, Middletown, Ohio. Moore, Hazelett Andrew; Oxford, Ohio. Norris, Benjamin; M. C., U. S. A., Walter Reid Hosp., Washington, D. C. Oliver, Wade Wright; Long Island College Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y. Paden, Russell Homer; 1610 Liberty St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Weiss, Hiram Bertram; 760 East Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1916 Bieler, Henry George; address unknown. Campbell, Frank Dickson; 425 First St., Butler, Pa. Carothers, Ralph Goldsmith; 409 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geringer, Albert Connell; 3485 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldberg, Leon; Harvey Inn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauser, Selmar Frederick; 811 Main St., Covington, Ky. Hoffman, John Teal; Harter Bank Bldg., Canton, Ohio. Huckins, Edward Spaulding; Bay City, Mich. Huerkamp, Joseph Martin; Ft. Recovery, Ohio. Kalson, Abraham M.; 222 West Eighth St., Erie, Pa. Klotz, Jeremiah A.; Pennsburg, Pa. Lindenberger, Lauren Norton; Troy, Ohio. Orwig, Earl Albert; 4040 Caroline Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Perkins, George Allen; Main St., Burgettstown, Pa. Schaner, Morris; 1868 West Central Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Shank, Reed Albert; 2959 Eggers Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shearer, Charles Cornelius; 4047 Jackman Rd., Toledo, Ohio. Springer, Henry A.; 2974 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stark, John Reis; 1112 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tucker, David Andrew, Jr.; Holly Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1917 Bent, Xenna Pearle; Benton, Wis. Coleman, Davis Hunter; Harrodsburg, Ky. Coleman, John McFerren; Box 228, Loveland, Ohio. Denser, Clarence Hugh; U. S. Veterans’ Hosp. No. 37, Waukesha, Wis. Ervin, Dwight Molyneaux; Hyde and Bush Sts., San Francisco, Calif. Gordon, John Whitlock; 233 Pilgrim Ave., Detroit, Mich. Herring, Carrie Alice; East Akron, Ohio. Jenkins, Walter Isaac; 391 North Firestone Blvd., Akron, Ohio. Johnston, Alexander Robert; 2667 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Matuska, Anthony; 1320 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Norman, John Warren; St. Paris, Ohio. Payne, Foy Clanson; 711 Oxford Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Smith, Parke Gillespie; 2411 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1918 Albers, Frank Joseph; 1316 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. 61 62 UNIVERSITY OF.CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Ayres, William Harold; 1103 Second St., Lorain, Ohio. Benzinger, Martin; Physicians’ Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Blackford, Henrietta Virginia; 1614 Westmoreland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Briscoe, Hugh Alan; 1032 Diagonal Rd., Akron, Ohio. Christopher, A. C., Jr.; Main St., Milford, Ohio. Claasen, Harry Louis; 2723 Scioto St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fischback, Victor William; 2700 Union Central Bldg., Cncinnati, Ohio. Freiberg, Henry Bernard; 625 East Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grierson, Anthony Royce; Erie Apts., Sandusky, Ohio. Hance, George Joseph; Troy, Ohio. Isaacs, Raphael; 268 Brookline Ave., Boston, Mass. Jones, Lloyd; Circleville, Ohio. Mannino, Joseph Dante; 3705 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Moose, Ray Moody; 340 Base Line, San Bernardino, Calif. Oliver, Symmes Francis; 6015 Robinson Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Owens, Thomas Roger; Ringold Apts., Muncie, Ind. Pogue, Philip F. (formerly Poggendick) ; 405 Evanswood PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Potts, Raymond Dustin; 1127 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Siebler, Salmen Korkes; 908 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. White, Robert Alexander; 141 Coleman Ave., Ashville, N. C. Winston, Ethel Forbis; Y. M. C. A., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1919 Barden, Norman; 1209 Seventh St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Bishop, Ernest Edward; 2358 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Braunlin, Robert Frederick; 14 East Market St., Huntington, Ind. Dryer, Ernest Rogers; Exchange Nat. Bank Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. Hagin, John Charles; Crooks, S. D. Hoskins, Lloyd Leggett; 11594 Shadeland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Lillard, Davis; 2956 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyle, Donald Johnson; 545 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McClintic, Clifton Forrest; 1750 West Philadelphia Ave., Detroit, Mich. McCreary, Homer Wilson; Liberty, Ind. Martin, Robert Scott; Red Cloud, Neb. Noonan, Charles Stewart; 1403 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raybeck, Ralph Jackson; Westinghouse Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Roman, Jose Colon; Porto Rico. Rousey, Schuyler Colfax; Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryall, George Wallace; Wooster, Ohio, and 8314 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Scoville, Dorothea Haven; 510 West 124th St., New York City. Snyder, Mildred Law; 124 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. Suffron, Benjamin F.; 841 West Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Thompson, James; 807 Pearl Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. Vierling, Frank; address unknown. Wellman, Frank George; 2634 West Sixth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wygant, Willie Edward; 46 Rowland Ave., Mansfield, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Class of 1920 Adelstein, Fred; 10312 Adams Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Asbury, Eslie; Doctors’ Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beatty, Ernest N.; Doctors’ Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brigham, Vernon D.; 2626 North Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Britenburg, Earl M.; Covington (Miami County), Ohio. Brown, Abraham; 2466 North Fratz St., Philadelphia, Pa. Busching, Howard Ellsworth; Elmwood PIl., Ohio. Deppen, Earl Neagley; First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Neb. Donahue, Matthew Thomas; 4392 Pearl Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Friedrich, Charles; 4510 Homer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haas, Albert Larry; 4125 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hohman, Louis Mathias; 3432 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Horn, Karl W.; Lewisburg, Ohio. Jones, James G.; 1534 Eddington Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Kehoe, Robert A.; 717 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kenkel, Henry F.; 1675 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kilbane, Cornelius V.; 7431 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Knight, Mary Sadelia (Mrs. Eslie Asbury); 4520 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Linton, Frank Terry; Limes Springs, La. Lockwood, Kenneth L.; 4223 34th St., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyle, Alice Franklin; 572 East 120th St., Cleveland, Ohio. McDowell, Edward S.; 9 Margaret St., Plattsburg, Ohio. McIntyre, Howard D.; Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKhann, George Grassel; 300 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. Mason, Edward Charles; 1204 North Jefferson St., Springfield, Mo. Molinder, Samuel Garvin; 2416 West Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Newman, Rush C.; First National Bank Building, Huntington, W. Va. Payne, Clyde Clarkson; 1521 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Ray, Victor, Jr.; 17 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roberts, Vernon Bradley; 520 Carplin Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rogers, Wm. Raymond; 3243 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Runyan, Wm. McKay; R. D. No. 6, Springfield, Ohio. Scherr, Wm. Burkhart; 35 South Walnut St., Morgantown, W. Va. Sexton, Marshall Cullen; Rushville, Ind. Smith, Herbert N.; R. F. D. No. 3, Brookville, Ind. Stack, Robert A. H.; 1124 Fifth St., Lorain, Ohio. Straehley, Clifford J.; 2217 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Straehley, Erwin Miller; 2828 Vernon PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sutton, John Franklin; 210 23rd St., Bellaire, Ohio. Torrence, John F.; Germantown, Ohio. 63 Turner, Clifton Sherwood; 433 Jefferson Building, (r) 608 Cooper St., Peoria, III. Walker, Robert B.; 2701 Hudson Blvd., Jersey City, N. J. Zeigler, Jerome; 1190 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y. 64 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1921 Beumler, Arthur Karl; South Webster (Scioto County), Ohio. Boocks, Howard Moore; Union Turnace, Ohio. Brammer, Fred Emerson; 238 West Ninth St., Huntington, W. Va. Cassady, Everett Sidney; 208 Sixth St., San Pedro, Calif. Conwell, Halford Fred; 3163 Linwood Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cook, George Harvey; 902 Watts Building, San Diego, Calif. Corpron, Douglas Squire; Yakima, Wash. Davis, David Carson; Higginsville, Mo. Davis, Parvin Milton; Elsby Building, New Albany, Ind. Downing, Harold Francis; 950 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Drachenberg, Harry; 820 Cleveland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Felter, Lloyd King; 1540 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Flipse, Mathew Jay; 415 N. E. 41st St., Miami, Fla. Foster, Theodore Frank; 3954 Lothian Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Fraas, Clarence LeRoy; 875 Main St., North, Dayton, Ohio. Ganim, Joseph Nicholas; 1308 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hannah, Hewitt Blain; 501 East 31st St., Minneapolis, Minn. Hathaway, George Jarvis; 1810 59th St., Superior, Wis. Hendrickson, Floyd C.; 320 Cleveland Ave., S. W., Canton, Ohio. Howell, Howard H.; Danville, W. Va. Huston, James Mallernee; 5051 Adams St., Los Angeles, Calif. Inskeep, Mahlon, John; 24 East Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Herbert Claiborne; Petersburg, Va. Koehler, William Augustus; 27 Lakewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuhn, Hugh Alva Ross; 686 South Hohman St., Hammond, Ind. Kymmel, August; U. S. P. H. Hospital No. 43, Ellis Island, N. Y. LaCamera, Frank; 213 Lincoln Bldg.; East Market St., Warren, Ohio. Lavender, Herman Leon; Provident Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio Lindner, Joseph; 3402 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Malone, Herbert P.; 9222 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. Maloney, John J.; 576 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bonsack-Miller Blanche (Mrs. H. C. Miller); Eglon (Preston County), W. Va. Miller, Harold Clayton; Eglon (Preston County), W. Va. Minich, Paul Rust; Fairbanks Building, Springfield, Ohio. Musekamp, George Henry; 3527 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nesbit, Orval I.; Grasslands Hospital, Vahalla, N. Y. Newcomb, Paul Barkley; Defiance, Ohio. Pickerel, Fred B.; 3092 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pieck, Carl Edward; 523 Main St., Covington, Ky. Pilliod, John Victor; 1520 Cherry St., Toledo, Ohio. Pirrung, Mathew Clarence; 208 East 13th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, Jay; 14109 Northfield Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Robins, Joseph E.; 1319 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. Sakurai, Kikuzo; 5 Kamimeguro, Tokyo, Japan. Schuiteman, Edward D.; Geneva (Ottawa County), Ohio. Shafer, Clarence Joseph; Cleaney and Main Aves., Norwood, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 65 Shook, Hubert Herman; 3700 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Vincent Vanhorn; 415 Buckhorn St., Ironton, Ohio. Sommer, Louis; 243 Hearné Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Striker, Cecil; 914 East Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Sudhoff, Paul Gerhardt; Doctors’ Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Talbott, Samuel Ford; Morgantown, W. Va. Tucker, Eldon Bryant; 464 Broadway, Morgantown, W. Va. Unsinger, Harold Farquhar; 1868 Page St., San Francisco, Calif. Vonderahe, Alphonse R.; Union Central Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wagner, Harold Harr; 1521 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Willke, Gerard Thomas; Box 6, Maria Stein, Ohio. Woodburn, Lemuel Ansel; Urbana, Ohio. Wylie, Charles Andrew; Casey (Guthrie County), Iowa. Zevalkink, Richard B.; Louisville (Stark County), Ohio. Class of 1922 Bailey, Russell Brooks; Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y; (r) 462 Center Ave., Westen, W. Va. Bennett, Francis Paul; 448 East Main St., Alliance, Ohio. Brown, Albert Louis; Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital, Boston, Mass. Davis, Wilbur Louis; 130 South Park St., Wheeling, W. Va. Fraser, John Allen; 412 Vine St. and Little Bldg., East Liverpool, Ohio. Gaker, Louis William; 1228 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guest, George Martin; 709 East Chestnut St., Hoopeston, IIl. Gutierrez, Dario L.; Tropical Oil Co., Barranca-Bermago, Depto. de Santander, Columbia, South America. Hall, Olin B.; 623 Xenia Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Hardin, George L.; 3521 Prytania St., New Orleans, La. Hartman, Arlett Bryan; 555 Homewood Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Hendricks, Elliott Miley; Care Edwards Hospital, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Hendricks, Louis Joseph; 5225 Fenwich Ave., North Norwood, Ohio. Jones, Gwendolyn Anna (Mrs. Lawrence S. Coryell) ; 68 Woodstock Ave., Allston, Massachusetts. Keck, Herman; 3595 Outlook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Klug, Thomas Michael; 2500 Chapline St., Wheeling, W. Va. Koeter, George F.; 1515 Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. Kreimer, Albert George; 3436 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leech, Charles Hoyt; 825 Fifth Ave. S. W., Rochester, Minn. Levin, Sydney; 8815 Buckeye Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Lunger, Guernsey Reiner; 604 Irving St., San Francisco, Calif. McClung, James Robinson; Richwood (Nichols County), W. Va. McClure, George William; 2732 Woodbine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McIntyre, Aurelia Plack; 1020 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Howard Bryson; 329 Dilmar Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Miller, Maurice Irving; Troy, Ohio. Mills, Clarence Alonzo; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Muskat, Myer Salmen; 515 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paul, William Cornelius; Tracy, Sandconlee P. O., Montana. 66 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Pavy, Odra S.; McFadden (Carbon County), Wyoming. Porras, Lorenzo Pedroso; Union Mission Hospital, Iloilo, P. I. Riddle, Charles Kenneth; 19 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ritenour, Almer Daniel; Jamestown, Ohio. Schirrmann, Harold A.; 2533 Pleasant Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Shelton, Violetta Gilman; 400 Pearl Market Bldg.; (r) 3300 Elland Ave., Cincan- nati, Ohio. Slutz, Hiram H.; 4003 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stix, Regine Kronacher (Mrs. Thomas L. Stix) ; 3562 Rosedale Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Swepston, Emil Rawn; 628 Elm St.; No. 14-15 Berkshire Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Templeton, Wayne King; Garrett, Ind. Theiss, John O.; New Martinsville, W. Va. Vester, Walter C.; 306 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilzbach, Carl Albert; 108 Valencia St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wynn, Justice Farless; 712 South Fourth St., Evansville, Ind. Zeligs, Mendel; 670 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1923 Beckes, Ellsworth W.; 414 Broadway, Vincennes, Ind. Beeks, Franklin Cone; Union Central Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bell, H. Glenn; Cincinnati General Hosptal; (r) 73 Erkenbrecker Ave., Cncin- nati, Ohio. Bellamy, Curtis Franklin; 2617 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bogen, Emil; 1100 Mission Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. Carmel, A. Gerson; 3221 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Childers, Asher Theodore; Cincinnati Sanitarium, Cincinnati, Ohio. Comstock, Glenn Edward; Mt. Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Cook, Malcolm O.; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Craft, Otis Raymond; Byesville, Ohio. Davidson, Harry Orvel; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich. Day, Horace A.; Treadway, Tenn. Dormire, Herman Floyd; St. Vincent’s Hospital, Norfolk, Va. Dorsey, Wesley Franklin; Knoxville General Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn. Dorst, Stanley Elwood; Cleveland Clinic Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Erbaugh, Gordon Leslie; 119 Linden Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Frederick, Clarence Henry; 449 Washington Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Freiberg, Joseph Albert; 3577 Alaska Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frickman, Oscar William; 724 York St., Newport, Ky. Friedman, Leo Samuel; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fry, Selvia Oscar; N. Y. Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, New York City No a Gieringer, Lloyd P.; Newtown, Ohio. Gillespie, Thaddeus Reamy; 771 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ’ Hendrickson, Anna McNalley; 322 Cleveland Ave., S. W., Canton, Ohio. Hoyer, Albert Benjamin Charles; Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Huffman, George Richard; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Julian, Cornelio Dato; Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Sandusky, Ohio. Kitzmiller, Karl Vivian; McGregor and Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Lee, Olive Pearl; Childrens’ Hospital, 5224 St. Antoine St., Detroit, Mich. Levinson, Marie Pichel (Mrs. Louis J.); 102 Prospect St., New Britain, Conn. McCool, William Franklin; Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. McKhann, Charles Fremont; 300 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. Mathews, James Stewart; 421 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Maxwell, George Ralph; 336 High St., Morgantown, W. Va. Morrow, J. Floyd; address unknown. — Morton, William Arnett; Geneva, Ohio. Munns, George F.; Montgomery County, Missouri. Navin, Walter M.; address unknown. Nielander, Joseph Richard; 3629 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nigh, Leonard Carothers; St. Joseph’s Hospital, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Phillips, Royal A.; address unknown. Poetker, Karl E.; Fourth and Washington Sts., Portsmouth, Ohio. Roads, Homer D.; 9845 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Rockwell, George E.; Melrose Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rouse, Gladys Louisa (Mrs. Robert Rouse); Florence, Ky. Sah, Nand Lal; address unknown. Saltzman, Jacob; 10931 Tacoma Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Schafer, Donald W.; 1201 Lafayette St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Scott, Thomas George; 3955 Elsmere Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Seltz, Samuel; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Simmons, Benjamin Coleman; 2970 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Earl McCall; 233 Valley St., Dayton, Ohio. Speckman, Russell Newton; address unknown. Stack, Leonard Anthony; Cleveland City Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Stein, Elick; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Stein, Joseph; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Stevenson, Frank E.; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, Mary Louise; 1846 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weidensall, Clara Jean; address unknown. Zwick, George Holliday; 308 Sixth Ave., Dayton, Ky. Class of 1924 Anderson, Harry Ford; 1332 North Carolina Ave., N. E., Washington, D. C. Bauman, Paul Rannells; 192 East 12th St., Camden, Ohio. Beekley, Ferris Eliphalet; West Chester, Ohio. Bishop, George Creed; 3128 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Henry Delost; 3005 Monroe St., Toledo, Ohio. Brown, Lawrence Edward; address unknown. Chance, Oliver Gatch; R. F. D. No. 1, North Bend, Ohio. Cooke, Robert Wallace; 6463 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, Calif. Crudgington, Robert Lincoln; Ivy Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Danford, Byron; address unknown. Davis, Thomas Hugh, Jr.; 2043 Cleveland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dooley, Ralph Dean; Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio. Eckstein, Gustave, Jr.; 122 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. 67 68 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Elliott, David Carlin; 2605 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fritz, Harold D.; 1200 Fidelity Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. Gibson, Luther Vernon; Clay, W. Va. Gills, Willard Morgan; address unknown. Good, Ralph William; 305 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Groome, James Gordon; High Point, N. C. Heinold, Fred William; Spring Grove and Harrison Aves.; (r) 1841 Fairmount Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herman, Samuel Willard; 6001 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heuther,: Walter W.; 1639 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoffman, Harold LaTate; 242 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard, Kenneth Russel; Sylvania, Ohio. Hyde, William Hubert; 29 East Columbus St., Nelsonville, Ohio. Iber, Frank C.; 201 South Barron St., Eaton, Ohio. Iber, Vera Coombs (Mrs. Frank C. Iber); 201 South Barron St., Eaton, Ohio. James, Dorrance Stanton; 125 North Sandusky St., Delaware, Ohio. Jensen, Oliver Brinton; R. F. D. No. 4, Box 59, Murray, Utah. Johnson, Harry Lester; Box 888, Greensboro, N. C. Kelley, Audra Main; Salem, W. Va. Kimberly, David; 172 Hillsboro St., Ashville, N. C. Kindel, Daniel J.; 909 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kotte, Robert Henry; 3436 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lloyd, Jesse Buford; 505 South Main St., Dayton, Ohio. McKibben, Clovis Little; address unknown. McManis, Samuel Easton; Winchester, Ohio; Supt., Swedish Memorial Hospital, Wonjie, Korea. Malone, James Ambrose; Athens, Ohio. Marr, Nowal Mason; Memorial Hospital, Richmond, Va. Massie, Ralph Franklin; Haverhill, Ohio. Mynchenberg, George Carl, Jr.; 625 Crown St., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Muhlenberg Mission, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Nabers, Luke Waldrep; 3618 N. E. Second St., Miami, Fla. Nakayama, Joseph; 907 Clark St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Norton, Harold Jacob; 35 Bassett Bldg., Columbia, Ind. Pfister, Faris Fred; State Hospital, Yanktown, S. D. Pihlaja, Oscar; address unknown. Pugh, Robert Hampton; Park and McMillan Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raitz, Roswell Edward; 2642 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robins, Hugh Barbee; 109 Brooks St., Charleston, W. Va. Roehll, Walter H.; 405 First and Merchants Bank Bldg.; Middletown, Ohio. Schiff, Leon; 3161 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schlueter, Elmer A.; 1630 California Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwartz, Bernard Aaron; 402 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati. Sikes, Clayton Reid; 6336 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Francis Clayton; 2516 North Penn St., Indianapolis, Ind. Smith, Paul Brown; Ross, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 69 Templeton, H. Dale; Lieut. U. S. M. C., Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Vanneter, James Clyde; 411 Guaranty Bank Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Wertheim, William; Santa Fe, Tenn. Winkler, Henry J.; Pickens, W. Va. Wiseley, Frank McLeod; Findlay, Ohio. Woodhouse, George Albert; Pleasant Hill, Ohio. York, A. Bromley; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1925 Allen, O. Preston; 17 East State St., Springfield, Ohio. Arnold, James Harleau; Lebanon, Ohio. Bergmann, John Elmer; 825 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, Fla. Beucler, Millard Louys, 4208 Delaney St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowen, Joseph Andrew; Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. Cass, Ralph Oakland, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio. Clark, Elizabeth Lawler; address unknown. Cobbs, Lea Alfred; Central Clinic and Hospital, Salem, Ohio. Cruise, Walter Lewis; Logan, Ohio. Cutter, Lawrence Starr; 10908 Wade Park Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Danahy, John Charles; address unknown. Deeter, Don Favorite; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dillon, Mary Allen; Fairmount, Ind. Farrington, Reno Kirby; 709 Sprague St., Winston-Salem, Mass. Fessenden, Willard Blayney; (r) 453 Hector Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foland, John Philip; 242 West 11th St., New York City, N. Y. Garvey, Fred Kesler; Elkin, N. C. Gordon, John Norris Curry; (Lieut.), U. S. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Halloran, Francis A.; 722 Linden Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Hanson, Malcolm B.; Sauk Centre, Minn. Hartzell, John Berry; 2508 Pillsbury Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Hengstenberg, Hugh H.; 12 East St. Clair, Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heyroth, Francis F.; 520 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holdt, George G.; 2237 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hu, Lydia Blome; 531 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hueneke, Charles Albert; 449 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, George William; address unknown. Langdon, Henry Harlan; 2038 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lasley, James M.; 905 Jersey Ave., Winston-Salem, N. C. Leary, J. Arthur; 2600 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lebold, Louis D.; Bolivar, Ohio. Lyford, George; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyon, Robert Aaron; Cincinnati General Hospital; (r) 5505 Arnsby Place, Cinci. nati, Ohio. Machle; Willard F.; Cincinnati General Hospital; (r) 3131 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohic Marvin, Warren King; Good Samaratin Hospital; (r) 6169 Ridge Ave., Reading, Ohic. Mikesell, Hobart L.; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. 70 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Paul, Raymond Emerson; Batkins, Ohio. Pindar, Arthur William; 1100 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N. J. Porter, William Lee; College Corner, Ohio. Ramey, William Orville; Carter, Ky. Reese, Walter A.; (r) 2413 Christel Ave., Middletown, Ohio; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Reichmann, Wilford Joseph; 943 E. Fourth-South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Renner, George, Jr.; 2453 Clybourn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reps, Dewey H.; 459 Strafer St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robbins, Samuel Leonard; 10314 Parkgate Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Rohdenburg, William H.; 107 Centre Bldg.; (r) 1749 Sherman Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Schoonover, John A.; address unknown. Schroth, Irving H.; 4036 Red Bud Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwertman, Arthur J.; 220 East 19th St., Covington, Ky. Scott, Miles J.; 2241 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Seinsheimer, Frank; Cincinnati General Hospital; (r) 5 Greenwood Court, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Sherk, Edgar A.; Vermilion, S. D. Shong, Olen J.; Atwater, Ohio. Simon, Stanley D.; Marks Apts., Paducah, Ky. Skinner, Homer Lucas; Jamestown, Ohio. Sprague, Gerald T.; 50 Morris Ave., Athens, Ohio. Tausend, S. Sydney; 25 West 50th St., New York City. Viduya, Marcelino T.; Presbyterian Hospital, San Juan, Porto Rico. Ward, Harry Norbert; Greenville, Ohio. Wendel, Arthur William; 142 East McMicken St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Werner, Elmer; 127 Malvern Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. West, Walter Raymond; Dee Hospital, Ogden, Utah. Widenhouse, Martin Aubrey; 15 North Crowell St., Concord, N. C. Yost, Paul; Fairmount, W. Va. Class of 1926 Best, Marshall Merrill; 131 West Second St., Xenia, Ohio. Biltz, Robert Lincoln; 3243 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Biltz, Stuart Goslin; 3243 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bryant, Benjamin Lewis; 1447 Calvert St., Detroit, Mich. Buck, Clair Aurelius; 413 East First St., Waterloo, Iowa. Byers, Charles Fay; New Straitsville, Ohio. Carmon, William Bennett; Gibsonville, N. C. Clapham, Roger Everhart; Martinsburg, W. Va. Compton, William Campbell; 846 East Bowman St., Wooster, Ohio. Cowl, James Lancaster; 375 Broadway, Wheeling, W. Va. Dearth, Otto Art; Summerfield, Ohio. Deubel, Harry Francis; 425 South Thirteenth St., Hamilton, Ohio. Donnelly, Irene Cecilia; 308 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio, Doughty, Richard Eugene; Columbus, Miss. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 71 Downey, Frank Sylvester; 305 Fourth St., Aurora, Ind. Gilreath, Robert Arthur; Hendersonville, N. C. Graff, Arnold LaMar; Kanarraville, Utah. Graham, Paul Judson; 821 Mt. Hope Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hege, Raymond Webster; Clemmons, N. C. Holmer, Oscar Paul; 3302 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard, Robert Edwin; 1814 Malvern Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Joerling, Arthur Karl; 2331 Flora St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kendall, Harry C.; McClellandtown, Pa. Lauer, Dorothy Bush; Dana, Ind. McGinnis, Bryon James; Ozark, Mo. McHenry, Junius Cone; R. F. D. No. 1, Cleves, Ohio. McNeely, Matthew Jerome; 1890 Brussels St., Toledo, Ohio. Mathews, William Edward; 1610 California Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Paul David; 2642 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Munns, Thomas Adams; 32 Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio. Nash, Alexander Edgar; 109 Poplar St., Roselle, N. J. Nelson, Waldo Emerson; McClure, Ohio. Niesen, Leonard Marion; 523 East Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ormand, John William; Bessemer City, N. C. Ottelin, Conrad I.; 3048 Mabel Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Outhouse, Alice Irene; R. No. 6, Madison, Wis. Pearlman, Albert Harry; 6316 Forward Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Posner, Charles; 3250 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pottschmidt, Carl William; 3472 Cheviot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Prestwich, James Sheldon; 521 East Main St., Moroni, Utah. Renz, Andrew Clarence; 307 Wayne Ave., Greenville, Ohio. Ridlon, Magnus Fairfield; 27 Linden St., Bangor, Maine. Schiel, Helen Jane; 3615 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scobee, Robert Hughes; 223 Lexington Ave., Winchester, Ky. Slomer, Norbert Francis; 1056 Flint St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Snyder, Robert Daniel; 1381 Goodyear Ave., Akron, Ohio. Spademan, Loren Charles; 2528 West Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Stegeman, Dirk Edmund; Prairie View, Kan. Tietz, Esther Bogen; 3547 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ungard, William Thomas; 114 East Second St., Watsontown, Pa. Vitt, Edwin Fischer; 3319 Humphrey St., St. Louis, Mo. Wedgewood, Paul Elmer; 3034% Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wigser, Abraham M.; 807 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wirtschafter, Zolton T.; 711 East Ninety-Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio. 72 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. SCHOOL OF NURSING AND HEALTH Class of 1916 Barnes, Blanche Ruth (Mrs. Benjamin Norris) ; address unknown. Coe, Bernice; 3345 Burnet Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deputy, Mildred V. (Mrs. C. F. Bouldin) ; 3036 Fifth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Elberfeld, Ida M.; 2145 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, Alice; address unknown. Frisbie, Margaret Lyle (Mrs. Joseph Huerkamp); Fort Recovery, Ohio. Galvin, Julia A.; 305 Main St., Bromley, Ky. Geach, Edna Marie (Mrs. Cohen); 519 South Pine St., Lima, Ohio. Gellert, Stella M. (Mrs. Hood); 50 Euclid Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hall, Myrtle L.; address unknown. Hawthorne, Opha; Lebanon, Ohio. Hengehold, Anna; 2212 32nd St., San Diego, Calif. Hessberger, Amelia; 323 Vine St., Hamilton, Ohio. Hughes, Nellie; 188 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jewett, Effie Jeannette; Henley, Ohio. Landes, Della M. (Mrs. Howard); Trotwood, Ohio. Lenk, Anna Margaret; Rapid Run Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Metzger, Hattie Mae Cain; 505 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ready, Bessie Beatrice (Mrs. R. Hoffman); Montgomery, Ohio. Rosenbaum, Julia; 2808 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sage, Maude Marie (Mrs. Herbert Folger) ; 4477 Lilac Ave., South Euclid, Ohio. Thomas, Arpeny; 80 East Front St., Covington, Ky. Ward, Thelma Brittain; Harlan, Ky. Wolsdorf, Theresa (Mrs. Carl Hjelle) ; Portland, N. D. Younger, Eva M.; 549 Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1917 Anderson, Rebecca; 2063 Elm St., Norwood, Ohio. Bobo, Viola; Care John Boatman, Cheshire, Ohio. Britzwein, Katherine; Covington, Ky. Brown, Mabel; 704 South Sixth St., Alhambra, Calif. Fix, Margaret; 1240 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gilbert, Zelphia; No. 6 Granada Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Havens, Marie; Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Hinnah, Freda L.; 113 West Sixty-ninth St., Carthage, Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnson, Esther (Mrs. Charles Stammel) ; 3718 Dyer St., El Paso, Texas. Knife, Martha; R. F. D. No. 5, Troy, Ohio. Kopp, Verene (Mrs. L. J. Hautman) ; 394 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuhn, Josepha (Mrs. Clarence Green Lott) ; 1234 S. W. Fourth St., Miami, Fla. Metzger, Erna; 1918 Crane Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Nellie (Mrs. Albert Parker) ; 3916 Catherine Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Patting, Bertha; 2612 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pennell, Della (Mrs. Hendricks); Franklin County Sanatorium, Columbus, Ohio. Philson, Mary; No.6 Granada Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Ruth (Mrs. David G. Morgan) ; 4747 Weldon Ave., Chicago, II. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 73 Rein, Helen; Georgetown, Ohio. Schraffenberger, Jessie; Batavia, Ohio. Schultz, Marcella; 2945 Massachusetts Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wentzel, Katherine (Mrs. Jett); 1901 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Wenzel, Jessie; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Lillie; R. F. D. No. 7, Franklin, Ind. Woodward, Delsie Bess (Mrs. Robt. Merritt); Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Woodward, Dollie (Mrs. Chas. Rummells) ; 906 East Eleventh St., Muscatine, Iowa. Worsham, Ruby (Mrs. Durrett) ; Oxford, Ga. Class of 1918 Baird, Esther (Mrs. I. W. Smiley); R. F. D. No. 1, Williams, Ind. Cannedy, Ida (Mrs. C. C. Shannon) ; 250 McGowan St., Akron, Ohio. Dickey, Florence; 202 Miller St., Cynthiana, Ky. Edgington, Adelyn (Mrs. Harry Box); 271 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, Hilda (Mrs. Ralph Blumberg) ; 440 East 26th St., Huntington, W. Va. Hamberger, Catherine; Hamilton, Ohio. Hanna, Bettie (Mrs. A. R. Johnston); 2635 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hatfield, Melda (Mrs. Reed Schank) ; 3324 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hesse, Ida; address unknown. Huheey, Anna (Mrs. McLean); address unknown. Huheey, Edith; address unknown. Landen, Mabel (Mrs. Mabel Mueller); 727 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lemon, Ida (Mrs. Johnson); 137 Woodland Ave., Marietta, Ohio. Lyons, Georgia (Mrs. R. S. Etter); 4675 Hilland Ave., Brooklyn Heights, Cleve- land, Ohio. McCrum, Ruth (Mrs. Paul Johnson) ; 2723 Woodburn Ave., Apt. 4, Cincinnati, Ohio. McDorman, Susan (Mrs. W. I. Jenkins); 391 North Firestone Blvd., Akron, Ohio. McKibben, Ethel (Mrs Clinton Staats); 3521 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mytinger, Mrs. Rachel; address unknown. Northup, Edith; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Gallipolis, Ohio. Northup, Katherine; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Gallipolis, Ohio. O’Brien, Lucy; 322 South High St., Lancaster, Ohio. Peters, Annette (Mrs. B. P. Flynn) ; 562 South Washington St., Redwood Falls, Mian. Pierce, Mercie (Mrs. L. F. Garland); 18 West Miami Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. Potter, Edith (Mrs. S. V. Gilkison) ; 801 Fifteenth Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Renner, Ida; address unknown. Rohll, Susan; 807 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rowe, Dorothy (Mrs. L. A. Cortner); Knightstown, Ind. (Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans Home.) Smith, Eleanor (Mrs. C. King Bruggman); 2110 Glendon Ave., Westwood, Saw- telle, Calif. Spielman, Mary (Mrs. W. H. Bell) ; 21 Larchmont Rd., Asheville, N. C. Snyder, Mrs. Grace; 313 N. Yellowstone St., Livingston, Mont. Straub, Carolyn M. (Mrs. Donald Wayman); 618 Fuhrman Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Studebaker, Susan (Mrs. W. W. Jefferies) ; 315 Vine St., Greenville, Ohio. Tomlinson, Eleanor; 105 North Main St., Hannibal, Mo. 74 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Tripp, Mary; 215 West Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. VanDeren, Mary (Mrs. Earl Breitenberg) ; 438 Sixth Ave., Dayton, Ky. Vandenbark, Minnie (Mrs. F. E. Thompson); 414 Fourteenth St., Denver, Colo. Weedin, Lelia; 85 Linden St., Ludlow, Ky. Wheelwright, Frances; 1552 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Will, Lucille (Mrs. H. D. Defenbacher) ; 2757 Indianola Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Class of 1919 Bailey, Eunice (Mrs. Wm. F. Morris); R. R. No. 1, Somerville, Ohio. Barley, Edna; 1326 Franklin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barney, Charlotte; 2316 Joseph St., New Orleans, La. Bodell, Louise; address unknown. Bohlman, Minnie; address unknown. Chalkley, Ruth (Mrs. Murray) ; 2222 Oakland Ave., Covington, Ky.; (bus. ad.) 1197 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Ebling, Louise; 3400 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foster, Parthenia (Mrs. Frank W. Harrah); 111 West 16th St., New York City. Gimple, Blanche; 3434 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hodges, Dorothy; care Goodyear Rubber Co., 1202 North Howard St., Akron, Ohio. Hoff, Mary (Mrs. Gordon Erbaugh) ; 725 Gondert Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Hofmann, Ophelia; 260 Ridgewood Ave., Orlando, Fla. Hussey, Jessie (Mrs. Cosley); address unknown. Lackner, Hilda; 22 South Ninth St., Miamisburg, Ohio. Parrish, Willodene (Mrs. Robt. Fisher); Eaton, Ohio. Porter, Susan (Mrs. H. A. Pauly); 122 West Franklin St., Troy, Ohio. Roselius, Jeannette; address unknown. Schauseil, Muriel (Mrs. S. E. Kay); Box 111, Waverly, Ohio. Schmueckle, Mary (Mrs. G. F. Patterson) ; 940 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schofstall, Matilda; 3404 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Luella; Children’s Hospital, Lockland, Ohio. Stirling, Lillian (Mrs. Theodore Cooper); Aspen, Colo. Summers, Lulu; address unknown. Tebbe, Corrine (Mrs. Norman B. Ervin, Jr.); Gibsonburg, Ohio. Tennenbaum, Lillian (Mrs. Woldman); Good Samaritan Hospital, Sandusky, Ohio. Wilson, Ethel; address unknown. Witter, Mabel; Good Samaritan Hospital, Sandusky, Ohio; (r) Norwalk St., Cas- talia, Ohio. Witter, Nettie; Norwalk St., Castalia, Ohio. Class of 1920 Bailey, Eunice Etheln (Mrs. W. F. Morris); Somervilie, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1. Batey, Katharyn (Mrs. Moritz Peterson); Charleston, W Va. Beagle, Lola; Marietta, Ohio. Benham, Carrie Anna; 600 South King’s Highway, St. Louis, Mo.; (r) Troy, Ohio. Blair, Helen Stearns; 2495 Madison Kd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Butler, Flora Louise; 22 Lamar Ave., Selma, Ala. Chaney, Mary Rebecca; 11226 South Church St., Chicago, Ill. Clark, Marjorie; 1803 Valentine St., Cleveland, Ohio; (r) care F. J. Clark, Medina, Ohio. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 75 Davis, Beulah Aurelia (Mrs. Wm. B. Scherr); 509-11 Mongahela Bldg., Morgan- town, W. Va. Densford, Katherine Jane; Illinois Training School for Nurses, 509 South Monroe St., Chicago, Ill.; (r) Crothersville, Ind. Dooley, Elizabeth; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Edwards, Amy Vaun; New Matamoras, Ohio. Emerson, Huldah Janet (Mrs. Chipman); R. F. D. No. 1, Rising Sun, Ind. Greer, Nora Virginia; 212 West Williams Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Hellings, Marion; 702 North Howard St., Union City, Ind. Jamison, Mary Elizabeth, Cynthiana, Ky. Keltner, Irene (Mrs. John Carlson); 279 Diamond St., San Francisco, Calif. Macy, Rhoda Elma (Mrs. Paul W. Puterbaugh) ; 401 North Walnut St., Union City, Indiana. Markwith, Helen Betty (Mrs. Wm. Ohnesorgen); 4139 3lst St., Oakley, Cuincin- nati, Ohio. McCormick, Hollis Ann (Mrs. Harry D. Templeton) ; Huron, Ohio. Neal, Phyllis Shattuck (Mrs. Howard I. Hooker); 130 Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Nesbit, Grace Irene; R. F. D. No. 2, Casstown, Ohio. Neuman, Emma Winona (Mrs. Symmes Oliver); 6015 Robinson Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Susan Carolina (Mrs. H. A. Pauly); Troy, Ohio. Race, Genevieve Stuart (Mrs. Edward King); 877 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ransohoff, Esther (Mrs. Edward Kuhn); 2929 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rardon, Sarah Louise; 3769 Pennsylvania Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roush, Scioto Belle (Mrs. Robert Stahler) ; 1151 Third St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Sellew, Gladys; Babies’ and Children’s Hospital, Western Reserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio; (r) 10515 Wilbur Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Shipley, Sadie Oneita (Mrs. Lou Ross); Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. Shipman, Mary; Madison, Ind. Slonaker, Mary Lou; Children’s Hospital, Akron, Ohio; (r) Clarendon Ave. N. W., Canton, Ohio. Smith, Ava Bernadine (Mrs. Elmer Kraus) ; 226 Cleveland Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Sowers, Mabel Eugenia; 311 Chicago Ave., Goshen, Ind. Stivers, Burdette Irma (Mrs. Omar Hannah); 612 Corwin Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Tucker, Helen Mae; Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Price Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Walmer, Florence Tait (Mrs. J. H. Hartman); 3587 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wening, Lulu Carolyn; Lowell, Ohio. Wescott, Elinora Tennant (Mrs. Chas. K. Maytum) ; 428 Sixth St., S. W., Rochester, Minnesota. Class of 1921 Addicott, Gertrude Irene (Mrs. W. H. Hyde); 22 East Columbus St., Nelsonville, Ohio. Alexander, Addie Francis (Mrs. Edw. Content) ; 8642-57 Rd., Elmhurst, L. I. Beckett, Alice (Mrs. J. C. Crager); Professional Bldg., Miami, Fla. Bingel, Doris Augusta; 124 Lyon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Block, Beatrice Frances (Mrs. Elliott Kahn); 166 West 87th St., New York City. 76 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Busche, Margaret Jeanette; Columbus Grove, Ohio. Cramer, Hester Naomi (Mrs. E. A. Megrue); 4616 Carter St., Norwood, Ohio. Doherty, Cecil Hazel; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Mont- gomery, Ohio. Erman, Beatrice Helen (Mrs. Harry M. Price); Dana and Winding Way, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Evans, Nellie Irene (Mrs. James E. Whipple) ; Princeton, Ind. Faber, Marion Julia; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1648 North Glen Oake Ave., Peoria, Ill. Fergus, Gertrude; 415 Third Ave., North Great Falls, Mont. Finlay, Erma Luella; Collinsville, Ohio, also Box 334 Middletown, Ohio. Granlund, Aurora Christina (Mrs. A. E. Nash); 109 Poplar St., Roselle, N. J. Hart, Helen Gladys; 6010 Prentice St., Cincinnati, Ohio. : Haspel, Bertha; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Greencastle, Ind. Herold, Lulu Bryan (Mrs. Cook Meyers); Huntersville, W. Va. Heuser, Willie Irvine (Mrs. Claiborne Kilby); Milton, N. C. Hogue, Hermine Josephine; address unknown. Jellison, Gladys Margaret; Lewisburg, Ohio. Kernan, Esther Beatrice; Montefiore Hospital, East 210 St., New York City; (r) Tiffin, Ohio. Lange, Katherine Henrietta; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1370 Ernst St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leahy, Mary Christine; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. McKibben, Ethel Marie (Mrs. Clinton Staats); 3521 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKinney, Gladys Jeanette (Mrs. Leigh O. Wright); Pierpont, Ohio. Meagle, Sadie Catherine; 830 Front St., Marietta, Ohio. Metcalfe, Dorothy Eunice (Mrs. Ed. Dixon); Lebanon, Ohio. Miller, Emma Lydia (Mrs. Maxwell Kimball); 4717 Stewart Place, Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Moorehouse, Dorothy Henrietta; Montgomery, Ohio. Morgan, Catharine Frances; Tippecanoe T. B. Association, Lafayette, Ind.; (r) Union City, Ind, Mote, Neva Pauline (Mrs. Frank Stevenson) ; 3135 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ochs, Esther May (Mrs. Audra Main Kelley) ; 712 North High St., Lancaster, Ohio. Rowlen, Mary Pancake (Mrs. Clifton S. Turner); 608 Cooper St., Peoria, III. Slater, Marguerite; 1800 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Startsman, Elizabeth Marjorie; 5003 Third Ave., Los Angeies, Calif. Steinhardt, Anne Virginia (Mrs. Minor Beckett) ; 407 Dick Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Stickney, Helen Burton (Mrs. Robert Fields) ; 7029 Longview St., Cincinnati, Ohio, care Mrs. W. Stickney. Stockwell, Donna Lucretia (Mrs. Harold. Irving Lush) ; address unknown. Wheeler, Julia Wickes; 248 Church St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Yount, Agnes Ramsey; Ellensburg, Wash. Class of 1922 Apger, Mary Louise; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Massillon, Ohio. Bender, Emily Elizabeth (Mrs. Ray Frankman) ; Visiting Nurse Association, Louis- ville, Ky. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 77 Bindley, Ruth Katherine (Mrs. P. L. Schlegel) ; 234 East Market St., Warren, Ohio. Campbell, Marjorie Geneva; 337 Sixth St., North East, Canton, Ohio. Diehl, Clara; Cincinnati Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Cincinnati, Ohio. Durbin, Mary Nancy; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Bellville, Ohio. Fernstrom, Helma Josephine; Mary Wilson Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Tilaunia, Raj- putana Province, India. Gestel, Clara Elizabeth; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Hopkinton, Iowa. Goldman, Therese Wolfstein (Mrs. Robert P. Goldman); 3587 Alaska Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. F Haslitt, Ida Margaret (Mrs. Robert W. Scott) ; 5639 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hegler, Helen Virginia; Route 1, Box 49, South Orlando, Fla. Hibbert, Ida Lynette; 527 Arden Place, or 216 Morrison Drive, Toledo, Ohio. Kelso, Mary Mildred; Board of Education, Toledo, Ohio; (r) Sabina, Ohio. Philbrook, Roberta Cynthia; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Card- ington, Ohio. Quinlan, Ellen Dorothy; 3940 Glenmore Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tracy, Mary Jean; 10 California St., Zanesville, Ohio. Warrington, Emily (Mrs. Geiselman) ; Wilmington, Ohio. Wayne, Besse Mae; California Lutheran Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif.; (r) R. F. D. No. 6, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Weber, Margaret Dorothea; F. R. D. No. 3, Springfield, Ohio. Work, Eva Elizabeth (Mrs. M. M. McCall); 17 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Class of 1923 Arvin, Ellen (Mrs. Jerome Ziegler) ; Lockwood Apts., Woodburn and Locust 5St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barrett, Mary V.; Buffalo City Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Beeler, Edith; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) R. F. D. No. 5, Bluffton, Ind. Collins, Kathryn (Mrs. Lester W. Sanders); Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincin- nati, Ohio; (r) 3312 Elland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crouch, May L.; No. 1 East 100th St., Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City. De Wolfe, Ruth; Wniversity Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; (r) 190 West llth Ave. Diehl, Clara; Cincinnati Tuberculosis Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 504 East 120th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Emrie, Mary C. (Mrs. G. H. Lindeman) ; 2726 Albert Court, Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ernest, B. Pauline (Mrs. D. C. Howard); Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fowler, Alice Jeanette; Cincinnati, Ohio. Gardner, Bernice; Cincinnati, Ohio. Gorey, Margaret M.; Unversity of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich.; (r) 331 West Fourth Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Haslitt, Ida Margaret (Mrs. Robert W. Scott); 5639 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauk,. Kathryn Mae (Mrs. King Saunders) ; 72814 West 76th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Hays, Sara Priscilla; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 813 Phillips St., Marietta, Ohio. 78 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Jones, Eleanor Beckwith; Circleville, Ohio. Kiser, Mary A.; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 334 Halesworth St. Santa Ana, Calif, Lantz, Louise; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 102 South Second St., Miamis- burg, Ohio. Lipp, Dorothy (Mrs. E. C. Hougen); 2937 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd, Wilma Fletcher; 352 Shiloh, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. McDonald, Laura (Mrs. Kenneth E. Hamilton) ; 35 Howe St., New Haver: Conn. Macy, Mildred; 337 Aberdeen Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Mueller, Elizabeth E.; Lincoln St., Klamath Falls, Oregon. Owens, Ethel Mets (Mrs.); R. F. D. No. 3, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Pence, Bernadine; Hermann Hospital, Houston, Texas; (r) 3054 Feltz Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Reehl, Flora Hilda; 960 East Pearl St., Miamisburg, Ohio. Thompson, Eva Adean; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Williams- port, Ind. Class of 1924 Bell, Katharine; 2720 Crescent Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Blair, Mary Isabell (Mrs. Edward Larson); 638 Maple Ave., Fairfield, Ala. Bramhall, Meriam Jewell; 947 Eastman St., Zanesville, Ohio. Brown, Joyce (Mrs. Harvey Robbins); address unknown. Carter, Jean Grace; Box 117, Waverly, Ohio. Clark, Mary Caroline; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Somer- ville, Ohio. Copeland, Gertrude; Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City; (r) Peebles, Ohio. Cozart, Helen Elizabeth; Oxford, N. C. Crouch, Helen W. (Mrs. Wm. Steinway); 4925 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dare, Frances; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Lynn, Ind. Ernst, Elsie Wilma; Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1535 Holman St., Covington, Ky. Faust, Helene (Mrs. Hobart Mikesell); Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gifford, Alta Louise; 361 Lang Court, St. Petersburg, Fla. Hall, Gail M.; Psychopathic Hospital, Boston, Mass.; (r) 615 East Arch St., Port- land, Ind. Henderson, Mary Lillian; 18105 Landseer Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Kirby, Inez C. (Mrs. Milton Everett Weatherbee) ; 2118 North Fourth St., Columbus, Uhio. Kline, Isabelle M.; 1820 Main St., Northampton, Pa. Long, Helen; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 307 North Eighth st., Hamilton, Ohio. Macy, Mildred; 337 Aberdeen Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Manley, Mary Ellen; 2287 University Ave., New York City. Richmond, Addie M. (Mrs. J. McAteer); Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Showalter, Alice; Fairhope, Ala. onyder, Rea; Box 434, Flora, Il. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 79 Wiley, Ruby; St. Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, Mo.; (r) 2838 Madison Ave., Cov- ington, Ky. Williams, Edith; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1632 Tolland St., Buckland, Conn. Wyandt, Harriet; Babies’ and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio; (r) 132 Port- land St., Bryan, Ohio. Class of 1925 Alston, Alberta; Visiting Nurses’ Association; 220 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Applegate, E. Leonore; 2402 South Adams St., Marion, Ind. Baird, Hazelle E.; Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City; (r) No. 1 East 100th St. Bolser, Dorothy; 1003 Terrace Ave., Dayton, Ky. Cone, Ruth; 220 South C St., Hamilton, Ohio. Day, Aline H.; Burnett Sanitarium, Fresno, Calif. Doherty, Miriam; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Montgomery, Ohio. Dorsey, Carrie E.; R. F. D. No. 1, Hamilton, Ohio. Ekey, Mary Florence; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Toronto, Ohio. Gibson, Helen; R. F. D. No. 7, Springfield, Ohio. Hickman, Cecile M.; 317 N St., Aurora, Neb. Huffman, Dessie; St. Paris, Ohio. Jerabek, Mary; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 134 Wentz St., Tiffin, Ohio. . Leo, Sara Elizabeth; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1525 17th St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Lloyd, Viola Grace; 360 Stanton Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Long, Edna May; R. F. D. No. 3, Hamilton, Ohio. Mason, Mary; R. F. D. No. 4, Union City, Ind. Osborne, Claribel E.; Marengo, Ohio. Rorer, Ottie; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 218 North Church St., Cynthiana, Ky. Shaw, Gladys Garner; Martinsville, Ohio. Stedman, Ruth A. (Mrs. Harvey Good); West Alexandria, Ohio. Stinchfield, Phyllis; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 157 Chicago St., Valparaiso, Ind. Theobald, Louise Marie (Mrs. Harry L. Johnson); 2070 Blair Ave., Detroit, Mich. Twibell, Mary H.; Montpelier, Ind. Uhl, Frances Irene; Williamstown, W. Va. Wright, M. Opal; Visiting Nurses’ Association, 220 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 855 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1926 Anderson, Lida Nolan; Ellis Ave., Washington, Pa. Botts, Mildred Marie; Martinsville, Ohio. Buckmaster, Gladys; Montpelier, Ind. Carson, Mildred Elizabeth; 903 Wykoff St., Middletown, Ohio. 80 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Ehler, Ruth Elizabeth; West Alexandria, Ohio. Gilcrest, Mary Elizabeth; Marysville, Ohio. Handler, Gussie; 421 David St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnson, Katherine Virginia; 1020 North Walnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ind. Jones, Mabel Louise; St. Albans, W. Va. McAtee, Gertrude Elizabeth; Boaz, W. Va. Mercer, Mary Evelyn; De Graff, Ohio. Morris, Gertrude Elizabeth; Lower Salem, Ohio. Rankin, Bernice Keen; 115 North Bishop Ave., Oxford, Ohio. Rosnagle, Laura; Franklin, Ohio. Strayer, Margaret Lou; De Graff, Ohio. Tolston, Florence Evelyn; 1263 South 22nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Trollinger, Kathryn; R. F. D. No. 9, Springfield, Ohio. True, Doris Eva; Lower Salem, Ohio. Weaver, Lorna; 414 Poplar Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Wright, Rebecca; 214 East Locust St., Wilmington, Ohio. Zee, Yioo Eng Lucy; Yu Yoo, Chekiong Province, China. COLLEGE OF LAW. 81 COLLEGE OF LAW (Cincinnati Law School) Class of 1858 Cannon, Joseph G.; Danville, Ill. Class of 1870 Broughton, John; Olney, Ill. Fitzhugh, Jas. F.; Wilmington, Ohio. Hards, Lewis G.; Oden, IIl. Harrison, J. Scott, Jr.; 635 West 56th St., Kansas City, Mo. Howe, Geo. W.; address unknown. Hurd, Louis G.; 609 B. and I. Bldg., Dubuque, Iowa. Kester, John R.; Kansas, Il. Merrill, Albert; address unknown. Morris, John; 2611 Hemlock St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nash, Robert; address unknown. Reemelin, Edw. C.; 507 Bell Block; (r) 3471 Cheviot Ave., Westwood, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Wm. Finley; 705 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Tisdale, Jas. M.; address unknown. Weaver, Augustus; Alexandria, Ky. Willard, Gardner G.; address unknown. Class of 1871 Bunn, Jacob F.; address unknown. Donaldson, Jos. A.; care J. A. Donaldson & Sons, Carrollton, Ky. Frank, Oscar L.; Avon Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fries, Ernest; Birmingham, Ala. Harrison, Willoughby; Clarksburg, W. Va. Hentz, Alfred W.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindsay, John P.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Okey, George B.; 105% High St. and 765 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Porter, Washington T.; 708 Fourth National Bank Bidg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stuyvesant, Moses S.; address unknown. Wilcox, William H. H.; Delaware, Ohio. Class of 1872 Aker, Wm. W.; West Alexandria, Ohio. Atkins, Harry J.; address unknown. Bloom, Elijah; First and Security National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. Compton, Frank; Continental and Commercial National Bank, Chicago, Iil. Curran, Ulysses I.; Toledo, Ohio, care Home Savings Bank Co. Feighan, John W.; address unknown. Frank, Oscar J.; Avon Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 82 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hagins, Jos. N.; First National Bank, Vernon, Ind. Hosea, Wm. G.; Union Trust Blég.; (r) 3457 Oxford Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lilienthal, Jesse W.; New York City. Mattox, Frank G.; address unknown. McClelland, Jas. E.; First National Bank, Vernon, Ind. Nye, Wm. C.; Fulton, Ohio. Pullan, Wm. B.; address unknown. Rees, James M.; First National Bank, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Shields, John H.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Shuey, Philip M.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Oscar M.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Spooner, Samuel H.; New York City. Taft, Samuel H., Jr.: 3329 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilby, Chas. B.; 709 Fourth National Bank Building; (r) 2142 Alpine Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1873 Bloom, Adams E.; address unknown. Conner, Charles $.; San Diego, Calif. Dougherty, Frank C.; Kenton, Ohio. Dever, Noah J.; Central National Bank, Portsmouth, Ohio. Dye, Benjamin H.; address unknown. Fisk, Robert B.; Gettysburg, S. D. Goebel, Herman P.; 805 Provident Bank Bldg.; (r) 2223 Bedford Terrace, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Martin, Edwin C.; address unknown. Class of 1874 Benton, W. K.; address unknown. Ditty, R. M.; Harrison Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Hughes, Thos. L.; Jackson C. H., Ohio. McEwen, J A.; care Quaker City National Bank, Quaker City, Ohio. Paxson, William Alpha; South Limestone St., Jamestown, Ohio. Schaeffer, M. B.; First National Bank, Miamisburg, Ohio. Swan, FE. M.; 209 South Third St., Rockport, Ind. Thompson, T. M.; Iowa City, Iowa. Waters, Asa W.; Boston, Mass. Class of 1875 Bates, William S.; address unknown. Burgoyne, Charles L.; 1422 North 32nd St., Birmingham, Ala. Campbell, Harry E.; address unknown. Clark, Milton; care Lebanon National Bank, Lebanon, Ohio. Fisher, Charles S.; 1712 Holloway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunt, J. H.; Valley Junction, Ohio. Jones, Walter St. John; Fountain and Wood Aves., Glendale, Ohio. Judkins, William Tyson; address unknown. Lenin, J. W.; U. S. Revenue Office, New Richmond, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. Mack, Max; address unknown. MacNeale, James Donald; address unknown. Maxwell, Lawrence, Jr.; Edgecliff Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Powers, J. Hale; address unknown. Rechtin, Henry; address unknown. Shotts, Robert N.; 349 Ross Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Thomas, Bruce F.; care Chattanooga Savings Bank, Chattanooga, Tenn. Vos, August; 915 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. White, D. A.; Newton, Kansas. White, Frank G.; address unknown. Class of 1876 Caldwell, John A.; 1650 Glen Parker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dickinson, Charles; address unknown. Dunlap, Robert; address unknown. Gerity, Edward; address unknown. — Hicks, William A.; 47 Blymyer Bldg.; (r) 4716 Ward Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Higginson, Edward; address unknown. Muir, James J.; 1227 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Neff, Orion L.; 2901 Archwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Neff, William B.; address unknown. Outcalt, Miller; 925 Marion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roudebush, William F.; Batavia, Ohio. Stone, George W.; 122 West Fourth St.; (r) 120 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Waterhouse, Jos. B.; address unknown. Williams, Arthur; address unknown. Yarnell, Eugene B.; address unknown. Class of 1877 Cartwright, John F.; address unknown. Faran, James J.; 846 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Horstman, Theo.; 612 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnston, James E.; Glenford, Ohio. Kelley, Thomas H.; 3217 Reading ‘Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemper, Willis M.; 2206 Upland Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lakin, Thomas C.; Point Pleasant, Ohio. Lingley, Isaac; Salem, Ky. Shumway, George W.; address unknown. Strobridge, Chas. M.; 118 Malvern Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomson, Alexander F.; Bakewell Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Williamson, William H.; 3561 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1878 Abbott, George M.; Arthur Bldg., Covington, Ky. Avery, Charles H.; 5528 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benzing, John; U. S. Internal Revenue Office, Hamilton, Ohio. Cady, Orin; 3319 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Church, Samuel S.; 4107 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. 83 84 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Cooder, William C.; 1524 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Coppick, Frank M.; 1350 Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Doughty, James K.; 406 South Sixth St., Lamar, Colo. Harrison, Joseph T.; 407 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoyt, Charles A.; address unknown. McMillan, William H.; 301 South Tarr St., North Baltimore, Ohio. Miner, William Y. S.; Pee Wee Valley, Ky. Myers, James S.; address unknown. Pannenberg, Eugene T. S.; address unknown. Pierpont, William H.; address unknown. Pugh, Robert C.; No. 1 Senator Place Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roettinger, Phillip, Jr.; 18 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Siefert, Frank J.; 1351 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Watson, Charles A.; 2136 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, John Augustus; address unknown. Class of 1879 Bennett, William H.; 1223 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Bente, Constantine A. W.; address unknown. Bosworth, Charles H.; address unknown. Cobb, Orris P.; 2623 Norwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Cockrum, John B.; 1416 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Cox, Joseph, Jr.; address unknown. Dempsey, Edward J.; 608 Fourth National Bank Bldg. and 551 Purcell Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Donohue, Eden Reeder; Room 803, 111 East Fourth St. and 2117 Auburn Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Ferris, Howard; Yorktown, Va. Forward, Ross; 7118 Lawnview Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Gill, John D.; address unknown. Gregg, Ellis B.; 565 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guy, William E.; address unknown. Harper, J. C.; address unknown. Holton, S. Pearce; 234 West Upsal St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Howard, Edwin J.; 3111 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huston, Joseph D.; 1131 North Market St., Wichita, Kansas. Johnston, Robert W.; Comstock Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Lamb, Sylvester; 222 Sixteenth Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Mooney, John W.; New First National Bank Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Myers, John H.; address unknown. Ohlinger, Fred; Box 477, Haine City, Fla. Rich, Will; Mexico City, Mexico. Richter, Adolph; Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rose, David $.; care Oklahoma Guaranty Bank, Blackwell, Okla. Smith, Ernest C.; R. F. D. No. 3, Brookburg, Ind. Smith, H. Clay; address unknown. Telfair, William B.; R. R. No. 5, Sabina, Ohio. Walls, George L.; 515 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. COLLEGE OF LAW. 85 Ward, Charles E.; Ravenna, Ohio. Weber, Charles; 812 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willoughby, Benj. M.; 818 Hart St., Vincennes, Ind. Class of 1880 Baker, George L.; address unknown. Beebe, George A.; adderss unknown. Benedict, Alfred B.; 504 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bosworth, Charles A.; Vernon Manor, Cincinnati, Ohio. rene eriaia.: baris, iy, Brent, Kelly; 809 Continental Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Bretz, John L.; (Circuit Judge); Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Jaspar, Ind. Bruhl, Theodore A.; Hotel Havlin and care Dr. T. H. Wenning, 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cahill, Franklin T.; 32 Conklin St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carr, Manfred H.; Yellow Springs, Ohio. Cohen, Alfred M.; 3557 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Comegys, Charles H.; No. 8, The Navarre, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deitch, Guilford A.; 1321 North Meridian St., also 200 Reserve Loan Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Edson, Frank P.; 731 West Main St., Van Wert, Ohio. Ernst, Richard P.; Fourth and Garrard Sts., Covington, Ky. Fisk, John F., Jr.; address unknown. Gallup, Frank C.; address unknown. Hughes, James Erastus; address unknown. Johnson, Simeon M.; 3427 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koons, Leander A.; Athens National Bank, Athens, Ohio. Martin, Daniel A.; 1845 Winchester Ave., Ashland, Ky. Moreton, M.; address unknown. Parma, Joseph D., address unknown. Parry, Reese H., Bradford, Iowa. Payne, Joseph D.; address unknown. Poague, Charles M.; 5100 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sachs, Morris B.; Port Townsend, Wash. Scott, Richard S.; 2222 Eastern Ave., Covington, Ky. Shattuck, A. C.; 4007 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Shinn, George W.; address unknown. Simrall, Alexander G.; Ridge Rd., Fort Mitchell, Ky. Spritz, Charles S.; 512 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Garfield and Laurel, Milford, Ohio. Steinbrecher, P. W.; address unknown. Taft, William Howard; Chief Justice, United States Supreme Court, Washington, District of Columbia. Wilder, Edwin F.; Morrow Pl., East of Summit Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilder, Stephens H.; 905 Neave Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Sylvester G.; address unknown. Class or 1881 Bryan, Fred Carlos; 1821 Adam Mill Rd. N. W., also 701 Colorado Bldg., Wash- 86 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. ington, D. C. Burgoyne, Harry Lindley; Flat 19, 359 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burnham, F. W.; care N. D. Condit, 25 Broadway, New York City. Carpenter, Harry Horr; Granville, Ohio. Cosgrave, Phillip Purcell; 1617 Clayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dale, B. B.; 2925 Vernon Pl.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Dalton, Harry Milton; 7270 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davy, Jacob Alvin; address unknown. Devanter, Willis Van; Judge, United States Supreme Court, Washington, D. C.; (r) Cheyenne, Wyo. Doerler, Chas.; Montgomery, Ohio. Dowdney, Ed. T.; 115 East Fifth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frazier, Alfred A.; 1130 Sunset Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Frey, Henry Jerome; address unknown. Gamble, Samuel C.; New Holland, Ohio. Hamilton, Garrison Wire; address unknown. Hammel, Samuel Bonnel; 7025 Fair Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hawkins, Edw. Waller; 7 East Fifth St., Newport, Ky.; (r) Erlanger, Ky. Healy, Herbert Churchill; address unknown. Hertenstein, Fred, Jr.; S. E. Cor. Twelfth and Vine Sts.; (r) 3870 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hill, Alfred, Jr.; 1331 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hise, Chas. $.; address unknown. Kellinger, Louis; address unknown. Luccock, Samuel C.; Wellsville, Ohio. Marts, Samuel B.; Rockville, Ind. Mattews, Edw. Foote; address unknown. Mussey, Charles Fred.; address unknown. Richardson, Leslie T.; 1601 Nebraska St.; Sioux City, Iowa. Ridgeway, Jas. B; 424 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ritchie, Walter T.; 514 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schweerer, Edw.; address unknown. scott, Andrew E.; McSouth, Kan. Severson, Wilbur F.; Lafayette, Ind. Sharon, Willis; Dayton, Ohio. Schockley, A. DeW.; 60 Wiggins Block; (r) 3027 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Rev. Henry $.; Crawfordsville, Ind. Williams, Frank W.; address unknown. Wilson, Miley Shelton; Barnesville, Ohio. Winbigler, Clemens P.; 432 Centre St., Ashland, Ohio. Wolf, Albert D.; address unknown. Wood, James Solomon; Lumber Exchange Building, Cattlettsburg, Ky. Class of 1882 Archibald, Dwight; address unknown. Ashburn, Albert I.; address unknown. Ayer, Richard L.; Sweetwine, Ohio. Cameron, Simon Don; Millersburg, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 87 Carter, William M.; North Bend Rd., Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chaney, John Chester; address unknown. Coffeen, A. S.; address unknown. Cook, Charles; address unknown. Copeland, George D.; Marion County Bank, Marion, Ohio. Crawford, Leonard J.; Fourth and York Sts., Newport, Ky. Cunningham, Abel S.; Citizens National Bank, Chillicothe, Ohio. Davis, Robert W. E.; address unknown. Dolle, Lewis John; 3994 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ford, Frank; Gilfillan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Goodhart, George B.; 307 Park Av., Harrison, Ohio. Hamilton, John M.; Bellefontaine National Bank, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Herider, Daniel V.; Slater, Mo. Hingson, Richard; 32 Maple Ave., Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hogsett, T. H.; 2404 Kenilworth Rd., Euclid Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. Johnson, Raymond A.; address unknown. Knapp, Arthur D.; 451 West Main St., Ravenna, Ohio. Kyle, Arthur Charles; address unknown. Mack, Robert James, Jr.; address unknown. Macks, Moritz; address unknown. Magly, W. $.; 2520 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, John Henry; care Edwards Ritchie, 700 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Massie, David M.; 268 West Water St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Molyneaux, Joseph W.; United States District Judge, Federal Bldg.; (r) 4348 Fre- mont St., Minneapolis, Minn. Owens, William Edwin; address unknown. Parker, Emmett N.; (Judge), 4101 North 38th St., Tacoma, Wash. Parrish, M. F.; New Lexington, Ohio. Perin, Buchanan; 34 Parkwood PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pierce, David; 204 High St., Hamilton, Ohio. Ring, William; 513 North Main St., Urbana, Ohio. Risinger, Abel C.; (Judge), Court House, Eaton, Ohio. Robbins, John; Jackson, Ohio. Sieber, George W., Jr.; 484 East Market St., Akron, Ohio. Smith, Samuel W., Jr.; 1805 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suire, Frank Overton; 3427 Berry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodbury, Arthur K.; address unknown. Wynne, William E.; address unknown. Class of 1883 Andrews, Americus V.; address unknown. Andrews, Horace; Western Reserve Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Benton, Henry W.; Security Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Blake, Charles O.; First National Bank Building, El Reno, Okla. Blakemore, Herbert D.; 6216 South Park Ave., Chicago, III. Brown, Francis William; address unknown. Bunn, Charles; address unknown. 88 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Cleneay, Harry Q.; Flat 28, The Verona, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cohn, Nathan; Independent Life Building; (r) 3725 Richland Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Colvin, Wilbur; Springfield, Ohio. Cordell, Delano W.; address unknown. Dale, Charles W.; Reibold Building; (r) 712 Oakwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Danford, Martin E.; McConnelsville, Ohio. Daniels, Geo. $.; 27 Williams St.; (r) 44 West 44th St., New York City, N. Y. Dyer, Alfred C.; address unknown. Furber, Charles $.; 404 East Nineteenth St., Covington, Ohio. Gumble, Henry; 60 East Broad St.; (r) 781 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Howard, Charles John; National Bank of Barnesville, Barnesville, Ohio. Howard, Charles John; 2661 Woodley Rd., Washington, D. C. Howe, John Harrison; Martinsville, Ind. Koons, Carl E.; Eaton, Ohio. Jacoby, Elias J.; 850 East 59th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Johnson, James D.; 700 North Main St., Celina, Ohio. Little, Wm. S.; 1201 Union Trust Building; (r) 2259 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Livesay, Theodore M.; address unknown. Magruder, Howard B.; 216 Washington St., Port Clinton, Ohio. McConica, Thomas H.; Box 7, Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada. Montgomery, Bohen H.; address unknown. Ohler, James Oswell; German-American Bank, Lima, Ohio. Orr, Grier M.; District Judge, Court House, St. Paul, Mina. Pfleger, Otto; 3523 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Prugh, Harry H.; address unknown. Reiter, George; 6205 Ridge Ave., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Samford, Wm. Henry; address unknown. Spence, Wm. Hamilton; address unknown. Sprague, Wm. C.; address unknown. Tobey, Wm. Lawrence; address unknown. Tobin, Wm. John; 5819 Kinoll Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Van Sickle, Arthur J.; address unknown. Williamson, John Thomas; address unknown. Wilshire, Henry G.; address unknown. Wright, John Wesley; Frankfort, Ky. Wright, Rogers; 60 Wiggins Block, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1884 Allen, Alfred M.; 701 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Fountain Ave. Glen- dale, Ohio. Andrews, Jos. E.; address unknown. Apt, Chas. H.; address unknown. Basch, George Chas.; Bolivar, N. Y. Baily, Geo. S.; 919 Avondale Ave.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Baird, Chambers; Ripley, Ohio. Black, Elmer E.; 194 East St. Salineville, Ohio. Chalmers, Louis Henry; 230 East McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz. COLLEGE OF LAW. 89 Culver, Reuben D.; Logan, Ohio. Dempsey, Thos. Edwin; address unknown. Donohue, Patrick J.; address unknown. Drahmann, Augustus; address unknown. Hargo, John W.; address unknown. Hastings, Chas. Oscar; address unknown. Hauck, Warren Neander; Lawrenceburg, Ind. Heim, Eugene; 3777 Isabella Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hershey, Benj. F.; 714 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Huggins, Ed. N.; 813-18, First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 247 North Parkview Ave., Bexley, Columbus, Ohio. Huston, M. Thompson; Mt. Perry, Ohio. Jenkins, Myron C.; Greensburg, Ind. Johnson, Alexander H.; 21 South High St.; (r) 144 North Drexel Ave., Bexley, Columbus, Ohio. Julien, Geo. W.; Delphi, Ind. Littleford, Wm.; 601 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lynn, Emery F.; Youngstown, Ohio. Marchant, Thos. Wm.; address unknown. Mayer, Nelson M.; Miamisburg, Ohio. Mumsell, Justus F.; 191 Center St., Ashtabula, Ohio. O’Connell, John G.; 3306 Hardesty Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Hara, Jos. Wm.; 509 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ormsby, Geo. Francis; Xenia, Ohio. Rogers, John Wm.; McConnelsville, Ohio. Shackleford, John A.; 221 North J St., Tacoma, Wash. Sloan, Richard E.; 16 North First Ave.; (r) Arizona Club, Phoenix, Ariz. Smith, Chas. R.; address unknown. Wagner, Louis; Tiffin, Ohio. Walk, Harry E.; 715 West Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. Werner, Gustave R.; 525 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. West, John Edwin; 300 North Main St., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Wisler, Henry M.; address unknown. Wood, Chas. Alto; 148 North Main St., Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Young, Cornelius C.; 1934 East 84th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Zimmerman, John Lee; 914 Atlas Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Class of 1885 Anderson, Benj. W.; address unknown. Byron, Wm. Andrew; Brookville, Ky. Caldwell, Henry Moore; Rigby, Tenn. Castleman, Elmer R.; Clay and Crescent Ave., Erlanger, Ky. Cheney, Elmer E.; 134 Lafayette Ave., Urbana, Ohio. Clark, Charles E.; 418 Altamont Rd., Covington, Ky. Colyer, John W.; First National Bank, Somerset, Ky. Danziger, Henry; address unknown. Fairbanks, Newton H.; 919 South Fountain Ave., Springfield, Ohio. 90 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Funk, Ross Winter; 442 Market St., Wooster, Ohio. Gholson, Edwin; 19 Elmhurst Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Greve, Charles Theodore; 5 Bodmann Bldg., and (r) 530 Maxwell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grubb, Wm. Irwin; 634 Idlewild Circle, Birmingham, Ala. Heleberg, Victor E.; 1725 Mississippi Ave., Lawrence, Kansas. Hurin, Silas E.; 340 West Woodruf Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Jones, Frank Herbert; Bay City Bank and Trust Co., Bay City, Texas. Kerns, Arthur E.; 321 Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio. Kerr, Ellis H.; 105 West Main St., Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Lyford, Geo. H. A.; 816 Schmidt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) R 10, Box 107, Day- ton, Ohio. Marckworth, Herman, Jr.; 2991 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Masterson, Wm. Wesley; Harput, Turkey. Newkirk, Eugene W.; 418 Beall St., Wooster, Ohio. Oliver, David S.; 705 Gholson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Otis, Edward P.; care Otis, Beery & Sheppard, Akron, Ohio. Payne, Wm. M.; address unknown. Pendleton, Nathaniel Greene; address unknown. Rannells, Barnett H.; address unknown. Ranshaw, Geo. Benj.; Officers’ House, Petersburg, Va. Rathwell, Frank; Judge, Common Pleas Court, Court House; (r) 333 West Ninth St., Columbus, Ohio. Rodgers, Addison S.; Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. Schott, Colon; 216 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Simon, Michael C.; address unknown. Skillman, Cassius M.; 8373 Curzon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Slabaugh, Watson E.; Central Savings Bank and Trust Co., Akron, Ohio. Taber, Ira Clinton; 2040 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Taylor, Anthony Wm.; Salem, Ohio. Walker, Wm. Slee; 3535 Trimble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Webb, Robert L.; Williamstown, Ky. Weber, Louis Jacob; (Judge), 425 Locust Ave, Zanesville, Ohio. Werner, Richard E.; 1053 Wesley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wettich, Mark K.; 420 West Madison Ave., South Bend, Ind. Wilkin, Archibald D.; 1112 Berger Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Wilkinson, Leonard H.; 905 Phillips Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Woodmansee, David D.; 904 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 1849 Madison Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Yager, Louis C.; Columbia Securities Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Class of 1886 Armstrong, Hunter S.; 405 Sixteenth St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Arnsparger, Clifton; Paris, Ky. Aston, Ed. S.; 1827 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Beal, James H.; 301 North Nevada St., Urbana, III. Beatty, Harry Lincoln; Second National Bank, Ravenna, Ohio. Bellew, Wm. W.; 302 Second National Bank Blidg., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 91 Brown, Albert Theodore; 136 Wentworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buckland, George; Jacksonville Gas Co., 29 East Adams St., Jacksonville, Fla.; (r) 2021 Herschell St. Cake, Wm. Marion; 1501 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Carroll, Robert de Val Court; 216 East Fourth St., Covington, Ky. Castle, Albert A.; Alexandria, Ohio. Chapin, Edw. Y.; 936 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn. Clark, Fred. Wiles; 132 South Second St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Cranston, Earl M.; Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo. Crissinger, Daniel R.; Marion County Bank, Marion, Ohio. Davidson, Wm. Jos.; 221 American National Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Dawes, Charles G.; Vice President United States, Washington, D. C.; (r) Evanston, Illinois. Dawson, Thomas C.; Enterprise, Fla. De Lamatre, Clayton Wm.; Karbach Block; (r) 1824 Spencer St., Omaha, Neb. De Wolfe, Edgar Henry; address unknown. Dyar, Wm. Wade; Chicago, Ill. Eichelberger, Jacob L.; address unknown. Everett, Chas. S.; 408 Gwynne Bldg.; (r) 6649 Bantry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferguson, Stanley; 2242 Francis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, Wm. Francis; 666 June St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gaskins, John C.; Amelia, Ohio. Geer, Wm. John; 128 South Boston St., Galion, Ohio. Gilfillan, Bailey Walker; 1170 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Hagans, Marcellus H. P.; address unknown. Hargitt, Robert Palmer; Georgian Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hidden, Edw. Neblett; 408 Oliver St.; (r) University Club, St. Louis, Mo. Hummel, Louis G.; 1125 North First Ave., Tucson, Ariz. Inott, Charles Jos.; 40 Wiggins Block; (r) Harrison Ave. opp. McHenry Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. James, Francis Bacon; Westorg Bidg., Washington, D. C. Jelke, Ferdinand, Jr.; 1325 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnson, Byron B.; address unknown. Johnston, Hollis C.; Gallipolis, Ohio. Johnston, John E.; Montrose, Mo. Jones, John Wm.; address unknown. Kennon, Albert W.; First National Bank, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Kerr, Benj. F.; Mentor, Ohio. Kessler, Walter S.; Arcanium, Ohio. Lewis, Henry G.; address unknown. Lindsay, Eugene D.; address unknown. Lueders, Wm. H.; Judge, Probate Court, Court House, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyne, John Quincy; address unknown. McCormick, Alfred F.; Indianapolis, Ind. McCoy, Frank Lincoln; 3421 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. Mack, Theo.; 2112 F. M. Bank Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas; (r) 918 East Weather- ford ot. Martin, John C.; 150 East Broad St.; (r) 1659 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. ue UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Maxwell, Jos. F.; Leadville, Colo. Melchero, Milo; address unknown. Nichols, Hugh L.; Batavia, Ohio. Nesbitt, Samuel; Wheeling, W. Va. Orr, James L.; 227 Belleflower Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Ozias, Geo. W.; Commercial Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Pickering, Reuben W; address unknown. Pomerene, Atlee; 1857 Union Trust Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Pomerene, Wm. Reed; 21 South High St.; (r) 429 West Seventh St., Columbus, Ohio. Ramsey, Robt.; 2753 Markbreit Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Robinson, Jas. F.; 2417 Ingleside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scroggs, Charles J.; 202 South Walnut St., Bucyrus, Ohio. Seeman, Charles; 1022 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 137 Fawcett Ave., N. W.,, Canton, Ohio. Silverman, Julius; address unknown. Simmons, Harry Lewis; address unknown. Smith, Irwin McDowell; Farmers’ and Traders’ National Bank, Hillsboro, Ohio. Steele, Thomas FE.; address unknown. Steiguer, (de) Geo. E.; Dexter Horton Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Taft, Horace D.; The Taft School, Watertown, Conn. Talbott, Walter R.; address unknown. Thompson, John Rose; address unknown. Trimble, Wm. Pitt; 1206 University St., Seattle, Wash. Tyler, Geo. W.; Oberlin, Ohio. , Tylor, Geo. S.; address unknown. Walton, Wm. V.; Woodsfield, Ohio. Wardlow, Charles; 85 North High St.; (r) 650 East Town St., Columbus, Ohio. Class of 1887 Armstrong, Samuel P.; 23 S. W. Temple St. and Beason, Salt Lake City, Utah. Bambach, Geo. G.; address unknown. Baughman, Francis M; address unknown. Benham, James E.; Lebanon, Ohio. Bloom, Jacob E.; 233 Seventy-second St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Broh, Daniel R.; 714 Maury Place, Norfolk, Va. Childe, John B.; Walnut and Elm Sts., Wyoming, Ohio. Cunningham, Geo. S.; 129 King Ave., Lancaster, Ohio. Dorger, Frank J.; 501 Traction Bldg.; (r) 2933 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fink, Henry Chas.; Montrose, Colo. Fridman, Wm. McClellan; 2256 Jefferson Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Gagerum, Sam W.; address unknown. Glick, Henry A; address unknown. Grumbine, Jerry L.; address unknown. Guthrie, David P.; Belpre, Ohio. Hamilton, Jas. Henry; address unknown. Hammond, Wm. Wallace; 4350 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Harris, Heaton W.; 346 East Broadway, Alliance, Ohio. Harsha, Jas. Wm.; Circleville, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. | 93 Hodge, John T.; Fifth and Park Sts., Newport, Ky. Holly, Peter P.; Middletown, Ohio. Holmes, Sam.; Mt. Olivet, Ky. Houk, Wm.; 218 Seargent St., Joplin, Mo. Jobes, Geo. A.; 218 Central Ave., Greenville, Ohio. Jones, John W.; address unknown. Jones, Thomas; address unknown. Krichbaum, Charles; Judge, Common Pleas Court, Canton, Ohio. Kuhn, Oscar W.; 1501 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 965 Lenox Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Laird, Clarence B.; address unknown. Lambright, Allen M.; 625 Carson Ave., Las Animas, Colo. Lea Sure, Geo. N.; Delphos, Ohio, and O. and O. Steamers, Melbourne, Australia. Lee, Thomas L.; address unknown. Lighty, Geo. W.; Etna, Ohio. Mahon, Thomas Chas.; 651 North Main St., Kenton, Ohio. Mayer, Wm. Pitt; address unknown. Mayo, Mart A.; address unknown. McCammon, Robt. W.; address unknown. Meads, Albert H.; 160 North La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. Miles, Casper Wm.; 18 East Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Henry A.; Judge, 645 North Main St., Celina, Ohio. Okey, Jos. A.; address unknown. Olmsted, Robt. H.; 3022 Willet St., Omaha, Neb. Rhodes, Victor E.; Carthage, Mo. Roebuck, John S.; 307 York St., Newport, Ky. Ruffin, John Edw.; Brownville, Ind. Small, Wm. Smith; address unknown. Snider, Wm. H.; address unknown. Snook, John $.; Pauling, Ohio. Snyder, Alonzo M.; Williamson Bldg.; (r) 15337 Euclid Ave., EK. C., Cleveland, Ohio. Stephenson, Jas. F.; 311 North Broadway, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Swabey, Stanley Wm; address unknown. Thomas, Benj. F.; address unknown. Thorpe, Gilbert P.; 312 East Locust St., Wilmington, Ohio. Torbet, Louis K.; address unknown. Trimble, Wm. Pitt; 1206 University Ave., Seattle, Wash. Vaughn, Wm. P.; Cardington, Ohio. Welty, Louis; 321 West Ray St., New Philadelphia, Ohio. Wright, Daniel T.; 917 15th St., S. W.; (r) Wardmen Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. Class of 1888 Adler, Jos. L.; 814 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Alexander, Albert J.; Beaver, Pa. Brown, Ephraim T.; 812 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burns, Michael O.; 512 Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Campbell; Flushing, Ohio. Cary, William L.; 1377 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Conover, Harvey, Jr.; address unknown. 94 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Crane, Edward J.; address unknown. Duncan, William F.; 506 West Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio. Eichberg, David; Atlanta National Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Ewing, George W.; 207 East Wheeling St., Lancaster, Ohio. Faber, Charles L.; 2732 Faber Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ford, William Sherman; Cherry Hotel, Washington Court House, Ohio. Haddock, Frank G.; address unknown. Heinsheimer, Norbert H.; address unknown. Henderson, Basil D.; address unknown. Keifer, William White; 1230 East High St., Springfield, Ohio. Kennedy, Thomas Martin; Court House; (r) 1880 East 79th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Kirshner, Charles Henry; No. 1 East 55th St., Kansas City, Mo. Love, Edwin G.; address unknown. Lower, Josiah; address unknown. McBeth, Warren F.; Hamersville, Ohio. McClave, Stuart M.; Peoples National Bank, Steubenville, Ohio. Mallon, Guy W.; 2004 Union Central Bldg.; (r) 234 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Munn, Charles H.; Monmouth, Maine. Nutt, John M.; address unknown. Phillips, John Porter; Chillicothe, Ohio. Rankin, John F.; address unknown. Richter, Frank Perry; 432 North Second St., Hamilton, Ohio. Rogers, Samuel G.; Akron, Ohio. Ruskin, Moses; 205 Southern Ohio Bank Bldg.; (r) 3415 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shrague, Gustavus; 339 Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. Simmons, Robert C.; 407 First National Bank; (r) Amsterdam Rd., Covington, Ky. Stewart, Wm. Richard; 509-10 First National Bank Bldg; (r) 522 North Ave., Youngs- town, Ohio. Turner,Mark P.; address unknown. Weeks, Bruce S.; address unknown. Wells, Frank L.; 439 Riverside Ave., Wellsville, Ohio. Wilson, John F.; Hillsboro, Ohio. Woolf, Edgar H.; address unknown. Worthman, Harry S.; address unknown. Class of 1889 Ahlers, Frederick John; address unknown. Allison, Charles E.; address unknown. Anderson, Samuel E.; address unknown. Ayres, Theo. C.; address unknown. Burget, Sam; Guardian Bldg., (r) 2286 South Overlook Ave., C. H., Cleveland, Ohio. Caldwell, Chas. Mott; Waverly, Ohio. . Chase, Hiram; address unknown. Chittenden, Charles E.; 610 Home Bank Bldg.; (r) Ottawa Hills, Toledo, Ohio. Dickey, Marius C.; Columbus, Ohio. Durbin, Daniel; 211 Webster Ave., Cynthiana, Ky. Fenton, Edwin Burt; address unknown. COLLEGE OF LAW. Fiedler, Wm. F.; address unknown. Flickinger, Carl A.; 623-4-5 Gardner Bldg; (r) 2402 Putnam St., Toledo, Ohio. Foos, Stanley B.; Eaton, Ohio. Frome, G. V.; Champaign National Bank, Urbana, Ohio. Gillett, Urbane B.; 3584 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gowdy, Robt. L.; address unknown. Graham, Wm. R.; address unknown. Green, Elijah Jos., Jr.; address unknown. Hall, Oliver M.; address unknown. Hamilton, Jas. Thos.; address unknown. Harbeson, Matt L.; 408 East Riverside Drive, Covington, Ky. Haussermann, John W.; address unknown. Hengst, Geo. Washington; 1029 Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herbsleb, August F.; 318 Webster St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoffheimer, Harry M.; 2335 Granview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hornaday, John P.; address unknown. Howard, Wm. §.; 41 East Main St., Xenia, Ohio. Hyde, Wilby G.; 51 East Fifth St., Chillicothe, Ohio. - Jones, Carey; address unknown. Jones, Jas. Wm.; West Chester, Butler County, Ohio. Kenaga, Heber; Nome, Alaska. Landfair, Robt. B.; address unknown. Latty, Edwin A.; address unknown. Lassing, John M.; Walton, Ky. Lindsey, David S.; address unknown. Malsbary, Chas. F.; (Judge) ; 601 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCoy, David F.; address unknown. Means, Robt. Galvin; address unknown. Murphy, Clarence; Common Pleas Judge; (r) 202 Ross Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Murphy, Daniel W.; 612 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murray, Alexander, Jr.; address unknown. Newton, Jas. H. M.; address unknown. Obermeyer, Jos. Geo.; 185 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Park, Nathan Rogers; 723 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peacock, John Alexander; address unknown. Pease, Wm. Webster; address unknown. Phillips, Frank H.; address unknown. Pociey, Eugene C.; 6148 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pogue, Province McCormick; 912 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raresheid, Wm. D.; address unknown. Roach, Perry A.; 30 East Broad St.; (r) 479 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio. Saint, James H.; address unknown. Sampson, Wm.; Somerset Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Wylie E.; address unknown. Smith, Wirt C.; address unknown. Sperry, Orton A.; address unknown. Stoehr, Oscar; 1804 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sullivan, John Jos.; address unknown. 95 96 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Tannehill, Perley Howard; 301 Peoples Bank Bldg.; (r) 105 Taylor St., Zanesville, -Ohio. Touvelle, Will E.; address unknown. Uncapher, Luther V.; 129 Garden Ave., Marion, Ohio. Wall, Frank Thomas; address unknown. Waltz, Frank Charles; 3075 Daytona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weir, Clarence E.; Fletcher Savings Bank and Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Wiggins, Henry L.; care Farmers and Traders National Bank, Hillsboro, Ohio. Wikoff, Frank John; address unknown. Wood, Geo. Henry; 25 Schantz Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Wood, John B.; address unknown. Woost, Henry; 812 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, Nathaniel; 1316 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1890 Allen, Alfred G.; 1306 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 4 Belsaw Place., Cincinnati, Ohio. ' Appling, Harry Jas.; Room 24, 206 East Fifth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aukerman, Elmer; address unknown. Arthur Sidney; S. Arthur Bldg., Covington, Ky. Babbitt, Edw. J.; 525 Walnut St.; (r) 903 Summit Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baldwin, Charles H.; address unknown. Barnes, Joseph D.; Sidney, Ohio. Boggs, Parks W.; address unknown. Britton, Stanley Jas.; address unknown. Brown, Albert M.; St. Clairsville, Ohio. Burnett, Peter H.; address unknown. Campbell, John V.; 702 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Broadwell Station, Newton, Ohio. Chaney, Newton E.; address unknown. Closs, Fred, Jr.; 3446 Whitfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cory, David Jennings; Urbana, Ohio. Davis, Albert Sherman; address unknown. Dershem, Harvey F.; Greenville, Ohio. Donnally, Lewis; address unknown. Duncan, Seth C.; address unknown. Dusenbury, Will Jackson; 200-55 East State St.; (r) Athletic Club, Columbus, Ohio. Everhart, Harold; address unknown. Falconer, David S.; 436 West Second St., Lexington, Ky. Fisher, Roscoe B.; 611-13 Meyer Kiser Bank Bldg., Miami, Fla. Foster, Owen L.; address unknown. Frease, Chas. Clayton; address unknown. Glancy, Homer B.; address unknown. Glidden, Willis B.; address unknown. Griffith, John E.; address unknown. Hamilton, Ernest M.; 556 North Mud River St., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Heath, Daniel W.; address unknown. Heintz, Michael G., Jr.; 3637 Evanston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 97 Henry, Herbert H.; 1827 Wilton Rd., C. H., Cleveland, Ohio. Hoge, Hamilton E.; Kenton, Ohio. Hoover, Wm. Stewart; 219 South Fourth St., Vincennes, Ind. Hoskins, Samuel A.; 8 East Broad St.; (r) 1662 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Hunter, John R.; address unknown. Huston, John S.; De Graff, Ohio. Irvine, Robt. E.; South River Rd., Zanesville, Ohio. Irvine, Walter A.; address unknown. Jordan, James R.; 803 Edwards Bldg.; (r) 2812 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemper, Edw. W.; Miami and Center Sts., Milford, Ohio. Kenney, John T.; 111 South Carroll St., Madison, Wis. Kinney, Franklin H.; 1605 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 3633 Zumstein Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Kirkley, Clyde F.; address unknown. Locke, Walter M.; 3906 Hazel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lykins, Marcus C.; 48 Pickering Bldg.; (r) Hotel Savoy, Cincinnati, Ohio. McCombs, Edw. E.; Martin’s Ferry, Ohio. McNeeley, Jos. S., Sr.; address unknown. Miller, Ira Harris; address unknown. Moulinier, Edw. P.; 1514 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 3647 Ken- dall Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Mouser, Grant F.; 539 East Church St., Marion, Ohio. Newman, Felix C.; address unknown. Ohler, Clement; address unknown. Parrett, Homer Carley; 212%, North New Hampshire St., Los Angeles, Calif. Pauly, Martin G.; address unknown. Pfoutz, Daniel H.; address unknown. Plotner, Jas. A.; address unknown. Pomerene, Celsus; address unknown. Rhoades, John H.; address unknown. Rice, Jas. Allen; 1220 Market Ave., Canton, Ohio. Rouse, Shelley; 427 Wallace Ave., Covington, Ky. Russell, Almon P.; address unknown. Sattler, Geo. G.; address unknown. Schwaab, John; 907 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 1622 Dexter Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Secrest, John Power; address unknown. Smith, Wm. Harvey; address unknown. Sparks, Charles S.; 514 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stivers, Frank Alexander; 136 Front St., Ripley, Ohio. Swadner, Raymond H.; address unknown. Tobin, Edw. J.; address unknown. Travis, Geo. Y.; Liverpool, Ohio. Twing, Eldred L.; address unknown. Waite, Morrison R.; 356 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Chas. A. J.; 1559 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Warwick, Walter W.; 6930 Piney Branch Rd., Washington, D. C. Welch, Thos. C.; Morrow, Ohio. 98 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Whitelaw, E. A.; Akron, Ohio. Wilson, John F.; 1428 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Witmeyer, Webb W.; 735 Woodlawn Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Woodfill, Web.; Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D. C. Yungblut, Chas. W.; Newport National Bank Bldg., Newport, Ky. Class of 1891 Ahlborn, Charles A.; address unknown. Amos, Aquila A.; address unknown. Anderson, Charles R.; address unknown. Atkins, Gaius G.; First Congregational Church; (r) 237 Hancock Ave., Detroit, Mich. Berry, Thomas R.; 821 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beverstock, Edw.; address unknown. Blue, Clayton E.; 963 Franklin Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Bostwick, Burr J.; Acting Register, U. S. Land Office, Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. Brenan, Jos. C.; 215 Washington St., Marietta, Ohio. Burke, Thos. W.; Ravenswood, W. Va. Christian, Fred W.; Commercial Bank Bldg.; (r) 517 Kautz St., Willard, Ohio. Clem, Jos. A.; address unknown. Clendenin, Wm.; address unknown. Conley, Thos. F.; Bowling Green, Ohio. Criswell, Geo. Wm.; Marion, Ohio. Culliton, Anthony; 231 North Walnut St., St. Marys, Ohio. Darby, Thos. H.; Court House; (r) 2561 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dinsmore, Frank F.; 710 Carew Bldg.; (r) Baker Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Drummond, John W.; address unknown. Dwyer, Albert Has.; 15 West Monument St., Dayton, Ohio. Fenley, Greene D.; address unknown. Goeke, John Henry; Lima, Ohio. Guthery, Fred E.; 450 Delaware St., Marion, Ohio. Haley, Geo. E.; address unknown. Hanlon, Francis J.; 605 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Hausman, De Jalma S.; 7 Wilkinson Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Henry, Jonathan L.; address unknown. Hudson, John C.; 710 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 5335 Tomkins Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Hunter, John Robt.; address unknown. Innan, Clifford S.; address unknown. Jennings, Jas. Edw.; address unknown. Kelley, Edwin H.; address unknown. Luebbert, Louis R.; 589 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lutz, Samuel L.; address unknown. Mason, John E.; address unknown. Mattern, Conrad Jas.; 717 Kenilworth Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Matthews, Henry Franklin; address unknown. Maxwell, Clement A.; address unknown. Maxwell, Wm. K.; address unknown. McClintock, John Mills; Altedessa, Calif. COLLEGE OF LAW. 99 McCulloch, Robt. Allen; address unknown. McDiarmid, Campbell J.; 608 Traction Bldg.; (r) 614 Evanswood PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. McLean, Milton H.; 602 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. McNamara, Thos., Jr., 125 Broadway, Youngstown, Ohio. Merrick, Marion D.; address unknown. Miller, Geo. W.; address unknown. Millikin, Brandon R.; 307 Ross Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Moran, Thos.; address unknown. Muchmore, Wm. F.; address unknown. Myers, John C.; address unknown. Nicholas, Chas. H.; address unknown. Ochiltree, Wm. Elmer; 467 West Seventh St., Connersville, Ind. Otterman, Henry; 1823 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raudabaugh, Richard; 712 Shiawassee St., West Lansing, Mich. Root, Horace W.; 511 East Third St., Newport, Ky. Ryan, John B.; address unknown. Seeman, Calvin; 932 Fourth St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Shelton, Wm. S.; address unknown. Smith, Halvert D.; Chardon, Ohio. Stricker, Sidney G.; 421 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Robert C.; address unknown. Thomas, Oscar B.; address unknown. Thompson, Sam. W.; address unknown. Toland, Chas. W. M.; 844 Society for Savings Bldg.; (r) 1879 East 101st St., Cleve- land, Ohio. Ulery, Wm. Garrison; address unknown. Van Deman, Alfred N.; address unknown. Van Sickle, Will L.; 98 Hamilton Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Vollenweider, Otto E.; McArthur, Ohio. Weaver, Louis M.; address unknown. Wicke, Richard D.; address unknown. Winston, Charles Albert; 525 North Sheridan Rd., Chicago, Ill. Wolff, Otto; 624 East Third St., Newport, Ky. Young, Richard B.; 200 Devonshire Ave., Boston, Mass.; (r) Plaza Hotel, New Mone Citys N AY. Class of 1892 Addams, George S.; Judge, Probate Court; (r) 1902 Wadena Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Alcorn, Albert D.; 240 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. | Baker, Howard E.; address unknown. Bartram, John H.; 402 South State St., Marion, Ohio. Bigley, Jefferson W.; address unknown. Blank, Edw.; 1044 Bellefontaine Ave., Lima, Ohio. Bosworth, Harry P.; address unknown. Britton, Herbert L.; address unknown. Brown, James F.; address unknown. Buchanan, Chas. $.; Woodsfield, Ohio. Byrnes, Wm. B.; address unknown. 100 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Chapman, Carlos A.; 1854 Shaw Ave., E. C.; Cleveland, Ohio. Chittenden, Herbert J.; address unknown. Clark, Harry A.; address unknown. . Curran, Harry C.; 7 East Fourth St., Maysville, Ky. De Camp, Walter A.; 1210 Traction Bldg.; (r) 3003 Vernon PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dedman, Jas. Clay; 401 East Bridge St., Cynthiana, Ky. Dodge, Jonathan §$.; Altadena, Los Angeles, Calif. Doll, Chas. R.; 70 North High St.; (r) 848 South Champion Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Dunlap, Anthony B.; 1305 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Espy, Arthur; 3798 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foos, Chas. C.; Eaton, Ohio. Fritz, Wm. G.; address unknown. Grosshaus, Frank E.; 519% Market St., East Liverpool, Ohio. Gunkel, Henry, Jr.; address unknown. Hahn, Ulysses G.; address unknown. Harnwell, Fred Wm.; address unknown. Harper, Geo. D.; 2119 Alpine Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herold, Matt.; 704 Fairfield Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Hill, Walter B.; 7 West St. Clair St., East Liverpool, Ohio. Hine, Dwight M.; address unknown. Irwin, Obed W.; address unknown. Johnson, Sidney H.; address unknown. Joyce, James; 1020 Steubenville St., Cambridge, Ohio. Keller, Dellis C.; 20 Forest Glen Flats, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kessler, Aaron H.; Laura, Ohio. Kreigbaum, Andrew J.; address unknown. Kreisser, John D.; address unknown. Lang, Chas. John; address unknown. Lindsey, Thomas Noble; 306 West Second St., Frankfort, Ky. Mackentepe, Fred E.: 502 St. Paul Bldg.; (r) S. E. Cor. Warsaw and Woodlawn Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Marshall, Carrington T.; 1015 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Mattern, Jacob Chas.; address unknown. McCarty, Frank H.; address unknown. Merriman, Matt. Frank; address unknown. Ochiltree, Robt. M.; 2011 Union Central Bldg.; (r) 1227 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pardee, Lionel S.; 83 Castleton Ave., Akron, Ohio. Peck, Edwin C.; address unknown. Phillips, Frank C.; address unknown. Pister, Wm.; 205 Wentworth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Rawson, La Quino; 1228 Andrews Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ray, John, Jr.; address unknown. Riddle, Wm. Wallace; address unknown. Robertson, Jas. Harvey; Louisville Rd., Canton, Ohio. Rogers, Chas. F.; 543. "S”> Sti, Greenfield, Ohio: Schoepfle, Henry; 216 Lawrence St., Sandusky, Ohio. Shaver, Geo. Newton; 17119 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Slye, John; Amelia, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 101 Snyder, Jacob-B.; 1251 Logan Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Stagman, Harrison E.; 3651 Paxton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Struble, Stanley; Common Pleas Judge, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Cleves, Ohio. Van Derveer, Boynton H.; address unknown. Walter, Guy T.; Coulee, Wash. Whallon, Abraham L.; 819 Helen St., Logansport, Ind. Willet, Geo. O.; 707 Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio; (r) North Olmstead, Ohio. Williams, Charles B.; address unknown. Williams, Thos. B.; New Lexington, Ohio. Wummer, Leonard A.; address unknown. Wright, Thos. L.; care John Deere Plow Co., Omaha, Neb. Yates, John O.; address unknown. Class of 1893 Ahlers, Fred J.; 728 Garrard Ave., Covington, Ky. Baer, Carl J.; Planters’ Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Ball, Chas. M.; 2622 Tuscarawas Ave., Canton, Ohio. Ballard, Edw. McClure; 313 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barber, Frank E.; 2224 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bard, Oscar J.; 215 Stoddard Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Bauer, Jacob P., Jr.; 403 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benedict, Chas. C.; Forest and Fountain Aves., Glendale, Ohio. Bigstaff, Frank W.; address unknown. Black, Wm. T.; address unknown. Bolinger, Alva C.; St. Paris, Ohio. Bonsail, Marshall K.; address unknown. Brotherton, Cloyd J.; 333% North Main St., Lima, Ohio. Bryson, Edw. L.; 213 East Market St., Celina, Ohio. Cahill, Michael; address unknown. Chamberlain, E. Patrick; address unknown. Clark, Arthur A.; address unknown. Clark, Leslie J.; 432 Tusculum Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davidson, John S.; address unknown. Davies, David T.; address unknown. Des Brisay, Fred T.; New York City. Dixon, Humphrey E.; address unknown. Ecki, Wm. Henry H.; 160 East Park St., Dayton, Ohio. Emerson, Henry I.; address unknown. Firestone, Ross Wm.; address unknown. Fishbaugh, Anthony W.; address unknown. Fries, Edw.; address unknown. Galvin, Maurice L.; 423 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. Gray, Edna L.; address unknown. Griffis, Albert R.; Eaton, Ohio. Haines, Frank P.; 723 Zane Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Hamilton, Wesley W. K.; address unknown. Harkness, Harris K.; address unknown. Heilker, Henry John; 3444 Stettinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 102 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Henshaw, Arthur; address unknown. Hile, Geo. D.; address unknown. Hine, Charles De Lano; address unknown. Hoffman, Chas. W.; 2361 University Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hollenbeck, Martin; address unknown. Huntington, Frederic G.; 2341 East Hill Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio. Jordan, Chas. E.; 607 West Sandusky St., Findlay, Ohio. Kemper, Howard T.; 204 Mutual Home Bldg.; (r) 908 Harvard Blvd., Lebanon, Ohio. Kramer, John; address unknown. Lee, Bivin M.; address unknown. Lynch, Geo. B.; Adair, Iowa. Madden, Benj.; address unknown. Martin, John Quincy; 3547 St. Charles Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mathers, James; address unknown. McBride, James F.; address unknown. Milligan, Chas. V.; address unknown. Mockbee, Edw. H.; 635 Overton St., Newport, Ky. Monnett, Frank Wm.; address unknown. Monser, Geo. B.; address unknown. Mulhauser, Fred P.; 140 Wentworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nolan, James; address unknown. Pogue, Thomas L.; 1733 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Powell, Richard A.; address unknown. Reed, Frank Lee; 47 North Fourth St., Zanesville, Ohio. Reynolds, Louis Clement; care Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore, Md. Richardson, Edmund B.; address unknown. Risser, Geo. W.; address unknown. Robinson, Duvall D.; address unknown. Robinson, Nellie G.; address unknown. Ross, Geo. W.; address unknown. Russe, John Henry, Jr.; address unknown. Ryan, Chas. J.; 25 Allison St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sanford, Chas. H.; address unknown. Sayler, Milton; Lower River Rd. and Laura Lane, Sayler Park, Ohio. Schmidt, Henry F.; address unknown. Schwartz, Albert W.; 3626 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaffer, Stanley; 705 St. Paul Bldg.; (r) 953 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smiley, James $.; 508 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spellmire, Geo. H.; address unknown. Spicer, Henry V.; 6 Spring St., Delaware, Ohio. Sprouse, Wm. W.; address unknown. Swain, Charles L.; 823 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Edmund M.; address unknown. Templeton, James D.; 573 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thompson, Harry B.; address unknown. Tichenor, William C.; address unknown. Tucker, Robert; address unknown. Vance, John L., Jr.; address unknown. ssa sp an COLLEGE OF LAW. 103 Walker, Paul F.; Colonial Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Williams, John R.; Decatur, Ohio. Williams, Jacob W.; address unknown. Williamson, eward P.; 17 Plumwood Rd., Dayton, Ohio. Winkler, Max Henry; 51 West 81st St., New York City, N. Y. Winterhalter, Henry G.; 615 Market Ave., Canton, Ohio. Wood, Wm. Ray; 3521 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. ie Class of 1894 Adams, Charles E.; address unknown. Allen, Rell G.; Pavey Bldg.; (r) 204 Temple St., Washington, C. H., Ohio. Baker, Adam; address unknown. Baker, Courtland T.; 15 American National Bank Bldg.; (r) 608 East Fourth St., Newport, Ky. Barbour, Clement A.; 565 East Fourth St., Newport, Ky. Bennett, Orian W.; Cherry Grove, Ohio. Bradbury, Thos. F.; address unknown. Bye, Ezra B.; address unknown. Bye, Hiram G.; address unknown. Carson, John E.; 445 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Cherrington, Pennel; address unknown. Clippinger, Walter W.; 4421 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Wm. R. C.; Dexter and Wold Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cooney, Wright M.; address unknown. Connell, Chas. C.; address unknown. Coppock, Chas. T.; 610 Traction Bldg.; (r) 2307 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cormany, Chas. C.; 90 Broadway, New York City; (r) Montclair, N. J. Cranston, Chas. B.; 908 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 58 Clarendon Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Crew, Geo. M.; address unknown. Dolle, Chas. F.; Room 67, Wiggins Block; (r) Colerain Ave., Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Doughty, Wes.; 3869 Ivanhoe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Droste, Chas. F.; Rapid Run Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dunlap, Milton I.; Greenfield, Ohio. Durrell, Harry Phillip; 3212 Beredith Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gard, Warren; Hamilton, Ohio. Glaze, Herman H.; address unknown. Goodman, Harman; address unknown. Graham, Henry H.; address unknown. Griffith, Chas. G.; address unknown. Grosshams, Hollis E.; address unknown. Harkness, Harry K.; address unknown. Harner, Jacob M.; 418 Fairbanks Bldg.; (r) 620 North Fountain St., Springfield, Ohio. Hertenstein, Chas.; Kuhs & Hertenstein Real Estate Co., St. Louis, Mo. Hilf, Edward; 350 West Twenty-first St., New York City, N. Y. Hinkle, Frederick W.; 1311 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) Walsh Pl. and Hawarden Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. 104 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hodgkin, Felding B.; address unknown. Hoover, John J.; 414 Canby Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Hoyman, John S.; Pemberville, Ohio. Hunter, Edgar S.; address unknown. Husemeyer, Wm. E.; 800 Armory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Irwin, Geo. M.; 1828 North Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Ivins, Howard W.; Lebanon, Ohio. Izor, Robt. H.; 6560 Withrope Ave., Chicago, Ill. Kearns, Chas. C.; Amelia, Ohio. Kelly, Wm. Byron; address unknown. Lassing, Henry C.; address unknown. Longworth, Nicholas; Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.; (r) 2414 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McAvoy, Malcolm; N. E. Cor. Observatory and Berry Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. McClellan, Chas. H.; address unknown. McDermott, John; address unknown. McGilliard, Wm. B.; address unknown. : McKenzie, James A.; 1044 Winfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Magrum, Ella; Findlay, Ohio. Mannix, Geo. Wm., Jr.; 202 Washington Ave., Greenville, Ohio. Maxwell, John S.; address unknown. Meyer, Edw. R.; address unknown. Moore, Matthew; address unknown. Muller, Clifford; address unknown. Oby, Wm. Jos.; 234 West 21st St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Mutcalt, Dudley C.; 213 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 6950 Ohio Ave., Sil- verton, Ohio. Parrott, Edmund K.; address unknown. Pumphrey, Edgar G.; 339 Mercer Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Raley, Thomas E.; address unknown. Revill, Rankin R.; Ashland National Bank; (r) 809 Rogers Ave., Ashland, Ky. Robertson, Geo. S.; address unknown. Sanborn, Geo. F.; address unknown. Sayler, James, Jr.; address unknown. Schell, Chas. E.; Dakota and Madison Aves., Covington, Ky. Scheuer, Louis M.; 59 Wall St., New York City, N. Y. Schmidt, Wm., Jr.; 7111 Plainfield Pike, Deer Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Horace F.; address unknown. Smith, L. A.; Ridgeway, Ohio. Smith, Wm. Jerome; 47 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Staley, Henry K.; 6451 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stecher, George John; 429 South Hazel St., Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Stevens, Edwin E.; Wells and Sedler Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sweeney, Jay R.; address unknown. Swing, Phillip C.; 6230 Robinson Rd., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tarbell, James William; address unknown. Terrill, James Wm.; address unknown. Thompson, Chitton D.; address unknown. ils ioe — COLLEGE OF LAW. 105 Tracy, Francis M.; N. Arthur Bldg., Covington, Ky.; 1812 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vieth, George; 12 American National Bank Bldg., Newport, Ky. Walsh, John B.; address unknown. Warren, Wm. W.; 9 East Fourth St., Newport, Ky. Weldon, Christ A.; address unknown. Welch, Edw. G.; address unknown. Wernke, Harry John; 705 St. Paul Bldg.; (r) 1238 Yarmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Winn, Charles F.; address unknown. Winslow, Robt. F.; Prudential Ins. Co.;. (r) 6016 South Peoria St., Chicago, III. Withrow, Stanley M.; 655 Riddle Rd.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodruff, Robt. S.; 309 North Seventh St., Hamilton, Ohio. Class of 1895 Ainslie, Adolphe M.; address unknown. Andress, Harry E.; 753 West Market St., Akron, Ohio. Baker, Will C.; address unknown. Banning, Harry B.; 4309 Kirby Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beall, Wm. E.; Flat 5, San Marco Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Berry, Shaler; 101 Taylor Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Blackburn, James G.; 3630 Decoursey Ave., Latonia, Ky. Blackford, Geo. A.; Dewey Terrace, Wheeling, W. Va. Brinker, Marion T.; Columbus, Ohio. Brown, Sanford; Mercantile Library Bldg.; (r) 1359 Ernst St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burk, Robt. P.; 3210 Woodford Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Butler, Kenney L.; address unknown. Carhart, Robert; address unknown. Carter, James S.; address unknown. Chambers, Wm. E.; 3182 McHenry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Geo. H.; 218 Market Ave., N., Canton, Ohio; (r) Route No. 1, Waynesburg, Ohio. De Weese, Alva W.; address unknown. Dittmer, Herman R.; 411 Ohio St., Wapakoneta, Ohio. Earnshaw, Hiram W. T.; 1646 Mississippi Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Everhard, Oliver D.; 111 West Lake Ave.; (r) 217% East Tuscarawas Ave., Bar- berton, Ohio. Fenton, Olive W-; address unknown. Fitch, Ada F.; 3716 Grand Blvd., Indiana Harbor, Ind. Flynn, Thomas A.; address unknown. Freiberg, Julius; 740 North Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gatch, Hayward D.; 2215 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Milford, Ohio. Gordon, Horace C.; address unknown. Graser, Otto R.; address unknown. Hauck, Henry Geo.; 819 Academy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heidman, George; Peoples Gas Building, Chicago, Ill.; (r) 238 Mary St., Glencoe, III. Herrman, Thos. B.; address unknown. Hood, Wm. Jos.; 1150 Rulison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hosbrook, Homer H.; 305 Bell Block, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Main Ave., Madeira, Ohio. 106 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Howell, Frank W.; Callahan Bank Bldg.; Dayton, Ohio. Huls, Samuel W.; Eau Gallie, Fla. Hutson, Geo. D.; address unknown. Huxley, Jared P.; City Trust and Savings Bank, Youngstown, Ohio. Ireton, Louis A.; 4209 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isbell, Chas. H.; address unknown. Jackson, Herbert; Summit Ave., Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Jones, Chas. D.; 525 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kalbfus, John William; 502 Callahan Bank Bldg.; (r) 501 West Grand St., Dayton, Ohio. Kittering, Jesse William; 3009 Junietta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Klein, Wm. J.; 3628 Washington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kunkel, Frank H.; 2945 Wold Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lee, Frank Charles; address unknown. Leeser, Thos. J.; 172 West Center St., Akron, Ohio. Leonhardt, Phillip W.; address unknown. Leslie, Chas. McKee; 1109 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) Flat 30, The Verona, Cincinnati, Ohio. McCafferty, Ernest Dair; care H. J. Heintz Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; (r) Allison Park, Pennsylvania. McDonald, Ward; 3810 Spencer Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Masson, Woodburn; address unknown. May, Chas. H.; 225 South Court St., Circleville, Ohio. Meinicke, Alfred. L.; address unknown. Mendenhall, Alvin L.; address unknown. Mercer, Alfred H.; (Judge), McConnelsville, Ohio. Merrill, Wm. Spencer; address unknown. Miller, Alexander J.; address unknown. Miller, Burt A.; address unknown. Miller, Wm. D.; address unknown. Mills, Geo. E.; 2472 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Minten, Charles Alex; 3929 Regent Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Montgomery, Walter T.; address unknown. Moore, Charles S.; address unknown. Morey, G. Campbell; 232 South “D” St., Hamilton, Ohio. Morgan, Geo. H.; 5016 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Morris, Froome; 1408 Traction Bldg.; (r) 4999 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Myers, Louis E.; 121 Lincoln Ave., Marion, Ohio. Nash, Ira L.; address unknown. Nelson, Ben B.; 708 Fourth National Bank Bldg.; (r) 355 Thrall Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. North, Wm. F.; 711 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Hara, Charles E.; address unknown. Pierce, Wm. C.; address unknown. Ratliff, Raymond; 1201 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ransburg, Burton D.; address unknown. Richardson, Wm. B.; 1708 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Riddell, Nathaniel E.; Burlington, Ky. COLLEGE OF LAW. 107 Ritter, Jesse R.; address unknown. Robins, Houston T.; 262 Church St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Robinson, Frank E.; Northern Savings Bank Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Rogers, John C.; 3119 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rouse, John T.; 3901 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sawyer, Louis B.; 1500 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidt, Victor; address unknown. Scott, Walter W.; address unknown. Sieber, John E. E.; address unknown. Secrest, Harry D.; Fibre Company, Canton, N. C. Shuey, Frank Geo.; Camden, Ohio. Smith, Starbuck; 506 St. Paul Bldg.; 312 Oak St., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Spence, Brent; 14 American National Bank, Newport, Ky. Steinburg, Herman; address unknown. Stephenson, Wm. P.; Court House, West Union, Ohio. Stites, Benj. H.; 4622 Ward Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Samuel; address unknown. Thiesing, Winfield W.; 4112 Elsmere Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Thomas, James Sheridan, (Judge), Portsmouth Banking Co., Portsmouth, Ohio. Tischbein, Albert L.; 902 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 522 Elberon Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Warfield, Charles G.; address unknown. Westervelt, Chas. E.; Graves & Westervelt, Attys.; (r) 21 Kelso Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Whartenby, John Hunt; 21 Ridge Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Williams, Evert E.; 119 North College Ave., Oxford, Ohio. Williams, E. H.; 5822 Valley View Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woods, Clifford; address unknown. Yost, Daniel F.; address unknown. Younger, Charles S.; 542 West Market St.; (r) North Main St., Celina, Ohio. Class of 1896 Bricker, Wm. R.; address unknown. Cahill, James A.; 177 East Water St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Cone, Wm. S.; 901 South Eleventh St., Charleston, Il. Curl, Chas. Henry; address unknown. Ferneding, Henry L.; (Judge), Court of Appeals; (r) 125 Wisteria Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Holderness, Augustus H.; Manchester, Ohio. Leslie, Charles M.; 1112 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindsey, Daniel W.; address unknown. Meyer, Jos. L.; 712 Gholson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.: Minshall, Addison P.; 302 Fairway Ave., Chillicothe, Ohio. Monnett, Wallace L.; 607 South Sandusky Ave., Bucyrus, Ohio. Newell, Hugh H.; 112% South Main St., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Nipgen, Alvin P.; 1 Nipgen Bldg., Chillicothe, Ohio. Pardee, Wm. E.; 161 South Union St., Akron, Ohio. Peters, Ed. F.; 35 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Truesdale, Henry C.; 346 Winthrop St., Toledo, Ohio. 108 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Walk, John Harvey; address unknown. Waters, Fred J.; address unknown. Wise, Wm. Oliver; 325 East Market St., Akron, Ohio. Class of 1897 Bender, Martin A.; (Judge), Holton, Kan. Berry, Albert; address unknown. Birnbryer, Adolph; 3847 St. Lawrence Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bonifield, Rea M.; address unknown. Brown, Chas. P.; address unknown. Clayton, Edmund T.; 1926 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cottle, Frank W.; 1612 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 2647 Melrose Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Conley, Chas. H.; address unknown. Curley, Francis E.; address unknown. Enelow, Hyman Gerson; 512 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Frey, Edw. C.; address unknown. Fulton, Homer C.; address unknown. Georgi, Arthur E.; 930 Keith Bldg.; (r) 3557 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Granger, Robt. L.; 304-7 Society for Saving Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Hamilton, Francis M.; 3762 Andrews Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Lebanon, Ohio. Holman, Alfred; 607 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacoby, John W.; 392 East Church St., Marion, Ohio. Kitchen, J. Forest; 730 South Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. Kittredge, Bernard S.; P. O. Box 635, Knoxville, Tenn. Levy, David M.; 707 St. Paul Bldg.; (r) University Club, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mackoy, Harry Brent; 1809 First National Bank Bldg.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Magoffin, James Robt.; address unknown. Matthews, Randolph; High Street, Oxford, Ohio. McFarland, Thos. A.; address unknown. McGee, Frank A.; Park Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio. Medaris, Wm. R.; address unknown. Meyer, Wm. C.; 2359 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Montfort, Frank E.; address unknown. Morgan, Arthur R.; U. S. Playing Card Co.; (r) Crescent Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murray, Walter F.; 6449 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nichols, Harry; address unknown. Niederhelman, Fred E.; 1307 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nippert, Alfred K.; 2981 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Patterson, Robt. C.; 201 North Rookwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Richards, James S.; 409 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richards, Paschal L.; 457 East Fifth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, Lincoln F.; address unknown. Rogers, Omega; address unknown. Ronnebaum, Anthony; 59 East McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schafer, Victor H.; 2010 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. Shearer, Robert M.; address unknown. Smith, Wm. W., Jr.; 901 Evans Bldg., Washington, D. C. COLLEGE OF LAW. 109 Straehley, Arthur C.; 911 Stanley Blvd., Ardmore, Okla. Thrift, Robert W., Jr.; address unknown. Urban, Chas. H.; 3231 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vordrey, Wm. H.; Park Blvd., East Liverpool, Ohio. Weaver, Erie J.; 428 West Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio. Williams, Chas. F.; 603 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolcott, Frank E.; address unknown. Class of 1898 Adler, Eugene I.; 309 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aufterheide, Wm., Jr.; address unknown. Bailey, Oliver Gilbert; 4817 Beech Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Bass, W. R.; 309 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Terrace. Park, Ohio. Bowman, Frank M.; 5695 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carlo, Logan L.; address unknown. Conley, John M.; 404 Pearlstein Place, Beaumont, Texas. Gonder, Arthur; edt unknown. Goss, Albert H.; address unknown. Hanger, Lewis F.; address unknown. Hirsch, David; address unknown. Hodson, Chas. M.; address unknown. Hover, John C.; (Judge), Common Pleas Court; (r) 421 North Madriver St., Belle- fontaine, Ohio. Hutchinson, Orla E.; 64 Adeline Ave., Lebanon, Ohio. King, Rufus, Jr.; 2236 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kyle, Walter $.; 3588 Outlook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langdon, Lawrence K.; care Union Gas and Electric, Co.; (r) 3362 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDonald, Wm. R.; 1055 Schiff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDowell, Jos. L.; eaten unknown. Melish, Thomas G.: 312 United Bank Bldg.; (r) 363 Lafayette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Cecil $.; 1223 Fifth Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. Mueller, Edw. R.; 801 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Myers, Adena; 1126 Wisconsin Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. Oldham, Harry; Postmaster, Sidney, Ohio. Peck, John Weld; 1308 Ingalls Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 30 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Wyoming, Ohio, Power, Henry J.; address unknown. Purdy, G. W.; address unknown. Quasser, Julius H.; 111 West Monroe St.; (r) 5457 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, III. Ramsey, Wm. B.; Belle Center, Ohio. Reemelin, Chas. Herbert; 3161 Glenmore Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Russell, Albert D.; Pomeroy, Ohio. Russell, Ralston; Pomeroy, Ohio. Ryan, Walter A.; 4187 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmitschulte, Herman J.; 610 Hammel St., Akron, Ohio. Seyhoun, Eblenago; Kena, Egypt. 110 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Southgate, Richard T.; 407 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 711 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Stevens, Myron Harding; address unknown. Trautwein, Wm. G.; address unknown. Vordenberg, Harry W.; 6208 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Warwick, Frank B.; Washington, D. C. Weber, Harry R.; 6256 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. White, Wm. W.; 429 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Class of 1899 Busch, H. C.; 417 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cunningham, A. J.; 2885 Losantiville Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisk, Otis H.; 1815 Keys Crescent, Cincinnati, Ohio. Follett, Chas.; address unknown. Frazier, B. A.; address unknown. Hayward, Phillip C.; address unknown. Heintz, Victor E.; 2429 Fairview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hitch, B. L.; address unknown. Humphreys, R. W.; 2528 Avenue “K,” Galveston, Texas. James, Eldon R.; address unknown. Monaghan, J. P.; 505 Odd Fellows Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio. Oliver, L. D.; 6242 Robison Rd., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Paxton, Thomas B., Jr.; Citizens Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Salmon, C. F.; address unknown. Schindel, J. R.; 1007 Carew Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Swing, R. C.; 711 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 5360 Mound Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tenney, Chas. E.; 507 Filipinas Bldg., Manila, Philippine Islands. Thomas, John Mayes, Jr.; 209 W. P. Story Bldg.; (r) 4557 Lomita St., Los Angeles, California. Utter, N. J.; 3313 Stettinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Warrington, George H.; Citizen’s Bank Bldg.; (r) Elmhurst Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ward, W. S.; address unknown. Wherry, W. M., Jr.; No. 2, 815 Park Ave., New York City. Wiseman, J. A.; 3444 Walworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Yost, A. H.; care Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co:; (r) 187 Raymond Rd., Hartferd, Connecticut. Class of 1900 Alcorn, Robert S.; Dale Rd., Bond Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Alexander, Wm. D.; 3134 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Balzhiser, Maurice J.; address unknown. Cadwell, Karl H.; 467 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Connaughton, John B.; 116 Milville Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Devanney, John W.; 1109 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Harry H.; 329 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ginter, G. A.; 6370 Grand Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Henshaw, Stanley K.; 5615 Overlook Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hills, Edw. R.; 79 West Monroe St., Chicago, III. COLLEGE OF LAW. 111 Hinkle, Philip; Fourth and Central Trust Co.; (r) 2150 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hollen, Stephen R.; 2514 Ingleside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Spencer M.; 906 Schmidt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Terrace Park, Ohio. Kreninng, Louis F.; Whytherville, Va. Lorenz, Julius F.; address unknown. Lovett, James R.; R. R. No. 3, Hamilton, Ohio. Lowes, Raymond M.; 100 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. McMullen, Gassius W.; Aurora, Ind. McSurely, James E.; 100 South Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio. Marsh, Clarence E.; 2083%4 Budlong Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Mason, LeMear H.; Crystal Lake, Ii. Matthews, Stanley; 126 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Morrill, Albert Henry; 3535 Holly Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Connor, Chas. H.; 233 East 41st St.; (1) 745 Riverside Drive, New York City, New York. Schaeper, Harry F.; 2106 Lindsey St., Newport, Ky. Schoenle, Walter M.; 1905 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schweikert, Wm. H.; address unknown. Strader, Benj. W.; 3610 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Summers, Harry F.; address unknown. Sutphin, Dudley V.; 1210 Traction Bldg.; (r) 2915 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thayer, Edw. S.; address unknown. Weil, Samuel Meyer; address unknown. Williams, George Lathrop; Union Central Life Insurance Co.; (r) 407 Lafayette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Russell; Cincinnati Times-Star; (1) 2322 Grandview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, Benj. A.; address unknown. Wright, Williard; Lebanon, Ohio. Zielonka, Saul; 705 Atlas National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1901 Cox, Rutherford Hays; Resor Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Curts, Jay W.; address unknown. Deasy, John A.; 1128 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freericks, Frank H.; Parkway Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldsmith, Geoffrey; Racquet Club, Washington, D. C. Gores, Guido; 1012 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Horstman, Horace G.; address unknown. Huffman, Isaac E.; Oxford, Ohio. Hurtig, Milton; 9 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ingles, Paul R.; address unknown. Kohl, John L.; 300 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCarthy, Charles E.; 2552 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDougall, Taylor; Pasadena, Calif. Marfield, Dwight S.; 1009 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 3435 Telford Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Marks, L. Lewis; address unknown. Millar, Edgar G.; Portsmouth, Ohio. 112 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Oppenheimer, Benton S.; 3626 Alaska Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. kicht, Hermaan P.; address unknown. Sparrow, Jackson W.; 3663 Kendall Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stanbery, Philemon B., Jr.; 25 North Arthur Apts., Covington, Ky. Stricker, Adam K.; 149 Broadway; 500 West End Ave., New York City. Thorndyke, Wm.; 2819 Winslow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1902 Adams, C. C.; address unknown. Bell, H. F.; Mansfield, Ohio. Brown, E. C.; address unknown. Buckwalter, R. Z.; 3815 Winding Way, Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Ralph E.; Reading Rd. and Linton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Darlington, C. L.; 19 South King St., Xenia, Ohio. Esterman, L. J.; address unknown. Huggins, M. J.; New York American Baseball Club, New York City. Kerlin, L. E.; address unknown. LeSourd, H. S.; 116 West Market St., Xenia, Ohio. Mouton, F. W.; Address unknown. Noll, R. M.; 421 Sixth St., Marietta, Ohio. Poor, G. T.; Glendale, Ohio, also 301 Strand Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Southworth, C.; Pasadena Apts., Akron, Ohio. Speidel, E. H.; Hamilton Bldg., Batavia, Ohio. Waldner, W. L.; address unknown. White, W. R.; (Judge), Common Pleas Court; (r) 6 State St., Gallipolis, Ohio. Wilson, R. R.; address unknown. Class of 1903 Bentley, Henry; 3517 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cole, Alfred L.; Sabina, Ohio. Dell, Harrison Leroy; First and Merchants National Bank, Middletown, Ohio. Flunt, Henry T.; New York City. Jung, Theo C.; 453 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Mente, Wm. B.; 1431 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 3477 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mentel, Louis Henry; 416 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. } Myers, Rev. John Benj.; address unknown. Neilen, John F., Jr.; address unknown. Newman, Julius E.; 5333 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, Iil. Morrison, 1333 Fairmount St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Ryan, Dennis John, Jr.; S. W. Cor. Harrison Ave. and Homestead Place, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Stanbery, Hart; Pomeroy National Bank Bldg., Pomeroy, Ohio. Ware, Orie S.; 501 Garrard Ave., Covington, Ky. Class of 1904 Anderson, Frank G.; Main St., Lebanon, Ohio. Andrews, John Davis; 328 Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 113 Black, Robert Adair; 906 Mercantile Libr. Bldg.; (r) 4168 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Blakemore, Louis Bonte; 650 Abington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Durr, Edw.; 4730 Edgewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gebhart, Mahlon Urias; address unknown. (Groesbeck, Glendenning Burnet; care Groesbeck, Dicksen, Kahn Co., Fourth and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Perintown, Ohio. Gunlefinger, Marcus M.; 602 Mahoning Bank Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio. Humble, Harry Wilbur; 1430 West Fourth St., and Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, New York. Hutchins, Edw. Leon; 403 North Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Calif, Jones, Howard T.; Maple Ave., Holtville, Calif. Moore, Wm. B.; 71 East High St., Lisbon, Ohio. Newcomb, Ralph Otis; 201-4 Kanawha Bank and Trust Bldg., Charleston, W. Va. Probasco, Wm. Ramsey; First National Bank Bldg., Oakland, Calif.; (r) 2522 War- ring St., Berkeley, Calif. Spilker, John Bernard; 182 Sturgis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tyler, Wilfred Marshall; 320 Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohi. Walker, Robert Harris; 3542 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1905 Avery, Coleman; 1211 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) North Bend Rd. and Argus Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bacharach, Lester S.; address unknown. Bayless, Herman Armstrong; 1007 Carew Bldg.; (r) 3436 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Seatty, Albert Lee; 810 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beckman, Vincent H.; 535 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Biehle, Geo.; 3309 Montieth Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brokaw, Geo. Leonard; Perry Ave., East Liverpool, Ohio. Bronworth, Harry; 3999 Red Bud Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eggers, Wm. August; 3964 Lowry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fennel, Adoph D.; 2142 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Green, Martin Ruter; 15 Hardwick, Piedmont, Oakland, Calif. Herman, Jacob S.; 2237 Francis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kerr, Horace Stanley; 22 West Gay St., Columbus, Ohio. McCray, Alfred; 1235 East Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. Maxwell, Nathaniel H.; Paxton and Victoria Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ross, Simon, Jr.; 705 Schmidt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roudebush, Wm. Anderson; Woodland Park, Ohio. Sayler, Philip A.; Preble National Bank, Eaton, Ohio. Scudder, Jos. Paul; First National Bank Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Stewart, James Garfield; 2526 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio: Thompson, Robert Woodside; 5819 Glenview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Todd, Arthur J.; 29 West Liberty St., Springfield, Ohio. Weisman, J. F.; address unknown. Class of 1906 Alexander, Edw. F.; 5734 Lantana Ave., College Hill., Cincinnati, Ohio. 114 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Baker, Thorne Yale; 505 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brokaw, Harry Everett; 605 Orchard Grove St., East Liverpool, Ohio. Davies, Llewellyn E.; Mechanic St., Aurora, Ind. Dechant, Harry P.; 1970 Los Angeles St., Berkeley, Calif. Guernsey, Chas. A.; 1011 North Union St., Fostoria, Ohio. Kops, Andrew W.; 54 Pickering Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krehbiel, Frank W.; 800 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Krippendorf, Otto; address unknown. Linch, Harry Leon; 1326 Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Link, Aloysius C.; 1235 North Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. Pugh, Geo. Elliott; Union Central Life Insurance Co., and 6140 Robinson Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. - Roettinger, Stanley Clay; 1809 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Rucker, Wilson Harper; 711 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwaab, Walter W.; 907 Second National Bank Bldg., 246 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shook, Chester R.; Gwynne Bldg.; (r) 172 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thorp, Abner, Jr.; 420 East Fourth St.; (r) 736 East Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Whiting, Earl Lee; 4128 Thirty-second Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Winkler, Elmore; 555 Terrace Ave., Fresno, Calif. Class of 1907 Argabright, Ralph Allen; address unknown. Ashburn, Allen W., Jr.; 952 Title Ins. Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Barth, Carl Hood; American Type Founders Co., Jersey City, N. J. Bates, Hugh Higbee; 2613 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brayton, Dean Flemming; 1407 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Brumleve, Leo. John; 4180 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foster, Amos P.; 3439 Ruther Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frost, Harry G.; Flat 3, 1303 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoover, Francis A.; 410 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leming, Garold; Hampton, Iowa. Motz, Geo. Benj.; care Central Savings and Trust Co., Akron, Ohio. Pflueger, Edw. Wm.; 2209 Sterrett Ave., Covington, Ky. Phares, Carl; 501 Gwynne Bldg., Miami Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio. Shotts, Millikin; Rentschler Bldg.; (r) 340 Sherman Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Spiegel, Arthur M.; 4003 Redbud Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vos, Calvin; 13 East 37th St., New York City. Wolgemuth, John Felix; 42 South Elm St., Hinsdale, Ill. Zimmerman, Albert Isaac; American Surety Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Zuenkeler, Ferd. H.; Telephone Bldg., and 124 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1908 Beneke, George Claus; Riley Law Bldg.; (r) Mozart Hill, R. D. No. 6, Wheeling W. Va. ’ Berman, Oscar Adolphus; President, The Ironall Factories Co., Power Bldg., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. ; COELEGE OF LAW. 115 Bonser, Horace Robert; 600 Maple Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregory, Thomas M.; 64 Wiggins Block; (r) 4702 Glenshade Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauer, Edward Charles; 2518 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hicks, Louis Ray; 4604 Whetsel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Justis, Thomas Turner; 4018 Main Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Knott, Ralph Herbert; address unknown. Kusworm, Sirney Grover; 546 Salem Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Lamberton, Roy Garstang; address unknown. McCormick, Shuler J.; 304 Hart St., Vincennes, Ind. Pater, Alphonse Jacob; address unknown. Rogers, D. Walter; 3430 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scamman, Linmur; address unknown. Schelhorn, George; address unknown. Shulman, Abraham Wilbur; 803 West Ferndan Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Stark, William Ault; 1201 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1909 Anthony, Frank A.; 6106 North Ninth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Bouscaren, Timothy Lincoln, S. J. (Rev.); St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Cohn, Albert N.; 411 Catherine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Creed, William J.; Colerain Ave., Mt. Airy, Ohio. - Dineen, John; 620 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Dornette, Geo. August; 1827 Josephine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dowling, Hobart Parmenas; 221 Richmond St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Egbert, John Clinton; 522 Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Flynn, James Frederick, Jr.; 103 Columbus Ave., Sandusky, Ohio. Jacobs, Carl Marion, Jr.; 1005 Traction Bldg.; (r) 1910 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Marx, Robert S.; Straus Bldg., Chicago, III. Miller, Frank; address unknown. O’Connell, Robert; 3306 Hardesty Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Patterson, Ward W.; address unknown. Schroetter, Charles Albert; 711 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Shaw, Harris Fitch; 1202 Alaska Commercial Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Wesco, Thomas Ewens; First National Bank Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Williams, Floyd C.; 3309 Menlo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williamson, Edw. F.; 914 Galt Ave., Chicago, Iil. Wright, Riner Sayler; 2665 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1910 Bevis, Howard Landis; College of Law; (r) 3435 Telford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowen, Bernard Cox; Room 607, 189 West Madison St., Chicago, Il. Crawford, Leonard J.; Fourth and York Sts., Newport, Ky. Dosch, Michael John; 741 South Williams St., Denver, Colo. Dye, John Van Ausdal; Eaton, Ohio. Dye, Robert Campbell; 136 Roswell Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Franks, Edwin William; 205 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harrison, William Henry; 2221 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hayes, Edw. L.; Lawrenceburg, Ind. 116 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Heisel, Elmer Rudolph; 3120 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoban, Nicholas John; 1362 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaacs, Nathan Tovis; Harvard Law School; (r) 5 Walnut Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Koehler, Harry Joseph; Hamilton, Ohio. Lee, Wallace C.; address unknown. Lehmann, Carl Blayney; Greenville, Ohio. Moeser, Edgar Ralph; Magnolia Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Nunn, Theodore Thomas; address unknown. Orr, Loren Earl; 714 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ralston, Frank Anderson; 6102 Clephane Ave., Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ransom, Edwin P.; 5946 Woodmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Risinger, Harry Lester; Preble County Bank Bldg., Eaton, Ohio. Schmuck, Thomas Kirby; Texas Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Tatgenhorst, Charles F. W.; 701 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Waddle, Benj. Lee.; address unknown. Weber, Charles Edgar; 207 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, Eldon James; 1825 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Class of 1911 Allen, Marston; 703 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burch, Robert Boyd; 605 Gwynne Bldg.; (r) 3133 Menlo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Byland, Wayne D.; 3538 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Espey, Robert H.; 712 Traction Terminal Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Freiberg, Leonard H.; 968 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Graef, Albert A.; 1728 Baymiller St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hertwig, Earl Stanley; 3318 Arrow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunemeyer, Louis Littleford; 2012 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jellison, George Eyrle; address unknown. Johnson, Sherrard M.; Room 44-46 First National Bank, Portsmouth, Ohio. Keeling, Ralph T.; 209 First National Bank Bldg., Pontiac, Mich. Kraw, Rolland L.; 3526 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lillie) Edward H.; 812 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 3553 Beekman Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. McCallister, Edgar W.; 126 Hawthorne St., Swissvale, Pittsburgh, Pa. Morrow, Thomas Henry; 947 Chateau Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rappaport, Jacob E.; 1016 Schmidt Bldg.; (r) 531 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sawyer, Charles A.; Elk and Greenville Aves., Glendale, Ohio. Spraul, Clarence E.; 2611 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Theissen, John B.; Room 601, N. E. Cor. Sixth and Madison, Covington, Ky. Ward, Joel H.; 51 Butler St., Ludlow, Ky. Class of 1912 Basler, Carl E.; 24 Arcadia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bonham, Frank S.; 707 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Hess Apts., Wyoming, Ohio. Gallagher, Andrew C.; 3450 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, Arthur M.; Flat 1, N. E. Cor. McMillan and Woodburn Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 117 Herold, Geo. James; 704 Fairfield Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Hoffmeister, Charles Herbert; 703 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howell, Fred W.; 1104 Miami Savings Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Mardorf, Edward August; 2387 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Moorman, Gregory B.; 4 Arcadia Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Brien, Raymond H.; address unknown. Peacock, Geo. Cleveland; 2400 Madison Rd.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Pickrel, Wm. Gillespie; address unknown. Rhoades, Lorenzo §.; Flemingsburg, Ky. Rosenbaum, David; 833 East Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schear, Harvey; 3329 Spokane Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Harry Neal; Pine Grove Farm, R. R., Batavia, Ohio. Stenger, Wm. J.; 2325 Flora St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wood, James Arthur; 3519 West Eighth St., Price Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1913 Allen, Irwin D.; 731 Second National Bank Bldg., Akron, Ohio. Bennett, Orrin; 711 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Newton, Kan. Broeman, Charles W.; 2540 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Creed, Oliver L.; North Bend Rd., Mt. Airy, Ohio. Diehl, Warren W.; 68 West Main St., Springfield, Ohio. Griner, Fred P.; care First National Bank, Circleville, Ohio. Hagans, Sam L.; 1328 Meier Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall, Rufus B., Jr.; 604 Maple Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacobson, Max.; Schwind Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Johnston, Campbell S$.; 301 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Stephen W.; 4325 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kaiper, S. Everett; 508 Riddle Rd.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Long, Bert Harry; 722 Hand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Markley, Carl T.; 39 DeCamp Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Matre, Jos. B.; North Woodside, Silver Springs, Md. Miller, Charles F.; 5330 Hunter Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Paxson, Wm. S.; 405 East Street, Washington C. H., Ohio. Reece, Paul D.; 1512 Elmwood Ave., Lakewood, Cleveland, Ohio. Rielag, Jos. F.; 1120 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Skelton, Samuel A.; 1801 Hutchins Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. Sowards, Hugh L.; 594 Prospect Ave., Hartford, Conn. Stern, Samuel; 1575 Dixmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suemening, Wm. L.; 320 East Warren St., Lebanon, Ohio. Tebbs, Geo. E.; care First National Bank, Harrison, Ohio. Todd, Walter A.; 905 First National Bank Blidg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Topmoeller, Jos. C.; 1107 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio Valerio, Amerigo James; 842 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Werner, Carl G.; 525 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1914 Altschul, Justin A.; National Bank, Springfield, Ohio. Burns, Harry C.; Lebanon National Bank, Lebanon, Ohio. 118 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Conway, Robert D.; 536 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Doherty, Angelo; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Foley, Carl T.; 603 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Max; 1107 Carew Bldg.; (r) 20 Landon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Higgins, William W.; Citizens National Bank, Waco, Texas. Jacobson, Ishur L.; Schwind Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Johnley, John F.; 2224 Grandview Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. Keith, Walter S.; Keith and McGugin, Columbia Bldg., Coffeyville, Kan. Kolter, Mark H.; Auglaize National Bank, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Kreimer, Ralph A.; 1300 Traction Bldg.; (r) 273 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lipp, (formerly Lipschitz) Samuel I.; 316 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lowenstein, Melvin G.; 26 Exchange Place, New York City, N. Y. Kreis, Stanley A.; 615 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mahon, Paul G.; McConnell Bldg., Kenton, Ohio. Mueller, Clifford L.; 1822 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pichel, Chauncey D.; 1500 First National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. Roberts, Chester E.; Liberty, Ind. Smith, George B.; 407 Bushnell Bldg., Springfield, Ohio. Stocklein, Clarence J.; 709 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Thompson, John C.; 708 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Trisler, Charles W.; Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ware, Elmer P.; 435 Wallace Ave., Covington, Ky. White, Charles G.; Batavia, Ohio. Wilby, Joseph C.; Room 604, 104 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilkoff, Leo S.; 403 Realty Trust Bldg., Youngstown, Ohio. Wilson, Corey L.; Prov. Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Young, Hodson K.; Seaman, Ohio. Zimmerman, Clyde V.; Eaton, Ohio. Class of 1915 Astler, Vernon W.; 1167 Highland Ave., Elmwood Place, Ohio. Baker, Charles W., Jr.; 517 Maxwell Ave., Vernonville, Ohio. Bazell, Grover C.; Bank of Winslow, Winslow, Ariz. Blau, Daniel B.; 818 Mutual Home Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Clark, Philip F.; Scenery Hill, Pa: Dale, Benjamin H.; 2925 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Davidson, Hugh M.; Williamsburg, Ohio. Dorger, Clarence A.; 540 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Forsyth, Harry K.; 520 North Ohio Ave., Sidney, Ohio. Frazier, Harley A.; Rushville, Ind. Junk, Troy A.; Washington Court House, Ohio. Kotzin, Bernard J.; 1238 South Lantuc St., Los Angeles, Calif. McCaslin, John M.; 1612 Linden Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Margolis, Max K.; 601-2 Dayton Savings and Trust Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Mehroff, Loyal A.; Carrollton, Ill. Morris, James W., Jr.; Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Neave, Harold E.; 3262 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Parks, Charles W.; address unknown. COLLEGE OF LAW. 119 Patterson, Eleanor S.; 3304 Eighteenth St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Phillips, John P., Jr.; 78 East Fourth St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Rendigs, August A., Jr.; 1109 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 7903 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robertson, James P.; address unknown. Schwab, Nelson; 372 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shively, John H.; 706 American Savings Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Urmston, Howard; 1505 Aster Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wiseman, William C.; City Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Class of 1916 Antenen, Carl F.; 36 North Seventh St., Hamilton, Ohio. Bodey, Lowell C.; 10734 West Court St.; (r) 336 Lafayette Ave. Urbana, Ohio. Conway, Elmer; 1108 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Emminger, Franklin W.; 2568 Trevor Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferrando, Michael; 820 Home Savings and Loan Bldg.; (r) 805 Winona Drive, Youngstown, Ohio. Guthrie, James W.; address unknown. Hodapp, Null M.; L. T. Cooper Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Hodapp, Ruey F.; L. T. Cooper Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Hoster, Franz G; 1227 South Arlington Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Hull, Harry C.; 260 Clifton St. Springfield, Ohio. Kessel, Harry; Hamilton, Ohio. McAdams, Joseph L.; 1856 Clarion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCormick, S. Lester; 645 Glenway Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Metcalfe, George E.; 928 Windsor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, James; address unknown. Pottenger, James W.; 3323 Orion Ave., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sallee, James Harvey; 1004 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shafer, Harry H.; 1433 Marlowe Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wallace, William R.; 523 Ohio Bldg., Akron, Ohio. Werner, Raymond E.; P. O. Box 1488, Washington, D. C. Class of 1917 Bardes, Wm. Henry; 5142 Carthage Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Briscoe, Jos. Howard; 249 Ft. Mitchell Ave., Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Bundy, Wm. Sanford; 171 South Ohio Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Cohen, Nelson Jenn; 3659 Alaska Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cramer, Calvin Stephen; 3540 Holly Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dell, Edward H.; 403 First and Merchants Bank Bldg.; (r) 1027 Kuntz Ave., Middle- town, Ohio. Dewald, Paul; 2335 McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Doyle, Howard; 3847 Country Club Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Drake, John Hoffman; 1549 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Durr, Chester S.; Springfield Pike and Allen Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Dussel, Lucien A.; address unknown. Evatt, Wm. S.; 3531 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fitzpatrick, Jas. J., Jr.; 706 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 120 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Freer, Robt. Elliott; address unknown. Froelicher, Louis J.; 3552 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geoghegan, John Paul; 853 Beecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldburg, Henry; Andover Bldg., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gordon, Arthur W.; 2712 Willard Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gottwald, Donald; 434 Second National Bank Bldg., Akron, Ohio. Gregg, Ellis Bailey; 565 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. ~ Hickey, Sylvester; 809 Beecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hurley, Edw. M.; 1101 Rosemont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, O. Arvon; 513 Main Ave., Elmwood Place; (r) 410 Oak St., Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Keagy, Walter Robert; 253 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kinsely, Calvin Elroy; 435 North Church St., Galion, Ohio. Leeker, Albert H.; 4236 Sullivan St., St. Bernard, Ohio. Leonard, Frank L.; No. 7 Park Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKenzie, Wilbur M.; Foulke Block, Chillicothe, Ohio. Macdonald, Clyde B.; address unknown. MacGrath, Chas. F.; 4540 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Mahoney, Thos. W.; address unknown. Matthews, John W.; 1006 Ingalls Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Matz, Conrad George; 537 Lexington Ave., Newport, Ky. Murphy, Walter David; 601 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ott, Lester G.; address unknown. Penn, Clarence J.; 3930 Elsmere Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Robert C.; Room 1006, 18 East Fourth St.; (r) Vernon Manor, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ranson, Naomi; 3493 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rikoff, Chas. H.; 1820 Weyer Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Ronda, Alvin H.; 1330 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Rosenberg, David; 500 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Salsbury, Maurice; address unknown. Samuels, Julius R.; 509 Carplin Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schafstall, Walter Norman; 4409 Greenlee Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. Schiff, Max M.; 539 Prospect Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schradin, Wm.; 1511 Gilpin St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwartz, Harry; 1682 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Lorimer W.; 646 Park Ave., Newport, Ky. Skelton, Edw. C.; Akron, Ohio. Smith, John Fred; Waldo, Ohio. Smith, Oliver F.; Aqueduct Bldg., Rochester, N. Y.; (r) 1943 Cleaney Ave., Nor- wood, Ohio. Stone, James M.; 3256 Gaff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stugard, Geo.; Flat 2, 3022 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Morris G.; 129 Eaton Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Tennenbaum, Harry G.; 507 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thon, Maurice Arthur; 513 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. Treiman, Edw.; 702 Armory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Trubey, Reginald R.;. Farmers and Savings Bank Co., Rockford, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 121 Valentine, Fred. O.; Citizens’ National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vinette, Henry F.; 3244 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walsh, Wm. Seymour; 3570 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weiland, Fred; 1315 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1918 Bywater, Edw. Coleman; St. Catherine Ave., Westwood, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cushing, John Lawrence; 206 Peoples Bank Bldg., Covington, Ky. Harvey, Frank H.; 827 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 722 Ardmore Ave., Akron, Ohio. Hoban, Jos. A.; 1363 Myrtle Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Jackson, Arthur A.; Room 2001 Liggett Bldg., 45 East 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. Kilgarriff, Patrick Thos.; 2859 Pine Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kilgarriff, Jas. J.; 2898 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leubbers, Alphonse L.; 318 Baum St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merland, Henry Wm.; 1201 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 1540 Republic St., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Connell, Jas. E.; 970 Mansion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Rourke, Jas. F.; care Whittaker Paper Co., Detroit, Mich. Pollard, S. Bruce; 3265 Beredith Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Russell, Edw. Anthony; 3218 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwab, Harry Wm.; 417 South Main St.; (r) 3722 Highpoint Ave., Akron, Ohio. Singer, M. Meyer; 3422 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tischbein, Edw. C.; 1033 Rosemont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willging, Wm. C.; 3800 Elsmere Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Class of 1919 Anspach, Willard Davis; 1011 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Davis, Johanna Somerfield; 347 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dotchengall, Joseph W.; 509 West Fifth St., Covington, Ky. Flanagan, Arnold §.; 3212 Mozart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Forney, Julian R.; 263 Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holzberg, Julius; 3000 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy, Mary C.; 137 East Tenth St., Covington, Ky. Koenig, Wm. Habekotte; 2846 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leyland, Herbert Thompson; U. B. Bldg., and 1919 Auburn Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Maunder, Joseph K.; 611 York St., Covington, Ky. McCormack, Thomas A.; 3634 Settinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Gallagher, Francis E.; 930 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Gallagher, James A.; 1667 Jonathan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pink, Benj. Phineas; 426 Betts St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Purdy, Chas. Herbert; 208 Sterrett Ave., Covington, Ky. Schreiber, David B.; 5147 Camargo Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Steltonpohl, Lawrence Henry; 548 East Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tallentire, Thos. Leroy; 2857 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vigran, Sol.; Aurora, Ind. Werner, Pauline Benson (Mrs. Raymond); P. O. Box 1488, Washington, D. C. 122 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1920 Cash, Albert D.; 704 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cohen, Philip A.; 9 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dempsey, John C.; 608 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Graydon, Frank S.; Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaacs, Elcanon; 703 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyer, John A.; 604 Schmidt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfau, Philip A.; 309 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. . Weick, Charles Paul (formerly Aaron Wesco); 14 Beeler Bldg.; (r) 620 Heaton St., Hamilton, Ohio. Weinberger, Leo; 712 Carew Bldg.; (r) 867 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Witherby, Howard T.; Abington Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wood, Marshall Baird; care Wiedman & Wiedman, Attys., West Palm Beach, Fla. Class of 1921 Adler, Jessie; No. 2 Beech Lane, E. W. H., Cincinnati, Ohio. Closs, Regina Barbara; 3446 Whitfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feist, Karl Aloysius; East Liverpool, Ohio. Kearns, George E..; 1629 Argyle Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Koodish, Maurice Hyman; 707 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kreiter, Louis Henry; Post Office Bldg., Galion, Ohio. Lytle, Lawrence R.; 1211 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McConaughy, Francis Benedict; 1810 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Brien, Paul Anthony; 2719 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Powers, Edgar Maurice; 615 Gwynne Bldg.; (r) 3505 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaffer, Frank Holmes, Jr.; 2260 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, George Parker; 906 Home Bank Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Weller, Henry Joseph: Suite 9, 525 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Westerfield, Earl F.; 4227 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1922 Adler, Sidney F.; 521 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Attig, David V.; 2045 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Balch, DeWitt Woodford; 2929 Annwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beard, Stephen Sylvester; 215 South Williams St., Paulding, Ohio. Bergman, Maurice Abram; 160 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Boesch, Horace; 825 Belmont Park, North, Dayton, Ohio. Cooper, William Jennings Bryan; R. F. D. No. 13, Dayton, Ohio. Dailey, John William; Marysville, Ohio. Dempsey, Edward James, Jr.; 551 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dilatush, Charles Donald; Lebanon, Ohio. Dunifon, William Dale; Van Wert, Ohio. Falk, David Lincoln; 1001-7 Keith Theater Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Garland, Carl Zenas; Batavia, Ohio. Gaynor, Guy; 1243 U. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Gingher, Paul Rutter; 54 North Twentieth St.; (r) 8 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Juergens, Urban Raymond; N. W. C. Court and Vine Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krickenberger, Herman F.; N. W. C. Court and Vine Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF LAW. 123 Metzger, Walter L; 3436 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Petzhold, Cornelius John; 2905 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips, Gordon; 137 South Point St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Predmore, Harold Anderson; Merchant’s National Bank Bldg., Hillsboro, Ohio. Rafalo, Max; 3960 Parker Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rhine, Lenore McElroy; 5730 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roderick, William Austin; 610 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Stricker, Louis Julius, Jr.; 1316 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tennenbaum, Abraham; 507 Fourth National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thrall, Richard Cameron; Marysville, Ohio. : Weller, Frank; 1314 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1923 Arnold, Louis Edward; 1107 Second National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barbour, Myron Froome; 1408 Traction Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beall, Augustus; 617 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Elizabeth Louise (Mrs. Edgar E. Pinger); Librarian, College of Law, Uni- versity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Confer, W. J.; 107 North Edgewood Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Eckert, Walter John; 1011 Edwards Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Greenbaum, Louis Nathan; 1723 Guaranty Title Bldg.; (r) 14150 Superior Rd., Cleve- land, Ohio. Hahne, Eugene Arnold; 2135 Ravenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Hall, William Donald; 241 Sturgis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hanabergh, Frank J.; Newport, Ky. Houston, John Howard; Georgetown, Ohio. Mansfield, Fred; Eaton, Ohio. Maple, Charters Dyche; Lebanon, Ohio. Markley, Ogden Johnson; Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. Metzger, George; 608 Gwynne Bldg.; (r) 3510 Mozart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Owen, Benjamin F.; Urbana, Ohio. Shields, John Dewey; 141 East Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Forrest W.; 3449 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stickney, Iven C.; Montpelier, Ohio. Thayer, Robert George; 1809 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Joseph Irvin; Front St., New Richmond, Ohio. Wilson, Vern Heber; 3821 Hazel Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Wood, Edmund Palmer; The Metamora, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1924 Brandon, Thomas Srtickler; Honey (Lake County), Fila. Burke, Leo A.; 704 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carson, Orville R.; McArthur, Ohio. Cetzok, Joseph Flor; 617 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 4214 Williamson Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Coughlin, Denis Bernard; Maysville, Ky. Cutright, James Francis; Chillicothe, Ohio. Davies, Chase Mason; 1817 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 124 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Dulaney, Malcolm; 424 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoover, Edward; 617 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hopkins, Robert Gray; 77 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huenefeld, Margaret Elizabeth; 3350 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levy, Lewis; 1812 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyer, Edward Lee; 734 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 1297 Paddock Hills Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Morgenthaler, Zelmer G.; 708 Rentschler Bldg., Hamilton, Ohio. Nichols, Harold Davis; Batavia, Ohio. Niederhauser, Willard; 860 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pichel, Joseph; 4530 Paddach Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rich, Carl West; 1358 Cryer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strickland, David Light; 800 First National Bank Bldg., Miami, Fla.; (r) 2005 Hud- son Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Class of 1925 Barber, H. Lynne; 4537 Hector Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. DeCamp, James Milton; Traction Bldg.; (r) 3003 Vernon PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herron, Truman Aldrich; 2722 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hier, Frank; 4417 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hoy, Carson; Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Schneider, Philip John; 1007 Carew Bldg.; (r) 2139 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williamson, Lawrence J.; 1212 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 507 South Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Yarwood, Clare; 1130 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 500 Grandview Ave., Belle- vue, Ky. Class of 1926: Bader, Ferd; 1256 Bates Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Birt, Charles J.; 1880 West Fifty-seventh St., Cleveland, Ohio. Bristol, Morris; 1908 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hammel, Larz R.; 7025 Fair Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Horchow, Reuben; 1307 Fourth St., Portsmouth, Ohio. Howard, Charlton Alexander; Fort Mitchell Heights, Ky. Hudson, Elmer Lloyd; Terrace Park, Ohio. Johnson, William Walker; 3949 Beechwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph, Carl S.; Batavia, Ohio. Lytle, Harold B.; 2064 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Loyal Stewart; 3425 Osage Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murphy, George Daniel; 404 Mill St., Milford, Ohio. Nichols, Hugh Conklin; Batavia, Ohio. Peckham, Henry Arnold; 161 Lafayette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Howard Diekmeier; 4124 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Roberts, Frank A.; 45 Salem Rd., Mt. Washington, Ohio. Rose, John Kreimer; 2711 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rust, Carleton Fremont; 5250 Globe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Tietz, Julius B.; 3457 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 125 McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS WOMEN Class of 1880 Woodward, Amelia Elizabeth; Auburn Hotel, 2122 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1881 Dyer, Emily Francis; care Mrs. C. S. Dyer, 236 Loraine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Forchheimer, Emma (Mrs. Robert W. Stewart); The Auburndale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1882 Howard, Hattie Lillian (Mrs. Charles H. Pile); 1425 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1884 Howard, Lottie Belle; address unknown. Neuhaus, Elizabeth Sarah; 843 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1885 Oskamp, Nettie (Mrs. Starr Ford) ; 61 Auburndale Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1887 Joslin, Carrie Elizabeth; 930 Curtis St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Parry, Emma Louise; 655 June St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1888 Huddleston, Luena May (Mrs. Oliver Lafuse) ; Ash Forest Farm, Liberty, Ind. Class of 1889 - Block, Leah (Mrs. Adolph Ejicholz) ; 1520 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Prichard, Evelyn Maria (Mrs. T. J. Villers) ; 304 Villa Saint Clair, Portland, Ore. Young, Mabel Agnes; 177 Woodruff Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Class of 1890 Donnelly, Alice Moore; 4307 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoff, Amy L.; 847 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1891 Layman, Margaret Elinor; 1731 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murray, Alice FE. (Mrs. John J. Noonan); 3154 Highland Ave., Cleveland Park, Washington, D. C. Passel, Eleanor; 15 The Roanoke, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoff, Alice May (Mrs. H. A. Millis) ; 5729 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, IIl. 126 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1892 Hagen, Esther Kleimen (Mrs. Fred. Cohn); 5105 Webster St., Omaha, Neb. King, Anne Hastings; 1229 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Manners (formerly Mannheimer), Jane; 611 West 177th St.; and 60 West 68th St., New? York City, NYY: Riley, Estella May (Mrs. J. F. Caldwell) ; 410 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1893 Esselborn, Emilie (Mrs. Wm. H. Crane) ; 2323 Grandview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kinney, Emma Britomarte; 3580 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1894 De Luce, Mary Louise; care Mrs. Wm. F. Roemler; 432 Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Diserens, Alma Beatrix; 3 The Aragon, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fick, Alma Sophia; 3807 Rokeby St., Chicago, Ill. Miles, May Sallie; 116 College Pl., Greensboro, N. C. O’Hara, Jane Sarotisch; 262 McCormick Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peck, Edith Mary; address unknown. Rosenthal, Rebecca (Mrs. Daniel Laurence) ; 111 Millsdale Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Squire, Maud Hunt; Vence Alp, Mar, France. Class of 1895 Andrews, Edith Tweed; Villa Castella, Capri, Italy. Donnelly, June Richardson; Simmons College, Boston, Mass.; (r+) Alden Park Manor, Brookline, Mass. Ettlinger, Nora; 3615 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fortney, Sadie A. (Mrs. Elisha F. Cheeseman) ; 40 Walnut St., Wyoming, Ohio. Langenbeck, Clara; The Nelson, Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Marshall, Grace (Mrs. Robert A. Alberts); 30 Duncan Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Powers, Agnes (Mrs. Smith Gardner Dunning); address unknown. Rice, Agatha Hope (Mrs. EK. M. Benedict) ; 3537 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1896 Ewan, Sylvia; 3008 Paul St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fortney, Stella Maude (Mrs. Melville Ritchie) ; 603 Vernon Manor, Cincinnati, Ohio. Griffith, Mary Ellis (Mrs. Henry Hooper) ; 435 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hill, Elizabeth Hamilton (Mrs. George H. Kress) ; 245 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.; and Santa Monica, Calif. Johnson, Bessie Frances (Mrs. Archibald Fries); care Archibald Fries, Vice Pres., B. & O. Railroad, Baltimore, Md. Leonard, Alice L. (Mrs. W. J. Howard); 4373 Carnation Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McComas, Marguerite Agar (Mrs. John Howard Melish) ; 126 Pierrepont St. Brook- lyn, N. Y. Mann, Florence; 12002 Palatine Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Moore, Mary Herve (Mrs. J. D. Lyon); 3265 Menlo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rabenstein, Mathilda A.; 292 McCormick Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spillard, Sarah Virginia (Mrs. Ira Crane); 114 Wellington PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 127 Spillman, Louise; 4915 Stewart Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Whitson, Laura; 1115 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1897 Bremfoerder, Ada Fredericka (Mrs. George Bassett); 5440 Northumberland Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Easton, Alice May (Mrs. M. E. Leland); 110 West Jefferson St., Georgetown, Ky. Evans, Mary Sibley; The Lonsdale, Washington, D. C. Foote, Amy Lee; 2343 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. French, Laura Hildreth (Mrs. Wallace E. Miller); Lebanon, Ohio. Hartman, Lelia H. (Mrs. Clarence E. Mehlhope) ; 300 Woodlawn Ave., Winneka, III. Hollingshead, Fannie Murdock; 1028 Marine Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Kahler, Blanche Estella (Mrs. B. E. K. Evans); 180 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Little, Jessie Marie (Mrs. Alfred Eger) ; 2872 East Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spellmire, Gertrude May (Mrs. Bryant Venable) ; 4 Peasenhall Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, Janet Margaret (Mrs. Wm. M. Washington) ; address unknown. Thompson, Louise Bristol; 5508 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ulrich, Jewel Elizabeth (Mrs. Julia Rowan); 5118 Grandview Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Worthington, Julia; 2963 Annwood PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1898 Alden, Edith (Mrs. Samuel EF. Anderson) ; address unknown. Bentley, M. Julia; 3517 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bigler, Elberta; 2748 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cahill, Charlotte Gertrude; Flat 12, 1816 Dexter Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Closterman, Julia E. (Mrs. F. E. Kugler) ; 3423-West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dieterle, Emilie Marie; care Mr. Edw. Brinkmann, Winding Way and Lenox PIl., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Ely, Mary Delano (Mrs. Louis H. Marsland) ; 2426 Glencoe Ave., Venice, Calif. Fairweather, Nellie Hayes; 820 Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fleischmann, Essie (Mrs. Jos. R. Kahn) ; 3664 Alter Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foote, Susan Bowler; Mt. Berry, Ga. Garvin, Lelia A. (Mrs. Henry G. Hartmann); 2343 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isham, Mary Keyt; 259 Doctors Bldg.; (r) 851 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hansen, Mrs. Hermine Ziperlen; 41 North Portage Path, Akron, Ohio. Johnston, Cornelia Robinson; 3539 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koch, Alma Lauretta (Mrs. Lewis J. Hillhouse) ; 1542 St. Leger Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Florence Gertrude (Mrs. Russell Vernon Venable); 1766 Parker Ave., De- troit, Mich. Phillips, Ethel; 12 The Navarre, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rattermann, Mary Katherine; 2975 Springer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Turrell, Jessie Marie (Mrs. A. J. Anderson); care Mrs. I. H. Turrell, Colerain and Giffis Pikes, Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wessling, Hannah L.; care Northwestern Yeast Co., 1750 North Ashland Ave., Chi- cago, Ill.; (r) 1636 Chicago Ave., Evanston, III. Class of 1899 Albray, Sarah Abbie; 2629 Alms PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrews, Amelia Roe; 2615 East Third St., Duluth, Minn. 128 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Bentley, Adele Jeanne (Mrs. Clifford Stegner); 3457 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bode, Estella Regina (Mrs. Otto Juettner) ; Elysian Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Butterworth, Ruth Wales (Mrs. C. F. Emerick) ; 2095 West Garfield Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Cherrington, Lyda Constance (Mrs. Alfred Crocker); 2101 Alpine Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Maria Clinton; Collins Pl., Taft Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio; and Wainscott, N. Y. Fick, Edna Hermine (Mrs. Fred. J. Menger) ; 801 East Eighth St., Bloomington, Ind. Field, Alice Mayard (Mrs. Walter Mathew Newkirk); Radnor Rd., Radnor, Pa. Findley, Margaret Anne; 861 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fortney, Lura May; 19 Allen Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Halliday, Vernon; 132 Williams St., Orange, N. J. Kahn, Cora; 3131 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kramer, Stella; 601 West 115th St., Tegnor Apts., New York City, N. Y. McReynolds, Edith; Italy. Morton, Ada (Mrs. Geo. S. Woodward); 4311 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Perin, Lavina Reynolds (Mrs. Wm. T. Gray); 1547 Birchwood Ave., Chicago, III. Phillips, Rosalie;“12 The Navarre, Cincinnati, Ohio. Poole, Emily; 2906 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raum, Clara Margaret; 321 Erkenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sage, Helen Frances (Mrs. F. W. Cottle); 2647 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Norma Knox (Mrs. Arthur P. Taylor); 3536 Holly Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Venable, Una (Mrs. Bryant Tuckerman) ; 4605 Stanford St., Chevy Chase, Md. Class of 1900 Ashfield, Eleanor; 2825 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Billigheimer, Hannah (Mrs. Arthur L. Bowman); 4074 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cunningham, Francis Edna (Mrs. Frank Raschig) ; 223 Irwin PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dauman, Clara; 3532 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, Rebekah Caroline; Pounding Mill, (Tazewell City), Virginia. Fearnley, Sarah Britton (Mrs. N. Clair Dodds) ; 1620 South Bonnie Brae, Los Angeles, Calif. Haas, Estelle; 150 West 79th St., New York City, N. Y. Haas, Rose; 335 South Atlantic Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Harvey, Gertrude Fay; 118 West Cooke Ave., Glenolden, Pa. Hirst, Mary Julia; Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Holdt, Alma E. (Mrs. Grove Thomas); The Roslyn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Howell, Sarah Jean; 2417 Salutaris Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knott, Elana Goddard (Mrs. S. Taylor); Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Krucker, Louise A. (Mrs. Howard F. Breen); 230 South Hollister Ave. Pasadena, Calif. . Long, Beatrice Hope (Mrs. Oscar Silberschmidt) ; 6 Lenox Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Maxwell, Carolina Neff (Mrs. L. Earle Lee); 3541 Trimble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merrill, Elizabeth (Mrs. Albert S. Cook); 219 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn. Merryweather, Mildred; 715 Penton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Oberdorfer, Bertie Elizabeth (Mrs. Chas. J. Freund); 2270 Glenwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 129 Reinke, Louisa Mary; 3237 Boudinot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Seybold, Stella Virginia (Mrs. Frank V. Heinl); 810 South Diamond St., Jackson- ville, Ill. Solomon, May Henrietta (Mrs. Nathaniel K. Fisher); Cedar Hurst, Long Island, New York. Stoehr, Flora Eugenie; 1804 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Straus, Esther (Mrs. Henry Englander) ; 904 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strautmann, Anna Emma C. (Mrs. Chas. Ottermann); 3301 Observatory Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Weber, Ada; 3635 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weiskopf, Blanche; 125 Glenmary Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Winkler, Selma (Mrs. Adolph W. Sommerfield); 420 Riverside Drive, New York Gitve Nay. Woolman, Ruth; address unknown. Wright, Elizabeth Wiltshire; 265 Prospect Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Wulfekoetter, Lillie; 163 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wyler, Effie (Mrs. Max Hirsch) ; 2202 Upland Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1901 Allgaier, Jennie Sarah; 2921 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Callahan, Mabel; 1614 Iliff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Campbell, Mary Edith; Vocation Bureau, Board of Education; (r) 2404 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cunningham, Emma Catherine (Mrs. G. A. Ginter); 6370 Grand Vista Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Ferry, Nellie Poyntz; West Philadelphia High School for Girls; (r) 4532 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Gordon, Margery; 900 Ogden Ave., New York City, N. Y. Haas, Jennie May (Mrs. Martin Meyer) ; 3108 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. Harris, Edith Winifred; address unknown. Heisel, Emma Elizabeth; 3120 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Henle, Josephine Freiberg (Mrs. Samuel J. Loeb) ; 723 Gholson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Kinsella, Jennie; 2613 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, Lietze, Dolores S.; Santa Fe, New Mexico. Perry, Ruth Perkins (Mrs. N. N. Dalton) ; 1009 West 57th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo Rauh, Lora Rosalie (Mrs. Mitchell J. Lederer) ; 815 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosenberg, Lizzie (Mrs. Moses Kuppin) ; 699 Clinton Springs Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sutor, Julia Louise; 4922 Ash St., Norwood, Ohio. Wallace, Olive Sprague (Mrs. Edwin C. Wallace); 55 Adella Ave., West Newton, Mass. Ware, Anna Jeanette (Mrs. S. E. Slocum); address unknown. Wright, Charlotte; address unknown. Class of 1902 Adams, Eleanor Nathalie; Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio. Drukker, Grace Myrha (Mrs. Albert Mendelsohn); 2685 Euclid Blvd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Goss, Leonarda; 128 West 11th St., New York City, N. Y. 130 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hfckenlooper, Amelia Smith (Mrs. H. Kennon Dunham); 3011 Vernon Pl., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Hopkins, Edna (Mrs. Merrill C. Slutes) ; 1330 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Lucile Rachel (Mrs. Samuel Chester Parker); 5717 Kenwood Ave., Chi- cago, Ill. Jupp, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. R. A. Rice); 14 Ashland Ave., Southbridge, Mass. Kleinschmidt, Ethel Dana; 742 Derby Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koch, Katherine Allie (Mrs. Andre Gagnon); Marshfield, Ore. Loeb, Elsa; 820 East Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Metz, Elsie Lauretta; 2648 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Noble; Wm. N. Byers Junior High School, Denver, Colo. Oeh, Stella (Mrs. Wm. Gerhardt) ; 344 West Berry St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Passel, Anna (Mrs. R. R. Panzer); 515 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raschig, Elsa Alice; 2535 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Redd, Mary Geneva (Mrs. Wm. G. Cramer); 10 Nelson Bidg., McMillan and Wood- burn Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sayler, Alice (Mrs. Charles M. Paul); Oliver and Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Schoettenfels, Stella (Mrs. Adolph Rosenberg); 701 Betula Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shine, Mary Lambert (Mrs. W. H. Peterson) ; 304 Princeton Ave., Madison, Wis. Simmons, Anna Dial (Mrs. J. R. Friedline) ; 1729 Wood Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Weil, Valerie Martha (Mrs. Floyd Hawkins); Martinsburg, W. Va. White, Inez Milburn; 409 Grand St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Minnie Louise; The Piper Apts., East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Worthington, Helen; 2963 Annwood Ave., Cincinnat!, Ohio. Class of 1903 Andrew, Agnes; 3600 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brachman, Erna Antoinette (Mrs. Harry C. Fetsch); 205 Clinton Heights Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Carpenter, Mabel Sara (Mrs. Wm. Howard Richardson); Ivy Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Ewald, Alice Edna; 527 Woodlawn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gage, Harriet Anna (Mrs. Arthur W. Heyer); 1725 Sixth Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas. Galway, Lillian; The Mary Institute, St. Louis, Mo. Griffith, Florence; 118 East Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heegner, Lyda Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Hegner); 3059 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hirst, Maria Helen (Mrs. Samuel L. Stokes); Beechhurst, Ashland City, Tenn. Hoban, May Belle (Mrs. Benjamin H. Siehl) ; 3418 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kiely, Ellen May (Mrs. Raymond J. Scully); 440 Riverside Drive, New York City, New York. McConaha, Grace Chisholm; 3515 St. Charles Pl. Cincinnati, Ohio. Maury, Madeline La Rue (Mrs. F. Wright); 870 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morrill, Alice (Mrs. Daniel B. Ruggles) ; 124 Palm Ave., Jamaica Plains, Boston, Mass. Mosby, Gertrude; 850 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nippert, Eleanora; No. 16, The Maplewood, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nippert, Ida (Mrs. Homer Gaddy) ; 2425 Calder St., Beaumont, Texas. Plaut, Helen; 3507 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ratterman, Helena; 1532 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reinke, Caroline E.; 3237 Boudinot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 131 Riesner, Ida Cunigunde (Mrs. Ernest A. Assman) ; 374 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schell, Mabel Hoffman; 332 Probasco Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Seamon, May (Mrs. Loren H. Mortenson) ; 239 Queen Anne Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Smith, Josephine Clare (Mrs. Elmer Astleford) ; Redford, (Wayne County), Mich. Spellmire, Mabel Ginevra; 2482 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Anna Bird; 21 Fifth Ave. New York City, N. Y. Vorhees, Edith; 518 Mills Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Winterbottom, Mabel (Mrs. Percy Willard) ; 3975 Montgomery Rd., Norwood, Ohio. Wright, Grace (Mrs. Frank O’Loughlin) ; 265 Prospect Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Class of 1904 Beinhart, Frieda; 1264 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Box, Cora May; 271 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Black, Kathleen Lily (Mrs. Augustus G. Pohlman); 869 Atlanta Ave., Webster Groves, Md. Bryan, Alice M. (Mrs. Arthur Rood); 253 West Flagler St., Miami, Fla. Bultman, Elsa (Mrs. Alfred Kreimer) ; 2500 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clemen, Charlotte; 3211 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Lucy Weimer (Mrs. J. Archibald Phelps); R. F. D. No. 12, Dayton, Ohio. Cornelius, Alaza Marie (Mrs. Wm. A. Eggers) ; 3964 Lowry Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, Ida Estelle (Mrs. Stanley Marsh); 1708 Lucile St., Wichita Falls, Texas. De Courcy, Lydia; 3014 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dillman, Aurelia (Mrs. William A. Smith); 1600 Central Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Duguid, Edith Louise (Mrs. Charles M. Hendricks); 4415 Pershing Drive, El Paso, Texas. Ettlinger, Selma; 338 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Falkinburg, Clara Electa (Mrs. E. S. Sawtelle) ; 8260 Woodbine Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Hale, Irene Gray; 746 Hand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hirsch, Stella (Mrs. I. I. Lemon); 6110 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Kersting, Emma Sophia; 3936 Dickson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kruckemeyer, Erna; 581 Terrace Ave., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lotze, Erna Magdalene; 204 Redmond St., New Brunswick, N. J. McFarland, Rose; 3542 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGuire, Ella (Mrs. Thompson Serisey) ; 3785 Millsbrae Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nelson, Estelle Anna (Mrs. Clarence Bahlman) ; 3429 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nieman, Syrian; 1329 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Donnell, Gertrude (Mrs. Brain Sharkey); 109 South Main St., Middletown, Ohio. Pierce, Anna Cordelia; Madison, Wis. Plaut, Emma Jeanette (Mrs. Lawrence L. Brown); 570 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosin, Amy; 3747 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwab, Essie; 848 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaw, May Elizabeth; 1625 West Twenty-fifth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Shine, Helen Virginia (Mrs. James Clancy) ; 4109 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Thornton, Anabel; address unknown. Weihl, Elsa A.; 515 West 122nd St., New York City, N. Y. Wells, Effie May; 591 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Whitehead, Elizabeth (Mrs. M. E. Tucker); 507 Galer St, Seattle, Wash. Wurtz, Louise B.; 3025 Beekman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 132 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Yerger, Eva (Mrs. Eva Yerger Barr); Colonial Hts., Tuchahoe, Westchester County, New York. Class of 1905 Andrew, Ellen Bertha; 3600 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Atwood, Lida Florence (Mrs. H. P. Bowman); 1507 Ruth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baker, Jane Patterson (Mrs. Carl Phares); Miami Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio. Bedinger, Sarah (Mrs. Chas. C. Cooper) ; 220 Larimer Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Caldwell, Bess (Mrs. Edgar W. McCallister) ; 126 Hawthorne St., Swissvale P. O., Pittsburg, Pa. Clark, Corinne (Mrs. Edward Blair); Orchard Ave., Lebanon, Ohio. Cordesman, Ida Louise; 3475 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cronbach, Gertrude (Mrs. George D. Hadzsits) ; 222 South 43rd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Eger, Linda (Mrs. L. Nippert) ; 3108 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisher, Elsie (Mrs. George Dieterle) ; 210 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harvey, Ruth Sawyer (Mrs. Robt. W. Jones) ; 120 West Cooke Ave., Glenolden, Pa. Hendel, Ada Pauline (Mrs. Chas. H. Kingman); Ottawa, IIl. Heyl, Norma Louise; 3427 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jaeger, Martha Josephine (Mrs. Fred Marschner); 72 School St., Fall River, Mass. Leue, Elsa Conradine (Mrs. G. R. Rinehart); 21 Lincoln St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Loewenstein, Fannie Helen; Fifth aand Fairmont; (r) 82 Willow Terrace, Louis- ville, Ky. McLaughlin, Esther Bache; address unknown. Mackelfresh, Anne Susan (Mrs. Roy M. McLaughlin); 756 Froome Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Meyers, Grace Elma; 1809 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pearson, Lucy Helen; address unknown. Reilly, Emma Charlotte; 453 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reudy, Stella; address unknown. Sears, Isabel; Forest Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Sears, Ruby; Forest Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Strautman, Louise Josephine (Mrs. Elliott Smith); 3441 Observatory Rd., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Wilson, Alice Elizabeth; Piper Bldg., McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wise, Regina Rosalie (Mrs. Albert J. May); 6 Hicks Place, Flushing, L. I, N. Y. Zanoni, Elizabeth Corinne; 357 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1906 Barkley, Addie Marie (Mrs. Hubert C. Persons) ; 1384 Gladys Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Bernheim, Emily May (Mrs. B. Schaar); 5316 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, Il. Boyd, Frances Rogan; Ajaniar No. 5, Havana, Cuba. Braun, Annette Frances; 2702 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cairns, Hazel Thomas: 5673 Overlook Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cantor, Evelyn (Mrs. B. B. Isaacs); 203 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Detraz, Wilhelmina (Mrs. James D. Shoemaker); 4210 Sherwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ebersole, Edith McAllister (Mrs. Harry L. Doud); 2027 Indianola Ave., Columbus, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 133 Eger, Emma Louise (Mrs. Fred Bradley); Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone, Panama. Evans, Nannie (Mrs. Lester B. Ryan); 3720 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freund, Emma; 2493 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gauche, Katherine Louise (Mrs. Matthew J. Ryan); 3016 Bathgate Ave., Cuincin- nati, Ohio. Goldsmith, Adele Helen (Mrs. Leon Block); 5234 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. Haft, Gussie Mabel (Mrs. Chester R. Shook); 172 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hammer, Olga Louise (Mrs. John Paul Krauss) ; 275 Gage Rd., Riverside, Ill. Hawke, Mabel Emma; 657 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Keefer, Mary Belle; address unknown. Kirker, Star Edith (Mrs. O. C. Wyman); 4417 Avocado St., Los Angeles, Calif. Latta, Luelle Augur; 30 Latta Ave., Ludlow, Ky. Long, Blanche (Mrs. A. H. Fulkerth) ; 874 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lotze, Frieda Anna; 731 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDowell, W. Winn (Mrs. A. Neil McGinniss) ; 378 Lafayette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKibben, Harriett; 2812 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Macbrair, Blanche; The Glenwood, College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Maddux, Maud (Mrs. James B. Webb); 706 E. Madison Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Resor, Marguerite Burnet; 254 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ross, Martha Hall; 3245 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoettenfels, Helen (Mrs. Wm. Phillip Frieder) ; 3981 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwartz, Amy (Mrs. Henry W. Merkel); Flat L, Georgian Terrace, 2138 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shunk, Pauline (Mrs. R. Hazen); Paris, III. Strong, Katherine Boteler; 251 Earnshaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wagner, Stella Magdalen; 3546 Pembroke Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolf, Jane Esther; 329 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1907 Avey, Ellen Gertrude; 2354 Laredo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baxter, Florence; Washington Irving High School, New York City, N. Y. Bentley, Louise Estelle; 3517 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bing, Selma Harriett (Mrs. Emil Frank); 401 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burns, Carlyn Ormsby; address unknown. Dehner, Angela; 3010 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Deuser, Leulla Marie (Mrs. H. J. Brunneke) ; 914 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dickinson, Adra; 3434 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dickore, Marie Paula; 14, The Madrid, 3325 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Du Bray, Alma N. (Mrs. John Lund); 48 Tunnel Rd., Berkeley, Calif. French, Florence; 2444 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Garrison, Bessie Harwood; 2946 Urweiler Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Getz, Alma; 1429 West Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Glas, Norma Delphine; 2702 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldblatt, Mildred; 811 Mann Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hagerty, Mary; 1524 Chapel St., Cncinnati, Ohio. Heck, Jean Olive; 3757 Darwin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 134 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Isham, Eleanor Louise (Mrs. Frank P. Atkins) ; 2207 Upland Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacobs, Florence May (Mrs. Fred Childers) ; 1541 West 47th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Kautz, Elsie Henrietta; 139 Huntington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Keelor (formerly Koehlor), Katherine Louise; 509 West 121st St., New York City, New York. ; Leist, Amelia Alvin; 4012 Elsmere Ave., Norwood, Ohio. McNelly, Nanabel; North Bend, Ohio. McNutt, Florence (Mrs. Newell Simms); Oberlin, Ohio. Madden, Fannie; 6121 Roe St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mayhew, Genevieve Grace; address unknown. Merrill, Natalie (Mrs. Herbert Thornburgh); Longview Hospital, Carthage, Ohio. Mittendorf, Grace Ruth; 124 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murphy, Ada Marguerite; Goshen Pike, Milford, Ohio. Raresheid, Lillian May; 512 Milton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rowell, Mary Emma; 849 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sanders, Ethel; 2918 Montana Ave.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Weber, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. G. M. Lemmon); Edgewood, Birmingham, Ala. Wilson, Helen Gertrude (Mrs. Ralph E. Oesper) ; 2323 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1908 Adler, Madolin; No. 2 Renaissance Bldg., Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Andriessen, Emma (Mrs. George Armstrong); Ridgefield, N. J. Becker, Anna Ethel; 1820 North Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Butterworth, Edna May; 2654 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cravens, Frances O.; 3411 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, Ella (Mrs. Nathan Isaacs); 5 Walnut Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Gauche, Anna May (Mrs. Fritz Pape); 46 East Hollister St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ginn, Elizabeth Gertrude; Augusta, Ky. Glazer, Ida Smth; address unknown. Haymaker, Alma Earle (Mrs. Charles G. Coffman) ; 274 Clay St., Clarksburg, W. Va. Hopkins, Rebecca (Mrs. Merritt Boyle); 524 East Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ireland, Jessie (Mrs. Wm. T. Foley); 224 McCormick PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jewett, Almira (Mrs. John Adams Taylor); 2507 Moorman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kohnky, Frances; 2415 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kutchbauch, May; address unkniwn. Lanz, Lea Blanche (Mrs. N. P. Brooks); Grand St., Croton on Hudson, N. Y. Meyer, Elsie; 4420 Carnation Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morrson, Edith Grace; 639 June St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Perin, Kate Prescocia; 4729 Peabody Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfaff, Viola Estelle (Mrs. George E. Smith); Box 64, R. R. No. 4, Loveland, Ohio. Pfaffinger, Elsa Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Von der Halben); 543 Terrace Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Phipps, Jessie; 112 North McMiilan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rendigs, Estelle Luella (Mrs. Clfford Fels) ; 2528 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roos, Augusta Louise; 131 Parker St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Root, Florence Emma; Pasadena Vocational School; (r) 146 North El Molino Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Rothschild, Regina Claire (Mrs. Julius D. Jacobs) ; 3597 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 135 Sherwood, Rose Sterrett (Mrs. Robert M. Booth); 6463 Grand Vista Place., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Shorten, Lauretta Quarry (Mrs. C. L. Davidson); Ryland and Oberlin Aves., Nor- wood, Ohio. Spiegel, Grace Florence; 703 Cedar Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Wilson, Elinor Campbell (Mrs. Clyde Johnson); 1747 East McMillan St., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Witzenbacher, Mabel Marie (Mrs. Charles Maertz); 1209 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1909 Badanes, Marie (formerly Schutzkwer), (Mrs. Frank E. Hoffmeister) ; 3427 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buerger, Rosa W. (Mrs. Carr Wright); 3041 Henshaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carrington, Elizabeth Cabell (Mrs. E. J. Yowell); Griest and Corbett Aves., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Cook, Evangeline Elizabeth (Mrs. L. D. Beagle) ; 5713 Sierra Garden Place, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Corcoran, Effie; 2132 Cameron Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Davy, Katherine Roberta (Mrs. Theo. C. Jung); 453 Downing St., Denver, Colo. Dodds, Pochahontas Woodson (Mrs. Albert C. Mittendorf) ; Wyllys Parkway, Toledo, Ohio. Ervin, Gladys Dee; 709 Terrace Ave., Dayton, Ky. Evans, Roberta Daniell (Mrs. Ronald Wright) ; 940 College St., Niagara Falls, New York. Farbach, Florence Louise (Mrs. Bart J. Shine) ; 3453 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Farnham, Beatrix Morehead; 2249 North Bend Rd., Mt. Airy, Ohio. Gallagher, Rachel Shaw; 305 Commerce Guardian Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Geigerman, Hortense (Mrs. Leo Lion) ; 917 Capitol Ave., Little Rock, Ark. Grogg, Irma Marie (Mrs. Milton Wagner); Briar Hill Rd., Dayton, Ohio. Guethlein, Emma (Mrs. Frank G. Wright); 743 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hecker, Clara Ellen (Mrs. C. E. Johnston); 2835 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hecker, Edna Marie; 2712 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kohnky, Emma; 2415 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kreimer, Edith (Mrs. Chas. Hofling) ; 3230 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leist, Stella Grace; 4012 Elsmere Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Levi, Isabelle Juliet; 18 Bowman Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Levi, Ruth (Mrs. Horace Wolf); 19 Argyle St., Rochester, N. Y. Loeb, Florence; 829 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Loebman, Elise Reis (Mrs. Malvin Strauss); 608 West Tenth St., Erie, Pa. Lotze, Helene (Mrs. Wm. J. White); 731 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyons, Mary Ethel; Hubbard, Ohio. McAvoy, Blanche; Box 56-C, Foley Rd., Price Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mackzum, Henrietta Myric; address unknown. Mann, Virginia Mary; address unknown. Murphy, Marie Virginia; address unknown. Murray, Alma Derst (Mrs. Howard Bevis); 3435 Telford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oehler, Marie; 717 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Outcalt, Ethel; 3362 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. 136 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Perkins, Mary Louise; 3459 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reid, Harriet Belle (Mrs. Chas. H. Merckel); Troy Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Sammet, Lydia Margaret (Mrs. Ed. Bert Johnston) ; 3547 Wabash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schroerlucke, Laura Louise (Mrs. Harry O. Mateer); address unknown. Sommerfield, Elsie (Mrs. Louis H. Moss); Box 210, Peachtree Rd., Atlanta, Ga. Stegemeyer, Anna Marie (Mrs. Walter Peters) ; Morrow, Ohio. Steinau, Irene Amberg; 3534 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Marian (Mrs. Frank Fisher) ; 2623 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stugard, Caroline; 3022 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sullivan, Blanche Laura (Mrs. John Arundel); 440 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thorndyke, Elizabeth; 533 Camden St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Van Hart,, Clara; 2469 Paris St., Cincinnati, Oho. Von Lepel, Marianne Zephora; 707 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Walton, Ina (Mrs. Frank Payne); Amherst and Lexington Aves., Terrace Park, Ohio. Wilkinson, Helene; Ann Louise Inn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1910 Allgaier, Marguerite Susan (Mrs. Wilson Buvinger) ; 2911 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bahr, Antoinette Frances; 2416 McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baum, Edna Fannie (Mrs. Harold Wm. Ahlering); 1562 St. Leger Place, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Bell, Alice Logan; 3541 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Braun, Emma Lucy; 2702 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Janet Biggs (Mrs. Vernon Lantis); Seven Oaks, Peru, Neb. Burns, Helen Ormsby; address unknown. Carstens, Marietta Belle (Mrs. Bert Long); 722 Hand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Lydia Nugent (Mrs. James Franklin Rogers); Stop 32, Lake Road, Bay Village, Ohio. Conway, M. Geneva; 2001 Lake Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Detraz, Mary Julia; 2744 Mayfield Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Dowling, Gertrude Mary (Mrs. Frank A. Campbell) ; 621 Sixth St., Rochelle, Ill. Elsinger, Verna; 59 South Warwick Apts., Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Franzmeier, Emma Katherine (Mrs. DeForest Carlyle); 3839 Millsbrae Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Frederick, Gertrude Abbett (Mrs. Gus. Schuessler) ; 9912 Winchester Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Gerdsen, Mary Anna (Mrs. W. E. Strautman); Rapid Run Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio. Guthrie, Ellen F. (Mrs. Roy Nuse) ; address unknown. Halliday, Laura (Mrs. Frank L. DeBeuklelaer) ; 6036 Ingleside Ave., Chicago, II. Harrison, Ellen Brown (Mrs. Edwin Mitchell) ; Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y. Heim, Mollie Vivian (Mrs. Charles Maris); 3007 Minot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heise, Viola (Mrs. F. M. Sherman, Jr.) ; South Sherborn, Mass. Henshaw, Lesley; 1928 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoffheimer, Edith S. (Mrs. Leo Hecht); 203 West 90th St., New York City, N. Y. Humphrey, Winifred May (Mrs. H. H. Niederschmidt) ; Clawson, Mich. Jacobs, Retta (Mrs. Irving C. Isaac) ; 922 West Monroe St., Sandusky, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 137 Johnston, Marcella Edith (Mrs. Leon Denning Peaslee); 763 Delta Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Keller, Mamie C.; 3102 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lanz, Ida Blanche (Mrs. Ida Lanz Gallagher) ; Boys’ High School, Brooklyn, N. Y.; (r) Hicksville, (Nassau County), N. Y. Levi, Frances Tabb (Mrs. Leslie Morrell) ; 222 Wedgewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lynch, Mary Agnes (Mrs. Geo. Hars); address unknown. McVay, Vera Louise; care Mrs. Brown, Oxford, Ohio. MacBrair, Bessie (Mrs. Dale D. Wyllys); Clintonville, Wis. Oehler, Marie Elizabeth; 717 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oskamp, Pearl C.; R. R. No. 4, Loveland, Ohio. Perin, Carrie May (Mrs. Wm. F. Raney); 622 North Bateman St., Appleton, Wis. Pfaffinger, Hilda B.; 52 Graham St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Poole, Imogene; Polk County Public Hospital, Des Moines, Iowa; (r) 1342 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Christine (Mrs. Wm. J. Graf); 3031 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, Lucille (Mrs. Carroll A. Teller) ; 127 North Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. . Raschig, Adele Louise; 2535 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Renner, Mrs. O. J.; 3892 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Revill, Jonette; Commonwealth Ave., Erlanger, Ky. Rosenstein, Bertha; 249 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rule, Electa A. (Mrs. R. R. Dupree); 249 East Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryan, Hazel Elizabeth; 1988 Fairfax., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schueler, Doretta Huston; Brookline and Ludlow Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Elizabeth Anita (Mrs. R. J. Bean); No. 7, The Alameda Apts., 103 College St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Sorgel, Ruth Alms; 3235 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephens, Maude Carolyn; Harrison Ave., North Bend, Ohio. Strubbe, Alfrida Anna; 2833 Winslow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tangeman, Elsie S.; 2815 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tedesche, Irene (Mrs. J. D. Dresner) ; 1304 Valmont St., New Orleans, La. Vawter, Maude; Syracuse, Ind. Wagoner, Edith; 2618 Hampden Court, Chicago, III. Whitfield, Mary Dunn; 25 West Tenth St., New York City, N. Y. Williamson, Anna (Mrs. Lawrence G. Abele); 4400 Plainville Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1911 Acomb, Helen; 5808 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Adams, Evelyn Crady; care Mr. Wood Crady, Louisville, Ky. Austin, Jennie Charlotte; 1504 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beinhart, Emma Catherine (Mrs. Heinrich Fischer); 4528 Hamilton Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Belville, Laura May; 4225 Grove Ave., South Norwood, Ohio. Bingel, Doris Augusta; 124 Lyon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Black, Eleanor Louise (Mrs. Wm. Franklin Mitchell); care Procter & Gamble Co., Battery Place, New York City, N. Y. Brutton, Dulce Halloway (Mrs. Andrew Gallagher); 3450 Observatory Place, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 138 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Carter, Phyllis (Mrs. Walter Heuck) ; 568 Evanswood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Connor, Marjorie Miller (Mrs. W. C. Forbes) ; 1535 Groesbeck Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davidson, Alvina; 1242 First Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dehner, Rosina Mary (Mrs. Fred Droege); 1033 Beech Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Doerr, Emma Lisette (Mrs. Clarence W. Suhn) ; 4614 Simpson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Draper, Ruth; 3814 Burwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Feldman, Erma Marie; 2128 Alpine Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Frazier, Sallie Pattie (Mrs. A. Joseph Parks); 1241 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goebel, Lillie Wilhelmina (Mrs. Albert Louis Heusch) ; 2012 Devon Rd., Upper Ar- lington, Columbus, Ohio. Hamilton, Mildred Sherbrooke (Mrs. Fred Jensen) ; 3317 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hargrave, Ruth Carol (Mrs. Chas. W. Skinner); 1871 Keys Crescent, Cincinnati, Ohio. Healy, Carolyn (Mrs. James R. Gregg) ; 546 Mitchell Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Hill, Edith Ramsden; 2409 Grandview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leimann, Hattie L. (Mrs. Edwin Esslinger) ; 2205 Cleneay Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Metzger, Ruth Harriett; 352 Thrall Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Minor, Gladys Marguerite; 2481 Paris St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morsbach, Edith (Mrs. Alexander Walker) ; 20 Cambridge Court, Larchmont, N. Y. Pirman, Hilda Francesca; 956 Martin St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raitt, Anna Hall; 1875 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reedy, Laura Anna; 3788 Millsbrae Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Renner, Ruth Clara (Mrs. Henry Bruestle) ; 241 Southern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ries, Clara Elizabeth; 2083 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rowell, Florence Anna (Mrs. Chas. B. Hoffman); 899 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Santen, Florence; 2724 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schriver, Anna Belle (Mrs. A. W. Rader); 1559 East 219th St., Euclid, Ohio. Stevenson, Louise Gordon (Mrs. Thomas B. Foster); Butterworth Farm, Fostoria, Ohio. Stratemeyer, Norma Frederica; 427 Warner St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strautmann, Alma Amelia J.; 4541 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tate, Mary Lee; 1337 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thilly, Christel (Mrs. Geo. B. Topmoeller) ; 3550 Resor Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Volkert, Nora Elsie; 3303 Eastside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Warnking, May; 4792 Rapid Run Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willis, Clara Grandstaff (Mrs. Cavanaugh Taylor) ; 3063 Mathers St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wulff, Gretchen von der Planitz (Mrs. David McNeil); 4915 Ash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1912 Abbott, Mary (Mrs. Henry C. Barlow); Collinsbrook Farm, McKinney, Texas. Arey, Essie Viola; 7309 Van Kirk Ave., Carthage, Ohio. Arundel, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Wm. Ferguson); 1531 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baker, Esther Mary (Mrs. Nelson L,. Littell) ; 3872 Marburg Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bankard, Florence C.; address unknown. Bay, Rosa Mary; 3892 Isabella Ave., Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 139 Bernstein, Doris; 430 Kasota Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Braunecker, Aurena Elizabeth; 3 West St. Clair St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Busey, Marietta (Mrs. Guy A. Tawney) ; 447 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Ruth Katherine (Mrs. E. W. Beckett) ; 2313 Park Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Cope, Ella Mae; 933 Dayton St., Hamilton, Ohio. Core, Margaret Helen (Mrs. Walter Tangeman); 3450 Observatory Place, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Darling, Bess Jane (Mrs. Roy Kauble); 4265 State St., Marion, Ohio. Davy, Jeanette (Mrs. Davy Pinkerton); Eustis, Fla. Deutsch, Edith Ruth (Mrs. L. Edward Lashman); 5342 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. De Vore, Madge; 269 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Durham, Lois Lovett (Mrs. C. Elbert Scoggins) ; 214 North Vine St., Muncie, Ind. Ehlerding, Clara Alice; 2235 Cameron Ave., Norwood, Ohio. : Fels, Edith C. (Mrs. Carl Graf); Crescent Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Furness, Mary Baker; 802 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gibson, Martha Jane; address unknown. Hall, Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs. Dan L. Hawkins) ; 3169 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Happersberger, Paula; 2 West 83rd St., New York City, N. Y. Huling, Henrietta Viola (Mrs. Stanley Caldwell) ; 3540 Wabash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jenz, Elsie Elvira (Mrs. C. M. Strait) ; 6830 Montgomery Ave., Silverton, Ohio. Jergens, Anna Julia (Mrs. Allan R. Joslin); 718 Clinton Springs Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lowenstein, Cora (Mrs. Israel Kaplan) ; 121 South King St., Jacksonville, Fla. McMillan, Olive Gertrude; 2506 Chatham St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Margaret A. (Mrs. Carl Scherrieb) ; 256 Main St., Duryea, Pa. Monasch, Cecilia Veritus (Mrs. Ira Rosenberg) ; 910 Forest Ave., Wilmette, III. Mussey, Emma Dorcas (Mrs. Clarence Short Pinkerton); 691 Hackett Ave. Mil- waukee, Wis. Pfleger, Lucie M.; 3523 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reinhart, Angie Irma (Mrs. Samuel S. Cohen); 538 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, Mary Rowena (Mrs. Robert Windeler) ; 3309 Foothill Blvd., Oakland, Calif. Rutter, Mary Louise; 815 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sanders, Ruth Clarissa (Mrs. Howard Cordes); 320 Mills Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Schmitz, Louise (Mrs. Wm. Pancoast); 6201 Cambridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schroder, Bertha; 3850 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shine, Rose Jennings; 116 Alhambra St., Manila, P. I. Shott, Lillian Mildred (Mrs. Isaac Nathan); Forest Ave., near Beulah, Station E., Baltimore, Md. Smith, Edith Elizabeth (Mrs. Lawrence Pape); 667 Doon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Southgate, Virginia; 124 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. Stecker, Hannah Dora; 49 South Warwick; 3362 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stone, Jeanette Cora (Mrs. Lester Bachman); 3420 Berry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thoennes, Alice Magdalena; 1617 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Van Slyck, Agnes Eleanor; 328 Rockdale Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wersel, Virginia (Mrs. Sigmund C. Baer) ; 3716 Woodland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilkinson, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Williams); 63 Compton Terrace, Hillside, Eliza- beth, N. J. 140 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Williams, Sarah Putnam (Mrs. Charles Smithner); 4414 Haight Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1913 Ahlers, Helen Gertrude (Mrs. H. A. Thomas); 1863 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baehr, Bertha Marie; 3443 St. Johns Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bausch, Olive Lillie; 2895 Shaffer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Marie; 3831 Cass Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burns, Margherita Ormsby; address unknown. Caldwell, Dorothy (Mrs. Allan McDuffie); 300 East Butler, Manchester, Iowa. Cantor, Ethel (Mrs. Ralph Bloom); 345 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carter, Jennie Lillias (Mrs. J. H. Simons) ; 805 Strong St., Clarendon, Va. Chace, May Lydia; address unknown. Cloude, Helen Louise; 2340 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crissey, Lena Maude; address unknown. Daley, Margaret Mary; 725 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dieckmann, Elsa Pauline; 2883 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Edwards, Irene; 3435 Duncan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Embshoff, Hilda; 3020 Woodside Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fettweis, Martha Anna; 107 East University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisher, Marion Eleanor (Mrs. Russel Witte) ; 3177 Penrose Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Mary; 908 Sunset Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, Mary Agnes; 1322 East McMillan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank, Lucie Eugenia (Mrs. John V. Maescher) ; 507 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friason, Ethel Camille (Mrs. Charles Cole) ; 2653 West Grand Ave., Detroit, Mich. Gleason, Freda Louise (Mrs. Will Bushnell) ; 1164 South Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, Illinois. Goodman, Katherine Herbert (Mrs. Wm. J. Donahue); 173 Rosehill Ave., Newark, New Jersey. Gruesser, Emily Caroline (Mrs. Harry B. Newcomb) ; 3717 Vermont St., Long Beach, California. Haffner, Pauline Juliane (Mrs. Oscar Berghausen) ; 568 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Von der Halben, Eleanor; 3145 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hartlieb, Ruth Columbia; 3828 Regent Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hartshorn, Artie Laurence; 6115 Woodmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heck, Sibyl Marjorie (Mrs. Alfred Linde); 28 Juergens Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heizer, Mary Elizabeth; Apt. M, The Newbridge, 208 Twelfth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hildwein, Edna Flora (Mrs. John Deiters) ; 1789 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Keim, Edith Rose (Mrs. Theo. Nierman); 1666 Springlawn Ave.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly, Nina; 2401 Grandview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kendall, Dorothy Carter (Mrs. Garrison Schroeter); 9 Ross Ave., Edgemont, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Kirschner, Edith Emma; address unknown. Kleinschmidt, Emma (Mrs. W. H. Willits) ; 312 Irwin Pl., Elmira, N. Y. Koch, Adelaide Augustine; 3047 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krebs, Gertrude C.; 1616 Palm Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindenlaub, Ella (Mrs. E. L. Bollman) ; 3165 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindsey, Helen M.; 1352 Grace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 141 Livingston, Sadie Etta Hill; 1505 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. London, Henrietta (Mrs. Ed. Hattershide) ; 1237 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Long, Charlotte Mae; address unknown. Lorenz, Eleanor May; 1500 North Bend Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. March, Cora; 5 Elm Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Marckworth, Olivia Marie; 2991 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mason; Mame Charlotte (Mrs. Mamie M. Higgins) ; address unknown. Matthews, Grace Naomi (Mrs. Milner F. Little) ; 3154 Niles Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meador, Mildred; 1372 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meininger, Freda Bernardina; 1765 Fairmount Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moorhaus, Olga Fredda (Mrs. G. P. Doll); 1841 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morrow, Isabella Greer (Mrs. C. E. Fosdick) ; 6103 Cary Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Neuffer, Lenora; University of Cincinnati; (r) 315 Patterson St., Lockland, Ohio. Nute, Mary Louise; 2339 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Patterson, Lulu Annette; 3914 Burwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Peale, Corinne Wunder (Mrs. J. H. Newell) ; Alexandria, Va. Plimpton, Margaret Beach (Mrs. H. Guelker) ; 731 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Poor, Elizabeth Beatrice (Mrs. C. W. Voss); 1570 Elizabeth Place., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ranshaw, Virginia Travis (Mrs. T. K. Moore) ; 526 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rechtin, Loretta (Mrs. M. La Lake); 1263 Grace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rodgers, Hazel Marie (Mrs. Paul A. Struhbreyer) ; 868 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rouse, Gladys Lonesa (Mrs. Robert Rouse) ; Florence, Ky. Ruggles, Lillian Grace; 528 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Simon, Mary Emma; 457 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stanley, Helen Abigail; 3576 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Steinkamp, Edythe Henrietta (Mrs. Clifford Sutton) ; address unknown. Steward, Florence Marie; 7275 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Marjorie (Mrs. W. C. Towers) ; 224 Loraine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, Mary Louise; 1846 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tracy, Kathleen Eugenia; 532 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Trisler, Mabel Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert King); 310 Beard St., Shawnee, Okla. Van Pelt, Charlotte Ruth; address unknown. Wait, Mary Ethel; 3741 Aylesboro Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Elizabeth; 3712 Sachem Ave. and The Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wartcki, Sarah Millie; Hamilton Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wharton, Edith A.; address unknown. Wiedemer, Charlotte; 756 Greenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Susie Pearl (Mrs. David P. Jones); address unknown. Zeller, Elsie Mary; 2949 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1914 Ackerson, Estelle (Mrs. F. A. Bennett) ; 69 Barringer Rd., Ilion, N. Y. Bolan, Elizabeth Margaret; 14 East Eighth St., Covington, Ky. Brown, Lucy Atwater (Mrs. Josiah Bridge) ; Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Brumleve, Camille (Mrs. Jos. T. Gerling) ; Liberty Bank Bldg., Court St., Buffalo, New York. : Clark, Hazel June; 3242 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 142 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Cooke, Bess Virginia (Mrs. Glover Boake) ; 3931 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cowell, Sarah Jane; 515 West Washington St., Sandusky, Ohio. Cummins, Mary Dorothy (Mrs. George Godley) ; 2944 Van Dyke Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dabney, Katherine Brent (Mrs. John Ingle); 947 Park Ave., New York City, N. Y. D’Amour, Martha Paula (Mrs. Wallace Hurlburt); 315 Earnshaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. D’Arcy, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs. Frances E. Callahan); 1911 Taft Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, Marguerite (Mrs. Robert C. Krehbiel) ; 2719 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dean, Adelaide; address unknown. Domes, Elizabeth Jane (Mrs. James C. Chisholm); 5733 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, Eger, Helen; 3108 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elhoff, Edna Amanda (Mrs. Howard E. Scheid); 1631 Rose Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Eppinger, Jeanette; 2116 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fay, Helen Sarah (Mrs. Walter H. Coolidge) ; Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. Foote, Helen Allee; 31 Park Apts., Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gilbert, Grace M. (Mrs. Albrecht F. Leue) ; 225 Erkenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goodhart, Sadie Isabel (Mrs. W. E. Isaacs); 3562 Van Antwerp Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, (Formerly Keiser) Madelaine H.; 245 McCormick Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hindman, Penelope R.; 3764 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hunt, Emily Louise; Maxwell Ave., near Vernonville Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunt, Estelle Augusta; 3344 Whitfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jenkins, Ruth Le Marian; 829 Washington Ave., Newport, Ky. Jones, Grace Elizabeth; 2215 Cameron Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Joslin, Florence (Mrs M. Jackomini) ; 514 Camden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kautz, Mary Kathryn (Mrs. R. J. Geottle) ; 3479 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krehbiel, Marie; 328 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Linnard, Elizabeth Charlotte; Stansifer Bldg., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Loeb, Martha; 929 Rockdale Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Louis, Irene Lucille; 412 Wood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McKee, Florence Louise (Mrs. Robert Heuck) ; 3336 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, Miller, Grace Eva; 1540 Dixmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mills, (formerly Milhalovitch) Amy Fletcher; 78 Harrison Ave., East Orange, N. J. Montgomery, Charlotte Frances (Mrs. Harry T. Wollenhaupt); 717 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nickles, Martha E.; 1406 John St., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Hara, Etta Marie; 4434 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Orth, Helen (Mrs. Floyd Matthews) ; 4008 South Madison Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Page, Mary Katherine (Mrs. F. H. Waring); 275 Acton Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Phillips, Annetta (Mrs. W. W. Baird); 266 Bodman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips, Katherine (Mrs. Samuel Smickler) ; 538 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rabenstein, Ruth Margherita (Mrs. Walter Dobert); 2911 Eggers Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rauch, Mildred R.; address unknown. Reed, Eloise; 3052 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 143 Scheuer, Irma (Mrs. Leon Weil); Hamilton Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schrader, Louise E. (Mrs. T. M. Muir); 1546 Addingham Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Seaman, Ruth Gordon; 2312 Harper Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Sherwood, Evelyn Dallas (Mrs. Roland Pyne); 95 Miami Parkway, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky. Stephens, Alice Virginia (Mrs. George Russel Minor); 4231 North Lockwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Stiess, Lillian Esther; 4130 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Struke, Norma Louise; 3334 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tedtmann, Martha Florence; 414 Betts St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thiesing, Catherine Marie (Mrs. Robt. H. Clark) ; 404 West Utica St., Buffalo, N. Y. Van Tyne, Elizabeth Lucy (Mrs. Arthur Neave); 460 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vickers, Helen (Mrs. Benton Oppenheimer) ; 3625 Alaska Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Whallon, Mary Roberta (Mrs. Roberta Caudill) ; 1532 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willey, Ruth Magdalen (Mrs. Wm. A. Schreiber) ; 3442 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wissel, Clara Anna; Station K, North Bend Rd., Mt. Airy, Ohio. Wolfram, Gertrude Marie (Mrs. C. S. Larrick) ; 264 Parkway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1915 Ballentine, Clara L. (Mrs. McLaughlin) ; address unknown. Bardes, Eugenia Catherine (Mrs. Jack La Boiteaux); 5729 Sierra Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bauer, Bessie May (Mrs. Edwin Woellner) ; 4812 Winton Kd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beschorman, Katherine Marie (Mrs. Chas. Beckett); Box 20 B, Indianapolis, Ind. Bettman, Louise (Mrs. Ralph Pappenheimer) ; 16 Avon Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio Blank, Laura; 3420 Stettinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bridge, Agnes H. (Mrs. Edw. Weissbach) ; 1325 Yarmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Karline Meyerfield; 305 West End Ave., New York City; (r) 510 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burgoyne, Margaret (Mrs. Chas. L. Layng) ; 5540 Cornell Ave., Chicago, Ill, Caldwell, Genevieve; 926 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Chio. Cellarius; Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Morton Shepard); 2441 Williams Ave., Norwood Ohio. Chace, Florence Wilson; address unknown. Claasen, Ella Anna (Mrs. Arnold L. Brunsman) ; 2502 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cooper, Lulu Estes (Mrs. Max Eaton) ; 3539 St. Charles Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Crockett, Helen Loel (Mrs. Glenn De Quaisie) ; Box 478, Worcester, Mass. Devou, Margaret Louise (Mrs. Ralph M. Bingham); 2454 Mound St., South Nor- wood, Ohio. Dieckmann, Alma Sophie; 2882 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dieringer, Stella Marie (Mrs. Berne Reynolds) ; 3769 Drake Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Deitemier, Wilhelmina; 2519 Homestead Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Drucker, Fannie Nathalie; (r) 3913 Dickson Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio; Nat. Home for Volunteer Soldiers, Sawtelle, Calif. Dury, Florence (Mrs. W. Jackson); 3505 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Farrar, Dorothy Davies; 2727 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fillmore, Anna Louise (Mrs. Chas. C. Schedd) ; 3531 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. ’ 144 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Fischbach, Veronica M. (Mrs. W. Recheiner); Forest Ave., Park Hill, Ashland, Ky. Flick, Catherine; 773 Summit Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foote, Katherine Cornelia (Mrs. Verne A. Bridge) ; 5704 Mayberry St., Omaha, Neb. Geoghegan, Marguerite; 853 Beecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gerling, Matilda (Mrs. Albert A. Kattus); 1730 Dexter Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Getzendanner, Jessie Lumy; 1330 Yarmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gibson, Roberta Moore; 2407 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hays, Lenore Flora (Mrs. Mosler Kahn); 1216 Porter St., Helena, Ark. Hines, Alice Marshall; No. 3 Blenheim Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoffman, Clara Eva (Mrs. Horace H. Cunningham); 3325 Harrison Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Horton, Mary B. (Mrs. C. L. Horton); care Baldwin’s Farm, Cassopolis, Mich. Howland, Harriet Elise (Mrs. Lauren Lindenberger) ; Troy, Ohio. Joseph, Ruth Bloch (Mrs. Julius Broh); 1140 Tenth St., Huntington, W. Va. Keim, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs. A. D. Kiefer) ; 403 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma Park, Md. Krouse, Katherine Kaichen (Mrs. Lee B. Scheuer); 856 East Mitchell Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Krucker, Elise Louise; 2612 Handasyde Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kruse, Edith Laura (Mrs. Phil Pogue); 405 Evanswood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lally, Ella May; 4812 Glenshade Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langley, (formerly Langenbein) Norma Miriam; 459 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lazaron, Bertha (Mrs. Lester A. Schloss); 3436 Auchentosoly Terrace, Baltimore, Maryland. Logan, Helen G. (Mrs. Rufus Jones) ; 4537 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mann, Louise (Mrs. Robt. Schell) ; 3202 Lookout Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Molony, Iphigene Helen (Mrs. Gilbert Bettman); 14 Elmhurst Place., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morgan, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur D. Morgan); 3421 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murdock, Ruth Gertrude; 3414 Osage Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Musekamp, Freda Elizabeth; 3919 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Myers, Agnes Pauline; address unknown. Nevitt, Edith Leannah; address unknown. Newell, Alice Elizabeth; address unknown. Nocka, Ruth Magdalen (Mrs. Wm. E. Bodenstein) ; 3544 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Otten, Freda; 3016 Scioto St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pahren, Norma B. (Mrs. Roland Rickwood) ; 3715 Aylesboro Ave., Cincinnati, Okie. Pociey, Josephine Violet (Mrs. A. W. Collins); 102 Grand St., care Prof. A. W. Collins, Berea, Ohio. Pohiman, Helen Lovett (Mrs. Calvin Pease) ; 3688 Grovesdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohie. Richardson, Ruth Katherine (Mrs. G. B. Patrick) ; 1130 East 56th St. Chicago, IIL Schroeder, Esther Lydia; 334 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schultz, Gladys Louise; 1053 Richwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scoville, Dorothea Haven; 510 West 124th St., New York City, N. Y. Shelow, Elizabeth; 3932 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Sherike, Alice Louise; 2366 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Mary Isabella; address unknown. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 145 Stickney, Gertrude Clare (Mrs. Roy Knapp); 165 West 74th St., Carthage, Ohio. Stockman, Louise N. (Mrs. J. W. Snyder, Jr.); R. R. No. 3, Batavia, Ohio. Taylor, Helen Catherine (Mrs. Leonard K. Baehr, Jr.) 3014 Springer Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Taylor, Iona May Wathen; 2905 Santa Anita, Altadena, Calif. Taylor, Jean Kimball (Mrs. Ben Schneider) ; Glendale, Ohio. Tracy, Margaret Anthony; Yale School of Nursing; (r) 330 Cedar St., New Haven, Connecticut. Urban, (formerly Urbansky) Miriam Belle; 1005 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Volkert, Esther Florence (Mrs. Oscar C. Martin); 4220 Brownway Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Von der Halben; Matilda; 3145 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wachtel, Irma (Mrs. Chas. S. Stein); 1851 Burr Ave., Hubbard Woods, Winnetka, Chicago, Ill. Waldman, Bessie; 5835 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilkinson, Ruth Stafford; 1055 Richwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willams, Katherine Meredith; 4425 Station Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Sophia Maurice (Mrs. James E. Stamps) ; 4217 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Winston, Mattie; 2228 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodson, Neola Estella (Mrs. James Robinson) ; 3275 Gaff Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wuest, Alma Marie; 158 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class ef 1916 Acomb, Marguerite; 6103 Woodmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Anderson, Dorothy (Mrs. Ben Silver); 762 Froome Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Appel, Jeanette (Mrs. Morris Levine); 5820 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benson, Pauline (Mrs. Raymond Werner); P. O. Box 1488, Washington, D. C. Biddle, Virginia (Mrs. Ben Kutcher) ; care Saks & Co., Fifth Ave., New York City, New York. Bleier, Coralie (Mrs. B. F. Rosenthal) ; 756 Clinton Springs Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Braam, Florence; 3449 Lyleburn Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brooks, Gertrude; 3655 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Helen E.; 332 West Twelfth St., New York City, N. Y. Card, Lorna Doone; 1549 East 61st St., Chicago, Hl. Cooper, Lois (Mrs. Arthur W. Gordon) ; 2712 Willard Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cramer, Helen (Mrs. J. V. Lowe); Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, T. H. Curtin, Angela (Mrs. James O’Hara); 14765 Elderwood Ave., East Cleveland, Ohto. Daniels, Verna; 2434 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, Harriet Cullom; address unknown. Ewald, Elsie; 2602 Fenton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Francis, Flora (Mrs. A. G. Bruck); 4003 Ballard Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Felter, Dora (Mrs. Paul Elmore); 1733 Ella St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fels, Cora; 3121 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geigen, Ruth Marie; 2936 Montclaire Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gibbons, Martha (Mrs. Chas. Bennett) ; 355 Belvar Ave., Louisville, Ky. Grant, Bertha; 3618 Woodford Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guhmann, Ruth; 6135 Fairway Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hammler, Julia (Mrs. H. O. Wendell) ; 2811 Shaffer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 146 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Harris, Helen Priscilla; 3919 Spencer Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Holzberg, Ethel (Mrs. Moses N. Sanders) ; 120 Englewood Row, Springfield, Ohio. Hyde, Bertha (Mrs. Corlis Foster) ; address unknown. Isaacs, Nesha; 3264 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnston, Ruth; 1719 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Frances (Mrs. James Blaine DeMar); Madisonvilie Rd., R. R. No. 10, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Kamm, Leona; 3411 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Keller, Ruth (Mrs. J. Earl Pruden) ; 3815 Gilbert Ave., Dallas, Texas. Kemper, E. Shirley; 2401 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy, Jennie (Mrs. Leslie Scofield) ; 1380 Cook Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. La May, Ethel (Mrs. O. W. Calimese) ; 5310 Ravenna St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyle, Alice; 572 East 120th St., Cleveland, Ohio. McDonough, Ethel; 2857 Ashmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGregor, Annie I. (Mrs. Robert Giebel) ; 1921 Ave. I, Brooklyn, N. Y. McNutt, Helen (Mrs. Howard Urmston); 1505 Aster Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Anna (Mrs. A. W. Jessen); 1627 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Edna (Mrs. Frank Glenn); 196 Green Hills Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merz, Edna; 3436 Cheviot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mombach, Blanche Althof; The Gladstone, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 Morton, Ruth (Mrs. Wm. Parker) ; 285 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Mudge, Mary Rosalie; 11 East Eighth St., Covington, Ky. Nadel, Ernestine (Mrs. H. H. Schwartz); 840 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oskamp, Elizabeth; Loveland, Ohio. Paul, Elvira; 3140 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Perin, Rhoda Pearl (Mrs. Wm. Innes); 2834 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. Pfleger, Margaret (Mrs. Berkeley Williams); 24 Silver St., Middletown, Conn. Pluckebaum, Dorothy; 1522 Ruth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richardson, Olive (Mrs. Simon C. Nielsen); 1133 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rieman, Mary (Mrs. James Pease); 151 N. W. 33rd St., Miami, Fla. Riffe, Laura; 513 Gerrard Ave., Covington, Ky. Rosenthal, Terese; 4004 Beechwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rubel, Vera; care W. E. Oler, Bright Waters, L. I., N. Y. Rulison, Jeanette (Mrs. A. C. Taylor); Box 253, 6425 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryan, Ruth (Mrs. Sidney Daugherty); 1232 Halsted St., Toledo, Ohio. Sanders, Adelaide; 3555 St. Charles Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. ? Sauer, Alma (Mrs. Ivan De Armond); Earlscourt View, East Grandin Park, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Seradino, Madolin Marie (Mrs. Charles F. Cellarius) ; 2466 Wakefield Place, Nor- wood, Ohio. Shaffer, Susan; 2260 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shigley, Celestine (Mrs. J. S. Grant); 574 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sibbald, Lucille (Mrs. Wm. R. Owen); 1941 Hudson. Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Smith, Dorothy G. (Mrs. Merton J. Hubert) ; 3421 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Snabley, Victorine M. (Mrs. George Sullivan); 1425 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spencer, Greta; 167 Twain Ave., Sayler Park, Ohio. Stapleford, Helen; 1551 Donaldson Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Straus, Florence L. (Mrs. David Fabe) ; 2729 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 147 Swineford, Helen A.; 802 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Cella; Extension Dept., University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Thomas, Mrs. Margaret Kearsly; 527 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Toms, Elizabeth (Mrs. James W. McGarry); 3271 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vaupel, Jean; 6024 Lantana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wager, Irene; 3312 ColumbiaeAve., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walton, Clara (Mrs. Burtis S. Gale) ; 2617 Huschel Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Weatherby, Lorene; 4664 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weber, Marie (Mrs. Wm. H. Wehage) ; 4320 Lafayette Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Westheimer, Charlotte (Mrs. Charles Tobias) ; 3557 Rosedale Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilfert, Elsie; 358 Bryant Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Witham, Marie; 3154 Willis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wirth, Margaret (Mrs. J. N. Aiken); 1223 Westover Ave., Norfolk, Va. Wright, Pearl; 811 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1917 Appel, Elsie (Mrs. Julian Straus); 5820 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bancroft, June; 617 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bramble, Mary; 3596 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Breuer, Dorothy; 6513 Hamilton Ave., North College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Vida Chapman; address unknown. Buente, Sybil (Mrs. Thomas Reed Botts) ; 4226 Delaney St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burgoyne, Helen; 19 The Roanoke, Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Dorothy; 5543 Arnsby Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Clift, May; address unknown. Cosbey, Jessie; 309 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crawford, Elizabeth (Mrs. Kenneth Walker); Lansing, Mich. Davis, Johanna Sommerfeld; 1347 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elberg, Etta; 311 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fay, Geenevieve; 325 Riley Rd., Wyoming, Ohio. Fels, Ida Jeannette; 3121 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferris, Lucile (Mrs. Charles Schwartz); 1310 Grace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferry, Dorothy (Mrs. Richard Allen); Bathgate Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank, Felicia (Mrs. Jos. Levi); 8 The Seville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geyer, Emma Dorothy; 2972 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. | Gibson, Aileen Mae; address unknown. Goettsch, Marianne; 2831 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Gregson, Anita; 2264 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregson, Marie; 2264 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gromme, Emma; 1832 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guckenberger, Thelma; 3469 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harte, Dorothy Olive; 23 The Barclay Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauck, Emilie; 935 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holdt, Meta; 2237 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hosea, Noel (Mrs. P. H. Henry) ; 2836 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ideson, G. Eleanor (Mrs. Aubrey S. MacLeod); 17 Harbor View Place, Fort Wads- worth, Staten Island, N. Y. James, Elizabeth; Tiffin, Ohio. 148 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Jones, Dorothy (Mrs. Chester Boon); 3639 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Margaretta; 4349 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Keller, Adeline L. (Mrs. John W. LaRue) ; 3947 Elsmere Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Krueger, Justine (Mrs. Roswell A. Johnston) ; 1612 McFarland Rd., Dormont, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Kunschik, Emma; 5019 Stewart Place, Cincinnati, Ohio® Lambert, Margaret (Mrs. Wm. J. Leach); 1644 Clayton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindsley, Florence; 4546 Edgewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lusby, Helen; 1828 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCarthy, Alice (Mrs. Alice McCoyler); 570 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGowan, Carolyn (Mrs. Herbert Norton); 1600 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. McIntire, Laura (Mrs. C. A. Brown); 2879 East 77th St. Chicago, Hl. Michael, Lillian; 1521 Merrimac Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, Gertrude R.; 2611 Hemlock St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Noonon, Mrs. Francisca Romana (Mrs. Charles S$. Noonon) ; 2940 Van Dyke Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Hara, Laura; 4434 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Osborn, Josephine; D. Appleton & Co., 35 West 32nd St., New York City, N. Y.; (r) 430 West 122nd St. Otting, Edith (Mrs. Albert C. Hanson) ; 806 Park Ave., Newport, Ky Peaslee, Patricia; address unknown. Porter, Nina; 3031 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rost, Norma (Mrs. Horace Tangemen); 1601 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rheinstrom, Marion (Mrs. Geo. Rosenthal) ; 20 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Riddle, Clara; address unknown. Royer, Lucile (Mrs. Herman Strietman) ; 6641 Bantry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Runck, Frances (Mrs. J. McLachlin) ; 222 Kemper Lane Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Steinau, Stella; 3534 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoenwandt, Helen; 1539 North Mariposa Ave., Hollywood, Calif. Schroder, Pauline (Mrs. John Neal Hoffmann) ; 1135 Ridge Rd., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Schwallie, Eva (Mrs. Albert Peterson) ; 160 Maplewood Rd., Riverside, Il. Shields, Mary; 4338 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Stevens, Dorothy (Mrs. F. K. Hoehler) ; 3627 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sudbrink, Elsa; 3472 Cornell Piace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tandy, Julia; 444 Market St., Vevay, Ind. Tangeman, Helen; 2815 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Topp, Bertha; 1203 Inglenook Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tracy, Carolyn (Mrs. Glenn F. Woodman); 3511 Hartford St., St. Louis, Mo. Trisler, Mrs. Anna H.; 241 Twain Ave., Sayler Park, Ohio. Weber, Elsie; 208 Baxter St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilder, Eugenia Elizabeth; 2795 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weller, Mary (Mrs. Herbert Keever); 6740 East End Ave., Chicago, III. Wright, Helen; General Motors Corp., Export Division, 224 West 57th St., New York City Ney Wulfekoetter, Gertrude; 1403 North Bend Rd., and 250 Senator Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Zimmerman, Frances; Congress Ave., Glendale, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 149 Class of 1918 Ackerson, Clara; 307 Grove Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Adams, Appelona; 3639 Mozart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Adler, Mrs. Jessie; 2 Beech Lane, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Alexander, Burnette; 312 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Arnold, Helen (Mrs. Wm. Kluber) ; 2923 Minot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Askew, Mary (Mrs. John W. Backer); 3729 North Rd., Baltimore, Md. Baskin, Helene (Mrs. Louis M. Harris) ; 685 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Becht, Helen M.; 447 Wood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Berting, Ruth; 1028 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bingel, Ella J.; 124 Lyon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Black, Warwick (Mrs. Lowell F. Hobart); 3502 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowen, Helen; 4526 Lucerne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bradford, Ruth; 3132 Harward Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Braunwart, Helen (Mrs. Joseph Gerstle) ; 3558 Kroger Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brinkman, Hildegarde; Lenox and Winding Way, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Dorothy; 510 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Elaine; 1313 John St., Baltimore, Md. Brunhoff, Sophia (Mrs. Helmer Swenholt); 730 Tyler St., Gary, Ind. Bullerdick, Ellen; 4323 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buxton, Annabel; 715 Worthington Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Byer, Sylvia (Mrs. Warren M. Taylor); 57 Greystone Court, Columbus, Ohio. Cavanaugh, Marie Kathleen; address unknown. Cellarius, Anna (Mrs. Ion Cortwright) ; 1002 Seventh St., North Fargo, N. D. Chambers, Enolia; 3182 McHenry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Corre, Mary Price; 2058 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crawford, Elizabeth Dymond; address unknown. Creaghead, Elizabeth; 134 Park Rd., Fort Mitchell Heights, Covington, Ky. Crowe, Marie (Mrs. Willard Butler); 5 Tuxedo Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dieterle, Gertrude (Mrs. John R. Blades) ; 1248 Paddock Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dohrman, Louise (Mrs. C. W. Striker) ; 3425 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Doster, Genevieve (Mrs. Everett Lawrence); 14 North First St., Newark, Ohio. Duke, Dorothy; 3 The Anthony, Seminary Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Eckel, Louise; 3925 Regent Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Elsinger, Madge (Mrs. Louis M. Cahn); 206 South Chester Ave., Little Rock, Ark. Essel, Alice; 140 Mason St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Evans, Rubie; address unknown. Fischback, Priscilla (Mrs. Ray Kirchner); 81 Woodland Ave., Norwalk, Ohio. Flanagan, Grace; 3212 Mozart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geisler, Margaretha; 463 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goettsch, Elvira; 3340 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldsmith, Ethel; 3256 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gromme, Hertha; 1832 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hagemeyer, Elizabeth; Apartment 25, The Roslyn, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hagerty, Mary Emily; 1524 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hahn, Loretta; 1394 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall, Marion; 62 Scott Blvd., Mt. Clemens, Mich. 150 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Harper, Grace; 828 Maple Ave., Newport, Ky. Hartsell, Ruth (Mrs. Wm. J. Campbell) ; 2463 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio . Hasemeier, Margaret; 3580 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hatfield, Ruth (Mrs. Harry L. Gordon); Laura and Myrtle Ave., Glendale, Ohio. Haupt, Ilse; 160 Fast McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hayes, Lenora; 7211 Fair Park Ave., Carthage, Ohio. Haynes, Eleanor (Mrs. J. Arthur Meyer); 7474 Lower River Rd., Fernbank, Ohio. Heard, Kathryn (Mrs. E. A. Tucker); 3236 Woodford Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heckerman, Ruth (Mrs. A. D. Suttle); A. and M. College, Agricultural College, Box 75, Mississippi, - Henle, Grace; 3236 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hennecke, Ethel; 3566 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hexter, Betty (Mrs. I. G. Fabe); 505 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hiller, Grace (Mrs. J. F. O’Rourke); 13941 Cloverlawn Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hook, Sarah (Mrs. G. E. Fitzgerald) ; 2090 Atkins Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Hulick, May; 830 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunter, Clarence (Miss) ; 3167 Lookout Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunter, Marie; 3167 Lookout Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hutner, Sadie; 838 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Joyce, Hazel; 3242 Boudinot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kraemer, Ruby; 3546 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Landen, Minnie; 207 Erkenbrecker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leen, Marcella; 4017 Catherine Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Lotspeich, Ida; Nurses’ Home, Trudean Sanitarium, Trudean, N. Y. Lueders, Anna (Mrs. George Dornette) ; 1827 Josephine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDowell, Mary; 3475 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGregor, Minerva (Mrs. L. F. Nenninger) ; 2754 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McNaughton, Marjorie (Mrs. Robert Gilmore); 141 West Fourth St., Chillicothe, Ohio. Magly, Florence; 2520 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Maloney, Lillian; 3429 Price Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Manning, Bessie; 1820 Hawkins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Millar, Vivien (Mrs. C. S. Amidon); 1247 Paddock Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Dora (Mrs. David B. Schreiber) ; 5147 Camargo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Mrs. Mabel (Mrs. W. E. Moore); 442 Engineers’ Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Mossmyer, Alene (Mrs. Carl H. Rogert) ; 3362 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Neu Katherine; 3433 McFadden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Niedermyer, Flora Amelia; 920 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Noe, Edna (Mrs. Howard Durward); Moscow, Idaho. Oehmig, Francis; address unknown. Pfaff, Frieda; 2713 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips, Esther (Mrs. Homer Toms); 208 Sturgis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips, Genevieve; The Deventer, East McMillan and Laredo Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Poll, Charlotte; 8 Romaine Bldg., 3421 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pressler, Louise; 3301 Eastside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rehm, Sylvia (Mrs. P. Harwood) ; 657 Fifth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Remelin, Eugenia; 5 Hydock Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Riddiford, Mima (Mrs. Basil Pollitt) ; 800 Cherrydale Ave., Clarendon, Va. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 151 Romaine, Miriam; 924 Windsor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosenthal, Margaret (Mrs. Leonard F. Plaut); 3585 Van Antwerp Place, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Sammet, Helen (Mrs. Howard Ecker); 1510 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Seifried, Adeline (Mrs. R. F. Kirkendall); 1415 East Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Seifried, Grace (Mrs. Merle Dundon) ; 376 Flower City Park, Rochester, N. Y. Sellew, Gladys; 10515 Wilbur Ave., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Sheehy, Kathleen (Mrs. Paul K. Johnston) ; 928 York St., Newport, Ky. Sinning, Olga; 6127 Prentice St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Snodgrass, Marjorie; 326 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Sorin, Ruth (Mrs. Clarence P. Neidig) ; 23 Lockwood Court Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stegemeyer, Emilie; 3640 Russel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stifel, Catherine (Mrs. John D. Ellis) ; 4235 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Straub, Edna (Mrs. Edna S. King) ; 8430 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Stuerwold, Marie (Mrs. John W. Ault); care Ault Paper Co., Dayton, Ohio. Tellefson, Marjorie (Mrs. B. F. Bingham); 2050 Pingree Ave., Detroit, Mich. Thomas, Isabelle; 190 Highland Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Tierney, Marguerite (Mrs. Wm. R. Huber); 237 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Trapp, Marie; 1917 Sutton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Valerio, Bernice; 818 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Waldman, Gertrude (Mrs. Alonzo E. Herbert); 1584 Donaldson Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Warnecke, Ida; 125 Fourteenth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weinberger, Juliette; 867 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Westerlund, Agnes (Mrs. J. Penrose Harland); (1926-27 American School of Classi- cal Studies, Athens, Greece); (r) The Brookline, Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Leslie (Mrs. Wm. Carson); 5738 Adelphi Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Margaret (Mrs. Joseph Newell) ; 364 Prospect Ave., Lake Bluff, Ill. Nulff, Doris; 395 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1919 Abrams, Tracy; 200 South High St., Urbana, Ohio. Acomb, Marie; 5642 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Anderson, Martha (Mrs. Wade Shephard); 45 Central Terrace, Wyoming, Ohio. Anderson, Mary; 4749 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Lillie; 707 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beekley, Marion (Mrs. Herbert E. Hinton) ; 1929 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bound, Marion Elizabeth (Mrs. Hugo Plueddeman) ; 2228 Salvador Ave., Cincinnati, ~ Ohio. Boyd, Emma; 2876 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brackman, Hulda (Mrs. W. C. Katker) ; 701 Caldwell Ave., Piqua, Ohio. Bruckman, Bertha; 1276 Streng St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buente, Myrtle (Mrs. Myrtle Abernathy) ; Spring Lake, N. J. Burdge, Alice; 3408 Beyis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burke, Alma; 4309 Greenlee Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Byer, Florence; 3318 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Coldeway, Catherine; 3248 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cone, Dorothy (Mrs. Albert Storrs) ; 22 South Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. 152 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Cook, Helen C. (Mrs. Walter Kuntz) ; 2607 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cordes, Margaret (Mrs. Carl Kienker) ; 631 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Cragg, Lucille L.; Belmont and North Bend Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Culbertson, Charlene (Mrs. J. H. Labnitz) ; 1668 Jefferson Ave., Miami Beach, Fla. Danziger, Jessie M. (Mrs. Meredith Gerrmann) ; 1940 East 73d St., Chicago, Ill. Dickerson, Tunis (Mrs. Chester Tietig) ; 3812 Ordway Ave., Cleveland Park, Wash- ington, D. C. . Dolan, Edith A.; 806 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Douglass, Edna; 332 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Enneking, Evelyn (Mrs. Geo. Reif); 202 Eveningside St., Ferger Place, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Flannery, Helen; 1712 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foley, Imogene (Catherine) ; 1217 First Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gates, Elizabeth; 1314 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gau, Marianne; 2880 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geis, Miriam (Mrs. Frank La Camara); 42 Roselawn Ave., Warren, Ohio. Grant, Julia (Mrs. Irwin Tschudi); John Hopkins University, Md. Gray, Alice; Argus Ave., College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Green, Margaret (Mrs. Randall Haylor) ; 128 Morgan St., Oberlin, Ohio. Harper, Berta; 828 Maple Ave., Newport, Ky. Haupt, Charlotte; 160 East McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Healey, Marie C.; 637 Prospect Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Helmers, Ruth (Mrs. C. M. Huffman); 4239 Shenandoah Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Herman, Jennie Levitch; 3635 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hildebrandt, Mary; 3573 Columbia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Halloway, Mary; 3252 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hottendorf, Elizabeth; 810 Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jamieson, Katherine (Mrs. Randall E. Walker); 1035 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jenkins, Elizabeth Jeanette; 3517 Monteith Ave., Cincinnati, Ohie. Jordan, Elsie (Mrs. John P. Rowe) ; 1643 Knowlton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jordan, Margaret; 817 Mt. Hope Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kahle, Helen; 1837 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kahr, Johanna (Mrs. Herman Barnstorff) ; 259 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemp, Jennie; 5166 Broerman Ave., St. Bernard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ; Kienzle, Ethel; 907 Hopkins St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kimball, Elsa P.; 50 Morningside Drive, New York City, N. Y. Kinney, Mary; 4247 Brookside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knight, Anne (Mrs. Harold Hoffman); 2321 Grandview Ave., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Koenig, Blanche (Mrs. Ray W. Schwybold) ; Park and Summit Lane, Ft Mitchell, Ky. Kreidler, Katherine (Mrs. Lawrence Schramm); 1536 North Euclid Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Kruse, Lorna (Mrs. Fred Kahle); care B. and O. R. R., Cambridge, Ohio. Landis, Charlotte (Mrs. Stephen J. Maddock) ; 19 Farwell Place, Cambridge, Mass. Lischkoff, Erma; 3458 Hallwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. McMillan, Damaris (Mrs. Bering); R. R. No. 2, Wilmington, Ohio. McNutt, Laura (Mrs. Harold Altamer); 5517 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 153 Meeds, Lillian (Mrs. Anton W. Schneider) ; care Mrs. C. H. Meeds, 1116 Cross Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio; 24 Lowden St., Worcester, Mass. Miller, Marjorie (Mrs. John L. Carruthers) ; 2100 North Fourth St., Columbus, Ohio. Moore, Ruth; 2642 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, M. Helen (Mrs. lL. P. Cavett) ; 325 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Myers, Alice (Mrs. Geo. E. McClellan) ;.1711 Ella Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nichols, Marjorie; State School for Deaf, Berkeley, Calif. Overman, Marie; address unknown. Parker, Gail (Mrs. Arthur McFarlan); 400 Aylesford Place, Lexington, Ky. Patterson, Mary (Mrs. Clayton Elkins) ; 131 Zinn Place, Delhi, Ohio. Paver, Marion (Mrs. James B. Snyder); 1589 Cordova Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Persons, Mrs. Pearl; 403 Probasco Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peterson, Josephine; South High School; (r) 409 Cherry St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Pfister, Mildred; 3716 Maple Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pichel, Charlotte; 4030 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pichel, Marie (Dr. Marie P. Levinson) ; 102 Prospect Place, New Britain, Conn. Putt, R. Kathleen (Mrs. C. J. Rolle) ; 3537 Aylesboro Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ramsey, Alta (Mrs. Lee Tebow); 963 Francisco St., Cincinnati, Ohio. - Reemelin, Eleanor (Mrs. Clarence Albertson); 1038 Roane St., Harriman, Tenn. Reid, Marguerite (Mrs. Wm. M. Meyers); West Monterey Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Reiter, Hortense; 936 Clinton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Riggs, Eunice; Sandusky High School, Sandusky, Ohio; (r) Box 150 Mansfield, Ohio. Runck, Marguerite; 6122 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schaefer, Louise; 3457 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schafer, Susanna; 502 Center Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schenk, Jessie; 545 Lexington Ave., Newport, Ky. Schmid, Jane (Mrs. Charles Eha); Erie and Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schreck, Anita (Mrs. Aubrey Williams) ; Nakoma, Madison, Wis. Schroer, Marie; 3843 Davis St., Cincinnati, Ohio. setchel, Mary (Mrs. C. D. Norris); 1324 Procter St., Port Arthur, Texas. Shigley, Marguerite; 843 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Silverstein, Pearl; 4039 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Simon, Meta; 457 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Snow, Catherine; 4296 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Snyder, Mildred (Mrs. Walker E. Boland) ; address unknown. Spicker, Margaret (Mrs. Christopher S. Koehler); 1291 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stacy, Elizabeth; 9 West Third St., Louisville, Ky. Stark, Cecille (Mrs. Gordon Weil) ; 3901 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Steiner, Mary; 582 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephens, Anne; Box C-82, Little River, Fla. Stuart, Florence (Mrs. Ralph A. Kreimer) ; 273 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stuntz, Edna; 2981 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sullivan, Anna (Mrs. Anna S. Skelton) ; 2524 Lysle Lane, Norwood, Ohio. Tietig, Doris (Mrs. Lester McDevitt) ; 36 Arcadia Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Van Sickle, M. Vida; 1049 Lake Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Walton, Mabel (Mrs. Robert Scott); Milford, Ohio. Watts, Lilymae (Mrs. Edward Weitzel) ; 188 North Fourth St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. 154 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Weatherby, Juanita (Mrs. W. Huether); 1639 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wheaton, Alta Grace (Mrs. C. P. Kennedy); 1304 Yarmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. White, Sarah; 1237 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willard, Lucille (Mrs. Howard Sedgwick) ; 3614 Belle Crest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wuenker, Margherita (Mrs. Ed. Kuck); 444 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zimmerman, Elizabeth (Mrs. Harold D. Perry); 226 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Zorn, Elizabeth; 1450 Marlowe Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1920 Ashbrook, Henriette (Mrs. Paul Ashbrook) ; No. 2 Hedgerow Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Baker, Nellie Virginia (Mrs. L. F. Haley); 6917 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Baker, Williametta; 30 Woodland Place, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Barrett, Mary Veronica; Buffalo City Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Bejack, Helen Ann; 311 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Belsinger, Emma Marie (Mrs. Earl Ryder); 323 West Clark St., Springfield, Ohio. Blesch, Edna Fletcher (Mrs. Fred B. Dickman); Pine Lake, Haslitt, Mich. Brite, Helen Marie (Mrs. C. O. Parks); 43 Chauncy St., Long Island, N. Y. Brown, Margaret Taylor; 3460 Cheviot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Busch, Gladys Helen; 310 East Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Julia Elizabeth; 3242 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clement, Fannie Marie; 6228 Cortelyou Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clippinger, Virginia Welty; 4412 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crawford, Helen Julia; address unknown. Crouse, Rachel Miriam; 531 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Curtis, Henriette Lucile (Mrs. Arthur Bassett) ; 671 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. DeBeck, Alice Elaine (Mrs. Cherrington Fisher); No. 7 Priscilla Bldg., Cincinnati, Oho. Dillon, Mary Allen; Newport, Ky. Dolle, Marion Elizabeth (Mrs. Milton Wurzelbacher) ; 2330 North Bend Rd., Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ermert, Hettie C.; 1815 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Evans, Mary Ethel; 2336 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fast, Mary Catherine; Villisca, Iowa. Fillmore, Hildegarde Maria; 54 East 59th St., New York City, N. Y. Fiscus, Josephine Emma (Mrs. George Zumbiel) ; 3868 Isabella Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fry, Laura Marian (Mrs. Maxwell Morgan); 1013 Seventh St., North, Fargo, N. D. Goldberg, Ruth (Mrs. Arthur Thorpe); 1941 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregson, Helene Estherlin; 3622 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guard, Lucy Ruth; Lawrenceburg Rd., Elizabethtown, Ind. Hall; Louise Kathryn; address unknown. Harshbarger, Helen Mae; 614 East Fourth St., Newport, Ky. Haskins, Eleanor B.; 2102 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauck, Helen Emilie; 935 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heineman, Alma Lenore; 3511 Stacey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heinsheimer, Helen Louise (Mrs. Walter E. Glas); 3927 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Helman, Mabel Rockwood; 229 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 155 Hoffman, Velma; Red Cross Bldg., Washington, D. C.; (r) 110 South Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio. Holman, Marion Workum (Mrs. Myron D. Kahn); 838 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hooke, Ruth Catherine; 2522 Hemlock St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard, Edith Marie W.; 4327 Dunbar Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hulick, Virginia Irene (Mrs. Wm. P. Scholz); 22 Chestnut St., Morristown, N. J. Irwin, Nellie Mildred; 6405 Roe St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jackman, Roslyn (Mrs. Wm. Braverman) ; 3347 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.. Jones, Gwendolyn Anna (Mrs. Lawrence S. Coryell); 68 Woodstock Ave., Allston, Massachusetts. Kasting, Frieda M.; 647 Lathrop Ave., Detroit, Mich.; (r) Seymour, Ind. Keating, Katherine Agnes (Mrs. Thomas W. Denham); 6435 Ridge Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. . Keefer, Katherine Adolphine; address unknown. Kemp, Gertrude Elizabeth (Mrs. Ralph W. B. Reade) ; 84 Neron Place, New Orleans, Louisiana. Kerr, Ethel Carolyn; 5968 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knight, Helen Sherwood; Mayo Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Kramer, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Hugh M. Brower); 4912 Pine Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kussel, Jeannette Ruth (Mrs.. Harry N. Levin); 1733 South Sixth St., Terre Haute, Indiana. Landman, Miriam; No. 9 West 97th St., New York City, N. Y. Lantis, Martha Jane (Mrs. Edw. Hobart); 217 West Franklin St., Troy, Ohio. LeSourd, Mildred Kathryn (Mrs. H. Geo. Eilers) ; 1975 Cleneay Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Leubbert, Sylvia Regina (Mrs. W. F. Fry); 3515 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis, Lily; address unknown. Lilly, Alice Louise (Mrs. Duncan McLean); 455 Seventh Ave., New York City, N. Y.; (r) C-2 Ardsleight Court Apts., Wallingford, Conn. Linnard, Helen; The Stansifer Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McBreen, Mary Elizabeth; 3201 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCarthy, Helen Katherine (Mrs. J. M. Manley, Jr.); 1908 Clarion Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. McDevitt, Mary Eleanor; 6 Virginia Apts., Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDonald, Elizabeth; 3545 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDonald, Maria Louise; 2995 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mendelsohn, Mathilde (Mrs. Edgard Schwab) ; 848 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Michael, Lillian; 1521 Merrimac Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Frederica (Mrs. Edw. L. Bolce) ; 3435 Duncan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Jas. C. McFarland) ; 1238 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Neumark, Salomea (Mrs. Joseph Brainin) ; 1696 Nelson Ave., New York City, N. Y. Norris, Ruth Marie (Mrs. Ray Crite); 858 Denton Ave., Jamesville, Wis. Paddack, Mary Helen (Mrs. Stewart Cooper); 1568 St. Leger Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips, Louise Guilford (Mrs. Ernest R. Mitchell); 6710 Carthage Pike, Cincin- nati, Ohio. 156 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Phillips, Virginia Lysle; 705 York St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pring, Esther Gertrude; 947 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Purves, Marjorie Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles S. Lee) ; 2929 Wold Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raine, Pauline Lucretia; 6311 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richman, Katherine Long; address unknown. Ries, Mary Ann (Mrs. Robert Sarvis); 2100 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, Jean Hastie; 979 Windsor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rutledge, Frances Ellen (Mrs. Brent S. Finch); 1727 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rutterer, Hazel Margaret; 3628 Morris Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryan, Grace Marian (Mrs. Albert Wilkerson) ; 1934 Wayland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Sachs, Mildred; 815 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheuing, Minna J.; 1756 Hanfield St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schroff, Ruth; 433 Locust St., Riverside, Calif. Sechrist, Esther Margaret; Senator Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Segal, Hannah (Mrs. Emile Topkis) ; 807 West 20th St., Wilmington, Del. Silverstein, Myrtle (Mrs. Harry Cabot); 525 West Nedro Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Sisson, Dorothy; Park Avenue Hotel, New York City, N. Y. Slutz, Ella Jeannette; 335 South High St.; (r) 1665 North Fourth St., Columbus, Ohio. Southerland, Ruth (Mrs. E. C. Wallis) ; 920 South Rosemont Ave., Dallas, Texas. Spalding, Elizabeth Michie (Mrs. Herbert N. Hamilton) ; 5432 Madison Rd., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Spangler, Georgette Lulu Dee; 25 Compton Rd., Wyoming, Ohio. Stall, Vera Adelaide (Mrs. John D. Moylan) ; 3571 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stoehr, Roberta Josephine (Mrs. Robert Volkert) ; 204 Drexel Court, Drexel Hill, Pa. Striker, Jeannette; 3606 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stuerwald, Olga Violet; 8333 Woodbine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sullivan, Jane Miller (Mrs. James Tevis Crutchfield) ; 445 Wood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suter, Maud; No. 3 The Maud Miller Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Swing, Catherine Louise (Mrs. Charles Kenneth Smith); 6230 Robison Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Amelia Truesdale (Mrs. Ralph F. Ottenjohn); 3412 Clifton Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Tyndall, Elsie May; Lebanon, III. Vatter, Florine Magdalen; 3454 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Weiss, Olga Lillian (Mrs. Maurice Shott); No. 5 Valencia Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Werner, Katherine May; 305 Park Ave., Newport, Ky. Westheimer, Miriam (Mrs. Philip Dreifus); 200 Sturgis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wheeldon, Blanche Ninetta; 3823 Mt. Vernon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willis, Laura F. (Mrs. Wallace Chipman); R. F. D. No. 1, Williamstown, Ky. Wright, Parthenia Pauline; 516 Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1921 Atkins, Ethel Louise; 4137 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Austin, Ruth Anne; 4240 Langley Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. ” McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 157 Axline, Eleanor (Mrs. F. Burnham Finney); 1231 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bachrach, Minnie Hildred; 628 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bottigheimer, Helen R.; 823 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Breuer, Elma; 2506 Galvin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brady, Henretta M.; 322 Tusculum Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brotton, Beulah Fay (Mrs. Frank G. Smith); The Hilltop Inn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Gincie Bernice (Mrs. Robt. P. White) ; 4907 Pine Boulevard, Guild Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Brown, Helen R.; 2562 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buchanan, Virginia Elizabeth (Mrs. Benj. Erdman); address unknown. Callahan, Florence; 966 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Marjorie; Medina, Ohio. Cohen, Roslyn J. (Mrs. Herman Weiss) ; 804 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cohn, Bertha; 817 Mann Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Crouch, Frances Annette; The Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Daniels, Arlie Margaret (Mrs. Raymond Vance); 2434 Maplewood Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. DeWees, Edna; 1721 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Diefenbach, Amy R. (Mrs. Daronne R. Tate); 1104 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eversull, Bess Marie; 277 Crescent St., Northampton, Mass. Falk, Frieda; 3414 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feger, Hattie; 2717 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feldmann, Mary Helen; 2128 Alpine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Finke, Eleanor Marie (Mrs. Edgar C. Helmers); 3215 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fischer, Adele (Mrs. Harold A. Merten) ; 2916 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ford, Florence Louise; 61 Auburndale Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Francis, Gertrude Anna; 236 East Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Ruth; 776 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fusshipel, Martha; 2556 Moorman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geis, Myrtle Priode; 2624 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grosse, Margaret (Mrs. Porter Prescott Lowry); Ft. Lesseps, Canal Rd., Panama. Habekotte, Dorothy Elizabeth; 351 Erkenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall-Quest, Shirley Knox (Mrs. Fred Hart); address unknown. Hanauer, Marjorie (Mrs. Wm. L. Porter); 1881 Taft Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, Sarah B.; adderss unknown. Hauck, Phyllis; 4924 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hesterberg, Aline Julia (Mrs. Frank H. Pfefferle) ; 5910 Salvia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoppe, Hermina (Mrs. Raymond Greiwe) ; 6633 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoshaw, Mary Christine (Mrs. Harvey Drach); Brookline Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hubbard, Mary Isabelle (Mrs. R. H. McCormick) ; 236 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huenefeld, Margaret E.; 3350 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jaffe, Hazel Leona (Mrs. Lee H. Baum); 818 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. James, Olivia Wood (Mrs. Wm. Ramsey); 1115 Cypress Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnstone, Ethel Anne; 384 Probasco Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Lela Frances; 507 South Blackhoof, Wapakoneta, Ohio. 158 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Kane, Florence Margaret; Chamber of Commerce, Dayton, Ohio; (r) 151 Parkway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kehm, Charlotte Elizabeth; 942 Columbia St., Newport, Ky. Kern, Mildred (Mrs. Robert Geist) ; 2401 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koch, Ida Elizabeth; 3047 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lammers, Helen C.; 2797 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levine, Sarah; 806 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindner, Kathryn Lehrer (Mrs. D. W. Lehrer) ; 940 Studer Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Lindsey, Ruth Ella; 1352 Grace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McFarlan, Kathryn Magill (Mrs. Fred Moss); 6743 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, Ill Meyder, Minnie; 4235 Florida Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Murdock, Edith Hope (Mrs. Henry Wallace Plump); No. 15 The Georgian, Smith Rd. and Ida Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Orr, Hazel Cameron; No. 3 The Maud Miller, Cincinnati, Ohio. Parks, Caroline Elizabeth; 640 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.;.(r) 123 Flax Hill Rd., South Norwalk, Conn. Ragan, Maude Belle; 236 East Linn St., Covington, Ky. Rhodes, Ida May Virginia; 535 Betts St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rogatsky, Bertha M.; 138 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sadler, Gladys Amy (Mrs. Louis Houston Reusch); 532 Belmont, North, Seattle, Washington. Scherl, Louise Dale (Mrs. Stephen Marvin) ; 2220 Monroe Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheuerman, Esther Anne; 2931 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmeuzer, Henrietta Kathryn; 6275 Cary Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidt, Madeline M.; 2 Landon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Seifried, Ruth Mansfield; 3521 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shannon, Beatrice King; 2347 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Siebenthaler, Thecla Berne (Mrs. Paul Chandler) ; 354 East Atherton Rd., Flint, Mich Smith, Elizabeth Baldwin (Mrs. Russel Wilson) ; 2322 Grandview Ave., Cincinnati Ohio. Smith, Frances; 4917 Lucerne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephens, Dorothy; 16 Sterrett Ave., Covington, Ky. Stickney, Helen Burton (Mrs. Robert Fields); care Mrs. W. Stickney, 7029 Long: view St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sullivan, Florence Marie (Mrs. P. B. Isphording) ; Cleveland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Thoman, Edith (Mrs. Charles Dana Bennett) ; 800 Riverside Drive, New York City, New York. Tracy, Inez; 408 Southview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Truitt, Alice Esther (Mrs. Louis J. Hendricks) ; 5225 Fenwick Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Tyree, Dora; address unknown. Wachs, Elenore Glover (Mrs. Merlin G. Robertson); 1734 Emerson Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Walker, Charlotte Lovena (Mrs. C. E. Hegler) ; 3716 Columbia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Helen Cooper; 3240 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weitkamp, Helen; 757 McMakin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Susan Jane (Mrs. G. Willard Breiel) ; 3531 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Winston, Jean; I. R. F. No. 3, Latonia, Ky. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 159 Youngerman, Cecelia; 844 Windham Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zettel, Winifred; 3303 Menlo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1922 Allen, Dorothy Ruth (Mrs. J. D. Bond); Ewa Plantation Co., Ewa, Hawaii. Allen, Gladys Penny (Mrs. W. S. Sheering); 119 Brainerd St., Allston, Mass. Arndt, Beulah Korst; 2140 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bailey, Jessie Murray (Mrs).; 112 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baker, Helen Evangeline; 104 East University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barker, Louise; 122 West 33rd St., Covington, Ky. Barnard, Alleen Elizabeth; 2228 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Barr, Mildred; 3128 Griest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bauer, Louise Kathryn (Mrs. Chase Davies); 1817 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benardete, Mercedes; address unknown. Bolenbaugh, Mildred Dimmitt (Mrs. R. B. Chapman); 565 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowman, Mary Belle; 211 Gilman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Box, Virginia (Mrs. Franklin Crolly, Jr.) ; Alaise Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brady, Elizabeth; 744 Wayne St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brazelton, Hildred; 1441 Hampshire Ave., Quincy, III. Brestel, Gertrude Florence (Mrs. Elmer Werner); 127 Malvern Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Breuer, Louise; 6513 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brill, Louise Warren (Mrs. Walter H. Brill); 109 Second Ave., Joliet, Il. Britney, Dorothy Van Winkle (Mrs. R. K. Cooper); 3631 Zumstein Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Brotton, Inez Ernestine; 127 Huntington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Busche, Margaret Jeanette; T. I. C. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Chrisman, Irene Louise (Mrs. W. A. McBrayer); 2544 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Clark, Elizabeth Lawler; 359 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clippinger, Ruth Helen; 4412 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Coldewey, Helen Elise; 3248 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conner, Virginia Lee (Mrs. Paul H. Eastham); 117 East Lexington Ave., Ashland, Kentucky. Cook, Isabella Ruth (Mrs. Herbert Doll); 5917 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Draper, Lucy McCrea (Mrs. Wm. Max Fuller) ; 3332 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Driehaus, Elinor Elizabeth (Mrs. Chas. Schrader); 4526 Lucerne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dysart, Dorothy Ross (Mrs. Bonner F. Fellers) ; West Point, N. Y. Elberg, Erma Engel; 311 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Eversull, Edna Ethel; 414 McGregor Ave., Elmwood Place, Ohio. Fernstrom, Helma Josephine; Mary Wilson Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Tilaunia, Raj- putana Province, India. Ferris, Elma Victoria (Mrs. Elliott Becker); Wood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ferris, Mildred Zorelda. (Mrs. Harold F. Angus); Salem and Sutton Aves., Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fillmore, Annette (Mrs. Sherman Leroy Manning); Maple Ave., Dearborn, Mich. 160 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Friedman, Estelle; 776 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fulton, Helen Margaret; 49 Gladstone Ave., Detroit, Mich. Gahr, Florence Ormond; 3434 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gau, Lucille Adele; 2880 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geisert, Mary Frances (Mrs. Mary Frances Hallam); 46 North Gladstone Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. Gregg, Anna Myra; 565 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guhman, Helen Marie; 6135 Fairway Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall, Viola; 3811 Floral Ave., South Norwood, Ohio. Hamilton, Margaret Agnes (Mrs. Oliver Gatchell) ; Box 61 A, Moncure, N. C. Harrison, Willa Louise; 4259 Fergus St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauck, Helen Constance; 4924 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hay, Dorothy (Mrs. Alison B. Ideson, Jr.) ; 39 Walnut Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Heis, Christine Catherine; 3415 McFadden Ave., Westwoed, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoehne, Viola Katherine; 1714 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huff, Dorothy Marie (Mrs. W. B. Stevens); Little Apts., Sixth Ave., Champaign, Illinois. Hummel, Aline Margaret; 2819 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huseman, Julia Louise; 306 Piedmont St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huston, Hazel Hanna; 1371 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. James, Agnes Hamilton; 333 Sanford Ave., Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. Jennings, Charlotte Margaret (Mrs. Frank Lamping); 1307 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnson, Ella Gertrude; 3427 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnstone, Roberta Alexander; 384 Probasco Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemper, Virginia Campbell (Mrs. Arch I. Carson, Jr.); 2307 Ashland Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Koppenhoefer, Hazel Louise; 3417 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krapp, Ruth Lizette; 2012 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kreimer, Emma Louise (Mrs. Douglas Fuller) ; Hammond, Ind. Kroencke, Anna Frieda (Mrs. S. J. Russell) ; 4051 O’Leary Ave., Deer Park, Ohio. Kronacher, Regine (Mrs. Thomas Stix); 3562 Rosedale Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lambkins, Katherine Vivian (Mrs. James Crosby); 518 Scott St., Cincinnati, Ohio. LeCount, Vera Adelia L.; 722 Columbia St., Newport, Ky. LeTendre, Beatrice Malvina; 2710 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lioyd, Cicely Burt (Mrs. Gilbert Hicks) ; 37 Rhodes Ave., South Charleston, W. Va.; WON Cab. McGregor, Ruth Eleanor (Mrs. Wm. Castellini) ; 3525 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Gladys (Mrs. Edwin Wesley Philiips) ; 36 Prospect St., Cherrydale, Pa. Moorehouse, Dorothy Henrietta; 210 West Twelfth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton, Lena Beatrice; 3256 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mote, Neva Pauline (Mrs. F. E. Stevenson) ; 3135 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mussman, Elsie Lillian; 1927 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Newman, Phyllis Caroline (Mrs. Frazier Groff) ; 122 Belleveille Ave., Bloomfield, N. ]. Niedermeyer, Amelia Clara; 920 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Connell, Mary Ruth; 627 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 161 O’Connor, Sylvia Voss (Mrs. Geo. O’Connor) ; 3396 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfleger, Edna( Mrs. Robt. Van Fossen); 3 Belsaw Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Pochat, Louise (Mrs. H. E. Hattersley) ; 2404 Madison Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Poos, Gretchen Erna; 445 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pottenger, Ella (Mrs. Russell Dunham) ; 3328 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Poysell, Dorothy Marie; 839 East Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pressler, Wilma M.; 220 Lyon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richardson, Viola Irene (Mrs. Stewart Mathews); 421 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Richey, Eliza Dorothy (Mrs. Henry L. Beekley) ; Washington Blvd., Oak Park, Il}. Ritchie, Dora Gray (Mrs. W. W. Graham) ; 3934 Ivanhoe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Ritzi, Edna M. (Mrs. Fred Nicolai) ; 765 Bartlet Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Roberts, Elizabeth Isabelle (Mrs. Theo. Bumiller); 3414 Morrison Place, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Roedter, Charlotte (Mrs. Edward Kruckemeyer) ; 3697 Grovedale Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Runyan, Ruth Van Pelt; 212 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sachteleben, Marguerite; 2718 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheiffele, Corinne Elizabeth; 3519 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheiffele, Margaretha F.; 2344 Chickasaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schulze, Helen Anna; 515 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schweikert, Mabel; 16 Retreat St., Southgate, Ky. Shaffer, Alicia Bakewell (Mrs. Frank H. Shaffer) ; 2260 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shelton, Violetta Gilman; 400 Pearl Market Bank Bldg.; (r) 3300 Elland Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Shumard, Lucile; 49 Mound Ave., Milford, Ohio. Sigler, Miriam Dorland; 187 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Mabel Leake; 538 Scott Blvd., Covington, Ky. Stewart, Marjorie (Mrs. Frank Palmer) ; The Roanoke, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Storrs, Helen (Mrs. Jack Manss); Box 3139, Clearwater, Fla. Stump, Myrtle Marie; 576 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suter, Elizabeth; 2308 Rohs St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tebbenhoff, Florence I.; 1841 Josephine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tucker, Elizabeth Estelle; 1823 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tucker, Evelyn Caroline (Mrs. Paul Meredith) ; 102 North Main St., Orlando, Fla Turpin, Virginia; 3661 Heekin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ulland, Ruth Margaret (Mrs. Samuel P. Todd); 3515 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati Ohio. Van Winkle, Eva Corrinn; 2235 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wager, Imogene Constance; 3312 Columbia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weinberger, Evelyn (Mrs. Joe Frank); 1914 Forest Ave., Dallas, Texas. Withrow, Katherine (Mrs. George Lewis); 58 Forest Ave., Riverside, Chicago, Ill. Zehler, Emma; 2538 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1923 Beiderwell, Helen (Mrs. Wendell Hanselman) ; 29 Lockwood Apts., Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benton, Elizabeth Estelle (Mrs. Clarence Irwin) ; 4915 Marburg Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Boebinger, Miriam Joy; 2521 Ritchie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 162 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Borreson, Estelle Josephine; 4711 Burnet Ave., St. Bernard, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buckner, Sophie Harrison; 808 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Budke, Helen M.; 3819 Carrie Ave., Cheviot, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cameron, Jessie Louise; Station M, R. R. No. 1, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cox, Ruth Louise; R. R., Richmond, Ind. Crane, Josephine E. (Mrs. Gilbert Bauer); 1027 Kinney Lane, Portsmouth, Ohio. Dail, Helen Carolyn; 202 Greendale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Day, Dorothy Mildred (Mrs. T. R. Watts); Knorr and Bickel Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dolle, Anita Rose; Colerain Pike, Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. | Donovan, Margaret Rose; 2411 Bell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Downer, Mildred Mary (Mrs. Nelson Walke); 169 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, mOhio: Duncan, Dorothy Virginia; 4727 Winona Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Evans, Beatrice Kahler; 180 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Faulhaber, Dorothea M.; 643 South Alexandria Pike, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Fell, Alice; 1434 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fillmore, Hannah Lockwood, Terrace Park, Ohio. Finke, Mary Elizabeth; 419 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foley, Mary Agnes; 1217 First Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geisler, Sylvia Bertha; 463 Riddle Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gusweiler, Lura B. (Mrs. J. C. Gusweiler) ; 2411 Norwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hall, Margaret Elizabeth; 4237 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hambrick, Lucile; 2624 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Helmers, Irma K. (Mrs. Irma H. Kestner) ; 3213 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Henke, Marie Magdolene; Mt. Holly, Ohio. Hensler, Harriett Helen; 2373 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hibbard, Laura; No. 2, The Seville, Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hodge, Elizabeth; 6363 Grand Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoffman, Anna Louise; 1608 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Holman, Elizabeth Lloyd; No. 9, The Cumberland Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Houston, Annie May Lee; 108 Wayne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isler, Lillian Elenore; 3820 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kessing, Louise Anne; 4802 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Klein, Elizabeth Higbee; 4704 Simpson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kramer, Virginia; 1055 Wilstach Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lang, Mabel Watkins (Mrs. Gordon Lang); Box 305, Canyon, Texas. Lauterbach, Ethel; 826 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGrane, Lenore Foote (Mrs. Reginald McGrane); No. 10, Brookline Apts., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Mathews, Grace Elizabeth; Dale Ave., Bond Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Merkle, Florence Edith; 3522 Stettinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merry, Charlotte M. (Mrs. Paul Selden) ; Ridgewood Rd., Maplewood, N. J. Metz, Agnes Louise; 3321 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio . Metz, Muriel Lenora; 3321 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Reland; 3515 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monro, Dorothy Grace; 6430 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moorman, Thelma A.; 3240 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, Alice Virginia; 1316 New Hampshire Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 163 Nash, Grace (Mrs. Irwin Straehley) ; 2828 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Neufarth, Mary Harriet; Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Nickerson, Mary Louise (Mrs. John Dalzell) ; 1132 Inglenook Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Otterman, Dorothy; 252 Helen St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paddack, Alma C.; 626 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paddack, Edith Frances (Mrs. Edw. Wagner); 579 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peaslee, Marie Marcella (Mrs. Robt. Hollaender) ; 2008 Young St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Jennie Davis; 3139 Gaff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pyle, Elizabeth; 1539 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Rieckelman, Irene; 4225 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rogers, Laura Frances; 319 Erlanger Rd., Erlanger, Ky. Sacks, Dorothy Lillian; 815 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sanders, Harriette Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph Rothchild) ; 523 121st St., New York City, New York. Schrader, Karolyn Ann; 1845 Josephine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schulz, Catherine Lillie (Mrs. Ernest Schulz); University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Schulze, Else Louise; 4008 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Schwarberg, Hazel Margaret (Mrs. James Powell McFarlan); 106 Rosemont Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. . Schwarz, Annette Dorothy (Mrs. Robert Wire); 1319 Touhy Ave., Chicago, Ill. Shaffer, Susan Lewis; 2260 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sisson, Margaret; 2551 Homestead Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Angy Ardath; 4833 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Snyder, Corinne Juliette; 104 East Union St., Liberty, Ind. Snyder, Mildred Frances; 6165 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stacy, Mary Louise; 63 Miami Parkway, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Steinman, Julia Marie; 3323 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stiebel, Louise Theodora (Mrs. Simeon Buka); 1006 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Struble, Ellen Jessup (Mrs. Eugene Lorimer); 1884 Princeton Drive, Toledo, Ohio. . Sunderman, Leona Lizette; 210 Lyons St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Treadway, Gertrude Guthrie; General Delivery, Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. Valerio, Clara Christine; 818 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vordenberg, Martha Louise (Mrs. Edgar D. Coons); Erie and Whitney Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Weber, Helen Lilian (Mrs. Walter Splain) ; Miami Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio. Whitacre, Helen Alene (Mrs. Louis Windgassen) ; 624 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Whitaker, Naomi Lee; 4419 Carnation Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Marjory; Hotel Newland, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, Kathryn Elizabeth; 811 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1924 Adkins, Marcia Lee; 7 Rural Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Allen, Blanche Clow; address unknown. Appel, Clara Margaret; 125 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Atkins, Dorothy Pearce; 3430 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 164 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Atkins, Ida Lovell; 1329 Yarmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bahman, Emma Leah; 1718 Larch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bahman, Laura Belle; 1718 Larch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ballard, Mary Peyton; 520 Montgomery Ave., Covington, Ky. Beck, Dorothy Clement; 1209 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Dorothy Ann; 1392 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bernewitz, Emma A.; 215 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Berry, Reseda; 2509 Chatham Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bertermann, Helen Anne; 1339 Cryer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Block, Edna C.; R. R. No. 8, Hamilton, Ohio. Bowen, Margaret Davis (Mrs. J. W. E. Bowen); 111 East Church St., Jackson, Miss. Brickel, Frances; 3256 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brink, Evelyn; 2862 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burk, Hazel Corene; 742 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chapman, Althea Hope; 3273 Gaff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Connor, Helen Glasgow; 805 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conrad, Erna Barbara; 1109 Carson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crouch, May; Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City, N. Y. Day, Pauline White (Mrs. Allen Z. Day); New Richmond, Ohio, care Mr. White. De Armond, Dorothy; 4778 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. De Beck, Dorothy Linn; 1850 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Donnelly, Irene Cecilia; 308 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dourson, Mary Catherine; 467 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Duckworth, Helen; 126 Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Duley, Marion; 4141 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Durbin, Mary Nancy; Belleville, Ohio. Dyer, Frances May; 3437 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ellis, Selma Freda; 6121 Woodmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elstun, Genevieve Janice (Mrs. Russell Moody) ; 315 South Monroe St., Muncie, Ind. Ely, Sue Neblett; Apt. E.; Laredo Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fabing, Esther Catherine; 324 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Farmer, Beulah Beveliere; address unknown. Faris, Netta; 3421 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fell, Estelle; 1434 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fennekohl, Mildred May; 3649 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fine, Jennie; 842 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisher, Katherine Betty (Mrs. Frederick V. Igler) ; 24 Mills Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Fitzsimmons, Sister Mary Alice; 1339 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Rose; 3592 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fry, Clarine EF. (Mrs. George Kuehnle, Jr.) ; 3416 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gale, Rose; 265 Senator Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geohegan, Marian McDuffie; 977 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gradolf, Dorothy; 3783 Millsbrae Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregg, Marjorie Beatrice; Eleanor Lodge, 100 Malvern Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauck, Elise Louise; 935 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Henderson, Jane Elizabeth; 32 East Hollister St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hickok, Kathryn C.; 1509 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 165 Hobbs, Virginia Adelaide; 2207 Cameron Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Holden, Nan; Alaise Bldg., Erie and Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hollman, Dorothy McKinley (Mrs. Walter Hettrick) ; 1628 Amelia St., New Orleans, Louisiana. Isby, Margueriet; 3143 Gaff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacobs, Estelle Ruth (Mrs. J. W. Brenner); 14 De Luxe Apts., Burton Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Keck, Virginia A.; 891 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Keller, Edna Margaret; 3750 Woodland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelley, Alice Mary; 2305 East Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kloak, Gladys Jeanette; 3946 Pattison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kock, Helen Dorothy; 1308 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuntz, Mabel Caroline; 1141 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuntz, Verna; 1141 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kunz, Mary Elizabeth; 3587 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Laile, Elsie Laura Charlotte (Mrs. Geo. N. Young) ; 2413 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lehenbauer, Marthe Homan (Mrs. Ben G. Lehenbauer); 212 Calhoun St., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Leighty, Elizabeth Rowe; 3438 Price Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leighty, Marion Bird; 3438 Price Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leland, Alice May Easton; 6403 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levy, Hattie; 303 Goodman St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McConnell, Mildred C. (Mrs. J. E. Stemler) ; 103 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGowan, Elizabeth Kemper (Mrs. L. T. Janda); 409 Edgecombe Ave., New York Gityor Nay. McKinney, Anne Carolyn (Mrs. G. W. Schubert) ; 3631 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mann, Nannette; 256 Ehrmann Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mayer, Dorothy Anne; 413 McAlpin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, Lillian Elizabeth (Mrs. Ogden Thompson); 2910 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, . Ohio. Murphy, Lillian (Mrs. Harry L. Senger) ; Ohio and Warner Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nathan, Mildred; C 14 Landon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Norris, Florence Edith; 3309 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Neil, Norine; 2310 Rohs St., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Reilly, Addie Vaughn; 5819 Glenview Ave., College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ortner, Lily (Mrs. Zola Deutsch) ; 915 Second Ave., Solvay, N. Y. Parker, Julia Grace (Mrs. Alexander Wildman); 300 East Mitchell Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Petzhold, Kathryn Turner (Mrs. Cornelius Petzhold) ; 2905 Observatory Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Pichel, Kathryn Drucker; 4530 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Katherine C.; 6918 Longview Ave., Carthage, Ohio. Price, Leila; 2428 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Raney, Carrie Bryan; 62 Lower Alexandria Pike, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Rasor, Mary Willie; 755 Chateau Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rauch, Catherine A.; 115 Louis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 166 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNA?LI GRADUATES. Rockel, Esther Marie; 1875 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosensweig, Sylvia; 502 Carplin Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Roth, Florence Jean; 2719 Hampshire Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryeburn, Verna Ruth (Mrs. D. S. Mason); care Rabbi Mason, Albuquerque, N. M. Samuels, Sadie N.; 1625 Dudley St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ) Scarborough, Celia; 3440 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schawe, Aria Parke; 3454 Whitfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheper, Margaret Agnes; 2405 West McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schiel, Helen Jane; 3615 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schiff, Helen Grace; 3832 South Madison Ave., South Norwood, Ohio. Schmid, Cora Elizabeth; 474 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmid, Mildred D.; 725 Wyoming Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Schoemaker, Helen Elizabeth (Mrs. William Lee McCullough); Jackson, Miss. Schoonover, Nellie Smith (Mrs.); 1004 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwenkmeyer, Frieda; 1674 Pullan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Margueriet Louise; 47 Miami Parkway, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Shaw, Mayme Lee (Mrs. T. L. Ford); 942 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shorten, Charlotte Rebecca; 101 Millers Lane, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Slutsky, Dora; 4003 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stein, Judith Irene; 746 South Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Struble, Marjorie Alice (Mrs. Daniel McKinney) ; Cleves, Ohio. Turner, Mary Fuqua; 432 West Second St., Lexington, Ky. Tyler, Zelma W.; 1314 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vaill, Ruth Geneva; Port Chester, N. Y. Van de Bogart, Doris; Allentown, Pa.; (r) Hudson, N. Y. Walker, Breta Adelaide; 3240 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Warrington, Gladys; 753 East Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Waterman, Edna Mae (Mrs. Gerald Harvey Castle); 724 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Waters, Mildred Marion; 8920 South Throop St., Chicago, Ill. Wells, Elizabeth Ewing (Mrs. Albert Nelson Brooks) ; 803 Wheeler St., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Box 365 Plant City, Fla. Williams, Ruth Elizabeth; 6432 Kennedy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Nancy (Mrs. O. T. Wilson) ; 2729 Hyde Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Winston, Hazel (Mrs. M. C. Drake) ; Oteen, N. C. : Wright, Leahe Mary-Belle; 721 Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Yalen, Eleanora (Mrs. W. J. Gerhardt) ; 3653 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zeligs, Dorothy F.; 670 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1925 Allen, Elizabeth Anne; 119 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Antrim, Alice Louise; 2323 Dautel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baechle, Elda Mae; 3831 Trevor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baird, Hazelle E.; Mt. Sinai Hospital, 1 East 100th St., New York City, N. Y. Bauer, Margaret Elizabeth; 3453 Whitfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beasley, Georgia Elizabeth; 1320 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Helen Ruth; 4648 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becky, Irma Edna (Mrs. Ferdinand Dieckmann) ; 2485 Paris St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 167 Benner, Hildegarde (Mrs. Fred H. Benner); 2147 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Berman, Nellie; 315 East Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Besuden, Helen Dorothy; 3435 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Blume, Lucia J. (Mrs. Charles D. Cary); 355 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowdle, Virginia Lee; care S. W. Gano, 358 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bradstreet, Mary Dietrich (Mrs. E. P. Bradstreet, Jr.) ; 6733 Murray St., Mariemont, Ohio. Brady, Marna Venable; 322 Tusculum Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Artie Frances; 3615 Bellecrest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Dazie S. (Mrs.) ; 817 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buck, Mary Louise; 4 Tuxedo Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Burbank, Martha; 3017 Verdin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Butler, Wilhelmina Anna; 528 West Ninth St.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Campbell, Margaret; 8352 Curzon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chapman, Geraldine Theal; Blue Ash, Ohio. Clark, Mary Binney; England. Cobb, Tabitha Park; 5660 Glenview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conway, Dorothy; 2629 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Craven, Ruth Edith; 3524 Zumstein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crawford, Lydia Ward; 920 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crawford, Margaret Haskins (Mrs. Kenneth Brush); Park Plaza Apts., Mt. Vernon, New York. Dine, Reitza; 1355 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ehrlich, Rosetta; 51 South Warwick Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ehrnsberger, Pauline; 426 Highland Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Emig, Katherine Alice; 32 Conklin St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Endebrock, Elizabeth; 3017 Temple Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Evers, Ruth Virginia; Delhi Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio. Faber, Irma L.; 2315 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fagaly, Louise Stuart; 3707 Grovedale Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fenton, Anna Louise; 3413 Whitfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Findlater, Clara Elizabetth; 14 Navarre Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Flanagan, Fannye Jean; 748 East Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Flannery, Margaret Mary; 1712 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foster, Addie Bell; 2637 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gano, Dorothea McLaine (Mrs. Jack Loofbourow); 258 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geis, Ida Marie; 2267 Jefferson Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Gilbert, Lillie Marie; 2413 Salutaris Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gillam, Dorothy; 648 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gloystein, Louise; 1799 Taft Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregg, Jessie Wade; 565 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guiler, Faye Elizabeth; Caldwell, Ohio; (r) Whigville, Ohio. Hadden, Martha; 6208 Prentice St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harrison, Alice A.; 826 Maple Ave., Newport, Ky. Harrop, Mona; R. R. No. 1, Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hartkoff, Kathryn; Hamilton, Ohio. Hayes, Anna Grace; 7211 Fairpark Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 168 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Heckle, Margaret Louise; 3553 Raymar Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Helman, Ruth Leonard; 229 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herschede, Lilian K.; 545 Evanswood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hilse, Marie Vanderslice (Mrs. W. H. P. Hilse); Maphet and Ebersole Aves., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Holliday, Leonore Eleanor; 2409 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holliday, Martha Rebecca; 3736 Dirr St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hosbrook, Cleo Jeannette; 6832 Miami Ave., Madeira, Ohio. Hubbell, Alice; 5722 Chandler St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jackson, Carola Virginia; 2840 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacobs, Jeannette H.; No. 5 Landon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnson, Mabel Hubbard (Mrs. E. W. Johnson) ; 5691 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly, Julia; 450 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy, Marjorie Josephine; 1974 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemp, Miriam Ruth; 5166 Broermann Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kerns, Lou Petree; address unknown. Knight, Laura Clarice; 1076 West Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knight, Laura Troy; 1076 West Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lambert, Mildred Lee; Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lammers, Virginia Aurelia; 2801 Bellevue Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lampe, Virginia Elizabeth; 809 Overton St., Newport, Ky. Lantis, Mary; 367 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis, Lenore Girdner; address unknown. Liebenrood, Lillian Ada; 126 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lierman, Mary Stewart; 126 Washington Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Lowe, Helen Margretta; 3152 Linwood Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McConnell, Estelle Laura; 4707 Edgewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDermott, Mary M. (Mrs.); Pittsburgh, Pa. McEvilley, Mary; 2525 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. McGilliard, Eleanor Ross; 10 Parkway, Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. McNair, Gladys Emarillis; 2207 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McNelly, Catherine Elizabeth; North Bend, Ohio. Marting, Anna D.; 302 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meakin, Sarah Amy; 3316 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mehlhope, Dorothy Isabel; 536 Center St., Ashland, Ohio; (r) 2156 Caribel Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Moore, Louberta Lillian; 920 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moorman, Rose Marie; McMillan and Moorman Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mullikin, Mary Louise (Mrs. Howard R. Donley) ; 11500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Mullikin, Nell Sprague; 4907 Stewart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Onken, Dorothea Hildagarde; 521 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Owensby, Ethel; 100 Malvern Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Paull, Grace Ella; 2748 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Perrine, Margaret Aileen; Harrison, Ohio. Peters, Martha Sophia; 2466 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfeifer, Ruth Pentland; 3720 Andrews Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 169 Pohlmeyer, Jean; 1643 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richardson, Evelyn Owens (Mrs. L. M. Richardson); The Kemper Lane, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Riley, Mary Elizabeth; 2211 Cameron Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Schoelwer, Marion G.; 3605 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwarberg, Beryl Louise; 635 Nelson Place, Newport, Ky. Seibel, Mary (Mrs. Alexander C. Woodward) ; 555 Fort Washington Ave., New York CityenNeny: Serodino, Helen Livingston; 2509 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sibert, Mary Elizabeth; address unknown. Smith, E. Georgette; 728 Park Ave., Newport, Ky. Sparling, Rachel May; 2979 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Speaks, Margaret Elizabeth; 1222 Russell St., Covington, Ky. Strashun, Olga (Mrs. Bert Weil); 3 A. Dana Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sturwold, Catherine; 2841 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Costella Marie; 3034 O’Bryon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Twomey, Helen A.; 236 Earnshaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Uehlin, Katherine; 306 Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Valerio, Emma Jeanne; 842 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Van Duser, Marion Elizabeth (Mrs. Chas. V. Davis); 630 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Waterman, Ruth Elizabeth; 2706 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wente, Emma Helena; 2401 Grandview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Whitaker, Janet DeWitt; 920 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Mildred Sara; 507 Fifteenth Ave., Middletown, Ohio; (r) Kings Mills, Ohio. Winspear, Clara Marie; 1620 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wright, M. Opal; Visiting Nurses’ Association, 220 West Seventh St.; (r) 855 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Yancey, Minnie; 937 Washington St., Newport, Ky. Youmans, Elizabeth Hope; 2612 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zeligs, Rose; 670 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1926 Abbott, Marion; 1717 Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Adamson, Stella Mae; 2104 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ahrens, Margaret Rebecca; 69 West Compton Rd., Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Alexander, Katherine Deprez; 3134 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Altman, Esther Royal; 915 Blair Ave., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Barber, Ruth Katherine; 4537 Hector Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barnett, Dorothy French; Girl Reserve Secretary, Norwood Y. W. C. A., Norwood, Ohio; 4249 Langland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beahr, Mary Alice; 3517 Hudson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Helen Gertrude; 1037 York St., Newport, Ky. Beins, Evelyn Mae; Sharonville, Ohio. Beirne, Tressa; 2655 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bennett, Martha Moore; 2269 Monroe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Bergmeyer, Gretchen Louise; 305 Sixth Ave., Dayton, Ky. 170 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Bertram, Jeanette Isabelle; 1025 State Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bieler, Flora; 3426 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bloomhuff, Verda Lucille; 1335 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowen, Beatrice Allen; 2650 Bellevue Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brooks, Lanore Margaret; 950 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bryant, Mildred Cordell; 3056 Mentor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burnette; Ethel; 528 West Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Gibson, Tenn. Burns, Caroline Little; 2466 Wahl Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Burrows, Ava Elizabeth Chapman; 1368 Burdette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) State Farms, Mass. ; Busch, Mary Roberta; 3255 Gaff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Calerdine, Mary Elizabeth; 936 Marion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Callahan, Marjorie; 966 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ciener, Carol Kaufman; 721 South Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ciener, Esther Frank; 721 South Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clenna, Margaret Lee; 3245 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Conner, Ruth Caroline; 3701 Aylesboro Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crary, Virginia; 314 Grove Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Crump, Oliver Wendell; Ninth St. Y. M. C. A., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Kansas City, Kansas. Custer, Nelle Ethel; Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Peebles, Ohio. Davies, Elba Frances; 2315 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1928 West Jackson St., Muncie, Ind. Dearness, Jean Elizabeth; 452 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. De Camp, Corinne (Mrs. Harold Van Wye); 259 Kearney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dickerson, Virginia Alice; 2891 Romana Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Diserens, Mina (Mrs. E. C.); 68 North Hamilton Ave., Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Downing, Mary Hall; 2515 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Drayton, Lillian Fuller (Mrs.); 2509 Chatham St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Drucker, Mary Jeanette; 836 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dunlap, Marie Barnes; 46 West Fifth St., Covington, Ky. Eubank, Laura Lilian; 835 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Faulkner, Margaret S.; Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Sidney, Ohio. Felty, Myrtle Alice; 2896 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisher, Jessie Gladys; 371 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foehr, Elsie Marie; 2671 Bellevue Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fulford, Margaret Hannah; Sutton Ave., Mt. Washington, Ohio. Gradolf, Myranda; 3783 Millsbrae Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grahm, Irma Elizabeth; 2309 Wheeler St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Greenberg, Leah B.; 224 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Griffith, Valeria; 3063 Mathers St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guerrant, Ellen Armistead; Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Christians- burg, Va. ; Gutting, Mary Louise; Glendale, Ohio. Hader, Marcella Pauline; 3536 Raymar Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haffner, Paula Rosalind; 1903 Biesing Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haller, Grace; 227 Hiland Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 171 Harris, Adeline; 512 Prospect Place, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Lawrenceburg, Ind. Harris, Edith Cochnower; 2310 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hartman, Edith Tingley (Mrs.); 3734 Marburg Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harutune, Margaret P.; Tehera, Persia. Hawkins, Nancy Elizabeth; 719 Barr St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haynes, Helen Dymond; 2207 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Sabina, Ohio. Herrmann, Virginia Elizabeth; 2827 Scioto St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hetzel, Dorothy Isabel; 2840 Linwood Rd., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hirsch, Evelyn Esther; 319 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holle, Muriel; Madison Ave., Mt. Healthy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hough, Clara Mae; 3041 O’Brien St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Igler, Anna Louise; Glendale, Ohio. Jenny, Grace Elizabeth; 272 Mystic Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph, Bertha Sylvia; 2206 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kahn, Natalie Helen; 940 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kaiper, Doris Elizabeth (Mrs. Ralph Glover); address unknown. Karch, Esther Ruth; 156 Wentworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Celina, Ohio. Kassel, Mildred Bessie; 3415 Larona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kassens, Irma Henrietta; 2205 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kolks, Thecla Josephine; 2861 Marshall Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kramer, Elsa; 1334 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Krapp, Dorothy Wilhelmina; 2012 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lampkin, Louise; 3612 Woodbridge Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lapham, Helen; 2 Peasenhall Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Leche, Marian (Mrs. Marion Smith Leche) ; 411 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leding, Mary Alice (Mrs. Dare Abernathy Wells); 429 McAlpin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levy, Miriam; 3467 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis, Ruth Evelyn; 130 Parkway Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Libster, Fanny Celia; 2800 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lykins, Madge Emma; 714 Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lynch, Dorothea Eleanor; 48 Hollister St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McNamara, Marie Virginia; 740 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mangold, Nesta Cecelia; 1275 Elberon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Matz, Mabel Louise; 537 Lexington Ave., Newport, Ky. Miller, Dorothy Lenore; 87 Juergens Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Grace Charlotte; 1827 Keys Crescent, Cincinnati, Ohio. Milligan, Ruth Anderson; 1827 Mears Ave., Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Sophie Lewis; Jenny Shop; (r) 3616 Hedgerow Lane, Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Muhlhauser, Virginia Ruth; 140 Wentworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nolan, Rosetta Elizabeth; 1014 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oko, Pearl; 10 Romaine Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oliver, May Elizabeth; 6242 Robison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Meara, Rhoda; address unknown. Phelan, Agnes Gertrude; 200 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Johnson City, Tenn. Philippi, Charlotte Louise; 3132 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 172 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Powers, Eleanor Mary; 265 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Quinn, Russell Clements (Mrs.); 166 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rambo, Marcus Milton; 916 West Court St., and Bevins, Cincinnati, Ohio Randall, Arnette Lorraine; address unknown. Ratterman, Hilda Elizabeth; 1532 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rechenbach, Nellie Jane; 1007 Regina Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reif, Emily May; 2533 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reulmann, Anna Mary; 930 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reynolds, Hazel Hill (Mrs.); 2132 Sinton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 2950 Stewart Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Richey, Lelia Nell; 426 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rieckelman, Mary Elizabeth; 3047 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Risch, Erna; 213 Dorsey St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robertson, Annie Laurie; Clayton, Ala. Roos, Martha; 2832 Linwood Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ross, Vivian; Highland Park, Fort Mitchell, Ky. Russell, Zenobia Cox (Mrs.); 3220 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryder, Olive Love; 3288 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sale, Julia Elizabeth; 1712 Livingston Ave., Evanston, III. Schmidt, Eugenia Louise; 507 McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidt, Norma Esther; 2424 Fairview Ave., ‘Cincinnati, Ohio. Schnicke, Harriett Leslie; 3431 Ruther Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schrotel, Helen; 2866 Minto Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Siemer, Anna Marie; 2907 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sinclair, Christine Sutherland; 1061 Celestial St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Jennie Marie; 2384 Wheeler St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Somermeier, Ann Jergens; 3916 Warwick Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Southgate, Lallie Moore; 1531 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Stacey, Clara M.; 4718 Ward St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stacey, Virginia; 11 Maplewood Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stephenson, Bernice Cleo; 4131 Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Streit, Josephine; 265 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Struble, Kathryn Franke; 146 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Telker, Minna Joanna; 225 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Theiss, Marcella Anna; 2627 University Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tiemeyer, Lida Mae Tischbein; 3139 Glendora Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tobin, Lucretia Margaret; 5819 Kinoll Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Twitchell, Anna M. (Mrs. Geo. B.) ; 845 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vollrath, Inez; 2829 Victoria Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weatherby, Marguerite Lenore; 4664 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wehmann, Helen Beatrice; 246 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weik, Marguerite Romilda; 3707 Washincton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Welch, Carolyn Estelle; 3134 Wehrman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wheeldon, Glenna May; 1917 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Helen Mildred; Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Aurora, Ind. Wise, Marcella Kathleen; 3417 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolf, Dorothy Ellen; 1510 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—WOMEN. 173 Wolf, Rachel Ahuva; 3448 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wood, Alice R. (Mrs. Raymond Cheney); 1021 Yale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wood, June Bernice; 15 Springfield Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Young, Virginia Ruth; 1403 State Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 174 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS MEN Class of 1878 Benedict, Alfred Barnum; 504 St. Paul Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Castro, Thomas De Aquine; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Comegys, Charles George; Flat 8, The Navarre, Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, John Lindsay; Waco, Texas. Werner, Percy; 5505 Cates Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Class of 1879 Beamer, Miles; address unknown. De’Aguiar, Joao Diaz; Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. De Silveira Melle, Joaquim; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Piza, Antonio De Toledo; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Class of 1880 Lews, Geo. Wooley; 2915 Fairfield, Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1881 Cohn, Nathan; 3725 Richland Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Schuerman, Wm. Henry; Vanderbilt University; (r) 1800 Cedar Lane, Nashville, Tennessee. Wittman, Eugene Frank; address unknown. Class of 1882 Freeman, Leonard; Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. Harper, Edgar Ambler; 3520 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Heller, Maximilian; 1658 Joseph St., New Orleans, La. Johnston, Howard Agnew (Rev.); 474 Bradford Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Nickles, John Milton; 3009 Rodman St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Oliver, David Symmes; 705 Gholson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1883 Joslin, Omar Thompson; 514 Camden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Philipson, David (Rabbi) ; 270 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Silverman, Jos.; 55 East 86th St., New York City, N. Y. Stolz, Jos.; 5010 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, II. Class of 1884 Grossman, Louis (Rabbi) ; 3329 East Ocean Blyd., Long Beach, Calif. Class of 1885 Schaufarber, Tobias; 5042 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, Iit. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 175 Class of 1886 Alexander, Albert Jacob; Beaver, Pa. Griffin, Henry Malachi; 109 West 132nd St., New York City, N. Y. Gurman, Richard; 1913 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Jacobson, Moses Perez; 78 Forest Hill Drive, Asheville, N. C. Kuhn, Oscar Wm.; 1501 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 965 Lenox PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scudder, John King; 4145 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Singer, Hans Wolfgang; Munich, Bavaria. Twitchell, Ernst; 120 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Windisch, Charles Fred; 3505 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1887 Calisch, Edward Nathan; 1643 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va. Carson, Arch. I.; 46 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elkin, Herman J.; address unknown. Friedman, Wm. Sterne; 733 East Eighth Ave., Denver, Colo. Joseph, Harry Sheridan; Silver Shield Mining and Milling Co.; (r) 80 H St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Levy, Clifton Harby; 2001 Morris Ave., also 250 West 82nd St., New York City, N. Y. Miller, Clifford Neville; 322 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Connell, John Geo.; 3306 Hardesty Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidt, Theodore Wm.; Bavaria Bldg., Court and Walnut, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thilly, Frank; Cornell University; (r) 9 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Wertheimer, Max; address unknown. Wright, Nathaniel, Jr.; 1316 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1888 Bauer, Louis A.; 301 The Ontario, Washington, D. C. Bettmann, Henry Wald; 3593 Bogart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Homburg, Frederick; 327 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langdale, Thomas Guy; Pastor, Riverside Congregational Church and 11 Hudson Ave., Lawrence, Mass. Rosenau, William (Rabbi); 5-H Esplanade Apts., Baltimore, Md. Sampson, Martin Wright; Cornell University, 808 East Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. Class of 1889 Creaghead, Thomas J.; 325 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Ft.. Mitchell, Ky. Deming, James Levi; address unknown. Grossman, Rudolph; 254 West 82nd St., New York City, N. Y. Levi, Charles S.; 444 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Lowenstein, Harry H.; Philadelphia, Pa. Newman, Herman E.; 321 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Obermeyer, Joseph George; 185 East State St., Columbus, Ohio. Rodgers, Howard Steele; 840 Park Ave., New York City, N. Y. Rypins, Isaac Louis; 820 West Sergeant St., Joplin, Mo. Weld, Herbert Whetmore; 38 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.; (r) 315 Sunset Rd., Winnetka, II. 176 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1890 Coppock, Chas. Teasdale; 610 Traction Bldg.; (r) 2307 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ebersole, Milton; Ebersole Lane, California, Ohio. Finch, Robt. Sterrett; 1715 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedhoff, Henry Wm.; address unknown. Geismar, Alex. H.; 1210 Eighty-second St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kemper, Roger Hall; 708 Traction Bldg.; (r) 2580 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Orin Gould; address unknown. Strunk, Wm., Jr.; Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Warrington, Henry Esmond; Underwood Bldg.; (r) 1426 Balboa St., San Francisco, California. Class of 1891 Bennett, Wm. Albert; address unknown. Constant, Frank Henry; 57 Battle Rd., Princeton, N. J. Greenfield, Samuel; 241 West 113th St., New York City, N. Y. Harper, George Daniel; Southern Ohio Savings Bank; (r) 2119 Alpine Place, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Herrick, Charles Judson; University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Hirschberg, Samuel; Temple Emanu-El, Milwaukee, Wis. Lyons, Alexander; 88 Prospect Park, W., Brooklyn, N. Y. McAvoy, Irving; Hotel Campbell, Tuscon, Ariz. Pichel, Isaac; 3105 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rubenstein, Charles Aaron; Shefheld Apts., Baltimore, Md. Todd, Wm. Robert; 527 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weeks, Bruce Stevens; address unknown. Yowell, Everett Irving; 3127 Griest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1892 Barbour, Clement Aubrey; 565 East Fourth St., Newport, Ky. Bedinger, John Cilley; address unknown. Brownlee, Daniel (Rev.); 1564 North Euclid Ave., Dayton, Ohio. DesBrisay, Frederick Theophilus; address unknown. Fowler, Harold; Madeira, Ohio. Franklin, Leo Morris (Rabbi); 26 Edison Ave., Detroit, Mich. Gideon, Abram; address unknown. Hayden, Daniel Young; Box 276, Coulee, Wash, Heintz, Michael G.; 3637 Evanston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnston, Herbert Lincoln; Hobert Electric Co.; (r) 216 West Franklin St., Troy, Ohio. Lytle, James Edward; 237 North Peters St. and 1721 State St., New Orleans, La. Strauss, Joseph Baermann; 3100 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, II. Venable, William Mayo; 822 North St. Clair St., Pittsburg, Pa. .Weil, Charles M.; 88 Central Park, West, New York City, N. Y. Class of 1893 Bahman, Robert Fred; President, Bahman Iron Works, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 537 Evanswood Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 177 Bailey, Gilbert Langdon; Newton Park, Ky. Beaman, George Burnham; 18 Clark St., Waltham, Mass. Christian, Wm. Arnold; Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Department, Karpen Bldg., Chicago, Il. Fleischer, Charles; address unknown. French, Frank Edw.; 3001 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freyer, Julius; address unknown. Fritch, Louis Charlton; 1348 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Hayden, John Bruce; Hofius Steel and Construction Co., Seattle, Wash. Heinrichsdorf, Paul; 1545 Jones St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isham, Phillipa; 30 Church St., New York City, N. Y. Langenheim, Wm. Gustave; 39 West Adams St., Chicago, III. McDiarmid, Campbell Johnston; 614 Evanswood PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, James Francis Chalfant; Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Salzman, Marcus; 94 West Ross St., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Solomon, Michael Gabriel; Hotel Nadeau, Los Angeles, Calif. Williamson, Charles Henry; 1517 Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, IIl. Class of 1894 Baur, Paul Victor Christopher; Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Bell, Herbert Charles; R. F. D. No. 4, Springfield, Ohio. Bogen, Louis Edward; 209 Warren Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. Brown, Sanford; 714 Mercantile Library Bldg.; (r) 1359 Ernst St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cohn, Frederick; 5105 Webster St., Omaha, Neb. Grad, Bennett; 555 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hillkowitz, Phillip; 730 Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Colo. Kemper, William Rice; 22 West Seventh St.; (r) 2703 Marryat St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Laurence, Daniel; 111 Millsdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Marcusson, Isaac Edward; 204 Buford Pl., Mason, Ga. Marx, David B.; 357 St. Charles Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Moses, Jerusalem; address unknown. Nippert, Alfred Kuno; 2981 Werk Rd., Westwood, Cincinnati, Ohio. Orton, Philo Atwood; 608 South Dearborn St.; (r) 817 Drexel Square, Chicago, Ill. Ratliff, Raymond; 1201 Keith Bldg.; (r) Verona Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosenthal, Isidore; 445 North Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. Roth, David Morris; 600 North Grammercy Pl. Los Angeles, Calif. Simon, Abram; 3722 Harrison Ave., Washington, D. C. Smith, Calvin McLeod; 368 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Stites, William Nixon; care Water Works, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1895 Bottigheimer, Seymour G.; 205 Beadley Ave., Peoria, Il. Culbertson, Henry C.; 5111 Eighth Ave., Los Angeels, Calif. Iglauer, Samuel; 701 Race St.; (r) 162 Glenmary Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kinsey, Boyden; 313 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Lanfersiek, Walter; address unknown. Lea, Este McClyment; 3513 Telford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 178 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Mehlhope, Clarence Engelberth; 38 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.; (1) Winnetka, Illinois. Melish, John Howard (Rev.); Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N. Y. Meyer, Wm. Conrad; 914 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Newfield, Morris; 2100 Highland Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Solomon, George Joseph; 20 Gordon St., East, Savannah, Ga. Southgate, Richard Talliaferro; 407 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 711 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Thomasmeyer, Chas. Wm.; 3572 St. Charles Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Nelson Asbury; Walnut Hills High School; (r) No. 28 Clermont Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wulff, Adolph George; 3 Crescent Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1896 Andrews, Charles Woodward; Zenith Furnace Co.; (r) 2001 East First St., Duluth, Minn. Bauer, Prof. Wm. Chas.; College of Engineering, Northwestern University; (r) 725 Wilburn St., Evanston, Il. Bramkamp, Allan Lewis; Mission Agency, Banning, Calif. Cramer, Fred; U. S. Internal Revenue Office, Cincinnati Ohio; (r) 445 Ada St., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Cunningham, Albert J.; 2885 Losantiville Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heintz, Victor E.; 2429 Fairview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holterhoff, Ralph; 816 Schmidt Bldg.; (r) 2115 Luray Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. James, Eldon R.; Harvard University; (r) 114 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Kress, George H.; 245 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Mayer, Harry Hubert; 3512 Kenwood Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Melvin, Howard L.; 3419 Linwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Messing, Abraham Joseph; address unknown. O’Donnell, Robert J.; 431 Springfield Pike, Wyoming, Ohio. Oliver, Leander Davis; 6242 Robison Rd., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Peters, Fred. Romer; Evansville Press Bldg., Evansville, Ind. Shephard, Oscar Fred; 573 Evanswood PIl., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Edw. Starbuck, 507 St. Paul Bldg.; (r) 312 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, John Mayes; 209 Story Bldg.; (r) 4557 Lomita St., Los Angeles, Calif. Venable, Bryant; No. 4 Peasenhall Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1897 Ashfield, Charles Sumner; 3922 Elsmere Ave., South Norwood, Ohio. Atkins, Henry Pearce; 3430 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bendinger, John Adams; address unknown. Enelow, Hyman Gerson; 521 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Fritsch, Joseph Laux; 87 South Linwood Ave., Crafton, Pa. Geier, Otto Phillip; Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Oakley; (r) 1609 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Getz, William Hubbell; Honolulu Iron Works; Honolulu, T. of H. Ginter, Gustavus Adolphus; 914 Provident Bank Bldg.; (r) 6370 Grand Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 179 Hannaford, Frank; 4403 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Henshaw, Stanley Knight; 5615 Overlook Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hibbard, Merrill; 1755 Arlington Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Hitch, Bertram Leigh; 630 Speedway, Tucson, -Ariz. Jones, Llewelyn; 2653 Bellaire St., Denver, Colo. Levi, Harry; 24 Verndale St., Brookline, Mass. Lowes, Raymond Miles; 100 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. McAvoy, Malcolm; 814 Gwynne Bldg.; (r) Observatory and Berry Aves., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Meyer, Julius Henry; 5487 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IIl. Miller, Alexander Norman; 1540 Madison Ave., Denver, Colo. Muhlberg, William; 3439 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Murray, Walter Francis; 6449 Beechmont, Mt. Washington, Ohio. Pilhashy, Benjamin Moses; Merchants Exchange Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Reynolds, Edward Lansdale; address unknown. Richards, Brayton Graff; Wheaton, Ill. Schneider, Edwin Emil; Duminanau Farm, Mabatobato Pili, Camarines Sur, P. I. Spellmire, Walter Bertrand; The General Electric Co., 1307 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Van der Voort, Carl Frederick; Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Weighell, John Thomas; address unknown. Weiss, Harry; 372 Stuyvesant Ave., Brooklyn, N. J. Wolf, Phillip Joseph; address unknown. Class of 1898 Brill, Abram (Rabbi) ; 2120 Highland Ave., Shreveport, La. Cohen, Simon Raemond; 1421 Ditmas Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Crocker, Samuel Armstrong; 161 Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Currick, Max Cohen; 523 West Ninth St., Erie, Pa. Ebersole, Morris Rogers; American Radiator Co., 816 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IHinois. Ellis, Albert Trounson; 175 West 73rd St., New York City, N. Y. “Ellis, Challen Blackburn (Ellis & Ellis, Attorneys) ; Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. Ellis, Richard Bigney; 87 Oneida Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Freund, Charles J.; 2270 Glenwood pees Toledo, Ohio. Gradison, Jos.; 701 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) North Bend Rd., Cancinnaty Ohio. Hirschberg, Abram; 2636 Lakeview Ave., Chicago, III. Humphreys, Robert Wade; Liberty, Texas. Jackson, Geo.; Asheville School, Asheville, N. C. Jones, Spencer Murray; 906 Schmidt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Terrace Park, Ohio. Kornfield, Jos. Saul; 2823 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Leue, Albrecht Fred; 225 Erckenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lowenstein, Solomon C.; 114 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Macke, Edw. F.; Walnut Hills High School; (r) 2821 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Magnes, Julian Leon (Rabbi); Jerusalem, Palestine. Murray, Nathaniel C.; Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Nelson, Leon Maurice; Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Va. O'Connor, Charles Henry; 745 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y. 180 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Oldham, Robert P.; 1408 Hage Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Owen, Alfred Winn; 4106 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Reinhart, Chas. S.; 1314 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sayler, Milton; Lower River Rd. and Laura Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoenle, Walter M.; 1501 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 1905 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Senger, Harry L.; Woodward High School; (r) 2327 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Augustus T.; address unknown. Tenney, Charles E.; 507-509 Filipinas Bldg., Manila, Philippine Islands. Venable, Emerson; Walnut Hills High School; (r) 3649 Vineyard Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Paul Francis; Colonial Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Weigel, Wm. Edward; 1454 Spring Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Class of 1899 Adler, Charles Wm.; 4051 Beechwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Adriance, Walter Maxwell; Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Brady, S. Wm.; address unknown. Bramkamp, Robert Henry; 1818 Fairmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Caldwell, Ralph Riker; 1814 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 2342 Upland P1l., Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Dalton, Nellis Norman; 1009 West Fifty-seventh Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Eichler, Hugo; 3000 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fairchild, Walter; address unknown. Finley, Fred. Irwin; Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Denver, Colo. Fleming, John Adams; Dept. Terestrial Magnetism, Washington, D. C.; 8 Drummond Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. Hahn, Clarence Wilson; High School of Commerce, New York City, N. Y. Hazen, Roland; Paris Hospital, Paris, Ill. Jones, Arthur Owen; Woodward High School; (r) 2332 Grandview Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Klein, Israel; 833 Market St., Zanesville, Ohio. Koch, Samuel; 916 Twentieth Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. Krass (Krasnowitz) Nathan; 237 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Lefkowitz, David; 2415 South Boulevard, Dallas, Texas. Lutterman, Edward Wm.; address unknown. Mannheimer, Leo; 308 West Eighty-second St., New York City, N. Y. Palmer, William Dudley; address unknown. Peck, Arthur Minot; Wilmuth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Perin, Charles T.; 2974 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rainforth, Selden Irwin; 21 East Ninth St.. New York City, N. Y. Roberts, Edward Dodson; 3533 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Guy Fulton; 1305 West Jefferson St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Stegner, Clifford Milton; 3457 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stovall, Wm. Owen; address unknown. Straehley, Arthur C.; Oklahoma City, Okla. Van Matre, Morgan; 5547 Armsby PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolsey, Louis (Rabbi); 1400 Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. Zielonka, Martin; Temple Mt. Sinai; (r) 837 West Yandell Blvd., El Paso, Texas. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 181 Class of 1900 Alexander, David; 944 Amelia Ave., Akron, Ohio. Anspacher, Abraham Samuel; Congregation Beth Ahaba, Richmond, Va. Bergman, Moise; 923 West Tenth St., Pueblo, Colo. Cairns, Clyde; 5673 Overlook Pl., College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Edward; 508 Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo. Cordes, Clifford; 5119 Stewart Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. DeBeck, Dodo Otto Morgan; 1737 Sutton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Driehaus, Orwin Wm.; 114 Morningside Drive, New York City, N. Y. Eberhardt, Walter; address unknown. Farnham, Gordon Dudley; 2249 North Bend Rd., Cincinnati Ohio. Fineshriber, William H.; 1916 Rittenhouse Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. Jacobs, Pizer W.; 578 Van Buren St., Gary, Ind. Kersting, Edward Henry; 3936 Dickson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, also Pennsylvania Ton iCagoO,s LIL Leipziger, Emil Wm.; 7624 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Leue, Conrad Ferdinand; 205 West Ashley St., Jacksonville, Fla., and (permanent) care Albrecht F. Leue, 225 Erckenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lykins, William Preston; 4219 Zetta Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. McGill, Stuart Aldridge; 2643 Bellevue Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Margolis, Elias; 16 Glen Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Mielziner, Jacob; care Bernhard Phillipsen, Norrebroyege 34, Copenhagen, Denmark. Mosby, John Frederick; 639 West 135th St., New York City, N. Y. Moses, Alfred Geiger; Temple Shaara Shomayim, Government and Warrent Sts., Mobile, Ala. Mulvey, James Henry; Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Nieman, Howard Hiram; 593 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y. Oechsle, Louis Phillip; address unknown. Raisin, Jacob Salmon; 14 Wragg Square, Charleston, S. C. Raschig, Frank Louis; 223 Erwin Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roberts, Samuel P. Chase; Ohio Military Institute, College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schlemmer, Oliver Herman; 8442 Curzon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stadermann, Albert Leo; 120 South Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Tucker, Manning Perlee; Supt. of Water Works, Akron, Ohio. Vos, Arthur; 3209 West Fairview Place, Denver, Colo. Walker, Alfred Marshall; 2210 Hannibal Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Walters, John Henry; address unknown. Young, Charles J.; 7 Clinton Ave., Montclair, N. J. Zepin, George; 10 Crescent Bldg., Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1901 Beneker, Jay Carl; 1333 44th Ave., S. W. Seattle, Wash. Bentley, Henry M.; 3517 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Berghausen, Oscar; 568 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blakemore, Louis B.; 650 Abington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blatt, Joseph; 904 West 24th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Cramer, Wm. Gustavus; Nelson Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 182 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Cunningham, Eldon Losh; 1340 Hershel Ave., Mt. Lookout, Ohio. Englander, Henry; 904 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feuerlicht, Morris Marcus; 3034 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. Fillmore, Parker Hoystead; 520 East 78th St., New York City, N. Y. Foster, Solomon; 90 Treacy Ave., Newark, N. J. Fry, Harry Shipley; 4436 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geier, Walter Henry; 1609 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Green, George Gordon; Battelle, Ala. Hazen, John Francis; Pittsburg Steele Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Hickenlooper, Smith; 2554 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoffner, Vernon Kingsbury; 1310 Coit Ave., E. C., Cleveland, Ohio. Hyman, Walter Reamy; 352 Northern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnston, Pliny A.; 1145 Summit Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Kaplan, Jacob H.; Temple Israel, Miami, Fla. Keller, Albert Ed.; Route No. 1, Arlington, Riverside, Calif. Lange, Sidney; Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis, Clifford S.; Asst. Astronomer, Nautical Almanac, U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. Morgenstern, Julian; 8 Burton Woods Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Noble, Mark Ainslee; 25 Broad St., New York City, N. Y. Panzer, Robert R.; 515 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pfeffer, Fred. Holden; 3014 McHenry Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rendigs, Charles W.; address unknown. Rhine, Abraham B.; 315 West Grand Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. Sibbett, Herbert Austin; Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Volmer, Leon; 5342 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. Class of 1902 Agger, Eugene Ewald; Birchwood Place, Tenafly, N. J. Avery, Coleman; North Bend Rd. and Argus Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bassler, Raymond; U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Bates, Hugh Higby; 2613 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bronworth, Harry; 3999 Red Bud Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Charls, George H.; United Alloy Steel Corp.; (r) 232 19th St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Clark, Wm, Wallace; 50 West Twelfth St. New York City, N. Y. Cronbach, Abraham; 3431 Larona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Everham, Arthur C.; 34 West 57th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Fry, H. Shipley; 4436 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Gazlay, Arthur Emerson; 3322 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) P. O. Box 952, Miami, Fla. Godshaw, Alfred T.; 1822 Washington Ave., Waco, Texas. Goldsmith, Maurice H.; 567 Stewart PI., Cincinnati, Ohio. Granger, Arthur Stanley; 352 South Las Palmas Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Gray, Geoffrey A.; 385 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hannaford, Edgar N.; 2901 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hawkins, Clement C.; 2108 Milam St., Houston, Texas. Heyer, Arthur W.; Dept. Agriculture, U. 5. Gov.; (r) 1725 Sixth Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 183 Hutchins, Edwin L.; 403 North Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. Kahn, Emanuel; 902 Caldwell St. Piqua, Ohio. Kory, Solomon L.; P. O. Box 365, Vicksburg, Miss. Kreimer, Robert E.; 1339 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krieger, Edward B.; 3145 Lookout Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mannheimer, Eugene; 427 West 5lst St., Des Moines, Iowa. Meader, Arthur L.; address unknown. Mente, Wm. Benj.; 3477 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merritt, Max John; Temple Beth Israel, Portland, Oregon. Minor, Lawrence C.; 2354 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Probasco, Wm. Ramsey; First National Bank Bldg., Oakland, Calif.; (r) 2522 War- ring Square, Berkeley, Calif. Siereveld, Maximilian; 4240 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Solomon, David Joseph; address unknown. Taylor, Frank L.; address unknown. Tedesche, Leon G.; 416 Catherine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Robert Harris; 3542 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Warsaw, Isador; 309 West 86th St., New York City, N. Y. Witt, Louis; 5575 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Class of 1903 Baer, Clarence N.; 503 E St., Washington C. H., Ohio. Ball, Eustace Hale; care Thompson Feature Syndicate Co., 123 West 31st St., New York City, "N. Y. Bayless, Herman Armstrong; 1007 Carew Bldg.; (r) 3436 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Black, Robert A.; 906 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 4168 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Cahan, Morris; no address. DeCamp, John Percival; 210 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. DeWitt, William Hildt; 327 Welcome St., Los Angeles, Calif. Eggers, William August; 3964 Lowry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Farnham, Gordon Dudley; Colerain Ave., Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gast, E. Albert; 520 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldstein, Sidney Emanuel; 40 West Sixty-eighth St.; (r) 312 West 93rd St., New York City, NY. Kinsella, Arthur James; 2613 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kopp, Charles Foster; address unknown. Kuppin, Louis; 410 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IIl. Lewis, Wm. Howard; Harbin Hospital, Rome, Ga.; (r) 102 Eighth Ave., Rome, Ga. Lowenstein, Arthur; 5123 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IIl. McCallister, Edgar W.; 126 Hawthorne St., Edgewood, Pittsburg, Pa. Moore, Charles N.; 219 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Newkirk, Charles C.; Berkeley, Calif. O’Donnell, James B.; 3567 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pauli, Wm. Otto; 3442 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pierson, Daniel Lathrop; R. F. D. No. 3, Hood River, Ore. 184 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Raisin, Max; 740 Jennings St., New York City, N. Y. Reinhart, Harry Newton; 1312 Duncan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roos, Henry Wm.; 1228 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shephard, Harvy Leonard; 7222 Lower River Rd., Delhi, Cincinnati, Ohio. Shipley, Carl Sylvanus; 1517 River Rd., East, Minneapolis, Minn. Spear, Clifford Mortimer; 50 Church St., New York City, N. Y.; (r) Asbury Park, New Jersey. Steigler, Wm. Gustav; 3427 Paxton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strietman, Wm. Hurley; 230 Grand Ave., Oakland, Calif. Tucker, Virgil Hoggins; 1125 Westerly Terrace, Los Angeles, Calif. Tuechter, Jacob; 365 Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walker, Stuart A.; 883 Seventh Ave., New York City, N. Y. Ward, Archibald Bertram; address unknown. Whiting, Herbert R. (Rev.) ; No. 16 Glenwood Blvd., Mansfield, Ohio. Wise, Jonah Bondi; Central Synagogue, Lexington Ave. and Fifty-fifth St., New Work. City, Nay: Class of 1904 Ahlbrandt, Gustav; American Rolling Mills; (r) 8 Alameda, Middletown, Ohio. Bahlmann, Clarence; 3429 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Braun, Frederick; 1260 Convent Ave., New York City. Buck, Robert Jirah; 232 Albion Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cappell, Walter; care Daoust La’Londe Co., 4900 Iberville, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Collier, George Carl; address unknown. Colville, Frank Prague; Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Dayton, Ohio. Crane, Holden T.; 352 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dechant, Harry Peter; 2461 Ashby Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Ettelson, Harry Wm.; Parkview Hotel, Memphis, Tenn. Farnham, Gordon; 2249 Northd Bend Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fennal, Adolph Durain; 807 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 2142 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Flach, Eugene Albert; 3433 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, G. George; 7423 Kingston Ave. and 7215 Jeffrey Ave., Chicago, IIl. Friedman, Harry G.; address unknown. Frisch, Ephriam; 1016 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, Texas. Gantvoort, Carl M.; 321 West Fifty-fifth St. New York City, N. Y. Goldenson, Samuel Harry; Fifth and Morewood Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Guthrie, Austin L.; 731 West Eighteenth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Hanly, Hunter Wardlow; 4915 Pine St., Norwood, Ohio. Heintz, Walter James; 2429 Fairview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hyde, Edward W.; Park and Shawnee Run Rd.; Cincinnati, Ohio, Jasin, Joseph; 275 N. E. Fourteenth St., Miami, Fla. Jergens, Andrew N.; care Andrew Jergens Co.; (r) Bruce St. and Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Howard T.; Maple Ave., Holtville, Imperial County, Calif. Koch, Felix John; 6053 Cary Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kugler, James Marlay; 3149 Daytona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mehlhope, John Fred; United Alloy Steel Corp., Straus Bldg., Chicago, Ill. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 185 Mendoza, Louis D.; 426 Pembroke Ave., Norfolk, Va. Miller, Julian Henry; Congregation B’nai EJ, St. Louis, Mo. Reemelin, Oscar Benjamin; Dayton Power and Light Co.; (r) 61 Beverly Place, Dayton, Ohio. Reitmann, George Edward; address unknown. Rendigs, George Elliott; 23 Arcadia Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rothstein, Leonard Julius; 1360 Burdette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rucker, Wilson Harper; 417 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati?, Ohio. Russell, Francis Marion; 3220 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sapiro, Aaron Leland; 1608 Straus Bldg.; (r) 3400 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, II. Shepard, Stanley Josephus; P. O. Box 34, Porterville, Calif. Silber, Mendel; 731 Pine St., New Orleans, La. Spiegel, Arthur Major; 4003 Redbud Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Thos. S. D.; address unknown. Trisler, Charles Wesley; Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. WosGalyin- 13 Hast’ 3/th St./New York City, Ny Y: Worcester, Thomas A.; General Electric Co., 205 Parkwood Bldg.; (r) 127 Waverly Place, Schenectady, N. Y. Class of 1905 Abrahams, Alfred C.; address unknown. Allgaier, Edward D.; 3001 Junietta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bernstein, Louis; 2002 Mulberry St., St. Joseph, Mo. Blacker, Joseph; 1224 Herschel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blair, Faris; College Club, Seattle, Wash. Box, Harry Maxwell; 271 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Farnau, Earl F.; Twentieth and Scott Sts., Covington, Ky. Fetsch, Harry C.; Clinton Heights, Columbus, Ohio. Flach, Walter J.; Allentown, Pa. Fisher, Charles A.; 507 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fosdick, Wm.; 1700 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 514 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grainger, James M.; Route No. 2, Farmville, Va. Jones, Ralph Colton; 215 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Main St., Sharonville, Ohio. Lovitch, Meyer (Rabbi) ; 303 East McClure Ave., Peoria, III. Lyon, Bert Rodgers; Conservatory of Music, Ithaca, N. Y. Pflueger, Edward W.; 2209 Sterritt Ave., Covington, Ky. Phares, Carl; 501 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Miami Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio. Rauch, Jos.; 834 South Third St., Louisville, Ky. Reichler, Max; 84 Bay 25th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Richardson, Paul; Richardson Paper Co., Lockland, Ohio; (r) Fountain and Spring- field Aves., Glendale, Ohio. Schott, Wm. Charles; University and Straight Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaw, Joseph H.; 213 Exchange Place, Santa Rosa, Calif. Spielman, W. Carl; Carthage, III. Stugard, Fred.; 2825 West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Wieman, Harry L.; University of Cincinnati; (r) 275 McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodrough, Louis D.; 3376 Reading Rd., Flat 19, Cincinnati, Ohio. 186 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1906 Baxter, Waverly R.; address unknown. Benedict, Stanley R.; address unknown. Braam, Max; 3449 Lyleburn Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buchanan, Frank A.; 30 East Sixth St., Newport, Ky. Dimmick, Ralph Ballard; 1128 Bernal Ave., Burlingame, Calif. Gordon, Nathan; 4128 Sherbrooke Ave., West, Montreal Quebec, Canada. Gowdy, Robert E. Clyde; University of Cincinnati; (r) 2111 Auburn Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Graf, William Jos.; 3031 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Groom, Wm. Simpson; 605 Wallace Ave., Covington, Ky. Hind, Samuel Wayne, address unknown. Inott, Ralph Herbert; 2447 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Joseph Robert; 3030 Greist Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kopold, Louis J.; 599 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Kreimer, Alfred T.; 2500 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Landman, Isaac; Box 323, Lawrence, Long Island, N. Y. Levinson, Samuel J.; 83 Marlborough Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Needham, Hubbard; address unknown. Ottermann, Charles; 3301 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Procter, James N.; Box 188, Santa Paula, Calif. Rose, Stephen Gibson; 45 Tremont Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Schwaab, Walter W.; 246 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwarz, Jacob David; 1541 Dixmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shafer, Walter Sirah; address unknown. Siehl, Benjamin H.; 3418 Mooney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Siehl, Charles F.; 248 Lorrain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, Charles Nell; 567 The Rookery, Chicago, Il. Van Matre, Everett; 2357 Overton Park Circle, Memphis, Tenn. Weinstein, Aaron Lewis (Rabbi); Colonial Arms Hotel, Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. Class of 1907 Attig, Carl Leo (Rev.); Edwardsville, III. Callahan, Geo. Stevenson; Ann Arbor, Mich. Dickerson, Richard Tunis; 3027 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ellis, John DeMoss; 4235 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foley, Wm. Thomas; 224 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Forshee, Frank W.; 1309 Seventeenth St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Goldenberg, Frank; 3320 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heitmeyer, Harry Charles; 3426 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hogan, Samuel T.; address unknown. Humble, Henry Wilbur; 1430 West Fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hurley, Edward M.; 1101 Rosemont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaacs, Nathan Tovis; Harvard Unversity, Cambridge, Mass.; (r) 5 Walnut St., Cambridge, Mass. Kammeron, Edward Ernst; 3418 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Keyt, Edwin Bush; Box 201, Ontario, Calif. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 187 Kite, Thomas Moore; Dean & Kite Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 7350 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Oho. Miller, Charles Lewis; 3633 Zinsle Ave., Kennedy Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio. Nippert, Edward F.; 1026 Rives-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. O’Connell, Robert; 3306 Hardisty Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Payne, Frank Hannan; Amherst and Lexington Aves., Terrace Park, Ohio. Peaslee, Leon Denning; 763 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Persons, Hubert; 14821 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Roark, Ruric Creegan; address unknown. Rose, Stewart; 510 Osborne St., Terre Haute, Ind. Rover, Paul Phillip; Parkway and Frances Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sauer, Louis Wendlin; 454 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka, III. Sawtelle, Elmer Smiley; 8260 Woodbine Ave., Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schroetter, Charles A.; 711 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Schwartz, Albert; 1745 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Singer, Jacob; 6932 North Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Il. Stuhlmann, Otto, Jr.; address unknown. Twachtman, Eric R.; 920 Lenox Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Veazey, Noble F.; 224 Wilmuth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Wolf, Horace Jos.; 1266 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Class of 1908 Ballou, Frank; Supt. of Schools, Washington, D. C. Bergman, Erich F.; 6018 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bevis, Howard Landis; 3435 Telford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blau, Joel; 600 Riverside Drive, New York City, N. Y. Bradford, Lawrence J.; 3051 Daytona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clement, Orin Clark; Kent, Ohio. Cummins, Ralph; Gary Neighborhood House, Gary, Ind. Finnel, Samuel Cochran; Boatman’s Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Geismar, Siegfried; 3236 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Glen, Charles Gooch; Riverside, Calif. Gross, Louis Daniel; 570 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hatterschide, Edward; 1237 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hirst, Fred Danner; 509 Wallace Place, Covington, Ky. Jack, (Jacubowitz) Emmanuel J.; Pueblo, Colo. Jordan, John Walter; address unknown. Lurie, Louis Aryah; 789 Greenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Robert Monford; unknown. Oesper, Ralph Edward; 2323 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, John Jermain; 1199 The Terrace, Hagerstown, Md. Rieman, Edward G.; Soldan High School, St. Louis, Mo. Schmuck, Thomas Kirby; Texas Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Crane Wilson; Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Smith, Elbridge Gerry; 1303 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Snodgrass, Herbert Lewis; The American Laundry Machine Co., 332 Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. 188 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Taylor, Robert Alms; Richardson-Taylor Printing Co., Harrison Ave. and Patterson St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 3523 Biddle Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wakeman, Albert D.; Multnomah Athletic Club, Portland, Ore. Wilson, Frank Alexander; 82 Parkview Ave., and 245 State St., Lowell, Mass. Wise, Isaac Meyer; 510 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1909 Bowen, Bernard Cox; Room 607, 189 West Madison St., Chicago, IIl. Collins, John Maurice; care Satin Ice Cream Co., 1423 North 18th St., Omaha, Neb. Dodge, Harry Weeks, address unknown. Farmer, William S.; No. 1 Pierce Rd., Brookline, Mass. Flynn, James E.; 103 Columbus St., Sandusky, Ohio. Hathaway, Edward S.; Tulane University, New Orleans, La. Hoffmeister, Charles H.; 701 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hooker, Fred J.; 975 Avondale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kite, Wm. Henry; Dean & Kite Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 6421 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Latz, Charles B.; Thirteenth St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Larzon, Morris Samuel; 1914 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. Mitchell, Henry Clay (Rev.); Wayne, Pa. Pearce, William Henry; The Cincinnati Club, Cincinnati, Ohio. Podesta, Charles Walter; 3609 Vanvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tackenberg, Charles Wm.; Woodward High School; (r) 505 Ludlow Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Thayer, Gordon Woods; Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio. Van Matre, Laurence H.; 209 Union Central Bldg.; (r) 3147 Troy Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Walker, Sidney Anderson; 304 Valley Rd., Llanerch, Philadelphia, Pa. Witherspoon, Thomas Green; 2021 Wayland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Class of 1910 Abrahams, Maurice B.; 815 East Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrews, Stanley Blair, Hamilton, Ohio. Baldwin, Stowe D.; Bloomfield Highlands, Pontiac, Mich. Barrett, Glenn F.; 4505 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Bettan, Israel; 119 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brewster, Stanley Farrar; Hotel Alms, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Audley H.; 1605 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Du Bray, Ernest Speers, 1251 Flood Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Finch, Neil Graham (Major) ; care Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C. Gallagher, Andrew C.; 3450 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Greenland, Albert Kingston; East Williston, Long Island, N. Y. Harris, Arthur Marc; Flat No. 1, N. E. C. McMillan and Woodburn Aves., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Isaacs, Lieutenant Schachne; University of Georgia, Emory, Ga. Jennie, James J.; Hotel Metrople and 420 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Stephen W.; 4325 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kreimer, Ralph A.; 273 Greendale Ave. and City Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 189 Lotter, Fred D.; 2425 McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mann, Louis Leopold; 5052 Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IIl. Pollak, Jacob B.; 1520 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Robertson, Rev. Arthur B.; 526 Grant St., Ashland, Ohio, Schmidt, Frederick Earle; 321 York St., Newport, Ky. Von Der Halben, William; 543 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilfert, Ernest Wm., address unknown. Class of 1911 Broeman, Charles W.; 3540 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Caldwell, Stanley Matthews; 3540 Wabash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carleton, Mitchell Wm.; 2390 Wheeler St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clancy, Benjamin J.; 36 Pearl St., Milford, Mass. Cohon, Samuel S.; 538 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Day, Howard Monroe; 249 South Congress St., Atlantic City, N. J. Fox, Ralph Michael; 3500 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haehnle, Elmer C.; 207 Erckenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haeussler, Charles A.; 3553 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hagans, Samuel L.; 1328 Meier Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall, Clifford Porter; address unknown. Harvuot, Clifford T.; 1619 Herald Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hinchman, Edward M.; 3028 West 43rd St., Cleveland, Ohio. Hymann, Harry Joseph; address unknown. Isaacs, Raphael; 10 Beals St., Brookline, Mass. Joslin, Allen Roberts; 718 Clinton Springs Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kaplan, Israel L.; 121 South King St., Jacksonville, Fla. Lantz, Stafford Baker; 674 Hawthorne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lorenz, Edward Joseph; address unknown. McNelly, Alstan Ellis; 1477 Mars Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Mason, Walter Ray; Third and Vine Sts.; (r) 2008 Ryan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mauchly, Sebastian Jacob; address unknown. Pollard, Samuel B.; 3265 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reece, Paul D.; 1512 Elmwood Ave., Lakewood, Cleveland, Ohio. Schiff, John Jefferson; 542 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Trimble, James Rolf; 49 Wayne Ave., East Orange, N. J. Von Schlichten, Otto C.; University of Cincinnati; (r) 2325 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1912 Betts, Albert Raymond; 813 South Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Boake, George Glover; 3931 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, also 2701 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, Fla. Burns, Harry C.; Lebanon, Ohio. Flessa, Herbert Luther; 237 Emming Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freyhof, William Louis; 3819 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Max; 1107 Carew Bldg.; (r) No. 20 Landon Ct., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gavin, Frank; No. 2 Chelsea Sq., New York City, N. Y. Guelker, Herbert H.; 1015 Academy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Guntrum, Ernest K.; 1440 West Bethune Ave., Detroit, Mich. 190 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hall, William Owings; 6753 Jersey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, William C.; care Firestone Rubber Co., Atlanta, Ga. Hexter, Maurice B.; care Boston Federated Jewish Charities, 24 Province St., Bos- ton, Mass. Highton, Aubrey Henry; address unknown. Jung, George Philip; care W. T. Cressler, 2254 Monroe Ave., Norwood, Ohio, also Box 367, Seabreeze Station, Daytona Beach, Fila. Krohngold, Jacob B.; Congregation Beth El, Niagara Falls, N. Y. McGrane, Reginald C.: University of Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) No. 10, The Brookline, Cincinnati, Ohio. Matre, Joseph; North Woodside, Silver Springs, Md. Mitchell, Wm. Franklin; Procter & Gamble Co., 17 Battery Pl., New York City, N. Y. Montgomery, Walter H.; Crown Laundry Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Nimmo, Charles Franklin; 6448 Lower River Rd., Delhi, Ohio. Reinhart, Harold Fred; 1421 Fifteenth St., Sacramento, Calif. Rosenberg, Ira; 910 Forest Ave., Wilmette, IIl. Runck, John Fred; 65 Mulberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stifel, Gustav Adolph; 4235 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suemening, Wm. Louis; 320 East Warren St., Lebanon, Ohio. Wachs, Laurence Arthur; The Harvard Club, 27 West 44th St., New York City, N. Y., also Hotel Bartram, West Philadelphia, Pa. Walker, Herbert McNeill; 322 West Twelfth St., Anderson, Ind. Walther, Elmore C.; 715 Eversham Ave., Baltimore, Md. Werner, Louis Fred; 759 Beechwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Stanley F.; Taos, N. M. Woellner, Fred Phillip; address unknown. Class of 1913 Baker, Edgar Hubbard; 3241 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beninghaus, Wm. Harold; Flat No. 25, N. E. C. Hutchins and Reading Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Boswell, Paul Wilson; 1743 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bridge, Josiah (Prof.); Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Buehler, Edwin Charles; address unknown. Burman, Stanely Wagner; address unknown. Caliman, Wm. Moses; 2618 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Davidson, Hugh Moyer; Williamsburg, Ohio. Davis, Adolph Morris; 1641 Cooper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, John Evan; National Guarantee and Furnace Co., Yaster Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Halpin, Julius; address unknown. Hance, Robert Theodore; Rockefeller Institute, New York City, N. Y. Heuck, Robert; 3336 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lavell, Robert James; 3758 Andrews Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mayerberg, Samuel Spier; 430 Kenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Meyer, Jacob Isa; Temple Shalem, Plainfield, N. J. Pottenger, James Willot; 3323 Orian Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pottenger, Wm. T.; 6232 Bona Vista Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 191 Prugh, George Shipley; address unknown. Ranson, (Rasinsky) Marius; 206 State St., Albany, N. Y. Rickel, Gilbert J.; 2185 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schell, Jacob Isa; address unknown. Seiwert, Joseph John; 3538 Epworth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaffer, Herbert; 1305 Meier Ave., H. P. Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Allen Marshall; 553 Evanswood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tedesche, Sidney (Rabbi); Box 1672 Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Wachs, Stanley Eugene; 235 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weiss, Hiram Bertram; 760 East Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Werner, Raymond Edmund; P. O. Box 1488, Wshington, D. C. Class of 1914 Abrams, Samuel Joshua; 24 Fuller St., Brookline, Mass. Barrett, Oscar Slack; 2306 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cohen, Simon; 1421 Ditmas Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Forthman, Wm.; 3050 Bracken Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Freehoff, Solomon Bennett; 119 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregg, W. Alfred; 28 Lanewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, also Forest Ave., Sidney, Ohio. Gross (formerly Grodsky) David Hyman; 70 South Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J. Gup, Samuel Marcus; Temple Beth-El; (r) 162 Irving Ave., Providence, R. I. Hand, Chauncey Harris; 114 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hinchman, Howard Russel; Station E, Route No. 6, Columbus, Ohio. Hoffman, Julius Joseph; 3245 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hunt, Howard Chapman; address unknown. Inskeep, Harold Elwood; Flat No. 3, 1810 Garrard Ave., Covington, Ky. Jacobs, Fred. Rudolph; 1118 Rosemont Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Arthur David; Cleves, Ohio. Le Clere, John Burke; 3108 Ophir St., Pittsburg, Pa. Lippert, Otto Carl F.; 3141 McHenry Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ludwig, Lowell Hobart; 547 East Third St., Newport, Ky., also Jackson and Linden, Morgantown, W. Va. McIntire, Walter A.; Park Ave. and Smith Rd., Norwood, Ohio. Mischkind, Louis Arthur (Rabbi); Wilmington, Del. Magnin, Edgar Fogel; 519 West Ninth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Neave, Arthur Stuart; 460 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, Burton E.; 3414 Observatory Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, and 628 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosen, Jerome; 117 West College St., Louisville, Ky. See, Oscar Franklin; Blue Ash, Ohio. Sneed; M. C.; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Stuart, Archibald; 3410 Stuart Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suer, Wernef John; 422 Marburg Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tarshish, Jacob; 925 Bryden Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Voorsanger, Elkan; 5318 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wilson, Maurice Webster; Glendale, Ohio. Wright, Neil; 2243 Francis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. 192 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Wunder, Clinton (Rev.); 305 Temple Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Yetter, Estel H.; 1395 Delia Ave., Akron, Ohio. Class of 1915 Beals, Charles Wearne; Croser-Pocahontas Coal Co., Bluefield, W. Va. Belsinger, Ralph Edward; 804 Grand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, William Ward; 421 Garrard Ave., Covington, Ky. Cade, Benjamin Harrison; Miamisburg, Ohio. Clarke, Robert Henry; address unknown. Compton, Gove; address unknown. Cornuelle, Herbert Cumming; 211 South 18th St., Elwood, Ind. Cornuelle, Ralph Dudley; American Presbyterian Mission, Fatehgarh, W. P., India. Downer, John; Box 28, Station O, Cincinnati, Ohio. Forthman, Robert; 4502 Fifth St., Pittsburg, Pa. Geohegan, Kenneth P.; 621 Lexington Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Goheen, Richard Chriswell; address unknown. Goldenstein, Raphael; 347 North West End Ave., Lancaster, Pa. Gordon, Arthur Wentworth; 2712 Willard Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gordon, John Whitlock; 233 Pilgrim Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hine, Raymond Edward; 410 Harrison Ave., Harrison, Ohio. Holtzberg, Abraham G.; 871 Belevue Ave., Trenton, N. J. Innes, Wm. Wallace; 2834 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. Koenig, Henry Fred; 2846 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leibert, Julius (Rabbi); 2445 East Fourth St., Long Beach, Calif. Lyon, Norman Morais, address unknown. Phillips, Paul; Deventer Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 58 Midwood St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Porter, Charles H.; Main and Deerfield Sts., Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Richmond, Harry R.; Kew Garden Inn, Kew Garden, Long Island, N. Y. Rolle, Clifford J.; 3537 Aylesboro Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Silver, Abraham H. (Rabbi); East 105th St., at Ansel Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Silver, Maxwell; East 105th St., at Ansel Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Slicker, Ernest Ellsworth, Knox, Pa. Snyder, John Wesley; R. R. No. 3, Batavia, Ohio. Verkamp, Walter Francis; 946 Kenyon Ave.; (r) 2815 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ward, P. Oran; 811 Platt St., Tampa, Fla. Weis, J. Max (Rabbi); The Ansonia, New York City, N. Y. Class of 1916 Blau, John Bernard; 1244 Everett Ave., Louisville, Ky. Brand, Lester William; 635 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Briggs, Charles Robert; 35 Blenheim Rd., Columbus, Ohio. Brill, Walter Henry; 109 Second Ave., Joliet, Il. Cook, Jerome H.; Flat S, The Wilhelm, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dearness, Donald F.; 452 Riddle Rd. and Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati, Ohio. Drach, Harvey Edward; No. 18 The Brookline, Cincinnati, Ohio. Eger, Alfred; 2872 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Finkelstein, Joseph; address unknown. Fishbach, Victor; 2700 Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 193 Friedman, Benj.; 735 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Geenberg, Henry; 510 Union St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goodman, Wm. Porter; address unknown. Gregg, Ellis Bailey; 565 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harvey, Frank H.; 722 Ardmore Ave., Akron, Ohio. Hauer, Frank J.; 123 Eightieth St., New York City, N. Y. Hoppe, Henry Herman; 41 Rideway Ave., Warren, Ohio. Isaacs, Stanley M.; Hereford and Abington Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacobs, Fred. Rudolph; address unknown. James, Edward Murdock; 120 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Joseph, David Berman; 3637 Alaska Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kaplan, Samuel Shammai; Fourteenth and Cheyenne St., Tulsa, Okla. Kelley, Thomas H.; 490 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. Koch, Herbert Frank; 325 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kreimer, Albert George; 2901 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lichtenstein, Morris; 166 West 73rd St., New York City, N. Y. Lytle, Lawrence R.; 4822 Wesley Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Mendelsohn, Samuel Felix; 4845 Drake Ave., Chicago, IIl. Mitchell, Howard Tyrrel; Sayler Park, Ohio. Mitchell, Robert Baker; address unknown. Moorman, Thomas A.; McMillan and Moorman Aves., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nonnez, Samuel Henry; Flat 1, The Navarre, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ott, Reuben Ervin F.; 3595 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Otto, Carl E.; 1108 Highway Ave., West Covington, Ky., also University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Reece, John Andrews; 252 South Third St., Columbus, Ohio. Richards, Harold F.; Florida State College, Tallahassee, Fla. Riesenberg, Alphonse G.; 5 Tremont Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Robinson, Edward §S.; 5723 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rypins, Fred Israel; 115 Orange St., Wilmington, N. C. Saunders, Adlai Carlisle; Georgetown, Ohio. Scheuermann, Alfred A.; 2931 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Segel, Alexander; 1309 Broadway, Fresno, Calif. Shives, George Albert; 5257 Globe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Siebler, Salmen Korkes; 908 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. . Stern, Bernhard J. (Rabbi); address unknown. Turner, Darwin Romanes; 2721 Alms Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wessel, Harvey Edw.; 1019 North Sutter St., Stockton, Calif. Wilhelmy, Odin; 1830 Clarion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1917 Barasch, Nathan E.; 255 Convention St., Baton Rouge, La. Bauer, Paul Jacob; 3605 Dawson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Benzinger, Martin Richard; Butler Bldg., 135 Stockton St., San Francisco, Calif. Beresford, Curtis Reneshaw; 3580 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buttenweiser, Paul Phillip; 252 Loraine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, George Howard; 4627 Glenshade Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, also Tobasco, Ohio. Davis, John Francis; 414 North Fourth St., Cambridge, Ohio. 194 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Diserens, Charles M.; 3550 Evanston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Donnelly, Joseph Lawrence; 1620 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Evans, David Stuart; 3624 Zinsle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Farbach, Richard H.; Gray Manor; McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feldman, Abraham Jehiel; 19 Auburn Rd., Hartford, Conn. Fineberg, Solomon; 4905 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Friedrich, Charles; 4510 Homer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geohegan, Edmund H.; 977 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gregg, Clifford C.; 1104 South Washington St., Park Ridge, Ill. Gross, Wm.; 3634 Golden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harkness, Earl Wm.; 84 Carpenter St., Downers Grove, IIl. Hartman, George Edgar; 3398 Hillside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Helbig, Carl Franklin; 5736 Whitney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hetsch, Karl; Cincinnati Post; Sixth and Maple Aves., Newport, Ky. Holzberg, Julius; 3000 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hoskins, Lloyd Leggett; 11594 Shadeland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Isaacs, Elcanon; 3264 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Israel, Edward L.; Bolton and Wilson Sts., Baltimore, Md. Jaffe, Lester A.; 818 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Katker, William Cortman; 701 Caldwell Ave., Piqua, Ohio. Landman, Solomon; 506 State St., Madison, Mis. Lewis, Carroll Herbert; Children’s Home, Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lutz, Joseph Nixon; 6 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Lillard, David; 2956 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyle, Donald; 545 Delta Ave., Gone Ohio. McGarry, James Wthrow; 3271 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Machte, Wolfe; 1804 Columbus St., Waco, Texas. Marcus, Jacob; Farmington, W. Va. Mark, Jerome; 2017 West Clinch Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Martin, Robert Scott; Red Cloud, Neb. Morris, Burton C.; West Minster Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Noonan, Charels S.; 2940 Van Dyke Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pease, James L.; 151 North 33rd St., Miami, Fla. Phillips, Royal Asher; address unknown. Pollitt, Basil Hubbard; George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Salkover, Meyer; 17 Juergens Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Harold Waterman; 5867 Kennedy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Straus, Robert Lee; 5322 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, III. Taylor, Marcus Buel; Covington High School, Covington, Ky. Thompson, William P.; address unknown. Turner, Jack; 4167 Ogden Ave., Chicago, IIl. Voss, Leroy C.; Ridge and Beredith Ave., Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, Ohio. Waterman, Philip F.; 617 Rosewood Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich, Weinberger, Leo; 712 Carew Bldg.; (r) 867 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willets, Wm. H. (Rev.); 312 Irvine Place, Elmira, N. Y. Class of 1918 Asbury, Eslie; Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Auch, Ralph Henry; 3411 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 195 Badgley, Arthur; 1717 Martha St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barber, Harvey Hubbard; 400 Oak St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Berkowitz, Henry J.; S. E. Linwood Blvd. and Floral Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Berry, Walter Stewartt; Watertown, Conn. Blank, Sheldon H.; Hebrew Union College, Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Braunlin, Robert F.; 14 East Market St., Huntington, Ind. Bushing, Howard Ellsworth; 504 Walnut St., Elmwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Byers, Frank R.; University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Church, Edwards W.; 1027 Vailey Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Coe, Edgar Caleb; address unknown. Cohen, Philip Alfred; 3557 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cornell, Wm. Frank; 7 Arcadia Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Donahue, Matthew T.; 439 Pearl Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Dunn, Jesse K.; 3458 Cheviot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisher, John Howard; 4129 LaCrosse Ave., Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fram, Leon; 8805 Woodward Ave.; (b) Temple Beth El, Detroit, Mich. Freiberg, Henry B.; 625 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harris, Samuel J.; 1204 East Harvard Blvd., Dayton, Ohio. Hart, Humes W.; 712 West Main Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Haupt, Walter Hans; 160 East McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herman, Carl Nathan; 107 Union St.; (r) P. O. Box 791, Cumberland, Md. Hohman, Louis Mathias; 3432 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Horman, Wesley L.; 2190 Atkins Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Iola, Hyman; 3590 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jenkins, Bertram; 3408 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, James G.; 1534 Eddington Place, East, Cleveland, Ohio. Johnson, Charles Wm.; 2217 Kenilworth Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kasson, Lee Brooks; Smith-Kasson Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 103 Highlands Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Kaufman, Max; address unknown. Kehoe, Robert A.; 717 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kenkel, Henry Frank; 1675 Chase Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kling, Arthur Somerfield; 1917 Maplewood Place, Louisville, Ky. Koenig, Wm. H.; 2846 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindsley, Charles B.; 242 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lockwood, Kenneth L.; 4223 Thirty-fourth St., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyer, John Arthur; 7474 Lower River Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyer, (formerly Meyerwitz) Myron; 1811 Polk St., Alexandria, La. Minda, Albert; 1925 Dupont Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Nelson, Onel Benson; 5745 Whitney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Outcalt, Dudley Miller; 6549 Iris Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Payne, Clyde Clarkson; 1521 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Peters, Walter Fred; Morrow, Ohio. Reichert, Irving Fred; 107 183rd St., New York City, N. Y. Rogers, Wm. Raymond; 426 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rogert (Rogatzky), Carl Herman; 3362 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryall, George Wallace; 8314 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio; (r) Wooster, Ohio. Sanders, Ira Eugene; Little Rock, Ark. 196 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Sexton, Marshall C.; Rushville, Ind. Stern, (formerly Sternsehr) Wm.; 323 North 15th St., Fort Smith, Ark. Van Matre, Ralph; 5547 Armsby Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, George H.; Georgetown, Ohio. Zwick, Holly; 308 Sixth Ave., Dayton, Ky. Class of 1919 Aston, Frank Smith; 6646 Iris Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Brown, Lewis Phillip; address unknown. Brueggemann, Wm. Henry; 1308 Republic St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cale, Willard George; address unknown. Cassady, Everett Sidney; Blepre, Ohio. Clark, Paul Burroughs; 1735 Woodburn Ave., Covington, Ky. Conwell, Halford; 3163 Linwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, David Carson; Higginsville, Mo. Drachenberg, Harry; 829 Cleveland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ellis (formerly Elischk), Milton Marcus; Greensboro, N. C. Feusse, Elmer George; 1906 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio,.also Southern Methodist UsveDallas’=lexas: Frass, Clarence; 815 Main St., North, Dayton, Ohio. Freund, Iser L.; 105 Hirkiner St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Fuldner, Wm. Lester; 421 Arch St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ganim, Joseph Nicholas; 1308 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldman, Albert; address unknown. Greenland, Ormand Thomas; 1954 Cleaneay Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Haehnle, Walter Feid; 207 Erkenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herrin, Lucas; Tubao Union, Philippine Islands. Horn, Karl Wm.; Lewisburg, Ohio. Isserman, Ferdinand; Congregation Holy By’offom, 115 Bond St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Koehler, Wm. A.; 27 Lakewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuhn, Hugh A.; 979 Park Place, Hammond, Ind. Lavender, Herman L.; Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindner, Joseph; 3402 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McFarlan, Arthur Crane; 400 Aylesford Place, Lexington, Ky. McIntire, Wm. C.; 2318 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Mackenzie, Colin Stephenson; address unknown. . Maddock, Stephen J.; 19 Farwell Place, Cambridge, Mass., and Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. Margolis, Harry Sterling; Mt. Zion Hebrew Cong., St. Paul, Minn. Margrf, Wm. August; 420 Hancock Ave., Vandergrift, Pa. Myers, William M.; National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio; (r) Monterey Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Otto, Earl M.; 1108 Highway Ave., West Covington, Ky. Powers, Edgar M.; 3016 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reszke, Felix Eugene; 515 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richardson, Bayle Manser; 1117 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robins, Joseph; 1319 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 197 Schick, Alfred Casper; 4802 Rapid Run Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidt, Henry Edw.; 2547 Ridgeland Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Shinedling, Abraham Isaac; Borden Apts., Goldsboro, N. C. Sommer, Louis; 19 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Stapleton, Howard Edward; 1016 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 3219 Hackberry St., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Striker, Cecil; 914 East Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Sudhoff, Edward Bernard; 2100 Alpine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vonderahe, Alphonse R.; Union Central Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 4260 Leonard Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. Wagner, Harold Harr; 1521 Huffman Ave., Dayton, Ohio. White, Hunter Allen; 458 City Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. Whiteley, John Fred; McCook Flying Field, Dayton, Ohio; (r) 954 Morris St., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Wilkerson, Walter Theo; 3709 Maple Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Willke, Gerard Thomas; P. O. Box 6, Maria Stein, Ohio. Class of 1920 Ager, Robert Barrington; 1956 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ahlers, Clifford Henry; address unknown. Bazell, Solomon Nathaniel; 2102 West ‘Chestnut St., Altoona, Pa. Bogen, Emil; 4350 Russell Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Braunstein, Harry Aaron; 304 Provident Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brigham, Vernon Dee; 2626 North Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Brokaw, August; 3558 McHenry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cohen, Harry Herbert; address unknown. Cooper, Stewart Samson; 1568 St. Leger Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cunningham, James Henry; 1114 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis, Allen; 347 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Deppen, Earl Neagley; First National Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. Dickman, Earl Richard; 227 Albion Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Downing, Harold F.; 950 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Drach, Harvey Edward; 288 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Falk, David Lincoln; 1001 Keith Bldg.; (r) 3414 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Foster, Theodore F.; 220 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Fraser, John A.; 403-404 Little Bldg.; (r) 1304 St. Clair Ave., East Liverpool, Ohio. Friederich, Charles; Stone, (Pike County), Ky. Glueck, Nelson; 859 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hendricks, Elliott M.; care Edwards Hospital, Ft. Laureldale, Fila. Hendricks, Louis Joseph; 5225 Fenwick Ave., North Norwood, Ohio. Hoeck, George Worcester; 2822 Hghland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jewett, Menefee Custer; 646 Overton St., Newport, Ky. Knapp, John Franklin; 1810 Young St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Luchs, Alvin S.; 612 West 180th St., New York City, N. Y. McKhann, Charles F.; 300 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. Malone, Herbert; 9222 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mayer, Robert Livingston; Flat 1, 728 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, Robert Morse; 2910 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 198 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Muskat, Myer Salmen; 515 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paul, William Cornelius; 3140 Vine St.; Cincinnati, Ohio. Pease, Harvey Peters; 841 East Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Petzhold, Cornelius John; 14 East Court St.; (r) 2905 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pieck, Carl Edward; 523 Main St., Covington, Ky. Proctor, Leland Manning; address unknown. Renner, George, Jr.; 2453 Clybourn Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Riker, A. Joyce; University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Roberts, Vernon Bradley; 520 Carplin Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rupp, Lowell William; Harrison, Ohio. Schirrmann, Harold Alfred; 2533 Pleasant Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Schwartz, William Benjamin; 30 Clayton St., Montgomery, Ala. Shields, John Dewey; 2134 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shillman, Samuel Rosena; Mizpah Congregation, Oak and Lindsay Sts., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Shook, Chester R.; 706 Gwynne Bldg.; (r) 172 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sluts, Hiram (formerly Slutsky, Hyman); 3750 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Benjamin Franklin; address unknown. Stern, Harry Joshua; Temple Israel, Uniontown, Pa. Swepston, Emil Rawn; 628 Elm St., No. 14-15 Berkshire Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Todd, Samuel Pogue; 3515 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Torrence, John Ferguson; Germantown, Ohio. Tschudi, Erwin William; Nela Research Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio. Wheeler, Alfred Guy; 536 Mt. Hope Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Aubrey Willis; University of Wisconsin; (r) R. 6, Nakoma, Madison, Wis. Winans, Herbert Stewart; 1347 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolk, Samuel; Temple Israel, Boston, Mass. Youngerman, Morris Hyman; 844 Windham Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zeligs, Mendel; 670 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1921 Beall, Augustus; 617 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Elliott Dallon; 446 Wood Ave., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bell, H. Glenn; 73 Erckenbrecher Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Biddle, Frank; 594 Wellington Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Brooks, Albert Nelson; Box 365, Plant City, Fla. Brown, Albert Louis; 3476 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carmel, A. Gerson; 3221 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cook, Walter Andrew; Chemistry Dept., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Coryell, Lawrence Sprague; 68 Woodstock Ave., Allston, Mass. Crawford, J. Ebersole; 516 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crone, John Anthony; 2211 27th St., Astoria, Long Island, N. Y. Davies, Chase Mason; 1817 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Day, Horace A.; Treadway, Tenn. Finney, Frank Burnham; 1231 Paxton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frankel, Benjamin M.; Champaign, Ill. Freed, Abraham; 1230 Prospect Ave., Bronx, New York City, N. Y. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 199 Friedman, Leo Samuel; 3592 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fuson, Henry Harvey; 2022 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky. Gieringer, Lloyd P.; Newtown, Ohio. Guest, George M.; 709 East Chestnut St., Hoopeston, Ill. Hardin, George Leon; 3521 Prytania St., New Orleans, La. Hoyer, Albert Benjamin Charles; Childrens’ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaacs, Moses Legis; 137 West 119th St., New York City, N. Y. Kemp, Paul Alexander; 678 Gholson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langdon, Henry Harlan; 2038 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lesley, Francis; 722 East Sixth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leyland, Herbert Thompson; U. B. Bldg.; (r) 1919 Auburn Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Mark, Julius; 600 West La Salle Ave., South Bend, II]. Mathews, James Stewart; 421 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Mittendorf, Eugene S.; Alms Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton, William Arnett; Geneva, Ohio. Niederhauser, Willard; 860 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ogel, Jacob Jess.; 433 Hickory St., Cincinanti, Ohio. Pease, David Harlow; 841 East Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peiser, Walter Gilbert; Austin, Texas. Petty, Leroy Clinton; care Whittaker Paper Co., Atlanta, Ga. Porras, Lorenzo Pedroso; Union Messon Hospital, Uoilo, P. I. Ritenour, Abner Daniel; Jamestown, Ohio. Rockwell, George Edmund; Melrose Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rothman, Walter Elias; Golden Oak, Mich. Rowe, Leonard W.; 2226 Newkirk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Schiff, Saul Ben; 110 North Third St., Columbus, Ohio. Siegel, Benjamin Milton; address unknown. Smith, Vincent Vanhorn; 415 Buckhorn Ave., Ironton, Ohio. Snider, George Gould; 2566 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Starrels, Elihu; 2125 South St., Lincoln, Neb. Stein, Joseph; 3595 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thayer, Robert George; 1809 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 3 Roslyn Apts., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Van Pelt, Cyrus Pearne; 3554 Saybrook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wagner, Edward; 579 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilkerson, Albert Samuel; University of Missouri; (r) 1934 Wayland Ave., Columbia, Missouri. Woodward, Harold Homer; Chase and Hamilton Ave., ‘Cincinnati, Ohio. Wynn, Justice Farless; 712 South Fourth St., Evansville, Ind. Class of 1922 Bauer, Gilbert H.; 1027 Kinney Lane, Portsmouth, Ohio. Bishop, George Creed; 3128 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, Ralph; 2836 Stanton Ave., Apt. No. 3, Cincinnati, Ohio. Caplan, Harry N.; 1611%4 Turner St., Allentown, Pa. Chance, Oliver Gatch; R. R. No. 1, North Bend, Ohio. Cowdrey, George Clair; Eastwood, Ohio. Dalzell, John Wasson; 1132 Inglenook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 200 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Elliott, David Carlin; 1620 York St., Denver, Colo. Elsbach, Fremont A.; 243 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frederick, Clarence Henry; 449 Washington Ave., Lorain, Ohio. Gampfer, Nelson Messner; 4209 34th St., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gillespie, Thaddeus Reamy; 771 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Good, Ralph William; 305 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hawk, William McClure; R. No. 1, Harrison, Ohio. ; Hier, Frank; 4417 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hopkins, Robert Gray; 77 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holdt, George G.; 2237 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Iber, Frank; 201 South Barron St., Eaton, Ohio. Irwin, Clarence Bertrand; 3323 Trimble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Johnen, Louis John; Crosley Radio Corp., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 2325 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Keck, Herman; 3595 Outlook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kennedy, Edward D.; 221 Erckenbrecker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kingery, William Ray; 409 Dryden Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Kitzmiller, Karl Vivian; Reading Rd. and McGregor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, Kotte, Robert Henry; 3436 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. McIntire, Warren Wallace; 2318 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Magrish, James I.; 1638 Bruce Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Massie, Ralph F.; Haverhill, Ohio. Meadows, James Botts; 345 Park Ave., Newport, Ky. Metzger, Howard Edward; 17 East Eleventh St., New York City, N .Y. Meyer, Edward Lee; 1297 Paddack Hills Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyers, Philip Mitchell; 1032 Valley Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, George William; address unknown. Nathan, David Solomon; 1705 East Silver Ave., Albuquerque, N. M. Newman, Edward Lawrence; 4321 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Parker, Charles Stanton; 3636 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pichel, Joseph Loth; 4530 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pochat, Louis Carl; 4228 Floral Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Poetker, Karl; Fourth and Washington Aves., Portsmouth, Ohio. Rich, Carl West; 1358 Cryer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosenbaum, Irwin Seymour; 960 Burton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmidt, Milton Henry; 203 Telephone Bldg.; (r) 2 Landon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schiff, Leon; 3161 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schlueter, Elmer Anthony; 1630 California St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwartz, Bernard A.; 402 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Thomas George; Leetonia, Ohio. Scott, Wylmer Leon; Yorktown Tavern, Yorktown, Pa. Sebastian, John Christopher; 2350 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Segal, Eugene; Cumberland Apts., Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Seltz, Samuel; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Paul Brown; Ross, Ohio. Twitchell, Henry; 845 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Walls, James Robert; 804 St. Paul Bldg.; (r) Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio, Wertheim, William; Sante Fe, Tenn. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 201 Wilzbach, Carl Albert; 108 Valencia St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woellner, Robert; 3056 McHenry Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wydman, Byron H.; 6170 Grandvista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. York, Arley Bromley; Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1923 Aaronsohn, Michael; 247 Ehrman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Adams, Carl Bruno; 33 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barnes, Harry Elliott; address unknown. Benus, Francis Alonzo; 360 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Beutel, Lester C.; 218 East Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowen, J. Andrew; 25 East Second St., Newport, Ky. Brown, Cooper O.; 2048 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Charin, Arthur Lowe; Brookville, Ind. Chisholm, David Breneman; 4603 Glenshade Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Craig, Palmer Hunt; 3401 Glenmore Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gebauer, Max Bork; 2816 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geldreich, Paul Walter; 6058 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gordon, J. N. Curry; Lieut. U. S. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Greenwald, Hyman Tupper; 3408 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Halloran, Francis; 722 Linden Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Hengstenberg, Hugo Herbert; 12 East St. Clair St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heyroth, Francis F.; 1917 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Holland, William Webster; 216 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hueneke, Charles A.; 449 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaacs, Asher; 3244 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jensen, Harold Charles; 1343 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kroencke, Edward J.; 5590 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kronman, Harry Lincoln; Washington Congregation, between H and I Sts., Washing- tom. DC: Kunz, Walter B.; 3423 Knott Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leary, J. A.; 2600 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levine, Maurice; 3977 Lowry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lifset (formerly Lifschitz), Theodore; Lexington, Ky. Loofbourow, John A.; No. 2 Norwood National Bank Bldg., Norwood, Ohio; (r) 258 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Louis Frank; 1620 Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Marvin, Warren K.; 6169 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Maynard, Julian Louis; Dept. of Chemistry, Uuiversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Merriman, Gaylord Maish; 102 Wentworth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Monger, Herschel Harold; 2739 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moorman, Clinton Robert; address unknown. Pichel, Charles H.; 3107 Harvey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reps, Dewey H.; 459 Shafer St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rhodes, Silas Samuel; 836 Clinton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robbins, Samuel L.; 10314 Parkgate Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Rogers, George William; Petersburg, Ky. 202 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Schwertman, Arthur; 220 East 19th St., Covington, Ky. Settle, Edwin Theodore; 125 Wallace Ave., Covington, Ky. Shafer, Stanley Irving; 1426 Laidlaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Simon, Stanley D.; Marks Apts., Paducah, Ky. Taxay, Joseph Marshall; 540 South Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Tietig, Chester; Patent Office, Washington, D. C.; (r) 3812 Ordway, Cleveland Park, Washington, D. C. Urich, Morris; 1157-48th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Viduya, Marcelino T.; Presbyterian Hospital, San Juan, Porto Rico. © Wachs, William C.; 235 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weber, Robert K.; address unknown. Wendel, Arthur W.; 142 East McMicken St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1924 Bachman, Nathan Dulaney; 2326 East Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; and 1192 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Beddoe, Donald Theophilus; 2217 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bennett, Omer H.; Westwood Bank; (r) 3822 Davis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Biltz, Robert Lincoln; 3242 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Biltz, Stewart Goslin; 3242 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blair, Jacob Jackson; American Rolling Mill Co., Middletown, Ohio. Bradtmueller, Howard William; 3855 Zinsle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Broker, Walter; 2622 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bryant, Benjamin Lewis; 3330 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 1447 Calvert Ave., Detroit, Mich. ; Cowl, Jamés Lancaster; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, and 375 Broad- way, Wheeling, W. Va. DeCamp, John Philip; 270 Gilman St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Decker, Max Gray; 2619 Ocosta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Deeter, Don Favorite; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deubel, Harry F.; 425 South Thirteenth St., Hamilton, Ohio. Dorfman, Bernard M.; address unknown. Dresbach, Howard Thomas; 9 Roslyn Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feinburg, Abraham Louis; 43 Zane St., Wheeling, W. Va. Fineberg, Howard; 1306 Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. Gordon, Samuel H.; 14 Bransford Apts., Salt Lake City, Utah. Grafman, L. Elliot; 907 South Rome Ave., Tampa, Fla. Graham, Paul Judson; 821 Mt. Hope Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gross, Gordel G.; 885 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hall, Alfred Jerome; 2713 Alms Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hebble, Howard B.; 1804 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heizer, John Zebulon; 1204 Engineers Bank Bldg.; (r) 14922 Superior Rd., Cleve- land, Ohio. Hoffman, Harold LaTate; 242 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Houston, James LeRoy; 3421 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Irwin, Leslie Gaskill; 6405 Roe St., Cincinnati, Ohio. James, Dorrance Stanton; 125 North Sandusky St., Delaware, Ohio. Kahn, Lawrence Earl Brah; 565 West Blair St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 203 Kaiper, S. Everett; 508 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kindel, Daniel J.; 909 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knoke, Charles Elliott; Brooklyn, N. Y. Koch, Carl Allinger; 1308 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. j Koch, Edwin F.; Speigel Furniture Co., 19 St. Mary’s St., Shelbyville, Ind. Kroencke, Frederick; 5590 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McClure, John Wilson; Sinking Springs, Ohio. Machle, Willard F.; 3131 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Kent Edwin; 4403 Carnation Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Loyal Stewart; 4403 Carnation Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mikesell, Hobart L.; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Moore, Paul David; 2642 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nieson, Leonard M.; 523 East Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Norton, Harold Jacob; 35 Bassett Bldg., Columbus, Ind. Perin, Reuben Sigman; 765 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phillips, Samuel T.; 13 Chestnut-Wheat Apts., Wichita Falls, Texas. Pindar, Arthur William; 1100 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N. J. Posner, Charles; 1350 Burdette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pottschmidt, Carl William; 3472 Cheviot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Purcell, Alton Earl; 2323 Kenton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Regner, Sidney Lawrence; care Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Renfrow, Omar W.; 233 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roever, Donald; 3213 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rose, John Kreimer; 2711 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scobee, Robert Hughes; 233 Lexington Ave., Winchester, Ky. Seinsheimer, Frank; 5 Greenwood Court, Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Semple, Harry Devens; 804 North Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Siehl, Elmer Frederick; 1663 Otte Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Charles E.; 2533 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Streeter, Irving McKay; Port Arthur, Texas. Streit, William K.; 22 East Sixth St., Newport, Ky. Stump, Vernon Caradine; Goodland, Ind. Todd, Francis West; 533 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Todd, William Robert; 533 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ulland, Harold E.; 529 Howell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weller, Frank Joseph; 1314 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weller, Henry Joseph; 1314 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Werner, Elmer; 127 Malvern Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolfson, Erwin Service; 674 South Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodside, Matthew Nevin; 1007 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1925 Abaecherli, Carl Edward; 1227 Carolina Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Allen, David William; 119 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrews, Ralph N.; care W. W. McClung, Hughart, W. Va. Aneshansel, Carl W.; 2619 Ocosta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Carl Theodore; 3216 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 204 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Bennett, Thomas T.; 3830 Davis Ave., Cheviot, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bromberg, Walter; 1517 Tenth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bredestege, Francis J.; 1016 Beech Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crist, Raymond E.; Howe School, Howe, Ind.; (r) Lockland, Ohio. Crosby, Harold Orris; 416 South Main St., Findlay, Ohio. Dine, Harold; 4321 Greenlee Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. Duncan, Dewey C.; 1024 York St., Newport, Ky. Eisendrath, Maurice N.; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ely, Forrest; 3442 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Batavia, Ohio. Falk, Gustav Ferdinand; 1729 Carondelet Walk, New Orleans, La. Fessenden, Willard Blayney; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Feuer, Leon Israel; 164 Westwood Ave., Akron, Ohio. Fey, Russell Richard; 2646 Fenton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Finkelstein, Lionel A.; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Foreman, Robert Trawick; 1515 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky. Franz, Elmer Franklin; 4835 Greenwood Terrace, Cincinnati, Ohio. Freidless, Nathan Leon; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ganim, Mitchell Nicholas; 1308 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldberg, Harrison; 1213 Locust St., Steubenville, Ohio. Goldburg, Norman Michael; 634 Main St., Quincy, IIl. Goldstein, Abraham; 45 Newton St., Malden, Mass. Goldstein, Morris; 2142 North 32nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Greene, Charles Saul; 1136 South McKinley St., Canton, Ohio. Greenert, George W.; 73 Perkins Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; (r) Forest Hills, Latonia, Ky. Greenwald, Jehiel Milton; address unknown. Gross, Berthal G.; 855 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harris, Melbourne; 740 Hillgirt Circle, Oakland, Calif. | Henderson, William Holland; 235 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hibshman, Eugene; 2748 Hampshire Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Howard, Robert E.; College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hymans, Edgar Morris; 80 Park Place, Newark, N. J. James, Roger A.; 2637 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Licht, Rudolf; 723 North Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Linneman, Joseph H.; 1332 Greenup St., Covington, Ky., also 304 Monmouth St., Newport, Ky. Lippert, William Henry; 4254 Williamson Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Litwin, Morris J.; 930 Fairbanks Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McIntosh, Robert Garnet; 164 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Malarney, Philip James; 151 Parkway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Martin, Henry Garrett; R. R. No. 5, Glendale, Ohio. Martin, Louis Henry; 2517 Salem Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Menrad, Marvin Clarence; 241 Emming St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyers, Maxwell; 488 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Mills, Stanley; Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Oberschmidt, Carl F.; 2515 Addison St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Richey, Guy V.; 4811 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rohdenberg, William Herman; 1749 Sherman Ave., 107 Center Bldg., Norwood, Ohir. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 205 Rose, Arthur; 1240 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sagmaster, Joseph Wilfred; Lincoln College, Oxford, England. Schulzinger, Morris Simcho; 529 Prospect Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwartz, Benjamin Samuel; 803 Windham Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Virgil B.; Augusta, Ky. and Milford, Ohio. Smith, Fleming Lee; 213 Albion Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Steingrube, Charles Roy; 2819 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tallmadge, Harry; 2224 Monroe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Topmiller, Arthur Edward; 2709 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thornton, Alva S.; 805 Russell Ave., Covington, Ky. Unger, Sidney; 1873 Loring Ave., New York City, N. Y. Ustick, Laurence Montayne; The Joseph Schmidt Advertising Co.; (r) 3646 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Virtue, Charles Frank; Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey. Virtue, Clarence McCurdy; Lieut., Tenth U. S, Infantry, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Virtue, Clark Wakeman; 355 Elland Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Warm, Jules Louis; 742 Greenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weingartner, Theodore Frank; 14 Garden St., Cambridge, Mass. Wiggiser, Abraham Mayer; Medical College, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Jack Glenn; 809-10 Gerke Bldg.; (r) 3770 Lueders Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wolk, Samuel Joseph Belmont; H. U. C.; (r) 895 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zigmond, Maurice Louis; care Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1926 Arapakis, Panagiotis Zacharias; 414 Union St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Zounation, Greece. Baildon, William Breck; 3442 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baker, Herbert Francis; 1335 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Barrett, Edward Joseph; 359 Ludlow Ave., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Baumes, Ogden H.; 5858 Wyatt Ave., Kennedy Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio. Blackschleger, Eugene; 2033 Meyer Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Bottigheimer, Edgar Max; 823 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. | Bredestege, Francis Joseph; address unknown. Bruson, Solomon; 338 Erckenbrecker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Middletown, Ohio; 87 Hurlburt Ave., Akron, Ohio. Buchanan, Gordon John; 347 Cassatt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burger, George Nelson; 4194 Scott Ave., East San Diego, Calif. Carrara, Potito; 1752 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Sylvester F.; 1207 Chapel St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dawson, John E.; 439 LaFayette Ave., Bellevue, Ky. Dunn, John Ewing; Smithland, Ky. Evans, Raymond Louis; 836 McPherson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fineberg, Abba Mayer; Hebrew College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Franklin, Charles Edward; 8335 Burns Ave., Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Edward; 3592 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldman, Douglas; 830 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldman, Stanford; 830 Lexington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, Gordon, Julius; Hebrew College, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Cleveland, Ohio. 206 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. bse Harburg, Israel; Hebrew College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Harder, Frank Kirby; 78 Hartwell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Heidelman, George B.; 827 Horace St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Humphries, John William; 3440 Larona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hurwitz, Samuel Dodkin; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Fort Wayne, Indiana. Johnson, Hugh Francis; 176 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Tobasco, Ohio. Jones, Thomas Malcolm; 230 Southern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Josselson, Jack Bernard; 821 Cleveland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kasfir, Harry Isadore; 692 South Crescent St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kawasaki, Leonard Y.; 257 Loraine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemper, Robert Louis; 3950 Regent Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Levi, Edwin Kay; 2944 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Liebman, Joshua Loth; 3028 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lischkoff, Jerome Auer; 3458 Hallwood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyford, George; Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Philadelphia Drive, Dayton, Ohio. McFarlan, Ronald Lyman; 3215 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McLean, Stuart Olcott; 2526 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMurtey, Richard Tallifena; U. C. Dormitory, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Cynthiana, Ky. Markle, George Burt; 358 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Marsh, Ellwood Alfred; 28 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, David; 836 Windham Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morgan, Stewart S.; A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas; (r) 1541 Ruth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nash, Alexander Edgar; 663 June St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nippert, Louis; 2981 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oexman, Howard Elmer; 264 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Olan, Levi Arthur; Hebrew Union College Dorm., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 258 Hudson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Olcott, Charles Wheaton; 305 Sunnyside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Aurora, Ind. Pease, John Wemple; 841 Ridgeway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phair, John Joseph; 2805 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Robert Linton; 255 Hosea Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, William Sylvestre; 4206 Homer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rabinovitz, Bernard; 227 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Middletown, Ohio. Rankin, Tom; No. 5 North Burton Apts., Covington, Ky. Robb, Charles Rigdon; 2651 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rose, Howard Newton; 345 McAlpin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosenbaum, Milton; 252 Albany Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rosin, Simon H.; 674 Glenwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scheerer, George Calvin Crow; 805 Dayton St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmid, Wesley William; 725 Wyoming Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Sloan, Louis McKean; 429 East Fifth St., Newport, Ky. Snyder, Herman Eliot; 511 Hickory St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Reading, Pa. Speidel, Russell Frazier; 140 West University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sprinkle, Willis McCollum, Marion, Va. Staderman, Albert Herman; 3411 Cornell Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. - McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 207 Steffens, William Louis; 4023 South Jefferson Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Streit, Oscar; 265 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio, Todd, Richard Warren; 527 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tull, James Theron; 3442 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio. Turton, Lawrence Elmer; 4707 Garland Ave., Linwood, Cincinnati, Ohio; Lebanon, Ohio. Vogel, C. William; 3319 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weber, George W.; 124 Parker St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weinstein, Adrian; 3578 Burch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weintraub, David Joseph; 439 Chestnut St., Newport, Ky. West, James Holden; 18 Belsaw Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Benton C.; 19 East Ninth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wilson, Paul Benjamin; 4306 Whetsel Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Young, Lawrence Edward; 1560 Glen Parker Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zielonka, Davd Leopold; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Zodikoff, Rudolph Martin; 3106 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zoechlein, Arthur George; 23 North Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. li Kix 208 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. ee ok COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Class of 1905 Baurichter, Joseph Hermann; 2106 Staebler Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bebb, John Edward; Lathrop Ave., Detroit, Mich. Fosdick, Wm. Powell; 1703 Union Trust Bldg.; (r) 514 Hawthorne Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio, Holdredge, Howard Glenn; address unknown. Huff, Benjamin Long; address unknown. Niemes, Fred. Daniel; 3055 Feltz Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Passel, Howard F.; C. I. and W. R. R., Indianapolis, Ind.; (r) 115 Drexel Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. Robinson, Louis Gilmore; No. 4 Harrison Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) East Mar- tanna Bldg., Covington, Ky. Schmitt, Charles Wm.; 2400 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Swift, Eldred B.; 5012 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, III. Wadsworth, Arthur Wm.; 84 Shaw Lane, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Class of 1906 Faber, Herbert; 6 Rural Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Forbes, Edw. Woodruff; address unknown. Hans, Clarence Louis; 2900 Grasselli Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. James, Hamilton; Tiffin, Ohio. Quirk, Wm. A.; 1641 Clayton Ave. and Principal, Guilford School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Story, George; address unknown. Worchester, Harold Potter; Hunt Ave., Blue Ash, Ohio. Class of 1907 Bahlman, Erwin Felix; U. S. Glue Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Balzhiser, Julius H.; Newtown, Ohio. Bell, James Edwin; address unknown. Bodemer, Oscar H.; Armleder Truck Co.; (r) 965 Winsor St., Cincinnat, Ohio. Brand, Louis; 266 Dorchester Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bruehl, Wm. A. R.; 1037 Redway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cherrington, Frank Willard; 2463 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio. Doeller, Godfrey Albert; care The Dayton Power and Light Co., Dayton, Ohio. Edeler, August; care Procter & Gamble Co., Ivorydale, Ohio. Eichler, Walter, 3000 Glbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Feldmann, Marcus; care Jonap & Co., 415 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. “enkins, Alexander Lewis; 3545 Biddle St., Cincinnati,. Ohio. cheloe, Richard Perkins; 2929 Elm St., Dallas, Texas. Harry F.; address unknown. King, Gustave Fred; 1037 Jefferson Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Loewe, sorge W.; 3356 Gano Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Meyer, G =r A; 457 Fort St, W., Detroit, Mich. Rasch, Waly COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 209 Roberts, Clarence Jos.; 3414 Telford St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schroetter, Edwin Odys; 1090 Abbott Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Shine, Bart Jennings; 3453 Cornell Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stegner, Harry C.; 239 Miltary. Park, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Thompson, George Robert; address unknown. Class of 1908 Ashcraft, Charles Edward; 31 South Grandview Ave., Crafton, Pa. Biederman, August, Jr.; 2950 Moreland Ave., Camp Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buchanan, Carl George; 1049 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Harold Wakelam; 1268 Paddock Hills Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Conway, Norman Butter; P. O. Box 257, Yuma, Ariz. DeVore, David G.; The Fisher-DeVore Construction Co.; (r) 3576 St. Charles PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fisher, Frank Tremont; The Fisher-DeVore Construction Co.; (r) 2623 Erie Ave., and 1025 Dixie Terminal, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gallagher, James; 1034 Yale St., Sacramento, Calif. Henry, Walter F.; 2548 Marryat St. and 1025 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rinninsland, Louis Gérmain; 3324 Holloway Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, Harry Shields; Cincinnati Shaper Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schaar, Bernard E.; Schaar & Co., 556 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Schick, Herman S.; 305 P. O. Bidg., Wheeling, W. Va Sticksel, Cleveland Peter; Globe Soap Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Church Ave., New- town, Ohio. Wagner, Milton Henry; Chas. M. Kelso Co., 1065 Reibold Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Class of 1909 Adams, Willard Curlton; Allen & Garcia Co., 955 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, IIl.; (r) 4004 Summitt Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Baldwin, Ralph Arthur; 4912 Ash Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Biedinger, Harry E.; address unknown. . Brown, Robert Garfield; Room 14, Eighth anad Plum Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carter, Ainslie Taylor; address unknown. Clancy, James Anthony; 4109 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. Dorsey, Howard Alexander; 1060 Hulbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eckert, Clarence Roy; care The Barrett Co., 40 Rector St., New York City. Fels, Clifford George; 2528 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Friedman, Harry B.; 402 First National Bank Bldg., Ft. Worth, Texas. Gabriel, Richard Wm.; Asst. Division Engr., Washington, Ind. Hall, Joseph F.; Oil Belt Terminal R. R. Co., Hotel Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. Hecker, Charles; 1322 Fillmore St, Philadelphia, Pa. Jewitt, John Gibson; 418 Elder Drive, Toledo, Ohio. Lange, Wm. Charles; 3064 Sidney Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McMinn, Fred F.; 1324 Burdette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mackelfresh, Charles Harold; 756 Froome Ave., Winton Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reiter, George Hoyes; address unknown. Schwenker, Robert Fred.; address unknown. 210 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Thornssen, Edgar L.; address unknown. Winder, Clarence A.; Commercial Elect. Mfg. Co.; (r) 5306 Reiger Ave., Dallas, Texas. Class of 1910 Andrew, Charles S.; 3566 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Backman, Stanley George (Captain) ; care Adj. Gen. Office, Washington, D. C Buvinger, Wilson Jewett; 2911 Werk Rd., Cincinnati, hOio. Goldblatt, David; 833 East Rockdale eps Cincinnati, Ohio. Holzwarth, Charles; Du Pont-Pathe Mfg. Co., Parlin, N. J. Jahnke, Charles B.; 1241 Prairie Ave., Beloit, Wis. Kersey, Ralph Blaine; 1703 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kilgour, Charles Edmund; 3401 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kinker, Edward Herman; 2216 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Kistner, Amor Edward; 2600 Shanmoor Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Koenig, Henry Fred; 2846 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Maas, Julian; The Julian Maas Co., 1215 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Reinke, John C.; 552 Custer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reiter, Hayes; mridecee unknown. Schuessler, Gustave; 9912 South Winchester Ave., Chicago, tll. Witte, Raymond Charles; 2239 Park Ave., Ceninanen Ohio. Class of 1911 Binns, George Walter; 3555 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Branson, James Eli; 237 Piedmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Donogh, Robert B.; address unknown. Fosdick, Cedric Earle; 6103 Cary Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hart, Alden Leonard; 728 Racine St., Milwaukee, Wis. Janssen, J. Wm.; address unknown. Kranz, Henry H.; 1319 Franklin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. La Bach, Paul Mayer; address unknown. McComas, Ralph T.; 2152 Alpine Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Otting, Elmer Fred; 221 Westford St., Springfield, Mass. Reif, Wm. W.; 1151 Sanborn Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Skinner, Charles W.; 1871 Keys Crescent Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smyth, Paul H.; 24 West Stevens St., Mt. Healthy, Ohio. Stratemeyer, Edwin A.; 2228 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, James Jared; 18 Alian Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Thomas, John Elbert; Edon, Ohio. Thau, Walter E.; address unknown. Class of 1912 Allan, John Andrew; 26 Taylor Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Arend, Armin Conrad (Aren); 3452 Harlem Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bennett, Fred A.; 69 Barringer Rd., Ilion, N. Y. Bissmeyer, Albert H.; 6247 Cortelyon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cook, Howard B.; 2316 Adams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Cragg, Walston §.; 4339 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. Cummings, Charles Wm.; Flat No. 3, 2360 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 211 _Easton, Russel Morrison; 4018 Egbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Federle, Joseph Candidas; 15 Parkwood Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Freeman, Benjamin W.; 3206 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frohman, Nathan Sigmund; 3970 Lowry Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Getz, Charles H.; International Time Recording Co., 41 West Gay St., Columbus, Ohio. Gearhart, Shirley Zumehley; address unknown. Grotlisch, Victor Edward; Woodside Park, Silver Spirng, Md. Guntrum, Ernest K.; 1440 West Bethune Ave., Detroit, Mich. Haines, Philip Goble; Veterans Bureau, Myler Bldg., Portland, Ore. Hammel, Stanley Samuel; 260 Atlanta Drive, Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburg, Pa. Helbig, Arthur Stanley; 161 Highland Ave., Ravenna, Ohio. Hewitt, Arthur C.; 132 West Sinn St., Bellefonte, Pa. Hill, Charles Owan; address unknown. Jefferson, Wm. Harold; care Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc., 3512 Grand Cent. Term. Bldg., New York City, N. Y. Knoebel, C. B.; Box 240, Palestine, Texas. Koenig, Gustav B; 1988 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Krampe, Hugo John; Armstrong Cork and Insulating Co., 808 Powers Bldg., Roches- Tera Ney. McLeod, Earl Hudson; 84 Montross Ave., Rutherford, N. J. and 461 Eighth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Malone, Charles Joseph; American Steel and Wire Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Mathewson, James Stanley; 2301 Rugby St., Madison, Wis. Morrow, Lester Graaydon; McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Tenth Ave. and 36th St., New York City, N. Y. Paulsen, Richard John; 2991 Observatory Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pinkerton, Clarence Short; care The Cutler Hammer Co.; (r) 691 Hackett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Plueddemann, R. Oscar; 1939 Sutton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Reller, Otto Robert; Moline Tool Works, Moline, Il. Robinson, Max Brewster; College of Engineering, Evansville College, Evansville, Ind. Rowell, John Thomas; 849 Hutchins Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Royer, Earl Bufford; 1703 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ryland, Donald; address unknown. Smith, James Thomas; address unknown. Smith, Walter Lewis; 1849 West Adams St., Los Angeles, Calif. Steinkoenig, Louis Adrian; address unknown. Stewart, Wm. Moylan; 110 East Fourth St., Joplin, Mo. Class of 1913 Anstead, Taylor Wm.; 2109 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Barr, Ingle Wm.; Pensacola, Fla. Batsner, Arthur M.; 4341 Pitts Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Biedinger, John Robt.; 2234 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bleekman, John Albert; address unknown. Bodenstein, Wm. Edw.; 405 Second National Bank Bldg.; (r) 3544 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. 212 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Breitenbach, Herman John; Lodge and Shipley Co.; (r) 511 Fortune Ave,, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Buerger, Fred. Clarence; 2496 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Colburn, Bethuel Vincent; address unknown. Davis, Aloph H.; 2636 Melrose Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Flohr, Ralph C.; 3309 South Woodmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goettle, Richard Jos.; 3479 Wilson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hauck, Richard John; 2167 Quatman Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Hill, Walter O.; address unknown. Jones, Rufus Bell; 4337 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lytle, Charles Walter; New York University, University Heights, New York City, N. Y.; (r) 2522 University Ave., New York City, N. Y. Nocka, Carl Wm.; address unknown. Peasles, Willetts; 6 Arcadia Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Petts, Wilbur J.; care Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, N. J.; (r) 725 Livingston Rd., Elizabeth, N. J. Perry, Stanley; 430 North High St., Columbus, Ohio. Roehm, Erwin Grant; 2500 Highland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Schneider, Joseph H.; 6233 Bona Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tangeman, Walter; 3450 Observatory Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Witte, Russel B.; 3177 Penrose Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Zugelter, George Emil; 403 Fairview Ave., Southview Park, Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1914 Andrew, James Peter; 3600 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bishop, James Stanley; 2364 Laredo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bloom, Charles Louis; 639 Van Antwerp St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chalkey, Curtis Rathbone; 2035 Garrard Ave., Covington, Ky. Dartnall, Thomas Wm.; address unknown. Eggers, Albert Herman; 2325 Clinton Place, Rockford, IIl. Engdahl, Fred Wm.; Ortonville, Minn. Gerstle, John B.; address unknown. Harding, Edw. Crittinden; 26 Sunset Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Hurxthal, Alpheus O.; 7415 Bayer St., Philadelphia, Pa. Klein, Chester Thomas; address unknown. Lange, Charles Henry Louis; address unknown. Marks, Henry Albert; 659 Forest Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mitchell, Miron Allen; Cincinnati, Ohio. Mitchell, Wm. Henry; 2846 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monaghan, Walter I.; 4122 31st St., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Oehler, Willis Alward; 966 Hawthorne St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peters, Andrew James; General Motors Research Corp., Detroit, Mich. Plueddemann, Edw. Westley; 5113 Glenshade Ave., Madisonville, Cincinnati, Ohio. Race, Richard Mann; 115 West Third St., Covington, Ky. Reed, Robt. Findley; 2374 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio, and University of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Salkover, Benedict B.; 745 Leland Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Sharkey, Wm. Edward; 2204 Arlington Ave., Middletown, Ohio. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 213 Sheriff, John Waters; 14 Senator Apts., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sive, Benjamin Elliott; address unknown. Stewart, John Harold; 3009 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strait, Clay Mortimer; 6830 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Warrington, Charles Mitchell; 811 Chestnut St., Coshocton, Ohio. Westenhoff, Alphonse Mueller; 1614 Westmoreland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wiant, Paul Prince; Foo Chow, China. Class of 1915 Alexander, Lowell Melville; 3317 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ames, John Hubbard; 18 Maple St., and Whitin Machine Works, Whitinsville, Mass. Blackford, Ralph E.; P. O. Box 329, Middletown, Ohio. Burns, Francis Ormsby; 1804 Larch Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Carpenter, Harold D.; 1270 Maple Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Chace, Clyde Burgess; address unknown. Da Camara, Wm, Harley; address unknown. Felton, Stephen J.; 130 Woolper Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fenker, Clement M.; 1703 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fillmore, Herbert W.; Terrace Park, Ohio. Halsey, George Dawson; 3919 Livingston St., Chevy Chase, Md. Harned, Mark L.; Stearns & Foster Co., Lockland, Ohio; (r) 23 Central Terrace, Wyoming, Ohio. Hartmann, Carl; 3798 Liston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Higgins, Chester Lyon; 5% Stoddard Ave. and 1 Glen St., Glen Falls, N. Y. Hyndmann, Robert; care Mrs. Asa Cutler, 229 East 55th St., Portland, Ore. Kohlhepp, Norman; 1513 Morton Ave., Louisville, Ky., and Chas. E. Bedaux & Co., Chicago, Ill. Lehnhoff, Raymond Godfrey; 475 Riddle Rd., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Maish, Albert Fred; 4032 Rose Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Montgomery, Thaddeus J.; 717 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Myers, Raymoond Pendry, 2640 Riverside Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio. Neuffer, George Totten; 9 Parkwood Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Nierman, Theodore H.; 1666 Springlawn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oster, Eugene Arthur; 3913 Regent Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Otte, Charles Wm.; 1861 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Perry, Arlington Clyde; 7933 Maderia St., Pittsburg, Pa. Pyne, Roland R.; 95 Miami Parkway, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Ritter, Harold Peter; 3731 St. Lawrence Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schaeperklaus, Louis Henry A.; 3930 Trevor Ave., Cheviot, Cincinnati, Ohio. Settle, Francis Carr; Stigler, Okla. Spear, Walter Arthur; 2116 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Swinney, Stuart La Force; address unknown. Vinnedge, Earle Walter; 1504 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wallace, Bruce Hinds; 10067 Kee Mar Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Wood, Charles Estes; 1657 Rose Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wulfekoeter, Burt Henry; Apt. L, La Salle Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 214 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Class of 1916 Baehr, Leonard K.; 3014 Springer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Baer, Bernard Edw.; First National Bank Bldg., Levenworth, Kan. Binns, H. Stanley; 4115-31st St., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Black, Ambrose Charles L.; S. K. F. Industries, 165 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Cherrington, Edison; 6405 Bartlett St., Pittsburg, Pa. Feldman, Edmund Burke; 669 East Fifth North St., Logan, Utah, and Utah Agri- cultural College. Fishburn, Charles Cyrus; 405 South Sixth St., Champaign, III. Franklin, Jacob; 3259 Delaware Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goosman, Herbert J.; care Singer Mfg. Co., Rosalle Park, N. J. Gordon, Myron Boyd; 43 Broad St., New York City, N. Y.; (r) 437 North Walnut St., East Orange, N. J. Hall, George Thomas; address unknown. Hayes, Wm. Leonard; Box 107, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. Hecht, Vernon G.; 3441 Trimble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard, Wm. Rappe; Brocton, N. Y. Jones, Douglas Clyde; 2324 St. James Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kemper, S. Fred; 970 Avondale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kruse, Ralph Henry; 462 Carol Place, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Langhammer, Anthony John; address unknown. Lee, M. D.; 5 Highland Ave.; 103 Wabash Ave., Albany, N. Y. McKea, Charles Clinton; address unknown. Messinger, Henry Calvert; 114 Parker St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mizner, Ralph Adam; 16th Floor, Fax Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Montgomery, James Wm.; 4173 Forest Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Norton, Fay Arthur; 1749 Brewster Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. O’Loughlin, Jos. James; 76 Randolph Ave.; (r) 168 Grand St., Waterbury, Cona Pepinsky, Bernard; Hickory and Jay Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phelps, Stephen B.; Green Hill, Pa. Rammel, Charles L.; address unknown. Rettick, Paul Fred; 1615 Rascher Ave., Chicago, II. Rickwood, Rowland Lee; 3715 Aylesboro Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Robinson, William Earl; 3520 Telford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rodgers, Thomas Franklin; address unknown. Schneider, Ben R.; Springfield Pike, Glendale, Ohio. _ Schroth, Herbert H.; 624 Lincoln Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Seamands, Earl Arnett; 724 East Sixth St., Tucson, Ariz. Shepard, Morton Bradley; 2441 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Stenger, Edwin Peters; 3042 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. teward, Wilbur Albro; 229 Harvey Ave., Oak Park, III. Sylvester, Wm. L.; 95 Condon Ave.; 5 North Michigan Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Thompson, Guy; 432 East Warren St., Lebanon, Ohio. Valerio, Giacuito; address unknown. Voss, Raymond Frank; 1600 Elizabeth Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Berkeley; 34 Silver St., Middletown, Conn. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 215 Class of 1917 Allen, Wm. Norris; 3565 Pape Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Auch, Ralph Henry; 3411 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Avery, Albert Rollins; 137 North San Joaquin St., Stockton, Calif. Baker, James Leopold; 24 Sheehan Ave., Hartwell, Ohio. Biehl, John Fred; 1325 Hillcrest Rd., College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cowell, Warner Tuttle; 67 Clinton St., Seneca Falls, N. Y. De Quasie, Lacey Glenn; Box 378, Worcester, Mass. Ellis, Wm. Hartshorne; 5300 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ernst, Henry Samuel; 1510 24th St., Canton, Ohio. Fisher, Teasdale; 601 Mercantile Library Bldg.; (r) 2514 Handasyde Court, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Genzmer, Paul Ernest Raymond; Union Turnpike, Hudson, N. Y.; care Gifford Wood Co., Hudson, N. Y. Giebel, Robert L.; 1921 Avenue 1, Brooklyn, N. Y. Green, Wm. Harrison; 2231 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harrington, Earl Lawrence; 2129 Fulton St., Toledo, Ohio. Herlinger, Harold Van Cleve; 329 Linden Ave., Newport, Ky. Holz, Robert; 3550 Saybrook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huber, William Robert; Procter & Gamble Co.; (r) 237 Burns Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Kuhlman, Leo George; Colonial Apts., Covington, Ky. Landis, George H.; Kingwood Park, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Langenheim, Ralph; 2435 Moerlein Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Monce, Edwin Walton; 2776 Sarita Pl., 1010 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, Joseph Green; care Cook Paint and Varnish Co., Kansas City, Mo. Morrison, Arthur Julius; 3554 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morrison, Garfield; Bethel, Conn. Oberschmidt, Fred Herman; care Cutler-Hammer Co., Guardian Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio; (r) 1727 Coit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Powell, Carrol Arthur; address unknown. Rush, Thomas Wm.; 2411 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sadler, Dudley Karkalitz; 2214 Adams St., New Orleans, La. Schneider, Anton W.; Reed, Prentice Co.; (r) 24 London St., Worcester, Mass. Schoettle, George Paul; 4426 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scofield, F. Leslie; 1380 Cook Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Sez enrtnur John, care Als. & R: Co) Garfield, Utah. Soller, Walter; 2515 Talbot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Utley, Romeyn Lathrop; 165 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.; (r) 43 College Ave., Poughkeepsie, N. J. Webb, Edgar Morrison; University Club, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wuenker, Ralph Fred; Box 14, R. R. No. 2, Milford, Ohio. Class of 1918 Altamer, Harold Miller; 5517 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aug, George C.; 3740 Lueders Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Backherms, Alvin B.; 730 Elm St., Akron, Ohio. Baude, Walter A.; 6218 Robinson Rd., Norwood, Ohio. Bauer, Edwin Francis; Truscon Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio. 216 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Davis, Milford Harrison; 2210 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Blackstone, III. Dollman, John W.; 4111 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fuller, John Emory; 802 Home Ave., Hartsville, S. C. Haller, Herbert L. J.; Rockefeller Institute, 66th St. and Ave. A., New York City, N. Y.; (r) 3724 94th St., Elmhurst, Long Island, N. Y. Hodtum, Joseph Bernard; 512 Highland Pl., Bellevue, Pittsburg, Pa. Johnston, Roswell A.; 1612 McFarland Rd., Darmont, Pittsburg, Pa. Johnston, Paul Kennedy; 928 York St., Newport, Ky. Lehrer, Wm. Keyser; Garwood Irrigation Co., Garwood, Texas. Lund, Carl Howard; 1807 Park Ave., Racine, Wis. McCormick, Harold V.; 3411 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mackay, Adam Macdonald; 233 Oliver Rd., Wyoming, Ohio. Markgraf, Carl Alex; 2624 Essex Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mills, Pelham Eugene; McComb City, Miss.; Amory, Miss. Osterbrook, Wm. Carl; 3348 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Peck, Ferdinand W.; E. I. Dupont De Nemours & Co., Jackson Lab., Wilmington, Delaware. Peterman, Wm. Arthur; 5725 Prentice St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Phelps, Stephen B.; Green Hill, West Chester, Pa. Romaine, Millard; 924 Windsor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scallan, Paul; Riverside Pulp and Paper Co., Appleton, Wis. Schroder, Fred Frank; 721 Burr Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Shaw, Michael Gerald; 316 Trumboll St., St. Clair, Mich. Sohn, Henry; 47 Lakewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spills, John Herman; address unknown. Sullivan, John Thomas; 3329 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Talcott, Harold P.; care O. J. Renner, 3392 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Venosa, Phillip; C., C., C. and St. L. Ry., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 2413 Mound Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Wuest, Frank Wagner; 419 South Sixth St., Minneapolis, Minn, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. Zak COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE Class of 1919 Allan, James Egelston; 2922 Eggers Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Anderegg, Rupert Andrew; 3626 Saybrook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bagel, Walter Thomas; 3309 Eastside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bjorn, Albert Theodore; 12 Cutting Ave., Worcester, Mass. Boone, Wallace Wm.; 569 Brentwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. Crutchfield, Tevis; 445 Wood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ehlers, Wm. Donald; 3942 Pope Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Embshoff, George Fred; General Motors Corp. Research Bureau, Detroit, Mich.; (r) 3020 Woodside Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fischer, Charles; 26 Wilmuth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Flath, Earl Hugo; Southern Methodist University; (r) 3621 Roberts Ave., Dallas, Texas. Fuller, Robert Benj.; Senoia, Ga. Graebe, Herman Charles; 4117 Jerome Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howland, Herman Chambers; 36 McEwan Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Johnson, Robert Leroy; 3619 Wabash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Juergens, Oscar Samuel; 4525 West 130th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Justice, Howard Kenneth; 102-16th St., Clifton, Ky. Kapp, Cecil Abram; Drexel Inst.; (r) 207 North 35th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Katz, Henry Albert; 1402 Monadnock Bldg.; (r) 1401 Thorne Ave., Chicago, Ill. Kelly, Erwin Columbus; 5 Woodsdale St., Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kincaid, Earl Belmont; R. R. No. 1, Newtown, Ohio. Knebel, Arthur Belmont; 36 West Mitchell Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio. Koehler, Christopher L.; care Alvey-Ferguson Co.; (r) 1291 Michigan St., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Kohlman, Irwin Laque; 502 West Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio, Litwin, Jacob Akim; 435 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Merten, Harold Adam; Henderson Lithographing Co., Norwood, Ohio; (r) 2916 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morgan, Wm. James; 1133 Carson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; 1939 North Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Neuffer, Arnold; 6114 Prentice St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nocka, Alfred J.; 3544 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Norris, Clifton Dwight; 1324 Procter St., Port Arthur, Texas. Priebe, Cedric Joseph; Chastleton Hotel, 16th and R Sts., Washington, D. C. Shyrock, Charles Shattuc; Buena Vista, Colo. Sloan, Charles H.; 429 East Fifth St., Newport, Ky. Smith, Leland Hendrick; address unknown. Smythe, Jesse Virgil; 1586 Tremont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tebow, Lee Robt.; 963 San Francisco St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas, Sam. Morgan; 4239-31st St., Oakley, Cincinnati, Ohio. Todd, Fred Charles; 946 Menlo Ave., 110th St. and Central Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Uihlein, Henry Calmer; 2706 Cleinview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 218 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Wartcki, Mark Abraham; 535 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wikelman, Leon J.; address unknown. Wolsdorf, Henry Adolph; Roberts College, Constantinople, Turkey. Wright, Francis James; Pearl River, N. Y. Class of 1920 Bailey, Samuel Major; 820 South Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Britain, Glenn Huston; Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee R. R., Chicago, Ill. Brown, Darwin Scott; U. G. and E. Co.; (r) 3342 Wabash Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Detraz, Edward Wadsworth; 1804 Hopkins Ave., Norwood, Ohio. DeViney, Albert Fares; 915 South Home Ave., Oak Park, III. Drufner, Vincent Henry; 220 Lyon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Elhoff, Erwin John; 3251 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ellert, Joseph Emil; 4222 Zetta Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. Fabe, Isadore G.; 3161 Harvard Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fasold, George Arthur; 1729 Pulte St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fassett, Francis Hartwell; 1347 U. B. Bldg.; (r) 2017 Ravenswood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Gaenge, Edwin Robert; Ferro Construction Co.; (r) 4613 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Garrison, James Harwood; 2938 Urwiler Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goetz, Harold Edmonds; 711 Myrtle St., Erie, Pa. Hannum, Dane Marston; 654 Bergen Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Hartman, Joseph Reed; 4835 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hermann, Harold Nathaniel; 2237 Francis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. High, Selden Frank; 1342 Grace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howell, John Harvey; 324 Kenwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Huss, Frank Wesley; 624 Maple Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jones, Charles Shelley; Supt., Fire Alarm Signal Tower, City Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kepler, Lionel Jesse; 318 Cherry Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Kellogg, Robert Holmes; P. O. Box 43, Rochester, N. Y. Koenig, William Habekotte; 2846 May St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Langenheim, Arthur William; 2729 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lindsley, Allen Moore; 338 Bryant Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 128 East Ruscomb Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Luckett, Oscar Phillip; 529 Arden Place, Toledo, Ohio. McKinney, Robert Stevenson; 414 New Jersey Ave., Washington, D. C. McJoynt, Thomas Lee; College of Engineering and Commerce, Akron University, Akron, Ohio. Meyer, Charles Stephen; 707 Southern Ry. Bldg.; 2902 Minot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Neuffer, Alfred; McClintock-Marshall Co., New York City, N. Y. Nycum, Homer Clark; Keota, Iowa. Paterson, Alexander; 60 Hitchcock Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, IIl. Peterson, Howard George; address unknown. Pinckard, Frank Ellis; 2506 Moorman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sar die asi | Probst, George Herbert; 388 North State St., Marion, Ohio. Bl Reade, Ralph Wight Brownell; 84 Neron Pl., New Orleans, La. Richard, Edwin Jack; Kemper Lane Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ritter, Carl Clifford; Delco Light Co.; (r) 116 Colorado Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Shaffer, Herbert; 1321 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 219 Steward, Harold Clark; 7368 Kirkwood Lane, Fernbank, Ohio. Tull, Laurence Emerson; Board of Foreign Missions, M. E. Church, 150 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y.; (r) Old Unitale, Rhodesia, South Africa. VanPelt, Arthur A.; West Waldheim Rd.; Aspinwall, Pittsburg, Pa. Walker, John Grieg; Park Ave., Lebanon, Ohio. West, Herbert Norton; 3014 Greist Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Widau, William Earl; 407 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Wiessler, John Elmer; 2619 Scioto St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Yelton, Paul Hagemeyer; care Southern Sierras Power Co., Riverside, Calif. Class of 1921 Abrams, Louis; 825 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, Allen, Charles John; 3738 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Atkin, Bernard; 911 South Second St., Springfield, Ill. Averill, William David; 304 Oak St., Cincinnati, Ohio. _Bauer, Ralph Charles; 332 South Fulton St., Allentown, Pa. Beekley, Henry Lee; 232 South Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, Ill. Berg, Isadore Albert; 7100 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, III. Bockhorst, John Joseph; 1829 North Mayfield Ave., Chicago, II]. Boone, Joe Clinton; 2320 St. James St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Breiel, George Willard; 3531 Vista Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brite, H. Leigh; Forest Hill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, George Carlton; 733 Louisa St., Williamsport, Pa. Bryant, Leslie Edwin; 212 Darragh St., Oakland Sta., Pittsburg, Pa. Burns, Harry Robert; Box 865, Columbia Power Co.; (r) 1013 Parkson Place, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Clark, Harry Franklin; 110 West Fairview Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Constable, Charles Enoch; 3430 Bevis Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Crome, Lester Charles; Richmond, Ind. Dangel, Herbert Abraham; 3531 Saybrook Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Doran, John Edward; 6058 Oakwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dorsey, John Robert; Elmer Tank and Boiler Works, New Orleans, La. Elliott, Thomas Ernest; 502 Lake St., Oak Park, IIl. Feighery, Eugene Joseph; 1275 Parkway, Covington, Ky. Feld, Jacob; 1077 East Twelfth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Finch, Brent Sterrett, 1727 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fitzgerald, Gerald Edward; 5832 Wayne Ave., Chicago, IIl. Fries, Daniel Gustav; 1826 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. Garnatz, George Frederick; 4227 Turrill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gatchell, Oliver Wickerham; Box 61A, Moncure, N. C. Gellenback, Francis Richard; 8241 Woodbine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Haas, Elwood Adam; 431-Fifteenth Ave., S. W., Miami, Fla. Henshaw, Lewis Johnson; 5763 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hobart, John Potts, Jr.; 2512 Chatham St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hucke, Elmer Frank; 213 Charles St., Mt. Oliver P. O., Pittsburgh, Pa. Kamphausen, Rudolph Carl; 42-11 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. Keck, William E.; 26 West Thirteenth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McDonald, William John; 468 Purcell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 220 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. McFarlan, James Powell; 106 Rosemont Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. McFarland, James Clark; 1238 North Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Maggs, Albert Hector; 2333 Victor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. C Miller, Jeptha Mackenzie; 4146 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Mitchell, Calvin Dewey; 2210 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mitsch, Edward Henry; 3671 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Moffett, John Harrison; 10 Glencoe Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Moss, Frederick James; 6743 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, IIl. Mumaw, Lloyd Gerber; care Southern G. F. Co., Charlotte, N. C. Newbold, Ernest Miller; 3421 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oberlander, Theodore Fred; Main St., Elkland, Pa. Osborn, Cyrus Richard; Overseas Motor Corporation; 224 West 57th St., New York CitvieNaeys Pease, George Batchelder; 146 Somerset Ave., Winthrop, Mass. Pockras, Harry; 122 Poplar St., Towanda, Pa. Reade, Ralph Wight Brownell; 84 Neron Place, New Orleans, La. Redmon, Roy Shafter; 108 Harvard St., Brookline, Mass. Rosenstein, Sidney; 4042 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roy, Georges Henri; Hanvi, Tonkin, French Indo-China. Russell, Lewis Sterling; 1214 Buena Vista St., Pittsburg, Pa. Schaufele, William Henry, Jr.; Fairfield and Washington Aves., Bellevue, Ky. Schmidt, Albert Henry; 6839 Home City Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schubert, Edward Herman; 3617-15th Ave., North, Birmingham, Ala. Shafer, Robert Tinsley; 2879 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Box 1448, Sarasota, Fla. Sorin, Eugene; Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles, Calif. Stegemeyer, Lou Augustus; 3640 Russell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Strietelmeier, Edward Charles; 1878 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thamann, Frederick; 252 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Theis, Edwin Raymond; 2352 Glenside Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Trinkle, Carl; 4609 Eastern Ave.; (r) 2355 West McMicken Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tuttle, Donald Everett; address unknown. Warrington, Charles Mitchell; The Ohio Service Co., Coshocton, Ohio. Wiegand, Vernon Ivan Ellsworth; 411 West Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. Winslow, Edward Llewllyn; 3 Carter Court, Chapel Hill, N. C. Wolfinger, Ralph Wilson; 1321 South Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. Wood, Clinton Hobart; 109 North Shuler Ave., Hamilton, Ohio. Class of 1922 Addison, Griffith Thomas; 1859 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Allan, Donald; 5656 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Allen, Charles John; 3738 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Allen, Glenn Harold; 1404 Linwood Ave., Evanswood, Ind. Arnold, George Mathias; Cutter-Hammer Mfg. Co., 888 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bailey, Herbert Polson; 120 East Cassilly Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Benzing, Gordon Oakley; 709 South Ninth St., Hamilton, Ohio. Brault, Richard Henri; France. Curtiss, Howard Crosby; B. F. Sturtevant Co., 2086 Railway Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. COLLEGE OF.ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 221 Davis, Corwine Spaulding; No. 7 Westminster Apts., Dayton, Ohio. Deardorff, Harold Emerson; 102 Redwood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. DeGinther, Charles Willard; P. O. Box 33, Tallahasse, Fla. Diefenbach, Lowell Toman; 4838 Medill Ave., Chicago, III. Douthit, George Randolph; 627 West 20th St., Sioux Falls, S. D. Easley, Modie Wilson; Summitt Bridge, Del. Edmonston, Joseph Ricketts; 27 Seminary Ave., Auburn, N. Y. Fielman, Frederick George; 807 Mercantile Library Bldg.; (r) 3656 Monteith Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio, Garrison, Stuart Richey; 3054 Verdin Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geis, Robert LeRoy; 462 Stanton Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Gest, Henry; 2144 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gleeson, Francis Martin; 8344 Curzon Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grauer, Ladru Oron; 746 South Elmwood St., Oak Park, Ill. Greiser, Kenneth E.; Box 119, Graham, Va. Guilday, John William; care Morris Knowles, Inc., 507 Westinghouse Bldg., Pitts- burgh, ° Pa. Heena, Carl Raymond; 2912 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hollister, Leonard Cochran; R. F. D. No. 5, Olympia, Wash. House, Edwin Ralph; 2426 Hudson Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Howe, Ralph Cavanaugh; 330 West Second St., Eaton, Ohio. Keever, Herbert Kohl; 6740 East End Ave., Chicago, Ill.; (r) 3156 Glendora Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio. Kiefner, Frank Wilson; 3411 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koeppen, Harold Henry; Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Koski, Elmer Jacob; 641 North Mayfield Ave., Chicago, III. Kraemer, Erwin Albert; 311 Oregon St., Cincinnati, Ohio. McClure, Arthur William; Box 371, Athens, Ohio. McCune, Ronald; 416 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg, Pa. McKinley, Glen Lloyd; 851 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, IIl. Manson, Rene Joseph Maire; Tinchebrai, France. Minnium, Byron Biddle; 1424 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, IIl. Morrison, Frank William; 1610 Mansfield St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Myers, James Earl; 1830 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Neuffer, George Totten; 9 Parkwood Drive, West, Dayton, Ohio. Noble, John Irvine; Pacific Engineering Co.; (r) Central Y. M. C. A., Honolulu, T. H, Noble, Newton Alvin; 5542 West Adams St., Chicago, Ill. Nuezel, Elmer Frederick; 2512 Moorman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ott, Reuben Ervin Frederick; 3595 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Petree, Jay Ralph; 63 Harding Rd., Buffalo, N. Y. Phillips, Cecil St John; address unknown. Pingon, Andre Charles; Vaivre, France. Piper, Robert Neal; 1334 Meier Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Plueddeman, Hugo Reinhart; 2240 Salvadore St., Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio. Pope, Howard Louis; 2847 Minot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rice, Joseph Kellogg; 437 Rosemont Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Ritzi, John Henry; 14 Juergens Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Roby, Carles Foy; 3396 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 222 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Roshong, Roy George; 1380 Duever Ave., S. W., Canton, Ohio. Salkover, Nicholas Mann; Queen City Heat Treating Co.; (r) 256 Ehrman Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sarvis, Robert Guyle Genton; 2100 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schoelwer, William Brazele; 3605 Edwards Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schneider, Matthew Simpson; 4113 Ivanhoe Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Shoemaker, Glenn Elbert; 3135 Piquette Ave., Detroit, Mich. Smith, William Furber; care Oklahoma State Road Commission, Capitol Bldg., Okla- homa City, Okla. Splain, Walter Edward; Terrace Park, Ohio. Stackhouse, Howard Leigh; Fostoria, Ohio. Steinman, William Nicholas; 2651 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Stewart, Russell Elliott; Galion, Ohio. Theis, Charles Vernon; 27 Lakewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Tischler, Anton Wurlitzer; 142 West Fourth St.; (r) Yale and Gilbert Aves., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Townsend, Merrill; 1514 Rosemont Ave., Chicago, II. Wagner, Berzelious Stephan; 215 East Eighteenth St., Covington, Ky. Walker, Randall Edwin; 1035 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Watts, Thomas Raymond; 1515 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wenzel, Alfred William; 5528 Lester Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williams, Harry Backus: 702 North Monticello Ave., Chicago, Il. Woelflin, William; address unknown. Class of 1923 Allen, Charles Easton; 427 Chestnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ames, Irving Morris; 504 South Eleventh St., Newark, N. J. Arnold, Carlton Eugene; 217 Vine St., Harrison, Ohio. Bardes, Calvin Eugene; Room 13, 604 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bowen, Hugh Merrill; 14 South Court St., St. Louis, Mo. Brockman, Norbert Clemens; 4414 Kemper Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. Brown, Carlton Eugene; 1234 Louden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brown, John Edgar; 3425 Boudinot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 5102 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Burt, Robert Victor; 3822 Drake Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cavett, Edwin Shelley; Elk Tanning Co., Ridgeway, Pa. Clark, Olpha Simpson; 6708 Chestnut St., Mariemont, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cloys, Marion Lee; 1430 East Rich St. and 1635 Franklin Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Dave, Joseph; 19 Pisgah Ave., Asheville, N. C. Denham, Thomas Wyatt; 6435 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Deutsch, Zola Gotthard; 915 Second St., Solvay, N. Y. Dunkle, William Fremont; 303 South Fulton St. Allentown, Pa. Durbin, Edward D.; 3027 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ernst, Albert Edward; 427 Wood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eshbaugh, Jesse Everett; 152214 North Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Eubanks, James Thomas; address unknown. Evans, John Pfaff; 216 Wilmuth Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Fay, Everett Dewey; 825 Hickory St., Waukegan, III. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 223 Finley, Robert Earl; Washington Gas and Electric Co.; (r) 938 Dayton Ave., Wash- ington C. H., Ohio. Fisher, Harry Chester; 314 Westview Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Frowe, Chester Edwin; 1720 Fairfax Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fuller, William Maxwell; 3322 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fulner, Raymond Leslie; care Cincinnati Telephone Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geis, Norwood Charles; 2878 Romana PIl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Glicksberg, Human Eli; 1923 Crane Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Goldstein, Reuben M.; 3711 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Graves, Herbert Cornelius; Apt. 401, 600 Rebecca St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Haller, Karl Raymond; 50 Park Ave., Clifton, Newport, Ky. Hanauer, Charles Hunt; 1881 Taft Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Havelaar, William Charles; address unknown. Hedger, Howard Benjamin; Effingham, III. Henry, Chester Joel; 110 North Main St., Youngsville, Pa. Herrle, Max Robert; 2314 Rohs St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hicks, Gilbert Henry; 37 Rhodes Ave., South Charleston, W. Va. Hoeck, William Thomson; 2822 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hucke, Raymond Henry; 2437 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Israel, Dorman Daniel; 2427 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacobs, George Henry; 2202 Quatman Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Jander, John C.; The Lamson Co., 9 East 57th St., New York City, N. Y. Juergens, Walter August; 727 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kramer, Harold Bernard; 435 South Asch St., Alliance, Ohio. Kratt, Emil J.; Wells Bros. Const. Co., Monadnock Block, Chicago, III. Kuhn, Clarence Wilbur; 396 36th St., North Milwaukee, Wis. Kuntz, John Lowell; 568 Maple Ave., Arlington Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio. Letherby, Arthur Granville; 2315 North Main St., Cincinanti, Ohio. Liddle, Harold William; 78 Oliver Rd., Wyoming, Ohio. Liebtag, Carl F.; 5652 Bramble Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lohrey, Clarence Robert; 860 Beaver Ave., Midland, Pa. Lubin, Clarence I.; 3612 Washington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCartt, Lawrence Edison; Walton, Ky. Mallin, N. Milton; 891 Clinton Springs Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Maxon, Bruce E.; 3015 Euclid Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mental, Charles Edward, Jr.; 104 Parkwood Drive, Dayton, Ohio. Miller, H. F.; 1747 East 67th St., Chicago, II. Molloy, John Anthony; 5101 Ravenna St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Muth, George H.; U. S. Can Co., 5241 West 65th St., Chicago, III. Noertker, Joseph Anthony; Cincinnati Street Railway Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Wooster Pike, Terrace Park, Ohio. Olinger, Stanton; 255 Albion Pl., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pabst, Warren J.; 455 South Fourth St., Hamilton, Ohio. Palmer, Lewis Franklin; 755 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Petzhold, John Bernard; 2126 Slane Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Pfefferle, Frank Herman; 5910 Salvia Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, Kenneth W.; Record Bldg., Effingham, IIL. Post, Errett A.; 1521 North 36th St. East St. Louis, Mo. 224 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES, Robinson, Louis Clark; Kresge’s Five and Ten Cent Store, Clarksburg, W. Va. Roller, Walter William; 328 West Flagler St., Miami, Fla.; (r) Route “A,” Home- stead, Fla. Scheering, Walter Spencer; 21 Brighton Ave., Allston, Mass. Schierloh, Frederick Philip; 541 Rose Hill Ave., St. Bernard, Ohio. Schindler, Herbert Charles; 53 Richmond Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Schubert, Wilfred George; 251 Piedmont St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott, Robert Clyde; care Stone & Webster, Inc.; Boston, Mass. Sharp, Robert Kellogg; 222 South Short St., Troy, Ohio, and 1926 Hobart House, Charterhouse St., London, E. C., England. Shawhan, William Henry; 1108 Kunz Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Shuster, William Wilbur; West Union, Ohio. Silverman, Jacques Bernard; Y. M. C. A., Third and Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Sims, Charles Richard; 1504 Ruth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smedley, Anderson Barden; 2905 de Breck Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sperti, George; Ft. Mitchell Ave. and Dixie Highway, Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Strobel, Henry John; 2968 Morland St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Charles Wilmot; care R. F. Johnston Paint Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Taylor, Elbert John; care Morris Knowles, Inc., 507 Westinghouse Bldg., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Thomas, Clifford Glenn; 1374 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Thompson, James Frazier; 321 Garrard St., Covington, Ky. Turrell, Richard Jessup; 24 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1903 Greenup St., Cov- ington, Ky. Voelkel, William Wesley; address unknown. White, George Hawley; 839 York St., Newport, Ky. Willits, Charles William; U. S. Radiator Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Wilson, Francis King; 1912 Young St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wisbey, George Thomas; 1666 Robinson Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio. _ Class of 1924 Allardice, William Duncan; 14 Metzinger Bldg., Orlando, Fla. Altshool, Stuart Marx; 12 Landon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Appleton, Julius Garst; 5901 Kennedy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Aronoff, Samuel; 2525 Essex Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ashton, Roland Cecil; 3404 Delta Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bayer, Fred Joseph; 2230 North Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Beaman, James Addison; Orland Ave. and Shasta Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Becker, Walter Stanley; 146 West 74th St., Carthage, Ohio. Benson, Kenneth Alan; 90 Lake Ave., Tuckahoe, N. Y. Blank, Irvin H.; Dept. of Leather Research, U. of C., Cincinnati, Ohio. Blickensderfer, Robert; 5964 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bordon, David M.; Franklin, Ohio. Bradley, Eric Heywood; 5955 Lester Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. (permanent); 720 Kin- naird Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Burnett, Ralph Clifford; 313 Crestline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Burroway, Arthur C.; 225 East Fourth St.; (r) 218 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Caldwell, Nelson Forsyth; Reed-Prentice Co.; (r) 30 Chestnut St., Worcester, Mass. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 225 Cavagnaro, A. Emile; 1107 Plum St.; (r) 358 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chalock, Jacob; 4387 West Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clagett, Jackson Lee; 4510 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cockrell, Wayne Leroy; 219 Apsley St., Philadelphia, Pa. Constantinoff, Vladimir M.; 1327 West Twelfth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Crain, Allan Meyer; 2900 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Danner, Horace Newell; 111 Ridge Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Daubenbis, Norden Williams; 2638 Dennis St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Day, Allen Zumvorde; 5 Bella Vitsa Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dehmel, Lester Forrest; 31 Lakewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dods, Henry John; 6001 Kennedy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Duffy, James Raymond; 807 Ingalls Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 1417 Globe St., Fall River, Mass. Eilers, John Wagner; Kroger Grocery and Baking Co.; (r) 230 West McCarthy St., Indianapolis, Ind. Farbach, Richard Herman; Grey Manor, 188 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fertig, Earl Andrew; Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey. Fields, William Sterling; 1404 Lexington Ave., Ashland, Ky. Fleming, Thomas C.; 1740 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Francis, Morton Philip; 3204 Bishop St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geer, Elihu; 38 Saratoga St., Springfield, Mass. Goode, Charles; P. O. Box 1462, Sarasota, Fla. Goss, Richard Messick; 1708 South Glenwood Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Gradison, Julius Turoff; R. F. D. No. 3, North Bend Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hardisty, Frank Edward; Box 1462, Sarasota, Fla. Harrell, Charles Adair; Chamber of Commerce; (r) 3442 Brookline Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Harrod, John Martin; 140 West University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herbst, Howard Douglas; 3148 Daytona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hobbs, Rossiter Hopkins; 2207 Cameron Ave., Norwood, Ohio. James, Edwin Louis; 1010 Poplar St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jarman, John Thaddeus; 3200 Wells Falls, Milwaukee, Wis. Johnson, Darryl Wright; 1247 39th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Johnson, Marcus Kohler; 701 Dearborn Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Johnston, Archibald Pliny; Joseph Fahys & Co., Sag Harbor, N. Y. Judge, Joseph Donald; 127 Hueston St., Hamilton, Ohio. Keller, Theodore Eldon; Muskogee, Okla. Lander, Lawrence Charles; 223 Maplewood Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Lang, J. Oliver; 3110 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Li, Yu; 2359 Flora Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis, George Edmund; 201 McDaniel St., Dayton, Ohio. Ludwig, Karl; Perkins Campbell Co.; (r) 628 Straight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. MacWhorter, William Thomas; care William G. Langenheim, Baxter Ave., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. MacLaurin, William Moffet; address unknown. Mehlope, Lincoln Elliott; 3405 Cardiff Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, William Stanley; 152 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morrissey, John Francis; 407 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 226 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Muller, Robert Arthur; 839 Mitchell Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Nejako, Adam Agustine; 2623 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ornes, Conrad Lawrence; 1543 Pullan Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Oster, Eugene A.; 3913 Regent Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Outcalt, George Willard; 310 West Short St., Lexington, Ky. Pahren, Herbert Steven; 382 Terrace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Perkins, Bernard; 459 Madison Ave., Paterson, N. J. Pfefferle, George Henry; 4321 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Phillips, Philip Elias; 901 Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Suhre, Arthur E.; 401 Washington Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sweeney, Daniel Joseph; 25 Ardmore St., Springfield, Ohio. Van Wye, Ralph Anderson; 326 North Cooper Ave., Lockland, Ohio. Vollbrecht, Justus Thomas; Hamilton, Ohio. Wolfinger, Richard Granville; 3018 Sander St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zeigler, Ralph Anthony; 1207 Texas Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1925 Alexander, Ralph Thomas; 126 Winkler St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Andrews, Orem Carlton; No. 20 Lockwood Court Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Arnold, Walter Pau; Orrville, Ohio. Ashman, Arthur Benjamin; 1149 Atlantic Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Batson, Benjamin Arthur; 3427 Middleton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Keensburg, III. Bertsch, Frederick William; 27 Lakewood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. | Biehl, Florence Olen; 2510 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bosch, Lester Louis; 5556 Attica Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Boyd, Thomas Dudley; 1703 Union Trust Bldg., 5015 Fourth St., Hamilton, Ohio. Bradner, George Henry; 817 Cumberland Ave., Lakeland, Fla. Bradner, James Wood; 817 Cumberland Ave., Lakeland Fla. Bratten, Samuel Arnold; 77 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Brinkman, Herbert Charles; 1883 Josephine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Button, Charles Titsworth; 3411 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Campbell, John Rutherford; Brocton, N. Y. Cavett, Lloyd Palmer; 325 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming, Ohio. Clark, William Arthur; 74 East Hollister St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Clauss, Charles John; 3122 Hackberry St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Collins, Melville George; 3209 Sixth St., Port Arthur, Texas. Congleton, Ray Thomas; 116 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Taylorsville, Kentucky. Conrad, Dewey; Jackson, Mo. Conrow, Robert Smook; American Rolling Mills Co.; (r) 1217 Prospect Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Crane, Robert Statler; 1916 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dill, Bertram Francis; Grand Chain, Ill. Dodds, Earl Fearnley; 34 Silienthal St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Duffy, Charles Gavon; 6347 Ridge Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dunham, Robert Lee; 2256 Adams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Elberty, Robert Sproul; 19 Newfield St., East Orange, N. Y. Fielman, Walter Ernst Martin; 2519 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE. 227 Fowler, Ralph Waldo; 2344 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, George Aloysius; 2348 Kemper Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fox, Marion Johnson; Franklin, Ohio; Sumner, Wash. Gaetz, Delmore Wilfert; Tri-State Butter Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 4302 Franklin Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Gialdini, Bruno Thomas; Diebold Safe and Lock Co., Canton, Ohio. Gillis, Kathryn Melissa; 1305 Locust St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Graham, Thomas Leonard; Stone, Saskatchewan, Canada. Greenberg, Elbert Eleazar; 224 Melish Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hallett, William Arthur; care Alvey Ferguson Co., 14440 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.; (r) 18 Slendhis Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Hannold, Joseph William; 4825 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hansell, Howard Foster; 2609 Elmo Pl., Middletown, Ohio. Hartung, Raymond Henry; 72 Rhodes Ave., Akron, Ohio. Hasenohr, Theodore Christian; 419 Plum St.; (r) S. E. Cor. Greenhill and Juergens, Cincinnati, Ohio. ? Hermann, Joe Marc; Kardex-Rand, Tonawanda, N. Y. Hiller, Carl August; 219 Walnut St.; (r) 2428 Fairview Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Huff, Robert’ Valentine; 3537 Raymar Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio, Hynes, Robert Daniel; 817 East Cumberland St., Lakeland, Fla. Ireland, Ellsworth Frederick; 3336 Elland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Knoblaugh, Armand Franklin; Howland Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Knoop, Herbert Dow; 950 East McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kuhn, Charles Henry; 134 South Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Lantz, Nelson Benjamin; 39 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Layritz, Harold Henry; 2269 Harper Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Leibenderfer, John Edward; 517 Grand Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Liu, Kuang Pei; 190 Avalon Ave., Highland Park, Mich., and Monkden, China. Lohman, Charles Joseph; 3144 Markbreit Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Loomis, Orval Granvil; Visalia, Ky. McFarlan, Ruth; 4755 Main Ave., Norwood, Ohio. McAndrews, Anthony Francis; care Engineering Service Co., 701 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 1562 Ruth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McBeth, Alva Gerald; 4195 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McBeth, Harry Raumond; 4195 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mason, Charlton Merriman; 1539 Burdette Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miller, Samuel John; 2527 Stratford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; North East, Pa. Milthaler, William Chris.; 244 Quitman St., Dayton, Ohio. Moore, Edward Kenneth; 32 Melish Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. Morris, Donald; Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mowlds, Eugene; 108 Hawthorne Rd., Baltimore, Md. Norris, Helen Mercy (Mrs. E. K. Moore); 32 Melish Apts., Melish Court, Cincin- nati, Oho. O’Donnell, Howard Benjamin; Franklin, Ohio. Parry, William Richard; 3522 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Picton, John Moore; 3411 Clifton Ave., 807 Ingalls Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Porter, John Francis; 3661 Brentwood Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, Charles John; 2936 Minot Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. 228 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Reinhardt, Carl Fred; 4365 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati, Oho. Roland, Robert John; Richmond, Ind. Rollwage, Edgar Alfred; 3779 Aglesboro Ave., Gikeinnaee Ohio. Scheuer, Edwin Baer; Hamilton Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schroth, Horace Philip; 3662 Herbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwallie, Leslie Jacob; 165 Maplewood Rd., Riverside, III. Senf, Harold Edgar; 1501 Manchester St., Middletown, Ohio. Seulberger, Ferdinand George; 3066 Daytona Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schields, William Henry; 2303 Ashland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. ‘Siddall, Kelly Yost; 266 Senator Place, Cincinnati, Ohio; Equality, Ill. Stgmon, Arvil Chester; 110 South McGee St., Dayton, Ohio. Simmons, Mosby Lindsay; 273 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Small, William Edward; 255 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio; Hagerstown, Ind. Taylor, William Whitworth; Brian’s Close, Laughton, Rugby, England. Thiersch, Walter; 4261 Fergus St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vogt, Rudolf; 1029 Considine Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wasmer, Clarence Theodore; 4619 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Yount, Howard Levi; 2521 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Class of 1926 Bachman, Charles William; 1445 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bemis, Earl William; 358 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Erie, Pa. Berry, James Morris; 1843 Josephine St., Ft. Thomas, Ky. Boettger, Frank August; 517 York St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bond, Elbert Thomas; 2510 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Enid, Okla. Brown, Richard Ambrose; New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa.; (r) 543 East Park Ave., Hubbard, Ohio. Brunke, Howard; North Bend and Banning Rd., Mt. Airy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Brusman, Herbert Melville; 3110 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio. Buehler, Daniel Christian; 3209 Fairfield Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Campbell, John Colin; 5466 Montgomery Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Cobb, Wayne Temple; 3525 Myrtle Ave., Covington, Ky. Collinson, William Henry; 443 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Francisville, II. Conover, Sarah Elizabeth; 2310 Victor St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cooley, Charles Stewart; 3258 Montana Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cowan, Gerald Arthur; Studebaker Corp.; Detroit, Mich.; (r) 1718 Grand Ave., De- troit, Mich. Crosset, Donald Adams; Alloy Metal Wire Co., Moore, Pa.; (r) 2145 East Hill Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cuthbertson, Charles Harold; 1823 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Del Grossa, Gerard; 1337 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Dunkman, William Edward; 530 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fife, Samuel Thomas; No. 9 The Delmoor, Marion, Ohio. Flinchpaugh, Forest Raymond; 152 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio; R. R. No. 1, Miamitown, Ohio. Flocken, Fred Benz; 350 Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Marion, Ohio. Fraine, Harold George; 152 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Grand Ave., Day- ton, Ohio. McMICKEN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS—MEN. 229 Franklin, Jesse Wayne; University Dormitory, Cincinnati. Ohio; Canton, Ohio. . Gorman, William Campbell; 1913 Greenup St., Covington, Ky. Gormaz, Daniel Fuetes; 1375 Myrtle St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Santiago, Chile. Graves, Edward Borchard; 2863 Stanton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Graybrook, Alber Elhanan; Graybrook Lane, New Albany, Ind; 140 University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hall, Harry Emerson; 1360 Myrtle Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Harkness, Clifford Epply; 2034 Courtland Ave., Norwood, Oiho. Heintz, Edith R.; 3637 Evanston Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hensey, Melville Donald; 3330 Jefferson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; 2617 Fourteenth St., Washington, D. C. Herrnstein, Robert Henry; 3738 Hyde Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio . Hertstein, Frank Christian; 4226 Badgley Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hilker, George Herman; 123 Valencia St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Himelfarb, Norman Warren; 925 Court St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard, Richard Craig; 443 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio; Valliji, Calif. Hucke, Ralph Frank; 2109 Madison Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Humphrey, Naylor Bryon; 215 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Wickliffe, Ky. Isler, Walter Herman; Cincinnati Suburban Telephone Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) 3820 Floral Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Jenne, Everett Lincoln; 3110 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Governeur, N. Y. Johannigman, Clarence Anthony; Union Central Life Ins. Co.; 481 Riddle Rd., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Kirby, Ralph Leonard; 3442 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; 220 South Findlay St., Dayton, Ohio. Kirschner, Carl; 3465 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio; Sunman, Ind. Krausser, John William; 166 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio; 546 West Twelfth St., Covington, Ky. Lange, William John; 1370 Ernest St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levin, Morris Joseph; 3458 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Levy, Arthur Marcus; 877 Blair Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Leyman, Catherine; 6420 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McCord, Kirby Feemster; 6261 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. McNary, Robert Reed; University Dormitory, Cincinnati, Ohio; (r) Redfern Ave., Dayton, Ohio. McPeck, George Frederick; 2510 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; 532 East Sandusky St., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Mathews, James Douglas; 140 West University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; New Albany, Indiana. Miller, James William; 106 Malvern Place; Chevrolet Motor Car Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mueller, Wesley John; 2329 Flora St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wis. Naberhaus, Lawrence Henry; 3425 Brookline Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Norell, Elmer G.; 255 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio; Rockford, Ill. Paisley, James Robert; No. 8 The Kensington Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio; 1027 Lewis Ave., Charleston, W. Va. Pendery, James Morrow; 4262 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Richards, Edwin Neeper; 340 McGregord Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; 527 Hornor Ave., Clarksburg, W. Va. 230 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Sanford, Frank Erwin; 242 McCormick Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Schmid, William Andrew; 4247 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schott, Theodore Robert; 3110 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Marion, Ohio. Seiter, Eugene Frank; 3110 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Marion, Ohio. Shepard, Ruth Dunham; 573 Evanswood Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sicking, Victor William; 2331 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Smedley, Elmore Huston; 2907 DeBrech Ave., Link Belt, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Harold Frederick; University Dormitory, Cincinnati, Ohio; Canton, Ohio. Tielking, John Willard; 2908 Vaughn St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Trame, Charles Henry; 38 West Fourth St., Covington, Ky. Volgovskoy, Boris Valdimir ; 2202 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Petrograd, Russia. Walter, Erwin Julius; 332 Probasco Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Weisel, Willis Lloyd; 3110 Imperial St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Chalfont, Pa. Welsh, Lee Mayer; 1355 Flemming Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wickemeyer, Casper; 6330 Kennedy Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Wildman, Alexander James; 3636 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; 1067 Spring Hill Ave., Mobile, Ala. ah Mg Williams, Gilbert Will; 255 McCormich Place, Cincinnati, Ohio; Gillett, Ark. Woodhull, John Richard; 20 East St. Clair St., Cincinnati, Ohio; Yonkers, N. Y. Zimmerman, George John; 36 Roanoke Apts., Ludlow Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 231 GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION CALIFORNIA—Los Angeles Ashburn, Allen W., Jr.; 952 Title Ins. Bldg. Bacharach, Fred; 739 South Berendo St. Bayless, Herman G.; 1351 Ingraham St. Benton, W. K.; address unknown. Bogen, Emil; 4350 Russell Ave. or 1100 Mission Rd. Cade, William T.; Westgate. Carson, John E.; 445 Wilcox Bldg. Cooder, Wm. C.; 1524 Victoria Ave. Culbertson, Henry C.; 511 Eighth Ave. Davis, John Lindsay; 4415 West Second St. Deputy, Mildred V. (Mrs. C. F. Bouldin) ; 3036 Fifth Ave. De Witt, William H.; 327 Welcome St. Edwards, S. G.; Bradbury Bldg. Fearnley, Sarah Britton; 1620 South Bonnie Brae. French, Pinckey ; 2308 West Twentieth St. Granger, Arthur S.; 352 Las Palmas Ave., South. Greenwald, Harry A.; 792 Kensington Rd. Hauk, Kathryn Mae (Mrs. King Saunders) ; 728% West 76th St. Hill, Elizabeth Hamilton (Mrs. George H. Kress) ; 245 Bradbury Bldg. Hottendorf (Hotten) Lewis T.; 306 South Figuerva St. Huston, James M.; 5051 Adams St. Hutchins, Edwin L.; 403 North Kingsley Drive. Jacobs, Florence May (Mrs. Fred Childers) ; 1541 West 47th St. Kallinwoda, Hector; 164 West 63rd St. Keller, Lester; 1281 Poinsetta Drive. Keller, Webster Fels; 1058 West Sixth St. Keelor, Katherine Louise; 509 West 121st St. Kirker, Star Edith (Mrs. O. Wyman) ; 4417 Avocado St. Kotzin, Bernard J.; 1238 South Lantic St. Kress, George H.; 245 Bradbury Bldg. McCool, William F.; Marsh-Strong Bldg. McCoy, George Washington; 636 Security Bldg.; (r) 314 South Manhattan Place. Magnin, Edgar F.; 519 West Ninth St. Marsh, Clarence E.; 208314 Budlong. Marxmiller, Harry; 4500 West Sixteenth St. Nippert, Edw. F.; 1026 Rivers-Strong Bldg. Parrett, Homer Carley; 2124 North New Hampshire St. Prendergast, John W.; 2214 Wellington Rd. Reif, Wm. W.; 1151 Leinborn Ave. Rice, Joseph Kellogg; 437 Rosemont Ave. Roth, David Morris; 600 North Grammercy Pl. Shrogue, Gustavus; 339 Heliotrope Drive. 232 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Smith, Walter Lewis; 1849 West Adam St. Solomon, Michael Gabriel; Hotel Hadeau. Sorin, Eugene; Manhattan Beach. Startsman, Elizabeth Marjorie; 5003 Third Ave. Thomas, John Mayes; 4557 Lornita St. Todd, Fred Chas.; 110th and Central Aves. Tucker, Virgil Hoggins; 1125 Westerly Terrace. Wall, Albert Samuel; 326 South Norton St. Wilshire, Henry G. Zimmerman, Albert Isaac; American Surety Co. CALIFORNIA—San Francisco Benzinger, Martin R.; Butler Bldg., 135 Stockton St. Benzinger, Martin; Physician’s Bldg. Ervin, Dwight M.; Hyde and Bush Sts. Foertmeyer, William A.; M. C., U. S. A., Letterman General Hospital. Gallup, Frank C. Goodman, Emanuel; 3163 Mission St. Haas, Jennie May (Mrs. Martin Meyer) ; 3108 Jackson St. Hutchings, Robt. K.; Union League Club. Johnson, Howard Hiram; 210 San Leandro Way. Kelley, Thomas H.; 2936 Devisadero St. Kelly, Thomas H.; 490 Post St. Keltner, Irene (Mrs. John Carlson); 279 Diamond St. Lasance, Christopher; 1606 Church St. Lunger, Guernsey R.; 604 Irving St. Pilhashy, Benjamin M.; Merchant’s Exchange Bldg. Shaw, Harris Fitch; 1202 Alaska Commercial Bldg. Sternseher, Wm.; 157 Russ St. Unsinger, Harold F.; 1868 Page St. Walker, Paul F.; Colonial Hotel. Warrington, Henry Esmond; 1426 Balboa St. COLORADO—Denver Birchard, Almon Dwight; 3209 West Fairview Place. Bowers, Joseph Franklin; 727 Gilpin St. Collins, Edward; 508 Majestic Bldg. Cranston, Earl M.; Equitable Bldg. Cunningham, Alexander A.; 450 South Broadway. Davy, Katherine Roberta (Mrs. Theo C. Jung); 453 Downing St. Dean, Marshall Henry; 301 Masonic Bldg. Dosch, Michael John; 741 South Williams St. Earley, Arthur H.; 830 Metropolitan Bldg. Elliott, David C.; 1620 York St. Finley, Fred Irwin; Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Freeland, John L.; 83 South Broadway. Freeman, Leonard; Metropolitan Bldg. Friedman, Wm. Sterne; 733 East Eighth Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 233 Hamer, Stafford A.; 314 Mercantile Bldg. Hegner, Casper F.; Metropolitan Bldg. Higgins, John W.; 601 Mack Bldg.; (r) 1080 Sherman St. Hillkowitz, Phillip; 730 Metropolitan Bldg. Jones, Llewelyn; 2653 Bellaire St. Jung, Theo. C.; 453 Downing St. Markley, Arthur Jackson; Metropolitan Bldg. Miller, Noble; Wm. N. Byers Junior High School. Miller, Alexander N.; 1540 Madison Ave. Ramsey, Russ T.; 566 Metropolitan Bldg.; (r) 2373 Albion St. Vanderbark, Minnie Bessie (Mrs. F. E. Thompson); 414 Fourteenth St., or 414 Downing St. Van Zant, Charles B.; Metropolitan Bldg. Vos, Arthur; 3209 West Fairview Place. Washington, D. C. Anderson, Harry F.; 1332 North Carolina Ave., N. E. Anthony, Frank A.; 6106 North Ninth St., N. W. Ballow, Frank; Supt. of Schools. Bassler, Raymond; U. S. National Museum. Bauer, Louis; 301 The Ontario. Benson, Pauline (Mrs. Raymond Werner); P. O. Box 1488. Blanchard, Robt. M.; Surgeon, U. S. A., care War Dept., and Ft. Sheridan, IIL Bockman, Stanley Geo.; care Adj. General’s Office. Bryan, Fred Carlos; 1821 Adam Mill Rd., N. W.; 701 Colorado Bldg. Devanter, Willis Van; Judge, Supreme Court, and Cheyenne, Wyo. Dickerson, Tunis (Mrs. Chester Tietig) ; 3812 Ordway, Cleveland Park. Ellis, Challen Blackburn; Southern Bldg. Finch, Neil Graham; care Adj. General of the Army. Fleming, John Adams; Chevy Chase, Md., and Dept. Terestrial Magnetism. Francis, Edw. U. S. Public Health Service. Howard, Chas. John; 2651 Woodley Rd. James, Francis Bacon; Westorg Bldg. Kronman, Harry L; Washington Congregation, between H and I Sts. Lewis, Clifford S.; Asst. Astronomer, U. S. Naval Observatory. McDiarmid, Norman (Major); Surgeon-General’s Office. McKinney, Robert S.; 414 New Jersey Ave. Morris, Alice Virginia; 1316 New Hampshire Ave. Morrison; 1333 Fairmount St., N. W. Mulvey, James Henry; Bureau of Animal Industry. Murray, Alice EK. (Mrs. John J. Noonan) ; 3154 Highland Ave., Cleveland Park. Murray, Nathaniel C.; Department of Agriculture. Nickles, John Milton; 3009 Rodman St., N. W. Norris, Benjamin; M. C., U. S. A., Walter Reed Hospital. Patterson, Eleanor S.; 3304 18th St., N. E. Pollitt, Basil H.; George Washington University. Priebe, Cedric Joseph; Chastleton Hotel, 16th and R Sts. Rechtin, Henry. 234 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Robinson, Dana E.; Surgeon General’s Office, U. S. P. H. S. San Juan, Porto Rica} Ronda, Alvin H.; 1330 F St, N. W. Savage, John Ditasane U. S. Veteran’s Bureau. Simon, Abram; 3722 Harrison Ave. Smith, Wm. W., Jr., 901 Evans Bldg. Snodgrass, Herbert Lewis; 332 Southern Bldg. Stewart, Paul Morton; U. S. P. H. S., Surgeon General’s Office. Taft, William Howard; Chief Justice, U. S. Supreme Court. Tietig, Chester; Patent Office; 3812 Ordway, Cleveland Park. Van Deman, Ralph Henry; care Adjutant General. Warwick, Walter W.; 6930 Peney Branch Rd. Werner, Pauline Benson (Mrs. Raymond); P. O. Box 1488. Werner, Raymond E.; P. O. Box 1488. Woodfill, Web.; Federal Trade Commission. Wright, Daniel T.; 917 15th St., S. W., Wardmen P. K. Hotel. ILLINOIS—Chicago Adams, Willard Curlton; care Allen & Garcia Co.; 955 McCormick Bldg. Ballentine, Clara L. (Mrs. McLaughlin). Berg, Isadore Albert; 7100 Sheridan Rd. Bernheim, Emily May (Mrs. B. Schaar) ; 5316 Dorchester Ave. Blakemore, Herbert D.; 1015 Burnham Bldg.; (r) 6216 South Park Ave. Bowen, Bernard Cox; Room 607, 189 West Madison St. Britain, Glenn H.; North Shore and Milwaukee R. R. Burgoyne, Margaret (Mrs. Chas. L. Layng) ; 5540 Cornell Ave Card, Lorna Doone; 1549 East 61st St. Chaney, Mary Rebecca; 11226 South Church St. Christian, Wm. Arnold; Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Department, Karpen Bldg. Compton, Frank; Continental and Commercial National Bank. Danziger, Jessie M. (Mrs. Meredith German) ; 1940 East 73rd St. Davis, Thomas H., Jr., 2043 Cleveland Ave. Dennis, George James; 25 East Washington St. Densford, Katherine Jane; Illinois Training School for Nurses, 509 South Honore St.; (r) Crothersville, Ind. Dyar, Wm. Wade; address unknown. Ebersole, Morris Rogers; American Radiator Co., 816 South Michigan Ave. Fick, Alma Sophia; 3807 Rokeby St. Fleming, Thomas C.; 1740 McCormick Bldg. Fox, G. George; 7423 Kingston Ave.; 7215 Jeffrey Ave. Frederick, Gertrude Abbett (Mrs. Gus. Schuessler) ; 9912 Winchester Ave., Beverly Hill. Fritch, Louis Charlton; 1348 Hyde Park Blvd. Goldsmith, Adele Helen (Mrs. Leon Block) ; 5234 Ellis Ave. Godfrey, E. Bruce; 460 East 32nd St. Halliday, Laura (Mrs. Frank L. DeBeuklelder) ; 6036 Ingleside Ave. Havelaar, William Chas.; 1423 Hyde Park Ave. Hawes, John F.; 1024 West 63rd St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 239 Heidman, George; Gas Bldg.; (r) 238 Mary St., Olencoe, III. Henderson, James Paul; P. O. Box 376. Herrick, Chas. Judson; University of Chicago. Hills, Edw. R.; 79 West Monroe St. Hirschberg, Abram; 2636 Lakeview Ave. Izor, Robert H.; 6560 Withrope Ave. Johnston, Howard Agnew; 3720 Grand Boulevard. Jones, Chas. E.; 327 North Pine Ave. Jones, Lucile Rachel (Mrs. Samuel Chester Parker); 5717 Kenwood Ave. Keever, Herbert Kohl; 6740 East End Ave.; and 3156 Glendora Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kersting, Edward H.; Pennsylvania R. R. Koetter, George F.; 1515 Monroe St. Kohlepp, Norman; Chas. E. Bedeau & Co. Koski, Elmer Jacob; 641 North Mayfield Ave. Katz, Henry Albert; 1401 Thorne Ave. Kratt, Emil J.; Wells Bros. Construction Co., Monadnock Block. Kruse, Ralph Henry; Cutler-Hammer Co. Kuppin, Louis; 410 South Michigan Ave. Langenheim, Wm. Gustave; 39 West Adam St. Long, Charlotte Mae; address unknown, Lucas, William A.; 410 North Michigan Ave. Lucas, Wm. M.; 458 West 63rd St. McFarlan, Katheryn (Mrs. Fred Moss); 6743 Dorchester Ave. McIntire, Laura (Mrs. C. A. Brown) ; 2879 East 77th St. McLaughlin, A. W.; 9139 Commercial Ave.; 9038 Houston Ave. Mack, Milton H.; 30 North Michigan Ave. Mann, Louis Leopold; 5052 Drexel Blvd. Marx, Robert $.; Straus Bldg. Mason, Mame Charlotte (Mrs. Mamie M. Higgins); address unknown. Meads, Albert H.; 160 North La Salle St. Mefford, Wm. T.; 2159 West Madison St. Mehlhope, John Fred; United Alloy Steel Corp., Straus Bldg. Mendelsohn, Samuel F.; 4845 Drake Ave. Messing, Abraham J.; 4650 Clarendon Ave. Meyer, Julius Henry; 5487 Hyde Park Blvd. Meyer, Wm. Henry; 901 Center St. Miller, George W.; East Chicago, Ill. Milter, “SH. B)s-1747- East-67th. St: Minnium, Bryon Biddle; 1424 Greenleaf Ave. Moss, Fred; 6743 Dorchester Ave. Muth, George H.; 5241 West 65th St. Newman, Julius E.; 5333 Hyde Park Blvd. Noble, Newton Alvin; 5542 West Adams 5t. Oehler, Alice (Mrs. Robert Kelley) ; 1849 Lunt Ave. Orton, Philo Atwood; 817 Drexel Square. Parker, Samuel C.; 5717 Kenwood Ave. Paterson, Alexander; 60 Hitchcock Hall, University of Chicago. Perin, Lavina Reynolds (Mrs. Wm. T. Gray); 1547 Birchwood Ave. 236 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Poague, Chas. M.; 5100 Kimbark Ave. Porter, Ruth (Mrs. David G. Morgan) ; 4747 Meldon Ave. Price, Lucille (Mrs. Carroll A. Teller) ; 127 North Dearborn St. Pynchon, Edwin; Columbus Memorial Bldg. Quasser, Julius H.; 111 West Monroe St.; (r) 5457 Woodlawn Ave. Reiter, George Hoyes; 111 Paving Brick Publicity Bureau, Otis Bldg. Reiter, Hayes; 1533 Ardmore Ave., Edgewater P. O. Rettick, Paul Fred; 1615 Rascher Ave. Rhodes, Oliver Thompson; Alvey Ferguson Bldg.; 1603 Kimball Bldg. Richardson, Ruth Katherine (Mrs. G. B. Patrick) ; 1130 East 56th St. Robinson, Edward §$.; 5723 Kimbark Ave. Rodgers, Everett D.; 4947 Michigan Ave. Sapiro, Aaron Leland; 3400 Sheridan Rd.; 1608 Straus Bldg. Schaufarber, Tobias; 5042 Drexel Blvd. Schoar, Bernard E.; Schoar & Co., 556 Jackson Blvd. Schoff, Alice May (Mrs. H. A. Millis) ; 5729 Kenwood Ave. Schuessler, Gustave; care of Glycerine Dept., Swift & Co. Schwarz, Annette Dorothy (Mrs. Robert Wire); 1319 Touhy Ave.. Singer, Jacob; 6932 H. Ashland Blvd. Stern, Bernhard J. (Rabbi) ; 5319 Michigan Ave. Stolz, Jos.; 5010 Drexel Blvd. Straus, Robert Lee; 5322 Kimbark Ave. Strauss, Joseph B.; 3100 Sheridan Rd. Swift, Eldred B.; 5012 Dorchester Ave. Thomas, Charles Nell; 567 The Rookery. Thomson, Orion Kemper; 25 East Washington St. Towenstein, Arthur; 5123 Greenwood Ave. Townsend, Merrill; 1514 Rosemont Ave. Turner, Jack; 4167 Ogden Ave. Voorsanger, Elkan; 5318 Kimbark Ave. Wachtel, Inna (Mrs. Chas. S. Stein); 1851 Burr, Ave., Hubbard Woods, Winnetka. Wagoner, Edith; 2618 Hampden Court. Waters, Mildred Marion; 8920 South Throop St. Weller, Mary (Mrs. Herbert Keever) ; 6740 East End Ave. Wells, E. F.; 4744 Woodlawn Ave. Wessling, Hannah L.; care Northwestern Yeast Co. Whipple, Myron T.; 6340 Kimbark Ave. Williams, Harry Backus; 702 North Monticello Ave. Williams, Sophia Maurice (Mrs. Stamps); address unknown. Williamson, Chas. H.; 1517 Dearborn Parkway. Williamson, Edw. F.; 914 Galt Ave. Windeler, Chas. F.; 627 Groveland Park. Wisler, Henry M.; address unknown. Winslow, Robert F.; Prudential Ins. Co.; 6016 South Peoria St. Winston, Charles Albert; 525 North Sheridan Rd. Withrow, Katherine (Mrs. Geo. Lewis) ; 58 Forest Ave., Riverside. Wrede, Frederick; 1357 West Chicago Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION PAY INDIANA—Indianapolis Anthony, James R.; 1609 College Ave. Beschorman, Katherine Marie (Mrs. Chas. Bechett); R. R. M. Box 20 B. Brigham, Vernon Dee; 2626 North Meridian St. Brill, James H.; 3916 Carrollton St. Caraway, S. H.; 1810 Montcalm St. Cockrum, John B.; 1416 North Alabama St. Deitch, Guilford A.; 1321 North Meridian St.; 200 Reserve Loan Life Bldg. Eilers, John Wagner; Kroger Grocery and Baking Co.; (r) 230 W. McCarthy. Espey, Robert H.; 712 Tractional Terminal Bldg. Fenerliet, Morris M.; 3034 Washington Blvd. Gabe, Harry Edwin; Hume Mansur Bldg. Gaylord, Harry Garrett; 1066 Virginia Ave. Geisert, Mary Frances (Mrs. Mary F. Hallan) ; 46 North Gladstone Ave. Graham, Nathan Powell; 1919 North Delaware St. Hammond, Wm. W.; 4350 Park Ave. Hougen, Mrs. E. C. (Dorothy Lipp) ; 2937 Kenwood Ave. Innes, Wm. Wallace; 2834 Washington Blvd. Jacoby, Elias J.; 850 East 59th St. Jaquith, Orville Sullivan; 601 Medical Arts Bldg. Jenkins, Wilbur O.; Denison Hotel. Lutz, George W.; 532 Pythian Bldg.; (r) 2228 North Pennsylvania Ave. McCormick, Alfred F.; address unknown. Montgomery, Walter Hy; Crown Laundry Co.: Morgan, Wm. James; 1939 North Meridian St.; (r) 1133 Carson Ave., Cincinnati, O. Mottier, Guilford Dudley A.; 65 Richelieu St. Noble, Thomas Benjamin; Michigan and 48th Sts. Passel, Howard F.; 115 Drexel Ave. Perin, Rhoda Pearl (Mrs. Wm. Innes) ; 2834 Washington Blvd. Pfafflin, Chas. A.; 1844 North Pennsylvania St. Row, George Samuel; Hume Mansur Bldg. Sattler, George Gordon; 2638 North Illinois St. Shipley, Sadie Oneita (Mrs. Lou Ross) ; Methodist Hospital. Smith, Francis C.; 2516 North Penn St. Weakley, Bertram; 1565 Park Ave. Weir, Clarence E.; Fletcher Savings Bank and Trust Bldg. Wishard, Wm. Niles; 2050 North Delaware St. Yager, Louis C.; Columbia Securities Bldg. INDIANA—tTerre Haute Bernheimer, Herman L.; Fourth and Wabash Ave. Cook, John H.; 444 North Eighth St. Gerstmeyer, Chas. P.; 15 South Eighth St. Kussel, Jeannette Ruth (Mrs. Harry N. Levin) ; 1733 South Sixth St. Loughead, James T.; 826 North Ninth St. Mullikin, Hugh Mathews; Rose Dispensary Bldg. ‘Price, Robert F.; 2210 North Eleventh St. Ricker, Joseph W.; 1522 South Center St. Mt ee UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Rose, Stewart; 510 Osborne St. Stadermann, Albert Leo; 120 South Seventh St. Taxay, Joseph M.; 540 South Sixth St. Weinstein, Joseph Hamilton; 128 South Sixth St. KENTUCK Y—Lexington Chase, Herbert S.; U.S: Veterans’ Bureau: Falconer, David S.; 436 West Second St. Falconer, R. Craig; 646 Central Ave. Gragg, Loran 0; Rat aDeANG 3, McFarlan, Arthur C.; 400 Aylesford Place. McKee, Emilius Morancy; McClelland Bldg. Molloy, Patrick; 646 East High St. Outcalt, George Williard; 310 West Short St. Parker, Gail (Mrs. Arthur McFarlan) ; 400 Aylesford Place. Pohlmeyer, Herman F.; 673 Elsmere Park. Prather, Porter; 203 East Main St.; (r) 343 Aylesford Place. Taylor, Asa P.; McClelland Bldg. Taylor, Cella; Extension Department, University of Kentucky. Turner, Mary Fuqua; 432 West Second St. KENTUCK Y—Louisville Adams, Evelyn Crady; care Mr. Wood Crady. Bender, Emily Elizabeth (Mrs. Ray Franklin); Visiting Nurses’ Association. Blau, John Bernard; 1244 Everett Ave. Brown, Francis Wm.; Weissinger-Gaulberth Apts. Fuson, Henry H.; 2022 Eastern Parkway. Gibbons, Martha (Mrs. Chas. Bennett); 355 Belvar Ave. Lowenstein, Fannie Helen; 82 Willow Terrace; Fifth and Fairmount. Rauch, Jos.; 834 South Third St. Rosen, Jerome; 117 West College St. Silverman, Jacques; Y. M. C. A., Third and Broadway. Stacy, Elizabeth; 9 West Third St. LOUISIANA—-New Orleans Barney, Charlotte; 2316 Joseph St. Deutsch, Edith Ruth (Mrs. L. Edward Lashman) ; 5342 St. Charles Ave. Haliman, Dorothy McKinley (Mrs. Walter Hettrick) ; 1628 Amelia St. Hardin, George Leon; 3521 Prytania St. Hathaway, Edward S.; Tulane University, Heller, Maxmilian; 1658 Joseph St. Hirsch, Stella (Mrs. I. J. Leamann) ; 6110 St. Charles Ave., Lemon. Kemp, Gertrude Elizabeth (Mrs. Ralph W. B. Reade) ; 84 Neron Place. Leipziger, Emil Wm.; 7624 St. Charles Ave. Lytle, James Edward; 1721 State St. Reade, Ralph W. B.; 84 Neron Place. Sadier, Dudley Karkalitz; address unknown. Silber, Mandel; 731 Pine St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 239 Tedesche, Irene (Mrs. J. D. Dresner) ; 1304 Valmont St. Volmer, Leon; 5342 St. Charles Ave. MARYLAND—Baltimore Askew, Mary (Mrs. John W. Backler) ; 3729 North Rd. Brown, Elaine; 1313 John St. Du Bray, Ernest Speers; 1251 Flood Bldg. Hahan, Chas. D.; Royal Court Apts. Israel, Edward L.; Bolton and Wilson Sts. Johnson, Bessie Frances (Mrs. Archibald Fries); care Mr. Archibald Fries (Vice President), B. and O. Railroad. Larzon, Morris S.; 1914 Madison Ave. Rosenan, William (Rabbi) ; 5-H Esplanade Apts. Rubenstein, Chas. Aaron; Shefheld Apts. Shott, Lillian Mildred (Mrs. Isaac Nathan); Forest Ave., near Beulah, Station E. Walther, Elmore C.; 715 Eversham Ave. MASSACHUSETTES—Boston Brown, Albert Louis; Mass. Eye and Ear Hospital. Donnelly, June Richardson; Alden Park Manor, Brookline, Mass.; and Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Fleischer, Chas.; 280 Dartmouth Ave. Hexter, Maurice B.; care Boston Fed. Jewish Charities; 24 Province St. Isaacs, Raphael; 268 Brookline Ave. McKann, Chas. F.; 300 Longwood Ave. McKann, Geo. G.; 300 Longwood Ave. Meyers, Maxwell; 488 Boyleston St. Morril, Alice (Mrs. Daniel B. Ruggles); 124 Palm Ave., Jamaica Plains. Parks, Caroline Elizabeth; 640 Huntington Ave.; (r) 123 Flax Hill Rd., South Nor- walk, Conn. Scott, Robert Clyde; care Stone and Webster, Inc. Waters, Asa W.; address unknown. MISSOURI—Kansas City Askew, Francis D.; 3440 Campbell St. Berkowitz, Henry J.; S. E. Linwood Blvd. and Floral Ave. Block, Jacob; Chambers Bldg. Boyce, Nelson V.; 610 Sandusky St. Brent, Keily; 809 Continental Bldg. Clancy, James Anthony; 4109 Warwick Blvd. Dalton, Nellis Norman; 1009 West 57th Terrace. Dawson, B. E.; 101: East 30th St. Everham, Arthur C.; 34 West 57th Terrace. Getelson, Joseph; Argyle Bldg. Goldstein, Reuben M.; 3711 Wabash Ave. Harper, Edgar Ambler; 3520 Baltimore Ave. Hays, Henry Cornwell; Rialto Bldg. Iuen, Frank J.; 1500 Grand Ave.; (r) 3310 Pennsylvania Ave. 240 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Iuen, William C.; 1500 Grand Ave.; (r) 2701 Troost Ave. Kirshner, Chas. H.; 1 East 55th St. Mayer, Harry Hubert; 3512 Kenwood Ave. Morris, Joseph Green; care Cook Paint and Varnish Co. Perry, Ruth Perkins (Mrs. N. N. Dalton) ; 1009 West 57th Terrace. Schafer, Victor H.; 2010 McGee St. Shine, Helen Virginia (Mrs. James Clancy) ; 4109 Warwick Blvd. Walls, Geo. L.; 515 Main St. Rogers, B. F.; 409 West 62nd St. es MISSOURI—St. Louis Baer, Carl J.; Planter’s Bldg. Benham, Carrie Anna; (r) Troy, Ohio; (bus.) 600 South King’s Highway. Bouscaren, Timothy Lincoln; St. Louis University. Bowen, Hugh Merrill; 14 South Court St. Curtiss, Howard Crosby; B. F. Sturtevant Co., 2086 Railway Exchange Bldg. Finnel, Samuel C.; Boatman’s Bank Bldg. Galway, Lillian; The Mary Institute. Glick, Henry A.; address unknown. Goldsmith, Maurice H.; 1520 Locust St. Guy, Wm. E.; address unknown. Helmers, Ruth (Mrs. C. W. Huffman) ; 4239 Shenandoah Ave. Hertenstein, Chas.; Kuke and Hertenstein Real Estate Co. Hidden, Edw. Neblett; 408 Oliver St.; and University Club. Newman, Samuel E.; Metropolitan Bldg.; (r) 4900 Pershing Ave. Patton, Fred W.; 5847 Maple Ave. Salkover, Benedict B.; 745 Leland Ave. Semple, Harry D.; 804 N. Broadway. Tracy, Carolyn (Mrs. Glenn F. Woodman) ; 3511 Hartford St. Werner, Percy; 5505 Cates Ave. Witt, Louis; 5575 Waterman Ave. MICHIGAN—Detroit Atkins, Gains G.; 237 Hancock Ave. Boggess, John Samuel; U. S. Public Health Service; U. S. Marine Hospital No. 7. Boone, Wallace Wm.; 569 Brentwood Ave. Cragg, Walston S.; address unknown. Davidson, Harry Orvel; Henry Ford Hospital. Embshoff, George Fred; General Motors Corp., Research Bureau; (r) 3020 Wood- side Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fillmore, Annette (Mrs. Sherman Leroy); Maple Ave. Fram, Leon; 8805 Woodward Ave. Franklin, Leo Morris (Rabbi) ; 26 Edison Ave. Friason, Ethel Camille (Mrs. Chas. Cole) ; 2653 West Grand Ave. Fulton, Helen Margaret; 49 Gladstone Ave. Gellert, Stella M. (Mrs. Hood); 50 Euclid Ave. Gordon, John Whitlock; 233 Pilgrim Ave. Guntrum, Ernest K.; 1440 West Bethune Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 241 Hiller, Grace (Mrs. J. F. O’Rourke) ; 13941 Clovertown Ave. Hyde, Bertha (Mrs. Carlis Foster); address unknown. Kellinger, Louis; address unknown. Lee, Olive Pearl; 5224 St. Antonie. McClintic, Clifton F.; 1750 West Philadelphia Ave. McVeigh, James A.; Professional Bldg. Mead, C. W.; 25 Columbia St. Moore, Florence Gertrude (Mrs. Russel V. Venable) ; 1766 Parker Ave. O’Rourke, Jas. F.; care Whitaker Paper Co. Peters, Andrew James; General Motors Research Corp. Sprague, Wm. C.; address unknown. Tellefson, Marjorie (Mrs. B. F. Bingham) ; 2050 Pingree Ave. Theobald, Louise Marie (Mrs. Harry L. Johnson) ; 2070 Blair Ave. Wickersham, J. W.; The Samaritan Hospital. Zumstein, Fred Ernest; 5105 Second Boulevard. MINNESOTA—Miunneapolis Barden, Norman; 1209 Seventh St., S. E. Bell, John W.; 4889 East Lake Harriet Blvd. Benton, Henry W.; Security Bank Bldg. Bloom, Elijah; First and Security National Bank. Dunn, Louis; 3040 Lyndale Ave. Hartzell, John B.; 2508 Pillsbury Ave. List, Walter E.; Superintendent, General Hospital. Minde, Albert; 1925 Dupont Ave., S. Molyneaux, Jos. W.; 4348 Fremont Ave.; U. S. District Judge, Federal Bldg. Nichols, John H.; 2937 Third Ave. Nippert, Louis Albert; 808 Physician’s and Surgeon’s Bldg. Shipley, Carl S.; 1517 River Rd., East Wuest, Frank Wagner; 419 South Sixth St. MINNESOTA—St. Paul Ford, Frank; Gilfillan Bldg. Margolis, Harry S.; Mt. Zion Hebrew Cong. Nippert, Henry Theodore; 339 Lowery Annex. Orr, Grier M.; District Judge, Court House. Richeson, William; 547 Manomin Ave. © Routh, Geo. Edw.; 537 Holly Ave. Sneve, Haldor; Lowry Bldg. Taylor, Henry L.; 812 Lowry Bldg. NEW YORK—Buffalo Barrett, Mary V.; Buffalo City Hospital. Brumleve, Camille (Mrs. Jos. T. Gerling) ; Liberty Bank Bldg., Court St. Hammond, Harry J.; 1058 Elk St. Hollingshead, Frances M.; 1028 Marine Trust Bldg. Hollingshead, Fannie Murdock; 1028 Marine Trust Bldg. Kopold, Louis L.; 599 Delaware Ave. 242 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Schroetter, Edwin O.; 810 South Park Ave. Smith, Calvin McLeod; 368 Richmond Ave. Sylvester, Wm. L.; 95 London Ave.; 5 North Michigan Ave. Thiesing, Catherine Marie (Mrs. Robt. H. Clark) ; 404 West Utica St. NEW YORK—New York City Baird, Hazelle E.; Mt. Sinai Hospital, 1 East 100th St. Ball, Eustace Hale; care Thompson Feature Syndicate Co., 132 West 3lst St. Beale, Edgar C.; 448 Central Park, West. Biddle, Virginia (Mrs. Ben Kutcher) ; 71st St., New York City; (bus.) care Saks and Co., Fifth Ave. Black, Ambrose Chas. L.; S. K. F. Industries, 165 Broadway. Black, Eleanor Louise (Mrs. Wm. Franklin Mitchell) ; care Proctor and Gamble Co., Battery Place. Blau, Joel; 600 Riverside Drive. Block, Beatrice Frances (Mrs. Elliott Kahn) ; 166 West 87th St. Brown, Frederick; 1260 Convent Ave. Brown, Helen E.; 332 West 12th St. Brown, Karline Meyerfield; 510 Hale Ave., Cincinnati, O.; 305 West End Ave., New York City. Burnham, F. W.; N. D. Condit., 25 Broadway. Cassidy, Archibald Wallace; 5 West 91st St. Clark, Wm. Wallace; 50 West 12th St. Coffee, William; 430 East 65th St. Cormany, Chas. C.; 90 Broadway; (r) Montdair, N. J. Cromley, James B.; Fifth Ave. and 42nd St. Crouch, May L.; 1 East 100th St., Mt. Sinai Hospital. Dabney, Katherine Brent (Mrs. John Ingle) ; 947 Park Ave. Daniels, Geo. S.; 27 Williams St.; 44 West 44th St. Driehaus, Orwin Wm.; 212 West 120th St. Eckert, Clarence Roy; care The Barrett Co., 40 Rector St. Edmonson, James J.; 500 Fifth Ave. Enelow, Hyman Gerson; 521 Fifth Ave. Fillmore, Hildegarde Maria; 54 East 59th St. Fillmore, Parker H.; 520 East 78th St. Foland, John Philip; 242 West Eleventh St. Foster, Parthenia (Mrs. Frank W. Harrah) ; 111 West 16th St. Freed, Abraham; 1230 Prospect Ave., Bronx. Fry, Selvia O.; Medical School and Hospital. Galvin, Frank; No. 2 Chelsea Square. Gantvoorf, Carl M.; 321 West Fifty-fifth St. Gavin, William James; 360 West 21st St. Goldstein, Sidney E.; 312 West 93rd St. Gordon, Margery; 900 Ogden Ave. Gordon, Myron Boyd; 43 Broad St. Goss, Leonardo; 128 West Eleventh St. Greenfield, Samuel; 241 West 113th St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 243 Griffin, Henry Malachi; 109 West 132nd St. Grossman, Rudolph; 254 West 82nd St. Haas, Estelle; 150 West 79th St. Haller, Herbert L. J.; 66th St. and Avenue A. Hallett, Wm. Arthur; Alvey Ferguson Co., 1440 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.; (r) 18 Slendhis Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Happersberger, Paula; 2 West 83rd St. Hauer, Frank J.; 123 Eightieth St. Hilf, Edward; 350 West Twenty-first St. Hoffheimer, Edith S. (Mrs. Leo Hecht) ; 203 West 90th St. Holden, Ward Andrews; 8 East 54th St. Isaacs, Moses Legis; 137 West 119th St. Isham, Phillips; 30 Church St. Jackson, Arthur A.; Room 2001, Liggett Bldg., 45 East 42nd St. Jefferson, Wm. Harold; care Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc., 3512 Grand Central Terminal Bldg. Jones, James F.; Apartment No. 4, 454 Fort Washington Ave. Kiely, Ellen May (Mrs. Raymond J. Scully) ; 440 Riverside Drive. Kimball, Elsa; 50 Morningside Drive. Kramer, Stella; 601 West 115th St., Tegnor Apts. Krass (Krasnowitz) Nathan; 237 Broadway. Landman, Michail Louis; 311 West 97th St. Landman, Miriam; No. 9 West 97th St. Levy, Clifton Harly; 2001 Morris Ave.; 250 West 82nd St. Lichtenstein, Morris; 166 West 73rd St. Lilienthal, Jesse W. Lilly, Alice Louise; 455 Seventh Ave. Lowenstein, Melvin G.; North Exchange Place. Lowenstein, Samuel C.; 114 Fifth Ave. Lowes, Raymond M.; 100 Broadway. Lucas, Wm. H.; 265 West 70th St. Luchs, Alvin S.; 612 West 180th St. Lyle, Charles Walter; 2522 University Ave. McGowan, Elizabeth Kemper (Mrs. L. T. Janda); 4 Edgecombe Ave. McLeod, Earl Hudson; 461 Eighth Ave. Manley, Mary Ellen; 2287 University Ave. Mannheimer (Manner, Jane) Jennie; 611 West 177th St., and 60 West 68th St. Mannheimer, Leo; 308 West Eighty-second St. Mitchell, Wm. Franklin; Procter and Gamble Co., 17 Battery Place. Morrow, Lester Graydon; McGrow-Hill Publishing Co., Tenth Ave. and 36th St. Mosby, John Frederick; 639 West 135th St. Neuffer, Alfred; McClintock-Marshall Co. Newmark, Salomea (Mrs. Joseph Brainin) ; 1696 Nelson Ave. Neiman, Howard Hiram; 593 Riverside Drive. Noble, Mark Ainslee; 25 Broad St. O’Connor, Chas. Henry; 233 East 41st St.; 745 Riverside Drive. Osborn, Cyrus Richard; Overseas Motor Corp., 224 West 57th St. Osborn, Josephine; 430 West 122nd St.; D. Appleton & Co., 35 West 32nd St. 244 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Peachey, Henry H.; 47 West 76th St. Pollak, Jacob B.; 1520 Broadway. Raisin, Max; 740 Jennings St. Reichert, Irving Fred; 107-183rd St. Rendigs, Charles W.; 6 East Thirty-second St. Sanders, Harriette Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph Rothchild); 523-121st St. Sanders, Ira Eugene; Temple Israel. Scheuer, Louis M.; 59 Wall St. Schramm, Henry; Combustion Utilities Co., 366 Gerard Ave., Bronx. Scoville, Dorothea H.; 510 West 124th St. Seibel, Mary (Mrs. Alexander C. Woodward); 555 Fort Washington Ave. Silverman, Jos.; 55 East Eighty-sixth St. Silverman, Julius; New York City. Sisson, Dorothy; Park Avenue Hotel. Spear, Clifford M.; 50 Church St. Spooner, Samuel H.; New York City, N. Y. Stevens, Edw. Somerville; 8 East 126th St. Stewart, Anna Bird; 21 Fifth Ave. Stricker, Adam K.; 149 Broadway; (r) 500 West End Ave. Thoman, Edith (Mrs. Charles Dana Bennett) ; 800 Riverside Drive. Tuggle, Thomas W.; 523 West 149th St. Utley, Romeyn Lathrop; 165 Broadway. Vos, Calvin; 13 East Thirty-seventh St. Wachs, Lawrence A.; The Harvard Club; Hotel Bartram, West Philadelphia, Pa. Walker, Stuart A.; 883 Seventh Ave. Warsaw, Isador; 309 West Ejighty-Sixth St. Weihl, Elsa A.; 515 West 122nd St. Weil, Charles; 88 Central Park, West. Weis, J. Max (Rabbi) ; The Ansonia. Wherry, Wm. A.; No. 2 815 Park Ave. Whitfield, Mary Dunn; 25 West Tenth St. Winkler, Max Henry; 51 West Eighty-first St. Winkler, Selma (Mrs. Adolph W. Sommerfield) ; 420 Riverside Drive. Wise, Jonah Bondi; Central Synagogue, Lexington Ave. and Fifty-fifth St. Wright, Helen; General Motor Corp., Export Division, 57th and Broadway; (r) Flat 3-4 H., Dearborn Bldg., 350 West Fifty-fifth St. Young, Richard B.; 200 Devonshire Ave., Boston, Mass.; (r) Plaza Hotel, New York Citys Nw Ys Zeigler, Jerome; 1190 Madison Ave. OHIO—Akron Alexander, David; 944 Amelia Ave. Allen, Irwin D.; 731 Second National Bank Bldg. Andress, Harry E.; 753 West Market St. Bloom, Oscar Edwin; 67 East Orchwood Ave. Backherms, Alvin B.; 730 Elm St. Briscoe, Hugh Alan; 1032 Diagonal Rd. Browne, Robert A.; 79 South Balch St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 245 Cannedy, Ida (Mrs. L. C. Shannon); 250 McGowan St. Chaney, Only J.; 808 Bowery St. Foltz, Edgar B.; 58 South Broadway. Fouser, Alvin K.; 67 South Broadway. Gottwald, Donald; 434 Second National Bank Bldg. Hansen, Mrs. Hermine Ziperlen; 41 West Portage Path. Hartung, Raymond H.; 72 Rhodes Ave. Harvey, Frank H.; 827 National Bank Bldg.; (r) Ardmore Ave. Hays, Clinton J.; 604 Bowery St., 356 Fernwood Ave. Heckert, Howard Ray; 177 Oakdale Ave. Herring, Carrie Alice; East Akron, Ohio. Hiddleson, Clifford S.; 405 Flatiron Bldg. Hodges, Clyde Wheeler; Ohio Bldg. Hodges, Dorothy; care Goodyear Rubber Co., 1202 North Howard St. Jenkins, Walter I.; 391 North Firestone Blvd. Keller, Wm. L.; United Cigar Bldg. Kendig, R. C.; 1129 South Main St. Leeser, Thos. J; 172 West Outer St. McCorman, Susan (Mrs W. I. Jenkins) ; 391 North Firestone Blvd. McKay, Roy H.; 581 North Portage Path. McMaster, James W.; 76 North Adams St. Monnig, John Edward; 433 Rose Blvd. Morgenroth, Simon; 645 Diagonal Ave. Motz, Geo. Benj.; care Central Savings and Trust Co. Otis, Edward P.; care Otis, Berry & Sheppard. Pardee, Wm. E.; 1 Nipgen Bldg. Rogers, Samuel G; Akron, Ohio. Schmitschulte, Herman J.; 610 Hammel St. Schwab, Harry Wm.; 417 South Main St.; (r) 3722 Highpoint Ave. Seiber, Geo. W.; 484 East Market St. Slabaugh, Watson E.; Central Savings Bank and Trust Co. Slonaker, Mary Lou; Children’s Hospital, Akron, Ohio; (r) 624 Clarendon Ave., N. W. Canton, Ohoi. Southworth, C.; Pasadena Apts. Wallace, William R.; 523 Ohio Bldg. Whitelaw, FE. A.; Akron, Ohio. Wise, Wm. Oliver; 325 East Market St. Workman, Theo. W.; 744 Wooster Ave. Wright, Allison B.; 1093 South Main St. Yetter, Ethel H.; 1395 Delhi Ave. CHiIO—Cleveland Andrews, Horace; Western Reserve Bldg. Baker, Nellie Virginia (Mrs. L. F. Haley) ; 6917 Detroit Ave. Bowen, Joseph A.; Cleveland Clinic. Brudno, Emil M.; 848 Rose Bldg. Burget, Sam; 2286 South Overlook, C. H. 246 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Clark, Marjorie; 1803 Valentine St., Cleveland, Ohio; (r) care F. I. Clark, Medina, Ohio. Comstock, Glen Ed.; Mt. Sinai Hospital. Coontz, Wm. H.; 13800 Superior Ave. Curtin, Angela (Mrs. James O’Hara); 14765 Elderwood Ave. Cutter, Lawrence S.; 10908 Wode Park Ave. Detraz, Mary Julia; 2744 Mayfield Rd. Diehl, Clara; 504 East 120th St. Donahue, Matthew T.; 4392 Pearl Rd. Dorst, Stanley Elwood; Cleveland Clinic Hospital. Drukker, Grace; 2685 Euclid Blvd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Hichelberger, Jacob L.; Cleveland, Ohio. Follett, Chas.; Cleveland, Ohio. Forward, Ross; 7118 Lawnview Ave. Galbraith, W. T.; 13518 Gainsboro Ave. Granger, Robt. L.; 304-7 Society for Saving Bldg. Grossman, Joseph Hershall; 15815 Chadbourne Rd., May County Bldg. Henderson, Mary Lillian; 18105 Landseer Rd. Henry, Herbert .H.; 1827 Wilton Rd.,:C.-H: Heizer, John Zebulon; 1204 Engineer’s Bank Bldg.; (r) 14922 Superiod Rd. Hacner, Vernon Kingsbury; 1310 Coit Ave., E. C. Hogsett, T. H.; 2404 Kenilworth Rd., Euclid Heights. Hoskins, Lloyd Leggett; 11595 Shadeland Ave. Jones, James G.; 1534 Eddington Place, East. Judge, Joseph Donald; 3200 Franklin Ave. Juergens, Oscar Samuel; 4525 West 130th St. Kennedy, Thomas M.; 1880 East 79th St. Kilbane, Cornelius; 7431 Detroit Ave. Knight, Anna (Mrs. Harold Hoffman) ; 2321 Grandview Ave. Levin, Sydney; 8815 Buckeye Rd. Lyle, Alice F.; 572 East 120th St. Lyons, Georgia (Mrs. R. D. Etter); 4675 Hilland Ave., Brooklyn Heights. McNelly, Alstan Ellis; 1477-Mars Ave. Malone, Chas. Joseph; American Steel and Wire Co. Mannino, Joseph Dante; 3705 Woodland Ave. Merryweather, Mildred; 715 Penton Bldg. Moore, Mrs. Mabel (Mrs. W. E. Moore); 442 Engineer’s Bldg. Neff, Orion; 2901 Achwood Ave. Oateley, Asa C.; 4714 Franklin Ave. Oberschmidt, Fred H.; 1726 Art Ave. Oglesbee, Wm. Ernest; 6007 Euclid Ave. Persons, Hubert; 14821 Detroit Ave. Pomerene, Atlee; 1857 Union Trust Bldg. Reece, Paul D.; 1512 Elmwood Ave., Lakewood. Robbins, Samuel L.; 10314 Parkgate Ave. Ryall, George Wallace; 8314 Euclid Ave. Saltzman, Jacob; 10931 Tacoma Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 247 Sellew, Gladys; Babies’ and Children’s Hospital, Western Reserve University; (r) 10515 Wilbur Ave. Shaver, Geo. Newton; 17119 Detroit Ave. Silver, Abraham H.; East 105th St., at Ansel Rd. Silver, Maxwell; East 105th St. at Ansel Rd. Smith, Chas. R.; address unknown. Smith, J. Richard; 7917 St. Clair Ave. Snyder, Alonzo M.; 15337 Euclid Ave., E. C. Stack, Leonard A.; Cleveland City Hospital. Staffregen, Chas. Henry; 963 Greyton Rd. Thayer, Gordon Woods; Public Library. Tschudi, Erwin Wm.; Nela Research Laboratory. Wallace, Bruce Hinds; 10067 Kenmar Rd. Willet, Geo. O.; 707 Guardian Bldg.; (r) North Olmsted, Ohio. Young, Cornelius C.; 1934 Eighty-fourth St. OHIO—Columbus Alban, D. R.; 172 North Washington Ave. Alcorn, James G.; 106 South Champion Ave. Apt, Chas. H.; address unknown. Baskin, Helen (Mrs. Louis Harvis) ; address unknown. Blue, Clayton E.; 963 Franklin Ave. Brachman, Erna Antoinette (Mrs. Harry C. Fetsch) ; 205 Clinton Heights Ave. Briggs, Charles Robert; 35 Blenheim Rd. Brinker, Marion T.; address unknown. Brown, John E.; 730 East Town St.; (r) 1680 East Broad St. Bundy, Wm. Sanford; 171 South Ohio Ave. Byer, Sylvia (Mrs. Warren M. Tayler); 57 Greystone Court. Gary, Wm. L.;.1377 Bryden Rd. Cloys, Marion Lee; 1430 East Rich St. and 1635 Franklin Ave. Cranston, Chas. B.; 908 First National Bank Bldg.; (r) 58 Clarendon Ave. Davis, John Evan; National Guarantee and Furnace Co., Yaster Bldg. Davis, Wm. Carle; 336 East State St. De Wolfe, Ruth; 190 West Eleventh Ave. anad University Hospital. Dickey, Marius C.; address unknown. Ditty, R. M.; Harrison Bldg. Dusenbury, Will Jackson; 200-55 East State St. and Athletic Club. Dyer, Alfred C.; address unknown. Ebersole, Edith McAllister (Mrs. Harry L. Doud) ; 2027 Indianaloa Ave. Edwards, Frank Mott; 131 East Fifteenth St. Ferris, Edgar Sargent; 54%4 Broad St. and R. R. No. 1, Powell, Ohio. Fetsch, Harry C.; Clinton Heights. Fitch, Marvin D.; 1450 North High St. Getz, Charles H.; International Time Recording Co., 41 West Gay St. Giffin, Schuyler O.; 505 St. Clair Ave.; (r) 816 Oak St. Gilfillan, Baily W.; 1170 Bryden Rd. Goebel, Lillie Wilhelmina (Mrs. Albert Louis Heusch); 2012 Devon Rd., Upper Arlington. 248 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Gordon, Patrick A.; 836 Neil Ave. Gorey, Margaret M.; 331 West Fourth Ave. and University of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. Gumble, Henry; 60 East Broad St. and 781 Bryden Rd. Hamilton, Edwin A.; 299 Fifteenth Ave. Hamblin, Ira B.; 2414 West Broad St. Harsha, Jas. Wm.; address unknown. Haveman, George A.; Grant Hospital. Hibbard, Merrill; 1211 Madison Ave. Hinchman, Howard R.; Station E., Route No. 6. Hoskins, Samuel A.; 8 East Broad St.; 1662 Neil Ave. Huggins, Ed. N.; 813-18 First National Bank Bldg. and 247 North Parkview Ave., Bexley. Johnson, Alexander H.; 213 High St. and 144 North Drexel Ave., Bexley. Johnston, Robt. W.; Comstock Bldg. Kerr, Horace Stanley; 22 West Gay St. Kirby, Inez C. (Mrs. Milton Everett Wetherbee) ; 2118 North Fourth St. Lindner, Kathryn Lehrer (Mrs. D. W. Lehrer) ; 940 Studer Ave. McKibben, W. H.; 384 Stoddard Ave. Martin, John C.; 150 East Broad St., and 1659 Bryden Rd. Miller, Marjorie (Mrs. John L. Carruthers) ; 2100 North Fourth St. Monger, John E.; Bureau of Vital Statistics; (r) 1585 North Fourth St. Mooney, John W.; New First National Bank Bldg. Moore, William R.; Industrial Commission of Ohio, Medical Dept. Obermeyer, Jos. Geo.; 185 East State St. Okey, Geo. B.; 765 Bryden Rd., and 105%4 High St. Overly, John Edward; 1453 East Main St. Page, Mary Katherine (Mrs. F. H. Waring); 275 Action Rd. Perry, Stanley; 430 North High St. Pennell, Della (Mrs. Hendricks); Franklin County Sanitarium. Pomerene, Wm. Reed; 21 South High St. and 429 West Seventh St. Pritchard, William H.; State Hospital. Probst, Chas. Oliver; 185 East State St. Rathwell, Frank; 333 West Ninth St. Reece, John Andrews; 252 South Third St. Roach, Perry A.; 30 East Broad St. and 479 Oak St. Robinson, Alfred; 269 Oakland Park. Robinson, Frank E.; Northern Savings Bank Bldg. Schaeffer, George Christian; 854 East Broad St. Slutz, Ella Jeannette; 335 South High St. and 1665 North Fourth St. Stevenson, S. D.; 2300 Summit Ave. Tarbell, Robert C.; 327 East State St. Tarshish, Jacob; 925 Bryden Rd. Tate, Ralph Booth; 830 North Park St. Teachnor Wells; 187 East State St. Timberman, Andrew Jay; 310 East State St. Tinker, Kossuth; 1452 West Broad St. Wardlow, Charles; 85 North High St. and 650 East Town St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION Van Sickle, Will L.; 98 Hamilton Ave. Westervelt, Chas. F.; 21 Kelso Rd. and Graves & Westervelt, Attys. Will, Lucille (Mrs. H. D. Defenbacher) ; 2757 Indianola Ave. Williamson, Joseph; 29 West Goodale St. Wilson, John F.; 1438 East Broad St. Zimmerman, John Lee; 914 Atlas Bldg. OHIO—Dayton Arn, Elmer Raymond; 805 Manhattan Ave. Anspach, Willard Davis; 1011 Reibold Bldg. Bard, Oscar J.; 215 Stoddard Ave. Baldridge, R. T.; Reibold Bldg.; (r) 807 Five Oaks Ave. Bambach, Geo. G.; address unknown. Beeghly, George W.; 1462 West Third St. Blau, Daniel B.; 818 Mutual Home Bldg. Bohlender, Edmond; 1920 East Third St. Bolser, Dorothy; 1003 Terrace Ave. Bond, Roscoe R.; 941 Manhattan Ave. Bonner, Horace; Reibold Bldg. Broughman, S. A.; 108 Troy Ave. Braulin, Edgar Louis; 1900 Wayne Ave. Brown, Edward Leo A.; 661 Keowee St. Brownlee, Daniel; 1564 North Euclid Ave. Bunn, Ralph Alonzo; Reibold Bldg. Bussdicker, David; 248 Volusia Ave. and 1104 Far Hills Ave. Campbell, B.; 1912 North Main St. Carter, Harvey H.; 1437 West Third St. Carter, John Lawrence; 317 South Brown St. Christman, Claude N.; 304 South Blvd. Collins, Lucy Weimer (Mrs. Archie Phelps) ; 3211 Vine St. Colville, Frank P.; Electric and Mfg. Co. Conklin, William J.; 17 East First St. Conover, Harvey, Jr.; address unknown. Coss, Ralph Oakland; Miami Valley Hospital. Dale, Charles W.; Reibold Bldg. and 712 Oakwood Ave. Dale, George Pendleton; Reibold Bldg.; (r) 931 Ferndale Ave. Danner, Horace Newell; 111 Ridge Ave. Davis, Corwine Spalding; No. 7 Westminster Apts. Davis, Roy Hamilton; 1209 West Howard Ave. Deam, John M.; 266 North Valley St. Deardorff, Harold Emerson; 102 Redwood Ave. Delscamp, Wm. Henry; 1000 Fidelity Medical Bldg. Dickinson, Towsend H.; 232 Kenwood Ave. Dineen, John; 620 Reibold Bldg. Doeller, Godfrey A.; care The Dayton Power and Light Co. Dollman, John W.; care Cincinnati University Club. Dooley, Ralph Dean; Miami Valley Hospital. Duckwall, Francis A.; 115 North Valley St. 249 250 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Dwyer, Albert Has; 15 West Monument St. Ecki, Wm. Henry H.; 160 East Park St. Erbough, Gordon L.; 119 Linden Ave. Eshbaugh, Jesse Everett; 152214 North Main St. Fassett, Francis Hartwell; 1347 U. B. Bldg., and 2017 Ravenswood Ave. Farber, James Hazzard; 28 North Perry St. Federle, Joseph Candias; 15 Parkwood Drive. Ferneding, Henry L.; Judge Court of Appeals, 125 Wisteria Drive. Firth, Robert Harry; 1607 Wayne Ave. Fouts, John Daniel; Marathon Hills Park. Frass, Clarence; 875 Main St., North, Dayton, Ohio. Frederick, Clarence H.; 449 Washington Ave. Geohegan, Kenneth P.; 621 Lexington Ave. Gilfillen, George C.; 143 Squirrel Rd. Gregg, Walter D.; R. D. No. 16. Grogg, Irma Marie (Mrs. Milton Wagner); Briar Hill Rd. Hahne, Henry A.; Riebold Bldg. Hall, Olin B.; 623 Xenia Ave. Harris, Samuel J.; 1204 East Harvard Blvd. Herschey, Benj. F.; 714 Reibold Bldg. Hodapp, Niell M.; L. T. Cooper Bldg. Hodapp, Ruey F.; L. T. Cooper Bldg. Hoff, Mary (Mrs. Gordon Erbaugh) ; 725 Gondert Ave. Hoover, John J.; 414 Canby Bldg. Hous, G. W.; 18 Bond St. Howell, Frank W.; Callahan Bank Bldg. Howell, Fred W.; 1104 Miami Savings Bank Bldg. Howell, John Harvey; 324 Kenwood Ave. Huston, Edwin M.; 715 Washington St. Ihle, Clarence A.; Fidelity Medical Bldg. Irwin, John Walter; 100 South Broadway. Jacobson, Ishur L.; Schwind Bldg. Jacobson, Max; Schwind Bldg. Johnson, Marcus Kohler; 701 Dearborn Ave. Kalbfus, John William; 502 Callahan Bank Bldg., and 501 West Grand St. Kane, Florence Margaret; Chamber of Commerce; (r) 151 Parkway Ave. Keister, B. F.; 402 North Salem St. Kepler, Lionel Jesse; 318 Cherry Drive. King, Chas. W.; 223 North Main St. Kohlman, Irwin L.; 502 West Fourth St. Krehbiel, Frank W.; 800 Reibold Bldg. Kreidler, Katherine (Mrs. Lawrence Schramm) ; 1536 Euclid Ave. Kusworm, Sirney Grover; 546 Salem Ave. Lautenschlager, H. W.; 1101 Manhattan Ave. Lautenschlager, Thurman H.; 72 East Burton Ave. Lewis, George Edmund; 201 McDaniel St. Leyland, Herbert Thompson; U. B. Bldg. and 1919 Auburn Ave. Light, Alvin Lucien; 850 Broadway. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION Lloyd, Jesse Bulford; 505 South Main St. Longnecker, EK. W.; 2315 West Third St. more rrank) Rk. +R, D; No, 13, McCray, Alfred; 1235 East Harvard Blvd. McLean, Chas. Clyde; 37 South Williams St. Macy, Mildred; 337 Aberdeen Ave. Mallow, Edgar H.; 235 South Summit St. Margolis, Max H.; 601-2 Dayton Savings and Trust Bldg. Mattern, Conrad Jas.; 717 Kenilworth Ave. Mayerberg, Samuel S.; 430 Kenwood Ave. Mentel, Chas. Edward, Jr.; 104 Parkwood Drive. Miller, Daniel Elmer; Arcade Bldg. Molinder, Samuel G.; 2416 West Main St. Morris, Earl Herbert; Fifth and Wilkinson St. Mueller, Edw. R.; Reibold Bldg. Myers, Adena; 1126 Wisconsin Blvd. Myers, Williamb M.; Monterey Drive. Neuffer, Geo. Totten; 9 Parkwood Drive. Nutt, John M.; address unknown. Osburn, Craven Worthington; 2211 North Main St. Ozias, Geo. W.; Commercial Bldg. Pansing, Holley H.; 611 Kenwood Ave. Patterson, Robt. C.; 201 North Rookwood Ave. Patton, H. F.; 533 West High St. Payne, Clyde Clarkson; 1521 Huffman Ave. Payne, Foy C.; 711 Oxford Ave. | Pierce, Mercie (Mrs. L. F. Garland); 18 West Miami Blvd. Porter, Matthew; Ludlow Arcade Bldg. Potts, Raymond D.; 1127 Salem Ave. Prugh, Harry H.; Reibold Bldg. Pumphrey, Edgar $.; 339 Mercer Ave. Rannells, Barnett H.; address unknown. Reid, Marguerite (Mrs. Wm. M. Meyers); West Monterey Drive. Reemelin, Oscar B.; 61 Beverly Place and Dayton Power and Light Co. Risinger, Wm. Edward; 727 South Cincinnati St. Ritter, Carl Clifford; 116 Colorado Ave. and Delco Light Co. Roads, Homer D.; 9845 Lorain Ave. Rockoff, Joseph; 1563 Euclid Ave. Rogers, Charles Butterfield; Orchard Springs Sanatarium. Ryan, Michael; 172 South McClure St. Saurer, Harold Ralph; Dayton Malliable Iron Co. Schindler, Herbert Chas.; 53 Richmond St. Schulman, Abraham Wilbur; 803 West Ferndace Ave. Sharon, Willis; address unknown. Shepherd, Arthur F.; 135 Central Ave. Shepherd, Clayton; 709 West Washington St. Shively, John H.; 706 American Savings Bank. Sigmon, Arvil Chester; 110 South McGee St. bo 252 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Simmons, Harry L.; address unknown. Smith, Clement D.; 505 South Main St. Smith, Earl McCall; 233 Valley St. Smith, Webster S.; 314 Robert Blvd. Snodgrass, Marjorie; 326 Lexington Ave. Spitler, Levi; 1225 West Grand Ave. Spitter, Roscoe H.; 150 Squirrel Rd. Stocklein, Clarence; 709 Reibold Bldg. Stoneberger, William L.; 245 West Wood St. Stuerwold, Marie (Mrs. John W. Anel); care Anel Paper Co. Stuhlman, Oscar H.; 58 Linden Ave. Suffron, Benjamin F.; 841 North Main St. Tappan, Paul W.; Marathon Hills Park. Thorne, Harry; 10 North Broadway. Tobey, Wm. Lawrence. Wachs, Eleanor Glover (Mrs. Merlin G. Robertson); 1734 Emerson Ave. Wagner, Haorld Harr; 1521 Huffman Ave. Wagener, Milton Henry; Chas. M. Kelso Co., 1065 Reibold Bldg. Weaver, Erie J.; 428 West Fourth St. White, Wm. W.; 429 Grafton Ave. Whiteley, John Fred; McCood Flying Field, and 954 Morris St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Williamson, Howard P.; 17 Plumwood Rd. Williamson, Milton E.; 232 North Ludlow St. Wiseman, William C.; City Bldg. Wood, Geo. Henry; 25 Schantz Ave. OHIO—Hamilton Andrews, John Davis; 328 Rentschler Bldg. Andrews, Stanley B.; address unknown. Antenen, Carl F.; 36 North Seventh St. Barden, Frank M.; Rentschler Bldg. Benzing, Gordon Oakley; 709 South Ninth St. Benzing, John; U. S. Internal Revenue Office. Block, Edna C.; R. R. 8. Boyd, Thomas Dudley; 501 South Fourth St. Bronson, Malcolm; R. D. No. 1 and Rentschler Bldg. Burdsall, Harry L.; 2317 Pleasant Ave. Burns, Michael O.; 512 Rentschler Bldg. Campbell, Harry E.; address unknown. Cone, Ruth; 220 South C St. Connaughton, John B.; Rentschler Bldg.; (r) 116 Millville Ave. Cook, Edward; 404 South Fourth St. Cope, Ella Mae; 933 Dayton St. Cummins, Geo. Marion; 324 North Third St. Dorsey. Cartic H.; Kho DeNo. a: Egbert, John Clinton; 522 Rentschler Bldg. Flenner, Merle D’Aubigue; Third and Dayton Sts. Francis, John; 230 Ludlow St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION 200 Gard, Warren; address unknown. Grafft, John A.; 19 North “B” St. Hamberger, Catherine; address unknown. Hancock, Walter De Camp; R. D. to Millville. Hornung, Frank G.; 236 Ludlow St. Judge, Joseph Donald; Hamilton Foundry and Machine Co.; (r) 127 Hueston St. Keller, Corliss R.; 146 North Third St. Kessel, Harry; address unknown. Krone, Henry, Jr.; Central and Washington Aves. Long, Edna May; R. F. D. No. 3. Long, Helen; 307 North Eighth St. and Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lovett, James A.; R. R. No. 3. Manning Mary Pearlee; Third and Buckeye Sts. Martin, Edwin C.; address unknown. Millikin, Brandon R.; 307 Ross Ave. Millikin, Mark; 311 South Second St. Morey, G. Campbell; 232 South “D” St. Morris, James W., Jr.; Rentschler Bldg. Murphy, Clarence; Common Pleas Judge and 202 Ross Ave. Ott, Lester G.; First National Bank Bldg. Pabst, Warren J.; 455 South Fourth St. Pierce, David; 204 High St. Richter, Frank P.; 432 North Second St. Sater, Pearl M.; 228 Main St. Scheel, John O.; 738 Sycamore St. Schirrmann, Harold A.; 2533 Pleasant Ave. Shotts, Millikin; Rentschler Bldg.; (r) 340 Sherman Ave. Shotts, Robt. N.; address unknown. Sill, Elmer C.; 340 South Second St. Skinner, Dan M.; Third and Buckeye Sts. Skinner, Geo. Calvin; 235 Buckeye St. Smedley, Anderson L.; 10 North “B” St. Smith, Ava Bernadine (Mrs. Elmer Kraus) ; 226 Cleveland Ave. Steinhardt, Anne Virginia (Mrs. Minor Beckett) ; 407 Dick Ave, Stivers, Burdette Irma (Mrs. Omar Hannah) ; 612 Corwin Ave. Taylor, Morris G.; 129 Eaton Ave. Vereker, Martin F.; 328 South Second St. Wesco, Thomas Ewens; First National Bank Bldg. | Wood, Clinton Hobart; 109 North Shuler Ave. Woodruff, Robt. S.; 309 North Seventh St. Zerfass, Frank P.; 135%4 North Third St. OHIO—Springfield Adams, Chas. E.; 219 Glenn Ave. Altschul, Justin A.; National Bank. Austin, Howard H.; 135 South Kensington Pl. Bell, Herbert Chas.; R. F. D. No. 4. Belsinger, Emma Marie (Mrs. Earl Ryder) ; 323 West Clark St. 244 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Boehme, Raymond G; 709 West Main St. Calvin, Wilbur; address unknown. Cowen, Joseph; Shuler Ave. Davis, Emory F.; 531 Fairbanks Bldg. Diehl, Warren W.; 68 West Main St. Dye, Benj. H.; address unknown. Furry, John Edd; 529 West Pleasant St. Geis, Robert LeRoy; 462 Stanton Ave. Gibson, Helen; R. F. D. No. 7. Halloran, Francis A.; 722 Linden Ave. Hamma, Charles Butler; 1555 South Limestone St. Harner, Jacob M.; 418 Fairbanks Bldg.; (r) 620 North Fountaine St. Heistand, Horace ie Aberfelda Hall. Hiestand, Clinton M.; 1145 North Limestone St. Holzberg, Ethel (Mrs. Moses N. Sanders) ; 120 Englewood Row. Hull arty Ci 2604 Clifton’ St: Kay, Clarence Henry; 666 North Limestone St. Keifer, Wm. White; 1230 East High St. Kitchen, J. Forest; 730 South Limestone St. Link, AloysiusG.; 1235 North Limestone St. Link, Joseph A., Jr.; 14 North Limestone St. Lisle, Howard Cochran; 137 High St. Lloyd, Viola Grace; 360 Stanton Ave. Maddux, Maud (Mrs. James B. Webb) ; 706 East Madison Ave. Mahoney, Thomas W.; 107 North Greenmont St. Marquart, Oscar M.; Bushnell Bldg. Mattox, Frank G.; Springfield National Bank. Minor, Charles L.; Fairbanks Bldg. Myers, John Beas Fairbanks Bldg.; (r) 1104 North Limestone St. Myers, Noah; Fairbanks Bldg. Pancake, Arthur; 149 West Liberty St. Prince, Walter N.; 644 Wittenberg. Rodgers, Addison §S.; Limestone St. Rutledge, Rudolph; Rickly Memorial Hospital. Smith, George B.; 407 Bushwell Bldg. Spinning, Pierson T.; R. D. No. 6. Todd, Arthur J.; 29 West Liberty St. Weber, Margaret Dorothea; R. F. D. No. 3. Witmeyer, Webb W.; 735 Woodlawn Ave. OHIO—Toledo Allen, Horace Newton; 2248 Parkwood Ave. Andrews, Stanley B.; 213 Rockingham Ave. Brown, Henry Delost; 3005 Monroe St. Chapam, George Little; 21 Bronson PI. Cherrington, Frank W.; 2463 Broadway. Crumbaugh, S. S.; 1723 Broadway. Cunningham, Terrence J.; 2622 Collingwood Ave. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION Curran, Ulysses T.; Home Savings Bank Co. DeVore, Fred Fernando; Court House. Dodds, Pochahontas Woodson (Mrs. Albert C. Mittendorf) ; Wyllys Parkway. Flickinger, Carl A.; 623-4-5 Gardner Bldg. and 2402 Putnam St. Freund, Charles J.; 516 West Delaware St. Gallagher, Rachel Shaw; 305 Commerce Guardian Bldg. Harrington, Earl L.; 2129 Fulton St. Hibbert, Ida Lynette; 527 Arden Place, and 216 Morrison Drive. Hunter, Ira Ellis; Commercial Bank Bldg. Hurin, Silas E.; 340 West Woodruf Ave. Jewitt, John Gibson; 418 Elder Drive. Kelso, Mary Mildred; Board of Education. Kornfield, Jos. Saul; 2823 Collingwood Ave. Kreft, Frank G.; 2915 La Grange St. Lamb, Sylvester; 222 Sixteenth Ave. Luckett, Oscar P.; 529 Arden Pl. Melchers, Edward; 1434 Harvard Blvd. Melchero, Milo; address unknown. Myers, Park L.; 808 West Bancroft St. Oberdorfer, Bertie Elizabeth; 2270 Glenwood Ave. Orwig, Earl Albert; 4040 Caroline Ave. Pilliod, John Victor; 1520 Cherry St. Rafsnider, Lowell Bruce; 940 Huron St. Ramsey, Thomas LeRoy; 3339 Cherry St. Robinson, Rameal D.; 522 Highland Ave. Ryan, Ruth (Mrs. Sidney Daugherty) ; 1232 Halstead St. Schauer, Morris; 1868 West Central Ave. Shearer, Charles C.; 4047 Jackman Rd. Stephens, Alice Virginia (Mrs. Geo. Russel Minor); 4231 North Lockwood Ave. Strathmann, Wm. H.; 1028 Virginia St. Struble, Ellen Jessup (Mrs. Eugene Lorimer) ; 1884 Princeton Drive. Taber, Ira Clinton; 2040 Glenwood Ave. Truesdale, Henry C.; 346 Winthrop St. Wendt, Edgar Shafer; 926 West Delaware St. Wilkinson, Leonard H.; 905 Phillips Ave. Wright, John Augustine; 1812 Cherry St. PENNSYLVANIA—Philadelphia Brown, Abraham; 2466 North Fratz St. Brown, John Edgar; 3425 Boudinot Ave. and 5102 Lancaster Ave. Cockrell, Wayne Leroy; 219 Apsley St. Cronbach, Gertrude (Mrs. Geo. D. Hadzsits) ; 222 South 43rd St. Fineshriber, William; 1916 Rittenhouse Sq. Goldstein, Morris; 2142 North Thirty-second St. Hecker, Charles; 1322 Fillmore St. Holton, S. Pearce; 234 West Upsal St. Howard, Hattie Lillian (Mrs. Charles H. Pile); 1425 North Fifteenth St. Hurxthal, Alpheus O.; 7415 Bayer St. Das 26 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Kapp, Cecil Adam; 207 North Thirty-fifth St., and Drexel Inst. Lindsley, Allen Moore; 128 East Ruscomb Ave., and 338 Bryand Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lowenstein, Harry H.; address unknown. Mizner, Ralph Adam; Sixteenth Floor, Fax Bldg. Roberts, David (Major); U. S. Med. Corp, U. S. Army; (r) 2620 Grays Ferry Rd. Schmuck, Thomas K.; Texas Co. Silverstein, Myrtle (Mrs. Harry Cabot); 525 West Nedro Ave. Stembel, David Maynard; 22nd and Westmoreland Sts.; (r) Casa Del Rey Apts., Haverford, Pa. Sturm, Max; 711 Franklin St. Walker, Sidney A.; 519 Broad St. White, Hunter Allen; 458 City Hall. Wolsey, Louis (Rabbi) ; 1400 Jefferson St. PENNSYLVANIA—Pittsburg Alexander, Albert J.; address unknown. Bedinger, Sarah (Mrs. Chas. C. Cooper) ; 220 Larimer Ave. Bremfoerder, Ada Fredericka (Mrs. Geo. Basset) ; 5440 Northumberland Ave. Bryant, Leslie Edwin; 212 Darragh St., Oakland Sta. Caldwell, Bess (Mrs. Edgar W. McCallister) ; 126 Hawthorne St., Swissvale P. O. Cheeseman, John Coulter; 55 Scotia St., Crafton Branch. Fineberg, Solomon; 4905 Fifth Ave. Forthman, Robert; 4502 Fifth St. Goldenson, Samuel H.; Fifth and Morewood Ave. Goode, George Henry; John Hughes Co. Haas, Rose; 335 Atlantic Ave., South Pittsburg. Hartman, Artlett B.; 555 Homewood Ave. Hazen, John Francis; Pittsburg Steele Co. Hervey, Wm. E.; 5906 Callowhill St. Hodtum, Joseph B.; 512 Highland Place, Bellevue. Hucke, Elmer Frank; 213 Charles St., Mt. Oliver P. O. Huggins, Raleigh Russell; Westinghouse Bldg. Johnston, Roswell A.; 1612 McFarland Rd., Darmont. Krueger, Justine (Mrs. Roswell A. Johnston); 1612 McFarland Rd., Darmont. Le Clere, John Burke; 3108 Ophir St. McCafferty, Ernest Dair; care H. J. Heintz Co., and Allison Park, Pa. McCallister, Edgar W.; 126 Hawthorne St. Pearson, Lucy Helen (Mrs. C. Cooper); address unknown. Perry, Arlington Clyde; 7933 Madeira St. Raybeck, Ralph J.; Westinghouse Bldg. Russell, Lewis S.; 1214 Buena Vista St. Spellmire, Walter B.; 1307 Oliver Bldg. Taylor, Elbert John; care Morris Knowles, Inc., 507 Westinghouse Bldg. Thomson, Alexander F.; Bakewell Bldg. Van der Voort, Carl F.; Park Bldg. Van Pelt, Arthur A.; West Waldheim Rd. Venable, William Mayo; 822 North St. Clair St. GEOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION Webb, Edgar Morrison; 14 Bryant St., North, Bellevue. Wilkin, Archibald; 1112 Berger Bldg. Wolf, Jacob; 702 Jenkins Bldg. WASHINGTON—Seattle Akey, Will Tuttle; 806 East Howell Ave. Beneker, Jay Carl; 1333-44th Ave., S. W. Blair, Faris Morell; College Club. DeBeck, David; 4229 Twelfth Ave., N. E. Edwards, Orange; U. S. Veterans Bureau. French, Louis H.; 4202 Chilberg St., and Joslia Green Bldg. Hayden, John Bruce; Hofins Steel and Construction Co. Koch, Samuel; 916 Twentieth Ave., North. Lyons, James H.; 514 Lumber Exchange; (r) 135-38th Ave., North. Mann, Florence; 12002 Palatine Bldg. Norris, W. Lee; Eitel Bldg. Olaham, Robt. P.; 1408 Hoge Bldg. Powers, J. Hale; address unknown. Sadler, Gladys Amy (Mrs. Louis Houston Reusch) ; 532 Belmont North. Samford, Wm. Henry; address unknown. Shular, Ivan J. D.; 5715 Palatine Ave. Steigner (de) Geo. E.; Dexter Horton Bldg. Swabey, Stanley Wm.; address unknown. Trimble, Wm. Pitt; 1206 University Ave., and New York Block. West, Benj. Franklin; 1806 East 55th St. Whitehead, Elizabeth (Mrs. M. E. Tucker); 507 Galer St. WEST VIRGINIA—Huntington Brandebury, Henry A.; 929 Sixth Ave. Hardwick, Richard; Washington and Fourteenth Sts. Joseph, Ruth Block (Mrs. Julius Broh) ; 140 Tenth St. Le Sage, I. R.; 1120 Eighth St. Mayberry, Irvin W.; 2841 Third Ave. Miller, Emmet N.; 2950 Merrill Ave. Neal, William E.; 611 Fifth St. Rayl, Wm. L.; address unknown. Reynolds, Charles O.; Miller Ritter Bldg. Reynolds, Otis E.; Miller Ritter Bldg. Shafer, Edw. Elmer; Twentieth Ave. Bank Bldg. Waldeck, George N.; 1237 Jefferson Ave. Williams, Lewis A.; 2585544 Third Ave. WEST VIRGINIA—Wheeling Beneke, George Claus; Riley Law Bldg.; (r) Majart Hill, R. D. No. 6. Blackford, Geo. A.; Dewey Terrace. Bullard, Robert H.; Ohio County, R. F. D. No, 2. Cowl, James Lancaster; Cincinnati General Hospital and 375 Broadway, Wheeling. Davis, Wilbur Louis; 130 South Park St. 257 258 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Feinburg, Abraham L.; 43 Zane St. . Griffith, Oliver Harrison; 93 Maryland St. Jepson, Samuel L.; 81 Twelfth Ave. Klug, Thomas Michael; 2500 Chapline St. Nesbitt, Samuel; address unknown. Schick, Herman S.; 305 P. O. Bldg. Silver, Harry; 4020 Jacob St. WISCONSIN—Milwaukee Bahlman, Erwin Felix; U. S. Glue Co. Grad, Bennett; 555 Walker St. Healy, Carolyn (Mrs. James R. Gregg) ; 546 Mitchell Ave. Heizer, Mary Elizabeth; Apt. M, The Newbridge, 208 Twelfth St. Hirschberg, Samuel; Temple Emanu-F1. Junkerman, Chas. G.; 204 Grand Ave.; (r) 625 Summit Ave. Levi, Charles S.; 444 Broadway. Pinkerton, Clarence Short; 691 Hackett Ave. Rehm, Sylvia (Mrs. P. Harwood) ; 657 Fifth St. Riley, Fletcher T.; 311 Main St.; (r) 168 Cedar St. Ritzi, Edna M. (Mrs. Fred Nicolai) ; 765 Bartlet Ave. Seaman, May (Mrs. Loren H. Mortenson) ; 239 Queen Anne Place. ALUMNAL ORGANIZATIONS. fay] ALUMNAL COUNCIL Dr. A. C. Bachmeyer (College of Medicine). Dr. Daniel J. Davies (College of Medicine). H. Lynne Barber (College of Law). Chester R. Shook (College of Law). Daniel Laurence (College of Liberal Arts). Howard E. Stapleton (College of Liberal Arts). Mrs. Gilbert Bettman (College of Liberal Arts). Henrietta M. Brady (College of Liberal Arts). Taylor W. Anstead (College of Engineering and Commerce). Walter A. Baude (College of Engineering and Commerce). Samuel Everett Kaiper (Evening Liberal Arts). Mildred Pfister (Evening Liberal Arts). John P. DeCamp (Executive Secretary). ALUMNAL ASSOCIATIONS Officers: Woman’s Alumnae Association President, Mrs. Gilbert Bettman; 14 Elmhurst Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vice-President, Bertha Rogatsky; 138 Kinsey Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Secretary, Helen Tangeman; 2815 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Treasurer, Grace Matthews; Dale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Directors: Gertrude Avey; 2354 Laredo Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Helen Burgoyne; 19 The Roanoke Apts., Cincinnati, Ohio. Liberal Arts Alumni Association President, Howard E. Stapleton; 1016 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vice-President, Edgar M. Hymans; Newark, N. J. Secretary, John P. DeCamp; Room 12 McMicken’ Hall, University of Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Treasurer, Chase M. Davies; 1817 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Representatives: Howard E. Stapleton; 1016 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati; Daniel Laurence; Room 3 McMicken Hall, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 260 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Engineering Alumni Association President, George W. Breiel; 5863 Wayside Ave., Mt. Washington, Ohio. Vice-President, Selden F. High; 1342 Grace Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Secretary, Howard Justice; 102 Sixteenth St., Clifton, Ky. Treasurer, Harold McCormick; 3411 Morrison Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Representatives: Taylor Anstead; 2109 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Walter Baude; 6218 Robison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Law Alumni Association President, Joseph W. O’Hara; 1106 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati. Vice-President, John R. Schindel; 1007 Carew Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Secretary, Benjamin Nelson; 708 Fourth National Bank Bidg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Treasurer, Victor Heintz; 18 East Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Representatives: H. Lynne Barber; 4537 Hector Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chester R. Shook; 707 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Medical Alumni Association President, William R. Abbott; 166 Lafayette Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio. Representatives: Arthur C. Bachmeyer; College of Medicine, Eden Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Daniel J. Davies; 2315 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. OFFICERS OF EXECUTIVE ALUMNAL COUNCIL President, Chester R. Shook; 707 Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Vice-President, Taylor W. Anstead; 2109 Williams Ave., Norwood, Ohio. Treasurer, Daniel Laurence; 111 Millsdale Ave., Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Executive Secretary, John P. DeCamp; 270 Gilman St., Cincinnati, Ohio. CHANGES IN ADDRESS Crawford, Elizabeth (Mrs. Kenneth Walker); Lancing, Tenn. la 1918. Heinold, Fred; 101 W. 70th St., Carthage, Cincinnati, Ohio. me 1924. Joyce, Hazel; Grant Hotel, Pasadena, Calif. la 1918. Knott, Elana (Mrs. Sandford B. Taylor) ; 415 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich. la 1900. Merryweather, Mildred; 2620 E. Overlook Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. la 1900. Schweikert, William; Hooker, Ohio. 1 1900. Thomasen, Edgar L.; American Bridge Company, Pittsburg, Pa. e 1909. ERROR Kyle, Arthur Charles, 1 1882, should read Kyle, Charles Henry. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 261 COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI This list includes graduates of the Ohio and Miami Medical Col- leges and the Cincinnati Law School before they were afhliated with the University of Cincinnati. The following abbreviations will be used: m, Miami Medical College; 0, Ohio Medical College; om, Ohio-Miami Medi- cal College; mc, Medical College; la, Liberal Arts College; ed, College of Education; ec, College of Engineering and Commerce; 1, College of Law; n, School of Nursing and Health; g, Graduate School; ha, School of Household Administration; for deceased an asterisk (*). *Aaron, Israel; la 1880. Acomb, Marguerite; la 1916. Aaronsohn, Michael; la 1923. Acomb, Marie; la 1919. Abaecherli, Carl Edward; la 1925. *Adae, Howard M.; 1 1880. *Abbett, Henry J.; o 1869. eA daira Ga iWe 20 10/6, Abbett, Will R.; 0 1885. Adair, Samuel G.; 0 1879. Abbott, Cornelius C.; 0 1896. *Adair, Wm. A.; 0 1872. Abbott, Dewas H.; 0 1896. Adams, Appelona; la 1918. Abbott, Elijah Hedding; o 1890. Adams, Carl Bruno; la 1923. Abbott, George M.; | 1878. Adams, (ye. 2151902; Abbott, Mary; la 1912. Adams, Charles E.; 1 1894. Abbott, Nathan Wallace; m 1879. Adams, Charles F.; o 1884. Abbott, Wm. R.; m 1908. *Adamsig DB 50 slo02: Abel, Virgil; o 1901. *Adams, D. S.; o 1848. *Abell, Hannibel T.; 0 1839. *Adams, David E.; | 1864. Abernathy, J. W.; m 1903. *Adams, Edward F.; 1 1850. *Abney, L. B.; o 1861. Adams, Edwin Myron; o 1909. *Abney, Wm. Henry; | 1858. Adams, Eleanor Nathalie; la 1902. *Abraham, Victor; 1 1867. Adams, Evelyn Crady; la 1911. Abrahams, Alfred C.; la 1905. *Adams, F. G.; 1 1852. Abrahams, Maurice B.; la 1910. Adams, George Stanton; 1 1892. Abrams, Louis; ec 1921. *Adams, H. J.; 1 1846. Abrams, Samuel Joshua; la 1914. *Adams, Henry; 1 1845. Abrams, Tracy; la 1919. *Adams, Henry L.; 1 1847. *Achor, Thomas D.; 0 1873. *Adams, J. C.; o 1873. Ackerson, Clara; 1a 1918. *A dams, J. R.; o 1852. *Ackerson, David Hayward; e 1909. *Adams, James R.; 0 1846. Ackerson, Estelle; la 1914. *Adams, Milo D.; o 1837. *Ackley, Earl Robinson; o 1904. *Adams, O. F.; m 1869. Acomb, Helen Janet; la 1911. *Adams, Samuel M.; o 1878. 262 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Adams, Willard Carlton; e 1909. Adamson, Elizabeth Ingram; la 1915. Adcock. George S.; 0 1882. Addicott, Gertrude Irene; n 1921. Addison, Griffith Thomas; ec 1922. Adelstein, Fred.; mc 1920. *Adgate, Charles Beal; 1 1889. Adkins, Marcia Lee; la 1924. Adler, Charles Wm.; la 1899. Adler, Eugene I.; 1 1898. Adler, Mrs. Jessie; la 1918; 1 1921. Adler, Joseph L.; 1 1888. Adler, Madolin; la 1908. Adler, Sidney F.; 1 1922. *Adleta, Edward; 1 1873. Adriance, Walter Maxwell; la 1899, Agger, Eugene Ewald; la 1902. *Agin, Burroughs; m 1854. *Agin, Charles Clinton; m 1875. SAR NeW. aba. Ooo. *Agnew, F. M.; o 1862. *Agnew, Frank M.; m 1866. Ahlborn, Charles S.; 1 1891. *Ahlborn, Charles Anthony; la 1889. Ahlbrandt, Gustave; e 1904. *Ahlers, Adolph; 1 1869. Ahlers, Clifford Henry; la 1920, Ahlers, Fred J.; 1 1893. Ahlers, Frederick John; 1 1889. Ahlers, Helen Gertrude; la 1913. *Aikman, Wm. C.; o 1863. Ailes, Arlington; o 1908. Ailes, Melville D.; om 1912, Ainslie, Adolph M.; 1 1895. Aitkin, Charles Wm.; o 1880. Aker, William W.; 1 1872. Akey, Will Tuttle; o 1891. Alban, D. R.; o 1890. Albaugh, Andrew Phillips; m 1887. *Albaugh, Porter W.; 0 1894. Albers, Frank Joseph; om 1918. Albers, George Henry; m 1887. *Albert, William Stone; 1 1867. Albray, Sarah Abbie; la 1899. Alcorn, Albert D.; 1 1892. Alcorn, James G.; m 1902. Alcorn, Robert $.; 1 1900. Alden, Edith; la 1898. Alderman, William N.; 0 1877. *Aleshere, Charles C.; 1 1861. Alexander, Addie Francis; n 1921. Alexander, Albert Jacob; la 1886; 1 1888. Alexander, Burnette; la 1918. Alexander, David; la 1900. Alexander, Edward Franklin; 1 1906. Alexander, E .W.; o 1881. *Alexander, John H.; o 1874. Alexander, Lowell Melville; e 1915, ma 1917, ma 1917, g 1925. *Alexander, R..P.; 0 1873. Alexander, Ralph Thomas; ec 1925. *Alexander, S. J.; o 1876. *Alexander, Samuel; o 1853. *Alexander, Sydney S.; o 1829. *Alexander, Wilbur; o 1893. Alexander, William D.; 1 1900. *Alford, James P.; 0 1853. Allan, Donald; ec 1922. Allan, James Egelston; e 1919. Allan, John Andrew; e 1912. *Allard, Lorenzo D.; 0 1879, Allardice, William Duncan; ec 1924. *Allen, Abel L.; 1 1877. Allen, Alfred G.; 1 1890. Allen, Alfred M.; 1 1884. Allen, Anne Elizabeth; la 1925. Allen, Blanche Clow; ed 1924. Allen, Charles Faston; ec 1923. Allen, Charles John; ec 1921-22. Allen, Charles Oscar; o 1882. Allen, David William; la 1925. Allen, Dorothy Ruth; la 1922, g 1922. *Allen, George Mantell; m 1881. *Allen, George W.; 1 1841. *Allen, Gladys Penny; la 1922, ed 1923. Allen, Glenn Harold; ec 1922. Allen, Harry Sherwood; m 1895. Allen, Horace Newton; m 1883. Allen, Irwin D.; 1 1913. ‘Allen, (Je2Py o2188V *Allen, James; o 1847. *Allen, James L.; o 1837. *Allen, James Melchum; o 1850. *Allen, James: Shepherd; o 1838. Alten, John R.; o 1882. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Allen, Marston; 1 1911. *Allen, Nathaniel; o 1849. Allen, O. Preston; mc 1925. Allen, Rell G.; 1 1894. Allen, Robert C.; m 1907. Allen, Samuel Ellsworth; m 1888. Allen, Wm. Norris; e 1917. *Allen, William S..; m 1868. Allgaier, Edward D.; la 1905; o 1908. Allgaier, Jennie Sarah; la 1901. Allgaier, Marguerite Susan; la 1910. *Allgaier, Sebastian A.; o 1900. Allison, Charles F.; 1 1889. Alston, Alberta; n 1925. Altamer, Harold Miller; e 1918. Altemeier, George Charles; o 1902. *Alter, David; o 1840. Altschul, Justin A.; 1 1914. Altshool, Stuart Marx; ec 1924. *Ambrose, M. J. W.; 0 1837. *Ames, F. W.; o 1847. *Ames, Hiram; 1 1841. Ames, Irving Morris; ec 1923. Ames, John Hubbard; e 1915. *Amory, C. O.; 0 1843. Amos, Aquila A.; 1 1891. paninotretie Ors) 11872: *Amsden, Hiram A.; m 1874. *Ancker, Arthur B.; o 1882. Anderson, Benj. W.; 1 1885. *Anderson, Charles; 1 1875. *Anderson, Chrales, Jr.; 0 1874. Anderson, Charles R.; 1 1891. Anderson, Anderson, *Anderson, *Anderson, *Anderson, Anderson, *Anderson, * Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderegg, 263 Martha; la 1919. Mary7 lap 1919. OP rerio el87s: Ross W.; 1 1866. S. W.; 0 1869. Samuel E.; 1 1889. Sanford Merkle; m 1883. T. McArthur; 1 1858. Wilbur; o 1893. William Wesley; o 1893. Rupert Andrew; e 1919. Andre, George B. M.; m 1897. Andre, Arrin C.; 0 1877. Andress, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, *Andrew, *Andrew, Andrew, Hartya ls se ilooe Agnes; la 1903. Charles S.; e 1910. Ellen Bertha; la 1905. George Lafferty; o 1845. WOR as Oislos2: James Peter; e 1914. Andrew, Louden Chapman; m 1877. Andrews, Andrews, Andrews, Andrews, *Andrews, * Andrews, Andrews, Andrews, Andrews, Andrews, *Andrews, Andrews, Anderson, Dorothy (Mrs. Ben Silver); Andrews, la 1916. *Anderson, Edward L,.; 1 1867. Anderson, Everett A.; 0 1889. *Andersori, F. P.; o 1872. Anderson, Frank C.; 1 1904. Anderson, Frank M.; o 1882. *Anderson, George; o 1858. Anderson, Harry Ford; me 1924, *Anderson, J. B.; o 1872. *Anderson, James; m 1869. _*Anderson, James H.; 1 1854. *Anderson, John Hunter; m 1876. *Anderson, J. W.; m 1872. *Anderson, Lewis C.; m 1874. Andrews, Andrews, *Andrews, *Andrews, *Andrews, Amelia Roe; la 1899. Americus V.; | 1883. Charles Woodward; la 1896. Edith Tweed; la 1895. Frank V.; 1 1878. H.; o 1844. Horace; 1 1883. John Davis; 1 1904. John H.; 0 1883. Joseph E.; 1 1884. Joseph Hyde; 1 1860. Orem Carlton; ec 1925. Ralph Nelson; ed 1925. Stanley B.; m 1908. Stanley Blair; la 1910. William; o 1850. William H.; 1 1856. William J.; o 1865. Andriessen, Emma (Mrs. George Arm- strong ) - la 1908; ma 1912. Angle, Edward; o 1887. Anson, Harris; 1 1918. Anspach, Anspache Anstead, Antenen, *Antes, M Willard Davis; 1 1919. r, Abraham Samuel; la_ 1900. Taylor Wm.; e 1913. Carl F.; 1 1916. ichael R.; 1 1852. 264 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Anthony, Bertha Van H.; la 1899. Anthony, Frank A.; 1 1909. *Anthony, J. M.; 0 1837. Anthony, J. R.; 0 1874. *Anthrobus, B.; 0 1876. Antrim, Alice Louise; ed 1925. *Antzen, Bernard; 1 1857. Apger, Mary Louise; n 1922. *Apjones, Leedlon; | 1867. Appel, Clara Margaret; la 1924; ed 1925. Appel, Elsie; la 1917. Appel, Jeanette; la 1916. Applegate, E. Leonore; n 1925. *Applegate, John W.; 1 1843. Applegate, Mathew M.; o 1909. *Applegate, Richard S.; o 1867. *Applegate, Thomas Fletcher; 1 1859. *Applegate, William J.; 1 1875. Appleton, Julius Garst; ec 1924. Appling, Harry Jas.; 1 1890. Apt, Charles H.; 1 1884. *Arbuckle, John P.; 0 1834. *Archer, Chapman; 1 1867. Archibald, Dwight; 1 1882. Arend, Armin Conrad; e 1912. Arey, Essie Viola; la 1912. Argabright, Ralph Allen; 1 1907. *Armer, D. S.; 0 1865. *Armington, Harvey; o 1822. *Armitage, David A.; 0 1865. *Armstrong, Alfonso; o 1871. *Armstrong, Augustus; 1 1857. *Armstrong, Benj. M.; 1 1867. *Armstrong, Charles W.; 1 1866. Armstrong, Claire E.; 0 1896. *Armstrong, David; o 1845. *Armstrong, E. A.; o 1857. *Armstrong, Edwin L.; 1 1840. *Armstrong, Frank P.; o 1878. *Armstrong, H. A.; o 1857. Armstrong, H. L.; o 1881. Armstrong, Hunter S.; 1 1886. *Armstrong, Irwin; 1 1865. *Armstrong, Lewis P.; m 1874. *Armstrong, Nathaniel S.; o 1841. Armstrong, Samuel P.; 1 1887. *Armstrong, Thomas H.; 1 1855, *Armstrong, W. G.; o 1882. *Armstrong, Wm. G.; o 1849. Arn, Elmer Raymond; om 1911. Arndt, Beulah Karst; la 1922. *Arnold, Benj. Franklin; o 1842. Arnold, Carlton Eugene; ec 1923. *Arnold, Emil; o 1865. Arnold, George Beal; o 1896. Arnold, George Mathias; ec 1922. Arnold, Helen; la- 1918. Arnold, James Harleau; mc 1925. Arnold, Louis Edward; 1 1923. Arnold, Walter Paul; ec 1925. Aronoff, Samuel; ec 1924. Arnsparger, Clifton; 1 1886. *Arons, John Jos.; 0 1857. *Arrington, Robert Henry; m 1877. *Arter, Jason Richardson; m 1857. *Arthur, Jesse; 1 1874. Arthur, Lewis T.; 0 1904. Arthur, Sidney; 1 1890. Artis, H. Grant; o 1890. Arundel, Mary Elizabeth; la 1912. Arvin, Ellen; n 1923. Asbury, Eslie; mc 1920; b.s. 1919. *Asbury, William H. H.; 0 1875. *Ash, Dunham E.; o 1887. *Ash, Robert; 1 1870. Ashbrook, Henriette; la 1920. Ashburn, Albert I.; 1 1882. Ashburn, Allen W., Jr.; 1 1907. Asbhurn, Allen M.; m 1872. Ashburn, James K.; 0 1900. Ashcraft, Charles Edward; e 1908. Ashfield, Charles Summer; la 1897; o 1900. Ashfield, Eleanor; la 1900. Ashley, Thad W.; m 1901. Ashman, Arthur Benj.; ec 1925. Ashton, Roland Cecil; ec 1924. Askew, Francis David; 0 1894. Askew, Mary; la 1918. Astler, Vernon W.; 1 1915. Aston, Edward S.; 1 1886. Aston, Frank Smith; la 1919. *Aten, Henry T.; 1 1864. *Aten, James; o 1831. Atherton, Andrew L.; 0 1893. *Atkeson, Jesse Franklin; o 1846. Atkin, Bernard; ec 1921. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 265 *Atkin, David; o 1833. Axline, Moreton Homer; o 1902. Atkins, Dorothy Pearce; la 1924. *Axtell, Erwin Rodarmel; m 1888. Atkins, Ethel Louise; la 1921, ed 1923. Axtell, William H.; o 1891. Atkins, Gains G.; 1 1891. *Aydelott, Charles U.; o 1880. *Atkins, Harry T.; 1 1872. Ayer, Richard L.; 1 1882. Atkins, Henry Pearce; la 1897. *Ayers, Alfred; o 1835. Atkins, Ida Lovell; ed 1924. Ayers, Henry Eugene; m 1882. *Atkins, John R.; m 1854. Ayers, James Milton; o 1882. *Atkins, Joseph; o 1837. Ayre, S. C.; 0 1864. *Atkinson, Henry T.; 1 1867. Ayre, Wylie McLean; o 1900. *Atkinson, John Guy; 1 1897. *Ayres, Rowen; 1897. Attig, Carl Leo; la 1907. Ayres, Theodore C.; 1 1889. Attig, David V.; 1 1922. Ayres, Wm. Harold; om 1918. Atwood, Lida Fl. (Mrs. H. P. Bowman) ;*Ayres, Wm. N.; 1 1895. la 1905. B’Hymer, Homer E.; o 1901. *Aub, Joseph; o 1866. *Babb, Li tPRes 051852. Auch, Ralph Henry; e 1917. *Babbitt, Almon; 1 1843. Aufterheide, Wm.; 1 1898. *Babbitt, Dean; 1 1877. Aug, George Christian; e 1918. Babbitt, Edward J.; 1 1890. Aukerman, Elmer; 1 1890. *Babbitt, Hildegard M.; la 1909. Ault, Milton F.; o 1884. *Babbitt, Katherine Williams; la 1902. *Austin, Charles Rollin; o 1894. *Babbitt, P. T. Williams; 1 1912. Austin, George M.; o 1883. Babbs, William Maynard; ed 1925. Austin, Homer M.; o 1902. Bacharach, Fred; o 1886. *Austin, Horace; o 1837. Bacharach, Lester S.; 1 1905. Austin, Howard H.; 0 1906. *Bachman, Jacob L.; 1 1887. Austin, Jennie Charlotte; la 1911. Bachman, Nathan Dulaney; la 1924. Austin, Ruth Anne; ed 1921. Bachmeyer, Arthur C.; om 1911. *Auten, C. R.; 0 1856. Bachrach, Minnie Hildred (Mrs. M. H. *Autenheimer, Fred K.; 1 1877. Hardin); ed 1921. *Avard, F. A.; o 1866. *Back, Joseph J.; o 1902. Averdick, James A.; o 1874. Backherms, Alvin Bernard; e 1918. Averill, William David; ec 1921. Backman, Stanley G.; e 1910. Avery, Albert Rollins; e 1917. Backsman, Elmore B.; om 1911. Avery, Charles H.; 1 1878. Bader, Ellis Robert; om 1913. *Avery, Charles L.; o 1836. *Badgeley, Daniel H.; m 1854. Avery, Coleman; la 1902; 1 1905. Badgley, Arthur; la 1918. *Avery, Frank R.; 1 1856. Baechle, Elda Mae; la 1925. *Avery, James Willard; m 1883. Baehr, Bertha M.; la 1913. *Avery, Wm. Ledyard; 1 1858. Baehr, Edmund M.; o 1901. Avery, Wm. Riley; m 1876. Baehr, Leonard K.; e 1916. Avey, Ellen Gertrude; la 1907. Baer, Carl J.; o 1899; 1 1893. Axline, C. O.; o 1876. Baer, Clarence Naret; 1a 1903. Axline, Eleanor; la 1921; ed 1921. q Baer, Bernard Ed.; e 1916. *Axline, Fred A.; a 1895. *Baer, Henry; 1 1878. *Axline, J.; o 1852. Bagel, Walter Thomas; e 1919. Axline, J. A.; o 1873. *Bagley, D. M.; o 1866. *Axline, John D.; o 1869. *Baguley, H. B.; o 1881. 266 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Bahlman, Erwin Felix; e 1907. Bahlmann, Clarence; la 1904. Bahman, Emma Leah; la 1924. Bahman, Laura Belle; la 1924. Bahman, Robert Fred; la 1893. Bahr, Antoinette Francis; la 1910. Bailey, Alvin L.; o 1887. *Bailey, David H.; 1 1858. *Bailey, Dwight Kumler; la 1903. Bailey, Eunice Ethyln; n 1920, 1921. *Bailey, E. T.; m 1854. *Bailey, Gerard; o 1868. *Baker, Edward H.; 1 1879. Baker, Edgar Hubbard; la 1913. Baker, Esther Mary; la 1912. *Baker, Eugene; m 1883. *Baker, H.R): 0 1870: Baker, Geo. L.; 1 1880. *Baker, Grear Hill; 0 1903. Baker, Helen Evangeline; ed 1922. *Baker, Henry; o 1849. Baker, J. E.; o 1881. Baker, J. G. H:; 0 1875. *Baker, James; 1 1856. Bailey, Gilbert Langdon; m 1893; la 1893. Baker, James L.; e 1917. Bailey, Herbert Polson; ec 1922. *Bailey, James Franklin; m 1879. Bailey, Jessie Murray; ed 1922. *Bailey, John Hopkins; m 1878. *Bailey, John Noble; 1 1882. *Bailey, Joseph Sydenham; m 1857. Bailey, Lucian; o 1902. *Bailey, Lunsford Y.; 1 1860. Bailey, Oliver Gilbert; 1 1898. Bailey, Russell Brooks; mc 1922. Bailey, Samuel Major; ec 1920. *Bailey, Viceroy Marion; m 1884. *Bailey, W. P.; m 1869. *Bailey, William Newil; m 1878. Bailey, Wm. Wilson; m 1890. *Baily, D. H.; 0 1876. Baily, George S.; 1 1884. Baird, Chambers, Jr.; 1 1884. *Baird, David; o 1829. Baird, Edwin M.; o 1878. Baird, Hazelle E.; la 1925; n 1925. *Baird, James M.; o 1849. Baird, Jeses L.; o 1880. *Bake, Abraham; o 1849. *Bake, David; o 1838. *Baker, A. A.; 0 1875. SRakersAs i207 15015 *Baker, A’ P.; 0.1875. Baker, Adam; 1 1894. *Baker, Benj. Wm.; 1 1881. Baker, Charles; o 1899. *Baker, Charles W.; la 1880. *Baker, Charles U.; la 1880. *Baker, Charles W.; 1 1915. Baker, Courtland T.; 1 1894. Baker, Jane Patterson; la 1905. *Baker, Job M.; o 1829. *Baker, John E.; 1 1865. *Baker, John S.; 1 1858. *Baker, John W.; o 1883. *Baker, M-*D.; ‘0 1875. Baker, P.. K.; 0° 1880. *Baker, Richard T.; 1 1844. *Baker, Samuel Logan; 1 1883. Baker, Thorne G.; 1 1906. Baker, Virginia; ed 1920. *Baker, Wm. B.; 1 1878. Baker, Will C.; 1 1895. Baker, Williametta; la 1920; ed 1921; g 1922. Balch, DeWitt Woodford; 1 1922. *Baldwin, Emma Henrietta; la 1896. Baldwin, Charles H.; 1 1890. *Baldwin, Francis; o 1844. *Baldwin, Ira W.; o 1867. Baldwin, Mosby; o 1883. Baldwin, Ralph A.; e 1909. Baldwin, Stowe Douglas; la 1910, *Baldwin, Ward; e 1879. *Baldwin, William; 1 1858. Baldridge," T) "R.- wom 188s: *Balduff, Phillip Fred; 1 1860. Ball, Charles M.; 1 1893. Ball, Eustace Hale; la 1903. *Ball, Flamen; 1 1839. *Ball, Flamen, Jr.; 1 1858. *Ball, Howard L.; 1 1892. Ballard, Charles Barber; m 1889, Ballard, Edw. McClure; 1 1893. *Ballard, Jo Reso 71869, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Ballard, Ballard, John W.; o 1879. Mary Peyton; la 1924; g 1925. Ballard, N. H.; o 1881. *Ballard, S. M.; o 1834, Ballentine, Clara L.; la 1915. Ballinger, John B.; o 1877. *Ballinger, S. F.; o 1865. Ballou, Frank; g 1908. *Balsley, G. L.; o 1852. Balyeat, Hal Donal; ec 1925. Balzhiser, Julius H.; e 1907. Balzhiser, Maurice J.; 1 1900. *Bambach, G.; o 1860. Bambach, George G.; 1 1887. *Bamback, Gottlieb; 1 1862. Bancroft, June; la 1917. *Bancroft, William W.; o 1836. *Bane, Gabriel Henry; o 1897. *Banes, H. C.; o 1848. Bange, Theodore; m 1881. Bange, Theodore; m 1905. Bankard, Florence Carmine; la 1912. Banks, Leonard R.; 1 1876. *Banks, T. M. o 1842. *Banning, Clinton Kirby; la 1903. Banning, Harry B.; 1 1895. *Banning, Kirby; 1 1893. *Bannister, Dwight; 1 1868. Baranowitz, Julius; o 1878. Barasch, Nathan E.; la 1917. *Barber, Daniel; o 1850. *Barber, David Cassat; m 1886. Barber, Frank E.; 1893. Barber, H. Lynne; 1 1925. Barber, Harvey Hubbard; la 1918. = Barber, a. 4. : 01852. *Barbour, C. W.; o 1826. 267 Norman; om 1919, Calvin Eugene; ec: 1923. Eugenia Catherine; la 1915. Bardes, Wm. Henry; 1 1917. Barger, Frank F.; m 1903. *Barkalow, O. E.; m 1854. *Barker, John H-; o 1877. Barker, Louise; la 1922. Barker, Oliver Dustin; o 1904. Barker, Virgil F.; o 1900. Barkley, Addie Marie; al 1906. *Barkley, Thomas C. V.; m 1882. *Barkwell, M. C.; m 1867. *Barley, D. R.; o 1870. *Barmore, Wm. Alfred; o 1891. Barnard, Alleen Elizabeth; la 1922; ed 1923. Barnard a iset se Oot &. Constantine L.; 1 1840. Abel B.; m 1867. Cri s.o 184 le Dainel; o 1844. George Oliver; m 1876. Harry Elliott; la 1923. Jo Aspe. 1879) Joe D.; 1 1890. Wr Oo R182Z 1: Henry? 102) e809) *Barnett, D. W.; o 1858. *Barnett, E. Edw.; m 1868. *Barnett, Leland M.; e 1916. *Barnett, Wm. O.; m 1877. Barnes, W. C.; o 1875. Barr, Dorwin Deloss; m 1890. Barr, Eugene; o 1880. Barr, Ingle Williams; e 1913. ‘Barr PacODs Gos n.0 11504: Barden, Bardes, Bardes, *Barner, *Barnes, *Barnes, *Barnes, *Barnes, Barnes, *Barnes, Barnes, *Barnes, *Barnet, Barbour, Clement Aubrey; la 1892; 1 1894. Barr, Mildred; ed 1922. George H; o 1886. Max Wilson; o 1897. Myron Froome; 1 1923. Ne Te oF 1859; *Barbour, O. P.; m 1857. *Barbour, R. N.; o 1835. *Barbre, Jesse; m 1856. *Barcus, Paul; o 1887. Bara, scat): 2121893: Barden, Frank M.; o 1890. Barbour, Barbour, Barbour, *Barbour, *Barr, Wm. V.; 1 1843. Barrere, D. Morrow; m 1878. *Barrett; 1 1850. Barrett, Glenn F.; la 1910. Barrett, Mary Veronica; la 1920; n 1923. Barrett, Oscar Slack; la 1914. Barrett, Omar H.; o 1884. *Barritt, W. M.; o 1883. Barrows, Ira F.; 0 1873. Bartel, Arthur W.; o 1904. 268 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Barth, Carl Hood; 1 1907. *Bartholomew, Bradley; m 1857. Bartholomew, J. N.; o 1882. Bartlett, A. C.; o 1880. *Bartlett, Claud G.; 0 1877. SDartictt, Jo. Crro 1805 Bartlett, Ruhl Jacob; g 1923. *Bartley, M. A.; o 1880. Barton, Edw. Wm.; o 1901. Barton, Orren L.; o 1879. Barton, P. F.; o 1879. *Bartow, Thomas L.; 1 1856. Bartram, John H.; 1 1892. *Bartram, Samuel H.; 1 1850. *Bartrains oe titel) 1eo0: Basch, George C.; 1 1883. *Basford, Charles S.; 0 1869. *Baskerville, J.. M. P.; 0 1831. *Baskette, Wm. T.; o 1837. Baskin, Helene; la 1918. Basler, Carl Ernest; 1 1912. Bass, William R.; 1 1899. *Bassford, Thomas; 1 1844. *Bassett, George W.; 1 1858. *Bassett, J. Q. A.; o 1839. Bassler, Raymond; 1a 1902. Bates, Alvin C.; o 1880. *Bates, Albert Irvin; o 1896. Bates, Calvin; m 1886. *Bates, Cyrus; 1 1865. Bates, Hugh Higby; la 1902; 1 1907. *Bates, Joseph W.; o 1883. *Bates, Joshua Hall; la 1901. Bates, Merrick Linley; o 1903. Bates, Smith, L.; o 1878. *Bates, W. J.; m 1872. Bates, Wm. S.; 1 1875. Batey, Kathryn; n 1920. Batsner, Arthur M.; e 1913. Batson, Benjamin Arthur; ec 1925. Batson, James R.; o 1879. Batte, John Thomas; o 1906. *Batten, Francis Andrew; o 1900. *Battle, J. A.; 1 1861. Baude, Walter Andrew; e 1918. Bauer, Arthur Charles; o 1893. *Bauer, Augustus F.; m 1891. Bauer, Bessie May; la 1915. Bauer, Edw. O.; m 1909. Bauer, Edwin Francis; e 1918. Bauer, Gilbert H.; la 1922. Bauer, Jacob P.; 1 1893. Bauer, Louis Agricola; e 1888. Bauer, Louise Kathryn; ed 1922. Bauer, Margaret Elizabeth; ed 1925. Bauer, Paul Jacob; la 1917. Bauer, Ralph Charles; ec 1921. *Bauer, Samuel G.; la 1909; ma 1911. *Bauer, Stanley Morris; la 1909; ma 1911. Bauer, William Charles; bs 1896. *Baugh, H. W.; o 1842. Baughman, Francis M.; 1 1887. Baughman, J. S.; o 1876. Baughman, S. S.; o 1876. *Baugrand, Peter; o 1845. Baum, Edna F. (Mrs. Harold Ahlering) ; la 1910. Bangin tHece rossi Baum, Zachary T.; m 1870. Bauman, Paul Rannells; mc 1924. Baur, Paul Victor C.; la 1894. Baurichter, Jos. H.; e 1905. Bausch, J. Fred; m 1907. Bausch, Olive Lillie; la 1913. Bausman, Albert J.; o 1895. Bausman, Arthur C.; 0 1893. Bausman, Charles W.; o 1904. Bausman, Samuel Nelson; o 1890. *Baxter, Andrew; o 1861. Baxter, Florence; la 1907; ma 1907. *Baxter, George M.; 1 1859. *Baxter, J. M.; o 1844. *Baxter, James; o 1838. *Baxter, John S.; o 1849. *Baxter, S. A.; 1 1848. Baxter, Waverly R.; la 1906. Bay, Rosa Mary; la 1912. *Bayer, Ferdinand; m 1875. Bayer, Fred Joseph; ec 1924. *Bayless, Edw. B.; o 1885. Bayless, Herman A.; la 1903; 1 1905. Bayless, Herman G.; o 1878. *Bayley, James R.; 0 1851. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Bazel, Solomon Nathaniel; la 1920. Bazell, Grover G.; 1 1915. Bazell, Roscoe G.; o 1901. *Beach, S. S.; 0 1842. Beagle, Lola; n 1920. Beal, Chas. Newton; m 1898. *Beal, George W.; o 1863. Beal, James H.; 1 1886. Beall, Augustus; la 1921; 1 1923. Beall, Charles M.; o 1881. Beall, Edgar G.; o 1891. Beall, Wm. E.; 1 1896. Beals, Charles Wearne; la 1915. Beam, Alexander H.; o 1890. *Beam, Marshall; 1 1857. Beaman, Geo. Burnham; la 1893. Becker, Carl Theodore; la 1925. Becker, Dorothy Ann; la 1924. Becker, Elliott Dallon; la 1921. Becker, Helen Ruth; la 1925. Becker, Lillie; la 1919; g 1925, Becker, Marie; la 1913. Becker, Walter Stanley; ec 1924. Beckes, Ellsworth W.; mc 1923. Beckett, Alice; n 1921. Beckhorst, John Joseph; ec 1921. *Becker, Charles M.; o 1889. Beckman, Vincent H.; 1 1905. *Beckner, James; o 1849. *Beckwith, Summers F.; m 1878. Becky, Irma Edna; ed 1925. *Bedal, Marshall D.; m 1874. Beaman, James Addison; ec 1924. Beamer, Miles; la 1879. *Bean, Francis; o 1875. *Bean, Homer; o 1863. *Beard, Charles A.; 1 1858. Beard, Everett R.; 0 1897. *Beard, George; | 1841. *Beard, |= D.; 0 “1837, *Beard, James C.; 1 1859. Beard, Michael J.; m 1891. Beard, Stephen Sylvester; 1 1922. *Beard, Thomas C.; 0 1863. *Beardsley, Frank L.; 1 1888. *Beasley, Alfred; o 1826. Beasley, Georgia Elizabeth; ed 1925. *Beasley, N. K.; o 1851. Beatty, Harry Lincoln; 1 1886. Beatty, James Lambert; m 1881. Beaty, Albert Lee; 1 1905. *Beauchamp, H.; o 1852. Beauchamp, Harry Herchell; m 1904, *Beavis, Wm. Henry; 1 1883. Bebb, John Edward; e 1905. Becht, Helen M.; la 1918. Beck, Dorothy Clement; la 1924. Beck, Elsie Ametia; ec 1923. Beddoe, Donald Theophilus; la 1924. *Bedinger, David Wade; m 1902. *Bedinger, G. M.; 1 1845. Bedinger, John Cilley; la 1892. 269 Bedinger, Sarah; la 1905 (Mrs. Chas C. Cooper). *Beebe, Brooks Ford; o 1880. Beebe, Geo. A.; 1 1880. *Beebe, Henry Ed.; 1 1910. Beebe, Wm. L.; 0 1873. Beebe, William P.; o 1877. Beeghly, George W.; o 1898. Beekley, Clarence Jos.; m 1901. Beekley, Ferris Eliphalet; mc 1924. Beekley, Henry Lee; ec 1921. Beekley, Marion; la 1919, Beeks, Franklin Cone; mc 1923. Beeler, Edith; n 1923. *Beeler, John; 1 1860. *Beeler, S. L.; 0 1869. *Beemer, Martin; 1 1860. Beers, Charles; o 1896. Beery, Geo. Orman; m 189], *Beeson, Allen; 1 1864. *Beeson, Benj. F.; 1 1871. *Beck, Franklin Tilden; mc 1922; la 1920, Beeson, Charles Francis; m 1898. *Beck, John C.; o 1849. Beck, Tilden Jacob; o 1901. Beck, Walter M.; o 1886. Becker, Anna Ethel; 1a 1908. *Beeson, Hannibal Amilcar; m 1879, *Beeson, Rull; 1 1843. Begg, William H.; o 1881. Beghtel, Floyd Eldon; g 1924, 270 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Behrens, Theodore J.; m 1890. *Behrman, Michael; la 1906. Behrman, Oscar; o 1904. Beiderwelle, Helen; la 1923; ed 1924. Beinhart, Emma Cath. (Mrs. Fisher); la 1911. Beinhart, Frieda; la 1904. Bejach, Helen Ann; la 1920; ed 1921. Bekheet, Boutros G.; om 1912. *Belden, Henry S.; 1 1862. *Belknap, Henry P.; 1 1865. Bell, Albert James; m 1899. Bell, Alice Logan; la 1910. Bell, Charles A.; 0 1891. *Bell, Charles S.; 1 1854. Bell, Edward O.; 0 1889. *Bell, F. M.; 0 1842. Bell, Finis E.; o 1880. Bell, Frank M.; m 1883. Bell, H. F.; 1 1902. Bell, H. Glenn; 1a 1921; me 1923. Bell, Herbert Charles; la 1894. Bell, James Edwin; e 1907. Bell, John W.; o 1876. Bell, Katharine; n 1924. *Bell, N. G.; o 1862. Bell, Nelson J.; o 1888. *Bell, Will E.; o 1890. Bell, Wm. Herbert; m 1886. Bellamy, Curtis Franklin; me 1923. Bellew, Wm. W.; 1 1886. *Bellknap, Wm. B.; o 1831. Belsinger, Emma Marie; ed 1920. Belsinger, Ralph Edw.; la 1915. *Belt, Charles; o 1878. Belt, Harry Davis; o 1897. Belts Re GC. 20 4873: Belt, Wm. Alvin; o 1886. *Belville, Grace Alverda; la 1907. Belville, Laura May; la 1911. *Bellville, Wm. B.; 0 1845. *Bemiss, Charles E.; 1 1891. Benardete, Mercedes; la 1922. *Benbrook, Daniel G.; o 1831. *Bence, C. D.; o 1822. *Bender, August D.; m 1870. Bender, Emily Eliz.; n 1922, Bender, Martin A.; 1 1897. Bendinger, John Adams; la 1897. Benedict, Alfred B.; 1 1880; la 1878. Benedict, Charles C.; 1 1893. Heinrich*Benedict, Samuel C.; m 1880. Benedict, Stanley R.; la 1906. Beneke, George C.; 1 1908. Beneke, John P.; o 1901. Beneker, Jay Carl; la 1901. Benham, Carrie Anna; n 1920. Benham, James E.; 1 1887. *Benham, J. Frank; o 1890. Beninghaus, Wm. Harold; la 1913. Benjamin, Julien Emil; om 1912. Benner, Hildegarde; la 1925. Bennett, Cass A.; 0 1878. Bennett, Fred A.; e 1912. Bennett, F. Paul; mc 1922. Bennett, Homer Clark; o 1889. *Bennett, Jas. A.; 1 1890. *Bennett, James H.; m 1868. *Bennett, Norval L.; 1 1889. Bennett, Omer Hibben; ed 1924. Bennett, Orian W.; 1 1894. Bennett, Orris; 1 1913. Bennett, Sidney Livingston; m 1875. *Bennett, W. R. P.; 0 1856. Bennett, Wm. Albert; la 1891. Bennett, Wm. H.; 1 1879. Benson, Kenneth Alan; ec 1924. Benson, Pauline (Mrs. Raymond Wer- ner); la 1916. Bent, Xeuna Pearle; om 1917. Bente, Constantine W.; 1 1879. *Bentham, Thomas; | 1894. Bentley, Adele Jeanne; la 1899. *Bentley, James Magee; om 1911. Bentley, Louise Estelle; la 1907, ma 1913. Bentley, Mary Julia; la 1898, ma 1910. Bentley, Mathew Henry; la 1901, 1 1903. *Bentley, Thomas S.; m 1953. Benton, Elizabeth Estelle; la 1923. Benton, Henry W.; 1 1883. *Benton, John C.; 1 1870. Benton, Wm. R.; | 1874. Benus, Francis Alonzo; la 1923. Benus, Howard; om 1912. Bensinger, Martin; om 1918, bs 1917. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 271 Benzing, Gordon Oakley; ec 1922, Benzing, John; 1 1878. Berauer, Jos. Martin; o 1893. Beresford, Curtis R.; la 1917. *Beresford, Frank; la 1884. Berg, Isadore Albert; ec 1921. *Bergen, Francis; o 1828. Berghausen, Oscar; o 1904, la 1901. Bergman, Maurice Abram; 1 1922. Bergman, Moise; la 1900. Berting, Ruth; la 1918. Bertling, Francis E.; 0 1905. Bertsch, Frederick Wm.; ec 1925. Beschorman, Katherine M.; la 1915. *Beshoar, Michael; m 1874. *Bess, Carl; e 1910. *Best, D. B.; 0 1863. Besuden, Helen Dorothy; la 1925. *Betscher, C.; o 1853. *Betscher, Geo. Wm.; 1 1889. Bergmann, Erich Frank; la 1908, ma 1912. Bettan, Israel; la 1910. Bergmann, John Elmer; mc 1925. *Bergmeier, Edwin Herman; la 1916. Berkowitz, Henry J.; la 1918. *Berkowitz, Henry; la 1881. Berlin, Chas. C.; o 1898. *Berlin, Cicero; o 1863. *Berlin, Geo. C.; 1 1883. *Berliner, Max Meyer; la 1904. Berman, Isadore Alexander; ec 1924. Berman, Nellie; ed 1925. Berman, Oscar A.; 1 1908. Bernewitz, Emma A.; ed 1924. Bernheim, Emery May; la 1906. Bernheimer, Herman L.; o 1899. *Bernstein, Arch; la 1910, ma 1912. Bernstein, Doris; la 1912. Bernstein, Louis; la 1905. Berry, A. C.; 0 1876. *Berry, Albert; 1 1897. *Berry, Albert L.; 1 1857. Berry, J. S.; o 1881. *Berry, James B. F.; 1 1867. *Berry, John; 1 1857. Berry, John Hoadley; om 1910. *Berry, John Wm.; m 1877. *Berry, Jos. E.; m 1886. Berry, Reseda; la 1924. Berry, R. Dillard; o 1879. Berry, Shaler; o 1900, 1 1895. Berry, Thomas R.; 1 1891. *Berry, W. H.; o 1867. Berry, Walter Durant; o 1897. *Berry, Walter Stewart; la 1918. *Berry, Wm. W.; | 1858. Berteling, John B.; m 1883. Bertenshaw, Edwin J.; m 1893. Berterman, Helen Anne; ed 1924. Bettman, Aimee Louise; g 1923. *Bettman, Bernard; | 1875. *Bettman, Boerne; m 1877. Bettman, Jefferson; o 1879. Bettman, Louise; la 1915. Bettmann, Henry Wald; la 1888, o 1890. Betts, Albert R:;Ja°1912: Betzner, Clarence W.; om 1915. Beucler, Millard Louis; me 1925. Beumler, Arthur Karl; mc 1921. Beutel, Lester C.; la 1923. Bevan, Jos.; o 1877. *Bevans, Thomas; o 1857. Beverly, W. F.; o 1888. Beverstock, Edw; | 1891. Bevis, Howard L.; la 1908, 1 1910. *Bibbee, George M.; m 1884. *Bidnell, S. S.; 0 1863. Biddle, David H.; 0 1895. *Biddle, Francis J.; 1 1854. Biddle, Frank C.; la 1921. *Biddle, Frank; 1 1853. Biddle, Thomas R.; 0 1892. Biddle, Virginia; la 1916. *Biddie7 Wm. Pos £11860: Biederman, August, Jr.; e 1908. Biedinger, Harry E.; e 1909, Biedinger, John R.; e 1913. Biehl, Florence Olen; ec 1925. Biehl, John F.; e 1917. Biehle, George; 1 1905. Bieler, Henry G.; om 1916. *Bigeolw, J. M.; o 1832. *Bigelow, John H.; 1 1848. Biggs, Dennis E.; m 1887, Biggs, R. W.; 0 1874. Biggs, Thomas J.; 0 1887. 272 Bigler, Elberta; la 1898. Bigley, Jefferson W.; 1 1892. *Bigney, Peter M.; m 1866. Bigstaff, Frank W.; 1 1893. Billigheimer, Hannah (Mrs. Bowman); la 1900. Billing, Wyly McGehee; g 1925. Billings, James M.; m 1873. *Billings, John S.; o 1860. *Billingsley, C.; o 1835. *Bills, H. F.; 0 1824. Biltz, Robert Lincoln; la 1924. Biltz, Stewart Goslin; la 1924. Binder, Albert; o 1886. *Bindley, James, Jr.; 1 1865. Bindley, Ruth Katheirne; n 1922. *Bing, Helen M.; la 1906. Bing, Selma H.; la 1907. Bingaman, J. H. D.; o 1873. Arthur L,. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Bjorn, Albert T.; e 1919. Black, Ambrose (Charles Luke); e 1916. *Black, E. D.; 0 1842; Black, Eleanor L. (Mrs. Frank Mitchell) ; la 1911. Black, Elmer E.; 1 1884. *Black, Jeff A.; o 1837. Black, Kathleen L.; la 1904. *Black, Milo; o 1841. Black, Robert A.; la 1903, 1 1904. Black, Warwick; la 1918. *Black, Wm.; o 1854. Black, Wm. T.; 1 1893. *Blackburn, A. M.; o 1864. Blackburn, James G.; 1 1895. *Blacke, S. L. B.; 0 1869. *Blacker, Charles E.; o 1880. Blacker, Jos.; la 1905. *Blackford, Aaron; | 1854. Bingel, Doris A.; la 1911, ed 1911, n 1921. Blackford, Geo. A.; 1 1895. Bingel, Ella; la 1918. *Bingham, John A.; 1 1882. Binkley, John T.; o 1883. Binns, Geo. W.; e 1911. Binns, H. Stanley; e 1916. Binstock, Louis; g 1922. *Birch, Edward L.; m 1879. *Birch, Elannus R.; m 1879. Birchard, Almon D.; m 1884. Birchett, Wm. Gremere; o 1902, *Birckhead, Wm. J.; o 1843. *Bird, Charles Robert; o 1897. Bird, Robert E.; o 1879. Bird, Robert Lee; o 1886. *Birdsong, E..P.; 0 1853. *Birnbryer, Adolph; 1 1897. Bishop, Elisha; m 1879. Bishop, Ernest Edw.; om 1919, Bishop, George Creed; la 1922, me 1924. *Bishop, Ira N.; m 1874. Bishop, James Stanley; e 1914. Bishop, John P.; o 1901. *Bishop, L. W.; o 1870. *Bishop, L. W.; 0 1852. *Bishoprick, Henry; 1 1861. Bissmeyer, Albert H.; e 1912. Bitz, Lawrence B.; m 1869. Bivins, Franklin P.; m 1881. Blackford, Henrietta V.; om 1918. Blackford, Ralph E.; e 1915. *Blackleach, Hudson; o 1830. *Blackstone, William; o 1834. *Blair, Burr W.; 1 1875. *Blair, iB, an lore: Blair, Faris Morell; la 1906; 0 1909. Blair, Helen Stearns; n 1920. Blair, Jacob Jackson; la 1924. Blair, Mary Isabell; n 1924. *Blair, Robert Ande; m 1876, *Blair, W. W.; o 1850. Blair, Wm. E.; m 1908. Blake, Charles O.; 1 1883. Blakemore, Herbert D.; 1 1883. Blakemore, Louis B.; la 1901; 1 1904. Blakemore, Robert S.; e 1882. *Blakenship, James Merrill; m 1890. Blanchard, Robert M.; 0 1898; m 1899. Blank, Edwin; 1 1892. Blank, Irwin H.; ec 1924. Blank, Laura; la 1915. Blank, Sheldon H.; la 1918; g 1920. *Blanton, C.; o 1852. *Blanton, W. B.; 0 1867. *Blatchford, R. M.; 1 1867. Blatt, Jos.; la 1901. Blau, Daniel B.; 1 1915. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 273 Blau, Joel; la 1908. *Bocking, F. C.; 1 1848. Blau, John Bernard; la 1916. *Bocock, John P.; 1 1877. Blau, John M.; o 1881. *Bode, August Henry; 1 1881. Bledsoe, Robert Walter; m 1900. Bode, Estella Regina; la 1899; ma 1900. Bleekman, John A.; e 1913. Bodemer, Oscar H.; e 1907. Ries We aralics (cee B) F ORosenthaly2 ooc s t LBOD. la 1916. Bodenstein, Wm. E.; e 1913. Blesch, Edna Fletcher; ed 1920. DORE OMIU Rea 200. *Bodman, H. A.; 0 1863. Boebinger, Miriam Joy; ed 1923. *Boeking, F. Ch.; 1 1848. Boehme, Raymond G.; om 1911. *Boehmer, Henry J.; 1 1896. *Blessing, Horace M.; 1 1889. Blickensderfer, Robert; ec 1924. *Blinn, Alpheus W.; 1 1860. Blissard, J. Morton; o 1907. *Bliven, Chas. E.; 1 1866. Boesch, Horace; 1 1922. *Blizzard, John W.; 0 1865. *Bogardus, John L.; 1 1859. *Blizzard, Stephen R.; o 1860. Bogen, Emil; la 1920; mc 1923. Bloch, Emily M.; la 1887. Bogen, Louis Edw.; e 1894. Bloch, Leah; la 1889. Boggess, Edw. M.; 0 1887. Block, Jacob; o 1879. Boggess, John Samuel; m 1898. Blocher, Jessie B.; o 1878. Boggs, Parks W.; 1 1890. Block, Beatrice Frances; n 1920. Bohlender, Edmond E.; 0 1894, *Block, Clara; la 1884. *Bohning, Wm.; o 1887. Block, Edna C.; la 1924. Bohl, Jacob; m 1887. *Block, Leon; 1 1885. *Bohl, John; m 1882. *Blocksom, L. P.; o 1834. Boiarsky, Julius W.; o 1905. Bloom, Adam E.; 1 1873. Boice, John M.; o 1878. Bloom, Charles L.; e 1914. Bolan, Elizabeth Margaret; la 1914. Bloom, Elijah; 1 1872. Boland, Elisha S.; 0 1879. Bloom, Harvey G.; m 1895. *Bold, John D. T.; 1 1890. Bloom, Jacob E.; 1 1887. *Bolesk. Cito 1834: *Bloom, Lafayette; 1 1884. Bolenbaugh, Mildred Dimmitt; la 1922. Bloom, Oscar E.; om 1919, *Bolin, Andrew R.; 1 1873. Bloom, Selma (Mrs. F. W. Eddy) ; 0 1892. Bolinger, Alva C.; 1 1893. *Bloom, Simeon; 1 1871. Bolser, Dorothy; n 1925. Bloomer, F. H.; o 1873. *Bonar, Charles Wm.; m 1878. *Bloomer, J. Frank; 1 1875. *Bonar, Perry F.; 1 1871. *Bloomfield, John; o 1879. *Boncher, Wesley L.; 1 1849. Blossom, Albert H.; o 1889. *Bond, Cyrus; m 1855. Blue, Clayton E.; 1 1891. *Bond, Marc L.; 0 1882. Blue, W. S.; 0 1891. *Bond, Richard C.; m 1857. Blume, Lucia J. (Mrs. Charles Cary); la Bond, Roscoe R.; 0 1897. 1925. *Bond, Thomas S.; | 1846. Blunden, Jos. E.; o 1903. *Boneau, Benj.; 1 1854. Blunden, Milton G.; o 1883. Bonham, Frank S.; 1 1912. Boake, George Glover; la 1912. *Bonham, Scott; | 1885. *Boal, Robert; o 1828. Bonifield, Charles L.; 0 1886. *Boatman, James C.; | 1869. Bonifield, Rea M.; 1 1897. *Bocking, Adolphe H.; 1 1858. Bonifield, W. D.; o 1888. 274 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Bonner, Calvin A.; 0 1890. *Bonner, Horace; m 1879, *Bonner, S. P.; o 1858. *Bonner, Stephen P.; m 1867. Bonsail, Marshall K.; 1 1893. Bonser, Horace Robert; 1 1908. *Boobs, A. J.; o 1854. Boocks, Howard Moore; mc 1921. Booher, Daniel; o 1894. Bookstaber, Philip David; g 1924. *Bookwalter, W. S.; 0 1897. *Bookwalter, Winfield; m 1872. *Boon, Wm. A.; 1 1871. Boone, Alonzo; m 1878. Boone, Clayton; o 1831. Boone, Edgar L.; 0 1894. Boone, Garret John; g 1925. Boone, Joe Clinton; ec 1921. Boone, Wallace Wm.; e 1919. *Boone, William A.; 1 1872. Booth, A. D.; 0 1874. *Booth, John T.; 0 1879. *Booton, Laban; m 1874. Bordon, David M.; ec 1924. Boreing, Vincent P.; 0 1903. *Borger, Herman A.; m 1886. Borman, A.; o 1881. Bound, Marion; la 1919. Bourland, Isaac Newton; m 1883. *Bouscaren, Octave; 1 1878. Bouscaren, Timothy Lincoln; 1 1909. Boushey, J.; 0 1874. *Boutet, John B.; 1 1877. Bowdle, Ralph A.; o 1909. *Bowdle, Stanley; 1 1889. Bowdle, Virginia Lee; la 1925. Bowen, A. H.; 0 1876. Bowen, Bernard C.; Ja 1909; 1 1910. Bowen, Helen; la 1918. Bowen, Hugh Merrill; ec 1923. Bowen, J. Andrew; la 1923; g 1925; mc 1925. Bowen, Margaret Davis; ed 1924. *Bowen, Wm.; o 1836. *Bower, Charles J.; 1 1868. *Bowers, Andrew J.; m 1854. Bowers, Harry R.; 0 1884. *Bowers, James F.; m 1867. Bowers, Jos. F.; m 1890. *Bowlby, Forrest H.; 1 1883. Bowlby, Jos.; o 1883. *Bowler, Robert B.; 1 1885. Bowles, Herman §.; o 1902. *Bowles, J. H.; o 1835. Borreson, Estelle Josephine; la 1923; ed*Bowling, Jeff DeWitt; o 1841. 1924. *Bosart, J. M.; o 1858. *Bosart, Jacob M.; m 1867. Bosch, Lester Louis; ec 1925. *Boss, David; 1 1889. *Boss, Wm. Anton; la 1908. *Bossell, John; 1 1864. Bostwick, Burr; 1 1891. Boswell, Asa C.; 0 1889. Boswell, Grace M.; m 1909. Boswell, Paul W.; la 1913. Bosworth, Charles A.; 1 1880. Bosworth, Charles H.; 1 1879. Bosworth, Harry P.; 1 1892. Bottigheimer, Helen R.; la 1921. Bottigheimer, Seymour G.; la 1895. Botts, Jos. O.; o 1878. Boucher, Alvin W.; m 1873. *Boucher, M. L.; 0 1847. Bound, Ellen Hampton; ed 1920. Bowls, Thomas J.; 0 1867. Bowman, Frank M.; 1 1898. *Bowman, J.; m 1869. *Bowman, Jeremiah, Jr.; m 1873. Bowman, Mary Belle; la 1922; ed 1923. Bowman, Norton W.; m 1895. Bowman, Wm.; o 1875. *Bowser, J. Milton; o 1878. *Bowyer, Eli; o 1844. *Bowyer, Wm. S.; o 1845. Box, Cora May; la 1904; ma 1908. Box, Harry M.; m 1907. Box, Harry Maxwell, la 1905. Box, Virginia; la 1922. *Boyce, Geo. W.; 1 1869. Boyce, Nelson V.; o 1888. *Boyd, Augustus; | 1836. *Boyd, B. H.; o 1854. Boyd, 6-0 Y+ 5.051000: Boyd, Emma; la 1919. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL: GRADUATES. 275 Boyd, Frances Rogan; la 1906. Boyd, Foster Jackson; om 1912. Boyd, Gaston; o 1874. *Boyd, Geo. E.; 1 1860. Boyd, John M.; o 1880. Boyd, Joseph; o 1888. Boyd, Marie Clare; o 1903. *Boyd, Samuel; o 1849, Boyd, Thomas Dudley; ec 1925, *Boyd, Wm. F.; 1 1869. *Boyd, Wm. Harvey; m 1882. *Boyden, Harry P.; 1 1867. *Boylan, Joseph E.; o 1884. *Boylan, Walter K.; o 1883. *Boyle, James; 1 1837. *Boyle, R. N.; o 1860. Branm, Maximilian; la 1906; ma 1912. Branchman, Erna A. (Mrs. Fetsch) ; la 1903. *Brackenridge, F. A.; 0 1836. *Brackenridge, Robert; 1 1838. Brackett, Anson R.; o 1880. *Brackett, Geo. W.; 1 1860. Brackman, Hulda; la 1919. *Bradbury, E. H.; o 1828. Bradbury, Thomas E.; 1 1894. *Braden, Samuel; o 1846. Bradford, Laurence J.; la 1908. Bradford, Ruth; la 1918. *Brading, G. W.; 0 1852. Bradley, Eric Heywood; ec 1924. Bradley, George; m 1909. *Bradley, Harvey; o 1857. *Bradley, Jacob; o 1845. *Bradley, John; 1 1856. *Bradley, LeRoy W.; 1 1858. Bradley, N. E.; 0 1882. Bradner, Geo. Henry; ec 1925. Bradner, James Wood; ec 1925. *Bradstreet, John M.; 1 1851. Bradstreet, Mary Dietrich; la 1925. Bradtmueller, Howard Wm.; la 1924. Brady, Albert Smith; m 1892, Brady, Bessie; ia 1922. Brady, Henrietta Margaret; la 1921. *Brady, James W.; o 1859. Brady, M. B.; o 1890. Brady, Marna Venable; ed 1925. Brady, S. Wm.; la 1899, Bragdon, W. Ernest; o 1879. TDBragm Cae. sal doou: Bragg, Wm. N.; 0 1897. *Bramble, D. D.; o 1862. Bramble, Mary; la 1917. Bramhall, Merriam Jewell; n 1924. Bramkamp, Allan L.; la 1896. Bramkamp, Robert Henry; la 1899, Bramm, Florence; la 1916. Brammer, Fred Emerson; mc 1921. Branch, Charles N.; 0 1891. *Branch, G. W:; o 1832. Brand, Lester Williams; la 1916. Brand, Louis; e 1907; ma 1909, *Brand, W. Augustus; 1 1858. *Brandebury, Edw. T.; 1 1883. Harry*Brandon, Arthur M.; o 1891. Brandon, J. R.; o 1871. *Brandon, R. G.; 0 1859. Brandon, Thomas Strickler; 1 1924. Brandt. J. Rea: lor *Brandt, James McPherson; | 1896. Brandyberry, Henry A.; o 1891. Brankamp, Allan Lewis; la 1896. Brann, J. Vinson; o 1881. Brannon, Londus; o 1882. Branson, James Eli; e 1911. *Bras, Franklin; 1 1855. *Brashear, Alfred; o 1836. *Brashear, O; Fasie18/2: *Brasher, Herman F.; 1 1863. *Bratt, Frank E.; 0 1896. Bratten, Samuel Arnold; ec 1925. Brault, Richard Henri; ec 1922. Braumvart, Helen; la 1918. Braun, Annette Frances; la 1906; ma 1908; ph d 1911. Braun, Emma Lucy; la 1910; ma 1912; ph d 1914, Braun, Frederick; la 1904. Braunecker, Av \Eliz: 5) las 1912, Braunlin, Carl G.; m 1909. Braunlin, Edgar Louis; om 1911. Braunlin, Robert Fred; la 1918; om 1919. Braunlin, Walter A.; om 1911. Braunstein, Harry Aaron; la 1920. Brauth, John Herman; m 1875. 276 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Brawley, John H.; 1 1867. Braxton, Thomas N.; o 1901. Bray, George R.; o 1905. *Bray, Thomas E.; 1 1894. *Brayton, Asa; o 1857. Brayton, Dean Flemming; 1 1907. *Brayton, Forrest W.; m 1880. Brayton, Wm. G.; o 1873. Brazelton, Hildred; la 1922. Bredestege, Francis J.; ed 1925. *Breeding, Jas. Lee; 1 1888. *Breen, Howard; la 1882. *Breese, Edward S.; 0 1899. Breiel, George Willard; ec 1921. *Breitenbach, Carl Henry; m 1898. Breitenbach, Herman J.; e 1913. Bremfoerder, Ada Fred; la 1897. Brenan, Jos. C.; 1 1891. *Brennen, Thomas; o 1854. Brenner, R. Roxie; m 1908. *Brent, Columbus Peyton; m 1854, Brent, Hal C.; 1 1880. *Brent, John C.; o 1830. Brent, Kelley; 1 1880. *Brenton, John T.; o 1858. Brenton, T. M.; m 1902. Brestel, Gertrude Florence; ed 1922. Bretz, John L,.; 1 1880. Breuer, Elma; la 1921; ed 1922. Breuer, Louise; la 1922; ed 1923. Brewer, Dorothy; la 1917. Brewster, A. D.; o 1871. *Brewster, Horatio S.; 1 1866. Brewster, Stanley F.; la 1910. *Brewster, Wm. C.; 1 1854. Brickel, Frances; la 1924; ed 1925. Bricker, Wm. R.; 1 1891. Bridge, Agnes H.; la 1915. Bridge, Josiah; la 1913. *Bridge, W. N.; o 1852. Bridgeman, N. S.; 0 1878. Briggs, Charles F.; 0 1878. Briggs, Charles R.; la 1916. *Briggs, Daisy A.; la 1904. Briggs, Eldorado; o 1881. *Briggs, Neta Lucile; 1 1921. *Briggs, Robert M.; 1 1852. *Brigham, Lucius A.; 1 1843. *Brigham, Marcus M.; 1 1834. Brigham, Vernon D.; mc 1920; la 1920. Brill, Abraham; la 1898. Brill, James H.; m 1872. Brill, Louise Warren; la 1922. Brill, Walter Henry; la 1916; g 1923. Brink, Evelyn; la 1924. Brinker, Marion T.; 1 1895. *Brinker, O. P.; 0 1864. *Brinkerhoff, Robert B.; 1 1877. Brinkman, Herbert Charles; ec 1925. Brinkman, Hildegarde; ta 1918. *Brisbane, B. I.; 0 1855. Briscoe, Hugh Alan; om 1918. Briscoe, Jas. Howard; 1 1917. *Brison, iH, Ce; oes 4, Britain, Glenn Huston; ec 1920. Brite, Hector Leight; ec 1921. Brite, Helen Marie; ed 1920. Brite, Jacob R.; o 1892. Britenburg, Earl M.; mc 1920. Britney, Dorothy Van Winkle; ed 1922. Britton, Herbert L.; 1 1892. Britton, Stanley Jas.; 1 1890. *Broadwell, Samuel J.; 1 1855. Brock, Earl Ernst; om 1910. *Brock, Henry H.; 1 1883. Brock, Leonidas G.; 0 1881. Brock, Will A.; o 1883. *Brockerman, Gideon; m 1880. *Brockman, Elsie Ada; la 1907. Brockman, Norbert Clemens; ec 1923. *Brodnix, Thomas V.; 1 1882. Broeman, Clarence J.; m 1906. Broeman, Charles W.; la 1911; 1 1913. Broh, Daniel R.; 1 1887. Brokaw, August; la 1920; ed 1921. Brokaw, Geo. Leonard; 1 1905. Brokaw, Harry E.; 1 1906. Broker, Walter; la 1924; g 1925. Bromberg, Walter; la 1925. *Bromwell, Jacob Henry; | 1872. Bronson, Malcolm; m 1908. Bronworth, Harry; 1 1905; la 1902. Brooks, Albert Nelson; la 192i. *Brooks, Franklin W.; 1 1859. *Brooks, George E.; o 1830. Brooks, Gertrude; la 1916. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Brooks, L. J.; 0 1882. *Brooks, M. L.; 0.1844. *Brooks, Peter Hill; m 1872. Brooks, Samuel W.; o 1874. *Brooks, Theo. D.; o 1864. *Brooks, Wm. E.; 1 1879. *Broomhall, Allen; 1 1866. *Brophy, Wm. L.; 1 1880. Brosier, Alexander; o 1896. Brotherton, Cloyd J.; 1 1893. Brotton, Beulah Fay; la 1921; ed 1922. Brotton, Inez Ernestine; ed 1922. Broughman, S. A.; o 1890. Broughten, John; 1 1870. *Brouillette, P. L.; o 1871. Brouillette, S. L.; 0 1879. *Brower, Charles M.; 1 1896. *Brower, Isaac M.; o 1847. Brower, J. Hamilton; o 1877. *Brower, Joseph W.; 1 1871. Brown, Abraham; mc 1920. *Brown, Adolph L.; 1 1879. a *Brown, Albert G.; 0 1864. Brown, Albert Louis; la 1921; Brown, Albert M.; 1 1890. Brown, Albert Theo.; 1 1886. Brown, Alfred; o 1878. Brown, Arthur L.; o 1896. Brown, Artie Frances; la 1925. Brown, Audley Harold; la 1910. *Brown, Benj. S.; o 1828. Brown, Carlton Eugene; ec 1923. *Brown, Charles E.; 1 1883. *Brown, Charles F.; o 1849. *Brown, Charles K.; 1 1877. Brown, Charles P.; 1 1897. *Brown, Clarence rae 1 1878. *Brown, Clinton O.; "1869. Brown, Cooper Othned: g 1923, D. W.; o 1869. Darwin Scott; ec 1920. Brown, Dazie S.; ed 1925. Brown, Dorothy; la 1918. Brown, E. C.; 1 1902. Brown, E. T.; 1 1888. Brown, Hao M.; o 1893. Brown, Edw. Leo A.; o 1897, Brown, Elaine; la 1918. *Brown, Brown, mc 1922. 277 *Brown, Ephraim T.; | 1856. Brown, Ephraim T.; 1 1888. Brown, Francis Wm.; 1 1883. Brown, Francis Wm.; o 1894. Brown,. Frank Sanford; la 1894; 1 1895. Brown, Geo. Carleton; ec 1921. *Brown, George L.; 1 1881. *Brown, George W.; 1 1859. Brown, Gincie Bernice; la 1921; ed 1922. Brown, Harry M.; om 1913. Brown, Helen E.; la 1916. Brown, Helen R.; la 1921. *Brown, Henry B.; 1 1838. Brown, Henry Delost; mc 1923. *Brown, Henry M.; o 1879. *Brown, Henry Marton; o 1886. Brown, Herbert; o 1905. Brown, John Edgar; ec 1923. Brown, Joyce; n 1924, *Brown, J. Newton; o 1860. *Browne Job Oeloo: *Brown, J, Ri ber l41875: Brown, Jacob E.; o 1881. *Brown, Jacob Newton; | 1889. Brown, James F.; 1 1891. Brown, James H.; o 1873. Brown, James Harrison; o 1885. Brown, James Hearst; o 1885. *Brown, James L.; o 1868. Brown, James T.; m 1872. Brown, Janet B. (Mrs. Vernon Lantis) ; la 1910. Brown, John Edwin; o 1887. *Brown, John R.; 0 1863. Brown, John W.; m 1873. *Brown, Joseph C.; 0 1845. Brown, Karline M.; la 1915. Brown, Laurence Edward; mc 1924, Brown, Lewis Philip; la 1919, *Brown, Marcus; o 1830. Brown, Margaret Taylor; la 1920; ed 1921. Brown, Mark A.; m 1894. Brown, Martin; o 1880. Brown, R. A.; 0 1884. Brown, Ralph; la 1922. Brown, Robert G.; e 1909. Brown, S. Albert; ed 1924. *Brown, S. W.; o 1865. 278 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Brown, Stanley C.; 1 1915. *Brown, Stephen W.; 1 1867 *Brown, Thomas L.; 0 1872. *Brown, Thomas M.; 0 1830. Brown, W. Richard; o 1890. Brown, Walter; o 1875. Brown, Wm. Gustine; m 1885. *Brown, Wm. T.; m 1857. Brown, Wm. Martin; m 1888. Brown, Wm. Ward; la 1915. *Brown, Zebulon; m 1870. *Browne, Fred W.; 1 1875. Browne, Robert A.; 0 1900. *Brownell, V. D.; 0 1852. Bryan, Alonzo; o 1875. *Bryan, i; 0 1836) Bryan, Fred C.; 1 1881. *Bryan, James W.; 1 1875. *Bryan, John S.; 0 1868. Bryant, Benjamin Lewis; la 1924. Bryant, Guy DeVere; o 1894. Bryant, Leslie Edwin; ec 1921. *Bryant, Robert Cary; m 1879. *Bryant, W. G.; o 1863. *Bryant, Willis S.; m 1874. Bryson, Edw. L.; 1 1893. Bryson, James A.; 0 1880. Buchanan, Carl G.; e 1908. *Browneller, Edith (Mrs. Edwin R. Go- Buchanan, Cassius M. C.; 0 1885. brecht) ; la 1902. Browning, Joseph C.; o 1883. Brownlee, Daniel; la 1892. Brubaker, Elber Robert; o 1908. Brubaker, Geo. F.; 0 1893. *Bruce, Edward K.; 1 1909. 7Bruces }. te" 1869: Bruce, William E.; 0 1889. *Bruck, Aug. Wm.; | 1885. Bruckman, Bertha; la 1919. Brudo, Emil M.; o 1901. *Brueggeman, John Geo.; e 1913. Brueggeman, William H.; la 1919. Bruehl, William A. R., Jr.; e 1907. *Bruere, Theodore; 1 1855. Bruhl, Theo. A.; 1 1880. *Brumbaugh, Samuel; m 1881. Brumleve, Camille; la 1914. Brumleve, Jos. A.; o 1872. Brumleve, Leo J.; 1 1907. Brumm, Fred Hurbert; o 1907. *Brundage, Lawrence; o 1890. Brundige, Samuel P.; o 1872. *Bruner, Emory W.; 1867. *Brunhoft, Hlsé” Hi s)hat 19155 tla 1922: Brunhoff, Sophie; la 1918. *Brunning, Frank; o 1867. Bruns, EF. H.; m 1903. *Bruns, Wm. Henry; om 1915. Buchanan, Chas. S.; 1 1892. Buchanan, Frank A., Jr.; la 1906. *Buchanan, Harry G.; la 1913. Buchanan, John McIntyre; m 1886. Buchanan, Virginia Elizabeth; la 1921. *Buchanan, Wm. A.; m 1875. *Buchanan, Wm. C.; 1 1875. Bucher, Jacob C.; o 1878. *Buchwalter, L. M.; m 1866. *Buchwalter, Morris L.; 1 1870. Buchwalter, R. Z.; 1 1902. Buck, Mary Louise; la 1925. Buck, Robert J.; la 1904. *Buckingham, Alfred; m 1856. *Buckingham, EF. V. B.; m 1872. *Buckingham, Isaac A.; 1 1863. *Buckingham, W. P.; m 1872. Buckland, Geo.; 1 1886. Buckley, Michael P.; o 1882. *Buckner, Edmund P. M. D.; 1 1866. *Buckner, J. H.; o 1861. *Buckner, J. P.; o 1874. Buckner, Sophie Harrison; la 1923. *Buckner, Wm. T. T.; 0 1836. *Buckwalter, John Cassel; m 1900. *Buckworth, William; o 1863. Budke, Helen M.; la 1923; ed 1924. *Buechner, Anna; la 1907. Buehler, Edwin C.; la 1913. Brutton, Dulce H. (Mrs. Andrew Gal-*Buell, Geo. P.; 1 1866. lagher); la 1911. *Bryan, Alden; 1 1879. Bryan,Alice M.; la 1904. *Buell, Harry C.; la 1888; o 1891. Buente, Myrtle; la 1919. Buente, Sibyl; la 1917. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 279 Buerger, Fred C.; e 1913. Buerger, Rosa Wilhelmina; la 1909, *Buffenbarger, S. M.; 0 1853. Buffington, P. H.; o 1888. Bugher, Corwin E.; 0 1887. *Buhrmann, J. M.; m 1872. Buker, Howard E.; 1 1892. Buker, S. Hilton; o 1887. Bulla, Mora Simeon; m 1905, *Bullard, Robert H.; 0 1877. *Bullard, T. F.; 0 1845. Bullerdick, Ellen; la 1918. Burk, Robert P.; 1 1895. *Burke, F. N.; 0 1856. *Burke, John; | 1867. *Burke, Jos. W.; 1 1859. Burke, Leo A.; 1 1924. Burke, Thomas W.; | 1891. Burkert, Clark; m 1901. Burkert, E. F.; 0 1884. Burket, Albert H.; m 1877. *Burket, C. W.; o 1866. *Burland, William H.; o 1841. Burley, S. Vincent; o 1897. Bultman, Elsa (Mrs. Alf. Kreimer); la Burman, Stanley Wagner; la 1913. 1904; ma 1905. *Bultman, Henry; | 1873. *Bundy, David B.; m 1882. *Bundy, Wm. E.; 1 1889. Bundy, Wm. &.; 1 1917. Bunker, H. A.; 0 1876. *Bunker, William H.; o 1864. Bunn, Charles; | 1883. Bunn, Jacob F.; 1 1871. Bunn, Ralph A.; m 1900. *Bunnell, Oliver P.; 1 1854. *Bunnell, R. W.; o 1848. *Bunnell, William W.; 0 1829. *Buntin, Edwin A.; o 1878. *Buntin, Harvey J.; 1 1878. Burbank, Martha; Ja 1925. *Burbridge, James M.; 1 1871. *Burch, Jerome; 1 1855. Burch, Robert B.; 1 1911. *Burch, Wallace; 1 1879. *Burch, William E.; o 1869. Burdette, John S.; 0 1883. Burdge, Alice; la 1919. Burdsall, Harry L.; 0 1905. Burdsall, Richard E.; 0 1901. *Burdsel, William; o 1842. Burgert, Samuel; 1 1889. *Burgess, James; o 1833. Burgoyne, Charles L.; 1 1875. *Burgoyne, Frank W.; g 1887; 1 1888. Burgoyne, Harry L.; 1 1881. Burgoyne, Helen; la 1917. Burgoyne, Margaret; la 1915. Burhans, Charles A.; o 1883. Burk, Hazel Corine; ed 1924. *Burnet, Jacob; 1 1855. *Burnet, Jacob; 1 1840. *Burnet, Jacob S.; 1 1858. Burnett, Geo. Wash.; m 1881. Burnett, Peter H.; 1 1890. Burnett, Salph Clifford; ec 1924. Burnette, John William; o 1872. Burnham, F. W.; 1 1881. Burns, Carolyn Ormsby; la 1907; ma 1908. Burns, Francis Ormsby; e 1915. Burns, Frank M.; 0 1900. Burns, Harry C.; la 1912; 1 1914. Burns. Harry hobert 2 ec. 1921: Burns, Helen Ormsby; la 1910. Burns, Margherita Ormsby; la 1913. Burns, Michael O.; 1 1888. *Burns, Thomas C.; 1 1876. *Burt, jireh omy 1s5/. *Burrhus, Harold C.; e 1915. Burroway, Arthur C.; ec 1924. Burt, Robert Victor; ec 1923. Burton, Albert R.; o 1882. *Burton, Caroline T.; n 1923, Burton, Casper; om 1910. *Burton, E. G.; o 1871. Burton, G. W.; 1 1871. *Burton, Geo. W.; 1 1839. *Burton, H. W.; 1 1883. *Burton, R. W.; o 1827. Busch, August C.; 0 1894. Busch, Gladys Helen; la 1920; ed 1921. - Busch rie GC a istoog: Busche, Margaret Jeanette; n 1921; ed 1922. | | Busching, Howard Ellsworth; mc 1920. 280 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Buschman, Henry; o 1897. *Byfield, Daniel; o 1849. Busching, Howard Ellsworth; la 1918; mc*Byford, Wm. B.; o 1845. 1920. *Bush, John E.; o 1826. Bush, Nathaniel S.; m 1883. *Bush, Thacker V.; 0 1835. Bush, Walter Herbert; o 1905. Bushing, Ellsworth T.; 0 1893. *Bushnell, A. Lee; o 1839. Bussdicker, David; m 1908. Bussey, Harry S.; om 1912. Bussey, J. C.; o 1889. *Buster, J. L.; 0 1837. *Butler, Arthur A.; 1 1850. Butler, Elmer; o 1889. Butler, Flora Louise; n 1920. Butler, Kenney L.; 1 1895. *Butler, Levi; o 1845. Butler, Robert H.; m 1906. Butler, Wilhelmina Anna; ed 1925. Butt, Charles C.; o 1909. Butt, Samuel E.; o 1880. Buttemiller, Geo. $.; o 1901. Buttemiller, John C.; o 1877. Buttenwieser, Hilda; g 1921. Buttenwieser, Paul P.; la 1917; g 1921. *Butterfield, E. A.; o 1848. *Butterfield, M. O.; o 1880. *Butterworth, Benj.; 1 1861. Butterworth, Charles M.; o 1889. Butterworth, Edna May; la 1908. *Byland, J. C.; o 1854. Byland, Wayne D.; 1 1911. *Byrnes, R. M.; o 1863. Byrnes, Wm. B.; 1 1892. Byron, Wm. A.; 1 1885. Bywater, Edw. Colman; 1 1918. *Cabell, Jos. Hartwell; 1 1886. *Cabell, Mrs. J. Hartwell; 1 1901. *Cabina, Jessen Legis Cable, Charles W.; o 1880. Cable, J. W.; o 1870. *Cable, Thomas Benton; m 1886. Cade, Benjamin Harrison; la 1915. Cade, Wm. F.; m 1908. *Cadwallader, A.; o 1836. Cadwallader, J. Clifford; o 1891. *Cadwallader, Pierce J.; 1 1878. *Cadwallader, R. O.; o 1858. _ Cadwell, Karl H.; 1 1900. *Caldwell, Samuel D.; m 1876. *Cady, David Knight, Jr.; 1 1857. Cady, John Frank; g 1924. Cady, J. R.; o 1875. Cady, Orin; 1 1878. Cahan, Morris; la 1903. Cahill, Charlotte G.; la 1898. Cahill, Franklin T.; 1 1880. Cahill, James A.; 1 1896. Cahill, Michael; 1 1893. Butterworth, Ruth Wales (Mrs. C. F. Em- Cain, Benjamin F.; 0 1900. erick) ; la 1899. Button, Charles Titsworth; ec 1925. *Button, Seth W.; 1 1866. Buvinger, Wilson Jewett; e 1910. Buxbaum, Asher F.; 0 1886. Buxton, Anabel; la 1918. Byars, Casper W.; o 1886. Byars, James; o 1882. *Bye, Cornelius; 1 1876. Bye, Ezra B.; 1 1894. Bye, Hiram G.; 1 1894. Byer, Florence; la 1917. Byer, Sylvia; la 1918. Byers, Frank R.; la 1918. Byers, Peter Wesley; o 1900. *Byers, Wm. Edw.; 1 1884. *Cain, E.; m 1870. *Cain, Wm. R.; 1 1847. Cairns, Clyde; la 1900. Cairns, Hazel Thomas; la 1906. Cake, Wm. M.; | 1886. Calderwood, G. M.; o 1881. *Calderwood, J. C.; 0 1866. Caldwell, Bess; la 1905. Caldwell, Charles E.; o 1884. Caldwell, Chas. M.; 1 1889. Caldwell, Dorothy; la 1913. Caldwell, Edson K.; o 1883. *Caldwell, Frank; o 1882. Caldwell, Geneveive; la 1915. Caldwell, Henry E.; 0 1879. Caldwell, Henry Moore; 1 1885. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 281 Caldwell, James Asher; o 1901. Campbell, Theodore A.; 0 1897. Caldwell, James Sterrett; m 1883. *Campbells 1 5-C. 35 1%1870, Caldwell, John A.; 1 1876. Campbell, William A.; 0 1880. Caldwell, John Alex.; m 1902. *Campbell, William Hamilton; m 1891. Caldwell, John H.; o 1906. Cannon, James L.; o 1901. *Caldwell, John W.; 1 1835. Cannon, Joseph G.; 1 1858. *Caldwell, Mathew; o 1848. Canter, Ethel; la 1913. Caldwell, Nelson Forsyth; ec 1924, Cantieny, Domenie; o 1895. Caldwell, Ralph Piker; la 1899, Cantor, Evelyn; la 1906. *Caldwell, Robert; 1 1861. *Cantor, Hyman Bernard; la 1914. Caldwell, Stanley M.; la 1911. Cappell, Walter; la 1904. *Caldwell, Wm.; 1 1867. Caraway, >. *f1.246 11893: *Caldwell, Wm. A.; o 1840. Card, Lorna Doone; la 1916. Cale, Willard Geo.; la 1919. *Carey, Charles Henry; 1 1883. *Calhoun, James G.; m 1874. *Carey, H. Gatch; o 1848. Caliman, Wm. Moses; la 1913. *Carey, Milton T.; o 1890. Calisch, Edward N.; la 1887. *Carey, Simeon; o 1857. *Callahan, Chas. E.; 1 1866. Carhart, Robert; 1 1895. Callahan, Florence M.; la 1921. Carl, Omar U.; m 1896. Callahan, Geo. Stevenson; la 1907. Carlile, Samuel D.; o 1877. *Callahan, H. B.; 0 1843. *Carlin, William D.; 0 1843. Callahan, Mabel; la 1901. Carlisle, McD.; o 1880. *Callahan, Walter F.; m 1885. Carlo, Logan L.; 1 1898. Callaway, George; o 1873. *Carmel, Abram Gerson; la 1921; mc 1923. *Callin, John; 1 1861. Carmical, Robert Wesley; ec 1924. *Calvert, Robert H.; 0 1869. *Carmichael, W. A.; o 1856. Cameron, Jessie Louise; la 1923; g 1924. *Carneal, Lewis H.; 1 1841. Cameron, Otis L.; 0 1886. *Carney, Albert C.; o 1889. Cameron, Simon Don.; 1882. *Caroand, Carlos A.; o 1850. *Cameron, Walter G.; 1876. *Carothers, James H.; m 1866. Campbell; 1 1888. Carothers, Ralph Goldsmith; om 1916. *Campbell, A.; o 1830. Carothers, Robert Barr; o 1890. Campbell, B.; o 1896. *Carothers, Thomas P.; | 1878. Campbell, Cassins Lightner; m 1881. Carothers, William H.; o 1878. *Campbell, David; o 1857. *Carpenter, C. D.; 0 1872. *Campbell, Duncan R.; 1878. *Carpenter, Geo. H.; o 1859. *Campbell, Edwin R.; 1 1840. - Carpenter, Geo. P.; 0 1868. *Campbell, Edward S.; 1 1898. *Carpenter, H. W.; o 1856. Campbell, Frank Dickson; om 1916, Carpenter, Harold D.; e 1915. Campbell, Frank Dillon; m 1894, Carpenter, Harry How.; | 1881. *Campbell, Geo.; 1 1879. *Carpenter, J. M.; m 1872. Campbell, Harry E.; 1 1876. Carpenter, Mabel Sara (Mrs. Wm. Campbell, John; o 1872. Howard Richardson) ; la 1908. Campbell, John Rutherford; ec 1925, *Carpenter, R. B.; 1 1848. Campbell, John V.; 1 1890. Carr, Alvin H.; o 1901. Campbell, Margaret; ed 1925. *Catr, Austit Pes. S738 Campbell, Marjorie Geneva; n 1922. Carr, Charles B.; o 1890. Campbell, Mary Edith; la 1901; ma 1906. Carr, Haviland; om 1914. 282 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Carr, John B)30191834: Carter, William M.; 1 1882. Carr, John M.; o 1872. Cartwright, John E.; 1 1877. *Carr, Lawrence.C.; 0 1877, Carver, Robert F.; 0 1872. *Carr, Lucien Stevens; e 1918. Cary, A. M.; o 1876. Carr, Manfred H.; 1 1880. *Cary, Mi/Ds comisos: *Carr, W. R.; 1.1847. *Cary, Samuel F.; 1 1874. Carr, Willis H.; o 1887. *Cary, Samuel Fenton; 1 1879 Carrington, Elizabeth C.; la 1909; ma*Cary, Samuel F.; 1838. 1910; (Mrs. E. D. Yowell). Cary, Wm. L.; 1 1888. Carroll, Charles P.; 1 1895. Case, Augustus; o 1857. *Carroll, Foster; o 1850. *Case, Clifford R.; 0 1888. Carroll, Harry Ralph; om 1912. Case, Frank W.; m 1907. Carroll, Robert DeVal Court; 1 1886. *Case, Leonard; | 1844. Carroll, Robert J.; 0 1892. Casey, Ott; o 1908. Carroll, Travis; o 1891. Casey, William M.; o 1878. *Carson, A Wied! 16/5) *Casey, William W.; 1 1866. Carson, Archibald Irwin; la 1887; m 1889. Cash, Albert D.; 1 1920. *Carson, Edwin; m 1883. *Cash, Denis F.; 1 1891. Carson, John E.; 1 1894. *Cass, Frank Downey; m 1876. Carson, Orvill R.; 1 1924. Cass, Ralph Oakland; me 1925. Carson, W. B.; o 1873. Cassady, Everett Sidney; mc 1921. Carstens, Marietta B. (Mrs. Bert Long) ; 1*Cassady, George; o 1848. 1918. *Cassady, Michael, Jr.; 1 1870. *Carter, A. G. W.; 1 1841. *Cassart, M.; o 1884 Carter, Ainslee Taylor; la 1909. Cassidy, Archibald Wallace; m 1890. Carter, B. Noland; g 1925. *Cassidy, George Peter; m 1885. Carter, Clarence C.; 0 1884. *Cassil, Reuben; 1 1859. Carter, D. Calvin; o 1891. Caster, Melvin W.; 0 1877. *Carter, H. W.; o 1840. Castle, Albert A.; 1 1886. Carter, Harvey H.; 0 1889. *Castle, Charles Henry; m 1885. MOArletie lec. tO alooe: *Castlebury, Isaac N.; 0 1845. Carter, J. T.; 0 1874. Castleman, David E.; 1 1885. Carter, Jean Grace; n 1924 *Casto, Clermont E. Thaw; m 1875. Carter, Jacob; o 1877. *Casto, Jabez Clifford; m 1882. Carter, James S.; 1 1895. Castro, Thomas d’Aquino; e 1878. Carter, Jennie Lillias; 1 1913. Cathart, N- Ijsio; 1881 Carter, John Lawrence; o 1895. *Catherwood, Thomas I.; m 1870. *Carter, John R.; 1 1882. *Cating, J. T; o 1861. *Carter, Joseph F.; 0 1848. Cavagna, Julian C; m 1894. *Carter, Joseph J.; m 1856. *Cavagna Leo D.; 1 1898. Carter, Joseph L.; 0 1879. Cavagnaro, Attilio Emile; ec 1924. Carter, Nathan P.; 0 1877. Cave, Thomas R.; 0 1874. Carter, Phyllis (Mrs. Walter Heuck); la Cavett, Edwin Shelly; ec 1923. 1911. Cavett, Lloyd Palmer; ec 1925. *Carter, R. C.; o 1839. Cavey, John Ewing; m 1897. *Carter, Samuel, Jr.; 1 1854. Cecil, Aaron A.; o 1886. *Carter, W. Wallace; o 1884. Cellarius, Anne (Mrs. Ion Cartwright) ; *Carter, William H.; 0 1851. la 1918. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Cellarius, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Morton*Chase, Dudley H.; 1 1858. Sheppard); la 1915. Cetzok, Joseph Flor; 1 1924. Chabot, George Washington; m 1886, *Chace, Clyde Burgess; e 1915. Chace, Mrs. May Lydia; la 1913. *Chadwick, Marcus B.; 1 1847. Chaffin, Robert Eliel; m 1893. Chalkley, Curtis Rathbone; e 1914. Chalkley, Roger Herman; e 1909. Chalmers, Louis Henry; 1 1884. Chalock, Jacob; ec 1924. Chamberlin, Charles J.; 0 1905. Chamberlin, Edward A.; 1 1879. Chamberlin, EF. Pat.; 1 1893. *Chamberlin, William B.; 0 1826. *Chambers, David; o 1837. *Chambers, Edward F.; 1 1878. Chambers, Enolia; la 1918. Chambers, William F.; 1 1895. *Chambers, Wm. M., Jr.; m 1873. *Chamblin, Wyatt L.; 0 1832. Champion Joseph A; o 1888. *Chase, Elmore Y.; m 1854. Chase, Herbert S.; 0 1889. Chase, Hiram; 1 1889. *Chase, Wm. F.; 1 1835. *Cheek, Harvey; 1 1858. Cheeseman, John Coulter; m 1878. Cheney, Elmer E.; 1 1885. *Cheney, Hugh L.; o 1847. *Chenoweth, A. L.; 0 1869. *Chenoweth, Forest A.; 0 1886. Chenoweth, John T.; 0 1875. *Chenoweth, Nelson Tillman; m 1883. Chenoweth, W. F.; o 1886. Chenoweth, William J., Jr.; 0 1896. Cherrington, Edison; e 1916. Cherrington, Frank Willard; e 1907. Cherrington, Lydia Constance; la 1899. Cherrington, Pennel; 1 1894. Chidester, J. Newton; o 1883. Chidester, Walter C.; 0 1896. Chidlaw, Benjamin W.; m 1904. Chilcote, S. B.; o 1880. Chance, Oliver Gatch; la 1922; mc 1924; Childe, John B.; 1 1887. g 1925. *Chance, Samuel; o 1859. *Chandler, J. M.; o 1842. *Chandler, Samuel R.; 0 1845. Chandler, Walter S.; o 1890. Chaney, Grant; o 1896. Chaney, John Chester; 1 1882. Chaney, Mary Rebecca; n 1920. Chaney, Newton E.; 1 1890. Chapin, Edward Y.; 1 1886. *Chapin, Lorenzo §S.; 1 1859. Chapman, Althea Hope; la 1924. Chapman, Calvin; o 1871. Chapman, Carlos A.; 1 1892. Chapman, George Little; m 1899. Chapman, Geraldine Theal; la 1925. *Chapman, O: S7; 0 1865. *Chapman, William B.; 0 1839. Chapman, William C.; m 1873. Charles, J. N.; 0 1874. Charlesworth, A. B.; 0 1873. Charls, George H.; la 1902. Charlton, N. F.; 0 1876. Charni, Arthur Lowe; la 1923. Childers, Asher Theodore; me 1923. *Chilton, Edwin Y.; m 1874. Chilton, Robert Henry; m 1870. *Chinn, Clement B.; 0 1865. Chinn, George W.; 0 1864. *Chipman, Norton P.; 1 1858. *Chisholm, A. R.; o 1844. Chisholm, David Breneman; la 1923. Chittenden, Charles E.; 1 1889. Chittenden, Herbert J.; 1 1892. Chittick, Andrew J.; o 1883. *Chittick, Charles; o 1876. *Chitwood, Joshua; o 1859. Chou, Ming-Cheng; g 1921. Chrisman, Claude North; m 1895. Chrisman, Irene Louise; la 1922. Christian, Frederick W.; 1 1891. *Christian, John C.; m 1853. Christian, William Arnold; e 1893. Christian, William I.; o 1891. Christopher, A. C., Jr.; om 1918. *Christopher, Walter S.; 0 1883. *Christy, James Loyal; m 1877. Christy, Samuel K.; 0 1880. 4 284 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Church, Edward Whitaker; la 1918. Church, Samuel S.; 1 1878. BC hate 0S: vii. vosdeod, *Cilgour, Wm., Jr.; 1 1861. *Cilley, Jonathan Longfellow; m 1866. Classen, Ella Anna; la 1915. Classen, Harry Louis; la 1920; om 1918. Clagett, Jackson Lee; ec 1924. Claggett, W. L.; o 1874. Clancy, Benjamin Joseph; la 1911. Clancy, James Anthony; e 1909. Clark, Albert G.; 1 1872. Clark, Arthur A.; 1 1893. Clark, Ben. F.; o 1881. Clark, Calvin S.; o 1870. *Clark, Champ; 1 1875. *Clark, Charles; m 1891. Clark, Charles E.; 1 1885. *Clark, Charles F.; o 1843. Clark, la 1905. Clark, D. Leroy; o 1880. Clark, Dorothy; la 1917. Clark, Elbert E.; 0 1892. Clark, R. E.; o 1891. Clark Reka te loge *Clark, Robert J.; 0 1870. Clark, Ruth Catherine; la 1912. Clark, Samuel Crawford; om 1915. *Clark, Stephen; | 1847. Clark, Sylvanus R.; 0 1890. ClarkicT eS ee oulsZ3. *Clark, Walter; o 1846. Clark, William Arthur; ec 1925. Clark, William Clifford; om 1912. *Clark, William H.; o 1863. Clark, William Wallace; la 1902. *Clarke, Ambrose F.; o 1837. Clarke, Harry A.; 1 1892. Clarke, J. W.; o 1870. Clarke, Robert Henry; la 1915. *Clarkson, J. R.; o 1862. *Clarksonj=Ss Wis to sic27e Corrinne (Mrs. Edward Blair) ;*Clason, F. $.; 0 1854. Clauss, Charles John; ec 1925. Clayton, Edmund T.; 1 1897. Clayland, John M.; o 1884. Clear, James Thomas; om 1912. Clark, Elizabeth Lawler; ed 1922; mc 1925.*Cleary, Richard A.; 1 1879. *Clark, Frederick Roy; om 1918. Clark, Frederick Wiles; 1 1886. Clark, George F.; o 1895. Clark, George H.; 1 1895. Clark, Gilbert LaFayette; m 1875. Clark, Harry Franklin; ec 1921. Clark, oF! 4G 2187 Clark, Hazel June; la 1914. Clark, Henry C.; o 1874. *Clark, Jacob; o 1837. *Wlark,alameés -inc On loos *Clark, Jeanie May; la 1909. Clark, Julia Eliz.; ed 1920. Clark, Leslie, J.; 1 1893. *Clark, Luther W.; o 1847. Clark, Marjorie; la 1921; n 1920. Clark, Mary Binney; ed 1925. Clark, Mary Caroline; n 1924. Clark, Milton; 1 1875. a Clark IN aCe hoes eos. Clark, Olpha Simpson; ec 1923. Clark, Paul Burroughs; la 1919. Clark, Philip F.; 1 1915. *Cleary, Thompson; 1 1892. Cleland, David Thompson; m 1877. Clem, Joseph A.; 1 1891. Clemen, Charlotte; la 1904. Clement, Fannie Marie; ed 1920. Clement, Orin Clark; la 1908. *Clendenin, William; o 1850. Clendenin, William; 1 1891. Cleneay, Harry Q.; 1 1883. *Cleveland, John L.; o 1868. Clevenger, Richard E.; m 1886. *Cliff, Joseph; o 1826. Cliff, May; la 1917. Clifford, Charles Morton; m 1893. *Clifford, Ephraim; o 1847. Cline, Charles E.; o 1878. Cline, Galen L.; 0 1862. *Cline, J. W.; m 1869. *Cliness, George Wylie; m 1905. *Clingman, Edward Nathan.; la 1880. Clippinger, Ruth Helen; la 1922. *Clippinger, Sanford; o 1863. Clippinger, Virginia Welty; ed 1920. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 285 Clippenger, Walter W.; 1 1894. Clippinger, Wilbur F.; o 1888. *Clore, Joel Cave; 1 1886. Clore, William Addison; o 1894. Closs, Fred., Jr.; 1 1890. Closs, Regina Barbara; 1 1921. Cofield, Robert B.; o 1903. Coggins, Charles M.; o 1876. Cohen, Alfred M.; 1 1880. Cohen, Harry Herbert; la 1920. *Cohen, Jacob C.; 1 1869. Cohen, Nelson Jenn; 1 1917. Clostermann, Julia E. (Mrs. F. E. Kug- Cohen, Philip Alfred; la 1918; 1 1920. ler); la 1898. Cloud, Milton Harlan; m 1886. Cloude, Helen Louise; la 1913. *Clouser, S. Frank; 1 1859. Cloys, Marion Lee; ec 1923. Cluthe, Charles F.; o 1891. Cluthe, William; o 1875. Cohen, Roslyn J.; la 1921. Cohen, Simon; la 1914. Cohen, Simon Raemond; la 1898. Cohn, Albert N.; 1 1909. ' Cohn, Bertha; la 1921; ed 1922. Cohn, Frederick; la 1894; ma 1896. Cohn, Nathan; 1 1883. *Clyde, Agnes Almond (Mrs. Robert Carel- Cohon, Samuel Solomon; la 1911. ton Ricker) ; la 1899, Clyde, Edgar A.; la 1916. Coate, Charles Rufus; o 1907. Cobb, Oris P.; 1 1879. Cobb, Tabitha Park; ed 1925; g 1924. Cobbs, Alfred; m 1893. Cobbs, Lea Alfred; mc 1925. Coblin, Louis; m 1876. Coblin, Reuben M.; m 1897. *Coblin, Wm. Thomas; m 1871. Coburn, James W.; o 1882. Cochnower, Robert Stewart; m 1896. *Cochran, Aaron; 1 1860. *Cochran, Andrew B. Linn; 1 1858. *Cochran, Charles E.; 1 1864. Cochran, Claude S.; o 1891. *Cochran, Helen Finley; om 1916. *Cochran, Joseph Wilson; 1 1858. Cochran, TA. B:*- 0. 1879. Cochran, W. A.; o 1873. Cochran, W. J.; o 1873. Cockrell, Wayne Leroy; ec 1924, Cockrum, John B.; 1 1879. Coe, Edgar Caleb; la 1918. Coe, Oliver Parker; o 1901. Coffee, William; o 1893. Coffeen, A. S.; 1 1882. *Coffeen, John F.; 1 1834. *Coffin, Nelson G.; o 1847. *Coffin, Samuel D.; m 1868. Coffin, William Vestal; m 1880. *Coffman, Nelson Bradley; m 1883. Coffman, Tasso R.; o 1879. Colburn; Bethnel Vincent; e 1913. *Colburn, Clarence Perry; m 1883. Coldeway, Catherine; la 1919; ed 1921. Coldeway, Helen Elise; ed 1922. Cole, Alfred L.; 1 1903. *Cole, Charles Knox; m 1879. *Cole, Henry M.; 1 1869. *Cole, James J.; m 1870. *Cole, John Albertson; m 1875. *Cole, Joseph; o 1883. *Cole, William C; o 1868. *Coleman, Charles J.; 1 1863. Coleman, David Coryell; om 1911. Coleman, Davis Hunter; om 1917. *Coleman, Horace; o 1849. Coleman, John McFerren; om 1917. *Coleman, John T.; o 1884. *Coleman, John W.; m 1856. Coleman, Paul; ed 1924. Coleman, R. G.; 0 1867. Coleman, W. K.; o 1881. Coleman, Warren; o 1888. *Coles, Stephen; 1 1857. *Collier, David L.; 1 1853. Collier, George Carl; la 1904. *Collins, A. M.; 0 1874. *Collings, Felix B.; o 1835. *Collins, Adam G.; 1 1867. Collins, Bessie Dodds; la 1909. *Collins, Clinton; 1 1887. Collins, Edward Willes; la 1900. Collins, Elizabeth Louise; 1 1923. Collins, Frank C.; o 1883. 286 UNIVERSITY OF Collins, Harold Wakelam; e 1908. *Collins, Henry H.; 1 1860. *Collins, Henry H.; 1 1861. *Collins, John; o 1837. Collins, John Maurice; la 1909. Collins, Kathryn; n 1923. *Collins, Logan J.; 0 1871. CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Cone, Stephen Edwin; m 1896. Cone, William $.; 1 1896. “Confer, W. J.; 1 1923. *Conger, Milton Grant; m 1890. Congleton, Ray Thomas; ec 1925. “Conklin, B.} (171853: *Conklin, H. S.; 0 1844. Collins, Lucy Weimer (Mrs. Archie*Conklin, Jerome B.; 1 1854. Phelps); la 1904. *Conklin, Pierson C.; 1 1856. Collins, Lydia Nugent (Mrs. James Frank-*Conklin, Truman; 1 1847. lin Rogers); la 1910. Collins, M. T.; o 1889. Collins, Maria Clinton; la 1899. Collins, Melville George; ec 1925. *Collins, Milton H.; o 1881. *Collins, Samuel Herbert; m 1876. *Collins, Wm. O.; 1 1835. Collins, Wm. R. C.; 1 1894. *Collum, William F.; o 1834. Colter, LeRoy Swormstedt; m 1888. Te wolton, Cy Mt or1862. *Golton, Harry: Fs.0 1878: *Colver, Elisha M.; 1 1859. EColver,-Hrank oP. sraploss. Colville, Frank Prague; e 1904. SGolvins Co Mio 878: Colvin, Wilber; 1 1883. Colyar, John Will; 1 1885. Colyer, J. R.; o 1888. *Combs,; ~James*}B;: -o 1851, *Combs, John S.; o 1850. Comegys, Charles George; la 1878. *Comegys, Charles G.; 1 1880. *Comegys, Edward Tiffin; m 1872. *Comegys, Walter D.; 1 1861. *Comegys, William Henry; m 1876. *Commons, William; o 1863. Compton, Frank; 1 1872. Compton, Gov.; la 1915. Comstock, Clem Edward; mc 1923. *Comstock, Hiram; o 1849. *Comstock, James A.; o 1867. Conard, George R.; 0 1865. Conard, Robert; o 1905. *Condon, S. 9.3 7091835. Cone, Dorothy; la 1919. Cone, Frank B.; o 1884. Cone, Ruth; n 1925. Conklin, W. J.; o 1868. “Conklin, John Perendid; 1 1859. *Conkwright, A. H.; o 1858. Conley, Charles H.; 1 1897. Conley, Edward Vincin; m 1896. Conley, John M.; 1 1898. Conley, Millard T.; 0 1887. Conley, Thomas F.; 1 1891. *Gonn,. EM? oslera: *Conn,! 1) 3 Liter 3, orl 882Z: Connaughton, John B.; 1 1900. Connell, Chas. C.; o 1894. *Conner, A. Reed; o 1906. Conner,Charles $2: slmi873; Conner, Friend; o 1894. «Conner, George; m 1872. Conner, Helen Glasgow; la 1924. «Conner, ja. hs @elooe *Conner, John S.; 1 1868. “Conner, Phineas Sanborn, Jr.; o 1902. Conner, Virginia Lee; ed 1922. Conover, Harvey, Jr.; 1 1888. “Conover, James F.; 1 1851. Conrad, Dewey; ec 1925. Conrad, Erna Barbara; ed 1924. Conrow, Robert Smock; ec 1925. Constable, Charles Enoch; ec 1921. Constant, Frank Henry; e 1891; 1915. Constantinoff, Vladimer M.; ec 1924. *Converse, Fred James; 1 1883. Conway, Dorothy; ed 1925. Conway, L. Elmer; 1.1916. Conway, Eli B.; m 1874. *Conway, John W.; o 1849. Conway, Mary G.; la 1910; ma 1911. Conway, Marinus Willett; om 1911. Conway, Norman Butler; e 1908. Conway, Robert D.; 1 1914. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 287 Conwell, Clayton B.; m 1901. Cooper, Burroughs; ec 1925. Conwell, Halford Fred; mc 1921; la 1919.*Cooper, C. L.; 0 1870. *Conwell, John A.; 1 1861. “Cooper, C. S.; o 1870. Conzett, John Jacob; m 1899, “Cooper, D. C. $.; 0 1870. Cooder, William C.; 1 1878. *Cooper, Harry L.; 1 1872. SCogkA.tlas;0 1852. ‘Cooper, Harry Oliver; o 1894. *Cook, A. M.; o 1866. *Cooper, J. M.; o 1852. *Cook, Asher; 1 1849. “Cooper, Joel S.; m 1867. Cook, Bess Virginia; la 1914. Cooper, Lulu Estes; la 1915. Cook, Charles C.; 1 1882. Cooper, Stewart Sanson; la 1920. Cook, Edward; o 1902. Cooper, William B.; o 1860. Cook, Evangeline E.; la 1909. Cooper, William Jennings Bryan; 1 1922. “Cook, George F.; o 1872. *Cooperrider, Carolus A.; o 1890. Cook, Cook, *Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, *Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, *Cook, Cook, *Cook, Cook, *Cook, *Cook, *Cook, *Cook, *Cook, Cook, *Cook, *Cook, * Cook, George Harvey; mc 1921. Helen C.; la 1919. Henry; o 1893. Howard B.; e 1912. Isabelle Ruth; la 1922; ed 1923. Jerome H.; la 1916. John H.; m 1906. Joseph Marion; m 1876. Louis Elmer; o 1894. Luzerne H.; o 1885. Malcolin O.; mc 1923. Moses C.; o 1841. Peter Meyers; m 1883. Philip Barnes; m 1867. Robert H.; o 1894. Seth H.; o 1868. Stephen M.; o 1871. T. Hampton; o 1880. Theodore M.; o 1847. Thomas Coake; m 1878. Walter Andrew; la 1921; g 1922-24.*Cordell, Walter C.; o 1903. William A.; o 1878. William F.; o 1897. *Cooke, Edward P.; o 1878. *Cooke, Joseph C.; 0 1845. Cooke, Robert Wallace; mc 1924. Cooksey, Thomas Lynch; m 1897, (cols. jaw tus: .0: 1955. *Coombs, Alfred H.; 1 1844. “Coombs, Martin B.; 1 1848. *“Coomer, Jerry E.; m 1873. *Coom, Joseph B.; 1 1856. Cooney, Wright M.; 1 1894. Coontz, William H.; 0 1899, *Cooperrider, Joel; o 1876. Cope, Ella Mae; ma 1912. Copeland, George D.; 1 1882. Copeland, Gertrude; n 1924. Coppess, R. F.; o 1883. Coppock, Charles Teasdale; la 1890. Coppock, Frank Marion, Jr.; om 1914. *Coppock, F. M.; 1 1902. Coppock, Frank M.; 1 1878. *Coram, John J.; o 1874. *Corbett, James Sherman; o 1894. *Corbin, Lee; o 1876. *Corboy, Christopher Stephen; m 1879. *Corboy, Cornelius; m 1887. Corcoran, Effie; la 1904. *Corcoran, Michael T.; 1 1886. "Corcoran, Patrick J.) lalosy: Cord, Helen Laura; g 1921. Cordell, Delano W.; 1 1883. *Cordell, James W., Jr.; 1 1855. Moa Waret 1853: Cordes, Clifford; la 1900. Cordes, Margaret Louise; la 1919; ed 1920. Cordesman, Ida Louise; la 1905. Core, Margaret Helen; 1912. *Corey, Andrew J.; o 1860. *Corey, Lavaner; o 1870. *Corey, {Louis J..2 0.1875. *Corling, Albert A.; 1872. *Corlis, J. W. R.; 0 1855. Cormany, Chas. C.; 1 1894. *Cormany, James Wilson; m 1873. *Cornelison, John Franklin; m 1875. Cornelius, Clara Marie (Mrs. Wm. H. Eggers; la 1904. 288 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Cornell,- J. Wilson; o 1877. Covington, P. D.; 0 1869. *Cornell, William, Jr.; 1 1860. *Courtwright, Samuel W.; 1 1863. Cornell, William Frank; la 1918. Courtwright, W. T.; 0 1886. Cornuelle, Herbert Cumming; la 1915; g Cover, Harry E.; o 1897. 1920. Cowan, Charles Spinning; m 1880. Cornuelle, Ralph Dudley; la 1915. Cowan, Edward A.; m 1873. Corpron, Douglas Squire; mc 1921. *Cowan, W.'°V.: 6° 1844 Corre, Mary; la 1918. *Cowden, J. M.; o 1881. *Corry, Thomas D.; 1 1896. Cowdrey, George Clair; la 1922; g 1923. *Corson, John; o 1862. Cowell, Sarah Jane; la 1914. Corson, Orrillus M.; 0 1879. Cowell, Warner Tuttle; e 1917. Corwin, Charles H.; 0 1901. *Cowen, Allen Trimble; 1 1858. *Corwin, David B.; 1 1866. *Cowen, J. M.; o 1858. “Corwin, John K.; 1 1858. Cowen, Joseph; o 1897. *Corwin, Quincy; 1 1864. *Cowen, Lewis C.; 0 1874. *Corwin, William H.; 1 1855. *Cowgill, T. W.; 0 1849. *Corwin, William H.; 1 1852. Cowing, Hugh Alvin; m 1890. *Corwin, William Henry; 1 1858. Cowl, James Lancaster; la 1924. *Corwine, Quinton; 1 1863. *Cox, Benjamin®He 101876! *Cory, Benjamin; o 1845. *Cox, David A.; o 1890. Cory, David Jennings; 1 1890, * (Ox; Himits 10 = Lote, *Cory, Thos. C.; 1 1866. *Cox, Edgar; 6 1890. Coryell, Daniel R.; o 1883. *Cox Pea Baro mL oo *Coryell, John R.; 0 1846. *Cox, George W.; o 1878. Coryell, Laurence Sprague; la 1921. Cox Lica weltoo: Cosbey, Jessie; la 1917. *Cox, Henry B.; 1 1866. Cosby, George O.; o 1881. *Cox), John oT.s*m 91870: *Cosgrave, Otway J.; 1 1875. Cox, Joseph, Jr.; 1 1879. Cosgrave, Philip Purcell; 1 1881. *Cox, Myron S.; 1 1860. *Costolo, John Walter; o 1883. Cox, Ruth Louise; la 1923. *Cotter, James Grover; m 1876. Cox, Rutherford Hays; 1 1901. *Cotter, Wm. A.; 1 1870. *Cox,, Walter ob: sh isn Cotteral, C. Frank; o 1883. *Coy, ‘Isaac*]ly. 3m. 1898: Cottle, Frank W.; 1 1897. *Coyne, Samuel J.; o 1879. *Cottle, L. A.; o 1842, Coyner, Albert Grant; m 1889. *Couch, John Andrew; la 1886; ma 1891. *Coyner, George; 1 1893. *Couch, John Andrew; 1 1890. *Cozad, Harry S.; o 1893. Coughlin, Deniss Bernard; 1 1924. Cazart, Helen Elizabeth; n 1924. *Coulter, J. Homer; o 1885. Crabtree, S. A.; m 1901. Coulter, Philip Louis; om 1912. *Craddock, Alfred John; e 1917. Coulter, Thomas Bennett; o 1907. Craft, Otis Raymond; mc 1923. Counts, William L.; o 1897. Cragg, Harry C.; m 1901. *Courtney, Benaga Gustin; m 1882. Cragg, Lucille “Lj dail. *Courtney, H.; o 1850. Cragg, Walston Shelby; e 1912. *Courtney, John T.; 1 1854. *Craig, Albert G.; 0 1866. *Courtright, Alva P.; m 1867. Craig, Cassius H.; o 1882. *Courtright, George S.; m 1868. Craig, Edwin M.; m 1906. *Courtright, G. $.; o 1862. *Craig, Henry; o 1832. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Craig, James G.; 1 1860. *Craig, James G.; 1 1861. *Craig, John M.; o 1866. Craig, Palmer Hunt; la 1923; g 1924. Merge. 6. aiet mr 1869. Crain, Allen Meyer; ec 1924. Crall, James Madison; m 1898. *Cram, Charles D.; o 1893. *Cramer, Albert E.; 1 1872. Cramer, Calvin Stephen; 1 1917. Cramer, Frederick; la 1896. Cramer, Helen; la 1916. Cramer, Hester Naomi; n 1921. 1909. Crane, Edward I.; 1 1888. *Crane, George; 1 1852. Crane, Holden T.; e 1904. Crane, Josephine E.; la 1923. Crane, Robert Statler; ec 1925. *Crane, William H.; 0 1893. *Crane, William Henry; la 1895. *Crane, W. W.; o 1875. Cranston, Chas. B.; 1 1894. Cranston, Earl M.; 1 1886. *Cranz, Albert C.; 0 1879. *Crapo, G. W.; o 1875. *Crapo, John R.; o 1877. *Craven, Charles Wallace; m 1876. Craven, Ruth Edith; la 1925. Craven, Oscar M.; o 1896. Cravens, Frances O.; la 1908. *Cravens, John O.; 1 1856. *Crawford, George B.; 0 1869. Crawford, J. Ebersole; la 1921. *Crawford, J. N. W.; o 1880. , *Crawford, John; o 1842. *Crawford, John Martin; m 1881. *Crawford, Leonard J.; 1 1900. Crawford, Leonard J.; 1 1882. Crawford, Lydia Ward; ed 1925. Crawford, Margaret Haskins; ed 1925. *Crawford, R. H.; o 1837. *Crawford, Samuel J.; 1 1858. Crawford, Stanton Chapman; g 1921. *Crawford, William Love; 1 1883. Creaghead, Elizabeth; Ja 1918. *Creaghead, Thomas James; la 1889. Creed, Oliver L.; 1 1913. *Creed, William; 1 1887. *Creed, William; 1 1886. Creed, William J.; 1 1909. *Creekbaum, John Henry; o 1903. *“Crego, Floyd S.; 0 1879. Creighton, Basil B.; o 1892. *Creighton, J: A.; o 1897. *Crentz; Jacob: 1. 1857. Creps, Adolphus H.; o 1890. *“Creps, Alfred A.; 1 1891. Cresson, Martha Jeanne; g 1925. Crew, Geo. M.; 1 1894. Cramer, William Gustavus; la 1901; ma*Crews, J. H.; o 1842. Crigler, Frank D.; 0 1884. *Crissey, Lena Maude; la 1913. Crissinger, Daniel R.; 1 1886. Crist, Raymond E.; la 1925. Cristler, Criswell, *Crocker, Crocker, Crocker, Crockett, John W.; o 1886. Geo. Wm.; 1 1891. Alfred Armstrong; la 1897. Fletcher Lovell; m 1891. Samuel Armstrong; la 1898. Helen Loel; la 1915. Crome, Lester Charles; ec 1921. Cromer, Cromer, Leonard; o 1890. Mary O.; m 1904, Cromley, James B.; o 1880. Cronbach, Abraham; la 1902. Cronbach, Gertrude; la 1905. Crone, John Anthony; la 1921. *Cronise, Tee leo nial: *Crooks, Erasmus D.; m 1874. *Crosbie, *Crosbie, John Jas.; 1 1889. Ree jes 08 1852: Crosby, Harold Orris; la 1925. *Cross, Felix G.; m 1869. Cross, Frank Bradley; m 1895. *CTOSS, "Je abst Or S53: *Cross, William A.; m 1872. *Crosser, Robert; 1 1901. *Crossland, Jefferson C.; o 1887. *Crosswart, Perry Ruble; m 1877. Crouch, Crouch, *Crouch, Crouch, *Crouse, Frances Annette; la 1921. Helen W.; n 1924. James M.; o 1879. Mary L:;n//1923 - "la" 1924: Charles; 1 1850. 289 290 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Crouse, Rachel Miriam; la 1920; ed 1924. Cunningham, Geo. S.; 1 1887. *Crow, James P.; m 1868. *Crow, Thomas D.; 1 1861. Crowe, Marie; la 1918. *Crowley, Albert Stanton; o 1887. Crudgington, Robert Lincoln; me 1924. Cruise, Walter Lewis; mc 1925. *Crum, Edward C.; m 1870. Crum, J. W.; o 1882. *Crumbacker, W. P.; o 1882. Crumbaugh, S. &:;.0 1872. Crume, Wm. R.; m 1907. *Crumin, 9 ste.) O M1874. *Crumrine, B. F.; o 1876. Crutchfield, James Lewis; e 1919. Crutchfield, James Tevis; ec 1921. *Cuff, John V.; 1 1885: Culbertson, Charlene; la 1919. Culbertson, Henry Coe; la 1895. *Culbertson, R. H.; o 1869. *Culbreth, John H.; 1. 1834. *Culbreth, Robert E.; 1 1834. *Cull, Samuel T.; 0 1866. *Cullen, Charles Wm.; o 1900. *Cullen, John C.; o 1868. Culliton; 1 1891. *xCulver, John A.; o 1874. Culver, Reuben D.; 1 1884. Cummings, Charles Wm.; e 1912. *Cummings, Thomas D.; m_ 1885. Cummins, George Marion; o 1900. *Cummins, J. P.; 0 1847. Cummins, Mary Dorothy; 1914. *Cummins, Preston R.; 0 1883. Cummins, Ralph; la 1909; m 1914. *Cundell, Jules Edward; m 1894. *Cundell, Jules Henry; 1 1875. *Cunningham, A. J.; 1 1860. Cunningham, A. J.; 1 1899. Cunningham, Abel S.; 1 1882. Cunningham, James Henry; la 1920. *Cunningham, John B.; | 1887. *Cunningham, John N.; 1 1866. *Cunningham, R. H.; 1 1853. Cunningham, S. A.; 0 1890. Cunningham, Terrence John; m 1904. *Cunningham, W. W.; o 1884. Cupp, M. F.; o 1882. Curl, Charles Henry; 1 1896. Curley, Francis E.; 1 1897. Curran, Harry e@sel cso: *Curran, Roberts; o 1838. Curran, Ulysses T.; 1 1872. *Carrans Wie Eeceoenooe Currick, Max Cohen; la 1898. Curray, EB. A.; m-71903 Curry) PrankeiGey ovules *Curry, George M.; o 1885. *Curry,; biniMeeno athad *Curry, John H.; o 1856. *Curth, Harry Williams; 1 1894. Curtice, George Stoner; ed 1924. Curtin, Angela; la 1916: Curtis, Henrietta Lucile; la 1920. *Curtise [o- Me; naoo/. Curtiss, Howard Crosby; ec 1922. *Curtiss, Romaine J.; o 1864. Curts Shay ose 90k Cusher, Louis M.; m 1905. Cushing, John Lawrence; | 1918. *Cushman, George H.; o 1889. Cutright, James Francis; 1 1924, Cutter, Earl M.; m 1909. *Cutter, George F.; o 1863. *Cutter, Joseph R.; 1 1870. Cutter, Lawrence Starr; me 1925. *Cutter, Norman; | 1843. Cutts, Allen Sherwood; g 1924. DaCamara, Wm. Harley; e 1915. Cunningham, Albert James; la 1896. dAgiiarinaasy Diaz sere, Cunningham, Alexander Austin; m 1880 D’Amour, Martha Paula; la 1914. *Cunningham, DeWeese; o 1871. D’Arcy, Frances Elizabeth; la 1914. Cunningham, Eldon Losh; la 1901. Dabney, Katherine B.; la 1914. Cunningham, Emma Catherine (Mrs. G. Dabney, Will R.; 0 1893. A. Ginter); la 1901. Daehler, J. Walter; m 1909. Cunningham, Frances Edna (Mrs. Frank*Dagley, James; m 1855. Raschig) ; la 1900. *Dagley, John R.; 1 1889. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 291 *Dahlenberg, Chas. W.; m 1906. Dauch, Sophia Bertha; o 1908. Dail, Helen Carolyn; la 1923. *Daudt, Charles; 1 1869. *Dailey, J. J.3;~o0 1872. *Daugherty, Geo. Wm. T.; 0 1893. *Dailey, Jas. M.; o 1879. Daugherty, H.; 0 1878. Dailey, John Williams; 1 1922, Dauman, Clara; la 1900. *Dale, Andrew J.; 1 1854-55. Dave, Joseph; ec 1923. Dale, B. B.; 1881. *Davenport, Wm. H.; 1 1857-8. Dale, Benj. H.; 1 1915. Davidson, Alvina; la 1911. Dale, Chas. W.; 1883. Davidson, Harry Orvel; mc 1923. Dale, Geo. Pendleton; m 1900. Davidson, Hugh Moyer; la 1913-15. *Dalgleish, Harry Thorning; m 1886. Davidson, John S.; 1 1893. Dalton, Harry Milton; 1881. Davidson, Marion Tabb; m 191]. *Dalton, Milton M.; 1 1856. *Daxidson, Wm. A.; 1877. Dalton, Nellis Norman; la 1899. Davidson, Wm. J.; 1 1886. *Daly, Geo. P.; 0 1864. Davies, Chase Mason; la 1921; 1 1924. Daly, Harry Carrington; m 1895. Davies, David Jenkin; m 1900. Daly, Margaret Mary; la 1913. Davies, David T.; 1 1893. *Daly, Michael; 1873. Davies, Llewellyn E.; 1 1906. Dalzell, John Wasson; la 1922. Davis, Adolph H.; e 1913. *Dameron, Augustus S.; o 1883. Davis, Adolph Morris; la 1913. *Dameron, R. A.; o 1874. Davis, Albert Sherman; | 1890. *Damm, Charles; o 1880. Davis, Allen; la 1920. *Damsel, Cyrus; o 1844. *Davis, Alvin Monroe; m 1874. ARERR dp ee ete Ce *Davis, Andrew W.; m 1869. Danahy, John Charles; mc 1925. Davis, Beulah Aurelia; n 1920. Danford, Byron; mc 1924. MI AWIS. sate Olas Wantordesk.- Fs) o0 71881; Davis, Corwine Spalding; ec 1922. *Dantord, H. D.; 0418/0: *Davis, Cho W:s 0- 1887. Danford, Marion E.; 1883. * Davis, Chase. Cewslor4 Dangel, Herbert Abraham; ec 1921. *Davis, Clark Wasgatt; m 1886. Daniels, Artie Margaret; ed 1921. *Davis, Clinton Horatio; m 1879. *Daniels, Asa W.; o 1866. Davis, ‘Cora Rich; o 1907. Daniels, George S.; 1883. Davis, David Carson; mec 1921; la 1919. Daniels, Verna; la 1916. Davis, Earl A.; 0 1902. Danner, Horace Newell; ec 1924. Davis, Edward; m 1909. Dannetelle, Fenelon F.; m 1884. *Davis, Edw Ba my) 1872. Danziger, Henry; 1885. *Davis, Edw. F.; m 1872. *Danziger, Leo; o 1892. Davis. Edw. Francis; o 1901 *Darby, Frank H.; o 1875. Davis, Ella; la 1908-9. Datbyeeluos. bo. 1- 1891} Davis, Emory Francis; o 1897. Dare, Frances; n 1924. *Davis, Evan D.; 1 1889. Darling, Bess Jane; la 1912. *Davis, Francis Marion; m 1876. SParinca fe G5 msl872- Davis, Francis Weyland; m 1891. *Darling, Thos. W.; 1 1861. *Davis, Frank; 1 1867. Darlington, C. L.; 1 1902. Davis, George; o 1900. Darnall, G. D.; 0 1872. Davis, George Howard; la 1917. Dartnall, Thos. Wm.; e 1914. Davis, Geo. W.; o 1888. Daubenbis, Norden Williams; ec 1924. *Davis, Giles; o 1886. 292 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Davis, Gilman Robinson; m 1878. *Dawson, M. E.; o 1848. *Davis, Henry; o 1882. Dawson, Thomas C.; 1 1886. Davis, Ida Estelle; la 1904. Dawson, Wm. B.; 0 1880. *Davis, Isaac; o 1870. *Dawson, William Wirt; o 1850. *Davis, Isaac K.; 1 1873. Day, Aline H.; n 1925. *Davis, “J. -R.2 50 o1875. Day, Allen Zumvoide; ec 1924. Davis, Jeptha D.; o 1890. *Day, Alvin; o 1878. Davis, Johanna; Ja 1916-9. Day, Dorothy Mildred; la 1923. *Davis, John; 0 1843. *Day, Henry M.; 1 1861. *Davis, John; 1877. *Day, Herman L.; 1 1888. Davis, John B.; o 1894, Day, Horace A.; la 1921; mec 1923. Davis, John Evans; la 1913. Day, Howard Monroe; la 1911. Davis, John Lindsay; m 1881.; la 1878. *Day, James G.; 1 1857. Davis, John Francis; la 1917. *Day, James N.; 0 1874. Davis, John T.; o 1872. *Day, Matthew J.; 1870. *Davis, Johnathon W.; o 1847. *Day, Matthew J.; 1 1866. *Davis, Joseph S; 1 1837. Day, Pauline White; ed 1924. *Davis, Lewis J.; o 1880. 7 Day, obert tls) lees *Davis, Lewis N.; m 1873. *Deahofe, SivP. 350 71882. Davis, Marguerite; la 1914. Deam, John M.; o 1881. Davis, Milford Harrison; e 1918. Dean, Adelaide; la 1914. *Davis, Nathaniel H.; 1881. *Dean, Daniel P.; 1872. Davis, Parvin Milton; mc 1921. *Dean, yin 1886: Davis, O E.; 0 1853. *Dean, Geo. B.; m 1898. Davis, Rebekah Caroline; la 1900. *Dean, Herman J.; m 1857. *Davis, Rington; o 1884. *Dean, Joseph N.; 1878. *Davis, Robert W. E.; m 1882. Dean, Marshall Henry; m 1878. Davis, Roy Hamilton; om 1912. * Dean, Ry eles. Oss z *Davis, Samuel; o 1847. Deardorff, Harold Emerson; ec 1922, Davis, Thomas Hugh, Jr.; mc 1924. *DeArmond, Cassius M.; o 1892. *Davis, Walter L.; m 1866. DeArmond, Dorothy; la 1924. Davis, Wilbur Louis; mc 1922. Dearness, Donald F.; la 1916. Davis, Will S.; 0. 1890. Deasy, John A.; 1 1901. *Davis, William Bramwell; m 1855. Death, Hugh J.; o 1881. Davis, Wm. Carle; o 1896, DeBeck, Alice Elaine; la 1920. Davis, Wm. Seymour; m 1885. DeBeck, Bodo Otto Morgan; la 1900. *Davison, John Franklin; m 1887. DeBeck, David; o 1881. Davison, Owen Clarence; m 1904. DeBeck, Dorothy Linn; la 1924. Davy, Jacob Alvin; 1881. *DeBra, John F.; o 1870. Davy, Jeanette; la 1912. *DeBruin, E. M.; 1 1853. *Davy, Jesse; o 1869. *DeCamp, Ezekiel; 1 1862. Davy, Katherine Roberts; la 1909. DeCamp, James Milton; 1 1925. Dawes, Chas. C.; 1 1886. DeCamp, John Percival; la 1903. *Dawes, Edward; o 1832. DeCamp, John Philip; la 1924. Dawson, B. E.; 0 1875. DeCamp, Walter; 1 1892. *Dawson, James W.; m 1869. DeChant, Harry P.; 1 1906. *Dawson, Joseph; 1 1858. DeChant, Harry Peter; la 1904. *Dawson, Joshua M.; 1876. *DeChant, Wm. Louis; 1881. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 293 *Deckard, J. W.; m 1872. *Decker, Ernst; 1 1859. Decker, Max Gray; la 1924. DeCourcey, Carrol Wm.; o 1904. DeCourcey, Giles A.; om 1911. DeCourcey, John Fred; o 1908. DeCourcey, Joseph Luke; om 1913. DcCourcey, Lydia; la 1904. DeCourcey, Paul; o 1902. *DeCourcey, Thos. W. W.; 1 1841. *DeCourcey, W. Elijah; o 1869. Dedman, Jas. Clay; 1 1892. Dennis, Geo. Jas.; m 1887. Dennis, Glenn Kennedy; m 1904. *Dennis, Jacob J.; 1 1850. *Dennison, Jas.; 1 1835. Dennison, Wilbur W.; 0 1897. Denser, Clarence Hugh; om 1917. Densford, Katherine Jane; n 1920. Dent, Wm. Henry; m 1890. *Denton, Walter V.; 1883. *Denton, Walter V.; 1 1881. *DePew, M. F.; o 1881. Deppen, Earl Neagley; mc 1920; la 1920. Deeter, Don Favorite; la 1924; mc 1925. DeQuasie, Lacey Glenn; e 1917. DeForrest, Perry Alfred; m 1894. DeGinther, Charles Willard; ec 1922. *petiart, J, vii o7,1876, *DeHass, Thos. W.; o 1883. Dehen, Angela; la 1907. Dehmel, Lester Forrest; ec 1924. Dehner, Rosina Mary; la 1911. *Deitrich, Chas. W.; 1 1858. DeKrafft, Samuel Chase; m 1874, DeLamatre, Clayton Wm.; 1 1886. *Delancy, T. J.;-0 1848. Dell, Edw. Henry; 1 1917. Dell, Harrison Leroy; 1 1903: Dell, John Augustus; m 1901. *Deloplane, Chas. J.; 1 1867. Delscamp, Wm. Henry; o 1900. DeLuce, Mary Louise; la 1894, Senate e..- 1) 1860: Deming, James Levi; la 1889. DeMotte, Jerome; o 1896. Dempsey, Dew. J.; 1879. Dempsey, Edward James; 1 1922. Dempsey, John C.; 1 1920. Dempsey, Thos Edwin; 1884. *Dempsey, Will S.; o 1874. *Deneal, Francis T.; 1874. DeNeen, DeEnna Darrell; o 1897. *Dengler, Chas. L.; 1870. *Denham, A. C.; m 1867. Denham, Thomas Wyatt; ec 1923. *Denman, Wm. C.; o 1878. *Denner, Jas. W.; 1 1844. *Denney, Wm.; m 1879. *Denney, Zachariah Coleman; m 1876. *Dennis, Albert G.; 1 1859, Derbyshire, S. Justin; o 1888. *DeRichey, Cyrus; m 1872. *DeRoo, Bernard C.; o 1889. *DeRossett, Jas. M.; 0 1875. Dershem, Harvey F.; 1 1890. DeSilveira, Mello Joaquin; e 1879. DeSteiguer, Geo. C.; 1 1886. -DesBrisay, Fred Theophile; la 1892; 1 1893. Detraz, Edward Watsworth; ec 1920. Detraz, Mary Julia; la 1910. Detraz, Wilhelmina; la 1906. Detrick, Frank F.; o 1906. Deuser, Luella Marie; o 1907. Deutsch, Edith Ruth; la 1912. Deutsch, Zola Gotthard; ec 1923. Devanny, John W.; 1 1900. Devanter, Willis Van; 1881. Dever, Noah J.; 1873. Devers, Albert Barker; m 1896. *DeVerter, Geo. T.; m 1872. *DeVilbiss, Allen; m 1868. DeViney, Albert Fares; ec 1920. *DeVoe, J. W.; m 1871. Devon, Margaret Louise; la 1915. *Devor, Elijah; 1871. . *Devor, Jas.; 1881. ake *Devore, Benj. F.; 1 1858. . Devore, David G.; e 1908. DeVore, Earl Garoutte; o 1900. DeVore, Fred Fernando; o 1900. DeVore, Madge; la 1912. *Dewald, John; 1875. *Dewald, John; 1874. DeWald, Paul; 1 1917. 294 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Dewees, Edna; la 1921; ed 1922. *Dietrich, Clark McDermott; m 1880. DeWeese, Alva W.; 1 1895. Digby, Jas. M.; o 1889. *Dewey, A. W.; o 1850. Dilatush, Charles Donald; 1 1922. *DeWitt, Wm. Hamilton; m 1872. Dill, Bertram Francis; ec 1925. DeWill, Wm. Hildt; la 1903. *Dill, Jos. M.; 1878. DeWolfe, Edgar Henry; 1 1886. *Dill, Nathaniel C.; o 1881. DeWolfe, Ruth; n 1923. *Dill, Thos. M.; 1877. *Dexter, Julius; 1 1865. Diller, J. M.; o 1875. * Dicken Jas:ol.3 +0) 1851. Dillman, Aurelia; la 1904. *Dickerson, F. J.; 0 1852. *Dillman, Lurton D.; 0 1878. Dickerson, Richard Tunis; la 1907. Dillon, J.; o 1873. Dickerson, Tunis; la 1919. *Dillon, Jc C.. Des. 201870, *Dickerson, Wm. F.; 1878. *Dillon, John; 1 1837. *Dickey, Adam; o 1832. *Dillon, John Ezar; m 1877. *Dickey, Henrys. b.3"1 1859. Dillon, Mary Allen M.; mc 1925; la 1920. *Dickey, John A.; o 1882. *Dillon, Otto Parvin; o 1890. Dickey, Marcus C.; 1 1889. *Dillon, Wm.; o 1882. *Dickey.: 7. £A.: 0) 1875. *Dills, Malcolm; o 1871. *Dickey, Wm.; o 1857. Dimmick, Ralph Ballard; la 1906-7. Dickinson, Adra; la 1907. Dimmitt, Hamilton W.; o 1888. Dickinson, Chas.; 1876. Dine, Colston L.; o 1886. *Dickinson, Townsend F.; m 1881. Dine, Harold; la 1925. Dickinson, Townsend H.; m 1906. Dine, Reitza; la 1925. Dickman, Earl Richard; la 1920. Dineen, John; 1 1909. Dickmeier, Henry Phillip; m 1895. Dinsmore, Frank F.; 1 1891. Dickore, Marie Paula; la 1907-8. *Dirr, Gabriel, Jr.; 1 1898. *Dicks, Wm. H.; 1877. *Diserens, Albert D.; 1871. *Dickson, Chas. Taylor; 1875. Diserens, Alma Beatrix; la 1894. *Dickson, Chas. T.; 1870. Diserens, Charles Murdock; g 1917; 1922. *Dickson, David Judkins; m 1905. *Diserens, Elizabeth; la 1902. Dickson, Giles Mitchell; o 1901. * Disney. G3; words: Dickson, Henry J. S.; o 1891. *Disney, Wm. B.; 1 1853. Dickson, Thos. Raynolds; o 1907. Dissenger, Hiram; o 1878. *Dickson, Wm.; la 1897. Dittey, R. M.; 1874. Dieckmann, Alma Sophia; la 1915. Dittmer, Herman R.; 1 1895. Dieckmann, Elas Pauline; la 1913. *Divan, C. P.; m 1867. Diefenbach, Amy F.; la 1921. Divan, Joseph T.; 1884. Diefenbach, Lowell Toman; ec 1922. *Diven, Chas. Edgar; m 1874. Diehl, Clara; n 1922-23. *Divine, Jas. A.; 1882. *Diehl, Jacob, Jr.; 1 1862. *Dix, Edwin H.; 0 1885. Diehl, Warren W.; 1 1913. Dixon, Humphrey; 1 1893. *Dienst, Edw.; 1 1883. *Dixon, W. A.; o 1865. *Dierbin, Daniel; 1 1889. *Doan, Joseph T.; 1 1884. Dieringer, Stella Marie; la 1915. *Doan, Robert D.; 1 1857. Dietch, Guilford T.; 1880. *Doan, Will, Jr.; o 1827. Dieterle, Emilie Marie; la 1898. *Dobmeyer, Joseph J.; 1 1853. Dieterle, Gertrude; la 1918. *Dodd, Jas.; o 1859. Dietmier, Wilhelmine; la 1915. *Dodd, Jessie Hart; la 1910. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Dodds, Andrew J.; o 1885. Dodds, Earle Fearnley; ec 1925. Dodds, Edwin Sterret; m 1879. *Dodds, Ozro J.; 1 1866. *Dodds, Joseph Westfield; m 1888. *Dodds, Milo G.; 1 1893. Dodds, Pocahontas W.; la 1909. Dodge, Harry Weeks; la 1909. *Dodge, Israel S.; 0 1834. Dodge, Jonathan S.; 1 1892. Dods, Henry John; ec 1924, *Doeller, Godfrey Albert; e 1907-8. *Doerler, Albert; o 1891. Doerler, Chas.; 1881. *Doerr, Chas. E.; 0 1906. Doerr, Emma Lisette; la 1911-12. Doggett, Forrest Joseph; ec 1924. Doherty, Angelo; 1 1914. Doherty, Cecil Hazel; n 1921. *Doherty, G. A.; o 1852. Doherty, Miriam; n 1925. *Doherty, W. A.; o 1848. Dohrman, Louise; la 1918. Dolan, Edith A.; la 1919, g 1925. Doll, Chas. (RU 1) 1892. Dolle, Anita Rose; ed 1923-24. Dolle, Chas. F.; 1 1894. Dolle, Lewis John; 1882. 295 Donnelly, Irene Cecilia; la 1924; g 1925. Donnelly, Joseph Lawrence; la 1917; 2 1919; g 1921. Donnely, Chas. Augustus; o 1908. *Donnely, Jas. M.; 1 1866. Donnely, June Richardson; la 1895. Donogh, Robert B.; e 1911. Donohue, Patrick J.; 1 1884. Donovan, Margaret Rose; la 1923; 1923. Dooley, Eliz.; n 1920. Dooley, Ralph Dean; mc 1924. Doran, John Edward; ec 1921. Dorgan, Phillip H.; o 1909. Dorger, Clarence A.; 1 1915. Dorger, Frank J.; 1 1887. *Dorland, Edwin H.; m 1880. Dormire, Herman Floyd; mc 1923. Dornette, Geo. August; 1 1909. *Dorr, Eber G.; o 1869. *Dorrok, John R.; m 1884. *Dorschug, Fred P.; m 1884. Dorsey, Carrie E.; n 1925. *Dorsey, G. Volney; o 1836. Dorsey, Howard Alexander; e 1909. Dorsey, John Robert; ec 1921. *Dorsey, Washington; o 1833. Dorsey, Wesley Franklin; me 1923. Dolle, Marian Elizabeth; la 1920; ed 1923. Dorst, Stanley Elwood; mec 1923. Dollman, John W.; e 1918. Domes ,Elizabeth Jane; la 1914. *Domhoff, Louis; o 1894. Donahue, Eden Reeder; 1879. *Dorwin, L. H.; m 1872. Dos, Ermia; o 1907. Dosch, Michael John; 1 1910. Doster, Genevieve; la 1918. Donahue, Matthew Thomas; mc 1920; la Dotchengall, Joseph W.; 1 1919. 1918. *Donaldson, A. B.; o 1881. *Donaldson, David F.; o 1888. *Donaldson, Foy Benson; o 1897. Donaldson, Jos. A.; 1871. *Donally, J. W.; o 1878. Donally; Lewis; 1 1890. *Donelan, E. A.; o 1852. *Doniphan, D. A.; o 1843. *Doniphan, George; 1884. *Donne, William H. D.; o 1834. *Donnell, Clifton L.; o 1888. *Donnellan, Joseph E.; o 1876. Donnelly, Alice Moore; la 1890. *Doty, Edgar E.; o 1896. *Doty, Frank; 1882. "Doty, L. WD); fr 1852: Dougherty, Frank C.; 1873. *Dougherty, J. D.; 0 1872. *Doughty, George F.; 1875. Doughty, Jos. K.; 1878. Doughty, Wes.; | 1894. Doughty, Wm. M.; m 1906. *Douglade, O.; o 1849. *Dougias, J.COr; 11882; *Douglas, Silas Marion; 1883. Douglass, Edna May; la 1919; ed 1921. *Douglass, James Andrews; m 1880. ed 296 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Douglass, John E., Jr.; o 1883. *#Drexeligss Frame os he Dourson, Mary Catherine; la 1924; ed Dreyfoos, Max; o 1902. 1925. Douthit, George Randolph; ec 1922. *Doven, John G.; 1 1863. *Dover, Hiram; o 1846. *Dow, Duncan; 1 1868. Dowd, Ralph P.; 0 1893. *Dowdall, Edward James; 1881. *Dowdell, John L.; o 1870. *Dowden, Amos W.; m 1873. *Dowden, John T.; m 1871. Dowdney, Edw. T.; 1881. *Dowling, Francis; o 1867. Dowling, Gertrude Mary; la 1910. Dowling, Hobart Parmenas; 1 1909. *Down, Lyman; o 1865. *Downard, Jas. S.; o 1847. Downer, John; la 1917. Downer, Mildred Mary Walke) ; ed 1923. *Downes, C. A.; o 1850. *Downes, Charles; 1 1840. (Mrs. Driehaus, Elinor Elizabeth; la 1922; ed 1923. Driehaus, Orwin Wm.; la 1900. *Driscoll, J. W.; o 1863. Driscoll, Wm. E.; o 1886. . Driver, O. P.; o 1880. Droste, Chas. F.; 1 1894. Droste, Oscar Andrew; ec 1922. Drucker, Fannie Nathalie; la 1915. Drufner, Vincent Henry; ec 1920 . Drukker, Grace Myra; la 1902. Druler, Oron Edgar; o 1890. Drummond, John W.; 1 1891. *Dryden, Thos.; o 1859. Dryer, Ernest Rogers; om 1919. *DuBois, Benjamin C.; 1 1851. DuBois, Chas. Clifford; o 1906. Nelson*DuBois, Delafield; 1 1857. *DuBois, E. B.; 0 1876. *DuBois, John B.; | 1863. DuBray, Alma N.; la 1907. Downing, Harold Francis; la 1920; mc DuBray, Ernest Speers; la 1910. 1921. *Downs, E. W.; 0 1873. *Downs, Samuel; m 1873. *Doyal, Roscoe N.; o 1892. *Doyle, Dayton A.; 1880. Doyle, Howard; 1 1917. DuCasse, Ralph R.; o 1909. Duckwall, F. C.; m 1903. Duckwall, Frank A.; o 1877. *Duckwall, John S.; m 1868. *Duckwall, Marion D.; m 1902. Duckworth, Helen; ed 1924. Drach, Harvey Edward; la 1920 g 1921. Dudding, Geo. W.; 0 1867. Drachenberg, Harry; mc 1921; bs 1919. *Draham, Augustus; 1879. *Drais, Lawson; o 1869. *Drake, Chas. D.; 1 1834. *Drake, Isaac L.; m 1855. Drake, John Hoffman; 1 1917. *Drake, J. T.; 0 1872. *Drake, Jacob B.; 0 1826. *Drake, John S.; m 1871. *Drake, Morris; o 1881. Draper, Alfred A.; g 1924. *Draper, Chas.; o 1845. Draper, Lucy McCrea; la 1922. Draper, Mary Ruth; la 1911. *Dresbach, Ely; o 1827. Dresbach, Howard Thomas; la 1924. *Drew, Albert Monroe; m 1873. *Dudley, David E., Jr.; 0 1893. *Dudley, Wm. Lofland; la 1880; m 1885. *Duff, Samuel Watson; m 1878. *Duff, Wm. L.; 0 1874. Duffy, Charles Gavon; ec 1925. Duffy, James Raymond; ec 1924. *Dugan, Geo.; 1 1846. *Dugan, John Parker; m 1883. Duguid, Edith Louise; la 1904. Duke, Dorothy; la 1918. *Duke, J. M.; o 1832. *Dulaney, John J.; o 1899. Dulaney, Malcolm; 1 1924. *Dulaney, J. J.; o 1852. Duley, Marion; ed 1924. *Dulin, Wm.; o 1873. *Dulitz, Immanuel; o 1881. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Dumon, Robert D.; 1 1857. *Dumont, Frederick R.; 1 1867. *Dun, Walter Angus; m 1882. *Duncan, Alexander; 1 1837. Duncan, Dewey Colfax; g 1925. 297 Durbin, Mary Nancy; n 1921; la 1924; m 1925. Durham, Lois Lovett Scoggins) ; la 1912. Durr, Chester Scott; 1 1917. (Mrs. Duncan, Dorothy Virginia; la 1923; ed Durr, Edward; 1 1904. 1924. Duncan, Edwin W.; o 1885. Duncan, James McClennan; m 1892. Duncan, J}; > Ws? 0 1872: Duncan, Seth C.; 1 1890. Duncan, Wm. F.; 1 1888. Duncan, Wm. Francis; m 1892. Dunham, Henry Kennon; m 1894. Dunham, Isaac; o 1886. *Dunham, J. W.; o 1840. Dunham, Robert Lee; ec 1925. *Dunham, Samuel S.; m 1857. *Dunham, Samuel Sage; 1 1858. *Dunham, Warren J.; 1 1854. Dunifon, William Dale; 1 1922. Duncan, John L.; 0 1896. Dunkle, William Fremont; ec 1923. Dunlap, Anthony B.; 1 1892. *Dunlap, John M.; o 1859. *Dunlap, Milton; o 1829. Dunlap, Milton I.; 1 1894. Dunlap, Robert; 1876. *Dunlap, Robert S.; o 1879. *Dunlap, Wm. M.; 0 1879. *Dunlavy, John; o 1822. *Dunn, Edna S.; o 1896. *Dunn, Geo. G.; 1871. Dunn, Jesse Kessner; la 1918. *Dunn, John; o 1845. Dunn, Louis; o 1887. Dunn, Oscar Beasley; m 1878. *Dunn, W. H.; o 1874. Dunn, W. Ross; g 1925. *Dunning, Thos. M.; o 1878. *Dunsmore, George; o 1871. Dupuy, Elliot Stevenson; m 1901. *Dupuy, Trevanian; m 1889. *Durand, Charles S.; 0 1889. Durbal, Daniel; 1 1888. Durbel, Harry; la 1924. *Durbin, Floyd Elmer; 1 1911. Durram, Aquilla H.; m 1890. Durrell, Harry Phillip; 1 1894. *Durrell, Richard; 1 1868. *Durselen, Charles; o 1873. Dury, Florence; la 1915. Dusenbury, Will Jackson; 1 1890. Dussol, Lucien A.; 1 1917. *Dustin, J. B.; 0 1874. *Duvall, Thos. W.; o 1886. *Duwelius, Louis Henry; m 1888. Dwyer, Albert Jas.; 1 1891. Dwyer, W. R.; o 1883. Dyar, William Wade; 1 1886. *Dyas, A. Clark; 1 1860. C. Elbert Dyas, Alexander Douglas; om 1912. Dyas, Ira Everette; om 1912. *Dyche, D. R.; o 1852. Dye, Benj. H.; 1873. *Dye, Edmond S.; 1882. *Dye, Elza A.; o 1897. *Dye, Herbert DeLoss; 1 1889. *Dye, J. Henry; o 1876. Dye, John Van Amsdale; 1 1910. Dye, Robert Campbell; 1 1910. Dyer, Alfred C.; 1883. _ *Dyer, Daniel O.; o 1821. *Dyer, Emily Frances; la 1881-83. Dyer, Frances May; la 1924; ed 1925. *Dykins, Mary Irene; la 1900. Dysart, Dorothy Ross; la 1922. Eagleson, Thomas; o 1866. *Fakins, E. A.; m 1869. *FBakins, F. R.; m 1869. *Fakins, John; | 1847. *EKakins, John S.; o 1880. *Fakman, William Sylvester; m 1881. Earhart, Isaac S.; 0 1866. Earley, Arthur H.; o 1904. *Farley, Jacob M.; o 1830. Early, Charles $.; m 1909, *Farnist, Charles W.; 1871. 298 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Earnshaw, Hiram W. T.; 1 1895. Earnshaw, Louis Putman; m 1895. Easley, Modie Wilson; ec 1922. *Eastman, Moses; o 1833. *Eastmann, Buell; o 1832. Edson, Frank P.; 1880. Edwards, Amy Vaun; n 1920. *Edwards, Charles; 1878. *Edwards, Edwin; 1 1853. Edwards, Frank Mott; m 1895. Easton, Alice May (Mrs. M. E. Leland) ; Edwards, Irene; la 1913. la 1897. *Easton, David A.; 1 1866. Easton, John Crockett; m 1907. Easton, Russell Morrison; e 1912. *Faton, Charles 'S.; 1879. *Eaton, Francis L.; 0 1867. *Faton, George C.; 0 1842. *EFaton, Lyman Beecher; la 1897. Eaton, William Oliver; o 1894. *Eberhard, Eli L.; 0 1880. Eberhardt, Walter Garfield; la 1900. *Eberhart, Si o:; 1m 1810. *Eberle, Richard; o 1832. Edwards, Orange; o 1898. Edwards, S. G.; o 1893. | *Kdwards, S. G. H.; o 1874. Edwards, Stephen; m 1907. *Edwards, T. O., Jr.: o 1873. *Edwards, Thomas J.; 0 1870. *Edwards, William; o 1832. *Edwards, William H.; 1 1867. *Egan, James; 1 1844. Egbert, John Clinton; 1 1909. *Egbert, Thad. W.; 0 1863. Eger, Alfred; la 1916. Eger, Emma Louise; la 1906. *Ebersole, Edith McAllister (Mrs. Harry Eger, George, Jr.; 0 1894. L. Doud) ; la 1906. *Ebersole, James H.; 1872. *Ebersole, John W.; 1 1854. *Ebersole, Milton; e 1890. Ebersole, Morris Rogers; la 1898. *Eckel, Herman; e 1883. Eckel, Louise; la 1918. *Ecker, W. H.; 1874. Eckert, Clarence Roy; e 1909. Eckert, Walter John; 1 1923. Ecki, Wm. Henry H.; 1 1893. Eckler, Clyde Achilles; m 1902. Eckler, Lester Tullie; m 1902. Eckman, B. Frank; o 1890. Eckman, William Guy; o 1895. *Eckman, William H.; 1 1859. Eckstein, Gustav, Jr.; mc 1924, Eckstein, Joseph G.; o 1900. *hdday, “CoC. 0 1837 *Eddingfield, George W.; 1872. Eddy, Bernice Elaine; g 1925. *Eddy, Charles Wm.; m 1877. Edeler, August; e 1907. *Edgerly, G. W.; o 1848. *Edgerton, Sidney; 1 1846. Edmondson, James J.; 0 1877. *Edmondson, R. F.; o 1837 Edmonston, Joseph Ricketts; ec 1922. Eger, Helen; la 1914. Eger, Linda (Mrs. E. F. Nippert); la 1905. Eggers, Albert Herman; e 1914. Eggers, William August; 1 1905; la 1903. *Egly, Charles A.; 1871. *Egly, Joseph E.; 1 1851. Ehlerding, Clare Alice; la 1912. Ehlers, William Donald; a 1919. Ehrlich, Rosetta; la 1925. *EKhrmann, Benjamin F.; 1877. Ehrnsberger, Charles Thomas; m 1900. Ehrnsberger, Pauline; la 1925; ed 1925. Eichberg, David; 1 1888. *Fichberg, Joseph; m 1879. *Fichberg, Julius Henry; 1889. *Fichberg, Stanley B.; m 1907. Eichelberg, Jacob L.; 1 1886. Eichler, Hugo; a 1899. Eichler, Walter e 1907. *Hidemiller, R.; o 1875. Eilers, John Wagner; ec 1924. *Hiser, Karl VV... 1913, Eisendrath, Maurice; la 1925. *Ekelberry, Norton; m 1886. Ekey, Mary Florence; n 1925. Elberg, Erma Engel; la 1922; ed 1923. Elberg, Etta; la 1917. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Elberg, Frederick W.; 1 1862. *Elberg, Frederick W.; 1 1861. Elberty, Robert Sproul; ec 1925. *Elder, B. F.; 0 1858. *Elder, Elijah S.; 0 1867. Elder, Elmer Anderson; o 1903. Bilidéra J. S.; m 1871, *Elder, James; o 1835. Elder, John Monford; m 1899, *Eider, William T.; 0 1872. *Elfers, John; m 1878. Elfers, Joseph Clemens; o 1890. Elhoff, Edna Amanda; la 1914. Elhoff, Erwin John; ec 1920. Elischak, Milton Marcus; la 1919, Elkins, Herman Jacob; la 1887. *Ellenwood, Lowell W.; 1879. Ellert, Joseph Emil; ec 1920. Elliot, George Koch; la 1903. Elliott, Adaline Hallock; g 1921. Elliott, David Carlin; la 1922; mec 1924. Elliott, Gilbert D.; 0 1896. *Flliott, G. K.; la 1903. Elliott, Hugh Henry; m 1895. *Elliott, James H.; o 1835. Elltott,_R:-H.37m-1901. Elliott, Reuben Jay; om 1911. Elliott, Richard; o 1895 Elliott, Thomas Ernest; ec 1921. Ellis, Albert Trownson; la 1898. *Fllis, Anderson N.; o 1868. Ellis, Challen Blackburn; la 1898. *Fllis, Charles E.; o 1889. *Ellis, George Jesse; o 1896. *Ellis, H. E.; 0 1854. *Ellis, Hubbert; o 1904. *Fllis, James Herbert; o 1900. Ellis, John De Moss; la 1907; ma 1909. *Ellis, John F.; o 1866. Ellis, Richard Bigney; la 1898. *Ellis, Samuel; o 1858. *Fillis, Samuel; o 1866. Ellis, Selma Freda; la 1924; ed 1925. *Fllis, Walter S.; 1 1860. Ellis, Wilbur Sibley ; m 1896. Ellis, William Clyde; o 1899. Ellis, Wm. Hartshorne, Jr.; e 1917. *Fllison, James Z.; o 1827. 299 Ellison, John Noble; m 1902. Elliston, Arthur Gill; o 1894. *Flliston, C.; o 1881. *Fills, C. Stewart; 1 1853. *Ellsberry, W. S.; 0 1873. *Ellsbury, W. W.; o 1876. *Elrod, Edward Belford; m 1876. *Elrod, Lawrence Elwood; m 1888. Elsbach, Fremont A.; la 1922. Elsinger, Madge; la 1918. Elsinger, Verna; la 1910. *Elsteen, W. P.; 0 1849. Elstun, Genevieve Janice; ed 1924. *Flstun, Isaac, Jr.; 1 1853. *Elstun, W. R.; 0 1862. *Ely, Elizabeth Antoinette; la 1887; ma 1892. Ely, Forrest; la 1925. *Ely, John E.; o 1841. *Ely, John S.; o 1861. Ely, Mary Delano (Mrs. L. H. Mars- land); la 1898. Ely, Sue Neblett; la 1924. Ely, Walter M.; o 1891. *Ely, William H.; 0 1879. Embshoff, George Fred; e 1919. Embshoff, Hilda; 1a 1913. *Emerick, Chas. M.; 1 1866. *Emerson, D.; | 1866. *Fimerson, George D.; 1 1841. Emerson, Henry I.; 1 1893. Emerson, Huldah Janet; n 1920. *Emerson, Lawson E.; 1 1889. *Emerson,:S. B.; 0 1869. *Emerson, William; 0 1844. *Emery, Andrew B.; o 1845. *Emery, John P.; o 1840. *Emery, William H.; 0 1880. *Eimig, John J.: 1 1892. Emig, Katherine Alice; ed 1925. Emmert, Edward J.; m 1895. Emmick, Thomas Clyde; o 1897. Emminger, Franklyn W.; | 1916. *Emmons, David R.; 0 1883. *Emmons, George P.; | 1836. *Empson, Daniel R.; 1 1855. Emrie, Mary C.; n 1923. Endebrock, Elizabeth; la 1925. 300 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Enelow, Hyman Gerson; la 1897. Engdahl, Frederick William; e 1914. Englander, Henry; 1a 1901. Enneking, Evelyn; la 1919. *Enochs, Wm. E.; 1 1866. Enos, George Magee; g 1925. *Ensey, John B.; o 1849. *FEnslow, C. R.; 0 1877. *Ensminger, John Austin; m 1882. *Ensminger, Samuel Leonard; m 1874. *Entrikin, F. W.; 0 1873. *Entrikin, Franklin Bennett; o 1894. Enz, Edwin W.; 0 1907. Eppinger, Jeanette; la 1914. Erbaugh, Gordon Leslie; mc 1923. *Erdman, Rudolph F.; m 1870. Erman, Beatrice Helen; n 1921. Ermert, Hettie C.; la 1920. Ernest, B. Pauline; n 1923. Ernst, Albert Edward; ec 1923. “Ernst, Alexander N.; o 1888. Ernst, Elsie Wilma; n 1924. Ernst, Henry Samuel; ec 1917. Ernst, Richard P.; 1880. Ertel, Edward Q.; 0 1907. Ertel, Robert J.; o 1909. Erwin, Charles Kenneth; om 1910. Erwin, Dwight Molyneaux; om 1917. Erwin, Humphrey N.; om 1912. Erwin, Gladys Dee; la 1909. *Erwin, John; 1 1836. Eshbaugh, Jesse Everett; ec 1923. *Fishelby, E. O.; 1875. *Eshelman, A. B.; 1 1861. *Eiskildson, Robert E.; 0 1884. *Fison, Isaac G.; 0 1838. Espey, Paul Denton; o 1905. Espey, Robert H.; 1 1911. Espy, Arthur; 1 1892. *E spy, Thomas; 1 1863. Essel, Alice; la 1918. *F stil, D. W.; m 1869. Ettelson, Harry Wm.; la 1904. Ettlinger, Nora; 1 1895. Ettlinger, Selma; la 1904; ma 1906. Eubanks, James Thomas; ec 1923. *Evans; 1884. *Evans, Albert E.; o 1883. *FEvans, Arthur Eugene; m 1882. Evans, Beatrice Kahler; ec 1923. *Evans, Caleb S.; 0 1863. *FEvans, Charles Henry; 1883. *Evans, Charles S.; 0 1887. *Evans, Charles Seth; 1 1883. Evans, David Stuart; la 1917. *Evans, Firman R.; m 1873. *Evans, George B.; o 1878. *Evans, Israel; o 1837. Evans, J. G.; o 1881. *Evans, James P.; 0 1839. Evans, John Pfaff; ec 1923. Evans, Mary Ethel; ed 1920. Evans, Mary Sibley; 1 1897. Evans, Nannie (Mrs. Lester B. Ryan) ; la 1906. Evans, Nellie Irene; n 1921. *Evans, Price Taylor; m 1883. Evans, Roberta Daniell; la 1909. Evans, Ruby; la 1918. *Evans, Samuel D.; o 1841. *Evans, William T.; 0 1846. Evatt, William S.; 1 1917. *Everett, Charles D.; 1 1858. Everett, Chas. F.; 1 1886. *Everett, Wilson; o 1831. Everham, Arthur Cassidy; e 1902. Everhard, Oliver D.; 1 1895. Everhart, Harold; 1 1890. *Everist, E. F.; 0 1882. Evers, Ruth Virginia; la 1925. *Eversman, J. S.; 0 1861. *Eversmann, F. F.; 0 1850. Esselborn, Emilie (Mrs. Wm. H. Crane); Eversull, Bess Marie; la 1921; g 1922-24. 1 1893. *Esselborn, Albert P.; 0 1864. *Esser, Thomas; 1 1861. *Este, William H.; 1 1857. *Esterman, Joseph R.; om 1910. Esterman, L. J.; 1 1902. Eversull, Edna Ethel; la 1922; ed 1923. *Everts, Lucian; 1 1849. *FEverts, William Porter; o 1890. Ewald, Alice Edna; la 1903. Ewald, Elsie; la 1916. Ewan, Sylvia; 1 1896. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 301 *Ewans, John R.; 1 1853. *Ewing, Benjamin H.; o 1896. *Ewing, Charles; 1 1860. *E wing, George K.; o 1890. Ewing, Geo. W.; 1 1888. *Ewing, Gilbert A.; 0 1866. *Ewing, James H.; 1 1839. *Ewing, John A.; 0 1886. *Ewing, R. H.; o 1848. “Ewing, Thomas, Jr.; 1 1855. Ewing, U. B. G.; 0 1884. *Ewing, William M.; o 1873. *Eyman, Lewis; o 1855. *Eyster, Andrew A.; 1 1869. Fabe, Isadore; ec 1920. Faber, Charles L.; 1 1885. Faber, Herbert; e 1906. Faber, Irma L.; la 1925. Faber, Marion Julia; n 1921. Fabing, Esther Catherine; ed 1924. Fackler, Clarence Webster; g 1923. *Fackler, George A.; 0 1881. *Fackler, John E.; 0 1863. Fagaly, Arthur Thomas; m 1893. Fagaly, Louise Stewart; ed 1925. Fairbanks, Newton H.; 1885. *Fairchild, Charles; m 1872. Fairchild, Walter; la 1899. Fairweather, Nellie Hayes; 1 1898. Fakhry, Racheed Latoof; o 1908. Falconer, David G.; 1 1890. Falconer, R. Craig; o 1890. *Falconer, William R.; o 1832. Falk, David Lincoln; la 1920; 1 1922. Falk, Frieda; ed 1921. Falk, Gustav Ferdinand; 1a 1925. *Falkenburg, Clara Electa (Mrs. E. Sawtelle) ; la 1904. Fall, William R.; o 1879. *Falls, William H.; m 1873. Fanning, James F. E.; m 1869. Faran, Jas: J.; 1877. Farbach, Florence Louise Jenning Shine); la 1909. Farbach, Richard Herman; ec 1924. Farber, James Hazzard; m 1886. Faris, Netta; ed 1924. Farley, Angela B.; m 1906. (Mrs. Farmer, Beulah Beveliere; ed 1924. Farmer, William S.; la 1909. Farnau, Earl Frederick; la 1905; am 1907. Farnham, Beatrix Morehead; la 1909. Farnham, Gordon; la 1904. Farnham, Gordon Dudley; la 1900. *Farnham, Thomas J.; 1 1836. *Farquhar, Edw. A., Jr.; m 1872. *Farquhar, Emmer C.; m 1869. Farquhar, Geo. Stratton; m 1879. *Farquhar, Isaac P.; m 1869. Farrar, Dorothy Davies; la 1915. *Farrell, James W.; 1 1917. *Farrell, Thomas J.; 0 1870. Farrington, Reno Kirby; mc 1925. *HATTIS.» } cadsseO 1600; Fasold, George Arthur; ec 1920. Fassett, Francis Hartwell; ec 1920. Fabe, Isadore; ec 1920. Fattis, John B.; o 1884. Faulhaber, Dorothea M.; ed 1923. *Faulkner, Jos. Geo.; la 1900. *Fauntleroy, Ferdinand; | 1847. Faust, Helene; n 1924. *Fauth, Otto C. E.; o 1890. *Fay, David C.; 0 1867. Fay, Everett Dewey; ec 1923. Fay, Helen Sarah; la 1914. Fayen, Emmett; o 1905. Fearnley, Sarah Britton (Mrs. N. Clair Doods); la 1900. *Fearons, George H.; 1 1873. *Featherston, J. R.; o 1865. *Fechheimer, Delia; la 1905. Federle, Joseph Candidas; e 1912. *Federmann, Charles A.; o 1891. B.*Fee, Charles; 1873. *Fee, Enos B.; 0 1842. Fee, F. M.; o 1880. Fee, Frank Edgar; o 1895. *Fee, R. B.; o 1883. Feger, Hattie Virginia; ed 1921; g 1924. Burt*Fehrenbatch, John; 1 1892. Feid, Louis, Jr.; om 1911. Feighan, John W.; 1872. Feighery, Eugene Joseph; ec 1921. Feinberg, Abraham Louis; la 1924. Feist, Karl Aloysius; 1 1921. 302 Feld, Jacob; ec 1921; g 1922; g 1921. Feldman, Abraham Jehiel; la 1917. Feldman, Edmund Burke; ec 1916. Feldman, Erna Marie; la 1911. Feldman, Mary Helen; ed 1921. Feldmann, Marcus; e 1907. Fell, Alice; ed 1923. Fell, Estelle; la 1924; ed 1925. Fels, Clifford George; e 1909. Fels, Cora- la 1916; Fels, Edith C.; la 1912. *Fels, George W.; o 1877. Fels, Jennie; la 1917. Felter, Dora (Mrs. Paul Elmore); la 1916. Felter, Lloyd King; mc 1921. Felton, Stephen Jacob; e 1915. Fenker, Clement Meade; e 1915. *Fenley, Craig ;o0 1880. Fenley, Greene D.; 1 1891. Fennekohl, Mildred May; ed 1924. Fennel, Adolph D.; 1 1905. Fennel, Adolph Durain; la 1904. Fennel, Eric Adolphus; o 1912. *Fennel, Otto W.; o 1884. Fenner, Hiram W.; o 1881. Fenton, Anna Louise; la 1925. Fenton, Edwin Burt; | 1889. Fenton, Olin W.; 1 1895. Ferciot, Bert John; m 1894. Fergus, Gertrude; n 1921. Ferguson, Charles L.; m 1909. *Ferguson, J. S.; o 1861. *Ferguson, Joseph; | 1857. Ferguson, Stanley; 1 1886. *Fernberg, Mitchell; m 1887. *Ferneau, F. Day; o 1896. Ferneding, Henry L.; 1 1896. Fernstrom, Helma Josephine; n 1922; Lael O22. Ferntheil, Harry Henry; g 1925. Ferrando, Michael; 1 1916. *Ferril, George W., Jr.; o 1890. *Ferris, Aaron A.; 1873. *Ferris, Amy Helen (Mrs. Lester Leake Riley); la 1908; ma 1912. Ferris, Cary Sargent; m 1892. *Ferris, Charles M. D.; 0 1903. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Chase 1737041903: Edgar Sargent; m 1888. Elma Victoria; la 1922. Ezra H.; 0 1846. Frank Fenton; o 1902. Howard; 1 1879. Ferris, Lucille (Mrs. Schwartz); la 1917. Ferris, Mildred Zorelda; ed 1922. Ferry, Dorothy; la 1917. Ferry, Nellie Poyntz; la 1901. Fertig, Earl Andrew; ec 1924. *Fesker, William H.; 0 1900. Fessenden, Willard Blayney; la 1925; (Html aoe Fetsch, Harry Christian; la 1905. *Fetter, Samuel Prichard; m 1904. *Fetters, Samuel; o 1841. Fettweis, Martha Anna; la 1913. Feuer, Leon Israel; la 1925. Feuerlicht, Morris Marcus; la 1901. Feurt, William Henry; m 1876. Feusse, Elmer George; la 1919; g 1921; SalOee. Fey, Russell Richard; la 1925. Fick, Alma Sophie; la 1894; ma 1898. *Ferris, Ferris, Ferris, *Ferris, Ferris, Ferris, Fick ,Edna Hermine (Mrs. Frederick J. Menger); la 1899. *Fiedelday, Wm. C.; 1879. Fiedler, William F.; 1 1889. Field, Alice Mayard (Mrs. Walter Mathew Newkirk); la 1899. *Field, DePui; 1 1834. *Field, Martin H.; o 1871. Fields, William Sterling; ec 1924. Fielman, Frederick George; ec 1922. *Fife, Frank; o 1892. Fihe, Clement Carl;; o 1900. Fillager, Elsie Louise; g 1925. Filley, H. R.;*m 872: Fillman, Walter Ernst Martin; ec 1925. Fillmore, Anna Louise; la 1915. Fillmore, Annette; la 1922. Fillmore, Hannah Lockwood; ed 1923. Fillmore, Herbert Worth; e 1915. Fillmore, Hildegarde Maria; la 1929. Fillmore, Parker Hoystead; la 1901. Filpse, Mathew Jay; mc 1921. Finch, Brent Sterrett; ec 1921. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Finch, C. M.; o 1862. *Finch, Gilbert R.; 0 1897. *Finch, Henry H.; 1 1864. Finch, Robert Sterrett ;la 1890. Findlater, Clara Elizabeth; la 1925. Findlay, Erma Luella; n 1921. *Findley, David T.; o 1890 . 1911. *Fine, Ephraim M.; o 1872. Fine, Jennie; la 1924; ed 1925, Fineberg, Howard; la 1924. Fineberg, Solomon; la 1917. Finefrock, Harvey A.; om 1911. *Finefrock ,J. H.; o 1863. | Fineshriber, William Harold; la 1900. Fink, Henry Chas.; 1 1887. Finke, Eleanor Marie; la 1921. Finke, Mary Elizabeth; ed 1923. *Finkelburg, Gustavus A.; 1 1859. Finkelstein, Jos.; la 1916. Finkelstein, Lionel A.; la 1925. *Finlay, Richard; o 1880. Finley, Frederick Irwin; la 1899. *Finley, James F.; 0 1864. Finley, John; m 1876. Finley, Robert Earl; ec 1923. *Finley, W. H.; o 1858. Finley, W. H.; o 1881. *Finley, John, Jr.; 0 1857. *Finnegan, Patrick D.; 1883. Finnel, Samuel Cochran; la 1908. *Finnell, Joseph C.; 1878. *Finnell, Robert L.; 0 1872. *Finney, Frank B.; 1 1893. Finney, Frank Burnham; la 1921. Finney, John Montford; om 1910. *Firebough, Isaac L.; m 1875. Firestone, Ross Wm.; 1 1893. Brit) GG.) o. 188k. Firth, Robert Harry; o 1906. Fischback, Priscilla; la 1918. Fischback, Vernoica M.; la 1915. Fischback, Victor Wm.; om 1918; la*Fitzgerald, 1916. Fischer, Adele; la 1921. Fischer, Charles; e 1919. *Fischer, F. J. T.; 0 1878. * Fisher, Findley, Margaret Anne; la 1899; ma Fisher, * Fisher, 303 Fiscus, Benjamin Franklin; ec 1923. Fiscus, Josephine Emma; la 1920; ed 1921. Fishburn, Charles Cyrus; e 1916. *Fish, William H.; 0 1875. Fishbaugh, Anthony W.; | 1893. Benjamin H.; o 1864. Charles Alfred; la 1905. Charles D,; J) 1883. Charles S:z 1.1875: Charles Tremont; e 1908. E. A.; o 1888. Harry Chester; ec 1923. Henry Zebulon; o 1897. Hermann; o 1865. Herschel I.; m 1886. Hiram C.; o 1868. John Howard; la 1918. Fisher, Katherine Betty; la 1924. Fisher, Marion Eleanor (Mrs. Witte) la 1913; ed 1913. *bhisher, NH. 3071862: Fisher, Roscoe B.; 1 1890. Fishér, 1S. R:3" 0. 1876. *Fisher, Samuel; o 1857. Fisher, Sevear Zerah; m 1878. Fisher, Teasdale; ec 1917. Fisk, Charles H.; 1 1864. Fisk, Daniel Augustus; o 1906. Fisk, Harley Bruce; om 1915. Fiske) Ohi: |r 1 Bou: Fisk, Otis H.; 1 1899. Fisk, Owen C.; o 1907. Fisk, Robert B.; 1 1873. Bitch, Adao bs. 191895: *Fitch, Harold D.; m 1908. *Fitch, George R.; 1 1859. Fitch, Marvin D.; 0 1897. *Fite, Albert G.; 1880. *Fithian, W. O.; o 1848. *Fitton, Francis Marion; m 1887. *Fitton, Samuel D.; 1 1893. *Fitts, Andrew; la 1902. Charles John; 1 1881. Fitzgerald, Frank P.; o 1884. Fitzgerald, Gerald Edward; ec 1921. Fitzgerald, Howard; o 1891. *Fitzgerald, James W.; | 1868. Fisher, Fisher, Fisher, Fisher, * Fisher, * Fisher, * Fisher, * Fisher, Fisher, Russel 304 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Fitzgerald, John; 1 1840. Flowers, Joseph C.; o 1898. *Fitzhugh, James F.; 1 1870. *Floyd, Alexander C.; 1 1856. Fitzpatrick, Bart; o 1882. *Floyd, Alexander C.; 1 1857. *Fitzpatrick, G. W.; o 1863. *Floyd, John F.; o 1866. Fitzpatrick, Harry Watterson; om 1913. Flynn, James Frederick, Jr.; 1 1909; la Bitzpatrick, e pases elt. 1a Ole. 1909. Fitzpatrick, Kathleen Mary; la 1913; Flynn, Thomas A.; 1 1895. ed 1913. Foertmeyer, Adolphus Wm.; o 1905. Fitzsimmons, Sister Mary; ed 1924. *Foertmeyer, C. H.; o 1872. Flach, Eugene Albert; la 1904. Foertmeyer, Charles Geo.; 0 1895. Flach, Walter Jacob; la 1905. Foertmeyer, Wm. A.; om 1914. Flack, Alexander C.; 0 1885. Fogel, E. Israel; o 1909. *Flack, Orra M.; o 1893. *Fogel, L. J.; 0 1874. Flanagan, Arnold S.; 1 1919. - *Fogg, Arthur L.; 1 1895. Flanagan, Fanny Jean; la 1925. Foland, John Philip; mec 1925. Flanagan, Grace; la 1918. Foley, Carl T.; 1 1914. Flanagan, John A.; o 1884. Foley, Imogene; la 1919. *Flanders, Jerome W.; m 1868. *Foley, Mansfield C.; 1 1858. Flannery, Helen; la 1919. Foley, Mary Agnes; ed 1923. Flannery, Margaret Mary; la 1925; ed Foley, William Thomas; la 1907. 1925. *Foley, W. W.; m 1869. Flath, Earl Hugo; e 1919. Follett, Charles; 1 1899. Fleischer, Charles; la 1893. *Follett, John D.; 1 1895. Fleischmann, Essie (Mrs. Jos. R. Foltz, Edgar B.; 0 1899. Kahn); la 1898. Fomorin, John Louis; o 1888. Fleming, John Adams; la 1899, *Fonner, William M.; o 1879. *Fleming, John F.; 0 1845. *Foohy, Dennis J.; 1 1859. *Fleming, Matthew C.; 1 1889. Foos, Charles C.; 1 1892. Fleming, Thomas C.; ec 1924. Foos, Stanley B.; 1 1889. Flenner, Merle d’Aubigne; m 1903. Foote, Amy Lee; la 1897. *Flesher, Ulysses W.; 1 1858. Foote, Helen; la 1914. Flessa, Herbert Luther; g 1924; ed 1912;*Foote, Henry E.; o 1847. la 1912. Foote, Katherine Cornelia; la 1915; ed *Fletcher, Albert M.; 1 1838. 1915. : *Fletcher, Calvin; 1 1835. Foote, Susan Bowler; la 1898. *Fletcher, James; m 1876. - *Foraker, Jas. R.; 1879. Fletcher, Lowell Rush; m 1886. *Foraker, Jos. B., Jr.; 1 1895. *Fletcher, Lucien H.; 1 1857. Forbes, Edward Woodruff; e 1906. *Fletcher, Mordecai Hiatt; m 1884. Fletcher, William James; m 1880. Flick, Catherine; la 1915. Flickinger, Carl A.; 1 1889. *Forbes, Hannibal; | 1859. *Force, J. T.; m 1867. Forcheimer, Emma; la 1881. *Flinn, Darius Wellington; 1 1918. Forcheimer, Walter; o 1890. Flinn, Edward Ambrose; m 1882. Ford, Andrew Starr; o 1897. *Flinn, Jacob; 1 1837. *Ford, Elijah W.; o 1869. Flohr, Ralph Charles; e 1913. Ford, Florence Louise; la 1921. *Florer, Thomas W.; o 1850. . Ford, Frank; | 1882. *Flournoy, Ferdinand; 1 1858. *Ford, John; o 1869. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Ford, O. P. Morton; o 1889. Ford, Wm. Sherman; | 1888. *Fordice, Jesse H.; 0 1879, *Fore, Culven; o 1833. *Fore, Prier G.; o 1832. Foreman, Robert Trawick; la 1925. *Porvey 2An U.7 031873. *Forman, Charles B.; 0 1896. Forman, Henry Melvin; m 1880. Forney, Julian R.; 1 1919. *Forney, L. J.; o 1873. *Forrest, William T.; 1 1844. Forrester, Irvine; ec 1923. *Forse, William; la 1897. *Forshey, Ashbury O.; | 1840. Forskee, Frank W.; la 1907. *Forsman, James; o 1844. Forster, Thomas H.; o 1897. Forsyth, Harry K.; 1 1916. *Forsythe, John Chas.; | 1890. *Forsythe, Samuel; 1 1887. Fort, Frank; 1882. Forthman, Robert; la 1915. Forthmann, William; la 1914; ed 1914.*Foxworthy, Charles W.; m 1855. Fraas, Clarence LeRoy; mec 1921. Fortney, Lura May; la 1899. Foster, Theodore Frank; la 1920; 1921. *Foster, William E.; o 1878. *Foster, William S.; 1 1889. Foulger, John Henry; g 1924, Fouser, A. K.; 0 1876. *Fouts, Louis C.; o 1860. Foutz, John Daniel; om 1910. Fowler, Alice Jeanette; n 1923. Fowler, Harold; e 1892. *Fowler, S. B.; o 1881. Fowler, Thomas B.; o 1880. *Fox, * Fox, Fox, Fox, *Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, Fox, *Fox, Fox, Bernard C.; 1 1900. Edward A.; o 1905. George Aloysius; ec 1925, G. George; ma 1912. Harvey Newton; m 1866. Leon Alexander; om 1912. Marion Johnson; ec 1925. Mary Agnes; la 1913. Ralph Michael; la 1911. Thomas: H,; 0 1837: Wm. Francis; | 1886. Fortney, Sadie Adeline (Mrs. Elisha F. Fram, Leon; la 1918. Frame, A. B.; o 1868. Fortney, Stella Maud (Mrs. Melville*Frame, John A.; 0 1872. *France, John Wm.; m 1882. Francis, Albert W.; o 1889. Francis, Edward; m 1897. Francis, Elmer E.; 0 1884. Francis, Flora; la 1916. Cheeseman); la 1895. Ritchie); la 1896. Forward, Ross; 1879. Fosdick, Cedric Earle; e 1911. *Fosdick, Charles M.; 1876. *Fosdick, Roger Louis; la 1907. Fosdick, William Powell; e 1905. *Foss, George Augustus; | 1858. Foster, Addie Bell; ed 1925. Foster, Amos Parker; | 1907. *Foster, Edward H.; 1872. *Foster, Herbert W.; 1 1894. Foster, John; m 1893. Francis, Francis, John; m 1889. *Francis, John A.; o 1868. Francis, *Francis, Joseph N.; o 1874. Morton Philip; ec 1924. *Francis, Peter W.; 1 1869. Francis, Robin W. C.; o 1898. Gertrude Anna; ed 1921 . 305 mc *Foster, John B.; o 1851. *Foster, John M.; 1875. *Frank, Amanda; la 1885. *Frank, Benjamin Thomas; m 1867. *Frank, Ethelbert Dudley; o 1888. *Foster, J. Q .A.; o 1853. -*Foster, Nathaniel; o 1838. Foster, Owen L,.; | 1890. *Foster, Sidney Dix; o 1900. Foster, Solomon; la 1901. Frank, Frank, Johnston, Jr.; o 1880. Frank, Lucie Eugenia; la 1913. Felicia (Mrs. Jos. Levi); la 1917. *Frank, Franklin; | 1888. 306 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Frank, Oscar J.3 ‘1 1871. French, Edward Harwood; m 1895. Frankel, Benjamin M.; la 1921. French, Frank Edward; la 1893. *Frankenstein, George L.; 1 1858. French, G. G.; o 1876. Franklin, Jacob; e 1916. *French, John K.; 1876. *Franklin, Leo Morris; la 1892. ' *French, James M.; o 1880. Franks, Edwin William; 1 1910. French, Florence; la 1907. Franz, Elmer Franklin; la 1925. French, Laura Hildreth; 1 1897. Franz, George Frederick; g 1924. *French, Lewis; 1 1853. Franzmeier, Emma Catherine; la 1910; French, Louis H.; m 1903. ed 1910. French, Pinckney; m 1873. Fraser, John Allen; me 1922; la 1920. *Freon, Joseph V.; 1880. Frass, Clarence; la 1919. *Fretageot, Frank Pooley; m 1893. *Frazer, D. M.; 0 1844. Freund, Charles Joseph; la 1898. Frazier, Alfred A.; 1881. Freund, Emma; la 1906. Frazier, B. Z.; 1 1899. Freund, Iser; la 1919. Frazier, Harley; 1 1915. *Freundenberger, H. C. A.; 0 1893. Frazier, Sallie Pattie; la 1911. Frey, Edward C.; 1 1897. Frease, Chas. Clayton; 1 1890. ‘Prey, Harv). ols7e. Frederick, Clarence Henry; mc 1923; Frey, Henry Jerome; 1881. la 1923. Freyer, Julius; la 1893. Frederick, George W.; 0 1885. Freyhof, William Louis; la 1912; om Frederick, Gertrude Abbett; la 1910; 1915. ed 1910. Friason, Ethel Camille; la 1913; ed 1913. *Frederick, T. F.; 1 1846. Frickman, Oscar William; mc 1923. *Frederick, G. J.; o 1873. Frickner, Oscar A.; 0 1896. *Free, J. N.; 1 1858. Fridman, Wm. McClelland; 1 1887. *Free, John W.; 1 1868. Friederick, Charles; la 1920; mc 1920. Freed, Abraham; la 1921. Friedhoff, Henry Wm.; la 1890. Freehof, Solomon Bennett; la 1914. *Friedlander, Alfred; o 1896. Freeland, J. L.; o 1885. *Friedman, Aaron, Dr.; la 1893. *Freeland, John P.; o 1869. Friedman, Benjamin; la 1916. Freeman, B. R.; 0 1873. Friedman, Estelle; la 1922; ed 1923. Freeman, Benj. W.; o 1912. Friedman, Harry Bayard; e 1909. Freeman, Edward D.; o 1877. Friedman, Harry George; la 1904. *Freeman, George; o 1875. Friedman, Harry H.; 1 1900. *Freeman, Joseph; o 1879. Friedman, Leo Samuel; la 1921; mec Freeman, Leonard; o 1886; la 1882. 1923. Freer, Robt. Elliott; 1 1917. Friedman, Max; | 1914; la 1912. Freericks, Arthur Henry; m 1896. Friedman, Rose; ed 1924. Freericks, Frank H.; 1 1901. Friedman, Ruth; la 1921. Freiberg, Albert H.; o 1890. Friedman, William Sterne; la 1887. Freiberg, Henry Bernard; om 1918; la*Friermood, S. M.; o 1881. 1918. Fries, Daniel Gustav; ec 1921. Freiberg, Joseph A.; 1 1923; g 1922. Fries, Edward M.; 1 1893. Freiberg, Julius; 1 1895. Fries, Ernest; 1871. Freiberg, Leonard H.; 1 1911. *Friesleben, Wm.; o 1906. Freidless, Nahum Leon; la 1925. Frisch, Ephraim; la 1904. *Freilich, Joseph Nathan; o 1906. *Frisius, Henry F.; 0 1876. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 307 Fritch, Louis Charlton; la 1893. Fusshippel, Martha; la 1921; ed 1922. Fritsch, Joseph Laux; la 1897. *Fyffe, Edward P.; o 1845. Fritsch, Louis E.; o 1903. Gaballah, Rizgallah; om 1910. *Fritsch, William A.; 0 1881. Gabe, Harry Edwin; o 1893. Fritz, Harold D.; mc 1924. *Gable, Albert Hargood; m 1882. *Fritz, Wm. G.; 1 1892. Gabriel, Richard Wm.; e 1909. *Frizell, James S.; 0 1880. *Gaddy, N. D.; o 1858. *Frizell, W. A.; o 1853. *Gaddy, Orville; o 1872. Froelicher, Louis J.; 1 1917. *Gade, Oscar F. R.; 0 1897. Frohman, Nathan Sigmund; e 1912. Gaenge, Edwin Robert; ec 1920. Fromm, James Roscoe; ed 1920. Gaetz, Delmore Wilfert; ec 1925. Fromme, Grant V.; 1 1889. *Gaft, Jas. Wa Irie 1878. Frost, Harry Gilliland; 1 1907. Gage, Harriet Anna; la 1903; ma 1904. Frowe, Chester Edwin; ec 1923. *Gage, William A.; 1 1866. Fry, Clarine E. (Mrs. George Kuehnle,*Gage, W. D.; 0 1851. Jr.); ed 1924. Gagerum, Samuel W.; | 1887. Fry, Harry Shipley; la 1901; g 1902,*Gahm, J. Louis; o 1887. 1905. *Gahn, Lh .F.; oc 1874! Fry, Laura Marian (Mrs. Max Mor- Gahr, Florence Ormond; ed 1922. gan); la 1920. Gaines, Benj. Winston; o 1909. Fry, Melvin; o 1904. *Gaines, Henry; | 1845. Fry, Selvia Oscar; mc 1923. *Gaines, James W.; o 1886. *Frye, Joseph C.; 0 1839. *Gaines, John D.; 0 1851. Fuich, Neil Graham; la 1910. *Gaines, Oliver L.; 0 1864. Fuldner, William Lester; la 1919. *Gaines, Theophilus; 1 1849. Fuller, John Emory; e 1918. *Gaines, W. S.; o 1855. Fuller, Robert Benj.; e 1919. Gaither, Alfred; m 1897. *Fuller, Shubel; o 1835. Gaker, Louis William; mc 1922. Fuller, Wm. Maxwell; ec 1923. *Galbraith, Adam M.; o 1890. *Fullerton, Hugh S.; o 1866. *Galbraith, Dayid™ Cx. 0.41865) *Fullerton, Joseph S.; 1 1858. *Galbraith, Elijah; o 1870. *Patlerton, Rs’ Ess 6°1853: *Galbraith, E. 8.; o 1866. Fullinwider, Cassius H.; 0 1883. Galbraith iw orl -:0u1 876: Fulner, Raymond Leslie; ec 1923. *Galowl. “ox Ovo, *ialis Otto: m1870. *Gale, Larry Richard; om 1915. *Fulton, Geo. Eghert; m 1878. Gale, Rose; la 1924. Fulton, Helen Margaret; ed 1922. *GaleOT Cato; 1842) Fulton, Homer C.; 1 1897. Gallagher, Andrew C.; 1 1912; la 1910. *Fulton, Robert S.; 1 1869. *Gallagher, Chas. T.; m 1892. *Funck, Charles J.; o 1878. Gallagher, Cornelius; m 1897. Funck, Ross Winter; 1885. Gallagher, James; e 1908. *Funk, George Wm.; 1882. *Gallagher, John A.; 1 1873. Furber, Charles S.; 1883. *Gallagher, John D.; 1 1877. Furness, Mary Baker; la 1912. Gallagher, Rachael Shaw; la 1909. Furnish, J. G.; 0 1877. *Gallagher, Thomas J.; 1 1841. Furry, John Edd.; o 1899. Galley, George M.; o 1905. Furste, Wesley L.; 0 1905. *Galloway, Albert; 1 1835. Fuson, Henry Harvey; ed 1920. Galloway, Clark M.; o 1877. 308 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Galloway, Wm. A.; o 1890. *Gallup, Caleb Hathaway; 1 1858. Gallup, Frank C.; 1 1880. *Gallusha, Julius B.; 1 1852. *Galvin, John; 1 1883. Galvin, Maurice L.; 1 1893. *Galvin, Michael F.; 1 1886. Galway, Lillian; la 1903. Gamble, Samuel C.; 1 1881. Gampfer, Nelson Messner; la 1922. *Garrison, Samuel H.; | 1858. Garrison, Sherwood P.; m 1905. Garrison, Stuart Richey; ec 1922. *Garten, Wm. D.; 1 1859. *Garver, George W.; o 1861. *Garver, John J.; 0 1877. *Garver, John S.; 0 1863. *Garver, W. R.; 1876. Garvey, Fred Kesler; mc 1925. Garvin, Lelia A.; la 1898. Ganim, Joseph Nicholas; la 1919; mc*Garvin, Thomas McClure; 1 1885. 1921. Ganim, Mitchell Nicholas; la 1925. Gano, Dorothea McLaine; la 1925. *Gano, Stephen; | 1840. Gantvoort, Carl Martineus; la 1904. *Gantz, Martin K.; 1 1883. *Garber, Peter; m 1874. *Garcelon, Alonzo; o 1839. ‘Gard, {Bi F.*+0-1833; wiyardrelsaac IN.W20 ool: Gard, Warren; 1 1894, *Gard, Wm. Van Horn; o 1839. *Gardiner, Chas. G.; 1 1889. Gardner, Bernice; n 1923. *Gardner, Cravan W.; 1 1861. *Gardner, E. C.; o 1845. *Gardner, Geo. W.; m 1873. Gardner, Mabel E.; om 1914. *Gardner, R. Skills; 1 1860. Gardner, Wm. A.; om 1912. Garfield, Morris Wm.; ec 1925. Garland, Carl Zenas; 1 1922. Garland: To Sis20 1876. Garland, Zenas T.; o 1871. *Garlick, Henry Stowe; o 1895. Garnatz, George Frederick; ec 1921. *Garner, Eldon C.; o 1901. AG AtHEr. jf Pop wool Garr ke O.s0U18/5. *Garrard, Jeptha; 1 1859. Garrigues, I. D.; o 1891. *Garrison, A. Jessup; o 1880. Garrison, Bessie Harwood; la 1907. Garrison, Clinton Dudley; m 1903. *Garrison, Emory; | 1870. *Garrison, Frank P.; 1 1897. Garrison, James Harwood; ec 1920. Gaskins, John C.; 1 1886. Gassman, Harry Word; g 1925. Gast, Albert E.; e 1903. *Gaston, Erastus Monteith; m 1871. *Gaston, James H.; m 1872. Gaston, Raymond E.; m 1905. *Gatch, Charles D.; m 1855. Gatch, Hayward D.; 1 1895. *Gatch, James D.; m 1854. *Gatch, Moses D.; 1 1843. *Gatch, .P: BS tors. Gatchell, Oliver Wickerham; ec 1921. *Gates, Edward S.; m 1894. Gates, Elizabeth; la 1919; g 1925. *Gatrell, Henry; o 1880. Gau, Henry Fred; o 1894. Gau, Lucille Adele; la 1922. Gau, Marianne Angela; ed 1920; la 1919; roan bo Aa Gauche, Anna May; la 1908. Gauche, Katherine Louise; la 1906. *Gault, J. W.; o 1855. *Gaumer, T. M.; 0 1876. *Gausepohl, Henry John; | 1881. Gausman, E. J.; ec 1924. Gavin, Frank; la 1912. Gavin, Wm. James; m 1880. Gaylord, Harry Garritt; m 1888. *Gayman, Willard Solomon; m 1894. Gaynor, Guy; 1 1922. Gazlay, Arthur Emerson; la 1902. Gearhart, Shirley Zurmehly; e 1912. Gebauer, Max Bork; la 1923. Gebhart, Erastus Manfred; m 1878. *Gebhart, George Herman; 1 1890. *Gebhart, J. C.; o 1881. *Gebhart, J. L.; o 1863. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Gebhart, Mahlon Urias; 1 1904. *Geddes, Henry D.; 1 1856. *Gedge, L. H.; 1 1880. *Gee, Samuel A.; 1 1857. Geenberg, Henry; la 1916. *Geer, B. T.; 1 1852. *Geer, F. H.; 0 1877. Geer, Wm. John; | 1886. *Geers, John George; m 1876. Geier, Otto Phillip; o 1897; la 1897. Geier, Walter Henry; la 1901. *Geiger, Albertus; o 1849. Geigerman, Hortense; la 1909. Geis, Ida Marie; ed 1925. Geis, Miriam; la 1919. Geis, Myrtle Priode; ed 1921. Geis, Norwood Charles; ec 1923. Geis, Robert LeRoy; ec 1922. Geisert, Mary Frances; la 1922. *Geisler, John S.; 1 1887. Geisler, Margaretha; la 1918. *Geisler, Samuel; 1 1861. Geisler, Sylvia B.; la 1923; ed 1924. Geismar, 1910. Geismar, Siegfried; la 1908. Geldreich, Paul W.; la 1923. Gellenbeck, Francis Richard; ec 1921. Genoway, Chas. V.; 0 1888. *Gentry, M. W.; o 1847. Genzmer, Paul Ernest; e 1917. Geoghegan, John Paul; 1 1917. Geoghegan, Marguerite; la 1915. Geohegan, Marian McDuffie; la 1924. Geohegan, Kenneth Price; la 1915. Geohegan, Edmund Harrison; la 1917. *George, Frank J.; 0 1894. George, John C.; m 1906. *George, John S.; 1 1843. Georgi, Arthur E.; 1 1897. *Gerard, Clinton; 1 1870. *Gerard, J. B.; o 1845. Gerber, David F.; m 1908. Gerding, Wm. John; o 1897. Gerdsen, Mary Anna; la 1910. Gerhardt, Wm. Jacob; ec 1925. Geringer, Albert Connell; om 1916. Gerish, Nettie Luella; om 1915. 309 Gerity, Edward; 1 1876. Gerlach, Earl B.; om 1911. Gerlach, Henry P.; 0 1880. Gerling, Mathilda; la 1915. *Gers, Henry; m 1880. Gerstle, John B.; e 1914. Gerstmeyer, Charles P.; 0 1867. *Gervais, John L,.; 0 1849. *Gerwe, Fred A. J.; 0 1849. Gest, Henry; ec 1922. *Gest, Paul R.; 0 1844. Gestel, Clara Elizabeth; n 1922. Getelson, Joseph; om 1910. Getz, Alma; la 1907. Getz, Charles Howard; e 1912. Getz, Howard C.; e 1913. Getz, Wm. Hubbell; la 1897. Getzendanner, Jessie Lumy; la 1915. *Getzlaff, Bruno J. F.; o 1892. Gewert, Arthur C.; om 1911. Geyer, Harry R.; o 1892. *Geyer, John Cornwall; 1 1884. Geyler, Ethel; ec 1925. Alexander H.; la 1890; ma Ghazuli, Ayad Abdulla; o 1906. Gholson, Gholson, *Gholson, Gialdini, *Gibbins, E.dwin; 1 1885. Norman Glasgow; o 1904. Willa May; la 1922; ed 1923. Bruno Thomas; ec 1925. Wisslitarn visa Gibbons, Andrew Jackson; m 1878. Gibbons, Martha (Mrs. Charles Ben- nett); la 1916. Gibert, Lillie Marie; ed 1925. *Gibson, Get 37071875. FEDSOn 1 eee Loss Gibson, Helen; n 1925. Gibson, James T.; 0 1897. *Gibson, John W.; o 1830. Gibson, Luther Vernon; mc 1924. Gibson, Martha Jane; la 1912; ma 1914. *Gibson, Oscar Newby; m 1887. *Gibson, Peter, Jr.; 1 1878. *Gibson, Robert M.; o 1877. Gibson, Roberta Moore; la 1915, *Gibson, Samuel C.; 1 1854. *Gibson, W. R.; 0 o 1860. *Giddings, L. W.; 1 1849. Gideon, Abram; la 1892. 310 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Giebel, Robert L.; e 1917. Gieringer, Lloyd P.; la 1921. Giffin, Charles M.; 1 1861. Giffin, Guy G.; om 1911. Giffin, Schuyler O.; 0 1886. *Giffin, Wm. S.; 1 1880. Gifford, Alta Louise; n 1924. *Gifford, Harry L.; 1 1889. Gifford, Samuel A.; 0 1879. *Gifford, Thomas; o 1846. Gilbert, A. K.; 0 1877. Gilbert, Albert Irwin; o 1903. *Gilbert, A. W.; 1 1845. Gilbert, Grace M.; la 1914. Gilbert, J. Allen; o 1901. Gilbert, James Edmund; o 1897, Gilbert, James Lewis; o 1894. *Gilchrist, Hugh; m 1866. Gilfillan, Bailey Walker; 1 1886. Gilfillen, Alexander; o 1876. Gilfillen, George C.; om 1912, Gill, John D.; 1 1879. Gillam, Dorothy; ed 1925. *Gillam, S. A.; m 1870. *Gillane, Patrick T.; 0 1864. *Gillen, H. H.; 0 1842. Gillen, Joseph Pierpont; m 1885. *Gillespie, David; 1 1852. Gillespie, Frank Blaine; o 1898. *Gillespie, Paul; m 1897. *Gilmore, W. E.; 1 1849. *Gilmore, W. H.; o 1855. Gingher, Paul Rutter; 1 1922. Ginn, Elizabeth Gertrude; la 1908. *Ginson, Ewing; 1 1870. Ginter, Gustavus A.; 1 1900; la 1897. Wisi el ooe: *Givens, L. S.; 0 1887, Glancy, Ernest Samuel; ec 1924. Glancy, Homer B.; | 1890. Glas, Norma Delphine; la 1907. Glaze, Herman H.; 1 1894. Glazer, Bable; la 1922. Glazer, Ida Sarah; la 1908. Gleason, Freda Louise; la 1913; ma 1914. *Gleason, John Francis; ec 1924. Gleeson, Francis Martin; ec 1922. Glen, Charles Gooch; la 1908. Glenn,.J2, A200. 187): Glenn, J. B.; m 1909. *Glenn, James K.; 1 1885. * Glenn, iy -) jutsu, Glenn, Thomas J.; o 1908. Glick, Henry A.; 1 1887. Glicksberg, Hyman Eli; ec 1923. *Glidden, John J.; 1 1860. Glidden, Willis B.; 1 1890. *Glock, Fred; m 1870. Gloystein, Louise; ed 1925. Glueck, Nelson; la 1920. Gillespie, Thaddeus Reamy; la 1922; mc*Goard, Charles I.; 1 1886. 1923. *Gillespie, Wm.; o 1890. *Gillespie, Wm. Robert; o 1887. *Gillespy, John Sharp; m 1883. Gillett, Urbabe B.; 1 1889. Gillette, Arthur Edwin; o 1893. *Gillham, Paul Wm.; o 1903. *Gilliam, David T.; 0 1871. Gilligan, Leo Forest; la 1923. Gillis, Kathryn Melissa; ec 1925. *Gillmore, Quincy A.; o 1883. Gillis, Willard Morgan; mc 1924. *Gilmore, Gordon R.; 1 1835. *Gilmore, Jackson H.; | 1876. *Gilmore, James; | 1835. *Gilmore, James A.; 1 1855. Gilmore, Park McConnell; m 1903. *Godbeg, Milton; o 1870. *Goddard, Charles Convers; | 1857. *Godden, Henry L.; m 1874. *Godfrey, Alfred T.; 1 1857. Godfrey, E. Bruce; m 1909. *Godfrey, Franklin Harmon; m 1877. Godshaw, Alfred Tennyson; la 1902. *Godsman, Paul Bromley; o 1884. Goebel, Herman P.; 1| 1873. Goebel, Lillie W.; la 1911. *Goebel, Wm., Jr.; 1 1877. Goeke, John Henry; 1 1891. Goering, Albert William; ec 1923. Goettle, Richard J.; e 1913. Goettsch, Elvira; la 1918. Goettsch, Marianna; la 1917. Goetz, Harold Edmonds; ec 1920. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Goetz, James S.; m 1900. *Goetz, John; 1 1875. Goetz, Wm. F.; o 1890. Goff, W. Mitchell; m 1897. Goheen, Richard Chriswell; la 1915. *Goldberg, Bernice; la 1907. Goldberg, Harrison; la 1925. Goldberg, Leon; om 1916. Goldberg, Ruth; ed 1920. Goldberg, Samuel J.; o 1895. Goldblatt, David; e 1910. Goldblatt, Mildred; la 1907. Goldburg, Henry; 1 1917. Goldburg, Norman Michael; la 1925. *Golden, Charles B.; 0 1868. Goldenberg, Frank; la 1907; om 1914. Goldenson, Samuel H.; la 1904. Goldenstein, Raphael; la 1915. Goldman, Albert; la 1919. Goldman, Therese Wolfstein; n 1922. *Goldsmith, Aaron W.; | 1871. Goldsmith, Adele H. (Mrs. Block); la 1906; ma 1914. Goldsmith, Ethel; la 1918. Goldsmith, Geoffrey; 1 1901. Goldsmith, Maurice H.; la 1902. Goldstein, Abraham; la 1925. Goldstein, Morris; la 1925. Goldstein, Reuben M.; ec 1923. Goldstein, Sidney E.; la 1903. Gonder, Arthur; 1 1898. *Good, Edw. Howard; | 1875. Good, Peter Wm.; o 1893. Good, Ralph; mc 1924; la 1922. *Goode, B. P.; o 1858. Goode, Charles; ec 1924. Goode, Edwin Wm.; la 1896. *Goode, Florence; la 1904. Goode, George Henry; m 1883. *Goode, Samuel B.; m 1885. Goodhart, George B.; 1 1882. Goodhart, Sadie Isabel; la 1914. *Goodhue, Frank D.; 1 1879. *Goodwin, Wm. I.; o 1874. *Goodlove, W.:M.; o 1872. Goodman, Abraham; ec 1925. Goodman, Emanuel; o 1892. Goodman, Katherine H.; la 1913. Leon Gordon, $11 Goodman, Harmon; | 1894. *Goodman, Henry H.; 1 1838. Goodman, W. Austin; | 1869. Goodman, Wm. Porter; la 1916. *Goodner, Madison M.; 1 1861. *Goodner, Salem; o 1874. *Goodno, Charles; o 1879. *Goodrich, Chauncey; o 1833. *Goodspeed, Edw. F.; 1 1893. *Goodwin, John R.; o 1847. Goodwin, Philip Howard; e 1912. *Goodwin, P. S.; 1 1874. *Goodwin, S. A.; 1 1852. Goosman, Charles; o 1903. Goosman, Herbert J.; e 1916. Gorbold, Alfred A.; m 1897. Gordon, Arthur W.; 1 1917; la 1915. *Gordon, David H.; o 1879. Gordon, Horace C.; 1 1895. *Gordon, John; o 1866. Gordon, J. N. Curry; la 1923; mec 1925. John W.; la 1913; ma 1917. Lucien W.; m 1880. Margery; la 1901. Myron B.; e 1916. Nathan; la 1906. Patrick $.:'0°1880: Posey Hi! 1852: Richard P.; 0 1887. Robert J.; 1 1854. Gordon, Samuel H.; la 1924. *Gordon, Wm. F.; | 1861. *Gores, Fred C.; m 1879. Gores, Guido; 1 1901. Gorey, Margaret M.; n 1923. *Gorman, Frank M.; 1 1884. Gormley, James R.; m 1893. *Gorslene, James M.; 0 1887. *Goshorn, Alfred T.; 1 1856. *Goshorn, N. J.; 0 1874. *Goslin, Samuel B.; 1 1861. *Gosling, Charles W.; 1 1873. Goss, Albert H.; 1 1898. *Goss, Leonard W.; 1 1863. Goss, Leonarda; la 1902. Goss, Richard Messick; ec 1924. Gottwald, Donald; 1 1917. *Gould, Charles E.; 0 1884. Gordon, Gordon, Gordon, Gordon, Gordon, *Gordon, Gordon, *Gordon, 312 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Gould, David; o 1857. *Gould, Edward P.; o 1868. Could: tisaac 2% at. vo eo *Gould, Robert T.; m 1906. Gove, D. A.; 0 1875. *Granger, Walter L.; 1 1875. Granlund, Aurora Christine; n 1921. Grant, Bertha; la 1916. *Grant, Charles; | 1853. *Grant, Charles; o 1845. Gowdy, Robert E. Clyde; la 1906; g*Grant, Edwin H.; m 1853. 1907; g 1909. Gowdy, Robert L,.; 1 1889. Grabel, Frank; m 1897. Graber, C. Lee; o 1898. Grabill, John Franklin; m 1880. *Grace, John W.; 1 1872. Grad, Bennett; la 1894. Gradison, Jos.; la 1898. Gradison, Jules Turoff, ec 1924, Gradof, Dorothy; ed 1924. Graebe, Herman C.; e 1919. Graef, Albert A.; 1 1911. Graef, August P.; e 1914. Graf, Wm.; o 1900. Graf, Wm. Joseph; om 1910; la 1906. Grafft, James G.; m 1893. Grafft ,John A.; m 1892. Grafman, L. Elliot; la 1924. *Grafton, Bryant; o 1868. *Gragge, H. N.; o 1889. Gragg, Logan O.; o 1891. *Graham, A. H.; o 1855. *Graham, Adelbert W.; | 1861. *Graham, Benj. F.; 1 1839. *Graham, Frank; o 1880. Graham, Henry H.; 1 1894. *Graham, John B.; o 1869. *Graham, J. H.; o 1847. *Graham, James M.; o 1902. Graham, Nathan P.; o 1899. Graham, Paul Judson; la 1924. Graham, Robert F.; m 1880. *Graham, Thomas A.; o 1871. Graham, Thomas Leonard; ec 1925. Graham, Wm. R.; 1 1889. Graham, W. Taulman; o 1886. *Grahn, Charles A.; m 1866. Grainger, James M.; la 1905. *Grames, Charles; 1 1845. Granger, Arthur S.; la 1902; md 1909. Granger, F. M.; o 1873. Granger, Robert L.; 1 1897. *Grant, Jack H.; o 1895. Grant, Julia Cady; la 1919; ed 1920. *Grant, J. M.; o 1873. Grant, Robert L.; o 1886. Graser, Otto R.; 1 1895. Grauer, Ladru Oron; ec 1922. Graves, Herbert Cornelius; ec 1923. *Graves, Theodore P.; 0 1849. Gray, Albert L.; o 1884. Gray, Alice; la 1919. *Gray, Clinton G.; m 1871. Gray, Dan Fuert; m 1899. Gray, Edna L,; 1 1893. *Gray, Edwin; o 1880. Gray, Frank; o 1880. Gray, Frank S.; o 1883. Gray, Geoffrey Arthur; la 1902; ma 1904. Gray, Isaac E.; m 1873. *Gray, James A.; o 1875. *Gray, James G.; o 1885. *Gray, James H.; o 1851. *Gray, John M.; o 1858. *Gray, Joseph G.; o 1909. Gray, Leven Justus; m 1892. *Gray, Oliver C.; 1 1841. ¥(STay,ak.s G \LGos. *Gray, Raymond C.; 1 1875. Gray, Wm. Thurston; la 1897. Graybill, John Kline; o 1886. Graydon, Frank S.; 1 1920. Grayston, C. E.; o 1881. *Graziani, Benj. F.; 1 1884. Grear, Lewis; o 1895. *Green, Charles Everett; 1 1858. Green, Elijah Jas.; 1 1889. *Green, F. H.; o 1860. Green, George Gordon; la 1901. *Green, Henry Sanford; m 1869. *Green, James H.; o 1884. *Green, John P.; m 1870. *Green, J. W.; o 1849. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Margaret; la 1919. Martin Ruter; 1 1905. Myron Douglas; m 1875. Sol. -L.+ 071851. *Green, W. D.; o 1845. Green, Wm. Harrison; e 1917. Greenbaum, Louis Nathan; 1 1923. Greenberg, Elbert Eleazar; ec 1925. Greene, Charles Saul; la 1925. *Greene, D. W.; 0 1876. *Greene, John W.; o 1846. Greene, Letch; o 1903. Greene, Lindley Murray; m 1882. Greenert, George W.; la 1925. Greenfield, Frank G.; m 1883. Greenfield, Samuel; la 1891. *Greenfield, Willard T.; m 1883. Greenland, Albert K.; la 1910. Greenland, Ormond T.; la 1919. *Greenleaf, Charles R.; o 1860. *Greenlee, Wm. M.; m 1888. *Greenough, Ogden; 1 1861. Greenwald, Harry A.; m 1904. Greenwald, Hyman Tupper; la 1923. *Greenwald, Taylor C.; 1 1905. *Greer, John Edward; 1 1861. *Greer, John W. C.; 1 1861. Greer, Nora Virginia; n 1920. *Greer, W.; o 1843. *Greer, Willis B.; 1 1858. Gregg, Anna Myra; la 1922; ed 1923. Gregg, Clifford C.; la 1917. Gregg, Ellis B.; la 1916; 1 1917. Gregg, Ellis B. Sr.; 1 1879. Gregg, Frank B.; m 1892. *Gregg, George T.; m 1888. Gregg, G. W.; o 1890. Gregg, Jessie Wade; la 1925. Gregg, Walter D.; m 1906. Gregson, Anita; la 1917. Gregson, Helene Estherlin; ed 1920. Gregson, Marie; la 1917. *Gregory, B. L.; 1 1852. Gregory, Thomas M.; 1 1908. Greiser, Kenneth E.; ec 1922. Green, Green, *Green, *Green, 313 Greve, Charles T.; 1 1885. *Grey, -Dayid? Wiso 4851: *Gribbel, J. Bruce; 1 1898. *Gribben, James C.; | 1858. Gribble, LeGrande; o 1896. Grier, David G.; 0 1872. *Gries, Moses J.; la 1889. Griess, Walter R.; m 1897. Griffin, Henry M.; la 1886. *Griffin, Thomas J.; 1 1841. Griffin, Thomas R.; o 1900. *Griffin, Thomas W.; o 1840. Griffis, Albert R.; 1 1893. *Griffis, R.; o 1853. Griffith, Chas. G.; 1 1894. Griffith, Florence; la 1903. *Griffth, James T.; la 1904. Griffith, John; 1 1890. *Griffith, John K.; 1 1888. Griffith, Mary Ellis; la 1896; ma 1898. Griffith, Mose L.; m 1907. Griffith, Oliver H.; om 1910. *(crithth, Riel el isos. *Griffth, Robert L.; 1 1854. *Griffth, Thomas F.; m 1867. Griffith, Wm. Layne; m 1893. Griffitt, Harry; o 1897. *Griggs, Algernon S.; 1 1837. Griggs, Samuel Otis; o 1896. AG Sei Pte. Siz. *Grimes, Wm. S.; m 1857. *Grimm, Adolph; o 1881. Griner, Fred P.; 1 1913. Grinnell, Fordyce; m 1873. *Grisard, John K.; la 1917. *Grisard, John Simon; om 1911. Grodsky, David H.; la 1914. Groesbeck, G. B.; 1 1904. *Groesbeck, Hermon J.; m 1873; 1 1893. *Groesbeck, Herman J.; 1 1836. *Groesbeck, John B.; 1 1843. *Groff, Chas. Franklin; m 1893. *Groff, Rodney C.; m 1893. Groff, Irma Marie (Mrs. Milton Wag- ner); la 1909. Greig, Marjorie Beatrice; la 1924; ed Grom, J. C.; 0 1881. 1925. Greiwe, John E.; o 1889. Gromme, Emma; la 1917. Gromme, Hertha; la 1918. 314 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Gronendyke, Oliver J.; o 1885. Guinn, Edward; o 1903. *Groom, Chas. A.; 1 1900. Guise, John M.; o 1887. Groom, Wm. Simpson; la 1906. *Gultrie, Stephen A.; 1 1861. Groome, James Gordon; mc 1924, *Gumback, Wm.; 1 1853. Gross, Berthal G.; la 1925. Gumble, Henry; 1 1883. Gross, Gordel Grodsky; la 1924. *Gumckel, Lewis B.; 1 1851. Gross, Louis Daniel; la 1908. *Gumdrum, Fred; m 1868. Gross, Wm.; la 1917. Gumley, Chas: bl. 10 #18977 Grosse, Margaret; la 1921. *Gundry, John; 1 1847. Grosshaus, Frank E.; 1 1892. Gunkel, Fred C.; 0 1884. Grosshaus, Hollis; 1 1894. Gunkel, Henry; 1 1892. Grossman, Joseph H.; m 1903. *Gunkel, Henry C.; m 1888. *Grossman, Louis; la 1884. *Gunkel, John H.; o 1880. Grossman, Rudolph; la 1889. Gunlefinger, Marcus M.; 1 1904. Grosvenor, Alvah W.; o 1882. *Gunn, John A.; o 1868. Grote, Irvine Walter; g 1925. *Gunn, Matlack V.; o 1885. Grothaus, John B.; 0 1894. Gunnell, Fordyce; o 1873. Grotlisch, Victor Edward; e 1912. Guntrum, Ernest A.; e 1912. *Grove, W. C.; o 1837. Guntrum, Wm. E.; o 1893. *Grover, David C.; 1 1857. Gup, Samuel M.; la 1914. *Groves, Leroy S.; 0 1859. Gurman Richard; la 1886. *Grotthouse, Wm. Henry; m 1893. Gurman, Richard K.; 1 1882. *Grubb, Wm. F.; o 1847. *Gurney, Edw.; 1 1880. Grubb, Wm. Irwin; 1 1885. Gustetter, Albert L.; o 1900. *Grubbs, James T.; o 1821. Gusweiler, Lura B.; ed 1923. Grubbs, John McElheny; m 1886. Guthery, Fred E.; 1 1891. MGtiDDS 17 bY en Os L- *Guthrie, Alexander; o 1866. *Grubbs, Owen W.; o 1888. Guthrie, Austin L.; la 1904; o 1907. *Grubbs, W. B.; o 1852. Guthrie, David P.; 1 1887. Grubbs, Wm. B.; o 1886. Guthrie, Ellen; la 1910. Grube, Robert H.; 0 1886. *Guthrie, Guican; o 1846. Gruesser, Emily Caroline; la 1913. *Guthrie, James W.; 1 1916. *Grumbine, G. W. S.; 0 1889. *Guthrie, Wesley B.; o 1872. *Crumbine, Jerry L.; 1 1887. ‘ *Guthrie, Wm.; o 1848. Guard, Lucy Ruth; ed 1920. Gutierrez, Dario L.; me 1922. Guckenberger, Thelma; la 1917. *Guttmacker, Adolph; la 1889. Gudikunst, Earl Grover; g 1922. *Guy, Alexander; o 1831. Guelker, Herbert H.; la 1912. Guy, Wm. E.; | 1879. Guernsey, Chas. A.; 1 1906. *Guyer, Oscar K.; 0 1884. Guerson, Anthony R.; om 1918. Guyon, Edwin; o 1891. Guest, George Martin; la 1921; mc 1922;*Gwin, John Newton; 1 1866. g 1923. *Gwynne, Abraham E.; 1 1840. Guethlein, Emma; la 1909. *Haacke, Henry; o 1869. Guhman, Helen Marie; la 1922; ed 1923. Haas, Albert Larry; mc 1920. Guhman, Ruth; la 1916; ed 1921. Haas, Elwood Adam; ec 1921. *Guild, C. A.; o 1875. Haas, Estelle; la 1900. Guilday, John Wm.; ec 1922. Haas, Jennie May; la 1901. Guiler, Faye Elizabeth; ed 1925. Haas, Rose; la 1900. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 315 Habekotte, Dorothy E.; ed 1921. Haberly, Samuel Stimson; o 1904. *Hachen, David S.; la 1918; mc 1920. *Hadden, Louis M.; | 1881. Hadden, Martha; ed 1925. Haddock, Frank G.; 1 1888. *Hadfield, J. Arthur; 1 1870. Halderman, Henri G.; o 1901. Haldetuathise. o loso: Haldi, John Emil; g 1923. Hale. i bt. 0 7167 O- Hale, Irene Gray; la 1904. *Hale, Matthew C.; 1 1850. *Hale, Paul DeWitt; o 1901. Haehnle, Elmer C.; la 1911; ed 1911; Haley, George E.; 1 1891. ma 1922. Haehnle, Walter F.; la 1919. *Haeusser, Gustave; o 1902. Haeussler, Charles A.; 1911. Plater el. G, ym.l902. Haffner, Pauline Juliane; la 1913. *Halfhill, Jas. Wood; 1 1887. Halin, Loretta; la 1918. Hall, Alfred Jerome; la 1924. el alle lay toils 0 Laoe, *Hall, Cleopatra Christine; ed 1920. Hall, Clifford Porter; la 1911. Haft, Gussie Mabel (Mrs. Chester*Hall, Ephraim; | 1867. Shook); la 1906. Hagans, Marcellus H. P.; | 1886. *P alittle Ol los 5: Hall, Gail M.; n 1924. Hagans, Samuel Lewis; la 1911; 1 1913. Hall, George Thomas; ec 1916. *Hagemeyer, A. T.; 0 1886. Hagemeyer, Elizabeth; la 1918. Hagen, Esther Klein; la 1892. *Hager, Samuel M.; o 1885. *Hagerty, John M.; 1 1900. Hagerty, Mary; la 1907. Silarvesy, psc; 1 1859: *Haggot, John P.; o 1831. Hagin, John Chas.; mc 1919. Hagins, Joseph M.; 1 1872. Mahan, -Chas. D.; o 1897. Hahn, Clarence Wilson; la 1899, Hahn, Jesse Edwin; o 1901. Hahn, Ulysses G.; 1 1892. Hahne, Eugene Arnold; | 1923. Hahne, Henry Anthony; o 1890. *Haig, John; m 1880. *Haight, John B.; o 1871. *Haile, Bert Rankin; o 1897. *Haile, George W.; o 1866. Haines, Frank P:.: 1 1893. *Haines, Noah §S.; 1 1839. Haines, Philip Goble; e 1912-13. 2rlaines Ee hotnas +H?) oF 1827 Haines, W. D.; o 1884. *Haire, J. Henry; o 1879. *Haise, George A.; o 1864. *Haise, Thomas; | 1845. Halben, Wm. Von Der; la 1910. *Haldeman, David B.; 1 1858. eH all etariy Gof loos *Fale isaac Win, in 1698: *Hall, Joseph; 1 1860. Salle Cr Ost Os *Hall, John B.; o 1863. Hall, John W.; o 1871. Hall, Joseph Arda; m 1897. Hall, Joseph Floyd; ec 1909. *Hall, Joseph Wm.; o 1899. Hall, Louise Kathryn; la 1920. *Hall, Luther C.; 1 1841. Hall, Margaret E.; la 1923; g 1924; ed 1925. Hall, Marion; la 1918. *Hall, Noble; o 1870. Hall? Oline Beemc 1922: Hall, Oliver M.; 1 1889. Hall? Rufusebe jr 4918: Hall, Rufus Bartlett; m 1872. Hall, Ruth Elizabeth; la 1912. *Hall, Samuel; 1 1890. *Hall, Thomas G.; o 1867. Hall, Viola; ed 1922. ‘Halk Walker GC. I> 1890: *Hall, Willard A.; m 1876. *Hall) Wm. A.; 1 1867. *Hall, Wm. A.; 0 1872. Hall, Wm. Donald; 1 1923. *Hall, Wm. I.; o 1870. Hall, Williams Owings; la 1912. 316 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Hall, Willis Herbert; g 1925. *Hall, Willis Woodbury; m 1880. *Hallam, Geo. W.; 1 1879. *Hallam, W. L.; o 1874. Haller, Herbert Luding J.; e 1918. *Haller, John S.; o 1827. Hallery, Karl Raymond; ec 1923. Hallett, Wm. Arthur; ec 1925. Halliday, Laura; la 1910. Halliday, Vernon; la 1899. *Hallock, Louis Henry; m 1882. Hamma, Chas. Butler; m 1892. *Hammell, John Durrell; 1 1886. *Hammell, Madison; o 1868. Hammell, Samuel B.; 1 1881. Hammell, Stanley Samuel; e 1912. *Hammer, John B.; 1 1847. Hammer, Olga Louise; la 1906. Hammler, Julia; la 1916. Hammond, Harry Joseph; om 1913. *Hammond, James Francis; m 1875. Hammond, Wm. Wallace; | 1887. Halloran, Francis A.; la 1923; mc 1925.*Hampton, S. E.; m 1866. Halloway, Mary; la 1919. *Hallowell, J., Jr.; o 1854. Halpin, Julius Rabb; la 1913. Hall-Quest, Shirley Knox; la 1921. Halsey, George Dawson; e 1915. Halton, John; m 1895. Halton, Joseph; m 1906. *Ham, Christopher C. D.; 1 1863. Hamblin, Ira B.; 0 1884. Hambrick, Lucile; la 1923; ed 1924. *Hamelrath, M. M. G.; 1 1902. Hamer, Stafford; o 1868. Hamilton, A. G.; 0 1888. *Hamilton, Albert N.; m 1871. *Hamilton, B. Frank; o 1867. Hamilton, Benjamin; o 1884. *Hamilton, Cornelius C.; 1 1854. Hamilton, Edwin A.; o 1891. Hamilton, Ernest M.; 1 1890. Hamilton, Francis M.; 1 1897. Hamilton, Garrison Wire; 1 1881. *Hamilton, George; m 1873. *Hamilton, H. M.; o 1889. *Hamilton, Isham G.; 1 1878-79. *Hamilton, James; 1 1857. *Hamilton, John E.; 1 1860. Hamilton, John M.; 1 1882. Hamilton, Jas. Henry; 1 1887. Hamilton, Jas. Thomas; 1 1889. Hamilton, Margaret Agnes; la 1922. Mildred S.; la 1911. Hamilton, Hamilton, Nathaniel Crew; m 1900. *Hamilton, Thomas D.; 1 1872. Hamilton, Wesley W.; 1 1893. *Hamilton, Wm. D.; 1 1859. *Hamilton, Wm. R.; o 1865. *Hamsher, James F.; o 1882. Hamsher, John Francis; om 1910. Hanabergh, Frank J.; 1 1923. Hanauer, Chas. Hunt; ec 1923. Hanauer, Marjorie; ed 1921. Hance, George Joseph; mc 1918. Hance, Robert Theodore; la 1913-14. *Hancock, Charles; 1 1880. *Hancock, Chas. Boynton; la 1878. *Hancock, Chasi F. C30 1887, *Hancock, Chas. Russell; o 1904. Hancock, Clinton J.; o 1897. *Hancock, Jesse C.; m 1866. Hancock, Walter DeCamp; m 1872. Hand, Chauncey Harris; la 1914. *Hanlin, Leo H.; | 1860. Hanlon, Francis J.; 1 1891. Hanly, Hunter Wardlow; la 1904-06. Hanna, James Finley; o 1895. *Hanna, Levi M.; m 1871. *Hanna, Theresa; la 1899. *Hanna, Thomas; | 1877. Hannaford, Edgar Northcott; la 1902. Hannaford, Frank; la 1897. Hannah, Hewitt Blain; mc 1921. Hannah, James Blain; o 1885. Hannah, Ralph Bolender; m 1896. *Hannan, John Waugh; m 1868. *Hannawalt, H. O.; o 1873. Hannold, Joseph Wm.; ec 1925. Hannum, Dane Marston; ec 1920. Hans, Clarence Louis; om 1913; e 1906. Hansell, George Hart; om 1910. Hansell, Howard Foster; ec 1925. Hansen, Mrs. Hermione Z.; la 1898; g 1909. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 317 *Hanson, J. T.; 0 1874. Hanson, Malcolm B.; mc 1925. Happersberger, Paula; la 1912. *Haptonstall, John J.; o 1886. Harbeson, Matt L.; 1 1889. *Harbour, C. W. B.; m 1885. *Hard, Nicholas; o 1841. *Hardee, John Horton; m 1882. *Harper, Wilson S.; m 1874. Harpold, Fred A.; o 1896. *Harrass, Henry; 1 1865. Harrell, Chas. Adair; ec 1924. *Harriman, Aaron; o 1839. Harrington, Earl Lawrence; e 1917. Harris, Arthur Marc; 1 1912; la 1910. *Harris, Benjamin F.; m 1888. Hardin, George Leon; mc 1922; la 1921.*Harris, Bushrod, Jr.; 1 1861. *Hardin, Wm. C.; o 1833. *Harding, D. H.; o 1869. Harding, Edward Crittendon; ec 1914. *Harding, Lorenzo Dow; o 1849. *Harding, .M. H.; 0 1837. *tardine, *M, H..- Jr.:) 021878, *Hardinghaus, Maximine; 1 1870. Hardisty, Frank Edward; ec 1924. Hards, Lewis G.; 1 1870. Hardwick, Richard; o 1907. Hardy, John Walter; m 1891. Rilacdy aie o.; .O vies). wilardy; oat) On LSy 3. *Hare, Daniel Henry; m 1872. *Harget, Joseph T.; 1 1859. Hargitt, Robert Palmer; 1 1886. Hargo, John W.; 1 1884. Hargrave, Ruth Carol; la 1911. *Harig, Laura; la 1906. Harkness, Earl Wm.; la 1917. Harkness, Harris K.; 1 1893. Harlan, Earl; o 1898. *Harlan, Robert Jas.; 1 1887. *Harley, Edward T.; 0 1879. *Harman, George A.; o 1871. *Harman, George W.; o 1870. Harmon, F. W.; o 1881. *Harmon, Judson; | 1870. *Harmount, Simp. J.; o 1877. Harned, Mark Lafayette; e 1915. Harner, Jacob M.; 1 1894. Harnwell, Frederick Wm.; 1 ‘1892. Harper, Berta; la 1919. Harper ,Edgar Ambler; e 1882. Harper, George D.; 1 1892. Harper, George Daniel; la 1891. Harper, Grace; la 1918. *Harper, Henry; 1 1864. Blarpery|.o.C.* it 1879: *Harris, Chas. C:; 1 1852-53. Harris, Donald Eugene; o 1902. Harris, Edith Winifred; la 1901. Harris, Fred H.; om 1910. Harris, Heaton W.; 1 1887. Harris, Helen Priscilla; la 1916. Harris, James Clifford; m 1903. *Harris, Joel W.; 1 1852. *Harris, Joseph Wilson; m 1874. Harris, Melbourne; la 1925. *Harris, Oscar Eugene; o 1890. Hatris, Robériiolls sol 88Z, *Harris, Royal, W.<0.1830: Harris, Samuel Joy; la 1918. *Harris, Samuel Turner; | 1859. Harris, Sarahub.; eds 1921 *Harris, Sidney W.; 1 1839. *Harris, Simeon; | 1879. * Harris; ) | pomacw ae tibos Harris, Will Carleton; m 1897. Harris}aw ni. sC iar 19fe: Harrison, Alice A.; ed 1925. *Harrison, A. R.; o 1843. *Harrison, Carter B.; 1 1835. *Harrison, Daniel P.; o 1830. ‘Parison avid tie motes: Harrison, Ellen Brown; la 1910. *Harrison, George T.; 1 1872. *Harrison, George W.; m 1873. *Harrison, Harry; | 1869. *Harrison, James S.; o 1848. *Harrison, John P., Jr.; 1 1848. *Harrison, J. Scott; 1 1870. *Harrison, Joseph T.; 1 1878. Harrison, La Digto 21875; *Harrison, R. A.; 1 1846. Harrison, Re Hor. 3Gel Cha: *Harrison, R..N.; 0. 1875: *Harrison, Thos. H.; o 1869. 318 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Harrison, Willa Louise; ed 1922. *Harrison, Wm. F.; o 1848. Harrison, Wm. Henry; 1 1910. Harrison, Willoughby; | 1871. Harrod, John Martin; ec 1924. *Tlarrod, Js ikestO er 1806: *Harrod, Lemuel; o 1866. *Harrod, Santords: 6 “1857: Harrop, Mona; la 1925. Harsch, George Roemer; ec 1925. *Harsh, James; | 1861. Harsha, James Wm.; 1 1887. *Harshbarger, Harris N.; 1 1895. Harshbarger, Helen Mae; la 1920. Hart, Alden Leonard; e 1911. erat: Sorel 00603, *Hare Clarencer"e 1915: Hartmann, Geo. Edgar; la 1917. Hartmann, Lilla Henrietta; la 1897. Hartshorn, Artie Laurence; la 1913. Hartung, Raymond Henry; ec 1925. *Hartwell, Edward Mussey; m 1882. *Hartwell, Shatlock; 1 1845. | *Hartwell, Walker; 1877. Hartzell, John Berry; mc 1925. Hartzell, Jonas D.; 0 1893. Hastings, Chas. Oscar; | 1884. *Hastings, Geo. H.; 1 1838. *Hastings, Geo.) P.;.0 1875. Hastings, Wm. Edward; m 1897. *Hastings, Zerah Beakely; m 1881. *Hatch, Charles; o 1836. *Hatcher, Joseph A.; o 1880. *Hatfield, Benjamin F.; o 1882. *Hatfield, Frank Melroy; o 1887. Hatfield, James F.; o 1897. Hatfield, Ruth; la 1918. Hathaway, Edward Sturtevant; la 1909. Hathaway, George Jarvis; me 1921. *Hathaway, Harrison; m 1870. Hatterschide, Edw.; la 1908. *Hattery, Hiram D.; m 1874. Hauck, Elise Louise; la 1924. Hauck, Emilie; la 1917; ed 1917. Hauck, Helen Constance; ed 1922. Hauck, Helen Emilie; ed 1920. Hauck, Henry George; | 1895. Hauck, Phyllis; ed 1921. Hauck, Richard John; e 1913. *Hauck, Warren N.; 1 1883. Hauer, Edward Chas.; | 1908. Hauer, Frank J.; la‘ 1916. Hauk, Kathryn Mae; n 1922-1923. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 319 Haupt, Charlotte; la 1919. Haupt, Else; la 1918. Haupt, Walter Hans; la 1918. *Hausen, Zach H.; o 1866. Hauser, Chas. Edwin; o 1903. Hauser, Slmar Frederick; om 1916. Hausman, DeJalma S.; 1 1891. Hausserman, John Wm.; | 1889. Havelaar, Wm. Chas.; ec 1923, Piavelins Henry, Tr o +1881. Haveman, Geo. A.; m 1905. *Haven, Geo. L.; 1880. *Havens, Henry Milton; o 1888. Hawes, Ira H.: o 1893. Hawes, John; o 1891. Hawes, Sylvester A.; 0 1884. Hawk, Wm. McClure; la 1922. Hawke, Mavel Emma; la 1906-08. Hawkins, Clement Cale; la 1902. Hawkins, Edward Waller; 1 1881. Hawkins, Eugene; o 1878. *Hawkins, Madison; 1 1854. *Hawkins, Richard B.; 1 1878. *Hawkins, Richard Nathaniel; m 1868. *Hawley, Astley Cooper; m 1887. *Haynes, Geo. W.; 1 1894. Haynes, John T.; m 1889. *Haynes, Joseph; o 1827. *Haynes, Moses H.; m 1856. *Haynes, Wm. H.; o 1889. Hays, Clinton J.; 0 1885. Hays, Harmon H.; o 1879. Hays; Harry. 021892. Hays, John’ Wo 1872: Hays, Lenore Flora; la 1915. Hays, Sara Priscilla; n 1923. Hays: “bhesi 0 4L&se; *Haysy, «Wms 2.0 1857; Hayward, P.; 1 1899. *Hazard, James H.; 0 1867. *Hazeltine, Lewis H.; 0 1865. *Hazelwood, Andrew J.; o 1872. Hazen, John Francis, Jr.; la 1901. Hazen, Roland; o 1899. titaziett, isaac OF 1607: *Hazlett, Samuel; 1 1857. *Headley, James Clark; | 1881. *Heady, James Franklin; m 1878. Healey, Marie C.; la 1919. *Healey, Harry M.; 1 1900. Hawley, Crittendon Augustus; m 1891. Healey, Herbert Churchill; 1 1881. *Hawley, K. DuBois; o 1866. Hawley, Paul Ramsey; om 1914. Hawley, Wm. Harry; m 1885. SPlawie UB eke1 0) 1858. *Hawthorn, Ellis L.; 0 1887. Healy, Carolyn; la 1911. *Healy, Thos. Jas.; 1 1891. Heap, James E.; o 1905. Heard, Eugene Nelson; m 1891. Heard, Kathryn; la 1918. *Hawthorne, Winona Lee (Mrs. Wm. L.*Hearne, John .R.; 1 1841. Buck); la 1878. Hay, Dorothy; la 1922. Hayden, Daniel; la 1892-94. Hayden, John Bruce; e 1893. Hayden, John Valentine; m 1878. *Hayden, Samuel F.; 1 1874. Hayes, Anna Grace; la 1925. Hayes, Edw. S.; 1 1910. *Hayes, John N.; | 1862. Hayes, Lenore; la 1918. *Hayes, N. W.; o 1877. mttaves yk teoko 18/73. Hayes, Wm. Leonard; e 1916. Haymaker, Alma Earle; la 1908. *Haymaker, Kidder; 1 1881. *Haymond, W. S.; o 1847. Heath, Daniel W.; 1 1890. Heath, Earl Eugene; om 1910. *Heath, Thos. R. T.; 1 1858-59. *Heaton, Conley; m 1878. *Heatwole, Joseph H.; o 1878. Heavner, John Fred; g 1920. Hebble, Howard B.; la 1924. Hecht, Vernon Geo.; e 1916. Heck, Jean Olive; la 1907-08. Heck, Sybil Marjorie; la 1913. Heck, Stanton; o 1889. Hecker, Chas.; e 1919; g 1911; g 1913. Hecker, Clara Ellen; la 1909. Hecker, Edna Marie; la 1909. Heckerman, Ruth; g 1924; la 1918. Heckert, Howard Ray; om 1913. 320 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Heckle, Margaret Louise; la 1925. Heisel, Emma Elizabeth; la 1901. *Heckman, Samuel Geo.; la 1891. Heistand, Horace L.; 0 1891. Hedger, Howard B.; ec 1923. Heitmeyer, Harry Chas.; la 1907. *Hedges, Christian; 1 1851. Heizer, John Zebulon; la 1924. *Hedges, Wm. B.; 0 1863. Heizer, Lewis Wade; om 1910. Heena, Carl Raymond; ec 1922. Heizer, Mary Elizabeth; la 1913. Hefferman, Wm. Thos.; o 1889. Helbig, Arthur Stanley; ec 1912. Heffner, Edward F.; 0 1904. Helbig, Carl Franklin; la 1917. Heffner, Franklin C.; 0 1908. Held, Henry Wm.; o 1894. Heflebower, Robert C.; m 1889. *Helfferick,- Emil V.; o 1883. Heflin, Wm. Robert; 0 1894. Helfrich, T. Orlando; o 1892. *Hegeman, Benjamin; o 1829. Heller, Maximilian; la 1882-84. *Hegeman, Joseph; o 1829. Hellings, Marion; n 1920. *Heger, Ernest; la 1900. *Hellman, Francis F.; m 1877. Hegler, Helen Virginia; n 1922. *Helm, Chas. J.; 1 1840. Hegner, Casper Frank; o 1902. *Helm, John H.; o 1847. Hegner, Lydia Elizabeth; la 1903. “Helm, J. T.; 0 1853. Hehoe, Robert A.; mc 1920. *Helman, Chas. S.; m 1874. SH pidingsfeldl Meyartt to 11805, Helman, Mabel Rockwood; ed 1920. Helman, Ruth Leonard; la 1925. Helmers, Irma K.; ed 1923. Helmers, Ruth; la 1919; ed 1920. *Helmick, Samuel Corbus; m 1871. Heidman, George; 1 1895. Heighway, A. E.; o 1886. *Heighway, Arch E.; o 1845. *Heighway, Sheridan; o 1885. *Helsel, John; 1 1860. *Heilker, Chas. A.; 1 1892. *Hempstead, G. S. B.; 0 1822. Heilker, Henry John; 1 1893. *Hampstead, Samuel H.; 0 1903. Heilman, Elwood C.; 0 1877. Hendel, Ada Pauline; la 1905. Heim, Eugene; 1 1884. *Hendershot, Byron C.; m 1892. Heim, Mollie Vivian; la 1910. — Henderson, A. 7T.; 0 1877. Heimen, Gustave; m 1904. Henderson, Basil D.; 1 1888. Heineman, Alma Lenore; ed 1920. *Henderson, E. L.; o 1881. Heineman, Edwin; o 1896. Henderson, James Decator; m 1896. Heinold, Fred Wm.; mc 1924, Henderson, James L.; 0 1882. Heinrichsdorf, Paul; la 1893. Henderson, James Paul; m 1885. *Heinscheimer, Anne; la 1918. _ Henderson, Jane Elizabeth; la 1924; ed Heinsheimer, Helen Louise; la 1920. 1925. Heinsheimer, Norbert H.; 1 1888. Henderson, Mary Lillian; n 1924. Heintz, Michael; la 1892; 1 1890. *Henderson, Spangler L.; 1 1858. Heintz, V. E.; 1 1899; la 1896. *Henderson, Thos. J.; 1 1835. Heintz, Walter James; e 1904. Henderson, Wm. Holland; la 1925. Heis, Christine C.; ed 1923; la 1922. Hendley, Frank W.; o 1885. Heis, Frank; la 1922. *Hendren, Wm.; o 1847. *Heise, Oscar N.; o 1886. *Hendrick, Aaron J.; o 1826. *Heise, Otto Carl; o 1892. *Hendricks, A. W.; o 1850. Heise, Viola; la 1910. Hendricks, Alice T.; ed 1922; la 1921. Heisel, Chas. Daniel; o 1904. Hendricks, Chas.; 0 1905. Heisel, Clifford Newell; om 1912. Hendricks, Elliott M.; la 1920; me 1922. Heisel, Elmer Rudolph; 1 1910. *Hendricks, Leonard A.; 0 1825. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. FA Hendricks, Louis Joseph; la 1920; mc Herman, Percival; o 1900. 1922. Herman, Samuel Willard; mc 1924. Hendricks, W. E.; o 1878. Herman, Wm. C.; m 1902. *Hendricks, Wm. S.; o 1860. Hermann, Harold N.; ec 1920. Hendrickson, Anna M.; mc 1923. Herndon, Robert Hughes; m 1902. Hendrickson, Floyd C.; me 1921. *Heroford. Jase W./.0" 1857; *Hendron, Geo. M.; o 1875. Herold, George Jas.; 1 1912. Hengst, Geo. Washington; 1 1889. Herold>* Vambértes|2; orn +1912: Bengstenberg, Hugh- H;; la 19237 mc Herold; Lula B:; n 1921. 1925. Herold, Matthew; 1 1892. Henke, Marie M.; la 1923; ed 1924. *Herr, Henry, Jr.; m 1894. Henle, Josephine F.; la 1901. Herrick, Chas. Judson; la 1891. Hennecke, Ethel; la 1918. Herrin, Lucas; la 1919. Henry, Chester Joel; ec 1923. Herring, Carrie Alice; mc 1917. misenry, ete Gio 1851, *Herrington, Samuel G.; m 1879. Henry, Herbert H.; 1 1890. Herriott, John E.; m 1872. *Henry, James D.; 1 1866. Herrle, Max Robert; ec 1923. *Henry, James W.; m 1884. Herrman, Joe Marc; ec 1925. Henry, Jesse Malcolm; o 1886. Herrman, Thos. B.; | 1895. *Henry, John S.; m $1868. *Herron, O. M.; o 1835. Henry, Johnathan L,; 1 1891. HerronssLrnmancAeeieloZ5. *Henry; Lora M:: o 1879. *Herron,s loco. OULeoss *Henry, Wm. E.; o 1868. Henshaw, Arthur; 1 1893. *Henshaw, Edward M.; 1908. Henshaw, Leslie; la 1910-11. Henshaw, Lewis J.; ec 1921. Henshaw, Stanley K.; la 1897; 1 1920. Henslee, Olly J.; 0 1894. Hensler, Harriet H.; la 1923; ed 1924. Hentz, Alfred W.; 1 1871. Herbsleb, August F.; 1 1889. Herbst, Howard Doglas; ec 1924. *Herholz, Alfred; 1 1888. *Hering, Henry H.; m 1873. Herder, Di -V5 Jr. k 1882. Herlinger, Harold Van Cleve; e 1917. Herman, Carl Nathan; la 1918. Herman, Edward; m 1903. Herman, George Jos.; o 1894. Herman, Henry J.; 0 1891. Herman, Jacob S.; 1 1905. Herman, Jennie Levitch; la 1919. Herman, John D.; o 1886. Henry, Rolando H.; m 1884. *Herron, Wm: C.; 171889. *Henry, Samuel W.; m 1878. Herschede, Lillian K.; la 1925. Henry, Walter F.; e 1908. Hershey, Benj. T.; 1 1884. '*Henry,. Wm. C.> m~ 1870: *Hershey, Henry; o 1884. Hershiser, Antony E.; m 1880. Hertenstein, Chas.; 1 1894. Hertenstein, Fred., Jr.; 1 1881. Hertwig, Earl Stanley; 1 1911. Hervey, John L.; o 1892. Hervey, Samuel W.; o 1891. Hervey, Wm. E.; o 1882. *Herzog, John Philip; ec 1921. *Herzog, Maximiliam; o 1890. *Hesler, Frederick A.; m 1883. *Hess, Appollos; o 1878. *fless; “Frank *€::-o0° 1881. Hess, Robert; o 1895. *Hess, Wm. W.; 1 1858. *Hesse, J. Fred; o 1879. Hesterberg, Aline J.; la 1921; ed 1922. Heterick, Robert H.; o 1906. *Hesterly, Francis P.; m 1874. *Hetlich, C. F.; o 1857. Hetsch, Gustus Karl; la 1918. Hettler, Geo. Andrew; 1916. *Hetzler, J. N.; 0 1875. 322 Hetzler, Wm. W.; o 1884. Heuck, Robert; la 1913. Heuser, Willie Irvine; n 1921. *Heusman, Fielding L.; 1 1877. Heuther, Walter W.; mc 1924. *Hewetson, A. H.; m 1867. Hewetson, Jos. E.; 0 1896. Hewins, Wm. Augustine; m 1878. Hewitt, Arthur Challis; e 1912. *Hewitt, Edmund G.; 1 1870. *Hewitt, G. W.; 0 1873. Hexter, Betty; la 1918. Hexter, Maurice B.; la 1912. Heyer, Arthur Wesley; e 1902. Heyl, Norma Louise; la 1905. Heyn, Daniel Samuel; o 1895. Heyn, Louis Goldberg; o 1902. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Higgins, John W.; o 1881. Higgins, Wm. W.; 1 1914. Higginson, Edward; 1 1876. High, Selden Frank; ce 1920. Highberger, John Henry; g 1924. *Highland, Wm. W.; o 1850. *Highlands, G. W.; 0 1853. *Highlands, Jos. C.; 1 1894. Highton, Aubray Henry; la 1912. Hilbig, Carl Franklin; la 1917. *Hilburn, . Eeew.: my 3871: *Hildebrandt, Arthur F.; 1 1876. Hildebrandt, Mary; la 1919; ed 1920. Hildebrandt, Owen F.; o 1902. *Hildreth, C. S.; 0 1833. *Hildreth, E. A.; 0 1844. *Hildreth, John F.; 1 1864. Heyroth, Francis F.; la 1923; mc 1925.*Hildt, Simon D.; m 1874. *Haath Aue Hato sl B46: *Hiatt, Levi; o 1884. *Hibbard, Frederic; o 1884. Hibbard, Laura; ed 1923. Hibbard, Merrill; la 1897. *Hibben, Ethelbert C.; 1 1845. Hibbert, Ida Lynette; n 1922. Hibshman, Eugene E.; la 1925. Hickenlooper, Amelia S.; la 1902. *Hickenlooper, Andrew; 1901. Hickenlooper, Smith; la 1901. Hickey, Sylvester; 1 1917. Hickman, Cecile M.; n 1925. Hickman, John M.; o 1896. Hickok, Kathryn; ed 1924; ed 1923. Hicks, Gilbert Henry; ed 1923. *Hicks “SLontistal, L876: Hicks, Louis Ray; 1 1908. Hicks, Wm. A.; 1 1876. *Hickson, George W.; m 1855. Hidden, Edward N.; 1 1886. Hiddleson, Clifford $.; o 1883. *Hieatt, Wm.; | 1871. Hier, Frank; 1 1925; la 1922. Hiestand, Clinton M.; o 1894. *Hiestand, Howard E.; o 1884. *Higbee, Jesse Y.; o 1851. Higbie, Wm. E.; o 1899. *Hisoins sACLY 30 0d B22. Higgins, Chester L.; e 1915. Hildwin, Edna Flora; la 1913. Hile, Geo. D.; 1 1893. Hilf, Edward; 1 1894. Hill, Alfred, Jr.; 1 1881. *Hill, Alonzo; m 1866. *Hill, Benjamin; 1 1848. Hill, Chas. Owen; e 1912. Hill, Edith Ramsden; la 1911. *Hill ,Edmund C.; | 1859. Hill, Elizabeth Hamilton; la 1896. Hill, Frank Edwin; o 1890. *Hill, Henry F.; o 1878. Hill, J. Alexander; la 1906. *Hill, Lester K.; 1 1876. *Hill, John D.; 1 1861. Hill, L. Butler; o 1879. *Til- Mo Wels 1874: *Hill) N: Biro. 11848: *HillSeNe: Sco ul aoe FH lS Osseo *Hill, Owen M.; 1 1887. Hill, Walter B.; 1 1892. Hill, Walter Ormsby; 1913. *Hilleary, Geo. T.; 1 1858. Hilleary, Jesse G.; o 1897. Hilleberg, Victor E.; 1 1885. *Hillebrand, Wm. Karl; 1 1889. Hiller, Carl August; ed 1923; ec 1925. *Hiller, Carl R.; 0 1889. Hiller, Grace; la 1918. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 323 *Hillhouse, H. C.; 0 1847. Hillkowitz, Philip; o 1897; la 1894. *Hillkowitz, Wm.; o 1888. Hills, Edward R.; 1 1900. Hilse, Marie V.; la 1925. *Hilton, Geo. H.; 1 1840. *Hilton, Joseph H.; m 1874. *Hilton, Robert Wm.; la 1895. *Hilts, Charles; 1 1847. *Hinchey, Wm. D.; o 1875. Hinchman, Edward Merrill; 1911. Hinchman, Howard R.; 1914. *Hinckley, C. M.; m 1867. WTranckley, HAY D:;. 0 1867: Hind, Samuel Wayne; 1906. Hindman, Penelope; la 1914. *Hinds, Henry; | 1853. *Hinds, Henry Sale; 1 1852. *Hinds, James; | 1856. Hine, Chas. Delano; 1 1893. Hine, Dwight M.; 1 1892. “Hine, Lucius A.; 1 1841. Hine; -L. ‘8: 0: 1876; Hine, Raymond Edward; la 1915. *Hiner, Sol B.; o 1864. Hines, Alice Marshall; la 1915. mines, G.-L:/<0 - 1882; Hines, Harry Hayes; m 1899, Hingson, Richard; 1 1882. *Hinish, Wm. Watson; m 1875. Hinkle, Frederick W.; 1 1894. Hinkle, James S.; o 1881. Hinkle, Philip; 1 1900. *Hinkle, Wm. H.; o 1886. *Hinman, Benjamin P.; 1 1871. *Hirchberg, Michael; 1 1867. *Hire, John T.; 1 1876; Hirons, John B.; o 1885. *Hirons, Joseph G.; o 1882. Hirsch, David; 1 1898. Hirschauer, Raymond; ec 1925. Hirschberg, Abraam; la 1898. Hirschberg, Samuel; la 1891. Hirst, Fred Danner; 1908. Hirst, Marie Helen; la 1903. Hirst, Mary Julia; la 1900. Hisch, Stella; la 1904. Hise, Charles; 1 1881. *Hissom, Wilmot T.; 1 1896. Hitech Basis k 31899. Hitch, Bertram Leigh; la 1897. *Hitt, Sherman B.; o 1886. *Hittner, H. M.; o 1866. *Hixson, Columbus; m 1866. *Hixson, M. M.; o 1876. Hjelm, C. Emmett; om 1912. *Hoagland, B. V.; o 1849. *Hoagland, Wm. S:; o 1868. *Hoadley, W. J.; o 1866. *Hoban, Henry; | 1878. Hoban, Joseph Aloysius; 1 1918. Hoban, May Belle; la 1903; g 1912. Hoban, Nicholas John; | 1910. *Hobart, Everett W.; 1 1897. Hobart, John Potts, Jr.; ec 1921. Hobbs, Rossiter Hopkins; ec 1924. Hobbs, Virginia Adelaide; ed 1924. *Hobday, R. D.; 0 1856. *Hobson, John A.; m 1872. *Hobstetter, Nooman Augustine; ec 1920. *Hochstetter, FE. .R.: 0 1876: *Hockstetter, Henry Wm.; 1900. Hockman, B. Frank; o 1893. Hodapp, Neill M.; 1 1916. Hodapp, Ruey F.; 1 1916. Hodge, Elizabeth; ed 1923. Hodge, John R.; 1 1887. Hodges, Clyde Wheeler; o 1901. *Hodges, Isaac; | 1857. *Hodgeson, H. N.; 1 1834. Hodgkin, Felding B.; 1 1894. Hodson, Chas. M.; 1 1898. Hodtum, Joseph Bernard; e 1918. Hoeck, Geo. Worcester; la 1920; g¢ 1920. Hoeck, Wm. Thomson; ec 1923. *Hoeffer, Francis G., Jr.; 1 1861. *Hoehn, A.; o 1876. *Hoehn, Michael G.; 0 1885. Hoehne, Viola Katherine; la 1922: ed 1923. *Hoeltge, Augustus; o 1860. Hoerner, Osa; om 1913. *Hoff, Charles; m 1874. Hot tohn. Bagks1863. Hoff, Weller H.; o 1896. 324 Hoffheimer, Edith S.; la 1910. Hoffheimer, Harry M.; 1 1889. Hoffman, Anna L,.; la 1923; g 1924. *Hoffman, Benjamin F.; 1 1836. Hoffman, Chas. P.; m 1896. Hoffman, Chas. W.; 1 1893. Hoffman, Clara Eva; la 1915. *Hoffman, Clarence Lee; la 1910. Hoffman, 1924. Hoffman, John Anton; m 1889. Hoffman, John Teal; om 1916. Hoffman, Joseph John; o 1903. Hoffman, Julius Jos.; la 1914. *Hoffman, Lewis Wm.; la 1893. Hoffman, Louis John; ec 1922. Hoffman, Velma; la 1920. Hoffmeister, Chas. Herbert; la 1909. *Hoffmeister, Edwin; 1 1894. Hoffner, Vernon K.; ec 1901. *Hofling, Augustus J.; m 1899. Hofling, Chas. Andrew; om 1911. Hofman, Albert Peter; 1915. *Hofman, George Otto; o 1893. Hogan, Lemuel T.; la 1907. Hogan, Wm. Everett; m 1896. Hoge, Hamilton; 1 1890. *Hoge, G. B:; 1 1849. *Hoge, James; 1 1870. _*Hoge, Solomn L,; 1 1859. *Hogg; Cassius Clay’ 1891, Hogle, Geo. Washington; m 1891. Hogne, Hermine Josephine; n 1921. Horsett bor. ba 882: Hohman, Louis Mathias; la 1918; mc Holmes, 1920. *Hoit, John Q. A.; 0 1830. *Holbrook, James G.; 1 1841. *Holcomb, Alonzo; m 1867. *Holcomb, vA? 1401851: *Holcomb, Anselon T.; 1 1840. Holcomb, Anselon T.; 1 1906. Holcomb, Leroy S.; o 1868. Holden, Jas. L.; o 1882. Holden, Nana ;ed 1924. *Holden, Nathaniel B.; 1 1839. Holden, Ward Andrews; o 1887. *Holder, Richard E.; o 1879. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Holderness, Augustus H.; 1896. Holdredge, Howard Glenn; e 1905. *Holdren, George W.; o 1889. Holdt, Alma E.; la 1900; ¢g 1911. Holdt, George; la 1922; mc 1925. Holdt, Meta; la 1917. *Holinshade, John H.; 1 1863. *Holland, P. Hi; 0 1869. Harold LaTate; mc 1924; la Holland, Wm. Webster; la 1923; g 1924. Hollen, Stephen R.; 1 1900. Hollenbeck, Martin; 1 1893. Holley, Samuel Louis; m 1878. *Holliday, David A.; 1 1884. Holliday, Lenore Eleanor; la 1925. Holliday, Martha Rebecca; la 1925; ed 1925. Hollingshead, Fannie M.; m 1904; la 1897; g 1899. *Hollister, Howard; 1 1880. Hollister, Leonard C.; ec 1922, Hollman, Dorothy; ed 1924. *Holloway, Geo. C.; 1 1887. Holly, “Peter B 29131887: Holman, Elizabeth Lloyd; la 1923. *Holman, German Y.; o 1836. Holman, Marion W.; la 1920; ed 1922. Holmes, A. Fritz; o 1883. Benjamin Franklin; m 1880. — Ge Besl-AssZ. Christian R.; m 1886. Daniel) Ho J,saeiaze. Edward E.; 1880. Leander; 1 1849. Samuel; | 1887: Truman; o 1889. Holmes, W. E.; o 1884. *Holmes,-W. Scott; 1 1880. Holson, Joseph; o 1835. Holt, Oliver P.; m 1886. *Holt, Joel; 1 1867. *Holt, Wm. D.; o 1846. *Holterhoff, Chas. Robert; la 1889. Holterhoff, Ralph; la 1896. Holton, S. Pearce; 1 1879. Holtzberg, Abraham; la 1915. Holtzberg, Ethel; la 1916. Holtzman; *W. H¥01138738: Holz, Robert; e 1917. *H olmes, *Holmes, *Holmes, *Holmes, *Holmes, *Holmes, Holmes, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 325 Holzberg, Julius; la 1917; 1 1919. Holzman, Afred; 1 1897. Holzwarth, Chas.; e 1910. *Homan, James; | 1881. *Homburg, Emil; la 1902; g 1909. Homburg, Frederick; la 1888. *Honaker, Coornelius; o 1884. *Hood, James; o 1832. *Hood, John L.; o 1890. Hood, Wm. Jos.; 1 1895. Etook eoatrah: la «1918, Hooke, Ruth Catherine; 1920. Hooker, Fred, Jr.; la 1909. *Hooven, Warren E.; m 1871. mrtoover, -1-1856: Jacobs, Pizer W.; la 1900. Isaacs, Asher; la 1923; g 1924. Jacobs, Retta; la 1910. Isaacs, Eleanor; la 1917; 1 1920. *Jacobs, Rufus D.; 0 1886. Isaacs, Moses -L.;°la 1921;°¢ 1921s \g*Jacobs;'\‘Thomas K.* o° 1880: 1923. *lacoDs, Wes sos cog: Isaacs, Nathan Tovis; 1 1910; la 1907; Jacobs, Wm. Geo.; m 1903. ma 1908; phd 1910. Jacobson, Ishur L,.; 1 1914. Peaacs pe haphacl=.laniolinnma 1912") Jacobsonm Max; 1/1913, 1918. Jacobson, Moses P.; la 1886. Isaacs, Schachne; la 1910; ma 1912; tr Jacoby, Elias J.; 1 1883. dip in el ed 1910. Isaacs, Stanley M.; la 1916. Isbell, Chas. H.; 1 1895. Isby, Marguerite; ed 1924. Jacoby, John W.; | 1897. Jaeger, Martha J.; la 1905. Jaffe, Hazel Leona; ed 1921. Jaffe, Lester A.; la 1917; g 1920. *Isham, Asa B.; o 1869. Jahnke; Chasai B.: Ge s1910. Isham, Mary K.; ma 1898. James, Agnes H.; la 1922. Isham, Philips; la 1893. *James, Albert; m 1880. *Island, Henry; 1 1890. *James, David H.; ec 1924. Isler, Lillian E.;. la 1923. James, Dorrance S.;' mc 1924; la 1924. Israel, Dorman D.; ec 1923. James, Edw. Lewis; ec 1924. Israel, Edward L,.; la 1917. James, Edw. Murdock; la 1916. Isserman, Ferdinand; la 1919. James, Elizabeth; la 1917. Iuen, Frank J.; o 1887. James, E. R.; 1 1899. Iuen, Will C.; o 1883. ; James, Eldon; la 1896. 330 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. James, Francis B.; 1 1886. James, Hamilton D.; e 1906. *James, Henry; 1 1844. James, Howard S.; m 1907. *James, L. A.; 0 1845. *James, Milton; o 1859. elames, O.>W.320 518/6. James, Olivia Wood; la 1921. James, Roger A.; la 1925. *James, Wm. Henry; 1 1903. *Jameson, Milton; 1 1846. Jamieson, Katherine; la 1919. *Jamieson, R. A.; o 1868. *Jamison, John Clark; | 1887. Jamison, Mary E.; n 1920. Jander, John C.; ec 1923. Janssen, J. Wm.; e 1911. *Jaqua, Charles; o 1842. *Jaques, Geo. F.; o 1822. Jaquith, Orville S.; m 1897. Jarman, John T.; ec 1924. Jasin, Joseph; la 1904. *Jasper, Wm. C.; o 1889. Jay, Milton T.; o 1890. *Jeffers, John A.; 1 1857. Jefferson, Wm. Harold; e 1912. *Jeffras, Chas. H.; 1 1889. *Jeffray, Thomas R. W.; o 1851. *Jeffries, Giles M.; 0 1849. *Jeffries, James A.; o 1877. *Jeffries, Wm. Elliot; m 1875. Jelke, Ferdinand, Jr.; 1 1886. Jellison, George Eyrle; 1 1911. Jellison, Gladys M.; n 1921. *Jenckes, Joseph S., Jr.; 1 1858. *Jenkins, Alfred C.; 1 1858. Jenkins, Alexander; e 1907. *Jenkins, A. O.; o 1852. Jenkins, Bertram; la 1918. *Jenkins, David P.; 1 1845. Jenkins, Elizabeth; la 1919. Jenkins, J. Oliver; o 1882. *Jenkins, John R.; m 1879. Jenkins, Morgan; m 1878. Jenkins, Myron; | 1884. Jenkins, Ruth Le M.; la 1914. Jenkins, Walter; om 1917. Jenkins, Wilbur; o 1884. *Jenkins, Wm. G.; 1 1860. *Jenner, Alexander; m 1871. Jenner, Robert A.; m 1895. Jennie, James J.; m 1907. Jennings, Charlotte M.; la 1922. *Jennings, E. O.; 1862. *Jennings, Erastus A.; m 1874. *Jennings, George G.; 1 1882. Jennings, Jas. Edward; 1 1891. *Jennnings, John T.; 1 1846. *Jennings, Wm.; | 1846. Jensen, Harold Chas.; la 1923. Jensen, Oliver B.; mc 1924. Jenz, Elsie Elvire; la 1912. *Jepson, Samuel; o 1868. Jerabek, Mary; n 1925. Jergens, Andrew N.; la 1904. Jergens, Anna Julia; la 1912. *Jerman, Loda W.; o 1879. Jessee, Geo. M.; o 1887. *Jessee, John. J.; 0 1834. *Jessup, D. Hose 184s: Jewett, Almira; la 1908; ed 1910. Jewett, Frank W.; o 1889. Jewett, John G.; e 1909. *Jewett, Luther; o 1834. Jewett, Menefee Custer; la 1920. *Jewett, Percy L.; m 1894. Jobes, Geo. A.; 1 1887. *Jobes, John A.; o 1857. Johanning, Edward; o 1896. Johnen, Louis John; 1 1914. Johnley, John F.; 1 1914. *Johns, A. H.; o 1855. *Johns, James R. B.; 0 1842. *Johnson, Aaron; o 1859. Johnson, Alexander H.; 1 1884. *Johnson, Benj. E.; 1 1849. Johnson, Bessie F.; la 1896. Johnson, Byron; 1 1886. Johnson, Calvin R.; m 1877. Johnson, Charles B.; 0 1872. Johnson, Charles W.; la 1918. Johnson, Cornelia R.; la 1898. *Johnson, D. P.; o 1840. Johnson, Darryl W.; ec 1924. *Johnson, E. L.; m 1871. *Johnson, Ed. W.; o 1888. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 331 *Johnson, Edgar; 1 1854. *Johnson, Ella G.; ed 1923; la 1922. *Johnson, Frank A.; o 1896. Johnson, Harry L.; me 1924. Johnson, Haward A.; la 1882. Johnson, Howard H.; m 1903. *Johnson, James A.; o 1874. *Johnson, J. B.; o 1861. Johnson, James D.; 1 1883. *Johnson, James H.; o 1839, *Johnson, James J.; m 1854. Johnson, J. M. B.; m 1883. *Johnson, James T.; o 1826. *Johnson, James W.; | 1856. *Johnson, Jonathan P.; o 1859. *Johnson, John; | 1849. *Johnson, John M.; m 1870. *Johnson, John Wm.; | 1867. *Johnson, Jos.; o 1826. *Johnson, Levi C.; m 1878. ‘ *Johnson, L. M.; o 1829. Johnson, Mabel H.; la 1925. Johnson, Marcus K.; ec 1924. *Johnson, Monroe F.; m 1880. *Johnson, M. V. B.; 0 1865. *Johnson, Parke S.; 1 1898. Johnson, Raymond A.; | 1882. *Johnson, R. H.; o 1846. Johnson, Robert L.; e 1919. Johnson, Sherrard M.; 1 1911. Johnson, Sidney; 1 1892. Johnson, Simeon; 1 1880. *Johnson, W.; o 1858. Johnson, Wallace; o 1892. *Johnson, Wm.; o 1883. *Johnson, Wm.; o 1838. *Johnson, Wm. Henry; | 1881. *Johnson, Wm. M.; o 1859. *Johnston, Alexander; 1 1854. *Johnston, A. M.; o 1847. Johnston, Alex Robert; om 1917. Johnston, Archibald P.; ec 1924. Johnston, Campbell S.; 1 1913. Johnston, Douglas A.; m 1914. Johnston, Fred B.; o 1897. *Johnston, F. W.; 1 1854. Johnston, Geo. P.; o 1891. Johnston, Herbert L.; 1 1892. Johnston, Hollis C.; 1 1886. *Johnston, James; o 1872. *Johnston, J. P.; 0 1882. *Johnston;. JaseokE.; 151837: Johnston, John E.; 1 1886. Johnston, Marcella E.; la 1910. *Johnston, Miles; 1 1866. *Johnston, Nathan G.; | 1869. Johnston, Paul K.; e 1918. Johnston, Pliny A.; la 1901;°ma 1907. *Johnston, Robert; o 1862. *Johnston, Robert A.; 1 1858. *Johnston, Robert A.; | 1857. Johnston, Robert W.; 1 1879. Johnston, Roswell A.; e 1918. Johnston, Ruth; la 1916. Johnston, W. Ross; o 1891. Johnston, Walter S.; o 1904. Johnstone, Ethel Anne; la 1921; ed 1921. Johnstone, Ella G.; la 1922. Johnstone, Roberta A.; la 1922. Jones; 1 1903. *Jones, Albert M.; o 1886. Jones, Arthur David; la 1914; ed 1914; g 1924. Jones, Arthur Owen; la 1899; ma 1907. *Jones, Arthur Ross; m 1877. Jones, Asa N.; o 1881. *Jones, Benj. F.; m 1889. Jones, Cary; 1 1889. Jones, Charles C.; o 1881. Jones, Charley C.; om 1910. Jones, Charles D.; 1 1895. Jones, Charles E.; m 1874. Jones, Charles S.; ec 1920. *Jones, Cummins B.; m 1873. *Jones, Dan E.; o 1866. Jones, Dorothy; la 1917. Jones, Douglas; e 1916. KTOneS: Hanel Ono l/, *Jones, Edward H.; 1 1891. Jones, Eleanor B.; n 1923. *Jones, Evan J.; o 1879. Jones, Francis; la 1916. *Jones, Francis H.; 1 1839. *Jones, Frank H.; o 1883. Jones, Frank H.; 1 1885. 332 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Jones, Frank J.; 1 1865. *Jones, Fred C.; 1 1868. *Jones, George E.; o 1859. *Jones, George H.; 1 1876. Jones, George W.; mc 1925. Jones, Gomer E.; m 1896. Jones, Grace E.; la 1914. Jones, Gwendolyn; la 1920; me 1922. Jones, ult aC. 75 0 BGs, Jones, Herbert C.; mc 1921. Tones wi ats Obs Os ones; eH | 041870. Jones, Howard T.; 1 1904. Tones sade). -GOrLs/ Les Jones, Israel C.; m 1874. Jones, J. Bolling; o 1893. ‘tones 2), 010.790.1873; *Jones, James C.; 1 1848. Jones, James F.; 0 1896. Jones, James G.; la 1918; me 1920. Jones, Jas. W.; 1 1889. *Jones, John F.; o. 1863. Jones, John G.; m 1872. *Jones, J. N.; o 1866. Brones, Ont) fal lool: *Jones, John S.; m 1870. Jones, John T.; o 1884. Jones, John Wm.; 1 1887. *lones, Jos: -Ris-m21857, Jones, Jos. Robert; la 1906. Jones, Lela F.; ed 1921. *Jones, Levi M.; o 1866. Jones, Llewelyn; la 1897. Jones, Lloyd; om 1918. *Jones, Lorenzo E.; 1 1857. Jones, Lucille R.; la 1902. *Jones, Ludlow; 1 1866. *Jones, L. M.; m 1871. Jones, Margaretta; la 1917. *Jones, Martha; la 1896. *Jones, Montague J.; o 1871. Jones, O. Arvon; 1 1917. *Jones, Oliver B.; 1 1880. *Jones, Oliver H.; m 1875. Jones, Philo E.; o 1870. ST POUCS Mt aise tl GOS: Jones, Ralph C.; la 1905. *Jones, Rankin D.; 1866. *Jones, Richard E.; m 1856. Jones, Robert C.; o 1883. *Jones, Robert C. C.; 0 1863. *Jones, Robert H.; o 1878. Jones, Robert J.; o 1895. Jones, Rufus B.; e 1913. Jones, Spencer M.; 1 1900; la 1898. Jones, Stephen W.; la 1910; 1 1913. Jones, Steven W.; o 1878. Jones, Thomas; 1 1887. *Jones, Thomas A.; o 1884. Jones, Thomas B.; o 1870. *Jones, Thomas N.; o 1846. *Jones, Thomas W.; o 1847. Jones, Walter St. John; 1 1875. *Jones, Wm. A.; m 1880. *Jones, Wm. Francis; m 1900. *Jones, Wm. H.; o 1869. Jones, W. J.; 0 1873. *Jones, Wm. L,; 1 1869. *Jones, Wm. O.; o 1842. *Jones, Wm. S.; m 1874. Jordan, ‘Chase 5-1) 1892: Jordan, Elsie; la 1919. *Jordan, Isaac M.; 1 1897. “Jordan, -jJoobe, 2O 10d. Jordan, James; 1 1890. Jordan, John W.; la 1908. *Jordan, Johnson H.; 1 1859. Jordan, Margaret; la 1919. *Tordan, .M. Ae 6 1879) *Jordan, Mortimer H.; m 1867. *Jordan, Nesbitt F.; 0 1884. *Jordan, Willis; 1 1886. Joseph, David B.; la 1916. Joseph, Harry S-2 las i8sy; *Joseph, Israel; la 1891. Joseph, Ruth Block; la 1915. Joslin, Allen Roberts; e 1911. Joslin, ‘Carrie (Hhzie law ise Joslin, Florence; la 1914. Joslin; “Omar ~‘P.3 \la 71383! Joyce, Hazel; fa 1918. Joyce, James; 1 1892. *Joyce, R. Pennell; o 1887. Judge, Joseph D.; ec 1924. *Judkins, Chas. Pm 18672 *Judkins, David; o 1842. ALE ABRLICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUALES. *Judkins, Eugene £.; m 1870. *Judkins, James A.; o 1866. eiediins, ©). .Py3.<0.. 1838, Judkins, Robert J.; om 1912. *Judkins, Wm.; m 1873. Judkins, Wm. Tyson; 1 1875. *ludy. Charles’ S.;D.*0: 1868: Larken, John Chas.; o 1896. La Rue, Benj.; m 1879. La Rue, Henry B.; m 1881. *la Rue; sj He-?m 1870. *La Rue, M. W.; m 1866. Lassance, Christopher; o 1895. Latterner, Fred H.; o 1893. *La Tourette, John M.; 1 1882. Latty, Edwin A.; 1 1889. Latz; Chas: Bela’ 19093#masioi: Laughead, James T.; 0 1877. Laughlin, Chas. E.; m 1878. *Laughlin, Edmund D.; m 1868. Laughlin, Elmer; o 1893. Laughlin, Harold H.; g 1925. Laughlin, Samuel A.; 0 1897. Laurence, Daniel; la 1894. *TLaurence, T. H.; 1 1847. *Taurence, Wm.; | 1840. *Lausdick, Lewis F.; 0 1890. Lautenschlager, H. W.; m 1908. Lautenschlager, Thurman; om 1912. Lauterbach, Ethel; ed 1924; la 1923. Lavell, Robert J.; la 1913. Lavender, Herman L,; la 1919; me 1921. *Lawder, Will G.; o 1868. *Lawhill; W..H.; 0 1855: Lawler, Florence; la 1897. *Lawrence, Amos; o 1865. Lawrence, Wade W.; o 1903. *Laws, Clement E.; 0 1899. *Laws, Henry; la 1885. *Lawson, Benj. S. O.; 1830. Lawson, Wilson T.; m 1878. *Lawton, James S.; o 1841. *Taycock|. Kero, ts4e: *Laycock, Levi; o 1839. *Taycock to.7Ge onlLbaat Layman, Margart E.; la 1891; ma 1897. *Layne, Porter C.; 0 1894. Layritz, Haroldt avec 1925) *Bea,. Calvinevosisoe *Leaby, J. W.; 1 1849. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 341 *Leahy, James W.; o 1898. *Lehmer, Chas.; 1 1878. Leahy, Mary C.; n 1921. Lehnhoff, Raymond G.; e 1915. *Ueake,, J. B.-71 1850: Lehrer, Wm. K.; e 1918. *Leake, J. Bloomfield; 1 1848. Leibenderfer, John E.; ec 1925. *Leaman, John A.; | 1861. Leibert, Julius; la 1915. Leary, J. Arthur; mc 1925: la 1923, Leighty, Elizabeth R.; ed 1925; la 1924. Leasure, Geo. N.; 1 1887. Leighty, Marion B.; la 1924; ed 1925. *Leavell, John P.; o 1873. Leimann, Hattie L.; la 1910. *Leavitt, Edward S.; 1 1887. Leipziger, Emil Wm.; la 1900. *Le Blond, F. C.; 0 1874. Leist, Amelia A.; la 1907; ma 1913. Lebold, Louis D.; me 1925. Leist, George G.; 0 1891. *Le Boutillier, Chas. A.; m 1878. Leist, Stella Grace; la 1909. *Leche, Gervais; 1 1857. Leland, Alice M. E.; ed 1924. *Lecklider, L. G.; 0 1858. *Lemert, Benj. F.; 0 1845. Le Clere, John Burke; la 1914. Leming, John E.; 0 1884. Mere ounts Verge. lakl922 9° 1923; Lemmon, J B.;0 1891. Lee, Bivin M.; 1 1893. *Lemmon, Lorrain; o 1886. *Lee, Chas. Henry; m 1877. *Lemon, Robert C.; la 1916. Lee, Frank Charles; 1 1895. *Tenhart, Chas. Ma: nr 1886: *Lee, Harrison T.; 0 1881. *Lenhart, Leroy S.; m 1871. Lee, John; m 1906. *Lenhart; Wri: 4051870. *Lee, Morris; 1 1920; la 1917. Weenies evel edaro Lee, Olive Pearl; g 1921; mc 1923. Lening, Gareld; 1 1907. Lee? Thomas: U.; | 1887. Leo, ssaral Fi eo n- 1925: Lee; Wallace C.;'1 1910. Leonard, Alice L.; la 1896. *Lee, Wm. E.; 1 1860. *Leonard, B. Bi: *o 1853; eect Chas. Fl. smc 1922; Leonard, Ben S.; 0 1880. *TLeeder, James R.; m 1856. Leonard; “Frank L.:-1 1917: *Leeds, Felix; o 1844. *Leonard, Geo.; | 1890. Leeds, Harry M.; o 1879. *Leonard, Geo. W.; | 1856. Leeds, Howard N.; o 1907. *Leonard, J. W.; o 1886. Leeds, Leonore; m 1906. “leonard, W)l2: 6, 1852: Becker, Albert, 171917, *Leonard, W. N.; m 1886. Leen, Marcella; la 1918. | Leonhardt, Philip; 1 1895. *Leeper, John A.; 0 1887. *Le Roy, David; o 1848. Leeper, Samuel; m 1873. Le Sage, I. R.; 0 1888. Leeser, Thomas J.; 1 1895. Lesley, Francis; la 1921; ed 1922. *Leever, John C.; 0 1840. Leslie, Chas. M.; 1 1895. Leever, John C.; m 1880. Leslie, J. M.; 0 1876. Leever, Wm. Edw.; o 1901. Le Sourd, H. S.; 1 1902. Le Fever, O. E. W.; o 1896. Le Sourd, Mildred K.; ed 1920. *Le Fever, W. A. E.; 0 1890. *Lessley, Robert T.; 0 1835. Lefkowita, David; la 1899. *Lessley, Sam.; o 1829. Lehenbauer, Martha H.; la 1924. *Lester, H. C.; 0 1878. Lehman, Benj. Franklin; m 1891. Le Tendre, Beatrice M.; la 1922; ed *Lehman, Leopold; 1 1862. 1924. Lehman, Carl B.; 1 1910. Letherby, Arthur G.; ec 1923. *Lehman, Clarence W.; o 1890, Leue, Albrecht; la 1898. 342 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Leue, Conrad F.; la 1900; e 1913. Leue, Elsa C.; la 1905. *Lever, Felix; 1 1844. Lever, Frank; o 1902. Levi, Charles S.; la 1889. Levi, Francis T.; la 1910. Levi, Harry; la 1897. Levi, Isabelle J.; la 1909; ma 1914. *Levi, Ruth; la 1909; ma 1911. Levine, Maurice; la 1923; g 1924. Levine, Sarah; ed 1921. Levine, Sidney; mc 1922. Levinson, Marie P.; mc 1923; la 1919. Levinson, Samuel J.; la 1906. Levy, Clifton H.; la 1887. Levy, David M.; 1 1897. Levy, Hattie; ed 1924. Levy, Lewis; 1 1924. *Levy, Lipman; | 1875. Levy, Max A.; om 1911. *Lewellen, P. W.; o 1865. *Lewis, A. C.; m 1855. Lewis, Carroll H.; la 1917. Lewis, Clifford S.; la 1901; ma 1902. *Lewis, Edward C.; 1 1866. Lewis, George E.; ec 1924. Lewis, George W.; la 1880. Lewis, Henry G.; 1 1886. Lewis, Jk +0 1870: *Lewis, James F.; m 1870. xT Cwis, j;. Ps On 87 3: Lewis, Lenore G.; la 1925. Lewis, Lily; la 1921. *Lewis, Robert F.; m 1883. *Lewis, Samuel; | 1849. *Lewis, Wm. G. B.; m 1873. Lewis, Wm. H.; la 1903; m 1906. Leyland, Herbert T.; 1 1919; la 1921. ASE mMaster up nett OL: Li, Yu; ec 1924. Licht, Rudolph; la 1925. Lichtenstein, Morris; la 1916. Liddle, Harold W.; ec 1923. Liddle, John R.; o 1880. Liebenrood, Lillian; la 1925. Lietze, Dolores S.; la 1901. *Lifschitz, Morris; la 1917. *Liggett, Geo.; o 1857. Light, Alvin L,.; m 1900. Light, Arthur J.; o 1908. *Lightfoot, John F.; 0 1879. Lightner, Frank G.; 0 1890. Lightner, Samuel C.; o 1886. Lighty, Geo. W.; 1 1887. *Lilienthal, Albert; la 1878. *Lilienthal, Ernest R.; 1 1870. Lilienthal, Jesse W.; 1 1872. Lillard, Davis; om 1919; la 1917. Lillie, Edward H.; 1 1911. Lilly, Alice L.; la 1920. *Limbert, Geo. T.; 1 1860. Limerick, Robt. E.; o 1884. Linch, Hartryé1js:151906: *Lindeman, Geo.; 1 1863. *Lindeman, Geo. W.; 1 1882. *Lindeman, Robt. H.; 1 1881. Lindenberger, Lauren N.; om 1916. Lindenlaub, Ella; la 1913. *Lindley, C. M.; o 1860. *Linder, Carl; m 1875. Lindner, Eaton Geo.; m 1904. Lindner, Joseph; la 1919; mc 1921. Lindner, Kathryn; la 1921; ed 1922. Lindsay, Eugene D.; 1 1886. *Lindsay, John W.; o 1891. Lindsay, Johnson C.; m 1872. *Lindsay, Preston; o 1857. *Lindsay, S. W.; o 1850. *Lindsay, Vachel T.; m 1869. *Lindsay, W. A.; o 1866. Lindsey, David S.; 1 1889. Lindsey, Daniel W.; 1 1896. *Lindsey, George T.; 1 1860. Lindsey, Helen M.; la 1913. *Lindsey, John P.; 1 1871. Lindsey, Ruth Ella; ed 1921. Lindsey, Thomas Noble; | 1892. Lindsley, Allen M.; ec 1920. *Lindsley, A. O.; o 1843. Lindsley, Chas. B.; g 1918. Lindsley, Florence; la 1917. RL ine, eR: lei sag: Lingley, Isaac; | 1877. *Linhart, A. M.; o 1874. Link, Aloysius C.; 1 1906. Link, Joseph A.; o 1898. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 343 Link, W. H.; o 1884. *Linley, Chas. H.; m 1877. *Linley, J. M.; o 1858. *Linn, David C.; 0 1888. *Linn, Robert G.; 1 1870. Linnard, Elizabeth; la 1914. Linnard, Helen; ed 1920. Linneman, Joseph H.; la 1925. *Linsday, J. D.; o 1856. *Linson, Irvin; 1 1888. Linss, Louis P.; o 1903. *Linton, David; 1 1840. Linton, Frank T.; mc 1920. Linville, P. Dick; o 1883. *Lionhardt, Chas.; 1 1860. Lipp, Dorothy; n 1923. Lippert, Alfred; m 1896. Lippert, Otto C. F.; la 1914. Lippert, Wm. Henry; la 1925. Lloyd, Harry Clay; o 1901. Lloyd, Jesse B.; mc 1924. Lloyd, Viola G.; n 1925. Lloyd, Wilma F.; n 1922; n 1923. *Lock, Wm. R.; 1 1864. *Locke, [e504 1852. *Locke, C. F.; 0 1876. Locke, Walter M.; 1 1890. *Lockhart, J. M:; o 1872. Lockwood, Kenneth L.; la 1918; mec 1920. *Loeb, Christoph J.; ec 1925. Loeb, Elsa; la 1902. Loeb, Florence; la 1909. Loeb, Martha; la 1914. Loebman, Elsie R.; la 1909; g 1910; ed 1911. *Loehr, Edward; o 1871. Loewe, Gustave F.; e 1907. Lipschitz, Samuel; 1 1914. (Changed to Loewenstein, Melvyn G.; 1 1914. Lipp.) Lischkoff, Erma; la 1919. Lisle, Howard C.; om 1910. Lisman, John W.; o 1878. *Lisman, Samuel J.; o 1872. List, Walter E.; 0 1907. List, Wm. Geo.; o 1896. Littell, John C.; om 1910. Littell, Willis R.; 0 1894. Little, Chas.; m 1906. *Little, Griffith; 1 1897. *Little, Hiram H.; 0 1844. Little, Jessie M.; la 1897; ma 1910. Little, John Lewis C.; 0 1885. Little; Wm. S.; 1 1883. *Little, Karl F.; m 1900. *Littlefield, W. L.; m 1892. Littleford, Wm.; 1 1884. *Littlepage, Alexander B.; o 1889, Littler, Wm. D.; o 1896. *Litton, John B.; 1 1896. Litwin, Jacob Akin; e 1919. Litwin, Morris J.; la 1925. Liu, Kuang Pei; ec 1925. Livesay, Theo.; 1 1883. *Livingston, James; o 1830. Lloyd, Anna W.; g 1924. Lloyd, Cicely Burt; ed 1922. *Loffland, Johnson; o 1864. *Logan, Cornelius; m 1853. Logan, Helen G. (Mrs. Rufus Jones); la 1915. *Logan, Henry S.; m 1875. *Logan, James M.; o 1874. *Logan, Jos. L.; 1 1876. *Logan, John M.; m 1873. *Logan, John P.; o 1867. SWocan winds betes oh *Logan, Wade M.; m 1869. *Logan, Walter T.; 1 1879. Lohman, Chas. J.; ec 1923. Lohrey, Clarence R.; ec 1923. *Lomax, Const.; o 1851. Lordon, Henrietta; la 1913-14. Long, Beatrice H.; la 1900. Long, Bert Harry; 1 1913. Long, Blanche; la 1906. Long, Charlotte M.; la 1913. Long, Edna M.; n 1925. *Long, Eli; 1 1867. *Long, George E.; m 1866. *Long, Harry E.; o 1889. Long, Helen; n 1924. *Long, Owen M.; o 1831. *Long, Thos. B.; 1 1856. *TPON Se Victoria oso 344 Longnecker, EF. W.; o 1884. *Longfellow, A. J.; o 1860. *Longfellow, J. V.; m 1886. *Longfellow, Robt. C.; o 1887. Longfellow, Victor O.; m 1893. *Longhenge, Jas. G.; 1 1867. *Longley, Albert S.; 1 1872. *Longworth, Jos.; 1 1835. Longworth, Nicholas; 1 1894. Longworth, Thos.; o 1905. *Looker, Othniel, Jr.; 1 1843. *Toomis, H. Taylor; 1 1876. Loomis, Orval G.; ec 1925. *Loonly, F. B.; o 1859. Lord, Frank R.; m 1894. *Lord, Wm. G.; | 1875. Lorenz, Edw. Jos.; la 1911; g 1912. Lorenz, Eleanor; g 1924. Lorenz, Julius F.; 1 1900. *Lorimer, Jas.; o 1832. Lose, Carl Wm.; om 1912. Lotspeich, Helen G.; la 1910. Lotspeich, Ida; la 1918. Lotter, Frederick D.; la 1910. *Lotze, Christian M.; | 1871. Lotze, 1909. Lotze, Frieda A.; la 1906. Lotze, Helene; la 1909. *Longhead, Frank; o 1883. Loughbridge, Wm.; m 1880. Loughry, J. Wilson; o 1901. Louis, Irene L,.; la 1914. *Louis, R. Hs; +0, 1842. Love, Edwin G.; 1 1888. *Eove, Johne KY 101867; *Loveland, Frank; 1 1888. *Lovell, Oliver S.; 1 1841. Lovett, James R.; 1 1900. Lovitch, Meyer; la 1905. *Low, Wm. H. H.; o 1880. *Lowder, Rynd; | 1866. *Towe, David P.; 1 1850. *TLowe, Enos; o 1837. Lowe, Helen; ed 1925. Lowe, Henry H.; m 1915. Lowenstein, Arthur; la 1903. Lowenstein, Cora; la 1912. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Lowenstein, Fannie; la 1905. Lowenstein, Harry; la 1887. Lowenstein, Solomon; la 1898. Lower, Josiah; 1 1888. Lowes, Raymond; | 1900; la 1897. *Lowman, G. W.; o 1877. *Lowry, Hamilton B.; mc 1876. *Lowry, Harvey T.; o 1874. *Lowry, T. M.; m 1869. Loyer, Albert E.; o 1895. Lubin, Clarence; ec 1923. *Lucas, John H.; 11860. *Tucas, Othokle! Jrip071S90: Lucas, Wm. A.; o 1896. Lucas, Wm. H:; o 1895. Lucas, Wm. H.; o 1880. Luccock, Samuel; 1 1881. Luchs, Alvin S.; la 1920. Luckett, Oscar P.; ec 1920. *Ludden, B. M.; o 1852. *Ludlow, Augustus; 1 1860. *Ludlow, John, Jr.; o 1859. Ludlow, Chas Hi; 04902, Ludlow, Edwin; o 1883. *Ludlow, Isaac; 1 1869. Erma Magdalene; la 1904; g*Ludlow, Israel; 1 1866. Ludlow, Walter S.; 0 1895, Ludlow, Wm.; | 1867. *Ludlow, Wm. S.; 1 1866. Ludwig, Karl F.; ec 1924. Ludwig, Lowell H.; la 1914. Ludwick, Hermann M.; g 1914. Ludwick, Verner D.; m 1889. Luebbers, Alphonso L,.; 1 1918. Luebbert, Gladys N. (Mrs. Jean E. Ben- nett); la 1923. Luebbert, Louis R.; 1 1891. Luebbert, Sylvia R.; la 1920. Luechauer, Alvin; 1 1918. Lueders, Anna (Mrs. Geo. nette); la 1918; ed 1919. TLueders, Wm. H.; | 1886. *TLuellemann, C. F.; o 1879. *Luff, Theodore R.; 0 1877. *Luhrman, John F.; la 1908. Lummis, Geo. D.; o 1884. Lund, Carl H.; e 1918. *Lundy, Chas. Leo; | 1881. A. Dor- ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Lunger, Guernsey; mc 1922. Lurie, Louis A.; la 1908; g 1911. *Lurton, L. L.; o 1848. Lusby, Helen; la 1917. Lusher, Homer V.; 0 1906. Lutterman, Ed. W.; la 1899. mititz, Achas *t.:- 0 “1883: Lutz, Geo. W.; o 1870. Lutz, Jos. N.; la 1917. Lutz, Samuel L.; 1 1891. Lyford, Geo. H. A.; 1 1885. Lyford, Geo.; me 1925. Lykins, Marcus C.; 1 1890. *Lykins, W. P.; 1 1902. Lykins, Wm. P.; la 1900. Lyle, Alice F.; la 1916-1918; mc 1920. Lyle, Arthur W.; 0 1868. Lyle, Benj. F.; o 1882. Lyle, Donald; om 1919; la 1917. *Lyle, John M.; o 1872. *TLyman, Daniel; 0 1847. *Lynch, Elijah; o 1848. *Lynch, George B.; 1 1893. Lynch, Mary A.; la 1910. *Lynd, Stoughton; 1 1853. Lynd, Wm. Wilson; m 1903. Lyne, John Q.; 1 1886. Lynn, Emery F.; 1 1884. Lynsky, Christopher; m 1907. Lyon, Bert Rogers; la 1905. *Lyon, G. W. A.; o 1880. *Lyon, Hamilton S.; 1 1863. *Lyon, Jerome B.; o 1880. Lyon, Norman M.; la 1915. Lyon, Robert A.; mc 1925. Lyons, Alexander; la 1891. Lyons, Ira A. E.; m 1870. yons,jas.-ai.> oF 1887. Lyons, M. Ethel; la 1909. Lytle, Chas. W.; e 1913. *Lytle, Ella; la 1896. Lytle, Jas. Edward; la 1892. *Lytle, Josephus B.; 1 1858. Lytle, Lawrence R.; 1 1921; la 1916. *Lytle, Wm. H.; 1 1846-47. McAdams, James M.; m 1871. McAdams, Joseph; 1 1916. *McAllister, Henry; m 1856. *McAllister, H. G.; 0 1872. *McAllister, W. R.; m 1866. *McAndrews, Anthony ; ec 1925. *McArthur, F. W.; o 1853. *McAughn, Daniel; m 1856. McAuliffe, Dennis S.; m 1902. McAvoy, Blanche; la 1909. *McAvoy, Daniel; 1 1867. McAvoy, Irving; e 1891. McAvoy, Malcolm; | 1897. *McAvoy, Wm. B.; o 1840. *McBean, John S.; o 1872. McBeth, Alva G.; ec 1925. McBeth, Harry Raymond; ec 1925. McBeth, Warren F.; 1 1888. McBreen, Mary E.; la 1920. McBride, James F.; 1 1893. *McBride, W. C.; o 1840. *McCabe, Francis; 1878. McCafferty, Ernest J.; 1 1895. McCafferty, Thomas W.; ec 1924. *McCall, Robert; o 1866. *McCall, Wm.; 1 1840. 345 McCallister, Edgar W.; e 1903; 1 1911. *McCambridge, P. O.; 0 1859. *McCammon, Geo. W.; 1874. McCammon, Robt. W.; 1 1887. *McCandliss, Richard; m 1857. McCann, Frank B.; m 1894, *McCann, John K.; 1878. McCarthy, Alice; la 1917. McCarthy, Chas. E.; 1 1901. *McCarthy, John J.; 1 1878. McCarthy, Merrick F.; om 1914. *McCarthy, Richard; o 1882. McCartney, Jesse T.; 0 1903. McCartt, Lawrence E.; ec 1923. McCarty, Frank H.; 1 1892. *McCarty, Mark A.; 1 1882. *McCarty, Wm. Warder; m 1878. *McCasiewtG. Als ro fos 1 McCashin, John M.; 1 1915. *McCasky, Hugh; o 1846. *McCauley, J. L.; 0 1874. *McChesney, A. C.; 0 1849. *McClain, L:; 0 1875: *McClain, W. A.; o 1888. *McCarten, James Joseph; 1 1882. 346 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *McClaugherty, D. W.; o 1870. McCord, Harry E.; o 1907. McClave, Stuart M.; 1 1888. McCord, T. Chester; o 1883. McClellan, Benj. R.; m 1884. *McCord, Wm. C.; o 1882. McClellan, Chas. H.; 1 1894. *McCorkle, Thos. H.; o 1879. McClellan, James S.; o 1880. McCormac, James F.; 0 1895. *McClellan, John; 1 1853. McCormack, J. N.; m 1870. McClelland, Donald C.; om 1911. McCormack, M. E.; m 1894. *McClelland, J. S.; o 1850. McCormack, Thos. A.; 1 1919. *McClelland, James; o 1849. McCormick, Alfred F.; 1 1886. McClelland, James E.; 1 1872. *McCormick, Andrew J.; 1 1851. *McClelland, Wm. D.; m 1874. McCormick, Edgar; o 1880. McClintock, Alexander; m 1895, McCormick, Frank E.; m 1904. McClintock, John Mills; 1 1891. *McCormick, George; | 1861. *McClintock, T. R.; 0 1870. McCormick, George W.; 0 1897. McClinton, Clifton F.; om 1919, McCormick, Harold V.; e 1918. *McCloud, John J.; m 1895. McCormick, Hollis Ann.; n 1920. McClung, James R.; mc 1922. *McCormick, Joseph; | 1838. *McClung, Leonidas ;1 1871. McCormick, M. S.; o 1882. *McClure, A. W.; o 1853. McCormick, Shuler; | 1908. . McClure, A. William; ec 1922. McCormick, S. Lester; 1 1916. McClure, Chas. R.; o 1901. *McCormick, Wm. B.; o 1837. *McClure, David; o 1885. McCoy, David F.; 1 1889. *McClure, Dexter; o 1848. *McCoy, Edgar S.; 1 1887. McClure, George W.; mc 1922. ~ McCoy, Frank L.; 1 1886. McClure, John B.; 0 1896. *McCoy, Frederick W.; | 1896. McClure, John W.; la 1924. McCoy, Geo. Thomas; m 1882. *McClure, Sanford; o 1897. McCoy, Geo. W.; m 1904. McClure, Ulysses Geo.; 0 1907. *McCoy, J. W.; 0 1875. McClure, Wm.; o 1875. *McCoy, L. H.; o 1881. McClymonds, Sam E.; m 1877. *McCoy, Wm. Y.; o 1877. McCollum, E. O.; 0 1892. *McCracken, Wm. A.; o 1863. *McCollum, J. Jarvis; o 1892. McCray, F. Alfred; 1 1905. McComas, Marguerite A. (Mrs. J. H. McCreary, Homer W.; om 1919. Melish); 1 1896. *McCreary, John C.; o 1831. McComas, Ralph T.; e 1911. *McCreary, Samuel E.; m 1880. McCombs, Edward; | 1890. *McCreary, Wm.; o 1875. McConaha, Grace C.; la 1903; g 1912. *McCreary, Wm. J.; m 1882. McConaughey, F. B.; 1 1921. McCreight, G. C.; m 1901. McConaughy, Mary A.; g 1923. *McCulley, W. A.; 0 1862. McConica, Thomas H.; 1 1883. McCulloch, Ernest C.; om 1910. *McConnell, A. P.; 0 1850. McCulloch, Robt. A.; 1 1891. McConnell, Estelle L.; ed 1925. *McCullough, Geo.; o 1846. *McConnell, J. DeWitt; o 1877. McCullough, Geo. E.; o 1899. McConnell, Mildred C.; la 1924. *McCullough, J. A.; 1845. *McConnell, Thomas O.; m 1883. *McCullough, J. C.; o 1881. McCook, Henry Franklin; m 1887. McCune, Ronald; ec 1922. McCool, Wm. Franklin; mc 1923. *McCune, Wm. D.; m 1879. *McCord, D. O.; 0 1854. *McCurdy, N. M.; o 1836. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 347 McCurdy, Lyman C.; 0 1894. McDairmid, Campbell; | 1891. McDaniel, Arthur S.; 0 1882. McDermott, John; 1 1894. McDermott, Mary M.; la 1925. *McDermott, Thomas; | 1879. McDevitt, Mary; ed 1924. McDevitt, Mary Eleanor; la 1920; 1921. McDevott, Chas. J.; om 1911. McDiarmid, Norman; o 1902. *McDill, And. C.; o 1837. *McDill, James H.; 0 1845. *McDill, John B.; o 1859. *McDivitt, Eli G.; m 1873. McDonald, Elizabeth; ed 1920. *McDonald, Geo. T.; 0 1842. *McDonald, J. G.; 1 1849. McDonald, Laura; n 1923. McDonald, Maria L.; la 1920. *McDonald, R. D.; o 1871. McDonald, Ward; 1 1895. McDonald, Wm. John; ec 1921, McDonald, Wm. R.; | 1898. McDonough, Ethel; la 1916. McDougal, John G.; 0 1882. *McDougal, Jos., Jr.; 1 1848. McDougall, Chas. S.; o 1883. McDougall, Taylor; 1 1901. *McDougall, Thomas; | 1870. McDowell, Edward S.; mc 1920. *McDowell, John Otho; m 1877. *McDowell, Joseph J.; 1 1857. *McDowell, Joseph L.; 1 1898. McDowell, Marshall; 0 1894, McDowell, Mary; la 1918. *McDowell, Samuel; o 1880. *McDowell, Uhler; o 1888. McFarlan, Arthur C.; la 1919. *McFarlan, Frank G.; la 1877. McFarlan, James P.; ec 1921. McFarlan, Kathryn; la 1921. McFarlan, Ruth; ec 1925. McFarland, James C.; ec 1921. *McFarland, James D.; | 1868. ed*McFarland, P. M.; o 1862. McFarland, Rose; la 1904. McFarland, Thos. A.; 1 1897. *McGarle, James; | 1850. *McGarrough, T. S.; 0 1874. *McGarry, James W.; la 1917. *McGarry, Michael J.; 1 1895. *McGaughey, D. S.; o 1848. *McGaughey, John E.; 0 1859. *McGaughey, Samuel; o 1851. McGee, Frank A.; 1 1897. McGill, Stuart A.; la 1900. McGilliard, Eleanor R.; la 1925. McGilliard, Wm. B.; 1 1894. *McGinnis, A. B.; 0 1854. *McGinnis, E. G.; 0 1874. *McGinnis, James, Jr.; 1 1859. *McGinnis, John C.; m 1901. *McGinnis, J. W.; o 1869. McGowan, Carolyn; la 1917. McGowan, Elizabeth K.; la 1924. McGowan, John V.; om 1914. *McGowan, S. A.; o 1850. *McGranahan, G. W.; m 1881. McGrane, Lenore F.; la 1923. McGrane, Reginald C.; la 1912; ma 1913. McGrath, Edwin R.; o 1902. McGregor, Annie L.; la 1916. McGregor, Minerva; la 1918. McGregor, Ruth E. (Mrs. Wm. A. Cas- tellini); la 1922; ed 1923. McDowell, W. Winn. (Mrs. Albert Mc-*McGrew, J. K.; 0 1848. Giniss); la 1906. *McElrath, Geo.; o 1835. *McElrath, Wm. S.; o 1831. *McElroy, Geo. W.; 1 1850. *McElwee, John; o 1849. *McElwee, H.; o 1882. McEvilley, Mary; la 1925. McEwen, J. A.; 1 1874. *McFadden, H.; o 1862. *McGrew, John S.; 0 1847. *McGroarty, P.; 1 1844. *McGroarty, Stephen; 1 1879. *McGuffey, Chas. D.; 1 1865. *McGuffey, John G.; 1 1859. *McGuffey, Winthrop; la 1895. McGuire, Ella (Mrs. Thomas de Seri- sey); la 1904. McGuire, Lee W.; 0 1906. 348 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. McHenry, Joseph B.; o 1907. McHenry, Oscar E.; o 1903. *McKinlay, Robt L.; 1 1860. McKinley, Glen L.; ec 1922. McIntire, Laura (Mrs. Brown); la 1917. McKinney, Anne C.; ed 1924. McIntire, Walter Alan; la 1914. McIntire, Warren W.; la 1922. McIntire, Wm. C.; la 1919. McIntosh, Robert G.; la 1925. McIntyre, Aurelia P.; mc 1922. McIntyre, Howard; mc 1920. *McIntyre, John W.; o 1871. *MclIteeny, John S.; 0 1847. PMc jilton Beales 0. 1870, McJoynt, Thomas Lee; ec 1920. McKay, Roy H.; o 1906. *McKay, Samuel M.; o 1836. McKea, Charles C.; e 1916. *McKechan, Geo. L.; 1 1861. *McKechnie, Josiah; o 1872. *McKee, Edward S.; o 1881. McKee, Emilius M.; m 1900. McKinney, Gladys J.; n 1921. *McKinney, John D.; 0 1874. McKinney, Robert S.; ec 1920. McKinniss, Clyde R.; 0 1903. *McKnight, David; o 1836. McLaughlin, A. W.; o 1880. McLaughlin, Esther B.; la 1905. *McLaughlin, Geo.; 1 1857. *McLaughlin, G. J. D.; 1 1869. McLaughlin, Harry Wm.; ec 1925. *McLaughlin, Roy M.; 1 1907; la 1905. McLean, Chas. C.; 0 1895. *McLean, E.°F.3,0 1875! McLean, Miltor H.; 1 1891. *McLean, Nathaniel, Jr.; 1 1860. *McLean, Wm. Chas.; 1 1892. McLeish, John L,; o 1897. McKee, ‘Florence L,.; la. 1914; Tr, Dip.*McLellan, H. Az;.0 1880: in El. Ed. 1914. *McKee, Geo. C.; 1 1883. *McKee, John C.; m 1873. *McKee, John Wm.; o 1898. *McKee, Joseph I.; m 1876. *McKee, R. H.; 0 1870. *McKee, Samuel; | 1858. *McKeever, Elmer; 1 1882. McKelvey, T. W.; 0 1887. McKenney, Wm. A.; o 1890. McKenzie, James A.; 1 1894. *McKenzie, N. R.; 0 1844. McKenzie, Wilbur; 1 1917. *McKeown, John W.; 1 1894. McKerrihan, S. B.; 0 1877. *McKhann, Chas. F.; 0 1879. McLellan, Sister Mary; g 1925. McLeod, Earl H.; e 1912. ~*McLeod, Joseph R.; 1 1863. *McMahan, John B.; o 1878. *McMahon, Abram; o 1857. *McMahon, J. H.; 0 1857. *McMakin, C. F.; 1 1874. *McMakin, John H.; 1 1866. McManigal, Samuel L.; o 1902. McManis, Samuel E.; mc 1924. *McMaster, J. L.; 1 1870. McMaster, James N.; o 1870. *McMaster, John; 1 1855. McMechan, Francis; o 1903. *McMechan, J.; o 1852. *McMechan, J. C.; o 1868. McKhann, Chas. F.; la 1920; g 1921; McMichael, Wm. A.; 0 1897. me 1923. McKhann, Geo. G.; mc 1920. McKibben, Clovis L.; mc 1924. McKibben, Ethel M.; n 1921. McKibben, Harriett; la 1906. McKibben, James T.; o 1891. McKibben, W. H.; o 1891. *MoKim, J.jDi+. 0611853: McKim, Frank E.; 0 1884. McKim, Gordon F.; o 1903. *McMicken, Andrew; | 1845. *McMicken, Andrew, Jr.; 1 1872. *McMillan, C. W.; o 1851. McMillan, Damaris; la 1919. *McMillan, G. M.; o 1880. McMillan, Olive G.; la 1912; ma 1913. *McMillan, Thomas; o 1861. *McMillan, W.; 0 1866. *McMillan, Wm.; o 1836. *McMillen, Harry W.; 1 1886. ALPHABETICAL LIST *McMillen, Wm. H.; 1 1878. McMinn, Frederick; e 1909. McMullen, Cassius; 1 1900. *McMullen, Howard C.; 1 1869. *McMuly, Luther; | 1866. *McMurchy, Geo. W.; 1 1878. McMurray, James; o 1875. McMurray, R. J.; 0 1878. McNair, Gladys E.; ed 1925. *McNair, Joseph A.; 1 1891. *McNally, Thomas; o 1893. McNamara, John W.; o 1901. McNamara, Thomas, Jr.; 1 1891. McNaughton, Marjorie; la 1918. McNeely, Jos. S., Jr.; 1 1890. *McNeil, R.; 0 1844. *McNeill, Aaron; 1 1867. McNelly, Alstan E.; la 1911. McNelly, Catherine E.; la 1925. McNelly, Nanabel; la 1907; Tr. Dip. in Bid 319102) mari912. McNutt, Florence (Mrs. Simms); la 1907. McNutt, Helen (Mrs. ston); la 1916. Newell la 1919. McNutt, Walter S.; g 1922. *McPeak, James; o 1870. *McPherson, John C.; 1 1865. *McPherson, John A.; 0 1849. McQueen, Daniel W.; o 1895. McReynolds, Edith; la 1899. *McReynolds, Maria; la 1894. *McReynolds, W. H.; o 1858. *McSherley, James L.; o 1883. McSurley, James E.; 1 1900. *McTeague, N. T.; 0 1882. McVay, Frederick; o 1909. *McVay, Harlan E.; m 1889. *McVay, John G.; o 1869. McVay, Vera Louise; la 1910. McVean, Wm. E. A.; o 1895. McVeigh, James A.; o 1896. *McVey, Alfred H.; 1 1868. McWhorter, Wm. T.; ec 1924. *McWilliams, R. G.; 0 1875. Maas, Julian; e 1910. McNutt, Laura (Mrs. Harold Altamer); OF ALL GRADUATES. *Maas, Julius L.; 1 1887. Macbrair, Bessie; la 1910. Macbrair, Blanche; la 1906. MacDonald, Clyde; | 1917. *MacDonald, Everett; o 1855. MacGrath, Chas. F.; 1 1917. *Machen, Henry; o 1831. Machle, Willard F.; la 1924; mec 19235. ' Machte, Wolfe; la 1917. Mack, Edward; g 1924. Mack, Milton H.; o 1892. Mack, Robert J., Jr.; 1 1882. Mack, Theodore; | 1886. Mackal,. B. H::071870. Mackay, A. M.; e 1918. Macke, Edw .F.; la 1892; ma 1906. Mackelfresh, Anne S.; la 1905; ma 1906. Mackelfresh, Chas. H.; e 1909. Mackenbach, Chas. W.; o 1900. Mackentepe, Fred; | 1892. Mackenzie, Colin S.; la 1919. *Mackenzie, J. C.; o 1865. Mackey, C. W.; o 1881. Howard Win-*Mackin, Reynoldo D.; o 1887. Mackoy, Harry B.; 1 1897. *Mackoy, John, Jr.; o 1869. *Mackoy, Lewis D.; la 1897. Macks, Mortiz; 1 1882. Mackzum, H. M.; la 1919; ma 1910. Mac Laurin, Wm. M.; ec 1924. Mac Millan, Wade; m 1891. Mac Neale, James D.; 1 1875. Macready, Chas. F.; m 1906. *Macready, James; o 1859. *Macready, John H.; o 1892. Macy, Mildred; n 1923; n 1924. Macy, Rhoda E.; n 1920. Madden, Benj.; 1 1893. Madden, Fannie; la 1907. Maddock, Stephen J.; la 1919; g 1922. *Maddox, Claude; o 1894. Maddox, Robt. Daniel; o 1900. Maddox, Wm. R.; g 1924. Maddux, Maud (Mrs. J. B. Webb); la 1906; ma 1908. *Madison, J. W.; o 1858. *Madison, John W.; | 1863. *Madox, Joseph; o 1837. 350 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Maertz, Chas.; o 1902. *Maffett, Halleck; o 1891. *Maffett, Lorin O.; 0 1885. *Magee, Frank R.; 1 1879. Magee, Irvin L.; 0 1883. *Magee, James; o 1833. *Maggini, J. C. F.; o 1841. Maggs, Albert H.; ec 1921. Magley, Florence; la 1918. Magly, W. S.; 1 1882. Magnes, Julian; la 1898. Magnin, Edgar F.; la 1913. Magoffin, James R.; 1 1897. Magrish, James; la 1922. Magruder, Howard; | 1883. Magruder, James W.; m 1896. Magrun, Ella; 1 1894. Mahon, Paul T.; 1 1914. Mahon, Thos. C.; 1 1887. *Mahoney, O. L.; 0 1867. Mahoney, Thos. W.; 1 1917. Mahoney, Thos. Wm.; om 1913. Maish, Albert F.; e 1915. Majoewsky, Leo R.; om 1912. Makemson, Winfield S.; 0 1884. Malarney, Philip J.; la 1925. *Maley, J. K.; 1 1860. *Maline, Joseph; o 1840. Mallin, N. Milton; ec 1923. Mallon, Guy W.; 1 1888. Mallon, Hannah N.; g 1925. Mallow, Edgar H.; o 1900. Mallow, Otis B.; o 1901. Malloy, Patrick; o 1880. Malone, Chas. Joseph; e 1912. Malone, Herbert P.; mc 1921; la 1920. Malone, James A.; mc 1924. *Malone, J. V.; o 1853. *Maloney, John J.; o 1885. Maloney, John J.; mc 1921. Maloney, Lillian; la 1918. *Maloney, John P.; 1 1884. *Maloney, James; | 1874. Malsbary, Chas. F.; 1 1889. *Manchester, Peter B.; 1 1844. Manley, Mary Ellen; n 1924. *Manley, Paul G.; m 1879, Mann, Annette; la 1924. *Mann, Chase; o 1866. Mann, Florence; 1 1896; ma 1901. Mann, Louis L.; la 1910; ma 1912. *Mann, Milton H.; 1 1859. Mann, Louise; la 1915. Mann, Virginia M.; tr dip in el ed 1909. Mannheimer, Eugene; la 1902. Mannheimer, Jennie (Manner, Jane); bl 1892. Mannheimer, Leo; 1a 1899. Manning, Bessie; la 1918. Manning, Isaac S.; m 1872. Manning, Mary P.; m 1904. Manning, Preston L.; 0 1897. Mannino, Joseph D.; om 1918. Mannix, Geo. W., Jr.; 1 1894. *Mannix, John B.; | 1866. *Mannon, A. A.; 0 1872. *Manor, John J.; 1 1853. *Hanser, J. G.; o 1851. *Manser, W. H.; o 1884. *Mansfield, Chas. D.; 1.1856. Mansfield, Fred; 1 1923 *Mansfield, T. B.; 0 1878. Manson, Rene J. M.; ec 1922. *Mantle, John R.; 0 1844. *Manty, Milton S.; 1 1856. *Manuel, Henry; 1 1848. *Manville, Addison G.; 1 1891. Maple, Charters D.; 1 1923. March, Cora; ma 1913. Marchant, Thos. W.; 1 1884. Marckworth, Herman, Jr.; 1 1885. Marckworth, Olixia; ed 1924, 1915; la 1913; g 1915. Marcum, Lewis D.; o 1888. Marcus, Jacob; la 1917. Marcus, Joseph C.; 0 1878. Marcusson, Isaac Ed.; bl 1894. Mardorf, Edw. A.; 1 1912. Marfield, Dwight; 1 1901. Margolis, Elias; la 1900. Margolis, Harry S.; la 1919. Margolis, Max K.; 1 1915. Margraf, Wm. A.; g 1921; la 1919, Mark, Jerome; la 1917. Mark, Julius; la 1921. Markgraf, Carl A.; e 1918. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 351 *Markle, A. T:; 0 1829. Martets, Edmund; 1 1886. *Markel, John E.; o 1869. Martin, Anna; la 1916. Markley, Arthur J.; m 1903. *Martin, C. E.; m 1872. Markley, Carl T.; 1 1913. Martin, Chas. Earl; om 1911. *Markley, Leo; o 1883. *Martin, Chas. R.; m 1866. Markley, Ogden J.; 1 1923. *Martin, Edgar J.; o 1889. Markley, Stephen; o 1898. Martin, Edna; la 1916. *Markley, Wm. Howard; la 1892. *Martin, Edward H.; o 1887. *Marks, Peter A.; m 1867. Martin, Edwin; | 1873. Marks, Henry A.; e 1919. Martin, F. A.; o 1885. Marks, L. Lewis; 1 1901. *Martin, Foster J.; 1 1875. *Markwith, A. F.; 0 1886. *Martin, George A.; 0 1877. Markwith, Helen Betty; n 1920, Martin, George E.; m 1895. *Markworth, Adolph; 1 1879. Martin, Gladys; la 1922; ed 1923. Marling, Austin D.; o 1900. Martin, Harry H.; m 1891. *Marmon, James W.; 0 1835. Martin, Henry G.; la 1925. Marqua, John H.; ed 1920. Martin, Henry W.; o 1898. *Marquam, H. P.; o 1848. *Martin, James A.; o 1879. Marquart, Oscar; m 1884. Martin, John C.; 1 1886. *Marquis, David; o 1845. Martin, John H.; 1 1882. *Marquis, Wm.; m 1872. Martin, Josephus A.; o 1885. Marr, Norval M.; mc 1924. *Marttin, [2.4.01 1852. Marsh, Clarence; 1 1900. *Martin, John; m 1869. *Marsh, Felix; 1 1835. Martin, John Q.; 1 1893. *Marsh, Francis C.; 1 1865. Martin, John R. B.; m 1903. *Marsh, Frederick O.; la 1879; ma 1880;*Martin, J. S.; 0 1854. m 1884. Martin, Kent E.; la 1924. Marsh, Hanson H.; o 1903. Martin, Louis Frank; la 1923. *Marsh, John L.; o 1874. Martin, Louis Henry; la 1925. *Marsit, J..O; > 0) 1862. *Martin, L. J.; m 1867. *Marsh, Millard F.; 1 1881. Martin, Loyal S.; la 1924. Marsh, Miron Isaac; o 1895. Martin, Margaret; la 1912; tr. dip in el *Marsh, N. B.; o 1839. ed 1912. Marshall, Andrew; m 1876. *Martin, Nevins L.; m 1886. Marshall, Carrington; 1 1892, *Martin, P. W.s.0 1832: Marshall, Chas. C.; 0 1897. Martin, Robert Scott; om 1919; la 1917. *Marshall, Geo.; o 1878. *Martin, R: Ys-'0, 1872: Marshall, Grace (Mrs. Robt. A. Alberts) ;*Martin, Wm.; o 1851. bl 1895. Martindell, Edwin; o 1896. *Marshall, John S.; m 1877. Martindill, Wm. C.; 0 1904. Marshall, Louis; o 1904. Marting, Anna D.; la 1925. Marshall, Reuben; m 1876. Marting, Wm. F.; o 1897. Marshall, Robert P.; m 1873. Martinie, Chas.; m 1874. Marshall, S. A.; o 1882. *Martinie, Ethelbert C.; m 1882. Marshall, Thomas E.; o 1898. Martins, Daniel; 1 1880. Marshall, Wm. C.; o 1890. *Marts, Abraham; 1 1859. *Marshall, Wm. T.; 1 1892. Marts, Samuel; | 1881. *Marshall, Winfield S.; o 1872. Martz, G. J.; o 1891. 352 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Marvin, Stephen; o 1893. Marvin, Warren K.; la 1923; me 1925. Marx, David B.; bl 1894. Marx, Robert; 1 1909. Marxmiller, Harry G.; o 1897. *Mary, Frank H.; o 1892. Mason, Charlton M.; ec 1925. Mason, Clarence H.; m 1896. *Mason, Daniel; o 1835. Mason, Edward C.; g 1921; mc 1920. Mason, George M.; o 1898. *Mason, George W.; o 1873. Mason, James L.; o 1883. *Mason, John C.; o 1878. Mason, John E.; 1 1891. *Mason, Joseph; o 1842. *Mason, Leonidas; o 1872. eM asotiely, ics 0 LOO: Mason, Le Mear; 1 1900. Mason, Mame C; la 1913. Mason, Mary; n 1925. Mason, Matthew; m 1898. *Mason, Stephen T.; 1 1838. Mason, Walter R.; la 1911. Mason, Walter S.; 0 1889. Massie, David M.; 1 1882. Massie, Henry F.; m 1896. Massie, Ralph F.; la 1922; mc 1924. Masson, Woodburn; 1 1895. *Masterman, B. F.; o 1880. Masters, George B.; 0 1879. *Masters, Geo. R.; o 1881. Masters, James Madison; m 1879. Masterson, Wm. Wesley; | 1885. *Matchett, Chas. G.; 1 1856. *Matchett, Chas. H.; o 1884. *Matchett, Frank E.; 0 1877. *Matchett, J. E.; o 1851. *Matchett, Wm. H.; o 1851. *Mathers, Chas. W.; m 1879. Mathers, James; 1 1893. *Mathers, Thomas H.; o 1883. *Mathes, Geo. L.; o 1880. *Mathew, Chas. S.; o 1878. *Mathew, Edward W.; 1 1860. Mathews, George A.; o 1889. Mathews, Grace E.; la 1923. *Mathews, J. H.; o 1873. Mathews, James S.; la 1921; me 1923. *Mathias, Jo We" 71875) Matre, Joseph B.; 1 1913; la 1912. Matreska, Antony; om 1917. *Matson, 1538aCib. 2 le lose: *Matson, James B.; | 1883. Mattern, Conrad Jas.; 1 1891. Mattern, Jacob C.; 1 1892. *Matthews, Albert G.; 1 1846. Matthews, David J.; o 1896. Matthews, Edward F.; 1 1881. Matthews, Grace N.; la 1913; ed 1913. Matthews, Henry F.; 1 1891. Matthews, John W.; 1 1917. *Matthews, N. S.; o 1880. *Matthews, R.; 1 1879. Matthews, Stanley; 1 1900. Matthews, Wm. T.; o 1901. Matthewson, James S.; e 1912. *Mattingly, Joseph H.; o 1885. Mattox, Frank G.; 1 1872. *Mattox, Willard S.; la 1894. Matz, Conrad G.; | 1917. Mauchly, Sebastian J.; la 1911. Mauder, Joseph K.; 1 1919. Maury, Madeline (Mrs. Wright); la 1903; ed 1909. *Maxedon, R. W.; m 1870. Maxon, Bruce E.; ec 1923. *Maxwell, Allison; m 1876. Maxwell, Caroline N. (Mrs. L. Earle Lee); la 1900. Maxwell, Clement A.; 1 1891. Maxwell, Geo. Ralph; mc 1923. *Maxwell, James Darwin; m 1878. *Maxwell, John Andrew; m 1882. Maxwell, J. F.; 0 1882. *Maxwell, John H.; o 1878. Maxwell, John S.; 1 1894. Maxwell, Joseph F.; 1 1886. _ Maxwell, Lawrence, Jr.; 1 1875. Maxwell, Nathaniel H.; 1 1905. Maxwell, Wm. K.; 1 1891. * May, Ae wer onisos: May, Chas @tival: 1895: *May, Frank A.; o 1874. *May, Henry; | 1836. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 353 *May, Manuel; | 1849. Mehrhoff, Loyal A.; 1 1915. May, Max B.; la 1888. Meitus, Joseph; o 1895. *May, Morris; o 1895. Meinicke, Alfred S.; 1 1895. ea wel eR. sain? 1852, Meininger, Freda B.; la 1913; ed 1913. *Mayberry, G. W.; o 1849. *Meinderman, Louis B.; m 1855. Mayberry, Irvin W.; om 1911. Melchers, Edward; o 1878. *Mayer, Benjamin M.; m 1885. Melchers, Milo; | 1886. Mayer, Dorothy A.; ed 1924. Melish, John H.; la 1895. *Mayer, Eli; la 1902. Melish, Thomas G.; 1 1898. Mayer, Harry H.:; la 1896. *Mellor, Jeffrey B.; m 1878. Mayer, Nelson M.; 1 1884. Melvin, Howard L,; la 1896. Mayer, Robert L.; la 1920. Menard, Marvin C.; la 1925. *Mayer, Wm. G.; | 1875. Mendelsohn, Mathilda; la 1920. Mayer, Wm. Pitt; 1 1887. Mendelsohn, Sam Felix; la 1916. Mayerberg, Sam S.; la 1913; ma 1914. Mendelson, Albert (Mrs.); la 1902. *Mayfield, Isaac; o 1870. Mendenhall, Abijah; o 1872. Mayhew, Genevieve G.; la 1907; ec 1923.*Mendenhall, A. L.; m 1869. *Mayhew, Geo. S.; m 1879. Mendenhall, Alvin L.; 1 1985. Maynard, Julian L,.; la 1923. *Mendenhall,, Eo Ts;0r 1877" *Mayne, W. F.; o 1860. *Mendenhall, Nathan; o 1858. *Mayo, Geo. C.; 1 1859. Mendenhall, Wm. C.; o 1891. Mayo, Mart A.; 1 1887. *Mendenhall, Winfield; m 1869. Means Ce Wis" 0:21875: *Mendenhall, W. T.; 0 1862. *Mead, Edward; o 1841. Mendoza, Louis D.; la 1906. Meader, Arthur L.; la 1902. *Mennet, O. H.; o 1874. *Meader, Lee D.; ma 1903. *Mente, Louis; o 1865. Meador, Mildred; la 1913; ed 1913. Mente, William B.; la 1902; 1 1903. Meadows, James B.; la 1922. Mente, Wm. F.; o 1899. Meads, Albert H.; 1 1887. Mentel, Chas. Ed.; ec 1923. Meagle, Sadie C.; n 1921. Mentel, Louis H.; 1 1903. Meakin, Sarah A.; ed 1925. Mentzer, Simeon; o 1885. *Means, M. D.; o 1837. Mernada, W. F.; o 1877. Means, Robert C.; 1 1889. Mercer, Alfred; 1 1895. *Means, Thomas; | 1846. Mercer, Askelon; o 1876. Mearis, L. H.; o 1870. *Meredith, C. F.; o 1890. *Mecum, Burton A.; m 1873. *Meredith, George S.; 1 1835. Medaris, Wm. R.; | 1897. *Meredith, L. P.; 0 1871. *Medlicott, John J.; 0 1868. *Meredith, Mi: 0 1866. Meeds, Lillian A.; ed 1920; la 1919. Meek, John R.; 0 1907. Meeker, Clarence A.; om 1912. *Meeks, Isaac; o 1850. *Meriman, Enoch W.; | 1853. *Meriman, E. W.; 1 1852. Merkle, Florence E.; ed 1923; ed 1924. Mefford, Wm. T.; 0 1880. Merland, Henry Wm.; | 1918. *Megie, Joseph H.; 1 1858. Merrick, Marion D.; 1 1891. “Mehlhope, Clarence E.; la 1895. *Merrihew, Murray; | 1879. Mehlhope, Dorothy I.; ed 1925. Merrill, Albert; 1 1870. Mehlhope, John Fred; e 1904. *Merrill, Arthur; | 1843. Mehlope, Lincoln Elliott; ec 1924. *Merrill, Chester W.; 1 1871. 354 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Merrill, Elizabeth (Mrs. Albert Cook); la 1900; ma 1995. *Merrill, Herman; 1 1871. Merrill, Natalie; la 1907. Merrill, Wm. Spencer; | 1895. Merriman, Gaylord; la 1923; g 1924. Merriman, Matthew F.; 1 1892. Merritt, Max John; la 1902. Merry, Charlotte M.; ed 1923. Merryweather, Mildred; la 1900. Merten, Harold A.; e 1919. Merz, F.dnaslavl1916. *Meseck, A. W.; o 1858. Meserve, Arthur G.; m 1874. *Meserve, Stephen D.; m 1857. Messenger, A. G.; o 1884. Messing, Abraham J.; la 1896. Messinger, Henry C.; e 1916. *Metcalf, Asa B.; 0 1831: *Metcalt, 7 De*lso alegd: *Metcalf, Brice F.; o 1899. Metcalfe, Columbus; o 1901. Metcalfe, Dorothy E.; n-1921. Metcalfe, George E.; 1 1916. L.*Meyer, John C.; o 1881. Meyer, John Chas.; ec 1925. *Meyer, John G.; o 1897. Meyer, Joseph L,.; 1 1896. Meyer, Julius Henry; la 1897. *Meyer, Martin A.; la 1899. *Meyer, Wm. A.; o 1892. Meyer, Wm. C.; bl 1895. Meyer, Wm. C.; 1 1899. Meyer, Wm. Henry; o 1898. Meyer (formerly Meyerowitz), Myron M.; la 1918. Meyers, Chas. Henry; m 1896. *Meyers, Eliah; o 1873. *Meyers, Elizabeth; o 1873. Meyers, Maxwell; la 1925. Meyers, Philip M.; la 1922. Michael, Lillian; ed 1920. Michael, Luther; o 1884. Michaitx) |v Wier eleod: Mickelborough, John; | 1869. Micklethwait, Oscar R.; 0 1906. Micklethwait; Wm. D.; o 1901. *Middleton, John L.; o 1864. eo Metz, Agnes Louise; ed 1924; la 1923. Middleton, John T.; o 1890. *Metz, Alice; 1 1894. Metz; Chas) 1; im 1871: Metz, Chas. W.; m 1907. Metz, Elsie L.; la 1902; ma 1913. *Metz, Franklin; m 1876. Metz, Muriel L,.; la 1923; g 1925. Metzger, Frank C.; om 1915. Metzger, George; | 1923. Metzger, Howard E.; la 1922. Middleton, Ward B.; o 1885. Mielziner, Jacob; la 1900; ma 1908. Miesse, Chas.; m 1892. *Miesse, Leon; o 1880. Mikesell, Hobart L.; la 1924; me 1925. Miketta, Franz H.; m 1907. *Milan, Joseph H.; 1 1860. *Mileham, Samuel; o 1856. *Miles, A. J.; o 1863. Metzger, Ruth H.; la 1911; tr dip in el*Miles, James; o 1897. ed 1912. Metzger, Walter L.; 1 1922. Meyder, Minnie; ed 1921. Meyer, Chas. S.; ec 1920. Meyer, Edward Lee; la 1922; 1 1924. Meyer, Edward R.; 1 1894. Meyer, Elsie; la 1908. *Meyer, Ernest Richard; la 1901. Meyer, George W.; e 1907. *Meyer, Gustavus A.; 1 1889. Meyer, Jacob I.; la 1913. Meyer, John A.; la 1918; 1 1920. Meyer, John; ec 1925. Miles, May Sally; la 1894. Milholland, David M.; m 1884. *Milholland, Wm.; 1876. Millar, Edgar G.; 1 1901. Millar, Vivien; la 1918. *Miller, Abijah; 1 1839. Miller, Alexander; 1 1895. Miller, Alexander N.; la 1897. *Miller, Allan Jay; o 1894. Miller, Alvin C.; 0 1909. *Miller, Andrew Ed.; o 1900. *Miller, Andrew J.; 1 1840. *Miller, Benj. F.; 0 1859. * Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, * Miller, * Miller, * Miller, Miller, * Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, *Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, *Miller, *Miller, * Miller, * Miller, * Miller, * Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Benj. F.; 1 1859. Blanche B.; mc 1921. Burt A.; 1 1895. C. A.; o 1862. Cecil S.; 1 1898. Ghase= B:} 071867. Chas. tEdss? nr 1898. Chas a besa OTS: Chas. La Mont; om 1915. Chas. Lewis; la 1907. Clifford N.; la 1887; e 1889. Cyras 7.3.0 1878: Daniel L.; o 1881. David; 1. 1878. Daniel Elmer; m 1899, David H.; o 1867. Dora; la 1918. DBs" 6 1847; Dudley B.; la 1896. Eero, 1862; Eli Aesar; om 1911. Elwood; o 1887. Bator on ls7Z: Emma L.; n 1921. Emmett N.; o 1897. F. A.; 1 1860. Frank R.; 1 1909. Fredrica; la 1920. George H.; m 1873. George W.; m 1901. George W.; o 1903. Geo. W.; 1 1891. Grace Eva; la 1914. Harold C.; me 1921. Harvey F.; ec 1923. Henry A.; | 1887. Howard B.; mc 1922. Hea. 071858: Ira Harris; 1 1890. Isaac C.; m 1874. Isaac C.; 0 1844. Isaac C.; 1 1896. Isaac J.; o 1889. Isaac James; 1 1857. Jacob P.; o 1878. James L,.; o 1842. James M.; o 1886. Feat. 1870. Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, Miller, Miller, * Miller, * Miller, Miller, *Miller * Miller, James W.; o 1899. Jeptha M.; ec 1921. John; o 1897. John C.; o 1864. Joseph J.; 1 1858. Julian H.; la 1904. Marjorie; la 1919. Maurice I.; mc 1922. Milton B.; om 1912. Noble; la 1902. Oliver H.; 1 1888. Oscars W722 71924: Re A ess0F1876: Raphael W.; o 1896. Reland; la 1923. Robert M.; la 1908. Samuel J.; ec 1925. Thomas J.; o 1887. UL WeaNes FI LOG, Ve Gros 852: VeaMe eo 1Sols Will W.; o 1889. Wm. Wm. D.; 1 1895. Wm. F.; m 1899. Want Hee lt847. Wm. Milligan, Chas. V.; 1 1893. *Milligan, Willard; 1 1873. *Milligan, Wm. F.; o 1892. Millikin, Brandon; 1 1891. *Millikin, Dan; m 1875. Milliki n, Mark; m 1892. *Millikin, Jabez; o 1884. Milliki n, Samuel; o 1851. Christian; m°1877: McClure; o 1889. Milliette, Delphis R.; 0 1903. 355 Mills (formerly Mihalovitch); Amy F.; la 1914. Mills, Mills, Mills, Mills, Mills, Andrew J.; m 1866. Cassius C.; o 1888. Charles D.; o 1880. Clarence A.; mc 1922; g 1920. Daniel Gao, 1893; *Mills, E. W.; 0 1859. Mills, Geo.; 1 1895. Mills, Harry A.; o 1904. *Mills, *Mills, lsdacwle els 1836, John; m 1874. 356 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Mills, Joshua; o 1826. *Mills, Levi; 1 1868. *Mills, Orin S.; 0 1888. Mills, Pelham E.; e 1918. *Mills, Samuel M.; 1 1850. Mills, Stanley S.; la 1925. Mills, Wm. Henry; o 1880. Milner, Wm. Lee; m 1899. Milthaler, Wm. Chris; ec 1925. Mind, Albert; la 1918. *Miner, John L.; 1 1837. Miner, Wm. Y. S.; 1 1878. *Minges, Michael; 1 1908. Minges, Theodore; om 1912. Minich, Paul R.; me 1921. Minnich, Chas. S.; m 1884. *Minnich, Wm. H.; o 1877. Minnium, Byron B.; ec 1922. Minor: Chas, sigs: mm 81897, Minor, Gladys M.; la 1911; ed 1911. Minor, Lawrence C.; la 1902. *Minor, T. C.; 0° 1867. *Minor, Victor Hugo; m 1885. Minshall, Addison; 1 1896. Minter, Chas. A.; 1 1895. Mischkind, Louis A.; la 1914. *Mitchell, J. F.; o 1860. *Mitchel, J. F.; o 1860. ~ Mitchell, Calwen. Di; Sec 1921: *Mitchell Chass 'L,- 151874: Mitchell, Edwin W.; o 1882. *Mitchell, Geo.; o 1862. *Mitchell, Geo. F.; 0 1844. “Mitchell =Gi8-se0 tla 5: Mitchell, Henry C.; la 1909. Mitchell, Howard T.; la 1916. *Mitchell, James A.; 1 1859. *Mitchell, J. B.; o 1845. *Mitchell, Jos. W.; 1 1878. *Mitchell, Mathias R.; o 1868. Mitchell, Miron Allen; e 1914. *Mitchell, Milton; m 1857. *Mitchell, M. R.; o 1868. *Mitchell, Prescott; la 1922; mc 1923. Mitchell, Robert B.; la 1916. Mitchell, Thomas A.; 0 1876. *Mitchell, Walter J.; 0 1884. Mitchell, Wm. C.; g 1911. Mitchell, Wm. F.; la 1912. Mitchell, Wm. H.; e 1914. *Mitchell, Wm. R.; o 1879. *Mithoefer, Fred Wm.; o 1897. Mitsch, Edward H.; ec 1921.- Mittendorf; Eugene S.; la 1921. Mittendorf, Grace R.; la 1907; ma 1909. *Mix, James; 1 1839. Mizell, Wm. R.; m 1874. Mizner, Ralph A.; e 1916. *Mock; J...Wisse0 1863. Mock: Si I iol e/a Mockbee, Edwin; 1 1893. Moderwell, Erastus C.; 1 1869. Modesitt, Wilton M.;.1 1840. Moeser, Edgar R.; 1 1910. *Moffatt, John; o 1849. Moffett, Chas. T.; 0 1897. Moffett, John H.; ec 1921. Mohn, John; 1 1873. Moist, Abram; o 1883. Molinder, Samuel G.; me 1920. Molloy, John A.; ec 1923. Molloy, John J.; 1 1879. Molloy, P. H.; o 1880. *Moloney, E. B.; 1 1875. *Moloney, David B.; 1 1879 Molony, Iphigene H. Bettman); la 1915. Molony, Louis Allaire; m 1896. Molyneaux, Joseph W.; 1 1882. Mombach, Gilbert; o 1909. Monaghan, J. P.; 1 1899. Monaghan, Walter I.; e 1914. *Monahan, A. B.; o 1852. *Monahan, A. J.; o 1890. Monahan, Geo. L.; o 1879. Monahan, W. H.; o 1874. * * * * * (Mrs. * Monasch, Cecilia V.; la 1912; ed 1912. Monce, Edwin W.; e 1917. *Monet, Samuel; o 1821. *Monett, Wm.; o 1829. *Moneyhon, T. J.; o 1882. *Monfort, Chas. E.; 0 1897. *Monfort, Elias; 1 1867. *Monfort, Frank E.; 1 1897. Monger, Herschel H.; la 1923. Monger, John E.; o 1902. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 357 Monical, Grant S.; o 1883. Monnett, Frank W.; 1 1893. Monnett, Wallace S.; 1 1896. Monnig, John Ed.; om 1912. Monro, Dorothy G.; la 1923. *Monroe, C. E.; 0 1865. Monroe, Frazer; o 1908. Monroe, Henry E.; o 1899. Monser, Geo. B.; 1 1893. Monteuyohl, Edw. A.; 0 1895, *Montgomery, A. J.; o 1868. Montgomery, Bohen H.; 1| 1883. Montgomery, Charlotte F.; la 1914. Donald Moore, *Montgomery, Harriett (Mrs. McComas); la 1919, *Montgomery, H. B. B.; o 1881. Montgomery, James Wm. Jr.; e 1916. *Montgomery, John S.; o 1889. *Montgomery, Lawrence C.; o 1897. *Montgomery, Nellie A.; la 1901. *Montgomery, Robert; 1 1858. Montgomery, Thaddeus J.; e 1915. Montgomery, Walter H.; la 1912. Montgomery, Walter T.; 1 1895. *Mooklar, James P.; o 1868. *Moon, Sylvester B.; m 1872. Mooney, John W.; 1 1879. *Mooney, Wm. Thomas; 1 1888. Moorbrink, Dorothea; la 1904. *Moore, Allen J.; m 1884. *Moore, Alvin A.; o 1886. *Moore, Arthur; 1 1892. *Moore, Chas.; 1 1836. Moore, Chas. A.; o 1900. *Moore, Chas. D.; m 1885. Moore, Chas. N.; la 1903. Moore, Chas. S.; 1 1895. Moore, Daniel; m 1869. *Moore, FE. Douglas; | 1875. Moore, Edward Kenneth; ec 1925. Moore, Edwin F.; o 1912. *Moore, Elliott J.; 1 1847. *Moore, Everett J.; 0 1886. *Moore, E. L.; o 1871. Venable); la 1898; ma 1900. *Moore, Frederick W.; 1 1859. *Moore, G. P.; o 1883. Moore, *Moore, Moore, *Moore, *Moore, Hazelett A.; om 1915. Hugh G.; 1 1898. Pe ke eo Suu: J. Cleves S.; 0 1844. James W.; o 1897. Moore, John; o 1907. *Moore, * Moore, Moore, Moore, Moore, Moore, 1896. Moore, *Moore, Moore, *Moore, Moore, *Moore, *Moore, *Moore, Moore, *Moore, *Moore, Moore, *Moore, Moore, *Moore, Moore, *M oore, John M.; o 1896. Juhianele Pin 1379. Louberta L.; ed 1925. Mrs. Mabel; la 1918. Mary E.; ed 1920. Mary. (Mrs) Je Bo yon)y. la Matthew; 1 1894. N. W.; o 1881. Oscar’ hit 121837: Paul David; la 1924. Rei in 31873: Peter’ R20 S77. Percy S.; o 1897. Reso I S0z, Richard; m 1872. Ruth; la 1919. Thomas C.; 0 1869. arlene oho: Virginia R.; ed 1925; la 1910. Wm.; m 1857. Win. Bie) 1904. Wm. E.; o 1872. Wm. R.; o 1888. Wins oss 0 1850. Moorehead, Matthew T.; 0 1889. Moorehouse, Dorothy H.; la 1922; n 1921. Moorehous, Alga F. (Mrs. G. P. Doll); lal O13: Moorman, Clinton R.; la 1923. Moorman, Gregor; 1 1912. *Moorman, J. A.; o 1836. *Moorman, John B.; 1 1843. *Moorman, J. B.; 1 1845. Moorman, Rose Marie; la 1925. Moorman, Thelma A.; la 1923. Moorman, Thomas A.; la 1916. Moore, Florence G. (Mrs. Russel -V.*Moos, Herman M.; | 1872. Moose, Moots, Moran, Roy Moody; om 1918. Chas. Wm.; o 1895. Thomas; | 1891. 558 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Morerod, E. R.; o 1848. Moreton *Moreton Mts et 8go; , Marshall; 1 1888. Morey, G. Campbell; 1 1895. *Morey, Wm. C.; 1 1898. *Morford, Morgan, *Morgan, Morgan, *M organ, *Morgan, Morgan, *Morgan, *Morgan, *Morgan, *Morgan, Morgan, *Morgan, *Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Archibald; o 1891. Arthur; | 1897. B:. B.:¥o" 1872: Catherine; n 1921. E.; o 1849. Elisha; o 1837. Geo. H.; 1 1895. Hiram; o 1830. J Be Psron1 869. John O.; o 1883. Lawrence; | 1884. Mrs. Mary E.; la 1916. Rea White; o 1900. Samuel B.; 0 1869. Thos). 70-1901; Wm. James; e 1919. Morgenroth, Simon; o 1900. Morgenstern, Julian; la 1901. Morgenthaler, Zelma G.; 1 1924. Morner, Morrill, Morrill, 1903. * Morrill, * Morris, Morris, * Morris, * Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, * Morris, *Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, * Morris * Morris, Morris, Morris, Morris, * Morris, Morris, John’ E:4m “1907. Albert -H.; 1 1900. Alice (Mrs. D. B. Ruggles); la*Morrow, J. L.; 0 1853. Frank #b::3151887. Aaron; o 1868. Alice V.; la 1923. Buckner S.; 1 1896. Burr? #1. 1858: Burton; la 1917. Donald; ec 1925. Earl > 0° 1903; Frank D.; m 1854. George S.; 0 1881. George W.; la 1922. Gertrude; la 1917. Helen; la 1919. Henry N.; 1 1884. Isaac N.; 1 1836. James; 1 1916. James W.; 1 1915. John; 1 1870. John A.; o 1887. Joseph G.; e 1917. Morris, Lillian (Mrs. June Thompson); la 1924. *Morris, Minor; o 1890. Morris, Morris, * Morris, * Morris, * Morris, Morris, R. Froome; | 1895. Robert M.; la 1920. Spencer; o 1847. Stephen; o 1858. Walter B.; 1 1843. Morrison; | 1903. Morrison, * Morrison, Morrison, * Morrison, Morrison, Wm. Stanley; ec 1924. Arthur, J.s'e 21917; Ghas.0M. By 187 Edith G.; la 1908. Be SMei nisl s57: Frank W.; ec 1922. Morrison, Garfield; e 1917. *Morrison, Hiel; o 1832. *Morrison, James; o 1829. Morrison, John S.; 0 1897. *Morrison, T. Goodloe; o 1872. Morrison, W. Scott; o 1880. Morrissey, John F.; ec 1924. Morrow, Edward P.; m 1883. *Morrow, Geo. Milburn; m 1868. Morrow, Isabelle G.; la 1913; ed 1913 Morrow, J. Floyd; mc 1923. Morrow, Lester G.; e 1912. , Thomas Hl 19M *Morrow, W.; | 1848. , Wooster B.; 1 1870. Morrow *Morrow *Morse, Daniel; o 1838. Morsbach, Edith; la 1911. *Mortland, David G.; o 1879. Morton, 1899. Ada (Mrs. Woodward); *Morton, John H.; 1 1871. Morton, Lena Beatrice; la 1922; g 1925; ed 1923. *Morton, O. P.; 1 1852. Morton, Ruth; la 1916. Morton, Wm. A.; la 1921; me 1923. *Mory, Bert C.; 1 1885. *Mory, D. B.; o 1882. Mosby, Gertrude; la 1903. Mosby, John F.; la 1900. *Mosenmeier, B.; 0 1858. Moses, Alfred G.; la 1900. la ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 359 Moses, Jerusalem; la 1894. *Mosgrove, James M.; o 1846. *Mosgrove, Samuel M.; m 1872. *Mosgrove, Wm. Adam; m 1873. *Moss, Dennis F.; 0 1869. *Moss, Edward H.; o 1900. Moss, Frederick J.; ec 1921. poss |. 1021876: Mossmyer, Alene; la 1918. Mote, Neva P.* la 1922+ n 1921. *Mott, J. G. W.; 0 1832. Motter, James R.; 0 1873 . Mottier, Guilford D.; m 1900. Motz, Geo. Benj.; 1 1907. *Moughiman, M. M.; o 1873. *Moulder, J. McLean; o 1875. Mouhimier, Edw. P.; 1 1890. *Mount, Wm.; o 1826. Mounts, Leonard; o 1891. Mouser, Grant E.; 1 1890. *Mouser, J..A.; 0 1865. Mouton, F. W.; 1 1902. *Movar, Daniel; 1 1843. Mower, C. B.; o 1883. Mowlds, Eugene; ec 1925. *Moxley, Nathaniel K.; m 1873. *Moxley, Nathaniel K., Jr.; m 1883. Muchmore, Wm. F.; | 1891. Mudge, Mary; la 1916. *Mueller, Carl L.; m 1854. Mueller, Chas. H., Jr.; 0 1902. Mueller, Clifford L.; 1 1914. Mueller, Edward R.; 1 1898. Mueller, Elizabeth; n 1923. *Muench, Gustav W.; o 1896. Muench, Otto L.; m 1887. Muhlberg, Wm.; la 1897. Muhrlberg, Wm.; o 1897. *Muhle, Wm.; o 1860. *Muhlhauser, Fred; | 1871. Muir, James, Jr.; 1 1876. *Mulford, Wm.; o 1826. Mulhauser, Fred P.; 1 1893. *Mullen, T. J.; o 1844. Muller, Clifford; 1 1894. *Muller, Herman; | 1881. Muller, Robert A.; ec 1924. Mulliken, Hugh M.; m 1903, * Mullikin, Katherine; ma 1893. Mullikin, Mary L.; ed 1925. Mullikin, Nell S.; la 1925. *Mullins, Walter J.; 1 1885. Mulvey, James H.; la 1900. Mumaugh, Shelby; o 1888. Mumaw, Lloyd G.; ec 1921. *Mumert, Michael; 1 1852. Mundhenk, Albert O.; o 1903. Mundhenk, L. R.; 0 1874. *Mundhenk, W. S.; o 1876. *Mundy, John W.; 1 1866. Munn, Chas. H.; 1 1888. Munns, Geo. F.; mc 1923. Munsell, Justus F.; 1 1884. *Munsey, David O.; o 1878. Murayama, M.; om 1912. Murdock, Edith H.; la 1921. Murdock, Ruth G.; la 1915. *Murdock, Wm.; o 1831. Muret, James A.; o 1881. *Murfee, Josiah; 1 1839. Murnan, John R.; o 1883. Murphy, Abraham D.; m 1887. Murphy, Ada M.; la 1907. *Murphy, Arthur B.; 1 1887. *Murphy, Celia; la 1905. Murphy, Clarence; 1 1889. *Murphy, Cornelius W.; 1 1866. Murphy, Daniel; | 1889. *Murphy, Elmer E.; | 1896. *Murphy, John A.; o 1846. *Murphy, John B.; o 1888. *Murphy, John P.; 1 1873. Murphy, Lillian; la 1924; ed 1925. *Murphy, Loretta; la 1909. *Murphy, L. H.; o 1870. Murphy, Marie V.; ed 1909. *Murphy, John Wesley; m 1891. *Murphy, R. C.; 1 1848. Murphy, Walter D.; 1 1917. Murphy, Walter E.; m 1897. Murray, Alexander, Jr.; 1 1889. Murray, Alice E.; la 1891. Murray, Alma D. (Mrs. Howard Bevis); Ia 1909. Murray, Chas. E.; o 1903. *Murray, Geo. J.; 1 1873. 360 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Murray, Nathaniel C.; la 1898. Myers, Wm. Mackie; la 1919. Murray, Walter F.; la 1897; 1 1897. Myers, Wm. P.; o 1899. *Murray, Wm. J.; 0 1868. Myers, Wm. P.; o 1906. Murrell, Ulysses Grant; m 1896. *Mykrantz, Christopher; 1 1860. *Muscroft, Chas. S.; 0 1843. Mynchenberg, Geo. C., Jr.; me 1924. Muscroft, Chas. Sidney; m 1875. Mytinger, Geo. S.; m 1904. Musekamp, Freda E.; la 1915; ed 1915. Mytinger, Walter Henry; om 1912. Musekamp, George H.; mc 1921. Nabers, Luke W.; mc 1924. Musekamp, Geo. H.; 0 1884. Nadel, Ernestine; la 1916. Musekamp, Walter G.; o 1893. *Nagel, Robert A.; 1 1898. *Musgrove, Henry; | 1858. Nakayama, Joseph; mc 1924. *Musgrove, H. B.; o 1844. Nash, Grace; la 1923. Muskat, M. S.; la 1920; mc 1922. *Nash, Gt W. 021855. Mussey, Chas. Fred; | 1881. Nash; Ira 1; 1°1895. Mussey, Emma D. (Mrs. Clarence Nash, Robert; | 1870. Short Pinkerton); ed 1912. *Nash, Wm. H. H.; m 1872. *Mussey, F. B.; 0 1844. *Nast, Wm. Gamble; la 1900. *Mussey, R. D.; m 1871. Nathan, David S.; la 1922. *Mussey, W. H.; o 1848. Nathan, Mildred; la 1924; ed 1924, *Mussey, Lincoln; o 1890. *Nauman, C. L.; o 1876. *Mussey, Wm. Lindsly; m 1887. Navin, Walter M.; mc 1923, *Mussey, Noel G.; o 1909. *Naw, Jacob G.; m 1876. Mussey, Robert Daniel; o 1908. *Naw, John H.; m 1872. Mussey, Wm. Osgood; la 1889. *Naylor, John E.; o 1836. Mussman, Elsie L.; ed 1922. *Nead;-Do Pr ale S52. *Musson, James L,.; 0 1846. Neal, Benjamin E.; m 1889. Muth, Geo. H.; ec 1923. Neal, C. Aleshire; o 1907. *Myers, Aaron; o 1870. Neal, Chas. E.; om 1913. Myers, Adena; | 1898. Neal, Phyllis S.; n 1920. Myers, Agnes P.; la 1915; ed 1915. *Neal, Thos. L.; m 1854. Myers, Alice; la 1919. *Neal, Wm.; o 1882. *Myers, D. B.; m 1855. Neal, Wm. E.; o 1906. *Myers, DeC.; o 1848. Neave, Arthur S.; la 1914. Myers, Grace E.; la 1905. Neave, Harold E.; 1 1915. Myers, James Earl; ec 1922. “Neavew JcKey< 19 1845: *Myers, Jas. E.; o 1851. Neave, Jas. L.; m 1874. Myers, J. S.; 1 1878. Needham, Hubbard S.; la 1906. Myers, Rev. John B.; 1 1903. Neff, Orin L.; 1 1876. Myers, John C.; 1 1891. Neff, Simon P.; o 1900. Myers, John E.; o 1880. *Neff, Wallace; o 1879. Myers, John H.; 1 1879. Neff, Wm. B.; 1 1876. *Myers, Joseph C.; m 1880. Neffner, R. T.; 0 1902. Myers, Louis E.; 1 1895. *Negley, Wm. Henry; m 1886. *Myers, Noah; o 1887. *Neil, W. S. P.; o 1861. Myers, Noah D.; o 1872. *Neilson, John L,.; 0 1866. Myers, Park L.; 0 1879. *Neilson, Wm. G.; 1 1859. Myers, Raymond P.; e 1915. Nejako, Adam A.; ec 1924. *Myers, Wm. E.; 0 1868. *Nelson, A. M.; o 1855. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 361 Nelson, Ben A.; 1 1895. *Newman, Alfred M.; 0 1884. *Nelson, Edwin M.; m 1874. Newman, Edward I..; la 1922. Nelson, Eelon H.; m 1903. Newman, Felix; 1 1890. Nelson, Harry G.; 0 1906. Newman, Herman; la 1889. Nelson, Jas. Van Dyke; o 1904. Newman, Horace Wayne; o 1888. Nelson, Leo Isaac; o 1903. *Newman, John P.; 1 1880. Nelson, Leon M.; la 1898. *Newman, Joseph; | 1839. Nelson, Lockhart; 0 1890. Newman, Julius; | 1903. Nere, Katherine; la 1918. Newman, Oscar C.; 0 1906. Nesbit, Grace Irene; n 1920. Newman, Phyllis C.; ed 1922. Nesbitt, Orval I.; me 1921. Newman, Rush C.; mc 1920. Nesbitt, Samuel; 1 1887. Newman, Samuel; m 1902. *Nesmith, Thos. A.; 1 1852. *Newman, Van Buren; m 1872. Neuforth, Christian; o 1883. *Newton, Chas. W.; o 1891. Neuforth, Lafayette; o 1883. *Newton, E. S.; 0 1873. Neuforth, Mary H.; ed 1923. Newton, Granville O.; m 1879. Neuffer, Alfred; ec 1920. Newton, Jas. H.; 1 1889. Neuffer, Arnold; e 1919. *Newton, S. Be: io 1833. Neuffer, George Totten; e 1915; ec 1922.*Newton, W. S.; 0 1845. Neuffer, Lenora; la 1913; g 1914; g*Newton, W. T.; 0 1876. 1916. *Niblock, Wm. C.; 1 1877. Neuhaus, Elizabeth S.; la 1884. Nichalos= Chase HH: siatSois Neuman, Emma W.; n 1920. Nicholas, Louis A.; m 1903. Neumark, Salomea; la 1920. *Nicholay, S. J.; o 1874. *Neville, Lemuel; o 1894. Nichols, Grant B.; o 1883. Nevin, John J.; m 1887. Nichols, Harold D.; 1 1924. Nevitt, Edith L.; la 1915. Nichols, Harry J.; 1 1897. *New, Chas. B.; o 1832. Nichols, Henry D.; m 1897. *New, Geo. W.; o 1840. Nichols, Hugh L,.; 1 1886. Newbold, Ernest M.; ec 1921. Nichols, John H.; o 1872. *Newburgher, Lewis; 1 1868. *Nichols, John H.; o 1844. Newcomb, C. H.; m 1871. Nichols, Marjorie; la 1919. Nemcomb, Paul B.; mc 1921. *Nichols, Thos. J.; o 1828. Newcomb, Ralph O.; 1 1904. Nickerson, Mary L.; ed 1923. Newcomer, Jacob; 1 1873. Nickles, John M.; la 1882; g 1891. *Newcomer, M. V. B.; o 1867. Nickles, Martha E.; la 1914. Newell, Alice FE.; la 1915. *Nickles, Samuel; o 1865. *Newell, Arthur C.; 0 1865. Nickles, Wm. H.; om 1910. Newell, Hugh H.; 1 1896. *Nicodemus, Wm. J. L.; 1 1859. *Newell, Thos.; 1 1845. Niederhauser, Willard; la 1921; ed 1921; Newfield, Morris; la 1895. 1 1924. Newkirk, Chas. C.; la 1903. Niederhelman, Frederick; 1 1897. Newkirk, Eugene W.; 1 1885. Niedermeyer, Amelia C.; ed 1922. *Newkirk, Tunis; 0 1846. *Niedermeyer, G. S. H.; o 1861. Newland, Chas. W.; o 1882. Niedermyer, Flora A.; la 1918. *Newlin, Edgar S.; m 1891. Nielander, Joseph R.; mc 1923, *Newlin, Stanley; o 1881. Nielen, John F., Jr.; 1 1903. *Newlon, Oliver Wilson; m 1881. Nieman, Howard H.; la 1900. 362 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Nieman, Samuel C.; o 1901. Nieman, Syrian; la 1904. Niemes, Frederick; e 1905. Niemiller, A. H.; 0 1875. Nierman, Theodore; e 1915. Nieson, Leonard; la 1924. Nigh, Leonard C.; mc 1923. *Niles, H. D.; 0 1880. Nimimo,..Chas? Fi -Jrit: la “1912: Nincehelser, Oram A.; m 1887. *Ninde, Lindley; 1 1851. Nipgen, Alvin P.; 1 1896. Nippert, Alfred K.; la 1894; 1 1897. *Nippert, Carl L.; 1 1891. Nippert, Edward F.; m 1902. Nippert, Edward F.; la 1907. Nippert, Eleanor; la 1903; g 1915. Nippert, Henry T.; m 1891. Nippert, Ida; la 1903. Nippert, Louis Albert; m 1883. *Nipple,” D2 Clarks*o "18/77. *Nisbet, J. J.; o 1848. *Nixon, A. B.; o 1846. *Nixon, Emory; m 1872. Nixon, John; o 1882. *Noble, A. B.; o 1831. *Noble, H.; o 1847. Noble, John I.; ec 1922. *Noble, John W.; 1 1853. Noble, Mark A.; la 1900. *Noble, Nathan; o 1869. Noble, Newton A.; ec 1922. Noble, Thos. Benj.; m 1893. *Noble, S. W.; 0 1848.” Nocka, Alfred J.; e 1919. Nocka, Karl Wm.; e 1913. Nocka, Ruth M.; la 1915. Noe, Edna; la 1918. Noertker, Joseph A.; ec 1923. Nolan, Jas.; 1 1893. Noll, R. M.; 1 1902.: Nonnez, Samuel H.; la 1916. Noonan, Chas. S.; la 1917; om 1919, *Norman, J. C.; 0 1874. Norman, John W.; om 1917. *Norman, L. Monroe; o 1881. *Norman, Wm. B.; | 1847. Norris, Benj.; om 1915. Norris, Clifton D.; e 1919. Norris, Florence Edith; la 1924. Norris, Helen M.; ec 1925. *Norris, John S.; 0 1849. *Norris, ARS Gr-onlBh2. Norris, Ruth Marie; ed 1920. *Norris, Samuel C.; m 1894. Norris, W. Lee; m 1895. North, Emerson A.; 0 1906. North, Thos. L,.; o 1899. North, Wm. F.; | 1895. Norton, Fay Arthur; e 1916. Norton, Harold J.; la 1924; me 1924. *Norton, Oliver D.; m 1883. *Noyes, Edw. F.; 1 1858. *Nuding, Wm. H.; o 1877. Nuezel, Elmer F.; ec 1922. *Numan, John Pi; 1879: Nunn, Theodore Thos.; 1 1910. Nusbaum, Wm. Henry; m 1881. Nute, Mary L.; la 1913. Nutt, John M.; 1 1888. *Nuttall, Wm. L.; m 1871. Nycum, Homer C.; ec 1920. Nye, Albert F.; 0 1897. Nye, Wm.°C.; 1 1872: Oakes, Isaac N.; m 1876. *Oard, W. B.; o 1858. Oatley, Asa C.; m 1872. Obendorfer, Bertie; la 1900. *Oberdort; Fo Pet eomese Oberlander, Theodore; ec 1921. Obermeyer, Jos. Geo.; 1 1889. Oberschmidt, Carl; la 1925. Oberschmidt, Fred H.; e 1917. *O’Brien, Edna; g 1920; la 1914; ed 1915. *O’ Brien, M. W.; 0 1876. O’Brien, -Paul Ay 71/1921, O’Brien, Raymond; 1 1912. *O’ Brien, Wm. 1 1878. Obrist, John W.; 0 1889. Oby, Wm. Jos.; 1 1894. *Ocheltree, John; o 1850. Ochiltree, Robert; 1 1892. Ochiltree, Wm. E.; 1 1891. Ochs, Esther May; n 1921. Ockuly, John F.; o 1901. O’Connell, Daniel J.; 1 1870. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *O’Connell, David; m 1855. O’Connell, Jas. E.; 1 1918. O’Connell, John Geo.; 1 1884; la 1887. O’Connell, Robt.; la 1907; 1 1909. O’Connor, Chas.; 1 1900; la 1898. *O’Connor, Henry; 1 1849. *O’Connor, John D.; m 1857. O’Connor, John M.; o 1904. O’Connor, Mary R.; la 1922; ed 1923. O’Connor, Sylvia; la 1922. *O’Connor, Timothy; 1 1850. *Odenbaugh, Jefferson; m 1880. *O’Donnell, Geo. P.; 1 1858. O’Donnell, Gertrude; la 1904. O’Donnell, Howard B.; ec 1925. O’Donnell, Jas. B.; la 1903. O’Donnell, Robt. J.; o 1899. O’Donnell, 1899. Oechsle, Louis P.; la 1900. Oeh, Stella; la 1902. Oehler, Marie E.; la 1910. Oehler, Willis A.; e 1914. *Oelschlaegel, F. J.; o 1880. 363 Ohler, Clement; | 1890. Ohler, Jos. Olwell; 1 1883. Ohlinger, Fred; 1 1879. Oilar, Martin L.; o 1875. Okey, Geo. G.; 1 1871. Okey, Jos. A.; 1 1887. Okrent, Samuel; om 1912. Olan, Levi; la 1925. Olcott; Wea 0 1853) *Oldham-stranks sb 1372: Oldham; (harry -s1G1898: *Oldham~ las. oa os /: Oldham, Robt. P.; la 1898. *O’Leary, Florence A.; 1 1891. Olhmig, Francis; la 1918. Olinger, Stanton; ec 1923. GC) ites hte ct S/z. Robt) oseph. la (1896; m Oliver, S$ David S....1°1885 3 la) 1882. Oliver, John Chadwick; m 1885. “Oliver. yee OLS. *Olrver,. ly, Dsate1899-4la 71896: Oliver, Symme F.; om 1918. Oliver, Wade W.; om 1915. *Olmstead, Russel T.; o 1879. Oesper, Ralph Edw.; la 1908; g 1909; Olmsted, Robt. H.; 1 1887. g 1914. Oettinger, Bernard; m 1896. *Oettinger, H. C.; 1 1881. O’Ferrall, R. M.; o 1880. FOr t cache Cs; 0 1839: O’Gallagher, Francis; | 1919. O’Gallagher, James A.; | 1919. Ogan, Frank W.; o 1887. *Ogden, Capt.; 1 1849. *Oeden, Chas. B.; 0 1878. *Ogden, Geo. C.; o 1866. weelmiacobd. ). ia 11921. %e 1922) Ogier, Wm. J.; o 1903. Oglesbee, Wm. Ernest; o 1890. Mo anton: Ce Piso mri857: O’Hara, Chas. E.; o 1895 (1). O’Hara, Etta M.; la 1914. O’Hara, Jane S.; la 1894. eC tlarameyose b..) h 1894; O’Hara, Jos. Wm.; | 1884. ©’ Hara) Laura; la’ 1917. *O’Hara, Richard; | 1879. O’Hare, Michael; m 1905. *Olney, Cyrus; 1 1839. O’Loughlin, Joseph Jas.; e 1916. Olt, Russell; g 1920. O’Maley, Jos. M.; m 1902. *O’ Neal, W.7s.3,6° 186! *O’Neal, Wm. S.; 1 1891. *O’Neil, Norine; la 1924; ed 1925. O’Neill, Martin J.; 0 1887. Onken, Dorothea H.; la 1925. *Opes, Franziska; la 1910. Oppenheimer, Benton; 1 1901. O’Reilly, Addie V.; ed 1924. *Ormsby, A} P); 0 1882, > Ormsby, Geo. F.; 1 1884. Ornes, Conrad IL,.; ec 1924. *Ornstine, John B.; 1 1851. O’Rourke, Jas. F.; 1 1918. Orr, Clarence; m 1883. ¥Ore tee. On iLsso: Orr, George B.; o 1869. Orr, Grier M.; 1 1883. Orr, Hazel C.; ed 1921. FOr ey toe Oo 18s) 364 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Orr fas: Le PALBso, *Otwell, Curtis; o 1847. *Orr, J. Powers; o 1865. Otwell, L. S. B.; 0 1865. *Orr, John; o 1837. Outcalt, Dudley C.; 1 1894. *Orr, John; o 1862. Outcalt, Dudley Miller; la 1918. Orr, Toren’ E.2°4:1910, Outcalt, Ethel L.; la 1909; ed 1910. *Orr, R. Austin; o 1890. Outcalt, Geo. W.; ec 1924. *Orr, Thos.; o 1869. Outcalt, Miller; 1 1876. LL Le WV OSE ONL Gsa *Overall, Samuel; o 1846. SOrth Hart yo Wee oso: *Overbeck, Wm. John 1 1881. Orth, Helen; la 1914. Overly, John Edw.; o 1883. *Orth, Jos:: 1 1841: Overmann, Marie; la 1919. Ortner, Lily; la 1924. *Overstreet, Michael; o 1827. *Orto, Zaphney; m 1872. Owen, Alfred W.; la 1898. Orton, Philo A.; e 1894; la 1896. Owen, Benjamin;.1 1923. Orwig, Earl A.; om 1916. *QOwen, D. Dale; o 1837. Osborn, Cyrus R.; ec 1921. Owen, Henry C.; o 1878. *Osborn, John R.; 1 1834. Owens, Ethel M.; n 1923. Osborn, Josephine; la 1917. *Owens, Mary E.; la 1881. Osborn, Jos. J.; 1 1872. *Owens, R. J.; m 1869. *Osborn, Wm. R.; 1 1864. *Owens, Thos. Roger; om 1918. Osborn, Claribel; n 1925. Owens, Wm. Edwin; 1 1882. *Osburn, Clinton; o 1879. Owensby, Ethel; ed 1925. Osburn, Craven; m 1903. *Owsley, J. B.; o 1862. *Osburn, Simon; o 1880. Oxley, Francis M.; o 1901. Oskamp, Nettie; la 1885. *Oyler, Geo. W.; 1 1854. Oskamp, Elizabeth; la 1916. Ozias, Geo. W.; 1 1886. Oskamp, Pearl C.; la 1910; ma 1913. Pabst, Warren J.; ec 1923. Osmond, Arthur E.; 0 1904. *Pace, Jos. T.; o 1878. *Osmond, Edward; o 1857. Paddock, Alma C.; ed 1924; la 1923. Oster, Eugene A.; ec 1924; ec 1915. Paddock, Edith F.; ed 1923. Osterbrock, Wm. Carl; e 1918. Paddock, Mary H.; la 1920; ed 1921. Otis; yiidweeb sein tooo: Paden, Russel H.; om 1915. *Otis 7 OlinyvosnO 169): *Paetow, Emil; 1 1879. *Otis, Lucius B.; 1 1841. Page, Mary K:; la 1914. Ott, Lester G.; 1 1917. *Page, Roger J.; 1 1861. Ott, Reuben Ervin; la 1916; ec 1922. Pahern, Norma B.; la 1915. Otte, Chas. Wm.; e 1915. Pahren, Herbert S.; ec 1924. *Otten, Arthur H.; la 1886; g 1887. *Paige, W. N.; o 1875. Otten, Freda; la 1915. *Paine: bart L720, 413875. Otterman, Chas.; la 1906; g 1908. *Painter, Fred.; m 1873. Otterman, Dorothy; la 1923. *Palmer, Chas. A.; 1 1860. Otterman, Henry; | 1891. *Palmer, C. D.:; 0.1862: Otting, Edith; la 1917. Palmer, Dudley W.; o 1906. Otting, Elmer F.; e 1911. *Palmer, Elliott B.; la 1893; o 1896. Otto, Anthony E.; o 1883. *Palmer, E. M.; o 1881. Otto, Carl Everett; g 1922; g 1920; la*Palmer, Horace; o 1844. 1916. *Palmer, -J. H., Jr 0: 1874. Otto, Earl Maurice; la 1919; g 1920. Palmer, Lewis F.; ec 1923. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Palmer, Wm. Dudley; la 1889. *Pampel, Leonidas C.; 0 1880. Pancake, Arthur; o 1895. *Pancake, Isaac, Jr.; o 1886. *Pangbrun, Julius O.; 1 1880. *Pangbrun, Samuel; o 1866. Pannenberg, Eugene; | 1878. Pansing, Holley; o 1905. Panzer, Robert R.; la 1901. *Paramore, Jessie I.; 0 1860. Parcels, W. H.; 0 1873. Pardee, Lionel S.; 1 1892. Pardee, Wm. E.; 1 1896. *Parham, Wm. H.; 1 1874. Park, Nathan R.; 1889. *Parke, Chas.; m 1867. *Parker, Anderson J.; m 1881. *Parker, Arthur A.; o 1867. Parker, Chas. G.; 0 1888. Parker, Chas. T.; 0 1886. Parker, Chas) "S.;- la: 1922:2ed'-1923: Parker, Claude B.; 0 1895. Sap cer vi) abt. 0' Lora. Parker, Emmett; 1 1882. *Parker, EK. W.: 0 1872. eParker ia t1.: 1, 1860, Parker, Gail; la 1919. Parker, G. G.; o 1872. Parker, Harriet W.; la 1910. eParker. ase Jr.3- 1857: *Parker, Joseph; m 1881. Parker, Julia Grace; la 1924; ed 1925. Parker, Kary G.; m 1903. *Parker, Samuel C.; la 1901. *Parker, Silas; o 1847. Parker, Walter G.; 0 1886. Parnes Caroline sb 1a 1921. fears, Ashas, We: 11915, *Parks, Clarence M.; o 1888. *Parks, Clinton F.; 1 1890. *Parks, John McG.; o 1840. *Parks, Sample G.; 1 1857. Parma, Joseph; 1 1880. eParce jobn .C?;* 0.1859. *Parr, John W.; o 1866. Parrett, Arthur M.; o 1900. earrish.s.Ma iss b. 1882. *Parrott, Chas.; 1 1860. Parrott, Edmund K.; 1 1894. Parrott, Homer C.; 1 1890. Parry, Emma 1. la*°1887-"¢ 1899. Parry, Wm R7-: ec: 1925: *Parry, Horace G.; 0 1889. Patry,. ) olineie 6110/8: Parry, Reese H.; 1 1880. *Parti;, Pranks 1867) *Parvey, Henry A.; 1 1874. *Parvin, Theodore B.; 1 1838. *Parvin, Theodore S.; 1 1835. *Passel, Albert; e 1903. Passel, Anna; la 1902. *Passel, Earl R.; 1 1898. Passel, Howard F.; e 1905. Passel, Nellie; la 1891. Pater, Alphone J.; 1 1908. Paterson, Alexander; ec 1920. *Patock, Avo. 7 OM Les: *Patrick, ©hasee.--o 1871; *Patten, Lorenzo A.; 1 1860. *Patterson, Andrew; | 1835. *Patterson, A. W.; o 1866. *Patterson, David F.; 1 1861. Patterson, Eleanor S.; 1 1915. *Patterson, F. W.; o 1859. * Patterson, Ji Ate}, 1375. *Patterson |. Hes 0 1355: ‘Patterson: [aso fin tie soa Patterson, John M.; o 1902. *Patterson, John S.; 1 1834. *Pattérson, 9). Poem los; Patterson, Leonidas; o 1884. Patterson, Lulu A.; la 1913. Patterson, Mary; la 1919. Patterson, Newel; o 1870. Patterson, Robert C.; 1 1897. Patterson, Ward W.; 1 1909. *Patterson, W. S.; 0 1853. Patterson, Wm. E.; o 1863. *Patterson, Wm. Geo.; m 1855. *Patton, Adelma Geo.; m 1891. *Patton, Edw. Adolphus; m 1880. Patton, Fred W.; m 1884. *Patton, Geo. R.; m 1855. Patton. Hy Peeme190z2: ¥ Patton LOS: 2 Oe LeOs. *Patton, Laban T.; e 1916. 366 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Paul, Chas. M.; o 1896. Path. oe lviras last916; aati, 6) ast M2 eo lOO: PauboRay Berane 1925. Paul, Wms °C. ta 1920 ane 11922. *Paul, Wm. Henry; m 1872. Pauldine wer. 17.2 7oel8s2. *Paulding, Jos. G.; o 1839. Pauli, Wm. Otto; la 1903. Paull, Grace Ella; la 1925. Paulsen, Richard J.; e 1912. Pauly, Martin G.; 1 1890. Paver, Marion; la 1919. *Pavey, Madison; | 1859. Pavy; Odra $:?me 1922. Paxon, Alpha; 1 1874. Paxson,’ J? C.: 001883: Paxson, Wim Si 71913: Paxton, chat|yebes 1 s1o9.. Paxtons -Elarty 6W 121893: ePaxtonp eos sine Looe. Paxton; ) Debs 839; * Paxton, -1.) bea l858: ePayne; Avelyss0 18/75: Payne, A. L.; o 1890. Payne, Clyde C.; la 1918; me 1920. Payne, 1 Cey ome 1917. Payne, F. HS 121907. Payne, J. D.; 14880. Payne, Wm.; 1 1885. Peachey, H. H.; o 1889. Peacock/G: + C018 912: *Peacock, G. W.; 1 1914. Peacock, J. A.; 1 1889. *Peale2Gi C96 91892, Peales-CO- W: ila, 1913: *Pearce, Chas. B.; 1 1888. *Pearce, H. M.; o 1865. Pearce, .W.. H.; la, 1909. Pearson. 17, 44-2 la./1905: Pease, David Hisslal92h: Pease, George B.; ec 1921. Pease, Harvey P.; la 1920. Pease) |} elas 0i7: *Pease, L. T.; 0: 1841. Pease, W. W.; 1 1889. *Peaslee, J. B.; 1 1866. Peaslee, Marie M.; ed 1924; la 1923. Peaslee,. Psa lax 19178 *Peaslee, W.; 1 1871. Peaslee, W.; ec 1913. *Peat. 1.3 191853, Peck, A. M.; la 1899. *Peck, D. D.; 0 1888. Peck) E. M.; 1a 1894: Peck, E. C.; 1 1892. Peck, Fo Werec 1918: Peck, John W.; 1 1898. *Peck Wei sos 85s. Peckinbaugh, G. R.; 0 1882. *Peebles, H. P.; m 1873. Peelle, F. A.; o 1897. Peets,_W. J.; ec 1913. Peiser, Simon; la 1896. Peiser, Walter G.; la 1921. *Pelton, Edward W.; 1 1884. *Pence, A. M.; 1 1862. Pence, Bernadine; n 1923. *Pence, C. W.; 1 1894, Pence, LeRoy; o 1882. *Pendleton, .- Pe of 1884 Pendleton, N. G.; 1 1885. Penn, Coeieaoi7s *Penn, J. G.; 1 1889. *Pennington, J. J.; o 1843. *Pennington, Joel; o 1847. *Pennington, M.; 1 1841. *Pennock, 1. -H.;3/0°1845: *Penquite, W.; o 1889. *Pénse, P.>o 1845, Pepinsky, B.; ec 1916. *Percival, HDs: o7t88s: Percival, W. B.; 0 1883. *Percy, Wi Ba mri 874s Perini ie S82: Perin, Carrie M.; la 1889; g 1919, Permn,*C) 1 47oal 902: *Perin, Glover; o 1846. PeriniwKe Pitias1Ops: Permrs Aa Ri ia ao: Péeriny Re Ps lao: Perin, Reuben S.; la 1924. *Perisho,/ J. Aciving lool Perkins, Bernard; ec 1924. Peaslee, L. D.; la 1907; g 1908; g 1911 *Perkins, C. S.; 0 1849. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 367 Perkins, G. A.; om 1916. ePeriins. -Ji+-H.e 1 1872. Perkins, M. L,.; la 1909. *Perrin, F.; 1 1838. wert, Ga... 171854, ePeran. |: A.» .o 1847: Perrine, Margaret A.; ed 1925. *Perrine, W. K.; m 1867. Peter Crs ec 1915: Perry, E: R.; o 1896. Perry, F.; o 1899. Srernwrlins: © 2895, *Perry, L.; 1 1840. PPevsy, . H:; 9 1856: Serr N:. Gm 1871: Berry KR. P:; la’ 1901: Perry, Stanley; ec 1913; ec 1914. Persons,’ H.; la’ 1907. Pfau, Philip; 1 1920. Pfeffer, F. H.; ec 1901. Pfefferle, Frank H.; ec 1923. Pfefferle, George H.; ec 1924. Ptreiter, Ruth Pir ed71925. Pfeiffer, A.; o 1903. *Pfenninger, John; o 1866. Pfister, Faris F.; mc 1924. Pfister, Mildred; la 1919. Pfleger, Edna; la 1922. Pfleger, L. M.; la 1912. Pfleger, M.; la 1916. Pfleger, Otto; 1 1883. Pflueger, E. W.; la 1905; 1 1907. *Pfoutz, <)> He 121890; Phares, Carl; 1 1907; la 1909. *Phares Cos bu1875; *Phelps.Ga HH otts/o. Persons, Mrs. Pearl; la 1919; ed 1920.*Phelps, E. M.; 0 1896. Peterman, W. A.; ec 1918. ePeters, C7 6M: la»1902. Peters, D. C.; o 1866. Peters, ob. FE. 1/ 1896. Peters, F. Ri+ Ja. 1896. Peters et. }.3 0 18/0. Peters, Martha S.; la 1925. Peters, W. F.; la 1918. Peters, W. H.; m 1909. *Peters, Walter H.; o 1886. Peterson, Howard G.; ec 1920. Peterson, J.; la 1919. *Petree, Jay Ralph; ec 1922. weettit.s 1 -VW22. 171867. tPetiway, Jok. Tol so3: Phillips) Fo Hes jl-1889: Phillips, Genevieve; la 1918. Phillips, G. H.; m 1880. Phillips, Gordon; 1 1922. *Phillips, H.; o 1864. Petzhold, Cornelius J.; la 1920; 1 1922.*Phillips, J. H.; o 1870. Petzhold, John B.; ec 1923. Petzhold, Kathryn T.; la 1924. *Peyton, C. A.; m 1875. Thevtot, k.t.7 0 1832. Pfaff, -F2; la 1918. Patron Vo be bla 1908. Pfaffinger, FE. E.; la 1908. Pfaffinger, H. B.; la 1910. ereiiy -C- CO) 3581893) Phillins-s) bs e191 5. Phillips, J. P.; 1 1888. *Phillips; J; Si). 1876, Phillips, ‘K> lasi9oi4: Phillips, Louise G.; ed 1920. Phillips’ Paullaiiois, Phillips, Phillip E.; er 1924. *Phillips, P. V.; 0 1897. Phillips, R.; la 1899. 368 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Phillips, R. A.; la 1917. Phillips, Royal A. la 1920; mc 1923. Phillips, Samuel; la 1924. Phillips, Virginia L.; la 1920. Phipps, J.; la 1908. *Phythian, Co T.; 0 1885. Phythian, Margaret T.; g 1923. *Phythian, W. H.; o 1865. BP iatt te tl alors MIAtt sas eli 2.1 o eG Pichel, C.; la 1919. Pichel}C.4D.- 14914: Riche), vchas, His lagigz3. Pichel, Charlotte R.; ed 1920; la 1919. Pichel, I.;. la 1891. Pichel, Joseph L.; la 1922; 1 1924, Pichel, Kathryn D.; la 1924; ed 1925. Pichel, M.; la 1919. Pickerel, Fred B.; mc 1921. *Pickering, B. W.; o 1887. Pickering, R. W.; 1 1886. *Pickett, A. G.; o 1847. *Pickett, A. L.; o 1841. Pickrell, W. G.; 1 1912. Picton, John M.; ec 1925. *Pindar, °C. Ls oiasee Pindar, Mrs. J. W.; 1897. Pindar, y.O;: OMi891- Pingor, Andre C.; ec 1922. Pinguely, J. E.; o 1888. Pink; BP sila ie: Pinkerton, C. S.; ec 1912. *Pinnell, N. E.;.0 1889. *Pinneou, F. S.; 0 1834. Pinney, H. B.; m 1874. Pinney, O. H.; o 1903. *Piper, “|W, 16, 1372 Piper, Robert N.; ec 1922. Pirman; sisi *Pitnat, ©) seine tsom Pirrung, J. E.; m 1906. Pirrung, Matthew C.; mc 1921. Pister, W.; 1 1892. *Pixley, M. S.; m 1866. Piza Av le larieso *Plath, On3 5, 1886: * Plath, -O. 3h, pepe: *Platt, D. E.; m 1882. * Pig tick 5c Gaaoue ¥Plaitss Ge. hm po Pieck, Carl Edward; mc 1921; la 1920. Plaut, E. J.; la 1904. Pieck = C, G:;~ 0 (1889: Pierce, A. C.; la 1904. Pierce, D.; 1 1882. Pierce, J. A.; 0 1874. *Pierce, J. S.; o 1836. *Pierce, T.; o 1827. Pierce, W. C.; 1 1895. Pierle, Edwin F.; ec 1922. Pierpont, W. H.; 1 1878. Pierret, G. A.; m 1901. Prerson,- D113 daxioo3: *Pifet cl). 0.370 Sok: Pier 4] -D).*20 4837; *Pifer, J. L.; o 1883. Pihlaja, Oscar; me 1924, REP GhET lewis tos Pilhashy, B. M.; la 1897. *Pilkington, G. W.; m 1881. Pilliod, John V.; me 1921. Pinckard, Frank E.; ec 1920. Plantes He: la] 903) *Pleasants, C.; 1 1885. Plimpton, M. B.; la 1913. Fb lotner, «FS Aryal EASo0: Pluckebaum, D.; la 1916. Plueddemann, FE. W.; ec 1914. Plueddemann, R. O.; ec 1912. Plueddman, Hugo R.; ec 1922. *Plummer, H.; 0 1861. *Plummer, I. N.; 0 1872. *Plummer, L.. B.; -o 1882: *Plunhett, F.; 1 1866. Poague, C. M.; 1 1880. *Poague, I. N.; o 1848. Pochat, L6tis Gala, 1922: Pochat, Louise; ed 1922. Pociey, E. C.; 1 1889. Pociey, Jo V3 la 198s, Pockras, Harry; ec 1921. *Pocock. E.-H.-*o wise: Pindar, Arthur W.; la 1924; g 1925; mc*Pocock, J. N.; 0 1874. 1925. Podesta, C. W.; la 1909. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Podesta, J. S.; o 1901. Poe, Edith G.; ec 1924. Poetker, Karl E.; la 1922; mc 1923. *Poffenbarger, I.; o 1863. Poggendick, P.; om 1918. Rrocue, +). Ki- 1° 1881: Pogue, P. M.; 1 1889. Pogue, T. L.; 1 1893. Fohiman, H. Lz; Ja--1915. *Pohlman, W. M.; m 1880. Pohlmeyer, H. F.; om 1910. Pohlmeyer, Jean; ed 1925. *Poland; C. 15.3. 11879. Peuoe. |. C.> m=:1905; Poll, -C.- ta-1918. Pollak, J. B.; la 1910; g 1911. Pollard, S. B.; la: 1911; 1 1918. *Pollard;-D;-M.; 0 71829. *Pollard, W. S.; m 1871. Pollong, J. B.; m 1904. Pollitt; _Bo-H.; la 1917. Pollitt, Samuel; o 1889. *Pollitt, W. M.; m 1881. *Pollock, A. M.; o 1841. *Pollock, F. G.; m 1857. *Pollock, J. B.; 1 1855. *Pollock, J. K.; m 1873. *Pollock, S. M.; 1 1854. Pomerene, A.; 1 1886. Pomerene, C.; 1 1890. Pomerene, W. R.; 1 1886. *Pomeroy, C. T.; 0 1841. *Pomeroy, C. S.; 1 1841. Pomeroy, G. L.; 1 1874. Pool, F. A.; o 1897. Poole, A. C.; 0 1887. Poole, E.; la 1899. Poole, I.; la 1910. Hoorn. 6.7 ta: 1913. Poor, G. T.; 1 1902. *Poorman, C. S.; 1 1864. Porter, *Porter, *Porter, Porter, *Porter, *Porter, C.; la 1910; g 1914. E. O.; m 1908. Heo" 18373 H. K.; m 1888. Je Bem 1866: FCs oPiss7: 369 Porter, Jennie D.; ed 1923; g 1925. Porter, *Porter, Porter, Porter, *Porter, Portér, Porter, *Porter, Porter, *Porter, Porter, Porter, Porter, Porter, Porter, Porter, John F.; ec 1925. JRO IS6G. Teelssrla obOOR; Katherine C.; la 1924. Pele Ost 80, M.; o 1897. M. F.; 0 1878. N. B.; 1 1883. INe@iaw lO E7, PEP eso: RAG Sig ioly. Susan C.; n 1919; n 1920. WD. -?o21887: Wisk rostegi: Wm. L.; mc 1925. Wits 4.1874: *Porterfield, V. R.; 0 1873. Posner, Chas.; la 1924, Post, G. M.; m 1875. *Postle, R. A.; o 1884. Pottenger, Ella; ed 1922. | Pottenger, J. W.; la 1913: 1 1916. Pottenger, W. T.; la 1913. *Potter, *Potter, *Potter, *Potter, *Potter, *Potter, AC Oe Soy Jo kieecO= 1876: Le 20" 1869. R. B.; o 1866. A Renety Sarat ot ot a ‘Teor 1887: *Potts;/O. Gio 1847. Potts;-R...D.° onv 1918: Pottschmidt, Carl; la 1924. *Powell, Powell, Poos, Gretchen Erna; la 1922; ed 1923.*Powell, Pope, Howard L.; ec 1922. *Poppleton, H. H.; 1 1860. Porras, Lorenzo; la 1921; me 1922. *Porter, A. H.; o 1855. *Porter, A. I.; o 1830. Porter, C. H.; la 1915. *Powell, CCAS la 18950201907, C. A.; ec 1917. Cush mi 218380; Tee Neel goo, *Vowellcle yo A901: *Powell, Powell, Powell, *Powell, J2- BS 1859) Jes oF189t- ROVAG Ss eI R93: R. B.; 1 1882. 370 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Power, H. J.; 1 1898. *Power, L. B.; o 1863. Powers, Agnes; la 1895. Powers, E. M.; la 1919; 1 1921. Powers, H.; m 1904. *Powers, H. ;1 1855. *Powers, J.; o 1865. Powers, J. H.;/1°1875. FOWere. Vid: te 1 855) Powers, W. B.; o 1886. Price, Walter W.; ec 1924. *Prichard, FE. A.; 1 1859. *Prichard,5.l). Jato 1354. *Prickitts-ijl eo Loar *Prickitt, S.-H ai 674s *Pride Os Taw e2i90n Priebe, C. J.; ec 1919. Priest, W. A.; m 1872. *Priest, W. R.; o 1886. *Prince, D.; o 1840. Poysell, Dorothy M.; ed 1922; la 1922. Prince, F. J.; 0 1907. Prather, Porter; o 1886. W. W-:; 0° 1877: Smart, George; o 1889. *Smead, Alonzo; o 1851. Smedley, Anderson B.; ec 1923. Smedley, Anderson L,.; 0 1897. *Smedley, Anderson; o 1846. Smedley, Clement D.; 0 1903. *Smedley, D. P.; o 1860. *Smedley, Ephraim A.; m 1883. *Smeltzer, Geo. H.; o 1879. *Smick, Cassius M.; m 1881. Smiley, Jas. S.; I 1893. *Smiley, H. H.; o 1848. *Smiley, «Lhos) ne [rt Lalsol: *Smith, *Smith, *S mith, *S mith, *Smith, Smith, *S mith, ‘Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, *S mith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, *S mith, Smith, *S mith, *S mith, Smith, Avro 2624, AA Brero_ lo/3. Alexander; o 1878. Alonzo; 1 1858. Andrew; | 1859. Angy A.; la 1923; ed 1924. Archibald; o 1829. Arthur Howard; o 1898. Augustus K.; 0 1889. Augustus T.; la 1898; g 1900. Ava Bernadine; n 1920. pated Sra oes Yi Benj F7 1la7 1920-21923" Calvin McLeod; la 1894. Chas. E.; ed 1924. Chas. F.; m 1878. Chass rit el reso: Chas. R.; 1 1884. Chas. Stanley; m 1897. Chas. Wm.; o 1884. Chas. Willis; o 1884. Chas. Wolff; o 1904. Clement D.; o 1901. Crane W.; la 1908. CurtiseP.. L887. Daniel J.; m 1866. David McClellan; m 1885. Dennis; 1 1838. DeWitt C.; m 1874. Smith, Smith, Smith, *S mith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, Smith, UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Earl McCall; me 1923. Edith; o 1909. Edith! a7; da sloRe Edmund; | 1841. E. Georgette; la 1925. Edwin S.; la 1896; 1 1895. BA) 1863. Eldridge G.; la 1908. Smith, Eliz. Anita; la 1910. Smith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, *S mith, Smith, Eliz. Baldwin; ed 1921. Ernest C.; 1 1879. Estell Otis; o 1896. Fo Co ig ASG: Fleming Lee; ed 1925. Forrest W.; | 1923. Frances; la 1921; ed 1922. Francis C.; me 1924. Francis Glenn; om 1910. Frederick; o 1883. Frederick C.; m 1905. Freeman; | 1843. Gi--E.: +0. 1862: Geo. B.; 1 1914. Smith, Geo. Foster; m 1897. Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, *Smith, *Smith, *Smith, Smith, *S mith, *S mith, *S mith, *S mith, *Smith, Smith, *S mith, Dorothy (Mrs. Merton J. Hu-*Smith, bert); la 1916. *Smith, Geo. P.; 1 1921. Grafton Allen; ed 1925. Halbert D.; 1 1891. Harold W.; ec 1917. Harry H.; o 1883. Harry N.; 1 1912. He. Chay it vi879; Harvey H.; m 1897. Herbert N.; mc 1920. Homer L,; 0 1877. Horace F.; 1 1849. HA Rsse2 18553 L. N«colls/4: Irwin J.; la 1889. Irwin M.; 1 1886. | J. A.; o 1843: J. D.; o 1847. Joe oR1 Bs: Je Hem d366: Ji sRosve 18s: Je Reap eee, yale 1 8Gu. Jas. 3m 185% Jaswpleeias: 187 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Smith, Jas. M.; 1 1855. *Smith, Jas. R. W.; 1 1865. Smith, Jas. Thos.; ec 1912. *Smith, Jerome; | 1850. Smith, John Frederick; 1 1917. *Smith, John Henry; m 1869. Smith, John S.; o 1877. Smith, John S.; o 1882. Smith, John Wesley; g 1922. *Smith, Jos. Bird; o 1845. *Smith, Jos. C.; 1 1879. Smith, Josephine C.; la 1903; g 1907. Smith, L. A.; 1 1894. Smith, UL: H:; o 1893. Smith, L. J.; 0 1846. Smith, Leland H.; ec 1919. Smith, Mabel L.; ed 1922. Smith, Marie L.; ec 1925. Smith, Oliver F.; 1 1917. Smith, Orin G.; la 1890. *Smith, Orlando P.; 1 1869. Smith, Oscar M.; 1 1872. *Smith, Palmer C.; 1 1878. Smith, Parke G.; om 1917. Smith, Paul B.; la 1922; mc 1924. Smith, Ralph H.; m 1905. *Smith, Robert C.; 1 1865. *Smith, Robert C.; 1 1866. *Smith, Robert C:; 1 1872. *Smith, Robert S.; 1 1859. *Smith, Rufus B.; 1 1878. Smith, Samuel H.; o 1907. Smith, Samuel W., Jr.; 1 1882. Ponuth, oilas H.: 0) 1830: *Smith, T. Curtis; o 1863. *Smith, Thomas; o 1849. *Smith, Thomas K.; 1 1845. Smith, Vincent V.; la 1921; mc 1921. *Smith, W. A. J.; 0 1837. *Smith, W. B.; om 1913. Smith, W. B.; o- 1873: Smith, Walter J.; o 1902. Smith, Walter L.; ec 1912. *Smith, W. O.; o 1872-3. Smith, W. W.; o 1880. Smith, Webster S.; o 1880. *Smith, Wickliffe; o 1874. Smith, William A.; 0 1897. *S mith, *Smith, *Snyder, *Snyder, * Snyder, 389 William C.; o 1891. Wm. F.; m 1868. Wm. F.; | 1870. William F.; ec 1922. Wm. G.; o 1869. Wm. Gis ‘mi 187A Wm. H.; o 1838. William H.; 0 1884. William H.; 1 1890. William W.; 1 1862. William W.; o 1891. William W., Jr.; 1 1897. WalliameZs? o-l87 i. Wilson A.; o 1888. Smith, Wirt C.; 1 1889. *Smith, Zebulon; o 1827. *Smolley, John G.; m 1884. Smullen, Tessie S.; 0 1903. Smyth, Paul) H.wece*19112 Smythe, Jesse V.; ec 1919. Snavely, William H.; o 1881. Sneve, Haldor; o 1887. Snider, Frank; 0 1897. Snider, Geo. G.; la 1921. Snider, Wm. H.; | 1887. Snively, Geo. W.; o 1900. Snively, J. H.; o 1891. Snodgrass, Herbert L.; ec 1908. Snodgrass, Marjorie; la 1918. Snook, Chas. W.; o 1891. Snook, John S.; 1 1887. Snorf, Herschel A.; m 1886. Snorf, Parker Lee; m 1891. Snow, Catherine; la 1919. *Snow, David B.; 1 1866-7. Snow, Mary C.; la 1920; ed 1924. *Snow, Samuel L.; 1 1871. Snyder, Alonzo M.; 1 1887. Benj. F.; o 1885. Charles; o 1870. Corinne J.; ed 1923. EtDs2 0 1872. JacoD\ 3 L892: John W.;- la 1915; ed 1915. Mildred; la 1919... Mildred F.; la 1923; ed 1924. Mildred L.; om 1919, Morell; 1 1853-4. *S mith, *Smith, Smith, *Smith, *Smith, Smith, Smith, *S mith, Smith, Smith, *Smith, Smith, Snyder, *Snyder, Snyder, Snyder, Snyder, Snyder, Snyder, 390 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Snyder, Rea; n 1924. Sofge, Frank J.; 0 1904. *Soher, Louis; o 1846. Sohn, Henry; ec 1918. Solar, Frank M.; o 1890. Soller, Arnold; ec 1924. Spargur, Harry Van Allen; o 1893. Sparks, Charlie S.; 1 1890. *Sparks, ‘J? SOs Fo7 853) xSparks, Roti onde it Sparling, Rachel M.; ed 1925. Sparrow, Jackson W.; 1 1901. Soller, Walter; ec 1917; g 1921; g 1925.*Spaulding, E. M.; o 1851. Solomon, David J.; la 1902. Solomon, Edwin P.; o 1904. Solomon, Geo. J.; la 1895. Spaulding, John; o 1878. Spaulding, L. A.; 0 1878. Speaks, Margaret E.; ed 1925. Solomon, Mae H. (Mrs. N. K. Fisher); Spear, Clifford M.; la 1903. la 1900. Solomon, Michael Gabriel; la 1893. *Somes, Joseph; o 1829. Sommer, Louis; mc 1921; la 1919. Sommerfield, Elsie (Mrs. Louis Moss); la 1909. Sommerfield, J. E.; 0 1886. *Somers, J. B.; 1 1869. *Songer, J. A.; o 1870. HONEr, seed. 20 mlesLe *Sonnickson, J.) PJ; 0° 1875; Sorgel, Ruth Alms; la 1910. Sorin, Eugene; ec 1921. *Spear, James M.; m 1869. Spear, Walter A.; ec 1915. *Speck, A. C.; 0 1868. Speckman, Russell N.; me 1923. H.*Speer, A. T.; 0 1866. *Speer, James W.; m 1867. *Spees, S. J.; o 1839. Spees, Samuel; o 1880. Speidel> By Hi-ele 1902 Speidel, Gustav C. E.; 0 1886. Speidel, Thomas A.; 0 1904. *Speiser, Arnold J. H.; 1 1883. Spellmire, Geo. H.; 1 1893. Sorin, Ruth; la 1918. *Sorrick. J), Nimo 2138/5! Souder, Cloyd L.; o 1880. Souders, Samuel M.; o 1900. Southerland, Ruth; ed 1920; ed 1922. Southers, Charles T.; 0 1902. *Southgate, B. W.; o 1851. *Southgate, F.; o 1839. Spence, Colon J.; m 1883. Southgate, F. H.; 0 1892. *Spence, Colton; o 1841. Southgate, Richard Talliaferro; la 1895; Spence, Jesse A.; m 1887. I 1898. Spence, Raymond H.; m 1901. Southgate, Virginia; g 1913; ed 1912. *Spence, S. D.; o 1875. *Southward, F. M.; o 1876. Spence, William H.; 1 1883. Southwick, Geo. Ed.; m 1892. *Spencer, B. F.; 0 1860. Southworth, C.; 1 1902. Spencer, Greta; la 1916. — Southworth, R.; m 1904. Spencer, Jonathan A.; 0 1877. Sowards, Hugh L.; 1 1913. *Spencer, R. A.; 0 1847. Sowers, Mabel E.; n 1920. *Spencer, Lucian A.; m 1885. *Spain, James W.; m 1872. Sperry, Orton A.; 1 1889. Spalding, Elizabeth M.; la 1920. Sperti, George; ec 1923. Spangler, Georgetta L.; la 1920; ed Spicer, Henry V.; 1 1893. 1921. *Spickard, Lewis J.; o 1897. Spangler, Milton H.; o 1897. Spicker, Margaret; la 1919. Spann, B. F.; o 1880. Spiegel, Arthur M.; la 1904; 1 1907. Spellmire, Gertrude M. (Mrs. Bryant Venable); la 1897. Spellmire, Mabel G.; la 1903; g 1905. Spellmire, Walter Bertrand; la 1897. Spelman, John D.; om 1911. Spence, Arthur D.; m 1895. Spence, Brent; 1 1895. cee ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Spiegel, Fred’k S.; 1 1880. Spiegel, Grace F.; la 1908; g 1910. Spielman, W. Carl; la 1905. *Spiers, Henry H.; 0 1877. Spilker, John B.; 1 1904. Spillard, Sarah V.; la 1896. *Spillman, F. J.; o 1858. Spillman, Louise; la 1896. Spills, John H.; ec 1918. Spilman, Frank J., Jr.; o 1897. *Spilman, William H.; m 1869. *Spindler, John W.; 1 1882. Spink, Thomas F.; m 1901. *Spinning, Pierson T.; m 1878. Spitler, Chas. S.; 0 1892. Snitier, E.-W.*! 0 1885. *Spitler, John H.; o 1879. Spitler, Levi; o 1876. Spitler, Roscoe H.; om 1912. Spitler, S. W.; o 1875. Spitzlberger, L. M.; o 1905. Splain, Walter Edward; ec 1922, Spohn, Geo. W.; o 1887. *Spooner, Chas. .W.> 1 1867. Spooner, Geo. F.; o 1880. *Spooner, P. W.; o 1853. Spooner, Samuel H.; 1 1872. Sporing, Edward F.; g 1925. Sprague, Albert A.; o 1898. Sprague, Gerald T.; mc 1925. *Sprague, James; o 1851. Sprague, William C.; 1 1883. Spraul, Clarence FE.; 1 1911. Sprecher, G. A.; o 1882. *Spring, N. W.; o 1869. Springer, Henry A.; om 1916. Spritz, Chas.°S.: 3; 1880. *Sproul, Robert M.; o 1880. Sprouse, Wm. W.; 1 1893. *Spurgeon, W. P.; o 1868. Spurlock, Eva E.; la 1906. Squire, Maud H.; la 1894. *Srofe, W. J.; o 1868. Stacey, Lester W.; o 1905. Stack, Leonard A.; mc 1923. Stack, Robert A. H.; mc 1920. Stackhouse, Howard L.; ec 1922. Stacy, Elizabeth; la 1919. Stacy, Mary Louise; la 1923. Staderman, Albert L.; la 1900. *Staebler, J. G.; o 1866. *Stafford, William; | 1861. Stagman, Harrison E.; 1 1892. *Staley, Henry K.; 1 1894. *Staley, John M.; 1 1878. Staley, Ralph W.; o 1901. *Staley, Sanderson D.; 1 1860. Stall, Vera A.: ed 1920, Stallard, Pitts; o 1880. *Stallman, Cora; la 1904. Stallo, Edmund K.; la 1883. *Stallo, John B.; 1 1848. *Stallo, Walter; o 1876. Stammel, Chas. A.; o 1896. Stammel, Chas. A.; om 1910. Stammel, Julius G.; o 1907. Stamper, Garland A.; ec 1924. *Stanberry, Elias M.; 1 1858. Stanberry, Hart; 1 1903. Stanberry, Henry, m 1899, Stanbery, Philemon B., Jr.; 1 1901. *Stanfield, Thomas S.; 1 1840. *Stanley, Albert L.; 1910. Stanley, Helen A.; la 1913; g 1914. *Stansbury, R. S.; 0 1863. *Stanton, Bryon; m 1857. *Stanton, Wm.; m 1856. *Stanton, Wm.; | 1859-60. *Stanton, Wm. E.; m 1877. *Stapleford, Abram D.; m 1883. Stapleford, Helen; !a 1916. Stapleton, Howard E.: la 1919. *Stapp, Charles W.; 1 1879. Stark, Cecille J.; ed 1920. Stark, Edwin B.; 0 1889. Stark, John Reis; om 1916. Stark, Wm, Ault; 1 1908. Starnbach, Morris; ec 1925. *Starr, Henry W.; | 1835. *Starr., Wiiniee Ws; 1b 1800. Starrels, Elihu; la 1921. Startsman, Elizabeth M.; n 1921. *Stauverman, R. J.; 1 1874. *Stearns, Benj. F.; 1 1861. Stecher, Geo. J.; 1 1894. Stecker, Hanna D.; la 1912. 391 BL A UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Steddon, Francis W.; m 1887. *Stedman, Herman, m 1887. Stedman, Ruth A.; n 1925. *Steele, E. W.; o 1847. *Steele, Geo. R.; m 1875. *Steele, James O.; m 1869. *Steele, Robert W.; 1 1854. Steele, Thomas E.; 1 1886. *Steele, William; o 1832. Steeley, Ed. A.; 0 1873. *Steeley, H. G.; o 1866. *Steere, D. Q.; 0 1875. Stegemeyer, Anna Marie; la 1909. Stegemeyer, Emilie; la 1918. Stegemeyer, Lou A.; ec 1921. Stegner, Clifford M.; la 1899. Stegner, Henry C.; ec 1907. *Steiger, Eber C. de; o 1875. *Stein, E. H. R.; m 1866. Stein, Elick; mc 1923. Stein, Joseph; la 1921; mc 1923. Stein, Judith I.; la 1924. Steinau, Irene A.; la 1909; g 1917. Steinau, Stella; la 1917. Steinbrecher, P. W.; 1 1880. Steinburg, Herman; 1 1895. *Steiner, John J.; 1 1834. Steiner, Mary C.; ed 1920; la 1919. Steingrube, Charles R.; la 1925. Steinhardt, Anne V.; n 1921. Stephan, Albert; la 1882. *Stephan, Albert; 1 1886. Stephan, Jos. Ed.; o 1892. Stephan, William; o 1896. *Stephans, A. H.; 0 1847. Stephans, Dorothy M.; la 1921; ¢ 1924, Stephens, Alice V.; la 1914; ed 1915. Stephens, Anna; la 1919. Stephens, David W.; o 1904. Stephens, Maude C.; la 1910; ed 1910. Stephens, W. L,.; 0 1882. Stephens, William E.; 0 1903. *Stephenson, A. T.; o 1848. Stephenson, Benj. M.; o 1885. Stephenson, Jas. F.; 1 1887. *Stephenson, Joseph; o 1850. *Stepp, Chas. D.; 1 1893: *Sterett, G.; o 1835. Stern, Bernhard J.; la 1916. *Stern, David; la 1881. Stern, Harry J.; la 1920. Stern, Samuel; 1 1913. Stern, William (formerly Sternsehr); la 1918. Steuart, James K.; o 1882. *Stevens, A. M.; o 1847. *Stevens, A. S.; o 1852. Stevens, Dorthy (Mrs. F. K. Hoehler) ; la 1917. *Stevens, E. B.; o 1846. Steinkamp, Edythe H.; la 1913; ed 1913. Stevens, Edward E.; 1 1894. Steinkamp, Ethelbert D.; o 1883. Steinkoenig, Louis A.; ec 1912. Steinman, Julia M.; la 1923. Steinman, Wm. N.; ec 1922. *Steinreide, Joseph; m 1867. *Steinreide, Jos.; o 1860. *Steinwehr, Guido V.; 1 1880. Steltenpohl, Lawrence H.; 1 1919. *Stem, Arthur; 1 1875. *Stem, Jesse; 1 1841. Stembel, David M.; ec 1924. *Stemen, C. B.; 0 1875. Stemler, John E.; o 1902. Stemm, William H.; o 1887. *Stengel, Walter; m 1884. Stenger, Edwin P.; ec 1916. Stenger, William J.; 1 1912. Stevens, Edward S.; m 1881. *Stevens, J. B.; 1 1861. *Stevens, J .L.; 0 1859, Stevens, Myron H.; | 1898. Stevenson, Alexander T.; m 1891. *Stevenson, F. W.; 1 1899. Stevenson, Frank E.; mc 1923. *Stevenson, Frank W.; la 1892. *Stevenson, J. Ed.; 1 1871. *Stevenson, J. H.; o 1845. Stevenson, John W., Jr.; o 1883. *Stevenson, Hugh; 1 1834. Stevenson, Louise G. (Mrs. Thos. Fos- ter); la 1911; ed 1911. *Stevenson, Marshall L.; 1 1866. *Stevenson, Robert; o 1907. tevenson, S. D.; 0 1890. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 393 Stevenson, Titus; o 1888. *Stillwell, J. A.; o 1866. Stevenson, William P.; 1 1896. *Stimmell, Smith; 1 1871. Steward, Charles; o 1873. *Stimson, Geo. P.; 1 1901. Steward, Florence M.; la 1913. Stinchfield, Phyllis; n 1925. Steward, Harold C.; ec 1920. *Stinson, Beoni, Jr.; 1 1847. Steward, Wilbur A.; ec 1916. *Stinson,3); B: Jt:7 01847. Stewart, A. H.; o 1882. *Stipp, George W.; | 1848. Stewart, Anna Bird; la 1903; g 1904. *Stitch, Ferdinand; o 1870. *Stewart, Beattie C.; 1 1852. Stites, Wm. Nixon; ec 1894. *Stewart, Charles E.; o 1897. *Stith, Henry; 1 1839: Stewart, Edgar A.; 0 1897. Stitt, Howard L.; om 1910. ‘Stewart, G’°H.; o 1856. Stivers, Burdette I.; n 1920. *Stewart, Griggs S.; m 1877. Stivers, Frank A.; 1 1890. Stewart, J. B.; 0 1888. Stix, Regine K.; mc 1922; g 1922. *Stewart, James E.; 1 1866. Stix, Walter H.; o 1900. Stewart, James G.; 1 1905. Stober, Martin J.; ec 1925. Stewart, John H.; ec 1914. *Stockdale, A. K.; m 1872. Stewart, John Orr; m 1883. Stockman, Louise M.; ed 1915. Stewart, Marian (Mrs. Frank Fisher);*Stockstill, J. N.; 0 1842. la 1919. *Stockton, Ez A.3 071853. Stewart, Marjorie; la 1922. Stockwell, Donna L.; n 1921; n 1922. Stewart, Marjorie; ed 1913. *Stockwell, R. L.; 0 1839. Stewart, Mary I.; la 1915; ed 1915; g*Stoddard, J. C.; 0 1847. 1921. *Stoddard, John W.; | 1860. Stewart, Paul M.; om 1914. Stoecklein, Clarence J.; 1 1914. Stewart, Robert E.; o 1888. Stoehr, Flora E.; la 1900. Stewart, Robert W.; o 1882. Stoehr, Karl; o 1902. Stewart, Russell E.; ec 1922. Stoehr, Oscar; | 1889. Stewart, Thomas S.; la 1904. Stoehr, Roberta J.; ed 1920. Stewart, Wm. M.; ec 1912. Stoffregen, Chas. H.; om 1910. *Stewart, Wm. H.; o 1867. Stoker, Wm. A.; o 1885. Stewart, Wm. R.; 1 1888. *Stokes, Granville; 1 1839. Stewart, Wm. T.; o 1908. *Stokes, W. H.; 0 1848. Stickney, Gertrude C.; la 1915; (Mrs. Roy*Stolz, Jos.; la 1883. Knopp); ed 1915. *Stone, Daniel; | 1856. Stickney, Helen B.; n 1921; la 1921. Stone, Geo.; | 1876. Stickney, Iven C.; 1 1923. *Stone, },° Bo 081877. Sticksel, Cleveland P.; ec 1908. eSTOne wl Mee. tid 850 Stiebel, Louise T.; la 1923. Stone, Jr 0. Gites. Stiegler, William G.; la 1903. Stone, James M.; | 1917. Stiess, Lillian E.; la 1914; ed 1914. Stone, Jeanette C.; la 1912. Stifel, Catherine; la 1918. *Stone, Richard H.; 1 1844. Stifel, Gustav A.; la 1912. *Stone, Richardgu., Jrs1 1872. Stiles, Benj. H.; 1 1895. Stoneberger, Wm. L.; m 1869, *Stiles, Paul H.; 1 1898. *Stonemetz, Jacob; o 1858. *Stilley, Chas. H.; m 1872. *Stonesipher, John R.; 1 1871. *Stilley, H. M.; m 1872. *Storer, Bellamy, Jr.; 1 1869. *Stillson , Joshep O.; m 1873. Storer, Elroy R.; om 1911. 394 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Storer, Thos.; o 1846. Storrs, Helen; la 1922. Story, Geo.; ec 1906. eStothart, Asati. 00 000. *Stout, Hiram B.; o 1889. *Stout, Jos.; o 1845. ESTOVALL, IlaaAes OlLGoe: Stovall, Wm. Owen; la 1899. Stover, Chas. J.; m 1900. etrack, Harry Jos. on190li Strader, Benj. W.; 1 1900. Stradey wba: O51 Goa; Straehley, Arthur C.; 1 1897; la 1899. Straehley, Clifford; mc 1920. Straehley, Erwin; o 1889. Straehley, Erwin M.; mc 1920. *Strafer, Luther; 1 1871. *Strain, Albert J.; m 1873. Straight, Clay M.; ec 1914. Strait wks loo4 Strashun, Olga; ed 1925. Strasser, Emil; o 1908. Stratemeyer, Edwin A.; ec 1911. Stratemeyer, Norma F.; la 1911. Strathmann, Wm. H.; o 1909. Straub, Edna; la 1918. *Straub, Walter; 1 1857. Striker, Cecil; la 1919; me 1921. Striker, Jeanette; ed 1920. Strobel, Henry J.; ec 1923. Strobridge, Chas. M.; 1 1877. *Strode, D. H.: o 1846. Strohbach, Geo.; o 1903. *Strong, Jas: (Geir 1859. Strong, Katherine B.; la 1906. *Strong, Robert O.; 1 1869. Strother, John W.; m 1876. *Stroup, Joseph M.; o 1889. Strubbe, Alfrieda A.; la 1910. *Struble, A. J.; o 1876. Struble, Ellen J.; ed 1925. Struble, Marjorie A.; la 1924. *Struble, R.; o 1864. Struble, Stanley; 1 1892. Struke, Norma L,.; la 1914. Struckman, F. F.; o 1890. *Strunk, Wm.; 1 1867. Strunk, Wm., Jr.; la 1890. *Stuart, Albert L.; o 1879. Stuart, Archibald; la 1914. Stuart, Florence; la 1919. *Stubbing, Roz. Por 1859; *Stubbs, Lewis D.; 1 1858; 1 1857. *Study,. Jj: Mise (1859: Straus, Esther (Mrs. Henry England- Stuerwald, Marie; la 1918. er); la 1900. Straus, Robert Lee; la 1917; g 1920. Strauss, Florence L,; la 1916. Strauss, Jos. B.; ec 1892. Strautman, Louise J.; la 1905. Stuerwald, Olga V.; la 1920. Stueve, Amos E.; m 1909. Stugard, Caroline; la 1909. Stugard, Fred; la 1905. Stuvard eGeowe tay Strautmann, Alma A.; la 1911; ed 1911. Stuhlman, Oscar H.; 0 1909. Strautmann, Anna FE. (Mrs. Chas. Ot- Stuhlmann, Otto, Jr.; la 1907. terman); la 1900; g 1907. Streeter, Irving M.; la 1924. *Strehli, John W.; 1 1884. Streit, Wm. K.; ed 1924. Stricker, Adam K.; 1 1901. *Stricker, E. Leon; | 1881. Stricker, Leon E.; 1 1890. Stricker, Louis J.; o 1891. StrickersWlouiss ol r.7 41s 92e. Stricker, Sidney; 1 1891. Strickland, David L.; 1 1924. Strietelmeier, Edward C.; ec 1921. Strietmann, Wm. H.; o 1905. * Stump, Erra D.; 0 1908. Stump, Myrtle M.; la 1922; ed 1923. Stump, Vernon C.; la 1924. *Stunkard, Thos? C® o41 865: Stuntz, Edna; la 1919. Stuntz, Harry; o 1904. *Sturgeon, S. H.; 0 1873. Sturgill, Wm. F.; m 1887. *Sturgis, C. E.; 0 1844. Sturm, Max; o 1889. *Stuver, Emanuel; o 1880. Sturwold, Catherine; la 1925. Stuyvesant, Moses S.; 1 1871. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Sudbrink, Elsa; la 1917. Sudhoff, Edw. B.; la 1919. Sudhoff, Geo. F.; m 1889. Sudhoff, Paul G.; mc 1921. Suemening, Wm. L.; 1 1913; la 1912. Suer, Werner J.; la 1914. Suffron, Benj. F.; om 1919. Suhre, Arthur E.; ec 1924. suire, Frank O.; 1 1882. Sullivan, Anna M.; la 1919; ed 1920. *Sullivan, B. W.; o 1869. Sullivan, Blanche; la 1909. *Sullivan, Florence A.; | 1895. Sullivan, Florence M.; ed 1921. Sullivan, Harry Wm.; o 1901. Sullivan, Jane M.; la 1920. Sullivan, John J.; 1 1889. Sullivan, John T.; ec 1915. *Sullivan, Robert J.; 1 1878. *Sully, Alfred; 1 1863. *Sulton, Geo.; o 1836. wuiEon! tiskbs> 0.1885; *Sulton, Willis E.; o 1872. *Summers, Chas.; 1 1884. Summers, Harry; | 1900. *Summers, Harvey; o 1878. *Sunderland, J. C.; o 1853. *Sunderman, J. F.; 1 1914. Sunderman, Leona L,.; la 1923. *Sunman, Irving; m 1866. Suter, Elizabeth L.; ed 1922. Suter, Maud; ed 1920. Siitet. Julia lysela 1901. Sutphin, Dudley V.; 1 1900. Poutton, Brancis J,: 1 1872. *Sutton, Howard A.; 1 1892; la 1891. Breton. tH, —El.* o..18/6. Sutton, John F.; mc 1920. Swabey, Stanley; | 1887. _ Swadner, Raymond; 1 1890. Swain, Chas.. L.;, 1,.1893: eSwain, KR. H.; o 1827. Swales, Harvey W.; o 1891. Swales, W. H., Jr.; o 1878. Swales, Wm. H.; o 1873. Swan, E. M.; 1 1874. *Swanlehas, F.; o 1875. *Swarts, D. J.; o 1860. Swarts, Willard W.; 0 1896. Swartsel, S. Cary; o 1897. Swartz, Douglas; o 1880. Swartz, Ernest O.; 0 1905. *Swartz, .G..Be-0. 1800: *Swayne, John W.; 1 1859. Sweeney, Daniel; ec 1924. Sweeney, Howard T.; ec 1923. Sweeney, Jay R.; 1 1894. *Sweeney, J. H.; o 1866. *Sweeney, T. J.; o 1851. Sweet, Edw. M.; o 1890. Sweny, Clifford P.; 0 1897. Swepston, Emil R.; mc 1922; la 1920. Swetnam, Wm. B.; o 1885. Swift, Eldred B.; la 1905. *Swigert, D. W.; 1 1852. Swimly, Geo. W.; o 1876. Swindford, Helen A.; la 1916. Swing, Catherine L,.; la 1920. Swing, Frank U.; 0 1904. Swing, Fred C.; 0 1904. Swing, Phillip C.; 1 1890. Swing, R. C.; 1 1899. *Swingley, Fred; o 1841. Swinney, Stuart L.; ec 1915. *Swisher, Argus B.; m 1882 . *Swormstedt, Hamline; | 1866. Sylvester, J. E.; o 1876. Sylvester, Wm. L.; ec 1916. ‘Laber,“@)rap Gel loan: *Tackenberg, C. W.; o 1879. Tackenberg, Chas. Wm.; la 1909. *Tafel, Hugo A.; 1 1893. *Tafel, Richard; la 1897; 1 1897. ‘att, Horace: D:* 1 -1886: *Tait, Peter R.: t:1871. att Samuel: [rosin les ce Taft, Wm. H.; | 1880. *Dacoart. lo He mil S20, *Talbot, Jesse N.; m 1875. *Talbot, Nicholas L.; m 1876. Talbot, R: .Geim,1870: Talbot.) bo Wasa guloso: *Talbate, ihe tu. Ose bro Talbott, Samuel F.; mc 1921. Talbott, Walter R.; 1 1886. Talcott, Carolyn R.; g 1925. 396 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Talcott, Harold P.; ec 1918. Tallentire, Thos. L.; 1 1919. Talley, Chas. F.; m 1886. Tallmadge, Harry; ed 1925. * Tam, iJ OS.c0.341 9 200L: Tandy, Julia; la 1917. *Tangeman, C. W.; o 1879. Tangeman, Helen; la 1917; ed 1918. Tangeman, Horace; om 1912. Tangeman, Walter W.; e 1913. *Taylor, G. €.o 858. Taylor, Geo. H., Jr.; la 1897. Taylor, Gregory L.; 0 1889. Taylor, Rev.-Harry S.; 1 1881. Taylor, Helen C.; la 1915: Taylor, Henry L.; o 1882. Taylor, Iona M. W.; la 1915. *Taylor, Irvin; 1 1869. *Taylor, Jas.; o 1841. *Taylor, Yass -Jr.22l- 1858: Tangemann, .Elsie S.; la 1910; ed 1910.*Taylor, Jas., Jr., 1 1857. Tannehill, Perley H.; 1 1889. Tanner, Kirby L.; o 1900. Tappan, Paul W.; m 1902. Tarbell, Jas. Wm.; | 1894. Tarbell, Robt. C.; 0 1897. *Tarleton, R. H.; 0 1850. Tarshish, Jacob; la 1914. *Taurn, Jas. P.; 1 1882. Tarvin, Wm. W.; o 1886. *Tate, Harvey; o 1840. *Tate, John H.; o 1840. *Tate, John P.; m 1868. Tate, Magnus A.; o 1891. Tate, Mary Lee; la 1911. Tate, Ralph B.; o 1895. *Tate, Wm., Jr.; o 1846. Tatgenhorst, Chas., Jr.; 1 1910. Tatman, Oliver Perry; m 1897. Tauber, Elmore B.; o 1902. *Taulman, Wm. B.; ec 1919. Tausend, S. Sidney; mc 1925. Tawney, Mrs. M. B.; la 1912. Taxay, Joseph M.; la 1923. Taylor, Allen M.; la 1913. Taylor, Amelia; la 1920. *Taylor, Amos; o 1872. Taylor, Anthony Wm.; | 1885. *Taylor, Asa P.; 0 1878. Taylor Cella; la 1916. Taylor, Chas. W.; ec 1923. Taylor, Costella M.; la 1925. Taylor, David H.; m 1878. Taylor, David O.; m 1875. *Tavlor, 4D. W.3, 0.1861; Taylor, Edmund; 1 1893. Taylor, Elbert J.; ec 1923. Taylor, Frank L.; la 1902. *Taylor, Jas. B.; 1 1866. Taylor, Jas] = cemiou: *Taylorys+)asiis 0 1022: Taylor, Jean K.; la 1915. *Taylor, John; 1 1878. Taylor, John F.; 0 1879. *Taylor, John M.; 1 1847. *TayloryJos. i1).= 1" 1860) Taylor, Samuel; | 1895. Taylor, Marcus B.; la 1917. Taylor, Martyn, Jr.; o 1896. *Taylor, Melville; 1 1896. Taylor, Morris G.; 1 1917. Taylor, Norma K.; la 1899. *Taylor, Richard; o 1866. Taylor, Robert A.; la 1908. Taylor, Robert C.; 1 1891. *Taylor, Robert N.; 1 1890. Taylor, Mrs. Sanford B.; la 1900. Taylor, Van Derveer; o 1896. *Taylor, W. H.; o 1858. *Taylor, Wm. J.; m 1900. *Taylor, Wm. R.; 0 1889. Taylor, Wm. W.; ec 1925. *Taylor, Wilson; 1 1865. ‘Taylor, 32 sOniares Teachnor, Kirke; o 1900. Teachnor, Wells; o 1892. *Tearle, John G.; 1 1868. Tebbenhoff, Florence; la 1922; ed 1923. Tebbs, Geo. E.; 1 1913. Tebow, Lee Robert; ec 1919. Tedesche, Irene; la 1910. Tedesche, Leon G.; la 1902; 0 1905. Tedesche, Sidney; la 1913. *Tedrow, John W.; m 1857. Tedtmann, Martha F.; la 1914. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 397 Teeter, Judson; o 1902. Thayer, Robert Geo.; la 1921; 1 1923. *Tefft, Johnathan; o 1865. Theis, Charles V.; ec 1922. Teichmoeller, L. Ly.; ec 1925. Theis, Edwin R.; ec 1921. *Telfair, G. F.; 0 1860. Theiss, Fred C.; 0 1901. Telfair, Wm. B.; 1 1879. Theiss, John O.; mc 1922. ereltord, Chass’ Lz; :1 1840: Theissen, John B.; 1 1911. *Telford, Samuel W.; 1 1852. Theobald, Louise M.; n 1925. Telford, Wm. E.; o 1881. Thesing, John H.; 0 1896. Telker, Minna; ed 1917. Thiersch, Walter; ec 1925. Tellefsen, Marjorie A.; g 1921; la 1918; Thiesing, Catherine M.; la 1914. ed 1919. Thiesing, Winfield; 1 1895. meeler.(saac 1.: 0 1832: Thilly, Christel; la 1911. *Temple, J. J.; o 1848. Thilly, Frank; la 1887. Templeton, H. Dale; mc 1924. Thoburn, Joseph M.; o 1885. Templeton, Jas. D.; 1 1893. Thonnes, Alice M.; la 1912. Templeton, Wayne K.; me 1922. Thoman, Edith; la 1921. *Templeton, Wm. LaFayette; m 1882. *Thomas, A. McD.; 0 1873. Tennenbaum, Abraham; | 1922. Thomas, Benj.; 1 1887. Tennenbaum, Harry G.; 1 1917. Thomas, Bruce; 1 1875. Tenney, Chas. Eli; la 1898; 1 1899, *Thomas, Clifford; ec 1923. *Tenney, Wilson R.; la 1896. *Thomas, .C. «L736 (1859! *Tennis, Israel; o 1833. *Thomas, Calvin; 1 1870. *Tennis, J. M.; o 1839. Thomas, Chas. N.; la 1906. *Tennis, O. B.; o 1841. Thomas; -L).: Cor its7o *Tepe, Edw. A.; la 1905; 1 1907. *Thomas, E. C.; 0 1860. Terlinden, Henry T.; 0 1897. *Thomas, Edwin; 1 1879. *Terrel, Wm. H.; 0 1827. *Thomas, F. P.; 0 1849. Terrill, J. D.; 0 1885. Thomas, Geo. F.; 0 1888. *Terrill, J. E.; o 1874. *Thomas, Geo. G.; la 1898. Terrill, Jas. Wm.; 1 1894. Thomas, Harry; o 1898. Terrill, Luther B.; o 1880. Thomas, Isabelle; la 1918. Terrill, S. Smith; m 1895. Thomas, J. D.; 0 1895. Terrill, Wm. M.; 0 1878. *Thomas ,James K.; 1 1852. Terry, Norman F.; m 1876. Thomas, J. M., Jr.; 1 1899. Terwillegar, Clyde B.; om 1912, Thomas, Jas. N.; m 1891. Terwillegar, Thompson; o 1887. *Thomas, J. Smith; o 1872. Test, Fred G.; 0 1886. Thomas, Jas. S.; 1 1895. Test, J. Wilbur; 0 1880. Thomas, Janet M.; la 1897. Tetrick, Paul W.; o 1904. Thomas, John E.; la 1911. *Thacker, Isaac N.; o 1841. *Thomas, John H.; 1 1892. Thacker, Isaac N.; o 1883. Thomas, John M.; la 1896. *Thacker, John A.; m 1856. Thomas, Lewis; o 1891. *Thacker, Townsend; o 1850. *Thomas, M. W.; o 1852. Thain, Geo.; o 1891. Thomas, Margaret K.; g 1921; la 1916. Thamann, Fred; ec 1921. Thomas, Mary L.; mc 1923; la 1913. Thau, Walter E.; ec 1911. Thomas, Orange; o 1882. Thayer, Edwin S.; 1 1900. Thomas, Oscar; 1 1891. Thayer, Gordon W,; la 1909. Thomas, Richard; 0 1883. 398 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Thomas, Robert S.; 1 1861. Thomas, Robt. W.; o 1905. Thomas, Sam. M.; ec 1919. *Thomas, Simon; om 1855. Thomasmeyer, Chas.; la 1895. Thomasson, E. G.; 0 1890. Thomasson, Wm. J.; 0 1893. *Thomen, Benj. K.; m 1871. *Thomin, Geo. F.; 0 1869. *Thomlinson, S. B.; 0 1855. *Thompson, A. W.; 0 1841. Thompson, Alexander; 1 1877. *Thompson, Chas. M.; 1 1879. *Thompson, Chas. T.; 1 1876. Thompson, Chitton; 1 1894. *Thompson, D.; 1 1848. *Thompson, D. A.; o 1868. Thompson, Edward; o 1899. Thompson, Eva A.; n 1923. *Thompson, Fred L.; 1 1859. *Thompson, Geo. K.; 1 1878. Thompson, Geo. R.; ec 1907. Thompson, Gilbert F.; om 1913. Thompson, Guy; ec 1916. *Thompson, H. Wendell; 1 1861. Thompson, Harry B.; 1 1893. Thompson, Henry B.; o 1882. *Thompson, Henry W.; | 1862. Thompson, Jas.; om 1919. *Thompson, J. A.; o 1830. *Thompson, J. B.; 0 1868. Thompson, James F.; ec 1923. Thompson, John A.; m 1884. Thompson, John C.; 1 1914. Thompson, John H.; o 1881. *Thompson, John H.; 0 1896. Thompson, John R.; 1 1886. Thompson, Louise B.; la 1897. Thompson, Orion K.; m 1889. *Thompson, P. A.; 1 1908; la 1908. Thompson, Robt. W.; 1 1905. *Thompson, S. J.; 1 1848. Thompson, Samuel; m 1890. *Thompson, T. A.; 0 1875. *Thompson, T. A. S.; 1 1890. *Thompson, T. M.; 1 1874. *Thompson, T. V.; 0 1876. *Thompson, Waddy; o 1869. *Thompson, Wesley; m 1869. *Thompson, Wesley C.; 1 1878. *Thompson, Wm. A.; o 1878. *Thompson, Wm. C.; 0 1839. *Thompson, Wm. E.; o 1831. *Thompson, Wm. F.; m 1877. Thompson, Wm. P.; la 1917. *Thoms, Jos. C.; 1 1861; 1 1865. *Thomson, H. Wendell; 1 1861. Thomssen, Edgar L.; ec 1909. Thon, Maurice A.; 1 1917. *Thorn, E. J.; 0 1869. Thornburg, Frank; o 1878. Thorndyke, Eliz.; la 1909; g 1912. Thorndyke, Wm.; 1 1901. Thorne, Harry; o 1895. Thorne, Olive; m 1906. Thornton, Alva S.; ed 1925. Thornton, Anabel; la 1904. *Thornton, C.; 0 1855. *Thornton, J. H.; o 1829. *Thornton, J. G. 35621852. *Thornton, John; o 1873. *Thornton, Peter; o 1872. *Thornton, Robt. A.; 1 1866. *Thornton, R. H.; 0 1868. Thornton, Susan B.; g 1925. *Thornton, Wm. T.; o 1829. Thorp, Abner, Jr.; 1 1906. Thorpe, Gilbert P.; 1 1887. *Thorpe, J. F.; o 1841. *Thrall, B. F.; 0 1840. Thrall, Richard C.; 1 1922. Thrasher, A. B.; o 1881. *Thrasher, John P.; 1 1859. *Threlkeld, Wm.; 0 1835. *Thresher, Thos. F.; 1 1853. *Thrift, R. W.30 1852. Thrift, Robert W., Jr.; 1 1897. *Throop, E. L.; 1 1861. *Thurston, Gates P.; 1 1859. Tichenor, Wm. C.; 1 1893. *Tickson, )efizs'o 1993: *idds Gabi oO 18s *Tidrick” R. “R: 2071866: Tierney, Marguerite (Mrs. Wm. Robt. Huber); la 1917. Tietig, Chester; la 1923. “hy ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Tietig, Doris; la 1919. *Tilden, Benj. B.; 1 1845. *Tilden, Chauncey M.; ec 1914. *Tilden, Daniel, Jr.; o 1849. *Tilden, Harvey; | 1861. *Tilden, Howard; 1 1866. *Tilden, M. H., Jr.; 1 1864. *Tilden, Wm.; | 1854. * Tallman; John C.;'o 1877. Tillotson, Jos. R.; o 1904. Tilton, Robt. D.; o 1882. Timberman, Andrew; m 1894, *Timmerman, Ernst; o 1874. *Timmons, Henry; o 1847. Tinch, Edw. T.;,0 1878. *Tinker, Albert B.; 1 1885. Tinker, Kossuth; o 1877. *Tinley, Chas. A.; 1 1886. Tipton, Morris; o 1883. Tischbein, Albert; 1 1895. Tischbein, Edw. C.; 1 1918. *Tischbein, Fred; 1 1870. Tischbein, Fred; 0 1895. Tischler, Anton; ec 1922. *Tischler, Marion C.; la 1909. Tisdale, James M.; 1 1870. Tittsworth, Archie; o 1896. Tittsworth, Isaac M.; o 1889. mratisea sos. 52: 18060; Tobey, Henry A.; m 1875. Tobey, Wm. L,; 1 1883. Tobin, Edw. J.; 1 1890. *Tobin, Helen I.; la 1922. Tobin, Peter A.; om 1912. Tobin, Wm. J.; 1 1883. Todd, Arthur; 1 1905. Todd, Francis W.; la 1924. Todd, Fred C.; ec 1919. *Todd, Geo. L.; 1 1866. *Todd, Hiram; o 1826. Todd, John; o 1900. Todd, Samuel P.; la 1920. *Todd, Thos. M.; m 1869. Todd, Walter A.; 1 1913. Todd, Wm. Robert; la 1891. w Todd, Wm. Robert, Jr.; la 1924. Toland, Chas.; 1 1891. Toler, Geo. B.; o 1885. Tolley, Willis N.; 0 1887. *Tolman, J.; o 1852. Toman, Samuel; o 1882. *Tomein, Allen; 1 1838. *Tomlinson, Andrew; m 1869. Tomlinson, Samuel; o 1902. Toms, Elizabeth; la 1916. *Tooky, Dennis J.; 1 1859. *Toon, Albert; o 1866. | *Toothma, M. M.; la 1915. Topie, Andrew; o 1899. Topmiller, A. E.; la 1925. Topmoeller, Geo.; om 1910. Topmoeller, Jos. C.; 1 1913. Topmoeller, Wm. J.; om 1912. Topp, Bertha; la 1917. *Topp, Krate F.; 1 1880. Torbet, Louis K.; 1 1887. Torrence, Jas. E.; 0 1893. 399 Torrence, John F.; la 1920; mc 1920. Totten, Evan C.; o 1900. *Totten, W. E.; m- 1873. *Touvelle, Albert R.; 0 1882. Touvelle, Will; 1 1889. *Towles, Alfred; m 1874. *Towles, Wm. B.; o 1832. *Townes, J. M.; o 1830. Townsend, Calvin; o 1906. *Townsend, Chas.; 1 1866. Townsend, Merrill; ec 1922. Townsend, Oscar E.; om 1912. Townsend, Reece C.; 0 1890. Townsend, S. M.; o 1882. *Traber, Lafayette; 1 1860. Tracy, Carolyn; la 1917. Tracy, Francis M.; 1 1894. Tracy, Inez; ed 1922; la 1921. Tracy, Kathleen E.; la 1913; ed 1913. Tracy, Margaret A.; la 1915; ed 1915. Tracy, Mary Jean; n 1922. Tracy, Wallace B.; m 1903. Traul, Lee E.; o 1904: Trautwein, Wm. C.; | 1898. Travis, Geo. Y.; 1 1890. Travis, John L.; m 1890. *Traweek, Nelson; o 1833. Treadway, Gertrude G.; la 1923. *Trebel, George; m 1887. 400 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Treiman, Edw.; 1 1917. *Tucker, Thomas; o 1860. *Tremble, J. J.; m 1866. Tucker, Virgil H.; la 1903. *Trembly, John M.; 1 1854. *Tucker, Wm. E.; 0 1869. Treon, Fred.; o 1879. Tucker, Wm. W.; m 1889. Treon, Jas. Fred; 0 1903. Tudor, Omar H.34m 1875) Tribbet, Clayton A.; m 1886. Tuechter, Jacob; la 1903; o 1906. *Tribbet, John C.; m 1873. Tufts, Chas. W.; o 1884. *Trickle, Edw. H.; m 1870. Tuggle, Thos. W.; o 1882. Trimble, Jas. R.; g 1911. *Tugman, Wm. M.; | 1880. *Trimble, John A.; 1 1872. * Duley: Coc. tielooes Trimble, Wm. P.; | 1887. Tull, Lawrence; ec 1920. Trinkle, Carl; ec 1921. . *Tullis, A. J.; 1 1860. *Triplett, Burr H.; 1 1860. Tumlin, B. F.; 0 1884. Tripp, Frank S.; o 1883. Tunison, Clarence; om 1912. Tripp, Mary; n 1918. *Turley, Henry C.; 1 1876. Trisler, Mrs. Anna; la 1919, “ Turner, Chas. H.; la 1891; ¢* 1892) Trisler, Chas. W.; la 1904. Turner, Clifton S.; mc 1920. Trisler, Mabel E.; la 1913. Turner, Darwin R.; la 1916. Tritschler, M. W.; o 1891. ; *Turner, Geo. J.; 0 1874. Trobaugh, Frank; o 1891. *Turner, H. W.; o 1861. Trobaugh, Wm. A.; o 1880. *Turner, J. P.; o 1844. *Trobridge, Rollin M.; 1 1857. Turner, Jack; la 1917. Troute, Thomas; o 1898. Turner, Mark; 1 1888. Troy, Anderson L.; m 1904. Turner, Mary F.; la 1924. Trubey, Reginald; 1 1917. * Turner, Ro Bs Ov lo/4. *Trueblood, Jesse C.; m 1879. *Turney, J. J. R.; o 1849. Truesdale, Henry C.; 1 1896. *Turney, Matt; 1 1861. *Truesdall, Joseph; o 1830. Turpin, Virginia; la 1922; ed 1924. Truesdall, Wm. E.; o 1895. Turrell, Jessie M.; 1898. Truitt, Alice E.; la 1921; ed 1922. Turrell, Richard J.; ec 1923. Truitt, G. W.; o 1891. *Turrill, Frank M.; 1 1895. Truman, H.° F:;’m 1882: *Turrill, Geo. A.; 1 1886. Truscott, C. O.; m 1886. *Tuthill, Schuyler B.; o 1891. Tschudi, Erwin W.; la 1920; g 1921. Tuttle, Donald E.; ec 1921. Tucker, Alfred A.; m 1880. Twachtman, Eric R.; la 1907; om 1910. Tucker, W.; m 1893. Twibell, Mary H.; n 1925. Tucker, David A., Jr.; om 1916. Twing, Eldred; 1 1890. *Tucker, E. H.; 1 1848. Twitchell, Ernest; la 1886. Tucker, Eldon B.; mc 1921. Twitchell, Geo. B.; m 1891. Tucker, Elizabeth E.; la 1922; ed 1923; Twitchell, Henry; la 1922. ge 1924. Twitchell, Herbert E.; m 1882. Tucker, Evelyn C.; la 1922. *Twohig, J. F.; 1 1880. Tucker, Geo. Wilbur; m 1879. Twohig, Mary B.; la 1898. Tucker, Helen Mae; n 1920. Twomey, Helen A.; la 1925. *Tucker, Johnson M.; o 1867. *Tyler, Benj. V.; 1 1884. *Tucker, Jos. E.; 1 1860. *Tyler, Fisher A.; 1 1835. : Tucker, Manning P.; la 1900. _ Tyler, Geo. P., Jr.; om 1910. Tucker, Robert; 1 1893. Tyler, Geo. P., Jr.; 0 1886. ALPHABETICAL LIST Geo. W.; 1 1886. Reuben; | 1866. Tyler, Wilfred M.; 1 1904. Tyler, Zelma; ed 1924. Tylor, Geo. S.; 1 1886. Tyndall, FE. Mae; g 1920. Tyree, Dora; la 1921. Tyree, Fred W.; o 1897. *Tyrrell, Thomas; 1 1836. Vehlin, Katherine; la 1925. Uhl, Frances Irene; n 1925. Uihlein, Henry Calmer; ec 1919. Ulery, Wm. Garrison; | 1891. Ulland, Harold E.; la 1924. Ulland, Ruth Margaret (Mrs. Samuel P. Todd); la 1922. Ulrick, Jewel Elizabeth; la 1897. eUiish Jos: Ac;+o 1878. Uncapher, Luther V.; | 1889. *Underhill, Whittington; | 1900. Unger, Sidney; la 1925. Unsinger, Harold Farquhar; mc 1921. *Unzicker, Jos: C.; 0 1839. *Upson, Josiah; o 1846. *Upton, Winslow; g 1877. Urban, Chas. H.; |} 1897. Urban, Miriam Belle; la 1915; g 1917. Urich, Morris; la 1923. *Urick, Jos. H.; o 1849. Urmston, Howard A.; | 1915. Urmston, Willie B.; 0 1897. Urner, Martin Harley; m 1905. Ussery, Wm. Calvin; o 1890. Ustick, Laurence Montayne; la 1925. Utley, Romeyn Lathrop; ec 1917. *Utter, Carl W.; 1 1900. *Utter, Jas. W.; o 1867. Utter, John Chas.; m 1880. Ratterer Nes) ot (1899, Vail, Derrick Tilton; m 1890. Vail, Johnathan B.; o 1871. Vaill, Ruth Geneva; ed 1924. Vale, Corwin Miah; ‘o 1879. Valentine, Frederick O.; 1 1917. Valerie, Amerigo Jas.; 1 1913 Valerie, Bernice; la 1918. Valerio, Clara Christine; ed 1923. Valerio, Emma Jeanne; la 1925, Tyler, *Tyler, OF ALL GRADUATES. 401 Valerio, Giacinto; ec 1916. *Van Antwerp, Wm.; m 1876. *Vanattan peo look *Van Buskirk, A. E.; 0 1876. *Vance, Alexander; | 1843. *Vance, Benj. Alexander; m 1877. *Vance, D. M.; o 1846. *Vance, John L.; | 1861. Mance:-}ohn deo ee be13o3. *Vance, N. N.; o 1868. *Vance, S. W.; o 1855. Van de Bogart, Doris; ed 1924. Vandegrift, Fred L.; 1 1872. Van Deman, Alfred N.; 1 1891. Van Deman, Ralph Henry; m 1893. Vanden, Geo. W.; 0 1886. Vanden, Walter Henry; o 1895. Van Derver, Boynton H.; 1 1892. Van der Volgen, Wm.; o 1887. Van der Voort, Carl Frederick; la 1897. *Vandervort, J. K.; 0 1837. *Vandervoort, J. W.; 0 1863. *Vanderventer, Isaac; | 1848. *Vanderventer, Isaac; o 1830. *Van Dusen, Wilson H.; m 1869. Van Duser, Marion Elizabeth; la 1925. *Van Dyke, E.; 0 1847. Van Dyke, Frank Howard; m 1886. *Van Dyke, J. M.; o 1874. *Van -Katon BoiR:: 0.1870. *Van Eaton, Isaac; o 1843. *Van Eman, J. H.; 0 1868. Van Eman, N. W.; o 1873. Vane Himan, (Weijinic 18/5: *Van Fleet, Elmer Hoover; la 1917. *Van Fossen, Jesse Allen; o 1893. *Van Hamm, Caleb M.; 1 1881. Wartthiact™ Clara lap £907. *Van> Horny Jas: fodl 848: *Van Horne, Robert M.; 1 1886. Van Leue, Joyce Warwick; om 1913. *Van Mater, Henry; | 1866. Van Matre, Cassius Emmett; m 1895. Van Matre, Everett; la 1906. *Van Matre, Harold; la 1904. Van Matre, Laurence H.; la 1909. Van Matre, Morgan; la 1899. Van Matre, Ralph; la 1918. 402 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Van Meter, Cooley Baldwin; m 1887. Vermilya, Jos. G.; 0 1896. Van Meter, Ross; m 1895. *Vernor, R. E.; 0 1876: *Vannatta, Wellington; 1 1867. *Vestal, J. S.; o 1862, Vanneter, James Clyde; mc 1924, Vester, Walter C.; mc 1922. *Van Note, Wm. B.; 0 1895. Vice, Thos. B.; o 1890. *Vannuys, Thos. C.; o 1867. Vickers, Helen; g 1914. Van Orsdall, Finley; o 1902. *Vickery, A. M.; 0 1866. *Van Osdol, Chas. Lee; m 1885. Vickery, Helen; ed 1905. Van Osdol, John Winchester; m 1879. *Vickray, M. V. B.; 0 1872. Van Pelt, Arthur Ellis; ec 1920. Viduya, Marcelino T.; la 1923; me 1925. Van Pelt, Charlotte Ruth; la 1913. Vierling, Frank; om 1919. Van Pelt, Cyrus Pearne; la 1921. *Viets, La Verne; 1 1890. Van Pelt, George F.; 0 1898. Vilter, Wm. Fred; o 1901. Van Pelt, Stanley Hull; om 1910. Vincent, E. B.; 0 1873. Van Sickle, Arthur T.; 1 1883. *VancentsH Cotas; Van Sickle, Will L.; 1 1891. Vincent, Jas. R.; o 1884. Van Slyck, Agnes Eleanor; la 1912, Vincent, W. T. Sherman; o 1889. *Van Tuyl, D. B.; o 1843. Vinette, Henry F.; 1 1917. Van Tyne, Elizabeth Lucy; la 1914. Vinnedge, Earl Walter; ec 1915. *Van Winkle, Bebee Lewis; m 1889. *Vinnedge, Will W.; o 1869. Van Winkle, Eva Corrinn; la 1922; ed Violett, J. D.; o 1881. 1923. *Violett, John W.; o 1871. *Van Winkle, Nelson Barrere; m 1878. Virtue, Charles Frank; la 1925. Van Wye, Ralph Anderson; ec 1924. Virtue, Clarence McCurdy; la 1925. Van Zant, Chas. Burton; m 1884. Virtue, Clark Wakeman; la 1925. Varden, Geo. Kent; o 1905. Vodrey, Wm. H.; | 1897. Vatter, Florine Magdalen; ed 1920. Voelkel, William Wesley; ec 1923. *Vattier, John L.; o 1830. Vogel, David; o 1895. *Vaughan, Edmund P.; 1 1890. *Vogel, Frederick Chas.; o 1900. *Vaughan, Thos. P.; o 1834. *Vogeler, Ferdinand; 1 1871. Vaughan, William P.; 1 1887. Vogt, Rudolph; ec 1925. Vaughen, Ray; om 1913. Volkert, Esther Florence; la 1915. *Vaughters, T. G.; 0 1872. Volkert, Nora Elsie; la 1911. Vaupel, Jean; la 1916. Vollbrecht, Justus Thomas; ec 1924. Vawton, Maude; la 1910. Vollenweider, Otto E.; 1 1891. *Vazielle, Etienne R.; 1 1892. Volmer, Leon; la 1901. Veazey, Noble Ford; la 1907. Vonderahe, Alphonse R.; la 1919; me Vehrenkamp, Henry Wm.; la 1899. 1921. Veith, George; 1 1894. Von der Halben, Eleanor; la 1913. Venable, Bryant; la 1896; g 1898. Von der Halben, Matilda; la 1915. Venable, Emerson; la 1898. *Von Kienbusch, Anna Ottilie; la 1887. Venable, Una; la 1899, *Von Leggern, Geo. H.; 1 1887. Venable, Wm. Maho; la 1892; g 1893. Von Lepel, Marianna; la 1909. *Vennemann, Thos. W.; | 1859. *Von Martel, August; 1 1876. Venosa, Phillip; ec 1918. *Von Schlichten, Carl; la 1918. Vereker, Martin F.; o 1902. Von Schlichten, Otto Charles; la 1911. Verkamp, Walter Francis; la 1915. *Voorhees, Sylvanus R.; m 1868. Vermillion, Clyde W.; m 1897, *Voorhis, Robert S.; 1 1852. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Voorsanger, Elkan; la 1914. Vordenberg, Harry W.; 1 1898. Vordenberg, Martha Louise; la 1923. Vorhees, Edith; la 1903. Vorhes, Burnett C.; o 1881. Vos, Arthur; o 1903; la 1900. Vos, August; 1 1875. Vos, Calvin; 1 1907; la 1904. Voss, Leroy Charles; la 1917. Voss, Raymond Frank; ec 1916. *Vossler, Otho Henry; 1 1852-3. Wachs, Elenore G.; la 1921. Weachs, 1; Az .la 1912. BVachs 9.1.3 la°1923: Wachs, Wm. C.; la 1923. Wachtel, I.; la 1915. Waddell, N. C.; 0 1904. *Waddick, J. M.; m 1868. Waddle, B. L.; 1 1910. *Wade, D. E.; 0 1846. *Wade, S. J.; o 1862. Wadsworth, A. W.; ec 1905. Wadsworth, Chas.; 0 1889. *Wadsworth, L. C.; o 1893. Wadsworth, W. W.; o 1897. *Waffensmith, J. L.; m 1872. Wager, Imogene C.; la 1922; ed 1923. Wager, Irene; la 1916; ed 1916. iWWaeconer, D.°Ris 091871) Waggoner, W. C.; m 1903. Wagner, Berzelius S.; ec 1922. Wagner, Edward; la 1921. Wagner, E. A.; o 1909. Wagener, HH; Hi21a21919; me 1921. Wagner, L.; 1 1884. Waener, M. H.; ec 1908. Wagner, S. M.; la 1906. *Waener, V.; o 1876. Wagoner, E.; la 1910. Wahn, Ruth A.; ec 1925. *Waide, S.; 1 1862. Wainwright, J. W.; m 1875. *Wainwright, R. L.; m 1881. Wait, M. E.; la 1913. *Waite, G.; 1 1892. Waite, M. R.; 1 1890. Wakefield, J. D.; m 1893. Wakeman, A. D.; la 1908. Waldeck, G. N.; o 1895. Walden, L.; o 1884. Waldman, B.; la 1915. Waldman, G.; la 1918. Waldner, W. L.; 1 1902. Walk eH Bil 884i Walk, J: H.: 1.1896. Walker, A. M.; la 1900. Walker, A. R.; 0 1884. *Walker, B., Jr.; 1 1840. Walker, Breta A.; la 1924; ed 1925. Walker, C. A. J.; 1 1890. Walker, Charlotte L.; la 1921. *Walker, E. W.; o 1878. *Walker, F. W.; 1 1855. *Walker, G. B.; 0 1830. *Walker, G. F.; 1 1854. *Walker, G. H.; Walker, Helen C.; la 1921; ed 1922, Walker, H. M.; la 1912. *Walker, J. B.; m 1882. Walkers), Ky latons *Walker, J. H.; m. 1868. *Walker, J. S.; o 1841. *Walker, J. NV.g2181852: Walker, John G.; ec 1920. *Walker, M. B.; 1 1846. Walker, N. A.; la 1895; g 1908. Walker, P. F.; 1 1893; la 1898. Walker, R. H.; la 1902; 1 1904. Walker, Randall E., ec 1922. Walker, Robert B.; mc 1920. Walker, S. A.; la 1919. Walker, S. A.; la 1903. *Walker, S. S.; 0 1834. *Walker, W. F.; 1 1861. *Walker, W. O.; o 1862. Walker, W. S.; 1 1885. Wall, A. S.; m 1890. *Wall, A. O.; 1 1862. Wall, F. T.; 1 1889. *Wall, G. W.; 1 1859. *Wall, J. O.; o 1869. *Wall) Se Dat IiTs6l, Wallace, B. H.; ec 1915. Wallace, C. F.; m 1884. Wallace, H. C.; 0 1900. *Wallace, J.; m 1872. 403 404 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *Wallace, J. F.; o 1868. *Wallace, J. H.; o 1862. *Wallace, J. H.; m 1887. *Wallace, J. P.; o 1874. Wallace, O. S.; la 1901. *Wallace, R.; o 1860. Wallace, R. A.; m 1877. *Wallace, W. H.; 0 1867. Wallace, W. R.; 1 1916. *Wallar, F. K.; m 1878. Wallenstein, M.; o 1906. Wallingford, J. S.; 0 1895. *Wallingford, J. T.; o 1882. *Wallingford, J. T.; 0 1879. Walls, G. L.; 1 1879. Walls Jal sox 877. Walls, James Robt.; la 1922. Walmer, Florence; n 1920. *Walsh, J. B.; 1 1894. *Walsh, W. J.; 1 1885. Walsh, W. S.; 1 1917. Walter, C. A.; m 1893. Walter, G. T.; 1 1892. Walters, H. J.; m 1875. *Walters, J. P.; m 1876. Walters, J. H.;_la 1900. Walther, E> C.; lavi9i2,; Walton, C.; la 1916. EWealton; OAC +40 (1572: Walton, J.; la 1909. Walton, L. A.; o 1898. Walton, M.; la 1919. *Walton, W. C.; la 1897. Walton, W. V.; 1 1886. Walter iG iaT 18k9- Wampler, J. M.; m 1894. Wamsley, C. E.; m 1906. *Wamsley, H. S.; m 1875. Wanzer, C. M.; o 1883. Ward, A. B.; la 1903. *Ward, B.; o 1867. Ward CU, Cis) 1883) Ward Rial BID} Ward, Frank B.; g 1920. Ward, Harry N.; me 1925. Warde jen. 1i1ohs eWare io O.3 gl86/; *Weard,.).2P2340.1883: Ward, J. W.; o 1884. Ward, M. L.; o 1897. Ward tP.: Ostiatl ois: *Ward S:: Ps oM85ls *Ward, W. B.; 1 1851. *Ward, W. H.; 1 1859. *Ward, W. M.; | 1860. Ward, W. S.; 1 1899. *Ward;) W.. W.2.1 18523:1 1853: Warde, J. A.; o 1890. Warden, C. C.; m 1903. Wardlow, C.; 1 1886. Ware, A. J.; la 1901. Ware, C. D.; o 1888. Ware, E. Pas dsi9i4: Ware) Lee 190% Ware, H. J.; of 897; *Ware, J. W.:'1 1845: Warfield, C. G.; 1 1895. *Warings W. Pe: 0 1852 Warm, Jules L.; la 1925. *Warmoth, G. M.; o 1862. Warnecke, I.; la 1918. Warner, A. H.; o 1872. *Warner, D.; 0 1847. Warner, W. H.; o 1871. Warnick, H. H.; m 1888. *Warnick, J: B:;°o 1858: Warnking, M.; la 1911. *Warren, D. B.; 0 1878. *Warren, G. W.; | 1840. *Warren, J. N.s)m-=1871- *Warren, R. B.; 1 1859. Warren, W. W.; 1 1894. *Warrington, C. B.; 1 1878. Warrington, C. M.; ec 1914; ec 1921. Warrington, Emily; n 1922. Warrington, G. H.; 1 1899. Warrington, Gladys; ed 1924. Warrington, H. E.; la 1890. Warrington, J. W.; 1 1870; 1 1869. Warsaw, I.; la 1902. Wartchi, M. A.; ec 1919. Wartcki, S. M.; la 1913; ed 1913. *Warwick, B. G.; m 1857. *Warwick, F. B.; la 1898; 1 1898. *Warwick, M.; 1 1897. Warwick, W. W.; 1 1890. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Wascerwitz, Philip F.; la 1917. *Washabaugh, D. J.; m 1876. *Washburn, M. E.;'1 1863. *Washington, R.; 1 1892. Wasmer, Clarence T.; ec 1925. *Wassam, A. M.; o 1873. *Wasson, C.-C.: 0 1893. *Waterhouse, J. P.; m 1854. Waterhouse, S. H.; o 1894. Waterhouse, J. B.; 1 1876. Waterman, Edna M.; ed 1924; g 1925. *Waterman, H. C.; 0 1862. *Waterman, L. D.; o 1853. Waterman, P. F.; la 1917. Waterman, Ruth E.; la 1925. Waters, A. W.; 1 1874. Waters, F. J.; 1 1896. Waters, Mildred M.; la 1924. Waters, P. T.; o 1886. Watkins, W. A.; o 1873. Watson, C. A.; 1 1878. *Watson, H.; m 1871. *Watson, J. M.; m 1857. Watson, J. O.; o 1876. *Watson, W.; o 1875. *Watt, G.; o 1848. Watts, Lillymae; la 1919; ed 1920. Watts, J. W.; o 1880. *VWatts, R. J.;-0° 1868. Watts 5.; la 1919: Watts, Thomas R.; ec 1922. *Way, G. A.; m 1869. *Wayland, W.,. Jr.;.*0. 1833. Wayble, H. C.; o 1904. Wayne, Bessie M.; n 1922, Wayne, E. S.; 0 1872. Weakley, B. M.; o 1904. Weatherby, J.; la 1919. Weatherby, L.; la 1916. *Weatherhead, B. P.; la 1901. Weatherhead, D. E.; o 1898. Weaver, A.; 1 1870. Weaver, C. W.; o 1879. Weaver, D. E.; 0 1904. Weaver, E. J.; 1 1897. *Weaver, F. C.; m 1894. *Weaver, J. B.; 1 1856. Weaver, L. M.; 1 1891. Weaver, W. B.; 0 1890. Weaver, W. B.; o 1900. *Weaver, W. J.; 0 1837. * Webb Ay Gon L871) Webb, A. D.; o 1886. *Webb, A. G.; 0 1843. Webb, A. G.; o 1900. Webb, D.; o 1899. Webb, E. M.; ec 1917. *Webb, F. B.; o 1837. *Webb, G. P.; 1 1872. *Webb, J. D.; o 1851. Webb, J. E.; o 1881. *Webb, L.; la 1917. Webb, R. L.; 1 1885. *Webb, S. C.; o 1865. Webb, W. C.; 0 1886. Webb, W. E.; o 1879. *Webb, W. F.; | 1877. Webb, W. P.; o 1881. Webber, W. P.; g 1908. Weber, A.; la 1900; g 1903. Weber, C.; 1 1879. Weber, C. E.; 1 1910. Weber, E.; la 1917. Weber, H. R.; | 1898. Weber, Helen L,.; ed 1923. Weber, K. L.; 0 1907. Weber, L. J.; 1 1885. Weber, M.; la 1916. Weber, M. E.; la 1907. Weber, Margaret; n 1922. Weber, Robert K.; la 1923. *Weber, W.; m 1870. *Webster, D. H.; 0 1863. Webster, D. J.; m 1893. *Webster, J.; m 1856. Webster, J. S.; m 1899. Wedgewood, Paul E.; g 1925. *Wedlen, A. F.; 1 1891. *Weed, I. B.; o 1863. *Weed, J. B.; o 1862. *Weekes, C. L.; la 1917. Weekly, D. N.; o 1880. Weeks, B. S.; la 1891; 1 1888. Weick, Chas. P.; 1 1920. Weidensall, Clara J.; mc 1923. *Weidler, E. U.; 1 1889. 405 406 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Weigel, W. E.; la 1898. Weighell, E. J.; la 1897. Weighell, J. T.; la 1897. Weihl, E. A.; la 1904. Weil, C.; la 1892. Weil, S. M.; 1 1900. Weil, V. M.; la 1902. Weiland, F.; 1 1917. Weinberger, Evelyn; ed 1922; la 1922. Weinberger, J.; la 1918. Weinberger, L. L.; la 1917. Weinberger, Leo; 1 1920; la 1917. Weingartner, Theodore; la 1925. Weinstein, A. L.; la 1906; g 1907. Weinstein, J. H.; m 1897. *Weinstein, L. J.; m 1874. *Weintz, C. H.; m 1909. Weir, C. T.; 0 1895. Weir, C. E.; 1 1889. *Weir, Ruth L.; la-1921; ed 1922. Weis, M.; la 1915. Weiskoff, B.; la 1900; g 1904. Weisman, J. F.; 1 1905. *Weiss, A.; la 1903; g 1905. Weiss, H.; la 1897. Weiss, H. B.: m 1915; la ‘1913. Weiss, Olga L.; ed 1920; la 1919. Weitkamp, Helen; ed 1921; g 1923. Weitzenberg, W. S.; 0 1897. Welch, A.; o 1880. Welch, D. W.; 0 1896. Welch, E. G.; 1 1894. Welch, F.; 0 1883. Welch, G. H.; 0 1888. Welch, J. C.; 0 1889. Welch, J. M.; m 1877. *Welch, T.; 0 1827. Welch, T. C.; 1 1890. Weld, H. W.; 1889. Weldon, C. A.; 1 1894. Weller, Frank J.; 1 1922; la 1924. *Weller, G. M.; o 1873. Weller, Henry J.; 1 1921; la 1924. Weller, M.; la 1917. Wellman, F. G.; om 1919, *Wellons, G. S.; o 1863. Wellons, J. W.; o 1884. *Wells, A. A.; o 1872. *Wells, E. F.; 0 1874. Wells, E. M.; la 1904. Wells, Elizabeth E.; la 1924. Wells, F. L.; 1 1888. * Wells; JG *m si B56: Wells, J. E.; o 1881. *Wells, J. M.; o 1828. *Wells, W. G.; 1 1860. Wells) Wi2P2¥001877; Wells, W. T.; 0 1872. *Welsh, J. B.; o 1858. *Welsh, J. H.; o 1865. *Welsh, L. W.; 1 1871. Welsh, M. F.; o 1880. Welter, F.; o 1897. Welty, L.; 1 1887. Wendel, Arthur W.; mc 1925; la 1923. Wendel, H. C.; m 1894. Wendland, E. G.; m 1886. Wendt, E. S.; m 1902. Wenger, G. N.; o 1909. Wening, Lulu C.; n 1920. Wenning, W. H.; m 1871. *Wensthoff, H. S.; m 1880. Wente, Emma H.; la 1925. *Wentworth, S. M.; 1 1859. *Wentzell, J.; 1 1883. Wenzel, Alfred W.; ec 1922. Werk, G. H.; o 1905. Werner, C. G.; 1 1913. Werner, Elmer; mc 1925; la 1924. Werner, G. R.; 1 1884. Werner, Kathryn M.; ed 1920. Werner; L. F.; lavt0l2; 2219 Werner, P.; la 1878. Werner, P. B.; 1 1919. Werner, R. E.; la 1913. Werner, R. E.; 1 1916. Werner, R. E.; 1 1885. Wernke, H. J.; 1 1894. *Werntz, W. O.; 1 1893. Wersel, V.; la 1912. Wertheim, Wm.; mc 1924; la 1922. Wertheimer, C. L.; 0 1905. Wertheimer, M.; la 1887. Werthner, J.; m 1882. Wesche, Harriet; g 1923. Wesco, T. E.; 1 1909. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. Wescott, Elinora T.; n 1920. Wessel, H. E.; la 1916. *Wessling, G. H.; 1 1893. Wessling, H. L.; la 1898. West, B. F.; m 1881. eVrest) H., Jr.s o 1835: West, Herbert N.; ec 1920. *West, J. E.; o 1867. West, J. E.; 1 1884. West, J. P.; 0 1882. *West, S. A.; 1 1869. 407 *Whipple, A.; o 1834. Whipple, M. T.; 0 1893. Whitacre, H. N.; o 1878. Whitacre, Helen A.; la 1923; ed 1924. Whitacre, M.; o 1899. *Whitaker, D.; 0 1837. *Whitaker, Hy -Bises1908 Whitaker, Janet DeWitt; ed 1925. - Whitaker, Naomi Lee; la 1923. *Whitcomb, F. P.; 1 1848. *Whitcomb, J. Y.; 1 1835. *West, S. B.; 0 1836. White, A. H.; la 1919. *West, S. L.; o 1883. *White, B. S.; 1 1876. *West, W. L.; m 1876. White, C. G.; 1 1914. West, Walter R.; mc 1925. White, D. A.; 0 1875. Westenhoff, A. M.; ec 1914. White, D. D.; 1.1876. *Westenhoff, J. H.; la 1885; m 1890. *White, F.; o 1831. Westerfield, Earl F.; 1 1921. White, F. G.; 1875. *Westerfield, R.; o 1850. *White, G. W.; 0 1868. Westerlund, A. (Mrs. J. P. Harland); White, George H.; ec 1923. la 1918. White, H. G.; 0 1897. Westervelt, C. E.; 1 1895. *White, H. N.; m 1886. Westfall, F. V.; 0 1889. White, Inez M.; la 1902. Westheimer, C.; la 1916. *White, J.; o 1848. Westheimer, Miriam; la 1920. White, J. A.; o 1877. *Westlake, G. W.; o 1866. *White, J. Biv) Agss: Westlake, I. W.; om 1912. White, J. F.; 0 1874. Wettach, M. K.; 1 1885. *White, JeuGe 11857; Weyer, G. W.; o 1878. *White, J. G.; 1 1858. Whallon, A. J.; om 1911. Whites|® LC. 11852: Whallon, A. L,.; 1 1892. *White, J. N.; o 1854. Whallon, M. R.; la 1914. *White, J. P.; o 1861. Whartenby, J. H.; 1 1895. White, J. W.; o 1865. Wharton, E. A.; la 1913. *Wheatly, H.; o 1830. Wheaton, A. C.; la 1919. *Wheaton, L. A.; 1 1885. Wheeldon, Blanche N.; ed 1920. Wheeler, Alfred G.; la 1920; ed 1922. Wheeler, G. H.; 0 1875. *Wheeler, D. R.; 1 1836. Wheeler, G. W.; m 1890. Wheeler, J. A.; 0 1871. Wheeler, Julia W.; n 1921. Wheeler, M. H.; o 1881. *Wheeler, R. T.; 1 1837. *Wheeler, W. D.; m 1868. Wherry, W. M.; 1 1899. White, P: M.; 0°1882. White, R. A.; om 1918.’ *White, S.; o 1833. White, S.; la 1919. *White, S. B.; 1 1852. White, S. N.; 0 1877. *White, W.; o 1849. *White, W. E.; | 1886. White, W. E.; m 1886. by *White, W. H.; o 1847. *White, W. White, W. *White, W. White, W. M.; | 1877. R.; 1 1902. S.; 1 1858. W.; 1 1898. *Whitehead, E.; 0 1842. 408 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Whitehead, E.; la 1904. Whitehead, W. E.; o 1878. Whitelaw, E. A.; 1 1890. Whittey, J. F.; la 1919. *Whitfield, I. M.; o 1848. Whitfield, M. D.; la 1910. *Whitfield, S. A.; 1 1876. *Whiting, E. D.; o 1834. Whiting, E. L.; 1 1906. Whiting, H. R.; la 1903. *Whitlock, S. L.; 1 1869. *Whitman, C. W.; | 1870. *Whitney, H. C.; 1 1854. *Whiton, H. K.; 1 1852. Whitsitt, C. C.; o 1882. Whitson, L.; la 1896. *Whittaker, J. T.; o 1867. Whitted, W. L.; m 1877. Wiant, P. P.; ec 1914. *Wible, B. M.; o 1837. Wicke, R. D.; 1 1891. *Wickersham, J.; 1 1840. Wickersham, J. W.; 0 1879. *Wickersham, N. L.; m 1857. eWicknam, Ger ss-1 1858. Wickham, J. J.; o 1885. Widau, Wm. E.; ec 1920. Widenhouse, M. A.; mc 1925. Wiechelman, C. J.; om 1911. Wiedemer, L.; la 1913. Wiegand, Vernon I.; ec 1921. Wieman, H. L,; la 1905; g 1906. Wiessler, John E.; ec 1920. Wiggins, H. L.; 1 1889. *Wiggins, W. H.; 1 1877. Wigisser, Abraham; la 1925. Wiglesworth, T.; o 1900. Wikoff, F. J.; 1 1889. *Wilber, Z. F.; 1 1861. Wilby. Ce B.tol 18823 Wilby, J. C.; 1 1914. eWiicox, Co 1 185i: WViCORs). Dit OtLovs: *Wilcox, H. H.; o 1882. Wilcox, “W. H.. P-1871) *Wilcutts, L. E.; o 1874. *Wild, L.; m 1869. Wilder, E. F.; 1 1880. Wilder, S. H.; 1 1880. * Wilder, ‘SL 1ClS45 a ise *Wilder, T. F.; 1 1866. Wilder, W. H.; o 1884. *Wildman, W. A.; o 1884. *Wiley, E.; 1 1860. Wiley, Ruby; n 1924; la 1924. *Wilfert, E.; la 1916. Wilfert, E. W.; la 1910. *Wilfert, H.; o 1880. Wilhelmy, O.; la 1916. Wilkerson, A. S.; la 1921. *Wilkerson, M.; o 1853. Wilkerson, W. T.; la 1919. Wilkin, A. D.; 1 1885. Wilkinson, H.; la 1909. Wilkinson, L. H.; 1 1885. Wilkinson, R. R.; m 1902. Wilkinson, R. S.; la 1915. Wilkoff, L. S.; 1 1914. Willan Get? ovicu- *Willan, R. D.; m 1868. *Willard, E.; 1 1858. Willard, G. G.; 1 1870. Willard, L.; la 1919. *Willdon, W. H.; o 1897. Willet, G. O.; 1 1892. Willets, W. H.; la 1917. *Willett, J. P.; o 1883. *Willett, W. H.; o 1865. Willey, R. M.; la 1914. Willging, W. C.; 1 1918. Williams, A.; 1 1876. *Williams, A. M.; o 1879. *Williams, A. Y.; o 1840. Williams, Aubrey W.; la 1920. Williams, B.; ec 1916. Williams, B. A.; 0 1885. Williams, C. A.; om 1912. Williams, C. B.; 1 1892. Williams, C. F.; 1 1897. *Williams, D. A.; m 1888. Williams, E. E.; 1 1895. Williams, EF. H.;.1 1895. *Williams, EF. M.; 1 1861. *Withams, B.. Poti sols *Williams, E-S:; 0 1837. Williams, Edith; n 1924. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Williams, F.; 1 1857. Williams, W. M.; m 1885. Williams, F. C.; 1 1909. Williams, W. U.; o 1889. *Williams, F. H.; m 1883. Williamson, A.; ei 1910. Williams, F. W.; 1 1881. *Williamson, A. B.. o 1871. Williams, G. oe "| 1900. *Williamson, A. vie o 1871. *Williams, H. B.; la 1908. Williamson, C. H.; 0 1896; la 1893. Williams, Harry B.; ec 1922. Williamson, E.; ma 1912; ed 1912, Williams, Horace G.; g 1924. Williamson, E. F.; 1 1909. *Williams, I. L.; 1 1855. Williamson, H. P.; 1 1893. Williams, J.; m 1892. Williamson, J.; 0 1899. Aiviihams, J. Cys 1.1855: *Williamson, J. A.; 0 1886. Williams, J. D.; m 1895. *Williamson, J. H.; 0 1879. *Williams, J. E.; 1 1860. *Williamson, J. L.; 1 1854; 1 1855. Williams, J. F.; m 1900. *Williamson, J. M.; 0 1845. *Williams, J. H.; 0 1875. Williamson, J. T.; 1 1883. Williams, J. H.; o 1900. Williamson, M. E.; 0 1885. *Williams, J. H.; 1 1857. *Williamson, M. F.; 0 1865. ‘Wathams,-J. 1:;. 11923. *Williamson, M. S.; 1 1859. *Williams, J. J.; 1 1860. Williamson, W. Te 1 1877. *Williams, J. L.; m 1876. Walliards i} Else 1869. Williams, J. O.; 1876. Willis, C. G.; la 1911. Williams, J. R.; 1 1893. Willits, Chas. Wm.; ec 1923. Williams, J. S.; om 1913. Willke, A. J.; o 1892. Williams, J. W. K.; 1 1893. Willke, Gerard T.; la 1919; mc 1921. Williams, Jack G.; la 1925. Willoughby, B. M.; 1 1879. Williams, K. M.; la 1915. *Wilms, E. O.; m 1886. *Williams, L.; m 1857. *Wilshire, H. G.; 1 1883. Williams, L. A.; 0 1891. *Wilson, A.; o 1851. *Williams, M.; o 1871. *Wilson, A. H.; m 1870. Williams, M. H.; 0 1879. *Wilson, A. I.; 0 1878. *Williams, M. T.; 1 1841. Wilson, Alice E.; la 1905. eWvilliams, OF P.: 071837. *Wilson, Arva; o 1827. *Williams, P. M.; m 1853. *Wilson, Calvin C.; 0 1885. *Williams, R. F.; 1 1844. Wilson, Chas. A.; 0 1879. Williams, R. P.; om 1913. *Wilson, Chas. H.; 0 1878. Williams, Ruth E.; la 1924; ed 1925. *Wilson, Chas. M.; m 1871. Williams, S.; la 1918. Wilson, Corey L,.; 1 1914. Williams, S. G.; 1 1880. *Wilson, Daniel; o 1869. Williams, S. M.; la 1915; ed 1915. *Wilson, Daniel F.; 1 1892. Williams, S. P.; la 1913; ed 1913. *Wilson, David; o 1842. evatiams:-o.. P5%la71912. *Wilson, Earl G.; 1 1900. *Williams, S. W.; m 1881. Wilson, Edgar M.; m 1897. *Williams, T.; o 1862. Wilson, Elinor C.; la 1908. *Williams, T. B.; o 1849. *Wilson, Edward N.; 1 1877. Williams, W. C.; m 1903. *Wilson, F. L.; o 1875. *Williams, W. E.; o 1873. Wilson, Frank A.; la 1908. *Williams, W. G.; 1 1861. Wilson, Francis K.; ec 1923. *Williams, W. H.; 1 1841. Wilson, Geo. Henry; la 1918. 410 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. Wilson, H. L.; 0 1873. Winans, H. Matt; o 1880. *Wilson, H. T.; 0 1869. Winans, H. S.; la 1920. Wilson, Helen G.; la 1907. Winbigler, Clemens; | 1881. Wilson, Henry R.; m 1873. Windeler, Chas. E.; 0 1900. *Wilson, Israel; o 1838. ‘ *Windell, J. A.; o 1857. *Wilson, Isaac; m 1878. Winder, Clarence A.; ec 1909. *Wilson, Isaiah B.; m 1877. Windisch, Chas. F.; la 1886. *Wilson, Isom Ross; m 1881. *Winget, W. W.; m 1893. *Wilson, J. G.; 1 1852. Winkelman, Leon J.; ec 1919. *Wilson, J. L.; o 1848. Winkler, Elmore; 1 1906. *Wilson, J. M.; o 1854. Winkler, Henry; mc 1924. *Wilson, John; | 1846. Winkler, Max H.; 1 1893. Wilson, John E.; o 1888. Winkler, Selma; la 1900. Wilson, John F.; 1 1888. *Winlock, R. B.; o 1832. Wilson, John F.; 1 1890. *Winlock; Wl ol 1837; *Wilson, John H.; o 1839. Winn, Chas. F.; 1 1894. *Wilson, John M.; 1 1845. Winn, J. W.; o 1870. *Wilson, Mahlon; o 1886. Winn, John J.; 0 1885. Wilson, Marcus E.; o 1907. *Winn, John W.; | 1881. Wilson, Marjorie; la 1923. *Winnes, Thos. D.; m 1883. Wilson, Maurice W.; la 1914. Winslow, Edward L.; ec 1921. Wilson, Mildred S.; la 1925. *Winslow, John F.; 1 1878. Wilson, Miley S.; 1 1881. Winslow, Robt. F.; 1 1894. *Wilson, Milo A.; 0 1866. *Winslow, S. S.; o 1847. *Wilson, Milton C.; o 1880. : Winspear, Clara M.; la 1925. Wilson, Minnie L,.; la 1902. . Winston, Chas. A.; 1 1891. *Wilson, Moses F.; 1 1864. Winston, Ethel F.; om 1918. Wilson, Nancy; la 1924. Winston, Hazel; la 1924. Wilson, R. R.; 1 1902. : Winston, Jean; la 1921; g 1924. *Wilson, Richard; m 1874. Winston, Mattie; la 1915; ed 1915. Wilson, Robert E.; m 1896. Winter, Robert E.; o 1887. Wilson, Russel D.; 1 1900. Winterbottom, Mabel (Mrs. Percy Wil- *Wilson, S. C.; o 1844. lard); la 1903; ed 1916. Wilson, Samuel S.; m 1880. Winterhalter, Henry G.; 1 1893. Wilson, Stanley; la 1912. Wintermeyer, Adolph; o 1893. Wilson, Susan J.; ed 1921. *Winternitz, Isaac A.; m 1882. *Wilson, Thos. A.; m 1876. Winterrowd, Noble; m 1878. Wilson, Thos. W.; m 1887. *Winters, J. C.; 0 1850. Wilson, Verne Heber; 1 1923, *Wintrode, J. H.; o 1846. *Wilson, W. H.; 0 1859. Wire, Geo. W.; m 1870. Wilson, Wm. F.; 0 1890. Wirth, Margaret; la 1916. *Wilson, Wm. F.; 0 1871. Wisbey, Geo. Thos.; ec 1923. *Wilson, Wm. J.; 1 1879. Wise, Isaac M.; la 1908. *Wilson, Wm. M.; o 1859. *Whises Jol is OF fea: *Wilson, Wm. R.; o 1865. Wise, Jonah B.; la 1903. *Wilson, Yarnall; 1 1841. Wise, Regina R.; la 1905. Wilzbach, Carl A.; me 1922; la 1922... Wise, Wm. O.; 1 1896. Wimmer, Leonard; 1 1892. Wisecup, Frank; o 1897. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. 411 *Wisehead, J. M.; 0 1857. Wolfinger, Ralph W.; ec 1921. Wiseheart, D. S.; 0 1879. Wolfinger, Richard G.; ec 1924. Wiseheart, Harden; o 1879. *Wolfley, Lewis; o 1830. Wiseley, Frank; mc 1924. Wolfram, Gertrude M.; la 1914. Wiseman, J. A.; 1 1899. Wolfson, Erwin S.; la 1921. Wiseman, John S.; m 1893. Wolfstein, David I.; 0 1888. Wiseman, Samuel V.; m 1877. Wolfstein, Isabelle M.; g 1924. Wiseman, Wm. C.; | 1915. *W olfstein, Samuel; | 1882. Wishard, Wm. N.; | 1878. Wolk, Samuel J. B.; la 1925. Wisler, Henry M.; 1 1884. Wolk, Samuel; la 1920. Wissel, Clara A.; la 1914. Wolsdorf, Henry A.; ec 1919. Witham, John E.; m 1889. Wolsey, Louis; la 1899. Witham, Marie; la 1916. Wolverton, Orlando P.; o 1894. Witham, Samuel L.; 0 1879. *Wood, A. L.; o 1864. Witham, Wright L.; o 1900. Wood, Chas. A.; 1 1884. Witherby, Howard T.; 1 1920. Wood, Chas. E.; ec 1915. Witherspoon, Thos. G., Jr.; la 1909. *Wood, Chas. R.; 1 1889. Witherspoon, Wm. H.; o 1904. Wood, Clinton; ec 1921. Withrow, John M.; o 1884. *Wood, E. M.; 1 1859. Withrow, Katherine; la 1922; ed 1923. Wood, Edmund P.; 1 1923. Withrow, Stanley; 1 1894. Wood, Ekmer; o 1898. Witmeyer, Webb; | 1890. *Wood, F. W.; 1 1846. Witt, Geo. R.; 0 1880. Wood, Geo. H.; 1 1889. Witt, Louis; la 1902. Wood, Jas. A.; 1 1912. Witte, Raymond C.; ec 1910. Wood, J. Bell; o 1883. Witte, Russell B.; ec 1913. *Wood, J. M.; o 1869. Wittenmeyer, I. D.; o 1880. Wood, Jas. 8.; 1 1881. Wittkamp, Theo. M.; o 1902. Wood, John B.; 1 1889. Wittmann, Eugene F.; ec 1881. *Wood, M. W.; 1 1854. Witzenbacher, Mabel M.; la 1908. Wood, Marshall B.; 1 1920. Wocher, Chas. F.; o 1891. Wood, Oliver J.; o 1883. Woelflin, Wm.; ec 1922. Wood, R. Thompson; o 1878. Woellner, Fred P.; la 1912. Wood, Thos. Henry; m 1898, Woellner, Robt.; ed 1922. *Wood, Thos. S.; 1 1882. Wohlgemuth, John F.; | 1907. *Wood, Wm. H.; o 1883. Wolcott, Frank; 1 1897. Wood, Wm. Ray; | 1893. Wolf, Albert; 1 1881. *Woodall, Brent; la 1907. Wolf, Horace Jos.; la 1907; g 1908. Woodburn, Lemuel A.; mc 1921. Wolf, Jacob; o 1891. Woodbury, Arthur K.; 1 1882. Wolf, Jane E.; la 1906; g 1911; g 1924*Wooden, J. L.; o 1860. *Wolf, J. G.; o 1849. Wooden, Wm. H.; o 1879. *Wolf, Leo; 1 1863. *Wooderman, Alice Dee (Mrs. E. A. *Wolf, Lyman, | 1872. Stickney); la 1902. *Wolf, Phillip; la 1897. Woodfill, Web; 1 1890. Wolf, Sigmund; o 1909. Woodhouse, Geo. A.; mc 1924. Wolfe, John; ec 1923. Woodling, Marvin E.; o 1877. *Wolfe, John W.; 1 1880. Woodmansee, David; 1 1885. Wolff, Otto; 1 1891. Woodrough, Louise D.; la 1905. 412 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI GRADUATES. *W oodruff, C. P.; o 1831. Woodruff, Robt. S.; 1 1894. *W oodruff, Samuel E.; 1 1840. *W oodruff, Truman; | 1840. *Woods, Arthur A.; 1 1876. Woods, Chas. J.; 1 1905. Woods, Clifford; 1 1895. *Woods, James B.; 1 1885. Woodside, Matthew; la 1924. Woodson, Neola §.; la 1915. Woodward, Amelia E.; la 1880. Woodward, Augustus J.; 1 1875. Woodward, George; o 1870. Woodward, Harold H.; la 1921. Woodward, Henry L,.; o 1901. *Woodward, J. L.; 0 1853. *Woodward, J. P.; 0 1866. *Woodward, John H.; 1 1866. *Woodward, John H.; 1 1863. Woodward, L. E.; o 1879. Woodward, Rell M.; 1 1887. Woodward, Sheldon G.; 1 1879. *Woodward, Thos. B.; o 1846. *Woodward, Wm. R.;: o 1866. *Wooley, Alfred C.; 1 1878. Wooley, Chas. H.; m 1891. *Wooley, E. C.; m 1856. *Wooley, Geo. W.; o 1836. *Wooley, John; o 1821. Woolf, Edgar H.; 1 1888. *Woolf, E. N.; 0 1854. Woolf, Leslie A.; 0 1905. Woolfolk, T. J.; 0 1874. *Woollard, Geo. C.; 1 1877. Woolman, Ruth; la 1900. Woost, Henry; 1 1889. Worcester, Thos. A.; ec 1904. Work, Eva E.; n 1922. *Workman, J. McP.; o 1852. Workman, Theo W.; o 1879. *Worthington, B. N.; 1 1845. Worthington, E. L.; 1 1874. *Worthington, Geo. W.; 1 1879. Worthington, Helen; la 1902. *Worthington, James T.; 1 1850. Worthington, Julia; la 1897; g 1899. Worthington, L. S.; 1 1871. *W orthington, R. M.; o 1831. Worthington, R. R.; 0 1874. *Worthington, Richard; | 1869. *Worthington, Thomas; o 1835. *Worthington, Thomas; | 1859. *Worthington, Wm. M.; o 1846. Worthman, Harry S.; 1 1888. Wrede, Fred; 1 1880. *Wrede, Theodore; | 1874. Wrenn, J. O.; o 1876. *Wright, Abiel; m 1866. Wright, Allison B.; om 1912. Wright, Artenia P.; ed 1920. Wright, Benj. A.; 1 1900. Wright, Charlotte; la 1901. *Wright, Charles E.; o 1868. *Wricht; CAH tosis/0: *Wrioht, C. Ji+.0.1825: *Wright, Chas. O.; 0 1862. *Wright, Chas. W.; o 1849. Wright, Daniel T.; 1 1887. — *Wright, E. B.; 0 1845. Wright, Eldon J.; 1 1910. Wright, Elizabeth W.; la 1900. Wright, Francis J.; ec 1919. *Wright, Francis M.; | 1867. *Wright, Geo. B.; 1 1865. *Wright, Geo. F.; 1 1873. Wright, Grace; la 1903. *Wricht, ‘Harry 1.21 187%: Wright, Helen; la 1917. *Wright, Irvin B.; 1 1869. *Wright, Isaac S.; 1 1843. *Wright, J. M.; o 1869. Wright, James B.; o 1889. *Wright, James C.; 1 1869. *Wright, James D.; o 1845. Wright, James W.; o 1884. *Wright, John; o 1854. Wright, John A.; 1 1878. *Wright, John F.; o 1850. Wright, John W.; | 1883. *Wright, Jonathan J.; o 1854. Wright, Kathryn; la 1923; ed 1924. Wright, Leahe M.; ed 1924. Wright, M. Opal; la 1925; n 1925. *Wright, Murray V.; 1 1876. Wright, Nathaniel, Jr.; 1 1889. *Wright, Nathaniel W.; 1 1866. ALPHABETICAL o *Wright, Nehemiah; | 1876. Wright, Neil; la 1914. Wright, Pearl; la 1916; ed 1916. Wright, Riner S.; 1 1909. Wright, Rogers; | 1883. *Wright, Thomas; | 1875. *Wright, T. L.; 0 1846. Wright, Thomas L,; 1 1892. *Wright, Wm. W.; o 1842. Wuenker, Marguerita; ia 1919. Wuenker, Ralph F.; ec 1917. LIST OF ALL GRADUATES. *Yatyan,.John’L,+:) 1871, Yates, E. Eugene; o 1875. Yates, John O.; 1 1892. Yeager, Wm. S.; o 1908. *Yeardley, Nelson P.; 0 1908. Yelton, Paul H.; ec 1920. Yenne, Chas. H.; o 1884. Yerger, Eva; la 1904. Yetter, Estel H.; la 1914. *Yocum, Gilbert G.; ec 1916. York, Arley B.; la 1922; mc 1924. Wuest, Alma M.; la 1915; ed 1915; ed York, John B.; o 1896. 1920; g 1920. Wuest, Frank L,.; ec 1923. Wuest, Frank W.; ec 1918. Wulfekoetter, Burt H.; ec 1915. Wulfekoetter, Gertrude; la 1917. Wulfekoetter, Lillie; la 1900. Wulff, Adolph G.; la 1895. Wulff, Doris; la 1918. Yoseph, Mirza Yoel; o 1905. WostwAs He ile 1899: *Yost, Daniel F.; 1 1895. “Yost ewes iiaso! Yost~ Paul; me