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(From Tilmann.)
which the amalgam is supported beneath the bell B, on a stand 4,
enclosed in a cast iron vessel c, kept cool by means of a current of
water constantly flowing beneath the bottom, and through the annular
cavity D. The condensed mercury escapes, as soon as deposited, by
means of a wrought iron pipe, into a proper receiving vessel. In
some cases, the charcoal is retained in its place by means of a circular
iron grating.
The interior measurements of the bell are usually as follow: height,
3 feet; diameter, 18 inches; thickness of metal, 14 inches. The
charge of amalgam is about 2,000 lbs., affording 400 lbs. of silver; the
consumption of charcoal per charge is 500 Ibs.
Loss of Silver —The loss of silver by this process of amalgamation is
considerable, but varies in different localities, in accordance with the
nature of the ores operated on, and the degree of fineness to which
they are reduced by grinding. At Guanaxuato, the average loss may
be estimated, on docile ores, at from 10 to 14 per cent. At Fresnillo,
the results of assays made during a year on ores containing a con-
siderable quantity of galena, pyrites, and blende, as compared with
those actually obtained from the patio, showed a deficit equal to
28 per cent. of the assay produce. According to Duport, the loss
experienced on the ores from the Veta Grande, at Zacatecas, which
contain a large amount of antimonial sulphides of silver, averaged
from 35 to 40 per cent. of the produce, as indicated by assay. A
portion of this loss is, however, mechanical, occasioned by particles of
amalgam being carried off by the water employed for washing the
lamas, after amalgamation; and a more efficient system of separation
would, consequently, have had the effect of reducing the amount of
silver so carried away. In some establishments, and particularly at
Guadalupe-y-Calvo, the sulphides resulting from the ordinary process
of washing in the lavadero are subsequently treated on shaking tables,
and the results obtained are stated to be satisfactory.
Loss of Mereury.—It has been long established as a principle among
Mexican azogueros, that, in order to obtain a given amount of silver
by the process of patio amalgamation, it is absolutely necessary to
sacrifice an equal weight of mercury. To this deficit of quicksilver
they apply the name of conswmido ; whilst any excess of loss above
this amount, and which is considered to be due to want of care, and
mechanical causes, is called perdida. The total loss of this metal may
be consequently divided into two elements, of which one is constant
and the other variable, and to which different names are applied.
All calculations are made, in Mexico, with reference to the produc-
tion of a mark of silver weighing eight Spanish ounces (3,550°5 gr.);
so that, in case of the total deficit of mercury being twelve ounces per
mark of silver, an azoguero would divide the loss as follows :—
Consumido . . . . . 8ounces 3,550°50 gr.
Perditig. ooo cs Pee ee 1,775°25 ,,
- It is, however, evident that this principle is not of universal appli-
cation; since metallic silver, which occurs in considerable quantities
in certain ores, combines directly with quicksilver, forming an amal-
gam of which the weight corresponds with the united amounts of the
two metals weighed separately. The total loss of mercury varies in
accordance with the nature of the ores, the method employed for
washing the contents of the torta, and the greater or less proportion of
native silver present. In many cases this loss does not exceed ten
ounces per mark of silver, whilst in others as much as twenty-four
ounces of quicksilver are expended for each mark of silver obtained.
The average loss may probably be taken to vary from ten to sixteen
ounces per mark of silver extracted. The time necessary for working
a torta varies, according to circumstances, from fifteen to forty-five
Fine Stamping—At Real del Monte, where the Freiberg process of
amalgamation in barrels is extensively employed, the ores are for this
purpose reduced by wet stamping. The arrastre, although the slimy
nature of the ore ground by well suited for patio amalgamation,
yields a bad return for the mechanical power employed, and the
slimes produced are not well adapted for the barrel process, for
which fine sands are found preferable. The great augmentation of
weight and bulk arising from the gradual wearing of the grinding-
stones is also an objection to this apparatus, and it has consequently
been found advantageous to grind the ores destined to be treated by
the Freiberg process in ordinary stamping mills. Into these the ore is
gradually fed by a hopper, a small stream of water being at the same
time introduced, which, displaced by the successive falls of the heads,
carries with it all the finer particles of ground ore which float over an
inclined plane, whose height regulates the fineness of the grinding.
The ground ore is subsequently conducted into large tanks, in which
it becomes deposited ; the water finally passing to a pump, by which
it is elevated and returned to the stamps coffer, to again commence
its duty as a sorter and carrier of the reduced ore. Thirty stampers,
when driven with a velocity of from sixty to eighty blows per
minute, grind weekly 100 tons of hard quartz to an exceedingly fine
sand. The consumption of stamp heads, where such mills are em-
ployed, is necessarily very great, and to effect the annual reduction of
35,000 tons of ore at Real del Monte, not less than 60 tons of cast iron
are expended; but as new heads can be obtained at iron works in the
immediate vicinity of the mines, they are readily replaced at a moderate
cost. In some localities in which water power is abundant, the ores
are sufficiently reduced by the stamping mill to fit them for treatment
in the torta without a preliminary grinding in arrastres.
Roasting —The minerals destined for being worked by patio amal-
gamation are, in Mexico, seldom subjected to any prelinunary treat-
ment, with the exception of grinding; but in the case of highly-
pyritous ores, they are sometimes partially roasted, for the purpose of
removing the excess of sulphur. At Zacatecas, certain kinds of ore,
after being broken into small lumps, are roasted in heaps, by mixing
them with wood and covering the pile, which is surrounded by a wall
of loose stones, with a layer of charcoal. This operation occupies but
a few hours, and, after its completion, the ores are ground in arrastres,
in the usual way. In the districts of Tasco, Sultepec, &c., where
metallic sulphides are particularly abundant, the ores are, after
evinding, generally roasted in the reverberatory furnaces employed in
the preparation of magistral. The fuel employed for this purpose is
wood; but although the roasting of a charge frequently occupies as
much as twelve hours, but a comparatively small proportion of the
sulphur is thus eliminated. The marmajas, or concentrated sulphides,
obtained by washing on the planilla, are also roasted in the same way.
Chemical Reactions of the Patio—The general opinion entertained
by the various authors who had, previous to Sonneschmid, written on
the subject of patio amalgamation, appears to have been, that in
the different argentiferous ores, the silver was covered by various
substances, such as sulphur, arsenic, and antimony, and that this
covering prevented its forming an amalgam with mercury. The salt
added to the torta was supposed to possess the property of removing
these impurities from the surface of the silver; but this “ clearing
action” was thought only to be developed in presence of a sufficient
amount of magistral, properly moistened, and which produced this
effect through the agency of the heat produced. They also believed
that for each mark of silver extracted an equal amount of mercury
must necessarily be lost, and that any further expenditure of quick-
silver in the progress of the operation was due to mechanical causes.
To Sonneschmid, who published his work entitled “Tratado de
la Amalgamacion de Nueva Espana,” in 1825, belongs the credit of first
presenting a rational explanation of the nature of the reactions which
take place during the process of patio amalgamation. This author,
who, from his knowledge of chemistry and his long practical expe-
rience, was well fitted for the task which he undertook, refuted by
unanswerable arguments the notions which had hitherto been enter-
tained; and by means of a close examination on the one hand, of the
various phenomena which present themselves during the progress of
the operation, and by the aid of the light then recently thrown on
the subject by the progress of chemical science on the other, pro-
pounded a theory which, with slight modifications arising from a more
advanced state of chemical knowledge, is that generally entertained
at the present day. According to Sonneschmid, that portion of the
silver which exists in the ores in a native state is alone capable of
uniting directly with mercury ; and if, in grinding with this metal
any ores which do not contain silver in the metallic form, a small
quantity of amalgam be obtained, it is produced by the action of
some substance which in presence of mercury has the property of
reducing the silver existing in a state of combination. These com-
pounds, as well as the native metals, are susceptible of conversion
‘into “muriate of silver,’ under the influence of “ muriatic acid”
liberated by the action of the sulphuric acid of the magistral on a
solution of common salt. The muriate of silver thus formed may be
destroyed by the addition of alkaline earths, but the silver will then
be converted into an oxide which has no longer the property of
forming an amalgam with mercury. Further, that as certain metals
have the peculiarity of separating others in a state of purity from
the acids with which they are combined ; mercury performs this part
with regard to silver, by taking from it the muriatic acid by which a
portion of it is destroyed, whilst the remainder forms an amalgam
with the liberated silver. This reduction of silver by the action of
muriatic acid on metallic mercury, together with the direct action of
the same on that metal, are the two causes occasioning the loss
of quicksilver; the direct action of the acid manifesting itself when-
ever it becomes necessary to make a further addition of magistral.
The mercury lost remains in the residue, either in combination with
muriatic acid, or in the metallic state; the former representing the
deficit known as conswmido, and the latter forming that portion
of the loss classed as perdida.
It will be observed that according to this theory, the salt and sul-
phate of copper act only in furnishing the acids which they are
respectively supposed to contain, and it remained for future observers,
aided by a further development of chemical science, to point out
the influence exercised by the sulphate of copper, as well as that
of the common salt, as a solvent for the chloride of silver formed.
Karsten first called attention to the fact that the addition of ma-
- gistral caused the production of chloride of copper, by the aid of
which the transformation of the sulphides of silver into chloride is
chiefly effected, but without supporting his statement by any con-
firmatory experiment. The same chemist also pointed out the
importance of the presence of a solution of salt as a solvent for
chloride of silver, which is thus brought into intimate contact with
mercury, at the expense of a portion of which it is decomposed, thus
liberating the silver, previous to its entering into combination with
the remainder. About the same period, Boussingault confirmed the
statements of Karsten with regard to the formation of chloride of
copper, and proved, beyond dispute, that this salt is abundantly
produced during the process of patio amalgamation. The whole
of the mercury by which the decomposition of chloride of silver
is either directly or indirectly produced, appears to be converted
into calomel, since no traces of the higher chloride have ever been °
discovered among the products of amalgamation by the patio.
The essential ingredients constituting a torta are salt, magistral,
mercury, and sulphide of silver. Salt and the sulphate of copper in
the magistral react on each other, giving rise to the production of
chlorides of iron and copper, and sulphate of soda. The chloride of
copper in its turn acts on the sulphide of silver, producing chloride of
- gilver, which is dissolved in the excess of salt added to the torta ; and
the silver, finally reduced to the metallic state by a portion of the
mercury which is ultimately converted into calomel, whilst the reduced
silver enters into combination with the unattacked mereury, forming
an amalgam. It has also been shown that the lower chloride of
copper, formed by the action of sulphide of silver on the higher
chloride, is dissolved in the solution of salt, and acts on another
portion of sulphide of silver, also converting it into chloride, which
is subsequently reduced by the mercury, and finally converted into
amalgam. Boussingault has further proved that the copper of the
magistral is ultimately to a great extent transformed into sulphide ;
sulphide of mercury is likewise occasionally found in the torta, and
has, by some chemists, been supposed to be the result of the action
of calomel on sulphide of silver, by which sulphide of mercury on
the one hand, and chloride of silver on the other, would be produced.
It is, however, probable that this substance may, in many cases, have
been formed by the direct decomposition of sulphide of silver by
metallic mercury, since it is well known that under certain conditions:
this action takes place. Messrs. Bowring and Uslar, both of whom
were practically acquainted with the patio process of amalgamation,
have contended that chloride of silver is not necessarily formed
during its operation; but the various phenomena which they have
brought forward in support of this view of the question, appear to be
far from conclusive, and are all easily explained by the chloride theory,
which is now almost universally received.* .
* Some chemists are of opinion that the chlorination of the mercury is, at least
partially, effected by the higher chlorides of copper and iron, and that the lower
chlorides of these metals, in their turn, assist in the reduction of chloride of
CS el a oa
Cost and Results of Patio Amalgamation.—The results obtained
by this process and the cost of the various operations will evidently
depend, not only on the nature of the ores, but be also, more or less,
influenced by numerous local circumstances connected with each par-
ticular district in which it is employed. Under such circumstances
it would be impossible to furnish the various items of expense under
any general heading, and we shall therefore give the results of this
operation as obtained from the books of some of the most important
establishments in which it is employed.
reduced in the hacienda of San Joaquin, Guanaxuato, Mexico.
TABLE showing the result of 11 tortas of Ore from the Mines of Cata and Secho,
* One torta divided into two parts.
+ Average.
| Silver pas as eg eae
No.| Date, 1863. erento Salt. pea Merenty. His Roe set ge Le a
| dida.| mido, | B © |" O laa
| | |
| | mon. qtls. ar. ar. Ibs. marks. | Ibs. | Ibs. Ibs. |
1| May13. | 81 20 | 573 | 95] 3,200} 870] 1) 461] 462/15] 8
2! June9.| 80 02 | 480 [117] 3,100 | 848/196! 436 | 632 | 21] 12
3| July2.| 72 21 | 432 |109| 2,721 | 780/100; 402 | 502 | 23] 10
| 4| ,, 23.| 66 30 | 379 | 93| 2,450 | 634] 43) 335] 378 /17| 9
5| Aug. 14} 67 29 | 306 | 84| 1,936 | 553) 11) 292 | 303 | 22] 10
6| Sept. 20] 75 29 | 329 | 70] 2,529 | 719| 73] 379 | 452 | 25] 9
7| Oct.9 .| 77 07 | 293 | 68| 1,711 | 508 |143; 276 | 419 | 36 | 15
' gi , 30 .| 57 18 | 285 | 48] 1,920 | 566/117) 299| 416 | 30) 14
9| Nov. 25 | 79 00 | 480 | 60| 2,839 | 816 |151| 427 | 578 | 32] 15
10| Dec.23. | 80 12 | 400 | 56! 2,548 | 736 | 96] 403 | 499 | 38 | 16
11| Jan.14. | 44 28 | 270 33 | 2,238),|1,251 | 31 361 | 392 | 32] 15
mi. 24.1 36 30 | 216 | 32; 1,818) | 36; 293 | 329 | 38 | 17
821 02 |4,443 | 865 | 29,010 (8,281 (998 | 4,364 | 5,362 | 271/124)
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TABLE showing the results obtained at the Hacienda N ueva, belonging to the Fresnillo
Company, during the years 1840, 1841; and including the first nine months of
the year 1842.*
Date. Montones. Silver. Value. Cost of Treatment.
marks. OZ. dollars. | dollars.
1840 31,995 147,851 3 1,293,675°12 664,274:13
1841 35,291 | 222,022 0 | — 1,942,692°50 731,346°90
9 months ; | ae | ; :
of 1842 28,324 a Greg Os: 1,464,552°50 504,460°50
95,610 537,250 6 | $4,700,92012 | $1,900,081°53
These 95,510 montones = 85,366 tons of ore, produced 537,250 marks of silver, about 3,974,000 oz.
troy; which gives a mean produce obtained by the process, of 0°0U14 of the weight of the ores
operated on.
The cost of treatment, per monton of 2,000 Ibs.; the cost per monton, exclusive of the value of
mercury expended ; the average loss of mercury ; and the average yield of silver, were as follow :—
Total Cost of Treatment, Tre Tiaes ret bere Ounces of Mercury lost, | Mean Produce of Silver
including Mercury. nt Mer cury. per mark of Silver. per Monton.
Date. dollars. dollars. ounces. marks. 02.
1840 20°76 14°45 14°064 4 5:00
1841 20°72 13°46 12°312 G6 2°25
9months |) ,- “ .
17°02 11°75 11°875 5 7°25
of 1842 ; :
Mean result of Patio Amalgamation at Real del Monte, 1864-5} :—
Regla hacienda, reducing yearly . . . «. . ~- 51,300 cargas.
Loreto me -¢ A Te Pie of Wee so ON ae oe
Total yearly. . . . + 105,730 cargas.
Mean assay of ore thus reduced . . . . 15°5 marks per monton.
Mean produce. . . .. «.. ~~ ~ 4141, or 9:0 per cent. loss.
The mean cost of reducing these ores was—
Coarse crushing in dry stamps, and subsequent
fine grinding in arrastres . . . . . 1°'9 dollars per monton.
Manrpulation:in Patiow ~- 20. 0s. so 1 4Oe Ss, -
General expenses of management. . . . . 12 ,, %
aOR S MC Oe SO kin dee, eter ste ie nc kenge oy) i
—— 88
Sulphate of copper (2 dols. per monton) . . . . 32-
Salt (1°6 quintals per monton) . . . . . . + . 695
Quicksilver (11 0z. per mark, silver) . . . . . . 6°9
Total tre no UL
* From Duport. + Furnished by Mr. Buchan.
+ At Loreto, to this must be added the cost animal power in grinding.
Ore from Ophir Mine, Comstock, worked at Ophir Works, Washoe. Average cost per
ton of working during eighteen months, ending June 1864.
From December 1st, 1862, to June 1st, 1864.*
4 Ep @ B mt
Labour. Wood. | Salt. [goa 8 z E zZ 2
= | 6.) 8) 3)
dollars. | dolars. | dollars. | dollars. dollars. | dollars. | dollars. | dollars, | dollars.
Crushing . 2°68 | 1°85 Ree As ens 0°85 | 0°22 ae 5°60
Beneficiating 3°82 | O19 | 5°95.) 05 | 2°85 | 3... | 007 1156 ee
Washing np. 1 az 6 a Ok 0° Oh Ob KO 0) ie 0°02 oe 2°66
Total Cost . | 7°98 | 2°13 | 612 | 0°65 | 3°65 | 0°85 | 0°31 | 1°56 [23:25
AMALGAMATION BY Hor ProcEss.—This process for extracting silver
from its oresis much less employedin Mexico than in some portions of
South America, where the ores are more generally found suitable for
this method of treatment. The only ores which can be advanta-
geously worked by this process are such as contain a large proportion
of native silver, or in which that metal occurs in the form of chloride,
iodide, or bromide.
The ores worked in the cazo are almost invariably of the descrip-
tion known as colorados, which are, generally speaking, coloured red
by an admixture of oxide of iron. These, after being roughly stamped
in the usual way, are subsequently treated in the arrastre, but, as
they are afterwards concentrated by washing, care is taken not to
carry the grinding to such an extent as would cause a large portion
of the finely-divided silver ore to be éarried off in suspension by the
water. This concentration is effected by means of the inclined plane,
called a planilla, before mentioned as being employed for treating the
residual matters resulting from the washings of the torta in the patio
process of amalgamation. by this means the ore is reduced to about
two per cent. of its original weight, and the lighter portions, thus
‘removed by water, may, if found sufficiently rich, be subsequently
treated by the patio process. :
The cazo is a vessel formed either of curved blocks of stone, or of
wooden staves, like those of a barrel, and of which the bottom is
made of copper.
The dimensions are usually as follow :—diameter at top, 3 feet,
* Furnished by Mr. W. W. Palmer.
3 inches; diameter at bottom, 2 feet; depth, 18 inches. The bottom,
which, as before stated, is of copper, has, when new, a thickness of
21 inches, but becomes gradually thinner by use. This is retained in
its place by a groove running around the interior of the vessel, near its
lower extremity ; all the joints being carefully luted with clay, with
which the sides of the apparatus are thickly plastered, and which
is kept in its place by an exterior wall of unburnt bricks. The
copper bottom of the cazo rests on the wall of the hearth, thus forming
the roof of a fireplace which has neither fire-bars nor chimney ; and
is provided with but one opening, which serves, at the same time, for
the introduction of the fire, and the escape of the products of com-
bustion. The fire is lighted, and a sufficient amount of water poured
into the vessel to form, with the ore subsequently added, a very
liquid paste. When the temperature of this mixture has reached
the boiling point, and it has become strongly agitated by ebullition,
salt is added, in proportions varying from five to ten per cent. of the
weight of the ore operated on. It is, however, necessary not to intro-
duce the salt until the contents of the cazo are in active ebullition,
since it would otherwise form, with the ore, a compact mass, adhering
firmly to the copper bottom, from which it could not be removed
without emptying the apparatus.
As soon as the salt has been added, a workman, who squats on the
side of the cazo, continually stirs its contents by means of a wooden
agitator, with which he constantly rubs the copper bottom; and at
this stage the first addition of mercury is made. The amount of that
metal employed is carefully regulated according to the richness of the
ore under treatment, and should never exceed twice the weight of the
silver it contains. At first, one-fourth only of this quantity is added,
and, about a quarter of an hour after its introduction, the workman
takes a sample, by means of a bullock’s horn attached to a wooden
handle, with which he scrapes the bottom of the boiler so as to obtain
a small quantity of the heaviest portions of the ore and amalgam. By
washing this in a horn spoon, he afterwards removes the lighter con-
stituents of the mixture, and exposes the amalgam, which, if the
operation is progressing favourably, should present the appearance of
finely-divided granules, of a light lead-grey colour. The amalgam in
this state is called polvo, and it is known by experience that it then
contains one-third of its weight of silver, or, in other words, that about
two parts of quicksilver are united with one part of silver.
More mercury is subsequently added, and other samples taken,
until it is found that the hardness and state of division of the amalgam
begin to change, when the operation is considered to be terminated ;
but, before stopping, the workman makes another trial, called a prueva
en crudo. For this purpose he washes a portion of the amalgam in
such a way as to entirely remove all traces of mineral, and, after
adding a little clean mercury, and rubbing the mixture with his
fingers, he observes whether the quicksilver thus added becomes
solidified. Should this be the case, he introduces a further portion of
mercury, and continues the operation ; since he has thus learnt that
this metal has not been added in sufficient quantity to extract the
whole of the silver which the process is capable of affording. When,
on the contrary, the mercury introduced retains its fluidity, the liquid
contents of the cazo are dipped out into reservoirs, whence they
are subsequently removed, to be added to the ingredients of a torta ;
whilst the solid deposit of ore, which contains the amalgam, is stored
in wooden cisterns, from which it is afterwards taken, for the purpose
of being washed in large bateas. Before washing this deposit, an
amount of mercury is added to it nearly equal to that which has been
employed in the cazo, in order to produce a less dry amalgam, which,
becoming united in a mass, is no longer so liable to be carried off in
suspension with the mineral and earthy residues. The exact con-
sistence which should be given to this amalgam, in order to avoid
loss, is a matter of considerable importance, since, if too dry, a portion
of it is readily carried away by the water; if, on the other hand, the
amalgam be subjected to the process of washing in a liquid state, it
is liable to be projected over the edge of the batea by the oscillation
necessary for the removal of the various metallic sulphides with which
it is more or less mixed. The cazo, which is the apparatus described
by Alonzo Barba as that employed in his time for the amalgamation
of silver ores, by the aid of heat, has, in the district of Catorce,
been much enlarged, and, under the name of fondon, is extensively
employed in some important metallurgical establishments.
The diameter of the copper bottom of the fondon varies from 5 feet
6 inches to 7 feet 6 inches; and, instead of the necessary friction being
produced by the action of a wooden stirrer, worked by hand, it is
obtained by means of an upright shaft, provided with cross-arms, to
which are attached rectangular blocks of copper, set in motion by
a mule, harnessed to a prolongation of one arm. This apparatus
may therefore be regarded as an arrastre, in which the paving and
stone voladoras are both replaced by metallic copper; and beneath
the bottom of which is a fireplace, similar in all respects in its -
construction to that built below the ordinary cazo. In one of the
sides of the fondon is an orifice on a level with its bottom, which,
during the working of a charge, is closed by a plug; the removal of
which allows its contents, both liquid and solid, to be drawn out into
tanks, in which the heavier matters are allowed to settle, previous to
being washed. ,
The weight of the charge, which for the cazo seldom exceeds 100 Ibs.,
is in the case of the fondon increased to from 1,200 to 1,500 lbs. The
time necessary for working this amount is six hours, being the same
as that employed to work 100 lbs. in the ordinary cazo. The fuel
employed consists of the wood of the palm-tree, which, from its small
density, burns rapidly, and produces a large amount of flame. The
amalgam obtained by washings is treated precisely like that resulting
from the patio process ; but the silver produced in this way invariably
contains a little copper, which, at Catorce, is removed by cupellation
with lead, in a furnace called a galeme.
The slimes separated from the amalgam by washing are, together
with the residues from the cazo, treated by the patio process. In
order to prevent adherence of the mercury or amalgam to the copper
bottom of the apparatus, the workmen take care to always employ
a less amount of quicksilver than would be necessary to form an
amalgam with the whole of the silver present ; but this is of com-
paratively little importance, since the whole of the residues of the
operation are re-treated in the way above described.
By this process, the silver existing in the native state, as well as
the chlorides, iodides, and bromides of that metal, is readily reduced ;
but this is not the case with regard to the sulphides, and it con-
sequently becomes necessary, in order to obtain the silver which they
contain, to have recourse to the supplementary treatment by the patio.
In working such residues, however, the addition of magistral is not
required, since they contain a sufficient amount of chloride of copper
to convert the whole of the sulphides of silver into chloride.
The loss of mercury experienced during the treatment of silver ores
in the cazo or fondon is extremely small, as at the close of the opera-
tion a weight of amalgam is obtained which, deducting the silver it
contains, corresponds with the quantity of mercury originally em-
ployed; but this amalgam, in addition to silver and mercury, contains
a little copper, and the total loss, which is purely mechanical, may be
taken as being between two and three per cent.
By this process, the chlorides and other analogous compounds of
silver are evidently not reduced, as in the patio, by the action of
metallic mercury, but by the copper furnished by the bottom of the
apparatus ; and even if it be admitted that this reaction gives rise to the
production of the higher chloride of copper, which has, under certain
circumstances, a chlorinising action on mercury, this could not take
place in the presence of the excess of metallic copper furnished by
the bottom, which would at once transform into the lower chloride
any of the higher chloride of copper which might be produced, If,
in treating ores by this process, the quantity of mercury added be
so great as to be attended with the adherence of the amalgam to
the copper bottom, the operation is found to proceed very slowly, and
a great loss of mercury is the result; as, under these circumstances,
the chlorides, iodides, or bromides, present in the ore, being cut off
from direct contact with the metallic copper, are reduced at the
expense of quicksilver. The most important condition necessary for
the economical working of the cazo is to keep its bottom constantly
free from any adherence of quicksilver or amalgam; and when the
amount of mercury added does not exceed twice the weight of the
silver present, there is no danger of any inconvenience arising from
this cause. With even twice this amount of mercury, Duport states,
he was enabled to work without inconvenience; but the moment
that proportion was exceeded, the amalgam attached itself firmly
to the copper plate, and a large loss of mercury was the result.
Although this process of amalgamation is only adapted for the
treatment of colorados, which contain chloride and other analogous
salts of silver, it has sometimes been applied to the reduction of the
negros, in which the silver exists in the form of sulphides. Under
these circumstances, it becomes necessary to make an addition of
magistral, which causes a most destructive action on the mercury
present, and which is, apparently, not modified by the presence of the
bottom of metallic copper, since this loss of quicksilver often exceeds
four times the weight of the silver obtained.
At Catorce, the poorer ores, after being previously concentrated by
the planilla, were, according to Duport, in 1843, treated in the cazo, at
a total cost of one dollar six reals per carga of 300 lbs.
The richer class of ores, on the other hand, which it was not neceés-
sary to wash, but which required fine grinding and great care in
working, was operated on in the fondon at an expense of two and
a half dollars per carga. :
The loss of mercury was estimated at two per cent., and the silver
obtained contained about one per cent. of copper.
EsturaA AMALGAMATION.—In some of: the colder and more humid
districts of Mexico, a modification of the patio process has been em-
ployed. The ground ore, instead of being exposed in the open air, on a
paved court-yard, as in the ordinary patio process, is placed under a
shed, and the usual method of patio amalgamation proceeded with,
until the operation is about half completed. The ore is then removed
into a sort of room, termed an estufa, or stove, which has under it a
fireplace, six or eight feet long, so connected by side flues with small
chimneys as to elevate the temperature of the room containing the ore.
Here it is exposed to a gentle heat, and allowed to remain during two
or three days, when it is again removed, and the reduction completed
by the ordinary method of patio amalgamation. By this process, the
time required for the reduction of the ore is less than by the patio,
and the yield of silver greater; the loss of mercury, on the other
hand, is more considerable.
THE first works erected in Europe for the treatment of silver ores by
amalgamation appear to have been those described by Schliiter as
having been put up at Kongsberg, for the purpose of treating the
stamped ores of that district. This apparatus consisted of eighteen
small cylindrical vessels, arranged in a circle, in which the ores were
mixed with mercury and kept in a state of constant agitation by
means of a vertical spindle in each tub, the whole being worked by a
large horizontal toothed wheel placed in the centre. It was not, how-
ever, until the latter part of the century that the attention of mining
engineers on the continent of Europe became particularly directed to
the process of amalgamation. In the year 1780, the Baron de Born
suggested to the Austrian Government the propriety of adopting this
system in the mining districts of Hungary; and, at his solicitation,
some experiments were instituted at the Glashiitte Works near Schem-
nitz. Although these trials were not followed by the introduction of
this system of amalgamation into the Hungarian mines, they, never-
theless, gave rise to many valuable discoveries, of which the Saxon
Government, which had deputed a commission to attend on De Born,
availed itself in the erection of the works at Freiberg.
FREIBERG.—The first works were erected at Freiberg in the year
1790, under the direction of M. de Charpentier, but these were
destroyed by fire shortly after their completion. The existing amal-
gamation works, commenced immediately after the destruction of
the former, were completed in 1794, and finally closed about the
year 1856.*
The amalgamation of silver ores was perhaps at one time more
economically conducted at the Halsbriicke works, in the vicinity of
Freiberg, than in any other European establishment.
Composition of Ores—The usual constituents of the ores treated,
were sulphur, antimony, arsenic, silver, copper, lead, iron, and zinc,
which were more or less mixed with various earthy minerals, besides
sometimes containing traces of bismuth, gold, nickel, and cobalt. In
selecting these ores, they were so assorted as not to contain above
four per cent. of lead or one per cent. of copper, as from combining
with the mercury added, these metals gave to the amalgam produced
a spongy consistency, and thereby rendered the treatment difficult
and expensive. The different ores selected for amalgamation varied
in produce from 15 to 200 oz. of silver per ton, and formerly the
mixtures were so arranged that the charges of the furnaces should
contain from 75 to 800z. per ton. Latterly, however, it was usual
to work the poorer and richer ores separately, as it was found
that the loss of silver in the residues was thereby considerably
The mixtures of the poorer ores afforded, on an average, from
30 to 400z. per ton, whilst the amount of silver in those of the
richer ores varied from 90 to 130 0z. per ton. It is essential that all
mixtures of ores should contain a certain proportion of sulphide of
iron for the formation of sulphates, the presence of which is neces-
sary to the success of the operation of roasting: the quantity
of sulphide of iron present should, generally speaking, be about
twenty-five per cent. If the amount of pyrites naturally occurring
in the ores was not equal to this proportion, addition was made
either of that mineral, or of crude sulphate of iron. Sometimes,
however, the ores at Freiberg contained more iron pyrites than was
necessary to the success of the operation, and in such cases it was
found advantageous to subject the more sulphurous of them to a
preliminary roasting without addition of salt, and thus reduce the
average amount of sulphur in the mixture to the right proportion.
Chlorination. —The’ ore, properly selected, was laid on a large floor
forty feet in length by twelve in width, and on the top of it was
* The ores formerly treated at Freiberg by amalgamation are now, to a great
extent, smelted with galena, and the silver extracted by crystallisation and cupel-
thrown about ten per cent. of common salt, let down from an upper
room by means of spouts placed in the floor for that purpose. The
heap thus made up of alternate strata of ore and common salt, was
well mixed, by being carefully turned over, and then passed through
a coarse sieve. It was subsequently divided into small parcels or
charges, weighing from 44 to 5 ewt. each. The salt-employed for
this purpose was supplied by the Prussian salt mines. The mixture
of ore and salt was now roasted in reverberatory furnaces, provided
with fume flues for the reception of the pulverulent matters mechani-
cally taken over by the draught. The prepared charge had now to be
spread on the bottom of the hearth and gently heated, for the purpose
of expelling the moisture, which, to a greater or less extent, it
invariably contained. During the process of drying, usually occupying
from twenty to thirty minutes, the charge required to be kept con-
stantly stirred with a long iron rake. ‘The lumps formed during this
operation must also be broken down by means of a beater ‘provided
with a long iron handle. On the temperature being subsequently
raised, white fumes were given off, and in about two hours from the
commencement, the whole mass had become redhot. The charge
was likewise occasionally turned, so that every particle of ore might
be equally exposed to the action of the fire, and during the whole
time the mass required to be diligently stirred with the rake. The
fire was then left to burn down, and the combustion of the sulphur
promoted by constant stirring. This went on without intermission,
until the interior of the furnace had become dark red, and a sample
taken from the mass no longer evolved any odour of sulphurous acid.
During this process the ore increased considerably in volume, and
the particles cohered so loosely together as to offer but little resistance
to the movements of the rake. ;
After this the heat was again raised during about three-quarters of
an hour; the sulphate of iron, formed by the oxidation of pyrites, thus
reacted on the common salt, causing, in the presence of peroxide of
iron, the evolution of chlorine and hydrochloric acid gases, which,
coming in contact with the sulphides of silver, rapidly converted
them into chlorides. Chlorides of the other metals present were at
the same time formed, together with sulphate of soda. When this
roasting was terminated, the charge was raked from the furnace into
an iron barrow and removed to an adjoining floor. The ore was
subsequently raised to an upper story for the purpose of being
passed through a set of sieves, with the view of separating the finer
powder from the agglutinated lumps. The latter were broken down
to a proper size, and a portion re-roasted, by adding a small quantity
to each of the subsequent ordinary charges. ‘The remainder was
mixed with from two to three per cent. of salt, and calcined in the
usual way. The finer particles, which passed through the sieves,
were, on the contrary, ground between heavy millstones, by which
they became reduced to the state of an impalpable powder. *
After roasting, the ores, besides various earthy salts, chiefly consisted
of peroxide of iron, basic sulphate of iron, the chlorides of iron and
copper, and a certain proportion of oxide and sulphate of copper,
sulphate of lead, oxides of antimony and zinc, and a small quantity
of various metallic sulphides in addition to sulphate of soda, and the
excess of common salt employed. The different compounds of silver
originally present in the ores were thus converted into the chloride
of that metal, with the exception of traces of metallic silver, and
perhaps, also, of minute quantities of sulphide and oxide of silver.
The charge suffered in roasting a considerable diminution in weight,
generally amounting to about ten per cent.; this loss being chiefly
due to the escape of sulphur, chlorine, and the volatilisation of
common salt, zine, antimony, arsenic, and the chlorides of iron
and copper.
Amalgamation—The amalgamation of the roasted ores was at
Freiberg conducted in twenty wooden casks, arranged in four rows,
and turning on cast iron axles secured to the ends by means of bolts.
These barrels, which were internally two feet eight inches in length,
two feet eight inches in diameter at the ends, and two feet ten inches
in the middle, were made of pine wood three and a half inches in thick-
ness, and strengthened by iron hoops and binders.f— On one of the
ends of each tun was placed a. toothed wheel working in a pinion
keyed on a shaft receiving its motion directly from a water-wheel.
The general arrangement of these barrels is represented, Figs. £7, 48.
Above each of the tuns so arranged, was placed a wooden box ¢,
Fig. 47, into which was thrown the roasted ore.
At the bottom of this was a spout terminating in a hose /, made of
strong canvas, finishing with a cylinder of tin plate, for the purpose
of introducing the powdered ore into the different barrels B. Each
* The crude ores were not crushed at the works, but ut the mines, where they
were often enriched by mechanical treatment.
+ At Constante, and at the different works in Nevada, the barrels are perfectly
cylindrical in form.
vask was furnished with a circular opening a, five inches in diameter,
fitted with a wooden plug, through which was bored a smal] hole
Rie A7:
i ae TTT
(Sectional Elevation.)
Fic. 48.
provided with a pin, made of hard wood, for the purpose of running
off the argentiferous mercury at the termination of the process.
Below the tuns, and a little above the level of the floor, were placed
triangular troughs destined to receive the residual matters at the
termination of the operation. Before charging the barrels, 3 cwt.
of water were run from the vessels E, exactly holding that quantity,
into each; after which 10 cwt. of finely-ground and sifted ore were
introduced through the hose #. Each cask should also contain from
80 to 100 lbs. of wrought iron, cut into fragments of about an inch
square and three-eighths of an inch in thickness, which, in proportion
as they become dissolved by the action of the substances with which
they are associated, require to be replaced by fresh pieces. As soon
as the barrels had been charged, and the bungs firmly secured in
their places by binding screws, the apparatus was thrown into gear, -
by a screw acting on a sliding pillow-block, and made to rotate with
a rapidity of from twelve to fifteen revolutions per minute. At the
expiration of two hours the barrels were in succession stopped for
the purpose of examining the state of the metalliferous paste which
they contained. If the charge was too firm, a little water was added;
but if, on the contrary, it was too soft, a small quantity of ore was intro-
duced. When this had been attended to, five cwt. of mercury were
drawn off into each cask, and the tuns, after being securely closed,
again thrown into gear and kept constantly revolving for about six-
teen hours, at the uniform rate of thirteen turns per minute.
During the first eight hours of this period they were, at Freiberg,
twice examined for the purpose of ascertaining whether the paste
was of the proper consistence; for if too thick, the mercury becomes
very finely divided, and if too thin it remains at the bottom, and does
not become sufficiently incorporated with the various constituents of
the charge. In the first case it is necessary to add a small quantity
of water, and in the second a little roasted ore. After the introduc-
tion of mercury, the temperature becomes considerably raised by the
chemical changes constantly going on, so that, even in winter, it
sometimes reaches 104° Fahr.
At the expiration of eighteen hours the amalgamation was in this
establishment ordinarily complete, and the tuns were then filled with
water, and again made to revolve, during from one and a half to two
hours, with a velocity of only six or eight revolutions per minute. By
this means the mercury was separated from the slimes with which it
was mixed, and became collected in one mass at the bottom of the tuns.
When this union of the globules of mercury had been accomplished,
the different casks were successively thrown out of gear, and stopped
with the apertures uppermost. The small peg in the bung was now
removed, and in its place was inserted an iron pipe, to which was
attached a small hose with a screw and clasp, for the purpose of closing
it when required. The cask was then so turned that the plug should
be immediately over the spout 0. The hose being put into the iron
tube p, the mercury was allowed to run off into the gutter v, by which
it was conducted to a receiver prepared for that purpose. This period
of the operation was closely watched by the workmen, who, the
moment any of the earthy matters began to flow from the orifice, at
once closed it tightly. The barrels were now turned with the aper-
tures a upwards, the small hose plug removed, and the large bung
loosened by a few taps with a mallet. The barrels were subse-
quently turned mouth downwards, the bungs withdrawn, and the
. muddy residuum discharged into troughs situated immediately under
them, from whence it flowed into large washing vats, or tinas, placed
on the ground-floor below the barrels. In the course of fourteen
days 180 tons of mineral were treated in this establishment, every
ton of which required ‘an expenditure of 3 Ibs. of metallic iron,
and 8°95 oz. of mercury, so that’ every pound of metallic silver pro-
duced was obtained at an expense of 723,ths of an ounce of quick-
silver.* The loss of silver experienced amounted, on an average,
to from seven to nine per cent. of the total amount present, as indi-
cated by assay, but the latter figure may be taken as most nearly
approximating to the mean result.
During the first two hours that the casks were set in motion, before
the introduction of mercury; the chlorides contained in the roasted
ore were thus reduced to the state of minimum chlorination, the saline
matters dissolved by the water present, and the particles of chloride
of silver exposed. If, instead of this, the mercury had been imme-
diately introduced into the barrels, it would, by reacting on the
sesquichloride of iron, &e. have become partially converted into
calomel, which not being again reduced, during the subsequent
stages of the operation, would have resulted in a considerable loss of
that metal. This loss is, however, avoided by the action of metallic
* Winkler states the loss of mercury at Freiberg to have averaged during five
years 1°41 loth, or 3 ounce nearly per centner of ore, assaying 3 to 33 oz. of silver ;
and 3°57 loth, or 1} oz. per mark of silver produced.
Subsequently, however, a great reduction in the loss of mercury was effected. In
1853 the amalgamation master stated the loss was then scarcely 4 0z. per mark. We
cannot, however, vouch for the accuracy of this assertion, and our own experience
would lead us to somewhat doubt its correctness.
a i
iron, since the protochlorides thus formed are without action on
metallic quicksilver. The chloride of silver contained in the roasted
ores is, in the Freiberg process, decomposed by agitation with metallic
iron, the chlorine combining with it to form protochloride of that
metal, whilst the reduced metallic silver becomes subsequently dis-
solved in mercury. The chlorides of lead and copper which may be
also present, are reduced at the same time as the chloride of silver,
and enter into the composition of the amalgam produced.
Treatment of Residues.—The residues conducted to the washing
vats betore mentioned, were mixed with an additional quantity of
water, and kept constantly stirred by agitators attached to iron arms
worked by an upright shaft in the centre of each vat, which received
its motion from a small water-wheel. These vats were furnished with
openings, at various distances from the bottom, through which the
tailings, held in suspension by the water, could be successively drawn
off into tanks, in which they were allowed to settle. When these
residues contained more than four and a half ounces of silver per ton,
they were removed to a drying floor, and subsequently re-roasted with
from fifteen to sixteen per cent. of iron pyrites, and from five to six
per cent. of common salt. These calcined residues were sifted in the
usual way, and then, without being re-ground, subjected to amalga-
mation in barrels for a somewhat shorter period than was customary
in the case of ordinary ores.
The mercury collected in the bottom of the different washing vats
was drawn off every five or six weeks, and from the large proportion
of base metals which it contained, it was treated apart from the
ordinary amalgam produced in the usual manner. The mercury and
amalgam obtained by tapping the barrels, were afterwards filtered
through close canvas bags in the ordinary way. The amalgam which
was retained in these bags consisted of a mixture of six parts of
mercury and one of an alloy composed of about eighty per cent. of
silver, and twenty of a mixture of copper, antimony, zinc, lead, and
some other metals.
Distillation of Amalgam.—The amalgam, after being well pressed,
was subsequently heated in iron retorts placed in suitable furnaces,
and the mercury separated by distillation from the non-volatile
metals which were obtained in the solid form. Three retorts were
latterly employed for this purpose, and into each were introduced,
on iron dishes, 350 lbs. of amalgam ; usually resulting in the produc-
tion of about fifteen per cent. of retorted silver at thé close of the
distillation, which generally occupied ten hours. The base metals
contained in the alloy of silver thus produced, were, with the excep-
tion of a certain proportion of copper, removed by a process of
refining in a large iron crucible, which was conducted in the fol-
lowing way,
Refining.—The crucible was first placed in the furnace and made
red hot, when the lumps of silver were successively introduced and:
brought to a state of fusion. Powdered charcoal was then thrown
on the surface of the fused metal, and the crucible temporarily covered
with a thin plate of iron. This, after the lapse of a few minutes, was
again removed ; and the impurities which had risen to the surface,
were, together with the unconsumed charcoal, skimmed off by means
of a perforated ladle. More powdered charcoal was then thrown on
the fluid metal, and the scum removed as before. These operations
were repeated, with occasional stirrings of the metallic bath, until the
surface of the metal had become bright and clean. This process
occupied from six to eight hours, and when completed the metal
should be malleable and dissolve completely in nitric acid, to which
the addition of an excess of ammonia should impart a clear blue
colour free from turbidity. The silver was afterwards cast into ingots
of a semi-hemispherical form, and in that state forwarded to the
Saxon Mint. The dust removed from the furnace flues was, at Frei-
berg, after being sifted, mixed with, and treated as, ordinary silver ore.
The slags and sweepings from the various melting operations, were
crushed and afterwards fused with carbonate of soda and nitre, by
which means the silver was obtained in the metallic state. The
water run off from the tanks in which the residues from the tinas
were allowed to settle, contained, in solution, a considerable amount
of common salt and sulphate of soda, together with small quantities
of sulphate of iron, and various other soluble salts.
Constante are obtained from the mines of Hiendelaencina, and contain
silver in various states of combination, but principally in the form of
antimonial sulphides disseminated in gangues, chiefly consisting of
sulphate of baryta, together with a small proportion of quartz, accom-
panied by considerable quantities of carbonate of iron, which chiefly
occurs in the richer portions of the veins.
In addition to the sulphides of antimony, arsenic, &c., in com-
bination with sulphide of silver, the ores contain iron pyrites and
uncombined sulphide of antimony, with small quantities of galena and
sulphide of copper. The proportions of these constituents vary, how-
ever, with almost every parcel of ore received into the works. The
mineral, as delivered at the establishment, is likewise more or less
mixed with micaceous slate derived from the rocks in which the lode
is enclosed; and the poorer ores usually contain much more of this
substance than the richer varieties, to being mixed with which, they
generally owe their impoverishment. Immense quantities of such
ores, too poor to be amalgamated with profit, were formerly wasted at
the mines; but this loss might, to a certain extent, have been avoided
by employing a better system of extraction, and greater care in the
selection of the ore.
Grinding and Roasting Crude Ores.—The ores as they are brought
from the mines are immediately taken to cylindrical Cornish crushing
mills, and ground and sifted through circular sieves of wire gauze,
having ten holes to the linear inch, Each parcel is now laid apart and
weighed in presence of two parties ; one of whom is appointed by the
mines from which the ores are purchased, the other on the part of
the reduction works. As soon as the mineral has been weighed, it
is removed to the stores where the several parcels are piled one on
another heterogeneously, and from whence the ore is taken as it may
be required. The furnaces employed for the calcination of the ores
with salt are, at Constante, eight in number; six of them having
revolving hearths worked by machinery similar to Brunton’s calciners,
whilst the remaining two are hand furnaces of the ordinary reverbera-
tory description. The mechanical calciners employed in the establish-
ment make from three to four revolutions per hour, and have movable
hearths fourteen feet in diameter. Each of these furnaces requires an
expenditure of about half a horse power to turn it, and is provided
with a single fireplace consuming from 120 to 140 lbs. of pine wood
per hour. An improvement on this apparatus has been effected by
Mr. W. West, who employs two fireplaces, and thus more evenly
distributes the heat over the surface of the hearth.
This improved calciner is represented, Figs. 49, 50,in which A is the
doorway of the calciner house; B, a window in ditto; c, cast iron
hopper through which the ore is fed; and P, three cast iron fluke or
agitator frames built in the masonry of the arch. The revolving table
E, on which is spread the mixture to be calcined, has a slightly conical
surface, and is made of the best firebricks set on end in a cast iron
shell. The lining of the furnace F, in which the calcining table
revolves, should also be built of refractory material. The fireplaces G,
are situated on either side of the furnace, after traversing which, the
products of combustion make their escape by the flue, H, to the
After calcination, the ore passes through the cast iron spout I, into
the chambers J, in which it is deposited. The opening k, beneath
the furnace, is for the purpose of allowing space for working the
worm wheel and pinion communicating motion to the revolving table.
The foot-block, carrying the perpendicular shaft, is supported by the
block of stone L, and the furnace is tightly braced by the girders M.
Fia. 49.
aha det,
(Vertical Section.)
The mixture of mineral and salt is made as intimate as possible,
especially for the mechanical furnaces, since in them the charge is but
little disturbed by the rakes: they are charged with ore and salt by
means of the iron hoppers placed immediately over the centre of each
of the hearths. For the supply of the hopper a heap of about fourteen
quintals of ore, with from five to six per cent. of salt, is, from time
to time, prepared upon the platform on the top of the furnace, and a
few shovelfuls thrown in occasionally, as required; taking care, how-
ever, always to have enough in the hoppers to prevent the escape of
acid vapours through them from the furnace. The time during which
the mineral remains in the apparatus, and the quantity calcined per
hour, must necessarily depend on the rapidity of motion given to the
revolving hearth, and the angle at which the iron stirrers are fixed.
The average amount passed through each furnace in twenty-four hours
is about eighty-four quintals, or three and a half quintals per hour; or
for every revolution of the bed, nearly one quintal is discharged from
the furnace. Compared with the German roasting furnace, the me-
chanical furnaces are found less efticient for the treatment of rich
Fig. 50.
(Horizontal Section.)
ores; particularly when they are charged damp and contain much
sulphur, in which case the excessive production of lumps becomes a
serious inconvenience. But in the treatment of the class usually
brought to the works, they possess the advantage of calcining a larger
quantity in a given time, and they require no further attendance than is
necessary for supplying them with ore and fuel. ‘The management of
the fires is also a matter of importance, since should they be forgotten,
and the heat become lowered, the mineral, from continuing to pass at
the same rate through the furnace, cannot be properly calcined ; and in
order to raise the temperature, after having been neglected, the work-
men sometimes charge the grate with fuel to such an extent as to
overheat the ore.
Of the three hand furnaces Constante one is very old, and
only employed for drying salt before grinding, and for calcining
sweepings, and other refuse matters, containing silver. The other two
are similar in form to those of Freiberg, and are worked in much the
same manner. They are chiefly employed for the calcination of
such ores as contain 9 oz. and upwards per quintal. A charge for
these furnaces weighs about 540 Ibs., and consists of about 496 lbs.
of dry ore, 40 lbs. salt, and 5 Ibs. moisture. A smaller proportion
of salt may be employed in the calcination of very poor ores, but
it is seldom less than six per cent.; for the richer minerals it is
necessary to add a larger proportion of salt, frequently as much as
15 per cent. When a charge is introduced into the furnace, it is
evenly spread over the surface of the hearth by means of an iron rake,
and for the space of half an hour scarcely any fuel is thrown on the
erate, whilst the mineral is constantly stirred, in order to evaporate
the moisture and to prevent the formation of lumps. ‘The fire is then
gradually increased, and the ore, which by degrees becomes so heated
that the sulphurous matters enter into ignition, is stirred uninter-
ruptedly with the rake, so as to expose continual fresh surfaces to the
action of the air. The charge is likewise turned, in order to, from
time to time, equally expose every part to the action of the fire. After
the lapse of about two hours the mineral has become fully heated,
when the fire may be left to burn down for about an hour. - It is then
again urged for nearly three quarters of an hour longer, so as to cause
the sulphates produced by the oxidation of metallic sulphides to react
on the salt, which, in the presence of metallic oxides, evolves chlorine,
which combines with the silver and other metals present. The whole
operation, from the introduction to the withdrawal of the charge,
occupies four hours, during which time from 140 to 160 lbs. of wood
are consumed. The metallic sulphides, contained in the rich ores
operated on in the furnaces, do not amount to more than from 9 to 10
per cent., whilst in the poorer ores the proportion is often con-
siderably less.
Sulphide of iron is a necessary ingredient in silver ores to be sub-
mitted to this process of amalgamation, and during the roasting process
is oxidised and partially converted into sulphate which, reacting on the
salt, evolves the gases necessary for converting the silver into chloride.
The proportion of sulphide of iron requisite for this purpose appears
to be variable as regards different ores. At Freiberg at least 20 per
cent. was considered indispensable, whereas at Constante good results
have been repeatedly obtained with only 8 per cent. even when
operating on rich minerals. The silver ores of that neighbourhood
are but little accompanied by sulphides, and arsenides of other
metals, and the pyrites found is very poor in silver and easily oxidis-
able. The comparative purity of these minerals may account for their
ready calcination, for in the case of ores containing large proportions
of sulphides, arsenides, &c., a great excess of chlorine is required for
the purpose of effecting their complete decompostion.
In the hand furnace, as much as 14 per cent. of salt was formerly
added, but with ores containing 9 oz. of silver per quintal 6 per
cent, has sometimes been found sufficient. Separating the richer from
the poorer ores, and treating them apart, has been found very advan-
tageous here, as well as at Freiberg. The calcination of the ores with
salt is the most important of the operations connected with this
process of amalgamation, as on it, in a great measure, depends the
nature of the results obtained from the barrels; since, in whatever way
the operation may be conducted, the silver extracted will be com-
mensurate with the amount of chloride formed in the furnace, The
success of the calcination is, therefore, judged of by the proportion of
chloride of silver contained in the roasted ore. This is ascertained
at Constante by digesting for some hours a small weighed portion
of the roasted mineral with warm dilute ammonia; it is then thrown
on a filter, the residue well washed, and finally dried and assayed for
silver. It is obvious that the weight of this metal obtained indicates
the quantity remaining uncombined with chlorine. Another method,
in some respects preferable to the process with ammonia, is to treat
the roasted mineral with a strong solution of common salt. For this
purpose a few grammes of the calcined ore, just as it is drawn from
the furnace, are thrown on a filter upon which is poured a hot
saturated solution of salt, until the liquor, which filters through, no
longer affords a white precipitate of chloride of silver on being largely
diluted with cold water. The residual ore is then dried and assayed
for silver, as in the former case. It has been suggested that the crude
mineral, which is at present sifted through an eight or ten-hole sieve,
would be better if ground a little finer, but a certain degree of coarseness
is necessary in order that the oxygen of the air and the gases evolved
in the process of calcination with salt may become freely diffused
throughout the charge. Ifthe mineral be very finely ground previous
to calcining, the porosity of the charge is greatly diminished, and
consequently the calcination is found to proceed more slowly ; besides
which the formation of lumps is thereby facilitated.
Fia. 51.
HorizontaL Miuzs.
Sifting and Grinding Roasted Ores.—The calcined ores before being
submitted to amalgamation in the barrels are first sifted through a
circular sieve of sixty holes to the linear inch, and the portion which
does not pass through is then very finely ground, in order that every
particle of silver which it contains may be exposed to the action of .
mercury ; the portion passing through the sieve, amounting to 40 per
cent, is taken directly to the barrels for amalgamation. The coarser
portion of the ore, which is allowed to accumulate in the furnace-
house, is, when required, removed and passed between a pair of
cylinder mills from which it falls into a revolving sieve of sixty holes
to the linear inch; the coarser ore escaping from this sieve is then raised
by an elevator, and dropped into the hopper of a second pair of
smooth cylinders, from whence the mineral falls into another sieve of
the same degree of fineness as the first. The hard coarse particles,
which refuse to go through this second sieve, are finally cround in
horizontal mills of French burr stones. The arrangement of four of
these mills, of which there are eight in the establishment, is repre-
sented, Fig. 51, in which one pair of stones is shown in section.
Into the circular hopper A is introduced the stuff to be cround; BB are
small pipes of sheet iron for delivering the stuff between the surfaces
of the runner ¢, and the bedstone c’; D casing enclosing the runner
into which the ground material is delivered; E hole in centre of
runner; F driving shaft with continuation G for belt pulley; HH’
regulating screws for elevating the runners C ; J driving wheel; K crown
wheel; L wheel giving motion to pinions MM’; N vertical shaft for
driving supplementary apparatus. Four pairs of stones are driven by
the wheel L. The surface of the runner is parallel with the bedstone from
the periphery to within one-third of its diameter ; the line of the lower
face of the runner then feathers upwards in order to receive the feed.
The following particulars afford sundry details relative to this
apparatus :—
Diameter of stones. . . . . - - 4ft. 2 inches.
Thickness of bedstone. . . . . ~ 12 inches.
” fuppor sole? oS Sepsis
Gauge of stuff in hopper, about. . . 100 holes to square inch.
z Ae OU GAULVEIY fo fog frucy gar 2 > i
Number of revolutions . . . . ~. 100 per minute.
Quantity of stuff ground per 10 hours. 1 ton per pair of stones.
Horse-power employed, about . . . 5 fe Z
Revolutions of sizing sieves . . . . 28 per minute.
Diameter 7 Ss oe or oO. AnehOS.
Length 7 r, yoke we LOO ks
No. of holes per sq. inch in sizing sieve 3,600.
‘haracter of runner . . . . . ~ French burr.
‘5 bedstone . , . . . Sompact quartz, moderately hard.
Duration ofrunner. . |... % + Average, 18'weeks.
e Peuskhoue a. TS ee 5 2D ths
When dressed’: 2 oa ab ved» Ae Every third: day.
In place of fine sifting and carrying the remainder of the cal-
cined ore directly to the mills, and there crushing and grinding the
whole to a fine powder, it might be desirable to first remove the hard
lumps of ore, which are always produced in the operation of roasting,
by passing the mineral through a sieve of about the same fineness as
that employed in the mills for grinding the crude ores.
The lumps, which would be separated from the calcined mineral
by the sieve above mentioned, are found to contain a considerable
proportion of silver not converted into chloride, which is owing to the
circumstance of these lumps being chiefly formed at the commence-
ment of the operation, so that the inner portions escape the action
of the gases evolved at a later period. These lumps should, therefore,
_ be crushed, and submitted to a second roasting, either alone or mixed
with the ordinary charges of crude ore. In the hand furnaces a much
smaller proportion of lumps is produced than in the mechanical ones,
owing to the constant stirring to which the mineral is subjected in
the former, | |
Amalgamation—The total number of barrels employed is sixty,
each being, internally, three feet four inches long, and two feet six
inches in diameter. The barrel department is divided into three sec-
tions :—No. 1, contains twelve barrels; No. 2, contains twenty-four
barrels ; and No, 3, twenty-four barrels. All of them can be driven by
water power ; those of Nos. 1 and 3 can likewise be worked by steam.
The barrels are placed at a height of about twelve feet from the
ground-floor. Immediately over them, and projecting through the
floor above, are fixed iron hoppers for receiving the mineral to be
amalgamated, which is introduced into the barrels by means of leathern
hose, with which the whole of the hoppers are provided. The average
weight of a charge for each barrel is thirteen quintals; but the hop-
pers are capable of holding a still larger amount. These latter are
charged by gangs of men, each of whom carries a sack of mineral,
weighing about a quintal. In the barrel-house No. 3 a railway is laid
down between the hoppers, by means of which they can be regularly
and quickly filled with the requisite quantity of ore. The internal
shape of the barrels is, when new, cylindrical; but, after being in use
for some time, their dimensions are increased by the wearing away of
the inside, near the middle.*
* In the amalgamation works of Nevada the barrels are made of 2-inch planks,
and internally lined with 4-inch blocks of pine, similar to an internal wooden pave-
ment. These blocks are so arranged as to cause the wear to take place across the
The amount of water introduced into each barrel varies with the
nature of the ore, but the usual quantity is about 320 lbs.; and. the
iron contained in each amounts to 100 or 150 lbs. Considerable wear
and tear of the barrels is caused by using large scrap iron of every
kind for this purpose; and its action is less effective than would be
the case with iron in smaller pieces.
The charge of ore and water having been introduced, the barrels
are set in motion, and made to revolve at the rate of from eight to ten
revolutions per minute during two and a half hours, in order that the
ore, water, and pieces of iron may become completely incorporated.
They are then stopped, and the state of the pasty mass examined. If
this be too soft, or too stiff, more mineral, or additional water, is
added, as the case may require. Should the paste be found of the
right consistency—that is, just sufficiently stiff to allow of being
formed into a ballin the hand—the mercury is poured in; the weight
of that metal introduced being four quintals to each barrel. The loss
of quicksilver is rather diminished than augmented by employing
large quantities, since its fluidity is less affected by its combination
with silver. After the introduction of mercury, the barrels are driven
at the rate of from eighteen to twenty turns per minute, for a space of
sixteen and a half hours, at the end of which time the amalgamation
is considered to be accomplished. The barrels are now filled with
water, for the purpose of rendering the paste liquid, and collecting the
globules of argentiferous mercury into one mass for drawing off, and
kept slowly revolving during a further space of two hours. In dis- —
charging the barrels, the mercury is first drawn off into the trough
fixed beneath each row of casks, and thence conducted to an iron
vessel, in which is collected the quicksilver run off from all the
barrels; and any earthy matters which may escape with the mercury
are carefully cleaned off the surface with flannel cloths. The fluid
metal is subsequently run into canvas bags, which retain the solid
amalgam, whilst the more liquid mercury filters through, and is re-
ceived into an iron tank, situated beneath. During this operation,
which lasts upwards of an hour, the barrels are continued in motion ;
because the whole of the residues having to pass through the vessel
in which the quicksilver is collected, before they can arrive at the
washing vats, cannot safely be discharged until the mercury has been
run into the filters.
grain, and whenever a lining has become worn out, it can be readily replaced ; the
adoption of this form of construction has resulted in a considerable economy.
The process of amalgamation includes three operations :—
1. The barrels are charged with ore, water, and iron (without any
mercury), and made to revolve, at the rate of ten turns per minute, for
two hours, or until the mixture has become thoroughly incorporated,
and is of the consistency of thick paste. This being accomplished,
the mercury is introduced.
2. The casks are immediately afterwards put in more rapid motion,
viz. eighteen to twenty turns per minute, and continued at this speed
for about sixteen and a half hours; at the end of which period the
complete amalgamation of the silver is supposed to have been
3. In order to collect the argentiferous mercury into a mass for
drawing off, it is necessary to reduce the consistency of the paste
contained in the barrels. For this purpose they are filled with
water, and driven slowly, at eight or ten turns per minute, for the
space of two or two and a half hours. The amalgam is then dis-
charged, and subsequently the residues; the barrels are discharged
every twenty-four hours. The average richness of the ores treated
may be taken at about 43 oz. per quintal.
Treatment of Amalgam.—tThe solid amalgam collected in the canvas
bags above mentioned is treated in a very simple form of distilling
apparatus, for the purpose of separating the mercury from the silver.
The amalgam to be distilled is moulded into a cylindrical form upon
an iron tripod supporting a perforated disc, depending from which,
and fixed in brickwork, is an iron tube, dipping into a vessel of water
placed beneath. Over the cylinder-shaped pile of amalgam is placed
either a copper or cast iron bell, and perfect contact with the plate is
ensured by carefully luting the joint. A circle is then made with
loose bricks, raised around the bell at a short distance from it, and
the space between filled with charcoal. The heat afforded by its
combustion volatilises the mercury, which is quickly condensed and
is collected in the cold water supplied to the cistern beneath. About
2,000 lbs. weight of amalgam are usually operated on at a time, nearly
forty-eight hours being required to complete the distillation ; and as
many as forty sacks, weighing, in the aggregate, eighty arrobas, of
charcoal are consumed during the operation.*
As may be supposed from the form of the apparatus, a portion of
amalgam fuses, and falls into the cistern below; which, however, may
* This apparatus is merely a modification of the Mexican capellina.
be readily separated by filtration from the fluid mercury. This gene-
rally amounts to 60 or 801bs. in weight. The quantity of crude
silver yielded by. 2,000 lbs. of amalgam is generally about 290 Ibs.,
or 144 per cent. of the amalgam operated on. This silver has a
brownish-white colour, is exceedingly porous, and may be readily
broken in pieces under the hammer.
Melting and Refining—The porous silver obtained from the distil-
lation of amalgam is melted, at Constante, in a species of cupola,
ealled a cras. When the metal is uncontaminated by impurities
which impair the malleability of the resulting bars, the cras may
still be employed for melting it, although a loss of silver must result
from exposing it, at so high a temperature, to the action of a powerful
blast. But when, as is most frequently the case in amalgamation
works, the silver to be melted contains matters which impair its mal-
leability, the removal of these is readily effected by this apparatus.
The amount of impurities required to impart the property of brittle-
ness to fused silver is, nevertheless, very small, and chiefly consists
of lead, sulphur, antimony, and iron. ‘These bodies may be readily
got rid of by cupellation with lead, an operation, however, which,
for this purpose, is attended with considerable trouble and expense.
Melting the silver in black-lead crucibles appears to be, therefore,
preferable. It may be thus puritied by repeated additions of powdered
charcoal, skimming and stirring, and be finally obtained in a perfectly
malleable state. Instead of employing black-lead crucibles, large
iron pots, capable of melting from 500 to 600 marks at a time,
were used at Freiberg, and found to answer very satisfactorily.
By fusion in large wrought iron crucibles, the silver may be ob-
tained free from all impurities impairing its malleability, and ren-
dering it unfit for the coining press.
Treatment of Residues—The residues, on being discharged from
the barrels, are conducted into large vats, in which revolve upright
stirrers, fixed on four radial iron arms. The mud is retained in these
vats for several hours, and kept in continual movement by the stirrers ;
in order that the particles of amalgam, disseminated in the residual
matters, may subside to the bottom, and be afterwards collected, a
constant stream of water flows into the vats during the whole time ot
washing. On being discharged from the vats, the mud flows directly
into the river, in the bed of which it accumulates until it is carried
off by a freshet.
Cost of working Mechanical Furnaces—
Wood for each furnace per week «© «+ eos 940 rs.*
Salt, 6 per cent. 3,528 lbs. at 14 rs. per quintal . 494
Sut WOOD ee es a mle oo Geena 19
Labour foreach furnace =f. 7. 3° 4 oe os 184
Rs. 1,637
Ore calcined per week, 588 quintals in each furnace ; 1637-588 =2'8 rs. per
Hand Furnaces—
Each furnace calcines 210 quintals of rich ore per week.
consumes 294 arrobas wood . . . . - 294018.
12 per cent. salt=2,520lbs, . 353°0
” bi)
”? ” ?
TARR et nae a
Rs. 889°6
8896-210 =4'23 rs. per quintal.
Hence cost of calcining in mechanical furnaces is . . 2°8 rs. per quintal.
” he) ”? hand ”? yh 4°23 ? ”?
Average cost of roasting, 3°2 rs.
Section of 24 Barrels—
Wear and tear. . . ss « ay) al Se. a nee 800 rs.
Tron consumed, 5 Aa ded Fae s + tae
Mercury, reckoning the loss at 53 02. talae wlio of silver,
or 454 Ibs. at b°62 rs. | oo. . ee
Labour bck aniaet oie ae eee 1,157
Rs. 4,628
Ore amalgamated per week by 24 barrels,
9,352 quintals ; 4,628 2,352=1° 96 rs.
Taeidentala) 27) AR ea See re
Cost of amalgamating 2°00 rs. per quintal.
Cost of crushing, er Quimtal, soc.6: goo tee 0'95rs.
zs calcining ® oy eee eae ase aan ea 3°20
2 amalgamating ,, ies 2°00
aS distilling amalgam, aie ining siti — pare 0°80
Sundry labour and materials... + + + e+ + 3°00
Total, exclusive of salaries, &. . . Rs. 9°95
or about 45s. 6d. per ton for ores containing on an average 44 oz, of silver per
* ‘Reals Vellon = 25d.
The quantity of ore which 60 barrels will reduce per week is 5,880 quintals.
Weight of mineral which all the furnaces will calcine in the
eo wiiee eee. ng = . -Ky feel Bl. 4,058 i;
Pete eee MeChamiCn LANNaCes: 8. fe ie! aur ei, sete 4 8,528 >
Three Hand Pe eh cuca MY. E ion. 05. De0 *
These works have consequently the means of reducing upwards of
1,800 quintals of mineral per week more than the present number of
furnaces can, when in full work, calcine. Forty barrels would therefore
be apparently sufficient to amalgamate all the mineral that can be
roasted, but, as the supply of water is irregular, it is advantageous to
have extra barrels, so that whilst the calcination is carried on without
interruption, the ore accumulated during the dry season may be
readily reduced when the supply of water is plentiful.
Notes relative to cost, dc. at Constante :—
Cost of firewood per 100 lbs., 10d.
» mercury per lb., 1s. 2d. including carriage.
oe elt pe ba oes. -
Average cost of carriage of ore from mines to work, about 3s. per ton.
Cost of ordinary labour per diem, 1s.
Kstimated loss of mercury per mark of silver, 54 oz.
: », Silver per cent. on assay produce, about 12.
The length of time a wooden barrel will last in regular work, 6 months.
Miller’s wages at horizontal mills, 93d. per ton of ore ground ; cost, including
wear and tear, 2s. 3d. per ton. ;
At Miner's crushing mill, usual cost, including labourers and wear and tear,
about 33d. per ton.
The sifting of the calcined ore is done by contract at the rate of 2d. per quintal
of fine powder. This fine powder usually amounts to 35 or 40 per cent. of the
calcined mineral.
Velasco hacienda, reducing. . . . . . . 107,700 cargas yearly.
Sanchez a 3 fe Pe Nit. 28 48.550 r
St. Miguel ,, Cahn tha ak. 49-806 :
Total reduced in the three haciendas . . 205,850 cargas yearly.
The mean assay of the ore thus reduced was 13°0 marks per monton.
EMEP AT TOUUCOs oof se kk ls, VES " .
Mean loss’ . . . ~. ~~ 1°7, or 13 per cent,
The mean reduction cost in the three works was as follows :-—
* Furnished by Mr. Buchan.
Gc. G
Grinding by wet stamps . . . . . 2°20 dollars per monton.
Drying, sifting, and roasting . . . . 2°75 ,, - .
Amalgamation in barrels’ .- 2... VIO, 4
General expenses of management. . . 1°20 ,, me
Repairs to furnaces and machinery . . 1°55 ,, ;
Total. =. $8"80
Fuel (wood, 21 quintals per monton) . 3°70 ,, a
Salt (2 quintals per monton) . . . . 830 ,, ‘3
Quicksilver (4°7 oz. per mark of silver) . 2°80
Total per monton . $23°60
To this must be added, for auxiliary steam-power, Sanchez $2
% s Velasco $3
Nevapa.— Drying the Ores.—The ore is first dried on a kiln com-
posed of twenty parallel flues 12 in. x 12 in., covered by cast iron
plates, half an inch in thickness.
Crushing.—The rock is stamped dry, in batteries with four dis-
charges in each coffer, through brass wire screens of 1,600 holes to the
square inch.
Roasting—It is then roasted, 1,300 lbs. at a charge, in rever-
beratory furnaces 8 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. in the hearth; salt is added from
twenty minutes to an hour and a half after the furnace 1s first charged.
The time required to roast a charge varies from 4} to 6 hours; about
43 hours is the average time necessary for second class ores, and the
usual quantity of salt added is 5} per cent. One hour before the
charge is drawn, from 14 to 8 per cent. of carbonate of lime is added
in order to decompose a portion of the sulphates and chlorides of
copper, zinc, &c., to prevent loss of quicksilver during the amalgama-
tion, and also to produce an amalgam of greater purity. The ore when
in the furnace is continually stirred, and is turned three times
during the roasting: 1stly, two hours after the furnace is charged ;
2ndly, before the limestone is added; and, 3rdly, when the limestone
has been in about 35 minutes. Mr. G. Attwood, the former manager
of these works, states that he found, that by a careful addition of lime-
stone all the chlorides and sulphates of copper, &c. in excess, can be
decomposed. *> | |
Sereening—The roasted ore is put through a bolt with a screen of
1,600 holes to the square inch, and then elevated to the barrels.
Amalgamation.—The barrels are charged with one ton of ore, and
run with water and 450 lbs. of iron during three hours. It is found
that with a large amount of iron in the barrels, upwards of 4 per cent.
more silver is obtained than with the usual quantity, of 10 per cent.,
of that metal.
From 350 to 400 lbs. of mercury are now added, and the barrels
allowed to run, at twelve revolutions per minute, during 12 or 13
hours, when they are filled up with water and drawn off, after being
again run for two hours.
The amalgam obtained is strained through a stout canvas conical
bag, and the tailings washed in a settler 15 ft. in diameter, passing
from thence through a series of sluice boxes into a flume about 600 ft.
long and four feet wide provided with riffles.
The amalgam yields about one-sixth of its weight of bullion,
averaging 650 parts of silver in a thousand; the most impure samples
assay about 375, and the best 992 thousandths.
Distillation —The amalgam is distilled in circular retorts 44 ft. long
and 10 in. in diameter, set on an arch of brickwork, with three
dampers to direct the flame towards any part where the heat may be
Returns from Ophir Ores, worked at the Ophir Company's Reduction Works,
Nevada, for the Months of June, July, August, September, and October, 1865.*
Quantity. Class. - Total Value.
tons. lbs.
1,998 1,160 3rd $1.21,512°71
101 940 Ist 49,450°51
2,100 100 $170,963'°22 $81°41 Average per Ton.
Returned 130 bars ; weight
11,732 lbs. Valued at . $158,774°20 $75°60 Return obtained.
TOBE ole k y's ap oe eel Oas02 7°12 per cent.
Total loss of Orickeilver 2, 176 lbs., or 2°96 oz. to each lb. of Bullion.
Returns from Ores extracted from Mexican Mine, Virginia City, and Empire Mine,
Gold Hill, worked at the Mexican Company’s Mill, at Empire City, in July
and Hots 1865.
x REE ; Value in Gold. PerTon. Valuein Silver. Per Ton.
ons. 5.
137 1,525 $7,585°17 $5506 $12,753°80 $92°58
Bullion produced . . $6,237'°21 $45°27 $12,225°64 $88°74
; Produce of Gold . . . . . . . 82°25 per cent.
A Silvers a. 95°82 Wecaies:
Wale OF OTG4 c.- vita: ee 2 _ $20, 338: 97 = $147°64 per ton.
» » Bullion . . . . . $18,462'85=$134:02 ,, ,,
Produce. ... . . 90°74 per cent.
* Communicated by Mr. G. Attwood.
388 . SILVER.
Experiments made by Mr. G. Attwood in order to determine the loss experrenced
on the precious metals in the operations of roasting and amalgamation of Com-
stock Ores.
One thousand pounds of Black “base metal” ore, from the Ophir North Mine,
roasted for 44 hours with 5°50 per cent. of salt, and 2°50 per cent. of limestone, |
weighed 1,080 lbs. It lost 4°99 per cent. in ae and the mixture gained 3 Ibs. in
Assay value, silver . . . . . « . 43°43
. so REORGD. Mirae atten, % 53 .
Total 1,000 Ibs., roasted 5} hours with 7 per cent. salt, and 6 per cent.
limestone, weighed 1,123 ihe: lost 6 72 per cent. in value, and 7 lbs. in weight.
Twenty-one tons of the same ore, after being roasted, assayed
Silver, perton « . . . ‘$99°97
Gold D beteaer er 92:80
$192°77 =$4,048'17 value of parcel.
Value of bullion returned . . . $3,915°57
Loss in amalgamation 3°27 per cent.
The loss experienced during barrel amalgamation is, however,
generally greater than the above, as the samples were in this case
taken out of the barrels before being drawn off, the amalgam washed
out by hand, and the residue dried and assayed. The average loss
on working the ores from the Comstock vein in barrels is 13°50 per
cent. Ophir ores work better than Savage, Chollar Potosi, &e.
Composition of Ores——The following analyses of ores from the
Ophir Mine will serve to show the character of the rock usually
treated at the different mills in the vicinity of Virginia City.
1st Class. 2nd Class. 8rd Class.
Gangue. . 63°38 80°70 95°75
STLVEr Ue ats 2°78 0°89 0°10
Golde os. i 0°05 0°03 0°00
Lead *2 723 4°15 4°04 0°40
Sulphur. 7°95 3°05 1:04
TANG Foss 14°45 551 0°48 .
Copper. ._ 1°59 1:43 0°30
TOR Gr Sayre 5°46 3°46 1°55
Antimony . 0°08 trace. trace.
99°89 99°11 99°62
The analysis of an outside chip of a bar of bullion, obtained by
barrel amalgamation, from the ores of the Comstock vein, gave the
following results :—
Come ee. lw ce SD 5B
Cipetewuar ay: . we) oe ADI
Pen Gmee ee e ee er 8 ee Be oo OL
GER es es os Pe LOE
RO: se. Ape ws ye OO
eC ee ee ee Pl?
Tota to 98s eo oe
Assay of samples from flues of Roasting Furnaces at the Ophir Reduction Works,
August 5th, 1864.
No. 1 contained Lead 28°02 per cent.
= 5 Silver, per ton 60°l40z. . .$ 78°18
3 - Gold ns Pale. oe! 2b Uk
Value . ._.$103°19
No. 2 contained Lead 24°66 per cent.
. sf silver, perton ... . « .$122°80
” ” Gold Pp sthr rey ind © ery = OOO
Value . . . $185°43
WORKS, 1865.
Labour, of every description, perton . . . .$ 9°50
Wood, at $5 percord . . ap teen = Gren)
Salt, 4 per cent. at 3 cents. gee Ib. Conavnee bt ig oad?
Quicksilver, 1 lb. at 64 cents... irene 0°64
Shoes, Screens, Shovels, Belts, Tools, eon Aen a
Castings, Seno Tron, limber ees etsy ote alt ie OOo
Charcoal, Assay office Expenses cc. ae on meee tO
Total . . . $2014
These ores assayed about $80-00 per ton. Ores assaying over that
yield cost from $20:14 to $27 per ton, according to the amount of
salt required, quicksilver consumed, and lime employed in furnaces.
Each furnace requires four men, two on each shift, as the charge
is constantly stirred, and about a cord of wood is burnt in 24 hours.*
The usual charge, for $80 ore, is about 1,300 lbs. which is roasted
during 44 hours.
The chief cost of the barrel process is roasting, labour, and dry
stamping. The cost of amalgamation is only about $3 per ton.
The cost of labour in Nevada may be taken at $4 per diem.
* The roasting is conducted in furnaces entirely constructed of ordinary red
£ y
SHORTLY after the discovery of silver mines in Nevada it became
evident, that owing to the prevailing high prices of labour, fire-
wood, and other materials, none of the processes employed in other
countries for the reduction of silver ores, could be rendered available
in that locality for the treatment of rock assaying from $20 to $80
per ton: it, consequently became necessary to have recourse to some
method of operating which would dispense with roasting, as practised
in the ordinary barrel process, on the one hand; and the frequent
manipulation, and great expenditure of time involved in working
by the patio, on the other; and to endeavour, by the introduction
of direct amalgamation, to work the poorer description of ores at
a profit. Many deposits of ore of extraordinary richness have been
discovered in the Comstock vein, and the ores from these it has been
generally found most profitable either to ship to England, or to work
by the barrel process. Amongst such ores may be instanced a lot of
80 tons, shipped from the California claim, which yielded on an
average $2,200 per ton. But the main deposits vary in assay from
$35 to $70 per ton, and it is the treatment of these ores which
furnishes the largest proportion of the silver obtained from the
The silver ores of Nevada are worked but to a limited extent in
reduction works belonging to the mines themselves, but more com-
monly on what is termed “custom work” at a fixed price per ton of
ore of 2,000 lbs. The price charged varies according to whether or
not a percentage amount of the assay value of the ore be guaranteed.
If the ore be worked without guarantee, it is the interest of the mill-
owner to pass as large a quantity as possible through the mill, con-
sistently with the maintenance of a respectable character for the
quality of the work done, since at any time when the supply of ore
from the mines may slacken, an opportunity arises for working over
the tailings, which always remain the property of the mill. As at the
first working of the mines the mill power was insufficient for working
the ore as rapidly as it was raised, its produce was only roughly
estimated, and consequently not unfrequently overvalued, but a more
satisfactory method is now generally adopted in the district. As soon
as the ore is brought out of -the mine it is deposited on the pile or
floors in parcels of from two to three hundred tons, every tenth
waggon-load being reserved for dry stamping, so as to allow of careful
sampling. The crushed ore is forwarded with the parcel to which it
belongs, a small charge being made for crushing. The small sample
retained by the mine is assayed, and from it the gross assay value of
the whole parcel is determined, and the charges by the mine against
the mill made accordingly.
Ores at the mines are usually assorted into three classes, The first
consists of those whose assay value is over $90 per ton of 2,000 lbs.
As these contain but a small proportion of free silver, or silver in the
metallic state, but have in their composition a considerable amount of
sulphur, in combination with “rebellious metals,” such as antimony,
zine, lead, copper, and iron, they are reserved for treatment by cal-
cination and subsequent reduction in barrels by the Freiberg process.
The second class consists of ores of the assay value of from $40
to $90 per ton. The third class ranges from $20 to $40 per ton ; the
second and third classes are worked by the pan process. These ores
usually contain, in value, about one-third gold to two-thirds silver.
Ores of the first class are crushed by dry stamping, those of the second
and third are crushed wet. The ores are prepared for stamping by
being crushed into fragments of about a pound in weight by Blake's
Stanvping.—For wet crushing, stamps are used of from seven to nine
hundred pounds per head, including the stem, and are driven at the
rate of seventy blows per minute. They are fed by an attendant
whose duty it is to regulate the supply of ore, water, and quicksilver,
when that metal is used in the battery for amalgamating the free gold
present. Amalgamation in the battery requires careful attention,
principally to avoid the too rapid addition of quicksilver, which
should be supplied in very small quantities only.
To amalgamate the free gold in a battery, the quantity of quick-
silver to be used is about one ounce weight to each ounce of gold
present ; this is sufficient to collect the gold and form a dry amalgam.
If, therefore, a mill will stamp 24 tons of ore in 24 hours, and the ore
contains an ounce of gold per ton, it will be necessary to put into the
battery an ounce of quicksilver every hour. When, in addition to
gold, the rock under treatment contains metallic silver, the amount of
mercury added must be proportionately increased. More than 80
per cent. of the assay value of the gold in the ore may, by careful
manipulation, be thus obtained. The gold amalgam accumulates in
the corners and crevices of the battery box, between the dies, on the
breast of the mortar, over which the crushed ore is washed into the
settling cisterns, and is even found in considerable quantities adhering
to the shoulders of the stamp shoes. The amalgam thus obtained is
very hard and heavy, and is commonly so rich in gold, as to be worth
as much as ten dollars per ounce. The crushed ore is taken off from
the mortar by a supply of water, equal to the run of a three-quarter
inch pipe to each set of five stamps, through screens in the back and
front of the box. These screens are made of thin Russian iron
perforated with holes punched by sewing-needles, with the points cut
off, and set in dies as closely as consistent with the maintenance of
sufficient strength to bear the necessary concussion, The needles
employed are usually those known as Nos. 5 and 6,
Settlers —The troughs by which the crushed ore is conveyed to the
settlers are provided with gates or stops in order to allow of the suc-
cessive filling and emptying of the different tanks. These are made
of wood usually about ten feet in length by eight in width, and three
feet in depth. Here the ore is allowed to settle, and the water is run
from tank to tank, and not allowed finally to escape until it has
become tolerably clear.
As the water flowing from the settlers still contains much fine
clayey matter, it is led off into one of a series of tanks which are
successively filled, and after being again allowed to settle, the clear
water is run off. This setthng is much expedited by the use of
two or three ounces of alum to each thousand gallons of water
contained in the tank. It must be added in solution to each cistern
of foul water, as soon as it has become filled, and sufficient time
must be allowed for settling before the clear water is discharged.
When the cistern is sufficiently full of mud it is run off, and the
tailings dried for further treatment. Ores of the assay value of
$80 per ton produce tailings of the value of $100 per ton, and in
1 aaa
such quantities as-to be equal to 20 per cent. of the total assay value
of the ore.
Of the amalgamating pans employed in the reduction works of
Nevada, it may be said that their modifications are almost endless.
Much ingenuity has been expended on many of them, but the best
are those of Varney and Wheeler, and that of Hepburn and Peterson.
These makers have, however, all obtained patent rights, and supply
their various amalgamators to the different reduction establishments
at a fixed price; which includes the necessary licence for using them.
Common Pan.—There is, however, a more simple form of apparatus
usually known as the common pan, with which results can, by careful
working, be obtained almost as good as from those of the above makers.
The common pan, Figs. 52 and 53, is a round wooden or cast iron
Fia. 52.
Common Pan.
(Vertical Section.)
tub, 6 feet in diameter, and about 2 feet in depth, with a flat bottom.
A false bottom of 14 inch iron is inserted into this, and a hollow
pillar in the centre admits the passage of an upright shaft, which is
generally worked by gearing, beneath the pan, capable of communi-
cating to it from 15 to 20 revolutions per minute. To the wooden
arms a are attached the blocks 0, also of wood, to which are fastened
the iron shoes ¢, by means of the bolts d, passing up through the arms.
Fach shoe has also an iron pin, about an inch in length, which fits
into the wooden block and keeps the iron facing steadily in its place.
394 | SILVER.
On the shaft f/, passing through the central pillar /’, is the yoke g,
which, being fitted with a sliding key, can be raised by means of the
screw / ; and the ends of the yoke itself being attached to the wooden
cross arms, the mullers will be raised at the sametime. This arrange-
ment for raising the mullers is not, however, very important, since
they are usually allowed to grind with their full weight. Steam is
introduced into the pulp by the pipe 2, the discharge being effected by
means of the apertures J. The false bottom is made one inch less in
Fre, 53;
Common Pan.
diameter than the bottom of the pan itself, and has an aperture in the
centre an inch larger in diameter than the base of the pillar, in which the
vertical shaft works. To fasten the bottom in its place, and prevent the
mercury from finding its way under it, strips of cloth, about two inches
in width, are lapped around the edge of the false bottom, as well as
applied against the sides of the pan. A little iron cement is then
poured in, and the bottom secured in its place by means of well-dried
wooden wedges tightly driven between the two layers of cloth. These
wedges, which are driven quite close to each other, must be somewhat
shorter than the thickness of the false bottom; thus leaving a space
above them which is subsequently covered with a paste of iron
cement, that is allowed to set before using the apparatus. About
one horse-power is required to work this pan, which will amalgamate
from one and a half to two tons of ore in the course of 24 hours.
Varney’s Pan.—A drawing of this apparatus ‘to scale is given
Plate VII. : fig. 1 is a Vertical Section of this amalgamator ; fig. 2,
a Plan of the parts beneath pan; fig. 3, Elevation of the amalgamator
complete; fig. 4, View of interior of amalgamator ; fig. 9, View of
one-half the lower dies with wood in slots ; fig. 6, View of under side
of one-half of muller with shoes attached ; figs. 7 and 8, Stand for
gear on vertical shaft; and fig. 9, Pillow-block for the driving shaft.
The body of the amalgamator consists of a pan or tub A, figs. 1 and
8 with covers, through which is an opening for the introduction of
the pulp to be ground and amalgamated. The pan is supported on
suitable framework, shown in fig. 2. From the centre of the pan and
extending from its bottom, to which it is cast, some distance above the
cover stands the vertical tube D, through the interior of which is a
hole passing vertically through the pan, in order that the shaft C may
work through it. On the bottom of the pan, and secured to it by
bolts ¢, is fixed the lower muller a, consisting of a circular iron plate
having a round hole d in its centre, considerably larger than the base
of the tube D. This die may, if desired, be made in sections.
That portion of the hole through the muller not occupied by the
tube D, is so filled with wood as to present a plain surface from the
tube-to the circumference of the muller. The diameter of this muller
is somewhat less than that of the interior of the pan, by which means
a space a’ is left to be filled with quicksilver. Above the lower muller
is the upper one B, of like general form and size, having twelve shoes
¢, the form and relative positions of which will be understood by sup-
posing a plate of the diameter and thickness of the lower muller
attached to the under side of the upper one, and sawn into twelve
equal parts on lines drawn from the circumference of the plate to the
outside of the tube D. The saw must also be supposed to be held
inclined at an angle of about forty-five degrees, thus forming radial
grooves from the inner to the outer opening.
Each shoe is fastened to the muller by a bolt, or a wrought iron
rivet, cast into the shoe and riveted into a counter-sink on the upper
side of the muller, as shown at /, fig. 1; the bosses and recesses j, keep
the die in its place. In the lower muller are radial slots, similar to
those in the upper one. These slots may be either inclined laterally
or be made vertical. The slots in the lower muller are filled with
wood, so as to grind on its end, in order that it may be kept slightly
worn, in advance of the wear of the die; thus furnishing a cavity for
the admission of pulp between the surfaces, by which the grinding
capacity of the machine is greatly increased.
Over and around the tube D, but not in contact with it, is placed
the larger tube E, exactly perpendicular to the lower face of the upper
muller, and having around its lower extremity the flange v, upon
which rests the ring #, which is cast with, and forms a part of, the
upper muller. This is connected with the muller by means of six
curved arms 2, two pairs of which are much nearer together than the
others, and the space between them is filled by a projection from the
periphery of the flange v, for the purpose of carrying with it the
upper muller when the flange makes a revolution. To the shaft c is
fastened the large tube E by the feather %, and set screws / in the
hub G. The shaft c passes through a Babbet metal bearing at m,
and through the boss F of the driving wheel, in which is a feather
sliding vertically in the shaft. The shaft is stepped, by the ordinary
method, into the vertical sliding box H, which is itself held in the
laterally adjustable box 0.
The step box rests upon an iron bar, one end of which is supported
by a screw bolt w, fig. 4, and the other is held by a bolt and hand
wheel 2, figs. 3 and 4, by which it can be either raised or lowered; —
raising or lowering the upper muller at the same time.
Within the body of the pan are suspended three curved plates 7,
figs. 1 and 4, extending from near the surface of the upper muller
upwards, and stretching in length from the inner side of the pan
around to a point near the outside of the large boss, opposite that
from which they started.
The lower edges of the curved plates are bent inwards, as shown
at s, fig. 4, forming flanges. The inner ends of the curved plates
are secured rigidly to the ring g, of sufficient diameter to surround
and clear the tube E; the whole being suspended by a rod attached to
each plate, passing through the cover and hand wheels J, by which it
may be adjusted. The outer ends of the curved plates slide vertically
in grooves in the projections ¢, cast upon the inner side of the pan.
The operation of this apparatus is as follows: The space a’ about the
periphery of the lower muller is filled with quicksilver, and the pan
yy Se .
Bast in:
é —
Ai rarKae, Lae tle SHoll orTe
J 7 43 Ca
& Om
Ne bery
as SO / We Va
f 2 | = zu x
A ae: pe = = = :
4 LEO 7 . 1 = VL:
Lf ed bi
Fig. 9.
heed hole
A. Pan or tub
B. Cover.
C. Vertical. shatt
D. Central tube.
E. Exterior tubes
F. Boss of drwing wheel.
G. Hub of outer the.
A, Sluding bearing.
J. Hand wheels.
O. Adjustable box.
V. Klange of outer tube.
a. Lower mudtler.
a. Space tor mercury.
6. Upper mictler: °
c. Shoes of
d. Hele in centre of lewer nucller:
e. Bolts SeCurUrg ' «
fF. Bolts securing shoe to upper ,
hk. Ring om upper muller
t. Carved arms of,
hk. Shing hey.
J Lugs toheep shoes in place
tl. Set-screws.
m. Babits Metal bearing.
gq. Ring supporting curved plates.
Curved plates.
8 Flanges of curved plates
(Brackets supporting
wo bulerian of lever:
ax Hand wheel for litting muller
; Newbery & Aleccande; [uh 43, Castle S*Holborn
Ea FN Spon 48 Charing Gross.Lomdoi ,
nearly filled with pulp, of the proper consistency to flow easily; the
shaft C is now made to revolve at a proper speed, from sixty to eighty
revolutions per minute, by which the upper muller is rotated. The
pulp between the mullers, by means of the centrifugal force developed,
is made to pass out through the radial channels between the dies, as
well as between the grinding surfaces of the upper and lower mullers ;
also into and over the quicksilver, thereby causing amalgamation.
The outward motion of the pulp has the effect of keeping the
quicksilver entirely away from the grinding surface, thereby obviating
what has often proved a very serious difficulty—viz. the grinding of
the mercury.
The rotation of the upper muller causes the pulp in the pan to
revolve with it. This current is met by the cuneiform projections and
curved plates, and thereby turned towards the central opening in the
upper muller. The radial slots between the shoes, running from the
central opening to the outward one, allow currents of considerable
size to pass with great velocity ; and the pulp filling these slots, being
continually thrown outwardly, tends to produce a vacuum. By this
the pulp in the body of the pan is set in motion, causing a rapid
and abundant flow downwards at the centre, and upwards along the
inner surface of the pan. The pulp is thus made to circulate, until
complete pulverisation of the quartz and amalgamation of the metals
have taken place.
Wheeler's Pan.—This apparatus, which in size and certain other
respects closely resembles that of Mr. Varney, is represented Fig. 54;
A being the pan, with the dies a, in their several places; whilst B
represents the rotating muller, fitted with its shoes 6, removed from
the pan, and turned bottom upwards. The upper muller is, like that
of the pan last described, driven by means of a hollow cone, which
passes over the central pillar, and is connected with the vertical shaft
by means of a sliding key.
As in the case of the other pans, the distance between the mullers
is regulated by a screw, fitted with a hand wheel. The shoes 6 are
secured to the upper muller, either by bolts and nuts, or more fre-
quently by projections passing through inclined oblong holes in the
rotating plate, to which they are firmly secured by means of wooden
wedges. The dies a are laid on the bottom of the pan, and kept in
their places by the ring ¢ in the centre, and on the sides by the
inclined ledges d, under which their ends are wedged. The dies, like
the shoes, are one inch thick, and bevelled on the edges in the same
398 | ; SILVER.
direction ; so that, when put together, grooves are formed between
them, as shown in the drawing. On the upper side of the outer edge
of the muller are inclined ledges, which, in connexion with those, d,
cast on the pan, create an upward current in the pulp ; whilst euide
plates, somewhat similar to those of the Varney Pan, which slide into
grooves at e, convey it towards the centre. This pan stands on a
cast iron framing, and is driven by mitre wheels from beneath.
Fie, 54.
From the dies and bottom not being cast perfectly true, the grinding
surfaces are often, at first, a little uneven, and consequently the grinding
planes should not at once be brought into too close contact, _
The runner of these pans requires to be lifted at least once a week,
for the purpose of removing the amalgam which accumulates around
the central pillar, and thus prevents the pulp from passing freely be-
tween the grinding surfaces. This pan, like that previously described,
is generally made four feet in diameter at bottom, and requires from
two and a half to three horse-power to work it efficiently. It usually
makes about sixty revolutions per minute.
Hepburn and Peterson's Pan.—This pan differs mainly from the
foregoing, as will be seen by the annexed illustration, Fig. 55, in the
Fig. 55.
Ay tay
‘ ru Ny um
SSS Mati
shape of the bottom, which is inclined towards the centre, or shaped
like an inverted cone. The shoes are bolted to this cone, and the cor-
responding dies fastened to the bottom. When the pulp is thrown
into this apparatus, and the mullers set in motion, that portion of it
which finds its way between the grinding surfaces is thrown towards
the circumference, from whence it again descends by gravitation to
the centre, and passes between the mullers. A constant and active
circulation is thus established without the aid of curves or wings ;
which have sometimes been found an impediment in starting similar
machines, after the sand has become packed from stopping. Under
all ordinary circumstances, however, this or any of the other well-
constructed amalgamating pans may be readily started, without either
400 SILVER. -
removing or thinning down the pulp, by simply elevating the muller,
by means of the screw and movable nut with which they are now
generally provided. The charge for this pan is about 1,400 Ibs. and
the time required for working 1t is from two to four hours, in
accordance with the fineness of its state of division and other
characteristics. When the ore has been sufficiently reduced and
amalgamated, the pulp is, after dilution with water, discharged into
another pan, called a separator, and the amalgamating pan imme-
diately re-charged, without stopping the machine. After the pulp
has been run off into the separator, it is further thinned down with
water to such a consistency as will allow the mercury and amalgam .
to settle, whilst it still retains sufficient plasticity to hold. the coarser
particles of ore im suspension in water. The condition of the pulp
is readily ascertained by placing the hand in it during the process of
separation. If it be in a proper state of dilution, the mercury and
amalgam will gradually precipitate, and at the same time no per-
ceptible difference will be felt in the consistency of the pulp situated
near the bottom and that at the top of the vessel. "When, however,
too large a proportion of water has been added, the coarser particles
will be felt to distinctly separate from the slime, and strike against
the hand when placed near the bottom of the separator. In working
these, or other similar machines, the charges are generally so regu-
lated that only one charge, from the two pans, working in conjunc-
tion with a separator, may be ready to operate on at a time; thus
taking, in each case, one-halt the time for effecting the separation
that is consumed in reducing and amalgamating. Some amalgamators,
however, prefer to occupy the same length of time in effecting the
separation that is required for amalgamation; and in this case the
separators require to be of larger dimensions, or to be more numerous,
since both pans are run off together.
The Hepburn and Peterson Pan is much employed in the reduc-
tion establishments of the Pacific Coast, and, in addition. to being
an excellent amalgamator, is also a good ovinder; but it has the dis-
advantage of requiring the expenditure of from four to five horse-
power for its efficient working. The charge of the Wheeler Pan is
not only less than that of the Hepburn and Peterson Pan, but its
grinding power is also less considerable. This pan usually makes
between fifty and sixty revolutions per minute. .
Separators.—These differ more or less in their details, but generally
consist of a large wooden tub, having a considerably greater diameter
than the pans, and provided with a cast iron bottom. Arms and
mullers are attached to a shaft working through the centre of this
bottom, as explained when describing the construction of the common
pan. In this case, however, the mullers are sometimes made of mere
blocks of hard wood, the object being simply the agitation of the
pulp for the purpose of concentrating at the bottom the quicksilver
and amalgam run off from the pans. The mullers in the separator
are only allowed to make from ten to twelve revolutions per minute.
Working in Pans.—The reduction process simply consists in treat-
ing the pulverised ore in cast iron pans in such a way as to cause
the amalgamation of the gold and silver it contains. The same
principles are to a great extent involved in this process as in the
Mexican patio; but, by intelligent modifications of the treatment, as
much is accomplished by the former in a few hours as can be effected
by the latter in as many weeks. Although the improvement on the
old Mexican process already made has been very great, much yet
remains to be accomplished. In order to the most complete and
perfect separation of the metallic from the earthy constituents of the
ores, it is first necessary that they should be reduced to an impalpable
powder by grinding. This is but imperfectly done by the stamping
mill, and much is left to be accomplished by the pans. The friction
of the pan should not, however, be more than sufficient to insure the
perfect mixture of the ingredients which it contains, in such a way
as to promote a rapid series of chemical changes, resulting in the
decomposition of the constituents of the ore, and the combination of
the precious metals with mercury, at the least possible cost of power
and material.
With this view, from twelve hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred
pounds of ore, from the tanks of the stamping mill, are put into the
Varney or Wheeier Pan, and the grinding muller gradually lowered
until the whole mass has become reduced to an impalpable powder.
This is usually accomplished in about an hour. Loose steam is then
turned on until the temperature has been raised to 200° Fahr.; but
care is at the same time taken not to render the pulp too liquid by the
accumulation of condensed water. The muller having been slightly
raised, to prevent too great an amount of friction between it and the
dies, quicksilver is gradually added in the form of a fine shower, by
pressing it slowly through a canvas bag. The quantity of quicksilver
used varies, according to the richness of the ores, to from ten to fifteen
per cent. of the weight of mineral operated on. Amalgamation is
further promoted by the addition to the pulp, immediately after
introducing the quicksilver, of sulphate of copper and a small quan-
tity of sulphuric acid.
For second class ores, two pounds of sulphate of copper, in solution
with an equal quantity of sulphuric acid, and three pounds of salt,
may be advantageously employed.* An endless variety of substances
has been used for this purpose, since at one period every amalgamator
prescribed some new specific for avoiding imperfect amalgamation ;
but those above enumerated have alone maintained a permanent
character for efficiency.t Much, however, yet remains to be accom-
plished by a more careful study of the modifications rendered neces-
sary by the varying constitution of the ores operated on. The run-
ning of the pan is continued for three hours and a half, the heat being
maintained at from 180° to 200° Fahr. At the expiration of this time,
water is run into the pulp to render it sufficiently liquid to flow off,
through a valve in the bottom of the pan, into the agitator or sepa-
rator. The pan is then roughly washed down, and, with as little delay
as possible, recharged with ore,as before. A Varney Pan four feet in
diameter is capable of working six charges in twenty-four hours, or
from 7,500 to 9,000 Ibs. of ore. Once or twice a week, or at the
finishing of any particular parcel of ore, the muiler is taken out,
the shoes and dies removed, and all the amalgam adhering to the
working parts, or deposited in the crevices, carefully scraped off. A
notable accession to the product is thus obtained, especially as, at the
same time, the mortar bed of the stamps is likewise cleaned out. |
In the separator the pulp is mixed with a large quantity of water,
and a regular steady supply kept up, so as to carry off the lighter
particles of earthy matter, at first from holes in the upper part of the
pan ; but as the separation proceeds, the discharging point is eradually
lowered, until eventually nothing but the heavier pyrites and liquid
amalgam is left. The amalgam is drawn off from the bottom, and the
pyrites then scooped out, and, after being further washed in another
* Dr. Oxland, who has had considerable experience in the treatment of silver
ores by the pan process, informs us that he has obtained as good results with
sulphate of copper alone, as with the addition of salt and sulphuric acid.
+ It is scarcely necessary to notice the various absurd ingredients which have
occasionally been employed in Nevada with a view of facilitating amalgamation, such,
for instance, as tobacco juice, decoction of sage bush, and of oak bark ; since any
success which may have attended their use must manifestly be attributed, rather
to a fortuitous combination of circumstances, than to any direct action of the
materials themselves.
separating pan, to remove the last traces of amalgam, it is reserved for
final treatment by calcinaticn and reduction in barrels. The amalgam
is now carefully washed in clean water, dried with flannel, and finally
_ removed to the amalgam room, where it is strained through thick conical
bags of canvas, twelve inches in diameter at the larger end and two
feet in length.* After the bags have drained for some time, they are
beaten with around stick to cause a further quantity of the mercury to
run off. The hard dry amalgam is finally removed from the bags, and
weighed into store. The mercury run off from the bags is technically
known as “ charged quicksilver,” and, after being mixed with retorted
mercury, is returned to the pan room for further use. Charged quick-
silver is preferred to the pure metal, as with it amalgamation is found
to proceed more rapidly.
etorting—The amalgam is finally handed over to the assay office
belonging to the mill, and the separation of mercury is effected by
exposing the amalgam to a red heat in a cylindrical cast iron retort,
about twelve inches in diameter and three feet long, mounted on* an
arch of firebrick, and placed within another arch, from the crown of
which the smoke is carried off to the chimney. The retort is fitted
with a stout cover, carefully adjusted like the stopper of a coal-gas
retort. From the upper part of the end, a two-inch iron pipe carries off
the volatile matters. This is so fitted to the downcast pipe, four feet
in length, that, by T-pieces and stoppers, every facility is afforded for
cleaning out the pipes. The downcast pipe is so fitted within another
pipe, 34 to 4 inches in diameter, as to constitute a Liebie’s condenser,
into the bottom of which cold water is supplied; the heated water
flowing off from the top. The downcast pipe opens into a small
bottomless chamber, immersed sufficiently low in a tank of water to
keep it air-tight, but in such a manner as to prevent accidents from
the absorption of water into the heated retort.
This retort is provided with several cast iron semicircular trays,
which slide easily in and out; these are divided into two parts by a
transverse partition. Before the weighed charge of amalgam is put
into the tray, it is coated with milk of lime, or a thin wash of clay,
* The washing of the amalgam is generally effected in a vessel called a cleaning up
pan, provided with four arms furnished with shoes like those represented, Figs. 52
and 53. In some cases, however, the matters escaping from the separators are now
run off over blankets on which a certain proportion of the undecomposed sulphides
is caught, and this is subsequently re-treated either by barrel amalgamation or
40-4 SILVER,
and not unfrequently a sheet of paper is also placed over the bottom.
By these precautions the retorted amalga:: 1s prevented from adhering
to the iron, and much trouble avoided. The charge having been
placed in the retort, the cover is carefully luted with a mixture of
clay and wood ashes, made up into a thin paste. The fire is then
lighted, and the heat slowly and steadily raised, until the retort 1s of
a bright red colour, and is so maintained until the mercury ceases to
distil over, The retort is now allowed to cool gradually down, and
when cold the retorted silver is withdrawn and weighed, as is also
the mereury obtained, as a precaution against any possible loss of
quicksilver from hidden leaks in the retort. The retorted amalgam.
is broken up, melted in plumbago crucibles, and cast into bars or
ingots of “bullion” of from one thousand to fifteen hundred ounces |
each. These are assayed and valued, the value being marked on the
bars, which are then ready for the market, The quality or “fineness”
is marked in thousandths, thus—gold 24, silver 841, making together
865 thousandths; leaving 135 parts in a thousand, which principally
consist of copper; but no notice is taken of this, as it is of no money
value in the sale of the bar,
The retort employed at the mills near Virginia for the distillation
of silver amalgam is represented, Figs. 56 and 57, of which the first
is partially in section, and the second is a longitudinal section.
The ash-pit A is beneath the fireplace B, which communicates, by
means of flues a, with a chamber 0, enclosing the cast iron retort ¢,
from which the products of combustion are conveyed by the flues
1, 2, 3, through the arched cavity ¢, to the chimney @.
By dampers covering these flues the draught may be controlled so
as to heat the retort according to the requirements of the case. The
pipe D carries the vaporised mercury to the vertical pipe E, in which
it is condensed, by the action of a stream of cold water passing
upward from the bottom through the Liebig’s condenser Fr. The con-
densed mercury collects in the reservoir G, from which it is drawn off
into bottles through a bent tube at the bottom. Any vapours escaping
from the retort door are conveyed into the flues by the hood e, of sheet
iron, The arrangement of the cover of the retort is shown at g, and
a portion of the semi-cylindrical tray, used for charging the retort, at
h; the position of the iron plates and braces for binding the brick-
work is represented by the letters /-
The best results obtained by the pan process rarely amount to 75
per cent. of the assay value of the ore; the average will scarcely
exceed 65 per cent. The barrel process, being more expensive, cannet
be employed in Nevada except on ores of the first class. The tailings
from the pan process, after having been exposed to the action of the at-
mosphere for a few months, may sometimes be again advantageously
worked over, thus increasing the total produce to about 85 per cent. ;
but it is only under favourable circumstances that this can be done.
Fig. 56.
(Front Elevation.)
The cost of working from $45 to $50 ores by the pan process is, in
those portions of the State of Nevada in which water-power can be
obtained, nearly as follows :—
Stamping wet, through No. 6 screens . . . . $1°50 per ton.
Milling, including loss of mercury, &c.. . . . 500, ,,
Total cost, including wear and tear . . $6°50 ,, _,,
The loss of mercury amounts to from 14 to 14 lb. for each ton of
ore containing silver to the amount of from $35 to $50 per ton.
Arrangement of Reduction Works—The usual arrangement of
crushing and amalgamation works for the treatment of silver ores by
the pan process, where water-power is available, will be understood
by reference to Plate VIIT., which represents a transverse sectional
elevation of an establishment in Nevada, in which Wheeler’s Pans are
employed. The water-wheel A communicates its motion, by means of
toothed segments around its periphery, to a pinion shaft on which is
(Longitudinal Section.)
the drum B, which, in its turn, transmits the power, by means of broad
composition belts, to the whole of the machinery employed in the
establishment. The dimensions of the second pulley c, and that on
the shaft D, are so calculated as to cause each stamper to be raised
from 70 to 80 times per minute. The stops d are employed for sup-
porting the stampers when not in action, and are for that purpose
slipped under the bosses or tappets on the iron stems, when raised to
the full extent of their course by the cams keyed on the shaft set in
motion by the pulley p. The tightening pulleys E are for the pur-
pose of keeping the different straps in a proper state of tension. The
stampers F discharge the pulverised ore, through the grates or screens f,
into the spouts g, which conduct it to the receiving tanks G,@’. The
hand wheel u is employed for opening and closing the valve h, by
which the supply of water to the wheel can be either regulated or
cut off. From the amalgamating pan I, the s/wms are run off, through
the spouts 7, into the separator kK, which is provided with the over-
flow k. The cleaning up pan, L, with the other pans and separators,
receives its motion from belts driven by pulleys on the shaft 0.
The pipe M affords the necessary supply of water, whilst N is the
steam pipe by which the heating of the pulp is effected. In the
drawing, the pan is represented as having a false bottom, for the
purpose of heating the pulp by the introduction of steam, but in
practice it is generally now found more convenient to blow loose
steam directly into the pulp.
The hand wheel P is for the purpose of regulating the tightening
pulley =. This mill has twenty stampers, twelve Wheeler Pans, six
separators, and two cleaning up pans.
districts of Nevada, and particularly in the neighbourhood of Austin,
where the ores consist of various compound sulphides of silver, con-
taining a considerable amount of antimony, the ordinary pan process,
as practised in Virginia, cannot be advantageously employed. The
ores from this part of the State consequently require roasting before
being subjected to amalgamation, and then, when worked in the pans,
afford better results than those obtained from the ores of the Com-
stock vein treated in their raw state. Each battery of five stampers
will crush (dry) four tons of ore daily, through a wire gauze screen of
40 holes per linear inch. One thousand pounds of this crushed
ore is roasted with 8 per cent. of common salt ; the time occupied
in the furnace by each charge being, on an average, six hours.
Varney’s Pans are most commonly employed, and are charged with
- from 800 to 1,000 Ibs. of roasted ore, which occupies five hours in
A mill of ten stampers, with all the necessary furnaces, pans, and
appliances, will treat eight tons of ore in the course of twenty-four
hours, with a total consumption of about ten cords of wood. The
following figures, relative to the treatment of roasted silver ores by
pan amalgamation, give the results of an experiment made at
Virginia city on ores from the Comstock vein, but it is stated
that the loss of silver in the neighbourhood of Austin, where the
ores contain little or no gold, seldom exceeds 7 per cent. of the assay
Results of an Experiment showing Loss of Metal by Amalgamation of Roasted
Ore in Pans,
Value of ore in gold $112°85, in silver $180°37 . . . $293°22
» Bullion 9740, ud: 16299 . . . 260°42
eS SgOR 13°60 per cent. 9°06 per cent. 11°18 per cent.
Loss of quicksilver greater than in barrels.
20 Feet
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THE different processes by which silver is obtained by the wet way
from the various ores and metallurgical products containing that
metal are all of recent invention, and belong to the latest period in
the history of metallurgy. These methods have now, in many cases,
supplanted the older processes of liquation and amalgamation, and
may be often advantageously adopted for the treatment of argen-
tiferous compounds ; particularly when the amount of lead present is
small, and the proportion of copper large. They all possess the
advantage, over amalgamation, of entailing no loss of mercury, and
in the promptness and completeness with which the metal may be
extracted. They are also, from requiring less time and fuel, and in
being attended with a smaller loss of the various metals contained in
the substance under treatment, less expensive than fusion with lead
ores. The several wet processes are likewise more expeditious, and
require a smaller amount of fuel than the old method of liquation ;
besides which, they effect a much more complete separation of the
copper and silver.
AvuaGustin’s Proctss.—This method of treating argentiferous com-
pounds was first introduced in 1849 by an officer of the Mansfeld
Copper Works, at the Gottesbelohnung Works, near Eisleben, im
Prussian Saxony, where, after being retained for a short time, it was
superseded by the cheaper and still more simple process of Ziervogel.
Augustin’s method of extracting silver from its ores 1s dependent on
the following circumstances :—
Ist. That the silver contained in ores of that metal may be
converted into chloride of silver by roasting them with a proper
admixture of common salt.
2nd. That a solution of common salt will dissolve chloride of
silver in quantities depending on its temperature and state of concen-
srd. That the silver contained in an argentiferous solution of
chloride of sodium is precipitated in the metallic state by copper.
At Freiberg this system is employed for the extraction of silver
from a regulus or copper matt, containing about 70 per cent. of
copper and 0:0042 of silver, besides a certain amount of iron, anti-
mony, and arsenic, with other impurities. In order that this matt
may be properly roasted, it is first ground to a very fine powder and
bolted through sieves of wire gauze.
Roasting.—The furnace employed for this operation is He the ordi-
nary reverberatory description, the fuel employed being pit coal, and
the weight of the charge treated four hundred pounds. One work-
man attends to each furnace, and the fire, which at first is kept low,
is gradually raised, care being at the same time taken to keep the
powdered matt constantly stirred, in order to prevent caking, and
that every portion may be equally exposed to the full temperature of
the hearth. At the termination of eight hours the operation begins
to approach completion ; the bright glow, indicative of the presence of
sulphur, disappears, and sulphurous acid is no longer evolved. The
charge is now withdrawn from the furnace, and, after being allowed
to cool, is ground between burr stones, passed through a fine bolt, and
subjected to chlorination.
Roasting with Salt.-The roasted matt, in which, at this stage of
the operation, the copper and iron chiefly exist in the state of oxides,
whilst the silver has either been converted into a sulphate or reduced
to the metallic state, is now roasted in charges of three hundred pounds
weight, in furnaces similar to those employed for the first. operation.
After being for a short time exposed to a low temperature, common
salt, to the amount of 5 per cent. of the weight of the charge, is
introduced, and the roasting continued, with the usual amount of
“ At a temperature of 32° Fahr. the amount of chloride of silver dissolved by
a solution of common salt is almost inappreciable. At 50° Fahr. a solution of salt
takes up chloride of silver amounting to 0°0017 of the weight of chloride of sodium
present, at 64° its dissolving capacity has increased to 0:0024, and about 212° to
0°0068, of the amount of salt in the brine.
ae ra ii Raa tied - * SoD,
Se ee ae ee Lee ee a eee ee
stirring, for about three hours. By this means the decomposition
of the chloride of sodium is effected through the agency of the sul-
phuric acid of the metallic sulphates ; and, by the combination of
chlorine with the silver present, nearly the whole of that metal be-
comes converted into chloride. The charge is now withdrawn from
the furnace, and is ready for the process of lixiviation.
_ Lizxiviation and Precipitation.—The lixiviation of the matts thus
prepared takes place in an upper story of the establishment, and is
conducted in a series of tubs ranged in a line along one of its walls.
The construction and form of these vessels will be understood by
reference to Fig. 58, which represents one of the lixiviating tubs with
the portion nearest the spectator removed. Upon the bottom a is
first laid a wooden cross 6, on which rests the perforated false bottom
c,on the top of which is again arranged a layer of straw d; above this
is placed a filter of linen cloth, made tight against the sides of the
tub by means of a hoop, and on this is deposited the roasted matt
to be lixiviated; the filtered liquor being drawn off by means of the
tap d’. These tubs are three feet nine inches in height, two feet eight
inches in diameter at top, and two feet four inches at bottom.
Hight of them are charged at the same time, each with eight hun-
dred pounds of the prepared matt; and a stream of hot brine-is
directed, through a perforated cover, into each, by means of suitable
pipes arranged for that purpose. The chloride of silver being thus
412? SILVER,
dissolved in the hot solution of chloride of sodium, is carried by it
through the filter, and flowing off by the taps d', is conducted through
a wooden gutter to a covered tank, in which the particles of ground
matt, carried off in suspension, are allowed to settle. The liquors
from this settling tank are now conveyed to a series of three tubs,
which, like those already described, are all furnished with false
bottoms and filters ; being also so placed one above the other that the
liquor escaping from the tap of the first will flow into the second, and
from thence into the third and last vat. In the bottom of-the two
upper tubs is placed a layer of cement copper from six to seven inches
in thickness, whilst on the filter of the last is laid a quantity of scrap
iron, On admitting the saline liquor into the first of these tubs, a
large proportion of the silver which it contains is precipitated in the
metallic form at the expense of the copper, which, by combining with
the chlorine of the chloride of silver, is itself in turn converted into
chloride, The liquors escaping from this tub are received into the
second of the series, also provided with a thick layer of cement
copper, by which the last traces of silver are precipitated. The
liquid, which has been thus freed from silver, but has now become
highly cupreous, falls directly into the lowest tub, containing scrap
iron, by which the copper is deposited in a form suitable for
the precipitation of silver in the upper tubs during succeeding
operations. :
The brine flowing from the last tub, and deprived both of its silver
and copper, is now pumped into a proper receiver, and, after being
boiled, may be again used for lixiviation. In this way the hot brine
is passed through the lixiviating tubs until a plate of bright copper
does not become coated with silver when held for some time in the
liquors escaping from them. The residual matters remaining in the
tubs, and which chiefly consist of oxide of copper, are then removed
to give place to fresh charges, but before being treated for copper are
assayed, in order to ascertain the amount of silver which they still
retain. Should they be found to contain more than a quantity corre-
sponding to 0:0003 of the weight of matt operated on, they are again
roasted and lixiviated; but if, on the other hand, the proportion of
silver be less than that stated, they are at once fused for copper.
The cement silver, in the form of a crystalline powder, is about
once a week removed from the tubs in which it has been precipitated ;
and after being treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, for the purpose
of removing any traces of copper, is thoroughly washed with clean
a et Se, “
water. When sufficiently washed, the metallic sponge is pressed into
balls, thoroughly dried, and taken to the Saxon mint, where it is
purified and fused into bars. This process is at present only
employed for the extraction of silver from matts in which that metal
has, in conjunction with copper, become concentrated by repeated
roastings and fusions. It may, however, under certain conditions, be
found directly applicable to some of the various ores of silver,
ZIERVOGEL’S Process.—Shortly after the adoption of Augustin’s
process at the works belonging to the Mansfeld Company, the cheaper
and still more simple method of converting the silver into sulphate,
and subsequently dissolving it out by hot water, was introduced by
Hiittenmeister Ziervogel, and since the year 1857 the whole of the
argentiferous matts worked in the establishment have been treated
according to this plan.
The etticiency of the method of Ziervogel depends on the circum-
stance, that when a finely-powdered matt, consisting of the sulphides
of copper and iron containing a certain proportion of silver, is, with
proper precautions, roasted in a reverberatory furnace, the iron and
copper first pass into the state of sulphates, which are afterwards
transformed into oxides: The sulphide of silver subsequently under-
goes a similar transformation, and, if the roasting were continued,
would ultimately be reduced to the metallic state. If, however, the
operation be arrested at the proper stage, the copper and iron will
have become transformed into oxides, whilst nearly the whole of the
silver exists as a soluble sulphate readily removed by water; which
thus affords a means of separating that metal from the other con-
stituents of the charge, which are, for the most part, insoluble in that
menstruum. From the argentiferous liquors thus obtained, the silver
is afterwards precipitated by means similar to those employed in the
method of Augustin; but when a solution of the sulphate is effected
by the use of water, in place of dissolving the chloride by means of
hot brine, nearly the whole of the silver originally present in the
sulphides treated may be obtained in the metallic state.
Roasting.—The matt, after being ground between a pair of mill-
stones, four feet in diameter, made of the granite of the Hartz, is
bolted through a circular sieve, of from 1,400 to 1,500 apertures to the
square inch, and then carefully roasted in a reverberatory furnace,
specially adapted to the purpose.
This furnace, which is provided with two distinct hearths, placed
one above the other, has an exterior length of nineteen feet, and a width
of thirteen feet; its total height being about fifteen feet. The two
hearths on which the roasting is conducted are each ten feet long by
eight feet wide, and are built of good firebrick, of which all the parts
of the apparatus subjected to a high temperature require to be con-
structed. The fireplace is provided with a grate, from which the flame
passes across a frebridge over the contents of the lower hearth, and,
ascending a perpendicular flue, the heated gases are conducted, in a
tortuous direction, through a number of channels over the arch of the
upper chamber. In these flues are deposited the fine particles of matt
mechanically carried over by the draught, and which are, from time
to time, removed through suitable openings, for the purpose of being
subjected to metallurgical treatment. From these horizontal flues the
gases finally pass off into the chimney, whilst the upper hearth, being
heated both from above and below, is in the condition of a muffle,
through which none of the gases of the furnace are allowed to pass.
This hearth is, therefore, well adapted for effecting the calcination of
ores when they cannot be brought to a high temperature without danger
of fusing. In the bottom of this hearth, passing through the arch of
the lower one, is an aperture, closed by an iron plate, through which
the charge can be raked into the lower bed of the furnace. When
the roasting on the lower hearth is completed, the charge is raked
through another opening, also covered by a plate, into an iron waggon,
which is run into an arched tunnel beneath it,
The ground matts from the mill are mixed with about 15 per cent.
of the residues remaining in the tubs, after the process of lixiviation ;
and from 500 to 600 Ibs. of the mixture is charged upon the upper
hearth of the furnace, where it is exposed to a gradually increasing
temperature, and kept constantly stirred during about seventy-five
minutes. The portion of the charge most remote from the fire is now
brought forward towards the bridge, and any lumps which may have
been formed are carefully broken with an iron rod. The roasting is
continued, as before, during another period of seventy-five minutes ;
and at the expiration of two and a half hours from the first intro-
duction of the charge, an addition is made of from 20 to 25 Ibs, of
ground lignite, in a perfectly dry state. This is mixed with the pul-
verised matt, by a stirring which occupies about ten minutes, when the
plate is removed from the hole in the bottom of the muffle, and the
whole of the contents of the upper chamber are raked through it, and
spread evenly over the surface of the lower hearth. The heat applied
iia ey
is, at first, moderate; but at the expiration of little more than an
hour, during which time the charge has been constantly stirred, and
the powdered lignite has become consumed, the temperature is con-
siderably increased. |
At the expiration of about ten hours from the time of first charging,
the workman, who, particularly during the latter stages of the opera-
tion, has kept the contents of the hearth carefully stirred, withdraws
a sample, for the purpose of determining whether or not the roasting
has become sufficiently advanced. This is done by taking, with a
small iron ladle, a spoonful of the ore from different parts of the
hearth, and, after placing it in a white earthenware saucer, dropping
on it a little pure water, which is allowed to percolate slowly through
the edges of the sample. In this way the water takes up any soluble
salts which may be present in the roasted matt, and, from the colour
assumed by the solution, a correct judgment can, after a little practice,
be formed of the condition of the charge.
The liquor which thus escapes from the sample of roasted mineral
should present a slightly blue appearance, but be without any shade of
green: the addition of a few grains of common salt should, moreover,
produce a copious white precipitate of chloride of silver. When these
conditions have been satisfactorily fulfilled by the sample taken, the
operation is considered finished, and the charge withdrawn. Brush-
wood, which makes a strong fire, with a long flame, is the only fuel
employed in the roasting furnaces at the Mansfeld Works.
- The success of this process for the extraction of silver manifestly
depends on the degree of facility with which the operation of roasting
may be controlled, so as to be enabled to seize the exact period at
which the several metallic compounds are in the precise condition
required. The sulphate of copper should be, as far as possible, con-
verted into an oxide, whilst the whole of the silver ought to exist in
the form of a soluble sulphate. Should the roasting be arrested before
this point has been attained, a large amount of copper will be found
to remain in a soluble state; whilst a portion of the silver still exists
in the form of an insoluble sulphide. Tf, on the contrary, the roasting
be carried too far, the sulphate of silver will have become reduced,
leaving that metal in the metallic state; which, being totally insoluble
in the hot water employed for lixiviation, will remain with the copper,
and become commercially lost. Long practice and much observation
are required on the part of the workmen employed in this process, and,
with a view of increasing their efficiency, a scale of premiums has
been instituted for any more than ordinary success in the work
This system of rewards has been particularly successful at
Mansfeld ; for, although the process has not itself been in any way
modified since its first introduction into the works, yet the skill of the
workmen has, within the last few years, increased, in so marked a
degree, that the results now obtained are much more satisfactory than
those formerly yielded by this method of treatment.
Lixiwiation and Precipitation—The roasted argentiferous matt is
now taken to the lixiviation department, which consists of a large
room, in which a number of vessels are arranged (as shown in the
following woodcut, Fig. 59), and so placed that the liquors flowing
from one are immediately received in the next which follows in
the series.
SS asi
we a Si
i {Ui
(Arrangement of Apparatus.)
The powder to be operated on is divided into parcels, weighing
A00 Ibs. each, which are placed in the vessels A, two feet six inches in
diameter, and of about the same height, provided with filters and false
bottoms ; twenty-two cubic feet of liquor from a previous operation,
together with about three cubic feet of fresh water, both heated to a
temperature of 160° Fahr., are run into each of the upper tubs through
the pipes a,b. A little sulphuric acid is also employed for the purpose
of preventing the inconveniences which are found to accompany the
presence of basic salts. This fluid, soon permeating the ore in the
tubs A, takes up the sulphate of silver, and any other soluble salts
present, which, passing through the filter, are carried in solution into
the tank B, thirty feet in length, and eighteen inches square, divided
into two parts. In this reservoir the liquors enter the first division,
and, after allowing the matters held in suspension to settle, the solu-
tion flows over the partition, and from thence through ten taps into as
many tubs C: in the bottom of each of these are placed 10 Ibs. of
cement copper and 250 lbs. of coarse copper bars, by which the larger
proportion of the silver is precipitated in the metallic form. The fourth
vessels D, of which there are five, also contain metallic copper, and in
them are precipitated any traces of silver which may have escaped
precipitation in the tubs c. From these last tubs the spent liquors
flow off into the lead-lined cistern E; from which they are sub-
sequently raised by steam pressure into another leaden cistern above
the level of the first series of tubs A, heated to a temperature of
160° Fahr., and passed over a fresh charge of roasted matt, introduced
into the series of dissolving vessels A.
About two and a half hours are required to dissolve out the sul-
phate of silver contained in each charge; and at the end of that time
the residual contents of the dissolving tubs are transported to an
adjoining room, where an assay sample is taken. Should the results
of this assay show that the amount of silver remaining is less than
0°00036 of the weight of the material operated on, the residues
are placed aside, for the purpose of being fused for blistered copper ;
but if, on the other hand, they contain more than this proportion of
silver, they are re-roasted by the workmen, without any further
payment for labour. When, on the contrary, the assay shows a less
amount of silver in the residues than that above stated, the roasters
receive a bonus of the value of 12 per cent. on the excess of the
precious metal extracted.
The finely-sifted matt, after being withdrawn from the furnace, is
allowed to remain about eight hours before being introduced into the
lixiviating tubs, and thus becomes cooled down to about 160° Fahr.
before charging. When placed in the tubs, hot water is admitted
from @, until it begins to escape from the taps at the bottom. The
water is then turned off, and hot liquors from a previous operation
are introduced from the leaden cistern by the pipe 8, until the liquid
flowing from the cocks at the bottoms of the tubs no longer affords a
precipitate of chloride of silver on the addition of a weak solution of
common salt. The final liquors collected in the vessel E, when they
have become too highly charged with sulphate of copper, are brought
in contact with scrap iron, and thus afford a supply of cement copper,
which may be subsequently employed in the tubs ¢ and D.
The process of Ziervogel is, however, adapted to the requirements of
comparatively few localities, since the presence of certain impurities,
and particularly of any considerable amount of either arsenic or anti-
mony, gives rise to the formation of insoluble salts, which materially —
interfere with the extraction of silver. In the Freiberg works, where
the process was for some time experimented on, it was found that the
presence of these substances so far interfered with the results obtained,
that a notable amount of the silver present in the concentrated
matts, invariably remained in the insoluble cupreous residues.
As might be anticipated, by far the largest proportion of the silver
is deposited in the first precipitating vessel, from which it is from
time to time taken for the purpose of being purified and melted
into bars. The principal impurities with which it is associated are
the sulphates of copper and lime; together with a certain amount of
metallic copper derived from the cement copper employed as a preci-
pitant. The two former are removed by repeated washings with hot
water, whilst the latter is partially dissolved out by treating the finely
divided silver with dilute hydrochloric acid. The precipitate is
subsequently refined in a furnace constructed for that purpose, and
affords bars containing about 980 thousandths of silver.
According to Lamborn, who carefully examined this process at the
Mansfeld works, the cost of treating one hundred weight of copper,
usually containing nearly } Ib. of silver, at that establishment, was
-as follows :—
By Liquationg es ss 2, yO ee
of ALT OIAIATION 3 Sieh ag 2 ee a eaeaenna
,, Augustins method. . . ... . 4h,
yy CACTY ODOUR Figs) 18 ais ty est a ae
The amounts of silver remaining in the Mansfeld copper after
treatment by the several processes are the following :—
miter Liguation = 3°" ." eos)» omens zp th of one per cent,
»y Amalgamation . . .. 2. % sq th 3
5 -Augustin’s method : -..4...°.8 oath BS
,, Ziervogel’s _,, iE ae Gin pees :
Von PatTerRA’s Process.—This method of extracting silver from its
ores consists—Ilst, in roasting them with an addition of common salt
until the whole of the silver has been transformed into chloride ;
2nd, in dissolving out the chloride of silver by means of a cold dilute
solution of hyposulphite of soda; 3rd, in precipitating the silver in the
form of sulphide by the addition of polysulphide of sodium; and
4th, in reducing the precipitated sulphide of silver to the metallic
state by exposing it in a muffle, at a high temperature, to the ordinary
influences of atmospheric air.
The solution in hyposulphite of soda of the silver contained in
argentiferous ores was first suggested in a paper published by Dy.
Percy in 1848 ; and a translation of this having reached the Austrian
chemist, it resulted, in 1858, in the introduction, at Joachimsthal, by
Von Patera, of the process which now bears his name. The ores from
that district are remarkable for the diversity of their constituents, and
in addition to silver frequently contain various compounds of copper,
lead, bismuth, iron, nickel, and cobalt, associated with sulphur, arsenic,
and antimony. The veins inthe vicinity of Joachimsthal, though less
productive thay formerly, still afford a certain amount of argentiferous
ore of extraordinary richness, since the average yield of the whole
quantity delivered at the works may be taken as affording about
2 per cent. of silver. Smaller quantities are not unfrequently worked
containing from 5 to 6 per cent. of that metal, and as much as 15 per
cent. of silver has sometimes been extracted from a parcel of ore.
The fuel employed consists of lignite, coal, charcoal, and wood;
the first of which is cheap and the second expensive, while the two
last are becoming scarce, and growing every year higher in price.
The price of labour varies from a shilling to one and sixpence
per diem.
Roasting.—The ores, which are prepared partly by hand picking
and partly by concentration on shaking tables, are, on being brought
to the works, subjected to a process of roasting in a furnace of a some-
what peculiar construction, This apparatus, instead of having the
long narrow hearth, broad firebridge, and short wide fireplace, usually
employed for roasting sulphurous ores, has a hearth 9 feet 9 inches
across, and measuring but 6 feet from the bridge to the flues leading
into the chimney. The grate, which is only six inches in width, is
four-fifths the length of the longer axis of the hearth, from which it is
divided by a sort of firebridge, consisting of an iron tube covered with
clay, and pierced with from ten to twelve small openings on the side
EE 2
420 eos . SILVER.
furthest removed from the fuel. A small boiler, set in brickwork near
the furnace, supplies low pressure steam, which can, when required,
be introduced into the tubular bridge, and allowed to escape in
numerous jets over the surface of the roasting ore.
The mineral to be operated on is introduced into this furnace in
charges of four hundred pounds, and the heat slowly and cautiously
raised, in order to prevent agglomeration of the particles. During
this stage of the operation no steam is admitted, but, as soon as the
charge has arrived at a red heat, the tap is turned, and as much
steam blown into the hearth as can be safely introduced without
so far reducing the temperature as to materially check the activity
of the various chemical decompositions which it is desired to effect.
At the expiration of four hours from the time of charging, the opera-
tion is usually completed; and the ore, after being withdrawn and
allowed to cool, is taken to a mill, in which it is ground to a fine
powder, with the addition of from six to twelve per cent. of common
salt, and two to three per cent. of sulphate of iron. A charge of this
mixture, weighing three hundred pounds, is now introduced into a
furnace similar to that above described, and is spread evenly over the
surface of the hearth. This is raised to a red heat, and. the steam
admitted as before, care being taken to keep the contents of the
apparatus constantly stirred. The temperature is now gradually
increased, and at the end of from ten to sixteen hours, according to
the nature and richness of the ore, the operation is complete.
The addition of sulphate of iron to the partially desulphurised ore
is for the purpose of effecting the necessary decomposition of chloride
of sodium, in case a sufficient amount of metallic sulphates should
not be otherwise present. The introduction of aqueous vapours is
found to facilitate the chlorination of the silver, besides greatly
assisting in the condensation of the fumes and vapours in the cham- —
bers interposed between the furnaces and the chimney through which
the products of combustion finally make their escape. If this
recovery of the substance carried off by the draught were not care-
fully attended to, the loss of silver so caused would amount to about
10 per cent., and the economical treatment of argentiferous ores, by
this process, be thus rendered impracticable. The roasted and finely-
divided ore, containing silver in the state of chloride, is now taken to
the lixiviating room for further treatment.
LTixwiation with Water——The apparatus employed for the pur-
pose of solution and precipitation will be understood by refer-
ence to Fig. 60, which represents a vertical section of the whole
In addition to chloride of silver, which is insoluble in water, the
HH 2
THe method of smelting employed at Pontgihaud affords an
example of the treatment of highly silicious lead ores rich in silver.*
These ores occur in large veins of quartz and feldspar traversing gneiss.
The average produce of the ore, as extracted, scarcely exceeds 6 per
cent. of lead, and consequently very large quantities must be passed
through the different washing processes in order to obtain the amount
of mineral, averaging about 50 per cent., which is annually smelted
in this establishment. As much as possible, however, of what is
* The gangues of the Pontgibaud ores are similar in composition to those of many
of the silver-bearing veins of Mexico, Nevada, and other parts of the American
Continent. We shall consequently describe, with considerable detail, the various
operations conducted in that establishment, since the system there employed is
well adapted for the treatment of argentiferous minerals containing a large amount
of silica, wherever fuel and lead ores can be obtained at reasonable prices.
The mines of Pontgibaud, Puy-de-Déme, France, have at various periods
afforded large quantities of argentiferous galena, but were never so productive as
at the present time. The re-working of the concessions was commenced by a local
company in 1825, and the operations were continued under the management of
French engineers until the year 1852, when the property was transferred to an
Anglo-French Association, under the management of Messrs. John Taylor & Sons, of
London. We were at that period for some time occupied in re-modelling the smelting
works, and introducing into them various modern appliances, but great improve-
ments have been since made, and more particularly in the apparatus employed for
roasting the ores and their preparation for the blast furnace.
The various ameliorations introduced into the system of treatment at Pontgibaud
are, to a great extent, due to Mr. W. Hutchison, the present manager of the
Smelting Works, to whom we are indebted for the drawings of the different
furnaces, and for very copious and admirably arranged notes, affording the practical
results of the several operations as now conducted.
called massif or cobbed ore is carefully selected, in order to avoid
exposing it to unnecessary mechanical loss. Recently the proportion
of massif to washed ore has become much greater than formerly, par-
ticularly since the discovery of a new mine yielding ores very rich in
silver. The effect of this has been to render the ores more refractory,
since the assay of hand-picked ores for lead is seldom higher than
40 per cent., whilst the proportion of silicious gangue is much greater
than in the washed ones.
It is to the uniformly silicious nature of the Pontgibaud ores,
together with the impurities contained in the work lead obtained,
that many of the difficulties experienced in smelting them are due,
and which have rendered necessary the adoption of the special pro-
cesses employed at this establishment. These difficulties are further
increased, particularly in the matter of cost, by the remoteness of the
locality in which the mines are situated ; Pontgibaud being at a great
distance from any centre of industry from which fuel and fluxes can
be obtained at moderate prices.
All the ores are delivered at the smelting works in a state of fine
powder; that is to say, the coarsest will pass through a sieve with
apertures of 4 diameter. As many as seven varieties are
received monthly from the different mines belonging to the com-
pany. They vary considerably in richness, both as regards lead
and silver, and the amount of gangue which they contain; this
gangue is always silicious, although generally associated with small
quantities of sulphate of baryta, arsenical pyrites, iron pyrites,
blende, &e. |
The produce of each mine is sampled on the 1st of each month, and
immediately delivered to the smelting works ; where the operations
are so conducted that all the ores received during one month may be
converted into pig lead before the next month’s deliveries take place.
This system, besides its convenience, has the advantage of enabling
the smelter to check the calculated produce by the actual monthly
returns. Each sample of ore is tried by two assayers, one on the part
of the mines and the other on that of the smelting works; if their
results differ to the extent of 1 per cent. each repeats his assays.
In case of a constant difference, a sample is sent to a professional
assayer, and the result he obtains is considered final; but this course
is seldom resorted to.
All the assays are made in an iron crucible, and when properly
conducted yield results quite as high as those obtained by the humid
way; a circumstance probably owing to the impurities in the lead
button compensating for the slight loss by volatilisation.
It will be necessary to bear this in mind, in comparing the losses of
lead at the Pontgibaud works, with those experienced in other estab-
lishments where ores of a different nature are treated, and where the
assays are, generally speaking, less carefully executed.
In the treatment of these ores nine distinct operations are necessary,
V1Z. :—
1.—Preparation of Lats de Grillage. | 5.—Improving.
2.—Roasting. | 6.—Crystallising.
3.—Preparation of Lits de Fusion. 7.—Refining.
4,—Smelting in Castillian blast 8.—Reducing.
furnace. 9.—Re-smelting rich slags.
Tn addition to the above, the routine of the establishment renders
four supplementary operations necessary, viz. :—
a.—Roasting matt.
b.—Treatment of calcined dross.
c.—Treatment of lead cinder,
d.—Treatment of lead fume.
1. Preparation of Lits de Grillage.—Although the ores do not differ
materially as regards the nature of their gangues, they vary consider-
ably in richness; and consequently also in the proportion of a ie
matters present.
It has, therefore, been found important, before commencing their
treatment, to prepare a uniform mixture of the whole sampling.
On this depends the regularity of the subsequent operations, and,
in a great measure, their economical working.
As it is impossible to thoroughly mix the whole weight of the
various parcels of ore (often amounting to upwards of 300 tons), a
lit of twenty tons, or a little more than the quantity usually roasted
per diem, is prepared by weighing out, and spreading in thin layers,
one above another, the exact proportion of twenty tons, which each
parcel bears to the total weight delivered.*
The “lit” being finished, the charges are made by successively
cutting down with a shovel the pile of stratified ore; and in sucha
way that every ton of the mixture removed shall have nearly the
same composition as the entire mass.
Experience has proved the advantage of this arrangement over that
* Tons of 1,000 kilos,
of charging the hoppers direct from the several heaps in the ore
The following will serve to show the kind of ore comprised in an
ordinary monthly sampling :—
Dry ore. Lead Silver
kilos. per cent. per M. kilos.*
mo ashed ore “s..). 134,504 . . . ., 564 .» . 1°100 grammes.
ee es F.0D ve oe A, ks OSD i
Washed ore’. . 21,960 . . .°. 47% . « :1:137 .
D.—Washed ,, . . Goda ttle: Gat se OGS yee) BGO © ae:
Seen te en AN OT s. . ds) Syed «| 5 ee BU uy
ev annen ore ft. I29,515 . toe TAD chon re, 1206 a
et Ee 2002S a te O6E . - O'SRO s
Total . . 300,798
To this mixture of ores are added the matts resulting from the
previous month’s smelting in the blast furnace, which are, after being
ground and roasted dead in a reverberatory furnace, treated exactly
as ordinary ores.
The total weight of matt mixed with the ores in the above instance
was 35 tons, containing 14 per cent. of lead, and 400 grammes of silver
per ton of 1,000 kilos.
For preparing a lit de grillage of 20 tons, the proportion required
of each of the above parcels (wet weight) was as follows :—
Ore A.—8,094 kilos. Ore E.—2,454 kilos.
Chiseog ye ae aoe Rei e0) bee
12 GPR ye Geom leaden
D=- 576 Matt.—1,960 _,,
” 9
The average amount of moisture contained in these ores was
6 per cent.
It will be observed that the proportion of roasted or calcined matt
in the above mixture is about 10 per cent.; but this proportion con-
stantly varies from month to month. The object of adding it to the
lits de grillage is, that its oxide of iron may serve as a flux in the
subsequent operation.
In some cases, z.e. when the ores are more than usually quartzose,
10 per cent. of matt is found to be insufficient for this purpose, and
ground scories de forge, or mill cinders, are added as a substitute:
not unfrequently the previous month’s production of matt does not
* The average produce of these ores for silver will be found to be about 39 oz. per
English ton.
472 {33 SILVER.
amount to 10 per cent., and then also iron slags are employed. As a
rule, 10 per cent. of matt, or 15 per cent. of mill cinder, is sufficient,
but it often happens that these proportions must be considerably
It would perhaps appear eater bis to add iron slag directly Mf the
mixture prepared for the blast furnace, as is done in some other works ;
but repeated experiments have led to the adoption of the method now
employed; since its value as a flux in roasting, by the Pontgibaud
system, is almost as great as its subsequent utility during the opera-
tion of smelting.
Two men are employed in the preparation of the roasting mixture ;
they are paid two francs each per day, and in that time prepare és
mixtures, and charge each furnace with eight tons of ore. The cost
of this operation is 0:25f. (24d.) per ton.
2. Roasting—The ores are roasted in very large yee
furnaces worked from both sides. There are three of these at
Pontgibaud, but two only are in constant operation ; all have exactly
the same form and dimensions; their great width, as well as their
great length, is a most dtc: ios as regards economy of fuel,
Fig. 75 represents an elevation, Fig. 76 a horizontal section through —
the working doors, and Fig. 77 a vertical section, on the line x ¥} of
the roasting furnace. The exterior is built of cut lava, and the sides
and roof of firebrick; the sole is laid with hard common bricks.
The outside is plated with iron between the bottoms and tops of the
doors a, b, as shown by the horizontal lines. The doors a nearest the
fireplace are a little smaller than the others. The fireplace a is
divided from the fusing hearth B, by a firebrick bridge 20 inches in
width ; the ore being admitted into the hearth c, through the hoppers
D. The bottom #, beneath the lining of common bricks, is com-
posed of a mixture of sand and slag well beaten in. The tap hole is
shown at c, Fig. 77. This apparatus requires but little repair.
Fia. 75.
iin Te
= eheeaill=
iad il ‘i
Roasting FURNACE.
( Elevation.)
7 Bs ali
When working, this furnace contains six tons of dry ore and
matt, divided into three charges of two tons each, severally occupying
about one-third the surface of the entire sole. There are six doors
on either side, two of which correspond. with one or other of the
charges, and enable the workmen to turn or advance the ore when
es eT a oN: ee Oe a
RoastTine FURNACE.
(Horizontal Section.)
RoastTinec FURNACE.
(Vertical Section.)
The different parts of the furnace occupied in succession by each
charge may be distinguished as follow :—
1st.—Drying bed, immediately under the hoppers.
2nd.—Desulphurising or oxidising bed, widest part of furnace.
3rd.—Agglomerating bed, next to fireplace.*
The first two are on the same level, the third about 20 em. lower
than the others. .
The peculiar form of the agglomerating or fusing bed has for its
object the equalisation of the temperature over that portion of the
furnace in which the greatest heat is required.
The ore arriving on this bed is fused and run out in the form of
* The agglomeration of the ores at Pontgibaud is in reality a fusion, without
474 3 SILVER.
a liquid slag. At intervals of six hours a charge of melted ore is with-
drawn, and the other charges in the furnace are advanced a stage ;
whilst a fresh charge is let down through the hoppers upon the drying
bed. The time each charge remains in the furnace is consequently
18 hours. Eight tons of ore and matt are thus roasted in each furnace
in the course of 24 hours, with a consumption of about 2,000 kilos. of
coal, and 6 per cent. of lime. The consumption of iron slags averages
7 per cent. ; but, whatever the proportions of this flux, or of lime, may
be, the quantity of ore charged remains constant—that is to say,
1,800 kilos. |
Four men are employed at each furnace, per shift of twelve hours :
the foreman is paid 2°20f. per day, the others 2f.
The general system of roasting in this furnace will be understood
from the foregoing description; but, in order that it may be fully
comprehended in all its various details, it may perhaps be necessary
to explain the mode of working more minutely. |
Let us, for this purpose, suppose that the usual regularity of the
operations has been uninterrupted during the night, and that at six
in the morning we accompany the men to their work. We shall find
the bed next the grate empty, the charge having, about two hours
previously, been run out upon the floor, on one side of the furnace.
The charge in the middle bed having been roasted dead, is heaped
up in the throat ready for being advanced into the agglomerating
bed, which is still at a red heat, although the fire has been allowed
to burn down in the grate. The foreman begins by throwing a shovel-
ful of coals on the fire to create a blaze and light up the interior, so
that the men may see their work. All hands then commence busily
advancing the ore with long paddles. Two men advance it upon the
agglomerating bed, and pile it up as near the bridge as they can;
whilst two others push forward the ore from the drying bed into the
middle or desulphurising hearth. In the latter, the ore is spread
evenly over the sole, and two or three shovelfuls of slaked lime
are afterwards scattered over its surface ; especially on the side next
the fire, to prevent the formation of a crust of partially-agelomerated
ore very difficult to calcine. | ;
The time required for advancing the two charges is about forty
minutes. A new charge is now let down from the hoppers D, and
spread over the drying bed with a rake. The doors are then all
closed, the grate charged with coals, and the fire increased until the
furnace has acquired a bright red heat.
In about three quarters of an hour the ore in the middle bed has
become sufficiently hot to scintillate when stirred, and to give off sul-
phurous acid vapours. Two men, one on each side, now commence
turning over the charge with paddles, which they do repeatedly, first
forwards towards the fire, and then backwards towards the flue;
taking care that the whole of the ore is turned, and that fresh portions
are constantly exposed to the action of the heated air. From time to
time a shovelful of slaked lime is thrown in and worked up with the
ore to keep it “dry ;” especially on the side next the fire, where it is
most liable to clot. The operation of turning is continued without
interruption until the charge in the agglomerating bed is ready to tap,
when, during the time of tapping, &c. there is an interval of nearly
half an hour; but it is afterwards renewed and continued until the
expiration of six hours, or at least until the ore has been roasted dead.
When the mixture of ores is good, 7. e. when it is moderately rich in
lead, and contains at the same time a good deal of oxide of iron, the
charge in the agglomerating bed requires but little working. It then
melts easily, and in about two hours and a half after the firing com-
mences it is ready to draw. But, should the mixture contain an
excess of silica, it is difficult to get the ore into a liquid state. Part
of the charge attaches itself to the sole, and another portion is drawn
out, after great trouble, in a tough pasty condition, A great loss of
lead, and considerable waste of fuel, are the consequences. For this
reason it is advantageous to add oxide of iron to the ore, and the
cheapest way of doing this, at Pontgibaud, is in the form of iron slags,
although their cost is 27f. per ton.
Assuming the charge worked to be easily fusible, it 1s only re-
quisite to paddle it once towards the bridge; about three-quarters
of an hour after beginning to fire. It is also necessary, just before
tapping, to rake over the bottom, to be certain that none of the ore is
sticking to it, and that the whole charge is perfectly fluid. When
this is found to be the case, the tap hole is unstopped, and the charge
run out upon the floor; where it is prevented from spreading beyond
certain limits, by a small dam or ridge of ore and sweepings, &c.
reserved for that purpose. No lead is reduced in this process, but a
certain quantity of very rich sulphide of lead is generally met with
at the bottom of the charge. This is particularly the case when the
ore is rather rich in lead, and has been imperfectly roasted.
The bulk of the charge of roasted ore is composed of a clean black
slag containing from 30 to 40 per cent. of lead. The whole of the
sulphate of lead formed in the middle bed is subsequently decom-
posed by the silicic acid present. As soon as the charge has been run
out, the tap hole is examined, and any adhering ore is cut away with a
long chisel ; after which it is again stopped. The bridge and sides are
then looked at to ascertain whether they require repairs; since holes
are often eaten out by.the melted ore, which require to be stopped
with clay after almost every charge. The fire is now suffered to burn
down, to allow of clearing the grate of clinkers, The damper is at the
same time partially closed, and preparation is made for the advance
of another charge, when the time for doing so shall have arrived.
Charge thus succeeds charge at regular intervals of six hours: the
loss of weight in roasting amounts to about 10 per cent. of the
quantity charged.
The loss of metal by volatilisation is extremely difficult to estimate,
as it 1s scarcely possible to obtain a fair sample of the roasted ores.
Several experiments, undertaken with this object, have fixed the loss
of lead at from 2 to 3 per cent. of the total quantity present. The
loss of silver is still more difficult to determine, and no result which
can be depended on has yet been obtained.
The cost of roasting ore per. ton is as follows (the dry ore per
charge being 1,800 kilos.) :— oe
Coal, 280 kilos, at35f. 6 2) a 1. 8 9 80F
Lime, GO 55 [Ab DA Ee ois ears) Perea
Seories de forge, 70. Saher? o) 2k) er eee 1:90
Labour . Boe ys ; ; ie
Tools and repaits. > 2c 2 ARE at) he 4)
Sundries (including superintendence). . . . _ . 2°90
F. 19°75=15s. 9.6d.
3. Preparation of Lits de Fusion—The lits de fusion are usually
composed as follow :—
PLORMCU ORE Te ee ee ee 10,000 kilos,
erop lee ashe Ty oy Gee ee LOOUs ss,
Pimestene 2.7 ei. eel dct eee 16002,
ino Ma pars sear aus oi is tear) oh 300
The above figures give the average quantities of flux in the
furnace mixtures. They are, however, modified with the nature of
the ore; the proportions of limestone and fluor Spar varying most
considerably. Two men are employed at this work, and receive 2f.
each per day. They prepare a lit and a half in that time—15 tons
consequently the cost is 0:27f per ton of roasted ore, and 0:25f. per
ton of crude ore.
4, Smelting in Castillian Furnace.—There are two of these at
Pontgibaud, but it is seldom that more than one is in blast at a
time. Fig. 78 represents a front elevation of one of these furnaces,
which are constructed of cut lava, and are very inexpensive to build.
Fie. 78.
if | =
| L | —- !
(Front Elevation.)
Their height from the slag-overflow @ to the charging door is 5 feet,
internal diameter 35 inches; diameter of tuyere 3 inches ; pressure
of wind about 4 inches of water. These furnaces are supplied with
the blast by the nozzles }, of which there are three, connected with
the mainc; water tuyeres are not employed in the Pontgibaud
The mode of charging is similar to that employed for other furnaces
of the same kind.
The ore is distributed around the sides, the coke in the middle and
against the breast. The furnace is kept constantly full, and particular
care is taken not to let the flame appear above the charge; it being
considered important to keep the top as dark as possible. - A large
breast pan, capable of holding 20 pigs at a time, is preferred, but it
is sometimes difficult to maintain it of that size.
‘From 14 to 16 tons of ore are smelted in 24 hours, with a con-
sumption of one ton of coke, or about 7 per cent. of fuel.
The quantity of lead obtained in the same time is from 100 to 120
pigs, or from 5 to 6 tons. From 7 to 10 per cent. of matt is also
produced. ;
It is found that the production of a certain quantity of matt
cannot be prevented. Indeed its presence is regarded as being in no
way prejudicial to the working of the furnaces, unless it be formed in
too great an excess. When very little matt is produced, the slags are
generally rich in lead. Sulphide of iron appears to act on the silicate
of lead as a powerful reducing agent. Whenever oxide of iron does
not abound in the ores smelted, the presence of matt alone does not
prevent the slags from becoming rich. The presence of a large
quantity of oxide of iron is indispensable to the production of poor
slags, since without it the oxide of lead remains combined with silicic
acid, and cannot be separated therefrom.
It has been found by analyses of poor slags that those most easily
freed from lead contain at least 40 per cent. of oxide of iron. This
base may be however, in part, replaced by lime, especially if fluor
spar be at the same time added. Yet, although by this means poor
slags can be obtained, they are never so poor as when oxide of iron is
present in slight excess; the amount of lead volatilised is also con-
siderably increased. The proportion of slags produced is from 65 to
70 per cent. of the ore smelted.
The slags formed under the most favourable circumstances do not
contain less than 2 per cent. of lead. When they exceed 3 per cent.
they are re-smelted in a furnace of similar construction to those
already described, but situated in another part of the works.
The slags, as they flow from the furnace, are received into cast iron
waggons, which, when full, are drawn away to the waste heaps on a
small tramway constructed for that purpose. The waggons employed
at Pontgibaud, of which Fig. 79 is a side view, Fig. 80 an end view,
and Fig. 81 a plan, are very convenient in form, and but little liable
to break. The depth of the pan is 20 inches, and its width 21
These have been in constant use for the last five years, and have
scarcely ever needed repairs, except to the wheels and axles.
Fig. 80.
The men employed at this furnace per shift of 12 hours are :—
Piboreman, 1) mit ef paid! «-..« 2:50f. per day,
1 Charger sa Pe ee wat
3 Trammers 37 each ~. 1°80
The costs per ton of roasted ore are as follow :—
Tron LO Rilos as 95f epee Seti feet eel
Tumestone 160-7,;> a20f oe oN Pao 'e : 220
Einowepar oO). GbOl. oe «oh Gee ose’ YAO
Coke i ial. bet ee ones) | OOO
PAoutCaly eeu eka ont. ae FOS ey aay lst) OE8D
Tome andirepaits oe tes. bas howl aia dope 2+ tim O75
Sundries (including superintendence) . . . . . 3°35
F, 23°40=18s. 86d.
480 : SILVER.
_ The cost per ton of wnroasted ore is therefore 21-06f. or 16s. 10-1d.
The cylinders of the blowing machine are 1°34 m., or 52 inches:
in diameter.
Length of stroke, 52 inches.
Number of strokes per minute, 12.
The lead obtained from the Castillian furnace contains nearly all
the silver originally present in the ores smelted, excepting a small
proportion combined with matts, or retained in the slags. The usual
assay of matt is from 15 to 20 per cent. of lead, and 400 to 500 erms.,
or from 12 oz. 17 dwt. to 16 oz. 2 dwt. of silver per ton; the average
assay of the lead is about 3 kilos. =964 oz. per ton. The whole of
the silver in the matt, and a portion of that in the slags, is recovered
in the subsequent operations; but a small fractional part of that
metal is nevertheless unavoidably lost. This loss amounts to
10 grms., or 6$ dwt. per ton of slag, or 0°568 per cent., according to
assay, of the total quantity contained in the ores.
A certain amount of silver is also volatilised with the lead, but how
large a proportion is, from this cause, entirely lost cannot be accurately
ascertained. That it is, however, exceedingly small is probable, from .
the known properties of silver, and the small amount found in the
fumes collected in the flues and condenser. The proportion of silver
thus volatilised or mechanically carried off, and again recovered, in all
the different processes, including cupellation, amounts to only 0-470
per cent. of the total quantity, according to assay, contained in the
ores. The loss of lead in smelting ores in the blast furnace amounts to
about 17 per cent. of the total quantity contained in them.
It has been ascertained that about 5 per cent. of all the lead is
retained in the slags, and about 12 per cent, carried off in fumes.
Two per cent. is, however, afterwards recovered from slags by re-
smelting, and about 34 per cent. from the fumes. The actual loss,
therefore, in the operation is equal to 11? per cent. of the total
quantity of lead contained in the ores.
It will be seen from the foregoing that the system of roasting and
smelting at Pontgibaud has undergone very important alterations since
the publication, in 1851, of Rivot and Zeppenfeld’s “ Description des
Gites Métalliferes &e. de Pontgibaud,” which appears to be still regarded
by many continental engineers as a description of what is being
done at the present time. In proof of this it may be stated that in a
lengthy paper on the Metallurgy of Lead, published in the “Revue
Universelle des Mines,” so recently as 1863, the engraving of a
roasting furnace shown in Rivot and Zeppenfeld’s work is reproduced
as though it were still in use; whereas, in point of fact, it had been
demolished ten years previously.
It is, however, in the treatment of the argentiferous lead obtained
that the system now employed differs most essentially from that in use
in 1851, At that period, the whole of the lead obtained from the blast
furnace was immediately cupelled in a large German cupelling furnace,
and the silver separated and refined in the usual way. The litharge
produced was afterwards submitted to a complicated mechanical pre-
paration in order to render it fit for sale; the whole, or very nearly
the whole, of the lead thus converted into oxide being sold in that
state. The small quantity of metallic lead sent to market was
obtained, after great loss, by the reduction of a portion of the litharge,
and was of very inferior quality. At the present time it would be
extremely difficult to find a sale for so much litharge as the Pont-
gibaud works could now produce, as the yield of the mines has been
enormously augmented. There is, however, never any difficulty in
disposing of pig lead.
In the method employed at Pontgibaud since the works have been
under the direction of Messrs. John Taylor and Sons, the object in view
has been to convert the whole of the lead into metal of first-rate quality,
and to obtain at the same time as complete a separation as possible of
the silver: this is accomplished by means of Pattinson’s process. The
advantages of this method have been long appreciated both in England
and on the Continent, and it is now generally adopted, either in com-
bination with the old continental method, or with some modification of
it suitable to the locality and the nature of the ores treated. The
principal advantages of Pattinson’s process, as compared with the old
Pontgibaud method, are the following :—
1st.—Direct production of metallic lead.
2nd.—A greatly diminished loss of metal.
3rd.—A higher yield of silver.
In the treatment of the argentiferous lead obtained from the blast
furnace, four distinct operations are necessary, viz. :—
Improving or softening.
5. Improving or Calcining—The whole of the work lead produced
at Pontgibaud must be purified before it can be treated by Pattinson’s
process, and this is done by exposing it at a low red heat to partial
oxidation in a reverberatory furnace specially adapted for that purpose.
The chief impurity contained in the lead is antimony; the others
are sulphur, iron, arsenic, and copper. All are in relatively small
proportion, but are still in sufficient quantity to render the lead hard.
The accompanying drawings, Figs. 82, 83, and 84, show the arrange-
ment and dimensions of the furnace employed.
Fig. 82.
Fig. 82 is an elevation; Fig. 83 a horizontal section at the level of
the top of the pan; and Fig. 84 a vertical section through the tap hole.
The fireplace A is separated from the pan B, by a bridge 3 feet 3 inches
wide, and the furnace is provided with two doors 0, through which
the dross may be removed. In principle this resembles the ordinary
softening furnace with its cast iron pan, but its greater size and solidity
of construction render it much more economical than the furnaces
usually employed for the purpose.
On reference to the drawing, it will be remarked that the pan is not
only much larger than those commonly employed, but has also a
rounded form ; the object in giving it this shape being to diminish the
tendency to crack, to which all square-sided pans are so hable.
Another essential feature in the construction of these furnaces is to
make them perfectly lead-tight, in case the iron should break. This
is most effectually done by setting the pan on a bottom of well-
beaten brasque two feet in thickness, resting on a solid foundation of
masonry. The sides of the furnace must be either of thick iron plates
or of large cut stones. In either case the space between them and
the pan should be at least a foot wide, and well filled with hard
beaten brasque.
The lead is tapped from the pan.through a small hole a, ‘hies
fourths of an inch in diameter, bored in the bottom of the pan, and
communicating with a thick cast iron tube 0’, fastened to it by means
of stud-bolts screwed into about half the thickness of the metal.
Before charging, the hole in the bottom is plugged by a long
Fig. 83.
(Horizontal Section.)
pointed bar passed through an opening ¢, Fig. 84, in the roof, corre-
sponding with the tapping hole, and placed vertically over it. This
bar will not generally stop the hole quite tight ; especially after the
furnace has been working a long time. The tube is, therefore, partly
filled with bone-ash, firmly rammed in; a bar having been previously
Fia. 84:
(Section through Tap Hole.)
placed in the tube in such a way that the channel left, after its with-
drawal, shall correspond with the hole in the pan.’ This horizontal
bar is even more necessary than the vertical one; the use of the latter
being to take off the pressure of the lead in the pan, and regulate the
flow of metal in tapping. The horizontal bar is put in and withdrawn
by the aid of a sledge; in much the same way as, though more
easily than, a tapping bar at the blast furnace. ;
Two of these furnaces have been erected at Pontgibaud; one for
common work lead, the other for the hard lead reduced from calcined
dross. The former has been almost constantly in use for upwards of
five years; and although the pan is now cracked, the furnace 1s as
tight and serviceable as ever.
Both improving pans were originally lined with bricks, as shown in
the drawings, Figs. 83 and 84, to protect the iron from corrosion by
the oxides formed on the surface of the metallic bath. This precau-
tion is now thought to be unnecessary ; all that is required being
to avoid overheating the furnace, and the consequent fusion of the
dross. It is also found that a dull red heat is the best tempera-
ture for calcining Pontgibaud lead; and at that point the oxides
neither melt, nor exert any corrosive action on the pan, especially if ¢
little lime be from time to time added. The usual charge of a pan
without lining is about twenty tons. The brick lining diminishes its
capacity by about one-fifth. A charge of twenty tons of common
work lead requires sixty hours to become sufficiently soft for treat-
ment by Pattinson’s process, the whole time necessary for the
operation, including charging and discharging, being three days.
Three men are employed in filling and emptying the pan, and are
paid 2f. each per charge. The pigs of lead are introduced through
one of the working doors by means of a long charging bar, and the
charging is effected with great ease and rapidity. Except for charging
and discharging, scarcely any labour is required, as the firing is
attended to by one of the men working at the Castillian furnace.
An ordinary month’s work at this furnace is as follows :—
Work Lead in. Soft Lead out. of soft Lead Dross. Coals consumed. Lime used.
Tons. Tons. obtained. Tons. 5 ilos.
139°150 131°528 94°7 8°675 11°560 554
The small consumption of coal is partly due to the employment
of cinders picked out from the imperfectly burnt ashes at the pots,
and mixed with the coal ; their cost per month being equal to a boy's
wages, viz. 20f. per month. The cost of calcining one ton of blast
furnace lead 1s—
Coal, 83 kilos. at 35f. 7 Setanta’ oh ZOO
ee ee a hls oa ea hy Oo O'1G
PeGry Oe RIORL Ab OAL nee 0-18
SEerOUr See ee Peers a ee AR
EePCLEiPGear ee. eee Cee tS) ee EE Ce EG
F. 4°28=3s. 4:8d.
Cost on ton of ore 1°90f.=1s. 6°2d.
The drosses resulting from the calcination of the work lead con-
cain, besides the various impurities, a large proportion of lead, par-
tially in the form of oxide, and partly in the metallic state. These
drosses are subsequently treated in the reducing furnace.
The lead reduced therefrom is very impure and exceedingly hard,
and, as it contains a considerable proportion of silver, 1,400 erammes,
45 oz., per ton, it is again calcined in the ordinary way. The hard
lead obtained in the treatment of the lead cinder left as a residue in the
reduction of litharge and pot dross is also calcined in the same furnace,
The hard lead contains a large amount of antimony and other
impurities very difficult to separate, and consequently the process of
softening in this case becomes long and costly. The average time
required for calcining 20 tons of hard lead is about four weeks. The
usual quantity treated per annum, with results and costs, is as
follows :—
Percentage of
Hard Lead in, Soft Lead out. soft Lead Coal consumed. Lime consumed,
ons, Tons, obtained, Tons. Tons.
148°845 96'978 65'1 99900 5
Cost per ton of Hard Lead.
One aks AOL, 5. s ay xy Boost,
Viie ee oon at edt, Ug. O8O
RARE PERE IR ae SEAR erent ee EL een | Ca
, F, 24:50: 19s. 7:2.
Cost on ton of ore smelted 1°03f. = 9°6d.
The dross skimmed from this hard lead yields on reduction about
55 per cent. of a very hard lead, assaying 600 to 700 grammes, 19 oz.
5 dwt. to 22 oz. 10 dwt., of silver per ton ; which is generally mixed
with the ordinary hard lead and treated in the same way. In the
statement of costs, all the hard lead, of every kind, is included.
Occasionally, when a sufficient quantity has accumulated, it is worked
separately. It then gives a dross which on being reduced yields an
extremely hard lead. This, whenever it contains too little silver to
pay the costs of extraction, is immediately disposed of for making
certain alloys containing a large quantity of antimony. But this
seldom happens, as it is only after repeated calcinations and reduc-
tions that a hard lead is obtained too poor in silver to pay for again
working over. The proportion of poor hard lead produced at. Pont-
eibaud is therefore exceedingly small.
6. Crystallising.—At Pontgibaud there are twelve pots in one set—
eleven ten-ton pots, and one six-ton, or market pot. The system of
working is by thirds. The ladles used are 20 inches in diameter,
and 6 inches deep, and of the ordinary English pattern. The cranes
employed are also of the usual form.
The average assay of the work lead is, as before stated, about
3,000 kilos., 964 oz., of silver per ton. It is charged in the tenth pot.
The usual assays of the whole series of pots, tops and bottoms, are
as follow :—
oh tee SILVER PER TON. |
Pot. — = Remarks.
Top. Bottom.
grammes. oz. dwt. gr. eracimess on dwt. gr. a
I 15 9 15 opie sail Poor Lead.
eae 30 19 7 60 118 14
eae 60 118 14 120 Bie gee
fo 120 S172 220 cae tae 8
pee BAA RO 7 FON 400.7) 18 RS
6 400 19°17. 5 720 23 3 0
7 700/392 10. 3° e200) Se eer
8 1,150 36 19 12 1,800 57 17 12
9 1,850 59 9 16 2,900 93 4 21
10 | 3,000 | 96 9 4 | 5,000 | 16015 8 | Charging Pot.
11 5,200 | 167 38 22 8500 21° 273.290 val
12 6.5000) 97a. 6-1. 146.000 1 5i4e 9 of Rich Lead.
In working the rich pot, the whole of the bottom is not ladled out;
it is found to be more advantageous to ladle out the liquid only, and -
leave the crystals behind. When the ordinary quantity, or about two-
thirds, of the lead has been turned into the eleventh pot, the remain-
ing one-third consists of a mixture of crystallised and uncrystallised
alloy. The latter, being much richer than the former, is separated as
completely as possible; and this portion only, amounting to a little
more than half the bottom, is sent to the refining furnace,
The work of removing the liquid is readily effected by means of
what the French workmen call a panier, which is made of a piece of
sheet iron, pierced with numerous small holes, turned up and fastened
with rivets in the form of the frustum of an inverted cone. It is
provided with two handles for putting it into and taking it out of
the pot. By its use, a well is readily formed in the middle of the
crystals, which facilitates the draining of the liquid metal from the
surrounding mass, and allows of the lead being easily ladled into
moulds. The right moment for introducing the panier, and ladling
out the liquid, is easily determined by practice. When it 1s desired
to take out much liquid metal, the pot is, on approaching the bottom,
worked thin; but when the contrary is required, the work of stirring
is continued until the crystals have become thick. In all cases, it is
necessary to remove the whole of the liquid lead, otherwise the crystals
left behind may be too rich.
The proportion of rich lead, viz. 18:2 per cent., cupelled at Pont-
gibaud is necessarily large, as the original lead is itself comparatively
rich in silver. It is, therefore, very important to concentrate the rich
alloy as much as possible before taking it to the refinery, where it is
necessarily exposed to considerable loss from volatilisation.
Experiments made by Mr. Hutchison, with the object of enriching
lead to a much higher degree than is usual, have demonstrated
the impossibility of doing so beyond 2 per cent. of silver; and this
degree of concentration is only attained after repeated and very care-
ful crystallisations, and by at last drawing off a small quantity only
of liquid alloy. When the converse of this operation is tried—z.e.
when lead, enriched in the cupelling furnace so as to contain about 8
per cent. of silver, is fused in a pot, and cooled down in the ordinary
way, the portions which first solidify are much richer than the liquid
drained from them; the latter, after repeated drainings, invariably
containing about 24 per cent. It therefore appears that the remark-
able property of crystallisation, discovered and utilised by Pattinson,
arrives at its turning-point when the lead has acquired a richness of
from 2 to 24 per cent. of silver.*
In the ordinary way of working, it is remarked that in proportion
* Mr. Hutchison remarks: “I have never seen any explanation of the reason
for stopping the concentration at from 400 to 600 oz. per ton. We are generally told
it would not be economical to push the concentration further ; but this is not
altogether true, as further concentration would certainly effect a saving of a part of
the lead now volatilised during cupellation.”
as the concentration advances, it becomes more and more difticult to
obtain the same degree of enrichment per pot or per ton of lead
crystallised which is possible with poorer lead. An ordinary months
work at the pots may be tabulated as follows :—
J Y a. aH a
Calcined Reduced Market Coals
Lead. Lead, Total. Lead. Rich Lead. consumed. Wages.
Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. - Tons. f.
135°000 63°000 198°000 130°000 23°400 61°000 960
Four pairs of men are generally employed, whose time is divided
into twelve-hour shifts. Four, and sometimes five, pots are worke..
by each pair per shift. The crystallisers are paid 0-60f. each per pot,
and the stokers 2f. per shift.
The cost of crystallising per ton of market lead produced is as
follows :—
Coal, 470 kilos. at 31f.2. °°. J a
Wages SON OTe ees ne ea
Wear and teat-of potsio' 2) eo 2 Skt ee
Tgols: and, tepairs: «Fed ston ¢ AeA eee ee
Sundries, including superintendence . . . . 4:00
F’. 28:27 = 29s. 7°4d.
Cost of crystallising per ton of ore, 12°39f. = 9s. 10°9d.
The loss of lead in the process of crystallisation proper is trifling,
as the losses incidental to the process chiefly occur in the cupellation —
of rich lead and the reduction of drosses, and will be indicated under
their respective headings. There is, however, a certain loss of silver
in the market lead sold, since it invariably retains about 15 grammes,
9 dwt. 15 gr., of silver per ton; but this quantity amounts to only
0'533 per cent. of the total weight of silver contained in the ore
according to assay.
7. Refining —The ordinary English furnace is employed at Pont-
gibaud for the cupellation of rich lead. The operation is conducted
in the usual way, except that the tests are deeper than those generally
used, About four tons of rich lead are passed in twenty-four hours ;
but a certain quantity, amounting to one-fifth, is tapped out about
every eight hours, or whenever the lead in the cupel has attained, by
concentration, a richness of about 8 per cent. of silver. The bottoms of
enriched: lead thus accumulated are cupelled, as usual, at the end of
the operation. About 15 tons of rich lead are usually worked at one
time, and a plate of silver, weighing from 240 to 250 kilos. (7,720 to
8,042 oz.), is obtained. When cleaned, the silver is tapped at the
Pe eerie
ae ae Tae en eee
back of the test into moulds, and afterwards melted down in large
black-lead crucibles. It is then cast into ingots of from 20 to 25
kilos. each, suitable for the market. These ingots contain 999.
thousandths of silver.
The cost.of cupellation per ton of rich lead is as follows :—
Coal, 290 «= BHF. wk. 10°15f.
etsh oer abe ral ey ee Pe a7
Pearlash 0°17 ,, at 1,765f. PRR Ot. 030
ene eee eR ee stk Ate: Ce olen al Aw O80
ener eee ee sg ee ty od
ODE, BC os epee a ala i ier i Pea me a
F, 27°45 = 21s. 11°5d.
Cost of refining per ton of ore smelted, 2°27f. = 1s. 9°8d.
The loss of lead in refining is about 7 per cent. of the weight of lead
worked, or 1:252 per cent. of the total work lead obtained from the
blast furnace. The loss of silver volatilised with the lead vapours,
although very minute, is probably greater during cupellation than in
any of the other processes. Its amount cannot be determined with
8. Reducing—The furnace employed for reducing the litharge,
pot dross, and calcined dross, is similar in form to the Welsh rever-
beratory furnace, but has only four working doors, two on the back
side, and two on the fore side.
Its principal dimensions are as follow :—
m. fie iti GEE
Height of furnace Io 6488 VA
», from fire-bars to ie i brides ale
a3 », bridge to crown of arch. 0°25= 0 98 /
Width of fireplace yd Ser ay,
Length 3 te tse ee ee 1
MreeOr ridges 00 oh 2s GO eee Le LG
Pe 016m lee. OFF hae ae a oe TO AST TG
yeraee width of do. 2 1.) .. . 280== 9. 2°2
In the reduction of htharge and pot dross the operations are con-
ducted in the usual way.
The average cost of reducing one ton of litharge and pot dross is—
ante Aloe Ai BOL es peut Paes ayo QOL
EEE Re OE ere ee el a rad i Os
Tools and repairs . . . eee URAC
Sundries, including gipariitentenoms ees LOO
ey oe — ben Lipa.
} Cost on ton of ore, 1°73f. = Is. 4°6d.
49() SILVER,
Nearly one-third the weight of market lead produced is skimmed
off the different pots as dross, and passed through the reducing
furnace. This large proportion of dross is due to the richness of the
lead worked, and the consequent repeated crystallisations to which it
must be submitted. The proportion of litharge reduced is.nearly the
same as that of the rich lead refined. The total weight of lead
reduced from pot dross and litharge, and returned to the pots, is equal
to nearly one-half the market lead made.
9. Re-smelting rich Slags—The slags are smelted in a blast furnace
of similar construction to those employed for smelting the ore. About
260 tons are smelted per month, and are derived principally from the
ores actually worked during that time. Their average assay for last
year was 34 per cent. of lead.
The slags, after passing through the furnace, are thrown away, but
still retain about 14 per cent. of lead. A very large proportion of the
lead they contain is volatilised, but part of it is afterwards recovered
in the flues, though in what proportion it is impossible to ascertain.
Only 1 unit was obtained last year as pig lead (assay 750 grammes of
silver per ton), and yet it was more than sufficient to pay the expenses
of treatment; the fume collected in the flues of itself affords a fair
profit. At present the slags are far too poor to make it advantageous
to melt them over again, and it is probable that as the slags produced
direct from the ore are gradually obtained poorer, this process will
either be abandoned altogether, or only employed when the accu-
mulation of rich slags may render it desirable.
The costs of smelting one ton of slag are the following :—
Coke, 100 Kiloge:! tf) (4 a ie oe ee
Dmeltera wages oa ilct! at Be eee
Tools:and. repairs (5 0). ok ee
Cartage and breaking § 2°.) . os.) . ee
F. 6°92 = 5s. 64d.
Cost on ton of ore, 6°10f. = 4s. 10°6d.
a.—Roasting Matt.—The matt produced in the blast furnace is re-
turned to the ore magazine, and mixed with ores in the “Lits de
Grillage,” as already explained ; but before being mixed, it is ground
in a mill to a coarse powder, and calcined in one of the reverberatory
furnaces employed for roasting ore. A charge of matt weighs 24 tons ;
each charge remains in the furnace double the time allowed for ore.
Every twelve hours a charge is withdrawn, and a fresh one intro-
duced. The matt is worked on the bed next the fire, and as soon asa
charge has become sufficiently hot, which takes place after about half
an hour’s brisk firing, it is, uninterruptedly, turned with paddles,
during the whole time. Rapid oxidation of the metallic sulphides
then commences; and as sufficient heat for calcination is thereby
maintained, the fire in the grate is allowed to burn down, but not
to go out, since in that case too much cold air would enter the
furnace, and lower the temperature of the charge.
When the charge has been properly calcined it becomes almost
black, contains very few lumps, and emits scarcely any sulphurous
fumes. It is then drawn through the working doors, by means of
iron rakes, and is thence removed to the ore magazine.
The cost of roasting one ton of matt is as follows :—
PRISE MALS p20 dts ge oe pk day wy ceed:
Ce ong Se as Pag te ee eri ae gamer oo 8
Crewing and cartyve, 9s. «6 tess @ Feo O00
Cost of roasting matts on ton of ore, 1°05f. = 10d.
b.—Treatment of Calcined Dross—The drosses skimmed from the
work lead, and from the hard lead in the process of improving, are
treated in the reducing furnace, and the residues smelted in the blast
furnace. The object of this preliminary operation is to separate all
the metallic lead by eliquation, and to reduce as much as possible the
amount of the material to be treated in the Castillian furnace. It has
been found that this is best effected by working it in small charges
mixed with a certain proportion of fine coal. Five tons, divided into
four charges of 1} ton each, are usually worked in twenty-four hours.
The charge is turned and frequently paddled to facilitate the drainage
of the lead from the mass, which acquires, after a short time, a rather
pasty consistence. The cinder drawn out on the floor at the end of
each operation is subsequently smelted in the manner. described
under the head of “ Treatment of Lead Cinder.” About 56 per cent. of
hard lead is thus obtained, with a consumption of 30 per cent. of coal.
The cost per ton of stuff is as follows :—
30p kilos: atipeth es), Pow eee Be. 1 0°68E.
Vif ee oe ao (OF “0 kee
F12°90's— 10s) aa.
Cost on ton of ore, 0'68f. = 6°5d.
e—Treatment of Lead Cinder.—These residues include the cinder
from the reduction of the pot dross, calcined dross, and litharge.
They are smelted in the blast furnace, with about twice their weight
of common slag ; no other fluxes are necessary. The coke employed
as fuel, together with the carbonaceous matters contained in the
cinder, effects its complete reduction. None but the usual precau-
tions are necessary in smelting this cinder. Particular attention
must, however, be paid to the charging, and to the proportion of slag
added, otherwise there will be great risk of choking the furnace.
The quantity of cinder smelted per annum, with results, is as
follows :—
Cinder smelted. Lead. Slag employed. Coke consumed. Lead produced.
Tons. Per cent. Tous. Tons. Tons.
119°340 38°9 240°000 19°980 46°440
or 85°26 per cent. of total lead contained in stuff smelted.
The above quantity was smelted in twenty days, and cost for
CBE Vosiy. a y00 Asie Gp debe paua Chg Ree oer
Smelter’s wages. 4) 25504 (eee
Cartage). 6.53 oes alsa 2 ae
F. 1,577°80
or per ton of cinder—
Coke, 16°7 percent... «) 40 > 205 en ee
WYO ein Son dacs heat, ee ee
Cartage ee OR a Oe
13°20 == 10s 0G ed,
Cost on ton of ore smelted, 0°45f. = 4°3d.
d.— Treatment of Lead Fume.—Roasting—Owing to the peculiar
nature of the fumes collected in the flues at the Pontgibaud works,
it has been found impossible to smelt them advantageously alone, as
is done in various other establishments. Several methods have been
tried and abandoned, but the best hitherto devised, and that which is
now adopted, is to mix with the fume a certain proportion of silicious
ore, and fuse them together in a common roasting furnace. The
fused mass thus obtained, has the appearance of a clean black
slag, and closely resembles ordinary roasted ore. It is subsequently
smelted in the blast furnace in precisely the same manner as already
described when treating of the smelting of ores,
The fume and ore are intimately mixed in the following proportions
before being introduced into the furnace :—
Fume 60 parts, assay 62°7 per cent. lead.
Ce eee pe 40-0
99 ?
This mixture is divided into charges of 24 tons each, and treated
in exactly the same way as ore which has been roasted dead. It
is charged @ la pelle through the working doors of the furnace, upon
the middle bed, where it is left undisturbed until the preceding
charge has been melted and run out from the agglomerating bed.
The charge on the middle bed is then immediately advanced towards
the fire and piled up near the bridge; care being taken to move
the mixture of ore and fume as gently as possible, otherwise con-
siderable loss may occur from the fine particles being carried away
by the draught. The whole of this charge having been advanced,
and a new one introduced through the doors of the middle bed as
before, the fire is urged so as to melt the mixture as quickly as
possible, which is accomplished in from two to three hours. Five
charges, or 123 tons, can thus be passed in one furnace in twenty-
four hours, the loss of weight in roasting being about 15 per
The same number of men are employed as in roasting ore, but,
instead of being paid by the day, they receive one franc each per
charge. The consumption of coal is 17 per cent., and of lime 3 per
cent. of the weight of stuff roasted.
The cost of roasting one ton of a mixture of fume and ore is
as follows :—
Preparation of mixture . 2. . . - 1 + + O°25f.
Cosi lVOkilossateibt iyi ear 2) ey sip eee 26°96
Tei at te oe cal as Salk Pan fet, sla 70
Meats tn i te a ee a re ek LoD
eign Tc acu Aa enema alla Nae hea aceite Od 8
F. 9:20 = 7s. 4°3d.
Cost of roasting fume on ton of ore, 0°40f. = 3°8d.
Smelting.—The roasted stuff is broken and made into lits de fusion
in much the same way as ordinary ore, but the proportion of fluxes
added is much greater than usual.
The lits de fusion for fume and ore are composed as follow :—
UCLEN OUST BoP ae ae tr orem RE) 10,000 kilos.
dO ernst sinha arspaeifor Sin eg Yarn ion ie ea a
PIQGESS POE ss. ey) Deters 8s hp Bo 300 243
15,000 kilos.
The above quantity is usually smelted in twenty-four hours, with a
consumption of 9 per cent. of coke.
The following are the costs of smelting one ton of the mixture of
fume and ore in the blast furnace :—
Preparation of lits de fusion. . . . . . . O-40f,
Iron 120kilos: ab O5f/-°.:.) Se
Limestone 350. 4, at: 208°. -. 3. 30 ye
Fluor spar , 30..;,, at 16io sw a ee
Coke 90° 5, BU ASE.
Labour. 2 oye, Oost ee
F. 25°59 = 20s. 5°6d,
Cost per ton of unroasted mixture, 21°77f. = 17s. 49d.
Cost of smelting fume on ton of ore, 0°95f, = 9°1d.
The quantity of fume collected annually in the flues is about 154:900
tons, averaging 56°8 per cent. lead and 132 grammes, or 402. 5 dwt.
silver per ton. The richness of the fume varies considerably in different
parts of the flue, but in general the percentage of lead increases, whilst
the proportion of silver diminishes, with the distance from the furnaces.
The lead obtained from fume by the process described, amounts to
78°57 per cent. of the quantity found by assay, or 3°67 per cent. of
the total weight contained in the ores treated.
When it is considered how large a proportion of lead is lost by
volatilisation in the form of fume by every known method of smelting
lead ores, it evidently becomes a matter of importance to condense
as large a proportion as possible of the metal thus driven off in order
to reduce this loss to a minimum. Particular attention is now being
devoted to this subject at Pontgibaud, and considerable improvements
have been introduced with a view of recovering a larger proportion of
fume than has been hitherto found possible.
Losses of Lead and Silver.—From 100 parts of lead contained in
the ores treated, 85°75 are obtained either directly from them, or
indirectly from slags or fumes, viz. :—
Direct from ores. . . . .. . . « , 80°04 per cent:
Pe UINOR oes Ge oe et re ROT, | 4
Pee AOS acetone jk | | OA,
Thine S75 e
In desilverising the lead thus obtained, a loss of 3°25 per cent. is
experienced, the total weight of poor lead produced for sale being
82°50 per cent. of the quantity contained in the ores.
The loss in desilverising is distributed as follows :—
Permittee oR ee egisg i,” 2 1°25 per cent.
Improving and reducing . .. . . 2:00
Total Cae wad kh or
The loss of lead in the three principal divisions of the Pontgibaud
process is therefore—
Seine 74. ye... 4 Ban QO per cent.
SEBO cee aes 1 ou, eee LI
ECeCUVRIIth cies. 2. FFE SD
Voth sae Fh7250
The percentage losses on the total quantity of silver contained in
the ores are *—
SAO Ree eine ih st cat . 2s ec POS per. cent:
PUIATEPE LOA, eros 0d ire «O'R
Pitalea sae. we 710)
The process now employed for the extraction of the silver is not
only much superior to the old Pontgibaud method, but is even more
perfect than the best methods of assaying at present known, since, in
the large way, from 34 to 4 per cent. more silver is obtained than the
assays indicate.
Of 100 parts of silver produced—
98°82 are obtained direct from the ores.
0°64 ,, ,, from the slags.
OD4. =. “ - fumes.
* These losses are indicated by the assay of the slags and market lead, since the
amount of silver annually obtained is, nevertheless, considerably in excess of the
weight determined by assay.
The quantities of lead and silver sold from the Pontgibaud Smelt-
ing Works for the years ending June, 1865, and June, 1866, were as
follow : —
1865 Lead _1,391 tons
Silver 124,230 oz. :
1866> Lead 1,550 tons
Silver 145,280 oz. rgb
, . « tL hee
Summary of Costs.
Cost per Ton of Ore
Cost per Ton of
Lead produced.
PSG". 3s se ee af:
Preparation of “ Lits de Grillage”| 0°25
Roasting Ore . . . . . . . /19°75 ois ay 4
9 Matt 1:05
» Fume 0°40
Preparation of “ Lits de Fusion” 0°25
Smelting Ore . . .. . . . (21-06 22°71 = 018) a0
- POOF Pye DOM 6x08
re Lead Cinder. . . . | 0°45
faeces Ordinary Work Lead sae B99 2-4) Vo ass
Hard Lead. . .° . 1 1:08
Cryptalliging A. de ise libcc. sabe se 12°39 = 0 9 10°9
PUI SG a Se) ee So 227= 0 1 9'8
; Pot Dross & Litharge | 1-7
Reducing { 0 icined Dross . . nat AS Sane
Ameltine Blag iy. 3 AM 610= 0 4106
70°26 =£2 16 2-4
fe; Gefen ae
48°04 = 119 1:8
61°82 2 Aaa
6°69 =. 0 § 789
23°27 a= 1 Bs
518 = 0 .4-29
5°00==) 520) eA edes,
13°92 =" 0 117 16
160°32 = £6 8 2-9
Cost per Kilo. of
Silver produced.
£2 °¢: SoS 0es
16°78 = 0 13. 50
1777 = 0.14 26
2°29 = 0. 210"0
970s? DOH
177= 0 1 50
1'3s8= 0 1 60
477 = 0 39S
54°96 = 2 311°5
N.B.—General Expenses are not included in the above statement.
In Mexico, only the richer varieties of silver ore are smelted, by far the
larger proportion being treated by the patio process ; whilst in some
few of the mining districts, as at Real del Monte, barrel amalgamation
is extensively resorted to.
Roasting.—The ores destined for smelting are, at Zacatecas, and in
some other localities, subjected to a process of roasting in heaps,
which is effected by surrounding the mineral, broken into large lumps,
with a layer of charcoal, retained in its place by an open wall of
rough stone built in a circular form. The openings in this wall admit
of the passage of the necessary amount of air, and the operation is
completed in the course of twenty-four hours, with an expenditure of
charcoal amounting to one-half the weight of the ores operated on.
At Nieves the ores are roasted in circular kilns four feet six inches
in diameter, and of about the same height. These are formed of a
hollow wall of adobes or sun-dried bricks, and are without a roof, the
walls being so constructed that the area of the openings is nearly
equal to that of the brickwork between them. Into each of these
kilns are charged 2,000 Ibs. of roughly-broken ore, intermixed with
one-half its weight of dry wood; the operation requires a week for
its completion; but this method of roasting can only be employed
during the dry season.
Fusion.—The fusion of the roasted ore is effected in a small blast
furnace, having the following dimensions: height to the charging hole
4 feet 6 inches, and depth from the front to the back wall 15 inches,
width at top 11 inches, and at bottom only about 9 inches.
The aperture through which the fused materials make their escape
is about 24 inches in diameter, and is situated at the bottom of the
furnace, whilst the copper nozzle through which the blast is supplied
is placed about 9 inches above it. The breast, which is built of fire-
stone, is taken down whenever the furnace becomes choked, or when —
it is found necessary to re-line the interior with a fresh coating of re-
fractory clay ; which is usually required at the expiration of a week
from the time of first getting the apparatus into blast.
In front of the furnace, and below the aperture through which the
various fused matters make their escape, is a breast pan 10 x 13 inches,
in which they accumulate, and from which the lead and other fused
matters are from time to time tapped into a basin, situated at a still
lower level; whilst the slags are removed from the breast pan when-
ever any portion of them becomes sufficiently solid.
The blast 1s supplied by bellows, set in motion by cams, fixed
in a horizontal axle connected, by toothed gearing, with a vertical
shaft, to which a mule is attached. A couple of these furnaces are
usually built side by side under a hood of masonry, open at the top
for the escape of metallic fumes and the products of combustion. In
front of each, is a series of bins containing the ores to be smelted,
which are mixed in various proportions with the different fluxes
employed. The fuel made use of is, in most instances, charcoal, pre-
pared either from pine or green oak.
This furnace, which was first introduced into the country by the -
Spaniards, and appears to have undergone but little modification during
the last three centuries, is that still almost universally employed in
the different native establishments, although furnaces on the model
of those used in the metallurgical works of the continent of
Europe have replaced them in the larger haciendas, conducted under
the superintendence of Europeans.
The materials employed as fluxes, or for the purpose of supplying
the lead necessary for the extraction of silver, are tequezquite, or
native carbonate of soda, collected during the dry season from the
beds of certain lagunes ; greta, or litharge, frequently very impure,
and chiefly derived from the treatment of the lead ores of Mazapil
and Zimapan; temesquitate, or the slags which float on the Jead bath
of the furnace known as the “fhufla,” in which silver is extracted by a
process of scorification ; crasas, or the slags obtained during the
progress of previous operations; and jierros, or the impure litharge,
which floats on the surface of the lead bath during the earlier stages
of the process of cupellation in the test furnace with a movable dome:
this name is also applied to the matts obtained during the operation
of smelting, which, together with cupel bottoms, and cther materials
containing lead, are added to the charge during succeeding operations.
- The ore, after having been previously roasted, is placed in hutches
before the furnaces, from which it is taken to be mixed with the
various fluxes and furnace products constituting a charge.
At Sombrerete, where the rich ores are chiefly composed of quartz,
iron pyrites, and the sulphides of silver, the furnace mixture was,
in 1842, according to Duport, constituted as follows :—
are eres ce at an 2, 375 1 DE:
Tequezquite . ere
Temesquitate Soha ee eee ee ear pees
Spel outrage tN Se gets grit. Byerly
Fierros . Moroes oe hae he dicions gt Le es
STE Pigs Nae Oa YE ee eater aes chat
The fusion of these ingredients produced a pig of lead weighing
from fifty to fifty-eight pounds. The ores from La Cafiada, which
contain a larger proportion of lead, required a less amount of litharge,
and somewhat less of the native carbonate of soda.
The campaign of a blast furnace begins on the Sunday evening,
and extends to the morning of the following Sunday, at the expira-
tion of which time the bad quality of the materials employed renders
it necessary to suspend operations for the purpose of making repairs.
After getting the apparatus into blast, 300 lbs. of lead ore are first
passed through it, and of which the yield of metal is not calculated
in the results obtained. As soon as the preliminary charge has been
fused, the mixture of ore and fluxes is thrown into the furnace, with
alternate charges of charcoal, as often as its contents descend suffi-
ciently below the level of the charging hole.
The smelter, who has charge of two furnaces, takes care to keep
the eye constantly open, and for this purpose frequently introduces
an iron bar, with which he gently raises the slags and fuel which
occupy the lower portion of the apparatus; he also attends to the
proper regulation of the blast, and the proportion of fuel to be
employed. When a sufficient amount of lead to form an ingot has
accumulated in the breast pan, the blast is stopped, and the eye of
the furnace is closed by a plug of clay ; after which the dam, between
the breast and receiving basins, is pierced, and the fused metal and
matt are allowed to flow into the latter, when the eye of the furnace
is again opened, and the operation continued until enough lead to
yield another ingot has been produced.
As soon as the contents of the tapping pan have become sufficiently
cooled, the matts are removed from the surface of the bath of lead,
K K 2
and at once passed through the furnace with the next charge, after
which the metallic lead is ladled into a convenient mould. The
foreman is assisted during this work by a man who charges the two.
furnaces, and by another who attends to the preparation of the mix-
ture of ore and fluxes ; he is relieved every twelve hours by another
smelter and his assistants.
The quantity of charcoal consumed during the production of an
ingot of metal varies from fifty to seventy-five pounds ; and from eight
to twelve are produced in the course of twenty-four hours, according
to the nature and richness of the ore treated. When the minerals
operated on contain a considerable amount of lead, each furnace will
sometimes smelt as much as a ton of roasted ore in the course of
twenty four hours, with a consumption of about 55 per cent. of char-
coal; but such results can only be obtained under very favourable cir-
Cupellation—The furnace usually employed for cupelling the
argentiferous lead, resulting from the foregoing operation of smelt-
ing, is called a Vaso, and differs but slightly in its construction
from many of those used for the same purpose on the continent of
Europe. The hearth of the vaso is not, however, renewed after each
working, but is employed for the cupellation of successive parcels
of lead, until the test which, when new, is three feet in thickness,
has become worn through. The bottom of the furnace, or cendrada,
is composed of three parts of wood-ash and one of clay, well mixed
together, and carefully beaten in.
In the largest description of cupelling furnace, the greatest diameter
of the cendrada is 4 feet 6 inches, and of the smaller one, 4 feet ;
whilst the depth of the cavity for the reception of the metal is about
5 inches. The fireplace varies in its dimensions according to the
nature of the fuel employed; requiring to be larger where the wood
of the palm tree is made use of, than for furnaces in which pine is
alone consumed. It is, however, in all cases situated very close to the
edge of the cupel; but as this has itself a considerable diameter, it
follows that towards the close of the operation the metal is at so
ereat a distance from the fuel that the heat produced is far from
being economically applied. The blast is furnished by bellows
worked by two men, who relieve each other alternately ; the bellows
communicating with a movable tuyere capable of being depressed, in
proportion as the bottom of the cupel itself becomes lowered. The
blast thus apphed drives before it the oxide of lead towards an
opening in the opposite side of the hearth, and of which the level is
lowered, in proportion as the depth of the metallic bath becomes
less, These furnaces are not provided with chimneys, the products
of combustion making their escape by a long low opening, situated
opposite the fireplace, and on a level with the edge of the hearth,
which also serves for the introduction of the ingots of metal to be
eupelled. In order to prevent injury to the workmen from the action
of volatilised oxide of lead, these furnaces, like those employed for
smelting ores, are placed under large hoods of masonry, which effec-
tually carry off the smoke and metallic vapours, so that the refiners
are but little subject to’diseases incidental to exposure to lead fumes.
Although this apparatus is that still most commonly employed by
Mexicans for the cupellation of argentiferous lead, the larger establish-
ments now make use of the ordinary cupelling furnace fitted with
a movable iron dome.
The planchas or ingots of argentiferous lead are taken from the
smelting furnace to the vaso, which is capable of working off about
two thousand pounds of lead in the course of twenty-four hours. The
working of this furnace is conducted by a refiner and two workmen,
who attend to the bellows, and are relieved every twelve hours by
another foreman, and his two assistants who supply the blast. The
fuel employed is usually pine wood split into small pieces, of
which some six or eight hundred pounds weight are consumed in
the course of twenty-four hours. In this furnace the process of
refining is not generally carried so far as to allow the silver to
brighten, but as soon as the metal remaining in the cupel begins to
assume an iridescent appearance, the last is arrested, and the fire
withdrawn. The silver obtained by these means is, in the majority
of cases, the property of individuals who sell it without its being
assayed, and whose interest, consequently, is not to remove the
whole of the lead; the resulting plates, therefore, usually contain
from 970 to 985 thousandths of silver. In addition to lead, the silver
obtained by this process generally contains a small amount of anti-
mony, and requires to be refined, with an addition of pure lead, before
it becomes sufficiently soft to admit of its conversion into coin.
The cost of smelting ores in Mexico is in all cases exceed-
ingly high, but varies considerably in’ accordance with the nature of
the power employed for supplying the blast. When, as is usually
the case, mules are made use of for working the bellows, the expenses
for power and manual labour are excessive, and at Zacatecas the
costs under this head alone amounted, in 1842, to no less than $36.
per ton, including the wages of the men employed for the cupel-
lation of the resulting argentiferous lead: charcoal generally costs
about 24 reals per arroba of 251bs., and these several expenses,
added to the value of the litharge lost during each operation, made
the total cost, at Zacatecas, of treating a ton of ore by this system,
about $133, or 26/. 12s. per ton. The high price of smelting ores in
Mexico is not, however, the only objection to the more general appli-
cation of this process, since the loss of silver by the imperfect pro-
cesses employed appears in all cases to be very considerable ; varying,
according to the nature of the ores and the skill of the workmen
employed, from 15 to 25 per cent. on the assay value. The quantity
of ore daily smelted at Zacatecas was estimated by Duport, in 1842,
at from five to six tons only.
At Sombrerete, where the ores are generally rich, and where a
larger proportion of them is, consequently, treated by smelting, the
cost did not generally exceed about 13/. per ton; whilst at Nieves,
which is at a more convenient distance from Mazapil, from whence
the chief supply of litharge is obtained, and where the ores themselves
contain a considerable amount of lead, the total expense of smelting a
ton of mineral, together with that of refining the resulting work lead,
was estimated at 6/. 6s. In some districts, in which water power is
unusually abundant, the treatment of the ores is effected at an even less
cost than the above; but such cases must, nevertheless, be regarded
as altogether exceptional. The amount of silver obtained in Mexico
by smelting, as compared with the total produce of the country, was
estimated, in 1842, as being about one-tenth, but is now much less.
Galeme.—In some localities, a smaller, and more rudely-constructed
apparatus than the vaso is employed for the cupellation of work lead
obtained from the blast furnace. This arrangement, called a galeme, is
constructed by marking out on a floor of well-beaten clay a space 2
feet 3 inches long, and 1 foot 8 inches wide, which is enclosed by a
wall of stone, about 6 inches high, supporting a stone slab, or a large
brick, forming the top, and covering the whole space. At one end is
placed the fuel, consisting of pine wood, cut into small fragments, on
which a current of air (supplied by bellows, worked by a lever) is
directed, by means of an iron nozzle; whilst sundry small apertures
at the other extremity allow of the escape of the products of combus-
tion. Before charging the furnace, it is heated for some hours, in order
to raise the temperature of the masonry to the proper point, and to so
vitrify the hearth as to render it, to a great extent, impervious to
litharge. An ingot of lead, weighing from forty to fifty pounds, is
now introduced, and an aperture left in the side is partially stopped
with clay, so as to allow the litharge to flow off; care being taken to
lower its level in proportion as the surface of the metallic bath be-
comes depressed. The lead, thus placed in close proximity to the
burning fuel, becomes rapidly converted into litharge, and the cupel-
lation proceeds at the rate of about an ingot per hour, although the
loss of that metal is considerable, and a deficit on the silver is the
result. The galeme is the only means of cupellation employed in the
mining district of Charcas, and is also made use of at Catorce, for refining
the impure silver obtained by the treatment of silver ores in the cazo,
The Nufla.—This furnace is probably the most primitive apparatus
employed in any country for the extraction, by the dry way, of silver
from its ores; and is in principle merely a scorifier, in which the
cupellation of the remaining lead is subsequently effected.
The sulphides of silver sometimes occur in so large a proportion,
with regard to the gangue with which they are associated, that if
finely ground and thrown on a bath of metallic lead kept at a proper
temperature, the silver combines with the lead; which, becoming
partially oxidised, unites with the silicious and earthy impurities of
the gangue, forming a slag, which may be readily removed from the
surface of the metal before commencing the operation of cupel-
lation. This apparatus, which is much employed by the native
miners of Sombrerete, consists of a cupel formed of a mixture of
ashes and clay, contained in a large coarse earthen dish; enclosed
between walls of sun-dried bricks, and covered by a dome of some-
what refractory clay, in which numerous holes are pierced. The
whole of the interior of this arrangement is filled with charcoal, on
which a blast is thrown by means of a nozzle of baked clay; and,
although the whole of the heat is applied from above the surface
of the lead, it quickly melts, and the scorification of the ore, thrown
on its surface, commences. When the workman considers that the
bath of lead has, by the introduction of successive additions of ore,
become sufficiently charged with silver, he cleans off the silicious
slags, and commences the cupellation of the residual lead. For this
purpose he makes an opening at the level of the metallic bath for
the escape of litharge, and continues the operation, at the same time
gradually lowering the level of the exit for litharge, until a button of
silver alone remains in the bottom of the cupel.
ASSAY OF SILvER OrES.—In the assay of ores of this metal, the
object sought is first to obtain the silver present in the mineral in the —
form of an alloy with lead, which is subsequently passed to the muffle
and cupelled, with proper precautions.
Argentiferous Galena.—The assay of argentiferous galena is, in this
country, usually conducted in a wrought iron crucible. The vessel
employed for this purpose is made of a piece of plate iron, of good
quality, turned up in the form of a crucible, and carefully welded at
the edges; the bottom is closed by a large iron rivet, securely welded
to the sides, and the whole finished. by the hammer on a properly-
formed mould. To make an assay in a crucible of this description,
it is first placed in the assay furnace, and heated to dull redness; and
when it has become sufficiently hot, 400 grains of the pulverised ore,
intimately mixed with its own weight of soda-ash, about 30 grains of
pearlash, and from 8 to 10 grains of charcoal powder, or lamp-black,
are introduced by means of a long copper scoop. With certain varieties
of ore, the addition of a small quantity of common salt, or fluor spar,
is found to be beneficial for the production of a thoroughly liquid
slag ; fluor spar being particularly advantageous in the case of highly
silicious ores. On the top of this, is placed a thin layer of dried
borax; and the crucible, which, for the introduction of the mix-
ture, has been withdrawn from the fire, is at once replaced in the
furnace. At first the contents of the pot boil somewhat violently,
and therefore, in order to avoid loss, the crucible should be made of
sufficient capacity to prevent any portion of the mixture being pro-
jected over its sides. At the expiration of from eight to ten minutes,
the ingredients in the crucible will be observed to be in a state of
tranquil fusion ; and the pot must now be removed from the fire, and
its contents briskly stirred by means of a small iron rod, flattened at
the end in the form of a spatula. Any matters adhering to its sides
are also scraped downward into the bottom of the pot, which is
replaced in the furnace, and, after being closed with an earthen cover,
is, during three or four minutes, heated to full redness.
The crucible is now seized, by a strong pair of bent tongs, on that
“part of its edge which is opposite to the lip; and, after being removed
from the fire, its contents are rapidly poured into a cast iron mould,
having internally the form of an ordinary egg cup. The sides of the
pot are now carefully scraped down with the chisel-edged bar before
referred to, and any adhering particles of lead and slag are obtained
by sharply striking the edge of the crucible against the top of another
east iron mould, similar to that into which the assay was first poured.
When sufficiently cold, the contents of the mould are readily removed
by merely turning it over; and the metallic button, after being
separated from the adhering slag, is carefully cleaned by means of
a hard brush, and weighed, in order to determine the percentage yield
of lead. When a metallic shot has been obtained in the second mould,
it must be freed from adhering slag, and weighed with the larger
button. The alloy thus obtained is cupelled, in order to determine
the amount of silver which it contains.
Assay of Silver Ores Proper—Ores of silver, in which that metal
exists in the form either of oxide, sulphide, or chloride, in a gangue
principally consisting of silica or of carbonate of lime, are usually fused
with a mixture of litharge and carbonate of soda, to which a smail
quantity of finely-powdered charcoal is added; and by this means:
a button of alloy is obtained, which is subsequently treated by
cupellation. —
The proportion of litharge to be employed for this operation must
be varied in accordance with the circumstances of the case, as the
resulting button of alloy should not be too rich in silver, since, in that
case, a portion might be lost in the slags; neither should it, on the
other hand, be too poor, as the cupellation would then occupy a long
time, and a loss through absorption be the result. In ordinary
cases, where the silver principally exists in the form of chloride and
sulphide, and the quantity operated on is 400 grains, a button of alloy
weighing about 200 grains will be a convenient amount for cupella-
tion: such a result may generally be obtained by the addition of
300 grains of litharge, 400 grains of carbonate of soda, 150 grains
of borax, and from 7 to 8 grains of finely-powdered charcoal. The
whole is to be well mixed, and introduced into an earthen crucible, of
which it should not occupy more than one-half the capacity. Ordinary
French pots are best adapted for making all assays in which large
quantities of litharge are made use of, as they resist its action better
than any of the pots usually.made in this country.
The crucible is now placed in an assay furnace of the usual form,
care being taken to withdraw it from the fire as soon as a thoroughly
liquid and perfectly homogeneous slag has been attained; since the
fused mixture would otherwise be liable to cut through the sides of
the pot, and thus spoil the experiment. When it has sufficiently
cooled, the crucible is broken and the metallic button obtained, which,
after being properly cleaned, is passed to the cupel. When a great
degree of accuracy is required, it is always best to break the pot, and
extract the button of alloy, as above described; but when numerous
assays have to be made on ores of nearly the same tenure, the assay is
sometimes poured into an iron mould, and the crucible is employed for
making other fusions. In this, and all similar cases, it is, of course,
essential to ascertain, by previous experiment, the proportion of silver
contained in the lead obtained by the reduction of the litharge,
in order to obtain the necessary data for calculating the requisite
deduction to be made from the results afforded by cupellation.
When, however, very poor litharge is made use of, the resulting lead
contains so small an amount of silver that, for some commercial pur-
poses, its presence may be disregarded: generally speaking, however,
the assayer, on the receipt of a fresh supply of that reagent, ascer-
tains, by means of careful assays, the proportion of silver which it
contains, and makes the necessary correction on each assay in which
it is employed.
Argentiferous minerals containing a considerable amount of copper
may be generally assayed by this process, since the amount of that
metal which enters into combination with the lead produced is com-
paratively small, and the resulting button of alloy admits of being
readily cupelled by the addition, when necessary, of metallic lead.
When the mineral to be assayed contains a large proportion of
metallic sulphides, the addition of charcoal, or any other reducing
agent, becomes unnecessary, as litharge readily attacks all the simple
and complex metallic sulphides, oxidising their constituents, with the
exception of the precious metals, which form an alloy with the
lead set free. The slags resulting from this operation contain the
excess of litharge added, and the button of alloy produced is subjected
to cupellation. The proportion of oxide of lead to be added to ores of
Mee Se
this description varies in accordance with their composition, but it
should in all cases be present in decided excess, since, should the
sulphides not become completely decomposed, the whole of the silver
will not be concentrated in the resulting button of alloy. For the
successful assay of pure argentiferous iron pyrites, as many as 50 parts
of litharge are required, whilst for mispickel, blende, copper pyrites,
grey cobalt, and sulphide of antimony, from 15 to 20 times their
weight may be employed.*
It must, however, be remembered that earthy and silicious gangues
usually constitute a large proportion of the bulk of the ores operated
on, and consequently these excessive amounts of litharge are, in practice,
seldom requisite. One of the chief objections to this method of assay
is the large amounts of lead that are produced for cupellation, since
pure iron pyrites affords 8:50 parts of this metal, whilst sulphide of
antimony, and grey copper ore, yield from six to seven parts.
This inconvenience may be obviated by effecting the partial oxida-
tion of the sulphides, either by roasting or through the aid of nitre, by
the skilful use of which a button of almost any required weight
may be obtained. If this reagent be employed in excess it deter-
mines the oxidation of the various metallic and other oxidisable sub-
stances present, not always excepting silver itself. When, however, the
mixture at the same time contains an excess of litharge, and nitre has
not been added in sufficient quantity to effect the decomposition of the
whole of the sulphides present, reaction takes place between the portion
of sulphide undecomposed and the oxide of lead added. This gives
rise to the formation of a button of metallic lead, which, combining
with the silver, affords a button of alloy suitable for cupellation. The
amount of nitre required to be employed for this purpose necessarily
depends on the nature and richness of the ore operated on, but it must
be borne in mind that 2°5 parts of nitrate of potash are sufficient to
completely oxidise the constituents of iron pyrites, and that 1:5 and
0:70 parts, respectively, are, in the case of sulphide of antimony and
galena, sufficient for this purpose.
When the ores contain a large proportion of sulphides, it is gene-
rally found most desirable to conduct the assay on the mineral after
calcination. The roasting of the pulverised ore is best effected in a
shallow scorifier, or earthen dish, into which a weighed quantity of
the mineral to be operated on, (generally 400 grains) is introduced, and
then carefully roasted in the muffle of a cupelling furnace. For this
* Berthier, Traité des Essais par la Voie Séche, tome il. p. 827.
purpose the scorifier and its contents should be first placed in the
mouth of the muffle, and kept constantly stirred with a thin bent iron
rod ; care being taken to commence the operation at a low temperature,
since, from their great fusibility, such ores would be otherwise liable to
agelutinate. As the calcination progresses, the scorifier may be gradually
pushed further into the muffle, and thus subjected to successively in-
creasing temperatures ; as soon as sulphurous vapours are no longer
evolved at a full red heat, the scorifier and its contents are withdrawn.
and allowed to cool. The ore, when sufficiently cold, is carefully
removed from the earthen dish, and mixed, on a sheet of glazed paper,
with the fluxes requisite for effecting its fusion, and the reduction of
the quantity of lead necessary for cupellation. When the amount of
mineral operated on is 400 grains, there should be added soda-ash 400
grains, borax 200 grains, litharge 400 grains, and charcoal 10 to 12
grains. The whole is now introduced into an earthen crucible, fused
with the usual precautions, and the resulting button of lead passed to
the cupel. |
Scorification—This is a simple and convenient method of assaying
ores containing the precious metals, when large quantities of metallic
sulphides are present. The process consists in subjecting the finely-
pulverised minerals, mixed with granulated lead and placed in a saucer-
shaped earthen vessel or scorifier, to the action of a bright red heat in
an ordinary assay muffle. A portion of the lead is thus converted
into litharge, which, as fast as itis produced, combines with the various
silicious and earthy constituents of the veinstone, forming slags, in
which the other metallic oxides produced are taken up, whilst the silver
and gold form an alloy with the lead remaining at the close of the
operation. The scorifiers employed for this purpose should be made of
well-baked close-grained fire-clay. It is necessary that they should
be compact in their structure in order to resist the corrosive action of
the litharge, and that they should be capable of withstanding sudden
changes of temperature without breaking.
A number of these scorifiers corresponding to that of the assays
to be made are selected, and into each are introduced 100 grains
of powdered raw ore, intimately mixed with from five to eight
times its weight of granulated lead, and a small quantity of dried
borax. In all cases, however, the lead should be added in excess, as
the resulting slags are thereby rendered more liquid. The granulated
lead used for this purpose should, if possible, be almost entirely
free from silver, but this is difficult to obtain, and when it cannot be
procured it becomes necessary to estimate beforehand the amount of
silver contained in the lead employed, and to make a corresponding
deduction from the weight of the button afforded by cupellation.
The scorifiers, after being duly charged with the ore, lead, and borax,
are taken to the furnace and introduced into the muffle, which has
been previously brought to a full red heat. . Their introduction at first
considerably reduces the temperature of the furnace, and some pieces
of charcoal should be placed in the opening of the muffle for the
purpose of again raising the heat to the proper point. The muffle
door is now closed, and in the course of a few minutes the lead enters
into fusion, whilst white vapours are -observed to rise from the assay,
and the formation of litharge rapidly takes place. In proportion as
the borax fuses, and the quantity of htharge increases, the contents of
the scorifier soften; and as the temperature becomes more elevated,
they enter into fusion, whilst the lead accumulates in the centre, in
the form of a large metallic globule.
When the assays have reached a bright red heat, which is usually
the case in from ten to fifteen minutes from the commencement of
the operation, the stopper of the muffle 1s removed ; and the current
of air, which now enters, causes the oxidation of the lead to proceed
more rapidly. In proportion as the ltharge accumulates, the slag
formed, by its combination with the earthy, silicious, and other
matters contained in the ores, increases in quantity, and gradually
extends itself over the whole surface of the lead. The door of the
muffle is allowed to remain open about fifteen minutes, at the expira-
tion of which time it is again closed, and the temperature is raised
for about five minutes to full redness, for the double purpose of
rendering the scorie as liquid as possible previously to pouring, and
also to facilitate at the same time the reunion of any disseminated
elobules of metallic lead.
The scorifiers are now withdrawn by means of proper tongs, and
their contents rapidly poured into moulds. When sufficiently cold,
the buttons of lead are detached from the adhering slags by being
hammered on a small anvil, and are then passed to the cupel. When
this operation has been successfully conducted, the resulting buttons
of alloy contain, practically, the whole of the precious metals present
in the ore. It is, however, essential that the slags should be perfectly
and uniformly liquid at the time of being poured into the moulds, for
should they either be pasty or contain imperfectly fused lumps, a
portion of the mineral will remain unacted on, and small metallic
buttons may either be enclosed in the unfused part, or remain
attached to the scorifier. 1
When, in spite of the temperature of the muffle and the other
conditions of the process having been carefully attended to, the slags
do not become sufficiently liquid, it is necessary to introduce an
additional quantity of borax, and in some cases a little nitre may be
added with advantage. Sometimes, although rarely, it is found
necessary to stir the slags with an iron rod, for the purpose of dividing
any lumps that may have been formed, and to incorporate them with
the more liquid scorie.
This method of assay is applicable to all kinds of argentiferous
and auriferous minerals, of moderate richness, containing large
amounts of metallic sulphides; and, from its convenience and freedom
from causes of error, it is very generally employed in establishments
in which such ores are subjected to metallurgical treatment. When,
however, very poor ores have to be operated on, the ordinary method
of fusion with litharge is to be preferred, since larger quantities can
thus be dealt with, and more accurate results consequently obtained.
Cupellation.—The cupellation of the buttons of argentiferous lead
is conducted as described when treating of the assay of auriferous
compounds, but as silver is, at high temperatures, more volatile than
gold, the heat requires to be more carefully regulated than is neces-
sary in the case of gold ores. In making all cupellations it is neces-
sary to bear in mind that a cupel is only capable of absorbing about
its own weight of litharge, and consequently a test should always
be employed a little heavier than the button of alloy to be subjected
to the operation.
The results obtained are also, to a certain extent, influenced by the
temperature at which the cupellation has been conducted, and eon-
sequently all assays are liable toa small amount of error. If the
muffle be too strongly heated, the silver becomes perfectly refined,
but experiences a small amount of loss, through sublimation and the
absorption of the cupel; whilst, on the contrary, when the tempera-
ture has not been sufficiently elevated, the button is liable to retain
-a small portion of lead. These two causes of error, existing at the
same time in all cupellations, are found, in practice, to often nearly
neutralise each other; although, in order to obtain uniform results
from the same alloy, it is necessary to employ various minute precau-
tions, both with regard to the temperature of the muffle and the con-
dition of the cupels employed. The more important of these pre-
cautions have been specified when treating of the assay of gold ores,
and will be found in detail in all works on the assay of minerals by
the dry way, but a small amount of practical experience will be far
more advantagevus than any mere verbal instructions.
When, however, the amount of lead employed has been sufficient,
the cupel is perfectly dry, is made of fine and well-prepared Lone-ash,
and the cupellation is conducted at a full cherry-red heat, the results
obtained will, in almost,_all cases, be found of a satisfactory character.
If the resulting buttons of silver be large they should not be abruptly
withdrawn from the muffle, but be gradually drawn towards its mouth,
since their sudden removal ‘might cause them to “spirt,’ and a loss
be thereby entailed. In the case of a very large button being
obtained it is sometimes found advantageous to cover it, immediately
after brightening, andbefore its removal from the muffle, by another
cupel kept hot for that purpose.
When it has sufficiently cooled the metallic button is seized,
laterally, between the jaws of a pair of strong pliers, and tightly
squeezed, for the double purpose of loosening it from the cupel and
detaching any adhering litharge. The button is then cleaned by the
did of a stiff brush, and weighed in a delicate assay balance. When,
in addition to silver, the mineral under examination contains gold,
the button obtained on the cupel is first weighed, and its weight
noted; it is then flattened, dissolved in nitric acid, and the gold also
weighed ; the difference of the two weights thus obtained corresponds
to the amount of silver present in the assay.
The weight of mineral employed for making an assay is, to a great
extent, regulated by the amount of silver which the ores are supposed
to contain, In Cornwall, for assays of argentiferous galena, the
quantity operated on is often one ounce avoirdupois. In the mining
districts of Nevada, two hundred grains are commonly made use of,
and the contents of the crucible are often poured out into an iron
mould. Scorifications are not easily conducted, in the common mufile
furnace, on much above one hundred grains; but for assays of an
ordinary silver ore by fusion, four hundred grains are conveniently
For commercial purposes, the silver contained in any given mineral
is, in this country, estimated in oz. dwt. and gr., one ton of 2,240 lbs.
avoirdupois being taken as the standard of unity.
TABLE showing the weight of Silver to the ton of Ore corresponding to the weight in
grains and decimal parts of a grain, obtained from 400 grains of Mineral.”
pee segue ne | One ton of Ore will | Pade ee One ton of Ore will
Fine Metal, oe Fine Metal, vie
cag, oz. dwt. gr. gr. oz. dwt. gr.
0-001 0 115 0:200 16 616
0-002 3.6 0°300 2410 0
0-003 0 4 21 0°400 3213 8
0:004 0 612 0500 40 16 16
01008 2). 30-8 ao O6n0 49 0 0: :
01006 1, 0-919 0700 57. gas
0007 0 11 10 (800 65 6 16
0-008 OAc Tt 0900 7310 0 -
0-009 0 14 16 1-000 8113 8
0-010 016 8 2-000 163 6 16
0020 1 12 16 3-000 245 0 0
0030 28920 4:000 326 13 8
0:040 3 8 5*000 408 6 16
0050 4 116 6-000 490 0 0
0060 418 0 7:000 B71 de.c8 *,
0-070 514 8 8000 653 6 16 :
0-080 6 10 16 9-000 735 0 0
0-090 7 6: el BO DOR 816 13. 8
0100 Baas 20°000 1633 6 16
ASSAY OF SILVER BuLLION.—The assay, by the dry way, of silver
bullion comprehends three distinct operations. First, the accurate
weighing of a given quantity of the alloy to be operated on ; secondly,
the cupellation, with due precautions, of this weighed portion with a
proper amount of metallic lead; and, thirdly, the re-weighing of the
pure silver thus obtained, when the loss of weight will correspond to-
the amount of alloy which has been removed. The furnace used for
this purpose should be provided with the means of very accurately
regulating the temperature ; and is therefore generally constructed of
a wrought iron shell, internally lined with firebrick, and has sliding
doors arranged at each of its openings, by the aid of which the
several apertures can, at the pleasure of the operator, be easily con-
tracted or enlarged.
The quantity taken for examination is usually in this country
* For the inethod of using this Table, see page 235.
a representative of the troy pound; which is subdivided into -ounces
and half-pennyweights, that being the lowest denomination to which
assays of silver bullion are reported. It is evident that the assay
pound may be represented by any actual weight chosen by the
assayer, but from 10 grains to 1 gramme, about 15°44 grains, is
the quantity most frequently employed by English assayers. An
assay pound of 10 grains, with weights corresponding to the ounces
and half-pennyweight, is very convenient for silver assays. The old
assayers made their calculations in ounces, pennyweights, and grains,
but it is more convenient to work by the decimal system, and, when
trade estimations are required, to convert the decimal into trade
By this method pure silver will be called 1,000, and English
standard, which contains in the pound 11 oz. 2 dwt. of silver, with
18 dwt. of alloy, will be 925 in the thousand. Assayers’ therefore
often speak of such an alloy as being 925 fine, and this expression is
constantly employed in the different American mints. All excess of
alloy over the English standard is, in this country, called “ worse-
ness,” and Mexican dollars, which are composed of a mixture of
10 oz. 16$ dwt. of silver, with 1 oz. 34 dwt. of alloy, would be
reported as “worse” 54 dwt. The true decimal expression of such
a mixture would be 902°7, or worse 5 dwt. 8 gr; but, as trade
reports are only made to the half-pennyweight, it would be reported
W. 54 dwt.*
On the other hand, certain Indian rupees are composed of 950 parts
of silver, united with 50 parts of alloy. This is equal to 11 oz. 8 dwt.
of silver, combined with 12 dwt. of alloy, and hence their trade report
would be “ better” 6 dwt.
The first step to be taken in making an assay of silver bullion
is to flatten out, in the form of a thin disc, the cutting taken from a
bar, The edges of this are carefully cut off, and from the centre are
prepared two assay pounds, which are wrapped in pieces of sheet lead,
amounting to about one-half the weight necessary for effecting their
cupellation, The amount of lead necessary for this purpose increases
in proportion with the amount of alloy present in the specimen under
examination, but even fine silver requires, according to Makins, three
times its weight of that metal to ensure a satisfactory result. English
standard silver will require six times its weight, and coarser varieties
a proportionately larger amount. The estimation of the quantity of
* Making, “ Manual of Metallurgy,” p. 172.
20: Cae SILVER.
lead required is a matter to be determined by the experience of the
assayer. It should, however, be as free as possible from silver, and
the amount of that metal in the lead employed must be mein.
from the results obtained.
The several weighed portions of the bars of bullion to be assnyed,
after being carefully wrapped in lead foil, are arranged in the compart-
ments of a divided tray, having nearly the dimensions of the bottom
of the muffle, so that the place of each cupel may correspond with its
position in the furnace during the operation of cupeilation. During
the preparation of the different assays, the heat of the furnace must
be got up, and a number of cupels placed in regular order in the
mufile, so that they may become heated to the proper temperature.
When the muffle and cupels have attained a uniform bright red
colour, and the fuel in the furnace is in a compact state and free
from cavities, the muffle door is closed by pieces of charcoal. This
is done by commencing with large pieces, which are followed by
a layer of smaller ones, and so on, until the orifice 1s about two-
thirds built up. |
The remainder of the lead necessary for cupellation is now intro-
duced into the cupels by means of proper tongs, and, when it has
become fused, the assays, wrapped in the necessary amount of lead
foil, are placed in their respective cupels. When they have been all
placed in their proper positions, the assayer completes the closing of
the mouth by means of small twigs of charcoal, and, shortly afterwards,
removes some of the upper pieces for the purpose of admitting a
current of air, by which the starting of the cupellations is effected.
This makes itself apparent by the metallic bath becoming uncovered,
with the exception of certain small patches of oxide of lead, which
circulate from the centre towards the edges. "When the working has
been thus fairly set up, the adjustment of the draught, by means of
the various furnace openings, must be carefully attended to, in order to
maintain a steady circulation from the centre towards the cireum-
ference, where the litharge, as fast as it 1s produced, is absorbed by
the bone-ash of the cupel. During this operation little or no fume
should be apparent, as the whole of the lead should, as far as possible, -
be converted into oxide, and absorbed by the cupel. In this way the
globule of fused metal goes on diminishing in size, until finally, after
the expiration of from twenty minutes to half an hour, the whole of
the lead and base metals have become oxidised, and the phenomenon
of brightening takes place.
When the Be ccin has been skilfully conducted, the “going off ”
of the assays will commence with the front row, and gradually pass
back, from row to row, to the last. When, on the contrary, the
working off takes place irregularly, or commences at the far
end of the muffle, it is an indication that the management of fire
has been unskilfully conducted, and the resulting assays will turn
out unsatisfactorily. It now only remains to remove the “mouth
coal,” or charcoal in the muffle door, which must, by means of
a rake, be done quickly and completely; and the door of the muffle
is fitted in its place. The whole of the openings in the furnace
must be now closed, and the apparatus allowed to cool, during from
one-half to three-quarters of an hour. At the expiration of this
time the furnace is opened, and the assays taken out into a divided
iron tray.
If the buttons obtained appear rounded on the top, or have a slight
depression in the centre, and can be readily removed from the cupels,
it is an evidence of the operation having been properly conducted ;
when, on the contrary, the buttons adhere firmly to the cupels, or
throw out projections near the bottom, they are not fine; and if,
in place of being convex and nearly spherical on ed upper
surfaces, they exhibit a flattened appearance, it shows that the
cupellation has been effected with the addition of an insufficient
amount of lead. |
It now only remains to clean and weigh the assays, and to compare
them with a well-ascertained standard of comparison consisting of
weighed quantities of silver, of which the degree of fineness has been
previously determined, and which have been cupelled in the same
furnace, and at the same time, as the unknown alloys. It will be
found that, in all cases, a loss has been experienced, which is partly
due to volatilisation of silver, and partially to absorption by the
cupel. The amount of this loss will depend on the conditions under
which the cupellations have been effected, and will be in a great
degree influenced by the temperature which has been employed.
The standards, or proofs, subjected to the same conditions as the
assays themselves, will necessarily experience a corresponding
loss, and afford data for correcting the results indicated by the
balance. ,
In establishments where large numbers of assays of silver bullion
are daily made, the process of Gay-Lussac for estimating silver by
means of a standard solution of chloride of sodium is extensively
employed. As, however, this operation is rarely performed by the
metallurgist, and comes rather within the province of the professional
assayer, we refer for a description of it either to the work of the
inventor of the process,* or to an article, chiefly translated therefrom,
contained in Mitchell’s “ Manual of Practical Assaying.”
* “Tnstruction sur Essai des Matiéres d’Argent par la Voie Humide,” par
M. Gay-Lussac. Publiée par la Commission des Monnaies et Médailles. Paris.
Ir has been long known to Metallurgists, that both gold and silver are,
under certain circumstances, to some extent volatile; but Napier has
shown that when an alloy of these metals is kept in a state of fusion at
a high temperature, they are very distinctly so. By collecting the metallic
vapours escaping from a crucible containing from twenty-five to thirty lbs.
of melted. alloy (gold coin), the results obtained in two instances were
respectively as follow :*—
Vapour collected. Pure Gold in Vapour.
grains. grains,
1 . —4 5 80 > . ° > . ° e . » 4 “50
a. —4 : 40 > e . . > ° ry ° > 41 0
Deposits obtained from top, middle, and bottom of a chimney thirty-five
feet in height, attached to a small furnace used for fusing an alloy of silver
and copper (silver coin), gave the following results :—
Top. . Middle. Bottom,
per cent. per cent. per cent,
Metalic miver i: @ « S30 « UTS eg ye 20°95
Oxide of ,, eer aR roe i ee et OLE
Deposits were also examined from the top, middle, and bottom of a
chimney attached to a furnace in which an alloy of silver containing a con-
siderable portion of gold was melted, with the following results :—
| Top. Middle, Bottom,
Metallic Silver . . . 29°380 . . . 389°160 . . . 48°750
Oxide of ,, Seat 2980 vee 4c ser SIO si (Tec 22 082
Goth net sae tt WII 2 ede Be WeGAOy eo. gS DEOF
* Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society, 1857,
Makins has corroborated these results by experiments on deposits obtained
from a flue attached to a muffle in which assays of an alloy of gold and silver
had been made. 1,000 grains of this deposit gave—
POLE ah Gs cat Sas Sey oe leew vy lee ales
BL Ver eG kee Siete e beiad oe Sele Ge ee
The lead carried off in the form of fume, during the metallurgical treat-
ment of argentiferous galena, is invariably found to contain a certain pro-
portion of silver, but the lead resulting from its re-treatment is always
much less rich in silver than that obtained directly from the ores.
The following results, obtained from samples of fume taken at different
points along the course of a flue leading to the stack of a lead-smelting
establishment, in which the work lead contained, on an average, twenty-six
ounces of silver per ton, show the relative volatility of the two metals
when subjected to the heat of a Castillian furnace.t
From top of Flue. Lead. pier From bottom of Flue. Lead. ao
Spee: a | Peso
No cent 02, dwe. gr. || Xo po! oz. dwt, gr.
1 | Near Castillian Furnace .| 49 IN me. | 1 | Near Castillian Furnace .| 53 29 0
22 », Reverb. 4 4 20 3b 8 i 2 y, Reverb. = Pa a 29 6
8 | 100 ft. in advance of No.2} 70 | 8 5 8 | 3 | 100 ft. in advance of No.2} 638 3. 5-8
4 7 é te Mae we wo. ee ey - ; 3| 6L 4 3 98
5 5 ip 40 43 4 OW OG - 3 4} 49 | 217 0
6 z 5} 47 | 35 8 || 6 P: ‘ 5] 64 | «20g
“4 3 3 Bh. 26 ft 8°68 ey * “A 6| 46 | 3 6 5
8 » ” 7| 40 2.-1.5 .|| 8 9s “3 74.088 112-5
9 - Mi Bf a8 B58 Aw “? i 8| 62-72
10 | Throat of Refinery. < «| 49 | 2237°8 | 10 Foot of Chimney .. .| 66 oe Ouro |
Number of Quartz Miners employed in the different districts :—
Dalian ee ge es a oe eee a eee a ee
Beechworth aa 60 2S as GE Rae See
DRE eg en co a) Ve get a
Maryborough. 254 cx. is gas ee ee
CSUIOMIAIMO ee a ae cask ee ee Oe
AYAPRG OL TE a ee Se es 874
DOL a a eh A eee
* Quarterly J eal 7 oe Chérical, ae 1860.
+ The lead obtained from re-smelting slags is also, unless it occurs in the form of lead
matt, relatively much poorer in silver fad that obtained directly from the ores.
~ Mineral Statistics of Victoria for the year 1866: Melbourne.
yy Oe een | ee ee cee ee ae
Number of steam engines in operation during 1866 :—
Alluvial mining engines, 480 ; aggregate horse-power, 9,981.
Quartz mining engines, 510; aggregate horse-power, 9,231,
Number of stamp heads, 5,437.
Very full returns of the yield of gold from quartz veins have been obtained
for the year 1866. It is not practicable to give an account of the yield from
all the quartz put through the mills in the various districts, but accurate
information has been received relative to 861,46813 tons, which gave
452,895 oz. 7 dwt ; or an average of 10 dwt. 16:2 gr. per ton :—
Mining districts. Tons crushed. Total produce. Yield per ton.
oz. dwt. dwt. gr.
alee 2g, 8 eo, DUOe 1, og 9 GLO 4S) es. yA Bh
Deseuworth . < 130,5192% ., 118,495 19 .-. 18 37
wanimurse. ©. 244.8076 ~~". 118743109... 9 16'8
Maryborough. 79,5528 . . 44,96714 . . ll 73
Castlemaine . . 124,3745 . . 85,662 8 .. 138 18°
Mterat 2 a (S- 43,713 eR TS See. 1S ei kbs Ey
Totals 861,4683% 459,895 7 WW 1672
The prices paid for treating quartz ranged from 4s. to 1/. 10s. per ton.
Quantity of gold exported during the year 1866 as returned by the
Customs Department, 1,479,194? ounces, *
eturns show approximately the gold obtained from quartz veins and
alluvial workings during the year 1866 to have been as follows :—
Prom quiris Veils 9 oo tat +, « OAkOl7~ gunces
ee alliaviak- Workings: coc. 2-4. 9681777”
Total Gold exported . . 1,479°1947 ,,
The quantity of mineral raised from the mines, and the quantity of ore
stamped during 1866, were as follow :—
Miinswaleeised 2. < sah ed e ee BOT BST
(frecptampeds, so v4 “6 + ee 4g , 607685
The quantity of killas and other inferior mineral rejected at Morro Velho
during 1866 was 45,931 tons, or 43 per cent, of the quantity raised,
The total produce of gold from the 23rd March, 1866, to the 23rd
March, 1867, was 622,129 oitavas,
The net profit on the working of the mines from 23rd March, 1866, to
23rd March, 1867, was 109,407/. 15s. 8d.
The average yield of the ores at Morro Velho, for the year ending 31st
December, 1866, was 9°780 oitavas per ton of ore stamped. By re-
* In addition to the above, 407,394 ounces of New Zealand gold were shipped from
this colony during the year,
iy eee | APPENDIX.
stamping with killas, and grinding (in arrastres), the refuse afforded in
addition, 0:525, giving a total yield per:ton of ore a) during ses
of 10 305 oitavas..
Stone treated and Gold Patines Sor. sivdlue months siti Decomber 1866.
Eo ie eee Ce eee SE Oe ne
Ores =~ aol, Ore. Gold. Ore... Gold: Ore. Gold.
tons. oitavas. tons. oitavas. tons. oitavas. tons. ’ oitavas.
12,779 70,348 4,787 11,754 106 35 17,672 82,137
Tipe & eee
Value of 82,137 oitavas of pt ey at Ss. 7d. es eh, Yt BORO
Coabee 8 P's eee 4s 2
Profit. 3 4 4. eS ee
The returns made and profits realised from these mines during the -
four months of the year 1867, have been as follow :—
Gold produced. Profit. :
oitavas. £& Sead
January. PG. oo sT, ORE ao eS ee eee
Nebruary oe. ADSEIG os is eee Oe
Mareh 9.0 3 83 ey © Q0j006... ns ee ae ee
Aprils) A. 8 PDO) © pt OS ee eee
Total . 63,564 £18,314 8 8
The Val Toppa Gold Mining Company.
OZ, f 8.
PSG 6S eos yea ov OD ad Os ke tan gia Sei eee 18 8 «
F865. wires a OTE OID ~ on es oe ae
ciel a ge Sa 1,400°925 © 2,0 gee? DAA OR 1 ae 4
Total since 1863 2,484°775 £8,789 8 10
Val Toppa has rane upon an average 1 oz. 5 dwt. of gold per ton of ore.
The Vallanzasca Gold Mining Company. ee 2
’ Value. é :
Rete, en Dees So aes
ROS ee toe SOL OOO: gird hate A a ee
B8O5" PS iene TAO ATE Ro BBO a
1806 6 ow le “AV AOOD DS ene ee oe Oe ole
Total yield of Gold since 1863 2,869°050 .. . . . . £8,864 5 10
~ Vallanzasca has yielded upon an average 15 dwt. of gold per ton of ore,
’ * Furnished by Mr. J. C. Goodman.
The Pestarena Gold Mining Company.
OZ. £& $0 Gs
1866 January, Gold received. 776°350 2,504 9 8
August a 815°375 2,688 0 8
October “5 556°650 1,806 9 8
December > 658°125 2,176 17 9
Total 2, 806500 £9,125 17 9
1867 January, Gold received . . 265°850 554°19 9
May .. . . 1,308°975 4,293 17 8
June ~f os «- 15154960 etc At ba Lo?
Total 2,729°T75 £8,669 14 0
& Suede
1866 9,125 17 9
1867 8,669 14 0
Total eSrnige 1 9
The Pestarena ore has yielded 23 oz. of gold per ton.
Bullion assayed.
California . . $49,020, 256
Colorado 219, 860
Idaho . 535,105
Missouri 815
Nevada 15,272,546
New Jersey 13,688
New York 7,295, 803
Oregon 4,785,231
Pennsylvania 4,044,218
Rhode Island 2,211
Utah 60,278
Washington . 139,533
Total value
. $81,389,538
* The duty is only paid on bullion assayed for the first time.
Abrudbanya, Silver mines of .
Addition of salt to Torta
Africa, Gold districts of
», _ Gold produced in
Aguacatal gold mines
Alabama, Gold i in
Alexander Reef
Allemont silver mine
Allison Ranch vein . : ;
Alotepec, Silver mining district of .
Alps, Great Central Gold Mining Co.
oT he aliver Wiines Of... -. «
Alston and Weardale Workings :
Altai Mountains, Silver mines of
Amador County . fie
», district, Silverin .
», Quartz Mining Company
», Silver mine . ee
Amalgam, Native
ot Sodium . ;
Amalgamated copper plate, Use of .
‘ Plates >
Amalgamation at Constante, Spain .
- ,, Freiberg
- Barrel process .
Be Common pan .
a Estufa :
Be Hepburn and Peter-
son’s pan
ne of concentrated ores
at Morro Velho
zy of gold in pans
ie 4 the battery
. of roasted ore in pans
aa Pan process .
as separators ‘
F: Varney’s Pan .
Wheeler’s .
Amalgamator, Baux and Guiod’s.
America, Central gold districts of
Colonies, North Be | dis-
Tiras Ol 2. «
Gold fields of .
3 North, Silver mines of .
. South, Gold districts of
Analyses of auriferous pyrites .
, native gold.
Analysis of saltierra .
Andreasberg, Silver mines neat
Angel’s Camp : ees
Anglo-Italian gold mines, Returns
made since 1863 . . .
Anglo-Mexican Silver Mining Co.
Annaberg, Silver mines of.
Antimonial silver
Aorore, Gold fields of
Ararat . ,
Argentiere silver mine .
Ar gentifer ous and auriferous lead,
Extraction of the
precious metals from
galena, Assay of .
gossans of Cerro de
3 lead, English system
of tr eating
Armens silver mine .
Arquerite ‘
Arrastre, Descr iption of
Se de marca . :
rp Loss of mercury i ine.
Asia, Central and Southern, Gold dis-
tricts of... Pier ae
», Gold pr oduced in .
Assay of auriferous ores ,
», gold bullion :
a Office, New York, gold coined
ae pots at Pontgibaud :
sx pailwer’ ore, Comstock vein .
ry tSBIe % oes a
Asuncion silver mine. ,
Atlantic or Appalachian g gold fields .
Attwood’s system of ~ amalgama-
Auckland . ,
Augustin’s process “for
silver .
Auriferous quartz veins, Age of .
24 sands, old and modern
alluvial deposits .
Austin silver mining district .
Australia, Discovery of gold in
+ Gold fields of
is »> produced in
4 5, Washing in
“ mode of working gold .
" power employed in work-
ing gold.
a scarcity of water for gold
washing — . s
* South, Gold districts of
524 INDEX.
Australia, System of Se crushing
HT ary 0 MarR ea nT! bel
Vein miningin. . > 166
Austrian Empire, Gold districts of . 24
x < >> produced in .., 127
», produce of gold . 26
Avonclift WG RIMS ca he Sa ee,
PAmGuR Mine. be e eee OO
Bahu vein . ise ee eet ee
Ballarat gold Aalds 9 eo See
Banat of Temeswar . ey a Renee
» The silver mines of the . ay ae
Bar diggings . Br ak 2)
Barrel’ amalgamation, Nevada ~ a OSG
»> ‘process of amalgamation a en Oe
sa. UATE 0 Nea oe 93
Basalt-employed for mullers . . . 329
Batea, ° Description’ ) yee Ae Ae ee
Baux and Guiod’s amalgamator Saab te
Beach mining. . ay et ee
Beechworth sold mines . a PGS Wad here! by
Bella Raquel ‘Company yma? Ge 5 ree
Bers tir > cn aes 3g eee - hee
hench digoings =". ste be LD
Bendigo gold Giatd * Spee ea 122,317
Beschertgliick silver mitie-.- .-, “5° “252
Big Oak F Te et A, a ck ae
Biscaina silver-velm 7... 270; 279
Peerutarsiivercwc 2? 0 oy ue ee eee
Blankets for washing A Aan meitiche e i A UR fed
PERE hee en ge ee ae oe
Bieck viltles” 20 echo... eee ED
Blower, The Oe coo. ee ee
Die heads; sah uo 2 oo ee phere Os
Bodie aiattict ; os be Oe
Bohemia,- Gold ie ite Ge et. ae
“5 Silver niinesof°.s. G 208
Boitza silver vein . 258
Bolafios Silver Mining Company: “27, 277
Bolivia, Gold districts of . . 90
ts prodticed in.” Wye. play
ae Silver gies Of 73" eros oe eee
Borax‘Lake . 11
Bradford’s Separator, Description of 194
Brazil; Gold‘fields‘of* .° . 79
ge Cire MINI TN oe ete el
i! yy proauccd i eee
SP gs a PEOUDCLION Olgas 86
», results obtained from stamp:
mo nills 65 213
British Columbia, Gold districts of. 98
‘ », produced in. 197
a Gold Mining Company - : 117
ae Possessions, - Gold distr icts of 101
Bromide OD eilver. 7c. wer. Lene
Bromyrite . . em rey pak?
Buckingham Gold Company PE ep 8
Buller River . 125
Bullion cag ee in ‘United. States,
LeCC SS 521
Bul Veins Se ys Ae Ts ge SE
Buninyong Mining Company . Spiegen IK bg
Bute County .
Butschum silver vein
Calaveras County .
Calcination of worked lead
Calcining, Pontgibaud .
California, Gold fields of
. », produced in .
” 5, produce of
9 gg, WASHING 1 leit
” Quartz veins.
se Richness of gold deposits
0 APaleser the ‘oparalies of
the principal quartz
mills in 1861 ;
~ Vein mining in
Canada, Gold districts of
Canterbury, Province of
Cape Claim ea!
Capellina . . . » mine 56, 61 9 9 in Reese
Europe, Gold produced i AD) -, Vice POE
an Silver gines.of . a 6h
Expenses at the Kongsberg mines . 255
Ne Real del Monte . . . 284
Extraction of gold from sulphides . 195
silver ores at
Guanaxuato 330
ES precious metals from
argentiferous and au-
riferous lead . . . 448
A precious metals by bath
of melted lead . . 427
99 79
PARLBANDS fit oe ce} pce eee oe
Natzbay: silver Wein 6s). 6. & =o ADS
Feistritz silversmine "541% 3." . “202
Filtration of mereury . . . . . 846
Fine grinding. . . 829
», stamping at Real del Monte . 361
Flat diggings . . - 129
Fluxes, Materials employed as,
Wexico.,° 3 a Fis es
Fondon . . Ot? oh ee ee
France, Gold districts of . . he)
oo. +)? DELWeD Ae Po a Oe
Fraser river. £98
Freehold Gold Mining Company . . 33
Freiberg silver mines. - (QR9
», -Amalgamation at. .° 2°. S87
ye chlorination of ores . . . 865
ie composition ~ ,, , GS
»» Distillation of amalgam at. 371
»» oss of mercury at’. <2 2 340
Refnmpat. . 2 G0 20 2 Be
Freislebenite . ear 1250
French process of crystallisation . .. 459
Fresnillo silver ming= 7 44 © £255 8
furnace, Castillian . sieves 1
Bs = Description of . 442
= Clausthal % . 438
: Continental eeptag,
Chargeor (5 Ae sa a0
35 URE ie) ee ee
3 DV UE Succ eae he it oe
es Refining, Description of
English . . Seer i!
Roasting, Pontgibaud 5 eg
Ricica of roasted ores in "Boxico . Uh OT
Fiizes silver veins . ». 4 2 «» ‘ 88
Galeme. . - . §02
Galena, Argentiferous assay of 2. aod
Galera... PS it tage
Gard, Gold districts of ha? a. aii 19
Gardiner Gold Mining Company. . 33
Garnett and Mosely mines . . . 83
Gaudalcanal silver mine .. . . 262
Gem of the Sierras silver mine . . 309
River Mining Fegiow... | Fo Ge va
Geology of Central America... 311
Georgia, Gold districts of . . . . 386
Germany ,, . 24
Goid, extraction of, from sulphides . 195
», Geological position of 4, 10, 30, 32,
40, 46, 57, Es 90, 104, 125
»» will nines. : 34
», in alluvial deposits cae 12
», large nuggets . er 28, 29
»» Mining; diagram of processes
used in treating aes
quartz . . » oe eee
», Dative, Analyses sf Soph: 3
ee production of Africa . . . 127
Asi® : 5.0 5 oe
Australias iat 0 Qe
Austrian Empire26,127
99 99
99 99
99 29
& 3 Bolivia @ p22
ae i. Brazil. » 88, 127
a te BritishColumbia 127
- ae California . 66, 127
iG 37 Chili « PO, 127
= es Kast Indies. . 27
- % Europe. . 127
= 25 Merionethshir a 16
a Lg Mexico . 197
Morro Velho . 83
New Granada . 127
2 a NewSouthWales 120
New Zealand . 127
Noya Scotia. 96, 127
Peru ,. ¢is96eeeee
os 3 Russia .. 24, 127
yo a United States 76, 127
ie ae Victoria. 2 wage
es Wales: 6 a =e
5 refining . . 226
», regions of the Old World . Mee |)
», .sources-of supply. 27) eee
», veins, Formation of . 6, 12
~ », not impoverished in
depth 7,112
,, volatility of . aya
», washing, comparative costs of
various methods . . > ee
», Washing in California and Aus-
tralia':as » in arrastre
a wt in Patio Sites
» Silver
55 on working ores ‘in barrels,
Nevada Carpe Glens
Lunenberg . :
Lyell River
Lyon County .
MACHINE employed for working tortas
Machinery poate at Real del
Monte it sad
Madagascar, Gold in.
Magenta aqueduct :
Magistral, Preparation of .
Maine Boy’s tunnel .
Malacates .
Mammoth district ‘
Management of Tortas at “Zacatecas
aiid Presai liane ped, 5: oad alae
Manitowoc silver mine .
Marienberg silver mines
Mariposa County .
55 AOR EED: a sets he “5, 6, 47, 48
bi. Vel.
Mariquita and New Granada Mining
Company :
Marmato mines
Marshall mine :
Maryborough district
Massachusetts Hill
Massacre Bay. .
Matakitaki diggings .
Materials necessary for reducing silver
ores by Patio process .
McAlpine’s vein . . :
McCulloch Gold Mining Company :
Mellado silver mine . hep
Melting and refining, Constante .
»5° retorted gold
Merced Mining Company : :
Mercury, E mployment of, in Patio .
= Loss of, in Patio process .
Merionethshire, Gold i in
Method of extracting silver ores of
Comstock vein
s, working Barrels, Constante
ge Castillian furnace
Mexican Silver- Mining rere :
Mexico, Cupellation in.
», Fusion of roasted ore in
5, MO Old MISTPICES Ole te 8 No si) 5
», Gold produced in . :
», important silver mines of .
»» Materials employed as fluxes
are ome ae hs “ae
», Roasting ores in
», sale of silver ores in ,
», Silver-mines of
a Bia in!
Miar eyrite .
Middle Hill silver veins
» Yuba Canal esis
Miners’ Inch :
Mines, silver, of Alotepec ;
Mining districts of Chili
Moldawa silver mines
Molino. .
‘Montana, Gold districts ene
Ws silver mine
Montezuma silver mine. ‘
Montgomeryshire, Silver ores of .
Monthly amount of lead calcined,
Pontgibaud. . poate
Monton, Weight of . :
Morro de Santa Anna Ghee ae
98 | Morro Velho mine’ 2 —” Ge aeeenoee
153 », ~- Velho mine, Mode ofo occurrence
323 of: <3 eae
44 ‘ae Production of .gold at)... “242588
273 | Moulding amalgam, Mexico . . . 347
307 | ‘Mountain of. Alotepec .... . « . sll
Mount Ophir vein. & =» 3) eee
339 | Murphy silver-vein . . oS.
48 N.
50 | INAGYAGITR .°. >.) 7S)iie0 ee 1
Nagyag silver vein . . ees
87 | Nagybanya, Silver mines of 5 4 nel ee
124 | National aqueduct . 9.4.) 3 Sis
87 | Native amaloam . . « 1: > 7:
33 >> + Silvera 2 2 2) Gr
113 | ‘Naumannite ~.«. .° 4° See
6) GW eNiélson ))! 2a iat P 124
124 | Neufang silver.mine -.. . ye
124 Neusohl, silver mines of . ¢s) esq. eee
Nevada, "Barrel amalgamation in. . 386
323 ay County . . BO
51 tn EE discovery ‘of ‘silver i in. 296
24 »»- giant-silver vel <° ieee
274 ,, losson- working oresin Barrels 387
383 », Quartz Mining Company . 62
200 », Tesultsof Barrel amalgamation 385
50 >» settlers ss" ce.” 2
326 Stamping ores in=.—. 5G een
350 New Granada, Gold fields of . . . 87
15 Hh ee 5» produced in. .. 127
», Orleans mint . v4:
299 », South Wales, produce. of Gold 120
381 >, Wombat Hill '. . 2 see
444 », York assay office . . Barer |
271 ,, Zealand, geological remarks , ges |
500 m 3 Gold districts of: . .. 122
497 ie me » exported: . Gg sueerae
‘Mi 3 e » produced in 0am
127 ,, mode of working 125
267 Nicaragua, Gold in. 3...
Nicolaiefsk silver mine, + = 7. eee
498 | Norambagua goldmine. . .. . 61
497 lode. . 166
275 North American colonies, “Gold dis-
266 a sid tricts of 2 oeeee
269 ie silver mines . . 266
250 - Carolina, Gold districts of. . 34
308 » River silvermine. . . 3804
152 »» Star Gold Mining Company a ee
152 sa) digs to SUL Ver IMINe sya. » 808
311 | Norway, Silver mines of . . 258
316 | Nouveau Monde Gold Mining Com-
258 pany . oie ae
329 | Nova Scotia, Gold districts of + er
67 3 »» -produced in «127
309 + Mining laws of . . 28
308 » produce of Bae a a ee
252 | Nufla furnace, The . . Sees
Nuggets, Large . . 4, 29
484 | Number of Barrels employed, Con-
335 Stange ce pe ae oe ae
84(l, Nye County. (2258 22". ee
es Se
OBSERVATIONS on the crystallisation
of lead by Mr. Hutchison . :
Offenbanya silver vein , :
Okanagan .
Tia atd vem,
Oneida gold mine Ser
Ophir, Mount .
»» Silver mine
»» works, Cost of Barrel amalga-
mation at, .
Oravitza, Silver mines of .
Oregon .
LeCS cs) ( aa
Ores from Comstock vein, ‘Composi-
», of silver
Paciric Coast gold fields.
Palladium gold é
Pan .
»» process, Cost of working
99 99
of amalgamation
», Working in .
Pans, Amalgamation of roasted ore in
Partido system of silver mining .
Pasilla .
», amalgamation, cost at Fresnillo
», Guanaxuato
at Chemical reactions of
5, process for extracting silver
Pattinson’s process :
Pay dirt
Peru, Gold fields ¢ of .
produced in .
Philadelphia mint
Philipofsk silver mine . .
Pheenix Gold Mining Company
Piedmont, Gold districts of
Pine Tree mine ~. :
Placer County
», diggings . . poe ee
Ace mnem s sah
Pleiades, The, silver mine .
Plumas County
Polybasite ..
Pontgibaud, Assay of pots at
Castillian furnace
changes introduced since
cost of crystallising ‘per
* ton of market lead
cost of improving lead
>, Yoasting .
a smelting .
Crystallising at...
Losses of lead and silver
monthly amount of lead
calcined .
Reducing at
. 122,
INDEX. 529
Pontgibaud, rafinthg 488
pS re- -smelting slags 490
487 by roasting matt. 490
258 a slag waggons . 479
100 a Smelting at 477
115 = Summary of costs at 496.
56 Pr! treatment of calcined
50 dross 491
295 5, treatment of lead cinder 492
pe ‘5 fume . . 4992
Porkhura 258
389 Porpezite aad ea ‘|
258 Porpylite . . 289
303 | Port Phillip Gold Mining Company 114, 188
Portugal, Goldin. ar toe b,
388 Potosi, Silver mines of . 315
248 Poullaouen silver mine . 262
124 Precious metals, Extraction ‘of, by
bath of Melted Lead. . . 427
Precipitation of silver 423
37 | Preparation of magistral - « 823
1 | Pride of the Mountain silver mine . 309
131 | Princeof Walesmine - . . ., , 16
405 fy ee ae ee ead th:
390 | Princeton vein : 49
401 | Processof extracting silve er , Augustin’s s 409
407 + 3° Von Patera’s 419
279 9 Ziervogel’s. 418
337 | Produce and profit of the Real del
334 Monte silver mines 286
357 | Production of silver mines of Cerro de
355 Pasco. 315
352 Chili. ...318
321 | Profit and produce of Real del Monte
455 silver mines . , 286
128 | Proustite 250
353 | Puddling box, Description of . 138
88 | Puy-de- Déme : ls 262
127 | Pyrargyrite 249
69 | Pyrites, auriferous + = 229
265 - », Analyses of e 198
20 Q.
BBN} Quartz Mix1s, Table of the principal,
40 : in California, in 1861 201
128 Bs mines. : 128
306°} Quebra Panella vein. . 82
65 | Queensland, Gold districts of. 121
486 R.
477 | Raspar , : 332
? Ravenswood district . 305
480 | Rayas silver mine 273
Real del Monte, Cost of Barrel amal-
488 gamation . 385
485 “ fine stamping 351
476 i" machinery employed 283
479 <° results of Patio
486 amalgamation 357
. silver mines . .- 278
494 ee Silver Mining Com-
pany 271
484 | Reducing, Pontgibaud . : 489
489 Reduction w orks, Arrangement of 406
Reduction works, Number of, Nevada 310 | San Domingo silver mine . 78
Reese River district . Bite 302 », Francisco mint . 70
mining region. 301 ,, Martin silver mines 276
Refining at Freiberg. Liga. is 372 », Nicolas s 276.
"3 Pontgibaud . si 488 | Sandhurst district 113
_ 4, cost of in England 465 | Santa Ana silver mine . 319
», English process 461 5; Cecitha’ 24, 263
», furnace, English . 462 », Rosa ys 314
x) onweldas : 237 | Sarah Sands Piss 4
y . pil ver, Continental process 452 | Savage silver mine . 295, 304
Relampago silver mine . . . 263 | Savoy, Gold in ; . te
Re-smelting slags, Pontgibaud 490 | Saxony, Silver mines of 258
Results of Patio amalgamation at Scarsdale workings . é 117
Real del Monte , 5. B57 | Scheidetrog. .* = ee 210
Retort . . 405 | Schemnitz silver mine’ ,: 2s 256
Retorting amaigam, Mexico 347 a Ores 0f * |) S20 renee 427
», description of process . 198 | Schladming silver mine 262
Re-treatment of tailings at Morro Schneeberg silver mines 260
Velho mines | RES 216 | Scorification 508
Revenue silver mine. ‘ 303 | Scotland, Gold in 17
Reverberatory furnace, Char ee for 437 | Segersfors silver mine 256
Description of 413 | Selbite . 250
Rhine, "Gold-heari ing sands of the 18 | Selenide of silver 249
Rhodium ro. Meee eee 1 | Semenofsk silver mines ; 265
River diggings 129 | Separation of gold and silver . 237
+) MMB «29 149 | Separators, amalgamation : 400
Roasted ores, sifting and er inding, Settlers, Nevada . 392
Constante : 378 | Settling pits . 183
Roasting, Avgustin’s " process 409 | Shaking tables, Description of 206
e furnace, ss cate De- Sheba silver mine : 309
scription of . 472 | Sierra Buttes Mining Company : 63
oS matt 490 »5 County 63
5 Pontgihaud : 472 | Sifting and grinding roasted or res,
x silver ores, Mexico . 351 Constante Se Poe 378
we Von Patera’s process 419 | Silicate of silver . 250
a with salt ; 410 | Sil River, Gold- bearing sands of the. 20
Ziervogel’s process . 413 | Silver, Antimonial : 248
MUCKOr 2.755 8h Fy es te, 133 vo 2 ISIE 248
,, Description of the . 191 5, bullion, Assay of 512
Rock sluices : 147 A Chloride of 249
Rohrerbiichel silver mine : 262 », combination of, with other
Rohstein. 435 metals ‘ 249
Rossa Grande Gold Mining Company 85 ,, Commercial sources of. 250
Rough and Ready silver mine. 305 », concentration by erystallisa
9 . Stamping 2). > 328 tion . 455
Ruby silver . 249 y> fusion with roasted lead ores
Russian Empire, Gold produced i in. 27 without metallic iron. 432
,, possessions, Gold districts of 21 5, Geological position of 247, 251, 267
Russia, production of gold . . 24 re % in Nevada 288
Be 9 in Reese
S. River mining region 301
SaLA SILVER MINES 4 256 i, Glance betas % 248
Sale of silver ores in Mexico. . 275 .,, Hill, Mines in - 308
Salor River, Gold-bearing sands of the 20 », mines of Central America. 311
Salt, Addition of, totorta, . « ; 336 - 55 316
,, Roasting with . roeres - »» Norway 253
Saltierra . 325 of », the Old World 252
Salzburg, Gold district of . ; 25 & 55 oer 313
Samson silver mine. . 261 Be »» South America 313
San Antonio, District mines of 307 », mining districts of Kurope 251
ag bs ‘mine 5 78 » Native. ake 2 247
», Alvado silver vein . 276 55 ores 248
», Bernahé a ; 276 a ‘5 Assay of 504
,, Carlos silver mine . 2638 =A ,, Composition of, Mexico 327
», Cleménte - ,, 276 3 », proper, Assay of . 505
Silver ores‘reduced by Real del
Monte Company
» 99 Smelting of auriferous
» 99 Jreatment in Patio
>> . realk district ;
», Peculiarities of Great Com-
stock vein .
», Precipitation of .
», produced by mines of Peru
amd Bolivia oa:
», produced in Mexico
+ Pe N orway, from ‘the
Kongsberg mines. .
», produced in United Kingdom
», producing countries of the
world, Yield of
Be si 4 oduction of, in Hungary,
Transylvania, and the Banat
» Refining of, Continental Pie:
CesS.. .
» veins diminish in n richness i in
depth, Mexico
»» vein, Great Eastern
», veins in Nye County
Nevada Giant
», of Alotepec
a », Union district
s ,WOlatility.of....
Slag waggons, Pontgibaud .
Sleeping tables : :
Sluice, Description of the .
», ground , 3
ny OCk &
or Baal As
7 Anne) ». :
under-current. .
Smelting at Pontgibaud
See Saya ts Cae
»» Mixture, Pontgibaud
», Of auriferous silver ores
», With lead ores, Bleiarbeit .
Smoky Valley district
Sneath, Clay, & Co.’s mill
Sodium amalgam
Soimanofsk mine .
99 29
Sombrerete, Furnace mixture em-
ployed at :
‘ Silver mines near
Sonneschmid .
Soulsby’s vein. .
Sources of supply of cold ee
South America, Gold fields of
,, Australia, Gold districts of
yy Carolina, Fe P
Spain, Gold in :
», Silver mines of .
Spalling, Description of :
Specific gravity of auriferous quartz
Spitaler gangue , :
Spring Hill mines
St. John d’El Rey Mining Co. . 80,
Stamping mills, Description of
- in Australia .
“I Brazil .
is Hungary
Stamping ores, Nevada.
ey rough ,
Statistics, mineral, of Victori ia
Stephanite . ;
Sternbergite . .
Strakes ae at Morro’ Velho
mine . :
Suerte silver mine . :
Sulphides, Extraction of gold from.
os of silver .
$5 Treatment of
Summiar y of costs, Pontgibaud
Summerhill het re ie ae
Sutro’'Tunnel .
Sweden, Silver mines sof :
Switzerland, Gold districts of .
Sylvanite es
Szaszka silver mine .
e PT:
TABLE, Assay. .
a for estimating the gold it in quar tz
from its specific gravity
», Mountain :
», of yields of principal silver- pro:
ducing countries .
», showing amount of gold per ‘ton
of ore corresponding with a
given weight per 600 grains
Tagus, Gold- bearing sands of the.
Tahona .
Tail sluice . :
Tajos de Panuco silver vein
Taking sample from torta .
Tallulah silver mine.
Tamworth . .
Tasmania, Gold districts of
Tcherepanofsk silver mine
Tehuilotepec silver vein
Telegraph mill
Telluride of silver
Tennessee, Gold in
Tentadura .
Teremakau. .
Testing quartz for gold .
Test, or cupel. .
Thibet, Gold districts of
Tina Cargadora ; :
Tipoani washings. .
Tlalpujahua Silver Mining Company
Tom, Description of the . .
Toplitza, Silver veins of
Torta, Washing up
>, Weight of
Touchstone .
Transylvania, Gold districts of
Silver mines of
Treading torta
Treatment of amalgam, Constante
2 calcined dross, Pontgi-
baud re
lead cinder
an », iume
Treatment of residues, Constante
silver ores in Bolivia,
previous to Spanish
conquest :
e sulphide of silver
Trinidad mine
Try-again Gold Mining Company
Tub, Lixiviating .
Tunnel sluice .
Tuolumne County
Turon: ~.
Twin River “district, veins or”.
Tyrol, Gold in
Silver mines of the.
Union district .
United Extended Band of. Hope
workings . i
», Mexican Silver Mining Co.
e ,, . Hirst. gold comed in . 30
is ,, Gold coined at mints. 76
= ni » fields of the 29, 66
ma % », production of 76, 127
Utah, Gold in ee a eNOS,
VALENCIANA silver mine : 271
Vallanzasca Gold Mining g Company 520
Val -Toppa ; 520
Vanderbilt silver vein 306
Vanderburg Mining Company 35
Varney’s pan, amalgamation . 395
Vascongada silver mine . 263
Vaso 500
Vein mining in Australia—California 165
os os Br erat A 203
Veneros . 90
Verdad de los Artistas silver mine 263
Veta de Colquirirca se 314
ms Pariarirca area 3" 5
», Grande silver vein 201, 2/0
,, Madre : : - OOT tk
Victoria, Act for management of gold :
fields . 118
;, Geological remarks on gold
fields of .. " . 104
,, Gold exported from . 1
- ,, fields of . 103
Vigra and Clogau 16
Villa Guttier silver mine 263
Virginia, Gold districts of . 32
Vitreous sulphide of silver . 248
Volatility of gold and silver HP he
Voleano gold 1 mines . Benak
Von Patera’s process 419
Vorédspatak, silver vein 258
Vulkoj , 258
383 W.
Wakamarina . i
315 | Walchern silver mine
424 | Wales, Gold produced in
78 | Waller Gold Mining Company
118 | Wangapeka :
411 | Washing up torta, Guanaxuato .
149 . Zacatecas .
51 Fresnillo .
120 Washington district .
306° eS territory
25 | Washoe County . .
262 | Water, amount requir ed, cost of .
»» Extraction of, from mines in
Mexico. 5
146 eprom 7 thé Comatoek silver
305 vein, Analysis of, &e.
> __ supply.
117 | Weighing .
971 Weight of a maoneen.
States, bullion assayed, in 1866 521
Welcome vein
West’s furnace.
Wet processes, Obtaining silver by .
Wheeler’s pan, ere
Whitehall mine
Whitlatch Union silver mine .
Whitman gold vein .
Wicklow, Gold i Uh
Wildberg, Cost of crystallisation at.
5 results obtained from Cas-
tillian furnace.
Wood consumed by the Virginia
Mining Companies .
Wood’s Point workings .
Working in pans . :
torta “hot” .
Work lead, Calcination of '
Yield of the Potosi silees mines .
Yosemite silver mine
Yuba County. .
Yungas, Gold washings of.
' ZACATECAS, production of silver .
Silver mines of
Zalathna smelting works
Ziervogel’s process
Zigzag “riffles
Zimapan silver mines
Zméof silver mine
principal silver-producing
YT Y fe
Yrgx l,
pat Bi GE,
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