= 39. 68/4: | bue 44 Bulletin No, 44 an Mi: LEIGHTON June 20, 1922. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS James F, Woodward, Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist eee COAL RESERVES IN CAMBRIA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA BY John F, Reese Introduction, } In connection with the "Introduction to the Bituminous Coal Fields of Pennsylvania" now being prepared for publication by the Pennsy lvania Geological Survey, coal reserves of the bituminous fields aré being computed by Mr. John F. Reese, In order to render this information available at once without waiting for the uncertain date of printing the report, am abstract of Mr. Reese's figures for ~. Cambria County is given herewith. All of the information readily available at this time has been used in the computation, which followed the methods used by the Land Classification Board of the United States Geological Survey in its valuation of the public coal jands. The results are given by beds for cach township. For some beds and for some areas the data are abundant and the results entire- ly reliable, For other beds and areas the data are meager and the results subject to revision as .dditional data are obtained, All the data used and the computation sheets are permanently filed so that modifications of the original figures can be made readily when re- quired by additional information. | The figures presented are preliminary and subject to correction for any area when that area shall be studied in detail. In the mean- time critical examination of the figures is invited in order that the results may be made as accurate as possible. To that end the Survey will welcome every bit of information not now in its possession. Records of drillings and other data will be kept strictly confiden- tial if so desired, although the Bureau neturally prefers to be able to use data freely, ) George H. Ashley. ey ‘ A vi 3 ‘ , : 7 a ee ee Ree pyle ae 2" S } y ‘ oa fi f “ ' ' ' ¢ “ * ‘ te 7 wal ‘ Uh ad aia j . r 7 ‘ y . . , - \ e = . 7 ( a A ’ y , ¢ 4 ‘ itns ‘ ’ od ¢ % Lat ¥ Ld r A j i ’ ny, ‘ , if 4 - n'.? a ' -“ 3 . fia 2 » % if \ uA q ‘oe - a 4 ‘ i : 4 j t 7 A ) rn f ; 7 be * , % ¥ : SS ed . , "| ‘- ek O - ‘ PF o 4 i ae L SAN 4 i ee : ih : alt Pe VO ae gree » 5 } y ‘ ; ; Pant aren ‘ Coal Beds, . Cambria County has six conl beds that are now of economic interest. In order of present importance as Shipping coals they are the Lower Kittanning, Upper Kittanning, Lower Freeport. Uvver Prec t Clarion, and Brookville, a port, Upper Freeport, Lower Kittanning Coal. The many mines on this bed and exposures of its outcrop have fumished many measurements of its thickness, thus making possible an accurate and reliable computation of the quantity of coal, The "B-Rider" coal of the Bens Creek area has been computed With the Lower Kittanning coal in this report. The Lower Kittonning is the most persistent bed, contains the ercatest coal. reserve, and is the largest producer within the county, yielding more thm 8,100,000 tons annually. Upper Kittanning coal. A fair omount of information as to the thickness and persistency of this bed is available. ‘The bed is best suited for Mining in the Patton, Portage, South Fork, 2nd Johnstown areas, The Upper. Xittanning bed is fourth in size of reserve within the county,, and fanxs second in production, with a total of over 3,600,000 tons annually. . Lower Freeport coal. A fairly accurate estimate of the quan- tity of coal in this bed is made possible by many mensurcements at Mines and outcrop, It attains its best development for mining in the Barnesboro- Spangler area, The Lower Freeport bed contains the second greatest reserve within the county, and ranks third in production with a total of over 3,300,000 tons annually. Upper Freeport coal. The extensive outcrop of this bed through- out the county, and its mine devclopment in various localities, furnish a fair number of measurements for an accurate estimate of quantity. It is mined most extensively in the Barnesboro, Hastings, Gallitzin, and Cresson areas where it attains its best thickness for mining, The, Upper Freeport coal is third in size of reserve in the * county, and ranks fourth in production with a total of over 2,700,000 tons annually, Clarion or A’ coal. This coal has been computed as of economic interest in Reade and Richland townships where it has been mined. Little is known of its thickness and extent, and only areas surround- ing mining development or proven ground have been computed. ~- 2 «= Kia aa 2 4 . : fl AG ah Li | ; len ODT es pt sha) rRaeT A ae ete ey ree Ee . 8/4 Ss, 4 me t ts epee Se} ea my KD -+PA4 ee 1. ioe sy Gio bs Lt > a ive TL ) ‘ ie , yee Lis i WAR is eee 4 2 2 + 4 . ' “ ~ ww 7 j ‘ r . ‘ i 7 “ ' 4 hs & ‘ , \ ‘ p wi hus imary 0 J : ’ : bs . c , ‘ ) fa é ‘ é > : ‘ , 4 q Sis iy 4 : ’ i 4 f uae ee) nf 3 , wee . ) at f i ' f | ‘ ~~ ; e - . i i r ’ van ? r ; : oy ‘% “i j / K F v 7 " ’ 5 ‘ . eng) Feed ae \ ; i oe be yt Nat a Cy ET play e ey eT rg?) eee te a : Lyng wae Nit Py iy ‘ , Ay Oe be a 4 ‘ ; , wags i ae . Ds Aaesae Sa eer RS ee Re ee : : es aS . a ri oy) a) : ; : mn 5 ‘ 2 ’ ~ - * y ‘ D4 ‘ / iy" ‘ “ye i : . he Th 2 ‘ ’ ry ' ‘ ’ ¥ , _ sib } ’ ~ fy | +? wh af rr : . u AAA a > ¢ the vig) ijter tae ty ay oy X, 4 ib crea do * r * a j " "i me gf yim « y } f f Mi hn) ee \ 1 \ ' ‘ 7 r t } ; 1 7, \ . . t J Es 4 a gee sae tee \ is y vs ; ; & ia ’ i } am ) »' " ,; % “vt + o ; = nl ‘ - \ / 4 1 " hey ° ‘ 1 > ‘ f 5) r ‘ . is ap Ree Wa he oe . 4 r < 4 & % 2 : é 2 i , i % ' F dk. Gs Bi itetect re a: ) ee SR ey ry ya I Ti et . xe ri Ct - ’ P f Pi Five weet} rT Tey ; i aly Cane ' j w 4 Tey i i j ay \ “ pi ‘ Bis ‘3 J : F 4 ih * ‘ 1 if 3 lee ’ La A : on ae Fit, oe) P i ae ‘ Sin pe Air pre. Ure uk , Mian fi a ( $i us, aang ead A | ‘4 , ‘ : Ba Pn) 4y y op @ ne ae 3 Scot as, Fak, ab OY ak Reais vot i, KX, fin Wie \y ‘ i ' ‘ Py 2 Ma Be : “, t¥ By t : ] H a yy ue ? P we * ; wit ; ae “ ; / ~ Ys Nex wy ee tg ena Se se { i iy r 4 Fl hes yy er ay ee Soe 4 i i 4p SUTURE NEES aha Se 7 Le Yee ee ‘4 LE a EP, PSTEN I Hy PLA Fd Oh Sead a te sil A 4 Pee 4 Phe e The Clarion coal as computed is sixth in size of reserve within the county, and ranks fifth in production with a total of over 90,000 tons annually. Brookville or A coal.’ This bed has been considered as of interest in five townships, namely, Adams, Cresson, Dean, GallitZin, and Richland. Only areas surrounding operations or proven ground have been computed, as little is known of the extent and persistency of this coal, As computed here, the Brookville coal is fifth in size of reserve within the county, and ranks sixth in production with a total of over 18,000 tons annually. Method of Computing Reserves. A base map for each coal bed was mede by tracing its outcrop from the quadrangle maps made by the U. S. Geological Survey. All aviilabie measurements of 2 coal bed, gathered from Federel and: State reports, mine maps, core drill records and personal inspections, were plotted on the map of that coal bed. at the locality represented. By studying the distribution of the figures, areas of equal thickness were plotted, and by means of a planimeter, an instrument for measur- ing plane areas, the area of each coal bed in each township was measured, The unit used for calculating the quantity of coal was 90,000 short tons per inch of bed per square mile of srea. Worked-out areas were determined from mine maps and plotted to scale on the base maps. The same method as above was used for com- puting the quantity of coal extracted. For some localities, no information is available as to the mined out areas of the various beds computed herein. For these places, an estimate of probable depletion has been made, based on age and .8i2ze¢e of operation, or on the difference between original areas and state- ments of acreages remaining unmined, Having calculated the quantity of coal originally contained within the erea of any bed and subtracted the quantity already mined out, the writer determined from engineering experience the probable percentage of each bed which could be recovered in different locali- ties, This varies from 80 to 90 per cent, depending on the thickness ‘and character of the bed, The quantity of coal computed to be in any bed, multiplicd by the assumed percentage of recovery, less 15 per cent for loss in mining, gives the estimated recoverable tonnage. Cognl Reserves. The total area of Cambria County is 697.4 square miles, The result of computing the coal reserves in Cambria County based on the latest maps, engineering data, and methods is shown in the accompanying tables. ee. ae j , J 7 : Waal we eas Powe Lich ws wy “, ASU Ne ior 0. ey te. we4 ¥ ris. c: mers ah nary A44 ‘ tC b a 9 . Don { ie i * , ‘ . ae ” - 4s Me Pa atl . ey ‘a aoodal ‘ in che ae . cs raga ee ALSO A SEN) ROSS CIE = ais? Getratane amc ge a By th ar : , 9 \ > “ } > i ! . ” ' ‘ ° dy fe t \ fhe phage ‘ * ‘oe be ’ 4 { “4% i ant! ey be i int 2A ey) f . i n b ere dS ey TP" ie 4 7 “ ei Ptibs h ia a” , . t A we “ view eee oe cae yrs ‘ve 7 ’ " ' aR | tabetha! AEN Pd . : i » Ae ei pe eres) Saaee Powis ’ . t U ’ “ vay ‘ P ’ 4 “ae “ . % _ 4 , ‘ , ; ‘ s 4, ae | wii A el Te ! t . s ‘ , ‘ Me ¥ j ‘ j i * « H A ‘ } 4 7 dh A Ss me ‘ ol \ vs he An ) F : . ¢ ‘ ve j rm - ie u x ed ‘ A / ; \ : . r r P . ‘ - ‘ " hed ’ LP = { i , ‘ ei ; ' ' s ” 6 iy . ‘ a r f 7 ty . "G y a Fat ae i \ ée anaes to I “ tat ae * i ‘ 9 i rh a , * > ‘ { >| - t 7 vs t 4 4 vt) em fa 7 4 7 ~ rat j " ' - d F q i. @ . y < $ ‘ het age ah De : de isnibe Oe doy Fie rye eben B43 | py aie” NR a ee ore tN nye as ; thie) Sa te! st haaeny eta ba A sty ts ty : ; ra he \ LN - ™« th . : | ’ } . } ( ie. i i iaeen daar . ; ‘ f le ; F j q fag Pe ae f r ty m , = ‘ Ne ae ee yy 1 a ae oe Te é ue >) ae ole > C. } . 4 hihi : ‘ ‘ { { i I 1 ‘ i ’ A't iy A 4 ‘ se same sa any hatcyh, be 8 iA aera ( ‘ Dt ea an Ce Ee Pasi One table gives the estimated recoverable tonnage by beds and townships. The figures have been given 2s computed, It should however be distinctly understood that while the ocreage of each of the beds has been accurately computed, the reliability of the average thickness of the coals used in the computation of tonnage decreases for the beds in the order following: Lower Kittanning, Upper Freeport, Lower Freeport, Upper Kittanning, Brookville, and Clarion, Thus, While the figures‘for the Lower Kittanning bed are conservative and probably relisble, the figures for the Clarion coal may be much too smajl or many times too large. Detailed tables of the coal reserves in each township have been prepared and will appear in printed form in the report now being written on the bituminous coal fields of the State. They can be con- Sulted in the office of the Survey; or figures for 2 single township will be sent on request, Coal Reserves in Cambria County, in short tons. Bed Original Deposit Mined Out Recove rable Upper Freeport 1; 016 , 000 ; 000 74,050 ; 000 711;920; 000 Lower Freeport 1,537,800; 000 85 ; 200°, O00 900 , 730 ;000 Upper Kittanning 922,500,000 89 ; 700 ; 000 612 ;430 , 000 Lower Kittanning 2,010;300,/000 216 ; 800 ; 000 1, 348 ; 100 ;000 Clarion 32 ;400, 000 1,000 , 000 21;300;000 Brookville 64,000 , 000 150 , 000 43,600,000 Total 5,383,000,000 466,900,000 3,638,080, 000 8 tty Mare Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from ? University. of Illinois Uroana-Champaign Alternates © https://archive.org/details/coalreservesinca0Orees 0 aaa o00*o8so*ss9"s 000°009°S% OOO0‘OOE*TZ O00‘OOT'SE‘T C00‘OE*%'2ZT9 000‘'0EL‘'006 000'0Z6‘ IT& Tv40g TT A LA A 000° 00S‘ SvL aes Ste 000,008'0$ 000 00S‘sE 000%000'0E 000‘008‘ 42 ezTUM 000. 000° 8 = ae 000 00%'% O00'00%@"T O00°00T*T o000*00g*T ZOTACT asap 000,006 42 aoe = 000,00T.9T cCoOo'000°S 000‘008*8 mes TTOLLvgQ 4sop0 000. 004° 4g ares