Please Destroys Acting as chairman of a sub-committee on Classification of University Library Personnel, T mailed to those who might be interested, fifty copies of a preliminary draft of classification and specifications for personnel of university librariese These tentative specifications were sent only for criticisms and suggestions; they were not in final form in any way and most of the sheets will have to be rewritten. There were, unfortunately, 2 few errors, also. It is, therefore, earnestly requested that all those who received these preliminary sheets will destroy them. The revised form will be presented to the Committee and to the Council and will be available later. The use of the present sheets may lead to misunderstanding, as they do not form even the report of the sub- committee and have not been adopted either by the Committee on Classification of Library ' Personnel or the Council. Charles H. Brown, Co 3 Chairman. SN Copied from Library Journal, vol.54, noel, Jane ’ 1929. ae TO THE OCOMMITTES ON. CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY PEASONNEL : Your subcommittee of university librarians appointed to consider the report of the Committee on the Classification of Library Personnel of the American Library Associ- ation insofar as this report applies to university and college libraries, recom- mends tnat the following statement and specifications be inserted in the report to replace and to expand such portions of the report as deal directly with uni- versity and college libraries. It is further recomaended that a similar suncommittee be appointed to continue this study ana to report from time to time as may be desired. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINGIS Ha TN ne ee It is recognized that changing conditions as well as vari- Lifk. 2% ations in university organization may require alterations in the specifications. University libraries are not necessarily organized alike; aque in part to different types of buildings, unusual capa— pilities in certain individuals and unusual demands for special branches of library service by fdculty members. Some libraries are organized into five or six departments instead of four, which organization will affect specifications for heads of departments. It is hoped, however, that the outlines here submitted will be of value in setting standards for consiceration. The specifications, which are recommended as determinative for the profession but which may be regarded as typical insofar as individual libraries are concerned, will, it is hoped, suggest the qualifications, compensations and duties which may be required. Many universities and colleges must greatly exceed the ratio proposed to meet the needs of extensive research, graduate study, and special development in certain definite fields. A university concerned mainly with graduate work will need a much larger per-— centage of the total income of the university and a.. much larger expenditure per student, with corresponding higher qualifications for assistants, than a university designed almost entirely for uncder2raduate students. The typical and actual budgets may pvrove suggestive of possi- ble organizations, compensations and expenditures. It is regretted that the information available at the present time does not make possible the presentation of typical and actual budgets for all Classes of university libraries. D 38862 iy SN al SKE ea Hal i ame A LAL Dy eat abee api rn) , relly abe wi, : 4 } ad ee Mah abe ler ; %, ; 1 LNialay o} fen 3) pene es he ee ee 1 PTET tel MSN he as i an . \ . ; fs hele y ; ae Ceatart rari ln yen ates 4 fay Sate sf f - sone fe aH hai NN ‘ s ‘ bs nu ene ; tide mkt ae: 4 Beit ye" ih ’ : a, > ei ts a a ft ye eee SR ok, | a aa - j < % ) + S = 7 Pasi f . » _ i A i 4 f } Lait "4 y ‘. 2 os i Hiab ie WYP see A ta ANN nk Dei ae Nida ‘ i eee Be ith We ok ae Duh a at aoe m +) * , ; eer ! HON x. PatiN By Se . fe ‘ ‘ + F “ ays e ‘ v ; \ 4 be Hae ab c ae! a a itl alent gare a PRN ict a HES) yen, i : 1 OATS? al es KAN ad | am at sh ae Wider Sables i 1 tie ahi! NET ay EM, ABA ep A " Jef ? it 4 j : fay , ae yey, Pout gry i Be ate a Bee She Oy Bice bah P| i 4 hue 4 ph “\ - ‘ Me pags ae My ve a : Be De Mov Wy 4 \ Habe ua Sy Fan i n a gh nd Ae 6, f j 8) y 1 wee ih ; shite ie > veel ph, * az ay i Heat } ; [ tA Jae Aaah thy hai WR iad Bers v4 iH . i i PS OH A athe Ng hee aig . , , A Kanth HVA RL Rede rere p . ar ve \ ; Cah ua A KIRN tai ite ek Vi Sg pales Om ee ae yy HV ea Re Bah A Fie, RR Re fal di in ly ne wa Wey ind tm , nia ; = u , AD ‘ * ' ‘ He) phen arate) oe ? . ; ‘ i ¢ is rr in in ar) ND gy a) Pv i i : | ara tha: bad ical a ee IRIN By uae ae Le . She * i; S : , { } 4 : pint f i y 7 t pet, ae ak ah hy fj Hy f i ; oH Oe: ‘ r PSs awe aT owe mee ie AG ea Wit ah iat ‘i i eee ofa RN yt Me f wT At ie Nei j Fife ’ We NE ga B i 4 CAH dle tae ta j ‘ ; " . { i & pet ‘ 2 iY a ! Bd, ‘ : of Mal Age f 4 ray ae t pt k ca at ah Thy iy WHA | 0) aa date wth, Heine i RN ty fie" ay ApH ri a The classification and specificatiom are not to be cunsicered as final. Changing conditions and the results of research in the field of University library adwinistrat:on-a field at present much neglected- will necessarily alter much of this report. The reluctance of univeristy authorities to publiéh their budgets and the zyailure to classify under library expenditures all expenditures on the campus for library purposes render difficult a study of university adninistration. Also the rise and growth of Junier Colleges,— which field is not covered in this report,- mey alter materially the classification ana expenditures of university libraries. The classification of university and college libraries is based on such figures as are obtainable at present. The proposed basis of library expenditures of 320 to 425 per student with an expenditure for library purposes of not less than AL of total university expenditures (excluding certain items) is recomended because of the fact that the coimnittee is unaware of any university or college rendering what might be regarded as fairly satisfactory library service whose library expenditures fall materially below these figures. As a basis for the nuuber of students it is suggested that the definition used on the A. L. A. forums for salaries and sta- tistics for university libraries be followed. "Use the enrollment of the highest single semester or quarter not including summer session. Do not include extension, correspondence, or shortcourse stucents." In case another definition is adopted later by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars, such a definition should be subdstituted for the one above. f ‘ Wt by OER hf Wey ah edie de ; : ai Ae APE aL van ea) ‘i ‘ TY x : Afr Wh es i ; He? WB AN ate id OAL Pe Ap ena da ws, eae f i 1) a ‘ ‘ ne f aw Nhe a! } ‘ ¥ Udet he a han 4 Lire uv Py) ‘ft 4 D4 ANT " UG Medan Lina dahs Lest aloe aes ae ‘ US y Ky Anil Wie as yi ue { fat, eta il Py ne We Re } a i h| ‘ a a } Ry 5} rat raise Ma AAS Iv opey a tall MNT aa tn ake i} s \ { < . a A i iis eta he ‘ Pe, Mer Pe tg He Mes Mea a oa ie. SA} ‘, aN ra scott | i 4 ; ¥ t 9 4 5 yas! + Aagd Hin’ Pee ere en ain Rg Rv chest ‘aah Peg ee eS A, Wht By Ty, = . ‘ LO ; i é K 7 . . . . . ’ . ‘ny . . . 1 ‘ Wysithy , i, 5 A a r ay) N ‘ ae, 4 y yarn i i, 5, senaell Lae ttt ; : ‘ Pe 4 A ete CO We a ae ee % ; i (Weg Mela ey Meets at ey 3! cmt eRe Rl ty.“ ti j Be aia AR Nea , F } a We BENS, ¥ : ‘ her ; 7 our : . awa ; et ‘ } ( Mh ) ' ; oath We i ¥ i i 1 My pe ey (sl i ( f a eM Fae A eae ee ar i Pe WSR AE MR a fy 6 1 a . ; : F te ; { : f i ‘ ‘ul ; SP ee A 7 n Spo Ay ey ee toute _ by the term Higcaciate Protessor" is :seant the rank next pelow that of full professor. This report is oased on and is a modification and extension of the Report of the A. Le Ae Coumittee on the classification of Library Personnel entitled "Proposed Classifications and Compensation Pians for Librarv Positions" published by the Bureau of Puolic Personnel administration, Washington, D. C., 1987. To the Bureau and to its director, Fred Felford, much credit is due, and acknowledgment is gratefully made, for the original sugsestion, for the fundamental details given in its report in a pioneer field of library acministration anc for the help renderec in this study. ¥ ong ® he: 4 op } uy v ¥ » " Ben yt n 7 Be ad bie wi o a Ai mt is “ ay ‘ yah hi ee ‘ Sean nO wh ae dc Aah ue e 5) Pa eA re ( f mst? if ray, M WAH } ie Py rh ey (ght, yi F ¥ ig his + “Big WRG i Hiv Tr i. 1) he wi i co - F Gy 5 si ros . ; Net ! dy aaah . a a \ ni ds p ‘ie, wy ihe my hh ia ty Hh) wat if i h bahabe! tah AWS BNR LAS toh y Rees Ea } ‘ ; Be Sa HMO AN"; a i nee nie yeh, rub te RW a * aa ie iin i ae ie Ae ak, He gk RAYA dah NA el a SRN ait oP ib Re A ARMM Rs.) we 3 Pia Rae ’ ¥'2 2 pe fil ie ff AA eg Sto ab ae ; he li A hd itd WK ta his, ty Sa pey a HOR EN or beste Fe ) ai any i BO rH i pa ; 4 i its 1 i wiles . ; Ny rue Wa tive oe i +p S r « . ' wy dt uy t & , faetiae’ ie a oe > tks a ¥ 1 hity, os ry 4 a Bog Mie ee a itt ter ad Ait it ‘ 4s Wain Was i j A f Bahay Ae i he a ave! eho Ve ¥ oh th PH Sp, 4 wy toy’ % i} i) ‘ ‘ u eh le a x i Pa teat a ? ii i ; Sa, ul get hl 1h, y it fy " ane apy eo ae fs ie a veal 49 i f iy i ny pel eh as 4 2 vi ys ne te RB iy Pe OO a ied a ee ele ice a Ac te aay falta | eR AW IAC OUR. aie eT aN OY Bs ibe A hie -~4a- UNIVEXSITY AND COLLEGE LIBRARIES The objective in the preparation and submission of this Classification is three-fold:- 1. TO give to university administrators an outline of possible duties and compensétions in university library positions, to be considered in library organization or reorganization. &. TO give administrators a list of qualifications to be considered in filling vacancies in library positions. 5. 0 give those who wish to enter the university library field a statement of qualifications which they should possess if they are ambitious to reach the higher positions. During the past twanty-five years college and university libraries have grown greatly in importance. Printed resources fave increased enormously; methods of instruction have undergone changes that have resulted in much larger demands being made on the library; research has developed rapidly. Library organization has developed much more slowly. As a result of changing conditions there is need for many more well trained persors in the service of the library Sete ee thaw was formerly true. The standards to de maintained in connect- ion with tnese oersonnel prodlems frequently present a serious ques-— tion to the administrators of educational institutions. It is with this thouzht in mind that the following specifications have been prepared. Ae ant 0 Wee Wale Rest sR 1 tii _ i i a eae i Ty 4, ‘ na tila) } iy 4 4) ny! rae ‘ 4, seipavt oy Pe , Wt deed aE Pe 4 ee a jaan ; * e Be " r ache » i ie ieee yeu be * , Weare OR 8 RY hase Aa De | ne Ney) i { bacey ve * iis . ot a ’ Poh ha ae ee eM) Pr. ae ane ; itaatee aa min Ted i 2 By cal “ean si Hf a) ona AY aby of esis Byam ae eh ih me rae) : ud, av Meikatad Dene of hal Pfime RA RS he y ode ee may Se ts i ih pl + . ‘ NaN faye eet { Bea) Ee at ea mn A Ws, fe dig eh eR a Ae yt Sr ay ot ae eae ’ Figo sh! aaaiah ete. uci { . Fh on ie at: 2 He . ‘ . ‘ aa ys Ci a Ry eee aE NE LI RAR ¢ ie) ; MeO oUF te TEE TAM MG aR aD em 2 . Be) 4 Ws OREN Fit, il . Ty el Ne toh Mat ay re die iA A La els, a uy ih ae allt 4 Wea Ta dy 34 fied } eas ee GY Ge ind iH ah shes ‘ Vh ars 5 1 SSAA ape hy tary Peep Ia Hasan AMAL yh AN vy late a Mleeha cr libgtnaah ei Me x - Bele ee 5 , ¢ ety A ey se rae i ile Oe he “i WY ne oy cu iat “ ‘ Es , AN te, SR Cs Ge cet Gag ihe ACE as st mee ve f i Te ee Maly 44 >| Fe ca ate He has . i ae i PNR j F Ais Mae ae i ti : « a oaiet citer A ee Vie } an ry aee y iin) a Wadi tel L ’ 1 Nyt Ala 1 mid a4 i Pie ( f iB hy he. : ja? F i Pa a K asagte it AAEM OMRY «4s VR Me : an a Ri Setar La eh) Pesava ak ee aN see ) BUS fea 4s f it tee pi hit 4 We . ‘ ae a) rt le yA Bs . wht age tye ! > 4 s bai bey i @ ah 1g a 9, i: ae i eta Mile dc Regs Maa AG fk ore eee i Ta CLASSIFICATION OF UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE LIBRARIES All clases of university and college libraries should meet the following minimum conditions: l. Be Income per year (exclusive of building maintenance, construc- tion and repairs) not less than 4% of total expenditures of the university or college, excluding expenditures for erection of buildinss or other capital expenditures, expenditures for dor- mitory maintenance, athietics, hospitals, transfers for en- dowuents, etc. A minimum average library expenditure of not less than 320.00 per student in a university of over 8,000 full time students and not less than 925,00 per student in universities of less than os cenit students. Total library expenditures equal to at least 9% of the total expenditures for teaching and research staffs. In addition to the ab@e specifications, a library of Class 10 has an income in excess of 150,000 per year. Class 9 has an income between 4100, 000 and »150,000 Class 8 has an income between 475,000 and $100,000. Class has an income between .50,000 and $75,000. Class has an income between $30,000 and »50,000; Class 7 6 Class 5 has an income between $20,000 and $30,000. 4 has an income between g15,000 and »20,000. 3 Class has an income between $10,000 and $15,000. “ti t et dn tlemiges Ree ee me 9 se 4 ie f eS bythe neti wil is ae) eg hy CAR Tahaan ; i hot ‘th A ty a man Sp, i ah a Lg wre sie 3 yA Ap aR SRA di al a eat oe) 2: ROT CAN ais t ; Ket . Hy ae 4 bi ie re E SON ith és yo Riek Bee aint at, ns , SBRHeEIL.| on Pe es % Re LS a! Ka " 1 f RRM Near ae : igh Bi Yack a ar ve kt e ‘ oe 1 ] b : : i a4 2: i , i i I i A) Gala hee nee dee tee he sea econks ele anda mt spa i ie my ers ‘ ; ix 4 t 4 pad dey ‘4 i ' F or Wades ee ik eli aii * hoa a nt m ‘3 re bas , Mth 4 Rae { i A ‘ .; Wha ba! i wa ; RR 3 edit!) Pie it Y ee ee He Bar te ‘ie, rs ih Ge esa (Cee AS | mi | ag ae oY of ste as ; f i c wiih ‘aay A NaH Deak air Ter UN rae iM re MRE a aside nie i payor EXAMPLE OF AN ACTUAL BUDGET OF A LIBRARY WHICH SHOULD Bz PLACED IN, BUT WHICH aT PRESENT FALLS BELOW, CLASS 5,showing modifications in accordance with scnene to bring up to proper class. Annual actual As modified in accordance with these specifications Library inconie per year $15,300 27,500 Number of students about VLOO ene Total college income not e266, O00 -- including capital ex- penditures, etc. Salaries not less than Librarian pe ,o80 wo, 000 Asst. Librarian (Cataloger) 2,100 $3,160 ‘Reference Librarian ee va, i eer ee - Loan Librarian 1,440 ee Reference and loan Librarians ------ yo ,040 Junior general assistant = = = ------ pl ,200 Student and clerical help wl, 900 32,800 and incidentals Not less than Books, periodicals, and $5,540 8,500 binding Balance to be alloted as 20, 000 needed to raise items in last column above winimun. 7,500 ne ces eee et ee Sane See PENT Ge SD Goeth See GE et ey TT Ges aS GE Se eS es eS SE ee Ge ee Se eS SS eS Gee ee Total @15,300 $27 ,500 : ie 1s . in} 1 age vi nA de Z. Pues i CU RR EE A RI be rat a RES ah LAA uly ve ¥ i ¥ pity aye) Lary ERA Re eR Ie Can NRL MA ORCC CM AA aI Ca atic CARON OSE hE SU, eg aR CRY 8S . \ i i s Ne 4 5 at Hiro Mey wee se ven) mn ; Weed A ee hpi, 9 ¢ N rl 7 Pa ait ; alain eee Ves fi ; : _ ~ YApeedl ty larg ld dary ign With ‘ CF ’ Be iy as} Hebe ple win s “ane (tare “it ¢ Aa a) uh or j | 4 , Sai i CAL, AHR in ; ‘A, OT Neda . Pe Ly | My v £ ry ron Ie TVs é Pid RAYS rbf ebsie hed! Ui va Xd ae 4 adi he 5 i , TOG Gace | hl a nak has y, 8 Ryne AN pt! AURIS me OT tie as av A i ds mn ¥ i . , a Kt ee ey eh ‘ t f Rian bh f a 1 ay 4 hon a Rae vy ESE Rad |e tatty, TI si nt f f as i i BIE rie ale A f A <1. Wt te tier an i f N * a) f ‘ ‘ f 4 i) wll hi * ‘e 1 Sodas SE Ge RD ea ae cee elinsiodianl ie t ye Py j Gait hes a Pas ee? = 1 i ; os tnd BANAT Rg sper wy eth ey jeeagrwie cd oben ACTUAL BUDGET OF A LIBRARY OF CLASS 9 WITH EXPENDITURES SOLaWHaT BELOW THE MINIMUM, AND THE BUDGET AS i.ODIFIZD IN ACCORDaNCE WITH THESE SPECIFICsTIONS. actual as modified in accord- ance with these speci- fications. annual Library income 9103, 500 Not less than »121,000 Number of students 4,000 University income, not includ- ing capital expenditures, etc. 33,300,000 Librarian BO. wD » OOO “Minimum 5,100) Librarian's Secretary 1,080 a Est. at (2,800 i now ‘Stenographer $ 840 scheduled Xassistant Librarian (Librari- an in charge of cataloging) 3,600 33,600 (Minimum 12,880) Classifier 82,100) Senior Cataloger 31,920) tt i $1,800 io W smell Junior Cataloger ea Clerical assistant, Catalog ) Department. *s 900) Est. at. 313,500 The above positions in the Catalog Department are not yet specified. Nine assistants, at least, should be provided instead of the sight at present. (Two paid for under clerical help.) Loan Librarian (Librarian in charge of circulation) 32, 400 Not less than 32,880 Senior loan assistant $1,600) rien te Lg . baer peer e ; ) mete tats; i bs Crate ret 0a os ‘ ) Oy ei iw Nia AAO oo i ey fine , ~ te hs e aoa Sika t cor B00. oy recat iy Mot i al irre i } i : 1 ei \ \ Kay INK ! é ; y t i x or Ba Cer. Pains Peake TAUL DIN Ne Mi peer : Te TOR LAM AMY: ABR ORO I eh ag tae, | 1 y \ si \! 4 i! : 1 é " 4 > / ity ts aren a Han Oe ie aeene Pa ne, iH NTC a He Wek w x i} N i ‘ " bc a ANAM heen pie elaing al spn ee ‘ ‘ " i 1 PEN oe " i “4 ; Mae hh we 4 idee ih uit ye ‘a Wad a6 oth % it fh ee CT wh v8 ge | scp , } NF alt et y } Bertola alent it o yep , i SH) : ’ ‘ ; ; ii Cia Sy 5 Gag We! i ta Nah eae, yet Jy t he y Y # " ! q ¥ de Pa as | y: 4 ‘ ; ; ( Niet 4 hh Rats, ip: Re * } Cait ‘ i ale aN 1 sy ins F sy wv ri ‘ hehe \, we I, ee the ais { i id ih ; i! } } is bh fr vipa Gh MA SS a 5 , ens HllB hy / yi F ft Ay ti an i F i A(t Ne! RN oh i : ; i cnet ’ , f ae Re & BA dad es is 1 ait i ; rp way yy } ny ¥ oe zy ~ ‘ Sabet iW: ’ GREAT ) Bf : i it i) ee Hala ish 04a" 38) e/a)! Viele Man ee ee , . iat so Aah tae, 4 the ie dy & aR z eid inte bal eee RT te 5 0.0 actual as modified in accord- ance with these speci- fications. Loan assistant $1,200 i i" $1,080 Reserve assistant wl ,O080 at 4 31,080 Est. at 39,000 The above positions in the loan department are not yet specified. Seven assistants should be provided, as at present (three now under clerical help) salaries are probably too low in most cases. Reference Librarian (Librari- an in charge of reference.) 33,300 Not less than $2,880 Reference assistant (Not yet } specified) $1,200 Est. at 63,240 Serials Librarian (Librarian in charge of acquisitions) 33,040 Not less than 32, 880 Order assistant 31,500) not yet Serials assistant $1,200 )specified Not less than ! " *% 900 od, 600 Student and clerical help and incidentals. LO, 500 wLO,500 £9,000 59, 380 Books, periodicals and | binding 24, 500 361,680 Total 3103, 500 3121, 000 *Rate of 3600, actually .3000 for nine months this year. It may be of interest to note that in this case an increase of 20,000 was approved as an asking from the Legislature by the Board of Education. If granted, the increase will bring the ex- penditures above the minimum standards. at lo 7 onal iv ry ENED OREM ENA. Aalejel ial “see 4 } é Peay sey hab acer | Aga ‘ee ees wa ne i iy oe v7 ih i t | if ty ij ma Rw ye hdd % ey: 4 RSE Soe cede ge smaeabes (ald a 7 i ‘ I ‘ i ¥ Hh ; ‘ Pat ‘ 1 , Depo (ome is set lokeyedwnd omaha! Ve ; it t * te Mie aS i " das os am ¥ ws, by ° yi) u he } ‘ ‘ . de Pe a i iy all Fi 5 " 4) Md i« Tie y i bE y F Wis 7 1 i Hit : 2) Mee Te a” SORRY tN He, vy tou ¥ be eA ETN Oy ae D2 Me ae et we i ) igs | pe X : : f f of"! Bi ua f } , ’ eee ne . ,, Dak } | / i vay kit ‘ ! Me) ; 4 ' mt i KAN i mii Es a OJ i Nts Me i) i Bik } ‘eR Pe ae } ars - i en if iahy , i t es : 1 yi ' ; ft) a me { 4 4 , | ; : he ; ; ’ i) fate ; i. 24 ted { 2 OM lyf | ; K i ie "4 - ! WReatkae (dl Ai Mae 4) He ea Visdisedhtevipn dou abe eh 1 * ; an ' } ' : } Vj © i nt neh vi i tae im al ead = BS Jer meaNy May iy i Ch y fia rial Ie ie neti y ¥ at bah baila “be aug oe ‘ a Ht a % ah wa Hie ME ie i fee te bese | Hs | ipl NE OSS ail ka Hoy. a: Raa g RPS Ary We Sy 0 May gs Wr Ll. Be CLASS 3, COLLEGE LIBRARIES Labs. TYPICAL BUDGET FOR A COLLEGE LIBRARY OF CLASS 3 Library income per year: Not less than #10,000. Number of students: Not over 400. Total college income not including capital expenditures: Not over $250,000. Librarian; Not less than 42640. Senior General Assistant; Not less than $1620. Clerical and special assistants and incidentals: Not less than $1740. Books, periodicals and binding: Not less than 94000. Total; Not less than $10,000. 2 ik 2 tyhd says bpyl Spi ba Nha colts im abt RL eka setae Nh nity stan hw ed * uted uy, S| eh LOR) om al a Aaya (Saran (Aig Hl Bho st Mi F aR Bh Ray LAs ie } Pe TT ee, Ipeent Liatakit (ea ied. Ranh hai ft a tea aR! rire ial ARO Rennie A Mien, I | Ar eae bcd * ne ) CLASS $, COLLEGE LIBRARIES ~L1L- CHIEF LIBRARIAN (PROFESSOR AND HEAD OF DEPARTMENT) DUTIES: Under the direction of the President to have charge of the operations and activities of a college library of class &o, including instruction in the use of the library, and to perform such other work as may be required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Preparation, recommendation, and after approval, administration of the library rules and regulations; preparation and submission of the budget; close supervision, direction and training of the work of the as- Sistants of the library; seleation of books for purchase by the library and ordering of such books; consultation with members of the faculty as to college policy in book selection, and as to definite recomuendations for purchase of books; investigation and recomnendation for appointment of quali- fied individuals for library positions; supervision over library rooms; cataloging and classification of books; as- Sistance to readers in the use of the library; instruction of students in the use of the library; general contact with faculty in order that library may adopt most effective pro- cedure to secure the maximum use of library facilities by students and faculty; correspondence, interviews, service On committees. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the full professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years { ae} ae \ Gane cM 888 Bp * : | | bt ween sit Anata aia a kai ine ape en | : aeost dpi wae see. | | | ae sb os a a SARTO ee HOG i doses ys apne eats ah ie ie ® i | ; sal cme Le 2 jin I OE i A Me : 7s Mende nouinboagh 30% gate f K Reh hes ens te oan a Ben ate bea Lens SMR MR LA takki bia re a ae reiki punaaad 4 wen Mai ah, ) , aie I | \ An j y i: I Es ah 2 While ee Hei nai hg ‘a Vow L/ i se # ) «atte i Avent ad ‘ a! CLASS 5, COLLEGE LIBRARIES poy oto of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the full professorship, or, (2) education equiva- lent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, and one year of work ina graduate library school supplemented by two years of success- ful experience in a library using modern methods. (b) Knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and get them to work together effective- ly; ability to size up situations and people and work well with others; ability to write papers for publication and to speak publicly; general knowledge of books and special know- ledge of trade bibliographies; reading knowledge of French and German; tact; good judgment; accuracy; satisfactory character; sympathy with educational problems. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION; On the same basis as that of heads of departments in the institution. Minimum $2640. Lay A) 4 i Oe 1 ? " viv aa ia N | f : ‘ } tae) . it : in fa idahne pitaoies Py ' » ra ty ie yg ae ae | ie: Le cm 4 5 a Ok: ra } 0 RRR a Div . co ere ii ‘ime * sania Mee y ri) Sas ’ ‘ ita f ) ) , nt ti fe. i wacebmmntiig Wo i hi o an tig r th ie ie i 4 Nie nye : Silk) ripen Ae ce . eine oe eae mgt Se i Hi gt tli es 5, i oe | ang ‘bias anita . iis f Mle iB iv) ire ify ba By Ee yi h ASD “it a i a he ‘i ijt 4 sas (Nee? CLASS 3, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES eis, SENIOR GENERAL aSSISTANT (INSTRUCTOR) 7 DUTIES: Under the direction of the librarian to assist in work of a miscellaneous character in a class 3 college library; to relieve the librarian and catalover (class 4 only) of as much of the detailed work as possible; taking charge of the loan desk and answering simple reference questions as imay be required. EXAMPLZS OF TYPICAL TASKS: Answering questions asked by readers and assisting them to make use of the facilities of the libdra- ry; taking charge of loan desk; looking up information for readers and doing other floor work; doing general reference work; asSisting with the cataloging and order work; perform- ing such tasks as charging and discharging oooks; handling Ooverdues and reserves, keeping circulation statistics, record- ing periodicals and putting them in binders, typing or writing cards, checking and filing records. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the instructorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school training or the equivalent; or (2) a minimum educational preparation equivalent to that represent- ed by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, inclucing one year in a technical library school. (bd) Considerable knowledge of library organization, pro- cedure, policies, aims and service; marked liking for and knowledge of books; ability to size up situations and people 4 gorow Wh rae ne? iy i cue rr ae eee ny fi ra. , i ea ierety rid iy oh fe ee hh ¢ r * eee Py j wy : eo (Hol AM iii apc ay 1 rs i Ma heyy 20g WA te W Wy Wa al Tg i a a « { AVR ey vi ¥ \ a Ks Be oN TR at!) ae iti wy at py he H Hy Mat eet Wel siha tha 2 AAAS! SRS Nt Sy eal Migr val wt ea) i i ' ; Rhone ’ a i } » ; : a His boyy ied PH rig iy 1 a ris Ny by hey ye AS ie OU at i gh aR TN es a! " et vile PW Ride is { . is i Ng nh ; 4 i , he ik ra re Sa eae if ie yey ri Hy Ne. ; y y 4 he hy bey ake PR iw Ps ane a (Ae ae 4 ree ‘7 ite Wie yi i by si ) . d ’ h Ue hs Reh a oly ghia 4 j Ch i ' a a + 4 ie a hi an vistas “4 ae en alee ; \ i Hex Saran ia i oa ar a a hag ay ; ¢ ‘f 2b hg Pos oad fi " Jul Whey ‘ mee FPR TV, Waa Rae Vans Une oa ay Bot) ea ad diy oe Nh) eB ini aa na a a e of ik j Aca HU hr , Wipe.) pata hays sl at a a ow te it \ , uh Ae aR kA RP OND a dy Se iene es ie et, ikos 7 “ bay ied Mae hi “4 ih af. iho r ba she a f NON RAR). Pete ae | Sai F ae : by Cs VAAN Pte en wy tbl j 4 Hh Bh e an Ri AE hae Seah % A at 5 ; CS Ap SL SDA VARA hat m Nath Bi IA ae nl EA gai 1 eae Hee i iat | Sede ioe us hy 0 a ODS Ry A dls: me ORD Sik hPL a NBR Oe ® vj 5 ‘ af hip ah aby , Alsiaame et all “ ole nas al y ' een a ie Be r ald a Ba ie 2 ARON nie Re EE, i { , ‘ + wh ee a r , wh hast ie hia | 2 y i y bes faa by ik Ht re 1 ee Lp sth et aN gtie: odor oa dae tea Cue eer ai ate Tipe on vine baw a ceed: whos ‘anno A CLaSS 3, COLLEGE LIBR.AIZS Rie i oe and to get along well with others; accuracy; tact; good judgnent. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMAENDED aNNUaL COMPINS..TION: On the same basis as that of instyuctors in the college. Minimum, 1620 for class 3, ,1740 for class 4. it x sin & WA. Tia Pesan aS ONT 1% 1 Ub i ik hy RN . f ( if ih) bn ito 4b He rn ie is HON ees: ES 1. Be CLaSS 4, COLLEGE LIBRARIES ty ae TYPICaL BUDGET FOR a COLLEGE LIBRaRY OF OLasS 4 Library income; $15,000 per year. Students: Not over 600, Total college income(exclusive of capital expenditures): $375,000. Librarian: Not less than $2940. Cataloger: Not less than $2040. Senior general assistant: Not less than 51740. Junior general assistant: Not less than .,1200. Clerical and student help: Not less than $1080. Books, periodicals, and binding: Not less than 46000. Total: Not less than ~15,000. Arata Ault aly Slt aha NN TAN vie CLASS 4, COLLIGE LIcRARIZS ele Oa CHIEF LIS5RaRIaN (PROFESSOR AND HEaD OF DEPARTUENT) wosTud: Undexs the airection of the President to have charge of Cy the operesion anc activities of a colleze library of Class 4, including instruction in the use of une liorery, ana to pere form such other work as av be requived. GAS FLOS CF TYE .GaL TASKS: Preseration, recommendation, and after épprovel, eaduinistretion of the library rules and regulations; peevaration ana submission of the sudget; close suvervisicn, @izection and training of the work of the assistants of cne Librery; selection of books for purecnase dv the Library eau OTGeTiag? OF such bools; consultation with wenpers of whe feculty as to coliese policy ia sook selection, anc. as to gerinise secomsensations for purchese cf sooks; investigation anc recomiendation for e>nointwens of cualifiec individuels for livrery positions; supervision over library rooms; as~ Sistence to readers in the use of the livrary; instruction of stucents in the use of the library; general contect sith faculty in oraer that liorary may adopt the most effective 5 orocecure *%O secure the m&ximuia use of the library facilities by stucents and faculty; corzespondcence, interviervs, service on comulttees. gVaLIFIOaTIONS: (2) Bither (1) scholastic wretaration equiva- lent to the standards uaintained by the institution for the full professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as wany years of exverience in library work as other prospective faculty members are exoected to have had in university teachinz: before nt p 4 “A via) ls we 2 ON if : ii n'y i “iO RA : foe " PT ara wi sie, Le. » ait uile Wee ah | Ts vy ela fe, he tat aie ul Mi APM (ert aM } haat N Ray Wei Roe P| ¥ ‘) € A y ; fi (Mh 7 ay os ae | yer al ‘ MR aR elen } ADU lie a pede ; a ie " ged hi PMs Aik aa ge ian a a ‘ Nh " a pt) i Ai ! ‘ funtie A uu a iq honed s) pet Uh Resta ae UR Ebates 1) SA v bok ts os A at ( Ma ea TS ri t oN * f vit ates 4 # py . igh eae AA an f $ ali ve mh Pm ta : y FH) as has ‘ we ey Sa Gen mn aad als i + ye Wy ey pion.) ee SWING) Alene RR Aa ie Yt Hr ie dh YON yan Bie Sy) ‘ F) ° ‘Ay we mt bay } ‘i i , Ufa) Cees Ba 4 Reh eee) ‘ y ‘ A ie p (lig Ns yt A ty hig re ; x Aw : WH AB vee 4 , } oi ae ake LAL Ny > uit " ne as & ore: A { 4 iw i y) nes 4) 4 " 7 7 Y : hp a x er ty ; td i its , a Mi wed be aiy.. ve \ \ i ‘ k. Les “ Pil lee. bbe * . ’ . ' y Ps i f . ’ Wi Alealies "ey nuh int} piss aid a Se a it : f iy ; 5 + < i i , ‘ a Ati bi Pe Viol et ALR ewe Ay a uy . pit ‘ ee Re sGLaaj Mie sept ERR aD et Rig the fy ‘ ; i ew 4) oe RM a Sie te aS ey eee a Ob Oe ae ni Ms he ti aot ANG Sg) abaneabans: (© 3 ih Ma 7 4 AD ad ERMA ) pt ‘ ‘ i Aig if TT Wal Coa f iho } i ‘ has ra NRIs Hee my) Misy t nd) fw oe Mt MPaBad 3k | i Purl RAY rahe rere M ‘ 4 A f i a eo : y ive i ‘ aK 4 ‘ py iy ee i big, 4 my . } . ; pee aene ky hil Ny Ting Me * “Tt no. Pr 7 é iad Bis 1d ey f my ; , } Sy lie at) A ‘ ! UY ¢ ia a ae: ¥ yy Wha a Be BAM ne sa iat ane + .y .) ‘ } J A 1 1 Va aly Cy } i . ait oy \ bh} 5 HA Nae: 4 ; Seal ee bt ude alert Bl. aay i Bia Vim diog AER i AM iE a ; Re ot vy is i Oy aie bi . S 7 i Pes 04) oe eB) Yl Bh A Web na. en 6 fe iy ACh es et Oh cE ei TE hd Rae . At a maf haere A th} y HFN Aare Bis re} AB fa rai aK + WT an fone dees Pca ite CLASS 4, COLLIG3 LIBARaxlis Be he 2 apovointment to she full professorship; or, (3) education equivzlent to that reovresenteaG by esracguation from a uni- versity or college of-recoznized standing, and one year of work in a sraduate library school supplementeca by shree ycoers Of successful exderience in a libriry using modern methoas, one yeer of which snould heve been spent in contsct with the public, (o) Knowledge of librery organization, procedure, policy, ains and service; ability vO lay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and gei them to work together effectively; ability to size up situations and peoole and work well with others; general knowledge of booxs anc special knowleaze of trade dibliographies; readi nm ng knowledge of French and Geruan; tact; good judgment; accuracy; setisfactory Character; syuoathy with educational problems. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and frou physicel disabilities. RECOM: ENDED ANNUAL CO!“PENSATION: On the seme basis as thai of heads of departients in the institution. Miniwum 33940. igh y 0 oR ty Shaanti ney \ Nie bs) a ‘ LEE ES CRA aha Sit A Ne UMP aah Tee Binns 3) ; ; HO Fe oh x ayes i vi ss aK ‘ bhot sani AS e) tay Me Ai i ja wha nn ‘(ee | | iH a ) Liking for and at lesst an elementary knowledge of books; acility to size up situations and people and to set along well with others; accuracy; tact.. (c) Satisfectory health recoré, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: ‘iinimum 1200. a ei ie Mie yh Ay t oi f ap bs ie Na Wen ve ee - als me ale : tim ba" ee Artal My . yt) 8 “iy fh ANY flow ae % red , . ‘ a ' ty ay ie! 7 " ni Pat eee Area Aa ASA stata ka nT Datta ig ayer aN EL? ety sian mans e ty a ‘ ¥ TT tn (ta Me ha : gin ie ‘ A’ a} A ‘ a ¥ " fk 4 \ iW % fis el Aah 1m Acq Pedal bettie ! Ps mena \ iin COMPS hy nace ‘ Ay te he Ne : t Pi torre hh va he : ae ” os we . Bite tl ® ~ 5 AS 7 a “ 3 ; , i Patra ea, “, Wie yh SE il BE upside SI ie eed a a we he aie aay we ie, Ys f Li here i ¥ ; e ang ' fi, ‘ ‘ ‘ i ih y 4 . ay - ” i i bh eG he el Mi Aain A m ; : ; wet ravage f ae i me iia 0 aes s Rad . CS y te . . htop te A Siiky 2 ~ an | ee Oye ty ‘ef ; 4 ) ye . ht aa ay eh sii tix ’ ier es) aden Wha} nay, 2 a RF ites Tag NVC AL) TNR ily. eh TONGA na ata * ’ i Pe iret Viacom r Was He i Ny i io” AAG Lat » y H 27 a A fe f ; a) WAL ' a Pit : wi date saat iaav lesa; aa Pe yns . ' : Pe wey it c See ay “4 rate The S ! eisaly yy? Rie Ra Ah AA dr rie awl ailie ) rt Give Ae 3 thw va i“ te Wi, vey ie a ibe F 4 fi . - BMT Gide Vole \ : “9 By 3 a ie Maat Wy wa HA ee Mi ae Ay htt Adi: ood fs ni wl ray N ULE ideas ae . Nc cate ts ponents c ms 7 . 7 . Mee Tan av na & Av Lt . Bel die a> aad rhe 7 yeni ye: pee 7 : os ‘ Ay a ay ras a Toa be weet TEN ‘ y > ee SP se bp ‘ aoe | ~ - ’ r ” y , : < iyi ‘ La ee at) ge ty oy a ; zy hen, a ; R y ‘ ‘ ; i , ihn j fers ts akong Me Sy, 298% 7 Tea \ ti hi A eRe orate Mea ? mg . ME ATE Whine PRD acer qepe: ier: ¥ my iat Nay é Ay Rat ‘ Pir aba Gs \ ed ete a « bid v j Vepaie ; a? 133 ay ; - n si hed 5 ' 7 f ; ; WU.
es es aN i S Dey arn Haan ee " ee 1 Ya awd i Zi ( : vy ey i Lag if 4A + a ' i q 1% T aN NOR } i Sa Us ANS Tene Ap Mamta, erm, Pte Nne i 4 i] ss ‘ CLASS 5, COLLEGE LIBRaRIZS ~25~— REFERENCE AND LOAN LIBRARIAN GRADE 1 (INSTRUCTOR) DUTIES: Under direction of librarian to have supervision over the Reference and Loan departments of a class 5 or 6 college library where research is limited and where there are very few, if any, graduate students. HXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Answering questions asked by readers and assisting them in making use of the facilities of the library; looking up information for readers and compiling lists of books on various subjects; making out schedules for loan desk and giving general supervision to the work; training assistants, some of whom will be without previous library experience; keeping circulation statistics; seeing that order is maintained in the reading rooms; seeing that indi- viduals both at the loan and reference desks obtain books and information desired, if possible. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the Instructorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school training or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in teaching before appointment; or, (2) a minimum education equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, including one year of library school and one year of successful experience with work with the public in a modern library. Srey ve we Ng Sey ne er 2 ave OF - ie at 4 ih he a 2 bi ih ph da as ae i ay ee Aas We Mp avin ‘ es a) eae Ri iti, | ‘ye toon Valiec iy Ws Wee sh ne ee ¢ C \ \y my ee A he i Ua PH A a, ‘ anes ok fs . t x Nie, | b i ‘ Hh \ wottay npc RU 7 Wey WAL TY" ore : ih { vt wh at, og eS y Mi we ; un Wr, rie mer ew | A i! : Py Bi iar ail ey aunt beaut at a att ae tt tt rN oi \ ayy AF aah cee i wy Pet Bh ak, di fi é Lay sth ce W ae his o. gare ay CLASS 5, COLLEGE LIBRaxIzZS Suite (b) Some knowledge of library organization, procedure, policies, aims and service; marked liking for and some knowledge of books; ability to size up situations and people and to get along well with others; good personality; ability to lay out work for others, to direct’and train them in their work and to get them to work tozether effective- ly; reading knowledge of two or more foreign languages; accuracy; tact; good judgzguent. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the sawxe basis as thai of instructors in the institution. Minimum »2040 for Class 5; ~ol60 for Class 6. arn CAN a Ge he ei i x Ve iM OMB LAR R es digas i as ue NN i ti t i i i Re AR DON at Sit PLS TN. GARR re pine Pride) mien u oY PANES RN en Tu Aes WMA he 1 ei eee wor ‘ yt foed Naa ranean EAL Waka ata soul a Pt ' | Ke 1 Ai ae ae tt ty Vid) QANU ae ( \ if { } § ' eo \ Ma a : YANG usa RN ain lg a WA fy hi sy i bey h Wh Nee A Tihs Aebeagtae YON i oh a NOE a i ¥ Bae : in F MA a a aA ait Bah Gs a ye ea t qe Bh) i vd en ak . ‘Af k ak PAA ara 9 hie i ‘f f \ ] Dos ridy ipeonin * ! prey } Tw ial As Re ey bal) eter eh tails r a ASI ph ays AN phi t aint Aha oh Oa!) rey ‘ue n Y aban yee eon i SONG Wey ily A RRA he a F f ie 4 ‘ } \) ‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘ k 4 Light, ae ivan * CLASS 5, COLLEGE LIBRARIES Phe ts Me CATALOGER See under Class 4, College Libraries JUNIOR GENERAL ASSISTANT See under Class 4, College Libraries j \ SA ibe 10a SA Sf vs Pawo) i Bil Ty Rea i ei fi | a) io RM CLASS 6, COLLEGE LIBRARIES ai Baws (% A College Library of Class 6 shall have an annual in- come of not less than »,30,000 and shall meet the qualifi- Cations as listed on page 5. CHIZF LIBRARIAN (PROFESSOR AND HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ) DUTI=S: Under the direction of the President to have charge of the operations and activities of a college library of class 6, including instruction in the use of the library, and to perform such other work as may be required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Preparation, recomuendation, and after approval, administration of the library rules and regulations; preparation and subdwission of the budget; supervision over departments of the library; selection of books for purchase by the library and ordering of such books; consultation with members of the faculty as to college policy in book selection, ana as to definite recommendations for purchase of books; investigation and recommendation for appointment of qualified individuals for liorery positions; supervision over library rooms; instruction of students in the use of the library; general contact with faculty in order that library may adopt the most effective procedure to secure the maximum use of the library facilities by students and faculty; correspondence, interviews, service On committees. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the full professorship, this preparation to include at least swt plane anes oho) a eat os t vee ‘ / een t F wt 4 AY, : ) . i " He wm gov D . . "os ‘ Ms by i Ky ” Lo i ts, fio Barto mnt ing vt Cert ny ite a ial vial e v - i i} J if Me ay it $s in Be Soy, ys ss rh fi , ee ey ii incon ad at, hs att? a pat tae Ro PAIS ) p s rT Ne fe . ‘ hk Ui teat cd , | say We) ah j A okey sae . Be sts! f ee Mes A A SIR ss eh EE to Eis eee Pee Oe) hea \ i i tbe ND bw ate ati us ihe! Neel , ‘ . t x q i \ : ¥; 2 ta z ’ i iis Rs iY i ty . ok Ae hoe ee) iy r P ” m 7 ; ‘ sad yy ie ¢ Pet i a ee 4) he y rae ‘a ont ‘. Mh, Aik 7 a> rn ra) 1} ty Nah) al ostoohtae DA oak egy th i 1) | hs } ee yieat . . ; \ pa a : i gE , fo Bie Maal eas ae Pad WSR geihry) ped af fay Wi gt oda PNY roe Be ae es Ci ie eee tea ho r Che f Raut HP i A ; Py ie yew : ’ TuEaed tan Ht a, ; r sity) "tnee Aas he Wes i MA spay 4 th? i aE ? | ay . PACS Weak A Re A aap ® “ bi F a se Gaye (ed } } fie tay f hii Very tye ae W hy at as ie page pace ad ey are any Lat, mad, Xa Rui sania ; lat us Ske 4p Ms ee ni fe iat pi t Mi t Ta. ts y ‘| d , i anny nt Aon ai 4 ine m i ahd ta vit tn i pe “~ ee Gat tis Pes ‘ “ ir big i. TH, , he oe wanes a 4 FOP «| " Ot eA Woe dy bi sd Cab iin HH) Bh es, ait fe, "ah Ee not we x te . 2 i 4 » My 7 =! is MN ‘ ip 4 ty { y ; ‘ is , 4 iy n BINT Routh hee: He a eer ae Ry Wale ee | wutinae NAY, ive SO , iat WA x gh ei rt ASAI SAAD AR (i Pa cA an BA Os PS ik A I ARI 2 Batt oe, > q at ‘ ; tae CP ey ee {\* Bi ae Pe ey rs f h iy ie ar iy 4 2 x PA AR ee Nh Gh SLs SIRNA ce Bas Nad ‘ WW eed ih eh ‘igal ey M, fp WWE RB OS e A oh br ay aly ; 4 a 4 t ida i : mes ; Me Ta asl , ES] Me mee AL ky ies arn Wy Vp ee Bs! yh a 1 % Nt NH ee i itor ieee k auaoy * Th vie fa Ratiayua ol he Pr 4 | ( Fae Bie ‘ . z 1 ty it ¥ fh bi i) ey A ‘ # ¢ yi AREA ( sue pe tan ig af r Ni ry ae at be hea F hi Ane et Byrd HBR) | ‘w oN Di ¥ t i j on ' ! thi De A BH ui ea id r Pm ci x ah . mt sr . ’ Ye. Ie, A, , “ ' id CP ae j ea ae Cae Er, eh at i we pia ‘ Rita ty Me i Me sf ; wheat i i be ey} Li fi Sy ‘f \ ‘ caea Rep Ey A ih Ww dh Se bo ee Coat eo fi CLASS 6, COLLEGE LIBRARIES Beet one year at a library school or the equivalent, With as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the full professorship, or, (2) education equivalent to that represented by graduation from @ university or college of recognized standing, and one year of work in a graduate library school, supplement-— ed by five years of successful experience of varied character in:.a library using modern methods, of which three years shall have been spent in a supervisory position. (ob) Knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work and get them to work together effectively; ability to size up situations and people and to work well with others; wide knowledge of books, includ- ing special knowledge of trade bibliographies; reading knowledge of French and German; tact; good judgment; satis-— factory character; sympathy with educational problems. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of positions of heads of departments in the institution. Minimum $3720. ; sey Y’ AMS} } f RT ee Sahenue uy ; sa aries EE | RU als tay RIA, fire} he Au sit ks F “ vy Hi OVA, DMP AL | LARAMIE USUAL N RE ; ie obs f te i re > 7 bs i . oe hyenas & ie ah i \ ‘ eS | » i Bs . i Boe Ray 1 * % . ty tae eet ie : \ ater VA CLE oy oe yea ‘ \ ‘ i 4 ee rapt. gy Dh m ae, ad 3 ta i tT A Oe Na Neel ‘ , . i i " wie a5 / 4 / hy DEY EY a Fw A, ti Mayet Wy rh aAy aN, Ta } i \ ’ sine iy sah aha ) fs u 4 u *. co a1) f a0 “ aie , SE font ‘ a é ; i i he Sh ad Aaa Oya any eh a a EN ahead ii ay a vy Wea sal i We ; = % Ab ae in th Sambar felon agit atl ) j TDi db ny a i OU Ro Rea , ; of ahr afin Uae ea nN ‘ AA Ly ry ‘ ran EWA ay TaN bi ote a atch Z i ‘ Pe et A 44 Pont ul ee eae . t i tee - : Nui h . pe fi * ' | a | A i ¥ f\ wh 4 ie ih Ey Gay Oy Ae Teh a diy i Ronan i TA aNd i ‘ ‘ a) A " . . ute eee , HEPA ‘ } \ y Oe Te ere { ae > ; ek uy We a Venti atid iit i} i . 4 at ' ) Hh ri r f PR Pa ‘ i “ ; \ uy: & i a . . ay PE Aen . wwe v y woof ( w r Wh ote ‘ wh dali Ny i WB f i} i Bi i Hits We " . 4 ¥ Sar A ee AN (ARRAS a A heehee AR? Ne Wey aR nt BoA 4 was > ° ‘ Avis) Pst: . cS the ef ‘ . ? J ey y , y y RS a ™ 4 . + . g : * x ae y q Pubs ‘ # . . Re : i o 7 a x y, ‘ baw. Re he iets ) b i "i y. ST ee Nadie f : CLASS 6, COLLEGE LIBRARIES Ts CaTALOGER See under Class 4, College Libraries REFERENCE AND LOAN LIBRaRIAN See under Class 5, College Libraries cs Carr LN 4 Ce Nt iy By i I vi in wart t ws ‘ } j RPO Viger init ri i BAL Vs Aa sean et Ne ei i) ft i ve Ay iy i * : ay hh, ; 1 i . ; { 4 ty, oe ee PN ge Nyy ea 43," aera / A hi i ’ Pay ORR LN Hes eh eG ihe Hh) ike Ny \ Ni i ie aha % 4g ak adh eer Sa Ha NS ete ene ae 4 my MN Wess! Ue PRT a AE ROP # i Ny r Hi CLASS 7, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES pt Bos A cOllege library of Class 7 shall have an annual income of not less than 350,000 and shall meet other qualifications ‘as listed on page 5. CHIEF LIBRaRIaN (PROFESSOR AND HEaD OF DEPARTMENT) DUTIES: Under the direction of the President to have charge of the operations and activities of a college library of Class 7, including instruction in the use of the library, and to perform such other work as may be required, EXAWPLES OF TYPICaL TASKS: Preparation, recommendation, anda after approval, administration of the library rules and regulations; preparation and suomission of the budget; supervision over departments of the liodrary; selection of books for purchase by the library; consultation with members of the faculty as to college policy in book selection, and as to definite recommendations for purchase of books; in- vestigation and recommendation for appointment of quali- fied individuals for librery positions; supervision over librery building; instruction of students in the use of the library; generel contact with faculty in order thai library may adopt the most erfective procedure to secure the maximum use of the library facilities by stucents and faculty; correspondence, interviews, service on committees. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Hither (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained oy the institution for the full professorship, this preparation to include the comple- tion of at least one year at a library school or the equiva- i by: iat sate AONE SON pals ; wi, Tp a ree f 1 ‘ se : _ “Wy ‘ ” Twin : regs \tn yf Fe ee i / omen ii M's “ti w i A tp lla hye Lyk eee, } yew ily oN f et Mee ay i ‘ wy) { SULA ap te aM a (He NT ry SAT ash on " wv ; i ? . \ wT) AC TNA CURA, sma A SN Hi ny) ed hae acl Nt hy 4 , ' Te i ap “ess OR ah RD uy ‘ é % rt \ "i, ‘ } , radia Elias J bl ry . ‘ * il , SA oe { 4 \j r $0) AN ay ig “ , \ ' gk i th * A Gu ale i r k \ { ae vuln ws 2) hi Bnibeay 1 A ty i ¢ ‘i ; Gah amet Wesco 4 hos Mul af L 3 ? ; a), . 3 fig a de ? an) " 4 ite Bl gn 159 de ‘ i rane (| i i , ri 5 \ H, ind s { > { i yh; BN tS ‘aah erat i ae a ay ) tie ey F 1) od ot. Ww . ‘* ¥ he a iD), , Ta iy = HN i TR Yi f - ‘ ’ ~ 4 . ter ae F. ‘ny Owe f ; ; ; t j y . ' POAT aie y wh } ¥ nelva'e : / i ge . i a Py ni ‘ ' ; ‘ BANGS aa aii pec, Pal j Wiss i ’ fea ip * is ‘ ‘ f +4) Oe ae 4 pe Mappa ; lS ia! ag Te ae *, ih By wa st CLASS 7, COLLEGE LIBRARIES iy dO lent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty memoers are expected to have had in university teaching before appointinent to the full pro- fessorship; or (2) education equivalent to that repres»nted by graduation from a university or college of recognized stanading, and two years of graduate work, of which at least One year shall have been spent in a graduate library school, supplemented by five years of successful ex»verience of varied character in a library using modern methods, of which two years shall have been spent in a position involving the direction of a staff of five or wore. (bo) Knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and get them to work togevher effectively; wide knowledge of books; ability to size up Situations and people and to work well with others; read-— ing knowledge of French and German; tact; good judgment; satisfactory character; sympathy with research and edu- cational problems. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. OMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of positions of heads of departments in the institution. Minimum »4000. 3 ‘ us ‘ Twit ‘ ryt Wea ' : * atvn 7 Rue f Rea) fap | f j Mit ‘ east 8 Poni 3 ne i ; ( ‘ pul ne ee UME Cronk ‘ : Mi iis het AF ASA, alga bet i . * 4 o ' yes : SIAN BL y Pit 3 ie, H ; We ae f GW ; ' ; ; ‘ ; we if ; { Rane eed AO fi Wah ; vig ; eae pet # h b ire { Ha, Nee! de a, a ay f PAE Ae aa teh ; } i : ‘i ni el ny + Aeees' Orn i yi A \ Soy ‘ Bika rae i . wer Ms i ( we te , ¢ ' , 4 1 Mu y ‘ et ‘ i 4 ; } . 7 , i j ; Wan a uh tin Ws ‘ : Y ‘ f i) oa i tiie ABM) Oe Ae he ‘ Aud " ar i = OP Ve 1 F i {a Hy - et + Rei ws { i : \ ‘ ; ye 4 ty “a 4hé * ; ; ‘ ‘ Ed . RL soi datas a ir f iy va . 7 . : ’ . Je ft y é ae _ 4 4 me j it . " \ i He ids A m) Hel , i é jak { Poy tBihes wis! os ae . ka thine dille. Seni Ober Ve RE ive hae beke iN ’ THA and 4 ; “eh ; : ’ . “ A; > be ied : ‘ ‘ , c F He i ear 4 wae Maria i FEY f' CLaSS 7, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES yee LIBRaRIAN IN CHaRGE OF CaTaLOGING GRaDE 3 (aSSISTANT PROFESSOR) DUTIES: Under direction of the chief librarian to have super- vision over cataloging department of class 7 college library, with a staff equivalent to two or more full time assistents. BXawMPL#S OF TYPICaL TaSKS: assignment of classification, author headings and subject hezdings to books; revision of catalog- ing of assistants; instruction of assistants; assignment af work to assistants; sufficient contact with faculty in order that classification and cataloging may render the oest service. UALIFICaTIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preperation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school training or the equivalent; or, (2) a minimum educational preparation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, including one year of library school anc two years successful experience in a library using modern methods, one year of which shall have been spent in cataloginz work. (bo) Considerable knowledge of library organization, procedure, policies, aims and service; wide knowledge of books, cataloging procedure and prodlems, classification systems, oibliographical methods and tools and tne use made of cataloging lists and bibliographies; avility to lay out work for assistants, to diregt them in their work, to train ee Ain hy Ny 83) it wD . : 5 ty fig Wel yhy ailing he rt deri otal ef ¥ War) Si ie! itis! ran i) mit Be AR he (at i Lhe May) 6 ibs 4 A oe \ tt ie Ua Nate ah) ent ie DN es Sa eee “ + { Any Wi eahlt sll ' he i] “at i i ‘ : i Hare rt ay Wea tae ako a Wn yi (454) Be it : Th ik hee A AY as TG Wit)! vi ue = Le Say ard . ¢ by ba abill , aia aia eek’ a i) Py re ea TW, MR aati » svi ; ; Can wae y Rh alte ai it iy ‘ SF PERL NY Wh ah ee je PAA eee i PO AMOS oe Ep pa Wb Ret GHA! Aa ia Hy ata, Ne Aoi ah y e " . v 1h) 7 ve , (ORD ed ae Oh a & aa) Wt ‘ r, Py Wat HY te oe ft 4 Hees tt yy " yah i Se Aone wall Nae) ay » Led atin © * » . 5 : : ee u , z f : ney ry Toe & a e Ly y Me Hey! He Yat Hi Bika PS AY Ke iad Pa (bg en ' ‘ F hh A By Ry ate! fe Ww sighs oy Mer: ay a Heh iliy) Ante . oy y ‘ P 5, t { 44 ey ™ f it aity € * uy ' i { 4, ay 0 es ed i A " te { ih ly | i A pat 7 NS SY A An A divi Whe Ade ety wad, Ned Jn q 5 ; M , RV AL Alay S “ ad f i) I ; , : re : 4 Mea’ yal se De aad at Kg mikes PvaR Ee ae We iG as a Seine Kya! ey be aaa Be Sates i h G. ONIN ang ‘ aye} gut . 4 , ns ia : i 4 / \ } Ne SM nok a RS EM A DS eR YR Ene eae ata Ne - - » ea , ' Hees eas plies tan oa any ch rei a ake ‘ (4 ain Py wa s 4 i He = hn q mI ‘ § y fi “te i S a? ah ‘ M a asian A a? , H ye eee 8 NAM ie { # i i Luly GMa ae opis We ¢ iY) ' Pa Pe i) % 4 Bn Yin iba Tg hha a i meas A is, ¥ 5 Mi a . . CT : ,} ha ih int Hanis pi , ‘ hea agate ah Up i natty 3 Niger r ri) Ih Sat) wy . o * y 7 r : Pion sir mun Si ae fg, Se? SR a = ; Rohe ah Ach i ty @ oe = G AP a a . PAu: f / i. e } ‘i Titanate: ; 7 q se yi yi i i rt ss ’ i fi 7 ; / Hs, , HORS We oan Ht YE Hae dees F rd si z ty Hy i ti ee eae ii ind ss \ od oi ou iti oe : ‘ en L B f | whe td , aryl ul i t Ce yy ine ta ith Weight Lie ch ABIES I ae, hep His i CLass 7, COLLEGE LIBRARIES me assistants and to get them to work tozether effectively; reading knowledge of French and German and of the printed matter in those languages; accuracy; tact; good judgment. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOM:.ENDED aNNUaL COMPENSaTION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum 43400. ‘ Nd ; at a ‘Wi is Wi ay? eh ' we re Cm) | nus Mi fag ot oS a ON bert DAIRY, Sah te! ove deed van IT = oy ‘ ' eek aC ante AN H ed lis | aS Pd CLaSS 7, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES ~35-356 LIBRaRIaN IN CHaRGE OF REFERENCE aND LOaN DEPaRT:ATNTS GRaDE 2 ( INSTRUCTOR ) DUTIZS: Under direction of librarian to have supervision over the Reference and Loan departments of a Class 7 college library where research is lisited and where there are very few, if any, graduate students. EXauiPLes OF TYPICAL TASKS: See College Libraries, class 6, under Librarian ‘n charge of reference and loan departments, Grade l. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Hither (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the instructorship, this preparation to include at least one year library school training or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in teaching before appoint-— ment; or, (2) a minimum education equivalent to that represent- ed by graduation from a@ university or college of recognized standing, including the completion of one year's study in a library school and two years of successful ex>erience with work with the public in a library using modern methods. (bo) Considerable knowledge of library organization, procedure, policies, aims and service; marked liking for and wide knowledge of books; ability to size up situations and people and to get along well with others; good personality; ability to lay out work for others, to direct and train then in their work and to zet them to work together effectively; reading knowledge of two or more foreign languages; accuracy; tact; good judgment.. bile Ms . aia ute i i y Pet hy \ \" 4 %, ahs \ s ee ea CS Mts ORL mrt Puan LN Te tone rae tic ak! enti a : . 4 ‘ Rar aed h i) ‘ . ) ( i wie ar “4, , f . reas \ f bes ree, wee i 4 lie j ANAT MGR tpi t A) ae ae h , h , Ween alta ; Aaa hi } ; Any aie i} ait ihe Ye Wk: (i! aN tha ! { 4 i ban Wig, fas tim f i . ke M y | "| Saf, ae ALD ae t it eu Pipes tk FS Wea a ; f ae ma AR , Tip BINS y La S . We. oa , K , 1 J a ; ial Ary i \\, > ye. Ay a: ie hd f fT ay HAR Us a eG AN HEM INWe a) ot Ne . vty a) 4 MEET A A mnt |) eM) Hi ss NG i Peete IM ® ; ‘ \ f t 14 igh 4 5 i hee i A Dy Wi { ny ‘ x ' ‘ I EWS ; ih tis Ra Sa ee ts . RD . : . y 4 gh a . } \ ty aug Mn 4 ‘ , ci , au , ee OF ee SF il) ce 4 ‘ % i Re 3 i ; 2 { ti Behn Ae Madi bec aaa we Ne 1 Mid hy ™ 2 . Wy YE Mesee ateree® ote 4 Wiis BE a hd ce Hi tit 7 ese if oe d . oo A U ‘ Ry ener ee 2 ” 1 Mia ¢ 2 ? n AAS A { ) ¥ ea tava SAB) BP Sn . Dr tt Bras 4 (ies Ww ‘ ba wali , Milettenst hed Pal Bh fl ‘ ti t i* i oa) tp ; ; } ev her j bogniit ; j ‘ ‘ i j } sf iy ‘ ‘ 1 4 ‘ i 6 | i ih ‘i. i : : i iid . se! ‘ ayl)ip ee AO ren Mb DCN ta tt | ‘ [HA MR SD RRR, GPa GRRE SEY 0) ROTA mye 1h aT ARDE s i R ak ey Ki) try ies! Bails ACA 7” TAS Mw A ie ' . i ¢! ‘ ‘ % ' ; » ‘| eee Hilo he Wael \ ; i ) if : ‘ * <4 % x eee Hh gis vi Hay ab ada 4 \ j ‘j 171) f ¥ \ rt x h Ailatiegl anal ‘ey We j mt i i} ] ' f { + a ie dik is hii SH ea 3 Ae RRP i ‘es oF gt, Nit i l i id i I reel ‘ ee : y é uh f Dye PIN 4a iy ¢ “gt i ‘i \ , nine CLASS 7, COLLEGE LIBRARIES ey oe (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED aNNUaL COMPENSsaTION: On the same basis as that of instructors in the institution. Minimum 92380. CTU (Oe ons fi ia Go heat ae Ara / ee i OEY TSEDN ek Nh a ee ae: ; eee Widens Mat Dah , ware , it CLASS 7, COLLEGE LIBR«aRIZS Ph A= Pt LIBRaRIaN IN CHaRGE OF aCQUISITIONS GRaDE 8 (INSTRUCTOR) DUTI25: Under direction of chief librarian to organize, plan : anc supervise the work of obtaining books and other librery material, including periodicals and serials, by purchase, gift and exchange, and to supervise binding in a class 7 Pobbece ta0rery, tO have Girection ‘of at least three ase Sistants, including those employed in the current peri- odical room; and to perform other work as required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICaL TaSKS: Laying out work for meubers of the department and seeing that all are effectively employed; preparing vook orders for signature of chief librarian; checking ana comoarinz prices of oooks obtainin. through various sources; prepéring books for binding; checking up order cards with public catalog and outstanding orders, to avola duplication; preparing estimates of expenditures and Classification of expenditures by departments. QUaLIFIC.TIONS: (a) Hither (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the instructorship, this preparation to include at least one year library school trainin: or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the instructorship; or, (2) education equivalent to that represented by graduation from &@ university or colleze of recognized standing, including One year of library school, two years of successful experi- ence in a library using modern methods, one year of which \ t , un i > WELT ae ie) 4 4 . ; L $ ; A 4 Bedwas Fae hee { eK 5 " i ‘ 5 ae ; ns Y (hente othe x nS Staite ; i ‘ ; is 1 w ee ae iA " 4y i As wy i 4 ' ‘ ; Aa Pl we / t ‘ $ i " fi ; ‘ fi is as ih tA * ’ be A} 4 f 4 M\ ij ri is 2 / Mas, y yi egy Ai AHL ia, ipa i . ‘ : i Pall a. o 7 ; y ey i ” 1 it ‘ j , } 4 Prig 4) wig Me \ iI at hit Vy 1 RD Hi foad ai Lic wld ae) A My aie ate : po ae : > . ‘ i Cee tA apa eal . A ? é 1 rs Une vast : i , Ne } i Mi oe Cae i + mi “¥, H 3 vi \ i Heat a. Pt f , ' { if Wi ; ‘ant By edt 4g p ' Ga a t i i Ki tht D 1 ty, feta al 1 , Rt oi) ¥ ; . Ma y I i i ont { " eee HM ei is sl fy tie dase pire Le 7 a! Ane { 1 i it f ; z 4 4 oe or n\'e ; i ARN SH Bate tin Te ee Z 7 PU’ i i 1) ray 4; Mo i jt ¥ 4 f howe RAY Q e ae {hy Tae habe Nie Dey ts \ a F : CLASS 7, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES ae Em - shall have been in order and cataloging work involving work in foreign languages. (o) Reading knowledge of at least French and German; considerable knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; knowledge of trade bibliographies both American and foreign, with information as to leading publishers, book dealsrs ana book trade methods; unusual accuracy; capacity for details; proven business apility; thoroughness. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUaL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum 92280. > Pe ue Re Ea j £ ; MoT it ik | fi bese j BET al Pata i hay ¢ i Teal My Rady) Sin) Hels hy LA th ab A ts y My, et ita i it ANN oils OLaSS 8, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES Bey yi A College library of Class 8 shall have an annual in- come of not less than $75,000 and shall meet other qualifi- cations as listed on page 5. CHIEF LIBRARIAN (PROFSSSOR AND HEAD OF DEPsaRTMENT) DUTIES: Under the direction of the President to have charge of the operations and activities of a college library of Class 8, including instruction in the use of the library, and to perform such other work as may oe required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TaSkKS: See Class 7, College Libraries, under ChieIl Librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for the full professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospeative faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the full professorship; or, (2) edu- cation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, and three years of graduate work of which at least one year shall be spent in a graduate library school, supplemented by five years of extensive successful experience of varied charac-— ter in a library using modern methods, of which two years shall have been spent in a position involving the direction of a staff of five or more. (ob) Thorough knowledge of library organization, pro- - i WN TE) | r ; Uy Neila odcaa hp als eit) tf jj HW ysis! en hy Y 4h Mab Soe Le Ae Q ive i is i , ' ‘ . ‘ i “ we 4 } 4, f ae ay ; y wer hie \ ad R ' ‘ . fests ny met ; nh f Toa ai . EA byl Par ahi ‘ 9s ' ey) Frill ie ' won ic ‘ 4h} ; Hi. 4 7 Rete ated | Hh i ‘ 5 \ j ; iF hel j i 7 Rey!) ag uvuth eta | - : ote he eh aad nd et pen F iy . > ve ‘ - ava a9 os y fae : ny Pew kt wiih SP me en es Wea ty " x . , 7 : ee : . i i i ' q } i Py ; eA " Siti p ta tak ©) Mtn OR LEGER ith: By" ' / } Wi SAN) OO y # wi Pal Ss sy tt aha oh Wt) . a : y . } * Aas f g y " f y Me al E i; ] ‘ ‘ . R \ i i 5 , \ , ' bo aes > id f a . A vv A , b3 YY Boi ; ¥ ; fp eh Te ha iv ey Ae esas ; si) ra Nang 3 . , tt Ye nl he ) ia CPA At Oh nye ar ) 2 VE . . 4 ty ; : a ’ : “s Path : @ > i i) ‘" hi os Late} vy i “ i i ea ah aly f ue wir j = j ‘ G i on . x ) Y ‘ ¥ " ML re Oy ae ¥ oa, fis . 4 4 \ " j y VARY ah ‘ y AX 4 , ! j , i pat al 4 : ? : pyitz Vet” Saleen ig - : ay ragne he = Ghai N get - ’ ‘ L \ : " > vie 5 ; A Bs ‘ bin Dit 3 att Y , POny yang j . f / . y ah y } r re , ay 4 hit ware 4 ‘ ‘ on . , i ts ; , f 4 7 : , j ‘ La a oh, a +a ays Pav Dey) Ja hs Bi (PA pee Oh pte uy CLASS 8, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES ek p cedure, policy, aims and service; ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and get them to work togetner effectively; wide knowledge of books; ability to size up situations and people and to work well with others, to write papers for publication and to speak publicly; read- ing knowledge of French and Geran; tact; good judgment; satisfactory character; syupathy with research and education- al oroblens. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the sane basis as that of positions of heads of dGepartisents in the institution. Minimum $4,500. ue ant te day A here thy ‘ VaR) 2 ‘a ; i Ran ah e) mn Pets By bn Ny a} ¢ & Fy ey 1 # } ( 4 ni mi : fn BR sal hae ; . f iw . AMG we Ves pit oy * Y “ ; { ; ‘| ee ae ees ig kd cine: ba oi} ty $ Basa , bate * | « ‘ : oR : ” | Wik ‘ oe i e . pa bed eel } i abe ahi A ia a ate yet a tity ean i oh ah ae ie ae 4 bel dt he wet Wea aed “2 Many. / s 1 ™ iia ne. : tf ; ‘ ‘ Pr) x » LH ote) Wile Gee cis Meir, ABP ) ae 7 Rae eva: iy Me ek i yi \ , > Le ate ie Ria wy Nat ; ph NE pea sh . r = iJ P ’ i * q a ‘ ' Peart { afoyt , ” * eal 1 yay: ie ra ROU ; a ’ i =O ieee é iets ; ‘a pet Paw & ee pi Ni > ‘ 7 i . ; nye eye He i EP a it A Mitins i a "ut er a sane Oe gu fy Pane a a PAR § =e vated ; Ai i) . : BING , ey 3 rear 7 , * 1) 008 ‘ My CL-SS 8, COLLEGE LIbRaRIES me ISRARIAN IN CHaRGH OF CaTaLOGING GRaDE 3 (aSSISTaNT PROFESSOR) DUTIZS: Under the direction of the Chief Librarian to have supervision over cataloging cep rtment in a class 8 college library, with a staff equivalent to five or iuore full time assistants, at least three of whom shall be of professional grade. EXAMPLE OF TYPICaL TaSkKS: See Librarian in charge of cataloging gerade 2. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic prep.ration equiva- lent to the standards uaintained by the institution for the Assistant Professorship, this preperation to include at least One year library school training or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty memoers are expected to have had in teaching before appointment to the assistant professorship; or (2) a mininun educational preperation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized stand- ing, one additional year in a graduate library school and three years of successful experience in a library using modern methods, two years of which shall have been in catalog- ing work. (b) Considerable knowledge of library organization, procedure, policies, aims and service; wide knowledze of books, cataloging procedure and problems, classification systems, bibliographical methods and tools and the use made aldd 8d if te es) as a Be nite pha ik Ka vey ¢ : # inde Soe Wa ‘ his ah SE esd a) 43 i . . ‘ a . : in en by ‘eat Rae Yo aaa rt ‘ "| Ri MAY a 4) 1 Sige Agen eouy' aa Sana AN Ai gear i] b | 1! ; Wi te , v P in f 4 ne ve 14g Pat ‘ } arte ty | t ie" ou oh ya's ‘ Ni yt 9 eat zi } i . TAS i {* Ce aa j hast . a iy Ne * teelte AY inl . i : A : { ty 1 ee m re Pig ; ee } re ne ig ? 1: kee 4 sy ne ; 4 Ree ya Ie i © Diet CAN aA vet igh ae Wha | ighaglent yi aa ONDA SG “ ii ‘ ve AME jas AP Bee's GL NN a bye 1 f { t ' dus a } Mei h ay) ee sia 79 ake \ ‘ : 41 J 4 i " Ae ! i deny wy wu i, ney Vee an ; \ \ Hn ! } kal hae Ai Fa: ee att nie i Wow ¥ b ey nie She Hy ‘ 4 c x ae Lt Hi ' : Wie aa 2 it eh ‘ s , V 7 : Vise : Hi ; yee y Mi INSP a NG ya ae Hit Nk hs Ay aa eal me Mi A | 5 ie I eae ih ce - A E 2 f 7 D ae - wa a AE splat : F r at : i . if { 4 i A 4) rm > ATL ae be > ' wit 4 eS of } ‘ sah he { iy ’ +7 Jy hah ay aa Bip ce a | cd ashe é h Aa ae ener I 1 ‘ to ut a ey A ib " i H ly jy leg 4 Wy ee) a i he ‘ ae aN hue = ist i “ mir y ho Fi, Jf sp 1 f aT iets Pet die ‘ re i pe yay My Bi } Abita) ae dnt Phi) LNT gi a luis if) (id Ais , ee Pind ‘ " hay { “| ae! i @ } , nt inf NC Ae A I A if t " +} i} } ‘ ' f v - fi | » Ap ae uphd aay rd we cf ty ie 7 Se iy ‘ y f li ¢ ‘ f f S pe ‘vag é Hees Hr te es Whe)! CaM oe " a aa CLasSs 8, COLLEGE LIBRaxIES a of cataloging lists and bibliographies; ability to lay out work for assistants, to direct them in their work, to train assistants and to get them to work together effectively; reading knowledge of French and German and of the printed matter in those languages; sufficient knowledge of one other language to read titles; accuracy; tact; good jucdgiient. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUaL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum 92700. Hy aus SO iit Pe CER NV be te am ’ x Jab Wal Dis t We |, Noe a) Bish 2; ah i cD ' by fet as Wet 4) ‘ Nien ' i fe 7 : \ r i js i} ¥ } nn i ie WAN] Le t NAb igh Ri RRR oye! s r\ i peily i ee bis kate Wh ey | \ n Ridt at Sg a i \ i 4) Re Niged ‘ bk Wes, 8 kein’ SOS A a HCY AOR eH M4 ea t at thet Fea aie Sib Ad! Magda tial { Nay oe vk Oh 4 mos j he fh ree Ry (i j 4 Me eye. : eH A Hille 10 ats Ae Wal, h se ni ey Wily WK 4 ‘ Ha e P ¥ " es ene : 4 Hi 4¥ et Pee eA foe 1 te US ME om a8 aly" : 4 ae Oty ae BO d ui Y i ‘ z ny A hg ie ie der woe a sy : * v iy i era eh ee iG Cardy: vi cae mee e< fae { My? ’ | Wi yea He" fh ie a h H Sih ah Nei an CLaSS 8, COLLEGE LIBRakIES er LIBRaRIAN IN CHaRGE OF REFERENCE GRADE 3 (aSSISTaNT PROFESSOR) DUTIES: Under direction of librarian to have cherge of refer- ence work in a class 8 college library involving difficult rererence probleus; aid students in locating material in the libre:ry; to call attention of faculty to publications on subjects within their fields; to prepare lists of books on special subjects as may oe required. ct 45) KR ™ oO > EXawPLeS OF TYPICaL TaSKS: Preparing material for debat the possible deterioration of college youth; preparing list: on present day influence of the orient On american art; listing material on home training in Home Economics; collect-— ing material on orientation courses for women in Liberal Arts. QUALIFICaTIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the aSSistant Professorship, this preparation to incluce at least One year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in teaching before appointment; or, (2) a minimum educational prep.ration equiva- lent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one year in a technical library school and three years of successful experience in a library using modern methods, one year of which shall heave been in reference work. ‘ayy ¥ Hehe a ce oe ‘omens ~ . mt \ ; a Ore as Wisi ih (ol P Mb Bt Re ke oe usd e , ne) 4 Hie aa! OMB. | wp hte ! = Win hace. gee! i ine Ae ON UR ys dil Sal ae Be ’ , } 1 a a ‘ wht 4 * Mie Na " ” r 1 6 Ms MEA aR ae WE a a ag BR eH Sate Atlee yp a A Jil Me pba anc Ao adhesin { ae ah W v4 Sih i BA \ Sign ei SMT tty Ma on Hi Re oa ie ifs one rot - ‘ Ne aT , ne fo ah em CONC AD Mss A \ rn 1h a Ne i BP peat hl te {i ih ey f Py Ht ¢ % , 1 " ile, whee a Sn air ge) on tae a Pete Ik tat Ue Ne id ee ky le Oh, dane a tae ‘ee ' - . i J i iE } tt Ley a a if Baugh eis vine ea Af § pei AN le bey CS ath ae i} bd Al ee Ms A uy aed ae ted B tae y Ni ; \ ide ih D + - ‘ 4 y 5 Sh Hi, Ma tf 4 ope st iy re Bin yal Feb is ‘ pug wl OT ws » “ Ped Va i ps ( usr ¢ r a Ne es eae Hye ee ey ie \ 4a) I a td uy Ws : , “a Cre Hialy i ¥ 4) uh ri bee hw re, he , oe + a Waid ie Seven, I wt, ' bey)! a HG ee ea F bal) agi Ablow "A> aie ate Pe a i Ho, ey WD ran tae Ba, ap pais": an lee f ; Puen gents a 4 Nae ce si < OF Be (tne "7 Ne et Aum y a j ies hy : aN Ore A ba BN wh ‘ Ai ent Mpa ie Ur he a 4 ic. te tie 4 5 # Ruta . . ‘ f I ; ‘ . ” A x » . . E i ee a rn ; pean ie ye : gs , ‘ vy | ih Poy tia dei eT ae 8) pe Nal ia b nae oh ree iy wa ais yt tes ie “0. hi } ( a E . f ‘ Ney 5 int Fo eines . ’ Mii Y * r f ; \ f | y 4 { ‘ ¥ . ai 5 ( . . . g), it i yee 4 ‘nae bee Meat CURR PORT ee sere Mae eh a Se ath 8) ; se AP bd / f HL eee SR ea aby se riny Ke ® Se, i i hey a Phi He, aa A 4 ‘ i ‘ Kili " " ia ¢ ¥ r {8 ’ P E ‘i f , 46 Rat P 5) ae a ‘ is) psp Mn try oa hy \ ey i i i ‘ Me era ‘ i ie ne AAR: RATED iy esi ri) as ashoeats 9 es BS > I fiat ne ; ‘ 1 1] A, ‘ r ; Pa . iy a 3 i ee iF Sod elias Be Myc ee, hyd Dy rae Mh # gy hos 6 ve i & “p Pup banat ky ea ‘ Dr valk UU oe | Mite he é DUES Facet SO ie al di HK it os)" 4 5 en ike Be 4 PNA H 4 ai oh { a : Ce eS a Ka ei, OE i x ee rae qt ia, i e / rh iA EhE iit / Re Pt Laide WP a | i A A rt hey WAN igs | es," Pah iM! ag My (i ae P ia te ini ish Oe a Ply es Br gee prt el) tte grt elite i dea Teed (a 58 UK Ss gue oat Pe ay, he Fai eg Ue a 16) sdpwin Meg FI ay HW) A Wp eS eT BUR, fat pie ald a eo 4) Bir fey ahh i Tait Pay Seth Ae \ ja? ly bid Hi WTS ) es i ee OLASS 8, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES at A ee (bo) Reading knowledge of German and French and suf- ficient knowledge of at least one other language to read book titles; aptitude for and ability in location of materi- al on difficult subjects; sympathy with research; resource- fulness; accuracy; tact; good judgment; satisfactory charac-— ter; sympathy with the puolic; courtesy. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED aNNUaL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors. Minimum $2400. PE ey ua hay \ 1 ht ih a M 4 Wilh Auilts Ar aa fa vs | ayy « Poe er be asid titi i Owe ha rs es > yw UA ele ety, dh a SR res ne ee “it by ty ae i t ieee es le sthevali, Re PL oe 4 i \ ‘ a he | | h AS yl ey NES it Wich? ny, pip EMR Ad CLaSS 8, COLLEGE LIBRARIES , ~46~- LIBRaRIaN IN CHaRGE OF CIRCULATION GRaDE 3 (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR) DUTIES: Under direction of Chief Librérian to have supervision over a circulation department in a Class 8 College Library, with a staff equivalent to five full time assistants. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Laying out the work for members of the department and seeing that all are effectively employed; supervision of the work of assistants; supervision of as- Sistance to readers in the use of the catalog; adjusting complaints where possible, without reference to Chief Li- brarian; seeing that individuals obtain books desired if possible; interviewing and instructing new apvointees; providing working schedules for assistants; handling rou- tine correspondence; keeping record of fines; seeing that the book collections are meeting the needs of the faculty and students, and, if not, reporting to Chief Librarian; Supervision of delivery of oooks from the stacks in order to avoid delay. QUALIFICaTIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equiva-— lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least One year of library school training or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other pros- pective faculty memoers are expected to have had in uni- versity teaching oefore appointment to the assistant pro- fessorship; or, (2) education equivalent to that represent— say 2 ult ; i ikl Woh MN og és alt a bid ea iad ak ' “ } Wey i ust nay MON t ‘a) ; f Ke i) ie Y ti ; 1 . ; \ ‘ " ny LBRO A AUT Atte: Te i ! Wh a wy asae AO | AB, é ite j i ed % ¥ 4 a ae y wn G2't he if ‘ yikes cat 1 hil j Wk & C to 8 % ey AN) AN SB a OY Se r { ih ay uel Fy thy wy . : | ae t , Nn an ea bran ? 5 heh j ‘ ! ‘ } \ 4 Be ) H 4 ql f \ ie | ‘ ¥ { eR, \ hy a ee oe Ie PO i Ree LMM W ane \ a Piety by i Ay A i ry . 1 ] f : ran ’ 4 i NAN Cod ga Haun Bui ; iat ‘i i ‘ pst aN ‘ @ i ! 4 x - ' i h Wii ; , a ah Nie ' : ty JA ies i \ ° ay ~ ‘ BI mal Pa se as i pie 4 } Pts aa Te “ Teh {i ane sia ie 4 1 A Res Fy Gy yA in| ye fea >t) wie rea, aa he ‘babe! 4 i . * hy 5 4 . : 4 ea ' y { } “4 RY ea # iy a Nan i a Aide Wye tian ae Wp ey : ply NA a Ni ali dish f ny Fae Pf vi ta ids ‘ ary | Ts ON ee aa Yow fd Mi ee i aaa aed 4 apr iad te hea: vil 1% ae jay i of iy ‘er ea 3H} i CLaSS 8, COLLEGE LIBR«sRIES ware ea by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school and three years of successful experience of which one year shall have been in contact with the public. (b) Sufficient reading knowledge of French and German to identify titles; considerable knowledge of library or- ganization, procedure, policy, aims and service; wide know-— ledge of cooks; ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work and to get them to work together effective- ly; aodility to size up situations and people and to get along well with others; accuracy; courtesy; pleasing personal appearance; tact; good judgment. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMENDED aNNUaL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum $2400. an wire a Mi BN at Sy et if ji sa ‘ee CLaSS 8, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES “4B LIBRARIAN IN CHaRGE OF ACQUISITIONS GRaDE 3 (aSSISTANT PROFESSOR) DUTIES: Under direction of Chief Librarian to organize, plan and supervise the work of obtaining books and other library material, including periodicals and serials, by purchase, gift and exchange, and to supervise binding in a class 8 college liorary; to have direction of at least three as- Sistants, including those employed in the current periodi-~ cal room; and to perform other work as required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICaL TASKS: Laying out work for members of the _departinent and seeing that all are effectively employed; preparing book orders for signature of Chief Librarian; checking and comparing prices of books obtained through various sources; revising binding slios; checking up order cards with public catalog and outstanding orders, to avoid duplication; preparing estimates of expenditures and classi- fication of expenditures by departments. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Hither (1) scholastic preparation equiva- lent to the standards maintained by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least One year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the assistant professorship; or, (8) education equivalent to that represented by gradu- ation from a university or college of recognized standing and one additional year in a graduate library school, two KOE + A i : ee Mat : wei il & i pa 146 | | ‘ fh . ‘ i, ea, cic a 4 + ee Ne si : } t me : | | yet uy 1 Pie me ii | 4 ue | se x en f wy et Mca SGT Rk j ef v4 Q if PARR BOT RS rat A { } | | | | i ee neh ee Aye, \ylh UR MMe ya ly ie Ly Pe 5 N me 3 Ni ny rf . | Pe (aes ie OE aha {RON NOR 82 8 ball | wat j 4 ry ; ‘ : r A ut TNS aN tude AN a a ON ee nahh ey AN eid} i ey Uh (tine ae ypaeiteal oy I 4 ee ‘ "| ay / fig till | ; | i maha Ye a | i “~” ty ; : | nny ii ae { iii eee apt ( € Pane Weise hey Ap Se ne j t . | i | UNE SOR Me xia ie ear AN f me | so) Oa : Tul noe ae te y STO nat haa AN abe f fh INS Ali He Maye ve E ui NP Be mie M / | , yan ay | ah \. : ge or ee ly CPi F nd re ae ‘ Pe hal TR i kite CLASS 8, COLLEGE LIBRaRIES LAS. years of successful experience in a library using modern methods, one year of which shall have been in order ana cat- aloging work, involving work in foreign languages. (b) Reading knowledge of at least French and German; considerable knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; thorough knowledge of trade biblio- graphies, both American and foreign, with information as to leading publishers, book dealers and book trade methods; unusual accuracy; capacity for details; proven business ability; thoroughness. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum $2400. \ Dinas eR a" a \I i 4 | 1] , A Na Vat MPSA i Re 1d i | " ra b ¥ i it b i ; Ny bee ah SORTS ARH a ae in re ae #5 eT wae, BS f dehs 4 ; Wat ie My B a i } relia A \ ae uany | v4 any | af ; ; styl f , e St i vi: : | Bama tt sy a tI | i 4 ) . i tre i | iy, | “1 " a ik ‘s | ty ad vo WP ihatlna “ wn AvAR Negeht RAD uly uN Mya) : 1 “ i ; PSSA ARE sh td hid fo et sek Rig ON i ea Pr Se Ta i hin te Pais, x ‘ ‘je eI si | ' 7 \ ‘ i \ Yh ti vi “ 7 ee Wh) coals ‘ : ‘ aN 4) pea js nv ets ar Me Ban 4 Wenn 5, Y | Ai ita ait Kieee \ ant e 4 Y 7 FETA ii A 1 Bs . 2 Pe } MPa Me, Pa AN a Mee ; ; Re ule Say . F 4 i Pte ae a ore Ne Rf . De Tat 1 a AAAS Wa PN MELE aR IR Fa Ne i i bits Ae ® ; . ee . pa » . aH a NSAaRY anny ie ys : \ " ¥\ ohh Dees at Gh A hy HINA lsh eM" aa yee ea aya) ane : j % » ’ . r i . eo ( | | | j A rae 8) i} uy dy “ y of ul ; ‘ Mi i i is ro nad i } & ble . HB SES a ‘ * Rh: Aree ay AORN HN 4 un : ~50- CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES A University Library of Class 9 shall have an annual income of not less than %100,000 and shall meet other qualifications as listed on page 5, CHIEF LIBRARIAN (PROFESSOR AND HEAD OF DEPARTMENT), DUTIES: Under the direction of the President to have charge of the operations and activities of a university library of Class 9, in- cluding instruction in the use of the library, and to perform such other work as may be required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Preparation, recommendation and, after approval, administration of the library rules and regulations; preparation and submission of the budget; supervision of the work of the various departments of the library; selection of books for purchase by the library; checking of second-hand book catalogs; consultation with members of the faculty as to university policy in book selection, and as to definite recommendations desired for purchase of books; investigation and recommendation for appoint- ment of qualified individuals for library positions; supervision over library building: general contact with faculty in order that library may adopt most effective procedure to secure the maximum use of library facilities by students and faculty; correspondence, . interviews, service on committees, instruction and direction of instruction on bibliographic research and use of the library, ; preparation of reports as may be required, QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for the full professor- ship, this preparation to include at least one year of library schoo or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work ~ as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in RRC 7 uth yh ae { hiss ‘ 4 to ih tien i BA Abe ilu us Mi i ton i { Ch i I rY : i082 2% ‘ ¥ aa r \ 5.0 ‘i 4 1 i} ‘ 4 . j . 1 ay Aba Ay ag is ; Res sek we A : Van 5 ) x a v i t > ety Ware 5 : “Ab ei id HA ‘ am ; , Wy 1 ‘ ie ‘ , asi f A 48 yf : By) } uh ana FAR rig’, thos, Al \ b ae ee A 4 aa \h, * rie WE J \ 4 nt UP) Re i Ji \ fF V i ¥ y ry M i My 1 i/ bya fora aa H / NO aN | A oa yA, ; a, ae . ‘ ut ey / Ayana Tak y } P 4 Y h ; i { Ne Bir , { aa , UY LA ft be ih 7) \ : Wig r ‘ ‘. i) \ : i } 4) f eal Dar iy au Pils { , 1 Hy i Wie x i ‘ i 4) t ¥ oe . Shore iS “Me ut M 4 ¥ 4 hah ew Va) 7 veh ait D Aa | She) . f x ¥) 7 \ Ty 4 i i < Na fn Fa yeah H paid i CA PL ) ' Cy die ath AR hs We t Sh, cae Ny of kg Bld ; A Ne : dl WAL Naw Bh ‘Ave: ‘ ya) Hy hay . RT gee ore eA Meter thy Kee Dyke 4 CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ws Eh Dis university teaching before appointment to the full professorship; or, (2) education equivalent to that represented by graduation from @ university or college of recognized standing, and three years of graduate work of which at least one year shall be spent in a graduate library school, supplemented by five years of extensive successful experience of varied character in a library using modern methods, of which three years shall have been spent in a position involving the direction of a staff of ten or more, (b) Thorough knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and get them to work together effectively; wide knowledge of books: ability to size up situations and people and to work well with others, to write papers for pub- lication and to speak publicly: reading knowledge of French and Germans; tact; good judgment; satisfactory characters sympathy with research and educational problems, (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of positions of heads of departments in the institution. Minimum $5,100, 4 \ : ; i t ‘ ag : . y ‘ ’ i ‘St ¢ { AY ay Ui fi Ue ow uF Aho ; ¥ i 7 Nga eghith WES LAP x } ny » d j Kaw it ET f Mae my ih } ; Mi mi ; M's: 4 4 A a ie 4 y : VR f HPs aNd Hy 7 yey « . : va ‘ 4 y) j i 4 Wh j ’ { , \ i \4 a . f ¥ F y eat " i Seal a Kal } i =i ; aly rea pt ; “hs ah j } Wea h 4 fe We a j . ‘A ‘ y } § . r 7 M4 ean i yA p t fea ba ti y i ee tl Mi x 1 ve By) Pea et 4 va * *\ AG Ese ‘at | CNR So ( an bi! ) v n i Pitas sh ee { atk iA we) i" Bhd \e ; } : i Iya 4 6 ARON i : ) i m y + ‘ a AY Hi tt Bs Mn) We i r a b OAC i ict I OAR RAR: Se Ra ih { PURIST Ma NR tac rau diy ait a eer TB) . j st, , mar 7 ; i i ¥, } on x \ ( WM , . ye CNY ea cs al i Hh » ie nay My j , ‘ v i ie Fey ay Rs ia y raul} fs : ' ee lyr) ay im hi Mer yea nA ; f K 4 ui ) sa) AYR a i eke) BN ea oe te epi oi oaths CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES on te LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF CATALOGING GRADE 4 (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR) DUTIES: Under direction of the chief librarian, to have supervision over a catalog department in a Class 9 university library, with a staff equivalent to nine or more full time assistants, at least five of whom shall be of a professional grade, EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Assignment of cataloging, classification, and related work to members of the department; supervision of this work to see that all are effectively employed and that catalog- oie, tiling, etc., is done .in accordance with the established policy and procedure: conference with omd aid to assistants on their difficult problems; recommendations of changes and improvement in Gevealtoe policy and procedure in order better to meet the néeds of thx library: interviews with and instruction of new appointees; prepara- tion of monthly and other reports; showing output of the department; meetings with other department heads; sufficient contact with facult: in order that the cataloging and classification may be such as to render utmost service, QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the assistant professorship; or, (2) a minimum educational preparation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school, and four years of successful experience ina library t ue) het eA G ONL i ay , nN hy \ yt a \ i } ny 1 a } Melis is) aha f Ai Widest ew ‘ } (bay wri Pov yy Ake aS ae te { a .) ie AAs MR ae ay Wels may ao ny Sd SA by tip te. , j at te Se ANY if 4 ri WANA} BA x! H > ae re] ’ ‘ ‘ F Hit " Pa ee ey baa ly ei Leis A PE ander ey ol acai i) a \ itis k \ Baie bunt cad ae ) i. it VA rely me) Ps iis j , f & : Mee fe CaN Oya AN i Py alt Ly TON A " i) ‘ Ais A eMchy PME CALE Ve MM Rin CLL Hh ie no ea 1 \ ’ ) it \ ey tas ie s Hint i j Ae } ) ie ay i y ’ hig ti ‘ m , } ne f ih y " ‘ Vann No 4 ue te ed i W t Mi eh hs Lat ey L AWA eS CHER Pe Ne MIE RD hy ‘ Ril GE 2 , he Aya : j x t ; et i a : ‘ ‘ , ey PR Fear rs ( r t Co ; Pa ri aA 7 ‘ i Ai wy) x " 4 ' ie i a! Dre Mk! jh, rian 1 le a} i) i? m8, ey | Hy ‘ 7 . f\ a 5) i 1 "\ fol \ ‘ r i Y ! " a AN j iy ad ie , Wa) Cay eas } ; Die , ya! " Oe ) i) 3 4 , . N > yey vi 4 5 } : ‘ ; r r ui J Ay (Vs, fe Ne 4 “if vA. cae) Yt Merk aay > i a ary Ree oe Se A ca BY Wiha Hl J si at RY 17 Nike We ON iS Rath RU by hae PEL AA MMLRV ASA OR Mech ea: UNDA A SAM Pet } . i 4 Aha ‘ , ‘ phate i i SECT CEP OUR Vb Nt Hines ot Wy CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ~5S« using modern methods, two years of which shall have been in a super- visory position in cataloging work, involving direction of a staff Ol five or more, (b) Considerable knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and Eanylbes wide knowledge of books, periodical sets, research material, cataloging procedure and problems, classi- fication schemes, bibliographical methods and tools, and the uses made of catalogs, lists, and bibliographies; considerable ability tov iay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and to get them to work together effectively: reading knowledge of French and German and of the printed matter in those languages, and suffi- cient knowledge of two other languages to read titles; accuracy; tacts; good judgment. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from con- stitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum #2880, ie ean Pa ah hast \ t i \) fal Fell peB | ipeayi CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY -54— LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF REFERENCE GRADE 4 (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR) UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, DUTIES: Under the direction of the Chief Librarian to have charge of the reference work in a Class 9 University Library, involving most difficult reference problems and requiring special preparation; also involving contact with research workers: to aid in the selection of books and other materials; to keep research workers familiar with the literature appearing on the subject on which they are working; and to perform other work as required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: To list material published on underlying causes of farmers! political movements since Civil War; find material on traces of Marlowe in Shakespeare's Richard II and Richard III: ascertain European literature in all languages on methods used to limit progress of the corn borer; list discussion Ocealavery in the French literature: of the 18th century. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the. standards maintained by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the assistant professorship; or, (2) a minimum educational preparation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school; four years of extensive successful experience in a library using modern methods, two years of which shall have been -) reference work, and one year of which shall have been in contact with research workers‘in the field to be covered,, ‘7 1 M vy SAN prt i CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIPRARIES ~55~— (b) Reading knowledge of French and German and sufficient knowledge of at least three other languages to read book titles; aptitude hor and ability in research methods: resourcefulness; accuracy; tact; good judgment; satisfactory character; gencral sympathy with public; courtesy. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities, RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COM °ENSATION: On the same basis as that of assistant professors in the institution. Minimum $2880. r We"? ROL ea, Ay) M0 iy : hai eee ih \ a bh eige ea ty well wes t Neth Te Ra AG) a0 CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES whee. LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF CIRCULATION GRADE 4 (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR) HUTIES: Under the direction of the Chief Librarian, to have super- vision over a circulation department in a Class 9 University library, with a staff cquivalent to 7 full time assistants. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: See under Grade 3. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic prevaration equivalent: to the standards maintained by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of Jivrary school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are cxpectcd tO have had in university teaching before appointment to the assistant professorship, or, (2) cducation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school and four years of successful experience in a library using modern methods, of which two ycars shall have been in contact with the public. (b) Sufficient reading knowledge of French and German to identify titles; knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims, and services wide knowledge of books; marked ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work and to get them to work together A ae to size up situations and people and to get along well with others; accuracy; courtesy; pleasing personal appearance; tact; good judgment. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from con- atitutional disease and from physical disabilitics. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION; On the same basis as that of assistar professors in the institution. Minimum $2880. Ree th i tt hy . , ‘A ‘ HA Pal ; LANs is ; t yh - \ f j + * Z 4, Wt ey ty be NCI SON SA y mi ii ! y U ‘ : wy P ER a # ; } \) i { ENN eee : ‘ay ; hy NOY ' Uh i i ” } Rhy Say iby A ‘ | ; i { Hal ; ¢ Oy Tongs iy ear £isah 1 . 4) re ; 7 wes j \ ¢ Nk bes BA he , Neh Vi 1 ahd che BN { 4 j aa | ; WA 4% i! é tk ~ ree " i 14) ay, ny A ; ae “ts * . ‘ fs a i \ y s ‘ f +e al . i f : hin \ f Saty ' ™ ci Vy } , + 7 q i ¥ ian | j yey qi i! 4 ma a Lee x ’ ) ea hk : i MN Mua } rk i y \ gin hey 4 ‘ : Ws i 4 j > Ay \ - } ) ‘ ‘i j ) ay ] y ila 4 f a if i oe pie Won Nights Hat ee : ’ * ° ’ ‘ * ; ; Ay h: ne oa s N Ih ) i Kt a Ml SD ailiigtayy l if bea) ave 1 : re Aah Mahe ’ { ; ; i a 4 1 Hut i) pai): 7) * \ Hl ! i iy ; i / 4 of : pig i 1S A Hi < A i iy en arg) n ‘ } ko a ‘ i \ j Th i i | i ky i \ ie My 1 4 \ iA 4 by X \ Penh tes “Vig f Y dd d 4 : WN la e P ascd) Ad a ayia ei a 7 I Fad N 7 Me Ge yi WA ele aI Hed by tis of { Sl ' 7d‘ i / i) F 4 ent | ity Nee f , re 4a" 17 fis Aa iy ba einai) iy) vii Pa ene asl P i @ { } " yy A ait Rete) SE TD Le ut at. J va ¢ Ay hs aT ae i Re A Pa a A We Mi h j F \atet nts » Yi RMD bal : Ay, Vi: eet q ; Ai) Me bi th iit EAs ‘ui ph it) iI | ih. " CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES wat EF ue LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF ACQUISITIONS GRADE 4 (ASSISTANT PROFESSO} DUTIES: Under the direction of the Chicf Librarian to organize, plan and supervise the work of obtaining books and other library matcrial mneiuding periodicals and scrials,, by purchase, sift, and exchange, and to supcrvise binding, in a Class 9 University iLorary:, to have dircction of at least six assistants, including those em- ployed in the current periodical rooms to consult with and advise tne faculty as ‘to library policy in book sclection, including definite recommendations for purchase of books; to perform other work as required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Laying out work for members of the depart- ment and seeing that all are effectively employed; giving dircctions and suggestions to assistants and aiding them with their difficult problems; devcloping the ordcring procedure to meet the needs of the library; making recommendations in matters of ordering policy; comparison of prices of books from various sources: checking second- hand catalogs for desirable acquisitions; intervicwing and instruci- ing new appointces; making working schedules for members of the staff; handling correspondence: vreparing reports: preparing estimates of expenditure for the approval of the Chief Librarian; preparing monthly and annual reports of orders and accessions; preparing specifications for binding, QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintaincd by the institution for the assistant professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as mamy years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are cxpected ee e' 7 $ { : o> 2 » =. f ee ¥ h * £ eo “ op 3 . i 4 ‘ i ¢ j a i : 2 5 7 iy J : P “ r s « : ‘ 3 ~ es * } Crier ve ¥ - - ° a ~ t ’ - ~~? Eas hie 1 TEDL ag" > 2: La “ S a Sy é Tp pat ae i Oe hate Pay a t oe 2 bree 7 Py cdiwtieg to ete Eton Dee as ae * “* ~~ , v ;* | in St 2 « sh .gevasss - . ws i‘. - 4 ¢ e f } f ¥ eee r ; . rer me ooh ser oe ere ~ mm cor Mosh: bee ek. gpinewen ™~ par . sept i ; Mite. ; » EC 4 SABIE IST re @ he a RL cbt a ia abt ; Wek Tene son Pa tex | _** ed 4 rem, way a4 oe ra Re CLASS 9, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES _53- to have had in university tcaching before appointment to the Assistant professorship; or, (2) education cquivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or collcge of recog- nized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school, four years of successful expericnce in a library using modern methods, two years of which shnll have been in order or cataloging work involving work in forcign languages. (b) Reading knowledge of at least French and German; considcr- able knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; thorough knowledge of trade bibliosraphics, both Amcrican and foreign, with information as to leading publishers, book- dealers and book trade methods; unusual accuracy; capacity for details; proven business ability; thoroughness, (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from con- stitutional disease and from physical disabilities, RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of Assistant Professors in the institution. Minimum $2880, Naan aaa en ¥ i ae ; ay) ut . ae one vt aN, \ me i fi * i , A NDE | \ ah f , Y ' 4 lan ' i . t SEE i hy f i a i RARE } 4 7 I i‘ ) diac CN ‘ PO (ie da rhugalt | eli, i 4 BL \ AG SY Ly Avie Hn I : ai rr ; ; ys ‘ ‘ Waeatthey Geli | PM TT aA te iM a qnik abe fe a ry i sy he } 4 Nf aR mae % me ait (Mil ver aay \ \ if / f Vie ae a are yor Hh ath ay ‘ ‘ Ny 4 j i ¢ {ij AN.) ; ( NY t i (it f h } : Beh) ah if Lay : ¥ . aura \ y ‘ - ‘ ‘ bd ra lay tah py ee ; ASR ia ’ f Won Wt Avy ¥ AN SEH i Satara)! Day RUdatuals ties ak at Seas 0 f Wa | ¥ Weyer i apy i Hut fn Le CLASS 20,UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES = Oa CHIEF LIBRARIAN (PROFESSOR AND HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, RANKING AS DEAN). A University Ubrary of Class 10 shall have an annual income of not less than %150,000 snd shall moct other qualifications as listcd on page 5. DUITES: Under the direction of the President to have charge of the operations and activitics of a university library of Class 10, in- eluding instruction in the use of the library ard to porform such other work as may be required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TAS*S: Preparation, recommendation and, after approval, administration of the library rules and regulations; preparation and submission of the budget: supervision of the work of the various departments of the library; approval of books Boiccted for purchase by the library; investigation and recommendati for appointment of qualified individuals for library positions; Miper vision over library building: gencral contact, with faculty in order that library may adopt most cffective procedure to sccure the maximum use of library facilitics by students and faculty; correspondence, interviews, service on committecs; instruction Sreroc ison Of instruction on bibliographic roscarch and use of Sre ii brarys preparation of reports .as may be. required. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for tho full Prolcssorship, this preporation to Include at Icast one ycar of library school or the cquivolcnt, with as many yoars of expericnce in library work ess other prospective faculty members are cxvected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the full professorship; or, (2) cducation cquivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or collcge of recognized standing, : ue ' x ! i e v * t . “ ; Sm at ray | ° a a) elie 7\ yi ‘ hat ' , : ” ‘ 4 ) a 1 Y we ¢ be y * ‘i ; ‘ ON ate git iy } Dy i te 4 ' : am Bi ‘ .) ‘ ¥ 4 4 ' at fing: ty ee i 7 P « 4 WN HY rs OE ~ % %. ye i ae iY ; . ‘ ¥, 4 « ¢ 2 : 4 ) i By ’ yi * 7 ry Hp - ei , of ' ‘ 1 ; j : aa é i ) { 3 he ‘ i ads : ‘, = ee > w a t + ‘ j y ; + ay mL ry ‘ 4 ae ra 7 '" ’ ees ‘ “ , a 4 ore m bie Se gd “ hu fl J ; Ley t 1 i yal : ey. hae ‘ y I i { . o a hy ‘ 5 r in i ‘ , ' DOD, rs Bis ee > Pi be yf hy ne ee ae eT Bete wet | ‘ em Oe 7b: j “ on fs aN ! x ) ay } * 4r cf) , % ie cae aM ae « Vik ee mim soba ti | a tke Pe * ae ¥ ie een, ty ah i oa . £ a qs ‘en i Bs tt 4 Ah ise 4 7 , i 4 ls ee git tal up he ye i We ae dan i aa Oy 8 r Ree | . ae rey. ee (Ua PAL te | f. Pk plate cet raveo [Wenn ¢ ate Beng / nk ; 4 Ae oe ee ? d te i ath 1 ah Sr wie l \ J wis a a i > ;, Wey Tab eat Siwy a t aia i! ( " % 2 iy = My 7 ‘ ee ae Bart) Citas Sines a es aes os Prot MARS Net hte eae i / / Wey in ogal fear yianlten Aon AA delenit dy 1S she id conmeinescopn! * Pullin See iy eg CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIPRARTIES Oi LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF CATALOGING GRADE 5 (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR)~ DUTIES: Under the direction of the Chicf Librarian, to have supcer- - vision over 2 catalog department in a Class 10 university library with a staff cquivalent to 15 or more full tire assistants, at least four of whom are of rank of catalog revisers in a library where there is a relatively fine division of labor, considerable specialization and a large proportion of accessions in foreign languages: and to perform other work as required. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TaSKS: See Librarian in Charge of Cataloging, Grade 4, QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the Buancords maintained by the institution for the associate Preressorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience ee orary work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the associate professorship; or, (2) a minimum educational preparatim equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate Peeeers school, and five years of successful experience in a library using modern methods, three years of which shall have been in a supervisory position in cataloging work involving the direction of a staff of 9 or more. (b) Wide knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and service; wide knowledge of books, periodical sets, research material, cataloging procedure and problems, classification schemes, bibliographical methods and tools, and the uses made of catalogs, Ty is nk uk alk ae a n'y AD Ry Ae * < 4) y fi - * 4 iat Pi { Fe a, > rad oF ae A Pa) ae IN a ia ER ECR Po EIR RRO \ . pf ay 1 f r. wile : . et: ‘ E 2 i EY d : , { , iy fa oy a \ ; ee i , ; Me ol Tit 4 } , ve * Ph , : ine Jantib Seger Si ea J i iy ae ‘ = +t Ag) SE AOR, a ie ae Le ‘ 5 4 uy \ 4 v We | she t hig a ‘ AAP BAe , / a an “42 Fie ave a : : , ; 4 i S PAP ai » " 7 Ul ‘ if : f # = nyt ‘ " a a uy ‘ ‘ f . iw ¥ ‘ - ry q ¢ # v : ° 4 1 ay ‘ ” * r iy 4 "0 -f , ¢ { rn $/ { ’ , 4 ‘ 7 ak i . ie iy ‘ } f a * ' a8 whe sil H i x se : i > is = f ‘ ra a ae ; § X A L is pa isa . ¥ 4 iy" ? S f i ier} | f , f t é bay E ‘ ; t s ny ; AC yer as agi NAL Le ee 5 ja) bo pki abel eat ad che AN ' rp Late peal ot . bets he ‘ a © + *». e 4 pa ee ME [dg Poe i rp 4; Ved Bote an ORS : it grea iy +, ae We * LW wy, bs ghiy, Me fone te) >| \@ Ny aut ae AL: raped ws 4 CO. CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES er: ae lists and bibliographies: marked ability to lay out work for others, to direct them in their work, and to get them to work together effectively; reading knowledge of French and German and of the printed matter in those languages, and sufficient knowledge of two other languages to read titles; accuracy; tact; good judgment. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from con- stitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: On the same basis as that of associate professors in the institution. Minimum $3,300. *py Associate professor is meant the rank next below full professor. 0 aLJiy 9), R 4 iP, ee y yer TY hig that i Ey oe ney! 7 owt He a Fe wy) . fab j Beak = Doe tw a fae, Mi hare Fe Ne ee F SW J fi - t wht i q Cr ae yey oF i Soe a te SN oe op ee aA a A ho ae ae mit Ue da j fc Rati ated co Nid Nee i , ; y } a 1 J i} ‘ i 1 atest 4 i i ap j i $ s : AP, get ly “4 is ay ey ake ay ee ere au SAR , we ee a ; : ‘ kd ; ai aay Sy ra ghee bd RS I Ee ; v ‘ z j \ Th ke ¢ C ‘ 3 , x # 3 Bite ow f i ) i | abe Ate ue hy i ya & habe y Ae Wa ann nD Wy fi . 4 > s ¢! 7 5 > - 4 ' ; i Wes *~ rie Ns ‘s Vey : ia 7 wy ied wh yt ce ee Fae } } Y ‘ a ir yh ~ Hee daet mh Ri ayy { ls eee tren Orlane 7 re : t hf ,) i La t " ‘ +e % Y y he To! Pe SF pa P i om soe oe : é 4 : 7] shyt e Mee tem aA ‘ te s x i iy & i \ ie ‘ y inidehiat: AIDE) eee CRS CLAP ACER ee tac Peete Sa niece) By { a ; Ne eas Tarihi ‘ i Wes } ea : PTA } hs Ma vel AUH ay Aiea en gh AME Ae Hand hay En in oa rb ip wh ob ata , ; Af’ \ ; { iN (ine beat ls te eA ity at MA HD: "i ft a eae + f . ‘ a H Ybe. ae a su +) } or oro ae " i ‘ t MRNA e a os, ae a tad FOROS CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ee Pe LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF REFERENCE GRADE 5 (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR) DUTIES: Under the direction of the Chief Librarian to have charge of the reference work in & Class 10 University library, involving frequently most difficult reference problems and requiring special preparation; also involving frequent contact with research workers and direction of assistants who may be assigned some particular field of knowledge; to aid in the selection of books and other material; to keep research workers familiar with the literature appearing in the subject on which they are working; and to perform other work as required, WAAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASXS: See Librarian in Charge of Reference, Grade 4. QUALIFICATIONS; (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for the associate professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the associate professorship; or, (2) a minimum educational preparation equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school; one additional year of graduate work or research; four years of extensive successful experience in a library using modern methods, three years of which shall have been in reference work, and two years of which shall have been in contact with research workers in the field to be covered. ry i) ie aves WN me By SP kN Cc dats ae Sey . ‘ i " arity c be. ee ee A aM h ‘ O ay ee dah * Ue tee P Nata Me wie a ey ines 24 3 1 a F nl owe oe te ¢ \ { , 4 { “ih ? PAINE } i : ‘ ihe i j | t , 4, tat Ae a , ' a a ‘ ‘ te yt er € ’ ‘is ole voy aa i “3 Ht ite) Siti ts. she Em ‘ eat vs { ' " 4 . Me el ny ‘ 3 . * es “~ ecto h ; ( ‘ ag ye a, " \ ’ bare + ‘ ca ‘ Aw : ‘ i wat ; ea (pre 5 eee K : a 4 t ie aa ot ao! aT wi 1 + i) U ie F i : ' / Pt, ede de cae dnnoriete Pile re Pipe IRN Lee ee 4 ; LA sein, 1G WE eg des RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION: CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES aA (b) Reading knowledge of at least French and German and the literature in the field of those languages, ond sufficient knowledge of at least three othér languages to read book titles; marked aptitude for and ability in research methods; resourcefulness; accuracy: tact: good judgment; satisfactory character; general sympathy with public; courtesy. (ec) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. On the same basis as that of associate professors in the institution. Minimum $3,300. ‘am ee Mie gi Wain hr hel il Matas ve pu CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ~65— LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF CIRCULATION GRADE 5 (ASSOCIATE PRO FESSOR) DUTIES: Under the direction of the Chief Librarian, to have super- vision over a circulation department in a Class 10 University library, with a staff equivalent to ten full time assistants. EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL TASKS: Laying out work for members of the department and seeing that all are effectively employed; organiz- ation of the Loan department so that individuals obtain speedily publications desired, if possible; supervision of the work of assistants; supervision of assistance to readers in the use of the catalog; adjusting complaints where possible, without reference to Chief Librarian; interviewing and instructing new appointces; providing working schedules for assistants; handling routine correspondence; keeping record of fines; seeing that the book collections are meeting the needs of faculty and students, and, Diener, reporting to Chief Librarian: supervision of delivery of books from the stacks in order to avoid delay. QUALIFICATIONS: (a) Either (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for the Associate professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school training or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the Associate professorship, or, (2) education equivalent to that represented by graduation fran a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school md five years of successful experience , ,. ‘ 5 ' . ¥- gi 4 A i Ae / ’ DS ‘ . 1 Ke ' Wa i ; by wy ' 7 wa i : pm ae > 5 é , Oh a i, ee “ei 4 4 5 4 is a Ba, pe . a 4 - 4 t , ' ‘ . , Fr ‘ ‘ ; i wv ‘ ‘ Pee " . 1 , ies! i 7 3 Da " , ee ‘ wi i \ “ 4 . Fi , " i De rob | y Bah Oa ‘hyn ; . ¢ 4 ¥ A t md ‘ ; Z 4 - i] * * i yi totes Bin AS Lah ‘ie fi by ' : . me Foil awe ¢ ‘ y 4 ek, At * 4 a . i A | f ( > ry , { t ‘ 4 i a he (a! ° ¥ x Lf < { { i wie, We y _ cere gen j eT t f tN i Wey oy hare “ Sec ‘ he ' te te Bae Hen os in| Or CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ~66— in a library using modern methods, three years of which shall have been of such a nature as to involve contact with the public, one year of which shall have required supervision of a staff of Por MOPS « (ob) Sufficient reading knowledge of French and German to identify titles; considerable knowledge of library organization, Procecurc, policy, aims, and service; wide knowledge of books; Meapeea soi lity to lay out work for others, to diréct them in their work and to get them to work together cffectivcly; ability to size up situations and people and to get along well with others: accuracy; courtesy; pleasing personal appearance: tact; good judgment. (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED ANNUAL COMPENSATION; On the same basis as that of associat Professors in the institution. Minimum “3300, a Wore ths Nk Mar aa Mees as an att aes Mey em } ; uiiAeyasaie bn an b; Fe SAN EU L in Malek Sahota URAL Ria a ¢ SAAR k N Ci: rat) ay ety i fi) ys CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES -67- LIBRARIAN IN CHARGE OF ACQUISITIONS GRADE 5 (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ) DUTIES: Under the direction of the Chicf Librarian to organize, plan and supervise the work of obtaining books and other library material, including periodicals and serials, by purchase, gift, am exchange, and to supervise binding, in a Class 10 University library: to have direction of at least nine assistants, including those emplo: ed in the current periodical rooms; to consult with and advise the faculty as to library policy in book selection, including definite recommendations for purchase of books: and to perform other work as required. EXAMPLES ‘OF TYPICAL TASKS: See Librarian in Charge of acquisitions, Grade 4. | QUALIFICATIONS: (a) ither (1) scholastic preparation equivalent to the standards maintained by the institution for the associate professorship, this preparation to include at least one year of library school training or the equivalent, with as many years of experience in library work as other prospective faculty members are expected to have had in university teaching before appointment to the associate professorship; or, (2) education equivalent to that represented by graduation from a university or college of recognized standing, one additional year in a graduate library school, five years of successful experience in a library using modern methods, three years of which shall have been in order or cataloging work involving work in foreign languages. . (b) Reading knowledge of at least French and German, consider- able knowledge of library organization, procedure, policy, aims and ‘ . Mealy i ; ( , f wif , aE Tei I , J By {Say I ‘ Tie ithe ee ; ; ADA ; ' Aide \ f gy Me a0 a ph weit haan ib Ai Pat 9 I as a | $ Q ‘ ; , mi i Doe De Ut oe eg Pt ae fl Ht) . « i n ve M1 %y 4 i - ; - - i ‘ } 1 4 1 Via i i ) re ae / * 4 a na ‘ i 4 ‘ t 1 f Le { h i h ( Tin lh uf nO dw iy Hi iW 4 My f ; } Beni “ A ai ; i Ne ( | a HG et aie ‘ ve) q aa Vie ‘ y \ eA yn A ‘ { " y { i , y ay i 4! ( f , i ' * r ‘ Sia aay ah nb 4 - { ; ; Ai : : j i 1 j ] ” K; f tl ” i « Ake ’ \ 4 1) i" te \ \ i ¥ } i f 4 1 } Boi ‘ 4 int ¥ , , i Bei Ay fy aE jt bull f itl , i oh COAL AT orhRdnte ee ih Wisth fa heel vite te CLASS 10, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES a Fe Ae service; thorough knowledge of trade bibliographies, both American and foreign, with information as to leading publishers, bookdealers and book trade methods; unusual accuracy; capacity ay s > for details; proven business ability; thoroughness, (c) Satisfactory health record, including freedom from constitutional disease and from physical disabilities. RECOMMENDED aNNUaL COMPENSsTION: On the same basis as that of Associate Professors in the institution. Minimum $3300, : Syracuse, N. Y PAT. JAN 21, 1908 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result i missal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBA L161—0.1096