GE Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library L161—H41 EN ae ee se HOS “St ATE OF ILLINOIS—SCHOOL LAW. SE F ’ SS SSS eee paces) AN ACT | * TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN ™ A SYSTEM OF SCHOOLS. ( Ne C H e iD e APPROV om FRBRUAR Y 1 16, 1857. * SPRINGFIELD: “LANPHIER & WALKER, PRINTERS, - AN ACT TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A SYSTEM OF | FREE: SCHOOLS ~ - P a. S@H@ATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION—HIS ELEC- 4 ' TION AND DUTIES. ; “.., “ a - Section 1. Be tt enacled hy the people of the state of Nlinois, represented in the General vts sembly, That at the election to hs eld on Luesday after the first Monday of lection et m- . November, A. D. 1858, and bienmally thereafter, there "°°" shall be elected , by the leval voters of this state, a state “ superintendent #: puvlie instruction, whe shall hold hig office for two years, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. . § 2. Before entering upon his duties h ie unk fake and To 6!ve bem. > __ subseribe the usual oath of office, aah shall alse execute a -ggbond, in the penalty of tweuty-five thousand dollars, pay- per to the state of Illinois, with sureties to be approved y the governor, conditioned for the prom ipt discharge of -his duties as superintendent of public instruction, and for the faithful application and disposition, according to law, sof all school moneys that may ene into his hands by vir- tue of his office; said bond and oath shall be deposited with =the secretary of state, and an action may be maintained >.thereon by the state, at any time, for a breach of the con- _ ditions thereof. § 8. It shall be his duty to PAGE an office at the seat of Keep omee atthe il : seat of < eee of the state, and to fi eG hath Ada aie e all papers, reports and meat. ablic documents transmitted to him by the school officers “of the several counties, each year ivaiels: and to keep “and preserve all other public documents, books and papers _relativ o schools, coming into his hands as state superin- d to hold the same in readiness to be exhibited ; : vernor, or to any committee of either house of the 3 ~ general assembly ; and shall keep a fair record of all mat- __..ters pertaining to the business of his office. EE. 780499 Se Re er Ws57. Pey over moneyt Advise} with teachers- Supervision of cummon schools. Address ‘ciroalar letters. Report to gover- nor, +t y4. Heshall, without delay, pay over all sums of money _ which may come into his hands by virtue of his oufice, to the officer af persons entitled to receive the same, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. § 5. He shall counsel and advise, in such manner as he may deem most advisable, with experienced and practical school teachers, as to the best manner of conducting com- mon schools | § 6. Said superintendent shall have the supervision of all the common and public schools in the state, and shall ‘be the general adviser and assistant of school commissioners in the state; he shall, from time to time, as he shall deem for the interest of schools, address circular letters to said commissioners, giving advice as to the best manner of con- ducting schools, constructing school houses, furnishing the same, and procuring competent teachers. 2 % § 7. Said state superintendent shall, before the fi teenth” day of December of every year preceding that in which shall be holden a regular session of the general assembly, report to the governor the condition of schools in the sey- eral counties of the state, the whole number of schools which have been taught in each county in each of the pre- ceding years, commencing on the first Monday of October ; what part of said number have been taught by males ex- clusively 5; what part by females exclusivesy ; what part of said whole number have been taught by males and females at the same time; and what part by males and females at different periods; the number of scholars in attendance at said schools; the number of white persons in each county under twenty-one years of age; the amount of township and county fund 5 the amount of the interest of the state or common school fund, and of the interest of the township and of tue county fund annually paid out; the amount raised by an ad valorem tax; the wicle amount annuaily expended for schools; the number of school houses, their kind and condition; the number of townships and parts of townships ia each county ; the number and description of books and apparatus purchased for the use of schools and -school libraries under the provisions of this act, the prices Make rules and rex: lations, .shall make such rules and regulations as he ink paid for the same, and total amount purchased, and what quantity and how distributed; and the number and eondi- tion of the libraries, together with such other information and suggestions as he may deem important in relation to - the school laws, schools, and the means of promoting edu- cation throughout the state; which report shall be laid before the general assembly at each regular sessi § 8. The said state superintendent of public in necessary and expedient to carry into full effect the pro- visions of this act, end of all the laws which now are or 5 may hereafter be in force for establishing and maintaining schools in this state; and the said superintendeat shall have power, and it shall be his duty, to explain and inter- pret and determine to all school commissioners, directors, township and other school officers, the true intent and meaning of this ect, and their several duties enjoined there- by, and his decision shall be final, unless otherwise directed by the legislature, or reversed by a couré of competent jurisdiction. § 9. The said state superintendent shall have power to direct aud cause the school commissioner of any county, directors or board of trustees or township treasurer of any township, or other school officer, to withhold from any officer, or township, or teacher, any part of the common school, or township, or other school fund, until such oiicer, township, or teacher, shall have complied with all the pro- visions of this act relating to his, her or their duties, and such rules and regulations as the state superintendent may prescribe, not inconsistent with this act; and the state su- perintendent may forbid the payment of any part of the common school, township, county, or other school fund, to any district in which the school or schools have not been kept according to law, or in which no school has been kept for six months during the year next preceding the demand for payment. § 10. And the said state superintendent shall receive annually the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, to be paid quarterly, as a salary for the services required under the provisions of this act, or any other law that may be passed, and also for all necessary. contingent expenses, for books, postage and stationery pertaining to his office, to be audited and paid by the state, as the salaries and contingent ex- -penses of other officers are paid. © SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS—THEIR ELECTION AND DUTIES. § 11. Onthe Tuesday next after the first Monday in November next, and onthe Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, every two years thereafter, there shall be elected, by the qualified voters of each and every county in this state, a school commissioner, who shall ex- ecute the duties herein required. He shall, before enter- ing upon his duties, take an oath for the faithful discharge of his duties. He shall, before entering upon his duties, execute a bond, payable to the state of Illinois, with two or more responsible freeholders as security, to be approved b county court, (or in counties adopting the township ft) ization, by the board of supervisors, ) in e penalty of not less than twelve thousand dollars, to be increased “at the discretion of said court, in praportion to his responsi- 1837. To interpret the meaning ef this ack. To eause sehce! commissioners ‘to withneoid funds. Salary of super - intepdent. Blection of sehge Lconmmiasioner, Go giro bend. Sy “1557. 6 bilities, conditioned that he will faithfally perform all the duties of school cominissioner of said county, according to _the babs which are or may be in force; by which bond the ¥ermo bond, ° Laable to rem val, Yacancy te be fiiied by ep- poiniment. To provide books t® keep an nce @runt of sales of ods and mo- usys received. oblivers shall be bound jomitly and severally, and upon which an action or actions nay be maintained by the board of trustees of the propertownship, for the use of any town- ship or fund injured by any breach thereof; and joint action may be had for two or more funds. § 12. Lhe bond required in the foregoing section shall be in the fullowing form, viz: STATE OF JLLINOIS, 8 County. ? ; Know al men by these presents, that we, A B,C D, and E I", are held and fininly bound, jointly and severally, an tothe people of the state of Illt- nois, in the penal sum of dollars, to the paviment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this cay of AD 86-35 The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounder A B, school cemimissioner of the county aforesaid, shall faithfully dis- ehaice allthe duttes of said office according to the laws which now are, or inayehereafter be in force, and shall deliver over to his successor in office - all moneys, books, papers and property in his hands as such school coms missioner, then this obligation to be vuid ; otherwise to remain in full foree and virtue. A B , [SEAL. ] Cc a) , [ SEAL. | i F » [SEAL. | And which bond shall be filed in the office of the county court. § 18. he said commissioner shal be liable to removal by the county court, (or in counties adopting township organization, by the board of supervisors, ) for any palpa- ble violation of law or omission of duty; and if a majority of said court or board of supervisors shall at any time be satisfied that his bond is insufficient, it shall be his duty, on notice, to execute a new bond, to be payable, condi- tioned and approved as the first bond; the execution of which shall not affect the old bond, or the liability of the security thereof; and when the office of school commis- sioner shall become vacant by death, resignation, or other- wise, the county court, or board ar supervisors, shall fill the same by appointment for the unexpired term, and the person so appointed shall hold his office until his successor shall be qualified. § 14.’ ‘The said commissioner shall provide three well bound books, to be known and designated by,the letters A, B, C, for the following purposes: Tn pook,A he shall re- cord at length all petitions presented to him for the sale of common school lands, and the plats and certifi of valuation made by or cid és the direction of the trustees of schools, and the affidavits in relation to the same. In book a B he shall keep an aecount of all sales of common school a. lands; which account shall contain the date of sale, name of purchaser, description of lands sold, and the sum sold for. In book C he shall keepa repulac account of ail inoneys received for lands sold, or otherwise, and loaned or paid out; the person of ae received, and on what account, a and showing whether it is principal or interest ; the person to whom loaned, the time for which the fob was made, the rate of interest, the names of the securities when personal security is taken, or if real estate is taken as security, a description of said real estate, and if paid out, to whom, when, and on ou or account, and the amount paid out; he list of sales, and the accounts of each town- ship fund to be kept separale. Said books shall be paid for out of the county treasury of the counties in which they are used. 15. Whenever the bond of the township treasurer, approved by the board of trustees of schools, as required by law, shall be delivered by the trustees-of schools, or either of them, to the school commissioner, he shall receive and file the same with the papers of his office. He shall then, on demand, deliver to said township treasurer, who shall receipt thez refor, all moneys in his hands belonging to said township; also, all bonds, mortgages, notes eng, secu- rities of every description, for money or property due or to become due the township, and all papers of every de- scription belonging to or in anywise pertaining to the rights or interests of said township; and the receipt of said trea- surer to the school commissioner shall be carefully pre- served, and shall be evidence of the facts therein stated, as well in favor of the school commissioner as against the township treasurer. y/ Ae 16. Upon the receipt of the amount aus upon the au ditor’s warrant, the school commissioner shall apportion one-third of said amount to the several! I townships and parts of towaships in his connty, in proportion to tle number of acres in said townships and parts of townships, and the remaining two-thirds to the several townships and frac- tional townships in his county, according to the number of white wildest, under twenty-one years of a age: returned to niftis | in which townships or parts of towns! lips schools have been kept i in accordance with the provisions of this act, and with the instructions of the state and county superintendents, a and shall pay over the distributive share belonging to each township and fractional township, ag aforesaid, to the respective township treasurers, or other ii lhized persons, annually. When there is a county fi the hands of any school commissioner, it shall be loaned, and the interest applied as provided in this section with respect to the interest on ng state fund. 1887. Bend of town. ship treaeerer., Scokhos! commis - sioner to appor- + tion state funds 1857. 8 Tq report to su- § +7? The Scr hool commissioner shall also, on wf befor re periniendent. : the second Monday of November, before each regular ses- | sion of the general assembly, or annually, if so required by the state superintendent, communicate to said super- ‘intendent all such information and statistics upon the sub- jects of schools in the county as the said superintendent is bound to nia in his report to the governor, and such other information as the state superintendent shall. re- quire. lind § 18. The school commissioner, upon his removal or perty to succes- resignation, or at the expiration of his term of service, (or es in case of his death, his representatives,) shall deliver over to his successor in office, on demand, all moneys, books, papers and personal property, belonging to the office, or subject to the oh aR or disposition of the school : pcete AaaG To loan funds. 319. The school commissioner may loan any money, not interest, belonging to the county fund, before the same is called for ac cording to law by the township treasurer, at the same rate of interest, upon the same saab and for the same length of time as is praviced by this act in relation to the township treasurers; and notes and mort- gaces taken in the name of the “égchool commissioner” of the proper county, shall be, ha all loans heretofore made in the name of “school commissioners,” are hereby, de- ciared to be as valid as if taken in the name of “trustees of schools” of the proper township, and suits may be brought in the name of “school commissioners,”’ on all notes and mortgages heretofore or hereafter made payable to school commissioners. Be wisit schools § 20. It shall be the duty of the school commissioner to iu his county. visit, as often as practicable, the several schools of his county, and to note the common method of instruction and branches taught, and give such directions in the art of teaching, and the method thereof, in each school, as to him, together with the directors, shall be deemed expedient and necessary, so that each school shall be equal to the grade for which it was established, and that there may be, as far as practicable, uniformity in the course of studies in the schools of the several grades respectively, and shall carry ont the advice and instructions of the state super- intendent. Dae im core of ~—-§ 21. In all cases where the township board of trustees returns. of any township shall fail to prepare and forward, or cause to be prepared and forwarded, to the school commissioner, the information and statistics required of them in this act, it shall be the duty of said school commissioner to employ a competent person to take the enumeration, and furnish said statistical statement, as far as practicable, to the com- missioner; and said person so employed shall have free od 9 access tn the books and papers of said pc lhl ta enable “him to make such statement; and the township treasurer, or otherofheer or person in whose custody such books and papers may be, shall permit said person to examine such books and papers, at such times and places as such person may desire, for the purposes aforesaid ; and the said school commissioner shall allow, and pay, to the person so em- ployed by him, for the services, such amount as he may judge réddonabie: out of any money which is or may come into said commissioner’s hands, apportioned as the share of or belonging to such township 3 and the said school com- missioner shall proceed to recover and collect the amount so allowed or paid for such services, in a civil action be- fore any justice of the peace in the county, or before any court having Jurisdiction, in the name of the people of the state of Illinois, of and against the trustees of schools of said BG Ani in there individual capacity 5 ; and in sach suit or suits the said school commissioner and township treasurer shall he competent witnesses; and the money so recovered, when: collected, shall be paid over to the school commnis- Stoner, for the year of said township, to replace the fae taken as aforesaid. . § 22. When any real estate shall have been taken for debts due to any schoo! fund, the title to which real estate has hecome vested in any schoo] commissioner, or trustees af schools, for the use of the inhabitants of two or more townships, the school commisstoner may resell snch real estate for the benefit of said townships, under the provi- sions of this act regulating the sale of the common school lands; and the said commissioner is hereby a authorized to execute conveyances to purchasers ; and said commission- er shall be entitled to retain the same per centage on the amount of such sale, out of the assests thereof, as he is entitled to for selling the common shool lands. TOWNSHIPS—TRUSTEES OF SCHOOLS. 6 93)" Each Be mane + township, as surveyed and lnid off by ae of the United States, is hereby estab- lished a township for school purposes. The business of the township shall be done by three trustees, to be elected by the legal voters of the township; and the said town- gh} ip, upon the election of trustees as aforesaid, as herein- after provided for, shall be a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of “trustees of schools of township ,range, > according to thenumber. The said cor- poration shall kee perpetual existence, and shall have yower to Sue and be sued, to plead and be itmpleaded,'i in all courts and places Roce judicial proceedings are had. 1857, Compensation, May resell real estate. te Trusteess made body politha. 1807. Faietbility trustees, re 9 Fdection of trus- tees, Prevriso., # 19 Said trustees shall continue in office two years, and until others are elected and enter upon the duties of their otlice. 9 24. .No person shall be Reis to the office of trus- tee of schools, unless % shall be twenty-one years of age, and a resident of the township. § 25. The election of trustees of schools shall be on the second Monday in October, biennially, butin townships where such election has not been heretofore had, or where there are no trustees of schools, the election of trustees of schools may be holdenon any Monday; notice being given as hereinafter in this section required. The first elee- tion shall t pe ordered, if in townships already incorporated, ‘by the trustees of ao of the township, the boay nship Further proviso. Judges and cl’ks éf election. “Hane, @leation, &e., of treasurer giving notice of the time and place, by posting up notices of the same at least ten days previous to the day of election, at or in the school house, ar in the most publie place in every school district in the township. If there are no trustees of schools in a township, the clerk of the county court shall cause the notice to be given as aforesaid. For all subsequent elections, the like notices shall be given by the trustees of schools, through the town- ship treasurer: Provdded, thatif, Ban any day appointed as aforesaid, for election aie iL he said trustees of schools, or judges, shall be of opinion hes on account of the small attendance of voters, the public good requires it, or if the voters present, or a majority of them, shail de- sire it, they shall postpone said election until the next Monday, and at the same place and hour; at which meet- ing the voters shall proceed as if it were not a postponed or “adj ourned meeting: nd, pupvaled, also, that uf notice shall ote have been given as above required, then, and in tllat case, said election may be ordered as aforesaid, and holden on the first Monday in November, or any other Monday ; notice thereof being given as aloresaid. § 23... Two of, the. tri Istees ‘of schools of incorporated townships, if present, suall aet as judges, and one as clerk of said eleetion. If said trustees shall fail to attend, or re- fuse to act when present, and in townships unincorporated, the qualified voters present shall choose from amengst themselves, three judges and aclerk to open and conduct said election. § 27. The time and manner of opening, conducting and closing said election, and the several liabilities appertain- ing to ‘the judges and clerks, and to the voters scparately and collectively, and the manner of contesting said elec- tions, shall be the same as prescribed by the general elec- tion laws of this state, defining the manner of electing magistrates and constables, so far as applicable, subject to the provisions of this act: Provdded, the judges may close said election at four o’clock, P. MI. : 11 ‘ 23. No person Shall vote at said election unless he possesses the qialifieation of a voter ata generale ection. In case of a tie at such election it shall be determined by lot, on the day of election, by the judges thereot. 2). When a vacancy or vacancies shall’ oc cur in the board of trustees of se hools, the remaining trustee or trus- tees shall order an election to fill such vacane y, upon any Monday ; notice to be given as required in section twenty- five hereof. §:°30. Upon the election of trustees of schools, the judges of the election shall cause the poll book of said elec- tion to be delivered to the school commissioner of the county, with a certificate thereon showing the election of said trustees, and names of the persons elected; which poll book, with the certificate, shall be filed by said com- missioner, and shall be evidence of such election. § 81. The said trustees of schools, elected as aforesaid, shall be successors to the dene of school lands, ap- pointed by the county commis-ioner’s court, and of trus- tees of schools elected in tnd aes the aba sions of “an act making provisions for organizing and main- taining common scliools,?? approved Februr. ay 26, 1841, and of “an act to establish and maintain common schools,” approved March 1,1647. Allrights of property, and rights and causes of action, existing or vested in the trustees of school lands, or trustees of schools appointed or elected as aforesaid for the use of the inhabitants of the township, or any part of them, shall vest in the trustees of schools as successors, in as full and complete a manner as was vested in the school commissioner, | the trustees of school lands, | or tLe trustees of schools appointed and elected as afore- said. § 32. It shall be the duty of the ntl board of trnus- tees to hold regular semi-annual sessions on the first Mon- days of April and October in each year, and may meet at such other times, and at such nite places as they may think proper; and the president of the board, or any two members thereof, may call a special meeting of the board ; and at all meetings of the board, two ofits members shall constitute a quorum to transact any business. Said board shall organize by appointing one of theirnumber president, and some person, who shail not be a Wirector or member of the board, tow jaca treasurer, who shall be ex-cyiezo clerk of the board. he said pres sident and township treas- urer shall hold their respective offices during the term for which that board of trustees, by which they are }p- pointed, shall have been elected, and until their successors are appointed, and until their newly appointed treasurer has piven bond as required by this act; either of said officers, however, for good cause, may be removed by the board. 1857. Voters. Tie. Vacancy. Poll book deliv- ered to conmis- sioner. Powers of tras- tees and sue Ceéssors, - Meeting of. Clerk ef board. 857. To prepare map, &o. School -districts may be formed from two or Baore townships Funds to be di- ided in propor- ion to taxes eollected, Trustees? duty, Funds. Distribute funds. 12 It shan be the duty of the president, when present; to pre- side at the meetings of the board; and it shall be the duty of the clerk to be present at all meetings of the board, and to record in a book to be provided for the purpose all their official proceedings, which shall be a public record, open to the inspection. of any person interested. therein 5 and all said proceedings, when recorded, shail be signed by the president and clerk. If the presidentor clerk shall be absent, or refuse to perform. any of the duties of his ofice at any meeting of the board,a president or clerk, pro tempore, may be. appointed. § 33. Trustees of schools shall lay off the tow: nship into districts to suit the wishes and convenience of a ma- jority of the inhabitants of their townships, and shall pre- pare, or cause to be prepared, a map of their township, as often as may be necessary, on which shall be designated districts, to be styled district No. ant township Na , which they may alter or change at any regular ses- sion; which map shall he e:rtified by the president and clerk of the board, and filed with, and recorded by the county clerk,in a bork to be kept PE that purpose, to be paid for outof the county treasury: Provided, that school districts may be formed out of parts or two or more town- ships or fraetional townships; in which case the trustecs of the schools of the tow nships interested shall act in con- junction in the formation of such district. When anew district is formed from one or more districts, the trustees shall make division of any tax funds which are, or may be, in the hands of any officer, in Pape EAD to the amount of taxes collected from the property remainirg in each dis- trict; andit shall be the duty of the officer to pay the same on the order of the trustees. § 54. At each of theirhalf yearly meetings, on the first Monday of April and October, the trustees of schools shall proceed to ascertain the amount of state, county and town- ship funds liable to distribution, to wit: the fund arisin fronetiie two mill tax, the funds from taxes levied by the di- rectors for the purpose of paying teachers, the interest actu- ally on hand from the stateand county school fund, and such ofthe interest, rents, issues and proftts arising from the towne shiplands, and fands as have accrued and become due since the lastregular half-yearly meeting, except the two percent. and the three per cent. which the school commissioner is al- lowed toretain. The said trustees shall immediately there- upon proceed to distribute the aggregate amount of state, county and township funds thus ascertained to be liable to distribution, as follows: First, to the township treasur- er the two per cent. allowed him; second for the payment of the books of the township treasurer, if anything be due for that purpose ; third, for the payment of any reasonable charges for dividing common sclivol land, and making 13 plats, &c., as provided for in this act ; fourth, the balance, after deducting such an amount as a majority of the diree- tors in the township may, by petition, at the October term, request to be set apart for the support of schools in the suinmer, they shall apportion on the several schedules cer- tified and returned from each school in the township, ac- cording to law, in proportion to the number of days certi- fied on such schedules, respectively, to have been tuughit since the last regular return day fixed by the act or trus- tees for the return of schedules ; and the township treas- urer shall; as soon as practicable, pay out the money so apportioned to the several persons to whom it sha!l be dis- tributed; and shail hold the balance, if any, apportioned on the schedules, subject to the order of the directors-of the proper district, to be applied by them to the payment of teachers in their respective districts. The said trus- tees of scliools shall also make such oiders, not contrary to law, for the collection of the funds due, as in their dis- cretion shall be most for the interest of the funds. They “shall also, at their said half-yearly meetings, ascertain the amount of tax money, or other funds, if any, the treasurer las im hands belonging to any school district being wholly or partly in his township ; and they shall see that the treas- urer charges himself in his cash book, in a separate col- umn, iu favor of the proper district, with the amount they shail find to be in his hands belonging to such district; and the amount so ascertained to be in the hands of the treas- urer shall be paid out on the order of the directors. The trustees of schools shall also examine the certificate of the district directors to which such tax fund belongs, and they shall thereupon direct the treasurer to pay the tax money aforesaid to the several persons who may appear to be eniitied to it, according to the certificate of the di- "THC LG hae 6 35. Whenever it may be desirable to establish a schoo] composed of pupius, residents of two or more dis- tricts, either in the same or different townships, it shall be the duty of the directors of each of such districts to trans- fer such number of the pupils residing in such districts as the directors of the interested districts may deem proper, to the schools so established; but the enumeration of scliolars shall be taken in each of such districts as if no such transfer had been made; and such sciiools, when so composed, shall be supported from the school funds of the respective townships in which the pupils composing such schools shall reside, and from which they have been trans- ferred; and the directors of the district in which the school is kept shall have the control and management of su h school; and the directors of each of such districts shall pay its share of the entire expenses, of every kind, 1857. Collection ef the funds, Funds due dig- tricts to be pai on order of ¢ directera. me Schools composed of pupils frem two or more die tricts, Bnumeration tp be mede sepas rately. * . Bnien schools. Trustees report tf county com- Faigsioners, al a Ne. af echools. Ko. of scholars. No. ef teachers, No. of pet 208. 14 incurred in the establishment and support of such school, to be computed in proportion to the number of pupils re- siding in each of such districts composing such school ; and each tvoard of township trustees of the townships from which pupils are transterred, shall draw an order on its townslip treasurer in favor ofthe township treasurer of the township in which-the directors, or persons having the management of such school, shall reside, for its share of the fund for the payment of teachers, due on the schedule to be returned of tne number of days’ attendance of schol- ars from such township. The amount apportioned on such schedule shall be the same as if the schedule had been re-, turned for any school in the township, and anust be pre- seuted at the time required by law for the return of the schedules: Provided, however, by agreement of the sev- eral boards intrested therein, said school may be placed under the control and manageinent of such persons as may be determined by a majority of said board, who shall be styled ‘directors 6f union school, in district No. , in township No. ,’ and by such name shall be a body polite and corporate, having all the powers conferred on distriet directors 8, and the power to levy such taxes in the territory included in their district, to be collected in the same manner as other district ba nek are coliected. § 86.. The board of trustees of each towesbup 4 in this state shall prepare, or cause to be preparea by the town- ship treasurer, the clerk of the board, or other person, and forwarded to the school commissioners of the county in which the township lies, on or before the second Monday of October, preceding each regular session of the general assembly of this state, and at such other times as may be required by the school commissioner, or by the state supér- intendent of public 1 instruction, a statement exhibiting the condition of schools in their respective townships for the preceding biennial period, giving separately each year, commencing onthe first Moultlays of October and ending on the last of September; which statement shall be as follows: Ist. ihe whole number of shools which have been taught in each year; what part of said number have been taught by males exclusively ; what part have been taught by females exclusively; what part of said whole number have been taught by males and females at the same time, and what part by males and females at different pe- riods. 2d. The whole number of scholars in attendance at all the schools, giving the number of males and females separately. 8d. The number of male and female teach- ers, giving each separately; the highest, lowest and ave- rage monthly compensation paid to male and female teach- ers, giving each item separately. 4th. The number ot persons under twenty-one years ofage. Oth. The amount 15 of the principal of the tow nship fund; the amount of f the Am?nt of smes. interest on the hg ad fund pate Hite the township treas- ury; the amount of state or commen school fund received by the township treasurer; the amount raised by ad valo- - rem tax, and the amount of such tax received into the township treasury, and the amount of all other funds. re- ceived into the towuship treasury. 6th. amount paid for teachers’ wages; the amount paid for school house lots 5 the amount paid for building, repairing, purchasing, re ie ing and furnishing’ school houses; the amount paid for achool apparatus, for books and other incidental ce 8 for the use of school libraries; the amount ae as come pensation to township officers and others. Tth. The whole amount of the receipts and expenditures for salt pur- poses, together with such other statistics and esto riniat fon in regard to sehools as the state superintendent or school commissioner may require. § 57. In all cases’ where a township is, or shall be di- vided by a county line, or lines, the board of trustees of #uch township shall make, or ean ise to be made, separate enumerations of male and female white persons of te ages as directed in the foregoing section of this act, design ating separately the nuinber residing in each of the counties in which such township may lie, and forward each 1 ve number to the proper school commissioner of each of said counties; and in like manner, as far as practicable, all other statistics and information enumerated and required to be reported in the aferesaid section, shall be separately reported to the several school commissioners ; and all such parts of said statistical information as are not susceptible of division, and are impracticable to be reported separ- ately, shall be reported to the school commissioner of the county in which the sixteenth section of such township is situated. O38. At each semi-annual meeting, and at such othe meetings as they may think proper, the said ae bo td shall examine all books, notes, mortgages, panei: pa- pers, moneys and effects of the dob pie ratibn and the ac- counts and vouchers of the township treasurer, or other township school officer, and shall make such order thereon for their security, preservation, collection, correction of errors, if any, and for their proper management, as may seem to said board necessary. § 39. The board of trustees of each township in the state may receive any gift, grant, donation, or demise, made for the use of any schoo! or schools, or library, or other school purposes within their jurisdiction; and they shall be, and are hereby invested, in their corporate ca- _ pacity, with the title, care and custedy of all school houses _ and school house sites; but the supervision and control Paid wut, O-her informa-_ tion as required by the superie- tendent. Separate meration made, ~ ena te be i Y Books and vonap- ers to be6 amined. Donations ek 1857. Ti-e control of echovl houses vested in the Loard of direc- ters, Meneg to be paid to township taeasurer, Trustees to pur- cha @ real estate 16 of them is expressly vested in the directors of each district in which said property is situated; aud when ia the opinion of the school directors, the school house site has become unnecessary, or unsuitable, or inconvenient for a school, said board shall sell and convey the same in the name or the said board, after giving at least tweuty days’ notice of ‘Was: sale, by posting up written or printed notices thereof, particularly describing said property and terms of sale, and -such conveyance shall be executed by the president and clerk of said board, and the avails shall be paid over to the township treasurer for the benefit of said district; and all conveyances of real estate, which may be made to said board shall be made to said board in their corporate name, and to their successors in ofice. When any two or more districts shall be consolidated into one, the new district shall own all the corporate property of the several dis- tricts; and when a district shall be divided, or a portion set off to another district; the funds, property, or the in- come and the proceeds thereof belonging to such district shall be distributed or adjusted among the several parts by the trustees of the town or towns to which such district belongs, and in a just and equitable manner. § 40. The township board shall cause all moneys for the use of the township to be paid over to the township treasurer. They shall have power, also, to remove the township treasurer at any time, for any fatlure or rejusal to execute or comply with any order or requisitions of said board, legally mace, or any other improper couduet in the discharge of hisduty as treasurer, or al any tine they may deem such removal expedient. They stiail also have pow- er, for any failure or refusal as aforesaid, to sue lun upon his bond. § 41. The township trustees are hereby vested with general power and authority to purchase real e. tate, if in their opinton the interests of the townstip fund will be pro- moted thereby, in satisfaction of any jucgment! or decree wherein tue said board or school commissioner are plaine tiffs or complainants; and the title of such real esiate so pur- cuased shall vest in said board, for the use of the inhabi- tants of said township, for school purposes; and all pur chases of land heretofore made by school commissioners, or trustees of school lands, or trustees of schools, for the use of any fund or township for the use of schools, are hereby declared valid. The said board are hereby vested with general power and authority to make all settlements with persons indebted to them in their official capacity ; or receive deeds of real estate in compromise ; and to cancel, in such manner as they may think proper, notes, bonds, mortgages, judgments and decrees, existing, or that may hereafter exist, for the benefit of the township, when. the Rhy = en, LT interest of said township, or the fund concerned, shall, in their opinion, require it; and their action shall be valid. Said board of trustees are hereby authorized to lease or sell, at public auction, any land that may come into their ‘possession, in such manner and on such terms as they shall deem for the interest of the township: Provided, that in all cases of sale of land, as provided in this section, the _ sale shall be made at the same place, and notice given of it in the same manner as is provided in this act for the sale of the sixteenth section. SCHOOL DIRECTORS-——-THEIR ELECTION AND DUTIES. § 42. It shall be the duty of the legal voters within each school district to meet at the school house, or other con- » venient place inthe district, on the first Monday of Octo- ber next, or as soon thereafter as the township may be laid off into districts, and on the first Monday of October an- nually thereafter, and elect three persons within the dis- trict, to be styled school directors, who shall continue in office for the term of one year, and until their successors are elected. But the first election may be held on any Monday, notice being given by the township treasurer, ac- cording to the provisions for the election of trustees. The legal voters, when assembled, shall choose three of their number to act as judges, and one as clerk, at such elec- tion. In case of atie at said election for school! directors, it shall be determined by lot on the day of election, by the judges thereof. The district directors, upon their election, or as soon thereafter as practicable, shall agree and appoint one of their number clerk, who shall keep a record of ail the official acts of the board of directors, in a book to be provided for that purpose. Before every election of di- rectors, and when a vacancy shall occur in the board of directors, the remaining director or directors shall order an election to fill said vacancy, giving at least five days’ notice, by posting advertisements in at least three public places in the district ; and the judges of the election shail cause the poll book to be delivered to the township treas- urer, with a certificate thereon showing the election of said directors and names of the persons elected, which poll book shall be filed by the township treasurer, and shall be evidence of said election. If any trustee or director shall not be an inhabitant of the district or township which he represents, an election shall be ordered to fill the vacancy, and no person shall be at the same time a director and trustee, nor shall a director or trustee be interested in any contract mace oy %.e board of which he is a member. Previse. Bileestion of schevl direciore. Firat @icelion - held on ary Monday. Te. Selection of clerk Nobiceof elects ® 1857. Authorized to levy tax for building school houses, and for Libraries, furni- ture and fuel. ~ - Directors to esti- mate the amount of funds required to be taised for school purposes. PAG rate per eent List of ers. tax-pay- Subject te vote of Veepis. Form of certifi- eate. Duty ef county dierk, 18 § 43. For the purpose of erecting school houses, or purchasing school house sites, or fer the repairing and im- proving the same, for procuring furniture, fuel and district libraries, and for the purpose of paying the balance due teachers, after the state and township funds are exhausted, the board of directors of any district shall be authorized to have levied and coilected a tax, annually, on all the prepery in their district. . § 44. At each meeting in October, orat any subsequent meeting thereafter, betorée the first Monday of July, an- nite “each board of directors in this state shall deter- mine, by estimate, as nearly ag practicable, the entire eisunt of money necessary to be expended in the district, to keep in good condition and operation a suflicient num- ber of free schools for the accommodation of all the child- ren in said district during the ensuing year, over and above the available means arising from the ‘township fund orfrom other sources, and also such additional amount as the board may think necessary for the exclusive purpose of supplying any deficiency in the fund for the payment: of teachers, and for the purpose of extending the terms of schools after the state or common school fund shall have been exhausted; and shall determine, as nearly as prac- ticable, what rate per cent. on the one hundred dollars’ valuation of all the taxable property in the district, each of said amounts, separately, will require to be levied; each of which rates so estimated and required to be Jevied, to- gether with a list of all the resident tax payers of the dis- trict, the said board shall make known by certificate in writing, signed by the president and clerk of the board, or at least two of the directors, to the clerk of the county court of the county, on or before the first Monday of July next thereafter in each year: Provided, that the people vote the same as hereinafter expressed, which certificate may be in the following form, viz: We, the undersigned, directors of district No. —, township No. —, range No. —, in the county of , and state of Tilinois, do hereby certify that said board toby estimated and required to be levied for the year 15—, the for gebers al school purposes, and the rate of . for paying teachers and extending terms of schools, on each one hundred ‘dol- lars’ valuation of taxable property in said district. Given under our bands, rate of ———~. this day of , 18—. ASBS, C. D., > Directors. i ee 845. According to the rate or rates coartified ag afore- said, the said county clerk, when making out the tax books for the collector, should compute each taxable person’s tax in said district, taking as a basis the total amount of taxable property returned by the county assessor for that year, lying andbeing in said district, whether belonging cal a» 19 ‘to residents or non-residents, and also each and every tract of land assessed by the assessor, which lies, or the largest part of which lies in said district. The said county clerk shali cause each person’s tax so computea to be set upon the tax book, to be delivered to the collector for that year, in a separate column, against each tax payer’s name, or parcel of taxable property, as it appears in said collector’s book, to be collected in the same manner, and at the same time, and by the same persons, as state and county taxes are collected: Provided, the assessments so made in the years intervening between the regular biennial assessments of real estate as provided in the revenue acts, shall be based upon the tax payer’s real estate as assessed at the regular biennial assessment. .The computations of each person’s tax, and the levy made by the clerk, as aforesaid, shell be final and conelusive: Provided, further, the pAve shall be uniform, and shall not exceed the rate certified by the board of directors ; and the said county clerk, before delivering the tax book to the collector, shail make cut and deliver, on demand, to each township treasurer, of the respective townships in the county, a Kertitionte of the amount due each district in his township, of said tax so levied and placed upon the tax books; and on or before the first day of April next after the delivery of the tax books containing the computation and levy of said taxes aforesaid, or so soon thereafter as the township treasurer shall present the said certificate of the amount of said tax, and make a demand piunct oy the said county collector shall pay to said township treasurer the full amount of said tax, so ceritfied by the county clerk, retaining from said amount only two per centum, as his fees for collection, taking of the township treasurer his receipt therefor, which receipt shali be evidence, as well in favor of the col- lector as against the township treasurer; and said treas- urer shall enter the same in his books, under the proper heads, and pay the same out as provided for by this act. When a district is composed of parts of two or more town- ships the directors shall determine and inform the collector in. writing, under their hands as directors, which of the treasurers of the townships from which their district is formed shall demand and receive the tax money collected by the county collector as aforesaid. 1857. Provisa. Districts com- posed of two or more townships § 46. If any collector shall fail to pay the amount of Penaity. paid tax, or any part therecf, as required in the aforesaid section, it shall be competent for the township tr osurer, or other authorized person, to proceed egain t such collector and his securities in en action of debt in the county court; which court is hereby vested with full pow- er and authority to hear and determiné eli such suits, ren- cer judgments and issue execution; or said suit may be “ Proviso. Gortificate to be returned tochk , ef co. court. ®ounty clerk to furnish valua- tion of property Wirectors may borrow money to build schoel Bouses. Proviso. Further provise, Board of direc- tors a body cor- peraic. 20 biguahe in any other court having jurisdiction; and the said collector, so in default, shall pay twelve per centum upon the amount due, to be assessed as damages, which shall be included in the judgment rendered against hin: Provided, no collector shall be able for such part of said tax as he shall be able to make appear he could not have collected by law until he may be able to se collect such amount. § 47. When a district is or shall hereafter be situated in two or more counties, the certificate of the rate of tax- ation shall be returned to the clerks of the county court of each of such cvunties, furnishing to each clerk the names of the resident tax payers of that part of such dis- trict which lies in his county 3 and each of said clerks shall proceed in all respects as regards the taxable residents and taxable property of that part of such district situated in his county, and for the purpose of enabling school di- rectors to make the estimate of taxes, the county clerk of each county shall furnish tothe clerk ofeach of said boards” the totalamount of the valuation of taxable property of each district respectively, asreturned by the assessor of the previ- | ous year; andto enablethe clerk of the county court to per-= form his duty for the first estimates as aforesaid, the di- rectors shall farnish to said county clerk a list of all the names of the resident tax payers of the previous year in said district, in the county, and thereafter said list of names shall be furnished as provided in this act. For the purpose of erecting school houses, or purchasing school house sites, or for repairing and improving the same, it shall be lawfal for the board of directors of any district to berrow money, at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent. per annum, and issue bonds therefor in sums riot less” than one hundred dollars; which bonds shall be executed” by the president and clerk of said board, or at least two of the directors: Provdded, that the total indebtedness” incurred by any district under this section, shall net at any time exceed three per cent. per annum of the assessed. value of the real and a has property of said cistrict: Provided, further, that the same shall be voted by a ma- jor ity of all the votes cast at any election, first giving ten days’ notice thereof, by posting up three notices of ne time, place and object of the meeting. § 48. .The board of directors in each district in this dato, eal dey deonell (asic (ade hereby declared a body olitic and. corporate, by the name of “ school directors of district num cf —, township any relies ——— county of ————, and state ef Illinois,’ and by that name may sue and be sued, clead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in all courts and places whatever, and to have perpetual succession. Each district shall be liable © 5 aud 21 for the balance due teachers after the state and township funds are exhausted, and also for all debts contracted un- der the authority of law. A majority of said directors shall constitute a quorum to do business; and the board, when convened, shall have power to purchase libraries and apparatus for the district, to be paid for out of the tax funds of the district. They shall establisha sufficient num- ber of common schools for the education of every individ- ual person over the age of five and under twenty-one years, in their respective bagtrdotsic ; and shall make the necessary provision for continuing such schools in operation for at least six months in each year, and longer, if practicable. They shall cause suitable lots of ground to be procured, and suitable buildings to be erected, purchased or rented for schoo! houses; “shall s supply the same with furniture and fuel, and make all other provisions relative to schools which they may deem proper; they may adopt rules for the government of schools, and shall exercise a general supervision over the schools of their respective districts, and shall, by one:or more of their number, visit every school in the district at least once a month, and shall cause the result of such visit to be entered on the records of the board. They-shall have the appointment of all-teachers of the schools in the district; shall fix the amount of teach- ers’ salaries or compensation, and may dismiss them at any time for incompetency, cruelty, negligence or immorality; shall direct what branches of learning shall be tanght in each school, and may suspend or expel from the school all pupils cis guilty, on full examination and hearing, of re- fractory or incorrigibly bad conduct. / Said school direc- tors are hereby authorized to receive and hold, by their name of school directors, for the use of schools in the dis- rict, any book purchased for or donated to the district hibra- ry, and the sameshall be kept and controlled and loaned to the inhabitants of the district, according to rules prescribed by said directors. But the librarian: shall, in no case, receive any compensation out of the schoo! fund for his services. The directors of any district are hereby author- ized to appropriate any surplus moneys, after paying teach- ers’ wages and all other necessary school expenses, in any year, in the purchase of school libraries and apparatus for their respective districts. No school site shall be pur- chased, nor shall a school house be erected, located, pur- chased or changed without the consent of a majority of the legal voters of any district at an election; in which case notice shall be given in the same manner, and for the same number of days as is required for the election of directors, either by the directors or at least ten legal voters of said district. Provided, however, if a majority of the votes cast ‘at said election is not obtained for auy site, the di- 1837. Each district H- able for balance aue teachers. Power to pur- chase libraries. ~ Build and furm- ish scheei houses, Visit schools, Shall appoint & may dis bw teachers. Have control of district libra- ries, May expend enr< plus moneys fer libraries. Proviso. 1857 22 rectors shall have power to locate and build a school house which stall not cost over the sum of $1000; nor shall the directors have power to levy taxes for the purpose of ex- tending the terms of schools for a longer period than six months in each year; nor for the purpose of building a school house to cost over the sum of $1000, without the Ransant of a majority of the votes cast at said election. he notice shall state the questions to be decided at said election. OF JUDGMENTS AND EXECUTIONS AGAINST BOARDS OCF TRUS=< TEES OR SCHOOL DIRECTORS. * Judgment and § 49. If judgment shall be obtained against any town- sy eetearre ship board of trustees or school directors, the party entitled satiee to the benefit of such judgment may have execution there- for,.as follows, to wit: it shall be lawful for the court in which such judgment shall be obtained, or to which suéh judgment shall be removed, .by transcript or appeal from a justice of the peace, or other court, to issue thence a writ, commanding the directors, trustees and treasurer of such township to cause the amount thereof, with interest and costs, to be paid tothe party entitled to the benefit of said judement t, out of any moneys, unappropriated, of said townships ; or if there be no such moneys, out of the first acteek applicable to the payment of the kind of services indebtedness for which such judgment shall be obtained, wi high shall be received for the use of such township ; : and to enforce obedience to such writ by attachment, or by mandamus, re ania such board to levy a tax for the pay- ment of said judgment; and all legal process, as well as writs to enforce payments of a judgment, shall be served =) either on the president or clerk of the board. EXAMINATION AND QUALIFICATION OF TEACHERS. Examination of = § 5). ‘The school commissioner shall, either by himself or any person or persons whom he shall appoint, examine such person or persons paopusibg toteach a common schoolin the county, in relation to his or her qualification to teach or- thography, reading in English, penmanship, arithmetie, English grammar, * modern geography and the History of the United States ; and if he or they shall be satisfied that such person sustains a good moral char acter, and is quali- fied properly to teach all se be ese branches, he or they shall give such person a certificate of qualification; which ; certificate shall be good md valid in said county for ie | years from the date thereof, and said certificate may renewed, at its expiration, by indorsement thereon b Be said hteatuolaines or examiners. And the said coke: ‘ ra on sioner may revoke said certificate for gross immorality, in- Competency, or other adequate cause. The said certifi- eate to the teacher may be in the following form, viz —— ILLINOIS, 18— The undersigned having examined and being satisfied that sustains a good moral character, hereby certify that is quali- . fied pro perly to teach the following branches, viz: orthography, reading er @ommissioney may reywoke eer- tifieate. Form of certif- Gate, in English, pehmans| up, arithmetic, English grammar, modern geography, and the History of the United States; which certificate is good and valid in said cownty fortwo years from the date hereof, renewable at the qpian of the schoo] commissioner, or of any two members of the board of ex- aminers, by his or their indorsement thereon. Given under hand, at the date aforesaid. AB, School Commissioner. D, s < E FP, Evaminers. Provided, that sod and every school or schools, of whatever grade, established orauthorized to be est :hlished aie the provisions of this act, shall be a school or schools for the purpose of teaching various branches of an English education; and no part of the common school fund, town- ship fund, or of any other school fund, shall be paid: out or appropriated for the establishing, conducting, or. the sup- porting In any manner of any other character or class of schoc!] or schools, as aforesaid designated: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the fesebing a foreign language i inea common school, as aforesaid. § 51. Tt shall -be the duty of the school. commissioner to fix upon the time of holding meetings for the examina- tion of teachers, in such places in their respective counties, as will, in their opinion, best ac ecommodate the greatest number of candidates for examination 5 notice of all such meetings having been pobliahed:: in some newspaper of gen- eral circulation ; and all teachers who do not attend at the appointed time for said examination, shall pay to the school commissioner one dollar for their certificate. x TEACHERS=-THEIR DUTIES. § 52. No teacher shall be entitled to any portion of the common school or township fund, or other public fund, or be employed to teach any school under the control of any board of directors of any school district .in this state, who shall not, before his employment, exhibit to said board, or to a committee of said board, a certificate of qualification obtained under the provisions of this act; nor shall any teacher be paid any portion of the school or public fund aforesaid, unless he shall have kept and furnished sched ules as herein directed: Provided, if the directors of a district shall certify that they are unable to procure a teach- er competent to teach the branches required by this act, Pre;ise. Heetings for ex- amination of teachers. Publication of netice.e Exhibit ee:ti@e cate. Froviee, Behedules. Form ofsehedule SCHEDULE of a common school kept by A B, at 24 the commissioner shall issue a certificate of qualification to teach such branches as said directors may specify ; _which certificate shall be valid only in said district, and for one year. 7 § 538. Teachers shall make schedules of the names of all scholars under twenty-one years of age, attending their schools, in the form prescribed by this act; and when scholars reside in two or more districts, townships or counties, separate schedules shall be kept for each district, township or county, and the absence or presence of every scholar shall be set down under the proper date, and op- posite the name, on every day that Bn open, and the absence of ascholar shall be signified by a blank—the presence by a mark. The Hohvaule to be made and re- turned by the teacher shall be, as near as circumstances will permit, in the following form, viz: , in district number , in township number , Tange number —— of the principal meridian, in the county of , in the state of Lilinois. 1a | | Joo [oe Jae Jen | hie |e lee |e || Jer fio [eo [2 Joo fom | wo fmm tem fs Te (RGR lee [ER [ae 109 [oo 8 2 a Oo be . B 3 a 13 e 3 PIS (SIS ISIS IS WISI IS SIS TRIS IS ISIN IS SS le = a Mames of schelars attending my) =| |.» £ v| }ele Ry 3 school, and residing in district} * Sis ees 6 fe alia an ae : iy « ote ft eat ede |S ile al OVO |e al .|S | 2 tay number 9» In. township ——|p) bh] 2/8] al Sie els] al SI SlAle] A SIA] als] ala i o x 5 a} xs}|o;o Rlel(S(VlS [ble S/OISl bel e(OlTl pis nerth, range —— west, in ——|S/clal/ Z| sl SiSlSsizZlele ls lalZialglsia|2\s wes county, E(S SESE SSS /E/S (o/s sa (8 / Sele ls |e rm |». a w]e il ote Slat Ssh iS Ce a\s = 7B Ye |S | | | fe |e es | les oe | |B IE Ie |S 3 : =] iS ‘ © 3 = le Jgonn SMithgeccecerccercscrerscage 7) 1] 2} 11 1 1 i ( 1/1) 1 1 1 14 Isaac Me@slie€r, oe eseeeceios I 1 Shia Veal a il { 1| 1 i Sarah Danforth). oceerececne oa sin als i 1) teat Th pede wa WA a a) vot ahaa al were Mary Newman,....seese eceseorvee| f] YT] 4 1| SOM nar tee aime Sy UB | 1) 11) t) ata] 1) 149 GEM sal. =a Grand total number of days,....¢0.! «« qiWleisce wmniwisieine ie slate! Rinietsreoelecaiers ale es eve ciee vols sis siecle 0+ And said teacher shall add up and set down the whole number of days’ attendance of each scholar, and add up said whole numbers, and make out the grand total num- ber of days’ attendance, as in the form above prescribed, and shall attach thereto his certificate, which shall be in the following form, viz: I certify that the foregoing schedule of scholars attending my school, as therein named, and residing as specified in said schedule, to the best of my knowleflge and belief, is correct; and that it was a achoolfor the purpose. of teaching various branches of an English education. A. B., Teacher. 25 1857. When the teacher shall have completed his or her sched- scheauics to ve : ule\or schedules, as above required, he or she shall deliver ee ae it to some one of the directors, and it shall be the duty of said director, in connection with one other director of the board, to carefully examine such schedule or schedules, and, after correcting all errors, and if they shall find such schedule to have been kept according to law, they shall certify to the same, as near as practicable, in the following form, viz: STATE OF Inzinors, 2 County, § We the undersigned, directors of »in township number > Form of certifi- range number ,in the county aforesaid, certify that we have ex- ‘ate. amined the foregoing schedule, and find the same to be correct, and that the school was conducted according tolaw. ‘That there is now due said C D, teacher, as per contract, the sum of dollars and cents, aud that the said teacher has a legal certificate of good moral character, and of qualification to teach a common school (or of such a grade as the ease may be. Witness our hands, this $$. day of , A. D. 185—. a b” { Directors. Which schedule or schedules, certified as aforesaid by at Stheduies to ve least two directors, shall be filed by said directors with the township treasurer; and until such schedule and re- port, as aforesaid, shall have been filed as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for said treasurer to pay said teacher, or any two members thereof to draw an order in favor of said teacher. . § 54 School directors shall certify no schedule that pirectersitmitea reaches back toa time more than six months from the time *,.\°,2°° @ fixed by law for the regular return and presentation of schedules to the school directors. Schedules made and certified, as aforesaid, shall, at least two days before the first Monday in April and October, be delivered by the directors to the township treasurer. TOWNSHIP TREASURER-——HIS DUTIES. § 50. The township treasurer appointed by the board ‘ronmrers of trustees, shall, before entering upon his duties, execute “°° a bond, with two or more freeholders, who shall not be members of the board, as securities; payable to the board of the township for which he is appointed treasurer, with a sufficient penalty to cover all liabilities which may be incurred, conditioned faithfully to perform all the duties of _township treasurer, in township ————, range ————, in county, according tolaw. The security shail be approved by at least a majority ef the board, and shall be delivered by one of the trustees to the school commissioner of the proper county. And in al} cases where such treas- urer aforesaid is to have the custody of all bonds, mort- gages, moneys and effects denominated principal, and be- longing to the township for which he is appointed treas- Ferm of bead. urer ; the penalty of said treasurer’s bond shall be twice the amount of said bonds, notes, mortgages, moneys and effects. And every township treasurer. appointed subse- quent to the first, as herein provided, shall execute bond, with security, as is required of the first treasurer. The bond required in this section shall be in the following form, Viz: | STATE oF ILLINOIS, i County, ere Know all men by these MEP, that we, A B,C D ee E F, are held and firmly bound, jointly and severally, unto the board of , in said county, in the artal sum of . dollars, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of 5 Sa pie The condition of the above obligation is such, that ifthe above bounden A B, township treasurer of township , range , in the county aforesaid, sh: a faithfully discharge all the duties of said office according to the laws which now are or may hereafter be in force, and shall deliver ' to his successor in office all moneys, books papers, securities and panei Te previde books amd keep account ef money re- aeived, in his hands as such ere? treasurer, then this obligation to be voi otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. A.B. [SEAt. Cc. D he EK. F. {| szax | Approved and accepted by | c Gon. Le Ji Trustees. 43 4 § 06. Every township treasurer ayes provide himself, with two well bound books, the one tobe called a cash book, the other a loan book. He shall charge himself in the cash book with all moneys received, stating the charge, when, from whom and on what account received; and credit himself with all moneys paid or loaned, the amount loaned, the date of the loan, the rate of interest, the time > when paya le, the name of the securities, or if real estate be taken, a description of the same. He shall also enter in Separate accounts moneys received and moneys paid out, charging the first to debit account, and crediting the lat- ter as sake to-wit: 1st. The principal of the township fund, when paid in, and when paid out. 2d. The interest of the township fund, when received and when paid out. dd. The common school fund, and other funds, when re- ceived from the school éommissioner, and when paid out. 4th. The taxes received from the county collector, dis- a ishing between that for general school purposes and that levied for the purpose of prolonging schools. 5th. Donations received. 6th. Moneys coming from all other sources; and in all eases entering the date when received =) and when paid out; and he shall also arrange and keep 27 | huss his books and accounts in such other manner as mey | / Girected by the state or county superintendent, or th board of trustees. He shall ‘also. provide a book, tov | - exiled a journal, inwhichhe shall record{ully aud at length t eacts and proceedings of the board, their orders, by-laws’ end resolutions ; which book shall be at all times subject to the inspection of said board, or other persons attliorized by this act, or of any committee appointed by the inhabi- tants of the tewnship to examine the same. And he shall also provide a book to be called a record, in which he shall , enter a brief description of all notes or bonds belenging to the township, and upon the opposite page he shall note down when paid, or any remarks to show where or in what condition it is, as in the following form, viz: Maker? names, |Vate ef mete.| When due. | Amount. Remarks. A B, C D. | gannary Ist, | January Ist, $30 00 January % 185—, handed tol J, EP. | 186-,. i8&-, @c., for colieetion (or Jan. 6,183-, x paid.) § 570 The township treasurers shall loan, upon the fol- lowing corditions, all moneys which shall come to their hands by virtue of their office, exeept such as may be sub- ject to distribution. The rate of interest shall be ten per cenfum per annum, payable half yearly in advance. The time for which loans shall be made shall not be Jess than six months nor more than five years. Fer all sums not exceeding one hundred dollars, loaned for not more than one year, two responsible securities shall be given; for all sums over one hundred dollars and for ali loans for more than one year, security shall be given by mort- _ gage on real estate, unineumbered, in value double the _ amount. loaned, with a condition that in case additional security shall at any time be required, the same shall be _ given to the satisfaction of the board of trustees for the time being. Notes, bonds, mortgages -nd other securities, taken for money er other property, due or to become due _ to the board of trustees for the townshi , shall be payable _to-the said board by their corporate name; and in such name suits, actions and complaints, and every description _ of legal proceedings, may be had for the recovery of money, the breach of contracts, and for every legal liability which _may at any time arise or exist, or upon which a right of vided, however, that notes, bonds, mortgages and other se- curities in which the name of the school commissioner, or ' ef the trustees of schools, are inserted, shall be valid to all ‘intents and purposes; and suit shall be brought in the “name of the board of trustees as aforesaid. The wile of 1857. Form, Te loa funda. action shall accrue to the use of this corporation: L70- proves. Ferm of mortgage Mertgace to be reverded. Additional socu- ty. ; - 28 the mortgagor (if he has one) shall join in the mortgage given to secure the payment of money loaned by virtue of the provisions of this act. § 58. Mortgages to secure the payment of money loaned under the provisions of this act may be in the following form, viz: T, A B, of the county of , and state of convey and transfer to the board of trustees of township , lange , in the county of ,and state of Illinois, for the use of the in- habitants of said township, the following described real estate, to wit: (Ifere insert premises.) Which real estate I declare to be in mortgage for the payment of interest that may accrue thereon, to be computed at the rate of per cent. per annuin until paid. And Ido hereby covenant to pay the said sum of money in years from the date heregf, and to pay interest on the same at the rate aforesaid half-yearly in advance. Ifurther covenant that I have a good and valid title to said estate, and that the same is free from ali incumbrance ; and that I will pay all taxes and assessments which may be levied on said estate; and that I will give any additional security that may at any time be required by said board of trustees; and if said estate be sold to pay said debt, or any part thereof, or for any failure or refusal to comply with or perform the conditions or covenants herein con- tained, I will deliver immediate possession of the premises; and in con- sideration of the premises C, wife of said A B,doth hereby release to the gaid board all her right and title of dower, in the aforegranted premises, for the purposes aforesaid. ; In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this day of , 18—. A. B., [SEAL. } C. D., | SEAL. | Which mortgage shall be acknowledged and recorded, as is required by law for other conveyances of real estate, the mortgagor paying the expenses of acknowledgment and recording, and fifty cents as a fee to the township treas- urer. . ) § 59. Upon the breach of any condition or stipulation. contained in said mortgage, an action may be maintained and damages recovered as upon other covenants; but mortgages made in any other form to secure payment as aforesaid shall be valid as if no form had been prescribed. ‘In estimating the value of real estate mortgaged to secure the payment of money loaned under the provisions of this law, the value of impr..vements liable to be destroyed shall not be included. § 60. Ta all cases where the board of trustees shall re- quire additional security for the payment of money loaned, and such security shall not be given, the township treas- urer shall cause suit to be instituted for the recovery of the same, and all interest thereon, to the date of judgment: Provided, that proof be made of the said requisition. In the payment of debts by executors and administrators, those due the common school or township fund shall have a preference over all other debts, except funeral and other expenses attending the last sickness, not including the , do hereby grant, dollars loaned to me, and for the payment of all © BD ite) | -physicia.’ s bill. And it shall be the duty of the township treasurer to attend at the office of the probate justice upon the proper day, as other creditors, and have any debts due _as aforesaid probated and classed, to be paid as aforesaid. § 61. If default be made upon ‘the payment of interest due upon money loaned by any school commissioner or town- ship treasurer, or inthe payment of the principal, interest at the rate of twelve per cent. per annum shai! be charged upon the principal and interest from the day of default, which shall be included in the assessment of dameges, or in the judgment in suit or action brought upon the obliga- ‘tion to enforce payment thereof; and interest as aforesaid may be recovered in action brought to recover interest only. And the said township treasurers are hereby em- powered to bring appropriate actions, in the name of the board of trustees, for the recovery of the half. yearly in- terest, when due and unpaid, without suing for the princi- pal, i iti whatever form secured, and justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction in such cases of all sums under one hundred dollars. § 62. All suits brought, or actions instituted under the provisions of this act, may be brought in the name of the “board of trustees of township — Peale eae ——.,”” except as is provided for action gwz fam in this act, or in favor of school commissioners. The township treasurer shall demand, receive and safely keep, according to law, all moneys, books and papers of every description belong- ‘ing to his township. He shall keep the township fund “Toaned at interest; and if on the first Monday of October ia any year there shall be any interest or other funds on Phand which shall not be required for distribution, such ) amount not required as aforesaid may, if the board of trus- _tees see proper, forever be considered as principal in the ae to which it belongs, and loaned as such. Re £ ery year, the township treasurer shall lay before the Bisard of trustees a statement, showing the amount of in- eel rents, issues and profits that have accrued or be- /come due since their last regular half-yearly Bane on the township lands and township funds, aud also the amount of state and county fund iiterest oh hand.’ He shall also Jay before the said trustees all books, notes, bonds, mort- gages, and all other evidence of indebtedness belonging to the township, for the examination of the trustees, and shail ake such other statement as the board may require Byes ihe duties of his office. 64. For any failure or refusal to perform all the du- ties required of township treasurer by law, he shall be li- @ble to the board of trustees upon his Bena’ to be cer if Hed by action of debt by said board, in their corporat 4 Default in pay ment ¢f inte- rest, Bring suits. All suits and ae- tions brought in the name ef the board. ~ § 68. On the first Mondays of April and October, of Statement to be made in Apri and October, Penalty. 4 1857. | | 89 ; : name, for the use of the proper township, before any court having jnrisdiction of the amount of damages claimed; but if saii treasurer, in any such failure or refusal, acted un- der and in conformity to'a requisition or order of said board or a majority of them, entered upon their journal and subserivbed by their president and clerk, then and in. that case the members of the said board aforesaid, or those of the em voting for’ said requisition or order as aforesaid, and not the treasurer, shall be Jiabl e, jointly and severally, to the inhabitants of the township, to be recovered py - action of aA in the official name of the school com- __ missioner, for the use of.the proper township. ponds, morte § OO. When a township treasurer shall resign, or be gxges, &e, to removed, and at the expiration of his term of office, he Haceessors. shall pay over to his successor in office all money on hand, and deliver over all books, notes, bonds, mortgages, and all other securities for money, and all. papers and docu- ments of every description, in which the corporation may have any interest whatever; and in case of the death of the township treasurer, his securities and legal re presen- : tatives shall be bound to comply with the reqitisitions of this section. And for any failure ne comply with the re- quisitions of this section, he shall be 2 penalty of not les3 than ten nor, more than one hundred dollars, at the discre Be and the obtaining or payment of said Beers te oficial oe TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS. School fundtobe § OG. All bonds, notes, mortgages, and Fe ape ie of sete fopan indebtedness, moneys. and effects, in the hands of any eases, school com Rs, Ae trustee of schools, township treasur- er, or other officer, or person, and belonging to any coun- ty or township, and which have heretofore accrued, or may hereafter accrue from the sale of the sixteenth section, or of. the common school lands of any township or county, or for the sale of any real estate or other prop erty taken | for any debt, or on any judgment, due to the principal of any county or township fend, and all surplus interest and other funds which have been or shall hereafter be carried to and made part of the principal of any township or coun- ty funds, by any law which has heretofore been or may hereafter be enacted, in the band of any county, township, — or other officer or person, and belonging to any county or township, and all sums arising from the loaning or reloan-— ing of the principal of any township or county fund, are hereby declared to be and shall forever hereaf‘er consti- tute the principal of the township or county fund, to which- od ever it may respectively belong, and no part thereof shall ever be distributed or expended for any purpose whatever, except the interest, rents and profits thereof, but shall be loaned out, and held to use, rent or profit, as herein, here- tofore or may hereafter be provided by law. § 67. School funds collected from taxes levied by the orders of the directors, or from the sale of property belong- ing to any district shall be paid out on the order of the di- School funds te be paid out om order of @ires- tors. rectors; and ail moneys and school funds, liable to distri- | bution, not being principal, paid into the township treasury, or coming into the hands of the township tréasurer, shall be. paid out only on the order of the proper board, signed by a majority of the board, or their president and clerk ; and for all payments made, receipts shall be taken and filed; and in all such orders shall be stated the purpose fer which or on what account drawn; and all such orders may be in the following form, to wit: The treasurer of township number county, will pay to or bearer, dollars and -cents, (on his contract for repairing school house, or otherwise, as the case may be.) By order of the board of said township. A B, President. ,range number opi) CD, Clerk. Which, together with the receipt of the person to whom paid, shal! be filed in the office of the towhship treasurer. [commMoN scHOOL FuUNDs. | ~ § 63. The common school fund of this state shall con- J i ' application of the interest on the school, colle sist of such sum as will be produced by the annual levy and assessment of two mills upon each dollar’s valuation of all the taxable property in the state; and there is here- by levied and assessed, annually, in addition to the reve- nue for state purposes, the said two mills upon each dol- lar’s valuation of all the taxable property in the state, to be collected and paid, and the amount due from the state, according to a statement and settlement of the account be- .tweea the state and that fund, under the provisions of an act, entitled “An act to provide for the distribution and ge and semi- © nary fund,’? approved on the seventh of February, one . thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and of all funds - which have been or may be received by the state from the +: United Sates, for the use and support of common schools; and also of the money added to the common school fund, which was received from the United States uader an act of _ congress providing for the distribution of the surplus rev- ~ enue of the United States, and which was invested in bank - stock by authorrity of thestate, and of the amountadded tothe Form of eréer, Oréer and re-. ceipts to be filed Gommon schoel fund. nay ae " o2 schoo! fund under an act requiring the three per cent. fund © Proviso. to be invested in state bonds: Provided, that in cases where, heretofore, the state taxes have not been collected in any count yys such county shall not be entitled toa dis- — tribution of the college, seminary and school fund, for the period of time that no such taxes have been collected, and that the portion of the fund aforesaid shall in such eases be distributed without regard to such county. ‘ Bisto to pyine § 69. The state shall pay an interest of six per cent. a, per annum upon the amount of the aforesaid common school funds, except on so much thereof as may be realized from the levy of the tax directed to be levied under the provi- sions of this act, which shall be paid annually, and applied to the support of coimmon schools, as herein provided. The state shall also pay, as aforesaid, and at the same time, an interest of six per centum per annum upon the amount due the college and seminary fund; which interest shall be loaned to the common school fund, and known in this law and applied :n all cases as interest on the common. school fund as aforesaid. oni ot euaiter, § (0. On the first Monday in January, in each and every year next after taking the census of the state, the auditor of public accounts shall, under the supervision of the commissioners of the school fund of the state, ascer- tain the number of white children in each county in the state, under ahs years of age, and shall thereupon make a dividend to each county of two-thirds the sum from the tgx levied and col lected under the provisions of the sixty-eighth _ section of this act; and the interest due on the school, col- lege and seminary food, in proportion to the number of white children in each county under the age aforesaid, and of the remaining one-third, in proportion to the number of | townships and parts of townships in each county, and issue his warrant to the school commisioner of each county up- on the collector thereof. And upon presentation of said warrant by the school commissioner to the collector of his county, said collector or treasurer shall pay over to the school commissioner the amount of said warrant out of the first specie funds which may be collected by him, and not otherwise appropriated by law, taking said commissioner’s receipt therefor; and on settlement with the auditor, said collectorshall be credited with tue amount specified in said receipt, in the same manner as if it had been paid into the treasury. Dividends shall be made as aforesaid, according — to the pis hee ascertained to be due to each county annually thereafter, until another census shall have been taken, and then dividends shall be made and continued as, — RE aforesaid, according to the last census: Provided, that if any collector shall fail or refuse to pay, in gold or silver, the amount of the aforesaid warrant, or any part thereof, a 83 by the first day of March annually, or so soon thereafter as it may be presented, it shall be competent for the school commissioner to proceed against said collector and his se- curities, in an action of debt, ia the eounty court; which eourt is hereby vested with full power and authority to hear and determine all such suits, render judgment and issue execution; or said suit may be brought in any court having jurisdiction 5 and the said collector shall pay twelve per centum, to be assessed as damages, upon the amount due, and which shall be included in the » judgment obtained against him. COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS. § Zl. Collectors of the two mill tax, authorized under section sixty-eight of this act, shali only be entitled to two per cent. on the amonnt eallected by them. School com- missioners shall be allowed to retain, out of the township funds of the township for which the services may be ren- dered, three per cent. upon the amount of sales of school lands, and upon the real estate taken for debt, for their services in aking such sales, including such other ser- vices connected therewith as are required by the provi- sions of this act, and two per cent. they may retain upon the amount of all sums distributed, paid or loaned out by them for the support ot schools. 72. Township treasurers shall be allowed to retain fwo per cent. upon all sums_ paid out or loaned by them, except upon moneys raised by virtue of any district tax; but they shall not retain the Sale two per cent. unless the money is actually paid in and reloaned to another person: “ind, provided, aiso, that county treasurers shall not be entitled to any commissions upon school taxes collected and paid over to them by county or township collectors: nd, ztis provided, further, that the board of trustees may re- duce said treasurers’ compensation; and said boards shall, and itis hereby made their duty, to make a reasonable al- low ance to said treasurers for their services performed ag clerks of said boards, to be paid out of the township funds. School commissioners, al Be of schools, school directors, and all other school officers, shall be exempted from work- ing on the roads, serving on juries and military duty. LIABILITIES OF OFFICERS. § 73. If any school commissioner, trustee of schools, township treasurer, director, or any other person entrusted with the care, control, management, or disposition of any school, college, seminary, or township fund, for the use of any county, township, district, or school, shall convert any ~— 4 ‘1851. Compensation ef school commis- sionors. Township treags- urer. Previse. Liabilities af of- ficers. i857. Bien upon real estate from da¢ ef process, Failure te maka Yeturns. 3-4 such funds, or any portionthereof, to lis own use, he shall be liable to indictment, and upen conviction, shall be finee in not less than doahte the amount of money converted, and imprisoned inthe county jail not less than one ner more than twelve months, at “th ie discretion of the court. 74. Trustees of schools shall be liable, jointly aud severally, for the sufficiency of securities taken from town- ship treasurers; and in case of judgment against saic treasurers and their securities, for or on account of any default of any such treasurer, on which the money shall not be made for want of sufficient property whereon to levy execution, actions on the case may be maintained against said trustees, jointly or severally, and the amount not collected on said judgment shall be recovered with eosts: Provided, that if said trustees can show, satisfac- torily, that the security taken from the treasurer as afore- said was, at the time of said taking, good and sufficient, they shall not be liable as aforesaid. 75. The real estate of school commissioners, of township treasurers, and all other school officers, and of the securities of each of them, shall be bound for the satis- faction and payment of all claims and demands against satd commissioners and treasurers, and other officers, as such, from the date of issuing process against them, in actions or suits brought to recover such claims or denends s, until satisfaction thereof be obtained; and no sale or alienation of real estate by any commissioner, treasurer or other offi- cer, or security aforesaid, shall defeat the lien cre ated by | this section, but all and singular such real estate held, owned, or claimed as aforesaid, shall be Hable to be sold In Serine of any judgment which may be obtained in such actions or suits. 76. ‘Trustees of schools, or either of them, failing or refusing to make returns of children in their towns hip, ac- cording to the provisions of this act, or if either of thera shall knowingly make a false return, the party so offending shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered by action of assumpsit, before any justice of the peace of the coun- ty, which penalty, when collected, shall be added to the township fund; and if any school commissioner, director or trustee, or eitper of them, or other officer whose duty it is, shall negligently or wilfully fail or refuse to make, furnish, or communicate the statistics and information, or shall fail to discharge the duties enjoined upon them, or either of them, at the time and in the manner required by the provisions of this act, such delinquent or party offend- ing shall be liable to a ane of twenty-five dollars, to be re- covered before any justice of the peace, on information, in the name of the people of the state of Illinois, and whea ee §, fh oe) collected shall be paid to the school commissioner of the proper c pounty fer the use of schools. & 77. School commissioners, trustees of schools, di- rectors and township treasurers, or either of them, and any other officer having charge of school funds or property, shall be responsible for all losses sustained by any county, tewaship, or school fund, Py. reason of any failure on his or their part to perform the duties required ot him or them by this act, or by any rule or regulation authorized to be made by a act; and each and every of the officers afore- said shall be liable for any such loss sustained as aforesaid, and the amount thereof may be recovered, in a civil action, before any court having jurisdiction thereot, at the suit of the state of [ilimois, for the use of the county, township, or fund injured 5 and the amount, when collected, shall be paid te the proper officer, for ee benefit of Bait county, towaship, or fund injured. COSTS, TENURE OF OFFICERS AND CONTRACTS UNDER FOR- MER LAWS. § 73. No justice of the peace, probate justice, consta- ble, clerk of any court, or sheriff, shall charge any costs, wn any suit where any agent of any school fund, suing for tie recovery of the same, or any interest due thereon, is plaintiff, and shall be, from any cause, unsuccessful in such suit. School commissioners appointed heretofore shall continue in ofice until superseded, according to the pro- visions of this act, and their duties, responsibilities, and powers shail be governed by the provisions herein named. Trustees of school lands heretofore appointed, and trus- tees of schools heretofore elected, shall, also, continue to discnarge the duties of their o fice until trustees of schools are elected under the provisions of this act. Townships heretofore incorporated shall, without any further action or oroceeding, be considered as incorporated under tke pro- visions of this act, and the trustees and other officers shall continue to discharge their duties till suspended by ap- pointment or election under this law; and all school di- rectors and officers heretofore app ointed, shall continue in ofice until superseded by the election, as provided in this act, and shali be governed by the provisions of the laws -heretofore in force, unless otherwise directed by this act. Leases of school lands shall remain valid and be executed according to the laws under which they were made. Com- mon school lands, valued and offered for sale and remain- ing unsold, shall be sold upon terms prescribed by this act. All taxes Baas and contrac.s made under the laws hereby repealed, shall rematn valid, and all rights, remedies, de- fences, aad eauses of action SaESBED or which may here- K857. All officers re- sponsible. No ¢ost to be charged in cere tain cases. Term of office. Leasés valid. remain @? cities and ine eorporated towns Schools of per- gone of color, Sommon school lands. oO after exist or arise, under or by virtue of said’ repealed laws, shall continue and remain valid, and shall be enforced, notwithstanding the repeal of said laws, unless catceled according to the provisions of this act. OF CITIES AND INCORPORATED TOWNS. § 79. This act shall not be so construed as to repeal or change, in any respect, any special acts in relation to schools in cities or incorporated towns, except that it shali be the duty of the several boards of education or other officers of any city or incorporated town having in charge schools under the provisions of any of the said special acts, or of any ordinance of any city or incorporated town, on or before the second Monday of October preceding each regular session of the general assembly of this state, or annually, if required so to do by the state superinteadent, to make out and render a statement of all such statistics and other information in regard to schools, and the enumer- ation of children or white persons, as required to be co.n- municated by township boards of trustees or directors under the provisions of this act, or so much thereof as may be applicable to said city or incorporated town, to the school commissioner of the county where such eity or in- corporated town is situated, or of the county in which the larger part of such city or town is situated ; nor shall it be lawful for the county school commissioner or any other officer or person to pay over any portion of the, common school fund to any local treasurer, school agent, elerk, board of education or other officer or person of any town- ship, city or incorporated town, unless a report of the number of children or white persons, and other statistics relative to schools and a statement of such other informa- tion as are iauERS of the boards of trustees or directors, as aforesaid, and of other school officers and teachers un- der the provisions of this act, shall have been filed at the ‘time or Uines aforesaid, specified in this section, with the school commissioner of the REgDer county, as aforesaid. § 80. Ta townships in which there shall be persons of color the board of trustees shall allow such persons @ pore tion of the school fund equal to the amount of taxes col- lected for school purposes from such persons of color ia their respective townships. GOMMON 8CHOOL LANDS. § 81. Section number sixteen in every township granted to the state by the United States for the use of schools, and such sections and parts of sections as have been or may be granted as aforesaid, in lieu ef all or part ef section 87 1857. af number sixteen, and also the lands which have been or may be selected and granted as aforesaid, forthe use of schools, t o the inhabitants of fractional townships i in which there is no sectiouw number sixteen, or where such section shall not contain the proper proportion for the use of schools in such fractional townships, shall be held as com- mon school lands; and the provisions of this act referring to common school lands shall be deemed to apply to the lands aforesaid. § 82. All the business of such townships, so far as re- lates to commen schoo! lands, shali be transacted in that 4 county which contains allor a greater portion of said lands. If any person shall, without being duly authorized, cut, fell, box, bore, destroy or carry away any tree, sapling or log standing er being upon any school lands, seh person sliall forteit and pray for eve ry tree, sapling or log so teled, boxed, bored, destroyed or édriied away, the sum of eight -dollars ; which penalty shall be recovered, with costs of suit, by an action of debt or assumpsit, before any justice of the peace having jurisdiction of the amount claimed, or in the county or circuit court, either in the corporate name of the board of trustees of the township to which the land belongs, or by action of gud fam, in the name of oo person who will first sue for the same—one-half for | the use of the person sueing, the other lalf to the use of ; the township 5 Pees said. Wien two or more persons shall Trespass. be concerned in the same trespass, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty hereta tmposed. Ey ery trespasser upon common and school commissioners are authorized and required, when in their power, to sell all such lands at private sale, upon the terms at which they are offered at public sale. § 91. In all cases where common school lands have been heretofore valued, and have remained unsold for two. years, after having | been offered for sale, or shall hereafter remain unsold tor that lergth of time, after being valued and offered for sale in conformity to this act, the ‘trustees of schools where such lands are situated my vacate the valuation thereof, by an order to be entered in book A, of the school commis ssioner, and catise a new valuation to be made, if in their opinion the interests of the township will be promoted thereby. They shall make said second valu- ation in the same manner as the first was made, and shall deliver to the school commissioner a plat of such second valuation, with the order of vacation, to be entered as afore- said; wherenpon said school commissioner shall proceed in selling said lands in all respects as if no former valua- tion had been made: Providcd, that the secrnd valuation may be made by the trustees of schools, without petition, as provided in this act. § 92. Upon the completion of every sale by the pur- chaser, the school commissoner shall enter the same on book B, and shall deliver to the purchaser a certificate of purchase, stating therein the mame and residence of the purchaser, describing the land and the price paid there- for; which certificate sliall be evidence of the facts therein# stated. § 93. At the first regular term of the county court in each vear, the school cominissioner shall present to the court of his county— first, a statement showing the sales of school Jands made subsequent to the first regular term of the previous year, which shall be a true copy of the sale book, (book B;) second, statements of the amount of money received, paid, loaned out, and on hand, belonging to each township or fand under his ppitcaionee statement feach fund to be separate; third, statements copied from lis loan book, (book C,) showing all the facts in regard to loans which are required to be stated upon the loan book; all of which the county court. shall thereupon ex- amine and compare with the vouchers, and the said county court, or so many of them as may be present at the term of the court, shall be liable individually to the fund injured, and to the securities of said school commissioner, in ease 41. judgment be recovered of said securities, for all damages occasioned by a neglect of the duties, or any of them, re- quired of them by this section: Proveded, nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt the securities of said school commissioner from any liability as such securi- ties, but they shall still be liable to the fund injured the game as if the county commissioners were not liable. § 94. The school commissioner shall also, at the time aforesaid, transmit to the auditor of public renee a full and exact transcript from bock B of all the sfles made sub- sequent to each report. The statement required to be presented to the county court, shall be preserved end copied by the clerk of said court into a well bound book, kept for that purpose, and the list transmitted to the auditor shail be filed, copied and preserved in like manner. § 95. Every purchaser of common school land shall be entitled to a patent from the state, conveying and assuring the title. Patents shall be made out by the auditor from returns made to him by the school commissioner. They shall contain a description of the land granted; and shall be in the name of and signed by the governor, counter- signed by the auditor, with the great seal o! the state affixed thereto by the secretary of state, and shall operate to vest in the purchasera perfect title infee simple. When patents are executed as herein required, the auditor shall note on the list of sales the date of each patent, in such manner as to perpetuate the evidence of its date and de- livery, and thereupon transmit the same to the school comuissioner of the proper county, to be by him delivered to the patentee, his heirs or assigns, upon the return of the original certificate of purchase; which certificate, when returned, shall be filed and preserved by the school commissioner. § 96. Parchasers of common school Jands, and their heirs and assigns, may obtain duplicate copies of their cer- tificates of purchase, and of patents, upon filing affidavit with the school commissioner in respect to certificates, and with the aucitorin respect to patents, proving the lose or destruction of the originals ; and such copies shall have all the force and effect of the originals. ACTS REPEAL ED—-PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF re ACT. § 97. An act entitled “An act to establish and maintain common schools,” approved February 12th, 1549, and an act to amend bad act, approv ed February 12th, 1851, and an act entitled “An act to increase the school fund,” ap- prov ed February 10th, 1853, and all other acts and parts of acts coming ia conflict with the provisivas of this act, pias di : 1857. Proviso. Transcript to be furnished the auditor. Purchasers te receive patent, Duplicate copies Acts repealed. Number of copies to be printed and distributed. Ju force Feb. 18, 1657. Gorporators. Style. eneral powers. 8 aperintendent. 42 are hereby repealed. This act to be in force from and after its passage. r § 98. The public printer is hereby required to print fifty thousand copies of this act, under the direction of the superintendent of public instruction, who shall first make a perfect index hereto, to be distributed by him according to population and territory, among the several counties of the state, ana deposited with school commissioners, to be distributed by them to the different officers under this law. ; Approven Feb. 16, 1857. AN ACT for the establishment and maintenance of a Normal University. Section 1. &e zt enacted by the people of the state of Mlinots, represented in the General Assembly, That C. B. Denio, of Jo Daviess county, Simeon Wright, of Lee county, Danie! Wilkins, of McLean county, C. E. Hovey, of Peoria county, George B. Rex, of Pike county, Samuel W. Moul- ton, of Shelby county, John Gillespie, of Jasper county, George Bunsen, of St. Clair county, Wesley Sloan, of Pope county, Ninian W. Edwards, of Sangamon county, John Eden, of Mouitrie county, Flavel Mosely, of Cook county, Wm. H.Wells, of Cook county, Albert R. Shannon, of White county, and the superintendent of public instruction, er officto, with their associates, who shall be elected as herein provided, and their successors, are hereby created a body corporate and politic, to be styled “The Board of Educa- tion of the State of Illinois,’? and by that name and style shall have perpetual succession, and have power to con- tract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to acquire, hold and convey real and personal property, to have and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure ; to make and establish by-iaws and alter or repeal the same as tiey shall deem necessary for the government of the normal university hereby au- thorized to be established or any of its departments, ofh- cers, students or employees, not in conflict with the con- stitution and laws of this state, or of the United States; d to have and exercise all powers, and be subject to all duties usual and incident to trustees of corporations. 2. The superintendent of public instruction, by vir- ture of his office, shall be a member and secretary of said board, and shall report to the legislature at its regular ses- sions the condition and expenditures of said normal uni- versity, and communicate such further information as the said board of education or the legislature may direct, | 49, § 3. No member of the board of education shall re- ceive any compensation for attendance on the meetings of the board, except his necessary traveling expenses 3 which shall be paidin the same manner as the instructors employ- ed in the said normal! university shall be paid. At all the stated and other meetings of the board called by the pres- ident, or secretary, or any five members of the board, five members shall constitute a quorum, provided all shall have been duly notified. § 4. The objects of the said normal university shall be to qualify teachers for the common schools of this state, by imparting instruction in the art of teaching, in ail branch- es of study which pertain to a common school education, in the elements of the natural sciences, including agricul- tural chemistry, animal and vegetable physiology, in the fundamental laws of the United States and of the state of Tli- nois in regard to the rights and duties of citizens, and such other studies as the board of education may from time to time prescribe. : | § 5. The board of education shall hold its first meet- ing at the office of the superinterdent of public instruc- tion, on the first Tuesday in May next, at which meeting they shall appoint an agent, fixing his compensation, who shall visit the cities, villages and other places in the state, which may be deemed eligible for the purpose, to receive donations and proposals for the establishment and main- tenance of the normal university. The board shall have power and it shall be their duty to fix the permanent loca- tion of said normal university, at the place where the most favorable inducements are offered for that purpose: Provided, that such location shall not be difficult of access, or detrimental to the welfare and prosperity of said nor- mal university. § 6. The board of education shall appoint a principal, lecturer on scientific subjects, instructors and instrue- tresses, together with such other officers as shali be re- quired in the said normal university, fix their respective salaries and prescribe their several duties. They shall also have power to remove any of them for proper cause, after having given ten days’ notice of any charge which may be duly presented and reesonable opportunity of de- fence. They shall also prescribe the text books, appara- tus and furniture to be used in the university, and provide the same; andshall make all regulations necessary for its management. And the board shall have power to recog- nize auxiliary institutions when deemed practicable : Pro- vided, thatsuch auxiliary institutions shall not receive any appropriation from the treasury, or the seminary, or uni- versity fund. 7. Each county within the state shall be entitled to gratuitous instruction for one pupil in said normal uni- » - S57 Members not te receive compen- gation. Object of aggeoi™ ation, Tims of meeting of board of edn- Appoint prinet- yal and lecturer, Text books. Provide auxili- ary. 1857. Fach cennty en- titled to gratu- itous ingtruc- tion fer pupils. Application of pupils. Selocted by tot. Required to file declaration, Appropriation, Torm of office, 44 versity; and each representative district shall be entitled to gratuitous instruction for a number of pupils equal ta the number of representatives in said district, to be chose en in the following manner: The school commissioner in each county shall receive and register the names of all ap- plicants for admission in said normal university, and shall present the same to the county court, or in counties act- ing under township organization to the board of supervis- ors, which said county court or board of supervisors, as the case may be, shal], together with the school commis- sioner, examine all applicants so presented in such man- ner as the board of education may direct, and from the number of such as shall be found to possess the 1equisite. qualifications, such pupils shall be selected by lot; and in representative districts composed of more than one county, the school commissioner and county judge, or the school commissioner and chairman of the board of supervisors, in counties acting under township organization, as the case may be, of the several counties composing such represen- tative district, shall meet at the clerk’s office of the county court of the oldest county, and from the applicants so pre- sented to the county court, or board of supervisors, of the several counties represented and found to possess the re- quisite qualifications, shall select by lot the number of ;u- pus to which said district is entitled. The board of edu- cation shall have discretionary power, if any candidate does not sign and file with the secretary of the board a declaration that he or she will teach in the public school within the state, in case that engagements can be secured by reasonable etforts, to require such candidate to provide for the payment of such fees for tuition as the board may prescribe. § 8. The interest of the university and seminary fund, or such part thereof as may be found necessary, shall be and is hereby appropriated for the maintenance of caid: normal university, and shall be paid on the order of the board of education from the treasury of the state; but in no case shall any part of the interest of said fund be ap- plied to the purchase of sites, or for buildings for said uni- versity. 9. The board shall have power to appropriate the one thousand dollars received from the Messrs. Meriams, of Springfield, Massachusetts, by the late superintendent, to the purchase of apparatus for the use of the normal university, when established, and hereafter, all gifts, grants and demises, which may be made to the said nor- ma! Saree shall be applied in accordance with the wishes of the donors of the same. § 10. The board of corporators herein named, and ueu ezecessors, shall each of them hold their office for the term a 1857. of six years: Provided, that at the first meeting of said board, the said corporators shall determine by lot, so that one-third shall hold their office for two years, one-third for four Years: and one-third for six years. The governor, by Vacancies, how and with the advice and consent of the e senate, shall fill all vacancies which shall at any time occur in said board, by appointment of suitable persons to fill the same. § 11. At the first meeting of the board, and at each Elect president. biennial meeting thereafter, it shall. be the duty of said board to elect one of their number president, who shall serve until the next biennial meeting of the board and un- til his successor is elected. § 12. At each biennial meeting it shall be the duty of Appeintment or the board to appoint a treasurer, who shall not be a mem- "°"""" ber of the board, and who shall give bond with such secu- rity as the board may direct, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. § 13. This act shall take effect on and after its passage, - and be published and distributed as an appendix to the school law. Approven Feb. 18, 1857. ‘opener sparen nth a ie, tet a Bail: yolit he +3 aH Cat 410! go aaierpntol, edlag sorencase ) iicance duesta vast ele ath eae hie SPE 8 hae Henn ¢ te) , 4 6 ae ac tt, deeper’ shout rr 1 cee ee iE. INDEX. A. PeGE, Accounts of treasurer, how to be kepty....cecees Acts, this act not to repeal Special ACtoy...caceees Wi He Oar pens REGU ID Sy) OMG AO Ua ct-veral ols a afisraxernel=\6 fuck thistowe ww forces; WHEN wate. gsuecescc bow many copies of this to be VN TOME SOTTO atc. srareis 0 Gm whee ie wcoleitley « efere Actiors. See 6 Suits 7? Advertis ment of sale of school lands,.......+-- see *» Notice 7? Apportionment, how made among town-hipfsee.. fuids toschools composed of different districts, how made in formi:g new -distvicts.......56. Attachmerft, taowhatl Cases- MAY ISEUNG es veeceees Auction. lands may 1 e@ old at- by trusrees.,.....% Auditor of pubiie accoutiss lis cartier, .......0-- shalimake divieends of school fuuds....s.e« Shaler war aia Huy sane. vc. ciaws or veers te be furnisred © ith transcrip + of sales....- shail is;ue patents to urchasers of s: lool Henellsis eee ies cttale ctenaeh f atre ¢ wisietntareinteys Sates wie sc « miy issue duplicate copies Of Parents,.-cce. B. Bois OF EUPSv IMEC MG. otaten 6 oce swell ee winis's os of school commissionuers.. form POS eresgeten, (60; of tuwnship treasured where tobe fieus.... directurs may isste for borre wed money..... Fawasicharetio: WereTwecwi Gals a = sice ss. 6.0 See Onmbewesiiys tre Asuyer asi... 2 cecuisres sees - cease a Books. for schoc] commissioner, how paid forse... may be purchased DF GirectOrs... cc. ssecense a i eee od Cie aiden wiel he ollepwlatetele sce eave - C. Causes of ation. ¢xisting torcmiain valid, ...... Kee**Suits.?? Gertificates, of board of directorS,......0c..000 Ol PEMGILEN Ss wi ste tehe sic 6 wrole is wie eeie-< a ualeielece «ey eitve of teachers to be attached to sch: dulesseceees ODN Otay attaiclelers atal visietensiclaitalels deieieh eves lens of «ireciors to beuttached to schedrier...... POP eiOlgc at sss és cles! Co's tatate nia disle cist Wise side 6 @ Ui ER CHASE? LODE VE es cctles cd ced seca voles of purchase, dip icates May isStie. ce... ecere Circulars. tu be issued by superiniendent oo... Cities: See +s* Town, and Cities.?? Clerk. of board of tru_tees, how appointed...... CEU U ISHS EIN << alae a a oleiere lola tetape ete aie meltvele's 50) we eo a must join in executing COV YancCes.... cove Che VeMinch OF AI TOCHET Heat! etekasalol.felaele atelohs, s ereleterers of board: f directors tosigii DUDS. ces. acc ses county, 10 Make computaiion of taxes...... CUM PULAtioN fo LE Twa... ecccecvarsa cove shali deliver totreasurer ceri ticwie of amount Gibi¢ garry ome - Sess Oeenrweeese ee es Seer eeers er aer hew to proceea where a wstrct is in two EICTUE FOREN ot piped owl ale. atx lelcl sic Svc av ee asta a ws Sele Co lee-ets County, to Pey cver treasurer ei iD case. f refiseal to pay ower. mey de sed... not viable for taxr:S he comd not Celle ct. eee to pay o-tr taxes (Nn warrant of AL dVOl- cece {to Pay Lodhand GiwWersies a Fe Aas A gee die may be pr. ceeded agaimst ip coulty curt, .. CEMIPSLEAHMOMLOL Face inMedieeiedie:. sing ered sk oe teNCr tO to Wheship 26 36 4 42 42 4! Compensation, of superintendents. ..cesuessessee OL PCUVE CLOT srclelsia sd oictatidSre sea etretee ae eas Of CUMIMNINGIOGUOTEs.. ccc cece re ceceertccsvens Of TOWNSHIP TYEASUTOVSS: secs cs ccc ek eer cues Of COUNPY CreASUVETSs . oie cee ccereeaewinecce Cummon sc otl lands. Sees Lands” and «Real Estate,?? Common schootfunds. Neys 7? Commissioners. See ¢¢ Schco! Commissioners.” Con promise, my be made DY Lrusteas...cecseese Ceusolidation Gf two or More GIStTICIS ies. eereees See “ Funds? and ** Moe- LZ) GENET ACLS, TO TEM AIM VANE gcc cece ec cncenesessee ay directors sha | not be imtrested itty.....erece 17 | Conveyaucers, of scheol sites, how executeds. «cee a to trmsteess How te be Madesecscsenescs-cece 3y of school lands, Now made,.....vecececcscee 3z | Gosts, rone to be charged agaist school cfilcers, 43 PEMA TEAM CASES A. e's wk tee mctsins ve seine mesic oe va ee 20 es Od et SOO %3 wo ew ow ht of suits for trespassing on schcol lauds; See *Suits.?? Counties, note Heeting funds to receive none,... how taxes’ areto ve distributed toy... cs cece Courts. county, may remove school commissiun= EVo ge corsa crs eseseserenseseeoesesessasscee may require tiv W De ud fe i ColsMISsiONerses invested with jirisdiction ip certain Cases, a. sha l have jursdictton in trespass to schoo DANGlmatet attest atc a she occas ce e.aiectevels a: erate eles Sikte shall have jurisdiciicn in acticns against col- TOCLOTS5 0.0 eves eeelea de ecvase fevevasscecies's BD. Damages, may be awarded against collectOT, * may be auwarded cn breach of Devise. may be bequeathed te trusteesserceecssee Debts, due to be first paideeccescsssecs Directers, ¢choo or district, adnty of, to transfer Pupils,.... eee. cee nenese to have control of echcdis tormecd fiom two or HITONC MU TSUTICUE ei ic's cve'n'e cteleicls alee e tataty e aiere tO ULAW OTAeTS FOR DIONE Y 56s. -, « cel; w oles ale ace o's Ce Pay eUATevOr SX VEVLEKR, < ccs cess sees ees ahs | to bave contre) cf school teuses, &....6- 00s ATEN COMMU ECT UGISINGe. ele's,s elalsic bias < sees ve e's CICCUIOI UL PROTO res cree ck So tacesae rowews | in case of vacaricy in buaid of, how filled,..« LOWAW WOs0 Oia C € TV hisreras ott sale &.m a's ee se: laipiw ee aicle’s sha:lncot be trustecs.. Lae ens eieesaewas shall not be interested im contractS,..e.c.e-6 Anay levy atax tor school Durpotess....seees thall determine amon neccs: ary te be raised HOM SCOOP PUT POL C&erae es ciw alae’ o'e.sieln Ges si i6 a0 thall determine what rate per cent. shall be Mewes ta sae )s ial atee weal ole eiatlare)s. sere le ibimic ss shall meke known eriimates. with a list of tax payers to-county clerk Phy certificate,.....060 shall submit the rome to a vote of the people, fermyof cent Nrate. vce. weer weer ecececcs thall inform collector, where districts are ecmyored of several tewnships, to what treasurer to PaY OVEL TAXES coc. cscrcrece how to prccced where @ district is in two COUMMMES Es oS Fea ccs v0 cv eclecws bes ne moins 6 s.010 MAY VOTPOW WICTES weer ccc rccrcccccccss cece ta be @ bedy Ci 1porate. KC. g cov ccc ceccecce niey purchase HOraricS..ceccocesvecceccsecse eecree eco. 37 33 [ii] Birectors, schoo! or district— : shall establish schuols, erect houses, &C...0.6 Shall visit schoolsS,..cor:cesccecse cussccorers shall appoint teachers,..cocesscorccesccervoes may dismiss theml,...0 =serveccrerevececenes May EXpeNd SUTPIUS MONEY Sge-. cece scccvecce may locate and build school houses where voters at election fail to select site,-.....-. whenexecution may issue against,..crcccese shal] examine and certify to schedules....... FOTN OF CELLIMCATC gy 0i6 cave esas aig es wice e oie at shall file schedule with treasurer,...eseeeee. not to certify scheduicin certain cases,...oe. exempted from working on roads and serving AQUA AIT E Bis wcorwie c's aleiiwis)atala laine sale lovelvinraiodaleistere aT At STAD IEICS Ol sare vie itisste ene a's acciele ajo a leleiais a eae penalty for failing to’ perform duties,..ercece heretofore appointed, to continue ina office un« Cil SRCCESSOrS Are ClOCbEd ypu. wie mecnscitialee s See °¢ Officers of schools 7? Directors of union schools, bow appointed, and AG ERE te CLT GRE Sie assis. nira-euareis, #1< ce fabaunalt aiknesetwvasatate nie Sp Distribution, how made in forming new districts, how madein dividing districts,.....e..-essee- OF TAXES, TO COUN TIE s..cs:< alele siasew ys Oleic clo Districts, school, may be formed froin two or more LOW DS TD Ssic a ioseseiavate age aisle’ satis io inlaws oie eeetaicnsi ai pupils, from two or more, May be trausferred, when several districts are consolidated, new districh to OWN the Property. wieccesweecess incase of divisien of, funds to be distributed, when composed of two or more townships, NOW 10 COMCEH LASERs sc daa ewe eee mm pieces wher situated in two counties, how taxes are TOS COMLECIERS. |. .« o seemccisitriele See cele shall be liable to teachers for cafter the fund is @xhausted sa. syissiecec aves Bividends, of school tax, to be declared by audi- LiOWs/a. o egiloeicnigiasws oe oem alediiee picts Gisks Bios ioea ine to be paid on auditor’s Warrantsr...sscccsecs E. HElections, of superlatendent of public iastruction, Of SCHOO COMMIRSIONCTEgs vet « ceive one's sevastle se OF LEUSSEES..OF SCMOOLSs 0c «0/0, sin css eialee alates trustees toact as judgesand cierks Ofs......0. manner of cenducting, for trustees,....s.e. qualification of voters at, for trusteess.....06 in case of a tie in, for trustees,.........cec judges of to deliver to schoo! commistioner poll book and certifi ates sc .0ccec see cice ws poll book and certificate to be evidence,...... Of SCHOO) CIPECLON Sea's ac) cue clatdicanl a ata otietok WIE ESOL. MOTT CIES siecai< wis tato sow tnieterate,topmete Je or purpose of raising funds,to be submitter 10 CHO: DEODIEs ois. cate siie ula eS sae emcre shall be held before issuing bonds fer bor- FOW CA) MONEY < sicrcainaes Setmiennigaeaed shall be held in order to erect or change BGNOOL NO W Ok were eislas-a te sin ielsiatd ab ea wickeaeot orate Hnumeration of pupiis, how made...ecceesvsves Hvidence, receip' of township treasurer shall be, school commissioner may BEAN a wiay> och: an vereyauere poll book and certificate of election tobe,.... poll book and certificate of election to be,.... Examination, of books, notes, accounts, &e., to be TID CC 5 esis a Wats ers ais eras sieve ae ae OP LEA CINENS sivte: aie maps acta. alsaiombere aaireitnarh tered Executions. See ‘Judgments and Executions. ? Exemption, of school officers from working roads RELViING ON fULIGRs ACC anes oie cease aes Expenses of supporiing schools, how Paid,....0. Executors and administrators shall pay school COREG SN g/g x/nin tml is'cng Svasere oranhee ae Re Ba ¥F. Fines. See **Penalties.?? Funds, may be withheld by superintendent,...... county, may be loaned,......0.. fax, how divided in formation of new district, how distributed by trusteess.ccc-cesevcorees INDEX. PAGE.| PAGE. | Fund. , how distributed in division of a district,.... 16 D4 nut to be paid out except as designate 5...6. 23 21 | what shall constitute the principal of school, 30 Pa no part of school, to be expended,.c.e-.ceere 31 21 | UW to: DE PRIA GOlltesccecies velew as lelemienue boas eumnen 21 | FOTMUVLOT. OFGE ss «0.0% sein ssn sovaleit cvs lolsis im ipreinls einen | what shall constitute SCHv0l ..ccececsapnesee ol 21 where a county fails to collect taxes no, to be 22 received by sUCh COUDLYs©cecesenwee-emens 1am 25 | state to pay interest on SChOO],..ce.cesreces 32 265 | dividends to be made by anditor, of schuols.. 32 25 | to be prid om auditor?s warrants......csceee5 32 25 not to be paid to local treasurer ta certain CWS ES'y, «sleek: sine s wistewiahe stele wre oc erste sani > ieee 33 | persons of color to have benefit Of,.--.e.e0+ 36 33 | statement of, to be made by cummissioner,.- 40 34 | See “Moneys.? 36 G. | Gifts and grants,may be made totrustees....... 15 14} 12); i. 16 32 | Improvements, liable tobe destroyed, not be in- Chuded Mi MOLrtS Ag Esse aie vicleriesisielelie weitere 12 | Indictment, persons liable to, for trespassing om 13 SSMU OTA Tease ssi; toes ossiven ays ners mipveiwiel sie! Miausiers oun as Interest, on money loaned, account to be kept by 16 COMMMUSSTONCPeasa'era na aiureirsk ais gees cline 16 of county fund, how to be applleds.-ceeeseee 7 whatrate of, may be levi-d by directors,.... 18 19 on money burrowed by divectOrSs.....see2002 20 rate of, o) mloney loaned by ireasyrer, ..... 27 20 proceedings in case of failure to payy....«.0- 29 amount due to be paid by the state on schoel fuud.....-. 32 20 32 J 32 i Judgments and executions, real estate may be | purchased by trustees in satisfaction of... 16 for damages aguinsu COleCtursg..cceceeeeeses 20 3} in what cases executions may issie against 5 trustees and CiveCturssecseseceeerccecereee 22 10 may be rendered by couuty court against col- 10 JEL OTS ccs. 0: ccccereocsses esta veesenrs school commi-stoners to continue in. until BSUCCESSOTS ATC ClECTEM,.ccvcveercee ss trustees of schools to continne in, until succes- SOTS GlECHEG,. ccc. ccescee- directors to continue in, until successars elec- TEC «9.00 Officers of schools, exempted from working roads, 8 ECL VAIL: OM MITCH 4) Ui Ciesla etleiele stsletwis’sls\oielevaiiely DLA RER FOL es taleres, © ae wale, 40 9 01516 Aieelessi ceo srele nis 0 real estate of, Subject to liems.cecsccscacscens sutject to penalty for failing todo dutv,...... responsible for losses,...... not liable for costs in certain Casess....-.eee. heretofore appointed to continue in office until SUCCESSOTS ATCLE) CCECOs wiererala <:ere.sioie niece :0's\ ave. in towns and cities, their Officers of courts, not to require costs in certain CASO3s sa piesa ial in case, fail to pay over fines, &...6..cseees Or a ecer ese se ecseoss eee Reese sore serssorseesesoaseoess eo se eer esesesens seem eer ew rete eereeeseoosene 33 34 P. Patents, to be given to purchasers of schoo! lands, HON LO: DE: ISRUST ss sere cere alaiels cielo te Malai visiale ec duplicate copies of, may be issued.rcescccees Payment, for school lands, how to be made...... Pefialties, what, collectors may be subject to,.eue what. township treasurer may be subject to,.. what, school officers mtay be subject toy..secs | what, schcol officers may be subject to for falling in their -dutiess. ..cccsscceceelsiovece case Of falSe TEtUINS,..cerccccsccsce HOW AispoOsed Of sees vewevecccsevececssccseses for cutting trees on SCHOO] 1andSs.cccesccerece for trespassing on school lands,.....+seeeeess HOW COUSCHEM, ..ccevescveereuenssnsdeewen vais HOW AispOsed Of5r. svoccsvcvengecvescccccsecs Persons of coler, to have benefit of school fund in CEPtA FH CASES. eceecesasccccccreoerecersvces Petition, for sale of schoo! landsshall be presented, how, shall be signed, &C. cc cc cveocsscedcces Postage of superintendent, how paid y..cscce-eee Process, in what cases to 1SSUC. ces .cccccccccesse how to be RENGY GUliginte la iclti cletela'el aieysters: eajave'a eiatalete's fLOM, date Shall VS BIEN 5 cscs ce wesc scvovess oe President of board of trustees, how appointed,.... UL Vid bits Meteor lala ais! censure averarn’s/s.n| o sie giwictenleeiiein« MAY EXECULE CONVEYANCES, .cccccncesicrescrs of board of directors to sign bonds... cere Property of « district to be distributed in case of a GANIEIOM s sles s s\esroieiniatelb elopieiaiaia sialg Wetdiec ssw: « Pupils of two or more districts, how transferred,.. Purchase of realestate Dy trusteessc.s/...ccraece of school lands by persons, how made,...... Certificates: of 5 tobe GIVEN. << ces sececeweecee Purchasers of school lands toreceive patents..... may obtain duplicate patents..cserccosecosece QQ. Qualifications, of teachers. oscmccosrcasccceacsces R. Real estate, taken for debts may be resoldy..csece may be purchased by trustees in certain cases, title to, to vest in trustees in certain cases,... ma~ be deeded to trustees in compromise,.... niay be sold at auction by trusteess...cesseeene SASSO Ls HOw MAAN Ss ss vissicla selec blvieinis e's elec a purchases Of, declared Validy..cvcsccccccvces shail be bound for claims against school ofilcers STON GALE Gly DVOCCES sia alem alsa cleelewieiciea’sw icv sale of, shali not defeat lien, .cccserescccecs may be sold in satisfaction of judgments. cee See *¢Lands’?? 5 Removal of township treasurer, how Madesecesee of teachers, HOW MAde..ccocescsscrvccevccsce Raports of superintendendents..cccccesescescess when to be made tO SOVEFPNOT,..-ceccccrccnee to be laid before general assemDlys.ceccceees of schools in towns and Citiess...evssscce sees Returns, in case of officer MakiNg faiStg.cceecceee ™ Rules and regulations may be made by superin- TEMA OIL is ceinineipicleisineipiaisto.elaitialeie’s civreicie|einig atie'e 8. Salaries of SU rinftendent, seoosereeeeesrzere WhED and Hv pa Geccncccccccerovesccascvce See ‘‘Compensation.?? Sales of school honses and Sitess.-scceccsvesccee of lands at amction,..... shall not affect lien on real estate,ceeccsceees of schoo] Jands, how to be Madeye.-eesecsere Of school lands, terMs Ofsescorseccevcesececs of school lands, place of selling geecccecrcsece of school Jands. advertisement Of5..-+cceeeces of school fands, to be made by commfissioner, of school lanus, payments how to be madese«e unsold lands subject to private Fale,ecerecene statement of, to be made by commissioner,.. transcript of, tobe furnished to auditors... eeeeceereoerereeseeos PAGE. Schools, under supervision of superintendent... Information respecting, to be communicated ko gupesinendieDts eas acactohavstcaninb atid’ {0 be visit-d by schoo! may be established cemprising pupils of dif- fercmt sais Ficieaicvaitlenae bs «aveniew aareulon ees when so establisheu, Bow supportedy.ececsse OlKechors toma ScCon mpl Ols Gary siiwislepiialel rele a expenses Of SUPPOFLINS, HOW Paldyessecciescos BMIGH Ss WOMw PLORNTE A sal Newialy celal edhte Ww Wiajaale.s ae devise or grant may bameasle tose. oesseds des directors to determine amount iecessary for, cstablighed by directorisscate Ussiisicecs os not to be extended longer than six months,.. School commissioners, to advise with superintend- When andvhow eloctedsa cs awtwucadies aaa cles LOMZING WOM s Grectors may levygeccccassessesscssencsvccs Atrectors Vasy Levy oes cei a erealdelsinie asc us. *.010 to be computed by county Clerky.ccce.-s seen how COMECLOU prea rceeverenecrerercrsacrerees to be paid by collector to township l:easurery,. in case of rekysal of collector to PBF OViTe. see how coliected where district is In two coun- LIES, . oe TR cece ee were cetceessecerscsecns shall not be levieu for extending school louger Than six MONtCHSseecaewecrsceccceseessc rans two mill, tu constifute school fund.ccceseceee where county fails to collect, it shall receive NONCgccecee mers eer serresesuccsoverssveces dividends of, to be made bv auditor,......... levied, to remain Validgeccseccesccesenevecee persons of color to have benefit Ofs........6. is exhaust- eds NOW. GOMECHERS. 6 eee snes cecaserssove to be appointed by directors, be ‘ a ; * a . * = Leal ’ 7 oe * : & me : A 5 r F; ° Fe iy i: * in ; 4s ” Ms ¥ ‘= pa re 22 Rind 4 é * 42 f 5. a ’ > : ‘ = = ¢ . \ é ‘ ate 7 ‘+ : ‘ ’ e ® . 7 . a ~4 . fs ‘ * - a - S me - a . “i ; ae ¢ Rs. ‘ - . | N > . * = y * “ * 7. > —F ’ = z 5 4 8 ? &. oe g ; * » i - 5 “ f 7 * 2 | ; va : ke . * “ “ } . “ = ™ > >. ae . } F a * = * F . - ‘ . 2 = >. # 7 « ns y J > « ERI daiwa WRU io eter ro 7 a,