173.732 Re4Ll ae [Pei ol ER WRITTEN IN 1862 BY FRANCIS DUNBAR RUGGLES, A Member of the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, TO HIS FATHER IN BOSTON. MISS EMMELINE RUGGLES of Wakefield, Massachusetts, is a member of Boston Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy (her sponsors being Major-General William J. Behan, former Mayor of New Orleans, and Colonel Henry H. Baker of that city) by right of the services of her uncle (her father’s only brother): FRANCIS DUNBAR RUGGLES, corporal First Company Washington Artillery of New Orleans, ©. S. A. He marched from New Orleans with his battalion, May 27, Heol, to Virginia. He was killed in battle, Predericks— more. Vireiniagw (Dec. bd, L862. Distinenisned fon bravery, see *‘In Camp and Battle with the Washington Pecvitery- “by visg¢colonel; theclate Wm. Mibler Owen, paces oe Li se6 ld45 188, 189, 190, nb04, 437,68 4675 also the *‘Washington Artillery Souvenir,’’ published by the Battalion. His name is upon the ‘ ‘Washington Artillery Monument’’ in Metarie Cemetery, New Orleans, Peousnene tee borvedsin Lot No..l2siiection by-in the eid part of Hollywood) Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia, where a Suitable monument marks his grave. Col. Owen in his book speaks of one of his first acts of bravery mee thesc words (p. 155) *‘‘The ‘Victoria’ and the ‘Cross of the Legion of Honor’ have been pinned to a soldier’s PreegtteLOr Aactsior lesser heroism.”’ Gol. Henry H- Paeereo. -botele Of Fredericksburg,*” atter describing bas GCoatn upon, the field, gave this brief account of his life (p. 52): ‘‘Corporal Francis Dunbar Ruggles was a handsome Boston boy, a general favorite with the men, for he was as brave as he was gentle and kind. He came of Revolutionary stock, for his four great-grandfathers were in the army of Washington. President Lyon G. foters OL, Willliam and Mary College, once said of him, ‘Although George Ruggles was among the founders of Mareinia, none or his race ever came to Virginia until as descendant, Francis Dunbar Ruggles, marched to her defense in arms and shed his blood upon her soil, an event appropriately and almost poetically suggestive Oe une carly connection.’ ’’ o , 0d Fotudogs 6M Bloetenall: to: 7 A . ? Be 2fonof 4 i 40 ~ t Pa: Y “ fax ¥ 5H +6 19; it Vaaeoe — ; ie €aOL Vine edd 6 FAQLO WE Pedic per his via os: (tender opine. 4° 9 ache ra} sade « m | | rath | a ies Yasonod sett Lerogtos , 2a1000R Uamne STOmAR i | A. BUGS I20. wo to pret Lord. cos (Oi let isd aid diiw aaseLeO eet mets ere ee sOusi4 G af Dolliy caw ah Sinberde oR j 188 7 ime . e270 * CHal _— Sf = 54d >. Pee | it cgit ‘¥ aie HoTRieok sid ttie 6Lided hua ounia at? * one’) pew) iol LSM ti ste eae . lonolec eG ¥d °*y¥t (Ge ACLs, O8L OGL .65f ~6Ge Jae see (9 868 Senei larg" ~ieewreg rrefltsa HOFRGt Tae" *” odd: Saeme tose cle se*" adt Boagn ak ous. oH sMOLLSFISE otid tg eoMESFIO WS4 .YITeseeeO sitet. at’ see giels ie a2 ai oh forsoe@ 4.8L .s0 gol a Deriod af ed chong (Soi nIsy ~«Pmomiarh. westone) Svowyl fod Fo stag ft ef MewO .id0J .evets Bf ausm tuvsmmaom efgatiue a ot! | ViIevsrd te sioe seri Pini to eso to B8ee08 soe eid f SEO. mi Pie "sSlitotory* oT’ (665 .@) ebwome eeen im &* Xe i | Deahig gasc &:\ “Sener To. ho fual ? i teii . 1 MELO 1(9869L) So sfa8 199 tae ry ts lotta ** -peidaioiso:} 4 %o sktis8* ie WO 1800908 teitd @idt evey . biert em aeae itsob@ Gpw selsent tadned elokard le oq7tog?* 2(8G ey sae Mem Sis OFf8 eSLiovst detenor «°,yod moseod agoen nod | . aso bo ,Omfe Das BLiaekR Bsw o4 £8 8987: - 6S £8” SH. PAOLO STA THSTe SHO gid «>t .teode eben ton hte towed he a coyl Jeobiedr4 aoe) dag Se or GOS Wk mt s, a Ss of ; bia e6n6 8 ih fis5 v " rat ia gest € frw te vets ss ei 10 BIehawvel edt Satta Baw cede ay toed iguodts ; ¢ fee * £B£LTAY 8! ss34 r¥,¢e2 SA0.-342V79 Gost ££2 40 oi. MS bigs , F F = ae + from oF boforem ,geisaoR Rec | aS Ree ie tashbueas@ah * , = BE ~¢LfO@. Tom -2bgr, Poo id. eis Dstie Bing ats Dt ae sana o¥i969ngve . Ullenkisog ve ei 8 bre Pserse Luqoiges siey . | 70" po ge Sai Ber aP hy ‘ 173.782 e340 Letter written in 1862 by FRANCIS DUNBAR RUGGLES, a member of the First Company of the Washington Artillery of New Orleans. C..S. A., to his father in Boston. Read before Boston Chapter, U. D. C., vege Be Te aa i hy This letter is dated fifty-two days before his death at the battle of Fredericksburg. **On the Army of thesPotomec Wednesday, Oct. 22 -"locw. To Henry B. Ruggles, Esq., of Lawrence Wilde & Co., Boston, Mass. Dear Father: I avail myself to-day of an oppor- tunity which presents itself of communicating with you simply for the purpose of informing you of my good condition and whereabouts, and thereby relieving you of that anxiety which a father would naturally feel when separated from his son by the irreparable breach which to-day divides your country from mine—not with any intention of expatiating upon the merits and causes which have produced this separation. Alas! who would have thought ten years ago that this once glorious country could have been reduced to its present condition; who would have for a moment Supposed that any subject of discussion, however momentous, could have been produced to the public mind, that would cause men to take up arms—father against son, and brother against brother, thereby forever Teverine cvoettics, notonly ol iniendsnip, uc of Peoud;,, irulty the people of, the North are” beret cio Peneoun., or a portion of “them at Leaeu. Of course. do not know anything of your sentiments (and even if I fac.esonould not gllow it.to interfere) with) my. conduce or feelings toward you, whom I shall ever honor and respect as my parent, regardless of all National Git. icutties). Many, doubtless, with, you, are sincere in their belief of the righteousness of their cause—but with us, we are a UNIT in the fixed conviction that ours is a just and holy cause; and ‘Thrice armed is he whose cause is just.’ But in saying this, perhaps I am overstepping the prescribed limits of my letter, so let me direct my thoughts to other subjects. pei + a ty Taam Pet ich | ant ko Sor eae em a is hi AY heath B Sqanld, a gosto eed pl mete ns 4 ate sted eeabiognneas th torah eh casted wth paadewtettre Dart, 26 bata eal ary ta * + By roc) serve ‘i | ed ght eh Ssoatmeu, 20 peti.) eka A, tH | : ; b Pig pt Bei orga : : * *\ Wait ae tos i 3 my ree a { GY & me! ess st up Tak rs : hash Raker 20 REALE Aieabetd Adin bk , ees pa Poa HAE Yo geting sae ‘cottage A sre ORL: ASUS HE OE EE a, ‘Bae 9B, ee: . oS ae Rawr Ses a RAW Me soba soe 18 of ee ie ae De ph tee arise ata satis. fe an: ee oe TO. et mere noradads EG ; | Dh eege vy we ee) S95ubOe) ‘ayes. t} ; ad liieiod? ov nd il era eats $0 PE) eth: AR REE A EOL ET a Ss aid ‘2 alle, if POLS. te | He Nie Alike Nag sot swath Uokow cv. (GOR mance | ne, FHS! ‘ice vei ig? Bit ts dgkw aindiet en tleee Leon ae Be 2 CS abit ae 4 ee aA Bytes b Sieg is fh Mg 0 Y pyrex cat ane ia ’ Meelis! 6 Gsw Sexy et Be ae ® Saku?” ics eaten bh ea sedoigsioy ba eer iv. 08 mel oe fad, ey, tad g to Em, ia mint £. bediaie ge | ) : i * thes! bial’ dae Aeesp. oh . Or ae a he res i ay , 4 bod } a . 4 2 BareiTed te 99h Se bigao bi: pea ese k Cre ORL oC 4 LY eth Bo ib fea i arth ead Sey tee nT | SL ee nich Fe by f Siibemedeo te Ys Heng aon ca . | ee Sept sd A captain: sey | he are" it ies Tene Pe eras 0, oe Sera, F - | i % (i MCh tte. tied cena ae EHS yee, teil. ‘ its i LORE a eee 00, ot RF (ok ba dae, “Bho ae teste >< 6 CU a ee a, ho rw ONC ee Wal Deer i Lecdhd Oe Egy Age RD TONS | ACRE Bie: ae hd ty j Yee of oe a DE RR rn ee sje. Me mn i.7 , i y oF J 4 ’ -? vfa \ : 17 , ee Oe ot ad Wee ay ety at's NN geri haa eel a yy 2 elie (aaare Ns Peusuer obsbucve ewes ve Many opportunities have offered of communicating with you before now, but through returned and paroled prisoners—and I have felt, naturally, a delicacy in going so far, as thus to violate the rules of war. I presume you have been aware of my enlisting in the army, for I wrote you just before the commencement of hostilities, that in the event of its becoming necessary, I should not hesitate to take up arms in the defense of our rights. I volunteered in New Orleans on the 27th day of May, 1861, and left immediately for the seat of war in Virginia, with the BATTALION OF WASHINGTON ARTILLERY, commanded by Major J. B. Walton, now a colonel and soon will be promoted to brigadier-general. The bat- talion is composed of four companies in Virginia—the first commanded by Capt. C. W. Squires, of which I am a member; the fifth company is in Kentucky, under Bragg; the sixth company remained in New Orleans for home protection, and was disbanded upon the disgraceful surrender of that beautiful city to its present inhuman and beastly ruler, Butler. JI have been in ten dif- ferent engagements, including the battles of Bull Run, Manassas, Richmond, Rappahannock Station, Sudley or Manassas second, and Sharpsburg, in all of which the protecting hand of an Almighty God has been stretched over me and preserved me with but a single scratch from the deadly missiles of an invading, treacherous and relentless foe. While my companions have fallen on either side of me, I have been protected, thanks to an over-ruling Providence, to whose wisdom and law I submit myself in all future efforts to defend our soil and maintain our independence. Toamnueperccwmeiy for ther warm DesrLt tongror short, and although several opportunities offer to become relieved of active military duties, and to change Eyeposition fromtthe;field, d refuse themallaandwwi lt eontinue soto dos) Having enlisted for the war, I am determined to fight it out, so long as the present principles are maintained. My heart is in this holy cause—in this grand struggle for independence—and when it shall have been achieved, none will retire to the peace and quiet of home with a more firm conviction { 1 ON no) grok H wok uel ‘ap pea eva: omer it eo Be loved Dae. peawes sree Otis Foy wor Aes i> BORO ROB. we yitamstan (Jt ok avid oe) Ut Perey ead: ‘edasndy od ee | ci eds REL, eee. ho! Thue aed ova % ; Ly 53 F he Me d* ean onedkns oe St SRO . aug, HQ. iN | ahi eo feeve ods nt 4 Ane pandesiry actieoad: wa ee i oy rath i avast 0.5.3 m CREF Greene , ets oP Gm arte ee gi wae URES AN Tea a TBe MO a8 one CPS 8 ayetle . ar ig wokl mi Geneog mit toy 1 tM a pe ae Oe ‘Sas e wthd “h iti Viera: Soweer in bat TRB 1 ASL IH OM TheEAW, #0 HOLA TEAR ott ative ee bus hee ie a Wok Ome Law. 4G sa AM: mrede ok «+ See 29 sti hagiacd |.) Deon od Kd EATEN RE mB: tO) Ty oe dik 9h i oT ‘do kdw Xe Seek heaps «Po 00 69g "i rig me y fse aint ? ' of Cit PEASE aX wt os VRQ ay Te . afd (toe Be % shoe ft) Ole 2A Seis opener od (dre ae: ye Pas Db De cin fipkirrs ein #aW Oa ae af ‘oe since srg aoe OF PEO Lutl teed phiad te pie hh wed aged even Fo «reise tates eh snaee oe Lio to sabFieo oes -gribilaad, ve wouseeane ey wel Dat!) -o Soe 2 BOONE A Wa y} . re Uhantt § a eh : ae wey Ao ieee Sa Cie Ae ee GaAs ‘tae Rap oee. Ge mr by Coe Lees c Pe ae | Bot: ee & mbm; fi, pr Le pare mur er! ae fe aus. } : f h, 2 ae + Fe i rts J : oa.) ay t Py anes f tye a ch ; q ie ait ‘i ” yl iJ i Le AP a heed ROTHER! ME DOV EE ta Te 6) tee fide EL 1 Boe a debian? oven & eo ST aa yo @L1Gm a +h, aeale aha “ek ot galteds batbedate Neo! ovad 2 em to, 26 7. id win’ rh, ueotoe awe wdedw OF »epeeeivors ‘gatl Lote xe rida ayo Beeteh od BITORe ott hee ee Sioayn Jl ,COonGomege loys fae ea >, Sek CF OLE a tO Bah a i 66 ‘cay vai Yor? Bie Per | (ee i 7 ur Kote bende fa ttiggs Laneved dyiod She tae , dea ameridy of Dae 4 oe loeh th oe Blin siidoe we evel len pil sa tie whe Slehens hater Tt . f on sht sad sie S, Ho sR Ban te aie Tew Belt alt ‘ieyetinea yolveho 3ae ont oe une if eee cba aye aie an td im 3h Jigitkiat Boni vt Crd) ee hy: Beg gedit. - ers sepinevs eye’ Oe iqton i: ye aoaehnaabake a0 als 2 Sepang) mike ai 3 at enh pew ELON ee, Pho. eae) need te pon yaoos ara et Shad Ls eal e Dag thoes hauler A, a ‘ * ! 3 4 Na ' ot v4 ; sa (a 4 4 ' ’ ; i pit i" é i oe) By 7 at 4 i d 4 ji “ f P pepper. of Fo iy awe 2S of having done his whole duty to his God, his country, his neighbor and himself than I; and 1 look forward to a lifetime of happiness when the independence of the southern Confederacy shall be achieved. And, God grant that the day 18 not far distant, is my daily prayer! ijam enyoyine perfect health, and’ only trust this may find you the same. We are sumptuously fed and comfortably clothed—notwithstanding reports in Northern journals to the contrary. I regret being obliged to go through a long, tedious and inactive winter, and am in hopes McClellan may be induced to advance upon us— think we are quite well prepared for him! I have sought in vain among captured prisoners for some person whom I knew, or had heard of in the North—would like very much to converse with some one. I receive letters regularly from New Orleans. At last accounts G. W. D. and F. D. and families were quite well—of course much depressed mentally. Suppose they will be compelled to take the oath of allegiance to the United States, but it will only be forced upon them. To any of my former friends and acquaintances who ay AnuouirS atcer me, please remember me as a *rebely Trusting and praying that God may open the eyes Srerme DOlind fanatics of the North to a true viewrof their condition and intentions; that their ears may be opened to the popular voice of the South, which only @oks Of them their right to be let alone and allowed to depart from a Union, which is no longer a Union, in pence, l remain, your son, Francis Dunbar Ruggles. P. 5S. ‘Please mail the enclosed letter to its address. Send word to Asaph Dunbar that all are well “On ey 7m We a NOTE. Francis Dunbar Ruggles is represented in Boston Chapter U. D. CG. by his niece, Miss Emmeline Ruggles of Wakefield, Massachusetts. i ra re : ¥ Sti BOD. : Bok .beveidog. ad Lf. dinbna aid. sb Sk. a web OF biawto® P| Mh jh Abs "en peer t ens to someheedelirt: end odordw Baad S| "tied ye et ydmasel: aids taocd vie@o ' Drs: dd Laed ace sn Woe its ia. fas Bot ylepogignie e718 oh . Smug) ast, BOR pret + pula ge ar artoqget watonedens: me hevdoLla: viderras — “oF nilda gaised JeTaAst ! [Tetimes eae of Theat X gi ms Age rstaiw evifoemi Dn Oo koa 4-H: Zann as node eonmsvbe od) bao J wien ana Sel oi ae a ee er F 7 im-a tot Dorset finw et fits eta oe af Ne Liig M4 5.0 BiTrons > | Sick. ; > ee! i r %o baeertk. bs £0. | | modgw nmosted stom ae : ms Wares aa r ot i} t ¥ + Vv ; , ‘ip ee y | ry P fro Fs a + ane 1s bd Pane wo mort PLB i?) + viooar 2 at ed eifimet Bae