Fic. 181.—Reconstruction of chabasite: 1, chabasite; 2, metachabasite with carbon disulphide : 3, metachabasite with ethyl alcohol. easily effected for zeolites, either by replacing water or by exchanging, more or less extensively, the Ca for Na by the action of a Na-salt solution. When water has been removed, other substances, such as carbon bisulphide, alcohol, etc., may also be intro- duced. In every case the crystalline nature remains intact and specific optical characteristics are un- changed. That substances so very different from H,O chemically, occur as substituents in the space-lattice 154 CRYSTALS AND MATTER must, however, not be assumed. Here also such ideal cases will be passed over as stratifications of the type of macroscopic intergrowths as are found so often in minerals; a similar arrangement may occur in fine-structural dimensions. It appears to me that the oxidation of graphite to graphitic acid is of this type, the latter substance showing optical properties (uniaxial) which graphite would show if it were transparent. RESISTANCE TO MECHANICAL DISRUPTION AND CHEMICAL ATTACK We are led from the foregoing to the view that, in chemico-anatomical preparation and substitution processes! (as have been mentioned above in a series Fic. 182.—Undermining during bleaching (bauerite process) and chlorite reconstruction of biotite: a, biotite, fresh; 4, in bleaching ; ¢, in chlorite process. of examples), there exists a correspondence with reactions, especially those of undermining and recon- struction of molecules, with which the chemist is con- cerned, and which, particularly in organic chemistry, he has so much under control. The resistances, too, 1These may be increased by turning to processes in nature. The well-known bleaching (bauerite process) and very extensive chloritisation of dark mica are examples (Fig. 182). CHEMICAL ACTIONS ON CRYSTALS 155 which occasionally oppose the transformation he wishes to effect, have their counterparts in crys- talline fine-structure. Leptonically considered, close- built arrangements in which the neighbouring particles to some extent screen one another, tend to oppose chemical just as they oppose mechanical attack. This is shown, for example, in the strong chemical resistance of the leptonically close-built, hard dia- mond, contrasting with the oxidation of the more Graphite 0 Fic. 183. —Stereograms of the closely packed, hard, chemically resistive diamond, and the loosely built, soft, chemically more easily attackable graphite. loosely-built graphite. In the same way, zeolites such as desmine and heulandite, with structures much extended by the large water content, are attacked by acids very much more readily than are their anhydrous analogues, the felspars, which are specifically heavier and harder. We thus have a noteworthy connection between the mechanical hardness, especially as resistance to fracture, and the chemical reactivity of crystals. It is certainly not merely by chance that gems such as diamond, ruby, zirconia, tourmaline, topaz, 156 CRYSTALS AND MATTER rock-crystal, etc., are chemically and mechanic- ally strong. For these close atom packing must be assumed, but even then we shall not be surprised if very close atom arrangements go parallel with great softness of the material. This is the case for graphite (Fig. 183). The structural form indicates at once the origin of the very easy mechanical disrupture. It is due to the weak connections between the densely packed planes. Testing the hardness by © scratching separates to some extent the rigidly built, but loosely coupled, planes. The softness of many organic compounds suggests a corresponding struc- ture. In such compounds molecules more or less rigidly constructed internally will be only loosely linked up to one another. With chemical series it appears quite under- _standable from the fine-structural standpoint that forms specially stable compared with their neighbours should periodically arise. This is, indeed, a striking feature of the natural series of the atoms, in which the rare gases are singled out as terms with very stable electron distributions (p. 85), and which oppose, apparently with effect, great resistance to chemical change. Their next neighbours, the alkalies and halogens, on the other hand, exhibit the greatest readiness to react chemic- ally. We may add to these cases of periodically recurring resistance the above-mentioned breaks in the process of dehydration of zeolites, although here the effect is much less marked. Ata point of simple molecular ratio between silicate and water increased resistance is offered to the separation of the com- ponents. The “ lag points ’’ studied by G. Tammann in the structural changes of mixed crystals (such CHEMICAL ACTIONS ON CRYSTALS 157 as gold-silver, gold-copper, silver chloride-sodium chloride, etc.), in connection with the old metallur- gical method of gold and silver separation by “ quartation,’’ are to be judged similarly, assuming enhanced fine-structural stability and consequent increased chemical resistance. According to G. Tam- mann, these points occur for especially simple distributions of the atom varieties, as for molar fractions 3, 4, 4, 3, etc., of the resistive component, which acts as a protective substance for the second component, which is, chemically, more easily attacked, XITI. AN ATTEMPT TO FORM SOME IDEA OF THE COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS FROM OBSERVATIONS ON CRYSTALS molecules, as well as of their fine-structural variations in material physical fields, is still in its infancy, efforts to form some idea of the mechanics of chemical reaction have, quite naturally, a merely tentative character. In order to get at the matter it will be advantageous to advance into this unknown region from various sides. We are thus justified, in the present undertaking, which treats the question from a crystallographic standpoint, in anticipating that the best-ordered materials are here, as in other cases, likely to give us useful suggestions. ‘\ S our knowledge of the structure of atoms and CHEMICAL SYMMETRY ACTIONS The space-lattice constitution of the crystal must serve as the fundamental conception in this work. In its particular fine-structural symmetry and special tectonic nature are characterised the physico-chemical connections of the particles. As a result of this, for every particular case we find at once certain indications as to the mechanics of the chemical processes in the bodies concerned, and a basis for generalisation is obtained. Since, for example, CaCO, of calc-spar, which is constructed from Ca:: and CO’,;’ ions in a ternary 158 COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 159 rhythm (Fig. 117, p. 95), undergoes, on heating, the well-known reaction of splitting into CaO and CO., it must be assumed for the fine mechanics of this process that, on account of the increased heat motions, first the geometrico-chemical radical CO , as a ring of three O’s about a centre carbon, becomes loosened in the fine-structure. With increasing tem- perature these radicals, together with the calcium atoms, which are free moving groups in the material field, undergo a separation into CO, and O, which links up with Ca to form CaO. According to this, the loosening of the particles in the fine-structure is always to be regarded from the standpoint of symmetry action. Those particles of the structure, coupled together by rhythm or reflexion, participate simultaneously in the process, and since such coupling thus occurs throughout the entire crystal many million times, the process appears to us in analytical chemistry as a discontinuous change, possibly in a series of steps, if the new arrangement contains the departing component again in definite symmetry disposition, as is the case, for example, in the ignition of gypsum to the subhydrate. A practically steady variation can have its origin in complicated re-groupings of the point system, closely following on one another. For non-crystalline substances such as gases and liquids the relations in the molecule cannot, as regards main principles, be thought of in any other way. Crystal regularity is, indeed, only a special case of fine-structural arrangement. The four H’s of an individual CH, molecule are, in this sense, coupled up in a symmetry arrangement just as the three O’s in the CO, radical cale-spar. They must 160 CRYSTALS AND MATTER participate simultaneously in action as markers of the equal valued corners of the tetrahedral molecule, so long as this symmetry persists. . PRE-CHEMICAL PROCESSES AND DISCONTINUOUS RE- ACTIONS. MASS ACTION AND CATALYSTS. HEAT AS AICATALYST, In following up the above observations, a very important point must be discussed. Since it actu- ally happens that in the chemical field, i.e. in the reciprocal action of several types of molecule, one only of the four H’s of the CH, molecule may participate in chemical action (say CH, + Cl, = CH;Cl + HCl), then on the basis of the symmetry action set forth above, it is necessary to assume that the four H’s of CH,, before the completion of the chemical reaction, that is, in a pre-chemical process, will be differentiated by the fine-structural pro- minence of one of their number. The tetrahedral placing of the four H’s must have become changed under the reciprocal anisotropic influence of neigh- bouring molecules CH, and Cl, in such a way that one of the four has obtained a singular position in the fine-structure, the other three remaining equiva- lent. The four H’s, instead of representing the cor- ners of a tetrahedron, mark out those of a trigonal pyramid (Fig. 184). The hydrogen at the apex is in a certain sense connected to the remainder of the molecule by very weak threads. It is these which naturally give way first when the mutual change of form of the deforming interacting molecules exceeds a certain measure of tension. Substitution in this stereochemical body occurs localised at the hydrogen atom, which has become particularised in the fine- COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 161 structure, and a new stable arrangement is set up. When, in the case of more complicated substances, splitting occurs, depending, of course, on the appro- priate molecular structure, the process is directly com- parable with the rupture of the internal connections of crystals during cleavage which cuts through the weaker bonds. In aliphatic compounds C — C coup- lings are, according to Wollers, weak arrangements ; for aromatic compounds separation occurs more readily between C and H. The law of mass action is, in the above sense, the: expression of the fact that numerous deformation forces keep the fine-structural displacement con- stantly directed towards one side. In addition, the analogous role of catalysts in the fine-structure becomes evident. The tension neces- sarily preceding chemical action may well be increased by the presence of a third type of molecule. The action may, in some cases, be initiated by such a third party. In the actual chemical transformation the auxiliary substance does not participate, and, in consequence, suffers no loss: it can officiate in innumerable cases, one after the other, in the mole- cular swarm, and in so doing produces a great effect, although present in very small quantity. Thus such material catalytic factors function pre-chemically. The substances concerned represent catalysts as they deform the fine-structure. If it be desired to include the preparatory tension process in the chemical action, there is no formal objection. Physical and chemical processes merge into one. I think the observations of J. Stark and myself are pertinent in this connection. Raising the temperature, as the acceleration of the IJ 162 CRYSTALS AND MATTER internal fine-structural motions, can be similarly considered as catalytic. It is understood that in this case, weak bonds between structural groups will give way sooner than they would at lower temperatures ; they are, we may say, pulled about at the higher temperature. If, for example, in NaCl. 2H,O, the water molecules, which do not concern the mono- valency of Na and Cl, and are but loosely held by co-ordination bonds, the thermal oscillation of the » CMG 2, = GAG *H0 ee C72 a My *Cl, 2 CHC? +HCL ” oe Ch; Af at CH, CH, H Chg? ‘ 44 KT H Vy 4 a “4 cd Fic. 184.—Fine-structural schemes for the action of chlorine on benzene and methane respectively. particles is considerably increased, the weak binding forces will be overcome first. Water is suddenly liberated in cases where the molecules are dissimilarly attacked, as for BaCl,.2H,O, in two stages, one after:the other {at 105° dnd 162°. see Digmergs p. 150) ; sometimes in even more, as for CuSO, . 5H,O. When the tension becomes sufficiently large under the influence of the rise in temperature, “ valency tensors’ also break apart such as those between the ions Ca and CO; during lime-burning and in other similar cases of chemical decomposition. COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 163 To illustrate these points the schemes of Fig. 184 are shown, which refer to methane and benzene as typical cases. The final structure there derived for C,H;Cl appears to me to agree completely with the diagram already published by J. Stark in his excellent book, “ Die Elektrizitat im chemischen Atom,” a happy case of the agreement of results derived from different standpoints. It was also of interest to me, on looking through the literature, to learn from a hint by E. Farber in “‘ Naturwissenschaften,’ that, in the delibera- tions of the older chemical generation, representation of a weakening of the bond in the molecule before the occurrence of the chemical reaction occasionally played a role. This is seen in the assertion of A. Kekule, who says that “ during the approach of the molecules the connections of the atoms in the same are already weakened, for one part of the chemical affinity is bound by the atoms of the other molecule until finally the previously united atoms entirely lose their interconnection and the newly formed molecules separate.”’ One ventures to extend the scheme in the above to the assumption of a pre-chemical molecular deformation. CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC INDICATORS OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES Since the physical, chemical, and _ crystallo- graphic considerations agree, as they do, we are now in the position to corroborate, to some extent at least, the assumption of preliminary structural changes in crystallographic experiments. In par- ticular, observation of the conditions for certain 164 CRYSTALS AND MATTER crystallisations lead once more to the postulation of molecular fore-forms in solution from which crystals are separating, an assumption which has already been mentioned on page 41. While, for example, CaCO, salt separates out from a pure calcium carbonate solution in trigonal form of the 3m class as calc- Fic. 185.—Calc-spar and aragonite. spar, experiment shows that the addition of mag- nesium sulphate to the solution causes the forma- tion of a stereo-chemically different variety, digonal aragonite of the 2m group. Thus one or other modification of CaCO; must certainly be predeter- mined by molecular pre-forms in the solution. A still more varied example of this has been in- vestigated by O. Pauli in my institute; his experiment deals with acid phenyl acridon- Fic. 186,--Monodiinicand triclinic modifies- 14m sulphate as tis tions of acid phenyl acridonium sulphate. appears in different modifications according to the proportions of water, sulphuric acid, and alcohol in the solution. Figs. 186 1 Probably as CaCO; or CaOCO,, possibly as a loose compound with MgSQ,. COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 165 and 187 give diagrammatically the appropriate} conditions. For the most part, then, we are supported in the conclusion that chemical reactions do not occur abruptly, but after preliminary actions, in cases which permit a leisurely although indirect observation of the changes of state by means of physical indi- cators. Occasionally that is the case for changes of crystallographic modifications, which are not, indeed, Fic, 187,—Crystallization diagram for acid phenyl acridonium sulphate. merely physical, but also chemical actions (p. 70). For the investigation of the general course of the fine-structural processes inside the substance, optical methods may be used as in the elegant studies of A. Hantzsch and his pupils, where absorption phenomena in the ultra-violet were employed as 1 Different molecular pre-forms of crystallisation will arise if at higher temperatures, or with certain other substances in the solution, salts poor in water crystallise out. The same holds good if at low temperatures, or in the presence of other substances, salts rich in water are formed. The diagrams of van’t Hoff and D’Ans, in par- ticular, furnish classical examples of this. 166 CRYSTALS AND MATTER indicators of chemical processes. For the stereo- chemical changes to be determined here, investiga- tion of the refractive index is helpful. In this particular I have studied exactly, with R. Kolb, 15850 * 700° -s9° * 50° 100° 150° 200° o ° o * 450° ° * 650° a o oe ST 8 oe i Oo” 250 300 540 400° 450° 500° 550) 600° 650° 700° 750° 800 Fic. 188.—Curves of the refractive indices w of 8 and a quartz for various kinds of light. S17 OF. 200° 400° 600° 800? Fic. 189,—Curves of the refractive indices w and « of 8 and a quartz for sodium light characterising the variation of the double refraction. such a physico-chemical process for quartz, which, on exceeding 575°, changes from the trigonal f into the hexagonal a state (3827 6s) (Fig. 88, p. 71), as the Laue diagrams show in very neat fashion (Fig. 89, -p. 71). With respect to the refractive indices, COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 167 Figs. 188 and 189 explain fully. It is clearly seen for the case in question, 8 +a quartz, that on nearing 575. the gradient of the curves is much increased, and at the temperature named exhibits a discon- FIG. 190.—Curve of the angle variation of 8 and a quartz. tinuous drop. This line must be regarded as a definite indication that the process 3s ~ 6s quartz is led up to by a gradually developing tension in the structure; this increases as a pre-chemical action until the sudden rearrangement by a dis- continuous change in the fine-structure. Similar conclusions to those obtained above fol- ene ear 2 pieeners variation low from the observations which I carried out in collaboration with R. Kolb on quartz with respect to its morphological variation on transformation (Fig. 190). F.E. Wright obtained similar results for the same mineral. The thermo-goniometrical researches of R. Gross- man made, under the direction of P. Niggliand myself, Se esks, 400 600 S 200° 168 CRYSTALS AND MATTER on borazite and leucite (Fig. 191), show analogous results. Although the fine-structural relations of quartz are not determined experimentally, still, by resorting to the representations of J. Beckenkamp, and especially by following the discussions of P. Niggli, it is possible to make a provisional diagram for the transition of the quartz modifications. In Figs. 192 and 193 such a scheme is depicted. The arrows in © the diagram of the screw trigyric structure indicate © Hexagonal Quartz Fics. 192 and 193.—Fine-structural diagram symbolising the transition 3s => 6s of the quartz modifications. O the tendency of the O particles in the SiC ii triangle to set themselves in the screw hexagonal arrange- ment, a tendency which steadily becomes more - effective as the temperature rises; finally, the sudden rupture of the tension which has increased to the limit gives the 8 form. Thus crystallographic considerations support the assumption that one can, in ideal schematic fashion, | represent a chemical transformation as the action of a physical or chemical field of such a character that the change in the chemical structure is led up to by a state of fine-structural strain and deformation ; COURSE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS 169 this becomes increasingly pronounced, and finally leading, by a sudden adjustment, to the new stable system. Many gradations of the relation may, of course, arise. In particular, owing to great resistance, the period of strain may be more or less diminished so that the discontinuous chemical action then occurs almost or entirely without this intermediary state. On the other hand, a pre-chemical deformation may become very much extended, so that the discon- tinuous change is correspondingly lessened or absent altogether. The transition of modification, from aragonite to calc-spar by heat, points to this. With a view to learning more about the change, I suggested to K. Wiinscher a thermo-goniometrical and thermo- optical research. It was shown that angle and refractive index variations, on heating the mineral to 325°, are a function of the temperature, increasing and decreasing with it. For higher temperatures, however, the tension process in connection with the transformation of aragonite into calc-spar occurs to some extent in spontaneous glidings, for at constant temperature the form and optical properties of the mineral vary, the variations being more rapid the higher the temperature taken. Finally, the sub- stance completes the transition of one into the other modification by a sudden adjustment. XIV. ANALOGY OF THE MORPHOLOGICAL ACTION OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL FIELDS ON CRYSTALS T is of considerable interest to compare the . [ ecsis observable homogeneous deformations of the crystal structure which occur under the in- fluence of heat, with variations of crystallographic form in the chemical field. THERMAL INFLUENCES ON THE CRYSTAL FORM The action of temperature change on the mor- phology of the crystal becomes apparent, as is well known, in explicit formal symmetry actions, the general type of which is most easily studied for spheres. Such forms remain, for uniform rise of temperature, isoradial if they are composed of iso- metric substances. The sphere remains for tem- perature variations as such intact. The change is restricted to an alteration of the radius. Crystallo- graphic ternary, tetrad, or senary substances, on the other hand, show transformation of the initial form to a rotation ellipsoid, the axes of rotation coinciding with the crystallographic main-axes. Spheres of rhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic substances finally give rise to triaxial ellipsoids, the principal direc- tions of which are arranged in accordance with the symmetry (Figs. 194-106). Although the morphological reaction to change in the heat motion of the particles appears usually 170 MORPHOLOGICAL ACTION 171 simple, the complicated interlacing of fine-structural force fields is shown here in the occasional contrac- tion and not extension, with increase of temperature. It may, in fact, happen that for anisotropic sub- Fic. 196. FIG. 197. Fics. 194-196.—Schemes for the homogereous deformation of isometric, uniaxial and trimetric crystals on heating (initial sphere shaded). Fic. 197..-Scheme for the homogeneous deformation of a calc-spar sphere on heating. Coefficient of expansion in the direction a@ = 0:0,2621, ¢ = — 0:0,0540 in the intermediate direction shown = 0 (initial sphere shaded). stances, in certain directions, dilatation occurs, and in others contraction. For cuprite it happens that with rise of temperature in the region below — 4:3°, isoradial contraction takes place. On heating tri- gonal calc-spar it expands along the rotation axis, at 172 CRYSTALS AND MATTER the same time contracting in all directions perpen- dicular thereto. As a result, radii of the initial sphere, inclined at 65° 49:5’ to the principal axis, will not be altered in length by temperature change (Fig. 197). Hexagonal silver iodide has, on the other hand, a negative expansion coefficient along the crystallo- graphic vertical (a, = — 0:0,0397) ; in the horizontal direction it expands on heating (a, = 0°0,065). The » Fic. 198. Fic. 199. Fics. 198 and 199.—Schemes for fine-structural variation in the physical field. Preservation of the indices and zone relations. cubic coefficient a, + 2a, 18 = — 00,0267. The volume of the salt is therefore reduced by rise of temperature. From a fine-structural aspect such relations may readily be understood in the symbolical representa- tion, as an alteration of the distance between the centres of heat motion corresponding to the visible change of form. The Figs. 198 and 199 above show this with the necessary diagrammatic exaggeration. In these figures one recognises as the ruling con- MORPHOLOGICAL ACTION 173 ditions the preservation of the symmetry, of the parallel edges (the zone relations), and of the indices which, in the triangular surface shown retain their unit values Ia: 1b: 1c. Angles and axial ratios alter within the limits of the prevailing symmetry. The extension coefficients, the order of which has already been given in the special case of Fig. 197 give us an idea of the absolute value of the varia- tions. They are usually very small. For example, in the elementary cube of rock-salt (Fig. 24), p. 22), 200° -100° 0° ~~~-*400® ~~ *200° ~~ +300" +400" —+500° OOF *700° FIG. 200,—Variation of the cleavage angle of the plagioclases, albite, labradorite, and anorthite. the side length increases merely from 5-63 x Io78 em, at 0° to 5:77 x 107* 500°. The angular deformations of anisotropic substances known since the time of Mitscherlich (1799-1863) are correspond- ingly small. To extend his studies on calc-spar I investigated the angle variations of the rhombohedral cleavage form of this mineral over the extensive tempera- ture interval from — 165° C. to 596° C., i.e. for 761°. I found a change of angle of about 1° 9’ 20”, i.e. about g:1’ to each 100° on an almost linear 174 CRYSTALS AND MATTER graph. Usually the thermo-morphological reaction is even smaller. For quartz I measured a change of the rhombohedron angle of only 14:0’ for 553° (20° — 573°), 1e. not 3’ per 100° C. Of course, in such variations of form sometimes there arise very complicated fine-structural processes, which may be inferred from appropriate diagrams. Although the curve obtained in the example of calc- spar rises almost linearly, in other cases well-marked ' curvature is shown as for quartz, already referred to (Fig. 190), and the plagioclases. In Fig. 200 the second curve, which relates to an isomorphous mix- ture of albite and anorthite, termed labradorite, also deviates from the arithmetic mean of the other two, showing that the angle and the accompanying fine- structural variations in such cases are not. simply additive. CHEMICAL INFLUENCES ON THE CRYSTAL FORM The analogous inquiry as to the morphological action of a chemical field on the fine-structure fails in general owing to the impossibility of magnifying the effect sufficiently for observation. If, for example, a crystal of calc-spar is suspended in water, then a deformation of the crystal is certainly to be assumed, but cannot be rendered visible experimentally. In contrast to the thermal action, the influence of the chemical field is restricted in the above case to the surface. It can make itself felt in the peripheral processes of growth and solution of the crystal, but not markedly in transformation of the structure. Moreover, a simultaneous action throughout the whole body of the crystal, i.e. permeation of the liquid to all parts, would be necessary to correspond MORPHOLOGICAL ACTION 175 to the effect of heat. For some crystals that is actually brought about, as for those of albumen. Indeed, the process exceeds in definiteness all expec- tations. Albumen crystals take up water either from the surrounding liquid or from an atmosphere con- taining water vapour. In this case, then, the par- ticles of the space-lattice are surrounded with water molecules. In the reciprocal anisotropic action be- tween the crystal structural groups and the water particles regularly arranged about them, an unusually large deformation of the crystal makes its appearance, the crystallographic symmetry remaining unaltered. Albumen crystal Before imbibition ; Af ter t imbibition Fic. 201.—Homogeneous deformation of a crystal cf albumen by imbibition. The isometric albumen crystals swell up, remain- ing trigonal, with anisotropic variation of the angles. According to A. F. W. Schimper, to whom chiefly we are indebted for the appropriate observations, the plane polar-angle of trigonal albumen (obtained from Brazil nuts) changes from 604° to 39$°, and thus by a very largeamount. Fig. 201 shows diagrammatically a similar case of extensive deformation for the cubic rhombohedra of albumen occurring in solanine. These are drawn out to a very definitely acute- angled form, the plane polar angle of which amounts now to 68° instead of g0$°. It is especially interesting that for albumen from Brazil nuts, perpendicular to the ternary axis no observable swelling occurs, whilst 176 CRYSTALS AND MATTER the linear measure of the enlargement in the axial direction is very considerable. The optics of albumen crystals deformed by swelling in water show a regular variation, as is also the case for those expanded thermally. Isotropic crystals remain, with variations of the refractive index, isotropic; double refracting forms alter the magnitude of this property. All return again on evaporation of the water to their original states.1, According to this, the morphological actions of thermal and chemical fields in crystals are exactly similar, probably an indication that the thermal process also is to be regarded from a chemical stand- point, and, as a bombardment of the structural particles by electrons, is analogous to chemical action. COMPARISON OF THE THERMAL AND CHEMICAL INFLUENCES ON THE CRYSTAL FORM A comparison of the fine-structural effects follow- ing temperature variation, on the one hand, and under the influence of the chemical field, on the other, may best be carried out with respect to iso- morphous substances. In this connection the follow- ing table (p. 177) will be of interest. It indicates the relatively large effect of a chemical substitution of Cl by Br or I in the potassium halides compared with that of a temperature change of about 500°. The molar cell and molecular domains (p. 107) relate to cube forms. For KCl, then, the effect on the external form, measured by the axes of the molecular domain for a rise of temperature of about 500°, is to that produced 1 Acids apparently break up the structure. MORPHOLOGICAL ACTION 177 Mol Domain. Cell Domain, Molecular Region. KCl. Volume Axes i en eer ela ae tie nes crn Cm. Cc. Cm. om 20° ; eH) 39764 3°346 247°72 6°280 61°93 3°956 ROO | . | 40°19 3°425 205°72 6-429 66°43 4:050 2°55 0°079 18-00 O-149 4°50 0°094 20° KCl mh) 3704 3°346 247°72 6-280 61°93 3956 KBr .| 43°19 37508 285°52 6°585 71°38 4°148 5°55 o'162 37°80 0°305 9°45 0°192 4 Wl AGtTO 37508 285°52 6°585 71°38 4°148 Gee eh 5207 4) 3750 41) 350°24 1). FOO | 87-56. | agate 19°78 0°248 04°72 0°464 16-18 0:293 olen -| 37°64 3°346 247°72 6:280 61°93 3956 Bi -| 52°97 3°756 | 350°24 | 7:049 | 87°56 | 4-441 by a substitution of Br or I for Cl as 1: 2:04: 5:16. Naturally, the greater the change of temperature the larger will be the consequent variations, within the limits of one modification. In Fig. 200 of the felspars (p. 173), it is recognised how closely in such cases thermal and chemical effects can resemble each other. The phenomena in question possess further a special interest, in that the action of a rise of tem- perature in the crystal and the loosening effect of a permeating substance are gradations in the process of melting and solution, that is, in the process of “‘ren- dering amorphous.’ Considered in connection with the series of metamorphoses (p. 69), which substances 12 178 CRYSTALS AND MATTER pass through on raising the temperature, continuous thermal homogeneous deformations figure as pre- liminaries to the abrupt collapse of the space-lattice arrangement, a process which generally runs parallel with the external phenomenon of melting, i.e. of “ flowing apart.’”’ Under the influence of increased fine-structural agitation the crystal form is com- pletely broken up, in accordance with Lindemann’s views, if the vibrations of the particles about their, positions of rest become commensurable with their distance apart, and so lead to their collision. The domains of the fine-structural groups merge together, and the forces binding the lattice are overcome by the disruptive action of the heat motions, the crystal form is destroyed and scattered into irregu- larly placed new kinetic units. In this sense the fine-structural deformation which precedes the sudden change appears analogous to the pre-chemical pro- cesses referred to previously (p. 160). The albumen crystals during imbibition strive in an exactly similar way to become amorphous. It is of great interest, and also characteristic, that the structure can be linearly extended before dissolution to such a large extent, often by several times its original length. Even with extensive dilatation the interleptylic fields of force give rise to some cohesive action. That must be ascribed to a regular incorporation of the water particles, which arrange themselves analo- gously to the H,O in zeolites, and acting as a chemical cement bring about the observed cohesion. The water is present, however, in much greater quantity than in zeolites. Finally, there occurs separation into irregularly arranged particles, as may be observed very neatly, according to A. F. W. Schimper, in MORPHOLOGICAL ACTION 179 small crystals of albumen from the seeds of the castor oil plant. These, being cubic, swell isoradially in dilute sulphuric acid to three or four times their Original diameter, and then immediately go into solution. To what extent, in structures of so many atoms the space-lattice arrangement is lost on tran- sition to the colloidal, and finally to the molecularly, disperse state, further X-ray studies must show (compare p. 65). XV.CRYSTAL PHYSIOLOGY: ANDi tis CLASSIFICATION OF ATOMS THE STANDARDS AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CLASSIFICATION CIENTIFIC classification, as a concise charac- G essation of the peculiarities and relations of the objects investigated, is of considerable importance. Its development must move parallel with the advance of knowledge, conforming to the broader purpose of ensuring simple and natural methods in our deliberations. In these times of radical changes in our ideas of the nature of matter, the systematic co-ordination of the results of investi- gations merits careful attention. The importance of the classification as the characterisation of the fine- structural particles and their family relationships is supported in a gratifying fashion by independent lines of thought from many directions. Our ideas of the constitution of atoms as neutral and ionised forms, both of normal weight and as _ isotopes, together with the conception of the element, play the leading role here. It appears to me not inap- propriate in these questions also to emphasise the close connection of the various states which runs through the fine-structural series, electrons, atoms, ions, molecules, and crystals. The crystal, the highest and especially regular member of the series, easily observable in its external form and physical 180 THE CLASSIFICATION OF ATOMS 181 conditions, enables the general idea of the principles of classification to be readily grasped. In particular, it is clearly seen that considerable physiological breadth of property is to be ascribed to a leptonic unit. The appearance of a rigid regular form and of an inner homogeneity, say for ruby, is an illusion. A change of temperature changes the volume of the crystal, and in the case mentioned its form also. Optical tests of the refraction, double refraction, and absorption show that this crystalline form can experience changes in its inner constitution which are to be traced back, finally, to reversible rearrange- ments of the fine-structure. X-ray data testify that, in correspondence with this general conclusion, the motion of the fine- structural particles is highly variable. Even analy- tical differences, as in the case of isomorphous mixtures, with its powerful influence on the optical absorption and the specific gravity, or the entrance and exit of water which occurs for zeolites, can arise without prejudicing the idea that we still are dealing with the same kind of crystal whose physiology alone changes within certain limits. In systematic classifi- cation the type retains its place, despite these varia- tions. It seems to me that the transfer of such views to the classification of leptonic forms leads to a simple and natural formulation. ELECTRONS, ATOMS, AND MOLECULES The fundamental constitution of all things lies hidden in the electron as the elementary quantum of electricity and the primary constituent of matter ;1 1If they have not to relinquish this rank to the archons as vortex pairs as suggested by O. Wiener. 182 CRYSTALS AND MATTER electrons are therefore of the first importance. Their division into e+ and e~ is, however, of so great systematic simplicity that it has, up to the present, sufficed. The case is very different for the atoms, the classification of which has developed into a special study. Their general characteristic in the manifold of forms lies in the presence of a nucleus within the structural unit. | The highest grade of individual leptonic structures is represented by the molecule. Its special feature is that of a combination of atoms to a new unit, thus the presence of more than one nucleus in the kinetic unit. Everything else in fine-structural phenomena, as they are presented in the gaseous, liquid, and crystal- line states in quite inexhaustible abundance, comes under the head of modes of aggregation of the elec- tronic, atomic, or molecular fine-structural forms. The force of the classification lies in the atomistic structural gradations. ATOM TYPES Reviewing, therefore, the scientific facts relating to the atomic units, there is now no further doubt that these units must be arranged in the order of their atomic numbers (corresponding to the X-ray spectra, p. 20). This is done in the following table (p. 183). In each case the atomic weight is sub- joined thus, A.W., as it is not essential to the classification. The terms of this series will, in accordance with scientific requirements, be designated atom types, _and for the further systematic subdivision of these THE CLASSIFICATION OF ATOMS 183 the expression atom sub-types is introduced. The table indicates the special property of atom types —the atomic number which, in accordance with the nuclear charge, fixes the position in the series omer to Ur. Atomic Number. O ON OAMUAWN 4 Name. Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon . Phosphorous Sulphur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron 2 Cobalt . Nickel . Copper . Zinc 4 Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molydenum Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Atomic Number. Name. Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine . Xenon . Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praesodymium Neodymium . Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thullium I. Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Osmium Tridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Emanium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium . Uranium The characteristic of an atom is, 184 CRYSTALS AND MATTER therefore, its numbered place in the atomic series ; briefly, its monotopy. No term of the series can be dispensed with ; ) ° i 70oF & A <= t 1 s Mgt sol = Rb Nias S fon 2 t { sok = Pe : Be Ba te Sr : 30 ! Nad 16n Br rs : ; Th Pf Bi Tl Hy U PL PAy Atomic weights 200 220 180 2 £00 i420 0 T40 9460 Fic. 202.—Graph of atomic volumes. each one fulfils the task of representing a necessary number in a sequence. The periodic table of L. Meyer and D. J. Mendeleeff Logarithm of the diameter of the crystallographic ion domain Logarithm of the atomic number Fic. 203.—Graph showing series of atoms. After E. Schiebold. accomplishes in the familiar way a grouping of the atom types. The curve obtained for the atomic volumes (Fig. 202) serves the same purpose. With THE CLASSIFICATION OF ATOMS 185 reference to our ideas on crystallographic atomic domains, it appears of interest to indicate here a graphical arrangement of important atomic groups obtained by E. Schiebold. This is arrived at by taking the logarithms of both atomic number and the diameter of the atomic domain; the groups are signified by the arrangement of the points in the diagram which are often linear in series. ATOM SUB-TYPES The monotopy of the atom types is quite com- patible with physiological differences which do not interfere with the constancy of the nuclear charge which is characteristic and equal to the atomic number. In this way atomic sub-types may pos- sibly arise in the series of monotopes, characterised by fine-structural differences either in the region of the satellite electrons or in the nucleus. We may therefore assume within the atomic types the following atomic sub-types. Differences in the outer electron shell differentiate neutral atoms from atom ions, which in turn separate into cations or plus atoms and anions or minus atoms. Owing to the extreme lightness of the electrons, the theoretical changes of weight arising from omission of a few negative particles from the outer shell, or by their entrance, are inconsiderable ; neutral atoms are, with their corresponding + or — ions, practically isobaric. For other atomic sub-types a difference of the mass content, actually in the central nucleus (without change of its charge), of so extensive a nature occurs that a difference of atomic weight is observable. This is the case for isotopes, so termed in K. Fajan’s fundamental papers on the subject. The members of such a group are, therefore, heterobaric. 186 CRYSTALS AND MATTER ELEMENTS Another criterion in classification is obtained from our conception of the element. Its characteristic is that its constitution consists entirely of monotopic atoms ; thus elements are possible containing either only one atom sub-type or several different varieties. F. Paneth expresses this very neatly by differentiating between pure elements and mixed elements. The former contain only one atom sub-type, the latter — more than one. NORMAL MIXTURE AND SEPARATION OF ISOTOPES Of primary importance in analytical chemistry is the remarkable fact that for elements containing heterobaric components a normal mixture is invari- ably found. For chlorine, with isotopes of mass 35, 37, and 39, the ordinary atomic weight 35:46 is always shown (whether the chlorine is extracted from eruptive minerals or deposited sediment, whether it is of.terrestrial or meteoric origin), a cir- cumstance which reminds us, at least formally, of the equilibrium phenomena of eutectics. Thus ordi- nary. Brys-9,°) is. 0°46 Br,, + 0°54. Br, >) Cie 0:23 Cl,, + 0:77 Cl,;; (neglecting the small amount Of .Cl,o}.3) Slpg-s ==’ 0230 [Oleg 4: 0:70.55, 5 ae 0:97 Ayo -+ 0°03 Age, etc. The mixed isotopic constitution of many of the atom types also enables us to understand why, in the Mendeléeff system, there occur occasionally deviations from the arrangement in order of atomic weight. For atoms of nearly the same weight it may easily happen that this admixture displaces an atom type from the natural sequence to a false THE CLASSIFICATION OF ATOMS § 187 position, as is the case for argon. If the lighter component (Ar;,) were present in somewhat greater proportion than is the case in the normal argon mixture (Afso.s3 = 0°97 Ar, + only 0:03 Ars,), the rare gas would immediately assume its correct place in the Mendeléeff system before potassium (A.W. 39°I0). A partition of the isotopes by arrangement in separate positions in the fine-structure occurs in every crystallisation of a substance containing such atomic mixtures (compare Fig. 119, p. 98). As is well known, a separation of the components to a detectable extent has been accomplished in the researches of F. W. Aston who continued the work of Goldstein, W. Wien, J. J. Thomson, and others. By the different deviations of the ions in electrostatic and magnetic fields, Aston separated and identified the individual isotopes, one of the finest results of general scientific endeavour in the direction of a unified concept of matter as the aggregation of a primary constituent. The integral atomic weights of the iostopes point to this. Here the anomaly of hydrogen, with its non-integral atomic weight 1-008 compared with oxygen = 16, is not yet explained, but it now merely spurs us on completely to establish this otherwise predominant concept by further experi- mental work and study. CONCLUSION In reviewing all the various experiments and arguments dealt with above, which in the present early stages of fine-structural investigation naturally more often pass in a mere mention than lead to definite results, it is recognised that crystals are 188 CRYSTALS AND MATTER actually in many respects typical of the general conception of the constitution of matter. In their macroscopic form and their physico-chemical relations are reflected, not only the fine-structure and the physics and chemistry of their own particular micro- cosm, but also of matter in general. With their three-dimensional regularity and easy accessibility to direct observation, they are specially suited to serve as the starting point in the investigation of . laws universally valid. In this way crystallography stimulates the physicist, chemist, and natural phi- losopher, as it itself, on the other hand, has gratefully received so much help from these great sister sciences. In such common endeavour the sowing of the fine-structural soil cannot fail to germinate vigorously and, on progressive cultivation, to develop into a rich harvest. I hope that this present exposition will serve as a small contribution to the great work. Readers wishing to acquire a more detailed know- ledge of crystal science, are referred, to the following series of works on the subject :— TEXT-BOOKS ON CRYSTALLOGRAPHY J. BEcKENKAMP. Leitfaden der Kristallographie, 1919. W. H. and W. L. Bracc. X-Rays and Crystal Structure, revised edition, 1922. R. Brauns. Mineralogie, 5th edition, 1918. E.H.BoEKeE. Grundlagen der physikalisch-chemischen Petrographie, 1915. 2nd edition, by W. Eitel, 1923. E. S. Dana. A Text-book of Mineralogy with an extended treatise on Crystallography and Physical Mineralogy, 3rd edition, 1922. C. DoEtTER. Physikalisch-chemische Mineralogie, 1905. B. GossnER. Kristallberechnung und Kristallzeichnung, 1914. P. GrotH. Physikalische Kristallographie, 4th edition, 1905. P, GrotH. Elemente der physikalischen und chemischen Kristallo- graphie, 1921. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ATOMS § 189 H. Hirton. Mathematical Crystallography, 1922. F. M. JAEGER. A Treatise on the Principle of Symmetry, 1917. F, KLrocKMANN, Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, 7th and 8th editions, 1922. ST. KREUTz, Elemente der Theorie der Kristallstruktur, 1915. Tu. LiEpiscu, Grundriss der physikalischen Kristallographie, 1896. G. Linck. Grundriss der Kristallographie, 4th edition, 1920. C, NAUMANN and F. ZrIrRKEL. Elemente der Mineralogie, 15th edition, 1907. P. NiaGt1. Geometrische Kristallographie des Diskontinuums, Ig19. P. Nicei1. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, 1920. F, Rinne. Einfiihrung in die kristallographische Formenlehre und Anleitung zu kristallographisch-optischen und réntgenograph- ischen Untersuchungen, 4th and 5th editions, 1922. A. SCHONFLIES. Kristallsysteme und Kristallstruktur, 1891. G. TAMMANN. Kristallisieren und Schmelzen, 1913. (GG. TSCHERMAK and F. BecKE. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, 8th edition, 1g2t. A. E. H. Turron. Crystallography and Practical Measurement (2 vols.), 1922. W. Voict. Die fundamentalen physikalischen Eigenschaften der Kristalle in elementarer Darstellung, 1893. W. Votet. Lehrbuch der Kristallphysik, 1910. E. A. WULFING. Die 32 kristallographischen Symmetrieklassen und ihre einfachen Formen, 2nd edition, 1914. [Several of the older books given in the original are omitted and some English works have been included in the list—TRANSLATOR’S NOTE. ] INDEX Numbers refer to pages A Benzene, 58, 59, 91, 105, 163. Benzophenone, 66. Absolute zero, 68, 77. Beryl, 14. Absorption, optical, 165. Biotite, 152. Adsorption, 103, 127, 130. Borazite, 70, 168. Adularia, 16. Brittleness, 55. Affinity tensors, 82, 94. Bromine, 47, 176. Albite, 173. Brucite, 173. Albumen, 65, 173, 178. Alcohol in crystals, 153. Alkalies, 48. C Alkali halides, 176. Alkaline earths, 47. Cesium, 47. Allomerism, 74. — salts, 109. Allotropy, 69. Calcium, 47. Aluminium, 22. Cale-spar, 7, 25, 31, 57, 90, 91, 99, 118, Ammonium oleate, 133. 139, 158, 164, 169, I7I. Amorphous bodies, 39. Canals in crystals, 146. Anatase, 9o. Cane sugar, 76. Andalusite, 132. Carbon, 44, 47, 75. Anhydrite, 135, 149. — bisulphide in crystals, 153. Anisotropy, 54, 56, 121, 134, 139, 140.|— tetrabromide, 75. Anorthite, 173. Carborundum, 72, 117. Aragonite, 164, 169. Catalysts, 161. Argon, 84, 186. Cell axes, 106. Arsenic type, 116. Cells, 106. Atom, 40, I41, 181. Cellulose, 65. — classification, 180. Centre symmetry, 29. — domains, 47, 67, 82, 107, 126, 184. | Chabasite, 153. — lattice, 90, 93. Chemical compounds, Ioo. — number, 21, 183. —-- formule, 39, 68, 78. — rings, 90. — reactions of crystals, 60, 139, 158, — sub-types, 185. 170. — theory, 5. — — — molecules, 140, 158. — types, 182. Chlorine, 47, 186. Augite or Pyroxene, 28, 132. Chlorite process, 154. Axial sections, 8, 26, 50, 173. Chrysoberyl, 38. Chrysolite, 114. B Classification of atoms, I8o. Cleavage, 7, 27, 55, 91, I6I. Barium, 47. Close-packing of spheres, 46, 67. — chloride dihydrate, 150, 162. Coarsening of the grain, 131. _ — nitrate, 97. Cobaltite, 112. Bauerite process, 154. Collective crystallization, 131. Benitoite, 31. Colloidal, 45, 130. Ig! 192 CRYSTALS AND MATTER Colloidal metals, 46. Compounds, chemical, 98. Contact, metamorphosis, 131. Co-ordination, 80. Copper, 22, 118. — vitriol, 162. Cordierite, 56. Crystal classes, 31. — nuclei, 211, 128. — physiology, 180. =~ Structure; §; I SVStCiis, 631. — undermining, 143. Crystalline molecules, 63. Crystallisation, 65, 121, 128. Crystals, liquid, 63. Cuprite, 171. Cyanite, 56, 130. D Debye-Scherrer diagram, 19, 45, 46. Decrescence, 7. Deformation in physical and chemical field, 170, 174, 176. — morphotropic, 105, 117. Desmine, 151. Diamond, 22, 42, 43, 55, 66, 74, 96, 118, 1S6. Dielectric constant, 119. Diffraction, 11. — equation, I2. Digyric axis, 35. = SYMIMEClEY,. 27. Dolomite, 31. Doma, 29. E Electron shells, 41, 84. Electrons, 40, 41, 141, 181. Elementary cell, 22, 34, 47, 78, 139. Elements, 185. Emanium, 86, Enantiomorphy, 75. Energy quanta, 77. Etch figures, 134, 139. F Fayalite, 114. Felspars, 99, 173. Fibre diagrams, 17. Fine-structural types, 34. Fine-structure study, 5. Flake diagrams, 17. Fluorine, 47. Fluor-spar, 22, 79, 118. Fore-forms of crystallization, 41, 164. Forsterite, 114. Friction, internal, 62. Fundamental law of crystallography, 8. G Garnet, 55, 132. Gas, 59, 61. Gel, 46. Gems, 155. Glancing angle, 12. Gliadin, 65. Globulites, 66. Glutaminic acid, 65. Gold, 22, 45. Graphite, 20, 42, 74, 87, 92, 155, —~) type, 210. Graphitic acid, 154. Growth, 121, 128, 131, 137; — pyramids, 121. Gypsum, 32, 57, 134, 149, 159. Gyric symmetry, 30. Gyroidal symmetry, 30. H Heemoglobin, 65. Halogens, 47. Hardness, 55, 62, 154. Heat as a catalyst, 161. — action, 103, 170. — conduction, 56. Helium, 84, 140. Heterobars, 185. Heulandite, 145, 151. Hexagonal system, 31, 53. Homoomeric, 71. Hydrogen, 86, 89, 111, 187. Ice, 70, 79, 120. Imbibition of albumen, 175. Indicators, crystallographic, 163. Iodine, 47. Ion, 40, 185. — lattice, 93. Tron, 73, 132: — carbide, 78. — glance, 122. — pyrites, 19, 112, 118. Isobars, 185. Isodynamostasy, 58, 115. Isometric system, 31. Isomorphism, 105. Isomorphotropy, 105. 132, INDEX Isomorphous mixture, 97, 129. — stratification, 129. Isostasy, 54, 58, 115. Isotopes, 97, 186. Isotypy, I15. Kolnenite, 152. Krypton, 84. L Labradorite, 173. Lag points, 77, 100, 150, 156. Lattice types, 93, 116. Laue, 13. ri diagrams, II, 14, 15, 52, 71, 144, 146, — effect, II. Lead nitrate, 97. Leptyles, 90. Leptoblasts, 96. Leptology, 5. Leptonic axes, 106. — volumes, 107. Leptons, 5. — shape of, 41. Leptoscope, 24. Leucite, 168. Light figures, 134. Liquid crystals, 63. Liquids, 59, 62. Lithium, 47, 184. Longulites, 66. Loschmidt number, 106. M Macrostereochemistry, 25. Magnesium, 47, 116. Magnetic pyrites, 71. Margarites, 66. Marmorization, 131. Mass action, 100, I61. Melting process, 178. Metabiotite, 152. Metabrucite, 149. Metachabasite, 153. Metaheulandite, 146. Metals, 22, 46. Metamorphoses, series of, 61. Metascolecite, 147. Methane, 43, 160. Mica, 56, 152. Microcline, 38. Mimesy, 38. Minimum symmetry, 41. Mirror symmetry, 29, 33, 40, 140. Mixed crystals, 97. 13 198 Mixed crystals, significance of, 98. Mixture, physical, 99. Modifications, 70, 76, 164. Molar axes, 107. — volume, 107. — weight, 107. Molecular lattices, 10, 91, 93. — linkage, 94, 103, 130. — magnitudes, 48. Molecule, 40, 141, 181. Molecules, additive, 7. — asymmetrical, 27. — crystalline, 65. — in crystals, 87. Monoclinic system, 31. Monotopy, 183. Morphology, 28. Morphotropic constructions, 107. Morphotropy, 105. Multiple proportions, 79. N Nitrogen, 47, 142. Nuclear charge, 183. — sphere, I4I. O Occlusion, 130. Olivine, 95, 113. Opal, 44. Organic compounds, 24, 90. Outer shell, 142. Outgrowths, 102. Oxygen, 47. Parisite, 144. Pedion, 29. Penecrystals, 63. Phenylacridonium sulphate, 164. Physical processes, 60, 165, 170, 176. Pinacoid, 29. Plagioclases, 99, 173. Plasticity, 55. Point system, Io. Polanyi diagram, 18. Polymorphism, 69. Polytypy, 72. Porosity, 126. Potassium, 47. — bromide, 100, 110, 176. — chloride, 100, 102, I10, 176. — cyanide, 97, IIo. — iodide, 102, I10, 176. Pre-chemical processes, 160. Primitive bodies, 7. 194 Primitive forms, 29. Prisma, 29. Projection diagrams, 32. Pseudoisotropy, 59. Pyroelectricity, 130, 147, 148. Pyroxene or augite, 28, 132. Q Quartation, 157. Quartz, 27, 31, 36, 44, 57, 70, 72, 73, 130, 166, 167. — type, 116. R Radical lattices, 94. Radicals, go. Radium, 108. — oxide, 108. Rare gases, 86. Rationality of axial sections, 8, 26, 50. Reactions discontinuous, 160. Reconstruction, 153. Reflexion in ultra-red, 44, 92. — of X-rays, I2, 152. — with-translation, plane of, 33. Regional metamorphosis, 131. Regular polyhedra, 51. Resistance to chemical attack, 154. Rhombic system, 31, 53. Rhythm in crystal structure, 28, 33, 50. Rifts in structure, 126. Ring structure, go. Rock-salt, 22, 26, 47, 55, 82, 83, 97, 103, 127, 119, 125, 127,120. Rotation axes, 28, 33, 50. — methods, 16. — with reflexion, 28, 30. Rubidium, 47. — chloride, 108. Rutile, 90, 103. S Salting-out process, 103. Sanidine, 147. Scolecite, 147. Screening action, 126, 155. Screw axes, 33. Secondary rays, II. Silica gel, 46, 153. Silver, 22, 46. — iodide, 172. Sodium, 46, 66. — bromide, 97. — chloride dihydrate, 162. — hydrogen fluoride, 109. —- periodate, 31. Solution, 133, 137, 177. ! ‘ CRYSTALS AND MATTER Solution forms, 135, 137. — process, 136. Space lattice, 10, 94. Sphenoid, 20. Spherical crystals, 66. Stability, 58, 60, 70, 84, 115, 129, 136, I 57- States of matter, 61. Starch, 64. Star figure, X-ray, 144, 149. Staurolite, 130. Step-rule, 72. Stereochemical axes, 106. Stereochemistry, 5. Stereograms, 22. Stereophysics, 5. Succinic iodimide, 36. Sulphur, 47. Strontium, 47. Structural chemistry, 81. — groups, 90. — rhythms, 28, 31, 50, 53. — rigidity, 141. Surfaces of crystals, 79, 125. Symmetry actions, 158. axes, 29. planes, 29. point, 29. of crystals, 28. — leptons, 40. T Tension processes, 160, 167. Tetragonal system, 31, 53. Tetragyral symmetry, 31. Tetrahedral type, 118. Thermal action, 170. Topaz, 163. Topic axes, 105, 107. Topochemical reactions, 143. Topotropy, 106. Tourmaline, 31, 56, 163. Transformation series, 69. Trichites, 66. Triclinic system, 27, 53. Trigonal system, 31, 53. Trigyric symmetry, 31. Twin formation, 35, 80, 92. — gliding, 92. U Uranium, 43, 85. V Valency, 80. — changes, 87. — distribution, 82. — tensors, 82, 94. INDEX WwW Z Water in crystals, 144, 149, 162. Zeolites, 144, 155. Wave length curves, 56. Zero absolute, 68, 77. — valency, 84. x Zinc blende, 22, 88, 118. — oxide (zincite), 120. Xenon, 85. Zone, 12, 173. 195 ‘ . ate. A | PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, AB - i" (ee i ©. £ * Hie \ B i eis: