sv —_ N = G VA ) MOBS FOREWORD Before me is the foreword written by John H. Finley for the 1919 edition of the Elementary School Book List. What a wealth of beauty and understanding found expression in these two paragraphs: Moreover, into what a wonderland the schoolhouse and grounds may be expanded, no matter how small or physically unattractive, through the magic of books; they have the power to bring all the world about the schoolhouse windows, and to summon the great of all ages to sit within the schoolhouse walls. [ do not speak out of the imagination of maturity, in saying this, but out of the memory of a boyhood in which books, though they were few in number, brought the history and romance of the world into that little flat bit of prairie around the schoolhouse. So long as books are read by the Americar. school children, these thoughts from the pen of our beloved Finley deserve a place in the hearts of teachers and librarians. For me, a certain one-room school would have been a dull place indeed, during my later stay in it, had it not been for twenty or thirty well-chosen books. How I revelled in Plutarch’s Lives and The Life of Washington! How vividly I recall The Lady of The Lake and The Lay of The Last Minstrel. Then, there was a book that led me out under the stars at night; the books that drew me into the fields and along our prairie streams, seeing where I had not seen; the books that carried me back into the stories of old England; and those other books, which, looking back through the years, I see only as dim memories, but which contributed their quota to an eager little mind seeking a way out from the narrow world that bound him. Nor am I altogether certain that narrowness of horizon is limited to.children in the rural schools of the prairie states. Everywhere children are seeking the romance, the history, the knowledge of life, that carries them beyond the present, out of their own limited realities. To satisfy this inarticulate longing of childhood, the con- tributions of hundreds of people have been sifted and weighed by the School Libraries section. Back of their search and selection lies the work of thousands of’ teachers who have experimented with these readings and have found them good in their teaching of children. We send this revision of the Elementary School Book List to the elementary school teachers of the State of New York with the hope that it may help them lead children out into the broader realms of the world’s loveliness: J. Cayce Morrison Assistant Commissioner for Elementary Education CLASS -NO. 028 372 170 220 398 320 374 500 612 600 608 640 700 790 910 ~ 930 940 940.3 973 974.4 970 520 571 580 590 590 591 811 812 808.8 921 920 CONTENTS The use of the library in thesschoolsuc. sky -world. c..)c.0's 7. «s/o 3 aceite oe ee 24 Primitivé matt <4... oes ¢ a... een ee ee ee 24 Flowers'and trees 22.23). is.c. See eee 24 THis@ets (is -cce aeis dees eave. + vue eet NOC eae 25 Bitds!.. (sae PP rk th i NS ok, ray Animal istofies 2... 05 4 0 eee ee 25 Physiology a6 2.286 och. so ee ne ee 27 The world’s“wotks-. 33... 92. 9an See ee he ee eee Pep Inventions 2%. 20Gis se kis deld)sess bate olde one e eeie neee 27 Home: économics: 2%... 2.0. 6 ce ee 27, Music and artic. 8 foes mee nae ee 28 Amusements’ vs. 20000025. 2 Re ee 28 Literattire? i. Ge wie cleie ne eile SiMe Be praise ena ate eee 28 Poetrys 4... gisicse hatha’ o Ae wget te ie arene ee nea tee 28 Plays. 24028045545 sich ce foe deteeeene en ee 29 Special days*s... SO.) ro eee ee 29 Here and 'therevin the world Se.nn aa erdaee erent ere 30 Biography > chit seve et etepa s een Oe aee e ot TIndividtial | oo dik ee Se as genera ei ie ce ents mail Collective. os 4 wees. Benne olla ee eee mY Ancient: history. 295 a. . ssn sine ses oe ae ele eee: 33 European * history: @6.2o3 0% < 5 trices Wd ee 34 W orld. war: i/o suas 5 a cis nm atte eaters eee cae en 34 United States ‘history <1. ..e we wee ete eee 34 New “York \historyies.o.(h: Paes lee en bee oe 36 Indians cae scarclt gies Siege a ae ee eee oe 36 Stories clic wis CoS eee ee ee ee 36 University of the State of New York Bulletin Entered as second-class matter August 2, 1913, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 19, 1918 Published Fortnightly No. ‘855 AIS PONY SaNoe Ys July 1, 1926 LIST OF BOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIBRARIES Eamon Ole 7) Lite Bio R Va Neer bee SCE OG Book Selection and Ordering This list is a revision of the one published for elementary school libraries in 1919. It has been prepared in cooperation with the various supervisors of the Department and aims to provide material to supplement all subjects in the syllabuses. In addition, many books of general reading are included. A number of the newer books are given, but no school library can afford to buy the new publications until it has a basic collection of standard books for children. The library should not only furnish supplementary reference material. It must create a taste for reading and improve standards of taste. Even small collections should contain books about a variety of subjects. Books should be ordered from one of the large book dealers unless the local dealer can give as good a discount. Every room should have a few new books each year. Otherwise the whole library deteriorates and becomes unattractive. Application for state aid should be made before purchase, if duplication is to be assured. Use of the Library When there is no school librarian the entire responsibility for educating the children in the use and appreciation of books in the library rests with the teacher. It is necessary that she know the books as she does the children. Reading aloud, story telling, book talks, reading for the state testimonial are all methods to be employed in bringing books and children together. [3] Reading for the State Testimonial Any child completing fifty books on the approved list before being eraduated from the eighth grade is entitled to a state testimonial of reading. It is recommended that at least one book from. each group be included in the fifty, with the exception of amusements, special days and home economics, the last being acceptable for girls but not for boys. Yearly records should be kept. It is desirable to keep this reading course in mind when ordering books, and to begin in the early grades to interest children in the idea. Instruction in the Use of the Library The use of the library should be taught from the first grade. The care of books, clean hands, wrapping books on rainy days, the parts of a book with the use of the index and table of contents, and the use of the dictionary and encyclopedia can be given in even the smaller schools. Mending and Binding Books which are to receive hard usage should be ordered in resewed bindings. Expensive books should be sent for rebinding before they are too badly worn. Mending must be done early, if it is to be effective, but no book should be held together by mending tape, and circulated long after its condition calls for discarding. Each year all books which are worn out or have outlived their useful- ness should be withdrawn. Records The accession book is a numbered list of all books as they are added to the library. The number assigned is placed in the book and when the book is lost or discarded the number can easily be checked off. This means that at all times an accurate list of books actually in the library is available. The simplest way to issue books is by means of deposit station cards which may be purchased from library supply houses very reasonably. Space is provided for author and title of a book and for the borrowers’ names. These cards are filed alphabetically by author, and may be fastened together with cord or rings to prevent loss. New cards may be inserted at any time and those for discarded books withdrawn. Traveling Libraries Traveling libraries may be obtained from the Library Extension Division in Albany. These should be used to supplement inadequate [6] collections, planning at the same time to make regular purchases which will obviate the need. Use of this List in Supplementing the List in the Syllabus The elementary syllabus in English language and literature states, “Each teacher should feel free to choose other selections not sug- gested in the following list, especially if that choice is made from lists issued by the New York State Library or by the School Libraries Section.” CLASSIFICATION Class numbers are assigned to the various groups of books in the table of contents, but it is not necessary to classify books until there are more than 100 in the collection. If there is a larger number, it is an advantage to arrange by class number in order that all the books on any subject may be found together. [7] A LIST OF BOOKS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR FIRST PURCHASE FOR TRAINING CLASSES, ELEMEN- TARY SCHOOLS AND URURAIM SCH OCS An effort has been made to include some of those titles which _ should be familiar to every grown-up. If he has not read these at the proper time he has missed a joy to which he was entitled. These are books which belong primarily to the elementary grades and every teacher must have read them if she is to recommend them con- vincingly to others. | In some instances two editions are given. If strict economy is necessary, the cheaper may be chosen, but any collection should con- tain a few choice editions and it is desirable to have examples of the work of various illustrators. Reinforced bindings are slightly more expensive but wear much longer. The grades are given, but children should not be confined to this grading because of their varying ability. GRADE 1-3 Aesop. Fables; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. Macmillan $1.75 5-8 Alcott, L. M. Little women; illus. by A. B. Stephen. Little $2.50 4-6 Andersen, H.C. Fairy tales. Harper $1.75; Ginn 2v. 60c ea. 4-6 Arabian nights entertainments. Arabian nights, ed. by Padraic Colum. Macmillan $1.75; Winston 80c 2-4 Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. Amer. Book Co. 56c 3-5 Beston, H. B. Firelight fairy book. Atlantic Monthly Press $2.50; 80c 4-6 Bible. Bible for young people. Century $3:50 2-4 Little children’s Bible. Macmillan 90c 4-6 Burgess, T. W. Burgess bird book for children. Little $3 4-6 Carroll, Lewis. pseud. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland; illus. by John Tenniel. Macmillan $1.75 6-8 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain pseud.). Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Harper 90c 6-8 Colum, Padraic. Adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy. Macmillan $2 7-8 Cooper, J. F. Last of the Mohicans. (Mohawk ed.) Putnam $2 ‘5-8 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; illus. by E. B. Smith. Houghton $2; Harper $1.75 5-7. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). Hans Brinker. Scribner $1; Scribner $2.50 2-4 Eggleston, Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. Amer. Book Co. 60c 3-5 Grimm, J. L. K. & Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Lippincott $2; Houghton 56c [3] 7-8 Hagedorn, Hermann. Boys’ life of Theodore Roosevelt. Harper $1.75 5-8 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder book for boys and girls. Houghton $1.25 3-5 Jacobs, Joseph, ed. English fairy tales. Putnam $1.75 5-6 Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Doubleday $1 4-5 Lagerlof, S. O. L. Wonderful adventures of Nils. Doubleday $2 7-8 Lodge, H. C. & Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. Century $1.90 3-4 Lofting, Hugh. Story of Doctor Dolittle. Stokes $2; pop. ed. $1.50 3-5 Lorenzini, Carlo. Adventures of Pinocchio. Ginn 64c; illus. by Maria L. Kirk. Lippincott $1.50 6-8 Meadowcroft, W. H. Boy’s life of Edison. Harper $1.75 4-5 Moon, Grace. Chi-weé. Doubleday $2 1-2 Mother Goose. Old Mother Goose rhymes. Nelson $2 Only true Mother Goose melodies. Lothrop 76c 7-8 Nicolay, Helen. Boys’ life of Abraham Lincoln. Century $1.75 3-4 Perkins, L. F. Dutch twins. Houghton 88c 6-8 Plutarch.- Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch; ed. by J. S. White. Putnam $2.50; Ginn 80c 1-2 Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Peter Rabbit. Warne 75c 6-8 Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper $2 Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner $3.50 Story of King Arthur and his knights. Scribner $3.50 5-8 Seton E. T. Wild animals I have known. Scribner $2.50 1-3 Smith, E. B. Country book. Stokes $2.50 4-6 Spyri, Mrs Johanna. Heidi; illus. by Gustaf Tenggren. Houghton $2; Winston 80c 1-8 Stevenson, B. E. comp. Home book of verse for young folks. Holt $3 2-5 Stevenson, R. L. Child’s garden of verses. Scribner 64c Treasure Island. ‘Scribner 60c; Harper $1.75 EVEN ey -P iV BOOKSSSUGGESTED HORS EACH GRADE Grade 1 Adelborg, Ottilia. Clean Peter and the children of Grubbylea. Long- mans $1.50 Bannerman, Mrs Helen. Story of little black Sambo. Stokes 75c Blaisdell, M. F. Tommy Tinker’s book. Little $1 Brooke, L. L. Golden Goose book. Warne $3 Johnny Crow’s garden. Warne $1.75 Burgess, T. W. Goops and how to be them. Stokes $2 Caldecott, Randolph. Hey diddle diddle picture book. Warne $2.25 Cox, Palmer. Brownie primer. Century 75c Crane, Walter. This little pig. (Picture book) Dodd $1.50 Falls, C. B. A. B.C. book. Doubleday $2 Grover, E. O. Sunbonnet babies’ primer. Rand 70c Haaren, J. H. comp. Rhymes and fables. Newson 44c Lansing, M. F. ed. Rhymes and stories. Ginn 64c Lucas, E. V. Four and twenty toilers. McDevitt-Wilson $2.25 [9] Mother Goose. Mother Goose; illus. in color by Kate Greenaway. Warne $1 O’Shea, M. V. ed. Six nursery classics. Heath 56c Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Dutch twins primer. Houghton 64c Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Peter Rabbit. Warne 75c Tale of Tom Kitten. Warne 75c Poulsson, Emilie. Through the farmyard gate. Lothrop $1.50 Pyle, Katharine. Black-eyed puppy. Dutton $2 Rae, John. Grasshopper Green and the Meadow Mice. Volland 65c Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories. Small $1.50 Williams, Margery. Velveteen rabbit. Doran $2 Grade 2 Barrie, Sir J. M. Peter Pan picture book. Macmillan $1 Bigham, M. A. Stories of Mother Goose village. Rand 75é Carpenter, F. G. Around the world with the children. Amér. Book Co. Fw ; Cox, Palmer. Brownies; their book. Century 75c Crane, Walter. Beauty and the beast (picture book). Dodd $1.50 Deming, Mrs T. O. Indian child life. Stokes $2.75 Field, W. T. Field primer. Ginn 60c Fox, F. C. Indian primer. Amer. Book Co. 52c Greenaway, Kate. Marigold garden; pictures and rhymes. Warne $2.50 Grimm, J. L. K. & Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales. 2v. Ginn 68c ea. Grover, E. O. Overall boys. Rand 75c Hopkins, W. J. Doers. Houghton 96c Howard, F. W. ed. Banbury Cross stories. Merrill 60c Lang, Andrew. Cinderella and other stories. Longmans 56c Little Red Riding-hood. Longmans 60c Lefévre, Félicité. Cock, the mouse and the little red hen. Jacobs $1 MacDonald, Mrs E. A. B. & Blaisdell, M. F. Boy Blue and his friends. Little $1 Milne, A. A. When we were very young. Dutton $2 Mott, S. M. & Dutton, M. B. Fishing and hunting. Amer. Book Co. 52c Smith, E. B. Farm book. Houghton $3 Seashore book. Houghton $3 Welsh, Charles. comp. Book of nursery rhymes. Heath 70c Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith) & Smith, N. A. eds. Pinafore palace. Double- day $1.75 Wiltse, S. E. ed. Folklore stories and proverbs. Ginn 60c Grade 3 Blaisdell, M. F. Polly and Dolly. Little $1 Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the red children. Educational Pub. Co. 60c Carrick, Valéry. Picture tales from the Russian. Stokes $1.25 Chance, L. M. Little folks of many lands. Ginn 64c Clerk, Margery. pseud. Poppy-seed cakes. Doubleday $2 Craik, G. M. Bow-wow and Mew-mew. Merrill 64c Dopp, K. E. Early cave men. Rand 90c Francis, J. G. Book of cheerful cats and other animated pictures. Cen- tury $1.50 Holbrook, Florence. Book of nature myths. Houghton $1.25 [10] Holbrook, Florence. Hiawatha primer. Houghton 84c Hopkins, W. J. Sandman: his farm stories. Page $1.75 Hunt, C. W. Little house in the woods. Houghton $1.75 Lang, Andrew. History of Whittington. Longmans 68c Lear, Edward. Book of nonsense. Crowell 75c Lucia, Rose. Peter and Polly in autumn. Amer. Book Co. 60c Peter and Polly in spring. Amer. Book Co. 60c Peter and Polly in summer. Amer. Book Co. 60c Peter and Polly in winter. Amer. Book Co. 60c Maxwell, Violet & Hill, Helen. Charlie and his kitten Topsy. Mac- millan $1 Meyer, Zoe. Orchard and meadow. Little $1 Orton, H. F. Prince and Rover of Cloverfield farm. Stokes $1 Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Dutch twins. Houghton 88c Skinner, E. L. & Skinner, A. M. Nursery tales from many lands. Scrib- ner 90c Smith, E. B. Railroad book. Houghton $3 Turpin, E. H. L. ed. Classic fables. Merrill 60c Grade 4 Addington, Sarah. Boy who lived in Pudding Lane. Atlantic Monthly Press $1.75 Aesop. Fables; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. Macmillan $1.75 Babbitt, E. C. Jataka tales. Century $1.25 Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. Amer. Book Co. 56c Beston, H. B. Firelight fairy book. Atlantic Monthly Press 80c Bible. The little children’s Bible. Macmillan 90c Brown, A. F. Lonesomest doll. Houghton $1.25 Deming, T. O. Little Indian folk. Stokes $1.35 Edgar, M. G. comp. Treasury of verse for little children. Macmillan $2.50 Eggleston, Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. Amer. Book Co. 60c Fairstar, Mrs. pseud. Memoirs of a London doll. Macmillan $1 Gordy, W. F. Stories of early American history. Scribner 88c Hall, M. E. Jan and Betje. Merrill 64c Herben, B.S. Jack o’ Health and Peg o’ Joy.. Scribner 60c Hunt, C. W. About Harriet. Houghton $2 Jackson, Mrs H. H. Cat stories. Little $2 Lang, Andrew. Blue fairy book. Longmans $1.75 Morley, M. W. Donkey John of the toy valley. McClurg $1.50 Patch, E. M. Hexapod stories. Atlantic Monthly Press 75c Perkins, L. F. Cave twins. Houghton 88c Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Irish twins. Houghton 88c Thompson, B. J. comp. Silver pennies. Macmillan 80c, White, S. E. Magic forest. Macmillan $1 Wilkins, Eva. Weaver’s children. Amer. Book Co. 52c Zwilgmeyer, Dikken. Johnny Blossom. Pilgrim Press $1.50 Grade 5 Andersen, H.C. Fairy tales, ed. by J. H. Stickney. 2v. Ginn, 60c ea. Stories and tales. Houghton $2 [11] Arabian nights entertainments. Arabian nights entertainments; ed. by Padraic Colum. Macmillan $1.75 Arabian nights entertainments; ed. by F. J. Olcott. Holt $2 Bachman, F. P. Great inventors and their inventions. Amer. Book Co. 80c Baldwin, James. Old Greek stories. Amer. Book Co. 60c Baylor, F. C. Juan and Juanita. Houghton $2.50 Benton, C. F. pseud. Little cook book for a little girl. Page $1.10 Burgess, T. W. Burgess flower book for children. Little $3 Carroll, Lewis. pseud. Alice’s adventures in wonderland; illus. by John Tenniel. Macmillan $1.75 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; illus. by Rhead. Harper $1.75. Illus. by E. B. Smith. Houghton $2 Jacobs, Joseph. ed. English fairy tales. Putnam $1.75 Kipling, Rudyard. Just so stories. Doubleday $1.90 Lagerlof, S. O. L. Wonderful adventures of Nils. Doubleday $1 Lansing, M. F. Page, esquire and knight. Ginn 64c Lofting, Hugh. Story of Dr Dolittle. Stokes $2 Mirick, G. A. Home life arcund the world. Houghton 80c Price, L. L. Lads and lassies of other days. Silver 80c Schultz, J. W. Sinopah the Indian boy. Houghton $1 | Sidney, Margaret. pseud. Five little Peppers and how they grew. Loth- rop $1.75 Slusser, E. Y. & others. Stories of Luther Burbank and his plant school. Scribner 88c Smith, Mrs M. P. (Wells). Jolly good times; or, Child-life on a farm. Little $1.75 Spyri, Mrs Johanna. Heidi. Houghton $2; Ginn 68c Tappan, E. M. American hero stories. Houghton 92c Thorne-Thomsen, Mrs Gudrun. comp. East o’ the sun and west o’ the moon. Row 64c Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith) & Smith, N. A. eds. Posy ring. Doubleday $1.50 Grade 6 Bertelli, Luigi. Prince and his ants. Holt $1.35 Bible. Bible for young people. Century $3.50 Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Scribner $1.50 Dix, B. M. Merrylips. Macmillan 75c Faris, J. T. Makers of our history. Ginn $1 Fryer, Mrs Jane (Eayre). Our home and personal duty. Winston 66c Greenwood, Grace. pseud. Merrie England. Ginn 64c Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers. Houghton $2 Hall, Jennie. Men of old Greece. Little $1.75 Harris, J.C. Uncle Remus and his friends. Houghton $2.25 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder book for boys and girls. Houghton $1.25 Jackson, H. H. Nelly’s silver mine. Little $2 Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Doubleday $1.90 Kummer, F. A. First days of man. Doran $2 Macdonald, George. At the back of the North Wind. Macmillan $1.75 Mitton, G. E. Book of stars for young people. Macmillan $2.50 Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner $3.50 Rankin, Mrs Carroll (Watson). Dandelion cottage. Holt $1.50 [12] Roosevelt, Theodore. Stories of the Great West. Century $1.75 Seton, E. T. Lives of the hunted. Scribner $2.50 Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair. Heath 96c Starr, Frederick, American Indians. Heath 96c Stefansson, Vilhjalmur & Irwin, Violet. Kak, the copper Eskimo. Mac- millan $2 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s travels; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Dutton $1; illus. by Milo Winter. Rand $1.75 Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith) & Smith, N. A. eds. Golden numbers. Doubleday $2 Grade 7 Alcott, L. M. Little women. Little $1.50 Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried. Scribner $2 Baynes, E. H. Jimmie, the story of a black bear cub. Macmillan $1.60 Church, A. J. Odyssey for boys and girls. Macmillan $1.75 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain pseud.). Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Harper 90c Darrow, F. L. Boys’ own book of great inventions. Macmillan 75c Davis, M. G. comp. Girl’s book of verse. Stokes $2 Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). Hans Brinker, or, The silver skates. Scrib- ner $1 Eastman, C. A. Indian boyhood. Little $2.50 Fish, H. D. comp. Boy's book of verse. Stokes $2 Fisher, E. F. Resources and industries of the United States. Ginn 96c Foote, A. E. & Skinner, A. W. Explorers and founders of America. Amer. Book Co. 92c Gollomb, Joseph. That year at Lincoln High. Macmillan $1.50 Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. Houghton 48c Yourself and your body. Scribner $2.50 Hagedorn, Hermann. Boys’ life of Theodore Roosevelt. Harper $1.75 Kipling, Rudyard. Land and sea tales for boys and girls. Doubleday $1.75 Moseley, E. L. Trees, stars and birds. World Book Co. $1.80 Parkman, M. R. Heroes of to-day. Century $1.75 Heroines of service. Century $1.75 Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Scribner $3.50 Seton, E. T. Biography of a grizzly. Century $2 Shepherd, W. G. Boys’ own book of politics. Macmillan $1.60 Singmaster, Elsie. Emmeline. Houghton $1.50 Stevenson, R. L. Treasure Island; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper $1.75; illus. by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner $2.50; Scribner 60c Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Robinson. Harper $1.75 Grade 8 Adams, Katharine. Red caps and lilies. Macmillan $2 Churchill, Winston. Crisis. Grosset 75c Cooper, J. F. Last of the Mohicans. Holt $1.90 Crommelin, E. G. ed. Famous legends. Century 85c Dupuy, W. A. Our bird friends and foes. Winston 80c Finger, C. J. Tales from silver lands; illus. by Paul Honore. Double- day $3.50 Fite, E. D. United States — 1923. Holt $1.68 [13] Gilbert, Ariadne. More than conquerors.. Century $1.75 Hawes, C. B. The dark frigate. Atlantic Monthly Press $2 Heyliger, William. High Benton. Appleton $1.75 Hillyer, V. M. Child’s history of the world. Century $3.50 Keller, H. A. Story of my life. Grosset 75c Lodge, H. C. & Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. Century $1.90 Martin, M. E. Friendly stars. Harper $2 Matthews, Brander. ed. Poems of American patriotism. Scribner $1.75 Meadowcroft, W. H. Boy’s life of Edison. Harper $1.75 Meeker, Ezra. Ox-team days on the Oregon. World Book Co. $1.20 Morgan, James. Our presidents. Macmillan $2 Parkman, Francis. Boys’ Parkman. Little $1.50 Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper $2 Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe; illus. by E. B. Smith. Houghton $2; illus. by Milo Winter. Rand $1.75 Seton, E. tT. Wild animals I have known. Scribner $2.50 Stevenson, R. L. Kidnapped. Rand $1.25; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper $1.75; illus. by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner $2.50 Washington, B. T. Up from slavery. Doubleday $2 GOOD BOOKS FOR READING ALOUD SOME NEW, SOME OLD FAVORITES Grade 1 Bianco, Mrs Margery (Williams). Little wooden doll Eggleston, Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans Hopkins, W. J. The sandman: his farm stories Kipling, Rudyard. Just so stories Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Dutch twins Robinson, M. L. Little Lucia Grade 2 Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold Hopkins, W. J. Indian book Hunt, C. W. About Harriet ” Jacobs, Joseph. ed. English fairy tales Maxwell, Violet & Hill, Helen. Charlie and his kitten Topsy Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Eskimo twins Grade 3 Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur bearers Lofting, Hugh. Story of Doctor Dolittle Lorenzini, Carlo. Pinocchio Moon, Grace. Chi-Weé: the adventures of a little Indian girl Thorne-Thomsen, Mrs Gudrun. comp. East o’ the sun and west o’ the moon Zwilgmeyer, Dikken. Johnny Blossom Grade 4 Brown, A. F. In the days of giants Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book [14] Lindsay, M. M. Silverfoot Patch, E. M. Bird stories Spyri, Johanna. Heidi Stefansson, Vilhjalmur & Irwin, Violet. Kak, the copper Eskimo Grade 5 Colum, Padraic. Children’s Homer Mukerji, D. G. Hari, the jungle lad Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood Snedeker, Mrs C. D. (Parke). The Spartan Tappan, E. M. Old ballads in prose Zwilgmeyer, Dikken. What happened to Inger Johanne Grade 6 Bennett, John. Master Skylark French, H. W. Lance of Kanana Meigs, Cornelia. Master Simon’s garden Putnam, D. B. David goes voyaging Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights Singmaster, Elsie. A boy at Gettysburg Grade 7 Adams, Katharine. Red caps and lilies Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain pseud.). Prince and the pauper Lodge, H. C. & Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle Pyle, Howard. Men of iron Sharp, D. L. A watcher in the woods Grade 8 Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot Craik, Mrs D. M. (Mulock). John Halifax, gentleman Muir, John. Story of my boyhood and youth Nordhoff, C. B. Pearl lagoon _ Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow lS ORM BOOKS BOR wile MENTARY SCHOOL [LA Ney Sead Rati The arrangement is by subject. The grades given are approximate and the prices are subject to change. There has been no attempt to make literary annotations but descriptive phrases from various sources have been included when the titles were not self-explanatory. GENERAL REFERENCE BOOKS Reference books in a grade library are desirable, but they should be added only after there is an adequate collection of books for general reading. Encyclopedias Champlin, J.D. The new Champlin cyclopedia for young folks; persons. Holt $5; places and events. Holt $5 [15] Dictionaries Funk, I. K. New standard dictionary. Funk $16 Practical standard dictionary. Funk $5 or Webster, Noah. New International dictionary. Merriam $16 Webster’s Collegiate dictionary. Merriam $6 (Smaller dictionaries may be used for class work. Large dictionaries should be purchased only when use justifies it.) Miscellaneous Goode, J. P. Goode’s school atlas. Rand $4 World (N. Y.) World almanac (annual). New York World 75c PICTURE BOOKS AND EASY READING 1-2 Adelborg, Ottilia. Clean Peter and the children of Grubbylea. Long- mans $1.50 Rhymes and pictures. 2-4 Aspinwall, Mrs Alicia. Short stories for short people. Dutton $2 Humorous stories of the absurd. 2-3 Baker, Margaret. Black cats and the tinker’s wife. Duffield $2 1-2 Bannerman, Mrs Helen. Story of little black Sambo. Stokes 75c 1-3 Barrie, Sir J. M. Peter Pan picture book. Macmillan $1 1-3 Bergengren, R. W. David the dreamer. Atlantic Monthly Press $2.50 Fanciful tales of a little boy and his dog. 3 Bianco, Mrs Margery (Williams). Little wooden doll. Macmillan $1 —2 Bigham, M. A. Stories of Mother Goose village. Rand 75c Founded on Mother Goose rhymes. Blaisdell, M. F. Polly and Dolly. Little $1 Tommy Tinker’s book. Little $1 Brooke, L. L. Golden Goose book. Warne $3 Golden goose; Three bears; Three little pigs; Tom Thumb. 1-3 Johnny Crow’s garden. Warne $1.75 2-3 Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the red children. Educational Pub. Co. 60c 3 Burgess, Gelett. Goops and how to be them. Stokes $2 2-4 Burgess, T. W. Old Mother West Wind. Little $1 3 3 Caldecott, Randolph. Hey diddle diddle picture book. Warne $2.25 Carpenter, F. G. Around the world with the children. Amer. Book BOSTES 3-4 Carrick, Valéry. Picture tales from the Russian. Stokes $1.25 Simple illustrated folk tales. / 2-3 Chance, L. M. Little folks of many lands. Ginn 64c 1-3 Clark, Margery. pseud. Poppy seed cakes. Doubleday $2 Charming Old World picture book. 2-4 Cobb, B. B. & Cobb, Ernest. Clematis. Putnam $1.75 A little girl lost and found. 2-4 Cooke, F. J. Nature myths and stories for little children. Flanagan 68c 2-3 Cox, Palmer. Brownies; their book. Century $1.75 Brownie primer. Century 75c 2-3 Craik, G. M. Bow-wow and Mew-mew. Merrill 64c 1-2 Crane, Walter. Beauty and the beast (picture book). Dodd $1.50 [16] Crane, Walter. This little pig (picture book). Dodd $1.50 Deming, Mrs T. O. Indian child life. Stokes $2.75 Dopp, K. E. Early cave-men. Rand 90c Early sea people. Rand $1 Later cave-men. Rand 90c Tree dwellers. Rand 90c Dutton, M.'B. In field and pasture. Amer. Book Co. 60c Occupations and child life in various countries. Eggleston, Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. Amer. Book Co. 60c Falls, C. B. A. B. C. book. Doubleday $2 Brilliant colors without text. Field, W. T. Field primer. Ginn 60c Fox, F. C. Indian primer. Amer. Book Co. 52c Francis, J. G. Book of cheerful cats and other animated animals. Century $1.50 Fyleman, Rose. Rainbow cat. Doran $2 Gordy, W. F. Stories of early American history. Scribner 88c Greenaway, Kate. Marigold garden; pictures and rhymes. Warne $2.50 . Grimm, J. L. K. & Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales. 2v. Ginn 68c ea. Grover, E. O. Overall boys; a first reader. Rand 75c Sunbonnet babies’ primer. Rand 70c Haaren, J. H. comp. Rhymes and fables. Newson 44c Holbrook, Florence. Book of nature myths. Houghton $1.25 Hiawatha primer. Houghton 84c Hopkins, W. J. Doers. Houghton 96c Five-year-old David helps build a house. Sandman: his farm stories. Page $1.75 Howard, F. W. ed. Banbury Cross stories. Merrill 60c Hunt, C. W. About Harriet. Houghton $2 Life of a little girl in the city. Little house in the woods. Houghton $1.75 A summer on the Maine coast. Johnston, E. L. & Barnum, M. D. Book of plays for little actors. Amer. Book Co. 52c Lang, Andrew. ed. Cinderella, and other stories. Longmans 56c History of Whittington. Longmans 68c Jack the giant killer and other stories. Longmans 68c Little Red Riding Hood. Longmans 68c Prince Darling, and other stories. Longmans 76c Princess on the glass hill, and other stories. Longmans 68c Lansing, M. F. ed. Rhymes and stories. Ginn 64c Lear, Edward. Book of nonsense. Crowell 75c Lefévre, Félicité. Cock, the mouse and the little red hen. Jacobs $1 Lucas, E. V. Four and twenty toilers. McDevitt-Wilson $2.25 Verses and pictures of various occupations. Lucia, Rose. Peter and Polly in autumn. Amer. Book Co. 60c Peter and Polly in spring. Amer. Book Co. 60c Peter and Polly in summer. Amer. Book Co. 60c Peter and Polly in winter. Amer. Book Co. 60c Stories of American discoverers for little Americans. Amer. Book Co. 60c [17] MacDonald, Mrs E. A. B. & Blaisdell, M. F. Boy Blue and his friends. Little $1 Mother Goose children. Little $1 Maxwell, Violet & Hill, Helen. Charlie and his kitten Topsy. Mac- — millan $1 | Seven short stories. Charlie and his puppy Bingo. Macmillan $1.25 A five-year-old’s adventures. ‘Meyer, Zoe. Orchard and meadow. Little $1 Simple stories of nature and country life. Milne, A. A. When we were very young. Dutton $2 Delightful poems for young or cld. Moore, C. C. *Iwas the night before Christmas. Houghton 90c Mother Goose. Mother Goose; illus. in color by Kate Greenaway. Warne $1 ; Old Mother Goose nursery rhyme book. Nelson $2 Only true Mother Goose melodies. Lothrop 76c Mott, S. M. & Dutton, M. B. Fishing and hunting. Amer. Book COomoZ6 An Eskimo boy, an Indian, a Filipino and an Alaskan. Orton, H. F. Prince and Rover of Cloverfield Farm. Stokes $1 O’Shea, M. V. ed. Six nursery classics. Heath 56c Cock Robin; Three bears etc. Old world wonder stories. Heath 60c Peary, Mrs Josephine (Diebitsch). Snow baby. Stokes $2.50 Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Dutch twins primer. Houghton 64c Eskimo twins. Houghton 88c Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Warne 75c Tale of Jemima Puddleduck. Warne 75c Tale of Peter Rabbit. Warne 75c Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Warne 75c « Tale of Tom Kitten. Warne 75c Poulsson, Emilie. In the child’s world. Milton Bradley $2.50 Runaway Donkey, and other rhymes. Lothrop $1.50 Through the farmyard gate. Lothrop $1.50 Pyle, Katharine. Black-eyed puppy. Dutton $2 Rae, John. Grasshopper Green and the meadow mice. Volland 65c Rickert, Edith. Bojabi tree. Doubleday 75c An African folk tale. Robinson, M. L.\ Little Lucia. Dutton $1.50 Little Lucia and her puppy. Dutton $1.50 Scudder, H. E. ed. Book of fables; chiefly from Aesop. Houghton 85c Skinner, E. L. & Skinner, A. M. Nursery tales from many lands. Scribner 90c Smith, E. B. Chicken world. Putnam $2.50 Farm book. Houghton $3 Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. Houghton = Railroad book. Houghton $3 Seashore book. Houghton $3 Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories. Small $1.50 Four-year-old twin sisters. | [18] 2-4 Stevenson, R. L. Child’s garden of verses. Scribner 64c; illus. by J. W. Smith. Scribner $2.50 2-4 Susanna’s auction; from the French. Macmillan $1 The auction of Susanna’s dolls which was almost tragic. 2-3 Turpin, E. H. L. ed. Classic fables. Merrill 60c 1-2 Welsh, Charles. comp. Book of nursery rhymes. Heath 76c 1-2 Wiggin, Mrs K. D. & Smith, N. A. Pinafore palace; a book of rhymes for the nursery. Doubleday $1.75 1-4 Williams, Margery. Velveteen rabbit. Doran $2 2-4 Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Ginn 76c 1-2. Wiltse, S. E. ed. Folklore stories and proverbs. Ginn 60c SCOR Ya? BE LUNG Bailey, C. S. Firelight stories. Milton Bradley $1.50 Bailey, C. S. & Lewis, C. M. For the children’s hour. Milton Bradley $1.75 Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. Houghton $2 Stories to tell the littlest ones. Houghton $1.50 Harper, Wilhelmina. comp. Story hour favorites. Century $1.75 Harrison, Elizabeth. In storyland. Macmillan $1.25 Hunt, C. W. What shall we read to the children. Houghton $1.50 Lindsay, Maud. Mother stories. Milton Bradley $1.50 ea. Tyler, A. C. comp. Twenty-four unusual stories. Harcourt $2 CONDUCT 1-6 Cabot, Mrs Ella (Lyman). Ethics for children. Houghton $2 6-8 Hall, Mrs F. M. (Howe). Manners for boys and girls. Page $1.75 7-8 Manners and conduct in school and out; by the deans of girls in Chicago high schools. Allyn 40c 5-8 Philadelphia. South Philadelphia High School for girls. Every day manners for American boys and girls. Macmillan 80c 5-8 Pritchard, M. T. & Turkington, G. A. Stories of thrift for young Americans. Scribner 72c BIBLES STORIES 5-8 Bible. Children’s Bible; tr. and arranged by H. A. Sherman and C. F. Kent. Scribner $3.50 Bible for young people. Century $3.50 The little children’s Bible. Macmillan 90c 3-5 Hodges, George. Castle of Zion. Houghton $2.50 Continues the ‘‘ Garden of Eden.”’ 4-5 Garden of Eden; stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament. Houghton $2.50 5-6 When the King came; stories from the four gospels. Houghton $2.50 4-8 Olcott, F. J. Bible stories to read and tell. Houghton $2.50 Stories from the Old Testament. 1-3 Stewart, Mary. Tell me a true story. Revell $1.75 3-8 Tappan, E. M. comp. Old, old story book. Houghton $2.50 Old Testament stories. [19] MY THSTAN D -RAT Re AIs s Aesop. Fables; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. Macmillan $1.75 Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales, ed. by J. H. Stickney.” 2v. ~ Ginn 60c ea. . Stories and tales. Houghton $2 ———— Fairy tales and wonder stories; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper $1.75 Arabian nights’ entertainments. Arabian nights; ed. by Padraic Colum. Macmillan $1.75 Arabian nights’ entertainments; ed. by F. J. Olcott. Holt $2; Winston 80c Asbjornsen, P. C. Fairy tales from the far North. Burt $1.25 Aulnoy, M. C. J. de Berneville, comtesse de. Children’s fairy land. Holt $1.75 . Babbitt, E. C. Jataka tales. Century $1.25 Humorous animal stories from a book of the Buddhists. Bailey, Margery. Little man with one shoe. Little $2.25 Six modern fairy tales. Baker, R. B. In the light of myth. Row $1.20 Baldwin, James. Fairy stories and fables. Amer. Book Co. 56c Fairy reader; adapted from Grimm and Andersen. Amer. Book Co. 52c Golden Fleece: more old Greek stories. Amer. Book Co. 72c Sampo; hero adventures from the Finnish Kalevala. Scrib- ner $2 Story of Roland. Scribner $1.75 Story of Siegfried; illus. by Howard Pyle. Scribner $2 Story of the golden age; illus. by Howard Pyle. Scribner $2 Barbour, H. B. Old English tales retold. Macmillan 96c Barrie, Sir J. M. Peter and Wendy. Scribner $2.50 Bates, K. L. Once upon a time. Rand $2 Seventeen familiar fairy stories. Benson, E. F. David Blaize and the blue door. Doran $1.50 David slips through the door behind his pillow into wonderland, Beston, H. B. Firelight fairy book. Atlantic Monthly Press 80c Starlight wonder book. Atlantic Monthly Press $2.50 Both are modern tales of enchantment with the fairy atmosphere. Blumenthal, V. X. K. de. Folk tales from the Russian. Rand 75c Bowen, W. A. Merrimeg. Macmillan $2 A little girl who frequently finds fairyland. Solario the tailor. Macmillan .$2 Fantastic adventures of a magical tailor. Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. Houghton $1.50 Norse myths. Browne, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair. Macmillan $1.75; Heath 76c Old fashioned fairy tales. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland; illus. by John Tenniel. Macmillan $1.75 Carryl, C. E. Davy and the goblin. Houghton $2.50 Chapin, A. A. Story of the Rhinegold. Harper $1.75 ' Church, A. J. Iliad for boys and girls. Macmillan $1.75 Story of the Iliad. Macmillan 48c . [20] Church, A. J. Odyssey for boys and girls. Macmillan $1.75 Story of the Odyssey. Macmillan 48¢ Colum, Padraic. Adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy; presented by Willy Pogany. Macmillan $2 Children of Odin. Macmillan $2 Children who followed the piper. Macmillan $1.75 And what happened afterward. Children’s Homer; illus. by Willy Pogany. Macmillan $2 Girl who sat by the ashes. Macmillan $1.75 Variations of the, story of Cinderella. The golden fleece, and the heroes who lived before Achilles. Macmillan $2 Craik, Mrs D. M. (Mulock). Adventures of a brownie. Macmillan $1 Little lame prince. Harper 75c; Rand $1.50; Macmillan $1 Crommelin, E. G. ed. Famous legends. Century 85c Crownfield, Gertrude. Little tailor of the winding way. Mac- millan 80c Adventures of Jorin the tailor. Cruikshank, George. Cruikshank fairy book. _ Putnam $2 Puss in boots; Jack and the beanstalk etc. Darton, F. J. H. Wonder book of old romance. Stokes $2.50 Dickens, Charles. Magic fishbone. Warne $1.50 Dole, N. H. White duckling, and other stories. Crowell $1.50 Dutton, M. B. Tortoise and the geese, and other fables of Bidpai. Houghton $1.50 Fillmore, P. H. Laughing prince; a book of Jugoslav fairy tales and folk tales. Harcourt $2.50 Mighty Mikko. Harcourt $2.50 Finnish fairy and folk tales. Shoemaker’s apron; a second book of Czechoslovak fairy tales and folk tales. Harcourt $2.50 Finger, C. J. Tales from silver lands. Doubleday $3.50 South American folk tales. Francillon, R. E.. Gods and heroes. Ginn 68c Greek mythology. Gale, A.C. Achilles and Hector. Rand 75c Gate, E. M. Fortunate days. Silver $1 Modern fairy tales. Greene, F. N. Legends of King Arthur and his court. Ginn 76c Greene, F. N. & Kirk, D. W. With spurs of gold; heroes of chivalry and their deeds. Little $1.75 Grimm, J. L. K. & Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Lippincott $2 German household tales. Houghton 56c; 2v. Ginn 68c ea. Grundtvig, Svend. Danish fairy tales. Crowell $2.50 Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle Ages. Amer. Book Co. $2 Myths of Greece and Rome. Amer. Book Co. $1 Haaren, J. H. comp. Ballads and tales. Newson 44c Fairy life. Newson 44c Hall, Jennie. Viking tales. Rand 65c Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. Houghton $2.25 Uncle’ Remus and his friends. Houghton $2.25 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales. Houghton $1.25 [21] Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder book for boys and girls. Houghton $1.25 Holbrook, Florence. Northland heroes (Fridjhof and Beowulf). Houghton 56c Houghton, Mrs Louise (Seymour). Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Scribner $1.75 | Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa the fairy. Little $1.25 Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle; illus. by N. C. Wyeth. McKay $2.50; Lippincott 75c Jacobs, Joseph. cd. English fairy tales. Putnam $1.75 Johnson, Clifton. cd. Oak tree fairy book. Little $2 Judd, M. C. comp. Wigwam stories. Ginn 92c Judson, K. B. Old crow and his friends. Little $1.75 Keller, Gottfried. The fat of the cat and other stories. Harcourt $3 Swiss fairy tales. Z Kingsley, Charles. Heroes; or, Greek fairy tales. Ginn 64c Water babies. Jacobs $1.50; Ginn 64c; Nelson $1.50 Lagerlof, S. O. L. Wonderful adventures of Nils. Doubleday $1, $2 Swedish natural history and travel, together with a charming fairy story. Lamb, Charlies. Adventures of Ulysses. Ginn 64c Lang, Andrew. cd. Blue fairy book. Longmans $1.75 Tales of Troy and Greece. Longmans $1.50 Yellow fairy book. Longmans $1.75 Lansing, M. F. Life in the greenwood. Ginn 64c Stories of Robin Hood. comp. Quaint old stories to read and act. Ginn 64c Mainly folk tales.’ Leamy, Edmund. Golden spears, and other fairy tales. Warne $1.50 Lorenzini, Carlo. Pinocchio, the adventures of a marionette; illus. by Maria Kirk. Ginn 64c; Lippincott $1.50 Mabie, H. W. cd. Fairy tales every child should know. Doubleday $1.75 Legends that every child should know. Grosset $1 — — Myths that every child should know. Grosset $1 Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Rand 80c Macdonald, George. At the back of the North Wind. Macmillan $1575 A little boy’s affection for the North Wind. Light princess, and other fairy tales. Putnam $1.50 Princess and Curdie. Lippincott $1.50 Sequel to Princess and the goblin. Princess and the goblin. Lippincott $1.50 How the goblin was overcome, Macleod, Mary. Book of King Arthur and his noble knights. Stokes $2.50 . Maeterlinck, Maurice. Blue bird for children. Silver 92c Marshall, H. E. ‘Stories of Beowulf. Dutton $1 Musset, P. E. de. Mr Wind and Madam Rain. Harper 90c Founded on old Breton legends. Newbolt, Sir H. J. Book of the happy warrior. Longmans $2.50 Roland, Richard Coeur de Lion, and others. Olcott, F. J. ed. Book of elves and fairies; illus. by Milo Winter. Houghton $3 [22] 7-8 Olcott, H. M. Whirling king and other French fairy tales. Holt $1.75 Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner $3.50 Some merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner 76c Pepper and salt. Harper $2 Fairy tales, ballads and rhymes. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Scribner $3.50 Pyle, Katharine. Fairy tales from far and near. Little $2 Wonder tales retold. Little $2 Rhys, Ernest. Fairy-gold; a book of old English fairy tales. Dutton $1 Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. Ginn 52c- The black brothers lose a treasure through avarice. Scudder, H. E. ed. Book of fables and folk stories. Houghton 80c comp. Book of legends told over again. Houghton $1 Shedlock, M. L. Eastern stories and legends. Dutton $2 Skinner, E. L. Tales and plays of Robin Hood. Amer. Book Co. 72c Tappan, E. M. Old ballads in prose. Houghton 96c Robin Hood; his book. Little $2.25 | Thorne-Thomsen, Mrs Gudrun. ed. Birch and the star, and other stories. Row 52c Child life in Scandinavia. comp. East o’ the sun and west o’ the moon. Row 64c Norwegian folk lore. Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith) & Smith, N. A. eds. Tales of laughter. Doubleday $1.75 Humorous fairy tales. Tales of wonder. Doubleday $1.75 Fairy stories from many countries. Williston, T. P. Japanese fairy tales retold. 2v. Rand 90c ea. Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Stories from old French romance. Stokes $1.25 Zitkala-Sa. Old Indian legends. Ginn 76c GOVERNMENT Deming, N. H. & Bemis, K. I. eds. Stories of patriotism. Hough- ton 52c Dupuy, W. A. Uncle Sam, wonder worker. Stokes $1:75 Unusual work of our Government. Fairbanks, H. W. Conservation reader. World Book Co. $1.20 Fryer, Mrs Jane (Eayre). Our home and personal duty. Winston 66c Our town and civic duty. Winston 74c Jenks, J. W. & Smith, R. D. We and our government. Amer. View- point Society $1.40 Johnson, J. F. We and our work. Amer. Viewpoint Society $2.07 Price, O. W. Land we Small $2 Conservation Rolt-Wheeler, Francis. Boy with the United States survey. Loth- rop $1.75 Other volumes in the series are U. S. trappers, foresters, naturalists, explorers, etc. Conversational in form but accurate as to facts. Shepherd, W. G. Boys’ own book of politics. Macmillan $1.60 [23] Tappan, E. M. Story of our constitution. Lothrop $1.50 Turkington, G. A. My country; rev. ed. Ginn $1.08 VOCATIONS Bowsfield, C. C. How boys and girls can earn money. Forbes $1.35 Gowin, E. B., Wheatley, W. A., & Brewer, J. M. Occupations; rev. ed. Ginn $1.48 Weaver, E. W. Profitable vocations for girls. Barnes $1 Weaver, E. W. & Byler, J. F. Profitable vocations for boys. Barnes $1 3 NATURE AND SCIENCE Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Ginn 64c Chambers, Mrs M. D. (Molony). Nature secrets. Atlantic Monthly Press 75c Talks about dust, germs, ozone etc. Hawksworth, Hallam. Adventures of a grain of dust. Scribner $1.60 Strange adventures of a pebble. Scribner $1.60 A granite pebble tells the story of the earth’s making. Ingersoll, Ernest. Book of the ocean. Century $2 Morgan, A. P. Boys’ home book of science and construction. Loth- rop $2.50 Moseley, E. L. Trees, stars and birds. World Book Co. $1.80 Rogers, J. E. Earth and sky every child should know. Grosset $1 Rush, C. E. & Winslow, Amy. The science of things about us. Little 90c Sharp, D. L. Fall of the year. Houghton $1 A series covering the school year in nature study. Spring of the year. Houghton $1 Summer. Houghton $1 Winter. Houghton $1 Strong, F. L. ed. All the year round; a nature reader. 4v. Ginn 56c ea. Weeks, Raymond. Boys’ own arithmetic. Dutton $2 Makes arithmetic entertaining. The. Sky World Martin, M. E. Friendly stars. Harper $2 Mitton,‘G. E. Book of stars for young people. Macmillan $2.50 Primitive Man Holbrook, Florence. Cave, mound and lake dwellers and other primitive people. Heath 80c Kummer, F. A. First days of knowledge. Doran $2 Man’s mental and material development. First days of man. Doran $2 Primitive man. McIntyre, M. A. Cave boy of the age of stone. Appleton 60c Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Cave twins. Houghton 88c Quennell, Marjorie & Quennell, C. H. B. Everyday life in the old stone age. Putnam $2.50 Flowers and Trees Burgess, T. W. Burgess flower book for children. Little $3 Dorrance, J. G. Story of the forest. Amer. Book Co. 68c [24] Fultz, F. M. Fly-aways and other seed travelers. Public School BobseGos75e Mills, E. A. Story of a thousand-year pine and other tales of wild life. Houghton $1.25 Morley, M. W. Seed-babies. Ginn 30c Rogers, J. E. Trees that every child should know. Grosset $1 Slusser, E. Y. & others. Stories of Luther Burbank and his plant School. Scribner 88c Stack, F. W. Wild flowers every child should know. Grosset $1 Insects Beard, D. C. American boys’ book of bugs, butterflies and beetles. Lippincott $3 Bertelli, Luigi. Prince and his ants. Holt $1.35 DuPuy, W. A. Our insect friends and foes. Winston 80c Fabre, J. H. Insect adventures, retold by L. S. Hasbrouck. World Book Co. $1.40 Hawksworth, Hallam. Clever little people with six legs. Scribner $1.60 Morley, M. W. Bee people. McClurg $1.50 Patch, E. M. Hexapod stories. Atlantic Monthly Press 75c Insect life for little children. Patterson, A. J. Spinner family. McClurg $1.50 Birds Blanchard, L. M. Chico, the story of a homing pigeon. Houghton $1.50 Burgess, T. W. Burgess bird book for children. Little $3 Burroughs, John. Bird stories from Burroughs. Houghton $1 Chapman, F. M. Bird-life. Appleton $4 Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (DeGraff). Birds that every child should know. Grosset $1 DuPuy, W. A. Our bird friends and foes. Winston 80c Hawksworth, Hallam. Year in the wonderland of birds. Scribner $1.60 Miller, O. T. pseud. Children’s book of birds. Houghton $3 Patch, E. M. Bird stories. Atlantic Monthly Press 80c Trimmer, Mrs Sarah (Kirby). History of the robins. Heath 60c A story of four robin redbreasts. Walker, M. C. Our birds and their nestlings. Amer. Book Co. 76c Wright, Mrs Mabel (Osgood). Gray lady and the birds. Mac- millan $2 Talks about birds. Animal Stories — Fact and Fancy Atkinson, Mrs Eleanor (Stackhouse). Grey friars Bobby. Harper $2 A story of a faithful terrier. Baker, Olaf. Shasta of the wolves. Dodd $2 An Indian boy who was adopted by a wolf. Baynes, E. H. Jimmie, the story of a black bear cub. Macmillan $1.60 Polaris, the story of an Eskimo dog. Macmillan $1.50 Bostock, F. C. Training of wild animals. Century $1.75 [25] Brown, John. Rab and his friends. Rand 60c Scotch story of a dog. Burgess, T. W. Burgess animal book for children. Little $3 Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur bearers. Houghton 92c Carter, M. H. ed. Bear stories; retold from St Nicholas. Century $1.25 Dole, C. F. Crib and Fly; a tale of two terriers. Heath 60c Drummond, Henry. Monkey that would not kill. Dodd $1.10 A tale of mischievous pranks. DuPuy, W. A. Our animal friends and foes. Winston 80c Dyer, W. A. Dogs of Boytown. Holt $1.50 Traits and care of dogs. Ghosh, S. K. Wonders of the jungle. 2v. Heath 96c ea. Hooker, Mrs Forrestine (Cooper). Star; the story of an Indian pony. Doubleday $1.75 ; Hornaday, W. T. American natural history. Scribner $5 Jackson, Mrs H. H. Cat stories. Little $2 Kent, Frances. cd. Puppy dog’s tales and stories of other animal friends. Macmillan $2 Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book; school edition. Doubleday $1 Second jungle book; school edition. Doubleday $1 Just so stcries. Doubleday $1.90 Lippincott, J. W. Bun, a wild rabbit. Penn $1.25 London, Jack. Brown Wolf, and other Jack London stories. Mac- nmitlan $1.25 Call of the wild. Grosset $1 Miller, O. T. pseud. Little folks in feathers and fur. Dutton $3 Birds, animals and insects. Mix, J. I.. Mighty animals, before man appeared. Amer Book Gaomoce Prehistoric animals, Mukerji, D. G. Hari, the jungle lad. Dutton $2 Everyday life of an East Indian boy. Kari, the elephant. Dutton $2 Biography of an elephant. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. Grosset 75c A dog story. Paine, A. B. Arkansas bear. Altemus $1.50 Adventures of a small boy and a big bear. ’ Hollow tree and deep woods book. Harper $1.75 A crow, a ’coon and a ’possum, Roberts, C. G. D. Kindred of the wild. Page $3 Wild animals in New Brunswick forests. Sanderson, L. W. Chickadee-dee and his friends. Stckes $2 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. Judson $1.50 A dog story that lives. ’ Schwartz, J. A. Wilderness babies. Little $1.75 Beaver, rabbit, squirrel etc. Seton, E. T. Bannertail; the story of a gray squirrel. Scribner $2.50 Biography of a grizzly. Century $2 Lives of the hunted. Scribner $2.50 Trail of the sandhill stag. Scribner $1 Wild animals I have known. Scribner $2.50 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. Jacobs $1.50 [26] | 5-7 7-8 7-8 Sharp, D. L. Watcher in the woods. Century 50c Neighboring wild life. Squier, Emma-Lindsay. Wild heart. ‘Cosmopolitan $2 Friendship of a boy and girl for their neighbors of the wild. Terhune, A. P. Lad: a dog. Dutton $2 With, K. H. Mouse story. Stokes $1.50 A Danish story of the adventures of a family of mice. PHYSIOLOGY Grenfell, W. T. Yourself and your body. Scribner $2.50 Amusing as well as valuable. Gulick, Mrs C. E. (Vetter). Emergencies. Ginn 64c Herben, B.S. Jack o’ Health and Peg o’ Joy. Scribner 60c O’Shea, M. V. & Kellogg, J. H. Health habits; rev. ed. Macmillan 80c THE VORLIOS® WORK Bassett, S. W. Story of lumber. Penn $1.25 Bond, A. R. On the battle front of engineering. Century $2 Carpenter, F. G. How the world is fed. Amer. Book Co. 96c How the world is housed. Amer. Book Co. 96c Cartwright, C. E. Boys’ book of ships. Dutton $2 Collins, F. A. Boys’ book of model aeroplanes; rev. ed. Century $2 Sentinels along our coast. Century $2 All about lighthouses. Crump, Irving. Boys’ book of firemen. Dodd $1.75 Boys’ book of railroads. Dodd $1.75 Fisher, E. F. Resources and industries of the United States. Ginn 96c Kellar, A. G. & Bishop, A. L. Commercial and industrial geography. Ginn $1.28 Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of danger and daring. Century $2 Steeple-climbers, deep-sea divers etc. Morgan, A. P. Boy electrician. Lothrop $2.50 Warren, G. F. Elements of agriculture. Macmillan $1.68 Whitbeck, R. H. Industrial geography. Amer. Book Co. $1.72 INVENTIONS Bachman, F. P. Great inventors and their inventions. Amer. Book Co. 80c Bond, A. R. Inventions of the great war. Century $2 -Burns, E. E. Story of great inventions. Harper $2 Darrow, F. L. Boys’ own book of great inventions. Macmillan 75c Masters of science and invention. Harcourt $2.25 Holland, R. S. Historic inventions. Jacobs $2 . McFee, Mrs I. N. (Canfield). Stories of American inventions. Crowell $1.60 Mowry, W. A. & Mowry, A. M. American inventions and inventors. Silver 96c Parkman, M. R. Conquests of invention. Century $2 HOME ECONOMICS Benton, C. F. pseud. Little cook book for a little girl. Page $1.10 Buttrick, H. G. Principles of clothing selection. Macmillan $1.25 [27] Calvert, M. R. First course in homemaking. T. E. Smith Co. $1.20 Cooley, A. M. & Spohr, W. H. Household arts for home and school. 2v. Macmillan $1.32 ea. Denny, Grace. Fabrics and how to know them. Lippincott $1.50 Foster, O. H. Housekeeping, cooking and sewing for little girls. Duffield $2 Greer, C. C. School and home cooking. Allyn $1.60 Johnson, Constance. When mother lets us cook. Dodd $1 Winchell, F. E. Food facts for every day. Lippincott 86c Simple and attractive presentation of the nutritive requirements. MUSICACAN Dalat Bacon, Dolores. Operas every child should know. Grosset $1 Barstow, C. L. Famous buildings. Century $1.50 Bryant, Mrs Lorinda (Munson). Children’s book of celebrated pic- tures. Century $2.50 Children’s book of celebrated sculpture. Century $2.50 Carpenter, F. L. Stories pictures tell. 8v. Rand 55-90c For use of teachers. Lives of artists and stories for picture study. Cather, K. D. Pan and his pipes and other tales. Victor Talking Machine Co. $1.50 | Chutter, F. E. Art literature readers. Atkinson; book 3, 85c; books 4953090c Faulkner, A. S. What we hear in music. Victor Talking Machine Co. $1.50 La Prade, Ernest. Alice in Orchestralia. Doubleday $1 AMUSEMENTS Bancroft, J. H. Games for the play ground, home, school and gym- nasium. Macmillan $2.40 Beard, D. C. American boys’ book of signs, signals and symbols. Lippincott $3 American boys’ handy book of camp-lore and woodcraft. Lippincott $3 Beard, Lina & Beard, A. B. Little folks handy book. Scribner $1.12 Camp, W. C. Football without a coach. Appleton $1.50 Carrington, Hereward. Boys’ book of magic. Dodd $2 Fisher, Mrs D. F. (Canfield). What shall we do now? Stokes $2 . Hall A. N. Home handicraft for boys. Doran $2 Home-made games and game equipment. Lothrop $2 Hall, A. N. & Perkins, Dorothy. Handicraft for handy girls. Loth- rop $2.50 Keyes, A. M. When mother lets us play. Dodd $1 Perry, S. G.S. When mother lets us act. Dodd $1 | Snow, B. E. & Froehlich, H. B. Hundred things a girl can make. Lippincott $2.50 Verrill, A. H. Boy collector’s handbook. McBride $2 LITERATURE Poetry Browning, Robert. Pied piper of Hamelin. Rand $1.50 Burt, M. E. ed. Poems that every child should know. Grosset $1 [28] 5-8 Davis, M. G. comp. Girl’s book of verse. Stokes $2 De LaMare, Walter. Down-a down-derry. Holt $3 Poems about fairies and witches. Edgar, M. G. comp. Treasury of verse for little children. Crowell 75c Field, Eugene. Poems of childhood. Scribner $2.50 Fish, H. D. comp. Boy’s book of verse. Stokes $2 Fyleman, Rose. Fairies and chimneys. Doran $1.25 Lucas, E. V. comp. Book of verses for children. Holt $1 Matthews, Brander. cd. Poems of American patriotism. Scribner $1.75 Olcott, F. J. comp. Story-telling poems. Houghton $2 Riley, J. W. Child rhymes. Bobbs-Merrill $1.50 Stevenson, B. E. comp. Home book of verse for young folks. Holt $3 Teasdale, Sara. comp. Rainbow gold; poems old and new. Mac- millan $1.50 Thompson, B. J. comp. Silver pennies. Macmillan 80c Modern poetry which children appreciate. 4 Untermeyer, Louis. ed. This singing world; an anthology of modern poetry for young people. Harcourt $3 Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith) & Smith, N. A. eds. Golden numbers. Doubleday $2 One of the best collections. Posy ring. Doubleday $1.50 Plays ; Lamb, Charles & Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Mac- millan $1.75; Nelson $2 Moses, M. J. ed. Treasury of plays for children. Little $3 Olcott, Virginia. Patriotic plays for young people. Dodd $1.75 Riley, Mrs A. C. (Donaldson). Ten minutes by the clock. Doran $1.50 Children’s plays with diversity in plot and natural dialog. Skinner, A. M. Dramatic stories for reading and acting. Amer. Book Co. 60c Special Days Carnegie Library School Association. comp. Christmas in poetry. H. W. Wilson Co. 60c — Memorial day in poetry. H. W. Wilson Co. 60c Thanksgiving in poetry. H. W. Wilson Co. 60c Cumnock, R. M. comp. School speaker. McClurg $1.25 Dickinson, A. D. ed. Children’s book of Thanksgiving stories. Doubleday $1.50 Dickinson, A. D. & Dickinson, H. W. Children’s book of patriotic stories; the spirit of ’76. Doubleday $1.75 Children’s second book of patriotic stories; the spirit of ’61. Doubleday $1.50 Dickinson, A. D. & Skinner, A. M. eds. Children’s book of Christmas stories. Doubleday $1.75 McSpadden, J. W. Book of holidays. Crowell $1.75 Olcott, F. J. ed. Good stories for great holidays. Houghton $3 [29] St Nicholas Christmas Book. Century $2 Smith, E. S. & Hazeltine, A. I. comps. Christmas in legend and story. Lothrop $2 Stevenson, B. E. & Stevenson, Mrs E. S. (Butler) comps. Days and deeds; verse and prose for children’s reading. 2v. Doubleday $1.75 ea. HEREGAND YEE RESIN DHE VWORED Travel Series Allen, N. B. Geographical and industrial studies. Ginn $1 ea. Carpenter, F. G. New geographical readers. Amer. Book Co. $1 ea. Little cousin series. Page $1 ea. Little people everywhere. Little $1 ea. Peeps at many lands. Macmillan $1 ea. Books about Various Countries Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Ginn 64c ea. Atchison, Alison & Uttley, Marguerite. Across seven seas to seven continents. Bobbs-Merrill $1.50 Ayrton, M. C. Child life in Japan. Heath 60c Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present. Century $1.75 Brooks, E. C. Stories of South America. Johnson Pub. Co. 80c Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot round ote world after sperm whales. Grosset $1 Carpenter, F. G. Around the world with the children. Amer. Book CouasZe Dana, R. D., jr. Two years before the mast; illus. by E. B. Smith. Macmillan $1.75; Houghton $2 Around the Horn to California in 1837. Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the long night. Scribner $2.25 Winter journey to northern Scandinavia. Wild life under the equator. Harper $1.75 Africa. Fairgrieve, James & Young, Ernest. The world. Appleton 96c Gaines, Ruth. Treasure flower; a child of Japan. Dutton $2 Every day life of a little Japanese girl. Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. Houghton 48c A hairbreadth escape. Hall, M. E. Jan and Betje. Merrill 64c Flatboat. life in Holland. Huntington, Ellsworth & Cushing, S. W. Modern business geog- raphy. World Book Co. $2 . Latimer, L. P. Your Washington and mine. Scribner $2.50 McDonald, Mrs E. A. B. & Blaisdell, M. F. Child life in many lands. Macmillan 72c Meeker, Ezra. Ox-team days on the Oregon trail. World Book Co. $1.20 Melville, Herman. Typee; life in the south seas. Page $1.90 Mirick, G. A. Home life around the world. Houghton 80c Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. Little $1.50 [30] ° Patteson, Mrs S. L. When I was a girl in Switzerland. Lothrop $1.25 Peary, Mrs Josephine (Diebitsch). Children of the Arctic. Stokes $2.50 ‘ Peary, R. E. & Peary, M. A. Snowland folk. Stokes $2.50 Perdue, H. A. Child life in other lands. Rand 85c Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Belgian twins. Houghton 88c Dutch twins. Houghton 88c Filipino twins. Houghton 88c French twins. Houghton 88c Irish twins. Houghton 88c Italian twins. Houghton 88c Japanese twins. Houghton 88c Mexican twins. Houghton 88c Scotch twins. Houghton 88c Swiss twins. Houghton 88c Putnam, D. B. David goes voyaging. Putnam $1.75 Schwartz, J. A. Five little strangers and how they came to live in America. Amer. Book Co. 60c Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. Educational Pub. Co. $1.50 Eskimo child life. Shaw, E. R. Big people and little people of other lands. Amer. Book Co. 52c Slocum, Joshua. Around the world in the sloop Spray. Scribner 88c Smith, J. R. North America. Harcourt $6 For teachers’ use. Southworth, G. V. & Kramer, S. E. Great cities of the United States. Iroquois Pub. Co. $1.08 Starr, Frederick. Strange peoples. Heath 92c Stefansson, Vilhjalmur & Schwartz, J. A. Northward ho! Mac- millan 80c Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. Grosset $1 Thomson, J. E. Land of Evangeline. Heath 96c Land of the Pilgrims. Heath 96c Whitbeck, R. H. & Finch, V. C. Economic geography. McGraw $3.50 TTL BIOGRAPHY Individual Biography Allen, C. F. David Crockett; scout. Lippincott $1.75 Antin, Mary. Promised land. Houghton $2.50 Baldwin, James. Abraham Lincoln. Amer. Book Co. 72c Bok, E. W. Dutch boy fifty years after. Scribner 80c Boutet de Monvel, L. M. Joan of Arc. McKay $1.50; Century $4 Bruce, H. A. B. Daniel Boone and the wilderness road. Macmillan $1.75 Custer, Mrs Elizabeth (Bacon). Tenting on the plains. Harper $1.90 Camp life with General Custer. Dudley, E. L. Benjamin Franklin. Macmillan $1 Forbes-Lindsay, C. H. A. Daniel Boone, backwoodsman. Lippin- cott $1.75 [St] 7-8 5-8 4-6 4-8 4-6 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 5-8 5-6 4-8 Garland, Hamlin. Boy life on the prairie. Harper $1.75 Gerwig, G. W. Washington, the young leader. Scribner $1.25 Gilman, Bradley. Robert E. Lee. Macmillan $1 Hagedorn, Hermann. Boys’ life of Theodore Roosevelt. Harper $1.75 Hathaway, E. V. Napoleon, the little Corsican. Rand 65c Hill, F. T. On the trail of Washington. Appleton $2.50 Jewett, Sophie. God’s troubadour. Crowell $2 The young soldier who became St Francis of Assissi. Keller, H. A. Story of my life. Grosset 75c; Doubleday $2 Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer boy. Houghton $2.50 With the army of the Potomac during the Civil War. Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood. Houghton $1.75 Mace, W. H. Lincoln, the man of the people. Rand 65c Meadowcroft, W. H. Boy’s life of Edison. Harper $1.75 Moses, Belle. Louisa May Alcott. Appleton $1.75 Muir, John. Story of my boyhood and youth. Houghton $3.25 Nicolay, Helen. Boys’ life of Abraham Lincoln. Century $1.75 Boys’ life of Ulysses S. Grant. Century $1.75 Paine, A. B. Boys’ life of Mark Twain. Harper $1.75 Richards, L. E. Florence Nightingale, the angel of the Crimea. Appleton $1.75 Riis, J. A. Making of an American. Macmillan $2.75 Scudder, H. E. George Washington. Houghton $2 Sutcliffe, Mrs Alice (Crary). Robert Fulton. Macmillan $1 Tappan, E. M. In the days of Alfred the Great. Lothrop $1.50 In the days of Queen Elizabeth. Lothrop $1.50 Wallace, Dillon. Story of Grenfell of the Labrador. Revell $1.50 Washington, B. T. Up from slavery. Doubleday $2 White, S. E. Daniel Boone; wilderness scout. Doubleday $1.75 Whitham, G. I. Shepherd of the ocean and other tales of valour. Stokes $2.50 Five stories about Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Philip Sidney and others. Collective biography Baldwin, James. comp. Fifty famous rides and riders. Amer. Book CO 20 Four great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. Amer. Book Co. 64c Barstow, C. L. ed. Explorers and settlers. Century 85c Beebe, M. B. Four American naval heroes. Amer. Book Co. 64c_ Paul Jones, Perry, Farragut and Dewey. Birkhead, Alice. Heroes of modern Europe. Crowell $1.75 Dante, Luther and others. Bolton, Mrs Sarah (Knowles). Lives of girls who became famous; rev. ed. Crowell $2 \ Coe, F. E. Heroes of everyday life. Ginn 72c Driggs, L. L. Heroes of aviation. Little $2 Faris, J. T. Makers of our history. Ginn $1 Foote, A. E. & Skinner, A. W. Explorers and founders of America. Amer. Book Co. 92c Makers and defenders of America. Amer. Book Co. 92c [32] 7-8 Gilbert, Ariadne. More than conquerors. Century $1.75 Beethoven, Lamb, Scott and others, 5-6 Gordy, W. F. American leaders and heroes. Scribner $1 5-6 Haaren, J. H. & Poland, A. B. Famous men of modern times. Amer. Book Co. 72c Famous men of Rome. Amer. Book Co. 72c 6-8 Holland, R.S. Historic boyhoods. Jacobs $2 Historic girlhoods. Jacobs $2 7-8 Johnston, C. H. L. Famous discoverers and explorers of America. Page $2 Famous scouts. Page $2 6-7 Mabie, H. W. Heroes every child should know. Houghton 92c 5-6 McMurry, C. A. Pioneers of the Rocky Mountains and the West. Macmillan 88c Pioneers on land and sea. Macmillan 88c 7-8 Morgan, James. Our presidents. Macmillan $2 7-8 Parkman, M. R. Fighters for peace. Century $1.75 Joffre, Guynemer, Pershing and others. 7-8 Heroes of today. Century $1.75 Muir, Burroughs, Grenfell and others. 7-8 Heroines of service. Century $1.75 Mary Lyon, Frances E. Willard, Clara Barton and others. 7-8 Plutarch. Plutarch’s lives; abr. by Edwin Ginn. Ginn 80c Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch; ed. by J. S. White. Putnam $2.50 6-8 Seawell, M. E. Twelve naval captains. Scribner 88c 7-8 Smith, E. S. ed. Heroines of history and legend. Lothrop $2 5-6 Tappan, E. M. American hero stories. Houghton 92c Old world hero stories. Houghton $1.16 7-8 Wade, Mrs M. H. (Blanchard). Light-bringers. Little $1.65 Peary, Wright brothers, Marconi and others. 7-8 Pilgrims of today. Little $1.65 John Muir, Jacob Riis, Mary Antin and others. 6-8 Real Americans. Little $1.65 Roosevelt, Hoover, Burroughs and others. 7-8 The wonder workers. Little $1.65 Luther Burbank, Helen Keller, Thomas Edison and others, ANCIENT ert Ss POLY 3-5 Andrews, Jane. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. Ginn 64c 4-5. Baldwin, James. Old Greek stories. Amer. Book Co. 60c 5-7 Guerber, H. A. Story of the chosen people. Amer. Book Co. 72c 5-7 Haaren, J. H. & Poland, A. B. Famous men of Greece. Amer. Book CON/2C 6-8 Hall, Jennie. Buried cities. Macmillan $2 Men of old Greece. Little $1.75 6-8 Hodgdon, J. R. Enchanted past. Ginn 88c 4-5 Luther, A. V. Trading and exploring. Amer. Book Co. 60c Child life among peoples of the past. 5-8 Marshall, L. C. Story of human progress. Macmillan $1.48 3-5 Peabody, J. P. Old Greek stories told anew. Houghton 48c 5-6 Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Spartan twins. Houghton 88c [33] Van Loon, H. W. Ancient man; the beginning of civilization. Boni & Liveright 95c Wells, M. E. How the present came from the past. 2v. Macmillan 80c ea. UR O PAA aL loo nee Atkinson, A. M. Introduction to American history; European be- ginnings. Ginn $1.08 Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. Amer. Book Co. 56c Thirty more famous stories retold. Amer. Book Co. 72c Blaisdell, A. F. ed. Stories from English history from the earliest times to the present day. Ginn 72c Gordy, W. F. American beginnings in Europe. Scribner $1.12 Greenwood, Grace. pseud. Merrie England. Ginn 64c Guerber, H. A. Story of modern France. Amer. Book Co. 80c Story of old France. Amér. Book Co. 80c Story of the English. Amer. Book Co. 88c Haaren, J. H. & Poland, A. B. Famous men of the middle ages. Amer. Book Co. 72c Hall, Jennie. Our ancestors in Europe; an introduction to American history. Silver $1.12 Hillyer, V. M. Child’s history of the world. Century $3.50 Lamprey, Louise. In the days of the guild. Stokes $2.50 Medieval England. (Lansing, M. F. Page, esquire and knight. Ginn 64c \ ed. Tales of old England in prose and verse. Ginn 64c St Nicholas. Stories of the middle ages. Century $1.25 Tappan, E. M. When knights were bold. Houghton $3 Terry, A. G. ed. History stories of other lands. 6v. Row; book 1-2 60c ea.; book 3-4 72c ea.; book 5-6 84c ea. Van Loon, Hendrick. Story of mankind. Boni $2.50 ; WORLD WAR Bénézet, L. P. World war and what was behind it. Scott 96c McKinley, A. E. & others. World war. Amer. Book Co. 72c DONTE Dos ACCES Sot Oey: Baldwin, James. American book of golden deeds. Amer. Book Co. 72c Conquest of the old North-west. Amer. Book Co. 72c Discovery of the old Northwest. Amer. Book Co. 72c Barnes, James. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. Macmillan 75c Barstow, C. L. ed. Colonists and the revolution. Century 85c Westward movement. ‘Century 85c Bass, Florence. Stories of pioneer life. Heath 80c Beard, C. A. & Basleys W. C. First book in American history. Macmillan $1 History of the American people. Macmillan $1.60 Our old world background. Macmillan $1.20 Blaisdell, A. F. & Ball, F. K. Hero stories from American history. Ginn 80c Log cabin days. Little $1.20 [34] Blaisdell, A. F. & Ball, F. K. Pioneers of America. Little $1.75 Brady, C. T. Border fights and fighters. Doubleday $1.75 Brigham, A. P. From trail to railway through the Appalachians. Ginn 80c Burnham, Smith. Hero tales from history. Winston 90c Making of our country. Winston $1.68 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76. Harper $2.50 Old times in the colonies. Harper $2.50 Dickson, Mrs M. S. Pioneers and patriots in American history. Macmillan 80c Earle, Mrs A. M. Colonial days in old New York. Scribner $1.25 Home life in colonial days. Grosset 75c Eggleston, Edward. Stories of American life and adventure. Amer. Book Co. 64c Elson, H. W. History of the United States of America. Macmillan $3 Faris, J. T. Real stories from our history. ' Ginn 92c Fite, E. D. United States. Holt $1.68 Gordy, W. F. Colonial days. Scribner 80c Leaders in making America. Scribner $1.20 Stories of later American history. Scribner $1.20 Greenlaw, Edwin. Builders of democracy. Scott $1 Guitteau, W. B. Our United States; a history. Silver $1.68 Halleck, R. P. History of our country. Amer. Book Co. $1.60 Hart, A. B. & Chapman, A. B. eds. How our grand-fathers lived. Macmillan $1.08 Hart, A. B. & Hazard, B. E. eds. Colonial children. Macmillan 84c Hart, A. B. & Stevens, Elizabeth. eds.. Romance of the Civil War. Macmillan $1.12 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather’s chair; or, True stories from New England history 1620-1803. Houghton 80c Jenks, Tudor. When America was new. Crowell $1.25 Lodge, H. C. & Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. Century $1.90 Mace, W. H. & Bogardus, F. S. School history of the U. S. Rand $1.75 Nicolay, Helen. Our nation in the building. Century $3.50 Parkman, Francis. Boy’s Parkman. Little $1.50 Rivals for America. Little 90c Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). Colonial twins. Houghton 88c Puritan twins. Houghton 88c Prescott, D. R. Day in a colonial home. Jones 60c Price, L. L. Lads and lassies of other days. Silver 80c Colonial and Revolutionary periods. Pumphrey, M. B. Stories of the Pilgrims. Rand 75c Robbins, C. L. School history of the American people. World Book Co. $1.80 Roosevelt, Theodore. Stories of the Great West. Century $1.75 Russell K. K. & Driggs, H. R. Hidden heroes of the Rockies. World Book Co. $1.36 Southworth, G. V. Builders of our country; 2v. Appleton v. 1, 88c; v. 2, 92c [35] Stevens, W. O. Story of our navy. Harper $1.75 Stevenson, Augusta. Dramatized scenes from American history. Houghton 96c Stone, G. L. & Fickett, M. G. Every day life in the colonies. Heath 72c Tiffany, Mrs Nina (Moore). Pilgrims and Puritans. Ginn 75c NEW YORK HISTORY Halsey, F. W. The old New York frontier. Scribner $2.50 Horne, C. F. History of the State of New York. Heath $1.60 Williams, Sherman. Stories from early New York history. Scrib- ner 65c New York’s part in history. Appleton $2.75 INDIANS Brooks, E.S. Story of the American Indian. Lothrop $2 Brown, A. F. & Bell, J. M. Tales of the red children. Appleton $1.75 Deming, T. O. Little brothers of the West. Stokes $1.35 Little Indian folk. Stokes $1.35 Eastman, C. A. Indian boyhood. Little $2.50 Indian child life. Little 85c Indian heroes and great chieftains. Little $1.75 Grinnell, G. B. Story of the Indian. Appleton $2 Hopkins, W. J. Indian book. Houghton $2 Jenks, A. E. Childhood of Ji-Shib, the Ojibwa. Mentzer 72c Laing, M. E. Hero of the Longhouse. World Book Co. $1.60 Moon, Grace. Chi-Weé: the adventures of a little Indian girl. Doubleday $2 Moon, Grace & Moon, Carl. Lost Indian magic. Stokes $2.50 Schultz, J. W. Sinopah the Indian boy. Houghton $1 With the Indians in the Rockies. Houghton $1.65 Snedden, G. S. Docas, the Indian boy. Heath 80c Starr, Frederick. American Indians. Heath 96c S VOR S Aanrud, Hans. Lisbeth Longfrock. Ginn 64c ‘Norwegian farm life. Adams, Katharine. Midsummer. Macmillan $1.75 An American boy and girl spend a summer in Sweden. Red caps and lilies. Macmillan $2 Children in the French Revolution, Addington, Sarah. Boy who lived in Pudding Lane. Atlantic Monthly Press $1.75 Santa Claus’ childhood. Alcott, L. M. Little men. Little $1.50 Little women. Little $1.50 Alden, W. L. Moral pirates. Harper 90c Four New York boys on the Hudson in a rowboat. Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy. Houghton 80c Good times of a boy in a New England village. Altsheler, J. A. Forest runners. Appleton $1.75 Winning of Kentucky. [36] 6-8 6-8 6-7 5-7 Altsheler, J. A. Horsemen of the plains. Grosset $1 Fur hunters in the Rockies. Soldier of Manhattan. Appleton $1.75 French and Indian War. Young trailers. Appleton $1.75 Early settlement of Kentucky. f Andrews, Mrs M. R. S. Perfect tribute. Scribner 75c - Ashmun, M. E. Isabel Carleton’s year. Macmillan $1.75 A high school senior. Baker, Olaf. Dusty star. Dodd $2 A wolf cub reared by an Indian boy. Barbour, R. H. Crimson sweater. Century $1.75 For the honor of the school. Grosset $1 Baylor, F.C. Juan and Juanita. Houghton $2.50 Two Mexican children stolen by the Indians. Bennett, Mrs Ethel (Hume). Camp Ken-jockety. Houghton $1.75 Camp life in Canada. Bennett, John. Barnaby Lee. Century $2 Adventures with pirates and in New Amsterdam, Master Skylark. Century $2 A boy with a wonderful voice meets Will Shakspere. Brooks, E. S. Master of the Strong Hearts; Story of Custer’s last TAL Vea UttOns o1.00 Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Scribner $1.50 Crossing the Western plains in ’49. Brown, A. F. John of the woods. Houghton $1.75 A boy tumbler who escapes from cruel masters and lives with a hermit. Lonesomest doll. Houghton $1.25 A doll too splendid to be enjoyed. Brown, Alice. Secret of the clan. Macmillan $1.75 Four girls who live with their grandmother. Brown, E. A. Four Gordons. Lothrop $1.75 A winter’s experiences of a girl and her three brothers, Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Houghton $1.50 A New England girl. Bullen, F. T. Frank Brown, sea apprentice. Dutton $2.50 Adventures such as mutiny, fire, tornado etc. Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson). Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner $1.20 Secret garden. Stokes $2 An unhappy little girl makes friends with the out-of-doors. Bush, B. E. Prairie rose. Little $1.75 A pioneer girl goes in a prairie schooner to Iowa. Camp, W. C. Substitute. Appleton $1.75 Football tactics. Canavan, M. J. Ben Comee. Macmillan 75c Boy life in Lexington. Carruth, Hayden. Track’s end. Harper $1.75 Thrilling adventures of a boy in South Dakota. Catherwood, Mrs Mary (Hartwell). Rocky Fork. Lothrop $1.50 A country girl in Indiana. Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote; retold by Judge Parry; illus. by. Walter Crane. Lane $2.50 A Spanish knight-errant who fights windmills. Chambers, R. W. Cardigan. Harper $2.25; Burt 60c Indians of New York. [37] 6-7 Churchill, Winston. Crisis. Grosset 75c Civil War. Richard Carvel. Grosset 75c Revolutionary War. Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain pseud.) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Harper 90c Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Harper 90c Prince and the Pauper. Harper 90c Adventures that happen as a result of two boys changing places. Connor, Ralph. pseud. Glengarry School days. Grosset 75c Life in a Canadian country school. Coolidge, Susan. pseud. Mischief’s Thanksgiving and other stories. Little $1.75 What Katy did. Little $1.75 | Cooper, J. F. Last of the Mohicans. Putnam $2; illus. by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner $2.50 Pathfinder. Putnam $2 Craik, Mrs D. M. (Mulock). John Halifax, gentleman. Crowell $2.25 Crichton, Mrs F. E. Peep-in-the-world. Longmans $1.75 An English girl’s year at a castle in Germany. Crothers, S. M. Miss Muffet’s Christmas party. Houghton $1.25 The guests are from the story world. Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; illus. by the brothers Rhead. Harper $1.75; illus. by E. B. Smith. Houghton $2 Deland, E. D. Katrina. Wilde $1.75 A summer vacation on the farm, De la Ramee, Louise (Ouida pseud.) Dog of Flanders. Page 90c A Christmas story of old Holland. Nurnberg stove. Lippincott 75c A journey in a porcelain stove. Dickens, Charles. Christmas carol. Macmillan 48c; Macmillan $1.75 David Copperfield. Jacobs $2.25 Tale of two cities. Jacobs $2.25 Dix, B. M. Merrylips. Macmillan 75c A girl’s adventures with the Roundheads and Cavaliers. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). Hans Brinker; or The silver skates. Scribner $1; illus. by G. W. Edwards. Scribner $2.50 Doyle, Sir A. C. White Company. Harper $2.50 Free lances in the wars of the Black Prince. Drysdale, William. Beach patrol; a story of the life-saving service. Wilde $1.75 DuBois, M. C. Lass of the silver sword. Century $1.75 Home, school and camp life. Dumas, Alexandre. Three Musketeers. Rand $1.75 Duncan, Norman. Adventures of Billy Bopeall Revell $1.75 A fisher boy’s life in Newfoundland. Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier school boy. Scribner $1 Fairstar, Mrs. pseud. Memoirs of a London doll. Macmillan $1 First issued in 1846. Fisher, Mrs D. F. (Canfield). Understand Betsy. Holt $1.75 Wholesome environment of Vermont farm life. French, H. W. Lance of Kanana. Lothrop $1.25 A Bedouin boy dies to save ‘the Arabians. [38] 7-8 7-8 Goldsmith, Oliver. History of Little Goody Two Shoes. Mac- millan $1 Gollomb, Joseph. That year at Lincoln High. Macmillan $1.50 Grinnell, G. B. Jack among the Indians. Stokes $1.75 Haines, A. C. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. Holt $1.50 A widowed mother with her boys and girls. Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers. Houghton $2 Efforts of the Peterkin family to become wise. Hawes, C. B. The dark frigate. Atlantic Monthly Press $2 Mutineers. Atlantic Monthly Press $2 Heyliger, William. High Benton. Appleton $1.75 Four years in high school.: Hocker, Mrs Forrestine (Cooper). Little house on the desert. Doubleday $1.75 _ A little lame girl who lived in the Arizona desert. Howells, W. D. Christmas every day, and other stories. Harper $1.75 Hudson, W. H. Little boy lost. Knopf $1.25 Wanderings of a little boy among the animals and «fairy people. Hurd, M. K. & Wilson, J. B. When she came home from college. Houghton $1.75 Inman, Henry. Ranch on the Oxhide. Grosset $1 Jackson, Mrs H. H. Nelly’s silver mine. Little $2 Ramona. Little $2 Spanish and Indian life in Southern California. Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester. Houghton $1.50 Her summer with two aunts in a New England village. Johnson, O. M. Varmint. Little $1.75 School stories for boys. Johnson, Rossiter. Phaeton Rogers. Scribner $1.75 A boy with inventive genius. Kipling, Rudyard. Land and sea tales for boys and girls. Double- day $1.75 Knipe, Mrs Emilie (Benson) & Knipe, A. A.- Maid of ’76. Mac- millan $1.75 Lindsay, M. M. Silver foot. Lothrop $1.50 Plantation life during the Civil War. Lisle, Clifton. Diamond rock; a tale of the Paoli massacre. Har- court $1.75 Lofiing, Hugh. Story of Dr Dolittle. Stokes $2 A kind-hearted doctor who is fond of animals. Voyages of Dr Dolittle. Stokes $2.50 Lucas, E. V. Anne’s terrible good nature and other stories. Mac- millan $2.50 Malot, H. H. Nobody’s boy. Cupples $1.50 Adventures of a little French boy who is sold to a strolling player. Marshall, Archibald. Jimmy, the new boy. ‘Stokes $1.75 English school life. Martin, G. M. Abbie Ann. Century $1.75 A hot tempered little girl goes to boarding school. _Martineau des Chesnez, Elizabeth (Lair), baronne. Lady Green Satin and her maid Rosette. Macmillan $2 A French boy aids his mother and sisters by exhibiting his trained mice. Masefield, John. Jim Davis. Grosset $1 Story of smugglers a hundred years ago. [39] Mason, A. B. Tom Strong, Washington’s scout. Grosset 75c Meigs, Cornelia. Master Simon’s garden. Macmillan $2 A garden cherished by three generations. Miller, O. T. pseud. Kristy’s queer Christmas. Houghton $1.75 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Avonlea. Page $1.90 Anne of Green Gables. Page $1.90 Morley, M. W. Donkey John of the toy valley. McClurg $1.50 A little boy wins a prize for his wood carving. Nordhoff, C. B. Pearl lagoon. Atlantic Monthly Press $2 Pearl hunting in the South Seas. Otis, James. Toby Tyler; or Ten weeks with a circus. Harper 75c Pearson, E. L. Voyage of the Hoppergrass. Macmillan 75c Three boys, a catboat and a summer cruise. Phillips, E. C. Wee Ann. Houghton $1.50 A small city girl visits in the country. - Pollock, F. L. Wilderness honey. Century $1.75 Two boys and their sister keep bees on a Canadian farm. Price, E. B. Silver Shoal light. Century $1.75 A delightful summer in a lighthouse. Putnam, E. H. Watty & Co. Macmillan $1.40 Three boys on an island off the coast of Maine. Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper $2 Training of a knight in the days of Henry IV. Pyle, Katharine. Nancy Rutledge. Little $1.65 A group of children who attend a Quaker school. Quirk, L. W. Baby Elton, quarter-back. Grosset $1 Intercollegiate athletics, Rankin, Mrs Carroll (Watson). Dandelion cottage. Holt $1.50 ; Four girls keep house. Raspe, R. E. Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen. Heath 60c Amusing and impossible adventures. Richards, Mrs L. E. (Howe). Captain January. Page 90c A lighthouse keeper and the little girl he rescued from the sea. Quicksilver Sue. Century $1.50 Several country children and a badly brought up city girl. Rihbany, A. M. Hidden treasure of Rasmola. Houghton $1.75 A true story of Syria. Schultz, J. W. Gold cache. Houghton $1.65 A youth and some Indians search for buried gold. Scott, Evelyn & Scott, C. K. In the endless sands. Holt $2 A dashing, colorful desert story. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe; illus. by E. B. Smith. Houghton $2; illus. by Milo Winter. Rand $1.75 Seaman, A. H. Jaqueline of the carrier pigeons. Macmillan $1.50 The siege of Leyden, 1573. When a‘ cobbler ruled the king. Macmillan $1.75 Story of the Reign of Terror. Seawell, M. E. Little Jarvis. Appleton $1.50 The devotion to duty of a midshipman on the Constellation. Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair. Heath 96c Five children sent from India to live in Ireland. Sidney, Margaret. pseud. Five little Peppers and how they grew. Lothrop $1.75, 60c A poor family of happy boys and girls. [40] 6-7 Singmaster, Elsie. A boy at Gettysburg. Houghton $1.75 Emmeline. Houghton $1.50 A Civil War story. Smith, E. S. comp. Mystery tales for boys and girls. Lothrop $2 Smith, Mrs M. P. (Wells). Jolly good times; or Child-life on a farm. Little $1.75 Smith, N. A. Children of the lighthouse. Houghton $1.50 Snedeker, Mrs C. D. (Parke). The Spartan. Doubleday $1.75 Theras and his town. Doubleday $1.75 Snell, R. J. Captain Kituk. Little $1.75 Eskimo life and country. Spears, R. S. Driftwood. Century $2 The Mississippi in flood. Spyri, Mrs Johanna. Heidi; illus. by Gustaf Tenggren. Houghton $2; Winston 80c Child life in the mountains of Switzerland. Moni, the goat boy; and other stories. Crowell 75c Stefansson, Vilhjalmur & Irwin, Violet. Kak, the copper Eskimo. Macmillan 90c Stein, Evaleen. Gabriel and the hour book. “Page $1.50 A French peasant boy helps illuminate a book, Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow. McKay $1.50 ——— Kidnapped. Rand $1.25; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper $1.75; illus. by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner $2.50 Treasuter slsiand-s. sctibner ‘60c; illus. by Louis Rhead. Harper $1.75; illus. by N. C. Wyeth. - Scribner $2.50 Stoddard, W. O. Little Smoke; a tale of the “ Sioux.’ Appleton $1.75 Guert Ten Eyck. Lothrop $1.75 New York in the Revolution. Stuart, F. P. Adventures of Piang. Century $1.75 A young Moro prince in the tropic jungle. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s travels; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Dut- ton $1; illus. by Milo Winter. Rand $1.75; illus. by Willy Pogany. Macmillan $2.25 Taggart, M. A. Little grey house. Doubleday $1.75 A family of girls and their father. Tarkington, Booth. Penrod. Grosset 75c Experiences of a real boy. Tomlinson, E. T. Three colonial boys. Wilde $1.75 True, J. P. Morgan’s men. Little $1.75 Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Burt $1.25; illus. by Milo Winter. Rand $1.75 Wallace, Dillon. Grit a-plenty; a tale of the Labrador wild. Grosset ZC Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab. Doubleday $1.75 Prehistoric man. White, E. O. Blue aunt. Houghton $1.65 A visit from the “‘ blue aunt’? makes Evelyn and her brother happy. Little girl of long ago. Houghton $1.65 A Boston girl of 1830. White, S. E. Magic forest. Macmillan $L A small boy among friendly Indians in Canadian forests. Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith). Bird’s Christmas Carol. Houghton 75c [41] 30112 1 Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith). Mother Carey’s chickens. Grosset 75c Pleasant home life in a Maine village. Polly Oliver’s problem. Houghton $1 Polly cares for herself and her invalid mother. Timothy’s quest. Houghton $1.50 Two children in search of a home. Wilkins, Eva. Weaver’s children. Amer. Book Co. 52c Two little New Englanders journey to New York, 75 years ago. Wilson, J. F. Tad Sheldon, boy scout. Macmillan 75c Short stories of a scout patrol. Wister, Qwen. The Virginian. Grosset 75c Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Robinson. Harper $1.75; Ginn 72c Zollinger, Gulielma. Widow O’Callaghan’s boys. McClurg $1.50 Struggle of an Irish widow and her seven sons for a living. Zwilgmeyer, Dikken. Johnny Blossom. Pilgrim Press $1.50 Stories about a Norwegian lad. What happened to Inger Johanne. Lothrop $1.75 Adventures and frolics of a judge’s daughter in Norway. THE LIBRARY UF THE AUG 14 joys UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS [42] Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Houghton $1.90; Grosset 75c