“Yn the Heart of the Blue Grass” TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY 1798-1908 ICH in the history, traditions, and experiences of a hundred years, Transylva- nia University, the first institution of higher learning West of the Alleghanies, preserver of learning in the pioneer commonwealth, guardian of ideals for character and culture, passes her treasures on through Kentucky University to the new Transylvania. And with high purpose and strong determination this beneficent institution, fac- ing new conditions and equipped to meet new needs, is preparing her sons and daughters for larger service to the Commonwealth and the Nation. A 3 er "MCI GYMNASIUM = oei(>s LCI SAM errges SSS SS ee 7 eee =e R ia See BSS =—S,-=— 3 Seo) = SSS 0 4 Fe eae Spe eon a 1S) 2 = VW ONDA — = ere a (ag 5a") 0 yt 8° LP e Povey ; . aS Wheo0 RES ena Soren en AUC INE NS a Pd ay SS ee v = BSS =o out (_—4 2 Conuneteée ontHt Bis. 7 is > BT ims OPCuAre Ni of any student guilty of dishonesty. The duty, voluntarily assumed, has been faithfully executed. Violations of the examination pledge have been extremely rare; but in every instance the culprit has withdrawn from the University without need of faculty action. The spirit of truth and honor fostered in the examination room pervades every phase of student life. ‘4 3 ‘ : ; 2 ues ge y 72 wok Ieoaan Tiare Crate Haun THE HONOR SYSTEM SPIRIT of devotion to work, a love of fair play, and a high sense of personal honor characterize in an unusual degree the students of Transylvania University. To them belongs the distinction of introducing into Kentucky the Honor System in examinations. Several years ago, in mass weeting, they expressed their willingness to relieve the Faculty of responsibility for serveillance in examinations and for discipline CA STRANCE, E => 10 SSS : Ss oo) = SS A $< la ¢ VION 3 0112 106092023