C_~e Hs \Q0S LER SAD f- . , % BPEL IAP PS e 7%. % i s| 4 By i SRR CEe ne ) SORE Ls & Be OURSE OF STUDY OF THE Haw Creek ‘Township HIGH SCHOOL GILSON, ILLINOIS. eo) SEP EME ER, 1905. Fall Term of 1905 Begins September 4th. COURSE OF STUDY. EL RS TT. WEA Fall Term. Winter Term. Spring Term. Literature Literature Literature Arithmetie Arithmetic Arithmetic Geography Geography Geography Physiology Physiology Physiology U.S. History U.S. History U.S. History Grammar | Grammar Grammar Spelling ' Spelling Spelling SECOND YEAR. Literature Literature Literature Ancient History Ancient History ‘| Ancient History Algebra Algebra Algebra Latin I Latin I Latin I +Business Arithmetie Business Arithmetie Bookkeeping and Bookkeeping| "ArAtER D YEAR Literature Literature Literature Medieval History Modern History Modern History + German I German 1 German I + Latin IT Latin IT Latin IT + Algebra II Algebra IT Algebra II + Zoology Zoology & Botany Botany EOU RTH YEAR Literature | Literatu re Literature Physies Physies Physie¢s Physical Geography PhysicalGeog. & Civies Civies Plane Geometry Plane Geometry Plane Geometry +German IT German IT German IT Studies marked 7 are optional. . Second year Literature will consist of classics and compc tion; third year, of Rhetoric and composition together with study of English Classics; fourth year, of English Literature a theme writing. In the selection of classics to be studied t State course Of study will be followed. Beer AlL REGULATIONS. Pupils will be admitted upon presenting satisfactory evidence of having completed the Seventh Grade, or upon examination. The school year will be divided into three terms of twelve weeks each. Examinations will be held and complete reports be sent out at the close of each term. Excuses will be required for absence or tardiness. Pupils must arrange with teachers for all work missed. Pupils outside the township will be charged tuition at the rate of 75 cents per month, payable by the term to the Principal. Forty two credits will be required for graduation, thirty of which are prescribed and twelve may be chosen from the optional a credit will consist of a full terms work in any cdisieee Hiph — School study. A general course will be offered in musie and will be required of all students. Although the above course is recommended, as much liberty will be granted by the teachers in the substitution of studies by classes as is compatable with the interest of the school. TEACHERS. R. L. Cripps, Principal. DorotTHy MAY INNESS, Assistant. KATHRYNE CLARK, Music. vom ¢ vl BOARD OF EDUCATION KF. M. LAWRENCE, Pres't. H. C. UPP, Clerk. O. J. SHERMAN. JOHN WOLF. JAMES DAVIS. 30 Ns 112 105945692